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Chicago, Nashville and St. Louis : THE GOODSPEED PUBLISHING CO. 1889 "NKEY, BiNDKR. ^n^ M M^^"r J ^ ^ "HIS beautiful volume has been prepared in response to the popular demand for the preservation of local history and biography. The method of prep- aration followed is tiie most successful and the most satisfactory yet devised — the most successful in the enormous number of volumes circulated, and tlie most satisfactory in the general preservation of personal biograpliy and family record, conjointly with local history. The number of volumes now being distributed seems fabulous. Careful estimates place the number circulated in Ohio at 50,000 volumes; Pennsylvania, 00,000; New York, 75,000; Indiana, 40,(100; Illinois, 40,000; Iowa, 30,000; Missouri. 25,000; Kansas. 20,000; Tennessee, 20,000; Kentucky, 25,000; Georgia, 20,000; Alabama, 20,000, and all the other States at the same proportionate rate. The entire State of Arkansas has as yet scarcely been touched by the historian, but is now being rapidly written. The design of the present extensive biographical and historical research is to gather and preserve in attractive form, while fresh with the evidence of tiuth, tlie enormous fund of perishing occurrence. In gathering the matter for the historical sketches of tlie counties, it was thought wisest, owing to the limited space, to collate and condense only the most valuable items, by reason of which such sketches are a credit to the book, and of permanent worth. In the preparation of this volume the Publishers have met with nothing but courtesj- and assistance from the public. Nothing promised is omitted, and much not promised is giv#Ji. About fifty pages of State history were guaranteed; over twice that number are given. Special care was employed and great expense incurred to render the volume accurate. In all cases tlie personal sketches wei-e submitted by mail, and in most instances were corrected and returned by the subjects themselves. Coming as they do from the most illustrious families of the State — all worthy citizens from the upper, middle and lower classes — they form in tiiemselves tlie most complete account of the Northeast Counties ever written, and their great value to future generations will be warmly acknowledged by all tlioughtful people. With many thanks to their friends for the success of such a diflicult enterprise, the Publishers res|)ectfully tender tliis fine volume to their patrons. THE PUBLISHERS. October, 18«y. I -^ CHAPTER I. (ieolog-y — Importance of (iculofjio Stiidj—Ari-a aud Cli- mate — Bouudarii's — Primiijal Streams of the State — The Mountain Systems — The Cfreat Springs — Diversity of Soils — Caves — The Mines, their Wonderful Deposits and Formations !»-] S CHAPTER II. Archajology — Kemains of Flint Arrow and Spear Heads, and Stone and Other Ornaments — Evidences of Prehis- toric People along the Mississippi — Mounds, etc., in Other Portions of the State — Local Archaeologists and tlicir Work — The Indians — Tribal and Race Character- istics — The Arkansas Tribes — The Cession Treaties — The Removal of IhcCherokecs, Creeks and Choetaws — An Indian Alarm — Assassination of the Leaders, etc., etc 19-2.3 CHAPTER III. Discovery and Settlement — De Soto in Arkansas — Mar- quette and Joliet — La Salle, llenncjiin and Tonti — French and English Schemes of Conquest and Dreams of Power — Louisiana — The "Bubble" of .Tohn Law— The Early Viceroys and tiovernors — Proprietary Change of Louisiana — French and Spanish Settlers in .Vrkansas — English Settlers— .\ Few First Settlers in the Counties — The New Madrid Earthquake — Other Items of Inter- est 34-34 CHAPTER IV. Organization — The Viceroys and tiovernors — The Attitude of the Royal Owners of Louisiana — The District Divided — The Territory of Arkansas Formed from the Territory of Missouri — The Territorial Government — The First Legislaturi' — The Seat of Government — Other Legisla- tive Bodies — The Due''. i— Arkansas Admitted to Slate- luiod — The Constitutional Conventions — The .Memor able Reeonstriietion Period— Legislative Attitude on the Question of Secession — The War of the Governors, etc., etc .34-44 CHAPTER V. .Vdvunceinent of the State — .Misconceptions Removed — Effects of Slavery upon .\griculture — Extraordinary Improvements Since the War — Important Suirirestions — Comparative Estimate of Products — (irovvtii of the Manufacturing Interests— Wonderful Showing of Ar- kansas — Its Desirability as a Place of Residence — State Elevations 4.5-53 CHAPTER VI. Polities — Importance of thi^ Subject — The Two Old Scliouls of Politicians — Triumph of the Jaeksonians — Early Prominent State Politicians — The Great (inestion of Secession — The Slate Voles to .Join the Confederacy — Horror of the War Period — The Rt^construelion Distress — The Baxter-Brooks Embroglio. . ,V.' :,.-, CHAPTER VII. Societies, Stale Institutions, etc. — The Kn Klii\ Klan — Independent Order of Odd Fellows — Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons — Grand Army of the Republic — Bu- reau of Mines — .\rkansas .\gricultural .Vssoeiatious — State Horticultural Society — The Wheel — The Slate Capital — The Capitol Building — State Libraries — State Medical Society— State Board of Health— Deaf Mute In.stitutc — School for the Blind — Arkansas Lunatic .Asylum — Arkansas Industrial University — The State Debt 56-(H CHAPTER VIII. The Bench and Bar — -Vn Analytic View ..r ilie Profession of Law — Spanish and Freni'h Laws — English Comiirisi'» — Till- Kijal Kstate Bank nf Arkiin^iis — S(ati; Koiuls and Ollur Ui:;liH!iys — Tlio Milihiiy Knads — NaviK.itiou within tlic Stale frcmi tlie Kiirliisl Tinus to the Piesrut — Dcmdrucf of Stale Navigation — Stfani- hout Kaoiujr — Ai-c-idcnt» to Boats— The Rise and (irowlli of tlie Itailroad Systems — A Sketeli of the Diflferi'nt I/iM'-:, — otijer I in port lint Conflideration» s:J-8T CHAPTEK XI. The Counties of Hie State— Tlieir Foriniitii>n and I'liaiiires of Boundary Lines, ete. — Tlieir C'ciiinty Seats and Otlier Items of Interest Coneernin:; them — Defunel C"ouu(ies — New Counties — I'opulalion of all Hie Counties ol the Stale at every fieiieral Census S7-!ia CHAPTER XII. Kiliieatiou — Tile Mental I'yiu- I 'oiisi4lereeri|ition — Streams and Drainage — Timlier and Soil — Resources- and Pro. ductions — Live Stock— Properly, Rial and Personal — Population — Railroads — Settlement — County Organiza- tion—County Scut — County Buildings — Local Olticers —Politics — The Courts — The Civil War— Towns and Villages — County Biograjihy — Education — Religion — I ither Items . . ;W.»-:«a CHAPTER XIX. Randoljih County— The Pioneers— The County Formed and Organized — Seal of .Justice — Buildings — Local Officer- — Elections — Natural History — Wafer-courses — Miner als. Soil, etc.— Wood Supply -Vegetable and Other Products — Statisties — Taxables— The Censius- Public Highways — The Great War — Law and Lawyers — In- struction — Morals — Towns and Villages — Selected Biography 384^^145 CHAPTER XX. Mississigipi County — Location, Boundary, Topography, etc.— The Expedition of De Soto into Mississipjii County — Towns— Settlements by Local Names — Secret Societies— Military .\ffairs of the County— The Lpris- ing of the t'olored People — Offlcers of the County — Public Buildings— Popnlation— Local Statistics— Coun- ty Organization— Levies-Schools and Churches — Se- lected Biographical .Sketches 445-570 CHAPTER XXI. Poinsett County— Tile Re<-ords of the Courts— Formation of the County and Selection of the Seal of Law— List ofLocal Officers- Election Statistics— Centers of Popii lation — Societies, etc. — Local Instruction — Moral Or gaMizalions- The Soiitlieni Confederacy— The County Bounded — Its Topograjihy and Geology — Its Wonderful Soil and its Products— Population— Railroads— Names of Early Settlers- Private and Family Records .S7(M;-il CHAPTER XXII. Indeiieudence County— Formation and Organiziition— Public Structures— Catalogue of Officials— The Fran- chise— Administration of Law— The Coming of the Pio. neers- Location of the County- Its Water-courses- Numerous Personal and Business Sketches— Timber and -Mines— Lands and Crops- Census Returns — Rail- roads— Religion- (irow 111— Towns— Popular Instruction — War Record— Facts and Statisties 62I-72« CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXIII. Shiirp County — Loiatiou and Toi)oyrai>liy — Tlic Walir Supply — MiiHTuN, Tiiiihcr and Soil — Products — Valua- tion of Property — Piil)lic' i[i?;liways — Population — Erection of tlie County — TlU' Leyal Center — County Buildiujfs — Days of the Pioneers — Law and Equity Practiced — Tlie Strvif^ffle ovi'r Slavery and Secession — Villages Located and Ueseribed — Sclmol Statistics— Cliureli Peo])Ie — Catalogue of County Officers — Per- sonal and Business Meuuiranrta — Elections 739-761 CHAPTER XXIV. Lawrence County — Period of Settlenu^nt — The Mound Builders — Boundary of the County — Topography — Rivers orCreeks — Tiuiiier, Soil and Products — Minerals and Other Resources — Live StocU — Taxaliles — Popula- tion — Railroads — Legal Matters — The Civil War- School Affairs — Church Strengtli — The County Cre- ated — Its Otiicers, Buildings and Seat of .fustici — Political Statistics — Towns and Villages — Personal Notices 763-831 CHAPTER XXV. •Taikson Counly— Act of Creation— Seat of .lusliee Lu cated— County Structures- OHlcial Catalogue— Voli's and Voters— The War of 18l)l-er.— The Administration of .lustice — Church Deuoniinalions Represented — School Matters Outlined— Names oftlic Early Settlers— Tlie County Located— Topography— Streams— Tiniher —Soil— Resources — Property Valuation — Railroads- Population— Towns and Villages — Personal Memoirs h:«-!M(1 CHAPTER XXVI. Izard County— The Arrival of Ihe Selller.s— Circuit and Probate Courts — Military Memoirs— The County Formed— The County Seat Located— Public Buildings Erected— Election 'Returns— Church Organizations- Towns and Village?— Educational Development— The County Bounded— Statistics Showing its Desirability as a Place of Residence — Population— Biography. .'.II7-!»K| mMMMIM- -4-+- Elisha Baxter .lohu B. Driver W. II. Cate S. S. Semmes G. W. Hurley II. C. Dunavant. . J. A. Lindsay Oapt. Dan Matthews. J. L. Aberncthy A. L. Cissell .1. W. Parish L. .V. Morris •lames Rutherford . , W. K. Harrison D. C. Montgomery. . . W. D. Jones T. D. Culberhouse . . Dr. Elliott Hickman K. M. Wayland .lames K. Jernigan.. . between H7-i>8 133-l'i;i 14(;-147 170-171 I'.l4-ia5 31K-319 242-343 •2tit^3U7 3!tO-3tll 314-31.T 3;i8-339 3(;3-3(>3 3'.Mi-;W7 43(1-431 444-145 4ti,s-4t);t 4(l3-4!t3 .5II>-517 .540-541 John K. (iihsou H. M. McVeigh James T. Henderson.. B. A. Bugg. T. L. Musgrave .... William T. lluddleston J. W. Rhodes F. G. McOavock B. F. Jone.s W. J. Erwlu. E.J. McGavock J. H. MeGavovk . 1). L. Ferguson V. Y. Cook R. W. Friend J. F. Davis Lieut. E. M. Ayres J. W. I'zzell Elliot H. Fletcher W. A. Townsend .between .iii4-.)0.. .5HK-r)Sfl tlia-613 63(>-«37 (J(KMi6I l»m5S.5 70»rO!l T.V2-'iXi 7.54J-757 780-781 804-805 838-829 .K53-853 870-877 !HX)-901 m.^-'.lUi !l30-il31 !<4.V1M« WiO-mil iC.VW'O >^. ^Pv A ISTORY o OF ANSflS.e^ • > ♦ < » iiitf 11 1. Geology-Impoutance of Geologic Study— Area and Climate— Boundakies-Piuncipal Streams OF THE State— The Mountain Systems— The Great Springs- Diversity of Soils- Caves— The Mines, theiu WoNDf:RrrL Deposits and Formations. Such Iik'ssings Nature pours, O'erstocked mankiml enjoys bin half her stores.- -Young. HE matter of first iinpor- tancG for every civilized peo pie to know is tbo economic geology of the country they inhabit. The rocks and the climate are the solution in the end of all problems of life, as they are the prime sources from which all that human beings can possess comes. The measure of each and every civilization that has adorned the world is in exact de- gree with the people's knowledge ^r^ )iC?l^oi the natural laws and the envi- t- S/^\ii ronments about them. jj^ /^v^tfiTj, The foundation of civilization ^ ^ rests upon the agriculturists, and nothing can be of more importance to this class than some knowledge of what materials plants are composed, and the .source from whence they de- rive existence; the food upon which plants live and grow; how they are nourished or destroyed; what plant food is ajipropriated by vegetation itself, without man's aid or intorveutiun, through the natural operations in constant action. The schools will some day teach the children these use- ful and fiiiulainental lessons, and then, beyond all peradventure, they will answer very completely the lately propounded question: " Are the public schools a failure?" Tiie knowledge of the ele- mentary principles of the geology of this country is now the demand of the age, made upyon all na- tions, in all clinies. The character of vegetation, as well as the qualities of the waters and their action upon vege- table and animal life, is primarily determined by the subjacent rocks on which the soil rests. Earth and air are but the combinations of The original gases, forming the solids, liquids and the atmosphere surrounding the globe. The soil is but the decomposed rocks — their ashes, in other words, and hence is seen the imperative necessity of the agriculturist understanding something of the rocks which lie beneath the laud he would success- fully cultivate. He who is educated in the simple fundamental principles of geology — a thing ea-sier to learn than is the difference in the oaks and pines of the forest — to him there is a clear comprehension of the life-giving qujilities stored in the surface rocks, as well as a knowledge of the minerals to be -*fv*" 10 HISTOKY OF ARKANSA.S. found in their compauj'. A youth so educated possesses incomparable advantages over his school companion in the start of life, ^ho has coneeui rated his energies on the classics or on metaphysical sub- jects, whether they enter the struggle for life as farmers, stock raisers, miners or craftsmen. It is as much easier to learn to analyze a rock, min- eral or soil, than to learn a Greek verb, as the one is more valuable to know than the other. All true knowledge is the acquirement of that which may aid in the race of life, an education that is so prac- tical that it is always helpful and useful. The geology of Arkansas therefore, so far as given in this chapter, is in fact but the outline of the physical geography of one of the aiost interest- ing localities of the continent, and is written wholly for the lay reader, and attempted in a manner that will reach his understanding. Within the boundary lines of the State are 53,- 045 square miles, or 33,948,800 acres. It haa 3,868,800 more acres of land than the State of New York, and multiplies many times the com- bined natural resources of all the New England States. It has 2,750 miles of navigable rivers. It had a population in 1880, as shown by the census, of 802.525. Of these there were 10,350 foreigners and 210,606 colored. In 1820 the Ter ritory had a population of 14,255; in 1830, of 30,- 338; in 1840, of 97.554; in 1850. of 209,897; in 1860, of 435,450; in 1870, of 481,471. (This was the Civil War decade.) In 1885 the popula- tion had advanced about 200,000 over the year 1880, or was near 1,000.000. In 1887 it reached the figures of 1,260,000, or an increase of more than a quarter of a million in two years, and there is reason to believe this increa.sed ratio will pass beyond the two million mark in the next census. At least, an increase of one hundred per cent in the ten years is indicated. Keeping in miud that there are no great populous cities in the State, it will be known that this has been that healthy in- crease of population which gives glowing promises for the future of the State. Here the agricultural districts, and the towns and cities, have kept even pace, while in some of the leading States of the Mississippi Valley the gi-eat cities have grown while the rural population has markedly decreased. These are serious problems to reflective minds in those States where the cities are overgrowing and the country is declining. Happily, Arkansas is troubled with no such indications of the disturbed natural distribution of its people. The State, since it emerged from the dark and evil days of civil war and reconstruction, has not only not been advertised in regard to its natural resources, but has been persistently slandered. The outside world, more than a generation ago, were plaiTsibly led to believe the energy of its citizens was justly typified in the old senseless ballad, "TheArkan- saw Traveler," and the culture and refinement of its best people are supposed to be told in the witty account of Judge Halliburton's " Fir.st Piano in Arkansas." The ruined hopes, the bankrupted fortunes and the broken hearts that are the most recent history of the Western deserts, form some of the measure the poor people are jiaying for the de ceptions in this regard that have been practiced upon them. These silly but amusing things have had their effect, bat they were pleasant and harm- less, compared to tli ■ latest phase of pretexts for persistent publications of the cruelest falsehoods ever heaped upon the heads of innocent men. But, in the end, even this will do good; it is to be seen now among the people. It will put the people of the State upon their mettle, resulting, if that is not already the fact, in giving it the most orderly, law abiding, peaceful and moral people of any equal district of the Union. The State is in the central southern portion of the great Mis.sissippi Valley, and in climate, soil, rocks, minerals and water may well bo designated as the capital of this " garden and granary of the world," with resources beneath the surface that are not, taken all together, surpassed on the globe. Its eastern line is the channel of the Mississippi River "beginning at the parallel 36" of north lati- tude, thence west with said parallel to the middle of the main channel of the St. Francois (Francis) River; thence up the main channel of said last men- tioned river to the parallel of 36° 30' of north lati tude; thence west with the last mentioned parallel, or along the southern line of the State of Missouri, ^ ^ 9 >_ HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 11 to the southwest corner of said State; thence to be bounded on the \v((st to the north bank of Red River, as designated by act of Congress and treat- ies, existing January 1, 1837, defining the western limits of the Territory of Arkansaw, and to be bounded west across and south of Red River by the boundary line of the State of Texas as far as the northwest corner of the State of Louisiana; thence easterly with the northern boundary line of said last named State to the middle of the main channel of the Mississi])|n River; thence up the middle of the main chHUU(>l of said last mentioned river, including an island in said river Imown as Belle Point Island, and all other land as originally surveyed and included as a part of the Territory, or State of Arkansas, to the 36° of north latitude, to the place of beginning."* The State includes between its north and south boundary lines the country lying between parallel of latitude 33° north, and parallel of latitude 36° 30 ' north, and between its east to west lines the country between longitude 90° and a little west of longitude 94° 30'. Its geographical position on the continent assures the best conditions of tem- perature, salubrity and rainfall, this being shown by the absence of the intense heat and the cold storms of the higher latitudes and the drouths of the west. From the meteorological reports it is learned that the average rainfall in the State during June, July and August is sixteen inches, except a narrow l)elt in the center of the State, where it is eighteen *Tlie above dpscriptivo boundary lines are in the au- thoritative language of lUe 8tate Constitutional Conven- tion. To understand the south and west lines necessitates a referencelo tlie treatiesand acts of Congress. The fol- lowing would simplify the descriptive part of the west and south lines: Beginning at the southwest corner of jNIissouri, or in the center of Section 19, Township 31. Range 34 west of the fifth principal meridiiin line, thence in a straight line south, bearing a little east to strike the cast line of Section 4. Township 8 nmlli, liange 32 west; thence in a straight line south, bearing a little west to where the line strikes Red River in Section 14, Townshi)) 13 south, Range 33 west; thence along said river to the southwest corner of Section 7, Township 14 south. Range 28 west; thence south lotlie northwest corner of thcnortli- east quarter of Section 18, Township 20 south. Range 28 west; thence east along the 33-' of latitude to the middle of the channel of the Jlississippi River; thence up said river to the place of beginning. The State lines run with the lines of latitude and I he meridional lines, and not with the government suivcy lines. inches, and a strip on the western portion of the State, where it is from eight to fourteen inches. Accurate observations covering fifteen years give an average of seventy-five rainy days in the year. Of twenty-three States where are reported 134 destructive tornadoes, four were in Arkansas. The annual mean temperature of Los Angeles, Gal., is about 1° less than that of Little Rock. The watershed of the State runs from the north of west to the southeast, from the divide of the Ozark Mountain range, except a few streams on the east side of the State, which flow nearly parallel with the Mississippi River, which runs a little west of south along the line of the State. North of the Ozark divide the streams betir to a northerly direction. Of the navigable rivers within its Ijorders the Arkan.sas is navigable 505 miles; Bartholomew Bayou, 68 miles; Black River, 147 miles; Current River, 63 miles; Fourche La Favre River, 73 miles; Little Missouri River, 74 miles; Little Red River, 48 miles; Little River, 98 miles; Missis- sippi River, 424 miles: Ouachita River, 134 miles; Petit Jean River, 105 miles; Red River, 92 miles; Saline River, 125 miles; St. Francis River, 180 miles; White River. 619 miles. These streams flow into the Mississippi River and give the State an unusual navigable river frontage, and they run so nearly in parallel lines to each other and are distributed so e(juiilly as to give, especially the eastern half and the southwest part of the State, the best and cheapest transjjorta- tion facilities of any State in the Union. These free rivers will in all times control the extortions of transportation lines that are so oppressive to the people of less favored localities. The Arkansas River passes diagonally across the center of the State, entering at Fort Smith, and emptying into the Mississippi at Napoleon. South of this the main stream is the Ouachita River and its tributaries; the Saline River, which divides nearly eqtially the territory between the Arkansas and Ouachita Rivers; and the Little Mis- souri on the southwest, which divides the territory between the Ouachita and Red Rivers. North of the Arkansas, and about equally dividing the ter "~® to 12 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ritory between tbe Mississippi and the Arkansas Rivers, is White River, running nearly southeast. Its main tributary on the west is Little Red River, and on the northeast Black River, which enters the State from Missouri, and flows southwesterly and empties into the White at Jacksonport, Jackson County. Another important tributary is Cache River, which flows a little west of south from Clay County, emptying into the White near Clarendon. Eel River is in the northeast comer of the State and partially drains Craighead County. Eleven Points, Currant, Spring and Strawberry Rivers are important tributaries of Black River. St. Francis River flows from Missouri, and from 36° 30' north latitude to 30° north latitude it forms the boundary line between Missouri and Arkansas, and continuing thence south empties into the Mis- sissippi a few miles above Helena. Main Fork of White River rises in Madison County and flows northwest in and through ^\■ash- ingtou County iuto Benton County; thence north- east into Missouri, returning again to Arkansas in Boone County. Big North Fork of White River rises in the south central part of Missouri, flows southward, and forms its junction in Baxter County, Ark. La Grue River is a short distance south of White River; it rises in Prairie County and joins the White in Desha County. Middle Fork of Saline River rises in Garland County and flows southeast. Rolling Fork of Little River rises in Polk and passes south through Sevier County. Cassatot River also rises in Polk and passes south through Sevier County. Clear Fork of Little Missouri rises in Polk County and passes south- east. East Fork of Poteau River rises in Scott County and runs nearly due west into the Indian Territory. L'Augnille River rises in' Poinsett County and flows through Cross, St. Francis and Lee Counties, and empties into the St. Francis within a few miles of the mouth of the latter. Big Wattensaw River rises in Lonoke County and runs east into Prairie County, and empties into White River. Muddy Fork of Little Missouri River rises in Howard County and runs southeast. Yache Grass River runs north through Sebastian County and empties into the Arkansas River east of Fort Smith. Terre Noir River runs from northwest to the southeast in Clark County and empties into Ouachita River. Sulphur Fork of Red River en- ters the State fi-om Texas, about the center of the west line of Miller County, and running a little south of east empties into Red River. Sabine River flows south through the central southern portions of the State, and empties into the Ouachita River near the south line of the State. There are numerous creeks forming tributa- ries to the streams mentioned, equally distributed over the State, which are fully described in the re- spective counties. Besides these water-courses mention should properly be made of the nineteen bayous within the State's borders. The Ozark Mountains pass through the north- ern portion of Arkansas, from west to east, and form the great divide in the watersheds of the State. Rich Mountains are in tbe central western part, and run east from its west line, forming the dividing line between Scott and Polk Counties, and also between Scott and Montgomery Counties, and run into Yell County. South and east of the Rich Mountains are the Silver Leaf Mountains, also running east and west fi'om Polk County, through Montgomery to Gar- land County. These are the mountain formations seen about Hot Springs. Sugar Loaf Mountain is in Cleljurne County, and receives its name from its peculiar shape. It is in the northern central part of the State. Another mountain of the same name, containing the highest point in the State, is in Sebastian County, and extends into the Indian Territory. Boston Mountains are in the northwest- ern part of the State, running east and west in Washington, Crawford and other counties. These include the main mountainous formations. There are many points in these ranges that have local names. It would require volumes to give a complete account of the variety of the innumerable springs which I^urst forth with their delicious waters — warm, hot and cold, salt, mineral and medicated. The fame of some of the medical, and the Hot Springs of Arkansas, are known throughout the civilized world, and pilgrims from all nations come -^ J, HISTORY OF AliKANSAS. 13 to be washed aiul healed iu them. They were known to and celebrated by the prehistoric peoples of America; and the migrating buffaloes, ages and ages ago, came annually from the land of the Da- kotas to the spring waters of Arkansas. The in- stincts of the wild beasts antedate the knowledge of man of the virtues and values of the delicious waters so bountifully given to the State-. Nearly all over its territory is one wonder after another, tilling every known range of springs and spring waters, which, both in abundance of flow and in medicinal properties, mock the world's previous comprehension of the possibilities of nature in this respect. af,rU 1-T- l\ 'ft,()^m:C- When De Soto, in June, \'i\:'l, discovered the Mississippi River and crossed into (now) Arkansas, and had traveled north into the territory of Mis- souri, he heard of the "hot lakes" and turned about and arrived in time where is now Hot Springs. Even then, to the aborigines, this was the best- known spot on the continent, and was, and had been for centuries, their great sanitarium. The tribes of the Mississippi Valley had long been in the habit of sending here their invalids, anci even long after they were in the possession of the whites it was a common sight to see the camp of repre- sentatives of many different tribes. The whites made no improvement in the locality until 1807. Now there is a flourishing city of 10,000 inhab- itants, and an annual arrival of visitors of many thousands. The waters, climate, mountain air and grand scenery combine to make this the great world's resort for health and pleasure seekers, and at all seasons of the year. The seasons round, with rarest exceptions, are the Mav and October months of the North. In the confined spot in the valley called Hot Springs there are now known seventy -one springs. In 1800 the State geologist, D. D. Owen, only knew of forty. Others will no doubt be added to the list. These range in temperature from 93° to 150° Fahrenheit. They discharge over 500,000 gallons of water daily. The waters are clear, taste- less and inodorous; they come from the sides of the ridge pure and sparkling as the ])ellucid Neva; holjl- ing in solution, as they rush up hot and bubbling from nature's most wonderful alembic, every valua- ble mineral constituent. In the cure, especially of nearly all manner of blood and chronic diseases, they are unerjualed, and their wonders have be- come mainly known to all the world by the liv- ing and breathing advertisements of those who have proven in their own persons their wonderful curative powers. To reach Hot Springs and be healed, is the hope and aspiration of the invalid, when all other remedies have failed. And it is but just now that the pleasure seeker, the tourist, the scientist, and the intelligence and culture of the world are beginning to understand that this is one of the world's most inviting places to see and enjoy. But the marvels of the district are not confined to the immediate locality of Hot Springs. Here is indeed a wide district, with a quantity and variety of medical springs that are simply inapproachable on the globe. Going west from Hot Springs are sys- tems of springs running into Montgomery County a distance of forty miles. As continued discov- eries of other springs in Hot Springs are being made, and as these widely distributed outlying springs are comparatively of recent disclosure, it may be assumed that for many years to come new and valuable springs will become celebrated. In Carroll County, in the northwest part of the State, are Eureka Springs, only second to Hot Springs in the wide celebrity of fame as healing waters. They, too, may well be considered one of the world's wonders. There are forty-two of these springs within the corporate limits of the city that has grown up about thorn. They received no pub- lic notice until 1879, when with a bound they became advertised to the world. Their wonderful cures, especially in cases of rheumatism, cancer, dyspepsia and other, if not nearly all, chronic diseases, have bordered on the marvelous, if not the miraculous. In White County are the noted White Sulphur Springs, at Searcy, and the sulphur and chalyb eate springs, known as the Armstrong and the Griffin Springs, and the medical springs — Blan- chard Springs — in Union County; the Ravenden Springs, in Randolph County, and the Sugar Loaf •* 4— 14 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Springs, in Cleburne County; the very recently dis- covered Lithia Springes, near Hope, in Hempstead County, pronounced by a leading medical journal, in its January issue, 1889, to be the most remark- able discovery of this class of medical waters of this century. These are some of the leading springs of the State which possess unusual medicinal properties. By a glance at the map it will be seen they are distributed nearly equally all over its ter- ritory. Simply to catalogue them and give accom- panying analyses of the waters would make a pon- derous volume of itself. In the aliove list have been omitted mention of the fine Bethseda Springs in Polk County, or the fine iron and chalybeate springs near Magnolia; Bussoy's Springs, near Eldorado, Union County; Butler's Saline Chalyb- eate Springs, in Columbia County; the double mineral spring of J. I. Holdernist, in Calhoun County; a large number of saline chalyljeatc springs in Township 10 south. Range 23 west, in Hempstead County, called Hubbard's Springs; or Crawford's Sulphur Springs; or those others in Section 16, Township 12 south, Range 10 west; or Murphy's or Leag's Mineral Springs, all in Brad- ley County; or Gen. Royston's noted chalybeate springs in Pike County, and still many others that are known to possess mineral qualities, though no complete examination of them has yet been made. Si)(>cial mention should not be omitted of the Mountain Valley Springs, twelve miles northwest of Hot Springs. The fame of these springs has demanded the shipment of water, lately, to distant localities in vast and constantly increasing quan- tities. The knowledge of them is but compara- tively recent, and yet their wonderful healing qualities are already widely known. Innumerable, apparently, as are the health springs of Arkansas, they are far surpassed by the common springs found nearly all over the State. Mammotli Spring is in J^ilton County, and is unrivaled in the country. The water boils up from an opening 120 feet in circumference, and Hows uninterruptedly at the rate of 9.001) barrels a minute. From the compression of so large an amount of carbonic acid held in solution, the whole surface of this water basin is in a continual state of effervescence. Spring River, a bold stream, is produced by this spring, and gives an unlimited amount of water power. The general division of the surface of the State is uplands and lowlands. It is a timber State, with a large number of small prairies. East and near Little Rock is Lonoke Prairie, and other small prairies are in the southwest part. In its northeast portion are some large strips of prairie, and there are many other small spots bare of tim- ber growths, but these altogether compose only a small portion of the State's surface. The variety and excellence of soils are not sur- passed by any State in the Union. The dark alluvial prevails in nearly all the lowlands, while on many sections of the uplands are the umber red soils of the noted tobacco lands of Cuba. About two-thirds of the State's surface shows yellow pine growth, the great tall trees standing side by side with the hardwoods, walnut, maple, grapevines, sumac, etc. A careful analysis of the soils and subsoils of every county in the State by the eminent geologist, Prof. D. D. Owen, shows this result: The best soils of Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota are inferior to the best soils of Arkan- sas in fertilizing properties. The following re- ports of State geologists tell the story: Ark. Minn. Iowa. Wis, Organic ami Volatile Matter. . Alumnia Carbonate Lime 14,150 6,334 8.7151 5.585 21.865 fiflO 6,028 3.288 940 6.580 4,610 665 In fertilizing qualities the only comparative results to the Arkansas soils are found in the blue limestone districts of Central Kentucky. Analysis of the soils shows the derivative geo- logical formation of soils, and their agricultural values; their losses by cultivation, and what soils lying convenient will repair the waste. Arkansas County, the mother of counties in the State, lying in the southeast, shows the tertiary formations. Benton County, at the opposite northwest corner, has the subcarboniferous. The tertiary is found ^ Kj A It. HISTORY OF AKKAXSAS. 15 in Newtou County; Chirk, Hempstead and Sevier show the cretaceous; Conway, Oawlord, Johnson, Ouachita, Perry, Polk. Pope, Priiirie, Pulaski, Scott, Van Bureu, White, Garland and Montgom- ery, the novaculite, or whetstone grit; Greene, Jackson, Poinsett and Union, the quaternary. In addition to Benton, given above, are Independence, Madison, Monroe, Searcy and Washington, subcar- boniferous. The lower silurian is represented in Fulton. Izard, Lawrence, Marion and Randolph. These give the horizons of the rock formations of the State. The State has 28, 000, 000 acres of woodland — eighty-one and one-half per cent of her soil. Of this twenty-eight per cent is in cleared farms. If there be drawn a line on the map, beginning a few miles west of longitude 91°, in the direction of Little Koek, thence to the north boundary line of Clark County, just west of the Iron Mountain Railroad, then nearly due west to the west line of the State, the portion north of this line will be the uplands, and south the lowlands. The uplands correspond with the Paleozoic, and lowlands with the Neozoic. The granitic axis outbursts in Pulaski, Saiine, Hot Springs, Montgomery, Pike and Sevier Coun- ties, and runs from the northeast to the southwest through the State. In Northern Arkansas the dis- turbance shows itself in small faults, gentle folds and slightly indurated shales; but nearer the gran- ite axis, greater faults, strata with high dip and talcose slate, intersected with quartz and calcite veins, become common. These disturbances are intimately connected with, and determine to some extent, the character of the mineral deposits of the State. The veins along the granite axis were filled probably with hot alkaline waters depositing the metalliferous compounds they contained. Almost every variety of land known to the agriculturist can be found, and, for fertility, the soils of the State arc justly celebrated. Comj)Osed as they are of uplands and lowlands, and a variety of climate, Ihey give a wide range of products. In the south and central portions are produced the finest cotton in the markets, while the uplands yield fruits in abundance and variety. No place | in the great valley excels it in variety of garden vegetables, small and orchard fruits, grasses, grains, and other field crops. Among agriculturists in Arkansas, truly cotton has been king. It is grown upon lands that would produce a hundred bushels of corn to the acre. All over the State a bale of cotton to the acre is the average — worth at this time $50. Per acre it is about the same labor to raise as corn. In the varied and deep rich soils of the State are produced the vegetation - fruits, vegetables and plants — of the semi-tropic re gions, and also the whole range of the staple prod- ucts of the north. Cereals, fruits and cotton grow as well here as anywhere. In the uplands will some day be raised grapes and tobacco that will be world famous. That j)ortioii of the hilly lands in Clay, Greene. Craighead, Poinsett, St. Francis, Lee and Phillips Counties, known as Crowley's ridge, has a soil and vegetable growth distinctive from any other por- tion of the State. Its principal forest growth is yellow poplar, which is found in immense size. With this timb(>r are the oak, gum, hickory, wal- nut, sugar and maple. The soil is generally of a light yellowish or gray color, often gravelly, very friable and easily cultivated, producing abundant crops of cotton, corn, oats, clover, timothy and rett top, and is most excellent for fruits. The prevailing soil is alluvial, with more or less diluvial soils. The alluvial soils, especially along the streams, are from three to thirty feet deep, and these rich bottoms are often miles in width. There are no stronger or more producUve lands than these anywhere, and centuries of cul- tivation create no necessity for fertilizers. The swamp lands or slashes as a general thing lie stretched along between the alluvial lauds and second bottoms. They are usually covered with water during the winter and spring, and are too wet for cultivation, though dry in the summer and fall. They can be easily reclaimed by draining. The second bottoms are jjrincipally on the east- ern side of the State, extending from the slashes to the hills. The soil is mostly gray color, sometimes yellowish, re.sting u]>on a subsoil of yellowish or mulatto clay. The rich, black lauds prevail largely r'^ ."^^^—^ ll£ lu HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ill Hempstead, Little River. Sevier, Nevada, Clark, Searcy, Stone, Izard and Independence Counties. In the mountainous range of the Ozarks, in Independence County, are remarkable cave forma- tions. They are mostly nitre caves and from these and others in the southeast and west of Batesville, the Confederacy obtained much of this necessity. Near Cushman, Independence County, are the won- derful caves. The extent and marvelous beauty of formations are in the great arched room, the "King's Palace." This cave has been explored for miles under the earth, and many wonders and beauties are seen on every hand. On the side of the mouth of one of the caves in this vicinity a strong spring leaps fi'om the mountain's side and into the cave, and the rumbling of the rushing waters beneath the earth can be heard quite a dis- tance. The notable saltpetre caves are in Marion. Newton, Carroll, Independence, Washington and Benton Counties. There are gold mines in Arkansas, yet no re- markable tinds that is, no marvelous wonders have as yet been uncovered. The universal diffusion of milky quartz in veins, seams and beds, as well as all the other geological tokens which lead on to fortune, are recent discoveries, and the intelligent gold hunters are here in abundance. Who can tell what the future may have in store? But should no rich paying gold fields ever be found, still in the resources of the State are ores of silver, antimony, zinc, iron, lead, copper, manganese, marble, granite, whet and honestone, rock-crystal, paints, nitre earths, kaolin, marls, freestone, limestone, buhr and grindstone and slate, which may well justify the bold assertion of that eminent geologist. Prof. D. D. Owen, in 1860, after care- fully looking over the State, ' ' that Arkansas is destined to rank as one of the richest mineral States in the Union." Its zinc ores compare favorably with those of Silesia, and its argentif- erous galena far exceeds in percentage of silver the average of such ores of other countries. Its novaculite (whetstone) rock can not be excelled in fineness of texture, beauty of color, and sharpness of grit. Its crystal mountains for extent, and their products for beauty, brilliancy and transpar- ency, have no rivals in the world. Its mineral waters are in variety and values equalled only by its mineral products. Anticipating the natural questions as to why the mines of Arkansas are not better developed, it will be sufficient to condense to the utmost Prof. Owen's words in reference to the Bellah mine in Sevier County: "It is the same vein that is found in Pulaski County, and runs northeast and south- west nearly through the State. Some years ago the Bellah mine was explored and six shafts were sunk. Three of the principal shafts were about thirty feet deep. The work was done under the supervision of Richard ^^'. Bellah, afterward of Texas. There was a continuous vein, increasing in thickness as far as he went. On the line other shafts were sunk from six to twelve feet deep, all showing the ore to be continuous. About five tons of ore were taken out. A portion of this was sent to Liverpool, England, to be tested, and the statement in return was ' seventy -three per cent lead, and 148 ounces of silver to the ton.' " Mr. Bellah wrote to Prof. Owen: "I am not willing to lease the mines: but I will sell for a reasonalile price, provided my brother and sister will sell at the same. I have put the price upon the mines, and value it altogether [4r)0 acres of land] at $10,000." Such was the condition of affairs at this mine when the war came. Substantially, this is the ante-bellum history of the Arkansas mining interests. Prof. Owen reports picking up from the debris of these deserted shafts ore that anal- yzed seventy-threo per cent lead and fifty-two and ono-lialf ounces of silver to the ton of lead. That these rich fields should lie fallow-ground through the generations can now be accounted for only from the blight of slavery upon the enter- prise and industry of people, the evils of a great civil war, and the natural adaptation of the soil and slavery to the raising of cotton. On the line of this vein, in Saline County, from very superficial explorations, were discovered veins bearing argentiferous lead and copper. Lead is found in about every county in North- ern Arkansas. These are a continuation of the Missouri lead ores. The richest argentiferous lead 3>>. HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 17 ores reported are in Pulaski, Saline, Montgomery, Polk, Pike, Ashley and Sevier Counties, being found in the quartz and calcite gangues. It is as- sociated in the north of tho State with zinc, cop- per, and with antimony in Sevier County. One of the latest discoveries is the value of the antimony mines of Polk and Sevier Counties. A mine is being worked successfully for antimony, and the increase of silver is improving as the shaft goes down. At any hour in the progress of the work, according to the opinions of the best scientific mining experts, this shaft may reach one of the noted silver deposits of the world. In the Jeff Chirk antimony mine, at a distance of 100 feet down, was found a rich pocket of silver. In every particular, so far, this mine is a transcript of that of the noted Comstock mine. The Comstock mine showed silver on the surface; so did the Sev- ier County mine; then it passed down 100 feet, following a vein of antimony; so has the Sevier mine; then in each has silver been found. There is an unchanging law which governs the rock and mineral formations. Nature never lies, and there is no doubt that the Arkansas mineral belt, through Montgomery, Polk, Howard and Sev- ier Counties, will prove to be one of the richest mining districts of the world. The antimony mine has been quite successfully worked the past two years. The Bob Wolf mine, Antimony Bluff mine, and Stewart Lode are being profitably worked. Capital and the facilities for reducing ores by their absence are now the only drawback to the mineral products of the State. Iron is found native in the State only in meteor- ites. The magnatite ore is found plentiful in Mag- net Cove. Lodestones from this place are shipjied abroad, and have a high reputation. This is one of the best iron ores, and the scarcity of fuel and transportation in the vicinity are the causes of its not being worked. The limonite iron ore is the common ore of all Northern Arkansas; immense deposits are found in Lawrence, where several furnaces are operated. In the southern part of the State is the bog iron ore. The brown hematite is found in Lawrence, Randolph. Fulton and other counties. Workable veins of manganese are found in Independence County. This valuable ore is im- ported now from Spain; it is used in making Spie- gel iron. Bituminous and semi- anthracite coal is found in the true coal measures of the uplands of Ar- kansas. That of the northwest is free from sul- phur. The semi -anthracite is found in the valley of the Ai-kansas River. These coal fields cover 10,000 acres. There are four defined coal hori- zons — the subconglomerate, lower, middle and up- per. The coal fields of this State belong to the lowest — the subcarboniferous — in the shale or millstone grit less than 100 feet above the Archi medes limestone. In the Arkansas Valley these veins aggregate over six feet. The veins lie high in the Boston Mountains, dipping south into the Arkansas Valley. Shaft mining is done at Coal Hill, Spadra and many other points. It is shipped down the river in quantities to New Orleans. Aluminum, corundum, sapphire, oriental ruby, topaz and amethysts are found in Howard and Sevier Counties. Strontianite is found in Mag- net Cove — valuable in the purification of sugar. In the synclinal folds of Upjjer Arkansas common salt is easily obtained. Good salt springs are in Sevier County, also in Dallas and Hot Springs Counties. Chalcedony, of all colors, cornelian, agates, novaculite. honestone, buhrstone, varieties of granite, eight kinds of elegant marble, sand stones, white, gray, red, brown and yellow, are common in the grit horizon; flagstones, roofing and pencil slates, talc, kaolin, abound in Saline. Washington, St. Francis and Greene Counties. The potter's clay of Miller, Saline and Washington is extensively worked. "Rock oil" has been dis- covered in large pockets in Northwest Arkansas. In the development of its mineral resources the State is still in its infancy, so much so, indeed, that what will prove yet to be the great sources of wealth are not even now produced as a commer- cial commodity. In some respects this is most re- markable. For instance, Arkansas might supply the world, if necessity required, with lime and cement, can produce the best of each at the least cost, and yet practically all these consumed are imported here from other States. Years ago Prof. 18 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. D. D. Owen called attention to the valuable marls in the southwest part of the State, but the great beds lie untouched and cotton planters send off for other fertilizers. So also of the great beds of gypsum that lie uncovered and imtoucbed. The outside world wants unlimited supplies of kaolin, fire-clays and such other clays as the State pos- sesses in ine.stimable quantities, and yet the thrifty people seem to be oblivious of the fact that here is the way to easy sources of wealth. People can live here too easily it seems. In this way only can a reason be found for not strik- ing boldly out in new fields of venture, with that vigor of desperation which comes of stern and hard necessity. Where nature is stubborn and uu yielding, man puts forth his supremest efforts. Magnet Cove probaljly furnishes more remark- able formations than any other district in the world. The "Sunk Lands" in the northeast part of the State, the result of the disturbance of the New Madrid earthquake 1811-12, present features of interest to both lay and scientific investigators. The curious spectacle of deep lakes, beneath which can be seen standing in their natural position the great forest trees, is presented: and instead of the land animals roving and feeding among them are the inhabitants of the deep waters. The natural abutments of novaculite rocks at Rockport, on the Ouachita River, with the proper outlying rocks on the opposite side of the river, are a very interesting formation. Cortes Mountain, Sebastian County, as seen from Hodges Prairie presents a grand view. The bare hard rock looks as though the waves in their mighty swells had been congealed and fixed into a mountain. It is 1,500 feet high. Standing Rock, Board Camp Creek, Polk County, is a conspicious and interesting landmark. It rises from out the crumbling shales, like an artificial piece of masonry, to the height of ninety feet. The Dardanello Rock as seen from the Arkan- sas River, opposite Morristown, is composed of fer- ruginous substance, and the great column dips at an angle of 40° toward the river. From one point on the southeast is the wonderful Dardanelle Profile. All the features of the face, with a deep-cut mouth slightly open as if in the act of listening to what one is going to say to it, and the outlines of the head, neck and shoulders, are faithfully produced. Its faithfulness of detail and heroic proportions are its strong characteristics. Sandstone Dam across Lee Creek, Crawford County, is a curious instance of nature's perfect engineering. The formation here possesses as much interest to the scientist as the noted Natural Bridge. Investigations of the Mammoth Spring lead to the conclusion that it has underground connection with Ha veil's Valley, Mo; that here the waters from many springs, some rising to the surface and others not rising, are as the head of a vast funnel, which pour down the subterranean channel and, finally meeting obstructions to further progress, are forced up through the solid rock and form the Mammoth Spring, a navigal)le subterranean river in short, whose charts no bold seaman will ever follow. North of Big Rock are the traces of a burnt out volcano, whose tires at one time would have lighted up the streets of Little Rock even better than the electric lights now gleaming from their high towers. The track of the awful cataclysm, once here in its grand forces, is all that is left; the energies of nature's greatest display of forces lost in the geological eons intervening. D X# ^1 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 19 ;iliif 1-R 11. • > ■♦ < « Archaeology-Remains of Flint Aituow and Spear Heads and Stone and Otiikk Ornaments- Evidences OF Pre-iiistoeic People Along the Mississippi— Mounds, etc., in Otiikk Poiitions of The State— Local Archaeologists and their Work— The Indians-Ti;ii!ai, AND Race Characteristics- The Arkansas Tribes— The Cession Treaties —The Removal of the Cherokees, Creeks and Choctaws— An Indian Alarm— Assassination ok the Leaders, etc., etc Some lazy ages, lost in sleep and ease, No actions leave to busy chronicles; Such whose superior felicity but makes In story chasms, in epochas mistakes. — Drydeti. 1^ ^SJtW N the long gone agea, te'l'^^f reaches of time perhaps i^^W'i: ^"^'^ *° '°® measured by ^■^ii geological periods, races of men have been here, grown, flourished, declined and passed away, raaiay not even leaving a wrack behind; others transmitting fossil traces, dim and crumbling, and still later ones, the suc- cessors of the earlier ones, who had no traditions of their predecessors, have left something of the measure of their existence in the deftly cut flints, broken pottery, adobe walls, or gi-eat earth- works standing in the whilom silent wilderness as mute and enduring mon- iimentsto their existence; man, races, civilizations, systems of religion passing on and on to that eternal silence — stormfully from the inane to the inane, the great world's epic that is being forever written and that is never writ. Arkansas is an inviting field for the iavestiga- tion of the archreologist, as well as the geologist. Races of unknown men in an unknown time have swarmed over the fair face of the State. Their restless activities drove them to nature's natural storehouses and the fairest climes on the continent. Where life is easiest maintained in its best form do men instinctively congregate, and thus commu- nities and nations are formed. The conditions of climate and soil, rainfall and minerals are the controlling factors in the busy movements of men. These conditions given, man follows the great streams, on whose bosom the rudest savages float their canoes and pirogues. Along the eastern part of the State are the most distinct traces of prehistoric peoples, whose hiero glyphics, in the form of earthworks, are the ii\pst legible to the archseologist. Here, earthworks in greatest extent and numbers are found, indicating that this section once swarmed with these barbaric races of men. In Lonoke County, sixteen miles southeast of Little Rock, and on the Little Rock & Altheimor branch of the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Rail- road, is a station called Toltec. It is located on the farm of Mr. Gilbert Knapp, and is near Mounds Lake. This lake is either the line of what was a bor.se-shoe bend in Arkansas River long ago, or is the trace of a dead river. The lake is in the form of a horse-shoe, and covers a space of abont ^ 20 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS three miles. The horse- shoe points east of north, and the heels to the southwest. Here is a great field of larfj^o and interesting mounds and earth- works. A little east of the north bend of the lake are two great mounds — one square and the other cone shaped. The cone shaped is the larger and taller, and is supposed to have been 100 feet high. while the other was about seventy-five feet in ele- vation. About them to the north and east are many small mounds, with no apparent fixed method in their location. These have all been denuded of their timber and are in cultivation, except the larger one above mentioned. Upon this is a growth of heavy timber, elms, hickory, and oaks with as high as 500 rings, and standing on an alluvial soil from eight to fifteen feet deep. Those large mounds are enclosed with an earth wall starting out from the bank of the lake, and circling at a considerable distance and returning to the lake, and keeping nearly an equal distance from the larger mound. The sloping base of each mound reaches the base and overlaps or mingles with the base of its neigh- bor. Around this big wall was once an outside ditch. The humus on the smaller mounds shows, in cultivation, a stronger and deeper alluvial .soil than the surrounding land. There are evidences in these mounds that while they were built by one nation, for objects now problematical, they have been used by other suc- ceeding peoples for other and different purposes, much after the manner that are now found farm- ers with well-kept gardens on the tops of the mounds, or stately residences, or on others grow- ing cotton and corn. In them human and ani- mal bones are seen, and there are indications that, while they were built for purposes of worship or war, when the builders passed away more than one race of their successors to the country used them as convenient bui'ial grounds. They were skillful stone workers and potters, and their mason's tools are frequently met with. Nearly every im- plement of the stone age is found in and about the mounds. M'-. Knapp, who has given the sul^ject consid- erable intelligent study, is so convinced that these works were made by the Toltec race that he has named the new station in honor of that people. On the line of this earth-wall mentioned are two deep pools that never are known to become dry. East of Toltec thirty or more miles, in Lonoke Prairie, are mounds that apparently belong to the chain or system which runs parallel with the river, through the State. The small mounds or barrows, as Jefferson termed the modern Indian burial places, are numerous, and distributed all over Arkansas. Wbat is pronounced a fortified town is found in well marked remains on St. Francis River. It was discovered by Mr. Savage, of Louisville. He reports "parts of walls, built of adobe Ijrick and cemented." On these remains he detected trees growing numbering 300 rings. He reports the brick made of clay and chopped or twisted straw, and with regular figures. A piece of first-class engineering is said to be traced here in a sap- mine, which had passed under the walls of the fortification. The bones and pottery and tools and arms of the prehistoric peoples of Arkansas are much more abundant than are found in any other spot in the United States. Mrs. Hobbs, living four miles southeast of Little Rock, has a very complete collection of the antiquities of the State. It is pronounced by antiquarians as one of the most valuable in the country. The Smithsonian Institute has offered her every inducement to part with her collection, but she has refused. It is hoped the State will some day possess this treasure, and suitably and permanently provide for its preservation. When the white man discovered and took pos- session of North America, he found tbe red man and his many tribes here, and under a total mis- apprehension of having found a new continent, he named this strange people Indians. The new world might have been called Columbia, and the people Columbians. Again, instead of being sparse tribes of indivitluals fringing the shores of the Atlantic Ocean there were 478 tribes, occupying nearly the whole of the north half of this western hemis- phere; some in powerful tribes, like the Iroquois; ' some were rude agricultural and commercial peoples, 5 "fy A HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 21 somo living in houses of logs or stone, permanent residents of their localities; others warriors aiul hunters only, and still others migratory in their nature, pirates and parasites. One characteristic strongly marked them all — a love of liberty and absolute freedom far stronger than the instinct of life itself. The Indian would not be a slave. Proud and free, he regarded with contempt the refinements of civilization. He breathed the same free air as did the eagle of the crags, and would starve before he would do manual work, or, as he believed, degrade himself in doing aught but paint himself, sing his war songs and go forth to battle, or pursue the wild game or meet the savage wild beasts in their paths and slay them in regular com- bat. To hunt, fish and tight was the high mission of great and good men to his untutored mind, while the drudgery of life was relegated to the squaws and squaw-men. His entire economic philosophy was simply the attainment of his de- sires with the least exertion. In a short time he will have tilled his earthly mission, and passed from the stage of action, leaving nothing but a dim memory. From their many generations of untold numbers has come no thought, no inven- tion, no action that deserves to survive them a day or an hour. The Indians of to day, the few that are pure blood, are but the remnants, the use less refuse of a once numerous people, who were the undisputed possessors of a continent, but are now miserable, ragged and starving beggars at the back doors of their despoilers, stoically awaiting the last final scene in the race tragedy. And, like the cheerful sermon on the tombstone, who shall say that white civilization, numbers and power, will not in the course of time, and that not far distant, be the successors of the residue of wretches now representing the red race ? "I was once as you are, you will soon be as I am." A grim philos- ophy truly, but it is the truth of the past, and the great world wheels about much now as it has for ever. What is now Arkansas has been the possession of the following Indian tribes; no one tribe, it seems, occupied or owned the territory in its entirety, but their possessions extended into the lines, cov- ering a portion of the lands only, and then reach- ing many degrees, sometimes to the north, south and west: The Osages, a once numerous tribe, were said to own the country south of the Mis- souri River to Red River, including a large por- tion of Arkansas. The Quapaws, also a powerful nation, were the chief possessors, and occupied nearly the whole of the State, "'time out of mind;" the Cherokees were forced out of CJeorgia and South Carolina, and removed west of the Missis- sippi River in 183ft: the Hitchittees were removed from the Chattahouchee River to Arkansas. They speak the Muskogee dialect — were 600 strong when removed ; the Choctaws were removed to the west, after the Cherokees. In 1S12 they were 15.000 strong. The Quapaws, of all the tribes connected with Arkansas, may be regarded as the oldest settlers, having possessed more of its territory in well de- fined limits than any of the others. In the early part of the eighteenth century they constituted a powerful tribe. In the year 1720 they were deci- mated by smallpox: reduced by this and other calamities, in 1S20, one hundred years after, they were found scattered along the south side of the Arkansas River, numbering only 700 souls. They never regained their former numerical strength or warlike importance, but remained but a liand of wretched, ragged beggars, about whose hunting grounds the white man was ever lessening and tightening the lines. January 5, 1819, Gov. Clark and Pierre Chou- teau made a treaty with the tribe by which was ceded to the United States the most of their terri- tory. The descriptive part of the treaty is in the following words: "Beginning at the mouth of the Arkansas River; thence extending up the Arkansas to the Canadian Fork, and up the Canadian Fork to its source; thence south to the big Red River, and down the middle of that river to the Big Raft; thence in a direct line so as to strike the Mississippi River, thirty leagues in a straight line, below the mouth of the Arkansas, together with all their claims to lands east of the Mississippi River and north of the Arkansas River. With the exception and reservation following, that is to say, « ^ r HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ik that tract of country bounded as follows: Begin- ning at a point on the Arkansas River opposite the present Post of Arkansas, and running thence a due southwest coiuse to the V^'ashita River; thence n]i that river to the Saline Fork, to a point fi-om whence a due north course would strike the Arkan- sas River at the Little Rock, and theuce down the right bank of the Arkansas to the place of begin- ning. '' In addition to this a tract was reserved north of the Arkansas River, which the treaty says is indicated by ' ' marks on the accompanying map." This west line of the Quapaw reservation struck the river about where is now Rock Street. In November, 1824, Robert Crittenden, the first Territorial secretarj-, effected a treaty with the Quapaws at Harrington's, Ark., which ceded the aliove reservation and forever extinguished all title of that tribe to any portion of Arkansas. The tribe vsras then removed to what is now the Indian Territory. The other original uccujjauts or claimants to the Arkansas Territory were the Osages. Of these there were many tribes, and in 1830 numbered I. (100 strong, but mostly along the Osage River. Tlieir claim lapped over, it seems, all that portion of the Quapaw lands lying north of the Arkansas River. The title of the Osages was extinguished to what is now Arkansas by a treaty of November 10, 1808, made at Fort Clark, on the Mis.souri River. By this treaty they ceded all the country east of a line running due south from Fort Clark to the Ar kansas River, and down said river to its confluence with the Mississippi River. These Indians occu- j)ied only the country along the Missouri and Osage Rivers, and if they were ever on what they claimed as their southern boundary, the Arkansas River, it was merely on expeditions. About 1818, Georgia and South Carolina com- menced agitating the subject of getting rid of the Indians, and removing them west. They wanted their lands and did not want their presence. At tirst they used persuasion and strategy, and finally force. They were artful in representing to the In- dians the glories of the .\rkansas country, both for game and rich lands. During the twenty years of agitating the subject Indians of the tribes of those States came singly and in small bands to Arkansas, and were encouraged to settle anywhere they might desire north of the Arkansas River, on the Osage ceded lands. The final act of removal of the In- dians was consummated in 1839, when the last of the Cherokees were brought west. Simultaneous vrith the arrival of this last delegation of Indians an alarm passed around among the settlers that the Indians were preparing to make a foray on the white settlements and murder them all. Many people were greatly alarmed, and in some settle- ments there were hasty preparations made to flee to places of safety. In the meantime the poor, distressed Cherokees and Choctaws were innocent i of the stories in circulation about them, and were i trying to adjust themselves to their new homes and to repair their ruined fortunes. The Chero- kees were the most highly civilized of all the tribes, as they were the most intelligent, and had mingled and intermarried with the whites until there were few of piire blood left among them. They had men of force and character, good schools and printing presses, and published and edited papers, as well as their own school books. These condi- tions were largely true, also, of the Chickasaws. The Cherokees and Chickasaws were removed west under President Jackson's administration. The Cherokees were brought by water to Little Rock, and a straight road was cut out from Little Rock to the corner of their reservation, fifteen miles al)ove Batesville, in Independence County, over which they were taken. Their southeast boundary line was a straight line, at the point designated above Batesville, to the mouth of Point Remove Creek. The nistory of the removal of the Cherokee Indians (and much of the same is true of the re- moval of the Chickasaws and Creeks), is not a jileas- ant chapter in American history. The Creeks of Florida had waged war, and when conquered Gen. Scott removed them beyond the Mississippi River. When the final consummation of the removal of the Cherokees was effected, it was done liy virtue of a treaty, said to have been the work of traitors, and unauthorized by the proper Indian authorities. At "*t^]« 9 ^ <-ot<) in Akkansas— Marquktte and Joliet— La Salle, Hennepin AND TONTI— 1-KENClI AND ENGLISH SCHEMES OF CONQUEST AND DREAMS OF POWEU— LOUISIANA —The •• Hubble" of John Law— The Early Viceroys and Governors— Proprie- tary Change of Louisiana— French and Spanish Settlers in Ark- ansas—English Settlers— A Few First Settlers in the Counties— The New Madrid Earthquake- Other Items of Interest. Hail, memory, bail! In Uiy e.\haiistle.ss mine From age to age unnumbered treasures shine! Thought and her shadowy brood thy call obey. And place and time are subject to thy svmy.— Rogers. ERDINAND DE SOTO, the "' discoverer of the Missis- ..o sippi, was the first civilized white man to put foot upon any part of what is now the State of Arkansas. He and ?;!^-9^hi8 band of adventurous -^ % followers had forged their \ way over immense obstacles, through ' the trackless wastes, and in the pleas- l^ ant month of June, 1541, reached th(> ' Mississippi River at, as is supposed, Chickasaw Bluffs, a short distance be- low Memphis. He had sailed from San Lncan in April, 1538, with 600 men, twenty officers and twenty four priests. He represented his king and church, and came to make discoveries for his master in Florida, a coun- trj' undefined in extent, and believed to be the richest in the world. His expedition was a daring and dangerous one, and there were but few men in the tide of time who could have carried it on to the extent that did this bold Spaniard. The worn and deci- mated band remained at the Chickasaw Bluffs to rest and recuperate until June 29, then crossing the river into Arkansas, and pushing on up the Mississippi River, through brakes and swamps and slashes, until they reached the higher prairie lands that lead toward New Madrid; stopping in their north course at an Indian village, Pacaha, whose location is not known. De Soto sent an expedition toward the Osage River, but it soon returned and rejiorted the country worthless.* He then turned west and proceeded to the Boston Mountains, at the head- waters of White River; then bending south, and passing Hot Springs, he went into camp for the winter on the Ouachita River, at Autamqua Village, in Garland County. In the spring he *It is proper to here state the fact that some local in- vestigators, and others wlio have studied the liistory of De Soto's voyaging thnnigli .Arkansas, do not believe that he reached and discovered the river as high up as Mem- phis. They think lie approached it a short distance above the moutli of Red Kiver. and from that point made his detour around Id Red River. Other.s in the State, who have also studied the sid)ject thoroughly, find excellent evidence of his presence in Arkansas along the Mississippi, particularly in Missi-ssippi County. See "History of Mississippi County. Ark." After examining the testi- mony carefully I incline to the account as given in the context as being the most probable. — Ed. HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 25 floated down the river, often lost in the bayous and overflows of lied Kivor, and tiually reached again the Mississippi. Halting here he made dil- igent inquiries of the Indians as to the month of the great stream, but they could give him no infor- mation. In June, one year from the date of his discovery, after a sickness of some weeks, he died. As an evidence of his importance to the expedition his death was kept a secret, and he was buried at night, most appropriately, in the waves of the great river that gave his name immortality. But the secrecy of his death was of no avail, for there was no one who could supply his place, and with his life closed the existence, for all practical pur- poses, of the expedition. Here the interest of the historian in De Soto and his companions ceases. He came not to possess the beautiful country, or plant colonies, or even extend the dominions of civilization, but simply to find the fabled wealth in minerals and precious stones, and gather them and carry them away. Spain already possessed Florida, and it was all Florida then, from the At- lantic to the boundless and unknown west. The three great nations of the old world had conquered and possessed — the Spaniards Florida, the English Virginia and New England, and the French the St. Lawrence. The feeblest of all these colonizers or conquerors were the English, and they retained their narrow foothold on the new continent with so little vigor that for more than a century and a half they knew nothing of the country west of them save the idle dreams and fictions of the surrounding savages. The general world had learned little of De Soto's gi-eat western discoveries, and when he was buried in the Missis- sippi all remained undisturbed from the presence or knowledge of civilized men for the period of 182 years. Jacques Marquette, a French Jesuit priest, had made expeditions along the Northern lakes, pros- elyting among the Indian tribes. He had con- ceived the idea that there was a great western river leading to China and Japan. He was joined in his ambition to find this route, and the tribes along it. l)y Joliet, a man fired with tlie ambition and daring of the hold explorer. These two men. with five employes, started on their great adven- ture May 17, 1673. They found the Upper Mis sissippi liiver and came down that to the mouth of the Arkansas River, thence proceeding up some distance, it is supposed to near where is Arkansas Post. Thus the feet of the white man pressed once more the soil of this State, but it was after the lapse of many years from the time of De Soto's visit. Marquette carried into the newly disco veretl country the cross of Christ, while Joliet planted in the wilderness the tricolors of France. France and Christianity stood together in the heart of the great Mississippi Valley; the discoverers, founders and possessors of the greatest spiritual and tem- poral empire on earth. From here the voyagers retraced their course to the Northern lakes and the St. Lawrence, and published a report of their discoveries. Nine years after Marquett(> and Joliet' S expe- dition. Chevalier de La Salle came fi-om France, accompanied by Henry de Tonti, an Italian, filled with great schemes of empire in the new western world; it is charged, by soin(> historians of that day, with no less ambition than securing the whole western portion of the continent and wresting Mexico from the Spaniards. When Canada was reached. La Salle was joined by Lduis Hennepin, an ambitious, unscrupulous and daring Franciscan monk. It was evidently La Salle's idea to found a military government in the new world, reaching with a line of forts and military possession from Quebec, Canada, to at least the Gulf, if not, as some have supposed, extending through Mexico. He explored the country lying between the North- ern lakes and the Ohio River. He raised a fgrce in Canada and sailed through Green Bay, and, sending back his boat laden with furs, proceeded with his party to the head waters of the Illinois River and built Fort Creve Cceur. He detached Hennepin with one companion and sent him to hunt the source of the Mississippi. He placed Tonti in command of Creve Cceiu', with five men, and him- self returned to Canada in the latter part of 1681, where he organized a new party with canoes, and went to Chicago: crossing the long portage from there to the Illinois River, he floated down that stream to the Mississippi and on to the Gulf of Mexico, discovering the mouth of the Mississippi River April T). 1082, and three days after, with becoming pomp and ceremony, took possession, in the name of France, of the territory, and named it Louisiana, in honor of his king, Louis XIV. The vast region thus acquired by France was not, as it could not be, well defined, but it was intended to embrace, iu addition to much east of the Mississip])i River, all the continent west of that current. After this expedition La Salle returned to France, fitted out another expedition and set sail, ostensibly to reach the mouth of the Mississippi River and pass up that stream. He failed to find the river, and landed his fleet at Metagordo Bay, Texas, where he remained two years, when with a part of his force he started to reach Canada via Fort St. Louis, but was assassinated by one of his men near the Trinity River, Texas, March lU, 1687, and his body, together with that of his nephew, was left on the Texas prairie to the beasts and buzzards. La Salle was a born commander of men, a great explorer, with vast projects of empire far beyond the comprehension of his wretched king, or the appreciation of his country- men. Had he been supported by a wise and strong government, France would never, perhaps, have been dispossessed of the greatest inter-continental colonial empire on earth — from the Alleghanies to the Rocky Mountains. This was, in fact, the measure of the territory that La Salle' s expedition and military possession gave to France. The two great ranges of mountains, the north pole and South America, were really the boundary lines of Louisiana, of which permanent ownership belonged forever to France, save for the weakness and inef- ficiency of that bete noire of poor, beautiful, sunny France — Louis XIV. In the irony of fate the his- torian of to-day may well write down the appella- tion of his toadies and parasites, as the grand monarque. La Salle may justly be reckoned one of the greatest founders of empire in the world, and had poor France had a real king instead of this weak and pompous imbecile, her tri-colors would have floated upon every breeze from the Allegha- nies to the Pacific Ocean, and over the islands of more than half of the waters of the globe. The immensity of the Louisiana Territory has been but little understood by historians. It was the largest and richest province ever acquired, and the world's history since its establishment has been intimately connected with and shaped by its influence. Thus the account of the Territory of Louisiana is one of the most interesting chapters in American history. Thirteen years after the death of La Salle, 1700, his trusty lieutenant, Tonti, descended the Mississippi River from the Illinois, with a band of twenty French Illinois people, and upon re;iching Arkansas Post, established a station. This was but carrying out La Salle's idea of a military pos- session by a line of forts from Canada to the Gulf. It may be called the first actual and intended per- manent possession of Arkansas. In the meantime, Natchez had become the oldest settled point in the Territory, south of Illinois, and the conduct of the commandant of the canton, Chopart, was laying the foundations for the ultimate bloody massacre of that place, in November, 1729. The Jesuit, Du Poisson, was the missionary among the Arkansans. He had made his way up the Mississippi and passed along the Arkansas River till he reached the prairies of the Dakotahs. The Chickasaws were the dreaded enemy of France; it was they who hurried the Natchez to that awful massacre; it was they whose cedar bark canoes, shooting boldly into the Mississippi, inter- rupted the connections between Kaskaskia and New Orleans, and delayed successful permanent settlements in the Arkansas. It was they who weakened the French empire in Louisiana. They coUeagued with the English, and attempted to extirpate the French dominion in the valley. Such was Louisiana more than half a century after the first attempt at colonization by La Salle. Its population may have been 5,000 whites and half that number of blacks. Louis XIV had fostered it by giving it over to the control of Law and his company of the Mississippi, aided by boundless but transient credit. Priests and friars dispersed through tribes from Biloxi to the Da- HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. •li kotahs, and propitiatpd the favor of the savages. But still the valley of the Mississippi remained a vcilderuess. All its patrons — though among them it counted kings and high ministers of state — had not accomplished for it in half a century a tithe of that prosperity which, within the same period, sprung naturally from the benovolouce of William Penn to the peaceful settlers on the Delaware. It required the feebleness of the grand mon- arque to discover John Law, the father of in- flated cheap money and national financial ruin. In September, 1717, John Law's Couij)any of the West was granted the commerce and control of Louisiana. He arrived at New Orleans with 800 immigrants in August of that year. Instead of coming up the Mississippi, they landed at Dau- phine Island to make their way across by land. The reign of John Law's company over Ltmisiana was a romance or a riot of folly and extravagance. He was to people and create a great empire on cheap money and a monopoly of the slave trade. For fourteen years the Company of the West con- trolled Louisiana. The bubble burst, the dreams and illusions of ease and wealth passed away, and but wretched remnants of colonies existed, in the extremes of want and suffering. But, after all, a permanent settlement of the great valley had been made. A small portion of these were located at Arkansas Post, up the Arkansas River and on Red Rivei% and like the most of the others of Law's followers, they made a virtue of necessity and re- mained because they could not get away. John Law was an Englishman, a humbug, but a magnificent one, so marked and conspicuous in the world's history that his career should h&ve taught the statesmen of all nations the simple lesson that debt is not wealth, and that every at- tempt to create wealth wholly by legislation is sure to be followed by general bankruptcy and ruin. The Jesuits antl fur traders were the founders of Illinois; Louis XIV and privileged companies were the patrons of Southern Louisiana, while the honor of beginning the work of colonizing the southwest of our republic belongs to the illustri- ous Canadian. Lemoine D'II)erville. He was a wor thy successor of La Salle. He also sought to find the mouth of the Mississippi, and guided by floating trees and turbid waters, he reached it on March 2, 1099. He perfected the line of communication between Quebec and the Gulf ; extended east and west the already boundless possessions of Franco; erected forts and carved the lilies on the trees of the forests; and fixed the seat of government of Louisiana at Biloxi, and appointed his brother to command the province. Under D' Iberville, the E'rench line was extended east to Pascagoula River; Beinvillo, La Sueur, and St. Denys had explored the west to New Mexico, and had gone in the northwest beyond the Wisconsin and the St. Croix, and reached the mouth of and followed this stream to the confluence of the Blue Earth. D'Iborville died of yellow fever at Havana, July 9, 1700, and in his death the Louisiana colony lost one of its most able and daring leaders. But Louisiana, at that time, possessed less than thirty families of whites, and these were scattered on voyages of discovery, and in quest of gold and gems. France perfected her civil government over Louisiana in 1689, and a|)pointed Marquis de San- ville, royal viceroy. This viceroy's empire was as vast in teri'itory as it was insignificant in popula- tion — less than 300 souls. * By regular appoint- ments of viceroys the successions were maintained (including the fourteen years of Law's supremacy) until by the treaty of Fontainbleau. November 3, 17G2, France was stripped of her American pos- sessions, and Canada and the Spanish Florida; everything east of the Mississippi except ^he island of New Orleans was given to England, and all Louisiana, including New Orleans west of the Mississippi River and south of the new .southern boundary line of Canada, was given to Si)ain, in lieu of her Florida possessions. Hence, it was No- vember 3, 1702. that what is now Arkansas passed from the dominion of France to that of Spain. The signing of this treaty made that day the most eventful one in the busy movements of the *The title of France to tlip t)Oiind toads, were the essence of the oriental schemes for peopling the new world. Happily for mankind they failed, and the wild beasts returned to care for their young in safety and await the coming of the real pioneers, they wlio came bringing little or nothing, save a manly spirit of self-reliance and independence. These were the successful founders and builders of eui]iirp in the wilderness. f mwii rw. — >.r-«^J^i.:e7'•«- OuGA^•IZATION.— The Viceroys ani> Goveknous— The Attiti de ov the Royal Owners of Louisiana- The District Divided— The Territory of Arkansas P'ormed from the Territory of Missouri —The Territorial Government— The First Legislature— The Seat of Government -Other Legislative IJodies— The Deullo— Arkansas Admitted to Statehood —The Constitutional Conventions— The Memorable Reconstruction Period— Legislative Attitude on the Question of Secession — Tni: War of the Governors, etc.. etc. I \t^ term of office, under the secret treaty of Ildefonso, wen^ tainted with irre<:falarity. Thousands of land grants had been given by him after he had in fact ceased to be the viceroy of Spain. The contract- ing jjowers had affixeil to the treaty the usual ob- ligations of the fulfillment of all undertakings, but the American courts and lawyers, in that ancient spirit of legal hypercritical technicalities, had given heed to the vicious doctrine that acts in good faith of a de facto governor may be treated as of questionable validity. This was never good law, because it was never good sense or justice. The acts and official doings of these vice-royal- ties in the wilderness present little or nothing of intere.st to the student of history, because they were local and individual in their bearing. It was the action of the powers across the waters, in reference to Canada and Louisiana, that in their wide and sweeping effects have been nearly omnip- otent in shaping civilization. Referring to the acquisition of Canada and the Louisiana east of the Mississippi River, Bancroft says that England exulted in its conquest;* enjoying the glory of extended dominion in the confident expectation of a boundless increase of wealth. But its success was due to its having taken the lead in the good old struggle for liberty, and it was destined to bring fruits, not so much to itself as to the cause of freedom and mankind. France, of all the States on the continent of Europe the most powerful, by territorial unity, wealth, numbers, industry and culture, seemed also by its place marked out for maritime ascend- ency. Set between many seas it rested upon the Mediterranean, possessed harbors on the German Ocean, and embraced between its wide shores and jutting headlands the bays and open waters of the Atlantic; its people, infolding at one extreme the offspring of colonists from Greece, and at the other the hardy children of the Northmen, being called, as it were, to the inheritance of life upon the sea. The nation, too, readily conceived or aj)- propriated great ideas and delighted in bold re- solves. Its travelers had penetrated farthest -into *Bniicroft. vol. iv.— l.'iT; (layiirre's Histoire de la Loiiisiane, vol. ii.-131. the fearful interior of unknown lands; its mission aries won most familiarly the confidence of the aboriginal hordes; its writers described with keener and wiser observation the forms of nature in her wildness, and the habits and languages of savage man; its soldiers, and everj' lay Frenchman in America owed military service, uniting beyond all others celerity with courage, knew best how to endure the hardships of forest life and to triumph in forest warfare. Its ocean chivalry had given a name and a colony to Carolina, and its merchants a people to Acadia. The French discovered the basin of the St. Lawrence; were the first to ex- plore and possess the banks of the Mississippi, and planned an American empire that should unite the widest valleys and most copious inland waters in the world. But over all this splendid empire in the old and the new world was a government that was medieval^mured in its glittering palaces, taxing its subjects, it would allow nothing to come to the Louisiana Territory but what was old and worn out. French America was closed against even a gleam of intellectual independence; nor did all Louisiana contain so much as one dissenter from the Roman Church. " We have caught them at last,'' exiiltingly e,\- claimed Choiseul, when he gave up the Cauadas to England and the Louisiana to Spain. ■" Eng land will ere long repent of having removed the only check that could keep her colonies in awe. * * * She will call on them to support the Inn- dens they have helped to bring on her, and th(>y will answer by striking off all dependence, '' said Vergennes. These keen-witted Frenchmen, with a pene- tration far beyond the ablest statesmen of Eng land, saw, as they believed, and time has con- firmed, that in the humiliation and dismember- ment of the territory of France, especially tlie transfer to England of Canada, they had la d the mine which some day wouM destroy the British colonial system, and prolmbly eventuate in tlie independence of the American colonies. The in tellect of France was keeping step with the spirit of the age: it had been excluded of course from the nation's councils, but saw what its feeble 1^ 36 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. government neither could see nor prevent, that the distant wilderness possessed a far greater impor- taueo on the world's new map than was given it by the f^old and gems it was supposed to contain; and that the change of allegiance of the colonies was the great step in the human mind, as it was slowly emerging from the gloom and darkness of tht< middle ages. Thus it was that the mere Terri- tory of Louisiana, before it was peopled by civilized man, was playing its important part in the world's greatest of all dramas. The first official act of our government, after the purchase of Louisiana, was an act of Congress, March 20, 1 SO-t, dividing Louisiana into two dis- tricts, and attaching the whole to Indiana Terri- tory, under the government of William Henry Harrison. The division in Louisiana was by a line on the thirty-third parallel; the south was named the District of Orleans; that north of it was named the District of Louisiana. This is now the south line of the State of Arkansas. In 1805 the District of Louisiana was erected in- to the Territory of Louisiana. It was however a terri- tory of the second class and remained under the gov- ernment and control of Indiana Territory until 1812. By act of June 4, 1812, the name of Louisiana Territory was changed and became the Missouri Territory, being made a territory of the first class, and given a territorial government. Capt. William Clark, of the famous Lewis and Clark, explorers of the northwest, was appointed governor, remaining as such until 1819, when Arkansas Territory was cut off from Missouri. The act of 1812, changing the District of Louisiana to Missouri Territory, provided for a Territorial legislature consisting of nine members, and empowered the governor to lay ofF that part where the Indian title had been extinguished into thirteen counties. The county of New Madrid, as then formed, extended into the Arkan- sas territorial limits, "down to the Mississippi to a point directly east of the mouth of Little Red River; thence to the mouth of Red River; thence up the Red River to the Osage purchase," etc. In other words it did not embrace the whole of what is now Arkansas. December 13, 1813, the County of Arkansas, Missouri Territoiy, was formed, and the county seat was fixed at Arkansas Post.* Besides Ai-kansas County, Lawrence County was formed January 15, 1815, and Clark, Hemp- stead and Pulaski Counties, December 15, 1818. Missouri neglected it seems to provide a judi- cial district for her five southern or Arkansas counties. Therefore Congress, in 1814, authorized the President to appoint an additional judge for Missouri Territory, ' ' who should hold office four years and reside in or near the village of Arkan- sas," — across the river from Arkansas Post. March 2, 1819, Congress created the Territory of Arkansas out of the Missouri Territory. It was only a territory of the second class, and the ma- chinery of government consisted of the governor and three judges, who constituted the executive, judicial and legislative departments, their offi- cial acts requiring the consent of Congress. Pres- ident Monroe appointed James Miller, governor; Robert Crittenden, secretary; Charles Jouett, Andrew Scott and Robert P. Letcher, judges of the superior court. The act designated Arkansas Post as the temporary seat of government. In the ab- sence of the Governor, Robert Crittenden, "act- ing governor," convened the first session of the provisional government on August 3, 1819. The act continued the new territory under the laws of Missouri Territory. The five counties designated above as formed prior to the division of Arkansas, had been represented in the Missouri Territorial legislature. Elijah Kelly, of Clark County, was a representative, and he rode on horseback from his home to St. Louis. The se.ssion was probably not a week in length, and the pay and mileage little or nothing. This first Territorial legislature appointed a treasurer and auditor, provided a tax for general purposes, and divided the five counties into two judicial circuits: First. Arkansas and Lawrence Counties ; Second, Pulaski, Clark and Hempstead Counties. * During the latter purl of the eighteenth century, something of the same municipal division was made, and called " Arkan.sas Parish," the name being derived from an old Indian town called Arkausea. n Xj HISTORY Ol' AKKANSAS. 37 April 21, 18"i0, CoQgress passed aa act per- fecting the Territorial organization, and applying the same provisions to Arkansas that were contained in the act creating Missouri into a Territory of the tirst class. The first legislative body elected in Arkansas convened at Arkansas Post, February 7 to 24, 1820. In the council were: President, Edward McDonald; secretary, Richard Searcy; members, Arkansas County, Sylvanus Phillips; Clark County, Jacob Barkmau; Hem^jstead County, David Clark; Lawrence County, Edward McDonald; Pulaski County, John McElmurry. la the house of rep- resentatives: Speaker, Joseph Hardin (William Stephenson was first elected, served one day and resigned, on account of indisposition); J. Cham- berlain, clerk; members, Arkansas County, W. B. R. Horner, \V. O. Allen; Clark, Thomas Fish; Hempstead, J. English, W. Stevenson; Lawrence, Joseph Hardin, Joab Hardin; Pulaski, Radford Ellis, T. H. Tindall. This body later adjourned to meet October following, continuing in session until the 25th. At this adjourned session the question of the removal of the Territorial seat of government from Arkansas Post to "the Little Rock," came up on a memorial signed by Amos Wheeler and others. "The Little Rock" was in contradistinction to ' ' the Rocks, ' ' as were known the beautiful bluffs, over 200 feet high, a little above and across the river from "the Little Rock." In 1820 Gov. Miller visited the Little Rock — Petit Rocher— with a view to selecting a new seat of government. The point designated was the northeast corner of the Quapaw west line and Arkansas River. Im- mediately upon the formation of the Territory, prominent parties began to look out for a more central location for a capital higher up the river, and it was soon a general understanding that the seat of government and the county seat of Pulaski County, the then adjoining county above Arkansas County on the river, would be located at the same place. A syndicate was formed and Little Rock Bluff was pushed for this double honor. The government had not yet opened the land to pub- lic entry, as the title of the Quapaws had just been extinguished. These parties resorted to the expe- dient of locating upon the land "New Madrid floats," or claims, under the act of February 17, 1815, which authorized any one whose land had been " materially injured " by the earthquake of 1811 to locate the like ijuantity of land on any of the public lands open for sale. Several hundred acres were entered under these claims as the fut- ure town site. The county seat of Pulaski County was, contrary to the expectation of the Little Rock syndicate, located at Cadron, near the mouth of Cadron Creek, where it enters the Arkansas River. On the 18th day of October, 1820, the Terri- torial seat of government was removed from the Post of Arkansas to the Little Rock, the act to take effect June 1, 1821. The next Territorial legislature convened in Little Rock, October 1 to 24, 1821. The council consisted of Sam C. Roane, president, and Richard Searcy, secretary. In the house William Trimble was speaker, and A. H. Sevier, clerk. The third legislature met October '5 to 81. 1823. Sam C. Roane was president of the coun cO, and Thomas W. Newton, secretary; while T. Farrelly was speaker, and D. E. McKinney. clerk of the house. The fourth legislature was held October 3 to November 3, 1825. Of the council, the president was Jacob Barkman; secretary, Thomas W. New ton. Of the house, Robert Bean was speaker; David Barber, clerk. The fifth Territorial legislature was held Octol)er 1 to 31, 1827, and a special session held October G to October 28, 1828; E. T. Clark served as presi dent of the council, and John Clark, secretary ; J. Wilson was speaker of the house, and Daniel Ringo, clerk. In the sixth legislature, Charles Caldwell was president of the council, and John Caldwell, secre- tary; John Wilson was speaker of the house, and Daniel Ringo, clerk. The seventh legislature held October 3 to November 7, 1831, had Charles Caldwell as presi- dent of the council, and Al)salom Fowler, secre- tary; William Trimble was speaker "f tin- Imu^t., and G. A\'. Ferebee, secretary. In the eighth legislature, October 7 to Novem- ber 16, 183:5, John Williamson was president of the council and William F. Yeomans, secretary; John Wilson was speaker of the bouse, and James B. Keatts, clerk. The ninth legislature met October 5 to Novem- ber 10. 1885. The president of the senate was Charles Caldwell; secretary, S.T.Sanders. John Wilson was speaker of the house and L. B. Tully, clerk. This was the last of the Territorial assemblies. James Miller was succeeded as governor by George Izard, March 4, 1825. and Izard by John Pope, March 9, 1829. William Fulton followed Pope March 9, 1835. and held the o£&ce until Arkansas became a State. Robert Crittenden was secretary of State (nearly all of Miller' s term ' ' acting governor ' ' ), appointed March 3, 1819, and was succeeded in office by William Fulton, April 8, 1829; Fulton was succeeded by Lewis Randolph, February 23, 1835. George W. Scott was appointed Territorial auditor August 5, 1819, and was succeeded by Richard C. Byrd, November 20, 1829; Byrd was followed by Emzy Wilson, November 5, 1831; and the latter by Milliam Pelham, November 12, 1833, his successor being Elias N. Conway, July 25, 1835. James Scull, appointed treasurer August 5, 1819, was succeeded by S. M. Rutherford. Novem- ber 12, 1833, who continued in office until the State was formed. The counties in 1825 had been increased in num- ber to thirteen: Arkansas, Clark, Conway, Chicot, Crawford, Crittenden, Lawrence, Miller, Hemp- stead, Independence, Pulaski, Izard and Phillips. The territory was divided into four judicial cir- cuits, of which William Trimble, Benjamin John- son, Thomas P. Eskridge and James Woodson Bates were, in the order named, the judges. The delegates in Congress from Arkansas Territory were James W. Bates, 1820-23; Henry W. Conway, 1823-29; Ambrose H. Sevier, 1829-36. The Territorial legislature, in common with all other legislatures of that day. passed some laws which would have been much better not passed, and others that remained a dead letter on the books. Among other good laws which were never enforced was one against duelling. In 1825 Whigs and Democrats allowed party feelings to run high, and some bloody duels grew out of the heat of cam- paigns. Robert Crittenden and Hemy W. Conway fought a duel October 29, 1827. At the first fire Conway fell mortally wounded and died a fortnight thereafter. December 4, 1837, John Wilson, who, it will be noticed, figured prominently in the preceding record of the Territorial assemblies, was expelled from the house of representatives, of which body he was speaker, for killing J. J. Anthony. A constitutional convention, for the purpose of arranging for the Territory to become a State in the Union, was held in Little Rock, in January, 1836. Its duty was to jii-epare a suitable constitution and submit it to Congress, and, if unobjectionable, to have an act passed creating the State of Arkan- sas. John AVilson was president, and Charles P, Bertrand, secretary, of the convention. Thirty- five counties were represented by fifty-two members. June 15, 1836, Arkansas was made a State, and the preamble of the act recites that there was a population of 47,700. The first State legislature met September 12 to November 8, 1836, later adjourning to November 6, 1837, and continued in session until March 5, 1838. The president of the senate was Sam C. Roane; secretary, A. J. Greer; the speaker of the house was John Wilson (he was expelled and Grandison D. Royston elected) ; clerk, S. H. Hemp- stead. The second constitutional convention, held January 4 to January 23, 1864, had as president, John McCoy, and secretary, R. J. T. White. This convention was called by virtue of President Lin- coln's proclamation. The polls had been opened chiefly at the Federal military posts, and the major- ity of delegates were really refugees from many of the counties they represented. It simply was an informal meeting of the Union men in response to the Pi'esident's wish, and they mostly made their own credentials. The Federal army occupied the HIST(JI{V OF ARKANSAS. 39 Arkansas River and points north, \vhik> the south portion of the State was held by the Confederates. It is said the convention on important legal ques- tions was largely influenced by Hon. T. D. W. Yonly, of Pulaski County. The convention prac- tically re-euacted the constitution of 18ii6, abolished slavery, already a fact, and created the separate office of lieutenant-governor, instead of the former ex-officio president of the senate. The machinery of State government was thus once more in oper- ation. The convention wisely did its work and adjourned. The next constitutional convention was held January 7 to February 18, 1868. Thomas M. Bowen was president, and John G. Price, secretary. The war was over and the Confederates had re- turned and were disposed to favor the constitution which they found the Unionists had adopted in their absence, and was then in full force in the State. Isaac Murphy (Federal) had been elected governor under the constitution of 1864, and all the State offices were under control of the Union- ists. His term as governor would expire in July, 1868. This convention made sweeping changes in the fundamental laws. The most prominent were the disfi-anchisement of a large majority of the white voters of the State, enfranchising the negroes, and providing for a complex and plastic system of reg- istration. This movement, and its severe character throughout, were a part of the reconstruction measures emanating from Congress. Arkansas was under military rule and the constitution of 1864, and this condition of affairs, had been ac- cepted by the returned conquered Confederates. But the Unionists, who had fled to the Federal military posts for protection, were generally eager to visit their vanquished enemies with the severest penalties of the law. A large part of the intel- ligence and tax payers of the State were indis- criminately excluded from the polls, and new vot- ers and new men came to the front, with grievances to be avenged and ambitions to be gratified. The unusual experiment of the reversal of the civic conditions of the ex-slaves with their former mas- ters was boldly undertaken. Impetuous men now prevailed in the name of patriotism, the natural reflex swing of the pendulum — the anti-climax was this convention of reconstruction to the convention of secession of 1861. The connection between these two conventions — 1861-1868 — is so blended that the convention of '61 is omitted in its chro- nological order, that the two may be set properly side by side. March 4, 1861, a State convention assembled in Little Rock. The election of delegates was on February 18, preceding. The convention met the day Abraham Lincoln was inducted into oflice as president of the United States. The people of Arkansas were deeply concerned. The conserva- tive minds of the State loved the Union as sin- cerely as they regretted the wanton assaults that had been made upon them by the extremists of the North. The members of that convention had been elected with a view to the consideration of those matters already visible in the dark war-clouds lowering upon the country. The test of the un- ion and disunion sentiment of that body was the election of president of the convention. Judge David Walker (Union) received forty votes against thirty-five votes for Judge B. C. Totten. Hon. Henry F. Thomasson introduced a series of con- servative resolutions, condemning disunion and looking to a convention of all the States to ' ' settle the slavery (juestion " and secure the perpetuation of the Union. The resolutions were passed, and the convention adjourned to meet again in May fol- lowing. This filled the wise and conservative men of the State with great hopes for the future. Bul^ most unfortunately, when the convention again met war was already upon the country, and the ordinance of secession was passed, with but one negative vote. The few days between the adjourn ment and reassembling of the convention had not made traitors of this majority that liad so recent- ly .condemned disunion. The swift-moving events, everywhere producing consternation and alarm, called out determined men. and excitement ruled the hour. The conventions of 18()1 and iSOb- sece.ssion and reconstruction I When the long - gathering cloud-burst of civil war had passed, it left a cen- 40 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. tury's trail of broken hearts, desolated homes, ruined lives, and a stream of demoralization over- flowiug the beautiful valleys of the land to the mountain tops. The innocent and unfortunate ne- gro was the stumbling-block at all times. The con- vention of 1861 would have founded an empire of freedom, buttressed in the slavery of the black man; the convention of 1868 preferred to rear its great col- umn of liberty upon the ashes of the unfortunate past: in every era the wise, conservative and patriotic sentiment of the land was chained and bound to the chariot-wheels of rejoicing emotion. Prudence and an intelligent insight into the future alone could prevent men from " losing their reason." The constitution of 1868, as a whole, was not devoid of merit. It opened the way for an age of internal improvements, and intended the establish- ment of H liberal pulilic free school system, and at the same time provided safeguards to protect the public treasury and restrain reckless extravagance. Then the legislatures elected under it, the State officers, and the representatives in the upper and lower Congress, were in political accord with the dominant party of the country. Gen. Grant was president; Powell Clayton, governor; Robert J. L. M'hite, secretary of State; J. R. Berry, auditor, and Henry Page, treasurer. The first legislature under the constitution of 18(kS passed most lilieral laws to aid railroads and other internal improve- ments, and provided a system of revenue laws to meet the new order of affairs. During 1869 to 1871 railroad aid and levee bonds to the amount of $10,419,778.74 were issued. The supreme court of the State in after years declared the railroad aid. levee and Halford bonds void, aggregating $8,604,773.74. Before his term of governor had expired. Gov. Clayton was elected United States senator (1871-77), and in 1873 Hon. Stephen W. Dorsey was elected to a like position. The climax and the end of reconstruction in Arkansas will always be an interesting paragraph in the State' s history. Elisha Baxter and Joseph Brooks were the gubernatorial candidates at the election of 1872. Both were Repulilicans. and Brooks was considered one of the most ardent of that i)arty. Baxter was the nominee of the party and on the same ticket with Grant, who was can- didate for president. Brooks was nominated on a mixed ticket, made up by disaffected Republicans, but on a more liberal platform toward the Demo- crats than the regular ticket. On the face of the first retiu-ns the Greeley electors and the Brooks ticket were in the majority, but when the votes were finally canvassed, such changes were made, from illegal voting or bulldozing it was claimed, as to elect the Grant and Baxter tickets. Under the constitution of 1868, the legislature was de- clared the sole judge of the election of State officers. Brooks took his case before that body at its Jan- uary term, 1873 — at which time Baxter was in- augurated — but the assembly decided that Baxter was elected, and, whether right or wrong, every one supposed the question permanently settled. Brooks however, went before the supreme court (McClure being chief justice), that body promptly deciding that the legislature was by law the proper tribunal, and that as it had determined the case its action was final and binding. Bax- ter was inaugurated in January, 1873; had been declared elected by the proper authorities, and this had been confirmed by the legislature, the action of the latter being distinctly approved by the supreme court. The adherents of Brooks had supposed that they were greatly wronged, but like good citizens all acquiesced. Those who had politically despised Brooks — perhaps the majority of his voters — had learned to sym- pathize with what they believed were his and their mutual wrongs. Baxter had peacefully ad- ministered the office more than a year, when Brooks went before Judge John Whytock, of the Pulaski circuit court, and commenced quo warranto proceedings against Baxter. The governor's at- torneys filed a demurrer, and the case stood over. Wednesday, April 15, 1874, Judge Whytock, in the absence of Baxter's attorneys, overruled the de- murrer, giving judgment of ouster against Baxter, and instantly Brooks, with an officei', hastened to the State house, demanded the surrender of the office, and arrested Baxter. Thus a stroke of the pen by a mere circuit court judge in banc plunged the State into tumult. HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 41 Couriers sped over the city, and the flying news gave the people a genuine sensation. Indeed, not only Baxter but the State and the nation received a great surprise. As soon as Baxter was released, though only under arrest a few minutes, he fled to St. John's College, in the city, and from this headquarters called for soldiers, as did Brooks from the State house, and alas, poor Arkansas! there were now again two doughty governors beating the long roll and swiftly forming in the ranks of war. Brooks conv^Vted the State bouse and grounds into a garrison, while Baxter made headquarters at the old Anthonj' Hotel, and the dead-line be- tween the armed foes was Main Street. Just in time to prevent mutual annihilation, though not in time to prevent bloodshed, some United States soldiers arrived and took tip a position of armed neutrality between the foes. If there can be anything comical in a tragedy it is furnished just here in the fact that, in the twinkling of an eye, the adherents and voters of the two governors had changed places, and each was now fighting for the man whom he had opposed so vehemently. And in all these swift changes the supreme court had shown the greatest agility. By some remarkable legerdemain, Brooks, who was intrenching himself, had had his case again placed before the supreme court, and it promptlj' leversed itself and decided that the circuit court had juris- diction. The wires to Washington were kept hot with messages to President Grant and Congress. The whole State was in dire commotion with • ' mus- tering squadrons and clattering cars. ' ' The fre- quent popping of picket guns was in the land; a steamboat, laden with arms for Baxter, was at- tacked and several killed and many wounded. Business was again utterly prostrated and horrors brooded over the unfortunate State; and probably the most appalling feature of it all was that in the division in the ranks of the people the blacks, led by whites, were mostly on one side, while the whites were arrayed on the other. Congress sent the historical Poland Committee to investigate Arkansas affairs. President Grant submitted all legal questions to his attorney-general. The President, at the end of thirty days after the forcible possession of theofiice, sustained Bax- ter— exit Brooks. The end of the war. the cli- max of reconstruction in Arkansas, had come. Peace entered as .swiftly as had war a few days be fore. The sincerity and intensity of the people's happiness in this final ending are found in the fact that when law and order were restored no one was impeached, no one was imprisoned for treason. The report of the Poland Committee, 1874. the written opinion of Attorney- General Williams, the decision of the Arkansas supreme court by Judge Samuel W. Williams, found in Vol. XXIX of Arkansas Reports, page 173, and the retiring mes- sage of Governor Baxter, are the principal records of the literature and history of the reign of the dual governors. The students of law and history in coming time will turn inquiring eyes with curious interest upon these official pages. The memory of "the thirty days" in Arkansas will live forever, propagating its lessons and bearing its warnings; the wise moderation and the spirit of forbearance of the people, in even their exult ing hour of triumph, will be as beacon light.s shining out upon the troubled waters, transmit- ting for all time the transcendent fact that in the hour of supreme trial the best intelligence of the people is wiser than their rulers, better law- givers than their statesmen, and incomparably superior to their courts. The moment that President Grant officially spoke, the reconstruction constitution of 180S was doomed. True, the people had moved almost in mass and without leadership in 1873, and had repealed Article YIII of the constitution, disfran- chising a large part of the intelligent tax- payers of the State. The constitutional convention of 1874, with the above facts fresh before it, met and promul- gated the present State constitution. G. D. Roy- ston was president, and T. W. Newton, secr(>tary. The session lasted from July 14 to October 31, 1874. From the hour of its adoption the clouds rolled away, and at once commenced the present unexampled prosperity of the State. Only here and there in Little Rock and other points in the State ■I'i HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. may one see the mute but eloquent mementos of the past, in the dilapidated buildings, confiscated during the lifetime of some former owner, may- hap, some once eminent citizen, now in his grave or self expatriated from a State which his life and genius had adorned and helped make great. Municipalities and even small remote districts are paying off the last of heavy debts of the "flush times. ' ' Long suffering and much chastened State and people, forgetting the past, and full of hope for the future, are fitly bedecking (though among the youngest) the queenliest in the sisterhood of States. In this connection it will bo of much interest to notice the names of those individuals, who, by reason of their association with various public affairs, have become well and favorably known throughout the State. The term of service of each incumbent of the respective offices has been pre- served and is here given. The following table includes the acting Territorial and State governors of Arkansas, with date of inauguration, party pol- itics, etc: -= c = — c a .3^' = Sh Ten iiory a Dale of E-i -1 •§! 2= and State. "S Inauguration. a I-. I's >2 be &S — .2 ^^ -^ James Miller... App't'd March 3, 1810 George Izard... .\pp'ld March 4, 1825, Johu Pope App t'd March 9, 182'.i Wm. Fulton.... Appi'd March i>. 18;j5 J. S. Coiiway.... 1836 .Septeuilier 13, 18:i6 4 yrs. Novemher 4,184ii4 yrs. Dem. I,I02M 7,716 Archibald Tell. 184t Dem. Samuel Adams. Acting Apr. 29 to Nov. 9, 1844 T. S. Drew 1H4 Novenihi-r .'i, IH44 .'» yrs. Dem. 1,731 P 17,.387 J. WUIiamson. Acting Apr. 9 to May 7, 1S40; R, C.Kyid .\ciing Jan. 11 to A|ir. 19, 1»4a'4 yrs. Dem. 3,027 27,867 E. N. Conway.. 1864 November 17, IS.'ifi 4 yrs. Dem. 12,363 43,861 H. M. Rector... 1861, November l.i, 1860 2 yrs. 1. D. 2,461 61.198 T. I'letcher Acting Nov. 4 to Nov. 1,1, 1863 Con. (no re cord ) 11. Flannagin.. IKBi Noveiiiber 15,1863.3 yrs. Con. 10,013 2ii,2<;6 I. Murphy 1864 April 18, 18C,4| led. (no re cord) P. Clayton 1868 July 2, 186SI4 yr.s. Rep. (noie cord 1 0. A. Hadley... Acting January 17, 1871,2 yrs. Rep. (no re cord ) E. Ha.xter 1871! January 6, 1873)2 yrs. Rep. 2,948 80,721 A. H. (iarland. 1874 November 13, 1874 2 yrs. Dem. 76,4.53 W. R. Miller.... 1876 January 11, I877|2 yrs. Dem. 32,315 108,633 W. R. Miller.... 1878 January 17, 1879|2 yrs. Dem. 88,7311 T. .1. Churchill 1880 .lanuary 1.1,1881 3 yrs. Dem. .52,761 115,(119 .T. 11. Herry 1882 January 1.3. I88;j 2 vrs. Dem. 28,481 147,169 n. T. Emiiry... Acting .Sep, 25 to Sep. 30,1883 S. P. Hughes... 1884 January 17, 1885 2 yrs. 45,236 166,310 J. W. Staylon.. Acting S. P. Hugl.es... 1886 2 yrs. Dem. 17,411 163,889 D. E. Barker... Acting J. P. Eagle 1888 2 yrs. Dem 15.O0C 187,.-!97 *fiperiiil plection. The secretaries of Arkansas Territory have been : Robert Crittenden, appointed March 3, 1819; "William Fulton, appointed April 8, 1820; Lewis Randol|>h, appointed February 23, 1835. Secretaries of State: Robert A. Watkins, September 10, 1836, to November 12, 1840; D. B. Greer, November 12, 1840, to May 9, 1842; John Winfrey, acting. May 9, to August 9, 1842; D. B. Greer, August 19, 1840, to September 3, 1859 (died); Alexander Boileau, September 3, 1829, to January 21, 1860; S. M. Weaver, January 21, 1860, to March 20, I860; John I. Stirman, March 24, 1860, to November 13, 1862; O. H. Gates, November 13, 1862, to April 18, 1864; Robert J. T. White, Provisional, from January 24, to January 6, 1873; J. M, Johnson, January 6, 1873, to No- vember 12, 1874; B. B. Beavers, November 12, 1874, to January 17, 1879; Jacob Frolich, January 17, 1879, to January, 1885; E. B. Moore, January, 1885, to January, 1889; B. B. Chism (present in- cumbent). Territoriiil auditors of Arkansas: George W. Scott, August 5, 1810, to November 20, 1829; Richard C. Byrd, November 20, 1829, to Novem- ber 5, 1831; Emzy Wilson, November 5, 1831, to November 12, 1833; William Pelham, November 12, 1833, to July 25, 1835; Elias N. Conway, July 25, 1835, to October 1, 1836. Auditors of State: Elias N, Conway, October I, 1836, to May 17, 1841; A. Boileau, May 17, 1841, to July 5, 1841 (acting); Elias N. Conway, July 5, 1841, to January 3, 1849; C. C. Danley, January 3, 1849, to September 16, 1854 (resigned); W. li. Miller, September 16, 1854, to January 23, 1855; A. S. Huey, January 23, 1855, to January 23, 1857; W. R. Miller, January 23, 1857, to March 5, 1860; 11. C. Lowe, March 5, 'i860, to January 24, 1861 (acting); W. E. Miller, January 24, 1861, to ApiillS, 1864; J. R. Berry, April 18, 1864, to Oc- tober 15, 1866; Stephen "Wheeler, January 6, 1873, to November 12, 1874; W, R. Miller, October 15, 1866, to July 2, 1868: John Crawford, January II, 1877, to January 17, 1883; A. W. Files, Jan- uary, 1883, to January, 1887; William R. Miller (died in office), January, 1887, to November, 1887; W. S. Dunlop, appointed November 30, 1887, to ,k HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 43 January, 1889; W. S. Dunlop, January, 188U (present incumbent). Territorial treasurers: James Scull, August 15, 1819, to November 12, 1833; S. M. Rutherford, November 12, 1833, to October 1, 1836. State treasurers: W. E. Woodruff. October 1, 1836, to November 20, 1838; John Hutt, November 20, 1838, to February 2, 1843; John C. Martin, Febriiary 2, 1843, to January 4, 1845; Samuel Adams, January 4, 1845, to January 2, 1849; Will- iam Adams, January 2, 1849, to January 10, 1849; John H. Crease. January 10, 1849, to January 26, 1855; A. H. Rutherford, January 27, 1855, to Feb- ruary 2, 1857; J. H. Crease, February 2, 1857, to February 2. 1859 ; John Quindley, February 2, 1859, to December 13, 1860 (died); Jared C. Martin, December 13, 1860, to February 2, 1861; Oliver Basham, February 2, 1861, to April 18, 1864; E. D. Ayers, April 18, 1864, to October 15, 1866; L. B. Cunningham, October 15, 1866, to August 19, 1867 (removed by military); Henry Page, August 19, 1867 (military appointment), elected 1868 to 1874 (resigned); R. C. Newton, May 23, 1874, to November 12, 1874; T. J. Churchill, November 12, 1874, to January 12, 1881; W. E. Woodruff, Jr., January 12, 1881, to January, 1891. Attorneys-general: Robert W. Johnson, 1843; George C. Watkins, October 1, 1848; J. J. Critten- den, February 7, 1851; Thomas Johnson, Septem- ber 8, 1856: J. L. Hollowell, September 8, 1858: P. Jordon, September 7. 1861; Sam W. Williams, 1862; C. T. Jordan, 1864; R. S. Gantt, January 31, 1865; R. H. Deadman, October 15, 1866; J. R. Montgomery, July 21, 1S6S; T. D. W. Yonley, Jan- uary 8, 1873; J. L. Witherspoon, May 22, 1874; Simon P. Hughes, November 12, 1873, to 1876; W. F. Henderson, January 11, 1877, to 1881; C. B. Moore, January 12, 1881, to 1885; D. W. Jones, January, 18S5, to 1889; W. E. Atkinson. January, 1889 (present incumbent). Commissioners of immigration and of State lands: J. M. Lewis, July 2. 1868; W. H. Grey, October 15, 1872; J. N. Smithee, June 5, 1874. These officers were succeeded by the commis- sioner of State lands, the first to occupy this position being J. N. Smithee, from November 12, 1874, to November 18, 1878; D. W. Lear, October 21, 1878, to November, 1882; W. P. Campbell, October 30, 1882, to March, 1884; P. M. Cobbs, March 31, 1884, to October 30, 1890. Superintendents of public instruction: Thomas Smith, 1868 to 1873; J. C. Corbin, July 6, 1873; G. W. Hill, December 18, 1875, to October, 1878; J. L. Denton, October 13, 1875, to October 11, 1882; Dunbar H. Pope, October 1 1 to 30, 1882; W. E. Thompson, October 20, 1882, to 1890. Of the present State officers and members of boards, the executive department is first worthy of attention. This is as follows: Governor. J. P. Eagle; secretary of State, B. B. Chism; treasiu-er, William E. Woodniff, Jr.; attorney-general, W. E. Atkinson; commissioner of State lands, Paul M. Cobbs; superintendent public instruction, W. E. Thompson; State geolo- gist, John C. Brauner. Board of election canvassers: Gov J. P. Eagle, Sec. B. B. Chism. Board of commissioners of the common school fund: Gov. J. P. Eagle, Sec. B. B. Chism, Supt. W. E. Thompson. State debt board: Gov. J. P. Eagle: Aud. W. S. Dunlop, and Sec. B. B. Chism. Penitentiary board — commissioners: The Gov- ernor; the attorney -general, W. E. Atkinson, and the secretary of State. Lessee of penitentiary: The Arkansas Indus- trial Company. Printing board: The Governor, president; W. S. Dunlop, auditor, and W. E. Woodruff, Jr., treasurer. Board of railroad commissioners (to assess and equalize the railroad property and valuation within the State): The Governor, secretary of State and State auditor. Board of Trustees of Arkansas Medical College: J. A. Dibrell, M. D., William Thompson. M. D.. William Lawrence, M. D. The Arkansas Stiite University, at Fayetteville. has as its board of trustees: \\. M. Fishback, Fort Smith; James Mitchell, Little Rock; W. B. Welch. Fayetteville; C. M. Taylor. South Bend; B. F. Avery, Camden; J. W. Kessee. Latour; Gov. 44 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Eagle, ex -officio: E. H. Murfree, president, A. I. U. ; J. L. Cravens, secretary. Of the Pine Bluff Normal, the president is J. Corbiu, Pine Bluff; the board is the same as that of the State University. Board of dental surgery: Dr. L. Augspath, Dr. H. C. Howard, Dr. M. C. Mar.'^hall. Dr. L. O. Roberts, and Dr. X. N. Hayes. State board of health: Drs. A. L. Brey- sacher, J. A. Dibrell, P. Van Patten, Lorenzo K. Gibson, W. A. Cantrell, V. Bruusou. Board of municipal corporations: Ex-officio — The Governor, secretary of State and State auditor. Board of education: The Governor, secretary of State and auditor. Board of review for donation contests: The Governor, auditor of Slate and attorney-general. Board of examiners of State script: The Gov- ernor, secretary of State and auditor. Reference to the presidential vote of Ai'kansas, fi'om the year 1836 up to and including the elec- tion of 1888, will serve to show in a general way the political complexion of the State during that period. The elections have resulted as follows:* 1836— Van Buren (D), 2,400; Harrison (W), 1,162; total 3,638. 1840— Harrison (W), 5,160; Van Buren (D), 6,049; Birney (A), 889; total 11,209. 1844 Polk (D), 8,546; Clay (W), 5,5C4; total 15,050. 1848— Taylor (W), 7,588; Cass (D), 9,300; total 16.888. * Scattering votes not given. 1852— Pierce (D). 12,170; Scott, 7,404; total 19,577. 1856— Buchanan (D), 21,910; Fillmore, 10,787; total 32,697. 1860 — Douglas (D), 5,227; Breckenridge, 28,532; Bell, 20,297. 1864 -No vote. 1868-Grant (K), 22,112; Seymour, 19.078: total 41.190. 1872— Grant (R), 41.377; Greeley, 37.927; total 79,300. 1876— Tilden (D), 58,360; Hayes (R). 38.669; total 97,029. 42,435; Hancock (D), 72,927; Blaine, 50,895; 58,752; Cleveland (D), 1880— Garfield (R), 60,475; total, 107,290. 1884— Cleveland (D). total, 125,669. 1888— Harrison (R), 88,962; Fisk, 593; total, 155,968. In accepting the vote of Arkansas, 1876, objec- tion was made to counting it. as follows: "First, because the official returns of the election in said State, made according to the laws of said State, show that the persons certified to the secretary of said State as elected, were not elected as electors for President of the United States at the election held November 5, 1876; and, sec- ond, because the returns as read by the tellers are not certified according to law. The objec- tion was sustained by the Senate but not sus- tained by the House of Representatives." * "^KS-)ii2V^* * f- -|^ A HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 45 '-^ lifttmi ¥. Advancement of the State— Misconceptions Removed— Effects of Slavery upon AoiticrLTURE- EXTRAOKDINARY IMPROVEMENT SINCE THE War— ImPOUTANT SUGGESTIONS— COMPARATIVE Estimate of Products— Growth of the Manufacturing Interests- Wonderful Showing of Arkansas— Its Desirability as a Place of Residence— State Elevations. Look forwaril what's to ooiiie, and l)ack what's past; Thy life will be with praise and prudence graced; What loss or gain may follow thou may'st guess, Then wilt thou be secure of the success. — Denham. EFORE entering directly up- on the subject of the mate- rial life and growth of Arkan- sas, it is necessary to clear away at the threshold some of the obstructions that have lain in its pathway. From the earliest settlement slav- ^M WT^ P^^ ^^y existed, and the nergo slave was brought with the tirst agricultural communities. Slave labor was profitable in but two things — cotton and sugar. Arkansas was north of the sugar cane belt, but was a splendid field for cotton growing. Slave labor and white labor upon the farms were never congenial associates. These things fixed rigidly the one road in the agricultui'al progress of the State. What was therefore the very richness of heaven's bounties, became an incubus upon the general welfare. The fertile soil returned a rich reward even with the slovenly applied energies of the slaves. A man could pay perhaps $1,000 for a slave, and in the cotton field, but really nowhere else, the investment would yield an enormous profit. The loss in waste, or ill directed labor, in work carelessly done, or the want of preparation, tools or machinery, or any manner of real thrift, gave little or no concern to the average agriculturist. For personal comfort and large returns upon invest- ments that required little or no personal attention, no section of the world ever surpassed the United States south of the 36° of north latitude. Wealth of individuals was rated therefore by the number of slaves one possessed. Twenty hands in the cot- ton field, under even an indifferent overseer, with no watchful car« of the master, none of that saving frugality in the farming so imperative elsewhere upon farms, returned every year an income whicn would enable the family to spend their lives trav- eling and sight-seeing over the w'orld. The rich soil required no care in its tilling from the owner. It is the first and strongest principle in human na- ture to seek its desires through the least exertion. To raise cotton, ship to market and dispose of it, purchasing whatever was wanted, was the inevi- table result of such conditions. This was by far the easiest mode, and hence manufactures, diversity of farming or farming pursuits, were not an impera- tive necessity — indeed, they were not felt to be ne- cessities at all. The evil, the blight of slavery :7- 46 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. upon the whites, was well understood by the intel- ligence of the South, by even those who had learned to believe that white labor could not and never would be prolitable in this latitude; that — most strange! the white man who labored at manual lal)or, must be in the severe climate and upon the stubborn New England soil. It was simply effect following cause which made these people send off their childi'en to school, and to buy their every want, both necessaries and luxuries — importing hay, corn, oats, bacon, mules, horses and cattle even from Northern States, when every possible natural ad- vantage might be had in producing the same things at ho-ne. It was the easiest and cheapest way to do. In the matter of dollars and cents, the destroying of slavery was, to the farmers of the Upper Missis- sippi Valley, a permanent loss. Now the New South is beginning to send the products of its farms and gardens even to Illinois. The war, the abolition of slavery, the return of the Confederates to their desolated homes, and their invincible courage in rolling up their sleeves and going to work, and the results of their labors seen all over the South, form one of the grandest disjalays of the development of the latent forces of the great American people that can be found in history. There is not a thing, not even ice, but that, in the new social order of Arkansas, it can produce for its own use quite as well as the most favored of Northern States. The one obstruction in the way of the completed triumph of the State is the lingering idea among farmers that for the work of raising cotton, black labor is better than white. This fallacy is a companion of the old notion that slavery was necessary to the South. Under proper Huspices these two articles of Arkansas — cotton iuul lumber — alone may make of it the most pros- perous State in the Union ; and the magician's wand to transform all this to gold is in securing the intelligent laborer of the North, far more than the Northern capital prayed for by so many. The North lias its homeless millions, and the recent lessons in the opening of Oklahoma should be promptly appreciated by the people of this State. For the next decade to manufacture every pound of cotton raised in the State, as. well as husbanding and man- ufacturing all the lumber fi-om these grand old for- ests, is to solve the questions in the race of State prosperity and general wealth among the people. When free labor supplanted slave labor what a won- derful advance it gave the whole section; when in- telligent skilled labor supplants ignorance and un- skilled labor, what a transcendent golden epoch will dawn. There is plenty of capital to-day in the State, if it was only jjut in proper co-operative form, to promote the establishment of manu- factories that would liberally reward the stock- holders, and make them and Arkansas the richest people in the world. Such will attract hundreds of thousands of intelligent and capable wage workers from tlie North, from all over the world, as well as the nimble-witted farm labor in the gardens, the orchards, the fields and the cotton plantations. This will bring and add to the present profits on a bale of cotton, the far richer dividend on stocks in fac- tories, banks, railroads and all that golden stream which is so much of modern increase in wealth. The people of Arkansas may just as well have this incalculable abundance as to not have it, and at the same time pay enormous premiums to others to come and reap the golden harvests. Competent labor- ers — skilled wage workers, the brawn and brain of the land — are telling of their unrest in strikes, lockouts, combinations and counter combinations; io short, in the conflict of labor and capital, they are appealing strongly to be allowed to come to Arkansas — not to enter the race against ignorant, incapable labor, but simply to find employment and homes, where in comfort and plenty they can rear their families, and while enriching themselves to return profits a thousand fold. Don't fret and mope away your lives looking and longing for capi- tal to enter and develop your boundless resources. Capital is a royal good thing, but remember it is even a better thing in your own pockets than in some other piu-sou's. Open the way for proper, useful labor to come and find emj)loyment ; each department, no matter how small or humble the beginning, once started will grow rapidly, and the problem will have been solved. Onlj^ by the North taking the raw product of the South and putting it in the hands of skilled labor has their enormous k_ -—4-^.. HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 47 capital been secured. The protits on high priced Labor will always far excel that oa ignorant or cheap workmen. The time is now when this kind of labor and the small farmers and gardeners are awaiting a bidding to enter Arkansas. When the forlorn hope returned from the late war, they met the stern necessity, and demonstrated the fact that here, at least, the people can create their own capi- tal. Let them now anticipate the future by this heroic triumph of the past. The Gods help those only who help themselves. "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves." To the Northern home- seeker the thing of tirst importance is to tell of the temperate climate at all seasons, and its extraordinary healthfulness, cur- ing him of the false idea spread so wide that the topography of the State is seen from the decks of steamers, or on the lines of railroad which are built along the .swamps and slashes, mostly on ac- count of the easy grades on these lines. Then show from the records the low rate of taxation and the provisions of the law by which high taxation is for- ever prevented. From this preliminary may be unfolded to him some of the wonderful natural re- sources which are awaiting development. Here both tongue and pen will fall far short of telling all or nearly all. In climate, health, soil, timber, minerals, coal, rocks, clays, marls, sand, navigable streams, mineral and fresh waters, Arkansas may challenge any similar sized spot on the globe. It has more miles of navigable streams than any other State in the Union, and these are so placed as to give the whole territory the advantages thereof, as though the engineers had located them. It has unequaled water power — the Mammoth Spring alone furnishing enough water power to propel all the machinery west of the Mississippi River. The topograj)hy of the State is one of its most inviting features. Its variety in this respect is only equaled by the diversity of its soils. The traveler who in approaching this section concludes that it consists chiefly of swamp bottoms, and water-covered slashes, may readily learn from the records that three-quarters of the State's .surface is uplands, ranging from the gentle swells of prairie and woodland to the grandly beautiful mountain scen- ery; and on the mountain benches, and at the base, are as rich and beautiful valleys as are kissed by the rays of the sun in his season's round. Take the whole range of agricultural products of Ohio, Ind- iana, Illinois and Kansas, and all can lie produced (piite as well in Arkansas as in any of these States. In the face of this fact, for more than a genera- tion Arkansas raised scarcely any of the products of these Northern communities, but importeil such as it had to have. It could not spare its lands from the cultivation of the more profitable crops of cotton. In a word, the truth is the State was bur- dened with natural wealth — this and slave labor having clogged the way and impeded its progress. With less labor, more cotton per acre and ])erhand, on an average, has been produced in Arkansas than in any other Southern State, and its quality has been such as to win the prize wherever it has been en- tered in competition. Its reputation as a fruit- growing State is not excelled. In the New Orleans Exposition, in California. Ohio and everywhere en- tered, it has taken the premium over all competi- tors. Its annual rainfall exceeds that of any South - era State, and it cannot, therefore, suffer seriously from drouths. There is not a spot upon the globe which, if isolated from all outside of its limits, could .sustain in health and all the civilized comforts a population as large as might Arkansas. Fifty thousand people annually come hither and are cured, and yet a general nebulous idea prevails among many in the North that the health ^ 1860 261 $ 305,045 812 30 $150,876 554,240 fi73,96i 925,358 8 215 789 $ 537,908 2,880,-578 4,629,234 6,756,159 1860 518 1,316,610 1,782,913 2,953,130 1,831 3,077 4,307 46 1/280.M3 2,506,998 4,392,080 1870 1,070 47 fi? 1880 1,202 90 160 Ideas of values are most easily reached by com- parisons. The following figures, taken from offi- cial government reports, explain themselves: Value of Farms. Machinery Live Stock. Producls. $ 74,249,6.55 105,932.541 507,430,227 235,178,631 193,724,260 $ 4.637,497 7,8211,915 29,371,884 9,734.6.34 13,089,783 8 20.472,426 3.3,440,26.1 124.71,5,103 S43 796 ''6* 31,708,914 36,103.073 Minnesota , 31,904,821 49,468,967 The products are the profits on the capital in- vested. Words can add nothing to these figures in demonstrating the superiority of Arkansas as an agricultural State, except the explanation that Southern farming is yet more or less carried on under the baneful influences of the days of slavery, unintentional indifference and the absence of watchful attention by the proprietor. Cotton grows finely in all parts of this com- monwealth and heretofore in two-thirds of its terri- tory it has been the main crop. In the fertile bottoms the product per acre has reached as high as 2,000 pounds of seed cotton, while on the uplands it runs fi-om 600 to 1,000 pounds. The census of 1880 shows that Arkansas produces more cotton per acre, and at less expense, than any of the so-called cotton States. In 1880 the yield was TjOS. 256 bales, grown on 1,042,970 acres. That year Georgia raised 814,441 bales, on 2,617,138 acres. The estimated cost per acre of raising cot- ton is $0. It will thus be seen that it cost $9,444,972 in Georgia to raise 256,185 more bales of cotton than Arkansas had grown — much more than double the land to produce less than one- fourth more cotton. Less than one-twentieth of the cotton land of the latter State has been brought under cultivation. The superiority of cotton here is attested by the fact that the greatest cotton thread manufact- urers in the world prefer the Arkansas cotton to any other in the market. The product has for years carried off the first prizes over the world's competition. The extra census bulletin, 1880, gives the yield of corn, oats and wheat products in Arkansas for that year as follows: Corn, 24,156,517 bushels; oats, 2,219.824 bushels; wheat, 1,269,730 bushels. Remembering that this is considered almost ex- clusively a cotton State, these figures of the cereals will be a genuine surprise. More wheat is grown by 40, 000 bushels and nearly three times as much corn as were raised in all New England, according to the official figures for that year. From the United States agricultural reports are obtained these interesting statistics concerning the money value of farm crops per acre: Corn. Rye. 0at«. Potatoes.! Hay. Illinois 1 6 77 8 80 11 52 6 44 7 52 7 91 11 SI $ 6 64 7 30 9 08 5 98 5 16 7 32 9 51 $ 6 46 $30 32 5 92i ;«) 08 7 90 34 4S 6 12 37 40 5 34 43 .50 5 78i 28 08 11 07 78 631 1 7 66 7 66 Ohio 9 85 17 TO 14 95 Arkansas 33 94 The following is the average cash value per acre on all crops taken together: Maine $13 51 New Hampshire.... 13 .56 Vermont 11 60 Massachusetts 26 71 Hhoile Island 29 32 Connecticut 10 82 New York 14 15 New Jersey 18 05 Penns3'lvania 17 68 Delaware 15 80 Maryland 17 82 VirC'inia 10 91 Xorlh Carolina $10 79 Soiilh Carolina 10 Oil Georf;ia 10 35 Florida 8 52 Alabama 13 49 Mississippi 14 76 Louisiana 22 40 Arkansas 20 40 Tcnne.ssee 12 39 West Vir same, if not better, tobacco soil, than the most favored districts of Cuba. The yield of tobacco, in 1880, was 970,230 pounds. Yet so little attention or experiment has been given the sul)ject that an experimental knowledge of the State's resources in this respect cannot be claimed to have been gained. In 1880 the State produced: Barley, 1,952 bushels; buckwheat, 548 bushels; rye, 22,387 bushels; hay. 23,295 tons; Irish potatoes, 492,627 bushels; sweet potatoes, 881,260 bushels. From the census reports of the same year are gleaned the following: Horses, total, 146.333 mules and asses, 87,082; working oxen, 25,444 milch cows, 249,407; other cattle, 433,392; sheep 246,757; swine, 1,565,098; wool, 557,368 pounds milk, 316,858 gallons; butter, 7,790,013 pounds cheese, 26,310 pounds. All parts of the State are finely adapted to stock-raising. The excellence and abundance of pure water, the heavy growth of blue grass, the cane brakes and abundant mast, sustain the animals dui'ing most of the winter in marketable condition. In respect to all domes- tic animals here are presented the same conditions as in nearly every line of agriculture — cheapness of growth and excellence of quality. The improvement in cattle has been retarded by the now conceded fact that the "Texas fever" is asserted by some to be seated in the State. This affects Northern cattle when imported, while it has no effect on native animals. Except for this unfortunate reality there would be but little time lost in developing here the great dairy industry of the country. But good graded cattle are now being raised in every portion, and so rich is the locality in this regard that in stock, as in its fniits, care and attention will ])roduce new varieties of unrivaled excellence. Arkansas is the natural home and breeding ground of animals, all growing to groat perfection, with loss care and the least cost. Taxes here are not high. The total taxation in Illinois in 1880, assessed on real and personal property, as per census reports, for State, county and all civil divisions less than counties, was $24,586,018; the same year in Arkansas the total tax was $1,839,090. Farm lands are decreasing in value in Illinois nearly as fa.st as they are in creasing in Arkansas. The total taxation in the United States in 1880 was the enormous sum of $312,750,721. Northern cities are growing, while their rural population is lessening. The reverse of this is the best for a State. The source of ruin to past nations and civilizations has all arisen from an abuse of the taxing powers. Excessive taxation can only end in general ruin. This simple but great lesson should be instilled into the minds of all youths, crystallized into the briefest maxim, and written over every threshold in the land; hung in the porches of every institution of learning; imprinted upon every plow handle and emblazoned on the trees and jutting rocks. The State that has taxed its people to build a $25. - 000,000 State house, has given deep shame to the intelligence of this age. Taxes are the insidious destroyer of nations and all liberty, and it is only those freemen who jealously guard against this evil who will for any length of time maintain their independence, equality or manhood. The grade proiilo of the Momj)his Route shows the elevations of the various cities and towns along that line to be as follows in feet, the datnna plane being tide water of the Gulf of Mexico: Kansas City, 765; Rosedale, 825; Merriam, 900; Lenexa. 1,040: Olathe, 1.060: Bonita. 1,125: Ocheltree, 1,080; Spring Hill, 1.020; Hillsdale. 900; Paola, 800; Pendleton, 855; Fontana, 925; La Cygne, 840; Barnard, 810; Pleasanton, 865; Miami, 910; Prescott, 880; Fulton. 820: Ham- mond, 875; Fort Scott, 860; Clarksburg, 885; Garland, 865; all in Kansas; Arcadia, 820; Liberal, 875; lantha, 990; Lamar, 1,000: Keno- ma, 980; Golden City, 1,025; Lockwood, 1,065; South Greenfield, 1,040; Everton. 1,000; Ash ; Grove. l,02(t: Boisd'Arc. 1.250; Campbells, 1,290; Nichols Junction, 1,280; Springfield, 1.300; Tur- ner, 1,210; Rogersville, 1,475; Fordland, 1,600; Seymour, 1,680; Cedar Gap, 1,685; Mansfield, 1,520; Norwood, 1.510; Mountain Grove. 1.525; Cabool, 1,250; Sterling, 1,500; Willow Springs, 1,400; Burnham, 1,360; Olden, 1,280; West Plains, 950; Brandsville. 1,000; Koshkonong, 970; Thayer, last point in Missouri, 575; Mammoth I Spring. Ark., 485; Afton, 410; Hardy, 370; Willi- ford, 330; Ravenden, 310; Imboden, 300; Black Rock, 290; Portia, 285; Hoxie, 295; Sedgwick, 270: Bonnerville, 320; Jonesboro, 275; Nettleton, 250; Big Bay Siding, 250; Hatchie Coon, 250; Marked Tree, 250; Tyronza, 240; Gilmore, 225; Clarketon, 240; Marion, 235; West Memphis, 200; Memphis, 280. flllfli. ♦^v-^* Politics— Importance of the Subject— The Two Old Schools of Politicians— Triumph of the Jacksonians— Early Prominent State Politicians— The Great Question of Secession —The -State Votes to Join the Confederacy— Horror of the War Period— The Recon.struction Distress— The Baxtek-Brooks Embroglio. In knots tliej- sUmd, or in a rank they walk. Serious in aspect, earnest iu their talk; Factions, and favouring this or t'other side, As their weak fancy or strong reason guide.— Lri/den. N one sense there is no portion of the history of ^'iSrk'"^ Arkansas more instructive ^&:f~ than its political history, because in this is the key to the character of many of its institutions, as well as strong indications of the trend of the pulilic mind, and the characteris- tics of those men who shaped public affairs and controlled very largely in ,^ M iy the State councils. ^^^^ Iinmodiately upon the formation of the Territorial government, the Presi- dent of the United States sent to Ar- kansas Post Gov. James Miller, Robert Crittenden, secretary, and C. Jouett, Robert P. Letcher and Andrew Scott, judges, to organize the new Territorial government. Gov. Miller, it seems, gave little attention to his office. and therefore in all the early steps of formation Crittenden was the acting governor; and from the force of character he possessed, and his superior strength of mind, it is fair to conclude that he dominated almost at will the early public affairs of Arkansas. This was at the time of the beginning of the political rivalry between Clay and Jackson, two of the most remarkable types of great political lead- ers this country has produced — Henry Clay, the superb; "Old Hickory," the man of iron; the one as polished a gem as ever glittered in the political heavens — the other the great diamond in the rough, who was of the people, and who drew his followers with bands of steel. These opposites wore destined to clash. It is well for the country that they did. Robert Crittenden was a brother of John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky, and by some who knew him long and well he was deemed not only his ^' HISTORY OF ARKANSAS 53 brother's peer, but in many respects his intellect- ual superior. It goes without the saying, he was a born Whig, who, in Kentucky's snp«r-loyal fash- ion, had Clay for his idol, and, to put it mildly, Jackson to dislike. President Monroe had appointed the first Terri- torial officers, but the fact that Crittenden was secretary is evidence that polities then were not running very high. Monroe was succeeded in 1824 by John Quincy Adams. It would seem that in the early days in Arkansas, the Whigs stood upon the vantage grounds in many important respects. By the time Adams was inaugurated the war political to the death between Clay and Jackson had begun. But no man looked more care fully after his own interests than Jackson. He had large property possessions just across the line in Tennessee, besides property in Arkansas. He induced, from his ranks in his own State, some young men of promise to come to Arkansas.- The prize now was whether this should be a Whig or Democratic State. President Adams turned out Democratic officials and put in Whigs, and Robert Crittenden for a long time seemed to hold the State in his hand. Jackson's superiority as a leader over Clay is manifested in the struggles between the two in Arkansas. Clay's followers here were men after his fashion, as were Jackson's men after his mold. Taking Robert Crittenden as the best type, he was but little inferior to Clay himself in his magnetic oratory and purity of prin- ciples and public life; while Jackson sent here the Seviers, Conways and Rectors, men of the people, but of matchless resolution and personal force of character. No two great commanders ever had more faithful or able lieutenants than were the respective champions of Old Hickory and Harry of the West, in the formative days of the State of Arkansas. The results were, like those thoughout the Union, that Jackson triumphed in the hard strife, and Arkansas entered the Union, by virtue of a bill introduced by James Buchanan, as a Jackson State, and has never wavered in its political integrity. As an evidence of the similarity of the con- tests and respective leaders of the two parties here to those throughout the country, it is only necessary to point out that Crittenden drew to his following such men as Albert Pike, a genius of the loftiest and most versatile gifts the country has so far produced, while Jackson, ever supplying reinforcements to his captains, sent among others, as secretary of the Territory, Lewis Randolph, grandson of Thomas Jefferson, and whose wife was pretty Betty Martin, of the White House, a niece of Jackson's. Randolph settled in H(>mp- stead County when it was an unbroken wilder- ness, and his remains are now resting there in an unknown grave. Clay, it seems, could dispatch but little addi- tional force to his followers, even when he saw they were the hardest pressed by the triumphant onemj'. There was not much by which one could draw comparisons between Clay and Jackson — unless it was tiieir radical difference. As a great ora- tor. Clay has never been excelled, and he lived in a day when the open sesame to the world's de- lights lay in the silver tongue; but Jackson was a hero, a great one, who inspired other born heroes to follow him even to the death. Arkansas was thus started permanently along the road of triumphant democracy, from which it never would have varied, except for the war times that Ijrought to the whole country such con- fusion and political chaos. Being a Jackson State, dominated by the blood of the first governor of Tennessee — Gen. John Sevier, a man little in- ferior to Jackson himself — it was only the most cruel circumstance that could force the State into secession. When the convention met on the 4th of March, 1861, " on the state of the Union," its voice was practically unanimous for the Union, and that body passed a series of as loyal resolu- tions as were ever penned, then adjourning to meet again in the May following. The conven- tion met May 0, but the war was upon the coun- try, and most of the Gulf States had seceded. Every one knew that war was inevitable: it was already going on. bnt very few realized its immen- sity. The convention did not rush hastily into secession. An ordinance of secession was intro- duced, and for days, and into the nights, run- 54 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ning into the small liours, the matter was delib- erated upoa — no prelimiuary test vote was forced to an issue. Delegates were present in anxious attendance from the Carolinas, Alabama and Georgia. They knew that the fate of their action largely depended upon the attitude of Arkansas. If Arkansas voted no, then the whole secession mov(!ment would receive a severe blow. The after- noon before the final vote, which was to take place in the evening, these commissioners from other States had made up their minds that Arkansas might possil)ly vote down secession. When the con- vention adjourned for supper, they held a hurried consultation, and freely expressed their anxiety at the outlook. It was understood that the dis- cussion was closed, and the night session was wholly for the purpose of taking a vote. All was uncertainty and intense excitement. Expressions of deepest attachment to the Union and the old flag were heard. The most fiery and vehement of the secessionists in the body were cautious and deliberative. There was but little even of vehe- ment detestation of the abolitionists — a thing as natural then for a Southern man to despise as hatred is natural to a heated brain. At a late hour in the evening, amid the most solemn silence of the crowded hall, an informal vote was taken. All except six members voted to secede. A suppressed applause followed the announcement of the vote. A hurried, whispered conference went on, and the effort was made to have the result unanimous. Now came the final vote. When the name of Isaac Muri)hy, afterward the military governor, was reached, it was passed and the roll call continued. It was so far unani- mous, with Mr. Murphy's name .still to call. The clerk called it. Mr. Murphy arose and in an earnest and impressive manner in a few words ex- plained the dilemma he was in. but said, "I cannot violate my honest convictions of duty. I vote 'No.'" When the day of reconstruction began, at first it was under the supervision of the military, and it is yet the greatest pity that Congress did not let the military alon(> to rehabilitate the States they had conquered. Isaac Murphy was made governor. No truer Union man lived than he. He knew the people, and his two years of government were fast curing the wounds of war. But he was turned out of ofi&ce. The right to vote compels, if it is to be other than an evil, some correct and intelligent under- standing of the form of government prevailing in the United States, and of the elementary prin- ciples of political economy. The ability to read and write, own property, go to Congress or edit a political jDaper, has nothing to do with it, no more than the color of the skin, eyes or hair of the voter. The act of voting itself is the sovereign act in the economic affairs of the State; but if the govern- ment under its existing form is to endure, the average voter must understand aad appreciate the fundamental principles which, in the providence of God, have made the United States the admira- tion of the world. Arkansas, the Democratic State, was in political disquiet from 1861 to 1874 — th? beginning of the war and the end of reconstruction. When in the hands of Congress it was returned at every regular election as a Republican party State. The lirief story of the political Moses who led it out of the wilderness is of itself a strange and interesting commentary on self government. When the war came there lived in Batesville Elisha Baxter, a young lawyer who had been breasting only financial misfortunes all his life. Utterly failing as a farmer and merchant, he had been driven to study law and enter the practice to make a living. An honest, kind-hearted, good man, loving his neighbor as himself, but a patriot every inch of him, and loving the Union above all else, his heart was deeply grieved when he saw his adopted State had declared for secession. He could not be a diaunionist, no more than he could turn upon his neighbors, friends and fellow-citi- zens of Arkansas. He determined to wash his hands of it all and remain quietly at home. Like all others he knew nothing of civil war. His neighbors soon drove him from his home and family, and, to save his life, he went to the North- ern army, then in Southern Missouri. He was welcomed and offered a commission in the Federal 3 ♦ < ' Societies, State Institutions, etc.— The Ku Klux Klan— Independent Order of Odd Fellows- .Vncient, Free and Accepted Masons— Grand Army of the Reitislic- Bureau of Mines- Arkansas Agricultural Association.?— State Horticultural Society— The Wheel —The State Capital— The Capitol Building— State Librarie.s— State Medical Society— State Board of Health— Deaf Mute Institute —School for the Blind— Arkansas Lunatic Asylum— Ar- kansas Industrial University— The State Debt. Heaven forming each on other to depend. A master, or a servant, or a friend. Bids each on other for assistance call, Till one man's weakness grows the strength of all. -Pope. 'I'.CRET societies are a form of social life and expressiou which, in some mode of existence, antedate even authentic his- tory. Originally a manner of securing defense from the common enemies of tribes and peoples, they have developed into social and eleemosynary insti- tutions as advances in civilization have been made. At first they vpere but a severe necessity, and as that time slowly passed away, they became a luxury and a pleasure, having peculiar and strong attrac- tion to nearly all men. That part of one's nature which loves to lean upon others for aid, even in the social scale, finds its expression in some of the many forms of societies, clubs, organizations or institutions that now pervade nearly all the walks of life. In every day existence, in business, church, state, politics and pleasure, are societies and organizations every- where — for the purposes of gain, charity and comfort — indeed, for the sole purpose of finding something to do, would be the acknowledgment of many a society motto. The causes are as diversi- fied as the bodies, secret and otherwise, are numerous. The South furnishes a most remarkable instance of the charm there is in mystery to all men, in the rise and spread of the Ku Klux Klan, a few years ago. Three or four yoimg men, in Columbia, Tenn., spending a social evening together, con- cluded to organize a winter's literary society. All had just returned from the war, in which they had fought for the ' ' lost cause, ' ' and found time hanging dull upon them. Each eagerly caught at the idea of a society, and soon they were in the intricacies of the details. Together, from their sparse recollections of their schoolbooks, they evolved the curious name for the society. The name suggested to them that the sport to be derived from it might be increased by making it a secret society. The thing was launched upon this basic idea. In everything connected with it each one was fertile it seems in adding mystery to mys- tery in their meetings and personal movements. -—-¥■ HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ■01 The initiation of a new member was made a grand and rollicking affair. So complete had the mem- bers occasioned their little innocent society to be a mystery, that it became in an astonishingly brief time a greater enigma to themselves than even to outsiders. It swiftly spread from the village to the county, from the county to the State, and over -ran the Southern States like a racing prairie fire, changing in its aims and objects as rapidly as it had grown. From simply frightening the poor night-prowling darkeys, it became a vast and uncontrollable semi-military organization; inflict- ing punishment here, and there taking life, until the State of Tennessee was thrown into utter con- fusion, and the military forces were called out; large rewards were ofPered for the arrest even of women found making any of the paraphernalia of the order. Government detectives sent to pry into their secrets were slain, and a general reign of terror ensued. No rewards could induce a mem- ber to betray his fellows; and the efPorts of the organizers to control the storm they had raised, were as idle as the buzzing of a summer fly. Thousands and thousands of men belonged to it. who knew really little or nothing about it, and who to this day are oblivious of the true history of one of the most remarkable movements of large bodies of men that has ever occurred in this or perhaps any country. It was said by leading members of the order that they could, in twenty- four hours, put tens of thousands of men in line of battle, all fully armed and equipped. It was indeed the "Invisible Empire." By its founders it was as innocent and harmless in its purposes as a Sunday-school picnic, yet in a few weeks it spread and grew until it overshadowed the land — but little else than a bloody, headless riot. The imagina- tions of men on the outside conjured up the most blood-curdling falsehoods as to its doings; while those inside were, it seems, equally fertile in schemes and devices to further mystify people, alarm some and terrify others, and apparently the wilder the story told about them, the more they would enjoy it. Its true history will long give it rank of first importance to the philosophic and careful, painstaking historian. Among societies of the present day, that organization known as the Independent Order of Odd Fellows is recognized as a prominent one. The Grand Lodge of the order in Arkansas was organ- ized June 11, 1819. Its first past grand master was John J. Horner, elected in 1854. His succes- sors to date have been as follows : James A. Henry, 1858 ; P. O. Hooper, 1859-1800 ; Richard Bragg, Sr., 1802; Peter Brugman, 1807, 1868, 1871; Isaac Eolsom, 1873; Albert Cohen, 1874; John B. Bond, 1876; E. B. Moore, 1878; James S. Holmes, 1880: Adam Clark, 1881 ; W. A. Jett, 1882 ; James A. Gibson, 1884 ; George W. Hurley. 1885 ; H. S. Coleman, 1886, and A. S. Jett, 1887. The pres- ent able ofi&cers are K. P. Holt, grand master: J. P. Woolsey, deputy grand master; Louis C. Lincoln, grand warden ; Peter Brugman, grand secretary; H. Ehrenbers, grand treasurer; H. S. Coleman, grand representative; A. S. Jett, grand representative; Rev. L. B. Hawley, grand chap- lain; John R. Richardson, grand marshal; J. G. Parker, grand conductor; "William Mosby, grand guardian ; VV. J. Glenn, grand herald. In the State there are eighty-two lodges and a total mem- bership, reported by the secretary at the October meeting, 1888, of 2,023. The revenue from sub- ordinate lodges amounts to $13,832, while the relief granted aggregates $2,840. There were sixteen Rebekah lodges organized in 1887-88. The Masonic fraternity is no less influential in the affairs of every part of the country, than the society just mentioned. There is a tradition — too vague for reliance — that iMasonry was introduced into Ai'kansas by the Spaniards more than 100 years ago, and that therefore the first lodge was established at Arkansas Post. Relying, however, upon the records the earliest formation of a lodge of the order was in 1819, when the Grand Lodge of Kentucky granted a dispensation for a lodge at Arkansas Post. Robert Johnson was the first mas- ter. Judge Andrew Scott, a Federal judge in the Territory, was one of its members. But before this lodge received its charter, the seat of govern- ment was removed to Little Rock, and the Arkan- sas Post lodge became extinct. No other lodge was attempted to be established until 1836, when a) V Al <5 w. -^ 58 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. a dispensation was granted Washington Lodge No. 82, at Fayetteville, October 3, 1837. Onesimus Evans, was master; James McKissick. senior wai'- den; Matbew Leeper, jtinior warden. In 1 838 the Grand Lodge of Louisiana granted the second dispensation for a lodge at Arkansas Post— Morning Star Lodge No. 42; the same year granting a charter to Western Star Lodge No. 43, at Little Rock. Of this Edward Cross was master; Charles L. Jeffries, senior warden; Nicholas Peay, junior warden. About this time the Grand Lodge of Alabama granted a charter to Mount Horeb Lodge, of Washington, Hempstead Count}'. November 21, 1838, tliese four lodges hold a convention at Little Rock and formed the Grand Lodge of Arkansas. The representatives at this convention were: From Washington Lodge No. 82, of Fayetteville, Onesimus Evans, past master; Washington L. Wil- son, Robert Bedford, Abraham ANhinnery, Richard C. S. Brown, Samuel Adams and Williamson S. Oldham. From Western Star Lodge No. 43, of Little Bock, William Gilchrist, past master; Charles L. Jeffries, past master; Nicholas Peay. past master; Edward Cross, past master; Thomas Parsol. Alden Sprague and John Morris. From Morning Star Lodge No 42, of the Post of Arkansas, John W. Pullen. From Mount Horeb Lodge, of Washington, James H. Walker. Allen M. Oakley, Josej)!] \V. Mc- Kean and James Trigg. Of this convention John Morris, of Western Star Lodge No. 43, was made secretary. Mi-. Morris is still living (1889), a resident of Auburn, Sebastian County, and is now quite an old man. Mr. John P. Karns, of Little Rock, was in attendance at the convention, although not a dele gate. These two are the only ones surviving who were present on that occasion. The Grand Lodge organized by the election of William Gilchrist, grand master; Onesimus Evans, d(»pnty grand master; James H. ^^'alker, grand sen- ior warden; Wa.shington L. Wilson, grand junior warden; Alden Sprague, grand treasurer, and George C. Watkins, grand secretary. The constituent lodges, their former charters be- ing extinct by their becoming members of a new jur- isdiction, took new numbers. Washington Lodge, at Fayetteville, became No. 1; Western Star, of Little Rock, l)ecame No. 2; Morning Star, of the Post of Arkansas, became No. 3, and Mount Horeb, of Washington, became No. 4. Of these Wash- ington No. 1, and Western Star No. 2, are in vig- orous life, but Morning Star No. 3, and Mount Horeb No. 4, have become defunct. From this beginning of the four lodges, with a membership of probably 100, the Grand Lodge now consists of over 400 lodges, and a member- ship of about 12,000. The following are the ofiBcers for the present year: R. H. Taylor, grand master, Hut Springs; J. W. Sorrels, deputy grand master. Farmer, Scott County; D. B. Warren, grand lectui'er, Gainesville; \V. A. Clement, grand orator. Rover, Yell County; W. K. Ramsey, grand senior ward- en, Camden; C. A. Bridewell, grand junior ward- en, Hope; George H. Meade, grand treasurer. Lit- tle Rock; Fay Hempstead, grand secretary. Little Rock; D. D. Leach, grand senior deacon, Augusta; Samuel Peete, grand junior deacon, Batesville; H. W. Brooks, grand chaplain, Hope; John B. Baxter, grand marshal, Brinkley; C. C. Hamby, grand sword bearer. Prescott; S. Solmson, senior grand steward, Pine Bluff: A. T. Wilson, junior grand steward, Eureka Springs; J. C. Churchill, grand pursuivant. Charlotte. Independence County: Ed. Metcalf, grand tyler. Little Rock. The first post of the Grand Army of the Repub- lic, Department of Arkansas, was organized under authority from the Illinois Commandery, and called McPherson Post No. 1, of Little Rock. The district then passed undei' command of the Depart- ment of Missouri, and by that authority was or- ganized Post No. 2, at Fort Smith. The Provisional Department of Arkansas was organized June 18, 1883, Stephen Wheeler being department commander, and C. M. Vaughan, adju- tant general. A State encampment was called to meet at Fort Smith. July 11, 1883. Six posts were represented in this meeting, when the following State officers were elected: S. Wheeler, com- \ mander; M. Mitchell, senior vice; R. E. Jackson, junior vice; H. Stone, quartermaster, and the following council: John F. Owen, A. S. Fowler, W. \V. Bailey, A. Walrath, Bonton Turner. There are now seventy- four posts, with a mem- bership of 2,500, in the State. The present offi- cers are: Department commander, A. S. Fowler; senior vice commander, John Vaughan; junior vice commander, E. A. Ellis; medical director, T. G. Miller; chaplain, T. R. Early. The council of administration includes A. A. Whissen, Thomas Boles, W. S. Bartholomew, R. E. Renner and I. B. Lawton. The following were the appointments on the staff of the department commander: Assistant adjutant-general, N.W. Cox; assistant quartermaster-general, Stephen Wheeler; judge advocate, S. J. Evans; chief mustering officer, S. K. Robinson; department inspector, R. S. Curry. Headquarters were established at Little Rock, Ark. There are other bodies in the State whose aims and purposes differ materially fi'om those previously mentioned. Among these is the Arkansas Bureau of Mines, Manufactures and Agriculture, which was organized as a State institution at the session of the legislature in 1889. The governor ap- pointed M. F. Locke commissioner, the latter mak- ing M. W. Manville assistant. They at once pro- ceeded to organize the department and open an office in the State-house.- The legislature appro- priated for the next two years for the bureau the sum of 118,000. This action of the legislature was in response to a demand from all parts of the State, which, growing in volume for some time, culminated in the meeting in Little Rock of numerous promi- nent men, and the organization of the Arkansas State Bureau of Immigration, January 31, 1888. A demand from almost every county prompted Gov. Senior P. Hughes to issue a call for a State meeting. The meeting was composed only of the best representative citizens. Gov. Hughes, in his address, stated that "the State should have an agricultural, mining and manufacturing bureau, which should be a bureau of statistics and immi- gration, also." Hon. Logan H. Roots was elected president of the convention. He voiced the pur- poses of the meeting still further when he said, "We want to educate others on the wealth-mak- ing properties of our State." A permanent State organization was effected, one delegate from each county to constitute a State Board of Immigra- tion, and the following permanent officers were chosen: Logan H. Roots, of Little Rock, presi- dent; Dandridge McRao, of Searcy, vice-president; H. L. Remrael, of Newport, secretary ; George R. Brown, of Little Rock, treasurer; J. H. Clen- dening, of Fort Smith, A. M. Crow, of Arkadel- phia, W. P. Fletcher, of Lonoke, additional exec- utive committee. The executive committee issued a strong address and published it extensively, giv- ing some of the many inducements the State had to offer immigrants. The legislature could not fail to properly recognize such a movement of the people, and so provided for the long needed bu- reau. Arkansas Agricultural Association was organ- ized in 1885. It has moved slowly so far, but is now reaching the condition of becoming a great and prosperous institution. The entire State is soon to be made into sub-districts, with minor organ- izations, at least one in each Congressional district, with a local control in each, and all will become stockholders and a part of the parent concern. A permanent State fair and suitable grounds and fixtures are to be provided in the near future, when Arkansas will successfully vie with any State in the Union in an annual display of its products. , The officers of the Agricultural Association for 1889, are as follows: Zeb. Ward, president. Little Rock; B. D. Williams, first vice-president. Little Rock; T. D. Culberhouse, vice-president First Congressional district; D. McRae, vice president Second Congressional district; W. L. Tate, vice- president Third Congressional district ; J. J. Sump- ter, vice-president Fourth Congressional district; J. H. Vanhoose, vice-president Fifth Congressional district; M. W. Manville, secretary; D.W. Bizzell, treasurer. Arkansas State Horticultural Society was or- ganized May 24, 1879, and incorporated Januarj- 31. 1889. Under its completed organization the » V first fair was held ia Little Rock, commencing Wednesday, May 15, 1889. President, E. F. Bab- cock; secretary, M. AV. Manville; executive com mittee, S. H. Nowlin, chairman, Little Rock; George P. C. Rumbough, Little Rock; Rev. S. H. Buchanan, Little Rock; E. C. Kiuney, Judsonia, and Fred Dengler, Hot Springs, constitute the official board. In 1881 three farmers of Prairie County met and talked over farm matters, and concluded to organize a society for the welfare of the farming community. The movement grew with astonish- ing rapidity. It was organized as a secret, non- political society, and in matters of trade and com- merce proposed to give its members the benefit of combination. In this respect it advocated ac- tion in concert with all labor unions or organiza- tions of laborers. A State and National organiza- tion was effected, and the sub-organizations, ex- tending to the smallest school districts, were re- quired to obtain authority and report to the State branch and it in return to the National head. Thus far its originators sought what they believed to be the true co-operative method in their business af- fairs. The next object was to secure beneficial legis- lation to farmers — each one to retain his polit- ical party affiliations, and at the ballot-box to vote for either farmers or those most closely identified with their interests as might be found on the respective party tickets. The officers of the National society are: Isaac McCracken, president. Ozone, Ark., and A. E. Gardner, secretary and treasurer, Dresden, Tenn. The Arkansas State "Wheel officers are: L. P. Featherstone, president, Forrest City; R. H. Morehead, secretary, White Chapel, and W. H. Quayle, treasurer, Ozan. The scheme was inviting to honest farmers and the humble beginning soon grew to be a most pros- perous society — not only extending over the State, but reaching boldly across the line into other States. When at the zenith of its prosperitj', it is estimated there were 60,000 members of the order in A rkansas. This was too tempting a pros- pect for the busy political demagogues, and to the amazement of the better men in the society, they soon awoke to the fact that they were in the hands of the wily politicians. It is now estimated that the ranks in Arkansas are reduced to 20,000 or less — all for political causes. The movement now is to purge the society of politics and in the near future to meet the Farmer's Alliance in St. Louis, and form a combination of the two societies. It is hoped by this arrangement to avoid the dema- gogues hereafter, and at the same time form a strong and permanent society, which will answer the best interests of the farming community. As stated elsewhere, the location of a capital for Arkansas early occupied the attention of its citizens. On November 20, 1821, William Rus- sell and others laid off and platted Little Rock as the future capital of the Territory and State. They made a plat and a bill of assurances thereto, subdividing the same into lots and blocks. They granted to Pulaski County Lots 3 and 4 in trust and on the conditions following, viz. : ' ' That the said county of Pulaski within two years" should erect a common jail upon said Lots 3 and 4. Out of this transaction grew a great deal of litigation. The fir.st jail was built of pine logs in 1828. It stood until 1837, when it was burned, and a brick building was erected in its stead. This stood for many years, but through the growth of the city, it in time became a public nuisance and was condemned, and the location moved to the present site of the stone jail. The Territory was organized by Congress in 1819, and the seat of government located at the Post of Arkansas. In the early part of 1820 arose the question of a new site for the seat of government, and all eyes turned to Pulaski County. A capital syndicate was formed and Little Rock Bluff fixed upon as the future capital. The one trouble was that the land at this point was not yet in market, and so the company secured ' ' sunk land scrip" and located this upon the selected town site. The west line of the Quapaw Indian reser- vation struck the Arkansas River at "the Little Rock" and therefore the east line of the contem- plated capital had to be west of this Quapaw line. This town survey "west of the point of rocks, 9 \- M HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. r.i immediately south of the Arkansas River, and west of the Quiipaw line," was surveyed and re- turned to the recorder at St. Louis as the new town site and Territorial capital — called Little Rock. The dedication of the streets, etc. , and the plat as laid off, was dated November 10, 1821. Grounds were given for a State house, and other public buildings and purposes, and for " the permanent seat of justice of said county (Pulaski)" was ded- icated an entire half square, ' ' bounded on the north by Markham Street and on the west by Spring Street and on the south by Cherry (now Second) Street" for court house purposes. In return the county was to erect a court house and jail on the lots specified for these purposes, ' ' within ten years from the date hereof. ' ' A market house was to be erected by the city on Lots 4 and 5, Block 99. The latter in time was built on these lots, the upjjer story containing a council chamber, which was in public use until 1864, when the present city hall was erected. By an act of the legislature, October 24, 1821, James Billingsly, Crawford County, Samuel C. Roane, Clark County, and Robert Bean, Inde- pendence County, were appointed commissioners, " to fix on a proper place for the seat of justice of the County of Pulaski;" the act further specify- ing ' ' they shall take into consideration donations and future divisions." Th"^ latter part of the sentence is made still more important by the fact that at that time the western boundary of Pulaski County was 100 miles west, at the mouth of Petit Jean, and the eastern boundary was a few miles below Pine Bluff. October 18,1820, the Territorial seat of govern- ment was removed from the Post of Arkansas to the Little Rock, the act to take effect June 1, 1821. It provided ' ' that there shall be a bond » » * for the faithful performance of the promise and good faith by which the seat of government is moved. ' ' In November, 1821 , about the last of the belong- ings of the Territorial capital at the Post were removed to Little Rock. It was a crossing point on the river of the government road leading to Missouri, and the place had often been designated as the "Missouri Crossing," but the French had generally called it Arkapolis. During the short time the Territorial capital was at Arkansas Post, no effort was made to erect public buildings, as from the first it was under- stood this was but a temporary location. When the capital camo to Little Rock a one-story double log house was liuilt, near the spot where is now the Presbyterian Church, or near the corner of Scott and Fifth Streets. This building was in the old style of two rooms, with an open space between, but all under the same roof. In 1826 the log building was superseded by a one-story frame. March 2, 1831, Congress authorized the Territory to select ten sections of land and appro- priate the same toward erecting capitol buildings; and in 1832 it empowered the governor to lease the salt springs. With these different funds was erected the central building of the present capitol, the old representative hall being where is now the senate chamber. In 1836, when Arkansas became a State, there was yet no plastering in any part of the brick building, and in the assembly halls were plain pine board tables and old fashioned split bottomed chairs, made in Little Rock. In 1886,at the remarkably small cost of $35,000, were added the additions and improvements and changes in the capitol buildiug, completing it in its present form. And if the same wisdom con- trols the State in the future that has marked the past, especially in the matter of economy in its public buildings, there will be only a trifling additional expenditure on public Viuildings during* the next half century. The State buildings are sufiicient for all public needs; their plainness and cheapness are a pride and glory, fitting monuments to the past and present generation of rulers ami law makers, testifying to their intelligence and integrity. The State library was started March 3, 1838, at first solely as a reference and exchange medium. It now has an annual allowance of $100, for pur- chasing books and contains 25,000 volumes, really more than can suitably be accommodated. The Supreme Court library was established in January, 1851. It has 8,000 volumes, including 02 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. all the reports iind tlio leading law works. The fees of attorneys' license upon admission to the bar, of ten dollars, and a dollar docket fee in each case in court, constitute the fund provided for the library. The State Medical Society, as now constituted, was formed in May. 1875. It held its fourteenth annual session in 1889, at Pine Bluff. Edward Bentley is the acting president, and L. P. Gibson, secretary. Subordinate societies are formed in all parts of the State and are represented by regular delegates in the general assemblies. In addition to the officers for the current year above given are Z. Orts, assistant secretary, A. J. Vance, C. S. Gray, B. Hatchett and W. H. Hill, vice presidents in the order named. The State Board of Health was established by act of the legislature, March 23, 1881. It is com- posed of six commissioners, appointed by the gov- ernor, "a majority of whom are to be medical grad- uates and of seven years ' practice in the profes- sion. " The board is required to meet once in every three months. The secretary is allowed a salary of $1,000 per annum, but the others receive no compensation except traveling expenses in the discharge of official duties. The present board is composed of Dr. A. L. Breysacher, president ; Dr. Lorenzo R. Gibson, sec- retary ; Doctors J. A. Dibrell, P. Van Patton, W. A. Cantrell and V. Brunson. The beginning which resulted in the present elegant State institution for deaf mutes was a school established near the close of the late war, in Little Rock, by Joseph Mount, an educated mute, who gathered a few of those unfortunate ones together and taught a private school. The State legislature incorporated the school and made a small provision for it, July 17, 18(58, the attendance that year being four pupils. The buildings are on the beau- tiful hill just west of the Union Depot, the im- provement of the grounds being made in 1869. . The attendance in 1870 was 48 pupils, which in the last session' s report, 1888, reached the number of 109; and the superintendent, anticipating an at- tendance for the current two years of 150, has solicited appropriations accordingly. The board of trustees of the Deaf Mute Insti- tute includes: Hon. George E. Dodge, president; Col. S. L. Griffith, vice-president; Maj. R. H. Par- ham, Jr., secretary; Hon. W. E. WoodiufF, treas- urer; Maj. George H. Meade and Col. A. R. Witt. The officers are: Principal, Francis D. Clarke; instructors: John W. Michaels, Mrs. I. H. Carroll, Miss Susan B. Harwood, Miss Kate P. Brown, Miss Emma Wells, S. C. Bright; teacher of articulation, Miss Lottie Kirkland. Mrs. M. M. Beattie is matron; Miss Luciuda Nations, assistant ; Miss Clara Abbott, supervises the sewing, and Mrs. Amanda Harley is housekeeper. The visiting phy- sician is J. A. Dibrell, Jr. , M. D. ; foreman of the printing office, T. P. Clarke; foreman of the shoe shop, U. G. Dunn. Of the total appropriations asked for the current two years, $80,970, $16,570 is for improvements in buildings, grounds, school apparatus, or working departments. The Arkansas School for the Blind was incor- porated by act of the legislature, February 4, 1859, and opened to pupils the same year in Arkadel- phia. In the year of 1868 it was removed to Little Rock, and suitable grounds purchased at the foot of Center Street, on Eighteenth Street. This is not an asylum for the aged and infirm, nor a hospital for the treatment of disease, but a school for the young of both sexes, in which are taught literature, music and handcraft Pupils between six and twenty-sis years old are received, and an oculist for the purpose of treating pupils is a part of its benefits; no charge is made for board or tuition, but fi'iends are expected to fur nish clothing and traveling expenses. It is estimated there are 300 blind of school age in the State. The legislature has appro- priated $140 a year for each pupil. On this allow- ance in two years the steward reported a balance unexpended of $1,686.84. In 1886 was appro- priated $6,000 to build a workshop, store-room, laundry and bake-oven. In 1860 the attendance was ten — five males and five females; in 1802, seven males and six females. The year 1888 brought the attendance up to fifty males and fifty- two females, .or a total of 102. During the last two years six have graduated here— three in the r^ industrial department, and three in the industrial and literary department. Four have been dis- missed on account of recovered eyesight. The trustees of the school are: J. R. Right- sell, S. M. Marshall, W. C. Ratcliffe, J.W. House, and D. G. Fones; the superintendent being John H. Dye. Another commendable institution, carefully providing for the welfare of those dethroned of reason, is the Arkansas State Lunatic Asylum, which was authorized by act of the legislature of 1873, when suitable grounds were purchased, and highly improved, and buildings erected. The in stitution is three miles west of the capitol and one- half mile north of the Mount Ida road. Eighty acres of ground were originally purchased and enclosed and are now reaching a high state of improve- ment. The resident population of the asylum at present is 500 souls, and owing to the crowded conditions an additional eighty acres were pur- chased in 1887, making in all 160 acres. A care- ful inquiry shows there are in the State (and not in the asylum, for want of room) 198 insane persons, entitled under the law to the benefits of the insti- tution. Of the 411 patients in the asylum in 1888, only four were pay patients. John G. Fletcher, R. K. Walker, A. L. Brey- sacher, John D. Adams and William J. Little are trustees of the institution, while Dr. P. O. Hooper is superintendent. In 1885 the legislature made an appropriation of $92, 500 for the erection of additional buildings and other needed improvements. This fund was not all used, but the remainder was returned into the State treasury. The total cuiTent expenses for the year 1887 aggregated $45, 212. 00. The current expenses on patients the same year were $29, 344. 80. The comfort of the unfortunates — the excellence of the service, the wholesome food given them, and at the same time the minimum cost to the tax payers, prove the highest possible commendation to those in charge. The Arkansas Industrial University is the prom- ise, if not the present fultilhnont, of one of the most important of State institutions. It certainly deserves the utmost attention from the best people of the State, as it is destined to become in time one of the great universities of the world. It should be placed in position to be self-supporting, be- cause education is not a public pauper and never can be permanently successful on charity. Any education to be had must be earned. This law of nature can no more be set aside than can the law of gravitation, and the ignorance of such a simple fact in statesmen and educators has cost our civili- zation its severest pains and penalties. The industrial department of the institution was organized in June, 1885. The act of incor- poration provided that all males should work at manual labor three hours each day and be paid therefor ton cents an hour. Seven thousand dollars was appropriated to equip the shops. Prac- tical lalior was defined to be not only farm and shop work, but also surveying, drawing and labor- atory practice. Mechanical arts and engineering became a part of the curriculum. The large major- ity of any people must engage in industrial pur- suits, and to these industrial development and enlightenment and comfort go hand-in-hand. Hence the real people's school is one of manual training. Schools of philosophy and literature will take care of themselves; thit)kof a school (classical) endeavoring to train a Shakespeare or Burns! To have compelled either one of these to gi-aduate at Oxford would have been like clipping the wings of th(f eagle to aid his upward flight. In the edu- cation at least of children nature is omnipotent and pitiless, and it is the establishment of such train- ing schools as the Arkansas Industrial University that gives the cheering evidence of the world'l progress. In its continued prosperity is hope for the near future; its failure through ignorance or bigotry in the old and worn out ideas of the dead past, will go far toward the confirmation of the cruel cynicism that the most to be pitied animal pell-melled into the world is the new-born babe. The University is situated at Fayetteville, Washington County. It was organized by act of the legislature, based on the "Land Grant Act" of Congress of 1802, and supplemented by liberal donations from the State, the County of Wash- ington, and the city of Fayetteville. The school r 04 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. was opened in 1872. March 30, 1877, the legisla- ture passed the act known as the " Barker Bill," which made nearly a complete change in the pur- view of the school and brought prominently for- ward the agricultural and mechanical departments. "To gratify our ambitious" [but mistaken] ' ' youth, ' ' says the prospectus, ' ' we have, under Section 7 of the act, provided for instruction in the classics." Under the act of Congress known as the '•Hatch Bill," an Agricultural Experimental Sta- tion has been organized. Substantial buildings are now provided, and the cost of board in the in- stitution is reduced to $8 per month. The attend- ance at the present time is ninety-six students, and steps are being taken to form a model stock- farm. The trustees, in the last report, say: " We recommend that girls be restored to the privi- leges of the institution." The law only excludes females from being beneficiaries, and females may still attend as pay students. A part of the University is a branch Normal School, established at Pine Bluff, for the purpose of educating colored youth to be school teachers. These Normal Schools have for some years been a favorite and expensive hobby in most of the Northern States. There is pi'obably no question that, for the promotion of the cause of education among the negroes, they offer unusual attractions. The following will give the reader a clear com- prehension of the school and its purposes. Its departments are: Mechanic arts and engineering, agriculture, experiment station, practical work. English and modern languages, biology and geology, military science and tactics, mathematics and logic, prepara- tory department, drawing and industrial art, and music. To all these departments is now added the med- ical department, located at Little Rock. This branch was founded in 1871, and has a suitable building on Second Street. The tenth annual course of lectures in this institution commenced October 3, 1888; the tenth annual commencement being held March 8, 1889. The institution is self- supporting, and already it ranks among the fore- most medical schools in the coimtry. The graduat- ing class of 1888 numbered twenty. The State Board of Visitors to the medical school are Doctors W. W. Hipolite, W. P. Hart, W. B. Lawrence, J. M. Keller, I. Folsom. The debt of Arkansas is not as large as a cur- sory glance at the figures might indicate. The United States government recently issued a statis- tical abstract concerning the public debt of this State that is very misleading, and does it a great wrong. In enumerating the debts of the States it puts Arkansas at $12,029, 100. This error comes of including the bonds issued for railroad and levee purposes, that have been decided by the Supreme Court null and void, to the amount of nearly $10, 000, ()()(). They are therefore no part of the State indebtedness. The real debt of the State is 12,111,000, including principal and accumulated interest. There is an amount in excess of this, if there is included the debt due the general government, but for all such the State has counter claims, and it is not therefore estimated in giving the real indebtedness. ^^ HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 65 The Bench and BAR-A^f Analytic View of the Profession of Law-Spanish and French Laws- English Common Law-The Legal Circuit Riders-Territorial Law and Lawyers —The Court Circuits— Early Couiit Ofkicers— Thk Supkkme Court— Promi- nent Members of the State Bknch and Bar— The Standard of the Execution of Law in the State. Laws do not put the least restraint Upon our freedom, but maintain 't; Or it tliey do, 'tis for our good. To give us freer latitude: For wholesome laws preserve us free By stinting of our liberty. — Butler. HE Territory when under Sjiauish or French rule was governed by much the same laws and customs. The home government ap- pointed its viceroys, who were little more than nomi- under the control of the ^ king, except in the general laws '■ of the mother country. The neces- ** sary local provisions in the laws *" were not strictly required to be '^Q submitted for approval to the mas- ,5T-ter powers before being enforced in the colony. Both govern- ments were equally liberal in bestowing the lands upon sub- jects, and as a rule, without cost. But the shadow of feudal times still lingered over each of them, and they had no conception that the real people would want to be small landholders, supposing that in the new as in the old world they would drift into villanage, and in some sense be a part of the possession of the landed aristocracy. Hence, these governments are seen taking personal charge as it were of the colonies; providing them masters and protectors, who, with government aid, would transport and in a certain sense own them and their labor after their arrival. The grantee of cer- tain royal rights and privileges in the new world was responsible to the viceroy for his colony, and the viceroy to the king. The whole was anti-doin- ocratic of course, and was but the continued and old, old idea of " the divine rights of rulers." The commentaries of even the favorite law- writers to-day in this democratic country ar« blurred on nearly every page with that monstrous heresy, "the king can do no wrong" — the gov- erning power is infallible, it needs no watching, no jealous eye that will see its errors or its crimes ; a fetich to be blindly worshiped, indiscriminately, whether it is an angel of mercy or a monster of evil. When Cannibal was king he was a god, with no soul to dictate to him the course he pursued. "The curiosities of patriotism under adversity" just here suggests itself as a natural title-page to one of the most remarkable books yet to be written. The bench and bar form a ver}' peculiar result - romance. These riders often traveled in com- panies of from three to fifteen, and among them would be found the college and law school gradu- ates, and the brush graduates, associated in some cases and opposed in oth(ir8. And here, as in all the walks of life, it was often found that the rough, .self educated men overmatched the graduates in their fiercest contests. While one might understand more of the books and of the learned technicalities of law, the other would know the jury best, and overthrow his antagonist. In the little old log cabin court rooms of those days, when the court was in session, the contest of the legal gladiators went on from the opening to the closing of the term. Generally the test was before a jury, and the people gathered from all the surrounding coun- try, deeply interested in every movement of the actors. This was an additional stimulus to the lawyer politicians, who well understood that their ability was gauged by the crowd, as were their suc- cesses before the jury. Thus was it a combination of the forum and "stump." Here, sometimes in the conduct of a noted case, a seat in Congress would be won or lost. A seat in Congress, or on the "wool sack," was the ambition of nearly every circuit rider. Their legal encounters were fought out to the end. Each one was dreadfully in earn- est — he practiced no assumed virtues in the strug- gle; battling as much at least for himself as his client, he would yield only under compulsion, even in the minor points, and, unfortunately, sometimes in the heat of ardor, the contest would descend from a legal to a personal one, and then the handy duello code was a ready resort. It seems it was this unhappy mixture of law and politics that caused many of these bloody personal encounters. In the pure practice of the law, stripped of polit- ical bearings, there seldom, if ever, came misunder- standings. They must have been a fearless and earnest class of men to brave the hardships of professional life, as well as mastering the endless and involved intricacies of the legal practice of that day. The law then was but little less than a mass of un- meaning technicalities. A successful practitioner required to have at his fingers' ends at least Black- stone' s Commentaries and Chitty's Pleadings, and much of the wonders contained in the Rules of Evidence. Libraries were then scarce and their privations here were nearly as great as in the com- mon comforts for ' ' man and boast. ' ' There have been vast improvements in the simplifying of the practice, the abolition of technical pleadings es- pecially, since that time, and the young attorney of to-day can hardly realize what it was the pio- neers of his profession had to undergo. A judicial circuit at that early day was an im- mense domain, over which the bench and bar regularly made semi-annual trips. Sometimes they would not more than get around to their starting point before it would be necessary to go all over the ground again. Thus the court was almost literally "in the saddle." The saddle-bags were their law offices, and some of them, upon reaching their respective county-seats, would sig- nalize their brief stays with hard work all day in the court-room and late roystering at the tavern bar at night, regardless of the demurrers, pleas, replications, rejoinders and sur-rejoinders, declara- tions and bills that they knew must be confronted on the morrow. Among these jolly sojourners, ' ' during court week ' ' in the villages, dignity and circumspection were often given over exclusively to the keeping of the judge and prosecutor. Cir- cumstances thus made the bench and bar as social a set as ever came together. To see them return- ing after their long journeyings, sunburned and weatherbeaten, having had but few advantages of the laimdry or bathtub, they might have passed for a retm-ning squad of cavalry in the late war. One eccentric character made it a point never to start with any relays to his wardrobe. When he reached home after his long pilgrimage it would be noticed that his clothes had a stuffed appearance. The truth was that when clean linen was needed he bought new goods and slipped them on over the soiled ones. He would often tell how he dreaded the return to his home, as he knew that after his wife attended to his change of wardrobe he was "most sure to catch cold." r'T HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. A On one occasion two members of the bar met at a county seat where court was in session a week. They had cume from opposite directions, one of them riding a borrowed horse seventy miles, while the other on his own horse had traveled over 100 miles. Upon starting home they unwittingly ex- changed horses, and neither discovered the mistake until informed by friends after reaching their des- tination. The horses could hardly have been more dissimilar, but the owners detected no change. It was nearly the value of the animals to make the return exchange, yet each set out, and finally re- turned with the proper horse. No little ingenuity must have been manifested in finally unraveling the great mystery of the affair. Surrounded as they were with all these ill con- ditions, as a body of men they were nevertheless learned in the law, great in the forum, able and upright on the bench. Comparisons are odious, but it is nothing in disparagement to the present generation of courts and lawyers, to say that to be equally great and worthy with these men of the early bench and bar of Arkansas, is to exalt and ennoble the profession in the highest degree. Sixty years have now passed since the first coming of the members of this calling to the State of Arkan.sas. In 1S19 President Monroe appointed James Miller, governor, Robert Crittenden, secre- tary, and Charles Jouitt, Andrew Scott and Robert P. Letcher, judges of the Superior Court, for the new Territory of .\rkansas. All these, it seems, except Gov. Miller, were promptly at the post of duty and in the discharge of their respective offices. In the absence of Mr. Miller, Mr. Crittenden was acting governor. These men not only constituted the first bench and bar, but the first Territorial offi- cials and the first legislature. They were all lo- cated in the old French town of Arkansas Post. The lawyers and judges were the legislative body, which enacted the laws to be enforced in their re- spective districts. At their first legislative session they established but five statute laws, and from this it might be inferred that there wore few and simple laws in force at that time, but the reader will remember that from the moment of the Louis- iana ])urchase all the new territory passed under the regulation and control of the English common law — substantially the same system of laws then governing England. It is a singular comment on American juris- prudence that this country is still boasting the pos- session of the English habeas corpus act, wrung by those sturdy old barons from King John, — a government by the people, universal suffrage, where the meanest voter is by his vote also a sov- ereign, and therefore he protects himself against — whom? — why, against himself by the English habeas corpus act, which was but the great act of a great people that first proclaimed a higher right than was the " divine right of kings. ' ' When these old Englishmen presented the alternative to King John, the writ or the headsman's ax, he very sensi- bly chose the lesser of the two great inconven- iences. And from that moment the vital meaning of the phrase "the divine right of kings" was dead in England. In America, where all vote, the writ of habeas corpus has been time and time again suspended, and there are foolish men now who would gladly resort to this untoward measure, for the sake of party success in elections. There is no language of tongue or pen that can carry a more biting sar- casm on our boasted freemen or free institutions than this almost unnoticed fact in our history. One of the acts of the first legislative session held in August, 1819, was to divide the Territory into two judicial circuits. As elsewhere stated, the counties of Arkansas and Lawrence constituted the First circuit; Pulaski, Clark and Hempstead Coun- ties forming the Second. The judges of the Superior Courts were as- signed to the duties of the different circuits. At the first real Territorial legislature, composed of representatives elected by the people, the Territory was divided into three judicial circuits. The courts, however, for the diffei'ent circuits, were all held at the Territorial capital. There was no cir- cuit riding, therefore, at this time. Judicial circuits and judges residing therein were not a piirt of judiciary affairs until 1823. The judges of the First circuit from that date, with time of appointment and service, were : T. P. Eskridge, \ December 10, 1823; Andrew Scott, April 11, 1827; Sam G. Roane, April 17, 1829-36. The list of prosecuting attorneys includes: AV. B. R. Horner, November 1, 1823; Thomas Hubbard, November 5, 1828, to February 15, 1832; G. D. Royston, September 7, 1833; Shelton Watson, October 4, 1835; A. G. Stephenson, January 23, 1836. Of the Second circuit the judges were: Richard Searcy, December 10, 1823, and J. W. Bates, November, 1825, to 1836; while the prosecuting attorneys were R. C. Oden, November 1, 1823; A. H. Sevier, January 19, 1824 (resigned); Sam C. Roane, September 26. 1826; Bennett H. Martin, January 30, 1831 ; Alssalom Fowler, ; D. L. F. Roy.ston, July 25, 1835; Townsend Dickin- son, November 1. 1823; A. F. May, March 29, 1825 (died in office); W. H. Parrott, April 21, 1827; S. S. Hall, August 31, 1831; J. W. Robert- son, September 17, 1883; E. B. Ball, July 19, 1836. Samuel S. Hall was judge of the Third circuit, serving from December, 1823, to 1836. As pros- ecuting attorneys, are found the names of T. Dick- inson, January 10, 1823; A. D. G. Davis, June 21, 1829; S. G. Sneed, November 11, 1831; David Walker, September 13, 1833; Thomas Johnson, October 4, 1835; W. F. Denton, January 23, 1836. The appointment of Charles Caldwell as judge of the Fourth circuit dates from December 27, 1828; while E. T. Clark, February 13, 1830; J. C. P. Tolleson, February 1, 1831; and W. K. Sebas- tian, from January 25, 1833, served as prosecuting attorneys. The Supreme Court of Arkansas has ever com- prised among its members men of dignity, wisdom and keen legal insight. The directory of these officials contains the names of many of those whose reputation and influence are far more than local. It is as follows: Chief justices: Daniel Ringo, 1836; Thomas Johnson. 1844; George C. Watkins, 1852 (re- signed); E. H. English, 1854 (also Confederate); T. D. W. Yonley. 1864 (Murphy constitution); E. Baxter, 1861 (under Murpliy regime); David Walker, 1866 (ousted by military); W. W. Wil- shire, 1868 (removed); John McClure, 1871, (re- moved); E. H. English, 1874. Sterling' R. (Jock rill is present chief justi- Associato justices: Thomas J. Lacey, 1836: Townsend Dickinson, 1836; George W. Paschal. 1842; W. K. Sebastian, 1843; W. S. Oldham, 1845; Ed ward Cross, 1845; WilliamConway, 1846; C. C. Scott, 1848; David Walker, 1847 and 1874; Thomas B. Hanley, 1858 (resigned); F. I. Batson. 1858 (resigned); H. F. Fairchild, 1860 (died): Albert Pike, 1861 (al.so Confederate); J. J. Clen- denin, 1866 (ousted); T. M. Bowen, 1868; L. Gregg, 1868; J. E. Bennett, 1871; M. L. Steph enson, 1872; E. J. Searle, 1872; W. M. Harrison, 1874; J. T. Bearden, 1874 (appointed); Jesse Tui-ner, 1878; J. R. Eakin, 1878; AV. W. Smith, 1882; B. B. Battle, 1885, re-elected. By law three additional judges were elected April 2, 1889: Simon B. Hughes, W. E. Hemingway and Mont. H. Sandels. Reporters: Albert Pike, N. W. Cox, E. H. English, J. M. Moore, L. E. Barber, B. D. Turner and W. W. Mansfield (present incumbent). Clerks: H. Haral.son, L. E. Barber. N. W. Cox, and W. P. Campbell (in office). Special chief justices: William Story, F. W. Compton, J. L. Witherspoon, S. H. Hempstead. C. B. Moore, Thomas Johnson, R. A. Howard, George A. Gallagher, B. B. Battle. Sam W. Will- iams, A. B. Williams, G. N Cousin, Isaac Strain. N. Haggard, Edward Cross, R. C- S. Brown, L. A. Pindall, Sam C. Roane, George Conway, Sack- field Macklinin, John Whytock, C. C. Farrelley, W. W. Smith, W. I. Warwick, B. B. Morse, B. D. Turner, George W. Caruth, S. H. Harring- ton. In this list are the names of nearly all early members of the Arkansas bar. Commencing here as young attorneys in their profession, many of them have loft illustrious n.'imes — names that adorn the history of the State and Nation, and time will not dim nor change the exalted esteem now given them. Not one of them but that was an ex- ample of that wonderful versatility of American genius — the young lawyer l>i'oomiiig great in the practice of his profession in the wild wood: or cel- ebrated on the bench for decisions that came to the er 30. 1886. Prosecuting attorneys: W. C. Langford, April 26, 1873; W. F. Wallace, June 5, 1883; H. P. Snead (three terms), Octo- ber 30, 1884. Fourteenth circuit — judges: George A. King- ston, April 26, 1873; R. H. Powell, May, 1887. Prosecuting attorneys: Duane Thompson, April 26, 1873; De Ross Bailey. May, 1887. .|^ y ^C^--/- <--(-— I HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. L. D. Belden was appointed judge of the Fif- teenth circuit April 20, 187:^ the prosecuting at- torney being G. G. Lotta, elected April 23, 1873. Sixteenth circuit— judge: Elisha Mears, April 2G, 1873. Prosecuting attorneys: H. N. Withers, September 27, 1873; V. B. Shepard, April 30, 1874. By an act of April 10, 1873, the Stale was di- vided into sixteen judicial circuits, but two years later a reduction to eleven in number was made. » << - lliflt IX. The Late Civil War-An.vlytical Viisw of the Troublous Times-Passage of the Ordinanxe or .SECE.SSION-THE Call to Aiims-Tiie Fiust Tkoops to Take the Field-Invasion ok the State BY THE Federal Army— Sketches of the Regiments-Names ok Officers-Outline ok Field Operations-Claibourne and Y ell— Extracts from Private Memo- randa—Evacuation OF THE State— Re-Occupation— The War OF 1812— The Mexican War— Standard of American (Jeneralsiiip. ysiii. Tlie cannon's hiishd! nor dium nor claiion sound; Helmet and hauberk gleam upon llie giouud; Horsemen and horse lie weltering in their gore; Patriots are dead, and heroes dare no more; While solemnly the moonlight shrouds the plain. And lights the lurid features of the s\mn.— Montgomery. \ RKANSAS was not among the States that may be call- ' ed leaders in inaugurating the late war. It only pass- ed a secession ordinance 'i May 6, 1861, nearly a 1?^ month after hostilities had commenced, and Lincoln had issued his call for 7-"), 000 ninety-day troops ■ ' to put down the rebellion. ' ' The re- liictance with which the State finally joined its sister States is manifested Ijy the almost unanimous refusal of the State convention, which met in March, 1801 — the day Lincoln was in- augurated — and nearly unanimously voted down secession and passed a series of conservative resolu- tions, looking to a national convention to settle in some way tlie vexed (juostion of slavery, and then voting a recess of the convention. \\'hen this re assembled war was upon the country, and the ordinance of secession was passed, only, however, after full discussion, pro and con. There was but one vote against secession finally, and that wa* given by Isaac Murphy— afterward the military governor of Arkansas. Local authorities received instructions to arm and equip forty regiments of State troops. The ruling minds of the State were averse to war, and resisted it until they were forced into the po- sition of siding with their neighbors or with the Union cause. In the South, as in the North, there were inconsiderate hot-heads, who simply wanted war for war's sake — full of false pretexts, but eager for war with or without a i:)retext. These extremists of each party were, unconsciously, per- 74 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. haps, but in fact, the two blades of the pair of scissors, to cut asunder the ties of the Uuion of States. Shivery, possibly not directly the cause of the war, was the haudie.st pretext seized upon at the time, with such disastrous results. In the dis- pensations of heaven, had the fanatics of the North and the tire-eaters of the South boon hung across the clothes-line, as a boy sometimes hangs cats, and left in holy peace to fight it out, what a bless- ing for mankind it would have been! The history of the late war cannot yet be writ- ten. Its most profound effects are not yet evolved. The actual fighting ceased nearly a generation ago, and the cruel strife is spoken of as over. It is the effects that true history observes. The chronicler records the dates and statistics, and tiles these away for the future historian. It is highly prob- able that there is no similar period in history where the truth will be so distorted as by him who tells ' ' the story of the war. ' ' Anyone can begin to see that there are many things now that were unknown before the war. Great changes are still being worked out, anti whether or not yet greater ones are to come, no one knows. The abolitionists thirty years ago hated the slave owners, — the slave holders loved slavery. The former thought to forever end slavery on this continent by liberating the slaves, and now the once alarmed slave owner has discovered that the great benefits of the abolition of slavery have been to the whites far more than to the blacks. There is little idea of what the real historian one hundred years from now will be compelled to say of these "' blessed times." He will mo.st prob- ably smile in pity upon all this self- laudation and wild boast. If men could have known the effects to follow in all the important movements of peo- ples, it is highly probable there would have been no civil war. Those who "sectionally hated" may sleep quietly in their graves, because they died unconscious as to whether their supposed Ijloody revenge, driven hiirtling at the enemy, was a bullet or a boomerang. The Southern individual may look with envy to the pension fund now being poured out in North- ern States, while, instead of this, ho should only remember that the Southern soldier is making his way unaided in the world. It should not be for- gotten that the rapid development of the South is sadly in want of the constant labor of thousands of immigrants, and that the New South is just entering upon a period of surprising and unexampled pros- perity, which certainly must continue. In Arkansas, as in Illinois, when Fort Sumter was fired on, instantly there was a storm of excite- ment to "let slip the dogs of war." Action took the place of argument. The best men in the com- munity, those who had so long talked and pleaded against war, closed their mouths, and with sore hearts turned their eyes away from the sad outlook. The young and the inconsiderate seized the power to rule, and (though they knew it not) to ruin. Bells were rung, drums were beaten, and fifes made strident martial music, and people rushed into the streets. Open air meetings for the Confederate cause gathered, and songs and speeches inflamed the wildest passions of men. Poor men ! they little r(>cked the cruel- fate into which they were plunging their country — not only themselves, but generatiotis to come. A tifer and drummer march- ing along the streets, making harsh and discordant noises, ■\tere soon followed by crowds of men, women and children. Volunteers were called for by embryo captains, and from these crowds were soon recruited squads to be crystallized into armies with heavy tramp and flying banners — the noisy prologue to one of the bloodiest tragedies on which time has ever rung up the curtain. The first official action of the State was that authorizing the. raising and equipping of seven regiments. These were soon ready to report with full ranks. Seven regiments ! Even after the war was well on foot, men were forming companies in hot haste, in fear that before they could reach the field of action the war would be over. And after they were mustered in and at their respective rendezvous, without iiniforms and with sticks for guns, learning the rudiments of drill, they were restless, troubled seriously with the fear that they would never see or feel the glory of battle. The youths of the State had rushed to the recruiting sta- tions with the eager thoughtlessness with which y-. i) I'y -^ HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 75 they would have put down their names for picnic, hunting or fishing expeditions, and the wild delights of a season of camp life. Perhaps to some came indistinct ideas of winning glory on the field and a triumjjhant return home, to be met by the happy smiles of a people saved — when the bells would ring and flowers be strewn in the highway. The seven regiments first authorized by the military board (the board consisting of the gov- ernor, Col. Sam W. Williams and Col. B. C Tot- ten) had hardly been formed when more soldiers were wanted. Ten additional regiments wore authorized, and of the ten seven were recruited and organized. Fourteen infantry regiments be sides the cavalry and artillery had been a strong demand on the people, but the calls for men were increased. By voluntary eidistments twenty-one infantry regiments were finally in the field. In- cluding cavalry and artillery, Arkansas had about 25,000 volunteer soldiery. Then came the remorseless conscription. The glamour of soldiering was now all gone. Ragged, hungry, wounded and worn with hard marches, men had suffered the touch of the hand of the angel of destruction. The relentless conscripting went on. The number of years before old age exempted was lengthened, and the age of youth exempting was shortened, until as said by Gen. Grant, they were "robbing the cradle and the grave ' ' to recruit their decimated ranks in the army. There are no records now by which can be told the number of men Arkansas had in the Confeder- ate army, but it is supposed by those best informed to have had nearly 40,000. In addition to this the State furnished soldiers to the Union army. In the history of wars it is doubtful if there is anything to exceed this in the heroic sacrifices of any people. The original seven regiments were authorized as the first exuberant war expression of the State. They were State troops, armed and equipped by the State; but the fact is that the poorest men went into the army at their individual expense and armed and equipped themselves. This was the rule — not by men only who were fighting for their slave property, but largely by men who had never owned or expected to own a slave. When the Union army under Gen. Curtis was bearing down to invade Ar- kansas, ten more regiments were autlmrized and responded to this call, and seven additional regi- ments were raised and mustered into the State's service. A military board had been provided for, con- sisting of three men, the governor and two advis- ors, who had a general supervision in organizing and equipping the army. The first regiment raised in the State is known as the Pat Cleburne regiment. Patrick A. Cleburne, colonel, was soon made a general, and took his brigade east of the Mississippi River. The gal lant and dashing leader was killed in the l)attle of Franklin, Noveml)er 80, IHO-i. At the first call to arms he raised a company and named it the Yell Rifles, of which he was first captain, and on the formation of the first regiment he became colonel, rising up and up by rapid promotions to a major- generalship. The names of Yell and Pat Cleburne are en- twined closely in the hearts of the people of Arkan- sas. Yell was killed at the bloody battle of Buena Vista, Mexico, at the head of his charging column. The military lives and deaths of the two men were much alike. Their names and fames are .secure in history. There is a touch of romance about Pat Cleburne's life in Arkansas. A Tipperary boy, of an excellent family, born in 1828, he had, when not more than sixteen years of age, joined the English army, where he was for more than a year before his whereabouts became known. His friends secured* his release from the army, when he at once bade adieu to his native land and sailed for America. Stopping in 1849, a short time in Cincinnati, he was for a while a drug clerk. In 1859 he came to Helena. Ark. , and engaged here also as a pre- scription clerk, in the meantime reading law; he was made a licensed attorney in 1856. In the bloody street affray soon after, betwe;>n Hindman and Dorsey Rice, he was drawn into the fracas and was shot through the body by a brother of Rice's, who came upon tiie ground during the mel6e. The latter noticed the encounter, and seeing that Cle- burne stood at one side, pistol in hand, tired. On f- HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. tvu-ning to see who had shot him, Ck^burne saw James Marriott, a brother-iu-law of Dorsey Rice, with pistol in hand, and imder the mistake that he was the assailant, shot him dead. Cleburne lingered a long time from his wound but finally recovered. In the yellow fever scourge in Helena, in 1855, he was at one time about the only well person re- maining to care for the sick and dying. He was a strict member of the church and for some years a vestryman in St. John's Episcopal Church, Helena. He was engacfed to wed Miss Tarleton, of Mobile, when he fell upon the battle field, and the dead soldier lay upon the ground, with his arms folded over his breast, as if even in death he would pro- tect the sacred tokens of love that he wore next his heart. The military board elected two brigadier-gen- erals — James Yell and N. B. Pierce. The latter was sent to Northwestern Arkansas, where was fought the first battle on Arkansas soil — Pea Ridge, or as it is better known in the South, Elkhorn. This was a severe engagement, and a decisive one. There is yet some confusion in referring to the respective numbers of the Arkansas regiments. Gen. Pierce, supposing he had full power, gave numljers Third, Fourth and Fiftli to what the board, the proper and only authority, designated as numbers Second, Third and Fourth. The fol- lowing shows the board's numbering and names of the colonels : First, Col. P. H. Cleburne; Second, Col. Gratiot; Third, Col. Dockery; Fourth, Col. Davis Walker; Fifth, Col. D. C. Cross; Sixth, Col. Lyon; Seventh, Col. Shaver; Eighth, Col. W. K. Patter- son; Ninth, Col. John Roane; Tenth, Col. T. D. Merrick; Eleventh, Col. Jabez M. Smith; Twelfth, Col. E. W. Gantt; Thirteenth, Col. J. C. Tappan; Fourteenth, Col. W. C. Mitchell, (never com- pleted); Fifteenth, Col. Dawson; Seventeenth, Col. G. \V. Lamar, Lieut. -Col. Sam W. Williams. In the scraps of records now to be found there are mentioned as the different arms in the Confed- erate service of Arkansas men, in addition to those above given, the following: Light artillery. Hill's; batteries, Blocher's. Brown's, Etter's, Hughey's, Marshall's and West's; cavalry battalions, Chris- man's, Crawford's, Hill's, Witherspoon's; detached companies. Brown's, Coarser' s, Desha's, Ranger's, Fitzwilliam's, Miller's and Palmer's; regiments, Carroll's, Dobbins', Newton's; infantry, regiments from one to thirty-nine, inclusive. Four regiments of infantry of Federal recruits were raised in Arkansas, the First commanded by Col. M. La Rue Harrison; the Fourth by Elisha Baxter. The First Arkansas Light Artillery was 150 strong. The Arkansas Infantry Brigade was under command of Col. James M. True. August 5, 1863, Adj't Gen. Thomas made a trip to the Southwest for the purpose of gathering in all the negroes possible by scouting bands, and to enlist the able bodied men. The First Arkansas Battery was commanded by Capt. Dent D. Stark, and the First Arkansas Cavalry by Maj. J. J. Johnson. The Second Arkansas Cavalry is mentioned. Lieut. -Col. E. J. Searle, authorized to raise the Third Arkansas Cavalry, reported 400 strong. The Foui'th Arkansas Cavalry comprised nine companies, commanded by Capt. W. A. Martin. The Second and Third Arkansas colored in- fantry regiments are mentioned, in addition to the Second and Third white regiments. In the spring of 1861, the Richmond govern- ment authorized Col. T. B. Flournoy to raise a reg- iment. It was collected in and about Little Rock and Col. Fagan was elected commander. This command went to Virginia. Gen. Churchill organ- ized the first regiment of cavalry, with rendezvous at Little Rock. Gen. T. C. Hindman organized Hindman's Legion. It consisted of infantry and cavalry and had fifteen companies. He took his command east of the river. Under the direction of the military board Col. Rosey Carroll's regiment of cavalry was raised. The Second Arkansas Reg- iment of Mounted Infantry was mustered at Osage Springs, by Col. Dandridge McRea. James Mcln tosh became colonel and Capt. H. H. Brown, major. J. P. Eagle was first lieutenant-colonel and after- ward colonel. Col. Mcintosh was killed at Pea Ridge, but had been promoted a brigadier-general a few days before his death. The absence of war archives from the State, r HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 77 the most of them that were proserved until after the war being now in Washington, and the pass- ing away of so many of tho prominent participants, and a common fault of human memory, make it well-nigh impossible to gather for permanent form any satisfactory roster of the different Confederate commands or the order of their organization. No Arkansan so far, which is much to be regretted, has attempted to write a history of the State in the civil struggle. Gov. J. P. Eagle happened to keep dupli- cates of certain reports he made while in the ser- vice, and discovered them recently where they had been laid away and forgotten among old papers. Fortunately when he made the reports the idea occurred to him to keep a copy for himself, that some day he might look over them and be inter- ested. " This is a list of the killed and wounded in my regiment," he remarked, "the Second Arkansas, from May 8 to August 31, 1864, and the other is a report of the same from November 26, 1864, to March 21, 1865." The Second Arkansas at the beginning of the war was a mounted regiment, commanded by Col. James Mcintosh. It was dismounted early in the conflict. Col. Mcintosh was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general in the spring of 1862. He led his brigade bravely into the heaviest fighting at the battle of Elkhorn (Pea Ridge), where he was killed. He was succeeded by Col. Embry, who was soon after succeeded by Col. Flannagin, afterwards the "War Governor" of Arkansas. Flannagin was siicceeded by Col. James William- son, who lost a leg at the battle of Resaca, Ga. , May 14, 1864. Col. J. T. Smith then became colonel. He was killed July 28 following, in the fight at Lick Skillet Road, and J. P. Eagle, now governor of Arkansas, became colonel. Col. Eagle had been wounded at Moore's Mills, and at the time of his promotion was not with the famous regiment. He remained in command until the regiment was consolidated with other regiments and the whole formed into one regiment, with Col. H. G. Bunn commanding. Gov. Eagle became lieutenant-colonel and George Wells, major. The battle of Elkhorn checked the advance of Curtis' army into Arkansas, and the Federals re- mained hovering in the southwest of Missouri and northwest of Arkansas for some time. Immedi- ately after the fight Van Dom's forces were with- drawn and taken east of the Mississippi to resist the Federal advance down the river to Vicksburg. Gen. T. C. Hindman returned and took command of the Confederates in Arkansas and cstablislicd headquarters at Little Rock and slightly fortified the place. Gen. Curtis then moved with the Federal army down the valley of White River, acting in con junction with the river fleet, and when he reached Cotton Plant a flank attack was made on his army and the battle of Cotton Plant was fought. The Confederates were repulsed, and Curtis moved on and took possession of Helena, the Confederates retiring. Northern and Northeastern Arkansas were then in the possession of the Union army. The Federals were in the possession of the Missis- sippi down to a point just above Vicksburg. The Confederates made a futile effort to re-capture Helena, July 4, 1863, but heavy rains, swollen streams and impassable roads thwarted every move. June 2, 1862, Gov. Rector issued the following: "It being essential that but one military organization shall exist within the Trans-Mississippi department, all Arkansas troops are hereby transferred to the Confeder- ate service." (Signed) H. M. RKCTOn. Gov. «& Prest, Mil. Board. The authorities at Richmond, as well as in the » Trans- Mississippi district, were anxiously awaiting news of the war steamer, "Arkansas," then build- ing up the mouth of Red River. June 2, 1862, she steamed out of that river and passed the fleet guarding the river for the purpose of capturing the rebel steamer. The attempt and success in run- ning the fiery gauntlet was one of the most exciting scenes ever witnessed on western rivers. Proudly the vessel kept on her covu'se, sending volleys into every vessel to the right and left, and at nearly every turn of her wheels encountering new enemies. A Federal surgeon of the Union fleet said that wonderful trip of the "Arkansas" reminded him 78 HISTOKY OF AEKANSAS. of the Irishman's advice on going into the "free tight " — " wherever you see bat- tle of the Trans-Mississippi district. Steele retreated and fell back on Little Rock, his superior generalship lieing shown in extricat- ing his badly crippled army and saving it on the withdrawal. The Federal expeditions were well plannetl for "bagging' 'the whole Confederate Trans-Mississippi army, but the vicissitudes of war ordained other- wise. Banks' expedition and its overwhelming mis- fortunes ruined him as a military man throughout 80 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the North, while the brilliaat successes of Price raised the hopes of the Confederacy. Some, how- ever, still criticise. Price failed to follow up his advantage and either destroy or capture Steele's entire army. Had lie fully known the condition of affairs at Kichiuoiid possibly he might have adopted that course. The Federals were confined within their fortified posts and Confederate bands were again scouring over the State. Price, losing no time, then started on his raid back into Missouri to carry out his long cherished hope of re-possessing that State. The history of that raid and the dissolution and end of the Con- federacy are a familiar part of the country's history. Other wars than that mentioned have occupied the attention of people of this section, though perhaps not to such an extent as the great civil strife. There were not people in Arkansas to go to the AVar of 181 2, and the State becomes con- nected with that struggle chiefly because Archibald Yell, the brave young hero, was at the battle of New Orleans, and afterward l)ecame one of the most prominent citizens of Arkansas. He was born in North Carolina, in August, 1797, and consequently was but fifteen years of age when the Ropond war with England began. But the lad then and there won the inalienable friendship of Gen. Jackson. Arkansas acquired no little fame in the Mexican War, chiefly, however, through the gallantry and death of Gov. Yell, the leader of the Arkansas forces. AVhen troops were called for in the year 1840, in the war with Mexico, Yell was a member of Congress. A regiment of cavalry was raised and he was asked to take the command, and obedi- ent to this request he promptly resigned his seat to assume leadership. Albert Pike was a captain in the regiment. At the battle of Buena Vista, on February 22, 1847, Yell led' his cavalry command in one of the most desperate charges in the annals of war. In his enthusiasm he spurred on his horse far in advance of his men. He was charging the enemy, which outnumbered his force more than five to one. He reached the ranks of the enemv almost alone, and raising himself in the saddle commenced to slash right and left, totally unmindful that it was one against thousands. Just as the foremost of his men came up he was run through the body and killed. William A. L. Throckmorton, of Fayette- ville. it is agreed, was the first to reach the side and catch the falling form of his loved leader. Mr. Throckmorton says he saw the man who gave the fatal thrust and quickly killed him, thus avenging so far as the wretched greaser's life could go the life of as gallant and noble a knight as ever re- sponded to bugle call. He was the dashing cava- lier, great in peace, superb in war. Leading his trusty followers in any of the walks of life, death alone could check him, nothing could conquer him. After the war was over the government brought his remains and delivered them to his friends in Fayetteville, his home, who lovingly deposited them beneath the cold white marble shaft which speaks his fame. The burial ceremony occurred August 3, 1847, and a vast concourse of people, the humblest and highest in the State, were the sincere and deep mourners on the occasion. Arkansas won everlasting laurels through its gallant soldiers in the Mexican A\'ar. Omitting all reference to the Revolutionary War, there are conclusions to be drawn from the wars our countrymen have been engaged in since the days when Gen. Jackson was the national hero. None of these were significant enough to be used by the philosophic historian from which to draw conclusions as to the character of modern or contemporary Americans as warriors, or their dis- tinguishing characteristics as a warlike nation The late Civil War, however, furnishes a wide and aniple field for such investigation. An impartial view of the late struggle presents first of all this remarkable fact. In by far the longest and great- est war of modern times, neither side has given the age a great captain, as some call greatness, though one furnished Grant, the other, Lee, both men without a superior; whilst in the ranks and among the sub-commands, no battles in history are at all comparable for excellence and superior soldiership to those of the great Civil War. On both sides there were any number of great field HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 81 commanders, as great as ever drew a sword. But they received orders, did not give them, and in the execution of orders never were excelled. Lee, Grant, Jackson, Sherman, Hancock, Johnston, Sheridan and hundreds of others on both sides, to the humblest in the ranks, were immortal types of the soldier in the field. These men were like Napoleon's marshals — given a command or order they would risk life itself to execute it. But on neither side was there the least exhibition of the qualities of a Napoleon or Von Moltke. Napoleon was his own secretary of war, gov- ernment, cabinet, and commander in the field, and for this very reason, he was Von Moltke' s inferior as a great commander, whose genius saw the weak point, the point of victory on the map of the enemy's country, and struck it with a quick and decisive blow. Our Civil War and the Franco- German War were closely together in time. War was hardly over in America when it commenced in Europe. Any student of German history who has studied the German-Prussian war, can not but know that Von Moltke was the pre-eminent captain in all the his- tories of wars. Had Washington or Richmond had his peer at the commencement of our struggle, the high probabilities are that the war would have been over before the first twelve months had ex- pired. In war, it is a fact, that it is the strategy be- fore the armies meet in battle array which decides the struggle. It is only thus that one man can become more powerful than a million with guns in their hands. It is in this sense — this application of the science of modern warfare, that a com- mander wins battles and decides victories. He conquers enemies, not by di-awing his sword, but, studying his maps in his quiet den when others sleep, he directs the movements of his armies and leaves the details of the actual fight to others. He is indifferent to the actual fighting part of it, be- cause ho has settled all that long beforehand by his orders. In all actual battles, as was testified by the Federal commanders before Congress about the battle of Gettysburg, if victory is not organized beforehand, all is chance, uncertainty, and both armies are little else than headless mobs — ignorant of whether they are whipping or being whipped. The field commander may save the day and turn the tide and gain a victory, but what is it after all, — so many men killed and captured on either side, and then recruited up, and rested a little, only to repeat the bloody carnage again and again. Let it be assumed that the absence of great mil- itary genius on both sides is the highest compli- ment that can be paid to American civilization. War is barbarism. The higher civilization will eradi- cate all practical knowledge of the brutality of warfare from men's minds. Then there will be no wars, save that of truth upon the false — intelli- gence upon ignorance How gi-andly divine will be, not only the great leaders in this holy stmggle for victory, but the humblest of all privates! :tx: 82 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ;iftiTiR X. Public Exteuprises— The Real Estate Bank of Arkansas— State Roads and other Highways- The Military Roads— Navigation Within the State from the Earliest TniES to the Present— Decadence of State Navigation— Steamboat Racing— Accidents to Boats— The Rise and Growth of the Railroad Systems— A Sketch of the Different Lines— Other Important Considerations. From the blessings they bestow Our times are dated, and our eras move.- -Prior. *HE first session of the new State legislature, among other acts, incorporated the State Bank, and as if fur- ther determined to show that the legislature was at least in the front in those days of wild-cat bank enterprises, ))rocoeded to make money cheap and all rich by incorporating the celebrated Real Estate Bank of Arkansas. Already John Law's Missis.sippi bubble had been for- gotten — the old continental money and the many other distressing instances of those cruel but fas- cinating fictions of attempts to make credits wealth. No statesman in the world's history has ever yet made an ajsproach to the accomplishment of such an impossibility, and still nearly all financial legislation is founded upon this basic idea. State and national banks have been the alluring will-o'-the-wisps in this per- sistent folly. All experience teaches that the government that becomes a money-changer soon becomes the pow(>rful robber, and the places of just rulers are filled with tax bandits — there the lordly rulers are banditti, and the people the most wretched of slaves. The State Bank was, as were all such institu- tions of that day in any of the States, demoraliz- ing in the financial affairs of the people, encourag- ing extravagance and debt, and deceiving men with the appearances of wealth to their ultimate ruin. The Real Estate Bank, as its name indicates, was for the purpose of loaning money on real estate security. Up to that time the American farmer had not learned to base his efforts upon any- thing except his labor. To produce something and sell it was the whole horizon of his financial educa- tion. If, while his crop was maturing, he needed subsistence he went to his merchant and bought the fewest possible necessities on credit. It was an evil hour when he was tempted to become a speculator. Yet there were some instances in which the loans on real estate resulted in enabling men to make finely improved cotton plantations. But the rule was to get people in debt and at the same time exhaust the cash in the bank. The bank could collect no money, and the real estate owner was struggling under mortgages he could not pay. Both lender and borrower were sufferers, and the doable infliction was upon them of a public and individual indebtedness. The Real Estate HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 83 Bank made an assignment in 1842, and for years was the source of much litigation. It practically ceased to do business years before it had its doors closed and was wound up, and the titles to such lands as it had become the jiossessor of passed to the State. The old State Bank building, in front of the State house, is the only reminder of the institution which promised so much and did so little for the public. The old building is after the style of all such buildings — a low, two-story brick or stone, with huge Corinthian columns in front, having stone steps to ascend to the first floor. Similar structures can be found in Illinois, Missouri and all the Western and Southern States. The one in Little Rock is unsightly and gloomy and does little else but cumber the ground. It is in the way, ow- ing to a difficulty in the title, of such a modern and elegant building as would be in keeping with the rapidly advancing and beautiful "City of Roses." Roads and highways have always occupied pub- lic consideration. Being so crossed with rivers passing from the west toward the Mississippi River, the early settlers all over the confines of this State passed up the streams and for some time used these as the only needed highways. In the course of time they began to have bridle-paths crossing from settlement to settlement. The United States military road from Western Missouri passed through Arkansas and led on to Shreveport, La. This extended through East- ern Ai'kansas, and Arkansas Post was an import ant point on the route. It was sui-veyed and partially cut out early in the nineteenth century. A mimthly mail proceeded over the route on horse- back, the mail rider generally being able to carry the mail in his pocket. A trail at first was the road from the mouth of the White River to Arkansas Post. This portage soon became a highway, as much of the business and travel for the Post was landed at the mouth of M'hite River and transported across to the Red River. In 1821 Congress authorized the sur^'ey and opening of a public highway from Memphis, via Little Rock, to Fort Smith. The work was com- pleted in 1823. This was the first highway of any importaiice in the Territory. The other routes mentioned above were nothing more than trails, or bridle-paths. A weeldy mail between Little Rock and Memj)his was established in I82S). In 1832 a government road leading on a di rect line fi-om Little Rock to Batesville was cut out, and the Indians removed from Georgia were brought by water to the capital and taken over this road. At that time it was the best public course as well as the longest in the State, and be- came in time the main traveled road from the northern part of the State to its center. Arkansas was settled sparsely along the Missis- sippi River some years before Fulton invented the steamboat. The first steaml)oat ever upon western waters passed down that river in the latter part of 1811— the "Orleans," Capt. Roosevelt. The Indians had their light cedar bark canoes, and were remarka1)ly e.xpert in handling them. These were so light that the squaws could carry them on their backs, and in their expeditions in ascending the streams frequently saved much time by traveling across the great bends of the rivor and carrying their conveyances. Of course in going with the current, they kept the stream, skimming over the waters with great speed. At one time the migratory Indians at stated seasons followed the buffalo fi-om the Dakotas to the Gulf, the buffalo remaining near, and the Indians on the streams. The latter could thus out-travel the immense herds and at certain points make forays upon them and so keep an abundant supply of meat. * The buffalo had the curious habit of indulging in long stops when they came to a large river in their course, as if dreading to take to the water and swim across. They would gather on the bank of the river at the selected crossing- [)lace, and after having devoured everything near at hand and hunger began to pinch, would collect into a close circle and liegin to move, circling round and round, the inside ones ever crowding the out- side ones closer and closer to the water. This continued until some one, crowded into the deep water, had to make the plunge, when all followed. 84 HISTOEY OF AKKANSAS. These animals when attacked by other animals, or when danger threatened, formed in a compact circle, with the cows and calves on the inside and the bulls on the outer ring. In this battle array there was nothing in the lino of beasts that dared molest them. The white man came and to the canoe he added the skiff, the pirogue, the raft, the keel boat and the flat boat. The raft never made but one trip and that was down stream always, and when its destination was reached it was sold to be converted into lumber. Other water crafts could be hauled back by long tow lines, men walking on the banks and pulling them up stream. There are those now living who can remember when this was the only mode of river navigation. The younger people of this generation can form no adequate idea of the severity of the toil and the suffering necessarily in- volved in the long trij)s then made by these hardy pioneers. If the people of to-day were compelled to procure the simple commodities of life at such hard sacrifices, by such endurance, they would do without them, and go back to tig leaves and nuts and roots for subsistence. When Fulton and Livingston had successfully navigated their boat from Pittsburg to New Or- leans, they made the claim of a sort of royal patent to the exclusive navigation of the Mississippi River and its trilmtaries. This claim was put forth in perfect good faith and it was a new question as well as a serious one for the courts, when these claimants arrested Captain Shreve upon his arrival in New Orleans with his boat, and carried him be- fore the court to answer in damages for navi- gating by steam the river that belonged to them as the first steam navigators. This curious inci- dent indicates how little even the inventor of the steamboat appreciated of what vast imjioitance to civilization his noble invention really was. To him and his friend it was but a small personal right or perquisite — a licensed monopoly, out of which they could make a few dollars, and when they passed away probably the invention too would die and be forgotten. How infinitely greater had the noble, immortal originator builded than he knew! The revolving paddles of the steamboat were but the wheels now whirling so rapidly be- neath the flying railroad trains over the civilized world. From this strange, rude craft, the "Or- leans," have evolved the great steamships, iron-clad war vessels, and the palatial steamboats plying the inland waters wherever man's wants or luxuries are to be supplied. The genius and glory of such men as Fulton belong to no age, much less to themselves — they and theirs are a part of the world, for all time. In 1812 Jacob Barkman opened up a river trade between Arkadelphia and New Orleans, car- rying his first freights in a pirogue. It took six months to make a round trip. He conveyed to New Orleans bear skins and oil, pelts, and tallow se- cured from wild cattle, of which there were a great many; these animals had originally been brought to the country by the Spaniards and French, and had strayed away, and increased into great herds, being as wild and nearly as fleet as the deer. He brought back sugar, coffee, powder, lead, flints, copperas, camphor, cotton and wool cards, etc., and soon after embarking was able to' own his negro crews. He purchased the steamboat ' ' Dime ' ' and became one of the most extensive and enter- prising men in the State. With his boat he ascended rivers, and purchased the cotton, owning his cargo, for a return trip. In IS 11), James Miller, the first governor of the Territory, and a military suite of twenty persons, embarked at Pittsburg in the United States keel- boat, ' ■ Arkansas, ' ' for Arkansas Post. The trip occupied seventy days, reaching the point of desti- nation January 1, 1820. It was difficult to tell which excited the greatest curiosity among Ihe natives — the new governor or the keel-boat. The flood-tide of western river navigation reached its highest wave soon after the close of the late war. The Mississippi River and tributaries were crowded with craft, and the wharves of cities and towns along the Ijanks were lined with some of the finest boats ever built, all freighted to the water's edge and crowded with passengers. Build- ers vied with each other in tuining out the most magnificent floaters, fitted with every elegance and luxury money could procure. The main point after ^1 M^ — ^ HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 85 elegance, in which they rivaled most, was the speed of their respective craft. From the close of the war to 1870, steamboatinar was the overshadowing business on western waters. Of the boats of this era, some will go into history, noted for their fleetness. but unlike the fleet horses of history, they could not leave their strain in immortal de- scendants, rivaling their celebrated feats. Racing between boats that happened to come togetlier on the river was common, and sometimes reckless and dangerous, as well as exciting. Occasionally a couple of "tubs," as the boys called a slow boat, engaged in a race and away they would go, running for hours side by side, the stokers all the time piling in the most iutlammal)le material they could lay hands on, especially pine knots and fat bacon, until the eager flames poured out of the long chimney tops; and it was often told that the captain, rather than fall behind in the race, would seat a darkey on the end of the lever of the safety valve, and at the same time scream at the stokers to pile on the bacon, pine knots, oil, anything to make steam. Roustabouts, officers, crew and passengers were all afi wildly excited as the captain, and as utterly regardless of dangers. From such recklessness accidents of course did hap- pen, but it is wonderful there were so few. Not infrequently commanders would regularly engage beforehand for a race of their boats; fixing the day and time and as regularly preparing their vessels as a jockey trains and grooms his race-horse. The two most noted contests of this kind on the Mississippi River were, first, in the early times, between the ' ' Shotwell ' ' and ' ' Eclipse, ' ' from Louisville to New Orleans. The next and greatest of all was just at the time of the commencement of the decline in steamboating, between the steamers "Rol)ei-tE. Lee" and "Natchez," from New Or- leans to St. Louis. The speed, the handling of these boats, the record they made, have never been equaled and probably never will be, unless steam- lioating is revived by some new invention. The race last mentioned took place in 186S. Fearful steamboat calamities, from explosions and from tires, like the awful railroad accidents, have marked the era of steam navigation. The most disastrous in history occurred in 1805, in the loss of the " Sultana," on the Mississippi, a few miles above Memphis, a part of the navigable waters of Arkansas. The boat was on her way up stream from New Orleans laden principally with soldiers, some of them with their families, and several citizens as passengers. There were 2,350 passengers and crew on the vessel. A little after midnight the sudden and awful explosion of the boilers came, literally tearing the boat to pieces, after which the wreck took fire. Over 2,000 peo- ple perished. The early decline of the steamboat industry kept even pace with the building of railroads over the country. Main lines of railroads were soon built, the streams being used as natural road beds through the rock hills and mountains. In passing over the country in trains one will now often see the flowing river close to the railroad track on one hand, when from the opposite window the higli rock mountain wall may almost be touched. Then, too, the large towns were along the navigable riv ers, lakes and ocean. The sage couclusiou of the philosopher when he went out to look at the world, and was impressed with the curious coincidence that the rivers ran so close by the big towns, is a trite one: A great convenience to those who used water. The first railroad built in Arkansas was the Memphis & Little Rock Railroad. ^Vork was com- menced with the intention of first constructing it from Little Rock to Devall's Bluff, on White River, whence passengers might |)roceed by boat to Memphis. It was started at both ends of the lino and finished in 1859. the next year being extended to St. Francis River, and then in ISflO completed to the river opposite Memphis. When the Federal army took possession of the Mississippi River, and their forces began to possess the north- eastern portion of the State, the Confederates as they retired toward Little Rock destroyed the road and burned the bridges. Indeed, when the war ended in 1865, Arkansas was without a mile of railroad. Soon after the war closed the road was rebuilt and put in operation, and for some time was the only one in the State. ted to Texarkana in 1873, and soon came to be the most important line in the State. The Camden branch, fi-om Gur- dou to Camden, was comjileted in 1882. The Mem- phis branch, from Bald Knob to Memphis, ninety- three miles, was finished and the first passenger train passed over the line May 10, 1888. The branch from Newport to Cushman, a distance of forty-six miles, was built in 1882. The Helena branch, from Noble to Helena, 140 miles, was com- pleted in 1882. The main line of the St. Louis & Iron Moun- tain Railroad enters the State on the north, at Moark (combination for Missouri and Arkansas), and passes out at Texarkana (combination for Arkansas and Texas). The distance between these two points is 305 miles. The first section of the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Railroad, from Clarendon to Jonesboro, was built in 1882, and the next year completed to Tex- arkana. It was built as a narrow gauge and made a standard gauge in 1886. Its northern terminus for some time was Cairo, where it made its St. Louis connection over the St. Louis & Cairo Nar- row Gauge Road, now a standard, and a part of the Mobile & Ohio system. The Magnolia branch of this road runs from McNeal to Magnolia, about twenty miles, and was built in 1885. The Althei- mer branch, from Altheimer to Little Rock, was constructed and commenced operation in 1888. The main line of this road enters the State from the north in Clay County, on the St. Francis River, penetrating into Texas at Texarkana. The Little Rock, Mississippi River & Texas Railroad, now in course of construction, is a much needed road from Little Rock to Pine Bluff, on to Wai'ren and Mississippi, and will form an important outlet for Arkansas toward the Gulf. This was built from Arkansas City to Pine Bluff, and then completed to Little Rock in 1880. The Pine Bluff & Swan Lake Railroad was built in 1885. It is twenty-six miles long, and runs between the points indicated by its name. The Arkansas Midland Railroad, from Helena to Clarendon, was built as a narrow gauge and changed to a standard road in 1886. The Batesville & Brinkley Railroad is laid as far as Jacksonport. It was changed in 1888 to a standard gauge, and is now in course of construc- tion on to Batesville. The Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Rail- road enters the State at Mammoth Spring, and runs to West Memphis. Its original name was Kansas City, Springfield & Memphis Railroad. It now is a main line from Kansas City to Birming- ham, Ala. Work was commenced on the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad in 1871 at Little Rock, and built to Ozark; later it was fini.shed to Van Buren, there using a transfer, and was completed to Fort Smith. The Hot Springs Railroad, from Malvern, on the main line of the Iron Mountain Railroad, to Hot Springs, was built and is owned by "Diamond Joe ' ' Reynolds. Operations were commenced in 1874. The line of the St. Louis & San Francisco Rail- road passes near the west line of Arkansas adjacent to Fort Smith. There is a branch road of this line from Jensen to Mansfield, sixteen miles long. It looks a little as though the sponsor for the name of the Ultima Thule, Arkadelphia & Missis- sippi Railroad intended to use the name for a main track through the State. It was built in 1887 for the use of the Arkadelphia Lumber Company. Eureka Springs branch runs from Seligman to Eu- reka Springs. Another branch goes from Rogers to Bentonville. Still another, extending from Fay- etteville to St. Paul, is thirty-five miles in length. The branch from Fayetteville is now in course of building. The Russellville & Dardanelle Railroad is four miles long, extending from the .south hank of the Arkansas River to Russellville. The Southwestern, Arkansas & Indian Terri- tory Railroad indicates that there is nothing in a name, as this road is but twenty-seven miles long, ■^ HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 87 running from Southland to Okolona on tbe west, and also extending east from tho main line. A line is being surveyed and steps actively taken to build a road from Kansas City to Little Rock, which is to cross the Boston Mountains near the head waters of White River. Several other important lines are at this time making preparations to l)nil(l in the near future. Charters for nearly 100 routes in the State have been secured siuce 1885. There is not only plenty of room, but a great necessity for yet hun«lred.s of miles of new roads here. They will greatly facili- tate the development of the immense resources of this favored locality. ),^^_(^ llflliPR XI. — >*«^ The Counties of the State— Their Formation and Changes of Boundary Lines, etc— Their County Seats and other Items of Intere.st Concerning Them— Defunct Counties- New Counties— Population of all the Counties of the State at every General Census. Not chaos-like, together crush'd and bruised: But as tbe world, harmoniously confused: Where order in variety we see. And where, thouirb all tliitis-'' differ, they agree.- -Pope. 'ERHAPS to many, no more interesting subject in the history of the State can be j)resented than that refer- ring to the name, organiza- tion, etc., of each county within its limits. Careful research has brought forth the fol- lowing facts presented in a concise, but accurate manner: Arkansas County was formed December 13, 1813. As the lirst municipal formation within the boundary of the State, in Lower Mis- souri Territory, it was first a parish under Spanish rule and then under French. October 23. 1821, a part of Phillips County was added to it; the line be- tween Pulaski and Arkansas was changed October 30, 1823; Quapaw Purchase divided between Ar- kansas and Pulaski October 13, 1827; line between Arkansas and Phillips defined November 21, 1825); boundaries defined November 7, 1830. County seat, De Witt; first county seat, Arkansas — oppo- site Arkansas Post. Ashley, formed November 30. 1848, named for Hon. Chester Ashley, who died a Tnited States Senator; line between Chicot changed January 19, ISfil. County seat. Hamburg, Baxter, March 24, 1873; line between Izard and Fulton defined October 10, 1875; line between Marion changed March 9, 1881. County seat. Mountain Home, Benton, September 30, 183(5. named in honor of Hon. Thomas H. Benton. County seat, Ben- tonville. Boone, April 9, 1809 ; named for Daniel Boone; line between Marion defined December 9. 1875. Harrison, county seat. Bradley, December 18, 1.S40; jjart of Calhoun HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. attached October 1 9, 1 862 ; part restored to Ashley County January 1, 1859. Warren, county seat. Calhoun, December 0, IS-iO: named for John C. Calhoun; part added to Union and Bradley November 19, 1862. County seat, Hampton. Carroll, Novemlier 1, 1833; named in honor of the signer of the declaration; boundary defined December 14, 1838; line between Madison defined January, 11, 1843, and again January 20, 1843; line between Marion defined December 18, 184G; line between Madison defined December 29, 1854, and again January 16, 1S57: part of Madison attached April 8, 1869. Berryville, county seat. Chicot, October 25, 1823; boundary defined November 2, 1835; part attached to Drew Decem- ber 21, 1846; line between Ashley changed January 19, 1861; line between Drew changed November 30, 1875; line changed between Desha February 10, 1879. Lake Village, county seat. Clark, December 15, 1818, while Lower Mis- souri Territory; named in honor of Gov. Clark, of Missouri; the line between Pulaski and Clark, changed October 30, 1823; divided November 2, 1829; line between Hot Springs and Dallas changed April 3, 1868; line between Pike defined April 22, 1873 ; line between Montgomery changed April 24, 1873; line between Pike changed March 8. 1887. Arkadelphia, county seat. Clay, March 24, 1873; named for Henry Clay. This county, formed as Clayton County, was changed to Clay on December 6, 1875. The act of March 24, 1873, changed the boundaries of a large num- ber of counties. Boydsville and Corning, county seats. Cleburne, formed February 20, 1883; named in honor of Gen. Patrick A. Cleburne. Heber is the county seat. Cleveland, formed in 1885; named for President Cleveland ; was formed as Dorsey County. Toledo, county seat. Columbia, December 17, 1852; part of Union County added December 21, 1858; line between Nevada defined April 19, 1873. Magnolia, county seat. Conway. December 7, 1825; named after the noted Con ways; the northeast boundary defined October 27, 1827; line between Pulaski and Con- way defined October 20, 1828; part of Indian pur chase added October 22, 1828; line between Con- way, Pulaski and Independence defined November 5, 1831; part added to Pope January 6, 1853; part added to White January 11. 1853; act of March, 1873; line between Pope defined May 28, 1874. County seat, Morrillton. Craighead, formed February 19, 1850. Jones- boro, county seat. Crawford, October 18, 1820; boundary was changed October 30, 1823; divided and county of Lovely established October 13, 1827; part of the Cherokee Country attached to, October 22, 1828; boundary defined December 18, 1837; line between Scott defined; line between Washington defined November 24, 1846; line between Frank- lin defined March 4, 1875; line changed between Washington March 9, 1881. Van Buren, county seat. Crittenden, October 22, 1825; named for Rob- ert Crittenden; St. Francis River declared to be the line between St. Francis and Crittenden Coun- ties November, 1831; portion attached to Missis sippi County January, 1861; act, March, 1S73. Marion, county seat. Cross, November 15, 1862, 1866, 1873. Witts- burg, the county seat. Dallas, January 1, 1845; line between Hot Springs and Clark changed April 3, 1869. Prince- ton the county seat. Desha, December 12, 1838; named for Hon. Ben Desha; portion attached to Drew January 21, 1861; part of Chicot attached February 10, 1879; also of Lincoln, March 10, 1879. Arkansas City, county seat. Drew, November 26, 1846; part Chicot attached December 21, 1840; part of Desha attached Jan- uary 21, 1861; March, 1873; line between Chicot changed November 30, 1875. Monticello, county seat. Faulkner, April 12, 1873; line defined Decem- 7, 1875. Conway, county seat. Franklin, December 19, 1837; line between Johnson defined December 14, 1833; line between Crawford defined March 4, 1875. Ozark, countv seat. K, HISTOR-i OF ARKANSAS. 89 Fulton, December 21, 1842; part attached to Marion County January 18, 1855; part of Law- rence attached January 18, 1855, March, 1873; line between Baxter and Izard defined February 1(5, 1875. County seat, Salem. Garland, April 5, 1873; named after Gov. A. H. Garland. Hot Springs, county seat. Grant, February 4, 1869. Sheridan, county seat. Greene, November 5, 1833; act March, 1873. Paragould, county seat. Hempstead, December 15, 1818, when this was Lower Missouri Territory; Lafayette County carved out of this territory October 15, 1827; line between Pike defined December 14, 1838. Wash- ington, county seat. Hot Spring. November 2, 1829; certain lands attached to March 2, 1838; Montgomery taken out of December 9, 1842; line between Saline defined December 23, 1846; line between Montgomery changed December 27, 1848; line between Saline changed February 19, 1859, and changed again January 10, 1861 ; line between Clark and Dallas changed April 3, 1869; March, 1873. Malvern, county seat. Howard, April 17, 1873. County seat. Centre Point. Independence, October 20, 1820; part of east- ern boundary defined October 30, 1823; Izard County formed of October 27, 1825; part of Inde- pendence added October 22, 1828; line between Independence and Izard defined November 5, 1831 ; line between Independence and Conway, November 5, 1831; between Independence and Jackson, No- veuiV)er 8, 1830; between Izard February 21, 1838; December 14, 1840; Lawrence changed December 20, 1840; March. 1873; Sharp County defined Feb- ruary 11, 1875. Batesville, county seat. Izard, October 27, 1825; western boundary line extended October 13, 1827; part of the Indian piu-chase added October 22, 1828; between Inde- pendence and Izard defined November 5, 1831; between Conway and Izard, November 5, 1831; southern boundary established November 1 1, 1833; line between Independence defined I\?bruary 21. 1838, and December 14, 1838, and December 21, 1840; western boundary line defined December 24, 1840, March, 1873; between Baxter and Fulton defined February 16, 1875; between Sharp changed March 9, 1877. Melbourne, county sent. Jackson, November 5, 1829; line between In- dependence defined November 8, 1836; part of St. Francis attached January 10, 1851. Jackson- port, county seat. Jefferson, November 2, 1829; boundaries de- fined November 3, 1831. and again October 29, 1836; line changed between Lincoln and Desha March 20, 1879. Pine Bluff, county seat. John.son, November 16, 1833; southern line defined November 3, 1835; east line defined Octo- ber 5, 1836; line between Franklin defined Decem- ber 14, 1838, 1848; between Pope Fel^ruary 19, 1859, again March 27. 1871; line between Pope re-established on March 6, 1875; between Pope changed March 9, 1877. Clarksville, county seat. Lafayette, October 15, 1827; the line between Union defined November 26, 1846. Lewisville, county seat. Lawrence, on January 15, 1815, while Lower Missouri Territory; east line defined October 30, 1823; between Independence changed December 20, 1840; part attached to Fulton January 18, 1855; part attached to Randolph January 18, 1861; nearly half the county cut off the west side to form Sharp County, 1868. Powhatan, county seat. Lee, April 17, 1873. Marianna. county seat. Lincoln. March 28, 1871; part transferred to Desha County, March 10, 1879. Star City, county seat. Little River, March 5, 1867. Richmond is the county seat. Logan, originally Sarber County, March 22, 1871; amended, Fobrnary 27. 1873; changed to Logan, December 14, 1S75; line between Scott changed, March 21, 1881. Pari.s, county seat. Lonoke, April 16, 1873; named for the lone oak tree, by simply spelling phonetically — the suggestion of the chief engineer of the Cairo & Fulton Railroad. Line laetween Prairie defined November 30, 1N75, and again. December 7, 1875. Lonoke, county seat. V 90 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. Lovely, October 13, 1827; abolished October 17. 1828.' Madison. September 30, 1830; west bouudary changed on November 26, 1838; between Carroll defined January 11, 1843, and again January 20, 1843, 1846; between Newton, December 21, 1848; between Carroll. April 8, 1869. Huntsville, county seat. Mai ion, September 25, 1836; originally Searcy County; changed to Marion, September 29, 1836 (Searcy County created out of December 13, 1838); west hounihiry defined November 18,1837; between Carrol! defined December IS, 1840; part of Fulton attached January 18, 1855; between Van Buren and Searcy defined Jannary 20, 1855, and March, 1873; line between Boone defined December 9, 1875; line between Baxter changed March 9, 1881. Yellville, county seat. Miller, April 1, 1820; the greater portions fell within the limits of Texas; county abolished there- fore, 1836; re-established. December 22, 1874, and eastern boundary extended. Texarkana, county seat. Mississippi, November 1, 1833, 1859; portion of Crittenden attached, January 18, 1S61. Osceola, county seat. Monroe, November 2, 1829; boundaries defined December 25, 1840; line between Prairie changed December 7, 1850; line changed April 12, 1869, March, 1873, April, 1873, and May 27, 1874. Clarendon, county seat. Montgomery, December 9. 1842; line between Yell defined January 2. 1845; between Perry, December 23, 1846; between Perry re-established December 21, 1848; between Hot Spring changed December 27, 1848; between Polk changed Feb- ruary 7,1859. March, 1873; between Clark changed April 24, 1873; line between Pike defined Decem- ber 16, 1874. Mount Ida, county seat. Nevada, March 20, 1871; line between Colum bia defined April 10, 1873. Prescott, county seat. Newton, December 14, 1842; line between Madison defined December 21 , 1848; between Pope January 10, 1853. Jasper, county seat. Ouachita, November 29, 1842; line between Union changed January 6, 1853. Camden, county seat. Perry, December 18, 1840; line between Pul- aski, Saline and Montgomery defined December 23, 1846; old line between Montgomery re-estab- lished December 21,1848. Perryville, county seat. Phillips. May 1, 1820; part attached to Arkan- sas County October 23, 1881; west boundary defined October 30, 1823; act to divide and create Crittenden County October 22, 1825; divided and St. Francis County created October 13, 1827; line between Arkansas County defined November 21, 1828, 1840, March, 1873. Helena, county seat. Pike, November 1, 1833; line between Sevier defined November 15,1883; between Hempstead, December 14, 1838; between Clark, April 22, 1873; between Montgomery, December 16, 1874; between Clark denned March 8, 1877. Murfi-ees- boro, county seat. Poinsett. February 28, 1838, 1859. Harris- burg, county seat. Polk, November 30, 1844; line between Mont- gomery changed February 7. 1859; part of Sebas- tian County added by ordinance of convention, June 1, 1861. Dallas, county seat. Pope, November 2, 1829; part added to Yell January 5, 1853; part of Conway attached Janu- ary 6, 1853; line between Newton, January 10, 1853; part of Van Buren attached January 12, 1853; between Van Buren defined February 17, 1859; between Johnson, October 19, 1859, March, 27, 1871; between Conway, May 28, 1874; between Johnson re-established March 6, 1875; between Johnson changed March 9, 1877. Dover, county seat. Prairie. October 25, 1846; between Pulaski changed December 30, 1848; between Monroe changed December 7, 1850: line changed April 12, 1869; between White defined April 17, 1873; line changed April 26, 1873, May 27, 1874; between Lonoke changed November 30, 1875; separated into two districts, 1885. Devall's Bluff, county seat. Pulaski, December 15, 1818, while a part of Lower Missouri Territory; line between Arkansas and Pulaski October 30, 1823; between Clark changed October 30, 1823; divided October 20, 1825; Quapaw Purchase divided — Arkansas and :rz 4^^ k^ HISTORY OF .UtKANSAS. 91 Pulaski, October 13, 1827; uorthwost boundary defined October 23, 1827; between Pulaski and Conway, October 20, 1828; line between Saline defined February 25, 1888, December 1-1, 1838; between White changed February 3,1843; between Saline defined December 21, 1846; between Perry defined December 23, 1846; between Prairie changed December 30, 1848; between Saline de- fined April 12, 1873; again, December 7, 1875. Little Rock, county seat. Randolph, October 29, 1835; part of Lawrence uttacbed January 18, 1864, March, 1873. Poca- hontas, county seat. Saline, November 2, 1835; boundaries defined November 5, 1836; between Pulaski, February 25, 1838, December 14, 1838, December 21, 1846; be- tween Hot Spring, December 23, 1846, February 19, 1859, January 19,1861; between Pulaski, April 12, 1873. December 17, 1875. Benton, county seat. Scott, November 5, 1833; boundaries defined October 24, 1835; between Crawford, December 16, 1838; part of Sebastian attached by conven- tion June 1, 1861; line between Logan changed March 21, 1873. Waldron, county seat. Searcy, November 5, 1835; boundaries defined September 26, 1836; name changed to Marion September 29, 1830; county created out of Marion December 13, 1838; between Van Buren defined October 2. 1853; between Van Buren and Marion defined October 20, 1855, March, 1873. Marshall, county seat. Sebastian, January 6, 1851; part attached to Scott and Polk by the convention June 1, 1861. Fort Smith and Greenwood, county seats. Sevier, October 17, 1828; boundaries defined November 8, 1833; between Pike, November 15, 1833; southeast boundary defined October 29, 1836. Lockesburg, county seat. Sharp, July IS. 1868; act March 3, 1873; be- tween Independence defined February 11, 1875; line between Izard changed March 9, 1877, 1883. Evening Shade, county seat. St. Francis, Octolier 13, 1827; St. Francis River declared boundary lino between Crittenden Novembers, 1831; part attached to Jackson Jan- uary 1, 1851, March, 1873. Forrest City, county seat. Stone, April 21, 1873. Mountain View, county seat. Union, November 2, 1829; boundaries defined November 5, 1836; line between Lafayette, November 26,1846; line between Ouachita changed January 6. 1853; part added to Columliia, Decem- ber 21, 1851; part of Calhoun attached October 19, 1862. El Dorado, county seat. Van Buren, November 11. 1833; boundaries defined November 4, 1836; part attached to Po])e January 12, 1853; between Searcy and Marion defined January 20, 1855; between Pope defined February 17, 1859. Clinton, county seat. Washington, October 17, 1828; certain lands declared to be in Washington County October 2'), 1831; line between Crawford defined November 24, 1846; line changed between Crawford March 8, 1883. Fayetteville, county seat. White, October 23, 1835; line between Pulaski changed February 3, 1843; part of Conway at tachod January 11, 1853; line between Prairie defined April 17, 1873. Searcy, county seat. Woodruff, November 20, 1862; but vote, in pui-suance to ordinance of conventions 1861, 1806, 1869; line changed April 26, 1873. Augusta, county seat. Yell, December 5, 1840; northern boundary, December 21, 1840; line between Montgomery, January 2. 1845; part Pope attached January 6, 1853. Danville and Dardauelle, county seats. The following table will prove valuable for comparison in noting the growth in poimlation of the counties throughout the State in the various decades from their organization: AGGBEQ4TE POPULATION BY COUNTIES AGGREGATE POPULATION BY COUNTIES. Counties in 1880 1870 1860 1850 1840 1830 j 1820 :.0,388 14,255 1810 1,062 Counties in tbe SUte. 1880 1 1870 1860 1850 I 1340 1 1830 i 1820 1 1810 the State. 802,525 484,471 485,460 209,897 1 97,574 802,525| 484,471 435,450:209,897 97,574 30,388; 14,255 1,062 8,038 10,156 6,004 20,837 1A146 6,285 .■i.U"! 13,337 10,117 15,771 7,213 M.O'.IO l-.',7.'\5 7,037 ;4,740 9,415 5,030 6,5' >5 8,873 8,870 12,231 1J,7H6 14.9.il 6,720 9,023 6,185 7,480 19,015 7,775 9,917 18,086 10,857 10,877 22,386 11,565 5,730 8,782 8,238 8,042 8,884 8,690 3,245 :i,058 1,346 1 426 t •3(^ 1,062 Lee Lincoln Lilile River 13,288 9,255 6,405 14,885 12 146 Ashley Baxter 3,246 13,831 7,032 8,646 6,780 7,214 11,953 9,306 3,710 2,228 I i Booue Lonoke Madison Marion Bradley ,... 8,.388 4,103 9,383 9,2.34 9,785 3,829 11,4,55 7,907 9,919 7,142 9,574 8,739 12.959 6,120 11,758 3,873 21,262 6,345 2 192 8,231 3,979 7,740 6,192 4,823 2,308 3,775 1 ,325 1 4,617 ■ 5,115 4,070 2,814 3,8U« 2,300 Miller 1,165 1,369 Mississippi Monroe Montgomery Nevada 3,6.33 8,336 2,984 3,895 5.657 3,633 2,368 2,049 1,958 1,410 936 Clark 1.040 461 Clay 11,307 8,112 4,577 8,9,57 8,831 3,915 5,707 6,125 12,459 6,697 8,066 7,8,50 4,920 ' 3,.583 2,892 982 4,374 12,975 2,685 15,372 3,788 1 790 3..393 12,9.36 2,465 14,877 4,025 3,621 4,262 7,883 8,854 11,699 6,261 8,672 6,540 5.142 .5,271 1,7.58 9,591 978 6,9.35 1,801 2,308 1,263 4,710 2,097 6,657 3,375 4,457 3,903 3,083 1,979 7,960 2,648 4,200 1,561 2,440 1,273 Phillips 3,547 969 1,.320 1,1,52 1.197 Cross Pike Dallas 8.283 6,459 6,877 2,911 1 Poinsett . 1,698 ■ Polk I Pope 14,322 8.435 32,616 11,724 8.389 8,953 9.174 7,278 8,386 5,604 32,006 7,466 6.714 3,911 7,483 5 613 2,(!50 1,483 9,960 9,087 3,276 Prairie Pulaski 5.350 2,196 2,499 2,061 1,694 9.3R 2,395 'i','56'5 1.921 9,027 4,843 3,943 7,573 13.768 6,877 7,898 4,024 "s.'si's 13989 5,636 3,972 1,819 "2,.593 7,672 3,609 2,065 St. Francis Saline Garland '1,58(1 4,921 1,907 :::::::::l::::::::: Grant gpott Searcy ~ Sebastian Sevier Shatp Hempstead Hot Spring 2,512 4.58 2,?46 19 560 1 12 940 6,192 9,047 5,089 13,419 4.492 5,400 10,516 4,240 2,810 634 Independence... Izard 14,666 6,806 7,268 15,733 9,1.52 9.1.39 5,981 14,307 7,215 10,493 14,971 7,612 8,464 9,373 7,767 3,212 3,086 6,834 5.227 6.220 6,274 3,669 2,340 1,640 2..';66 3,4.33 2,280 2,835 2.031 1,266 333 772 '748 2,806 Stone 10571 12,288 5,357 14,673 8,316 10,298 3,884 9,97(1 2,619 2,889 1 518 7,148 920 640 Van Buren Washington White 9,565 ' 6,107 23,884 ' 17,266 17,794 1 10.347 8.(146' 6,981 13,853 8.048 5,182 Lafayptie Woodruff. YpII 5,592 6,333 ... 3,341 ' 1 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 98 ®iiAiTit xn. o » < « Edtjcation-The Mental Type Considered-Tekritorial Schools, Laws and Funds-Constitutional Provisions for Education— Legislative Provisions— Progress since the War— The State Superintendents— Statistics-Arkansas Literature— The Arkansaw Traveler. Delightful task! to rear the tender thought. To teach the young idea how to shoot; To pour the fresh instructions o'er the mind, To breathe th' enlivening spirit, and to fix The generous purpose in the glowing breast.- Thormon. J^Titre^ each other ERE is oue subject at least in the economic institutions of our country where men do not divide on political lines. To the historian it is a restful and refreshing oasis in the arid desert. From the Canadas to the Gulf commun- ities and States earnestly vie with '«&j eacn otner in the establishment of the best public schools. The pres- ent generation has nearly supplant- ed the former great universities with the free public high schools A generation ago the South sent its boys to the North to school; the Nortli sent its boys to the old universities of Europe. Oxford and Heidelburg received the sons of ambi- tious, wealthy Americans of the North, while Yale, Harvard and Jefferson Colleges were each the alma mater of many of the youths of the South. The rivalry in the schools between the two sections at that time was not intense, but the educa'.ed young men of the South met in sharpest rivalry in the halls of Congress the typical Northern man. As the highest types of the North and the South in active political life may be placed Thomas Jeffer- son and Daniel Webster. In peace or in war the differences in the intellectual advancement of the two sections were more imaginary than real. The disadvantage the South met was tlie natural ten- dency to produce an aristocratic class in the com- munity. Cotton and the negro wore impediments in the Southern States that clogged the way to the advancement of the masses. They retarded the building of great institutions of learning as well as the erection of large manufactories. This applied far more to collegiate education than to the com- mon or public school system. The Southern man who was able to send his children away from his State to school realized that he gave them two ad- vantages over keeping them at home; he aided them in avoiding negro contact and association, and provided the advantage of a better knowledge of different peoples in different sections. Arkansas may have Ligged somewhat in the cause of education in the past, but to-day, though young as a State, it is far in advance of many older communities who are disposed to boast greatly of their achievements in this direction. When still a Territory the subject of education received wise and considerate attention. March 2, 1827, Congress gave the State seventy-two ^ w zrr^" — r * -n jfv 94 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. sections of land for the purpose of establishing "a seminary of learning." A supplemental act was passed l)y Congress, June '23, 183(5, one week after it became a State, offering certain propo- sitions for acceptance or rejection: 1. The six- teenth section of every township for school pur- poses. 2. The seventy- two sections known as the saline lands. By article 9, section 4, State con- stitution of 1S()9, these lands were given to the free schools. 3. The seventy-two sections, known as the seminary lands, given to 'the Territory in 1827, were vested and conhrmed in the State of Arkansas for the use of said seminary. October 18, 1836, the State accepted the propositions entire; and the legislature passed the act known as " the ordinance of acceptance and compact." December 18, 1844, the general assembly asked Congress for a modi- fication of the seminary grant, so as to authorize the legislature to appropriate these seventy-two sections of land for common school purposes. Congress assented to this on July 29, 1840, and the lands were added to the free school fund. These congressional land grants formed the basis of the State's free school system. The first State constitution of 1836 recognized the importance of popular education, and made it the duty of the general assembly to provide by law for the improvement of such lands as are, or may be, granted by the United States for the use of schools, and to pass such laws as "shall be cal- culated to encourage intellectual, scientific and agricultural improvement." The general assembly of 1842 established a sys- tem of common schools in the State, which was ap- proved and became a law February 3, 1853, pro- viding for the sale of the sixteenth section, and election of school trustees in each township, to ex- pend the money from the sale of land in the cause of education. The act required schools to be main- tained in each township ' ' for at least four months in each year, and orthography, reading, writing, English grammar, arithmetic and good morals should be taught." The trustees were required to visit the schools once in each month, and the school age was fixed at from five to twenty-one years. The act also provided for the establishment of manual labor schools. It went to the extent of appropriating a sum of money for the purchase of text-books. This was a long step in advance of any other portion of the country at that time. To the fund arising from lands the act added "all tines for false impri.sonment, assault and battery, breach of the peace, etc." This act of the assem- bly placed the young State in the vanguard of States in the cause of free schools. It is an enduring monument to the men of that legis- lature. Under this law the reports of the county commissioners of education were ordered to be made to the State auditor, but if so made none can be found in the State archives. A State board of education was provided for by the act of 1843, and the board was required to make a complete report of educational matters, and also to recommend the passage of such laws as were deemed advisable for the advancement of the cause of education. By an act of January 1 1 , 1853, the secretary of State was made ex- officio State commissioner of common schools, and re- quired to report to the governor the true condition of the schools in each county; which report the governor presented to the general assembly at each regular session. The provisions of an act of January, 1855, relate to the sale of the sixteenth section, and defined the duties of the school trus- tees and commissioners. Article 8, in the consti- tution of 1807, is substantially the same as the pro- visions of the law of 1836. From 1830 to 1807, as is shown by the above, the provisions of the law were most excellent and liberal toward the public schools; legislative enact- ments occur at frequent intervals, indicating that the State was well abreast of the most liberal school ideas of the time, and large funds were raised sacred to the cause. Investigation shows that from the date of the State's admission into the Union, until 1867, there were many and admnable stipulations and statutes, by which large revenues were collected from the sale of lands, but the records of the State depart- ment give no account of the progress of free schools during this period, leaving the inference that but little practical benefit accrued to the HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 95 cause from these wise and libonil measures put forth by Congress and the State. By act approved May 18, 1807, the legislature made a marked forward movement in the cause of education. Considering the chaotic conditions of society, and the universal public and private bank- ruptcy, the movement is only the more surprising. The act stipulated that a tax of 20 cents on every $100 worth of taxable pro]ierty should be levied for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a system of public schools. The second section made this fund sacred — to be used for no other purpose whatever. The fourth section provided for a superintendent of public instruction and defined his duties. The eighth section provided for a school commissioner, to be chosen by the electors of each county, who should examine any one applying for a position as school teacher; granting to those qualified to teach a certificate, without which no one could be legally em- ployed to teach. Prior to this a license as teacher was not considered essential, and there was no one authorized to examine applicants or grant certifi- cates. The Congressional township was made the unit of the school district, the act also setting forth that in the event of the trustees failing to have a school taught in the distiict at least three months in the year, the same thereby forfeited its portion of the school revenue. These wise and liberal arrangements were made, it must be remem- bered, by a people bankrupt by war and suffering the hard trials of reconstruction. No regular reports were made — at least none can be found — prior to 1867, the date of the ap- pointment of a superintendent. Though reports were regularly received ^om the year mentioned, the most of them were unsatisfactory and not reliable. The constitution of 1868 created some wise amendments to the previous laws. It caused the schools to become free to every child in the State; school revenues were increased, districts could have no part of the school fund unless a free school had been taught for at least throe mouths. The leg- islature following this convention, July 23. ISfiS, amended the school laws to conform to this con- stitutional provision. In addition to State super- intendent, the office of circuit superiiitendi'iit was created, and also the State board of education. The constitutional convention of 1874 made changes in the school law and provided for the school system now in force in the State. The act of the legislature, December 7, 187^, was passed in conformity with the last preceding State con- vention. This law with amendments is the present school law of Arkansas. Hon. Thomas Smith was the first State super- intendent, in office from 1808 to 1873. The present incumbent of that position, Hon. Wood- ville E. Thoujpson, estimates that the commence- ment of public free schools in Arkansas may prop- erly date from the time Mr. Smith took possession of the office — schools free to all ; every child entitled to the same rights and privileges, none excluded: separate schools provided for white and black; a great number of schools organized, school houses built, and etKcient teachers secured. Previous to this time people looked upon free schools as largely pauper schools, and the wealthier classes regarded them unfavorably. Hon. J. C. Corbin, the successor of Mr. Smith, continued in office until December 13, 1875. Hon. B. W. Hill was appointed December 18, 1875, and remained in office until 1878. It was during his term that there came the most marked change in public sentiment in favor of public schools. He was a zealous and able worker in the cause, and from his report for 1870 is learned the following: State apportionment. §213,000; dis- trict tax, $88,000; school population, ISU.OCO. Through the directors" failure to report the enroll- ment only shows 10,000. The total revenue of 1877 was $270,000; of 1878, 8270,000. Mr. Hill was succeeded in 1878 by Hon. J. L. Denton, whose integrity, earne-itnesa and great ability resulted in completing the valuable work so well commenced by his predecessor— removing the Southern prejudices against public schools. He deserves a lasting place in the history of Arkansas as the advocate and chami)ion of free schools. The present able and efficient State superin- tendent of public instruction, as previou.sly men- -* 9 Vt6 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. tioned, is Hon. Woodville E. Thompson. To his eminent qualificationa and tireless energy the schools of Arkansas are largely indebted for the rapid advance now going on, and which has marked his past term of oflSce. From his bien- nial report are gleaned most of the facts and sta- tistics given below. The growth of the institution as a whole may be detined by the following statistics: In 1879 the revenue raised by the State and county tax was $271,000; in 1880, $285,000; in 1881, $710,000; in 1882, $722,000; in 1883, .'{;740,000; iu 1884, $931,000; in 1885, $1,199,000; in 1886, $1,327,- 000. The district tax in 1884 was $34(3,521; in 1885, $343,850, and in 1886, $445,563. The dis- trict tax is that voted by the people. Arkansas to-day gives the most liberal sup- port to her free schools, all else considered, of any State in the Union. It provides a two mill tax, a poll tax, and authorizes the districts to vote a live mill tax. This is the rule or rate voted in nearly all the districts, thus making a total on all taxable property of seven mills, besides the poll tax. The persistent neglect of school officers to re- port accurate returns of their school attendance is to be regretted. The number of pupils of school age (six to twenty-one years) is given, but no ac- count of attendance or enrollment. This leaves counties in the unfavorable light of a large school population, with apparently the most meager at- tendance. The following summaries exhibit the progress of the public schools: Number of school children, 1869, 176,910; 1870, 180,274; 1871, 196,237; 1872, 194,314; 1873, 148,128; 1874, 168,- 929; 1875, 168,929; 1876, 189,130; 1877, 203,567; 1878, 216,475: 1879, 236,600; 1880, 247,547; 1881, 272,841; 1882, 289,617; 1883, white, 227,538; black, 76,429; total, 304,962; 1884. white, 247,- 173; black, 76,770; total, 323,943; 1885, white, 252,290; black, 86,213; total, 338,506; 1886, white, 266,188; black, 91,818; total, 358,006; 1887, white, 279,224; black, 98,512; total, 377,- 730; 1888, white, 288,381; black, 99,747; total, 388,129. The number of juipils enrolled in 1869 was 67,412; 1888, 202,754, divided as follows: White, 152,184; black, 50,570. Number of teach- ers employed 1869, 1,335; number employed 1888, males, 3,431, females, 1.233. Total number of school houses, 1884, 1,453; erected that year, 263. Total number school houses, 1888, 2,452; erected in that year, 269. Total value of school houses, 1884, $384,827.73. Total value, 1888, $705,- 276.92. Total amount of revenues received, 1868, $300,669.63. For the year, 1888: Amount on hand June 30, 1887, $370,942.25; received com- mon school fund, $315,403.28; district tax, $505,- 069.92; poll tax, $146,604.22; other sources, $45,890.32; total, $1,083,909.32. While there were in early Territorial days great intellectual giants in Arkansas, the tendency was not toward the tamer and more gentle walks of lit- erature, but rather in the direction of the fiercer bat- tles of the political arena and the rostrum. Oratory was cultivated to the extreme, and often to the neglect apparently of all else of intellectual pur- suits. The ambitious youths had listened to the splendid eloquence of their elders — heard their praises on every lip, and were fired to struggle for such triumphs. Where there are great orators one expects to find poets and artists. The great states- man is mentally cast in molds of stalwart pro- portions. The poet, orator, painter, and eminent literary character are of a finer texture, but usually not so virile. Gen. Albert Pike gave a literary immortality to Arkansas when it was yet a Territorial wilderness. The most interesting incident in the history of literature would be a true picture of that Nestor of the press. Kit North, when he opened the mail package from that dim and unknown savage world of Arkansas, and turned his eyes on the pages of Pike's manuscript, which had been offered the great editor for publication, in his poem en- titled "Hymn to the Gods." This great but mer- ciless critic had written Byron to death, and one can readily believe that he must have turned pale when his eye ran over the lines — lines from an un- known world of untamed aborigines, penned in the wilderness by this unknown boy. North read the products of new poets to find, not merit, but weak points, where he could impale on his sharp and pitiless pen the daring singer. What a play must ;^ :> \r> DsCE QLR . Mississippi Cdunty Arkansas . HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. i»7 have swept over his features as his eye followed line after line, eager and more eager from the first word to the last. To him could this be possible — real — and not the day dream of a disturbed im- agination. This historical incident in the litera- ture of the wild west — the pioneer boy not only on the outer coufines of civilization, but to the aver- age Englishman, in the impenetrable depths of a dark continent, where dwelt only cannibals, select- ing the great and severe arbiter of English litera- ture to whom he would transmit direct his fate as a poet; the youth's unexpected triumph in not only securing a place in the columns of the leading review of the world, but extorting in the editorial columns the highest meed of praise, is unparalleled in the feats of tyros in literature. The supremacy of Pike's genius was dulled in its brilliancy be- cause of the versatility of his mental occupations. A poet, master of belles leitres, a lawyer and a poli- tician, as well as a soldier, and eminent in all the varied walks he trod, yet he was never a book- maker — had no ambition, it seems, to be an author. The books that he will leave, those especially by which he will be remembered, will be his gathered and bound writings thrown ofP at odd intervals and cast aside. His literary culture could produce only the very highest type of effort. Hence, it is prob- able that Lord North was the only editor living to whom Pike might have submitted his " Hymn to the Gods" with other than a chance whim to de- cide its fate. There was no Boswell among the early great men of Arkansas, otherwise there would exist biog- raphies laden with instruction and full of interest. There were men and women whose genius com- pelled them to talk and write, but they wrote dis- connected, uncertain sketches, and doubtless often published them in the columns of some local news- paper, where they sank into oblivion. The en-atic preacher- lawyer, A. W. Arrington, wrote many and widely published sketches of the bench and bar of Ai-kansas, but his imagination so out-ran the facts that they became mere fictions — very interesting and entertaining, it is said, but entirely useless to the historian. Arrington was a man of superior natural genius, but was so near a moral wreck as to cloud his memory. Years ago was published Nutall's History of Arkansas, but the most diligent inquiry among the olde.st inhabitants fails to find one who ever heard of the book, much less the author. Recently John Hallum pulilished his History of Arkansas. The design of the author was to make three volumes, the first to treat of the bench and bar, but the work was dropped after this volume was published. It contains a gi-eat amount of valuable matter, and the author has done the State an important service in making his collections and putting them in durable form. A people with so many men and women com- petent to write, and who have written so little of Arkansas, its people or its great historical events, presents a curious phase of society. A wide and inviting field has been neglected and opportunities have been lost; facts have now gone out of men's memories, and important histor- ical incidents passed into oblivion beyond recall. Opie P. Read, now of Chicago, will be known in the future as the young and ambitious literary worker of Arkansas. He came to Little Rock from his native State, Tennessee, and engaged in work on the papers at that city. He soon had a wide local reputation and again this soon grew to a national one. His fugitive pieces in the news papers gained extensive circulation, and in quiet humor and unaffected pathos were of a high order. . He has written several works of fiction and is now running through his paper. The Arkansaw Traveler, Chicago, a novel entitled ' ' The Kentucky Colonel," already pronounced by able critics one among the best of American works of fiction. Mr. Read is still a comparatively young man, and his pen gives most brilliant promise for the futui'e. His success as an editor is well remembered. ^^ 98 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. DO The Churches ok Arkansas— Appearance of the Missionaries— Church Missions Established in the Wilderness— The Leading Protestant Denominations— Ecclesiastical Statistics- General Outlook from a Heligious Standpoint. No silver saints bj' dying misers giv'n Here bribed the rage of ill-requited Heav'n; B\it such plain roofs as piety could raise. And onlj' vocal with the Maker's praise. — Pope. V<» N all bistories of the early settlers the pioneer preach- ers and missionaries of the Church are of first inter- est. True missionaries, re- gardless of all creeds, are a most interesting study, and, in the broad principles of Chris- tianity, they may well be considered ^ ■«« as a class, with only incidental refer- ■^Jfe^r enees to their different creeds. The ^\.^ essence of their remarkable lives is ^^( i the heroic work and suffering they so cheerfully undertook and carried on so patiently and bravely. Among the iirst of pioneers to the homes of the red savages were these earnest church- men, carrying the news of Mount Calvary to the benighted peoples. It is difficult for us of this age to understand the sacrifices they made, the privations they endured, the moral and physical courage required to sustain them in their vrork. The churches, through their missionaries, carried the cross of Christ, extending the spiritual empire in advance, nearly always, of the temporal empire. They bravely led the way for the hardy explorers, and ever and anon a martyr's body was given to the flames, or left in the trackless forests, food for ravenous wild beasts. The Iirst white men to make a lodgment in what is now Arkansas having been Marquette and Joliet, France and the Church thus came here hand in hand. The Spanish and French settlers at Arkansas Post were the representatives of Cath- olic nations, as were the French-Canadians who came down from the lakes and settled along the banks of the lower Mississippi River. After 1803 there was another class of pion- eers that came in — Protestant English by descent if not direct, and these soon dominated in the Arkansas country. The Methodists, Baptists and Cumberland Presbyterians, after the building of the latter by Rev. Finis Ewing, were the pre- vailing pioneer preachers. Beneath God's first temples these missionaries held meetings, traveled over the Territory, going wherever the little col- umn of blue smoke from the cabin directed them, as well as visiting the Indian tribes, proclaiming Christ and His cause. Disregarding the elements, swollen streams, the dim trails, and often no other guide on their dreary travels than the projecting ridges, hills and .streams, the sun or the polar star; facing hunger, heat and cold, the wild beast and the far fiercer savage, without hope of money compen 3 J HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. IW sation, regardless of sickness and even death, these men took their lives in their hands and went forth. Could anything be more graphic or pathetic of the conditions of these men than the extract from a letter of one of them who had thus served his God and fellow-man more than fifty years: "Inmylong ministry I often suffered for food and I spent no money for clothing. * * The largest yearly salary I received was $100." Were ever men inspired with more zeal in the cause of their Master ? They had small polish and were as rugged as the gnarled old oaks beneath whose branches they so often bivouacked. They never tasted the refinements of polite life, no doubt despising them as heartily as they did sin itself. Rude of speech, what eloquence they possessed (and many in this respect were of no mean order) could only come of their deep sincerity. These Protestant missionaries trod closely upon the footsteps of the pure and gentle Marquette in the descent of the Mississippi, and the visits to the Indians amid the cane-brakes of the South. Marquette's followers had been the first to ascend the Arkansas River to its source iu the far distant land of the Dakotas in the Northwest. Holding aloft the cross, they boldly entered the camps of the tribes, and patiently won upon them until they laid down their drawn tomahawks and brought forth the calumet of peace. These wild children gath- ered around these strange beings — visitors, as they supposed, from another world, and wherever a ci'oss was erected they regarded it with fear and awe, believing it had supreme power over them and their tribes. He who would detract from the deserved im- mortality of any of these missiocaries on account of their respective creeds, could be little else than a cynic whose blood is acid. Marquette first explored the Mississippi River as the representative of the Catholic Church. The old church baptismal records of the mis- sion of Arkansas Post extend back to 1764, and the ministrations of Father Louis Meurin, who signatl the record as "missionary priest." This is the oldest record to be found of the church's recog- nition of Arkansas now extant. That Marquette held church service and erected the cross of Chriet nearly one hundred years anterior to the record date in Arkansas is given in the standard histories of the United States. Rev. Girard succeeded Meurin. It may be gleaned from these records that in 1788 De La Valliere was in command of Arkansas Post. la 1780 the attending priest was Rev. Louis Guignes. The record is next signed Ijy Rev. Gibault in 1792, and next by Rev. Janniii in 1796. In 1820 is found the name of Rev. Chau- dorat. In 1834 Rev. Dupuy, and in 1838 Father Donnellj' was the priest in charge. These remained in custody of the first mission at Arkansas Post. The second mission established was St. Mary's, now Pine Bluff. The first priest at that point was Rev. Saulmier. Soon after, another mission, St. Peter's, was established in Jefferson County, and the third mission, also in Jefferson County, was next established at Plum Bayou. In order, the next mission was at Little Rock, Rev. Emil Saul- mier in charge; then at Fort Smith; then Helena, and next Napoleon and N(>w Gascony, respectively. The Catholic population of the State is esti- mated at 10,000, with a total number of churches and mi.ssions of forty. There are twenty-two church schools, convents and academies, the school attendance being 1,600. The first bishop in the Arkansas diocese was Andrew Byrne, 1844. He died at Helena in 1802, his successor being the present incumbent, Bishop Edward FitzGerald. who came in 1807. From a series of articles published in the -Vr kansas Methodist, of the current year, by the emi- nent and venerable Rev. Andrew Hunter, D. D. , • are gleaned the following important facts of this Church's history in Ai'kausas: Methodism came to Arkansas by way of Missouri about 1814, a com- pany of emigrants entering from Southeast Mis- souri overland, and who much of the way had to cut out a road for their wagons. They bad heard of the rich lauds in Mound Prairie, Hempstead County. In this company were John Herirey, a local preacher, Alexander and Jacob Shook, broth- ers, and Daniel Props. In their long slow travels they reached the Arkansas River at Little Rock, and waited on the opposite bank for the comple- 100 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. tion of a ferry-boat then building. When these people reached their destination they soon set iip a church, and erected the first Methodist "meet- ing-house" in Arkansas, called Henrey's Chapel. "Father Henrey," as he was soon known far and wide, reared sons, all preachers. This little col- ony were all sincere Methodists, and nearly all their first generation of sons became preachers, some of them eminent. Jacob Shook and three of his sons entered the ministry; Gilbert Alex- ander, his sons and grandsons, became ministers of God's word, as did two of Daniel Props' sons. The small colony was truly the seed of the church in Arkansas. In 1838 two young ministers were sent from Tennessee to the Arkansas work, and came all the way to Mound Prairie on horseback. The church records of Missouri show that the conference of 1817 sent two preachers to Arkan- sas — William Stevenson and John Harris. They were directed to locate at Hot Springs. It is conceded that these two missionaries "planted Methodism in Arkansas." In 1818 the Missouri Conference sent four laborers to Arkansas, with William Stevenson as the presiding elder of the Territory. The circuits then had: John Shader, on Spring River; Thomas Tennant, Arkansas circuit; W. Orr. Hot Springs; William Stevenson and James Lowrey, Mound Prairie. What was called the Arkansas circuit in- cluded the Arkansas River, from Pine Bluff to the mouth. After years of service als presiding elder, Stevenson was succeeded by John Scripps; the ap- pointments then were: Arkansas circuit, Dennis Willey; Hot Springs, Isaac Brookfield; Mound Prairie, John Harris; Pecan Point, William Town- send. The Missouri Conference, 1823, again made William Stevenson presiding elder, with three itin- erants for Arkansas. In 1825 Jesse Hale became presiding elder. He was in charge until 1829. He was an original and outspoken abolitionist, and taught and preached his faith unroservedl}' ; so much so that large numbers of the leading fam- ilies left the Methodist Episcopal Church and joined the Cumberland Presbyterians. This was the sudden building up of the Cumberland Pres- byterian Church, and nearly fatally weakened the Methodist Church. Some irreverent laymen desig- nated Elder Jesse Hale's ministrations as the "Hail storm" in Arkansas. Fortunately Hale was succeeded by Rev. Jesse Green, and he poured oil on the troubled waters, and saved Methodism in Arkansas. ' ' Green was our Moses. ' ' The Tennessee Conference, 1831, sent eight preachers to Arkansas, namely: Andrew D. Smyth, John Harrell, Henry G. Joplin, William A. Boyce. William G. Duke, John N. Hammill, Alvin Baird and Allen M. Scott. A custom of those old time preachers now passed away is worth preserving. When possi- ble to do so they went over the circuit together, two and two. One might preach the regular ser- mon, when the other would ' ' exhort. ' ' Under these conditions young Rev. Smyth was accompanying the regular circuit rider. He was at first difiS- dent, and ' ' exhorted ' ' simply by giving his hearers " Daniel in the lion's den." As the two started around the circuit the second time, on reaching a night appointment, before entering the house, and as they were returning from secret prayer in the brush, the preacher said: "Say, Andy, I'm going to preach, and when I'm done you give 'em Daniel and the lions again." Evidently Andy and his lions were a terror to the natives. But the young exborter soon went up head, and became a noted divine. The Missouri Conference, 1832, made two dis- tricts of Arkansas. Rev. A. D. Smyth had charge of Little Rock district, which extended over all the country west, including the Cherokee and Creek Nations. The formation of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, occurred in 1844. This is a well known part of the history of our country. In Ar- kansas the church amid all its trials and vicissi- tudes has grown and flourished. The State now has fifteen districts, with 200 pastoral charges, and, it is estimated, nearly 1,000 congregations. The Methodist Episcopal Church has a com- fortable church in Little Rock, and several good sized congregations in different portions of the State. This church and the Methodist Episcopal f ^k i "•V ' ^ e HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 101 Church, South, are separate and wholly distinct in their organization. The Baptists are naturally a pioneer and fron- tier church people. They are earnest and sincere proselyters to the faith, and reach very effectively people in general. The Baptist Church in Ben- ton -celebrated, July 4, 1889, its fifty-third anni- v(>rsary. Originally called Sjiring Church, it was built about two miles from the town. The organi- zation took place under the sheltering branches of an old oak tree. One of the first churches of this order was the Mount Bethel Church, about six miles west of Arkadelphia, in Clark County. This was one of the oldest settled points l>y English speaking people in the State. The church has grown with the increase of population. Rev. James M. Moore organized in Little Rock, in 1828, the first Presbyterian Church in Arkan- sas. He was from Pennsylvania, eminent for his ability, zeal and piety. For some time he was the representative of his church in a wide portion of the country south and west. He was succeeded by Rev. A. R. Banks, from the theological sem- inary of Columbia, S. C. , who settled in Hempstead County in 1835-3G and organized and built Spring Hill Church, besides another at Washington. The next minister in order of arrival was Rev. John M. Erwin. He located at Jackson, near the old town of Elizabeth, but his life was not spared long after coming. He assisted Revs Moore and Banks in organizing the first presbytery in Arkansas. In 1839 Rev. J. M. Moore, mentioned above, removed to what is now Lonoke County, and or ganized a congregation and built Sylvania Church. His successor at Little Rock was Rev. Henderson, in 1840. The death of Rev. Henderson left no quorum, and the Arkansas presbytery became /unc- tui> officio. Rev, Aaron Williams, from Bethel presbytery, South Carolina, came to Arkansas in 1842, and settled in Hempstead County, taking charge of a large new academy at that place, which had been built by the wealthy people of the locality. He at once re-organized the church at Washington, which had been some time vacant. Arkansas then be- longed to the synod of Mississippi. In 1842, in company with Rev. A. R. Banks, he traveled over the swamps and through the forests 400 miles to attend the Mississippi synod at Port Royal. Their mission was to ask the synod to allow Revs. Williams, Moore, Banks and Shaw to organize the Arkansas presbytery. They obtained the permis sion, and meeting in Little Rock the first Sunday in January, 1843, organized the Arkansas presby- tery. The Rev. Balch had settled in Dardanelle. and he joined the new presbytery. In the next few years Revs. Byington and Kingsbury, Con- gregational ministers, who had been missionaries to the Indians since 1818, also joined the Arkansas presbytery. The synod of Memphis was subse- quently formed, of which Arkansas was a part. There were now three presbyteries west of Mem- phis: Arkansas, Ouachita and Indian. In lS3ft Arkansas was composed of four prpsbytories — twu Arkansas and two Ouachita. Rev. Aaron Williams assumed charge at Little Rock in 1843, where he remained until January, 1845. There was then a vacancy for some years in that church, when the Rev, Joshua F, Green ministered to the flock. He was succeeded iiy Rev. Thomas Fraser, who continued until 1859. All these had been supplies, and in 18r)9 Little Rock was made a pastorate, and Rev. Thomas R. Welch was installed as first pastor. Ho filled the position the next twenty five years, and in 1885 resigned on account of ill health, and was sent as counsel to Canada, where he died. About the close of his pastorate, the Second Presbyterian Church of Little Rock was organized, and their house built, the Rev. A. R. Kennedy, pastor. He' resigned in September, 1888, being succeeded by James R. Howerton. After the resignation of Dr. Welch of the First Church. Dr. J. C. Barrett was given charge. Rev. Aaron Williams, after leaving the synod, became a synodical evangelist, and traveled over the State, preaching wherever he found small col- lections of people, and organizing churches. He formed the church at Fort Smith and the one in Jackson County. A synodical college is at Batesville, and is highly prosperous. T' -4^ HM HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. IfiCTlt XI¥. Names Illl-striol's in Arkansas History— Prominknt Mention of Noted Individuals— Ambrose H. Sevier— William K. Woodruff— John Wilson— John Hemphill— Jacob Barkman— Dr. Bowie— Sandy Faulkner— Samuel H. Hempstead— Trent, \Villiams, Shinn Families, AND Otheiis— The Conways— Robert Crittenden— Archibald Yell— Judge David Walker- Gen. G. D. Bovston— Judge James W. Bates. The gen'ial voice Sounds him, for courtesy, behaviour, language Aud ev'ry fair demeanor, an e.xamplc; Titles of honour add not to liis worth. Who is himself an honour to his lilli'. — Ford. O history of Arkansas, worthy of the name, could fail to refer to the lives of a num her of its distinguished citizens, whose relation to ■^ great public events has ,-?r%^ made them a part of the tine history of their State. The following sketches of repre- sentative men will be of no little interest to each and every reader of the present volume. Ambrose H. Sevier, was one of the foremost of the prominent men of his day, and deserves es|)i'cial mention. The recent removal of the remains of Gen. John Sevier from Alabama to Knoxville, Tenn. (June 19, 1S89), has awakened a widespread inter- est in this historic family name. The re-interment of the illustrious ashes of the first governor, found- er and Congressman of Tennessee, by the State he had made, was bttt an act of long deferred justice to one of the most illustrious ;md j)icturesque char- acters in American history. He founded two States and was the lirst governor of each of them; one of these States, Tennessee, he had, in the spirit of dis- interested patriotism, erected on the romantic ruins of the other— the mountain State of "Franklin." A distinguished Revolutionary soldier, he was the hero of King's Mountain, where he and four broth- ers fought. He was first governor of the State of "Franklin," six times governor of Tennessee, three times a member of Congress, and in no in- stance did he ever have an opponent to contest for an office. He was in thirty- five hard fought battles; had faced in bitter contest the State of North Carolina, which secretly arrested and ab- ducted him from the new State he had carved out of North Carolina territory; was rescued in open court by two friends, and on his return to his ad- herents as easily defeated the schemes of North Carolina as he had defeated, in many battles, the Cherokee Indians. No man ever voted against " Nolichucky Jack," as he was familiarly called — no enemy ever successfully stood before him in battle. A great general, statesman, and patriot, he was the creator and builder of commonwealths west of the Alleghanies, and he guided as greatly and wisely as did Washington and Jefferson the ' -^ i V a w. HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 103 new States and Territories ho formed in the paths of democratic freedom; and now, after he has slept in an obscure grave for three quarters of a century, the fact is beginning to dawn upon the nation that Gov. John Sevier made Washington, and all that great name implies, a j)Ossibilit}'. The name, illustrious as it is ancient, numer- ous and wide spread, is from the French Pyrenees, Xavier, where it may be traced to remote times. St. Francis Xavier was of this family, and yet the American branch were exiles from the old world because of their revolt against papal tyranny. Sturdy and heroic as they were in the faith, their blood was far more virile, indeed stalwart, in de- fense of human rights and liberty, wherever or by whomsoever assailed. In France, England and in nearly every West- ern and Southern State of the Union are branches of the Xaviers, always prominent and often emi- nent in their day and time. But it was reserved to the founder of the American branch of the Seviers to be the supreme head of the illustrious line. He builded two commonwealths and was im- j)elled to this great work in defense of the people, and in resistance to the encroachments of the cen- tral powers of the paternal government. In Arkansas the Seviers, Conways and Rectors were united by ties of blood as well as by the ever stronger ties of the sons of liberty, independence and patriotism. Here were three of the most powerful families the State has ever had, and in Iiublic affairs they were as one. The political friend and worthy model of Gov. John Sevier was Thomas Jefferson. Indeed, Gen. Sevier was the fitting and immortal companion piece to Jefferson in those days of the young and struggling repub- lic. The Seviers of Arkansas and Missouri were naturally the admirers of Andrew Jackson - cham- pions of the peo[>le's rights, watchdogs of liberty. Ambrose H. Sevier, was the son of John, who was the son of Valentine and Ann Conway Sevier, of Greene County, Tenn. Ann Conway was the daughter of Thomas and Ann Rector Conway. Thus this family furnished six of the governors of Arkansas. In 1S'21. soon after Mr. Sevier's coming to Ar- kansas, he was elected clerk of the Territorial house of representatives. In 182:^ he was elected from Pulaski County to the legislature, and con- tinued a member and was elected speaker in 1827. He was elected to Congress in August, 1828, to succeed his uncl(>, Henry W. Conway, who had been killed in a duel with Crittenden. Ho was three times elected to Congress. When the State came into the L'nion, Sevier and William S. Fulton were elected lirst senators in Congress. Sevier resigned his seat in the Senate in 18-18, to accept the mission of minister plenipoteutiaiy to Mexico, and, in connection with Judge Clifford, negotiated the treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo. This was the last as well as crowning act of his life. He died shortly after returning from bis mission. The State has erected a suitable monument to his mem- ory in Mount Holly Cemetery, Little Rock, where sleeps his immortal dust. How curiously fitting it was that the Sevier of Arkansas should follow so closely in the foot- steps of the great governor of Tennessee, his lineal ancestor, and be the instrument of adding so ira- - mensely to the territory out of which have grown such vast and rich commonwealths. As builders of commonwealths there is no name in American history which approaches th Barkman did, one is constrained to the belief that among the first settlers of Arkansas were men of enterprise, fore- 1(1(1 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. sight and ilaiiiig in commerce that have certainly not been surpassed by their successors. On a previous page the methods of this pioneer merchant in the conduct of his business have been noted. His miscellaneous cargo of bear oil, skins, pelts, tallow, etc., found a ready market in New Orleans, which place he reached by river, return- ing some six months later well laden with commod- ities best suited to the needs of the people. In- deed his "store" grew to be an important institu- tion. He really carried on trade from New Orleans to Arkadelphia. In 1820 he purchased of the gov- ernment aboiit 1,200 acres of land on the Caddo, four miles from Arkadelphia, and farmed exten- sively and had many cattle and horses, constantly adding to the number of his slaves. Having filled the field where he was he sought wider op- portunities, and in 1840, in company with J. G. Pratt, opened an extensive cotton commission busi- ness in New Orleans, building large warehouses and stores. Mr. Barkman next purchased the steamboat "Dime," a side- wheeler, finely built and carrying 400 bales of cotton. He ran this in the interest of the New Orleans commission house; owned his crews, and loaded the boat with cot- ton from his own plantation. In 1844 his l)oat proudly brought np at New Orleans, well laden with cotton. The owner was on board and full of hope and anticipated joy at his trip, and also to meet his newly married wife (the second), when the.se iiopes were rudely dashed by the appearance of an officer who .seized the boat, cargo and slaves, every - tiling — and arrested Mr. Barkman and placed him in jail undc^r an attachment for debts incurred by the commission house. His partner in his absence had wrecked the house. To so arrange matters that he might get out of jail and return to his old home on the Caddo, with little left of this world' s goods, was the best the poor man could do. He finally saved from the wreck- age his fine farm and a few negroes, and, nothing daunted, again went to work to rebuild his fortune. He erected a cotton factory on the Caddo River, and expended some $80,000 on the plant, having it about ready to commence operating when the water came dashing down the mountain streams in a sudden and unusual rise, and swept it all away. This brave pioneer spent no hour of his life in idle griefs at his extraordinary losses. Though unscru- pulous arts of business sharks and dire visitations of the elements coniViined to make worthless his superb foresight and business energy, he overcame all obstacles, and died about 1852, a wealthy man for that time. When Arkansas was yet a Territory, among its early pioneers was Dr. William Bowie, whose name has become familiar to the civilized world, though not in the way that most men are emulous of im- mortality. Dr. Bowie had located, or was a frequent visitor, in Helena, Ark., and was a typical man of his times —jolly, careless and .social, and very fond of hunting and fishing. Among the first settlers in Little Rock was a blacksmith, named Black. He possessed skill in working in iron and steel, and soon gained a wide reputation for the superior hunting knives he made. When nearly every man hunted more or less, and as a good knife was a necessity, it will be seen that Black was tilling a general want. The material he worked into knives consisted of old files. One day while he was just finishing a superior and somewhat new style of hunting knife. Dr. Bowie happened to enter the shop. The moment he saw the article he determined to possess it at any price. Black had not really made it to sell — simply to gratify a desire to see how fine a blade he could make, and keep it. But a bargain was finally arranged, the blacksmith to cpmplete it and ]iut Bowie's name on the handle. The inscrip- tion Ix'ing neatly done read: "Bowie's Knife.'" Its beauty and finish attracted wide attention, and all who could afford it ordered a similar one, the name of which was soon shortened into " Bowie Knife. " Bowie died, a patriot's death, fighting for the in- dependence of Texas, by the side of David Crockett. The one pre-eminent thing which entitles the Arkansas pioneer, Sandy Faulkner, to immortality is the fact that he is the real, original "Arkansaw Traveler. ' ' He was an early settler, a hunter, a wild, jolly, reckless spendthrift, and a splendid fiddler. He was of a wealthy Kentucky family, and settled HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. HIT first ill Chicot County iitid then on the river only a few miles below Little Rock. By inheritance he received two or three moderate fortunes, and spent them royally. Of a roving nature, a witty and rol- licking companioti. he would roam through the woods, hunting for days and weeks, and then en- liven the village resorts for a while. He was born to encounter just such a character as he did chance to dnd, playing on a three -stringed fiddle the first part of a particular tune. Now there was but one thing in this world that could touch his heart with a desire to possess, and that was to hear the re- mainder of the tune. After meeting this rare character in the woods what a world of enjoyment Sandy did carry to the village on his next return! "With just enough and not too much." with fiddle in his hand, the villagers gathered about him while he rejjeated the comedy. His zest in the ludicrous, his keen wit and his inimitable acting, especially his power of miniici'j' and his mastery of the violin, enabled him to offer his associates an entertainment never surpassed, either on or off the mimic stage. After the war Faullaier lived in Little Rock until his death in 1875, in straitened circumstan- ces, residing with a widowed daughter and one son. Another sou was killed in the war; the two daugh- ters married and are both dead, and the son and only remaining child left this portion of the coun- try some years ago. When Faulkner died — over eighty years of age — he held a subordinate office in the l(»gislature then in session, which body adjourned and respect- fully buried all that was mortal of the "Arkansaw Traveler," while the little morceau from his harmless and genial soul will continue to travel around the world and never stop, the thrice wel- come guest about every fireside. What a comment is here in this careless, aim- less life and that vaulting ambition that struggles, and wars and suffers and sows the world with woe that men's names may live after death. Poor Sandy had no thought of distinction; his life was a laugh, so unmixed with care for the morrow and so merry that it has filled a world with its cease less echoes. Though there may be in this country no titled aristocracy, there are nobles, whose remotest de- scendants may claim that distinction of race and blood which follows the memory of the great deeds of illustrious sires. It is the nobles whose lives and life's great work were given to the cause of their fellowmen in that noblest of all human efforts — liberty to mankind. There is something forever sacred lingering about the graves, nay, the very ground, where these men exposed their lives and struggled for each and all of us. All good men (and no man can really be called good who does not love liberty and independence above everything in the world) cannot but feel a profound interest in the lineal descendants of Revolutionary fathers. "My ancestor was a soldier in the war for inde- pendence!" is a far nobler claim to greatness than is that of the most royal blue blood in all heraldry. W. P. Huddleston, of Sharp's Cross Roads, Independence County, has the following family tree: Israel McBee was for seven years a soldier in a North Carolina regiment in the Revolutionary War. He died in (irainger County, Teiin.. aged 110 years. He was the father of Samuel JIcBee, who was the father of Rachel McBee, who married John Huddleston. the'grand father of W. P. Hud- dleston, Jr. The McBees were originally from Scotland. Samuel S. \\'elborn. of Fort Douglas, Johnson County, was the youngest son of Elias. Samuel was born December 30, 1842. His grandfather. Isaac Welborn, was seven years a soldier in a Georgia regiment, and died at Hazel Green, Ala., in 1833, aged eighty-four years. Samuel H. Hempstead is a name illustrious in Arkansas outside of the fact that it is descended directly from a soldier in the war for independ- ence. The above-named was born in New London, Conn., iu 1814, and died in Little Rock in 18t')2. He was a son of Joseph Hempstead, born in New London in 1778, and died '\n St. Louis in 1N31. Joseph was a son of Stephen Hempstead, born in New London in 1742, and died in St. Louis iu 1832. Stephen was a soldier in the American Revolution, serving under Col. Ledyard at the l>attle of Fort Griswold, near New London, when iy£ 108 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. these towns were captured by the British under Benedict Arnold, September 6, 1781. Hempstead was wounded twice during the engagement — a severe gunshot wound in the left elbow disabling him in the arm for life. He wrote and published in the Missouri Republican in 1826, a detailed ac- count of the battle. Stephen Hempstead's father was also Stephen Hempstead, born in 1705 and died in 1774. The records of Connecticut, Vol. VII, show that he was made an ensign in a train band company, by the colonial council, in October, 1737, where he served with distinction through this war, known as King George's War. In May, 1740, he was made sui'veyor by the council. He was the son of Joshua Hempstead, born in 1(378, and died in 1758. He was a representative in the Connecticut council in October, 1709; a member of the Royal council in October, 1712; ensign in train band com- pany in 1721 ; lieutenant in same company in May, 1724; auditor of accounts in May, 1725. He was the son of Joshua Hempstead, Sr., born in 1649, and died in 1709; Joshua Hempstead, Sr., was a son of Robert Hempstead, born in 1600 and died in 1665. The last-named was the immigrant to America, one of the original nine settlers of New London, Conn., the founder of the town first called Hempstead, on Long Island. In 104() Robert Hempstead built a house at New London for a res- idence, which is still standing, an ancient relic of great interest. It is occupied by descendants of the builder, named Gaits, from the female branches. Though much modernized the old house still shows the port- holes used for defense against the Indians. A daughter of Robert Hempstead, Mary, was the first white child born in New London, March 26, 1647. Fay and Roy Hempstead, Little Rock, are de- .scendants of this family. Other descendants live in St. Louis, Mo. Jesse Williams, of Prince William County, Va., enlisted under Dinwiddle's call in the French- Indian War on the English settlers in 1754, under then Lieut. -Col. Washington, of the First Virginia Regiment of 1 50 men. The command at- tempted to reach where is now Pittsburg to relieve Trent's command at that place. Two descendants of the Trents now live in Washington County. In this hard march to Fort Duquesne the men dragged their cannon, were without tents and scant of pro- visions, and deprived of material or means for bridging rivers. They fought at Fort Necessity. Washington cut a road twenty miles toward Du- quesne. On July 3 the fight took place, and July 4 Washington capitulated on honorable terms. In 1755 Jesse Williams again entered the ser- vice under Washington and joined Braddock at Fort Cumberland. In 1758 he was once more with Washington when Forbes moved on Fort Duquesne, being present at the capture, and helped raise the flag and name the place Pittsburg. In the Revolutionary War he was one of the first to enlist from Virginia, and was commissioned captain, and was present in nearly all the battles of that long war. The maternal ancestor of the Williams family was Thomas Rowe, of Virginia, a colonel in the war for independence, who was at the surrender of Yorktown. David Williams, a son of Jesse, married Betsy Rowe. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and served with distinction, and also in the Seminole War. He settled in Kentucky, Franklin County. His children were Jacob, Urban V., Betty, Mil- lie, Hattie and Susan; the children of Urban V. Williams being John, Pattie and Minnie. Bettie married Jeptha Robinson, and had children, David, Owen, Austin, May, Hettie, Ruth, Sue, Jacob, Frank and Sallie. Hettie married Dr. Andrew Neat, and had children, Thomas, Estelle (Brink- ley), Ella (Ford), Addis and Ben. Sue married George Poor, and had children, George, Lizzie. Sue and Minnie. Jacob Williams, the father of Mrs. Minnie C. Shinn (wife of Prof. J. H. Shinn, of Little Rock), Otis Williams and Mattie Wil- liams, Little Rock; Josi>])h Desha Williams and Maggie Wells, Russell ville; Lucian and Virgil, Memphis, are all of this family. Jacob Williams was a private in the Fifth Kentucky, in the late war, under Humphrey Marshall. Among the pioneers of what is now the State of Arkansas, there was perhaps no one family that ^^ .-"it HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. lOU furnished so many noted characters and citizens jis the Conway family. Their <:fenealogy is traced ' ■ Itack to the reign of Edward I, of England, in the latter part of the thirteenth century, to the cele- brated Ca.stle of Conway, on Conway River, in the north of Wales, where the lords of Conway, in feudal times presided in royal style." Thomas Conway came to America about the year 1740, and settled in the Virginia colony. Henry Conway was his only sou. The latter was first a colonel and afterward a general in the Revolutionary War. His daughter, Nellie, after marriage, became the mother of President Madison, and his son, Mon- cure D., was brother-in-law to Gen. Washington. Thomas Conway, another son of Gen. Henry Conway, settled, during the Revolutionary period, near the present site of Greenville, Tenn. He married Ann Rector, a native of Virginia, and member of the celebrated Rector family. To this union seven sons and three daughters were V)orn, and all were well reared and well educated. In 1818, Gen. Thomas Conway mov(^d with his family from Tennessee to St. Louis, in the Territory of Missouri, and soon after to Boone County, where he remained until his death, in 1835. Henry Wharton Conway, the eldest son, was born March IS, 1793, in Greene County. Tenn., and served as a lieutenant in the War of 1812-15; subsequently, in 1817, he served in the treasury department at Washington, immigrated to Missouri with his father in 1818, and early in 1820, after being appointed receiver of public moneys, he immigrated in company with his next younger brother, James Sevier Conway, who was born in 1798, to the county of Arkansas, in the then Territory of Missouri. These two brothers took and executed large contracts to survey the public lands, and later on James S. became surveyor-general of the TeiTitory. During the twenties Henry W. Conway served two terms as a delegate in Congress, and received the election in 1827 for the third term, but on the 29th of October of that year, he was mortally wounded in a duel with Robert Crittenden, from the effects of which he died on the 9th of November, following. [See account of the duel elsewhere in this work.] A marble shaft with an elaborate inscription, erected by his brother, James S. Conway, stands over his grave in the cemetery at Arkansas Post. James S. Conway became the first governor of the State of Arkansas, upon its admission into the Union, serving as such from 183(5 to 1840, after which he settled on his princely possessions on Red River in the southern part of the State. He was a large slave holder and cotton planter. He died on the 3d of March, 1855, at Walinit Hill, his country seat, in Lafayette County. Frederick Rector Conway, the third son of Gen. Thomas Conway, was a noted character in Missouri and Illinois. John Rector Conway, the fourth son, was an eminent physician, who died in San Francisco in 1868. William B. Conway was born at the old homestead in Tennessee, about 1806. He was thoroughly educated, read law under John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky, and commenced the practice at Elizabethtown in that State. He moved to Arkansas in 1840, and in 1844 was elected judge of the Third circuit. In December, 1846, he was elected associate justice of the supreme court. He died December 29, 1852, and is buried by the side of his noble mother, in Mount Holly Cemetery, Little Rock. The sixth son, Thomas A., died in his twenty-second year in Missouri. The seventh and younge.st son, Gov. Elias N. Conway, was born May 17, 1812, at the old home stead in Tennessee, and in November, 1833, he !(>ft his parents' home in Missouri, and came to Little Rock, and entered into a contract to survey large tracts of the public lands in the northwest- ern part of the State. Having executed this con- tract, he was. in 1836, appointed auditor of State, a position which he held for thirteen years. In 1852 and again in 1856. he was elected on the Democratic ticket as governor of the State, and served his full two terms, eight years, a longer period than any other governor has ever served. Much could be said, did space permit, of the emi nent services this mau has rendered to Arkansas. Of the seven brothers named he is the only one now living. He leads a retired and secluded life in Little Rock, in a small cottage in which he has [ k no HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. resided for over forty years. He has no family, having never been married. Robert Crittendon, yontif^cst son of John Crit- tenden, a major in tlid Revolutionary War, was born near VersailleH, Woodford County, Ky. , January 1, 1797. Ho was educated by and read law with his brother, John J. Crittenden, in Russellville, that State. Being appointed first secretary of ArkaiiKas Territory, he removed to Arkansas Post, the temporary seat of government, where on the Sd day of March, 1819, he was inaugurated and HSKUmed the duties of his office. On the same day James Miller was inaugurated first gov(>rnor of the Territory. It seems, however, that Gov. Miller, though he held his office until succeeded by Gov. George Izard, in March, 1825, was seldom present and only occasionally performed official duties. This left Oittenden to assume charge of the position as governor a great portion of the time while Miller held the office. Crittenden con- tinued as secretary of the Ten'itory vintil succeeded by William L'ulton, in April, 1829, having served in that capacity a little over ten years. In 1827 he fought a duel with Henry W. Conway, the ac- count of which is given clsf^whcre. According to Gen. Albert Pike, with whom ho was intimately associated, ' ' he was a man of fine presence and handsome faoe, with clear bright eyes, and unmis- takable intellect and genius, frank, genial, one to attach men warmly to himself, impulsive, generous, warm hearted. " " He was the first great leader of the Whig party in the Territory, and continued as such until his death, which occurred December 18, 18154, at Vicksburg, Miss., whither he had gone on business. He died thus young, and before the Territory, which he had long and faithfully served, became a State. Archibald Yell, not unfamiliar to Arkansans, was born in North Carolina, in August, 1797, and while very young immigrated to Tennessee, and settled in Bedford County. He served in the Creek War as the boy (ra])tain of the Jackson Guards, under Gen. Ji^ckson, also under the same general in the War of 1812-13, participating in the battle of New Orleans, and also in the Seminole War. He was a man of moderate education, and when the War of 1812 closed, he read law and was ad- mitted to the bar in Tennessee. After the close of the Seminole War, he located at Fayetteville, Lin- coln County, Tenn. , and there practiced law until 1832, when President Jackson gave him the choice to till one of two vacancies, governor of Florida or Territorial judge in the T(U'ritory of Arkansas. He chose the latter and in due time located at Fayetteville, in Washington County. Ho was a man of tine personal appearance, pleasant and humorous, and possessed the faculty of making friends wherever he went. He was elected and sei-ved us grand master of the Masonic fraternity in tlu! jurisdiction of Arkansas; was a Democrat in jwlitics, and the tirst member of Congress from the State of Arkansas; was governor of the State from 1840 to 1844; was elected again as a member of Congi-ess in 1844, and served until 1S46, when he resigned to accept the colonelcy of an Arkansas regiment of volunteers for the Mexican War. He was killed in the battle of Buena Vista, February 22, 1847. In his race for Congress in 1844, he was op- posed by the Hon. David Walker, the leader of the Whig party, and they made a joint canvass of the State. Yell could adapt himself to circumstances — to the different crowds of people more freely than could his antagonist. In 1847 the Masonic fra- ternity erected a monument to his memory in the cemetery at Fayetteville. Gov. Yell was a man of great ability, and one of the great {)ionoer states- men of Arkansas. The eminent jurist. Judge David Walker, de- scended from a lin(> of English (Quakers, of whom the last trans-Atlantic ancestor in the male line was Jacob W' alker, whose son (ieorge emigrated to America prior to the war of the Revolution, and settled in Brunswick County, Ya. Here he mar- ried a lady, native to the manor born, and be- came" the tirst American jiucestor of a large and distinguished family. One of his sons, Jacob Wythe Walker, born in the decade that ushered in the Revolution, early in life removed to and settled in what is now Todd County, Ky. Here, on the 19th day of February, ISOfi, was born un- to him and his wife, Nancy (Hawkins) Walker, HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the subject of this sketcli — David Walker. Youug Wiillcei's oppoitunities for obtaining a school edu- cation in that then frontier country were limited, but, being the son of a good lawyer, ho inherited his father's energetic nature, became selfodueatod, read law and was admitted to the bar in Scotts- ville, Ky., early in 1829, and there practiced until the fall of 1830, when he moved to Little Kock, Ark., arriving on the 1 0th of October. Soon after this he located at Fayetteville, Wash- ington County, and remained there, except when temporarily absent, until his death. From ]833 to 1835 he was prosecuting attorney in the Third circuit. He was one of the many able members of the constitutional convention of 1830. In 1840 he rode "the tidal wave of whiggery " into the State senate, in which he served four years. In 1844 he led the forlorn hope of his party in theever memor- able contest with Gov. Yell for Congress. In 1848, while on a visit to Kentucky, and without his knowledge, a legislature, largely Democratic, elected him associate justice of the supreme court over strong D(>mocratic opposition, embracing such men as Judges English and William Conway, both of whom afterwards succeeded to the office. He had always been a lover of the Union, but when the Civil War came on, having been born and reared in the South, and having become attached to its institutions, he finally chose rather to cast his fortunes with the proposed Confederacy than with the Federal Union. In February 1861, he was elected a delegate to the State convention which convened on the 4th of March, and linally, at its adjourned session, passed the ordinance of secession. He and Judge B. C. Totten were can- didates for the chairmanship of this convention, the former re[>resenting the Union strength, and the latter the disunion element as it was then developed. Walker received forty out of the sev- enty-five votes cast, and thereupon took the chair; but owing to the rapid change of sentiment all ot the majority, save one, finally voted with the minority, and Arkatisas formally withdrew from the Union, with Judge Walker as a leader. In 18(5(5 he was elected chief justice of the State, but in less than two years was removed from the office by military power. .\t the close of the reeonBtruction period he was again elected to the supreme bench and served thereon until September. 1878, when he resigned at the age of seventy-two, and retired to private life. He died September 30, 1879. He was a pious and conscientioiis man, an able jurist, a pioneer of Arkansas, highly res)>eefed liy its citi zens. (ien. Grandison D. Koyston, a ^ui\ of Joshua Itoyston and Elizabeths. (Watson) Royston, na- tives, respectively, of Maryland and Virginia, and both of j)ure English descent, was born on the 9tli of December, 180it, in Carter County, Tenu. His father was an agriculturist and Indian trader of great en(*rgy and character, and his mother was a daughter of that eminent Methodist divine, Rev. Samuel Watson, one of the pioneers of the Holstein conference in East Tennessee. He was educated in the common neigliborhood schools and in a Presbyterian academy in Washington County, Tenn. In 1829 he entered the law office of Judge Emerson, at Jonesboro, in that State, and two years after was admitted to the bar. Sub- sequently he emigrated to Arkansas Territory, and in April, 1832, located in Fayetteville, Washing- ton County, wh(>re he renniined only (>ight months, teaching school five days in the week and practic- ing law iii justices' courts on Saturdays. He then moved to \\'ashington, in Hempstead County, where he continued to reside until his death. In the performance of his professional duties he trav- eled the circuits (jf the Tenitory and Sfafe in that cavalcade of legal lights composed of such men as Hemijstead. Fowler, Trajmall, Cummins, Pike, AValker, Yell, Ashley, Bates, Searcy and others. In 1833 he was elected |)rosecuting attorney for the Third circuit, and performed the duties of that office for two years. In January. 183(5. he served as a delegate from Hempsteail County in the convention at Little Rock, which framed the first constitution of the State: and in the fall of the same year he was elected to represent his county in the first legislature of the State. After the expulsion of .lohn Wilson, speaker of the house, who killed Representative John J. Anthony, Roy- ston was on joint ballot elected to till the vacant -* V speakership but declined the office. In 1841 President Tyler appointed him United States dis- trict attorney for the district of Arkansas, which office he held a short time and then resigned it. In 1858 he represented the counties of Hempstead, Pike and Lafayette in the State legislature, and became the author of the levee system of the State. In 1861 he was elected to the Confederate Con- gress, serving two years. In 1874 he was a dele- gate from Hempstead County to the constitutional convention, and was elected president of that body. In 1876 he represented the State at large in the National Democratic convention at St. Louis, and voted for Tilden and Hendricks. He was al- ways a Democrat, a man of culture, refinement and winning manners, and enjoyed in a large degree the confidence of the people. He obtained his title as general by serving on the stafF of Gov. Drew with the rank of brigadier-general. He died August 14, ]S89, in his eightieth year. He, too, was one of the last prominent pioneers of Ar- kansas, and it is said he was the last surviving member of the constitutional convention of 1836. Judge James Woodson Bates was born in Groochland County, Va. . about the year 1 788. He was educated in the Yale and Princeton Col- leges, graduating from the latter about 1810. \A'hen quite youug he attended the trial of Aaron Burr, for treason, at Eichmond. Soon after grad- uating he read law. In the meantime his brother, Frederick Bates, was appointed first secretary of Missouri Territory, and was acting governor in the absence of Gov. Clark. About 1811) he fol- lowed his brother to the West, and settled in St. Louis. In 1820 he removed to the Post of Arkan- sas and there began the practice of his profession, but had scarcely opened his office when he was elected first delegate to Congress from Arkansas Territory. In 1823 he was a candidate for re- election, but was defeated by the celebrated Henry W. Conway, an able man, who commanded not only the influence of his own powerful family, but that of the Rectors, the Johnsons, Roanes and Ambrose H. Sevier, and all the political adherents of Gen. Jackson, then so popular in the South and West. The influence and strength of this combined opposition could not be overcome. After his short Congressional career closed, he moved to the newly settled town of Batesville, and resumed the practice of his profession. Batesville was named after him. In November, 1825, Presi- dent Adams appointed him one of the Territorial judges, in virtue of which he was one of the judges of the superior or appellate court organized on the plau of the old English court in banc. On the accession of Gen. Jackson to the presidency, his commission expired without renewal, and he soon after removed to Crawford County, married a wealthy widow, and became stationary on a rich farm near Van Buren. In the fall of 1835 he was elected to the constitutional convention, and contributed his ability and learning in the forma- tion of our first organic law as a State Soon after the accession of John Tyler to the presidency, he appointed Judge Bates register of the land office at Clarksville. in recognition of an old friend. He discharged every public trust, and all the duties devolved on him as a private citizen, with the utmost fidelity. Strange to say, whilst he possessed the most fascinating conversational powers, he was a failure as a public speaker. He was also a brother to Edward Bates, the attorney- general in President Lincoln's cabinet. He was well versed in the classics, and familiar with the best authors of English and American literature. He died at his home in Crawford County in 1846, universally esteemed. ^i GKEENE COT'NTY. 118 Gkkkne County— Piiysioal Features— Streams— Forests— Kind of Soil— Agricultural Products —Stock Interests— Real and Personal Property— Population— Railways— Era of Settle- ment—A Noted Hunter- Acts of the County Board— County Seat and Buildinos- Officers— Political Outlook— Legal Matters— Military Affairs — MuNrciPALiTiES—SciiooLS— Churches— Biography. Be mindful With iron teeth of rakes and prongs to move The crusted eartli. —Dri/den. 7'- •■.!^ KEENE COUNTY, Ark., lies in the northeastern part of the State, in latitude 3(5° 37 ' North, and longitude 91° west from Greenwich, England. It is bounded on the north by Clay County, east by the St. Francis River, which separates it from Dunk- lin (Jounty, Mo., south by Craig- head, and west by Lawrence and Ran- dolph Counties. It has an area of 600 square miles, of which less tlian one tenth is improved. Its boundary lines are as follows: Commencing where the line between Sections 21 and 28, Township 19, Range 9, intersects the mid- dle of the main channel of the St. Francis River; thence down the middle of the main channel of that river to the line between Townships 15 and 16; thence west on the township line to the Cache River; thence up said river, with its meanderings. to the line between Townships 17 and 18; thence west on the township line to the line between Ranges 2 and 3; thence north on the range line to the northwest corner of Section 30, Township 19, Range 3; thence east on the section lines, and on the county line, to the place of beginning. Crowley's Ridge, from its continuation in Clay County, extends in a rather southwesterly direction through Greene County, with a width varying from five to ten miles, and slopes gently on either side to the level of the bottom lands. This ridge in the southern part of the county is more rolling than elsewhere, and farms have been opened en- tirely across it, though generally speaking its sum- mit is not much cultivated. The early settlers, for the most part, selected their homes on the foot of the ridge and on ridges between the creeks. The farms now extend from both slopes of the ridge far out into the rich level lands. From Crowley's Ridge the waters flow through several small streams in a southeasterly direction and empty into St. Francis River; and west of the ridge the waters course through small streams in a southwesterly direction, emptying into Cache River; thus all that portion of the county lying between these rivers is drained. That part north west of Cache River is drained through the streams tributary to Cache and Black Rivers. "The entire county with the exception of places where the forest has been cleared and farms opened — is finely timbered with unequaled quality of white oak, red oak, hickory, sweet gum. ash, po])hir, pine, and walnut timber. The Crowley's Ridge summit is timbered its entire length through ,J^ 114 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the county with pitch or red pine of the finest qualit}', and the slopes with other timber named. "The soil is varied. One discovers ])oor, thin and rocky points on the summit and almost any grade between sandy soil of the bottom lands. It produces good crops of corn, wheat, rye, barley, oats, sorghum cane, broom corn, cotton, potatoes, turnips, tame grasses, clover and millet, while the range for cattle from eight to ten months of the year, and for hog.s through the fall, is almost in- inexhaustible." * At present lumbering is, and until the timber supply becomes exhausted will continue to be, one of the leading if not the principal industry of the county, and a great source of income. In April of the current year there were thirty-four steam power saw-mills, six stave factories, one shin- gle-mill, and two planing-mills, within the county — all engaged in cutting the timber into lumber, etc. One of these mills — that of the J. M. Reed Lumber Company — has capacity for cutting 100,- 000 feet of lumber per day. The most profitable source of revenue to the farmers consists in the raising of cotton and corn, which yield probably a nearly eqiial income. Most of the saw-mills have cotton gins, and some grist-mills attached. In 1880 there were, according to the United States census, 1,181 farms, with 80,596 acres of improved lands in the county, and from these the vegetable productions were as follows: Indian corn, 347,926 bushels; oats, 29, 110 bushels; wheat, 10,475 bushels; hay, 124 tons; cotton, 3,711 bales; Irish potatoes, 5,181 bushels ; sweet potatoes, 18,989 bushels; tobacco, 5,785 pounds. A large acreage has since been cleared, and the vegetable produc- tions correspondingly increased. The numbers of head of live stock within the county, as indicated by the same census, were as follows: Horses, 7,694; mules and asses, 760; neat cattle, 8,975; sheep, 1,727; hogs, 16,984. The following show the number of head of live stock in the county as declared by the assessment rolls for 1888: Horses, 2,826; mules and asses, 991; neat cattle, 10.125; sheep, 1,685; 'hogs, 16,481. The comparison of these figures is inter * Quotations from Greene County Record. esting. The decrease in the number of sheep is probably due to the reduction in the price of wool, while the decrease in the number of hogs is appar- ent but not real. The census of 1880 gives the number raised, sold and slaughtered during the year, while the assessment rolls show only the number on hand when listed for taxation; hence the increase must have been large. As previously stated, all parts of the county are well supplied with streams, and an abundance of good well water can be obtained at a depth of from thirty to forty feet, without blasting through any rock, and as the lands are well adapted to the raising of grains, tame grasses and clover, this country must eventually — after the lumber industry ceases — become excellent for diversified farming, and especially for the raising of live stock, the climate being mild, and the shipping facilities to the great commercial centers unusually superior. The country is also well adapted to the growing of all manner of fruits common to this latitude. The assessed value of the real estate of Greene County for the year 1880 was $426,685, and of the personal property $254,361, making a total of $681,046, and the total amount of taxes charged thereon was $16,099. The assessed value of the real estate of the county for 1888, including the railroad j)roperty, was $1,313,392.72, and of the personal property, $562,719, making a total of $1,876,111.72. upon which the total amount of taxes charged was $29,103.63. This demonstrates that the taxable wealth of the county has about doubled since 1880, but that the taxes have not increased in the same ratio. The railroads, which now constitute a considerable portion of the tax- able wealth of the county, and pay a large percent- age of the taxes, were assessed for the year 1888 as follows: St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, $330,750; St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas, $200,677: Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis, $4,560; total, $585,987. The county has excellent public buildings, and a floating debt of only about $7,000, which will be canceled after another year's taxes are collected. This covers the whole indebtedness — there being no bonded del)t at all. Such favorable facts prove -4-2L,- that Greene County haB many attractions for home : seekers. Lands are yet cheap, and immigrants from ! the over-crowded Eastern and Northern States can certainly do much V^etter by coming to this country than by going west to points beyond the improve- ments of civilization. Capital is beiug rapidly invested here, thus insuring employment to the laborer. Here an industrious man with but small capital may soon possess and own a home, where society is good and the climate unexcelled; here he may gain, by application and energy, just recogni- tion, and here, too, may he avoid the tinancial burdens which characterize other less- favored com- munities. The population of Greene County in 1860, in- cluding what is now the Eastern district of Clay County, was 5,654 — 189 of whom were colored. The population of 1870, comprising the same terri- tory, was 7,417 — 156 of whom were colored. The population in 1880, embracing only the present area of the county, was 7,405, of whom only 75 ' were colored. Considering the recent rapid in- crease by way of immigration, together with the natural accession, it is safe to estimate the popula- tion of the county at the present vwiting, at more than double that of 1880. The main line of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad — completed about 1872 — runs in a southwesterly direction across the north- western portion of the county, a distance of nine and three-fourth miles. The Helena branch of the same road, finished in 1882, runs through in a southeasterly and southerly course across the entire county, by way of Gainesville, Paragould and minor points, a distance of twenty-three miles. The St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Railroad, com- pleted in 1882, passes through the entire county in a southwesterly direction along the eastern side of Crowley's Ridge, by way of Paragould and other points, a distance of twenty- four miles and 2,904 feet. The Kansas City, Fort Scott & Mem- phis Railroad, constructed in 1883, runs in a south- easterly direction across the extreme southwestern corner of the county, a distance of only 2,400 feet. The Paragould & Buffalo Island Narrow Gauge Railroad runs eastward from Paragould to the St. Francis River, a distance of ten miles. It was built in 1888, by a local company, for the purpose of shipping out timber and lumlier. The combined length of the llirough lines of railroad is fifty -seven miles and 3,984 feet, which added to the ten miles of narrow gauge road, makes over seventy-seven miles of railway in the county. The settlement of the territory now composing Greene County began almut the year 1820. Ben- jamin Crowley, grandfather of Hon. Benjamin H. Crowley, and his family were the first settlers, and their nearest neighbors were then at Pocahontas, now the county seat of Randolph County. Crow- ley's Ridge was named in honor of this pioneer settler. The Pevehouse family, Wiley Hutchins, Jerry Gage, Samuel Willcockson, the Robertsons and J. W. Gage, were among the first settlers of the Crowley neighborhood, which is some twelve miles west of Paragould. William Pevehouse was the first child born in the county, and his brother, Wiley, and Hon. Ben. H. Crowley were first among the next children born. James McDan- iol and Jesse Payne were early settlers on Village Creek. Isaiah Hampton and Lewis Bramlet set- tled in 1848, four miles east of Gainesville. John Mitchell, an early settler near Gainesville, put u)) the first cotton gin in the county, and Samuel Wilcockson erected the first steam grist mill on Crowley's Ridge, it being on Pojilar Creek in the Crowley settlement. Parson William Nutt located near Gainesville; and Aaron Bagwell, from whom Bagwell Lake in the eastern part of the county took its name, and C. G. Jones, after whom Jones Ridge on the western border of the county is called, were also early settlers. The Bradshaws — noted hunters — settled on the upper end of the ridge, iu what is now Clay County, and A. J. Smith, "the great Arkansas bear hunter." settled near the Bradshaws and mar- ried into their family. He subsecpiently located and cleared up a farm a few miles east of the pres ent town of Paragould, where he lived until his death. He was known far and near, and was the most noted eccentric character in all of Northeast em Arkansas, possessing many of the traits of the famous Col Butv Crockett. He was a veritable 'Xl 116 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. backwoodsman, not accustomed to the finer com- forts of advanced civilization. He owned slaves, raised large numbers of cattle, and undoubtedly killed more wild animals than any other man in the State. He usually went bareheaded and bare footed, with his collar opened and sleeves rolled up, and nearly always carried with him his rifle, shot pouch and large hunting knife. Upon his ap- pearance in this plight he was much feared, espec- ially by those not acquainted with him. He was, however, kind and benevolent, brave and generous, and had but few enemies, being a firm friend to those he respected, but a dangerous man in a quarrel. On one occasion after having sold a herd of cat- tle to Gov. "Jack" Drew, he went, equipped as usual, to the governor's residence to collect his pay. The governor happened to be absent. He was met at the door by Mrs. Drew, who though much frightened invited him to step in and take a seat at the fire. He looked down and said he did not like ' ' to step on that quilt. ' ' The carpet be- ing loose he took it by the edge, folded it over and then sprang across and took a chair near the fire. Mrs. Drew felt convinced that her unwelcome guest was a horse thief, and thereupon had his horse put into the stable and locked, knowing that her husband would return soon. On seeing the latter she went out to meet him, and related the appearance of the mysterious stranger, whereupon the governor, with a hearty laugh, replied, "O! that is Jack Smith, it's just like him." Angeline, his wife, was an excellent shot with the rifle, and often accompanied him on his hunt- ing excursions. Once while returning home upon a trail, desiring to " prowl around a little longer," he requested his companion not to wait for him. Accordingly she rode on, but had not gone far un- til the dogs — remaining with Jack — chased up a huge bear, pursuing it so closely that it stopped and turned its back against the roots of a fallen tree, and began to cuff the dogs right and left. Jack ran to their assistance, whereupon the bear, having cowed the dogs, sprang forward and rushed upon him. Jack in retreating, stumbled and fell. Just at this critical moment, Angeline, who had heard the confusion, wheeled her steed about, took deliberate aim and shot and killed the monster beast, thus saving her husband's life. Ever there- after upon relating this incident, he never failed to declare that Angeline was the best woman ever created. This gi-eat hunter generally wore ' ' buckskin breeches." He was of a humorous disposition, and on one occasion was visited by a party of well dressed gentlemen from Memphis, who, upon seeing the large quantity of peltry he had on hand, asked how he came to be so successful in hunting. His reply was that formerly when dressed in his buck- skin trousers and other outfit, the animals, espec- ially the deer, had become so well acquainted with him that they knew him by sight, and were always on the outlook for him, in consequence of which he could not get near enough to shoot them. It then occurred to him that he must change his garb, and thus deceive the animals. So now, he said, that upon approaching a herd of deer, the sentinel buck seeing him would inform the rest that there was no danger — that it was only some finely dressed gentleman from Memphis, who was harmless. In this way he claimed to delude the deer, succeeding in killing a great many. The numerous eccentricities, bear and deer hunts and the like, of this famous hunter, if compiled would make an interesting book on frontier life. Wiley Clarkson was an early settler and hunt- ing companion of Smith. The county settled very slowly prior to 1855, but after that more rapidly until the war period, during which time it received no new comers. Soon after the war the growth in population was renewed and continued gradual until four years ago, since which time it has been and still is very rapid. For additional mention of settlers, with more specific dates, the reader is referred to the biographical pages of this volume. Greene County was organized in accordance with an act of the legislature of Arkansas Terri- tory, approved November 5. 1833, and was made to embrace the territory it now comprises, except- ing that portion lying west of Cache River, to- gether with the whole of what is now the Eastern district of Clay County, and a j)ortion of Craig- 5j^ head County, all formerly lielonging to Lawrence County. When Clay County was formed in 1873, that portion of Greene now lying west of the Cache River was attached from Randolph County. The original seat of justice was located about 1835, at a point five miles northeast of Gaines- ville, and was named Paris. Here a log court- house was erected and one or two stores opened. Afterward the question of re-locating the county seat was agitated, and of the different points com- peting for it, the one where Gainesville is situated gained the location, henco the name Gainesville. To this place the seat of justice was moved about the year 1840. A log court-house and subsequent- ly a log jail were erected. The former was soon abandoned and in its stead a three-story frame court house, about thirty feet square, was con- structed. The first floor of this building was occupied with the county ofl[ices, the second with the court-room, and the third with a Masonic hall. The building, with a portion of the records, was burned in 1874. A store room was then rented for a court- house, and soon thereafter, in the same year, it was, with all the balance of the records, also burned. These buildings were sup- posed to have been set on fire by certain parties, that the records, noting their rather questionable conduct, might be destroyed. This led to the shooting and killing of Sheriff Wright, by a citizen whom the people justified by not prosecuting. Two other persons, supposed to bo implicated in the crime of burning the buildings, were arrested and placed in jail, from which they escaped and were not afterward apprehended. One of them, it is said, confessed his guilt. The next court-house was another store room, which, with all accumulated records, was burned in 1876, presumably by an incendiary resting un- der indictments for crime. A one-story frame court-house was then erected, and continued to be used until 1884, when the county seat was removed from Gainesville to its present site, at Paragould. In 1884 the one story frame build- ing now standing east of the court-house square was erected for a temporary court-house. In 1888 the present beautiful and well-proportioned two- story brick building, with the halls and oUices on the first floor and the court-room on the second, was erected by Contractors Boone and Mcfxinnis, at a cost of $14,700. The clock in the tower cost $700 more. In 1877 the same contractors l)uilt the present two-story jail, containing four iron cells or rooms, and the jailer's residence, at a cost of $7,000. Following is a list of the names of the county officers of Greene County from its organization to the present, together with the term of service of each: Judges: I. Brooktield, 1833-35; W. Hanes, 1835-36; George Daniel, 1836-1838; L. Thomp son, 1838-40; J. M. Cooper, 1840-42; H. Powell, 1842-44; N. Mmphree, 1844-46; J. M. Coopei. 1846^8; C. G. Steele, 1848-50; H. T. Allen, 1850-52; J. Bellinger, 1852-54; H. T. Allen, 1854-60; T. Clark, 1860-64; J. J. Wood, 1864- 66; H. T. Allen, 1866-68; A. Seagroves, 1868- 72; David Thorn. 1874-76; J. P. Culver. 1876-78; J. McDauiel, 1878-80; M. C. Gramling, 1880-82; J. O'Steen, 1882-88; W. C. Jones, present in cumbent, elected 1888. Clerks: L. Thompson, 1833-36; G. L. Mar- tin, 1836-38; H. L. Holt, to November. 1838: J. L. Atchison, 1838-44; H. L. Evans, 1844-46; H. Powell, 1846-50; M. T. C. Lumpkins, 1850-54; J. W. McFarlaud, 1854-56; L. B. McNeil. 1S56- I 58; H. W. Glasscock, 1858-64; R. H. Gardner. I 1864-68; E. R. Seeley, 1868-72; D. B. Warren, j 1872-82; R. H. Gardner, 1882-88; T. B. Kitch- ens, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Sheritt's: James Brown. 1833-34; Charles Rob- ertson, 1834-36; J. Stotts, 1836-38; J. Clark, 1838-44; J. R, Ragsdale, 1844-46; A. F. Puryer. 1846-48: J. Clark. 1S4S-50: William Pevehouse, 1850-52; W. M. Peebles, IS52-58; F. S. White, 1858-62; A. Eubanks. 1862-64: F. S. White. 1864-68; M. Wright, 1868-72; M. C. Gramling. 1872-74: J. P. WiUcocU.son. 1S74-76: J. A. Owen. 1876-77; F. S. White. 1877-80; T. R, WiUcock son, 1880-84; J. M. Hightield, 1884-86; T. H. Willcockson, present incumbent, first elected in 1886. Treasurers: James Katchford 1S36-38: H. X. ' > 118 HLSTORY OF ARKANSAS. Reynolds, 1840-42; G. W . Hurley. 1842-44: M. Carter, 1844-46; J. W. Poole, 1846-52; C. G. Jones, 1852-54; W. Meredith, 1854-56: J. Payne, 1856-58: T. H. Wyse. 1858-62; C. Wall, 1862- 64; M. C. Gramling, 1864-66; Alex. Wood, 1866- 68; Sam Newberiy, 1868-72: R. Jackson. 1S72- 76; H. C. Swindle, 1876-78; G. W. Stevenson, 1878-80;* R. Jackson, 1880-84: J. N. Johnson, 1884-86; H. S. Trice, jiresent incumbent, first elected in 1886. Coroners: J. Sutfin, 1833-35; J. Fowler, 1835 -36; John Anderson, 1838-42: P. K. Lester, 1842-44; J. Lawrence, 1844-46; J. Hunt, 1846- 48; W. H. Mack, 1848-50; R. W. Dorsey, 1850- 54; J. S. Hibbs, 1854-56; M. McDaniel, 1856-58; A. P. Bobo, 1858-60; H. B. Wright, 1860-64: J. R. Gentry, 1864-66; H. Jackson, 1866-68: L. Steadman, 1868-72; J. H. Dudley, 1872-74: E. Daniels, 1874-76; J. A. Little, 1876-78: W. M. McKay, 1878-80; J. W. Hardy, 1880-82: J. R. Gross, 1882-84; V. Looney, 1884-86; J. M. Ham- mond, 1886-88; B. Terrell, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Surveyors; G. Hall, 1833-36; William Hatch, 1838-40; J. J. Johusou; 1840-42; J. B. B. Moore, 1842-44: James Mitchell, 1844-56; E. M. Allen, 1856-58; W. C. Reyburn, 1858-60; R. G. Mc- Leskey, 1860-62; J. P. Harris, 1862-64: R. C. Mack, 1864-66; L. M. Wilson, 1866-68: J. See- ley, 1870-72; R. H. Gardner, IS72-82: O. S. Newsom, 1882-88; Len Merriweather, present in- cumbent, elected in 1888. Assessors: R. H. Gardner, 1859-62: T. C. Murphy, 1862-64; H. W. Glasscock, 1864-66; M. C. Gramling, 1866-68; D. J. Edwards, 1868- 70; P. G. Straughn, 1870-72; W. F. Clements, 1872-74; W. S. Ledbotter, 1874-76; J. Huckabay, 1876-78; J. F. Lytle, 1878-80; P. G. Light, 1880-84: J. R. Thompson, 1884-88; E. L. Bab- bett, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Representatives of Greene County in constitu- tional conventions: G. L. Martin, January 4 to 13, 1836; J. W. Bush, March 4 to 21, and'May 6 to June 3, 1861; Benjamin H. Crowley, July 14, to Oct ober 31, 1874. " *R. Jackson on resignation of Stevenson. Representatives in general assembly; Alex. Tucker was the first representative of the county in the State legislature, and Hon. A. P. Cos is the present one. The Senatorial district, composed of Greene. Clay and Craighead Counties, is repre- sented in the State Senate by Hon. Ben. H. Crowley. To show the political aspect of the county the vote cast therein for the candidates for governor at the September election in 1888 is here given, it being as follows: J.P.Eagle, Democrat, 1,378 votes; C. M. Norwood, combined opposition, 841 votes. Upon the organization of Greene County and prior to the location of the original county seat, courts were held at the house of Mr. Crowley the first settler, as before mentioned, on Crowley's Ridge. A portion of the time the sessions were held in the house and. also, under the adjacent trees. It is said that the judge of the circuit court, after charging the grand jury, usually sent them in charge of the sheriff or bailiff under a certain white oak tree to make their deliberations. Since those days the courts have been held in the various court houses elsewhere described. The regular terms of the county court commence on the first Monday in January, April, July and October, and of the probate court on the third Monday of the same months in each year. The regular terms of the circuit court have heretofore commenced on the first Monday of February and August of each year, but probably the last legislature has slightly changed the time. This court has not been over- biu'dened with murder trials, as but few murders have been committed within the county. No one has ever been executed in Greene County for a capital offense except one person who killed an individual in another county, and was brought here and tried on a change of venue. The following are the resident members of the legal bar of Greene County: Hon. L. L. Mack, Judge J. E. Reddick. now on the bench; Hon. Ben. H. Crowley, J. B. Boykin, A. P. Mack, W. S. Luna, Eugene Parrish, W. W. Bandy, S. R. Simpson, A. Knox and J. F. Lytle. Mention of many prominent citizens of the county is also made in subsequent pages. At the outbreak of the Civil War of 1801-65, the citizens of Greene County, being mostly immi- gi'ants or descendants of immigrants from the former slave-holding States, were found to be almost to a man, in full sympathy with the South- ern cause, and consequently lent their energies to sustain it. As might be expected great excitement then prevailed, and in the spring of 1861 Capt. W. G. Bohaning raised a full company of soldiers mostly in the territory now composing Cireenc County, for the First Regiment of Arkansas Con- federate Infantry. Soon thereafter Capt. J. L. Kuykendall formed another company in the same territoiy for the same regiment, and later Capt. D. G. Byers recruited a company for the Twenty Fifth Regiment of Arkansas Confederate Infantry. In 1864 Capts. Park Willcockson, John McHenry and H. W. Glasscock, each raised a company of cavalry in Greene County for Maj. J. F. Davies' liattalion of Col. Kitchens' regiment. The pop- ulation being then small, these were the only or- ganized bodies of soldiers raised in that part of the county as it is now composed. Other troops were obtained in that portion since set off to Clay. No skirmishes or l)attles took place in the county dur- ing the war, and it was but little over-run with soldiers, consequently not suffering the devasta- tions incident to many other counties in the State. Only two Federal commands, together with a few small scouting parties, passed through the county, and as a result the people fortunately es- caped the raids of foragers; owing also to their unanimity of sentiment, there was but very little l)ushwhacking done. In addition to the com- panies above mentioned some individuals went out of the county and enlisted in other commands. Notwithstanding the natural preferences of the people here in the war period, they are now vieing with the immigrants from both North and South, in developing the resources of this section. Uni- versal peace and harmony prevail, and all just and upright newcomers are received with a hearty wel- come. The survivors of both armies have organ- ized an association in Paragould known as the "Blue and Gray" — there being many ex-Federal soldiers among the recent arrivals in the countv. and together they meet and rejoice that the con- flict is forever settled, and that while they were enemies in war they are friends in peace. (ireene is well supplied with villages, towns, postotlices. etc.. as the following facts indicate: Bethel is a postoffice and flag station on the railroad, five miles south of Paragould. Crowley is a postoffice twelve miles northwest of Paragould. Finch is a postoffice ten miles southwest of Paragould. Gainesville, on the Helena branch of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad, eight miles north of Paragould, formerly the seat of justice for Greene County, was established about the year 1840. In 184t) it contained a log court- house, two store buildings and five dwelling houses — all log except one dwelling house, which was a frame, sided up with clapboards. The town has ever been of slow growth, but situated as it is in a good community far from other villages, it is a point of considerable trade, containing four general stores, one drug store, four family groceries, two black- smith shops, one steam grist mill and cotton-gin combined, two hotels, one printing office, from which is published the Greene County Event, by F. M. Dalton, one livery stable, two church edi- fices — Cumberland Presbyterian and Methodist- one public school-house, three physicians, and one lawyer, the latter being the Hon. J. E. Reddiek, present judge of the circuit court of this judicial circuit. Halliday, a postoffice and flag station on tlie "Cotton Belt" Railroad, is six miles north of Paragould. Herndon is a postoffice in the so\ithwost part of the county. Lorado, also but a postoffice, is in the south- west part of the county. Marmaduke, a town of about 200 inhabitants on the " Cotton Belt" Railroad, twelve miles north- east of Paragould, contains four stores, a black smith shop, cotton gin and press, church, school house, a saw-mill and boarding house. From lierc a tramway is run a mile out on the St. Franci.-^ River, where other mills are located. The village \ 2iJ« 120 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. was first laid out in 1882 by the Railroad Company. Paragould, the county seat of Greene County, situated at the connection and crcssiug of the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas and the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroads, was laid out in April, 1882, by the Southwestern Improve- ment Company, Willis Pruet and wife and J. A. Laml)ert and wife. It was named after President Paramore of the former and President Gould of the latter of these routes, the name Gould being substituted for the last syllable of Paramore, mak- ing it Paragould. The town has grown rapidly, and in the seven years of its existence has attained a population of about 2,000. It contains the Greene County Bank, nine general stores, five family groceries, four drug stores, one hardware, saddlery and farm implement store, six saloons, two baker- ies, two millinery stores, four hotels and many boarding houses, two livery stables, two butcher shops, one shoe, four blacksmith and one foundry shop, five stave factories, three saw-mills, one cotton gin, a feed store, photograph galleries, bar- ber shops, laundry and many other industries, four church edifices --Methodist, Baptist, Cumberland Presbyterian and Christian, a public school-house, seven physicians, three dentists, a lodge each of Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Honor, Knights of Pythias and a Post of the G. A. R. ; also these newspapers — the Paragould Evening Times, pub- lished daily, by W. A. H. McDaniel, editor and pro- prietor; the Record, published weekly, by Messrs. Taylor & Carter, the Press recently being consoli dated with this journal. In politics the entire press of the county is Democratic, but the papers are published in the interest of the people, and are doing their best to promote and increase the pros- perity of the county. Near Paragould on the west side are situated the grounds and buildings of the "Greene County Fair Association," which held its second annual exhibition in October, 1888. Paragould is incorporated as a city, and has a mayor, recorder, marshal, and a board of five aldermen. The present officers ai'e H. W. Glasscock, mayor: T. P. Cole, recorder; John M. Winder, marshal. A vast amount of capital is here invested. The town is beautifully located, and its growth is rapid and permanent. It is surroimded by a good agri- cultural and stock-raising country, which insures its future pi'osperity. The Bank of Paragould which was organized on March 19, 1889, is deserving of mention. It was incorporated with C. Wall, president, E. S. Bray, cashier, and A. A. Knox as secretary of the board of directors. The directors are as follows: Dr. C. Wall, A. Berteg, A. P. Mack, W. H. Jones, J. W. Crawford, D. D. Hodges and A. A. Knox. They have a capital stock of $30,000. The new bank building, which is a neat two-story structure located on the corner of Pruet and Emerson streets, was completed and occupied on the 1st of July, 1889. Stonewall, a post village on the Iron Mountain Railroad, fourteen miles north of Paragould, con- tains a store, saw-mill and shingle factory. Tilmanville is a postoffice fifteen miles north of Paragould. Walcott is a postoffice twelve miles west of Paragould. As was common throughout Arkansas in early days, the pioneer schools of Greene County were "few and far between," and of the most inferior nature. A few of the pioneer settlers employed such teachers as could be obtained for what might be considered ordinary laborers' wages, and thus afforded some meager facilities for the educa- tion of their childi'en. Though the State had a school system, there were practically no free schools prior to the inauguration of the present school sys- tem, which has taken place since the Civil War. Owing to the inadequate facilities for education, many of the citizens of the county reached their manhood without ever attending school. The children of this generation have great advantages over those of their parents. Seven years ago, as shown by reports of the State superintendent of public instruction, there were thirty-nine school districts organized in Greene County, with only seven* wood school-houses, to accommodate a scholastic population of 2,191. The following statistics, taken fi'om the superintendent's report for the year ending June 30, 1888, will show the improvements since made within the temtory: *Tbere were perhaps others not reported. ^. The white schoolchildren number 4,387; col- ored, 14; total, 4,401. The minil)er taught in the public schools is: White, 2,219; colorc'd, none; number of school districts, 59; number of teachers employed, males, 37; females, 14; total, 51; average monthly wages paid teachers of the first grade, males, $42.50; females, $37.50; second grade, males, |40; females. $85; third grade, males, $32.50; females, $30; frame and log school-houses reported, 28, valued at $4,338. 75; revenue rai.sed for the support of common schools, $18,957.09; amount expended, $9,690.58; amount unexpended, $9,260.51. These figures show a great increase over those of seven years ago. The schools are increasing in number and quality — the wages paid being sufficient to secure teachers of good ability. The figures show also that of the scholastic pop ulation of the county only a little over one-half were taught in the public schools, which is con elusive that the people do not as yet fully sustain and patronize the free school system. However, the outlook for popular education is encouraging. A. Knox is the present county examiner. Religious meetings were held, and preaching was had in Greene County soon after it was or- ganized, and from the best information obtainable societies of the Methodist and Baptist denomina- tions were probably formed during the 40' s. The Methodist Episcopal Church. South, has now at least seventeen organizations within the county. The Paragould circuit consists of the following: Mount Carmel, Pleasant Grove, New Bethel, Wood's Chapel, a congregation four miles west of Paragould, and Greensboro and Pine Log, in Craighead County, with Itev. W. W. Anderson, pastor in charge. Lorado circuit consists of Pleas- ant Hill, Shady Grove, Warren's and Owen's Chapels, Old Bethel and Salem, with Rev. T. B. Williamson, pastor in charge. Gainesville circuit includes Friendship, Hurricane, Harvey's Chapel, Starne's (Jhapol. Scatter Creek, Beech Grove and Strong's Chapel, with Rev. N. W. Farrar. pastor in charge. Another congregation in the eastern part of the county, belongs to an outside circuit. Rev. W. W. Watson is pastor of the charge com- posed of Gainesville and Oak Grove, and Rev. J. C. Ritter is pastor of the charge at Paragouhl. The Bai>tist(*hurch has at least fourteen organ- izations within th(> county, one of which is the colored church at Paragould. Tin- others are named New Providence, Friendship. Liberty. Epsaby, Fairview, Unity, New Hop(>, Rock Hill, Pleasant Grove, Cedar Hill, Mount Zion, Para gould, and another, name not learned. New Providence, Friendship, Fairview, New Hope, and perhaps others, were organized long before the Civil War. All of these organizations have an average membership of about fifty, and the Meth- odist denomination is about equal in strength. Elders David Thorn, Lively, W. C. Jackson, Faulkner, J. T. Edmonds, and Halcomb are the ministers now officiating at these several churches, all of which are designated as Missionary Baptists. The several organizations of the Christian Church within the county are known as Paragould, Pine Knot, Sugar Creek, Gainesville and Liberty, with a combined membership of nearly 400. Pine Knot was organized in a very early day — long before the Civil War. and has had a very large membership. Liberty, which was organized in 1879, was composed mostly from the membership of Pine Knot. The Christian Church in Para gould was organized in 1885. The organizations of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church within Greene County are known as Gainesville, Friendship and Paragould, the latter having been organized in 1884. The one at or near Gainesville was organized early in the 80' s. In point of numbers this is probably the weakest denomination in the county. There are no Roman Catholic organizations here, but this sect is pre- paring to build a church edifice in Paragould. Nearly all of the church organizations named have houses of their own in which to worship, and all, except a few not supplied with pastors, have regular preaching, and are doing good work. In the summer season Sunday-schools are connected with them, but only a few in the more populous districts continue throughout the year. The people of (ireene County are almost with- out exception moral, law abiding, kind, generous and hospitable, and welcome anil protect all de- 122 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. serving immigrants that come among them. Here the opportunities for securing a home in a com paratively new country, where the climate is mild, the railroad facilities good, churches and schools numerous, all without the inconveniences of front- ier lite, are unexcelled. W. T. Allison was born on the 25th of Decem- ber, 1850, in Gibson County, Tenn., being the eldest of six children, two now living, born to John W. and Elizabeth (Harrington) Allison, who were born in the ' ' Old North State ' ' and emigrated to Gibson County, Tenn., in 1828, where the father engaged in cabinet making and farming, and made his home until 1867, when he moved to Weakley County, Tenn. , where he now resides. In 1802 he enlisted in the army and served imder Gen. Forrest until nearly the close of the war. He is a Democrat. His wife died in 1801. W. T. Allison attended the schools of Gib.son County, and in his youth also followed the plow, which occupation has been his chief calling ever since. In January, 1876, he removed to Stoddard County, Mo., and for a number of years was engaged in teaching school in Dexter and other places. While there he was married on the 8th of May, 1879, to Miss Minnie A. Walker, a native of Carroll County, Tenn. , and a daughter of John and Sarah (Gib- bons) Walker, also Tennesseeans and farmers by occupation; after residing in Stoddard County, Mo., for five years, the father died in 1877. The mother is still a resident of that county. Remain- ing in Stoddard County until the 5th of Sep- tember, 1882, Mr. Allison and wife then moved to Craighead County of this State, and after work- ing as salesman in that county until March, 1888, he came to Greene County, Ark., and i)urchased two years later eighty acres of improved land, to which he has since added 122 acres, making 202 acres in all, of which forty are under culti- vation. He has taken an active part in politics, and votes the Democratic ticket, being the present justice of the peace and is filling his second term. Socially, ho is a member of the Agricultural Wheel at Halliday, and he and wife belong to the Baptist Church. Three of the four children born to their union are living: Clyde Eugenia, Dero Dean, and Vernie Pearl. Adolphus Burdette died in 1881 at the age of six months and three weeks. Mr. Alli- son is still engaged in teaching, having followed that occupation a part of four years in Greene County, and is considered one of the successful educators of his district. T. J. Archer. Among the many sturdy "sons of the soil ' ' of Greene County, Ark. who have attained wealth and prominence in their calling by the sweat of their brow, and who command an en- viable social position, is Mr. Archer, the subject of this biograpliy. He was born in Alabama in 1S47 and is the youngest in a family of nine children born to the marriage of Eev. Philip Archer and Artemisa Maxwell. The father, in connection with his ministerial duties, was engaged in farming, and followed these two occupations until his death which occurred on the 10th of August, 1808, his death being preceded by that of his wife by twenty-one years. The paternal grandfather left Alabama and settled in Arkansas during the early history of that State, being an extensive farmer for many years. His death occurred very suddenly. T. J. Archer was reared to farm labor, and at the age of twenty-one years married Miss Lenora Amorine, of Alabama, and two years later came to Arkansas, settling first in Polk County, remaining one year, and then went to Monroe County, where he stopped five years. Since 1875 he has resided in Greene County, and the first few years was engaged in tilling rented land, and since 18S5 has been the owner of 160 acres of land near the Cache bottoms, which was at first wild land but is now well improved, with seventy-five aci-es under fence and cultivation. His land is among the best in this section and is devoted principally to raising corn and cotton. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Archer have been born the following children: Philip William Thomas, who is married and resides on his father's place; Benjamin O. , Adolphus, Osceola, Thome and Moses Ray, living; and Jolin, Ida, Eldora and Daniel, deceased. H. L. Ayers, a wealthy farmer of Greene County, Ark., was born in Bedford County, Tenn., ^^ V U^r. Craibhcao Couhty, Arkansas. ♦ GREENE COUNTY. 123 in 1858, jitul is the second in a family of four chil- li ion born to the miirriage of Frank and Loddie (^\'illiams) Ayers, tho former a native of Pennsyl- vania and the latter of Tennessee. At the early age of eight years H. L. Ayers loft home and began depending on his own resources for obtain- ing a livelihood, and up to the age of seventeen years worked on farms and did teaming. In 187U he was married in Gibson County, Tenn., to Miss Addie Rosson, who was born, reared and educated in that State, being a daughter of Joiin Rosson, who was known as one of the best farmers in West Tennessee, his farm of 300 acres being valued at |i),000. After his marriage, Mr. Ayers worked with his father-in-law until 1883, when he made a trip to Arkansas and traveled over the greater ]X)r- tion of that State, as well as Missouri, the Indian Territory, Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana and Mississippi. After one year he returned to M'est Tennessee, and at the end of one year went to Fulton County, Ky., where he resided two years. In August, 1886, he moved his family to Greene County, Ark. , where he engaged in the teaming business, which he followed for two years, and then acted as stave inspector for J. F. Hasty & Son for one year. He next began farming on a tract of IfiO acres of land in Greene County in December, 1S88, and on this he immediately began to make improvements, and has introduced many new methods of farming. He has thirty-five acres in corn, fifteen in oats, thirty-five in rye and oats for pastiu'e, and two in |)otatoes. On this farm is a tine orchard of 540 trees, mostly peach, beside a tine assortment of other fruit. He is doing well in his calling and promises to become in time a wealthy man. He and wife are the jjarents of one daughter, Lizzie May. Josej>h Bleier, proprietor of the Vienna Bakery, at Paragould, was born in Bohemia, Austria, December 17, JS4f5, and is the son of Ignatz and Anna (Freitle) Bleier, also natives of Austria. The parents are still living in their native country, and the father follows the occupation of a farmer. In their family were eight children: Joseph, Frank, Robert, Ignatz. John and Otto (twins), Barbara and Anna. Joseph Bleier received his education in Austria, and remained on the farm with his father until fourteen years of age, when he began learning the baker's trade. In 1807, when in his twc'ntieth year, he took i)a8sage from Bremen to America on the steamer ' ' Ocean, ' ' which was stranded one year later, and lauded at New York City. He came on to Cincinnati, where he worked for about eight years itj and around the city. He then went to Chicago, remained there about three years and then engaged in business for himself at Joliet, 111. In 1880 he came to Paragould and immediately engaged in his present business, at which he has been very successful. He is an excellent Ijaker and keej)8 a good stock of everything carried in his line. He was married in October, 1873, to Miss Mary Gaker, a native of Hamilton County, O. , and a daughter of John and Rosa (Schleer) Gaker, who were natives of Ger- many and early settlers of Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs. Bleier have been born five children, three now liv- ing: John K. , Frank and Joseph E. The two deceased were Robert and Mathew. Mr. and Mrs. Bleier are members of the Catholic Church. E. M. Bobo. Among Greene County's self- made, enterprising and successful citizens, none deserve more favorable mention than the subject of this sketch, E. M. Bobo, who was born in South Carolina in 1840. His father, A. P. Bobo, came from the Palmetto State to Arkansas in 1857, and entered 160 acres of land, upon which he lived engaged in farming and stock raising until his death in 1S86. He was held in favor by his fel- low farmers, and was for two years coroner of^ Greene County. Of his family of seven children, two sons and five daughters, four are still living, one in North Carolina, two in Texas, and one in Arkansas. They are Mary (Bobo) Prince, E. M. Bobo, Virginia (Bobo) Swindle, and Spotana (Bobo) Love. E. M. Bobo was seventeen years of age when he came with his father to this State, where he has since made his home. He has about 154 acres of laud, with eighty under cultivation, forty of which he has cleared himself, and his farm is well stocked with horses, cattle, hogs and fine sheep. October 2. 1861, Mr. Bobo enlisted in the Fifth Arkansas Infantrv, and though twice 124 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. wounded, continued in service during the entire war. He and wife have reared a family of nine children: M. A., horn in 1862: Matilda, horn in 186(3; G. M., born in 1867; Olive, horn in l«6y, Victoria, born in 1871; Arthur E., born in 1872; J. E.. born in 1874; Alice, horn in 1875, and Ada, in 1878. Mr. Boho belongs to the Agricultural Wheel, and he and wife and family are active members of the Methodist Church. M. W. Boyd (deceased) was an enterprising and industrious farmer of Greene County, Ark. He was born in Tennessee on the l'2th of October, 1846, and came to Arkansas with his father when a child, where the latter died shortly after. In 1868 M. W. Boyd was united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss M. J. McMillin. who was born in the "Palmetto State" and came to Arkansas with her parents, W. P. and Adaline (Cooley) Mc- Millin in 1853, settling on what is known as the old Willcockson estate, consisting of 500 acres. Here Mr. McMillin greatly improved his farm, became a well-known citizen of the county, and died on the 19th of May, 1862. After his marriage Mr. Boyd began improving his farm on an exten- sive scale by erecting good buildings, setting out orchards, etc., and did considerable in the way of stock raising. He was interested in all things that promised to promote the welfare of his section, and was a liberal contributor to churches and schools. He died on the 27th of May, 1885, leaving his wife and children one of the beat farms in the county, on which is a roomy and substantial dwelling-house, surrounded by ornamental trees and shrubbery. Mrs. Boyd is ably managing the farm, and besides the usual crops is engaged in raising cotton. She and Mr. Boyd became the parents of the following childi-en; Onie, Alice, Clara and Selma. E. S. Bray, postmaster at Paragould, and cash- ier of the Bank of Paragould, is classed among the prominent and successful business men of that town. He was born in Chatham County, N. C, and is the son of Solomon and Sarah (Brooks) Bray, natives of North Carolina, where they passed their entire lives. They were the parents of nine children, seven now living, three in North Carolina, two in Tennessee, and two in Arkansas. E. S. Bray was but a lad when his parents died, and he went to live with an elder brother in Tennessee, where he remained until grown. He received his education in that State and remained engaged in assisting on the farm until 1878, when he came to Arkansas. Previous to this, in 186U, he married Miss Margaret E. Cox, a native of Tennessee, and after coming to Arkansas he located three miles from Paragould and followed agricultural pursuits until July 14, 1885, when he was appointed post- master. He is the owner of 440 acres of good land with about fifty acres under cultivation, and has made many improvements since purchasing the farm. He has been magistrate for a number of years, and was one of the enumerators of the census of Greene County in 1880. He is a mem- ber of the Masonic Fraternity, and represented his lodge at the Grand Lodge. He is also a member of the K. of P. He and wife belong to the Baptist Church. William B. Breckenridge. Few men in the county have made agricultural pursuits such a de- cided success, or have kept more thoroughly apace with the times, than has the above mentioned gentleman, Mr. Breckenridge, who was lioru in Missouri, on Castor River, March 13, 1843, and who is the son of James Harvey and Susan (Huff- stettler) Breckenridge, the parents of European descent. In 1844 Mr. and Mrs. Breckenridge left Missouri and located in Arkansas near the farm where their son, William B. , is now residing. Here the father tilled the soil until his death, which occurred in 1888, the day he was sixty-sis years old. He enlisted in the Confederate service in 1864, and was with Gen. Price on his raid through Missouri. He was a member of the Metho dist Episcopal Church, South. He had been mar- ried three times, his second marriage being to Miss Maggie Light, a native of Missouri, who died one year later. He then married Miss Mary Ann Batto, and the result was a large family of children. One child was born to the second union, l)ut it died in infancy. William B. Breckenridge was but ten years of age when his mother died, and he was the eldest of five children: William B., A. (t., Eli Greene, James ^ Jd- l^ GREENE COUNTY. 125 Franklin, and Jane (deceased). The mother of these children was a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. The eldest of the above mentioned family reached manhood on the farm, and at the age of nineteen years began tilling the soil for himself, which occupation he has carried on ever since. At the beginning of the war he enlisted in the Confederate army, was at the battles of Corinth, luka and Port Hudson, and was soon after paroled and returned home. In 1S63 he married Miss Sarah E. Mielar, a native of Tennessee, born in 1S43, and who came to Arkan- sas with her parents, John and Ann Mielar, in 1 851 , when a child. Both her parents are deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. Breckenridge were born twelve children, four of whom are deceased. The chil- dren are named as follows: James Henry, William Lee. Mary Jane (wife of Ezekiel Williams), Sarah A. (wife of James Branch), Minnie A., Edward Jef- ferson, Eli Blanton, Arra Frances, and Charles McCarsy. Those deceased were named James Hen- ry, Samantha, Vira and Joseph R. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mr. Breckenridge is an active worker in school matters, and a liberal contributor to all public enterprises reflecting credit on the community in which he has made his home. His father had live brothers and three sisters : John I. , Thomas W.. James H., Mary (Chrits), a widow, Sarah, David I., Andrew J. (who moved to Wright County, Mo., in 1879, and died in 1880), Anne, (Taylor), a widow, and Jackson. Those not liv- ing were active, enterprising farmers of Northeast Arkansas, and m\ich esteemed. They left a large number of cousins, among whom is W. B. Breckenridge, our subject. His wife's brothers and sisters are: Nicholas M. Mielar, Sarah E. , Milliam H. , Neuben R., James R.. Louisa A.. Lucy A., Nancy C, Arra S., and Mary E. Daniel W. Breckenridge. who is one of the sturdy sons of toil of Crowley Township, and the son of David and Caroline (Yoekum) Breckenridge. was born in Greene County, Ark., in 1856, and grew to manhood in that county. His parents were natives of North Carolina, where they re- mained until about 1838, and then moved to Mis- souri, coining from there to Arkansas, where the father died in 1877 at the age of fifty-five years. He was a soldier in the late war, on the Confed- erate side, and served until cessation of hostilities. He took an active part in church and school affairs. He was married four times; first to Miss Kinder, who bore him four children, all deceased, and after her death he married Miss Caroline Yoekum, and by her became the father of six children, three now living: James D., Daniel W. and Sarah C, now Mrs. Taylor. Those deceased were named Malinda Ann, Nancy J. and Julia Aim. After his second wife's death Mr. Breckenridge married again, and five children were the result of this union: One deceased, Parthenia, Amelia J., Elihu and Parris. The one deceased was named George W. Daniel W. Breckenridge, the fourth child by the second marriage, attained his majority in his native county, and commenced working for himself at the age of twenty-one. He followed tilling the soil on the farm given him by his father at the time of his death, and there he has remained ever since. He was man'ied in 1878 to Mrs. Maria Spain, a native of Tennessee, born in 1848, and who came to Arkansas when twenty-two years of age. She is the daughter of Hugh Spain, now de- ceased, but her mother is still living and is a resident of the ' 'Lone Star" State. To Mr. and Mrs. Breckenridge were born six children: Rufus W., Victoria A., Ezra E. and Willie P. Two are deceased (unnamed). Mr. Breckenridge is active in school matters, having been school director for ten or twelve years, and is a Democrat in politics. He is the owner of a tine farm, well under cultiva- * tion. M. D. Bridges. In giving a brief sketch of the life of Mr. Bridges it can with truth be said that he is one of the foremost men of his county, and has become one of the wealthy planters of his region by honest toil and good management and by the aid and advice of his admirable wife. He was born in Dunklin County, Mo., in 1804, and was the sixth in a family of ten children born to Amherst D. and Charlotte (Russell) Bridges, who were also born in Kentucky and at an early day emigrated to Dunklin County, Mo., where they -^-^ 126 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. are now residing. Here M. D. Bridges was born, reared and educated, and as his father was a mer- chant and farmer by occupation, he first worked on the farm and then clerked in his store. Later he engaged in the saloon business at St. Francis, Mo., and after following that calling for about eighteen months sold out, and on the 15th of March, 1887, came to Greene County, Ark. The same year he was married, in Clay County of this State, to Mrs. Theodocia Nolen, widow of David Nolen, and soon after moved to his present farm, which consists of 280 acres of arable land, with about 160 under cultivation. In addition to this he has forty acres under cultivation in Clay County, the most of which he devotes to the rais- ing of cotton. This year (1889) he had seventy- five acres in cotton, and also raises considerable stock. He has never been very active in politics but usually votes the Democratic ticket; he is ever deeply interested in the proper education of the youth of this country, and has always been a patron of education, being now a member of the school board. Socially he is a member of Four Mile Lodge No. 412, A. F. & A. M., and also be- longs to Pittsburg Lodge No. 273, I. O. O. F., at Campbell, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Bridges are the par- ents of one son, Andy Lee. C. J. Brinkman, a member of the firm of John F. Brinkman A Son, manufacturers of tight bar- rel staves, Paragould, is a native of Batesville, Ripley Co. , Ind. , and the son of John F. Brink- man, who is also of Indiana nativity. The mother, Catharine (Kipper) Brinkman, was born in Ba- varia, Germany, and was married to Mr. Brink- man April 28, 1863. The fruits of this union were eleven children, seven of whom yet survive. John F. Brinkman engaged in the lumber busi- ness in his youth, and bought walnut lumlier for a large furniture factory. In the fall of 18()8, he embarked in the manufacture of staves at James- town, Ind., and there remained until 187"), when he removed to Indianapolis to educate his children, at the same time running his factory at Jamestown. He made his home in Indianapolis until 1879, and in April of that year, moved to Terre Haute, Ind., where he put up a stave factory and ran it until 1889, when he sold out and is now living a retired life. His wife died in May. 1889. C. J. Brink- man was but four years of age when he moved with his parents to Jamestown. He received a good education in the schools of Indianapolis and Terre Haute, and graduated at the Notre Dame Univer- sity in 1881. He then started in the stave busi- ness with his father, and has since been a member of the firm of John F. Brinkman & Son. In Feb- ruary, 1888, they began the erection of their pres- ent factory, and commenced working in the same May 2, since which time they have continued the business successfully. The foreman is W. W. AMlson, who has been with this firm for eighteen years. Mr. Brinkman was married in September, 1888, to Miss Marie C. Vesque, a native of Frank- lin County, Ind., and both he and wife are mem- bers of the Catholic Church. Charles Brock, another prominent and success- ful agriculturist of Cache Township, and one whose name is synonymous with the farming inter- ests of the county, was born in Georgia in 1825, and is the son of Thomas and Jemima (Kinzie) Brock, both natives of South Carolina. The father grew to manhood in his native state, and was there married to his first wife, who bore him four chil- dren. He then removed to Alabama and there married Miss Kinzie, with whom he returned to Georgia in 1834. He died in that State three years later. The mother then married again and died in Georgia, in 1855, at the age of fifty years. She was a member of the Methodist Episoojial Church, South. Charles Brock, the eldest of the three brothers and sisters, attained his majority in the State of Georgia, receiving very little education aside from home study, and at the age of fourteen began working for himself. After a few years he learned the blacksmith trade, and in 1851 immi- grated to Morgan County, 111., where he remained three years. From there he went to Polk County, Mo., resided there several years and was then in New Madrid County for two years. In 1 866 he came to Greene County, settled in Cache Township, im- proved a large tract, and moved to several places where he made many improvements. He was first married in Georgia to Miss Cynthia Walker, a _il- GREENE COUNTY. 127 iiiit.ivc of Kentucky, who died in Vernon County, Mo., in 185"), and the result of this union was three children, two now livin<^: John R., and Martlia, who is now the wife of Frank (irauil)linu', and who resides in Boone County, Ark. The one deceased was named James. Mr. Brock was mar- ried the sec^ond time to Miss Elizabeth AValker, a native of Alabama. She died in 1870. The fol- lowing; children were born to this union: William, at home; Margaret, now Mrs. Jones; Nancy, now Mrs. Johnson; Catherine, now Mrs. Beaty; Re- becca. Mrs. Belk; Triphena and Tri{)hocia (twins, and the latter deceased); Charles (deceased); Lizzie, at home; Lee (deceased), and Jesse (de- ceased). For his third wife Mr. Brock took Mrs. Luemma Israel, nee Cooper, in 1879. Three children wore born to this marriage, Mary, and two deceased. The family are memlsers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Mr. Brock is steward and trustee in the same at tiie present time. He has held the office of school director for many years, and is liberal and generous in his contributions to all meritorious enterprises. He is a Democrat in politics but is not an active partisan. He has a tine farm of thirty acres in cultivation, owning 160 acres of laud. L. H. Case, real estate and loan agent, also attorney, of Paragould, is a native of Licking County, Ohio, born August 7, 1833, being the son of Ra])hael and Rosetta (Hayes) Case, the father a native of Ohio and the mother of New York, and both families of old Puritan stock. The mother was a tirst cousin of Rutherford B. Hayes. The paternal grandfather, Frederick Case, was from Simsbury, Conn. , and the maternal grandfather was a native of the Green Mountain State. The latter was a captain in the War of 1812 and was in command of Vermont troops. Grandfather Case was also a captain in the War of 1812, and was at Hull's surrender, but escaped. They both died in Ohio, whither they had emigrated at ijuite an early date. Raphael Case was born in Licking County, Ohio, and was a farmer by occupation. He was county treasurer one term and tilled that position with credit and honor. He died in 18*50, in his fiftieth year. The mother died previously to this. In their family were si.\ children, four now living: Leonus H., Frederick, in Missouri; Sylvester, also in Alissonri; Jason, in Ohio; Wilbur, killed at the battle of Spottsylvania Court House, and Fannie (deceasert). wife of Rev. W. M. Mullin. L. H. Case attained his growth and received his education in Licking County, Ohio, attending the Ohio Wesleyan University. At the age of twenty- one he began the study of law and was admitted to the bar in 1858. He then commenced jiracticing at Bloomfield, Ind., remained there a short time, and on the breaking out of the late war he went home and enlisted in Company D, First Ohio Cavalry, and served three years. He was at the battles of Pittsburg Landing, Perryviile, Stone River, Chick- amauga. Missionary Ridge, and particijmted in many minor engagements. He was discharged at Washington, D. C, and afterward went to St. Joseph, Mo., raising a company of his own, after which ho went to Cape Girardeau where he had command as captain of six companies. He re- mained there about seven months, when they were mustered out and he went to Maysville, Mo., where Cajit. Case practiced his profession until 1885. Locating at Norfolk, Neb., where he had a good farm, he remained there for about two years, and then settled in Little Rock. Ark., forming a jiart- nership with an old planter, William Field, in the real estate and loan business. This they carried on imtil October, 1888, when Mr. Case came to Paragould, bought property and located here. He has since been engaged in the practice of his pro- fession, and has also lieen occupied in the real es- tate and loan business. He is agent for about 200,000 acres of wihl land and some good pine land. He also owns considerable land and prop- erty in Greene County. He is ]>roj)ared to loan money in almost any amount from $250 u|>ward. Mr. Case was married, first, in 1857, to Miss Mary \\'arner, by whom he had one child, Willard. He was married the second time, in 180l'>. to Miss Amanda Terhune, of Missouri, and two children were the result: Cora and Harry. Mr. Case's third marriage was to Miss Mattie McDowell, of Mis- souri, in 187^ Dr. R. C. Cavitt. Oue of the most familiar and welcomed faces in the home of the sick ami afflicted of Greene County, is that of Dr. Cavitt, who administers to the physical wants of his fellow- man, in a highly satisfactory and successful man- ner, as his many patients, now living, can testify. The Doctor was born in Henry County. Tenn. , but was reared in Obion County, of the same State, where he lived with his father on a farm. At a very early age he commenced learning the blacksmith trade which he completed, and, al- though he has not worked at his trade for over nineteen years, still thinks that his hand has not lost its cunning, and that he can do as good a piece of work in that line as he ever could. At the age of twenty-seven he commenced the study of medicine with his brother, B. H. Cavitt, then of Obion County, Tenn., and graduated at the ex- piration of two and a half years' study at the Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. He then moved to Greene (bounty, Ark., locating near Til- man ville, two' miles west of Marmaduke (then not in existence), and here the Doctor, after twelve years of -iabor, has built up an enviable practice. After coming to this State he was married to Miss N. E. Jones, a native of Clay County, Ark., and the daughter of John Jones, who came from Ten- nessee about 1830. To this marital relation were born two children: Vera Ethel and Her Myrtle. Dr. Cavitt has about 120 acres of land in cultivation where he lives, and which he has had improved to such an extent that it is one of the finest farms in the county. The Doctor says he' intends it to be the best in the county within a year or two at the most. He has always, since living here, been dealing in cotton, and by care, and by closely watching the market, has man- aged to benefit himself very much in that line. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge at Til- manville, is also a member of the Masonic fra- ternity, and in each has tilled many of the chairs, holding one position at the present time. He and Mrs. Cavitt are members of the Methodist Epis copal Church, South, near Tilmanville. A. T. Chaffin is one of the energetic and pro- gressive farmers and stockmen of Cache Township, Greene County, Ark., and was born in Georgia in 1832. being the eldest of a family of ten children belonging to Elias and Sarah (Yearwood) Chaffin, who were born in North Carolina and Georgia, re- spectively; the former, besides his association with farming, is a Missionary Baptist minister, and is actively engaged in preaching the gospel at the present time, although eighty-three years of age. His wife died in 1872 at the age of sixty- four years. Both grandfathers were soldiers in the War of 1812. A. T. Chaffin was reared on a farm in Georgia, and in his youth received very limited educational advantages, but managed to attend the common schools to some extent. When but nine- teen years of age he bought a farm and began till- ing the soil, the same year marrying Miss Nancy E. Gosa, who was born in Alabama. They lived on this farm for ten years, then sold out and came to Arkansas, and soon located in Greene County, where he bought forty acres of slightly improved land, and in time cleared thirty acres and erected buildings. He continued to purchase other tracts of land from time to time, on which he also made improvements, and at one time owned 800 acres of land. He sold off a portion of this, however, and on the remainder has erected six dwellings, with out-buildings, and on all these places has set out good orchards of well assorted fruits. His home farm is a fine tract at the foot of Crowley's Ridge, of which sixty acres are under cultivation. In 1861 Mr. Chaffin enlisted in the Confederate army, and was mustered into the service at Little Rock, being assigned to Bragg' s division; and was in the battles of Oak Hill, Corinth, Murfreesboro, Chat- tanooga, Chickamauga, Cross Roads, Shiloh, where he was wounded, and was mustered out of service at Columbus, Miss. He then returned home and resumed farming, which occupation has since re- ceived his attention. He is a Democrat politically, and takes considerable interest in the political affairs of the county. In 187S Mrs. Chaffin died, leaving these children: Calvin, who is married and resides in Mississippi; Benjamin (deceased); Catherine and Roxana, residents of Mississippi; and John Walter, who lives at home. In 1881 Mr. Chaffin wedded Mrs. Susan (Croft) Shoe- maker, who was bora in Kentucky, being the daughter of Logan Croft, an early immigrant to Arkansas. By her first husband Mrs. Chafiin was the mother of three sons; Peter, Thomas and John. Mr. ChafSn is active in j)romoting the welfare of schools and churches, as well as the county in which he resides. ^^■illiam H. Cothren. No matter in what busi- ness a man may engage, if he is industrious and fair in his dealings with his fellow men, he is sure sooner or later to win their confidence, respect and liking, and to become in time well -to do in worldly goods. Mr. Cothren possesses these qualities, and as a conse(juence stands remarkalily high in the estimation of all who know him. He was born in South Carolina in the month of February, 1842, and at an early day began to tight his own way in the world. When the Rebellion broke out he left his labors to enlist in the Southern army, joining, June 10, 18()1, the Fifth Arkansas Regiment, and was sent east of the Mississippi, taking part in the battles of Farmington, Shiloh, Perryville, Mur- freesboro (where his shoulder was broken by a minie ball), Chickamauga, and other engagements of that campaign. He was also at Atlanta, Jones- boro, Franklin, Nashville, Tupelo, and Smithville, N. C , after which engagement the army surren- dered and Mr. Cothren soon I'eturned home. He was married a short time afterward to Miss Mary Gregory, a native of South Carolina, a daughter of William Gregory, who came from South Carolina in IHOH and engaged in farming. In 18()V* Mr. Cotliren bought a farm of eighty acres, slightly im])roved, and on this land he began an extensive scale of improvement, continuing to add to his original purchase until he became the owner of 240 acres, with about ninety acres cleared. He has excellent buildings and orchards, and has taken great pride in b(>autifying his home besides putting his land in good tillable condition. He is engaged in general farming and gives his attention to rais- ing cotton, corn, wheat, oats, grasses, etc He is a Democrat in politics, a patron of education, and has served as school director for eight years. He and family attend the Methodist Church, of which himself and wife are members. They are the , parents of the following children: Nancy E. , wife of Harve Spain; Reuben M., Richard V., and James W. Mr. Cothren is the eldest of seven I children born to the man-iage of Jackson Cothren and Sarah Gnimling, who were born in South , Carolina, and were engaged in farming in that j State until the father's death in 18r>7. after which the mother came to Arkansas and resided with her father, Reuben Gramling, who, with his sons, was among the earliest settlers of the west side of Crowley's Ridge. Alfred T. Craig, farmer and stock raiser, was born in Tennessee, in 1847, being the second of five children liorn to Andrew and Jane (Lambeth) Craig, the former a native of Tennessee, and the latter of North Carolina. The maternal grand- father was born in the "Old North State," and came to Tennessee at a very early day, settling in the western part of the State, where he was en- gaged e.vtensively ni farming, and died in 1888, at the age of eighty-three years. His father was a soldier in the Revolution, and served throughout the entire war. The paternal grandparents were Vir- ginians. Andrew Craig was also an extensive farmer, and died in 1863. His widow still sui'vives him and lives on the old homestead in Tennes.see. Alfred T. Craig worked on the home farm in his youth and received but little schooling. At the age of seventeen he left home and went to North and Middle Tennessee, where he resided for over a year, then went to Texas and was engaged in the distilling Imsiness for one year, after which he re turned to Tennessee, and soon after married Miss Martha Brown, a native of Tennessee, and a daughter of Hiram Brown, of the same State, a well known farmer in his section. In 18(58 Mr. Craig purchased a farm on which he lived for three years, and on the ^M of December. ISTl, came to Arkansas and settled in Greene County, where he bought 120 acres of wild land. On this he imme- diately began making improveu)ents. and up to the present time lias opened up some seventy -five acres, aliont all of which is under fence and in a high state of cultivation. He has two acres in orchard. His stock is of a good grade, his hogs being Jersey Reds and Berkshires, and his cattle |iart Jersey. ^^f. , 4^ — ^ ,(^ 130 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Mr. Craig is a Democrat, and has held the office of school director for eight years. To him and wife were born fourteen children, twelve of whom are living: Andrew, who died in infancy; Fannie Ella, wife of John Jones; William Charles, James Alfred, Mary Elizabeth, Lucy, John, who died at the age of nine months; Rosa Lee. Eli, Van, Winston, Francis Clyne and Frances (twins), and James Adaline. In 1886 Mr. Craig bought eighty acres of land on Eight Mile Creek, which is a choice piece of bottom laud, and is improved with two good houses. Forty acres are under cultivation. His son William resides on and tills this farm. J. W. Craven, a successful planter residing near Paragoukl, was born in Randolph County, of the "Old North State," February 22, 1834, being the fourth of eleven children born to Andrew R. and Elizabeth W. (Garner) Craven, who were also born in that State. In 1840 the father emigrated to Georgia, and two years later to Mississippi, where he ojDened up a large plantation on which he resided thirteen years, moving then to Tennessee. In January, 1855, he came to Greene County, Ark., and settled near where his son now resides, on 640 acres of land, 1 00 acres of which he cleared and improved, and here lived until his death, March 30, 1807, at the age of sixty-tive years. His wife died in Mississippi in the fall of 1845. J. W. Craven received a common education in the schools of Mississippi, and besides becoming famil- iar with the details of farm work, learned the blacksmith's trade, which occupation he followed for some years. He assisted in clearing the home farm, and was married in Hardeman County, Tenn. , in 1853, to Miss L. M. Daniel, a native of that State, and a daughter of Ephraim and Penelope (Mundou) Daniel, who were born in North Caro- lina, and emigrated to Tennessee in 1840, and in 1855 to Greene County, Ark. Here the father died on his farm, in 1876, his wife's death having occurred four years earlier. After his marriage, Mr. Craven settled down to farming in Tennessee, but in 1855 bought an eighty-acre timber tract in Greene Couiitj', Ark. . on which he enacted a cabin, and commenced clearing and improving. He now has 120 acres, with eighty-five under cultivation, which he devotes principally to raising corn. In 1863 ho enlisted in the Home (inards under Capt. Kirkeudall, and in September of the same year, joined the infantry under Capt. Anderson, holding the rank of second lieutenant. In December, 1863, he was honorably discharged, but in 1864 joined the cavalry, and was in the fight at Little Rock, and several other engagements. Since the war he has been engaged in farming. He votes with the Democratic party, biit is not active in politics. He has held the office of justice of tlie peace for about seven years, and being an active supporter of the cause of education, is now a member of the school board. He also assisted in re-organizing the coun- ty. Socially he is a member of the Agricultural Wheel, and also a memljer of Paragould Lodge No. 368. F. & A. M. He and wife are members of the Baptist Church, and are active workers for the cause of Christianity. Seven of their nine chil- \ dren are living: Andrew Nelson (died in 1863, at the age of ten years). Mary Jane (died in 1858, aged two years and six months), Julia Ann (Mrs. Morgan), Martha T. (Mrs. Gwyn), John , W., Lillie C, Eliza C. Sarah Elizabeth and Will- { iam L., all members of the Baptist Church. Mr. Craven can remember wlien there was only one public road in the county, and when Capo (jirar- deau was their nearest market. J. W. Crawford. Prominent among the many esteemed and respected citizens of Paragould stands the name of the above mentioned gentleman, who was l)orn in Orange County, N. C, June 4, 1854, and who is the son of William and Elizabeth (Howard) Crawford, both natives of North Caro- lina. They are still residents of that State, and the father is a farmer by occupation. Their fam- ily consists of ten living children, five sons and five daughters. J. W. Crawford was reared on the farm, in Orange County, N. C. , receiving his education in the common schools, and in 1868 went to Tennessee, locating in Fayette County. He was but a boy at this time, and engaged as clerk in a store, which business he followed most of his time while in Tennessee. In 1877 he came to Arkansas, locating at Gainesville, Greene Coun- ty, and sold liquors for two years. He then em- GREENE COUNTY. 131 hcarked iu mercantile pui-suits, which he carried on until his removal to Paragould, in 1885, and was one of the first business men of the town. Previ- ous to this, in 1880, he married Miss Sadie Ghiss- eock, daughter of Capt. H. W. Glasscock, and the result of this union is two children: Guy E. and Henry V. Mr. Crawford continued his mercantile l)usiness at Paragoiild until 18SS, when he sold out, and has since been practically retired, al- though he turns his attention somewhat to real estate speculations. He owns a half-interest in the Gager Hotel, which is a fine brick building, and a credit to Paragould; and he is also the owner of a good farm adjoining the cor]ioration of Paragould. No man has been more active in im [)roving this place than has Mr. Crawford. He is a m(>mber of the Masonic fraternity. Hon. Benjamin H. Crowley is a wealthy farmer and an eminent lawyer of Greene County, Ark., and is State Senator from the First Senatorial District of Arkansas. His birth occurred in 1836, and he is the only child born to the marriage of Samuel Crowley and Sallie Hutchins, who were born respectively in Kentucky and Tennessee. The })aternal grandfather was a Georgian, who re- moved to Kentucky at an early day, where he met and married Miss Annie Wylie, a supposed na- tive of that State, and there made his home, being engaged in farming and stock-raising and dealing on a very extensive scale until IS'21, when became with his family, which consisted of his wife and eight children, five boys and three girls, to what is now Greene County (then Lawrence). At that time the country was very sparsely settled, he be- ing the only settler within a radius of many miles. He located on a tract of land consisting of 240 acres, and gave his name to a ridge of land run- ning for more than 200 miles through Arkansas and 100 miles in Missouri. Here he erected a dwelling house, opened about fifty acres of land for cultivation, set out orchards, and became one of th(^ thriftiest farmers and best-known men in Northeastern Arkansas. All his children settled near him, where their descendants are still resid- ing. He died about 1842 at the age of eighty- four years, and his wife's death occiuTed in 1850, she never having married again after his death. Samuel Crowley, the father of our subject, was married in 1832 to Miss Sallie Hutchins, whoso par- ents came from Tennessee to Arkansas and settled where Paragould is now situated, where the father died in 1!S37, having been an extensive farmer and stockman. She subsequently married a man by the name of Robert H. Halley. In his youth Ben- jamin H. Crowley attended the common schools and at the age of nineteen years he entered the Wallace Institute, which he attended one year. After spending several years in Greene County he removed to Scott County, where he had previously lived with his mother. On the 10th of May, 18oS, he was married to Miss Elizabeth J. Crowley, a cousin, and a daughter of W. Crowley, and when the war broke out he left home and friends and the peaceful pursuit of farming to enlist in the Confederate service. He was in nearly all the bat- tles of importance that were fought in the South- west, and was soon promoted to the rank of lieu tenant, and later was made captain of Company H, Nineteenth Infantry, and at the close of the war was commanding a company of cavali^y. He was captured in Scott County after the fall of Little Rock, and was in confinement at various places for fifteen months. During this time, while at Johnson's Island, Lake Erie, he and a number of other officers formed a class and began the study of Black.stone, and after his return home he contin- ued his legal studies until 1871, when ,he was ad- mitted to the bar and, in 1874, was admitted to practice in the Federal courts, and in 1888 in the Supreme Courts of Arkansas. Immediately after the war he traveled for some time in Texas, and then returned to Arkansas and settled down to farming in Cache Township. Greene County. In 1HC)X, when Clayton's militia were over running the State, and when they had stationed themselves at Jonesboro and arrested a number of the l)est citi- zens of the town, Capt. Crowley raised 100 jiicked men in his county and went to their rescue. There was a fight at Willis' Mills and his company lost one man and had several wounded, while the mili tia lost several men and were driven back to Jone^ boro. Afterward Capt. Crowley succeeded in ef- L£: 132 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. fecting a compromise whereby all prisoners taken by the militia were released, and peace and order were once more restored in that section of the State. To this day Capt. Crowley's efforts in pre- venting strife and restoring order are remembered with pleasure and gratitude by those whose lives and property were endangered. In 1869 he bought the old homestead settled by his grandfather, which had been oiit of possession of the family for several yeai's, and with this his lands amount to about 4,000 acres in Greene County. 500 of which are in a highly cultivated condition. He is the most extensive farmer in the county and is also largely interested in stock-raising and dealing. He has cleared over '200 acres of land, has erected many buildings, and in 1880 built his present com- modious and substantial residence, it being situated on a natural building site. In 1880 his wife died, leaving a family of six children: Victoria, wife of Dr. J. D. Sibert, of this county; Cynthia H. , Nannie P., wife of E. R. Page, residing in Crow- ley Township; Lueian G., Bell and Ben. H. On the 26th of June, 1881, he married his present wife, whose maiden name was Miss R. L. Fielder, a native of Tennessee. They have two children, Thomas Garland, who is deceased, and Sallie Al- ice. Mr. Crowley is an eminent lawyer and has won an enviable reputation among his legal breth- ren in Arkansas. He has always been an active ])olitician, and in 1872 was elected representa- tive to the State legislature. The poll-books were at that time destroyed, but the Captain se- cured his seat and secured a new election for the county officers, who were all elected on the Demo- cratic ticket. He was in the stormy session of 1884, and during this time declined a commission as colonel from Gov. Baxter. In 1876 he was elected to the State Senate from the First District of Arkansas and in 1888 was re-elected by a very large majority. He is one of the most useful members of that body, and is a fluent and forci- l)le speaker, sound in his views. In the space al- lotted in this volume it would be impossible to give a detailed account of his public and private career, or to speak at length of his many sterling social and business qualities; suffice it to say that in every walk in life his career has been above reproach. He was the author of the bill for the organization of Clay County, and was also the author of sev- eral other important measures. Henry Cupp, one of Greene County's leading farmers, is a native of Georgia, where he was born January 10, 1839. In the same year his father emigrated from that State to Craighead Coimty, Ark., where he remained but one year, when he again moved, this time selecting Greene County. There he was very successful at farming until his death, February 17, 1871. His wife hardly survived him a year, but died January 18, 1872. Mr. and Mrs. Cupp, reared a family of nine children, five of whom are yet living. Henry Cupp was but a child when his parents came to this State, and he was reared to farm life. He had very limited school opportunities, but has all his life been an industrious farmer; and through his practical knowledge of farming, has been suc- cessful. He owns a large well-stocked farm, much of it under cultivation. He has been married four times, and is the father of seven children, two of whom, Sarah Ann (born October 18, 1S67) and Emeline (born February 2, 1871) are the only survivors. His first wife was Margaret Dennis, and after her death, he chose Lucy Stevens, who was born December 2, 1841. His third marriage was with Nancy Smith, who died in 1884. Mrs. Cupp, whose maiden name was Emeline Lane, was born November 21, 1862, and is a true wife and benevolent woman. Mr. Cupp is one of the prominent farmers and stock raisers of the county, has decided political views, and is interested in progress and development. F. M. Daulton, editor and proprietor of the Greene County Events, is a resident of Gaines- ville, Ark., but was boiu in Ralls County, Mo., in 1832, and after acquiring a common school edu- catioQ and attaining a suitable age he commenced working on the Quincy Herald, at Quincy, 111. After serving a five-years' apprenticeship, he re- turned to Shelby ville. Mo., and established the Spectator in 1853, which he conducted until the breaking out of the war, when he gave up this work to enlist as major in the Twenty-first Mis- Koiiri. He served about two years, and was shot through the neck at the battle of luka, in Mis- sissippi. After receiving his discharge he went to Ohio, where he spent two or three years, and next located in Indiana, being engaged in pul)li8hini>- papers in both these States. After coming to Greene County, Ark., in 1878, he established the Press, and in 1882 his present pajjer, which has a circulation of over 500; this is a i)ap(>r pure in tone and fearless in its attacks upon the popular shortcomings of the day. He was first married to Miss M. M. Connor, who died, having Iwrne the following children: Emma (Hindman), living, and Jennie and Frank, deceased, the latter being killed in 1807, while braking on the Iron Moun- tain Kailroad. Mr. Daulton took for his second wife Miss Lizzie Lanker, by whom he has five children: William, Charles, Daniel, Delia and Benjamin. K. T. Daniel, a merchant and farmer of Clark Township, Greene County, was born in 1837 in Tennessee, and is the fifth of a family of nine children born to Ephraim and Pennie (Mundson) Daniel, who were Teunesseeans. The father was a sturdy son of the soil, and when our subject was a child removed to Mississippi, where he was engaged in farming until 1855. At that date he came to Greene County, Ark. , and settled on the farm on which R. T. Daniel is now residing, which consisted of 200 acres. He improved this farm very much and soon had quite an extensive tract under cultivation and furnished with good build- ings. R. T. Daniel remained with his parents until twenty-five years of age, then marrying Miss Elizabeth Pilmore, who was born in Mississippi and came with her parents to Arkansas at an early day. Soon after he erected a cottage on his father's farm, and began tilling the soil for himself on forty acres of land purchased from his father. Later he bought eighty acre.s more, and at his father's death, in 1870. inherited the remainder. When the war broke out he enlisted in Cai)t. Anderson's company, and was with Gen. Shelby on bis raid through Missouri, and was in the battle of Cape Girardeau, where he was wounded. He was also at Helena, Devall's Bluff. Little Rock. Camden and Saline River. While with Price on his raid through Missouri he was in the engage- ments at Iron Mountain, Independence, Blue Lick, Boonville and Kansas City. He then retreated to Texas and surrendered at Pine Bluff. After his return home he resumed farming successfully, con- tinuing until 1887, when he received a stroke of paralysis, and has not been alile to do hard labor since. He is now conducting a general mercantile store on his farm, which is netting him a fair in come. Sixty acres of his place are under cultivn tion, and he devotes it to raising corn, cotton, etc. He and wife are the parents of the following chil- dren: James, who is married to Miss Nancy Fielder; Eliza Jane, wife of Jeff Adams; Henry. Thomas, Pollie, and Sarah Elizabeth. The family worship in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mr. Daniel has served as school director and has always taken a deep interest in educational matters, as well as all other worthy enterprises. Dr. John M. Davis, druggist, of Paragould, and son of Dr. James S. and Nancy E. (Farmer) Davis. was born in Limestone County. Ala. , December 31 . 1840. His parents were both natives of Alabama, and removed to Marshall County, Miss., in 1844, going in 1850 to Salem, that State, and thence to luka, where the father died. Dr. James S. Davis was a graduate of Jefferson Medical College of Phil- adelphia, and was also a graduate of the Louisville Medical College. He was a very prominent physi- cian and noted surgeon, and people came from a great distance for his treatment. He practiced from 1844 to 1N7U, a period of about thirty-five years. He was one of the members of the secession con- vention of Mississippi, and signed the declaration of independence for that purpose. He was a sur-, geon in the late war and in command of a company a portion of the time. His wife is still living, and is a resident of luka. Miss. They were the par- ents of ten children, five now living, of whom Dr. John M. Davis is the eldest. He was principally reared and educated in Mississip]ii, and at the age of sixteen began the study of medicine with the in- tention of later following tiiat profession, but about this time the war broke out which jjrevented him from further pursuing his studies. He shoul- i;{4 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. dercd his musket, marched to the front and eu listed in the Tenth Ahibama Cavalry Regiment, serving over three years. He was ensign of his regiment, with the rank of first lieutenant, and was in all tlie principal engagements — Shiloh. Atlanta, Days Gap, etc. His whole service was in the cav- alry. At Pulaski, during Hood's advance on Franklin, Mr. Davis received a severe gun-shot wound, the ball passing through his body at the side of the abdomen. He had the honor of carrying home the captured Federal flag and also his own flag. At the close of the war he returned to Missis- sippi, and engaged in merchandising, which he con- ducted for four years. After this he went to the Lone Star State, resuming the mercantile business at Tyler and Fort Worth, where he remained until 1880, then returning to Mississippi. One year later, he came to Paragould where he embarked in the drug business, which he still continues. He was one of the first business men of Paragould, and is the oldest druggist in point of residence in Greene County. He carries a general line of drugs, etc. He was married, April 8, 1861, to Miss Altie E. Robbins, a native of Alabama, and the fruits of this union were nine children, seven now living: Nan- nie A. , wife of P. W. Mass, editor of the Thayer (Mo.) Tribune; \\illiam S. , Maggie, Russell J., Hattie A. , Thomas B. and Sallie B. Dr. and Mrs. Davis are members of the jNIethodist Episcopal Church, and he is superintendent of the Sunday- school. He belongs to the Masonic fraternity, the I. O. O. F., and is also a member of the K. of H. , being treasurer of that organization. He is city treasurer, and treasurer of the Building and Loan Association L. T. Dennis, a successful farmer and justice of the peace of Cache Township, Greene County, Ark., is a native of the county, born in 1843, be- ing the second of ten children born to Robert and Ellen (Tompkins) Dennis, natives of Tennessee and Kentucky, respectively, who came to Arkansas with their parents during the early history of this State. On his arrival in Arkansas, in 1837, Robert Dennis entered and piu'chased land in what is known as St. Francis Township, and on this he lived and made improvements until about 1848, when lie sold out and entered a tract of forty acres on the west side of Crowley's Ridge, on which he lived ten years. This he sold and bought eighty acres in the same locality, clearing nearly the en- tire tract, and making many other improvements, and here resided until his death on the 20th of December, 1867, followed by his widow, February 14, 1881. The maternal grandfather, Lawrence Tompkins, came from Kentucky to Arkansas about 1833, and settled on the east side of Crowley's Ridge, and was one of some six families that were among the first settlers. Here he resided until his death, being an active participant in the develop- ment of the county. L. T. Dennis, whose name heads this sketch, was reared to farm labor, and in his youth received quite meager educational advanta- ges, but by applying him.self to his books at home, secured a fair education. He remained with his father until twenty-two years of age, then married Miss Nancy Ann Newsom, a daughter of Sterling Newsom, who was a Tennesseean, and came to Arkansas at an early day. After his marriage Mr. Dennis bought a slightly improved farm of seventy- five acres, and on this tract he located and began making improvements in the way of clearing and building. After about ten years his house caught fire and was consumed, but the same year he pur- chased 325 acres of land, erected a new dwelling and began a fresh start in life. He has opened about seventy-five acres, set out orchards, and otherwise greatly improved his property. In 1885 he erected a new residence on a natural building site, and his surroundings are now most pleasant. On the 16th of December, 1874, Mr. Denni.s lost his estimable wife and the following year he married Miss Martha Jane Gramlin, a daughter of Rawlins Gramlin, who came from North Carolina to Arkan- sas in 1857, and settled on the west side of Crow- ley's Ridge. To his first union were born the following childi-en: William Pleasant and Mary Jane living, and Henry Albert, Robert Sterling and an infant deceased. His second union has resulted in the birth of seven children: Lawrence M. , who died at the age of four years; James Edward, Walter Anderson, Leopold Leaton and Gopel Wiley, twins; Lucy Ellen, and Thomas Jefifersou. In 18(52 Mr. Deunis enlisted in Jeffer- son Thompson's artillery compiiny and was sent to the division of the Missonri, and was on the Arkan- sas Ram when she ran the blockade past Mem- [)his; he was also on the same vessel when she ran the blockade at the mouth of the Yazoo liiver. He was then transferred to the infantry, and in the fall was in the battle of Corinth, and was also at Grand Gulf, Port Gibson, Bakers Creek, and in Vicksburg during the siege of forty-nine days, after which he was paroled and returned home, but again enlisted in July, 1804, joining a cav- alry company, and during the remainder of that year was in and around Little Rock. While there he met with an accident and was compelled to re- turn home, and took no further part in the war. He is now engaged in general farm work and de- votes about seventy- five acres of his farm to the culture of corn, forty acres to cotton and ten acres each to wheat, oats and clover. He is quite an active politician, votes with the Democratic party, and has served as justice of the j)eace ten years, and as school director six years. He belongs to the Baptist Church and his wife to the Methodist. ly/' L. G. Dillman, manufacturer of plain lumber and building material at Paragould, was born in Stark County, Ohio, April 15, 1830, and is the son of Jacob Dillman, a native of Pennsylvania, and Maria (Crocker) Dillman, of Vermont nativity. The parents were married in Ohio, and here the father followed the cabinet-maker's trade, al- though his principal occupation was farming. He was one of the pioneers of Williams County, Ohio, and when first settling there his nearest neighbor was fifteen miles distant. He died in Ohio in 18'5'J. The mother died in 1842. They were the parents of six children, only two now living: Lemuel G. , and Susan, wife of Dwight Stoddard. A brother, Sylvester Dillman, was killed at the battle of Win- cliester, Va. , and his widow has been postmistress at Toledo. Iowa, for several years. L. G. Dili- man remained on the farm in Ohio until twenty- one years of age, and in 18r>l went to St. Jo seph County, Ind., where he was engaged in the lumber business for several years. In I8fi4 he en- listed in Company B, One Hundred and Fifty fifth Indiana Volunteers, and served until cessation of hostilities. He remained in St. Joseph County, Ind., being engaged principally in the lumber bus- iness, until coming to Arkansas. In 1876 he went to Nashville, Tenn., and put up a machinery plant for the Indiana Lumbering Company. In I. SSI he came to Arkansas, located at Bradford, on the Iron Mountain Railroad and |)ut up a saw-mill, but soM out in a short time and put up a foundry and ma- chine shop at Newport, which he ran for about one year. He then sold out and <;am(> to Greene Conn- ' ty, and has since made Paragould his headcpiarters. He has had several .saw-mills in this and Craighead Counties. He was married in 1858 to Miss Mar garet Vanderhoof, a native of Rochester, N. Y. , by whom he has two children, Frank, and Arl. who is at school at Cape Girardeau. Mr. and Mrs. Dillman are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a member of the G. A. R. A. L. Dover, proprietor of a saw and gristmill and cotton-gin, situated near the Fair Ground in Clark Township, was born in Blount County, Ala., in 1848, and was the third in a faiuily of nine chil dren born to B. A. and Patsy (Fielding) Dover, the former a native of North Carolina and the lat ter of Georgia. They settled in Alabama in 1847, where the father opened uj) a farm and resided several years, and in 1868 moved to Poinsett Coun- ty, Ark., where he settled and improved another farm. Since 1874 he has lived in Greene County. His wife died in 1884. A. L. Dover received his early education in Alabama, and after coming to Poinsett Countv began farming for himself, and like his father has resided in Greene County ^ since 1874. The year following his location here he purchased a tract of land containing I'JS acres, which was heavily covered with timber, and com- menced immediately to clear it. He now has sixty acres under cultivation, which are well improved with good buildings and orchard. In 1876 he wa> married to Miss Tennessee V. Yates, a daughter of Henderson and Martha Yates, who were born in Tennessei> and Virginia, respectively: the father came to Greene County, Ark., in lS7r'">,his wife having died in Tennessee the year before. Mr. Yates is ' now residing in Paragould. Mr. Dover votes with I 136 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the Democratic party, and was elected on that ticket to the office of magistrate, which position he held four years. He has always taken an interest in school matters and is now a member of the school board. Socially he belongs to the Masonic fra- ternity and the I. O. O. F., Paragould Lodge. He and wife became the parents of live children, three of whom are living: William Wallace, Le- ander Byrd and Henderson Franklin. Arthur Bruce died at the age of one year, and Major Oscar died when two years of age. J. C. Field. Among the many wealthy farm- ers of Greene County, Ark. , well worthy an honor- able place in these columns may be mentioned Mr. Field, who was born in Cross County, Ark., in 1849, and is the fourth in a family of six children bom to John and Catherine (Curtis) Field, who were born, reared and married in Maury County, Tenn. , where the father was engaged in tilling the soil. In 1848 he removed with his family to Ar- kansas, purchased a tract of 160 acres, which he improved, and then sold out and moved to Poin- sett County, in 1875, where he boiight a farm, on which he died, in 1880. His wife died while they were residing in Cross County. J. C. Field re- ceived the education and rearing that usually fall to the farmer's boy, and at the age of twenty- four years began farming for himself, making his iirst crop on Buffalo Island. The next year he came to Greene County, and from time to time purchased land until he became the owner of 560 acres of some of the best land in the county. He cleared about 175 acres of timber land, and now has at least 200 acres under cultivation. He has erected good buildings on his property, set out orchards, and has done general farming, raising cotton and the cereals, and this year has devoted about sixty acres to corn and 140 to cotton. He has some good stock, and his first labors are meet- ing with deserved success. In 1874 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Gulches, by whom he has two children: Jefferson and James. B. C. Gallup, proprietor of the City Bakery and Confectionery Store. Paragould. In this city are found quite a number of prosperous estab- lishments, and of none can mention be made with more pleasure than of the bakery of B. C. GaUup. Mr. Gallup was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on the 12th of August, 1840, and is the son of Henry and Elizabeth Gallup, the father a native of Massa- chusetts, of French descent, and a Huent speaker of three different languages. He was a carpenter by trade, and after his removal to Quincy, 111. , in 1841. he built the first Methodist Fipiscopal Church on Vermont Street. He died in that city, as did also his wife, leaving B. C. Gallup, who was then but an infant. A guardian was appointed for the little orphan, but. after growing up, his relations with his guardian were not of the most pleas- ant nature, and consequently he took French leave of him, and engaged as cook on a Mississipjii steamer, serving in that capacity for about five years. During this time he learned the turner's trade, but did not put it to immediate use, for in 1857 he engaged in the bakery business in Quincy, 111. , where he remained until the breaking out of the Civil War. He then left the bakery to shoul- der a musket, and in 1861 enlisted in the Tenth Illinois Infantry, and served three years. He was at the battles of Belmont, Tiptonville, Shiloh, Farmington, Corinth, luka, Nashville, Chatta- nooga, and at Atlanta, being under fire for three months. He was at Missionary Kidge, Resaca, Dalton, etc., but never received anything but a flesh wound. He was mustered out in 1865, and returned to Quincy, 111. , where he continued until 1868. From there he went to Kansas City, re- mained there a few years, and then went to Mis- souri, but only tarried in that State a short time, and then went to Kansas, Colorado, and thence to Texas, where he was engaged on journey-work. After residing in that State for six or seven years, he came to Greene County, Ark., in 1884, and located in Paragould, when there were but few business men in town. He bought a little prop- erty, and immediately embarked in business for himself. He has built i\\> a good trade, and by his upright and honest dealings has won the con- fidence of his patrons. He has bought consider- able town property, and is doing well. While in Kansas City he married Miss Katie Lightman, who bore him four children, all deceased. Mr. GREENE COTTNTY. 137 Gallup' s second niiirriage was at Jacksonport.Ark., in December. 1881, to Miss Hannah E. Bickel, a native of Ohio. One child, now deceased, was born to this union. Mr. Gallup is a m(»mber of the G. A. R., and also belongs to the I. O. O. F. Richard H. Gardner, ex-county clerk and sur- veyor of Greene County, Ark., is a gentleman of wide experience, who has been actively interested in politics from his youth up. He was born in Weakley County, Tenn., in 1831, and is a son of Richard W. and Eliza (Thomas) Gardner, who were of English and German descent, having been born in Virginia and South Carolina in 1808 and 1811, and died in Tennessee in 1852 and 1842, respectively. The former was taken to Kentucky when a boy, by his father, John A. Gardner, and there resided until 1825 or 1826, when he moved to Tennessee, and there spent the remainder of his days. He was a soldier in the Mexican AVar under Gen. Cheatham, of Tennessee, serving as surgeon, having graduated from the Louisville Medical College in 1845. He practiced in the State of Mississippi for a short time after the war, when he returned to Tennessee and resumed i)rac- tice. He was always a strong advocate of tem[)er- auce. Four of the eight children born to himself and wife lived to be grown, and two are living at the present time : Jerome A. and Richard H. The latter lived in Weakley County, Tenn., until eleven years of age, and was then sent to Franklin College, near Nashville, where he remained until he was twenty-one years of age.. He engaged in civil engineering in Tennessee, Kentucky and Missis- sippi, continuing from 1852 to 1855, and then clerked in a steam flouring- mill for two years, after which he came west, and in 1857 located at Oak Bluff, Greene County, Ark., where he was oc- cupied in merchandising for a short time, and was then elected assessor and deputy clerk, serving until 1801. When the war broke out he enlisted in the Confederate army and commanded a com- pany as captain in the battles of Pleasant Grove, Helena and Pleasant Hill. After the war he returned home and was appointed to the office of county clerk for six months, being re-elected in lSf)<') for two years. In 1870 he was elected county surveyor, holding the position ten years, and in 1882 was again elected county clerk, which he held for four years. In Januai-y, 1 887, after retiring from office, he came to his present place of abode. He is a strong advocate of churches and schools, and has been a liberal contributor to both. He was married in 1850 to Miss .Sarah Towles, of Nashville, Tenn.. who died in 1880. leaving a family of nine children, sis of whom are now living: Arthur C, Flora G., Oliver \V., Albert D., Ada B. and Nerly R. Stapleton .li.'d at the age of twenty-one; Elmore at the age of twelve years, and Algernon, when three yearn of age. Mr. Gardner took for hia second wife. Lucretia C. Harris, who died in 1881, having borne one child, wliich died in infancy. In 1882 he married his present wife, Mrs. Ann E. Thomp son, who was born in the State of Mississipjii. in 1844, and when fourteen years of age came to Arkansas, where she grew to maturity. She and Mr. Gardner are the parents of two children: Bei-ah B. and Kathleen. One son was liorn to her first marriage named James Thompson. Mr. Gardner belongs to the Christian Church, and his wife to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. She was the widow of Isaac Thompson, and the daughter of James and Jane Johnston, who came to Arkansas in 18r8. Here the father died in 1872 at the age of sixty-nine years, and the mother in 1880, aged seventy-six years. The former was a merchant in Mississippi until his failure in busi- ness, then selling clocks until he was able to re sume mercantile ])ursuits, which he did in Gaines- ville. Ark. He and wife became the parents of eight children. Mrs. Gardner being one of four now living. G. L. Gentry, a successful planter residing near Paragould, Ark., was born in 1841 in Weak- ley County, Tenn., being the eighth of twelve children born to the marriage of J. K. Gentry and Sarah Nance, the former a native of Tennessee and the latter of Virginia. In 1858 they locatt^d near Gainesville, Ark., in which the father died in 1884, having been a prominent resident of the county. The mother is still living, and resides at Paragould. G. L. Gentry was reared to manhood i:iS HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ou a farm in Tennessee, and in 1858 came to Greene County, Ark. , enlisting fi'om this count}', in 18(51, in Company K, Fifth Arkansas Vol- unteers, under Col. Cross, and went into service at Columbus, Ky. He was a member of a scouting party along the Red River, and in 186"J was hon- orably discharged at Bowling Green. Ky. After his return home he joined Gen. Marmaduke. and was with him for some time. In 1869 he was married to Miss Angeline McWhirter, of Tennes- see, a daughter of John and Matilda (Yarber) Mc- Whirter. who were also born in that State, coming to Arkansas at a very early day, in which State they both died. After his marriage Mr. Gentry settled near Gainesville, and in 1873 bought a partly improved farm of 200 acres, but sold it some time later and went to Paragould, where he engaged in the saw-mill business (in 1881). Three years later he embarked in grist-milling, and also operated a cotton-gin, which he sold in 1887, and returned to the farm. Sixty acres of his 100-acre farm are under cultivation, and on it he raises cotton and cereals. By his wife, who died in 1883, he be- came the father of the following children: Joseph W., Laurettie, Oney, Gilbert M'., Albert and Wil lis. all of whom are at home. In 1884 Mr. Gentry married his present wife, whose maiden name was Frances Drollender, of Tennessee, a daughter of \Villiam and Elizabeth (Bond) Drollender, of Ten- nessee, l)oth of whom are deceased, the latter dying in Paragould in 1887. Mr. Gentry has seen a vast change in the country since his boyhood days, as it was then in a very wild and unsettled condition. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., and was Worshipful Master of Gainesville Lodge for a number of years, and in 1887 filled the same posi- tion in Paragould Lodge No. 3RS. He is a mem- ber of the Agricultural Wheel, and although a Democrat, is not very active in polities. A station on the Iron Mountain Railroad, midway l)etween Paragould :ind Gainesville, is called Geatry in honor of our subject. H. W. Glasscock, mayor of Paragould and real estate dealer, was born in Randolph County. Ai'k.. February 19, 1834, and is the son of George W. and Catherine (Gray) Glasscock, natives of Ten- nessee. The parents were married in their native State, and in about 1830 they emigrated to Arkan- sas, locating in Randolph County, and were among its very first settlers. Here the father died in 1834 and the mother three days later. They were the [)arents of seven children, three now living: William, Henry AV., and George F. When the parents tirst made their home in Arkansas, the country was a wilderness, and wild animals were plentiful, the red man's face frequently being seen at the door of the log c-al^in. H. W. Glasscock was reared in Randolph County, Ark., until twelve years of age, when he moved to (iaiuesville, Greene County. He was educated principally at Gainesville and in Mississippi. In 18o8 he was elected county clerk of Greene County, and served until after the war. In 1861 he enlisted in the first regiment that was organized in Greene County, and left a deputy to attend to his business. He served in the eastern army and was discharged in 1S62 on account of his health. He then came home and re-enlisted in Kitchens" regiment in the cavalry, and was in command of Company E, serving until the surrender: he was on the raid through Missouri. After returning to his home he took charge of the clerk's office, and in 1868 engaged in mercantile business at Gainesville, which he continued until 1883, when he sold out and came to Paragould. Since that time he has been occupied in the real estate business. He owns about 12,000 acres of land, with some 600 under cultivation. His lands are among the best in the country, as he has been investing and buying since 1857. Mr. Glasscock was elected mayor of Paragould in April, 1888, which position he is now tilling. He was married first in 1858 to Miss Amanda Conduff, by whom he had four children, two now living: H. F. and Sudie. His second marriage was to INIrs. Emily J. Williauison. liy whom he has six children, four ntjw living: John, Jennie, Etta and Albert (twins). Mr. and Mrs. Glasscock and family are memliers of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church, and Mr. Glasscock is a member of the Masonic fraternity and Knights of Pythias. He is one of the prominent and leading citizens of his vicinity. ^^ GREENE COUNTY. r 139 M. C. Gramling, who is one of the first and most successful farmers and stock raisers of Greene Connty, Ark., was born in Spartanburg (Jounty. S. C, November 2i), 1839, and is the eldest in a family of twelve children born to the marriage of Benjamin M. "and Mary (Wilson) Gramling, also natives of the 'Palmetto State,'' who were there engaged in farming until 1858, when they came to .-Vrkansas and settled in Greene Connty. Here they entered a tract of 160 acres, and began imme- diately to make improvements, opening aliout seventy-tive acres of land, erecting good buildings and setting out orchards. After living on this tract for about sixteen years the father sold out and pur- chased 100 acres in Cache Township, which he also greatly improved. He is here living at the pres- ent time, and is in his seventy-first year. M. C Gramling. our subject, has always been familiar with farm labor, and assisted his father until twen- ty-one years of age, when he became an employ^ of the Government in di'aining this section of the State. At the lireaking out of the Rebellion he enlisted in Company D, Fifth Arkansas Infantry, and was assigned to the Army of the Tennessee, and was with Gen. Joe Johnston, participating in the battles of Perryville, Murfreesboro, Corinth, whei'e he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant, and Chickamauga. In this engagement, while his company was making a charge, and he was crying to his comrades " Come on, boys," he was wounded by a bullet striking him in the cheek. He was also at Ringgold, Resaca, where he was wounded in the thigli. and Jonesboro, Ga. , where he lost his left arm l)y the explosion of a shell on the 1st of Sep- tember, 1864. He remained in the field until the close of the war, then returned to Arkansas, and in 18(56 was married to Miss Mary Smith, a native of South Carolina, and a daughter of William and Elizabeth (Otts) Smith, who were also from South Carolina, and emigrated to Arkansas in I8r)l>, set- tling on 160 acres of land in Greene County. They were very successful, and in time became the owners of 1, 100 acres of laud. The father died in September, 1878, but the mother is still living. In 1866 Mr. Gramling located at Gainesville, where ht- started a general store, and in the f:dl of the name _\eai' lie was ehfcted assessor of (ireene Coiin ty, for one term of two years. In the spring of this year he was appointed treasurer of the county till the election of a successor, but continued also to manage his store for three years, then moving to St. Francis Township, where he rented land, and made one crop. In 1870 he bought 240 acres of land, and since that time has continued to add to his acreage until he now possesses 560 acres of fertile land. He has made many improvements on his property, and in 1877 erected a handsome res idence, and has also built good barns. Two hun- dred acres of his land are under cultivation, and two acres are in orchard. He gives considerable atten- tion to stock raising, and has a full-blooded Hol- stein bull imported from Northern Missouri. In 1872 he was elected to the office of county sheriff, and subsequently was elected county judge, which he held two terms. He has always been active in political and school matters, and is always inter ested in every enterprise for the welfare of the county. He aud wife are the parents of the follow- ing children : William M. , who died on the 6th of August, 1870, aged eleven years, six months: James M., Alice, Jennie, Joseph F. , Earl V., Jesse M. . Elbert S., Van W., and Mary, who died in infancy. George A. (iramling is classed among the sue cessful tillers of the soil and stockmen of Cache Township. Greene Conntv. Ark., of which he is a native, having been born in the year 1850. He is the ninth of eleven children born to Richard and Cynthia (Brannon) Grainliug. whose birthplace was in South Carolina. They were married in that State, and in 1856 came to Greene County. Ark., settling on the east side of Crowley's Ridge, where they acquired a large tract of land, 20(1 acres of which were under cultivation. Here he erected a building, set out orchards, and made many other improvements, his attention being also largely given to the propagation of stock. He had a blacksmith's shop on his farm and made the most of the farming tools for this section. During his Ions residence iu the county be became well known and highly respected. He died at the age of sixty three years, in I.SS2. His widow is still living. e »^ 140 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. The paternal grandfather also came to Greene County, Ark., and l)ecame the owner of 200 acres of wild land, which he improved and on which he resided until bis death. George Gramling was reared to farm labor, and at the age of twenty-two years began farming for himself, buying, at the time of his father's death, the interest in the home property of all the heirs except two, and is now the owner of the old homestead, which consists of 640 acres. He has opened about thirty acres, and in partnership with his brother John, in 1888, erected a saw and grist-mill, and a cotton-gin, doing that year an excellent business, which promises to increase as time goes on. He carries on a general farming, and has about seventy acres in cotton, and too acres in corn. In 1882 he was married to Miss Lucy Pevehouse, a native of Arkansas, by whom he has three children: Thomas, Bertie and John. The family attend the Methodist Church. C. W. Green. To omit the name of Mr. Green from this volume would be to leave out one of the most prominent and successful farmers of the county, who has not only made himself thoroughly identitied with the farming interests of this section but by his pleasant, genial manner has won a host of friends. He was born in Forsyth County, Ga. , in 1857, and is the .son of William J. and M. E. (Garrett) (-ireen, natives of Georgia. The father was born in the year 1826, and died February 17, 1889, but the mother is still living, and is in her sixtieth year. They were reared in their native State, were married there, and here the father carried on farming until 1848 or 1849, when he made a trip to California by water, remaining there eighteen months, and being snccessful, returned home by the Isthmus. In I860 be and family moved to Arkansas, and located near Gainesville, on the west side of Crowley's Ridge, where they resided eight years, and then settled on Jones' Ridge, Greene County, where the mother is .still living. He served as a soldier in the Confederate army ten months, and was taken prisoner on the Osage River, in Kansas, in October, 1864, during Price's raid, being carried thence to Alton, 111., and later to Rock Island, where he was contined seven months. He was released in March, 1865, and taken to Richmond. Va. . on exchange. Sub- sequently he returned to the home place, and there passed the remainder of his life. He held the office of justice of the peace in Union Township several years, and after he came to Jones Town- ship he again held that office. He was a Democrat in politics, a leading man of the coiinty. and a strong advocate of schools. To his marriage were born the following childi-en: Serena N.. aged thirty-five years, wife of William A. J. Compton, who is living in Jones Township; Isaiah N., who died October 17, 1885, aged twenty- nine years, leaving no children: C. AV., and Georgian, wife of Franklin J. Igert. She died June 19, 1888, aged twenty-nine years, leaving no children. C.W.Green attained his majority in Greene County, where he has resided ever since. In 1879, he, with his fa- ther and brothers and sisters, made a trip to Cali- fornia by railroad, and landing in Stockton, of that State, remained there three months, after which, the father made a trip to Oregon, to look at the country, but soon returned to Stockton, and with his family made his way back to old Arkansas, in August of the same year. C. W. Green had but poor educational advantages, but attended to some extent the s'i)).scription and free schools of the county, and in 1880 commenced for himself on the home place. Two years later he married Gertrude Gardner, who was born in 1865. and who is the daughter of R. H. Gardner [see sketch]. To this marriage were born two children: Barnie O. and Maude B. Mrs. Green is a member of the Chris- tian Church. John W. Halley was born in Scott County, Ark. , in the year 18()0, and is the youngest in a family of eight children born to the marriage of Robert Halley and Sarah Crowley, who died when he vv;is an infant. The mother when married to Mr. Halley was a widow with one child : Capt. Benjamin H. Crowley, whose sketch appears in this volume. John Halley spent his childhood in the western part of Arkansas, but since eight years of age he has made his liome. the greater portion of the time, with his halt brother, Capt. Crowley. Dur- ing his youth he received no educational advantages and up to the age of twenty • four years his education GllEENE COUNTY. 141 was acquired by self- application, since which time he has received only the advantages of the com- mon schools. At the age of eighteen years he rented land and began farming for himself, and has continued this in connection with teaching school during winter and summer since 1885. At this date he purchased 280 acres of land in the Cache bottoms, and in 1884 exchanged a portion of this farm for forty acres near Walcott, on which property there were but eight acres cleared. He opened up the remainder and now has the entire tract under cultivation and fence. This laud is very fertile and last year (1888) averaged one bale of cotton to the acre. Mr. Halley is a young man whose energy, enterf>rise and good business abilities will one day place him among the wealthy residents of the county. He possesses excellent principles, is ])ublic spirited, and takes a deep interest in worthy enterprises. JVIanoah B. Hampton. This name is synony- mous in (ireene County, Ark., with successful agriculture, for Mr. Hampton has been one of its enterprising tillers of the soil since 1878. He was born in Lincoln County, Tenn., in 1841, and is a son of James M. and Melissa (Owen) Hampton, who were also born in that State, the former's birth occurring in 1812 and the latter's in 1823. The father was reared to maturity in Lincoln County, Tenn., and there continued to make his home until 1871, then moving to West Tennessee, where he died in 187ti, having been an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a stanch supporter of Christianity and education. His wife died in Shelby County, Tenn., in 1883; she was a daughter of William Owen, a prom- inent farmer of the middle portion of that State, where he died in 1861, being eighty years old. The paternal grandfather. James M. Hampton, was l)orn, reared and married in North Carolina, and after becoming the father of a number of children, moved to Tennessee and located OQ a plantation in Lincoln County, where he became a wealthy planter and slaveholder. He died in 1858 or 1S59 at the age of eighty years, he, as well as the maternal grandfather, having been an earnest member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The immediate subject of this sketch is one of the following children: Martin F.. Pinkney P.. Pleasant K. (deceased), Manoah Ji., James \\., Martha J., Mary (deceased), John T., Franklin H. (deceased), Narcissa A., Maggie (deceased), and Nancy S. Manoah Hampton attained his majority in Lincoln County, Tenn., and received his early education in the old log school house. He remained with his parents until the lireaking out of the Civil \\ ar, when he enlisted in 1861 in the Confederate army, in Company K, First Tennessee Regiment, under Col. Turner, and was at first and second Manassas, Cedar Mountain, under Stonewall Jack- son, Sharpsburg, Fredericksl)urg, Chancellorsville, \\'ildern<'ss. S])ottsylvania Court House, (iettys- burg, Richmond and Petersburg, besides numerous other engagements. At Hanover Junction he was wounded by a spent cannon ball striking him in the left side. He was taken prisoner at Shepherds- town, Md., and taken to Baltimore jail, where he and 800 others were condemned to be hung. They were afterward taken to Point Lookout. Md. , where they were kept in prison for eight months, then being exchauged. He, however, remained there until the final surrender, when he returned home and continued his farm work until 1867. Later he moved to Shelby County, Tenn., and in 1878 to Arkansas, as above stated. He has an excellent farm here, with 100 acres of it under cultivation, and is doing well financially. He was married in 18(56 to Miss Mollie Stevenson, who was horn iu Giles County, Tenn.. in 1848; she became the mother of three children: JohuB. . who died at the age of eleven months: MattieM., wife of James It. ililler, deputy clerk of Greene County: and Sally N., who lives at home. Mr. Hampton is now rearing a little girl by the name of Anna Davis. Ho is a member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, a stanch supporter of churches and schools, and iu his political views is a Democrat. W. C. Hasty is of the firm of J. F. Hasty iSi Sons, Paragould. Throughout the county and especially over this portion of it, the name of Mr. Hasty is well known, not only as one of its solid, substantial citizens, but as a thorough and reliable business man. His birth occurreil 'A ll£ 142 HISTORY or ARKANSAS. in Portland, Me., on September 15, 1862, and there he spent his boyhood days and received a good, practical education. His parents, Joseph F. and Annie N. (Phillips) Hasty, were both natives of Portland, Me., and were of Scotch and French descent, respectively. Joseph F. Hasty has been a lumberman all his life, and is now residing in Detroit, Mich., engaged in the stave business. W. C. Hasty removed with his parents to Detroit, where he served as accountant in the lumber business, becoming well posted on this topic. In January, 1888, he removed to Paragould, Ark., and purchased the mill he is now running. He enjoys large sales and employs, on an average, about fifty men. He is a bright, intelligent young man and is thoroughly acquainted with bis busi- ness. The stave factory firm consists of the fol- lowing members: J. F., E. F. and W. C. Hasty, the last named having the entire management ol the factory at Paragould. Mr. Hasty is a Royal Arch Mason, and is a director in the Greene County Bank. Mrs. Isabella Highlill. widow of Hezekiah Highfill, and daughter of Samuel and Rebecca J. (Ellis) Medlock, was born in Henry County, Tenn. , October 25, 1831, and as the country was very sparsely settled in her youth, and schools were few and far between, she received only a common school education. While growing to womanhood, all the clothing the family wore was home made, and she became very skillful in the use of the loom and all kinds of women's work. At the early age of seventeen years she was married to John A. Hargrove, a native of Southern Alabama, and a i farmer by occupation, V)y whom she bore a family of three sons and five daughters, all of whom are deceased except Ann M. and Francis V. , who live with their mother. On the 15th of December. 1870, Mr. Hargrove died, leaving his wife with a farm to be improved, and four small children to care for. She entered bravely upon her work, succeeded in paying for her home, and bought another farm, which she also improved. In 1854 she moved with her husband to Poinsett County. Ark. , made three crops, and was raising the third, when the memorable overflow of 1858 inundated that section to such an extent that all had to seek for higher land. They removed to Buffalo Island, Craighead County, where they homesteaded and improved 160 acres of land, but after Mr. Har- grove's death his widow traded her farm for land in Greene County, which she also disposed of shortly after her marriage with Mr. Highfill, in 1876, and purchased the farm upon which she is now living, which consists of eighty acres, forty of the same being in a high state of cultivation, furnished with good bitildings and an excellent orchard. The land is a fine, sandy loam, and is devoted equally to cotton and corn. Mr. Hargrove was a leading member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which Mrs. Highfill is now a member, and was a man of exemplary habits and character, and for many years held the office of the justice of the j peace. He was allowed to remain at home unmo- lested during the Rebellion. He was a Democrat, and was in sympathy with the Union. Hezekiah Highfill was an elder in the Methodist Ej)iscopal Church, and was not a participant in the late war, but sent out two sons, who enlisted in the Con- federate army, Isaac being killed by a cannon ball in the battle of Shiloh, and Hezekiah, the other son, was wounded in the same engagement by a minie ball, in the left shoulder, from the effects of which he died in March. 1880, having suffered from the same for seventeen years. Another son, J. M. Highfill, has a sketch in another part of this work. His three daughters are as follows: Sarah A. (Woods), widow of William Woods; Fanny (Lloyd), and Mary, wife of Rev. Isaac Ver- i ner, a Methodist minister of Lake County, Fla. Mrs. Highfill is a very interesting and intelligent lady, and having lived in this section for thirty- five years, can recount many interesting incidents in the early settlement of this section. She says that during the first years of her residence here the men would devote the summer to raising crops, and would hunt and trap during the winter months, their game consisting of deer, bear, wild cats, wolves and turkeys for food, and otter, beaver, mink and raccoon for their furs. These were taken by ox team to \\'ittsburgh or Memphis, and often realized .f 100 on one load. Prices ranged as ^ & "^* IS ©Jv" GREENE COUNTY. 143 follows; hfar meat, 25 cents per |iouii(l; deer. 10 eents; turkeys. SI eacli: wild cat, 10 cents and wolf 10 cents. Otter hides brought $5 each: bea- ver, $7.50; mink, $3, and raccoon 50 cents, thus making the hunting season much more profitable than the farming season, hence there was very little done toward developing the country prior to the war. Everything was plentiful in the way of wild game and fruits, and the range was so good that stock could live the year round without being fed. In those days the women made all their own clothing, and raised their own cotton and sheep. Mrs. Highfill is now residing about one-half mile from two large mounds, containing the skeletons and relics of the pre-historic Mound Builders. l)ut the Indians who were here when she first settled could tell her nothing about them. Mrs. Highfill' 8 falher and mother were born in South Carolina: the former was a farmer and mechanic by trade, and owned a tine farm of 320 acres in his native State, on which he resided until his death in April, 1879. The mother died in ISfiS. They were members of the Baptist and Methodist Churches, resjjectively, and in his political views he was a Democrat. John M. Highfill. a prosperous farmer and stock raiser of the county, is the tenth of eleven children, and was born in Hardeman County, Tenn. . in 1850, being a son of Hezekiah and Temperance B. (Rook) Highfill, who were also Tennesseeans, and were married in their native State. The father was a farmer and miller by occupation, and was also a local minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1858 he removed with his family to Greene County, Ark., and settled on 160 acres of land, about eight acres of which were cleared, and on which was erected a little log cabin. He began immediately to clear his land from timber, erect l)etter buildings and otherwise improve his prop- erty, and became in time one of the well-to do citizens of the county. During this time he con- tinued his ministerial labors, and was instrumental in saving many souls. His death occurred in issn. and his wife's in 1872. John M. Highfill was reared to farm labor, but never attended the public schools, the most of his education being ac(iuired at home. When about twentv-one years of age he liegan farming for himself, purchased his father's old home, and was married to Miss Sarah L. Norton, a native of Alabama. He was engaged in general farming for :'!ome time after his marriage and did considerable speculating and trading, and in 1880 erected a good frame resi- dence and made other valuable improvements. He has cleared aljout forty acres, and has some ninety under cultivation and fence, nearly all of which is excellent bottom land. In 1887 he bought eighty acres of tine bottom land, and now, taking his property all together, it is one of the tinest bodies of land in the county. He has a good young orchard of about 200 trees. In 1880, in partnership with J. H. Thomas, he bought an interest in a general mercantile store at Bethel, and continued this business until the spring of 1888. At the present time he is dealing <|uite ex- tensively in horses, but also gives his attention to the propagation of other stock. In April, 1888, he went to Florida, where he purchased land suit- able for orange orchards, and has twelve acres im- ju-oved. and has also |)urchased a house and lot in the town of Umatilla. Lake County, Fla. In 1881 ho had a contract to clear the right of way and fixrnish the ties for five miles of the Knobel Branch of the Iron Mountain Railroad. He has always taken an active interest in polities, being a Democrat in his party affiliations, and in 1874 was elected justice of the peace, and after serving four years was elected sheriff of Greene County, in September. 1885. serving a term of two years, but was defeated for re-election by a small major ity. On the 30th of October. 188(1, in his official capacity as sheriff, he was com])elled to execute William H. Hopper, the only man ever hanged by law in Greene County. He is Past Master in Paragould Lodge No. 308, of the A. F. & A. M., and he and wife are the parents of the following children : Henry N. . Lovy A. (who died at the age of five years). Hezekiah, .Joseph B. (whcxlied when five years old), Eliza L. . Benjamin Franklin and Delia Frances. Mr. Highfill had two lirothers in the Confederate army: Isaac E., who was killed at the battle of Shiloh, on the 7th of A])ril, 1SI)2, while serving under Joe Johnston: and Hezekiah. \u HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. wlio was with Hood ia all his campaigns, aud was wounded at the battle of Murfreesboro ; he died March 22, 1880. D. D. Hodges, of the mercantile tirm of D. D. Hodges & Co., Paragould. A review of the Imsi- iiess of Paragould discloses the existence of a num ber of houses which compare favorably with those of any city, and enjoying a foremost position as one of such is the establishment of D. D. Hodges & Co. Mr. Hodges was born in East Tennessee, his parents, B. Marshall and Mary (Adams) Hodges, also being natives of that section. D. D. Hodges was but six years of age when he moved with his parents to Metropolis, 111., aud there the father died in 1869 and the mother in 1879. They had a family of six children, four now living, viz. : William T. , Charles F., Lizzie, wife of Jo-seph Wyess, and David D., who is the youngest of the family living. The latter was principally reared iu Illinois and received his education in the com- mon schools. At the age of twelve years he en- tered a store at Metropolis, 111. , as clerk, and there remained until sixteen years of age, when he took charge of a branch house at Woodville, Ky. , and remained with this firm all together ten years, thus forcibly demonstrating the fact that he was reared iu the mercantile business. In 1877 he was em- ployed as traveling salesman for Fisher & Farley, of Paducah, Ky., with whom he remained two years. He then engaged in business for himself at Woodville, Ky., and in 1 881 he came to Arkan- sas, where he sold on commission for Col. Beal on the "Cotton Belt"' Railroad until the spring of 1882. Later he served as clerk for C D. Pruet and in 1886 bought an interest in the store, after which a partnership was formed as C. D. Pruet & Co., which continued until January, 1888. Mr. Pi-uet'a death occurred in August, 1887, and in January, 1888, the tirm was changed to D. D. Hodges & Co. The firm members are: D. D. Hodges, W. F. Pruet and E. C. Deakin. A large stock of goods of general merchandise is carried, occupying two large store rooms in a brick build- ing. Mr. Hodges was married in 1875, to Miss Ella V. Settle, a native of Kentucky. Two chil- dren were born to this union, Walter D. and Mary O. Mrs. Hodges is a member of the Christian Church. Mr. Hodges is a member of the K. of P. and also belongs to the K. of H. He is well re- spected and is one of the enterprising citizens of Paragould. E. P. Holt, one of the leading and successful merchants of Marmaduke. Ark., was born in Mid- dle Tennessee, where his father. Garrison Holt, now lives, and in 1865 was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Parker, daughter of C. C. Parker, of Wayne County, Tenn. In 1874 he emigrated to Pemiscot County, Mo. , where he followed farming along the Mississippi River until 1884, when he moved to Arkansas and settled in Greene County. His wife died in Paragould January 10, 1885, and in the fall of the following year Mr. Holt commenced farming, and also engaged iu the tie business, which he continued for several years. In February. 1888, he bought out Mr. J. L. Spen- cer, who carried on business at Holliday, and Mr. Holt moved the stock to Marmaduke, first renting a building, and then erecting a store room during the summer of 1888. His second marriage was to Miss Mary J. (Freeman) Barton, of West Ten- nessee. Mr. Holt has been identified with the improvement and growth of the town since coming here. At that time there was neither church nor school, and it is mainly by his efforts that school is now in session live months in the year, held in a very good building, 24x40 feet, which edifice is also used as a Baptist Church, and to which Mr. Holt and family belong. He is the father of one son by his first wife, and this young man is now attending school. During vacation he assists his fathei' in the store. Mr. Holt has a well se- lected stock of goods, valued at about $2,000, and endeavors to furnish his patrons with the best to be obtained. John W. Hooker. A gratifying example of success and ably conducted home industries is af- forded by the large lumbering-mill owned by Mr. Hooker, which is situated on the Iron Mountain Railroad, about eight miles below Knobel. The works are quite extensive, and have a capacity of 10,000 feet per day, and Mr. Hooker utilizes in a great measure the timber of his own land, his acre- GREENE COUNTY. 1 ir. age comprising 540, with about 100 acres under cul- tivation, all of which is the result of his own labor. He was born in Scott County, lud. , in 1834, and is a son of Emsley and Eliza (Hubanks) Hooker, who were born in North Carolina and Virginia, respectively. The father was taken by his parents to Clark County, Ind. , when one year old, the country at that time being a wilderness, and here he attained his majority, being reared on his father's farm. The grandfather died in that county in ISyS, at the age of seventy-six years. Emsley Hooker was fifty- four years old at the time of his death, in 1862, in Scott County, Ind. Through- out life he had followed the occupation of farming. He was a Democrat politically, and was a liberal contributor to and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. His wife died in 1839, having borne a family of four children, two of whom are now living: Lorenzo D. , a resident of Indiana, and John W. The latter is the elder of the two, and was reared to mature years on a farm in Scott County, and in 1854 commenced working for him- self on a farm, at $13 per mouth. Three years later he was married, but continued his farm labors until the latter part of the Civil War. when he enlisted in the Thirty-first Indiana Volunteers, Company I, under Charles Adamson, of Rockport, Ind., and served twelve months (the last year), participating in the battles of Franklin, Nashville, and a number of minor engagements. He was dischai'ged at New Orleans, and mustered out at Victoria. Tex. He then returned to Indiana, where he was engased in farming until 1880, com- ing thence to Greene County, Ark., where he embarked in lumber-milling and farming, which occupations have received hi.s attention up to the present time. Mr. Hooker's first marriage was to Miss Hannah J. Reynolds, a native of Indiana, born in 1840, who died in 18(i2 by drowning. She and another lady were in a canoe on White River, when they struck a snag, upsetting their boat. Her companion chuig to the snag and was saved. Three children were born to this union: Alvin A., at home; Oldridge, married and residing at his father's mill, and John W., who died at the age of six weeks. Mr. Hooker took for his second wife Mrs. Jeanette (Weddell) Heart, who was born in Jackson County, Ind., and died in 1886, at the age of forty-four years. To thorn were born six cliil dren: Ross, Nathan. Charles, Austin. Eliza J. and Georgia (who died in 1879, at the age of two years). To the mother's first union three children were born: America. Mary A. and liriller Heart. The last two are deceased. Both wives were mem bers of the church. He belongs to the G. A. R. George R. Hopkins, a well known and success- ful educator of the county, and a farmer by occu- pation, was born in Gwinnett County, (ia. , in 1860, being a son of Melmoth D. and Elizabeth (Martin) Hopkins, who were also born in Georgia. The grandfather, George H. Hopkins, was a verj' prominent educator in his day, and taught one school for over thirty years. He also represented his county in the State legislature several terms, always taking an active part in politics. He wa.s of English descent and died in Gwinnett County, in 18S9, at the age of eighty years, esteemed by all. Melmoth D. was one of his twelve children, and was reared in that county, where he received a good education in his youth, afterwards being engaged in farming and teachiug school. He was a member of the A. F. & A. M., and belonged to the Baptist Church. During the late Rebellion he served four years in the Confederate army, and during his term of service was in prison seven or eight months. Since 1866 he has resided in Ar- kansas, and is now living in Sebastian County, be- low Fort Smith, on a farm, his wife also surviv- ing. The following are the children l)orii to their union: Aldorah, George, Julian, Mary. Warner (deceased), Thomas and Pearlie. (ieorge R. Hoj) kins attained his growth principally in Jonesboro, Ark., also receiving tlie moat of his education there, but attended one year in (Jeorgia. Shortly after he began teaching school, continuing one year, when he was elected surveyor of Craighead County, which positioti he held two years. Since 1884 he has resided in Cireene County, and the tirst year taught school in Paragould: he has con- tinued to be one of the successful educators of Gainesville, being now engaged on his fourth term of ten months in that town. He was married in 146 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 1S85 to Anna Newberry, who was born in Carroll County, Tenn. , and by her has two children: Buna and Irene. Mr. Hopkins is a member of the K. of H., is a Democrat in his political views, and is a thorough, competent, and extensive educator of the young. During the foiu- years he has taught in Gainesville, he has fitted about twenty of his pupils for the profession of teaching. His wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. South. Pressley Huckabay, one of the pioneers of Greene County, Ark., and one who has witnessed the rapid development of that county in the last thirty years, was born in Campbell County, Tenn., where he grew to manhood and was married. In 1857 he and family moved to Greene County, Ark., settling about a mile and a half from his present residence, where he cleared a farm of seventy-two acres and erected houses, etc. This laud belonged to the railroad company, and having a chance to sell the improvements made on the same, Mr. Hucka- bay did so, and then moved to his present farm, which consists of 120 acres, with 100 under culti- vation. He married Miss Mary Bullock of Ten- nessee, and twelve children were born to this union, eight now living. The following grew to matur- ity: Elizabeth married Jackson Purcell, a farmer of Greene Count}', and became the mother of one child; Nancy married Obadiah Purcell, a farmer of Greene Covinty, and became the mother of two childi'en; Sarah married John Van Guilder, a farmer of Greene County, and became the mother of six children; John A. died, leaving two chil- dren, and his wife also died; William T. married and lives on a farm a short distance from his father, and has a family of six children; Commodore Perry married and resides at Marmaduke, where he runs a saw-mill — he has five children: Rhietta was married to M. B. Harvey, a farmer of Greene County, and is the mother of eight children; Almar- ine married, lives near his father, and has three children; Alfi-ed remains on the farm with his father, is married and has four children: Francis Marion died and left a wife and one child. Mr. Huckabay has a niece. Miss Nancy E. Huckabay, who makes her home with lu-r uncle. Tlie latter takes a deep interest in the political issues of the day, and affiliates with the Democratic party. He is a member of the Missionary Ba])tist Church. During the late unpleasantness between the North and South he was in Col. McNeill's regiment and participated in the battles of Little Rock, Forrest City, was in the Red River Expedition, and in a number of sharp skirmishes. When Mr. Hucka- bay first moved. to Greene County, Ark., settlers were few, provisions scarce, and all depended, to a great extent, upon the gun for a means of living. When he wanted fresh meat he frequently sent his children around a thicket within HOO yards of the house, and would pick out a good one from the drove of deer thus started up. His method for catching turkeys was very ingenious. Building a square pen of logs near where he fed his stock, he covered it with poles, and then digged a slant- ing passageway leading under the logs. This passage-way would end abruptly after entering the pen. Corn was then scattered along the pass- age or outside slant; the turkey would have to stoop a little to go under the pen, but as soon as inside would fly up to the level ground above, and instead of looking down to get out would always look up. Mr. Huckabay often caught as high as eight or ten at a time in this manner. Coons were so thick that a man could take his rifle and kill as many as fifteen or twenty a day. John Wooten, a neigh- bor, killed twenty-five on one occasion, and Mr. Huckabay has killed as many as fifteen himself. Bears were so plentiful that their meat was used instead of bacon, and was put down for the season in much the same way as pork. A good bear skin was worth about $5 at Cape Girardeau, Mo. Mr. Huckabay has killed a number of panthers, and can relate numerous thrilling exploits with these animals. He was attacked by one at one time, and after having fired three bullets against its head, which failed to penetrate the sknll, he realized that he was getting in very close quarters. Just at this critical moment his faithful dogs re- newed their attacks on the panther, thus giving their owner a chance to send a bullet just back of the fore legs of the animal, which stretched him lifeless on the ground. -Ji^ftWfe DaCEDLA Mississippi CounTT,ARKAnsAS . C. p. Huckabay, the leading mill man of this section, was born in Campbell County, Tenn., and came to Greene County, Ark.. al)out thirty two years ago. He is a self made man, was reared ou the farm, and picked up his education as best he coukl after reaching his majority. The schools were all elo.sed during the war in that [)ortion of the country, and as Mi-. Huckalmy was a school boy at that time, his educational advantages were not of the best. He was industrious, full of (>nergy and perseverance, and is now the owner of 1,000 acres of land, with seventy-five acres under cultiva tion. This he rents, and his time is fully occupied in the lumber and stave business, being the owner of two large saw mills, one located in Marmaduke and the other in the vicinity. The one at Marma- duke has a capacity of 1,500 feet per day, and the one in the country will run about S.OOO feet. Mr. Huckabay is now building a tram road three and a half miles into the woods, which will be con- nected with the road of Mr. Rosengrant, ex- tending two and a half miles further into a fine timbered country, and will supply them timber for about five years. Mr. Huckabay has been in the railroad supply business, getting out ties and other timbers, and at one time ran about 300 men, fur nishing them with provisions from his su])ply store then located at Marmaduke. He is now securing all kinds of building and bridge timber. Mr. Huckabay chose for his companion in life Miss Nancy A. llamsey, a native of Tennessee, and the daughter of M. Ramsey (deceased), of Greene County. To this union were born five children: Virginia E., Nathan P., William B. , Carrie A. and Mary. Mr. Huckabay is conservative, both in politics and religion, not but that he believes in both, but he considers every one possesses the right to his own views on the subject. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., belonging to Evergreen Lodge, located at Tilmanville. H, C. Hunter is a representative man of Greene County, Ark., who has attained his pro])erty by industry and good business ability, and has won an enviable position in .society circles. He was born in Middle Tennessee, in 1S4'2, and up to the age of eighteen years was reared on his father's jilanta tion, thus becoming familiar with the details of farm life. When eighteen he eniigrat«Hl to Greene County, Ark., I)ut when the Relx-llion broke out, in 1S61, he enlisted from Tennessee for twelve months, in Company G, Ninth Tennessee Infantry, Confederate States Army, and participated in tiie battles of Belmont. Shiloh, Murfreesboro, Perry ville, and at Chickamauga was wounded by a gun shot, and was confined in the hospital at Mont- gomery, Ala. After recovering he was detailed to the engineers' department, and was engaged in con- structing bridges until the final surrender, when he returned to Greene Coixnty, Ark., and resumed farming. He has now an excellent farm of over 2(10 acres, with about 1 HO acres under cultivation, on which he raises cotton and corn. He also gives considerable attention to the propagation of stock, and has an excellent range on which his animals pasture. Having been a resident of this State for many years, he has seen the gradual but sure development of the country from a wilderness to finely cultivated farms, for where churches, schools and substantial homes now are, then Indians and wild animals in profusion roamed the woods. He has done a full share in securing this desirable change, and by industry and shrewd management has made his farm one of the best in the county. Where he was previously obliged to go 125 miles to market he now only goes eight miles, to Para- gould. He was married in Greene County, in 1873, to Miss Georgiauua King, a native of Tennessee, and a daughter of John M. and Sarah Jane (Freelandi King, who were also Tennesseeans. emigrating to Gr(>ene County. Ark., in \H~i2. and opening up a farm: later they moved to Pemiscot County, Mo., where they are living at the present time. The father was a volunteer in the Mexican War. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter are members of the Methodist Episco]>al Church, and are the parents of the fi)lk>wing children: Betty, Alva, Minnie, Charles, James and Eufus M. Mr. Hunter is a Democrat. He was the youngest of eight children born to Lay ton and Elizabeth (Hobison) Hunter, the former a native of Tennessee and the latter of Kentucky. They were married in the former State, and here the father became ijuite a wealthy ^^ r- 148 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. planter, but in 1859 removed to Greene County, Ark., and settled on the farm now owned by our subject, H. C. Hunter. He figured quite promi- nently in politics while in Tennessee, but after coming to Arkansas he remained more at home. His health was always good and he died in 1875, at the age of seventy -live year.s, his wife's death occurring within a few days of his own. The paternal grandfather was a Virginian, and a sol- dier in the War of 1812, as was also the maternal grandfather, the latter being a native of Kentucky soil. Richard Jackson is well known by reason of his association with the general mercantile firm of Jackson Dry Goods Company. His career in Greene County has been markedly rapid and suc- cessful, and his name stands to-day among the leading business men of the county. The business was established in 1867, he and his l)rother. J. R., purchasing the stock of gooils formerly owned by Taylor & Miller, which consists of a full line of general merchandise, and he and his present part- ners are now doing the leading business in Gaines - \ille. He was born in Stoddard County, Mo., in 1843, and was the son of John J. and Emily (Montgomery) Jactson, who were Tennesseeans, and came to Missouri at an early period, being among the first settlers of Stoddard County. He was engaged in farming until the late war, then coming to Greene County, Ark. , and locating near Gainesville, where he died in 1877, after having led a very active life. He was quite an active politi- cian, and held the office of deputy sheriff of Stod- dard County for four years, and sheriff four j'ears after coming to Greene County. He was active in advocating schools, chui'ches, etc. His wife died in 1885, at the age of seventy-three years. Their children all lived to be grown; one son, two daugh- ters and the father died within two months of each other. Those living are Isaiah, Richard and I'ranklin, the latter being in partnership with his brother, Richard. Richard Jackson attained his eighteenth year in Stoddard County, and remained at home until the breaking out of the Civil War in 1861, when he enlisted in the Confederate army, under Jeff Thompson, and served until the final siurender, taking part in a numlier of important engagements, and was wounded at Pilot Knob, having his leg broken. He was captured while there, and sent to the hospital at Ironton, and was soon after exchanged. He returned home and there remained until able to get about, when he rejoined his regiment, and continued in service until the close. Again coming home he resumed farming, then clerked in a general store, and in 1867 estab- lished his present business, and in addition to this gives much of his attention to real estate, having charge of all the Iron Mountain Railroad lands in the county. He also manages several large stock farms, and deals and trades extensively in stock. He is a Democrat in his political views, and when the county seat was at Gainesville he held the office of treasurer of the county. He has always been a liberal contributor to churches, schools, and all worthy enterprises, and now occupies a high position both in mercantile and social circles. His wife, whose maiden name was Jennie Stead man. was born in North Carolina, and their union was blessed in the birth of six children: Clara. Frannie, Arthur, Emma, Maggie, and an infant daughter unnamed. A. D. Jackson, of the firm of Jackson & Byers, proprietors of a livery stable, has one of the best equipped enterprises of the kind in the county. This stable, from the large business it does, not only exemplifies the importance of the town, but reflects credit upon its management. Mr. Jackson was born in Greene County, Ark. . January 20, 1865, and is one of three children born to James R. and Nancy (Davis) Jackson, na- tives of Tennessee. The parents were early settlers of this part of Arkansas, but duiing the war the family moved to Missouri, and there the father , served as captain of a company. During the ser- vice he was wounded in the hip by a gunshot. He died in 1881, but the mother is still living and re- sides in Paragould. Their children are named as follows: Jennie, wife of John Perry; Albert D. . and Lela, wife of Oscar Huff. A. D. Jackson grew to manhood in Gainesville, receiving his edu- cation there, and afterward clerked in a store for , about four years. He then engaged in merchan- GREENE COUNTY. MU I- r dising with an uncle, Kichard Jackson, at (iaiues- ville, remained with him three years and then ran the business alone for a short time. After this he went to Hot Springs, thence back to Gainesville, where he was occiipied in farming and teaming for about three years. In November, 1888, he came to Paragould and embarked in the livery business with his present partner. He keeps about fifteen good horses and can furnish, day or night, as neat a turnout as one could desire and at the lowest figure. Mr. Jackson chose for his life's companion Miss Joe Collins, who became his wife on Decem- ber 25, 1884. Two children are the result of this union: James A. and Pearl. Mr. Jackson is a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge. I. C. Jeffers. Greene County, Ark. , ranks among the first in the State in regard to its man- ufacturing intere.sts. and Mr. Jeffers is one of its foremost lumber maniifacturers. He engaged in liusiness for himself in 1888, his mill being at South Miser; it was previously known as Miser's Mill, and has a capacity of 10,000 feet per day. Mr. Jeffers was born in Clark County, 111., in 1851, and was the third in a family of seven chil- dren born to Thomas and Julia Ann (Lafferty) Jeffers, natives, respectively, of Kentucky and Illi- nois. The father was a tiller of the soil and opened up several large farms, and is now residing in Edinburgh, 111. In 18f?l he enlisted from Moultrie County, of that State, in Company C, One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Illinois Infantry, and was wounded at Devall's Bluff, Ark., receiving a gunshot wound by the bushwhackers, and was confined in the hospital for some time, obtaining his discharge in May. 1865. His wife died in Shelbj' County, 111. . at the age of fifty-six years, February lU, 1878. I. C. Jeffers spent his early life on his father's farms and attended the common schools, supplementing this by one year's attend- ance at St. Mary"s, Indiana. When about seven- teen years of age he began learning the miller's trade in Moultrie County, 111. , and has followed that occupation with success ever since. He was married there, in 1877, to Miss Frances Anna Jones, a native of Illinois, and a daughter of Amos and Mary Ann (Steele) Jones, the former having been born in South Carolina and the latter in Illi- nois, both of whom are still living. After his mar- riage Mr. Jeffers remained in Illinois until 1881, when he came to Corning and embarked in the tim- ber business, moving thence to Rector, where he was foreman four years for W. G. Hutchings' saw- mill; since 1888 he has been engaged in operating his mill at Rector, and now ships from four to five carloads per week. He has always supported the Democratic, party, and although having resided in Greene County only a few years has b(!come well and favorably known. His children are Marietta, Charles Albert, Clara Ethel and Julia Cora. William C. Johnson has been identified with the farming and stock dealing interests of Friend- ship Township, Greene County, Ark., since 1850, and in that time he has proven himself to be a man of intelligence and enterprise. He was born in Knox County, Tenn., in October, 1821, and is the eldest of five children born to Pleasant M. and Ellen (Thompson) Johnson, who were born in Virginia, and at an early day emigrated to Tennessee, where they were married. Thej' were engaged in farm- ing in West Tennessee imtil 1858, when they moved to Dunklin County, Mo., where the father died in 1861, aged sixty-four years, his wife's death hav- ing occurred in Tennessee, in 1854. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. His mother was Mary Hancock, a niece of John Hancock, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. William C. Johnson was educated in the district schools near his home in Tennessee, and was married in Madison County, .of that State, in 1842. to Amanda C. Sanders, a native of Lincoln County, Tenn., a daughter cf Samuel and Linnie (Looney) Sanders, who were Tennesseeans. and prosperous farmers of that State. They moved to Ozark County, Mo., in 1854, where they were engaged in farming until their respective deaths in 1857 and 18S7. Mr. Johnson and family emigrated to Lawrence Conn ty, Ark., in 1854, where they entered a tract of 120 acres and remained two years, moving thence to his present farm in (ireeue County. He first entered 156 acres, which he proved up in ISCil, and has added to this land imtil he now owns 107 ^ HISTOKY OF ARKANSAS. acres, with nearly 100 acres under cultivation. Besides this he owns forty acres of land in Clark Township (twenty-two acres in cultivation), the most of his tillable property being devoted to cot- ton and corn. He has aided in the organization of Friendship Township, and assisted in building the county road. He has always atRliated with the Democratic party, and has helped largely in in- creasing the number of Democratic voters in his section. He has been one of the foremost men in developing the resources of the county, and has al- ways been an active supporter of schools and churches, being ordained in 1874, by Thomas D. Lloyd and David Thorn, a minister of the Mis- sionary Baptist Church. He has ex])ounded the gospel since that time and has been instrumental in converting some people to Christianity. He and wife are the parents of threi> daughters and ten sons: Permelia Lane and Emerentha Virginia (deceased); Linna Blender, wife of A.M. Shearer, living near Halliday; W. S. C, married and resid- ing in Greene County; John H. . married and resi- dent of Halliday; David Pleasant and James Mon- roe (deceased); Ben. Franklin, also deceased; Al- fred Jefferson, single; Christopher A, also married; J. N., P. G. and L. L. B. A. Johnson, a wealthy farmer and stock- man, of Greene County, Ark., was born in Hick- man County, Tenn., in 1834, and is the iifth in a family of ten children born to Granville M. and Nereusa (Gardner) Johnson, who were Tennessee- ans, the father being a farmer by occupation, and a wealthy citizen. He was justice of the peace in Tennessee for many years, and died in that State in 1S84, followed by his wife some two years later. The paternal and maternal graudfatliers were Vir- ginians, who removed to Tennessee at an early day. the former reaching this State in 1812. Here they both died. B. A. Johnson was reared to farm labor, and had very poor educational advantages in his youth. He remained at home until attain- ing his majority, and then for .several years was engaged in brick-laying. At the age of twenty-one he was wedded to Miss Sarah E. Fielder, a native of Tennessee. In 1855 he located in Wayne Coun- ty. Mo., where, in 180(1, he bought a farm, and embarked in agricultiu'e, continuing until the war broke out, when he raised a company of Missouri State Guards, of which he was elected first lieuten- ant. He soon resigned this position, and enlisted as a private in the Confederate army, being elected first lieutenant of Reeves' cavalry company of inde])endent scouts. He was soon sent east of the Mississippi, and was in the battles of Mem- phis, Corinth, luka, Jacinto, Richmond, Ky., Perryville, after which he was transferred to the western department of Arkansas, where he was detailed to raise a regiment, of which he was made lieutenant-colonel. In this capacity he partici- jmted in the battles of Little Rock, Pine Bluff and Saline River, and was then with Price on his Mis- souri raid, taking part in every battle fought on this trip. During the war his family removed from Missouri south to Clay County, Ark., and here Mr. Johnson went after the cessation of hostilities, where he remained three years, and then came to Cache Township, Greene County, Ark, where they are still residing. He purchased a partially improved farm of 160 acres, opened about sixty acres, and in 1871 purchased 160 acres three miles south of his first place, to which he has added 170 acres, and has cleared 100 acres, having about 200 under cultivation. In addition to these tracts he has about 500 acres in another locality. He does genera] farming, but gives the most of his atten- tion to the raising of corn and cotton. He is an ac- tive politician, a substantial supporter of churches and schools, and he and family attend the Baptist Church, of which he and his wife are members. His family consists of the following children: John W., born February 17, 1856, who is married and resides on his father's land; William G., born February 9, 1858, also married and living in the township: Barbara Etta Bell, born October 5. 18()0, wife of E. R. C. Biggs, a resident of Woodruff County; Robert E. Lee, born October 21, 1863, died in 1864; Adelaide, born September 24, 1865, wife of P. Eubanks, of Greene County; Samantha C, born August 4, 1867; Victoria R., wife of James Light, born July 19. 1869; Sarah N., born October 10, 1871; Benjamin O, born June 10, 1S74: and Lizzie B. . born August 11, 1877. GREENE COUNTY. IM R. B. Joues. No matter how disagreeable tlie outlook in life, or how little encouragement is re- ceived, there are some who will succeed in what ever they undertake, while others, placed in the same circumstances, will give uj) in despair. Among those who have won universal respect by push and energy, and who are classed among the first in whatever they undertake, is the above mentioned gentleman. Mr. Jones was born in that part of Greene County, Ark., which is at this time known as Clay County, September (j, 1848, and remained in that county, engaged in farming, until about twelve years ago, when he moved to what is known as Tilmanville and opened a black- smith shop. This he has curried on in a successful manner ever since. In addition to this Mr. Jones manages his farm of 180 acres, which his sons are now working, and he has opened aboiit five or six acres on the home place, consisting of eighty acres. He was married to Miss Martha J. Bradsher, daughter of Jefferson Bradsher, of Greene Coun- ty, Ark., and three interesting childi'en were the result of this union: J. M. , J. C. and W. A., all at home. Mr. Jones is also rearing two of his sister-in-law's children, they being the orphan children of J. H. and Mary C. Huckabay, and are named Almon E. and Hiram C. John Jones, the father of the subject of this sketch, came to Greene County, Ark., in 1830, and died here in 1871. His wife died in 18(51. They were the parents of eight children, two surviving. By his second wife John Jones became the father of five children. R. B. Jones is a member of the Ma- sonic fraternity, Danley Lodge No. 300, and he also belongs to Evergreen Lodge No. 66, of the I. O. O. F. He and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. S. L. Joseph, one of the leading merchants of I'aragonld, was l)orn in Germany, on the Rhine, in October, 1854, receiving his education in his native country, and at an early age engaged in mercantile ])ursaits, which he has followed ever since, thus securing a thorough knowledge of the busini^ss. In 1871 he sailed for America, taking passage iit Bremen, and landing at New York City, where he remained about three years. He then went to Pennsylvania, and for a period of some three ynars was engaged in the ottice of the Buffalo & Philadel- ])hia Railroad Company, going thence to St. Louis, where he remained one year. In 1878 he went to Walnut Ridge, Ark., followed clerking until 1880, and then came to Gainesville, of the same State, and there opened a store in partnership with Isaac Less. He continued the business at Gainesville and Jonesboro for three years, after which he sold his interest and took a trip to Europe, traveling over the continent, and was absent about ten months. After his return he went to Wichita, Kan., resided at that place one year, and in the fall of 1885 came to Paragould, where he em- barked in merchandising under the firm name of Harris & Joseph. In the spring of 1889 Mr. Joseph bought out his partner and is now con- tinuing the business alone. He carries a large stock of merchandise, averaging about $25,000, and is one of the enterprising business men i/f Paragould. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, the I. O. O. F. , and also belongs to the K. of H. He was married May 1, 1889, to Miss Setta Goldman, a native of Europe, and sister of J. D. Goldman, of the large firm of Goldman <& Co., of St. Louis. Mr. Joseph's parents, Maurice F. and Babbet (Steinheimer) Joseph, were natives of Europe. The father is deceased, but the mother is still living in Germany. Jesse Kenemure, a successful farmer and stock raiser of Jones Township, was born in Georgia, in 1819, and is the sixth in a family of eiglif children born to David and Lucy (Price) Kene- mure, luitives of South Carolina. The parents remained in their native State until after theii- marriage, and then moved to Georgia, where the mother died a few years later. The father again married and lived in that State until his death. Jesse Kenemure assisted his father in the arduous duties on the farm until nineteen years of age, after which he began farming for himself, and this occuj)ation has continued all his life. He was married when twenty -one years of age to Miss Rebecca Rock, a native of Georgia: and eight children were the result of this union, four now living. They are nar 1 as follows: Luciuda 1 r.2 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. I Margaret (deceaHed), Jiimes Franklin, married and lives on his father's place: N. W., married and lives on Crowley's Ridge; Charles D. , married and lives in this township; Missouri Jane, died in Georgia; William Ross, died in Georgia; L. W., married and resides in Greene County, and Margaret. Jesse Kenemure followed farming in Georgia, until 1856, when he moved directly to Greene County, Ark. , and settled on the west side of CJrowley's Ridge, where he bought forty acres of wild land. He immediately began improving, by erecting buildings and clearing land, etc., and after having cleared about thirty acres and remain- ing there for some twelve years, he sold out and moved to Jones' Ridge, being one of four families in that section. He bought 180 acres of land, cleared 100 acres, erected buildings, set out an extensive orchard of all kinds of fruits, and has surrounded himself with everything to make a pleasant, comfortable home. During the late war he was with Price on his Missouri raid, and was in the battles of Iron Mountain, Blue Lick, In- dependence and Boonville. He is a member of the Wheel, and is an active worker in the cause of education. T. B. Kitchens, circuit court clerk, exrofficio clerk of the county and probate courts, and recorder of Greene County, Ark., is one of the prominent and leading citizens of that county. He was born in Craighead County, Ark., August 21, 1854, and is the son of James H. and Arminda J. (Davis) Kitchens, natives of Forsyth County, Ga. The parents were married in their native State, but af- terward removed to Cherokee County, Ala., where they remained i;ntil the winter of 1851, and then located in what is now Craighead County, Ark. In the early part of the following year the father removed to the farm he now occupies, and there he has since resided. He was one of the first settlers of Craighead County, having located there when the country was wild and unbroken. T. B. Kitchens was reared and received his primary education in his native county. Later he attended school at Gainesville, and completed his educa- tion at the Arkansas Industrial University, at Fayetteville, from which institution he graduated with honor, being valedictorian of his class in 1880. He was also awarded the gold medal of $25, oflFered by B. B. Stone, of Fayetteville, for the best set of literary essays of the season of 1880, as well as the gold medal otfered by the publishing house of D. Appleton & Co., to the member of the senior class of 1880, who had the highest standing in mathematics in the four years' course. Following his graduation, Mr. Kitchens taught school until the spring of 1882, and in the fall of the same year he entered the county clerk's office as deputy, and served for four years, discharging his duties faithfully and honorably, and in such an efficient and capable manner that he won many friends, and at their solicitation he became a candi- date for his present office. He was elected in Sep- tember, 1886, without opposition, and reelected to the office in 1888, which position he is now holding. He was county examiner from 1882 to 1886, and discharged these duties, as he does all others, with honor and credit. He owns town property and a half interest in the Gager House, which is a large three-story brick building, and a first-class hotel. Mr. Kitchens was maiTied January 1, 1884, to Miss Alice B. Burton, a native of Tennessee, whose parents came to this county when she was a child four years of age. Mr. and Mrs Kitchens are the parents of one child, William M. Mr. Kitchens is a member of the K. of P., and a charter member of the lodge at Paragould. John J. Lambert (deceased) was born in Harde- man County, Tenn., in 1822, and his father being a farmer he was reared to that occupation, remain ing on the old homestead until he attained his majority. He was married July 14, 1858, to Miss Jennie Cox, a native of Tennessee, whose fathei was a farmer. When the war broke out Mr. Lam bert espoused the cause of the Confederacy and served one year in the Confederate army, then re turning home and resuming farming. In 1867 he emigrated, with his family, to Arkansas, locating in Greene County, where he bought 100 acres of land, a portion of which was improved. On this tract ht erected barns and stables, and opened about fifty acres, but later bought other large tracts, part of it joining this, from which he cleared Jf- ^k GREENE COUNTY. 153 the timber. To his union with Miss Cox onu child, James Abner. was born, and his second resulted iu the birth of three children: Mary W., wife of Allen Howell; John J. and Thomas L. Th(> last two are young men, who are managing the home farm, being engaged in general farm work. They have about seventy-tive acres under cultivation. At the time of Mr. Lambert's death, November 28, 1SS7. the farm was divided and sold, with the exception of several tracts of land in Tennessee, Thomas L. buying eighty acres of the old home- stead and 240 acres of another tract, forty acres of another and some town property. Mr. Lambert was one of Greene County's most substantial and j)rominent citizens, and was a generous and public- spirited man. ever ready to aid enterpriser for the public good, and is remembered with gratitude and affection by all his neighbors. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity. E. D. Landi'um. Owing to the fertility of the soil in Greene County, Ark., and by energy, indus- try and economy, Mr. Landrum has become one of the wealthy farmers and stock raisers of this sec- tion. He was born in Weakley County, Tenn. , in 1848, was reared on his father's farm, and there received his education in the common schools. In 1868 he enlisted from Weakley County in Com- pany B, Faulkner's Regiment cavalry service, and was in the fights at Paducah, Union City and Co- lumbus, receiving his discharge in the fall of 1864 aud returning home. In the fall of 1865 he came to Greene County, Ark., and began farming for himself on eighty acres of land which he purchased, aud in 1867 purchased eighty acres more, eight of which were cleared and under cultivation. In 1869 he located on this property and erected a log house, and iu ISSu built an excellent frame resi- dence. He now owns 320 acres of splendid land with 150 under cultivation, 125 of which he has cleared himself since ISO'J. His principal crops are corn and hay. He raises some stock, his cattle being of the Durham breed, his horses Morgan, and his hogs Berkshire. He is not very active in politics, but votes with the Democratic party. He was married in Greene County, in 1867, to Mary A. Burnett, a native of North Carolina, aud a daughter of John and Sarah (Howell) Burnett, who were also born in that State, and emigi-ated to Greene County, Ark., at a very early day, set- tling on a farm in Clark Township, on which the father died. The mother is still living. To Mr. and Mrs. Landrum have been born the following children: James Edward and John Clinton. Mr. Landrum is the fourth of ten children born to James and Emeline (Anderson) Landrum, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Middle Tennessee. The father was a wealthy planter of Tennessee, and died there in 1862, followed by his wife several years later. John V. Landrum, of the mercantile firm of Stallcup & Landrum, Paragould. There are a number of men prominently identified with the mercantile interests of Greene County, but none among them are more deserving of mention than John V. Landrum, who, although not old iu years, is a substantial business man. He was born in Weakhn' County, Tenn., August 18, 1853, and is the sou of James and Emeline (Anderson) Landrum, the father a native of Halifax County, Va. , and the mother of Dickson County, Tenn. The parents were married in the last mentioned State, and reared ten children, .six of whom are liv- ing at the present time: Lucy A., widow of Mr. Turner; James M., Edward D. , Samuel H., Fannie E. , wife of J. N. Wright; and John V. Nancy E. died May 11. 188'J. The parents moved from Middle Tennessee to West Tennessee and died in Weakley County, the father in 1862 and the mother in 1874. The former followed agri- cultural pursuits all his life. John Y. Landrum, the youngest member of the family now living, was reared and received the principal [lart of his education in \\'eakley County, Tenu. He re- mained on the farm until twenty-one years of age, after which he completed his education as best he could and then taught .school for three years in Gibson County. After this he engaged in the mill business for one year. In 1 888 he came to Greene County, Ark., from Carroll County, Tenn., located in Paragould, and immediately embarked in the mercantile business in partnershi]) with his brother, James M., who was the first man to sell IfZ ir.4 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. from this Mr. Land- rum is the owner of a good farm of 1*10 acres, also some valuable town property, and has one of the finest residences in Paragoidd, in fact, one of the best in the county. Mr. and Mrs. Landrum are both faithful members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. South. He served four years' as treas- urer of Paragould, and is an enterprising and pub lie-spirited citizen. They are members of the Triple Alliance Life Association. His maternal grandfather. Benjamin C. Aadersou, was reared and married in the blue grass region of Kentucky. He moved to Dickson County, Tenn. , while a young man, where he lived to the ripe old age of eighty- five, and died at his daughter's, Mrs. Emeline Landrum, in Weakley County, Tenn., at the age of eighty-seven. John M. Lloyd. In every condition of life and in every locality where the struggle for a live- lihood is going on, where can independence be found more faithfully portrayed, or more clearly demonstrated, than in the life of the honest, in (histrious farmer? Among those who have made a success of farming is the gentleman whose name heads this sketch, who, although a young man, is now the owner of one of th(> best improved farms in the county. He was born in Madison County (now Crockett Coimty), Tenn., August 26, 1856, and is the son of John \V. and Elizabeth (Raines) Lloyd, natives of North Carolina and Alabama, re- spectively. The father was born in 182(), and died February 11, 1869, and the mother was born in 1833, and died November 6, 1882. John W, Lloyd, when a lad of sixteen, went with his l)arents to Madison County, Tenn., where his father died at about the age of seventy-two years. He had been a soldier in the War of 1812. John W. was an agriculturist, a house carpenter and also followed the occupation of digging wells for many years. In 1861 he enlisted in the Confed- erate army. Gen. Forrest's regiment, of which he was wagon master for two years; he was in ser- vice in South Carolina, Alabama and Louisiana, and was in a number of prominent battles, re- ceiving a slight flesh wound on the knee. He sur- ; rendered with his regiment at Paris, Tenn. , after which he returned to his home and followed his trade. He was a member of the A. F. & A. M. , and was an advocate of churches and schools. Of the nine children born to his marriage, seven lived to be grown, and live still survive. These are I named as follows: Thomas H. , Jefferson, M. , J. M. and Mrs. S. E. Jones. Those deceased are: Jas- per W., Mollie, Mattie and an infant. Mrs. Lloyd, with the above mentioned family, came to Arkan- sas in 1871, and part of the family located in Jackson Coimty, while the mother, M. J., J. M. and Mattie, came to Greene County in 1872. Here the mother and Mattie died. John M. Lloyd attained his majority in the county, spending the early part of his life on a farm, and afterward engaged in clerking in a general store. He worked at stave manufacturing for about seven years, being foreman for J. F, Hasty & Sons, for about six months, at Paragould. He located on his present property in 1888, and now has 110 acres under a good state of cultivation, and almost wholly free from stumps. Mr Lloyd chose for his wife, Mrs. S. J. Gramling nee Halley, who was born and reared in Scott County, Ark. Her par- ents, Robert H. and Sarah (Hutchins) Halley, were natives of Virginia and Tennessee, respectively. Robert H. , on leaving his native State, went to Tennessee, and thence to Arkansas, in 1838, where he was married to Mrs. Sarah Crowley, March 10, of the following year. In 1848 they moved to Scott County, Ark., where Mrs. Halley died, Octo- ber 29, 1861. She was born in September, 1819, and was first married to Harrison Crowle}', who died at the age of thirty-tive years, leaving one son, Benjamin (See sketch of B. H. Crowley). Robert H. Halley was born October 25, 1819, and died in the Confederate army, in December, 1868. ^' GREENE COUNTY. 1 ")<") Mr. and Mrs. Halloy are the parentH of uiiif chil- dren, two of whom are still living : S. J. and J. M. , the latter living in this county. Mrs. Lloyd was first married to Henry C. Gramliug, who diod in 1882. To Mr. and Mrs. Gramling were born two children: Victoria and Richard C. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd are members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church of Paragould. William F. Lovejoy is foreman of the Leonard plantation in Greene County, Ark., which is one of the finest in the State, containing 2,000 acres under wire fence, with 600 acres in cultivation. On this farm is a good general store, belonging to Mr. Lovejoy, and a saw and grist-mill and a cot- ton-gin belonging to Mr. Leonard. They are large- ly interested in raising blooded stock, the planta- tion being admirably adapted to this industry, and a specialty is made of raising Poland China and Berkshire hogs. Nineteen dwelling houses are on the place, and the barn, which is 100x85 feet, is one of the best in the State. From 250 to 300 acres of land are annually devoted to the culture of cotton, which receives the most of Mr. Lovejoy' s attention. He was born in DeKalb County, Ga. , in 1848, and was the second in a family of five chil- dren born to Samuel and Paulina (Scaife) Lovejoy, who were also Georgians, the father a planter and merchant by occupation. In 184S they moved to Alal)ama and resided on a plantation in that State, and here the mother died, in 1850. The father re- mained there until 1870, when he moved to Phillips County. Ark., in which State he resided until his (loath, in 1883. William F. Lovejoy was reared on a plantation and received his education in the schools of Alabama. While living in that State he was married, in 1864, to Frances Carrington, and at the time of his father's removal to Arkan- sas he and wife came also and engaged in farming and merchandising. He owns a good farm in St. Francis County, but since 1883 he has resided in Greene County, and since 1886 has had charge of Mr. Leonard's farm, which he is conducting in a highly satisfactory manner. Besides his pro|)- erty in St. Francis County he has 160 acres, with forty under cultivation, near Mr. Leonard's farm. He has never been very active in politics, but voti'.s the Democratic ticket. In 181)2, while in Alabama, he joined M, M, Slaughter's Company, Bell's Bat talion. Tenth Regiment, Confederate States Army, but became afflictiul with chronic diarrhoea and was honorably discharged. He is a member of the A, F, & A, M,, Brinkley Lodge No. 295. He has seen a great change for the better in Greene County since locating here, and has witnessed the full growth of Rector, and has been the means of opening up more land than any man in Blue Cane Township. He has also done much to in- crease the wealth of the same, and has expended over $10,000 in clearing the large plantation of which he is manager, and which is now one of the most valuable pieces of property in the State. He and wife became the parents of two children, one of whom died in infancy, and the other, Mary Paulina, is the wife of Mr. Bradford, mer- chant and express agent at Brinkley, Ark, ; she is the mother of one child, William Monroe, Dr. Robert Lovelady, of Greene County, Ai-k, , and an eminent physician of the community, was born in Hamilton County, Teun, , in 1846, being the second of six children born to Joseph and De- borah (Harris) Lovelady, both of whom are Ten- nesseeans, who emigrated to Northeast Arkansas in 1852, where they entered 200 acres of wild land, which was given Mr, Lovelady as a comjjen- sation for services rendered in the Florida War, Here they made many valuable improvements, and resided until their respe(!tive deaths, the father dying on the 12th of April, 1861, Dr. Robert Lovelady remained with his parents until twenty- one years of age, attending the common .schools: later he began farming for himself, and taught school for a few terms. In 1872 he took up the study of medicine, under the instruction of Dr, C, Wall, continuing with him three years, and then entered the LouisvUle University of ^Medicine, at Louisville, Ky, , which he attended for some little time. After practicing his profession in Greene County for about three years he returned to the col- lege, and was graduated at the end of five months, being the second resident of Crowley's Ridge to graduate in any profession. In 1879 he returned from college and settled in Cache Township, Tv" -IL. 156 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. where he entered upou the practice of his profes- sion. During this time his patronage has been constantly growing, and he is counted among the most successful professional men of the county. He is well fixed financially, and deserves much credit for the way in which he has succeeded, for on leaving college he had no capital whatever, save a good knowledge of his calling. He is an active worker for the cause of education, aiul has done all he could to raise the standard of the public schools. In 187!) he was married to Miss Maggie A. Morgan, a native of Alabama, who came to Arkansas in 1871, with her mother and stepfather. By her he has three little children: Ethel, Aden B. and Clifford. The Doctor is the owner of a small tract of land near Walcott, on which he has erected a neat cottage and out-buildings, and has set out a considerable number of fruit trees. He and wife are members ot the Methodist Episcopal Church. Calvin E. McAuley, M. D. The most import- ant science bearing upon man' s happiness, comfort and welfare, is that of medicine, and Dr. McAuley is a credit to the profession. His birth occurred in Carroll County, Tenn. , in April, 1857, and he is the only surviving member of a family of three children, bom to Dr. Enos and Martha (Duke) McAuley, who were born in North Carolina and Tennessee, in 1821 and 1883, respectively. The father was taken by his parents to ('arroll County, Tenn. , when ten years of age, and was reared to manhood in that State on a farm. He gradu- ated from a medical college of Kentucky and in February, 1878, came to Greene Coxinty, Ark., where he died in 1881, having been an active medical practitioner for about thirty-seven years, or since twenty-one years of age. He also taught school in his youth, and socially was a Royal Arch Mason: he was an active member of the Baptist ChiU'ch, to which his wife also belonged. Dr. Calvin E. McAuley attended the common schools of Carroll County, and in 1872 or 1873 commenced the study of medicine under his father, and at the age of nineteen began practicing. He entered the Louisville Medical College in 1885, and since July, 1878, has been a very successful practitioner of Greene County, Ark. In 1877 he was married to Miss Mary U. Butler, a native of Tennessee, who was born in 1868, and died Decem- ber 17, 1878, having been an earnest member of the Baptist Church. She left one child, Lelah U. The Doctor took for his second wife Miss Mary F. Ledbetter, who was born in Arkansas in 1859, and by her he has three children: Maud L. , Irvin E. and Florence P. Mrs. McAuley is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. The Doctor belongs to the I. O. O. F. , is an advocate of schools, and a Republican in his political views, and in 1886 was tendered the nomination as repre sentative to the State legislature, but would not accept. After coming to Arkansas he was in part- nership with his father until the latter' s death. William J. McBride, one of the independent sons of toil and a successful horticulturist of Hur- ricane Township, Greene County, Ark., was born in Tennessee and came with his parents, Daniel and S. M. (Jones) McBride, to Greene County, Ark., about 1870. He was one of ten children, two of whom were born after their arrival in Greene County. William J. McBride remained on his father's farm until he was nineteen years of age, when he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Jane Edmondson, daughter of Archibald Edmondson, of Greene County. After marriage he and his wife settled on forty acres, to which he has since added forty more, all improved, this forming one of the be.st farms in the neighborhood. He has by far the finest peach and apple orchard to be found in his section of the neighborhood, last year hav- ing from it 300 to -100 l>ushels, all of which was fed to the hogs with the exception of that used by the family, there being no market for the fruit. To Mr. and Mrs. McBride have been born five children: Matilda E., Daniel S., Malinda .).. Julia C. and William H. Mr. McBride is a mem ber of Evergreen Lodge No. 66. I. O. O. F. , and also of the Agricultural Wheel. He and wife bi> long to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. John McHaney, {)lauter and stockman, of Friendship Township, Greene County, Ark. , is a native of Wilson County, Tenn., born on the 22d of June, 1811), being the third in a family of twelve children in the family of William and Sarah (Word) GREENE COUNTY. loT JIcHaney, who were Virginians, and among the early pioneers of Tennessee. In the latter State the father was engaged in farming and school- teaching for some time, and in 1840 emigrated to Marion County, 111., where his death occurred ten years later, his excellent wife surviving him nntil 1875, when she too died, at the age of eighty- four years. John McHaney was reared to a farm life, and educated in the common schools of Ten- nessee, and began his independent career as a farmer in Illinois, remaining thus engaged in that State for seven years, when he emigrated to Gib- son County, Tenn., in 1845. After living there until January 1, 1861, he moved to Greene County, Ark. , and settled on the farm where he is now re- siding, purchasing 100 acres of almost totally un- improved land. He has since added to this pur- chase, until he now owns 200 acres of land, with ninety under cultivation, the greater part of which he devotes to raising corn. He has a line orchard, and takes great interest in fruit culture. In 1863 he returned to Tennessee, and was there married to Miss Sarah Sims, who was born in Middle Tennessee, being a daughter of Chesley and Mar}' Sims, also Tennesseeans by birth, the original stock coming from North Carolina. He lost his wife in 1870, and the same year was married in Greene County, Ark., to Mrs. Amanda (Allisson) Shearer, who had two children by her former hus- band, both of whom are married. Of seven chil- divn born to Mr. McHaney' s first union only one is now living, Sarah, wife of Mr. Mc(Tlumphy, of Marion County, 111. By his last wife he is the father of four children: John Lafayette, James Thomas, Almeda Alice and Minnie Estelle. The first named died at the age of five years. Mr. McHaney has seen many changes take place in Greene County, and has done his share in devel- oping the same. He was a member of and assisted in organizing the first church in the township, which is now in a nourishing condition. He has been a patron of education, and donated the land for his home school building, and was one of a committee to re-district Greene County, and name the townships, giving the name of Friendship to the township in which he is now living. He has been a justice of the peace here for over twenty years. Socially he has been a member of Gainesville Lodge No. 168, in the town of Gaines- ville, and is also a member of the Agricultural Wheel. Mr. McHaney enlisted in the .army in the latter part of 1864, and was captain of Company C, DeVee's Battalion, Kitchens' Division, and oj)erated in Missouri and Arkansas, and was with Price on his raid through Missouri, Indian Terri- tory, Kansas and Arkansas. He left the company at Fort Smith, Ark., and with a number of others returned home and resumed farming. LaFayette McHaney is one of the sturdy sons of the soil of Greene County, Ark., who has won his property by the sweat of his brow and by good management. He and his parents, William and Sarah (Word) McHaney, were born in Tennessee, his birth occurring in Wilson County in 1837. When the latter was three years old he was taken by his parents to Marion County, 111., where the father died in 1851 at the age of sixty-six years, and the mother in 1880. aged seventy- nine years. The father was a Democrat and he and wife were members of the Baptist Church. They had a family of thirteen children, ten of whom lived to be grown and seven are yet living. LaFayette was the eleventh child, and attained his majority in Marion County, 111. His youthful days were spent on a farm and in attending the common schools, and after attaining his twenty-second year he taught one term of school of nine months, later o-oinor to Tennessee, whore he was maiTied. In January, 1861, he came to Arkansas and joined the Confederate army, serving as first lieutenant, and was captured on the 4th of July, 1S63. at Helena, Ark., and was taken to Johnson's Island, Ohio, where he was kept a prisoner from August of that year to January, ISC),"), when he was exchanged and returned home. In February, 1865, he began teaching school, continuing twenty months, and the rest of his timi> has been devoted to his farm. He first located southeast of (xaines- ville, but in 1881 came to his present farm, of which he has about 200 acres under cultivation. He raises considerable stock. His wife, whose name was Nancv C. Thorne, was l)orn in Tennes- :?; ^ 'T see. and when a child moved to Gibson County, of the same State, where she was married. The fol- lowing are their children: William W., John T.. Avey Ann (wife of William Russell). John H., Robert L.. Samuel P.. Onia A., Susan A. A., Mel- vin M. . Maude and Claude (twins), and Edward E. Henry L. died from the effects of a fall, at the age of seven years. Mr. McHaney is a Demo- crat, has been a Master Mason for two years, and he and wife are members of the Baptist Church, in which he has been a deacon for twelve years. James K. P. McKelvey. whose success in life is mainly diie to his industry and perseverance, coupled with a pleasant, genial disposition, is a na- tive of Franklin County, Tenn., born in 1844, being the son of John and Mary Ann (McKelvey) Mc- Kelvey, natives of South Carolina. The parents came to Franklin County, Tenn.. in their youth- ful days, were reared in that county, and were married there about 1842. In 1850 they moved to Benton County, Tenn., and there remained un- til 1863, when they located in Union County, 111. In the fall of 1865, they came to Lawrence County, Ark., settling on a farm where they re- mained about one year, and afterward moved to Carroll County, thence to Sebastian County, where the father died in 1874, at the age of fifty-five years. He practiced medicine the later part of his life; was a self-made man, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of which he was a minister for twenty-two years before his death. He was very successful in administering to the physical as well as the spiritual wants of his fellow-men. and his face was welcomed in the homes of all, and especially in the homes of the sick and aiflicted. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity, a Democrat in politics, and a strong advocate of free schools. He was a very popular man, but never aspired to office. The mother is still living in Sebastian County, Ark., on the home place. She was born in 1825, and has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, for many years. To their union were born thirteen children, twelve of whom grew to maturity; Loxiisa E., James K. P., Mary J., Martha F., who died at the age of thirty eight years; George N., died at the age of thirtj' years: Elizabeth Ann, William H., Millie H.. John G., died at the age of thirteen years; fsaac N., Joseph T. , Aaron A. and Luther W. Aaron A. is now attending the St. Louis Medical College. James K. P. McKelvey was reared in his native county, and received limited educational advantages. In 1864 he commenced farming for himself in Illinois, but one year later returned to Tennessee, to the old home place, where he I'emained until 1873, and then moved to Greene County, Ark. He located west of Gainesville, and soon after went to Sebastian County, to settle the estate of his father, where he remained until the fall of 1876, then returning and settling on his present prop- erty. He has 100 acres under cultivation, and is a thriving, industrious farmer. He was married, in the fall of 1863, to Miss Ferlissa A. Swindle, a native of Tennessee, bom in 1848, and the fruits of this union were ten children, all living: Will- iam T. , a student at the State University of Fay etteville, Ark. ; Italy, John, Alonzo, Horace and Hervey (twins), Adolphus L. , Anna L. , Clara M. and James R. Italy is the wife of L. C. Rudesial. Mr. and Mrs. McKelvey are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of which he is local deacon; he was ordained in 1879, and com- menced preaching in 1874. He is a Royal Arch and Master Mason, belonging to the Blue Lodge at Gainesville, and has served as Worshipful Mas- ter for several years. He has a dimit from Duval Chapter, No. 65. He is a Democrat in politics. His father was a Union man during the war, and was opposed to secession. Mr. McKelvey is a strong advocate of the free school system, but has never sought political prominence. Dr. J. G. McKenzie. Among the many suc- cessful farmers and practitioners of the ' ' healing art" in Greene County, Ark., de.serving of spec- ial mention, is Dr. McKenzie, who was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1851, and is the third in a family of seven children born to Alexander and Jeanette (Patterson) McKenzie, the former of whom was engaged in commercial pursuits, and conducted a boot and shoe factory. The Doctor attended school in his native land until nineteen ^' GREENE COUNTY. 159 years of age, then entered tlie Alton Medical Collefje for a course of two years, after wbicli he took a finishing course of six months at the Itush Medical College, in 1878. Subseijuently he emigrated to the United States, and after remain- ing in New York City for some time, made a tour of the great lakes, and settled in Canada for about one year. He then went to the State of Illinois, and engaged in practicing the medical ]irofessiou at Dresdon, in partnership with Dr. Rhodes, making his next move to Cotton Plant, in Southeast Missouri, and about one year later went to Kennett, and was associated with Dr. Har- vey for another year. After following his profes- sion in Northeastern Arkansas for some time he came to his present location about lS7f), purchased one acre of land, erected a residence, and here has since made his home. He has added eight and one half acres to his home lot, and has bought eighty acres of good farming land in one tract, be- sides eighty acres in the Cache River bottoms, making the last purchase in 1887. Fifty acres of land are cleared and under cultivation, and the rest is devoted to stock raising, in which he is quite ex- tensively engaged, making a specialty of horses and mules. The Doctor's practice is very large, and although he has lived in Greene County a comparatively short time, he is well and fav- orably known. He is also doing a commercial l)usiness among his friends and neighbors, and is a stockholder in the First National Bank of Greene County. He votes with the Democratic party, and in 1885 was postmaster of Crowley. In 188G the Doctor mfide a trip to Europe and visited his old home and the Edinburgh Exposition, which was being held at that time. He returned to the United States after al)Out a month fully convinced that this country was the easiest and best in which to acfjuire a competence. He was manied in November. 1878, to Miss Cynthia Ann Pevehouse, a native of Arkansas, and by her is the father of five cliildreu: Willie Alexander, Jessie Odel, who died at the age of six years: James, Maggie and Hoger Q. Dr. McKenzie's father is deceased, but his mother, two sisters and two brothers are living in retirement at Aberdeen. A brother, John G. . is chief engineer on a line of steamships sailing between Shanghai and Hong Kong. He also has an uncle who is captain on the ocean, and sails be- tween Liverpool and New Orleans. Judge L. L. Mack, attorney at law. The firm of Mack & Son is one of the leading and most influential at the bar in the city of Paragould. and gives strength to the fi'aternity. The gentlemen composing it are admirably adapted to the honor able prosecution of this most exalted of profes- sions, and possess that easy and interested grace of manner not easily acquired by the majority. Judge L. L. Mack was born in Maury County, Tenn., on the 18th of December, 1817, and is the son of Lem- uel D. and Mary (Taylor) Mack, natives of Rock- ingham County, N. C, and of Wake County, N. C, respectively. The parents emigrated to Teimessee when single, were there married and located in Maury County, of that State, where they remained for several years, and then removed to Wayne County, also in that State. In 1851 they removed to (Jreene County, Ark., locating near Gainesville, where they passed the remainder of their days. They lie buried in the cemetery at Gainesville. They were the parents of eleven children, of whom our subject Ls the eldest. He was Iwrii a cripple, and on that account it was thought that he would never amount to anything. He was reared and educated in Maury C!ounty, Tenn.. receiving an ordinary education, ami after his school day's work was over he l)egan the study of law, a part of the time with a preceptor and a portion without any. When in his twenty-first year he was admitted to the bar in Maury County, although living in Wayne County, and practiced in the last named county for about twelve years. In the year 1844 he was elected county clerk, and filled this position with credit for four years. He became very prominently identified with the whole section of country for many miles. He was a candidate for the legislature from Wayne County, but was de- feated by forty -four votes. In December. 1850, he landed in Greene County, Ark., with his family, and in October of the following year settled at Gainesville, then the county seat. Here he began the struggle for life and reputation. Previous t« 'f' •t 1C)(I HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. this, in 1844, \w niarried Miss Felicia Cypert, a a sister of Judge Cypert, and became the father of eleven children, nine now living. They are named as follows: Rol)ert P., an attorney; Allen P.. also an attorney; William N. , aj>hysician; Messilla B., wife of P. H. Cren.shaw: EmmaW., wife of Judge James E. Riddiek; McCall, Thomas C. Idella A. ; and Sarah J. After locating in Greene County, Ark., he found his money scarce though a good sized family depended upon him for support. He had a little library and set to work in earnest in the practice of his profession, notwithstanding there was very little to be done in those days. How- ever he held on to what little there was, and in 1855 he was elected prosecuting attorney from the First district, and on next election was defeated. In November, 1860, he was elected to the legisla- ture and served during that session, but later i resigned and was a candidate for prosecuting attorney fi-om the Third district. He was elected and served one term. In the year 1865 he was elected circuit judge of the same circuit and went off under reconstruction in 1868. In 1874 he was elected circuit judge of the Second circuit without opposition, and held one term of four years. He was re-elected in 1878 and served until 1882. Since that time he has turned his attention to his practice. The most of his life has been spent in serving tiie public, and in that capacity he has given entire satisfaction, meriting the respect and admiration of all by his firmness and advancement. As a lawyer he is a ready and fluent speaker, and has l>ut few superiors. A sin- gular, circumstance of the family is that there were eleven children in his father's family, of whom the subject of this sketch is the eldest, and eleven children in the wife's family, she being the young- est. The Judge is also the father of eleven chil- dren. Theie were twenty-three grandchildren born, and twenty-two are living at the present time. Judge Mack is a member of the Masonic fraternity and also the I. O. O. F. He and wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Kuf us A. Markham, M. D. , an energetic prac- titioner, is recognized throughout this State as a friend of and laborer in the cause and advance- ment of the medical profession, and has acquired a flattering reputation as a physician. He was born in Orange County, N. C. (now Durham County), in 1848, and is a son of Benjamin and Rhoda (Pritchard) Markham, who were born in North Carolina. The father was the eldest of nine children and grew to matiirity in his native State, after which he emigrated we.stward to Tennessee, where he was engaged in teaching school for some time. He returned to the old home place, and at the age of forty years located within three miles of the old home, where he lived until his death, in 1866, at the age of sixty-three years, rearing there a family of five children, all of whom are living. His wife was born in 1807 and died in 1861, and she, as well as her husband, was a member of the Baptist Church, the latter being a deacon in the same for twenty years. The grandfather was bom and reared in the Carolinas, and the great grand- father was a soldier in the Revolutionary War: he reared a large family of children. He lived to be over ninety years of age, and had several sons who also lived to extreme old age, one lacking seven days of b(>ing ninety-nine years old at the time of his death. Dr. Rufus A. Markham' s brothers and sisters are as follows: Eliza Ann, Felix G., James D. and Martha J. Dr. Markham remained at home until the death of his parents and acquired a fair education in the district schools and at Dur- ham, N. C. In 1870 he came to West Tennessee and the following year removed to Greene County, Ark. In 1874 he went to Texas, where he en- gaged in teaching school. After returning to Ar- kansas he was appointed, in 1876, to the office of deputy clerk of Greene County. In 1878 he began the study of medicine under Dr. M. V. Cam)), now of Walnut Ridge, Ark., and soon after entered the Missouri Medical College, of St. Louis, from which institution he graduated in 1885, though previous to graduating he bf.d practiced in Greens- boro from 1880 until 1884. After graduating he came to Gainesville, where he has since been en- gaged in the active practice of his profession, and is ranked among the leading ph3'sicians of the county. He was married in the fall of 1880 to Miss Maggie Steadman, who was born in Chatham .JL S> l^ GREENE COUNTY. Kil ("onnty, N. C. in 1845, and died in October, 1888, having become tl>e mother of three children : Ed- ward L. , James C. and Rufus P. The last child died in infancy, soon after the mother's death. She was an active worker and member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The Doctor is a member of the Baptist Church. He belongs to the A. F. & A. M. , and is in every respect a self- made man. W. H. Martin, a fanner of Blue Cane Town- ship, was born in Caldwell County, N. C, in 1832, and is the son of William R. and Anna (Hood) Martin, who were of English and Scotch ancestry respectively, and were natives and farmers of the ••Old North State." W. H. Martin resided in his native State until sixteen years of age, when he left home and went to Union County, 111., where he engaged in the sawmill business as a hand sawyer. He was married there in 1856 to Mary Jane Hart- line, a daughter of John and Margaret (Kendel- mau) Hartline. who were among the pioneer set- tlers of that county and State, from North Caro- lina. The father was a farmer by occupation and died some years ago. The mother is still living. Mr. Martin remained in Illinois until INGti, when he went to Texas, where he purchased an im- proved farm and remained until the fall of IS'iU. Selling his property, he came to Greene County, purchasing an improved farm on Crowley's Ridge. Here his wife died in 1880, having borne a family of six children, three of whom survive: Willis A., Walter L., and Eliza Jane. The latter is the wife of C. L. Sides, and resides on Crowley's Ridge. In the fall of 1880 Mr. Martin married Mrs. J. F. Lewis, a widow of Jacob Lewis, of Stodihud County. Mo.: he was reared in Illinois, where he resided on a farm until 1809, when he came to Greene County, Ark., and l)ought eighty acres of land, which he improved and added to. He was conservative in politics. He died in 1871) and left his widow with two children to care for: William Franklin and Myrtle May. Mr. Martin owns lands to the amoiuit of 480 acres, 200 being under cultivation, and has taken an interest in fruit culture, having on his home farm a tine or- chard. He raises and buys considerable stock. and is one of the successful farmers of the county. He votes with the Democratic party, and has been a member of the school board ever since his resi dence in Arkansas. Socially, he is a member of the A. F. & .\. M., Danley Lodge No. 8, and is a member of the Kniglits of Honor, at Rector. He and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and are the jjarents of one chihl: Edgar C. Mr. Martin has seen many changes in the growth and ])rosperity of the county since coming here; he often wont to Cape Girardeau, a distance of 125 miles, to do his marketing, when now it is only necessary to go a very few miles to obtain all the articles one desires. J. R. Miller, deputy circuit and county clerk, and a prominent educator of the county for a num- ber of years, was born in Gordon County, Ga., April 8, 1856, and came to Greene County, Ark., in 1879. His father. W. W. Miller, was a native of South Carolina, where he followed agricultural pursuits for some time, and, when a young man. moved to Georgia. Here he was united in mar- riage to Miss Amelia Erwiii, a native of the last mentioned State and the daughter of James Erwin. The grandparents, Archibald and Hannah Miller, were of English stock. After coming to Greene County, Ark., J. R. Miller engaged in agricultural pursuits, which had been his principal occupation while in Georgia, and h(? has also been occupied in the teacher's profession for several years. He set- tled oh a farm near Gainesville, cultivating sixty acres or more, and has a fine residence. He was married December 26, 1883, to Miss Mattie Hamp- ton, daughter of M. B. and M. C. (Stevenson) Hampton, of Greene County, formerly of Shell)y County, Tenn. One child is the result of this un- ion, a daughter, named Minnie May. The mother of Mr. Miller makes her home with him. In his political views he atHIiates with the Democratic party, and in January. 1889, he was appointed to the position of deputy circuit clerk l>y Mr. T. B. Kitchens. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. South. James F. Newberry, apromiiuMit and highly re- spected farmer of Greene County, was born in Ala bama in 1844, and is the son of John Newberry, who came to this State in 1854. Here he engaged in farming and was for two years justice of the peace. At the breaking out of the Civil War he entered the Confederate service under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, and was killed in 1862. He reared a family of six children, five sons and one daughter. James F. Newberry was in the Confederate service during the entire war, and was wounded in the left leg. In 1864 he returned to his farm in Greene County, and devoted himself to its improvement. He then owned 100 acres, which he has since in- creased to 425. A part of his farm is under cultivation, and he is also interested in raising cattle and tine mules. He married Marj' Mor- gan, who bore him six children and died in 1880, aged thirty years. He chose as his second wife Mrs. Charity (Dennis) Ross, and to their union have been given four childi-en. The nine chil- dren are: Robert E., born in 1865; Martha C, born in 1867, died in 1880; Sarah F., born in 1870; John E., born in 1872; Isabella, born in 1874: Laura E. , born in 1881; James J., born in 1883, died in 1884: Jennie B., born in 1885, and Myrtle G., born in 1887, died in 1889. Mr. Newberry is a stanch Democrat in politics, and he and his wife are popular in the community in which they live. W. C. Newberry is in every way worthy of being classed among the prosperous planters of Greene County, Ark. He was born in Weakley County, West Tenn., in 1852, and was the sixth of eleven children born to Samuel and Nancy (Trantham) Newberry, the former a native of North Carolina, and the latter of Tennessee. In 1854 they moved to Greene County, Ark., and settled near the farm on which W. C. Newberry is now residing, where they entered land and re sided until their respective deaths, the father's demise occurring in February, 1874, and the mother's in 1883. They took quite an important part in the early history of the country, and the father assisted in organizing the county. W. C. Newberry received his early education in the dis- trict schools of Greene County, and aided at home in opening up his father's farm. He was married in Greene County, in 1872, to Miss Martha Jane McHaney, who was born in Arkansas, and is a daughter of John and Sally (Sims) McHaney. Tennesseeans. Mr. Newberry soon located on his present farm of 120 acres, about tifty five acres of which he has cleared and put under cultivation. He has added to his original purchase until he now has 200 acres of as good land as there is in the county, with 110 under the plow, the principal products of which are corn and cotton. Mr. New- berry is inde])endent in jiolitics, and is not an office- seeker. In 1874 he lost his wife, and four years later he was married to Mary H. Hartso, of Arkan- sas. His first union was blessed by one sou, Samuel; and his last by four children: Luther, Clifton, Charley and Tuler. His wife is a daugh- ter of William and Sarah (McFarland) Hartso, who came to Arkansas at an early day. The father is still living, but the mother is deceased. Mr. Newberry has been active in aiding is a man of sound judgment and unim- j)eachable honesty. He was born on Crowley's Ridge, in Greene County, on the '2d of July, 1828, being the second child born there, his brother William, whose birth occurred April 7, 1826, hav- ing been tirst. He was the fourth child of Abraham and Polly (Crowley) Pevehouse, who came to Arkansas at an early day. [For a history of the Crowley family see sketch of Hon. B. H. Crowley. ] After spending a year on Black River they came to Crowley's Ridge, and made the first settlement in Northeast Arkansas. The paternal grandjiar ents were of Virginia stock, and moved from that State to South Carolina, and thence to Kentucky, of which section they were pioneers, about 1822 coming to Arkansas. The parents of our subject died about 1835, and from that time up to man- hood he made his homo with his grandfather, Ben- jamin Crowley. The latter was a very extensive farmer and stock raiser, and Mr. Pevehouse drove stock all the way to St. Louis, and later to Mem- phis and Helena. During his childhood he de- pended on his own resources for a livelihood and hunted and sold his furs and hides, and later farmed in a small way. When about twenty years of age he entered land, subsequently buying small tracts from time to time, and in the spring of 18()1 sold out aiid went to Scott County, where he re- mained about eighteen months, then returning to the Cache bottoms. When some twenty-five years of age he w;w married to Miss Margaret Ca])ps. a native of Arkansas, whose family were early set tiers in this section. She died in 1858, leaving two children: Sarah, who married a Mr. Harris, and died soon after, and Cynthia Ann, wife of Dr. McKinzie, now living at Crowley. Mr. Pevehouse took for his second wife Miss Frances Bowman, whom he married in 1860. Her death occurred on the 13th of October, 1870. She and Mr. Peve- house were the parents of the following children; William, who is married and resides in Lawrence County; Lucy Jane, the wife of George Gramling; John P., who died on the 81.st of March. 1SS8. at the age of twenty-two years: and Mary Elizabeth. February 16, 1873, Mr. Pevehouse married Mrs. Sarah Ann (Cooper) Allen, a native of Mississi])pi, who was reared in Tennessee, and came to Arkansas with her fiist husband, settling in Lawrence {'ouiity. In 1876 he purchased his ])resent pro]i erty of 160 acres, of which al>out five acres wen' cleared, and now has ninety-five acres in a tiIlHl>ii' condition and well imju'oved with good buildings, orchard, etc. His principal crops are corn and 16() HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. cotton, and he gives much attention to stock raising of a good grade, and also to the culture of bees. He is public spirited, and has held the offices of de[)uty sheriff and county clerk. In 1864 he enlisted in the Confederate army, and was with Price on his raid through Missouri, but being in poor health was left at Boonville. where he received good attention, and was soon after paroled and retm-ned home. The close of the war left him destitute, and since that time he has made his present property. I. H. Pillow, deputy sheriff, farmer and stock raiser of Greene County, Ark. , is a native of Giles County, Tenn., where he was born in 1851, being a son of Levi and Elizabeth (Willcockson) Pillow, also natives of that State. They came to Greene County, Ark., in 1851, settling on the farm on which the subject of this sketch is now living. The father made some valuable improvements on his place of 320 acres, and at the time of his death, in 1862, had cleared thirty acres from timber. In 1862 he enlisted in Capt. Clemens" company. Gen. Pillow's brigade, and at the tight at Fort Pillow became overheated, from the effects of which he died seven days latei-. He was a Democrat polit- ically, a Methodist in religious belief, and was a man always noted for his public spirit and benevo- lence. He left a widow and three children to mourn his loss, the names of the latter being: I. H., Sina M., wife of F. F. Martin, a farmer of Greene County, and Sarah A. , wife of N. A. Danley, also u farmer of Greene County. Mrs. Pillow was left to care for her cliildren with but little means, but with the aid of her son, she suc- ceeded in doing well for them. I. H. Pillow re- ceived only a limited education in his youth, but, assisted by his mother, witli subsequent api)lica- tiou he has become a practical and intelligent business man. December 28, 1872, he was mar- ried to Miss Martha, a daughter of Absalom and Mary (Cobal) Arn(^I, Teunesseeans, and by hor be- came the father of two chUdi-en; Mary E. and Annie Elnora. Mrs. Pillow died on the 29th of September, 1875, and November 26, 1876, he wedded Mrs. Martha (Newsom) Wood, a daughter of Henry and Grace A. Newsom, natives of Mis- sissippi. To this last marriage four children have been born: Ida Lee, Joseph Henry, Thomas A. and Charley. Ninety acres of his 160-acre farm are under cultivation, and well improved and culti- vated. His orchard is large and well selected and his crop is usually extensive. He is interested in stock-breeding, and has a fine Norman and Morgan stallion. His cattle are of the Durham breed, and his hogs are Berkshire and Jersey. During the fall, for the past fifteen years, he has oi)erated a threshing machine. Mr. Pillow, his wife, and two daughters are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is a class leader, and in his political views he is a stanch Democrat, having been elected on that ticket, in 1887, to the office of deputy sheriff, which position he has very accept ably filled up to the present time. Robert \V. Pruet, a well known and successful farmer of the county, was born in East Tennessee in 1825, and is the third in a family of fifteen children born to Willis and Mary (Williams) Pruet, who were also Tennesseeans, the paternal and maternal grandparents being from North Carolina and Virginia, respectively. Grandfather Pruet was a participant in the Creek war, and was at the battle of Horseshoe Bend. The maternal grand- parents lived to be very old, reaching the age of ninety and one hundred years. Willis Pruet was an extensive land holder in Tennessee, and dealt in stock, being a prominent and influential citizen of his time. He died in August, 1850. Robert A\'. Pruet was reared to farm labor, attended the com- mon schools, and after attaining his majority en- gaged in stock dealing, and also kept a country store for some time. In 1851 be was married to a Miss Stuart, a native of Illinois, and in 1853, in com pany with three brothers, came to Northeast Ar- kansas and settled in Greene County, where he entered 120 acres, on which he at once located and began improving. In 1858 he sold his pro[)- erty with the intention of going to Texas, but in- stead purchased 160 acres of wild land in St. Francis Township, 100 acres of which he now has under excellent cultivation, furnished with good buildings and orchards. He devotes the most of his land to general farming, and raises cotton, corn, -IL. GREENE COUNTY. IftT and the smaller grains, the land yielding a good average. He is trying to improve his stock and is going to cross his cattle with Jersey. In 1872, in jsartnership with his brother, C D. Pruet, he opened a general store on his brother's fcarm, ami they carried on an extensive business for many years. In 1862 he and two brothers, with several brothers in-law, enlisted in the Twenty-fifth Ar- kansas Infantry, but he served only seven months, when he was discharged on account of illness, at Georgetown, Ky. In 1870 Mrs. Pruet died, and for several years Mr. Pruet resided with his brother. In 1877 he married Frances Owens, who was born in West Tennessee, though reared in Ar- kansas, to which State she was brought by her father. Dr. Owens, who practiced in this vicinity for a number of years, and died from an accidental fall from his horse. Mr. Pruet is an active worker in church and school matters, and is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, the building in which he worships being on ground donated by himself; this was erected by means contributed mostly by the Pruet brothers. Mr. Pruet is one of the original members of the first church organized in this section in 1858. W. S. Pruet. Prominent among the much es- teemed and respected citizens of Paragould stands the name of Mr. Pniet, who was born in Koane County, Tenn. , September 27, 1829, and who is the son of Willis and Polly E. (Williams) Pruet, natives also of Roane County, Tenn. Willis Pruet was a very successful man, both as a farmer and speculator. He died in Memphis in 1851, while there on business. The mother died in ISdO. in Greene County, Ark. Their family consisted of fifteen children, nine of whom lived to be grown, but only two now living: Robert and Willis S. The paternal and maternal grandparents were na tives of Virginia and North Carolina, respectively, and were early settlers of Tennessee. The pater- nal great-grandfather was in the Indian wars. M'illis S. Pruet. the subject of this sketch, was reared on a farm in Roane Count}'. Tenn., and in that county received his education. In 1857 he came to Greene County, Ark. . when there were very few settlers, and when the city of Gainesville was represented by one business house and a clap- board hotel. He located about four miles south of what is now Paragould, on a farm in the forest, put up a little house, built of poles with clapboard roof, and lived in this style for about eighteen months, when his cabin burned down. He then put up a good log house, and lived there until 1869, when he moved to his present location, join- ing the town of Paragould. He bought 27 1 acres of laud along the railroad, and the principal part of the town lies on his land. When he first came to the county he had but $ 1 . 50, and neither a cow nor horse; but ho was determined to make a start, and by his industry and perseverance has accom plished his pur|)ose, and is now one of the sub- stantial men of the locality. He has about 600 acres of good land, and is also the owner of con siderable town proi)erty in Paragould. He con- tributes liberally to all worthy enterprises, and has been active in his endeavors to build up the town. In 1851 he married Miss Elizabeth Tucker, a na- tive of Alabama, by whom he has three children living: Julia, Sarah and Theresa. In 1862 Mr. Pruet enlisted in Capt. Pruet' s company, and served for three years. He was at the battles of Farmington, Murfreesboro, Richmond, Shiloh arid Jackson, Miss., and carried his brother, who was severely wounded, twice from the battle-field. He is a member of the lirm of D. D. Hodges & Co.. merchants of Paragould; is also dealing consider- ably in stock, and it may be noted that Mr. Pruet has been, and is. a leading spirit of the place. He and wife are members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. (Japt. Charles D. Pruet (deceased) was one of four brothers who came from Tennessee to Arkan- sas in 1857. and engaged in farming and stock raising, and various other enterprises. He was born in Roane County, Tenn., in 1827, and was married on the 28d of January, 1847, to Miss Caroline M. Nelson. After coming to Greene County, Ark., he entered a tract of laud on which he located and began improving. In 1S62 he joined the Confederate forces, being lieutenant <>f his company, and was soon after advanced to the rank of captain, and was in the army twenty two mouths, participating in the most of the battles in which the Army of the Cuuil)erland was enj^ageil. He was wounded in the engagement at Chicka- manga, and also at Mnrfreesboro, so severely in the latter battle that he was compelled to re- turn home. In 1870 he embarked in mercantile ])ursuits on his farm, in partnership with his brother Robert, and did a thriving business there for ten years. In the fall of 1882 he started a general store in the then new town of Paragould. being one of the first merchants of the place, and was alone in business until 1886, when he formed a partnership with D. D. Hodges, and the firm name was changed to C. D. Pruet & Co.. remain- ing as such until Mr. Pruet' s death on the 20th of August. 1887. He was a prominent Mason, and was buried \>y that order. He operated a cotton gin on his farm for many years, and was engaged in stock raising and dealing. He left a fine farm of over 500 acres, the most of which was in a high state of cultivation, and also left behind him a name that will long be remembered, for he was honest, industrious and enterprising, and known to be a stanch supporter of church and educational institutions. He was well-known throughout the country as a man of unimpeachable honesty, and was possessed of exceptionally fine business qualifications, and natural characteristics which won the respect of all. He contributed the most of the means for the erection of a church near his home, and ilid much to build up the town of Paragould. being one of the best business men of the place. He was followed to his long home by numerous friends and neighbors who had known and loved him in life, and is now sleeping in the cemetery near the scene of his greatest usefulness. He was married in 1875 to Miss Irene McElwee. a native of Tennessee, who came to Arkansas with her mother in 1878. Her father, Samuel McElwee. was an extensive farmer and died in 18B5. Mrs. Pruet" s mother resides with her on the homestead in Arkansas. George M. Rosengrant, manufacturer of lum- ber and cooperage, Paragould. Ark. The business interests of this portion of the country are well represented by the subject of this sketch, George M. Rosengrant, who bas been located long enough at this i)lace to become firmly established. He was born in Wyandot County. Ohio, in October, 1855, and is the son of James and Lenora (Con- nor) Rosengrant, both natives of the Buckeye State. The father was a large stock dealer, and is now deceased. George M. Rosengrant grew to manhood in Guernsey County, of his native State, received his education in the common schools, and subsequently attended the college at Antrim, Ohio. At the age of sixteen he began to learn telegraphy, which he continued for five years for the Pennsyl- vania Railroad Company. He then engaged in the lumber business in Wyandot County, Ohio, where he caiTied on a good trade until 1884, when he came to Greene County, Ark., and located at Paragould. Here he established his present busi- ness and has been occupied in the manufacture of lumber ever since. He added the cooperage de- partment in the winter of 1888. He runs a large mill and employs on an average fifty men. In the year 1883 he chose Miss Kitty Jurenall, a native of Wyandot County, Ohio, for his companion in life. Mr. Rosengrant averages about $75,000 annually from his mill business, and aside from this he is the owner of 5,000 acres of land, all of which has valuable timber thereon. He is a sub- stantial, representative business man, is a member of the Knights of Pythias, and a progressive, en- terprising citizen of the county. T. T. Ross. Few men have attained greater prominence in Greene County, in a social as well as business point of view, than has Mr. Ross, who by his pleasant and courteous manner has made many friends and built up a successful trade. He was born in Kentucky, in 1826, and is the son of Caleb and Alifal (Hutchison) Ross, and the grandson of William Ross, who was born in Maryland, and came to Kentucky at an early day. Caleb Ross was also a native of Maryland, and was there married to Miss Hutchison. T. T. Ross left his native State in 1873, emigrating to Greene Coimty. Ark., and locating on a farm two miles north of where Marmaduke is now standing. This land he opened up and improved eighty acres, erected buildings and remained on the same for about five years, when he sold out and moved to the village of Marmadvike. Here he has since been engaged in merchandising, and has built up a good trade. Ho has a conven- ient, substantial building for that purpose, two stories high, the upper portion of which is used for a dwelling. He was married, in Kentucky, to Miss Martha Coles Otey, who died, leaving two chil- dren: C. H. , who resides in Greene County, mar- ried, and the father of two children; and Susan, who married L. C. Harvey, a farmer of Greene County, and has two children. Mr. Ross was married to the sister of his lirst wife. Miss Eliza- beth Otey, and they are the parents of three chil- dren: Frances Orlena, wife of James Stone, re- sides one and a half miles from Marmaduke and has four childj-en; Margaret A., wife of A. B. Har- vey, is living in Marmaduke and keeps the hotel, also being engaged in farming, and has live chil- dren; and W. A., a merchant of Marmaduke. Mr. Ross is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and Evergreen Lodge of the I. O. O. ¥. He has been a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church since eighteen years of age. Dr. Jefferson Davis Sibert, an eminent physician of Walcott, Greene County, Ark., was born in Ala- bama in 1858 and is the youngest of a family of six childien, born to the marriage of Henry Sibert and Dorcas Edwards, who were also born in Alabama, the former being an extensive farmer and mer- chant. The paternal grandfather, David Sibert, was engaged in farming in South Carolina and was a soldier in the Indian wars. He removed to Ala- bama in 1834 and bought extensive tracts of land in the northeast part of that State, on which he died in 1874 at the extreme old age of 100 years. The maternal grandfather, Jesse Edwards, came to Alabama and also settled in the northeast part of the State. He purchased his lauds from the Indians, and was one of the most extensive real estate holders of the State. His death occurred in 1868. Henry Sibert, the father of our subject, was reared on a farm and did much to improve the large tracts of land bought by his father. At the breaking out of the late Civil War ho enlisted in the Third Alabama and .served throughout the struggle, thirteen months of this time being spent I I in prison. His uncle, Jeptha Edwards, was a col- onel in the Mexican War, also in the late war, and has represented his county in the State legisla- ture, being a well known citizen of Alabama. After the war Mr. Sibert engaged in farming and mer- cantile pursuits, and he and wife are now residing on the old homestead in Northeast Alabama. At the age of fourteen years. Dr. Jefferson Davis Si- bert entered Andrews' Institute and finished a course of five years, after which h<^ immediately began the study of medicine, entering the medical department of the Vanderbilt I'niversity, at Nash ville, Tenn., in 1880, and graduating as an M. D. in 1882. In the spring of that year he commenced practicing his profession near his old home, but came to Greene County, Ark. , at the end of one year. After residing here a year, he returned to his native State and practiced three years. Since that time he has j)ermanently located at Walcott, Ark., where he enjoys a large practice, and is be- coming well known in this, as well as other counties. He has a pleasant home in the town and is highly esteemed by his neighbors. In 1 887 he was united in marriage to Miss Victorine Crowley, a daughter of Capt. Crowley, whose sketch appears in this work. By her he has one child, a bright little daughter named Eleanor. The Doctor has two brothers who are practicing physicians of Alabama, and another brother who is an extensive farmer and stock raiser of that State. Joseph P. Smelser is classed among the worthy and leading tillers of the soil of Greene County, of which he is a native, having been born in 1858. He was a son of John W. and Nancy (Clark) Smelser, who were born on Kentucky soil and in Tennessee, respectivelj-. They came to Greene County, Ark. . on the 6th of May, 1836, and located in Cache Township, where the paternal grandfather, Abra- ham Smelser, settled on a tract of wild land and opened up 100 acres. He and wife reared a large family of children, and both died of smallpox in 1863. John W. Smelser was their oldest child, and attained his majority in this section of the country. In 1864 he joined Price in his raid through Missouri, but since the war has given his attention to farming and merchandising at Crow- 170 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ley, he aud wife being memljers of the Methodist Episcopal Church at that place. To them were born seven children, three of whom are deceased. Joseph P. Smelser is their fifth chihl and grew to manhood in Cache Township, receiving a very limited education in his youth. At the age of twent}- years he began earning his own living, and was married to Miss Margaret Adams, residing on the old home place for eight years. He then came to his present location, which was then a tract of wild land, aud now has fifty acres under cultiva tion, improved with good buildings, etc. Although not active in politics, he votes the Democratic ticket, and he and wife are members of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church, South. They are the parents of two children: John William and Nancy Ann Delvada, who died at the age of seven years, after a brief illness of five days. David A. Smith. In the space allotted in this volume it would be impossible to give a detailed account of the career of this gentleman, but it is only just to say that in his walk through life his course has been marked by honesty, industry, and a manly, independent spirit. His birth occurred in Middle Tennessee on the Sth of July. 182<), and he was the eldest in a family of twelve children born to Stantford and jMargaret (Tassey) Smith, who were natives of North Carolina and Alabama, respectively, and with their parents removed to Tennessee at an early day. where they met and married. In the fall of l-^'i.") they came to Greene County, Ark., and bought a tract of K3O acres of land which was in a wild stat(^ and on this they located, improved it. and resided here until 187fi, when the father died. His wife's death occurred on April Sth, 1 874. David A. Smith was reared to manhood on this farm and, besides be- coming familiar with the details of farm work, learned the car])enter's trade of his father, fol- lowing this occupation in Tennessee and also after coming to Arkansas. He came to the latter vState at the same time of his parents' removal and bought UiO acres of wild land on Sugar Creek, on which he erected buildings, set out orchards, and cleared forty acres. After making this his home for about fifteen vears. he sold out and purchased liis present property on Crowley's Ridge, which consists of 225 acres of land, !<•() of which are under cultiva- tion. He has cleared forty acres himself and has made other improvements, which goes to make his home one of the most valuable in the country. He does general farming, raising corn, the smaller cereals, and cotton. He also has a good apple and peach orchard. During the intervals between the farming seasons he has worked at the carpen- ter's trade, and has built most of the better class of houses in the township, among which are the residences of Capt. Crowley and Mrs. Boyd. Mr. Smith was married on the 6th of January. 1858. to Miss Margaret Pevehouse, a native of Arkansas, l)y whom he became the father of six children, four of whom are living: William W. C, Sarah Ann, who died at the age of twenty years: Mary Elizabeth, who died when one year old; Logan L. R., Susan Causada, wife of G. B. Harris, a resident of the count}-; and James A. Smith. In 1879 Mr. Smith lost his worthy wife, and in 1879 he wedded Mrs. Cothren. He is quite an active politician and has served as bailiff of Greene County. He is a patron of ediTcation and is at present a director of his school district. Simpson Smith. In former years the life of the farmer was considered a laborious one. Vmt in this progi'essive age. with such improvements in machinery, he can do his work with half the dis- patch or labor as in the time of his father, and in fact works but little if any harder than the aver- age man who strives to make a living. Besides all this he is independent, which is one of the much .sought-for conditions of life. Mr. Smith is one of the successful farmers who have kept thoroughly apace with the times, and has reached the condition of life mentioned above. He was born in Benton County, Tenn. , in 1833, and is the son of William and Elizabeth (Lewis) Smith, na- tives respectively of South Carolina and North Carolina. William Smith came with his parents to Tennessee when a small boy. settling in Maury County for some time, and then moved to Benton County, where he passed the remainder of his days. He was a farmer and trader by occupation. He volunteered in the war under Gen. Jackson. \ Jacksdn County, Arkansas GREENE COUNTY. 171 Mrs. Smith was horn in 1798, and died May 13, 188U, on the old home place in Tennessee. She was a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Their family consisted of eight children, six now living: Angoline, Ellen, Eliza- beth, Simpson, Mary and Thomas J. Those de- ceased died in infancy. Simpson Smith grew to manhood on the home place in Tennessee, and at the age of fourteen years began working for him- self as a day laborer. After this he worked on the railroad for two or three years, then farmed for some time, and when the war broke out he en- listed in the Confederate army, Company I. Forty-ninth Volunteer Infantry, and served three j years. He was in the battles of Fort Donelson, j Port Hudson and Jackson, Miss. He was taken ; prisoner twice, first at Fort Donelson, and was carried to Chicago, where he was retained seven months and three days, and was then exchanged. He then returned to the South, entering the Southern army in the same company, re-organized and consolidated with the Forty-eighth Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, and was captured at Port Hudson, but was soon afterward paroled, when he returned home and resumed his farm work. He I remained in Tennessee until 1881, when he came to Arkansas and settled on his present farm in I Greene County. He had first moved to Arkansas in 1854, but later returned to the home-place, where he was married, in 185(), to Miss Ellen Erp, a native of Benton County, Tenn. The result of J this union was the birth of nine children, seven now living: William, Mary, Belle, Caldonia, John, Augustus, Scott, Doy, Daniel Lee and Vency. Those deceased were Porter and an infant un- named. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are members of the Methodi.st E])iscopal Cliurch, South, in which he is a deacon. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , is a Democrat in politics, and tak(>s an active y)art in all public enterprises. He has a tine farm. with 170 acres under cultivation, and is one of the leading farmers of the county. Irvin G. Smith, whose career as a farmer has been one of success and prosperity, was born in Benton County, Tenn., in 184(>, and is the sou of John and Fannie (Krj)) Smith, both natives of North Carolina, who came to Benton County, Tenn., with their pwents when children. They were married in that State after growing u)i, and there the father followed farming until his death, which occurred in 1877 at the age of fifty-six years. The mother died in 1802 at the age of forty years. In their family were seven children, six of whom are still living: Irvin G. . Disa (now Mrs. Smith), Harvey, Jonathan. Berry H., Thomas \\'. and Simpson. Harvey died at the age of eighteen years. Irvin G. Smith attained his majority on a farm in Tennessee, and when of age commenced for himself on the home place, where he remained until 18()1. when he enlisted in the Confederate army, Fortj'-ninth Tennessee; the regiment was captured at Fort Donelson and taken to Chi- cago. Mr. Smith was sick at this time and was at home. As soon as able he went back to the army, joined the Thirteenth Tennessee Cavalry, and served until the close of the war. He was captured at or near Johnsonville, Tenn., and was put on a parole of honor. He participated in the Okolona, Miss. , battle, was also in the battle of Yazoo City, Bolivar, Tenn., Johnsonville, Tenn., and in a numljer of other engagements. After the cessation of hostilities Mr. Smith returned to Tennessee, re- sumed his farming interests, and thus continued un- til 187;^ when he came west to Arkansas and located in Greene County, three miles southwest of where he now lives. In 1870 he moved to his present property, where he has remained ever since. He was married in 1808 to Miss Louisa Swindle, a native of Benton County. Toun. , born in 1 84-t, and # the daughter of Thomas and Mariam Swindle, na- tives respectively of South Carolina and Kentucky. Thomas Swindle went from South Carolina to Illi- nois, thence to Tennessee, where he was married in 1832, and is still living in Benton County, Tenn. He was born in the year 1814, as was also his wife. She died March 10. 1872. Both were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. After the death of his wife Mr. Swindle married Mrs. Nancy Har ris, who still survives. Mrs. Smith is one of twelve children, eight of whom are living, born to her parents. She was reared in Tennessee, and by her marriatre to Mr. Smith became the mother of A. 172 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. three childi-eu, all living: Martha A., wife of William Swindle, now residing in Greene Coun- ty, Ark. ; Walter D. and Cordal C, at home. Mr. Smith resides three and a half miles southwest of Gainesville, where he has improved a good farm and has 155 acres under cultivation. He is an active worker in school affairs, and is director in his district. He served as deputy sheriff in 1881-82- 83 and 1884 under Mr. Willcocksou, and served as constable of his district to till a vacancy. In 1883 he was elected to that position, which he held one term. Mrs. Smith is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. E. T. Smith is the junior member of the firm of Smith & Son, proprietors of a lumber mill on Bark Camp Island, Greene County, Ark. The busi- ness was established in August, 1878, and is man- aged by a force of thirty-five men, the capacity being 25,000 feet per day. Mr. Smith was bom on Blue Grass soil, in 1851 (Hopkins County, Ky. ), and was the youngest of a family of five chil- dren of W. E. and Sarah (Hicklin) Smith, who were also Kentuckians. The father removed to Greene County, Ark., in 1885, and now resides in Paragould, being senior member of the lumber milling firm. E. T. Smith's early days were spent in following the plow and in attending the common schools of Kentucky. He was married in Hick- man County, of that State, in 1880, to Ella Leet, a native of Kentucky, and by her has an interest- ing little family of three children: Dora, Kenner and Charley M. Socially he is a member of the Knights of Honor, and in his political views affili- ates with the Democratic party. He is enterpris- ing and industrious, and promises to become in time one of the wealthy citizens of the county. S. J. Smith was born about two miles north- west of Paragould, Greene County, Ark. , December 20, 1852, and is one of three surviving members of a family of eleven children, born to Charles C. and Millie J. Smith, who were Tennesseeans, and came to Arkansas by ox team when the country was almost a wilderness, inhabited by Indians and wild animals, the latter being very plentiful. A brother of our subject killed sixteen bear the first year. The father cleared the land upon which Paragould is now situated, afterward moving to Buffalo Island, and still later (in 1861) to the farm of 160 acres, on which his sons, John and Joseph, are now living. He died in April, 1865, still survived by his widow, who is living in Craig- head County. When S. J. Smith first came to Arkansas his time was about equally divided be- tween farming in the summer, and hunting and trapping during the cold weather, the latter occu- jjation being the more profitable. By industry and good management he has become the owner of 120 acres of land, the most of which is covered with timber, but has forty-five acres under cultiva- tion, and sixty-five under fence, improved with substantial buildings and good orchard. He well remembers the time when there were only two farms in a radius of ten miles, and can point out hundreds of acres of land then covered with tim- ber and water, which is now in dry and well cultivat- ed farms. He raises cotton and corn, also horses, cattle and hogs. He was married, in 1870, to Miss Mary F. Sypes, a daughter of Eli and Christina Sypes, natives of North Carolina, who came to Perry County, Mo. , at a very early day, where the father followed the occupation of farming and blacksmithing until his death. Five of their eight children are living: Eli J., Calvin L. , George \\',, Martha and Charles Andrew. W. H. Sollis, a member of the firm of W. H. Sollis & Co., merchants, is one among the first business men of Paragould, having established his business here in July, 1882, when the town was in its infancy. The firm was changed to its present name in March, 1883. Mr. Sollis was born in Duplin County, N. C. , July 31, 1837, and is a sou of Luke and Martha (Taylor) Sollis, natives of North Carolina, but of French descent. The paternal grandfather, Abraham Sollis, was born in France, and emigrated to North Carolina at an early day. There he passed his last days. Luke Sollis was married in North Carolina, and emi- grated to Tennessee about 1840, where he fol- lowed farming until his death. The mother also died in that State. They were the parents of nine children, only one now living, W. H. Sollis, who is the subject of this sketch. He was reared and cr^ lil. GREENE COUNTY. 173 educated in Gibson County, Tenn., and was attending school when the Civil War broke out. He left the school room to defend his country, en- listing in Companj' D. Seventh Tennessee Cavalry, in 1861, and served until the close of the war. He was at the battles of Belmont, Mo. , Britton's Lane, last battle of Corinth, and at West Point, Miss. , where he was captured and carried to Memphis, thence to Alton, and from there to Camp Douglas. He was kept a prisoner for sixteen months, and experienced many hardships during that time. He had two horses shot from under him while in ser- vice, but never received the least wound himself. At the close of the war he was paroled, after which he returned to Tennessee and began speculating in cotton. He was turned loose without a dollar and re- mained in that condition for one year, when he went to Cincinnati and obtained a position in a whole- sale clothing house as traveling salesman. He was engaged in this for about one year, after which he returned home and embarked in merchandising, which he continued until January, 1870, when he went to Memj)his, Tenn. , and was here interested in the commission business. This he carried on until September, 1871, when he was driven out by the yellow fever, and again his fiuancial condition was in a very low state. He did not despair, luit with renewed energy started out and was soon on a sound footing. He then decided to go to Greene County, Ark., and arrived here September 17, 1871. He located on a farm he had previously liought, and which was all that he had left, engaged in farming and this c6ntinued until 1882, when he resumed merchandising. He was agent for the Pomona Nursery of Tennessee for two years, and has planted more fruit trees in Greene County than any two men in it. He is the owner of 610 acres of land, with about 100 acres under culti- vation, which he improved himself. He was mar- ried in March, 1868, to Miss Louisa C. Ferrell, a native of Tennessee, and the result of this union is one child: A\'illie. wife of John Reeves. Mrs. Sollis is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Sollis has erected several houses in Paragould, and completed his brick store in February, 1889. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. John R. Starnes. The growth and jirosperity of Greene County, Ark., has been upon a scale commensurate with the immigration to this region in past years, and this prosperity is largely due to the members of the agricuUiiral profession, prominent among which stands the name of Mr. Starnes. He was born in Lauderdale County, Tonn. , in 1829, and there reimiined until 1871, having been engaged in farming for himself since 1861. Since the year 1871 he has resided in Greene County, Ark. , and since 1876 has been a resident of his present farm, where he is doing a prosperous business, and besides being engaged in tilling the soil, gives considerable attention to stock raising. He was married in 1861 to Miss Eliza- beth Lacey, who was born in Henderson County, Tenn., in 1838, and is the mother of three chil- dren: Josephus, Marshall and Parlee. Mr. and Mrs. Starnes are members of the Baptist Church, of which he is an active sujiporter, and in his po- litical views he is a stanch Republican. His par ents. Marshall and Sarah (Golden) Starnes, were born in Tennessee and North Carolina, respectively, in 1818, and were married on the 6th of Decem- ber. 1838. The father was reared in Tipton County, Tenn., but when a young man located in West Tennessee, on a farm, and there continued to make his home until 1871, when he came to Ar- kansas, and is now residing in Greene County on the farm on which he first settled. He is a mem- ber of the Methodist Ejiiscopal Church, as was his wife, who died March 21, 184U. They were the parents of four children, John R. being the only one living. The father took for his second wife Parlee Johnson, on the 28th of May, 1851, and by her had twelve children, six now living: Mary J., Militia E. , Martha F. , Moses. Nancy P. and James. The paternal grandfather, Moses Starnes, was a Virginian, who became a resident of Tennes- see at an early day and died at middle age. having reared a large family of children. G. AN'. Stevenson has attained wealth as a planter and stock raiser by honest labor, and is a gentleman who commands the respect and esteem of all who know him. He was born in the year 1831, in Giles County. Tenn.. and is the youngest 174 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. in a family of ten children born to Elem and Lydia (Payne) Stevenson, both natives of the "Old North State." They were married there and at an early day moved to Tennessee, locating in Giles County, where the father opened up quite an ex- tensive farm and was a large slaveholder. He died in 1876 at the age of ninety-one years, having been a minister of the gospel for sixty-seven years, being the oldest one in Middle Tennessee at the time of his death. His wife died in 1874 at the age of eighty-nine years. The paternal grand- father was born in Ireland, and was one of the early settlers of North Carolina, and a soldier in the Revolutionary War. The maternal grand- father, also born in the Emerald Isle, was an early resident of North Carolina, and was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. G. W. Stevenson was reared to manhood in Middle Tennessee, and re- ceived his education in Forest Hill Acadejuy, and Giles College, at Pulaski. At the age of twenty- one years he began teaching school, and has fol- lowed this occupation very successfully up to the present time, being also engaged in tilling the soil and raising stock. He was married in Lincoln County, Tenn., May 2U, 1855, to Miss M. J. Thorp, who was born in that county, and is a daughter of Joel and Elizabeth (Osborne) Thorp, who were also Tennesseeans. The father was a wealthy planter and died in 1847, still survived by the mother. In 1861 Mr. Stevenson enlisted in Company A, Eleventh Tennessee Cavalry, and was mustered into service at Nashville, afterward participating in the battles of Corinth, luka, Chickamauga, and oth(>rs of minor importance. He served as a scout for some time, and after the war returned to Tennessee, emigrating in 1884 to Greene County, Ark. . where he is now residing on a farm of '200 acres, 123 of which are under culti- vation. He is interested in buying, selling and raising stock. He is a stanch Democrat in politics, and was electeil l)y that party to the office of county treasurer, and also to the office of justice of the peace. Socially he belongs to the I. O. O. F., Paragould Lodge No. 13, of which order he has been a member for over forty years, having passed all the chairs, and was grand lecturer of ^^'est Tennessee. He is chaplain in the A. F. & A. M., and also belongs to the Center Hill Wheel. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and are the parents of eight chil- dren, five of whom are living: Margaret Alice (Mrs. Huckabay), Louisa A. (Mrs. Dover), Will- iam Ernest, Ulpian Baker and Mollie Ann Baxter. Mr. Stevenson has been identifi<>d with the county's interests for many years, and has always been an advocate of churches, schools and temperance. He was the first examiner of (ireene County. J. R. Taylor, ex-editor of the Paragould Press, was born in Williamson County, Tenn.. in 1854, and was left an orphan at two years of age. He spent his boyhood days in Humphreys County, Tenn., receiving an ordinary common-school edu- cation, and having no means by inheritance, was obliged to start out at an early age to support himself. He worked for wages on a farm six years, and in 1874 went to West Tennessee, where he spent five years teaching in the common schools of Obion, Gibson and Madison Counties. He was elected to the Academic Chair in Odd vFellow's College, at Humboldt, Imt failed to receive notice of such election in time to accept the position. He commenced the newsjiaper Inisiness at Bell's Depot in 1880, and published a paper at Dyers- burg one year. He was married in January,- 1882, to Miss Lucy White, of Jackson, Tenn., and in March, 1883, he moved to Jonesboro, Ark., where he established the Jonesboro Democrat. He was elected mayor of that city in 188f), and re- signed the editorship of the Democrat. Before the term of mayor had expired he bought the Paragould Press, and moved to Paragould. In De- cember, 1888, he sold the Press to W. A. H. Mc- Daniel, and established the Greene County Record in May, 1889. He was a candidate for State senator in 1888. but withdrew from the race in favor of Hon. B. H. Crowley, an old citizen and politician, it appearing that his age. long resi- dence and prominence with the people during the war, and just afterward, made him a probably stronger leader of the Democratic party. Mr. Taylor served as clerk of the senate judiciary committee of the last legislature, and reported GREENE COUNTY. J 75 spuatc |)roce('dings for the Daily Ciazette. Hi' is a ])iact.ical printer and journalist, and a stanch Democrat, but the nnHinching foe of monopoly. He read law but has never entered the i)ractice. Having consolidated the Record with the Press, he is now exclusively in the line of book and jol) printing, liaving the only exclusive job printing establishment in Northeast Arkansas. James S. Tenisson, a prominent citizen and farmer of Greene County, Ark., was born in A\"arreu County, Tenn., in 1826, and is the son of Abraham Tenisson, a native of Rowan County, N. C. His grandfather was a seaman from 1780 to 1800, when he returned to his home in Missis- sippi, where he died in 1847. His father was a highly respected farmer and stock raiser, and dealt extensively in mules. He died in 1858. James S. was educated in Tennessee, receiving all the advantages the county afforded. He came to this Slate in 1S50, and now owns I'iO acres of good land and fine stock. He is the father of ten children, seven of whom are living, and six of these are married and have families. Five of them live in this township, and one is a leading merchant of Coquille City, Cove County, Ore. Thomas F. was born August 10, 1S5J; John H. , May 12, 1859; Elizabeth, April 26. 1862; George M., March 12, 1865: Martha, August 21, 1867; Julia A., January 2, 1870, and Albert N., February 18, 1875. Albert is still at home and assists his father in cultivating the farm. Mr. Tenisson has been for six years justice of the peace of Salem Town- ship. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, having held all of the oilices from worshipful master to warden. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Church, and are liberal in their support of all praiseworth}' enterprises. \V. F. Thoraj)son. Greene County, Ark., is one of the most fertile counties in the State, and in this higldy productive region Mr. Thom])son has resided since 185'J. becoming well and favorably known, for he commenced life a poor boy and is now one of the well-to-do citizens of the county. He was born in Giles County. Tenn.. in 18;{2, and was the second of six children born to John and Lucy (Meeler) Thompson, who were natives respect- ively of Tennessee and Virginia. They were married in the former State, and there the father was engaged in wagon making and blacksmithing until his death, which occurred in 1841. His wife survived him many years and died in 1875. Her father was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and entered the service at the early age of thirteen years. W . F. Thompson has been familiar with farming from boyhood, and received his education in the district schools of Tennessee. After the death of his father the most of the farm work devolved upon him, and at the age of nineteen years he began tilling the soil for himself. When twenty years old he went to Pope County, 111., where he was engaged in farming for about seven years, moving in 185S to Arkansas, and the follow- ing year to Greene County, where he enti'red a tract of' 160 acres, and opened up and cleared about eighty acres of land. He erected thereon a small log cabin, but built twice afterward, and in 1882 put up a large frame house and set out an orchard. He has divided his land, and now owns eighty acres, all of which, however, is under cul- tivation. He was married in Greene County, Ai-k.. in December, 1858, to IMiss Millie T. Hollerman, of North Carolina, and a daughter of John and Millie (Hartso) Hollerman, who moved from their native State to Greene County. Ark., in 1855, both of them now being deceased. Mr. Thomp.son has resided on his ])resent farm ever since his marriage. He assisted in organizing Clay County, Ark. He is a member of the Union I^abor i)arty, but is not a seeker after office. In„1862 he enlisted in Com- pany D, First Arkansas Battery, and went into service at Pocahontas, being second lieutenant of his company. He was at Fort Farmington, Miss. , and received his discharge at Tu)ieloin 1863. after which he returned to Greene County, Ark. In 1865 he went into a cavalry company and served until the close of the war. later on returning to the farm. He is a member of the Agricultural Wheel, and he and wife are members of the Baptist Church. Six of their nine children are living: William Oriu. who died in 187:?, at the age of fourteen years; Sidney Thomas, who is married and resides in Greene County: Eliza Jane, wife of HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Elijah Goff, died on the 23d of February, 1883. at the age of eighteen years; John AVesley, mar- ried and residing in the county; Sebell (Mrs. De- Moss), resides in Friendship Township; Mary Angeline ( Mrs. Burgess), resides in Lake Township ; Emma Elizabeth (Mrs. Peyton), residing on the home farm; Lucy, who died in infancy, and Nar- cissus at home. Mr. Thompson is rearing a boy, named George Thompson. Rev. J. T. Thompson, a prominent merchant of Marmaduke, and one of the representative men of the county, was born near Jackson, West Tenn., January 27, 1833, and is of English par- entage. His father, James Thompson, was a na- tive of North Carolina, in that State growing to manhood, and was there married to Miss Lydia Ter- rell. He followed the occupation of a farmer, but also carried on the blacksmith trade for many years. In 1825 he moved to Tennessee, and there lost his wife, when their son, J. T. . was seven months old. The latter attained his growth in Tennessee, attending the common country schools, and at the age of nineteen years was united in marriage to Miss Mary J. Worrell, who bore him eight children, seven of whom are now living; James F., married and engaged in the marble business at Helena, Ark.; J. P., a carpenter by trade, living in West Tennessee, is married and has one child; J. J., a carpenter at Marmaduke, is married and has one child; Albert Sidney was a cari^enter by trade, who, while occupied at his work on a house in Rector, in 1887, fell and was so injured that he died a few days later; Mary T. is at home; Sarah A. married Joseph Conger, of Greene County, and is now living on a farm near Marmaduke; Susan E. is at home and so also is William H. Mr. Thompson enlisted in the Fifty- first Confederate Tennessee Regiment, in Novem- ber, 1861, at Jackson, Tenn., and was in serv- ice in that State, Alabama and Mississippi. His regiment was captured at Fort Donelson, but he succeeded in making his escape on a steamboat up the Tennessee River. His recjiment was reorganized at Corinth in the March following, and then in May he was sent home on sick furlousrh. Having suf- ficiently recovered by August of the same year, he enlisted in the Fourteenth Tennessee Cavalry, in Gen. Forrest's command, and took part in his campaigns through Mississippi, Tennessee and Alabama, in 1865. He was detached from his command in December, and never returned to his regiment until after the close of the war, and so was never discharged. After the war he returned to Jackson, Tenn. , remained there for some time, and then was in Denmark for about four years. He moved to Arkansas in 1870, settling within two miles of Marmaduke, where he followed farming until 1888, and then bought out the drug firm of Huckabay & Moore, in Marmaduke. Since then he has added dry goods, notions, etc. For his second wife Mr. Thompson chose Mrs. Martha A. Brand, and four children have been the result of this union ; Robert Lee, Rosa B. , Beuna C. ("Dot ") and an infant, Charles C. Mi-. Thomp- son is thoroughly identified with all public enter- prises, and a liberal contributor to the same. He was licensed to preach in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in 1874, and has since ministered to the spiritual wants of his fellow men in that church. He is a member of the Masonic frater- nity. Blue Lodge, in which he has filled all the chairs. Mrs. Thomjison and most of the children are also members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Rev. David Thorne, an extensive farmer and fruit-grower, of Greene County, Ark., was born in Edgecombe County, N. C, in 1828. His parents, Thomas and Morning (Dawes) Thorne, were of English descent, and were also born in the "Old North State," the former's birth occurring in 1781. while Gen. Cornwallis was encamped within seven miles of the scene. He emigrated to Madi- son County, Tenn., in 1831, located, and became an extensive farmer, and owned slaves, departing this life in his eighty-second year. He and his life-partner lived together nearly fifty- five years, raising to maturity eleven children, and losing one in infancy. His father. Nicholas Thorne, accord- ing to family tradition, was liorn in North Caro- lina about 1730 or 1740. His father, Richard Thorne, was born in England, about the year 1700 or 1710, and came to America, perhaps, about the r'^ GREENE COUNTY. 177 year 1710 or 1720, serving an apprenticeship in Charleston, S. C. His son, Nicholas Thorne, was a farmer, and participated in the Revolution- ary War, on the side of the colonies. David Thorne, the subject of this sketch, attained his majority in Madison County, Tenn., and received his education in the common schools and the acad- emy at Denmark, Madison County, Tenn., his instructor in-chief being Dr. William L. Slack, now of Friar's Point, Miss. While a resident of Hardeman County, Tenn., in the year 1859-60, he was elected presiding justice of the county and probate court, which position was held two or three terms, and was much esteemed by him; indeed, with one exception, that honor was held par excellence among many favors conferred by the grand old county of Hardeman, because it was bestowed gratuitously and without solicitation. Emigrating to Greene County in 1871, three years after, in 1874, he was prevailed upon, by strong and urgent solicitation, to become a candidate for the constitutional convention, making the race be- fore the people in competition with Hons. L. L. Mack and B. H. Crowley, and was beaten by only fifteen votes, by Mr. Crowley. He was afterward elected county and probate judge, and served one term. Having been reared by pious and religious parents, he naturally felt an interest in Christi- anity, and for nearly forty years has had member- ship in a Missionary Baptist Church, and since 18fi8 has been engaged in the ministry. Before closing this sketch it is proper to say, that Mr. Thorne attributes everything pertaining to what he is and has enjoyed, as respects morals and re- ligion, to parental training and early impressions made In' Christian parents in their work in the family nursery; and, in justice to them, whatever may have been accom]ilished in the way of good — yea. even the hope of Heaven, under the blessings of God— all is dedicated in memory to the Christ- ian iniluonce of loved parents that have laid their armor by. The subject of this sketch is sharing the income of a good farm, and is taking a warm interest in fruit-growing, for which this section seems well adapted. The crowning blessing, re- ferred to heretofore, which Hardeman County be- stowed, was the gift, in marriage, of one of her best daughters, in the person of Miss Mary A. Toone, who was a daughter of James Toone, Sr. ■James Toone, Sr. , was one of the pioneer settlers of West Tennessee, and Hardeman County was bis adopted home. Before the late war he was one of the leading farmers, owning large slave property. The marriage i)artnership entered into in June, 1857, by Mr. and Mrs. Thorne, has culminated in quite a family, namely: James L., Thomas L. B. , William H., David C. and Wiley, five sons: and Mary F. B., JinieB.. Ida R. and AUisE., four daughters; all have made the Christian profession, and the whole family are members of the same church — truly a Baptist family. John C. Tredaway is one of the successful farmers of Union Township, and one of its oldest settlers. He was born in Pendleton District. S. C, in 1812, and is a son of Richard and Nancy (Smith) Tredaway, who were born in Georgia and South Carolina, the former's birth occurring in 1787. He grew to manhood in his native State, was married in South Carolina, and after residing in Tenne.ssee for about ten years, returned to Georgia, where he was engaged in farming until his death in 1851. His wife was born in 1704 and died in 1871, and both were members of the Methodist Episcopal Chiu'ch, South. Of their ten children, eight lived to be grown, and seven are living at the present time. The maternal grand- father came from Europe with two brothers and settled in Georgia, but it is not known where the others settled. He was a farmer, and lived and died in the state of his adoption, his death occur ring when between sixty and seventy years of age. His wife lived to be nearly 100 years old. and also died in Georgia. She was an earnest member of the Baptist Church. To them were born five chil- dren, the father of our sul)ject lieing the eldest. John C. Tredaway, who was the second of his par ents' children, grew to manhood in East Tennessee. At the age of twenty-one years he commenced for himself, engaging in the shoemaker's trade, and followed this occupation in connection with farm- ing until he went to Georgia, when he opened a wagon shop, which he managed with farming for <£ k_ ITS HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. eight years. In J 85(3 be came to Arkansas and located on a farm on Crowley's Ridge in Clay County, where he remained for about sixteen years, subsequently spc^nding three years in Boone County, Ark. Here his wife died on the I'ith of November, 1872, her birth occurring in South Carolina November 6, 1808, her maiden name being Rebecca Chapman. They were married August 21, 1834, and became the parents of ten children, four of whom are alive. The names of the children are: John W., who died in Tennessee; Asbury F., who first joined the Confederate army, and later, on account of his wife, joined the Union forces, went South, and as he was never after- ward heard fi'om, was supposed to have been killed; Francis M. , who served in the Confeder- ate army and died in Mississippi, being buried there with 10,000 other soldiers; William B. , also a Confederate soldier, was taken sick and died somewhere in the South; James R. , who sickened and died in Greene County, and was buried at Oak Bluff: Nancy E., wife of William Wagner, residing in Clay County, Ark.: Sidney S., a resi- dent of Clay County; Sarah A., wife of Benjamin Copeland, of Clay County ; Mary A. , wife of Buck Fain, of Boone County, Ark., and an infant not named. Mr. Tredaway was married a second time to Amanda Fielder, who was born in Hickman County, Tenn. , in 1840. To them six chikken have been born: Thomas F. , John W. W. , Edward S. , Mary and Martha (twins), and an infant that died in childhood, not named. Mr. Tredaway and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, the latter having been a professed Christian for fifty-eight years, and an active work- er in the church. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , and in his political views is a Democrat. Henry S. Trice, treasurer of Greene County, and undertaker, was born in Craighead County, Ark., November 'J, 1853, and is the son of Samuel T. and Sarah H. (Smith) Trice, both of whom were natives of Bedford County, Tenn. The par- ents emigrated to Craighead County, Ark. , in 1 853, and located on a farm eight miles north of Jones- boro. The father was one of the early settlers of that county, improved a good farm there, and attended to farming until his death, which oc- curred at his home, in August, 1861. He was county and probate judge of Craighead County when he died, and was a very prominent citizen. He was also for many years justice of the peace. The mother now resides in Jonesboro. They were the parents of six children, four of whom are now living: Joseph H. , Henry S. , Andrew J. and Sa- rah T. (wife of Franklin Lane). Henry S. Trice assisted his mother on the farm to make a hard- earned living, and received his education in Craig- head County. He followed farming until 1885, when he moved to Paragould, Greene County, and in the fall of 1886 established the undertaker's business, which he has since carried on. He was elected county treasurer of Greene County in 1886, and re-elected in 1888, thus illustrating his popu- larity. He was married in 1873 to Miss Margaret A. Gamble, a native of Bedford County, Tenn., and the fruits of this union are five children: Ada P., William F., Joseph T., Mary E. and Sarah V. Mr. and Mrs. Trice are members of the Jleth- odist Episcopal Church, and he is a member of the K. of r. William H. Walden, who is not only one of the substantial farmers of the county, but also re- spected and esteemed for his many good qualities, was born near Lexington, Ky., in 1840, and is the son of Coleman and Melvina (McKinney) Walden, both natives, also, of Kentucky. The father was a farmer by occupation, and died in 1878 at the age of fifty-five years. He had been twice mar- ried; first, in 1839, to Miss McKinsey, who died in 1846, leaving one child, William Walden. Mr. Walden then selected for his second wife Miss Louisa J. Price, a native of Kentucky. The fol- lowing children were the result of the second un- ion: John, Mollie, Elizabeth, Alice (deceased in infancy), Joshua L. (died when grown), George W., Mattie C. and Emma. William Walden moved with his parents to Haywood County, Tenn., in 1842, and there remained until 1878, when he came to Arkansas and located on his present farm, which he cultivates, but also, in connection, is en- gaged in running a cotton-gin. When the war broke out 'Mv. Walden enlisted in the Confederate GREENE COUNTY. 179 army, but was rejected on account of a crippled foot. During the latter part of the war, however, he enli.sted and was wounded at the Battle of Perryville, Ky. He was color-bearer of the Ninth Tennessee Regiment, Cheatham's division, and after receiving his wound he was taken to a hos- pital, where he remained about three weeks, fol- lowing which he was taken to Danville, Ky. , and tliere remained until able to go home. He was married to Mis.s Hattie T. Martin, a native of Haywood County, Tenn. , bora in 1841, who died April 17, 1886, in full communion with the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. Seven children were born to this union, all living: Edward C, (who married Mattie Russell and lives near the home place), John R. L.. James B. , Rosa Lee (wife of J. P. Hampton), Freddie, Walter B. and Jes- sie T. Mr. Walden was married the second time to Mrs. Mollie Bowler, nee Eiberhard, a native of New Orleans, who had previously married Eras- mus Bowler, who died April 7, 1886. Mr. Wal- den affiliates with the Democratic ])arty in his political views. Dr. Calvin Wall, president of the Bank of Paragoukl, and physician, was born in Spartanburg District, S. C, October 12. 182-4, and is the son of Zachariah and Oney (Clement) Wall, the father a native of Wilkes County, N. C, and the mother of South Carolina. The parents were married in South Carolina and remained there until their deaths, the father devoting himself to agricultural pur- suits. Their family consisted of ten children, only one now living, Dr. Calvin Wall. He was reared and educated in South Carolina, assisted on the farm until nineteen years of age, and then taught school until twenty-six years old, when he Vjegau the study of medicine. He graduated at the iledical University of Lexington, Ky., in lsr)4, and in July of the same year began practicing in Polk County, N. C where he remained until the latter part of 1857. He then returned to the homestead in South Carolina, where he stayed un- til Fel)ruary 7, 18ri9, when he started for Greene County, Ark. , coming through on horseback and arriving March 21). of that year. He located at Gainesville and entered upon the i)ractice of his profession, in 1S()() he went to Greensboro, Craig- head County, remained there six months and then returned home, where he practiced until 1886, when he came to Paragoukl. Here he has since continued to follow his profession. In March, 18Stt. he was elected president of the Bank of Paragoukl, which position he now occupies. He is also president of the Building and Loan Association, served two terms as county treasurer while living at Gainesville, and has been notary public for over twelve years. He owns several thousand acres of land in the county, with about 200 acres under cultivation. He was married March 18, 1800, to Miss Emily A. Gentry, a native of Tennessee, and to them have been born six children: Ona J., wife of Dr. Kitchen; Elmer S., wife of W. S. Ellis; MelvinC, Ethel M., Arthur G. and Ernest N. Mr. and Mrs. Wall are members of the Bap- tist Church. He is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, also belongs to the I. O. O. F., and is one of the oldest physicians, in ])oint of residence, in the county. Rev. Daviil B. Warren, a local minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, residing four miles south of Gainesville, Ark., was born in Giles County, Tenn., October 3, 1827, and is the fourth son of John B. and Rachael (Hunt) Warren, who were born near Petersburg, N. C. , the former February 27, 17'J(), and the latter November 24. 17U7. They were married about the year 1817. and about 1824 removed to Middle Tennessee, set- tling in Giles County. He was a farmer, and a part of his life worked at the blacksmith's trade, but gave up both occupations several years before his death owing to the failure in his eyesight, and the last five years of his life he was entirely l)liud. He was a worthy, good citizen, and in politics was an old line Whig. He took no part in the late Civil War, but was a soldier in the War of 1812. His wife was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. They both lived to a ripe old age: he died February 23, 1884, within only four days of being eighty-eight, and she died in March, 1885, wanting only a few months of being also eighty-eight. To them were boru nine children, all of whom lived to mature age: Henry J. (who 180 HISTOKY OF ARKANSAS. died ia 1882), Sarab J. L. (deceased), James A., Joseph A., David B., Mary F., Louisa E., Elmina M. (deceased) and William W. Rev. David B. Warren received a very meager education in the old field schools of that day, but after he attained the age of twenty-two attended better schools awaj' from home. In 1850 he taught his first session of three months, being employed by three of his neighbors for |25 (which was only 18 J^ per month). But this small beginning was sufficient to demonstrate his worth as a teacher, and for more than twenty years — six in Tennessee, and more than fourteen in Arkansas — his labors were crowned with great success, and many of the most useful and influential men and women in the com- munities where he taught in both States were his pupils in their youth, and received instruction at his hands. In 1854 he made a profession of religion, and two years later was licensed to preach, and has been a local minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, ever since. In 1870 and 1871 he was in charge of the Greenslwro circuit as a supply. He has been instriunental in doing much good, both as a teacher and a preacher, and has performed more marriage ceremonies and preached more fimeral sermons than almost any other preacher in Northeast Arkansas. In 1882 he was a lay delegate from the White River con- ference to the General conference of the Southern Mt^thodist Church, which met in Nashville, Tenn. , and faithfully represented his constituents in that highest and only legislative body of the church. He was ordained a deacon by Bishop Marvin, in 1867, and an elder by Bishop Kavanangh, in 1877, and worthily honors the church in the faithful discharge of the duties of these important oflices. He was married March 4. 1855, to Miss Lucy J. Ford, who was born in Giles County, Tenn., March 26, 1834, where she grew to maturity and was married. Five of the eight children born to them are still living: Alice, wife of J. W. New- berry ; Ezra, married and living near the old home place; Ida, wife of (i. W. Walden, also residing near the home place; Osmer, who died November 11, 1883, aged twenty-one years; Mackey, who died February 11, 1882, aged eighteen years; Clara, who died December 2. 1871, aged five years; Minnie and Albert, who still remain under the parental roof. Mr. W'arren has a splendid little farm of about KtO acres in cultivation, and a neat, comfortable home, and is much beloved and highly respected for his sterling integrity as a citizen and as a Christian gentleman. He is a distinguished member of the Masonic fraternity, and has served in several important positions in a local sphere, and is now (1889) serving his second year as grand lecturer of the State. He takes a lively interest in the work and lectures of this ancient and honor- able institution, and travels extensively in the dis- charge of the duties of his high office. He is also an uncompromising advocate of temperance, and is opposed to the liquor traffic in all its forms, be- lieving it to be the greatest enemy to the pros- perity and happiness of the people. In November, 1872, he was elected clerk of his county, to which position he was re elected for ten years in succes- sion, and served his people with fidelity and marked ability, ]ierforming the intricate and complicated duties of the office with satisfaction to the people, and in 1882 he voluntarily retired to private life, followed In' the good wishes and benedictions of all the people, and has well earned their universal plaudit, "Well done, thou good and faithful ser- vant." John E. Watson, father and stockman of Greene County, Ark. , was born in Lawrence Dis- trict, S. C, July 25, 1841, and is a son of Till- man and Sarah (Pape) Watson, who were also born in that State. The father was a Democrat, a farmer, and he and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. They moved from South Carolina to Alabama in 1842, remained there un- til 1861), and the year following the father's death, which occurred in 1875, the mother came to Greene County, Ark., where she is still residing. The following are their children: William F., James H., Martha M., J. E., Sarah J., Elizabeth, Israel, and Louis J. , who died when five years of age. William F. is a farmer of West Tennessee, and he and John E. are the only ones of .the family living at the present time. The latter began an independent career at the age of twenty years, .f ^ aud enlisted in Company D, Twenty-second Ala- bama (Day's) Regiment, and Bragg' s division, of the Army of the Tennessee, and was in the liattlos of Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and Atlanta. He was captured at Atlanta on the 3d of August, 1804, and was kept in i)rison at Camp Chase, Ohio, until the 18th of March, 18G5, when he was released on parole, but before the parole term had expired the war was ended. After his return to Alabama he engaged in farming with his father, and in August, 1865, was married to Miss Martha P. Grcenway, a daughter of Thomas aud Olive Greenway, natives of Georgia, the fa- ther a farmer by occupation. Mr. and Mrs. Wat- son became the parents of five children: Lugenia (Turner), of Greene County, Ark. ; Laura S. (Tatum), John H. , living, and Mary Lee and James F., deceased. Mr. Watson's second mar- riage was to a Miss Smith, in July, 1880, aud by her he has one child, Milton. This wife died in November, 1885, and in January, 1880, he mar- ried his third wife, Mrs. Catherine C. (Lender- man) Hyde. To this last union has been born a son, William Tell. After his hrst marriage Mr. Watson lived one year in Alabama, then removing to West Tennessee, where he was engaged in farming until the fall of 1869, since which time he has been a successful tiller of the soil in Greene County, Ark., his first purchase being 120 acres. Five years later he traded this farm, which he had improved somewhat, for other laud, forty acres of which are in the place he now owns. His farm con- sists of 140 acres of very finely improved land, and the most of this he devotes to cotton, though also giving attention to other crops. He is also inter- ested in stock breeding. He is an independent Democrat in politics, and he and wife are mem- bers of the Christian Church. His wife became the mother of five children by her first husband: Christiana E. , wife of D. C. Smith, a farmer residing with Mr. Watson; John Thomas, Edward, Jasper E. and Walter, all living with their mother and step- father. A^'illiam M. Weatherly. In the series of names wliich have made Greene County one of the most populous and prosperous of the State, Mr. Weath- erly' s name holds a prominent place. He was born in Madison County, Tenn., in 1834. and is a son of Wright M. and Ann (Bryant) Weath erly, who were born in North Carolina and Ten nessee, in 1805 and 1808, respectively. The father came to Tennessee in 1826, where he was mar- ried soon after, and then located in Madison County, where he remained until 1881, after which he moved to Arkansas, and here died, in January, 1888. He was a successful farmer up to the time of the war, but during that time lost his property. He was a Democrat in poli- tics, was very active in supporting schools and churches, and in early life was a Whig in poli- tics, afterward becoming a Democrat. His wife was also a member of the Baptist Chiuch, and died in February, 1886, mourned by all who knew her. They were the parents of nine sons and three daughters: John T. (killed at the battle of Missionary Ridge), James (killed at the battle of Franklin), Thomas, Robert. William, Houston S., Rufus A., Richard T., Alexander. Wright, Elizabeth C Mary and Nancy A. Will iam M. Weatherly attained his majority in Mad ison County, and commenced doing for himself in 1855, clerking in a dry goods store in Den mark one year. He then married and commenced farming in Madison County, continuing two years, and spent the following three years as overseer of a large plantation in that State. In 18()3 he enlisted in Company C, Fourteenth Regiment of Cavalry, commanded by Capt. Voss. and was at the battles of Franklin and Memphis. He was wounded at a little fight in Haywood County, and was relieved from duty for two weeks. At the time of the surrender he was at Gainesville, Ala., and returned home, where lie farmed until 1877, then coming to his present farm in Greene County, Ark. On the 26th of January, 187S. he was married to Ann Rievely, who was born in Madison County, Tenn., in 1835, and by her became the father of three ciiildren: Mollie B. (who died in infancy), James William (who attend ed school in Denmark, Tenn., and at Austin, Ark., and has been a teacher of ten years' standing, and is now drumming for .i St. Louis grocery ami |iro- is-j HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. vision company), ami lvi)l)c(t H. (who is a farmer of Greene County, is married and the father of two children). Mr. and Mrs. Weatherly are mem- bers of the Baptist Church, and he has been a member of the A. F. & A. M. since 1873. He has always supported the principles of the Democratic party. He and wife are rearing a little trjrl l)y the name of Ida Davis. S. H. Weatherly, a planter, of Friendship Township, was born in Madison County, Tenn., in 1837. being a son of Wright and Aim (Bryant) \^'eatherly. the father a native of North Carolina, and the mother of Middle Tennessee. They were married and resided in the latter State until 1881, when they disposed of their large farm, and came to Greene County, Ark., and made their home with our subject until their respective deaths, in 1882 and 1885. S. H. Weatherly assisted in clearing the home farm in Tennessee, attended the common schools, and, while still a resident of that State, began doing for himself. He was married in Mad- ison County, Tenn., in ]8<)7, to Miss Ann Valen- tine, a daughter of William and Charity Valentine, who came originally from North Carolina and set- tled in Tennessee. They were agriculturalists, and the .father died in his adopted State. The mother came to Grieene Covinty, Ark., in 1867, and is now residing in Friendship Township, being the widow of William Burton. Mr. Weatherly re- mained one year in Tennessee after his marriage, and in 18fi7 came to Greene County, Ark., where he bought a farm of 240 acres, only ten of which were under ciiltivation. He has since added 360 acres more to his land, and has 100 acres under cultivation, on which are a good residence and orchard. He makes a specialty of raising corn and hay. He votes with the Democratic party, and has ever taken an interest in the political affairs of the county. He and wife are members of the Ba]>- tist Church, and are the parents of a family of seven children, six of whom are living: Texanua (Mrs. David Falkner). Mosella, Eldredge M.. Florence Ethel, Egbert Eugene and Cornelia A. Mr. Weatherly has dom^ a large .share in devolo])- ing the coimty, and has always taken an active interest in enterprises tending to benefit the same. While in Tennessee he joined Company G, Sixth Tennessee Infantry, Confederate States Army, and was mustered in at Jackson, Tenn., April 22, 1861, and was at Mi.ssionary Ridge, Franklin, Mur- freesboro. Atlanta, and was discharged at Browns ville, Tenn. Andrew Webb, an enterprising tiller of the soil, of (ireene County, Ark., and postmaster of Bethel, was born in the State of Tennessee, in 1824, and is the fourth of nine children born to James and Monnima (Crisp) Webb, who were natives of North and South Carolina, respectively. The father fol- lowed farming on an extensive scale, and was a soldier in the War of 1812. being with Jackson at the battle of New Orleans. He died in Tennes- see, where he had made his home for many years, in 1866, at the age of seventy-six years, followed by his wife in 1867. Andrew Webb resided on a farm in Tennessee, and vehen twenty -one years of age purchased a farm, and began doing for him- self. He was married about this time to Miss Winnie C. Coburn, a native of Alabama, and re- mained in the State of Tennessee engaged in im- proving his farm, until 1858, when he sold out and came to Greene County, Ark. , where he bought a tract of eighty acres of wild land. He cleared about forty acres of this farm, set out orchards, and put his property under fence, but some three years later traded it for a tract containing l'^)0 acres, on which is now situated the station of Bethel. Here he opened up about sixty acres, erected good buildings, set out orchards, etc. , and when the railroad was established he sold a con- siderable amount of his property for business pur- poses. In 1883 he received a commission as first postmaster of Bethel, and has held this office up to the present time. His wife, who died in October, 1887, bore him five children: Lucinda E., wife of \V. A. J. Wood; James W., John William, who died at the age of nineteen years; Pamelia E., wife of W. O. Lane, and Sarah Ella, who died at the age of six years. May 3, 1881t. he was mar- ried to Mrs. Mary C. Yepp, a native of Georgia. James W. Webb, the only living son of Andrew Webb, is at present thirty-seven years of age, and is tilling the soil on a portion of his father's farm. s-rv GREENE COTTNTY, and oil 120 acres which he hud purchased. Mr. Webb has one of (he best farms in his section, al)out sixty acres being under cultivation and fence. Ho takes considerable interest in politics, and is a Democrat, having been elected on that ticket, in 1880, to the office of justice of the peace, which position he has since held, with th(^ exception of two years. He was married in 1869 to Miss Mary R. Wood, a native of Mississippi, and a daughter of James R. Wood, who came to Arkansas in 18r)9, being one of the early settlers of Greene County. To them have been born five children: Calador W. J. , Sarah Ella, James A. , who died at the age of four years and one month, and Mary Lelor. One child died in infancy, unnamed. Mr. Webb has a pleasant home in Bethel, his lot consisting of two acres. He has always been a patron of education, and all worthy public enterprises, and his business as justice of the peace is quite extensive. He has served as school director for six years. Dr. Henry McC. AVebb. The name of ^^"ebb , is one of the most influential in Greene County, Ark. , and Dr. Webb, among its most talented ^)hy8icians, has obtained a reputation placing him in the front rank of the medical fraternity. He was born in Madison County, Tenn. , in 1851, being a son of Theodric and Elizabeth (Watson) Webb, who were born, married and resided in South Carolina, and about 1842 settled on a farm in Madison County, Tenn., where he is now living at the age of seventy-six years. His wife died in 1 S6 1 . They were members of the Presbyterian Church, and the father is now a Democrat in his political views, a Royal Arch Mason, and an en- thusiastic patron of schools, churches, etc. Dr. Henry McC. Webb is next to the youngest of the four surviving members of their family of eight children. After attending the common schools and the High School near Greeneville, he entered the I'niversity of Alabama in 1S72. fi'om which insti- tution he was graduated in July of the following year. He then rtiturned to Lexington, Tenn., and being well fitted liy nature for the profession of medicine soon entered upon his medical studies under Dr. H. W. Wassen. but gave this u]i after a short time and entered the law school at Le- banon. Tenn.. graduating in June, IS74, later practicing this profession for five years in Lexing- ton. In the fall of 1879 he entered Vanderbilt University, at Nashville, Tenn., attending during that year and 1880, and then resumed his practice in Lexington, continuing until 188r). when he re turned to college and graduated from the medical department in the spring of 1886. Since that time he has resided in Gainesville, Ark., where he has become a leading practitioner, although a resident of the county only a few years. He is becoming well known, but the heavy calls for his services at home prevent him from going much abroad. In 1878 he was married to Miss Addle E. Smith, who was born in Henderson County. Tenn.. and is the mother of three children: Cossy T. , Ella Louisa and Robert B. Mrs. Webb is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. James H. Willcoekson, one of the wealthy resi- dents of the county, is a native of Middle Tennes- see, where he was l)orn in the year 1845. He was the third in a family of nine children born to William and Mary (Rose) Willcoekson, who were Tennesseeans, the grandparents being wealthy farmers of Middle Tennessee. Grandfather Rose went to Texas, where he bought a large tract of land on which he made his home until his death. William Willcoekson engaged in farming for him- self after attaining his majority, and resided in Tennessee (where he was married about 1841) until 1850, then moving to Texas, wiiere he bought a tract of 100 acres, which he opened for cultiva- tion, improved with good buildings, and on which he resided until 1853, then coming to Greene County. Ark. After residing here for four years on two different farms he returned to Texas, where he died in December, 181)0, his wife also dying the same month. James H. Willcoekson returned to Arkansas after the death of his parents, and for some time made his home with his grandmotlu'r. In 18(55, at the age of twenty years, he began farming for himself on rented laud, and continued this for three years, when he married Miss ,\.daliue Bowling, a native of Greene County, and a daughter of one of the early settlers. After his marriage he purchased a small farm whicli he sold later 184 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ou, aud then bought an excellent tract of land consisting of eighty acres in the Cache bottom, which was then wOd land but is now one of the finest fanns in the county. He has since purchased twenty-six additional acres, and has now seventy acres under fence and cultivation, it being devoted to raising the cereals and cotton. He is improving his grade of stock, and has crossed his cattle with Durham, and has some tine Jersey red hogs. Mr. and Mrs. Willcockson are members of the Baptist Church, and are the parents of the following children: William Carroll, Robert Alexander, Lawrence Jetferson, and Anna Lee, who died at the age of eighteen years. Joseph H. Willcockson ranks among the first of the many wealthy farmers of Greene Coiinty, Ark. He was born in Tennessee in 1845, and is the sixth of a family of fifteen children born to the marriage of Sam Willcockson and Frances Gibson, who were Tennesseeans, and came to Greene County, Ark., in 1850. They settled on a tract of land on the west side of Crowley's Ridge, but sold this soon after and purchased 200 acres near by, on which he erected a steam saw and grist-mill in 1853, which was the first mill of the kind in the county. Mr. Willcockson owned this mill for many years, and many of the houses and buildings in this sec- tion are made of lumber sawed here. He soon had 100 acres of his land cleared, on which he erected a nice residence. He became quite wealthy, and continued to add to his original purchase until he was the owner of about 1,000 acres of land. He was a conspicuous figure in the political circles of his section, and besides holding man}' minor offices in the county, he was elected to the State legisla- ture from Greene County, which position he filled for two successive terms. He assisted in the or- ganization of the school districts of this locality, and held the office of school commissioner for many yeiirs. In 1870 or 1871 he disj)osed of his extensive farming interests in the county, and moved to Newton County, where he purchased a large milling jiroperty, consisting of a saw and flouring mill, and a cotton-gin. Here he did a successful business for many years, and sold out at a large advance over what he originally paid. He next moved to Brown County, where he bought a farm, which he managed until his death, in 1886, at the age of seventy years. His widow still sur- vives him, and resides on the estate left by her active and enterprising husband. Joseph H. Will- cockson, the immediate subject of this sketch, was reared on his father's extensive farm, and in his youth received limited educational advantages. At the age of twenty years he rented land and began farming for himself, and after one year bought a tract of wild land ou the St. Francis River, where he cleared about fifty acres, erected buildings, and made a good and pleasant home. Subsequently he married Miss Matilda McDaniel, a native of Greene County, and a daughter of John McDaniel, who belonged to one of the first four or five fami- lies who settled in Greene County. After resid- ing one year in Bethel, Mr. Willcockson bought a tract of 160 acres of wild land on Crowley's Ridge, and here his wife died, at the end of two years, leaving two children: John Gibson and Virginia C. (wife of John Patton). who resides on a farm belonging to Mr. Willcockson. The latter has improved his property very much, and has seven- ty-two acres under cultivation and fence, on which is a good orchard of assorted fruits. In 1888 he erected a commodious dwelling, which is fitted up with many conveniences. He carries on general farming, but makes a specialty of raising corn, and this year (1889) has devoted fifty acres to that grain. In 1888 he raised 2,000 bushels. Miss Mary Jane 'Roberds became his wife in 1884. She was born in Arkansas, and by Mr. Willcockson is the mother of two children : Ovid Clifton and Ota Louisa. Mr. Willcockson is a Democrat politically, but is not an active politician. T. R. Willcockson, sheriff of Greene County, Ark., was born in Giles County, Tenn., August 10, 1848, and is the son of Samuel and Frances (Gibson) Willcockson. the father a native of Vir- ginia, and the mother of Kentucky. They were married in Tennessee, and there remained until October, 1851, when they immigrated to what is now Greene County, Ark., coming through in wagons, and locating near the old Crowley farm, in Cache Township. Heje the father bought a 171" foity-acre' tract, which was about the first deeded land in this section of Arkansas. He also put up the first steam, saw and grist-mill in Greene County, and ran this for several years. He also carried on farming, and being one of the earliest settlers, ex- perienced all the hardships and privations incident to pioneer life. In 1808 he removed to Boone County, Ark., where he died in June, 1886. The mother is still living. They were the parents of fifteen children, only six now living: John W., Isaac (deceased), William and Mary Annie (twins and both deceased), David C. (deceased), James (deceased), Joseph, Thomas R. , Sina, Sarah, Sam- uel (deceased), Marion and Frances (twins and deceased), Polk and Virginia. T. R. Willcockson, the subject of this sketch, was but an infant when he was brought to Greene County by his parents, and here he grew to manhood and received his education in the common schools. He was reared on the farm, and tilling the soil has been his chief pursuit ever since. He owns 241 acres of land, with about sixty acres under cultivation. He was elected sheriff and collector in 1880, served four years, and in 1886 was re-elected to the same office, which position he is now filling. He was married in 1868 to Miss Mary Bowlin, who bore him six children: Callie, Lucy, Deany, Mack, Sudie and Nannie. Mrs. AVillcockson is a member of the Baptist Church, and Mr. Willcockson is a member of the K. of P. J. W. Williams is a native of Panola County, Miss., where he was born in the year 1859, being the eldest of two children born to John and Mary J. (Bishop) Williams, the former of whom was an extensive farmer of that section for a long time, whither he had come with his father at an early day. When the war broke out he enlisted in the Confederate army in the company known as the "Sardis Blues," and was killed in the battle of Shiloh, on the 7th of April, 1862. His widow is still living, and resides in Mississippi on the old homestead. J. W. Williams was reared to farm labor and attended the common schools until four- teen years of age, when he began working for himself, continuing at farm labor for seven years. In 1880, at the age of twenty-one years, he came to Greene County, Ark., and located at Walcott, where he has since been engaged in renting land; this year farming on some of Capt. Crowley's property. He contemplates entering a tract of 160 acres in the fall. He is active and enterpris- ing and takes an interest in all matters pertaining to the good of the locality in which he has made his home. On the 7th of October, 1888, he was married to Miss Susie Eubanks, a native of Greene County, and a daughter of James and Mary E. (Gramling) Eubanks [see sketch of Judge Gram ling]. The former came to Greene County, Ark., at an early day and entered a large tract of land, on which ho did extensive improving, clearing about 160 acres and erecting excellent buildings. He died a few years ago, and is remembered by all as an honest gentlemen and an estimal)le citizen. A brother of J. W. Williams, Charles H., came with him to Arkansas and married Miss Janie Eubanks, a sister of Mrs. J. W. Williams. William Worrell, stockman and farmer, was born in Tennessee in 1839, and is the tenth of twelve chikken born to Peter and Martha Nancy Worrell, who were born, reared and married in Virginia, and emigrated to Madison County, Tenn. , in 1833. They purchased a farm of 103 acres, which they improved and made their home until their respective deaths. The father died in 1871 at the age of seventy-four years, and the mother when her son William was a child. The latter was reared to farm labor and attended the public schools until the age of twenty, then renting land and farming for three years. In 1862 he en- listed in Company C, Twenty-second Tennessee Infantry, Confederate States Army, and was in the battles of Belmont, Richmond and Mur- freesboro, where he was captured and sent to Camp Douglas, at Chicago, and there he took the oath of allegiance and returned home, where he was almost an invalid for three years. In 1864 he purchased a farm of 303i acres, where he resided until 1871, making many improvements, then sold out and came to Greene County, Ark. , settling near Gainesville, where ho lived for two years, later moving to a tract of 360 acres, which he liad jM-eviously purchased. Here he cleared |M> HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. about 150 acres, erected good buildings, set out orchards, and now lias one of the most pleasant homes in the county, but owns only eighty acres, having sold the rest. He has given considerable attention to stock raising, and raises a good grade of Berkshire hogs. March 20, 1888, he purchased a fine Norman- Perch eron stallion, named George, which weighs 1,060 pounds, and is finely marked in all points. This animal has an excellent record from Indiana where it was raised, and shows a fine grade of colts from last season. It is undoubt- edly one of the best horses in Northeast Arkansas. He also owns another horse named Buck, which has an enviable record. On the 7th of July, 1859, Mr. Worrell was united in marriage to Miss Ann Eliza Freeman, a native of Tennessee, and a daughter of AVilliam and Nancy Freeman, who were also Tennesseeans, coming to Northeast Ar- kansas in 1859. To Mr. and Mrs. Worrell have been born the following children : John Isaac, who is married and resides in Greene County, and Loueza, wife of J. R. Hicks, also of this county, being the only ones living. Those deceased are Newson, who died at the age of twenty years; Luhx Bell, who died when eighteen; Willie, at the age of sixteen ; Savannah, who died in infancy, and Eveline, at the age of eight years. The fam- ily attend the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mrs. Worrell takes considerable interest in the culture of bees, and has forty stands, all doing well. Henry Wrape, manufacturer of tight barrel staves, at Paragould, was born in Jennings County, Ind. , January 15, 1850, and is the son of Henry, Sr. , and Ann (Bible) Wrape, the father a native of Ireland, and the mother of New York State. Henry Wrape, Sr., emigrated from the Emerald Isle when a boy, locating for a while in New York State, and went from there in 1850 to Jennings County, Ind. He became a large railroad con- tractor, and was on the I. M. R. R., and on sev- eral other noted railroads. Both parents died in Indiana. They had four children: John. Robert, Kate, wife of Able T. Morgan, and Henry, who is the youngest of the family. The latter was reared and educated in Indiana, at Notre Dame, the re- nowned Catholic school. He assisted his brother on the farm until si.xteen years of age, when he engaged in merchandising at North Vernon, Ind. , and this continued for one year. He then took a trip to South America, stopping at Buenos Ayres to settle up the estate of an uncle. He was absent about eighteen months, and on his return engaged in the stone-quarry business at North Vernon, which he followed for five years. In 1882 he came to Greene County, Ark, and embarked in his present business, which he has since continued. He has a large factory, and employs about fifty men. He makes a good stave, and turns out about 5,000,000 per year. He is president of the Para- gould & Buffalo Island Railroad, which was built in 1888, and which extends to the St. Francis River. Mr. Wrape is one of the prosperous and public-spir- ited men of Paragould. He was married in 18S5 to Miss Emma Davis, a native of Indiana, and to them have been born two children: Harold and Emma. Mr. and Mrs. Wrape are members of the Catholic Church. He is the owner of 4,000 acres of land in Missouri, and a number of acres in this county. Hezekiah B. Wright. In reviewing the various business interests of Greene County, Ark. , the name of Wright is found to be one of the most prominent, especially in connection with farming and mer- chandising. Mr. Wright was born in Hickman County, Tenn. , in 1829, and there made his home until 1850. when he came to Arkansas, having commenced the battle of life at the age of eighteen years. Two years later he located on his present farm, and has about 250 acres of land in an excel- lent state of cultivation, besides several other tracts, all of which he has earned by energy and good judgment. He is also engaged in general merchandising at Gainesville, the style of the firm being H. B. Wright & Co.. and they are enjoying a prosperous trade, owing to their thorough knowl- edge of the details of the business and the wants of the public, combined with honorable dealing. Mr. Wright was married to Mrs. Martha J. (Stares) Perry, who died in 1863, having borne two chil- dren by Mr. Wright: William J. and John N. (twins); and one child by her first husband, Mr. Perry: Mary, the wife of H. C. Sharer, of Wright County, Mo. Mr. Wright took for his second wife ^- ^f==± GBEENE COUNTY. 187 Mr.s. Peimelia E. (Ward) Wood, widow of C. Wood. Their iiiiiou has resulted in the birth of eight children: Joseph D., Franklin C. , Alvin T. , Emma M., Anna A., Revis and Hezekiah B. j Addie J. died when two years and nine months old. Mr. and Mrs. A\' right are members of the Mission- ar}- Baptist Church, to which their childi'en, Jo- seph, Frank and Emma, also belong. Mr. Wright is a Royal Arch Mason, and in his political views is a Democrat; he was elected county coroner on that ticket in 1858, and held the position until the { breaking out of the late Civil War. He is a strong advocate of and a liberal contributor to schools and chui'ches. He is the only surviving member of a family of three children (Thompson and Re- becca being the other two) born to John and Sarah ( Barr) Wright, who were natives of South Carolina and Kentucky, respectively. When a small boy the father was taken by his parents to Tennessee, and resided first in Robertson County, then in Hickman County, where he attained his majority, and where his father died at an advanced age. He i was the eldest child, and in 1849 moved to Arkan- ' sas, and died in Greene County, in 1867, at the age of sixty-five years, his wife dying in 1851, aged about forty-seven years. Christopher C. Wright (deceased) was one of the representative citizens of Greene County, and followed the occupations of farmer and miller the principal part of his life. He was born in Vir- ginia in 1S41 and died February 15, 1889, while yet in the prime of life. His father, Dr. John Wright, is still living in Lunenburgh County, Va. , and is a prominent jihysician and farmer of that State. Christo])her C. Wright remained in his native State \nitil nineteen years of age, and seven years of that time were spent at the tobacco-manu- facturing Ijusiness. He then went to Missouri and remained in Franklin County until the breaking out of the late unjjleasantness between the North and South, when he went Soutli and joined the Con- federate army. He was wounded at the battle of Shiloh, and taken to Memphis. Tenn. , where he was discharged. He then went to Arkansas, re- mained on Crowley's Ridge for a numl)er of months, and then re-enlisted in Price's army, with which ho continued until the last raid through Missouri. After the war he came Ijack to Clay County, Ark. (then Greene County), where he remained three years, and at last settled on what was known as the Meredith farm, at the original site for the county seat of Greene County, where his widow now resides. The farm was then unimproved, but Mr. Wright went to work and soon had it under cultivation and in fine condition. In fact he was 80 industrious and such an inveterate worker that he undermined his health, and death was the re- sult. Aside from his farming interest he also ran a saw and grist-mill, which he conducted until within a short time of his death, when he sold the saw-mill, and afterward ran a grist-mill and cotton-gin. This Mrs. Wright now manages and conducts. Mr. Wright was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to which he was a liberal contributor, and although quiet and unob- trusive in his demeanor, not a better man was to be found in the county. Well respected and cordially liked by all, his death, which was a sad blow to his wife and children, was also lamented by his many friends. He was married first at Oak Bluff, Ark., to Miss Ann Boothe, who died about one year afterward. His second marriage was in January, 1866, to Miss C. A. Ledbetter, a native of Chatham County, N. C, and the daughter of Thomas and Frances Ledbetter, also natives of North Carolina. Her parents moved to Arkansas in 1851 and located in Greene County, within one mile of where the mother is still living, at the age of seventy-one years. Her father died May 26, * 1883. To her parents were born nine children, two of whom are now deceased. To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Wright were born eight children, seven of whom are living: Charles (died in in- fancy), Lillie, Billie, Katy, Thomas M. and John H. (twins). Ruby J. and Robert W. Mrs. Wright and family have conducted the farm and mill since the death of her husband. She and her eldest daughter belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Dr. T. H. W'yse, president of the Greene County Bank, was born in Jones County, N. C, April 19, 1827, and is the son of James and Nancy ^P 188 HISTORY or ARKANSAS. (Nunn) Wyse, who were natives of North Carolina, and who emigrated to Tennessee in 1838, in that State passing their last days. The father was a farmer by occui)ation. Dr. T. H. Wyse, one of ten children, four now living, was reared in what is now Crockett County, Tenn. , and received his education in the common schools. At the age of twenty- four years he began the study of medicine, and graduated at the University of Nashville in 1854. He then came to Greene County, Ark., locating at Gainesville, then the county seat, where he practiced for about twenty-five years. He was also engaged in mercantile business at that place for eighteen years. He lias now retired from practice. In November, 1887, he moved to Para- gould, and in February, 1888, the Greene County Bank was organized, with Dr. Wyse for president, which position he now holds. In 1861 he was elected to the legislature and served one term. He served six years as county treasurer of Greene County, and has been one of the county's most prominent citizens. He owns some 2,000 acres of land in Greene County, about the same number in Randolph County, and has nearly 400 acres in cultivation. He was married first, in 1851, at Brownsville, Tenn. , to Mary Williams, and his second marriage was to Miss Alice Kibler, of Ran- dolph County, Ark. No children have ever blessed his marriages. The Doctor is a member of the I Masonic fraternity, a member of the I. O. O. V. , and also belongs to the Chapter. He has repre- sented both of these lodges several times in the grand lodges, and takes a great interest in each of them. He is also a liberal contributor to worthy enterprises, aiding by his influence in all laudable movements. CLAY COUNTY. 189 -4-^-^ Clay County— Location and Description— Duainage— Timber— Soil— Natural Resources— Live Stock — Taxation — Population— Railroads— Settlement— County Organization— Change OF Name— The County Divided— Public Buildings— County Officers— Politics— The Courts— Legal Executions— The Civil War— Towns and Villages— Newspapers- Education and Religion— Biographical Sketches. I love everything that's old — old friends. Old times, old manners, old books. o)(lwine. — Ooldsmith. J. AY COUNTY lies in tho northeast corner of the State, and is bounded north by Ripley and Butler Counties, in Missouri ; east by Dunklin County, of that State; south by Greene County, Ark. , and west by Randolph, in the latter State. It is separated from Dunklin County, Mo. , by the St. Francis River, and its boundary lines are as follows: Com- mencing where the line between the States of Arkansas and Missouri inter- sects the St. Francis River; thence down said river, following its meanders, to the line between Sections 21 and 28, Township 19 north, Range 9 east; thence west on the section lines to the range line between Ranges 2 and 8 east ; thence north on the range line to Black River; thence with the meanders of that river to the lino Ijetween Sections 15 and 16, in Township 19 north, Range 3 east; thence north on the subdivis- ional lines to the line between Townships 20 and 21 north; thence west to the range line between Ranges 2 and 8 east; thence north on the range line to the State line between Arkansas and Mis- souri; thence east on the State line to the place of beginning. The area of the county is 613 square miles, or 392,820 acres, about one-tenth of which is improved. A strip of broken or hilly lands, averaging between seven and eight miles in width, known as Crowley's Ridge, extends through the county in a southwesterly direction from its northeast corner. The summit of the hills in this tract reaches an altitude of fi'om 100 to 200 feet above the sun-ound- ing country. There are also four or five sections of hilly lands in the northwest portion of the coun- ty, west of CuiTent River; and all the balance of the county varies only a few feet from a level sur- face. The village of Knobel, on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad, is 181 feet above sea level, and this is about the average elevation of all except the hilly portions of the county; hence the highest point in the county may reach an elevation of 400 feet above the sea. All that portion lying east of the broken or hUly tract above described is drained by the St. Francis River and its tributaries, a large part of it being subject to overflow in the winter and spring, and that division located west is drained by Cache, Black and Current Rivers and their tributaries. Cache River enters the county from the north, near the middle of Range 7 east, and flows ou ^«- 190 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. through the county in a southwesterly direction to Cache Lake, on the southern boundarj' line, in the eastern half of Range 5; thus dividing the area of the county into nearly two equal portions. It drains the western slope of Crowley's Ridge, and central portion of the territory. Black River enters fi'om the north about two miles east of the range line, between Ranges 5 and f3, and Hows, on a very tortuous route, toward the southwest, leav- ing the county at a point about two miles north of its sonthwest corner. Current River enters the county from the west, a short distance south of the northwest corner, and flows thence easterly to the second tier of sections, thence in a southerly and finally in a southwesterly direction, passing out at the western boundary of Section 80, Township 20 north, Range 3 east. The bottom lands along the St. Francis and Black Rivers usually overflow in the late winter and early spring to a depth of from one to two feet, and those along the Current River from three to five feet. The water, however, re- cedes so early as seldom to interfere with the rais- ing of summer crops, and the overflow always de- posits a sediment which enriches and re-fertilizes the land. It has been demonstrated that the river beds are sufficiently low to admit of the complete drainage and reclamation of nearly all swamp and overflowed lands in the county. Such can be done by removing the drift and rubbish from the rivers, straightening their channels, and constructing lat- eral ditches to empty into them. This, however, can only be accomplished by a State drainage law, which will assess for the purpose the lands alike of the non-resident and resident owners. The entire county was originally covered with a dense forest, consisting of four varieties of white oak, several of black and red oak, three of gum, several of hickory, a little walnut, cypress, ash, maple, honey locust, poplar, beech, elm, sassafras, catalpa, etc., with an iindergrowth of dogwood, pawpaw, redbud, spice-wood, hazel, privet, horn- beam, huckleberry, blackberry,' etc. Some trees of the largest kinds of timber measured from four to six feet across the stump. Much of the timber has been cut into logs and floated down the i streams and thus shipped away; and since the county has been traversed with railroads, a great deal has been cut into lumber and shipped by rail, and there is yet a seemingly ine.\haustible supply. The average acreage production of lumber is care- fully estimated as follows: Cypress, 5,000 feet: poplar and sweet gum, 3,000 feet each: white oak, 2,000 feet; hickory, ash, walnut and black oak to- gether, 3,000 feet. Logs can be rafted on all the rivers mentioned and on some of their tributaries. It is estimated that each acre of timbered land will produce from twenty-five to thirty cords of wood, after the saw timber is taken away. The soil of the entire county is moderately rich and fertile, that of the bottom or overflowed lands being mostly composed of alluvial deposits; the balance is formed of sand, clay and vegetable mould, and the whole is imderlaid with a clay subsoil. At present the cutting and shipping of logs and lumber, with the running of the many saw- mills in the county, which give employment to a large number of men, constitute one of the leading industries and form a source of considerable rev- enue to the people of the county. This occupation will continue for many years, or imtil the supply of timber becomes exhausted. The vegetable pro- ductions, as shown by the census of 1880, were as follows: Indian corn, 343,836 bushels; oats, 12,406 bushels; wheat, 13,408 bushels; hay, 100 tons; cotton, 2,307 bales; Irish potatoes, 4,427 bushels; sweet potatoes, 5,381 bushels; tobacco, 11,390 pounds. These amounts were then pro- duced from much less than one-tenth of the area of the county. Considering the large increase of the present population over that of 1880, together with the advanced improvements, it is certain that the amount of vegetable productions now far ex- ceeds, and in some things more than doubles that of 1880. Surely "Cotton is king" in Clay Coun- ty, as it is the moneyed crop, and the source of the greatest income. It is raised to the exclusion of many other things that might be produced in larger quantities. Some of the late immigrants have begun the raising of clover and tame grasses, for which the soil is well adapted, with a view of making the raising of stock a leading industrj-. ^ ^1^ i£: CLAY COUNTY. nil The numlier of live animals in tlie county in ISSO, according to the census of that year, were as follows: Horses, 1,444; mules and asses, 832; cattle, (i,574; sheep, ],9fiO; hogs, 24,277. The number of animals within the county, according to late assessment rolls, are: Horses, 1,698; mules and asses, 922; cattle, 8.802; sheep, 1.159: hogs, 1,325; a large gain in all except sheep and hogs. The reduced price of wool accounts for the decrease in the number of sheep, and the hogs enumerated in 1880 were all that were produced and on hand during the year, including those slaughtered and sold; while those recently enumerated included only those on hand when assessed for taxation; consequently there is not a decline in this direc- tion. As before stated, the county is well sup- plied with streams, and an abundance of good well water can be obtained almost anywhere at a depth of from twenty to forty feet by simply digging, without any blasting or boring through rock. These facts, coupled with the great adaptability for the growing of tame grasses and clover, the mildness of the climate, and the good shipping facilities, must eventually make Clay one of the best stock-growing counties in the United States, a truth of which farmers may profitably avail themselves. It is also well adapted to the grow- ing of all kinds of fruit common to this latitude. Fruit-growing however has not been made the specialty that it might. Some of the late immi- grants have set out, and are preparing to do so, large orchards and develop this industry, having perfect confidence of success. In 18S0 the real estate of the county was as- sessed at !?408,561, and the personal property at $244,717, making a total of $713,278; and the total taxes charged thereon were $10,022. The real estate of the county, as shown by recent assessment rolls, was valued at $1,211,258, and the personal property at $522,227. making a total of $1,733,485, upon which the total taxes charged were $25, 502. 25. By comparison it will be seen that since 1880 the taxable property and taxes charged have much more than doubled. The county has fair public buildings, is out of debt, and its scrip is worth one hundred cents on the dollar. There are twenty-six saw mills and eight stave factories within the county. In 1880 the population of Clay County was white 7,191, colored 22, total 7,213. Since that time, and especially within the last four years, emigration has so increased that the population at this writing (1889) is estimated at about double that of 1880. The St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad runs in a southwesterly direction across the western half of Clay County, the length of the main line within its territory being about nine- teen miles. The Helena branch extends in a southeasterly direction from Knobel, and has a length of about four miles within the county. The St. Louis & Texas Railroad crosses the St. Francis River in Section 18, Township 21, Range 9, where it enters the county, and run.s southwesterly along the eastern side of Crowley's Ridge, departing a few hundred yards below Rector. The length of its line here is about seventeen miles. The com- bined length of the railroads within the county is forty miles, not including a few l)ranches extend- ing one or two miles out to certain saw mills. The main line of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad was completed through the county early in the 70' s. The Helena branch of this road, and the St. Louis & Texas (Cotton Belt) Railroad were com- pleted through this vicinity in 1882. The settlement of the territory composing Clay County began al)out the year 1.S32, but increased very slowly for the first twenty years, after which it advanced quite rapidly, until the outbreak of the Civil War, when it came to a standstill. Its most noticeable growth has l)een within the last five years, immigrants having located here from Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana. Illinois and other States. Among the first settlers in the western part of the county were John J. Griffin, who located on Black River in 1832, and Abraham Rol)- erts, who settled a few years later near the present site of Corning. Prominent pioneers in the east- ern part of the county — mostly on Crowley's Ridge — were William and Elihu Davis, who settled early in the 30' s and were soon followed by the Payne, i\^L^ l'.t2 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Hollis and other families. Among the settlers of the 40's were William H. Mack, James Watson and others, and during the 50' s the families of the Liddells, Millers, J. G. Dudley, Buck Wagster, B. H. Mitchell, William Dean, H. M. Granade, James Campbell, Singleton Copeland, Edward Allen, C. H. Mobley, Dr. Simmons were some of those who became settlers. Nearly all of the ear- liest comers were from Tennessee. Later immi- grants came from other Southern States, and now many are entering from the North. Clay County was organized as Clayton County, in accordance with an act of the General Assembly, approved March 24, 1873, and became a part of the Third judicial circuit and of the First Con- gressional district. That part of it now known as the Eastern district was taken from Greene, and that known as the Western district was removed from Randolph County. The county seat was originally located at Corning, on the lot of ground now occupied by the present court-house in that place. The first term of the coimty court was held at Corning, beginning on the 16th day of May, 1873. Soon after a temporary frame court-house, 22x40 feet in size, containing two rooms, was built, by order of the court, under the supervision of the sheriff. A common jail was also erected; subse- quently the question of the removal of the coimty seat to Boydsville — a more central point — began to be agitated, and on the 30th of June, 1874, an election was held for the purpose of submitting the question to the electors of the county, and when the votes were counted it was found, by the court, that the people, by a majority of 310. had voted in favor of removal. Thereupon the court declared Boydsville to be the county seat. However, such strong resistance to this decision was manifested that no permanent removal of records was made for a long time. Finally, after a lapse of a few years, the ques- tion was again submitted to the people at an elec- tion held May 22, 1877, on which occasion forty- two votes were cast against the removal and 603 in favor of it, making a majority of 561 in favor of the project, and the court again declared Boyds ■ ville to be the county seat, to which place the records were soon removed and placed in a tem- porary court-house, previously erected by order of the county court. The first term of the county court was held in Boydsville beginning on Monday October 1, 1877. By an act of the General Assembly of the State, approved December 6, 1875, the name • of ' ' Clayton ' ' County was changed to ' ' Clay. ' ' Having lost the county seat, the people of Corn- ing and the western portion of the county, finding it difficult to reach Boydsville, commenced to con- sider the question of dividing the county into two districts. Consequently the legislature, by an act approved February 23, 1881, provided that the county should be divided into two judicial districts, the "Eastern" and the "Western," and that the following described line should separate them: Commencing at tlie center of the main chan- nel of Black River where it crosses the Missouri and Arkansas State line; thence down the main channel of said river to the range line between Ranges 5 and 6, in Township 21; thence south on the range line to the west bank of Cache River; thence with the west bank of Cache River or lake to the line between Clay and Greene Counties. The act further provided that the seat of justice for the Western district should 'be at Corning; that the circuit, chancery and probate courts should be held both at Boydsville and at Corning; that the circuit courts established in the re- spective districts of the county should be as sepa- rate and distinct, and have the same relations to each other, as if they were of distinct counties; that the sheriff, clerk, treasurer and probate judge of the county should be the same for both districts; that the financial affairs of each district should be kept as separate and distinct as though they were separate counties, and that the offices for the West- ern district should be filled by the deputy county officers. After dispensing with the temjtorary court- house at Boydsville, the present two-story frame court-house, with the hall and four rooms on the first floor, and court-room on the second, was erected, about 1881. The present log and board jail, with iron cells, at Boydsville, was erected 3?11 CLAY COUNTY. l'J3 immediately after the county seat was perma- neutly located there.* The public buildings at Corning consist of a court-house similar to the one at Boydsville, and the original jail with iron cells, which latter were put in immediately or soon after the county was divided into districts. The county has no ' ' poor farm ' " or asylum for her paiipers. The latter are let out separately for their keeping, to the lowest responsible bidders. Following is a list of the county officers of Clay County, from its formation to the present time: Judges: T. M. Holliiield, 1874-78; E. N. Ro^'all, 1878-86; Robert Liddell, present incum- bent, first elected in 1886. Clerks: T. L. Martin, 1873-74; W. H. Smith, 1874-78; R. Liddell, 1878-86; W. E. Spence, present incumbent, elected in 1886. Sheriffs: William G. Akers, 1873-74; E. N. Royall, 1874-76; E. M. Allen, 1876-78 ;t J. A. McNiel, 1878-86; G. M. McNiel, 1886-88; B. B. Biffle, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Treasurers: William Little, 1873-74; James Blackshare, 1874-78; John Bearden, 1878-80; N. J. Burton. 1880-82; W. S. Blackshare, 1882-84; J. S. Simpson, 1884-86; A. L. Blackshare, present incumbent, first elected in 1886. Coroners: J. Cunningham, 1873-74; J. J. Payne, 1874-76; J. N. Cummins, 1876-78; H. W. Cagle, 1878-84; Dallas Taylor, 1884-86; D. G. See, elected in 1886, but failed to qualify; office since vacant. Surveyors: W. C. Grimsley, 1873-74; E. M. Allen, Jr., 1874-76; A. J. Caldwell, 1876-82; E. M. Allen, 1882-86; A. Williams, 1886-88; E. M. Allen, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Assessors: E. N. Royall, 1873-74; J. S. Rodgers, 1874-76; W. H. Mack, 1876-78; J. W. Rodgers, 1878-82; Henry Holcomb, 1882-86; J. S. Blackshare, present incumbent, first elected in 1886. The county at this writing is represented in the State legislature by Hon. J. W. Dollison, of * The cells were those taken from the jail at Corning. +E. X. Royall from September, 1877, I'icc Allen, sus- pended by order of circuit court. Greenway, and the offices of the Western district are filled by the following persons, viz. : E. D. Estes, deputy clerk; W. A. Brown, deputy sheriff; E. V. Sheeks, deputy treasurer; Jacob Brobst, deputy assessor; Z. T. Daniels, deputy surveyor. The judge of the county court is also judge of the probate court, and the clerk, by virtue of his office, is recorder of deeds, the sheriff, by virtue of his office, being collector of revenues. The school examiner for the Eastern district is R. L. O. Bryen, and for the Western district, F. G. Taylor. Politically the county of Clay is strongly Dem- ocratic. At the State election, held in September, 1888, J. P. Eagle, the Democratic candidates for Governoi', received 1,108 votes, and C. M. Nor- wood, the Wheeler, Labor Union and Republican candidate, received 717 votes. At the same time B. B. Chism, Democratic candidate for secretary of State, received 1,121 votes, and G. W. Terry, opposition candidate for the same office, received 697 votes. Only a light vote was cast at the pres- idential election. The several courts of the county consist of the county, probate and circuit courts. The judge of the county court is also judge of the probate court, and the clerk of the circuit court is also clerk of the county and probate courJ;8, and ex-officio recorder. The county cnurt, which is held only at Boyds- ville, meets on the first Mondays of January, April, July and October of each year, and the pro bate court meets at Boydsville on the third Mon- days, and at Corning on the fourth Mondays of the same months. The circuit court convenes at Corning on the first Mondays of January and August of each year, and on the third Mondays of the same months at Boydsville. The local bar of Clay County consists of G. B. Holifield, of Boydsville, F. G. Taylor, G. B. Oliver and J. C. Staley, of Corning, John Jones, of Peach Orchard, J. A. Barlow, of Rector, and H. W. Moore, of Greenway. Only two men have been legally executed in Clay County for the crime of murder; one of these being Bent Taylor, hanged for the murder of Rilev Black, and the other Lafayette Melton, -^ 194 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. for the murder of Fank Hale. Both were executed at Corning, the former in iSSti, and the latter in 1884. Other crimes have been committed within the coimty, for which the perpetrators have re- ceived lighter punishments. The territory over which Clay now extends was but slightly over-run and devastated during the Civil War of 1861-65. The citizens at that time, having emigrated mostly from Tennessee and other .slaveholding States, were in full sympathy with the Southern cause, in consequence of which a goodly number of soldiers were furnished for the Confederate army, while none joined the Union forces. Three companies of soldiers, organized re- spectively by Capts. F. S. White, Reed and E. M. Allen, were recruited principally from what is now Clay County. A few also enlisted in the company commanded by Capt. G. D. Byers. A company of Home Guards consisting of old men was or- ganized. In the spring of 1863 Col. Daniels with a force of Federal cavalry moved southward on Crowley's Ridge, and at a point about two miles northeast of the present site of Rector, came in contact with this company of Home Guards, firing upon and dispersing them. In this action Squire George Lynch of the attacked party was killed. There was no general biishwhacking here during the war, but a number of citizens were taken out and ' ' removed ' ' by scouting parties. Of the towns of the county, Advance is a post- office in the northeastern part. Boydsville, the county seat, situated on the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 25, Township 20, Range 6, was established in 1877. It contains the court-house and jail, four general stores, one drug store, one grocery, one hotel, two cotton-gins with grist and saw- mills attached, one school-house, two churches — Meth- odist Episcopal, South, and Methodist Protestant, with a hall over the former; a lodge each of Masons, Odd Fellows and Knights of Honor, .some mechanics' shops, and a population of about 150. Corning, the seat of justice for the Western district, situated on Section 6, Township 20, of Range 5, and on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad, was established in 1873. It contains the court house and jail, six general stores, two drug stores, one grocery, three saloons, one livery stable, four hotels, one stave factory, two cotton-gins with grist mills attached, one wagon shop, one blacksmith shop, two shoe shops, three church organizations — Methodist Episcopal, South, Christian and Baptist — with but one church edifice, belonging to the Methodists, one school house, postoffice, and a population of about 600. It also contains a lodge each of Masons, Good Templars and Triple Alliance. Don is a postoffice in the western part of the county. Greenway, a town on the St. Louis & Texas Railroad, on Section 28, Township 20, Range 8, was laid out in February, 1883, by the South- western Improvement Company. It contains four general stores, one diug store, two groceries, one hardware and furniture store, one saloon, two saw- mills, two grist-mills, one stave factory, one school- house, two church organizations — Methodist and Baptist — five physicians, one attorney, the post- office, and a population of about 500. Knobel, a station at the junction of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad and Helena branch, on the south part of Section 36, Township 20, Range 4, was established soon after the completion of the railroad. It contains three general stores, the railroad buildings, a large hotel, one school house and about twenty-five residences. Moark, situated on the same railroad, near the northern boundary of the county, was established soon after the road was completed. It contains three saw-mills, one of which is located on Black River, three miles east, being connected with the village by a wooden tramway, one general store, one school house, postoffice, and a few residences. Peach Orchard, a station on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad, on Section 20, Township 19, Range 4, contains one general store, one cotton gin, with sorghum and corn mill attached, postoffice, and a few residences. Piggott, on the St. Louis & Texas Railroad, on Section 10, Town.ship 20, Range 8, was laid out in November, 1882. It contains two general stores, one drug store, three gi'oceries, one, cotton gin and ^ >^ CLAY COUNTY. iy5 grist-mill combined, one stave factory, one hotel, some work-shops, one school house, church and hall combined, a lodge of Odd Fellows, a post of the (t. a. R., two physicians, and about 150 inhabitants. Pitman, a postoffiee hamlet, is in the extreme northwest corner of the county. Rector, on the St. Louis & Texas Railroad, on the south half of Section 23, Township 19, Range 7, was laid out in June, 1882, by the Southwestern ; Improvement Company. It contains seven gen- eral stores, three di*ug stores, one grocery, two (temperance) saloons, one hardware and grocery, one harness and saddlery store, some work-shojjs, a photograph gallery, one stave factory, two saw- mills, two cotton gins, with grist-mills attached, i one livery stable, two hotels, one meat market, a millinery store, postoffiee, four church organiza- tions — Baptist, Cumberland Presbyterian, Meth- odist Episcopal, South, and Methodist Protestant; { two church edifices, a lodge each of Masons, Odd Fellows and Knights of Honor, a public school- ' house, two select or private schools, four physi- cians, and a population of 700 or over. St. Francis, on the St. Louis & Texas Railroad, on the west bank of St. Francis River, was laid out in January, 1883, by the Southwestern Im- i provement Company. It contains six general stores, one dtxig store, four groceries, four saw- mills, one stave factory, one meat market, some work shops, two churches, Methodist and Cum- berland Presbyterian, two hotels, one school house, restaurant, postoffiee, two physicians, a lodge of Triple Alliance, and a population of about 200. Thnrman is a postoffiee seven miles west of Corning. Vidette is a postoffiee ten miles northwest of Corning. Williams is a postoffiee four miles west of Moark. The press of Clay County has ever exerted no slight influence in the growth and development of this section. While not numerous, those journals found here are ever active and energetic in giving to the outside unprejudiced, candid facts relating to the locality whose interests they represent. The Corning Index, a six-column folio weekly newspaper, at Corning, was established in the fall of 1887. It is published by Clyde C. Estes, and edited by E. D. Estes in an acceptable manner, in dicating ability and force. The Clay County Record, a seven-column week ly newspaper published at Rector, was established in January, 1889, by its present proprietor, Mr. Taylor. This joiu-nal also has at heart the welfare of the community, and enjoys a liberal circulation. Before the inauguration of the free school sys- tem, the educational facilities of the territory now composing this county were very meager. The old subscription schools taught in the primitive log school houses were generally of little benefit to the country. The scholastic pojjalation of the county in 1882 amounted to 2,863, live of them being colored, and in 1886 it reached 3,274, with only one colored — an increase, in the four years, of 411. In the latter year only 1,791 pupils (all white) were enrolled in the public schools, but a little over one-half of the scholastic population. This shows that the schools were not well attended, or that nearly one-half of the children were not compelled to attend school. For the year ending June 30, 1886, there were thirty-four male and eight female teachers employed to teach the common schools of the county. The male teachers of the first grade were paid an average salary of S50 per month . and the female teachers of the same grade 137. 50 per month. The male teachers of the second grade were paid an average salary of $35, and the female teachers S32. 50 per month. The male teachers of the third grade were paid an average salary of i?25, and the female teachers $20 per month. The number of school houses re[)orted in the county in 1886 was thirty-six, both frame and log, valued at $6,505. The amount of revenue received for the year ending Juue 30, 1886, was $13,224.60, and the amount expended for the same time was $11, 272.00. leaving a balance on hand of $1,951 .60. These statistics have been taken from the last pub- li.shed re])ort of the State superintendent of jiub- lic instruction. The public schools here, as else- where, are improving and becoming more and more efficient. The first organization of the Methodist Epis- 196 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. copal Churoh, South, in Clay County was effected at Mar's Hill, four miles north of Boydsville, early in the 50' s, and the tirst church edifice was erected there in 1856. The next society was organized at the house of Capt. F. S. White, at Oak Bluff, in 1856, near where Evans' Chapel was erected the next year. There are now three circuits of this church within the county, with an aggregate of eighteen organizations and about 570 members. The circuits are the Boydsville. St. Francis and Corning, belonging to the Jonesboro district of White River conference. Salem Church, three- fourths of a mile south of Boydsville, was the first Missionary Baptist Church organized within the county, and the num- ber has since increased to fourteen, with a total membership of 680. Elder Lloyd preached here forty years ago, and was probably the first Mis- sionary Baptist minister in the county. The Beth- lehem Missionary Baptist Association was organ- ized at Salem Church in 1868. The tirst society of the Methodist Protestant Church within the territory of Clay County was organized in 1858, at Liberty Hill, five miles north of Rector. There are now ten or more organiza- tions within the covmty, with a membership of about 350. The oldest Cumberland Presl)yterian Church here was organized at Chalk Bluff", about the year 1855. There are now four organizations, located respectively at St. Francis, Piggott, Greenway and Rector. The total membership numbers, perhaps, 100. Within the county there are at least two Regu- lar Baptist Churches, with an aggregate member- ship of about fifty, and one or more Free Will Baptist Churches. There are also a few Christian Churches of recent organization. S. V»\ Alexander, manufacturer and dealer in hard wood lumber, railroad ties, wagons, agricul- tural implements, car material, etc. , at Corning, Ark., was born in Hancock Comity, Ind., October 17, 1835, his parents, James and Mary (Mac Michael) Alexander, and his grandparents, on both sides, being natives of Orange County, N. C. They all emigrated at an early day (about 1828) to Indiana where they died. The great-grand- father was in the Revolutionary War. and fired the tirst cannon in that service. James Alexander remained in Hancock County, Ind., until the spring of 1857, when he emigrated to Polk County, Iowa, where he was living at the time of his death, in 1882. His wife died in 1872, have borne five children: John C, Julia A.. Simeon W., James A. and Louisa. Mr. Alexander was a farmer by occupation. Simeon W. Alexander, our subject, was reared and educated in his native county, and from childhood has been familiar with farm life. On reaching his majority he was married, and emi- grated to Illinois, locating in Cumberland County, where he was engaged in the saw-mill business until 1859, when he removed to Polk County, Iowa, but returned to Illinois in December, 1863, and there resided until the fall of 1869. In the fall of that year he sold his mill and returned to Iowa, where he remained until 1886, being en- gaged in both lumbering and farming on an exten- sive scale. He owned 400 acres of good land, and on coming to Clay County, emljarked in the lumber busine.ss, putting i;p a large saw-mill . He still con- tinues this business and employs a great many hands. He owns about 2,400 acres of land in Clay County, some 1,000 of which will make fine farming land when improved. He also has one of the best houses in the county, situated in Corn- ing. October 23, 1856, he was married to Miss Mary Faster, a native of Indiana, by whom he has seven children: William (in Dakota), Lucy M. , Cora (wife of T. J. Conway, of Chicago), Charles W., Addie, Freddie and Edward. Mr. Alexander is a member of the I. O. O. F., and is one of the public-spirited men of Clay County, always being ready to advance the interests of the people. J. H. Allen, stockman and farmer of Clay County, Ark., was born in North Carolina in July, 1828, being the eighth of nine children born to Isaac and Sarah (Hawkins) Allen, who were born in North Carolina and Virginia, respectively, the latter being a daughter of a Revolutionary i)atriot. Both parents died on their home farm in North a t- CLAY COUNTY. 197 Carolina. J. H. Allen attended the public schools for some time and remained at home until twenty- four years of age, being engaged in overseeing the farm until the breaking out of the Rebellion, when he gave up this work and began operating a grist mill. In November, 1866, he came to what is now Clay County (then Randolph County), and settled twenty-five miles from Pocahontas, in which locality he rented land for some time. He then purchased 380 acres of wild land two miles west of Knobel, on which he immediately began to make improvements. At the present time he has 150 acres under cultivation, well improved with good buildings, orchard, fences, etc. He has added 120 acres to his original purchase, on which he raises a large number of horses, cattle and hogs each year. He has devoted most of his cultivated land to corn and stock for his cattle and horses, but this year (1889) has put in about lifty acres of cotton. He has always been quite active in poli- tics, and has held the office of justice of the peace for ten years, and has been school director a number of years. In 1853 he married Miss Margaret Wagner, who was liorn in North Carolina, and by her had five children: William, John, Isaac, Henry, and Albert, all of whom are dead. In 1871 he married Miss Nancy Demaree, a native of Illinois, and to them were born three children: Amanda, Jesse and David, all now living at home. Capt. John J. Allen was born in Lee County, Ga., on the 2nd of July, 18-11, and is the son of Edward M. and Mary J. (Knight) Allen. The father was born in the "Palmetto State" in 1819 of Scotcli-Irish parents, and was a mechanic and ginwright, making machines by hand. He was taken to Georgia when small, and was there reared to manhood. During the Indian troubles in the Southern States, especially in Florida, Mr. Allen participated as a private, and received in payment for his services a land warrant for 160 acres, and in 1853 chose the land on which Capt. John J. Allen now resides. Prior to this, however, he took a trip through Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi and the Indian Territory, making the journey on horse- back, a distance of 3.lt00 miles. He then re- turned to Georgia, and the following year (1853) located in Arkansas, the nearest post-office at that time being sixteen miles distant, and the second nearest (Pocahontas) fifty miles distant. The families of McNiel, Nettles, Wooter, Singleton. Copeland, Sexton and White, were the only ones within a radius of ten miles. Wild animals roamed the country at will, and Indians were also very numerous. Schools were almost unknown, and Mr. Allen assisted in building many of the first houses. John G. Taylor, a Missionary Bap- tist minister, came with Mr. Allen to the State;, and preached the first sermon in Northeast Arkansas. The latter oi)ened thirty acres of land the first year, which was heavily covered with timber. He was a slave owner, and served for twelve months in the Confederate army under Price, holding the rank of captain, when he resigned on account of his age. He died in 1877. His wife was born in Jasper County, Ga., about 1822, and was there married to Mr. Allen, by whom she became the mother of ten children: William A., John J., Elizabeth J., Edward M. , Thomas M. , living to be grown, and the following dying in infancy: Martha, Stapie, and two infants. Mrs. Allen died in 1860, and Mr. Allen then married Sarah J. Palmer, who bore him five children: Robert, Georgia L., George W., Willie, and Odus. Capt. Allen, our subject, has resided in Arkansas since twelve years of age, but spent his entire school days in Georgia. He was reared on the farm on which he is now residing, and remained at home until his marriage at the age of eighteen years, when he was engaged in farming until 1 86 1 . Then he enlisted in Company H, Fifth Arkansas Volun- teer Infantry, and ser\'ed until the close of the war, participating in many battles: Helena. Fred- ericksburg, Boonville, Lexington. Newtonia, and many others of less note. He enlisted as a pri- vate, but was promoted to captain, and was then transferred to the cavalry, serving two years. After coming home he engaged in farming, and in 18*)8 opened a mercantile estaVilishment at Scatter- ville, and followed this occupation in connection with ginning for four years. He then removed to Tilton. where he was occu])ied in business until August, 18yy, since which time he has been one of A* 198 HISTOEY OF AllKANSAS. the successful business men of Rector. He has been a large speculator in land, and in addition to his farm, runs a stave factory and saw-mill. His farm comprises about 4.000 acres, and he has 2,200 acres in Greene County, besides consider- able land in other districts, all of which is the re- sult of his own labor. He was married to Miss Permelia L. McNiel, a daughter of Neil McNiel. She was born in Clay County, Ark., and she and Capt. Allen are the parents of live children: Mary L., James B. , Minnie A., Myrtie, and Charles A. In 1872 Mrs. Allen died, and Mr. Allen then mar- ried Xancy O. McNiel, a sister of his first wife. Their children are: George M., Gertrude, Harry P., Carrie, and Leonard W. Capt. Allen has never been a political man, the highest office he ever held being that of notary public. He is one of the best known men in the county, and is a member of the I. O. O. F. , the Knights of Pythias, and the Masonic fraternity, and has long been con- nected with the Missionary Baptist Church. Joshua Bare, farmer and stock raiser of St. Francis Township, is a fair sample of what can be accomplished by industry and perseverance. Al- though starting life with a limited amount of this world's goods, he is now one of the substantial farmers of the county, and is the owner of 240 acres of land in the home place, with 160 acres cleared, on which he has good buildings. Aside from this he is the owner of another tract of land in the township, one and a (juarter miles from the home place, consisting of IBO acres of timber land. He also possesses some 320 acres in the St. Francis bottoms, with about 100 acres cleared, and has an interest in 205 acres of other lands, all the result of industry and good management. Mr. Bare was born in Crawford County, Ind. , Decem- ber 13, 1833, and is the son of Jacob Bare and Nancy (Copple) Bare, the latter of German descent. The father was born in Virginia but was reared in Indiana. After marriage he settled in Crawford County of that State, where he followed farming until about 1843, when he moved to Illinois and settled in Jefferson County. He resided there up to 1868, when he came to Arkansas, and located in what is now Clay County. Here he died in Feb- ruary. 1877. He served as sheriff and deputy sheriff in Indiana, and was quite a prominent man. Joshua Bare was reared in Jefferson County, 111., and came to Arkansas in 1855, locating in Clay County, but what was then Greene County, and entered eighty acres of land. He then bought eighty acres near Brown's Ferry, resided there about fifteen years, after which he sold this, and bought the place where he now lives. He has been four times married; first, to Miss Susan Williams; then to Nancy Brown, who bore him one daughter, Peggy A., wife of John Nettle: his next marriage was to Mrs. Nettle, a widow, who bore him four childi-en: Clarissa (wife of Wiley Thomas), Joshua, Bettie and Arabella. Mr. Bare's fourth marriage was to Mrs. Marietta Sarver, a widow, and the daughter of Jacob Sarver. Three children were born to this union: Jacob, Mattie and John Harry. When Mr. Bare first came to the State it was a comparative wilderness, and for about eleven winters he was engaged in trapping. He has killed bear, wolves, wild cats, lots of deer, turkey and small game. He would average about $200 worth of furs annually at that business. Mr. Bare has been a member of the I. O. O. F. for thirteen years. Mrs. Bare belongs to the Christian Church. An interesting volume might be written of many of Mr. Bare's hunting expeditions, but space will permit mentit)n of only the following: In 1867, one of his neighbors, Billy Maner, a single man, had struck camp some seven miles south of where our subject lived, in a wild locality on Old River. Mr. Bare went on one occa- sion to spend the night with him. but found the unsuccessful hunter without food. Starting the next morning with a determination to return only after he shot something, he traveled some distance, occasionally seeing game which could not be se- cured. Later on, while not far from camp, he killed two wolves, and lieing of a humorous dispo- sition, the thought was suggested to pass off this meat upon the iinsuspecting Billy as venison. Bringing a portion of the animal to headquarters (together with a squirrel), and assuring him that a large buck had been killed, the mess was eaten by the victim of Mr. Bare's joke, with a casual CLAY COUNTY. ik remark as to its toughness, etc. Subsequently the truth was toUl. Imagination rather than words can jjicture the result of such a revelation. In 1876 a three-days" hunt was indulged in by Mr. Bare, two of his nephews and a little negro boy. Starting with a cart and a yoke of oxen, they drove into a bottom farm, proceeding horse-back until about a mile from their camping ground, when fresh bear tracks were discovered. Before very long an effort to secure bruin was commenced, and proved fruitful. While waiting for help to remove the animal (which weighed about 400 pounds) a large buck was killed by Mr. Bare. These furnish but mere instances of his good fortune with the guu and rifle. W. F. Barnes, undertaker and furniture dealer, of Corning, Ark. , has been in business here since August, 1888, when he purchased his stock of goods of Mr. Bishop and continued at that stand until June 1, 1889, when he moved to his present location. His establishment is a two-story frame building, 40x20 feet, now under process of erec- tion, which will, when finished, be commodious and substantial. Mr. Barnes' success in this line has been due to his energy and enterprise, and his establishment is now one of the leading concerns of this kind in the county. He was born in Law- rence County, 111., in 1856, and was the eldest in a family of eight children born to John and Jane (Thompson) Barnes, who were Kentuckians by birth, but emigrated to Illinois in their youth, where they grew to maturity and met and married. The father settled with his parents in Lawrence County in 1826, and afterward became a successful farmer and teacher of that region, following these occupations for many years in that State. He died in 1885, but his widow is still residing in Illinois. The paternal gi-andfather was an early settler of Illinois, where he also makes his home. Mr. Barnes was early inured to the duties of farm life, and dui'ing his youth also attended the common schools of Lawrence and Wabash Counties, 111. He engaged in farming for himself in that State and was mamed there in 1882 to Miss Ella P. Price, a native of that county. Her parents. Jo- seph and Hannah (Dart) Price, were born in Ohio and Kentucky, respectively, and are now residing in Illinois. In 1887 Mr. Barnes came to Corning, Ark., and until 1888 worked at the carpenter's trade, but has since been engaged in his present business. Politically he is a Democrat, and always supports the princijiles of that party. He belongs to the K. of H. and the I. O. G. T., and he and wife are members of the Methodist Church. Thev are the parents of two children: Opal V. and Verna D. Mr. Barnes has done well financially, is the owner of some valuable town property, and predicts a bright future for Corning. Zachariah T. Bearderi was born in Montgomery County, Tenn. , September 29, 1849, and is the son of John and Prudence (Majors) Bearden. John Bearden was born in Montgomery County, Tenn., and is of Irish-English parentage. He received a fair, common-school education, later followed farming and emigrated to Clay County, Ark., in 1851. The county was called Greene County at that time, but was afterward changed to Clay. At that early day there were but six families in an area ten miles square, and all the hardships and priva tions incident to pioneer life were experienced by Mr. Bearden. Schools were taught on the sub- scription plan, and church was held about once a month in old log cabins. Mr. Bearden was a slave owner but generally preferred white labor. He was the owner of a large farm, but was broken up dur- ing the war. He died May 10, 1888, being seventy- six years of age. During life he was never an office seeker, but was elected by the people, with out solicitation, to the office of county treasurer. Mrs. Bearden was also reared in Tennessee, grew to womanhood there, and was man-led in that State. Nine children were the result of this union; Rich- ard E. , Isom K., Judge H. , Zach. T., Samuel J., Susan U., William J., Robert W. and Mary E. Mrs. Bearden died in this county, August 16. 1877. Grandfather and Grandmother Bearden died in Tennessee; she was a native of North Carolina. Grandfather and Grandmother Majors were na- tives of ^^'est Virginia, and at an early day emi- grated to Tennessee. Zachariah T. Bearden came with his parents to Arkansas when two years of age, settling in Greene County, and there remained 200 HISTOKY OF ARKANSAS. assisting his father on the farm until twenty-one years of age. His educational advantages were rather limited, but by self study he became a well informed man. At the age mentioned he began business for himself by hiring out at a cotton gin by the day, and later followed clerking. He then bought a tract of land and carried on agricultu- ral pursuits for nine years. January 2, 1873, he married Miss Elizabeth Harber, a native of Dyer County, Tenn. , and the daughter of G. A. Har- ber. The fruits of this union were five children, four now living: Drewy D., George O., John S. and Ethel M. The one deceased was named Dora L. Mr. Beardeu engaged in the mercantile busi- ness at his present stand in 1882, building the sec- ond house in Rector, and has been occupied in merchandising ever since. He is also interested in a large timber business. He carries a stock of merchandise valued at about $3, 000, and also buys and exchanges cotton. He is a Democrat in his political views. Mrs. Bearden is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. B. B. Biffle, sheriff of Clay County, and one of the representative citizens of this section, is a na- tive of Humphreys County, Tenn., where he was reared and where he received a fair education in the common schools. He is the son of William and Martha (Skelton) Biffle, the grandson of Nathan Biffle, and the great-grandson of Jacob Biffle, who came from Germany many years ago. To William Biffle and wife were born six children, B. B. Biffle being the eldest. He left his native county at the age of twenty-one years, or in 1879, and made his way to Clay County, Ark. , where he started a store in Greenway. and, although a young man, he was the first to engage in merchandising at that place. After that, in connection with his store, he was for some time occupied in running a stave mill, but in September, 1888, he was elected to the office of sheriff, and then closed out the milling and stave business, to give his undivided attention to his official duties. He fills that position in an able and efficient manner, and to the satisfaction of all concerned. He is a member of the Masonic fra- ternity, of the Blue Lodge and Chapter. For his companion in life he chose Miss Ella Turner, daughter of Thomas Turner, of Tennessee. He and Mrs. Biffle are members of the Methodist Church. Sylvanus Bishop, wagon- maker, painter and farmer, is a son of Stephen M. and Caroline (Bun- nell) Bishop, and was born in Crawford County, Penn., March 1, 1841. His parents were also born in that State, and in 1837 emigrated to Indiana, \ but, after remaining there a short time, returned i to Pennsylvania. About 1844 they again came to Indiana, where they made their home until 1880, then moving to Peabody, Kas. , where Mr. Bishop died in 1886. His widow still survives. To them were born fifteen children, eleven of whom are living: Jefferson, Sylvanus, Stephen W., Adeline, David, Elmira J., Merriman, Silas, Delilah, Mon- roe and Daniel S. Sylvanus Bishop attained his growth in Indiana, and in 1861 enlisted in Com- pany E, Twenty-ninth Indiana Infantry, and served iintil the close of the war, participating in the following engagements: Shiloh, Stone River, Chickamauga, Liberty Gap and others. At the battle of Shiloh he was wounded by a gun-shot in the left arm. At Stone River he was captured, but succeeded in making his escape, and. after a time, was discharged for disability, owing to the effects of small-pox, which he had contracted in the service. From that time until 1877 he was engaged in learning and working at his trade in Indiana, and then came to Clay County, Ark., and has since resided at Corning. He owns a small farm adjoining the town, which is in a good state of cultivation and well improved, and this he con- ducts in connection with carrying on his trade. In January, 1886, he was married to Miss Mary E. Ben- edict, a native of New York State, by whom he has five children: Anna M. , John L., Amy W., Elsie V. and A. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop are members of the Baptist Church, and he belongs to the Masonic fraternity. He has been a school director for about eleven years, and is interested in all public enterprises. For some ten years he was engaged in the undertaker's business, his profits amounting to about $1,500 per year. He now gives his attention to his shop, and is doing well. His son, John L. , is an intelligent young man, and is one of the first teachers in the county. CLAY COUNTY. 201 James Blackshare. Among all classes and in every condition of life where the struggle for a livelihood is going on, where will independence be found more clearly demonstrated than in the life of the honest, industrious farmer? Mr. Blackshare, who has followed agricultural pursuits for the past tifty-two years, and who has never missed a crop during the years thus spent, is a fair example of the independent tiller of the soil. He was V)orn in West Tennessee, in 1824, and is the son of Rev. Jacob and Mary (Berry) Blackshare, the father a native of Tennessee, born in 1802, and the mother born in 1799. James Blackshare was left motherless at the age of ten years, and May 27, 1847, he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah A. Dines, who bore him five sons: William S. , a member of the firm of Blackshare & Co. , in the manufacturing of staves and in the gen- eral milling business, is married and the father of six children: Robert B. (deceased), left a widow and five children; Sidney A. (deceased), left a widow and five children; James T., lives on a farm near Boydsville, is married and the father of three sons, and Jacob L., farmer near Boydsville, is married, and the father of two sons and two daughters. The mother of these children died in 1857. March 14, 1858, Mr. Blackshare took for his second wife Mrs. Ruth E. Evans, of Tennessee, and in the fall of the same year he and family moved to Clay Comity (then Greene County), Ark. , and settled on the farm where he is now re- siding, three miles northeast of Boydsville, which consisted of eighty acres, to which he added eighty more. To his last marriage were born six chil- dren, three of whom survive at the present: Mary F., wife of Dr. John J. Prince, and the mother of one daughter, resides at Bethel Station, Tenn. , where her husband follows his profession and is also engaged in merchandising; John S., a merch- ant at Rector, married and the father of one child, a daughter; Ora A., the wife of A. J. Burton, and the mother of three children, two daughters and a son, is now living near her father, where her husband is occupied in farming; Ira E., died in his sixteenth year. Mr. Blackshare came to this State with his wife and seven children in two 13 wagons, drawn by oxen, being the owner of seven or eight head of cattle, six or eight head of horses, and about $200 in money. The first winter before there were gins introduced into the country, the cotton, which they picked with their fingers, was made into clothing, for the family. There were no mills then except little hand mills, which were only used to grind corn, and were called corn crackers. They would crack the kernel into about four pieces. A few years later Mr. Blackshare raised a little wheat and ground it in the same mills and " sarcht it;" this consisted of a box with a muslin cloth over it, opened at one end, on which was dropped some of the meal, and then by a rocking motion the bran was forced to the top and back through the opening at the rear, while the fine flour passed through the muslin into the box. At that time their trading was done by exchanging pelting and furs for salt, sugar, coflPee, etc.. at Cape Girardeau, Mo., 100 miles distant, to which place they made their trips with ox teams about once a year. Mr. Blackshare has not taken a drink of liquor of any kind, or a chew of tobacco, for over forty years, or since joining the church, and has always been willing to render aid, as far as he was able, to all laudal)le enterprises. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mr. Blackshare was township magistrate for four terms of two years each, and was also county treasurer for two teims. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and is one of the representative men of the county. He is now the owner of 340 acres of land, after having sup- ported his family and settled nine children at an expense of $14,000, and does not owe a cent. W. S. Blackshare, of the milling and stave manufacturing firm of W. S. Blackshare & Co.. is a native of Tennessee, born in November, 1849. •and came to Clay County, Ark., with his father, James Blackshare, when a boy of nine years. Here he grew to manhood on a farm, and in 1878 he was appointed by Gov. Garland to the office of sheriff of the county, and for two years he was county treasurer, having also filled that office for several incumbents. He was deputy sheriff for four years, and is consider<»1 •mh' .>f the leading '2( 12 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Imainess men of the county. He is the owner of aljout 200 acres of land on his home place, which adjoins the town of Boydsville, and has about 1 500 acres in the country, and has the best buildings to be found in the count}', all erected by himself. The house is a two story frame, 16x40, with a one story L fifty feet long and sixteen feet wide, and a porch running the entire length of the L. He also has a very large cistern under cover. He has two large frame barns, one 30x40, two stories high, and the other 80x50 feet, also two stories high, with out-sheds on the sides. On his farm on the Cache he has built another house on the same plan as his home place, and he is also building a good barn there. He was I married to Miss Emily S. Cox. who lived Imt eighteen months after marriage, and died in 1871, leaving him a son, Arthur Lee, who is attending the home school. For his second wife Mr. Black- share married Miss Mary A. Ellis, daughter of Rev. Ira O. Ellis, who came here fi-om Mississippi, where his father, Rev. Reuben Ellis, was an itinerant preacher in the Methodist Church, South. Mrs. Ira O. Ellis is still living in Missoiui. To Mr. and Mrs. Blacksharo were bom these children: Ezra O., Annie (who is dead), Edgar M. , Angie, Lena and Jennie. Mr. Blackshare belongs to the I. O. O. F., and is also a member of the Masonic fraternity, into which order he was initiated about the time he was twenty-one years of age.. In his political views he affiliates with the Democratic party. In 1871 he engaged in the mercantile business at Big Creek, with his father, buying out the interest of Judge Royall, paying $500 on time for the goods, and in 1878 removed to Boydsville. This business he continued until January, 1888, having in the meantime several partners: first the firm was J. & W. S. Black- share, then for eight years he was in company with- his brother, R. B. Blackshare, under the firm title of W. S. Blackshare & Co., and was then with i Judge Royall for three years, the firm title continu- | ing the same. In 1888 he disposed of his stock to A. L. Blackshare, who now conducts the busi- ness in the same building. In connection with his j seventeen years at merchandising, Mr. Blackshare devoted some of his time to farming, and is at present junior partner of Royall & Blackshare. real estate dealers. He is a pleasant, genial gentleman, a good conversationalist, and has a host of warm friends. He is a splendid man physically, and although forty years of age does not look a day over thirty. A. L. Blackshare, of Boydsville, another prom inent and much respected citizen of Clay County. Ark., was born in Tennessee, in 1856, and came to Clay County, Ark., in 1880. He followed agri- cultural pursuits for two years, and in 1885 bought out the stock of Mrs. Ella Blackshare, widow of R. B. Blackshare, and began business in Boyds- ville. This he continued for two years, and then sold out to J. S. Blackshare, after which he purchased the stock of \V. S. Blackshare & Co., and is now engaged in that business, under the firm title of A. L. Blackshare. Aside from this he is also oc- cupied in milling and manufactimng, under the business title of Blackshare & Blackshare. In 1 886 he was elected to the position of treasurer of the company, and was re- elected in 1888. Miss Ada Berton, a native of Arkansas, and the daugh- ter of Robert Berton, became his wife, and to them were born two children, one now living: Robert Bascom. The other child, Ernest," died at the age of one year. Mr. Blackshare is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Larry Boshers. This successful young planter and stockman, of Clay County, of which he has been a resident for seventeen years, is well and favorably known to the many citizens of Kilgore Township. He was born in the State of Tennesseo. in 1802, being the seventh of fourteen children of Henry and Tabitha (Stewart) Boshers, who were also originally from that State, the former being a planter by occupation, and there he died. After his death his widow came to Clay County, Ark. , and here di(>(l on her farm, in 1882. Larry Bosli- ers was early taught the rudiments of farm life, becoming still better acquainted with that calling as he grew to manliood. and is now considered one of the enterprising, thorough and reliable young agriculturists of the count}'. In 1880 he made his first pui'chase of land, which amounted to forty acres, in a raw state, and has since added from time to time to tbis tract, until he now has a vahiahle farm consisting of 480 acres, with 17^) under cultivation, the rest being well adapted to raisins' stock, to which Mr. Boshers gives consid- erable attention. He devotes seventy hve acres to the culture of cotton each year. He votes with the Democratic party, is a member of the Agri- cultural Wheel, and, personally, is held in high esteem by all who know him. Miss Jennie Mont gomery, a native of Clay County, became his wife in ISSO, and died in 18S4, having borne two chil- dren, both deceased. Her parents were Daniel and Polly Montgomery. Giles Bowers, carpenter and builder of Boyds- ville, and one of the successful business men of that village, is a native of North Carolina, and remained in his native State until twenty-seven years of age. He was engaged in gold mining until the lireaking out of the late war, when he enlisted in the Forty-ninth North Carolina Infan- try, in April, 1862, and served until the termina- tion of hostilities. He was in Gen. Lee's army, in Gen. Matt. W. Ransom's brigade, and partici- pated in the seven days' fight at Richmond, at Gen. McClellan's defeat, and was in all the tights and campaigns before Richmond. He was at the second battle of Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericks- burg, and was captured at Five Forks and placed on Johnson Island. Ohio, as a prisoner of war, be- ing discharged there from June IS, 1S(55. He then returned to North Carolina, remaining until the spring of 1868, when he came to what is now Clay County, and, settling on a farm, tilled the soil until 1879. He is the owner of 120 acres of land, with about seventy acres under cultivation. In the last mentioned year he opened up a carpenter- shop, having learned the trade in previous years, and has erected the principal part of the buildings in Boydsville. At one time ho was a member of the tirm of Bowers &, Toombs, and later of the firm of Bowers & Downs. Mr. Bowers also manu- factures seats and desks for church and school purposes. He has been married twice; tirst, to Miss Elizabeth Almond, of North Carolina, who bore him ten children, eight of whom survive and are named as follows; Josephine, wife of James Mooning, and the mother of two children, ie now living on a farm in Sharp County; John \V. is engaged in business in Boydsville; Flora J., mar- ried to C. M. King, a farmer of Clay County, is the mother of three children; Nancy A. is at home with her father; Kittie Belle, wife of James W. Dobbins, a farmer near Boydsville; Frederick C, Giles L. and Brantly H. The mother of these children died in September, 1885. For his second wife Mr. Bowers chose Miss Maggie J. Matthews, who survived only seventeen months after mar- riage, and left a child, which followed its mother to the grave but a month lat(?r. Mr. Bowers is a Republican, and is somewhat active in politics, having done valiant woik for that party. Although not a member of any church, he works in harmony with all good people for the benefit of the commu- nity and for his fellow men. W. D. Bowers. Among the extensive indus- trial enterprises which form the basis of Clay County's importance and j)ro8perity is the stave and head factory located at Corning, in which Mr. Bowers has worked for ten years, and of which he has been foreman two years, working his way up to that position from a mill-hand. His native State is Ohio, his birth having occurred in Harrison County in 1851, and his parents wei-e also from that State. They were Jacob and Lavina Bowers, iiee Downs, the father being a tiller of the soil and successful in his calling, which occu- pation he continued to follow until his death in 1881. His wife is still living and makes her home in her native State. W. D. Bowers, like the majority of youths, lient his energies to learn- ing the occupation in which his father was en- gaged, and also acquired a good education in the public schools of Harrison County. After the late Civil War he joined the regular army of the United States, and was stationed at different points in the South, but in 1879 he came to Corning, Ark., and began working in the mill in which he is now employed. His wife, whom he married in 1879, and who was formerly Miss Lenora Powell, was born in Tennessee, and was a daughter of B. C. Powell and wife, also of that State, the for- mer now residing near Austin, and the latter de- ceased. In 1883 Mr. Bowers lost his excellent wife, she having borne him two children, one of whom is living, Floyd. In 1886 Mr. Bowers was married in Union County, 111., to Miss Mary Stew- art, a native of Indiana. Her parents. Henry and Jane (Pollock) Stewart, were Ohio people, who moved first to Indiana and from there to Cape Girardeau County, Mo., where they opened up a farm in 1874, and later kept a hotel at Doni- phan. Here Mr. Stewart died in 1887, his wife having died in Indiana, in 1885. He enlisted in the Union army from Indiana, at the breaking out of the Civil War. Mr. Bowers has never been very active in politics. Socially he is a member of the K. of H. He is very public-spirited, and has always practiced those principles of fairness and honesty which are bound to command the respect and admiration of all right-minded people. C. Fred. Brennecke. editor of the Clay County Advocate, at Greenway, Ark., was born in Cape Girardeau County, Mo. , December 19, 1866, being a son of Frederick Brennecke, a native of Ger- many, who came to the United States with his parents when a lad of ten years and settled in Cape Girardeau County, Mo., where he grew to manhood and was married, the latter event being in the city of Cape Girardeau to Miss Dena Hunze, who was born in Germany. Mr. Brennecke served in the Union army during the late war. Since about 1865 he has resided in Cape Girardeau, and is in the service of Col. Robert Sturdivant. C. Fred. Brennecke grew to manhood in his native county, and learned the printer's trade in Cape Girardeau, commencing when thirteen years of age and continuing for about four and one half years. From this place he went to Jefferson City, but only worked there a short time, when he moved to Higginsville, La Fayette County, Mo., where he followed his trade for two years. J Subsequently he came to Greenway, Ark,, and became asso- ciated with Mr. Dollison in the publication of the Advocate, having charge of the mechanical depart- ment one year. January 2, 1889, he became sole proprietor, and is now editor and publisher of that paper. It is the leading newspaper of the county and is independent in politics. Mr. Brennecke receives a liberal amount of advertising, and his journal has the largest circulation of any ])aper in the county. He is a practical printer, a thorough business man, and is of exemplary hal)its and character. He was elected a member of the town board, and is now town recorder. Jacob Brobst, the present mayor of Corning, and county jailer of the Western division of Clay County, Ark., is descended from a family that has held a worthy place in the history of this country, and wherever its representatives have settled they have became recognized as prominent and influen- tial members of society. He was born in Colum- bus, Ohio, on the 18th of June, 1839, and of this State his parents, John and Catherine (Bachar) Brobst, were among the pioneer settlers. The father is still living and resides in Upper Sandusky, Ohio, but the mother died in 1874. Jacob followed the occupation of his father until eighteen years of age, receiving in the meantime a good education in the public schools of Wyandot County, Ohio, and after starting out to fight the battle of life for himself he worked at the carpenter's trade and taught school, securing in the latter profession the reputation of being one of the best educators in the county. Miss L. M. England, a native of Hancock County, Ohio, became his wife in 1862, and their union was blessed in the birth of two children: J. K.. who is married and resides at home, and Mary Alice, also at home. ]\Irs. Brobst's parents, Robert and Ellen (Lape) Eng- land, were Ohio people, the former being a farmer who died in 1875. His widow is a resident of Goshen, Ind. In 1864 Mr. Brobst went to Fort W'ayne, Ind., and was engaged in railroading in that State imtil 1879, when he took up his abode in Corning, Ark., which was at that time a very small place, and has since given his attention to carpen- tering. He votes with the Democratic party, and has been jailer of the West division for three years; was first elected to the position of mayor in 1882, next in 1883, and is now serving his third term. During 1884-85-86 and 1887 he was a member of the city council, and has also been deputy assessor of the Western division of Clay County. He was W*^ li foreman of the grand jury that found thp indict- ment by which the second man of tlie Ku Klux was hung, thus breaking up that gang in this sec- tion of the country. He is the owner of some fine residence property in the town, and besides this has a fertile and well tilled farm of ii'iO acres in Nelson Township. He believes in building up this place, and has done his full share in this direc- tion. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. J. W. Brown, a farmer residing near Vidette, Ark., was born in Hardin County, Tenn., February "26, 1835, and is a son of John and Sarah (Garner) Brown, who were Tennesseeans, the mother dying in her native State when the subject of this sketch was a small boy. J. W. Brown was reared on a farm in his native county and in 1854 emigrated to Arkansas, coming by wagon, and located on the farm where he now lives. His place was heavilj' covered with timber when he located, but he soon erected a little log cabin and began clearing his land. He was compelled to work very hard, but made good headway, and now has one of the most valuable farms in the county, consisting of '200 acres, with about 100 acres under cultivation. Game of all kinds was quite abundant when he tirst came to the State, and one time he brought down a bear with his trusty rifle. In 18f>2 he enlisted in Company B, Col. White's regiment, and during six months' service was in the battle of (Jrane Hill. Owing to rheumatism he was compelled to leave the army. His first wife was Patience Vassar, and his second Emily Sloan, by whom he had a family of seven children, four now living: Henry, Amanda, George "W. and Sarah E. Both these wives were Tennesseeans, whom he married while living in that State. His present wife, whose maiden name was Martha Garner, has borne him three children: Minnie A., Ida M. and Reulien A. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are members of the Christian Church, and he is a member of the Masonic order. Andrew J. Brown, merchant and postmaster at Piggott, Ark. , is one of the prominent residents of the county, and in his business as well as social relations has won the confidence and respect of all who know him. His birth occurred in Union County, 111., Juno 15, 1843, his parents, Samuel and Annie (Dillow) Brown, being natives of the same State. They reared their family on a farin in Union County, and here Andrew J. Brown re- mained until twenty-five years of age, enlisting in 18()2 in the One Hundred and Ninth Illinois Infantrj', which was afterward consolidated with the Eleventh Illinois, and served until he received his discharge at Springfield on the 15th of July, 1805. He was in the fight at Vicksburg on the 4th of July, 1868, and was at Yazoo City, Fort Spanish, and the surrender of Mobile. He was in the hospital at La Grange, Tenn., a short time, and in 1868 removed to Arkansas and located in what is now Clay County, where he was occupied in farm- ing for a few years. In 1879 he embarked in merchandising, and in 1882 located at Prggott, where he erected a business house and has since been engaged in keeping a general mercantile establishment, and has built up a good trade. He was appointed postmaster of the town in April, 1888, which office he has since held. He and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church (in which he is a deacon), and he is a member of the G. A. R. organization, and is quartermaster of his post. He was married on the 28th of Decem- ber, 1868, to Miss M. J. Pollard, a sister of W. ^\'. Pollard, whose sketch appears in this work, and they are the parents of the following cbiltb-en: Henry O. , a lad of twelve years: Cindona, a daughter, who died March 11,1 889, at the age of seventeen years, and an infant deceased. Hiram Calvin, of the firm of Clemson & Calvin, although a young man, is one of the most success- ful business men in this portion of the State. He has l)een running the business exclusively for six and a half years last, having come to this point with a stock of goods in December, 1882. He passed through the country eightetni months before the road was Iniilt, and, from what he reported, his partner in Illinois bought 4,200 acres of timber land, about half of which still belongs to the estate. They commenced business in Clay County, Ark., with a stock of goods worth $2,497, which has been increased since .then to $3, 500. In addition to the store, the firm own a stave-mill, which they J'- ^ 206 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. operate, and a farm of 120 acres, all under im- provement and well stocked. They have also been interested in steamboats on the river, and still own a small interest there. The original and only investment in goods and buildings amounted to $3,100, and, at a very low estimate, profits worth $10,000, and the first investment, have been paid out. Hiram Calvin is the son of K. T. Calvin and Angie (Rifner) Calvin, and the grandson, on his mother's side, of Peter and Elizabeth (Rockafellow) Rifner. Peter Rifner was a soldier in the War of 1812, being commissioned by Gen. Harrison as commander of a company. R. T. Calvin was born in New Jersey, and emigrated to Harrison, Ohio, when a young man. There he man-ied Miss Rif- ner. Hiram Calvin easts his vote with the Demo- cratic party, and is a member of the "Triple Alli- ance. ' ' He married Miss Gussie Boren, daughter of Cole Boren, of Mound City, 111. , who was a pilot on the Mississippi River, and whose father, Mor- gan Borenr, was born in Tennessee, in 1789, he be- ing a soldier in the Black Hawk War. The latter married Miss Anna Lathran, of Tennessee. To Mr. and Mrs. Calvin have been born three chil- dren: Fannie, Gussie and Aggie. Mr. Clemson died March 30, 1889, at his residence near Olm- sted, 111. , aged sixty-four years and ten days. William A. Campbell was born in Greene County, Mo., April 10, 1848, being a son of Will- iam and Nancy Campbell, and grandson of James and Lucy Campbell and James and Hannie Col- lins, who were natives of Patrick County, Va. William Campbell, Sr. , was a farmer, and moved to Missouri in 1845, residing in Greene County until 1852, when he removed to Cass County, and two years later to Kansas Territory. He eon- j tinned to make this his home iintil 1807, since which time he has been a resident of Vernon County, Mo., and is now living at Milo, of that county, engaged in merchandising. He and wife are the parents of the following family: John W., a resident of Arizona Territory, engaged in the milling business; George W. , who died in Newton County, Mo., in 1886; Marthie E., who died in i Greene County, Mo., in 1846; William A., James E. , who died in Vernon County, Mo., in 1872; , Isaac F., a merchant of Arizona Territory; Melissa J., who died in Bourbon County, Kas. , in 1859; Thomas H. , who died in Crawford County, Kas. , in 1863; David H. , a blacksmith at El Paso, Tex. : Melissa, married Charles Baker in 1883, and resides in Crawford County, Kas. William A. Campbell began life for himself in 1863, when only sixteen years old, at which time he enlisted in the Federal army, in Company B, Fourteenth Regiment of Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, under Capt. Charles H. Haynes, and Col. C. W. Blair, in which regi- ment he served until June 15, 1865, then being honorably discharged with the balance of his regi- ment, at Lawrence, Kas. He then went to South- east Kansas, where he joined his parents, staying there until May 20, 1866, the date of his marriage to Miss Rebecca A. Cooper, afterward moving to McDonald County, Mo., and from there to El Paso, Tex., where he lived one year. Going thence to Benton County, Ark., he lived there two years and later settled in Newton County, Mo., but after a residence in that locality until 1S84, moved to Clay County, Ark. , reaching this place November 17, 1884. Here he still resides. He bought 320 acres of heavily timy>ered land, and now has eighteen acres cleared and under fence, with a young orchard of 100 apple trees of a select variety. William A. Campbell was elected justice of the peace in his county, October 20, 1888, which ofiice he still holds. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Rebecca A. Campbell, his wife, is the daughter of Hiram and Lucinda Cooper, and was born in McDonald Coimty, Mo. , March 7, 1 848. Her father died when she was four years old, and when she was seven years old her mother died, leaving her and one sister and two brothers to tight the battle of life as best they could. The oldest child was only ten years of age. She lived in McDonald County, Mo., until the spring of 1862, when she moved to Southeast Kansas with relatives, residing there until her marriage in 1866. AVilliam A. and Rebecca A. Campbell are the parents of six children : George W., the eldest, died in Jasper County, Mo., in 1872; John W. died in Mexico, in 1874; Alex- ander died in Mexico in 1874; John W. and Alex- CLAY COUNTY. 207 ander (twins) died on the same day; Lucinda J., Martlia E., and Rosa A., the youngt^st child, still remain with their pai'ents. William C. Cochran, merchant of Greenway, Ark., was born in Massac County, 111., September 4. 1854, his father. Jesse Cochran, being a native of North Carolina. The latter went to Illinois when a young man, where he was married to Jane Sexton, and resided in Massac County np to 1856, when he moved to Arkansas and settled in what is now Clay County. Here he entered land, made a farm, and reared a family. His death occurred in September, 1869. William C. Cochran and two sisters are the only surviving members of a family of six children. He was reared in Clay County, his youth being spent on a farm. He was married in this county on the 5th of December, 1881, to Miss Sarah E. Leeth. a daughter of John A. Leeth, formerly from Tennessee, now deceased. Mrs. Cochran was born in Tennessee, but was reared in Clay County, and by Mr. Cochran is the mother of one child, who is living: Lura, now six years old. Jesse died in January, 1886, at the age of live months. Mr. Cochran had been engaged in farming and the ginning business previous to his marriage, and afterwards continued the former occupation for three years. In August, 1885, he commenced merchandising at Greenway and has been interested in that business since that time. He was appointed deputy postmaster in 1885 and served two years. He carries an excellent stock of general merchandise, and has built up a good trade. He is a Mason and belongs to the I. O. O. F. Robert L. Coleman, proprietor of Piggott Hotel, Piggott, Ark., and the son of Col. David and Sarah (Love) Coleman, was born in Haywood County. N. C, March "26, 1823. Col. David Cole- man was a native of North Carolina, but moved to Tennessee at an early day. locating in Carroll Coun- ty, where he followed farming, and there remained until his death. He served as colonel of the State militia. His wife, Sarah Love, was also a native of North Carolina. Her father, Gen. Tliomas Love, was in the Revolutionary War as well as the M'ar of 1812. Robert L. Coleman was reared to manhood on a farm in Tennessee, read law in Car- roll County, and was admitted to the bar, after which he practiced there until his removal to Missouri in 1851. He then located at Hartsville, Wright County, practiced there for throe years and upon re- turning to Tennessee, engaged in mercantile pur- suits until the breaking out of the late war, wlienhe enlisted in the Confederate service, in 18(')2. in Col. Napier's regiment. He remained in this regiment for about eight months, afterward l>eing in Col. Green's regiment, where he was promoted to adju- tant and served in that capacity. He was captured at Parke's Cross Roads by Gen. Sullivan, was held a prisoner at Cam]) Douglas for over three months, and was then exchanged. He then returned to Tennessee and did not enter the service again. He resumed the j>ractice of law in Carroll County for about three years, l)ut finally gave up law. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, for many years and was licensed to preach in 1868. He was a local preacher in his church for some years. He was ordained deacon in 1870 at Trenton, Tenn., by Bishoj) McTyre, and followed his ministerial duties in Tennessee up to 1875, when he moved to Arkansas, settling at Oak BlufP in Clay County, and there resided for a num- ber of years. He taught school for nine months, and then engaged in the manufacture of tobacco in 1878, which occupation he has followed up to the present date. He built his hotel in the fall of 1888 and moved in December. His is the first and last and only hotel in Piggott. Mr. Coleman was married in Carroll County, Tenn., December 4, 1850, to Miss Harriet E. Norman, a native of Carroll County, and the daughter of Judge John Norman. To this union were born three children, two daughters and a son: Sarah N., wife of Albert Hubbard, of Piggott; Mollio X.. widow, and John R., who died May 7, 1883, in his twenty-fifth year. Mr. Coleman was ordained local elder here in 1881 by the same bishop that ordained him deacon in Tennessee. G. W. Cook is a successful agriculturist and stockman of Oak Blutf Township, Clay County, .\rk. , and was born in Weakley County, West Tenn. , in 1N4(), being the youngest in a family of seven children born to Richard A. and Ann (David) 208 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Cook, both of whom were born in Old Virginia. At an early day they moved to West Tennessee, where the father opened up a farm and there died in 1860, at the age of fifty-eight years. His widow came to Greene County, Ark. , in August, 1874, and here died in October of the same year at the age of seventy-six years. G. W. Cook grew to manhood in his native State, and received his edu- cation in Weakley County, being also married there, in 1864, to Miss M. M. Jenkins, a daughter of C. P. and Mary G. (Boothe) Jenkins, who were born in North Carolina, and were early immigrants of Ten- nessee, where they became wealthy farmers and spent their declining years, the father dying in 1889 and the mother in 1872. After his marriage Mr. Cook settled on the old homestead, aud there made his home until 1873, when he came to Greene County, Ark., and purchased a timber tract of eighty acres, which he cleared and sold in 1888. In 1874 he moved to Clay County, and five years later purchased the farm on which he is at present residing, which consisted of 120 acres, with thirty acres under the plow. He has increased his lands until he now has 960 acres, 200 of which are under cultivation, in the home farm, and 320 acres, with thirty-two under cultivation, in Blue Cane Town- ship, Greene County. He is interested in stock raising, and makes a specialty of Berkshire and Poland China hogs. His principal crop is corn. He has never been very active in politics, but usually votes the Democratic ticket. He is a mem- ber of the A. F. & A. M. lodge at Rector, and is intere.sted in all worthy public enterprises. He is in every respect a self-made man, and all his prop- erty has been acquired by his own exertions. He and wife are the parents of the following children: Ella, now Mrs. Bolton; Daniel Elvis, Joseph, Oda and Edar living, and six children deceased. In 1861 Mr. Cook enlisted in Weakley County in Com- pany C, Fifty-second Tennessee Infantry, and was mustered into service at Henderson Station, after- ward participating in the battle of Shiloh. At the end of six months he returned home. Fred \V. Cooper, merchant of Green way, Clay County, Ark., was born on the 9th of October, 1866, in Pulaski County, HI., his parents, C. C. and Georgia (McDonald) Cooper, being also born in that State. Mr. Cooper was a merchant of Cale- donia, 111., for a number of years and died there in May, 1877. Fred W. Cooper remained with his father until the latter' s death -and received his education in the common schools of Illinois and in Cincinnati, Ohio. After spending about one year in the ' 'Lone Star State' ' he located in Clay County, Ark. , in July, 1887, where he bought property, erected a store building, and engaged in merchan- dising, carrying a large and select stock of shelf and heavy hardware, farming implements and furni- ture. He has built up a good trade and is making money. He was married in Pulaski County, Novem- ber 9, 1887, to Miss Gertrude Williamson, a native of Ohio, who was reared and educated in Pulaski ] County, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper are the parents of one child. Velaria. Mr. Cooper is a young man of energy, push and enterprise, and possess- I ing excellent business qualifications, is certain to ; succeed in whatever he undertakes. Henry B. Cox, a prominent merchant of Rec- tor, Ark., was born February 13, 1843, in Weakley County, Tenn. His parents were, William A. Cox and Hiley Cox, natives, respectively, of Buck- ingham County, Va. , and Giles County, Tenn. William A. Cox, the father of our subject, was born March 22, 1815. He was of Scotch-Irish descent. Remaining in his native State until twelve years of age, he emigrated with his parents to Tennessee, which State at that time was wild and sparsely inhabited, and furnished very limited means of education. Still, William A. Cox, in the face of every disadvantage, by his own extraor- dinary efforts, succeeded in qualifj'ing himself for business affairs, and filled various important sta- tions. In 1838 he was married to Mrs. Hiley Scho- tield, widow of Thomas Schotield, and daughter of Asa and Nancy Magee, of Tennessee. Result- ing from this union were six children: Ballard C, Leamma M. , Henry B. (subject of this sketch), William A., Jr., Emily S. and Amanda Cox. Ball- ard C. Cox was killed at the battle of Chickamauga while in the Confederate sei-vice. Amanda and Emily S. , late wife of W. S. Blackshare, are also deceased. In 1857 William A. Cox and family s.pV CLAY COUNTY. 209 emigrated from Tennessee to Greene County, Ark. , and settled three miles north of the town of Oak Bluff. The woods at that time abounded in wild animals. School and church privileges were very limited. During the late war William A. Cox re- mained at home, but he was a Southern sympa- thizer. In religion he was a Presbyterian, but was identified with the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, at the time of his death, in 1871. Mrs. Hiley Cox is still living, and is a resident of Clay County, Ark. (Clay County was formerly a part of Greene County.) The paternal grandfather, John Cox, was a native of Virginia, as was also his wife. He was of Scotch descent, and was a farmer bj- occupation. The maternal grandparents were of Tennessee. The grandfather participated in the Indian wars. He was engaged in the memora- ble battle of Horseshoe Bend. Henry B. Cox was thirteen years of age when the family removed to Arkansas. He remained at home on the farm un- til March, 1862, when he enlisted in Company D, Twenty fifth Arkansas Volunteer Infantry, under Capt. G. D. Byers, Confederate army. He was elected third lieutenant at Corinth, Miss. At Readerville, Tenn., he was promoted to first lieu- tenant. He was in the battles at Richmond. Ky., and Murfreesboro, Tenn., as well as numer- ous smaller engagements. At Murfreesboro he was wounded in the right foot, which resulted in much suffering and long confinement in the Medical College Hospital, at Atlanta, Ga. , of which Dr. Willis Westmoreland was chief surgeon. In ]Sr)3, near GriflSn, Ga. , he was married to Miss Addie E. Lavender, daughter of Judge James La- vender, a native of Georgia. For two years after his marriage he was engaged in farming. In 1867, in Carroll County, Ga. , he went into the mercan- tile business. He emigrated to Greene County, Ark., in 1867, and is still occupied in the same business. By his marriage Mr. Cox became the father of nine children, as follows: Charles M. B., .■Vugusta O., Eugene H. . Cora B. , Mary F., Annie L. , Dreas L., Augustus C. and Hubert D. Cox. Of these there are surviving only Charles M. B. , Cora B., Mary F. and Dreas L. Cox. The wife of Mr. Cox, Mrs. Addie E. Cox, passed from this life into the future on July 9, 1880, at the age of thirty - six years. Mr. Cox afterward married Miss Laura I. Cox, a native of Missouri, and daughter of Rev. J. W. Cox, of the Methodist Protestant Cliurch. To this union were born two children: Addie B. and Everett; the last named died at the age of four months. Mr. Cox established his business in Rector in 1882. He was the purchaser of the first lot sold in town, and has l)een quite successful. Mr. Cox and family are members of the Methodist Protestant Church. He was ordained a minister in 1872. He has been a member of the Masonic order since 1866, and took the Chapter and Coun- cil degrees in 1867, at CarroUton, Carroll County. Ga. He is a Democrat in jjolitics; a stanch advo- cate of the principles of prohibition, he supported Gen. Fisk for president in 1888. In personal ap- pearance Mr.. Cox is tall and imposing; is six feet and two inches, and weighs 200 ll)s. He has dark- brown eyes, and wears a heavy, full beard. Thomas J. Crews, farmer and stock raiser of St. Francis Township, Clay County, Ark., was bom in Bedford County, Tenn., August 1, 1847, and is the son of Dr. John Crews, a native of Virginia, and Mary A. (Tribble) Crews. Dr. John Crews was reared in his native State and was married twice, his first wife bearing him two sons and three daughters, all now deceased but one, a daughter. His second marriage was to the mother of our subject, who bore him four children, two sons and two daughters, all of whom grew to ma- ture years. The Doctor moved from Bedford to Weaklev County, residing there some nine years, engaged in farming, and then, aliout 187)7, he moved with his family to Arkansas, locating in what is now Clay County, made a farm and there resided until his death, which occurred in December. 1876. Thomas J. Crews grew to manhood on the farm in Clay County, remaining with his parents until ''rown, and was married in that county September 1, 1872, to Miss Mary J. Lively, a native of Ar kansas, and the daughter of William Lively, and sister of Rev. Lively, whose sketch appears else where in this work. After his marriage Mr. Crews settled in the neighborhood where he now lives, and after his father's de.ith he came to the -il 210 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. old home and bought out the heirs. He has 250 acres of land with about 125 fenced and under cultivation. Mrs. Crews died February 12, 1878, and since then Mr. Crews' mother, who is still living, has been his housekeeper. Mr. Crews is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Wisdom Lodge No. 343, and has filled all the official posi- tions in his lodge. He has represented the lodge in the grand lodge two different times. He is also a member of the I. O. O. F., Lodge No. 56, at Piggott, and is Noble Grand of this lodge. He has served as district deputy for four years, and has represented this lodge and Clark Bluff a num- ber of times. He is a prominent man and an ex- cellent citizen. Z. T. Daniel is well known thoughout Clay County, Ark. , and for a number of years tilled the office of deputy county surveyor, with competence and ability. He was born on Blue Grass soil in Grant County, in 1848, being the eldest of a family of eight children born to Lewis B. and Sardinia K. (Canfield) Daniel, the former a native of Kentucky, and the latter of Ohio. The father was reared in his native State, and in March, 1849, moved to Illinois and settled in Schuyler County, •where he engaged in farming, continuing this oc- cupation until 1862, when he left his farm to en- gage in the war, enlisting from Rushville, III., in Company B, One Hundred and Nineteenth Illi- nois Infantry, and was mustered into service at Qujncy. He died in 1863 of disease contracted while in the service. His excellent wife still sur- vives him and resides at Rushville, 111. Z. T. Daniel received excellent facilities for acquiring an education, and besides attending the public school at Rushville, 111., attended the Washington University at St. Louis, in 1874, 1875 and 1876. During this time he studied surveying, and in March, 1876, he came to Corning, Ark., for the purpose of continuing his agricultural operations but drifted into surveying, which occuj)ation re- ceived the greater part of his attention, his serv- ices being utilized in Northern Arkansas and South- ern Missouri. He was married in Clay County, Ark., in the fall of 1882, to Miss Ellen McClintick, a native of Quincy, 111. , and a daughter of Henry Clay and Mary Ann (Dilley) McClintick, also of Illinois, who came to Corning, Ark., in 1878, where they are still residing, the father being the proprietor of the Illinois Hotel. Subseqiient to his marriage, Z. T. Daniel settled in Corning. He worked for the Iron Mountain Railroad Com- pany as civil engineer nearly two years. He is reporter for the K. of H. , and is an active mem- ber of the I. O. G. T. His wife is a member of the Baptist Church, and having no family of their own they have adopted . a little boy named Eddie, Elihu Davis, whose success as a farmer and stock raiser is well established throughout the county, is a native of Hardin County, Ky. , born March 11, 1S21. His father, William Davis, was also a native of Kentucky, and was married in that State to Miss Sarah Hardin, of the same State, although her people were from the Carolinas. William Davis settled on a faraj in Kentucky, re- sided there a number of years, and then moved to Wayne County, Tenn., where he purchased a farm and here reared his children. He died about 1835 or 1836. His wife survived him until 1877, when she died at the home of her son in Arkansas. Elihu Davis was reared in Tennessee and came to Arkansas when a young man of eighteen, or in 1838, locating in Greene County, but now Clay County, and finally settled on his present property in 1844. His nearest neighbor was three miles distant, wild animals were plentiful and many a deer and wild turkey fell before his unerring rille. Mr. Davis cleared over 100 acres where Greenway is now located, and sold forty acres of this in May. 1889, for an addition to the town. He was mar- ried first in Clay County, October 16. 1844, to Susan Sites, a native of Arkansas, who died Sep- tember 16, 1863. To this union were born seven children, who grew to mature years. Mr. Davis married his second wife. Mrs. Nancy Boggus, a widow, formerly Miss Nancy Sheltou, who was born in Alabama. She was the mother of one son by her first marriage. This wife died October 23, 1873, and Mr. Davis married again, in Clay Coun- ty, Miss Tennessee Horton, who bore him two chil- dren, Joseph and Nancy. Mrs. Davis was born in r"^ CLAY COUNTY. 211 Tennessee, but was reared in Missouri and Arkan- sas. To Mr. Davis by his first wife were born these children: William A., whose sketch appears in this work; Solomon T., John, Elilui, Jr., (Clar- issa, wife of T. J. Smith; Sarah, and Mary, wife of Lewis Clippard. To his second marriag(> one son, Thomas L. , was born. Mr. Davis is a Master Mason, and a member of the Baptist Church. William M. Davis. Among the worthy resi- dents of Clay County, Ark., it is but just to say that Mr. Davis occupies a conspicuous and honor- able place, for he has always been honest, indus- trious and enterprising, and as a result has met with more than ordinary success. He was born in Georgia, on the 1 5th of August, 1842, and is a son of D. D. and Rebecca (Isbul) Davis, who were born, reared and married in South Carolina. They moved to Georgia after their marriage, where they remained about ten years and then located in Ala- bama, and afterward in Greene County, Ark., where the father is now living. William M. Davis remained with his father until of age, and in 1862 enlisted in the Twenty-fifth Arkansas In- fantry. Confederate States Army, and served until the spring of 18fi5, when he surrendered at Witts- burgh, Ark. He was at Murfreesboro, Chick- amauga, Franklin, and the siege and surrender of Atlanta, being in about thirteen regular engage- ments. After the war he was engaged in farming in Greene County, and was married in Dunklin County, Mo., on Buffalo Island, September lU, 1867, to Miss Martha Cochran, who was born and reared in Dunklin Coimty, being a daughter of Pleasant Cochran. Mr. and Mrs. Davis remained in Greene County until 1874, when he moved to his present place in Clay County, trading his farm there for the one on which he is now residing. He has 160 acres, with about seventy-five under culti- vation, and has built a good frame residence, stables and sheds and otherwise greatly imjjroved his jiroperty since locating, Mr. and Mrs. Davis are the parents of the following children: Cynthia E., wife of James Golden; Pleasant L., James E., WUliam David, George F., Samuel A., Lou Z., John Henry and Poarlie Gertrude. Two chil- dren died in early childhood. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are members of the Methodist Episcopal Churcli, South, and he is a Master Mason. William A. Davis, another prominent farmer and stock raiser of Haywood Township, Clay County, Ark., was born in the above-mentioned county, near Greeuway, April 20. 1853, and is the son of Elihu Davis, a Kentuckian by birth, who was reared in that State and in Tennessee. The father came to Arkansas when a young man and was here married. AVilliam A. Davis grew to manhood on the home farm, remaining with his father until twenty-seven years of age, and was married here first, March 10, 1881, to Miss Anna Randleman, who died in September, 1881. Mr. Davis had boiight and located where he resides in 1880, and this place he has greatly improved. He has fifty-five acres of cleared land, neat buildings, a good orchard, and has twenty-five acres in tim- lier, all good bottom land, one mile from Green- way. Mr. Davis was married, in this county, De- cember 29, 1886, to Miss Belle Gorden, a native of Tennessee, but who was reared and educated in Clay County, Ark. Her father, Jordan Gorden, who is now deceased, was one of the pioneers of Arkansas. To Mr. and Mrs. Davis have been born one child. Myrtle, who is now six months old. Mr. Davis is a member of the Masonic Order, Wisdom Lodge No. 348, in which he is senior deacon. James Deniston, who is ])rominently identified with the farming and stock raising interests of Oak Bluff Township, was born in Ballard County, Ky., July 13, 1839, and is the son of John Denis- ton, who was born and reared in Washington County, Va. He was also married in that State, to Miss Dorotha L. Puckett, a native of Amelia County, Va. Her father served in the War of 1812. After man-iage Mr. Deniston settled on a farm in Kentucky, and followed tilling the soil up to the breaking out of the late war, when, at the age of fifty-two, he enlisted in the Twenty- third Kentucky Infantry, Union Army, and died in Texas. James Deniston spent his youth in his native county, in Kentuck)', assisting his father on the farm, and when in his nineteenth year, he was married there to Miss Eliza Brown, who 212 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. bore him five children. After marriage Mr. Den- istou followed agricultural pursuits iu Kentucky until 1868, when he moved to Missouri, and spent one year in Cape Girardeau County. He then re- sided two years in Stoddard County, and in the spring of 1872 moved to Arkansas, bought raw land, and there he lives at the present time. He is the owner of 280 acres of land, with about 125 acres cleared, all good bottom land. He served as a member of the school board for ten consecutive years, and has the confidence and esteem of his fellow men. He was married, in Cape Girardeau County, to Miss Mary E. Welch, a native of Illi- nois, but who was reared near Alton. Obion Coun- ty, Tenn. Nine children were born to the last marriage: Isabelle, Ada, Bernetta J., Rhoda,Ida M. , Stonewall J. , Scott H. , George and Effie W. Mr. and Mrs. Deniston are members of the Mis- sionary Baptist Church, and he is a deacon in the same. He is a Master Mason, and a member and treasurer of Danley Lodge No. 800. A. F. & A. M. William H. Denny. Among the many sturdy and energetic agriculturists of Clay County, Ark., who have attained their property by hard labor and economy, may be mentioned Mr. Denny, who was born in Monroe County, Mo., September 25, 1856, being a son of William T. F. and Martha (Atchison) Donny, who were born in St. Louis County. Mo., and Illinois, respectively, the form- er's birth occurring September 24, 1828. They were married January 1, 1849, and became the parents of seven children; "W. H. , Florence, Charles E., Andi-ew J., Cory Bell, Samuel W. and Lizy Edna. They moved to Monroe County, Mo. , in 1854, but returned to St. Louis County in 1861, where they are still living, being engaged in agri- cultural pursuits. The mother is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and the father is a Mason, and in his political views a Democrat. William H. Denny moved from St. Louis County to Howell County, Mo., in 1883, and from the latter county to Clay County, Ark., where he purchased, in 1885, a tract of land consisting of eighty acres, twenty of which are under cultivation, lying on Current River bottom. It is well adapted to cot- ton, corn and fruit, and can all be easily put in a tillable condition. It is also a fine grazing prop- erty, and is in condition to pasture stock the year round. Land in this section is valued at from $2 to f 25 per acre, and cleared land is equal to the best in the State. It is usually covered with a heavy growth of timber (suitable for all kinds of work), among which may be mentioned gum, ash, oak, walnut, linn and cj'press. Mr. Denny in his political views is a Democrat. Hon. Jasper W. Dollison, a resident of Green- way, Clay County, Ark., was born in Cambridge City, of the "Buckeye State," December 20, 1849. His father, William E. Dollison, was born in Pennsylvania, but was reared in Ohio, and was married there to Miss Susanna Laird, who was born in the State. Mr. Dollison removed to the State of Indiana in 1857, and located in Clay County, where he engaged in farming and stock raising and dealing until 1884, then moving to Kan- sas, and he has since made his home in Independ- ence. Hon. Jasper W. Dollison grew to mature years in Clay County, Ind., and received an excel- lent education in the Greencastle University. He was engaged in teaching in the public schools of that State for a number of years, and in 1877 moved to Missouri, and located in Andrew County, moving from there to Union County, Iowa, after a short time, where he made his home for nearly two years, having been engaged in teaching in both places. In 1881 he located at Newport, Jackson County, Ark., and for two years was superintend- ent of a lumljer mill. He then entered into the newspaper business in Greene County, at Para- gould. but in 1884 moved to Clay County and bought out the proprietors of the Rector Advocate, which he changed to the name of the Clay County Advocate, and moved the paper to Greenway in June, 1887. He continued the publication of this paper until .January, 1889, when he sold out to the present editor. In his political views he was formerly identified with the Democratic party, but when the movement known as the Labor movement was inaugurated, he recognized the justice of the cause and espoused it. In June, 1888, the State Union Labor convention, assembled at Little Rock, tendered him the nomination for State land com- missioner. He decliaed the honor, however, and after very urgent solicitation agreed to make the race for the legislature, and vfas nominated and elected on that ticket as representative of Clay County, serving vpith distinction for the term commencing January 14, 1889. He vyas married in Clay County, Ind., March 30, 1872, to Miss Anna Williams, who was born iu Kentucky, but was reared and educated principally in Indiana. Her parents were Van Buren and Mary Williams, of Clay County, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Dollison are the ]>arent8 of live childi'en: Lethe, Delia, Vincent, Charles and May. Mrs. Dollison is a mem- ber of the Christian Church, and he is a member of the K. of H. , the K. of L. and the Agricultural Wheel. He is engaged at present in real estate and timber enterprises. W. S. Downs, blacksmith, and one of the skill- ful workmen of the county, is a native of Georgia, born in 1848, and the son of Shelly Downs, who was born in Virginia. The latter was married in his native State, and afterward moved to Georgia, where the mother died shortly afterward, and where the father died in 18fil, leaving a family of three children. ^V. S. Downs was but thirteen years of age when his father died, and for three years after this, and during the war, he drove a team from Atlanta to Bowden, Ga. , and was with his teams near Franklin, Ga. (which is 100 miles from Atlanta), when that city fell into the hands of the Federal troops. At the age of sixteen Mr. Downs went to work to learn the carriage and wagon-maker's trade with the firm of J. W. Downs, and afterward with Downs & Langford, at Conyers, Ga., remaining in their employ for three years. He then came to Clay County, Ark. , where he has resided ever since, with the exception of about three years, two of which he spent in New Madrid. Mo. , and one year at his old home, where he worked for Mr. Langford, who was carrying on the same business. During his stay here six years were spent in the mill business, the second steam- mill in the county, and he afterward followed farming until about 1888, when he opened up his old business in Boydsville. He has built a shop for general repair work, and is having a fair trade. He was married in 1869 to Miss Martha A. Arnold, daughter of Andrew Arnold, of Clay County (but which at that time was Greene Coun- ty), and nine children have been the result of this union, eight now living. They are named as fol- lows: Lenora J., wife of J. A. Burton, of Tennes- see, and the mother of one child; J. H., at home attending the farm; L. E., at home; William E., J. B., Florence A.. Matthew A. and Alvin Shelly, who is named after his grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. Downs are members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, South, and he is a Democrat in jwlitics. Joseph Dudgeon. There is nothing which adds so much to the prestige of a city in the estim- ation of a stranger as first-class hotel accommoda- tions, and the Dudgeon House, of which our sub- ject is proprietor, has an excellent reputation both at home and abroad, although it has been in operation only a short time (since February, 1888). His hotel, so recently completed, consists of twenty-three commodious rooms, with a large bath-room, all of which are well furnished, and supplied with modern conveniences, and he is ever coiu'teous and aceommodatintr to his sruests. He was born in the "Emerald Isle," County Mon- ahan, in March, 1833, and is a son of John and Margaret (Mills) Dudgeon, who were of Scotch descent, but were born in Ireland, in which coun- try the father died. In 1844 Joseph, with his mother, went from Belfast to Liverpool, and in the latter city took passage for America on the sailing vessel "Patrick Henry," and after an ocean voy- age of six weeks landed at New York (Jity. Shortly after they went to Sullivan County, N. Y. . where Joseph received his education, and was reared to manhood. He started out to battle his own way in the world at the early age of thirteen years, and from earliest boyhood his career has been charac- terized by hard work, for he was l)rought up as a farmer, and received such education as could l)e acquired in the common schools previous to his sixteenth year. About this time lie and his mother went to New Orleans, and there he worked as a clerk in a store for about two years, and from that time up to ISO") lived lioth in Jri8sissii)pi ami Texas. He next located in Saginaw, Mich., where 214 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. he resided three years, then returning to New York State, and the same year located at An Sable, Ulich. , being an employe for eleven years of the Loud, Priest & Gay Lumber Company, acting as their foreman; he was held in tlie highest esteem, and commanded the full confidence of his employers. He became a noted lumberman of that region, and was engaged in the business for himself for some time, continuing successfully until 1882, when he went to Chicago, and was employed in paving the streets for a number of months. In 1883 he moved to Randolph County, Mo., but after a short time sold all his effects, and returned to Michigan. In the spring of 1885 he came to Clay County, Ark., and was engaged in tilling a farm near Corning, which he had purchased, until February, 1888, when he moved to the town, and embarked in his present enterprise. In 1860 he was married to Miss Amanda Tiffany, a native of Pennsylvania, and a daughter of Edwin and Joannah (Parks) Tiffany, the former a native of Connecticut, and the latter of New York State. Mr. Tiffany is a second cousin of George Tiffany, the noted New York City jeweler. Mr. and Mrs. Dudgeon became the parents of seven children, of whom live are living: Arthur F., residing in Michigan; Ella, wife of R. G. Gillard. of Ashland, Wis. ; John A., Bertha M., wife of J. M. Hawks, of Cotton Plant, Ark., and Pearl A. Mr. Dudgeon is a member of the I. O. O. F. , and in his political views is a Republican. His mother was born in Ireland May 5, 1781. and died at the age of 104 years. Edward B. Earle, druggist at Rector postoffice, was born in Obion County, Tenn. , February 28, 1858, but was reared at Arlington, Ky. He re- mained on the farm until nineteen years of age, receiving a common school education, and worked in a drug store for some time. October 25, 1886, he made his advent in the State of Arkansas with $2.85 in cash and worked at the carpenter's trade until February 27. 1887, when he began working for Mr. Outlaw, with whom he continued for 889 days without losing any time. Afterward he was occupied at odd jobs. He then bought out the drug store which he now owns and later purchased other property. He is now the most successful druggist in Rector, carrying a stock of drugs valued at $1,000, and is also a much esteemed citizen. September 15, 1887, he married Miss Clemmie Trantbam, a native of Clay County, Ark. Both he and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and is a Democrat in politics, but not a radical one. Mr. Earle' s parents, J. H. and Elvira (Ghalson) Earle, were natives of Ken- tucky. The father was reared near Barlow, a short distance from Cairo, and was quite an exten- sive stock man. He was a soldier in the late war and is now living in Illinois, aged sixty-six years. Mrs. Earle remained in her native State until grown, and was married there. To this union were born eight children: Sallie. John. Lee, Charles, Arthur, Edward B. , Mollie and Leana. Dr. Charles Earle, brother of the subject of this sketch, came to Rector in 1883, and is a graduate of Bellevue College, New York. Frederick Ermert is an excellent example of the success attending hard work and faithful and persistent endeavor, and is now one of the wealthy planters of Clay County, Ark. , having been a resi- dent of this region since 1856. He is a native of Germany, born in 1847, and is the eldest of five children born to John and Caroline Ermert, who were also natives of that country, and came to the State of Missouri in 1850, settling in Madison County, where the father engaged in lead mining. The following year he took the overland route to California, the journey occupying five months, and remained in that State for three years. He then returned to Madison County, Mo., but shortly after moved to Randolph County, and in 1856 he settled in what is now Clay County, where he followed the occupation of agriculture until his death in 1864, Iteing still survived by his ex cellent wife. Frederick Ermert received good training in growing up, became familiar with the details of farm life, and entered actively upon life's duties as a farmer after the close of the war, pur chasing a piece of raw land, which has since, by honest and continued eft'ort on his part, become one of the valuable places of the county. This pro- perty he sold in 1885, and since March, 1889, has CLAY COUNTY. 215 resided on bis present farm of 120 acres, sixty of which are under cultivation, thirty being devoted to the culture of cotton. He has always supported the Republican ticket, considering its views as sound and well suited to any man. He has been married thrice, his first union taking place in Clay County, in 1867, to Miss Mary Ann Whitehead, a native of that county, whose jjarents were early settlers of the locality. He lost his wife in 1875. she having borne him one child: Amanda, now the wife of William M. Williams, residing in Texas. His second marriage took place in Clay County, in 1878, to Mildi'ed Rhodes, of Mississippi, who died in 1879, also leaving one child, William, who is residing with his father. His present wife was a Miss Sarah Elizabeth Calhoun, of Tennessee, her parents, Dunklin and Penelope Calhoun, being deceased. To the last union the following chil- dren were born: James, Lewis and Fred. Many are the changes which have occurred since Mr. Er- mert first located here, and he has lived to witness the growth of what was almost a wilderness to one of the most prosperous counties of the State. Watson Forrest, better known as "Patter'" Forrest, is one of the oldest settlers in Clay County at the present time. He left Gibson County, Tenu.. in October, 1832, with his brother, Abraham Forrest, and Elisha Fly and their wives, all in one wagon drawn by cattle, and they soon fell in with James Kennedy, who, with his wife and four children, were in a wagon drawn by horses. They all settled on Slavin's Creek, in what is Greene County now, and there they re- mained for three years. During this time Watson Forrest was married to Miss Sarah Crafton, of Gib- son County, Tenn. , and the daughter of John B. Crafton, of Tennessee. Mr. Forrest had returned to Tennessee to assist his father, Mark Forrest, to move to the farm picked out for him by his son, on Slavin's Creek, and here married Miss Crafton, and with her and his father he returned to Greene County al)out D<>cember 10. 1838. In 1835 he and wife moved to what is known as Clay County at the present day, settling about one mile from where he now lives, and there remained some five years. He then moved to Barry County, Mo., continued there but thi-ee months and then returned and bouglit a log cabin, where his present resi- dence is standing. He paid $250 for the log cabin and the improvements, and $2.50 per acre for forty acres of land. To this he has since added 220 acres. The old log house be uses for a stable. When Mr. Forrest first came to this State there was no market for anything; neither was there any law, nor officers neither sejuire, sheriff nor constable, and Mr. Forrest assisted in electing the first sheriff, Charley Robinson. A man by the name of Tucker was the first representative of Greene County, and there were only forty votes cast in the whole county. Stock had to be driven on foot to Memphis. Teiin., 125 miles away, but as there was but very little stock in the county, these trips were seldom made until about 1845. Pre- vious to that time the only way of obtaining money was by selling the pelts of animals, deer, elk, bear, wildcat, panther, raccoon, mink and otter being plentiful at that time. Deer skins were the most sought after, and at Cape Girardeau were worth from about $1.00 to 12.00 each; coon skins fi-om twenty-five to fifty cents each; elks, from $1.50 to $2.00 each; bear, from $1.00 to $3.00; wildcat, about twenty-five cents; panther. fix)m$1.00to $1.50; mink, fi'om $1.50 to S3. 00, and otter, from $4.00 to $6.00. Buffalo, in rather limited numbers, were in the State also. With the exception of the buffalo and elk. all the above mentioned animals are still represented in the woods, coon and deer being very plentiful. The next nearest trading-point was Pocahontas, on the Black River, which offered a market for the first time about 1835. This was twentj' miles dis- tant from where Mr. Forrest lived. The first rail- road market to which Mr. Forrest went was Dexter, on the Iron Mountain road, in Missouri, and about forty miles from his residence. The first church built in what is now Clay County was at Salem, in about 1842, and was of the Baptist denomina- tion. It was constructed by two men. M'illiam Nutt and Mr. Winingham, the latter preaching the first sermon. He was also the first Baptist pnvicher. The first preacher of any kind that Mr. Forrest heard was Rev. Fountain Brown, a Meth- 210 HISTOKY OF AKKANSAS. odist. circuit rider. The first school house in the county was l)uilt within a mile of where Mr. For rest now lives, and a man by the name of Cyrus Owens taught the first session as near as can be remembered. Mr. Forrest has in his possession a stone which he took fi-om the maw of a spotted deer killed by him thirty years ago, and which he believes to be a veritable mad stone. It is about the size and shape of a chicken's heart, of a dull, yellowish or brown color, and resembles a well worn molar. On one side is a decayed place which appears to be porous in its nature, while the stone has a smooth, polished appearance. Three people bitten by mad dogs have been cured by this stone. In each case, animals had been bitten b_y the same dog, and in every case went mad. It will also cure rattlesnake bites. In case of the lat- ter, or that of a mad dog, the stone adheres to the wound until saturated with the poison, when it falls, and by placing the stone in warm water or milk it will cleanse itself. When there is no poi- son in the wound the stone will not take hold. John C. Frew. Prominent among the successful farmers and stock-raisers of Haywood Township stands the name of the above-mentioned gentleman, who was born in Wealdey County, Tenn., June 15, 1843, and is the son of A. and Sarah (Hattler) Frew, the former a native of North Carolina and his wife of Tennessee. A. Frew went to Tennes- see when a young man, was married there and afterwards engaged in farming, which he con- tinued all his life. He died in November, 1885, and his wife died in June of the same year. Their family consisted of three sons and three daughters, all of whom grew to mature years. One sister has since died, but the others are all residents of Arkansas. John C, the eldest of this family, re- mained with his parents until after his marriage, which occurred in Obion County, November 11, 1866, to Miss Eda Tennessee Rucker. a native of Middle Tennessee, and the daughter of Samuel W. Eucker. After marriage Mr. Frew raised one crop on the old home place, and then moved to Obion County, where he farmed for five years. He moved to Arkansas in the fall of 1872, and located in what is now Clay County, and on the place where he at present resides. The place at that time had a few acres cleared and on it was a log cabin. Since then Mr. Frew has cleared the farm, erected build- ings and has greatly improved it. He owns 120 acres, sixty fenced and under cultivation, and has a fine young apple and peach orchard. To his marriage were born two children: Laura Victoria, wife of J. I. Williams, and Geneva, a miss of ten years. Mr. Frew is a member of the Agricultural Wheel and served as president of the same one term. Pierce Galvin. The life of this well known farmer and stockman affords an example that might well be imitated by the young men of to- day, for at the early age of fourteen years he left the home place, without means, to battle his own way in the world, and his endeavors have been re- sultf ul of good, and he is now a well-to-do farmer of Clay County. He possesses an excellent plac(> of 240 acres, 100 being under cultivation, and con- duets his farm in an intelligent manner and has it well stocked. He was born in Ireland, December 24, 1834, and on coming to the United States, in 1845, landed at New York City, but moved on im- mediately to Philadelphia, where he had a sister living, and there he made his home until grown. He then traveled for some time and was engaged in railroading in Ohio for seven or eight months, later going to Pittslmrgh, Penn., and in 1852 he com- menced braking on a train on the Missouri*Pacifie Railroad, remaining with this company until 1S73. The following year he came to Arkansas and again became an employe of the above named road, and continued the occupation of railroading until 1884, since which time he has resided on his present farm. He was first married to Miss Mary Malony, who was born in Ireland, but was brought to the United States when a child, being reared in the State of Missouri. She died in Augu.st, 1879, having borne a family of five children: Mary. Mag- gie, Katie, James and Statia. who died at the age of two years. The living children are residing with their father and he is doing all in his power to give then good educational advantages. He was nexi married to a sister of his first wife, Kate Malony, by whom he became the father of two CLAY COUNTY. 217 :V£ children: Frank, who died at the age of live years, and Agnes. Mr. and Mrs. Galvin are members of the Catholic Church, but he contriVmtes liberally (o all enterprises he deems worthy of support. During the war he served in the Twenty-third Missouri Volunteers anil did railroad work under Col. Crowley. He is now a Democrat in politics. John T. Gilchrist, merchant at Knobel, Ark., was born in 18(il in St. Charles County, Mo., being the eldest of nine children born to Kichard and Fannie (Coleman) Gilchrist, who were born in Ohio and Illinois, respectively. The former was a hotel keeper, and in 1860 removed to East St. Louis, III., there following that occupation until 1S76, when he moved to Knobel and engaged in the stock raising and saw mill business for a few years; then he retired from the saw mill business and settled on his farm, where he died in 1888. He had about 1(50 acres of farming land, with some eighty acres under cultivation, and had 420 acres in a stock ranch. His wife died in 1882. John T. Gilchrist attended the schools of St. Louis until seventeen years of age, then began clerking for the Consolidated Steamboat Company, continu- ing one year, and in 1879 came to Knobel, Ark., and secured the agency at this place of the Iron Mountain Railroad Company, and had charge of the office for live years. In 1884 he erected a tine building and started a saloon and billiard hall, and in 1887 built a large store-house and engaged in general merchandising, his stock of goods being valued at $6,000, and he has a large and rapidly increasing trade. He is a member of the K. of P., the K. of H., and the K. and li. of H. He is particularly active in politics, and votes with the Democratic party. His brother, Richard F., is associated with him in business. The latter came to Knobel with his father in 1876, and worked on the farm until 1886, when he formed his present partnership. A. W. Gills, one of the most thorough going, wide-awake business men of this section of the county, and a genial, pleasant gentleman, is a native of Fulton County, Ky., and came with his parents, who were natives of Virginia, to what is now Clay County, Ark., at the age of nineteen years. They settled near his present residence, where the mother died in 1870, and the father tw.. years later. Later A. W. Gills [mrchased this farm. In addition to his agricultural interests he also erected a cotton-gin, and about the 1st of Octo ber, 1886, commenced ginning cotton, with acajjac ity of nine bales per day. In September of the same year he started a stave factory and corn mill, all of which he now runs with steam under the same roof, the stave business being the principal industry, the factory having a capacity of 8,000 staves per day. He regularly employs fi-om thirty to thirty- five men and ten teams. This has been the means of building at least half a dozen houses in his neighborhood. He still carries on his farm of 180 acres, which he has well supplied with good stock. Mr. Gills was married in 1882 to Miss Claude Gwin, whom he met in Missouri, and whose parents are now living there. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, being attached to the Eastern Star Lodge, and is also a member of Chalk Bluff Lodge No. 72, I. O. O. F., and of the K of H. In politics he votes with the Democratic party. Marion C. Glasgow, a prominent agricultur- ist and stock raiser of Oak Bluff Township, was born in Weakley County, Tenn., Augu.st 25, 1842, and is the son of Elijah Glasgow, a native of North Carolina, where he was reared and where he married Miss Jane Jones, a native of Tennessee. He and family moved from Tennessee to Arkansas, in October, 1854, locating in Clay County, and here Mr. Glasgow followed farming until his death which occurred in 1875. Mrs. Glasgow died sev- eral years previous. In their family were six sons and three daughters who grew to mature years, but one brother and one sister are deceased. Mar- ion C. Glasgow came to this State and county with his parents, and here he attained his growth. In March, 1862, he enlisted in the Confederate army, and served about eight months, when he was wounded and returned home. In 1864 he re-en- tered the service, remaining until the close of the war. He participated in the following battles: Pilot Knob, Independence, Sedalia. ainl many minor en- gagements. He was paroled at W ittsburg. Ark. , and ^ I 218 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. then came home and engaged in faiminor. He was married in Clay County, Ark. , in September, 1863, to Mrs. F. S. Stephens, daughter of James Nettles, one of the pioneer settlers. Mrs. Glas- gow was born in Tennessee. Mr. Glasgow located on his present property in 1878, bought raw land and has cleared and made a valuable farm of the same. He has 1()0 acres, with over 100 acres under cultivation, all bottom land situated one and a half miles from Hector. He has a good house, good out-buildings and a fine'ycmngorchard, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Glasgow h^d a famiTy-of eleven children, named as follows :"■ Luella, James M., Dora J., Levana, Thomas E., Benjamin F., George H. . Viora and Columbus L. Three chil- di'en died in early youth. Mr. Glasgow lost his wife October 2, 1884, and later he married Mrs. Emma A. Walker, who bore him one child, Colum- bus L. Mr. Glasgow is a Master Mason, is also a member of the I. O. O. F. , and is Noble Grand of his lodge. His first wife was a member of the Mis- sionary Baptist Church. John M. Gleghorn was born in Independence County, Ark., near Batesville, December 10, 1843, being a son of John and Sisley (Coleman) Gleg- horn, who were both natives of South Carolina, the mother being principally reared in Alabama. John Gleghorn removed to Tennessee when a young man and there remained until 1842, when he emigrated with his family to Independence County, Ark., coming on the first steamer that sailed up the White Kiver. He entered land in that county, on which he remained until 185il, subsequently coming to Greene County, Ark., and residing on a farm near Gainesville until his death, which occurred in April, ISIJd. His widow is yet living and resides in Marion County, in her eightieth year. The paternal grandfather was born in Scotland and emigrated to America at an early day. when only twelve years old, locating first in South Carolina, then in Middle Tennessee, where he spent the remainder of his days. The maternal grandfather was born and raised in South Carolina, and later spent some time in Alabama, dying in Limestone County of that State. John M. Gleghorn is one of seven surviv- ing members of a family of twelve children, their names being as follows: Rhoda E., wife of Samuel Pool; Stephen C, Lucretia. widow of William Jones; Melissa, wife of J. A. Pool: John M. , James K., and Marietta, wife of David Gouch. John M. Gleghorn was reared and educated in In- dependence County, and was in his sixteenth }'ear when he went to Greene County with his parents. From early boyhood he has been familiar with farm life, and when the war broke out he left the plow to engage in that struggle, enlisting in No- vember, 1861, in Capt. Morgan's company, in which he served until 1863, then being discharged on account of disability, at Readyville, Tenn. He returned home but afterward enlisted in Mar- maduke's brigade, and served until the war closed, having taken an active part in the battles of Corinth, Fort Pillow, Murfreesboro, Bragg' s raid through Kentiicky, Harrisburg, and a num- ber of other hard fights. He was wounded by a pistol shot while with Price at Big Blue. He surrendered at Shreveport, La., June 8, 1865, and returned to Greene County, Ark., and was engaged in farming there until February, 1871, when he came to Clay County, Ark. , and locates considerable stock during the year, and is a prosperous farmer, and has shown his enter- prise and industry by putting his farm, which was heavily covered with timber when he settled, in its present admirable condition. In 1850 he was imited in marriage to Miss Melvina Hyatt, a native of Kentucky, by whom he had three children, only one of whom is living at the present time: Delia, wife of Albert Rhodenback. His second marriage took place in 1863, to Miss Sarah J. Gilbert, by whom he has the following family: William, Robert, Elizabeth, Vernon E., Ida M. and Rosa L. Mr. and Mrs. Green have long been members of the Methodist Church. John J. (iriffin was born in Greene County, N. C, June 1, 1826, being a sou of William and Sa- rah Griffin, who were members of the Old-School Baptist Church and were born in North Carolina, the former's birth occurring in 1784 and his death in 1859. Of their seventeen children, John J. Griffin is the only one now living. He became the architect of his own fortune at the age of twenty- one years, and for a number of years was engaged in farming and rafting. On the 25th of July, 1846, he was married to Miss Theresa L. Hicks, a daughter of Thomas S. and Jane Hicks, who were Tennesseeans, the former being engaged in tilling the soil. To this union eleven children were born, only four of whom are living at the present time: Sarah E. (Winningham), James M. (farmer, of Clay County, Ark.), John J. (a farmer of Dunk- lin County, Mo.), and T. J., also a farmer of Dunklin County. Mr. Griffin took for his sec- ond wife Miss Sarah E. Spikes, their maiTiage taking place on the 22d of June, 1875. Four of the seven children born to their marriage are living: Sanford and Adaline (twins), born Sep- tember 22, 1875; Lee, born February 27, 1880. and Rosa, born September 12, 1887. Mr. Grif- fin owns a good farm of eighty acres, sixty un- der cultivation, and devotes his land [irincipally to raising corn and cotton. His pro|>erty was at first heavily covered with timber, but he has made 220 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. valiiHbli' iinprovoiupnts, and has now a >i;oo(l and comfortable Lome. He and wife are members of the Missionary Ba]>tist Church, and he is a Demo- crat, and a member of tlio Aii;ricnltnial Wliei^l. For about, lifteen j'ears after tirst coming west he spent the fall and winter months in hunting and trappinj^, and has killed at least tifty bear and hundreds of deer, and in some of his hunting ex- peditions met with many thrilling adventures and narrow escapes from death. He was also engaged in rafting on Black River. His parents moved from North Carolina to Tennessee in 1820, and two years later located in Posey County, Ind. , and in 1840 in Randolph County, Ark. \y. T. Griffith, lumberman and ])ostmaster at Thurmau, Ark., was l)oru on Kentucky soil (Mont- gomery County) June 11, 1885, his parents being JetTer.son and Lydia (Brothers) Griffith, who came from the " Old Uoniinion " at an early day with their jjarents; David Griffith, the grandfather, be- ing one of the tirst settlers of Montgomery County, Ky. He located near Mt. Sterling, the county seat, and became a very wealthy farmer, but died in Fleming County, of that State. Jefferson Grif- fith died in Kentucky in 1882, at the age of seven ty years, having been a mechanic by trade, and a prominent man, serving as sheriff of Nicholas County for some time. His wife also died in Ken- tucky. Five of their seven children are now liv- ing: Samuel, John, Sarah J., William T. and Maitha. A\'illiam T. Griffith, our 8ubj((ct, was reared in Kentucky until fifteen years of age, and there received the greater part of his education. In 1853 he went to Union County, 111., and located on a farm near Jouesborough, the country at that time being in a very wild and unsettled condition, and here made his home until 1877, when he came to Clay County, Ark., and began logging in H. H. Williams' large mills, remaining thus employed for five years, then locating on his ])rosent excellent farm in Kilgore Township. The ino.st of his at- tention, however, is given to lumbering and cotton- ginning. He owns a sawmill and employs several hands to operate it. In July, 1888, the post-office at Thurman was established and he became the first jrostmaster, and is now holding that position. He has held the office of justice of th(> peace for two years, and is a member of the Masonic frater- nity and the Agricultural Wheel. In 1855 he wedd(Hl Miss Barbara I. Lipe, a native of Illinois, and by her became the father of twelve childi-en, six now living: AV alter, Emma A., Elsie J., Anna, John and Lillie. His wifi> dicnl in October, 1880, and in 1881 he married Louisa Carter, who was born in Adams County, Ind., and by her had one child, Rosa P. He and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, of which he is also clerk. Roliert L. Hancock, agent for the "Cotton Belt" Railroad and the Soiithern Exjiress Company, is a native of Prentiss County, Miss., where he was born on the 15th of March, 1852, being the son of Benjamin Hancock, who was born in Tennessee and reared in Virginia. When a young man he went to Tennessee, where he met and married Matilda Rowsy of that State, and afterward moved to Mississi})pi, residing on a plantation in Pren- tiss County until his death in 1854, followed by his wife in 18(57. After coming to years of ma- turity, Robert L. Hancock attended school in Boonville, Miss., receiving a good education, and then clerked for four years. In 1874 he went to Tennessee, and was married there on the 4th of April, 1884, to Miss Delilah Matbeny, who was born, reared and educated in Hardin County of that State, being a daughter of James and Eliza Matbeny. After their marriage they located in Williamsville, Wayne County, Mo., and for two years he was engaged in teaching school, and the next two years oecupi(>d in farming and teach- ing in Hardin County, Tenn. In 187U he came to Clay County, Ark. . locating on a farm near Green - way, and devoted himself to tilling the soil and pedagoguing up to 1884, when he moved to (ireen- way and was appointed telegraph operator, depot and express agent, which ])osition he is now fill- ing. He was also engaged in mercantile business for one year, and has served as a member of the town board. He is an active worker for the cause of temperance, and organized the Hancock Tem- perance Club at Greenway, of which he is presi- dent. Mr. Hancock commenced life in Clav »r^ CLAY COUNTY. 221 Couuty with litUc or no cupital, Imt. is now ono of the substcantial men of the community, and is the owner of considorable town i)ro])orty and a good farm near Greeuway. J. W. Harb, a mercliant of Corning, Ark., was born in Wiilshire, Van Wert Connty, Ohio, on the 27th of July, 1851), and is the son of W. B. and Caroline (Harper) Harb, who were born in Franklin and Richland Count i(>s,(^liio, resi)eetivi>ly. In 187;i they removed to Blackford County, Ind. , locatincr in Hartford City, where Mr. Harb en- gaged in merchandising and manufacturing head- ings and staves. In 1S7(') he removeil his family to Corning, Ark., whore he continued his manufac- turing business until 1878, in the meantime con ducting a drug store, which in 1885 he enlarged, adding general merchandise, and thus being oc- cupied until his death. In 1887 he went back to Ohio to take a rest and regain his health, and died in West Milton, Ohio, September 11, 1887. His nmiains were brought to Corning and buried. He was one of the founders of the town, and being a physician by profession, practiced considerably in tlie county. Altliough not a graduate of any college, he was one of the most intelligent pupils in the Medical College of Columbus, Ohio. His wife died December 24, 188(). J. W. Karl), whose name heads this sketch, resided in Ohio and Indiana until sixteen years of age, and since 1876 has lived in Arkansas, l)eing first engaged in the drug business with his brother (who is now de- ceased) at Walnut Ridge, Ark., continuing until 1884. At the death of his father he and his brother, O. C. Harb, liegan managing the business at Corning, but since January 12, 1889, J. W.Harb has had entire control of the establishment. John H. Hardin ileserves to be classed among the prosperous farmers and stockmen of Clay (-'ounty, Ark. He was born in McNairy ('ouuty, T(>nn., January 2fi, IS^S, and is a son of B. J. Hardin and Nancy Bennet, who were also born in tliat State. After their marriage they st^ttled in McNuiry County, whore the father was engaged in husbandry until the opening of the late Civil War, when he joined the Fed"ral army and served four years, coutractiag in his service chronic diarrhceu. which afterward caused his death, in Octolier, 1881. His wife died here in September, 1884. In the summer of 1805 ho mo.ved to Clay County, Ark., and engaged in farming. John H. Hardin re mained with his father until he attained mature years, and was married here, December 25, 187:5, to Miss Sarah I. Mayes, who was born in Tennes see August 25, 1854, though reared in Clay Coun ty, Ark. After their marriage they rented land one year, when Mr. Hardin purchased a tract, which he began clearing and improving. He has opened up about eighty acres, and has 100 acre.s under cultivation, besides twenty acres of timber land. He has a comfortable frame residence, two fair barns, and an apple and peach orchard con sisting of three acres. Ho is a member of the Agricultural Wheel, and he and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They are the parents of live children: Lucy Ann, l)orn Septem- ber 9, 1876; Dury J., born November 4, 1878; Owen D. , born Aiignst 4, 1881, and died Febru- ary 4, 1888; Henry L., born April 18, 1884, and an infant, born and died December 12, 1887. Robert A. Hawthorne, farmer, and postmaster at Don, Clay County, Ark., was born on the 12th of August, 1849, in Benton County, Tenn., his parents, llol)ert H. and Elizal)eth (Baker) Haw- thorne, being born in Ohio and Virginia, respect- ively. The paternal grandfather was born in Ire- land, locating in Ohio after coming to America, and afterward moved to Illinois, where he died. The maternal grandfather was born in Virginia, and removed from there to Tennessee, in which State he died, being engaged in farming. Roljert A. Hawthorne was reared and educated in Ohio, and removed with his father to Illinois, wiiere he made his home until about twenty two years of age, when he went to Tennessee and began the study of law, being admitted to the bar shortly after. He prac- ticed his profession for a number of years, and was also engaged in farming. At the age of about fifty years he gave up his law practice, and turned his attention to obtaining pensions for claimants. In the summer of 1861 be enlisted in Forrest's cavalry, and was sliortly after transferred to the infantry and was sent .south, participatiiii.' in many ] battles, and holding the rank of provost mar- shal. He was never wounded nor taken prisoner. He died January 1, 1866, his death being deeply regretted by his many friends and acquaintances. His widow is still living, being in her seventy- ninth year, and resides with her children: Robert A. and John C. The former obtained his educa- tion and rearing in Tennessee, remaining on a farm in that State until twenty-one years old, when he came to Clay County, Ark., and located at Corn- ing, where he was engaged in the sale of liquors for six years. He then turned his attention to farming, and in 1882 bought the farm of 262 acres where he now lives; 110 acres are under cultivation and fairly improved. He raises corn and cotton, principally, and some clover. The land is well adapted for raising all the cereals, and makes an excellent stock farm, which industry receives much of his attention. October 12, 1888, the postoffice was established at his house, and he was made postmaster, the office taking the name of Don. In 1871 he was married to Miss Alice Polk, by whom he has two children: Ethel and Mary E. (who is deceased). Mrs. Hawthorne is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Hon. G. B. Holifield, who stands at the head of the legal profession in the Eastern district of Clay County, is a native of Graves County, Ky. , and the son of T. M. Holifield, who came to Clay County, Ark., with his wife and four children, No- vember 15, 1855, and settled two miles northeast of Boydsville. Here G. B. Holifield was reared and here he received the meager schooling afforded by the then few subscription schools of the county. Later he finished his education by attending six months at Gainesville, Ark., and later, after study ing law for some time, was admitted to the bar in August, 1881, in the Western district of Clay County. He has ))een in constant practice since. In 1878 he was elected to the legislature, but pre- vious to this he had filled the position of justice of the peace for three terms. He has always been quite active in politics, though as there is nomi- nally only the one party, he has made but few speeches. His first marriage was to Miss Mary Cummings in 1871, and the fruits of this union were two children who survive their mother, she dying February 4, 1878. They are named as fol- lows: William Stanford and Martha J. For his second wife Mr. Holifield chose Miss Verdilla P. Perrian, of Clay County, and three children, Etta Lee, Maiy Susan and Otis Oscar, are the result of this union. Mr. Holifield is one of the prominent legal lights of the county, and is thoroughly apace with the times in every respect. He and wife are members of the Methodist Protestant Church. James R. Hollis is a Tennesseean, born in Wayne County, January 16, 1837, and is a son of W. B. and Susan (Meredith) Hollis, both of whom were born in Wayne County, Tenn. In 1839 they moved to Ai-kansas and settled in what was then Greene County (now Clay), where they made a farm and resided until their respective deaths, the former's demise occurring in 1873. James R. Hollis remained with his father until he attained his majority and in June, 1861, enlisted in the Con- federate service. Fifth Arkansas Infantry, and served until the final surrender, participating in some of the most important engagements of the war, among which were Murfreesboro, Shiloh, siege and surrender of Atlanta, Jonesboro, where he was taken prisoner, but was exchanged soon af- ter, Nashville, where he was also taken prisoner, and Franklin, where he was captured and held un- til June 21, 1865. After being paroled he re- turned home and engaged in farming. He was married in what is now Clay County, August 19, 1858, to Elizabeth Payne, a daughter of Boswell B. Payne, whose sketch appears in this work. Mrs. Hollis was born in Adair County, Tenn. , and was reared in Arkansas. Soon after his marriage he located on his present farm, consisting of some 220 acres, about 120 acres of which are fenced and mostly under cultivation, well improved with good residence and barns. Mr. and Mrs. Hollis are the parents of the following family: William Thomas, JaneB. , wife of G. W. Pickens, Joseph E. , Ada E. , Mary Alice, Albert Harvey and John Royal. Three infants are deceased. Susan was the wife of Francis Davis, and died about 1878. Mr. and Mrs. Hollis are members of the Baptist Church, ^^=^ CLAY COUNTY. 223 aod ho is a Mason aud a member of the Agriciiltu ral Wheel. G. H. Hovey, cue of the successful and enter- prising "sons of the soil," residing near Pitman, Ark. , was born in the State of New York, September 15, 1851, being a son of A. G. Hovey. who was also born in that State February 4, 1814. The latter was a well-known resident of his county, and while residing there held a number of offices, such as justice of the peace and postmaster. He removed to Newton County, Mo., in 1877, and in 1884 located in Howell County, where he is still residing, being a carpenter by trade. He was married iu 1841 to Miss Maria Brewer, a native of New York State, and by her became the father of three chil- dren, two of whom are living: F. A., a farmer re- siding in Howell County, the owner of 160 acres of land, and George H. , our subject, who is also a farmer and owns 200 acres of land, 135 being under cultivation, of which 105 have been cleared by him in the last three years. He removed to this farm from Howell County, Mo., in 1885, and here has since made his home, and has one of the finest young orchards in the country. He gives considerable attention to stock raising and has some excellent Durham cattle and Poland China hogs. In his youth he acquired a superior edu- cation, and in addition to attending the common schools was a student in the Tenbroeck Free Academy in Cattaraugus County for three years. He was then engaged in teaching for twelve terms, one term in Pennsylvania, two in New York, and nine terms in the public and private schools of Missouri. He removed from New York to Penn- sylvania in August, 1874, thence to Newton County, Mo., in 1876; in the spring of 1883 to Howell County, Mo., and from there to Clay County, Ark. On the 31st of December. 1871, he was married in his native State to Miss Sarah Burns, of New York, a daughter of -John and Jiilia (Collins) Burns, who were farmei's of that State. Tliey have one daughter, born May S, INS I. Mrs. Hovey is a member of the Christian Church, and he is an earnest worker for education, (>shibiting that intelligence and enterprise necessary for the successful development of the community. A. Hudgeus was born in Robertson County, Tenn. , in 1 834, and is the .son of John and Nancy (Durham) Hudgens, and the grandson of James Hudgens, a native of Virginia. John Hudgens was also a native Virginian, but later moved to Tennessee, where he married Miss Durham. He had limited opportunities for an education, but made up for this to some extent by studying at home. Besides his work on the farm he conducted a store in Marion, 111., and at one time was in quite comfortable circumstances, but was obliging enough to place his name on a friend' sl)ond, iu consecjuence of which he was compelled to pay a large sum of money. Thus he was badly harassed for some time. A. Hudgens attained his growth in Tennes- see, learning the carpenter's trade, and went with his father to Illinois in 1852. He was married in that State to Miss Harriot IMcIntosh, a native of \\'illiam8on County, 111., aud the daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Mason) Mcintosh, who came from Robertson County, Tenn. After living iu Illinois until 1882 Mr. and Mrs. Hudgens moved to St. Francis, there being but one dwelling there at that time, and ])ut uj) the third house in the village. Here they now live and have a very nice residence. He has followed his trade and has built more than half the houses since he came. He has followed contracting and building, and is now holding the office of justice of the peace in the county. To his marriage were horn seven children, all in Illinois. They are named as fol- lows: Emma, received her education in the high school at Marion, 111., and after teaching in that* State for some time is now teaching in .Arkansas; Sula, at present finishing her education at Carbon- dale, and is studying stenography, having taken one course in St. Louis; Minnie, is attending school at the State University at Fayetteville, Ark. , and will graduate in the class of 1S89; Oscar, is also attending the same school and will graduate in 1889; Frank is at home; Gertrude is also at home, and Bessie, an infant. Mr. Hudgens is a ii;,eml)er. of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, located at St. Francis, as is also his wife, and he affiliates with the Democratic party in his jiolitical views. Dr. Samuel W. Huston, physician and surgi-on '224- HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. of Piggott, Clay County, Ai-k. , was born in Ripley County, Mo., February 15, 1847, being a son of Dr. William A. Huston, a Missourian, who was reared and studied his profession at Troy. He was married in Randolph County, Ark. , to Miss Vernetta Pittman, a daughter of Dr. Pitiman, of Pittnian's Ferry, one of the pioneer physicians of Arkansas. After his marriage Dr. Huston settled in Ripley Countj% where he practiced a few years and afterward moved to Charleston. Mo., and died in Perry County, of that State, in 1S50. While in Arkansas he represented Randolph County in the State legislature. Dr. Samuel W. Huston grew to. manhood in Cape Girardeau Count}', Mo., making his home with his uncle, M. J. Himes, and remained with him until he attained his majority. He studied medicine under Dr. Henderson, one of the leading physicians of eJackson, and took his fir.st course of lectures at the McDowell Medical College, of St. Louis, about 1868. He continued the study of his profession in Cape Girardeau County, and did his first practicing in Greene County, Ark., in 1874, remaining there about eighteen months, when he moved to his present location, where he has built up an excellent prac- tice. He was married in the village of Piggott, September 23, 1877, to Miss Susan Jane Low- rance, a native of Carroll County, but reared in Clay County, Ark. She is a daughter of David G. Lowrance (deceased), and she and Dr. Huston are th(> parents of six children : Lenora M. , Myrtle C. , Edna S. , Sam, Oran and Carl. The Doctor and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church (in which he is an elder), and are highly respected citizens of the community in which they reside. N. A. Keller, another successful business man of St. Francis, was born in Tennessee, but grew to manhood in Union County, 111., where he went with his father. Rev. Francis F. Keller, when but a child. The father was a minister in the Cum- berland Presbyterian Church and followed that calling for many years. The mother, Elizabeth Keller, was a member of that church for nearly sixty years. She recently died at the age of sev- enty-eight years. N. A. Keller attended the district schools in Union County until twenty-one years of age, after which he spent a year at Gravel Hill, Mo., and then taught school for several years in Missouri and Arkansas. After this he went with Gregorj', Lasswell & Co., of Maiden, Mo., where he remained for about two years engaged in the general merchandise business, and then came to St. Francis, and after embarking in business for some eighteen months, accepted a position on the road for Kelley, Goodfellow & Co., boot and shoe dealers of St. Louis, with whom he remained for about two years, traveling in Southern Illinois and West Tennessee. He then returned to St. Francis and took a position with Clemson & Calvin, with whom he continued until July 1, 1889, when he purchased the entire stock of that firm. He was married January 20, 1886, to Miss Mattie Calvin, daughter of Robert T. Calvin, of Pulaski County, 111., and the sister of Mr. Hiram Calvin of the firm of which Mr. Keller was the trusted employe. Two children were born to this union: Tell and Pearl. Mr. Keller has been reasonably successful since coming to St. Francis, and is the owner of three houses and lots in the village. He is a mem- ber of Evergreen Lodge No. 581, I. O. O. F.. of Illinois, and belongs to the Triple Alliance, in which he carries 11,000 insurance, and also $1,000 in the Globe, of Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Keller is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. G. W. Kelley, of Corning, Ark., is now serving his second term as justice of the peace of Kilgore Township, and no man has ever held the position who was belter fitted to discharge the duties con- nected with it than he. He was born in St. Louis County, Mo., in 1813, being the eldest of six chil- dren born to the marriage of William Kelley and Nancy Lancaster, who were Virginians, and early emigrants to Missouri, where they opened and im- proved a farm. In 1837 William Kelley removed to West Tennessee, where his death occurred in 1843, and his wife's in 1858. G. W. Kelley as- sisted on the home farm until twelve years of age, and was then apprenticed to the machinist's trade, which occupation received his attention for a num- ber of years. While a resident of Tennessee he was married, in 1856, to Miss S. E. Andrews, a native y\-. CLAY COUNTY. of M'est Tennessee, iiud a danghter of Edmond and Lanina Andrews, who were born in the ' ' Old North State," and there lived, afterward moving to Tennessee, where they died. They were en- gaged in tilling the soil. After his marriage Mr. Kelley settled in Tennessee, and in 1S40 enlisted fi'om Adairsburg, of that State, in Company E, Second Tennessee, under Gen. Taylor, and was in the battles of Cerro Gordo, Monterey, Cheruliusco, City of Mexico, and other engagements. After the war he returned to Tennessee, and in 1867 moved to Hickman, Fulton County, Ky., where he worked at his trade, moving from there, in 187-t, to Clay Coanty, Ark., where he purchased and began im- proving a farm in Bradshaw Township. In 1S84 he moved to Corning, and although he still owns his farm, is living retired from the active duties of life. In 1885 he was elected, on the Democratic ticket, of which party he is a member, to the office of justice of the peace, which position he is now fill- ing. He has aided very materially in building up Corning and vicinity, and has given liberally of his means in supporting worthy enterprises. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church, and the names of their children are as follows: Ed- ward A., who is married and resides at Tiptonville, Tenn. ; A. M., Julia (Mrs. Gills), residing at Buf- tington. Mo. ; Ula, Willie, Anton and Kirby. During his term of service Mr. Kelley has come in contact with many criminals, and has dealt with them in a manner highly satisfactory to lovers of good law. Marcellus Ketchum, hotel- keeper and farmer, at Knobel, Clay County, Ark. , was born in Will- iamson County, m., in 1852, being the third of seven children born to Jesse and Elizabeth (Mc- Cowan) Ketchum, who were born in North Caro- lina and Illinois, respectively. The maternal grandfather, who was a native of Ireland, became an early settler of Illinois. Jesse Ketchum fol- lowed the occupation of farming throughout life and died when his son Marcellus was a child. The latter has been familiar with farm life from early boyhood, but received little or no educational advantages in youth. At the age of nineteen years he began farming for himself in his native State, which occupation he followed there until 1877, then coming to Clay County, Ark., where he resumed farming near Peach Orchard. In 1887 he bought property in the village of Knobel and opened a hotel, but still continues his agricultural pursuits in the vicinity. He has about fifty acres devoted to raising such crops as are intended for feeding stock, his hogs amounting to about 100 head and his cattle to thirty. In his political views he is conservative, and always votes for whom he considers the best man. In 1873 he was mar- ried to Miss Mary Jane Fozzard, a native of Illi- nois and a daughter of Edward Fozzard, who was captain of Company G, Eighty-first Illinois Cav- alry. He was a well known farmei' of \Mlliamson County and died in 1870. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Ketchum two children have been born: Minnie and Lebert Otto. Mr. Ketchum is ant en- terprising citizen and is rapidly becoming identi- fied with the growth and prosperity of his section. Franz Kop]), farmer and proprietor of Kopi)'s sawmill, in St. Francis Township, was born in Ba- varia, Germany, May 24, 1840, and is the son of Philip and Mary Ann Kopp, both natives of Ba- varia. Philip Kopp emigrated to the States in 1848 and nine years later, or in 1857, Mrs. Kopp and family arrived and settled in New iladrid, Mo., where Mr. Kopp engaged in the lumber business, manufacturing for a number of years. He died in Octoljer, 1879. Franz Kopp attained his growth in New Madrid, Mo., and there followed farming and assisted his father in the manufacture of lumber until twenty-one years of age. In August, 1864, he enlisted in the Federal army. First Missouri Cavalry, and served until his dis- charge, September 1, 1865. He was stationed at Little Kock, Ark., and was mustered out there. He then returned to his home and for a niimber of years was engaged in farming and in the luml)er business. June 3, 1880, he married Miss S. C. Morrison, a native of New Madrid. Mo., and the daughter of Hon. T. J. O. Morrison, one of the pioneers and prominent men of New Madrid Coun- ty. After marriage Mr. Kopji followed his former business for three years in the county mentioned, and then in July, 1883, removed his mill to i^ 226 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Arkansas and located in St. Francis Township, Clay County, where he has been manufacturing lumber ever since until a short time ago, when he leased the mill out. He has been very suc- cessful in this business. Mr. Kopp settled with his family at Piggott and opened up a farm adjoin- ing the town. He now has some eighty acres of cleared land and about 800 acres of heavily tim- bered land all in a body. He has a neat residence and good outbuildings. Mr. Kopp served as al- derman while in New Madrid and filled other local offices. He and wife are members of the Catholic Church. He has cut on an average 500,000 feet of lumber per year. A. J. Langley, a South Carolinian by birth, who is prominently identified with the farming in- terests of Clay County, was reared and remained in his native State until forty-two years of age. He attended the common subscription schools of the county of his birth, and in 1862 enlisted in the Twenty-ninth Mississippi Regiment, Volunteer In- fantry, and served three years. He was under Gens. Bragg, Johnston and Hood, in all the prin- cipal fights, was captured at the battle at Franklin, Tenn., in November, 1864, and was sent to Chi- cago, 111. He was held at Camp Douglass as a prisoner of war until he was released June 18, 1865, and then returned to Mississippi, where he followed farming until 1869, finally moving to his present residence, seven miles west of St. Francis, Clay County. He is the owner of 240 acres of land, 100 under cultivation, and is one of the wide-awake, thorough-going farmers of the county. His first marriage was to Miss Mary A. Pert, of South Carolina in which State Mr. Lang- ley first met her, and to them wore born two chil- dren, one of whom, Thomas L., now lives near Yazoo City, Miss., where he owns a farm, and is the father of one child, Mr. Langley was mar- ried the second time to a sister of his former wife. Miss Elizabeth Pert, who bore him one child, Eliz- abeth, who is now married to Willis White, and a resident of South Carolina. After the death of his second wife Mr. Langley married Miss Mary A. Goodman, also of South Carolina, she being the daughter of James W. Goodman, of Cross Hill. To this union were born eleven children: W. W. lives on a farm in Mississippi; Virginia, one of a pair of twins, married J. W. Daniels, a farmer of Clay County, and is the mother of seven children: Andrew W. married Miss Fannie Malone, and is the father of three children — he is farming in Clay County: Charles married, and died, leaving a wife and child: Jackianna, married R. M. Ways- ter, of Clay County, where they -now live, and are the parents of three children: Samuel, recently married to Miss Lula Booth, is now living in Mis- souri; Fannie, who married John McLeskey, bore two children, and is now deceased: Tollula, mar ried D. J. McCleskey, and is now deceased: Eugene P. is not married, and lives on a farm in Missouri; Ira C, at home, and Robert, at home. Mr. Lang- ley is a Democrat in his political views; is a mem- ber of the Methodigt Church, and belongs to the Masonic fraternity, Blue Lodge and Chapter. He is generally identified with all public enterj)rises, giving cheerfully as far as he is able. W. S. Liddell, postmaster, and one of the prominent business men of St. Francis, was born in Weakley County, Tenn., and is the son of William and Louisa (Mitchell) Liddell, the latter a daughter of Archilles Mitchell, of Virginia. William Liddell is a native of Tennessee, and im- migrated to Arkansas, settling in Clay (then Greene) County, in 1852. There Mrs. Liddle died in 1881. and he in 1887. W. S. Liddell remained on the farm until he enlisted in the Fifth Trans- Mississippi Regiment, commanded by R. A. Hart, and was in the battle of Helena, Ark., July 4. 1863. where he was captured and carried to Alton, 111., and there held as a prisoner of war until March, 1864, when he was removed to Fort Dela- ware, Del. There he was held until the close of the war. After this he returned to Clay (then Greene) County, Ark., continuing on his father's farm, and was united in marriage to Miss Sarah J. Dalton, in 1867, a native of Clay (then Greene) County, and the daughter of Timothy Dalton. Mr. Liddell continued farming until 1832, and in connection with it he found time to assist in con- ducting a store and attend to his duties as post- master of Chalk Bluff. AVhen the " Cotton Belt " ^ :i^ CLAY COUNTY. 227 Route was opened through the county in 18S2, Messrs. Liddell & Sons built a storeroom in St. Francis, which was just started, and moved their stock of goods. The original firm, up to the time of the death of Mr. Liddell, Sr. , was Liddell & Sons; since then it has been changed to Liddell Bros. They carry a stock of goods valued at $2,000 during the busy season, consisting of gen- eral merchandise. AV. S. Liddell is at this time postmaster, which office he has held since 1878, beyond the existence of St. Francis as a town. Since coming to this place he has built a nice house, which he now occupies. To his marriage were born seven childi-en, four now living: James Albert, who assists his father in the postoffice and store; Stella May, at home attending school; Fan- nie E. and Thomas. In polities Mr. Liddell affil- iates with the Democratic party. He is a mem- ber of Eastern Star Lodge of the A. F. & A. M. , also of Chalk Bluff Lodge No. 72, I. O. O. F. In the former he has held the office of secretary for about eight or ten j-ears, and has also served as treasurer and junior warden. Robert Liddell, judge of the county and pro- bate court of Clay County, Ark., was born in Tennessee, in 1850, and is the son of William and Louisa (Mitchell) Liddell. and a grandson of Fran- > eis Liddell. In 1852 the parents emigrated to Greene County, Ark. (which was afterward formed into Clay County), and made their home at what is now known as Chalk BlufF. Clay County, where they continued to pass the remainder of their days. Judge Robert Liddell was but two years of age when he came with his parents to Greene County, and here he grew to manhood. He received a practical English education in the common schools of the locality, which he supple- mented by attending two terms in ^[issouri. He then followed agricultural pursuits until 1878, when he was elected clerk of the circuit court, and held this position with honor and credit until Octo- ber, 1886. He was then elected judge of the county and probate court, and has served in that capacity ever since. He takes a deep interest in all laudable and worthy enterprises, and is a liberal contributor to the same. He is a genial companion. an intellectual associate, as his many warm friends can testify, and is in every way fitted to till liis present position. He was married in 1873 to Miss Mary Crawford, of Butler County, Mo., and the daughter of P. P. and Margaret (Hudson) (Craw- ford. Mrs. Liddell was but a child eight years old when her mother died, and her father died soon after her marriage. To the Judge and wife eight children have been born, five of whom sur- vive: Clara, Willie, Beulah, Finis and Eunice. The others died in infancy. The Judge is a mem- ber of the Masonic Order, the I. O. O. F. and K. of H. , and he and his wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, located at St. Francis. Rev. Garland Lively, a successful merchant of Piggott, Ark. , was born in Monroe (Jounty, Ark. , February 10, 1848, and is a son of William R. Lively, who was born, reared and married in Mis- sissippi, the latter event being to Miss Elizabeth Hall of the same State. They moved to Arkansas in 1852, but after some time went back to Mi.ssis- sippi, and there the father died in De Soto County in 1858. His widow returned to Arkansas, and after living for three years in Phillips County, moved to Tennessee, locating in Dyer County. Here our subject was reared, and when in his eifhleenth year was married January 30, 1866, to Miss Martha J. Hall, a native of Tennessee, and a daughter of Jesse Hall. After their marriage they resided in that State up to 1 870, then moving to Arkansas, and in October of that year settled on a farm near the town of Piggott, where he was en gaged in tilling the soil up to 1888. Since 1872 he has been a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, having previously been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Cliurch for eight years. In 1878 he was licensed to preach, and was or dained a minister the following year, and has had charge of a number of churches since that time. In 1880 he engaged in the mercantile business, and carries a good stock of drugs and groceries. He is a Mason, a member of the I. O. O. F. . in which he has been Noble Grand, and has represented the former order in the Grand Lodge. One son, Will- iam J. , is married and resides in Clay County. .^r 9 228 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Loda & Bro. , proprietors of the Knobel House at Knobel Station, Clay Count}', Ark. This is one of the finest hotels in the State, and was erected in 1884 by the Iron Mountain Railroad Company at a cost of about $10,000, and was first opened to the public in June of that year, being placed under the management of the Loda Bros. , who are experienced hotel men. Eli, the elder member of the firm, was born in Cape Vincent, Jefferson County, N. Y. , in 1853, and is the seventh of twelve children born to Leision and Adelaide (Boler) Loda, who were natives of Lower Canada. The father was a ship builder by trade, and later followed the business of hotel keej)ing, which oc- cupation received his attention until his death, which occurred in 18G5. His wife died in 1871. Eli Loda attended school until his father's death, and then secured employment on the lake steam- ers for several years, and after that was engaged in the railroad business for three years as fireman and engineer. In 1874 he came to St. Louis, Mo. , securing employment on the Iron Mountain Railroad, and ran the engine of the pay-car for several years, and in 1884 made a ruQ of over 3,900 miles with engine No. 380, of the Missouri Pacific, which is the longest run ever made by an engine; and on this trip he hauled the general manager of the road, Mr. A. A. Talmadge. He gave up railroad work in June, 1884, leaving an excellent record behind him, for during his experi- ence on the road he never had an accident happen to one of his trains. In 1883 he assumed the management of the Belmont Hotel, at Belmont, Mo. , it being conducted by his wife (whose maiden name was Miss Ida Cloud, and whom he married in 1877) and by his brother, Darius. The follow- ing year he and his brother assumed the manage- ment of the Knobel House, which they have since carried on with the beat of success. The younger member of the firm, Darius, was also born at Cape Vincent, N. Y. , in the year 1857. He was en- gaged in steamboating for about nine years, act- ing as steward the most of the time, but in 1878 he gave up this work and went to Colorado and opened a restaurant at Georgetown, where he re- mained for about three years, being also occupied in mining to some extent. He next went to Wyo- ming Territory, and was engaged in hotel keeping at Laramie City for several months. In 1882 he came east as far as Missouri, and in partnership with his brother soon after opened the Belmont Hotel. These gentlemen are extensive stock raisers and farmers, but devote the most of their fine farm of 120 acres to stock raising, and give their prin- cipal attention to the propagation of horses. They purchased their tine Norman-Pereheron stallion, St. John, in Illinois, in 1887, at a cost of f(500. He is a draft horse of about 1,800 pounds, and is a colt of St. Benoit, Jr., by the imported horse St. Benoit, owned by the Browns. St. John is one of the best animals ever brought into Northeast Arkansas. The Loda Bros, also keep twelve breeding mares. Owing to the enterprise of these men, there is a growing desire among the citizens for a better grade of stock, and this feeling is being shown by an improved class of stock on the farms. Eli Loda has about 140 acres of land under culti- vation, which he devotes to raising such ciops as are needed for his stock. In 1888, in partnership with W. P. McNalley and Harry Flanders, he pur chased 100 acres of land adjoining the station and railroad land at Knobel, and they immediately had their land surveyed and laid out into city lots, antl their enterjjrise will secure a fine town here as soon as this point is made the terminus of a division. Mr. Flanders is master of transportation for the South Division of the Iron Mountain Railroad, and Mr. McNalley Is passenger conductor for the same division. Three children have been born to the marriage of Eli Loda and wife: Guy, who is de- ceased; Mabel, and Nellie Irene. W. R. Looney, a popular druggist of St. Fran- cis, Ark. , and one of the most successful in the county, was born in Tennessee in 1853, and on ac- count of poor health in youth received Imt a lim ited education, although he has in late years made this up to a great extent by observation and study. At the age of seventeen he came, with his father,_, mother, and brother, James W. (who died in 1873), to Clay County, Ark., and settled near Chalk Bluff on the 10th day of January, 1870. Here he remained until twenty-two years of age. and Fel)- ^ '\(S ^y — ► CLAY COUNTY. •J'JU ruary "23, 1875, he married Miss Susan E. Leigh, dauirhter of J. H. ami Susan E. (Long) Leigh. ,4ftpr marriage Mr. Looney remained on the farm iu Clay County until March, 1881, when he moved to Dunklin County, Mo. , and was there engaged in the drj-goods store of Sheldon & Wright Bros., at Maiden. Afterward, in June, 1883, he was em- l)loyed by J. S. Kochtitzky & Co. to run a steam corn-sheller, and on the 20th of November met with a very serious accident. Having been caught ill the main shaft of the machinery, his clothing \v;is wound so tightly about him that it dislocated his left arm at the shoulder. He suffered excru ciatingly from this, failed to get a night's rest for forty days, and is now a crijij^le in that arm. Em- barking in the grocery business, iu partnership with Mr. John Allen, under the tirm title of Allen & Looney, six months later he bought Mr. Allen out and continued the business until April, 1886, when he sold out, and came to St. Francis May 19 of that year, then starting a drug and grocery store. One year later he closed out the groceries and now has the finest drug store in the county. The firm name is W. R. Looney & Co., and they enjoy a profitable, legitimate trade. Mr. Looney has been generally identified with the enterprises of the town and county. He is the owner of about I'iO acres of land adjoining his father's place, some four miles from St. Francis, and is paying particular attention to the raising of clover, which he tliinks is a successful crop and also renews the laud. Mr. and Mrs. Looney became the parents of six children, all of whom died in infancy. He is a Democrat in politics. Samuel W. McDonald, a progressive farmer and stock raiser, and one who has kept thoroughly apace with the times, was born in Randolph County, Ala., in December, 1844, being the sou of Sebbon McDonald, who was born and reared in Georgia, but wlio was married in Alabama to Miss Rhoda BIack.ston, a native of the last mentioned State. Mr. McDonald served in one of the old Indian wars. He was a farmer, and followed this oc- cupation in Alabama until his death, which oc- curred about 1864. Samuel W. McDonald at- tained his growth in Alabama, remained with his father until grown, and in 1862 enlisted in the Confederate army. Seventeenth Alabama Infantry, serving until the final surrender of the Confed- eracy. He participated in the fight near Daltou, and was stationed nearly all the time at Molule. He surrendered in 1865, and after being paroled returned to Alabama, where he engaged in farming in Randolpli County. He moved to Arkansas in 1876, located in Clay County, remained there two years, and then moved to Boone County, Ark., whence after a residence of two years he returned to Clay County, and settled on his present farm in 1881. He has 120 acres of land, with about sev- enty-five fenced, and some forty under cultivation. Mr. McDonald has been married twice; first, in Clay County, in 1874, to Miss Elizabeth Sexton, a na- tive of Illinois, who was reared in Arkansas. She died in 1885, and was the mother of four children, who ai-e named as follows: William B., Riley S., Samuel W. and OUie B. Mr. McDonald took for his second wife Mrs. Adaline Melton, in September. 1886, and the results of this union are two chil- dren: John E. and Reuben H. Mrs. McDonald is a native of Clay County, Ark., where she gi'ew to womanhood. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. ilcDonald is a member of the Baptist Church. Thomas Cary McGuire was born in Carroll County, Tenu. , June 9, 1850, and is a son of Dr. J. M. McGuire. mentioned elsewhere in these pages. He became the architect of his own fortune at the age of twenty years, and was actively engaged in tilling the soil until twenty-seven years old, when he was married to Miss Louisa Jane Gossett, a native of Jefferson County, 111., and a daughter of William and Maiy Gossett, who were farmers. To Mr. and Mrs. McGuire have l)een born the fol- lowing family of children: America Leota, born February 21, 1875, and died Fel)ruary 7, ISM: Melissa J., born November 18, 1877; William Mar- tin, born March 25, 1879; Dora, born Septemlier 4, 1880, and died Sej.tember 30, 1884; Mary J., born March 21, 1882; Louella. born January S, 1884; John H., born December 18, 1885; Fred, born February 14, 1887, and died June 11, ISsS, and Ida May, born November IS, 188S. Mr. •^h — ^ 2:^,0 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. McGuiie has a good farm of eighty acres, twenty- live of which are under cultivation, on which he raises corn and cotton. This farm is well improved with good buildings, fences and orchard, and in fact is one of the best improved places in the county. He also devotes a considerable amount of time to raising cattle and hogs, and is active in furthering the cause of education. He belongs to the Masonic order, is a member of the Agricultural Wheel, and in his political views is a Democrat. George M. McNiel, ex-sheriff of Clay County, Ark., was born in this county February 28. 1847, and is the son of Neal McNiel, who was a native of Tennessee. The father left that State about fifty years ago, emigrating to Arkansas, and settling in what is now Clay County. He was here married to Miss Nancy Thomas, daughter of Matthew Thomas, one of the earliest settlers of Arkansas. Mr. McNiel was for many years a leading stock dealer of Arkansas, and died in 1857, at Helena, Ark., while on a trip to New Orleans, with a large drove of hogs and cattle, valued at $5,000. After the stock was sold in New Orleans the money was sent to his widow. She is still living, is eighty years of age, and has resided near Rector for the past thirty-eight years. George M. McNiel re- mained with his mother until his marriage, which occurred in 1880, to Miss Clara Rosaline Seegraves, daughter of J. H. Seegraves, of Oak Bluff, Clay County, Ark. Mrs. McNiel died in September, 1888, leaving three children: Ruth Edith, George A. and Ethel. The mother was a worthy and con- sistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and died in that faith. The childi'en are now liv- ing with Dr. Seegraves, in Rector. In 1874 Mr. McNiel engaged in business in Oak Bluff, remain- ing there about a year, and then went to Bollinger County, Mo., where he accepted a position in the firm of Eli Lutes, and there continued eight years. He then left and took a place as deputy under his brother James, who was sheriff of Clay County, and filled this position for eight years. He was elected sheriff' in 1886, and his brother was deputy iinder him for two years, ending in 1888. Mr. Mc- Niel is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and is also a member of the K. of H. , in which he has filled many important offices. During the late war he was a member of Capt. J. J. Allen's company, Davis' battalion, Clark's brigade, under Gen. Price, and surrendered at Shreveport, La., in 1865, this command being the last army of the Confederation to surrender. James A. McNiel, ex-sheriff, and one of the sturdy sons of toil of Clay County, Ark. , was born in Ihis county at Oak Bluff', near where Rector now stands, February 7, 1849, his parents being Neal McNiel and Nancy (Thomas) McNiel. natives of East and West Tennessee, respectively. The maternal grandfather, Matthew Thomas, was a na- tive of North Carolina. James A. McNiel attended such schools as the country afforded, which were very primitive up to the breaking out of the late war, when all the schools were closed. During that time he remained at home with his mother, and still continued with her until 1878, when he was elected to the office of sheriff of the county. He was re-elected four consecutive terms, holding that office until 1886, when his brother, George McNiel, was elected to the same office. Mr. McNiel was married November 19, 1879, to Miss Mary Luella Brake, daughter of Jesse Brake, of Clay County, and five children were the result of this union, four now living: Jesse McNiel, Lil- lian Lee, Ralph Alonzo and Rudy Eugene, all now at home. Since retiring from office Mr. McNiel has followed agricultural pursuits, and has been paying considerable attention to trading in stock. He has an excellent farm of 580 acres, is the owner of one and a half blocks in Rector, and is also the owner of his residence in Boydsville. He is an honest, upright citizen, and stands in the front ranks of his townsmen. He is a member of Boydsville Lodge No. 75, A. F. & A. M. , is also a member of Boydsville Lodge No. 16, I. O. O. F., and is a member of the local Knights of Honor. Mr. McNiel is a Democrat in his politics. His wife is a member of the Christian Church. Daniel W. McPherson, who is recognized as one of the county's best citizens, was born March 25, 1853, in Lee County, Miss., and received a good practical education in the common schools. At the age of about seventeen, he began working CLAY COUNTY. 231 oil bis own responsibility as clerk in a grocery store, and this continued until coming to Clay County, Ark., in 1879. After reaching this county he had $2.75 in ready cash, and as soon as possible he began clerking for G. W. Spraygins, remaining with him and Capt. John J. Allen, for about fifteen months. He then engaged in mercan- tile pursuits on a limited scale, having but $77 in cash, and doing business on a cash basis, as his cap- ital would indicate. He thus continued for about five years, meeting with merited success from the beginning. He is now conducting a general mer- cantile business, and is also engaged iu the liquor trade. Mr. McPherson is the son of William B. and Fidelia W. (Ringo) McPherson. The father was born in 1797, in Blount County, Ala., was of Scotch parentage, and after growing up followed the occupation of a farmer. In 1849 he moved to Lee County, Miss., where he died in 1881. His wife was a native of Kentucky, and to them were born ten children: Frank, Lot W. , Wallace W., Charles. James M.. Dauiel W., Mary, Josephine, Ellen and Catherine. Daniel W. Mc- Pherson was married in October, 1881, to Miss Lura Johnson, a native of Middle Tennessee (where she received her education), and the daugh- ter of John R. Johnson. She came to Arkansas when grown, and by her union to Mr. McPherson, thi'ee children were born, two now living: Ella and Lena. Mr. McPherson is one of the pro- gressive young men of Arkansas, and is doing well at his adopted calling. He is a Democrat in politics. John S. Magee was born in Pope County, 111. , September 19, 1833, being a son of Thomas and Nancy Magee, who were born respectively in Ten- nessee and Kentucky. John 8. Magee began work- ing for himself at the age of eighteen years, first as a farm hand, and was married in that State to Miss Abbie, a daughter of Austin and Louisa Williams, who were farmers of Illinois. They were married March 21, 1850. and about a year later the mother and an infant died. Mr. Magee remained single three years, then moved to Clay County, Ark., and was again married, September 17, 1854, his wife's maiden name beinj; Luvina Watson, of Kentucky. She bore him four cliil- dren, two of whom are living: W. R., born August 7, 1855, and Nancy J., who was born Ainil 1(5, 1861, and is the wife of Robert Hasten, a farmer of Louisville, Tex. Eliza A. was born June 28. 1859, and died January 1, 1883. May 19, 1881. Mr. Magee wedded his present wife, Elisabeth Tittle, a daughter of Peter and Rachel Tittle of Missouri. The last marriage has been blessed in the birth of one son and one daughter: John H., who was born March 13, 1882, and Mary E., born August 6, 1885. Mr. Magee has made the fol lowing changes of residence: From Kentucky to Arkansas, in 1854; to Illinois, in 1863; to Kansas, in 1867; to Illinois, in 1868; to Clay County, Ark., in 1869; to Boone County, Ark., in 1875, and back to Clay County, Ark., in 1877, where he has since made his home, being the owner of 120 acres of laud, forty-five of which are under cultivation, the rest being heavily timbered. He has good build- ings, orchards, and fences, and is considered one of the prosperous farmers of the county. He and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and he is a Republican in his political views. Dur ing the late war he served the cause of the Con i'ederacy in the Home Guards. J. F. Mahan is one of Clay County's worthy tillers of the soil, residing near Vidette. He was born in Ozark County, Mo., on the 30th of May. 1841, and is the eldest of eight children, five now living, of the family of Noah and Oriuda Mahan. who were born in Tennessee and Missouri, respect ively. The father emigrated with his parents to Missouri in 1840, locating iu Ozark County, where he and his wife died, as did also his parents. They were among the early settlers, and e.\perienced many hardships and privations in their endeavors to obtain a home. Noah Mahan cleared several farms, and became quite wealth}-. His children who are living are: James F., William, Cynthia. Mary, Hansen. James F., the eldest child, was reared on a farm in Ozark County, but owing to poor school facilities at that day, received a some- what limited education. In 1882 he enlisted in Company F, Greene's regiment, and served a little over two years, participating in the battles of Ht>li> 232 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. na. Little lioek, Camden, Shreveport, Gaines' Fer- ry and several skirmishes. In the fall of 1804 he stopped on furlough in Clay County. Ark. . having but 110 in Confederati' monej', and without a whole garment on his bfick. He fell into the hands of strangers, but was kindlj' cared for l)y his future wife's father. After recovering, he worked out for some time, and in 1869 bought a farm in Rich woods, on which he lived until 1884, when he sold out and bought the place where he now resides, consisting of 160 acres, about 100 of which are under cultiva- tion and finely improved. He has put over 11,000 worth of improvements on his farm in the last five years, and it is now one of the finest places in the coimty. He usually devotes about thirty acres to cotton, and raises about one bale to the acre. He was married, in 1867, to Miss Susan J. Cleveland, a native of North Missouri, and by her has five children: William T. , Don, Mary, Hugh and Edna. Mr. and Mrs. Mahan are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he belongs to the Masonic order. He lias been a resident of Clay County for twenty- three years, and is considered one of its best residents. W. S. Malone is an agriculturist of prominence, who, notwithstanding many reverses and discour- agements, has ever come l>oldly to the front, and, with the push and energy characteristic of him, sur- mounted all difficulties. He is a native Tennes- seean, moving with his parents to Mississippi when nine years of age, or in 1841. They settled in Yalobusha County, and here W. S. Malone remained until twenty years of age, after which he went to Panola County. He continued in this county until 1859, subsequently locating in Texas, where he re- mained until the breaking out of the late war. Then he came to Oak Bluff, in what is now Clay Coun- ty, and enlisted in the Fifth Arkansas Regiment, Col. Cross commanding, and was elected lieutenant of the company. He served in that capacity until the winter of 18<)2, when he was discharged at Bowling Green, Ky. , but re-enlisted in Capt. Allen's company, of which Mr. Malone was first lieutenant. Later he was put into Col. Hart's regi- ment, and took part and commanded the company during the battle of Helena, Ark. He was with Gen. Price on his raid through Missouri, and took part in all the fights that occurred, always having command of the company. At one time he was shot in the mouth, and lost two teeth. He was dis- banded at Cane Hill, and was paroled at Vicks- bnrg. In 1863 he was united in marriage with Miss M. A. C. Daniels, daughter of John Daniels, of Clay County. They settled on a farm of 1 20 acres, where they have remained ever since. Shortly after marriage they were burned out, losing all their possessions and the first crop they had, and for a time had nothing but dry corn bread as food, and straw, with a limited amount of covering, for a bed. Now they are very nicely fixed, having a comforta- ble house and good outbuildings, and are prepared to enjoy life. In their family were seven children, two having died in early youth. Those now living are: Fannie L., married Andrew Langley, and is the mother of three children ; she now resides near the home of her father; Margaret L., married Wade Thomas, a farmer who lives in Clay County, and is the mother of two children; Willie Genoa, a daughter, is now deceased; Lucy Ila, at home; H. Eddie, at home, and Bob L., an infant. Mr. Malone is a member of the Masonic fraternity; is an elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and a Democrat in politics. He is now fifty- nine years of age, and never sued nor was he ever sued. He has not been in a fight since the war, but at the battle of Joneslioro, Ark. , was shot in the mouth. During the entire time he has been en- gaged in farming Mr. Malone has never bought a pound of bacon, nor has he ever bought corn to eat, always raising sufficient for his family. Mrs. Malone, who is a daiighter of Louisa and John Daniel, was born near Cottage Grove, Henry County, Tenn., and remained there until 1859, coming then to Arkansas. Three of the children which she has borne, as well as herself, are mem- bers of the Cumberland Presbyterian ChiU'ch : Maggie, Fanni(> and Ila. The two sons, still small children, are lieing train( died, leaving him with an infant only two months old to rear. He took the child to his mother, who cared for it until its death at the age of si.\ months. Mr. Mowls next went to Chicago, and from there to Waterloo. 111., where he was occujjied in engineer- ing throe months. He ne.vt began railroading, con tiuuing this three years. The nuptials of his sec- ond marriage were celelwated on the 2r)th of De cember, 1870, his wife's maiden name b(>ing Miss Emma A. Griffith, of Union County, 111., a daughter of W. T. and Jane Griffith, who are natives, respectively, of Kentucky and Illinois. In 1880 Mr. Mowls removed to Butler County, Mo., and in 1881 came to Clay County, Ark., and is the owner of a saw, grist and cotton- mill in Kil- gore Township. He has been engaged in man- aging various mills ever since removing to Mis- souri in 1880, and has also been interested in farming some of the time, and is at present fol lowing this occupation, his principal crops being cotton and corn. He is a Mason, a member of the Agricultural Wheel, is independent in politics, and he and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. The following are their children: Elmer R., born February 11, 1882: Lily M., born February 3. 1887, and Joseph J., born July 13, i 1887. Mr. Mowls was educated in the common subscription schools, and expects to give his chil- dren good educational advantages. J. M. Myers, mayor of St. Francis, and one of the most enter])rising men of the town, was Iwrn in Upper Sandusky, Ohio, and is the .son of Mich- ael Myers, who came with his father from Penn- sylvania, settling in Ohio, and was there married to Miss Susan McClane. a native of Ohio. J. M. Myers remained in Sandusky until 1880, when he came to St. Francis, where he engaged in the lum ber busine.ss and has continued this calling since. He is the owner of 380 acres of land in his na five State, and 8,000 acres of timber and coal land in Morgan County, Ky. After arriving in Clay County, Ark., Mr. Myers joined the firm of Juvenall, Myers & Co., operating Mr. Ro.sen- grant's mill. Afterward in company witli W. S. Bryon, of St. Louis, he built a mill and opened under the firm name of J. M. Myers & Co. This he still contimies and has now completed one of the largest and best equipped mills in the county or State. When the town of St. Francis was or- ganized in 1888 Mr. Myers was elected to the office of mayor to fill the interim until the first mu- nicipal election, when he was re-elected, and is now holding that position to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. He has built, in addition to the two mills, the finest residence in the county. Al- though not a member of any church he has assisted materially in the building of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, South, to which he contributed very liberally. He was married in Ohio to Miss Ella Bair. who came fi'om Pennsylvania with her pa- rents, Jacob and Amy (Uber) Bair, a number of years ago. To Mr. and Mrs. Myers have been born five children: Edith Floy, Sadie Grace, Gail Roena, Grover C. and an infant unnamed. Mr. Myers is a Democrat in politics. Bertrand Nicolas, farmer and stockman of Clay County, Ark. , was born in France in 1844, being the second of a family of eight children born to Ber- trand and Catherine (Johnson) Nicolas, who were also born in France and came to the United States in 1847, landing at New Orleans, and afterward set- tling at St. Louis, Mo. , where the father engaged in weaving. In 1858 they moved to the country about twelve miles from the city, where they lived ten years, and afterward located about six miles north of Kirkwood, where both parents died. Bertrand Nicolas, whose name heads this sketch, was reared to a farm life and attended the schools of St. Louis, receiving a good education. At the age of twenty-eight years he began working for himself, and was married at the age of thirty-two to Miss Rebecca Towe, a native of Missouri, by whom he became the father of two children, and at the birth of the second child Mrs. Nicolas died. George, the elder, is attending school in St. Louis. Katie died in infancy. In 1884 Mr. Nic- olas married his second wife, whose maiden name was Miss Julia Mercillo. a native of Missouri. After his second marriage he remained in Missouri one year, and then came to Arkansas in the spring of 1885, settling near Peach Orchard, and at the end of two years located upon his present farm, where he is now tilling an excellent tract of fifty acres. Dr. J. Marshall Orr, physician and surgeon of Greenway, Ark. , is a native of Lee County, Miss. , where he was born on the 5th of August, ISfil. He was reared to manhood here, and received a good English education, at the age of eight een years, commencing the study of medicine un der his father, Dr. Harvey C. Orr, and took his fii'st course of lectures in the University of Louis- ville, Ky., in the winter of 1882-83. After fin- ishing his course, he returned to Mississippi, and practiced his profession with his father one year, when he located in the county and began practicing on his own responsibility, continuing there up to February, 1886. He then took another course of lectures in the Hospital College of Medicine, at Louisville, Ky., and graduated June 17, 1886. After completing his course, he located at Green- way, Ark., and has built up a large and paying practice, which is increasing steadily and profitably. His father was born in the " Palmetto State," and, after receiving his education and residing there until reaching manhood, he went to Mississippi, where he met and wedded Miss Mary E. Weath- erall. who was born and reared in Mississippi. Dr. Orr became settled in Lee County of that State, where he has practiced for over thirty years, and is still successfully following his calling. W. R. Paty, of Corning, Ark., was born in Hum- phreys County, Tenn. , August 28, 1849, his parents being Matthew and Priscilla Roberts, of Tennessee. The former's birth occurred about 1814, and in 1838 he was married to one Miss Hendi'ix. They had three children born to them, of whom two are yet living. The wife died in 1845, and in 1847 he was maiTied to Miss Priscilla Roberts. They had nine children, of whom W. R. Paty is the only living member. Matthew Paty was a land holder in his CLAY COUNTY. 237 native State. In the spring of 1S58 he moved to Kipley County, Mo., where he bought a tract of land, consisting of 120 acres, on which he resided three years, and then moved to Butler County, of the same State, where he made his home until his death, on the ITjth of February, 1865. He was a Democrat in his political views, and he and wife were members of the Methodist Church. In the spring of 1N07 the widow, with seven children, moved to Randolph County, Ark. , and by the 10th of May, 1884, they all had died, except W. R. Paty. On the 30th of November, 1873, he was married to Miss Caroline Watson, of Clay County, a daughter of Rev. Peter Watson. They had five children born to them, all of whom died in their infancy. Caroline Paty died October 12, 1883. On the 14th of September, 1884, W. R. Paty was married to Mrs. Ruth A. Alexander, a native of Tennessee. She was a widow with one child. Mr. Paty now owns a farm, and lives on the same, ten miles west of Corning, in Clay Coun- ty, Ark., where he intends to remain the rest of his days. He received very little education in his youth, just learning the forms of the letters, but by self application he has made rapid strides in the acquirement of knowledge and acquaintance with current events. He is independent in his political views, and has served as school director and road overseer. He is a member of the Agri- cultural Wheel. Boswell B. Payne, Sr. , retired farmer, is a native of Rutherford County, Tenn., born Febru- ary 1, 1815, and is a son of James and Permelia Ann (Hitchcock) Payne, born in North Carolina and Ireland, respectively, though they were reared, mar- ried, and resided in Tennessee, and died in that State about 1827 and 1828, respectively. Boswell B. Payne grew to manhood in Madison County, Tenn., and was married in Dyer County, March 4, 1836, to Miss Nancy Nettle, a daughter of Jesse and Catherine (Derosett) Nettle. Mrs. Payne was born in Franklin County, Tenn., July 30, 1817, and she and Mr. Payne reared a family of nine children, all of whom are manied and the parents of families. They have forty-seven grand- children and about eight great-grandchildren. After their marriage they farmed in Tennessee for seven years, then moving to Poinsett County, Ark. , in 1843, where they were engaged in farming for about four years, coming thence to what is now Clay County, and in 1847 locating near Green way on the farm which he now owns. He built a good double log house, cleared a farm of sixty-five acres, and reared his family. He was a great hunter in his day, and has killed many bear, elk, deer, and a great amount of small game. He and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. John H. Payne. The genealogy of this family can be traced directly back to two brothtn-s who, on coming to America, settled on James River, Va., and were among the early colonists. This family is among the old and much respected ones of the country. J. H. Payne was born in Greene County (now known as Clay Count}'), Ark., Aj)ril 20, 1850, and is the son of B. B. and Nancy (Nettle) Payne, and grandson of James Payne and wife, nee Hitchcock, the latter being of Irish extraction. In 1844 B. B. Payne came to Clay County, Ark., with his wife and family consisting then of three chil- di'en, and is now living one and a half mile from Greenway. There were nine childjreu in the family, five daughters and four sons, all now mar- ried, and six of whom were born after their parents came to Arkansas. There are seventy five descend- ants to this family in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, living at the present time. Jesse Nettle, the maternal grandfather of the sub- ject of this sketch, was of Welsh descent, and his wife, Polly (Derosett) Nettle, was of French ex- traction. J. H. Payne, one of the rising young men of the county, has filled the office of magis trate for three consecutive terms, and in 1885 he was elected to the XXVth General Assembly of Arkansas. At the present time he is occupied in timber speculations, but previous to this he had made farming a specialty. He is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, holding credentials as a preacher in the same, and at present is study- ing for the legal profession. He chose for his wife Miss Susan D. Nettle, a native of Clay Coiuity. Ark., and the daughter of William R. Nettle, of Tennessee. She died September 16, 1888, and ^1 SI p 238 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. -i£: left five children: J. H. , Jr., Laura J., David L., James C. and George. He is a Democrat and takes considerable interest in politics. He lives in Piggott, and j)ractices in the inferior courts of the State. Thomas L. Pierce, M. D. , one of the many emi- nent practitioners of Clay County, who has min- istered to the wants of the sick and afflicted of Clay County, Ark., is a native of Tennessee and went with his father, John J. Pierce, to Illinois in the spring of 1806. The father was a Union man in sentiment, but during the war he re- mained in Tennessee, and sided with neither the North nor South. After moving to Illinois he settled near Vienna, the count}' seat of Johnson County, where his son, Thomas L., grew to man- hood. The latter received a good practical edu- cation in the schools of Johnson County, and in 1878, when twenty- two years of age, entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Keokuk, I9, when he went to Clark County, Ind. . and engaged in blacksmithing and farming, lemaining ten j-ears.at which time he removed to Jefferson County, Mo. In ISSO he came to ('orning. Ark., and has since been follow- ing his present business, in which he is meeting with good .success. He does all kinds of repairing and his work is always well performed. He owns several lots in the town and a nice home. In IS'io he was married to Miss Nancy L. Brown, a native of Kentucky, who bore him ten children, six now living: Nancy A.. William A. and Isaac M. (twins), George W. and Henry C. Itwins) and Charles F. Mr. Reed is a member of the Agricultural Wheel, and liis wife is a member of the Bajitisl Church. The Rou.se Springs Sanitarium, so intimately connected with the affairs of Clay County, is of sucli importance to the interests of this portion of the State, that no worthy history of the community conld fail to make mention of it, or of its worthy and well-known owner. Dr. James Rouse. The experiences through which he has passed, the honors conferred u])on liini by rich and poor alike, the success which has attended his efforts almost without exception, proclaim him a man worthy of more than ordinary notice, so that a sketch of his eventful life cannot but be of interest to the many readers of this volume. Dr. Rouse comes from a noble ancestry, liaving d(>scended from Rouse who was lord of admiralty during Cromwell's govern- ment. The Doctor's great-grandfather commanded an English ship in the wars between Spain, France and England j)rior to tlie American Revolu- tion. His grandfather and three brothers served in the Revolutionary War in the army of Washing- ton, one of the l^rothers falling at Yorktown while besieging that place. One of the brothers rose to be a general, and settled at Rouse's Point, N. Y. Dr. Rouse's father, James Rouse, served in the AVar of 1812 under Gen. Brown, and rose to a cap- taincy. He man'ied Miss Helen Temple, of Aljer- deen, who descended by both her i)arents from the house of Stuarts, her uncle being earl of Aberdeen. Dr. Rouse, who is now sixty-seven years of age, was born in Canada while his parents wei-e there on business, but was taken back to Virginia when only a few weeks old. He was sent to school in Northern Ohio, and also attended schools in Penn- sylvania and New York, studying medicine under Dr. Dustan, a French physician, and Dr. Johns, an English physician. The Doctor, although a Vir- ginian, is cosmopolitan in sentiment. He was a young man at the breaking out of the Mexican War, but saw active service in that conflict, his re- turn being through the locality which thirty-live years hence was to claim him as a resident. It was then that he discovered the rare curative (jualities of the springs now bearing his name. The beginning of his extensive travels had been made. Edinburgh College, of Scotland, had given him a dijiloma as a graduate, and being already possessed of an excellent knowledge of the science of medicine, he has since added to his learning by contact with different nations of the world, and by observing closely the diversified methods employed by various people. The experience thus gained has proved of incalculable benefit. While occupied at one time in three years of travel in Europe and Asia, he was called upon to perform an intricate and delicate operation upon one of Queen Victoria's army ofiicers, for which he was knighted. Two years were spent in South America, and while there also the success attending his efforts in sav- ing the life of the daughter of the emperor of Brazil, and restoring her to health, was rewarded by a gift (in addition to a magnificent fee) of a solid gold inkstand, weighing three pounds and three ounces, inlaid with fine rubies, each valued at over 1200. Besides this Dr. Rouse possesses a num- ber of diamonds and other precious stones received from grateful potentates, who had been the bene- ficiaries of his ability. Amid constantly changing scenes time passed rapidly, and before conscious of it the Doctor had passed the three-score mile- stone, and was almost broken in health. The ad- vent of the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Rail- road, through this locality in 1882 caused him to turn his attention in this direction, and in 1883 he settled here, and by personal experience determined the effects of the mineral waters so bountifully provided by nature. An analysis made by the Washington University, of St. Louis, indi- cates the presence of silica, iron, magnesium, iodine, potassium, sodium and manganese, ingre- dients sufficient to have wrought within the past six years some wonderful cures. One of the , most noteworthy was the case of Joseph Coch- ran, son of J. Henry Cochran, banker of Will- iamsport, Penn., whose condition had baffled the ] skill of physicians of wide reputation for some six months. An abscess forming internally had burst into the cavity of the bowels, discharging and emptying large quantities of pus into the cavity of the abdominal and peritoneal membrane. From an incision ten inches in length through the ab- dominal wall there was removed the matter dis- charged into the peritoneal cavity from an ab- scess in caecum. The case was most critical as the constant discharge needed frequent cleansing, and any little exercise caused the bowels to protrude some six or eight inches. Hope had almost been abandoned when Dr. Rouse undertook the treat- ment. There were besides now two holes in crecum, one three-quarters of an inch and the other half an inch in diameter, from which faeces were con- stantly discharged. By patient, untiring atten- tion and the help of his good wife, with the aid of instruments constructed for this particular case, the young man was restored to sound health within three months, the medicinal properties of the water used aiding greatly in this result. The father, without considering the usual formality of a bill, presented the Doctor with a check for $5,000. The Sanitarium is beautifully situated on an eminence overlooking the track of the ' ' Cotton Belt ' " Route. In it are contained many interesting and curious specimens, viz. : fossils, shells, min- erals, etc., evidences of Dr. Rouse's taste as a geologist and paleontologist; one of these is a piece of rich quartz, containing $700 worth of gold. He owns over 700 acres of land in the county, his home place containing sQme 2,000 peach and 200 apple trees, and a garden surpassed by none in this portion of the State. One variety of grape is produced from a vine the original of which he brought from Riga, Russia; other small fruit of Canadian origin grow profusely. It only needs a visit to his wine cellar to demonstrate his abOity to preserve fruit after raising it, last year's crop pro- ducing over $1,000 of wine. With opportunities for gathering berries from the verge of eternal snow to the tropics, and fruit from every clime, he claims that there is no country like Arkansas capable of producing such a variety of highly fiav- ored and useful fruits, while the roses here are more fragrant than those of Persia. He already has one of the largest farm residences in the county, to which an addition will be built sufficient to ac commodate fifty patients by the fall of 1889. In addition to his duties about the Sanitarium the Doctor is surgeon for the railroad, and also has a ^-. CLAY COUNTY. ■n\ large practice in the surrounding country. He is of untiring energy, ceaseless activity and persever- ing industry, of lithe and sinewy form, erect and of commanding presence, his hair tinged with gray indicating a dignified age. He has been three times married, his hrst wife bearing two children; by his second wife he had six, three now living. His first wife's children are both married; the eldest, Helen, to Mr. Edwin Levitt, of Liberty, Me. ; the second daughter to Mr. J. Henry Cochran, of Calais, Me., now of W'illiamsport, Penn. His second wife's children are also married: James W. Rouse, con- ductor on a railroad in Colorado; Lizzie, wife of Mr. Frank Miller, an electrician, of Philadelphia, Penn. , and Eva Virginia, married to a Mr. Win- slow, of Maine. The present Mrs. Rouse was born in 1855, and has proved of invaluable benefit to her husband in the treatment of cases. Pleasing in disposition, an agreeable companion and a welcome visitor to the sick room, she has shared very largely in the respect and esteem accorded her husband. She is a lady of intelligence and worth, having graduated from the normal school of her native town, Fredericton, N. B. , Canada. She is of Scotch descent, her grandfather having been professor in Edinburgh University. Her father, William An- derson, is the recipient of a valuable gold medal given him as the best school-teacher in the Domin- ion of Canada. Dr. Rouse is a member of Orient Lodge No. 15, A. F. & A. M., of Thomaston, Me. E. N. Royall, a self made man and one who merits the respect and esteem of all by his industry and perseverance, is a native of Carroll County, West Tenn., born October 17, 1836, and a son of Joseph A. and Ollie (Steel) Royall, the latter a daughter of John Arnold, of Virginia. After reach- ing manhood, Mr. E. N. Royall engaged in mer- chandising in his native State, and was there mar- ried to Miss Frances C. Ozier, daughter of Reuben Ozier, of Tennessee, formerly of North Carolina. Ml', and Mrs. Royall came to Clay County, Ark., in 18(39, settling on a farm about two miles north of Boydsville, on what is known as "' Big Creek," and a little later he was appointed assessor of the coun- ty, when it was first formed as Clayton County, and held this position two j'ears. He was also the first sheriff here, serving a full term, and after two years was elected county and ])robate judge, in which office he remained four consecutive terms, or eight years. He has been agent for the St. Louis & Iron Mountain Railroad for the past ten years, and is still acting as such. He engaged in mer handising with James Blackshare, with whom he continued for three years, and was then in the same business with W. S. Blackshare for some time. When first coming to Clay County, Ark. , with his family he had about $500 in money and a horse. He is now the owner of some 1,500 acres of land and has some good property in the village of Boydsville. To his marriage has been born one son, B. L. Royall, who has been sent to Cape Girardeau, Mo., and is also a graduate of the Com- mercial College of Lexington, Ky. , and is now clerking in the store of A. L. Blackshare, of Boyds- ville. Mr. Royall is a member of the Masonic fra- ternity, Boydsville Lodge No. 75, and is a Demo- crat in politics. James R. Scurlock, a successful and promi- nent merchant of Piggott, and the son of J. C. and Eliza (Davis) Scurlock, was born in Union County. 111., February 27, 1863. J. C. Scurlock was a native of Illinois, where he grew to manhood and married Miss Davis, who was also a native of the same State. Mr. Scurlock was a prominent man of Union County, and held several local oftices. He died January 1, 1872. Mrs. Scurlock died December 25, 1879. James R. Scurlock attained his growth in Union County, 111., receiving a lib- eral education, and remained in Illinois until grown. He came to Arkansas in November, 1S85, located at Piggott, and bought a mercantile house and has con- tinued merchandising up to the pre.sent. He car ries a stock of general merchandise, dry goods, hats, caps, queenswaro and glassware, and has built up a very goocTtrade. In May, ISS'.I, he formed a partnership and engaged also in the drug busi uess. He was married in Illinois, Union County. July I'J, 1S88, to Miss Mary E. Lingle. a native of Union County, 111., where she was reared and educated. She is a daughter of Moses Lingle. and a member of the Baptist Church. Joseph F. Schnei'l"v ..f tli.' Vik.-insas Stave 242 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Works, was boru in Clermont County, of the "Buckeye State," June 20, 1857, his jjarents be- ing Adam and Anna (Weindle) Schneider, both of German nativity. Joseph F. Schneider re- mained with his father in his native county imtil twenty-one years of age, and in 1879 moved west to St. Louis, Mo. , where be continued working at the cooper business for about six years. In ISSO iie came to Greenway, Ark. , and engaged in the man- ufacture of staves and headings, and has been man.iger of an established business ever since. This enterprise gives employment to from fifteen to twenty men, and the establishment ships from eighty to 100 cars of stock annually. The Arkan- sas Stave Works pays, on an average, $1,000 per month, for help and material. Mr. Schneider was married in St. Louis, Mo., May 15, 1883, to Miss Anna Schmitz, who was born, reared and educated in St. Louis, and is the daughter of Jacob Schmitz, of Union City, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Schneider have two children: Cecelia and Clarence. He and wife are members of the Catholic Church. Dr. J. H. Seegraves, a prominent physician and leading citizen of Clay County, Ark., was born in Surry County. N. C, August 1, 1832, and is the son of Gilbraand Sarah (Wilson) Seegraves. Gil- bra Seegraves was born in Virginia in 1800, of Scotch-Irish descent, and was a brick-mason and farmer by occupation. He immigrated to Macon County, Tenn., in 1839, and was one of the pio- neers of that locality. In 1874 he removed to Ar- kansas, settling in Clay County, and there died May 27, 1887, in his seventy -seventh year. Sarah (Wil- son) Seegraves was born in Ashe County, N. C. , and was reared and married in that State. The nine children born to this union are named as fol- lows: Louis, William, Maxwell, Samuel T., Henry, Gilbra, Sarah. Martha and John H. Mrs. See- graves died December 31, 1885. Dr. J. H. See- graves, the subject of this sketch, was jnincipally reared in Tennessee, and had good school advan- tages. Later he studied for three years under I. M. Livingston, M. D., of Lafayette, Tenn., and then practiced in partnership with him for four years. About this time the war broke out, and he enlisted in the Federal army, as recruiting officer. There being vacancies to till, he, among others, applied as assistant acting surgeon, of the United States army, which required a man to be a grad- uate of some reputable college. There were four who applied for the position, but three failed to pass. Dr. Seegraves claimed an examination, and passed with honor, and although not a graduate, was appointed to the place. His commission was as below: Hkadquauters Department Tenn , Medical Dikect- or's Office, Nashville, Tenn., September 21, 18(i.5. Special Order 33: — Surgeon Thaddeus Donahue, One Hundred and Tenib United States Cavalry Troops, in charge of Post Hosjiilal, Galhitin, Tenn., will be relieved of that charge without delay by Acting Assistant Surgeon J. H. Seegraves. United States Army, and return to duty wilh his regiment. He will turn over his property to his successor. By order of the Medical Director. John E. McGuirr, AsuuUiitt tiiirijean, United Std/ex Vohiitteers. Following this Dr. Seegraves was ordered to report the sale of property without reporting to superior officers, a new departure in military af- fairs. He then took charge of the hospital, after the abandonment of which he received orders to sell and turn over the proceeds, which was done, thus showing his standing. Below may be found his discharge from duty, and Tiis standing: Property Division, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, D. C May 1, 18fi6. Sir: — I am instructed by the Surgeon General to in- form you that your returns of public property belonging to the Medical and Hospital dei)artment of the Army, for a period commencing September 22, 1805, and ending De- cember 31, 1865, with vouchers thereto pertaining, have been examined in this office, and found to be correct, and finally settled. Relating to Gallatin, Tenn. Ver3' respectfully, your obedient servant, I W. C. Spencer, Assistant Suryeon, U. S. A. Dr. Seegraves served in the medical department from 1864 until April 10. 1800, participating in the battle of Nashville, and was honorably discharged at Louisville. He then located in Illinois, began the practice of his profession, and was ofPered the position of chief surgeon of the West, but declined. Later he settled in Clinton County, 111., practiced six years, then came to Arkansas, and settled in Clay County, where he has since practiced his pro- fession. He is also engaged in the drug business, ^r^ Capx DanMathev^s Mmsiesippi Cquntv Arkansas. CLAY COUNTY. 243 and is the local surgeon of tho St. Louis, Arkaiisas & Ti>xas Railroad, which is au honor held by few physicians. Dr. Seegravesis also president of the Clay County Medical Examining Board. He was niiirried, in 1859, to Miss M. A. Atkerson, a native of Macon County. Tenn. , and the daughter of Johu AV. Atkerson, now a resident of Macon Coun- ty. Tenn. To the Doctor and wife were born four children living: Lydia A., Ida L. , John O. and t'Ora E. Those deceased were named Clara R. , Ethel, J. O., aud an infant. The Doctor and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. He is a member of the G. A. R. and I. O. O. F., join- ing the last-named organization in Gallatin, Tenn., while surgeon of the army, and while almost a stranger, being struck by the grandeur of a proces- sion. He also belongs to the K. of H. Aside from his profession and the drug business. Dr. Seegraves is one of the prominent farmers of the county. B. H. Selhneyer & Bro., merchants of Knobel, Ark. This firm is composed of Bernard H. and Joseph Sellmeyer, who were born in Franklin County, Ind. , in 1850 and 1S62, respectively, and were the sons of John H. and Elizabeth (Brug gensmith) Sellmeyer, who were native Germans, and came to the United States, where they met and afterward married. The father is a tanner by trade, and is the owner of a tannery at Olden- burg. Ind., which is managed by his eldest son, John. Our subjects attended school in Oldenburg until a somewhat advanced age, then following clerking in their father's store. Bernard continued until about 1S70, whea he went to St. Louis and clerked in a store in that city for five years, later engaging in the grocery business for himself, which he continued until 1880, since which time ho has resided in Knobel, Ark. He first engaged as a contractor in furnishing tics for the Knobel & Helena Branch of the Iron Mountain Railroad, in partnership with Crawford & Lintz, and in about eight months furnished 350.000, and dur- ing this time also did some grading on tho White River Branch of that railroad. In the fall of 1S81 he started the first store in Knobel, and it was practically the only store in the place for about four years. In 1884 he was joined by his l)rotlier Joseph, and they formed their present partnership, and in coiuiection with their store they are exten- sively interested in the timber business, making a specialty of piling, staves and ties, which indu.stry gives employm(>nt to forty or fifty men. They are notv about to erect a cotton-gin and saw mill, and owing to the erection of the former, the farmers have beeu encouraged to increase their cotton cro]> at least 400 per cent, which will prove of great benefit to the county. In 1882 Bernard Sellmeyer was appointed third postmaster of Knobel, and held the position several years, and in 1888 Joseph became postmaster, and is holding the office at the present time. Since 1884 Ber- nard H. has held the office of justice of the ])eace. In 1886 Joseph Sellmeyer returned to Oldenburg, Ind., and accepted the position of secretary of the St. Joseph Western Mill, of Oldenburg, in which his father is an extensive stockholder. In September, 1888, he was married to Miss Dinah Damhus, a native of Indiana, and a daughter of Bernard and Philema Damhus, who reside in that State. The Sellmeyer brothers own over 2,000 acres of land, more than half of which is excel- lent farming land and susceptible of a high state of cultivation. They have about 100 acres under cultivation, and are constantly opening up new land, and their enterprise and energy form a com- mendable example to the citizens of the county. Edward Silverberg, M. D., a physician ami farmer of Clay County, Ark., was born in Colum- bia, Marion County, Miss., in 1829, and is the .second of four children of Johnson and Sarah (Jones) Silverberg, who were born in Holland and Georgia, respectively. When about sixteen years of age the father emigrated to the United States, and soon after engaged in mercantile business in Columbia. Miss., where he remained twelve years, then removing to Canlon, Miss., where he resumed biisiness in 1833, continuing until his death in 1838. He and wife were married in 1S25. the latter being a daughter of one of the early pioneers of Mississippi. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and participated in the battle of New Orleans. Dr. Edward Silverberg received his ^ 4 v>' 244 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. education iu the common schools and the Masonic College at La Grange, Ky., leaving the latter institution at the age of eighteen years. He was engaged in clerking for two years and tlnni began the study of medicine, graduating from the Medi- cal University of Louisville, Ky., in 1S55, and entered upon the practice of his profession in Jessamine County, Ky. He then spent one year in Columbus, Ky. , two years iu Louisiana, and came to Helena in 1858, where he was iu the drug business, and from that time until 18IH resided in Helena. In May, 1862, he entered the Southern army as medical purveyor under Gen. Hindmau, who had command of the Trans-Mississippi depart- ment, and later was under Gen. Holmes, and was stationed with his office at Little Rock, Ark. In 18(54 he resigned this office and entered the field as adjutant of what was known as Dobbins' brigade, being in the battle of Big Creek, near Helena, and in a raid south; was with Price on his raid thi'ough Missouri, and took part in the battles at Iron Mountain, Big Blti«>. Kansas City and Fort Scott, then fell back to Benton County, Ark. , and was in his last battle at Fayetteville, in the winter of 1 864. The army was here divided and the Doctor' s command was sent to Northeast Arkansas, and in the winter of that year the command stai-ted to Mexico with Gen. Shelby. He was taken sick at San Antonio, Texas, and, after the final surrender, re- turned to Kentucky. He was married in 1856 to Miss Sallie Lockart, a native of Pennsylvania, by whom he became the father of three children: Sallie L., wife of Judge J. F. Humphries, clerk of the court at Helena, Ark. ; Edward, who is married and resides with his father, and Ida, who died in infancy. In the spring of 1858 the Doctor brought his family to Ai-kansas and settled in Helena, where he was in the drug business when the war came on. In 1873, after coming to North- east Arkansas, and practicing for a short time at Pocahontas, he went to Poplar Bluff, Mo., but re- turned to Corning, Ark. , in 1876, remaining here six years, since which timt! he has lived at Knobel and Peach Orchard. In 18S5 he bought a tract of laud one-half mile south of Knobel, and on this farm he has since resided and made many improve- ments. He raises considerable stock and has an excellent stallion for breeding purposes. In part- nership with his son he is extensively engaged in the timber business, shipping staves, stave bolts and piling, and making cross ties. He takes an active part in politics, and has held the office of postmaster at Peach Orchard three years, and at Knobel about the same length of time. At both these places he carries on general merchandising. He is chairman of the County Democratic Conven- tion, and was a delegate to the Congressional Con- vention at Helena in 1888. He takes quite an interest in the culture of fruit, and his orchard consists of 300 peach trees, fifty pear, fifty plum, twenty-five cherry and 200 apple trees, all of which are doing well, and those that are bearing show excelh^nt fruit. His son, Edward L. , was married to Miss Annie Ratclift'e, a daughter of Hon. T. J. and Huldah A. Ratcliffe. The father was a noted lawyer and politician of this section and held the office of State senator. He died in 1881, but his widow still survives him and resides on the old homestead, one and a half miles west of Peach Orchard. G. W. Simmons, M. D., whose face is familiar in the homes of the sick and jifflicted of this coun- ty, was born in Halifax County, N. C. in 1827, and is the son of Jesse H. Simmons, whose father, John Simmons, was a native of Scotland. Jesse H. Simmons married Miss Nancy B. Whitaker, also a native of North Carolina, and the daugh- ter of James Whitaker. Her grandfather, >Johu Whitaker, was a native of North Carolina and was a colonel of some note in the Revolutionary War, as was also John Bradford, Mrs. Simmons' maternal grandfather. Gov. John Branch, of North Caro- lina, who was secretary of the navy in the cabinet of President Jackson, was a cousin of .Airs. Sim- mons. The Whitaker family was one of the most illustrious iu the State. G. W. Simmons moved to Wayne County, Tenn., at the age of seventeen, and later was married to Miss Martha J. Gee. daughter of Thomas Gee, of English and Welsh pareutage. He then entered the office of Dr. T. L. Carter, where he studied medicine, and a few years later opened an office, but in 1856 came to CLAY COUNTY. Clav County, aud formod a partnership with Thomas J. Harris, at Oak Bluff, near where Rector now stands, and was the loading physician of the county. The partnership continued for three years when Dr. Simmons opened up business for himself, as his partner had entered the Confederate array. Since that time the Doctor has had the greatest practice of any physician in the eovmty, and says that after an experience of thirty-three years, hi> can truthfully say it is an error to make the statement that this is an unhealthy country. In his earlier practice, when people were very poorly housed and very little attention was paid to the laws of health, they suffered from ill health, l)ut just in proportion to their imjirovement did they be- com(> healthier. The Doctor's own family, consist- ing of six robust children, is evidence enough of the salutary condition of the country, and nowhere is to be found a better specimen of young man- hood than William H. Simmons, who is clerking in his father's store. Dr. Simmons, by his first wife, was the father of six children, all of whom are now living: Jesse, married, has three children, and resides near his father; Alice married G. W. Webb, who is now living near Oak Bluff, is a carpenter, and they have three childi-en; Ella married James Merriwether, son of Dr. Merri- wether, of Paragould, and has two children; William H. is at home with his father and attends the store; Charles lives with his father and attends to the farm, and Mary married W. E. Spence, now circuit clerk of the county, whose sketch appears in anotlier part of this volume. Dr. Simmons married Miss Carrie M. Lavender, of Rector, who came from Georgia when a girl, with her sistok and brother-in-law, H. B. Cox. Her father. James Lavender, was a native of Georgia, and her mother, Malinda (Ansley) Lavender, was of Irish extrac- tion. The Doctor takes an active part in politics and votes the Democratic ticket, as do his two sons who are old enough to vote. He is a member of the Methodist Prolestant Church, and is a Royal Arch Mason, having passed through all the chairs in that order, and for six years was District Deputy Grand Master of the State. He has done much for the l)eiietit of the county in which he lives, has liuilt several of the finest houses in the vicinity, and is now engaged in the general merchandise business, having one of the y)est selected stocks in the town, valued at from $1,500 to $4,000. When the Doctor first settled in the county very little atten- tion was paid to education, but whisky was con- sidered the staff of life and was sold at every cross- roads. Now a school-house takes the place at the cross roads and the wliisky seller receives a limited amount of patronage. A. R. Simpson, M. D., ])hysician and .surgeon, was born in Lawrence County, S. C, Augn.st 25, ISOO, being a .son of D. D. and E. A. (Harris) Simpson, who were also born in the " Palmetto State," the father being a m(>rchant and farmer by occupation. They are both living and reside in their native State. The following are their chil- dren: J. H., of Mississippi: Sallie R. (Blakely), T. S., R. L (Janes), P. A. and Dr. A. U. The paternal grandparents were born in Ireland, and at an early day emigrated to America, locating in South Carolina, where they spent the rest of their days, and died when very old. Dr. A. R. Simp- son is the youngest of his parents' children, and his youth was spent in attending school and as- sisting on the home farm. At the age of sixteen I years he began the studj' of medicine, and in September, 1S79, entered the University of Balti- more, Md., in 1881 entering as a student the Lou- isville (Ky. ) Medical College, from which institu- tion he was graduated in March, 1882, being one of seventeen who gi'aduated with honors out of a classof 115. He began practicing liis profession in Lawrence County, S. C, and remained until 18S1, when he went to Marshall County. Misr,. , but only continued here one year. In April, 1885. became to Corning, Ark., where he has since resided, and has built np a large and lucrative practice. He is very public spirited and is ever reatly to advance any good cause. He was married in October. 1886, to Miss Winnie D. Whitehead, of Crystal Springs, Miss., and by her has one child. Perry O. Dr. and Mrs. Sim])son are members of the Presby terian Church. J. B. Smith is a planter and stockman of Kil- gore Township. C!lay C^ouiity. It is a remarkable 'A 240 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. fact that the majority of those men of Kentucky l)irth, who have become residents of Clay County, have been peculiarly successful in the accumula- tion of worldly goods, and are considered superior farmers, and Mr. Smith is but another example of this truth. He was born in Calloway County, Ky., September 14, 1849, his parents, Gabriel and Agnes (Shotwell) Smith, being natives of Kentucky and Ohio, respectively. The father was an hone.st tiller of the soil, and remained in the State of his birth until 1861, when he removed to Randolph County, Ark. (now Clay County), and opened a farm in Cache Township, on which he resided until his death in 1881, followed by his excellent widow two years later. Jasper B. Smith, the subject of this sketch, was brought up as a farmer's boy, and has ever devoted himself to that calling, and with a perseverance and industry which could not fail of favorable results. At the age of twenty years he be- gan depending on his own resources to obtain a livelihood, and made his first purchase of land in 1S75, which consisted of eighty acres near Black River. This farm he improved greatly, then sold it and bought his present farm of 1 60 acres, sev- enty being under cultivation, and forty of that be- ing devoted to the culture of cotton. His attractive farm is especially fitted for the raising of stock, which occupation receives a fair portion of his attention, and his out buildings are all in excellent condition. He has always voted the Democratic ticket, and socially is a member of the Orient Lodge, at Corning, and the Agricultural Wheel. He was married in Arkansas on the 14th of March, 1S6'.), to Miss Harriet Pitcock, a native of Ten- nessee, whose parents moved to Arkansas during the war; by her he is the father of these children: Nancy Ella (Mrs. Park), William Hastings, James Caswell, Marcus Vain, Bert, Enola, Ernest and Joseph G. and Elgin Eugene, l)oth of whom died at the age of one year. Mr. Smith received poor school advantages in his youth, but knowing the value of a good education has given his childi-en excellent opportunities for acquiring learning. He and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. He has been remarkably healthy, never having had to call a physician on his own account. William E. Spence, circuit clerk of Clay Coun- ty, also county clerk and probate court clerk, was born in Wilcox County. Ala. , and is the son of Rev. Spence and wife, nee Evelyn McNiel, and the grand- son, on the mother's side, of Hector McNiel, of Camden, who was of Scotch descent. Rev. Spene^e was a native of Tennessee, and moved to Alabama when a young man, where he married Miss Mc- Niel. In 1876 he settled with his family in Greene County, Ark., where he remained for about one year, and then moved to what was known as Oak Bluff, locating about a mile north of the town, where he taught school. He was also a preacher in the Presbyterian Church, having been ordained about the time he moved to Alabama. He was of English descent. William E. Spence accompanied his parents to Greene County, and always attended school to his father until he attended the Commer- cial College, at Lexington, Ky. , from which insti- tution he graduated the same year. After this he took a position as book-keeper and salesman with the firm of Tatum & Bragg, of Maiden, Mo., where he remained for about two years, or until the firm stopped business. He then went to work at the same occupation for I. Harris & Co. , also of that place, remained about a year, and then came to Boydsville, where he is now located, and accepted a position with W. S. Blackshare & Co. He re- mained with this company for about a year, when he engaged in mercantile business for himself, thus continuing until elected to his present oflice. He then closed out his trade, and now devotes his whole time to his official duties. He was first married to Miss Dora Pollock, who bore him one child, which died with its mother in 1884. Mr. Spencer's second marriage was to Miss Mary Sim- mons, daughter of Dr. G. W. Simmons, of Boyds- ville, in December, 1888. Mr. Spencer is a mem- lier of the Masonic fraternity, and is also a mem- ber of the K. of H. While modest and unassum- ing in his demeanor, he is endowed with those very rare qualities of good sense and good judgment, which, together with his genial and pleasing man ners, not only lit him for any position to which he may be elected, but congregate around him many warm friends. ^ dA CLAY COUNTY. 2-1"; Charles Stokes, farmer auil mechanic of Hay wood Township, Clay County, Ark., was born iu Winston County, Ala., October 81, 1840, being a son of William Stokes, who was born in Georgia, and was reared in Warren County, Tenn. He was married in that State, and afterward moved to Alabama, where he farmed for a numl)er of years and then came to Ark., locating in this State about 1S77, his death occurring in February, 18S4. Charles Stokes was reared in the State of Alabama, and made his home with his father until November 27. 1801, when he married Susan Smith, a native of Tennessee, who was reared in Alabama, and in August of the following year moved to Illinois, locating in Massac County. e resided iu this and Pope Counties until the spring of 1868, when he moved to Arkansas, arriving on the 5th of April of that year. A short time after- ward he homesteaded 120 acres, then bought 120, and has since increa.sed his acreage to 600, all of which is in Mrs. Stokes" name. About 100 acres are under cultivation. They have a good residence, two good barns and an excellent orchard. Mr. Stokes has served as justice of the peace for about sis years, and has been a member of the school board a number of years. He has filled several of the chairs in the Masonic fraternity, and is a member of the Agricultural Wheel. In addition to his farming he has been doing considerable mechani- cal work, such as wagon repairing, blacksmithing, carpentering, etc. He and wife are the parents of the following children: J. R., A. J., J. H., F. M., T. A., Queen C, Pearlie and Nancy A. Two children died in infancy. Henry Swift was born in Orange County, N. Y., July 29, 1843, and is a son of John and Jane (Welch) Swift, who were born in Nottingham, England, the former's birth occurring in 1815. His father, William Swift, was a j)ostman, and carried the mail fi'om Longar to Elton, a distance of four and a half miles, making two trips per day, and in fifty-three years' service did not lose one day's time. John Swift served as a jirivate in the Crimean War, and was iu the siege of Sebastopol, being one of the only two surviving members of his camp. He died in 1882, having been a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a well- to-do land holder. His wife was also a member of the Methodist Church, and in 1848 came to the United States, locating in New York State, but re- turned to England the same year, and died there in October. 1846. Henry Swift lived with his giandfathor until his eleventh year, and received a good common school education in the schools of Longar. He then made a trip to the United States, and after living three years iu York State returned to England and again attended school. Eleven years later he came again to the United ! States, and lived with an uncle in Jo Daviess Coun- ty, 111., for about three years, later working out and residing among the farmers in that county for two years more, attending school during the winter and doing farm work in the summer months. While the war was going on he traveled over the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin, and at the close of hostilities began working on the Missis- i sippi River, being engaged in the construction of the Belleville RaOroad, continuing such work until 1873, when he came to Arkansas. He was occu- pied in farming in Randolph County until 1885, since which time he has been a resident of Clay County, and owns 280 acres of fertile land, eighty- three of which are under cultivation, although all could be easily put under improvement. It was heavily covered with timber, but is now furnished with good buildings and fences. He gives much attention to breeding Poland China hogs, and is a thrifty and successful farmer and stockman. He was among the first to demonstrate the fact that swamp and overflowed land could l)e tilled as profitably as the sand ridges, and seven or eight of his neighbors have followed his example and now possess comfortable homes of their own. He is active in school matters, is a Mason, and in his political views is a Democrat. He was first mar ried February 7. 1871), to Miss Malinda Smart, a daughter of Lemuel and Jane Smart, of Arkansas. < and by her became the father of two children ; Laura, who died at the age of fifteen months, and an infant, deceased. His wife died in 18S2. and he took for his second wife, in 1884, Mis-. Retta Boyd, a daughter of William Boyd, of Shan 248 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. uon County, Mo. She died quite suddenly in Fehniary, 188"), having borne one daughter: Hen- rietta, who was l)ora on the 22d of March, 1888. Dr. C. C. Synionds. There are always, in the profession of which this gentleman is a member, some individuals who become eminent and com- mand a large patronage, and among these deserv- ing of especial recognition is Dr. Symonds, who is a skillful physician and surgeon. He was born in Cayuga County, N. Y., P^ebruary 15, 1829, and was the fourth in a family of five children born to the marriage of Shubel Symonds and Mary Baker, natives of Rhode Island. They were early pio- neers of Syracuse, N. Y., where the father fol- lowed tilling the soil, and resided foi a number of years. He died in Allegany County, of the same State, in 1853, at the age of seventy-six years. His excellent widow still survives him, and resides at Flora, 111. , having reached the advanced age of ninety-three years. Dr. C. 0. Symonds attended the common schools of Cayuga County, and after attaining a suitable age, began the study of med- icine. May 4, 1832, he was married to Miss Sally Ann Sawyer, and soon after moved to Allegany County, N. Y., and in 1857 to Clay County, 111., where he practiced medicine, and was also engaged in merchandising and shipping grain. In 1878 he emigrated to Corning, Clay County, Ark., where he has since been devoting his time to the practice of medicine and surgery. He assisted in incor- porating Corning, and has been one of the fore- most men in building up the town, being now a member of the city council. He has always Ijeen interested in educational advancement, and is inde- pendent in his religious views. He has never been very active in politics, but casts his vote with the Republican party. He owns a good farm in the western division of Clay County, besides other property. He and wife are the parents of the fol- lowing children: Harriet (Mrs. Loppins), residing in Clay County. Ark. ; Amanda (Mrs. Marrow), residing in Madison County, Ind. ; Ida (Mrs. Noble Stacey), whose hiisband is a druggist at Du Quoin, and Marenous, who is married and resides with his parents. Mrs. Symonds was born in Cayuga County, N. Y., and is a daughter of, Eben- ezer and Laura (Smith) Sawyer, also natives of New York State. The father was a sturdy tiller of the .soil, and remained in his native State until his death, in 1854, his wife having died in 1844. The Doctor has three brothers: Syrenous, who is married and resides in Cortland County, N. Y., seventy- three years of age; John S. , who is married and lives at Flora, 111., of which place he is a prominent resident (he represented his county in the State legislature, and is now in- spector of the Southern Asyltim), and Marenous, who resides in Sedgwick County, Kas. , near Wichita, and is engaged in farming. R. I. Taylor is a native of Henry County, West Tenn. , and was born on the 'Jth of April, 1839, his parents being John and Sarah (Carey) Taylor, the father a native of West Tennessee and the mother of South Carolina. The paternal grandfather was a Virginian by birth, the maternal grandfather having come originally from South Carolina. John Taylor emigrated from Tennessee to what is now Clay County, Ark., about 1852, coming in a wagon drawn by an ox team, and settled on the farm now owned by Robert Haw- thorne, in Carpenter Township, where he made improvements and resided until about 1859. Then he removed to Howell County, Mo. , and died there in ISHfi. His wife died in Stoddard County, Mo., on her way to Arkansas. To them were born four children R. I. Taylor being the third in order of birth. He was but thirteen years of age when he came to this State, and received only limited educa- tional advantages as there were but few settlers and no schools in the coivntry at that time. Such knowledge of books as he possesses was obtained at home l)y self a))plication. In the spring of 1801 he enlisted in (Company F, Seventh Arkansas Regi- ment, and served until the close of the war, being a participant in the battles of Shiloh, Perryville, Murfreesboro, Mission Ridge and several hard skirmishes. He was wounded by a gun shot in the left arm at Shiloh, which has nearly ruined the use of that member, and was also wounded by a gun-shot at Murfi-eesboro, l)ut soon recovered as it was merely a flesh wound. He served as second sergeant and was |)aroled in 1865. He returned CLAY COUNTY. 245) '~] ^ f to Clay (,'ounty, aud about 1872 located on his present farm, which consists of 200 acres of land, with some sixty-five acres under cultivation. He raises corn principally, and gives considerable attention to stock. Having followed farming all his life he is thoroughly ac(iuainted with its varied features. In 1807 he was married to Rebecca Howell, a native of Missouri, by whom he has three children: John, Lewis and Alma. By his second wife, whose maiden name was Annie Heath, he had two children: Bosa, living, aud RosellaL., who is deceased. Mr. Taylor is a well-respected pioneer of Clay County, having resided here since the time when not more than a half dozen families were within miles of him. He has aided very materially in the advance and progress of the com- munity. Daniel D. Throgmorton, who is classed among the respected farmers and stock-raisers of Clay County, Ark. , was born on a farm in Henry County, Tenn. , January 20, 1850, and is the son of James AV. Throgmorton, a native of North Carolina. James W. Throgmorton was reared in Tennessee, and was there married to Miss Eleanor Pollard, also of North Carolina nativity. After marriage he re- sided in Henry County, Tenn., until 1809, when he came to Arkansas and settled in Clay County, where he died June IS, 1876. His wife had died in Tennessee in 1866. Daniel D. Throgmorton grew to manhood in Henry County, Tenn., came to Ar- kansas in 1870, and later spent three years in Dunk lin County, Mo. In 1874 he settled on the place where he now lives, and bought raw land, which he has since cleared, and the town of Piggott is laid out on his land. Mr. Throgmorton has about ninety acres, with some forty acres under good cultivation. He was married first in Dunklin County, Mo., February 15, 1873, to a widow, Mrs. Amanda E. Lively, who died May 23, 1883. Mr. Throgmorton was married in Clay County, Ark., December 27, 1883, to Miss Nancy B. Featherston, a native of Tennessee, who was reared in Dyer County, and a niece of his first wife. This last union resulted in the l)irth of three children: Thomas Edward, born Novpml)er 24, 1884, and Nora B., born September 26, 1888. They lost one child, L. Ora, who iliod Uctober 15, 1887, at the age of thirteen months. Mr. Throgmorton has been elected to and held the office of justice of the peace for twelve consecutive years, and has also filled other local positions. Mrs. Throgmorton is a menil)er of the Methodist Epi.scopal Church. John Tisdial. a farmer residing near Corning, Ark., was born in Marshall County, Ky., July 22, 1837, and is a son of Sherrill and Julia (Casinger) Tisdial, who were also Kentuckia[is, and of Ger- man descent. The paternal grandfather, John, was an early settler of F\entucky, and there reared six children and resided until his death. Sherrill Tisdial was reared and educated in his native State and in 1838 emigrated to what is now Clay Coun- ty, Ark., making the toilsome journey in wagons. He erected a little log cabin at Rockfield. weighted down with poles, in which he resided a few years, then locating one mile below on the river. In the winter of 1866 he was thrown fi-om ahorse and killed. He was an extensive stock dealer, and was leading a steer when he became fast in the rope. During the war he lost heavily, as all his stock was taken from him by the soldiers. His widow is still living, being in her seventy fourth year. The)' were the parents of thirteen children, twelve of whom grew to maturity and six of whom are living at the present time: John, Frank, Monroe, Eliza beth, Ellen and Margaret. John Tisdial was an infant when brought to Arkansas, and from ear liest boyhood has had the welfare of his adopted county at heart. In his youth the country was nothing but a wilderness, with a few scattering log cabins long distances apart, and he assisted his father in clearing their farm and remained with him until he attained his majority. Althougli there were no schools at that time he applied him- self to such books as came in his way, and became a well educated man. After his marriage in 18<)0 he moved to a |)lace of his own, and in the spring of 1864 came to his present farm, which consist> of 160 acres, eighty being under cultivation. He was married to Miss Polly Harriet, a native of Missouri, and by her becauje the father of five children: William J., Euphemin D. . Julia A.. John, and one decreased. He took for his secontl a k. 2.")(1 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. wife Miss Fauuie Leslie, who has borne him two children: Daniel H. and Thomas A. His third marriage was to Miss Long, who has borne him three children: Avey and Noverller living, and Bertha deceased. In 1863 Mr. Tisdial enlisted in Company E, Second Missouri Cavalry, and served until September 15, 1863, when he was discharged on account of disability, and remained in the hos- pital until convalescent. On entering the army he weighed 175 pounds in his stocking feet, but on coming out only weighed ninety pounds. In 1864 he took his family away from Arkansas, though he returned in 1866 and has since lived here. Marion J. Tucker, merchant and postmaster at Greenway, Clay County, Ark., was born in Nash- ville, Tenn., November 14, 1844, his father. Col. Thomas J. Tucker, being a native of Virginia. Upon remaining in the " Old Dominion " until a young man, the father went to Tennessee, where he was married to Nancy Nance, of that State, and after residing in Nashville, Tenn., for several years, moved to Haywood County, Tenn., where he became the owner of a plantation, and lived until his death, his wife having died some time before. He was a colonel of militia, and was a prominent and well-known man in his day. Marion J. Tucker grew to manhood in Haywood County, and when the war broke out, in 1861, he enlisted in the Confederate service, Ninth Tennessee In- fantry, and served until captured at Chick - amauga, and was held a prisoner of war until the close of the conflict, most of the time at Indian- apolis. He was at lirst in Nashville, Tenn., and was placed with 115 others in the top story of the Maxwell House, which broke through with them, and he and the others were carried clear to the basement. Mr. Tucker was badly wounded, and had one leg and an arm broken. After remaining in the hospital until convalescent, he was sent to Indianapolis. He was in the engagements at Bel- mont, Chickamauga, Murfreesboro and several others. After the close of the war he returned to his home in West Tennessee, and was married, in Lauderdale County, January 9, 1866, to Mary Jane Chambers, a native of Tennessee and a daughter of Thomas Chambers. After following mercantile pursuits in Alamo, Tenn.. for one jear, he, in 1867, moved to Lauderdale County, there being engaged in farming up to 1874, when he sold out and located in Clay County, Ark. , purchas- ing a farm and engaging in tilling the soil, also following the occupation of merchandising. He established a postoliice at that point, of which he became postmaster in 1878. He continued this business until 1887, then gave the management of affairs into the hands of his son, and moved to Greenway, where he built a store and put in a stock of general merchandise. He has a general stock of goods, and in connection with this also owns and conducts a livery barn. Since Septem- ber, 1888, he has held the office of postmaster of Greenway. He is a Master Mason, and is a deacon in the Missionary Baj^tist Chiu'ch. January 20, 1889, his wife died, leaving him with a family of nine children: Edgar M. , Columbus, Laiu-a, Gas- ton, Wittie, Clyde, Lily, Luther and Lola. Mr. Tucker owns two farms in Clay County, amounting to about 300 acres, and has some 175 acres under cultivation. He married his present wife, a Mrs. Annie Gault, May 12, 188U. She was born in Illinois. Dr. Wiley V. Turner, a retired physician and farmer of Greenway, Ark., was born in Humphreys County, Tenn., May lU, 1836, his father, Wiley Turner, being a native of South Carolina. He was reared in Wilson County, Tenn., and was mar- ried in Davidson County to Miss Maria Thompson, who was born near Nashville. He served in the War of 1812 tinder Jackson, and was at the battle of New Orleans, dying in Humphreys County. Dr. Turner grew to manhood in that county and until he attained his majority made his home with his father. He received a good practical education in Waverly Academy, and when twenty years of age commenced the study of medi('in(> under Dr. Ellis, taking his first course of lectures in the winters of 1858-59 and 1859-60, in the University of Nashville, graduating from that institution in the spring of the latter year. He then practiced his profession in Houston County until the open- ing of the war, and in the fall of 1862 enli.sted as a private in the Fiftieth Tennessee Infantry, Con- CLAY COUNTY. •^ federate States Army. He was soon after detailed as assistant snri^eon, and served in this capacity until 1864, when he left the army and returned JKime and resumed practice. Here he remained until 1871, when he removed to Clay County, Ark., and continued the practice of his profes.sion for nine years. About 1875 he was appointed post master of Clayville. and in 1878 became the first postmaster of Greenway. He kept a stock of general merchandise at his residence, and con- tinued for one year after the location of the town of Greenway, when he moved his store to about one-half mile from his residence. He has also been engaged in farming for a number of years. Au- gust 4, 1864, he was married, in Tennessee, to Miss Louisa Skelton, a native of Tennessee, and a daughter of A. B. Skelton. The Doctor and his wife have four children: James, Jo.seph, Charles and Robert. Minnie was the wife of B. B. Bif- fle, and died in December, 1884. The Doctor and his wife are members of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church, in which he is a ruling elder, and he belongs to the Masonic fraternity. Wright Ward was born in Webster, Hancock County, 111., July 18, 1849, and is a son of Zebe- diah and Arzilla (Wright) Ward, natives, respect- ively, of New York and Tennessee, the former's birth occurring on the 23d of March, 1816, in New York City. When a child he removed with his parents to Dearborn County, Ind. , where he grew to manhood, and then located in Hancock County, 111. , where he apprenticed himself to the wagon- maker's trade, which calling has received his atten- tion up to the present time. He is a Democrat, and he and wife are members of the Christian Church. Their children are Wright, a farmer and mechanic; Lorinda, who lives in Carthage, 111., and Mark, a farmer residing in Northeast Missouri. Wright Ward was married in Illinois, on the 1st of May, 1873. to Miss Elizabeth L. Pryor, a daugh- ter of Lewis R. and Hannah J. Pryor, natives of Hancock County, 111. , and by her he has one child, Cora L. . bornOctolier '21. 1874. Mr. Ward moved with his familv to Clarion County, Mo., in 1875, and in 1879 to Randolph County, Ark., where he rented land and farmed for four vears. then coming to Clay County, Ark., wliere he purchased a tract of land containing 200 a(!res. He has fifteen acres under cultivation. He has a good young or chard, and su\)stantial fences and buildings, and is I)reparing to erect a new residence. He is a Dem ocrat, is active in his support of schools and churches, and is an industrious farmer. W. H. Watts, hotel keeper at Boydsville, was born in Humphreys County, Tenn., in 1840, where he ntmained until after the war, althourrh during that eventful period he joined Gen. Forrest's cav airy and participated in the battles of Athens. Ala., Johnsonville, Tenn., Paducah, Ky., Fort Pillow, Parker's Cross Roads, Gun Town, and was on the Hood raid from Florence, Ala., to Nashville. Tenn. He was in thirteen fights, among which was the Franklin fight, where fully one-third of the men in the company and regiment were lost, and in the Nashville fight, after which a retreat was made to Florence, Ala., continued skirmishing be ing experienced. During this time Mr. Watts had his clothes riddled with bullets, and his hat rim shot away in pieces, but he miraculously escaped without injury to himself. He was discharged in Missis sippi, and sent to Nashville, Tenn., where he took the oath of allegiance to the United States. He wa-- offered $100 in gold by the officers to go to Texas and not to Nashville. He then returned to Humph reys County. Tenn.. where he remained about two years, after which he moved to Graves County, Ky, , where he engaged in agricultural pursuits for about seven years. In 18<)8 Miss L. F. Simp- son, daughter of D. M. Simpson, became his wife, and, in the spring of 1874, they moved to Clay County, Ark., and settled where Boydsville now stands. At that time the county seat question was not settled, but the object was to have it at Boydsville, and Mr. Watts built the first house on the ground. He lived in one part of this house and sold goods in the other, thus continuing until the fall, when he gave it up for the county records, built a log house and resided in that a number of years. In 1878 the county erected the Iniilding at present used as the county court-house. Mr. Watts now owns the house, a large frame one, which he and Judge Holifield built in 1876. and he has I* bought and sold several farms in this locality. To his marriage were born four children, two of whom were born in Kentucky, and three are now living. They are named as follows: Laura C, wife of C. B. Johns, and the mother of two chil- dren, now resides in Boydsville, where her hus- band is engaged in the stock breeding business; William H. and Albert Sidney. Mr. Watts is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and also a member of the K. of H. , and he and wife belong to the Primitive Baptist Church. H. J. Weindel, manufacturer of all kinds of staves, headings, also lumber and cooi)erage stock in general, always carries a large stock, and has on hand from 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 staves. He runs the largest factory in Northeast Arkansas, and pays out about $5,000 jjer month for labor. The factory was organized by L Weindel and L. Wirth- lin, in 1862, at St. Louis, and just at the comple- tion of the Iron Mountain Road was moved to Corning, where in 1883 the name was changed to the Southern Cooperage Company. Mr. Weindel was superintendent of the company from 1881 to 1885, after which he purchased the business from the Southern Cooperage Company, and has had charge of it since that time. He has a large and extensive trade, and has made the busi- ness what it is by upright and honest dealing. He was born in Bavaria, Germany, July U, 18(51, and is the only son born to the union of John and Mary (Brobst) Weindel, also natives of Bavaria, Germany. The parents moved to St. Louis in 1882, but in the same year came to Corning, and here the mother died in 1882. The father is still living. H. J. Weindel came to this country in 1880, first settling in St. Louis, attended col- lege, and there learned the English language. Prior to this he had received a thorough education in Europe, had taught school, was also a teacher of music, and held an excellent position. He came to Corning, Ark., in 1881, not with the inten- tion of remaining, but being so thoroughly satis- fied with the country, concluded to stay. He was married at Corning, in 1886, to Miss Jessie Mc- Kay, a native of Illinois, and the daughter of Will- iam and Mattie (Knowlen) McKay, the father a native of Scotland, and the mother of Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. McKay came to this country at an early day, locating in Illinois, and in 1880 moved to Corning, Ark. The father died in the spring of 1882, but the mother is still living, and resides in Corning. After marriage Mr. Weindel settled where he now lives, and there he has since lived. He has always taken an active interest in building up the town, and in all enterprises pertaining to the good of the country. He is not particularly active in politics, but votes with tbe Republican party. He is a member of the Roman Catholic Chui'ch. To his union with Miss McKay were born two children, one living, named Hermina. The one deceased was Winifred. Joseph Whitaker is one of Clay County's most prosperous farmers and stockmen. His birth occurred in Crawford County, Perm., in 1838, he being the second of a family of ten children born to the marriage of John Whitaker and Euphemia Ann Johnson, originally from New York State. After their marriage in their native State, they immediately moved to Crawford County, Penn., where they bought land and were engaged in farming for about fifteen years, then purchasing land in Erie County, twenty miles from the city of Erie. Here the father is still living, but the mother died in 1SS2. Joseph Whitaker attended school until he was about nineteen years of age, and on the 6th of May, 1861, enlisted in Company D, First Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, which was known in the field as the "Old Buck-tail Regi- ment." He was in the First Army Corps, and was assigned to the Army of the Potomac, partici- pating in the battles of Drainsville, the Peninsula Campaign, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Autietam, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, and was with Grant until the battle of Cold Harbor, which was the last combat in which he took part. He received his discharge on the 4th of July, 1884, and was mustered out at Harrisburg, but soon af ter re- enlisted in the service, joining the Ninety- eighth Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, and was sent to the front after Johnston, in North Carolina. When the latter surrendered, he returned to Wash- ington, D. C , l)ut was mustered out at Philadel- ' ■^ « -r- -4- CLAY COUNTY. 253 pliia. After returuing home ho went to Warren County, Penn. , where he was engaged in the lum- ber business for some time, and operated two saw- mills. In 1883 he sold out and came to Clay County, Ark. , and bought eighty acres in what is now the village of Knobel, being occupied in sawing lumber for a mill company fi'om Burling ton, Iowa. There were no improvements whatever on his land, but Mr. Whitaker immediately erected a comfortable house and out buildings, and cleared about twenty-five acres, which are under cultivation. He has a good young orchard. He has sold con- siderable of his land for town lots, and during his residence here has taken considerable interest in raising the grade of stock, and in December, 1888, imported two registered Durham cattle, a cow and a ViuU, which are the only registered animals in Clay County. He was married, in 1S66, to Miss Elizabeth Searl, a native of England, and an e.sti- mable lady, who died in February, 1886, having borne the following children: Richard, in the em- ploy of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, his head- quarters being at Jefferson City, Mo., and Adelle, a young lady who manages her father's household affairs. Elvis B. Whitehorn, a successful fi'uit grower and farmer of Clay County, Ark. , was born Sep- tember 30, 1840, in Carroll County, Tenn., being a son of Jacob H., who was born in Virginia, May 13, 1815, and grandson of George Whitehorn, also born in Virginia, his birth occui'ring October 17, 1779. The latter moved with his family to Tennessee in 1829, being among the pioneers of Carroll County, and when the War of 1812 broke out he enlisted and served throughout that strug- gle. Jacob H. Whitehorn grew to manhood in Carroll County, but was married in Humphreys County, to Miss Keziah A. Petty, a native of Ten- nessee. They resided in that State, near Hunt- ington, until their respective deaths, and there reared tiieir family. The father's death occurred in 1878. Elvis B. Whitehorn remained with his father until about eighteen years of age and August 4, 1864, enlisted in the Twelfth Tennessee Cavalry, Company M, serving until he received his dis- charge October 7, 1865; he participated in the fight at Pulaski, and was with Hood on bis thirteen days' raid, being in the battle of Franklin. After this battle he was in the hospital a short time, and was then sent to the Kansas frontier, being dis- charged at Fort Leavenworth. After returning home he resumed farming, and August 11, 18*)7, was married in Carroll County, to Miss Pearl ie Williams, who was born, reared and educated in Carroll County. Mr. Whitehorn is a carpenter by trade, and was engaged in house carpentering and railroad bridge building for a number of years. In the wintt^r of 1880 he moved to Arkansas, and located on his present home farm consisting of 200 acres, about 100 of which are under cultivation. Besides this he owns SO acres more. He has a comfortable home and substantial buildings for his stock and grain, and has an orchard consisting of 3,000 peach trees, 400 apple trees, and also many plum and cherry trees. He raises straw- berries in abundance. The j^ear following his ar- rival here he engaged in railroading, l)eing em- ployed on the construction of the ' ' Cotton Belt ' ' Line for about thirteen months. Mr. Whitehorn is a member of the Agi-icultural Wheel and was elected President of the County Wheel in 1888, being the second man in the county to join that society af- ter its organization. He and wife are the parents of the following family: Mary Alvira, Hester Caro- line, Henry B. , James G. , George T. and Joseph B. H. H. Williams, manufacturer of lumber for ag- ricultural implements, first saw the light in Oneida County, N. Y., in September. 1841. being one of nine children, eight living, born to thi> marriage of Herbert Williams and Jane Hughes, natives of Wales, who came to New York State at an early day, where they both spent their lives: the father being a farmer by occupation. Their children who are living are: William H., Evan H., Cather- ine, Mary, Amos. Sarah, Hattie an;hter of John Winstead. The Winsteads were prominent ])io- neers of that State. Seth Winstead moved to Tennessee about 1S3.S, settling in Weakley Covinty, engaged in farming, and there reared his family. He died in that State in 1882. John S. Winstead is the second in order of birth of three sons and one daughter born to his parents. He attained his growth in AVeakley County, remaining with his parents until twenty-three years of age. and was married, in Obion County, November 18, 1860, to Miss Victoria Rucker, a native of Middle Tennes- see, and the daughter of S. W. and Eda Rucker. After maiTiage Mr. Winstead farmed in Obion County for a number of years, but later sold out and moved to Arkansas in 1872. Two years later hi' bought and settled on his present farm, which he has greatly improved. He has 100 acres cleared and si.xty acres in timber, all one tract. He has fair buildings and a good orchard. This is a very desirable farm, and is located one mile duo west of Gre(»nway. To Mr. and Mrs. Winstead were born these children: Erasmus, Charles, William Samuel, Minnie Ballard, John, Zachariah T. and Victoria. They lost unc daughter, Emma, who grew np, was married, and died in February, 1888, leaving one child. Mr. and Mrs. Winstead are members of. the Christian Church, and Mr. AVin- stead belongs to the Agricultural Wheel. Louis M. Wolf, of the firm of Long & Wolf, merchants, of Greenway. Clay County. Ark., was born in the city of St. Louis October 12, 1803, and is a son of Raphael Wolf, who was born and reared in Germany. After reaching manhood he emi- grated to the United States, and was married, in St. Louis, Mo., to Miss Minnie Schoen. also a na ' tive of Germany. He was a stock dealer, trader and merchant in St. liouis until his death, in 1S71. Louis M. Wolf remained in St. Louis until he was eight years of age, and was then sent to Cleveland, Ohio, and was educated in a Jewish college of that city. After completing his studies, at the end of seven years, he returned to St. Louis and was engaged in clerking there for a short time, going thence to Topeka, Kas. , and later to Missouri. After clerking in Maiden, Mo., for J. S. Levi iV; Co., for a number of years, he, in April, 1887, came to Arkansas and located at Greenway, where he bought property and Ijuilt a business house, and ill connection with Louis Long, of St. Louis, Mo., conducts a general mercantile establishment, their stock of goods being large and well selected, and their aniuxal sales amounting to $2,500. Mr. Wolf is an enterprising young business man, and is doing a pro.sperous business. He is also a mem- ber of the K. of P., and is connected with the Hebrew Synagogue. His mother is residing with and keeping house for him. C. W. Woodall. Among the planters and stock dealers of Kilgore Township, Clay County, Ark., who have attained the highest round in the ladder of success, and are counted among its worthy and honored citizens, may be mentioned Mr. Woodall, who was born in Marshall County, of the "Blue- grass State," in 1845, lieing the second of eleven children born to the marriage of Roland Woodall and Nancy Urennon, natives, respc^ctively, of Nortli Carolina and S])ringtield. 111. The father was taken to Kentucky by his i)arents when three years of age, and was there reared and educated, and spent his days. He was an extensive planter, and owned a large farm of 500 acres, successfully managing it until his death, which occurred in 18fi4, and throughout life he was an active politi- cian. His estimable wife survived him many years and died in 1886, at the age of sixty nine years. Her father was one of the first settlers of JIarshall County, Ky., and was the first one buried in the family cemetery in that county. C. W. Woodall, whose name heads this sketch, was reared on his father's plantation and educated in tlie schools of his native State, but in 1803 left school, and August -*fv 2r^c, HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 29 of that year went to Padueah, Ky. , where he enlisted in Company A, Fifteenth Kentucky Cav- alry, for three years, and afterward participated in the battles of Spring Creek, Murfreesboro, and several skirmishes, serving as orderly for Maj. W. W. Waller. He served until the close of the war, and after receiving his discharge at Padueah. Ky., returned home and engaged in farming, and was married here on the 29th of August, 1867, to C. A. Brazell, a native of Kentucky, by whom he is the father of live children: Mary A., wife of J. Dud- geon: Sarah Elizabeth, Ida Belle, Amy and Nora Arlena. After his marriage Mr. Woodall purchased a plantation in Kentucky, on which he resided until 1871, when he came to Clay County, Ark., and set- tled on the plantation which he now occupies. November 12, 1872, he bought 120 acres of raw land, which he has since improved and added to until he now has 467 acres in the home plantation, and besides this property has forty-one and a half acres at Corning, and his old farm in Kentucky, besides selling 300 acres. On an average he de- votes 100 acres to cotton raising and about the same to corn, and the greater portion of the re- mainder of his land is given to stock, of which he is the heaviest buyer as well as raiser in Clay County. He stall-feeds about sixty head of cattle each year and from fifty to seventy-five hogs, be- sides what he buys and .ships. His property is nicely improved by a good house and barns and a fine apple and peach orchard. He has always taken great interest in enterprises tending to bene- fit the county, and has given much attention to school matters and to the church. He is an ad- mirer of the Ji'ffersonian sy.stem and supports the Democratic party, and has served on the United States grand jury two terms, and the county grand jury nearly every year. Socially he belongs to Orient Lodge No. 297, at Corning, Ark. ; I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 78, and he and wife belong to the Eastern Star Lodge at Reno. Mrs. Woodall's parents. Pleasant and Mary Jane (Hunt) Brazell, were born in North Carolina and Virginia, respect- ively, but removed with their jmrents to Kentucky at a very early day, where they were reared, mar- ried, and spent the remainder of their days. William Wynn. In giving a history of the jirominent citizens of Clay Countj% Ark., the bio- graphical department of this work would be in- complete without mentioning the gentleman whose name heads this sketch, for he is deservedly ranked among its prominent planters and stock dealers. His birth occurred in West Tennessee in 1857. being the fifth of thirteen children born to W. J. and Mary (Barker) Wynn, who were natives of the " Old North State" and Tennessee, respectively. \V. J. Wynn became an early resident of Tennes- see and eventually acquired considerable wealth, owning some 1,500 acres of land, and he and wife are now residents of Tiptonville. William Wynn while young aided his father on the plantation, re- ceiving his education in the district schools and the schools of Tiptonville. In October, 1885, he was married in Benton ("ounty to Miss Arabelle Walker, a native of Tennessee, and soon after this settled on his farm in Clay County, Ark., which he had purchased in 188-1. It then comprised 160 acres of land, but since locating he has greatly improved and increased his property until he is now the owner of 696 acres in Kilgore and Carpenter Townships. He has cleared about 200 acres and has 400 under cultivation. He puts in annually 150 acres of cotton, and devotes the rest to the cereals and to the pasturage of a large number of cattle, horses, and mules, in which he is an extensive dealer. He has the largest amount of land in a tillable condition of any one in Kil- goi'e Township, and has done his full share in de- veloping and furthering the interests of Clay County, being especially concerned in the cause of education, to which he gives his liberal support. He has never been a verj' active politician, but has always given his infiuence to the Democratic party. In March, 188S, he lost his excellent wife, who had l)orne him two children: Thomas W^ill- iam and John Henry, and he was afterward wedded in Clay County in Septemlier, 1888, to Mrs. Margaret (Allen) Toms, who was born in Kentucky, and is a daughter of Daniel Allen. The father was also a Kentuckian, but in 1880 be- came a resident of Carpenter Township, Clay Countv, Ark., where he and wife are living at the y\-. a CLAY COUNTY. 2.".7 present time, being worthy and successful tillers of the soil. Mr. Wynn is a member of the Agri- cultural Wheel, and during his short residence in the county, he has become well known for his intel- ligence, enterprise, and liberality, not only in a business way, but socially, and commands the re spect. confidence and esteem of all who know him. William L. Yancey, another prominent farmer and stock raiser of Oak BlufiP Township, and son of Robert and Parthena Yancey, was born in Fay- ette County, Tenu., September 22, 1837. Rob- ert Yancey was born in Mecklenburg County, Vh. , grew to manhood there, and was there mar- ried to Parthena Yancey, who was also a native of Virginia. After marriage they moved to Tennes- see, settling in Fayette County, and here the father followed farming and reared his family. He died in 1849, and his widow in 1865. In their family were two sons and one daughter, all of whom grew to mature years. Both brothers grew up in Fay- ette County, Tenn. , and both served in the Con- federate army. William L. enlisted, in March, 1862, in Col. Jackson's cavalry regiment, com- manded by Gen. Forrest, and served until the final surrender. He was paroled at Gainesville, Ala., in 1865, and was a participant in the follow- ing battles: Jackson, Miss., Holly Springs. Miss.. Guntown, Miss., Nashville and Franklin, Tenn., and was in a number of minor engagements. After the war he returned to Tennessee, farmed in Fay- ette County for two years, and then moved to Ar- kansas in the fall of 1866, where he remained for one year, when he bought the place where he now resides, five acres being cleared. He is the owner of 240 acres, all in one tract, 180 acres cleared and one-half bottom and very rich land. He has good buildings on his farm, five acres of bearing orchard and five acres in young orchard. Mr. Yancey has been three times married; first, in 1859, September 22, to Miss Susan Bradsher, a native of North Carolina, and five children were lK)rn to this union, four now living. Mrs. Yancey died in Arkansas, and Mr. Yancey took for his second wife Miss Jane Wooten, a native of Arkan- sas, reared in Greene County. She died in Au- gust, 1877, leaving one son. Mr. Yancev married his present wife, Mrs. Martha Virginia Owen, in January, 1878. She was born in Tennessee, and is the daughter of Rev. A. M. Pickens, a minis- ter in the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Yancey haeration, all of which are doing good busiue.ss. •262 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. The principal resources of the county, as now developed, and the principal vegetable productions are corn and cotton. According to the United States census of 1880, there were within the county 866 farms and 24,629 acres of improved land, and from these the vegetable produetions of the previous year were as follows; Indian corn, 299,980 bushels; oats. 20,827 bushels; wheat, 10,924 bushels; hay, 166 tons; cotton, 2,438 bales; Irish potatoes, 95 bushels; sweet potatoes, 681 bushels; tobacco, 3,400 pounds. Thus it will be seen that corn and cotton were extensively raised, while but little attention was given to the growing of other crops. The soil is well adapted to the development of all kinds of vegetables named, and the tame grasses and clover. Clover, timothy and herds grass (red top) have recently been introduced, but have not been raised to any considerable ex- tent. The reason for this is the liberal range upon which the stock lives and fattens, requiring only a little feed through the short winters. The number of live stock within the county, as shown by the census of 1880, was as follows: Horses, 1,615; mules and asses, 567; neat cattle, 5,934; sheep, 4, 189; hogs, 16,427. The number assessed for taxation in 1888 is as follows: Horses, 2,471; mules and asses, 891; neat cattle, 12,426; sheep, 5,764; hogs, 16,483. The apparent small increase in the number of hogs is attributable to the fact that the number given by the census of 1880 in- cliules all slaughtered and sold during the previous year, while the number given in 1888 includes only those on hand when assessed. The real increase of hoffs must have been enormous. Fulton Countv is excellent for stock raising, the climate being mild, the water supply good, and the range for pasturage extensive. It is also well adajited to the cultivation of all kinds of fi-uit common in this lati- tude: V)ut fi-uit growing has not been very largely followed, at least not for shipping purposes. It could be made a very profitable industry, and the opportunity is here for all who may wish to en- gage in it. According to the United States census of 1880 the assessed value of real estate in Fulton County WMs $201,186, and of personal i)roperty, $205,836, making a total of $407,022. The total taxes charged thereon for all purposes amounted to $7,008. The taxable wealth of the county in 1888, as shown by the assessment rolls, is as follows: Real estate, 1617,821; personal property, $519,371, making a total of $1,139,192; and the total taxes charged for all purposes is $17,150.92. Thus it is seen that from 1880 to 1888, the taxable wealth of the county nearly trebled. The assessment of 1889 will undoubtedly show it more than trebled. These figures prove that the county's resources are being rapidly developed. Tlie aggregate population of the county at the end of the several census decades has been as fol- lows: 1850, 1,819: 1860, 4,024; 1870, 4,843; 1880, 6,720. The colored population was, in 1860, 88; 1870, 85, and in 1880, only 36. The only railroad here is the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis, which was completed in 1883. It enters the county, from Missouri, at Mammoth Spring, and runs thence in a southerly direction across its territory for between thirteen and four- teen miles. It was assessed for taxation in 1888 at $141,765. It has been and will continue to be of great advantage to the county. Prior to the actual settlement of the section now composing Fulton County, it was occupied by a few adventurous and migratory hunters who suli- sisted upon wild game, wild honey, berries and other articles of food that they sometimes procured by returning to the frontier settlements and stealing. This class did not long remain after the permanent settlement began, which, according to best infor- mation, took place during the 20' s and early in the 30' s. Among the early settlers that may now be men- tioned were G. A\'. Archer and his family, consist- ing of nine sons and three daughters, who settled on South Fork, four miles east of Salem, and Daniel Hubble, William Wells, Moses Branaon, Mr. Cobb, the Barkers, John Nichols, the Batons and the Lew- ises, all of whom located with their families on South Fork. '■ Tilt " Hubble settled on the Nes- bit place, four miles south of Salem, and Moses Steward in the same neighborhood. It is said of the latter that he raised a familv there without any ■«. = ^»- !>: FULTON COUNTY. 2(53 beds except beds of leaves. Enos C. Hunter, the first judge of the county court, took up his resi- dence in 1840 on Indian Camp, six miles east of Salem. Milton Yar berry settled eight miles north- west of Salem, near the Stat(> line. A Mr. Mor rison located on the site of Salem, and John C. Claiborne near that place. John D. Isenhour, Ferd. and Daniel Shaver, Dr. A. Cantrell and Sam- uel W. Cochran were j)ioueers near the present town of Union. A few Indians remained here until after the settlement began, and it is related by surviving old residents that one of the pioneers, whose name, for the sake of his descendants, shall not be revealed, stole a pony from the Indians, for which offense the Indians caught and punished him in a novel manner. Placing him astride of a pony, they tied his feet together under its body, with his hands behind him, attached a halter around his neck and the other end of it to a tree, then removed the bridle from the pony and quietly left him to his fate. As the pony began to graze, the halter became stretched, and the man was about choking to death just as a party of his friends arrived and by free- ing him saved his life. The early settlers suffered many hardships and l)rivations. They wore their own homespun cloth- ing, and upon attending preaching service in a pri- vate house or in " God's tirst temples, the groves," the rich, as they were called, wore moccasins on their feet, while the poor went barefooted. In this county the cause of education has been greatly benefitted by the stanch public sentiment in its favor. About the year 1850 a subscription school lasting only a few weeks was taught in Salem. This it is believed was the tirst school taught here, and only a few others were in exist- ence until the fi'ee school system was established, after the close of the Civil War. The old citizens of the county — those who were children when the settlements began, or were born .soon afterward, never had an opportunity to attend school. l)ut grew to manhood with such education as they could acd, 40x90 feet, and at this writing is well supplied with looms and other machinery. The rnimber of looms is about 120 and the number of spindles 5,000. One hundred and fifty hands are employed and all the finer grades of colored cotton goods manufactured. These hands and their families add mucli to the population of the place. Salem, the county seat, is near the geograph- ical center of the county, and has a beautiful site at the foot and south of Pilot Hill. It had its origin with the county's organization. As pre viously mentioned, it was destroyed during the Civil War. It now contains two general stores, a drug store, grocery, school-house, church, two hotels, the county buildings, two newspapers, etc.. and twenty two families. The Fulton County Ban- ner, published weekly at Salem, is now in its fifth year. It is published by Lee Davis, is Demociatic in politics, and has a fair circulation. The Salem Informer, now in its thirteenth volume, is published by Jesse Matthews. It advocates Republican ])rin- ciples and has for its motto. '" Whatever will ad- vance the laborer's interest." South Fork, in the eastern part of the county, has a general store, a drug store, flouring-mill and cotton-gin. Union, ten miles south of Salem, contains a general store and school-house. Viola, in the western part of the county, con- tains two general stores, a drug store, flouring mill, two cotton-gins, blacksmith shops, a school house and Masonic hall. Wheeling, four miles south of Salem, has a grocery, a saw and grist-mill and cotton-gin. a church and school -house. Wild Cherry, in the .southwest portion of the county, contains two general stores, two churches, a grist mill and cotton-gin. blacksmith shop, a 2i)() HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Masonic hail and Odd Fellows" hall. At each of the towns and places above named there is a post- office. James M. Archer, senior member of the jj^en- eral merchandise firm of Archer, Daniels & Co. Fulton County has within her borders many men to whom she may point with ]>ride; men, who, for getting their own interests, have labored assidu- ously, bending all their eflPorts to one great end — their country's advancement and welfare. These men, in braving the dangers and privations in- cident to a pioneer's life, have pressed rapidly forward, paving and preparing the way for the advantages now reaped by a younger generation. Such a man is James M. Archer, who was born in Lawrence County, Ark., June 10, 1832, and when but five years of age removed with his parents to Fulton County. He suffered the loss of his mother when still a mere lad, and a few years later his father was stricken down with paralysis, lingering a helpless cripple for sixteen years. This was a terrible blow for young Archer, as it robbed him of his support and reduced him to a state of destitution. It was in this trying ordeal that the boy showed the metal of which he was made. Born of a sturdy line of ancestry, he inher- ited a vim which refused to bow under adverse cir- cumstances, and here were developed that deter- mination of purjaose and untiring energy which has characterized his after life. He is first found occupying the humble position of knife rubber on a steamboat, which he followed for three years, never once complaining of his hard lot. Later he was engaged in labor upon a farm, receiving for his work the mere pittance of four dollars per month, which he saved for the purpose of attending school. His small amount of funds was soon ex- hausted, and he was compelled to resume his la- bors, and for five years more was engaged in various occupations. When the war broke out he was not long in making his decision, and, espous- ing the cause of the Confederacy, he organized the first company of Confederate troops in Marion County, Ark., where he was then located. He assumed the captaincy of this company, which was mustered into service in the Seventh Regiment Arkansas Infantry, and for a short time was sta- tioned at Pocahontas, Ark. He next joined the Regulars and was commissioned regimental adju- tant of the Fourth Cavalry, participating in many engagements, among which were the battles of Fitz Hugh's Woods, Ironton, Boonville, Inde- pendence and others. After the close of the war he embarked in agricultural pursuits near Salem. Ark., and in 1869 he engaged in business at that town, where he remained until 1882. In 1887 he obtained control of Mammoth Spring, and at once devoted his attention to the general improvement of the place. He is now general manager and secretary of the Mammoth Spring Imjirovement & Water Power Compau)', and director of the Calamity Cotton Mills. In 1879 Mr. Archer was elected representative of Fulton County, and re- elected in 1881. His wife was Miss Laura Tun- .stall, of Arkansas, a daughter of Thomas T. and Elizabeth Tunstall, early settlers of this State. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and are held in the highest esteem. In political faith Mr. Archer is an ardent adherent of Democratic principles. He is also a member of the K. of P, A. F. Bassham is the present efficient sheriff and ex-officio collector of Fulton County, Ark., and is well-known throughout the county as a man of ability and honor. He was born in Lawi-ence County. Tenn., January 25, 1859, and is a son of S. H. and Elizabeth (Ray) Bassham, who were born in Tennessee and Alabama, September 9, 1829, and January 1, 1830, respectively. The former grew to maturity and was married in his native State, being there engaged in the pursuit of farming, but after the late war, in which he served on the Confederate side, he emigrated to Arkansas, in 1874, where he followed the same oc- cupation, but is now residing in Salem. He is a Democrat, and he and wife are members of the Free Will Baptist Church. His father, Richard Bassham. was a native and a farmer of Tennessee, and was married to a Miss Pennekuff, who died in Lawrence County, Tenn. In all probability the maternal '^%V ^ L V SHARP couifrr, Arkansas FULTON COUNTY. 2Cn giandfutber, Beujiimiu Euy, was a native of Ala- bama. A. F. Basshaiu was reared to the age of foui'teeu years in Tennessee, since wbi(!h time be has been a resident of Fulton County, Ark. Being desirous of supplementing the primary education which he received, in the vicinity of his home, with a more thorough knowledge he entered the graded school at Mountain Home, Ark. , where his career was marked with rapid advancement. Now thoronglilv (jnalitied to enter upon a ]irofessional career, he engaged in teaching school, and was one of the popular educators of Fulton County for several years. He gave up this work, however, to assume the responsible duties of his present office, to which he was elected September 3, 1888, by the Demo- cratic party, of which he has always been an active member. He is a Master Mason, and is secretary of Viola Lodge No. 399; also belonging to Salem Lodge No. 28, I. O. O. F. October 15, 1881, he was married to Miss Allie Brown, who was born in 1862, and by her has an interesting little family of three children; Frederick, Maude and William. Mr. Bassham owns a good farm of 120 acres. W. W. Brooks, now in the employ of the Mam- moth Spring Fish Farm, was originally from Troup County, Ga. , where he was born in 1851. His father, Capt. Henry Brooks, was born in Jackson County, Ga. , in 1816, and was married in Troup County, of the same State, to Miss Eliza Wideman, a native of Trou]) County, born in 1824. The mother died in 1856, and two years later Mr. Brooks removed to Tallapoosa County, Ala., from there to Pontotoc County, Miss., in 1868, and in ISTO to Independence County, Ark., where he died in 1874. He had been married twice. Dur- ing his entire life he followed the occupation of a farmer, and was very successful in this pur suit. During the late war he was captain of Company (t. Fourteenth Alabama Infantry, Con- federate Army, and was with the Army of Virginia until 1862, when he resigned on account of poor health. He then joined Young's company of Ala- bama State troops and served uutil the close of the war. He was captured at the surrender of Selma, Ala., and paroled. He was major of the militia in an early day, and held the position of justice of the peace for a niiinber of years. He was a mem ber of the Masonic fraternity for years, and also belonged to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. His father, John Brooks, was born in Jackson County, Ga., and died in Troup County. of the same State. He was of English descent, was a member of the Baptist Church, and was a soldier in the early wars. The maternal grand father of the subject of this sketch was a native of South Carolina, and died in Troup County, Ga. \V. W. Brooks was the third of four sons born to his parents. Like most of the youths of his vicin- ity, as he grew up he devoted his time and atten- tion to labors on the farm, and in the meantime re- ceived a fair education in the common schools. He began for himself at the age of twenty-one and went to the Lone Star State, where he went at braking on the railroad. Later he clerked in a store a( Batesville for two years, and was tlien made deputy sheriff of Independence County. After this he engaged in the milling business, raiU roading, and was also in the railway mail service for a number of years, or until in March. 1889, when he was employed by his present company. His marriage to Miss MoUie Jeffeiy occurred in 1882, and two sons were the result. Mrs. Brooks was born in Izard County, and is the daughter of Daniel M. JefFery, who was also a native of Izard County, where he died in 1888. He was a farmer, also being a Cumberland Presbyterian minister. Mr. Brooks came to Fulton County, Ark., in 188(l, lived at Salem three year.s, and while there was en- gaged in the milling business. Since then he has resided at Mammoth Spring. He was appointed by President Arthur postmaster at Mammoth Spring, and tilled this position in a satisfactory manner for two years. He was justice of the peace from 18S4 to 1886. and was postmaster at the same time. In 1885 he was a member of the equalization board of Fulton County, appointed by Gov. Hughes. He was formerly a member of the I. O. O. F. He is an active worker iu the Democratic ])arty, and voted for Horace Greeley in 1872. Hon. S. A. Brown, ex- member of the Twenty - fifth General Asspinl)ly. and one of the largest land owners and farmers of Bennett Bayou, was bom in f L^ 2fi8 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. tlu> Buckeye State, and is the son of Matthew and Hannah (O'Key) Brown, natives of Ohio. They were married in their native State, and remained there until 1866, he engaged in farming and stock raising. In 1861 the elder Brown joined the United States troops as first lieutenant of Company D, Twenty- seventh Ohio Infantry, and served about one year, participating in the following battles: New Madrid, Island No. 10 and Corinth. When the call for 600,000 troops was made, Lieut. Brown came home, raised a company, was made captain, and joined the One Hundred and Sixteenth Ohio Infantry, Company F, and remained with that company for three years. He took part in several noted engagements: Winchester, Cedar Creek, Piedmont, Petersburg and Richmond. He was wounded at Winchester while on picket duty, being shot in the arm. He was discharged at Har- per's Ferry in 1864, and came home. In 1866 he went to Southwest Missouri, and in 1869 came to Fulton County, Ark., and bought the place on which his son, Hon. S. A., now resides, for $2,000. Three years later he sold this farm to his son, and bought one on Big North Fork of White River, in Baxter County. Ark. , where he died in 1876. Ho was public administrator of this county for three or four years, and was also county judge of the same county. He was not an office seeker, and was appointed to the positions he held by the Governor. Previous to the war, he had been a strong Democrat, but after that his ideas coincided witli those of the Republican party. He was a mem- ber of the Masonic fraternity. Nine children were born to his marriage, eight of whom lived to V)e grown, and seven are now living: Edward, S. A., born December 28. 1839; Catherine, A. R., Nancy (deceased), Mary A., Jennie D. and Josephine. S. A. Brown was a soldier in the late war, having joined Company F, One Hundred and Sixteenth Ohio, in his twenty-first year, and served three years. He was discharged on accoiuit of a wound, and was afterward captured at Staunton, Va. , and kept in prison three months. He was in Libby prison a short period, but the principal part of the time was spent in the hospital. He was paroled at Richmond, Va., on the Tith of August, 1865. While in service he participated in the following battles: Winchester, Gettysburg, and at Piedmont, Va. , where he was wounded by a musket ball in the arm. He held the rank of orderly sergeant of his company during the war. After his return home in 1865, he remained there for about a year, and then, in company with his father, moved to Polk County, Mo. , where he continued for three years. After this he taught school, and in 1S69 came to Fulton County, Ark., where he taught the fiirst free school in this section after the war. Sub- sequently he engaged in agricultural pursuits, and has continued the same up to the present. On the 8th of December, 1870, Miss Lou Baker became his wife, and to them have been born three chil- dren: Claud, born on the 19th of September, 1871; Bettie, born on the 2d of November, 1878, and Bertha, born on the 4th of February, 1881. Mrs. Brown died on the 28th of April, 1882, and Mr. Brown married Mrs. Josie Simpson, nee Tuttle, August 4, 1884, and they have two children, Ros- coe C, born on the 16th of August, 1885, and Archie, born on the 16th of April, 1887. Mrs. Brown is the daughter of Capt. T. C. Fluty, of Tennessee, a captain in the Confederate army, and one of the prominent farmers of Baxter Coun- ty, Ark. Mr. Brown has represented his county in the legislature, and has held several minor offi- ces, filling the position of commissioner of public accounts for two terms. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Queen Elizabeth Lodge No. 360, and is also a member of the I. O. O. F., Vidette Lodge No. 94. He belongs to Simp. Mason Post No. 228, G. A. R., Department of Missouri, and was appointed on the staff of John E. Phelps, commander of the State of Missouri. He is a Republican in politics, and he and Mrs Brown are members of the Methodist Episco[)al Church. Thomas J. Brown. No name is more prop- erly placed in the history of the county than that of Mr. Brown, who is not only one of the most enterprising farmers of the county, but is of such a social, genial nature, that he has made many friends. He owes his nativity to the State of Ten- nessee, where his birth occurred January 5, 1854. FULTON COUNTY. 'im His parents, John and Caroline (Harber) Brown, are natives of Tennessee. The elder Brown was a sturdy sou of toil and followed this occupation in his native State until his subsequent removal to Dunklin County, Mo. His death occurred April 30, 1S5S. He had been constable in Tennessee and filled the position in a highly satisfactory manner. His marriage took place in 184:4, and six children were the result: Henry N. , born Sept(!mber 27, 1846, died October 2S, 1846; Martin W., born Sep- tember 30, 1847, died October 14, 1848; Martha J., born December 22, 1849, died May 4, 1886, Joseph M. , born January 26, 1852; Amanda C, born July 30, 1858, died February 22, 1876. John Brown, the father of these childi-en, was born on the I'Jth of July, 1824, and his wife was born on the 20th day of October, 1825. She died August 28, 1888, and was a worthy and consistent member of the Christian Church. Thomas J. Brown com- menced life for himself at the age of nineteen years, and his marriage to Miss Eliza J. Pumphrey was consummated on the 24th of August, 1873. She was born in Ozark County, Mo., October 10, 1852. With his parents he left Dunklin County, Mo. ; came to Fulton County, Ark., iu 1858, and has been a resident of this county ever since. In 1874 he purchased his present property, and is now the owner of 320 acres of land, 150 under a tine state of cultivation. Over his Inroad acres roam cattle, sheep and horses and mules, which he makes a specialty of raising. To his marriage were born six children : John ^N" . , born on the 13th of .Tune, 1874; Richard W., born on the 12th of Fel)ruary, 1877; Elizabeth C, born on the 20th of August, 1879; Ollie M., born on the 7th of May, 1885; Thomas M., born on the 21st of March, 1887 ; James E. , born on the 6th day of August, 1889. Mr. Brown has made the principal part of his property by his own labor. His wife is the daughter of ^\■illiam (J. Pumphrey and Elizabeth (Hawkins; Pumphrey, both natives of Tennessee. They came to Missouri at an early day. settling on The Big North Fork of White Biver, in Ozark County, Mo. , and were married there in 1848. After remaining in that county until 1887, he moved to Boone County, Ark. His tirst marriage was to Miss Fannie Holt, of Tenne.ssee, who bore him two children, one living at present: Mary. By his marriage to Miss Hawkins he l)ecame th(? fatlier of six children, four of whom survive: Benjamin J. (deceased), Eliza J., George W., Sarah A., M. T., and William (deceased). Mr. Brown is a Demo- crat and has tilled the office of deputy sheriff of his county for two years. His wife is a member of the Missionary Ba[)tist Church. Charles J. Brimsou's life from his earliest rec- ollections has been passed on a farm, his early days being spent in assisting his father on the old homestead in Georgia, iu Twiggs County of which State he was born January 7, 1827. His parents, Jarrett N. and Mary M. (Stephens) Brunson, were born in South Carolina, the former's birth occur- ring about 1797. He was a farmer by occupation, of Scotch descent, and died in Georgia near 1842, being one of thirteen children (eleven sons and two daughters) born to Peter Brunson, who lived and died in South Carolina. Mrs. Mary M. Brun- son died in the State of Georgia about 1829, hav- ing borne a family of four children, of whom our subject is the third. After his father's death Charles J. began making his home with his elder brother, and while living with him attended school one year, making good use of his opportunities. He then went to his uncle's, Marion Brunson, in Ala- bama, and again entered school, attending about three months, after which he took charge of liis uncle's plantation, and overseered his slaves, who numbered about sixty, for two years. Being of- fered better wages, he became an overseer for a neighboring planter, remaining with him one year. In 1848 he was married, in the State of Alabama, to Miss Mary Hickman, who was born in Twiggs County, Ga., October 23. 1833, and died iu Ful- ton County, Ark.. January 1, 1872. She left, besides her hu.sband, a family of three children to mourn her loss: Charles J., James L. and Anna E. (wife of J. H. Nichols.) Three children are deceased. In the latter part of 1872 Mr. Brunson took for his second wife Mrs. Margaret (Huffman) Willcox, who was born in Davidson County, N. C , November 19, 1837. They have one son, Joseph A. In 1854 Mr. Brunson moved with his family 270 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. to Ashley County, Ark., and there resided until 1865, when he settled in Jefferson County, where he spent two years. Since that time he has been a resident of Fulton County. By his own unaided efforts he has become the owner of a fine farm comprising 280 acres, with about 130 under culti- vation, and has made all the improvements, stich as building fences and houses, and clearing the land, himself. He served two years in the Confederate army during the Rebellion, and has since been a Democrat in politics. He has held the position of constable both in Alabama and Arkansas, and has been solicited to accept other local offices, but has declined. He and family belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of which he has been a member since twenty one years cf age. His first wife was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. George C. Buford, dealer in general merchan- dise, farm implements, etc.. Mammoth Spring. Of the many names that make uj) the strength of the business portion of Mammoth Spring that of Mr. Buford is foremost. His business was established in 1885, and the value of the stock is estimated at about $12,000. Mr. Buford was born in Frederick- town, Mo., October 20, 1849, and is the son of Christopher Y. and Mary (Nifong) Buford, natives of South Carolina and Pennsylvania, respective!}'. The parents were married in Missouri, and there spent the remainder of their lives. Mrs. Buford died in 185,5 and Mr. Buford in 1879. Her father, George AV. Nifong, was a native of Pennsylvania, and moved to Southeast Missouri at a very early day, where he died at the age of ninety-eight years. Mr. Buford was married twice. He was a well to- do farmer, stock raiser and general trader, and was also a member of the Masonic fraternity. His father died in Louisiana at the age of eighty years. George C. Buford was one of six children born to his parents, and received a thorough education at Fredericktown, and at Washington University, St. Louis. He also graduated from Reed's Commer- cial College, of St. Louis, in 1869. SuVisequently he taught school for several years in Frederick- town, Mo., until 1871, when he removed to New- port, Ark., and there engaged in merchandising and general trading with marked success until 1884. He then came to Mammoth Spring, where he purchased the first business and residence lots sold by the town syndicate. He immediately erected buildings, and built the first brick business house in that town, besides investing largely in real estate there. He is also the owner of considerable real estate in and around Newport, and is one of the most thoroughgoing and active business men in Fulton County. He enjoys an immense trade. He was the assessor of Jackson County, Ark. , for four years, and filled that position to the satisfac tion of all. He has been married three times; first, in 1874, to Miss Lena Claridge, the daughter of Dr. H. B. Claridge, who came from Tennessee to Jackson County, where he was one of the leading physicians. Mrs. Buford died in 1879, and in 1883 Mr. Buford married Miss Delia Harrison, who died in 1884. In 1886 he married Miss Nettie Ander- son, daughter of J. L. Anderson, who came from Iowa to Arkansas, where he is living at the present time, engaged in agricultural pursuits. Mr. Bu- ford is a Democrat in jjolitics, and his first presi- dential vote was for Horace Greeley in 1872. He has been a member of Mammoth Spring Lodge of the I. O. O. F. for twelve years.- He and wife are much esteemed members of the Christian Church. G. A. Bundren. farmer and stock raiser of Washington Township, was born in Tennessee, January 30, 1847, and passed his youth and early manhood in that State and in Illinois. His par- ents, G. C. and Lucinda (Keyton) Bundren, were natives of Virginia, the father born in 1807, and the mother in 1828. In their family were five children, four of whom lived to be grown. They were named as follows: James C, who died in the Union army in 1863, and whose family now reside in Johnson County, 111. ; Surena, wife of George Everett, a resident of Williamson County, 111. ; Melissa, wife of David Sollis, living in Du- quoin. 111., and G. A. The father of these chil- dren was a successful agriculturist, and followed this occupation in Tennessee until 1851, when be moved to Illinois. He entered land in that State and continued tilling the soil until his death, which occurred in 1882. He was a Democrat in politics, A. J) 'y l>£ FULTON COUNTY. 271 but wiis aot an aspirant for office, nor was Im act ive in politics. He was a member of the United Baptist Chnrch, as was also his wife. G. A. Buiid- ren, like so many of the substantial citizens of this county at the present time, was initiated into the mysteries of farming fi'om the very first, and this has since continued to be the calling to which his attention has been directed. He received a fair education in his native State, and in the State of Illinois, and at the age of seventeen began for himself, attending to farm duties in Illinois until ' 1866, when he moved to Kentucky. Two years later he went to Cape Girardeau, Mo., resided there two years, going thence to Dunklin County, thence in 1876 to Scott County, Mo., and from there, in 1878, to Peach Orchard, Clay County, Ark., where he engaged in the practice of medicine, and also started a drug store. At the same time he filled the position of postmaster. In 1882 he left Peach Orchard, and moved to Knobel the same county, where he embarked in merchandising, and this continued for two years. From there he moved to Woodruff County, Ark., and in connection with farming, practiced medicine, conducting also a mercantile store at Howell Station, on the Bates- ville & Briukley Railroad. He remained there but a short time, and in 1885 came to Fulton County, and here attends to his practice in connection with farming. By his marriage to Mrs. Elizabeth Holmes nee Thompson, January 1, 1863, he be- came the father of six children, three now living: James A., born February 26, 1865, and now liv- ing at home; C. W., born February 3, 1869, and also at home, and M. B. , whose l)irth occurred on the 3d of February, 186U, and is at home. The other children died in infancy. Mrs. Bundren died at Knobel, Ark., in 1883; she was a consistent member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Bundren was 7narried the second time in May, 1885, to Mrs. Sarah J. Wilson, nee Young, a native of Ken- tucky, and the mother of four children, the fruit of her former union. They are named as follows: Hannibal Wilson, living at Alicia, Ark.; W. V., also at Alicia. Ark.. Mary, wife of H. Hensley, re siding at Alicia, Ark., and Celia, wife of T. B. Caple, a resident of P'ulton County, Ark. Mr. Bundren is not active in politics, but votes the Democratic ticket. He and wife are members of the Christian Church. J. M. Burrow, a prominent attorney-at-law al Mammoth Spring, is among those who contril)nte to the strength of the Arkansas bar. He is a na tive of Tennessee, born in Bedford County in 1854. His parents. Freeman and Louisa (Nichols) Bur row, were born also in Bedford County, Tenn., in 1834 and 1833, respectively. They resided in that county until 1857, when they came to Sharp Coun- ty, Ark., where Mrs. Burrow died in 1874. Mr. Burrow is slill living, and has followed tilling the soil for many years. He tilled the position of jus- tice of the peace for four years, and served four years in the Confederate array with Gens. Price and Freeman. He has been a member of the A. F. & A. M. since 1857, and belongs to the Methodist Church, of which his wife was also a member. Of the six children born to their union J. M. was the eldest. He was educated in the log school- houses, and like the majority of farmers' boys, assisted on the farm. When about twenty one years of age he taught school, and followed this occupation for two years. When twenty- two years of age he began the study of law, and diligently continued this in connection with farming for several years. In 1885 he was admitted to the bar. and since 1883 has lived at Mammoth Spring. He is one of the most substantia] attorneys of Fulton County, and also practices in Sharp and Izard Counties. He was married in Se])tember, 1878, to Miss Josie Whiteside, daughter of Allen and Sarah Whiteside, who came to Fulton County from Illinois at an early day, and there the father died. The mother is still living. In politics Mr. Burrow is a Demo crat, his first presidential vote being for S. J. Til den, in 1876. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., Myatt Lodge No. 401, and also belongs to Spring River Lodge No. 4V), K. of P., at Mammoth Spring. He has a very i)leasant home on Emi- nence Hill, Archer Avenue. * James Marion Butler. Ever since his location in this county in 1870, Mr. Butler has enjoyed the reputation of being not only a substantial and pru irressive farmer, but au intelligent and thoroughly 4, •21-2 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. posted man in all public affairs; and a short sketch of his life will lie of more thau passing interest to the citizens of this locality. He was born in Chambers County, Ala., October 15, 1838, and is a sou of Nathan H. and Francis R. (Hogue) But- ler, who were born in Elbert and Waltham Coun- ties, Ga., respectively, the former's birth occur- ring in 1818; and like his father, Daniel Butler (■who was born in South Carolina, and died in Georgia), he was a worker in wood and a skillful wagon-maker. He and wife were married in Paulding County, Ga., and resided in that State and in various counties in Alabama, until 1855, when they came to Arkansas, locating in White County, but only remained a short time and then moved back to Alabama. In 1863 or 1864, they went to Mississippi and Tennessee, and in 1875 located in Fulton County, Ark., where the father died the same fall. His widow is now residing in Viola, of that county, and is enjoying good health. She is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, as was her husband, and to them were born eight children, of whom James Marion was the eldest. Of these only four are now living: M. L. , a blacksmith of Viola; Louisa M. . wife of William Smith; William P. H. , residing in the State of Colorado, and our subject. Those deceased are Napoleon B. , Martha A. E. , George W. and Mary J. -Tames Marion Butler received his schooling in the State of Alabama, and while growing to manhood learned the blacksmith and wagon- maker's trade of his father. At the age of twen- ty-one years he began depending on his own re- sources for obtaining a livelihood, and from that time until the opening of the Rebellion worked in Alabama. Although his father served in the Union army for some time, he espoused the cause of the Confederacy and first joined the Alabama Legion, which was consolidated and thrown into other regiments, the Twenty-third Alabama Bat- talion of Sharp-shooters being a part left over. He served two years as sergeant, participating in many battles, among which wen^ Chickamaugn, Petersburg, being intrenched in the ditches of that city for nine months; Hatch's Run, and the Vir- ginia campaign. He received a flesh wound in the leg at Chickamauga, and at Appomattox Court House, about two hom-s before the sun-ender, he received a very severe wound in the right arm. After the war he remained in Alabama until 1866. when he went to the State of Mississippi, and from there came to Fulton County, Ark., in 1870. and here has since made his home. In 1879 he moved to his present location, which is a farm consisting of 360 acres of as good land as there is anywhere, and in addition to looking after this property still continues to work at his trade. He is a Democrat in his political views, and in 1885-86 served as justice of the peace. He is also a member of the Masonic fraternity, and as a citi- zen of Fulton County has been identified with its advancement and growth ever since locating here. He was married in 1860 to Miss Rhoda Ann Bry- ant, a daughter of Alexander Bryant, and her death occurred in Izard County, Ark., in 1875, when thirty-seven years of age. Of the eight children born to her union only four are now living; Charles D., of Texas; Elizabeth E. , wife of James A. Talley, a farmer of the county; Nancy E., wife of Abraham L. Reed, a farmer residing near Mansfield, and Nathan D., at home. Mrs. Butler was a member of the Methodfst Episcopal Church, South. Thomas B. Caldwell is possessed of those ad- vanced ideas and progressive principles regarding agricultural life which seem to be among the chief characteristics of the average native Mis- sourian. He was born in Franklin County of that State on the 16th of October, 1840, and is a son of James Patten and Ann (Caldwell) Caldwell, the former of Irish descent, born in the State of Mis- souri, in the year 1816. He was a well known agriculturist of his region, and died in Fulton County, Ark., in 1S63. His wife was also born in Missouri, and died when her son, Thomas B., was about seven years of age, her demise occur- ring in Franklin County. The paternal grand- parents were Andrew and Nancy (Farrow) Caldwell, the former being a native Kentackian. He moved to Franklin County, Mo., during the early history of that country, and died there at his son's home in 1847. His wife, Nancy, died there also. The FULTON COUNTY. '>7:i paternal great-graudfather, Kincaid Caldwoll, was l)orii in the " Emerald Isle." The maternal grand- father also bore the name of Andrew Caldwell, but the two families were not related. Thomas B. Caldwell is one of two surviving members of a family of five children, the other being a sister residing on the Iron Mountain Railroad in Mis- souri. He was reared in his native State, but never received any educational advantages in youth, being compelled to assist his father in tilling the home farm; but by contact with the world and by self-application he has liecome a well posted man. He was twenty years of age when he enlisted in the army, and was a member of Capt. B. B. Bray's Seventh Division of Missouri Volunteers. He particiijated in the engagements at Mansfield, Pleasant Hill, and in numerous skirmishes. He was second sergeant of artillery for about twelve months prior to the close of the war. On the 9th of March, 1802, he was captured at Mountain Grove, Mo. , and was sent to St. Louis, thence to Alton, 111. , and from there to Vicksburg, Miss. , where he was exchanged on the 22d of September, of the same year. Nearly ever since the close of the war he has been a resident of Fulton County, Ark. , and has been actively engaged in tilling the soil. On the 5th of March, ISOS, he was married to Miss Luciutha M. Smith, who was born in South Carolina in 1842, a daughter of Inman and Mary A. Smith. The father died in the "Palmetto State," but the mother is still living and resides in Fulton County, Ark., the wife of a Mr. Hutch- esson. To Mr. Caldwell and his wife the follow- ing children have been born: James Henry, Benjamin H. , Thomas J. (deceased), John H., Mary A. (deceased). Iluthi(> J. and Joanuah. The greater part of Mr. Caldwell's time has been occu- pied in farming, and he is now the owner of 310 acres of land, with about eighty acres under culti- vation. He is a Democrat, his tirst presidential vote being cast for Douglas, and he was elected on that ticket to the office of deputy sheriff and con- stable. He and wife are connected with the Chris- tian Church, and he is a Mason and a member of the I. O. O. F. Mr. Caldwell is a man univer- sally respected, and to know him is to Inive a high admiration for him, for he is possessed of those sterling principles which make a true man and a valuable citizen. C!apt. John G. Carroll, a farmer of Fulton Township, is now successfully following the occu- pation to which he was reared and which has Ijeeii his life work, a calling that for ages has received undivided efforts from many worthy individuals, and one that always, furnishes sustenance to the ready worker. He was born in North Carolina in 1834, and is the son of Green and Priscilla (Earles) Carroll, natives of South Carolina and North Car oliua, and born in 1802 and 1808, respectively. The parents removed to White County, Tenn., and in 1859 came to Fulton County, Ark., where Mr. Carroll died in 1870. He was the son of Jesse Carroll and the grandson of William Carroll, who was of English descent, went through the Rev olutiouary War, and died in North Carolina at the age of nearly one hundred years. Jesse Carroll was born in North Carolina, and died in Georgia at the age of ninety-eight years. He was a mill- wright by occupation. This family is of the same as that Carroll who was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. The paternal grand- father, William Earles, was bom in North Caro- lina and died in Tennessee at about the age of one hundred and two years; he was of Welsh descent. His father was a Revolutionary soldier. Capt. John G. Carroll, the second of eight children born to his parents, received very meager edu- cational advantages. He came with his parents to Fulton County, Ark., in 1859 and in ISOl Miss Auerilla Copeland, a native of Tennessee, became his wife. She died in 1879, leaving six children, three sons and three daughters. Capt. Carroll then married Miss Eliza Baize, a native of Mis- souri and the daughter of George Baize. To this union were born four children, a son and three daughters. Capt. Carroll is one of (he prominent agriculturists of Fulton County, is the owner of 520 acres of land, with 300 under cultivation, and also possesses consideraliie [)roj)erty in Viola, all the result of his own industry. When the war cloud hovered over the United States he enlisted in Company F. Fourteenth Arkansas Infantry, 274 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Coufederate Army, and served three years and eleven months. After the first nine months he was promoted to the rank of captain in his regi- ment and operated in Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana. He took a prominent part in the battles of Elkliorn, Augusta, Farmington, Corinth, luka. Port Hudson, etc. He was captured at Saltillo, Miss., but after sixteen days escaped and rejoined his regiment at Tupelo. At the clo.se of the war he returned to farm life. Politically a Democrat, his first jiresidential vote was for Bu- chanan in 1856. He filled the office of deputy sheriff two years, justice of the peace for four years and constable two years. He has been a member of the A. F. & A. M. for twenty-eight years, now belonging to Viola Lodge No. 399, and was master and senior warden for sixteen years of that time. He is also a member of the Eastern Star lodge at Viola. He and wife belong to the Missionary Baptist Church, he having experienced religion at the age of sixteen, and he is a deacon in the same. B. H. Castleberry is another excellent example of what can be accomplished through energy and perseverance, for he has won his way up to his present enviable position through his own vm- aided efforts. He was born in the State of Geor- gia, on the 1st of July, 1854, and is a son of S. G. and Jane E. (Bell) Castleberry, both of whom were Georgians, the former born in 1S21. He was a farmer and a miner, but made milling his principal occupation through life, and is still the owner of some gold mines in Georgia, near Cleveland. His father, who was a native of the State, owned some mines there and was also an extensive slave owner at the time of his death. The great-grandfather was a Georgian, but the great-groat-grandfather and six brothers emigrated from the Old "World, and settled in the Southern States. B. H. Castle- berry was one of seven children, and his youth and early manhood were spent in his native State. He received his literary education in the North Georgia Agricultural College, and principally through his own efforts secured means with which to prosecute his studies. In December, 1876, he emigrated to the State of Arkansas, settling in Fulton County, where he began the study of law, and the same characteristics which marked his progress at school, were prominent in his legal studies. After a thorough preparation he was admitted to the bar and entered upon his practice at Salem, and his patronage steadily and substantially increased dur- ing his two years of practice. At the end of that time he engaged in merchandising with his brother, their stock of goods amounting to about $8,000, and besides this they each own a half in- terest in 500 acres of land. Our immediate sub- ject also owns 1,500 acres in his own right. He was married on the 10th of April, 1881, to Miss Laura P. AVainwright, by whom he has two inter- esting children: William Lessie and Rex. Mr. Castleberry is a Democrat, and a member of the I. O. O. F. William Castleberry, his brother, a member of the general mercantile firm of Castle- berry & Co., was born in White County, Ga., in 1856, and during his youth and early manhood worked with his father. He received an excellent education in Dahlonega College, Ga. , and also at Nacoochee Valley, and after leaving school engaged in mercantile pursuits as clerk in a general mer- chandise store in the latter ])lace, but eighteen months later went to Rabun County, where he be- gan merchandising in partnership with C. W. Oakes. Two years later they dissolved partnership, and Mr. Castleberi-y came to Salem, and in 1881 embarked in business with his brother and William Wain- wright, keeping a grocery. At the end of one year this association was terminated, and the two brothers started a general mercantile establishment of their own. They thoroughly understand the en- terprise in which they are engaged, and have done much in their line to increase the trade and influ- ence of the town. They are thoroughly reliable and honest in all their transactions, and as a result enjoy a large and lucrative custom. William Cas- tleberry is also a Democrat politically, and a mem- ber of the I. O. O. F. He is unmarried. William D. Chase, one of the prominent mil- lers and farmers of Elizabeth, was born in Maury (now Gordon) County, Ga. , in 1839, and is the son of Hon. Dean W. and Alley (Johnson) Chase. The father was born in Pawtucket, R. I., and re- FULTON (X)TTNTY. 275 ceivod iiu unusually good education. ■ At the age of nineteen he was sent to Georgia to erect a spin- ning factory, which he operated for a number of years. He was married and spent the remainder of his days there and in Tennessee, where he manu- factured cotton goods all his life. He died in Gil more County, Ga., in ISSl. He was justice of the peace many years and once represented Gor- don County in the legislature. He was also for thirty-five or forty years a traveling minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and besides was an officer in the Mexican War. His wife was a native of North Carolina, and died in Gilmore County, Ga. , July 8, 1S86. She, too, was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Her father, James Johnson, was a native of North Carolina, who died in Walker County, Ga. He was a soldier in the Mexican War. William D. Chase, the second of ten children, born to his parents, received his educa- tion in the common schools. He was reared to the arduous duties on the farm, and in 1861 Miss Ade- line Sprouell became his wife. She was bom in Ful- ton County, Ga. , and was the daughter of Wilson E. and Eliza J. Sprouell, natives of Abbeville Dis- trict, S. C. , but who moved to Georgia, where Mrs. Sprouell died. To Mr. and Mrs. Chase were born eleven children, seven sons and three daughters now living. Mr. Chase served over four years in the Confederate Army, Company E, Georgia Volunteer Infantry, was at Cumberland Gap, Richmond, Siege of Vicksburg. Lookout Mountain, Missionary Hidge, Resaca, Kingston, Calhoun, New Hope Church. Kenesaw Mountain, etc. He was captured several times, the last time at Peach Tree Creek, and imprisoned at Nashville. He was afterward taken to Indianapolis, where he was at the time of the surrender. He never received a wound during his time of service. After the war he returned to the farm and in 1872 came to Fulton County, Ark. He followed agricultural pursuits for five years and then engaged in merchandising at Newburg, Izard County, for three years. This not suiting him be entered into the milling business there for six years, after which he returned to Fulton County, and continued merchandising at Elizabeth for four years. Since then he has been occupied in milling and farming and has two Hour and saw, shingle and planing mills. He is also the owner of about 900 acres of land in Missouri, Fulton, Izard and Law rence Counties. All his ])roperty is the result of hard labor since the war. He has been a Demo- crat in his i)olitical views all his life, and his fim* jjresidential vote was for Gen. McClellaii. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Elizabeth Lodge, and is also a member of Newburg Lodge of the I. O. O. F. in Izard County. Mrs. Chase has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for many years. Hon. Samuel W. Cochran. For a jjeriod up wards of thirty-three years, he whose name heads this sketch has been a resident of Fulton County, and during this time he has enjoyed the reputation of being an honest, upright man in every respect, fully deserving the good opinion with which he is regarded by all who know him. His life up to the time of his location in Arkansas was rather unsettled, but notwithstanding the old sfiying that "a rolling stone gath(^rs no moss," Mr. Cochran has been quite successful in accumulating worldly goods, and is one of the leading merchants of this county. His birth occurred in Abbeville Dis trict, S. C. May 20, 1820, and he was left an orphan when an infant. Lentil ten years of age he was cared for by an uncle. J. C. Wharton, and from that period until sixteen years of age was taken care of by his guardian, Samuel Jordan. At this time he went with his uncle, Mr. Wharton, to Tennessee, and located at Raleigh, near Memphis, but shortly after went to Tipton, and still later to Columbia, of the same State, where he remained two years. He then returned to his old home in South Carolina, where he attended school for one year, after which he came back to Columliia, and was a salesman two years for the mercantile firm of G. Frierson & Co. At the end of this time he again returned to South Carolina, where he remaineil with his guardian for some time, and was married there to Miss Julia A. Chiles, moving with her at a later period to Cass County, Ga., where he gave his attention to farming until 185(>. In that year he came to Fulton County, Ark., and located in the neii'hborhood of where he now lives, continu- if w" ^ il, and his death March 8. 1S80. The paternal grandfather, Thomas B. Culp. was a Tennesseean, who removed to Izard County, Ark., at an early day and took a prom- inent part, in aiding in the growth and devel- opmt'ut of this region, and both he and his son Thomas were physicians. They were of German descent, and all the male members of the family have been Democrats in their political views. Of the family of eight children born to Thomas and Elizabeth Culp, four are now living, two sons and two daughters, all of whom reside in Fulton Coun- ty, with the exception of a daughter, who is a resi- dent of Izard County. Dr. Charles W. Culp re- ceived his literary education in the common .schools of Izard County, after which he entered the Mem- pliis Hospital Medical College, fi-om which institu- ' tion he was graduated as an M. D.. February 25. 1885. Previous to graduating he had practiced the profession (since 18711), and has won an envia- ble position among the medical fraternity of Ful- ton and surrounding counties. December 22, 1880, he was married to Miss Joannah C. Sharp, who was born in Sharp County, Ark.. December 4, 1861, and is a daught(»r of Ephraim Sharp, whose sketch appears in this work. Dr. Culp is a RoyaJ Arch Mason, belonging to Rural Chapter No. 50, Evening Shade, Sharp County. He is al so a member of Ash Flat Lodge No. 159, F. & A. M., Ash Flat, Ark. He is a Democrat, his first presidential vote being cast for Hancock, and he and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. His mother is a resident of Ful ton County, and is the worthy wife of J. M. Cook. W. H. Culp, editor and proprietor of the Mam moth Spring Monitor, at Man)moth Spring, Ark. . is of German descent, the name originally being Kolb, but it was changed to Culp when the family became Americanized. He was born in Izanl County, Ark.. November 5. 1863. and after ac- quiring a fair education in the common schools he entered the office of the Clipper, at Melbourne. Ark., and learned the ])rinter's trade. In 188'2 he bought a half intere.st in the Izard County Reg ister, at Melbourne, and in August, 1884, purchased the remaining interest and conducted the paper with highly satisfactory results until November. 1886, when he leased the press and moved to Lee County, Ark., where he spent a part of the follow ing year in an unsuccessful attempt to raise a cot- ton crop. Moving to Mammoth Spring, Ark., he established the Mammoth Spring Monitor, the first number being issued February 2. 1888. This paper has proved a decided success financially, and is one of the spiciest, best and most iMy edited business papers in Northwest Arkansas, and Mr. Culp has become well known throughout the State ^ spy 278 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. as one of its most .successful editors. He e.stab- lished the Thayer Tribune at Thayer, Mo., in 1888, but has since sold it and is now devoting his time and energies to the publication of the Monitor. He was married in 1884 to Miss Amy D. Owen, of Forrest City, Ark., she being a daugh ter of Dexter Owen, who was born in Providence, R.I. They have two children: Homer and Madge. Mr. Gulp is a son of Dr. T. B. and Elizabeth (Benbrook) Gulp, the former's birth occurring in Izard Gounty, Ark. , in 1835, and his death in Mel- bourne of the same county in 1880. His widow still survives him and is a resident of this covmty, being forty-five years of age. Judge Thomas J. Cunningham, a prosperous Fulton County farmer, came originally from Ran- dolph County, Mo. , his birth occurring December 31, 1837. His father, Robert H. Cunningham, was born in Lincoln County, Tenn., in 1808, and in 1834 emigrated to Randolph County, Mo., where he was one of the earliest settlers. He was an active tiller of the soil there until about 1807, and from that time until his death, in 1868, he resided in Fulton County, Ark. His parents, James and Jane Cunningham, removed from Tennessee to Randolph County several years prior to their son, and both died in Adair County of that State. The wife of Robert H. Cunningham was born in Ten- nessee in 1810, and died in Fulton County, Ark., in August, 1886, having borne a family of ten chil- dren, nine of whom grew to mature years, and eight of whom are yet living. Four sons and one daughter reside in Fulton Coimty, one son lives in the State of Texas, a daughter in Randolph County, Mo., and one son in Macon County, Mo. Thomas J. Cunningham is the fourth of the family, and from his earliest recollections has been famil- iar with the details of farm life; while growing up he learned lessons of industry, fnigal habits and economy, which he has never forgotten. His rudi- mentary education was acquired in the common schools, and was supplemented by a collegiate course in Macon County, Mo. He remained with his father and mother until 1861, when, full of zeal and enthusiam for the land of chivalry and the cause of the South, he joined Gen. Price's com- maud, whose division was commanded by Gen. John B. Clark, Sr. , and served two years, partici- pating in the battle of Lexington and numerous other engagements. In 1863 he went by mule train to California, in which State he remained until 1870, being engaged in farming, and in that year he left California and came to Fulton Gounty, Ark., and located near where he now lives. In 1866, while in California, he was married to Miss Mary E. Proctor, who was born in Randolph County, Mo., in 1841. She died in 1873. in Ful- ton County, Ark . having borue a family of four children: Julia, wife of William T. Cunningham, of Texas; Jennie D. , wife of John D. Isenhour, of Fulton Gounty; Rollen P., now in Texas, and Robert H. (deceased). In 1875 Mr. Cunningham united his fortunes with those of Miss Sarah E. Jeffery, a native of Izard Gounty, Ark. , born Oc- tober 26, 1853. Her parents are Rev. Daniel and Nancy Jeffery. To Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham were born the following children: Rol>ert G. (de- ceased), James G., Edgar, Margaret Ann, Ida, Thomas J. and Henry K. Mr. Cunningham has resided in Fulton Gounty sufficiently long to ena- ble his many sterling qualities to become well known. About forty-tive acres of his 180 acre farm are under cultivation. He is a Democrat, and in 1874 was elected judge of the county court, and served six successive years, making an able and efficient officer. His first presidential vote was cast for John G. Breckenridge. His wife is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Charles C. Davis, surveyor of Fulton County, and one of the enterprising agriculturists of Mam- moth Spring Township, was born in Webster County, Mo., January 22, 1854, receiving a very meager education in the common schools. He fol- lowed the plow for his father until nineteen years of age, and was then united in marriage to Miss Nancy G. Young, a native of Oregon County, Mo., August 11, 1872, the daughter of J. L. Young. Mrs. Davis died April 17, 1885, and September 18 of the same year Mr. Davis married Martha, sister of his first wife. Her parents were natives of St. Francois Gounty, Mo. , now of Oregon Gounty, Mo. , and Mr. Young served in the Confederate army as FULTON COUNTY. 27H0 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. moved to Plattin Rock, in Jefferson County. Dur- ing the year 1861 they were in different parts of the South, and in 1865 returned to St. Louis, where Mr. Deaderick was occupied in wool manu- facture for several years. In 1874 they came to Mammoth Spring and were the first settlers here. He erected a flonr mill and cotton-gin, which he operated until June, 1887, when he sold out. He was a thorough-going business man and was at one time (juite wealthy. His death occurred in 1887. Florence Cotter, the grandfather of Dr. Dead erick. was a native of Ireland and came to the United States about 1796. He settled in Penn- sylvania, where he died early in the present cen- tury. Dr. D. S. Deaderick, the eldest of two sons and one daughter, received his education in the St. Louis University. During the late up- pleasantness between the North and South he served four years in the Confederate Army, Com- pany E, Second Missouri Cavalry. He enlisted as a private and came out as adjutant of the regi iment. He operated in Missouri, Tennessee and Mississippi with Gen. Forrest, and was wounded several times. After the war he engaged in the lumber business in Iron and St. Francois Coun- ties, Mo., and in 1870 took up the study of medi icinc and graduated at the St. Louis Medical Col- lege in 1872. He then practiced in that city until 1874, when he came to Mammoth Spring, and in comjiany with his father embarked in milling and merchandising, and was also for a number of years interested in the real estate business. He has continued the real estate business in town and besides is the owner of several farms in Missouri and Arkansas. In his political views he affiliates with the Democratic party, and his first presiden- tial vote was cast for Gen. Hancock in 1880. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Myatt Lodge No. 401, and Evening Shade Chapter No. 50. He is also a member of Mammoth Spring Lodge No. 48. I. O. O. F. His only sister is the wife of J. D. Lucas, of St. Louis, and his brother. Dr. James S.. is a practicing physician of De Soto. Mo. His mother is still living and resides at Mammoth Spring. The family are members of the Catholic Church. William Deatherage, one of the foremost farm- ers of Mount Calm Township, on Bennett River, owes his nativity to Tennessee, where he was born in 1842. His father, A. J. Deatherage. was born in Tennessee, about 1811, and died in Roane Coun- ty, of that State, in 1847. The latter was married in his native State to Miss Sarah Jackson, also a native of Tennessee, born about 1822. Three chil- dren were the result of this union, William being the eldest. One was drowned in the Tennessee River, by the overturning of a skiff, when only seven years of ago, and Martha, became the wife of O. B. Fuller, and is now living in Tennessee. Mrs. Deatherage was married the second time, in 1850. to W. F. Ellis, and by this union became the mother of eight children, six daughters and two sons: Sarah (deceased), Margaret (deceased). Minerva, wife of George Jones, and now living in Tennessee; Nancy and Becky (twins), were mar- ried to twin brothers, Samuel and Elijah Kelon. and live in Tennessee; Caleb, Franklin, and Mary, at home with her mother. A. J. Deatherage was a major in the United States army when the In- dians were moved to Indian Territory. William Deatherage commenced for himself in life l)y join- ing the Confederate army. Company A, Twenty- sixth Tennessee Infantry Regiment, on the 1 5th of June. 1861, and served about four years. He participated in sixteen hard-fought battles, the principal ones being Fort Donelson, Murfrees- boro, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Taylor Ridge Gap, Swamp Creek, Resaca, New Hope, Marietta, Jonesboro, Columbia, Franklin, Nash ville; was with Forrest at Murfreesboro the second time, Columbia. Bentonville, Chickasaw Mountain, etc. He surrendered on the 5th of April, 1865, at Greensboro. N. C. after which Mr. Deatherage re turned to Greeneville,Tenn. , and from thence home, where he commenced farming. He started out after the war with nothing but a Confederate suit of clothes, with forty-eight bullet holes in it. He was married. May 28, 1868. to Miss Rebecca Hall, of Tennessee, and in the fall of the following year he came to Fulton Coiiuty, and settled on Ben- nett's Bayou, and there remained three years. In 1873 he moved to his present line property, con- sistingof 'If'tl iicrns, with 100 acres improved. He has irood liuildings, and a comfortable home. As he has had hut little help since comuieiicing for himself, he is the architect of his own fortune. To his marriage were born eleven children, eight liv- ing at present: Snsan. born October 12, 1870; E. J., born February 9, 1872; G. W'., born on the :id of September, 1874; Lydia M., born on the Sth of September, 1876; Sarah A., born on the 5th of December, 1878; W. S., born on the 5th of March, 1880; James K. P., born on the 12th of October, 1885, and Nancy, born on the 11th of June, 1888. Mr. Deatherage has been justice of the peace of his township for one term. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, County Line Lodge No. 873, and in his political opinions is with the Democrats. Mrs. Deatherage is the daughter of Elijah and Lydia Hall, who were the parents of eleven chil- dren, the following living: Samuel, Elisha, Mollie, Elijah, Lydia, Thomas, Rebecca D. and J. K. P. James Dinwiddle is a man whom nature seems to have especially fitted to be a farmer, for he has met with good success in his farming operations. He was born in Greene County, East Tenn.. on the 14th of August, 1856, and is a son of Calvin and Mary (Carr) Dinwiddle, the former being also a native of East Teimessee, his birth occurring Feb- ruary 23, 1828. He was a school teacher in his youth, and by trade was a tailor, and these occu- pations he followed in his native State until 1859, when he moved to Arkansas. While at Greenfield, Mo., in 1864, he was captured by the Federal troops and taken to Indianapolis. Ind. , where he died the same year from the effects of a wound re- ceived from a sabre at the time of his capture. He was a son of James H. Dinwiddie, who died in East Tennessee. Mary (Carr) Dinwiddie was born in Knoxville, Tenn., April 5, 1830, and died in .\rkansas on the 13th of the farmei', continuing steadily to pursue the even tenor of his way, and is now ranked among the prosperoiis farmers of Fulton County, being the owner of 312 acres of land in the home place, of which forty-eight are under cultivation, and seventy-five acres in Myatt Township. He was born in Phillips County, Ark., October 27, 1842, and is the second of eight children born to Dr. James B. and Mary (Bond) Golder, whose births oc- curred in Richmond, Va., Octobers, 1816, and Knox County, Tenn., May 27, 1813, and died in Randolph and Fulton Counties, Ark., December 26, 1861, and January 9, 1888, respectively. Dr. James Golder removed to Phillips County, Ark., at an early day, and was there married, moving in 1852 to Fulton County, of which he was one of the early settlers. Politically he was a Democrat, and held the office of justice of the peace, and was also postmaster in Fulton County. He served in the Confederate army, and just prior to his death was to have been appointed regimental surgeon. Amos E. Golden and his brother, J. M., are the only ones of their parents' family who are now living, and both reside in Fulton County. The former has lived here since ten years of age, but before reaching his twenty- first birthday he received only few educational advantages. In July, 1861, he enlisted in Company I, Seventh Arkansas Regi ment of the Confederate States Army, and served until he was captured at the battle of Franklin, Tenn., in 1864. He was taken to Chicago, 111., and after being ke])t in captivity five months, was liberated and soon after joined the United States army, and served from 1865 to November. 186(i. After receiving his discharge he returned to Ar- kansas and resumed farming in Fulton County. On the 5th of September, 1867, he was married to Miss Mary R. Partie, who was born in Izard County, Ark., on the 6th of April, 1843, and by her has had a family of eight children: James (de- ceased), Elisabeth K. (deceased), George A., Laura (deceased), Martha, Emma (deceased), Peter E., and Amos G. (deceased). Mr. Golder is a Democrat, his first presidential vote being cast for Greeley. He is a Master Mason, belonging to Myatt Lodge No. 407. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mr.-. Golder' s parents, George and Mary Partie, were born in Kentucky and Tennessee, November 25. 1811, and March 4, 1814, respectively. They were married in Arkansas. The maternal grand- father, Louis Partie, was born in Kentucky in 1763, and in 1814 emigrated to Arkansas, locat- ing near Mount Olive, being'oue of the first set tiers of that part of the State. His wife, whose maiden name was Mary Ramsey, was born in Maryland, in 1768, and was of English descent. Mr. Partie was a French Canadian. They were married in 1787. Soon after the former joined the United States army, and served three years in the defense of the Union. The great-grandfather, Charles Ramsey, spent seven years of his life in fighting for the liberty we now enjoy. This has been handed down to the present generation by Mrs. Golder' s grandmother, who now rests under the sod on the bank of White River. J. R. Green, farmer, Bennett's Bayou, Fulton County, Ark. The father of Mr. Green, William Green, was a native of Alabama, and after reach- ing manhood was united in marriage to Miss Ro- sanna Deshazo, a native of Tennessee, in 1857 or 1858. To this marriage were born four children, two now living: J. R. Green, born on the 24th «■ ^'* -i\ of May, 1859, aad Susau, wife of L. C. Woods. The parents moved to Arkansas iu 180], set- tling in Izard County until after the war, and then, in 18fi(5, moved to Fulton County. They [)urchased a farm on Bennett's Eiver, and this he improved in every respect. During the late Civil War the father served in the Confederate army nearly the whole time of the conflict, and was with Gen. Price on his raid through Missouri. He was a Democrat in politics, and although a man who had received but limited educational advantages, had improved his time to such an extent that he was considered well-informed on all subjects. Mrs. Green was married the second time, about 1870, to Mr. W. Harber, by whom she had two childi'en: Rebecca Jane, born in 1872, and Mi'iry E., born in 1874. Mr. Harber was born in Crock- ett County, Tenu., and was married to Mrs. Green iu Greene County, Ark. He died in 1874. He was a man who had taken a prominent part in the poli- tics of the county, and voted the Democratic ticket. He was a member of the Christian Church. Mrs. Harber was a member of the Missionary Bap- tist Church. J. R. Green's chances for an educa- tion were very limited and the principal part of his youthful days were spent on the farm. On the 10th of July, 1884. his marriage to Miss F. A. Wilson, of Alabama, took place. She. also, had received rather limited advantages for an educa- tion, but. like her husband, she has improved her time by study and observation. They are the par- ents of three children : M. C. , born on the 6th of July, 1885; W. H., born on the 17th of March, 18S7, and Rebecca, born on the 'I{fth of April, 1889. Mr. Green commenced farming in 1884, and has continued this pursuit up to the present. He is the owner of a tine farm of '280 acres, which he jKiid for l)y the honest sweat of his brow. Alth. '" His wife was supposed to have been born in Alabama in 1805, and died in Jackson County, Ark. , in 1 8f)2. Two of her nine children are now living, of whom our subject is the eldest. He attended the common schools of Wayne County, Mo. , and until twenty two years of age remained faithfully by his mother, assist- mg her iu making a living. In March, 1844, he moved to Jackson County, Ark., and was married there in May two years later to Miss Caroline Kinder, who was born in Cape Girardeau County, Mo., in 1828. She died in her native county iu LS'il, having become the mother of two chil- dren, both of whom are deceased. On February 22, 1S5S, he married Mrs. Elizabeth (Brecken- ridge) Dennis, who was born in Alabama in 1826. Of the seven children born to them only one is now living: William, who was born June 14, 1854, is living with his parents and is married to Susan Mtillens. They have two children: Robert L. and Walter C. Mr. and Mrs. Howard are members of the Baptiist Church. In 1863 Mr. Howard enlisted in Company E, Clark's regiment, and served un- til the final surrender, the latter part of his ser- vice being under Marmaduke. He was also with Price on his raid and served as second lieutenant. Since al)Out 1844 he has been a resident of Ar- kansas and in his political views has always been a Democrat, having cast his first presidential vote for James K. Polk. Dr. D. T. Hudgens, of Elizabeth. Ark., has been successful as both druggist and practicing physician, and is one of the prominent business men of the place. He was born in Pulaski County, Mo., March 27, 1850. and received his rudimentary education in the common schools, supplementing the same by a two years" course in the high school at Itolla. When about twenty years of age he en- gaged in farming, and two years later entered the ministry, being licensed in August, 1872. He was a traveling preacher for five years and held all the offices in the Free Will Baptist Church. He has l)een an ordained elder since 1872 and occa sionally occupies the pulpit now, thus administer ing to the spiritual wants of his fellow man as well as to their i)liysical n(>eds. He is popular with all. kind and courteous in his intercourse with his ac- quaintances, and is always to the front in aiding any enterprise which tends to the advancement of the county. In December, 1869, he selected a wife in the person of Miss Martha Ousley, a native of Osage County, Mo., and the daughter of William and Martha Ousley, the father one of the wealth- iest farmers of Pulaski County, Mo. This union resulted in the ))irth of five children, one son and three daughters living. While practicing he was studying medicine in Pulaski County, and in 1878 he came to Fulton County and was the first settler at Elizabeth, becoming one of the most successful and prominent physiciaiis of the county. When first entering upon the practice of his profession he was in poor circumstancc^s. but his true worth soon became apparent and a large patronage was the result. Ho never attended medical college, but in 1882 he passed the l)est examination before the medical examiners of any physician in Fulton Coun- ty. For three years he has been in the drug bus iness in connection with his practice. He was the first postmaster at Elizabeth and held the position for several years. A Democrat in his political preferences, his first presidential vote was cast for Tilden in 1876. He was a charter member of AVild Cherry Lodge No. 443, A. F. & A. M., and has held nearly all the offices. He is also a member of Eastern Star Chaj»ter, at Wild Cherry. His wife has been a member of the church for many years, and he has been a member since 180(1. His parents, Robert and Mahala C. (Dodd) Hudg ens, were born in Kentucky and Tennessee, re- spectively. They were married in Missouri, where they were eai-ly settlers, and there the father was a successful attorney for twenty years. He died in Rolla in October, 1864, and at the time of his death was one of the leading lawyers of Southern ^lissouri, then holding, also, the position of provost marshal. He was also treasurer of Pulaski County at one time. After his death his widow married again and moved to Elizabeth, where shi' died in 1885. She was a member of the Baptist Church for soventeen years. Jacob T. Hudson is a man whose natural char- acteristics have especially favored as a tiller of the soil. The pursuit of agriculture has afforded him high gratification, and in the conduct of a farm the jirinciples which he haa held have been pecu- liarly adapted to the successful development and improvement of the varied elements of farm life. Of unquestioned honesty and integrity, his course through life has been unimpaired by criticism. Mr. Hudson was born in Itawamba County, Miss., in 1850, and is the son of William P. and Celia (Thomas) Hudson, the former a native of Anson County, N. C, born July 8, 1808, and the latter of Darlington District, S. C. They were wedded in the last named place, and from there removed to Pickens County, Ala., in 1845 or 1846, and from there soon after to Itawamba County. Miss. In 1870 they moved to Fulton County, Ark., and there Mr. Hudson died in 1871. He was a well- to-do farmer, and was of Dutch extraction. His wife died in Tennessee about 1884, and both were members of the Missionary Baptist Church. Like most of the youths of that viciuity, as he grew up, he devoted his time and attention to farming, re- ceiving in the meantime a rather limited amount of schooling. In ISrJO he came with his brother- in law to Fulton County, and was engaged in farm labor until 1873, when he was united in marriage to Miss Martha E., daughter of Josiah and Ma- tilda Ross, natives of Tenne.ssee and Kentucky, respectively. Mr. Ross died in Fulton County, but his wife is still living. Mrs. Hudson was born in Izard County, and by her union to Mr. Hudson became the mother of six childi-en, one son and three daughters living. Since 1878 Mr. Hudson has lived on his present farm of 175 acres, with sixty-five or seventy under cultivation. All this is his own work, as there were but twelve acres cleared when he first settled there. He is a Republican in his political views, and his first presidential vote was for Gen. Grant in 1872. He has been a mem- ber of Lodge No. 443, A. F. & A. M. , at Wild Cherry, and has held nearly all the ofiices except Master. He is also a memlier of Ladies Chapter of Eastern Star (White Lily) No. fil. at Wild Cherry, and is a charter member of both lodges. He and wife belong to the Missionary Baptist Church, and he is clerk in the Mount Vernon and Pleasant Ridge Church. One brotlier, E. D., and two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Wallace and Mrs. Argen D. Harris, are residing in Fulton County, while one brother, John A., is in Alabama, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary P. Mayhall and Mrs. Bet sey A. Mayhall, are both natives of Mississippi. Dr. John S. Hutchensou, physician and sur- geon. Wild Cherry. Among the people of Fulton as well as surrounding counties the name that heads this sketch is by no means an unfamiliar one, for for many years he has been active and successfully occupied in the prosecution of his chosen profession, and during that time his career as a practitioner and thorough student of medicine has won for him no less a reputation than did his personal characteristics as a citizen and neighbor. He owes his nativity to Carroll County, Ark. , where he was born in 1854. His parents, John W. and Mary (Sudduth) Hutchenson, the former a na- tive of Alabama, and the latter of South Carolina, were married in Mississippi, about 1850, later re- moving to Carroll County, Ark. , and four years after to Fulton County, of the same State. They settled on the farm where the Doctor is now living, and in 1855 the father went to Kansas and was absent about four months in search for gold. He was a farmer, but also followed merchandising at Wild Cherry. There he died in 1858 in full com- munion with the Christian Church. Mrs. Hutch- enson was married twice, Mr. Hutchenson being her last husband. She has been living on the old home place since 1854, and is one of the old set- tlers in Big Creek Township. She has be(>n a member of the Christian Church for many years. Dr. John S. Hutchenson wasthe third of four sons: and his education was acquired in the common .schools. When sixteen years of age he began the study of medicine and in 1878 ami 187U at- tended Keokuk Medical College, at Keokuk, Iowa, and has since practiced his profession in the locality in which he was reared. January 2, 1874, Miss Mary Trap, originally from Tennessee, became his rv « FULTON COUNTY. 285) wife. She was sin orphan, was roared in Missouri, and died on September 20, 187(5, leaving one son. She was a member in good standing in the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. Dr, Hutcheuson owns the home farm of 520 acres, with 225 under cultiva- tion. He is the only child living of his father's family. In politics he affiliates with the Demo cratic party, and cast his fiist presidential vote for S. J. Tilden in 1870. P. P. B. Hynson of the general mercantile lirm of Archer, Daniel & Co. of Mammoth Spring, Ark., was born in Batesville, Independence Coun- ty, in 1851, his parents being William and lios- alie (Burton) Hynson, the former of Maryland by birth and rearing. In 1838 he came to Arkan- sas, and located at Batesville, where he married in 1842, and resided until his death in 1858, at the age of forty three years. His family came from England and settled upon the eastern shore of Maryland. His wife was born in Virginia, and now resides in Batesville, having become the mother of four children. The maternal grand- father. P. P. Burton, was a native of Virginia, and was a successful physician; he graduated from a medical college at Philadelphia, and tirst prac ticed his profession at Lexington, Va. , then at Holly Springs, Miss., and finally located in Little Rock, Ark., in 1840. He was a practicing ]ihysi- cian for sixty years, and was United States sur- geon at Little Rock for many years. His death occurred in 1S72 at the age of eighty-five years. The great grandfather was a Scotchman, who moved from his native land to the colonies at an early day, and during the progress of the Revolutionary War served in the Continental army in the rank of major. He was donated 4,000 acres of land by the Government for valuable services. P. P. B. Hyn- son was educated in Batesville, Ark. , and began life for himself as a clerk in a general mercantile store in that town at the age of sixteen years, con- tinuing until 1871 when he became a member of the firm, remaining as such until 1873. Since 1876 he has been a resident of Fulton County, Ark., and has been associated with his present partners. They carry a stock of goods valued at about ^2'!.- 000. Mr. Hynson is president and a stockholder of the Mammoth Spring Fish Farm, is a director in the Motor Light & Water Company and is a di rector of the Building & Loan Association, all of these companies being incorporateil. He was mar ried in 1879 to Miss MoUie McKee, of Owensboro. Ky. . and their union has resulted in the l)irth of fonr children : Robert T., Rosalie B. , Lawrence M. and Selden L. Mr. Hynson is a Democrat. His grandmother was a Scott, a relative of Gen. Scott. William M. Lafevers, farmer, Viola. No worthy reference to the affairs of this county would be com[)lete without mention of Mr. Lafevers, who, among others, is engaged in tilling the soil. Besides enjoying to an unlimited extent the conti dence and respect of all who know him he came of a family of children that have not only done credit to themselves but have brought honor upon the name they bear. Mr. Lafevers' parents, Alex- ander and Rebecca (Bradley) Lafevers, were both natives of North Carolina, the father bora iu Burke County and the mother in Cherokee County. They moved to Hardin County, Tenn., in 1871, to Izard County, Ark., about 1876, and to Fulton County in 1878, where Mrs Lafevers died in 1883. The father is still living, and is sixty-four years of age. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, as was also his wife. He is a farmer by occupation and served in both th(* Mexican and Civil Wars. Of the ten children born to his marriage seven are still living, and all but one iu Fulton County. William M. Lafevers is the eldest child of thi.-^ family. He was born in Cherokee County, N. C. . in lNr)2, and though his educational advantages iu youth were very meager, and though perhaps deti cient in general learning, his vigorous mind has so grasped and embraced the opportunities which have presented themselves that he is accounted among the intelligent men of this vicinity. He was from the first taught everything connected with farming, later moving with his parents to Izard County. In 1875 he wedded Miss Tennessee Cole, daughter of Henry and Mary Cole, early settler> of Arkansas, and the same year of his mairiage he moved to Fulton County. He is the owner of 207 acres of land, with 100 under cultivation, and also has other interests. He is a Democrat in "' w^ 21)0 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. politics, casting his first vote for Tilden: is a mem- h)er of the Agricultural Wheel, and he and wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. William Thomas Livingston. The many j'ears ])assed in sincere and earnest endeavor in thor- oughly discharging every duty in the different branches of business to which his attention has been directed, have contributed very materially to the success that has fallen to the career of Mr. L. He was born in Chambers County, Ala., May 14, 1885, and is a son of James T. and Emma W. (Childs) Livingston, who were born in Abbeville District, S. C, in 1803 and 1810. and died in Fulton County, Ark.. July 7, 1859, and in 1864, respectively. Their marriage took place in their native district in 1830. and about three years later they moved to Chambers County, Ala., and in 1850 to Cass County, Ga. (now known as Bartow County), where they made their home until the fall of 1856. Then they came to Arkansas and located in Fulton County, the country at that time being in a very wild and unsettled condition and the homes of the settlers few and far between. Mr. Livingston engaged in farming and milling, and was successful in the former occupation, but in the latter his efPorts were not attended with good results. He served in the Creek War for a short time, and while in Alabama and Georgia held the office of justice of the peace at different times, and at the time of his death in this State he was county surveyor of Fulton County. He acquired an excel- lent education by experience as a salesman in a mercantile establishment in Old Cambridge, S. C, and afterward became a partner in the business. He was a son of Thomas Livingston, who was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, being at the battle of Horse Shoe Bend. He died in Abbeville District, S. C. William Thomas Livingston, our immediate subject, was the second of eight chil- dren, six of whom survive, and acquired his edu- cation in the common schools of Alabama and Georgia. He remained faithf ullj' by his parents until their deaths, and assisted his father in man- aging the home place. In 1858 he was appointed deputy sheriff under Thomas E. Martin, serving two years, then farmed iintil May, 1862. at which time he enlisted in the Confederate army, in the Tenth Missouri Infantry, and served as forage and wagon-master until starting for home the day Isefore Lee surrendered. April S, 1865, with a dis- charge by reason of his election as representative of his county. After his retui-n home he again took up the implements of farm life, was appointed deputy sheriff of Fulton County, and in 1S6H again appointed to the same position under M. Y. Shaver, and again in 1867 under E. O. Wolf. In 1872, at the close of reconstruction, he was elected sheriff, again in 1876 and 1878, then in 1882, and once more in 1886, in all ten years — a longer term of office than has ever been held by any one man in the county, with the exception of W. P. Rhea, who was circuit court clerk for the same length of time. He was assessor of Fulton County in 1859, 1867 and 1868: and in 1864, while in the army, was elected to represent Fulton County in the General Assembly. In 1867 his union with Miss Louesa L. Jenkins took place, and by her he became the father of eleven children, seven of whom are living: James T. , William S., Mary T. , Emma J., Carrie M. . Cora A. and Daisy B. Mr. Livingston is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, is a Democrat in his political views, and has shown his brotherly spirit by becoming a member of the Masonic fraternity, rejiresenting his lodge in the Grand Lodge in 1873. Hon. E. R. Lucas, farmer, Viola. No name is justl)' entitled to a more enviable place in the his- tory of Fulton County than the one which heads this sketch, for it is borne by a man who has been usefully and honorably identified with the inter- ests of this county, and with its advancement, in every worthy particular. He owes his nativity to Dallas County, Ala., where he was born in 1835. His parents, Harvey B. and Amy (Wilson) Lucas, were born in Kentucky, in 1808, and Georgia, in 1810, respectively. The father went to New York City when twenty-one years of age, engaged in merchandising, but was burned out in the fire of 1833. After this he went to Alabama, was mar- ried there, and began the study of medicine. He practiced in that State for some time, then gradu- ated in his profession at Cincinnati, Ohio, after w^ ^ SC EDl-A Mississippi County, Arkansas >>• PULTON COUNTY. '2111 whieli, his health beiug very poor, ho was advised to go to Europe, but died on the ocean, in 1844 or lS4r). leavini; a wife and fonr children, in poor circnmstanoes. He was of Scotch descent, was a member of the Baptist Chnrcli, also a Mason, and was a very promising man. His widow is still living, and has been a meml)er of the Baptist Clinrch for over sixty years. She reared four children, Hon. E. R. lieing the eldest. Ho re ceived very little education until grown, and then taught seven terms of school. His wife was for- niejly Miss Nancy Radford, whom he married in liSriO. Her parents, Reuben and Sarah Radford, were natives, respectively, of Alabama and Ken- tucky, and jiassed their last days in the former State, Mrs. Radford dying in 1853, and Mr. Rad- ford some years previous. To Mr. and Mrs. Lucas were born ten children, throe sons and four dangh ters living. Mr. Lucas served through the war, having enlisted in Company K, Eleventh Alabama Volunteer Infantry, Confederate Army; the first year he was a private, then third lieutenant, and afterward first lieutenant, and finally captain. He operated in Northern Virginia with Gen. Lee, and was in twenty- four general engagements, among them Seven Pines, seven days' fight before Rich- mond, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettys- burg, Wilderness. Spottsylvania, etc., and was never captured nor wounded. He received a fur- lough, and was at home during the final surrender. He then returned to tilling the soil, and in 186'J came to Fulton County, Ark. , where he has since lived, residing on his present farm for the |>ast six years. He has been a close student all his life, and is at present one of the best informed men in Fulton County. In 1874 he was a member of the constitutional convention that framed the pres- ent constitution of Arkansas, and in 1882 was elected to represent the county mentioned in the State legislature, holding the position for two years. He has been a life-long Democrat, and his first presidential vote was for James Buchanan, in 1^5(1 He has been a Mason since 1801. now belonging to Viola Lodge No. 399. and has held nearly all the offices, and was Master two years. He is also a member of the Agricultural Wheel. He and wife belong to the Missionary Ba])tist Church, in which he has been a divicon for a num- ber of years. His maternal grandfather, William Wilson, was a native Virginian, and died in Georgia. He was of English descent, and a soldier in the Rm'olutionary War. Mr. Lucas has one brother, Rev. Oscar M. Lucas, who has been a prominent Baptist minister for about twenty-five years. He was educated principally at Mountain Home, in Baxter County. William P., another brother, served about fourteen months in the ('onfederate army, and was wounded at the seven days' battle, in June, 1802, and died from the effects July 9, of the same year. A sister, Sarah F., is the wife of William P. Cameron, and is also a member of the Baptist Church. Elder Joseph B. McGlasson, minister of the (christian Church, and farmer of Big Creek Town shij>, was born in Cumberland County, Ky., in 1809, and is at present one of the oldest and most esteemed citizens of Fulton County. His early life was one of hardship and trouble, and at that day he received very limited educational advantages, the most of his education being acquired after attaining his majority. Previous to that he had left home under rather unpleasant circumstances, his father being (|uite dissipated, and ragged and bare-foot, and with little or no schooling, he was compelled to make his way in life. He worked for a man one day to get some leather, and for anothei- man a short time to get the leather made up into a pair of shoes. He continued to labor at such occupation as be could find, until he had a good suit of clothes, after which he attended school, etc. He was married September 16, 1830, to Miss Fannie Ross, who was originally from Cumberland County, Ky., and who died in Fulton County. Ark., in 1858. Eleven children were born to tliis marriage, six sons and five daughters, only four of whom are now living, viz.: Isabelle S. , Susan, wife of William L. Cavnett, of Phelps County, M<>. : Jane and Fannie. Mr. McGlasson's second nuir riage occurred, in isr)9, to Mrs. JIargaret J. Nib- blett, daughter of William and Lucy Fewell. She was born in Alaljama, and by her marriage became the mother of four children, two now * » 292 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. liviug: Francis M. and Tabitba. wife of James ' James, of Randolph County, Ark. The second Mrs. McGlasson died about 1877, and Mr. Mc- Glasson then married Mrs. Nancy Hewitt, who died in 1883. In August of the following year he man'ied Mrs. Elizabeth Watson, daughter of James Hammond, and a native of Graves County, Ky. She was previously a member of the Baptist | Church, but for the last seven years has been a member of the Christian Church. In 1836 Mr. McGlasson removed to Southwest Arkansas, where he remained until 1851, then locating in Izard County, and from there, one year later, in Fulton County, Ark. He settled in the neighborhood where he now lives, and was one of the first white settlers of the county, he being only one of two \ now living in Big Creek Township who were I in that township at that time. He has long been recognized as an honest, upright and much es- teemed citizen, and one of the county's leading farmers. He now has 148 acres of land, with some sixty acres under cultivation. For about fifty- eight years he has been a Christian, first a member of the Methodist Church, and in 1845 he was licensed to preach by that church. He has preached more or less ever since, and is among the oldest ministers of Arkansas. He was a Meth- odist until the separation in 1845, and was then a Protestant Methodist until the war. He then re- mained out of the church until 18*35, when he joined the Christian Church. From 1844 to 1850 he was justice of the peace, and filled this position for four years in Fulton County. He was drum- mer for four years in the militia in Kentucky, and was lieutenant of a volunteer company in the year 1845. In politics he has been a Democrat all his life, and his first presidential vote was . cast for Andrew Jackson, in 1828. He is a mem- ber of Wild Cherry Lodge No. 85, I. O. O. F. Mr. McGlasson is the son of James and Susannah (Harley) McGlasson, natives of Virginia, born in ' Franklin and Bedford Counties, respectively. The parents were married in their native State, in 1807, and removed to Cumberland County, Ky. , locating in the woods, and were among the very earliest settlers. Theie they spent their entire , lives, the mother dying since the war, at the age of ninety-seven years. She was a member of the Baptist Church for many years. The father was a good farmer. They were the parents of eleven children. Matt McGlasson, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a native of Scot- land, and came to America when quite young. He enlisted in the Revolutionary War when only eighteen years of age, and was in service during the entire war. He located first in Virginia, but later moved to Kentucky, where he passed his last days. He was one of the first settlers. His wife, Elizabeth Cunningham, was born in France. Mathew McGlasson, the great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, spent his entire life in Scot- land. The maternal grandfather, Francis Harley, was of Dutch descent, and died in Virginia. Azriah W. McKenzie. The career of Mr. Mc- Kenzie presents an example of industry, j)ersever- ance and good management, rewarded by substan tial results, well worthy the imitation of all who start out in life as he did with no capital except a good constitution and liberal supply of pluck and energy. He is numbered among those of Georgia nativity now in Fulton County, having been born in that State on the 7th of November, 1831. John McKenzie, his father, was a Georgian, born about 1800, and first settled in the wilds of Law- rence County, Ark., in 1848. He pursued the oc- cupation of farming until his death at the age of sixty-five years. After residing in Lawrence County a few years he moved to Madison County, thence to Missouri, and finally returned to his son's (Azriah) home in 1862. He was a soldier in the Florida and Indian War. His father was born in Scotland, and came to the United States at the time of the Revolutionary War. Our subject's mother was a Miss Jane Canady, who was born in Georgia, about 1801, and died in Lawrence County, Ark. (now Sharp County), in 1851. She was the mother of seven sons and four daughters, all of whom grew to mature years, and two of whom art5 now liviug: Azriah and a sister, both of whom live in Fulton County. The former was the sixth of the family, and remained with his parents until about eighteen years of age, when he started ~7n for California, which State he reached in the sum- mer of 1852. He remained there engaged in mining until December, 1857, then returned to Arkansas, where he continued until the spring of 1859, when he again crossed the plains, and for two yeai's was occupied in cattle dealing in Cali- fornia. In the last named year he again returned home, and in July of that year enlisted in the ('onfederate army, being under Capt. Wyatt, and >erved until the close of the war. He was taken prisoner at Big Blue while with Price on his raid, and was retained at Alton, 111., for four months, lifter which he was jiaroled. He then rejoined his company in the south part of Arkansas, and at the close of hostilities returned home and re- sumed his farming operations. He has a fine farm of 400 acres, with 185 under cultivation, which he has acfpiired by hard work and good management. His first vote for the presidency was cast for Frank- lin Pierce, and he has always been a Democrat. He is unmarried. Dr. Joel McLemore, a physician of acknowl- edged merit in Fulton County, was born in Hali- fax County. N. C, June 1'2, 1835. and there re- mained until ten years of age, when he was taken by his mother to Tennessee, receiving his liter- ary education in Waynesboro, of that State. Dur- ing this time he formed a strong desire to study medicine and made the investigation of this science his chief business for a number of years. He has been practicing since 1865, and has been a successful practitioner of Fulton County ever since 1878. In October. 1855, he was mar- ried in Tennessee to Miss Harriet G. McClearen, who was born and reareil in Hickman County, Middle Tenn. Her parents, John and Elzada (.\dams) McClearen, were born in Northern Ala bama and Bedford County, Tenn., respectively. To Dr. and Mrs. McLemore nine children have been given, seven of whom are living: John B., Joel H. (deceased), James F. , William B.. Albert A.. Sterling P.. Samuel (i., an infant deceased, and Allie. During the late war the Doctor served four years in the Confederate army as major of a battalion. He is a Master Mason, a member of the Democratic party, and he and wife belong to the iMethodist Protestant Chinch. He owns a farm of 240 acres on English Creek, aboijt seven- ty-five acres of which are under cultivation. His tiarents, Joel and Mrs. Elizabeth (PuUou) McLe- more, were born in Virginia and North Carolina in May, 1773, and 1803, respectively. The father re- moved to North Carolina when a young man and was married there. He was a tailor by trade, and also followed the occupation of farming, and on his extensive plantation in Halifax County employed lOO hands. He was twice married, Miss Pullen lieing his second wife, and by her he became the father of two sons; Joel, and James H., who lives in Wayne County. , Tenn. After his demise his widow mairied John Whittakei-. and moved to P(>rry County, Tenn.. whore she died in April, 1859. The jiaternal grandparents of our subject were born near London, England, and a short time prior to the R(;volutionary ^\ar they emigrated to the United States and settled near Richmond, Va., where they afterward died. The grandfather served as major in the Continental army during that war. Jesse Matthews is a iiewspajwr man of long ex- perience, his connection with his present pajjer dating from January 8, 1879. Under his able management it has become recognized as a journal of decided merit, its editorials being written with a clearness and force which indicate a writer of ability, while it has become very jiopular for its bold and fearless advocacy of measures which it deems will |)rove of benefit to this section. His parents, Jesse and Mary ( Houston) Matthews, were born in Baltimore, Md. . and Paris. Bourbon County, Ky., respectively, the former being reared to manhood in his native town; then he came west and settled at Glasgow, Mo., in whicii place he en- gaged in merchant tailoring, and followed this oc- cupation for some time. In 1849 he went to Cali- fornia, where he spent eight years in gold digging, accumulating considerable money. After his re- turn to Missouri he located at Huntsville. where his worthy wife departed this life. aft(>r which lie re- moved to the northwest county in Missouri, where he is spending his declining years with a son. The paternal grandfather was an early emigrant to J^l 294 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. America, ami was of Scotch ancestry although born iu the " " Emerald Isle. ' ' Jesse Matthews, the immediate subject of this sketch, was reared at Huiitsville. Randolph County, Mo., but was fav- ored with only poor advantages for obtaining an education, which he improved by entering a print- ing office when fourteen years of age, only going to school two ten months' sessions. In 1874 he was married to Miss Sarah E. Rider, who was born in Pulaski County, Mo. , in 1856, and six children blessed their union: Maggie A., Edgar M., Elmer H. , Mattie, Jessie P., Earnest L. and Emmett G. Mr. Matthews learned the printer's trade in his youth at Huntsville, Mo., commencing his appren- ticeship in July, 1864, and serving five years. He then went to Kansas City, and worked on the "Kansas City Times" as a compositor for one year, and the following year worked on the ' ' Oswego (Kansas) Register. ' ' He next made a short stay iu Arkansas, after which he went back to Missouri, and for four years worked at Salem on ' ' The Success, ' ' as foreman. He next went to Pulaski County where he bought a printer's out- fit, and moved to Gainesville, establishing the "Gainesville Gazette," afterward removing to Licking, where he established the ' ' Ledger, ' ' which he conducted one year, then starting the " Spirit,"' at Salem, Mo. Since January 8, 1879, he has been a resident of Salem, Ark., establish- ing the ' ' Salem Informer" " at the above date, which he has continuously published up to the present time. Mr. Matthews is a conservative Democrat, and his paper is independent. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , and also a mem- ber of the Kansas City Typographical Union. K. B. Maxey is an attorney of Salem, Ark., who has steadily and surely made his way to the front in the practice of his chosen profession, and as a prominent and useful citizen. He was born in Giles County, Tenn., October 11, 1846, and re- ceived his education in Lebanon, Wilson County, Tenn., and while there formed habits of applica- tion and industry so essential to any successful career through life, and which stood him iu good service when entering upon his legal studies, which he did after wielding the ferule for three years. His legal ])receptor was AV. F. Hender- son, the present supreme judge of New Mexico, who was then attorney general of Arkansas. He was admitted to the bar of Randolph County, Ark., in March, 1872, and the two following years were spent in practicing his profession at Pocahontas, Mo. From that time until 1878 he resided iu Corning, Clay County, Ark. , and then on account of ill health, came to Salem, where he has since been engaged in regular practice and the real estate business. He owns considerable land in the county, and some valuable town property. Miss Minnie Jones, who was born in Pocahontas, Randolph County, Mo., became his wife in 1874, and by her he has an interesting family of four children: Ollie, Soula, Kittie and Harry. Mr. Maxey holds a membership in the I. O. O. F. lodge at Poca- hontas, and he and his wife are worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Maxey's parents, J. H. and Elizabeth (Black) Maxey, were born in the State of Virginia, the former's birth occurring in 1812. He was reared to a farm life in Tennessee, and there married and spent his life, his death occurring in 1871. His wife, who died in 1850, bore him five children. Grandfather Maxey was a Virginian, who emigrated to Tennes- see at an early day, and there spent the rest of his days. Daniel W. Mitchell, farmer, merchant, and postmaster of Mitchell postoffice, which was estab- lished in 1881, through his efforts, owes his birth to Marion County, Tenn. , where he was born in 1828. His father, Warren W. Mitchell, was a na- tive of North Carolina, born in 1782, and was mar ried in Tennessee to Mrs. Blender Lewis, also a native of North Carolina, and born in the year 1792. The father died in Tennessee in 1842. He was a successful tiller of the soil. His father, John Mitchell, was born and reared in Ireland, but on coming to the United States, settled in North Carolina, and there died. He served all through the Revolutionary War. Mrs. Elender (Lewis) Mitchell was married the hrst time in North Caro- lina. After the death of Mr. Mitchell, she re- moved to North Mississippi, and there died in April, 1857. Her father, Harbored Lewis, was a Welsh- "71 " — " i\ FULTON COUNTY. 2'.)r. man, luul his wife wrh Diitcli. They came to America prior to the Revohitionar}- War, settling j in Chatham County, N. C, and there passed the remainder of their lives. Daniel W., the second of tliree sous and four daughters born to his parents, received a very limited education, and remained with his mother uatil grown, taking charge of the family at the age of seventeen. His marriage oc- ciured in 1856 to Miss P. A. Walker, a native of Alabama, and the daughter of John and Mary Walker, who were natives of Tennessee, but who passed the last of their days in Mississippi. Mr. Mitchell lived in Mississippi until during the war, | when he moved to Perry County, 111. , after which he returned to Mississippi. In ISTOhecame to Fulton County, rented land until 1872, and then settled in the dense woods on his present farm, now of about 600 acres, with 100 acres under cultivation, all the result of his own energy, never having inherited anything. He is at present a prominent farmer, and a successful business man. In 1883 he es- ! tablished a store on his farm, and has carried this on nearlj' ever since. He was justice of the peace for some years in Mississippi, and also filled that posi- tion for about two years in Fulton County. In politics he was reared a Whig, but is now a Ke- publican. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are members in good standing in the Methodist Episcopal Chui'ch, and he has been steward in the same for many years. Edward S. Nesbit is manager of the Nesbit Lumber Company, of Mammoth Spring, Ark., dealers in dressed and rough lumber, shingles, sash, doors, blinds, lime, cement, laths, hair, etc. This business was established in March, 1889. Mr. Nesbit was born in De Soto County, Miss., in 1838, and is the son of Thomas and Margaret (Driver) N(>sbit, natives of South Carolina and Alabama, re- spectively. When a boy, Thomas Nesbit went to Alabama, where he grew to manhood, married, and soon after removed to Mississippi, being one of the pioneers of that State. He was a wealthy farmer, and died in the last mentioned State in 1SS5, at the age of seventy-three years. He was the founder of the town of Nesbit. on the Illinois Central Railroad, and one of the most prominent citizens of the locality in which he lived. He and wife were for many years members in good stand- ing in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Thomas Nesbit, grandfather of Edward H. Nesbit, was of Irish parentage, and was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Mrs. Nesbit died about 1881 ; she was the daughter of Lewis Driver, who was a wealthy agriculturist, and who died in Alabama. Of the nine children born to his parents, Edward S. Nesbit was the third. He secured a fair education in the common schools until nearly grown, and when nineteen years of age graduated from W'es- leyan University at Florence, Ala. He then en gaged in the lumber and saw-mill Imsiness on Tallahatchee River, where he remained until the breaking out of the Civil War. He then joined Company K, Ninth Mississippi Volunteer Infantry, and nine months later was appointed lieutenant of a battalion of sharp shooters, serving in that capacity until the close of the war. He was ca]) tured in West Mississippi in October, 1802, and was held a prisoner at Fort Pickering for about three months. At the close of the strife he en- gaged in farming and merchandising, which he carried on for some time. On the 1st of March, 1861, he married Miss Maggie Bradford, a native of Arkansas, and who died in 1866. Her father. Thomas Bradford, was one of the organizers of the Mississippi and Tennessee, now Illinois Central Railroad Company. He was a director and leading factor in that road until his death. To Mr. and Mrs. Nesbit were born four children, two sons auil two daughters, all living. Mr. Nesbit" s secoml marriage occurred about 1881, to Mrs. Nancy E. Nesbit, daughter of J. R. Jeffer^'s, a native of Virginia, who died about 1884, in De Soto County, Miss. Mrs. Nesbit was also born in Virginia. Mr. Nesbit lived in his native county until 18SI, when he removed to Imboden, and in ISS'J to Mammotli Spring. He was in company with his father in the milling, ginning and lumber business, and this continued extensively until he came to Arkansas. and was then connected with the Imboden Milling Company, until 1889. He was mayor of Nesbit, Miss., for a number of years. Politically, he was a Whig until the war, since which time he has 7?=;=" ;r^ 290 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. been a Democrat, casting bis fiist presidential vote for Bell in 1860. He is a Master Mason and Royal Arch Mason, and also belongs to the K. of H. and K. of L. He is a member of the Cuml>erland Presbyterian Church, and bis wife of the Mission- ary Baptist. Their children are named as follows: Mary E., wife of W. J. Johnson, farmer of De Soto County, Miss.: Edward S., Jr.. was educated at Nesbit, Miss. , and is a telegraph operator at ImVio- den; Milton W. received his education at the same place, and is also a telegraph operator at Portia; Maggie E. was educated principally at Pulaski, Tenn. The children received good school advant- ages. H. F. Northcutt. one of the most efficient cir- cuit and county clerks Fulton County has ever had, is a young man well known in the community, and has been an incumbent of his present office since the fall of 1886, serving by re-election. In the year 1863 he first saw the light of day in Warren County, Tenn., but was reared in this county, and although he attended the free schools for some time, he is mainly self-educated. After following the monotonous duties of farm life for some time, he abandoned this work to enter the county clerk" s office as deputy, continuing as such until he was elected to the office of county assessor, as soon as he was eligible for office, when twenty one years of age. He continued to discharge the duties of this office in a very satisfactory manner until 1886, at which time he was elected to his present posi- tion. In social as well as public life he is kind, courteous and afPable in his demeanor to all classes, and is a young man who attracts the regard of all who approach him. He is Democratic in politics, and has shown his approval of secret societies by becoming a member of the I. O. O. F. His wife was formerly Miss Mattie L. Wainwright, whom he married in September, 1885. she having been born in Fulton County. Ark. Mr. Northcutt is a son of J. M. and Mary E. (Doughty) Northcutt, who were born in Warren and Wilson Counties, Tenn., respectively. They were reared, educated and married in their native State, and there made their home until 1868, when they came to Arkan- sas, locating in Fulton County, at Salem. Mr. Northcutt established a general mercantile store, and did a prosperous business for a number of years, being also quite extensively engaged in stock dealing. At one time he left home to dispose of some stock and was never afterward heard from, but all his baggage was traced to Louisville, Ky. , and the supposition is that he was murdered for his money. His widow and two children survive him (two other children having died), the former being a resident of Salem. The paternal grand- father, J. M. Northcutt, was a native German. Dr. William B. Phillips is a leading physician and surgeon of Fulton County, Ark., and pos- sesses those sterling qualities which are character- istic of people of Scotch descent, as well as of those who claim Ohio as the State of their birth. He was born in Morgan County, July 24, 1836, and there received good educational advantages, which he did not fail to improve. He removed with his parents from Ohio to Missouri in 1859, and having formed the desire to pursue the study of medicine with a view to making it a profession, he entered the St. Louis Medical College (then called Pope's College), where he acquired an excellent knovpledge of that calling. When the mutterings of war re- sounded through the land he entered the service as hospital steward, Vjut afterwaid became hospital surgeon, and acted in this capacity until the close of the war. After residing in Missouri until 1876 he came to Izard County, Ark., and in 1882 to where he now lives, where his efforts to alleviate the sufferings of the sick have been attended with most pleasing results. His name has become well known throughout the length and breadth of the county as an able practitioner, and his success fully justifies the large and lucrative patronage he has always received. In 1858 he was married to Miss Louisa Valaivies, who was born in Belmont County, Ohio, in 1889, l)ut her death occurred the follow- ing year. Miss Elizabeth M. Hamilton became his second wife in 1864. She was born in Pulaski County. Mo., in 1842, and she and the Doctor have ; become the parents of the following children: William S., born August 3, 1865; Livie L., born January 24, 1867; Hugh H., born April 7, 1868; j Viola M.. born May 5, 1870; Ernest A., born y'r. e w Dcc'crnbw 28, 1871; Ansel B., born December 21, 1873; ArtliurL., born February 1 0, 1876: Alexan- der B. , born July 17, 1878; Anna P., born May l(i, 1880, and Myrtle L., born January 29, 1883. Dr. Phillips resides on a good farm of 200 acres. He is a Republican in politics, and cast his first vote for Stephen A. Douglas, for the Presidency. He is a member of Vidette Lodge No. 94. of the I. O. O. F. , at Vina postofBce, and is Deputy Grand Master of his district, and secretary of his lodge. He is a consistent member of the General Baptist Church. He was the eldest of five chil- dren, two now living, of Zadock and Phcebe (Brown) Phillips, who were born in Athens County. Ohio, in 1813 and 1818, respectively. The father is yet living, and is engaged in farming in Doug- las County, Mo., to which county he moved in 1859. His wife died in this county in March, 1889. The grandfather was born in North Caro- lina, and the great grandfather was of Scotland nativity. J. M. Picki'en, one of the most extensive and prominent farmers of Fulton County, Ark., is a native of the county, born November 15, 1848. His father, John Pickren, was a native of Italy, born in 1798, and when only nine years of age took passage in a vessel and worked his way to Amer- ica. He landed in New York, remained there for a short time, and then went to Pennsylvania, whence, after a stay of five or six years, he journeyed to North Carolina, continuing there until about 1840, when he came to Fulton County, Ark. Previous to his advent into North Carolina he had followed various occupations, l)ut while in that State he had charge and superintended the hands working in the gold mines of that State. After coming to Arkansas he settled on the tract of land owned by his son J. M. , and followed agricultural pursuits successfully for a number of years. He was killed in 1863 by the Jayhawkers, who claimed to be United States soldiers. He was married in 1841, and was sixty-five yearsof age at the time of his death. He was married in North Carolina to Miss Mary Stoop, a native of North Carolina, and of German origin. Five children were the fruits of this union, two of whom died when small and 10 one was killed at the same time as the father, when sixteen years of age. Those living are; Mary, wife of H. Tracey, and is now living in North Carolina, and J. M., the subject of this sketch. The latter commenced work for himself as a farmer in 1872, and cultivated the old home stead, which consisted of 510 acres, 150 under improvement. He was married November 7 of the same year to Miss Nancy Farril, a native of Mis- souri, and seven children have been the result of this union: Maud, born August 4, 1874; John, born January 4, 1876; Harry, l)orn April 21, 1878: Minnie. l)orn February 12, 1879: Luther, born April 15, 1881; Myrtie, bom Jnne 7. 1885, and Cnthliert, born May 20, 1887. Mrs. Pickren is the daughter of Wilson and Mary (Grubl)^ Farril, and one of ten children, six now living: George, John, Mary, Nancy and Hardie. besides one in Ozark County. Mr. Pickren is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and also of the I. O. O F. ; and in his political views he is with the Democrats. Dr. G. \V. Ray, a prominent medical practi- tioner of Fulton County, Ark., was bom in David- son County, Tenn., May 8, 1831, being a son of Henry D. and Lamora (Glasgow) Ray, who were born in Brunswick County, Va. . and Davidson County, Tenn., January Vt, l.SOO. and l.SOS, and died in the latter State in 1865 and 1873, respect- ively. The father removed with his j)arents to Tennessee when fourteen years of age, his father being Patrick Henry Ray, a native of either Scot land or Ireland— not definitely known which. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and died in Virginia. The maternal grandparents, Jesse and Catherine Glasgow, were of Scotch descent, and were born in North Carolina. Jesse was also a Revolutionary soldier and was an officer in the Continental army. Dr. G. W. Ray is the eldest of seven children, two .sons and one daughter now living. After receiving his early education in the academic schools of Tenne.ssee he adopted medi cine as his profession and entered upon its prac- tice in his native State in 1856. At the same time he was in the wholesale liipior liusiness, follow- ing other occupations at various times until IS77, wlien he left Tennessee, and moved to Stoddard 208 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. County. Mo. Seven yeurs later lie came to Fnltou County, Ark. In 1868 he wedded Miss Susan Browning, who was born in Robertson County, Tenn. , but she lived only two years after her mar- riage. December IS, 1888, he took for his second wife Mrs. A. C. Jeffrey, nee Cunningham. Mr. Jeffrey was a very intelligent and influential citizen, and was the author of a descriptive history of Fulton and Izard Counties, being the editor of a newspaper in the latter county. He and his wife (now Mrs. Ray) became the parents of three sons and one daughter: Curren, Lulu, Robert and Mit- chell. In 1862 Dr. Ray recruited a company of soldiers in Robertson County, Teun. , and served as its captain until near the close of the war. He was also assistant surgeon of his regiment, and was in the battles of Fort Donelson and others. He is now a Democrat in his political views, but was formerly a Whig, and cast his first presidential vote for Gen. Scott. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and for many years has been one of the active and successful practitioners of the county. His wife belongs to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. W. P. Rhea, of the mercantile firm of W. P. Rhea & Co., of Salem, Ark., was born in East Tennessee in 1831. and while growing up attended Maryville College, receiving educational advan- tages which he improved. He was married, in 1855, to Miss Sarah Pile, who was born in East Tennessee September 30, 1836, and the following are the children born to their union: Laura E. (wife of R. A. Robins), David C, Joseph M., Mar- garet L. (wife of A. W. Ellis). Edmund G., Bet- tie E., Rob Preston, Kittie (who died in infancy), Oscar Lee and Holmes G. In 1866 Mr. Rhea emi- grated to Arkansas, thinking to l)etter his worldly condition, and after residing in this county for some time, and his many admirable qualities be- coming known, he was elected to the offices of cir- cuit clerk, ex-officio county clerk, clerk of the pro- bate court, and county recorder, holding these responsible positions for ten consecutive years. Since 1883 he has also been engaged in mer- cantile business, but is now retired, his establish- ment being managed by his two partners, R. A. Robins and Arch. Northcutt. Mr. Rhea served in the late war for three years, under Gen. Long- street, and was in a number of fiercely contested engagements. He has since been a Democrat in his political views, and has always been deeply interested in the cause of education. He is a mem ber of the Presbyterian Church. He is the owner of 600 acres of fertile land. He was next to the youngest of eleven children, eight of whom grew to maturity, born to Joseph M. and Kittie (Myers) Rhea, who were born in East Tennessee and Berk- eley County, Va., May 14, 1787, and July 28, 1788, respectively. The father was a farmer and school- teacher by occupation, was reared in his native State, but was married in the "Old Dominion." He served in the War of 1812, and was in Canada during that time as private secretary to one of the officers of the army. He spent the remainder of his life in Tennessee, and died August 14, 1860. his wife having died February 25, preceding. Matthew Rhea, the grandfather of our subject, was born in Scotland, and was an early emigrant to America, and took an active part in the Revolu- tionary War, being a major in the Continental army. After the close of that conflict he settled in Tennessee, and was for many years clerk of Sulli van County, and held various other civil positions in the county. He died at about the age of sixty years. The maternal grandparents. Charles and Ann (Care) Myers, were Virginians, and were of German and French descent, respectively. R. A. Robins, of the above mentioned firm, and a pros- perous young financier of the county, was born in Izard County, Ark., in 1852, and is a son of A. A. and Indiana (Pritchett) Robins, the former being a Virginian, who grew to manhood in his native State, but removed to Tennessee at an early day, and still later to Izard County, Ark. , where he followed the occupation of carpentering R. A. Robins was educated in Philadelphia, of his native county, and upon reaching a suitable age, entered mercantile pursuits as clerk in a general store in Batesville, Independence County, Ark. He re- mained here ten years, and then came to Salem, and in 1883 became a member of the present firm. He owns some valuable town property, and was :>: FULTON COUNTY. 2m marriod. in 1S(S2, to Miss Laura E. Rhea, wlio was horn in Tennessee. They have two located between Myatt and South Fork Creeks. One hundred acres are under cultivation. He is a member of Myatt Lodge No. 401, of the A. F. & A. M., and in his political views is a Democrat, having cast his tirst presidential vote for Pierce. He and wife are members of the Protestant Methodist Church. Thomas G. Sears is another successful tiller of the soil of Fulton County who has secured his possessions by energy, determination and judicious management. He is a Georgian, born in Octo- ber, 1824, and is a son of Wyatt and Frances :"?" 30(1 HTSTOEY OF ARKANSAS. (Satterwbite) Sears, both natives of North Caro- '; lina, who died in Georgia in 18(53 and 1868, re- j spectively. They were married in their native j State, and thi'oughout his life the father was an industrious tiller of the soil Thomas G. Sears, the fourth of their ten children, was educated in the common schools of his native State. Like I the majority of sons he followed the occupation in which his father had always been engaged, and to which he was reared, and up to the present day j has made that his calling. In the year 1875 he moved to Izard County, Ark., and in 1880 settled on the farm of 280 acres where he now lives. He has ninety acres under cultivation. In 1846 he was married in Georgia to Miss Sarah E. Payne, who was born in South Carolina in 1826, the daughter of Enoch and Sarah Payne, both natives of the "Palmetto State," who died in Georgia. Eight children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Sears, but the following five are the only ones now living: Enoch G., Martha L. (wife of William Hollingsworth), James, Frances (wife of William Cochran) and Thomas. When the war had l>een going on for two years Mr. Sears enlisted as a pri- vate in Beauregard's battery and served imtil June 20, 1865, proving himself an eflScient and trustworthy soldier. He was formerly a Whig and cast his vote for Henry Clay for the Presidency, but since the war has been a Democrat. He and family are all members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, with the exception of one son. who he- longs to the Baptist Church, and all are substan- tial and law-abiding citizens. The children who are deceased are William T. , who died at the age of three months; Sarah E. , whose death occurred when fourteen years of age, and an infant. Ephraim Sharp, an old resident, and a leading merchant and farmer of the county, and proprietor of a cotton-gin and flour-mill at South Fork, in Myatt Township, twelve miles east of Salem, was born in Decatur County, Ind. , June 23, 1833, and is a son of John E. and Susan (Armstrong) Sharp, who were born in Pennsylvania in 1802, and in Ohio in 1800, respectively. The father now resides in Decatur County, Ind.. and, although he is eighty -seven years of age, takes a number of newspapers, and is able to read them by lamplight without his glasses. He has always followed farm- ing as an occupation, and is of Dutch-Irish ances- try. His wife died in Decatur County. Ind. . in 1842, as did his father. John Sharp, who was born in Pennsylvania, his death occurring in 1842. Ephraim Sharp is one of two surviving members of a family of seven children, and was reared in Decatui' County, Ind., to which place his parents moved about 1826. He attended the common schools, and at the age of twenty-one years left home and came to Lawrence County, Ark. , where he made his home until 1867. when he moved to his present property. His first purchase of land comprised 120 acres, but being a good business man he has increased this to 400 acres, and has 150 acres under cultivation, and everything about his place shows the energy and good management for which he has ever been noted. In 1868 he opened a general mercantile establishment under the firm name of Wainwright & Sharp, but in 1873 he purchased Mr. Wainwright's interest, and con- ducted affairs alone until 1884. when he sold out to Dr. J. S. Risher. He repurchased the goods the following year, and has remained proprietor of the same ever since. In 1875 South Fork post- office was established at Mr. Sharp's store, and he was appointed postmaster, which he has since re mained, with the exception of one year. He was married in Sharp County, Ark., November 22, 1858. to Miss Mary E. Wainwright, who was l)orn in Madison County, Ala., in June, 1833. Six of the seven children born to their union are now living: Martha M. , wife of Hardy Croom; Joanna C, wife of C. W. Culp; Sarah B., Johnnie (de- ceased), Thomas W., Hettie L. and Ollie J. In 1862 Mr. Sharp enlisted in the Confederate army, and was first lieutenant of Company L, Tappen's brigade. He served in this capacity two years, participating in the battle of Prairie Grove, and numei'ous skirmishes; then he was honorably dis- charged, and returned to his home in Indiana, where he remained until 1866. He is a member of Myatt Lodge No. 401, of the Masonic order, and in his political views is a stanch Democrat, having cast his first presidential vote for James Buchanan. FULTON COUNTY. 301 Ho Hiid iill his children, with tho exception of the youngest, are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Rev. J. L. Short, Sr. , a prominent agriculturist of Washington Township, Fulton County, Ark., and the son of Joab and Sarah (York) Short, was born in Franklin County, Tenn. , in 1824. His parents were natives of Rockingham County, N. C, and were of Irish descent. Joab Short was born on the 12tli of August, 1788, and died on the 1st of April, 1866. The mother was bora in 1790, and died in September, 1870. They left their native State about 1810, and moved to Tennessee. They were the parents of thirteen children, all of whom lived to be grown : Alpha, wife of E. Thacker; Omega, wife of A. Muse; Mary, wife of Rev. John Byrum; Gracie and July (twins), the former the wife of P. Holley, and the latter of F. M. Yell; Sarah, wife of Thomas Muse; Tabitha, wife of John Antney; Delia, wife of William W alsh (deceased); Caroline, wife of John Ross; J. L., Constant B. (deceased), Joab B., killed at the battle of Shiloh, and C. C. (deceased). Mr. Short was a Democrat in politics, and was a very prominent man in his section of the country. He was quite wealthy, and was the owner of a number of slaves. His son. Rev. J. L. Short, had all the advantages for a thorough education in his youth, enjoying opportunities above the average. Since then, by close study and observation, he has become a well informed man. He commenced work for himself at the age of nineteen as a tiller of the soil, and this he has followed since in connection with his pastoral work. His wife was formerly Misa Frances Hawkins, a native of Tennessee, whom he married on the 22d of November, 1842. One child was born to this union, named Sarah, who became the wife of J. W. Blanton, and now resides in Cooke County, Tex. Mrs. Short died in April, 1844, and our subject was married the sec- ond time to Mrs. Frances B. (Campbell) Short, widow of Col. A. M. Short, who was in the Mexi can \\ ar, and took part in some of the prominent engagements of that war. He was county clerk of Coffee County. Tenn. , at the time of his death, which occurred in 1852 or 1853. He left two children, J. L. , who lives in Fulton County, and is engaged in farming, and Nancy J., wife of John Pendergrass, who is a tiller of the soil and resides in Izard County. J. L. Short's second marriage occurred in 1857, and to this union were born eight children: Tabitha P., born on the 12th of December, 1860, is now at home; C. B., born in March, 1863, is married and lives in Izard County; M. L., born June 24, 1865; J. B.,born March 11, 1867; Julia F., born May 4, 1869, and the wife of Mr. Lavell; Manrie, lives in Fulton County; J. M., born April 5, 1872, and J. N., born June 24, 1875. Mrs. Short was born in 1831, and is the daughter of John and Helender (Neel) Campbell, natives of South Carolina and Virginia, respect- ively. Mr. Campbell was justice of the peace of his section for many years, was in very comfort- able circumstances and a much respected citizen. He was the father of eleven children: William (deceased). James, a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and ex -county treasurer of Coffee County, Tenn. (he is now living in the Lone Star State); Sarah, widow of R. Blanton, and Nancy, widow of Coleman Blanton, live in Ten- nessee; Caroline, widow of M. Holland, and now residing in Bedford County, Tenn. ; Armsted is a farmer and lives in Texas; Susan resides in Texas; Civility, wife of James Angle, resides in Texas; Frances B., Duncan, lives in Coffee County, Tenn., and John T. (deceased). Rev. J. L. Short has been a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church thirty three years, and his wife is a member of that denomination. He also belongs to the A. F. &, A. M., and in his political views affiliates with the Democratic party. He is the owner of 270 acres of land. Previous to coming to Fulton County he had lived in Izard, Independence, and other couu ties of the State. Hon. J. L. Short. Jr. The public services of Mr. Short have been characterized by a noticeable devotion to the welfare of Fulton County, and his ability and fidelity in his present position have made a lasting impression upon his sphere of public duty. Although a young man, his name has al- ways been closely identified with the interests of this section and he need have no fear as to his future prosperity. He was born in Coffee County, Tenn., in 1858, being the seventh of a family of nine children, all of whom are living, born to Rev. J. L. and Frances B. (Campbell) Short, both of whom were born in Tennessee, the former's birth occurring in 1824. They were reared, married and remained in their native State until 1870, at which time they settled in Izard County, Ark, moving afterward to Sharp County, and finally to Fulton County, where the father engaged in till- ing the soil and also preached the gospel, being a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He belonged to the White River conference and was a circuit rider. He and wife now reside in Fulton County. The paternal grandfather was a North Carolinian. J. L. Short, our subject, was placed in school as soon as a suitable age was reached, where the opportunities afforded were enjoyed and improved to the best advantage. He attended an academy and evening high school, and the reputation he now enjoys as a bright and able young lawyer was acquired through his own efforts and at the expense of diligent study and hard practical experience. He graduated from the law department of the University of Mississippi in 1881, and since 1886 has been one of the leading members of the legal fraternity in Salem. In 1888 he was elected to represent the county in the State legislature, and is discharging his duties to the entire satisfaction of his constituents. He is a Democrat, and a member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church. He was married in October, 1886, to Miss Josephine Roberts, who was born in 1869. Dr. Benjamin S. Thomason, of Fulton County, Ark., first saw the light of day April 1, 1841, in Dickson County, Tenn., and is one of eleven chil- dren born to John and Nancy (Swift) Thomason, natives of South Carolina and Tennessee, respect- ively. John Thomason was born in 1807 and came to Tennessee when yet a boy. In that State Mrs. Thomason was born in 1819. They were the par- ents of these children: James W. , who died in pris- on at Chicago in 1862; Elijah, who died in 1877: B. S., Hannah, wife of James W. Swindle and died June 5, 1881; John lives in Greene County, Ark. ; Elizabeth, wife of Peter Woods, and resides in Greene County: Nancy lives in Greene County: Richard lives in the same county; Jemimah. wife of Bud Newsom,of Greene County, Ark. , and Victoria, wife of John McMillan, of Greene County. John Thomason entered the service of the Confederate army in 1862 under Col. Knapper, and was in a number of battles. He was captured, sent to prison in Chicago, and there died in 1863. He followed trading as his occupation in life, and made a spec- ialty of negroes and land. His farm was culti- vated by negroes and whites. He always voted the Democratic ticket. Benjamin S. Thomason left the parental roof in 1859 and journeyed to Kentucky, where he remained for some time. He then returned to Tennessee, and made his home with his uncle for a number of years, and in the meantime attended school. He also clerked in a store until the breaking out of the late unpleasant- ness between the North and Sovith, when he en listed in the Eleventh Tennessee Infantry, Com pany C, William Green, captain, and commanded by James E. Rains. Mr. Thomason served from May 9, 1861, until the close of the war and jiartic- ipated in the most prominent battles. He was in the following engagements besides numerous minor ones: Barbersville, London Wild Cat, Fishing Creek, Goose Creek, Richmond, Perryville, Mur- freesboro, Shelbyville, Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain and Atlanta. His brother, Elijah, was in forty-three pitched battles, but was never seriously wounded. Benjamin S. Thomason was wounded at Murfreesboro in the left wrist and this disabled him from service for some time. He was taken prisoner at Thompson's Station, Tenn., and remained a prisoner at Fort Delaware for some time. When exchanged ho was in a very sorry condition. He surrendered at Memphis, Tenn., April 26, 1865. He was first married November 20, 1875, to Miss Ellen Cannoy, of New Madrid County, Mo. , and by her became the father of six children, only two now living: Hettie M. T., born January 19, 1880, and Benja min W. , born December 7, 1882. Mrs. Thomason died July 6, 1886, and Mr. Thomason then married Miss Mary F. Roby, of Fulton County, Ark., No- vember 4, 1886. One child was born to this union. FULTON COUNTY. iim |3 Jowie M.. whose l)irth occuired July '21. 1887. .Mr. Thomasoii is the owner of 210 acres of land, and is a very enterprisintj farmer. He and wife are members of the Christian Church. Mr. Thomason is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , and in his political views affiliates with the Democratic party. Dr. William A. Thompson, an eminent medical practitioner, who has recently located in Mammoth Spring, is a native of Pope County, III., where he was born December 22, 1852, being a son of Jacob A. and Polly (Shuffelbarger) Thompson, who were born in West Virginia in 1819 and Pennsylvania in 1824, respectively. The former, with his parents, was among the very earliest settlers of Pope Coun- ty, and there the latter couple died. Jacob Thomp son inherits Scotch and Irish blood from his parents, and has inherited many of the sterling qualities of his Scottish ancestors. He has been a farmer throughout life, is still residing in Pope County, and in his political views has always been a Dem- ocrat. He was a faithful .soldier for the Union cause throughout the Rebellion, and was a partici- ])ant in the battle of Pittsburg Landing, and nu- merous other important battles, and was promoted to the rank of orderly sergeant. He was one of the men who went through on the Gerrison raid. His wife died in Pope County the iirtt year of the war. having borne a family of eight children, only four of whom are now living: One a merchant in Alton, Mo., another a stockman of Kansas, one a minister of the gospel, and the Doctor. The latter was nine years of age when his mother died, and shortly after his father went to the war, and he was left to make his home with a neighbor. At the age of fourteen years he went to Northern Illinois, and reci'ivi'd excellent educational opportunities (which he did not fail to improve) in McKendrie College. St. Clair County, 111. In the spring of 1888 he was graduated from the Medical University of Louisville, Ky. , and after practicing a very short time in Stoddard County. Mo., he moved to Oregon County, where ho became a well ■ known and success- ful practitioner. Since the first of the year 1889 he has resided in Mammoth Spring, where he is win uing the contideuce and respect of all who know him. In March, 1S76, he was married to Miss Amanda Miller, who was born in Stoddard County, Mo., in 185(), and was there reared to womanhoo7 Hmuiihieys, liut be was called upon to monru her loss liy death in 1874. She left two children: Frank and Nora. He subsequently wedded his j)resenfc wife, whose maiden name was Saniantha Jeffrey. The following are the children which have been given them: Zula Lee. Nettie Medora, Lamar, Leila and Ethel. Dr. Watters is a Demo- crat, and has shown his brotherly spirit by becom ing a Mason. S. P. Welden, treasurer of Fulton County, Ark. , was born in Jackson County, Tenn. , June 15, 1S32, but was reared in the State of Kentucky, re- ceiving fairly good advantages for acquiring an education in the old subscription schools of early days. His boyhood days were spent in following the plow, and learning the blacksmith's trade, the two occupations receiving his attention for a num- ber of years. He was married at the age of twen- ty-four years, to Miss Elizabeth S. Duncan, in Bol- linger County. Mo. She was born in Livingston County, Ky., May 7, 183S, and to their union five children were born, all of whom have passed to their long home: Mary A., born December 27, 1857, died March 14, 1858; an infant, born May 6, 1859, died the same day; Madoriah F., l)orn July 20, 1860, died October 23, 1872; Ewell B., born February 2, ]8fi4, died DeQember Ifl, 1S82; and one other infant, born November 2, 1867, died the same day. Mr. ^'elden bought two quarter- sections of land in Fulton County, Ark., in 1868, and moved here in 1881. He resided on his prop erty until elected to the office of county treasurer in September, 1884, when he located at the county seat of Fulton County. He was re-elected in Sep- tember. 1 88(), and again re-elected in September, 188S, his majority being each year increased; and although he has only been a resident of the county a few years, he has become one of its prominent citizens, and is respected by all for his sterling in- tegrity, sound judgment and liberal, progressive ideas. He now owns over 000 acres of land in the county, ten forty-acre pieces being in one body. He is an old line Democrat, and is the master of Salem Lodge No. 418, of the A. F. & A. M. Mr. Welden was the third in a family of twelve chil dren, seven boys and five girls, eight of whom are now living, born to William Welden and wife, formerly a Miss Jones, the former being probalily a native of North Carolina, born June 12, 180'.), and the latter of Tennessee, born May 11, 180'J. William Welden moved to Tennessee with his fa- ther when young, and was there married to Mary K. Jones, subsequently following the occupation of farming. He is still living, and is residing at Pinkneyville. Livingston County, Ky. His wife died on the 18th day of March, 1865. The pater nal grandfather, Daniel Welden, was born in North Carolina, and died in Kentucky at the home of our subject, between ninety-tive and one hundred years of age. He was a veteran in the War of 1812, under Andrew Jackson. The great grandfather. Pines Welden, was a Revolutionary soMier. and was of Scotch Irish descent. Mfirion Whiteside is a residnit of Fulton County, Ark., who seems to be eminently fitted for the occupation of farming, for he possesses in- dustry and good business ability, and from earliest boyhood has been fanjiliar with the details of farm life. He was born in Oregon C!ounty, Mo., Oc- tober 11. 1850, but was reared in Fulton County., Ark., remaining with his parents until he at- tained his majority, and. although he received no schooling he became familiar with the details of farming and blacksmithing, which occupations his father followed. He has continued the former oc- cupation ever since starting out in life for himself, and since 1873 has lived on his present farm of 120 acres, fifty-five acres of which are under culti- vation. He has always been a Democrat political- ly, and his first vote for the Presidency was cast for Horace Greeley. He is now deputy assessor of his townshi]). has been constable of Mammoth Spring Townshiii two years, and has served seven years as school director, and is elected for two more years. He is a member of Mammoth Spring Lodge No. 48, of the I. O. O. F. July 7. 1S72. he was united in marriage to Miss Annis Moonoy. who was born in Dent County. Mo., about 1852. and by her he l)eeame the father of eight children, six of whom are living: Margaret E., Jackson F., IMarthaL., Josephine, Minnie A. and Monroe C. Mrs. \\ hiteside is a daughter of John and Mnr ^ a k^ 308 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. garet Mooiiey. who were native Tennesaeeans, and were early settlers of Deut County, Mo. The father died in that State, but the mother's death occurred in Arkansas. Mr. Whiteside is one of eight surviving members of a family of eleven children, nine of whom reside in Fulton Coun- ty, Ark., and one in Oregon County, Mo., born to Hayes and Sarah J. (Payne) Whiteside, who were born in Indiana and Missouri, in 1833 and 1836, respectively. The father was brought to Arkan- sas by his parents when nine years of age, and be- came a noted hunter of Fulton County and lived in this county until his death, August 27, 1879, still survived by his widow. The paternal grand- father, Thomas Whiteside, was a Virginian, and with his wife moved from that State to Indiana, at a very early day. and later to Fulton County, Ark., of which they were among the earliest set- tlers. He was also a noted hunter and while on a hunting expedition was taken sick and died in Independence County, Ark. His wife died in Ful- ton County, Ark. Dr. Joseph M. Wolf, a physician of more than ordinary ability, who has practiced his profession at Mammoth Sj)ring and vicinity since in August, 1887, is a native of Izard County, born in 1841, and the son of Maj. Jacob and Elizabeth (Sanders) Wolf, nee Lantz, natives of North Carolina anil Ohio, and born in 1785 and 1800, respectively. They were married in Izard County, where they came in 1817, and spent the rest of their lives there, the mother dying iu 1840, and the father in 1865. They were excellent people, and both were members of the Baptist Church, Mr. Wolf being an active worker in the same. Ho had been married three times, Mrs. Lantz being his second wife; she was the widow Sanders at the time of her marriage to Mr. Wolf. The latter was a black smith and farmer by occupation, and followed this all his life. He was major in the militia, and or- ganized a company to go to the Mexican War, but it was not received. He served one term in the council when Arkansas was a part of Indian Terri- tory, and was also a member of the State legisla- ture soon after the State was organized. He was a pioneer, and one of the representative citizens of the State. He traded with the Indians in the early settlement of the country, and was for some time engaged in flat-boating on the White River. His father, Michael Wolf, was a German soldier in the War of 1812. He removed from North Carolina to Kentucky about 1796, and to Arkansas in 1817, where he received his final summons. Of the ten children born to Mr. and Mrs. Wolf, Dr. Joseph M. was the ninth in order of birth. He assisted his father on the farm, and received very little education until grown, when he attended school for about ten months at Mountain Home, Ark. He then went all through the war in the Confederate army, serving in various companies, but principally in the Fourteenth Arkansas Infan- try, Trans-Mississippi department. He was in the fights at Oak Hill, Pea Ridge, luka, Corinth, Port Hudson, Jenkins' Ferry, and many others. He siirrendered at Marshall, Texas, in May, 1865, and during his entire time of service was never wounded. In August, 1865, he began the study of medicine with his brother in-law. Dr. J. M. Casey, graduating from the University of Louis- ville, Ky. , in 1870, and began practicing near Jacksonport, where he lived five years. He sub- sequently removed to Baxter County, and from there soon after to Boone County, thence to Stone County, where he remained until he came to Main moth Spring, where he has })racticed successfully ever since. By his marriage in 1872, to Miss Sarah Sink, daughter of George and Sarah Sink, early settlers of Jackson County, Ark., there were born two sons, Montrose and Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Sink •died in Jackson County, Ark., where Mrs. Wolf was born. The latter died in Boone County in 1876. Mr. Wolf was married the second time in Stone County, in 1878, to Miss Effie, a native of North Carolina, boru in 1857, and the daughter of Ben- jamin R. and Mary J. Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. Eaton came to Washita County in 1865, and are now re siding in Van Buren County. To Mr. and Mrs. Wolf were born four children now living: Caddie. Gertrude, Liiuiie and Virgie. The Doctor is a Democrat in his political i)references, and his first presidential vote was for Seymour, in 1868. He is a member of Blue Mountain Lodge No. 202, A. CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. 309 F. & A. M., in Stone County, and has been sec- ^ at Mammoth Spring, an.l is vic...cliancellor. H.- retary of the same several times. He is also a , and wife are members in good standing in th.- member of Spring River Lodge No. 49. K. of P., Baptist Church. AiL^ ' >i * * i *- ;iaif 11 x¥m -^•i-fr Ou.\ionKAD County— LocATio>f and Dksckii'tion-.Stkeams and Drainage— 'I'imbkk and .Sou, -Ki. SOURCES and Productions— Live Stock— Property, Heal and Personal— Popula- tion— Railroads— Settlement— County Organization- County Seat— County Buildings— Local Officers— Politics— The Courts— The Civil War- Towns and V"ili.a«es— County IJiogkaphy- Education— Religion. Tbcy slimined not labor when 'twas due. They wroiii>lit with right good will; And for the homes they won for them, 'J'heir children bless them still. — Anon. RAIGHEAD COUNTY, situ ated in Northeastern Arkan- sas, is hounded on the north Viy Lawrence and Greene Cotmties, Ark., and Dunklin County. Mo. : east by Mis sissippi County, south by Pomsett and west by Jackson County, Ark. Its length ea.stand west is forty two miles, and the width at different places is twelve, eighteen and twenty - one miles, including lakes, river beds and sloughs. Its entire area is 710 ifj:*3i: square miles, or 454, 100 acres, of which Tf(jj,)f' 405,430 are under taxation, and of the ■»lV whole area less than one-tenth is im- proved. The boundary lines are as follows: Commenc ing on the Fifth Principal Meridian at the inter- section of the line dividing Townships 14 and 15 north; thence east on the township line to the in- tersection of Cache River, in Range 2 oast: thence up stream with its meanders to the line dividing Townships 15 and 16; thence east on the township line to the St. Francis River in Range 7: thence up stream, with the meanders thereof, to the line dividing Sections 17 and '20. in Township 16, Range 7; thence east to the line dividing Ranges 7 and 8; thence south on the range line to the line dividing Townships 12 and Vi: thence west on the township line to the Fifth Principal Meridian; thence north on the meridian line to the place of beginning. Crowley's Ridge, from its continuation in Greene County, crosses the west centnil portion of Craighead in a southerly direction, lieing twelve miles or more in width at the northern boundary. and tirst widening and then narrowing down to a width of only about thi'ee miles near the southern line. The lands on the ridge are gently rolling, and gradually slope down to the l(>vel or bottom- lands on either side. The low or tlaf and mneh of T' :^10 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the swamp aud overflowed lands, the latter cousti- tiiting a large percentage of the area of the count}', will eventually become superior for farming and grazing purposes, when the timber shall have been cleared away and the drift removed from the water- courses. The St. Francis River flows from north to south across the eastern portion of the county, entering it over Section (i. in Township 1"), Range 7, and over Sections 1 aud 2, in Township 15, Range '). This stream varies in its width from a half mile to three miles. Its bed covers large tracts of land along its original channel which were sunk in the earthquakes of ISl 1 -1 'i ; and thus becoming covered with water they have since been known as the " Sunk Lands." Other tracts lying east of the St. Francis River were sunk in the same earthquakes, and are also called by a similar name. Clay, Greene and other counties in North- eastern Arkansas were likewise affected by these earthquakes. All that portion of Craighead Coun ty lying east of Crowley's Ridge is drained by the St. Francis River and its numerous tributaries. Cache River enters from the north at the north west corner of Section 2, Township 15, Range 2, and flows in a southerly and southwesterly direc- tion, leaving the county a short distance east of its southwest corner. With its tributaries it drains all that territory lying west of Crowley's Ridge. The water supply for all purposes is abundant. A number of good springs — especially on Crow- ley's Ridge — are foimd. and a liberal supply of good well water can, at all places, be obtained at an average depth of a) )out thirty feet, without blast- ing or boring through rock. Indeed from wells, cisterns and springs, besides the streams, an abun- dant supply of water may lie had for every needed purpose. The timber here is not unlike that of Clay and Greene Counties. On the ridge nearly all species of oak, gum, poplar, some pine, hickory, ash, etc., are common, while on the lower lands the oaks, gum, Cottonwood, cypress, hickory, a little wal- nut, tupelo, etc. , abound. The poplar and walnut have been largely cut out, but of several other varieties, especially oak, gum and cypress, a seem- ingly inexhaustible supply, excellent for saw tim- ber, remains; rail and building timber and wood for fuel are sufficiently plenty to last for years. The county has a variety of soil from the poor- est '"pipe" or white clay to the richest black sandy loam. Of the former there is but little. With proper cultivation all soils produce well. Experienced farmers claim that clover grows lux- uriantly on all except the white clay lands, where its roots heave out by the action of the winter frosts. However, on these lands herds-grass, or red top, stands through the winters, and succeeds well. The soil in general is thoroughl)' adapted to the raising of Indian corn, wheat, oats, cotton and all kinds of vegetables, also clover and the tame grasses, and tobacco. Fruits common to this latitude thrive splendidly. At this time lumbering is one of the leading industries and greatest sources of income to the community. Two stave factories and about fifteen saw mills are within the county, engaged in pre- paring lumber for shipment, and many logs are rafted out on the river ways. The largest revenue to the farmers is from the raising of cotton and corn, which yield probably a nearly equal crop. Some of the saw-mills have cotton-gins and grist- mills attached. The census of 1880 shows that there were 1, 130 farms in Craighead County, and 37,(378 acres of improved lands. From these the vegetable pro- ductions for the year 1879 were as follows: In- dian corn, 367,451 bushels; oats, 20,260 bushels; wheat, 15,552 bushels; hay, 206 tons; cotton, 4.374 bales: Irish potatoes, 4,806 bushels: sweet potatoes, 9,715 bushels; tobacco, 24.942 poiinds. In the growing of tobacco the report shows that Craighead ranked as the sixth count}' in the State, notwithstanding its small population and small area of improved lands. These figures will be interesting to compare with the forthcoming cen- sus of 1890, which will show a large increase in improvements, and a corresponding advance in vegetable productions. The same census gives the live stock within the county in number as follows: Horses, 1,817; mules and asses, 778; neat cattle, 10,691; sheep, 2,615; !£: CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. 811 hogs. 20, IS'2. The returns as indicated on the aissessment books for 1888 are: Horses, 2,541; mules and asses, 967; cattle, 12,191; sheep, 2,217; hogs, 15,053. By comparison it is seen that siucio 1880 the number of horses has more than trebled, tlie number of mules, asses and cattle has largt^ly increased, while there has been a small decrease in the number of sheep, caused, probably, by the re- duction in the price of wool. The showing of the census of 1890 will be of much advantage to this territory. In 1880 the taxable wealth of the county was assessed as follows: ileal estate, $535,011; per- sonal property, $280,025; a total of $816,236, on which taxes for State, county and all purposes, to the amount of $11,150, were charged. In 1888 real estate, including the railroads, was assessed at $1,817,464, and the personal property at $821,- 264, making a grand total of $2,638,728, with $40,841.33 as the total amount of taxes charged. These figures demonstrate the great increase in taxable wealth. The personal property alone now exceeds in value the entire taxable wealth of the county in 1M80 — conclusive proof of the wonder- ful and rapid development of the resources of the county. The railroads, which constitute large propor tions of the taxable wealth, were assessed in 1888 as follows : Helena Branch of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, $181,000; St. Louis, Arkan sas & Texas, $238,637.52; Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis, $283,212.95; total, $702,850.47. All of this has been added to the county since 1880. Craighead has no bonded debt, but has a floating debt, on outstanding warrants, of about $7,500, which will soon be canceled. No better argument than the facts and figures mentioned, coupled with the mild and genial climate where extremes of heat and cold are never felt, and where the peojile are hospitable and gen- erous constituting excellent society — can be offered in favor of inducing immigration. Here the moral, sober and industrious man can find and obtain everything so desirable, and while, per- haps, one may not rise by magic to positions of affluence or perfect independence, he may be as- sured of the certain success of proper application and itidustry. In 1860 the population of Craighead County was 3,066, of whom 88 were colored; in 1870, 4,577, with 253 colored; in 1880, 7,037; colored, 261. There is no means of obtaining the popula- tion of the county at this writing, but it is safe to estimate it at much more than double that of 1880. The Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Rail- road, completed in 1883, enters the county near the northwest corner, and runs in a southeasterly direction through and across by way of Jonesboro and Nettleton. The length of its line within the boundary is twenty six miles and 4,206 feet. The Helena Branch of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad enters on Section 3. Township 15, Range 5, and runs thence in a southerly direc- tion, bearing slightly to the westward, clear across the county by way of Nettleton. three miles southeast of Jonesboro. Its length is twenty and sixty-four onehundredths miles. The St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Railroad reaches the county line by the side of the Helena Bi-anch of the St. Louis, Iron Monntaiu & Southern Rail road, which it follows for several miles; then turn- ing to the westward, it passes through Jonesboro, and afterward runs in a southwesterly ilirection through the remainder of the county. Its length is twenty-eight miles and 1.953 feet. The combined length of the main lines of these three railroads within the county is seventy-five miles and 4,31.S feet. These railroads give an advantageous outlet to all points of the compass. But few counties, even in old settled communities are so favored with railroad and shipping facilities. Entrance into the territory composing Craig- head County began about the year KS30, and among the first settlers was a Mr. Martin, who chose a location some five miles south of the present site of Jonesboro. He was probably the first permanent resident. Other very early set- tlers wore Rufus Snoddy. Daniel O'Guinn. Yancey Broadaway and Joshua Grinder. John Hamilton. Asa Puckett and Eli Quarles settled in the Broad- away settlement, a few miles west of the site of Jonesboro. Uncle JackPearce, John and Thunias 312 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Simmons took up their residence in the Grinder settlement, a few miles southwest of that place. Perry Osborn, James Stotts, Hardiman Puryear and his son, William, the latter now living near Jonesboro; D. R. Tyler, the McCrackens, Elias Mackey, Henry Powell and William Q. Lane were all pioneers to this locality. In 1840, John An- derson and his son, John S., the latter now living in Jonesboro, settled on Big Creek, in the north- west part of the county. Christopher and George Cook located on the same creek. The Puryears in 1840 made a home in the southern part. William Pnryear opened the first store in the county at his present home near Jonesboro, haul- ing his goods from Memphis. He gave $8 per sack for salt, the sacks weighing from 200 to 250 pounds each, and for many other necessaries of life corresponding prices were paid. During one season, about the year 1 854, his purchase of furs from the pioneer settlers and subsequent sales amounted to $3,700. In "early days," every- thing was of a primitive order. The pioneers wore their homespun clothing, also making garments out of the skins of animals. Many of the women had no shoes to wear except moccasins, made of skins with the flesh side turned out, and on fre- quent occasions the men attended religious services barefooted, and the women with moccasin shoes on. None but the survivors can form a proper concep- tion of the hardships endured by the pioneer set- tlers. Prior to the war period immigration to the new territory was extremely slow, and during that time it was at a standstill. Afterward it was re- newed, but did not increase very perceptibly until the completion of the railroads, since which time it has been quite rapid. As the county is new and but a small portion improved, there is room and excellent opportunities for thousands more to ob- tain homes within its borders. The county of Craighead was organized in ac- cordance with an act of the legislature of the State, approved February 19, 1859. Thomas B. Craig- head, then representing Mississippi and Critten- den Counties in the Senate, was opposed to the bill creating the new county, while William A. Jones, representing St. Francis and Poinsett Coun- ties in the same body, was its principal supporter. The bill was called up for passage when the form- er was absent from his seat, and upon returning he found that it had been passed, and that his own name had been inserted in the space left blank for the name of the county. In 1883, the legislature, upon the solicitation of certain individuals in the eastern part, divided the county into two judicial districts, the Western, to be known as the Jonesboro district, and the East- ern, as the Lake City district. The range line be- tween Ranges 4 and 5 was made the dividing line. Two years later (in 1885) the legislature changed the line between the districts to the range line dividing Ranges 5 and 6, and in 1887, it passed another act by which Sections 5. 6, 7, 8, 17, 18 and 19. in Township 13, Range 6, were taken from the Eastern and attached to the Western district. The probability is that the districts will, ere long, be abolished and the county placed as it formerly was, under the management of one seat of justice. AViout two years after the county' s.organization, the site of Jonesboro was selected for the ])ermHnent seat of justice, and before long a two-story fi'ame court-house, with the county offices below and the court room above, was erected on the public square, where the present one stands. This building stood until February 14, 1869, when it was consumed by lire. A company of the State Militia, who had lodged in it the previous night (fire being discov- ered shortly after their departure), were charged by some with having set it on fire, while others, more charitably inclined, deemed the burning a re- sult of unintentional carelessness. A frame store building on the west side of the square, was then rented and used as a court-house, until 1876, when it also was burned. Marion Sanders was indicted for the destruction of this building, was tried, found guilty, and sentenced to serve a term of two years in the penitentiary. A similar building was then erected on the same ground, and used as a com-t-house until 1878. when it was consumed in a general fire, in which eight buildings were destroyed. In these several fires the early public records of the county were all destroyed. The present court house was completed in the summer of 1886, by the contractor. W. C. Clark, of Little Rock, at a total cost of $lt), 500. It is a siil)stiui- tial two- story brick structure, with five rooms and a fire-proof vault for the records on the first floor, and the court and jury rooms on the second. It is finished in modern architectural style, with a tower and town clock, and is a handsome, attrac live building. The only jail the county has ever had is a small log building, a portion of which is still standing a little distance north of the northwest corner of the public square. The seat of justice for the Lake City district is at the town of Lake City, where the county owns no liuildings, but rents a small frame building for a court-house. The following is a list of the names of the of- ficers of Craighead County from its organization, with the date of their terms of service. Judges: Isham Fuller. 1859-60; Sam P. Trice, 1860-62; A. C. Huston. 1862-64; J. S. Anderson, 1864-66; J. M. Cumutt, 1866-67;* James Carson, 1867-72; J. H. West. 1874-76; W. S. Stepliens. 1876-80: J. M. Raines, 1880-82; L. W. Loftis, 1882-86; J. H. Edwards, present incumbent, first elected in 1886. Clerks: L. H. Sntfin, 1859-64; F. M. Davis, instead of Sutfin, from January, 1864; A. Lynch, 1864-66: L. H. Sutfin, 1866 to October, 1867; R. H. McKay fi-om October, 1S67 to 1872; J. C. Knight. 1872-76; Jacob Sharp. 1876-86: J. H. Maiigrum, present incumbent, first elected in 1886. Sheriffs: William T. Armstrong, 1859-60: W. T. E. Armstrong, 1860-62; William Puryear, 1862-65; W. T. E. Armstrong from January, 1865 to 1866; J. G. Wood, 1866-67; W. H. Nes- bitt, 1867-72; Samuel Nash, 1872-74; D. H. Thorn, 1874-80: William T. Lane, present in- cumbent, first elected in 1880. and re-elected, has since served continuously. Treasurers: Thomas Nelson, 1859 60; S. W. Chisenhall, 186(1 64: C. Sharp, 1864-65; L. W. Loftis, 1865-68; T. S. Ray, 1868-74; E. Watkins, 1874-78; A. S. Nash, 1878-80; J. M. Minton, 1880-82; AV. F. Little, 1882-86; J. D. C. Cobb, ♦James Carson from October. 1867, vice Cumutt, re- moved. 20 1886-88; a. \V. Cook, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Coroners: R. H. McCoy, 1859-60; Uriah Kel- lar, 1860-64: L. W. Loftis, 1864-65: J. H. Gam- ble, 18()5-68; J. Hargruves, 1868-71: J. H. Steph- ens. 1871-72; John Tanehill, 1872-74; A. N. Couch, 1874-76; R. Rol)ertson, 1876-78; A. N. Couch, 1878-80: H. Dorton, 1880-86; David Cal- vert, 1886-88; M. D. Willey, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Surveyors: J. N. Bnrk, 1859-62; S. M. Odeu, 1862-64; A. J. Barnett, 1864-66; E. A. Albright, 1866-68; Joseph New.son. 1872-73: J. W. New- son, 1873-78; W. M. Armstrong, 1878-80; T. M. Boyd, 1880-82; G. B. Hopkins, 18.82-84; T. M. Boyd. 1884-86; J. H. Burk. present incumbent, first elected in 1886. Assessors: W. T. E. Armstrong, 1868-72; D. M. Goodman, 1872-73; C. W. Covender, 1878 74: J. M. Raines, 1874-76; J. R. Rutfin, 1876- 78; J. Broadaway, 1878-84; R. L. Collins, present incumbent, elected in 1884, re-elected and served continuously since. Representatives: Z. Stoddard was the first reji- resentative of Craighead County, and J. A. Meek is the present one. The political aspect of Craighead County may be seen by reference to the number of vot(>s cast at the September election in 1888, for the candi- dates for governor, as follows: James P. Eagle. Democrat, 1,386; C. M. Norwood, com 1 lined op position, 662. The number of votes ca.-^t in the county at the November election in 1888, for the presidential candidates, were: For Cleveland, 1,212; for Harrison, 217; for Streeter, 147. Upon the organization of the county the courts were held, as provided in the creating act. at the store-house of William Puryear. at his pres- i*nt residence near Jone.sboro, where future ses- sions were held until the site for the seat of justice was selected and a court-house erected. The county court holds its regular sessions at Jonesboro, commencing on the first Mondays of January, April, July and October of each year, and continuing as long as the Imsiness requires. It has jurisdiction over the county business in both ^^ 314 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. judicial districts, but does not meet in the Lake City district. The regular sessions of the probate court are held in the Jonesboro judicial district, commenc- ing on the second Mondays of January, April, July and October of each year, and in Lake City judicial district, commencing on the fourth Mon- days of the same months. It continues '"from day to day until the business is disposed of. " ' The regular sessions of the circuit court for the Jonesboro district commence on the sixth Monday after the first Monday of February and August of each year, and for the Lake City district, on the fifteenth Monday after the first Monday of the same months. * This coiu-t has fortunately never been overburdened with criminal trials in this county, because of the absence of unlawful citizens. A few murders have been committed, but no legal executions have followed. Some years ago a negro murdered Miss Mattie Ishmael at her father's house, a few miles north of Jonesboro. He and three other negroes, accessaries, were arrested and given a jireliminary trial before a justice of the peace. From the evidence it appeared that the negroes had contrived to steal money which thev thought to be in Mr. Ishmael" s house, and that the young lady, being the only one at home, was killed to enable them to accomplish the act. The justice of the peace found sufficient evidence to hold the negroes for the action of the grand jury, whereupon the citizens seized and hanged them until they were dead. The legal bar of Craighead County is composed of the following named attorneys: J. C. Brook- field, W. H. Cate, T. P. McGovern, J. C. Haw- thorn, J. A. Meek, S. A. Warner, N. J. Thompson, Will A. May, W. A. May wood. W. W. Nisbett, L. J. Wear, E. W. Hillis, E. M. Rolesou, H. J. Smith. Additional mention of the members of the bar is made on other pages. At the oiitbreak of the War of 1861-05, the citizens of Craighead County in their actions pur- sued the course most natural for tiiem. Being emigrants, or their descendants, from Tennessee *The time for convening at Lake City ias probably been changed by the last session of the legislature. and other Southern States, they were almost unan- imousl}- in favor of the Southern cause, and eonse quently did what they could in its behalf, by fur nishiug soldiers for the Confederate army. The first company in the county was organized in ISfil. and was commanded by Capt. J. M. Pollard. It served iu the Thirteenth Arkansas Infantry. The next company, raised in the winter of 1S62-63, was commanded by Capt. J. D. Hillis. It served in Col. O. P. Lyle's Twenty-third Arkansas Infantry. The next company was that of Capt. M. A. Adair, which served in Col. Young's regiment of Arkan- sas infantry. Another, commanded l>y Capt. J. G. W'ood, was raised in Craighead and Greene Coun- ties, but mostly from the former. It served in a battalion of Col. Kitchens' regiment of Arkansas troops. Another company raised in 1864 in this and Jackson and WoodrufP Counties, by Capt. J. B. Hillis, hadaliout one-fourth of its men from this county. A few individuals joined companies or- ganized outside. No body of troops were organ- ized here for the Federal army. A few individu- als may have joined regiments from the North after their removal from this locality. The only action that took place within the county during the war, was a tight at Jonesboro in 1863, between two companies of Confederate troops, commanded, respectively, by Capts. Adair, of Craighead, and Allen, of Clfiy Counties, and a de- tachment of a Federal regiment, commanded by Col. Daniels. The latter had stopped in the town and were attacked by their enemies, and driven out. In the contest about thirty were killed and wounded, principally Federals. A portion of Mar- maduke's army moved through the county, on his retreat from Missouri, and some Federal commands also passed through. It was, however, not much over-rtin, and did not sittfer from the devastations of war such as fell to the lot of many other coun- ties within the State. Among the recent immigrants from the North are many ex Federal soldiers, and their friendly intercourse shows that the battle-ax has long since been buried. Craighead is favored with a usual quota of towns, so essential to any community. Bay, a small place situated on the Kansas City, Jackson CouMrr, Arkansas. / 4^ CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. 3ir. Fort Scott & Memphis Railroad, ten miles southeast of Joiieshoro. contains a postoffice, three or four stores, a saw-mill, two churches, two boarding houses, etc. Bono, a station and postoffice on the same rail- road, ten miles northwest of Jonesboro, is but a small village. Biouklaiid, on the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Railroad, eight miles northeast of Jonesboro, contains tTireo general stores, one di'ug store, two hotels, a church and school-house. Culberhouse. on the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Railroad, one and a half mile below Bay, has a postoffice, store, boarding-hous<>. and saw- mill. Dee, a station on the Iron Mountain Railroad eight miles south of Jonesboro, contains two stores, two churches and two saw-mills. Gilkerson is on the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Railroad, nine miles southeast of Jonesboro. A postoffice, store, and a grist and saw- mill and cotton-gin coml)ined comprise its interests. Greensboro, a very old village and formerly a place of much business, eleven miles east of north from Jonesboro, has within it a postoffice, two or three stores, two churches and a school- house. Gubertown is a post hamlet in the northeastern part of the county. Jonesboro, the county seat of Craighead County, was established when its site was selected for the permanent seat of justice. It was named ill honor of William A. Jones, State Senator for the counties of St. Francis and Poinsett, for his able support of the act creating the county. Lo- cated on a beautiful site at the crossing of the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Railroad and the Kan- sas City, Fort Scott &, Memphis Railroad, it is near the center of the territory whose capital it is. William Puryear moved his store from his farm to the town site and became its first merchant. At the beginning of the Civil War the place con- tained about ir)0 inhabitants. After the close of that struggle it contiiuKid to grow, but slowly, so that in 1880, it had three or four small stores and some other business enterprises, and a population of from 200 to ;50l). Upon the completion of the railroads through the county in 1882 and 1883, en- terprise was awakened, and now, according to an actual and careful census just taken within the corporate limits, the population numbers 2,240— 1,954 white, and 280 colored. To this number should be added about 300 for those living just outside of the corporation. On Saturday, April 27, 1889, about forty business houses and residences, including some of the best of both within Jonesboro, were swept away by devouring flames, causing an estimated loss to the property owners of about §175,000. The burnt district lies immediately north and northeast of the public square, on both sides of the street leading to the Union Depot. Before this occurrence the town contained the Bank of Jonesboro, six general stores, ten groceries, eight drug stores, one hardware store, one hardware and grocery store, three dry goods stores, one clothing store, one undertaker's store, twelve hotels, five barber shops, several temperance saloons, several blacksmith and other mechanical shops, two corn- mills, three planing-mills, two saw- mills, one stave factory, three brick yards, three lumber yards, four church (edifices, a largo and new two-story brick school-house with six rooms, costing $7,000, the Union Depot, round house, two freight depots and other railroad l)uildings, a number of restaui'- ants, boarding houses and business bouses not here enumerated. The property Inu-ned consisted of stores, warehouses, livery staljle, the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church, the Southern Hotel, residences, etc., etc. In addition to the foregoing the city contains two weekly newspapers. The Jonesboro Times and The Craighead County Sun, both well edited, and both devoted to the general interests of the county and its people. The Times is published by J. D. C. Cobb & Son, and The Sun by Emmet Rudgers. The Times lost its press and some othi>r property in the late fire, but did not miss its regular ])ul)li cation. Jonesboro has a lodge and chapter of the Ma- sonic fraternity, a lodge and encampment of Odd Fellows, a lodge each of the Knights of Honor. \ « 316 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Knights and Ladies of Honor, Knights of Pythias, Kuights of Labor, and other societies; also six physicians and oae dentist. The place was incor- porated February 2, 1883, as a city of the second class. Its present officers are N. J. Thorn ()sou, mayor; J. W. Mackey, recorder; I. J. Stacey, treasurer, and J. J. Rooney, marshal. Jonesboro is so pleasantly and advantageously located that it is a desirable place of residence. Its residences in the shady forest surrounding the business por- tion of the city al-e both attractive and comforta- ble. Though individuals have suffered by the late devastating elements the loss v?ill soon be re- covered, proving, perhaps, a siabstantial l)lessiug, as brick will take the place of wooden buildings. Lake City, the seat of justice of the Lake City district, was established soon after the Civil War as a boat-landing on the St. Francis River. It contains the court-house, postoffice, two stores, two hotels, a church and school -house. Macey is a postoffice in the extreme northeast corner of the county. Nettleton, at the crossing of the railroads three miles southeast of Jonesboro, contains a po.stoffice. three or four business houses, etc. Stottsville, in the extreme eastern part of the county, has a postoffice, store, saw and grist-mill and cotton-gin combined, a church and school- house. Wardsdale, on the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Railroad, thii-teen miles southwest of Jonesboro, contains a postoffice and saw-mill. No adequate educational facilities existed with- in the county prior to the inauguration of the free school system. There were, however, a few sub- .scription schools taught here and there in the most thickly settled neighborhoods, the terms being for three months in a year. The following statistics from the report of the State superintendent, for the year ending June 30, 1888, will prove of inter- est to those whose sympathies are with this worthy movement. Scholastic population: White, 3,988; colored, 160 — total, 4,148. Number of pupils taught in the public schools: White, 1,95'.); colored, 3(3 — total, 1,*JU5. Number of school districts, 56. Number of teachers employed: Males, 32; females. 15 — total, 47. Average monthly salaries paid teachers — tirst grade, males, $51); females, 145,10:' second grade, males, $40; females, $37.30; third grade, males, $33.35; females, $32.50. Revenue raised for the support of the common schools, total amount, $20,595,64; amount expended, $9,142,53; balance unexpended, $11,453,11, These figures indicate that less than one-half of the white, and less than one-fourth of the colored scholastic popu- lation were taught in the public schools during the year. However, considering the short time in which the free school system has been in existence, and the distance the children of sparsely settled sections of the county have to travel to attend, it may be considered a fair showing. When the county becomes more thickly settled and more school-houses are erected, a much larger attend- ance will result. The wages paid for teachers of the first grade is sufficient to secure able and com- petent instructors. Of the Missionary Baptist Church, the pioneer organization of this religious denomination within the territory composing Craighead County is that known as Macedonia, six miles northeast of Jonesboro. It was formed prior to 1846. Next was the Jonesboro Church, organized some ten years later. Other organizations have since been formed from time to time until they now number twelve, and are named as follows: Antioch, Black Oak, Bethabra, Enterprise, Hermon, Jonesboro, Liberty. Macedonia, New Hope, Oak Grove, Philadelphia and Rock Hill, with an aggregate membership of about 800. The pastors of these churches, so far as given in the minutes of the Mount Zion Association, are J. F. Mills, at An- tioch; E. P. Minton, at Black Oak and Liberty; W. G. Stamper, at Bethabra; M. Ball, at Jones- boro; J. T. Arrington, at Macedonia, New Hope and Oak Grove* J. M. Raines, at Philadelphia, and Thomas Williams, at Rock Hill. Of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, the Jonesboro Station, W. D. Matthews, pastor, has 160 or more members. The Jonesboro Cir- cuit, M. J. Hively, pastor, consists of five organi- zations: Pleasant Grove, Marvin, Bay, Forest Home and Hope, with a membership of 400. ^^ Lake City Circuit, S. G. Lape, pastor, consists of four organizations, viz. : Hollywood, Forest Chapel, Pleasant Valley and Lake City. ShiloL Circuit. John Edison, pastor, consists of seven or- f^anizations, viz. : Trinity, Oak Ridge, New Hope, Colwell's Chapel, Shiloh, New Haven and Union Grove, with an aggregate membership of 432. Buffalo Island Mission has seven appointments or preaching places: Trinity, Young's Chape], Huntou's Chapel, Poplar Ridge, Union School House and Black Oak, with an aggregate member- .ship of 152. Rev. A. S. Hilburn is pastor. Lake City Circuit was recently established, and a por- tion of its members were taken from the Jonesboro Circuit and Buffalo Island Mission, thus reducing their membership as above given. All the Meth- odist Episcopal Church organizations within the county belong to the Jonesboro District of the White River Conference, of which Rev. M. M. Smith, of Jonesboro, is Presiding Elder. The oldest Christian church organization here is Christian Valley, seven miles southwest of Jonesboro. It was organized soon after the Civil War. Other Christian churches are Hope, held in a school -house two miles southeast of Jonesboro, one at Jonesboro, one on Buffalo Island, and another in Texas Township. Together they ag- gregate a membership of about 350. Elder J. H. Terrell preaches at Hope and Christian Valley, and Elder W. Y. M. Wilkerson, at Buffalo Island. The Cumberland Pre.sbyterian Church has but one organization in the county, and that is at Jonesboro. It was organized in 1878, by Rev. J. D. C. Cobb, who has since continued to be its pastor. The membership numbers sixty. In 1887 this church society erected a line frame edifice at a cost of §2,000. It was consumed in the great fire at Jonesboro April 27, 1889. Until further ar- rangements are made the society will worship in the ilethodist Episcopal Church edifice. A society of seven or eight members of the Northern branch of the Presbyterian Church have a frame church edifice a few miles southeast of Jonesboro. The Roman Catholic Church has recently erected a small frame edifice in Jonesboro, the only one in the county. Nearly all of these denominations, excepting the latter, have Sunday-schools connected with them. Regular preaching services are held, and all are doing good work in the cause of Christian- ity. The county, though new, and with but ii small population, is well supplied with churches. James C. Anderson, an influential farmer of Craighead County, is a native of Bedford County, Tenn. The paternal grandfather, Isaac Ander- son, was a native of Virginia, and married Eliz- abeth Hunter, fi'om Maryland. They settled in Tennessee, and here Richard Anderson, the father of James C, was born. He gi'ew to manhood in that State, and married JIartha Campbell, also born and reared there. There are now four sur- vivors of their family of nine children. Richard Anderson served creditably as a captain in the late war, and was esteemed by all as a good soldier and a worthy citizen. He was an active member of the I. O. O. F. James C. also served in the late war as a lieutenant, and participated in a number of engagements, among them New Madrid and Island No. 10. He has now a large farm of 400 acres, much of which is excellent land, and under cultivation. His farm is well stocked with horses, mules and cat- tle. He was united in marriage with Susan Nance, a native of Tennessee, and after her death was again married, this time selecting Martha Jackson, who was born and reared in .Alabama. She came to Arkansas in 1870 with her father, who is a prominent citizen and postmaster at Bono. Eight children have been born to this union. Mr. An- derson is a member of the Masonic order and of the I. O. O. F. , and has occupied official chairs in Ijoth of these orders. He and his wife are memliers of the Methodist Church. Edwin G. BaiTett. Prominciil amimg tin- prosperous and intelligent young farmers of Craig head County, may be mentioned the name of Ed- win G. Barrett, a native of the county, born April 21, 1859. His paternal grandfather was Caswell Barrett, a native of South Carolina, who was reared in that State and all his life followed agricultural pursuits. He was born in 1793 and died in 1S30. S r- i. 318 fflSTORY OF ARKANSAS. His wife, Nancy (Ferguson) Barrett, also a native of South Carolina, was of Irish descent, and to their union were bom two sons and two daughters, the only survivor being Arthur J., who is now a prominent planter of Craighead County. He was born in Greenville District, S. C, Augu.st 31, 1821, and was reared on the farm, receiving a very good education. In 1858, to better his fortune, he con- cluded to come to Arkansas, and with his wife and three children and household goods, started in a wagon for this State. After traveling sixty days, he drove up and unhitched his wagon at his pres- ent farm, where he has lived ever since. There are 140 acres in the homestead, about ninety un- der cultivation, and he has also eighty-three acres of very rich land on the edge of ' ' Cache Bottom. ' ' He has always been a Democrat in politics, but has never aspired to office. Before the war, he was county surveyor for one term, and during the war was in the Confederate service. He was mar- ried October 11, 1849, to Eunice Barton, a native of Georgia, whose parents were Willoughby and Sarah (West) Barton, both natives of South Caro- lina. Her mother died in 1844, and her father afterward came to Arkansas and died in White County in 1862. Of Mr. and Mrs. Barrett's ten children, only five are living, viz., William F. (married to Marzee Watkins), Mary (wife of Pey- ton Watkins), Edwin G. (the immediate subject of this sketch), and Sarah and Eliza at home. Those deceased are: Albert, Gilford, Luther, John and Nancy. Nancy was the wife of S. A. Neal, and left three little children, Arthur, Marvin and Ida Myrtle. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett and their entire family are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and those deceased were members. Ed- win G. was reared on his father's farm, receiving a very fair education. He has been principally engaged in farming, but was for a while a clerk in the mercantile trade. He has a nice farm of seventy-five acres, forty of which are splendidly improved. January 20, 1885, he married Julia Dodds, a daughter of Allen and Julia (Saye) Dodds, residents of this county. This union has been blessed by two children: Alva and Margaret. Mr. Barrett is a man of strong political convictions. and is a Democrat. Both he and his wife are de- vout Christians, the former a member of the Mis- sionary Baptist Church, and the latter of the Methodist Episcopal Chru'ch, South. J. R. Blalack, was born in Monroe County, Miss., October 2, 1849. He is the son of Josiah and Elizabeth (Hendrix) Blalack, both natives of Mississippi. They twice came to Arkansas, but returned each time to their native home, where they both died — the father in 18G5 and the mother in the winter of 1885-86. They were the parents of eleven children, six of whom are now living, and four in this county: John, George, Willis and James R. , all farmers. J. R. Blalack was reared in his native State and obtained Imt a moderate education. When yet a young man he came with his father's family to Arkansas and located in Craighead County. In the spring of 1869 he was united in marriage with Sophia Miranda Herrin. a native of Georgia. After his marriage he farmed for awhile, then went to Prairie Coimty, Ark. , re- maining two years. Then he moved to Bourbon County, Kas. , and after eleven months returned to Arkansas. He was on St. Francis River two months, operated a cotton-gin on Big Bay for one year, then he came to his present farm, where he rented forty-five acres and a gin — ginning 300 bales of cotton that year. He then purchased thirty acres of land, added to it for two years, and for two years more ran a saw-mill. After another year of farming he bought ten acres of land, moved to his present location, and in connection with James M. Herrin erected a combined cotton- gin and corn-mill, which they operate together. By economy and earnest endeavor he has been generally successful. One of his farms contains 100 acres and the other forty, with two acres for a home place. He is a Mason, holding membershi]) in Jonesboro Lodge No. 129, and is a Democrat. He never sought office, but was always content to bear the brunt of the burden in the field or mills. He is the father of seven children : Aden C. , Philip C, Pervison W., Dell D., Modena, Taylor and Zenobia. John Boren (deceased) was a successful farmer and greatly respected citizen of Maumelle Town- V CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. •■uu ship. He was boru in Washington Couuty, Tenn., but was mostly reared in Macon County, N. C. , his 1 parents having gone there when he was a small , child. He remained there until 1859, when he came to Arkansas, locating on a place near Big Bay. With the beginning of the war he entered the Confederate service, and remained through the entire conflict, making a very creditable military record. He was in several engagements and had many narrow escapes ; he had been promoted to the office of first lieutenant when he was captured near Mount Vernon. He was then taken to Johnson's Island, where he was retained as prisoner for eight months. His comrades all remember him as a brave and gallant .soldier. He died August 29, 1809. His widow, whose maiden name was Char- lotte Gouldman, was born in Richmond County, Va. , in 1832, and is a daughter of Robert and Nancy (Parker) Gouldman, natives of the "Old Dominion."' Her father, who was a farmer by occupation, was born about 1803, and died in No- vember of 1838; the mother was born in July, 1805, and survived her husband until 1842. About a year jsrevious to her death she had moved with her family first to Tennessee and later to Alabama. Of the eight children born to this union, four ai'e still living. Mrs. Boren was the fourth child and grew to womanhood in Alabama, where she was first married to Benjamin C. Vick, a native of Limestone County, Ala., born, in 1827, and died July 29, 1860. Mr. and Mrs. Vick came to Ar- kansas in 1857, locating on the place where he soon afterward died, and where his widow still re- sides. He was a charitable and enterprising citizen and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They were the parents of six children, three of whom are living. William J. is a promising and sulistantial farmer and school teacher, educated at the Bethel Institute, Tenn. , who has taught school for eight years, and served as justice of the peace for ten. He married C. E. Tabor, a native of Kentucky. September 29, 1878, and they are the parents of three children: Mary, Benjamin and Willis. Frances M. and Benjamin C. are the two other children of Mrs. Boren by her first hu.sband. Those deceased were Joseph, Preston and an in- fant. To Mr. and Mrs. Boren were born three children: Maiy T., James C, and Martha L. (de- ceased). Mrs. Boren has a splendid farm, and displays much executive ability in its management. Simon M. Bowman. Prominent among the prosperous and enterprising citizens of Lake City Township may he mentioned the subject of this sketch, who is a leading farmer and stock raiser, and also proprietor of a cotton-gin and saw-mill. He vpas born in Henderson County, Tenn., in 1847, and is a son of Joshua and Sally (Easley) Bowman, natives of Tennessee. They were reared and married in the "Old Volunteer State," where the father died in 185(3. One year later the moth- er moved with her family to Arkansas, and located on the Maumelle Prairie in this county, where sh& remained until 1862, when she removed to Crow- ley's Ridge, returning but shortly afterward to the Prairie. To Mr. and Mrs. Bowman were born eight children, two of whom are now living: Simon M. and Mrs. Margaret Butcher. Mrs. Bowman was again married to Moses W. Lewis (now de- ceased), l)y whom she was the mother of one child. Perry E. Lewis. She married the third time, and after a life of charitable iisefulness, died aljout 1871. Simon M. Bowman attained his majority in this county, and in 1869 moved to the ])lace where he has since resided. He now has about 400 acres of land, with 110 imder cultivation, over sixty of which he has cleared and cultivated him- self. He has a good residence, tenant house, or- chard, etc. In 1888 he built a cotton gin and saw- mill in partnership with his half brother. Perry E. Lewis, and that year they ginned 127 bales of cotton. Mr. Bowman was first married in 1S68. to Miss Sarah Harris, a native of the State, who died in June, 1873, leaving two children, Melinda. and Perry, both now deceas(>d. For his second wife, he married his first wife's sister. Alice Har ris, the fruits of which union have been nine chil dreu. There are seven living: Mary, Oscar, Joliu, Rosa, Amos, Willie and Ada. Those deceased are Sally and Jimmie. Mr. and Mrs. Bowman are members of the Methodist Chin-ch. Jesse C. Broadaway was boru in Lincoln Coun ty, Tenn., October 27, 1829, and is the son of Yaucy and Elizabeth (Hodges) Broadaway, the for- mer born in North Carolina in 1801, the latter a native of Lincoln County, Tennesse. When the father was yet a boy, his parents moved to Tennes- see, where he was reared and educated in his wife's native county. Mr. and Mrs. Broadaway were the parents of eleven children, seven sons and four daughters, six of whom are still living, all in this county. Mr. Broadaway all his life engaged in farming and stock raising, and in Tennessee was very successful in that occupation, and was also elected to some local offices. He came to Arkansas in the fall of 1841, and here engaged in farming and reared his family. He was elected justice of the peace, and held that office for eighteen years; also served one term as county and probate judge. He and wife were devoted Christians, and zealous members of the Missionary Baptist Church. After a long life of usefulness, he died April 14, 1885, aged eighty-four years. His wife still survives him, and makes her home with one of her sons. The family is of English descent. Jesse C. Broad- away, the immediate subject of this sketch, is one of the thrifty and successful farmers of the county. He owns about 250 acres of good land, and of this has about seventy-five acres in a flourishing state of cultivation. November 15, 1855, he was married to Naucy Jane Harris, a native of Craig- head County, Ark., born November 18, 1837, and died March 29, 1885. Their union was blessed by eleven children, five of whom are yet living: William E., Y. E. W., Robert J., Leila L. and Lula L. George M. Broadaway, a substantial agricult- urist and stock dealer of Craighead County, was born in Lincoln County, Tenn., January 1, 1832, and is a son of Yancy and Elizabeth (Hodges) Broadaway, natives of North Carolina and Tennes- see, respectively [see sketch of Jesse C. Broad- away]. January 3, 1850, he was united in mar- riage with Delila Cline, who was born in Alabama August 21, 1836, and died December 23, 1861. Of this union two children were the issue: John C. and Andrew C. January 20, 1868, Miss Cyn- thia Barnett became his second wife. She is a native of Mississippi, and a daughter of John and Jane (Willhite) Barnett, natives of Middle Tennes- see, who came to Arkansas in 1864. Mr. Broad- away enlisted, in 1862, in the support of the Con- federate cause, and served until the sui-render. He has a large, nicely improved farm, and devotes much time and care to stock raising. He is a thorough Democrat, and in the supjiort of progress and enterprise, one of the foremost men of the county. Mrs. Broadaway is a member of the Baptist denomination, which church the family attend. Anderson K. Broadaway, a prominent mer- chant of Lake City, is a native of Craighead Coun- ty, born August 1, 1850. He is a son of Judge Broadaway [see sketch of Jesse C. Broadaway], and like his father, by energy, enterprise and strict integrity, has attained the position among his fellow citizens of a leading business man. He grew to manhood in this county, and remained at home until his father's death, in 1885. In early life he engaged in farming, but in 1883 began selling groceries in Jonesboro, and continued in that business for three years, at the same time dealing in railroad ties, timber, etc. In 1887 he piu'chased an established business at Lake City, and has since been enjoying a splendid trade in general merchandise. He keeps a good stock, and has established an enviable reputation for fair and strictly honest dealing. June 4, 1874, he was united in marriage with Julia Minton, a native of Alabama, and daughter of F. M. Minton. Their union has been blessed by two children: Ira Galon and Era E. Mr. Broadaway is a member of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, and both he and wife belong to the Missionar}' Baptist Church. J. C. Brookfield. a careful student, a fluent speaker, and an able and successful lawyer, is a pio- neer citizen of Northeast Arkansas, born in Law- rence County, Ark., July 14, 1829. The Brook- field family are of Scotch and English origin, and were early emigrants to America. Isaac Brook- field, Sr., the paternal grandfather of J. C, came with his wife, Hannah, from England, and set tied in Newark, N. J., and there they resided until their respective deaths. James Campbell, the maternal grandfather of our subject, was of ^'^ CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. :!21 Scotch -Irish descent; and his wife, whose maiden name was Wilson, was descended from the Khine Dutch, and was a sister of Col. Wilson, once speaker of the House of Representatives, who killed Col. Anthony in the State-house at Little Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell emigrated to Lawrence County, Ark., in the fall of \S]'2., and were among the very first settlers. About 1821 he was elected sheriff of the county, which then comprised several of the present counties, and served for some time in that capacity. Isaac Brooklield, Jr., the father of J. C, through the influence of Bishop Asbury, came from New Jersey to St. Louis in 1819, as a mis- sionary to the Indians. He was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was thoroughly edu- cated, and possessed that power and magnetism of speech and character so necessary to a successful preacher. In 1823 he married Nancy Campbell, and after locating settled in Lawrence County, where he continued his Master's work, and lived an earnest, zealous and consistent Christian life. In 1825 he began mercantile Vmsiness, his dry- goods, which were shipped from New York, being six months in reaching their destination; his gro- ceries were principally from New Orleans. He continued this business imtil ,his death, in 1844. His wife died in 1875. To them were born a family of six children. J. C. Brooklield was reared on the farm, receiving his education mainly at Batesville, Ark. After his father's death, he closed up the business, and engaged in rafting on the St. Francis River, thus earning sufficient means to educate himself. When twenty-one j'ears of age he began the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in Poinsett County, Ark., October 23, 1853. He immediately began practice in Harrisburg, and his practice, now extending over all adjoining coimties, still embraces that court. In 1883 he moved to Jonesl)oro, where he has since made his home. At the opening of the late war he was captain of a company of militia, and once served as deputy clerk of Poinsett County, but has never aspired to office, rather choosing to serve his party than ask of it official favor. He has been for many years a leading lawyer of North- east Arkansas, and enjoys, in its fullest extent, the love, respect and confidence of his people. He was first married, in 1855, to Susan C. Arledge, and to them were l)orn five children, two now liv- ing: Mrs. Mary L. Roleson and Mrs. Ida A. Ware. Mrs. Brooktield died in 1871, and three years later Mr. Brookfield was married to Mrs. Julia F. Pope, who was the mother of one child, Albert M. Pope. Mr. and Mrs. Brookfield are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and lie is prominent both as a Mason and an Oddfellow. Abraham Brown, farmer and stock raiser of Maumelle Township, is a son of David Brown, a native of North Carolina, and was born in Hay wood County, N. C, October (1, 1832. The father was reared in his native State and married Rhoda Chastine, a native of South Carolina. After his marriage he moved to Georgia, where he engaged in both farming and blacksmithing for a numl)(>rof years. In 1858 he came to Arkansas, locating on Crowley's Ridge, in Poinsett County, where he re- sided until his death, in August, 1858. He had lost his wife in 1850 and had married a second time. Abraham Brown grew to manhood in Geor- gia, and until his father's death remained with him. After his death he went to Jonesboro and ran a hor.se-mill (that was some time before the existence of the town), and also engaged in farming for two years. September 17, ISOl, he entered the Confederate army under Col. Marsh Walker and served until the close of the war, when he sur- rendered at Wittsburgh, in May, 18(55. He was second sergeant and was in several engagements, among them New Madrid, Mo., and Island No. 10. at the latter of which places he was taken prisoner, and held five and one-half months at Camp Butler. 111. He was exchanged at Vicksburg. and was af- terward in the siege at Port Hudson. After tlie smrender he returned to this county and soon set- tled on the place where he now resides. In \SC,Z he had purchased forty acres of timliered land, which he then began to clear and improve. He has GOO acres in one tract and forty in another. He has cleared ninety acres of rich ami valual)le land: the remainder is timbered. March H5, 1865, be was married in this township to Sarah Thorn, a na- tive of Kentuckv, l>ut reared in .Vrkansas. Her 322 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. father, Jesse Thorn, was one of the pioneer set- tlers of Maumelle Township. Mr. Brown has a family of seven children: Nancy C. (wife of Guy Winningham), Adella, Newton, Alsa, Abraham, Joseph A. and Silas. Both Mr. and Mrs. Brown are consistent Christians and members of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. E. F. Brown, a leading and prominent attor- ney, of Jonesboro, Ark., was born in McNairy County, Tenn. , November 22, 1844, and is a son of William F. Brown and Nettie (Swain) Brown, the former a native of Virginia, and the latter of Tennessee, who in 1858 came to Randolph County, Ark. , locating near Pocahontas. Here Mr. Brown engasred in farming and mercantile business until his death in 1869. His wife died two years later. To their union were born thirteen children, only four of whom are now living. E. F. Brown was the fourth child, and when fourteen years of age came with his parents to Arkansas. He received a common school education, and in 1862, in the early part of the late war, enlisted in Col. Kitchens' regiment. Reeves' company, and served until the close of the conflict, surrendering under Gen. Jeff Thompson, at Wittsburg, Ark. He was in battle at Whitewater bridge, Redlief farm, Little Mis- souri and Saline Rivers, and Little Rock. Peace having been restored, he returned home, and com- pleted his education. He was admitted to the bar in 1871, and in 1872 took a course of lectures in the law department at Lebanon, Tenn., and in July, 1873, located at Oak Bluff, Clay County, where lie began the practice of his chosen profes- sion. The following year he was elected a dele- gate to the constitutional convention, and in 1875- 76 represented the First district in the Senate. In 1878 he was elected prosecuting attorney of the Second judicial district, and was re-elected to the same office. In 1883 he came to Jone.sboro, where he has since been engaged in the practice of his profession. He was married, in 1879, to Ada Par- risli, daughter of N. C. Parrish, of Humphreys County, Tenn., and their union has been blessed by one child, Doswell. Mr. Brown has a beauti- ful residence in Joucslwro, and has one of the fin- est libraries in Northeast Arkansas. He is a mem- \ ber of both the A. F. & A. M. and the I. O. O. F.. and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a leader of the Demo- cratic party, as a lawyer is an able and fluent speaker, and as a business man his career has been one of unusual success. J. G. Bryant, a leading merchant at Ridge, Craighead County, was born in Madison County, Ga. , September 20, 1843, and is the son of J ason and Elizabeth (Berryman) Bryant, both natives of the same State. They came to Craighead County December 25, 1857, locating in Big Bay Bottom, where they remained until their deaths. The father died September 8, 1858, the mother De- cember 22, 1868. They were the parents of three children, the two surviving being residents of this county: John G., the subject of this sketch, and Elizabeth, wife of J. T. Dudley. The father was a quiet, industrious man, and the mother a devoted Christian and member of the Missionary Baptist Church. John G. was reared on a farm in Big Bay Bottom, and has been a farmer all his life. In 1885 he bought of Burst & Stills a stock of goods, at Big Bay Siding, and carried on a mercantile business at that point until January 5, 1889, when he removed his stock of goods to Ridge. By industry and integrity he has established a good and successful business in gen- eral merchandise. He has two farms in Greenfield Township, one of eighty acres, thirty-three under cultivation, and the other of 160 acres, with sev- enty-six under cultivation. He was married No- vember 29, 1868, to Mary H. McGown. daugh- ter of Sam and Sarah (Tannehill) McGown, early settlers of this county. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant are the parents of eight children, three deceased: John D. and two infants. Those surviving are Sarah E., wife of J. R. Fuller; Nancy O., Charlie A\. and Thomas A. Mrs. Bryant possesses many true womanly virtues, and is a consistent member of the Missionary Baptist Church. During the Civil War Mr. Bryant was a member of Company I, in McNieFs battalion, serving under Price. He was in active service from June, 1862, until the sur- render, participating in several engagements in both Louisiana and Arkansas. He has never sought CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. office, but is a strong Democrat and an influential citizen. Hon. VV. H. Gate. The origin of this family in the United States dates from 1752, when three brothers of that name emigrated from Wales anut little in defraying his son's expenses whili' at school. After graduating he began teaching school, and at the same time took up the study of law. While thus engaged, the war Ijroke out, anddro]>- ping his studies, he espoused the Southern cause. The year the war closed he located at Jonesboro, and resumed (he study of law, so abruptly yet cheerfully dropped live years previous. In ISfUi he was admitted to the bar, and was soon enjoying a good practice. He hiis now practically ietir"d from practice, but was for years one of the leading attorneys of Northeast Arkansas. In March, 1884, he was appointed judge of the Second judicial dis- trict, and the following September was elected to the same position. In 1887 he organized the Bank of Jonesboro, and was its first president. He was for some years attorney for the St. Louis, Arkan- sas & Texas, and the Iron Mountain & South- ern Railroads. He is a large land owner, and has been at times extensively engaged in farming. In the fall of 1888, after a hard and exciting contest, he was chosen to represent the people of the First district in Congress. In 1808 Miss Virginia E. Warner, a native of Dresden, Tenn., became his wife. They have one child, William W., a prom- ising young man, and a student at Bryant and Stratton's College, St. Louis. It can be truly said of W. H. Gate that he is in the fullest acceptation of the term, a self-made man. As the son of a poor minister, he worked his way through college, graduating with honors at the age of eighteen years: while yet a boy, lie was found bravely risk ing his life for a cause he believed to be right, and before the period of his service had closed, hold- ing a captain's commission; a few years later a leading attorney of Northeast Arkansas, he was elected to the legislature in 1871 and re-elected in 1873; in 1878 elected pnjsecuting attorney of the second district, judge of the Second judicial dis- trict. j)resident of a bank, and attorney for two large railroad companies. Besides the above, he has held many otlier positions of honor and trust, and has always acted in such a way as to maintain the res]iect and coulidence of the public. In poli ^1 324 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. tics he has always been a Democrat, but has broad, liberal, conservative views, which have gained for him the respect and friendship of men of all par- ties. He is a man of a pleasant, genial type of character, and has the happy faculty of inspiring those around him with his own bright and sunny life. He and wife are members of the church, leading and popular members of society, and pos- sess social qualities of a high order. J. G. Christian, retired farmer, of Jonesboro Township, was born in Hickman County, Tenn., about seventy-five years ago. His parents, Jesse G. and Nancy (Higginbotham) Christian, were both natives of Georgia. They were among the pioneer settlers of Middle Tennessee, and when the subject of this sketch was six years of age moved to Mon- roe County, Miss., where a few years later the father died. A short time after the husband's death the mother moved with the family to Tish- omingo County, Miss., and in 1S87 from there to Greene (now Craighead) County, Ark. Here the mother died about 1841. J. G. Christian was brought u]) on a farm, and from early boyhood was accustomed to hard work. His educational ad- vantages were very limited, as after the father's death much of the responsibility of caring for the family devolved upon him. This responsibility, like all others encountered during his long and eventful lifetime, was met and overcome. In 1844 at the old homestead he was united in marriage with Susan Mackey, who when a child came with her brother, Elias, from McNairy County, Tenn., to Arkansas. To this union were born the follow- ing children: Nancy, wife of Lewis Simonds, a farmer of Jonesboro Township; William W., resid- ing near his father; Tersey, who married A. J. Wilson and died about seven years ago; Jesse, who grew to manhood, married Etta Graham, and died in September, 1887, aged twenty- four years; Polly, Rebecca, John and Tom, at home, and two others who died in childhood. Mrs. Simonds is a mem- ber of the Baptist Church. At her death Mrs. Wilson left four children, whom the grandfather is now rearing. Mrs. Christian died March 8, 1887, aged sixty-five years. Mr. Christian has always been engaged in agricultural pursuits, and at pres- ent owns a well -improved plantation of 185 acres. He is a Democrat in politics, unassuming but courteous in his manner, and one of the most use- ful and progressive citizens of Craighead County. James R. Claunch, M. D. , was born in Bedford County, Tenn., in 1833, and is now one of the eminently successful farmers of Lester Township, possessing a thorough and practical knowledge of medicine. His parents, James H. and Charlotte (Bearden) Claunch, were natives, respectively, of Kentuck}' and .South Carolina. They were both greatly respected as citizens, and were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. The father came with his father to Tennessee, and there grew to manhood and followed the occupation of farming. He was born in 1810, and is still living, aged seventy-nine years. The mother was born in 1815, and died in Tennessee April 7, 1882. To them had been born nine children, six of whom are still living. Dr. Claunch was the oldest child, and was reared and educated in Tennessee, coming to Arkansas in ISSB. He settled in Poinsett County, where he engaged in farming and studied medicine with Dr. Todd W. Beecher, of Harrisburg, who is a graduate from the Ohio Medical College, at Cin cinnati. He began practice in that county. Jan- uary 6, 1860, he was united in marriage with Miss Martha J. Crook, a native of South Carolina, and daughter of Martin Crook. She came with her father to Mississippi in 1854, and to this State in 1859. Her mother died in 1846, and her father in 1858. To Dr. and Mrs. Claunch have been born the following family of children: Thomas M. , Lottie L., Annie B. , Charles, William, Mahalia C. , John B. and Albert M. , living, and Laura and Harriet A. G., deceased. They also have with them one granddaughter, Estella Davis. In the War of the Rebellion Dr. Claunch saw much active service. He was in Col. Adams' regiment, and was assistant surgeon with Price on his raid through Missouri. At the close of the war he returned to his farm, and two years later resumed his practice. He came to his present location in Craighead County in 1872, and has since engaged in farming and the practice of medicine. He has a splendid farm of 300 acres, 100 under cultivation, and has a good residence. -^ orchard iiud outbuildings. He is a member of the Masonic order, is very successful in his practice, being one of the leading physicians of the county, and greatly respected as a citizen. George W. Clements, a well-to-do farmer, stock raiser and cotton-ginner of Cane Island, was born in Tennessee in 1834. His father, William Clements, was a native of Alabama, and married Miss Melinda Mooney, a native of Georgia. In 1840 they came to Mississippi County, Ark., and a year later settled on a tract of land on Big Lake, renting for about four years, and then moved to Little lUver neighborhood. Soon after they located in what is now Craighead County, in the Varner settlement. Mrs. Clements died in 1845 and was followed four years later by her husband. They were among the pioneer settlers of Craighead County, and were in all ways most worthy and ex- emplary citizens. George Clements was reared among the rude siUTOundings of those days, receiv- ing but a meager education. He was a gallant Confederate soldier and participated in several en- gagements. He located where he now resides in 18*')8, and has since been occupied in farming and cotton-ginning. His present gin is one of the best in the county. In 1887 he ginned ninety-eight bales of cotton, and the year following 146 bales. He owns 100 acres of good land, a portion of which is under a high state of cultivation. Mr. Clements has been married four times. His first wife was Sarah McDaniel, who died in 1805, and was the mother of one child, James F. Elizabeth O'Conley liecame his second wife and one son, George, was born to this union. He married for his third wife Mrs. Susan (Folks) Roberts His present wife was Mrs. Luanna Smith, who is a daughter of Thomas Slocum; she was born in Madi- son County, Tenn., but left there when a child ten years of age. Mrs. Clements was the mother of a son by her former husband, but it died in child- hood. Mr. and Mrs. Clements are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and are useful and in- fluential members of societj*. They interest them- selves in moral and educational matters and liber- ally contribute to all worthy enterprises. Rev. J. D. -C. Cobb, pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and eibtor of the Jonesboro Times, was born in Dyer Comity, Tenn., Julv 2'\ 1838. His parents, Christian S. and Juditli (Clapp) Cobb, were natives of Guilford County, N. C, and in 1830 moved to Tennessee, where the father died. He was a farmer of sterling character and worth and was greatly res]>ected by all who knew him. The mother afterward went to Texas and there died. They reared a family of five chil- dren, three now living: Jackson D. C. Lucinda S. (wife of Elder E. P. Minton), and Elizabeth S. (wife of Luke Summers). Rev. J. D. C. Cobb was reared and educated in Dyer County, Tenn., remaining on the farm until twenty years of age, and then taught and attended school. When twenty-three years of age he entered the mini.stry of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and was licensed to preach, but was not ordained until 1807. During the late war he was chaplain of the Fifteenth Tennessee Cavalry. The war over he re- turned to his duties, and in 1871 moved to Dunklin County, Mo., and located at Clarkton, where he was pastor until 1874, and then went to Gaines- ville, Ark., where he remaiiierick edifice. Mr. Cobb organized the Cumberlaml Presbyterian Church at Jonesboro in 1870. and ha?- been its pastor since its organization. Miss Ann E. Kirk, a native of the "Old Dominion." liecame his wife in 1861, and they are the parents of two childi'eu: William D. and Mary J. Mr. Cobb is a ])rominent citizen and one of the leading spirits of Jonesboro. George W. Cook, a prominent and well-to-do farmer of Big Creek Township, is the sou of James and Elizabeth Cook, natives of Tennessee. The father was for many years a farmer of that State. which occupation he followed until his death, in 1857. The mother was a member of the Method- ±1 :«6 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ist Church, and both she and her husband -were worthy of the respect shown them. Eight children were born to this union, only three of whom are now living. George W. is accounted br all one of the prominent farmers of Craighead County, having a large, well-cultivated farm, splendidly stocked with horses, cattle and fine hogs. His marriage to Miss Sarah J. Kitchens was consum- mated in 1865, and to their vinion have been born twelve children, seven of whom are living. One daughter is married to James Coward, and the youngest is two years old. Mr. Cook is a man of sterling worth iu the community. He belongs to both the Masonic order and the Eastern Star, is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and gives freely of his means for the promotion of progressive movements. James F. Cross is a substantial and public- spirited citizen of Craighead County, and has a large, well improved farm of 120 acres, about three miles from Jonesboro. He was born in Shelby County, Tena., July 29, 1840, and is the son of B. F. Cross, a native of Giles County, Tenn. , and a substantial farmer of that State. In 184-1 the father came to Craighead County (then Poinsett), and located near Greensboro, where he bought eighty acres of land, and engaged in farm- ing for several years. Ten or twelve years later he came to Jonesboro Township, where he rented land until his death, in 1877. He was a member of the Sons of Temperance at an early day, and was honored by local offices in Powell Township. His wife, Mary (Hannah) Cross, was a native of North Carolina, and six children blessed their union, five sons and one daughter. Of these, James F. , J. H. and Benjamin R. are the only survivors. The mother died in this township in December, 1887, aged about sixty-seven years. All his life James F. Cross has been a resident of the same settlement in Craighead County, except- ing the four years of the late war. In 1861 he entered the Confederate service, enlisting in Com- pany I, Thirteenth Arkansas Infantry, and served four years and seventeen days. After the war he bought eighty acres of his farm, and has since added forty. April 23, 1869, he married Mary J. Higginbotham, a native of Poinsett County, Ark., and daughter of Franklin and Nancy (Edwards) Higginbotham, residents of this township. Five children have been born to this union: William Thomas (deceased), John Franklin, Mary Melvina, Stephen Lafayette and Jodella. Mr. Cross has all his life been an energetic and industrious man, and though he received no education in his childhood, has been a successful farmer, and ac- cumulated a valuable property. He has been a member of the Masonic order, and is a Democrat. Hon. Thomas D. Oulberhouse, farmer, mer- chant and lumber manufacturer, was born in Bed- ford County, Tenn., March 10, 1836, and is a son of MOses Culberhouse, a native of North Carolina, and a grandson of Thomas Culberhouse, who was born in Berkshire, England. Moses Culberhouse was an extensive farmer and stock dealer in his na- tive State, and there married Parthenia Roberts, a native of North Carolina, and in 1834, emigrated to Tennessee. Eighteen years later they came to Greene (now Craighead) County, and here Moses Culberhouse died in 1871 or 1872. His wife is still living, and resides with her son, George, of Jones- boro. She is now seventy-four years of age. They were the parents of nine children, four now living: Thomas D., Nancy J. (wife of William Puryear), Angeline (wife of James Haynes), and George W. Thomas D. was reared in Tennessee, and received but a common-school education. In 1852 he came with his parents to this county, and until 1859 fol- lowed farming: he then engaged in the grocery business, which he continued until the spring of 1862. In February of that year he enlisted in Company I, Twenty-third Arkansas Infantry, served two months as a private, and was then sent home on furlough. He came home and raised a company with Capt. Adair, and was made first lieutenant of Col. Hart's regiment, McCray's brigade. He served with them until about November, 1863, after the battles of Helena, Little Rock and Prairie Grove, when, retreating toward Arkadelphia, he was sent home on recruiting service. He raised another company, which became Company I, Twen- ty-third Arkansas Cavalry. Mr. Culberhouse was made a scout, and served as such until the surren- CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. >?- der at Wittshaii^. After the war he retm-ned home and made crops in 1805 and 18()(), and then en Imaged in mercantile pursuits, and has since Ix-cn engaged in merchandising, farming, saw-milling and stock-raising. About 1886 he located the town of Culhorhonse. on the Kansas City, Springfield & Memphis Kailroad, and now has a general store there, also has a saw-mill, cotton-mill and shingle- machine. The postoffice was established in 18S7, and named in honor of our subject. Mr. Culber- house is a large landholder, owning about 6,000 acres of comliined farm and timber-land, and has almost 1,000 under cultivation. He also gives a great deal of attention to raising line breeds of stock — Norman horses, Poland China and Berk- shire hogs and Durham cattle. He imported his cattle from Kentucky, and in 187'.) bought an im- ported Norman horse, pure breed, which has about 800 descendants in Craighead and adjoining coun- ties. He has taken the premium at each fair where exhibited, and some of his horses are quite speedy, having taken premiums at the last Paragonld fair. July 0, 1854, he was united in marriage with Sarah Elizabeth Coleman, a native of Tennessee, and a daughter of Chastine A. Coleman. There are six survivors of the ten children born to this union: Sarah Jane (wife of Sam. A. Warner, Jr., president of the Bank of Jonesboro), W. D. (farmer and merchant). Virginia A. (wife of Thomas Elder, of Jonesboro), R. S. (merchant of Jonesboro, who married Mrs. Willie Wooten, of Mississipj^i), Katie (wife of Mr. Pace, a merchant of Jonesboro), and Thomas (at home). Mrs. Culberliouse was a mem- l)er of the Methodist Church, and died in that faith in 1882. Mr. Culberhouse was again mar- ried June 10, 1884, this time selecting Miss Pattie Wooten, of Mississippi. Mrs. Culberhouse is a member of the Ba^itist Church, and possesses social (jualities of a high order. Mr. Culberhouse is a prominent Mason, belonging to the Blue Lodge, Chapter and Commandery, and is also connected with the Knights of Honor. Ho is a Democrat in politics, and in the session of 1885-86 repre.sented Craighead County in the State legislature. John H. Darr, a prominent farmer of Jones- boro Township, is a native of the county in which he resides, his birth occurring January 1. 1849. His parents, Hiram and Elizabeth (McGown) Darr, were natives of Tennessee, although tlieir mar- riage occurred in Arkansas, and a portion of their yotith was spent there. Mr. Darr was a prominent Democrat, and a zealous member of the Masonic fraternity. He held local positions of honor and trust, and had the respect and confidence of all who knew him. To him and wife were born the following family of children: A. J., a resident of Jonesboro Township; Sarah, wife of T. H. Porter; ElizalwthE.. wife of G. W. Wilkerson (both resi- dents of Craighead County); Stephen S., and the subject of this sketch. Hiram Darr died February 11, 1860, and his wife October 11, 1872. John H. Darr was roared upon a farm and has always been engaged in farming and stock raising, being measurably successful at both. He received but a meager education, as his services wore recjuired at home on the plantation. He owns 100 acres of land, sixty of which are imder a good state of cul- tivation. November 22, 1871, he was united in marriage to Maiy, daughter of Abraham and Mar- tha J. (Cary) McDani(>l, early and favorably known citizens of Craighead County. To this union have been born eight children: Martha E., Mary A., Sallie J., John W., Abraham and James G., liv- ing; Hiram S. and William D., decea.sed. In national politics Mr. Darr votes with the Republi- can party, but in State and local elections he sup- ports men and measures and not party. He is a reader of cun-ent literature, is well informed, but has never aspired to any political prcfortuont. He is Past Master and a member of Jonesboro Lodge No. 129, A. F. & A. M., and liberally contributes to all worthy enterprises. William A.. Davis, a prominent merchant of Bay Siding, is a native of Georgia, born Septem- ber 7, 184.3, and is a son of John and Margaret (Lewis) Davis, natives of South Carolina. The parents passed their youth in their native State, and soon after their marriage moved to (ieorgia, and there reared their famil}-. The father engaged very successfully in farming until his death, in 1857. His wife died about eighteen months later. W. A. Davis, the immediate sul>ject of this skotcli. attained his majority in Georgia, and became famil- iar in his boyhood home with iutelliirent farming. In 1 873 he came to Craighead County. Ark. , and located on Crowley's Ridge, where he engaged in farming until 1888. He then moved to Bay Sid- ing, purchased a lot, erected a building and en- gaged in merchandising. He keeps a good stock of general merchandise, and by (lolite attention, energy and fair dealing, has established a good custom, doing an annual bxisiness of about $12,- 000. In the fall of 1888 he was married in this county to Miss Jane Tyler, born and reared in this State. She died eighteen months later leaving one child, Henry, now a lad of seven years. In 1884 he selected as his second wife, Laura Martin, a native of Arkansas, and this union has been blessed by two children: Josephine and Lura. Mrs. Davis is a member of the Baptist Church, and is active and zealous in all church work. Nathan A. Davis is a native of Craighead Coun- ty, and is one of its younger and more progressive farmers. His parents, James and Nellie (Lowery) Davis, were natives of Alabama, and about 1851 came to Craighead County, locating on Crowley's Ridge: but .some time later moved to the western portion of the State, where they remained only a short time, then returning to Craighead County, and both died soon after. To them were born the following family of children: John, Jacob, and Nathan A., living; and Jefferson, Nancy, Mary and Taylor, deceased. The death of the parents left the family in somewhat straitened circum- stances, and young Nathan, as a boy, had but few advantages and underwent many hardships. He has always been energetic and frugal, and by his thrift and industry, is now the possessor of eighty acres of well improved land, and a larger tract un- improved. He married Miss Lizzie Gatlin, a na- tive of Craighead County, who was the daughter of Lee Gatlin, now deceased, but at one time a well known citizen of the county. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have one child, Nancy Ellen. Mr. Davis has held the offices of magistrate and constaljle, acquitting himself with honor, and with benefit to those for whom he labored. He is one of the county's useful and progressive citizens; Joseph Dixon, farmer, stock dealer and lum- berman, was born in England. October 26. 1842, and is a son of John and Eliza Dixon, of English bii-th, who came to America in 1842, and located in New York City, where they both died in 1849. John Dixon was a butcher by occupation, and he and wife were parents of two children. Joseph Dixon was left an orphan when seven years of age, and until fourteen years old. worked for his board and clothes. He received such education as he could afford. He learned the trade of a machin- ist, and for some time fired an engine on the Chicago & Rock Island Railroad. Coming to ('hicago in ISoS, he was soon made an engineer, and for nine years followed that occupation. He then went to Freeport. and later to Pecatonica, III., in both of which places he engaged in mercan- tile pursirits. He came in 1882 to Jonesboro, and engaged in saw-milling, which he has since fol- lowed. In 1883 he built a large three-story hotel, of which he was proprietor until the disastrous fire of 1889, when it was entirely lost, with all his household effects — total loss. $5,000, without insur- ance. Mr. Dixon is a large land owner, owning a great deal of property in Jonesboro, and about 340 acres of farm land, with 200 acres under cultiva- tion. Miss Jane A. Clark became his wife in 1866, and they have one child, Carrie, wife of J. M. Bennett, of Pine Bluff, Ark. Mr. Dixon began life a poor boy, but by industry, economy and thrift, he has conquered adversity, and has made himself one of the leading and influential citizens of the community in which he lives. He is a prom- inent member of the Masonic order, and is a Knight Templar. Allen Dodds was born in Georgia, in 1827. His father. James Dodds, also a native of that State, was born in Elbert County, in 1785, and there grew to manhood and married Sarah Thorn- ason, who lived but a short time after her mar riage. He chose for his second wife Winnie Ber- den, also a Georgian, whose grandfather Penn was an officer in the Revolutionary army. James Dodds gave his entire time to agricultural pursuits. Both he and wife were members of the Baptist Church, and thev reared a family of twelve chil- CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. 329 dren, six boys and six girls. Allen Dodds was reared on his father's farm, receiving his educa- tion at the county schools. He married Julia Suye, who was born in Georgia in 1826, and moved to Arkansas in 1N55. Of this union six children have been the issue. Mr. Dodds entered the Confederate service in 1861, his first engage- ment, which lasted almost a day, being at Belmont, Mo. There he was slightly wounded in the left arm, and afterward in the right shoulder. He was discharged from Jacksonport, in 1865, and then returned home and began teaching school. Later he turned his attention to farming, at which he has made a decided success. He owns about 318 acres of land, and 100 acres are in a good state of cultivation. He has also, in connection with his farm, a grist-mill and a cotton gin. Polit- ically he is a Democrat, and fraternally a Mason. Both he and his wife are members of the Method- ist Church, of which denomination he is also a minister. Francis Marion Douglas was born in Hender- son County, Tenn., December 7, 1847, and is a son of Thomas Logan Douglas, a native of the same State, who went to Missouri in 1857, and, after the surrender, came to Craighead County, and located in Big Creek Township. He is still a res- ident of the State. His wife's maiden name was Catherine Ignite, and she was also a native of Tennessee. They are the parents of five children, and of the four living three reside in this county. The mother died in January, 1875, and was about forty-two years of age. Francis M. was ten years old when he removed with his father to Missouri, and at the beginning of the late war enlisted in the Tenth Tennessee Cavalry, under Gen. FoiTest, and served as a private under him until the surrender. A year later he came to Craighead County, where he rented property for some time, but has for many years cultivated his own farm, now con- sisting of forty acres, most of which is well im- proved and beai's many evidences of prosjierity. His marriage with Fannie Wade, a daughter of Noah J. NN'ade, of this township, was consum- mated September 19, IS72, and four children have been born to this union: Blanche, Noah, Inez and 21 Hazel. Mr. Douglas is a member of the Forest Home Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and, politically, is a Democrat. He is a director of school district No. 2'), and belongs to both the Agricultural Wheel and the Farmer's Allianc-. James T. Dudley, a prosperous merchant, and postmaster at Bay, also interested in agricultural pursuits, is a native of Madison County, Ga., born Decemlier 2"), 1852. His parents were Lemuel and Nancy S. (House) Dudley, both na- tives of Georgia. After liis marriage, Lemuel Dudley engaged in farming, blacksmithing and wagon building in Madison (.'ounty, and left his farm to enlist in the Confederate service. He served throughout the entire war, and in 1865 died of small-pox in Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Dudley moved with her family to Arkansas, and in Octo- ber of 1867, located in Crsighead County, where she died October 1 4, 1883. James T. grew to man- hood in this county and is mainly self-educated, having devoted much time to study since arriving at years of maturity. January 11, 1878, he was united in marriage with Elizabeth Bryant, a native of Georgia, but reared and educated in Craighead County. She is a charitable lady and is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Dudley followed farming until 1882, when he began merchandising eight miles west of the Bay. He there sold dry goods, groceries and general merchandise for two years, and in 1844 moved to Big Bay, where he has since continued in l)usiness, with the exce|)tion of seven months, while running a saloon in Mem. phis in 1887. He owns a fine farm adjoining the town, and has thirty-five acres of it in a fine state of cultivation and the same amount in timbered land. He has four fair residences on the place wliich bears evidence of thrift and industry. He has l)uilt and owns four- business houses in Bay, and as a merchant has a good trade. In 1884 ho was appointed postmaster, which [losition he has held since that time. Robert Y. Duncan, an active and jirogressive farmer, and proprietor of a cotton-gin and gri.st mill, was liorn in Perry County, Ala., Jiily 23, 1844. His father was Samuel A. Duncan, a native of South Carolina, who located in .\labHmR when A 330 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. about eighteen years of age. He was a plauter uutil thirty-five years old, when .he began contracting and building railroad bridges and houses. In December, of 1880, he was working on a dwelling in Birmingham, Ala., and fell from a scaffold, liv- ing only three hours afterward. He was married to Mary Ann Roberts, also a native of South Carolina, and they were the parents of fourteen children. Nine of them are still living, Ijut only Robert Y. is in Arkansas. The mother is si.xty seven years of age, and still resides in Alabama. Rob- ert Y. was reared in his native State, and coming to Arkansas with some friends when twenty-four years of age, arrived at Jonesboro November 17, 1868. In the spring, he rented a farm and worked it for one year. In August, 1869, he was mar- ried to Matilda R. Lynch, daughter of Aden and Susan Lynch. In the fall of 1871 he bought eighty acres of his present farm and built his home. He subsequently bought forty acres of adjoining land, making a farm of 120 acres, forty of which are cultivated. In 1879 he built a good cotton- gin, and in 1886 opened a grist-mill in connec- tion, and these have proved successful. To Mr. and Mrs. Duncan have been born nine children: Ruby A. J. (deceased), Samuel A., John J., Thomas M., Essie B., Effie Y., Robert M.. Taylor A. and Rufus Elbert. Mr. Duncan is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Jonesboro Lodge No. 129, and has been president of Pine View Wheel No. 881. since its organization in 1886. He was in Company A, Fifty-third Regiment, Twenty- fourth Alabama Battalion, and during his eighteen months' service was mostly in Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee. He and his wife, oldest daughter and two oldest sons are active members of the New Salem Methodist Episcopal Church. Martin V. Echols, a successful farmer of Jones- boro Township, was born in Georgia, December 1, 1838, and is the son of Jabal and Frances (Davis) Echols. Jabal Echols was born February 15, 1803. and Frances (Davis) Echols was born May 20, 1807, both in Franklin County, Ga. , where they were married, subsequently removing from that county to Habersham County, of the same State. Jabal Echols was a farmer and school teacher. He was also sheriff of that county for a number of years. He died at the early age of forty years, October 3. 1843, honored and respected by his countrymen. Mrs. Francis (Davis) Echols died at the old home- .stead on September 8, 1869. She was a devoted member of the Baptist Church and a true Chris- tian woman. An older brother of M. V. Echols (the subject of this sketch), L. M. Echols, was a private in the Fifty- second Georgia Infantry. Confederate States Army, and died a prisoner of war at Rock Island, 111. Two younger brothers were in the Confederate service. Jackson L. was killed at the battle of Resaca, Ga. Jabal D. Echols died of sickness at Vicksburg during the siege of that place. M. V. Echols, the subject of this sketch, was a soldier in Wharton's Texas Cavalry, Confederate States Army. He saw hard service and went through some of the bloodiest V)attles of the war. He was taken prisoner at Dalton, Ga. , and from there sent to Johnson's Island, where he was kept till the end of the war. Of a family of twelve children, eight of whom are now living, Martin is the only one residing in Craighead County. He was reared on a farm in Georgia and received a very fair education. He farmed for several years in his native State, and in 1869 came to Craighead County, Ark., and studied photography with George Cooper, of Jonesboro, subsequently removing to Paris, Tex. , where he followed that art for several years. When he returned to Jonesboro he bought eighty acres of land, and has forty of it well improved. November 30, 1876, he married Miss Mattie Bird, whose parents were John and Barbara (McCarty) Bird. Mr. and Mrs. Echols are the parents of seven children, five of whom are living, viz. : Frances Cora, Lawrence Stanley, Lulu May, The- ora Myrtle and Lena Jewell. Mr. Echols and wife are active meml)ers of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, South. George W. Evans, a prominent citizen of Craighead County, was born in Gibson County, Tenn. , January -t, 1849. His parents were Mal- achi, and Sarah (.Scarberry) Evans, natives of Alabama. The mother died in Tennessee in 1859. aged about forty- two years, and in 1867 the father •<* CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. m\ removed to Craifrbead County, Aik. Several years later he went to Izard County, wliere he died v?hen about sixty-five years of age. He was a farmer by occupation, and much respected by all who knew him. There were twelve children, eight of whom are living, and two, George W. and Harriet McGavock, are residents of Jonesboro Township. George W. was reared on a farm; and the war breaking out when he was but a boy, he had meager school advantages. He came with his father to this State, locating near Harrisburg, in Poinsett County. He afterward came to Craig- head County, and was for one year in the employ of Dr. Wadkins, and after his death, remained in the employ of his widow for three years. Decem- ber 28, 187^^, he was married to Nancy Stotts, a daughter of John and Melinda (Darr) Stotts, old residents of the county. To them seven chil- dren were born: Sarah Virginia, Mary Jane (de- ceased), Lucy Belle, William Thomas, Cassie, Effie and Cleo. After his marriage, Mr. Evans located on the farm on which he now resides, which then con- tained but thirty acres. He now owns 178 acres. Seventy-five acres are under splendid cultivation, and two acres were sold to the Hope school. He is greatly interested in education. Mrs. Evans is a member of the Christian Church, and the family attend the Hope Church of that denomination. George \V. Finch, a farmer and stock raiser of Buffalo Island, was born in Campbell County, Georgia, Feliruary 20, 1 S49, and is the son of Willis and Elizabeth (Harrison) Finch, both na- tives of South Carolina. They moved to Georgia and later to Alabama, where the father died in 1Sf)8. George W. was reared mainly in Alabama, and began farming for himself when eighteen years of age, and in 18f)9 he was united in mar- riage with Adaline Maith. a native of Alabama. In 1880 he came to Arkansas, locating on Buffalo Island, where he rented for two years, and then bought his present place of residence. He has a farm of 400 acres, witii 100 improved. May 26, 1884, Mrs. Fincli died, leaving rive children: Belle (wife of George Hogar), Oscar, Ethel, Luther and Itha. Mr. Finch chose a second wife, this time selecting Nannie Goss, who lived but a short time, dying June 22, 1887. His pres- ent wife was Mrs. Skelton, »iee Stoddard, a nativu of Alabama; a widow and mother of eight children : William, Florence, Joseph. Sarah, Walter, Clin ton, Jennie, and James (deceased). Mr. Finch is one of the public-spirited and enterprising men of the Island, and his wife is a member of the Methodist Church. James Gordon Frierson was born on Duck River, in Maury County, Tenn., November 5, 1838, and died in Jonesboro, Ark., March 8, 1884. His father was Dr. Charles Curren Frierson, descended on the father's side from French Huguenots, who settled in South Carolina some time before the Revolutionary War; on the mother's side, he comes from Scotch-Irish lineage — early emigrants to Middle Tennessee. Dr. Charles Frierson mar- ried, in 1828 or 1829, Miss Mildred Paj-ne, of West Tennessee, of English descent, numbering among her progenitors some of the ])ioneers of the State, and among her kindred some of the best people of Tennessee and Mississij)pi, counting among their cherished possessions many relics of the Revolu- tionary days, and pointing with pride to the record of their family. Among these are the Van Burens, the Taylors, the Alexanders, and others. Thomas Paine, the noted political and deistic writer of early times, was a member of the family and was spoken of with mingled feelings, in which pride of race did not predominate. Dr. Frierson and wife were the parents of eleven children, only five of whom arc now living. They removed many years ago, witli quite a colony of neighbors and relations, accom- panied bj' many colored families who had descended to them, to La Fayette County. Miss., where, four miles from Oxford, the site of the State University, they founded College Hill with a fine Old Presby terian Church, and male and female high schools, and added much to the culture and refinement of that part of the State. Dr. Frierson died at a ripe old age in 1879, and his wife the previous year. Both were devout members of the Presbyterian Church, in which faith their children were all reared. One daughter married Rev. Mr. McLamroch, of Her- nando, Miss. ; another Hon. Martin L. Clardy, of St. Francois (bounty, Mo. ; a third, Ben. G. Peers. -^rv*" ^-VM 332 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. of Farmington, Mo. ; still another, a Mr. Hm-t, of Germantown, Tenn. Tho remainder of the family still reside at the old homestead at College Hill, Miss. James Gordon Frierson was the second son. At the age of twelve or fourteen years he was taken fi-om the home of his birth, near old Zion Church, in Maury Countj', Tenn., to Mississippi, the State of his adoption. He was educated at Oxford, graduating with honor, and numbering among his professors the distinguished Dr. F. A. P. Barnard, Dr. John Waddill, Justice Lamar, Judge Long- street, and others of less note. Mr. Frierson vol- unteered at the age of twenty-three in an infantry regiment, in the Confederate service, serving as captain under the noted Gen. Walthall, in the Ai-my of Tennessee, and was in many of the fiercest bat- tles fought in that section— Corinth, luka, Frank lin, Perryville, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain. Here above the clouds he was captured by some of Hooker's men, taken to Johnson's Island, held a prisoner for nineteen months, being released at the close of the war, with health shattered by hardships and privations and exposure he was poorly fitted by nature to en- dure. Soon after the war (in January, 1861)) he with his brother in-law, Maj. M. L. Olardy, located at the little village of Cleburne, Cross County, then the county seat of the county, to practice law. November 12, of the same year, he was married to Miss Emma G. Davis, the oldest daughter of Dr. N. A. Davis, formerly of Ozark, Christian County, Mo. In 1870 he was elected to the State Senate of Arkansas, held this office two terms (four years), and was president of the senate during the Brooks -Baxter war. Mr. Frierson, as- sisted by the Hon. James Berry, who was then speaker of the house, drew up a bill the next day calling for a constitutional convention. The bill passed immediately. He was then elected a mem- ber of the convention, and took a leading part in its deliberations. In 1882 he was elected judge of the Second judicial district, consisting of the counties of Cross, Craighead, Clay, Randolph. Greene, Mississippi, Poinsett and Crittenden. He held this office to the entire satisfaction of all parties, by his pure life and varied learning win- ning the respect and affection of the people. He possessed, in an eminent degree, those virtues which adorn the bench, and that law knowledge which makes the safe and wise jurist a unity of purity and integrity. He was kindly, true and patriotic, a zealous Christian, and as legislator, patriot or jurist, his merit was only exceeded by his modesty. He died at the age of forty-six at his home in Jonesboro, Ark. , leaving a wife and three children: Gordon, Camille and Charles Davis Frierson. Mrs. Frierson established and con- ducted a high school, which flourished for several years until superseded by the Jonesboro graded schools, in which she at present occupies a position i as first assistant. William Lewis Gage, a prominent and enter- prising farmer of Jonesboro Township, was born in Greene County, Ark., November 27, 1845, and is the son of Jeremiah and Martha (Hutchinsi ' Gage, both natives of Tennessee, who were mar- ried in that State and emigrated to Arkansas about 1830. They first located at Gage's Point, on the Cache River, and from there went to St. Francis, and afterward to Greene County. He was a farmer all his life, and during the War of the Rebellion served under Gen. Marmaduke of the Trans-Missis- sippi department, receiving a wound in a battle in Missouri, from the effects of which he died at Cane Hill, Washington County, in November of 186-1. He was a member of the Missionarj' Baptist Church, a devout Christian and strong in his political con- victions. They were the parents of eight children, four of whom are living and in this county. After her husband's death Mrs. Gage married Larkin Johnson, of Greene County. She died in 186S, aged forty years. W. L. Gage was reared in Greene County, receiving a moderate education. In the spring of 1863 he enlisted in Col. Cooper's company and surrendered at Shreveport, La. , June 9, 1865. In 1870 he moved to Craighead County, locating on his present farm, and having been very successful in farming operations at present owns 1,620 acres in Greene and Craighead Counties. He devotes much time to stock raising and takes great interest in obtaining better breeds of stock. Mr. Gage was married October 22, 1868, to Maria * -iAs: CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. 333 Elizabeth Paramore, a native of Missouri, and daugbter of Robert P. and Nancy Caroline (Man- sese) Paramore. The fruits of this marriage are six children, one deceased: Ona Kate. Martha Caroline, Ethel Paramore, Grace Truman, Mary Ella and Maud Aimer. Mr. Gage is a member of the I. O. O. F. and Knights of Honor fraternities, and he and wife and three oldest daughters are members of the Missionary Baptist Church at Jonesboro, and he is one of the executive board of the Mt. Zion Association of that denomination. A. Thomas Gatlin, a successful self-made farmer of Craighead County, was born in Tennes- see December IC), 1849, and is the son of Hardy and Mary (Gullett) Gatlin, the former a native of Virginia, the latter of Mississippi. The father moved to Tennessee when a young man and there man'ied and remained for several years; then, about 1856, came to Arkansas, locating near Jones- boro, where he remained until his death, in 1860. After his father's death Mi-. Gatlin went to Ken- tucky with his mother, who is still living, and re- mained there until after the Rebellion. In 1873 he returned to Craighead County, this time select- ing a location on Cane Island, where, by the fruits of his own labor, he has become the foremost farmer. The land was covered with heavy timber, but now he has 120 acres cleared and under culti- vation and sixty acres yet timbered. In connection with his farm he is owner and proprietor of a cot- ton gin, which he built in 1885, and with which in 1887 he ginned over 200 bales of cotton. In 1868 was consummated his marriage with Amanda Gibson (now deceased), who bore him three chil- dren: Riley, Hardy and Lovenia. Mr. Gatlin married his present wife on this Island in July of 1878. She was a daughter of William Bennett (her maiden name Sallie Bennett), and a native of Alabama. Mr. Gatlin is noted as one of the most energetic and industrious farmers of the county. He is a member of the Masonic order and is mas- ter of the lodge at Lake City. Needam Harvey Grady, M. D. . a successful medical practitioner on Buffalo Island, also en- gaged in merchandising and farming, was born in Gibson Countv, Tenn., March 5, 1852. He is the son of William Giady. a native of North Carolina, who was reared and married in that State. Hi- moved to Tennessee and engaged in farming for several years, and when our subject was about ten years old, went to Pomi.scot County, Mo., where the father and mother both died. Dr. Grady, then a boy of fourteen, returned to his old home in Tennessee, where he remained until he was twenty- five years of age. He had superior educa- tional advantages, and has taught school sttveral terms. In his profession he is well posted, Ijegan the study of medicine with Dr. James, of Gibson County, Tenn., and has attended lectures at Vioth St. Louis and Louisville, Ky. Hci practiced in Butler County for three years, then in Independ- ence County, Ark., and after trying Greene County. Ark., and Dunklin County, Mo., settled in Craig- head County, Ai-k., in the fall of 1884. In 1886 he began merchandising, keeping a general stock, and at this has been (juite .successful. He owns several good farms, aggregating 600 acres, with over 200 under cultivation. In October, 1872, he was imited in marriage with Nancy A. Keith, a native of Indiana, and daughter of Isom Keith, an early settler of Missouri. During the five years Dr. Grady has been on Buffalo Island, he has built up a wide practice, and has won the es- teem and confidence of the people. Henry M. Griftin (deceased) was born in Cal- houn County, Ala., December 4, 1842. His father was Benjamin Griffin, a farmer of that county, who died in 1856, and his mother was Mary (Moody) Grifttn, a native of South Carolina, who died in 1873. Henry Griffin toiled faithfully and dili- gently on the farm through his youth, receiving but a limited education. He was a youth seventeen years of age, attending school at Selma, when the war broke out, but he immediately enlisted in the Tenth Alabama Regiment, and served gallantly for four years. When mustered out, he was cap tain of a company of fifty sharp shooters. He made a crop in 1S66, and February 3, 1867, mar- ' ried Rachel A. Bennett, a daughter of Thomas Bennett, a native farmer of Alabama. Mr. Ben nettcame to Craighead County in the latter part of 1866, and located in Jonesboro Township, where 334 HISTOKY OF ARKANSAS. he passed the remainder of his life. His widow, Martha (Rollins) Bennett, a native of Georgia, now resides with Mrs. Griffin. The seven surviv- ors of their eleven children are all residents of Craighead County. In 1807 Mr. Griffin located in Greenfield Township, about one mile east of Dee Station, where he remained but one year. After trying two other farms he bought forty acres of his present place, and subsequently adding 120 acres, later had a farm of 160 acres, and much of it is improved. He was a member of the Mis- sionary Baptist Church, and also of the Agricul- tural Wheel. After a life of patient toil and sterl- ing integrity, he died, January 27, 1888. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin were the parents of seven children ; those now living are: John Henry, Benjamin, Jiramie, Belle and Ruthie. Mrs. Griffin is a pious and charitable lady, and she and her oldest son are members of the Baptist Church. Christopher C. Hale, an energetic and worthy citizen of Buffalo Island, is one of the leading farmers and stock raisers of the community in which he lives. He was born in Shelby County, Tenn., in March, 1835, and is the son of Edward D. Hale, of Middle Tennessee, who married Hettie Fleetwood, a native of North Carolina. They set- tled on a farm in Shelby County, Tenn., where she died in 1865), and he in 1872. To them were born four children, one son and three daughters. Christopher C. attained his majority in Tennessee, and joined the Confederate army in 1862, serving until the spring of 1864, when he went home on furlough, having participated in several minor engagements. Being sick and unable to return to the field, he hired a substitute. He engaged in farming in his native State until 1871, when he came to Poinsett County, Ark. ; there he remained several years, and, in 1879, came to Craighead County, where he has since resided. He pur- chased 160 acres of wild, timbered land, and soon had 100 acres of it cleared and under cultivation. He has two good residences, good outbuildings and a nice young orchard. He has in all 200 acres of good land. He was married in Tennessee Janu- ary 20, 1861, to Martha A. Carr, a native of that State, who died in 1877. They had four children: John B., George D., Mary E., wife of W. A. Wil- kin, and Hettie, wife of P. Foster. Mr. Hale chose as his second wife Mrs. Mary A. McDonald, a daughtei' of Larkin Majors. She was the mother of two children: Alexander and James. To Mr. and Mrs. Hale has been born one child: Luna Z. Joseph W. HaiTell, postmaster at Macey, and a farmer of sterling worth in Buffalo Township, is a native of Arkansas, born in White County, February 6, 1846. His father, Jethro Harrell, was a native of South Carolina, where he was reared and married Mildi-ed Htint. In 1840 they came to Arkansas, where Mrs. Harrell died, in 1846. After his wife's death he was unsettled until 1851, when he located in St. Francis County, where he remained for several years. He after- ward came to Craighead County, and died Febru- ary 7, 1866. He was an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, greatly respected by all who knew him. His second wife, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Morrow, survived her husband several years, dying in Alabama in 1883. By his first wife Mr. Harrell had five children, Joseph W. being the only one who grew to manhood; and by his second wife four sons and two daughters, who reached mature years. Joseph W. Harrell was reared and educated in Poinsett and Craighead Counties. In the late war he enlisted in the Con- federate service, and participated in several en- gagements during Price's raid in Missouri and Kansas, and at last surrendered at Wittslnirg, May 25, 1865. He returned to Poinsett County, and remained there until his father' s death. He was married in this county, February 16, 1873, to Frances E. Hunton, a native of Georgia. She died February 20, 1887. To this union were born seven children: Charles J., Martha Jane, Mary F., Macy A. , Lucy A. , William J. and Joseph E. Mr. Harrell went to Dunklin County, Mo., in 1872, and farmed there for two years, after which he located in this townshi^a, where he has since re- sided. He bought timbered land, ;ind has cleared 100 acres, and liuilt a comfortal)le home and five tenant houses. He has married Amanda Carson, a native of Lauderdale County, Tenn., where she was reared. She is a zealous member of the Meth- CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. 385 odist Church. Mr. Harrell was the first postmas- ter at Macey, appointed in 1882. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and takes active interest in the promotion of the educational interests of his neighborliood. Benjamin J. Harrison. Few farmers and stock raisers of Lake City Township have been more universally successful than the subject of this sketch, who is a native of Marshall County, Tenn., born November 27, 1844. He is a son of J. W. Harrison, born and reared in Virginia, who, when a young man, moved to Tennessee, and there mar- ried Lucy Emeline Culberhouse, a native of North Carolina. He then located on a farm in Marshall County, and there engaged for several years in agricultural pursuits. In 1856 he came to what is now Craighead County, Ark., where he resided until his death, in 1881, his wife having previously died, in 1871. Benjamin J. was but twelve years of age when he came with his father to this State, and he grew to manhood and was educated in Craighead County, remaining with his father un- til his marriage. In 1863 he enlisted in the Con- federate service. Fourteenth Tennessee Cavalry, and served until near the close of the war, be- ing at home on a furlough at the time of the surrender. He was second sergeant, was once captured, and participated in a number of engage- ments. Returning home, he engaged in farming until 1881, when, in June, he bought a building in Lake City, put in a stock of general merchan- dise, and followed mercantile business for throe years. December 25 following, he lost everything by tire, having no insurance, his loss is estimated at .^lO.OOO. The following fall he rebuilt the store and rented it, himself moving to a farm near the village, where he has since resided. He has a comfortalile home, witli 125 acres of good laud in a splendid state of cultivation, and a large orchard of 1,200 trees, mostly apple, and all choice fruits, some just beginning to bear. March 25, 1868, ho married Miss MaiT E. Lewis, a native of this county, who died in 1877, leaving two sons. Mr. Harrison chose a second wife, and February 14, 1871), was united in marriage with Victoria Eveline Grayson, born, roared and educated in this coun- ty, and a daughter of Col. Adam D. Grayson, a colonel in the Confederate army, killed at the bat- tle of Shiloh. Mrs. Grayson died March 5, 1889. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison have also two sons, the four children being John A., George T., James and Walter S. Mrs. Harrison is a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Harrison owns, in con- nection with his farm, a cotton-gin and grist-mill, possessing also hotel property in Lake City. He is one of the leading spirits of the community. James H. Houston was born in Sholl)y County, Tenn., October 1, 1849, and is now a farmer of Greenfield Township, residing about six miles south of Jonesboro. His father was William Bird Houston, a prominent and highly esteemed citizen of Poinsett County. He was a native of Tennessee, and came with his family to Arkansas, about December, 1856, locating in the northern part of Poinsett County, where he engaged extensively in farming and stock raising. He was a Democrat, belonged to the Masonic fraternity, and was a mem- ber of the Methodist Church. When about twenty- five years of age he was married, in his native State, to Harriot Jane Steelman, also a native of Tennes- see. To them were born thirteen children, the four surviving making their home in Arkansas. They are: James H. (the subject of this sketch), Melinda (widow of S. HaiTis, son of Capt. Harris, who has several times represented Poinsett County in the State Senate), John F. (married to Emma J. Allen, deceased), and William Bird, Jr. (mar- ried to Elizabeth Kelsoe, deceased). The father died in 1872, the mother in 1867. James H. was seven years old when his parents came to this State, but he retvu-ned to Tennessee to school after the war. He owns 130 acres of land in Poinsett Coimty, much of it under fence. He moved to Craighead County in August of 1887, locating at his present residence — the old ;McCarty homestead. February 15, 1880, Mr. Houston was married to Lucinda J. Stephens. To them were born three children, all deceased: Cora M., Lorenzo B. H. and John H. Mrs. Houston died August 22. 188(5. and he was married again August 4, 18S7, to Me- linda Josephine McCarty, a dnughlor of Michael and Melinda (Weor) Mcf'sirtv . th.- r.nin.'r h i.:itiv.' 336 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. of Ohio, the latter of North Carolina; the former is deceased, but the latter is still living, aged seventy- one years. Mr. and Mrs. Houston have had one child, a daughter, now deceased. Mr. Houston is a member of the Methodist Church, has taken great interest in Sunday-school and church work, and is a leading member of the denomination to which he belongs. He is a member of the Agricultural Wheel, and a prominent and enterprising citizen. Philip T. Hudson was born in Madison County, Tenn. , and is the only surviving son of Baker Hud- son, a native of Mecklenburg County, Va., born May 18, 1783. Baker Hudson was reared and ed- ucated in Virginia, and engaged in farming all his life. He married Jane Fletcher, whose birth oc- curred in Louisa County, of the same State, No- vember 17, 1798, and to this union were born nine children, only two of whom, Mrs. Elizabeth Peebles and Philip T., are now living. Mr. Hudson died May 2^, 1850, in Fayette County, Tenn., and his widow in the same county, May 7, 1878. They were both active and consistent members of the Methodist Church. The marriage of Philip T. Hudson and Mary E. Perkins was consummated in Fayette County, Tenn., May 9, 1866. In that county, near Somerville, he had spent his boyhood, and received his education. To this union have been born five children : Sallie S. , Philip B. . Will- iam H. , Tillie andCuthbert L. Mr. Hudson came to Arkansas in 1870, and since that time has been engaged in farming. He owns 160 acres of good land, and has about eighty acres under cultivation. He has cleared most of this himself. For six years he served as justice of the peace in Craighead County, is a member of the Agricultural Wheel, and both be and his wife are members of the Pres- byterian Church. Having the public interest al- ways in view, he is one of the class of citizens who exert a marked influence for good in the com- munity. William Huggaus was bora in Hall County, Ga. , in 1821, and is a son of David and Elizabeth (Irbel) Huggans, natives of Georgia and South Carolina, respectively. The mother went to Geor- gia when quite a girl, was there married, and re- sided until her death in 1849. Her husband died in 1882. They were the parents of one son and three daughters, our subject being the only surviv- ing child. Though only a boy, he went to Florida during the Seminole War, enlisting as a soldier. He returned home in 1839, and in the fall of the same year moved to Alabama, where he remained until 1854, when he came to Arkansas, locating near Greensboro, in Greene (now Craighead) Coun- ty. He entered some land in Greene County, and rented for several years, and had improved a num- cer of farms before coming to his present location. He is a wide-awake and energetic farmer, and al- though he only came to this place in 1887, he now i has in a state of splendid cultivation seventy-five acres of choice farming land. December 8, 1839, he was married to Miss Mary Anthony, who was born and reared in South Carolina, and to this un- ion have been born two children : John J. and Mrs. Elizabeth Steward, both now deceased. The son, John J. , had married, and to him and wife had been born two children, one of whom grew to woman- hood and married. She had one child, AVilliam T. Manerd, who is now living with Mr. Huggans. Both Mr. and Mrs. Huggans are active and char- itable members of the community in which they live, and the latter is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Ivy S. Hughs, proprietor of the Hughs House of Jonesboro, Ark. , was born in the Pickens Dis- trict, S. C, March 5, 1829, and is the son of George and Margaret (Tannery) Hughs, both na- tives of the same State. His father was a farmer and brick mason by occupation, and died about 1847, aged fifty-five years. His mother's parents were Zopher and Mary (Minturn) Tannery. Of the thirteen children born to this union, only eight are now living — Ivy S. being the only one in Ar- kansas. In October, 1887, Mrs. Hughs came on a visit to her son and died in the Hughs House, March 25, 1888, aged ninety-one years. I. S. Hughs left South Carolina with his father's family, when fifteen years of age, and located in Chero- kee County, Ga. , where he resided until after he was of age. In 1856 he came to Arkansas, select- ing a site within a mile of what is now Jonesboro, but then a wild timbered country. Mr. Hughs % entored eighty acres of laud, remained on it but a short time, and then engaged in merchandising for two years. Then he returned to the farm and was at the same time proprietor of a grocery store, where he remained until the beginning of the late war. He enlisted in the Confederate service, Company I, Thirteenth Arkansas Infantry, com- manded by Col. Tappan. He served until the sur- render, was promoted from private to captain, and was mustered out as the latter. He returned to Jonesboro, and after clerking for two years in the i dry goods store of Burk & Chisenhall, went into business for himself, but was burned out. There being no hotel here for the accommodation of the | public, he began keeping boarders, and as business increased, he erected the old part of the present Hughs House in 1881. Additions have been made until now it has thirty-three sleeping apartments, and is one of the largest hotels in this part of the State, and is located on two acres of hotel property. Mr. Hughs has also several farms scattered over the county, amounting in all to about 6-tS acres. October 28, 1858, he married Martha I. Kellar, a daughter of Uriah and Julia Kellar, residents of this county. To this union were born five chil- dren, only three of whom are now living: W. J., a merchant of St. Louis, married Belle Hughes; Ben. and I. O. Hughs. Mr. and Mrs. Hughs spare no pains in their efforts to make their gue.sts as comfortable as possible. Mr. Hughs was ap- pointed deputj' under Sheriff Thorn, and served four years in that capacity, also holding the same position under Sheriff Lane for one term. He is a Democrat in politics, and a charter member of the Masonic order. James C. Johnson, a substantial farmer of Buf- falo Island, was born in Newt^ CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. m\> penter's trade. In 1848, thinking to better his condition, he emigrated to the United States; and after working at his trade in New Orleans for live years, he went to St. Louis and to Iowa, where for some time he worked at carpentering and build ing, and then went to Memphis, Tenu. , where he resided working at his trade for nineteen years. Here he formed tlie accjuaintance of Miss Ann M. Meyer, who became his wife July *J, 1854. This lady was a native of Germany, but was reared in Cincinnati, Ohio. To this union have been born two children: Adaline and John August. In 1877 Mr. Koehler moved to Mississippi County, Ark., where he farmed and worked at his trade some three years, and then moved to his present loca- tion on Buffalo Island, which has since been his home. He at first purchased forty acres of un- improved land, to which he has since added until he now owns 184 acres, 100 of it being under a good state of cultivation. He also owns valuable property in Florida and California. Like most of his countrymen, Mr. Koehler is frugal and indus- trious, and has made what he has by his own exer- tions. He is unassuming in his manner, charital)le and honest in his thoughts and dealings with his fellow men, and is one of Craighead County's mo.st substantial citizens. His wife and children are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. W. T. Lane, sheriff and collector of Craighead County, was born in Greene (now Craighead) County, December 30, 1850, and is a son of Thomas J. and Mary (Hughes) Lane, the father a native of Illinois, and the mother of Tennessee. Thomas Lane emigrated with his father, William Lane, to Arkansas about 1840, and located ten miles south of the present site of Jonesboro. They were among the first settlers of this section. William Lane engaged in mercantile business, and in rafting on the St. Francis Kiver, in both of which he was very successful. He never returned fi'om his last trip on the raft, and the cause of his death is un- certain. The body was recovered almost two years later, /sind was identified by his suspender buckles and raft auger. While a resident of Illinois, he was a colonel of a regiment of State militia, and held a commission as lieutenant under Gen. Jackson. His son, Thomas J. Lane, was a stock dealer and general trader, owning also a small farm. He died in 1858, and his wife in 18(50. Both were estimable and gi-eatly respected citizens. They were the parents of but one child, W. T. Lane, the immediate subject of this sketch, who, left an orphan in infancy, was reared by his grandmothiM- Lane, now in her eighty-sixth year. He received a common-school education, and so far as his means would allow, became engaged in farming and stock dealing. He made his home with his grandmother imtil 1880, when he was elected sheriff and collector, to which office he has been re-elected each ensuing election. At Sum- merville, Tenn., in December, of 1887, he was united in marriage with Miss Mattie Thurman, a native of that State, and to them has been l)orn one child, now deceased. Mr. Lane possesses ex- traordinary stability of character and perseverance, and l)eing eminently (jualified for the position which he holds, tilK it ■satisfactorily to his con- stituents. W. Stanford Lane is a native of Arkansas, having been born and reared in the State which has always been his home. His father, W. Q. Lane, was born in Tennessee, and moved to this State about IS32. His mother, Caroline (Harris) Lane, was a native of South Carolina. Of this union, seven children were the issue, and the four survivors are all residents of Craighead County. The father was an honest, hard working farmer, who achieved success through earnest endeavor. He was a worthy member of the Masonic order. Stanford Lane is one of the enterprising farmers of Craighead County, and owns 700 acres of land, of which about 100 acres are well improved. By patient toil and industry he has made his farm one of the best in the county. He was united in mar- riage with Elnora Carter, a native of Tennessee, who came with her father to this State in 1850. This union has been blessed with three children: Jarvis Q., Harry B. and Daisy E. Mrs. Lane is a devoted wife and mother, a zealous Christian, and a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Lane is a stanch Democrat, but prefers rather to serve his party than receive official favors. It may be truly ^ a 1^ 340 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. said of him that h« is one of the progressive cit- izens of the county. B. Frank Lee, a native of Jonesboro Town- ship, has lived in this county over forty-five years. He vpas born August 5, 1844, and is the son of Dr. Charles Lee, an early settler and pioneer physician of this county, who attended to the physical needs of the citizens of his time until his death. He married Mrs. Eliza (Pierce) Cook, widow of Will- iam Cook. Charles Lee and wife became the par- ents of three children, one daughter, deceased, and two sons, B. F. and Claiborne N. The mother died about ten years ago. Frank Lee was reared in this township, and has been all his life a farmer, but did not have school opportunities when a bov. His half-brother, Thomas Cook, entered eighty acres of laud, and at his mother's death it descended to Mr. Lee by inheritance. It is a good farm, with about forty acres of rich bottom land under culti- vation. Mr. Lee was married, October 7, ISHQ, to Mary, a daughter of Albert and Rebecca Pierce, residents of this township. Of the eleven children born to this union, ten are living. They are: Cal- vin, Susan, Charlie, Nancy, John, Harriet, Re- becca, Eliza, Josie, and a baby boy, Harrison Col- umbus Lee. Mr. Lee is a man of decided politi- cal and religious convictions, and supports all charitable and progressive enterprises. He is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and is a Republican in politics. Aris R. Lunsford, though but recently a resi- dent of Buffalo Island, has already attained a posi- tion among its leading farmers. He was born in Lauderdale County, Tenn., January 23, 1844, and is the fifth of a family of eight children, five of whom are still living, His father, William Luns- ford, a native of North Carolina, was married in that State, and later moved to Tennessee. There his first wife died, and he married Marcie Norris, the mother of A. R. The father was a prominent farmer and trustee of the county for several years, and remained in Tennessee until his death, April 27, 1884, aged seventy -seven years. The mother is still living. Aris R. Lunsford was reared in Tennessee, receiving such education as the county schools of the time afforded. He enlisted in the Confederate army, in October, 1861, participating in several engagements, and saw much active ser- vice. He was corporal of his company, and was several times captured, paroled and exchanged, being last taken at Ripley, Tenn., where he was held until the close of the war. He then returned to his home, where he remained until 1886. Jan- uary 15, 1863, he was united in marriage with Margaret Brimm, a native of Tennessee, and daughter of Thomas Brimm. Eight children have been the fruits of this union: William G., Sarah M. (wife of William Markham), James R., So- phronia (wife of N. S. Tucker), John S., Mary A., Jason H. and Maggie L. In 1886 Mr. Lunsford sold out in Tennessee and came to Arkansas, locat- ing where he now lives. He has cleared seventy acres of land, and has a good residence, stables and orchard, all bearing evidence of thrift and success. In 1876 he was elected jitstice of the peace in Tennessee, and held that office until he removed to Arkansas, where he has been elected justice of the peace of Buffalo Township. He is president of the district and local Agricultural Wheel. Both he and wife are members of the Methodist Church. L. A. Lynch, an active, enterjsrising farmer of Jonesboro, living five miles south of the city, was born in Marshall County, Miss., August 14, 1850. His father was Aden Lynch, a native of Middle Tennessee, who was a mechanic by trade and a farmer by occiipation, working at both. In 1 855 ,he moved to Poinsett (now Craighead) County. Ark., and bought a claim of 160 acres, living thereon one year. Then obtaining the contract to build the court-house of Poinsett County, at Har- risburg, he removed his family there; but after two or three years returned to Jonesboro, having se- cured the contract to build the first court-house in Craighead County. In the winter of 1867 he removed to the farm where he still resides, one mile south of Jonesboro. He has been twice mar- ried. His first union, with Susan Lynch, was blessed with nine children, only three of whom are now living: J. J., a farmer of Jonesboro Township: Matilda (Mrs. Robert Y. Duncan), also of Jones- boro Township; and Lewis A., the subject of this Ll£ CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. :!H sketch. After his wife's detath, in 1854, Mr. Lynch was again married to Mary Martin. Mr. Lynch is a member of the Methodist Church and is a Mason. He has been honored with various positions of trust, having been for several years justice of the peace in Marshall County, Miss., and after coming to Craighead County, served sev- eral years as county clerk, was elected county probate judge, and was subsequently appointed by Gov. Baxter one of three county supervisors. He was also the first mayor of the city of Jonesboro. Lewis Aden Lynch was reared in Craighead County, receiving the best education the district afforded. At eighteen years of age he began farming for himself and for others, homesteaded 120 acres, moving on it in 1877. His father gave him forty acres, completing the quarter-section. About thirty- five acres of this are in a splendid state of cultivation. MJr. Lynch was married, Feb- ruary 4, 1S77. to Eliza J., daughter of Calvin and Sallie (Shaw) Shores. To them have been born four children: Albert Clifton, Henry Ollie, Eddie Omer and Dixie May. Mrs. Lynch is a member of the Christian Church and a charitable lady. Mr. Lynch has always been a Democrat and served one term as justice of the peace of Jonesboro Township. He has resided on his present })lace since 1877, and has needed a physician for him- self or family but once in all that time. He is a member of the Agricultural Wheel, and at present occupies the position of school director of district 29. He takes quite an interest in all educational matters. John J. McBroom, an influential farmer, and proprietor of the Lake City ferry, was born in Orange County, Ind., December 27, 1825, and is a son of Jesse and Susan (Sowards) McBroom, the former a native of Virginia, the latter of Kentucky. The father was reared in Virginia and Kentucky, was married in Indiana, and in that State engaged in farming for a number of yeai's. In the winter of 1837 he came to Arkansas, locating in Phillips County, where he engaged in farming and reared his family, residing there twenty-one years. He then removed to Lawrence County, and remained until his death. His wife survived him several years, and died in 1884. J. J. McBroom carae with his father to this State when a lad twelve years of age, and grew to manhood on the farm in Phillips County, receiving his education at the county schools. In 1850 he went to Independence County, where he engaged for four years in steam - boating on the Black and White Rivers. He has seen much war service, having been actively oc- cupied in both the Mexican and the late war. The former he entered in 1846, enlisting in the First Arkansas Cavalry. Col. Yell's regiment, and par ticipated in several skirmishes and the battle of Buena Vista. When discharged he returned to Philli])s County. In 1861 he entered the Confed erate service, McGee's battalion, Col. Dobbin" ^ regiment. He was in many prominent engage ments. and served until the close of the war, when he settled in Craighead County, and has since been steamboating. He is an engineer, but has also served as pilot, and has always been an active, energetic business man. He was first married in Phillips County, in 1849, to I. H. Metcalf, who was born and reared in Kentucky, and died May 29, 1884. There are three chihlren living of this union: Willdie, wife of J. E. Mattax; Adora, wife of Chancy Gillum, and J. J. McBroom, Jr. J. R. died in 1887. aged twenty- nine years. Jan uary 10, 1886, Mr. McBroom married Mrs. (Twad dell) Stroud, a native of New York City, reared in the city and on Long Island. Her first husband was a native of Canada, and after their marriage they resided theie three years, and then returned to Long Island. In 1861 they came west to Cm- cinnati, Ohio, and remained there two years, then removed to Memphis, where they resided three years, and in 1806 settled in Craighead County, Ark. Here Mr. Twaddell died, December 25. 1878. Mrs. Twaddell subsequent]}' married Henry Stroud, September 16, 1881, wh'o died March 1. 1885. Two children, Charles P. and Ostram, died after reaching mature years. Mr. McBroom has a good farm on Cane Island, and his wife one on Buffalo Island. For three years he has operated the Lake City ferry. His wife is a meml)er of the Methodist and he of the Christian Church. He is a Mason, and is Junior Warden of his lodge. h ^J^ 342 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Lucian T. McDaniel, merchaat and postmaster at Gilkerson, is one of the prominent and enterpris- ing business men of Jonesboro Township. His father, Solomon McDaniel, one of the oldest set- tlers and leading citizens of Craighead County, was born in Wilson County, Tenn., July 12, 1820. His paternal grandfather was John F. McDaniel, a native of Randolph County, N. C. , who removed to Tennessee after his marriage to Mary Horn, by whom he had several children. After her death he was again married, to Mrs. Mary (Reaves) Thomas, a native of Tennessee. These two were the parents of seven children, two of whom are now living, viz. : Mary, widow of William Paultin, and Solo- mon. Mrs. McDaniel died in Hardin County, Tenn., and her husband subsequently married again and removed to Arkansas in 1839. He lo- cated several miles below the old farm, and after a few years removed to Missouri, where he died. His father, Abraham McDaniel (the paternal great- grandfather of the subject of this sketch), fought through the Revolutionary War, and John F. was almost old enoiigh to be mustered into service. Solomon McDaniel was a boy when he came to this county, and has lived on his present farm thirty- one years. He has been engaged principally in farming, but is al.so a blacksmith and gunsmith. He has a tine farm of 170 acres about five miles south of Jonesboro, and 100 acres are in a splendid state of cultivation. He was married A])ril 6, 1848, to Juliet White, a native of Craighead Coun- ty, and daughter of Thomas and Liicy (Trigg) White, residents of this county. To their union were born thirteen children, seven living, as fol- lows: John T. (married Margaret Porter, now deceased), Margaret King, William F. (married Sarah Kellar), Lucian T. (married Matilda Shel- ton), Andrew J. and three girls. Mr. McDaniel is a Republican in politics, and was a Union man during the war. He has been a member of the Christian Church for about fifteen years, and his wife, two sons and two daughters are members of the same denomination — all connected with the Christian Valley Church. Lucian T. McDaniel was born on the old homestead, August 14, 1859, and was reared on the farm, receiving a fair dis- ' trict school education. When twenty-two years of age he engaged as a clerk for B. C. Shiery, a grocer of Jonesboro, and five months later moved to Wiener, Poinsett County, becoming a merchant of that place. Four months after, when the Cotton Belt Railroad was opened, he removed to Gilkerson and engaged in mercantile business. In June, 1887, W. M. Robertson, of Jonesboro, liecame a member of the firm now known as Robertson & McDaniel. They keep a stock of general mer- chandise and have a very good trade; also operate a saw-mill (capacity, 6,000 feet per day), and a cotton-gin, and grist-mill (capacity, 200 bushels per day), and are agents for the Cotton Belt Rail- road and Southern Express Company. Mr. Mc- Daniel was married January 17. 1883, to Matilda J. Shelton, daughter of Stephen and Mahala ; Shelton, residents of this township. Their union has been blessed with four children: Maggie Lee, James Garland, Stephen Andrew and Angle Belle. Mrs. McDaniel is a pious and charitable lady, and a member of the Christian Valley Church, of the Christian denomination. Abraham McDaniel (deceased) was one of the prosperous and esteemed farmers of Craighead County. He was a native of Tennessee, his par- ents, John and Mary McDaniel, having been resi- dents of that State. After his mother's death, his father came to Poinsett (now Craighead) County, Ark., locating near the present home of ' his son's widow, but he afterward removed to Mis- souri, where he died. His children. Abraham. Mar)', Nicholas and Charlie, returned to Arkansas. There were six children, only two of whom, Solo- mon N. , and Mary, widow of William Pauldin, are now living. Abraham was about grown when , he came to this county, and has engaged in farm- ing all his life. He settled on the homestead farm in September. 1852, entering a half section of land. Having given to his sons, John B. and James N., sixty and sixty-three acres of land, re- spectively, the homestead now contains 183 acres. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity, and in 1865 was ordained to preach in the Christian denomination, and devoted the greater part of his life to his Master's cause. He died March 7, 1879, CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. 34,5 aged tiftythree years. He was married October 1 20, 1S47, to Jane Cary, a daiightpr of Benjamin ' and Sallie (Stotts) Carj', residents of this county. Mrs. McDaniel was born in Carroll County, Tenn. , October 31, 1832. In 1839 Mr. Cary removed with his family to Poinsett County, Ark., where he died in 1843, his wife having died two years previously Mr. and Mrs. McDaniel were the par- ents of ten children, three deceased: Rebecca, Sally and an infant boy; and seven living: John B., married to Mintie McGown. James N., married to Mary Hendrix; Mary, wife of John H. Darr; Nancy Ann, wife of Louis Sowells ; Elizabeth, wife i)f William Fuller, and Martha Jane and A. B. , at home. Mrs. McDaniel has been a devout and in- fluential member of the Christian Church for about nineteen years, and four of her children are also members. A. L. Malone. insurance agent, and a member of the firm of Malone & Bell, dealers in books, sta- tionery, etc., was born in Fayette County, Tenn., September 29, 1853. His parents, William C. and Elizabeth M. (Gardner) Malone, natives re- spectively of Orange County, N. C, and Powhatan County, Va. , were married in Fayette County, Tenn., where they resided until December, 1853, when they came to Northeast Arkansas, locating in Poinsett County. He was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and also followed farming. He devoted much time to his Master's cause, and organized many churches in this part of the State. His latter years were spent in Cross County, Ark., where he died in November, ]88f5. His wife still resides in Cross County. To them were born eight children, only three now living: Alvis L., John K. and Blanche. A. L. Malone was an infant when his parents came to this State, and received his education in the common schools of Poinsett County. He remained on the farm until eighteen years of age, then entered a store as a clerk, and later engaged in the mercantile busine.ss for him.self. in Wittsburg, Cross County. He came to Jonesboro in the fall of 1883, and since that time has been occupied in his present business. He represents the following Insurance Companies: Phoenix, Hartford and Orient of Hartford, American of Philadelphia, Union and Anglo Nevada of California, and other leading and noted companies. He is assistant postmaster, and has held that office for four years. He and partner keep a large stock of books, stationery, etc., located in the postoflSce building. In 1879 he was married to Miss Florence McFerrin, and of this union four children have Ijeen the issue, three living and one deceased. Those living are, Lil- lian, James W. and Mary. The one deceased was Charles M. Both paients are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Mr. Malone be- longs to the Knights, and Knights and Ladies of Honor. He was elected in April, 1880, and served one term as city recorder of Jonesboro. Politically he is a Democrat, is an energetic and thoroughgoing business man, and has the confi- dence and respect of all who know him. Isaac N. Mangrum is a native of Maury Coun- ty, Tenn., his birth occiUTing Noveralier 28, 1836. His parents, L. B. and Stacy Mangrum, were both natives of the " Old Volunteer State." where they were married and resided a number of years, and then moved to Shelby County, Tenn. They came to Craighead County, Ai'k. , prior to the War of the Rebellion, and located on a farm near Jones- boro, which was their home until their respective deaths. They were the parents of nine children, and had the respect and confidence of all who knew them. Isaac N. was reared upon a farm, and re- ceived but meager educational advantages. He came with his parents to Arkansas in 1854, and a year later was united in marriage with Miss Talii- tha Blackstone, and from then until entering the Confederate service, he followed farming in Craig- head County with varied success. His war exper- ience was eventful, and he saw much active service and underwent many iiardships and privations. After the war, he returned to his home and family, and resumed his agricultural labors, locating where he now resides. The place at that time was almost wholly unimproved, but by hard work, intelligent and business-like management, Mr. Mangrum has improved and added to it, until he is now one of the leading planters and owns one of the best im- proved farms in the county. His improvements 344 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. are all good, and upon his place are two cotton- gins, which do a thriving business. By his first marriage there were two children, both of whom are worthy citizens, and are married and reside near the home place. Mrs. Mangrum died in 1866. Miss Susan Sage, a native of Craighead County, became the second wife of Mr. Mangrum in 1866. Ten children are the fruits of this union, of whom these are now living: Stacy, James, Robert, George and Ettie. Some of the children died in infancy. Stacy is the wife of Mr. James Stotts. Mr. Mangrum is, in the fullest sense of the term, a self-made man. He is progressive in his ideas, and liberally contributes to all worthy objects. He is a member of the Masonic order, and is one of Craighead County's most esteemed citizens. Nicholas P. Mangrum was born in Maury County, Tenn. , in 1S46. His father, James Man- grum, was a native of Virginia, and when a child six years of age came with his parents to Maury County, Tenn. Here he was reared, and married to Ann Craig, a native of Maury County. In 1858 he moved with his family to Poinsett County, Ark., remaining three years, when he moved to Dyer County, Tenn., and remained for some eight years; thence to Butler County, Mo. , for one year, later to Dunklin County, Mo., for one year, when he returned to Craighead County, Ark. , where he died in February, 1887, aged sixty-seven years. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and much respected by all who knew him. The mother died in Maury County, Tenn.-, in 1846, when Nicholas P. was but six months of age, leav- ing five children, all of whom lived to maturity. Only two of them are now living: Mrs. Martha Todd, now living in Texas, and our subject. Those deceased are William, Robert and James. James Mangrum was married a second time, and had a fam- ily of seven children, two of whom are now living: George and Sophrouia, the latter residing with our subject. George is deputy sherifif of this county, and resides at Lake City. Nicholas P. Mangrum was reared in Tennessee, receiving his ediication at the county schools. He was married, in 1871, to Amanda Stotts. a daughter of Arnold Stotts, and began farming for himself on this Island near where he now resides. He came to his present place in 1874, purchasing wild land, with only seven acres cleared. Now he has cleared, and has in cultivation, eighty acres, and is one of the most thriving and prosperous farmers on the Island. He is a wide-awake and public -spirited citizen, and is a consistent Christian, and member of the Meth- odist Church. aohn H. Mangrum, clerk of the circuit court, exofficio clerk of the county and i^robate courts, and recorder, is a native of Cross County, Ark. , born July 29. 1855. His parents, L. B. and Eustatia (Lovell) Mangrum, the former a native of Vir- ginia, the latter of Tennessee, were married in the " Old Volunteer State," and emigrated to Arkansas in 1852, locating in Cross County. There the father cleared a good farm and engaged in agricul- tural pursuits until January of 1861, when he moved to Craighead County, and located one half mile northwest of Jonesboro, where he resided until his death, which occurred January 4, 1883, his wife having previously died July 25, 1881. They were the parents of thirteen children, five of whom are now living John H. Mangrum, the youngest child, was reared on a farm, receiving his education at the common schools of the county. He followed farming and school teaching in his early life, acquitting himself with personal credit and to the benefit of those for whom he labored. In 188() he was elected to his present office, and was re-elected m 1888, now serving his second term. In November of 1881, he was united in marriage with Miss Jeannette Culberhouse, a daughter of G. T. Culberhouse. Mrs. Mangrum is an estima- ble lady, and a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Mangrum belongs to the Masonic and Knights of Honor fraternities, is a Democrat in politics, and is an active member of his party in this coutity, meriting by his untiring services, the honorable recognition which he has received. Z. T. Matthews, of the firm of Matthews, Pet- er.son & Pace, merchants of Jonesboro, is a native of Paulding County, Ga , born February 2, 1848. His ])arents, L. M. and Mary Ann Matthews, were natives of Virginia and Georgia, respectively, and were the parents of ten children; Z. T. and a sister. CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. ■ur Louisa, in Paulding County, Ga. , being the only survivors. The mother died in Georgia, and, by his second marriage, Mr. Matthews became the father of three children, all deceased. He was by occupation an agriculturist, and in the winter of 1857 came to what is now Craighead County, Ark., and located about one and one- half miles from the present site of Jonesboro. When, two years later, the town of Jonesboro was laid out, he was living on the present town site, and had his field planted with cotton. Some years later he moved to Poin- sett County, where he died during the war. Z. T. Matthews was but eight years of age when he came with his parents to Arkansas, and here grew to manhood, receiving such education as the schools of that day afforded. He went to the first log school- house built in the town, attended private schools and also the old academy. He was reared mainly on a farm, but, in 1808, began clerking at $r2.r)0 per month, and retained that position for two years, and then entered into partnershij) with W. J. Witt, continuing but a short time. He then entered into a partnership with William Puryear, which lasted for about four years. Selling out to Mr. Puryear, he formed a partnership with J. C. Knight, with whom he continued eleven years, and then formed his present partnership. The firm has a large stock of dry goods, clothing, gent's furnishing goods, boots and shoes, etc., and, by strictly fair and honest business princi- ples, have established a splendid custom. Mr. Matthews is also a partner of Johnson, Berger & Co., dealers in groceries, furniture and hardware, owning both store buildings, which are large two- story bricks. In 1864 he was married to Miss C. J. Witt, and of this union four children have been the issue: Waughlie, Gordon, Eva, and Willie, who died when seven months old. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews are members of the Baptist Church. Mr. Matthews' business career has been one of unusual success; starting as a clerk on a small sal- ary, he soon engaged in business for himself; was during Grant's administration appointed postmas- ter of Jonesboro, which position he held for about s(>ven years, resigning in favor of J. D. C. Cobb, and now is a leading and successful citizen. James D. Mead, an energetic and successful agriculturist of Lake City Township, was born in Madi.son County. Ga., in 1822, and is the son of John and Elizabeth (Hall) Mead, the former a na- tive of Georgia, the latter of South Carolina. His grandfather. Miner M. Mead, was of English descent, and was born in Virginia, where his par- ents had settled a few years previous. He served in the Revolutionary War, and was afterward a pensioner for services rendered. His wife, Mary Mead, lived to be one hundred and five years of age, and drew a pension after her husband's death. She died in Carroll County, Ga., having lived a devoted Christian life as a member of the Baptist Church. They were the parents of thirteen chil- dren, John, the father of our subject, being the oldest child. John Mead served in the War of 1812, and aft,er a life of success and usefulness, died in Georgia, when fifty seven years of age. The mother died in Craighead County, at the home of her son, James, in 1807. To them were born nine children, James D. being the third child, and he and two sisters, Mary and Sarah, are the only survivors, and all live in this county. Mr. Mead was reared and educated in Georgia, where he re- sided until the spring of 1857, when, with his family, consisting of his wife and five children, he came to Arkansas, locating on what is now Bay Siding. There he followed farming for sixteen years, and in 1872 moved to his present location. Since coming to Arkansas he has put in cultivation over 200 acres of land, and now owns 480 acres, and has under good cultivation 125 acres. April 6, 1848, he was united in marriage with Miss Thessa Moon, born in Georgia, in 1820, who died in this county, in 1807. Their union was lilessed by nine children, only two of whom are now liv- ing: Mrs. Nancy S. McLean and James W. Mr. Mead was married a second time, ia 1872, this time selecting Mrs. Elizabeth Farmer, nee Lewis, who. by her former marriage was the mother of three children: Mrs. Mary Gatlin, Mrs. Sarah Bag well and Mrs. Nellie Wilson. Mr. Mead's family have always been Whigs, and he is now a stanch Republican. James W. Mead, a leading planter of tln' ^ ''^ r » > 346 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. county and also mail contractor, is a native of Georgia, born in Madison County, January '22, 1850. His parents were James D. and Thessa (Moon) Mead [see sketch], both natives of Georgia. He came with his father to this State and county when a boy seven years of age, and was reared on his father's farm, receiving his education at the county schools. He chose as his life companion, Jane Beaty, a native of Arkansas, reared in this county, and December 24, 1868, they were united in marriage. He engaged in farming for several years after this event, and in 1880 opened a saloon at Lake City, and was engaged in the saloon business for six years. In 1883 he was appointed deputy sheriff, and served in that capacity until November, 1888. Since that time he has been farming. Mr. and Mrs. Mead have two children, Nora and Otto, and lost three in early child- hood. Mr. Mead has been quite prominent in local afPairs, is a Republican in politics, and has been postmaster, serving in that capacity for sev- eral years. He is a Knight of Honor and also a Mason. J. A . Meek, attorney at law at Jonesboro, Ark. , was born in Lincoln County, Tenn., April 8, 1830, and is the only son of Urban E. and Nancy (Dean) Meek, who were natives of the "Old Volunteer State." The paternal grandfather, Alexander Meek, a native of Virginia, emigrated to Tennes- see at an early day, and was among its pioneer settlers. Moving later to Marshall County, Miss., he was among the early settlers of that State, which was still largely inhabited by Indians. Though at the time but sixteen years of age, he was a soldier of the Revolution, participating in the battles at King's Mountain and at Cowpens. He was with four bi-others and two uncles during his military service. After the war he was a pen- sioner for service rendered; and returning to his farm resumed his occupation. He died in 1858, at that time one hundred years of age. The maternal grandfather, too, lived to be almost a centenarian. Urban E. Meek built the first house in Chulahoma, Marshall County. Miss., and re- sided there until his death in 1847. He was a farmer by occupation, and was a prominent man in the county, having held several oflBces of honor and trust. His wife died in 1848. They were the parents of two children: Joseph A. and Minerva E., wife of James H. Wilburn, of De Soto County, Miss. Joseph A. Meek was reared in Holly Springs, Miss., and there received his edu- cation. His parents having died when he was about fifteen years of age, he worked his war through school until able to teach; and while teaching school, studied medicine under Rev. Stark Depree, of De Soto County, Miss. In 1857 he entered McDowell Medical College of St. Louis, and at the beginning of the late war enlisted as assistant sui-geon, and served in that capacity until I the close of hostilities. He then returned to Har- risburg, Poinsett County, where he had gone in 1858, and resumed his practice, remaining there until 1873. During that time he was twice'elected to the legislature, first in 1866, and afterward in 1871. He entered the Atlanta Medical College in 1871, and graduated in September of that year. In 1873 he came to Jonesboro, where he practiced his jjrofession until 1883, when he gave up the I medical profession and began the practice of law, having been admitted to the bar in Poinsett County. The circumstances attending his admission are I interesting and unique. Once, in 1858, being on trial, he defended himself, showing such unusual tact and ability that he was admitted by a petition i from the bar, and without examination. In 1881 he was elected to the legislature from Craighead County, and was re-elected in 1883 and 1888. He was first married November 19, 1856, to Miss Madella Russell, of De Soto County, Miss., who bore him two children. One of them is now de- ceased, and the other, Jodella, is the wife of W. M. Robertson. Mrs. Meek died August 12, 1860, and June 7, of the following year, Mr. Meek was united in marriage with Miss Caroline F. Parker, a native of North Carolina, and a graduate of Chawan College. He has been for years a leader of his party in both Poinsett and Craighead Counties, untiring in his labors, and deserving the honors bestowed upon him. He is a member of I the I. O. O. F., and he and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. — » 9 ^ CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. 34'; Joseph W. Moss, a, leading farmer and stock dealer of Craighead County, whose parents, Willis and Sarah (Mnllinax) Moss, were both natives of South Carolina, was born in that State August 25, 182U. His father died in his native State, his mother in Tennessee. He was reared on a farm, and had l)ut limited educational advantages. When, in 1851, his brother Barnett came on a prospecting tour to Arkansas, and located in Poinsett (now Craighead) County, Joseph W. came with him, and for a while made his brother's house his home. He at first bought fifty-two acres, and has since added to it. until he now owns about 1,000 acres, mostly woodland. He began $60 in debt, but by industry, economy and thrift, he has cancelled this indebtedness and accumulated a competency, which he has from time to time invested in land and stock. He lost fifty fine horses in the disas- trous overflow of 1882. He was married, in 1853, to Mary Simonds, a native of Illinois, and to this union was born one child, Henry, married to Mat- tie Wilson. His first wife died, and Mr. Moss was married again, in 1861, to Lousina Kelsoe, a native of Tennessee. This union was blessed with nine children, all living: John R. (married to Florence Stotts). Sarah (wife of Morgan Denham), Joseph L. (married to Jane Patterson), Mary (wife of Theodore Johnson), Carroll, Barnett, Hettie, Newton B. and Wallace. Mrs. Moss died in 1880, and Ml-. Moss married Mrs. Martha Patterson, a native of the county, and daughter of Andrew Stotts (now deceased), an early settler of the coun- ty. Mr. Moss is a Democrat in politics, has held various oflSces, and takes great interest in educa- tional matters. A. S. Nash, merchant at Jonesboro, was born in Bedford County, Tenn., July 23, 1829, and is a son of Travis and Joanna (Miller) Nash who came fi-om Virginia to Tennessee early in the his- tory of that State. The Nash family are of Irish and the Miller family of French descent. Travis Nash was a farmer by occupation, and in the War of 1812, wasacaptain. He was a successful farmctr and a brave and gallant soldier, and died at Shel- by ville, Tenn., April 7, 1844. The mother moved with her family to Texas, where she died in 1862. Of the family of fifteen children, only two are now living, Mary, widow of John McGimsey, and Au- gustus S. Two brothers, Thomas and Franklin, who went from Texas, were killed in the war, and two others, Lafayette and Granderson M. died in Texas at the close of the war. Augustus S. Nash was reared in Shelby ville, Tenn., remained on the farm until fourteen years of age, when he was aj)- prenticed to learn the saddler's trade. He fol- lowed saddlery for several years, then engaged for several years in farming, and in 1860 moved to Jackson Coimty. Ala. While living in Tennessee, he was lieutenant of militia under the old muster law, and in 1S61, at the outbreaking of the Civil War, he enlisted in Company G, Fourth Alabama Cavalry, and during the war saw much active ser- vice. He was in the battles of Fort Donelson, Murfreesboro, Resaca, Missionary Ridge, Atlanta, Franklin, Knoxville, Tenn., and several others. He was with Gen. Wilson from Alabama to Co- lumbus, Ga., where they surrendered. He was not seriously wounded, but had his left ear shot off at Chickamauga. At the close of the war, he returned to Nashville, where he took the oath, and then returned to his farm in Alabama. In 1 870 he moved to Jonesboro, Ark., where for six years he engaged very successfully in farming, and in 1876, he began merchandising, which he has since followed. He was married in 1849 to Margara Atkins, and they are the parents of seven living children: Thomas, William, Charles, Leander. Richard, Wiley and Victoria. The father and mother are both members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. Ml-. Nash belongs to the Masonic fraternity; he owns a great deal of property in Jonesboro, and as a lousiness man has been very successful. In 1 880 he was elected county treas- urer, which ofiice he filled satisfactorily to his con- stituents. He is one of the leading business men of the town. Francis M. Newcom and Robert T. Wallace are both natives of Kentucky, the former boril in Crittenden County, October 15, 1855, the latter in what is now Webster County. August 27, 1847. They are now prosperous and representative farm- ers of Craighead County, Ai-k. Francis M. Newcom 348 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. is a son of W. D. and M. E. (Heath) Newcom, na- tives of Kentucky, who later settled in Webster County, where both parents died. Francis M. came to Arkansas in 1882, and three years later to his present residence. He has cleared and now has under cultivation seventy-live acres of good land. October 1'2, 1882, he was united in mar- riage with Eliza Wallace, born and reared in Ken- tucky, and to this union have been born foiir chil- dren: Ivy Lillie, Nannie D. , Lee E., and Rosa Belle (deceased). Mr. Newcom is a prominent member of the Missionary Baptist Church. Rob- ert T. Wallace is the eldest of the six children born to the union of Col. Benjamin P. Wallace and Eliza Bruce, natives of Kentucky. The father was a farmer in his native State, and in the Civil War enlisted in the Confederate service, in which he was colonel. He died July 12, 1870, the mother hav- ing previously died July 10, 1869. Robert T. was reared in Kentucky, and lived with his father until his death, when he bought the old homestead, on which he resided until he came to Arkansas, in 1882. He had been deputy sheriff for one year, and sheriff for two. Since 1882 be has resided in Arkansas, except one year spent in Howell Couuty, Mo. , and he moved to his present location Christ- mas of 1887. He owns several tracts of land, and has a well-cultivated farm. July 17, 1875, he married Annie Moore, also a native of Kentucky, and a daughter of Allen Moore. They had grown up together in the same county. The fruits of this union have been foiu- children, only one living, Maude. Those deceased are Florence, died in 1885, at the age of nine years; Molly, died when five years of age, and Willie, who died at three years of age. The parents are both consistent Christians, the father a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and the mother of the Meth- odist Church. Mr. Wallace is a member of the I. O. O. F. Rev. William J. Newton, one of the leading citizens of Buffalo Island, was born on the place where he now lives, March 3, 1849, and is the son of John Newton, who was born in Tennessee, and reared near Nashville. To better his fortune, he came to Arkansas in 1841, and here married Cather- ine Lamb, the mother of our immediate subject. The father died in 1857. William J. attained his majority on the Island where he had always lived, and served for seven months in the Confederate ranks. He lost his right limb in New Madrid, Mo., in 1805. In September, 1880, he and Martha L. Towers were married. She was a na- tive of Arkansas, born on Crowley's Ridge, this county. The fruits of this union have been si.\. children: Minerva A., Bertha, Charles J., Gert- rude, William J. and John R. Mr. Newton has a farm of 200 acres, with 124 under cultivation, is an energetic man and has cleared all but eight acres of this himself. In 1874 he professed religion, in 1876 was licensed to preach, and in 1880 was ordained a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. At first he had charge of a circuit for two years, 1880 to 1882; but since that time has been stationed, and has labored zealously in the cause of Christ, doing much good through- out this section. By his kindness to the poor, and generosity to his fellow-men, as well as by his fer- vent piety, he has attained an enviable popularity. W. W. Nisbett, lumber dealer and manufact- urer of brick, etc., is a native of Lancaster County, S. C. , born October 14, 1836. His parents, James and Jane Y. (Rogers) Nisbett, natives of South Carolina, were of Irish descent, the grandfather, a native of Ireland, having been an early immigrant to South Carolina. The paternal grandfather, Jo- siah Nisbett, was a soldier of the Revolution, and he and all the grandparents lived and died in South Carolina. James Nisbett emigrated with his fam- ily to Coffee County, Tenn. , in 1844, and three years later to Monroe County, Miss., thence to Memphis, Tenn., in 1850, and in 1852 came to what is now Craighead County, Ark., locating where Jonesboro now stands. He was a farmer and mechanic, and followed both occupations for several years; made the first improvements and built the first frame house in Jonesboro. He then kept a hotel in Jonesboro for some time, and in 1867 moved to Pike County, where he resided for five years, then returned to this county, where he remained until his death in 1884. The mother died three years later. They were the parents of CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. 349 r six children, live now living, four sons and one daughter: William W., John G. R., Benjamin F., Joseph A. and Sarah, widow of P. H. Winke. William W. was but eight years of age when he left his native State, and, school advantages being very poor, his education was necessarily very lim- ited. However, since arriving at maturer years, he has closely applied himself to study, and is now a self educated man. He was eighteen years of age when he came with his parents to Craighead County, and had learned from bis father the car- penter' 8 trade, and intelligent farming. His early life was devoted mainly to mercantile business un- til the late war, and after the surrender, he was for many years a furniture dealer and undertaker. While in business, he was three times burned out, but was by no means discouraged by his misfor- tunes. After the fire of 1886, he closed out what remained of his stock, and turned his attention to his milling business. He has been for twenty years engaged in the milling and lumber business, also handling grain, and is now engaged in the man- ufacture of brick, making from 35,000 to 40,000 per day. Having a nice farm in the suburbs of Jonesboro, be also gives some attention to agricult- ural pursuits. In 1882, he began the study of law, and in 1884 was admitted to the bar, and has since been engaged in the practice of his profession. He has been the leader of the Republican party since the war, and has been identified with all its meet- ings and important moves. He was elected sheriff of Craighead County in 1866, and served until 18T'2; was also sheriff in 1865 under military order. He has held the offices of county supervisor, presi- dent of the board of supervi.sors, county assessor, sheriff, collector, postmaster, assessor of internal revenue, and deputy United States marshal. In 1858 he was united in marriage with Mary Mattix, and they are the parents of ten children, seven of whom are living: Elizabeth (wife of J. R. Smith), Mattie (wife of H. H. Houghton), William S., Alice, Delia A., Minnie M. and George E. Mr. Nisbett is a member of the Masonic fraternity, is Master of the Blue Lodge, and High Priest of the Chapter. He belongs to the I. O. O. F., and also to the Eastern Star. William O'Guinn. Among the pioneer settlers of Craighead Coimty, none are more worthy of special mention than the subject of this sketch, who came with his parents to this State in 1836, whim, before the encroachment of civilization, wild game was plentiful. H(> was a great hunter in his youth, making this sjwrt the means of his support. He was born in Perry (now Decatur) County, Tenn. , May 17, 1827, and is a son of Daniel and Mar- garet (Anderson) O'Guinn, natives of the "Old Volunteer State," who were reared and married in that State, and in 1836 came with their three sons and daughter and grandfather Anderson and a part of his family, to Arkansas. All located first on Crowley's Ridge in Greene (now Craighead) County, and Daniel O'Guinn opened up a splen- did farm in the timber, near where Jonesboro is now situated, where he reared his family and died in 1859. His wife followed him in 1872. Both were very worthy citizens and members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They were the par- ents of thirteen children, ten of whom lived to be grown, but only two, William, the oldest child, and the youngest child, Martha, now the wife of Henry Haze, are now living. Willaim O'Guinn began life on his own responsibility when nineteen years of age, married and settled on a timbered jjlace near the old homestead. He cleared a small farm, but kept eighteen or twenty hunting dogs, and spent most of his time hunting, often spend- ing the whole night in this occupation, sometimes with the Indians as companions. Four years later he sold his farm, and improved another which two years later he likewise sold ; then bought a small partly improved farm, afterward clearing forty additional acres, and here he resided until the breaking out of the late war, when he moved with his family to Scott County, Mo., remaining there until 1866, when he returned to the old home place and resumed his farming. In 1869 he came to his present place of residence, on Big Bay. where he owns 800 acres of land, and has improved about 120 acres. His farm is well stocked and bears every evidence of prosperity. Mr. O'Guinn has been man-ied four times, and is the father of twenty-four children, and twelve of them are now ^- ^ s>Lv 350 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. living. He was married to his present wife fCalli- donia Coleman) in 1883, and she is the mother of four children, two deceased. Mr. O'Guinn is a stanch advocate of both church and school, and contributes liberally to their support. Both he and Mrs. O'Guinn are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. J. W. Owens, Jr., postmaster at Jonesboro, Ark., received his appointment in 1885, and has been a most courteous, obliging and efficient offi- cial. He was born in Rutherford County, Tenn. , February 29, 1856, and is a son of J. W. , Sr. , and Frances H. (Tune) Owens, the father a native of Kentucky, and the mother of Virginia. They were married in Rutherford County, Tenn. , where their parents had immigrated in an early day. J. W. Owens, Sr. , a blacksmith by trade, came to Craig- head County in 1870, and located in Jonesboro, where he followed his calling until 1874, when he went to Southern Illinois, where he died in 1879. The mother died in 1859. She was the mother of seven children, J. W. being the only one now liv- ing. The father had married three times. By his second wife he had one child, Robert H., and by his third marriage eight children, six living: Joseph E., George \\'., Lizzie, Jennie, Willie and Lura. J. AY. Owens, Jr., came with his parents to Arkansas when thirteen years of age, and was reared partly in Tennessee and partly in this State, receiving his education in the county schools of the former and in the Jonesboro schools. Reared to farm life, he followed that occupation until 1881, and then entered the employ of J. B. Colt & Son, railroad contractors, and remained with them eighteen months. In October, 1883, he went into the Jonesboro postoffice as assistant postmaster, where he remained in that capacity until he received his appointment as postmaster. May 20, 1885, he was united in marriage with Miss Nannie E. Hannah, a native of Craighead County, and their union has been blessed with two children, Mollie and Morris B. Mr. Owens is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Chiirch, and belongs to the K. and L. of H. He is energetic and industrious, enjoys an enviable popularity, and richly deserves the official favor accorded him. Alfred Pagan, one of the leading farmers of Cane Island, was born in Meade County, Ky. , Feb- ruary 8, 1851, and is the son of David and Han- nah (Halls) Pagan, the former a native of Vir- ginia, the latter of Kentucky. The father was reared and educated in Virginia and when a young man moved to Kentucky and was there married. He remained for several years in Meade County, and then removed to Daviess, where he engaged in farming until his death in 1864. His wife sur- vives him and now resides on Cane Island. All of the family of six sons and two daughters reached maturity, but one son, who was a soldier in the Con- federate service, and who died since the war. One brother lives in Kentucky, four brothers and one sister on Cane Island, and one sister in Missouri. Alfred Pagan was reared in Kentucky and re- mained with his mother until his marriage, Feb- ruary 17, 1872, with Ellen Martin, a native of Daviess County, Ky. , and a daughter of James and Jane Martin, who still reside in Daviess County. Mr. and Mrs. Pagan are the parents of six chil- dren: James, Minnie, Mary, Eva, Alfi-ed and Rosa. Two children died in infancy. Mr. Pagan was always a farmer in Daviess County until 1881, when he came to Arkansas. He remained one year at Elmot Landing, Mississippi County, then came to Craighead County, selecting the place where he now resides. It was then but little im- proved; now he has four farms, aggregating 350 acres, with about KtO acres cleared and improved. It is all rich and valuable land and he has on the home place two residences and one on each of the other farms. Mr. and Mrs. Pagan are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, in which Mr. Pagan is also a deacon. J. M. Penix, whose well-improved farm is sit- uated three miles from Jonesboro, is one of the progressive, wide-awake citizens of the county. He was born in Cherokee CoiTnty, Ala., November 12, 1836, and is the son of John and Sallie (Roach) Penix, the former a native of Alabama, the latter of Shelby County, Tenn. After the death of his wife and in the first year of the Civil War, Mr. Penix came to Arkansas and located in wliat is now Powell Township, Craighead County, and there f. CKAIGHEAD COUNTY. 351 resided for three years. In 1805 he moved to Louisiana, where he died in 1867. Of the four- teen chiklren born to them, only four are now living — our immediate subject being the only one iu Craighead County. He was reared on a farm, and in 1857 came to Arkansas, and in 1860 married Elizabeth Albright, a native of Tennessee, whose parents were Simpson and Hulda (Snodderly) Al- bright — the former is deceased, the latter resides with Mr. Penix. In the war of the Rebellion, he gave his support to the Confederate cause, serving in the Thirteenth Arkansas Infantry for about eight months, when he Vifas discharged on account of sickness. He re-enlisted in the Trans-Missis- sippi department at Little Rock and served another twelve months. At the close of the war he re- turned to Craighead County and bought eighty acres of his present farm of 100 acres, forty of which are splendidly improved. Mr. and Mrs. Penix are the parents of nine children: Wiley E., William T. S. and an infant (deceased), and Eli Thomas (mar- ried to Lucinda Raines), Mary Magdalene. James Cornelius, Midas Ludella, Samuel Elbert and Scott Hinman. Mr. Penix is a Democrat, has been school director for five years, and has given one- half acre of his farm for a school-house site. He and his wife and oldest son and daughter are active members of the Baptist Church. David L. Perkins, one of the foremost citizens of Craighead County, and a resident of Jonesboro Township, was born in Fayette County, Tenn., October 17, 1845, and is the son of William H. Perkins, a native of Virginia, who emigrated from the '"Old Dominion"" to Tennessee in 1826, and Sarah (Wrightsell) Perkins, a native of Tennes- see. They had six children, four of whom are living — three sons and one daughter — and three are residents of this coixnty: Mary (wife of P. T. Hudson), D. L. and John W. Mr. Perkins made a visit to this State in 1871, but returned to the old homestead in Fayette County, Tenn., where he and his w'ife still reside, aged seventy-nine and sixty four years, respectively. David L. spent his boyhood on the farm, and received a fair education in the common schools of the county. He came with his father to this State in 1871, and selected it as the place of his permanent residence. The father bought 200 acres of land, and for nine years David L. lived on it, but then bought his home- stead of 160 acres. He has a well-cultivated farm, with about fifty-five acres improved. December 26, 1872, he wedded Laura Thnrman, a native of Fayette County, Tenn. , who died in May, 1887, leaving five children: Clarence C, Howard L. , William D., Linnie E. and Ernest D. He was again married, October 13, 1887, this time choosing Mrs. Nannie E. (Fuller) Falls, a resident of this county. The result of this union has been one boy, Edward Cecil. Mr. Perkins is prominent in religiou.s and educational interests, and in politics is a stanch Democrat. He is a member of the Christian Church, and is an elder of the Hope Church of that denomination. Mrs. Perkins is a benevolent Christian lady, and also a member of the Christian Church at Hope. J. D. Phillips was born in Pike County, Oa. , December 1, 1S28, and is a son of Thomas G. and Mary L. (Sessions) Phillips, both natives of South Carolina. They made their residence in Georgia, where the father died in 1867. The mother's death occurred in 1868, while on her way to this State. They had twelve chiklren, six of whom are living, but only one, the subject of this sketch, in this State. James D. was reared on a farm until fifteen years of age, when he learned the machinist's trade at Savannah, Ga. , and after nine or ten months engaged in the saw and grist- mill business in Georgia, Tennessee and Kentucky. He came to Craighead County, Ark., in March of 1861. and followed blacksmithing until 1871. He went to Phillips County, where he remained but two years, and then returned to Craighead, and has since then been engaged in farming, at which he has been very successful. He has been an ex- tensive land holder in both this and Poinsett Counties, and at present owns a farm of H'20 acres, forty of which are under cultivation. He operated the first saw-mill in Craighead County, thus in- troducing one of the leading industries, and is one of the oldest and most experienced mill men in the county. He was married, September S), 1852, at Chattanooga, Tenn., to Sarah A. McLemore, a ^- 352 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. I. native of East Tennessee. Their union has been blessed with nine children: Josephine, Thomas, James A. (was married to Melinda McCarty), Henry C, Mary and Alonzo, all deceased, and Eliza Virginia, Vestie A. and William R. Mrs. Phillips and two daughters are members of the Christian Valley Church. Mr. Phillips is a mem- ber of the Masonic fraternity, and is greatly in- terested in religious and educational matters. He belongs to the Agricultural Wheel, and was among the first and is one of the most prominent Wheelers in the county. Albert Pierce, of Jonesboro Township, is the oldest living settler, in point of location, in Craig- head County and Northeast Arkansas. He was born in Giles County, Tenn., September 12, 1826, and is the son of John Pierce, also a native of Ten- nessee, who came to Arkansas in 1831, locating in Poinsett (now Craighead) County. He was one of the first settlers of the county, and took a deep and active interest in its early formation. Though a farmer by occupation, he hunted much in early days, and devoted much time to stock raising. He at one time owned 320 acres of land. His wife was Nancy Maguire, also a native of Tennessee, and of their ten children, seven are now living, four daughters and three sons, all residents of this coiinty. The father is dead, but the mother is still living in full possession of all her mental and physical faculties. She is eighty -three years of age, and resides with her daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Cacry, widow of John Cacry. Albert Pierce was but six years of age when he came with his father to this county, and has lived within ten miles of his present farm for almost sixty years. He had no educational opportunities in childhood, but has been an energetic farmer and stock raiser all his life, the result of which is a large farm of ISO acres, with 100 under cultivation. He is a mem- ber of the Agricultural Wheel, and is a Democrat. In 1844 he was married to Rebecca Simmons, a daughter of Joseph and Sarah Simmons, residents of this county. Of the ten children born to them nine are yet living. They are Mary, wife of Franklin Lee; Franklin, married Caroline Howell; David, married Mrs. Emily Smith; Samuel, mar ried Jane Lusk; John, married Mrs. Harriet Smith; Joseph, married Sarah Smith; Nancy, wife of Thomas Sheffield; Calvin and George. Mr. Pierce is esteemed for his strict integrity, and has at- tained a reputation among his many friends which will live after him. Robert W. Rains, a leading farmer of Jones- boro Township, resides on his well-improved farm three miles north of Jonesboro. His parents were natives of Tennessee, in which State he was born August 27, 1847. His father, Hugh G. Rains, came to Craighead County, Ark. in the year 1871, locating in Powell Township on a farm of 270 acres, 100 of which are improved, and resided there until his death in 1872. He was a Mason and was buried with Masonic honors. In his po- litical convictions, he espoused the cause of the Democratic party. He was married to Margaret A. McCarns, who still resides on the old home- stead; and of this union fourteen children were the issue, of whom the following reached their majority: Sarah, Cathaline, Robert W., John M.. Neal B., James F., Alantha C, Margaret E. and Mar- garet Ann and Lucinda J. (twins). Robert W. Rains was reared in Tennessee, and was there married November H, 18fi6, to Margaret E. Stiles, a native of Tennessee, whose parents were Evan and Polly Stiles, the latter deceased, the former still residing in Tennessee. He lived with his father for two years, then bought a farm near Herndon and remained there for the same period. Then he bought eighty acres of land near his moth- er, and after three years there, went back to Ten- nessee for a year. Returning to Arkansas, he en- gaged in the saw and grist-mill business in Powell Township for two years. He then bought his present farm of 120 acres, and on this and his farm of 128 acres has about sixty under cultiva- tion. Mr. Rains has been married three times, his second wife was Margaret M. Albright, and his present wife who is a pious lady and a member of the Methodist Church, South, was . Eugenia O. Grigsby. Mr. Rains has had five children: Lee Etta, Cicero D. , Margaret E., Ida C. (deceased) and Kenneth W. He is a Mason, and a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, has always CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. 353 been a Democrat ia politics, and was elected in 1888 justice of the peace of Jonesboro Township. Emmet Rodders, editor of the Craighead County Sun, is the oldest son of Calvin and Al- media Rodgers, and was born in Jonesboro, Ark., September 21, 1866. He attended the common schools of Jonesboro until thirteen years of age, and went the term of 1881-82 to the Judsori Uni- versitj'. Until sixteen years of age, he engaged in farm work, and assisted his parents in the hotel. For three years he was a railroad brake- man, and in the winter of 1887-88, engaged as clerk in general mercantile business in Florida. Returning home in May, he became interested with Wrenn & Phelps, in publishing the Craig- head County Sun, and Janu^ary 18, 1889, became sole proprietor of that paper. He is one of Jonesboro' s popular and promising young business men, and has the talent and ability to accomplish whatever he may undertake. H. C. Roy, a prominent and substantial planter of Craighead County, Ark., was born in the county, and is one of its leading citizens. His father, Jesse L. Roy, also a successful farmer, was born in Tennessee, in 1828. He married Emily C. Courtney, a native of Mississippi. In the Mexican War he was a valiant soldier, and in the late war was a captain in the Confederate ser- vice. He participated in several engagements, Helena being the most important. He is a mem- ber of the Masonic Lodge and has occupied many of its official chairs, and is also connected with the Agricultural Wheel. Both he and his wife are highly respected citizens, and are zealous members of the Methodist Church. Mr. Roy is a man of sterling worth in the community, strong in his political views and his convictions of right: and as the fruits of his industry has a farm of 100 acres, about half of which is in a splendid state of cultivation. W'illiam D. Safley is well known and highly re- spected throughout Buffalo Island Township as one of its worthy and intelligent citizens, public- spirited and of sterling integrity. He was born in Staidey County, N. C. , in 1851, and is a son of A\illiam B. and Mary Ann (Biles) Satiey, natives of North Carolina, where they were reared, edu- cated and married. In 1859 they came to East Tennessee, locating on a farm in Cocke County, where he died, but not until after espousing the Southern cause, and serving valiantly in the Con- federate army. The mother and family came to Craighead County, Ark., in 1869, and located in Powell Township, where they remained for several years. In 1881 Mrs. Safley started for Oregon, where she died the day after reaching Eugene City, May 22 of the same year. She was a member of the Baptist Church, and well liked by all who knew her. Mr. and Mrs. Safley were the paients of nine children, all of whom livcul to maturity, and eight of whom are still living. They were Mrs. Sarah E. Jackson (deceased), Thomas F., Mrs. Mary L. Heritage, Alexander W., William D. (the immediate subject of this sketch), Julius H., Mrs. Rebecca E. Cox, Mrs. Margaret A. Yarlsrough and Mrs. Edosia J. Hawthorne. William D. is the fifth child, and has made his home in this State since 1869. When twenty-four years of ago he chose as his life companion Anna E. Stoddard, a nativeof this State, who died March 16, 1888, leav- ing a family of live children: David E. (deceased), Sarah M., Joseph F., Rosa Lee and Lillie May. Mr. Safley has since married Mrs. Sarah E. Meach- iem, nee Foster, a native of Tennessee, who was the mother of two children by her former marriage. One of them, Willie, is deceased; the other, James E., lives with his parents. Mrs. Satiey is a zeal- ous member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Safley made a trij) to Oregon and other points in 1888, and has seen a great deal of the world. L. J. Salmons, a substantial farmer of Craig- head County, was born in Cherokee County, Ala.. April 14, 1839. His father. Jeremiah M. Sal- mons, who was a native of Franklin County, Ga. , and was educated in that State, was a farmer by occupation, and had married Lucinda Waters, born and reared in Georgia. Jeremiah M. Sal- mons had five sons and five daughters, four of whom live in this county. In polities he was a Whig. L. J. Salmons was educated in Alabama at the Lawrence school, and while yet a young man came to Arkansas. In 1862 he entered the ^- 354 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Confederate service, and was in several engage- ments, receiving a number of wounds. He was discharged in May of 1865, when he returned home to his farm and devoted himself to its im- ])rovement. December 19, 1867, he was imitedin marriage with Nancy Christian, a native of Craig- head County, Ark., born December 26, 1846, and both he and his wife are zealous members of the Baptist Church, and contribute liberally to its sup- port. Mr. Salmons has about 1,880 acres of good land, about 100 of which is very rich soil and the best farming land. He has been justice of the peace in Poinsett County, and has been for five years a member of the school board of directors. He is a prominent member of the Agricultural Wheel, of which he was president for one year. Having made a thorough study of mineralogy and the locating of all kinds of minerals, and having made research throughout the State and discovered gold and other metals in more or less paying quan- tities, he may be considered expert in all such matters. Anderson M. Self, a young and prosperous planter of Craighead County, was born on Crow- ley's Ridge in 1856. His father. Noble Self, was a native of Alabama, but has been a resident of Craighead County since 1840, at which time his parents located on ' ' The Ridge, ' ' where he grew to manhood and married Miss Emily Mountz, a native of Illinois. He was a soldier in the Mexi- can War, and served in the Confederate army during the War of the Rebellion, seeing consid- erable active service in both wars. Three chil- dren were born to his union with Miss Mountz: Thomas, Anderson M. and one that died in in- fancy. Mrs. Self died July 3, 1858, and Mr. Self, by a subsequent marriage, is the father of ten children. He is still a resident of Craighead County, and one of its earliest and best- known citizens. Anderson M. was reared upon his father's farm, receiving but a rudimentary educa- tion. He began life's duties for himself at twen- ty-one years of age, with no capital, but plenty of energy and native ability. He located on his pres- ent place in the fall of 1879, and soon after was united in marriage with Miss Rebecca, daughter of Allen Smith, and a native of Georgia. To this union have been born three children: William. Maude and James. Mr. Self owns 234 acres of land, with 135 under cultivation. He also owns and operates a cotton-gin, which, in 1887, turned out 124 bales, and, in 1888, 205 bales. He is a push- ing, energetic and thrifty farmer and business man, and has, for the most part, gained what he has by his own endeavors. Mrs. Self is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Stephen Sheltcn, an enterprising farmer and influential citizen of Craighead County, Ark. , was born in Jackson County, Miss., September 22, 1826. His parents, Stephen and Matilda (Martin) Shelton, both natives of the "Old Dominion," were of Welsh and German descent. Stephen Shelton, Sr. , a physician by profession, in 1828 moved his family to Arkansas, and located in St. Francis County, but being displeased with the locality, removed to Mississippi. Later he came again to Arkansas, this time selecting a situation at the mouth of Big Bay, near the site of Witts- burg. After practicing his profession there for a year, he moved fifty miles, near where Harrisburg is now located, twenty years later to near the southern line of this county, where after two years he died. He was one of the earliest and most noted physicians of Arkansas, then a Territory, and patients from hundreds of miles around were brought to him for medical and surgical aid. He is the father of seven children, but only one is now living, one having died before and five after the father's coming to Arkansas. After the husband's death, the mother brought her family to Craighead County, and here resided until 1863, when trouble over the Civil War caused her death. She was about seventy years old. Stephen Shelton was mostly reared in the Territory and State of Arkansas, his widowed mother giving him the best education the country afforded. He had no taste for medicine or surgery, but was reared on a farm and has been engaged in farming all his life. He now owns 197 acres of land five miles south of Jonesboro, about ninety acres of whicti are under cultivation. While this section was a portion of Poinsett County, Mr. Shelton was deputy internal improvement com- 17^ missioner, was also deputy sherifl and constable, and for four years a preacher of the Christian douomination. He was once offered license, but not deeming himself sufficiently qualified, he thought best to decline. Mr. Shelton is and has always been a Repul^lican in politics, and has once been constable of Jonesboro Township. He mar- ried Mahalia McCracken, daughter of Aquilla and Nancy (Lane) McCracken, and to them have been born the following named children: Matilda J., wife of L. T. McDanield, of Gilkerson; Eliza P., wife of G. Edgar, residing near Jonesboro; Mary A., wife of Prof. Walter E. Dean, educator, of Smith County, Tex. : Thomas B. , Nancy J., George W. , Louisa, Belle, Stephen A., Francis M. N. and William D. Mr. Shelton was quite a noted and successful hunter of early times. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., a practical and self-made man, and one of the county's earliest and most worthy citizens. William Stephen Shores, a prominent planter of Jonesboro Township, was born in Poinsett County, January 17, 1842. His father, a retired farmer of the same township, and one of the oldest settlers in what is now Craighead Coiinty, was born in St. Clair County, Ala., March 2, 1815. The paternal grandparents were William and Mary (Pipes) Shores, natives most probably of Alabama. William Shores was a soldier imder Gen. Jackson, and fought in the battle of New Orleans, was taken sick in that city and died in 1815. His widow subsequently removed with the family to Wayne County, 111., near the Little Wabash River, where she died about 1825. About 18;'0 the family came to Arkansas Territory and located in Poinsett (now Craighead) County. In those early days game was very plentiful, and Calvin — then about fifteen years of age — worked hard on the farm and had great sport hunting all kinds of wild game. Mciiipliis, the nearest trading point, being seventy- five miles, they had to grate corn and beat it in mortal's to get corn-meal, and were subject to the many hardships and priviitions incident to pioneer life. When he grew to manhood, he bought 160 acres of land in Poinsett County, where he lived twenty-five years. Just before the Civil War he moved to his present location, where he entered eighty acres of land and has since added 200 acres. The ground was covered with a dense forest, so that he and Sol McDaniel took axes and cut a road to enable him to move to his home. By energy, economy and thrift, he has cleared over 150 acres of land and become one of the foremost farmers of the county. He now owns 160 acres, having given to his boys the remainder. He has lived in Arkansas about sixty years, but this last year gave up the cultivation of the farm to his youngest son, Andrew. He has been married four times, his last marriage being with Mrs. Emmaline (Suffell) Nelson, a native of Mississippi. Her parents, Zachariah and Susannah (Cornelius) Suffell, came to Arkansas about thirty-two years ago, locating two miles southwest of Jonesboro. The mother died February 0, 1884, and the father July 4, 1871. Mr. Shore has been the father of sixteen children: William S. (subject of this sketch), mar- ried and living on part of the old homestead; Levi, married to Olie Hopkins, living near the home stead; Webb, married to Lane Shelton; Mary, wife of William McGown; Eliza, wife of Lewis Lynch: Alice, wife of Sam Gridsinger: George married to Edna Nealy; Thomas and Andrew, living. He has thirty grandchildren and two great-grandchil- dren (one living). Mrs. Shore was formerly a a member of the Methodist Church, but is now a member of the Christian Church, of which her husband has been a member for about twelve years. Williiim Stephen Shores resided with his father until his marriage with Aily McGown, who died a few years later. H^e then married Fanny H. Duke. To them have been born eight children, five living: John C, Marshall A., Alivia H. , Thomas H. and Laudie L. Mrs. Shores is a member of the Baptist Church, a devout Christian and a charitable lady. Mr. Shores owns a well- imj)roved farm, is a Republican in politics, and was a member of Company A, Thirteenth Arkan- sas Infantry, serving in Col. Lyle's regiment about seventeen months. Having had but limited educa- tional advantages themselves, and realizing its gi-eat importance, both he and his wife are striving to give their cliildren a thorough education. ^1 356 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. John M. Sipes. a lumber manufacturer of Buf- falo Island, is a native of Missouri, born in Bu- chanan County, July 18, 1840. His parents, Eli and Christina (Rhynes) Sipes, the former born and reared in Pennsylvania, the latter in South Caro- lina, were married in Perry County. Mo. Mr. Sipes was one of the pioneer settlers of Buchanan County, Mo., having gone there in 1830. In 1856 he moved to Greene County and remained there until his death in 1859. John M. grew to manhood in Missouri, and resided in Buchanan, Perry, Greene, Webster and Barton Counties. He re- mained on the home farm until his father's death. In 1861 he entered the Confederate service, enlist- ing in the Eighth Arkansas Infantry, and served until the final surrender. He participated in the battles of Shiloh, Perryville, Murfreesboro, Chat- tanooga, and many lesser engagements. He was never wounded, taken prisoner, nor lost a day from service. After the war he remained for a time in Arkansas, then went to Missouri. In 1866 he set- tled in Craighead County, Ark. , where he has since resided. When, in 1868, he bought his jjresent farm, it was but little improved; now he has 120 acres, 112 under fence, with a ver^' good house and out buiklings. Mr. Sipes began operating a grist- mill and cotton-gin in 1881, which burned down in 1887. He then put up a steam saw-mill and cot- ton-gin, which has proved a very successful enter- prise. In the spring of 1865 he married Nancy J. Smith, a native of Kentucky, whose parents died while she was yet a child. This union has been blessed with six children: Joel, Serena, George W., Rose Ann, Julia C. and Henry. Mr. Sipes is a member of the I. O. O. F., and has held all the chairs of the subordinate lodge. William S. Skelton was born in Tennessee, July 14, 1857, and is now one of the leading farmers and stock raisers of Buffalo Island. His parents were John M. and A. C. (Stoddard) Skel- ton, natives of Alabama. The family came to Arkansas in 1860, locating near Wittsburg, where they remained for about four years and then came to Craighead County, locating first on Cane Island and later on BufPalo Island. Here Mr. Skelton died in 1882, and his wife, since married to G. W. Finch, still resides on the old homestead. William S. Skelton is the second of the family of twelve children, seven of whom are now living, three hav- ing died in infancy and the others after reaching maturity. He grew up in Craighead County and began farming on his own responsibility when nineteen years of age, when, July 6, 1876, he mar- ried Dora A. Goss, a native of this State, who died the next year, 1877. He farmed on the homestead some time and in 1879 settled on his present farm, then in heavy timber. Now he has under cultiva- tion forty-eight acres of splendid land, and has built him a good home. He also owns one-quar- ter interest in the Lumsford & Co. cotton-gin. For his second wife he chose Rebecca E. Richard- son, and their union has been blessed with four children: Jodella, Jonathan N. , James T. and Paul W. Mr. Skelton is progressive and influential, and his wife is a member of the Methodist Church. Allen Springer, merchant and postmaster at Lake City, and a prominent farmer of Buffalo Island, is a native of Indiana, born in Crawford County, of that State, January 4, 1843. His parents, Elihu and Mahulda (Pearson) Springer, both natives of Indiana, were reared and married in that State, and there resided until the death of the former in 1852. Mrs. Springer still survives her husband, who was a prominent farmer and esteemed by all as a worthy citizen of the county. Allen Springer, at his father's death a boy nine years of age, grew to manhood in his native county, receiving his education at the county schools; and in July of 1861 enlisted in the Indiana Infantr}-, and served until mustered out at Indianapolis, July 29, 1865. He participated in many engage- ments, among them Shiloh, Champion's Hill, siege and surrender of Vicksburg, siege and surrender of Atlanta, was with Sherman in his memorable march to the sea, and his last engagement at Goldsboro. During his entire service he received but one slight wound, at the siege of Vicks- burg. He participated in the grand review at Washington, and when peace was restored re- turned to Indiana, and engaged in boating on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers until 1870, when he came to Arkansas. He located in Lee Countv and ^ -* e> CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. 357 there engaged in milling for two years, then went to Howard County, Kas. , and farmed one year, then came to Craighead County, Ark., locating on Buf- falo Island. Here he followed farming until 1880, when he moved to Lake City, where he continued the same occupation. In 1885 he purchased an established mercantile business, and keeps a good stock of dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, caps, implements, etc. At merchandising he has been very successful, doing an annual business of $15,000. He was appointed postma.ster in 1888. June 7, 1867, he was united in marriage with Nancy Ellen Walker, a native of Indiana, born and reared in Crawford County. She died in 1880, leaving two children, Samuel E. and Percy, both promising young men. Mr. Springer married his present wife, whose maiden name was Emily Cum- mings, in December, 1887, in Kearney County, Kas. She is a native of Indiana, and was in child- hood a schoolmate of Mr. Springer. She is a con- sistent member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Springer owns one farm of 240 acres on Buffalo Island, with 125 acres cleared, and in his home place has 235 acres, with about eighty under cul- tivation. He has also 200 acres of timbered land. All this property and all that he has, he owes to his own perseverance, industry and excellent manage- ment. He is a lloyal Arch Mason, and is Master of the Lake City lodge. John H. Stephens is a substantial farmer of Craighead County, and was born in Bedford Coun- ty, Tenn., June 7, 1826. His father, Wiley Steph- ens, was a native of North Carolina, and a vei-y successful farmer until his death in 1873. His mother, Mildred (Carlisle) Stephens, was also a na- tive of North Carolina, and both .she and her hus- band lived consistent Christian lives, and were members of the Baptist Church. After her hus- band's death, she was married to H. Smith, and died in 1886. J. H. Stephens was the eldest of eight children, only two others, William S. and Leander, the youngest, now living. He has 2it5 acres of land, half of which is very rich farming land, and of this he has cleared about eighty acres. He also gives much attention to stock raising, and owns many tine horses, mules, and Poland-China hogs. He is a Mason, and a member of the Grange, and is popular among his many friends. Both he and his wife, who is a meml)er of the Methodist Church, are liberal to all progressive enterprises. Arnold Stotts. Joshua and Rebecca (Thomas) Stotts, the paternal grandparents of our subject, were natives of Virginia and North Carolina, re- spectively, and after their marriage remained some time in Virginia, and in 1810 went to AVilson County, Tenn., and in 1827 went farther west to Perry County, where the husband died the same year. Mrs. Stotts married a second time, and about 1850 came to Arkansas, locating near Jones- boro, now Craighead County, where she died about 1853 at the age of ninety-eight years. Of the nine children born to this union only one is now living, William Stotts, one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of the island. He was born in Wythe County, Va., in 1802, and, being but a child when his parents moved to Tennessee, grew to manhood in Tennessee. In 1S43, he came by wagon to Arkansas, and located in what is now Craighead County, below Jonesboro, where he re- mained till 1878, when he moved to Buffalo Island, where he has since resided. He was first married in 1830 to Frances Thomason, a native of North Carolina, who died February 12, 1877, aged fifty- three years. By this union there were nine chil- dren, four of whom are still living: Arnold, Eliz- abeth (widow of John Garrett), Wiley and Mrs. Sarah Itandson. Those deceased are William, Rebecca A., John and two infants. Mr. Stotts' second wife was Mrs. Tempie Cannon, nee Morgan, and both of them are members of the Baptist Church. Mr. Stotts has a small farm of forty acres, with twenty-eight under cultivation, which he cultivates himself and uj)on which ho makes his living and clears about .f500 per year. Arnold Stotts, the oldest child of William, and the imme- diate subject of this sketch, is a merchant and farmer of Stottsville and also owner and proprietor of a cotton-gin and saw and grist-mill. He was born in Perry County, Tenn., in October, 1N31. and was but twelve years of age when his parents came to this State. July 18. 1851, he was united in marriage with Cynthia Mattox, l)orn near (iaiiies A o *^ -« — ^'i 358 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ville, Ark. . and daughter of Edward Mattox. This union has been blessed with five childi-en: Mary Ann (wife of J. Tonson), James, Amanda (wife of Richard Mangrum). "William and Alabama (wife of Walter Skelton). All are married and live around the home place. After his marriage Mr. Stotts lo- cated near Jonesboro, and in 1863 moved to Buffalo Island, and in 1881 to his present place. He owns 580 acres of land, and on his home place 320 acres, with 100 under cultivation. In 1874 he began merchandising, and in 1876 put up a cotton gin, a year later adding a saw and grist-mill. He has also a blacksmith shop. When he located on the island there were but four families residing on it, and he has killed deer and bears in numbers. He raised the first cotton crop ever made on the island, and the first year he built his gin, ginned sixty-five bales of cotton, and in 1888 ginned 378 bales. He is one of the leading citizens of the community, and is eminently a self-made man. Mrs. Stotts is a charitable lady and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. J. M. Stotts. postmaster of Dee, and a farmer of Greenfield Township, is a native of Craighead County, born December '28, 1842. His parents, Andrew J. and Mary Ann (Crowder) Stotts, wore among the first settlers of Craighead County, com- ing from Tennessee, their native State, in 1836. The father died in 1852, the mother five or six years later. These parents had nine children, five living and residents of this county: William, mar- ried to Caroline Pierce; Martha, wife of Abner Patterson; A. J. Stotts, married to Mila Ann Rickles; Thomas, married to Lena Freeman, and J. M. Stotts, the subject of this sketch. Mi-. Stotts was reared in this county, and received a fair common-school education, the war breaking out when he was yet a boy. When about seven- teen years of age he entered the Confederate army, Thirteenth Arkansas Infantry, and served two years. On Christmas day, 1865, he was united in marriage with Sarah Ann Bishop, a daughter of Jones and Margaret (Holland) Bishop, both of whom are natives of Georgia, and came to Arkan- sas in the spring of 1861. The father is deceased, but the mother is still living, and is about fifty years of age. To Mr. and Mrs. Stotts were born nine children, four of whom are deceased; Abra- ham, Hiram. Andy J. and Mary Ann. The living are William Levi, James Warner. Sarah Ann. Marietta and Hattie. Since his marriage Mr. Stotts has been engaged in farming, and now owns a well-improved farm of fifty acres, mostly under cultivation. He was for four years a merchant of Dee, and in November, 1882, was appointed post- master, which office he has since held. He is a member of Harrisburg Lodge No. 77, I. O. O. F., and both he and his wife are members of the Christian Valley Church. Albert F. Taylor, one of the most extensive farmers and stock dealers of Craighead County, was born in Henderson County, Tenn., in 1824. His parents, Abner and Mary (Baker) Taylor, were natives of East Tennessee, where the father was a prosperous and successful farmer. About 1820 they moved to Western Tennessee, where, being owner of a number of slaves, he engaged ex- tensively in farming. The father died in the "Old Volunteer State," and the mother came with her family to Arkansas, where she died a few years thereafter. They were the parents of four chil- dren, Albert F. being the second child, and the only one now living. He came with his mother to Arkansas in 1838. and located on Crowley's Ridge, now in this county, where he remained for six years, and then moved to Maumelle Prairie, near where he is now living. There he purchased and improved a large farm, and remained on it for six- teen years, and then came to his present location. Since coming to this county he has put in cultiva- tion over 600 acres of land, and now owns over 3, 000 acres, with about 500 on the home place, where there are forty acres in clover and timothy meadow, good residence, tenant house, orchards and barns. He has 150 head of cattle, and in connection with his farm operates a cotton-gin. He was married in 1852 to Elizabeth Snodderly, born in Tennessee, who is the mother of seven childi'en, one, Jennie, deceased. Those living are Alanson L., Fer- gus W., William, Albert F., Jr., John P. and Thomas W. Mr. Taylor is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , is a Democrat in politics, and in the late "71 war served eighteen months in the Confederate army. D. H. Thorn, of Jonesboro, a prouiinent and prosperous farmer of Craighead County, was horn in York District, S. C, September 1, 1836. His parents, Jesse and Frances (Miller) Thorn, were both natives of South Carolina. The paternal grandfather, Hezekiah Thorn, also a native of ' ' The Palmetto State, " ' was a farmer by occupa- tion, and died in the State of his nativity. The maternal grandfather, Jacob Miller, also a farmer, went from South Carolina to Kentucky, in an early day and there died. Jesse Thorn went to Calloway County, Ky., about 1838, and in 1844 came to Craighead (then Poinsett) County, Ark., and located twelve miles south of the present site of Jonesboro. There he remained until 1850, when he removed to what is known as East Bot- tom, where he settled in the woods, building a lit- tle log cabin with clapboard roof and door, and puncheon floor. They were subjected to all the privations and hardships incident to pioneer life, using all manner of crude contrivances for making lueal, wearing bome-spun and home-made cloth- ing, and, with Memphis as the nearest market, hauling there all produce with wagons and ox- teams. Jesse Thorn was the first school teacher in the county, would make his croji and then teach a subscription school for the remainder of the year. He taught for several years, and died in this county in 1873, his wife having died two years previously. They were the parents of thir- teen children, only six of whom are now living: John N. , Alsey S. , Dawson H. , Martha (wife of G. W. Hubbs), Sarah (wife of Abraham Brown), Caledonia (wife of William Guinn). One brother, M'illiam, was killed during the war. D. H. Thorn was l)ut ten years of age when he came with his parents to Arkansas, and, until his mar- riage, remained with his father assisting in clear- ing the farm, and then settled near the old home- stead where he resided until 1869. He then moved to Jonesboro, where he is now living in his second house in Arkansas. In 1874 he was elected sheriff of Craighead County, and was re-elected each successive election until 188(1. He has served four years as deputy sheriff, has been constable and justice of the peace, and has been thirteen times a candidate for minor offices, and been each time elected. He is one of the most extensive land owners in the county, and has about 2,000 acres of land with 500 under cultivation, and has also a large stock farm known as the Miller Mounds. His especial attention is now given to the raising of fine stock. For twelve years he has been en- gaged in the manufacture of lumber, owning two fine large saw-mills. He was first married in 1858 to Eliza Ford, a native of Teimessee, and they are the parents of three children, all married: Will- iam T., Dawson H. and John N. He was again married in 1876, to Cora Henson, also a native of Tennessee, a consistent Christian and member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Thorn is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and a leading citizen of the county. Having l)een a pioneer citizen, he has witnessed the rapid gi-owth and de- velopment of the county, the change from a cane brake to the thriving little city of Jonesboro. By industry, thrift and economy, he has accumulated a competency, and can now enjoy the fruits of his toil. L. G. Thornton, a fariner of Jonesboro Town- ship, has been a resident of Craighead County for twenty-five years. He was born in Wayne Coimty, Tenn., October 17, 1827. His parents, Hosea and Catherine (Hendrix) Thornton, were both natives of the old ' ' Volunteer State. ' ' They were the parents of five children, foiir sons and one daugh- ter, L. G. l)eing the second child. The father died of consumjition when the sul)ject of this sketch was nine years of age, and the mother was married again, to John Baker. They moved to Arkansas just before the War of the Kebellion, and located in Izard County. Mr. Baker gave his life for the Confederate cause, was taken prisoner, and died in prison at Little Rock. The mother died in Izard County, in 1881, aged seventy-nine years. L. G. Thornton was reared on a farm, grew to manhood there, and was married Xovemlier 7, 1844, to Cynthia Ballard, a native of Hardin Coun- ty, Tenn. Her parents were Williford and Cath- erine (Carr) Ballard; the former died in Tennessee, 360 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. and Mrs. Ballard subsequently removed to Izard County, -where she died in 1855. They were the parents of four children, three daughters and one son. Mr. Thornton removed to this State in 1 849, coming by wagon and water, and settled on a farm of 160 acres in Izard County, at that time nearly all timbered, cleared it up, and lived in that set- tlement until 1865. He served bravely as a Con- federate soldier, being a member of Col. Freeman's regiment, and Capt. Meadows" company. In December of 1864 he started for Craighead County, arriving January 1, 1865: rented for one year, then bought his present farm of ISO acres, on which he has since lived. By dint of hard work and perseverance he has cleared about 100 acres, most of which he rents, himself at present farming only forty acres. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton are the parents of ten children, four of them living: Mar- tha Ann, Henry C. (married to Amanda Garrett, and living in Jonesboro), James M. (married to Mary Travis, and lives on the old homestead), Lewis S. (married to Mary Wood, and is a prominent physi- cian of Big Bay Station). Those deceased were Mary, Sparling, William, Lucy and two daughters who died in infancy. At the time of his death, April 18, 1880, Sparling was a prominent young man of twenty five, and at that time county clerk of Cross County. While a citizen of Izard County Mr. Thornton was justice of the peace and consta- ble. He is a Democrat, has held local positions of honor and trust, and is a practical farmer and pro- gressive citizen. Francis H. Varner, whose extensive farm is second to but one on Buffalo Island, was born in Dunklin County, Mo., September 6, 1842, and is the son of Thomas Varner, a native of Georgia. The father's first wife lived but a short time, and he was afterward married to Susan Moore, a na- tive of Virginia. . They were married in Dunklin County and there engaged in farming for several years, but soon after the birth of Francis H. moved to Buffalo Island, in 1844. Here the father engaged in farming, besides practicing his profession as physician and surgeon until his death, July 3, 1876. His wife survived him sev- eral years, dying January 30, 1SS5.. Francis H. is the oldest of the family of seven children — five boys and two girls — all of whom are now living and residents of this island. He was actively em- ployed on the farm until after his father's death, and educational advantages being at that time very limited received but a meager education. He has improved several large farms and of 800 acres has about 175 cleared, and has also a good residence and outbuildings. In connection with his farm he has a cotton-gin and grist mill. In the latter part of the late war he entered the Confederate service, and surrendered at Wittsburg, Ark. April 13, 1867, he married Tennie C. Lambert, who was a native of Tennessee, but was reared in Arkansas. She died June 10, 1883, leaving the following chil- dren: Mary Ann (wife of Dawson Brooks), born January 30, 1868; William T., born January 25, 1870; Corintha J., born October 23, 1873; Tabi- tha E., born July 28, 1876, and Ava V., born Au- gust 9, 1879. Two children died in infancy. De- cember 24, 1885, he was married to Margaret Arm- strong, nee Privett, who is a native of Alabama and the widow of W. J. Armstrong. She is the daugh- ter of A. R. Privett, who was born in North Caro- lina March 19, 1806. and died in Union County, Miss., December 24, 1877. Mr. Varner is a mem- ber of the Christian Church and his wife of the Methodist Episcopal. S. A. Warner, president of the Bank of Jones- boro, is a native of Obion County, Tenn., born December 17, 1848. His father, S. A. Warner, was born in North Carolina, March 26, 1800, and in early life moved to Tennessee, where in 1828 he was united in marriage with Miss Martha A. Mosley, a native of Charlotte County, Va. They then resided for several years at Dresden, Weak- ley County, Tenn., where the father was an attor- ney in early life, and was popular and successful in his profession. After retiring from his profes sion, he engaged extensively in agricultural pur- suits. In ]8r)9 he came to Craighead County, Ark., locating about three and one half miles from' Jonesboro. Here he purchased a vast amount of land, and at his death in October, 1887, owned several hundred acres. He served with distinc- tion as a soldier under Jackson, and was a major yz CRAIGHEAD COUNTY. 361 ill his ar uy. Mrs. Warner died January 15, 1884. They w(Te the parents of ten children, live of whom a;e now living: Martha A. (widow of Dr. J. D. Hdlis), Mary S. (widow of W. A. Brevard, of Hickman, Ky.), Hiilda A., (widow of T. J. Rat- cliffe), "^'irginia E. (wife of \\. H. Cate) and Sam- uel A. One son, John Robert, a soldier in the late wai', over-exerted himself during the evacua- tion of Memphis, and died while in service. Sam- uel A. vas but nine years of age when his parents came to Craighead County, and here he grew to manhood, i^^ceiving a good education in the Jones- boro schools. When twenty years of age, he be- gan the study of law, attended the St. Louis law school, and in 1870 was admitted to the bar. He entered a partnership with W. H. Cate, and began the practice of his profession. This partnership continued until 1S82, when it was dissolved, and Mr. Warner continued the practice alone. Though for many years a successful lawyer, he has now practically retired from his profession, and has turned his attention to commercial pursuits. He rypreseuts R. G. Dun & Cos.' Commercial Agen- cy of all the large cities, Wilbur Commercial jigency of Chicago, and Northwestern of New York. He was elected in 1879 to represent his county in the State legislature, serving one term. Mr. Warner is a large property holder, and has been extensively engaged in agricultural pursuits, and now has about 300 acres of good land under cultivation. He has valuable town property, his residence, a magnificent brick, being the finest in the city. It was built at a cost of $15,000, and has all modern improvements, heated by steam, lighted by gas, furnished with hot and cold water, etc. In 1874 Miss Sarah J. Culberhouse became his wife, and two children are the fruits of this .icion: Samuel A. and Thomas D. Mr. and Mrs. Warner are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and are prominent and popular members of society. Having the public interest in view, Mr. Warner is foremost in the support of charitable, progressive and praiseworthy enter- prises. Rev. William Y. M. Wilkerson, a minister of the Christian denomination, and deputy clerk of Craighead County, wiis born in Lawrence (now Sharp) County, Ark., in 1844, and is a son of Purvey Wilkerson, a native of North Carolina. The father was reared in Illinois, but came to Ar- kansas in 18:^(), and married while here, returning the same j'ear to Illinois, where he remained for .six years. He then returned to Arkansas, locating in what is now Sharp County, where he improved a large farm, on which he resided until 1863, when he again returned to Illinois. Three years later he started to return to his home in Arkansas, but, before reaching here, died in Perry County, Mo., November 24, 1866. He was devoted to the cause of his Master, and was a deacon in the Baptist Chnrch. The mother is an estimable lady, and still resides in Sharp County, of which she is a native, born in 1821. Our subject and Benjamin W. are the only survivors of the family of seven children. William Y. M. has spent all but tive years of his life in this State, and in his youth attended school and assisted on the farm. In the War of the Rebellion he served in the Union army, enlisting first in the Third Missouri Militia, and later in the Fourteentli Missouri Volunteers. He saw much active service, and was slightly wounded at Licking, Mo. After the surrender he went to Franklin County, 111., and attended high school one year, when he returned to Arkansas, and fol- lowed farming and school teaching until 1884, when he was elected deputy clerk, to which office he has since been three times elected. He is a Republican in politics, but stands so high in pop- ular favor that he has l)een four times elected in a county where there are twenty Democrats to one Republican. Mr. Wilkerson was married in 1876 to Miss Morrilla T. Herren, a native of Alabama, and to this union have been born five children: Rebecca E. , Henry M., William A. W., James B. P. and Clarkie G. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkerson are members of the Christian Church, and he has V)een an ordained minister of that denomination since November 20, 1870. He professed religion in 1800, and since that time has given twenty years to the ministry of the Gospel. He located in this county in 1880, and, through his kindness to the poor, thoughtful consideration of his fellow men. •f* 362 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. fervent piety and devotion to his Master's cause, he has won an enviable and lasting popularity. Jacoli ^Villiams, a thrifty, self-made farmer of Buffalo Island, was born in Cumberland County, Tenn., in 1829. and is the fifth child of Caleb and Lucy (Jones) Williams, natives of Virginia. The father was born in 1797, and when a young man moved to Kentucky, where he engaged in farming for several ypars. His wife died aliont the close of the war, but he, though quite helpless, is still living. They had eleven children, and all but two lived to be grown. Jacob Williams was reared on a farm, and had but limited educational advantages, but through wide practical knowl- edge, has made himself what he is. When twen- ty-one years of age, he began farming for him- self in Cumberland Coimty, where he remained until 185(5, when he moved to West Tennessee. In 1867, he came to Arkansas, locating on Buffalo Island. From heavy woodland, he has cleared 100 acres, and now owns 200, all of which, by his own industry, thrift and economy, he has made since coming to this State. In 1849 he was united in marriage with Mary Smith, a native of Virginia, and thoy are the parents of two sons. Dr. Joseph M. and Clarence W. They are highly esteemed in the community in which they live for their strict piety and sterling worth. Mr. Williams and family are members of the Methodist Church. George W. Wilson is a native of Craighead County. Ark. , where he still resides, and occupies a prominent position among its farmers. His fa- ther, also George W. Wilson, was liorn in South Carolina, July 30, 1829, was educated in that State, and followed farming very successfully. November 12. 1854, he married Martha Loftis, born in South Carolina, and daughter of Morris and Priscilla (Cantrel) Loftis, who are the parents of eleven children, seven of whom are living in this State. He was a member of the Baptist Church, and died September 7. 1859. George W. Wilson, the immediate subject of this sketch, received his education in Jonosboro, Ark., and married Sarah Stroud, a native of Tennessee, and daughter of Anderson and Sarah Stroud, na- tives of the same State, who ''ame to Arkansas in 1859. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are the parents of three children: Alvan D., Levi T. nnd Varina G. Mr. Wilson has a large, well-stocked farm of 140 acres, with about 100 acres under cultivation. He is a member of both the Masonic fraternity and of the Agricultural Wheel, in both of which organiza- tions he has occupied oflieial chairs. He manife.sts a great deal of pride in the county's development and progress, and is one of the kind that make^ it thrifty community. Both he and his wife arc members of the Baptist Church. W. J. Witt, of Jonesboro, was born in Jeffer- son County, Tenn., December 2, 1831, is a son of Joseph M. and Cynthia (Lawrence) Witt, natives of Tennessee, and is one of the prominent, pro gressive farmers of the county. Joseph M. Witt was a farmer by occupation, was successful in that pursuit, and was greatly esteemed by his many friends. About 1S4(I he moved to eastern Ala- bama, where both parents resided until their deaths. They had eight children, four of whom are now living: William J.. James L. , Nancv and Thomas H. William J. AVitt was reared and edu cated in Alabama, and in 1800 moved to Craighead County, Ark., locating on a farm about nine miles west of Jonesboro, and remained there until the close of the war. He served in the Confederate army about eighteen months, and at the close of the war moved to Jonesboro, that his children might have advantage of the Jonesboro schools. He owns eighty five acres of laud, with about one- half well improved. lu 1849 he was married to Matilda A. Shirey, aud thev were the [larents of four children, two now living. They are Martha C, wife of A. \V. Sparks, and Cynthia J., wife of Z. T. Matthews, a leading merchant of Jonesboro. Mr. Witt was again married, in 1878, selecting Sidda Mangrum. She is the mother of three chil- dren. Mr. Witt has strong convictions of right, and is a man of sterling worth in the community. Both he and Mrs. Witt are members of the Mis- sionary Baptist Chiu-ch. of which he is a deacon. Joel G. Wood (deceased). William H. and Elmira (Lane) Wood, both natives of Alal-anui. were the [)arent8 of nine children, all of whoui moved to Arkansas. Two .still live in Craighead ii -T^- l.i^ o Independence Cqunty^Arkansas. County: Greene, on Maixmelle prairie, and Fran- cis, two and a half miles north of Jonesboro. Joel G. was born in Cherokee County, Ala.. , October 7, 1829, and was reared on the farm, receiving a fair "district school' ' education. January 29, 1854, he was married to Maria Evans, daughter of Jesse and Caroline (Anderson) Evans, parents of eight living children. Both Mr. and Mrs. Evans met an untimely death in a destructive cyclone which passed over Northern Alabama about 1884. The father was sixty and the mother about fifty years of age. Mr. Wood farmed in Alabama for two years after his marriage, then moved to Greene County, Ark. , and two years later came to Craig- head County and purchased sixty acres of land one and one-fourth mile south of Jonesboro, where he resided until the time of his death. He was a successful farmer, a grocery merchant of Jones- boro, also a butcher and did some freighting from Wittsburg, Walnut Ridge, and Memphis to Jones- boro. He served with credit one term as sheriff of Craighead County, and filled the offices of justice of the peace and constable in Cherokee County, Ala. He was a prominent citizen and a Democrat, meriting the honors bestowed upon him. He died from an accident November 10, 1882. To Mr. and Mrs. Wood were born twelve children, eight of whom are living: Alice V., wife of Napo- leon Keller, a farmer of White County, Ark. ; James Buchanan, married to Elizabeth Cox, and residing in Craighead County; Mary, wife of Dr. Lewis S. Thornton, a leading physician of Big Bay Station, Ark. ; Joel G., who lives with his wife in Conway County; Albert Pike, married to Laura Rackley, and living near the old homestead; Will iam P., Starling W., and Dora Lee, at home. The deceased are Josephine and three infants. Mrs. Wood resides on the old homestead, and con ducts the farm in a successful and thrifty manner. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a lady of social and moral worth. 364 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. /BimI^'ImK. xix. « > * < Randolph County— The Pioneers— The County Formed and Organized— Seat of Justice— Build- ings — Local Officers— Elections— Natural History— Water-courses— Minerals, Soil, etc.- Wood Supply— Vegetable and Other Products— Statistics— Taxables— The Census— Public Highways— The Great War- Law AND Lawyers— Instruction— Morals— Towns AND Villages— Selected Biography. Ye pioneers, it is to you The debt of gratitude is due ; Ye builded wiser than ye knew The broad foundation On which our superstructure stands. - -Peiirre. 'lONEER SETTLERS of any community are deserv- ing of more than ordinary mention for the important part they occupied in its earliest development. The first settler of the territory ' '' embraced within Randolph County was John Janes, a survivor of the Rev- olutionary War, who was wounded in the battle of Yorktown, and who, about the year 1800, emigrated from Virginia to Missouri, and thence, in 1809, to this county, locating on Janes Creek on the farm now owned by William Bridges. Other very early comers to this creek were the Rick- mans, Bakers and Davises. On the other streams the first settlers were as follows : On Spring River, James Campbell, on the farm now owned by John Miller, Sr. ; the Stubl)lefields and Loneys, on Eleven Point River; Samuel McElroy, who was a iiatter by trade and supplied the country for fifty miles around; Edward Mattix, Robert M. Revvel and Thomas Holderby ; On Fourche Dumas River, the Fletchers, Fosters, Swezy, Jarrett and Plott; on Current River, Frank Hix, Peyton R. Pittman (the first county judge), Duckworth, Pyburn and Ingram; on Black River, Caspar Schmick chose a residence two miles below Pocahontas, and in 18'28 Gov. Thomas S. Drew and R. S. Bettis located on the site of Pocahontas. James Russell, at whose house the tir.st courts were held, made a home on the uplands eight miles north of Pocahontas on the farm now known as the Foster place. Mathias Mock was an early settler on Mud Creek. In 1815 David Black, formerly of South Carolina, the grandfather of John P., David C, Rufus H. and William A. Black, all of whom are living, settled at Black's Ferry, on Eleven Points River. The DeMunns, two or three brothers, refugees from the French Revolution, highly respected, intelligent and liberal Frenchmen, became resi- dents on Black River, some two miles below the site of Pocahontas, where they built the first water- power grist and saw-mill in the county, about the year 1822. Prior to this John Janes had erected a horse-power grist-mill at his residence. All of RANDOLPH COUNTY. 365 these settlers mentioned, except the DeMunns and, perhaps, one or two others, have left within the county a numerous progeny. The first immigrants were from Virginia, the Carolinas, Kentucky and Tennessee; later they were mostly from the latter State, and for a time before and up to tlie Civil War there was a large influx from Indiana and Kentucky. Recently the immigration has been | from various States, both north and south. It is said that when the war came those individuals fi'om Indiana sympathized with the Southern cause, while the Kentuckians generally remained loyal and refugeed from the county. The county of Randolph was organized in ac- cordance with an act of the legislature of Arkan- sas Territory, approved October 29, 1835. As orig- inally constituted, it included all the territory lying west of Cache River, in what is now Clay and Greene Counties. By a subsequent legislative act, approved January 18,1861, a portion of Law- rence County, about twenty-five square miles, was cut off and attached to Randolph. Under the act creating the county, commis- sioners were appointed to select two separate places, either of which would be suitable for the location of the county seat. It was further pro- vided that the people should decide, at an election to be held for the purpose, at which of these points the county seat should be fixed. Accordingly the commissioners selected the site of Pocahontas, and another place at some noted springs in the woods, about eight miles north. At that time Thomas S. Drew (afterward governor) and R. S. Bettis owned the present location of Pocahontas. The larger portion of the settlers had gathered in the northern part of the county, and felt confident that the people would select the place at the springs for the seat of justice. The election was held in the summer or fall of 1S3G, on which occasion Messrs. Drew and Bettis gave a free barbecue at the site of Pocahontas, and, as men could then vote at any vot- ing place in the county, the barbecue proved a suf- ficient inducement to draw voters enough to secure a small majority in favor of locating the seat of justice at the latter place. Here it was accord- ingly placed, and has since remained. The pro- prietors of the site donated the public square to the county. Soon after a contract was entered into between the county and Thomas O. Marr, for the construction of a two-story brick court-house, 4(lx 40 feet in size, with the court room below and the offices above. The contractor agreed to complete the building for $2,400, but it was several years be- fore it was finished and accepted. This house stood until about the year 1870, when on account of its improper construction it fell down. A Mr. McKay secured the contract for the construction of the present courthouse, for the sum of ?4r),0()0. and the material of the old building. Afterward, in 1874, when the local administration changed hands, and before the contractor had received his pay, it was discovered or believed that some fraud had been connected with the contract, which led to litigation, whereupon a compromise was made with the contractor by confessing judgment in his favor for 128,000, which, together with costs and inter- est, amounted b_Y the time it was all i)aid to about 135,000. The court-house is a substantial and fairly handsome two-story brick structure, on a rock foundation, with a fire- proof vault for the records attached, and with offices below and court- room above. A double-walled, squared-log jail, with stone filling between the walls, and two stories in height, was erected about 1840, and was used until 1870; then a frame jail, with an iron cell was erected and used until 1886, when the present one, a frame with an iron cell, metal roof and siding, was con- structed at a cost of a little over ?4,000. These constitute all the county buildings, there being no poor farm or poor asylum. The following list includes the names of the officers of this county, together with their terms of service, from its organization to the present. Judges: P. R. Pittman, 1835-42; James Mar tin, 1S42-46; B. J. Wiley. 1846-50: James :^Iai tin. 1850-52; B. J. Wiley, 1852-54; J. P. In- gram, 1854-60; William Thompson, 1860-62; H. Cockran, 1862-68; C. V. Cory, 1868-72; com- missioners, 1872-74; Isham Russell, 1874-76; J. H. Purkins, 1876-78; S. J. Johnson. 1878-82; J. H. Richardson, 1882-86; Daniel Wyatt, 1886 - ' ^ ® l^ 366 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 88; A. J. Witt, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Clerks: B. J. Wiley, 1835-42; J. H. Imbo- den, 1842-44; T. O. Marr, 1844-49; Alex. Smith, 1849-50; L. F. Johnson, 1850-52; J. C. Walker, 1852-54; E. L. Urmston, 1854-58; J. B. Kelsey, 1858-64; C. C. Elder, 1864-68; E. Rock- well, 1868-72; J. T. Robinson, 1872-76; J. Schoonover, 1876-82; J. T. Robinson, 1882-86; W. T. Bispham, present incumbent, first elected in 1886. SherifPs: Wm. Black, 1835-40; J. H. Imbo- den, 1840-42; J. Spikes, 1842-49; John Chand- ler, 1849-52; W. G. Murphy, 1852-58; D. C. Black, 1858-62; M. McNabb, 1862-64; S. M. Truly, 1864-65; D. C. Black, 1865-68; G. A. Eaton, 1868-72; J. T. Fisher, 1872-74; J. F. Spikes, 1874-76; D. C. Black, 1876-78; W. Con- ner, 1878-82; A. J. Witt, 1882-86; B. F. Spikes, present incumbent, first elected in 1886. Treasui-ers: B. M. Simpson, 1836-38; J. New- land, 1838-46; W. L. Rice. 1846-52; J. D. Cross, 1852-57; W. W. Douthit, 1857-64; Thom- as Foster, 1864-68; A. J. Pack, 1868-72; J. Hufstedler, 1872-74; T. S. Bennett, 1874-76; J. W. Slayton, 1876-78; A. H. Kibler, 1878-86; J. R. Chambers, present incumbent, first elected in 1886. Surveyors: J. M. Cooper, 1835-38; John John- son, Sr., 1838-40; J. Vanbibber, 1840-42; I. L. Garrett, 1842-44; William McLain, 1844-54; T. S. Swingington, 1854-56; I. L. Garrett, 1856- 66; N. C. Dodson, 1866-68; I. L. Garrett, 1868- 72; N. C. Dodson, 1872-82: J. H. Skaggs, 1882- 84; N. C. Dodson, 1884-88; G. B. Smith, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Assessors: L. F. Johnson, 1862-68; D. C. Downey, 1868-72; J. D. Wyatt, 1872-74; S. W. Thompson, 1874-76; J. H. Richardson, 1876-82; W. H. Johnson, 1882-84; M. D. Bowers, 1884- 88; Gideon Thompson, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Representatives in constitutional conventions: 1836, none; 1861, J. W. Crenshaw; 1864, none; 1868, Ham. W. EatclifFe; 1874, none. The first representatives of Randolph County in the lower house of the legislature of 1837-38 were W. Piboum and J. Anthony. The first State senator of the county was Rob- ert Smith, who represented this and Lawrence County. At the last election for President, Randolph gave Cleveland 1,606 votes, Harrison, 249, Street- er, 45, and Fisk, 6. Randolph County is in Northeast Arkansas, and is bounded north by Oregon and Ripley Counties, in Missouri, east by Clay and Greene Counties in Arkansas, south by Lawrence, and west by Sharp Counties, and contains about 640 square miles, of which only about one-fifth is improved. Its boundary lines are as follows: Beginning on the State line between Missouri and Arkansas, it crosses the line between Ranges 2 and 3 east; thence, south on the range line to the line dividing Townships 20 and 21 north; thence, east on said line to the northeast corner of Section 4, Township 20 north, Range 3 east; thence, south on the sec- tion lines to the middle of Black River; thence, down the middle of Black River to the line divid- ing Ranges 2 and 3 east; thence, south on the range line to the line between Townships 17 and 18 north; thence, west on the township line to the middle of Black River; thence, downstream to the mouth of Spring River; thence, up Spring River to the line dividing Ranges 2 and 3 west; thence, north to the northeast corner of Township 18 north. Range 3 west; thence, west to the south- west corner of Section 36, Townshija 19, Range 3 ; thence, north to the northeast corner of Section 23, same township and range; thence, west to the northwest corner of that section; thence, north to the northwest corner of Section 26, Township 20, Range 3; thence, northwesterly to a point on the State line near the northwest corner of Township 21, Range 4 west; thence, east on the State line to the place of beginning.* Black River enters the coiinty from the east, south of the center of its eastern boundary, and runs in a southwesterly direction to its juiiction with Spring River, where it passes out. Current *Tlie northern portion of the western boundary of the county has never been definitely located and described. River enters from the northeast, in Section 4, Township 20 north, Range 3 east, and flows thence southwesterly to its junction with Black River, in Section HO, Township I'J north, Range "1 east. Black River is navigable for boats of fair size, to the mouth of Current, and the latter is navigable up to Shoemaker's Ferry, near the eastern bound- ary of the county. Both are navigable farther up for smaller vessels. Fourche Dumas — originally Fourche a Thomas — enters from Missouri in the eastern part of Range 1 east, and flows in a south- erly direction to its confluence with Black River, a mile above Pocahontas. Eleven Points River first touches the county from the north, near the mid- tUe of Range 2 west, and flows southward, bearintr slightly to the east, and empties into Spring River, near the southern boundary. Janes Creek rises ! in the county's extreme northwest corner and flows southeasterly to its junction with Spring River, in Section 7, Township 18 north. Range 2 west. ' Spring River flows in a southeasterly direction, forming the boundary between Randolph and Law- rence Counties, and empties into Black River at the extreme southern point of the former. These streams have many tributaries, and together form a beautiful "river system " for the county. The surplus water of the county flows into Black River, and all the streams named, with the exception of •lanes Creek, have their source in Missouri. Their miited direction resembles a fan or a tree with a spreading top, the lower Black River being the handle of the fan or the trunk of the tree. The natural drainage of the county is good. Fish are abundant in all the streams. About one-half of the lands of Randolph County are level river bottoms, and the remainder hill or uplands, the latter being mostly in the western portion. Its location is such that nearly all is fit for cultivation. There are large (juantities of Government land subject to sale at $1.25 per acre, or that can be taken as a homestead by heads of families, in tracts of 100 acres each, also a large area of State lands, Ui be had at 50 cents per acre, or that can be do- nated at a cost of 4^15 for Ifil) acres, to actual set- tlers. Much land has already been taken np by "homesteaders." There are indications of met als beneath the surface, such as lead, zinc and copper, but mines have not yet been of)ened. In addition to the many streams mentioned, numerous springs abound, especially in the hilly portions of the county, two of which, "Warm Springs" and " Ravenden Springs " have ol)tained more than a local reputation for their curative properties. Each of these springs is provided with a commodious hotel for the accommodation' of pleasure and health-seekers. An abundance of well water can be ol)tained throughout the county at a moderate depth, and at reasonable cost. Cis- terns, constructed at a small expense, are in general use. These various sources furnish an abundant water supply. About four-fifths of the whole area of the coun- ty is covered with a dense forest of fine timber, consisting of white, black, red and swamp, or cow, oaks, white and black hickory, white and black ash, cypress, sweet gum, cedar, birch, cherry, and some walnut and sassafras. The higher or hilly lands abound with oak and hickory, the more valuable timber being generally in the bottoms or level lands. The soil here is generally good, and with proper cultivation is well adapted to the production of corn, cotton, oats, wheat, clover, the tame grasses, tobacco, vegetables, and all fruits common to this latitude. It varies in quality from the poorer to the richest, the latter being the alluvial soils of the bottom lands. Among the many resources of this section is the seemingly inexhaustible supply of timber, though only about six saw-mills are found; conse- (piently the timber now being cut is mo.stly rafted down the streams in the log to Black River, and thence to Black Rock and other points below where it is sawed. The land owners receive a large in- come from the sale of the timber in the log, or on the stump, and enough is sold fiom many tracts to pay for them. Besides timber, agricultural pur- suits and the raising of live stock are excellent sources of income. According to the I'uited States Census of 1880, there were 1,471) farms within the couutv, and ."15,138 acres (about one eighth of the 368 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. entire area) improved, and the vegetable produc- tions for the previous year were: Corn, 782,403 bushels; oats, 33,137 bushels; wheat, 31,244 bush- els; hay, 275 tons; cotton, 6,248 bales; Irish po- tatoes, 6,696 Vnishels; sweet potatoes, 5,570 bush- els; tobacco, 13,348 pounds. In the amount of tobacco produced, it ranked as the tenth county in the State. These figures show that corn and cotton were then, as now, the staple products of the farmers. A good supply of grist-mills and cotton- gins convert the raw material into marketable con- dition. The same census shows the following num- ber of head of live stock: Horses, 3,021; mules and asses, 1,216; neat cattle, 10,720; sheep, 6,334; hogs, 33, 184. The assessment rolls of the taxable personal property for 1888 showed: Horses, 3,594; mules and asses, 1,610; neat cattle, 17,481: sheep, 6,673; hogs, 19,915 — a large increase in all except hogs. In 1880 real estate was assessed for taxation at $384,141, and personal property at $285,597, making a total of $669,720; the total amount of taxes charged was $26,513. In 1888 the real estate assessment amounted to $690,677, and per- sonal property, $671,202, making a total $1,361,- 879, taxes on which were $20,795.59. By com- paring these figures it will be observed that since 1880 the taxable wealth of the county has a little more than doubled, while the taxes have become less. The recent immigration and the more rapid development of all resources account for this in- crease in values. The county's public debt is about $15,000, and its scrij) is, at this writing, worth from 75 to 85 cents on the dollar. The aggregate population of Randolph since its organization has been as follows: 1840, 2,196; 1850, 3,275; 1860, 6,261; 1870, 7,466: 1880, 11,724. The colored population in 1860 was 359, in 1870, 357, and in 1880, 627. The census of 1890 will probably give the aggregate population at about 15,000. On each occasion when the census was taken prior to 1880, the area of the county was about 40 per cent larger than at the present time. About two miles of the main line of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad run across the southeast portion of the county, and 1,046 feet of the main line of the Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Memphis Railroad run near Ravenden. O'Kean, on the former line, is the only railroad station within the county limits. At the beginning of the Civil War in the spring of 1861, the people of Randolph County, with V)ut few individual exceptions, were in favor of the proposed Confederacy, and did all in their power to help establish it. At least eight com- panies of soldiers, commanded, respectively, by Capts. Joseph Martin, T. J. Mellon, Albert Kelsey, Eli Hufstedler, Mahlon McNabb, William A. Black, Isaac Schmick and John Mitchell, were raised here for the Southern army. With these com- mands, and recruits that joined others, both in Arkansas and Missouri, it is estimated that the county furnished over 1,000, perhaps 1,200, sol- diers. Nearly eveiy able-bodied man — including boys over fifteen years of age (save a few who refugeed) were in the Confederate army. For a long time early in the war period, Gen. Hardee had his headquarters at Pocahontas while he or- ganized an army of about 10,000 men, consisting of Hindman's Legion, a battery, and several Arkansas regiments, all of whom were camped at different points along Black River. No command or commands were raised within the county for the Federal army. In the summer of 1862, after Hardee's army had moved away, Gen. Steele, with a division of Federal troops, occupied Pocahontas for several weeks, and to his honor it can be said that the citizens of the place and vicinity found no fault with his treatment, and that they still remember him with kindness. In September, 1863, a portion of Col. Reeves' regi- ment of Confederates concealed themselves in am- bush on tlie Herrou farm on Current River, from which they fired upon and killed and wounded a few men of Col. Leeper's regiment of Federal troops as it passed along. Aside from this there were only a few shots exchanged within the county between the contending parties. There was no "bushwhacking" between its citizens, but a few men were killed by transient scouting parties. Hav- ing graciously accepted the result of the war the peo- EANDOLPH COUNTY. non pie are generally pleased that the Union was [)re- served, and now extend a hearty welcome to immi- grants. Sectional animosity long ago disappeared. The records of the sessions of the several courts held within this Territory prior to the admission of Arkansas as a State have not been preserved. Upon the county's organization, courts were held at the house of James G. Eussell, eight miles north of Pocahontas, on the farm now known as the Fos- ter place, and until the county-seat was located. The records show that a county court convened as early as July, 1836, but it is probable that one or two sessions were held prior to that date. The first recorded session of this court was in Pocahon- tas, in July, 1837, when there were present Peyton K. Pittman, judge, and William L. Rice and Jo- seph Spike, associate justices. Court now con- venes on the first Mondays of January, April, July and October of each year, and the probate court convenes on the second Mondays of the same months. The first session of the circuit court was held at the house of Mr. Russell in August, 1836, and was presided over by Judge Archibald Yell. The first term held at Pocahontas, as appears of record, began on the fifth IMonday after the fourth Monday of April, 1887, Judge Lewis B. Tully pre- siding. The circuit court of the county now con- venes in regular session twice a year, beginning on the first Mondays of February and August. The legal bar of Randolph County is composed of men who have demonstrated themselves to be possessed of ability and thorough knowledge of the legal profession. The following named attor- neys are located here: Rufus H. Black, John P. Black, R. D. Brown, J. T. Lomax, George T. Black, M. F. Collier and S. A. D. Eaton. Randolph, like all the other counties, has had its share of suffering on account of criminal offend- ers. But few cai)ital offenses, however, were committed prior to the war period. The first exe- cution, in its present boundary, was that of a slave who killed his mistress, in 1830, and was hung in 1831, at old Jackson, then the county-seat of the mother county, Lawrence. Nothing now remains of this old town. In 1850 two men. Miner and McGee, waylaid a stranger, a Kentuckian, who was passing through the county. One struck him from his horse with a gun, dragged him from the road into the woods, and there left him for dead. His horse, and saddle-bags containing some money, were then taken, after which the assailants at- tempted to escape. The stranger recovered suffi ciently to give an alarm. The offenders were caught by the citizens, and, upon being identified by the injured man. were tried and hanged for tlie offense. The victim died from the effects of his wounds. About the close of the Civil War two men, Brainard and Turpin, broke into a store and killed the keeper, for which offense they were tried and hanged. Later, during the reconstruction per iod, when chaos reigned, a number of murders were committed, and the offenders went unpun- ished. In 1877 Marcus A. Whitley killed Duke Summers, and subsequently was tri(>d and hanged. In 1884 Milliam H. Harper killed John Sellers. He was tried in Greene County, on a change of venue, found guilty, and there executed. A few individuals have been compelled to take the lives of antagonists in defense of their own. Ever since the reconstruction period law and order have pre- vailed here, and a safer or more [leaceable com- munity cannot now be found. Education is not at a stand.still in this section, as the following from the report of Mr. C. E. Witt, county examiner, amply indicates: There was within the county in 1888, a scholastic popula tion of 4,804 white, and 180 colored children, making a total of 4,993. Of these, only 1,300 white, and eighty-.six colored, making a total of 1,302, were enrolled in the public schools. But the latter — owing to the failure of directors to make reports — is not a true representation, as the at- tendance is only given for the number of schools reported, and thus the system does not receive credit for its actual work. The following letter bearing so directly to the point is worthy of insertion: P()r.\iiONTAS. AiiK.. Skpt. 25, 1888. Hon. W. E. Thompson, Little Rock. -Vrk. Dear Sir:— You will find enclosed the iinnuiil report of the public schools of this eouiily. Il is not u correct report by a great deal. Il is untrustworthy in every par- ticular; nearlv seventy-five percent of llie districts failcil 371) HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. to report anything except the number of persons between ' the ages of six and twenty-one years, and four districts did not report anything at all. The public schools of this | county are more popular with the natives than any other class of people, but not appreciated like they should be, taking into consideration the iramense amount of ' good they are doing. Yours truly, C. E. Witt, Cnunty Examiner. Other county examiners complain oi the failure of the district directors to make reports as re- quired by law. There are seventy-five school dis- tricts in the county, and for the year ending June 30, 1888, there was expended on account of the jjublic schools the sum of 18,822.63. The aver- age monthly wages paid teachers with first-grade certificates was: Males, $37.50; females, $35. The Roman Catholic Marienstine Institute, located at Pocahontas, is under the management of the Sisters. This is an institution of great ex- cellence, and wields considerable influence in edu- cational circles. The religious denominations of Randolph County are: Methodist Episcopal. South, Baptist, Christian and Roman Catholic. The former two were the pioneer Christian workers, having organ- ized the first religious societies in the county. Of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, there are three circuits and a mission. The Pocahontas Circuit, consisting of Pocahontas, Clearview Chapel, Oak Grove and Mount Pisgah, with Rev. R. H. Grissett, pastor, has a membership of 301. The Siloam Circuit containing several appointments in the northeast part of the county. Rev. J. S. Best, pastor, has a membership of 368. The Walni;t Hill Circuit, covering several points in the northwestern portion. Rev. J. F. Armstrong, pastor, has a membership of 215. The Warm Springs Mission in the central part. Rev. J. G. Miller, pastor, has a membership of seventy-two. Belonging to the Baptist Churches are Witt's Chapel, Pleasant Grove, Oak Grove, Mount Pleas- ant, Little Vine, Shiloh, Spring Hill, Macedonia, Antioch, Mud Creek, Dry Creek, James School- house, Vandergriff School house, Reyno and a few others, all with an average membership of from forty to fifty. Some of these are attached to the State Line Association of Missionary Baptists, and some to the Spring River Baptist Association. Among the Baptist ministers of the county are elders I. H. Witt, D. A. Pressley, J. B. Roach, M. D. Bowers, Isham Looney, John A. Giles and A. W. James. The Christian Churches are represented by Stony Point, Dry Creek, Maynard. Union, Liberty, Warm Springs and one near Noland postoffice. Elder B. F. Hollowell is pastor of the first three named. Two elders by the name of Lemon also preach to the people. The Roman Catholics have one church, St. Paul's, with a large membership, located at Poca- hontas. Rev. Father J. Eugene Weibel is the pas- tor. The Marienstine Institute, before mentioned, is located by and connected with this church. All these denominations, except the latter, main- tain Sunday, schools in the most thickly settled neighborhoods, and all according to their several creeds are actively engaged in the advancement of Christianity. Randolph County is not without its towns. Al- bertha, twelve miles northeast of Pocahontas, con- tains a postoffice, store, grocery, and church and school-house combined. Daltou, a post hamlet on Eleven Point River, is composed of two stores, and a water-power grist- mill. Elm Store is a postoffice near Eleven Points River, on the north line of the county. Ingram is a post hamlet near the mouth of Mud Creek. Kingsville, in the western part, contains two general and one drug store, and a church and schoolhouse combined. Lima, a postoffice, is ten miles northwest of Pocahontas. Maynard, fourteen miles northeast of Pocahon- tas, comprises a postoffice, two stores, a hotel, grist and saw-mill, cotton-gin, a church and school house. Middlebrook, on Fourche Dumas, has a post- office, two stores, a cotton-gin, and church, school house and Masonic lodge combined. Noland is a postoffice in the south central iiart of the county. EANDOLPH COUNTY. O'Kean, a station on the St. Louis, Iron Mouut- aiu & Southern Raih'oad, in tlie southeast corner, contains a general store, drug store, hotel and liv- ery stable. Peru has a postoffice and store in the southeast part. Pocahontas, the county seat, situated on the right bank of Black River, a little southeast of the center, had its origin with the organization of the county in 1 8;i6, when it was selected as the site for the seat of justice. The first merchant of the place was W. R. Hunter. The business increased and the town prospered until it was known as the lead- ing trading point in Northeast Arkansas. Being about the head of navigation, it became the whole- sale distributing point for a large tract of country hereabouts, even to Southeast Missouri, and reached its highest success from 185(^ to lS(iO. Ju.st before the Civil War its commercial business was indeed extensive. Natural prostration resulted during this period, but it partially recovered afterward, and continued excellent until 1872-73, when towns sprang up along the Kansas City & Memphis Rail- road, then being completed, and Pocahontas lost its former prosperity. It now contains the coiuity liuildings, postoiiiice, five general stores, three gro- ceries, two drug stores, two saloons, one livery sta- ble, three hotels, two newspapers, a saw-mill, three cotton-gins, a number of shojss, three churches — Methodist, African Methodist and Roman Catholic — a public school -house, a Roman Catholic institute, a complement of professional men and agents, two Masonic lodges — white and colored — a lodgi^ of Odd Fellows, and two lodges of Knights of Honor, one being composed of Catholics only. The pop- ulation is about r)00. The press includes the Randolph Herald, now in its eighth volume, pub- lished by J. N. Bolen, and the Pocahontas Free Press (first volume), published hy B. B. ^Morton. Both of the papers are ably edited, and advocate Democratic principles. They are published week- ly, and are bright, spicy and full of promise. Eavenden Springs, a summer resort in the west- ern part of the county, contains a i)ostoffice, two genera] stores, one drug store, a first-class hotel, a church and a school house. Reyno, in the eastern extremity, contains a postoffice, four general stores, one drug store, two saloons, one millinery store, one livery stable, one hotel, a saw- and grist-mill, a church and school- house. Supply, northeast of the center, consists of a l)ostoflfice, a general store and a cotton-gin. Warm Sjirings, in the northern part of the county, contains noted springs, a postofSce, two general stores, one drug store, two cotton gins, and a school-house and church combined. Water Valley is a postoffice on Eleven Points, northwest of Pocahontas. H. W. Ball, farmer and stock raiser, Dalton, Ark. In reviewing the contents of this volume no adetjuate idea of the agricultural affairs of Davidson Townshij>, or of its sul)Btautial citizens could be obtained which failed to make mention of Mr. Ball or the excellent estate which he owns. He was born in Independence Coimty, Ark., on the 15th of December, 1840, and is the son of Benja- min F. and Elizabeth (Dillard) Ball, both natives of Virginia. Benjamin F. Ball came to Arkansas about 1825, and settled in Independence County. He was twice married, first to Miss Elizabeth Dil- lard, who bore him thirteen children, those now living being C. M. , in Independence County ; W. G. , also in that county: H. W. : \V. S.. in Independ ence County; Elizabeth, and Arvilla, widow of Rob- ert Wann. Mrs. Ball died in 1848. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Ball's second marriage was with Mrs. Minerva Baker, nee Muskgrove, and by her he became the father of four children, only one now living, G. B., who lives in Independence County. The second Mrs. Ball died in 1876, and Mr. Ball died on the 24th of June, 188'.). He was born in 1800: ha.1 been justice of the peace of his township for a number of terms, was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for forty years, and was a mem ber of the Masonic fraternity for thirty-six years. In his politics he aflfiliated with the Republican party, and was a man universally respected for his honesty, integrity and lil)erality. He was among >» 7 J^l 372 HISTOKY OF ARKANSAS. the lirst settlers of his county, and his first crop was put in with a wooden plow, as no iron had been shipped into that country at that time. At the end of his second year's residence there, a small keel- boat was pulled by hand up to Batesville, and brought some iron. The first few years of his life were spent in opening his farm. He was, up to the late war, a great stock raiser. The greater part of the first two years his meat was obtained in the for- est by killing bears, deer and wild turkey. Mr. Ball had very little propei'ty when he went to Arkan- sas, but at the time of his death he owned about 500 acres of land, and was one of the leading farmers of that part of the county. He was the owner of the first threshing machine brought to that section of country (old fashioned ground-hog thresher). H. W. Ball received but a limited edu- cation, attending only the subscription schools of his section, and at the age of eighteen engaged in driving a hack from Batesville to Smithville. He only followed this business a short time when he engaged in boating on the Black River, from Jackson Port to Pocahontas. Subsequently he en- gaged in agricultixral pursuits, and this continued until 1802. when he joined the Confederate army under Col. McCarver, and served twelve months. He then returned home, and there remained until 1864, when he assisted in raising a company for the Unites States forces, and served for eleven months. After being disbanded Mr. Ball moved to Illinois (Union County), and after a residence there of two years came back to Arkansas, where he again engaged in farming, in Black River Bottom. The first crop he made was with a steer, bnt the second year he bought a yoke of steers, with which he made his second crop. He cleared twenty acres of land, and all his hauling was done with the oxen. For a wagon he used wooden trucks. He first purchased eighty acres, bvit at the end of four years sold this for $800, and moved to Sharp County, where he purchased a farm for 1900, and there remained for ten years. He then .sold out for the same amount, and moved on his present property in 1880. There were 240 acres in this, and he paid 1750 for it. Since then he has added eighty acres. He has been twice mar- ried; first, to Miss Mildred K. Baker, daughter of Harrison Baker, who represented Independence County in the legislature two terms, and by her became the father of nine children, six now living: Ulysses R., wife of J. H. Moore, living in Ran- dolph County; Harriet A., a teacher; James C, Eunice A. , Franklin H. and Callie R. Mr. Ball served two terms as justice of the peace in Sharp County, Ark., and was elected to the third term, but did not serve. After coming to this county he was elected justice one term, and has also been school director a number of terms. His first wife died on the 6th of April, 1881. She was a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church and East- era Star Chapter, and was an excellent woman. Mr. Ball was married, the second time, to Miss Cynthia J. Jones, of Sharp Coiinty, who is a mem- ] ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and an active worker in the same. Mr. Ball is a member of the Masonic fraternity, is treasurer of his lodge, has also served as Worshipful Master, and has filled all the principal stations in the lodge. In politics he affiliates with the Republican party. John W. Bennett, one of Randolph County's substantial and enterprising citizens, was born in Jefferson County, 111., December 16, 1865, being a son of Thomas S. and Elmira E. Bennett. His father was born in Tennessee in 1834 and his mother in St. Francois County, Mo., and they were married in Ripley County, that State. They afterward located in St. Francois County and moved from there to the State of Illinois near Rome, Jefferson County, coming thence to Ran- dolph County, Ark., in 1868, where, after fanning for some time, Mr. Bennett became collecting agent for Hecht & Co. , of Pocahontas. He served as treasurer of Randolph County two terms, and he and his wife were members of the Methodist Epis- j copal Church. He was a Democrat in his political views, and while in Missouri he enlisted in the Southern service, being promoted to the rank of lieutenant. He participated, with credit to himself, in many a hard-fought battle. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity, and died December 25, 1885, at the age of fifty -one years. His widow still survives him and remains in Randolph County. RANDOLPH COUNTY. Of the nine children born to their union, six are now living: Wesley C, a farmer of the county; John W., J. S., Mary C, Thomas S. and Emily. The early scholastic training of Jolin \V. Bennett was received in the common schools near his home, and he aftervyard finished his education in the schools of Pocahontas. He remained with his mother until 1887, then entered the employ of William T. Mcllroy at Dalton, with whom he remained as salesman for eight months, after which he sold goods in Pocahontas for Snowtree, remain- ing in this place for eight months also. Since that time he has devoted his attention to agriculture, and is a farmer of this county, having 400 acres of land. He is a Democrat, and he and his wife, whose maiden name was Annie Foster, and whom he married February 14, 1889, are members of tlie Methodist Episcopal Church. January 3, 1867, his wife was born. She was reared in Randoli)h County, Ark., and is a daughter of Thomas Foster, who was a very prominent resident of the county, and here spent his life, dying January 22, 1S8U, at the age of sixty-six years. He was one of the most extensive real estate holders in the county, and owned 2,200 acres of land. His name will long be remembered by the residents of the coun- ty, for he was public spirited and enterprising, and was ever the friend of the poor. During his long residence in the county he held some responsible positions. He was also a member of the Masonic fraternity. William R. Bigger is a native resident of Ran- dolph County, Ark., and was born on the farm where he now lives January 1, 1850, and was the eleventh of thirteen children, three now living, born to the marriage of James N. Bigger and Lu- cretia Parrish, who were born in the State of Mis- souri in 181() and 1812, and died in Randolph County. Ark., in 1872 and 1874, respectively. Their marriage was consummated in Missouri, and they afterward came to this State and settled on the farm on which their son. William K., is now living, which they made their home until their death. They were members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. South, and were well-to-do residents of the county. Their children who are living are Chesterfield, who is a farmer of the county: Caro- line, wife of Arthur Barm, also a farmer of the county, and William R. The latter remained with his parents until their demise, and at that time he and his brother took charge of the home farm, which then consisted of 400 acres of land, and by industry and good management have added considerable more land to the original amount. Laura McKee, who was born in North Carolina in 185"), a daughter of John McKee, became his wife in 1879. She is an earnest member of the Methodi.st Episcopal Church, South, and he is a stanch Democrat in politics. He is an energetic and successful agriculturist, and has vastly im- proved the property left him by his parents. B. F. Bigger has been the X3i'oi>i"ietor of the Bigger' s House, one of the first-class hotels of the county, ever since 18S1, but previous to that time, his attention had been given to directing the plow and in attending to the duties of farm life. He is a native-born resident of Randolph County, Ark., his birth occurring in 1851, and he is principally self-educated, his knowledge of business affairs being acquired mainly by contact with the world. At the age of twenty two years, he was married to Miss Ida Simington, who was also born in Ran- dolph County, and of the seven children born to their union, four are living: Thomas, Lute, Kate and George. The other children died in infancy. From the date of his marriage up to 1881, he was engaged in farming fur himself, but since that time he has been keeping a hotel in Pocahontas, and by good management, hospitality and fair dealing, he has succeeded in gaining an excellent patronage, and his earnest endeavors to see that the wants and needs of his patrons are satisfied, have tended to make his estal)lishment a favoritt- resort for the traveling public. He also manages a livery stable, the only one in the place, and has some excellent vehicles and animals ready for use. He owns two excellent farms, one com]>risiug 'lOO acres and the other 400 acres, and although one place is rented to tenants, it is under his super vision, and he manages the other farm himself, de- voting it to the raising of stock, grain and hay. He owns his hotel and stalile. and is one of the ^ 374 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. wealthy citizens of the county. His parents, J. G. and Catherine (Lewis) Bigger, were born and reared in Randolph County, the father being engaged in farming. J. G. was a soldier in the Confederate army, and died in 1863. His father was a Ken- tuckian, who emigrated to Randolph County, Ark. , with his parents when a child, the country at that time being a Territory. Mr. Bigger is a Democrat and a member of the A. F. & A. M. W. T. Bispham. circuit clerk, Pocahontas, Ark. The subject of this sketch needs no introduction to the people of Randolph County, for a long resi- dence, and, above all, a career of usefulness and prominence, have given him an acquaintance which shall last for many years. He is a native of West- moreland County, Va., born in IS-tl, and is the son of John F. and Martha C. (Templeman) Bispham, both of whom were born in the same county in Virginia. The paternal grandfather, "William Bispham, was a native of Lancaster, England, and came to America with an older brother, when a child. He was a successful agriculturist, and died in Richmond County, Va., about 185"2. The maternal grandfather, Samuel Templeman, was a native of Virginia, a minister in the Baptist Church, and was in the Home Guards during the War of 1812. He was one of the early settlers of Vir- ginia. John F. Bispham was a successful agricultur- ist and followed this occupation until his death in 1872 at the age of tifty-two years. The mother died in 1870, at about fifty -four years of age. Both were members of the Baptist Church, and the father was for many years a deacon in the same. Both took a great interest in church work. They reared to maturity a family of five children, W. T. Bispham being the eldest. John H. was a soldier in the Ninth Virginia, Confederate army, and was killed at the battle of Hatch's Run; Robert A. is a carpenter in Washington, D. C. ; Samuel T. is a coach maker by trade, and resides in the District of Columbia; Emma died in 1875, and Lou H. mar- ried James May, and resides in Washington, D. C. W. T. Bispham remained on the farm until sixteen years of age, and received his education in the private schools. At that age his father engaged in merchandising and W. T. acted in the capacity of clerk, continuing as such until the breaking out of the war. In April, 1861, he enlisted in Com- pany C, Montrose Guards, attached to the Forty - seventh Virginia Regiment, Confederate Ai-mv. and served until the close of the war. He partic- ipated in the battle of Seven Oaks, and was in the entire Richmond Campaign, at Cedar Run, Fred- ericksburg, Chancellorsville. and was appointed commissary of his regiment after the last mentioned battle. After the war he returned to merchandis- ing in Virginia. His father was at that time sher- iff of Westmoreland County, which office he held a number of terms, and W. T. was made deputy sheriff, tilling this position for about a year. In March, 1867, he moved to Brownsville, Tenn. , and entered the employ of Yancey, Wilder & Co., merchants, as salesman. In January, 1868, he ac- cepted the agency of the Carolina Life Insurance Company, and finally located in Randoljih County. Ark., and engaged in teaching school, after which he became salesman in a store for Levi Hecht, of Pocahontas and continued in this capacity for a few months, when he engaged as book-keeper for E. B. Burr & Co. This position he held until July, 1869, when he again resumed the position as local agent for the insurance business, and continued that about a year. He then engaged as book-keeper for J. P. Black & Co. In 1872 he went to Walnut Ridge, Ark., and kept books until the fall of 1873, when he returned to his native State and remained there and taught in the public schools until the fall of 1877; then returning to Pocahontas, he kept books for R. N. Hamil, merchant, until 1885, when he en- gaged with L. E. Imboden in the same capacity, and remained in that position until 1886. He was then elected clerk and recorder of Randolph Coun- ty, Ark., and has held that office ever since, being re-elected without opposition by the people of his county in 1888. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, a Royal Arch Mason and member of the Knights of Honor. He is unmarried. John P. Black, attorney at law, Pocahontas, Ark. What is usually termed genius has little to do with the success of men in general. Keen perception, sound judgment and a determined will, supported by persevering and continuous ef- ^ fort, are essential elements to success in any call- ing, and their possession is sure to accomplish the aims hoped for in the days of our youth. The juris})rudonce of a commonwealth is the most ! necessary factor toward its growth and permanence, for without a thorough knowledge and administra- tion of the law, no form of popular government coald long exist. Mr. Black was born at Black's Ferry, Randolph County, Ark., on the 1st of Oc- tober, 1822. He is the son of William Black the grandson of David Black, and the great-grand- son of David Black, who was a native of Amster- dam, Holland. The elder David Black came to America when a boy, settling at Charleston, S. C, and there learned the blacksmith trade. .He died in that State. David Black, Jr., was a native of South Carolina, and was a farmer by occupation. He emigrated to Kentucky at a verj' early day, settling near Hopkinsvillo, where he lived many years, and in 1815 moved to Randolph County, Ark. He settled at Black's Ferry, and lived there many years, but died at Davidsonville. Lawrence County, Ark. , at the age of sixty years. The father of the subject of this sketch, William Black, passed his j'outh on his father's farm in Kentucky, and moved to Randolph County, Ark., with his -par- ents, in 1815. After reaching manhood he mar- ried Miss Elizabeth Jones (who became the mother of John P. Black), in 1820, and lived at Black's Ferry until his death in Febraary, 1852, at the age of fifty four years. The mother died in July, 1851, at the age of forty-nine years. She was a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The father was a leading and prominent man in this part of the State; was the first sheriff of Randoli)h County, served in that office two terms, and in 1840 was elected to the State Senate of Arkansas. He served in that body two terms, and during that time acquired a State rejnitation as a general worker, and an influential man in that august body. He was noted far and near for his liberality and hosjiitality, especially to new settlers. He was ever public spirited and always ready and willing to do all he could to promote any and all enterprises for the good of the county and State. He and his wife reared a family of seven children. five sous and two daughters, all of wiioui are highly respected men and women. The maternal grandfather of John P. Black, John Janes, was a native of Virginia, was a soldier in the Revolu- tionary War, and was wounded at the battle of Yorktown. His wife, whose maiden name was Margaret Arming, was also a native of Virginia, and in 1800 they came down the Ohio River in ca- noes, settled on Merrimac River, near St. Louis, and there remained imlil 1801), on a Spanish grant of land. They then emigrated to Randolph County. Ark., settled on Janes' Creek, and there remained until the death of the father in I82f>, at the age of eighty two years. John P. Black as- sisted his father on the farm in Randolph County, and received his education in the county schools, that is, a part of his education, for the most of it was obtained by his own application at home. He began managing a farm at the age of eighteen years, and this continued until twenty-two, when he went to work for a New Orleans house at I'owhat- an, where he remained until 1811), after which he came to Pocahontas. He there engaged in mer- cantile pursuits, which he carried on until 1873. excepting a period during the war, when he served two years in Fagan's command. Confederate army. He returned to the farm in 1872, remained there a few years and then came again to Poca- hontas, where he entered the law office of Thomas Ratliff, as a student. He was admitted to the bar in 1875, and has been actively engaged in the practice ever since. He was first married in 1855, to Miss Isabella Waddel, a native of Arkansas. In 1859 he was again married, taking for his second wife Miss Claude Inman, a native of In- diana. In 1868 he married Miss Lottie Inman. and in 1875 was united in marriage with Miss Flora Kebler. a native of Arkansas, who bore him six children: Charley, Guy, Hattie, Irene, Lulu and Blanche. R. H. Black, attorney, Pocahontas. Ark. As a leading citizen of Pocahontas in its profes sional, business and social life, lending eminent strength to her bar, tone to her finance and grace to her society, Mr. Black commands attention from the pen of the historian who would wish to do this P^ 376 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. city justice. He owes his nativity to Randolph County, Ark., and is a son of Williara Bhick, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this volume. He grew to manhood on his father's farm at Black's Ferry, in Randolph County, securing his education in the private schools of the county and at Shelbyville, Ky. He was admitted to the bar in 1860, and has been actively engaged in the i)ractice ever since. He has been for two terms presiding attorney of the Second Judicial District of Arkansas, and in 1879 he represented Randolph County in the Gen- eral Assembly, one term. Iii 1861, when the war- cloud hung heavy over the United States, Mr. Black enlisted in the First Arkansas Cavalry, C. S. A., commanded by ex- Gov. Churchill, as private, and was made lieutenant after the second year. He served until May 14, 1864, when, at the bat- tle of Besaca, Ga. , he had the misfortune to lose his right arm by a gun-shot wound, which dis- abled him from further service. He participated in the battles of Chickamauga, Murfreesboro and Richmond, Ky. and numerous othi r battles. After being discharged he came back to Pocahontas, be- gan the study of law, was afterward admitted to the bar and opened office here. His marriage with Miss Virginia L. Criddle, a native of Jackson, Cape Girardeau County, Mo. , occurred on Novem- ber 14, 1867, and to them were born five chil- dren: Edward, Marvin, ^Valdo, Blanche and Ina. Mrs. Black died on the 26th of December, 1880, in full faith with the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mr. Black is a member of the I. O. O. F. and is not only a pleasant gentleman in the social walks of life, but is also among the first in his pro- fession. He and his children are the owners of about 1,000 acres of land. William F. Blackwell. Among the business men of Randolph County, Ark., who have won dis- tinction as successful merchants, and who have, by personal industry and genuine business ability, succeeded in establishing a desirable trade, may be mentioned Mr. Blackwell, whose name heads this brief biography. He was l)orn in Lawrence County, Ark., December 20, 1S51, and is a son of James and Parnesia Jane (Smith) Blackwell, the for- mer being a native of Virginia. He died while our subject was two years old. while on his way home from New Orleans, whither he had been on business, he having been a merchant and stock dealer at the time of his death. After removing from his native State, he first came to Tennessee, and afterward to Arkansas. His wife was born in Lawrence County, this State, in 1828, and after his death she married a Mr. Ellison, who left her again a widow some time after, and she next wedded Bennett Holder, who is also dead. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church; she became the mother of four children, two being now dead. Those living are Isabella, wife of Frank M. Baker, and William F., who was educated in the schools of Lawrence County, and from boyhood up has been familiar with mer- cantile life, having acted in t'ne capacity of .sales- man at Powhatan, Smithville, Walnut Ridge, Delaplaiiie. Lauratown. and then in his jiresont location. One year after coming to Randolph County, he engaged in business for himself, form- ing a partnership with W. W. Tanner, the firm be- ing known as Tanner Sc Blackwell. This part- nership lasted until 1883, and since that time Mr. Blackwell has been in business alone. The first money he earned for himself was at picking cotton, and in all the enterprises in which he has been en- gaged, his labors have lieen attended with good re- sults. He was so unfortunate as to be burned out in February, 1888, but he has since retrieved his for- tunes to some extent, and, in connection with his business, is engaged in farming. He received his last appointment as postmaster in 1888. February 10, 1S78, he was married to Miss Mollie F. Tanner, daughter of W. W. Tanner, and by her he is the father of four children: Jennie May, Pearl Grace and William Harry. James Marvin, the eldest child, died in bis third year. Mrs. Blackwell was born in Obion County, Tenn., and is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and her hus- band belongs to the Methodist Epi.scopal Church, South. He is a Democrat. His career has placed him before the public as a successful financier, and his reputation has been obtained by tireless industry, a keen foresight of events, and a judicious use of his means. !L> RANDOLPH COUNTY. 377 Capt. J. N. Bolen, editor of the Herald, Po- cahontas, Ark. The enviable position which the town of Pocahontas occupies to-day as an industrial and mercantile center is due to the enerify, enter- prise and ability of the inhabitants, and to the wise and judicious government of the local authori- ties. Prominent among those who have made an impress on the history of the town, in more re. spects than one, is Capt. J. N. Bolen, editor and publisher of the Herald. Mr. Bolen owes his na tivity to Fayette County, Penn. , where his birth oc- curred in the year 1881 . and he is the son of Reuben and Nancy (Walters) Bolen, natives of Virginia and Pennsylvania, respectively. The father was born in Powhatan County, Va., in the year 1790, was a soldier in the War of 1S12-14, removed to the State of Pennsylvania in the year 1820, and soon thereafter was married to Miss Nancy Wal- ters, only dau^ghter of Abraham Walters, and there he continued to reside until his death, which oc- curred in the year 1840, the mother surviving the father until 187<). in which year she died at the home of her son. J. N. Bolen, at Murray, Callo- way County. Ky. . in the seventy-sixth year of her age. They were members of the old School Pres- liyterian and Methodist Church, respectively. The father was active in political affairs, always voting the Democratic ticket, having been three times elected sheriff of his county as the nominee of that party. The paternal grandfather of J. N. Bolen. Powhatan Bolen. was a native of Powhat- an County. Va. . and was a Revolutionary soldier. The maternal grandfather. Abraham Walters, was a native of Fayette County, Penn. , and also a sol- dier of the Revolutionary War. J. N. Bolen was early trained to the arduous duties of the farm and this continued until eighteen years of age when he left the parental roof and served an ap- prenticeship at the tailor's trade at Brownsville, continuing at this for ten years. He then learned dentistry, located at Murray. Ky. , where he estab- lished the Murray (Tazette, and ran the same for six years as a Democratic paper. He then came to Randolph County, Ark. , and bought the Her- ald, of Pocahontas, which he has ably edited ever since. In June, 18(')1. he enlisted in the war and armed and equip|)ed. at his own expense, a com pany of cavalry which was attached to the Seventh Kentucky Regiment, Col. Forrest com raanding, and served until the close of the war with the command of captain, until the last two years, when he was promoted to the rank of major and commanded the battalion until the close of the war. He participated in the following battles: Fort Henry. Fort Donelson, Jackson, Raymond, Baker's Creek, Paducah, and in numerous skir- mishes. By his marriage, which occurred in 1858 with Miss Carrie Allbntton. a native of Calloway County, Ky.. one child was born, Ella, wife of Jacob Schoonover, of Pocahontas. William B. Bridges (deceased) was a man well known to the early settlers of Randolph (bounty. Ark., and was respected for his straightforward course through life, and for his noble. Christian qualities of mind and heart. He was born in North Carolina in 1810, and was a son of Benjamin Bridges, who was also born in that State, and was a soldier in the War of 1812. He was a black- smith by trade, and William B. , like the majority of sons, followed in his father's footsteps and liecanie a blacksmith also. He was the eldest of sixteen chil- dren, and in his youth was taken by his parents to Tennessee, where he grew to manhood. When eight een years of age he was married to Miss Rebecca Sherrel, a native of Wilson County, that State, and after residing there the eight years following his marriage he emigrated to Arkansas, locating at Pittman's Ferry, but one year later removed to Poca- hontas, having been identified with the interests of this place for many years. His death, however, occurred in Gainesville, Greene County, Ark., in 1868, at the age of tifty- eight years, his widow dy- ing June 9, 1882. Both were members of many years' standing of the Baptist Church, and were earnest and devoted Christians. Mr. Bridges was a well-posted man, and was a leader in the church of which he was a member, as well as in public af- fairs, and was an eloquent and fluent speaker. He was very popular in the community in which he resided, and for many years held the office of jus- tice of the peace, and socially was a member of the k. F. & A. M. Of his large familv of children six :^ IS k. 878 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. grew to maturity, the only surviving member Ijniiig A. M. Bridges, who is a leading farmer of Wiley Township. At the age of nine years he accom- panied his father to Randolph County, Ark. , and his youth was spent in learning the intricacies of farm work and blaeksmithing, he also acquiring a fair education in the common schools of his adopted county. ITpon the breaking out of the Rebellion in 1801 he joined the Seventh Arkansas Cavalry, Confederate States Army, took a stirring part in the battle of Corinth, and was in numerous skirmishes. At the second battle of Corinth he was one out of eight of his company to escape un- hurt, and at the close of the war he went to the city of St. Louis, and served a three-years' apprentice- ship at the machinist's trade under G. H. Timons; then came to Randolph County and purchased 100 acres of land, on which he now lives. The prop- erty at that time was raw timber land, but he has made valuable improvements in the way of build- ing, fences and clearing, and has added to his original purchase until he now has a fine tract of land embracing 4GU acres, of which 175 are under cultivation. He has been married four times and has four living children: Susan, wife of Paul S. Leonard, of Randolph County; Martha, wife of John Ball, also of this county; VV. B. . at home, and one other. Mr. Bridges has Iseen the architect of his own fortune, and through his own exertions has ac- quired his present property which is one of the finest farms in the county. For the last few years in connection with his farm work he has also con- ducted a blacksmith shop on his farm, and is con- sidered a skillful mechanic. William Bridges. In any worthy history of the county the name that heads this sketch will always be given an enviable place among the lead- ing citizens of the county, and its self made agri- culturists. Mr. Bridges is a native of Randolph County, having been born here November 18, 1S27. and is the seventh of ten children, three of whom are now living, the other two being Martha, wife of William Fry, a farmer of this county, and Nancy, born to the marriage of John Bridges and Cynthia Spivey. Both parents were born in the "Old North State," and the father died in Ran- dolph County, Ark., when alujut forty-four years of age, the mother dying in Fulton, while on a visit several years after the war. After their marriage, which occurred in their native State, fhey came to this pari of Arkansas, it being then a Territory, and engaged in farming, which occupation proved quite successful. Game of all kinds was quite plentiful at that time, and Indians were also numerous, but they never molested the Bridges family, although many of the other settlers suffered severely at their hands. Jfr. Bridges was a life- long Democrat, and he and wife were members of the Presbyterian Church. William Bridges re- mained with his parents until their deaths, and has been a farmer all his life. In ISOl his farming operations being interrupted by the opening of the Rebellion, he laid down his farming imple ments to take up the weapons of warfare, and eu listed in Capt. Wright's company, Col. William Patterson's infantry. Confederate States Army, and ' served until the close of the war, his regiment be- ing the first to cross the Mississip{)i River. He was at the battles of Shiloh and Perryville, and also participated in a number of skirmishes. Since returning home from the army he has been en- gaged in farming and stock raising, and from starting in life with not so much as a good suit of clothes, he has become one of the heaviest tax payers in the county, and now owns 778 acres of some of the best land of which the county can boast. He has long been a Democrat, and is one of the enter prising citizens of the county. His marriage with Elizabeth Wells took place July 21, 1804, she hav- ing been born in Randolph County, Ark., a daugh- ter of Hugh Wells. To them were born five chil- dren, now living: Elizabeth, William W., Margaret, Hugh and Nevada. John died March 10, 1889, at the age of twenty-one years; George died De- cember 30, 1888, in his seventeenth year; Emily died December 15, 1888, when twenty-four years of age, the wife of George Wells: Hugh died when thirteen years old; Samuel when three years of age, and two infant daughters are deceased. Mr. Bridges, like his father, is a Democrat, and he and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. y]'. A. W. W. Brooks, one of the most oxteusive laud owners and cotton growers of Randolph County, Wcas boru ia Davidson County, Tonn., in the year 1882. His parents were liichard P. and Mary N. Brooks, the former a prominent citizen of that portion of Tennessee, and for several years sheriff of Jackson County, liichard F. Brooks was a member of the legislature for a great many years, and at the age of seventy -four was elected a ' ' Hoater, ' ' or in other words, a repre- sentative from more than one county. He died at the age of seventy-five years, after an honorable and brilliant career. His son, A. W. W. Brooks, was reared and received his education in Jackson County, Tenn. He seemed to be imbued with the spirit that characterized his father, and fol- lowed closely in his footsteps early in life. When war was announced between the North and South, he occupied the clerkship of Jackson County cir- cuit court, and at the outset of the National excite- ment he was the first to organize a company in Jackson County. He held the rank of lieutenant, and, when the conscript act was enforced, returned to that county and organized another company, of which he was lieutenant. During an engagement with an overwhelming force the captain was killed and the company disorganized, many of the men being captured. Lieut. Brooks was among the prisoners, and after fifteen months' confinement he returned and collected the shattered fragments of his company, of which he was the captain until the spring of 1865, the time of the surrender. At the close of the war he returned to Jackson County, in the same State, like many a chivalrous spirit who had cast his fortune with the Confederacy — penniless. He soon started, however, at the task of regaining at least a portion of what he had lost, and, leaving the old home behind him, traveled further west. He settled in Lawrence County, Ark., and remained there two years, but thinking that Randolph County would be a more desirable location, he moved to that place. On his arrival there, all his worldly possessions consisted of a pair of steers and a very meager outfit, but if his riches were small his heart was large, and accom- panied by a spirit too proud to be east down by the prospects before him. In the first year of his arrival he succeeded in getting some one to rent him a portion of land, upon which lie began farm i°g' paying them with a portion of the crop he raised. He finally became the owner of a piece of land, which his ingenuity and foresight put him in possession of, and from that time to the present he has been successful in his financial enterprises. His wealth has grown to massive proportions, and at one time he was the owner of 8,000 acres of land, but donated some 4,000 acres to his childi-en. Mr. Brooks is widely known for his shrewdness in commercial transactions, and many people, not thor- oughly acquainted with him, would perhaps think he was a man of very stern principles, but to see him once in the family circle away from the cares and perplexities of his busy life, that impression would be quickly dispelled. He is generous, almost to a fault; ready to give aid wherever it is really needed, and is a man whose word will carry weight whenever it comes from his mouth. He has never practiced as a regular attorney, but his knowledge of the law is considerable, and that fact alone has given him a greater advantage than the average man, especially in some of his extensive land deals. Like almost all other successful and prominent men, Mr. Brooks' accumulation of great wealth has gained for him many enemies, people who started with him in the race through life and were outstripped long before the three -([uarter stretch was reached; but his friends, and their name is legion, knowing how to appreciate the true man, are filled with admiration at his wonderful success. Mr. Brooks was first married in ]8r)r), in the State of Tennessee, to Miss Julia J. Richmond. The result of this hap])y union was four children: Ellen, wife of J. P. Rogers; William P. Brooks, whose sketch immediately follows this one; Alice, widow of Robert Surridge; and Maggie, wife of David Feneter, This, his first wife, and the companion of his earlier manhood, after having proven herself a kindly and faithful wife ami worthy mother, was calhnl to eternity and away from her family in 1874. Some years after this Mr. Brooks contracted a second marriage with JL-s. Mcllrov, a cliarmin£ RANDOLPH COUNTY. 383 one of the active practicing physicians of Randolph County. He was married Novoiuhpr 18, 1868, to Miss Martlia E. Brothers, and by her he became the father of three children: Harriett A., born August 7. 18(19, the wife of Thomas Phillips; Ida J., born February 25, 1872, and is the wife of Frank Steward, and J. W., born July 2, 1874, re- siding at home. The Doctor's wife died PVb- ruary 14, 1876, an earnest member of the Baptist Church; she was a daughter of John and Nancy Brothers, whose family consisted of six children: William, George, Harriett, Sarah, Robert and Martha E. Miss Lucy Spinks became the second wife of Dr. Carrens, Decem))er 14, 1876, and of their seven children four died in infancy and three are now living: James S., born May 30, 1879; Eva M., born July 20, 1881, and Bertha, born August 25, 1888. Presley and Elizabeth (Ozment) Spinks were native Tennesseeans, who moved to Illinois at a very early day, and there reared a family of seven children: James J., Sarah (Harris), Eliza (Biskins), Tennessee (Odam), John A., Lucy (Carrens) and Martha. Mrs. Spinks was a member of the Baptist Church and died April 7, 1874, her husband afterward marry- ing Harriet Doughty, of Illinois, in 1874. Dr. Carrens was hrst a member of the Free Will Bap- tist Church, but he and wife are now attendants and members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which church they joined in 1877. The Doctor is a member of the A. F. & A. M. and is a Repiibli- can politically. His parents, Elisha and Mary E. (Hester) Carrens, were Tennesseeans. and were bom, reared and married there, the latter event taking place in 1848. They died in their native State in 1855, and both were members of the Bap- tist Church. They were the parents of three ciiildrcn: William, J. A., who is a farmer of Claiborne County, Ark., and Elizabeth (deceased). R. J. Carter, cotton grower and stock raiser, Pocahontas, Ark. Mr. Carter is one of those wide- awake, thorough -going gentlemen who are bound to make their way in the world with very little liclp from outsiders. He is the son of ^linatree and Matilda (Mock) Carter, the former a native of South Carolina, and one of the early pioneers of Northeast Arkansas, where he died in 1857, at the age of fifty-five or fifty-six years. The mother was also a native of South Carolina, and died when about fifty-three years of age. She was partly of German descent. Of the nine children born to their marriage, three are now living, and R. J. Carter was the fifth in order of birth. He was born in Randolph County, Ark., in 1833, and grew to manhood in that and Greene Counties. He made his start in life by following the occupa- tion to which he had been trained in early life, farming, and in 1861 was united in marriage to Miss Mary D. Kuykendall. To this union were born three children, only one, Min., who is twenty- seven years of age, now li ving. Those deceased are Florence and Norah. In 1862 Mr. Carter entered the Confederate service, and was on duty for three years. He was at the battles of Jenkins' Fen-y, Pleasant Hill, Camden and Helena. He returned to his family at the close of the war and continued tilling the soil in Greene County, Ark., for fifteen years. He then came to Randolph County, settled on 500 acres and engaged in farming and stock raising. He is also the owner of 240 acres in Clay County . He is a Democrat in politics, a member of the Masonic fraternity. Master Mason and a Knight of Honor. He is also a member of the Baptist Church. Min. Carter, son of R. J. Car- ter, was born in Clay County, Ark., in 1862. was reared on the farm until sixteen years of age, when he entered the State University at Fayette- ville, Ark., where he attended one year. He then entered Batesville College, where he graduatetl in 1884 with the degree of B. S. Retiu-ning to Pocahontas, he engaged as a salesman in the store of R. N. Hamil for two years. He then embarked in tlie drug business for himself, and this continued until April, 1889. He was married in November, 1888. to Miss Mazie Esselman. a daughter of Dr. Esselman, of Pocahontas. Both are members of the Roman Catholic Church. Henry A. Clark, merchant and farmer. Elm Store, Ark. This gentleman owes his nativity to Boone County. Ark., where his birth occurred on the 26th of December. 1.S52. and is the son of G. W. and Fannie (Arnold) Clark, natives of Virginia 384 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. and Teniiessee, respectively. The elder Mr. Clark came to Arkansas in 1850, settling in Carroll County, but after a residence there of about four years, moved to Marion County, where he bought 200 acres of land. He tilled the soil there until 1865, when he moved to Independence County, Ark. , and settled close to Batesville. He remained there only two years, and then moved to Ran- dolph County, where he bought wild land on Janes Creek. He moved from there in 1878 to Elm Store, where he died on the 30th of October, 1886, at the age of seventy-seven years. He was mar- ried in 1834 to Miss Arnold, who bore him ten children, seven now living: James, Annie, wife of W. M. Campbell, of Oregon County, Mo. ; Sarah, wife of T. M. Brown, of Marion County, Ark.; E. B., H. A., R. B. and G. W. Mrs. Clark died on the 27th of April, 1887, at the age of sixty-nine years. Both were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mr. Clark was a successful farmer, and in his political views affiliated with the Democratic party. The pater- nal grandfather of our subject came from England with his brother when quite a young man. They both accepted positions as overseers on plantations in Virginia. The brother was killed by negroes and thrown into a log heap to burn, but was found in time and taken out. The grandfather moved from Virginia to Tennessee, and thence to Alabama, and was one of the earliest settlers of Jackson County. The maternal grandfather was akso an early settler of Jackson County, Ala. , and was one of the wealthiest men there during his time. He was originally from the State of Tennessee, but died in Alabama about 1858. H. A. Clark's early opportunities for an education were rather meager, and he attended his lirst school in 1866. He then attended the free schools of his section from 1868 to 1875, and obtained a good practical education at Thomasville Academy, Oregon County, Mo. • After leaving school, and on the 23d of August, 1875, he came to his present place, and engaged in mer- chandising, which he has continued ever since in a very successful manner . In connection with this he also operates a farm of 250 acres on Eleven Points River. Mr. Clark's wife, to whom he was mar- ried on the 28th of February, 1877, was formerly Miss Ellendar A. Kirkpatrick, of this county, and they are the parents of four children, three now living: C. Newton, Adolphus G. and Elmer. The one deceased was named Henry Perry. At the com- mencement of his business career, Mr. Clark had but very little to commence with, but by close application to business, and by his honorable, up- right course, he has attained an enviable position, and is now one of the leading business men in the county. At present he is the owner of 700 acres of land and a fine residence where he now lives, also owns his store, and his annual sales amount to about $15,000. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, is a Democrat in politics, and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. M. F. Collier, of the law firm of Lomax & Col- lier, is one of the prominent men who make up the strength of the Arkansas bar. He is a native of Ohio County, Ky. , born in the year 1849, and is the son of H. H. Collier and Susan F. (Allmon) Collier, also natives of the Blue Grass State. The father was a shoemaker in early life, but later fol- lowed agricultural pursuits, and is now engaged in merchandising at Prairie Grove, Ark. Heemi-' grated to this county in i860, settling in the north- ern part of the same, where he remained until 1881, and then moved to his present home. He was appointed United States census taker of Ran- dolph County, and is quite a prominent man. He and his wife are worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. M. F. Collier was reared on a farm in the county, and there remained until nineteen years of age, when he came to Pocahon- tas. He was there engaged in a packing house as a laborer, and later was made hostler for the firm. Some time after this he was employed as salesman in the store of Mr. Hecht, where he con- tinued three years. He was made book keeper for the same man at Jacksonport, Ark. , remained with him two years, and then returned to Pocahontas, where he took charge of the books in the main store. At the end of four years' service in that capacity, he took an interest in the real e.state business, and studied law. He was admitted to tb<< bar in February, 1886, and formed a partner- ship with Mr. Lomax, with whom he has remained up to the present time. He commands the confi- dence of the people and the respect of his law brethren, and is an acquisition to Pocahontas. He selected Miss Sophia E. Richter, a native of Louisiana, for his wife, and was wedded to her in 187(5. They have an interesting family of live childi'en: Eugene L., Alma, Beryl, Thomas and Laurane. Mr. and Mrs. Collier are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in which he is Sunday-school superintendent, and takes an ac- tive interest in church and Sunday-school work. He is a member of the Masonic frateriiit)'. Chap- ter and Council, also of the Eastern Star, and the K. of H. He is also a member of the I. O. O. F. He owns some town property, and consid- erable land. The firm makes a specialty of real- estate business, and their extensive practice is but a natural result of their individual and confederate action. Captain Wibb Conner, Pocahontas, Ark. A glance at the lives of many representative men whose names appear in this volume will reveal sketches of some honored and influential citizens, who have resided many years in this county, but among them none are more worthy or deserving of mention than Capt. Wibb Conner. On his father's side he is of Irish descent, while his mother was of Scotch-Irish origin. Capt. Conner was originally from Wayne County, Mo., where his birth occurred on the ]3th of December, 1837, and is the son of John B. and Jane H. (Robinson) Conner, the father a native of Virginia, and the mother of North Carolina. The grandfather Conner was a native of Ireland, but came to America and settled in Virginia, and afterward on Green River, Ky., in 180fi. He followed the occupation of a farmer, also wielded the ferule for some time, and was a brave and gallant soldier in the Revolutionary War. The maternal grandfather, David Robinson, was a native of North Carolina, and was an early settler of the Duck River Country, now in Ten- nessee. John B. Conner (father of the subject of this sketch) was reared on a farm, but at an early age went as an apprentice to the gun and black- smith trade, which he learned of Col. Wooly, who. in 1815, organized an exploring expedition to go down the Mississippi River, and up the Red I River. John B. Conner accompanied him, and while on the Red River all sickened and died ex- cept Mr. Conner and one companion. They started on foot to come through to Kentucky across I the country, but while on the way the companion died and Mr. Conner was left alone. He got back i as far as Greenville, Mo., but stopped there and ; started a shop in 1816, and passed the remainder of his days in Wayne County, in that State. His death occurred in September, 1850, at the age of fifty-six years. The mother of Cajjt. Conner j died in 1845, at the age of forty-seven years, and was a worthy member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church. The father was a man who took a ' great interest in politics, and was prominent in public affairs. He held the office of sheriff of Wayne County, Mo., for four years, and served in the General Assembly two terms. They reared a family of children: Benjamin F., died in AVayne County, Mo., leaving two children; Frances M. . wife of John O. Bettis, of Wayne County, Mo.; Phili]) A. (deceased), left a family of three chil- dren; Samuel W., died at the age of twenty-one years; Wibb, and Rachel E. (deceased), wife of Noel Estes, of Wayne County. Capt. Wibb Con- ner, when nine years of age. was left motherless, and when thirteen years of age his father died. He remained on the home place with his brothers until eighteen years of age, when he went to Greenville, Mo. , and engaged as a clerk in a store. At the age of twenty he embarked in business for himself in general merchandising, and continued this until the war broke out. In 1862 he enlisted in Reeves' company, and was attached to the Second Missouri Cavalry, serving in the Confeder- ate army until the 25th of May, 1865. He en- tered the ranks as a private, and came out as a cap- tain of Company H, Fifteenth Missouri Cavalry. After the war he came to Randolph County, Aik. , settled on a farm five miles north of Pocahontas, and there carried on farming and milling until 1867. He then moved to Pocahontas and was there engaged as clerk in a store for some time. 386 mSTOKY OF ARKANSAS. In March. 1867, he moved to St. Louis, commencing in the hotel business, but a few months later re- turned to Pocahontas, and again engaged in the mill business, whicli he ran until 1S75. The mill was burned down, and Capt. Conner came to Poca- hontas and acted as salesman in a store until 1 878. He then was elected sheriff and collector, and served in that capacity for four years, after which he engaged in the real estate business for two years. In 1886 he was appointed, under President Cleve- land, special agent of a general land office, and assigned to duty in Florida, where he remained until the 1st of April, 1889. He then returned to Pocahontas, where he now lives, retired. He was first taarried in October, 1S61. to Miss Eliza Bol- linger, a native of. Randolph County, and to them was born one child living, Samuel A., who now re- sides at Cressview, Fla. , and is a telegraph oper- ator. Mrs. Conner died in February, 1868, and Capt. Conner took for his second wife, on the loth of Decemljer, 1868, Miss V. Ellen Martin, a native of Randolph County, Ark., by whom be has six children: Kate W., Carl, Philip A., EWeda, P. Mabel and Jennie Ellen. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and K. of H. He is the owner of 500 acres of land, besides town property here and in Florida. He is a temperance man, and is active in church and educational matters. Eli Creason, farmer and stock raiser. Warm Springs, Ark. On the 15th of August, 1840, there was born to Henry and Elizabeth (Smith) Creason a son, Eli Creason, whom we now take as the sub- ject of this sketch. His birth occurred in Marshall County. Ky. , and although his educational advan- tages were not of the Ijest, still he had a fair showing with the other coiiutry boys of his day. By reading and observation in later years, he became faij'ly well educated, and is well posted on the leading topics of the day. His parents were na- tives, respectively, of North Carolina and Illinois, were married in 1839, and reared a family of nine childi-en (seven now living): Eli, Nancy (wife of R. H. Southerland). Elizabeth (deceased), Will- iam, James (deceased), Milas, R. H. , John W., Adaline (wife of Hicks Mathews). One child died very young. Heni-y Creason was born in 1820. and has always followed agricultural j)ursuits, in which he has been very successful. He and wife reside in Kentucky, and are sixty-nine and seventy years of age, respectively, and are in the enjoy- ment of exceptionally good health. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Mr. Creason is a Democrat, although indeed he takes very little interest in politics. Eli Creason was employed on his father's farm up to the age of twenty, after which be commenced farming for himself, on rented land in Kentucky. He made but one crop in that State, and then, in 1860, moved to Arkansas, and settled in Izard County. Five years later he returned to Kentucky, but dur- ing that time he spent about three years in the Confederate army, and was wounded in a skirmish at Augusta, Ark. He participated in the lighting in and around Little Rock before and after the evacuation of the Confederates, and finally surren- dered at Jacksonport, Ark., June 5, 1865. He then returned home, and moved, in December, to Kentucky, where he remained seven years. He then came to Randolph County, Ark., entered land, and remained on the same until 1881, when he sold out and purchased his present property, consisting of 172 acres, with about 100 acres under cultivation. He has an excellent frame house on the same, has good barns, out-buildings, etc. When he returned from the war, Mr. Creason was out of money, had no property, and was ' ' dead broke" generally. Notwithstanding all this, he went to work, and by industry and perseverance, coupled with a determined spirit, has become one of the leading farmers in this jiortion of the coun- ty, all the result of his own labor. Previous to the war, he was united in marriage in 1859, to Miss Nancy Gibson, of Graves County, Ky., and they are the parents of five children (three now living): W. H. , born November 16, 18()(), and now resides in Warm Springs Township; Eli M., born September 27, 1862, and died July 19, 1881; George W., born April 7, 1865, and now resides in Warm Springs Township; James A., born October 15, 1868, and also a resident of Warm Springs :\^ EANDOLVH COUNTY. :!S7 Township, aiul Robert L. . bom October 6, 1881; and died November 8, of the same year. The mother of these children was born May 28, 1841 ; she was a daiij^hter of Emanuel and Martha (Per- kins) Gibson, both natives of Kentucky, of which State they were early settlers. Thoy reared a family of eleven children, ten now living: Marion, Caroline (wife of John Prevet), Nancy (the wife of the subject of this sketch), Martha (wife of Job Thompson), G. W., Daniel. Harriet (wife of Simp- son Hammons), Jackson, John and Louisa (wife of Franklin Smith). Mrs. Gibson died in 1878 or 1879. Mr. Gibson had been married previously, and was the father of two children: Elizabeth, wife of Elijah Gibson, and Ehoda, deceased wife of David Sullivan. Mr. Gibson died in 1877; his wife was a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Creason are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is a Democrat in his political preference. Hon. Patrick Henry Crenshaw, attorney, Po- cahontas, Ark. Mr. Crens^haw by virttie of his ability as a lawyer, and his victories at the bar, is eminently worthy of a place in our record of suc- cessful men, and the history of his life is an im- portant part of that of his State and country. He was born near Athens, in Limestone County, Ala., on the 8th of May, 1S49, and is the son of James W. and Elvira (Winston) Crenshaw. The father was born in North Carolina, but when a child moved with his parents to Alabama, and settled near where the town of Athens is now situ- ated. At the age of fourteen, he enlisted in the army and served as a private, under Gen. Andrew Jackson, in his campaign against the Creek Indi- ans, taking part in the battles of Talladega, Emuckfau and Tohopeka. or the Horse-shoe Bend, on the Tallapoosa River. In the last named bat- tle the company to which he belonged was the front of the assaulting column, and his captain the tirst man to mount the works. After the close of the War of 1812. he went as a naval cadet to Annapolis; and after the close of his term there served some time in the United States navy, after which he resigned, and after traveling over the greater portion of North and South America, set- tled in Missouri, but after his marriage with Elvira Winston he returned to Alabama, moving thence to Memphis, Tenn., about 18r)2. In aliout 1854. while in Boonville, Mo., with her daughters, who were going to school there, Elvira Crenshaw was taken sick, and went for a time up in Coldrieck County, but died in a short time. James W. Crenshaw continued to live in Memphis until 185R, when he married Susan A. Harris, in North Carolina; and the pioneer spirit again taking pos- session of him, he in the last named year, wjth his family, consisting of three daughters, and the subject of this sketch, his eldest daughter, Vir- ginia, having previously married James W . Harper, of Boonville. Mo. , moved to Arkansas and settled in Lawrence County, about six miles east of Powhatan, bringing with him about forty slaves; but the health of l)oth whites and blacks being bad in the river bottoms, he moved into the hills, on Eleven Points River, in Randolph County, about nine miles southwest of Pocahontas. Then the troubles of 1861 came, and James \\'. Cren- shaw was elected as the delegate to the State convention from Randolph County, and was a member of that body when the State seceded; he voting against secession, but being an earnest believer in State's rights, when his State seceded he then adhered to the Southern cause; thimgh he was too old to bear arms in its behalf. In Feb- ruary, 1803, he was arrested by the Federal troops, on a charge of carrying mail for the Con- federate forces, and was treated with great harsh- ness, and cast into an old jail at Pocahontas, where he was compelled to remain for several days without either fire or blankets; after which some of the soldiers, who had been detailed to guard him, conceiving a friendshij) for the old man. pre vailed on their oHieers to take him to their head quarters, where he was treated with great kind ness: and shortly after, finding that the accusa tions were false, and had been made solely for the pui-pose of making ca])ital for the accuser, he was discharged, and allowed to return to his home. The kind treatment, however, came too Inte. for the first exposure brought on a violent cold, which resulted in ])neumonia, and on the 4th of March (hifi birth day), be died at his home in Randolph County. Freeman Crenshaw, the paternal grand- father of our subject, was born in Virginia, but emigrated early to North Carolina, thence to Ala- bama, where he was one of the pioneer settlers. He also served in the army, under Jackson, in the same company with his son, participating in the same battles; and after the troops were mustered out of service returned to his farm iti Alabama, where he lived until his death, which occurred a few years before the Civil War. Freeman Cren- shaw, though a farmer by preference, was also a skillful mechanic, and on one occasion, while in the army, at the request of Lieut. Jackson, fixed his favorite pistol so as to make it sure fire, the repairs he did being to case-harden the fi'izen and fix the hammer, so as to go back farther when cocked, thereby to give the mainspring additional strength. Gen. Jackson, after he had thoroughly tested it, speaking of the last named change re- marked, ' ' She goes to hell for fire, but she brings back a blank full. " Mrs. Dorothea Winston, the maternal grandmother of Patrick Henry Crenshaw, was a daughter of Patrick Henry, making the subject of our sketch the great-grandson of the renowned patriot and orator. Mrs. Winston named our subject after her father. During the latter years of her life Mrs. Winston, being left a widow, lived with her son-in-law, James W. Cren- shaw, and died at his house in Memphis, Tenn. , and is buried in Elmwood Cemetery, of that city. Our subject, Patrick Henry Crenshaw, received the greater portion of his education at home, and in private schools, going one year to the Cooper Institute in Boonville, Mo. He had always at- tended the Methodist Church, though a member of none until he began to study earnestly the foundation and origin of the various churches. This investigation led him to join the Roman Catholic Church, into which he was baptized by Rev. Father James S. Okean, at Pocahontas, in February, 1869, and confirmed by Bishop Edward Fitzgerald, of Little Rock. Like all boys of the South, who were large enough to shoulder a gun, he served some time in the Confederate army. After leaving school, he began life bs a clerk in a store, but through the influence of his friends, he was prevailed upon to read law, and studied with the law firm of Baber & Henderson, of Pocahon- tas, and in 1872 was admitted to the bar by Hon. Elisha Baxter, who was then a circuit judge, and afterward governor of Arkansas. In June, 1873, he moved to Clay County, and practiced his pro- fession there with good success until 1886, when he returned to Pocahontas, the home of his boy- hood. In 1879 he was man-ied to Miss Sula Mack, eldest daughter of Hon. L. L. Mack, of Greene County. Of this union there has been born four daughters: Felicia Mary, Elvira Serena, Inez Alphonsus and Nona Paula. In 1881 Mr. Crenshaw represented Clay County in the house of representatives, but since that time has not been an aspirant for political office himself, though he takes a lively interest in the welfare of his country ; and when occasion demands it, is ever ready to assist in canvassing his part of the State in behalf of the Democratic party, to which lie has been a life-long adherent. He is a man well versed in English literature in general, of which he is quite fond, is a shrewd practitioner, a for- cible and eloquent speaker, and an irreproachable man — "a man in whom there is no guile." Among his many friends he is known as an ardent lover of all kinds of field sports especially the Southern amusement of fox hunting. He says he came by these last named traits honestly, as all the Crenshaws, Henrys and Winstons were given to like weaknesses, as is shown by the number of pioneers among them. In his native State, three counties, Henry, Winston and Crenshaw, are named for his ancestors. G. W. Crosby, M. D. Pocahontas and vicinity have a number of physicians among whom prom- inently stands Dr. G. W. Crosby, a native of Will- iamson County, Tenn. He was born in lS3f), and received a liberal education in that State. He read medicine under a regular physician, and later en- tered the Memphis Medical School, where he at- tended one course of lectures. About this time the war broke out, and he then joined the medical de partment of the Ninth Tennessee (Confederate) In- fantry, where he remained during the whole war. ^ c ^■^ «) -^ — "t^ RANDOLPH COUNTY. 3R'.t He snrrenderod at Greensboro, N. C, in 1865, hav- ing participatpd in tbe following battles: Shiloh and Perry ville, Ky., where he was captured with the wonnded of his regiment; being exchanged after a sojourn in prison of six months was also in the battle of Chickamauga, and in all the engage- ments of the Northern Georgia campaign in which his regiment participated. Returning to his home in Memphis, Tenn. , to remain, however, only a short time, he then moved to Greene County, Ark., where he continued in the active practice of medi- cine until ISOy. In the fall and winter session of 1869-70 he attended his second course of medical lectures at the Missouri Medical College, graduating at the end of the term. He resumed practice in Greene County, and there remained for two years longer, subsequently moving to Cross County, Ark., where he lived three years. In 1874 he moved to Pocahontas, Ark. , where be has been in the regular practice of medicine ever since. By his marriage with Miss Hattie Kibler, which occurred in 1808 in Randolph County, Ai'k., he became the father of seven children : Edward, William, May, Alice, Camille, John and Ouida. The Doctor is of Scotch Irish descent, and the son of Levi and Martha (Barnes) Crosby. The father, a native of South Carolina, was a pioneer of Tennessee, and died in Williamson County, of that State. Grand- father Barnes was born in North Carolina, and was a farmer by occupation. He also died in William- son County. He participated in the War of 1812, and was in the battle of New Orleans. The mother of our subject was born in North Carolina, and to her marriage were born seven children, the Doctor being next to the youngest. He is a Democrat in his political views. E. Dalton is a successful merchant of Warm Springs, Ark., and was born in Ripley County, Mo., October "28, 1829, being a son of David and Priscilla (Demis) Dalton, who were born in Ken- tucky and Missouri, respectively. The father re- moved to Madison County. Mo., in 1812, and after his marriage, which occurred there in 1826, he located in Ripley County and settled on Govern- ment land where he remained until his death in 18r)9, his wife's death preceding his by two years. He was a Democrat, a member of the A. F. & A. M., and he and wife were the parents of the following children; Sarah, the deceased wife of G, W. Matney, our subject, Susanna, wife of William Cross, John (deceased), Nancy, wife of H. Davis, Ruth, the deceased wife of James Parker, Pris- cilla, the deceased wife of J. Bond, and David, who resides in this county. The last two chil- dren were twins. E. Dalton, our subject, only at tended the common subscription schools for a short time during his youth, but this deficiency he ira proved in later years, and is now a well educated business man. In 1864 he was forced into the Confederate army, and was with Price on his raid through Arkansas and Missouri. He surrendered at Jacksonport, Ark., on the 5th of June, 1865. He has be(m were l)orii in liaudolph Uounty. Ark., his birth occurring November '29, 1822, and hers on the 22d of September, 1824. She died here on the 18th of FebruiUT, 1854, and after her demise Mr. Davis wedded Caadace R. (Lane) Chandler, widow of John Chandler, an ex-sheriff of Ran- dolph County. She was born in the State of Illi- nois, on the 11th of November, 1855, and died in this county on the 7th of March, 1857. Mr. Davis followed husbandry through life, and became t)uite wealthy in that calling. He died March 19, 1870. The children born to his first union are Thomas M. , J. F. and Jesse R., all farmers by occupation. Two childi-en were born to his second union, Margenia being the only one now living. His third wife was Miss Fanny Staggs, a Tennes- seean by birth, born January 1, 1848, and died in 1884. This union resulted in the birth of seven children, of whom only two are now living: James M. and Louisa. Jesse R. Davis has always re- sided in his native county, and here, of course, re- ceived his early schooling. At the age of seven- teen he began for himself, and by good manage- ment and industrj' has become the owner of 360 acres of as good laud as there is in the county. He is noted for his liberality, and owing to his many admirable traits has won the respect and esteem of all. October 12, 1871, his marriage with Miss Frances Stump was consummated. She was a daughter of George Stump, and was born in Hardin County, Ky. , September 25, 1850, and died in Randolph County, Ark., August 28, 1872. Mrs. Melissa (Thomas) Rider became his second wife March 12, 1874. She was born March 31, 1851, also in Hardin County, Ky. The following are their children: Jacob T., Harry, Rufus A., Laura M. and an infant son. Mary E. was born February 8, 1875,' and died March 19, 1880. The family worship in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Mr. Davis is a Democrat. William DeClerk is an example of the indus- trious and progressive farmer, and like all his coun- trymen he is ])rudeut and frugal. He was born in Prussia, Germany, in 1850, and at the age of six years he was put to school and was kept at his books until he attained his sixteenth year. In his youth he learned the intricacies of farm life from his father, a shrewd, practical tiller of the soil, but also gave a consideral)le portion of his attention to the miller's trade, with which he becanip thor oughly familiar. He was married in his native laud to Miss Mary C. Frenken, whose birth oc currod in 1852, and their union has been blessed in the birth of two children: Joseph, and Mary, who died at the age of seven mouths. In 1880, with the intention of bettering his position, he emi- grated to the United Stares, lauding at New York City, and came directly to Pocahontas, and, as he had a comfortable sum of money with which to start in life in a new country, he jiurchased a farm comprising 200 acres of land, which he is putting iu good shape for farming. His parents, Joseph and Agnes (Mechels) DeClerk, were bom in the Kingdom of Prussia, and of their two children our subject is the elder. Grandfather DeClerk is a farmer of Germany. The father served in the regular army, and he and his wife died in their native land. The grandfather was a Frenchman, and the maternal grandfather was a miller by trade as were his ancestors as far back as they can l)e traced. J. P. Dunklin, Jr., is a young man who is rap- idly making his way to the front in the business circles of Randolph County, and in his general mercantile establishment, which he has been con- ducting since 1888, he is building up a large and daily increasing patronage. He was born iu Wash- ington County, Mo., and is a son of J. P. and H. W. (Jones) Dunklin, who were also born in that county and State. The father served as clerk of that county several years, and is now residing in Ste. Genevieve County, Mo. J. P. Dunklin moved to Mississippi County, Ark., in 1809, and made his home with an uncle, a Mr. Hunter, for some time, after which he came to Raudol]ih County, and first worked as a book-keeper iu the town of Pocahon- tas. He next clerked in a drug store until 1885, after which he came to Reyno. where he has lived ever since. He took for his companion in life Miss F. A. Allaire, of Pocahontas, and their union has resulted in the birth of three chililreu: William M. , Onida and James E. He is a member of the K. :r>: 392 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. of H., and for two y.ntupky Cavalry, for three years, under Morgan. He was in numerous battles and skirmishes, and served until the close of the war, when he returned home. He was married in Louisville, Ky,, to Miss Agnes Rarick, and four children blessed their union: Peter, Maggie (wife of Oscar Garber), Lizzie F. and Charley. Mr. Goetz is a Democrat and a member of the I. O. O. F. He is a son of Nichols and Elizabeth (Scblos- ser) Goetz, both natives of the Kingdom of Prus sia, Germany. They were married in New Orleans, and died there. The father kept a store and lum ber yard. The great-grandfather was a native German, and was foreman of some iron works. He lived to be over one hundred and ten years old A 394 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Jesse G. Hanj. M. D. Among the widely known and most successful physicians of this county is Dr. Ham, who was born in Gibson Coun- ty, Tenn., in 183-4, and was reared and educated in Trenton, Tenn., being a faithful student in Andi'ew College, of the latter place, for some time. At the early age of sixteen years he began clerking in a drug store, and there acquired a taste for the science of medicine. He commenced his studies under Drs. Tulafro and Leaster, and after making a thorough preparation and devoting his energies to this study for some time, he began attending lectures in the Nashville Medical College, and graduated from McDowell's Medical College, in St. Louis, Mo. , in 1857. He decided to commence his professional career in the ' ' Blue Grass State, ' ' and accordingly located at Birmingham, but moved shortly afterward to Memphis. Tenn. , and entered upon an active and jarosperous career there, in partnership with his uncle. Dr. Tom Peyton, who was one of the leading members of the medical fraternity in West Tennessee. After dissolving partnership with his uncle he went to the Indian Territory, and after remaining for some time in Maryville, he again made a change of residence, this time taking up his abode in the "Lone Star State." Fi'om this point he moved to Matamoras, and after a short period spent in that place he re- turned to Texas, tirst to Dallas, then to Johnston Station, back again to Dallas, and then to Fort Worth. In this place he remained until May, 1801. when he and Mr. De Eldrige, of Virginia, raised a company of soldiers, and Dr. Ham was made its captain. They went to Louisiana, but, as, according to the law no organized body of men could be received from Texas, the battalion was disbanded at New Orleans. After this Dr. Ham joined the Fifth Louisiana Regiment, Crescent City Guards, commanded by Judge Hunt, which was the third regiment of men that landed at Yorktown, where Coruwallis surrendered. After the first tight near the coast the command ffll back to Williamsburg, where Washington's old barracks were still standing, and Dr. Ham was in the house in which Patrick Henry lived. Dr. Ham was there requested to go before the medical board, and was made assistant- surgeon of the Reg- ular Confederate States armj% and was assigned to duty at Chiborago Hospital, Ya. He remained in the medical department until the tinal surrender, then returned to the State of Tennessee, and moved from there to Woodruff County, Ark., where he recommenced the practice of medicine. From that time until 1880 he practiced in Jackson and Lawrence Counties, after which he came to Cher- okee Bay, and here has since resided. He was first married to Miss Lizzie A. McKee, of Missis- sippi, and took for his second wife Miss Lizzie A. Thorne, who was a native of New Jersey. Dr. Ham is a Democrat, and a member of the A. F. & A. M. He is a son of James and Martha (Peyton) Ham, the former of whom was a Virginian. Mr. Ham moved to Tennessee when about twenty-five years old, and had acquired a large fortune in the gold mines of Georgia. He held a number of local offices, and was tirst constable, then deputy sheriff, and finally sheriff of the covmty in which he resided. He was also clerk of Gibson County, Tenn. He is now deceased. His father was a native of Virginia, and was a son of a native Frenchman. R. N. Hamil, merchant, Pocahontas, Ark. In preparation of this brief outline of the history of one of the representative men of Randolph County, appear facts which are greatly to his credit. His intelligence, enterprise, integritj', and many esti- mable qualities have acquired for him a popularity not derived from factitious circumstance, but a j)ermauent and spontaneous tribute to his merit. He established his business in Pocahontas in 1875, and has about the large.st general store in the county. His birth occurred in Jeffersonville, Ind., in 1847, and he is the sou of William A. Hamil, a native of Tennessee. The maiden name of his mother was Miss Sarah E. Cre|)[)s, a native of Virginia, Ijut she had miirried a Mr. Waddell pre- vious to her maiTiage to Mr. Hamil. R. N. Hamil moved with his mother to Arkansas on the 18th of February. 184VI. and was reared and educated in Pocahontas. When but sixteen years of age he enlisted in the Forty-Fifth Arkansas, and served until the close of the war. He' then returned to RANDOLPH COUNTY. 395 Pocahontas and enga^red in the grocery business, which he followed a few years. He then com- menced clerking for L. Hecht & Co., remaining with them until 1875, when he established his present business, which he has continued ever since. He employs five men in the store, and car- ries a large stock. He was married in Pocahontas in 1873 to Miss Gertrude Kibler, a native of Ran- dolph County, Ark., and one child has been the result of this union: Lelia. Mrs. Hamil died in 1875, and Mr. Hamil took for his second wife Miss Blanche Kibler, a sister of his first wife, and and two childi'en were born to this union: Earle and Nell. Mr. Hamil is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and also of the Knights of Honor. He has been a member of the board of aldermen of the city for a number of years, and takes an active ])art in politics. He owns 2,0(10 acres of land, also a farm near town, and aside from his mercantile business he also runs a cotton-gin, and is a leading business man. A. H. Hatley is one of the representative busi- ness men of the county and was born in North Carolina on the 10th of July, 1832, being a son of Redin and Delphia (Kelley) Hatley, who were of English and Irish parentage and were born in the State of North Carolina. The Hatley family emigrated to the United States about 1770, as near as can be ascertained, and settled in North Caro- lina, from which State the paternal grandfather and his brothers are supposed to have enlisted in the Revolutionary War, being members of the American army. Redin Hatley was born in 1800, his wife two years later, and their deaths occurred in 1863 and 1842, respectively. The former was justice of the peace for many years in North Caro- lina, and although not an active politician he voted the Whig ticket. His wife was a member of the Christian Chnrch, and of seven sous born to their marriage two are now livinj': A. H. and Hender- son, who is a resident of this county. A. H. Hat- ley became the architect of his own fortune in iS51 aiul although his father was quite a wealthy man, being the owner of a number of slaves, he failed to educate any of his children, and as a con- sequence A. H. was obliged to earn his living as be.sthe could. On the 22d of December, 1852, lie landed in Randolph County, Ark., and four years later he made his first purchase of land, which em- braced KjQ acres, and on this farm he has since made his home, it now amounting to 173 acres. In addition to this he owns 120 acres of land on the Current River bottom and a one-half interest in eighty acres on the bay at Peru; also a one-half in- terest in a general mercantile establishment, which nets from $8,0J0 to §10,000 per annum, the stock of goods amounting to about $3,000. In 1888 he erected a fine cotton-gin at Maynard, and owns one- half of a gin in the bottoms, which annually turns out about 500 bales. In this enterprise he is one of the leading men in this section of the State, being also one of the largest property -holders. At the time of his arrival here he owned nothing, and has made his property by energy and shrewd manage- ment. He has been married twice, the first time to Miss Nancy Mitchell, by whom he became the father of two children: Julia A., who was born August 25, 1853, and James H., who was born October 14, 1855. Mrs. Hatley died August 25, 1858, six years after her marriage, and after liv ing a widower one year Mr. Hatley married, September 18, Miss Mahulda Abbott. Elen L. (wife of Gus Reynolds, of Reno), born January 3, 18(54: Mandy H., born October 15, 1800, died November 7, 18()8; Naomi H., born November 29, 1869; Eli H., born October 2, 1872; August A. H.. born July 18, 1875; Atlas H., born July IS, 1878, and Ivy H., born October 28, 1886, and three who died in infanc_v were their children. Mrs. Hatley was born in 1841. Mi-. Hatley joineil the Confederate army in September, 1802, enlist- ing in Company A, and was captured in Jarmary, 1863, at Van Buren, Ark. , but was paroled after a short time and returned home. After remaining at home for about six mouths he was again forced into the service, and was with Price on his raid through Missouri and Arkansas. Since that time he has been engaged in the occupations named above, and is now one of the wealthy men of the county. He is a Democrat, and a member of the A. F. & A. M. ; his wife belongs to the Christian Chnrch. 396 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. William E. Hibbard is a leading and enterpris- intr merchant of Randolph County, Ark., and is a member of the firm of Hibbai-d & Weatherford, who do a general business at Gravesville. He was born in the State of Mississippi, May 10, 1850, and is a son of Joseph and Delilah (Walker) Hib- bard, the former a native of Mississippi, and the latter of Tennessee. They were married in Ten- nessee, but made their home in Mississippi until their son, William E., was a small lad, at which time they moved to Independence County, Ark., from there to Fulton County, and in 1865, came to Randolph County, where the widow and her chil- dren have since lived, the father having died in St. Louis, in 1862. He was a teacher and a farmer by occupation, a Democrat in politics, and while a res- ident of Fulton County, Ark. , served several years as justice of the peace. The mother is a member of the MissionaiT Baptist Church, and she and Mr. Hibbard became the parents of nine children (William E. being the fourth), and live of them are now living: George W., a farmer of Randolph County; Naocy, wife of Abijah McDaniel, also of this county, Emily, wife of James McDaniel; Sarah, wife of Robert Ballew, they also being agriculturists of this county, and William E., who acquired a good education through his own exertions, and when only a small boy began to as sist his mother and brother to make a living for the balance of the family, as they had been left in destitute circumstances by the war. He worked by the day and month until twenty- one years of age, when he man-ied Miss Martha Collier, and began for himself. His wife was a daughter of Robert and Sarah Collier, and was born on the 29th of January, 1851. Their family now consists of eight children: Delilah, William H., Emma, Jo- seph, Adar and Ida (twins), Martha and Thomas. After his marriage Mr. Hibbard made one crop in Woodruff County, but the following year went to Fulton County, and rented land of Mrs. Sanders, but after making one crop there he returned to Randolph County, purchased a 120- acre farm on credit, and has since increased his acreage to 250, all of it being tine land, the result of indus- try and good business ability. In March, 1887, he formed a partnership with Vincent Seagraves, in the general mercantile business, and the follow- ing year bought out Mr. Seagraves, and conducted the business alone until within a few months, when he and W. J. Weatherford became associated. He is a Mason and a Democrat, and is one of the most enterprising men of which the county can boast. Isaac Hirst keeps a general grocery at Poca hontas. Ark. , and was born in Greece in 1 844. He was brought to the United States by his uncle when a child and grew to manhood in Cincinnati, Ohio, and at Pocahontas, Ark., also receiving his educa- tion in the public schools of these places. After reaching a suitable age he worked as collector for different firms for some time, and in 1868 embarked in business for himself. Prior to this, however, during the war he espoused the cause of the Con- federacy and served until he was severely wounded in 1864 on Saline River, in Arkansas. He was at Greenville, Mo., Shreveport, Pleasant Hill, La., Prairie Grove, Jenkins' Ferry and Helena, Ark., and was a participant in many skirmishes. After the close of the war he resided in Memphis, Tenn., for three years, then returned to Pocahontas and as above stated entered business for himself, in which he has siaccessfully continued ever since. His efforts to acquire a competency have more than realized his expectations and he now owns some valuable town property. In bis political views Mr. Hirst is a Democrat, and he is a Master Mason, a member of the I. O. O. F. and K. of H. His people are of Hebrew faith, but he belongs to no church. He was married May 1, 1877, to Miss Nora Hubble, by whom he has two little daughters: Lena and Edith. His parents, Jacob and Theresa (Hanauer) Hirst, were native Germans, but after their marriage removed to Greece and still later to America, the former's death occurring in Philadelphia, Penn., and the latter' s in Cincinnati, Ohio. Our subject has an uncle who resides in Memphis, Tenn., and is a member of the mercantile firm of Schollfield. Hanauer & Co. Dr. Martin Hogan was born on Blue Grass soil November 16, 1833, and inherits Virginia blood W. K.Harrison. Gdloen Lake^Mississippi County, Arkansas. RANDOLPH COUNTY. 397 from his fatbor and mother, William and Mary (Wallace) Hogau. The father removed to Ken- tucky in 1808, and was married in Logan County, of that State, in 1812, and there reared a family of four sons and two daughters: Mary A., wife of Dr. Joseph Stewart, died in Arkansas; James B. (deceased), William, who died in Kentucky; John, who died in Randolph County ; Maria L. (deceased) and Martin. The father was drafted in the War of 1812, but secured a substitute. He died in Lo- gan County, Ky., in IS^tO, followed by his wife in 1870, in Livingston County, Ky. , both being con- sistent members of the Christian Church at the time of their death. The youthful days of our subject, Martin Hogan, were spent in laboring on his father's farm, and his early opportunities for acquiring an education were of the most meager description. After reaching the age of twenty-one years, he entered a graded school with the deter- mination to secure a good education, and after at- tending for some time at Allensville, he entered the Oakland Institute, and afterward the Franklin Institute in Christian County, Ky., where he fin- ished his literary education, his career in these institutions of learning being marked by close ap- plication to his books and able scholarship. Dur- ing the winter of 1857-58, he attended lectures in the Nashville Medical College, and in the winter of 18o8-59, he was a diligent student in the Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati, from which institution he was graduated as an M. D. in 1859. He commenced immediately the practice of his chosen profession in Logan County, Ky. , and after practicing in Livingston and Marshall Conn- ties of that State until 1871, he landed in this county, where he has been engaged in farming in connection with his practice, since about 1873. The Doctor takes but little interest in politics, but devotes all his time to his profession; when he does vote, however, he sujjports the principles of the Democratic party. He is a member of the I. 0. O. F. , and he, wife and eldest daughter are members of the C^hristian Church. November 13, I860, he man-ied Miss Mary S. White, in Lyon County, Ky. , her birth having occurred in that State on the 17th of July, 1840. The following were their children: Mary C, who was born March 10, 1862, and is now deceased; William M., Ixjrn December 17, 1863; Mary R., born January 1. 1807; Lou, born March 15, 186U; John E. , born March 21, 1871, and is now deceased; John, born October 20, 1872; Birdie, born March IS. 1874; Lizzie M. , born May 5, J 876 ; Lina W. , born April 21, 1879; and Madison B., born February 14, 1884. Mrs. Hogan is a daughter of George and Catherine (Martin) White, to whom were born the following family: Mary S. and Samuel, Eliza A. and George M. (deceased), Elizabeth H. , John E., Sarah (deceased), Sol. M. , and Edna M. , wife of Charles Sexton, of Kentucky. B. F. Hollowell, M. D. Few. if any, indus- trial or professional pursuits have within the la.st few years made such rapid strides as that of the profession of medicine, and among the leading physicians of Randolph County, Ark., who have availed themselves of all new ideas and put them in practice, may be mentioned Dr. Hollowell. He was born in North Carolina in 1823 and was the eldest of seven children, three now living, born to Silas and Sarah (Farmer) Hollowell, who were North Carolinians. They moved to the State of Tennes- see in 1828, and in 1832 located in Mississippi, where they died in 1867 and 1809, respectively, both aged sixty-seven years. Silas Hollowell was an active politician in his day, and was also deeply interested in the cause of religion. Their children, who are living, are Martha A., wife of John Porter, of the State of Mississippi; Julia, wife of D. ). Rogers, of Marshall County, Miss., and Dr. B. F. The paternal grandfather, Edward Thomas Hollowell, was born in the "Emerald Isle," and was an enterprising tiller of the soil. Dr. Hollowell was given the rearing and education which is ac corded the majority of farmers' boys, but this work was not suited to his tastes, and he early formed a desire to study medicine. At the age of twenty , years he left home and entered upon his medical studies under a preceptor in Marshall County, Miss., and after two years of faithful and diligent study he entered Oxford Institute, fiom which institution he graduated iu 1847. The following year he moved to Izard County. Ark., where he r :^ 4 Hurn, who was of Irish birth, served in the Colonial army during the Revolutionary War and was a participant in many battles, beiug at York- town when Cornwallis surrendered. He died in North Carolina. The maternal grandfather, James Dunn, was born in North Carolina, and also served in the American army during the Revolution. The children born to Randall and Nancy Hurn are as follows: James and Simon Peter, farmers of Ran- dolph County; Paul R., a farmer of Washington County, Ark., Mark, a farmer of Clay County, Ark. : Ezekiel, a minister of the Washington Coun- ty Primitive Baptist Church; Permelia E., wife of James Sammonds of Randolph County; Nancy J., wife of Ben F. Tyler, a farmer of this county, and Leah S. , wife of William Kirk of this county. Those deceased are John and Matthew, who was a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in Randolph County. At the age of twenty- one years, Simon Peter Hurn, our subject, began life for himself as a farmer, but afterward learned the butcher's and stone mason's trades, at which he worked for many years. He started without any means whatever, but by the help of his wife, who was a strict economist and an excellent manager, he has become one of the wealthy men of the county. In 1861 he enlisted in Capt. Connor's company, Adams' regiment of the Confederate States army, and during his four years' service he was in the battles of Saline, Pilot Knob, Big Bhie and others. He was a heavy loser by the war. but afterward managed to make his losses good. Sarah Jane Alexander, a daugh- ter of John W. and Mary T. (Mostice) Alexander, became his wife November 21, 1850. She is a na- tive of the county and was born August 31, 1830, becoming by Mr. Hurn the mother of eight chil- ren: Matilda E., Mary L., John W., Emily J., Luther D., Peter M., Eliza Ann, Leslie B. and Thomas F. Peter M. died when six years of age. Mr. Hurn and his wife have been members of the Methodist Episcopal Chui-ch, South, for the past ! forty years, and he has served the most of this I time as steward. Politically he is a Democrat. J. W. Ingram is a substantial farmer and miller of the county, and as such deserves honorable men- tion in these pages. As he was born in this county, May 8, 1839, the people have had every opportun- ity to judge of his character, and he has won the confidence and esteem of all. He is a son of James ! P. and Rebecca (Mansker) Ingram, the former hav- ing been born in Virginia, February a, 1800, and the latter in Tennessee, March 0, 1811. James P. Ingram was removed by his father to Kentucky in 1805, and there remained until 1824, when he re- moved to Randolph County, Ark., and settled on what is now known as the Old Ingram Farm, on the old military road, six miles southwest of Pit- man's Ferry. Here he lived from 1834 until he died, August 12, 1874, at the age of seventy four years. His widow resided on this farm for fifty- three years, and died on the 27th of June, 1888, at the age of seventy-seven years, three months and twenty-one days. She came with her parents to this State in 1817, and lacked only a short time of having lived here seventy years. Mr. Ingram was an industrious agriculturist, and accumulated property to the amount of 1,000 acres of land. He served as constable eight years, justice of the peace six years, and county judge four years. He was married on the 12th of Aiuil, 1825, his wife being only a little over fourteen years of age at that t time. Their family consisted of eleven children, the following being those who are now living: G. H. , a farmer of this (iounty; Leddie B. , wife of H. H. Hatley, and J. AV. Those deceased are Lurana. wife of W. P. G. Johnston, and Hannah E., who died at the age of twenty years; the rest died in childhood or infancy. J. W. Ingram commenced life for himself at the age of eighteen years, and was married then to Miss Rebecca M. Mansker. their union taking place on the 12th of A]>ril, and to them the following children have been born: M. E., wife of W. C. Smith, of this county; Martha R., wife of William Jollv, of this countv; W. G. RANDOLPH COUNTY. 401 C. ; Sarah L. , wife of Robert G. Jolmson, being those living; and L. V. J., the deceased wife of Benjamin Phipps, and Mary L., who is also de- ceased, having been the wife of F. M. Ezell. Mrs. Ingram was born October 18, 1839, and is now no more, having passed to her long home April 25, 1870. Our subject's second union took place October 9, 1870, his wife's maiden name being Josie C. Mock, of this county. Five of their children died when small, and three are now living: R. G. C, who was born September 2, 1883; T. F., born May 17, 1875, and J. R., born March 22, 1877. The mother of these children died on the 28th of December, 1883, having been a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and her husband espoused his third wife, Mrs. Mary P. (Kerley) Tilley, on the 10th of April, 1884, Laura Dean, who was born on the 10th of April, 1885, being the only one of their three children who is now living. Mrs. Ingram's first union took place on the 2d of July, 1871, and she bore her husband three childi-en: Sarah L., born December 10, 1872, and Thomas J. , born August 3, 1877, being the only ones living. Mr. Tilley was born in Tennessee, and died on the 12th of February, 1882, having been a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. While serving in the Confederate army he lost all the fingers of one of his hands, and was discharged from the service. Mr. Ingram, the subject of this sketch, also served in the Confederate army, joining Company I, Sha- ver's regiment, on the 8th of August, 1863. He surrendered at Jacksonport, Ark., June 5, 1865, having been with Price on his raid in Missouri. During this time he lost all his property except his land; but this he returned to, and began to improve, erecting in 1869 a cotton-gin, which he continued to operate until 1878, when it was burned to the ground. The loss is estimated at 83,500. On the 17th of January, 1873, he was taken ill with erysipelas, and by the 21st of that month he had lost his eye sight. He has hud ten children he has never seen. He is a wealthy farm- er, owning 1,460 acres of land, with some 248 acres under improvement. He has a steam cotton- gin, seventy head of cattle, twelve head of horses and mules, and numerous other domestic animals. Although blind, this does not deter him fiom work, and he can readily bind wheat and oats, feed a threshing machine or steam cotton-gin. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , and is a Democrat. He and his wife are church members, he belong- I ing to the Methodist and liis wife to the Baptist Church. A. ^^'. James is a man who has been exception- ally successful in his career as a planter, and ow- ing to his desire to keep out of the old ruts, and to his ready adoption of new and improved meth ods, together with energy and shrewd business tac- : tics, he has acquired an extensive land area em- bracing at least 1,400 acres. Many of his broad acres are devoted to the culture of cotton, and his plantation is one of the finest in the State. He was born in Smith County, Term., Octol)er IS, 1826, but grew to maturity in the State of Arkan j sas (Phillips County), whither his parents moved in 1840. At the breaking out of the IMexican War he joined the service, and was on active duty for one year. He was not wounded while on duty, but now receives a pension for his services. In 1848 his marriasre with Miss Elizaljeth Slaten was I consummated. She was born in 1848, and bore following children: Bartlett. Mary, Daniel, Laura, Martha and Jehu. Mr. James did not side with either faction during the late war, but after the close of hostilities he settled in Randolph County, where he has since made his home. He has al- I ways cast his vote witli the Democratic party, and for the past thirty years has been a minister in the Baptist Chm-ch, but has not preached a great deal during the last few years. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. His parents, Alexander and Eliza- beth (Brookshire) .lames were born, reared and married in North Carolina, and as stated above moved to North Carolina in 1840. The father served in the War of 1S12, and was a particii>ant in the battle of New Orleans. He and wife both died in Phillips County, Ark., the latter being sixty years of age at the time of her death. Only two of their ten children are now living. The pa- ternal grandfather was a Nortli Carolinian, who died in Smith County, Tenn. A ® >^ 402 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. W. P. G. Johnston is one of the leading farm- ers of this section of the county, and the condition of his farm shows the care and attention to details which have ever characterized his efforts. He was born in Tennessee in 1833, and is a son of Gregory and Martha (Burton) Johnston, who were bom in North Carolina and Virginia, respectively, were married in Tennessee about 1820, and engaged in farming in Randolph County, Ark. (whither they moved in 1848), until their respective deaths in 1877 and 1875, when aged seventy-seven and seventy-three years. Six of their nine children lived to maturity, and five are now living: Rev. L. F. ; L. B. ; Aurena, wife of Rev. Jesse Robertson; James F. and W. P. G. , all of whom are residents of Randolph County. The parents were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and the father was a Democrat in his political views. \ W. P. G. Johnston commenced farming for him- self at an early day, was married to Miss Lurana Ingram in 1852, and by her became the father of live boys and one girl, three of whom are living at the present time: James L. , George G. and John F. Mrs. Johnston died in December, 1865, having been a consistent member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, South, and Mr. Johnston wedded, in 1867, Miss Jane E. Ross, of this county, to whom were born six children: Robert G., Rufus M. , Samuel P., Walter S. and Martha J., living, and one deceased Mr. Johnston was called upon to mourn the death of his second wife in 1876. she having been a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and a good and faithful wife and mother. Mr. Johnston's third nuptials were celebrated on the 3d of March, 1878, the lady being a Miss Pernecia J. Lewis. Charles A., Horace B., Mary A., Ida B. , Joab and Amanda E. are their children. In 1862 he joined the Confed- erate service under Col. JefP. Thompson, and oper- ated east of the Mississippi River until he was dis- charged after the battle of Fort E'illow, on account of sickness, and returned home, where he remained until he had thoroughly regained his health. In 1863 he again enlisted, becoming a member of Col. Baber's regiment of infantry, and was with him until the surrender of Little Rock, at which time he was taken prisoner, and was kept in captivity for some time. After taking the oath of allegiance he was allowed to return home in 1864, and here he remained unmolested until the close of the war. He engaged in faiming and erected a cotton-gin, which was the second gin put up in this section of the county. These occupations have since received his attention, and he has done well, being now the owner of 216 acres of land, with about 100 acres under cultivation. He is a Democrat, a Mason, and he and his wife belong to the Methodist Epis- copal Church, South. Mrs. Nancy Green Jones was born in Nash- ville, Tenn., in 1829, and is the relict of Green R. Jones, and a daughter of Joseph W. and Charlotte C. (Ellis) James, both of whom were born in the State of Tennessee, the former's birth having oc- curred, it is supposed, in Nashville; he died in Pocahontas, Ark., when forty-three years old; the latter died there at the age of seventy six years. The paternal grandfather was born in Scotland, and at a very tender age was taken to the United States, where, after growing to manhood, he was married to a Miss Duke, of Virginia, she being a niece of Gen. Nathaniel Greene, of Revolutionary fame. The maternal grandfather was a nej)hew of that general. Mrs. Jones has been married three times, her first husband being William Her- bert Allaire, who was born and reared at Long Branch, N. Y., and was a millwright by trade. He died in 1856 at Pocahontas, Ark. His father was Alexander B. Allaire, a Frenchman, who at one time owned the present site of Ijong Branch, and afterward moved to White Plains, becoming a wealthy merchant of that place. His father was Capt. Allaire, of France, who married the Baroness of Breton, Denmark. The coat of arms belonging to her family is still in possession of her descend- ants in New York City. To our subject and her husband, William Herbert Allaire, were born three cbildi-en: Fannie C, Flora C. and William Her- bert, who was a cadet at West Point, graduating in the class of 1882. He is now a lieutenant at Fort Wayne, Detroit, Mich. Our subject's second husband was William Evans, who was born and reared in New York City. During the war he was ^7 RANDOLPH COUNTY. 4(»:^ a Fedpial pnrolling oflScer, and was shot and killed in his own house, this act being in retaliation of a Confedeiat*' enrolling officer having been killed in like uiiuiuor. To Mr. and Mrs. Evans a daugh- ter was born named Lucy. His widow was mar- ried after the war to Green R. Jones, who died in Pocahontas, Ark. Mrs. Jones is an estimable lady and for the past thirty-tive years has been an earnest and consistent member of the Methodist Epi.scopal Church. John Jones, a well-known resident of the county, was born on the farm where he now le- sides, October 27, 1885, and is a son of John and Mary (Black) Jones, the former being one of the very first settlers of Randolph County, Ark., and was the first man to locate on Jones' Creek, which took its name from him. Here his death occurred in 1842, when al)out sixty years of age. His wife also died here in 18^8, about the age of her hus- band. He was a professed Christian, and had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for many years. They were well-to-do citizens, and were the owners of a number of slaves besides other property, also a large amount of real es tate; at the time of his location here the nearest postoffice was sixty miles away. Six sons and two daughters blessed their union, of which children three are now living: John, Andrew and Sarah, the latter being the wife of William Sloan. John Jones attended the early schools of Randolph County, and after his parents' death, which oc- curred when he was a small boy, he made his home with an elder brother, James, until twenty years of age. Although he started in life for himself with no means, he has done well, and is now the owner of a finely improved and well located farm on Jones Creek. When the war cloud, which had 80 long hovered over our land, burst, Mr. Jones showed his willingness to aid the Southern cause, and in is:t)l enlisted in Company A, Col. Trum- bull's regiment of infantry, and was in many battles, among which were Corinth. Richmond, Ky., and a number of skirmishes. He afterward joined Capt. Mitchell's company. Col. Reeves' regiment of Arkansas Cavalry, and was at Inde- pendence and Fayotteville, seeing, during his term of enlistment, some very hard service, hut was neither wounded nor taken prisoner. Mary Wells, a daughter of Hutchinson Wells, l)ecame his wife February 23, 1859. She was born on the 1 4th of January, 1843, and by Mr. Jones became the mother of live children: William Irvin; Armitta, wife of Charles Tisdell, a farmer of the county; Rufus, Elizabeth, and another. After the death of his first wife Mr. Jones, in 1884, wedde.l Mrs. Mary (Galbraith) Wayland, who was born in Anderson Coimty, Tenn., November 5, 1841, and by her has one daughter, Ola Aim. When small. Mrs. Jones came to Lawrence County, Ark., with her parents, and was married there to Jonathan Wayland, who is deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and politically he is a Democrat. Adolphus H. Kibler. This substantial and re]i resentafive agriculturist was born in Lincoln County, N. C, December 9, 1820, and was edn cated in his native State, receiving excellent edu- cational opportunities in Lincoln Academy, which advantages he did not fail to improve. At the early age of twelve years he entered the emj>loy of a merchant, with whom he remained as a clerk for sixteen years, and then, tiring of the work, he turned his attention to farming, which has been his chief occupation. He remained in his native State until 1857. then emigrated west, and located in Randolph County, .\rk. , where he has since made his home, and by his own individual labor has become the owner of a tine tract of land embracing 320 acres. Ho has been honored with variotis offices in thi' county, and was fir.st elected in 1859 internal revenue commissioner, which position he held four years. In 1878 he was chosen county treasurer, was re-elected three times, serving in all eight years, and discharged the duties of this office in a highly creditable man- ner, and to the satisfaction of all concerned. In 1845 he was married to Miss Mary A. McKeraff. a daughter of John McKeraff. She was born in Burke County. N. C. , in 1824, and her union with Mr. Kibler resulted in the birth of six children, four of whom are now living: .\ugiista. wife of H. H. Woddell, a farmer of Rocahonfas; Mary .Mice. 104 HISTOKY OF ARKANSAS. wife of Dr. Wise, of Paragould: Hairiet, wife of Dr. G. W. Crosby, of Pocahontas, and George M., a farmer of the county. Those dead are Laura and Willie. Mr. Kibler and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South; he is a Democrat, and has been a Mason for the past twenty-live years. In the spring of 1862 he en- listed in the Forty-fifth Arkansas Confederate Infantry, and was forage master of the regiment until the close of the war, when he surrendered at Jacksonport, Ark. He is a sou of Michael and Catherine (Lorance) Kibler, both of whom were born in Lincoln County, N. C, and died in North Carolina and Randolph County, Ark., in 1S4S and 1859, respectively, the latter being sixty-four years of age at the time of her death. They were mar- ried in their native State, and when a young man, the father was engaged in blacksmithing; also farmed the latter part of his life, and was very suc- cessful in the accumulation of this world's goods. He served in the War of 1812, acting as dnim- major, and in his jiolitical views he was a Whig. He and his wife were members of the Lutheran Church, and were the parents of the following family: Adolphus H., Mauernia. wife of Jacob Dailey, of Benton County, Ala. ; Sophronia, also living in that county, and Dr. M. H., who is a prominent physician of Northeastern Arkansas, and resides near Black's Ferry in Randolph County. Miles M. was a captain in the Confeder- ate army during the late war, and was killed at the battle of Fredericksburg. William was sur- geon of a regiment in the Confederate army, was wounded at Murfreesboro, and was aid on Gen. Claiborne's staff. He afterward resided in Cross County, Ala., and there died. The paternal grandfather, David Kibler, was a German, who came to America about the close of the Revolu- tionary War, located in Lincoln County, N. C, and after a number of years removed to Iredell County, of the same State, where he spent the balance of his life. The maternal grandfather, Isaac Lorance, was born in England and also located in Lincoln County, N. C. Marion H. Kibler, M. D. , is one of the leading physicians of Randolph County, Ark., and has been a practicing physician here since 1853. He was born in Catawba County, N. C, January 19, 1831, and until eighteen years of age passed his days in his native State: but at this time a strong desire to learn medicine caused him to commence its study with Dr. John Scurry, at Cross Plains, Ala., and he made such sufficient progress under his instruction as to justify him on entering the active practice of the profession soon after, in partnership with his instructor. While in Ala- bama he was the first physician to use chloroform in Benton (now Calhoun) County, as an ansesthetic, and his experiment proving highly satisfactory, it was largely adopted by other physicians. The early training which he received in this science was by no means sufficient to satisfy a person of his inquiring mind, consequently he attended a course of lectures at Augusta, Ga. Since 1853 he has been a resident of Randolph County, Ark. , and his career here as a physician has long been well and favorably known to the many who have tested his healing ability, and his success is shown by the extended territory over which he goes to alleviati> the sufferings of the sick. In 1863 and 1804 he- was examining surgeon in the Confederate service. He was married, in 1S56, to Miss Amanda J. Cain, a daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth Cain. Mrs. Kibler was born in Alabama December 27, 1839, and died in Randolph County, Ark., May 30, 1876, leaving one daughter, Ella S., the wife of Dr. G. A. Seals. The Doctor married his present wife July 27, 1887, her maiden name being Nan- nie M. Hulett, a daughter of A. J. and Anna M. Hnlett. By her the Doctor became the father of one child, Marion Hulett. Ho has always been a Democrat in his political views, and is a member of the Masonic fraternity. His parents, Michael and Catherine (Lowrance) Kibler, were prominent residents of North Carolina, in which State the mother was born. The father was born on the Atlantic Ocean, while his parents were en route from Germany to the United States. They locat- ed in Pennsylvania, and afterward in North Caro- lina, where Michael grew to manhood and married. He spent his life in that State, and died in 1848, at the age of fifty-six years. He was a black- s' •->. RANDOLPH COUNTY. 4(1.") siuith iiiid a farmer, a Wbig in politics, and in his religions views was a Lutheran. Four of bis six children are now living: A. H., ex-treasurer of Randolph County, Ark. : Minerva, wife of Jacol) F. Dailey, a prominent merchant of Piedmont, Ala.; Sophronia, at Piedmont, Ala., and Dr. Marion H. The two deceased are Miles Michael, who was a lieutenant in the Confederate army, and was killed at Richmond, Va., and W. R. , who was a surgeon in an Arkansas regiment, was wounded at Franklin, Tenn., and died from the effects of the wound several years after the close of the war. Rev. D. N. King, minister and farmer, Warm Springs, Ark. Although young in years Mr. King has already done much good in the world by ad- ministering to the spiritual wants of his fellow- men and by living a life of such consistency and purity as can not fail to have its effect on the rising generation. His birth occurred in Georgia on the 13th of January, 1852, and he is the son of Car- ter and Louisa (Flanigan) King, natives of Geor- gia, and of Irish parentage. Carter King was a farmer and a tanner by occupation, which he fol- lowed in Georgia until ISfiO, wh<>n he moved to Tennessee and settled in Roan County. He there farmed on rented land until 1869, when he came to Randolph County, Ark. , and setth^d in Warm Springs Township, where, in 1809, he pur- chased eighty acres. This he proceeded to im- prove, but one year later sold out and moved into a different neighborhood, where he died shortly afterward, in March, 1871. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity, a member of the Baptist Church, and was well respected by all who knew liim. He served one year during the latter part of the war in the Confederate service, and surren- dered in 18(35. Mr. and Mrs. King were the par- ents of eleven children, six now living: D. N., Rebecca F. (wife of F. M. Thornsberry). James M., Sarah E. (wife of H. C. Crogerj, Joseph J. and Mary L. (wife of James Hovis). Mrs. King then married in 1873 Mr. G. A. Barrett, and by him became the mother of two chikb'en, one liv- ing. ]\[r. and Mrs. Barrett are still living in this county. At the age of twenty years D. N. King was married to Miss Mary S. Wooldridge, of Ar- kansas, and immediately afterward engaged in tilling the soil. He had very little property at the time of his marriage (1872), but he is now the owner of 100 acres, of which seventy Kve acres are under a good state of cultivation and with good buildings, etc. He is one of the enter[)rising citi zens of this section, and lays a great deal ot his success in life to the exertions of his chosen com- panion. He was ordain( Bap- tist Church. Dr. J. N. Kirkpatrick, Elm Store, Ark. To the people of Randolph, as well as surrounding counties, the name that heads this sketch is by no means an unfamiliar one, for the owner is ever to be found by the bedside of the sick and afflicted, and his career as a i)ractitioner and thorough stu dent of medicine has won for him no less a reputa- tion than have his personal characteristics as a citi- zen and neighbor. His parents, E. S. and Annie (Woodrome) Kirkpatrick, were both natives of Tennessee. The father, who was born Fel)ruary 22, 1810, came to Arkansas in 1835, settled in Big Bottom, on White River, Independence Coun- ty, and there remained one year. In 1830, he moved to Lawrence County, and settled on Reed" - Creek, twenty miles northeast of Batesville. .\rk.. where he bought I'lO acres of land, and where he reared his family. He was twice married, his first wife being Miss Annie Woodrome, ilanghter of John Woodrome, whom he wedih-d iti ISHO. To 406 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. them were born ten children, and seven of these lived to be grown: J. N. ; James E., living in Wil- mington, Cal. ; W. T., living in Franklin County, 111. ; A. E. , living in Oregon County, Mo. ; and H. C. , in this county; the others are now de- ceased. Mrs. Kirkpatrick was born on the 3d of March, 1814, and died in 1860. For his second wife. Mr. Kirkpatrick selected Mrs. Elizabeth (Goacher) Smithee, and to this marriage were born four children, only one now living~-Eva J., a teacher in Conway County. E. S. Kirkpatrick was a brick and stone mason by trade, and some of the first houses in Batesville are monuments of his handiwork. When he first came to this State, he brought with him only a team, but later became the owner of considerable property and about 500 acres of land. Mr. Kirkpatrick was in the Black Hawk War, and was in the fight at Kellog's Grove, under Maj. Dement, and had his horse killed from under him in this tight. He was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and politically he was a Democrat. He died in September, 1876. Mrs. Kirkpatrick was also a member of the same church. The paternal grandfather, John Kirkpatrick, was a soldier in the War of 1812, and was in the battle of New Orleans. The maternal grandfather, John Woodrome, was also in the War of 1812, and was also a participant in the battle of New Orleans. The paternal great-grandfather served under Gen. Greene in the war for independence, and the mater- nal great-grandfather was a native of South Caro- lina, was in the Revolutionary War also, and served under Gen. Gates during the entire term of service. Dr. Kirkpatrick was born in Franklin County, 111., October 30, 1831, and was educated in the subscription schools of the county, attending such schools as were available until 1856. Ho then entered the St. Louis Medical College, and after- ward came back to Arkansas, and settled in Ran- dolph County, where he now resides. This was in 1857, and he has since lived in the same place, practicing over a large territory, often riding thir- ty-five miles to relieve some suffering mortal. The Doctor resided here at the time of the war, but did not enter the service. He was married, in 1 856, to Miss Sarah Catherine Wann, a native of Ala- bama, and the fi'uits of this union were nine chil- dren, these now living: Robert S., Eleanor A. (wife of H. A. Clark), Albert N., Hiram T., Charles M. and R. F. When the Doctor first commenced his practice in this section, he had the modest sum of 25 cents in his pocket, and borrowed a horse to ride. By clo.se attention to his profession, he has accumulated considerable property, and is the owner of 366 acres. He has also his town prop- erty, consisting of business house and stock of drugs, and also a good deal of personal property. He is \V. M. of the Masonic lodge, and in poli- tics is a Democrat. G. B. Kline. As far back as can be traced the ancestors of Mr. KJine have been native Ger- mans, and in Bavai'ia, Germany, our subject was born in 1834. His parents, G. B. (Sr.) and Louisa (Wayner) Kline, were well-to-do land holders in their native land, and there lived and died. The grandfather was also a Bavarian, and the family is one of the oldest and wealthiest there. They are Lutherans in religious faith. G. B. Kline was educated in Germany, and when about eighteen years of age he emigi'ated to the United States, landing first in the city of New York. He went from there to Virginia, where he had an uncle living, and made his home with him for several years, working at his trade, that of a shoemaker, but afterward worked as a section hand on the railroad. After some time he went to the " Buck- eye State,'' working at his trade two years, then lived successively in Virginia and Illinois. AVhile in the latter State he heard the speeches of Lin- coln and Douglass, who were then opposing can- didates for the United States Senate, their speeches being delivered in the city of Bloomington. He was in Washington, Ohio, when Buchanan ran for the presidency. After leaving Illinois he went to Memphis, Tenn., and followed his trade for several months in that city, then came directly to Pocahon- tas from that place. Here he has since made his home. During the Civil War he espoused the Southern cause, and was in active service for eight or ten months. He was taken prisoner at Yellville. but was afterward paroled. After the close of the war he embarked in the shoemaking business RANDOLPH COUNTY. U)-, on r was reared to farm life, but for forty-one years he was county clerk and nn'order of Perry County, Tenn. He is a prominent citizen, and is now re- siding in Tyler, Tex., in the enjoyment of compar- ative good health, at the age of eighty-six years. James Lomax was also reared to the arduous duties of the farm, and is still engaged in that pursuit. He came to Randolph Connt}% Ark., in 1857. settled in Roanoke Township, improved a good farm, and now resides in the same neighbor- hood. J. T. Lomax came with his parents to Randolph County, when a child, and remained on his father's farm until seventeen years of age, re- ceiving his education in the meantime in private schools. At the al ove mentioned age he began teaching school, and followed this occupation until 1882. studying law in the meantime. The two years following he taught school in Pocahontas, and was admitted to the bar in February, 1883, after which he established himself in practice at this point, and has been actively engaged ever since. The lirm hold a large and growing clientage, and their co-partnership is a happy and prosperous one. They make a specialty of collecting and ab- stracting, and have a complete set of abstracts of Randolph and Clay Counties. Mr. Lomax was married, in 1879, to Miss Josephine V. Mitchell, a native of Randolph County. Mr. Lomax is closely identified with school matters, and has been one term county examiner. He was also mayor of the town one term. Aside from his practice Mr. Lo- max is also the owner of some town property. He is of English descent on his father's side, and German on his mother's. Erasmus D. Looney, farmer, Dalton, Ark. All his life Mr. Looney has followed, with substan- tial success, the occupation to which he was reared, and in which he is now engaged, farming. One of the largest land owners in Davidson Township, he is also one of its recognized leading agricultur- ists, and as a man, no less than as a citizen, he is highly esteemed. His birth occurred May 1, 1848, and he is the son of W. S. Looney, who was also a native of Arkansas, born in 1820. The elder Looney received very meager opportunities for schooling, but his father, being an educated man. taught his children at home, and thus they became fairly educated. W. S. Looney was married in 1834 to Miss Pollie Wells, a native of Tennessee, and the result was the birth of two children : one who died when small, and Erasmus D., the subject of this sketch. Mrs. Looney died in 1851, and Mr. Looney was married, the second time, to Miss Catherine Garrett, and ten children were born to their union, all of whom died young. Mr. Looney was forced into the army, but being very unhealthy his son Erasmus D. took his place, and the father remained at home. When first married the latter possessed very little property, but at the time of his death he was the owner of about 1,000 acres, with about 300 acres improved. He had made all this without assistance, and was a self made man in every sense of the term. He was a mem- ber of the Golden Circle during war times, and in his political views affiliated with the Democratic party. Previous to the war he owned a dozen negroes, besides other personal property, to a great extent, horses, cattle, etc. He was one of the wealthiest men in the county, but lost all except his land during those times. The paternal grand- father of our subject was born in Knox County, Tenn., and was the first white man that settled on Eleven Points, as he came here as early as 1802, and entered 1,500 acres of land. He brought three negroes with him, and for a number of years was obliged to go to Cape Girardeau, Mo., 135 miles distant, and be gone for about two weeks, to buy his groceries and other necessary articles. Their meat was obtained from the forest which abounded in l)ears. deer, turkeys, etc. He could not raise hogs on account of the bears. Very little farming was done in those days, as from six to ten acres was considered a good crop, and the horses and cattle lived on the cane. A number of years elapsed before there were any settlers besides him- self and two brothers named Stubblefield, on this stream, and it was fifteen to twenty miles to the nearest neighbor. He had a fine orchard, and made brandy in great quantities, about 1,500 gal- lons per year, Erasmus D. Looney early in youth learned the mysteries of farm life, and obtained a fair education by attending the subscription schools of his day. In 1803, he joined the Confederate army. Company E, Col. Reeves' regiment of cav- alry, and served until June 5, 1805, when he sur- rendered at Jacksoni)ort. Ark. He was engaged in a nnmVier of battles, notably Prairie Grove, KANDOTvPH COUNTY. 400 Fredericktowu, Pilot Knol), Jefferson City, Cali- fornia, Brownville, Lexington, Glascrow, Inde- pendence and quite a number of minor engage- ments. After the war Mr. Looney returned home, and went immediately to work to repair the losses sustained by the war. He commenced farming, and continued this occupation until 1867, when he engaged in merchandising. Previous to this, in March, 186(), he married Mrs. Frances E. Herron, nee Overton, of Mississippi County. Mo., and seven childi'en blessed this union, five now living: Laura B. , wife of Frank Jackson, and born January 18, 1867: William S., born December 22, 1868: Mary A., born November 7, 1872; Caroline, born November 27, 1875; Richard (deceased), born July 4, 1878; Delia (deceased), born September 3, 1881; Thomas Estell, born March 5, 1882. The two who died were Delia, March 5, 1873, and Richard, March 5, 1883. Mrs. Looney was born July 8, 1844, and is the daughter of James and Mary (Beacham) Overton, natives of Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. Overton came to Missouri at an early day. and settled in Mississippi County. They were the parents of six children, three ar riving at maturity, llichard (deceased), whose family resides in Mississippi County, Mo., Charles (deceased), and Frances E., wife of our subject. Mrs. Looney was first married to Mr. Thomas Herren, and by him became the mother of one child, James W.. who lives at Cherokee Bay, Randolph County. Mr. Herren was in the Con- federate army, and was murdered by Leeper's men in the last j'ear of the war. Mrs. Looney' s father died in 186"), and her mother in 1854. Mrs. Looney and her daughter, Laura B. , are members of the Methodi.st Episcopal Church. Mr. Looney is a Democrat in politics, and is one of the enterprising citizens of the county. Stephen C. McCrary. The agricultui-al affairs of Randolph County, Ark., and particularly of Current River Township, are ably represented by Mr. McCrary, who comes of an old established family of this community. Hugh McCrary, his father, a Kentuckian by birth, who was a black- smith and a farmer by occu])ation, was one of the early pioneers of Phillips County, Ark., and made the second cotton scraper ever used in PhillipK County. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and took an active part in the battle of New Orleans. He died in 1870 at the age of seventy- seven years, and his wife, whose maiden name -vas Elizabeth Wilson, also died here. When twe ve years of age Stephen C. McCrary liegan to tight the battle of life for himself and made his home with his relatives until August, 1864. when he en listed in the Confederate army, and until the close of the war was in several hotly contested engage- ments. After his return to Phillips County he engaged in farming, continuing until 1807, since which time he has followed the same occu])ation on Current River, in Randolph County. He ini proved a small farm, l)ut in 1880 removed to Reyno and built a cotton-gin, grist and saw mill (the first in the place), which he is still conduct ing. The capacity of his saw mill is 8,000 feet per day, and gives employment to twelve hands, and about one-half the town of Reyno is laid <>nt on his land, of which he has 120 acres. In 1806 he was married to Miss Harriet* Susan Hite, of Phillips County, and their family comprised seven children, only three of whom are living; SallieC, widow of J. S. Reynolds, of Reyno; Blanche, wife of James E. Casey, and John, at home. The family was called upon to mourn the death of the mother in 1879. Two years later Mr. McCraiy married Elizabeth Goodwin, whose maiden name was Luttrell, and by her he has three children: Maude, Helen and Vistor. Mr. McCrary is a Mason, and his wife belongs to the Eastern Star Lodge. Dr. Jonathan M. McGuire is worthy of being classed among the substantial residents of Ran dolph County, Ark. He was born in Scott Conn ty, Va., May 27, 1823, and is a son of John B. and Nancy (King) McGuire, who were also Virginian;-, the father a farmer and blacksmith by occupation, who after coming to Randolph County, Ark., in 1858, continued to follow these occupations until his death, which occurred in 1804, at the age of sixty-two years. He was a Mason, a Democrat politically, and the last forty years of his life was an elder in the Jlethodist Ejiiscoiial Church, and he ■>[v 2^ 2 k. 410 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. was an eloquent expounder of the Christian faith. His wife, who was also an earnest member of that church, died in 1867. The following are the surviving members of their nine children : J. M. , whose name heads this sketch; J. F., a farmer, residing in St. Clair County, Mo. ; T. B. , a practic- ing physician, of Kansas, and David F., a farmer, of Ripley County, Mo. Dr. Jonathan M. McGuire received a limited education in youth, and at the age of nineteen years began the battle of life for himself, and from 1824 to 1859 was engaged in husbandry in Middle Tennessee. At the latter date he moved to Arkansas, and located on his present farm of 160 acres, which is well improved, with good buildings and orchard. In addition to his farm work he is a practicing physician, and is well and favorably known throughout Northeast Arkansas, having followed this profession for the past thirty years. He has held the office of dis- trict commissioner for ten years, and is an active supporter of all worthy movements in his commun- ity. Politically he is a Republican, and cast his first vote for William Henry Harrison, for Presi- dent, and his last for his grandson, Benjamin F. Harrison. He was married on the 13th of Octo- ber, 1841. his wife being a native of Middle Ten- nessee. She died in 1863, having borne the fol- lowing children: James, who died in Arkansas, at the age of forty years; Nancy A. (Miller) who also died in Arkansas, at the age of twenty- six years; Mary (Shoemaker), who died in this State, at the age of twenty -two years; Nebraska Delaney, who died in Arkansas, when twenty years of age, and Thomas Cary, who is married, a farmer, and re- sides in Clay County, Ark. Mr. McGuire was mar- ried to his second wife April 22, 1865, she being a Mrs. A. A. Friar, of Como County, Miss., who died in January, 1882, having borne two children: America Jane, who was born in 1865, and died when six months old, and J . B. , who was born in January, 1868, and is now married to Emeline Odum, of Missouri. Hon. Hammet Mcllroy, the oldest living set- tler of Randolph County, Ark., was born in Madi- son County, Mo., March 9, 1812, it being then a portion of Louisiana Territory. He is a son of Samuel and Elizabeth (McLain) Mcllroy, the father's birth occurring in Culpeper County, Va., in 1781, and his death in Randolph County, Ark., April 8, 1853. The early youth and manhood of the father were spent in his native State, and his first removal fi'om there was to Hopkins County, Ky. , where he met and married Miss McLain, whose birth occurred in South Carolina, in 1793, their union taking place in 1808. Shortly after their nuptials they removed to Cape Girardeau County, Mo., then to Madison County, and in 1813, came to what is now Randolph County, Ark., where they made their home until their respective deaths. The mother died December 5, 1850. Samuel Mcllroy was a soldier in the "War of 1812, and fought the Seminole Indians. In his youth he learned the hatter's trade, but the most of his later years was spent at farming, in which occu- pation he was quite successful. He was a Demo- crat. His father, Daniel Mcllroy, was born in Virginia, and was of Scotch descent. He was a Revolutionary soldier, and was once captured at the battle of Long Island. Alexander McLain, the paternal grandfather, was also in that war, and was at the battles of King's Mountain, Cowpens and others. There were born to the marriage of Samuel and Elizabeth Mcllroy, ten sons, seven of whom lived to maturit}-. Hammet was the second child, and is one of only two who are now living. He and his brother, Andrew J., worked for their father until sixteen years of age, learning in the meantime the hatter's trade, and after that time began working at their trade for themselves. In 1844 Hammet turned his attention to farming, and his labors in this direction have been attended witJi good results, he being now the owner of 650 acres of excellent land, a considerable portion of which is rich bottom soil. He has been an exten- sive trader in grain and stock, and has shipped both down the river on flatboats. In politics he has always been a Democrat, and in 1850 he was elected to represent Randolph County in the State legislature, and in 1852 was reelected to the same position. July 11, 1833, he married Miss Elizabeth Davis, a daughter of Lot and Mary Davis, who came from Iron County, Mo., to this ^^ RANDOLPH COUNTY. H couuty iu 1818. She was boru May 14, 1815, and died February 1, 1871, Laving been an earnest member of the Baptist Church for many years. Five of her ten children are now living: William, Thomas J., Archibald Y., Elizabeth Jane and Clorah T. Mr. Mcllroy married his second wife on the 10th of September, 1871, her maiden name being Maria L. Cooper, who was born in Greene County, Ind., April "22, 1828, a daughter of M. Cooper, and the widow of William J. luman. He and wife are members of the Baptist Church, and althssed about three years and President Lincoln had offered his amnesty proclamation, he was in favor of accepting that, and when the Confederate armies had sunendered and peace was made and the Southern States offered pardon and restoration to their constitutional rights in the Union on cer- tain conditions, he advocated reconstruction as proposed by the Federal government, as they were the victorious party, and as such had the right to dictate the terms of peace to the vanquished. Andrew Mcllroy is one of the oldest and most prominent residents of the county, and during his entire life, which has been spent in this county, naught but good has been said of him, for he has been honest, industrious, and has kept himself thoroughly apace with the times. His l)irtli oc- purred on the 10th of September, 1821, and he is a son of Samuel and Elizabeth (McLain) Mcllroy, a short sketch of whom is given in the biography of Hon. Hammet Mcllroy. Andrew Mcllroy at tended the common country schools in his youth, where he acquired a fair knowledge of the English branches, and up to mature years his knowledge of the world was only such as could be learned on the home farm. At the age of twenty he com menced driving stock, and the following year he took charge of the stage line from Fredericktown, Mo., south to Reeves' Station, same State. Two years later he bought forty acres of land and com menced farming, and since that time has added thereto, until he now has 970 acres, all of which is the result of his own good business ability and shrewd management. He has made it a point through life never to go in debt, and he can now look back over a useful and well-spent life. His wife was formerly a Miss Sarah A. Davies, whom he married in 1844. She was born in Virginia, March 3, 1823, and has borne a family of ten children, of whom Margaret E. (Williams), Mary Susan (Lewis), James F., Dan W., Amanda C, Martha Josephine and Sarah A. are living. John A. died when thirteen years of age, and the others in infancy. Mrs. Mcllroy is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Mcllroy is a Mason, a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and a Democrat. Previous to the war he was post- master at Lima seven years, and it was chiefly through his efforts that the postoffice at that point was established. T. J. Mcllroy, farmer, Dalton, Ark. Mr. Me Ilroy is a practical farmer — one who believes that it is beneficial to have all his farming operations conducted in a manner so thorough as to not slight one department of labor in order to bestow more work on some other portion. This idea is caiTied out very completely. He is a native of the State of Arkansas, where he was born iu 1840, and is the son of Hammet and Elizabeth (Davis) Mcllroy, natives of Arkansas and Missouri, respectively. The father was one of the very earliest white chil dren born in this section [see sketch of Andrew Mcllroy for history of gi'andpareiitsj. and was early reared to farm labor. He also learned the hatter's trade, and worked in the shop until grown. He made some hats after l)eing married, and let his sons manage the farm. His marriage occurred in A '^^ 1833 with Miss Davis, and their union was blessed by the birth of tea children, seven of whom lived to be grown: William, living in Texas; T. J. (sub- ject), Martha (deceased wife of Newton Robinett); Maria L. (deceased wife of Columbus Fry); Elizabeth J., wife of William Baker; A. Y. , living in Hood County, Tex. , and Clorah, wife of W. C. Bird. Hammet Mcllroy received but a limited education, though, after all, one superior to most boys in those days, for he was fond of study and was a good pupil. In 1850 he was elected to rep- resent his county in the legislature, and two years later was re-elected, thus serving two terms. He never held any other office. He was opposed to the secession of the States, though he is a strong Democrat, and never served in any of the wars. At present he is residing on the farm that he pur- chased fifty- seven years ago. He is a member of the Baptist Church. His wife, who died in 1871, at the age of about fifty-six years, was also a mem- ber of the same church. When it became neces- sary for the subject of this sketch to start out in life for himself, he very naturally and wisely chose the occupation to which he had been reared, and from that time until the present his success has been such as only a thorough acquaintance with his calling and years of experience could lead him to achieve. He began tilling the soil on land purchased from his father, and when in his twenty- first year ( 1801) he was united in marriage with Miss Mary White, of Randolph County. To them were born seven children: W. T., a merchant at Dalton, Ark.; Nora E., wife of James Dalton; Robert L., James I. I. and Henry M. (twins), Sarah A. and Mary F. Mrs. Mcllroy is the daughter of Howell and Elizabeth (Stubblefield) White, natives of this county. They were the parents of four children, three of whom lived to be grown: Henry, Mary, and Frances M. (deceased). Mr. Mcllroy joined the Confederate army in 1861, and served eighteen months in Gen. Price's command. He was not in any battles that amounted to anything, but was in a number of skirmishes, and although serving only the above mentioned time, he was ■Still enrolled at the close of the war. He surren- dered at Jacksonport, Ark.. June 5, 1865. He then came home, engaged in farming and stock raising, and has continued the same ever since. At that time he was the owner of 130 acres, thirty being under cultivation. He is now the owner of about 500 acres, with 220 improved. He also owns con- siderable personal property, and makes a specialty of raising mules. Instead of cotton he raises corn, wheat and clover, and has one of the best improved farms in the county, with good barns, out buildings, etc. Mr. Mcllroy is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He takes a great interest in school affairs, and is a lib- eral supporter of all laudable enterprises. Cicero D. Mcllroy is a man well known to the people of Randolph County, Ark., for he was bom here on the 24th of April, 1850, and is a son of John and Mary A. (Jones) Mcllroy, who were na- tives of Madison County, Mo., and Randolph County, Ark., respectively. The father was born in the former county in 1818, and died in the latter in November, 1862. His widow survives him and resides in Randolph County. Both were church members, he being in commuoion with the Metho- di.st Episcopal Chui'ch, South, and she with the Baptist. His life was given to tilling the soil, and the manner in which he acquired his possessions showed him to be an energetic and excellent busi- ness manager. His first money was obtained by making rails, and he afterward traded in stock, shipping south on flat boats. He was a stanch Democrat in his political views. Cicero D. Mcll- roy is the third in the family, the names of the others being as follows: Callie (Brook), Mary E.. wife of John Amos, a farmer of the county; Al- exander H., also a farmer, residing on the old homestead; Robert J., residing in the county; Penelope, wife of Jasper Vandergriff, of this county; Samuel B., also residing here, and Eva- line, the wife of Gilleon Thompson, who is now assessor of this county. Cicero D. Mcllroy re- ceived his education in the common schools, and being the eldest of the family it fell to his lot to take charge of the home farm after his father's death, but he proved to be a successful manager. In 1870, 1874 and 1S75 he acted as salesman in a mercantile establisbmeut, being first employed by James & Schoonover and then by W. E. Hunter. His present property, which he [)urchasedin 1880, amounts to 320 acres, and he has 100 acres under cultivation. Like the majority of his family he is a stanch advocate of the principles of the Demo- cratic party, and he and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mrs. Mcll- roy's maiden name was Lavinia W. Ellis; she was born in Kentucky on the 18th of January, 1852. Her marriage with Mr. Mcllroy took place in 1876, and to them has been born one child, Eunice D. - D. W. Mcllroy. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is a member of the general mer- cantile firm of Mcllroy & Hatley, located at Peru, about twelve miles northeast of Pocahontas, be- tween the Current and Black Rivers. They have been established at that place since 1886, and be- ing men of enterprise and excellent business quali- fications, they are doing a prosperous business. D. W. Mcllroy is a native-born resident of Ran- dolph County, Ark., his birth occurring in 1853, and he is a son of Andrew and Sarah Ann (Davies) Mcllroy, who came from their native State, Vir- ginia, to Arkansas in 1836, and settled in Randolph County, where they are still living. Douljtless no man in this county is more universally respected, for to know him is to have a high admiration for him. as he is possessed of those sterling character- istics which go to make up a valuable citizen. D. \V. Mcllroy received his early education in the public and private schools of Randolph County, and from his earliest recollections he has been fa- miliar with farm work, for as soon as he was old enough he was put to the plow. After his mar- riage, which occurred in 1875. he removed to the farm of 20-1: acres in Current River Township, which was given him by his father, and on this he is still making his home. He has increased his acreage to 324 acres, and has his farm in good condition, as he has ever lieen ready to adopt all methods which may tend to benefit this property. In connection with his store and farm he is engaged in operating a saw and grist-mill, also a cotton-gin; and in these various enterprises he is meeting with well de- served success. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , has be(Mi postmaster of Peru six years, and held the same position at Lima. His wife was a Miss Martha Gross, a native of Muhlenburgli County, Ky., and by her he has a family of three childi'en: Gertrude, Cora and Frank. Malilon McNabb, one of the prominent agricujt urists of Warm Springs Township, owes his nativ- ity to Kentucky, having been Ijorn in Trigg Coun- ty, of that State, on the 13th of May, 1825. His parents, Elias and Margaret (Adair) McNabb, were both natives of South Caiolina, but were married in East Tennessee. They came to Arkansas in 1840, settled in the southeast portion of Ripley County, and there passed the remainder of their days, the father dying in 1858 and the mother in 1859 or 1860. They reared a family of chil- dren: Delila (deceased), wife of Jefferson Jenkins; Acenath (deceased), wife of William Mulholland; Sarah (deceased), wife of William Dunn; Rutli (deceased), wife of Green Goff; Rhoda (deceased), wife of Madison M. Robb; Nancy (Spencer), Mah- lon, Mary (deceased), wife of John Bryant; F. A. (deceased), whose family lives with subject; G. M. , Enoch (deceased). Elias McNabb was a man well educated for the time and country in which he lived, and took a great interest in politics, being Demo- cratic in his views. He was a member of the Ma- sonic fraternity, and Mrs. McNabb was a member of the Baptist Church. When twenty-one years of age Mahlon McNabb commenced work for him- self by farming in Arkansas, to which State he had emigrated in 1850. Five years later he entered forty acres of land, and from time to time added to this until he had 400 acres in one body. One farm of eighty acres he cultivated, and in 1875 he gave his two youngest sons forty acres each, includ inc the old homestead. He then sold the remain ing 320 acres, and purchased his present property of sixty-three acres, with about thirty acres under cultivation. He was married the first time, in 1840, to Miss Harriet Lacy, and by her became the father of seven children, five of whom lived to bf grown, and two are now living: Andrew J., a farmer living in this county : Charley (deceased), Isabella (deceased) wife of John P. Bigger; Elias (deceased), and Michael, who lives in \\ aahington fk 414 HISTORY OF ARICANSAS. County, Ark. Mr. McNal)l) was married, the sec- ond time, to Miss Amelia James, in 1870. She was born in De Soto County, Miss., in 1844, and came with her parents to Randolph County, Ark., in 1859. In his boyhood days Mr. McNabbhad but a poor chance for an education, but after his first marriage he applied himself, read a great deal, and is now a pretty well informed man. He is an A. P. & A. M. . and in politics is a Democrat. He was elected justice of the peace of his township in 1860, and served two years. In 18()2 he was elected sheriff of the county, and served until 1865, when at the close of the war he was disfranchised, and could not hold his office. In 1861 he joined the Confederate army, and was discharged at Mor- risville. Miss., on the 16th of July. 1862, after which he came home and resumed farming. Since the war he has taken very little interest in politics. Martin Brothers compose a general mercantile tiriii at Reyno, Ark., and have been well and fa- vorably known to the people of this community since 1875. Thej' do an annual business of 124,000. besides which they own 10,000 acres of land, and are engaged in successfully conducting 400 acres that are under cultivation, and which they devote mainly to the raising of cotton. Their father, James Martin, was born in Richmond, Va. , in 1808, and was one of the pioneer citizens of Ste. Genevieve County, Mo., but in 1833 came to Pocahontas, Randolph County. Ark., and estab- lished a store on his farm just north of where the town now is. He cleared and improved a large area of land, and made this place his home throughout the remainder of his days. He served as judge of the county a number of terms, and was a man noted for his interest in public affairs, and for his liberal contributions to every charita- ble purpose. In the positions of honor and trust which he filled, the interests of those whom he served were always considered, and he thus gained the esteem and approbation of his constituents. Although not a member of any church, he was al- ways strictly moral, and his honor throiighout life was unimpeachable. He died, in 1863, at the age of fifty-four years. His widow is residing in Rey- no. and is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. South. He was twice married, but only one of the childi'en borne him by his first wife is now living: V. Ellen, the wife of Capt. Webb Conner, a prominent resident of Pocahontas. James T. was a major in the Confederate army during the late war, and at the time of his death, in 1876, was a successful lawyer of Pocahontas. Joseph P., another son, was a captain in the Rebel army, and was killed at Helena, Ark, To Mr. Martin's last union the following children have lieen born: Henry, whodiedinSt. Louis in 1864, whilea student; Tina A., the deceased wife of A. M. Kerr, of Virginia: Julia, who died in childhood, and Andrew, Joseph, John F. and James, all mem- bers of the firm of Martin Brothers, at Reyno. Joseph was married. February U, 1888. to Anne E. Reynolds, a daughter of D. W. Reynolds, of Reyno, whose sketch appears in this work. John Maynard. Among the many enterprises which have made Randolph County, Ark., noted for its commercial enterprise, may be mentioned the mercantile establishment belonging to Mr. May- nard, which he has been engaged in conducting in the town of Maynard, since 1872. He was born in the "Old Dominion" in 1823, and is a son of Evan and Judith (Ragland) Maynard, both of whom were born in Halifax County, of that State, the former's 1)irth occurring March 3, 1793, and the latter' s A])ril 5. 1803, and their deaths in 1881 and February 16, 1874, respectively. Their marriage was celebrated July 13, 1820. and in 1847 they came to the State of Tennessee, where the father entered upon the practice of medicine, and he continued this occupation until his death, although he had previously been a farmer. He and his wife were of French-English origin, and he was a soldier in the War of 1812. They were members of the Missionary Baptist Chnrch, and became the parents of eleven children, nine of whom lived to be grown: Harriet (wife of Chris Adams), John, Judith F. (wife of Robert Hart, of Tennessee), Mary A. (wife of Blnford Alexander, a resident of this State), Stith, Patience (wife of Austin Simmons, a resident of Washington Coun- ty, Ark.), Evan (a resident of Missouri), Rebecca A. (wife of Jeff. Alexander, of Weakley County, :£: Tenn.) and Thomas (who is a resident of Randolph County). John Maynard had ]mt very poor ad- vantages for acquiring an education in his youth, but by close application to his books, and by con- tact with the world, he has become a well-informed man. He commenced the battle of life for himself, at the age of seventeen years, as clerk in a dry goods establishment, and prior to the war opened a dry goods house of his own; but his labors in this direction being interrupted by the bursting of the war-cloud, which had been for some time lowering over the country, he sold out in order to offer his services to the Confederacy, and was made first lieutenant of Company I, Twenty seventh Tennessee Infantry, being promoted to the rank of captain for gallant service at the battle of Shiloh. He also took part in a number of minor engage- ments, and after his company had been reduced to a few men by being killed in battle and captured, he joined the cavalry forces, and was in a company composed entirely of commissioned officers from different infantry regiments. He served as a pri- vate in a scouting company iintil his surrender, at Columbus, Miss., May 10, 1865. He was captured at one time by the Tennessee militia, but succeed- ed in making his escape the same night. After the war he settled in Jackson, Tenn., and was a clerk in a store until March 20, 1866, when he accepted a position in a dry goods house at Gon- zales, Tex., remaining thus employed for three years. Becoming impressed with the belief that Arkansas afforded better inducements for a young man to succeed in life, he came to this State, and located at Dardanelle, Yell County, where he oc- cupied the same position he had held in Texas. During 1871 he traveled through Kansas and the Iniliuu Territory, but since 1872 he has been locat- ed at Maynard, where he conducts an excellent general mercantile store, his stock of goods invoic- ing at about $6,000. He also owns 000 acres of valuable land in the county, all of which property he has acquired by shrewd business management and energy since the war. He is a Democrat in politics, and is a member of the A. F. & A. M. He was married, February 8, 1873, to Miss Rallie \V. Adams, a native of Missouri, by whom he lias three children : Lafayette, born November 18, 1878; Eugenia, born January 25, 1876, and John, born October 80, 1877. The family attend the Mission- ary Baptist Church. Luke L. Miller, justice of the peace of De Muse Township, was born and reared in McMinn County, Tenn. , his birth occurring in 1826. His education was received in the common schools, and in his youth in addition to learning the details of farm work he commenced the plasterer's and brick layer' s trades, serving his apprenticeship in Athens. At the age of twenty years he was married in Athens to Miss Jane Vincent; afterward moving to Chattanooga, where he spent some three years in working at his trade. At the end of that time he went to Oregon Coiinty, Mo., where he remained three years or until 1857, and then came to Ran- dolph County, Ark. . and located on a farm which he had previously purchased. Here he resided until the threatenings of war became an assured fact, when he joined Company A, Twenty fifth Arkan.sas Infantry, Confederate States army, and fought for the Southern cause faithfully for three years. He was in the battles of Murfreesboro, Mis- sionary Ridge, and numerous other engagements. He has since given his attention to farming, and now owns 100 acres of land, although he had pre- viously owned many more acres, which he sold. Mr. Miller'swife died in 1872. leaving two children: Abner, who died at the age of twenty-seven years, and Eliza, also married. Mr. Miller is a Democrat, and was elected to his present office in 1881. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. In all his busi- ness relations he is noted for honorable upright dealing. He is a son of William and Eliza (Corall) Miller, who were born in Hawkins and Washing- ton Counties, Tenn., respectively. The father was also a brick-layer by trade, and he and his wife became the parents of twelve children. The pater- nal grandfather was a German by descent, and was a native of Pennsylvania, his wife being of Irish lineage. Col. B. B. Morton, editor of The Pocahontas Free Press, one of the leading newspapers in point 'of circulation and inflnence in Randolph County, is justly entitled to no inconsiderable :f\7==^ \ 410 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. measure of credit for the enviable position his paper occupies among the better class of country journals in Arkansas. He was born in Natchez, Miss., in 1848, and is the son of Thomas Morton, who was born in Liverpool. England. The latter came to America when fifteen years of age, and followed mercantile pursuits through life. His wife, who was originally Miss Leonora Tooley, is still living, and resides at New Orleans. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Thomas Morton died in 1884, at the age of seventy- one years. He was a member of the A. F. & A. M., and also of the I. O. O. F. He and his wife reared five children, B. B. Morton being the eldest. The others are Elizabeth C, widow of William Esmond (deceased), now residing in Jef- ferson Parish, La.; James T. , now residing in New Orleans, La , where he is a speculator and real estate dealer; William H. , now of New Orleans, and the captain of a steamboat, and Bettie J. , wife of Stephen DeGruy, a planter, of Jefferson Parish, La. B. B. Morton received a thorough education in the public schools of Natchez, Miss., and com pleted his education at Washington, D. C. After this he served three years as an apprentice to learn the printer's trade, on the Natchez ^Neekly Mir- ror, and then went to New York City, where he engaged in a large book pubHshing establishment. At the end of two years he connected himself with the New York Herald, where he remained a number of years, filling all positions, from setting type to a place on the editorial staff. At the first outbreak of the war he returned to New Orleans, and enlisted in Wheat's battalion, Confederate army, as a private, but was promoted to first lieu- tenant, then to captain of Company A, and served in that cajiacity until the battalion was disbanded, with only eighteen able-bodied men left. He then enlisted in, and was promoted to the rank of ma- jor of, an independent battalion, and served in that capacity two months, when he was promoted to the rank of colonel, and was given command of the Tenth Virginia Cavalry. Thus he served until the cessation of hostilities. He participated in the battles of Mitchell's Ford, Manassas, Hagerstown, the Shenandoah Valley campaign, second battle of Manassas, seven days' fighting around Richmond; was then at Malvern Hill, where he was wounded by a gunshot in the thigh, and disabled from duty five months. During his second service he was in the following battles: Yorktown, Williamsburg, Petersbiirg, and Appomattox Court House, where Gen. Lee surrendered. As soon as the war was over Col. Morton went to Farmville, Va. , and en- gaged in a job office, where he remained one year. He then returned to New Orleans, and held different positions on the Morning Bulletin for two years, when he went to New York City, and took his old position on the Herald. Six years later he went to the Far West as a reporter for the New York Herald, and spent four years in Mexico and in the Indian reservations and in Europe. He then started a daily jsaper at Socorro, N. M., which he ran for two years, and then went to Lordsburg, N. M. , where he started a weekly paper, which he continued one year. He then sold out, returned to New Orleans, and was there instructor in the art of colored job printing. This he continued until the 1st of January, 1887, when he came to Portia, in Lawrence County, Ark., connected himself with the Free Press, which he afterward purchased, and in April, 1888, moved his paper to Pocahontas. There he has since remained. His marriage oc- curred in 1807 with Miss Sallie V. Morrow, a native of Cumberland, Va. , and six childern were born to this union. Josie died of yellow fever when fifteen years of age. The others were named Seymour, Sanders, Thomas, James and Katie. Mrs. Morton died of yellow fever in Memphis, Tenn. , in 1878, and her four children then living died within nine days' time, of the fatal scourge. The Colonel had several times volunteered to attend the yellow fever sufferers, and he and his wife were living in Memphis when she took the fever and died. Col. Morton is the owner of a stock ranche in Colorado. His paper was established in April, 1888, and is Democratic in its views. It is an eight-column folio, both sides printed at home, and is published every Saturday morning. Hon. Perry Nettle enjoys the reputation of being not only a substantial and progressive farmer, but an intelligent and thoroughly posted ^ RANDOLPH COUNTY. H7 man ia all public affairs. He has always been noted for honorable, upright dealing, and has kept the name he bears [Hire in the sight of all. He is a native of the county, his birth occurring on the 80th of September, 1839, and is a son of Shaib-ach and Elizabeth (Graham) Nettle, who were born in the States of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively. They moved to Arkan- sas in 1824, and settled in what was then Law- rence (now Randolph) County, and after the State line between Arkansas and Missouri was surveyed their house was found to be in Oregon County, Mo. , and thus it has stood in three different eoimties and two States without being moved. Mr. Nettle lived here until 1858, and after a short residence in Clay County. Ark., ho returned to Oregon County, Mo., where he made his home from 1863 to 1885, and on the 5th of November, 1887, his death occurred in Lawrence County, Ark. He was one of the pioneers of the county, and always followed the occupation of farming, and in connection with hunting, in early days, succeeded in making a good liviag and laying up a competency for his old age. He had passed the al- lotted age of man at the time of his death, and was eighty four years, seven months, and twenty-four days old. He lived on the line between Arkansas and Missouri for sixty-two years. His marriage with Miss Graham occurred in 1828, and to them was born a family of eight children: William O., born January 1, 1824, and died February 7, 1875; Levi, born May 25, 1827, and died September 6, 1850; Elijah was born November 4, 1831, and now lives in California; Francis M. was born on the 10th of September, 1834, and resides in Oregon County, Mo., on the farm on which he was born; Carter T. , born October 23, 1837, died February 11, 1875; PeiTy; Sarah, born May 11, 1842, is the wife of James Johnson, and Elizabeth, born No- vember 15, 1844, and died October 4, 1801. The mother of these children was born on the 10th of September, 1803, and died on the 3d of April, 1857, she having been an earnest member of the i5aptist Church. Perry Nettle's early scholastic advantages were of the most meager description, but in later years he ajiplied himself closely to bis books, and is now one of the^most intelligent men of the county. In 1862 he joined the Confederate army, being in Capt. J. J. "VVyatt's company. Shaver's regiment, and was an active participant until the close of the war, when he surrendered at Shreve[)ort, La. He was captured at the fall of Little Rock, on the lOth day of September, 1863, he at that time being under treatment in the hos- pital, and was kejtt in captivity for nearly a year and a half in St. Louis, Alton, Rock Island and New Orleans; he was then brought back to the mouth of the Big Red River, and was there ex- changed on the 25th of February, 1865. He then rejoined his command at Shreveport, and served his cause faithfully until the final surrender, hold iug the rank of first sergeant of his company. Since that time he has been engaged in farming, and now has a fine farm of 200 acres, but froiu 1874 to 1880 he was also engaged in merchandis- ing at Warm Spring, and at the same time dealt in stock. In 1884 he was elected to represent the people of his county in the State legislature, and filled the office during the session of 1885. He made the race again in 1886. and was defeated by the Hon. G. G. Johnson, but was re elected to the position in 1888, and served the following year. He now attends to his farm. July 27. 1865, he was married to Miss Mary S. Mock, of this county, by whom he has the following family : Jacob L. , born January 11, 1867. and died July 19, 1886; MasftrieE. , born June 3, 1868, was married No- vember 16, 1885, to James F. Baker, and lives in Oregon County, Mo.; ShadrachG. , born February 17, 1872; Rufus L., bom July IS, 1875: W. A., born March 2, 1879, and died September 10, of the same year. Mr. Nettle is a Democrat, a public - spirited man. and a member of the A. F. & A. M. Mrs. Nettle is the daughter of Griffith C. and Margaret J. (Forster) Mock, who were born in Pennsylvania and North Carolina, respectively. They were married on the 1 1th of March, 1838, and reared a family of eight children: Mary S. (Mrs. Nettle), born July 1, 1840; Felix G., born June 3, 1843; Leah P., wife of Joseph W. Spikesj born January 7, 1846; Marcus D. L. , born April 4, 1848; Matilda J., wife of L. H. Waldron, born € k^ 418 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. March 27. 1851; Thomas D.. boru March S. 1853; Rnfus M. , twrn Febrnary ITi. 18")(), and Isham J., born Jannaiy 22, 1859, ami ilied October 19, 1877. ^Ir. Mock was born on tho 2nth of April. 1815, and died September 20, 1874: his wife was bom on the IGth of October, 1817, and died April 5, 1879. They were memliers of the Christian Church, and politically he was a Democrat. S. H. Parker is on extensive farmer and stock- man of Randolph County, Ark., and was born in Tennessee. April ll5, 1S45, beintj a son of C. G. and Mary (Burrow) Parker, whose native State was Tennessee. After farminjsjf in that State until 1849, he came to Arkansas and settled on Current River, where he remained two years, and in 1852 came to the farm on which our subject is now residing. Here he improved the same, and was engaged in farming and stock raising and trading until hjs death in 1874. being followed by his widow three years later. Their marriage took place in 1822, and they reared a family of ten children, the fol- lowing being now alive: Harriett C. wife of W. C. Thompson; Mary E., wife of Ben Holland; Charles G. ; Josephine, wife of Wilbur Abbott, and S. H. The latter received no advantages for schooling in his youthful days, owing to the scar- city of schools and his father's early immigration to this State. He left the home farm to join the Confederate army in ]8()4, and served with Price on his raid through Missouri, taking an active part in the l:)attles of Ironton and Pilot Knob, also In- dependence, Little Blue and numejous skirmishes. He surrendered at Jacksonport, Ark., in June, 18fi5, returned home and commenced farming for himself on eighty acres of land given him by his father. He now owns 260 acres and has 100 acres under cultivation on which ar(> good buildings, fences, etc. He does not depend alone on corn and cotton for his income, but makes a specialty of raising horses, mules, cattle, hogs and sheep. In 1868 he wedded Emily Wilson, of this county, and by her is the father of three children living: Jo- seph T., born November 19, 1872; John C, born December 2H, 1874. and James A., born Sejitember 6, 1877. Two children died in infancy, and the mother's demise occurred January 8, 1880. her death being deeply mourned by her family and a largt^ circle of friends. Mrs. Amanda Halbrook, of Kentucky, became Mr. Parker's second wife, Janu- ary Ifi, 1881, and to them were born three children, Orlie, born January 8, 1882, and Celestia H., born October 17, 1887, being the only ones living. Mrs. Park(>r was the widow of Freeman Halbrook, of Kentucky, by whom she bore a family of five children: Prentice, living in Kansas; Nannie, wife of Richard Abbott, of this county; Richard, of Colorado, and Emma, at home; the other child died. Mrs. Parker's parents, Edmund and Nancy A. (Neely) Mitchener, wereKentuckians, and reared a family of eleven children, of whom the following are living: William, of Missouri; Martha, wife of Robert Kidd; John, a resident of Missouri; Amanda, and Georgia, wife of John Harper. Mrs. Parker is a member of the Methodist Epis- copal (jhurch; iSIr. Parker is a Democrat. Charles W. Polk. Among the husbandmen of Randolph County, Ark., who have made for them selves an honoraljle name by a long term of years of steady and successful farming and upright citi- zenship is Mr. Polk, whose birth occurred in Ten- nessee in 1842. His parents, Michael and IMary (Duckworth) Polk, were born in North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively, the former being re- lated to ex-President Polk. They reared a fam- ily of eight children, six of whom are living: C. W., Ferraby (wife of James Wells), Rebecca (wife of Harrison Matthews). Polk, Ella (wife of Richard Polk, of Missouri) and Harvey (residing in Searcy County). Mr. Polk died in 1873. at the age of forty-one years, and his wife in 1865, aged thirty-six. They were members of the United Presbyterian Church; he was a member of the A. F. & A. M. , and was a Republican in his polit ical views. C. W. Polk received somewhat meager educational advantages in his youth, and in 1S7'.I came to Arkansas and located in Clay County, where he at once commenced farming on 120 acres of land which he had purchased some time before. The farm is well improved with good buildings of all kinds, and is supplied with the necessary stock for successfully conducting its management. His first marriage took place in 1860, it being with Miss y\ RANDOLPH COUNTY. Hit Effie Higgins, of Tennesssee, but she ilied in 1863, followed by her only eliild, whose death occnrred in infancy. After living a widower for seven years Mr. Polk was married in 1870 to Miss Martha Al- exander, of Hardin County, Tenn., by whom he has liad a family of six children, three of wliom are now living: Emmer (wife of Joseph Cox), and Joseph and E. D. (at home). Mr. Polk was so unfortunate as to lose his second wife by death in March, 1884, and three years since he es- poused Mrs. Mary Eldridge, who only survived until the following year. His next marriage was with Mrs. Nancy Jane Lewis, who had borne her first husband two children: John and Bertie. Mr. Lewis died in 18S5. He was a communicant in the Baptist Church, and was a leading member of the A. F. & A. M. In 1863 Mr. Polk joined the Union army, and was a faithful defender of the stars and .stripes until the close of the war, being a member of Companj' C, Second Tennessee Mounted Infan- try. He was at Clifton, Johnsonville, Lexington, Nashville and in numerous skirmishes. After re- turning home he engaged in the dry goods business, liut next year he began farming, which occupation he has continued up to the present time. He and wife are members of the United Brethren Church and he is a warm Republican, politically, and in all matters tending to lienefit his county he is one of the leaders. He is in every respect a self made man, and is a prosperous agriculturist. Newton J. Proctor is a substantial resident of the county, and is now living in the town of Okean. He was born in Crittenden County, Ky., Septem- ber 16, 1836, and is a son of Greenberry and Lu- cinda (Reese) Proctor, both of whom were also born in Crittenden County, Ky. , and there the father died while still in the prime of life, in 1838. He was a successful farmer, and in politics was a Whig. His wife died in 1868, at the age of sixty- four years, she having been an earnest member of the Baptist Church for- many years. Newton J. Proctor, the fifth of their six children, was edu- cated in the common schools near his Kentucky home. At the early age of fourteen years, he be- gan life on the Ohio and ^Mississippi Rivers, and after several years of faithful service was pro- moted to the position of pilot, in whicli capacity he served for many years. During the Civil War, he rendered valuable aid, and was concerned in the taking of Island No. 10. He was on the Cumber- land and Ohio Rivers from Nashville to Tennessee, as mate. After the war, he resided at different times in Hickman, Ky., and Belmont, Mo., and was engaged in farming until 1876, when he en- gaged in railroading. After some time, he gave up this work, and located at Corning, Ark., and two years later went to Texas. After his return to Arkansas, he located at Okean, where he has since been occupied in the timber Ijusiness. From 1882 to 1887, he was a general merchant in the town of Okean, and at the latter date engaged in the di'ug business in connection with farming. He is still conducting these enterprises, and as he is thoroughly posted in the details of each, he is meeting with excellent success. He is a Democrat in politics, and has served eight years at different times as postmaster of Okean. Hon. James H. Purkins has for thirty-two years been a resident of Randolph County, Ark. . and during his long residence here has liecome well known, and has won the respect of all with whom he has come in contact. He possesses a fine educa- tion and excellent natural abilities, and is deserv- ing of a more extended sketch than the nature of this work will permit; suffice it to say that his life has been a success both in material affairs and in the esteem which has been accorded hinj among those with whom he has so long made his home. He was born, reared and educated in Essex County. Va., the former event taking place in the year 1814 From early boyhood he has been familiar with farm life, and as his father was a prosperous merchant he spent much of his time in the store. He was married at the age of twenty-two years to Miss Clementina Singleton, and to their marriage twelve children have been born, three of whom are now living: Eliza, wife of Dr. Esselman; Clement W. and Rena S. After residing in his native State and following the occupation of merchandising until 1856, Mr. Purkins removed to Missouri, and settled the following year in Randol])h County, Ark. He entered a tract of land on Current River e fc_ 420 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. which be tilled until 1862. when he entered the Confederate army, but was sent home after a few months by Gens. Vandorn and Price as a recruit- iui; officer, and held the position of captain. In 1800 he had been elected to the State legislature, and in 1862 he was re-elected and served out his time. In 1866 he was elected senator from Ran dolph and Greene Counties, and was serving his constituents while the senate was in session in the State house at Little Rock in 1S67, when Gen. Ord ' with Federal troops was ordered by Congress to disperse the General Assembly of Arkansas, .^e refused afterward to lieconie a candidate for office, but in 1877 he was elected to the office of county judge. After the war he clerked ior various mer- chants in Pocahontas, and now owns about thirty- live acres near the town, which he rents out. The most of his children died in childhood, and within one week of eac-h other, of pneumonia. One son, James \V. by name, was a Confederate soldier from the time he was fifteen years of age, but was killed at Glasgow, Mo., at the age of eighteen years. Mr. Purkins is a son of W. H. and Ann (Howerton) Pur- kins, who were Virginians, where they were reared and married, and became the parents of six chil- di-en, of whom Hon. James H. is the only one now living. The father was a merchant and farmer by occupation, and from the time he was twenty-one years of age until bis death at the age of sixty- seven years he held office under the State. He .was a captain in the War of 1812, and while away from home, serving his country, bis son, James H. , was born, and he did not see him until be was nearly one year old. His wife died about the same age as himself. The grandfather. Gideon Purkins, and his father were both Virginians, former of whom was a soldier in the War of 1812 and died at a very old age. The groat-great-grandfatber I'urkins was a native of England, and came to America in Co- lonial times. The maternal grandfather was of Scotch descent, and was born in Essex County, Va. He was a cajitain in the Revolutionary War, being on the side of the Colonists, and until the day of his death at the age of ninety eight years kept his uniform. Mr. Purkins, the subject of this sketch, is a member of the Baptist Church, is a Democrat in his political views, and belongs to the Chapter and Blue Lodge in the A. F. & A. M. His first wife died in 1868, and he afterward espoused Miss Ava Payne, who died after having borne one child, James E. His third wife, who was a widow, died two years after her marriage with Mr. Purkins. J. T. Redwine is a prosperous and successful merchant at Supply postoffice. Little Black Town- ship, this county, and has been in business here since 1878. He first saw the light of day in the "Old North State"' in 1840, bis parents, Travis and Sally Ann (Harrison) Redwine, being also na tives of that State, where they were reared and also married, the latter event being in 1885. Ten years later they concluded they could better their fortunes by emigrating westward, and they accord- ingly pitched their tent on Blue Grass soil, where they reared a family of five childi'en to maturity, and lost one child in infancy: W. P. was born in 1836, lived to be seventeen years of age: Benja min F., died September 9, 1862, his birth having occurred May 7, 1838; J. T. ; Sallie M. (deceased); James D. (also deceased, his family being resi dents of this county), and L. A., who resides in Randolph County. The mother of these children died in the year 1850, .she having been a daughter of Turner and Sally (Daniels) Harrison, the father being related to President Harrison's family. He was a farmer by occupation, and tilled the soil in the Blue-Grass State, from 1845 until his death. In 1851, Mr. Redwine took for bis second wife Mar- garet Harrison, a daughter of Jesse Harrison, l)ut five years later be was called upon to mourn her death, she having Vjorne bim three children, two of whom are living; George M., a resident of this county, and Jacob L. , who resides in Conway County. Seven children were born. to his mar- riage with Miss Elizabeth Ogdeu, of Kentucky, six of whom are now living, their names being as follows; Lucinda A., wife of D. H. Hawkins, Jr., of this county; Mary L. E., wife of D. C. Fowler; Thomas J., Isaac D , Nancy A., wife of Samuel Stout, and Frances. Mr. Redwine was so unfort- unate as to lose his third wife in 1873, and he then united his fortunes with Mrs. Martha (Pierce) Spence, who bore one child, named Lucien R. /' '*»-^ ^-»— '^^-MiJaii^ InDEPENOENCE C0UNTr,ARKAM3AS . !.k RANDOLPH COUNTY. i'l\ J. T. Iledwino, the gentleman whose name heads this sketch, began life for himself at the age of twenty -one, and in 1861 espoused the cause of the Confederacy by becoming a member of Company G, Fifteenth Regiment, Arkansas Infantry, com- manded by Col. Pat. Claiborne. He served until the final surrender, and was an active participant in the battles of Shiloh, Murfreesboro, Liberty Gap. Richmond, Ky., Perry ville and Chickamauga. He was wounded at Chickamauga, and was granted a furlough until he was able to attend to hospital duties, to which he had been detailed. He was paroled at Macon, Ga. , in 1805, and reached home in August of that year. He found employment in Cape Girardeau County, Mo., which received his attention until December of that year, when he came home and wedded Miss Sarah A. Melton, March 18, 1866. He was engaged in farming ex- clusively until 1878, but since that time has given much of his attention to merchandising. His stock of goods amounts to about $4,000, and his annual sales reach the sum of $10,000. He also has a general store in Ripley County, Mo., which nets him an annual income of about $800. His farm embraces 133 acres, and he owns some good dwelling houses, and a store-house in Doniphan. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , and in his political views is a Democrat. He and wife are the parents of four children : Robert L. , born De- cember 7, 1866; Satira A., born October 15, 1871, the wife of John C. Phipps, of this county; James T. , who was bom February 29, 1876, and Sally M. , born May 25. 1882. Mrs. Redwine is a daughter of John and Martha (Swain) Melton, to whose union the following family were born: Josephine (Meek): Satira, the deceased wife of L. F. John- son: Lafayette F. ; Sarah A. (Mrs. Redwine); Rosetta, the widowed wife of Pharaoh Aton; El- setta, the deceased wife of Jasper Swin. Mrs. Redwine was born February 24, 1842. Neither J. T. Redwine nor his wife (Sarah A.) inherited any part of their present prop(>rty; they Isegau a life partnership with limited means, having neither liouse nor land, and what they now have has been gained by industry, which is the found ation of almost all of life's successful voyages. J. M. Redwine, M. D. The short sketch that here appears is that of one of the reliable and de- servedly successful physicians of Randolph Coun- ty, whose experience has proven him to be well qualified for the position he has chosen. He was born in Marshall County, Ky., March 30, 1852, his parents, Jacob and Mary (Thoniasson) Red- wine, having been bom in North Carolina and Ten- nessee, respectively. They both removed to Ken- tucky prior to their marriage, and there united their fortunes in the year 1847, becoming the par- ents of elevezi children, eight being now alive: \V. C, who resides in Clay County, Ark.: Dr. H. C, also a resident of Clay County, where he is a practicing physician and merchant; Mattie E. , a teacher of this county ; Jennie L. , wife of M. L. Gilbert, of Dade City, Fla. ; Jacob, Jr., who lives in Kentucky; Amanda J., wife of Charles Dish man, of Kansas, and Hiram G., now in a law school in the East. Jacob Redwine has always followed the occupation of farming and merchandising, and is now residing in Kentucky. He was in the Union army during the late war, and served in Company B, of the Fifteenth Kentucky Cavalry, as a private, but was discharged at the end of twelve months, his term of enlistment having ex- pired. The principal engagement in which he took part was at Spring Creek, near Lexington. Tenn., being under Col. Henry. Since the war he has resided on his farm in Kentucky, and is now fairly well-to-do. He votes the Repulilican ticket. Our subject. Dr. J. M. Redwine, received fairly good advantages for acquiring an education, being an attendant of the common schools of Ken- tucky. He first engaged in teaching school and clerking in a dry goods store, and during this time his leisure moments were given to the study of medicine, which profession had always had a fas- cination for him. After attending medical lectures he entered uj)on the practice of that jirofession in Kentucky, in 1876, and followed it there and in Tennessee two years. From 1878 to 1881, lie practiced in Randolph County, Ark., and from that time until 1884 he was a practitioner of Ben- ton County. He has since resided in this county, and has acquired a large and profitable practice. A ® l_ 422 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. and in his journeys to alleviate the sufiferings of the sick, the sunshine of his disposition, as well as his medical skill, is brought to bear upon his pa- tients, and the result is very satisfactory. He has a fertile little farm of forty acres, and in connec- tion with his practice was engaged in farming and merchandising until within the last few years. He is a Republican politically, and is a member of the A. F. & A. M. He was married, October 28, 1879. to Miss Malena E. , a daughter of John and Per- melia E. (Mosely) Mabry, who became the parents of twelve children, six now living: Robert M., Mattie T. (Greer), Novella (Greer), William D., John, and Malena E. (Mrs. Redwine), the latter born on Blue-Grass soil. Dr. and Mrs. Redwine have become the parents of two children: Ethel, born September 1, 1884, and Edith, born Septem- ber 17, 1887. Dennis W. Reynolds, merchant, Reyno. For many years Mr. Reynolds has been a prominent resident of Randolph County, and has enjoyed the reputation of being an intelligent and honorable business man. He possesses that shrewd busi- ness tact and energy which are characteristic of people of Illinois birth, for he was born in Jack- son County, of that State, in 1840, being a son of James M. and Elizabeth Reynolds, the former of whom removed from the State of North Caro- lina to Illinois, while it was a Territory. The father was a native of North Carolina, and the mother of Jackson County, 111. He was a farmer and hunter by occupation; was a participant in the War of 1812, and two years after his wife's death, which occurred in 1857, he married Minerva Foster. He was sheriff of Jackson County for four years, and also held a number of minor offices in Arkan- sas. He was noted for his morality and charity and his death which occurred in 1884, at the age of seventy years, was a sevei-e loss to the community in which he resided. Dennis W. Reynolds is self- educated, and when only seventeen years of age he entered mercantile life at Cherokee Bay, which enterprise received his attention for three years, or until the war broke out. On the 1 1th of March, 1862, he dropped all his work to enlist in the Seventh Missoin-i Infantry, Capt. A. G. Kelsey's comjiany, as a private, and was afterward pro- moted to the rank of sergeant and then to captain, which position he held until hostilities ceased. He was at Greenville, Mo., Little Rock, and was with Price on his raid through Missouri. After being paroled he returned to his home in this county, and was one of the successful husband- men of the county until 1875, when he established his present mercantile business at Corning, Clay County, Ark., and since 1878 has been at Reyno. Mr. Reynolds possesses a thorough knowledge of the business in which he is engaged, and has the necessary requisites for successfully conducting it. He also manages his farm and gives considerable attention to the propagation of stock ; and it may be truly said that in every enterprise in which he has been interested, and to which he has given his attention, his labors have been followed with excel- lent results. He has always taken a deep interest in the politics of the county, and although not an unreasonable partisan he has always been a Demo- crat in his political views. He is a Master Mason, and he and his wife, whose maiden name was Mattie J. Wilkis, are earnest and consistent members of the Baptist Church. He was lirst married in 1861, to Miss Nancy Luttrell, but her death oc curred the following year at the age of eighteen years. She left one son, James, who died in 1888, aged twenty-six years. His second wife was the widow of A. G. Kelsey, and had formerlj' been Miss Mary Ellis. She was born on Blue- Grass soil, and died in 1868, having borne two children: Madison A. and Elizabeth A. To him and his present wife have been born the following family: Leoa, Ervin and Pearl. Three children died in infancy. Mrs. Reynolds conducts a millinery es- tablishment in her own store, and her bonnets and hats are always trimmed in excellent taste and the latest style. Mr. Reynolds was the first to clear the land and build where the town of Reyno now stands, which place, by the way, was named in his honor. He erected the first dwelling house and hotel, and is now doing business in the first business house in the town. J. H. Richardson, ex-county judge and farmer of Little Black Township, was born in the State RANDOLPH COUNTY. 423 of Illinois on the lltb of April, 1840, and is one of two surviving members of a family of four chil- dren (the other survivor being Mary A. , wife of Jackson Baker, of Pike County, 111. ) born to Emanuel and Matilda A. (Gates) Richardson, who were born in Alabama and South Carolina, respect- ively. The father moved to Illinois in 1836, where he purchased land and remained until 1841, at which time he removed to Schuyler County, Mo., where he also improved a farm and remained until 1863. From that time until 1805, he resided in Illinois, then came to Randolph County, where he made his home until his death, which occurred June 17, 1888. He was tirst married in 1838, to Miss Gates, and after her death, which occurred in 1850 or 1851, he espoused Miss Martha Lovett of Missouri, in the latter year, and by her became the father of one child that died in infancy. He was called upon to mourn the death of his second wife in 1854, and the same year he married Miss Eliza A. Wadsworth, of Pike County, 111., she bearing him eight children, live now living: Eliza E. , wife of William Lewis, of this county; John E. , in Sharp County, Ark. ; Jacob W. , of this county; Fannie E., wife of James Hogan, of this county, and Charles B. , also of this county. Mr. i Richardson and his three wives were members of the Baptist Church, and he was something of a politician, taking an active interest in the politics of the county. He accumulated a fine propertj' prior to the war, but during that time he lost heavily, and afterward had to commence anew, re- i trieving his fortunes to some extent. J. H. Rich- [ ardson, the immediate subject of this memoir, en- listed in the Confederate army at the age of twen- ty-one years, being under Capt. Sam Shacklett, and served until the (Jth of August, 1861, when he was severely wounded, having his right leg broken, and was sent home to recuperate. After remain- ing inactive until 186'2, he rejoined his company, but after serving a short time, the company was disbanded, and he and W. H. Tipton went to Iowa, thence to Illinois, remaining in the latter State until 18()5, when he came to Randolph County, locating within three miles of where he now lives, the summer months being spent in farming, and the winter months in teaching school. Like his father, he has always been a Democrat politically, and in 1874 was elected to the office of justice of the peace, serving in this capacity two years, and was then chosen county assessor, filling the office three successive terms. In 188'2, he was elected county and probate judge, holding the jwsition four years, and to his excellent natural abilities, were added the wisdom and experience of a useful and well-spent life, and there was no rea.son to view his official career with disappointment when he retired from the bench. He is one of the heavi- est tax payers of the county, and at the present time owns 3, 000 acres of land, of which about 600 are under cultivation and fence. When starting for himself, it was with very little means, but he has succeeded well in his undertakings, and deserves much credit for the way in which he has sur- mounted the difficulties which have strewn his path. He possesses a large fund of information, is strictly temperate, and is respected and esteemed by all for his many sterling qualities. October 3, 1867, he married Miss Martha J. Mansker, who was born in this county November 25, 1849, and to them were born the following children: H. L., born September 19, 1870; W. J., born October 30, 1872; Martha A., born January 1, 1876; Manuel G., born Octobers, 1877, and Eliza L. L. , born August 24, 1880. Mrs. Richardson, who died December 30, 1883, was a faithful wife and mother, and was a member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. In 1884, our subject married Miss Rebecca E. Downey, who was born on the 22d of February, 1848. They are members of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. David C. Roberts. Prominent among the lead- ing men of Randolph County, Ark., and among those deserving special notice for their public spirit and energy, is the gentleman of whom this notice is given. He was born in Cleveland County, N. C, July 23, 1833, and is a son of Thomas and Mary (Collins) Roberts, who were ))orn, reared and married in North Carolina, and after residing a few years in their native State after the latter event, moved to Cherokee County, Ga. , where the mother's death occurred in 1854 or 1855, when 424 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. about thirty-five years of age. Here the father afterward married Rebecca Wiekett, and made his home until 1882, when they came to Ran- dolph County, Ark., where Mr. Roberts quietly breathed his last the following year. He had been an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for a great many years, and while a resi- dent of North Carolina was engaged in farming; ulbo acted as overseer at the King's Mountain Gold Mines. When the Rebellion was in progress he was a member of the Home Guards in Georgia. His father, Stephen Roberts, was an Englishman by birth, and died in Alabama. David C. Roberts was the eighth of ten children, and at the age of twenty-three years he left home and commenced farming for himself, continuing until the mutter- ings of war foretold the struggle that was to follow, and in 1861 he enlisted in Company I, Twenty-third Georgia Infantry, Confederate States Army, and held the rank of orderly sergeant. He was in the battle of Seven Pines, the seven days' fight at Richmond, Second Manassas, South Mount- ain, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Mechanicsville, Ocean Pond, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, and was then around Richmond until the final surrender. He was taken prisoner twice, first at the battle of Mechanicsville, but was exchanged after twenty days' imprisonment, and then at the close of the war at Appomattox. He was never wounded. He returned to his home in Georgia after hostilities ceased, and remained there until 1808, at which time he moved to McLean, Ky. , and three years later to Arkansas, and has since resided on his present farm, which is one of the best in the county. It embraces a tract of 200 acres, and is all bottom land with the exception of about ten acres. In 1851 he was married to Miss Malinda Finley, a daughter of Aaron Finley, of Cherokee County, Ga. , and her death occurred in Randolph County, Ark., in 1872, when about thirty-five years of age. She left six children (four of whom are now living): Stephen, John. Mary (wife of Ezekiel Hum, of Washington County, Ark.), Regina (wife of William McQuay, of Lawrence County, Ark. ), and Martha and Leander who are deceased. In 1874 Mr. Roberts married Mrs. Susan Deaver, of this county, and by her has five children: Rachel J., Thomas H. , Jacob H. , Richard T. and Lucy A. Mrs. Roberts' maiden name was Weddle, and by her first husband, Isaac Deaver, she became the mother of three children, only one of whom is living, Matilda; those de- ceased are Mary T. and William F. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are members of the Methodist and Chris- tian Churches, respectively, and he is a Democrat in his political views, and a member of the Masonic fraternity. R. R. RufF, M. D. During a professional ca- reer of over twenty-three years, Dr. RufP has be come a successful physician, and justly deserves the eulogisms bestowed upon him by his profes- sional brethren. He was born on the 25th of April, 1831, and his youth was spent in assisting in the duties of the farm, and in attending the common subscription schools, where he acquired a fair education, but which he has since greatly im- proved by much study and contact with the world. Upon reaching the age of twenty- one years he commenced farming, which employment received his attention until the breaking out of the Rebellion, when he abandoned the plow and donned the martial trappings of war, serving in the capacity of recruiting officer for some time. He was never identified with the regular army, but was in a number of severe engagements and was captured at Huntingdon, Tenn., being paroled immediately thereafter. He returned home with the intention of remaining, but owing to the i)er8ecutions to which he was subjected he again began recruiting men, and served until the final surrender. After taking the oath of allegiance he returned home, but came soon after to Pocahontas, Ark., and while being employed here he energetically pur- sued the study of medicine during leisure mo- ments, and in ISHti. moved to Pittman. where he entered on the practice of his profession, continu- ing there with success until 1887. In connection with this he commenced merchandising in 1880, and also managed his three farms, of which 225 acres were under cultivation. His annual sales amount to some 110,000, and he sells on time, giving a credit of from six to eight months, but y\: RANDOLPH COUNTY. 425 Ijuys for cash. lu 1851, Laura Eason, of Ten- nessee, became his wife, and their marriage re- sulted ia the birth of five children, Leota G., the wife of J. P. Shemwell, being the only one living; three died in infancy, and one at the age of fifteen years. Mrs Ruff departed this life in 1872, having been a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for a number of years. Dr. Ruff took for his second wife Miss Amanda W. Legate, and by her has one child, born Jul}^ 15, 1873. named Horace E. The Doctor and this wife are members of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, and he is a Democrat and a member of the A. F. & A. M. His parents, John and Chloe (Eason) Ruff, were born in North Carolina, and in 1828 emigrated to Carroll County, Tenn.. where he was engaged in farming, and be- came the owner of a number of negroes. He was an old line Whig and died in October, 1855, at the advanced age of eighty-four years, respected and esteemed by all who knew him. He was mar- ried three times, his first wife being a Miss Hodge, by whom he had six or seven children, four sons living to be grown. His second union was with ■ Miss Eason, which took place about 1821, in North Carolina. The following are the names of their children: James G., a physician of this county; S. D., who is deceased, his family being residents of Southeast Missouri; W. H. , who is also dead, his family being residents of Fore.st City, Ark. ; Dr. R. R. , and Jackey E. , the deceased wife of George M. Drew. The mother of these children passed to her long home in 1852, at the age of fifty-five years, and Mr. Ruff wedded his third wife, Martha Eason, in August, 1855, her death occurring in January, 1850. W. R. Russell, merchant, Pocahontas, Ark. The mercantile interests of Ihis portion of the county have been ably represented for a number of years by Mr. Russell. General merchandising, of course, necessitates the carrying of a varied as- sortment of goods, and in his stock Mr. Russell has a variety which cannot fail to satisfy every want of his patrons. He is a native of Randolph County, Ark., born in 1857, and the son of Marion Russell, also a native of Randolph County. Ark. The elder Russell was a successful tiller of the soil, and whim a young man was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Leonard, a native of Tennessee. At the breaking out of the Rebellion Mr. Russell joined the Confederate States army as lieutenant of Company H, Fifteenth Mist-ouri Regiment, and was killed at the battle of Big Blue, during Price's raid, in November, 18R4. The jiaterual grand father, James Russell, was one of the first settlers of Randolph County, and located about eight miles north of Pocahontas, where he improved a good farm, and there remained the balance of his days. W. R. Russell was one of four children l)orn to his parents. Two brothers are deceased, and a sister, Alice M., the wife of R. M. Bigger, is now residing in Little Black Township, Randolph County. The subject of this sketch was educated in the private schools of his native county, and at the age of twenty- one commenced working for him- self. He first came to Pocahontas, and engaged as salesman for Levi Hecht, for whom he clerked eighteen months. After this he fanned for three years, and then again came to Pocahontas, where he engaged as a clerk for R. Nicholas, remaining with him three years, when he established his present business, and now has a good substan tial trade on a cash basis. He was married, in 1880, to Miss Mary E. Ulmer, a native of Indiana. They have two children: Ina and Pearly. Mr. and Mrs. Russell are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and each takes an active part in church work. He owns a farm of 210 acres, seventy-five under cultivation, and is a man who manifests a deep interest in all j)ublic enterprises. J. C. Sanders. Among the native residents of the State of Georgia, and closely identified with its progress and development for many years were the Sanders family, a respected representative of whom is found in the subject of this sketch, who was born in that State in 1843. His parents, James and Eliza (Covington) Sanders, were born in Georgia (in 1804) and Virginia, respectively; the father was reared in his native State, and there fol lowed the occupation of a planter until 1880. when his death occurred. The motiier died in Texas in 1884, aged seventy-five years. The paternal grand father was liorn in South Carolina, and lived in Georgia. He was of Irish lineage. Like so many of the substantial citizens of this county at the present time, J. C. Sanders was initiated into the mysteries of farm life from the very first, and this has continued to be the calling to which he has di- rected his attention. While a resident of his na- tive State he joined the Confederate army in 1861, and was in active service four years. He was at Gaines' Mill, Gettysburg, Petersburg, the Wil- derness and numerous other engagements of less note, and was wounded thirteen times. He was a private in the Twenty-seventh Georgia Regiment. After the war he left the State of Georgia and emi- grated to Missouri, thence to Arkansas and after- ward to Texas. After remaining in that State for some time he returned to Arkansas, and has here made his hopae up to the present time. His lands in this county amount to 400 acres, and he has 225 acres under cultivation. He was married in 1862 to Miss Jane Williams, and to their union have been born five children : Henry, Callie (who is dead). Morris (who died at the age of twenty years, in 1888), Jimmy and Tommy. His second wife was Miss Sarah Dean, who bore him four children: Bob, Charley, Alfred and Annie. Mr. Sanders has always been a Democrat in his political views. A. Z. Schnabaum, merchant, Pocahontas, Ark. Among the many enterprises necessary to com- plete the commercial resources of a town or city, no one is of more importance to the community than that of the general merchant. Prominent in this trade is Mr. Schnabaum, who deals in dry goods, hardware, implements and groceries. Mr. Schnabaum is of foreign birth, Austria being his native country. He first saw the light of day in the year 1864, and after reaching a suitable ago was educated in 'a mercantile college in his na- tive land. He left school at the age of nearly seventeen, and in 1881 emigrated to America. He stopped in New York Cily for six months as a clerk; then went to Pennsylvania, where he re- mained but a short time, and then came to Poca- hontas, Ark. Here he engaged as a clerk for R, Nicholas, remaining with him three years, and then continued in the same capacity for Imboden. with whom he remained a few months. At the expira- tion of that time he engaged in business fcSr him- self, having judiciously saved his money, and now carries all the way from $6,000 to $16,000 worth of goods, the annual sales amounting to over $35,000. He has from two to four clerks, and car- ries on a thriving business. He is also the owner of a cotton-gin, and buys and sells cotton at this place. He has never been married. He is the son of H. and G. Schnabaum. natives of Austria, who have died since A. Z. came to America. The father was a man of considerable means, and was a dis- tiller of liquor and a drover by occupation. Mr. Schnabaum is a stirring business man and an en- terprising citizen. He is pleasant and agreeable in his manners, and the large trade which he now has is fully merited. Jacob Schoonover, retired farmer, Pocahontas, Ark. The subject of this sketch is one of the hon- ored pioneers of Randolph County. He has been located here for a period of over twenty-nine years, and has not only become well known, but the re- . spect and esteem shown him are as wide as his ac- quaintance. His tine farm of 200 acres is adorned with an attractive and commodious house, and the large mill and cotton-gin which he operates deserve special attention. He is a native of Hones- dale. Penn. . and is a son of Daniel and Eliza (Jacks) Schoonover, both of whom are also natives of the Keystone State. Jacob Schoonover went to California when twenty- one years of age, or in 1852, by way of the Isthmus, and remained there until September, 1856, engaged in mining and teaming. He then returned to his native State, remained there about a year, and then in 1857 went to Minnesota, where he spent another year. In 1858 he came to Arkansas, settled in Marion County, and engaged in photographing, which he continued for three years, traveling in the mean- time over Northeast Arkansas and Southeast Mis souri. He happened to be in Randolph County when the war broke out, and in 1862 he enlisted in Shaver's regiment, Tappin's brigade, and served until June, 1865. in the Confederate army. He was regimental quartermaster. After the close of the ^« spV L^ EANDOLPH COUNTY. 42"; conflict be returned to Randolph County, re- mained a few months, and then proceeded to the State of his nativity, where be sojourned six months, visiting his parents. Subsequently he returned to this county, and engaged as salesman in the store of Green R. Jones, remaining thus employed for two years. He then bought a partnership, and this continued until 1873. Three years later he was elected circuit clerk of Randolph County, and tilled this position in a very acceptable manner for six years. After this he was engaged in farming and trading. He was first married in 1870 to Miss Martha J. Wear, a native of Pennsylvania, who bore him the following named children: Eugene G., now in Pennsylvania; Herbert, Addie C. and Parke T. The mother of these childi'en died on the 22d of December, 1878, and Mr. Schoonover was mar- ried the second time, on the 5th of January, 1882, to Miss Ella Bolen, a native of the Blue Grass State Two children are the fruit of this union: Robert and Jacob. Mr. Schoonover is a Royal Arch Mason, and a member of the K. of H. He has ever taken an active part in politics and pub- lic affairs, and has done much to build up every enterprise for the common good. Vincent Segi-aves is a successful merchant of the county, and was born here on the 2(3th of Feb- ruary, 1839, being a son of Vincent and Lavina (Lacy) Segraves, who were born in South Caro lina and Knox County, Tenn., in 1789. and 1814, and died in Randolph County, Ark., in 1870 and 1S71, respectivel}'. The father left his native State when he was a young man, and went to Ten- nessee, and afterward removed to Illinois, and from there to Arkansas, in 1833, being one of the very first settlers of Randolph County. He was a farmer, and as such was one of the most success- ful men in this part of the State; in connection with this work he kept a distillery. During the War of 1812 he was a soldier, belonging to Jackson's Guard, and with him participated in the battles I if New Orleans and Pensacola. He was a well- known and prominent citizen of Arkansas, and hail been a life-long Democrat. He and wife were memliers of the Baptist Church, and were the par- ents of eight children, five of whom are living. Vincent was the seventh of the family, and received his early education in Randolph County. He re- mained on his father's farm until twenty-five years of age, then commenced to farm for himself; but his labors in this direction were interru])ted by the war. In 1801 he enlisted in the Confederate serv- ice, and the following year joined Company A, of the Twenty fifth Arkansas Infantry, and was an active worker for the Southern cause until the close of the war, holding the rank of lieutenant, and taking part in the engagements at Murfrees- boro, Richmond, Ky. , and was with Price on his raid through Missouri and Kansas, but was never wounded or taken prisoner. He has since been engaged in farming, and in connection has followed merchandising since 1886, at which time he formed a partnership with W. E. Hibbard, but at the end of nine months became associated with J. W. Witherford. He owns fertile lands to the amount of 120 acres, and has sixty-five acres under cul- tivation. In 1866 he married Caroline Waddle, who was born in Randolph County, Ark , in 1842, and is a daughter of Henry Waddle. She and Mr. Segraves are the parents of nine children: Frances B., wife of Lewis A. Manning; Rufus H. , William J., Emanuel W. , John H. , Detty Ann, Mary Emma, Sula W. and Agnes. Mrs. Se- graves is a member of the United Baptist Church. Mr. Segraves is a stanch Democrat in his political views. G. A. Seel, M. D. , of Warm Springs, Ark. , and proprietor of the springs of that name, was born in Georgetown, Ohio, in 1855, and is a eon of V. F. and C. A. (Houck) Seel, who were married in the State of Ohio in 1854, and moved to Kentucky about a year later. The father followed merchan- dising and farming in Bracken County, Ky., and was moderately successful in business. He was a man of superior education, and was able to speak three or foui' different languages. He served under Gen. Taylor in the Mexican War, and was with him in all the battles in which he took part. He was born in 1819, and his wife in 1816, and both their deaths occurred in 1888. He was a Democrat in his political views. He and his wife reared a family of seven children: Catherine, Peter, F. W. , G. A., \ 4i 428 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. V. F., Henry, and Mary C. While growing up, G. A. Seel had excellent advantages for ac- quiring a good education, and to say that he fully improved his opportunities woiild be only speaking the truth. After attending the free school of his section until sixteen years of age he entered Hig- giusport high school, but left that institution at the age of seventeen, and began traveling, so continuing until he was about twenty years of age, at which time he returned to Kentucky, and remained there for nearly one year, assisting his father on the farm. He then began traveling again, continuing two years, and became familiar with some of the finest points of interest in the United States. He located in New Madrid, Mo., where he became conductor on the Little River Valley & Arkansas Railroad, and as such continued for four years. He then tilled the same pcsition on the Cotton Belt road for about one year, and daring this time his leisure moments were spent in studying chem- istry. In the latter part of 1880 he engaged in the di'ug business at Doniphan, Mo., and after continuing there one year he devoted his time and attention the two following years to the study of chemistry under Profs. Detmer and Stille,of the St. Louis Dairy Company's Laboratory. From there he went to Chanute, Kas. , where he established a private laboratory, remaining in that place until the fall of 1885. During the two years he spent in this place he was studying medicine under Drs. Webb & Brown of the Eclectic school, and after- ward underwent an examination before the Kansas medical board, consisting of eight men, and secured a certificate to practice. He became a member of the Eclectic Medical Association of that State, and after leaving there in the fall of 1885, he came to Randolph County, and located at Warm Springs, where he passed an examination before the board in 1885, and immediately entered upon the prac- tice of his profession. Since coming here he has graduated from the St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, and has made a special study of operative and opthalmic surgery under the able instructions of Profs. Louis Bower, A. C. Bernays and John Glancis, being now a successful surgeon and physician. He was married, October 14, 1885, to Miss Ella S. Kibler, of Water Valley, this county, and by her became the father of two chil- dren: Leona C. (deceased), and G. A., Jr. ili-s. , Seel is a native of Arkansas. The Doctor belongs to the K. of P. , and in his political views is a Democrat. In 1888 he and Capt. J. J. Hand werker, of Memphis, Tenn. , purchased the famous warm springs of this place, which in days gone by were used by the Indians as a health resort, this being as early as 1818, when the first settlers began to come into the region. The first hotel put up near the place was in 1840, by a man named Rice, and after his death the property fell to his heirs. In 1874, it was purchased from them by Dalton, Kibler & Waddle, who erected a substan- tial hotel there the same year and put up bath houses, bowling alley, etc. They also inclosed two and one-half acres with a nice fence, and in this inclosure are sixty springs, with three different kinds of water, chalybeate, sulphur and carbonate. The largest spring is carbonate water, containing 160 cubic inches of carbonic acid gas to the gallon, making it the equal of the famous chalybeate Vichy waters of Europe. In addition to this it also contains iodine and lithia. The springs are accessible by the following stage routes: Doniphan, Pocahontas, the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & South- ern Railroad and the Kansas City & Memphis Railroad. The climate in the locality of the springs is fine, and the Doctor's manner of treat- ing diseases in the way of baths can not be excelled, for hot, cold and electric baths can be secured at any time. The citizens in the locality contemplate erecting a high-school, and the place can then be utilized as a point for securing both a good educa- tion and the benefit of the health restoring waters of the springs. The country is very beautiful hereabouts, and the streams abound with fish and the woods with deer, turkeys, squirrels, quail, etc. . making it a sportsman's paradise. James F. Shaver, who is one of the successful farmers of Warm Springs Township, was born in Randolph County, Ark., in September. 1833, and is a son of John and Nancy (Cook) Shaver, who were boi'n in Georgia. They were married in Alabama, about 18'23, and in 1S28 came to Arkan- EANDOLPH COUNTY. 429 sas, settling iu this count}-, where they purchased and also entered some Government land. Wild animals of all kinds roamed the woods at will at this time, and in some places the forests were almost impenetrable, but it can be said of John Shaver that, with the courage and perseverance which marked the lives of so many of our pioneers. He chopped, lie logged, he cleared his lot, And into many a dismal spot He let the light of da_y. His neighbors were from ten to fifteen miles distant, and at that time wagons were a rare sight, but small trucks were made by sawing large logs in two, the wheels being of solid wood —even these rude conveyances being few and far between. The nearest flouring-mill, which was twenty-five miles away, could only be reached by crossing two rivers, and owing to the ditSculty of doing this, the settlers had to resort to the old-fashioned pes- tle. The first flouring-mill put up in this part of the county was on the old Rtissell place, and was run by horse power. This was about the year 183S. He and his wife were born in 1800 and 179S, and died in 1850 and 1858, respectively. They were members of the Christian Church, and became the parents of eleven children, eight liv- ing to ho grown: M"illiaui, who resides in Webster County, Mo., is a minister in the Christian Chnrch; Robert, who died leaving a family in this county; Alexander, also deceased, his family being residents of the county ; Peter, Martha, widow of C. Johnson ; Caroline, the deceased wife of John Johnson; Nancy, wife of Jesse Johnson, and John, who was killed at the battle of Shiloh in 1862, while serving in the Confederate army. The other chil- dren died in infancy. James F. Shaver had very poor educational advantages in his youth, and al- though he attended the old fashioned subscription schools long enough to learn to read, he did not attend suflficiently long to learn to write. In 1852 he married Miss Elizabeth Waddle, a native of the county, born in ISSfj, and to them were born the following family: Alexander, born December 23, 1853; J. H., born August 2, 1855; Louis M., born December 22, 1857; Sarah E., wife of Eli Morris, born January 2, 1859; Jacob S., born Oc- tober (>, 1861; James F., Jr., born November 2, 1863; Matilda A., born January 14, 1866, wife of Jeff Morris ; R. L. , bom A pril 4, 1 868, Peter M. , born December 20, 1869; William M., born August 27, 1871; PermeliaE., born January 14, 1874, and Jo- seph A., born February 28, 1876. In 1862 Mr. Shaver joined the Confederate army; he was with Price on his last raid through Missouri in 1864, and was a participant in a number of battles and skir- mishes. Pilot Knob and Blue Lick being among the number. After his surrender, which occurred at Jacksonport, Ark., in June, 1865, became home and engaged immediately in farming, entering at first 160 acres of land, and now has eighty under cul- tivation. He is also engaged in raising horses and cattle of a good grade. Mr. Shaver is a public - spirited citizen, is a Democrat in his political views, and he and his wife are members of the Christian Church, as are nearly all their children. Mrs. Shaver is a daughter of Henry and Sarah (Big gers) Waddle, Tennesseeans by birth, who came to Arkansas about 1832, and here married the fol- lowing year. Their children were Lucinda. wife of Peter Shaver; Matilda (deceased), vSarah (John- son), Susan (Roberts), Jefferson (deceased), Jake, Caroline (Graves), Marietta L. (Hawk), George and James (twins), and Elizabeth, wife of our subject. The parents died in 1849 and 1862, aged fifty and sixty years, respectively. Col. Thomas S. Simington. The name that heads this sketch is that of one of the oldest set- tlers of this vicinity, whose entire life in this county has been such as to win him the respect and esteem of all who are favored with his acquaint- ance. His father, Robert Simington, was a Scotch- man who emigrated to the United States when twenty-two years of age, and being of an adven- turous turn of mind, and nothing daunted by the talk of Indian troubles, determined to seek his fortune in the " far West," and accordingly pushed on westward. From the city of Pittsburgh, Penn. . he floated down the Ohio River on a flatboat, and made a landing at Cincinnati, Ohio, which place then consisted of two cabins, and from there went overland to Fayette County, Ky., becoming one of the verv first settlers of that State. While making 430 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the toilsome journey to this State he was fre- quently surrounded by Indians, having trouble with them at various times, and bad frequently to depend on the block-houses for protection. After making his home in Fayette County for some time, he removed to Hem-y County, of the same State, where he made his home until 1827, when he re- moved to Jefferson County, Ind. , for the pmpose of educating his children and giving them the ad- vantages of Hanover College. He came to the United States without means, but possessing the sterling characteristics of his ancestors he was very successful in his farming enterprises, and at the time of his death in 1849, at the age of seventy-six years, he was quite a wealthy citizen. He lavished his wealth freely in educating his children, was al- ways a kind and considerate father, and his mem- ory is still respected and revered by them to a wonderful degree. He was a stanch Whig in politics, and was in favor of colonizing the colored race. His wife, Nancy McWilliams by name, was born in Virginia, and removed with her parents to Kentucky when she was a young girl, and in that State she was married to Mr. Simington. She died in Jefferson County, Ind., about two years after the death of her husband, when about sixty-foixr years of age. Both she and her husband were members of the Presbyterian Church, ai)d for many years he was an elder in that church, and was hold- ing that position at the time of his death. Of the seven daughters and live sons born to their union nine lived to maturity, and four are living at the present time: Robert S. , who has been a Presby- terian minister since a young man, and is now lo- cated at San Diego, Cal. ; Martha R. , widow of William Finley, and is now residing in Independ- ence, Mo. ; Myra, widow of Gen. Lucas, also located at Independence, and Col. Thomas S. The latter, owing to his father's liberality, received an ex- cellent education in Hanover College, and when nineteen years of age he went to Boonville, Mo., where he was engaged in teaching school and clerk- ing for several years. After residing in Palestine, 111., for about three years, he moved to Randolph County, Ark. , and has since been actively engaged in farming, the first few years being also spent in wielding the ferule. He is now the owner of some of the best farming lands in the county, and is one of the prosperous citizens. He served as county surveyor prior to the Rebellion, and in 1861 was elected sheriff and collector of the county. The following year he organized a company to serve thirty days in the Confederate army, then enlisted in Company A, and was made first lieutenant. He was soon after elected lieutenant-colonel of the Twenty-fifth Infantry, but after serving two years was discharged on account of disability. He was at the battles of Tupelo and Perry ville, and al- though his loss in money matters was very heavy during the war, he has been very successful in ac- cumulating worldly goods. January 1, 1852, he was united in marriage with Miss Emily B. Russell, a daughter of one of the oldest settlers of Ran- dolph County, Ark., Col. James G. Russell. She was born in the county July 20, 183;i Her union with Mr. Simington was blessed in the birth of eight childien, of whom two died in infancy and six are now living: Williamson T. and Francis L., farmers of the county; Ida J., wife of Benjamin F. Bigger of Pocahontas; Thomas F., a merchant of Eastern Texas; Minnie and Mattie, at home. The family attend the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of which Mr. Simington is a trustee and steward. He is one of the oldest Masons in the county, and although a Whig in politics until 1856, he has since been a Democrat. He has always been a public spirited citizen, and is a patron of education and all worthy enterprises. James Henry Skaggs was born on the 2d of August, 1840, near Danby. Jefferson County, Mo. , and is the son of Henry Skaggs, the grandson of Stephen Skaggs, and the great-grandson of James Skaggs, who was a native of Virginia, a man of great physical strength and activity, and of whom it is said that he settled in Kentucky before Daniel Boone. Stephen Skaggs was also a native of Virginia, his birth occurring about 1764. He died in Kentucky in 1814. His wife's maiden name was Miss Nancy Andrews, who was bom in the year 1766, and died in Kentucky in 1862. Henry Skaggs (father of the subject of this sketch) was born in Green Countv, K v. , on the 6th of June, & RANDOLPH COUNTY. 431 1807, aad came to Jeffersou County, Mo., in 1833, bought a tract of laad of several hundred acres, and this he improved and cultivated. He devoted the remainder of his life to farming and the raising of tine horses. He died on the 9th of September, 1866. His wife, Mrs. Mary (Eagelbarger) Skaggs, vpas born on the 7th of October, 1814, and was a woman of sujierior intelligence and firmness of character. She received her final summons in Jefferson County, Mo., in September, 1866. The maternal grandfather of our subject, John M. Eagelbarger, was a native of Germany, born in 1784, and came to the United States in 1800, landing at Savannah, Ga. He came to Missoiu'i at an early day, and here followed his trade, that of a gunsmith. He died in Jeffersou County, Mo., on the 3d of July, 1829. His wife's maiden name was Unity Carlin, a sister of ex- Governor Carlin of Illinois, and a woman of great courage and determination. James Henry Skaggs (the subject of this sketch), was taught the principles of farming in early life, and in 1861 he joined the Confederate army under the command of Gen. Jeff. Thompson, served about eight months, and was discharged on account of sickness. He then followed school teaching for about six years, two of which were spent in Monroe County, 111., and the remainder in Jefferson and St. Francois Counties, Mo. During the period of teaching he gave his spare time to the study of medicine. Later he en- gaged in dealing in live stock and in merchandis- ing, which he continued two years. In 1870 he came to Clay County, Ark. , and followed farming and buying stock. He selected for his companion in life Miss Eliza James, and was united in mar- riage to her in 1873. They had two children, both of whom died in youth. Mrs. Skaggs died on the 19th of March, 1875. After that Mr. Skaggs accepted a position as collecting agent for Levi Hecht & Bros., at Pocahontas, which he held for over a year. In 1876, on the 17th of December, he was married to Mrs. Serena J. Russell, a native of Louisiana, and whose maiden name was Kil- crease. Mr. Skaggs then turned his attention once more to farming. In 1882 he was elected county surveyor, which office he filled with ability and credit. For the past few years he has been extensively engaged in agricultural pursuits, and also in the timber business, in which he has been very successful. He now owns over 4,000 acres of land and has 800 acres under cultivation. Mr. Skaggs is five feet eleven inches in height, and weighs 250 pounds. In middle life he was very strong and active, and was well trained in Olympic games, as was also his father. Mr. Skaggs after receiving a common-school education was for sev- eral terms under the tutorage of Mr. Robert A. Booth, a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin, Ire- land, with whom our subject, among other things, completed mathematics as far as calculus. He has taken an active part in public affairs, and is alive to the interests of his country, is willing to do his part in forwarding all enterprises for public good, and is an important commercial factor of Ran- dolph County. Will H. Skinner, druggist, Pocahontas, Ark. Holding the leading place among the druggists of the town of Pocahontas is the above-mentioned gentleman. The business he now conducts was established by him in 1886, and he has built it up to its present enviable position by upright and honorable dealing, by understanding the wants of the public and anticipating them; also by keeping nothing but the best and most reliable goods, so that whatever is purchased at "Skinner's" can be implicitly relied upon. This gentleman was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, and is the son of Alfred and Mary (Virtue) Skinner, the father a native of the "Buckeye State," and the mother of Maryland. Alfred Skinner was a manufacturer of and dealer in saddles. He was a gentleman of education, was well versed in law matters, and lie ing a leader in politics was called upon by the peo- ple to fill many offices of trust in the county and township. He and his wife were faithful members of the Presbyterian Church. They reared to ma- turity a family of eight children, all living: Mary C. , a stenographer at Baltimore, Md. : Helen M. , a teacher in Baltimore; Nola, in Washington, Ohio; Fannie, also in Washington, Ohio; Anice P., wife of C. L. Ferguson, of Columbus, Ohio; Will H. , Laura, a teacher in Baltimore, Md. ; Alfred, a harness and saddlery merchant and manufacturer, of Washington, Ohio. The father of these children died May 22, 1889, at the age of sixty-eight years, and the mother died in May, 1871, at the age of forty-eight years. Will H. Skinner was educated in the public schools of AVashington, Ohio, and graduated at the age of eighteen. Immediately afterward he commenced the study of pharmacy, which he continued in his native town until 1885, when he came to Pocahon- tas, Ark., and established himself in the same business. He now has the largest trade of that kind in the county, and in connection with drugs he keeps books, stationery, paints, oils, tobacco, cigars, and in fact everything necessary for a first- class store. Mr. Skinner is a member of the pres- ent city council, and is one of the representative citizens of the county. His paternal grandfather. Judge William Skinner, was a soldier in the Rev- olutionarv War, and was one of the oldest business men of Washington, Ohio, where he established the harness and saddlery business, and was suc- ceeded by his son, Alfred Skinner, who in turn was succeeded by his son, Alfred Skinner, now a prominent manufacturer and trader in that line. The firm of which the younger Alfred Skinner is a member is widely known in that part of the State of Ohio. H. A. Slaughter, M. D., is one of the very foremost among the professional men of the county, and has won an enviable repalation as a practi- tioner of the " healing art. " He possesses ad- vanced ideas and progressive principles regarding his profession, and is gifted with a full share of the sterling characteristics of the native Kentuckian. His birth occurred on the 14th of August, 1839, and he is the tenth of twelvo children, five of whom are living, born to the marriage of French G. and Mary W. (Anthony) Slaughter, who were born in the Blue Grass State and the "Old Do- minion," respectively. The father followed hus- bandry throughout life, and although he had an excellent knowledge of the law, having studied it in his early manhood, he never practiced. He held many different offices in Nelson County, Ky., such as justice of the peace and sheriff, and died in that State in 1871 at the age of seventy-seven years. His wife also died there, she having been an earnest and consistent member of the Presby- terian Church for many years. The paternal grandfather, James Slaughter, was a Virginian, who died in Kentucky. Dr. H. A. Slaughter re- ceived the rudiments of his education in Winslow, Graves County, Ky., and from the time he was eighteen years of age iintil the breaking out of the war he was engaged in farming. He then enlisted in Company L, of the Eighth Kentucky Cavalry. but after serving faithfully for two years he was discharged on account of disability, and after re- turning home located in Kenton's Station, where he spent about three years. He also studied med- icine during this time under Dr. David Yandall, and afterward pursued his studies in the Louisville Medical College. From 1868 to 1870 he resided in Ballard County, Ky., and then took up his abode in Randolph County, Ark., where he has since been actively engaged in the practice of his profession, the large extent of territory over which he travels speaking louder than mere words can do of the estimation in which he is held by the public as a member of the medical fraternity. Politically he supports Democratic principles; he is a Royal Arch Mason, and belongs to the Chris- tian Chiu'ch. John F. Spikes, who is one of the substantial and progressive agriculturists of the county, was born here on the 20th of February. 1836, and is one of a family of seven children who were born to the marriage of Joseph Spikes and Permelia Wad- dell, who were born in Hawkins County, Tenn.. in 1806 and 1805, and died in 1853 and 1864, respect- ively. They were married in their native State, and moved to Arkansas, being among the very first families to settle in what is now Randolph Countj'. Mr. Spikes was engaged in farming and trading, and in every enterprise to which he turned his at- tention he met with good returns. He was sheriff of Randolph County for many years, and was filling the duties of this position at the time of his death. He was a Democrat, and he and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Cliurfh. John F. Spikes received fair educational advan- RANDOLPH COUNTY. 433 tages in his youth, and made his home with his mother until a short time before her death, when i he started out in life for himself. After the war he was left without means, but as he inherited some of his father' s excellent business qualities, coupled with his energy and enterprise, he has succeeded far beyond his expectations, and is now the owner of 840 acres of some of the best land in the county. When barelj' twenty-one years of age he was elected constable, and served in this capacity for eighteen years, then positively declined to serve farther. In 1874 he was elected county sheriff, and at the end of the term, although solicited by many to again become a candidate, he declined to put up his name. Although he is a non-partisan, he has always supported the men and measures of the Democratic party. He is a Mason, and he and his wife, whom he married February 7, 1863, and 1 whose maiden name was Martha E. Mock, are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mrs. Spikes was born in Randolph Coimty in 1840, and is a daughter of Matthias Mock. To their union eight children have been born: Amanda P. (wife of Franklin Tiner, a farmer and teacher of the county), Mary J., James C, Will- iam A., John W., Sulah M. , Thomas F. and Jo- seph A. , all at home. Samuel E. Spikes. Among the families who were early settlers of the State of Arkansas, was that of which the subject of this sketch is a worthy member, although the exact date of their settle- ment is unknown. He himself was born on the farm where he now lives, May 15, 1840, and is one of three surviving members of a family of four children born to William and Mary L. (Masters) Spikes, who were born in Hawkins County. Tenn. , and near Charleston, S. C, in 1784 and 1802, and died in 1855 and 1881, respectively. At the time they located in Randolph County^ Ark., the set- tlers were very scarce, and the nearest neighbor was eight miles away. He cleared a farm on which he resided until his death, and in addition to managing this farm he carried on the cooper's and wheelwright's trades which he had learned in his youth. He was a successful financier, but was rather improvident and spent his money freely, laying up but very little for a rainy day. He was an active worker in the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he had been a member for many years, and in his political views was a Democrat. His wife, whose maiden name was Mary L. Mas- ters, was first married to a Mr. Alexander, and with him moved to Arkansas, where he was after- ward drowned. She then wedded Mr. Spikes, being his third wife, and by him became the mother of the following children; Samuel E., Eliz- abeth C. (widow of George Kerzey), Mary P. (widow of Madison Gallich), and two others de- ceased, one of whom was L. F., who died while serving in the Confederate army. Mr. Spikes' first union resulted in the birth of six children: Joseph W. , who was the third sheriff of Randolph County, and died in New Orleans; Jesse, John William, Martha and Nancy, all of whom died in the same county, except Nancy who died in Texas. Samuel E. Spikes enlisted, in 18(12, in Capt. B. Shores' company. Col. Adams' regiment, and served until the close of the war, being a participant in the battles of Cane Hill and Delhi. After his return home he was married to Miss Mary Frances Stone, a daughter of Rufus Stone. She was born in Tennessee, May (3, 1847, and died in Randolph CoiTnty, Ark., December 24, 1882, having borne a family of eight children, seven now living: Will- iam R. , Samuel E. , Mary C, Martha J., Fannie E., Robert A. and Francis M. A daughter named Eliza A., was born April 9, 1S70, and died No- vember 24, 1887. Our subject started in life without means, but by his own energy and good management he is now one of the wealthy resi- dents of the county. He is a Mason in good stand- ing, and is a Democrat in his political views. After his marriage, his mother made her home with him until her death. Mrs. Alice L. Surridge, widow of Robert Sur- ridge, and a lady of culture and refinement, was born in Jackson County, Tenn., and is the daugh- ter of A. W. W. Brooks, one of the prominent and wealthy farmers of Randolph County, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this volume. Mrs. Surridge came to Arkansas with her parents when a child, was reared on a farm and received her « k^ 484 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. education at Warm' Springs high school. Wlien twenty-one years of age she was united in marriage to Mr. Robert Surridge, a native of Missouri, born May S, 1862. Heaven bles.sed this union with tliree children : Sudie, Lena and Robert Caldwell. Mr. Surridge was engaged in the gi'ocery business at Pocahontas, and was an excellent business man and, above all, thoroughly honest. He continued in this business until his death, which occurred February 28, 1889. It is sad to think of death in connection with the young, and especially so with regard to Mr. Surridge, who, with his wife and lit- tle children around him, was full of business and enterprise until the grim destroyer entered and laid him low. Mrs. Surridge is the owner of 880 acres of land, and also considerable town property. James F. Sutton is a farmer residing near Po- cahontas, Ark., and was born in Tennessee Feb- ruary 18, 1828. He is one of six sons and six daughters born to the marriage of Forester and Mary (McNiece) Sutton, who spent the greater portion of their lives in Marshall County, Tenn. , and there resided until their respective deaths. James F. was the eldest of their children, and re- mained in his native State until 1852, at which time he settled in Southwest Missouri; three years later he came to Randolph County, Ark. , and here has made his home up to the present date, with the excejstion of the time spent in the army. He joined the Confederate forces in 1861, becom- ing a member of Company H, Col. Shaver's regi- ment of infantry, and was a private until the sur- render of Little Rock, Ark. , and was on the In- firmary corps until the battle at Cane Hill He returned to the duties of farm life after the battle of Little Rock, and has pursued the occupation of | husbandry on his 160 acre farm ever since. This land he purchased prior to the war, paying 12J cents per acre, and he now has seventy five acres in an excellent state of cultivation. While he has never held any oflice of public trust, yet he is a man who does all in his power to assist in the im- I provement of his county; is a liberal supporter of worthy movements, and is a strong advocate of flee schools. Politically he is a Republican. His marriage with Miss Anna Noblin occurred in 1849, and by her he became the father of eleven children, five of whom are now living: G. W. , who resides in the county; F. M. ; Mary E., wife of John Kiu- caid; Samuel T. and Benjamin F. His wife and eldest three children are members of the Baptist Church. Prior to the Rebellion he served in the State militia as first lieutenant, and has held the same position since. Richard Sweeza. In giving a history of Ran- dolph County. Ark., the name of Mr. Sweeza deserves honorable mention, for he has always been industrious and enterprising, and has ever aided enterprises which tend to the interests of the county. He was born near where he novp lives, on the Ist of February, 1837, and is one of two sur- viving members (the other survivor being Nancy Jane, the wife of Joseph Thomas, a farmer of the county) of a family of nine children born to Rich- ard and Matilda (Bigger) Sweeza, both of whom were born in Missouri, former's birth occurring in Carter County. They were reared to maturity and married in that State, and after the celebration of their nuptials they resided in Carter County several years, then came to Randolph County, Ark., being among the very first settlers of the county. The country was full of Indians and wild animals at that time, but Mr. Sweeza began to clear a farm, and followed this occupation in con- nection with blacksmithing throughout life, accu- mulating thereby a large amount of property. He died in 1841, when a comparatively young man, his widow afterward becoming the worthy com- panion of Randolph Cook, of Illinois, and her death occurred in that State, in 1855. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sweeza were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and he was of French descent. Richard Sweeza, the immediate subject of this sketch, received his early education at home, and made his home with his stepfather, Mr. Cook, until the opening of the Rebellion, when he enlisted in Company C, of the Eighth Arkansas Infantry, Confederate States Army, and was on active duty east of the Mississippi River until the close of the war. He was in twenty-three regular engagements, among which were the battles of Shiloh, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Perryville, iL£: RANDOLPH COUNTY. 435 Atlanta, Nashville, Missionary Ridge and many others. He was wounded by a musket ball in the upper lip, at Atlanta, and also at Ringgold Gap by a shell .striking the lock of his gun and bursting. At Atlanta he was taken prisoner, but was re-taken by his friends ten minutes later, and in this en- gagement his whole command was captured with the exception of twenty men. He saw some very hard service, and after the war he returned home with the consciousness of having been a brave and faithful soldier. Like his father before him he has always been engaged in farming and black- smithina;: and although he commenced life for him- self with little or no means, he has succeeded well, and now owns 200 acres of excellent land. In 1867 he was united in marriage to Mrs. Louisa Jane (Russell) Bigger, a daughter of Col. James G. Russell, and the widow of Ransom Bigger, who was killed during the war. 8he died in 1870, an earnest member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and three years later Mr. Sweeza wedded Mrs. Sarah A., the widow of Marion Rus- sell. She was born in Lincoln County, Tenn. , De- cember 14, 1834, and both are now members of the iSIethodist Episcopal Church, he being a steward in the same. He is a Democrat politically, and is one of the enterprising men of the county. John S. Tanner, merchant of Kingsville, Ark. , needs no introduction to the people of Randolph County, for his connection with its affairs dates back to 1875. and although his name has never been thrust before the public for purposes of notoriety, he is one of the county's most successful young business men. He was born in Fulton County, Ark., March 1, 1864, and is a son of Will- iam W. and Sarah Ann (Reeves) Tanner, both of whom were born in Obion County, Tenn., the former's birth occurring in 1832, and the latter' s in 1834. They were married in that county, and moved from there to Fulton County, Ark., being among its earliest settlers, but in 1875 came to Randolph County. The father had been familiar with merchandising from earliest boyhood, but a short time prior to his death, which occurred on the 16th of October, 1888. he had retired from the active duties of business life, and left af- fairs to the management of his son. He was also engaged in farming, was a Mason, a Democrat, and while in Tennessee held the office of constable, and after coming to Arkansas was justice of the peace for several years. He served in the Confederate army throughout the war, and was a participant in a number of important engagements. His widow now resides in Kingsville, Ark. , and both were members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Of their nine children our subject is the third, and eight of the family are now living: Mary F. (Blackwell), Nancy W. (Baker), John S. , William S. (who is deputy clerk of Randolph County), Sarali A., Emma J., Ida B. , Arthur A. (who died when in his third year) and Lula. John S. Tanner's early scholastic advantages were received in his na- tive county, and were such as the common schools afforded, but these advantages he improved to the utmost, and he is now acknowledged by all to be one of the bright, energetic and enterprising young men of the county. In later years he tinished his education in the Cumberland University at Leban- on, Tenn., and was one of its most substantial stu- dents. February 3, 1884. he was united in mar- riage to Miss Nora Ann Fuller, a daughter of Albert Fuller. She was born in Grayson County, Ky., and is the mother of two childi-en: Nellie G. and Guy W. Mr. Tanner and wife are in commu- nion with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and as far as his political views are concerned Mr. Tanner has followed in the footsteps of his father, being a stanch Democrat. Samuel W. Thompson, although just in the prime of life, has made his way to the front ranks among the energetic farmers of this county, and owing to the attention he has always paid to each minor detail, he has accumulated a fair share of this world's goods. He is a native-born resident of the county, his birth occun-ing on the 9th of Lecember, 1845, and he is a son of \\'illiam and Mary (McLean) Thompson, who were also well known here. The father was born in Virginia, March 3, 1815, and when a child only seven years of age, he was taken to Knox County, Tenn. . by an uncle, whence, after remaining there a short time,he came to Arkansas, and became interested in farm- V 436 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ing and wagon making, which occupations he fol- lowed for many years. After the war, he farmed exclusively, and was school commissioner for years, also county and probate judge, and was tilling the latter position at the opening of the Rebellion, being appointed to the same position after the cessation of hostilities. He was a well-known and respected citizen, and he and his wife, whose native State Avas Missouri, having been born there in 1816, were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Her death occurred in this county in 1856. He died November 28, 1883. During early times, meetings were held in their house in lieu of a pub- lic bviilding, and for years he was superintendent of the Methodist Sunday-school. He was a life- long Democrat and Mason, and was an active worker for all causes tending to the good of the county. His father, who was born in Ireland, at an early day came to the United States and settled in Virginia, but afterward returned to Ire- land, and was never afterward heard from. The maternal grandfather, William McLean, was a Vir- ginian, who removed to Kentucky, thence to Cape Girardeau County, Mo. , and afterward to Ran- dolph County, Ark. , and in the latter county took up his abode on the farm on which our subject is now residing. To William and Mary Thompson eleven children were born, of whom the following are living: JohnB. , aresidentof Washington Terri- tory; David D., a farmer of Randolph County, Ark., and Samuel W. The latter acquired a fair knowl- edge of the English branches in the common schools of his native county, and remained at home assist- ing his father until 1868, when he enlisted in Capt. Connor's company. Confederate States army. Cav- alry service, and was on active duty until June 5, 1865, when he was discharged at Jacksonport, Ark. He started for himself with no means, but now has 320 acres of some of the best land in the county, and is considered one of its best farmers. He is a Democrat in polititics, and in 1874 was elected county assessor, also to the office of justice of the peace, and filled both positions with much credit to himself for four years. December 20, 1866, he was married to Maria E. Adams, a daugh- ter of William H. Adams. She was born in Bed- ford County, Tenn., April 20, 1849, and is the mother of six children: Beatrice, Hettie E., Will- iam A., Edward, Eugene and Marion E. Willie, Augustus and Luther are deceased. Mr. Thomp- son is a Royal Arch Mason, and belongs to the K. of H. J. P. Throgmorton, M. D., who is numbered among the successful members of the medical fra- ternity in Randolph County, Ark., came originally from Henry County, Tenn. , where he was born January 4, 1836. Richard and Elsie (Barnwell) Throgmorton, his parents, were born in the " Old North State," but were married and resided in Henry County, Tenn., where the father was killed during the Rebellion by guerrillas. He was a farmer and carpenter, and in his political views was an old-line Whig. He served several years as justice of the peace, and he and wife were mem- bers of the Methodist Church. Four of their chil- dren grew to maturity, of whom our subject is the eldest. His early youth was passed in the State of his birth, and there he was favored with a good education, being a student for some time in Bethel College, in Carroll County, Tenn., where he was a faithful and conscientious student. He remained with his parents on the farm until 1859, but that work not being at all stiited to his tastes he began taking medical lectures in the University of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, and there dis- tinguished himself by his faithful application, as well as at school. After leaving that collegre he spent a short time in Illinois; then returned to Tennessee, and after residing there until the spring of 1865 he moved to Williamson County, 111., and there located and p'lrsued the practice of his pro- fession until 1871, when he came to Arkansas and lo- cated on the farm on which he is now residing. The . following year he retiu'ned to the State of Illinois on account of the ill health of his wife, but after her death, which occurred in 1873, in Williamson County, he determined to improve his medical edu- cation, and again entered the University of Penn- sylvania, from which institution he was graduated in 1874. Soon after this he returned to Randolph County, where he has since been engaged in a gen- eral practice, and the success which has attended ^' \ liL RANDOLPH COUNTY. 43-; his efforts in healing the sick is shown by the ex- tended territory over which he practices. He also successfully conducts his home farm, which com- prises a tract of 300 acres, and he also owns an- other farm, in which are 1 20 acres. His farm is finely located and improved, and he has one of the handsomest residences in the county and a fine barn for his stock and grain, all the result of his own work. In lS6-t he was married to Miss Caro- line Davidson, a native of Henry County, Tenn., who died in Illinois as above stated. Two of the three children born to their union are living: Richard, and Rosa Lee, the wife of John Earley, a farmer of the county. Laura died in infancy. March 17, 1870, the Doctor's nuptials with Miss Pollie E. Barnett were consummated. She was born in Williamson County, 111., and died July 1-1, 1873, having borne two children; Hiram L. (at home) and Ann E. (deceased). September 10, 1874, Isabel Lentz, a daughter of Eli Lentz, of Williamson County, 111., became his wife. She was born in that county on the 22d of January, ISoU, and she and the Doctor are the parents of the following family: Frederick E., Clara A., Helen, Viola N. , James G. , Edna, and Clara A. who is deceased. Mrs. Throgmorton is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church; the Doctor is a Mason in good standing, and in his political views is a stanch Republican. He is one of the public- spirited men of the county, and at all times sup- ports worthy enterprises, being especially the friend of education. W. H. Tipton, blacksmith and farmer of Little Black Township, Randolph County, Ark., was born in Boone County, Mo., June 26, 1832, and is one of nine surviving members of a family of ten children born to Samuel and Sarah (Lynch) Tipton, whose native States were Kentucky and Virginia, respectively. The father removed to Missouri about 1828, and was a successful farmer of Boone County for six or seven years, but the most of his attention was given to the trade of blacksmithing. In 1837 he moved to Macon County, and settled in Bloomington, where he worked at l)lacksinithiiig for several years, and then bought a farm on which he settled. From 184(5 until the breaking out of the war he resided in Schuyler County, Mo., but in the first year of the Rebellion he was taken prisoner by the Union army, and since that time no knowledge of him has ever come to the family. He was a member of the Baptist Church, and his marriage occurred in 1827. His widow resides in Iowa, and their children are as follows: W. H. , John T. (in Virginia), Samuel (in Iowa), James (in Nebraska), Harrison (deceased, whose family re- side in Montana), Elizabeth (the deceased wife of Ezariah Padgett, of Texas), Mary F. (wife of H. C. Grimes, a traveling salesman, who resides in Plattsmouth, Mo.) and Sarah (wife of James Van Cleve, a farmer). W. H. Tipton started out to struggle with the world at the age of eighteen years, and although his early education was neg- lected he is accounted one of the intelligent and well-posted men of the county. He first went to California, where he was engaged in mining three years, but returned in 1854 via the Gulf of Mexico, and lauded in New York City. From there he proceeded to Schuyler County, Mo., and began as- sisting his father in the blacksmith shop, continu- ing this until the breaking out of the Rebellion, when he joined the Confederate army under Capt. McCullough, but was on detail the most of the time, being engaged in shoeing horses. After the close of hostilities he went to Illinois with Judge J. H. Richardson of this county, and re mained there until 1866, when he moved to Ran dolph County and settled in Little Black Town- ship, where he went to farming and blacksmithing, and has continued these occupations up to the present time. He owns 240 acres of land, and has given two of his sons eighty acres each, besides much personal property. May 31, 1855. he was married to Miss Harriet E. Wadsworth, of Illinois, and their nine childi'en were as follows: three died in infancy; Mary E., deceased wife of B. J. Norris, of Texas; Claiborne W., who was acci- dentally killed, being fatally crushed by a log while he was working in a saw-mill, his death oc curring January 30, 1888, in his twenty-fourth year; S. C, residing in Pocahontas; Robert E. S., at home; B. S. and Antoinette. Mr. and Mrs. Tipton are members of the Baptist Church, and 438 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. be is a member of tbe A. F. & A. M., bis chil- dren, S. C, B. S. and Antoinette, also being mem- bers of the Baptist Church. He is a Democrat. Robert E. S. Tipton was born in Randolph Coun- ty, Ark., September 26, 1867, and married, No- vember 8, 1888, Miss Amelia A. Smith, whose birth occurred in Marshall County, Ky.. December 11. 1867. John W. Tweedy, farmer, Lima, Ark. To the the person who closely applies himself to any oc- cujiation which he has chosen as his calling in life, there can only come one result — that of success, and a high place in the esteem of those among whom he has made his home. And Mr. Tweedy is no exception to the rule, for it has only been l>y industry and strict attention to agricultural pur- suits that he has attained to the position which he now enjoys. He was born in Virginia Febru- ary 6. 1 838, and passed his youthful days on the farm in Randolph County, whither his parents had moved in 1839. He received a limited education in the pulilic schools of this county, also in the sub- scription schools, and at the age of twenty- one commenced life for himself by engaging in agri- cultural pursuits on his own land in this county. He has since continued in the same business, which has been his life occupation. On the 1st of Au- gust, 1858, his marriage with Miss Cynthia H. Stubblefield, of this county, was consummated. She is the daughter of Coleman Stubblefield, one of the oldest settlers of Randolph County, who came here as early as 1802, and was the third man to settle on Eleven Points; the other two be- ing Phelau Stubblefield (a brother) and William Looney (a cousin), who were there but a short time before him, as all came in the same year from Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Stubblefield reared a family of children, one of whom died young: Abraham, deceased, whose family lives in this county: Nettie, deceased wife OT' Thomas John- son, who is a farmer, and lives in Lawrence Coun- tj'. Ark. ; Absalom, deceased, was a farmer, and resided in this county; Nancy, deceased wife of Thomas Rioe, a farmer, who lives in this coun- ty; Elizabeth, widow of W. Spikes, another resi- dent of this county; Lettie, deceased wife of William White, who is also a resident of this county; Robin, deceased at the age of twenty- seven years; Martha, deceased at the age of twen- ty-two years, and Redmond, deceased at the age of twelve years. Before the war Mr. Stubblefield was a colonel in the State militia: he was a member of the Masonic fraternity, and he and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Stubblefield died in 1849, at about the age of fif- ty-six years, and Mrs. Stubblefield died in 1862, at the age of sixty-one years. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Tweedy were the parents of three children, all deceased: Martha, died at the age of three months; Nettie L., wife of Thomas H. Wells, died at the age of twenty-five years, leaving two children (John D. and Maud G.), and Laura D., who died at the age of three years and three months. Mr. Tweedy served three years in the Confederate army under Gen. Price, and participated in several raids made by that general. He was slightly wounded once by a spent ball, but was only dis abled for a few days. In 1865, June 5th, he sur- rendered at Jacksonport, Ark., and then came home and went immediately to farming. He owned, at the close of the war, 240 acres of land, with about forty acres under cultivation. He is now the owner of 235 acres, with eighty acres under cultivation, but he gave his daughter (Mrs. Wells, now deceased), 600 acres at the time of her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Tweedy are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and have been so for a number of years. She was born in 1828. Mr. Tweedy is a member of the A. F. & A. M. . and in politics affiliates with the Democratic party. His parents, Watson D. and Martha E. (Spikes) Tweedy, were natives, respectively, of Virginia and Tennessee. The father was reared to farm life in his native State, and remained there until about twenty-two years old, when he moved to Tennessee. Here he was married, and afterward he returned to Virginia, where he remained until 1839, when he moved to Randolph County, Ark. There he died in 1873. He had been twice married, first to Miss Martha E. Spikes, and by her became the father of three children, viz. : John W., Joseph (deceased) and R. A., who lives in this county. Mrs. Tweedy 4 RANDOLPH COUNTY. 489 was born in 1817, and died in 1843. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Chnrch. For his second wife Mr. Tweedy took Miss Nauey Ras- berry, of Mississippi, in 1847, and she boi'e him following children: James (deceased) whoso widow lives in Jackson County, Ark. ; Watson died at the age of twenty-one; Jane died at the age of twenty years; Marion died at the age of nineteen years; Lee died at the age of eighteen years; Amanda is the wife of John Coffman, and Mary is the wife of G. W. Morgan, and has one child. Mrs. Tweedy died in 1877. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Watson D. Tweedy had but a limited education, and followed agricultural jiursuits all his life. He became comfortably tixed, and his honesty and liberality in all things won him a host of friends. He was never very active in politics; he was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. James M. Vandergriff. who is a prosperous agricnlturi.st of Eleven Points Township, was born near where he now lives on the Ist of October, 1848, and is a son of RufSn and Jane (Garrett) Vandergriff, who were born in North Carolina, in 1N12 and 1814, respectively. They were both taken by their parents to McCracken County, Ky. , in their vouth. and were there reared and married, coming, in 1844, to Randolph County, Ark., where the father died January 16, 1879. He (the father) learned the blacksmith's trade in his youth, and followed it. in connection with farming, up to the time of his death. His principles were sound, and the people showed their appreciation of his efforts by electing him to the position of justice of the peace for twelve years. He was a life long Demo- crat, and served a short time in the Confederate army. His widow survives him. Jacob Vander- griff. the paternal grandfather, was of German descent, was born in Pennsylvania, and died iu Kentucky. The Garrett family are of Scotch descent. Nine of their ten children are now liv- ing; James M. ; Mary E., wife of A. Y. Mcllroy, of Texas; Jasper P. and Joseph N. , farmers, of Ran- dolph County; Jacob R., a farmer, of Independence County, Ark.; Martha J., wife of Mose Lane, a farmer, of Shannon County, Mo.; Sarah C wife of R. J. Mcllroy, of this county; Je.sse A., of Erath County, Tex., and Emma E., wife of Boyd Ellis, of this county; John W. is deceased. James M. Vandergriff received his education in Randolph County, and since twenty years of age has ))een in business for himself, his attention being given to the blacksmith's trade as well as farming, carpen- tering and cabinet making. His enterprises have met with the desired result, and he now owns a tract of fertile land amounting to 200 acres. He is a Democrat, and during 1884 and 1885 he served as justice of the peace. His marriage was cele- brated on the 9th of February, 1808, his wife being a Miss Elizabeth Bryan, a daughter of F. M. Bryan. She was born in Lincoln County, Tenn. , March 14, 1852, and to their union the following children have been born: Ellar Jacob Milton, Myrtie, James Burley and Ada E. Mr. and Mrs. Vandergriff are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and he is one of the wideawake and pro- gressive farmers of the county. Daniel Wyatt was born in Stewart County, Tenn., July 29, 1830, and is a son of David and Jansey Wyatt (maiden name Nickols), who were natives of the State of Tennessee, the former's birth occurring in 1804, and the latter, in 1806. They both died in Randolph County, Ark., the father November 10, 1857, and the mother July 29, 1858. They were married in Tennessee in 1823, and in 1833 moved to Cape Girardeau County, Mo., and in 1837 to Lawrence County, Ark., com- ing in 1841 to Randolph County. Ark. Both were members of the Bajrtist Chnrch. and he was a member of Randolph Lodge No. 71, A. F. & A. M. , and a Democrat. He worked at the black- smith trade in connection with farming, and was successful iu both enterprises. His father, Daniel Wyatt, was a very early settler of Tennessee, and was a soldier in the IJevolutionary War, and the War of 1812, being a participant in the battle of New Orleans, at which place he died of small- pox on the 11th day of Fel)ruary, 1815. There were born to the marriage of David and Jansey Wyatt ten children, of whom Daniel was the fourth child; three of the family are now living: Evaline, wife of Redding Vandergriff, a physician ^f 440 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. and surgeon, and a farmer of Old Round Rock, Tex. : Daniel, who resides in Randolph County, Ark., and Albert P., who went to California in 1859, and has been mining in the west since then. Daniel received his education in Randolph County, Ark., and worked on his father's farm until twenty-three years of age, when he located on the farm where he now lives, then consisting of eighty acres, to which he has since added 700 acres. November 10, 1852, he was married to Nancy C Burrow, a daughter of Jesse Burrow. She was born in Jackson County, Ala., March 27, 1832, and died in Randoljih County, Ark., on the 30th of September, 1868. She bore five children, three of whom are now living: Leetha C, wife of J. T. Bennett, a farmer of Cooke County, Tex. ; Ella, wife of J. W. Knoy, a farmer of Kaufman County, Tex. , and Marion, a farmer of Randolph County, Ark." November 10, 1868, was the date of Mr. Wyatt's second marriage, it being with Bethany J. rianery, a daughter of John Flanery. She was born in Arkansas on the 30th of September, 1832, was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and died on the 25th of July, 1880, having become the mother of three children: Marvin, John, and Nancy J., who is now the wife of Charles H. Tyler, a farmer of Randolph County, Ark. Mr. Wyatt's third marriage took place September 23, 1880, his wife being a Mrs. Ellen A. Chesser (her maiden name was Ellis), whose birth occurred on December 13, 1842, in Davidson County, Tenn. They have one child: Jethro, born May 5, 1881. Mrs. Wyatt is a mem- ber of the Christian Church, and Mr. Wyatt be- longs to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. In the month of September, 1862, he enlisted in Capt. Wyatt's company (C), in Col. Shaver's regiment of infantry. Confederate States army, and served eighteen months, participating in many skirmishes. In 1876 he was elected to the office of justice of the peace, which position he held for several years, and in 1880 he was elected county and probate judge of Randolph County. Ark. . but did not wish to serve longer than one term. He is a member of Randolph Lodge No. 71, A. F. & A. M., and of the Knights of Honor, belonging also to the Masonic Mutual Relief Asso- ciation of Arkansas. He is a Democrat politically. David R. Weakley, M. D., of Kingsville. has for the past four years been prominently associated with the professional interests of Randolph County, and -is deserving of more than a passing mention in any history of the same. He was born in Dick- son County, Tenn., on the 4th of March, 1847, and was the sixth of eight children, two now living, born to the marriage of David C. Weakley and Isa- bella Gleaves, who were born in Robertson and Dickson Counties, Tenn. , respectively. After their marriage they moved to Dyer County, Tenn. , in 1858, where the father became a successful agri- culturist, and although a heavy loser by the war, he was a well-to-do man at the time of his death, which occurred in 1873, at the age of .sixty four years. His wife's death occurred about 1853, when still a young woman, and he afterward wed- ded Miss Elizabeth Brigham, who is now residing in Dyer County, Tenn. He was a Mason and a Democrat, and he and both his wives were members of the Cumberland Prestiyterian Church. David R. Weakley, after attending the common schools in youth, entered Newbern College, where he received an excellent education, but left his books in 1863 to enlist in the army, becoming a member of Com- pany B, Tenth Tennessee Cavalry, in which he served until the Rebellion was quelled, participat ing in the battles at Guntown, Miss., and Cold- water. Desiring to enter professional life, he en- tered upon the study of medicine under Dr. R. N. Fryer, of Newbern, and applied himself with ener- gy and perseverance to his books, and in 1871-72 attended lectures in the Nashville University, grad- uating in the latter year. He commenced active practice in Dyer County, Tenn., but a short time thereafter came to Arkansas, locating in Greene County, and still later in Clay County, on Blue Cane Island. His next move was to Oak Bluff, and after a residence of four years at this {>oint he set- tled at Knobel Station, on the Iron Mountain Rail- road, remaining until 1885, since which time he has been a resident of Kingsville, where he has estab- lished himself substantially as a prominent member of the medical profession, and it is conceded that RANDOLPH COUNTY. 441 he has proven himself one of the skillful practition- ers of the county. He is a Royal Arcli Mason, and has served as Master of his lodge. Politically his views are in accord with the Democratic party, and in religion lie is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. On the 8th of March, l.S7'2, the Doctor's union with Miss Drusilla Curtis was celebrated. She was a daughter of Clement and Sally Curtis, of Crockett County, Tenu., and is also H member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Marshall Weaver is a representative of a well- known family in this county, his parents, Joseph and Hai'riet E. (Abbott) Weaver, having come here from the State of Kentucky in ISofi. Their native States were Tennessee aiyl North Carolina, re- spectively, in the former of which they were mar- ried about 1835; they made their home there un- til about 1842, and from that time until the year 1856 Mr. Weaver resided in Kentucky. After com- ing to Arkansas, he purchased 3'2() acres of land at 12f cents per acre, and was engaged in im- proving this farm until 1862 or 1863, when he sold out and returned to Kentucky. From there he re- moved to Butler County, Mo., and at the end of two years went back to Kentucky, and there died in 1876, his wife's death having occurred in 1852; both lie buried at Spring Creek Church, in Graves County, Ky. They were the parents of nine children, of whom the following lived to he grown: John N. , who lives in Missouri; Samuel, who re- sides in Alabama: Asher, a resident of Missouri; Marshall, of this county ; Jasper and Joseph, who died after reaching maturity. After the death of his first wife, Mr. Weaver wedded Sarah A. Proffit, of North Carolina, their union taking place in Ken- tucky, and four of their five children lived to be grown: A. J., of Kentucky, Thomas J., Louis G., also of that State, and George W., who died after reaching maturity. This wife died in Kentucky, in 1878, an earnest member of the Christian Church. Marshall Weaver was born February 25, 1845, and began working for himself at the age of fourteen years as a farm hand in the State of Ken- tucky, but removed, in 1862, to Gallatin County, 111. , where he joined the United States Army, two years later, being a memljer of Company C. Six- teenth Kentucky Battalion, which was consolidated with the Twelfth Regiment of Kentucky Cavalry. He served until the final surrender, and took part in a number of battles and skirmishes, being one of the men that followed up Morgan. At Nicholas- ville, Ky. , he was accidentally shot by a comrade, the wound being in the left leg, and spent some time in Camp Nelson hospital; he still suffers severely from his wound at times. After being discharged in August, 1865, he returned to Illi- nois, but only remained a short time, then returned to Kentucky, and commenced farming and black- smithing. He was married in Cairo, 111., in 1866, his wife having been born in Mississippi, December 4, 1850, and to them were born nine children, five of whom are now living: Eddie A., bora August 21, 1870; Asher, born September 15, 1878; James L., born May 15, 1881; Robert, born November 4, 1884, and Clara B., born August 21, 1886. Those deceased are Joseph, Bettie, born April 4, 1874; Samuel and Adir (twins), born December, 25, 1873. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver are members of the Christian Church, and he is a Republican po- litically. He is the owner of a fine farm compris- ing 280 acres, and has about 100 acres under culti- vation, well improved with good buildings. Mrs. Weaver is a daughter of William and Diana (Dobbs) Head, who were the parents of nine chil- dren, six of whom lived to be grown, and four of whom are now living: Talitha, wife of Benjamin Hancock; Bettie, widow of Thomas Hall: Eva, wife R. King, and Mrs. Weaver. Mr. Head served in the Confederate army a short time, and died in 1862, in Mississippi. His widow moved to Illinois, and was married a second time in Cairo. She and Ml'. Head were members of the Missionary Baptist Church. John Wells was born in Washington County, Mo.. January 4, 1821, but has been a resident of Randolph County, Ark., since 1821. His parents, Thomas H. and Barbara (Maybary) Wells, were born in South Carolina and Virginia in 1796 and 17'J8, and died in Randolph County, Ark., in 1869 and 1866, respectively. They were both taken to Davidson County, Tenn., by their parents when young, and there they grew to maturity and ^s r- ^^ 442 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. married, shortly after tho latter event moving to Randolph County, Ark., where they resided until 1820. at that time taking up their abode in Wash- ington County, Mo. After a short residence here they became dissatisfied and returned to Arkansas, where they spent the rest of their days. He served in the War of 1812, under Jackson and Coffee, and was at the battle of Coosa. His youth was spent in learning the tanner's and black- smith's trades, but he afterward gave up these oc- cupations to engage in farming, and in this he was very successful. Politically he was a life-long Democrat. He and wife became the parents of fourteen sons and one daughter. Seven sons were in the Confederate army, serving all through tho war, and retiu'ned home alive and well. John Wells spent his youth in learning the tanner's trade .and attending school, and in connection with farming he was engaged in tanning up to the breaking out of the war. He was in the commis- sary department in 1S63, but afterward joined Capt. Mitchell's regiment, and was in the battles of Iron- ton and Lexington, and in numerous skirmishes. By his I'eadiness to adopt new inventions, and by industry, he has been remarkably successful, and now owns 1,100 acres of fertile land, with about 30(l acres under cultivation. July 13, 1848, he married Harriet Alcorn, who was born on the farm where Mr. Wells now lives, February 5, 1828, a daughter of Isham Alcorn. To them were born nine children: Margaret E. , wife of Shelton White, a farmer of the county; Susan, wife of James McLain, of Floyd County, Tex.; Thomas H., a farmer of this county; Lola M. , wife of Robert Stubbletield, of this county; Mollie J., wife of Rufus C. Dalton, of Oregon County, Mo. ; Maud G. , wife of Frank Ricknian, residing on her father's farm, and James P. Those deceased are Maria J. and ^\ illiam M. Mr. and Mrs. Wells are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and he is a Mason and a Democrat. Thomas H. Wells, though now only thirty-three years of age, has won an excellent reputation as a farmer and stock raiser of Randolph County. He is a native-born resident of this county, his birth occurring in 1856, and here his boyhood days were spent in attending the common schools, and in do- ing farm work. At the age of twenty five years he was married to Miss Nettie Tweedy, also a na five of Randolph County, born in 1S63, and their union was blessed with two children: John D. and Maude G. Mrs. Wells died May 31, 1888. After their marriage they located on the farm on which Mr. Wells is now residing, his land em- bracing over 541 acres; but the most of his atten tion has been devoted to raising a good grade of stock, such as cattle, mules and hogs. He now has on hand 140 head of cattle, some of which are well graded, and his annual profits on his stock, which he fattens and ships, are large. Although a non-partisan iu his political views, he has always voted the Democratic ticket, and supports the men and measures of his party. He is a man posses sing admirable traits of character, and has taken a position of more than ordinary prominence in the material affairs of the county, and the rejjuta tion which Randolph County is securing as one of the richest farming and stock counties of the State is due to such men as our subject. Although his early educational advantages were somewhat limited, he has become one of the most intelligent men of the county, this being in a great measure acquired by reading and contact with the business affairs of life. He is a warm friend of education, and takes an active part in all movements tending to benefit or encourage school facilities hereabouts. Henry White, farmer, Davidson Township, Randolph County, Ark. The subject of this sketch needs no introduction to the people of Randolph County, Ark. , for he is one of the most esteemed and successful agriculturists of the same, and is one whose honesty and uprightness have never been questioned. He is a native of this county, his birth occurring in the year 1841, and is a son of Howell White, a native of North Carolina. The elder White came to Arkansas when a young man, and was here married in 1840 to Miss Elizabeth Stubblofield, a native of this State. He then settled on Dry Creek, Davidson Township, entered land and made himself a home. He remained there until 1846, when he sold his farm with the intention of moving to the Lone Star State, but -71-. was taken sick and died at the home of his broth- er- in law, Joseph Stubhlefield. To his marriage were horn three children, two now living, Henry and Mary, wife of T. J. Mcllroy. Mrs. White died within an hour of her husband, and both are buried in one grave. They were members of the Presbyterian Church, and he was a Democrat in politics. Henry White was reared by his uncle, and received but a meager education in the sub- scription schools of that section. In 1861 he joined the Confederate army. Company K, Eighth Arkansas Infantry, under Capt. Wright, and served four years, ))articipating in the following battles: Hhiloh, Perry ville, Murfreesboro, Siege of Corinth, besides a number of minor engagements. At Murfreesboro, Tenn., he was wounded above the knee in both legs, and also received a severe wound in the shoulder. He was left on the lield two days and nights before being sent to the hospital, and after being placed there he was taken pris- oner. He was sent thence to Nashville, Tenn., and was only kept there one month, when he was removed to Louisville, Ky. Two months later he was sent to Cedar Point, Va., and exchanged. He was not able to do service, so he returned home and remained there until cessation of hostilities, en- gaged in tilling the soil on rented land. In 1867 he took a trip through Kansas, Indian Territory and Texas, and spent a year thus employed. In 1868 he purchased his present property, consisting of 160 acres, at Eleven Points, and has improved eighty-live acres of this. He raises corn, wheat and oats, but no cotton. He makes a business of breeding all kinds of stock, more especially mules. In 1869 Mr. White married Miss Sarah Barnett, who died the year of her marriage, and in 1882 he wedded Miss Mary L. Reynolds, of Randolph County. The result of this union was the birth of three children: Nora B. , born April 13, 1884; Eeler, born December 27, 1886, and William G. , born October 22, 1887. The second Mrs. White was bom November 25, 1864, and is the daugh- ter of J. M. and Minerva (Foster) Reynolds [see sketch of Dennis M. Reynolds]. Mr. White is a self-made man, and is counted among the best farmers of the township. He is a Democrat. John C. Wisner, dealer in real estate, at Reyno, Ark. , has been actively engaged in the business of real estate since 1885. His early education was acquired in the public schools of Cumberland County, 111. At the age of seventeen he left his home to seek his fortune, and came to Randolph County, Ark. ; was engaged in tilling the soil in Cherokee, being on Current and Black Rivers until 1885, at which time he commenced the real estate business and the study of law. He owns 700 acres of land, besides a large amount of live prop- erty, and has acquired his possessions by good business ability and energy. In 1870 he was mar- ried to Miss Sarah Womack, a native of Randolph County, Ark., and their union has been blessed in the birth of five children: Nannie, who is a suc- cessful teacher in the county; James M., John H. , Alcie L. and Sula. Mrs. Wisner is a member of the Christian Church, and he has shown his ap- proval of secret organizations by becoming a mem ber of the Masonic order, having been master of Reyno Lodge No. 417, for the past seven years. The success he has met with has more than real- ized his expectations; he has an extensive acquaint- ance, and enjoys a liberal patronage in his business. His parents, David T. and Rhoda (Dosier) Wis- ner, were born in the District of Columbia and Middle Tennessee, respectively. The father was a prosperous merchant, and while Illinois was still a territory he moved there and settled in what was afterward Cumberland County; in the year 1872 he located in Madison County, Mo., where he en- gaged in merchandising and milling until his death, which occurred the following year, at the age of seventy-two years. He was a man of sterling princijsles, and was a citizen who would be wel- comed in any locality, for he possessed sound judg- ment, was honest to a fault, and was always interested in public affairs; his death was a loss to the community in which he resided, but his good works will always be remembered. His wife died in 1884, and of the five children born to them, three are living: Mathias, who died in Illinois; Mary A., wife of W. H. Welles, who resides in Illinois; James \V., now second comptroller of the United States treasury; O. B. F., who died in his na- ^^ 444 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. tive county, at the age of twenty-four years, and John C. •Judge A. J. Witt, county judge, Pocahontas, Ark. Few men have attained the prominence in Randolph County, in a social as well as a business | point of view, that has Judge Witt, who is courte- ous and pleasant in all his relations to the public. His birth occurred in Weakley, Tenn. , on the 31st of December. 1855, and he remained in his native State until twelve years of age, when he came with his parents to Randolph County, Ark. ^^'hen of a suitable age, he had been placed in private schools, where the opportunities afforded were enjoyed to the best advantage. After finishing his scholastic training, he engaged in the teacher's profession, and this continued for twelve months, when he was appointed deputy sheriff of Randolph County. At the end of eighteen months, he again returned to teaching school, so continuing for nine months, after which he clerked in a store until the fall of 1882, He was then elected sheriff of the county, and served four years. After this he retired from public life, and was engaged in tilling the soil for two years. In ISSS, he was elected county judge, which office he still tills. Previous to this, on the 14th of November, 1887, he was appointed to the office of postmaster at Pocahontas, which position he still holds. For his companion in life, he se- lected Miss Ida M. Kibler, a native of Cross Coun- ty, Ark. , and was married to her on the 3d of May, 1883. She is the daughter of William Kibler, a native of North Carolina. To this union were born two children. Mary Ethel, at home, and Edith Gertrude (deceased). Judge Witt is the owner of 420 acres of land and considerable town property. He has always taken an active part in school work, and in everything pertaining to the good of the county. He is a Royal Arch Mason, and a membe?- of the K. of H. He is the son of Isaac H. and Mary C. (Shelton) Witt, and grandson of Charles Homer Witt, a native of East Tennessee, and a farmer by occupation. Isaac H. Witt was a native of East Tennessee, and his wife of Weakley County, Tenn. The maternal grandfather, Jeremiah Shelton, was a native of the same State, was a tiller of the soil, and was also a minister in the Baptist Church, be- ing one of the pioneer preachers. The Witt fam- ily were among the first settlers of Gibson County, Tenn. The father of Judge Witt is a minister in the Missionary Baptist Church, but he has always carried on farming in connection with his minis- terial duties. He emigrated to Randolph County in 1868, and settled in Warm Springs Township, where he is residing at the present time. He was one of the first Baptist ministers of this county, and is still preaching at the present time. The mother died on the 30th of August, 1888, at the age of fifty -six years. They reared a family of eight children. Judge Witt being the eldest. The remainder are named as follows: Christiana E., wife of P. W. Kidd, of Warm Springs Township; Cora E. , wife of James W. Shaver, of the same township; Caleb E., now living at Portia, Ark., and is a successful M. D. ; Marion J., who died at the age of seventeen years; I. R. , wife of James Williams, of Clay County, Ark, ; Lulu S. , a teacher, residing at home, and William J., at home. C. W. Woolley is quite an extensive cotton grow- er of Current River Township, Ark., and was born in St. Francis County, of the same State, in 1849. He remained in his native county until 1801, then came to Randolph County, and soon after moved to Jackson County where he remained until 1809, after which he again came to Randolph County, making his home here three years, taking up his abode for the following seven years in Boone Coimty. His next change of residence was to the Lone Star State, and from there he returned to St. Francis County, Ark. , a year later. The next year he again moved to Boone County, and the fol - lowing year located permanently in Randolph County, this being in the year 1885. He has an excellent farm, and his land will average one bale of cotton to the acre, this being his principal prod- uct. His views of Arkansas as a stock country are quite enthusiastic, and he is giving that branch of farming a great deal of attention at the present time. Mr. Woolley is not an unreasonable parti- san, but has always been a Democrat in his politi- cal views, and he belongs to the A. F. & A. M. He is a son of J. L. and Serena (Walls) Woolley, the former of whom was born in Alabama, was a -7C. B "V >'-'sviit--?^?'.^Si" C-'^f^,^'" S^Y y^yC^t^^y Osceola, Mississippi County, Arkansas MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 445 farmer by occupation, and died in Boone County. He was a minister of the Primitive Baptist Church, and was a soldier in the Confederate army during the Rebellion. C. W. Woolley, our subject, was married in Boone County, Ark. , to Miss Arkansas Barbeo, who was born in Carroll County, Ark., in 1860. They are rearing an adopted child named Mamie Russell. >-i~* ■">- * t< - 4-+- MississiPPi County— Location, Boundary, Topography, Etc.— The Expedition of De Soto Into Mississippi County — Towns— Settlements by Local Names— Secret Societies— Military Affairs of the County— The Uprising ok the Colored People— Officers of the County— Public Buildings- Population — Local Statistics — County Organization— J. bvies— Schools and Churches — Selected Biographical Sketches. " Culture's hand Has scatter'd verdure o'er the land; And smiles and fragiance rule serene, Where barren wild usurp'd the scene." *HE county of Mississippi, in Northeast Ai'kansas, is bounded north by Dunklin and Pemiscot Counties in Missouri, east by the Mis- sissippi River, which sep- arates it from Dyer, Lau- derdale and Tipton Counties in Tennessee, south by Crittenden, and west by Poin.sett and Craig- head Counties in Arkansas. It has an area of about 865 square miles, including its lake and river beds. It is watered on the east by the Mississippi and tributaries empty- ing therein, on the north central by Pemiscot Bayou, and on the west by Big Lake at the northern extremity of the county; Little River, the out- let of this lake, and by Tyronza Lake and Bayou. Besides these there are many other and smaller lakes. As the county has been subject to over- flow, its soil is composed of alluvial deposits, has great depth and is therefore exceedingly fertile. What is now Mississippi County once formed a part of Arkansas County, then of Phillips and next of Crittenden, and was finally erected into a sepa- rate county by the Territorial legislature Novem ber 1, 1833. Its original boundaries extended as far west as the St. Francis River, and embraced 1,000 square miles. The first county seat, which was located Note. — The above early history of Mississippi County has been furnished b}' the Hon. H. M. McVeigh, of Osceola, from his manuscript history of the early set- tlements of Arkansas, a work on wliicli he has been employing his leisure hours for the last three or four years. During this lime he hase.\ainined and studied the original sources of Arkansas history, and personally in- terviewed all the surviving old settlers with whom he could get an audience, wriiing down their recollections. His work was undertaken solely for the purpose of pre- serving that valuable mat ter which was about to perish through the death of old settlers and loss of records. '^ « ^ \ 44fi HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. opposite the Chickasaw Bluffs, was called Corn- wall. This place was on the site of an old Spanish encampment and has long since disappeared, and Osceola, the present county seat, was adopted soon after. The latter was first incorporated January 12, 1843, and again October 4, 1875. Although this county, from its isolated situa- tion, and from being cut off from direct communi- cation with the rest of the State (the sunk lands of the St. Francis preventing communication with counties immediately adjoining it), may not be as well known as others, it nevertheless has a history, dating as far back as the year 1541. At that time its present territory was inhabited by races of people almost civilized, living in walled towns and cultivating immense fields of Indian corn. Of course the walls of their towns were made of wood, and both have long since disappeared; but there re- main even at this day evidences of the fact that the countiy was once densely inhabited. The enormous mounds, the great amount of Indian relics of all kinds scattered over the surface of the country, such as arrow and spear heads, pottery, etc., and human skeletons, which are continually being plowed up, amply confirm the statements of the historians of De Soto's ill-starred expedition of the density of the population of this country. The advent of De Soto is the real beginning of the history of what is now the State of Arkansas. The march of this leader to the Mississippi River was marked by deeds of unmitigated cruelty and oppression, which can not be read even at this day without a feeling of horror and indignation. After seven days' travel through an uninhabited desert from Alabama, the expedition came in sight of an immense river, which is thus described by the " Gentleman of Elvas," an eye witness and the historian of the expedition. "The river," says he, " was almost half a league broad. If a man stood still on the other side, it could not be discerned whether he was a man or not. The river was of great depth and of strong current; the water was always muddy; there came floating down continually many trees and timber which the force of the water swept rapidly toward its motith." If the reader is acquainted with the lower Mis- sissippi, he will have conclusive proof that these statements are not exaggerated. It stands to the credit of De Soto that he discovered the Missis- sippi, but such was a mere undesigned incident of the main object of his search, namely, wealth, and to this he could not possibly lay any claim. Per- haps no idea was more remote from his thoughts than the credit of having made this discovery. Seeking for gold, he would perhaps have been bet- ter pleased had the stream been a thousand miles out of his line of march, but finding it in his way he halted his command and went into camp where the city of Memphis now stands, and at once began preparations for crossing the river, which was ap- propriately given the name of Rio Grande. The work of building flat-boats was commenced, and for nearly a month his men labored industriously, plying the axe, saw and hammer with as little fear as at the same place in our own day, though around them were the warlike Chickasaws, and on the Arkansas side, in plain view, thousands of men- acing Indians. At last eight scows were finished, furnished with sails and oars, and bearing crosses. Then loading their boats, the adventurers fearlessly launched out into the stream, and bending strongly on their oars, soon approached the shores of Arkansas, the people of which curiously noted the advancing fleet, but contrary to expectation, permitted the flotilla to land and disembark without a tight. Ferdinand de Soto, the first governor of Arkan- sas, and his escort, landed about the latter part of May, 1541. An overwhelming weight of author- ity is to the effect that he immediately ascended the Mississippi. The expedition passed through the province of Aquixo, which embraced a large part of what is now Crittenden County. The Indians had as a rule fled at the approach of De Soto, though a few were killed and some taken prisoners. Three days' journey from Aquixo was the province of Casqui, included within the limits of what is now Mississippi County. Tyronza Bayou was crossed on a bridge hastily constructed. Upon reaching the first town of Casqui many men and women were captured, and the place plundered. There was another town a mile and a half away. The country round about w;is described as high and dry, though bordering near the river. The historian speaks of the walnut trees, mulberry and plum trees, some red, and others of a grayish color, and that the fruit trees seemed to be planted iu orchards. The venturesome tourists traveled two days through this province of Casqui, which was filled with towns. At last they came to a large Indian village, containing more than four hundred dwellings, the name of which is unknown. Here the Spaniards were kindly received by the inhabitants. The Casqui Indians of that day are generally conceded to be the Kaskaskias. afterward known as i Illinois Indians. Mr. Bancroft has placed the village as high as Little Prairie, a short distance above the Arkansas State line. Mr. Milburn, in his lecture on De Soto, locates it in the northeastern corner of Arkansas. The county seat of Pemiscot County, Mo., Caruthersville, is in Little Prairie. Guided by distances on a map it is about eighty miles on an air line from Memphis to Little Prairie; it is really over 100 miles by any traversable land route on the west side of the river. A command of foot soldiers encumbered as that of De Soto's evi- dently was might have a.scended as high as Bar- field's Point, iu Mississippi County, in five days' marching, a distance of about eighty-five miles from Memphis. It is true the country is level, and for- tunately for De Soto unusually dry at the time of his expedition, but the surface is in many places wet and swampy, and everywhere, even to this day, covered with cane and undergrowth except where under cultivation. To avoid the dense cane as much as possible De Soto would have been obliged to do what is still done by the people of this country when traveling up and down the river by land — kee]) as near the banks as possible; and in following this course Barfield might have lieen reached in five days; otherwise numerous nat- ural hindrances might have occurred. It must 1)(> borne in mind that in identifying the places visited by De Soto, in the limits of what is now Mississippi County, it is not possible to pre- tend to mathematical exactness. That the province of Casqui was partly, if not wholly, in Mississippi County, is fixed beyond doubt, and it seems clear that the first large town reached, in May, 1541. was at, or near what is now known as Barfield Point. Here, and in the surrounding country, the relics of bygone ages speak distinctly of a large and prosperous community. Here archaeol- ogy throws its light upon the narrative of the Portuguese eye-witness of De Soto's expedition. Here, within the memory of living men of to- day, once stood immense mounds, encircled by trenches, but which have within the last forty /years caved into the Mississippi River. On the A largest of one of these an old settler by the name of Buford had erected his house, with a garden. For many years hundreds of human skeletons have been lost in the Mississippi at this point, and a short distance south, in building the State levees, human skeletons were constantly being disinterred by the workmen. Within the memory of living inhabitants, this country was high, dry and less alluvial than it is now. The clearing up of the country lying on the tributaries of the Mississippi above, the caving of the banks, and the New Madrid earthquake of 1812 have changed it into an overflowed country. Tra- dition handed down by the early settlers tells that formerly this country was little subject to inun- dation. This is confirmed by the large mounds still existing intact, in the overflowed and unin habited parts of the county. After recruiting themselves two days at this village of Casqui, De Soto's Spaniards proceeded to the chief town of this people and residence of the Cacique, or chief of the province, which ap- pears to have been situated in the same neighbor hood, or, as is believed, near Blythesville in the comitry known as Chickasawba, about fifteen miles west of Barfield, on Pemiscot Bayou. The latter is an arm of the Mississippi — a broad, beautiful sheet of water. This is still a high, dry body of land, now in- habited by about 2, 500 industrious, thrifty people. Near the bayou, and a short distance from Blythes- ville, is an enormous artificial mound. ^ I ^ 9 w. 448 HISTORY OF AEKA^AS. There are uo hills iu the river bottom below Cape Girardeau, and if, as is highly probable, Chick- asawba was the locality where the town of Casqui, chief of the Casquins was situated, it was on the mound just mentioned where De Soto erected his great cross fifty feet in hight. As a circumstance tending to confirm this view, Mr. Joseph Fassit, an old citizen of the county, states that a large wooden beam was taken from that mound a few years before the late war. Remembering that the region now being described was undoubtedly vis- ited by Do Soto; that Bancroft, the most painstak- ing of American historians, locates the site of these towns in about the same region; and that William Henry Milburn fixes them in the northeast corner of Arkansas, one will be better able to judge the facts here stated. The Spaniards were received at this town in a very handsome manner. The Cacique, attended by a large retinue personally, gave them a formal welcome, and then conducted them into the town, where they were provided with good quarters and a supply of food. It was now about the beginning of June, and besides excessive heat the inhabitants had been afflicted by a long drought which threatened to cut off the crops. They were an agricultural peo- ple, just as their successors of to-day, and those living there at this time have annual frights on the subject of droughts at about the same per- iod of the year. The church at Blythesville has often been vocal with prayers and supplications for rain, about the 1st of June. The chief, seeing the kind of men the Spaniards were, concluded that their God must be greater than his, and asked De Soto to petition for rain, that the crops might be saved. The Indians had been continually en- gaged in prayers and incantations, but heaven seemed deaf to their entreaties. De Soto agreeing to their request, the great cross was erected upon a high mound, and the Indians assembled around it in vast numbers, silently and reverently gazinor on the sacred symbol. Spaniards and Indians, to the number of two thousand, gathered and knelt around the cross, and amid the forest the sublime strains of te deum laudamus broke the stillness of that hot, dry day in June, 1541. Though not the kind of services to which the good people of this section are now accustomed, it was Christian worship, and is s-trongly suggestive of Sunday, and the religious exercises peculiar to that day. A knowledge of the locality, the highlands of Chickasawba, and the great mound and the broad sheet of water to the north, brings this scene of Spanish soldiers and hospitable Indians, congregat ed together 348 years ago, like a picture to the mind. Soon they were breaking up and dispersing ; from their religious assembly, Spaniards and In- dians mingling together conversing by signs, Indian maidens and children shyly looking at the splendid specimens of Spanish manhood, in their helmets, breast plates and arms glittering in the sun, as they sauntered in groups through the town. No doubt there could be seen the thoughtful, uneasy looks of the old men and women of the tribe, feel- ing instinctively the far reaching effects that must follow this armed invasion by a superior race from beyond the sea. The Cacique presented two blind men to De Soto, and asked him, nothing doubting, to restore them to sight, from which circumstance can accurately be inferred what the natives actually I thoiight of the bold cavalier, mistaking him doubt- less for something little, if any thing, below a god. De Soto caused another cross to be made and set up in the highest part of the town, and then pro- j ceeded to explain to the savages, the mysteries of the Christian religion. It is stated that a plentiful shower of rain soon blessed the parched fields of : these Indians. From the town of Casqui the Spaniards advanc ed to Paeaha, but a day's march, and the limit of I the journey northward. Here, on June 19, 1541, De Soto and his men found the chief town situated on a lake, with a stream of water flowing through it, and into the Mississippi. "He lodged." says the Portuguese narrator, ' ' in the town where the Cacique used to reside, which was one great, walled, and beset with towers, many loop-holes being in the towers and walls. In the town was a great store of old maize, and quantities of new in the fields, while within a league and a half were great towns all walled. Where the governor was lodged ^A MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 449 was iin extensive lake, that came nearly to the walls, entering into a ditch which went round about the town, and wanting but little to completely environ it. From the lake to the great river was made a weir, by which the fish came into it, and these the Cacique kept for his recreation and sport. With nets that were found in the town all took as they would, and no matter what was taken, no want was perceived. There was also a large supply of fish in many other lakes thereabout. ' ' Let it be remembered that this region of country abounds in lakes, and that, on the map attached to Part II, of the Historical Collections of Louisiana, drawn and printed at an early period during the last century, Big Lake, on the borders of Mississippi County, Ark. , and Dunklin County, Mo., are marked as the extreme northern limit of De Soto's expedition; thus the reader will have some solid reasons to believe that the movements of De Soto in 1541, in this county, have been properly traced. The coimtry in and around Big Lake, or Mich-i-gam-ias, its Indian name, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, still bears upon its surface traces of a wide but now extinct population; and precisely such a ditch as described by the Portuguese narrator can now be traced near the home of Mr. Sam Hector, of Big Lake. There is no doubt that the lake spoken of in the extract just quoted, is other than Big Lake, the ancient Mich- i gam- ias of the early French explor- ers. It would be tedious to give a detailed de- scription of this locality and of the conduct of the Spanish brigands under De Soto during their forty days' stay at this place. After robbing and plundering the unhappy peo- ple of Pacaha, or Big Lake, they proceeded in a southwesterly' course, in search of a land called Colgoa, where gold was reported to be plenty. After the remnants of the ill-starred expe- dition had effected their escape from the limits of the present State of Arkansas, the aborigines were left to their own devices, without making even a passing acquaintance with a single European of whom there is in any account, until in June, 1073, 130 years after the Spanish rule, they were visited ))y a small party of French, led by one of the noblest and most self-sacrificing men that ever blessed by his presence, example and teachings any people — Father James Marcjuette, the first ex- plorer of the Mississippi. The first village visited by Marquette in the limits of the State, was that of the Mich-i-gam ias. This was, it is thought, located at or near Barfield Point. On the autograph map of Father Marquette, on which he delineates the Mississippi as far as he explored it (extending no farther than the village of Arkansa), this village is placed at about the same distance below the mouth of the Ohio, that the Ohio is placed below the mouth of the Mis- souri. In his narrative ho says ho found the Ohio about forty leagues below the mouth of the Mis souri. If the distance by the river was measured he was much mistaken, for it is 194 miles. If by an air line he was about correct, it being some 120 miles, or forty leagues. On an air line from the mouth of the Ohio to Osceola is about 100 miles; by the river, 160. Marquette, it must be recol- lected, did not know but judged the distance from his knowledge and experience in such matters, and of course could not be very exact. The village of Michigamias was about ten leagues above Arkan- sa, which latter was on the east side of the river. In a foot note to Marquette's account of the for- mer place, the writer on the authority of Charle- voix states that the Michigamia dwelt on a lake, not far from the St. Francis River. Big Lake is within fifteen miles of the St. Francis River, and on the ancient French map, already referred to, it is called Lac Michagamias. The same lake is mentioned by Smyth in his tour down the Mis- sissippi, in 1774, as Michagamias lake or river. Marquette on his map marks this village on the west bank of the Mississippi, but shows another settlement immediately back from the river, with the same name, and about eighteen miles west from the village on the river. It is therefore concluded that Big Lake was the main settlement, and that the village on the river was a settlement of the same people. In 1082, when La Salle came down, Arkansa was on the west bank. Marquette does not speak of / » "V <5 Ji^ 450 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. a single river below the Ohio, though if he had passed the St. Francis or White Rivers, or seen or heard of the Arkansas, or had passed the Chicka- saw Bluffs, he would have been almost certain to have mentioned or marked them on his maps. Marquette learned from the Indians that the Mis- sissippi emptied into the Gulf of Mexico; such however was his strict veracity, that he would not extend on his map the line marking the river a mile beyond what he had seen with his own eyes. As with his intelligence and learning he would not have passed a mighty stream like the Arkansas without seeing it, especially if the village of Ar- kansa, as has been assumed, was located at or near its mouth, he could not have traveled the distance between the mouth of the Ohio and that of the Ar- kansas and then made the mistake of putting the Arkansa village the same distance below the Ohio, that he put the Ohio below the Missouri. . Marquette, after preaching the gospel to the Indians in this county, on the 17th of July of the same year, tCZS, bade them an affectionate farewell, and returned to the French settlement in Illinois. The report that he carried off his discoveries resulted in the expedition of La Salle and his faith- ful lieutenant, Henry De Tonti. La Salle, under the orders of Gov. Frontenac, fitted out an expedition consisting of some fifty odd French and Indians, proceeded to explore the Mis- sissippi to its mouth, and to take possession of the entire country in the name of the French king. On the 24th of February, 1682, he with his command threw up a fort and built a cabin, on the first Chickasaw Bluff, the present Fort Pillow, to which he gave the name of Prudhomme, after Peter Prudhomme, one of his men. who, after being lost eleven days while hunting, at length came up in a half starved condition and rejoined his comrades at this fort, where La Salle was awaiting him. Here La Salle erected on the bluff a great cross, and the arms of France, and took possession of the country in the name of his king. This fort was known to the French inhabitants of Louisiana as late as 1825 as Fort Prudhomme. These men must have hunted all over the present area of Mississippi County. During the eighteenth centurj- there is little or no information to give of occurrences in this local ity. In the spring of 1722 the French historian, Charlevoix, passed down the Mississippi, stopped for a while in this country, and visited the Indians. Catholic missionaries and French trappers and traders constantly visited the country from the post on Arkansas River and carried on a lively trade with the Indians. And here and there, there may have been a cabin home in the wilderness, but no permanent settlements of any kind were made. In 1785 the Spanish governor at New Orleans sent an officer and a company of men to New Mad- rid to take command of this section of country, which was included in his military district. The main business of this officer was to rigorously en- force the Spanish revenue laws, in exacting trib- ute from all American boats descending the Missis sippi. * In the country called Canadian Reach, of which Barfield Point is the center, a few French and Spanish traders carried on a lively trade with the Indians from the back country. There is no knowledge of a single clearing for farming pur- poses owned by a white man in this country dur ing the last century. At the time of the cession of Louisiana l)y France to the United States, in 1803, the country between the mouth of the St. Francis and the town of Cape Girardeau was occupied by remnants of the Delawares, Shawnees, Miamis, Cherokees and Chickasaws, in all about 500 families. These Indians often attacked boats descending the river, plundering them and even committing murders f The Indian population of Mississippi County was located about Barfield, ChickasawVia, Big Lake, Little River and Shawnee Village, generally the same places where the white settlements were first made. * Mississippi County was included in the New Mad- rid district until 1709. In that jear New Madrid was at- tached to U]iper Loviisiaiia. now the Slate of Missouri, and Mississippi County fell to the jurisdiction of the Spanish commaudant. Don Carlos de Villemont. at Arlian- sas Post, then a town of about l-")0 inhabitants, and pro- tected by a garrison of Spanish soldiers. The inhahi- tants were French-C'anadians. — II. M. McVeigh. f Martin's History of Louisiana. ~5i> ')» T MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. +51 The first two white settlors in this county, of whom there is any knowledge, were a man named Carsons and William Kelhims; they were hunters, and lived and hunted peaceably with the Indians. Carsons' Lake Township and Kellums' Ridge took their names from these men, who were here as early as 1812, at which time the country was vis- ited by the great earthquakes, generally known as the Now Madrid earthquakes. An Arkansas journal published soon after this event gives the following account of how the In- dians sought to avert the danger of the shocks by reviving an almost obsolete religious rite among the aborigines, in imploring the Great Spirit to avert his wrath. These Indians lived in the coun- try now known as Mi8sissij)pi County. "After a general hunt had taken place to kill deer enough for the undertaking, a small hut was built to represent a temple or place for offering sacrifice. The ceremony was introduced by a pre- paratory cleansing of the body and face. After neatly skinning their deer, thej' suspended them by the fore feet so that the head might be directed toward the heavens before the temple, as an offer- ing to the Great Spirit. In this attitude they re- mained for three days, which interval was devoted to such penance as consisted in absolute fasting, at night lying on the back on fresh deer skins, turning their thoughts exclusively upon the happy prospect of immediate protection that they might conceive dreams to that effect — the only medium of intercourse between them and the Great Spirit — and lastly, gravely and with much apparent piety, imploring the attention of the Great Spirit to their helpless and distressed condition, acknowl- edging their absolute dependence on him, entreat- ing his regard for their wives aad children, declar- ing the fatal consequences that must ensue by withholding his notice, namely, the loss of their wives and children, and their total disability to master their game, arising from their constant dread of his anger: concluded in the full assurance of asserting that their prayers were heard. Their object was accomplished by a cessation of terrors, and game becoming again ])lentiful and easily overcome. On the lapse of three days thus dedi- cated, believing themselves forgiven for every un- ! warrantable act of which they were sensible, and that the offering was accepted, they finally began with a mutual relation of their respective dreams, and the scene is changed to joy and congratulation. by proceeding ravenously to devour a sacrificed deer to allay their fast." Chickasawba, Shawnee Village and Tyronza Bayou are localities bearing Indian names. As early as 1828 the principal white men living in I in this county were the three Brackens, father and ! two sons; John Troy, county judge from 1836 to 1838, and for whom Troy Township is named; Thomas J. Mills, the first representative after the county was formed in 1833; Edwin Jones, the first county judge; J. W. Whitworth, its first clerk; E. F. Loyd, first sheriff; S. McLung, coroner, and G. C. Barfield, its first county surveyor, after whom Barfield Point takes its name (Mr. Bar- field was a member of the Territorial council from j Crittenden, when Mississippi formed a part of Crittenden County, in 1827); John C. Bowen, who was sheriff from 1836 to 1848; James Williams, or "Cedar Jim," as he was called, on account of his physical endurance; Elijah Buford, from whom Buford's Lake takes its name, and Peter G. Reeves, a once noted hunter These were here before 1828, and with the exception of Carsons and Kellums were the earliest white people in this county of whom there is now any account. Judge Charles Bowen, who resided in that locality at that time, still survives, a hale, hearty, vigorous old man. full of years and of honors, having been sheriff of the county for sixteen years, a brave officer in the late war, a member of the constitutional conven tion of 1874, and county judge in 1877-78. After hunting and trapping, the principal oc- cupation of the early pioneers was chopping and selling cord-wood to the steamboats. The advent of the little stern- wheel steamboat, "Orleans," in the winter of 1812, sailing from Pittsburg to New Orleans, was the herald of the Anglo Saxon popu lation to Arkansas. The boat created a demand for cord-wood, which was supplied by the first settlers. They were hardy, industrious, honest men. and soon had their cabins on the river, sur- L^ 452 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. rounded by little clearings that gradually ex- panded into plantations. Joseph Hearn, who came to this county in 1834, says that from the lower end of this county to Mill Bayou there were not more than half a dozen clearings, all on the river. He knew of no one living in what are now the back settlements. A man named Hudgens lived where Osceola now stands, and a little above him on the river was Thomas J. Mills, the first representative. A Mr. Penny settled on what was afterward Col. Elliot H. Fletcher's plantation, now Fletcher's Landing, on Mill Bayou. Col. William L. Ward, representative in 1844- 45, was living in Canadian Reach, and had been there for many years. Mr. Riley Hearn, brother of Joseph, speaks of the Indians who lived on Big Lake; he remembers Big Knife, Keshottee and Corn Meal. There were some fifteen or twenty livincr on Big Lake in his recollection. The Indians in later years remained on Big Lake, Chickasawba and Little River. These set- tlements are still the frontiers of the wild hunting grounds of the sunk lands of the St. Francis. As late as 1861 Indians of different tribes con- tinued to linger in and around Chickasawba settle- ment, which takes its name from Chickasawba, an old Indian chief, well lemembered by the pioneers of this county, and especially by the venerable Judge Charles Bowen, who has seen him carry- ing wild honey in a skin flung across his back, tramping to Barfield to sell it. Judge Bowen says there were about forty Indian families living in the neighborhood of Chickasawba as late as 1830. The.se Indians would occasionally cultivate a little corn and a few vegetables, but depended mainly on fishing, hunting and trapping for a living. The Judge is authority for the statement that the great mound at Barfield has caved into the river in the past forty-five years. Here he has seen the un- mistakable remains of an ancient fort. The land in this vicinity and below for four or five miles was open, free from cane, and known as prairie. On a tree about si.x miles from Barfield he remem- bers seeing a hand carved in the wood, well exe- cuted, and pointing directly the way to Barfield; it was supposed to be an Indian device indicating the way to the Indian village at the mound and fort. In 1815 the famous Lorenzo Dow passed by this country on a government boat. He claimed that this country was inhabited by Indians, and white people degenerated to their level. Mr. Sam Hector, a truthful, upright citizen of Big Lake, who is proud of his Indian blood, lived in 1833 at an Indian village called Chil-i-ta-caw. the site of Kennett, Dunklin County, Mo., not far from Big Lake. When he settled on this lake in 1837 the Indians occupied the country, chief among whom were Corn Meal, John East, Moonshine, John Big Knife and Chuck-alee. The latter killed an Indian named Keshottee on an island in Little River, still known as Keshottee' s Island. He thinks the Indians gave the name to the Bayou now called Tyronza. Corn Meal told Mr. Hector there had been an Indian town on his (Mr. Hector's) place, and several along the banks of Little River. Where these villages were said to have been located he has often seen apple and peach trees growing in the woods. About the year 1830, an Indian named Little George killed a Mrs. Burns near Jackson, Mo. The Indian was supposed to have been hired by some one inter- ested in an estate, of which the lady was an heir. He came to her house and asked for provisions, re- ceiving the best she had, and when she turned from him, he thrust a large knife to her heart, causing instant death. The assailant immediately fled. The whites proclaimed that they would extermi- nate the entire Indian population if, within a cer- tain number of days. Little George was not pro- duced, dead or alive. The Indians knew the whites were in earnest; they made diligent search, and at last came up with him near the foot of Buffalo Is- land in Mississippi County. As he was attempt- ing to escape, Corn Meal and Keshottee. fired upon him, and he fell; and then before he was dead, they cut off his head, and one of them, on a fleet horse, boro it night and day to the whites at Jack- son, and flung it down in their midst. Thus, the threatened extermination was prevented. * In and around Mr. Hector's place on Big Lake *Mr. McVei{?h's narrative ends here. 'C s ih^ MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 453 pieces of pottery and brick ware are often plowed up. The same material is found all along the banks of Little River, and there are everywhere through this part of Mississippi County relics of a once dense population, which no doubt was that now known as Mound Builders. There are no towns in Mississippi County that can properly be so-called except O.sceola, the coun- ty seat, and this pleasantly situated village, with a population at the present time of nearly 1,()0(), is located on the Mississippi River, al)out midway between the northern and southern limits of the county. It was one of the earliest settlements in this territory, but e.\isted for many years as a small collection of huts on the river bank. About 1840 J. W. DeWitt was postmaster, when he kept the affairs of his office and the mails in a cracker box, each patron helping himself. Mr. DeWitt was also the first school teacher in this county, hav- ing his school at a point near the northern limits of Osceola. The first municipal election in the jjlace was held November 20, 1875, and resulted in the choice of the following officers: Leon Roussan, mayor; John O. Blackwood, recorder; Alex. Goodrich, Berry Henwood, B. F. Jones, Daniel Matthews, F. M. Petty, aldermen. On November 24 the council appointed W. M. Speed, marshal: J. W. Clapp, treasurer. At the date of incorporation of Osceola it con- tained a population of aliout 250 people and some half dozen business houses. The business inter- ests at present are represented by the following firms and business men: Physicians — H. C. Dun- avant, R. C. Prewitt, W. D. Jones, J. E. Felts; lawyers -H. M. McVeigh, Hugh McVeigh, G. \V. Thomason, S. S. Semmes; general stores — James Liston, N. L. Avery & Co.. J. K. P. Hale, L. A. Morris. A. Goodrich. G. R. Brickey & Bro. , Simon & Co.; druggists —Charles H. Gay- lord, Ben H. Bacchus; saddlery and harness — N. G. Cartwright; liverj'men — Borum & Bro., T. N. Tucker; blacksmith and wagon-maker — Mack Mur- ry; saloons -C. O. Faber, B. F. Butler, Buck Hall, James Perry; jeweler — Charles Jewell; pub- lisher—Leon Roussan, proprietor of the Osceola Times; shoemaker — Ilobei't Geotz; hotel — Plant- ers' House, Mrs. Summers, proprietress. Osceola is in the midst of one of the finest farming regions in the State; broad and fertile acres stretching north, south and west, with over 10,000 acres under a high state of cultivation. The productiveness of these lands is noted, and the farms are well supplied with improvements. Society is of a higher order than is usually found in a town of this size, and many of its citizens are college graduates. Under these favorable condi- tions the county seat of Mississippi may well be pointed to with pride, as here are centered refine- ment, culture, education and taste. Its thrifty Inisiness men, taking advantage of its commercial opportunities, have built up a large and constantly growing trade, so that it now ranks second in commercial importance among the towns on the Mississippi River between Cairo and Mem- phis. New stores and dwellings are constantly being erected, and with good or even fair crops the pres- ent promised prosperity will more than be secured. Osceola has a good school, four church organ- izations, and several secret societies. Blythesville, a village of about 200 population, is situated in Chickasawba Township, and in the center of what is known as Chickasawba settle ment. The first postoffice was established in 1870 with H. T. Blythe as po.stmaster. The business interests are represented at the present time by the following firms and business men: General stores — L. W. Gosnell & Co., N. L. Avery & Co., H. C. Davis & Bro. ; groceries and provisions — J. M. E. Si.sk; Z. T. Williams & Co., W. P. Adkins; di-ug stores— Dr. J. T. Jones, W. H. Oglesby: physi- cians— J. T. Jones, W. H. Oglesby, E. D. Rhea, J. N. Mize; blacksmiths — A. J. Bishop, B. V. Flemens; carpenters — R. N. Ornaby & Co., Eison & Co. ; cotton gin, saw and grist mill — H. T. Blythe; postmaster — H. T. Blythe; justices J. H. Scruggs, A. J. Moody. Since the organization of Blythesville, in 1878, it has been rapidly advancing and is now the sec- ond largest village in Mississippi County. It is surrounded by a beautiful country, fertile and pro- *$J la v_ 454 HISTOKY OF ARKANSAS. ductive, with about 4,500 acres under cultivation; some 1,800 acres in this community are never overflowed in any ordinary flood. The woods are tilled with valuable timber, and only await mills and transportation to become the source of great wealth. The open land in this section is under a high state of cultivation, while thousands of acres still in the timber, now available to settlers, are unsurpassed in the State. The people of the township are intelligent and enterprising, and will extend a cordial welcome to settlers from any part of the United States, pos- sessing similar traits of character. In the settlement known as Cooktown is one of the largest Indian mounds in this county ; it has long been known that in this vicinity was an im- mense Indian population in former times, and in- deed, Indians have been located here within the memory of living men. Many curiosities and relics have been unearthed, and as the mound stands in the center of cultivated fields, it is easily accessible to visitors, to whom it is always an object of inter- est and wonder. Hickman Bend, a section of river front extend- ing from about three miles above Barfield to the northern border of Mississippi County, is one of the most desirable sections hereabouts. There are about 1,300 acres of land under cultivation, and the bend is being rapidly opened and im- proved. The shipping point at Brolaski has a store and postoiiice, which give the people a con- venient outlet. Too much can hardly be said in praise of this magnificent country, as its product- iveness is proverbial, a bale of cotton to the acre being a small average yield. Settlement is great- ly desired, one planter stating that he would gladly welcome fifty families, and provide good accommo- dations for them all. This bend and the townshij) in which it is located take their names fi'om Dr. Hickman, an old pioneer who settled at an early day, and who is still remembered for his ster- ling qualities, his tender-hearted kindness and gen- erosity. Barfield, the most extensive business point in the northern part of Mississippi County, is located in Canadian Township, on the river front. It is ' surrounded by a fertile country, with some 1,200 acres under cultivation. It has two stores, and landings, and in the vicinity there are three saw- mills. The lumber business of this county is in its infancy, but the success and prosperity of these mills assure the development of great wealth from surrounding valuable timber in the near future. The mail for these river points is carried by boats, and Barfield has a mail daily. Elmot is a postoffice five miles above Osceola, in Fletcher Township. It is the outlet for an ex- cellent country, which is being rapidly improved and settled. The Government has been making extensive improvement along the river fi'om and in the channel below, and this has given Elmot a rapid rise. The open land in this section is a con- tinuation of the Osceola settlement, extending along the river in unbroken fields of the choicest land for nearly ten miles. Within a short distance on the river front are three stores and several landinsfs, which have local names. Ed. Williams, proprietor of a general store, is also postmaster of Elmot. Nodena, a postoffice kept by Maj. Ferguson, is situated twelve miles below Osceola, on the river front. It consists of the plantations of Maj. Fer- guson and Col. Craighead, which places rank among the finest in the county, having about 2,0U0 acres under a high state of cultivation. Golden Lake, which also includes Idaho Land- ing, is located eight miles above the county line. Here the postoffice is kept by J. W. Rhodes. Mr. Rhodes established this landing in 1883, the orig- inal landing, Crowell, on which he had resided since the year 1878, having been washed away. This place is the outlet of the Frenchman's Bayou settlement; fi'om that source it derives a large trade. At both landings there are about 500 acres under cultivation, the places containing three general stores, three cotton gins and one saw-mill. From this point there is a tramway to a saw mill, five miles inland, owned by R. E. Lee Wilson, which ships large quantities of lumber annually. Pecan Point, situated in the extreme south- eastern part of Mississippi County, on the river front, embraces a rich and fertile tract of land, MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 455 vvitli iibnut 2,000 acres uuder cultivation. It oc- cupies a commanding position on a point, and is one of the most beautiful places on the river front. It WHS originally settled and brought under a state of cultivation by Felix Grundy, Jacob Mc- Gavock and J. M. Bass, all of Nashville, Tenn. The business and postotfice are conducted at the present time by K. W. Friend, who has been located here a long time. He enjoys a lucrative trade, and owns a large proportion of the culti- vated land. Frenchman's Bayou, in the southern part of the county, about twenty-tive miles southwest of Osceola, is a most attractive stretch of country, ex- tending for about six miles, and embracing an area of 3,500 acres, under a high state of cultivation. This locality is noted for its general condition of improvement, many of its buildings being in ad- vance of other sections of the county. The laud has long been noted for its fertility, and the annual crops here show in an indisputable manner the wonderful growing qualities of the soil. The people are courteous, cultivated and enterprising, welcoming all industries that promise to contribute to the general good. The neighboring wood-lands are tilled with valuable timber, only awaiting trans- portation and the saw-mill to become sources of wealth. Along the bayou there are live general stores, conducted by T. B. Jones, W. H. Pullen (also postmaster). Ward & Jones, F. Musick, Adams & Co., and one drug store, by Dr. J. C. Joyner. A school, church, a Masonic lodge (Frenchman's Bayou No. 157), and McGavock Lodge No. 2,754, Knights of Honor, are also here. Secret societies seem to occupy public attention quite as well in Mississippi County as elsewhere in the State. The following lodges are among the representatives of numcu-ous fraternities and orders : Kallorama Lodge No. 990, Knights and Ladies of Honor, of Osceola, was organized January 29, 1885, with the following charter members; S. S. Semmes, Mrs. F. M. Semmos, Mrs. O. J. Hale, H. L. Kline, Mrs. I. H. Kline, A. J. Nolty, Mrs. Amelia Nolty, D. A. Richardson. Mrs. M. E. Richardson, Mrs. L. A. Wynne, Mrs. J. A. Wood, P. B. Sexton, G. F. Stowell, Mrs. M. A. Stowell, Robert Dona, W. B. Haskins, G. A. Bolick, J. O. Blackwood, T. N. Tucker, Mrs. T. F. Tucker, C. H. Gaylord, B. O. Harrison, Mrs. Eloize Harrison, Mis. S. B. Blackwood, G. L. Gould, E. M. Ayers, Mrs. S. F. McVeigh, W. D. Jones, Mrs. Lizzie Conley. This association is a mutual beneficial in- surance company, and its object is to promote social intercourse among its members. The present mem- bership is thirty-two, with the following officers: S. S. Semmes, P. P. ; Mrs. F. M Semmes, P. ; Mrs. M. G. Morris, V. P. ; Mrs Lizzie Clure, C. ; C. H. Gaylord, S. and F. S. ; N. L. Avery, Treas. ; Mrs. L. A. Wynne, guard.; Mrs. M. F. Avery, guide; Mrs. S. B. Price, sentinel; Mrs. O. J. Hale, S. S. Semmes, N. L. Avery, trustees; H. C. Duna- vant, medical examiner. Monroe Lodge No. 2,167, Knights of Honor, of Osceola, was organized April 6, ISSO, with the following charter members : J. O. Blackwood, John Mathews, John B. Driver, D. H. Lawrence, T. C. Edrington, W. M. Dunkin, J. W. Pennell, W. J. Bowen, H. C. Dunavaut, C. H. Gaylord, G. R. Brickey, John Waller, T. A. Blackwood, J. L. Edrington, W. S. Hayes, F. B. Hale, A. Good- rich, W. F. Williams, G. F. Stowell, F. M.Tucker, Ed. H. Mathes. The object of this association is the same as that of the Knights and Ladies of Honor. It has a pres- ent membership of twenty-seven, and is presided over by the following officers: A. Goodrich, D. ; S. S. Semmes, V. D. ; W. P. Hale, A. D. ; R. Gootz, C. ; C. H. Gaylord, R. and F. R. ; G. R. Brickey, treasurer; D. Lawrence, guide; B. F. Buller, guar- dian; H. C. Duuavant, medical examiner; A. Good- rich, S. S. Semmes, G. R. Brickey, trustees. Samaritan Lodge No. 18, A. O. U. \V., Grand Lodge of Texas, was organized in December, 1884, with a charter membership of twenty-live. It is still in working order, with a membership of ten, C. O. Faber being M. W. ; S. S. Semmes, R. and F. Osceola Lodge No. 27, A. F. & A. M.. was organized November 6, 1867, with the following charter members: William A. Ferring, \V. M. ; R. G. Hardin, S. W. ; B. F. Bennett. J. W. ; V 456 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. B. Harris. Treas. ; E. \V. Rowlett, Sec; J. ¥. Davies. S. D. ; T. C. Morris, J. D. : J. R. Acree, tyler. Members; J. G. Lay ton, W. S. Sugg, J. B. Kelley, J. W. Ozell, J. C. Clark, W. J. Kent, M. F. Warren, J. M. Able. James Stewart. This lodge, which has always been one of the most flourishing in the State, has a large mem l)ership, now numbering eighty, presided over at the present time by the following officers; Ben- jamin H. Bacchus, W. M. ; \V. F. Williams, S. W. ; F. B. Hale, J. AV. ; R. M. Fletcher, Sec. ; J. K. P. Hale, Treas.; Elliot Williams, S. D. ; S. C. Edriugton, J. D. ; John Barney, tyler. The lodge is noted for its acts of charity, and the V)rillianc}- of its members in Masonic knowl- edge. From this two other lodges have originated. No. 134 at Chickasawba. and at Frenchman's Bayou. Osceola Royal Arch Chapter No. 57 was or- ganized March 1, 1871, with the following charter members; George A. Dannel}', B. A. Williamson. F. C. Morris. A. K. Nash, W. A. Ferring, J. F. Davies, J. S. Mahau, C. C. Morris, George Faf- ford. The Chapter enjoys a membership of nineteen at the present time, is in good working order, and is presided over by the following officers; J. K. P. Hale. H. P.; J. E. Felts, P.; C. Bowen, S. : C. H. Gaylord, Sec. ; W. P. Hale, Treas. The Ladies' Aid Society of Osceola was organ ized for benevolent jjurposes, February 20, 1882. with twenty-six active members, and a large hon- orary membership. The first year of its existence its labors were directed wholly to church work, proving quite successful. This society, in Janu- ary, 1883, was incorporated by the circuit court of Mississippi County, and immediately purchased a lot and entered into contract witli Capt. E. M. Ayers, to erect a building 40x60, to cost $1,200, In October, 1883, the hall was formally opened, and from that time on. the entertainments given under the auspices of the society have been promi- nent features of the social life of the community. It is claimed that this was the first corporate body of women in the State of Arkansas. The Ladies" Aid Society is not denominational, the following churches being represented in its membership; Episcopal, Methodist, Catholic and Christian; neither is it a "charity" organization, though ever eager to spend and be spent in the service of suffering humanity, whenever occasion lequires. The society has passed successfully into its eighth year, with Miss F. H. Fletcher, president: Mrs. Clara A. Ronssan. vice-president: Mrs. R. C. Prewitt. treasurer, and Mrs. Leon Roussan, sec- retary: and with unabated zeal, will, no doubt, continue to do much to dispel the social and mental stagnation consequent upon a long res- idence in a small and isolated community. Chickasawba Lodge No. 134. A. F. & A. M., of Blythesville, was organized October 12, 1875, with the following charter members; Samuel Thompson, A. J. Bishop, T. H. Robinson, Noah Sawyer, John Long, R. D. Almond, Martin Nor- man, J. F. Ruddle, T. P. Davis, W. W. Mann, R. D. Carr, R. G. Hardin, H. T. Blythe. This lodge is in good working order, has been constantly growing in strength, and now has a membership of over forty. It is presided over at the present time by the following officers: J. A. Scrnggs, W. M. : l.eginald Archillion, S. W. ; W. R. Simpson. J. W. : B. J. Rook, S. D. ; T. E. Hendricks. J . D. : A. Harris, Treas. ; Rollo Arch- illion, Sec; J. D. Rutledge, Chaplain; J. W. Conley and George W. Miller, stewards; W. W. Morris, tyler. At the commencement of the Civil War the people of Mississippi County, though loyal and patriotic, finally decided to go with the State, and were a unit in favor of the cause of secession. The war spirit ran high, affecting rich and poor alike. If there was any Union sentiment in the county (and there was at first), it soon succumbed to the influences in favor of a separate Coufod eracy. Three companies of nearly 100 men each were immediati'ly organized, being commanded by Col. Charles Bowen. Capt. Elliott H. Fletcher, and Capt. Robert Hardin, and were at once placed in active service. Only a few of the men form ing those companies were alive at the end of the -re >?-, MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 4.")? war. Of Capt. Fletchei's compauy, some twelve or fourteen are now living, mostly around Chicka- sawba, and all are men of character and well to-do citizens. One of these, Hon. James F. Ruddle, was representative of the county in the legislature of 1875. Capt. Elliot H. Fletcher and his brother, Thomas, a youth of sixteen years, were killed iu the battle of Shiloh. The first lieutenant of this company, William H. Ferring, was badly wounded in the same Viattle. He survived the war, and was elected county clerk iu 1S()(5-6S. After the battle of Shiloh, Capt. Boweu re- turned to Mississippi County to recruit a new com- pany, but as the Federals had taken possession of the river he found it impossible to cross his men, and from that time on, wrought good service at home clearing the county of lawless bands of rob- bers. There were no regular battles fought iu this county, though it suffered greatly from predatory raids by Federal cavalry from Missouri and Kan- sas. Business of every interest was suspended, and people lived in constant apprehension of being raided, captured and killed. In 1864 Col. Burris, in command of a regi- ment of Kansas cavalry (Federal), made a dash through this country, taking several prisoners, among whom were Capt. Charles Bowen and Col. Elliot Fletcher. This company was pursued Ijy Capt. McVeigh, in command of some seventy men, but they escaped to Missouri and no engagement was fought. This and similar marauding expeditions formed the principal war history of Mississippi County. The Federal troops stationed at Fort Pillow often came into Mississi])pi County, and, on one occasion, supplied themselves with material for building V)arracks at the fort, l>y taking away tlie houses of Osceola. With the general surrender of the Confederate troops, the soldiers returned from the war, and in a short while had resumed the habits of peaceable citizens; but it was a long time l)efore they could shake off the habits of soldiers. It was not un- usual for tlu>m to go with pistols Ijuckled on, often to cliurch. and it was not until the law against carrying pistols began to be rigorously enforced, that the old soldiers found out the true moaning of the terms of the surrender. In 1808 Mississippi (bounty was under martial law, and a regiment of State militia was quartered upon the people. Upon the withdrawal of the militia, the people again returned to their indus- tries — though large numbers of the best citizens had fled from the county— and again the prospects of the county began to brighten, only to be again disturbed and disorganized by an insurrection of the blacks in 1872. A rising of the negroes in that year was called the Blackhawk War, and was an event of consid- erable importance in the history of Mississippi County. The colored people formed into secret societies throughout the county and often marched in armed bands to Osceola and other points, making speeches and causing a great deal of excitement, but there was no collision between them and the whites until fall, when, during a term of court in the county, the negroes, forming quite a formid- able band, were attacked by the whites, under Capt. Charles Bowen, and immediately dispersed. Prior to this Judge Charles Fitzpatrick, who had been appointed l)y Gov. Clayton as president of the board of registration of Mississippi County, in an altercation with Sheriff Murray, killed the latter in the streets of Osceola. This caused public sentiment to ran high, but Judge Fitzjiatrick immediately gave himself up, was bound over to appear at the next term of court, and then released. After the engagement between the whites and blacks Judge Fitzpatrick escaped. There were a good many negroes killed, how many was never known, and a number escaped to adjoining counties. The first representative of Mississippi County after the admission of Arkansas into the Union, in 1830, was P. H. Swain, from whom Swain Town ship received its nan)e. Crittenden and Mississippi Counties were rep resented in the State senate by W. D. Ferguson in 188fj-37-;58, and in the session of 1840 he was still in the senate, P. H. Swain being representa- @ t^ 458 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. tive of this county. In 1842-43 A. G. Greer was the senator and W. M. Finley the representative. In 1844-45 Peter G. Reeves, previously mentioned as a noted hunter, rejaresented Mississippi and Crittenden in the State senate, and Col. Willi&m L. Ward was representative. In 1840-48-50-51 G. W. Underhill was senator and Col. Elliot H. Fletcher representative. In 1850-53, Underbill, senator; Thomas J. Blackmore, representative; 1854-55, Thomas B. Craighead, senator; Joseph C. Harding, repre.sentative; 1856-57, T. B. Craig- head, senator, Thomas M. Harding, representative; 1858-59, T. B. Craighead, senator and T. B. Craig head, representative; 1860-62, Craighead, senator. John R. Acree, representative; in the legislature of 1868, the county was not represented. In 1864-65, T. Lambei-ton, senator, no representa- tive, nor in the special session of that year. In 1866-67, O. R. Lyles, senator, William W. Saw yers, representative; 1868-69, D. H. Goodman, senator, A. M. Johnson, representative; 1871-72, J. G. Frierson of Cross, senator, L. D. Rozzell, representative. In the famous legislature of 1873. which revo- lutionized the State government, relieving the peo- ple from disfranchisement, J. G. Frierson was senator; and the First district, composed of Craig- head, Cross. Jackson and Mississippi Counties, was represented by Roderick Joyner of Poinsett, W. H. Cate. of Craighead, H. M. McVeigh, of Missis- sippi, and F. W. Lynn, of Jackson. In the ex- traordinary session of 1874, Frierson was senator, and J. F. Davies was elected to fill the unexpired term of H. M. McVeigh, who had been appointed by the govei'nor prosecuting attornej' of the Elev- enth judicial district. In 1874-75, J. T. Hender- son, senator, and J. J. Ruddell of Chickasawba, representative; in 1878. Benjamin Harris, senator, J. H. Williams, representative; iu the session of 1879, B. Harris, senator, and J. O. Blackwood, representative; 1881, J. B. Driver of Mississippi, senator, and H. M. McVeigh, representative; 1883, Driver, senator, and F. G. McGavock, rep- resentative; 1885, John W. Stayton, senator, and Joseph Bradford, repn>sentative; 1887, Stayton, senator, and H. T. Blytho. representative; 1889, Ben Harris. Jr.. senator, J. K. Hale, of Osceola, representative. I The men who served the county as representa- tives from the organization in 1833 to 1889 were, in the main, persons of excellent abilitj', and did much toward shaping the destiny of their State. They were not all men of education; some of them may have been very illiterate; but they were pos- , sessed of honest hearts and strong, natural sense. Those who were members before the late Civil Wai' experienced none of the difficulties which confronted their successors after that conflict. Thos. B. Craighead and Col. Elliot H. Fletcher were, perhaps, the two most brilliant of those whom this county sent to the legislative assembly before the war — men qualilied by natural ability I and scholarly attainments to fill with credit any position in the gift of the people. Craighead was an able lawyer, and a fine orator. Fletcher was a born ruler of men, and the magnetism of his manner, the clearness and elegance of his conver- sation, and his varied knowledge on all subjects, made him a welcome companion in every circle. The public buildings of Mississippi Count}' consist of a large two-story frame court-house, with the county offices in the lower and the court- room in the upper story, and a frame jail with iron cells, both of which are located on Broadwaj- street, at Osceola, the county seat. The court- house was erected in 1882-84, under the adminis- tration of S. S. Semmes, county judge, and cost all told about 18, 500. The population of the county in 1840 num- bered 900 whites and 510 slaves; total, 1,410. It then contained 3,042 neat cattle, 76 sheep, 5,022 hogs, and produced 107,615 bushels of corn, 3,908 bushels of potatoes, and 22, 500 pounds of cotton. ': It had one store, and one school with 25 scholars. This was taught by J. W. DeWitt, who was county clerk from 1830 to 1840. From 1840 to 1861 the county growth was slow and gradual. Its population in 1854 was only 2,260, of whom 541 were slaves. In that year were produced 192,200 bushels of corn, and in 1850, 200,250 bushels of corn, 455 bales of cot- ton, and 21,273 pounds of butter. '-^ MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 459 The population at the oiitbrpnk of the war had not materially increased, being in ISdOonly 3,895, and the effects of the Civil War upon the county may be judged from the fact that in the ensuing ten years the population had decreased, being in 1870, 8,();!:i But little progress in population and wealth was made until the adoption of the constitution of 1874. From that time all restrictions upon the right of suffrage were removed, and an economic State government, with A. H. Garland as gov- ernor, soon restored public conlidence. Then the county began to grow, especially from 1877 to 1881. The census of 1880 showed that the county had doubled its population since 1870. In the year 1877 the temperance wave struck this locality and swept it like a whirlwind, and from Osceola the agitation spread throughout the State. Great and permanent good was effected by the worthy movement in Mississippi County. But very little drunkenness will be observed among the people at this time. The only serious drawbacks to the county's prosperity in late years were the disastrous floods of 1882-83-84. These floods checked for a while all growth and development hereabouts. Many farms were temporarily abandoned, and new clear- ings were left by those who had settled on the pub- lic lands. The effects of this disaster have passed away, and the people seem to have forgotten them. The county is now in a more prosperous condition than at any previous period in its history. There are almost as many Northern people in the county as those of Southern origin, and they live together upon terms of perfect peace and mutual respect. Ex-Federal and ex-Confederate soldiers may be seen together at almost any time, apparently with- out a thought of the days when they met each other on opposite sides in deadly conflict. Mississippi County was organized in accordance with an act of the legislature of Arkansas, ap- proved November 1, 1833; and the following is a list of the names of the county and legislative of- ficers, with the dates of their terms of service an- nexed, from the organization to the present: Judges: Edwin Jones, 1833-35; Nathan Ross, 1835-36; John Troy, 1836-38; Fred Miller, 1838-40; Nathan Ross, 1840-42; H. A. Phillips, 1842-44; W. L. Ward, 1844-40; H. A. Phillips, 1846-48; E. M. Daniel, 1848-56; J. H. Williams, 1856-58; J. H. McKinney, 1858-60; J. W. Alris, 1864-66; J. H. McKinney, 1866-68; C. L. Moore, 1868-72; L. M. Carrigan, 1874-76: Charles Bowen, 187()-78; J. E. Felts, 1878-80; E. A. Garlick, 1880-82; S. S. Semmes, 1882-84; E. Bevel, 1884- 86; L. D. Rozzell, present incumbent, first elected in 1886. Clerks: J. W. Whitworth, 1833-36; J. W. DeWitt, 1836-40; J. P. Edrington, 1840-44; A. G. Blackmore, 1844-50; H. A. Phillips, 1850-54: D. D. Dickson, 1854-58; M. W. Nanney, 1858-62; M. W. Nanney, 1864-66; W. A. Ferring, 1866- 68; J. B. Best, 1868-74; J. K. P. Hale, 1874-80: B. H. Bacchus, 1880-84; Hugh R. McVeigh, 1884-88; J. B. Driver, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Sheriffs: E. F. Lloyd, 1833-36; J. C. Bowen, 1836-48; Charles Bowen, 1848-62; Charles Bowen, 1864-66; John Long, 1866-68; J. B. Murray, 1868-72; J. B. Driver, 1872-78; W. B. Haskins, 1878-86; W. S. Hayes, present incumbent, first elected in 1886. Treasurers: Uriah Russell, 1836-38: T. L. Daniel, 1838-42; John Gibson, 1842-50; W. C. Dillehay, 1850-54; C. W. Bush, 1854-56; D. Matthews, 1856-58; C. W. Burk, 1858-60; D. Matthews, 1860-62; H. C. Edrington, 1864-66: D. Matthews, 1866-68; J. H. Edrington, 1868 72; J. H. Sheddon, 1872 to August, 1874; J. L. Driver, Atigust, 1874-78; J. W. Uzzell, 1878 to January. 1884; G. F. Stowell, from January, 1884; James Listen, 1884-88; C. H. Gaylord, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Coroners: S. McLung. 1833-36; T. L. Daniel. 1836-38; J. Williams, 1838-40; Thomas Sears, 1840-42; Richard Pearson, 1846-48; J. Cunning- ham, 1848-50; T. Williamson, 1850-52; E. O. Cromwell, 1852-54; J. V. Lynch, 1854-56; W. D. W. Bond, 1858-60; L. W. D. Bond, 1860-62: D. Matthews, 1864-66; John Pedigo, 1866-68; H. C. Rosa, 1872-74; A. W. Lucas, 1874-78; G. E. Pettey, 1878-80; J. M. Lawrence, present incum- 4f iO HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. bent, first elected in 1880, and has served^ontin uoiisly since. Surveyors: G. C. Barlield. 1838-36; J. G. Davis, 1830-38; A. G. Blackmore, 1840-44; J. D. B. Sherman, 1846-48; G. Pendleton, 1848-50; William Dillingham, 1850-52; E. G. Sugg, 1852- 54; W. B. Wood, 1854-56; A. H. Fisher, 1856- 58; A. Faucette, 1858-60; William Femsite, 1860-62; J. W. Uzzell, 1864-66; W. H. Craig- head, 1866-68; J. W. Uzzell, 1868-72; F. L. James, 1872-74; J. H. Rainey, 1874-76; James Anthony, 1876-77; J. T. Burns. 1877-78; B. H. Bacchus, 1878-80; George Benton, 1880-82; J. H. Caruthers, 1882-84; T. H. Musgrave, 1884-86; R. H. Clay, 1886-88; Reginald Archillion, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Assessors: H. C. Edrington, 1868-72; P. Mitchell, 1872-73; John Rainey, 1873-74; L. Ward, 1874-76; D. D. Dickson, 1876-78; W. M. Speed, 1878-80; J. A. Lovewell, 1880-82; J. R. Riggins, 1882-86; B. L. Hill, 1886-88; T. W. Davis, present incumbent, elected in 1888. In 1887 the National government constructed a strong and massive levee, from Bear Bayou to Craighead Point, covering a distance of about twenty miles, and protecting the finest section of farming country in the county. The county has now in contemplation the continuation of this levee to its northern limit, which will immediately make available for cultivation hundreds of thous- ands of acres of rich and fertile lands; it will in- crease the taxable property of the county, and open up large areas for settlement. Thus, with the completion of this levee system to the southern limit of the county (which will probably be done during the next few years), Mississippi will be thoroughly protected from the river floods, and may then expect to see the opening of an era of prosperity to which it is justly entitled. The enumeration of school children of Missis- sippi County in 1886, showed the presence of 2,582 children of school age; in 1887, 2,809. There are twenty-nine school districts in the county, and the present enumeration would probably exceed 3,000 children of school age. The county school.s are generally in good con- dition, and the directors have ample money to secure good teachers. Mr. Leon Roussan, the present county examiner, is exerting himself to raise the grade of both teachers and schools. There is a high school in Osceola which ranks among the substantial institutions of the State. At Blythesville the directors are about to build a new school building, and then hope to raise the grade to a point that the people of Chickasawba need. School service, however, throughout the county can only be spoken of in terms of praise, as there seems to be a feeling among the directors that the people will only be satisfied with the best, and as they have recently voted high taxation for school purposes, this county may be expected to take a leading place in educational matters. The first Baptist Church of Mississippi County was organized in Osceola, about 1870, by Elder H. H. Richardson, of Clear Creek Association, Illinois, acting as missionary, and was composed of the following constituted members: J. K. P. Hale and wife, Melissa A. Hale, Charles G. Evans and wife, Martha Evans, Mrs. Rhoda Housman. John E. Felts and wife, Eliza Felts, all of whom exhibited their church letters from regular Baptist churches, and in regular form. In 1S80 they built a substantial and ornamental building, and now have a membership of about sixty. There are Baptist churches at Chickasawba and other places in Mississippi County. The Methodists have an organization at Osce- ola, several churches in the southern part of the county, and four in Chickasawba Township. Blythe's Chapel, Shady Grove, New Hope and Clear Lake. There are four organizations of the Presbyter- ian denomination in Mississippi County, all grow- ing in strength, meml)ership and importance. These are located at Osceola, Nodena, Pecan Point and Frenchman's Bayou. The present pastors are Revs. Boggs and Lloyd. The colored people have numerous organiza- tions of various denominations throughout the county. The Catholic (Church of Osceola, the only ^ — ^t ^, MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 4fil church of this denomination in Mississippi County, was built in 1879. It is a frame building, 44x24 feet, weatherboarded outside and sealed inside; it is sixteen feet to the tof) of ceiling and sixty- four feet to the top of the cross; and cost, seated, $2,000. It was built with the proceeds of a fair and by private subscription, raised through the exertion of a committee of ladies. The congrega- tion numbers about thirty-five communicants, who depend upon the transient visits of a priest to ad- minister to their wants. From the distress and poverty entailed by the most disastrous war in modern times, Mississippi County is rapidly passing to the period when it will become one of the most prosperous counties in the State. No one who studies the facts in the case can question this. Here is a county "rich beyond compare;" a county with timber resources almost without limit; with agricultural possibili- ties not surpassed, probably not equaled, by any other county in the State, in the production of that wonderful product — cotton, and nowhere else can there be added to this such facilities for fruit rais- ing, for early and late vegetables, for the cereals and grasses, as in this favored section. What most impresses a chance visitor to this locality is the large number of self-made men — men who came here a short time ago with absolutely no resources, who are now, after a few years' cul- tivation of this productive soil, living in compara- tive affluence. This is undisputed evidence that it is one of the most promising counties for emi- gration that the South can show. Mississippi County has an immense wealth of timber awaiting the advent of capital and labor to put it in the markets of the world. All these ad- vantages are so apparent, that settling here has long passed the range of speculation, and success and prosperity are positive rewards of moderately directed energy and industry. Reginald Archilliou, has been employed as farmer, school-teacher and surveyor during his residence in the county, and resides upon his wife's lands on Clear Lake. He ii^ a native of Indiana, bis birth having occurred in Madison County, in 1855. He is the eldest of two children born to Anthony and Maria Archilliou, and in the county of his birth he continued to make his home until nine years of age, afterward entering school at Evansville, Ind. , where he remained until fifteen years of age, his father having passed to his long home two years previously. At the early age of thirteen years Reginald began depending on his own resources to obtain a livelihood, and although quite young he perceived that if he wished to make a success of his life a good education was very es- sential; accordingly he continued to attend school until seventeen years of age, the last few years being spent in Richmond. He also attended the schools of Huntington, Ind., one year, and was also engaged in studying law in that place until he was twenty years of age, at which time he went to Louisiana, and two years later to Texas. On the 7th of February, 1880, he came to Osceola, Ai-k. , soon after engaging as a farm hand for A. B Young, at Osceola, but spent the winter months up to a few years ago in teaching school. He is a member of Chickasawba Lodge No. 134, F. & A. M. : is now filling his second term as county sur- veyor, having been elected first in 1887 to fill a vacancy. In 1881 Mrs. Rebecca (Cutwright) Hetherington, a native of Indiana, became his wife. Rollo Archilliou, like his brother, Reginald Archillion, is an energetic and enterprising young agriculturist of Mississippi County, and now owns an excellent little farm of eighty acres, situated about one mile south of Blythesville, which property has been in his possession since 1887. At that time but twenty-five acres were under cultivation, but he has since made many improvements in the way of repairing the house, building fences, and clearing up the land; he has opened up five addi- tional acres, and expects soon to have his entire farm under the plow, which can be readily done. His father died when he was an infant. l)ut, through his own determination and the assistance of a kind and willing mother, he succeeded in attending school until about sixteen years of age; then, in company with his brother Reginald, he started for ^ 4fi2 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the South with the expectation of bettering his con- dition, and after working in Louisiana for some time he went to Texas, in which State he remained for very nearly two years. After another short period spent in Louisiana he came to the State of Arkansas, and settled in Mississippi County at Clear Lake, where he spent some time in tilling the soil, and was there united in marriage to Miss Elma A. Conley, a native of the county and a daughter of one of the old and worthy settlers of this region. Mrs. Archillion owned an interest in a farm on Clear Lake, on which they located after their mar- riage, and during their two years' residence at this place Mr. Archillion taught school. At the end of this' period (in 1883) they concluded to go to the Lone Star State, where they both engaged in ped- agoguing for three years; then returned to Mis- sissippi County, Ark. , where they have since made their home. Mr. and Mrs. Archillion are the parents of two childj-en, Maud and Mabel. The mother has been for a number of years a consistent and worthy member of the Methodist Episcojial Church. Mr. Archillion is a member of CLicka- sawba Lodge No. 134, F. & A. M. He is a young man whose activity and energy will one day place him among the foremost agriculturists of the county, for everything about his place indicates thrift, which is one of the prominent characteristics of its owner. Jesse Ashburn is recognized as a careful, ener- , getic agriculturist of this community, and by his advanced ideas and progressive habits has done no little good for the farming interest hereabout. Originally from Huntsville, Ala., he was born in the year 1823, and is the son of Byrd Ashburn who, shortly after the birth of his son Jesse, loaded his family and effects on a flatboat at Huntsville and floated down the Tennessee River to the Ohio, on that river down to the Mississippi, and thereon to j the mouth of the Hatchie River. He then sailed up that river to the mouth of Indian Creek, where he disembarked and took up land in Tennessee. Here he opened up a fine farm, but later sold out and moved to near Randolph, where he remained one year. He then moved with his family, con- sisting of his wife and four children, direct to Frenchman's Bayou, settled about a fourth of a mile from where his son Jesse now resides, and there remained until his death, which occurred in 1847. His wife survived him eleven years. Jesse Ashburn has lived in this settlement ever since, with the exception of aboat five years spent in Missouri, whither he had moved in 1863. During the war he took part with neither side except to suppress a few guerrillas who were plundering indiscriminately in Missouri. For many years after his residence in Arkansas, there was no market, and but two settlements on the Bayou — one family by the name of McClung and another by the name of Owens — but they left no descend- ants here. The first school taught was at Owens' house, and McClung' s son taught the first term. Mr. Ashburn attended, and the only book used was the spelling book. This was about the year 1836. The few settlers lived on corn bread and bear meat, this being the regular diet. The woods were full of animals, and privation and hardship were the order of each day. Once in a wliile a little coffee was secured from the boats on the river, but it was scarce and high. Most of their clothing was homespun, although they sometimes secured a little shirting from the boats, and their shoes were made of leather tanned by themselves. Caps were made of otter hides. The first cotton was raised about 1849 or 1850, but was not culti- vated as a crop until a few years before the war, after which it was raised with great profit along the river front. It has been noticed that as the land is improved and cleared up the whole surface becomes diyer. Even in the last ten years there has been a very noticeable improvement. Mr. Ashburn has in his field now, under a fine state of cultivation, land that the water used to stand on as high as his waist. His marriage with Miss Emily j Adkinson, occmTed in 1846. She is the daughter of John B. and C. A. (Watts) Adkinson, the father a native of Georgia, but who passed his last days in Missouri, and the mother a native of Tennessee. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Ashburn were born six children : Andrew J. , John David, who marritwl Miss Higgins, of Mississippi County, Ark., and is the father of six children: Savannah, who married MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 463 Joe N. Hays, and dow lives ou the Chickasawba, they have two children; Lavina J., married to J. 11. Mnsic, of Mississippi County, Ark. ; Thomas J. and A. Forrest, at home. Mr. Ashburn is a mem- l)er of Masonic Lodge No. 251, of Frenchman's Bayou, and has been a meml)er and a main pillar in the Missionary Baptist Church for the past nine years. N. L. Avery, who is one of the important fac- tors in the business growth and ])rosperity of Os- ceola and Mississippi County, is justly entitled to more than a passing notice in this volume. Since his identification with this city as a business man, no one has been more active and enterprising, or has done more in the mercantile line to increase and extend the trade and influence of the place. His stock is large and complete, and the patronage drawn to him results largely from liberal and po- lite treatment. His native State is Tennessee, and he was born in Memphis, January 1, 1S53. His parents, Hamilton and Henrietta (Polk) Avery, were natives of New York and South Carolina, re- spectively. His father came to Memphis about 1S45, was engaged in the book business for a few years, and then became editor of the Memphis Bul- letin, remaining thus occupied for several years. He was then appointed wharf-master, but on ac- count of ill-health he resigned that position, and spent two years in traveling. He returned to Memphis in 1859, and soon afterward died there. His mother is still living, and makes her home in Memphis. The paternal grandfather died at Syra- cuse, N. Y., in 1889, at the age of eighty-nine years. The paternal grandmother is still living in that city, and is seventy-eight years of age. The maternal grandparents died when N. L. Avery 8 (the .subject of this sketch) mother was a child, and her grandfather was a brother to Pres- ident James K. Polk. N. L. Avery passed his boyhood days in attending the public and private schools of Memphis. At the youthful age of thir- teen he engaged as messenger in a steamboat office, but subsequently entered a drug store with Mans- field & Higbee of that city. In 1868 he engaged in a wholesale dry goods establishment (Joyner, Lemmou & Gale), remaining thus employed until 1882. He began as an errand boy, and was suc- cessively promoted to the highest position, being at his retirement manager of and buyer for the no- tion department. In 1882 he came to Osceola and established his present business in that city, with a capital of 1750. In 1888 ho erected the large, fine store-house which he now occcupies. In the same year Mr. Rajihael Semmes [see sketch of S. S. Semmes] was admitted as partner in the firm, which probably does the largest business on the Mississippi River between Memphis and Cairo. IVlr. Avery owns a large tract of land, 1,000 acres, six miles west of Osceola, and is farming about 400 acres. The firm are the owners of a large tract of land in Phillips County. They have a Viranch store at Blythesville, which has a large and exten- sive trade. Mr. Avery is the owner of a block in town, and also other property in the same place. By his marriage with Miss M. F. Pullen, daughter of B. K. Pullen, of Memphis, on November 3, 1875, he became the father of seven children: Hamilton King, Norman L., Jr., Walter Graham (died in infancy), Charles L. , Bennie Pullen (died in in- fancy), Eugene R. and Percy P. Mr. Avery's family are members of the Episcopal Church. He is a fair type of the self-made man, having risen from the lowest to the highest offices of a large store: and at last, after years of earnest, honest work, we find him starting for himself, with a capital of but $750. In six years he had built that business up from $5,000 in 1882 to §100,000 in 1889, at the same time managing a branch store, doing an annual business of $30,000. This is a# creditable showing for a young man, even in this community of almost universally self-made men. E. M. Ayres. It is a fact recorded in history that the first English immigrants to Virginia were a superior race, with most progressive views of government, lilierty and laws, and who sought out homes in the New World in obedience to im- pulse prompted by lofty ambition and an earnest desire to benefit the race. From these ancestors sprang men who subsequently became eminent in different localities. A worthy native of that State is Mr. Ayres, who is one of the prominent j)]anters of Mississippi County, Ark., and resides two miles 4G4 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. west of Osceola. He was born in Buckingham Gounty, Va. , ia 1840, and is the seventh in a fam- ily of nine children born to John W. and Mary (Maseyj Ayres. The parents were also natives of Virginia, where they spent their entire lives, the mother dying about 1848 and the father in 1857. The latter was a well known planter in his native State, and the family was widely known and univer- sally respected. He was a soldier in the Warof 1812. The paternal grandfather was a farmer and miller, and was also a very prominent Methodist Episco- pal preacher, having married every couple in his county for a period of twenty years. E. M. Ayres learned the rudiments of farming in his native State, and attended the common schools until six- teen years of age. He remained at home until the age of twenty-one years, and in 1859 went to West Tennessee, where he engaged as overseer for his brother-in-law. John M'. Chambers. At the break- ing out of the late war he threw down the imple- ments of peace to take up the weapons of war- fare, and enlisted in Capt. Dean's command, after- ward joined to the Fourth Tennessee Regiment of Infantry under Col. Nely. He was assigned to the Mississippi division, and soon secured permission to organize a company, which he at once did, namely Company A, united with the Forty-seventh Tennes- see Infantry. He was in the battle of Shiloh, and during that most destructive engagement his com- pany was almost totally annihilated, only eighteen out of the 108 returning. Mr. Ayi'es then joined the Henderson Scouts, under Capt. Tom Hender- son, and operated in the Mississippi Valley. He was in the battles of Corinth, Parker' s Cross Roads, Franklin, Tenn., and Murfreesboro, where he re- ceived a severe wound in the hand. The company then made a campaign into Mississippi, and sur- rendered at Gainesville, Ala. , in 1S65. During his time of service Mr. Ayres had three horses shot from under him, was captured several times, but always succeeded in making his escape. He was in many close engagements, was a fearless and daring sol- dier, and saw a great deal of the war. In 18(35 he came to Mississippi County, and engaged in the saw-mill business with Dr. Hardin, of Nash- ville. Here he sawed the timber to put up the first store-house built in Osceola after the war. Mr. Ayres continued this business in a successful man ner for over twenty years, and supplied the lum- ber to build most of the frame houses in this county. He has made a great deal of money by strict application to business, and the energetic and thorough manner in which he has taken ad vantage of all methods, tending to enhance the value of his property, has had a gi'eat deal to do with his obtaining the competence which he now enjoys. His wife was originally Miss Sallie Bowen. whom he married in 1867. Her father, Arthur Bowen, is one of the well-known settlers in this county. From time to time Mr. Ayers has bought large tracts of land, and is now the owner of about 6, 000 acres, 200 of which are under cultivation. He has made all the improvements on his place, and has assisted in opening 2,000 acres for cultivation. During his residence in Mississippi Count}' he has seen many changes, and he speaks veiy highly of this section. The result of his marriage with Miss Bowen has been nine children, three of whom are deceased: Lizzie died at the age of two years; Charley died at the age of two years, and Lelah died at the age of fourteen years. Those living are Willis, who lives at home and is fourteen years of age; Arthur, twelve years of age; Clay, ten years; Louis, eight; Sallie B., six, and Eddy, two years in 1889. Benjamin H. Bacchus, a prominent druggist and farmer of 0.sceola, Ark., is a native of Kent County, Md. , born at Chestertown on October 15, 1848, and of the six children born to his parents, William and Harriet (Greenwood) Bacchus, Benja min H was the fifth in order of birth. The par ents were natives of Maryland, and the father for a long time was a miller and farmer of that place. The mother died in 1856, and in 1859 the fa- ther married Miss Susan Arthur. He died in 1872, having during the latter years of his life lived in retirement. Benjamin H. Bacchus passed his youth in Chestertown, and received an exception- ally good education in public and private schools, supplementing the same by a two years' attend- ance at the college at Chestertown. He then took a course of instruction at Bryant, Stratton & Sadler's jj®__v. MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. my, Business College, at Baltimore, and left that in- stitution fully equipped to enter upon any pursuit. He followed the teacher's profession for one term, and in 1867 went to Memphis, where he engaged in the cotton and oil business. At the end of one and one-half years he came to Mississippi County, Ark., and commenced farming at Elmot, where he continued until 1880. In 1878 Mr. Bacchus was elected county surveyor, and in 1880 he was elected clerk of the supreme court, ex-officio clerk of the county and probate courts, and recorder. So well did he fill this position that he was re-elected in 1882. In 1887 he was elected mayor of the city of Osceola. At this time the city was heavily in debt, and its warrants were worthless; but at the expiration of Mr. Bacchus' term of office the debt of the city was wiped out, and the warrants were worth their face value. In July, 1885, Mr. Bacchus engaged in the di'ug business in Osceola, and in 1888 he erected a fine store-house, into which he moved in February, 1889. The new quarters are neat, tasty and ornamental, and contain a complete line of fresh drugs. Mr. Bacchus selected Miss Katie M. Williams as his companion in life, and was wedded to her in 1871. She was born in Mississippi County, and is the daughter of James H. Williams, who was formerly from Tennessee, and one of the old settlers of Mississippi County. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Bacchus were born seven children: Alice W., Lallie C, Lena S.. Ben- jamin H. , Jr., J. Greenwood. Minnie Avery and Mary Kate. Mr. Bacchus is a member of the Episcopal Church, and Mrs. Bacchus of the Meth- odist Episcopal. Mr. Bacchus is a member of Masonic Lodge No. 27, Osceola, occupying an official position. He was school commissioner of the county from 1872 to 1880, and takes a decided interest in all school matters. G. C. Baldock, a popular and enterprising farmer at Frenchman's Bayou, is the eldest of three children born to Derastus and Mary Jane (Hill) Baldock, and was born in Tennessee in 1855. The elder Baldock was a farmer, and followed that occupation until the outbreak of war, when he en- listed in the army and gave up his life in 1862. After the father's death the familv went to reside with Mr. Addison M. Hill, Mrs. Baldock' s father, who was one of the best known citizens of Ti]) ton County, Tenn. , and a pioneer of that coun- ty, upon whom the citizens of that section still look with veneration and respect. G. C. Baldock began life for himself when nineteen years of age, and rented the land upon which he made his first crop. He continued farming until the year 1880, when he sold out his place and moved to Mississippi County, Ark., where he settled on Frenchman's Bayou. In 1887 he bought 200 acres of fine land in that section, and at the present time has eighty- five acres under cultivation, besides making esten sive improvements which will make the land aver- age about one bale to the acre. He also owns a herd of fine stock cattle and horses, and over 100 hogs. January 17, 1882, Mr. Baldock was married to Miss Rosie P. Notgrass, a charming lady of Tennessee, and by this marriage has had three children: Mary Peete. Ella Maud and Derastus Norton. He is active in school matters, and has served as school director, believing that education should be within the reach of every child. Mr. Baldock is a pleasant and hospitable gentleman, whose genial manner has won for him a large cir- cle of stanch and influential friends. He is a suc- cessful farmer, a valued citizen, and stands high in the estimation of the surrounding community. Barton Bros. & Co., an enterprising firm at Golden Lake, Ark., consisting of T. A., W. P. and Ida M. Barton, began business here as the successors of T. A. Barton, in 1836. In 1873 Mr. T. A. Barton came from the State of Mississippi, and entered into commercial life at Golden Lake. At that time (1881) the business at this point was slight, and many business men would have given up the venture as a failure, but with that foresight that has always marked his success. Mi'. Barton saw that the prospects in the future were very flattering, and he continued his business. He kept adding to his stock from year to year, as the busi- ness increased under his good management, and in 1886 he was joined in partnershii> by his l)rotlier. who had previously worked for him as clerk. Their business consists of one of the finest cotton-gins on the Mississippi River, with a capacity of fifty 400 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. bales per day, a saw-mill with a capacity of 20,- 000 feet of lumber per day, and a general merchan- dise store that enjoys a lar^e patronage. Altogether they did a business last year of 130,000, which will be largely increased this year. The firm also have large land interests in Mississippi County, owning in various tracts about 500 acres, from which they are cutting the timber to supply their saw-mill, and in addition to this they have 500 acres of land under cultivation, in Frenchman's Bayou, besides a branch store and fine saloon at that place, and a tiamway from the river to French- man' s Bayou, a distance of six miles, which pene- trates the timber region. The Barton family are natives of North Carolina, where T. A., the eldeist of a family of seven children, was born in 1851. The parents were J. T. and Mary M. (Adams) Bar- ton, of South Carolina and Georgia, respectively. Thomas A. remained with his parents on the farm, and attended school until his twentieth year. In 1873 he was married, in Tennessee, to Miss Ida Parker, of Mississippi, and after his marriage moved to Arkansas, where they settled in Poinsett County. He remained in that county one year, and met with a great many losses during that time, afterward moving to Mississippi County, where he farmed for six yearsi;prior to entering business at Golden Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Barton are the par- ents of six children: William Arthur, Ida Ellen, Veta May, Joseph T., James and Quincy G., and Mr. Barton is a member of the K. of H. , in which association he carries a $2,000 policy. William P., junior partner of the firm, was born in North Carolina in 1857, and was the fourth child of the family. He moved first to Poinsett County, and later on came to his present home, in company with his brother, Thomas, with whom he has been asso- ciated in business since the firm commenced oper- tions. He was married, in December, 1887, to Miss Mary Musick, of this county, and they are the parents of one child, a girl, named Tennessee Block. Among the many enterprising and pros- perous citizens of this county, certainly none are more worthy or deserving of success than the mem- bers of the firm of Barton Bros. & Co. Upon entering Arkansas their arriA'al was heralded by misfortune and financial ruin, but out of the chaos of their deplorable condition they rose equal to the occasion, and paved the way to their present for- tune. Shortly after commencing their business, a fire consumed the store, and the fruit of their patient industry was engulfed in flames; but again they put their shoulders to the wheel, and to-day they stand living examples of those two virtues, pluck and perseverance. Through all the vicissi- tudes of their earlier life in Arkansas, they still preserve and enjoy good health. William Biship. A lifetime of hard, earnest endeavor in pursuing the occupation to which he now gives his attention, coupled with strict integ- rity, honesty of purpose, and liberality in the right directions, have had the result to place Mr. Biship among the truly respected and honored agricult- urists of the county. He was born in Missouri. in 1818, and as his father was a successful tiller of the soil, Mr. Biship was reared to farm labor until about the age of seventeen years. In 1830, he made a visit to Arkansas, having relatives living at Osceola, which was then a small collection of log huts: but soon moved back to Missouri, where he continued to reside until 18-14, when he returned to Arkansas. In this State he has since resided, and has lived in Mississippi County the principal part of that time. He first visited the county on a hunting trip, but being favorably impressed with it he located here, and has since made it his home. In 1850 he entered land, but soon sold it, and afterward settled several tracts, which he sold after making a few improvements. In 1844 there were but four families in what is now Chickasawba Township, and the township had also an Indian population of about 100. After a few years Mr. Biship made a permanent settlement on forty acres, where he has since made his home. His marriage with Miss Bryant occurred at an early date, and to them were born two children : Andrew Jackson, a blacksmith at Blythesville, and Vir- ginia, wife of Mr. Carney, and residing in Little River County, Ark. Mrs. Biship died, and Mr. Biship took for his second wife the Widow Golden, by whom he has one living child: William Oliver, who is married and lives at home. When first settling in the county, Mr. Biship experienced many hardships and trials. He was compelled to go to Hornersville, Mo., a distance of about forty miles by water, for their meal, and the people de- pended but little on tame meat, and subsisted chiefly on game. About the end of 1850, there was a store started in the settlement that is now called Cooktown. Mr. Biship still resides on the original forty acres that he settled years ago, and has this wholly under cultivation. Though now quite advanced in years, Mr. Biship is remarkably well preserved, as the "ravages of time" have had but little effect on him. He has been a wit- ness to the complete development of this section. He was never very active in politics, but has held the ofi&ce of constable of this section, and was deputy sheriff under Sheriff Bowen. A. J. Biship has been a resident of Mississippi County, Ark., all his life, his birth having oc- curred here in 1846, he being the eldest of two children born to William and Diadema (Bryant) Biship, who were natives of Scott County, Mo. , and came to Mississippi County, Ark., at an early day. [For further history of their lives see sketch of AVilliam Biship.] A. J. Biship received a fair knowledge of the English branches in the schools of his native county, and was reared to a knowledge of agricultural life on his father's farm in Chieka- sawba Township. After his mother's death, which occurred when he was about eight years of age, his father married again, and he remained with him until he attained his seventeenth year, when he began leaining the art of photograjihy, at which he worked for eight years, traveling through the country and on the river. At the age of twenty- tive years he engaged in teaching school, and wielded the ferule for four terms in Mississippi County, after which he commenced rafting lum ber from Big Lake down the St. Francis River to Helena, continuing this occupation two years. He was married about this time to Miss Maggie Brown, a native of the county, and a daughter of Jack Brown, an old pioneer of this region. In 1809 he began keeping a store on Big Lake, but returned to Chickasawba Township and opened a wagon and blacksmith shop at Cooktown, locating at the end of one year in Jouesboro, where he was engaged in blacksmithing. Sickness in his family made this a disastrous move, and at the end of one year he returned to Chickasawba Township with only $1 with which to start anew. In 1884 he opened a shop in Blythesville, which he is still successfully conducting, and is doing a constantly increasing trade In 1888 he purchased 120 acres of land one mile from Blythesville, ou which projjerty he has erected some good buildings, and has five acres under cultivation. He expects to rapidly continue his improvements until he has reduced it all to a state of cultivation, which day will not be far dis- tant if Mr. Biship evinces his usual energy and perseverance. He, like many of his neighbors, is a member of Chickasawba Lodge No. 134, of the F. & A. M. He is an intelligent and enter- prising man, and in all his operations is meeting with substantial evidence of success, results which all concede he fully merits. His union with Miss Brew has resulted in the birth of four children: William Andrew, Major Green, Aurora Lurena and Robert Thaddeus. Mrs. Biship is a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Hon. Henry T. BIythe, a prominent citizen of Blythesville, was born in Virginia in 1816, being the fourth in the family of ten children of John and Elizabeth (Cobb) BIythe, natives of South- ampton County. Va. , where the father followed farming. In 1826 the family moved to Henry County, Tenn. , bought a farm and were among the pioneers to that county. The father put many improvements on his place, and made it his home mostly till his death in 1831*. The mother siir- yived him several years and died about 1845. Henry T. 's paternal grandfather, also John BIythe, was a native of Scotland, and emigrated to Vir- ginia from that country before the independence of the United States. He served a portion of the time in the Revolutionary War. The maternal erandmother was a native of Virginia. This man was one of four brothers, one of whom, David, was the grandfather of Thomas H. BIythe, who died in California in 1883. Our subject was reared on the farm in Virginia till ten years of age, when the family moved to Tennessee, and there he at- - — ^K 468 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. tended the common schools till eighteen years of age, when he went to Mississippi, spending about six years in the early settlement of the northern part of that State, a part of the time being among the Indians. In 1841 he returned to Tennessee and settled in Lauderd.ile County, where he fol- lowed farm labor. About twelve years later he came to Arkansas and located on Crooked Lake, ^ Mississippi County, settling on a farm in the \ woods, and cleared about sixty acres, erected buildings and made many improvements. This was his home till 1873, when he moved on a tract of land previously purchased in partnership -with Mr. Moseley in 1864. This is the tract upon which he now lives, and where the town of Blythesville has since been built. Upon the small clearing then made he at once built a steam saw -mill and gin — the first steam mill in this section. He has since added about 300 acres to this place, and now has a fine tract of 500 acres of some of the best farm- ing land in the county. Of this 185 acres are under a high state of cultivation. In 1880 he laid ofF a tract for a village, which was named in his honor, Blythesville. He was soon appointed the first postmaster, and served in that capacity till the summer of 1889, a term of nearly nine years. Mr. Blythe's saw- mill and cotton-gin were the first business enterprises here, where now are several stores, and the pleasant homes of many families. In 1886 Mr. Blythe was elected by the people of Mississippi County to represent them in the State legislature, serving one term. During this time he introduced several bills of importance to the State at large. This family from remote times have been earnest workers in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and our subject was reared under Methodist influence. In 1841 he was given a license as an exhorter, and was a constant worker in the church till 1802, when he was granted a preacher" s license ; in due time after this he was made deacon and elder, which offices he still fills. In 1875 he was instriimental in building a church at Blythesville, which still retains the name of Blythe's Chapel, so christened in honor of the rec- ognized patronage of our subject. He has been married five times, and has had nine childjren, seven of whom are yet living. His first marriage occurred in 1842, to Miss Mary Jane Fisher, a na- tive of Tennessee. She died in 1844, leaving one child, a boy named William W., who died soon after. His second marriage was, in 1851, to Miss Elizabeth Willis. She lived only about one year, and died without issue. In 1854 Mrs. Julia A. Young, a native of Tennessee, became his wife. She died in Arkansas in 186? ,'ithout children. In 1868 Mr. Blythe married Mrs. Amanda Drew, a native of Georgia, who only lived about one year and left one child, Margaret Ann; the latter also died in her fourteenth year. In 1871 Mrs. Millie E. Murry became Mr. Blythe's wife. This lady was a native of Alabama. To their union seven children were born, all of whom are living: Alice F. , Henrietta J., Emma F., Eva Harris, Henry Thomas, Nola Ada and John Wesley. This inter- esting family is the pride of our subject's heart. Coming to him when the weight of years bore with a heavy hand upon his head, these children renewed his youth, for in their merriment he threw a bridge across the gulf of time, and lived again in fancy the freedom of a child. As years have come and gone these little ones have all passed through infancy and youth to maturer years, and are now developing in character and mind, with a purity in which a parent's heart can rejoice, proving sources of the greatest comfort. They are justly esteemed by all who know them for their j leasing manners and their winning ways. In the summer of 1889 Mr. Blythe spent three months in the State of California, but in his journey through other lo calities he saw no j)lace that pleased him so well as his home in Arkansas. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, was one of the charter mem bers of Chickasawba Lodge No. 134, and was a member of the committee sent to secure the charter from the Grand Lodge of the State. David Boney is a man who has risen to consid- erable prominence in the affairs of Mississipj)! County, not less in agricultural matters than in other circles of active l)usiness life. His birth oc- curred in the " Old North State," he being the third of five children born to James and Martha (Henderson) Boney, who were also North Caroliu- Craighead Countt^Arkambas , MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 4(11) iaiis, where the father died when his kou David was six years old. His widow removed with her children to the State of Tennessee, where she after- ward married again, and in 1851, came to Arkansas. David Boney was principally reared in Lauderdale County, Tenn. , his youth and early manhood be- ing spent in following the plow, but at the age of twenty one years he began to trade on the river, coming at the end of two years to Mississippi County, Ark. , and settling in the Clear Lake coun- try, his occupation being that of farming and raft- ing. In 1858, he was united in marriage with Miss Malinda Stuckey, who lived but a f<^w months. Growing tired of tilling land belonging to other men, Mr. Boney, in 1S5S, purchased a tract of eighty acres on Clear Lake, and two years later he settled on this farm with his wife, whose maiden name was Miss Sallie Boone, her birth place being Tennessee. They resided here until 1866, then sold out, and the following year moved to Tennessee, where Mr. Boney purchased a "iOO-acre tract of woodland. He entered actively upon the work of improving, and the result of his industry is eighty live acres of land cleared and under culti vation, the property fenced, two good houses and other buildings, and an excellent orchard. He returned to Mississippi County, Ark., in 1874, and purchased 160 acres of land, where he resided and made improvements for one year, then rented his place and returned to his farm in Tennessee. Here he continued to live until the winter of 1888, since which time he has resided in Arkan- sas. He has just purchased 160 acres of land in this vicinity, on which he expects to make inimey his grandpar- ents, but they, too, died when he was about two years of age, after which he was cared for by an aunt, Mrs. Ruth Bnrk, and then resided with James H. Edrington, an uncle by marriage. Later he made his home with an uncle, John C. Bowen. and then again with his aunt, Mrs. Burk. When he was about eight years of age he was taken into the family of his uncle. Arthur C. Boweu, with whom he remained until he attained his majority. During this time his advantages for acquiring an education were of a rather inferior description, but this fault he has remedied iu a great measure by reading, contact with business life and intercourse 30 with hi.s fellowincu. After starting out in life for himself he began working ou a farm at 122 per month, less hoard, washing and mending, for John Matthews, and at the end of six months had saved •1107, only sfjouding during this time the. sum of 12.60 for his personal needs, an instance of fru- gality rarely seen in the young men of the present day. He was employed as a farm laborer, woi'k- iug by the mouth, until the 27th of December, 1879, and up to that date had saved $500. With this money he made a payment of $450 on an un- improved farm of 120 acres, near Elmont. On this place he at once began clearing land, selling his wood at 50 and 65 cents per cord, and lived in a little log cabin, 8 x 10 feet, which wa.s scarcely high enough for him to stand erect in. Here he worked until the fall when he went to Osceola, and during the winter was employed in a cotton-gin. In the spring of 1881 he put in the first crop that was ever raised on the place, which amounted to some eight acres of cotton and corn, and the next year had in about twenty-five acres, which he cul- tivated by hiring men with teams, not yet having been able to purchase a span of horses. About this time he met with some reverses, the floods of 1882-83 injuring his fences by washing them away and piling up logs and drift of all descrip- tions; but with the energy, push and pluck which are among his leading characteristics, he continued at his work and now has the entire tract cleared and under cultivation, it being also highly ini proved, with a fine dwelling-house, a good barn, warehouse and a large steam cotton gin. The lat- ter has a capacity of twenty-five bales per day and was erected at a cost of 14,000. In addition to this admirable farm he owns a tract of 120 acres, two miles west of the river, forty acres of the land being under cultivation, and from this he derives a very fair rent. Four years ago it was a tract of wild land, but is now being put under cul- tivation and is improved with a good house. In the year 1887 he was united iu marriage to Miss Fannie S. Boyles, a native of the county and a daughter of Chailes Boyles, who was one of the old settlors of this region. Their only child, Charley Bard, died on the 15th of May, 1889. at the age jjl 474 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. of fourteen mouths aud fourteeu days, deeply mourned by his sorrowing parents. Mr. Bowen is a member of Lodge No. 27, of the A. F. & A. M. , at Osceola. He has always been very temperate, and up to the age of twenty-six years had never taken a drink of liquor in a saloon. Charles Boyles. A lifetime spent in pursuing one calling will usually result in substantial suc- cess, especially if energy and perseverance are ap- plied, and such is found to be the case with Mr. Boyles, who, from boyhood, has given the occu- pation of agricultui'e the principal part of his time and attention. He was born on Tennessee soil in 1831, and was brought to Arkansas by his father, William J. Boyles. in 1849, settling on a tract of extremely wild land in Mississippi County. Like the majority of native Tennesseeans, the father was energetic and thrifty, and the first year cleared four acres, cutting down the canebrake with a hatchet, and by perseverance and industry soon had a comfortabh? home. Here he resided until his death, which occurred the first year of the Rebellion. His wife was a Miss Marjory Blackmore, of Tennessee, who bore him a family of ten children, of whom Charles is the eldest. The latter was an attendant of the schools of Os- ceola, being compelled to walk a distance of four miles to receive his instruction. His first en- trance upon life's duties for himself was in the capacity of a farmer when in his twenty-first year. The first two years he worked out by the month, then cut cord-wood for the same time, after which he gave his attention to raising crops of cotton and corn on rented land. After the death of his par- ents, the old homestead was divided, and sixty acres fell to his share, of which forty are under cultivation. His marriage with Miss Emeline Pace was celebrated May 20, 1852. She is a native of Chicot County, Ark., coming to this county in 1840. Their union has been blessed in the birth of ten children, four of whom are living: John P. ; Thomas, who is married to a Miss Blackwood aud lives on his father's farm; Fannie, wife of H. H. Bowen, and Naufiett D. Mr. Boyles is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. T. P. Bragg, though still a young man, is rapidly and surely making his way to the front in agricultural pursuits and is considered by all a careful, painstaking farmer. He was born in South Carolina in 1854, and was the second of four children born to Wiley and Sarah (Otts) Bragg, who were also born in the " Palmettp State," the former being an energetic farmer of that region. The earliest recollections of T. P. Bragg are of sjiending his time upon the home farm, but at the early age of fourteen years he left the parental roof and emigrated westward to Tennes- see, in which State he was engaged in farm labor for four years. He was married there in 1873, to Miss Margaret Denton, and immediately after came to Mississippi County where, after working as a farm laborer for five years, he rented land and put in a crop for himself. He has farmed in this manner ever since, but conducts business on a very exten- sive scale, and his success has been exceptionally good. He has 250 acres in crops, and besides this has a farm of eighty acres (which he purchased in 1887) under the plow, it being located about two and one-half miles north of Osceola, aud is very advan- tageously situated. On coming to this county the greater portion of the land in this section was in a wild condition, but has been opened up since his arrival. He has been quite an active politician, and his votes are cast for Democratic candidates. The names of the children born to himself and wife are Ada Elizabeth, Maud M. , Thomas W., William Walker, Maggie L. and Charles. Dr. Thomas G. Brewer, whose celebrity in the healing art is widespread, was born in Aberdeen, ', Miss., in 1851. His parents were Samuel C. and Mary A. (Pritchett) Brewer, of Virginia, who moved to the State of Mississippi at an early period, where the father became a very prominent contractor for the erection of buildings. Thomas was the youngest of fourteen children, of whom four boys entered the Confederate army, one of them being killed at Gettysburg, one dying in prison at Rock Island, having been captured at the battle of Chickamauga, and the other two serving through the entire period of the war, of whom one is residing at Water Valley, Miss., and the other is a popular physician at Lamar, Miss. The father of -^ e t^ ?^ MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 475 these boys died iu 187U, and the mother nine years previous. Thomas remained at home durino; the war, beinif then too young to bear arms, and studied mathematics under his father, pre2>anks, brought him to the verge of ruin. But as time passed he gradually leveed- in his own river front, and thus having overcome his greatest enemy, the high water, he extended and developed his farm until he found himself in easy and independent circum- stances. Col. Fletcher's noble bearing and pleasing manners, together with his evident talent for bus- iness, soon attracted the attention of the people of the county, and in 1846 he was induced to become a candidate to represent the county in the legisla- ture. He was elected, and served his county and State with distinguished ability, taking rank at once with the foremost men of the State. He was re- elected in 1848, and again in 1850, at which session he was the chief member in organizing the public levee system of the State. In the mean- time his judicious management of his private af- fairs, and his investment in lands, had made him independent, financially, and although his talents for political employment were known and recog- nized throughout the State, the fact of his being a devoted Whig amounted to political disfranchise- ment, for the Democratic party then, as now, reigned supreme in the State. Being a lawyer, though never having engaged in the practice, he was urged to accept the office of circuit judge, but declined, although he would have been promptly elected had he been willing to serve. His three terms in the legislatui-e ended his political career, though to this day, among those who still survive and who knew him, the mention of his name will start many an old man to speaking of his grandeur of manner and ajipearance, his nobility of soul, and the marvelous magnetism about him. Col. Fletcher was an ardent sympathizer with the South, and when the war began he equipped a company known as " The Fletcher Hifles," at his own expense. This company was commanded by —rf 2) bis eldest son, Elliot H. Fletcher, a youth scarcely twenty one years of age, and his only other son, Thomas, a mere boy of fifteen, became sergeant in the company. This company Avas attached to the Third Confederate regiment, commanded by Col. Marmaduke, in Hiudman's legion, and after the hardships of a campaign, it was present at the battle of Shiloh, in which great battle Capt. Fletcher and his brother Thomas were killed. Capt. Fletcher was in the act of waving his sword and leading his men, when he was informed that his brother had just been killed. In another moment he fell dead, pierced with a bullet, and both were buried in the trenches opened for the reception of the dead heroes who wore the blue and the gray. Under the sod and the dew. Waiting the judgment day. Tears and prayers for the Blue, Prayers and tears for the Gn-jy. After learning of the death of his boys. Col. Fletcher was seized with a settled melancholy, and was rarely known to smile or take interest in pass- ing events. He was afterward visited by both Federal and Confederate oflScers, and it is but simple justice to say that the Federal officers, even in the midst of the war, treated him with the greatest respect and kindness, especially those on the gun- boats. On one occasion a Federal cavalry command pa.ssed by his house, and a young officer, the surgeon of the regiment, stopped and asked if he was Col. Fletcher; on being answered in the affirmative, the officer replied that his name was Fletcher also. A little investigation proved that he was a nephew, a son of his brother. After a touching interview they bade each other adieu, never to meet again. Such was the respect in- spired by Col. Fletcher that it often happened that, while Confederate officers would l)e in the house, Federal gunboats would land, officers come ashore and be entertained under the Colonel's roof, with the full knowledge that there were Confederate of- ficers in another room. The close of the war found him prostrated in mind and body, and his fortune swept away, but retaining the devoted friendship of every one who knew him. His last days were passed in comparative peace and comfort. It quite often happened that boats would land and passen- gers come ashore to visit him. He died July 2, 1867. A very beautiful and touching sketch of his life and character was written and published by Albert Pike. His estimable wife survived him many years and died February 29, ISS-t. They left three daughters: Anna, wife of John W. Williams, now residing near Elmot: Frances (or Fannie), unmarried, and Susan, wife of H. M. McVeigh, a lawyer of Osceola (whose sketch may be seen in another part of this volume). Col. Fletcher pos- sessed talents and accomplishments that would have given him a national and enduring reputation, had he lived in, or near, any of the great centers of population. But his isolated situation and the fact of his being a Whig in politics, precluded him from high official positions or achieving a reputa- tion much extended beyond the limits of his own State. He was in person tall and commanding, very dark hair, dark complexion and his eyes, deep set behind heavy eyebrows, were keen and pierc- ing. His manners were gracious, deferential and easy, and he had the happ)' facult}' of making the poorest and humblest feel the dignity of being men, and they consequently revered and respected him. He was the counselor and legal adviser of all in trouble in regard to the title of their lands, and in early times his house would be thronged with pioneers and backwoodsmen, seeking legal ad- vice in this matter, and not a cent of compensation would he receive. Fletcher township, in Missis- sippi Cotinty, is the only public memorial now re- maining of this truly great and good man. John W. Fonville, whose name is a synonym of activity and enterprise, was born in Marshall County, Tenn., in 1848, and is the youngest of a family of three children born to Jury and Frances (Smith) Fonville, of that State. The father died the year after John W. was born, and the widowed mother again married five years afterward, her husband being John J. Hazlewood, a well-known resident of that section. Mr. Fonville" s edu cational facilities were somewhat limited in his youth; he succeeded, however, in obtaining a fair amount of learning at the schools of Tennessee, -< 9 MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 497 and was in a position to cope with tlie world when starting in life for himself. In 1802 the family moved to Mississippi County. Ark., where the step- father was engaged by Mr. John McGavock as overseer for his extensive plantation. In this ca- pacity he remained two years, and then moved about live miles west of the river to Shawnee Vil- lage, where he purchased KiO acres of timber land and immediately began to improve it. He cleared about thirty acres and made a good farm, living here until his death in 1873; he was followed by his wife in 1877. John W. remained with them until he had attained his majority, and then commenced farming for himself on rented land. After three years of labor, he purchased 100 acres of wild land on the river near Shawnee Village, and on this he made a great many improvements, and cleared about forty acres. He then sold out to good ad- vantage and bought 160 acres where he now re- sides, the land being some of the finest in that section. He has cleared some 1 00 acres, and prom- ises to soon have the entire lot under cultivation, which, with five good dwellings, an excellent barn and all the necessary adjuncts, will made one of the finest farms in Mississippi County. Mr. Fon- ville was married in 1871, to Miss Barbara Simp- son of Georgia, who moved to this State with her parents. This lady died in 188B, leaving two childi-en: Drew and Minnie O. In 1883, he was again married, his second wife being Miss Frances Smith, and this union gave them one child, Lad- dus, who died at the age of four years. Mr. Fon- ville is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and belongs to Pecan Point Lodge, in which he holds the office of S. D. He owns a large number of horses, cattle and hogs, and is said to be one of the best judges of cattle in that section. R. W. Friend. The life-record of him whose name here appears has been one of more than usual interest, and his career has been of such benefit and influence to the people, not only of Mississippi County, but throughout the State, that a sketch of his life will be of more than passing interest; which, though l)rief, will convey some- thing of an idea of liis usefulness in different walks of life. He is the proprietor of Pecan Point, one of the largest, richest and also best-kept plantations along the river from Memphis, Tenn. , to Cairo, 111., and although he has been the owner of the property only a few years he has by his tact, skill and energy converted it from almost a wilderness into well tilled fields of cotton and corn. Shortly after the close of the war he settled a few miles below his present place in the State of Tennessee, where by close economy and industry he became in a few years the owner of 160 acres of land. This land he sold in 1872, and purchased in one body 2,000 acres of his present estate, whicli now amounts to nearly 4,000 acres, a large portion of which is under cultivation, extending about a mile along the river and several miles inland. All the land is well fenced and laid off in well ciilti vated fields of cotton, of which material Mr. Friend ships 1,000 bales annually. The village of Pecan Point, which he founded and owns, consists of one store, one blacksmith shop, one saw-mill, a grist-mill, a cotton-gin, four churches (two of which, the Methodist and Presbyterian, are attend ed by the white residents, and the other two by the colored population) and two schools, the white school having an attendance of twenty pupils and the colored school an attendance of 100 pupils. There are also about forty dwelling houses, all the property of Mr. Friend, with the exception of one dwelling-house, which belongs to his son-in-law, A. M. King, who is the able assistant and business manager of the mercantile establishment at Pecan Point. He is a gentleman well (jualitied by edu- cation and experience for the responsible position he is now filling. Mr. Friend's assistants, serv- ants and tenantry comprise a population of nearly 1,000 people, and he also owns a large estate of rich bottom-land, comprising 3,000 acres in Phil- lips County, near Helena, which is under the su- pervision of his brother, E. B. Friend. Mr. Friend is one of the few men in this section who realizes the importance of using the best tools and the la- test improved machinery on his plantation, and. as one of his men tersely puts it, ' ' He uses nothing but the best, either in tools, mules or niggers," and the results have shown his judgment to be sound. In personal appearance he is prepossess- 408 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. iiig anil in disposition is genial and liberal, distrib- uting his wealth with an unstinted hand wherever it is essential to the pleasure or welfare of himself and family or those around him, and as a result he commands the respect and liking of all with whom he conies in contact. He is a native of Missouri, having been born near Jefferson City in 1S;:5'J, but was taken shortly after his birth by his father, F. C. Friend, to Bolivar, Mo. .where be gi-ew to man- hood: and here his early scholastic advantages were enjoyed, though only such as the common schools of that day afforded. By his own individ- ual efforts, and at the expense of diligent study and hard practical experience, he has attained his present enviable position. When the war broke out his sympathies were naturally with the South, and in 1861, in company with his two brothers, Edward and Daniel, and his father, he entered the Confederate service under Sterling Price, and was on active duty until 1864, when he was cap- , tured at La Mine River, his Inother Daniel being killed a short time afterward on Price's last raid into Missouri. Mi-. Friend was taken to Alton, 111. , where he was held a prisoner, being afterward released on taking the oath of allegiance. He re- sided for some time in Edwardsville, 111., and af- terward went as far north as Ottumwa, Iowa, at which place he made his home for about six months, then returned to Missouri. In 1868 he settled in Tennessee, nearly opposite where he now lives, but in 1872 came to his present planta- tion, as above stated. His residence is by far the finest and most substantial in the county, and is built in the shape of a T, having a frontage of fifty feet. It is painted white, is two stories in height, with porches above and below, and covers an area of 5,000 square feet. It commands a beautiful view of the river, situated as it is on a bold point of land and only 100 yards distant, and can be plainly seen from steamers as they round the bend from the north, ten or twelve miles distant, or from Island No. iiC), many miles below. The lawn surrounding this ideal home is several acres in ex- tent, and is dotted over with lovely forest trees of elm, oak. cottonwuod. sycamore, pecan, magnolia, etc.; while back of the house is a tine apple or- chard, and near by is the residence of his son-in- law, Mr. King, which is the second best house in the county, covering an area of 4,000 square feet. All the buildings in the town are painted white, and present a lovely picture from the river. In 1860 Mr. Friend was married near Bolivar, Mo., to Miss Nanc}' Payne, who died in 1806, leaving two children: Miss Virginia, who is a graduate of St. Vincent Academy, at Cape Girardeau, Mo., and is now at home, and Emma, who was educated in the same school and is now the wife of A. M. King, and the mother of three children. Mr. Friend married his present wife in Tennessee, her maiden name being Miss Melissa Carr, of Shelby County, Tenn. , and a daughter of G. L. Carr. Their union has been blessed in the birth of three chil- dren: Miss Nettie, just returned from McMinn- ville, Tenn. , where she had been attending school : Charley, a ladin his teens, whom Mr. Friend ex- pects to give a thorough collegiate education, and Roberta, a little girl at home. The family attend the Methodi.st Church, and Mr. Friend is a mem- ber of the Masonic and I. O. O. F. fraternities, having joined the latter organization in 1866. Edwin R. Freeman, whose success as a farmer is proverbial, was born in the State of Tennessee, in 1831, and is a son of James A. Freeman, of North Carolina, who was one of the pioneers of Tennessee, and was known as having built the first chimney in what is now Dyersville. After submitting to the dangers and hardships of an early settler's life, the elder Freeman moved to Arkansas in 1849, but the following year returned to Tennessee, where he died in 1850. On Sep- tember 15, 1851, Edwin R. , in company with his brother James and sister Annie, moved to Missis- sippi Coimty, Ai-k. , and settled in Chickasawba Township, where they bought and entered some 247 acres of unimproved land. They immediately began to cultivate the soil, and make a great many improvements, and also started in, the business of raising hogs. In 1854, they had a drove of 850 hogs, and from that period began to farm and raise stock on an extensive scale: they also helijed to erect the first corn-mill put uj) in this township. In 1857, Edwin R. was married to Miss Matilda MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. VM Hutcbins, a daughter of one of the old settlers of Mississi])pi County, but lost his wife in 1800. Two children were born to this marriage: Susan Ann (deceased), and Thomas, who is married and re- siding in this county. Mr. Freeman contracted a second marriage, in 1801, with Miss Alliua Hutch- ins, a sister of his first wife, and to this union were born five children: Nixon, married and living in Missouri; Edwin E., Jr.; Martha Jane, wife of Harry Springer, living in Missouri; Charlie and Alice. In 1862, Mr. Freeman enlisted in the Con- federate army, and was assigned to duty on the Arkansas River. He was engaged in many sharp skirmishes, biit no regular battles, as his duty was principally scouting, in which he was an adept. He returned home about the time of the surrender, and as the war had stripped him of everything he possessed, he was compelled to begin life anew. He commenced farming, and with the aid of a de- termined will soon placed himself in an independ- ent position again, and now owns about seventy - one acres of fine laud, all under cultivation, having given his children about as much more. Mr. Free- man l)roaght the first cotton seed that was ever planted in this county, and after raising that plant upon a small tract of land in 1852, it became a nine days' wonder to the neighboring farmers. In 1859 he brought 100 bushels of cotton seed from Tennessee, and distributed it among the farmers of that vicinity, and the cotton now grown upon the land averages a bale to the acre. Judge Daniels, a brother-in-law of Mr. Freeman, erected the first cotton-gin in Mississippi County, and his brother James was one of the projectors of the Bar- field road in 1853. Mrs. A. A. Gabel. There are in every com- munity some persons who, on account of their in- dustry, and practical management of the affairs which fall to their lot. deserve special credit; and such is Mrs. Gabel. She is the relict of C. C. Gabel. and the daughter of David and Lucinda (Myers) Metzger. the parents being natives of the " Buckeye State. " About 1888, they removed to Mississippi County. Ark. . settling about four miles below Barfield. and in 1858. when the State Imilt the levee through this county. Mr. Metzger had a contract on the work, which he held until the work was finished. He then purchased 480 acres of laud in Hickman Township, the property being in a wild state, and after taking possession he erected a building, cleared 160 acres of land, and put the propi^rty iu e.\celleut shape. To the superior natural abilities possessed by Mr. Metz- ger were added the wisdom and experience of a useful and well spent life; and there was a geni- ality, honesty of purpose, and broad hospitality about him that attracted and fascinated. His death, which occurred in 1881, was deeply la- mented by his friends and neighbors, whose hospi- tality they had partaken of times without number. His wife died in 1868. Mrs. Gabel was married in 1870, and has always made her home on the farm where she is now residing, which place was settled and cleared by her father. She has two children : Alexander C. and Fannie E. Her broth • er, William Metzger. the only living son of David Metzger, also occupies a part of the old home- stead, his home adjoining his sister's. He was married, in 1870, to Miss Elvira Branch, a native of the county, and to them have been born an in- teresting little family of three children: David, Eleanor Jane and John Noah. Charles H. Gaylord, druggist, owes his nativity to Michigan, having been born iu Detroit in 1838, and of the family of seven children born to his parents, Henry C. and Harriet (Parshall) Gaylord, he was the eldest. The father was originally em- ployed on the lake steamboats. He died in 1854. The mother is still living, and is a resident of Detroit. Mr. Gaylord has in his possession a com- mission given to his great great-grandfathei from the British Government, appointing him lieutenant in the French and Indian AVars, dated 1753. His ancestors, on the paternal side, were originally from Connecticut, and those on the mother's side were originally from New York, and trace their descent back to Koger Williams. Charles H. Gay lord attended the ])ublic schools of Detroit until sixteen years of age, and was two years in the tel- egraph business, first as messenger -boy, and then as copyist. Later he learned the trade of pattern- maker, which he continued until he commenced 500 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. bis coinmeicial career, in 1865. He then came to Osceola, Ark. , where he engaged in general mer- chandising until 1883, after which he embarked in the drug business, and is at present one of the most reliable and well-established druggists and pharma- cists in Osceola. He was married in 1879 to Miss Clara L. Miller, a native of Georgia, and daughter of Dr. B. F. Miller, who moved to Missouri, and there passed his last days. Mrs. Gaylord died in January, 1884, and left one child, Charles H. , Jr. Mr. Gaylord is quite active, politically, and in 1888 was elected county treasurer, being the pres- ent incumbent of that office. He is also very active in educational matters. Mr. Gaylord is a Royal Arch Mason, and at present is secretary of Chapter No. 57. He has held all the offices in the Blue Lodge except Master. He is also a member of Hugh De Payen Commandery No. 1, K. T. , of Lit- tle Rock; is secretary of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, and reporter of the K. of H. of Osceola, Ark. Aside from his practical education in the public schools of Detroit, Mr. Gaylord took a two- years' course in the literary department of Greg- ory's Commercial College of that place. John B. Gilles. From the biography of every man there may be gleaned some lessons of geniiine worth; for here we discover the secret of success or failure. In the history of John B. Gilles, one of Mississippi County's active and progressive planters, is found much to commend. He was born in Dyer County, Tenn., in 1854, being the youngest of twelve children born to William Allen and Sallie (Boone) Gilles, who were also Tennes- seeans, the former a farmer and blacksmith by oc- cupation, and a mail route agent. He died in 1855, followed by his wife in 1860. John B. Gilles spent his youth on a farm, and at the time of his mother's death removed to Woodruff County, Ark., where he remained five years, then went back to Tennessee, In 1873 he returned to Arkansas and located in Mississippi County, in Chickasawba Township, where he engaged in farming on the old Cook plantation. In 1879 his marriage with Miss Josephine Thompson was consummated, and he soon after purchased 160 acres of wild land four miles southeast of Blythesville, which he be- gan immediately to improve, and now has twenty- three acres under cultivation; has erected good buildings, and has a good orchard of choice varie- ties of fi'uits. Mrs. Gilles is a native of Missis- sippi County, and is a daughter of James Olliver Thompson, a very early resident of that county. She and Mr. Gilles are the parents of three children: Carrie R., Samuel Jones and one un- named. T. F, Glasgow. There is in the development of every successful life a principle which is a lesson to to every man following in its footsteps — a lesson leading to higher and more honorable position than the ordinary. Let a man be industriously ambi- tious, and honorable in his ambitions, and he will rise whether having the prestige of family or the obscurity of poverty. We are led to these reflec- tions by a study of the life of the subject of this sketch, Mr. T. F. Glasgow, who was born in At- ] lanta, Ga. , in 1856. His father, A. J. Glasgow, left the State of Georgia, just prior to Gen. Sher- man's invasion in 1863, and went to the eastern part of Texas, near Mt. Vernon, where he died shortly afterward, leaving his wife with a family of three children. T. F. Glasgow was the eldest of i these children, and was about eight years of age at the time of his father's death. His mother , was married again, and moved to Lake County, \ West Tenn., where she died in 1869. The little brother then died, and T. F. and his sister Mina, were the only ones left. At the age of twelve years the former hired out, worked a year, and when in his thirteenth year took a farm on • shares, hired three boys and raised about 4,000 bushels of corn. The next year he rented land, raising a crop, and this he continued the following year, making enough money to send his sister to school at Memphis, She was married at the age of fifteen to Mr. G. W. Marr, Jr., and is now living in the northern part of the Lone Star State, In 1873 Mr. Glasgow accepted a position with Capt, Nail, who was then running a steam ferry at Point Pleasant, and acted as pilot and collector until in June, 1874, He then came to Mississippi I County, Ark,, and engaged with Mr. J. W. Will- iams, with whom he remained about eighteen --r->- MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 501 months, after which he took a trip to Texas to visit his sister. He remained with her about eighteen months, and then received a letter from Mr. Williams requesting him to return, which he did in about 1876, and remained with that gentle- man as overseer until 1882. One year later he rented about 100 acres of land from the above mentioned gentleman, and worked at agricultural pursuits for one year, after which he went to Pecan Point, where he worked for R. \\'. Friend until July 1, 1884. In 1886 he rented a farm of W. P. , Hale, just west of Osceola, where he has con- j tinned since, and is now in partnership with Mr. N. L. Avery, under the firm name of Glasgow & Avery. They have over 500 acres of cotton, and Mr. Glasgow has some of the best crops in the county, having picked ten acres of cotton that averaged one and a fourth bales to the acre. They employ fi-om forty to 150 hands, and have about 100 people on the place the principal part of the time. The firm has recently bought 825 acres of land on Sandy Bayou, of which they expect to open uj) KM) acres this fall. Mr. Glasgow has onions as large as breakfast plates, and has shipped 400 barrels of potatoes from six acres of land, leaving fully one-third of them for the hands. He was married on the 20th of May, 1888, to Miss Ger- trude Ashburn, a native of Mississippi County, and the daughter of George Ashburn who came to Mississippi County, Ark., with his father when a boy (1829). Mr. Glasgow is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Lodge No. 27, Osceola. J. P. Goodin, a well-known and popular young citizen of Golden Lake, was born in Fulton County, Ky., in 1866, and is the elde.st of two children born to Ephraim and Elizabeth Goodin. The father was a native of Kentucky, and was for a long time owner of the celebrated Nowlin farm in that State, and also a breeder of tine stock, his reputation for thoroughbred horses becoming known to turf-goers from Maine to California. He died in 1868; his widow still survives him. and is a resident of Dallas, Texas. J. P. Goodin was reared on the parental farm in Kentucky, and upon reaching his eighteenth year removed to Tennessee, where he remained two years. He then went to Texas, but not finding the advantages and prospects as bright as he anticipated, lie remained only a few months and retraced his steps northward. On reaching the State of Arkansas he stopped in Mississippi County, and finding the climate and people suit- able to his tastes he determined to locate at that place, where he immediately engaged in overseeing. In 1887 he bovight a trsict of 160 acres of land on Tyronza Bayou, which was all wild, l)ut he has now cleared and put four acres under cultivation, all the result of his own industry, besides acting as foreman of the tramway for Mr. Lee Wilson. His brother, J. E. Goodin, is also employed by Mr. Wilson, and Mississippi County certainly has no more energetic and industrious young men than these two. They are slowly but surely paving the way to future wealth, and before the hand of time has passed over many years, these two brothers will be among the leading men of Mississipj)! County. Alexander Goodrich, merchant and postmaster, Osceola. The public services of Mr. Goodrich, during his residence in the county, have been char acterized by a noticeable devotion to the welfare of this county, and his ability and fidelity in all positions of trust have made a lasting impression upon the sjshere of jniblic duty. For many years his name has not only been connected with the official affairs of the county, but he has also be- come prominent as a much esteemed citizen and a successful business man. His birth occurred in White County, 111., November 2. 1888, and he pursued the arduous duties of the farm and at tended the public schools of Illinois until twenty years of age. Afterward he worked in a sawmill owned by his father, for two years, and then, in 1862, abandoned all work to enlist in Company K. Eighty-seventh Illinois Infantry, United States Army. He went to Memphis, Tenn., in May, 1863, was ordered to report to Gen. Grant at Vicksburg, and was there through the siege of that city. On July 5, the day after the surrender of that city, Mr. Goodrich went on the campaign to Jackson, Miss., and on the fall of that city, he returned to Vicksburg, but immediately left for Natchez and New Orleans. Late in September, 1863, he went 502 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. on a campaign to Southwest Lonisiaua, and in December of the same year was ordered to report to the adjutant-general of Illinois, being then assigned to recruiting duty. In April, 1864, Mr. Goodrich joined his regiment in Louisiana, and in November of the same year, marched to White River, Ark. In January of the following year, he was ordered to Helena, Ark. , where the regiment remained until ordered home. He was mustered out in July, 1865. In 1866 he returned to Helena, Ark., where he remained two years engaged in the planting business, and then came to Osceola, where he commenced mercantile pursuits. He served the city seven years as its mayor, four years as post- master, and represented Missouri County in the State Republican conventions of 1884 and 1888. He was married on the 8th of May, 1872, to Miss Marjory McDonald Conway, of Scotland, and six children were born to this union : Margaret L. , who died at the age of two years; Leon A., born September 15, 1875; Mary E., born May 10, 1878; Abaishai D., born December 29, 1879; Charles C, born August 23, 1882, and James M., born June 13, 1884. Mr. Goodrich, aside from his stock of gen- eral merchandise, carries a stock of furniture, also undertaking supplies, and is engaged in planting, also in buying and shipping cotton. He received his commission as postmaster at Osceola about May 1, and is now filling that position for the second time. He is a member of the K. of H., Monroe Lodge No. 2167, at Osceola, and represented this lodge at the meeting of the Grand Lodge at Hot Springs, in September. 1888. He is at present presiding officer of the lodge. He takes a decided interest in educational matters, and has held the position of director for a number of terms. He was the seventh of ten children born to A.baishai and Margaret (Smith) Goodrich, the father a na- tive of Pennsylvania, and the mother a native of Scotland. The former was a successful tiller of the soil in Illinois, and died in that State in 1865. He was a descendant of William Goodrich, who came to America in about 1840, and the subject of this sketch is of the seventh generation. The great- grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. The mother died in 1871. Charles Goodrich, jeweler, of Osceola, Ark., was born in Carroll County, 111., in 1848, and was the eldest in a family of eight children born to Joseph and Louisa (Derouse) Goodrich, natives of Missouri and Illinois, respectively. The father follows the occupation of farming, and is at pres- ent residing in Iowa. Charles spent his youth in Iowa, till about fifteen years of age, when he at- tended the public schools, later going to Carroll County, 111., when he soon engaged with a jeweler and watch-maker to learn that trade in Galena. He remained at Galena four years, and during that time completed his trade; subsequent- ly removed to Iowa, where he worked at this call- ing in various localities till 1863. Returning to Illinois he enlisted in Company C, Forty-eighth Illinois Infantry, and was assigned to duty with Sherman, being wounded at the battle of Fort McAlister. He was in the hospital at Savannah, and at Beaufort, S. C, till June, 1865; then went to Washington City, and participated in the grand review, June 15, 1865, receiving his discharge at Louisville, Ky. , in October, same year. Soon after he again visited Iowa, working at his trade, and shortly after went to Canada, where he worked in Montreal for a time. He later became located at Chester, 111., remaining there till the fall of 1868, when he returned to Iowa, and was married at Red Oak Junction, in the fall of 1868. Then he went to Missouri, settling at Bethany, Hari'ison County, for two years; thence to Savanna, 111., remaining till the fall of 1871, and then to Sedalia, j Mo., for one year. Going back to Chester, 111., ' he stopped about one year, and then lived at Cairo for three years, moving finally to Gayoso, Mo. ! Here he engaged in business for himself. One year after he became a citizen of New Madrid, con- tinuing there till 1879. At this time his wife died. There had been six children born to this union, of whom three had preceded their mother to their heavenly rest : Maud died while at school at Bardstowu, Ky. , at the age of sixteen years; Lester died in Illinois; Frederick died in Osceola, in 1888, at the age of ten years; Birtell died in 1872 at about three years of age; Eugene died at the age of four- teen months, in 1872 ; Mabel died in 0.sceola at four MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 503 years of age, in 1882. After his wife's death in 1879, Mr. Goodrich engaged in the sewing ma- chine business in Pemiscot and New Madrid Counties, Mo., and Mississippi County, Ark., fol- hjwiiig this business for three yeaVs. In 1881 he married Cornelia Dowd, a native of Illinois, soon after which he settled in Csceola, where \n' has continued in business ever since. He commenced his career here in the sewing machine business, I nit after a year started a jewelry store, princi- pally repairing. From year to year he has been increasing his stock which is now very complete, and he enjoys a good trade. He carries a stock of about $3,000, comprising jewelry, watches, clocks and sewiutr machines. To his second marriage three children were born: Lena, Lillian and Char- ley. Mr. Goodrich is a member of Samaritan Lodge. A. O. U. W., of Osceola. His first wife was Mattie E. Conquest, a native of Indiana, and a daughter of Richard Conquest, who was an officer in the Mexican War, and quite a traveler. In the Civil War he was a lieutenant in the Second Colorado Cavalry. He died at Hastings, Neb., in 18S7. Laurence W. Goshorn, a successful and popu- lar farmer of Canadian Township, is the second child of a family of seven children born to Russell B. and Kittie (Ward) Goshorn, of Ohio and Ten- nessee, respectively, and was born in Mississippi County, Ark., June 17, 1857. His grandfather was an eminent physician and druggist of Cincin- nati in the earlier days, and died in 1872, at the mature age of ninety-two years; and his father, Russell B., was one of the first physicians who settled in Mississippi County, having commenced to i>ractice medicine in Osceola in 1840, where he was very successful. The elder Goshorn bought considerable land in Chiekasawba. where he lived for .some time and then movr-d to the river at Bar- tield. From there he went to Hale's Point, Tenn., and .Taimary 1, 1869. transferred his home to Dy. ersburg in the same State. In 1875 he returned to Mississippi County, Ark., settling at Hickman's Bend, anil from there moved to Missouri, where he remained one year. He made a short visit to Ar- kansas again, and in November. 1878. went to Florida, where he died at Live Oak, December 31. 1881. Laurence remained at home with his par- ents until the year 1874, and then moved with his uncle. William W. Ward, to Mississippi County, where he has since resided. In 1881 he bought eighty acres of land, and commenced cultivating a farm. On January 8, 1882, he was married to Miss Mary Ann Wetsel, a granddaughter of "Cedar"' James Williams, a celebrated character and pioneer of that county, but in the same year Mr. Goshorn lost his wife. He is principally en- gaged on his farm, but is interested to some ex- tent in land and timber speculation, in which direction he is well known for his shrewdness and good business ability. Mr. Goshorn does not take an active part in politics, and is independent in his belief, preferring to see the man who is be.st fitted to look after the interests of the country occupy the presidential chair than to side with any particular party. L. W. Gosnell. The life and character of this public-spirited citizen of Mississippi County will bear a much more detailed history and analysis than are presented on this page. Though a young man, he has wielded a remarkal^le influence, and to-day a review of his career since locating here, without a dollar, rising to a position of worth and affluence, demonstrates him to be an individual above the ordinary. Young Gosnell attended school at Jonesboro, Tenn., until eighteen years of age. always applying himself diligently to his studies. After clerking two years for an uncle he went to Middle Tennessee, and was occupied in work on railroad construction for about two years. In March. 1870, he concluded to seek his fortune farther west, and came to Arkansas, engaging as clerk in the store of Mr. Williams, at Barfield, for one year, after which he settled in Chiekasawba, where he was interested in wielding the ferule for about one year. This occupation not being entirely suited to his tastes, he I'esumed clerking, being in the employ of J. B. Tisserand. who had estab- lished the first permanent store in what is now Blythesville: and after one year spent in discharg ing the duties of that position, he was admitted as a partner, the firm taking the name of J. B. Tis- 504 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. serand & Co. Subsequently it was changed to L. W. Gosnell & Co., under which title it still con- tinues. This house carries a stock of goods valued at SO, 000, and (>very transaction being thoroughly honest and reliable, the members draw to their establishment a large and lucrative custom. The builiiing in which they are now located was erect- ed in 1870. They also own extensive tracts of land in the county, 900 acres comprising what is known as the Cook farm, one and one-half miles west of Blythesville, 400 of which are under culti- vation. This place was the home of the old Ind- ian Chief Chickasawba, who had a hut on one of the mounds there, and where he died many years ago. Besides this tract, they have 400 acres under cultivation in various sections, and last year they shipped 970 bales of cotton. The entire amount of their superior land aggregates about 3,000 acres, Mr. Gosnell owning j_a half interest and also an interest in another general store. He was married in 1879 to Miss Bettie Hill, an esti- mable lady, a native of Tennessee, and a daughter of J. W. Hill. They have three children: Mervin, Kate and Laura. The pleasant residence of Mr. and Mrs. Gosnell which was erected in 1882, in the village of Blythesville. is a home indeed, and at once a monument and a reward of patient con- tinuance in welldoing, hard toil and sober living. Mrs. Gosnell is a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Gosnell ranks as a noticeable illustration of that indomitable push and energy which charac- terize men of determination and will. His success is unusual, but due largely to his excellent judg- ment, and strict honesty and upright dealings, and the proud position he now occupies as a rep- resentative citizen is a just tril)ute to his worth. W. P. Greene, a prominent farmer of Missis- sippi County, is the lifth in a family of eleven chil- dren born to Abraham and Elizabeth (Lathrage) Greene, natives of South Carolina and (ieorgia, respectively. The father was a well-known and extensive farmer, who died January 15, 1872, the mother surviving him until the year 1882. Mr. Greene was bom in Georgia, in the year 1839, and remained in that State luitil he reached the age of seven years, when he moved to the. Sta^e of Mis- sissippi, which he made his home until 1882. At the outbreak of the Civil War. he enlisted in Com- pany D. Fourth Mississipi)i Infantry, and took part in the battles of Fort Donelson and Port Gibson, was through the siege of Vicksburg, at Chickasaw, and in all the battles thiough the celebrated catu- paign in Georgia, with Johnston and later on with Hood. He also took part in the battle at Franklin, Tenn., and finally surrendered in South Carolina, on May 0. 1805, returning to his home in Mis- sissippi, after the war was over. On December 4. 1804, he was married to Miss Anna Uay, of Ala- bama, and resided with his Ijride in Mississippi until 1882. He was engaged in government work for three years at Plum Point, and during this time lost his wife and three of their tive children. The names of the children are Charles Henry (de- ceased). John Wesley (deceased), Harvey Calhoun (deceased), Mary Ella, wife of Mr. Andrews, a resident of Mississippi, and Kate Elizabeth, who makes her home with the married sister. On Sep- tember 5, 1884, Mr. Greene was married a second time, his next wife being Mrs. Bettie Biales, a widow lady of Alabama, and this union has given them one child, a boy named Walter. His present home is a few miles south of Osceola, in Mississippi County, and during his five years' residence in Arkansas, he has never failed to make a good crop. During the summer of 1889, he bought and entered 320 acres of land in the northern part of this coun- ty, intending to take possession of it in the fall, and to imjirove it on an extensive scale. Mr. Greene has been in the best of health during his five years' stay in Mississippi County, and speaks in the highest terms of this section and its produc- tions. In addition to his farms, he owns a small herd of very fine cattle, and a magnificent team, and his present prosperity has sprung from almost nothing, his first start in life finding him compara- tively poor. Mrs. Greene has one child l)y her previous marriage, Lee B. , and the entire family ai'e members of the Methodist Ej)isco[)al Chui-ch, South. W. H. Grider, the subject of this sketch, was born in Jackson County, Ark., in the year 1855, and, with the exception of an occasional trip to -("I ® MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 505 Momphis, TeLUi., and othor rivtn' towns, he has spent his life within its borders. His paternal an- cestry can be traced back to the landing of the ^[ayflower on the American coast. The lirst maternal ancestor of which he has record enrolled his name on the Declaration of Independence. His grand uncle, Henry Grider.of Kentucky, repre- sented the Bowling Green district in Congress for several terms, and while serving in this capacity won great distinction for his able statesmanship; he was contemporary with Clay, Calhouu, and other eminent men. An uncle, Jesse Grider, served in the Confederate army, and for gallant service on the battle lield was promoted to the rank of colonel. Frank Grider, the grandfather, came to Arkansas, about the time it was made a State, with his family, from Bowling Green, Ky. , lirst to Tennessee near Moscow, and thence to Jackson County, Ark. At this time his son. John H. Grider, was but eight- een years of age. The latter married Miss Maria L. Morris, a native of that county, about the year 1846. He settled down to tilling the soil in Jack- son County, but afterward moved to Phillips County, where he spent the remainder of his days, dying in 1871, having lived a useful and honor- able life. At this time W. H. Grider was attend- ing school in Lebanon, Tenn. , and graduated about a year later; and after the death of his mother, who lived until 1875, he made his home with his uncle, Col. Jesse Grider, of Crittenden County, with whom he remained until the latter" s death some live years later. DiU'ing this time he was engaged in studying law with the firm of Adams & Dixon, of Memphis, Tenn., and in ISSO was married to Miss Sue J. McGavock, one of the wealthiest and most refined and cultivated young ladies of Mississijjpi County, Ark., she being a daughter of John Harding and Georgia (Moore) McGavock. The former (now deceased) was a mem!)er of a family of that name who be- came illustrious in the annals of Virginia, having come from Scotland to this country in the early part of the last century. After his marriage Mr. Grider took charge of the estate and at once identi- fied himself with the more advanced farming and stock raising interests of the county, a position which he has continued to occupy since that time, and to what extent may be inferred when the fact is mentioned that he now has 1,300 acres of land under cultivation, the most of which was cleared under his supervision. He rents out a large portion. He also owns several thousand acres of land heav- ily covered with timber, a portion of which he manages each year to bring under the plow, and when reduced yielding at least a bale of cotton to the acre. In addition to conducting his plantation he is also interested in merchandising, having a well stocked store, and operates a cotton gin and saw- mill, and in his different occupations employs from fifty to 100 men. His residence faces and is about one-half mile from the river. It wasl)uilt in 1855 and is a building 54x74 feet, two stories in height, with a porch twelve feet wide running the whole length and breadth of the house, and at the time of its erection was considered a marvel of beauty and convenience, as all the timber was hand-sawed and the work well done. It was erected by Mr. McGavock' s slaves, of whom he had a great many, and each room was finished in a certain, distinct kind of wood, one being in black walnut, one in sassafras, another in red gum, and one in ash, each room being designated by these names. The house is approached by a handsome undulating lawn, 200 yards in extent, over which are scattered soiue magnificent forest oaks, elms, walnut, maple and box elder trees, that are thoroughly appreciated by the family. They have also a handsome fiower garden near the house, and ornamental shrrtbbery assists in making their home all that the heart of man could desire, or that a refined and educated taste could wish. With a wife whose womanly graces and virtues are well known, and his two bright little daughters, Georgie and Josephine, Mr. Grider is happy and contented. He is assisted on his plantation by C. L. Mooj'e, who is the maternal uncle of Mrs. Grider. He is a gentleman of fine attainments, being a gi-aduate of the University of Mississippi, and ever since the war has lieen identified with the interests of Mississippi County, in which he has filled many offices of public trust, such as county and probate judge. He is at present postmaster of Sans Souci, the name of ^. ^ s r>(i() HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Mr. (iiiders ])lantRtion. During the war he did flood service for the Confederacy. William P. Hale. It cannot V)e expected, iu a WDvk of this kind, where but brief biographical sketches of prominent citizens of the county are pres(>nted. that a lengthy laudatory article should be written of each one, and yet at times there are met with some who have been so intimately and closely identified with the county, and whose names are so familiar to all, that it is only just to dwell upon what they have done, and the influence of their career on others, not as empty words of praise, but the plain statement of a still plainer truth. Mr. Hale was born in Maury County, Tenn., on the ;^(Hliof July. 183!l, and is the fourth in a family of elev»>ii children born to Bird S. and Martha Ann (Dyer) Hale. The father died in his fortieth year, and left this large family of small children. In ISrio. throe years after his death, Mrs. Hale, being desirous of keeping the family together, came to Mississippi County, and settled in Osceola, on the 2(Hh of November. Directly upon their arrival William P. Halo began gathering corn, and the next year rented fifty-four acres, on which he ]-aised a large crop. From this time on, until reaching his nuijority, he continued to farm on routed land, and succeeded in keeping the family to- gether. When tweuty-one years of age (IS(')O) he selected Miss Orlean J. MoKinney as his wife. Her father. Judge L. H. McKinney, is an old settler of this county, and one of its most prominent citizens. After his marriage Mr. Hale bought KU) acres of land, but the war breaking out about this time, agricultural pursuits were almost wholly suspend- ed, although they farmed enough to supply the wants of the family. In 1S(>(') Mr. Hale bought 100 acres for §o.lHU\ with twenty-five acres under cultivation, and here he lived for nine years. He had built a number of cabins, an ice-house, and soon a cotton-gin. which brought him iu a large income, in addition to his own crops. He also cleared up all his farm, which is now wholly under cultivation. In 1870 he erected a store building in Osceola, engaged in mercantile pursuits, and thus continued in that place until 187i). when he sold the I'oods and has since rented the store. In 1875 he erected a tine residence in Osceola, at a cost of $4,000, and it is still one of the best residences in the town. One year later Mr. Hale, in partnership with his brother, F. B.. bought a large tract of land of 1 , 200 acres, 250 of which were cleared. The brother moved upon this place, and in four years time he had cleared up a large tract, all of which was yielding extensive and profitable crops. During eight years of this farm ing they made enough to jiay for the entire plan tation, and, in 1884, Mr. Hale bought his brother' s interest for §13,000, all of which was made on the place. He has since added f')t)0 acres, making his plantation now about 1,700 acres, and he has in this tract nearly 1,000 acres under cultivation. This extensive place is located two and a half miles above Osceola, and it is one of the finest in Mississippi County. He is also the owner of other tracts, iu all of which he has about 1,150 acres under cultivation. He manages all the laud himself, and estimates that it brings him in an in- come of at least $12 [)er acre net. In 1872 he leased a building in Osceola, which he converted into a steam gin, and at the expiration of the lease bought the property, and soon built a large and good gin. This was destroyed by fire two years later, and, as Mr. Hale had bought a large tract in the upper part of the town, on which there was a large gin, he did not rebuild. From this tract he has sold most of the lots on which the upper part of Osceola is built. He has erected at least I ten buildings in the town, and has been active in contributing to its prosperity. Since living in town Mr. Hale has always been an active man in I the affairs that promised to promote the interests of I the locality. He has held the office of alderman, and served several times as school director. To his maiTiage were born fifteen children (six of whom are living): Bland William, married Miss Tee Driver, and lives in Tennessee ; Martha E. , died in infancy; Edward J., married Miss Carrie Bost- wick. and resides on his father's farm; Ida Maud, wife of S. M. -Jackson, of Dyersburg, Tenn. : James H., at present attending school; Maggie Lee. died at the age of three years; Franklin Bird, died ir. infancy; Harry Joplin. aged seven yeais; Beulah 9 > MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 5(17 OrlouH, live years; Walter P., died at the age of three months, and four died aiiiianK>d. The fam- ily are members of the Baptist Churc;h. Mr. Hale is a member of the Masonic Lodge, Chapter and Commaiidcry. He is also a member of the K. of H. of Osceola. Hon. J. P. K. Hale, a prominent merchant of Osceola, owes his nativity to Maury County, Tenn., where he was born in 1842, being the sixth of eleven children of Bird S. and Martha Ann (Dyer) Hale. The parents were also natives of Tennessee, but were of Virginia stock. The father was a farmer and trader, and was well known in that section. He died April 17, 1852, leaving a family of eleven children, eight girls and three boys. Three years after his death, on November 5, 1855, the widow of Mr. Hale started for Missis- sippi County, Ark., and arrived at Osceola Novem- ber 21, of that year. Since that time Mrs. Hale has died, and, also, one of the children. The fam- ily have made this county their home ever since, and the sons have worked very hard to keep the family together. Hon. J K. P. Hale was reared to comprehensive knowledge of the agricultural in- terests of the day, and in 1863 began farming on his own responsibility. In 1874 he was elected clerk of the circuit court, and ex officio clerk of the county, probate and common pleas courts, and re- corder of Mississippi County. On January 31, 1 889, he was elected to the State legislature to fill the unexpired term of J. O. Blackwood (deceased), and has served one session. He also served as jus- tice of the peace for many years. In 1870 Mr. Hale, in partnership with his brother, W. P. Hale, opened a general store in Osceola, but the former sold out to his partner after a short time, and re- turned to the duties of the farm. In 1882 he opened a grocery store, and in 1S89 a drygoods store, and is conducting both establishments at this time. He chose for his life's companion Miss Ma- lissa A. Tucker, who became his wife in 1862. She died August 14. 1880. On March 21, 1881, he married his present wife, who was originally Miss Mary E. Pollard, of Posey County, Ind. Three children were born to this union; Lillian Bird, born May 12, 1882; Mary Pollard, born May 27, 1884, and Helen, who was born February 29, 1888, and died March 21 of the same year. Mr. Hale is a member of Osceola Lodge No. 27, A. F. & A. M. , and Osceola Chapter No. 57, now being treasurer of the Lodge, and H. P. of the Chapter. He has occupied every station in lodge, chapter and commandery, and has served as district deputy grand master for the Second district of Arkansas, and for the Western district of Tennessee. He has the name of being one of the brightest Masons in the State. He is also the moderator of the Os ceola Baptist Association, and clerk of the church at Osceola. Mr. Hale and most of the family are members of the Baptist Church. He was instru- mental in securing and assisting in the incorpora- tion of the town of Osceola. Franklin Bird Hale, another prominent farmer of Osceola, whose time thus far has been sf)ent in furthering the agricultural interests of the county, is a native of Maury County, Tenn., born January 1, 1851, and is the tenth in a family of eleven children born to Bird S. and Martha Ann (Dyer) Hale [see sketch of J. K. P. Hale]. Franklin Bird Hale's experiences have been in the direction of agricultural pursuits, and in this calling he has met with the results due a lifetime of active energy. He began for himself at the age of nine teen, by renting land, and after one crop moved to Pope County, where he remained nearly a year. There he met and married Miss Mary M. Wells, a native of this State. Her father came to Arkansas about 1855, where he accumulated considerable property, but lo.st most of it during the war. He died about June, 1874. Mr. Hale then returned to Osceola, where he clerked for his brother, W. P. Hale, in a general store, for three years, aftei- which he engaged in a general store for himself, continuing this about one year. In connection with his bn)ther, W. P., he bought a tract of land known as the Witherspoon farm, consisting of ■ 1,200 acres, 190 acres of which were cleared. They have since opened 400 acres of this. In the year 1884 Mr. Hale sold his interest to his brother for $10,000. and then bought a tract of eighty acres adjoining the town, and .some town lots. This tract is under cultivation. Mr. Hale has purchased :rv- ^- r)08 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. a fine residence iu town, and has now one of the most pleasant places in Osceola. He has also bought a tract of forty acres, one-half of which is under cultivation, and in 1S80 he bought another forty- acres tract, all under cultivation. He has also one- fourth interest in eighty acres of wild land. He is a member of the Osceola Blue Lodge No. '27; is a member of Osceola Chapter No. 57, and also of the Hugh De Payen Commandery No. 1, K. T., at Little Rock. He is Past Master of the Blue Lodge, and is Principal Sojourner in the Chapter. He has served as school director for a number of years. To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hale were born eight children (four now living): James L. (attending school at Altus, Ark. ). Charles Franklin (deceased), Elizabeth Pearl (deceased), Emma Wells (died in May, 1888), Grace (died in March, 1882), Willie P., Pearl and Charles. The family are members of the Baptist Church. Mr. Hale is active in all matters that promise to con- tribute to the good of this section. He is improv- ing the grade of his stock; has some tine breed- ing animals, horses and cattle, and has quite a niiiiiber of thoroughbred Chester hogs. The beautiful residence and lawn of Mr. Hale are ornaments to the town, and the fine farm, under a high state of cultivation, is only another exam- ple of the enterprise of this prominent family. A. L. Harden. There is in the development of every successful life a principle which is a lesson to each man following in its footsteps; for let one be industriously ambitious, and honorable in his am- bitions, and he will rise, whether having the prestige of family and wealth or the obscurity of poverty. We are led to these reflections in looking over the life of Mr. Harden, who has attained his present enviable position as a leading agriculturist "of Mis- sissippi County, Ark., by indomitable energy and pluck. He was born in Florida in 1838, being the second of three children bom to William and Mar- tha Harden, and is of German descent, as both his father and grandfather, John Harden, were born in Germany, the latter of whom l)ecame an exten- sive farmer of Georgia. A. L. Harden was reared on a farm in Tennessee, and received no educa- tional advantages in his youth, but iu 18(56 began farming for himself, and at once identified himself with the more advanced agricultural and stock raising interests of this community, a position he has continued to occupy since that time. Although his first efforts for himself were on rented land, since coming to Mississippi County, in 1859, he has prospered. In 1874 he purchased a small farm of forty acres on the river at Daniel's Point, but at the end of one year came to Chickasawba Township, and bought a timber tract of 160 acres, and while clearing his land farmed on rented ground. At the present time he has '200 acres in all — seventy acres under cultivation, with forty more soon to be put under the plow, and his land will readily yield a bale of cotton to the acre. He also runs a dry-goods store on his farm. He has built three dwelling houses on his place, and has set out a large orchard of choice varieties of fruit; also owning a house and lot in Blythesville. His mar- riage to Miss Rebecca Wilson, a native of Alabama, was consummated November 5. 1866, and they are the parents of the following children: Martha, who died at the age of nineteen years: MilHdge F., Arthur A., Malinda A. and Robert. R. G. Hardin. For a period now closely ap- proaching a quarter of a century, this highly hon- ored resident of Chickasawba Township has been identified with the interests of Mississippi County, his settlement here dating fi'om about 1865. He came to Osceola, Ark., by boat, in 1861, and in July of the same year he espoused the cause of tlie Confederacy, and proved a gallant soldier during the Rebellion. He became first lieutenant in Cupt. Charles Bowen's company, and with him partici- pated in the battles of Port Hud.son, Champion's Hill and others. After the battle of Shiloh, Capt. Bowen resigned his position, and Mr. Hardin was chosen captain, and in this capacity served in and around Vicksburg and was also at Jackson. About this time' he was promoted to the command of Company E, Ninth Arkansas Infantry, and was in all the battles of the Georgia campaign, but at Gadsden, Ala., on account of ill health, he was compelled to resign his position and return to Mississippi County, Ark. His youthful days, up to the age of about sixteen years, were spent at -C « 9 W^ l±. ]\riSSISSIPPI COUNTY. 509 Rome, io which place he acquired a fair knowledge of the common branches, and he then engaged in riatboatiug, continuing this occuijatiou for a num- ber of years, after which he acted as pilot for some time. After his return to Arkansas in Sep- tember, 1864, he opened a boot and shoe store in Osceola, which he conducted with fair success nearly ten years, then purchasing a farm on Pemis- cot Bayou, but three years later removed to his present farm, which is situated one mile northwest of Blythesville and embraces a tract of eighty acres, thirty -five being then under cultivation. He has made all the improvements, such as building fences, setting out orchards, etc. , and his land is capable of yielding one bale of cotton to the acre. He also raises some stock. On the 28th of Febru- ary, 1864, he was married to Miss P. A. Trout, a native of Indiana, and by her has had the following children: Nora, who died September 5, 1888; Ida, who died in infanc)'; Ara, Nina, Lou, who died at the age of four years; Samuel T., Emma (deceased), Robert G., John, who died at the age of two years; Herman, and Ojga. Mr. Hardin is a member of Chickasawba Lodge No. 134, F. & A. M., and was a charter member of Osceola Lodge, and in company with Dr. Fearing and Capt. Bennett went to Jonesboro for examination to secure the dispensation. He was afterward Master of the latter lodge for a number of years, which position he has also filled in the Chickasawba Lodge for a long period. He has always been interested in edu- cational matters, and is now serving as school di- rector. He was the fourth of five children born to Mark and Lavina (Lamb) Hardin, who were na- tives of Kentucky and Indiana, respectively; the former was a trader by occupation, and ran a pro- duce boat on the river. He died in 1837, and his wife in 1851. G. W. Harrington. Ever since locating in Mississippi County, Ai'k., Mr. Harrington has en- joyed the reputation of being a substantial and progressive farmer, and has also been considered an intelligent and thoroughly po.sted man on all the euiTent topics of the day. His father, L. R. Harrington, is a Tennesseean, and is now living in that State in retirement, although he had pre- viously followed the occupation of farming. He was married there to Miss Brunetta Binkley, also a native of the State, who gave birth to our subject in, 1836, he being the eldest of their four children. She died in 1873. G. W. Harrington was reared to a farm life in his native State, and it was here that he received his early scholastic training, it being only such as the common schools of his day afforded. At the age of twenty-two years he be- gan farming for himself, and as it was an occupa- tion with which he had always been familiar, his success was au assured fact. In 1857 he emigrated to Arkansas, and for ten years farmed on rented land near where he now lives, but purchased, in 1865, a farm in North Chickasawba Township, amounting to eighty acres, partially improved, and on this fertile farm he has made many more improvements, and has it nearly all under cultiva- tion. At the breaking out of the war, he enlisted in the Confederate army. Company H, Fifteenth Tennessee Regiment, and was in the battles of Belmont, Shiloh, Perry ville and Murfreesboro; and after the last named battle, he returned to Arkansas, and was married at the close of the war to Miss Mary Crawford, of Mississippi County, by whom he became the father of the following chil- di'en: Lydia, Ida, Lizzie, Nannie, Larkin, Charles, Samuel, George and JefFerson. Mr. Harrington is quite an active politician, and a public-spirited citizen. His wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Alexander Harris, a native-born son of Mis- sissippi County, Ark., has become one of its most enterprising and reliable citizens, and, although young in years, he is yet old in experience, and has done much in a quiet, unassuming way to promote the advancement of its interests. His birth oc- curred on Crooked Lake in 1855, he being the second in a family of four children, and the son of John C. and Martha (Ford) Harris, who were Pennsylvanians by birth, and were there reared and married. After moving to Cincinnati, Ohio, Mr. Han-is engaged in pattern making, and shortly after began running a trading boat on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers; and while on one of his trips down the latter river, ho learned of the ex- Ml 510 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ceeding fertility of the soil of Arkansas, and here determined to "pitch his tent." which he accord- ingly did in the year 1850, settling on a tract of wild land on the shores of Crooked Lake in Mississippi County. After living on this property long enough to clear 100 acres of land and make a pleasant home, he sold out and made a new settle- ment in the vicinity, on which he made valuable and extensive improvements, and resided until his death in 1S70; he is still survived by his widow, who resides in the Blue Grass State. Like most of the youth of that vicinity, Alexander, as he grew uj>, devoted his time and attention to farming, but received very meager advantages for acquiring an education. After the death of his father, he went to Kentucky with his mother, but at the end of one year returned to Mississippi County, and in 1877 made his first crop on rented land, after which he began clerking in a store for Mr. Robin- son. In 1885 he purchased a tract of land, forty acres in extent, partially improved, and now has seventeen acres under cultivation; and, besides this, only a short time ago he purchased eighty acres more. Since 1885 he has been clerking in Blythesville, in the mercantile establishment of L. W. Grassell & Co., but still looks after his farm to some extent, devoting the most of it to stock rais- ing, which enterprise has received the best part of his attention for some time. In 1886, he erected a pleasant and siibstantial dwelling-house in the village of Blythesville, in which he and his wife, whose maiden name was lona Lynch, and whom he married in 1885, are now living. Mrs. Harris is a daughter of Josiah Lynch, an old settler of this section, and is a consistent member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Harris is a member of Chick- asawba Lodge No. 134, of the F. & A. M., and is a representative young man of his township. He is energetic and enterprising, frugal in his tastes, and is expecting to reduce many acres of his farm to cultivation in the near future, and we can safely predict for him a bright and prosperous future. Dr. William K. Harrison. It is an historical fact that the first English immigrants to Virginia were a superior race, with enlarged views of gov- ernment, liberty and law, who sought out homes in obedience to impulse prompted l)y lofty ambi- tion, and sincere desire to benefit their race. From these ancestors sprang men in great numbers, who subsequently became prominent in different locali- ties. The Harrisons are from one of the oldest families of Virginia. Dr. William K. Harrison is a native of Crockett County, Tenn., born in 1849, and is the son of William Harrison and the grand- son of William Harrison, who was a native of Vir ginia, and who was left fatherless when a small boy. William, the father of the subject of this sketch, married Miss Ann Catties, daughter of Robert Catties, who, when a boy and while cross- ing the ocean, was shipwrecked. His father and mother were lost, but his sister and himself were saved, and bound out when very young. The peo- ple with whom he lived spelled his name Cattle, but he thought the name was originally Catlet. Dr. Harrison was reared to agricultural piu-suits in West Tennessee, and received such educational advantages as the subscription schools of that State afforded. Later he studied medicine and gradu- ated at the University of Medicine at Louisville, Ky., in the class of 1874. The same year he came to Mississippi County, Ark., and settled on French- man's Bayou, where he built up a good practice, and his reputation is surpassed by none in the county. The Doctor adds his evidence that Ar- kansas is as healthy as any State in the Union, and that if the people lived as they do anywhere else, instead of subsisting, for the most part, on bacon and cornbread, with black coffee and whisky, and paying no attention to cleanliness, they would en- joy as good health as in any other State. The Doctor is a man of ample business experience, full of enterprise and of safe judgment. He is now the owner of about 1,800 acres of land in this coun- ty, of which he has about 1,000 acres under culti- vation, 700 of which he has placed under the j)low himself. In addition to this he owns about 2,000 acres in Greene County near Paragould. On his Mississippi County farm he keeps about 130 peo- ple. Dr. Harrison was married, in 1876, to Miss Ella Davies, a lady possessed of many estimable qualities of mind and heart, and the daughter of ^c MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 511 Dr. J. F. Davies. When a boy the latter came with his father, J. F. Davies, who was also a doc- tor, and a native of Virginia, to Mississippi Coun- ty, Ark. Prior to this and while living in Greene County, Ark., Dr. Davies, Jr., was elected to rep- resent his district in the State senate. After com- ing to Mississippi County, which was just after the war, he took part in all public enterjirisos, practiced medicine and establisli(r year he was taken prisoner at the iron l)ridgo near that city, this being the first time he was ever absent from roll-call except on one occa- sion when he was relieved from duty by his su- perior oflicer on account of a wound received while in the seven-days' tight at that place. After being captured ho was taken to City Point, then to Point Lookout, Va., and was kept in imprisonment at the latter place until the close of the war. In the summer of 1865 he made his way back to his home in South Carolina, the most of the journey being made on foot, and in the fall of the same year was engaged in contracting for ties for the Cheraw & Darlington Railroad. In October, 1865, he emigrated westward to Memphis, Tenn., where he engaged in agriciiltural pursuits, being an employe of Rev. A. H. Kerr, on Big Creek. Here he continued to reside until 1875, when he came to Mississippi County, and opened up a tract of wild land on Little River; but owing to the high water of 1882 he sent his family to Virginia, and returned to Memphis, Tenn., where he engaged with Oggell Bros, in the hardware business. The following year he returned to Mississippi County, Ark. , and settled on a plantation belonging to J. W. Jeffer- son, where he has opened up about '2.C0 acres of land, and has now under the plow 1,0()0 acres, em- ploying about 125 hands to assist him in keeping the farm in good condition. The yield of his land is about three -fourths to one bale of cotton to the acre. Since coming to the county he has pur- chased 320 acres of land, and owns a good residence in the town of Osceola. He was married in 1872 to Miss Lula Scott, a native of Prince Edward County, Va. , and a daughter of Samuel B. Scott, who was a descendant of the same family as Gen. Winfield Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes are the parents of the following children: James M. , who died in infancy; Nannie L. and Algie, also died in infancy; Annie Gertie, Eddie, Pearl and liuby (twins, two years old), and Ernest, an infant. M*. Hayes belongs to Lodge No. 27, A. F. & A. M., at Osceola, and is also a member of the A. O. U. W. Will H. Hayes, sheriff of Mississippi County, and a prominent farmer, residing near Elmot, was born in Tennessee, in 1852, and while growing up was instructed in all the details of farm life. At the age of twenty he engaged in commercial pur- suits, which he continued for two years. In 1874, he came to Mississippi County, Ark., and was en gaged in a general store, at Osceola, where he con- tinued for a period of two years, but failing health caused him to abandon this, and he afterward engaged in agricultural pursuits on rented land. At the end of two years he purchased his present ^1 512 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. farm near Elmot, autl there he has since remained, engaged in the arduous duties of the farm. The success which seems to attend his efforts in this industry is well merited, for no one is more thor- oughly interested in this calling or gives it greater attention. There were 900 acres in the tract, with about ninety acres cleared, when he first pur- chased it. Now he has 300 acres under cultiva- tion, and this large tract is all capable of being cleared and cultivated, and is de-stined to become a fine plantation. Mr. Hayes has always been act- ive in politics, and in 1886 he was elected sherifF of Mississippi County, and so successful was his career in this office, and so well did he conduct the afPairs of the same, that he was re-elected in 1888. He has always taken a deep interest in educational matters, and has served as director almost all the time that he has been a resident of this county. Mr. Hayes is a married man, his union with Miss Sallie McKinney having trans pired in March, 1876. She is a native of Arkan- sas, and the daughter of one of the early settlers of this county. They became the parents of these children: Lulu Maud. Harrie D. , Bessie G. and Lemon. Mr. Hayes' parents, S. D. and Martha (Smith) Hayes, were natives of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively. The father was a successful agriculturist. J. R. Hearn. In endeavoring to trace the genealogy of Mr. Hearn, we find that his paternal ancestors came originally from the land of thistles and oatmeal. He was born on Blue Grass soil in 1832, and was the fifth of sis children that grew to maturity, born to Joseph and Rebecca (Austin) Hearn, the latter being a Kentuckiau, in which State the father was occupied in tilling the soil. In the fall of 1834 they came to Arkansas, settling on the Mississippi River below Osceola, which country was then almost a complete wilderness in- habited by Indians and wild animals, and here Mr. Hearn opeued a woodyard, and began farming in a small way. Later he sold this property and bought some wild land near where Elmot now is, on which place he died in 1850, before having made any improvements. The opening of the farm then devolved upon oui- subject, who was then about eighteen years of age, and for five years he strug- gled manfully to get the property in good shape for farming, his labors being reasonably successful. He was married when about twenty three years of age, at which time Miss Eliza Boyles, a daughter of W. J. Boyles, became his wife. After the cele bration of this event he rented land and continued farming in this manner until the death of his wife's parents in 1871. when he moved on their old homestead, which embraced a tract of 160 acres, only fifteen of which were under the plow. He has since cleared and put under cultivation forty acres, and owing to the fertility of the soil finds no trouble in raising a bale of cotton to the acre. In his conduct of this estate he gives each detailed portion of the work his personal close supervision, and this care and method ever exer- cised have contributed to place him among the foremost farmers of this vicinity, as he is one of the most intelligent citizens. He is not active in politics, but uses his own judgment in support- ing the various candidates for office. He is at present holding the office of justice of the peace. In 1868 he had the misfortune to lose his estima- ble wife, she having borne him three children: Howard Hazzard, William Akin Percy (who mar- ried a Miss Fleming, and resides on his father's place), and Thomas Elliot. His union with his present wife took place in the year 1872, her maid- en name having been Susan E. Morrow. The six children which have been given them are Editha Lee, Joseph Guilford, Luther May, James Hale, John Franklin and Lillie Bruce. Jerry L. Hearn is one of the native-born resi- dents of Mississippi County, Ark., and on account of long acquaintance and a thorongh knowledge of his many sterling qualities, he is held in high esteem by the residents thereof. He was born in the year 1851, and was one of the sons of Jerry Lynch, but at the age of eleven years was adojjted by G. A. Hearn, an old settler of the county, and spent one year in Osceola, attending school, then moved with his adopted father to Clear Lake, where G. A. Hearn died in 1881. Here Jerry L. Hearn spent the most of his youth, and after attaining manhood was married to Miss Sarah :±-jy MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. )]3 Mobley, also a native of the comity. When twen- ty-two years of age he purchased a farm of 108 acres near Clear Lake, and ever since then has devoted much of his time and energies to putting his farm in good condition, all necessary buildings forming a 2:)rominent feature of the improvements. By his perseverance and industry his lands now aggregate 300 acres, with forty acres one mile west of Blythesville, and the amount of land on these two farms comprises 120 acres. Ho has been the owner of the property where he now makes his home since 1875, his surroundings being exceptionally pleasant, and has everything conven- ient and comfortable about his home. He has always been active in politics, and in ISB-l secured the contract to carry the mail from Blythesville to Osceola; does also a good trade in carrying pas- sengers and doing business for the people of those places. He and his family are members of the Meth(3dist Episcopal Church, and he is a member of Chickasawba Lodge No. 13-4, of the F. & A. M. The following are the children born to his marriage: Lizzie, Mattie, Minnie and Harry. Dr. Elliott Hickman (deceased). On the 10th of December, 1858, there died at his home in Mis- sissippi County, Ark., a man who was thoroughly conscientious in the discharge of every duty, and who had given to his county the best energies of his life. In the community in which he lived, and among the people who knew him best, the influence of his pure and noble life is still felt to a remarka- ble degree. His birth occurred in North Carolina in 1782, and, at the age of seven years, he was taken to the State of Tennessee by his father, who settled in the iminediate vicinity of Nashville. His father, William Hickman, was an old veteran of the .Revolution, and for services rendered during that war he received an extensive land grant in the State of Tennessee. Our subject attended school in Nashville, and in- early youth entered the drug store of his brother-in-law, Roger B. Sap- pingtou, who at that time was a leading physician, a prominent citizen, and the only druggist in the place. Ho remained with Dr. Sapi)ington, study- ing under his directions, and after the completion of his medical studies settled in Franklin. Will iamson County, where he entered upon the prac- tice of his chosen calling. After a residence of a few years in this place he was married to Miss Julia Ann Dudley, a Virginian by birth, and a daughter of Col. Guilford Dudley, of Revolution- ary fame. Col. Dudley wrote a history of that war, which was published in the Southern Literary Messenger, and it was pronounced one of the best of that period. During that war his property in North Carolina was entirely destroyed by the British, but he removed to Tennessee, retrieved his fortunes to some extent, and became one of the noted men of Middle Tennessee. In 1812-15, Dr. Hickman was appointed by Gov. William Carroll superintendent and surgeon of the war hospi- tal at Fayetteville, Lincoln County, Tenn., and here he resided until 1835, when he moved his family to Memphis, where he was engaged in fol- lowing his profession up to the year 1840, when he bought a tract of land of about 1,000 acres, 120 miles above Memphis, in Mississippi County, Ark. , the place being now known as Hickman's Bend. Here he instituted many improvements, and soon had his home surrounded by many comforts and luxuries. From the gallery of his old home could be had a most magnificent view of the river as it sweeps around the bend many miles above, and disappears in the south behind wooded points and fertile fields of cotton. In this lovely home among magnificent giant forest trees he dispensed his hospitality in an exceedingly liberal manner, and became noted throughout all the region for his polished manners. Although a slave-owner, he would never employ an overseer, and among his humble retainers, he was happy in making them happy. His advice was given freely to all, and in him they ever found a kind and liberal friend in- stead of a hard taskmaster. His memory is still loved and reverenced among his old servants who are still living. Hickman Township and Hickman's Bend were named in his honor. His estimable wife sui-vived him until November 11, 1862, when she too died. Their children's names are as follows: Frances, who married Col. Elliot H. Fletcher [see sketch]: Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Muri)hy, a mer- chant of New Orleans; William, Julia Ann, who ^^ r.i4 HISTOEY OF AEKANSAS. ilied when just entering womanhood; Sarah, and Thomas, who died in 1863; seven children died in infancy. D. W. Hicks. It was in 1873 that Mr. Hicks first became a resident of Mississippi Connty. Ark. . and since then he has become one of the truly hon- ored and respected residents of this section. His birth occurred on Blue Grass soil in 1845, and he was the fourth of a family of eight children born to Armstrong and Mary (Duerson) Hicks, who are both residing in Kentucky, and are each eighty- two years of age. The father was a miller. Like the majority of youths, D. W. Hicks learned his father's occupation, and attended the common pub- lic schools near his home until sixteen years of age, at which time he enlisted in the Confederate army under Jolin H. Morgan, and was an active partici- pant in the battles of Hartsville. Tenn. , Snow Hill, Tenn. , Lebanon, Ky. , and in numerous minor engagements. He was with Morgan on his Ohio raid in 1863, and was at the battles of Corydon and Buffington Island, but was captured at Richmond, Ind , and sent to Camp Chase, where he was held a prisoner for twenty-three months. After being released at the end of May, 1865, he returned to his home in Kentiicky, with the consciousness of having been one of the tried and true soldiers of the "lost cause.'" His career as a soldier was marked by fearlessness and courage. He worked in a roller factory for six months, then went to New Orleans, where he remained a short time, after which he returned to Kentucky, and made his home at Hickman for five years. Since that time he has resided in Mississippi County, Ark., the first five years of his residence here being spent in farming in the vicinity of Osceola. In 1878 he came to Chickasawba Township, where he farmed on rented land for some time, being also engaged in teaching school. His first purchase of land was in 1880, amounting to 113 acres, at Shady Grove, but he has since bought fifty at Hickman's Bend, a fine place, all of which is under cultivation. This year (1889) he is farming eighty acres of corn and cotton. He is always interested in enterprises that will reflect credit upon this section, and al- though not an active politician he has served as justice of the peace and school director for two years. He is a member of Chickasawba Lodge No. 134, of the F. & A. M. In 1882 his mar- riage with Miss Mary Lillard was celebrated. She was born in Tennessee., is a member of the Metli odist ChurcL, and has borne Mr. Hicks a son named James. Mr. Hicks is expecting soon to make a visit to his parents at Hickman, Ky. , whom he has not seen for sixteen years. J. N. Hill (deceased). In the year 1878 there died at his home in this county, J. N. Hill, who had been a prominent resident of the county since 1867, and who, during his residence here, was closely identified with the agricultural interests of the community in which he resided. He had first come to the county in 1858, when a boy, with his father, John Hill, but in 1865 returned to his State of Tennessee, and was married there the same year, to Miss Julia Helmes, a daughter of William Helmes, of Mount Zion, Tenn., hci- birthplace being in Lebanon, Tenn. Upon per- manently locating in Mississippi County, Ark., at the above mentioned date, he settled on the Ellis place, which was owned by Maj. Ferguson, of Nodena, and in 1871 bought the place on which his widow is now residing, which continued to be his home up to the time of his death. He was an industrious, frugal farmer, and, with the assistance of his worthy wife, succeeded in accumulating con- siderable {jroperty. Endowed with good common sense, and of a sympathetic nature, he was among the foremost in every commendable enterprise, and his death was keenly felt by all who knew him. His first purchase was eighty acres of land, and his estate at the time of his death amounted to about 700 acres, of which 220 were under the plow, the principal crop being cotton. At the time of his death he left a widow and four chil- dren to mourn his loss, the eldest child being but nine years of age: Ella-E., a young lady; C. F. , who resides with his mother, and is an assistant on the plantation; G. W., a lad at home, ami Agnes, the youngest of the family. Joseph M. Hill, a prosperous farmer and en- terprising citizen of Frenchman's Bayou, was born at Nashville, Tenn., in 1857. He was the young- y\: est child liorii to John H. and Lina Ann (Cottlos) Hill, who moved to Mississippi County, Ark. , from Nashville, in 1858, and settled on French- man's Bayou, where he purchased 600 acres of land. The father cleared up about 100 acres of this land, and was engaged extensively' in stock rais- ing until his death, in ISOfl, his wife dying tlu^ same year. Joseph M. Hill attended the schools at home for some time, and then entered an acad- emy at Covington, Tenn., and later one at Canton, receiving in his youth as go6d an education as could be obtained. Upon reaching the age of eighteen he began farming for himself on rented land, and being a young man of perseverance and a determination to succeed in whatever he under- took, he soon placed himself in an independent position. In Feltruary, 1884, he was married to Mi.ss Mollie Woodward, of Tennessee, a daughter of Lewis Woodward, a well-known and prominent citizen of Tipton County, in both political and church matters, who died in 1880. This union gave Mr. and Mrs. Hill three children: Nellie, Mary and Joseph Nelson, comprising one of the happiest families in Mississippi County. Mr. Hill is a member of the K. of O. at Louise, Ark. , and is spoken of by his friends as certain to be one of the leading men in this county at some future day. His brother, Bethel L. , attended the same schools, and afterward farmed for a while. He was mar- ried to Miss Ralph, of Tennessee, and as he grew to mature age became a very prominent man in local circles. He served two years as justice of the peace, and in 1886 was elected assessor of Mis- sissippi County, remaining in that capacity until his death, in 1889. at the age of thirty four years. The father of these boys entered the pulpit after moving to this county, and attained a wide-spread celebrity for his foi-cible sermons and versatility as an expounder of the Gospel. R. D. Holt. Island No. 10, formerly in the Mississippi River, and the scene of a heavy artilh^y duel during the War of the Rebellion, was the birthplace of the subject of this sketch. There he was l)orn in 1848. and some years later he came with his father, R. J. Holt, to Mississippi County. Ark., and settled on his present property. Here the elder Holt died in 1863, leaving a wife and five children. The mother, whose maiden name was Miss Mary Bone, was a native of New Madrid, Mo., and there she grew to womanhood. R. D. Holt and his brother John, who now lives near, took hold of the home plac(< after the death of the father, and although there were but fifteen acres cleared at that time, they went to work and soon cleared about 10(1 acres, each Ijrother owning a half interest, in addition to which they each have a farm of from eighty to 160 acres. The farm lies on Lake Como, in the southwest part of the county, in what is called the Nauvoo settlement, named thus on account of the Mormons having settled there early in the 50' s. R. J. Holt, the father of R. D., was one of them at that time, he having previously been a Methodist, and after a few years of Mormonism he returned to his old faith, in which he died. Those who adhered to the faith went to Salt Lake, and among the last to go was one Sol. Spain, who got away just before the blockade in 1861. On the property of Mr. Holt there are eleven well-defined Indian mounds, which have never been explored. The largest is about fifteen feet high, and over 100 feet in cir- cumference at the base. This is now used as a burying place by Mr. Holt, whose father, mother, brother and sister, an uncle, a brother in- law and his wife and two children are buried there. His brother has one child buried there, and a sister has two children. Mr. Holt was married in 1871 to Miss Sophrona Barney, of Mississippi County, and the daughter of John Barney, one of the pioneers of Mississippi County, Ark. Three chil- dren are the fruits of this union: I\Iary, Leroy and Mattie, all at home. Mr. Holt is a member of the Wheel. John C. Holt. In the sketch that precedes this has been given an outline of the life of Mr. R. D. Holt, brother of the subject of this sketch. John C. Holt was born at Nauvoo, Mississippi County, Ark., in 1858, his parents. R. J. and Mary (Bone) Holt, coming from Island No. 10, in the !Mississip[)i River, the year before. John C. Holt improved every opportunity for an education, but school facilities were not what thev are at the present day. After reaching mauhood Mr. Holt was absent for about fourteen months, but returned, firm in the settled lielief that Mississippi County was the place for him. In connection with his brother, R. D. Holt, Mr. Holt has opened up 160 acres of land, and is now the owner of '226 acres, with about 112 acres under cultivation. His prin- cipal occupation is cotton raising, and he averages about three-fourths of a bale to the acre, at a cost of $6 per acre. He has progressive, modern ideas of farming, and is a man who will sivcceed in any undertaking. He was married, in 187S, to Miss Virginia Ashburn, daughter of Jason Ashburn, who came to Mississippi County in 1835, and who was one of the pioneer settlers of the county. To Mr. and Mrs. Holt have been born four children: Cordy, now a young man; Harry, Phinney and Ivey. Mr. Holt is a member of the Masonic lodge at Fi-enchman's Bayou, and also of the Methodist Church. Rev. James F. Jernigan, pastor of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, South, of the Osceola Cir- cuit, was born in Henry County, Tenn., May 18, 1851, being sixth in a family of seven children born to Rev. ^^'. H. and Dicy (Moore) Jernigan, natives of Middle Tennessee. There the father followed farming for a long time, but being con- verted, he began preaching nearly fifty years ago. James' paternal grandfather, Jesse, and his wife, Rebecca, were pioneers of Western Tennessee, go- ing there from Middle Tennessee in 1823, where the old gentleman lived, following farming and carpentering, till his death, which occurred in Jan- uary, 1857, at the age of eighty-three years. Rev. W. H. Jernigan later removed from Tennessee to Independence County, Ark., and settled near Sul- phur Rock, where he brought a tract of 200 acres. On this land he has made many improvements, pro- viding a comfortable home for the family till about 1883. The mother died August 10, 1878, at the age of sixty-four years. The estate still belongs to the family, but Mr. Jernigan, Sr. , makes his home with his youngest son, L. C. Jernigan, a merchant at Sulphur Rock. In 1865 this estimable man (our subject's father) taught the first free school in Independence County. He was a teacher for a long time in Tennessee, and has always been active in school and church work. He has continued preaching up to the present, and during the sum- mer of 1888 assisted his son in a series of pro- tracted meetings, covering a period of nearly three months. On the 23d of July, 1889, at the house of his youngest son, he made the remark, that for- ty-nine years previous a chain of two links had been formed; subsequently seven links more had been added, and to this increasing chain thirty - eight more links, representing his grandchildren, were added, making in all a chain of fifty- four links. During this long period there have been but eight breaks in this family chain, the death of five children and three adults. This respected pioneer has lived in Northeast Arkansas thirty years, and during that time has never had a chill; in fact, as will be seen from the above, the health of the entire family has been remarkable. Our subject remained at home, working on the farm, till about the age of twenty three years, during which time he attended school in the vicinity of his home, and in 1872 was a student at a five- months' session at Spring Hill Academy, Henry County, Tenn. From his sixteenth year, when- he was converted, he has been a diligent student of the bible, and works on theology, feeling from that early age that there were fields for labor in the coming years, in which a knowledge of those books would be his greatest if not his only help; and so with these years of preparation, by private study and his father's help, he became well qualified for active usefulness. He entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, White River Conference, which was held in 1874 in Searcy, White County, Ark., his first charge being Salem Circuit, Fulton County, where he remained one year. He was then changed to West Point Cir- cuit, White County, and thence, after one year, to Pleasant Valley Circuit, Jackson County. In 1878 he was changed to Newport Station for one year; thence to Lee County, for one year; in 1880 to Clay County, Boydsville and Oak Bluff Stations; in 1881 to Corning Station, same county; in 1882-83, Jamestown Circuit, Independence County; in 1884 -85, at Vanndale Circuit; in 1886-87, in Marion "TT ^j{.nc -AWRE NCE Lauf \NSAS MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. oil Circuit, Crittenden County, and in 1888 back to Sulphur Rock Circuit, his old, boyhood home. In ISS'.I he was appointed to Osceola Circuit, in , Mississippi County, which charge he is filling at the present time. Brother Jernigan can justly be called a revivalist, for in all these years his min- istry has been marked with wonderful success. In 1882, 175 conversions resulted from his efforts, and two-thirds of this number united with the church; in other years nearly as many, and this year (1889) during about eight months' labor he had 1 1 S accessions to the church. He has held pro- tracted meetings at Carson's Lake, Golden Lake, Pecan Point, Mill Bayou, Dunavant's C^hapel, Louise Chapel, Elmot and Osceola, and at all these meetings great interest has been manifested, and many conversions made. Indeed, the degree of interest manifested among the people who have been attending his various meetings is sufficient to impress a thoughtful person as being wonderful. Religious matters have here been the chief topic of conversation, and the thoughts of almost all seem to dwell on the "big meetings." Brother Jerni- gan has been married twice; the first time Novem- ber 14, 1877, to Miss Kate D. Shoup, a native of Marshall County, Miss., who came to this State with her parents in her youth. She died Septem- ber 9, 1878. He married the second time, October 11, 1881, Miss Lizzie I. Camp, a native of Tennes- see, born in Memphis, and the daughter of Dr. M. V. anil Sallie C. (Shed) Camp. Her mother died in 1888, but her father is at the present time a prominent physician of Walnut Ridge. He was on the editorial staff of the first secession paper published in Alabama, and later served as captain in the Confederate army. Brother Jernigan at present resides at Walnut Ridge, where he has a pleasant home, presided over by his estimable wife. In personal appearance, as will be seen by a glance at the accompanying portrait, he is a man of striking personal appearance, with an intellectual expression superior to the average. Slightly above the ordinary height, also incrlining somewhat tu stoutness, with an erect carriage, it is apparent that physically he has been generously endowed by nature, and as a result makes a commanding pres- ence in the pulpit. Such endowments, when com- bined with the earnest and entreating expression of the eye, and the ringing tones of eloquence as he expovmds the truths of the Divine Story, contrib- ute materially to the success which follows every meeting. He also strives to have the congregation see that what he says is not the labored production, studied for oratorical clfoct, Init that each word springs from the sincere heart, and that he feels with all an enthusiast's power, the truth and passion of the Holy Law. His preaching, at proper inter- vals, is often enlivened by an appropriate anec- dote, containing a moral, clothed in a few pleas- ing and often humorous sentences, which relaxes the tension of the hearer's mind, as it also points more directly to the open door of truth. In con- versation with various members of th(> different churches in Mr. Jernigan' s charge, it is found that his efforts are jiistly appreciated, for, from no one are heard words of censure or unkind criticism, but from all, terms of the highest praise. R. L. Joiner. It can not be denied that a man who lives according to the highest principles of what he conceives to be right, helping others and in a word, keeping as his aim the Golden Rule, will receive the most sincere esteem of his fellow creatures. Such a one is the subject of this sketch. Born in Shelby County, Tenn. , he is the son of R. S. Joiner, and the grandson of Jack Joiner, who emigrated from North Carolina when R. S. Joiner was a small boy. The latter was also a native of Shelby County, Tenn. R. L. Joiner was born on the corner of Poplar ami Second Streets, Memphis, Tenn.. and there re mained until eighteen years of age, receiving a good practical education in the schools of that city. At the above mentioned age he left the State of his nativity and journeyed to Crittenden County, Ark., where he remained for about five years. In 1868 he came to Mississippi County, Ark., and in the year 1880 .settled on what is known as the Parker place, west of Frenchman's Bayou, where he has cleared by contract about forty acres since coming to the county. Mr. Joiner is a wide-awake, stirring farmer, and his improve- ments about the place are all of a superior order. ■v« nis HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. In 1880 he was united in marriage with Miss M. L. Price, daughter of Mrs. Mary E. Price, of Lee County, Miss., and the fi-uits of this union have been three chiklren: Ada Mary, Anna Ruth and Emma Blanche, all at home. Aside from his own farm, Mr. Joiner rents about sixty-two acres, and is engaged in cotton planting on the same, averaging about three-fourths of a bale of cotton to the acre. He is a member of the Agricultural Wheel. Dr. Walter D. Jones, Osceola. There are few men of the present day whom the world acknowl- edges as successful more worthy of honorable men- tion, or whose history affords a better illustration of what may be accomplished by a determined will and perseverance, than Dr. W. D. Jones. He was born in Newburg, N. Y., in 1842, and was the fifth of eight children born to Dr. William and Charlotte M. (Wheeler) Jones, the father a native of Shoreham, Vt. , and the mother of New York. The paternal ancestors were of Welsh descent, and the maternal of German. Dr. William Jones be- gan the study of medicine at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in his youth, secured his diploma, and has been a practicing physician for over fifty years. During that time he has risen to the position of one of the leading practitioners among the Eclectic school of physicians, and is well known in the profession throughout the length and breadth of the United States. He has held the office of president, treas- urer, and has been one of the board of censors of the Eclectic Medical Society of the State of New York. He is now living in retirement at his fine home in Newburg, N. Y. Dr. Walter D. Jones passed his youth as a student in the public schools of Newburg, and naturally, perhaps, he evinced at quite an early age, a strong desire for the study of medicine, and a precocious ability for the practice of that profession. His greatest desire seemed to be to reach a proud position in the ranks of emi- nent medical men, with whom he has always been associated. He was solicited, in 1872, by the late Prof. R. S. Newton, Sr. , professor of surgery in the Eclectic Medical College of New York City, to accept the chair of professor of anatomy. In 1878 he was proffered and .solicited by Prof. Frank- lin, professor of surgery in the Homoeopathic Col- lege of St. Louis, Mo., to occupy the chair of surgery in that institution, but having a few days previous closed his contract with the A. L. Clum Medicine Company, declined. At the age of seven- teen he entered the medical department of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, remaining there one year, after which he entered the Jefferson Medical College, where he spent but one j'ear, and then re- turned to the University. In 1861, after one year in the last mentioned institution, he enlisted as a private in the Third New York Infantry, and was de- tailed to the Hy geia Hotel Hospital, at Fortress Mon- roe. He was in the battle of Little Bethel, was then detailed to the Adams House Hospital, at Balti- more, Md. , and later mustered out at Albany, N. Y. At the end of one month he enlisted in the Fifteenth New York Cavalry, and was soon sent to Virginia, where he was in all the fighting of the Shenandoah Valley; was in the battle of Port Royal, Lynchburg, Winchester, Sheridan's raid from Winchester, Va. , to the White House, Waynesboro, Dinwiddle Courthouse, Five Forks, Appomattox Courthouse, Clover Hill, and was present at Gen. Lee's surrender, on April 9, 1865. He took part in the grand review at "\\'ashington, on the 23d of May, of that year, and was mustered out at Cloud's Mills, Va., in July. That year he returned to Philadelphia, entered the University, resumed his studies and graduated in 1860. He subsequently returned to Newburg and engaged in the practice of his chosen profession with his father, continu- ing there two years. After this he was in Brook- lyn two years, then in St. Louis four years, and then, in 1879, he came to Osceola, Ark. He discon- tinued the practice of his profession while in St. Louis, to accept a position with the A. L. Clum Medicine Company, of Red Wing, Minn., and came to Osceola in the interest of that company. Seeing a favorable opening, he located, and has remained here since, devoting his time entirely to the relief of suffering humanity. He has built up an exten- sive practice, and is one of the leading physicians of the county. He is of pleasing address and most agreeable manners, possessed of a mind clear, pen- etrating and comprehensive, thoroughly posted in '-^ MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 519 his profession, and a practitioner of decided talent. He has bought a farm of '210 acres, fifty of whicli are under cultivation, and he is clearing up the remainder. The Doctor was married in 1868, to Mrs. Mary E. Wines, a native of Brooklyn, L. I. (at that time), and of English descent. She died in 1870, leaving one child, Edith Helen, who died in infancy. Dr. Jones took for his second wife Mrs. Frances Carrie Goff, a native of Georgia, and the daughter of William A.. (Toff, who followed the occupation of an architect. Mrs. Jones was a widow with one child, Jessie, when married to the Doctor. Dr. Jones is the only Eclectic practitioner in Mississippi County. He was chairman of the Republican executive committee for eight years, was president of the board of health for four years, was alderman four years, and has been United States deputy marshal. He affiliates with the Republicans in his political preferences, and is the leading member of his party in Mississippi County. Benjamin F. Jones, one of the most influential men in Mississippi County, and a man who, dming his residence here has not only become one of the largest and wealthiest landholders, but is also con nected with the well-known and prosperous mer- cantile tirm of Ward & Jones, is a native of Illi- nois. His parents, James and Elvira (Henderson) Jones, were natives of Kentucky, and some time before the war the father, with his family, consist- ing of his wife and small children, moved to Illi- nois. There both parents died, the father in 1860 and the mother in 1868. In 1866 Benjamin F. Jones came to Mississippi County, Ark., and at the age of seventeen years commenced working on a farm, where he continued for several years. In 1869 he embarked in mercantile pursuits in O.sce- ola, which he continued for about seven years, when, owing to financial difficulties, he sold out to his partner, the latter agreeing to pay all indebt- edness, which he did in full. After this, for a number of years, he was engaged in planting cot- ton, at which be was very successful. About 1885 he bought the interest of L. Ward, of the firm of L. Ward & Son, located on Frenchman's Bayou, and formed a partnership under the firm name of Ward & Jones. Since that time the firm has been very prosperous, their annual sales running from $40,000 to $50,000, and in connection they also carry on cotton planting quite extensively, the firm being the owners of over 2,000 acres of the rich land about Frenchman's Bayou, which ranks among the most fertile tracts on the continent. They have about 300 acres under the plow, the r(, of that year. he came to Mississippi County, Ark., and settled at Pecan Point, where he remained for six month.s, and then moved to Frenchman's Bayou, where he has located permanently, and purchased a residence in the most thickly settled portion of the place. He was an entire stranger on his arrival, but soon built up a tine practice and won many friends by his agreeable manners and genial disposition. The Doctor has been a Mason since 1865, formerl)' be- longing to Woodlawn Lodge at Bartlett, Tenn., and now a member of Frenchman's Bayou Lodge No 251, in which he is J. D. His wife was a woman of considerable literary attainments, and when only fifteen years of age she wrote the fare- well address to Company D, of the Raleigh Vol- unteers. It might be well to in the office of the Hannibal Courier, Quincy (111.) Daily Herald, Keokuk (Iowa) Gate City, Palmyra (Mo.) Sentinel, Huntsville (Mo.) Citizen, and the Mexico (Mo. ) Ledger; also other papers. During this time he carefully studied the style in which the ed- itors expressed their thoughts, and paid particular attention to the style of the selected matter. When sixteen years of age he began to write paragraphs, which were accepted and printed by the editors. At the outbreak of the late Civil War, being a na- tive Virginian, and trained to believe that his State, like the king, "could do no wrong," he re- sponded to the call of Gov. Jackson, of Missouri, for troops, and went into camp under Gen. T. Har- ris, of Northeast Missouri. He was present and participated in several conflicts between the Federal and Confederate troops in Missouri, and after the siege and battle of Lexington, in which he took part, he was appointed assistant ordnance officer, with the rank of lieutenant. Upon the disbanding of the Missouri State Guards, he received author- ity to recruit a company for the Confederate ser- vice, but was captured in Northeast Missouri by a Federal cavalry regiment, and, after remaining a prisoner on parole for nearly a year, was finally exchanged. He again entered the Confederate service, and remained in active duty in the Trans- Mississippi department from the winter of 1802 until the surrender, at which time he was the enrolling officer of Missis'iippi County. After the close of the conflict, and immediately upon the organization of the courts of Arkansas, Mr. McVeigh began the practice of law iu that State. He also began a regular systematic cours(> of study, supplied him- self with books, and soon had in his possession translations of all the ancient classics, and the best English standard works on history! poetry and essays. A taste for reading thus acquired he con- tinues to this day, and has thus given himself an education particularly adapted to his situation and circumstances in life. It will be seen from this account, that though without a thorough early ed- ucation, he has so improved the later years of his life that he is now known throughout the State as a gentleman of literary ability and learning. He was married on November 1, 18R4, to Miss Susan Fletcher, a native of Mississippi County, Ark. , and the daughter of Col. Elliot H. Fletcher, a distinguished citizen of Arkansas [see sketch]. Mr. McVeigh continued to devote himself exclu- sively to the practice of law until 1872, when he was nominated by acclamation as the Democratic candidate to represent Mississippi County in the State legislature. He had been nominated by the Democrats in 1870, but. on account of a severe at- tack of malarial fever, which confined him to his bed, he declined to be a candidate at that time. However, he accepted the nomination in 1872 and at once entered upon his canvass, meeting in debate Judge Charles Fitzpatrick, then the leader of the opposite party iu Mississippi County. It was dur- ing the fall of this year that the race trouble broke out in this county, resulting in the death of the sheriff and the invasion of the town of Osceola by from 400 to 500 armed negroes, who threatened to burn and destroy the place. Mr. McVeigh was in the town when the negroes entered, and, moimt- ing a platform in fiont of a store (the same upon which the sheriff had been killed the day before), he called the insurgents around him and addressed them in the interest of peace and order. They listened attentively, although very menacing at first, and at the conclusion of a fifteen minutes' speech he put it to a vote as to whether they should peaceably disperse and go to their homes. They voted in the affirmative, and at the end of a half hour, the town was cleared of their ))resence, and the threatened damage averted, for at least the time being. It will l)e seen in the historical por tion of the volume the fiiuil result of this insur rection. In the fall Mr. McVeigh was elected to the legislature. During the session, which com- menced in January, 1N73, he introduced the bill to found the Arkansas a.sylum for the insane, a measure which originated with him, and which he had declared his inteation to bring about before he went to the capital. The bill was referred to the committee on ways and means, and, after many de- lays, that committee reported against the passage of the bill. Mr. McVeigh, through a friend, asked for a consideration of the bill in committee of the whole House, and on February 4, 1873, he made a speech in favor of the same that caused his name to be known throughout the State of Arkansas. The committee rose, and unanimously reported in favor of the bill. The next day it passed the House, almost unanimously, passed the Senate by a similar vote, was signed by the governor and be- came a law. The appropriation, owing to the de- preciation of State scrip, in consequence of the Brooks-Baxter war, which immediately followed, was insufficient to carry on the work, and the build- ing was not erected until Mr. McVeigh was re- turned to the legislature, in 1881. He brought the subject up again, and the legislature made a suffi- cient appropriation to complete the work. This magnificent structure was opened for the reception of patients in 1882, and the very first article to be placed in the parlor of the asylum was a life-size oil painting of Mr. McVeigh, placed there by the board of trustees in acknowledgment of his earnest and successful efforts in behalf of the insane of the State. Mr. McVeigh took a very active interest in the legislature of 1873, always aiming to advance the real interests of the State. He made an effective speech against Brooks' peti- tion to contest the right of Gov. Baxter to hold the office of governor. His speech against the metropolitan police bill, against the so-called civil rights bill and other extreme and revolu- tionary measures, introduced at this session, were highly commended by all parties at that time. Upon the adjournment of the legislature Mr. Mc- Veigh was appointed prosecuting attorney for the Eleventh judicial circuit, composed of Poinsett, Cross, St. Francis, Crittenden and Mississippi Counties. He held this position for nearly two years, or until the adoption of the present State constitution, and to the entire satisfaction of the good people of the circuit. He continued to prac- tice law with increasing success until the year 1880, when he was again urged to become a candidate for representative. He was elected by a large plurality, and served through the session of 1881. He was an active member of the House, and during the session induced the legislature to adopt the law limiting the right to donate the public lands to actual settlers. The measure was advocated while making his canvass before the electors of Mississippi County. On the 4th of July, 1881, by invitation, he addressed an audience of over 6,000 people at Ozark, Ark. , on the subject of Local Option. In 1883 he was appointed by the governor as one of the board of visitors to the State University and there, by invitation of the students of the institu- tion, he delivered the commencement oration. His subject was "The Responsibility of Freemen." The governor of the State, the president. Gen. D. H. Hill, the faculty of the university, senators and representatives in Congress, judges and distin- guished men from different parts of the State were present, besides the students and citizens living in the vicinity. The address was highly commended both by the press and by all present. On Septem- ber 24, 1883, Mr. McVeigh was proposed and elected a member of the Pennsylvania Historical Society, an honor unsought and unexpected by him. He is also a member of the Arkansas Historical Society. He has written the "Primitive History of Arkansas'" during the French and Spanish oc- cupation; giving an account of the settlement in the State for the last century, beginning with Henry De Tonti's settlement at Arkansas Post, in 1685. The work is in manuscript and was under- taken merely to preserve the early history of the State, and not from a desire for literary distinction. He has given a full account of the invasion of the country by De Soto, his line of march, and has taken great pains to identify the localities men- tioned by the historians who accompanied that expedition. Except the time Mr. McVeigh served in the legislature, he has been engaged exclusively in the practice of law, and no man in Eastern Ar- kansas has been more assiduous in his devotion to the duties of his profession. His business has al- ways been very good, and he has made it the aim ,u of his life to deserve the implicit confidence of his clients. Had Mr. McVeigh's lot been cast in a more central or thickly .settled county, his 'ora- torical powers and literary attainments must have placed him in the prominent ranks of noted men; as it is, he is earnestly working in the practice of his profession and only ambitious for the good-will of his fellow-men. To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. McVeigh were born nine children : Frances, the eldest daughter, married, June 25, 1889, the Rev. G. H. Smith, of Independence Coiinty, Ark., a talented young minister of the Methodist denom- ination; Elliot, Jesse, Anna Bland, Agnes, Rose, and Susan, are the ones now living; and those de- ceased are Sallie. at the age of four years, and Mary, who died at the age of fourteen. The fam- ily are members of the Episcopal Church. y Hugh R. McVeigh, of the firm of H. R. & E. F. McVeigh, real estate agents of Osceola, Missis- sippi County, Ark., was born in Hannibal, Mo., in 1854, and is one of the responsible men of Os- ceola, who has enlisted his service in the incessant activity of tht> real estate market and the magni- tude of that enterprise in this city. He is the ninth in a family of ten children born to Hiram and Mary E. (White) McVeigh, both of whom were natives of Virginia. The father followed commercial pursuits in Virginia until about 1850, when he moved to Hannibal, and was there en- gaged in business until his death, which occurred in 1865. Mrs. McVeigh is still living and resides in her native State. Hugh R. McVeigh attended the private schools in Missouri until thirteen years of age. and then moved with his mother to Balti- more, Md. , where he was employed as errand boy in a store for three years. In 1809 Mr. McVeigh went to Philadelphia, where he was engaged as stock keeper for Morgan Bush & Co., and there remained until in May, 1874, when he came to Osceola, Ark. He there studied law with his brother, Hon. H. M. McVeigh, and was admit- ted to the bar in 1879. On June 21, 1876, he was appointed deputy clerk, of the Mississippi County circuit court, which position be held un- til October 30, 1884. On September 6, of the same year, he was elected circuit court clerk, and was comj)liniented by being re-elected to the same position in 1886. At the expiration of this term he declined to be re-nominated, and has since been engaged in the real estate business. The firm does a general business, buying and sidling land, and investing capital in landed property. These gentlemen are using every inducement, and are doing all they can to advertise the advantages of investment in thi.s section. Mr. McVeigh takes an active interest in all things that will contribute to the advancement of the county, and is a liberal supporter of all worthy enterprises. He is a mem- ber of the Masonic fraternity, Osceola Lodge No. 27, Osceola Chapter No. 57, and Memphis (Term). Commandery No. 4. Elliot Fletcher McVeigh, a member of the real estate firm of H. R. & E. F. McVeigh, is a young man whose energy and sense mark him as an effi- cient factor in the consummation of the firm's many enterprises. He was born in Mississippi County. Ark., in 1867, and is the second in a family of nine children born to H. M. and Susan (Fletcher) McVeigh [see sketch of Hon. H. M. McVeigh |. Elliot McVeigh .secured a good practical education in the public schools of Osceola, and when sixteen years of age he engaged as clerk with N. L. Avery & Co. , with whom he continued for three years. He then went to St. Louis, but only remained there a short time. On January 1, 1886, he was appointed by County Clerk McVeigh as deputy, and upon the accession of Mr. Driver to the office of county clerk, Elliot McVeigh was retained, and he is now engaged in that office. Nowhere in the county is there to be found a young man of more energy or determined will or force of character than Mr. McVeigh; and in no locality is there any one who is more worthy the esteem and con- fidence of the community than he. He possesses marked artistic ability, inherited from a long line of ancestors, many of whose descendants are noted artists, and in Mississippi County, which is noted for its self-made men, Mr. McVeigh gives every promise of rising to distinction. Daniel Mann is a native-born resident of Mis- sissippi County, Ark., and as such is looked upon with respect and esteem by those who know who V 536 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. and what he is. His birth occuned in 1853, he being one of a large family of children born to William W. and Nancy Mann, the former a native of Kentucky and the latter of Arkansas. "William Mann spent his youth and early manhood on his old home farm in his native State, coming in 1848 to Arkansas, and settling on Clear Lake, in Mis- sissippi County, where he entered and purchased a tract of land embracing 600 acres. He improved this farm in a great measure, but, in addition to following the plow, was engaged in blacksmithing and tanning, giving these occupations his whole attention after Daniel was large enough to attend to the farm, which enterprises proved a decided success. He died in February, 1882. Daniel Mann was married, at the age of twenty-one years, to Miss Sarah Carter, a Tenuesseean by birth, and afterward began residing on a portion of his father's farm, becoming the possessor of 16(1 acres in 1879, thirty of which he has cleared. Upon the death of his father the old homestead was di vided, and sixty-four acres of wild land fell to Dan- iel. On this property he has built a good house, and has about ten acres under the plow. In the fall of 1887 he took a trip to Illinois, and Iwught a pair of fall-blooded Poland-China hogs, the only ones in the township, and intends soon to purchase a thorough-bred Durham animal, Iteing interested in improving the stock of the county. His leisure moments are devoted to hunting and fishing, and he has won quite a reputation as a bear-lumter, having killed large numbers of them. During the hunting season his house is the resort of hunting parties from Illinois, Kentucky and Tennessee, who always have good sport, and bag plenty of game when Mr. Mann is the leader. He is a pa- tron of education, believes in elevating the stand- ard of the schools in Mississippi County, and is now serving as school director. He and wife have become the parents of seven children, those living being Martha Agnes, William W. , Lula F. and J. Hugh. Those deceased are William I., and two who died unnamed. S. M. Marks. Nowhere within the limits of Mississippi County, Ark. , can there be found a man who takes greater interest in its agricultural and stock affairs than Mr. Marks, or who strives more continually to promote and advance these interests. Like so many native-born Kentuckians, he has been energetic and enterprising, and since 1879 has been the owner of a good farm of 160 acres in Chickasawba Townshi]). which was at the time of his purchase heavily covered with timber. He has opened up about thirty acres, has erected substan- tial buildings on his place, and for some time has been interested in the propagation of stock, having in his possession a fine young horse of Highland and Cleveland Bay stock. His land yields a bale of cotton to the acre, and sixty bushels of corn. He was born in 1846, being the third in a family of seven children burn to Samuel and Sarah (Keesee) Marks, who were also Kentuckians. During his infancy his parents moved to Missouri, where the father died a few years later: and from the time he was able to work until 1861 he assisted in the support of his mother and a sister. In the fall of that year he enlisted in Company G, Sixth Illinois Cavalry, and was in the Second Brigade, Fifth Division of the Fourth Army Corps of the Depart- ment of the Cumberland, and took an active part in the engagements at Port Hudson, Nashville and Franklin, and in a number of campaigns and minor engagements. He was mustered out of service at Selma, Ala., November 5, 1865, and received his discharge at Springtield, 111. The three following years he was engaged in farming in tbe vicinity of the latter city, and up to 1874 was employed in tilling rented land. At that date he came to Ar- kansas and made a crop on Carson' s Lake, but then returned to Illinois, and for two years was engaged in following various occupations. Since that time he has resided in Mississippi County, Ark. , where he was married, in 1879. to Mrs. Amelia Ellen Lawrence, nee Bowen, a daughter of John M. C. Bowen. His wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Mr. Marks is a member of Chickasawba Lodge No. 134, of the F. & A. M. Capt. Daniel Matthews (deceased). From among the many estimable citizens of Mississippi County who have passed to their long home, but who, from an early day. were intimately and prom- inently associated with the county's development, MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 53-; the name of Capt. Matthews cau not be omitted. Of Pennsylvania nativity. h(^ was horn in Hunting don County in the year 1814, and about 1835 came to Arkansas, and lived fur some time at what is now known as Milliken's. Subsequently he ran a boat from Cincinnati to New Orleans, which call- ing he continued to pursiie until 1850, engaging at that time in the mercantile trade in Osceola, Ark., at which place he conducted a store until his death, in 1884. He was one of the best-known men that ever ran on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and throughout Mississippi County, Ark. . his name was synonymous with integrity, industry, and perseverance. For two years he was engaged in business in New Madrid. Mo., investing money in that place to the amount of $25,000. but met with heavy losses, and became involved to the ex- tent of $7,000. He left that town with only $15 in his pocket, and went to New Orleans, where, through the kindness of friends, he was again started in business, and had paid all his debts and also had his goods paid for at the end of a few years. In 184'.l he was married to Miss Mary Young, a daughter of Andy and Elizabeth Young, and located at Osceola, in Mississippi County, where they became the parents of three children: T. A. . MoUie C. and Beulah, Mollie C. being the wife of H. D. Tomlinson, of Osceola, and the mother of two children. Beulah is married to O. B. Ferguson, of Ripley, Tenn. , and is the mother of one child. Mr. Matthews was in business at Osceola for thirty four years, and during this time accumulated a property valued at $75,000. No one unacquainted with him can realize what a ben- etit his life was to this county, or what an influence he exerted upon all those around him. His etforts in behalf of the poor and oppressed, without re- gard to race or color, will long be remembered, and his methodical business, coupled with strict integrity, may well be emulated by the rising gen- eration. After his death, which occurred on the 2d of May, 1884, his body was taken in charge bj' the Masons, of which he had long been a member, and was buried by that order in Elmwood Ceme- tery, at Memphis, Tenn. His son. T. A. Matthews, was educated in the Christian Brothers' Institiite, 34 at St. Louis. Mo., from which institution he was graduated in 18(58. Capt. Daniel Matthews, dur- ing his life, had but one serious accident, and that back in the 30' h, in an eastern railroad collision, near Harrisljurg. his native State, where he lost a leg, afterward making his way through life with a cork leg. Mostly through his exertions the St. ISIatthew's Catholic Church at Osceola was built. This is a very fair frame structure for a town of such proportions as this. One of his relatives was living at Johnstown, which was lately destroyed by the great Pennsylvania Hood. M. B. Maxwell. Although this gentleman has been a resident of Mississippi County, Ark. , only for a short period, he has been an important factor in the growth and prosperity of the same since 1878, and has been identified with all worthy en terprises. He was born in the State of Tennessee, in 1855, and was engaged in raising cotton in Tip- ton County of that State until the above mentioned date, at which time he came to Mississippi County, Ark., and first rented a plantation, putting in a crop of cotton, amounting to about forty acres in all. He now has 260 acres of land which he rents, 200 acres being in cotton and the rest in corn, and the most of the land he has opened up himself. He employs about twenty-five hands to attend to the crop, and by economy and close adherence to his occupation he has become possessed of consid- erable means. Miss Mollie Freezer became his wife in 1877, she being a daughter of Peter and Rebecca Freezer, who were born in Tipton County. She died in 1885, leaving two children, Lurenda and Lena. His present wife was Miss Emily Bringle, of Mississippi County, a native of Teniies see, her parents, John and Sarah Bringle. l)eing also natives of that State. L. A. Morris, the subject of the portrait ap- pearing on another page of this volume, and the head of the mercantile firm of L. A. Morris & Co., general merchants at Osceola, Ark. , can justly be recorded among the self-made men of Mississippi County. No one is more justly entitled to an enviable place in the history of Mississippi County than he, for, though young in years, he has been usefully and honorably identified with the interests » v^ 538 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. of this county, and with its advancement in every worthy particular. Mr. Morris owes his nativity to Alabama, where he was born in 1855, and is the second in a family of six children born to the Rev. F. C. and Sallie A. (McFeat) Morris. The par- ents were respectively from Alabama and South Carolina, were married in South Carolina, but soon afterward moved to Alabama, where they remained a short time, thence came to Osceola, in 1857. The father preached throughout Mis- sissippi County and West Tennessee for many years, and was a man remarkable for his Christian purity and benevolence and high sense of honor. He died in 1876. The mother had died of cholera in 1866. L. A. Morris spent his youtli in Osceola, attending private schools mostly, and in 1872 he began clerking in the store of Capt. D. Matthews, where he continued for seven years. He then went to Pecan Point and clerked for R. W. Friend for eighteen months, at which time he became a partner in the business under the firm title of Friend & Morris. In December, 1883, he bought a tract of 1,000 acres, well improved, with 200 acres under cultivation, and a store that had been establii^hed several years at Plum Point, Tenn. He soon withdrew from the firm of Friend & Mor- ris to conduct his large interests at the above men- tioned place, where he continued in business until January. 18SU, when he leased his farm, and sold stock, etc., in the store to Johnson Bros., who are conducting it now. Mr. Morris was postmaster at Plum Point for a number of years, and filled that position creditably and well. On the subject's large farm there are 300 acres under cultivation, 1 00 of which were opened by himself. He erected a tine residence at a cost of $2,000, also put up a cotton-gin, outbuildings, and a number of cabins, etc. Since buying the estate the Government has built a levee, and is at present engaged in revet- ing the bank along the river front, which improves his place to a great extent. On October 1, 1887, Mr. Morris opened a branch store at Osceola, and since closing at Plum Point, he has centered his whole attention at the Osceola store, which is con- ducted in partnership with F. R. Lanier, Jr. He has an extensive stock of general merchandise. and does a commission business, also, of buying cotton and all farm produce. To Mi'. Morris' marriage have been "born three children: Carrie E. : Maggie May, who died at the age of three years, and Plumie E. Mr. Morris is a member of the A. O. V. W. Lodge, Osceola. Though still a young man, Mr. Morris' business capacities, and extensive experience with the resources of this county, have enabled him to take a foremost place in its affairs, while his pleasing, social qualities and gentlemanly manners make him a jileasant companion and friend. F. M. Mosley. It was in 1849 that Mr. Mos ley first became a resident of Arkansas, having come from his native State of Tennessee, where he was born in 1832, with his parents, of whom he was the fourth of their nine children. Harrison Mos- ley and Mary Davis Evans, the parents, both Vir- ginians, were married in their native State, and soon after moved to Tennessee, where the father followed the life of a farmer until his death, in 1849. In the fall of that year the remainder of the family came to St. Francis County, Ark., where F. M. Mosley resided until 1859, when he came to Mis- sissippi County, where he farmed on rented land until the close of the war; then, in partnership with H. T. Blythe, purchased a tract of land in Chicka- sawba Township, on which they erected a horse cotton-gin. A few years later they put in steam machinery, but in 1873, Mr. Mosley sold his in- terest in the gin, as well as his farm of 160 acres, and purchased his present property, one mile west of Blythesville, which comprises a tract of eightj' acres, of which fifty are under cultivation. He took possession of this place in 1879, all of which was covered with woods at that time, and since then he has cleared fifty acres and built an excellent dwell- ing house; he also has a tine collection of fruit trees. It is one of the most pleasant places in all the neighborhood, and is the result of thrift and energy, which are among the leading characteristics of Mr. Mosley. His land is exceptionally produc- tive, and readily yields a bale of cotton to the acre. He has been married twice, first in 1854, to Mary Thompson, of Arkansas, who died in 1872, leaving one child, Tabitha Ellen, the wife of Dr. Jones. "a* ,u MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. W.) His second union took place in the fall of 1872, and was with Miss Alice Williams, a daughter of James H. Williams, whose sketch apjiears in this work. They have three children : Francis M. , who died in infancy in 1875; James H. and Willie Bacchus. He i.s a patron of education, is a prac- tical and successful farmer, and by reading and observation has become well posted in business af- fairs. Thomas H. Musgrave. The following is a brief sketch of the career of Mr. Musgrave, a man whose present substantial position in life has been reached entirely through his own perseverance; and the facts connected with his agricultural operations, and their results, only show what a person with courage and enlightened views can accomplish. He first saw the light of day in the Old North State, in 1847, and eleven years of his youth and early manhood were spent in attending .school. His primary training was received in the schools of Branch ville, Charleston and Columbia, S. C, and in 1855, he came with his father to Somerville, Teun. , where he attended the academy three years; in 1859 he went to Peoria, 111. , and attended the High School one year; in 1863 he entered the St. Louis University, where he remained till he com- pleted his collegiate career, graduating in 1868. He came immediately to his home in Arkansas, where he rested for a short time, and then obtained employment at Hale's Point, Tenn., as a book- keeper, which position he held until 1873, when he returned to his farm in Mississippi County. His property then consisted of 560 acres of land, with about twenty acres in cultivation, but with an incumbrance of $1,700, part of the purchase money due the vendor. He set earnestly and persistently to work to clear his land of debt, which he soon did, and then began to clear it of the timber and pre[)are it for cultivation. He not only succeeded in paying for his land and clearing 150 acres more on the same farm, but also added to his lands from time to time, until he has owned over 4,000 acres, and now owns about 2,500 acres of superior laud, with 150 acres this year in cultivation, and two small farms "lying out" for want of tenants. He has sold considerable property, some of which was well improved, and a part of which he cleared. On his extensive domains is some of the choicest land to be found in the State. A bale of cotton can easily be raised to the acre, some of his tenants occasionally making more. Nine families now live on and cultivate his lands, but Mr. Musgrave says he has room for and would gladly furnish fifty more with homes. A large area, which, twenty five years ago, was the bed of the Mississippi River, has been added to this tract of land by the river shifting its channel, and now, where a few years since steam boats plowed the turbid waters of this mighty stream, can be seen some of the finest fields of cot- ton and corn in the State. Mr. Musgrave possesses decided literary tastes, and has been quite an ex tensive student of both law and medicine. He has never taken a very active part in the political affairs of his county, though he served three terms as justice of the peace, but refused to qualify after having been elected the fourth time. He was nomi- nated by the Democratic convention for county sur- veyor, and fully indorsed by the Republican con- vention for the same position, all without his knowl- edge; but, when elected, declined to discharge the duties, preferring the quiet and easy life on his farm. Although not an active politician, he is a close and diligent student, keeping well posted and fully abreast with the times; possessing a bold and vigorous mind, he does not swerve one iota from what he deems to be just and right. His reputa- tion for honesty and integrity has been often tried and found pure, and his financial ability has been more than once put to the test, but never without credit to himself; his social (jualities are well known and appreciated, and he has hosts of friends whose confidence and esteem are his highest eulogium. An excellent portrait of him appears in this work. He was the second of three children born to Will- iam R. and Mary E. Musgrave, both of whom were born in North Carolina, and were there reared and married, moving shortly after to South Carolina, where the father engaged in the steamboat busi ness, and later worked in the machine shops at Charleston. He afterward became connected with the railroad business, which he discontinued in 1857. prior to coming to Arkansas, following this occu 540 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. pation in Somerville, Tenn., to which State he removed in 1855. Upon coming to Arkansas he located in Mississippi County, and there engaged in the saw mill business, which was continued until I860. At that date he bought 556 acres of land in Hickman Township, a portion of which land was cleared and under cultivation. He continued to improve his pro{)erty, and soon had over 100 acres in cultivation, the rest being devoted to rais- ing stock. In 1862 the war put an end to these operations, and he engaged in commercial life, operating mainly in Lauderdale County, Tenn., though he bought large quantities of cotton in the adjoining counties of that State, and some in the northeastern counties of Arkansas. He died at Co- lumbus, Ky.. June 14, 1864, ending an active and well spent life. William R. Musgrave was a very affable and well-known man, greatly esteemed by numerous friends. His widow died in the spring of 1884, at Rocky Mount, N. C. F. Musick. It is a well known fact that cir- cumstances in life may make or mar the prospects of man to a certain extent, but a determined spirit will bend even the force of circumstances to its will. The career of Mr. Musick since his arrival ujwn the stage of human action is abundant proof of this trite saying. He was born in Virginia, and his parents, Russell and Elizabeth (Dowell) Mu- sick, who came from Virginia to Mississippi Coun- ty, Ark., in 1855. located on Frenchman's Bayou, where they purchased 160 acres of land, with about five acres cleared. Here, with the help of his sons, six in number, Mr. Musick cleared about eighty acres, but sold out previous to the war, and, in 1864, moved to Alexander County, 111. There the father and mother passed their last days, dying within four days of each other, and only a short time after reaching Illinois. The children, four sons and one daughter, came back to Mississippi County, in 1865, and here F. Musick, the subject of this sketch, commenced planting cotton. In 1870 he purchased 180 acres of land, with about sixteen acres cleared, to which he after- ward added about eighty acres more. This place he sold to Henry Criegher, and then purchased his present property, consisting of 160 acres on the Bayou, with about sixty acres cleared. To this he has since added about eighty acres more, which he has under a fine state of cultivation, and raises about one bale of cotton to the acre. He has built five houses on the place, one barn, and two store buildings, one 16x70, and the other 20x24, in which he carries a well-selected stock of general merchandise, valued at from .f3,000 to $7,000. This business he established about seven years ago in company with his brother. In 1885 the firm dissolved partnership, and F. Musick con- tinued the business. His sales run from 18,000 to $10,000 per annum. Mr. Musick's first mar- riage was to Miss Martha Barham, daughter of James Barham, a native of Tennessee. ' Mrs. Musick died in 1874, leaving two children: J. A. F. , a young man at home assisting his father in the store, and C. C. , who died when seventeen years of age. Mr. Musick's second marriage was to Mrs. E. M. Young, whom he wedded in Octo- ber, 1884. She is a daughter of Mrs. Lierley, of Lawrence County, Ark. Two children were the result of this union: Callie (a son) and Clara. Mr. Musick is a member of the Masonic fraternity, also of the K. of H. , and he is a memlier of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Silas F. Myers has been a resident of Missis- sippi County, for the past thirty-six years, and has spent a lifetime in pursuing the noble voca tion of agriculture, having learned this occupation of his father who was an extensive tobacco planter in Kentucky. His life has not been without ad venture or self-denying experiences, yet success has attended him both in material affairs and in the esteem which has been accorded him by those among whom he has so long made his home. He was born in Macon County, 111. , but at the age of eighteen months was taken by his father to Davis County, Ky. , and remained on the latter' s tobacco plantation until 1852, or until he was twenty -two years of age. His father, who bore the name of Levi Myers, died about 1837, and the mother, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Campbell, was a daughter of Henry Campbell, of Virginia. Abraham Myei's, the paternal grandfather, was a German. To Levi Myers and wife a family of ^?1«- l/irla^, kt', J/£4^yy7e0^ %.ml Mississippi CouNTr,ARKAMSAS. <5 !^ .4 3> MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 541 nine children were born, of whom Silas F. Myers is the only surviving member. The latter came to Missi.ssippi County, Ark., and raised a crop of cot- ton the same year on rented land, and has since raised a crop of from 50 to 125 acres of cotton each year. He has nearly always worked on new ground, and has cleared sixty-three acres in one place, fifteen in another, and ten, twenty five, eighty, twenty and sixteen acres, respectively. In 1876 he purchased land to the amount of 118 acres, all of which he has under the plow. He is very pleasantly situated, and his residence is substantial and roomy, being 72x34 feet, with a hallway running through the center, and a large porch extending around the house. It was built by his individual labor with the exception of about one week's work, when a carpenter was employed, and is excellently fin- ished inside and out. Four families and three single men are employed to keep the farm in order, and on the place are five good workmen's cabins. He has a large orchard, well stocked with different varieties of peaches, apples, pears, plums, etc. Two years after coming to Mississippi County, he was married to Miss Sarah T. Williamson, a daughter of Richard and Harriet (Willing- ham) Williamson, who were formerly from Ala- bama, but removed to Tennessee when Mrs. Myers was a small child, and when she was fourteen years of age came to Mississippi County. Mr. and Mrs. Myers' children are as follows: Joseph B. , a commercial traveler for a Memphis, Tenn., house; James H. , a planter residing at Nodena, is married, his wife's maiden name being Nora Cis- sell, a daughter of Levi Cissell; and Minnie O. , Nancy Ardella, and Cora Elizabeth, at home. Three children died in infancy, and one son died when eleven years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Myers, their daughter, Nancy Ardella, and son, James H. , are members of the Presbyterian Church at No- dena, while Miss Minnie O. belongs to the same church at Osceola. Mr. Myers is a member of Lodge No. 27, A. F. & A. M., of Osceola. George W. Neel, a prominent farmer near Blythesville, Ark., was born in Obion County, Tenn., in 1858. He was the eleventh in a family of fifteen children born to John T. and Martha A. (Simmons) Neel. Both parents were natives of Tennessee, where the father's occupation was farming, and where he died on December 12, 1864. The mother still resides in that State. George W. Neel attended the public schools of that period, but his educational advantages were very limited, and he did not receive the schooling his ambition desired. He remained at home until his majority, and in November, 1882, was married to Mrs. Nancy J. Ray, a young widow lady of that vicinity. After his marriage Mr. Neel purchased a farm, and settled upon it with his bride, where he resided until the year 1886, when he exchanged his Tennessee farm for one in Arkansas, a fine tract of forty acres, all under a high state of cultivation, and bearing grass, clover, corn and cotton ; has also a splendid orchard, with which he has taken great pains to bring to as near perfection as possible. He is a member of the Masonic order and the Ag- ricultural Wheel, and is one of the most enterpris- ing and energetic of the younger farmers in this section. Mr. Neel is held in the highest regard by his neighbors, and deserves the success that has come upon his efforts. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Neel were born four children: Elizabeth La- vina, Georgie Elnora Belle, Flora Dora Lee and James Edwards. William H. Oglesby, M. D. Since Dr. Ogles- by's location in Mississippi County, Ark., he has shown himself eminently worthy of the confidence and trust reposed in him by all classes, and has proved himself to be a physician of decided merit. He was born on Blue Grass soil in 1854, and up to 1860 resided on a farm in the country, but at that date his father, W. A. Oglesby, departed this life, and the family then took up their abode in Owensboro, whore William H. attended school un til about fifteen years of age, making good use of his time while opportunity offered. Imbued with a determination to secure a good education, he en- tered the Kentucky Wesleyan University at Mil- lersburg, which institution he attended two years, and then clerked for two j'ears in a store, his leis- ure moments being given to the study of medicine, for which science he had a predilection. The years of 1875-76 were spent in Slaughtersville, 9 li^ 542 HISTOET OF ARKANSAS. where he pursued his medical researches, and he then entered the medical department of the Uni- versity of Louisville, taking lectures during the winter of 1876-77. In the latter year he came to Mississippi County, Ark. , and began clerking for J. B. Tisserand; but some live months later he en- tered upon the practice of his profession, which he has continued with a rapidly increasing practice, up to the present time. In the winter of 1884-85 he attended lectures at the Memphis Hospital Med- ical College, graduating from that institution in March, 1885. Dr. Ogle.sby is a hard student, and keeps thoroughly apace with the strides which are being constantly made in his profession, and takes a number of leading medical journals. He has a very pleasant and comfortable home in the village of Blythesville, his residence being erected in 1881 ; and in addition to this has eighty acres of arable laud, of which sixty are under cultivation. The Doctor is a man-ied man. Miss Cullie Waggoner becoming his wife in 1879. She is a daughter of James Waggoner, an old settler of the county. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and she and the Doctor are the parents of two chil- dren, Gipsy and Mary Lorine. Dr. Oglesby has always been a patron of education, and is at pres- ent a member of the school board of Blythesville. His parents, W. A. and Katie (Harding) Oglesby, were the parents of five children, of whom he was the fourth. Both parents were Kentuckians, the father being a planter of that State, which occupa- tion he followed throughout life. J. B. Perkins, a gentleman of wonderful ability, was born in Tennessee in 1849, and is the oldest living child of George W. and Elizabeth (Herron) Perkins, of Tennessee. The father was a farmer, and emigrated to Arkansas in 1859, where he set- tled in Randolph County, and entered a tract of land upon which he made a home for his family until the first alarm of war brought a distressing separation. He enlisted in the Confederate army, and, after a brave struggle for the cause he under- took, met death like a soldier should at Memphis, in 1862. The family continued to reside in Ran- dolph County until 1864, when they moved to Mis- sissippi County and settled at Beaver Point. There they farmed and rented land for several years, and in 1875 came to Cross Bayou, where they settled on fifty acres of wild land, which has since then become greatly improved through the efforts of J. B. Perkins. He has erected several substantial buildings, and put about forty acres under a high state of cultivation. His land will yield three- quarters of a bale of cotton to the acre; and, besides this, he has raised a fine orchard. In 1874, Mr. Perkins was married to Miss Sarah Starling, a na- tive of Columbia County, Ark. , and a daughter of John Washington Starling, an old settler of that county. Four children were born to the parents: Sallie, George Washington, Eddie and Minnie, the two latter deceased. John Perkins, a brother of Mr. Perkins, moved to this county at the same time with the latter, and both brothers bought land adjoining. John bought sixty-six acres, on which he made a great many improvements and erected buildings, and cleared about thirty-five acres, which he put under a good state of cultiva- tion. He was married in 1873 to Miss Mary Ben- nett, a daughter of John Bennett, one of the pio- neers of Mississippi County. Eight children were born to this union, of whom two have died. The names of their children are John F. , Mary E., William, Rosa Lee, James Troy (deceased), Cor- delia (deceased) and Nancy. Mr. Perkins was a representative citizen of Mississippi County, and took an active part in educational matters, serving as school director for several terms. He was also a member of the Agricultural Wheel, as was also his brother, J. B. Perkins. His death occurred on December 16, 1887, leaving a large circle of friends and his family to mourn their loss. The mother of these two brothers is still living in this vicinity, and enjoying the best of health, at the age of sixty years. C. H. Powell, farmer and merchant, Osceola. The father of Mr. Powell, Joseph Powell, was a native of Virginia, who, after reaching manhood, was united in marriage to Miss Eliza Ann Walton, a native of Kentucky. The father followed agri- cultural pursuits for many years, and in about 1859, moved to Mississippi Coimty, Ark., where for a year or two he made his home with Mr. Lynch. He then rented land and continued tilling , the soil, and, in connection, also handled cord-wood for the steamboats. He was killed during the war by a neighbor. He was the father of seven chil- dren, of whom C. H. Powell was the third. The ' latter was born in Hindman, Ky., in the year 1847, and was but seventeen years of age when his father was killed. He then sent his mother back to Kentucky, while he engaged as clerk at Hindman for a time, and later returned to Arkan- sas, where he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Harrington, a native of Mississippi County, and the daughter of Whiting Harrington, one of the leading settlers of this section. After marriage. Mr. Powell opened a tract of land belonging to his wife, and began tilling the soil. He has made many improvements, cleared about thirty acres, wliich are in a high state of cultivation, has a fine orchard, and in 1888 he erected a good residence. In 1887, he purchased two acres near the town, and on this has erected four tenant hoiLses. He began a general grocery business at Lynch's Land- ing in 1884, and remained there four years, with a constantly increasing trade. In 1887, he leased a lot a short distance up the river, erected a build- ing, and still continues his former trade with un- usually good success. The fi'uits of his union with Miss Harrington were fourteen children (six now living): William Joseph; Sallie, wife of Joseph Violet, and resides with her parents; Eula, wife of William Mitchell, and lives in the vicinity; Fan- nie, at home; Lucy, died at the age of five years; John (deceased), Elisha, at home, and Cornelius Prewitt. The remainder died in infancy. Mr. Powell is not active in politics, biit votes with the Democratic party. He is deeply interested in local improvements, and also in school matters, having served as director for six years. G. W. Pratt is a name familiar to residents of Mississippi County. Its owner is a prominent saw- mill operator at Pecan Point, who was born in Decatur County, Tenn., in 1843, and was the old- est child in a family of nine children born to Rich- ard T. and Mildred (Walker) Pratt. The father was one of the leading farmers, and a pioneer of West Tennessee, where he resided up to the time of his death, in 1 874, ten days after the demise of his wife. This was an incident that ke])t firmly imbedded in the minds of their children, and did not remove its melancholy impression for many years afterward. Upon ret\irning home from the funeral of his faithful wif<( the father seemed to have a presentiment of his coming fate, and, weighed down by the grief and sadness of his Ixuvavemont, told his children that death would claim himl)efore many days. Exactly ten days afterward he passed away, and his words were verified. G. W. Partt remained at home until sixleen years of age, when he commenced flat- boating on the Mississippi Kiver, and continued at that employment until 1860. He then went to clerking on one of the large river steamboats until 1861, when the rumors of war came penetrating through hills and valleys, and calling the men to arms. Like many other chival- rous young men of the South, he cast his fortunes with the Confederacy, and enlisted in Company K, Fifth Tennessee Regiment, commanded by Col. Travis, and was elected to the rank of corporal. At the liattle of Shiloh he received a terrible wound, and was granted a furlough of sixty days. At the end of that time, having recovered, he organized a cavalry company with Capt. D commanding, and served as first lieutenant for three months, when the company was divided into two, and he received the rank of captain. He then joined Col. Cox's regiment, and campaigned through East Tennessee, and was in almost innumerable skir- mishes and minor engagements during the entire time. In the spring of 1865 the company dis- banded after almost continual fighting throughout its entire service, and he returned home. After the death of his wife he went to Bartlett, Tenn., and engaged in carpenter work to some extent, but afterward moved to Brunswick, where he remained seven years. In 1873 he was married to Miss Ella Johnston, of Fayette County, Tenn., who lived but two years after marriage, and died, leav- ing one son, John, who is now attending school at Princeton, Ky. In 1876 Mr. Pratt was married, at Oakland, Tenn., his second wife being Miss Nannie, a sister of his former wife. This lady lived but eighteen months, and after her death he ^1 spent several moDths seeking a location in which to settle. He finally decided on Pecan Point, and moved to this point in 1882, entering at once into his trade of carpentering and building with so much success that now almost every building in that place can truthfully be said to have been erected by him. In February, 1888, he purchased a saw-mill, which he erected on the river bank, that has a capacity of 10,000 feet of lumber per day, and the demand largely exceeds the supply. Mr. Pratt has also built a tramway two miles in length, extending to the timber region, and as soon as the woods become exhausted he will build it farther out. He has several tramcars running, and a force of fourteen men at work constantly. Mr. Pratt is a member of the Masonic fi-aternity, Pecan Point Lodge, under dispensation at the present time. He is also a member of the K. of O. , Pecan Point, and Eastern Star, and attends the Methodist Episcopal Church at this point, taking an active interest in all afiFairs of the Sunday-school. He has been one of the leading spirits in all things that promise to be to the advantage of this section, and is one of Mississippi County's most enterpris- ing and valued citizens. Mr. Pratt is a good busi- ness man, and an admirable mechanic and archi- tect. He is a great friend of the children for miles around, and it is a pleasure to see the little tots leave everyone else and flock around him whenever he puts in an appearance. His own pluck and determination have placed him in an independent position, and his courteous manner has won him many friends. Dr. Robert C. Prewitt, a prominent physician, of Osceola, Ark., was born in Missouri in 1844, and from an early age displa^'ed an eagerness for study and a desire for a professional life. He was the eldest of six children born to Joseph E. and Naoma (Nash) Prewitt, natives of the ' ' Blue Grass State." The father was a successful tiller of the soil, and followed this occupation in his native State until his removal to Missouri, which took place in 1838. He located in Pike County, and was one of its earliest settlers. The paternal grandfather, Robert C. Prewitt, was a native of Virginia, and came to Kentucky at an early day, where he followed farming. He participated in the War of 1812, was taken prisoner at the battle of Raisin River, and was held by the Indians all winter. He afterward returned to Kentucky, but subsequently emigrated to Missouri, where he died in 1850. The maternal grandfather, William N. Nash, was a native of Virginia, but emigrated to Kentucky, where he died and is buried. Dr. Robert C. Prewitt improved the educational ad- vantages offered him in the common schools, and in 1861 began the study of medicine with his uncle, Dr. Robert C. Prewitt, in Pike County, Mo. Dur ing 18(52-08 he attended lectures at St. Louis Medical College, but the year previous to this he enlisted in the Confederate army, was sent to Southwest Missouri, where he participated in the battles of Fulton, Mount Zion Wilson Creek and Lexington. He was taken prisoner at the last- named place, but became ill, and soon returned home. In January, 1864, the Doctor went to Kentucky, and located at Athens, Fayette County, where he began the practice of his profession. In October, of the same year, he married Miss Lottie C. Stephens, a native of Kentucky, and the daugh- ter of Edwin Stephens, also a native of the " Blue Grass State," and a merchant of Lexington, who died of chol(ll as blooded Berkshire hogs. In November, 1883, Miss Mattie Spred, of this coun- ty, became his wife, she being a daughter of one of the pioneer settlers of this section. Their union resulted in the birth of three children: Eddie Lawson, and Earl and Eleanor (twins), the latter dying in infancy. Mr. Quinn is a member of Lodge No. 27 of the A. F. & A. M., of Osceola. John H. Rainey. There are few men, if any, who have occupied a more prominent jjosition or contributed more toward the development of the resources of Mississippi County, than Mr. Rainey, a man whose history has been so intimately con nected with the affairs of Chickasawba Townshi]). that to mention one necessitates a sketch of the other. He was born in Jackson County, Ala., in 1833, the son of Samuel H. Rainey. a prominent farmer of that State. The latter removed to the State of Arkansas, in 1844, with his wife, whose maiden name was Sarah Kelso, and his family of six children, and settled in Mississippi County, near where our subject now resides. He remained one year on this place, then moved to Osceola, and en- tered a farm of 160 acres two miles north of the town, on which he made many necessary improve- ments, and soon had a pleasant and comfortable ^; '^ MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. Ml home ill the woods. On this farm ho resided un- til bi.s death in ]8r>4, his wife havinjr departed this life two years earlier. John H. Rainey was reared ou his father's woodland farm, and hia character was so molded in yonth that it was perhaps natural for him to look upon farming as the only calling with which he should identify himself in after life. At the age of twenty one years he left homo to carve out his own fortnius and for a number of years worked as a farmhand, but in 18fiO he was appointed by Sheriff Charles Bowen, to the oflice of deputy sheriff of the county, and was given entire charge of affairs when the war broke out. as Mr. Bowen was anxious to join the army. He continued to discharge his duties very satisfactorily until 1862, when the Federal troops took possession of the county, and he was then compelled to turn his attention to other matters. He took no part in the war. but during hostilities met with several stirring adven- tures. He continued to farm on rented land until 1S66, then purchased a tract of land embracing 160 acres near Osceola, nearlj' all of which place he succeeded in clearing, and soon after Ijought 320 acres adjoining, on which he cleared another 1 60 acres, thus making 320 acres under plow. In 1881 he sold the latter farm and moved to Chicka- sawba Township, purchasing wild land to the ex- tent of 660 acres, on which he moved, and began immediately to improve with good buildings and by clearing his place from brush and timber. He has continued from time to time to purchase laud until he is now the owner of about 4,200 acres, with some 300 acres under cultivation, and has the timber of 700 acres deadened for removal. In 1885 he removed to a farm he had piirchased in Cooktown, and two years later bought one and one- half acres in North Chickasavvba, on which are a cotton gin. a store house and a small residence. Mr. Rainey has cleared over 600 acres alone, which is a tine record for one man. His life has been one of unremitting toil, and though he com- menced for himself without much means be is now in possession of fine property, the result of honest industiy and perseverance, and thoroughly deserves the respect which is accorded him. He has now attained the age of tifty-six years, and for the re- mainder of his days can take the world easier, and enjoy the fruits of his early toil. On his lands are extensive tracts heavily covered with valuable timber, which will prove a source of wealth as soon as it can be put on the market. Mr. Rainey contemplates the immediate erection of a saw- mill, as he will require large (juanties of lumljer in erecting numerous houses on his own farm. He was married in 1879 to Miss Sarah H. Brown, a native of the State and a daughter of one of the old pioneers of this section, and to their union have been born the following interesting little family: Sarah J., Samuel H. and John H. He always voted the Democratic ticket, and is an act- ive advocate of public schools, having served in the capacity of director for a number of years. He commands the respect and esteem of all for his sterling integrity, sober and sound judgment, broad intelligence and liberal and progressive ideas. His wife is a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Rainey has also held the following offices: In 1873-74 he was county assessor, in 1875-76 county surveyor, and is now a member of the Board of Equaliza- tion, to equalize the assessment of county property. To this office he was appointed by Gov. Eagle. Pamic Reed is one of the leading agriculturists of Mississippi County, Ark., and since locating here, many years ago (in 1845), has seen. many changes in the growth and development of this community. He was born in the " Hoosier State " in 1820, and was reared to the occupation of black- smithing, but after leaving home, on the 8th of June, 1843, he spent two years in flat-\)oating cm the river, and after a short time spent in Illinois, came to Mississippi County, Ark., locating at Hickman's Bend, where he was engaged in l)oating and rafting, and kept a wood yard. At that time all the white settlers lived contiguous to the river, the interior lieing still occupied by the Indians, and wild animals of all kinds roamed the woods at will. After residing in this locality until the 20th of May, 1854, he moved to Kansas, where he fol- lo\yed teaming for some time, and during the Kan sas War was in the battle of Ijawrence, and a ^'. uumber of other engagements in the spring of 1856. The following year he loaded all his effects on a flat-boat and floated down the Missouri and Mississippi rivers to Hickman" s Bend, in Mississippi County, Ark., at which place he landed on the 22dof December, 1857, then buying land on Buford Lake, where he soon had a good home. The most of his attention was given to stock farming, in which enterprise he was verj' extensively en- gaged during the Rebellion. He continued to make this his residence for about twenty years, opening up some sixty acres in the meantime, but sold out in 1875 and came to Clear Lake, where he purchased the farm on which he is now residing, which comprises a tract of about 100 aci'es under cultivation of some of the best laud in this sec- tion, the most of which he devotes to the raising of corn and cotton. He has been so unfortunate as to lose four wives, but is at present living hap- pily with his fifth wife. His lirst union was to Miss Nancy J. Cotton, whom he married Novem- ber 9, 1847. She was a native of Missouri and died in Hlinois, February 12, 1849, and was buried with her child. His second marriage was to Miss Ellen Pints, of Mississippi County, whose death occurred on the 11th of April, 1851, she leaving a daughter named Elner, who died in the State of Kansas at the age of six years, on the 30th of June, 1857. Susan Sawyer, a native of Tennessee, and a member of a well-known family of that State, became his third wife February 12, 1852, but she left him again a widower on the 12th of April, 1874. Mr. Reed next espoused Miss Caro- line A. Mannen, a native of Mississippi County, who died a short time after her marriage, in 1875, also being buried with her child. His fifth and present wife, was Mrs. M. J. Rackley, a Kentuckian by bii-th, who was the mother of four children by a previous marriage. She and Mr. Reed have one child, a daughter, named Rebecca Susan. Mr. Reed's various occupations through life have been somewhat diversified, but unlike the old saying, "jack of all trades and master of none," he has been reasonably prosperous in every enterprise to which he has given his attention, and now, during his declining years, can look back over a useful and well-spent life. He has always been quite an active politician, and has affiliated with the Demo- cratic party. E. D. Rhea, M. D.. a physician and surgeon of more than ordinary ability, was born in the State of Tennessee in 1835, and like the majority of the farmers' boys of his day acquired only a common school education. At an early age, how- ever, he evinced an eageme.ss for study and a desire for professional life, and acquired the taste for scientific learning, medicine having a particular fascination for him. When twenty five years of age he went to Missouri, having previously studied medicine, and was engaged in practicing his profes- sion there until 1862, when he enlisted as a surgeon in the Fourth Missouri Regiment, Confederate cav- alry, and served in the Trans-Mississippi Depart- ment, in Marmaduke" s division, until the close of the war, after which he came to Arkansas and located in Fulton County, near Salem, remaining there in the active practice of his profession until 1876. During 1874-75 he represented Fulton County in the first Democratic legislature convened after the Reconstruction Act, and was an active member of that body during the stormy times of the Brooks- Baxter war. Since 1876 he has practiced his pro fession in Mississippi County, and has acquired no inferior reputation as a physician and surgeon. When the village of Blythesville was laid out he purchased property and built one of the first bouses in that place, and has since been quite extensively engaged in fruit raising (in con- nection with his practice), in which he has had remarkable success. Since 1881 he has owned an eighty-acre farm near Blythesville, thirty of which he has opened, and on which he has built a house and made other improvements. In 1879 he was married to Miss Sarah Walker, a daughter of John Walker, one of the early pioneers of the county, but in March, 1885, was called upon to mourn her untimely death. She left two chil- dren, Maggie, and Lizzie, the latter dying at the age of nine months, six months after the mother. Miss Fannie Blackwell, of Lauderdale County, Tenn., became his wife September 17, 1886. The Doctor was the youngest of a family of twelve chil- ^ ".i:. MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. o49 dren l)oiu to Joseph M. and Kittie (Myers) Rhea, who were horn in Tennessee and Maryland, respect- ively. The father was a school teacher for many years, and also followed the occupation of farming. They both died in 1860. he in August and she in February. J. W. Rhodes is one of the more recent acquisi- tions to the agricultural and mercantile interests of Mississippi County, Ark., but he has already been found to be one whose leading characteristics are progr(>ssive and enterprising in their nature, and thus of much worth to the people of this com- munity. A native of Hines County, Miss. , liorn near Vicksburg. he was only four years old when his father (in 1857) removed with him to the "Lone Star State." Here the latter died in 1866, his wife and children, consisting of seven boys and three daughters, removing to the State of Tennes- see the following year. J. W. Rhodes resided at home with his mother until sixteen years of age, spending his boyhood days as other youths of the community, and received a fair education in the common schools. He then obtained a position with Cunningham, Wicks & Malone, commission mer- chants of Memphis, Tenn., with whom he remained two years, then went to Bay Springs, Miss., and worked as a book-keeper for J. M. Nelson & Co., for one year. He again returned to Memphis, Tenn., and secured employment with the Charles- ton & Memphis Railroad Company, where he kept books, and afterward clerked on the river for the Memphis & Osceola Packet Company, and was em- ployed in this capacity on different steamboats of that line for about four years. In 1876, he leased the Crowell Landing for a term of five years, but bought the landing in 1878. This was washed away in the freshet of 1883, biit Mr. Rhodes soon jiurchased thirty-seven acres of land, on which he is now living, and established a landing called Golden Lake, which took its name from the post- office, which he had established, and of which he has been postmaster since 1885. He first estaVi- lished a store in 1883, at Crowell Landing, but when the land began to be washed away at that point, he moved his goods t)ack farther inland, to his present location, where he and I''. .\. Norton formed a partnership under the linn name of Rhodes & Norton, which continued until tiieir es- tablishment caught fire, and was consumed, Janu- ary 22, 1888. Their loss was estimated, over and above their insurance, which amounted to $2,000, at $5,000. Directly after the fire. Mr. Rhodes erected a substantial fi'ame building, 36x()0 feet, on the site of the burnt building, and is now carry ing one of the largest and most complete stocks of goods in the county, valued at $5,000. He also owns a fine cotton-gin, and is now replacing the old machinery with the latest improved in the market, its capacity being twenty-five bales per day. He has iu bis plantation aliout 120 acres, eighty five of which are under the i)low, and is improved with good buildings, his residence being an exceptionally tine one. His peach orchard is also one of the l)est along the river. In the year 1877, he was united in marriage to Miss Clara M. Pulliam, a daughter of E. Pnlliam, of Bartlett. Tenn. Mrs. Rhodes is a lady of culture and re- finement, and she and Mr. Rhodes are the parents of the following children, two girls and two boys: Ella Nelson, Lucy Pulliam, Joseph Wicks, Jr., and Charles Robert. A great deal of liusiness is done at Golden Lake, Mr. Rhodes acting as agent for the steamboats at that point. He is a mem- ber of the K. of H. , and his wife is a njember of the Methodist Church. Leon Roussan. editor and publisher of the Osceola Times (which he purchased in 1870). is a gentleman of ciolture, of large general information, and has proven himself to be a man of good judg- ment in directing the editorial policy of his paper. He was born in Ste. Genevieve, Mo., in 1838, and was the second in a family of seven children l)orn to Michael and Sophia (Janis) Roussan. Tlie parents were natives of Missouri, but were descend- ants of early French pioneers iu tliat section. Leon Roussan attended the public and private schools of his native town until sixteen years of age, when he entered the newspaper office of the Ste. Genevieve Plain Dealer, and there remained one year. He then clerked in a store until 18(51, when he enlisted in Company C, First Confederate Battalion, and was assigned to Mississippi River > ^> ^1 550 HISTOEY OF ABKANSAS. division. He was in the siege of Island No. 10, was there captured and taken to Johnson's Island, Lake Erie, where he remained some six months, and was then exchanged at Vicksburg. Later he joined the Forty-second Tennessee Regiment, and was elected lieutenant of Company C. He was in the Georgia campaign, and was wounded at At- lanta. After the close of the conflict Mr. Roussan went to St. Louis, where he clerked for a year, and then moved to Randolph, Tenn. , where he en- gaged in commercial pursuits. In 1870 he came to Osceola, and bought the paper which he now conducts. The Times is one of the old and well- established papers of this portion of the State, and has ever exerted a potent influence in public af- fairs and the general interests of Mississippi Coun- ty — never more so than in late years, whilst under the supervision of its present editor. It has a good patronage, and commands the respect and confidence of the entire reading public among whom it circulates. At the incorporation of Osce- ola, in 1872, Mr. Roussan was active in promoting a harmonious organization, and was elected its first mayor. Since then he has been justice of the peace, and is at present county examiner. In 1879 his marriage was consummated with Miss Adah L. Pettey, a native of the " Lone Star State." and the daughter of Dr. F. M. Pettey. Mr. Roussan is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Lodge No. 27, of Osceola, and is also a member of the Arkan- sas Press Association. Hon. L. D. Eozell. Every life has a history of its own, and although in appearance it may seem to possess little to distinguish it from others, yet the political career and experience of Mr. Rozell, as well as his connection with the agricultural and stock raising affairs of this community, have con- tributed to give him a wide and popular acquaint- ance with nearly every citizen of Mississippi Coun- ty, if not personally, then by name. He was born in Davidson County, Tenn. , in 1836, and was the second in a family of seven children born to Rev. A. B. and Henrietta (Burnett) Rozell. The father was an extensive farmer, and was also a well-known and popular Methodist preacher in Middle Tennes- see, where he died in 1886. The mother died in I 1845. The paternal grandfather, Solomon Rozell, I was a native of North Carolina, and was one of the pioneers of West Tennessee, settling near Mem- phis, which at that time was composed of less than half a dozen huts. The maternal grandfather was ! a very early settler in Middle Tennessee, and both families became well known in the localities where they cast their lot. As L. D. Rozell was reared as an agriculturist, it is but natural that he should permanently adopt that calling as his life occupa- tion, and he has always followed it. He attended the common schools when a boy, and at his major- ity engaged in tilling the soil for himself. In 1862 he enlisted in Company C, First Tennessee Confederate Cavalry, and participated in the bat- tles of Holly Springs, Spring Hill, Chickamauga, Atlanta, Jonesboro, Franklin, Nashville and others. In 1865 Mr. Rozell came to Mississippi County, Ark., and settled on the river about ten miles ! above Osceola, on a tract of land purchased by his father in 1855. In 1867 Miss Margaret Bowen became his wife. She was born in Mississippi County, and was the daughter of Reese Bowen, who died in 1856, and was one of the earliest set- tlers in this county. The year previous to his j marriage Mr. Rozell purchased a tract of 100 acres of partially improved land, to which be has since added, until he now owns 1,200 acres of excel- lent bottom soil, with 350 acres under cultivation. He has erected good buildings, fences, etc., and is now enjoying the result of his labor. He has a good grade of stock mixed with Darham, and has a fine bull for breeding purposes. He has taken an active interest, politically, in the affairs of the county, and has held many positions of public trust. He was elected justice of the peace in 1868, I and in 1871 represented his county in the Legis- lature, to the satisfaction of his constituents and the public in general. In 1886 he was elected county judge, was re elected in 1888, and is hold- ing that position at the present. He is active in school matters, and has served as director for many years. In all things that promise to contribute to the good of this section the Judge may be counted upon to take a leading part. By his marriage to Miss Bowen, he became the father of eight chil- drtMi. two of whom are deceased. Those living (ire Ashley. William, Martha, Bascom, Lockey and Shoemaker. Margaret aud Emma died in in- fancy. The Judge is a member of Lodge No. 27, A. F. & A. M. A. A. Rounsaville. The occupation which this gentleman now follows has received his attention the greater part of his life, and it is Ijut the truth to say that in it he is thoroughly posted and well- informed, and his labors in this direction have con- tributed very materially to the reputation Missis- si [>pi County enjoys as a rich farming region. Like many of the residents of the county he is a Tennesseean by birth, having been born in 1839, and was the eighth of eleven children born to Clayborn and Elizabeth Rounsaville, who were horn, reared and married in the State of Alabama, and shortly after removed to Tennessee. In 1851 they resolved to move still farther to the west, and accordingly settled in Mississippi County, Ark. , where they opened up a large section of land, on which they spent the remaining years of their lives, the father dying in ISHT, and the mother in 1854. From earliest youth A. A. Rounsaville has been familiar with the duties of farm labor, and up to the breaking out of the late war he was en- gaged in following this occupation, aud in attend- ing the old time subscription schools. He espoused the cause of the Confederacy and joined Capt. Fletcher's company, aud was a participant in the battles of Shiloh and Farmington, but after the latter battle was discharged from service on ac- count of sickness, and returned home. In 1864 he re-enlisted in Price's command, and accompanied that general on his raid through Missouri, taking an active part in all the battles of that campaign. After his surrender at Shreveport, La., in 1865, he returned to Mississippi County, Ark., where, un- til liS()8, he was engaged in rafting and wood- chopping. The three following years he farmed the old family homestead, and in 1871 bought a tract of forty acres, one mile east of Blythesville, on which farm he has since built a commodious and substantial dwelling house, and has reduced twenty-five acres to cultivation and otherwise added greatly to its improvement. He has pur- chased forty more acres of land, and also is the owner of some valuable town property. His lands are fertile, and will produce one bale of cotton to the acre, and forty bushels of corn. He also gives considerable attention to the propagation of a good grade of stock. He was married in 1868 to Mrs. Nancy Hudgins, formerly Miss Synclear. H. T. Rounsaville is a brother of A. A. Roun- saville, whose sketch appears above, and like his brother, is careful and painstaking in the cultiva- tion of his land, and thorough in everything con- nected with its management. It is, perhaps, not to be wondered at that he is meeting with success in his chosen calling, for he has always attended strictly to the details of farm work, and is one of the intelligent and enterprising class of citizens who would give life to any community in which thej' might settle. His birth also occurred in Ten- nessee, in the year 1842, he being the youngest child living born to his parents, and up to the age of twenty-one years his time was divided between working on the farm and in attending school, where he received a good practical education, and from that time until he arrived at the age of thirty-one years, he traveled about through thirteen different States. After his return to th(< State of Arkansas, in 1871, he purchased a small but exceedingly fer- tile farm of forty acres, one mile east of Blythes- ville. which was then heavily covered with timber, and now has twenty-six acr(>s in a high state of cultivation; has built good fences and made other improvements, securing a pleasant and comforta- ble home, which he is enjoying with his wife (whose maiden name was Amanda Sawyer, and whom he married in 1873) and his three children, Margaret Ann, Franklin Monroe and Joel Alvin. Mrs. Rounsaville is a daughter of William Sawyer, a pioneer settler of this section. Rucker Brothers. Nowhere in Mississippi County, Ark. , are there to be found individuals of more energy, determined will, or force of charac- ter than these young men possess, aud no merchant or agriculturist is deserving of greater success in the conduct of his store or the management of his farms than they. The firm comprises Albert Ct. and Egbert E. Rucker, both of whom were born — rf i' 552 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. in Lauderdale County, Term., the former's birth occurring November 19, 1855, and the latter' s December 1, 1856. Like most of tlie youths of their county, as they grew up they devoted their time and attention to farm life, receiving in the meantime good common school educations. After attaining his majority Albert engaged in farming for himself, following this occupation until tv\renty- eiglit years of age, when he engaged in commercial business at Bartield, in connection with Egbert E. , who had been following that business ever since attaining his majority, and succeeded Carr & Co. On the 20th of November, 1888, they purchased a tract of land, comprising eighty acres, of Z. T. Williams, the most of which was under cultivation, and about the same time they purchased forty acres of J. \V. Buckner. In May, 1889, they bought Kifl acres two miles west of Bartield, which they intend improving and clearing at once. Their stock of general merchandise is valued at about $4,(100, and in connection with this work, which is proving quite remunerative, they buy and ship cotton and all farm products, and own a half interest in a cotton-gin at Hickman's Bend. While engaged in farming, Albert raised 4,500 bushels of corn on seventy-two acres of land, at Hickman's Bend, this crop only requiring his time and attention for about sixty days, and shows the productiveness of the soil at this point. In the vicinity of Bartield, the cotton crop has averaged one bale to the acre for the past five years. There are three saw- mills within a radius of three miles from their home, each having a capacity of 50,000 feet of lumber per day, and this lumber is moslly shipped from Rucker Brothers' landing. Bartield is the best business point between the northern limits of the county and Osceola, being the main shipping station for Chickasawba, and last year 2, 500 bales of cotton were shipped from that point. The Rucker Brothers have acquired an enviable repu- tation for safe, thorough, and reliable transactions in the affairs of every day life, and have done much to increase and extend the trade and intiu- ence of Bartield. They are members of the Bap- tist Church, and are men who have always endeav- ored to follow the teachings of the golden rule, and have gained the esteem and approbation of their fellow men. Egbert was married, February 15, 1884, to Miss Florence Chambers, a native of Tennessee, and is now tilling the duties of post- master of Barfield, and prior to the year 1888, held the office six years. Their parents. James M. and Julia A. (Chadwickj Rucker, were born in Virginia and Ohio, respectively, and while a yoving man, the former moved to Tennessee, and after- ward to Arkansas, his marriage taking place in Mississippi County in 1847. They subsequently made their home in Tennessee, where the father's death occurred in 1879. His widow is still resid- ing on the old homestead in that State. Hon. J. F. Ruddell. Among the citizens of Mississippi County, Ark., long and favorably iden- tified with its social and business interests, is Mr. Kuddell. whose biography will no doulit lie read by old and young, for there is always an instinct- ive curiosity to know the true and inner history of men who have had such a close association with the affairs of this county from primitive date. Ho was born in Miami County, Ohio, in 1826, being the fourth in a family of five children born to Archibald and Ann (Neal) Ruddell, who were en- gaged in following agricultural pursuits in the " Buckeye State. " Later they removed to Boone County, Ky. , where the father remained until his death, in 1838. His widow afterward became the worthy companion of Jordan Bass, and in 1836 emigrated to Arkansas, and died at the home of our subject in 1873. J. F. Ruddell, brought up to a knowledge of farm duties, very naturally chose that occupation as his calling in life when it be came necessary for him to select some permanent industry, and the experience he has since had has proven the wisdom of his judgment. He attended the common schools until 1836, then made his home in Kentucky with an uncle until 1840. after which he worked as a farm hand for several years. In 1843 he made a trip to Arkansas, Imt in 1847 located permanently at Osceola, Mississippi Conn ty. where he ran a trading post on the river for one year. In the fall of 1849 he came to Chickasawba Township, entered eighty acres of Government land, and after making many improve- ^1 'A^ MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 55:5 nionts and living on this Iract for many ycM's. hi> sold out and bought \W acres at Clear Lake. Three years later he came to Blythesville, where he now has 120 acres near the village, all under cultivation, with fair building.s and a good small orchard. The laud is very productive, and will readily yield one bale of cotton to the acre. He also owns eighty acres on Dogwood Ridge, twenty being under the plow. When the Keliellion broke out he joined Capt. Fletcher's company, which was known as the Fletcher Rifles, and was in the battle of Shiloh, where he was wouuded; was captured at Murfreesboro, being afterward ex- changed; Chickamauga and Decatur, Ala., where he was again taken prisoner, and was kept in captivity until the close of the war. After leaving the bat tie field he returned home, and again took up the implements of farm life. From 1854 to 1801 he liUed the office of justice of the peace, and after returning from the war was again tendered that position, which he accepted. In IST-l he was chosen to represent his county in the State legis- lature, and served to the entire satisfaction of his constituents for one term. At the present time he is a member of the Tax Equalization Board, and as he has always been an active advocate of schools, he has served many years as school director. In 1850 he married Miss Nancy Mobely, a daugh- ter of John Mobely, one of the old pioneers of Mississippi County, who came here in 182(5 fi'om Missouri. Mrs. Ruddell died in 1862, leav- ing five children, who are now also dead: John T. , Louisa A. , Charles A. , Emily E. and Sarah E. In 1867 he man-ied Amanda Mobely, a sister of his first wife, but she. too, died leaving him again a widower with two children to care for: Thomas O. (deceased), and Martha A., who is attending school at Lexington, Ky. Mr. Ruddell married his present wife, who was Mrs. Margaret Walker, in 1889. In 1888 he made a visit to relatives in Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois, but saw no coun- try that, in his estimation, was so desirable as Mississippi County, Ark. , and here he is contented to pass his declining years among his many tried and true friends. Elisha Sawyer. The father of home until 1857. Ho then sold out, but later bought a farm of 200 acres on Long Lake, which at the time of his purchase was a wilderness, and on this farm Elisha Sawver cut the first cane for clearing. They soon had a house erected, and here Mr. Sawyer lived until 1873, respected and esteemed by all who knew him. In 1871 he bought 100 acres near what is now Blythesville, and on this made his home un- til 1878, when he quietly breathed his last. His entire course through life had been one marked with singular honesty and fidelity of purpose, and to every charitable object he was a liberal contribu tor, and was a man held in high esteem by all who knew him. He held the office of justice of the peace for a number of years, and when a mere boy united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and lived up to its rules throughout his whole life. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity. His wife departed this life in 1865. Elisha Sawyer attended the common schools for a short time, learned the details of farm work on his father's farm, and after the close of the Rebellion began farming for himself. When the mutterings of war began to be heard throughout the land, he espoused the cause of the Confederacy, and joined Capt. Fletcher's company, participating in the battle of Shiloh, in which engagement he was wounded three times. He was sent to the hospi- tal, l)eing shortly after discharged, and returned home. After farming with bis father for two years, he bought a piece of land which he began to improve, and in 1881 purchased a farm of 160 acres on Clear Lake, which he cleared, and made his home until tlu" winter of 1889, when he moved to his present pl.ice of abode. At the death of his father he inherited one half of the old homestead, amounting to 140 acres, and with what he has purchased his lands comprise 500 acres, with 180 under the plow. He has a good orchard on his old Clear Lake farm, and says his fruit is of choice varieties. Miss Missouri A. Chisum, a native of Tennessee, became his wife in 1804, and to them were given two children, of whom one is dead — Rebecca. Mi's. Sawyer and daughter are mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church. William H. Scarboro. It is an undeniable truth that the life of any man is of great benefit to the community in which he resides, when all his efforts are directed toward advancing its interests, and who lives according to the highest principles of what he conceives to be right, helping others, and caring for those who are unable to do for them- selves. Mr. Scarboro is one of these men. He was born in Tennessee in 1856, being the third of I eight children of Calvin R. and Mary J. (Hodges) Scarboro, who were also Tennesseeans, where the father carried on the business of a saddler and farmer. He is still residing in that State, his home being at Mifflin. William H. Scarboro received the advantages of the common schools in his youth, and was an intelligent and studious pupil. Al- though he was reared a farmer's boy, he has never given that occupation his attention until within the last year, since which time he has entered upon that calling with a perseverance that can not fail of favorable results. At the age of twenty-one he secured the United States mail contracts in Hen- derson County, of which he was deputy sheriff and constable for five years, and was married there Sep- tember 30, 1879, to Miss Ada A. Clay, a native of that State. In 1882, under the impression that he could better his fortunes, he came to Arkansas, settling at Blythesville, where he engaged as a clerk for Richardson & Triplett, with whom he remained until 1884, when he embarked in business on his own responsibility, and successfully conducted a general mercantile establishment for two years. The two following years were spent at carpenter- ; ino-. in the "Lone Star State," but in the winter of 1888 he returned to Mississippi County, Ark., where he purchased a farm i-mbracing 280 acres of land, and since that time has attended to his adopted profession with care and perseverance, and is now in possession of a competence which has more than realized his most sanguine expectations. He is one of thi> representative young men of the county, and will, without doubt, be among the foremost men of his times. He and wife became the parents of four children: Nellie Lorance, Ellie Lee (de- ceased), Willie Harris and Mary Ethel. Samuel Spencer Semmes, eldest son of Adminil Raphael and Ann E. (Spencer) Semmes, was liorn in Cincinnati, Ohio, March 4, 1838. While a youth he received his education at the Jesuit College (Spring Hill), near Moliile, Ala., fi-om which in- stitution he graduated in 1855. He was reared in South Alabama, and was admitted to the bar in Washington County, of that State, in 1859, sub- sequently graduating at the law school in New Or- leans, La., in 1860, in which city he was residing and practicing his profession when the war broke out. True to his convictions, he enlisted in the Confederate service, as second lieutenant in the First Regiment of Louisiana Infantry (regulars), commanded by the late Gen. A. H. Gladden, and was promoted to the rank of captain. He went through the war under Gen. Bragg, in the Army of the Tennessee, and was a participant in the bat- tles of Shiloh, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Mis- sionary Ridge, Atlanta, etc. At the close of the war he engaged in agricultural pursuits in South Alabama, and in the practice of law, which he con- tinued imtil 1874; then he removed to Mississijipi County, Ark., where he has since resided, occupied in the practice of his profession. He was elected county judge in 1882, and held the office one term. Mr. Semmes was married to Miss Pauline Semmes, a daughter of the late Gen, Paul J. Semmes. of Columbus, Ga. (who was killed at the battle of Gettysburg), in 1863, and the fruits of this union are five children, three sons, Paul J. , Raphael and Oliver, and two daughters, Mary and Anna. The first two named are living in Osceola, Ark., and Oliver is at Macon. Ga. , where he is studying for the priesthood as a Jesuit. Mr. Semmes lost his ^ MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 000 wifi' in 1S77, and his second marriage took place inliSSI, to his present wife, who was originally Miss Frances H. Morris, diuighl cr of the late Rev. F. C. Morris, a Presbyterian minister of Osceola, Ark. To this union were born three children: Spencer, Frank Morris, and Catherine. Mr. Semmes' homo, just outside the town of O.sceola, is one of the most comfortable and attractive in Northeast Arkansas, and is a tine example of what can i)e accomplished in the way of ornament and usefulness by a little taste and indu.stry. His father was the late Admiral Raphael Semmes, of Confederate fame, whose ancestors came to Ameri- ca with Lord Baltimoi'e, and settled in Maryland. Admiral Semmes entered the United States Navy as a lad of fourteen, where he remained until he resigned his commission, to take part in the late war, in behalf of the Confederates. At that time he was commander, and on duty at Washington as a member of the lighthouse board. His career as commander of the Confederate States steamers ' ■ Sumter ' ' and ' 'Alabama ' ' have already become a matter of history. The mother of the subject of this sketch is a daughter of the late Rev. Oliver M. Sjiencer, of Cincinnati, Ohio, whose father re- moved to that place as one of the pioneer settlers from Elizabeth. N. J., in the latter part of the last century. Mrs. Semmes (the mother) resides in Mobile, Ala. Cai)t. Semmes is the eldest of six children born to his parents. His eldest brother, Oliver J. Semmes, and eldest sister, Mrs. Colston, reside in Mobile, Ala. His next two sisters, Mrs. Luke E. Wright and Mrs. Charles B. Bryan, and youngest brother, Raphael Semmes, live in Mem- phis, Tenn. It is not strange that during the years of ('a]>t. Semmes' residence in Mississippi County, he should have become one of its best known and most valued citizens. Gifted by nature with an indomitable spirit of perseverance, and a refined taste, a thorough and complete collegiate education expanded these, teaching him to see a beauty and harmony in nature, while the study of law and the practice of that profession illustrated by many valuable examples the study of mankind. It was with an education thus completed, and a fortune shattered in the Civil War, as qualifications for future usefulness, that ho turned his steps toward Mississippi County. Here, amid an impoverished pojmlation, and where strife and turmoil reigned for many years, fortune was hard to win, and many trials lay beside his path; yet, from the first, his ability, moral courage, purity and truth of charac- ter were recognized by all. His indomitable will soon won him a leading place at the Osceola bar, while his election to the office of county judge was an unsought expression of the people's confidence aad esteem. The economy in the administration of the county affairs during his term of office, in which time the court-house was erected under his supervision, was the redeemed pledge of his faithful- ness and care. Now, as the years are rolling by, a glance at the home life of Capt. , or Judge, Semmes, as he is familiarly called, would reveal a pleasant cottage, which his horticultural tastes have literally surrounded with ornamental plants and Howers, an interesting family, presided over by Mrs. Semmes, a lady of education, with many refined and pleasing graces, happy children, whose merriment dashes across the path of troubled life like sunshine through the rift of drifting clouds. And so, amid an atmos- phere of peace, respected and esteemed by all, diligently pursuing his professional duties, while perhaps finding greater pleasure during his leisure hours in the cultivation of his garden, and the adornment of his home, the subject of this sketch (and of the accompanying ]>ortrait) passes his days, receiving the well earned praises of his fellow men. Ra])hael Semmes, second son of S. S. Semmes [see sketch], was born in Mobile, Ala. , in the year 1867, and is one of the promising young business men of the county. Ho attended the public schools of O ceola but a short time, and while still a small boy secured employment in a baker's shop, at very small pay, and there remained for six months. At aliout sixteen years of age he went to Pecan Point, where he engaged as clerk for L. A. Morris, and continued in that capacity for one year. He then came to Osceola, and worked with N. L. Avery as clerk in a subordinate capacity, and at a small sal- ary. His capabilities were recognized, and he was advanced year by year, and in 1888 was admitted 556 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. in the business as a partner under the firm title of N. L. Avery & Co. Mr. Semmes chose Miss Lulu Sullivan for his companion during the chiingiug scenes of life, and was united in marriage to her on June 6, 1888. She was born in Mississippi County, and is the daughter of one of the old set- tlers of this county. This union has been blessed by the birth of one child, Norman L. The fam- ily are members of the Catholic Church. Mr. Semmes' life, as may be seen, is an example of per- severance, indiistry and energy; rising under unfa- vorable circumstances as far as education and home assistance are concerned, he has shown by his grad- ual advancement, step by step, that he possesses business capacity of an unusually high ordei-. Now, as a partner in a large store, the future has rich promises for him. J. M. E. Sisk is a man well known to the early settlers of Mississippi County, Ark., and is re- spected for his straightforward course through life, and beloved by all for his noble, Christian qualities of mind and heart. His birth occurred in Jackson County, Ala., in 1833, he being the third of eight children born to Willis Sisk and Frances (Money) Sisk, who were originally from North Carolina. The father was a farmer and mechanic, and died in Alabama in 1873, followed by his wife in 1886. The knowledge that J. M. E. Sisk acquired was only such as could be learned on the home farm, for his school days only amounted to about thirteen months. At the age of nineteen years he com- menced a mercantile career in Tennessee, but one year later abandoned this occupation to take up farming in his native State, which received his attention until 1856: Two years later he came to Mississippi County, Ark., and settled in Chicka- sawba Township, where he purchased eighty acres of land, on which he erected a house, added other improvements, and made his home until 1869, be- ing one of the well-known and respected residents of the community. At the latter date he purchased another farm, which embraced 160 acres, which bv industry and good management he soon made into a pleasant home, but in 1882 he sold this farm also. Since that time he has resided on a 140- acre farm on North Chickasawba, where he has erected good fences and a residence, and has one of the best orchards in the county. In the spring of 188U he started a grocery store in Blythesville, and by his agreeable and pleasant manners, and fair dealing, he is securing a good patronage. He entered the Confederate service in 1863, Capt. Barton's company, and served in the Trans-Missis- sippi Department, participating in the battle of Helena. He was sent home in July, 1884, and did not again enter the service. In 1875 he was ap pointed constable of Chickasawba Township by the Governor, and was afterward elected lo the office, serving in all about nine years. He has also been school director six years, and assisted in organizing the school districts and churches. He was married in 1858, while a resident of Alabama, to Miss Nancy L. Temple, of that State, and to them have been given the following children: James P., who is married and lives in the county; Hiram W., also married and residing in St. Francis County; John W., married and residing in Chickasitwba: Jesse D., married and making his home in Osceola; Evan W. , Benoni, Frances (widow of Thomas Perry), Sarah (deceased), Susa (wife of B. J. Rook). Charlotte, Roberta (deceased) and Alice. Seven of the family are members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. Carroll L. Smith. In the early settlemeut of Arkansas, and among the families who were closely identified with its material affairs and associated with its progress and development, were the Smiths. A respected representative of this family is found in the subject of this sketch, who was born in Tennessee in 1839, and in 1841 was brought to Mississippi County, Ark., by his parents, James M. and Edna (Jones) Smith, who were born, reared and married in North Carolina, removing shortly after the latter event to East Tennessee, and still later to West Tennessee, and thence to Arkansas. After coming to the latter State they resided for nearly two years on Mill Bayou, where they landed in 1845, and in 1847 removed to Clear Lake, set- tling on a tract of 157 acres. At that time there were only three families on the Lake, and there were not more than twenty acres under cultivation. Mr. Smith began at once to make imjirovements in the way of clearing land and l)ailding, and made his lioiun on this property until liis death, in 18(54, at the age of fifty-three years; the mother expiring the following year, aged about fifty-five years. Like so many of the substantial citizens of this county at the present time, he was initiated into the mysteries of farming fi'om his earliest youth, and to this calling he has since given his attention. As there were no schools near his home until he was twelve years of age, his early educational advantages were very limited. When the mutter- ings of war began to be heard throughout the land he joined Capt. Fletcher's company, and was at the battle of Shiloh when that captain was killed. He also took part in the engagements at Mur- freesboro, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Missionary Ridge, and in the Georgia campaign. He was cap- tured at Franklin, Tenn. , and was kept a prisoner until the close of the war, when he returned home and resumed the peaceful pursuit of farming. In 1868 he sold the old homestead and bought his present home farm of 160 acres, now owning in all 400 acres with 160 under the plow. On this place he has a good residence and outbuildings, and near the house is an extensive orchard of choice varieties of frnit. He votes with the Democratic party, and in the various affairs of the county he exerts an influence which is felt by all, being particularly active in supporting the cause of education. He has been married three times, the first time in October, 1860, to Miss Mary Ann Renfro. who died in 1862, leaving one child, which also soon died. He then remained a widower until 1870, at which date he wedded Miss Mary E. Murry, a native of Mississippi County, her death occurring in 1883. Three children blessed this union: Will- iam, Norah and Rebecca. In 1884 his marriage to Miss Amanda Langley was consummated, and by her he has also had three children: lona, Albert Sidney Johnson and Grover Cleveland. Mr. Smith has one of the finest places in the county, and has surrounded his home with many conveniences and comforts. His farm is rapidly increasing in value under his able management, and he is looked upon as one of the leading agri- culturists of this section. Thomas H. Starling, a gentleman who has won the confidence and respect of his neighl)ors since his arrival at Cross Bayou, was born in Columbia County, Ark., in 1851, and is a farmer by occupa- tion. He is the elde.st child of John W. and Sallie Ann (Hood) Starling, natives of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively, who came to Arkansas at an early period. The father was a prosperous farmtu- until the outbreak of war, when he gave up his home and family to take up the cause of the Con- federacy. He fought gallantly in some of the noted battles now portrayed in the pages of his tory, until he received his discharge on account of ill health. In 1863, he removed with his family to the northern part of Missoiu'i, and remained there until 1866; but thinking the outlook along the Mississippi River more promising in which to re- build his shattered fortune, he placed his family and possessions on a flat-boat, and spent one year on the river looking for a suitable location. He finally settled in Mississippi County, where the father and son togrether bought 100 acres of land on Cross Bayou, in which place there were but few settlers at that time, and immediately began improving and cultivating his purchase. The land was then in a wild state, but since then they have added to it, and now have about 350 acres cleared and fenced. Thomas owned fifty acres himself, and in 1886, he bought his father's tract, upon which there were about twenty acres under cultivation. The land will easily average three- quarters of a bale of cotton to the acre, and, in ad- dition to this, he has forty head of tine cattle, and pronounces this section to be a splendid cattle range — a piece of information which may be of in- terest to farmers in other portions of the State. His first marriage was with Miss Sarah Ratton, of this county, who lived but two years after their union, and died without leaving any children. His second wife, Mrs. Sarah Robinson, he married in 1876. an amiable widow lady, who bore four children: Jacob Wishy, Thomas Jefferson Will- iam Cornelius and Jesse Brooks. Mrs. Star- ling had three children liy her former marriage: James Alfred, Mary L. and an infant, the two lat- ter deceased. The family are members of the Baptist Church, and Mr. Starling is a member of the Agricultui'al Wheel. He has also served two terms on the school board, and is a prominent man in his section. George W. Stewart. Of Hickman County, Ky. , nativity, Mr. Stewart, from the date of his birth, in 1830, has resided either in Kentucky or in Ar- kansas. Up to the age of fourteen, his days were spent in his native State, but he was not favored with much of an education. His father, Thomas Stewart, was married, after growing up, to Miss Nancy Jane Johnson, both of whom were Ken- tuckians, and followed the occupation of farming in their native State until their death, which oc- curred when George W. was a small lad. In 1845, the latter moved to Arkansas, and spent the first year and a half on Island No. 30, after which he came to Mississippi County, Ark. , and lived above Osceola for a few years, engaged in the cord-wood business. He was married in 1855, to Miss Mary E. Boole, a native of Tennessee, and a daughter of one of the old settlers of this county. After his marriage, he came to Clear Lake, where he farmed on rented land for a few years. At that time the country was a wilderness, and Mr. Stewart had but few neighbors. In 1871 he bought a farm of eighty acres on Clear Lake, of which eighteen were under cultivation, and shortly after bought nearly 180 acres more, and now has a tract of 100 acres under cultivation. His land is favorably situated in a good community, and under favorable circum- stances, he can easily make a bale of cotton to the acre, and from fifty to sixty bushels of corn. On this farm are to be seen largo numbers of cattle, of which he makes a specialty. His union with Miss Boole has been blessed in the birth of seven chil- dren: James, who died at the age of twenty-five years; Virginia, who died in 1888; George, who died in 1874; Sallie, wife of Jesse Deason; and Robert, Lucy and Ollie, who reside with their parents. A. L. Tansil, a tri^e type of the progressive farmer and enterprising merchant, was born in Dyer County, Tenn., in 1845. He is the eldest in a family of seven children born to John B. and Nancy (Finly) Tansil, of Tennessee, where the father was a well-known farmer who died in 1868, the mother soon following him! In early youth Mr. Tansil had few educational advantages, but attended school for several years after the war. On reaching maturity he began life as a farmer, and though still following that occupation, he es- tablished a store which was the first place of busi- ness in what is now the thriving town of Finley, Tenn. His business grew to considerable propor- tions under his judicious management, and in ad- dition to it he built a cotton-gin which gave an impe- tus to the place, and soon the town of Finley grew and became an active, busy trading center. In 1874, thinking to better his then prosperous con- dition, and always on the lookout for more promis- ing fields, he moved to the State of Missouri, and from there to Texas, remaining, however, only one year in the latter place, and then returned to Fin- ley. Here he formed a partnership with an uncle, A. Finley, under the firm name of A. Fin- ley & Co., and continued in commercial life under these conditions for two years, when his spirit of independence prompted him to seek other fields, and he again turned his attention to Texas. In that State he did not find as favorable an open- ing as he had hoped for, and believing that he had passed over a better country on his way, he turned backward and settled in Mississippi County, Ark. Here he located on Mill Bayou, and commenced farming with great success, and two years after started the first Imsiness house at this point. He started a small store, which, from the first, was a pronounced success and grew rapidly from year to year until the spring of 1885, when his in- creased trade demanded larger quarters, and he built an extensive store, filling it with a com- plete and judiciously assorted stock of general merchandise. The star of Mr. Tansil" s success seemed to be shining the brightest at this period, when, without any warning, the results of his many years' patient toil and industry were swept away by fire on the night of December 5, 1885. His new store with its recently accumulated stock, several bales of cotton, and a large crib containing over 1,000 bushels of corn, were burned to the ground. This misfortune rendered him almost w ^ ¥ -U © MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 559 peiiiiiloss, iiad instead of starting in business again at tills ]K)iiit, he removed with his family up the White Kiver; but seeing no advantages to be de- rived there that would equal his former home in Mississippi County, he soon returned and settled one mile south of Barfield, where he leased a cot- ton gin and forty acres from the Williams estate; and the same industry that characterized his early days is now starting him on the road to foitune again. In 1889 he bought 100 acres of good land with about thirty acres under cultivation, and soon after purchased forty acres of wild land, which he will immediately put under cultivation also. He has again commenced in business at Barlield, of which he intends to allow his son Guy to take the manage- ment, while he devotes the greater part of his time to his cotton-gin and crops. On June 18, 1868, Mr. Tansil was married to Miss Sarah H. Spence, of Finley, Tenn., a daughter of George E. Spence, whose father, ilai'k, was one of the pioneers of Dyer County, that State, where he amassed a large fortune. To this union were born eight chil- dren: Belle, wife of J. H. Daniels; Annie; Min- nie, who died in 1885; Guy, Dixon, Nannie, who died in 1888; Frankie and Susie. Mr. Tansil is certainly one of the self-made men of Mississippi County. He is held in high esteem by his neigh- bors, has served four terms as magistrate, takes an active interest in all matters that promise to be for the county's good, and in school affairs, and is the possessor of a happy and interesting family. G. W. Thomason is not only one of the most successful and enterprising planters of Mississippi County, but be is also a lawyer of thorough pre- paratory training, both literary and professional. His boyhood was passed in assisting on the farm and attending school. He was studying at college at the Ineakine out of the war, but he flung aside his books to enter the Confederate Army, enlisting when nineteen years of age in Company H, Fifth Tennessee Volunteers, and was assigned to the Western army. After participating in the de- structive battle of Shiloh, he was transferred to the Fifty second Tennessee Kegiment, and promoted to the rank of third lieutenant. After this he par- ticipated in the battles of Perryville, Murfreesboro, and then in that most disastrous battle at Franklin, Tenn. Just jH'evious to this battle he was pro- moted to captain, his command being fragments of five regiments, and was the only officer left of that company. He was captured during that engage ment, and was sent to Johnson's Island, where he remained for about seven months. After his re- lease, the war being over, he returned to his brother' s law office at Paris, Tenn. , and began the .study of law. He remained in that city until 1808, when he was admitted to the bar in that place, but soon afterward left for Dyersl)urg, where he remained one year, engaged in the practice of his profession. On the 5th of April, 1869, he came to Osceola, Mississippi County, Ark., and here re- sumed his practice. As a lawyer Mr. Thomason possesses solid, substantial talent, and is a man who will succeed under any and all circumstances. His practice is steadily and substantially increas- ing, and covers a wide extent of territory. In 1871 he was united in marriage to Mrs. C. J. Josey, wee Borum, a native of Kentucky. She died on the 31st of May, 1887, leaving one child, a daugh- ter, Lola Maud. He is active, politically, and votes with the Democratic party. He was the fifth of nine children born to Richard Lee and Elizabeth (Smith) Thomason, natives of North Carolina. The father's people were pioneers in Tennessee, and there the father cultivated the soil and passed his last days. H. D. Tomlinson owes his nativity to Fort Don- elson, Tenn. , where he was born in 1859, his parents being Uriah Douglas and Mattie (Outlaw) Tom- linson, who were also Tennesseeans. The latter is dead, but the father is still living, and resides near Clarksville. After his mother's death, which oc- curred when he was about fifteen years of age, H. D. Tomlinson began making his home with an uncle, J. J. Tomlinson, at Canton, Ky., where he remained until nineteen years of age; then went to Memphis, Tenn. (in 1879), and engaged as clerk with the Lee line of steamers, remaining in this capacity on these boats until 1SS3, at which date he became accjuainted with Miss Mary Matthews, a daughter of Capt. Daniel Matthews, and their marriage was consummated on the 31st of May, 560 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 1883. The following November tJiey settled ia Osceola, since whicL time Mr. Tomlinson has con- ducted hi.s father-in law's plantation in so satisfac- tory a manner that he is realizing a handsome profit thereby. He and wife are the parents of two chil- dren: Beulah Patience and Daniel Douglas. Mr. Tomlinson is a member of Lodge No. 27, of the A. F. & A. M., at Osceola. As stated elsewhere, Mrs. Tomlinson' s father, Capt. Daniel Matthews, was one of the bi^st and most favorably known in- dividuals in Mississippi County, prominently con- nected with the farming interests of this region over a long period of years. A personal acquaint- ance with nearly every citizen of the difPerent townships in this county tended to make him very popular, for he lived an honest, upright life in the sight of his fellow men. After reachino- manhood he was united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss Mary Young, whose mother was Elizabeth Young, of Hickman's Bend, Mississippi County. Ark. , which town was washeii away in the flood of 1883, and, for a number of subsequent years, her father ran a merchant's boat on the river. Upon selling out, he embarked in business in Osceola, having previously anchored his boat at the landing known as the Stone Boat Landing, and purchased a fine farm of 162 acres, nearly all of which was under cultivation at that time. The purchase was made about the year 1856, and the farm was just west of the town, and now comprises a tract 550 acres of which are under the plow. It is managed by his son-in-law, Mr. Tomlinson, who rents out a portion of the land. Seventy-five people, black and white, are employed to keep the place in good farming condition, and the average yield of cotton to the acre is about three-fourths of a bale. Ten acres are also devoted to raising timothy hay and clo- ver, which will average about three tons of cured hay per acre. Off of one acre of ground has recently been gathered 150 bushels of potatoes. Capt. Matthews died May 2, 1884; his death left a void in the hearts of all impossible to fill, for he was a man above most men, and one esteemed for his sincere worth. Samuel S. Triplett, whose life has been an act- ive one, and who has by his own industry and intelli- gent management secured a substantial footing among the citizens of this community, was born in Frankfort, Ky., in 1856, being the fifth in a family of seven children. His parents, George W. and Mary E. (Spotts) Triplett, were born in Kentucky and Alabama, respectively, and were married in Frankfort, in the former State. The father was a noted river man, and was a well- known steamboat captain for many years on the Kentucky and Ohio Rivers. His death occurred at Atlanta, Ga., in 1867, his widow dying in Ar- kansas, in 1883, while on a visit to her son, Sam- uel S. During the latter' s youth he attended school in the neighborhood of his home, but at the age of fourteen years, he began making his home with an uncle, who was a tiller of the soil, and when the latter removed with his family to St. Joseph, Mo., he accompanied him. In this State he was engaged in clerking with vari9us firms for a period of three years, and in 1877 he came to Arkansas, and settled in Chickasawba Township, where he worked as a farm hand for H. T. Blvthe, for about one year, then embarked in the business for himself on rented land. After continuing thus employed for some time, he entered the mercan- tile store of J. L. Edrington, as clerk, securing at the end of one year an interest in the business, the firm taking the name of Edrington, Triplett & Co., which partnership continued for two years. He then became associated in business with Z. W. Richardson for a short time, but during these years had been engaged in the occupation of farm- ing, to which he began devoting his entire atten- tion in the year 1884, continuing until 1887, when he resumed his mercantile career again, only to abandon it in the fall of the following year, selling out to N. L. Avery & Co. However, he has since been associated with the above firm in the capa- city of clerk. In 1885 he purchased a tract of wild land amounting to 120 acres, and of this he cleared forty acres, which is now under cultivation. the soil being very fertile, and the whole tract till able. The place is improved with a good house and other buildings, and in addition to this, he has since purchased 500 acres of laud. His wife, whom he married in 1885, and whose maiden nam." UriSSISSIPPI COUNTY. r)f)i was Kittie Snow, inherited 800 acres of land from her father's estate, of which 130 are being tilled. Mr. and Mrs. Triplett are the parents of a son named Blythe. Mr. Triplett is not an active poli- tician, but in 1S88 was elected one of the levee commissioners. Mrs. Triplett' s father, John M. . Snow, was a pioneer of Mississippi County, and had a landing on the river known as Snow' s Land ing, which was situated a short distance above Barfield. Iii 1882 he came to BIythesville and re- j sumed merchandising, which calling he pursued ' until his death, in December, 1884, ho being the oldest merchant in the county at that time, and was one of its best known and most highly respect- ed citizens. T. E. Turner. Within the limits of Missis- sippi County, there is no more successful planter to be found than Mr. Turner, who is thoroughly identified with the farming interests of the same. His birth occurred six miles east of Brownsville, Haywood County, Tenn., and he is the son of Ed- ward N. Turner, who came with his father, Gerry Turner, a native of North Carolina, to Haywood County, Tenn., at an early date. Here Edward N. Turner chose, for his life companion. Miss Caro- line Cpckrum, the mother of T. E. Turner. The latter remained with his parents until nineteen years of age, and received a common- school edu- cation. His father, being one of the wealtliy plant- ers, wished to give his son an excellent education, but the latter was of a different mind, and was married instead to Miss Almeda Barham, of Mc- Nairy County, Tenn. Gf the seven interesting children born to this marriage five died in infan- cy, and two are now living: James Lee and John Edward, both of whom are living on Buffalo Island, with their grandmother, Mrs. Barham. In 1885 Mrs. Turner was riding in a wagon with her mother and brother, the latter driving; the brother was accidentall}' thrown from a spring seat, which so frightened the spirited team, that they ran away, throwing Mrs. Turner and her mother to the gi'ound. Jlrs. Turner received injuiies from which she died, after having suffered fourteen days. The boy had his arm broken, and Mrs. Barham received injuries from which she will never re- cover. Mr. Turner, whose standing as a success- ful planter and a much esteemed and respected citizen, is well established in the county, is now principally engaged in the raising of cotton. He has rented 150 acres of the Cissell place, about six miles southwest of Gsceola, and employs from ten to twenty hands. In a good year he raises over a bale of cotton to the acre, and at an expense of about 10 to the acre. He is a member of the K. of H., located at Osceola, and is also a mem- ber of the A. G. TJ. W. of the same place. John W. tlzzell. Among the many estimable citizens of Mississippi County, Ark., who have passed to their long home, but who, from an early day, were intimately and prominently associated with the county's development, the name of John W. Uzzell can not be omitted. He was born in Columbia, Tenn., and is the son of Elisha and grandson of Thomas TJzzell, who commanded a vessel in Gen. Lafayette's fleet when coming to the succor of Gen. Washington during the Revolu- tionary War. After that war Thomas Uzzell set- tled in Isle of Wight County, Va., where he se- cured a large tract of land, married, and became the father of two childi-en, a son and a daughter. The family all died with the exception of Elisha, the son, who inherited the property. The father had emancij)ated all his slaves before he died, and after Elisha came into possession of the property he sold it, and moved to Columbia, Tenn., where he remained until 1859. He then went to live with his son, John W. Uzzell. in Mississippi County, Ark., and died there in 1864 at the age of eighty four years. John W. Uzzell was married in 1859 to Miss L. T. Evans, daughter of George H. Evans, who was the nephew of Gen. Tipton, for whom Tipton County, Tenn., was named. Jesse Evans, father of George H. Evans, came in the canebrakes from Tipton County, Tenn., to Missis- sippi County. Ark., about the year 1841, and brought only his servants with him at that time. He opened a small tract of land where the widow of George H. Evans now lives, and there died in 1844. At that time his son, George H. Evans, who was living in Tipton County, Tenn., in order to hold his place, moved his family on it, while ^ 5G2 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. be went to Helena to prove up, which he did the same winter. Mrs. Uzzell, whose memory is very good, remembers the first meeting she ever attended in the ueighliorhood, her fatlier and the preacher being the only men in the congregation who wore coats, all the rest, and there was a house full, wearing hunting jackets, and all carried guns. Upon entering the chm-ch they would dejjosit their guns in a corner behind the preacher. The men also carried side-arms, generally knives, and were prepared for all emergencies. On coming to Arkansas in 1844, the family came in a barouche, and on the trip from the river over to her grand- father's Mrs. Uzzell r(fmembers that th(>re was but one opening from the river ferry to the farm, a distance of twelve miles. The cane on each side of the road was so high that it would form an arch over the top of the barouche. In 1859 they selected the spot where Mrs. Uzzell' s house now stands to erect a bailding, and in choosing a spot to dig the well, which they wanted a certain distance from the road, they were oljliged to stand Mrs. Uzzell in the saddle on the back of a gentle horse to make an object for her father to go by, on account of the cane. The place is now one of the pleasantest and most desirable to be found in the county, and the velvety lawn and brilliant beds of flowers attract the eyes of all beholders. In the rear of this stands the large double log-house. Back of the house is a large cistern which will hold 500 barrels, and there is also a good well. Mrs. Uzzell owns now, with her family, about 2,000 acres of land, with about 300 acres under cultivation, and keeps about ten families on the place. They raise nearly three-fourths of a bale of cotton to the acre, al- though they sometimes run more than a bale to the acre. To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Uzzell were born ten children, nine of whom are living at the present. The father of these children died in 1884. He was a member of Lodge No. 27, A. F. & A. M. , of Osceola, Ark. George Walker. As might naturally be ex- pected, mention is made in the jiresent work of many citizens of Missii-sippi County, Ark., now prominent in their different callings, who were born in the county, and whose homes have always been here. Mr. Walker is one of these, and his experience refers to the agricultural interests of the county. He was born in 1850, and was the fourth in a family of seven children born to John and Sarah AValker, nee Chadwick, both of whom, with their parents, were early pioneers of this por- tion of Arkansas. The father was engaged in fur- trading with the Indians during the primitive period of the county's history, but later embarked in cutting and selling cord-wood, which enterprise he continued to make his chief calling until the breaking out of the Rebellion. From that period until 1862 he settled on a farm in Chickasawba Township, which place continued to be his home until his death, in 1875. George Walker has given farming his time and attention from <>arly boyhood, and in this work has met with substan- tial results. His first purchase of land was made when twenty one years of age, and comj)rised a tract of thirty-foiir acres, one mile west of Blythes- villc; but in 1881 he made a piu'chase of forty acres, about the same distance ea.st of th(> town. His home property is well improved with excellent buildings (his residence being erected in 1885), or- chards, etc., and during all these years, in addi- tion to managing his land, he has been in the tim- ber business, rafting this product down the river, which business he is now engaored in. Helen, a daughter of William Buckner, an old pioneer of the county, became the wife of Mr. Walker when he was about twenty-one years of age, but only lived about one year after marriage, giving liirth to a son, James B. , now aged sixteen. His second marriage took place in 1876, and was to Miss Emma Thompson, of Mississippi County, Ark., a daughter of William Thompson, also a pioneer of the coiuity, who was killed during the lat(» war, in the battle of Shiloh. Mr. Walker is a member of Chickasawba Lodge No. 134, of the F. & A. M., and he and his wife are the parents of an inter- esting little family of three children, whose names are as follows: Cora, Charles and Sarab. Luther Walker is recognized as one of the pros- perous agriculturists of this region, where he was born in 1855. His grandfather, Hardiman Walk er, was one of the earl}' pioneers of Missouri, and MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. r.fi:} was residing near Cotton Plant, in that Stat(\ dur- ing the earthquakes of ISll. His son, John Walker, was born in the State of Virginia, and at the age of about fifteen years began to hunt and trap in the woods of Missouri, and until about twen- ty-five years of age, followed this occupation for his father, having under his management several Indians, who were expert trappers and hunters. At the above mentioned age, he was married to Miss Sarah Chadwick, who was born in Ohio, and moved to Hickman Bend, where he settled on some land and began farming in a limited way, being also engaged in operating a wood-yard until 1861, at which date he removed to Chickasawba Town- ship, and bought 160 acres near where Blythes- ville is now situated. On this tract he made some valuable improvements, in the way of buildings, and here resided until his death, in 1876, his wife hav- ing died in ISOO. They were the parents of eight children, of whom Luther is the fifth, and after his father's removal to Chickasawba Township, he went to Illinois, and made his home with an uncle for ten years. During this period his time was employed in assisting at farm labor, and in attend- ing school; he also traveled some through Iowa and Minnesota, with his relatives, but upon the settlement of his uncle in Northwest Missouri, he returned to his father's home in Arkansas, and the same year made a crop on his father's plantation. The next year he came down the river and rented laud above Barfi^ld, on which he lived until 1882, then went to Blythesville and purchased a lot, and built a house in the village. In 1888 he purchased a tract of land comprising sixty-six acres, on which he cleared fifteen acres and resided until three years ago, since which time he has resided in Bar- field. He now has 320 acres, with 100 under cul- tivation, which will yield a bale of cotton to the acie. The dwelling house is in excellent condi- tion, and near it is a fine apple and peach orchard. His marriage lo Mi.ss Bell Buckner was celebrated in 1874, but she died the following year, and in 1878, he wedded Kittie Buckner, a sister of his first wife, and a daughter of Bill Buckner, an old pio- neer of this section. The last union has resulted in the birth of four children: Billie, Maud, Lizzie. and Berde Jesamine. Mr. Walker has always been a patron of education, and is now serving as school director. AVilliam \V. AN'ard, an extensive stock raiser and farmer, was born in Tennessee in 1836. He was the fourth in a family of five children, and is the son of William L. Ward, of Kentucky, who first settled in Tennessee, and in 1831 moved to Mississippi County, Ark., where he started a large wood-yard and cultivated a farm. The father, meeting with good success and making a great many improvements on his farm, after a few years' residence sent for his family, and proceeded to make their future home in this county. His farm in Canadian Township was, at that time, one of the finest on the river, and he resided on this place until hi.s death, in 1851, his estimable wife following him in the year 1881, at the age of eighty-two years. William W. Ward attended Parker's Academy at Richmond, Ohio, in his youthful days, which was then one of the best in- stitutions of learning in Ohio, accessible to both sexes, and where Mr. Ward' s two sisters were also educated. After the father's death he took charge of the farm, which he has operated ever since, and may be called a general farmer, as ho aims to pro- duce a variety of crops, and has been very success- ful in that desire. In addition to his farm, which consists of sixty acres under a tine state of cultiva- tion, he also deals in stock, and owns a herd of fine cattle and hogs. At one time the river threatened to absorb a good portion of his farm, but at present it has changed, and is tilling and adding a number of acres to the place instead. The elder Ward during his life was an active man in politics and a brilliant speaker. He was several times elected and held various offices in this county, being at different periods justice of the peace, county judge and representative, but his son William does not seem to follow his father's footsteps in that direction, and takes little interest in politics, although at one time he served iis mag istrate in his county. He is alive to the interests of Mississippi County, and is active in promoting its welfare by enterprise and good citizenship. W. P. West. This name carries with it an 564 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. essence of fortitude and courage, aud the owuer of it is a man who has gone through the dangers of war and the vexations of after-life, and come out triumphant at the end. He is a planter near Pecan Point, and was born in 1839 at Selma, Ala. He was the oldest child born to John and Louisa (McLean) West, the father being a well known planter and merchant in Alabama, and the grand- father one of the pioneers of Dallas County, Ala. Mr. West remained at home and attended school until his twentieth year. At the outbreak of the war he entered the Confederate army and enlisted in Company A, Fourth Infantry, and was assigned to duty in Virginia. At Manassas his regiment had the honor of supporting Gen. Jack- son, when the remark was made that gave that gen- eral the soubriquet of ' ' Stonewall, ' ' and made him famous in history, namely; "There stands Jack- sou and the Virginians like a stone wall." Mr. West was badly wounded at this battle, and unable to fight any longer. Conseqiiently he was discharged and returned home to recover. In October of the same year he re-enlisted, becoming a member of Compan}^ E, Seventeenth Alabama Regiment, and was assigned to the Western army under Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston. He took part in the battle of Shiloh, and was again severely wounded and sent home to recuj)erate, but though on the brink of death in two instances, it did not damjjen his ardor for battle in the least, and he joined the army a third time, entering into the ranks of the Twenty-fourth Alabama Battalion as a lieutenant of cavalry, and taking part in the battles of Resaca, Ga. , Kenesaw Mountain, New Hope Church, Peach Tree Creek, Jonesboro, and in an almost innumerable number of minor engage- ments. His bravery won for him the rank of adjutant-general of his brigade, and at the cessa- tion of war he was surrendered by Gen. Lee at Columbia, S. C. After peace had been estab- lished he returned to his home in Autauga County, Ala., where he was engaged in planting and farm- ing for five years. On the 14th of April, 1861, he was married to Miss Bettie Zeigler, who died in 1865, and left one son, William McLean, now a contractor on the Georgia Pacific Railroad. His second wife was Miss Laura Hoffman, of Alabama, whom he married on the 11th of October, 1868, but after a short and happy married life of nine months this lady died. In 1869 Mr. W'est moved to the State of Mississippi, and settled on the Yazoo River, where he met and was married to Miss Matilda Booth, of Mississippi, a daughter of Will- iam Booth, who built the first frame house on the Yazoo River above Yazoo City. Mr. Booth was also one of the projectors of the Mi.ssissippi Central Railroad, and after its completion was for several years a director of that road, and one of the most pop ular railroad men in the South. He held the office of sheriff of Carroll County a number of terms, and was also representative from that county, and later on State senator. Mr. Booth came originally from New York State to Mississippi, in 1818, and was one of its most influential and valued citizens for many years. Capt. West left the Yazoo River in 1880, aud moved to Coahoma County, where he bought a plantation of 1,800 acres, and placed 1150 acres under cultivation, besides making a great many improvements. In 1886 he sold out his place and came to Mississippi County, Ark. , settling at Pecan Point, where he farmed on rented land for one year, and then moved to Phillips County. After a short residence in the latter place, he returned to this county and bought 600 acres of land, which he is now clearing, and expects to have 500 acres under cultivation next year. The Captain is very striking in appearance, and would not fail to be noticed in any company. He is six feet tall, hearty and robust, and carries with him that courteous, pleasing addi'ess, that is always evident iu the true Southern gentleman. He has not escaped his full share of misfortune, and on one occasion he was almost ruined by the Yazoo River floods, being compelled to sell a fine plantation in Le Flore County, Miss., in order to obtain a fresh start. But he possesses that spirit of enterprise and an indomitable will that are steadily overcoming all obstacles, and carving a fortune out of the green woods of Mississippi County. Capt. West has but recently purchased his land, but on every side men are at work clearing away the timber, and erecting buildings for the crop of 1890. He will ^ ^^ . 7C, /^ eyi>^yCrzi/ Lawrence County, Arkansas MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 'my erect a iiue dwelling for bimself on an elevated site near the river bank, with a grove of noble trees to make a natural park, and expects to have one of the most comfortable homes on the Mississippi River. His present crop of 300 acres of cotton has been well cultivated, and shows the watchful eye of a man who has made cotton -planting the business of his life. Mr. and Mrs. West are the parents of seven children, three of them having died in infancy: Henry, Minnie and Robert; and those still living are Ludie, Ida, Robert and Mary. He has an interesting family, in which he takes great pride, and wants nothing to complete his hap piness, unless it is to have his two daughters, who are attending school in Kentucky, by his side at home. Capt. West is a member of the K. of O., and Mrs. West, a devout Christian lady, attends the Presbyterian Church. O. S. Wigley, who stands in the front rank of Mississippi County's prominent farmers, was born at Atlanta, CJa., in 1847. His parents were George W. and Mahala (Kyle) Wigley, of that State, where the mother died in 1854. The father married again, in 1856, and in 1859 moved to the State of Arkansas, settling in what is now Cross County. He began farming in this locality until 1865, when he moved to Mississippi County, and remained there until his death, in 1872. George W. Wigley attained a high degree of popularity wherever he made his home, and at the time of his death, was one of the most substantial citizens of Mississippi County. O. S. Wigley remained at home until the first outbreak of war, and as the tales of battle came to his home, his bosom was fired with the ambitions and longings indulged in by every triie soldier. He enlisted in Dobbin's regiment, and took part in many a hot skirmish and gallant charge, and also accompanied Gen. Price in his noted raids through Missoiui. He can relate many an incident of these dark and bloody times, which thrills the ears of his listeners, and would fill a vol ume. Mr. Wigley returned to Arkansas with Gen. Fagin, and surrendered in April, 1865. He then went home, and joined his father in moving to Mississippi County, Ark., and for awhile was en- gaged with him in farming. In 1869 he was mar ried to Miss Savauah Bennett, of Tennessee, a daughter of Capt. B. F. Bennett, a prominent planter and merchant, who met his death from being kicked by a savage horse. After his marriage Mr. Wigley was retained by his f.ither-in-law as ovi>rseer, and remained with him in that capacity for (>ight years. He then rented land and farmed for five years, aft(»r which he bought a farm neai' Pecan Point, and after improving it, sold the land to R. W. Friend. In 1886 he moved to his pres- ent residence, where he farms some 170 acres, and this year has had about 185 acres in crops. Mr. Wigley farms on purely scientific principles; he makes a study of it, and the crops he produces are among the finest in Mississippi County. He is also engaged, quite extensively, in stock raising, and has made a success of that business by jjrop- erly feeding his stock, and taking good care of them. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Wigley were born seven children: Florida Ann (wife of Charles Bell), Mamie Frances (wife of Johnson St. Clair), Georgie Franklin, Walter (who died in infancy), as did Oliver and two others, unnamed before their deaths. Mr. Wigley has lately joined the Melli odist Episcopal Church, and has always held the esteem of his fellow-citizens. John W. Williams, the son of William Will- iams and Sallie Philips, was born in the county of David.son and State of Tennessee, in the year 1821. He immigrated to, and settled in. the good County of Mississippi, State of Arkansas, in 1841), subsequently being married to Anna Fletcher, eld- est daughter of Elliott H. Fletcher and Frances Hickman, in the year 1858. By this marriage, and at this time of writing, there are three living children: Susan F. , Elliot and Sallie P. He now resides on his farm, one mile above Elmot, h'ont- ing on the Mississippi River. James H. Williams. The entire life of Mr. Williams has been one unmarked by any unusual occurrence outside of the chosen channels to which he has so diligently and attentiveh- given his time and attention. A native of the State of Tennessee (born near Nashville in 1826), he has given his at- tention to tilling the soil, and the manner in which he has acquired his present estate denotes him to 1 :^(>(\ HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. bp an energetic, successful agriculturist. His early scholastic advantages were received in bis native State, and, after attending the common schools, he entered a college in that State, which he attended niitil twenty years of age, after which he engaged in the lumber business in the city of Nashville. His wife was formerly Miss Mary E. Finley, of Lebanon, Teun., whom he married in LS-IT, she being a sister of Jesse J. Fink'y, a United States senator from Florida. After making several an- nual trips to Mississippi County, Ark., he settled here in 1849, and on the first of January of the following year he took possession of a tine tract of land, comprising 480 acres, situated about four and a half miles north of Osceola. It was at that time covered b}' a dense cauebrake, with the ex- ception of twenty acres which were cleared, and here Mr. Williams entered actively upon his work, and his career since that time has been marked by industry and strict attention to his calling. He has 100 acres under cultivation, and in'addition to this property has KiO acres of cleared land on Big Lake. In ISSO he erected a tine residence on his estate, which is now one of the pleasantest homes in this section of the country; and everything about his home indicates the enterprise and thrift which have ever characterized his efforts. He has always taken an active interest in the develojiment and improvement of Mississippi County, and has also been quite an active politician. In 1856 he was chosen justice of his township, and in 1876 was elected to represent his county in the State legislature, having filled, since completing his term of service, the offices of school director and justice of the peace. Mr. Williams' wife departed this life in 1858, leaving a family of four children: William F. , married to Miss Kizer; Sallie, wife of N. G. Cartwright, of Osceola; Alice, wife of F. M. Moseley, of Blythesville, and Katie, wife of Ben. H. Bacchus, a druggist of Osceola. In 1861 Mr. Williams married his second wife, Miss Nellie Heath, of Illinois, who died in 1872, leaving four children: Edward H., who is married to a Miss Dunn, of Florida, and is a merchant of Elmot; Henry E. , who is superintendent of Goodrich Iron Works, belonging to James C. Warner; Zerlena W. and Maggie. Miss Mary Dunkle, of Missouri, became Mr. Williams' third wife, but died the third year of her marriage. He wedded his pres- ent wife in 1882, she being a Mrs. Sarah A. Dun- navant, wee Alexander, of Crockett County, Tenn., widow of Leonard Dunnavant. Mrs. Williams was the mother of three children by her first marriage, who are as follows: Robert, a pilot on the Missis- sippi River; Reid and Lillie, all of whom make their home with Mr. Williams. His wif^ belongs to the Cumberland Presbyterian (Jhuroh, and he to the Presbyterian. He is also a member of Lodge No. 27, A. F. & A. M., of Osceola. He was the seventh of a family of cbildi'en born to Josiah F. and Margaret (Phillips) AVilliams, the former a planter of Tennessee, who purchased, in 1837, a large tract of land in the southern part of Mississippi County, Ark. , which he conducted for abovrt eight years, then selling out to Mr. Lanier in 1843. Mr. and Mrs. Josiah F. Williams were very fortunate in the growing-up of their children, twelve of whom grew to manhood and womanhood. The three eldest daughters married Ewings (three brothers), jirominent men. The fourth daughter married Dr. Henry Whitaker; the fifth married Mr. I. C. Warner, the great "Iron King of the South;'' the sixth married Mr. John A. Dunkin, a wholesale merchant, of Nashville, Tenn, ; the seventh married Dr. Kennedy, of Chattanooga. One granddaughter married Mr. Henry Watterson, editor of the Courier Journal, of Louisville. The sons were all good men, and married well. Mrs. Williams died near Nashville, in the year 1845. Mr. J. F. Williams died at the same place, in the year 1852, having been a great sufferer for five years with cancer in his eye. He left a noble record for his family. Edward H. Williams. He whose name heads this brief sketch is one of Mississipjii County's most active and enterprising business men, alive to all current topics, and public-spirited and pro- gressive in all matters tending to benefit the com- munity. He was born near Elmot, in 1859, his parents being James H. and Nellie (Heath) Will- iams [for whose history see sketch of James H. Williams], As Edward grew toward youth and -Jl 9 i^ MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. 507 I'iirly iiKUihood lie attended school in tlie iieigb- horhood of his home, siiid worked on tlie farm for his father until lie was twenty-one years old, at which time he enyajjed as a clerk for A. Goodrich of Osceola, with whom he remained one year. After icntini^ and tillinif his father's farm for two years, he started from home with the int-ention of going to Florida, tint stojiped in Ala- l);ima, and attended school at Florence for some six niiinths, after which he concluded that his native .State was good enough to suit him, so he returned and went into business with D. T. Waller, which partnerslii]) was dissolved at the end of twenty months. Mr. Waller purchasing his inti-rest. He then liDUgllt out N. W. Goodrich, and for two years was associated with A. Goodrich, purchasing his partner's interest at the end of that time; he has conducted affairs in a very satisfactory manner, |>roving himself toi)e a man of rare business aliility and etliciency. He keeps an excellent assortment of general merchandise, his stock being valued at about $4,000. and has w'on the re|)ntation of being one of the first business men in Mississii)pi County. He is enterprising and energetic, studying largely the interests of the people, and fully justifies the confidence and esteem which are bestowed upon him. In connection with his mercantile interests he is managing his father's farm, growing cotton, and has been [Kjstmaster at Fjlmot since INlay, 1885. His estimable wife was formerly Mi.ss Maude Dunn, of Pensacola. Fla., to whom he was married on the 17th of March, 1885, and by her he has one child, Edward James. Mrs. Williams is connected with the Catholic Church. William F. Williams is one of the best known and most highly respected i-esidents of Mississippi County. Ark., and is a man whose life has been an active one. and not without the substantial rewards of success. His grandfather, Josiah Williams, was a resident of Nashville, and a man of enterprise and discretion. He liecame an extensive landholder in Mississippi County, purchasing his y)roperty at what was then known as Social Bend, about the year 1835, which property was managed by his sons, James H. and his brothers, who were then young men. the place b(>ing well stocked with slaves. About IS51), .James H. Williams puichased a farm near Elmot, above Ost^eola, and with the help of his slaves, h(( opened up about 200 acres, and on this farm he is still residing. William F. Williams was the eldest of eight chililren born to his parents, and received some educational ad- vantages in the schools of Osceola. After reaching manhood, he was united in tl)(^ bonds of matri- mony to Miss Christina Kieser, a daughter of 1''. W., and granddaughter of John Kieser, who came from Germany to the United States in 1881, bring- ing with him his wife and two children, F. W. Kieser being the only one of the latter that is liv- ing. The grandfather is still living, at the ad- vanced age of eighty-nine years, and divides his time about equally between Kentucky and Osceola, Ark. F. W. Kieser is also living, in Kentucky. William F. Williams, after his marriage, which oc curred in 1875, moved onto his father-in-law's place, which adjoins Osceola, and is now manag- ing BOO acres of land. He pays an annual rental of $3,000 for his land, and his principal crops are 1 cotton and corn, the yield of the former l)eing about three-quarters to one bale, or forty bushels of corn, to the acre. There is nothing that he has ever tried to make grow on his land that has not thrived, whether grain or fruit. He is also en- giiged in stock dealing, and thinks the farmers of this region have thoroughly awakened to the fact that it -pays to raise a good grade of stock. The mules of Mississippi County are becoming espe cially noted; Mr. Williams has also some Holstein cattle, which he considers a better breed for this region than any other. He has a fine male animal, which was imported from Holland, and al though but two years old, weighs 1,218 pounds. His hogs are of the Berkshire breed, brought from Kentucky, and are very fine. He keeps a few sheep, which he finds fairly profitable, but thinks the country here too level for them to thrive well. Mr. Williams has acted as school director for a number of years, anil from his own observations has seen a decided improvement in the standard of schools since the year 1S70. and (consequently a decided improvement in the people of this section. The education of his three children. May, Fred :^i 568 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. and James, is being attended to by their mother, who is a lady of culture and refinement, and was educated at Cape Girardeau, Mo., and Memphis, Tena. Mrs, Williams is a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, South, at Osceola: Mr. Williams has passed the Blue Lodge and Chapter of the A. F. & A. M. , of Osceola, and is a charter member of Apollo Commandery at Forest City, Ark. He is also a member of the K. of H. William R. Williams, although still a young man, has risen to a position in the agricultiiral af- fairs of the county which many men older in years and experience might envy. His life has been without any material change from the ordinary pursuits of farm toil, but yet has not been devoid of substantial results. He was born in Memphis, Tenn. , in the year ISS-t, and in 1861 came, with his father, to Mississippi County, Ark., where the latter resided until his death, in 1880. William E. Williams received educational advantages far beyond the average, and these advantages he did not fail to improve, but applied himself diligently to his books, and acquired an excellent education which proved of great benelit to him in later years. His plantation, which is situated in the southern part of Mississippi County, comprises 300 acres, of which eighty are cleared and under cultivation, and in good seasons average about one bale of cot- ton to the acre. He has several good log houses on his property, and is doing a fairly prosperous business. In Mississippi County, Ark., he was married to Miss Sallie Baskin, of Phillips County, Ark. , and by her became the father of two inter- esting children — Anna, who died at the age of three years, and Ella, a little girl of seven years, at home. Mr. Williams is an agreeable and intelli- gent gentleman, and one who is ever ready to reach out a helping hand to the needy, or to engage in any legitimate enter) irise which might tend to benefit the county. B. A. Williamson (deceased) was a prominent farmer of Mississippi County, Ark. , and was born in the Blue Grass State, in 1820. He passed his youth on his father's farm, and subsequently learned the brickmason's trade. Later in life he went to Louisville, Ky. , worked at his trade for about eight years, and then in 18ri.") he came to Arkansas, where he settled on the Mississippi River, about three miles al)ove Osceola. He located on a tract of wild land, which he soon submitted to a course of improvement, and which was transformed into a remarkal)ly pleasant home. After making many improvements he sold out in 1861, at a large advance, and then bought a choice location in the vicinity, which Mrs. Williamson still owns. Mr. Williamson was married in November, 1861, to Miss Lithe Jane Hale [see sketch of Hale Bros,], and immediately afterward the war broke out. Farming was almost suspended, but Mr, Williamson found employment at his trade, and nearly all the brick chimneys of that time were of his construc- tion. He made many improvements on his farm, erecting buildings and clearing about seventy acres. In 1871, after an unusually active and prosperous life, Mr. Williamson received his final summons. Since then Mrs. Williamson has opened up about twenty acres, has conducted the home place, and now has no trouble in renting the farm for $600 or $700 annually. This land is very productive, and has often yielded one and a half bales of cotton to the acre. In 1884 Mrs. Williamson bought a pleasant residence in Osceola, which she has im- proved and made into a pleasant home. To the marriage of Mr. ^nd Mrs. Williamson were born six children, only one now living: Eliza Ann died at the age of ten years; Alary Elizabeth is the wife of Ahner Driver, and resides in this county; James Edward died at the age of seven years; Levina died at the age of fifteen years, and two died in infancy. Mrs. Williamson has since married her deceased hu.sband's brother. Bland W. Williamson. The family are now living in a very pleasant cot- tage in Osceola. Robert E. L. Wilson is numbered among the younger of the successful and rising agriculturists of this county, and none will have a brighter fu- ture, or will make better use of their advantages than he. The citizens of Mississippi County are proud to claim him as one of its sons, for he was born here in the year 1863. His father, Josejjh L. Wilson, came from Tipton County, Tenn.. in 1847, and purchased a tract of land in Mississippi County comprising several thousand acres, the most of wliieh has descended to his son, Robert E. L. . who owns 2,700 acres. The latter has cleared and pnt under the plow over 200 acres, l)ut has 260 under cultivation, on whic^h he has erected thirty houses, which are used by his tenants. His r(>sidence is a handsome structure, covering an area of over 3,00t) square feet, is beautifully and comfortably fur nished inside, and is in the center of a large and well kept lawn. Among the other buildings which Mr. Wilson has erected is a saw mill, which is sit uated about four miles from the river, at Idaho Landing, and has a capacity of 14.000 feet per day. From this mill he has a tramway of about six miles in length, extending from the river back into his timber lands, and here he has some thirty men engaged in lnml)ering. He ships large (pian titles of lumber from his mill to Chicago annually, the principal demand being for ash lumber, of which he has a large sujiply still in the tree. The gi'eater part of his cultivated lands he devotes to the raising of cotton, which enterprise gives em- ployment to about 100 people; and one year he gathered eighty bales of cotton from eighty acres of land, and at another time nineteen bales from eighteen acres of land, each bale weighing over 500 pounds. The expense of cultivating an acre of cotton and laying it by is about $7. In the year 1885 Miss Lizzie Beall became his wife, she being a daughter of S. A. Beall, of Mississippi, formerly of Pennsylvania, who came to Mississippi County, Ark., in 1805, and settled on Frenchman's Bayou. He is now engaged in managing his son-in law's mill and mercantile e.stablishment, the latter comprising a large and well-selected stock of gen- eral merchandise. Two children were born to the marriage of Mr. Wilson, only one of whom is living, Mabel Victoria. Tiny died at the age of eighteen months. Mr. Wilson is one whose in- tegrity and honor have never been ijuestioned, and, although a young man, his views relating to matters of Inisiness, as well as on general and po|inlar topics of the day, are considered unusually sound. He is a member of McGavock Lodge, K. of H. , at Frenchman's Bayou, and his wife is a consistent member of the Presbyterian ("iiurch. She is a re- 36 fined and well-educated lady, and shows unusually good taste in the arrangement of her home. This young couple bid fair to become not only one of the wealthiest, but, what is of far more importance, one of the most highly honored, families in the county. Andrew B. Young, who is now successfully following the occupation to which he was reared, and which has been his life-work, a calling that has for ages received undivided efforts from many worthy individuals, and one that always furnishes sustenance to the ready worker, now resides on his large plantation near Osceola. He was born in the northern part of Mississijipi County, in 1844. and was the tenth in a family of eleven children born to James and Elizabeth (Gallaway) Young. The parents were natives of Indiana and Kentucky, and were married in the last named State. They emi- grated to Mississippi County at a very early day, and at the time of their settlement here their near- e.st neighbor was eight miles distant. Mr. Young conducted a ferry, sold a few goods to the Indians, and supplied the wants of the few people who passed that way. He entered 160 acres, made all the improvements, and had it all under cultivation at the time of his death. His wife survived him several years, and died in 1867. Andrew B Young aided in clearing the farm, and received a good practical education in the common schools. He enlisted in the Confederate service in 1S64, and participated in the battles of White River, Austin, and several skirmishes. He started on the Missouri raid with Gen. Price, but was taken sick and returned home. His three brothers, James, Erasmus and George, were also in the service; the former served the entire time, but the latter died in Kentucky. In 1865, Andrew rented land, and began farming on his own responsibility, continuing until 1872. Previous to this, in 1871, he liought 160 acres, two miles north of Osceola, with only twenty acres cleared, and the following year he built a gooil residence, moved on his own farm and began im provements on an extensive scale. He has good barns, etc. , and has the entire tract under a high state of cultivation at the present. In 1884 he purchased 300 acres adjoining, on which there wei-e 9 'y J^^ 570 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. about twenty acres cleared, aud siuce then Mr. Young has opened up nearly 160 acres more. He is also (juite exteasively engaged in stock raising, both cattle and mules. Mr. Young's farm is one of the best in the county, and all of the land, with proper cultivation, will yield a bale of cotton to the aero. He was married, in 1867, to Miss Cath- erine Bowen, a daughter of Reece Boweu. one of the earliest settlers in this section [see sketch of Capt. Bowen]. Six children were bom to them (two of whom are deceased) : Nena died in infancy : Austin also died in infancy; Logan A., attending school at Brigham, N. G. ; Fannie Lee, attending school at Anchorage, Ky. : James Reece and Joseph. Mr. Young is a member of the Methodist Church, and Mrs. Young of the Presbyterian. » < <- m(M I > ♦ < • Poinsett County— The Records of the Courts— Formation or the County and Selection or the Seat of Law— List of Local Officers— Election Statistics— Centers of Population— SociETiiis, Etc. — Local Instruction — Moral Organization.s— The Southern Confederacy— TnK County Bounded— Its Tofogkaphy and Geology- Its Wonderful Soil and Its Products— Population — Railroads— Names of Early* Settlers- Private and Family Records. Lo! I declare I deem him blest Whose foot, here puu.«ing. findeth rest. — Anaii. S a consequence of the de- struction of the eai'ly rec- ords of Poinsett County, by fire, but little can be said pertaining to its early courts. Inasmuch as the kerson, by Robert Thomas, followed by the killing of James Hamilton, at the hand of James Staats. Two murders of a more recent date have occurred here. With the exception of these and some minor crimes, a peaceful progress has been enjoyed. Poinsett was organized in accordance with the ^1^^ creative act was approved j provisions of an act of the General Assembly of the February 28, 1838, it is ' State, approved February 28, 1838. Its territory originally belonged to Lawrence County, and sub- sequently, and up to its formation as a separate county, to Greene. Bolivar, a point about three miles north of the present site of Harrisburg, was chosen for the seat of justice, and here, in 1838, the first court-house and clerk's oflice, consisting of a log cabin, was erected. The county seat thus remained until September, 1856, when it was moved to Harris- burg, where it has since continued. The first evident that the county court was or- ganized soon thereafter, or in the spring of that year, and that the cir- cuit court was held also in the same year. The county belongs to the Sec- ond judicial circuit, of which J. E. Riddick is the present judge. The first murder committed in Poinsett Coun- ty was the killing, in 1848, of Parker Furnish, by John Edwards. The next was that of John Wil- ^ commissioners of the uew coiiuty seat were A. B. Scott and A. B. Puckett. Here, also, a log-cabin court-Lonse was erected in 1857, and in 1859-60 a fine brick court-house was constructed, costing 18, 800, by A. Hamilton, contractor. In the spring of 1872 this building, together with the public county records, was destroyed by fire. Then, for a year or more, the building now known as Sloan's boarding house was used as a court-house, after which the Methodist Episcopal Church edifice and one other structure served a similar purpose. In 1875 the court-house was rebuilt, by Contractor A. Hamilton, and is still standing. The Poinsett County jail was erected in 1886, at a cost of $1,600. It is a one story frame, containing two rooms, and a hallway six feet wide running length- wise of the building. Prior to its construction the prisoners were kept in a cage, constructed for the purpose, in the court-house. The following is a list of the names of the county officers, with dates of their terms of ser- vice, from organization to the present: Judges: William Harris, 1838-40; Richard Hall, 1840-44; Rollis Perry, 1844-46; W. H. Harris, 1846-48; G. W. M."stacy, 1848-50; W. H. Harris, 1850-54; S. H. Henton, 1854-56; W. H. Harris, 1856-63; W. C. Malone, 1863-64; A. B. Scott, 1864-66; B. Harris, 1866-68; G. W. Sloan, 1868-72; H. A. Hays, 1874-76; D. .W. Beecker, from April, 1876 to end of Hays' term; J. T. Haley, 1876-78; N. J. Willis, 1878-80; J. T. Roy, 1880-82; T. H. Jones, 1882-84; A. A. Cojjpage, from March 4, 1884, vice Jones, left the county; E. A. Owens, 1884-86; Jasper Wright, 1886-88; J. T. Roy, present incumbent, elected in 1S8S. (Jlerks: Thomas Jones, 1838-40; William Thrower, 1840-42; L. H. Suftin, 1842-48; R. H. Stone, 1848-60; M. W. Lewis, 1860-62; O. Y. Neely. 1862-64; W. C. Malone, 1861-68; G. W. Mott^. 1868-70; J. T. H. Mayors. 1870-73: T. H. Sparks, 1873-78; T. H. Jones, 1878-80; W. G. Godby, 1880-86; T. A. Stone, 1886-88; A. A. Coppage, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Sheriffs: W. G. Arledge, 1838-40; James Staats, 1840-44; R. H. Stone. 1844-48: J. David- son, 1848-56; T. S. Stanley, 1856-60; J. David- son, 1860-62; J. Shen-od, 1862-64; W. B. Staf- ford, 1864-68; A. Thorn, 1868-72; A. S. Thorn, 1872-74; J. S. Smith, 1874-78; J. H. Hall. 1878-80; T. B. Sparks, 1880-86; Add Han-is, present incumbent, first elected in 1886. Treasurers: Richard Hall, 1838-40; Charles Shaver, 1840-42; William Smith, 1842-46; Sam- uel Read, 1846-48; J. P. Mardis, 1848-52; J. M. Hale, 1852-56; B. Brown, 1856-62; A. J. Good- loe, 1862-65; J. Z. H. Mayors, 1865-66; William Ainsworth, 1866-68; James P. Jones, 1868-72; H. J. Thorn, 1872-74; E. Mitchell, 1874-80; J. J. Smith, 1880-82; W. C. Landers, 1882-86; William Ainsworth, present incumbent, first elect- ed in 1886. Coroners: J. C. Shaver, 1838-40; B. McCaven, 1840-42: B. P. Marcum, 1842-44; T. F. Arledge, 1844-46; Daniel McMiUin, 1846-48; J. M. Broad- way, 1848-50; G. J. Ward, 1850-52; E. Robinson, 1852-54; J. E. Dukes, 1854-56; J. M, Cross, 1856-58; W. H. Smith, 1858-62; B. Brown, 1862- 64; J. H. Hall, 1864-65; W. S. Griffin, 1865-68; John Jones, 1868-74; F. Walbrink, 1874-78; J. P. Jones, 1878-80; W. J. Sligh, 1880-82; S. G. Stone, 1882-84; Lewis Minton, 1884-86; James Houston, 1886-88; James Aston, present incum- bent, elected in 1888. Surveyors: A. T. Robertson, 1840-42; J. D. Carnes, 1842-44; H. Scott, 1846-50; M. Halk. 1850-60; J. E. Sparks, 1860-62; M. Halk, 1862-66; J. E. Sparks, 1866-68; T. B. Smith, 1868-72; E. A. Owens, 1872-74: J. M. Steel, 1874-76; B. Harris, 1876-78; J.M. Steel, 1878-80; H. Scott, 1880-84; A. W. Scott, 1884-86; W. Scott, 1886-88; Winfield Scott, present incum- bent, elected in 1888. Assessors: E. Hindman, 1862-66; J. S. Smith, 1866-68; M. S. Godly, 1868-70; W. H. Cook, 1870-72; V. J. Bradsher, 1872-74; W. Ainsworth, 1874-76; A. W. Thornton, 1876-78: W. H. Wade, 1878-80; Shelby Bottis, 1880-82; D. C. Powell. 1882-84; H. H. Houghton, 1884-86; Eli Bickley, 1886-88; Paul McLean, present incumbent, elected in 1888. The Democratic party is the mo.st popular ia :rz r i ±==lL: ] HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Poinsett County, judging from the results of the recent election. At the September election, 1888, for the office of governor, James P. Eagle, Demo- crat, received fi40 votes; C. M. Norwood, com- bined opposition, 161. At the November election, 1888, for president of the United States, Cleve- land. Democrat, was given 402 votes: Harrison, Republican, 119; Streeter, United Labor, 21. Lo- cal politics, of course, occupy considerable atten- tion at different times, surpassed only by the promi- nence of more important questions than party loy- alty. Harrisburg, the county seat, is situated on the Helena Branch of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad, near the geographical center of the county, on lands formerly owned by Benja- min Harris, one of the pioneer settlers, and after whom it was named. A postoffice was estalilished here in 1857, the first postmaster V)eing William Thrower, who erected a log- cabin, which he used as a hotel and postoffice. The same year James Davidson and Joab Hale opened the first store in the place. The town had a slow but substantial growth until 1882, when the road referred to reached it, and since that time its advance has been more rapid. It now comprises five general stores, three drug stores, one restauiant, a meat market, two hotels, three blacksmith and wood- shops, and the Kennedy-Moreloek' s Stave Com- pany' s factory, said to be the largest stave factory in the State; also the hardwood lumber factory of D. C. & I. R. Cole, two grist-mills and cotton- gins, two church edifices, a public school-house and a full complement of doctors, lawyers and ministers: also a real estate firm. It is pleasantly located, and does a large amount of business. Its population is about 700. Bay Village, a little town ten miles southeast of Harrisburg, lies in both Poinsett and Cross Counties, with the postoffice in the latter. Its site was settled by Charles Shaver, in 1826, but the village was not estalilished until 1874, when Eli Rooks opened the first store. The second store began an existence under the management of J. G. Hamilton, and the postoffice was located there in 1876. The town was named by Col. Wheat on on account of its nearness to the bay. It now con- tains seventeen families, two general stores, a blacksmith and wood-work shop, a cotton-gin and grist-mill and a Methodist Episcopal Church edi- fice, the church organization having been estab- lished over fifty years ago; this has now a mem- bership of 180, with Rev. J. I. Maynard, pastor. Greenfield and White Hall are stations on the same railroad with Harrisburg. the former being north and the latter south of that place. Weiner, in the northwest part of the county, is a station on the St. Louis. Arkansas & Texas Railroad, and contains a depot, postoffice, general store and hardwood factory. Fisher, in the southwest part of the county, on the last-mentioned railroad, is made up of a depot, postoffice, general store and a stave factory. Marked Tree and Tyronza are stations on the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Railroad, in the eastern part of the county. The former in- cludes a depot, postoffice and a general store, and the latter a depot, postoffice, two general stores, and a stave factory. Secret societies apparently thrive here. Poin- sett Lodge No. 184, A. F. & A. M. , was organized under a dispensation granted by the Grand Lodge of the State in 1865. The first principal officers were Eli Hindman, W. M. ; James E. Sparks, S. W. ; Jefferson Wright, J. W., and J. S. Brook- field, Sec. The membership at this time is forty- five. H. H. Houghton is the present W. M. Harrisburg Chapter No. 76, has a membership of twenty- two. The present officers are T. B. Sparks, H. P. : E. L. Jacobs, K. ; James Aius- worth, S. Harrisburg Council has a membership of fif teen. Eastern Star Chapter has thirty- five members. It is named Evergreen Chapter No. 76. Harrisburg Lodge No. 55, I. O. O. F., was organized March 18, 1873, with five charter mem- bers. The first officers were J. H. Hull, N. G. ; T. W. Eskridge, V. G. ; W. M. Elsberry, Treas., and L. E. Stancell, Sec. This lodge has been discon- tinued, and another. White Hall Lodge No. 77, was organized at White Hall, and since moved to ^ IS w_ ^ s> iL POINSETT COUNTY. 573 Harrisburg. It- has thirty members, and is now in j a prosperous condition. Bolivar Lodge, Knights of Honor, was organ- ized in January, 1889, with sixteen charter mem- bers. Its membership is now twenty-one, and it is in a flourishing condition. The report of the State superintendent of pub- lic instruction for the year ending June 30, 1888, indicates beyond question the progress the county is making in reference to popular education. At the time mentioned the scholastic population was: White, male 62'2, female 511, total 1,133; colored, male 111, female 89, total 200. Number of pupils taught in the public schools — white, males 304, females 270, total 57-i; colored, males 40, females 31, total 71. Number of school districts, 16. Number of teachers employed — males 15, females 5, total 20. Average monthly salaries paid teach- ers — first grade, males $45.00, females $35.00; second grade, males $30.00, females $28.50. Amount expended for the support of the schools — for teachers' salaries $3,868.50, building and re- pairing $1,265.44, purchasing apparatus, etc., $233.90. treasurer's commissions $247.80, total $5,615.64. Accoi'ding to this showing, only 50 per cent of the white, and 351 per cent of the colored scho- lastic population were taught in the public schools. However, only six out of the sixteen school dis- tricts, failed to report the enrollment in the schools. Eight of the school districts have built new houses since 1886. All are well fmnished with patent seats, blackboards, and other necessary apparatus. The average length of term taught per year is five months. In a majority of districts a tax of five mills is voted. The public school system is re- garded much more favorably than formerly, and, ;dl things considered, very good results are being obtained. The first Baptist Church in Poinsett County was organized in 1840, at Bolivar, then the county seat. The first Missionary Baptist minister was Rev. John A. Nutt, whose circuit extended from Wittsburg to Chalk Bin IT. The result of his la- bors was the organization of all the pioneer churches in Greene, Poinsett, and St. Francis Counties. In 1858, a small uunil)er organized' themselves into a Baptist Church under the leader- ship of Elder Pierce. These continued intact, worshiping in the court-house until the summer of 1809, when they erected a frame edifice, called Bethel, two miles south of Harrisburg. It still continues a strong and prosperous church, with about 100 members. The j)re.seut pastor is Rev. J. W. Bell. In October, 1887, a number of mvm bers withdrew from this church, and organized a church in Harrisburg, the next year building their present frame church edifice. The church has grown to a membership of twenty- five. Rev. J. S. Edmonds is pastor in charge. There are three Bap- tist Churches in the county, one in Bolivar, one in Harrisburg, and another two miles south of Har- risburg. The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, at Harrisburg, had its origin in 1840. It grew out of the work of Parson Shook and wife, who traveled throughout this section from 1840 to 1844. In 1845 he was joined by Rev. John M. Steele, an old pioneer preacher, whose labors ended here in 1880. He was the leading spirit in founding Methodism in this section of country. At first services were held in groves and settler's homes, later in the court-house, and the first house of worship was built in 1859, at old Bolivar, and the first at Harrisburg in 1868. The old edifice at the former was a two-story fi'ame, with Masonic hall above. It was consumed by tire in 1882. Another two-story frame structure was built at Harrisburg in 1884, in connection with the Ma sonic fraternity. Rev. R. G. Brittaiu is now the pastor in charge. The membership is 153, and the Sunday-school membership is about 100. There are eleven organizations of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, here. A Christian Church organization is in existence at Greenfield — making fifteen church organizations within the county. Many of these have Sunday- schools connected with them, and all are doing good service in the cause of Christianity. A majority of the heads of families are connected with one or another of the denominations. A few church organizations exist among the colored people. •» ^ 574 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. The approach of the War of 1861-65 found the people of Poinsett County generally in sym- pathy with the proposed Southern Confederacy, and in favor of its establishment. The first com- pany of soldiers raised here for the Confederate army was organized early in 1861, by Capt. Smith, and was mustered for three years. The next com- pany was raised soon after by Capt. Ben. Harris, for the twelve months' service. The former was assigned to Col. Adams' regiment, the Fifth Ar- kansas Infantry, and the latter to Col. Tappan's regiment, the Thirteenth Arkansas Infantry. At the expiration of twelve months, Capt. Harris re- signed and the company re-enlisted for three years, or during the war, electing J. M. LeVesque cap- tain and A. J. Willis first lieutenant. After the battle of Shiloh, these companies were consolidated and assigned to the Fifth Arkansas Mounted In- fantry. Subsequently Capt. LeVesque returned to the county and recruited another company, which was assigned to the Twenty-ninth Trans- Mississippi Mounted Infantry. Prior to the battle of Helena, this company had lost forty-one men, and it entered into that engagement with fifty nine men, and came out with only twenty-seven, having lost twenty-eight killed and four captured. Three of the regimental officers were killed in this en- gagement: Col. Hart, Maj. Joseph Martin and Adj. W^illiam Rector. The remaining members re- ceived an additional force, recruited by Capt. W. G. Godbey, making their number eighty, and it served to the close of the war. Cajit. William Trator organized a company in 1861. in what is now Cross County, then in Poinsett, which was also assigned to the Fifth Arkansas Infantry. It lost during the war 80 per cent of its enlistment. No company was raised here for the Union army. The position of Poinsett County, in Northeast Arkansas, is a favorable one. It is bounded north by Craighead, east by Mississippi, south by Crit- tenden and Cross Counties, and west by Jackson, comprising all the territory emliraced in Townships 10, 11 and 12 north, in Ranges 1 to 7 inclusive, east of the fifth principal meridian of the United States surveys; tbus making its length from east to west fortv-two miles, and its width from north ' to south eighteen miles. Its area, therefore, in- cluding the beds of its lakes and streams, is 756 square miles, or 483,840 acres. The State owns about 10,000 acres in the county, and the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway Com- pany about 3,000, the balance being owned by in- dividuals. About one-fourth of the county's surface is hilly and broken, and the balance comparatively level, much of it being prairie. Crowley's Ridge runs north and south through the center, varying in width from three to five miles. The St. Fran- cis River runs from north to south through the eastern part of the county, the Bay River from north to south on the east side of Crowley's Ridge, the L'Anguille from north to south west of Crow- ley's Ridge, and Bayou De View from north to I south through the extreme western portion. These streams and their various tributaries furnish the drainage of the entire county. The St. Francis River widens out, especially in the northern part, and covers a large tract of territory known as the ' ' Sunk Lands, ' ' which were sunk beneath the level surface in the earthquakes of 1811-12. The L'Anguille bottom is mostly a bluish clay, and on the "crab-apple barrens" a white clay. The prevalent timber in L'Anguille bottom is red and white oak, small scattering sweet gum and post oak on the ' ' post oak land. ' ' The growth on the adjacent ridges is white and black oak, poplar and occasionally some pine; on the branches, poplar, gum, ash, elm and dogwood. In Townships 10 and 11 north. Ranges 5 and 6 east, there is a peculiar soil of extraordinary fer- tility, occupying a portion of the St. Francis bot- tom, known as the "black wax land," which was formerly overflowed by the backwater of the Mis- sissippi. This soil will produce from fifty to sev- enty-five bushels of corn to the acre. The soil of Morell prairie is sandy, biit is also good C(3rn land, yielding forty to fifty bushels of corn to the acre, while the adjacent uplands of the Crowley Ridge produce from thirty to forty bushels. From the Narrows of the Crowley Ridge to Bolivar and Harrisburg, the quarternary gravel is quite con- spicuous on the higher grounds, and of a coarse character; some pieces woi;ld weijrh several pounds. On Spencer Creek, some little sandstone is seen underlying the gravel and resting on sandy clay. At Hurricane Creek, near Harrisburg, the Crowley Ridge is about three miles wide. The material passed through, in sinking wells in the L'Anguille bottom, is usually twenty feet of yellow clay, under- laid by thirty to forty feet of light-colored sand, a moderately soft water being generally obtained at sixty feet. Immediately at the foot of the ridge, water is often obtained at twelve feet, the water getting gi-adually deeper for one mile into the bot- tom, where it is generally the deepest seated.* The low, level surface in the eastern part of the county is covered with a heavy growth of cy- press, oak, gum and ash. Its western part was re-surveyed for the United States in the winter of 1856-57, by William Ainsworth and Granville McPherson. From the streams, wells, springs and cisterns, good water sufficient for all purposes is liberally furnished by nature. A rich vein of coal extends north and south through Poinsett, ranging along Crowley's Ridge. The strata, which has a thickness of seven feet, can be reached at a depth of forty feet. Deposits of ferruginous earth and iron ore are found in various localities. A mineral spring called Entoba Spring, is situated four miles east of Harrisbiirg. The waters of this spring have been subjected to a chemical analysis and found to contain valuable medicinal properties. At present, and for many years, the lumbering industry of Poinsett County is and will be a great source of income, especially to those engaged in the business, and to those owning the timber. There are a number of saw-mills here engaged in cutting the timber into lumber, for which the shipping facilities are excellent. The permanent industry and source of income to the people in general is agriculture, coupled with the raising of live stock, for which the county, on account of the great fertility of its soil, the mildness of the climate, and its abundant supply of water, is so well adapted. In 1X80, according to the United States census, there were but 297 farms, with •Quotations from State Geological Report. only 7,979 acres of improved lands within this ter- ritory, and from the number of acres cultivated in 1879, the loading cereal and vegetable productions were as follows: Indian corn, 87,133 bushels; oats, 3,490; wheat, 1,529; Irish potatoes, 1,869; sweet potatoes, 2,634; cotton, 1,514 bales. The same census report shows the number of head of live stock then in the county to be as fol- lows: Horses, 500; mules and asses, 206; neat cattle, 3,676; sheep, 288: hogs, 6,361. These figures show that in 1880 Poinsett County was but slightly improved and developed. At this writing the prices 'of land hereabouts are from $5 to $15 for improved, and from $3 to 15 for unimproved lands. With proper cultivation the uplands will yield 900 pounds of seed cotton, thirty-five bushels of corn, fifteen bushels of wheat, and forty bushels of oats to the acre; while from the bottom lands 1,500 pounds of seed cotton, fifty to sixty bushels of corn, twenty bushels of wheat, and fifty bushels of oats, to the acre, may be ob- tained. Tobacco will yield 1.600 pounds, and Irish and sweet potatoes from 200 to 300 bushels per acre. These amounts, however, are only ac- quired by thorough cultivation. Clover, millet, and the tame grasses succeed well, but as yet have not been cultivated to any considerable extent. Fruits of all kinds, common to the latitude, es- pecially small fruits, succeed admirably. The population of Poinsett County, at the end of each census decade, as given in the reports of the United States census, has been as follows: 1840, 1,320; 1850, 2.308; 1860, 3,621; 1870. 1,721; 1880, 2,192. Originally the county con- tained much more territory than at present, which accounts for the larger population in 1860. The immigration since 1880 has been large, so that the next census will show a great increase. It is now estimated at 5.000. Three railroads cross the entire territory of the county. The Kansas City, Fort Scott &, Memphis traverses its eastern portion in a southeasterly di- rection; the Helena liranch of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad passes north and south a few miles west of its center, by way of Green- field, Harrisburg and White Hall, and the St. ^ « w. 576 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Railroad passes through the western portion of the county by way of Weiner and Fisher, ia a direction a little west of south. The combined length of the main lines of these railroads within these boundaries is at least sixty-two miles. The railroad property forms a large proportion of the taxable wealth of the county. The territory of Poinsett, lying as it does in the flat country between the Mississippi River and the hilly and mountainous country to the westward, was not settled so early as the latter. The early immigrants, being mostly from the hilly and roll- ing countries of the East, sought a country of like contour west of the Mississippi, and consequently passed over the rich lands of the valley proper to the more elevated lands found to the west- ward. The settlement of the territory now em- braced within the county began during the decade of the 20' s, and progressed very slowly until recently. Prominent among the early settlers was Richard Hall (subsequently county judge), who came from Mississippi in 1828. The next year came William and Benjamin Harris, from Alabama. William afterward served as first county judge. Dr. Theophilus Griffin was a prominent pioneer settler, as was also Dr. John P. Hardis. Harrison Ainsworth and family came from Mississippi in 1836, and Robert H. Stone from Tennessee in 183'J. Ainsworth settled near Bolivar. Owing to the slow settlement of the country the few pioneer settlers for many years had to live with their fami- lies isolated from society, without near neighbors, and comparatively like hermits. Too much praise can not be given to the brave and noble men and women who penetrated the "western wilds," for- saking the old home and all its dear associations, and endured the hardships and privations of fron- tier life, in order to provide pleasant homes and a competency for their posterity. James Ainsworth, a farmer by occupation, is a Mississippian by birth, and has inculcated in him the sterling qualities of the better class of citizens of that State. He was born in Monroe County in 1831, and is the eldest of ten children born to Har- rison and Susan (Spencer) Ainsworth, a brief his- tory of whom is given in the sketch of William Ainsworth, treasurer of Poinsett County. James became familiar with farm life through his father, who was a successful agriculturist, and his early scholastic advantages were only such as could be obtained in the common schools. After remaining under the parents' roof until thirty years of age, as- sisting in clearing the old home farm, he concluded it was time for him to start out in life for himself, and after purchasing and selling several farms, he bought his present place, consisting of 138 acres, of which fifty are under cultivation. In addition to what he raises he is engaged in buying and sell- ing stock, and finds this a profitable way in which to invest his money. He has taken quite an inter- est in local politics, and in his views is a Democrat. Socially he is a member of Lodge No. 184, A. F. & A. M. , of which he has been treasurer for the past fifteen years, and he also belongs to Chapter No. 74, R. A. M., in which he holds the position of scribe. He was married in Poinsett County, in 1868, to Emily Hale, but her death occurred ten years later, and he was mamed, in 1879, to Sarah Stevens, by whom he has three children: James Thomas, Katie Bell and Ollie Lou. Mrs. Ainsworth is an intelligent lady, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and is a daughter of Moses and Marion Stevens, who were born in Geor- gia and emigrated to Arkansas at an early day, and both died in Craighead Coiinty, Ark. William Ainsworth. The name borne by this substantial citizen is not an unfamiliar one. My footsteps press where, centuries ago, The red men fought and conquered, lost and won. The Ainsworth family was first represented in Ar kansas, in 1836, by Harrison Ainsworth, who was born in the State of South Carolina, and was there married to Susan Spencer, whose birth also occurred in East Tennessee. On coming to Arkansas, they settled on a farm north of where Harrisburg is now situated, the county at that time being a vast wilderness of woods and canebrake, and was filler! with roaming tribes of hostile red men and wild POINSETT COUNTY. -14* animals. Here the father, by the aid of his faith- ful wife, succeeded in clearing his farm, and this place was his home until his death, in 1S45, his wife surviving him, and making her home on the old farm until her demise in 1866. William Ains- worth aided his parents materially in clearing the farm, but his youthful days were also spent in ac- quiring a thorough knowledge of the "three R's" in the public schools near his home. His birth occurred in Pontotoc County, Miss., on March 23, 1835, a short time prior to his parents' removal to this State, and at the age of twenty-three years, on the 6th of March, 1859, he was married in Craighead County, Ark., to Miss Martha White, and soon after purchased a timber tract, embracing 160 acres, which he immediately commenced to clear, and now has eighty-five acres under the plow. He has added to his original purchase, his acreage at the present time amounting to 600. His property is well improved, with good buildings and orchard, and for some time he has been acting as agent for a number of companies in the pur- chase of real estate, and is doing well in this busi- ness. He has always taken an active interest in politics, and has almost invariably voted the Dem- ocratic ticket, as the principles of this party thor- oughly coincide with his views. He was elected on this ticket to the office of county treasurer, in 1868, and served one term, being elected again in 1886 and 1888. He was county assessor in 1872 and 1873. He has always been interested in edu- cational matters, and as a member of the school board Mr. Ainsworth has done a great deal to raise the standard of education in his community. He has filled nearly all the chairs in the Masonic order, and is now a member of Poinsett Lodge No. 184. In 1878 he was called upon to mourn the death of his excellent wife, she having borne him a family of five children: Sarah E. (Mrs. Rice); Charles Thomas, married, and residing near his father: Margaret Jane (Mrs. Graj'), also residing near her father; John Calvin and Lee Garland. Mrs. Ainsworth was a daughter of Rev. Thomas S. and Sarah White, who were natives, respectively, of Tennessee and Alabama. They came to Greene County, Ark., in 1S3S, and settled near Jonesboro, where they spent their declining years, his death occurring in 1868, and hers in 1878. In 187'.t, Mr. Ainsworth was married, in Poinsett County, to Miss Martha Ellen Gray, a native of Alabama, and their union has boon blessed by the birth of three children: Richard Baxter, Poindexter D, and Logan Cleveland. Mr. Ainsworth can well remember the time when it took eight days to go to Memphis, Tenn., for supplies, and can see great changes in the country since that time, he having been one of the leading men to institute these changes. He has been a member of the Methodist Church for many years, and his wife also belongs to the same church. J. H. Allen, farmer and teacher, Harrisburg, Ark. It has long since been acknowledged that no matter what a man' s occupation in life may be, a very necessary element to his success is a good education, and doubtless this is one cause of Mr. Allen's success in life. He was born in Mecklen- burg County, N. C, on the 30th of September, 1839, and is the sou of Col. William Allen, one of the early settlers of North Carolina, and a native of that State. When a young man, the latter was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Hunter (subject's mother), also a native of North Carolina. After his marriage the Colonel settled a large plantation in Mecklenburg County, N. C, and entered land in the Catawba purchase. The grandparents of J. H. Allen, on both sides, were natives of Dublin, Ireland, and the grandfathers were Revolutionary soldiers, and fought for American liberty. The ancestors on both sides were among the Irish peasantry. Grandfather Hunter was in the battle of King's Mountain. J. H. Allen's time in early life was divided between assisting on the farm and in attending the common schools. Subsequently he entered Davidson College, and graduated from that institution in the freshman class of 1856. Mr. Allen is one of three survivors of that class of twenty-two, who left the college on that memor- able June day. One, James Steward, a farmer in Brazil, South America; anoth<>r, George Mor- row, tilling the soil in South Carolina, and the subject of this sketch, are the ones living; the rest are with the honored dead of the late struggle. ^f> HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Mr. Allen took the course of 1858-59 in Cokesbury Theological Institute, in South Carolina, and left that institute to marry Miss H. R. Thrower, a beautiful lady, to whom he had been betrothed for seven years, but only reached her bedside in time to see her die. In 1861 he enlisted in the cause of the South, was in the battle of the Wilderness, and was severely wounded at Malvern Hill; was a brave and gallant soldier. He was paroled at Richmond, at the general surrender in 18(35, and returned home, only to find all his property de- stroyed. He then engaged in his chosen profes- sion, teaching, and followed this in Mississippi and Arkansas for many years. He has been three times married, and is the father of fourteen chil- di'en. He came to Arkansas in 1870, and has taught in the schools of this State for eighteen years. He has 160 acres of land, forty acres under cultivation: is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and of the I. O. O. F., Lodge No. 77, White Hall. He takes much interest in public enterprises. His word is his bond, always careful to perform his promise, and "owes no man anything," thereby fulfilling the Divine injunc- tion. W. T. Beatty is a general merchant, post- master and magistrate at Perkins, Ark., and has been engaged in the first mentioned business since February, 1888. He keeps a full line of groceries, dry goods, boots and shoes, and shelf hardware, and, in addition to this manages a steam cotton- gin, of which he is the owner. His store building and residence are in one, and, although he is now living quietly, his life has been rather an eventful one. He was born in Madison County, Tenn., in 1844, and is the seventh of ten children born to John and Martha A. Beatty, who were born in the ' ' Old North State. ' ' They removed to Madison County, Tenn., at an early day. and here the father ojaened up a good farm, on which he resided until his death, in 1854, his excellent wife passing from life in 1865. John Beatty was of English descent, was a Democrat in politics, and a Mason, and held office in this order. The maternal grand- father, Joseph Tarburton, was a German, and was a soldier in the Mexican War. W. T. Beatty re- ceived his early schooling in Tennessee, and when war was declared, although only sixteen years of age, he enlisted from Madison County. Tenn. , in Company E, Sixth Tennessee Infantry, for three years, or during the war, and went into service at Spring Creek, in that State. He was in the battle of Shiloh, but was afterward discharged at Tupelo, Miss., being under age. He remained inactive for about four months, a portion of the tin;e being sick with typhoid fever; but after 7'ecovering he enlisted in the State Militia of Mississippi, and was then transferred to the Fifteenth Tennessee Cav- alry, under Gen. Forrest, and remained with him until the close of the war. He returned to Ten- nessee in 1866, and for some time was engaged in farming and saw-milling, and also followed rail- roading, being on the Belmont branch of the Iron Mountain road from 1874 to 1880, with headquarters at Columbus, Ky. From that time until 1882 he was in the Government employ, working on the Mis- sissippi River, and made his headquarters at Plum Point, Tenn. In the spring of 1883 he came to Marked Tree, Ark., and after following the occupa- tion of saw-milling for one year he went to Harris- burg, and embarked in the hotel and livery busi- ness. This enterprise he abandoned in 1885, and removi^d to Cross County, where he followed mill- ing, but returned in 1886 to Marked Tree. Here he has since been engaged in general merchandis- ing. He is a Democrat, and since September, 1888, he has held the office of magistrate, and since May of the same year has been postmaster at the office called Perkins. He belongs to the school board in District No. 14, and has always taken an interest in matters pertaining to education, being now the president of the Union Debating Society. He was married in Madison County, Tenn. , in 1869, to Miss Nancy Ann Williford, of that State, and her death occurred in Columbus, Ky. , October 1,1880. She left two children: Wyatt Jefferson and Martha Ada (Mrs. Lucas), both of Paragould. In November, 1883. Mr. Beatty wedded, in Harris- burg, Miss Cynthia Ann Maynard, a native of Ten- nessee. She is a member of the Baptist Church. Since the construction of the railroad through Lit- tle River Township land has greatly increased in ^ viiliKN and it is only a question of a few years when this township will be one of the best farming regions in the county. Elijah Bennett, farmer and stock raiser, Buf- falo Lick, Ark. All his life Mr. Bennett has fol- lowed, with substantial success, the occupation to which he was reared and in which be is now en- gaged — fanning — and is recognized as one of the prominent tillers of the soil in Greenfield Town ship. He is the fourth in a family of ten children born to Thomas and Martha (Rollins) Bennett, na- tives of Alabama. Thomas Bennett was a farmer, and in this occupation continued all his life. He came to Craighead County in 1867, settled near Jonesboro, and bought a tract of partly improved land, where he remained until his death, in 1882. His excellent wife stills survives him, and resides in Craighead County. Elijah Bennett was born in Russell County, Ala., in 1839, and, naturally per- haps, early exhibited taste for farm life, which was cultivated on a tract of land in Alabama. He re- ceived his education in the district schools of Cal- houn Count}', and in 1801 was married, in Chambers County of that State, to Miss Celia Smith, a na- tive of Alabama. Her death occurred in 1873, and she loft four children: J. F., W. W., Lutie (now Mrs. Smith) and Robert. In 18(31, the same year of his marriage, Mr. Bennett enlisted in Capt. Earl's Company Second Alabama Cavalry, and en- tered the service at Montgomery, Ala., in Fergu- son's Brigade. He was on skirmish duty most of the time, but was in the battle of Atlanta, Ga. He was paroled at Augusta, Ga. , in 1865, after which he returned to AlaV)ama, and in 1869 emi- grated to Poinsett County, where he purchased a timber tract of 160 acres. He at once commenced to improve forty acres, and is now one of the rep- resentative farmers of the county. He raises con- siderable stock, horses, cattle, hogs, etc., and makes a success of this. He was married again in 1874. to Delia Goodlow, a native of Harrisburg, Ark., and her death occurred in 1870. Mr. Ben- nett's third marriage took place in Craighead County, in 1879, to Mi.ss Martha Wimpey, a native of Floyd County, Ga. Her father moved to Craig- head County, Ark. . when she was quite yoimg. Eight children were born to this union: Lydia, Thomas, John, Isabella, Jennie. Ella, Elsie and R. Zella. Mr. Bennett, though not an office-seeker, takes an active part in politics, and votes with the Democratic party. He al.so takes great interest in school matters, and has been a member of the school board. He is a member of the Agricultural Wheel, and is a substantial supporter of all pul)lic enterprises. Mrs. Bennett is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. Bledsoe & Tillery, dealers in general merchan- dise, also millers and ginners. Bay Village. Ark. The field of enterprise opened up in the mercantile t line is a large one, and many prominent citizens of I Bay Village are engaged therein. Among the representative houses that of Bledsoe & Tillery is entitled to due recognition. The above firm was established in Bay Village in 188-4, by the present proprietors, who bought out Stone, Shaver & Co. , and since then they have refitted the machinery, and made everything new except the corn buhrs. The individual members of the firm are W. L. Bled- soe and F. F. Tillery, the former being the senior member. He was born on the 18th of July, 1849, and is the son of Stephen and Mary Nichols (Jen- nings) Bledsoe, natives of Middle Tennessee, and both members of the Baptist Church. The father was an enterprising agriculturist, and in his polit- ical views affiliated with the Whig party. He was the fat'ner of three children: Sarah A., who died in 1883, was the wife of D. H. Pitman; Susan F., is the wife of G. H. Grubbs, a farmer, and lives in Lincoln County, Tenn., and William L. , one of the subjects of this sketch. He was left fatherless at the age of nine years, and during the ten years of his mother's widowhood he remained with her, and secured but a limited education in the com- mon schools. After her second marriage, in 1808, he started out on the broad highway of life for himself, and became a sturd}' son of toil, continu- ing at this in Tennessee for ten years. In Febru- ary, 1870, occurred his mam age to Miss Calister Moore, daughter of James and Martha Moore, na- tives of Marshall County, Tenn. This happy union resulted in the birth of three children: AVil- lie, James and Orah. Their mother died in 1886, lil! 580 HISTOBY OF ARKANSAS. and Mr. Bledsoe took for his second wife Miss Fannie Roy, daughter of Judge Roy, and a native of Tennessee. Two childi-en were the fruits of this marriage: Maud and Elmer. In 1878 Mr. Bled- soe left the farm and embarked in the grocery busi- ness, which he carried on in Middle Tennessee for two years. In 1880 he moved to Harrisburg, Poinsett County, Ark., tilled the soil here for a year, and then moved to Bay Village, where he still continued farming. Three years later he en- gaged in his present business, and is making a success of the same, having erected new buildings etc., and secured a lucrative [)atronage. The firm own a tract of land of sixty -three acres, and are engaged extensively in the raising and selling of stock. They also farm extensively, and have this year over 150 acres of cotton, seventy-five acres in connection in Poinsett County. Aside from this they own live acres in Bay Village, and 210 acres, 180 under cultivation. In their mercantile business they carry a stock of goods valued at $2,000, and their annual sales equal $20,000. F. F. Tillery, junior member of the above men- tioned firm, was born October 16, 1856. in Ala- bama, but was reared in Middle Tennessee, where he received but a limited education. His parents, William and Jane (Cunningham) Tillery, were also natives of Alabama. AVilliam Tillery followed till- ing the soil in early life, and at the age of thirty years, being fairly well educated, he entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which work he continued with successful results for thirty five years, or until his death, which oc- curred in 1863. He was an honored member of both the Masonic and Odd Fellows fraternities, and was a much revered gentleman. Although he never enlisted in the service, he went with those of the soldiers with whom he was acquainted to wait upon and attend to their wants, and died while thus striving to do good. Mrs. Tillery sur- vived her husband twenty-five years, reared her children to maturity, and during the last five years of her life lived happily with them. She united with the Methodist Episcopal Church at the age of sixteen, and lived a consistent member of the same until her death, in 1888, having been a mem- ber of the same for fifty-foiu' years. She reared her family at a time when educational opportunities were vei"y limited, and the training and instruc- tion she gave them were all they ever received. F. F. Tillery was the twelfth of thirteen children, seven of whom are now living — six daughters and one son — all married, viz. : Mrs. Francis Van Martindale, Mrs. Sarah A. McKenney, Mrs. Mar- garet Roper, Mrs. Mary Bledsoe, Mrs. Harriet Smith and Mrs. Julia Goodloe, the subject of this sketch being the only son living. He started out in life at the age of eighteen, and entered the em ploy of a saw-mill man, with whom he remained for some time. After this he embarked in agri- cultural pursuits, and continued at this until No- vember 30, 1880, when he made a visit to Harris- burg, and although he had no intention of a per- manent stay, his practical eye soon saw that right there was a chance for a man with progressive ideas to make a start in life. He first began by teaming, and in connection with this carried on farming and trading, which he continued until 1884. He then embarked in merchandising with Mr. W. L. Bledsoe, at Bay Village. On Febru- ary 14, 1879, he was first married to Miss Lebecea Merrill, who was a daughter of Garrett and Amy (Walker) Merrill, natives of Alabama and Middle Tennessee, respectively. Mrs. Tillery lived about twenty -three days after marriage, and in Febru- ary, 1880, Mr. Tillery married Miss Mellie A. Merrill, sister to his first wife. They have the following, family: Mary F., Robert Lee, Minnie O., Arthur B., Tillie M., died in infancy; Willy D. and Pearl. Mr. Tillery casts his vote with the Democratic party, and is a member of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church, as is also Mrs. Tillery. Theo Brownfield is one of the progressive, in- telligent and enterprising agriculturists of Poinsett County, and was born in Warren County, Middle Tennessee, in 1846, and of his parents' nine chil- dren he was the eldest. His youthful days were spent in the State of Illinois, and he received a good j)ractical education in the schools of Jackson County. He started out in life for himself, by driving stock through Illinois, Iowa and Minne- sota, but after his marriage, which occurred in -I — ^s\^ POINSETT COUNTY. 581 Jaekaoii County, 111., in 1865. to Miss Ellon Dale, he settled down to farming. Growiriw dissatisfied with that location, and thinking he could better his financial condition, he came to Harrisburg, Ark., in November, 1809, and, after residing in the town for one month, he purchased a timber tract of 160 acres, in Greenfield Township, and in a compara- tively short time had forty acres fenced and partly cleared. He sold this property in 1872, however, and bought another farm, adding, in 1881, eighty acres more — this being the farm on which he is now residing. He has been an active member of the Democratic party, and belongs to the school board of his district, the Agricultural Wheel, and is a member of Lodge No. 184, of the A. F. & A. M. He and wife are the parents of the following family: Fayette. William and Oscar (twins), Mary Edna and Anna — living; those deceased are Free- man A., whose death occurred in 1882; Zella S., who died in 1875, and Estella, whose death oc- curred in 1879. Mr. Brownfield is a son of Robert and Edna (Kerby) Brownfield, the former a native of .Mabama. and the latter of Warren County, Tenti. They were married in the latter State, and in 1849 emigrated to Marion County, 111. After a short residence in St. Francis County, Mo., they returned to Illinois, in 1852, and resided there and in Jackson County until 1865, and from that time until the father's death, in 1875, they resided in Clay County. The mother died in February, 1862. Mrs. Isabella F. Burt, is the relict of John M. Burt, who was born in South Carolina in 1807. Her father, John, and her mother, formerly Letta Meltage, were born in Rutherford County, N. C. , and moved to Northern Alabama about 1825, in which State the father's death occurred in 1840, his death being preceded by his wife's about one year. He was a hatter by trade, but also followed the occupation of farming, and he and his wife were active and worthy workers in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Their children were as follows: William, who was born about ISIO, was a farmer by occupation, and about 1856 came to Cross County. .\rk. H(> was a Master Mason, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and liecame the father of a large family of children, seven of whom live in Cross Coimty at the present time. He died in 1859; Isabella F. (Mrs. Burt), was their second child, and llacjjel, their last, she lioing the widow of Allen Burt, a farmer who died in Lonisana in 1851. His wife and six children survive him, and in the year 1856, came to Poinsett County. Ark., and here the mother is still living at the age of seventy-seven years. Mrs. Isabella F. Burt spent her girlhood days in her native State, and there received a good education in the common schools. In December, 1829, she was married to John M. Burt, a son of William and Mehathalona (Mosely) Burt, whose native State was South Carolina. They were farmers there, and in 1856 moved to Arkansas, where they became the owners of 640 acres of land, and at the time of the father's death, in 1861, they had about 130 acres under cultiva tion. To them were born four children: Martha A., -wife of J. H. Hall, a sketch of their son, John W. Hall, being given in this work: Mary J., wife of Eli A. Bradner (she died in 1870, and her husband and four children survive her): Lucy I., who first married Green Hall, and afterward Thomas W. Eskridge, and died in October, 1874, and John W. , who died in Alabama at the age of four years. Mrs. Isabella Burt can distinctly re member many interesting anecdotes connected with the early history of Poinsett County, and can re- member when Memphis, Tenn. . was their nearest market of any importance, and when "Old Farm Hill " was the nearest church, and Old Bolivar the county seat. The houses of the settlers were mostly of logs, hand-sawed by the men, and Mrs. Burt's old home contains a floor of split logs, and another of whipsawed logs. Tiieir clothing was all home-made, and a suit of jeans was considered a very stylish attire in those days. Mrs. Burt was left a widow with four children, just on the eve of the late war, and during that time, her slaves, numbering abotit twenty -five, left her. Owing to the respect and liking, which her intelligence and kindly manners always inspired, she was left tin molested by the Union soldiers, and devoted her- self to rearing her children, and the manner in which this noble woman fulfilled her trust is evi dent in looking upon her children who have grown sfv" Ai 582 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. to mature years. She is remarkably well preserved in years, the ' ' ravages of time ' ' having had but little effect upon her vigorous intellect. Since 1874, she has been spending her time under the loving care of her children and grandchildren, and is at present making her home with her grand- sou, John W. Hall. D. C. & I. R. Cole are prominent lumber mauufacturers of Poinsett County, Ark., and have been established in business since May, 1^86, their mill having a capacity of 1,500,000 feet per year. They are situated two and one half miles north of Harrisburg, and have their own tramway of three and one-half miles, and employ from fifteen to twenty men, to whom they aim to give employment the year round. Isaac R. Cole, the senior mem- ber of the firm, was born in Darke County, Ohio, in 1833, and inherits a fair share of the energy and push which are so characteristic of the inhabitants of that State. He was the sixth of eight children born to James and Sarah (Rupple) Cole, who were born in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, respect- ively, at an early day they settled in Darke County, Ohio, and in February, 1836, emigrated overland to St. Joseph County, Ind., where they settled on a farm and made their home the remainder of their clays, the former's death occurring iu July, 1856, and the latter' s in October, 1860. In this county and State Isaac R. Cole received his education and was initiated into the mysteries of farm work. After having farmed for himself for a number of years he, in 1871, engaged in the milling business in North Liberty, Liberty Township, St. Joseph County, and in 1886 moved his mill to Poinsett County, Ark. , where he has his present plant. Be- ing a man of excellent business qualifications and experience, he has built up an extensive business and readily disposes of immense quantities of lum- ber annually, as his shipping facilities are good. In 1850 he was married, in the " Hoosier State,"' to Miss Eliza J. Rush, but she was called to her long home three years later, leaving a son, James Arthur. Miss Mary Ellen Reamer became Mr. Cole's second wife, their union taking place in 1860. She was born in the State of Indiana, and she and Mr. Cole have an interesting little family of three children: Alma Alice (Mrs. Nelson, a resident of St. Joseph County, Ind.), Benjamin F. and Mabel B. at home. Mr. and Mrs. Cole are members of the Methodist Episcopal Chiuch, at North Liberty, Ind. , and he was Worshipful Mas ter of Lodge No. 266, of the A. F. & A. M., at North Liberty, Ind. During his residence in this county (since 1886) he has noticed a gradual im- provement each year, and has taken an active in- terest in promoting the growth and improvement of the same. Churches and schools always receive his patronage, and on his and his brother's land, which amounts to 2,600 acres, many homes are being erected and clearings made, and a school- house will soon be erected thereon. L. J. Collins, M. D., is one of Poinsett County's most trustworthy physicians and surgeons, and as he has obtained a liberal share of public favor, it is one of the best of proofs of his skill and care. He was born in Fulton County, Ky. , in 1857, and is the third in a family of three children, born to Leroy and Evaline (Murphy) Collins, who wore Tennesseeans, and emigrated to Fulton, Fulton County, Ky., at an early day, where the father followed the trade of a mechanic. He still resides in Fulton, but his wife died many years ago, when our subject was Imt a small lad. L. J. Collins was taken to Carroll County, Tenn. , after his mother's death, and there remained until he at- tained his eighth year, when he returned to Ful ton County, Ky., and was educated in the schools of that county. From earliest manhood the study of medicine always had a fascination for him. and he determined to make that his calling through life; and in order to fit himself for active work he entered the Hospital Medical College of Louisville, Ky. , and was graduated from that institution in 1877. His first experience as a practitioner was gained in Hardeman County, Tenn., but he only remained there a short time when he entered upon the practice of his profession in Wittsburg, Cross County, Arl^ After a short stay of three months in this place he located in Bay Village of the same county, remaining here until the first of January, 1881, when he came to his present location, and has a paying practice in the town and surrounding rFl^ ' >£. POINSETT COUNTY. 583 country. He has been an active politician for years, and always vote.s the Democratic ticket, and in I81S8, was elected by that party to the State legis- latui'e from Poinsett County, and is now ably dis charging the duties incumbent upon this office. Socially he is a member of the A. F. & A. M. In 1876 he was married, in Hardeman County, Tenn. , to Miss Amanda Hurst, a native of Hardeman County, Tenn. To their union were born the fol- lowing children: Henry, Dixie and LaFayette. Although the Doctor has resided here only a few years, he has noticed a decided change for the bet- ter in the public-school system, and in the growth and prosperity of the county. A. A. Coppage, clerk of the county and pro- l)ate court, and also county recorder, was born in Marion County, Ky. , on the I'ith of January, 1847, l)eing the seventh of twelve children born to the union of Hardin Coppage and Sally C. Robertson, both natives of Marion County, Ky. , the former a farmer and stock dealer by occupa- tion. He died in Davis County, Ky. , in 1886, at the age of seventy-five years, his excellent wife's death occurring two years earlier. A. A Coppage received the education and rearing which usually fall to the lot of the farmer's boy, and in April, 1877, he left home and came to Greene County, Ark., where he engaged in general merchan- dising at Bethel, and after successfully con- tinuing there for three years he moved to Harris- hxvcg. He had also been engaged in teaching .school while in Greene County, and after his locat- ing in Poinsett County, he was elected to the of- fice of deputy county clerk, serving from 1883 to November, 1S88, and discharged his duties in so efficient a manner that in the fall of the latter year he was elected to his present office. By appoint- ment he was made county judge in 1884. and filled the position with ability for six mouths. He has shown his approval of secret o.rganizations by be- coming a member of the A. F. & A. M. , and the I. O. O. F. , holding the position of secretary in the latter. He was married at Bethel, Greene County, Ark., in 1880, to Mrs. Bettie Going, form- erly Betty Sloan, a native of East Tennessee, roared in Poinsett County, Ark. Three children have been born to their union: Effie and Abl)ie, being the only ones living. He has two step- children: Clyde and May Going. Prof. Robert L. Cowan, educator, Harrisburg, Ark. Originally from Warrick County, Ind., where his birth occurred on the 14th of March, 1852, Prof. Cowan is possessed of those advanced ideas and progressive prinei[>les regarding educa- tional matters which make his name familiar throughout this part of the State. His parents, Rev. John D. and Elizabeth (Knight) Cowan, were natives of Tennessee and Indiana, respectively. The father was a graduate of Princeton College, New Jersey, and about 1849 or 1850 ho was ordained to the Pre.sbyterian ministry. He at once re- ceived the appointment of principal of Newburg Academy, at Newburg, Ind., which position he filled with honor until 1858, when he was made financial agent of Union College, at Virginia, Cass \ County, 111. He remained in this position until near the close of his life, in 1865. At the age of sixteen, in company with two others of about the same age, he rode from Holly Springs, Miss., to Texas, and was forty days making the journey. They lost themselves in the wild and unbroken for- ests of Eastern Arkansas, wandered around for sev- eral days, and at last found Crowley's Ridge, which they followed north for some distance; then crossed over White River Valley, thence south to the Arkansas River, and after crossing this stream were near the present site of the city of Little Rock. From there they went to Shreveport, and then to Texas. Mr. Cowan remained in that State for four years, and during that time served as a soldier in the Texan army. He was wounded by arrows, and carried the scars to his grave. As pay for his services in the army he received a quarter of a league of Texas land (about 320 acres). In the meantime he had united with tiie Presbyterian Church, and was sent by the presbytery to attend Princeton College, as before stated. Prof. Cow- an's paternal grandfather, David Cowan, was a native of Tennessee, and a farmer by occupation; was one of Gen. Jackson's soldiers in the battle of New Orleans, and met his death by being accident- ally shot during a bear-hunt in 1832. His father, :fv~ ^J. 584 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. John Cowan, was a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, and an early settler of Virginia, although later in life he drifted westward to Tennessee. His Inother, David Cowan, came to America with him, and made his home in Pennsylvania. His son, Edgar Cowan, was United States senator from Pennsyl- vania during the war. Prof. Cowan's maternal grandfather, Isaac Knight, was a native of Penn- sylvania, and emigrated with his father, Abraham Knight, to Henderson, Ky., in the year 1790. Two years later he was captured by the Indians, by whom he was kept a prisoner for two and a half years. He then escaped in the Straits of Macki naw, by being hidden on a English trading vessel by a colored cook. He lauded on terra firma in Detroit, and made his way home, after a perilous trip of six months. He followed agricultural pur- suits, and opened up several large farms in South ern Indiana. His death occurred in 1858. Rev. John D. Cowan and Elizabeth Knight were mar- ried on the 20th of May, 1851, and Prof. Robert L. Cowan is their only child. His mother died on the lyth of August, 1854, and the father was married the second time on the 28th of December. 1859, to Miss Mary A. Bell, daughter of A. W. Bell, a prominent farmer of Central Illinois. To this union was born one child, Alex. B., whose birth occuiTed on the 2d of March, 1861, and who is married and has two children. He is the pres- ent manager of the Western Union Telegraph Company, at Quincy, 111., and he, with his son, four years of age, and the subject of this sketch, are the only survivors bearing the family name. Prof. Cowan passed his boyhood days in poring over his books at home, and later attended the Presbyterian Academy in Macon County, 111. Af- ter completing his studies in that college, in 1875, he went to Evansville, Ind., and tilled the position of professor in the scientific department of the public high school of that city for five years. In 1880 he was elected county examiner of Vander- burgh County, which position he held until 1SS8, and then accepted the position of assistant engi- neer of the Danville, Olney & Ohio Railroad, while making the survey fi'om Olney to Paducah, Ky. After this he was an engineer in the sub-ma- 1 rine work in the building of the bridge across the Ohio River, at Henderson, Ky. Following this Prof. Cowan was assistant engineer in the Ijuilding of the Toledo, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railroad, 1 between Toledo, Cincinnati and St. Louis. He then returned to Decatur in poor health, and re- mained in that city one year, when, in November, ' 1886, he came to Poinsett County, Ark. After lo- cating here he followed the timber business, and then engaged in teaching, having charge of the I Harrisburg schools in 1887 and 1889. His mar- riage occurred on the 20th of December, 1889, to Miss Maud Sloan, daughter of Judge G. AV. Sloan, who keeps a hotel and is undertaker at Har- risburg. Prof. Cowan is a member of the Presby- terian Church, and Mrs. Cowan belongs to the I Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., Lodge No. 64, Evansville, and holds the position of reporter of Lodge No. 3380, 1 Knights of Honor (Bolivar Lodge). He takes an ! active part in jiolitics, votes with the Republican party, is chairman of his county committee, and is a member of both the State Central and Congres- sional committees. He takes an active interest in and gives his support to all public enterprises. L. H. Davis, M. D., physician and surgeon, Harrisburg, Ark. The above mentioned gentleman is one of the most successful and prominent phy- sicians in Poinsett County, and is ever to be found by the bedside of sick and suffering humanity. He was born in Ozark County, Mo., on the 22d of December, 1858, and is the son of Dr. Newland A. and Eliza N. (Drake) Davis, natives of Tennessee. [For further particulars of parents see sketch of John C. Davis. ] Dr. L. H. Davis was the fifth of six living childi'en born to his parents and their names appear in the following order: Mrs. E. Frierson, wife of J. C. Frierson, and now residing in JonesVjoro, Ark. ; Mrs. Alice Legg, wife of D. H. Legg, who is a descendant of one of the oldest families of Cross County, and is magistrate of that county; Mrs. M. A. Gilliland, wife of the present school commissioner of Poinsett County; Thomas L., married and living in Harrisburg, is a medical student; L. H. , and John C. , a druggist at Harris- burg. Dr. L. H. Davis always had delicate health, "?; la. POINSETT COUNTY. 585 and spent much of his time during l)oyhood in attending school. At the age of seveuteiui years he entered as clerk the drugstore of Dr. D. A. Graves at Forest City, and lemained in that posi- tion for three years. During his twenty- tirst year the Doctor taught school in Woodruff County at Pum[)kin Bend, and at the same time liegan the study of medicine. The following year he read medicine under the tutelage of I'r. Whitsett, at Marion, Ark . and during 18S2 and 1883 he at tended the Memphis Medical College He then practiced one year in the Little River Country, in Eastern Poinsett County, after which he returned to the same college and graduated in the class of 1885. In the same year he came to Bay Village, Cross County, and began the practice of his pro- fession, which he continued for eighteen months. He then came to Harrisburg, where he has remained ever since, and where he enjoys a large and paying practice. In February, 1887, he wedded Miss Lillian Florence Watkias, daughter of Prof. Wat- kins, president of Marshall Institute. They were married at Memphis, where Mrs. Davis' family still reside. Mrs. Davis' sister, Mrs. Fanny Ander- son, of Millington, Tenn. , is the possessor of one of the most noted madstones in that State. It is an heirloom of the Watkins family. To the Doc- tor and wife has been born one child, Willie Mary W. , a sweet little girl of about twelve months. Dr. Davis is medical examiner and a member of the K. of H. . at Harrisburg, and is a conservative Democrat. John C. Davis, druggist and apothecary, Har- risburg, Ark. One of the most popular and effi cient druggists in the town of Harrisburg is Mr. John C. Davis, whose flourishing establishment is located in one of the busiest portions of that town. He established his present business in 1888, and carried a general stock of drugs, patent medicines and fancy groceries. His birth occurred on the 2'2d of September, 1867, in Crittenden County, Ark., and he is the youngest in a family of five children born to Dr. N. A. and Eliza M. (Drake) Davis, natives of Tennessee. Dr. N. A. Davis was reared in the country, and received his education in the common schools of Tennessee. He learned the 37 printer's trade, and followed that for some years, when he began the study of medicine, and gradu- ated from the St. Louis Medical College in the class of 1850. He first began the j)ractice of his profession at Ozark, Christian County, Mo., and was married at Bolivar, Mo., on the 1st of Decem- ber, 1843, to Miss Eliza :\[. Drake, daughter of Jacob and Anna (Williams) Drake, natives of East Tennessee. Mrs. Davis is a distant relative of J. Q. Adams, and a second cousin of Oovernor Taylor, of Tennessee. After his marriage. Dr. Davis re- moved to Christian County, Mo. , where he remained iintil the spring of 1S61. He was outspoken in all his political views, and when the war broke out he joined Gen. Price's army as surgeon, and held that position during the entire struggle. In 1866 his family joined him in Louisiana, and from there they moved to Crittenden County, Ark. , where they made their home until 1870. In that year they moved to Cross County, and from there, in 1873, he moved to Forest City, where his death occurred in 1876. The mother remained on the home place until 1878, and then made her home with her son, John C. Davis, until her death, in 1888. The latter was reared in town, and spent his schoolboy days in Forest City and the schools of Marion and Crit- tenden Counties. In 1882 he entered the drug store of his uncle. Dr. T. C. Whitsett, of Marion, as a clerk, and continued with him two years. He then went to Jonesboro', and worked as a clerk until 1886, after which he was on the railroad until Februarj', 1887. He then came to Harrisburg, and purchased a half- interest in the drug business of M. D. Simmons & Co. , with whom he continued until March, 1888, and then withdrew, and estab- lished himself in his present business, which he is now prosperously conducting. He is a conserva- tive Democrat, and gives his support to all enter- prises for the good of the county. W. R. Dedman, postmaster, Greenfield, Ark. This much respected citizen has been postmaster at the above mentioned place ever since the oflSce was established, which was in 1886, a flag station on the Helena branch of the Iron Mountain Rail- road. In connection with his official duties he is also engaged in agricultural pursuits, an occupa- =^ A: 586 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. tion to which he was reared. His birth occurred in Madison County, Ala., in 1851, and he was the only child born to the union of F. D. and S. A. (Thacker) Dedman, the father a native of Alabama, and the mother of Virginia. F. D. Dedman was reared to manhood in his native State, and here tilled the soil. In 1869, he emigrated to Poinsett County, Ark. , settled in Bolivar Township, entered land, and there made a permanent home. At pres- ent he is residing in Craighead County, Ark. . W. R. Dedman became familiar with the duties of the farm, and received the rudiments of an education in the district schools of Tennessee. He com menced farming for himself in Poinsett County, in 1869, and later bought a timber tract of land of 200 acres, which he immediately commenced im- proving, building a good frame house, setting out an orchard, etc. , and he now has about twenty- eight acres under cultivation. The Iron Mountain Railroad runs through his land. Mr. Dedman was married in Poinsett County, Ark., in 1871, to Miss A. H. Schockley, a native of Cherokee County, Ala., and the daughter of A. J. and Frances Schockley, natives of Alabama. Her parents came to Poinsett County, Ark., in 1869, settled in Bolivar Township, and there purchased land. Her father died in 1870, but the mother survives him, and is residing on the old homestead. Mr. Ded- man, after marriage, settled in Bolivar Township, and in 1880 purchased his present property. He was engaged in the grocery Ijusiness here in 1886 and 1887, but closed out in the latter part of the last mentioned year. He has taken quite an active part in politics, votes with the Republican party, and is a prominent man. He has been a member of the school board for about seven years or more, and has held other offices of public trust. Socially, he is a member of White Hall Lodge, No. 77, I. O. O. F., at Harrisburg. To his happy mar- riage have been born six children : Eudora, Miuuie Bell, William Oliver, Ida Lou, Nellie M. and Sarah Frances. Mr. Dedman has always taken an interest in all that pertains to the good of the com- munity, and is a liberal supporter of all laudable enterprises, J. A. W. Ellzey is salesman and book keeper for the general mercantile firm of A. S. Thorn & Co., of Marked Tree, Ark. He was born in Pontotoc County, Miss., in 1851, being a son of Dr. James Ellzey, of Georgia. The latter, in con- nection with his practice, was an extensive planter: he was married in his native State to Miss Martha A. Stevens, whose birthplace was the "Old North State." The father, 'vho was a Democrat in pol- itics, died in 1869 in Pontotoc County, Miss.. whither he had moved at an early day. His widow passed from life in 1882. To them were born eleven children. Our subject, J. A. W. Ellzey (one of the seven sons), was engaged in school - teaching in the State of Mississippi, and in the spring of 1879 he went to Milam County, Tex., where he followed the same occupation for nearly one year. In November. 1879, he came to Poin- sett County, Ark., and was engaged in teaching and farming up to 1884, when he accepted his present position with the above mentioned firm. He is not a very active politician, but usually votes the Democratic ticket, and socially is a member of the Masonic order. He was maiTied in Poinsett County, in January, 1881, to Miss Mollie C. Will- iams, who was born in Poinsett County, and is a daughter of B. D. and A. J. (Mardis) Williams, who were born in Alabama and Tennessee, respect- ively. The father's death occurred in 1862, and his widow, now Mrs. Thorn, still survives and makes her home at Marked Tree, Ark. Mr. and Mrs. Ellzey became the parents of five children (three of whom are now living) : Birdie ; Beatrice, who died in May, 1886: Thaddeus and Willie (twins), the latter dying in July, 1885, and Willie. Foster Freeman is the efficient postmaster at Harrisburg, and is now serving his second consec- utive term, having previously served in this capac- ity under Garfield's administration. For about twelve years he was editor and proprietor of Free- man's Express, the last paper being issued on the 15th of October, 1888. He was born in Griffin, Ga. , in 1842, and is the eldest of a family of six children born to Robert K. and Mary E. (Sessions) Freeman, who were also natives of the State of Georgia, but moved to Northern Alabama in 1850, where the father became a well-known medical !.£: POINSETT COUNTY. 587 practitioner. In IcSHG he came to Jonesboro, Ark. , but bis death occurred in Poinsett County, two year.s later, his excellent wife surviving him until 1888. Their children are L. C. (Mrs. G. W. Baxter, residing in Stanton, Tenn.), Robert K. (deceased). Mary N. (Mrs. Griffin). L. D. (who re- sides at Wynne, and is editor of the Wynne Rip- saw), and Foster. From his earliest recollections up to 186], the latter's time was occupied with the monotonous duties of farm life, and in the meantime he acquired a fair education in the pub- lic .schools in the vicinity of his home. Upon the bursting of the war cloud which had threatened the country for some time, he laid down the im- plements of farm life to don the rebel uniform, and enlisted from St. Clair County, Ala., in Com- pany A, Tenth Alabama Volunteer Infantry, Con- federate States Army, and went directly to Vir- ginia, becoming a member of Wilcox's Brigade. He was in the entire Virginia campaign, and sur- rendered on the "Jth of April, 1865, at Appomat- tox Court- House. Mr. Freeman then returned to St. Clair County, Ala. , and was married there, in 1867, to Miss Elizabeth J. Gibson, a native of that State. He was engaged in farming there until 1868, when he removed to Tennessee, and the fol- lowing year settled in Poinsett County, Ark., where he purchased and improved a farm of 160 acres. He also gave considerable of his attention to grist- and saw-milling, but recently exchanged his mills for the old homestead in Alabama. He is rather conservative in politics, but usually casts his vote with the Democratic party, and is now a memljer of the county central committee; he has been county school examiner two terms, and in this ca pacity did much to raise the standard of schools. He has always been interested in every worthy movement, and has aided materially in the general development of the county. He is a member of Lodge No. 184 of the A. F. & A. M., and is now holding the position of s(n she, too, passed to her long home. The early youth of our subject was spent in following the plow and in attending the district schools, where he acquired sufficient education to lit him for the duties of everyday life, and from the age of fifteen up to twenty-two years of age, he assisted in the support of his mother. He was man-ied in 1868 to Miss Barthena Ainsworth, a daughter of Harrison Ains- worth, one of the pioneers of Poinsett County. The year following her death, which occvu-red in 1872, Mr. Furnish wedded Miss Mary E. Hall, of Louisiana, a daughter of Philip and Martha (Hicks) Hall, who were Tennesseeans, and came to Ar- kansas, in 1856, engaging in farming. Mr. Fur- nish farmed in Bolivar Township until 1879. then went to Dunklin County, Mo. , remaining there, engaged in the occupation of farming until 1880, when he returned to Poinsett County, .\rk. , and has since matle the farm where he now lives his home. He owns 160 acres, with fifty under cultivation, raising corn, and also stock. He is a Democrat, and belongs to Lodge No. 77 of the I. O. O. F. He served in the Rebellion from 1863 until the close, being a member of W. G. Godfrey's company, was a participant in a number of skirmishes, and after the cessation of hostilities he returned home. He and his wife are the parents of four children: Walter Lee, James Logan, Willie Gertrude and Thomas Richmond. He has also taken to raise three childn>n belonging to his wife's brother: Martha Elizabeth, Thomas Joiner and Philip Addison. A -^ V ■)88 HISTOKY OF ARKANSAS. Gant Bros., general merchants, Harrisburg. Ark. One of the leading characteristics of our commercial fabric is the size and extent of the mercantile business in the various cities of Poinsett County. A vast capital is invested in this import- ant industry, and many persons, are furnished re- mimerative employment. Among the leading es- tablishments of this kind, none are more desoiving of more favorable mention and consideration than that of Gant Bros., the individual members of the firm being J. G. , J. B. and J. W. Gant. They are the sons of James W. and Sarah (Keller) Gant, natives of Tennessee and North Carolina, respectively. The parents were married in Ten- nessee in 1852, and the father opened a drug store in Memphis, which he conducted successfully until 1856, when he removed with his family to what is now Craighead County, Ark., where he bought land, and opened up a large plantation. In 1857 he was elected school commissioner, served one term, and after this he acted as surveyor and sheriff until 1801. Ho was then appointed as Government purchasing agent, serving in that capacity until his death, in 1868. He was a prom- inent member of the Masonic fraternity, and a devout Methodist. Ho was noted for liberal and progi'essive ideas, and was a strong Democrat. He was one of eighteen children, and his brothers are as follows: John, farmer, of Texas; Benjamin, presiding elder of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and who died in his pulpit, at Nashville, about 1860; Howard, blacksmith, in Missouri; William, merchant, at Spring Hill, Tenn. There are a number of others supposed to be living, but their exact location is not known. His only sister, Mrs. Polly Hall, is the wife of a farmer, and lives in Izard County. Ark. Mrs. Sarah (Keller) Gant is the daughter of Uriah and Julia Keller, natives of South Carolina. Her father was a tiller of the ' soil. Mrs. Gant is one of a family of eleven chil- dren, eight of whom lived to be grown, and these are now living: John, farmer; Julia, wife of Mr. Gayor, and is living at luka. Miss.; Mattie I., wife of Mr. Hughes, a hotel-keeper at Jonesboro, Ark., and Henrietta M., wife of Mr. Whisenhunt, a farmer of Craighead County, Ark. To the mar- riage of James W. Gant and Miss Sarah Keller were born the three sons, J. G. , J. B. and J. \V., and one daughter, Julia E., wife of J. W. Rooks, a hotel-keeper at Harrisburg, Ark. Mrs. Gant was left a widow just on the eve of the groat Civil War, with four small children to support. How- ever, she bravely undertook the task, and first engaged in farming, and then kept a boarding house. The children were able to assist her after a little, and later relieved her of their support alto gether. She now makes her home with them, and no mother is thought more of than she is by her children, who vie in making her declining years happy and comfortable. She is the owner of several good homes in Craighead and Poinsett Counties, and is living for her children, bestowing all the wealth of a mother's love on them. .1. G. Gant, the senior member of the firm of Gant Bros., was born in 1853, reared to farm life, educated at Jonesboro, and at the age of eighteen embarked in the grocery business. He sold out, and then returned to farm work, which he continued for three years. He then entered the saloon busi ness, which he followed with success until 1883, when the above firm was organized. They carry a large stock of general merchandise, and buy and sell grain and cotton. J. G. Gant was mar- ried, in October, 1888, to Miss Lena Lewis, of Woodruff County. J. B. and J. W. were educated at Jonesboro and Harrisburg, and also took a commercial course at Ledding's Commercial Col- lege, at Memphis. In 1884 J. B. was married to Miss Jennie Mitchell, of Harrisburg. They have one child, Nellie, who is now four years of ago. J. W. is unmarried. All are members of the Masonic fraternity, and all Democratic in their political views. J. B. is a member of both the I. O. O. F. and K. of H. orders. The brothers are all members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and give their unqualified support to all move ments conducive to the good of the community. In addition to their mercantile pursuits they are the owners of 1,200 acres of land, 300 acres under cultivation, and are extensively engaged in stock raising. They are experimenting in several lines of stock, have Holstein cattle (graded), Short- :7i r /s. ^X.. ^-/^-^.^^ Osceola . MissiSBiPPi County, Arkansas . 7' .^ 5) ^ POINSETT COUNTY. 589 horn, Durham (large red), and handle Berkshire and Poland-China hogs. They also raise horses, common cattle, sheep and Angora goats. G. T. Garvey. Among the best-known houses engaged in the grocery business in Harrisburg, is that of G. T. Garvey, who, in connection with his store, conducts a restaurant, his business having l)een established in 1888. Although he is a young man, and has only been in business in the town but a few years, yet his name has already become .syn- onymous with upright, honorable dealing, and his establishment is a favorite resort for those who wish to procure the best brands of the articles he keeps in stock. He was born in the "Old North State" in 1861, was the younger of two children born to W. F. and Sarah (Burgess) Garvey, who were also born in that State. The father was a salesman in a store, but gave up this work in 1861 to enlist from Edgecombe County in the Thirtieth North Carolina Infantry, but died in 1865 from ex- posure during his service. His widow still survives him, and resides in Poinsett County, with her son, G. T. Garvey. The latter' s early days were divided between farming and learning the painter's trade, his education in the meantime being received in the district schools of Halifax County, N. C. After reaching manhood he went to Baltimore, Md. , but removed from there to Poinsett County, Ark., in 1886, and was first engaged in the milling business for D. C. Cole; he was married here, in December, 1888, to Miss Annice Usery, a native of the county, having in February prior to his marriage em- barked in his present enterprise. He is a member of Lodge No. 3380 of the K. of H. . of Bolivar, and is a Democrat: his wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. He belongs to the Methodist Protestant Church, having his membership still in North Carolina. James M. Gilliland. county examiner and teacher, Harrisburg, Ark. Since his residence in this county, Mr. Gilliland has l)een very promi- nently identified with the material affairs of this community, indeed, far more so than the average of men. Particularly in educational matters is this true. He was originally a native of Tennes- see, where his birth occun-ed in Tipton County, on the 14th of December, 1844, but he was reared in Shelby County of the same State. He is the son of Samuel and Eliza (McFerrin) Gilliland. the father a native of Virginia, and the mother of Alabama. Samuel Gilliland was one of the very early settlers of Shelby County, and, at the time of his first residence, remembers seeing Memphis when it was a very small village. He was a farmer, and opened a large tract of land ; he was also a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and labored in that field until forty-five years of age, when he was forced to abandon his chosen profession on account of ill health. He was a Democrat, though conservative in his views. His death occurred in Tennessee in 1856. His excellent wife survived him, and in 1860 removed with her family to Poinsett (now Cross) County, Ark. , where she bought a large tract of land, 200 acres of which she cleared and put under culti- vation. She erected good houses and barns, set out orchards and otherwise improved the plantation. Mrs. Gilliland was the sister of the late lamented Rev. John B. McFerrin, general manager and field agent of the Methodist Book Concern, of Nash- ville, and possessed his sterling qualities. Her death occurred at Wittsburg, Cross County, Ark. , in 1871. She was an esteemed member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. James M. Gilliland was the third of seven children born to his parents. Mrs. Anna Wilson, who died in 1867, at the age of twenty- four, leaving her husband and four chil- di'en; Mi-s. Sallie Elvers, widow of R. E. Rivers; James M. ; John W. , a farmer, who died and left a wife and one child in 1881 ; Mrs. Alice Thomas, Mrs. Ella Durham, and Samuel, who was accident- ally drowned in St. Francis River. The shock of this event caused the mother's death on the day following. James M. Gilliland became familiar with the details of farm life in his youth, and re- ceived the rudiments of an education in the com- mon schools of Tennessee. Later he attended Marshall Male Academy, at Marshall, Miss., but his studies were interrupted by the breaking out of the late war, which caused him to leave school in order to assist his mother during that struggle. As the excitement increased, however, he deemed Aj 590 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. it best to join the army, and accordingly in the year 1862, at the age of seventeen, enlisted for one year in Company B. Twelfth Tennessee In- fantry, under Col. Preston Smith, and was with his regiment at the battle of Corinth. After the retreat from that city Mr. Gilliland was discharged on account of age, under the provision of the Confederate Congress, and returned to Arkansas for a short time. He then enlisted in McGee's Battalion (cavalry), under Gen. Marmaduke, and participated in the battles of Helena, White River and numerous skirmishes in White County. Here during an encounter with the Third Iowa Cavalry Mr. Gilliland had his horse killed, and he was taken prisoner. He was conveyed to Camp Doug- las, Chicago, where he was kept a prisoner for about two years. On the 12th of April, 1865, they were started to the mouth of Red River, and arrived at Cairo on the night that President Lin- coln was assassinated. From there they were sent to New Orleans, thence returned to Shreveport, where they were placed on board a Confederate transport, and were ordered to report to their command. There being no command to which to report, on arriving at the mouth of Red River, about 200 of the soldiers, including Mr. Gilliland, started on foot to their homes in Northern Ai'kan- sas. This tiresome and perilous journey was ac- complished, with great labor but without serious loss, in about one month. On his arrival at home Mr. Gilliland engaged in farming, and March 14, 1872, was the occasion of his marriage to Miss Anna Davis, daughter of Dr. N. A. and Mrs. Eliza M. (Drake) Davis, natives of Tennessee. The fruits of this union were the following chil- dren: Eliza Alice, Mary E., John D., who died in infancy; Anna V., J. Landon, Florence C. and Lillian M. Mr. and Mrs. Gilliland are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and he is a member of the following orders; Masonic, Odd Fellows and K. & L. of H. He, like his father, is a Democrat, but is conservative. He has served in different official capacities in the county, iirst as mayor of Wittsburg, from 1871 to 1872, then as justice of the peace in Cross County, two years, was a member of the board of registrars for two \ years, andisone^of Poinsett County's representa- tive citizens. He moved to Harrisburg, in Novem- I ber, 1886, and has followed the profession of teaching a portion of the time since. He was ap- pointed county examiner in January, 1888. and is the present incumbent. He has taught in the schools of Cross, Woodruff, Craighead and Poin- sett Counties, and is one of the progressive edu- cators of this county. He is an earnest advocate of improved methods in education, and under his direction the schools of Poinsett County, are in a very prosperous condition. He is the owner of 127 acres of land in Cross County, fifty acres of which are under cultivation, and he also owns a house and lot in Harrisburg. James M. Griffin, planter and proprietor of a grist and saw-mill and cotton-gin, resides in Bolivar, near the county seat of Poinsett County, and has been a resident of this county from his birth, which occiarred in 1850, being the fifth of seven children born to Theophilus and Eliza Ann (Thrower) Griffin, who were born in the " Old North State " and the "Blue Grass State," respectively. They both removed from Poinsett County, Ark., at a very early day, and after their marriage settled near where our subject is now residing, where they cleared and improved a farm. The father was also a practicing physician and surgeon, and in early times he was called upon to attend the sick in all parts of the county, and well as in the counties ad- joining. He was successful in alleviating the suf- ferings of his fellow-mortals, and was a man who was esteemed for his many worthy qualities of mind and heart. His wife was called to her long home in 1877. James M. Griffin received such education as Poinsett County afforded in his youth- ful days, and from his earliest recollections he has been familiar witli the details of farm labor. At the age of twenty years he began doing for him- self, and after his marriage, in Poinsett County, in November, 187-1, to Miss Mary Elizabeth Freeman, of Alabama, he settled down to tilling the soil, and now owns an exceedingly fertile tract, embracing 200 acres, with eighty acres under cultivation. He devotes the greater part of this to the raising of cotton and corn, and has 100 acres under fence. i^ POINSETT COUNTY. 591 He is a Democrat, and socially is a member of the K. of H. He and wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Pleasant Valloy, of which he has been steward, trustee and superintendent. He has been an active worker for churches, schools and, in fact, all worthy enterprises, and is in every respect a public-spirited citizen. He and wife be- came the parents of the following children: Eva Engeuia, Louis Christopher, Mattie Lon, Jim and Hubbard Hugh, living, and Nora Bettie, who died September 2, 1888, at the age of four years. Wilson Hall is a farmer and blacksmith, and also the proprietor of a cotton-gin and gristmill in Bolivar Township. He was born in this county on the 6th day of January, 1836, and is the youngest of eight children born to Richmond and Mary (Cook ) Hall, the former a native of North Carolina, and the latter of Mississippi. They were married in the latter State, and came to what is now Poin- sett County, Ark., in 1828, when it was a wilder- ness of woods and canebrake, and entered a large tract of land, on which they settled and began clearing. Mr. Hall took a great interest in the improvement of the county, and was also quite active in politics, and the able manner in which he discharged the onerous duties of the offices to which he was elected won for him the respect and confidence of his fellow-men. He tilled the office of county and probate judge for many years, was sheriff of the county for some time also, and in the fall of 1844 was elected to represent his county in the State legislature. His death occurred in 1863, his wife having passed away in 184(); they had been members of the Methodist Episcopal Church for many years. Wilson Hall, our subject, has followed in the footsteps of his father, and has been a farmer all his life. His early education was received in the district schools of Poinsett County, but he afterward supplemented this by attending school at Batesville, Ark., where he acquired a good practical education. At the age of twent3'-two years he began tilling the soil on his own responsibility, having at that time married Miss Rebecca G. Bradsher, a native of Tennessee, and a daughter of John and Cynthia (Stafford) Bradsher, of North Carolina, who were early emi- grants to this county, the father dying many years ago; the mother is a resident of this county. Mr. Hall's first purchase of laud was a timber tract con sisting of 320 acres, and hero he settled in the tim- ber, where he cleared some fifty acres. He now has nearly 100 acres under the plow, and devotes a por- tion of the remainder to his stock, the raising of which receives much attention. Socially, he is a member of Lodge No. 154, A. F. & A. M., at Harrisburg, and his political views are in accord with the Democratic party, but he is not a strict partisan. He served a short time during the Rebellion, and from 1862 to 1863 he was a member of W. G. Gobey's company. He was called upon to mourn the death of his estimable wife in 1877, she having borne him a family of ten children, eight of whom are living: John Wesley, who is married and resides near his father; Joseph Franklin, also a married man, living near by; Thomas Jefferson, who makes his home with his father; William Price, married and residing in Craighead County ; Richmond, who died in 1886, at the age of twenty- one years; Lama Ann, died in 1862, at the age of four years; James Henry, Wilson, Mary Cynthia and Nancy Clementine. During Mr. Hall's resi- dence of half a century in this county, he has wit- nessed almost incredible changes for improvement, and where once was a vast wilderness of woods now can be seen finely cultivated farms and comforta- ble homes. John W. Hall, though still comparatively a young man, has become well known in agricultural circles, and is recognized as a careful, energetic farmer, who by his advanced views and progres- sive hal)its has done much to improve the farming interests of his section. He was born in Limestone County, Ala., in 1852, and was the only child ijorn to J. H. and Martha A. (Burt) Hall, who were also from that county, the father being one of its progressive agriculturists. In 1856 they emi- grated to Poinsett County, Ark., and the father's career has been a somewhat checkered one, as he has been engaged in a number of different occupa- tions, and has resided in several different States. After being engaged in land speculations in this countv until 1864, he went to Memphis. Tenn., r A 592 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. and, although he conducted a farm near there, he made his home in the city. Leaving there in 1808, he removed to Omaha, Neb. , where he worked at the carpenter's trade, but shortly after returned to Poinsett County, and opened a farm of 100 acres, on which his son, John W., is now residing. In 1878 he gave up active farm work and removed to the town of Harrisburg, where, two years later, he was elected to the ofl&ce of county sheriff. In 1889, when the much-talked of Oklahoma lands were thrown open to the settlers, Mr. Hall removed there, and is now keeping a hotel. His wife died March 12, 1888, John W. Hall received a good education in the city of Memphis, but did not en- gage in farming until the age of eighteen years. He then settled on a woodland farm, which he com- menced immediately to improve, and now has 363 acres, with 225 under cultivation, and also oper- ates a horse cotton gin. He always votes the Democratic ticket, but is not an active politician. He is a member of Lodge No. 184, of the A. F. & A. M. , at Harrisburg, and in this order also belongs to the Chapter, No. 70. He was made a Maaon on his twenty-first birthday. He also be- longs to Lodge No. 77 of the I. O. O. F. He was married in Cross County, November 24, 1887, to Miss Mamie S. Meacham, a native of Mississippi, and a daughter of John and Minta (Pennell) Mea- cham, who were also born in that State, but re- moved to Poinsett County, in 1878, where the father died in 1885. The mother is now residing near Bay Village. Mr. Hall and his father have opened up several farms, which they have sold at a good profit, and he (as well as his father) owns a claim in Oklahoma. The latter enlisted in Capt. Benjamin Harris' company of infantry, of the Thirteenth Arkansas Regiment, in 1801, becoming first lieutenant of this company. He participated in the battles of Belmont and Shiloh, but returned home after his term of enlistment had expired, at the end of one year. Our subject and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Rev. J. T. Haly, farmer and stock-raiser. White Hall, Ark. This njuch esteemed and re- spected citizen is the sou of Charles and Mary (Walker) Haly, natives of North Carolina and Vir- ginia, respectively. Charles Haly is of the old English stock of Halys, who were early settlers of North Carolina. He followed farming, and he and wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Chiu'ch. In his political views he affiliated with the Democratic party. Rev. J. T. Haly is the ninth of eleven children born to his parents. Thomas, a mechanic, was one of the first settlers of Houston, Tex., where many monuments of his handiwork, in the shape of buildings, etc. , may still be seen; he died there about thirty years ago, and a large number of descendants . still reside there. Mrs. Susan Rily was the wife of Martin Rily, a farmer of Dunklin County, Mo., where she died about 1860. Charles died in North Carolina at the age of twenty-one years. Stephen D. went from North Carolina to Tennessee, thence to Mis souri, where he dealt in fine stock; he moved with Thomas Benton to Oregon at an early day and has never been heard from since. The third child, Mary, wife of a farmer of Middle Tennessee, died there about forty years ago. William, a farmer, mechanic and a Methodist minister, died in Ten- nessee, in 1881. Julia was the wife of Hugh Austin, a farmer of Lincoln County, Tenn. ; she died at Harrisburg, Ark., about 1879. Benjamin, a farmer with a large family, died about thirty- four years ago in (now) Conway County, Ark. , and part of his family still reside there, and the others in Oregon. Patsey married Reuben Willbanks, a farmer and mechanic, who died in Saline County, Ark. Rev. J. T. Haly was born in Rockingham, eleven miles east of Danville, N. C. , on the 5th of October, 1812, and was reared and educated in Middle Tennessee. He began life for himself at about the age of twenty-two years, and in 1S34 was united in marriage to Miss Mary Austin, a native of North Carolina and of Irish descent. By this union he became the father of these children: Matilda, wife of Joseph Hall, died in Poinsett County, Ark., in 1879; Betty, wife of Thomas Hawkins, both of whom died in this county; Mollie, wife of Alex. Steward, a farmer, and lives in Poin sett County, Ark. ; Rachel, wife of Stephen Haly, lives in Oregon; Julia, wife of John Howard, also lives in Oregon; Pinckney, died at the age of three ^. POINSETT COUNTY. 593 years, and McHaly, who joined the army at the age of eighteen years and was killed at the battle of Atlanta, Ga. , in 1864. The mother of these children died in Poinsett County, Ark., in 1876, and was a worthy and consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Haly took for his second wife, in 1879, Mi-s. Martha Wiley, widow of William Wiley, by whom she had four children: Mary, wife of John Rily, a farmer, and lives in Cross County, Ark. ; Greene died in 1870, at the age of eleven years; Anna, wife of Abijah Williams, a farmer, lives in Poinsett County, and Martha Jane, wife of John Sears, a miner, and lives near Santa F6, N. M. Mr. Haly moved to Arkansas in 1856, and found this part of the State wild and unbroken. He bought 100 acres, and began to open new land, there being but twenty acres cleared, and has added to and sold land until he now owns 140 acres, with about fifty acres cleared and under a high state of cultivation. He has a good orchard, and is in every way fixed to pass his declining years in comfort. He can tell many interesting stories of early life in Arkansas, and says that at the time of his first residence here it was a common thing to see fifty or 100 deer in a day, and occasionally one might find a bear. Turkeys, raccoons and wolves were very plentiful, but, as be was a man of industrious habits, Mr. Haly did not follow hunting to any great extent. When he first came here there were but five small farms between his place and Harris- burg, and, with the exception of Joseph Reeves, there are none living here now who were residents at that time. About the year 1859 Mr. Haly was elected school commissioner, and held that position until 1862. In 1877 he was elected county judge, and served one term in that ofiice. He votes with the Democratic part}'. He and family are mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and for fifty years he has been a class-leader in the same, and for five years has been an elder. A. Hamilton, blacksmith and wagon-maker, and proprietor of an undertaking establishment, is one of the leading business men of the county, and was born in West Tennessee in 1830, being the eldest of three children born to James and Elizabeth Hamilton, who were natives, respectively, of South Carolina and Kentucky. When a young man the father went to Tennessee, where he followed the occupation of farming, and where his wife died, a number of years after their location. He afterward removed to Arkansas, and died in Harrisl)urg in 1876. A. Hamilton acquired a good practical edu- cation in the schools near his home in Tetmessee, and like the majority of boys, followed in the foot- steps of his father and learned the blacksmith and wagon-maker's trade. He was married in that State, in 1853, to Miss Annie E. Huddleston, and there continued to make his home for three years, at which date he moved to Arkansas. While en route, on the 7th of September, he passed through a dense timber land, where the corner stone for the present town of Harrisburg was being placed, and, liking the locality, he determined to make his home in the vicinity. He erected a log house that year, and in March, 1865, put up a good frame dwelling-house and store-house, in which he is doing his business at the present time. He has been engaged in merchandising for the past thirty- two years, and during bis long career here has estab- lished himself firmly as a substantial citizen and an honest and reliable business man. Ho has always voted the Democratic ticket, but is not a strict partisan. He assisted in incorporating the town, and was a member of the town council for some time. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., and the I. O. O. F. , and has been a member of the former lodge since 1859. In addition to conduct ing his store he is interested in the milling busi ness, and has built up a paying trade. Upon the opening of the war Mr. Hamilton remained at home the first year, but in 186'2 enlisted in a company under Col. Dobbins, and was an active participant for about eighteen months. He is the father of two children: Pleasant M. , and N. E. (Mrs. Clounch). William C. Harris, farmer and miller, Harris- burg, Ark. ^\'orthy reference to the agricultural affairs of Poinsett County would be incomplete without due mention of Mr. Harris, among others engaged in tilling the soil, for he is not only prominent in that respect, but, as a citizen and 594 HISTORY OF AEKANSAS. neighbor, is held in the highest esteem. His birth occurred in Poinsett County, Ark., on the 21st of July, 1848, and he is the eldest of eleven children, eight now living, born to Benjamin and Martha (Thomas) Han-is, natives, respectively, of Alabama and Kentucky. Benjamin Harris figured prominently in the afPairs of both State and coun- ty, first being elected to the office of magistrate, then representative, and afterward filled the posi- tion of senator. He came to Arkansas with his parents at an early date, and it was for this family that Harrisburg received its name. He was a memlier of the Masonic fraternity, a Democrat in his political princijales, and, with his family, was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The eight childi-en now living of the eleven born to his marriage are as follows: Schuyler, died at the age of thirty-three years; Addison, sheriff of Poinsett County; Mrs. Elvira Merchant, at Harrisburg; Mrs. Mary Wrice; Benjamin, present senator of the Twenty-ninth district; Sophia, Fanny, Irvin, farmer and merchant; Lee, died in 1888. at the age of twenty-five years, and Mrs. Melvina Perry, at Paragould, Ark. Early in life William C. Harris was taught the principles of farming, and when it became necessary for him to start out in life for himself, he very natVirally and wisely chose the occupation to which he had been reared. From that time to the present his success has been such as only a thorough acquaintance with his calling and years of experience might lead him to achieve. His education was received in the common schools of Poinsett County, and in 1862 he enlisted in the army, Company K, Twenty-third Arkansas Cav- alry, Adams' command, and jwrticipated in these battles: luka, Corinth, Port Hudson, and others of minor note. At the last mentioned place his com- mand was jsaroled and came home. After this Mr. Harris performed scout duty until the close of the war, when he was mustered out of service, under Col. Lisle, at Wittsburg, in 1865. After the sur- render Mr. Harris returned to his farm, and in September of the same year his marriage with Miss Virginia Hays took place. She is the daugh- ter of Henry and Mary (Stencell) Hays, natives of North Carolina, who came here in 1855. To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Harris were born the following family: Walter, who died in 1885, at the age of twenty years; Mittie, died in infancy; Melvira, Grace, Willie, died at the age of five years, and Maggie. In 1870 Mr. Harris began opening a tract of land, and now has 140 acres, with forty under cultivation. In addition to this he is senior member of the firm of W. C. Harris & Co. , owners of 440 acres of timber land, and the owners also of a saw-mill, cotton gin and grist- mill, with which they do a good business. The mill was established in 1888. J. M. Harris is a native-born resident of the county, his birth occurring in 1843, and ever since starting in life for himself he has enjoyed the reputation of being not only a substantial and pro- gressive planter, but an intelligent and thoroughly posted man in all public matters. His brothers and sisters are as follows: Mary F. (Mrs. Johnson), Calvin H. , who was killed at the battle of Cbicka- mauga; W. S. , a resident of the county; J. M., B. F., who is married and resides near by: C. H., S. A. (Mrs. Settle, residing in Cross County, Ark. ); Susan (Mrs. Magee, of Scott Township), and Alice (deceased). The parents of these children, W. H. and J. P. (Copeland) Harris, were born in Ala- bama, and in 1829 the father removed to Arkansas, and squatted on a tract of land near where our subject now lives. He took an active part in the early history of Poinsett County, and always voted the Democratic ticket. He was elected by that party to the office of county judge, serving a num- ber of years. His death occurred here, in March, 1879, but his widow is still living, and resides on ! the old homestead. J. M. Harris was educated in the schools of the county, and in 18(32 dropped both farm work and schools to engage in the Ee- bellion, serving in Company K, Adams' regiment, and was a participant in the battles of Corinth, Port Hudson and numerous skirmishes. After the final surrender, he returned to Poinsett County, with the consciousness of having served his cause faithfully and well, and was married here the same year, to Miss C. A. Staucell, a native of North • Carolina, but her death occurred in 1870, she hav- ing borne one child, C. H. , who is at home. Mr. Is li^ POINSETT COUNTY. 595 Harris took for his second wife (in 1873) Miss R. D. Reeves, a daughter of J. F. Reeves, one of the early pioneers of the county, but he mourned her death the follovs^ing year. He took for his third wife Miss N. E. Conn, by whom he has live chil dren: Sally A., Etta, Dove, Grover G. and Fran- cis. After his first marriage, Mr. Harris purchased !i farm of forty acres, and, by additional purchases, is now the owner of 320 acres, with 100 acres under cultivation. He is also engaged in stock dealing, and raises to some extent, his cattle being of the Durham breed. He is an active agriculturist, and, in addition to his farm, operates a saw and grist- mill and a pottougin in Scott Township, his vari- ous enterprises netting him a lucrative annual in- come. Socially, he is a member of the K. of H. He is a member of the school board, and he and his wife belong to the Baptist Church. Add Harris, county sheriff, was chosen to oc- cupy his present position by the Democratic party in 1880, and is now filling the duties of his second term, in a manner highly creditable to himself and to the satisfaction of the community at large. He is a native-born resident of the county, his birth having occurred in 1847, and from earliest boy- hood he has been familiar with the duties of farm life, and his youth was also spent in attending the public schools, where he acquired a good practical education. He started out in life for himself at the age of eighteen years, and his labors to acquire a competency have met with fair results. Having grown to manhood in this county, he has seen a great change take place, and has noted a gradual improvement yearly in its growth and prosperity. He is a member of the school board in District No. 8, and has always been a patron of education and a believer in free schools. He is a son of Benjamin and Martha (Thrower) Han'is, who wore born in Alabama and Kentucky, respectively, but in 1829 Benjamin came with his father, William Han'is, to what is now Poinsett County. Ark., and squatted on the land near where our subject now resides, the country at that time being almost a wilderness, inhabited l)y Indians and wild animals. Here the grandfather died, a few years ago. Benjamin Harris was married in this county, and settled on the farm which is now occupied liy our subject. They reared a family of eleven children, the names of those living being as follows: \\'illiam, who is married and is a resident of the county ; Add, the subject of this memoir: Elvira (Mrs. Sparks), of Harrisburg; Mary Ann (Mrs. liice). residing near Paragould ; Sophia, residing with her brother Add : Frances (Mrs. Ervin), a resident of Bolivar Town- ship; Benjamin, a lawyer of Harrisburg, and Mai vina (Mrs. Perry), of Paragould. The father of our subject took an active part in the early history I of the coiinty, and was quite a prominent poli- tician, being the first man elected to the State Legislature from this district, and was also a State senator in 1877. During the Rebellion he was captain of a company in the Thirteenth Arkansas Regiment of infantry, and was a participant in the battle of Belmont, but was taken sick and con- fined in the hospital at Memphis, Tenn. , for some time. His death occurred in this county, in 1881. His widow resides with her son Add. Hon. Benjamin Harris, of the Twenty-ninth Senatorial District, was born in Poinsett County, Ark., in 1854, and is the sixth of eleven children born to Benjamin and Martha (Thrower) Harris, a short history of whom is given in the sketch of Add Harris, sheriff of Poinsett County. The family are of Scotch descent, and first came to the United States from their native land in 1680, taking up their abode in Nelson County, Va., in which State the paternal grandfather served as a captain in the Revolutionary War. The youthful days of our subject were divided between working on the farm and attending school, and as he grew up he learned the lessons of industry, persever- ance and economy, which have .stood him in good stead in later years. Becoming familiar with the intricacies of surveying, he was elected to the office of county surveyor, at the age of twenty-two years, and afterward entered upon the study of law: and after being admitted to the bar, in 1879, he com menced practicing the profession at his old home, and the enviable reputation he has acquired has been gained largely through his own individual efforts, and at the expense of diligent study and hard practical experience. He has been known liy \ 596 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the people of the community from infancy, and they have had every opportunity to judge of his character and qualifications, and their confidence in him has been intelligently placed. In 1885 he was elected to the house of representatives, and in 1888 was chosen a State senator. Socially, he is a Mason. In 1881 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary A. Reeves, a native of Missouri, but he was called upon to mourn her loss in 1887; she was the mother of two children: Frederica and Jachchot Fay. Frederica died in September, 1884. Hazlewood Bros. & Co. , druggists, Harrisburg, Ark. The profession of the druggist is one which operates effectively, in time of need, in arresting and alleviating the most acute pains and ailments to which the human Iwdy is heir, and therefore de- serves the most thankful and appreciative considera- tion on the part of the public. This firm was organ- ized under the above name in January, 1889, at Harrisburg, but previous to that time the business had been carried on at Wynne, under the title of Hazlewood Bros. A change was then effected, and Mr. J. S. Minton bought an interest, and be- came a member of the house. Soon after this the Harrisburg house was organized, and the present name adopted. The firm is progressive, having a handsomely appointed store, fully stocked with a choice selection of drugs, chemicals, and the most popular patent medicines. A .stock of goods val- ued at about $4, 000 is carried, and a good business is enjoyed. Although young men, they have the proper amount of energy and business ability to make a success of whatever they undertake. They are, with the exception of Mr. Minton, natives of Arkansas, but he is a native of Tennessee. The latter is a son of J. A. and M. C. Minton, and was born February 18, 1864. His parents are natives of Mississippi and Tennessee, respectively. They came to Arkansas in 1 869, and the father has since been engaged in different lines of business, prin- cipally merchandising, but for the last five years he has been holding the office of justice of the peace and mayor. To his marriage were born four children: William T., farmer; Louis G., salesman and insurance agent in Harrisburg; J. S. and Annie E. Mr. Minton, Sr. , is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church; he has been a member of the Masonic _ fraternity since 1858, and in his political views affiliates with the Democratic party. The senior members of this firm, J. A. and J. W. Hazlewood, are the sons of John A. and Sallie (Crook) Hazlewood, natives of Mississippi and Tennessee, respectively. The parents came to Arkansas at an early date, were married here, and here the father carried on agricultural pursuits for many yeai's. He and wife were members of the Methodist Church. They reared a family of five children: J. A., Alice, the wife of W. W. Nelms, who is a bookkeejier at Bay Village; J. W., Leon- idas (deceased), and H. W., a young man resid- ing with his mother, and who conducts her farm. Mrs. Hazlewood was the daughter of J. A. Crook, an old and highly respected farmer and superin- tendent of plantations. He belongs to the family of that name who are prominently connected with the early hi.story of West Tennessee, also a rela- tive of the famous Gen. Crook. The members of the firm of Hazlewood Bros. & Co. each received a common school education by their own efforts, and at their own expense. They are public-spirited and enterprising, contributing to school and church, and to all public enterprises as far as their means will permit. Benjamin F. Hogan, Sr. , farmer. Bay Village, Ark. Mr. Benjamin F. Hogan, a respected resi- dent of this county for many years, and a man of extensive and popular acquaintance, was originally fi-om Randolph County, Ark., where his birth oc- curred December 2, 1833. His parents, Martin and Zilphia (Myers) Hogan, were among the earliest settlers of that State, and the father opened up new land in that county, cultivating the same all his life. Benjamin F. Hogan is the fourth in a family of eleven children, all deceased with the exception of Henry, a farmer of Randolph County; Joseph, of that county, and John, also a farmer of that county. Benjamin F. 's time in his youthful days was divided between working upon the home farm and in attend- ing the common schools of the period, where he re ceived a fairly good education. At the age of twenty- three years he married Miss Sarah Hogan, a native of Poinsett County, and the fruits of this union -^ POINSETT COUNTY. 597 were nine children, seven of whom sire living at the present time: William, Walter, Mary, Lucinda, Joannah, Benjamin and Thomas. The first five of these children are all married, and are residing in Poinsett County. Mrs. Hogan died about 1877, and in 1878 Mr. Hogan married his present wife, who was formerly Mrs. Mary Young, a native of Tennessee, and to this union were born two chil- dren, Samuel and James, seven and live years of age, respectively. Mr. Hogan has followed agri- cultural pursuits during life, and in 1888 bought his present farm, which consists of forty acres, all under fence, and all but live acres under cultiva- tion. He found his present land a wilderness, but this he has improved, and now has one of the most pleasant homes in the county. He and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and Methodist Episcoiaal Church, respectively. He is a Democrat in politics, and in 1863 joined the army under Col. Dobbins, and was with Gen. Price on his famous raid through Missouri. He received his discharge at Wittsburg, in 1865. He has these step-children: Leona, wife of B. S. Eakins a farmer, living in Poinsett County ; Jane, wife of William Hogan, a farmer, living near Bay Village; W. S. James, Charley James and George. His own children, William and Walter, are farm- ers, the former in this county and the latter in Cross County: Mary is the wife of Asa Byrum, and is Jiving near Bay Village; Lucinda J. is the wife of James Jordan, and is living in this county; Josephine is the wife of James Herod, and lives in this county; B. F. and Thomas are both single, and reside with their father. E. L. Jacobs, M. D. Twenty-nine years de- voted to the service of humanity sums up in a line the career, thus far, of Dr. E. L. Jacobs. He was born in Hardeman County, Tenn., in 183'2, being the youngest in a family of three children born to Henry and Jane C. (Dillard) Jacobs, the former a native of Middle Tennessee, and the hitter of North Carolina. After their marriage, in Tennessee, they settled in Pontotoc County, Miss., where they opened up an extensive plantation, on which they resided until their respective deaths, in 1854 and 1866. On this plantation Dr. Jacobs spent his youthful days, and there received his eai'ly educa- tion, which was of a somewhat meager description. In 1857 he settled at Bolivar, Poinsett County, Ark., but three years later made a location at Har- risburg, whore he entered upon the practice of his profession, and has followed it ever since. So cially, he is a member of Poinsett Lodge No. 184, A. F. & A. M. , of which li(> has been Worshipful Master several years. He has never been an active politician, but has voted the Democratic ticket. He is a member of the town council, and he and wife, whose maiden name was Sarah A. Conn, and whom he married in 1855, are members of the Baptist Church. Two children blessed their union, E. J., wife of A. C. Thrower, being the only one living. Mrs. Jacobs is a daughter of Levi and Elizabeth (Duke) Conn, who were born in Ken- tucky and Tennessee, respectively. They were early immigrants to Poinsett County, Ark., and here spent their declining years. Dr. H. L. Jacobs. The name of Dr. Jacoljs is one of the most respected in this community, and during his residence in this county he has en- joyed a practice among the be.st families, and is kept very busy; while with the medical fraternity his reputation is by no means local, and ho is known for his remarkable cures throughout this section of country. He was born in Pontotoc County, Miss. , in 1852, and is the eldest in a family of ton children born to Clinton W. and liebocca Jane (Conn) J acobs, who were Tennesseeans and removed to Pontotoc County, Miss., in 1840. The fatlior afterward re- moved to Poinsett Co. , Ai'k. , and hero purchased a woodland farm, and made his home until his death, in 1887, his wife having passed from life in 1877. Mr. Jacobs was an active member of the Demo cratic party, a Chapter Mason, and, during the Civil War, served for some time under Capt. Brisco. Dr. Jacobs, our subject, spent his early youth and manhood on his father's farm, and acquired a good practical education in the district schools of Poinsett County. After studying medicine for some time under the well-known physicians, Jacobs and Gilks, ho went before the board of examiners, and was licensed to practice, in January, 1884, and bj- the ability with which he has managed his ^:^ 598 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. cases, be has become one of the well known physi- cians of the county, and stands well with the med- ical brotherhood. He has a good plantation of eighty acres, but only has seven acres under culti- vation. He supports the principles of the Demo- cratic party, and he and wife, whom he married in Poinsett County, Ai'k. , in December, 1S84, and whose maiden name was Mary E. Sparks, are con- sistent members of the Missionary Baptist Church. Mrs. Jacobs was born in Crittenden County, Ark. , and she and the Doctor are the parents of two children: Harry Clinton and Mary Bertha. J. A. Jelks, M. D. , was born in Halifax County, N. C, in January, 1807, and, although he was reared on his father's extensive plantation in that State, he was never compelled to farm labor, owing to the numerous slaves his father always kept, they numbering about sixty the year round. His education up to the age of nineteen years was received in his native county, and he then entered upon the study of medicine, under the tutelage of that well-known physician, James B. Yellowly, re- ceiving his first course of lectures at the University of Pennsylvania, after which he entered Rutger's Medical College of New York City, from which he graduated in February, 1829. Subsequently re- turning to his native heath, to enter upon his prac- tice, he was married there, in 1830, to Miss Ma- tilda Ann Crowell, and the following year they re- moved westward. After spending one year in Lawrence County, Miss., they went to Hinds Coun- ty, in the vicinity of Raymond, that State, making that place their home until December, 1833. Their next move was to Fayette County, Tenn., but after a residence there of three years, they returned to Mississippi, to Chidahoma, and here his wife was called to her long home, in 1837, she having borne him a daughter, Cynthia Louise, now Mrs. Latta, residing in Cross County, near Cherry Valley. After the death of his estimable wife, the Doctor returned to Fayette County, Tenn., and resided there until coming to Poinsett County, Ark., in 1850. He was again married, in Tennessee, to Miss Bettie J. , a daughter of William Guerrant, her birth having occurred in the State of Virginia. The Doctor was so unfortunate as to lose this wife in Poinsett County, in 1869, she having borne him a family of seven children, whose names are as fol^ lows: William Robert, a widower, residing in Crit- tenden County; Charles E., who was in Capt. Le- Vesque's company, and died in the army in 1865: Caspar W., a farmer, married and living in Cross County ; James H. , also in Cross County ; Thomas D. (deceased) ; Mary T. , and Ada G. (Mrs. Jordan), who also lives in Cross County. For his third wife he took, in 1871, Euna A. Allen, a daughter of Lyman S. and Angeline (Whitford) Allen, who were born at Ticonderoga, N. Y. The father was a teacher by profession, and followed that occupa- tion with success for over thirty years. He removed to Iowa at a very early daj', and was one of the first settlers of Buchanan County. He was county supervisor for years, and held the office of magis- trate. The ])aternal grandfather, Joel Allen, was a soldier in the War of 1812, and was a first cousin of Gen. Ethan Allen, of Revolutionary fame. The Allen family are of English descent, and can trace their ancestry back to the year 1635. Oliver Whitford, the maternal grandfather, was also a soldier in the War of 1812, was born in York State, but emigrated to Pennsylvania, where he died. He was also of English origin. Lyman S. Allen died in 1870 at the age of seventy six years, and was followed to the grave by his wife in 1884. From the time of his settlement until 1885 Dr. Jelks resided in Scott Township, but at that date he removed to Harrisburg, and, since starting on his professional career, he has practiced continu- ously until within the past eighteen months. Dur- ing his long years of practice here he has proved himself to be a physician of ability, his prac- tice being very large, and among the best class of citizens. Socially, he is a member of Lodge No. 184, of the A. F. & A. M. , and in this order has advanced to the Chapter. He was the eld est of five sons and two daughters born to Rob- ert and Mary (Nicholson) Jelks, who lived for a long time in Halifax County, though the mother was born and reared in Edgecombe County. The father afterward moved to Alabama, and became a wealthy planter of that State. He was married three times, but had no issue by his first wife. [71 ±=dt^ His last union resulted in the birth of three sons, two of whom survive. His death occurred in 1846, in Russell County of that State, his wife having died in North Carolina in 1829. He was a stanch Democrat, and a member of the Baptist Church. John Jones, postmaster. White Hall, Ark. Mr. Jones was born in Abbeville District, S. C. , and is the son of Robert and Mary (Conn) Jones, natives of South Carolina, and of Irish descent. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were among the first settlers of South Carolina, and there the mother died when her son John was but an infant. He was taken and reared l)y his grandfatlier, John Conn, and his father went to Alabama, where he was married the second time. After the death of his grandparents our subject was taken to Alabama by his father, and received his education in the common schools of that State. His father was a miller, and was very successful in this occupation. He was a member of the Christian Church, and his death occurred in Alabama in 1862. John Jones was reared to farm labor, and began his own career at the age of fif- teen years. When eighteen years of age he left Alabama for West Tennessee and worked for money to enable him to attend school. This was in 1837, and he returned to Alabama, where he went to school for about two years, after which he was elected to the office of constable, although he continued to farm until 1842. He took for his life companion Miss Martha Thurmau, a native of Ala- bama, and after marriage began farming on rented land, where he remained for fourteen years. In 185(5 he moved to Poinsett County, Ark., and pur- chased the farm on which he now resides. At first he purchased 100 acres of wild land, and began to improve it, living in a tent until he could erect a cabin. He cleared about eight acres the first year, and since then has continued to clear and other- wise improve his farm, until now he has 200 acres of land, with 120 acres cleared. About 1869 he erected a gin and grist-mill, and has since con- ducted that business in connection with tilling the soil. In 1887 that mill was destroyed by fire, but was rebuilt in 1888. The year 1887 was an unfort- unate one for Mr. Jones, as he had his residence and all the contents destroyed by fire in that yeai-. To his marriage were born these children: J. P., a farmer, living in Scott Township, and is magis trate for his township; Isaac L., now twenty-one years of age, lives with his father; AVilliamC, born in 1844 and died in 1868, and Josepliine E., born in 1846. Mr. Jones had two sons in the Con federate army; one, William C, sickened and died in Columbus, Miss., his father being present and attending to his wants until his death; the other son, J. P., came out without injury. Mr. Jones votes with the Republican party, and takes an act- ive interest in politics. He held the office of jus- tice of the peace before the war, and has filled many local positions of trust and responsibility, such as coroner and school trustee, and has been postmaster for the last twelve years. During the year 1851 Mr. Jones held the office of tax-collector in Limestone County, Ala., under a bond of $75,000. He is a member of Harrisl)nrg Lodge No. 184, A. F. & A. M., and his family arc members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. J. P. Jones is another successful farmer of the county, of which he has been a resident since No- vember, 1856, having come here from his native State of Alabama at that date. He was born in 1842, and is the eldest of four children of John and Martha A. (Thurman) Jones, the former born in South Carolina and the latter in Alal)ama. They were married in the latter State, and there the father followed the occupation of a ])lanter until his removal to this State. He located on a woodland farm, where he has made his home up to the present date, and during his residence here he has been quite an active politician; he has filled the office of postmaster at White Hall for some ten years, and was also justice of the peace in 1858. He and his wife now reside near their son, J. P., who from his earliest youth has been familiar with farm life. He received his early schooling in Ala- bama, but in 1861 he dropped his books and aban- doned the plow to enlist in the Confederate army, becoming a member of Capt. Harris' Company of the Thirteenth Arkansas Infantry, and served east of the Mississippi River. He was at Belmont. Shiloh, and also in many skirmishes. At the ex- r|^ 600 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. piration of his term of service he left the army aud returned home, and was married the following year in Poinsett County, to Miss L. D. Eskridge, who was l)orn in West Tennessee. Her death oc ciirred in January, 1884, and in November of the same year he espoused Miss J. A. Stafford, a na- tive of West Tennessee, and a daughter of J. D. and Hester Ann (Han-ison) Stafford, who removed from North Carolina to Arkansas in 1880. Here the father died in 1880. and the mother four years later. Mr. Jones has a farm of 200 acres, with fifty acres under cultivation, on which he raises cotton principally. He devotes considerable at- tention to stock, and in connection with his father operates a cotton-gin. He is a Republican in his political views, and for the past ten years has acted as justice of the peace of his township. He filled the office of county treasurer for nearly five years, and has been a member of the school board for many years. He is a member of Lodge No. 77 of the I. O. O. F. , at Havrislnirg. and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. South. J. W. Kaisner, planter, of Bay Village, Ark. This enterprising citizen owes his nativity to Ran dolph County, Ark., where his birth occurred in ] 1845. He was the youngest of a family of three children, and the only one now living, born to James and Polly (Winnehan) Kaisner, natives of Tennes- see and Arkansas, respectively. James Kaisner, when a young man, came with his father to Ran- dolph County, and there died in the year 1845. The mother died in Februaiy, 1855. Grandfather Winnehan was a Methodist minister. J. W. Kais- ner was reared by his grandfather Kaisner to farm life, and received a practical education in the district schools of Marion County, Ark. During the late unpleasantness between the North and South he enlisted in the Fourth Missouri Infantry. Confederate army, in February, 1862, and served three years, or during the war. He participated in the following battles— luka, Corinth, Vicksburg, Champion's Hill and others of less note. He was paroled at Jacksonport, in June. 1865, after which he came to Crittenden County, Aik. , and there re- mained until January, 1866, when he entered Poin- sett County. He there followed farming in a suc- cessful manner, and in 1867 purchased 160 acres of land, with twenty-five acres under cultivation. He commenced at once to improve, and now has 220 acres with sixty-five under cultivation. He raises considerable stock, and over his meadows roam horses and cattle, principally the latter. He is not active in politics, but votes with the Demo- cratic party, and though often solicited to run for office has never done so. Socially, he is a member of the I. O. O. F., and also of the Agricultural Wheel. Mr. Kaisner selected for his companion in life Miss Jane Morrison, a native of the Blue Grass State, and was man-ied to her in Poinsett County, in 1868. After his marriage Mr. Kais- ner settled on his present property, and there he has since resided. He and wife are both church meml)ers, he of the Methodist and she of the Baptist denomination. To Mr. and Mrs. Kaisner has been born one child, James Todd. Mr. Kais- ner has seen many changes in the country since his residence here. At first they were obliged to go twenty miles to market, and a trip to Memphis was made in eight or ten days. He is, in every sense of the word, a self-made man, and to his own industry and enterprise is due his success. J. B. Lynch, the junior member of the firm of Grant & Lynch, general merchants of Weiner, Ai-k., was born in Giles County. Tenn. . in 1860, and since February, 1889, he has been engaged in his present business. The firm caiTy a complete and select stock of groceries, canned goods, dry goods, boots and shoes, shelf hardware, furniture, etc., and will soon put in a stock of clothing for their fall trade. They are wide-awake, plucky and reliable, and fully deserve the paying trade which they have secured. Mr. Lynch is the third in a family of nine children born to W. F. and Susan E. (Gibles) Lynch, who were Tennesseeans, the I father an undertaker by trade. He remained at Lynchville, Tenn., until his death, which occurred in 1882, his wife having passed from life in 1876. ; The father was an Odd Fellow, and was a man whom everybody respected aud admired. In 1882 J. B. Lynch came to Jackson County, Ark. , and began farming; in the fall of that year he went to ,[> POINSETT COUNTY. 601 Johnson Connly, eind aftor residini; in the town of Clarksville for some time, he leturned to Jackson County, and came to Poinsett Connty in 1884, whore his attention was for some time given to railroad- tie contracting, continuing this till up to the time of embarking in his present business. His efforts in this direction are meeting with good results, and he can, with every assurance of success, look for- ward to a prospero>is future. Socially, he is a member of Lodge No. 184, of the A. F. & A. M., of Harrisburg, and in politics, although not very active, he usually votes the Democratic ticket. J. J. Mardis, attorney at law. The name of Mardis is identified with the professional standing, the welfare and material and social happiness of Poinsett County, of which he is a native-born resident, his birth occurring November 18. 1850. He is the youngest of a family of six children of John P. and Delilah (Hamrick) Mardis, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Alabama. They were early settlers of Poinsett County, and entered Government laud, on which they resided until his death, which occurred in 185t); in addition to managing his farm, he was actively engaged in the practice of medicine, his services being re- quired over a very lai'ge area. His widow still survives him, and resides on the old homestead. Their childi'en are as follows: Amanda J. (Mrs. Thorn), B. R. J. (married, and residing on the old homestead), N. B. (a widower, residing in Scott Township), and J. J. (our subject.) The latter was educated in the schools of Han-isburg and vicinity, and, after reading law in that town for some time, he was admitted to the bar in 1880, since which time he has been actively engaged in practicing his profession, and is considered by all to be a practical thinker and an earnest and forci ble speaker. His property has been acquired through his own exertions, and 100 acres of his farm are under cultivation. He was married here in April, 1872. to Miss Sue Han-is, and of seven chil- dren born to their union six are living: John A., Agnew. Henry, Maggie Lee, Simmie and Freddie. Dovie died in August. 1880, at the age of eleven years. Mrs. Mardis is a daughter of John and Sarah (Copeland) Harris, who were Tennesseeans, aod came to Poinsett County, Ark., in 1829, taking up their aVjode on a farm near Harrisl)urg. where the father died in 1885, the mother in 1884. Mr. Mardis has taken quite an active interest in pol- itics, and always votes with the Democratic party: he served on that ticket in the capacity of magis trate for six years. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , Harrisburg Lodge, No. 184, and al.so be- longs to the K of H. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and since Do cember, 1887, have been residents of Harrisburg. where Mr. Mardis has built up a large and con stantly increasing clientage. He is well versed in the intricacies of the law, and is thoroughly com petent and reliable. Michael Mayer, fanner and stock raiser, Weiner. Ark. The reader is herewith handed a plain state inent of a useful life; for certainly, if what is of the most use is of the most value, then, indeed, it is in recording the lives of representative men that biography is to be useful to posterity. Mr. Mayer was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1844, and was the seventh in a family of eight children born to the marriage of Michael and Mary (Mark worth) Mayer, the father a native of Bavaria, and the mother of Canton Worms, France. Michael Mayer. Sr. , was reared in his native country, and V)ecame a successful agriculturist. He owned a very large vineyard, but sold out in 1853 and came direct from Germany to Illinois, where he later purchased land in Vermilion County, and made his home for some time. Later he moved to Danville. 111., where his death occurred in October, 1870. and one year later his excellent wife also closed her eyes to the scenes of this earth. The early life of Michael Mayer, Jr. , was passed between assist- ing on the farm and in attending the public schools of Danville, 111. When the late war broke out he enlisted in Company B, Tenth Illinois Cav- alry, Independent Regiment, at Camp Butler. Springfield, 111., and was assigned to the Western Department. He was in the battles of Wilson's Creek, Pea Ridge. Prairie Grove. Arkansas Post. Little Rock. Saline River. Pleasant Hill, Helena. Vicksburg, Nashville, was at Stone River, siege of Atlanta, and was in the memorable march to irr. jil±r=±: A 9 602 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the sea. He was at Mobile, New Orleans, and was also in the Red River campaign ; was also in the battles of Corinth and Pittsburg Landing. He received his discharge at San Antonio, Tex., in 1865, but was on the border during that winter, guarding the railroads. He then returned to Dan- ville, 111., and engaged in merchandising, which he continued for about five years. In 1866 he was married, in Danville, 111. , to Miss Mary Klaege, a native of Germany, and the daughter of John and Mary (Geise) Klaege, also natives of Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Klaege came to the United States in 1856, settling in the city of Brooklyn, where the father was employed for some time, and then moved to Danville, 111., in 1865. He died there in the fall of 1868. The mother moved to Poin- sett County, Ark., in 1882, and made her home with the subject of this sketch until her death, which occurred one year later. Michael Mayer continued his mercantile pursuits, as before stated, for five years in Danville, 111. ; then embarked in contracting, and worked on the I. B. & W. R. R. He remained iu Danville until 1881, when he moved to Poinsett County, and in September pur- chased a timber tract of 280 acres. He now has good buildings, and has 100 acres under fence. He also owns 160 acres partly under cultivation, with a good two story house, etc. He raises consider- able cattle of the Ayrshire grade, and is one of the wide-awake farmers of the county. He votes with the Democratic party, but is not very active in politics. While living at Danville, Mr. Mayer was a member of the board of alderman, and since livino' here he has been a member of the school board, he being deeply interested in educational affairs, having been instrumental in organizing the school district. Mr. and Mrs. Mayer are members of the Catholic Church. To their united lives has been born one child, Emma Elizabeth, who is now Mrs. J. M. Steele [see sketch], and re sides in Poinsett County. They have an adopted son, Thomas Leonard, whom they took when four years of age. He now bears the name of Thomas Mayer. P. J. Murray is possessed of those advanced ideas and progressive principles regarding agricultural life which seem to be the chief prerogative of the average native of Illinois. He was born in Kane County in 1852, and is the eldest of four children born to Patrick and Ann (Kane) Murray, botli of whom were born in the ' ' Emerald Isle. " At an early day they emigrated to the United States, and after residing some time iu Pennsylvania, they removed to Illinois, and here they both died iu Kane County, some years ago. P. J. Murray received such education as the district schools of Kane County afforded, and his youth and early manhood were spent in aiding in the development of the home farm. • After working in the pineries of Northern Michigan for some time, he went to Louisiana, and in January, 1882, came to Poinsett County, where he engaged in mercantile business, and also had the contract for grading five miles of the Kansas City & Memphis Railroad. After completing one mile the company raised the grade, and Mr. Murray threw up the job, then returning to his store, to which he gave his undivided attention for some eighteen months. He then commenced farming, and purchased a timber tract of eighty acres, which he began immediately to improve. He now has forty acres cleared and under cultiva- tion, and is making a good living. He is an active Democrat in his political views, and is at present serving his third term as magistrate. He was instrumental in organizing a good school in his district. Socially, he is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , and belongs to Jouesboro Chapter. He was married in Little River Township, in 1883, to Miss Lydia A. Davidson, a native of Dunklin County, Mo., and a daughter of Zachariah and Sarah Davidson, who were natives of that State. They removed to this county in 1877, and the father is now living with Mr. Murray, his wife having died some years ago. Two childi'en have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Murray: Zachariah and Feli.K. Since locating here Mr. Murray has seen many changes take place, and the country rapidly fill up with a good class of settlers. The soil here is fertile, and will readily yield fifty I bushels of corn to the acre. 1 T. H. Peck, through good management and energy, has become the owner of 180 acres of ex- «7 -y moved in the spring of that year. The senior member of the firm, Mr. Simmons, was born in Marshall County, Miss., in 1859, and is the eldest in a family of three children born to John and Victoria E. (Douglas) Simmons, the for- mer a native of Tennessee, and the latter of Mis- sissippi. John Simmons removed to Cross County, Ark., in 1860, and located near Vanndale, and in 1871 located in Wittsburg, Ark., where the mother died, in 1872. The father was a Mason and a memlier of the K. of H. He now makes his home in Vanndale. M. D. Simmons received his early education in the public and high schools of Witts- burg, and after attaining a suitable age he began the study of pharmacy under a physician of that place, and was prescription clerk in his store for some years. Mr. Simmons is not a very active politician, but has served as a member of the town council. He has belonged to the Methodist Epis- copal Church, South, for a number of years, is an active worker for the cause of Christianity, and has been superintendent of the Sunday-school for a number of years. He was married in Clarks- ville, Tenn., on the 18th of June, 1884. to Miss Hardin Duncan, a native of that State, and by her is the father of two children: Bessie May and Louise Kendrick. Mrs. Simmons is a daughter of John and Mary Elizabeth (Johnson) Duncan, the former a native of Scotland, and the latter of Ten- nessee. John Duncan removed to Tennessee at an early day, and settled in Nashville in 1844, where he followed the occupation of painting. He is still living, and resides with Mrs. Simmons, but the mother died in Little Rock, Ark., in 1884, where they wer(( residing at the time. J. Logtan Smith, junior member of the firm of Sparks & Co., Harrisbnrg, Ark. Born on the 5th of February, 1837. at Old Bolivar, Poinsett Coun- ty, Ark. , Mr. Smith is one of the old settlers of the county and a much respected citizen of the same. He is the son of William and Sarah (Clark) Smith, natives of Tennessee and North Carolina. \\^ — ^ 608 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. xespectively. William Smith and wife came to ' Arkansas iu 1831, wheu the country was very un- settled, and began improving wild land. He held the position of county treasurer in 1 844. and was a i prominent and enterprising citizen. He and wife were members of the Missionary Baptist Church. Their family consisted of thirteen children, all of whom are now deceased except J. Logan and J. W. , who is a minister in the Christian Church, and resides in Craighead County, Ark. Mrs. Sarah Smith's father was one of the early settlers of Greene County, Ark., and built the first water- mill in that county. J. Logan Smith's facilities for an education in youth were not of the best, and what schooling he did receive was in the old court-house at Old Bolivar, a log structure about 20x28 feet in dimension, with fire-place, punch- eon benches with pin legs, and the writing desks were puncheons supported by pins driven in the wall. Mr. Smith can distinctly remember the original chimney was stick and clay, which wore afterward supplanted by brick. The school was of course a subscription school. Early settlers fre- quently built their houses without nails, and the first sawecl lumber was manufactured l)y hand and with a whip-saw. Mr. Smith was reared on a farm, and spent some time as a brick- maker. At the age of twenty two he enlisted in Company F, Sixth Arkansas Infantry, and was in the battles of Shiloh and Perry ville, Ky. , where he was wounded and taken prisoner. At the end of thirty days he was exchanged, and took i>a,ri in the battle of Stone River, where he was again wounded, and after lying in the hospital at Ringgold, Ga. . until Feb- ruary, 1863, joined the army again. He was in the battle of Chickamauga, and at that engage- ment received two wounds. He was also at Mis- sionary Ridge, Tenn., then at Ringgold Gap, and after this at Resaca, Kenesaw (Ga. ), Smithfield (N. C), and surrendered at Greensboro (N. C.) He then came to Poinsett County, Ark., tilled the soil, and, in February, 1866, was united in marriage to Miss Lucinda Stanford, daughter of William and Matilda (Hall) Stanford, natives of Tennessee and early settlers of Arkansas. To Mr. and Mrs. Smith were born the following children : Lockie L. , wife of Thomas C. Ainsworth, a farmer of Poinsett County; Rutha V., keeps house for her father; Roger Williams, Joseph T. and Logan S. (twins), who live at home. Mrs. Smith died on the 18th of October, 1881, and was a worthy and much-esteemed member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, an active Sunday-school and church worker, a loving wife and mother, whose memory will remain green in the hearts of her many relatives and friends long after her body has moldered to dust. For none return from that quiet shore. Who cro.ssed with the boatman cold and pale. We hear the dip of the golden oar, We watch for a gleam of the snowy sail; But, lo! they have passed from our yearning hearts. They have crossed the stream, they are gone for aye. We may not sunder the vale apart That hides from our vision the gates of day; We only know that their bark no more Will sail with ours o'er life's stormy sea: Yet somewhere, I know, on that unseen shore. They watch, and wait, and beckon to me. In June, 1865, Mr. Smith, at the request of the people, was appointed by Gov. Murphy, then mil- itary governor, to fill the position of assessor and collector for his cotmty, and in the following year was elected to till the same office, which he did until the reconstruction, in 1868. He then followed farming until 1874, when he was elected sheriff, and re-elected in 1876. He again returned to the farm, and there remained until 1881, when he em- l)arked in the mercantile business, continuing at the same until 1884, when he again became a tiller of the soil. In 1888 he became a member of the above mentioned firm, but during his entire life he has followed farming. He is the owner of five farms of over 1,000 acres of land, 200 acres under cultivation. He takes much interest in stock raising and has Jersey and Short-horn cattle, and Berk- shire hogs. Mr. Smith became a member of Poin sett Lodge No. 184, A. F. & A. M., and is a mem ber of the Chapter and Council, Harri.sburg; is also a member of Lodge No. 74, K. and L. of H. Council No. 29 was organized in 1887. He is a Democrat in his political views. J. J. Smith is a successful farmer of the couii ty, and was born in Henderson County, Tenn., in ^ 1847, being the third of eleven children born to J. C. and Susan (Johnson) Smith, who were also Tennesseeans, the former being a gunsmith by trade. In 1850 he settled in Poinsett County, Ark., and made the town of Bolivar his home until the county seat was changed to Harrisburg, when he moved to the latter place, this being in the year 1857. In 18G3 he settled on an excellent farm in Craig- head County, near Jonesboro, and here worked at his trade until his death, in 1885, at the age of sixty-six years. He was a Democrat, and held the office of deputy sheriff of the county for many years, and in 1860 was elected county treasurer, winning, during his official career, the respect and esteem of all who knew him. His worthy wife died in 1883. J. J. Smith was educated in the subscription schools of Bolivar and Harrisl)urg, and at the age of twenty years started out in life for himself, and is now one of the well-to-do agri- culturists of the county. His first purchase of land was a timber tract embracing 100 acres, and this he commenced clearing, and added to until he now owns 560 acres, with over 200 acres under cultivation, his being one of the largest farms in the county. He is extensively engaged in stock dealing, and his farm is devoted principally to raising cotton and corn. He is a Democrat, and as such was elected, in 1880, to the office of treas- urer of Poinsett County. He has always been a patron of education, and socially is a member of the K. of H. Having been a resident of this county fi'om earliest youth, he has witnessed the gradual growth and improvement, and has aided largely in bringing about this desirable result. He is a thoroughly self-made and self reliant man, and his opinions on all subjects are acknowledged to be sound and unbiased. He and wife, whose maiden name was Mary Davidson, a native of Harrisl)urg, and whom he married in 1867, are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, at Pleasant Valley, and are the parents of the following family: Hattie, Lucy, Dovie, Emis- ley, Johnny, Jennie, Dexter, Augustus, Grover C. and Elizabeth, who died in infancy. Mrs. Smith is a daughter of James and Harriet (Lokey) David- son, who were Tennesseeans, the father a farmer by occupation, and an early settler of Poinsett County, Ark. He was a sheritT of this county for i many years, and was one of the most energetic and j enterprising men of the county. He engaged in I merchandising in Harrisburg, in 1861, and later became a soldier in the Confederate army, dying in 1862, in Cross County. His wife siu-vived him some years, her death taking place in 1872. W. A. Smith has been a resident of Poinsett County, Ark., all his life, and his example of in- dustry, and earnest and sincere endeavors to sue ceed in life, especially in the occupation of farm- ing, are well worth imitation. He was born in 1860, and of his parents' five children he is the second. In boyhood, he attended the district schools near his home, and finished his education in Harrisburg, under the tutelage of Prof. J. P. Leake. He was taught the rudiments of farm work by his father, who was a successful agriculturist, and after leaving school, he engaged in this busi- ness, and was married in Poinsett County, in 1884. to Miss Mary Etta Wright, a native of Greenfield Township, and a daughter of J. L. and Jane (Ish mael) Wright, who were early pioneers of Poinsett County. Mr. Smith first bought a forty acre tim- ber tract, but now has some thirty-two acres under cultivation, on which are good buildings, fences and orchards. He is a Democrat in politics, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Chiirch, South, while his wife belonged to the Christian Church. She died quite recently, having borne two children : Charles O. and an infant. Being a native of the county, Mr. Smith has naturally taken a deep inter- est in its welfare, and is an active and public-spir- ited citizen. His parents, William C. and Margaret (Ainsworth) Smith, were born in Poinsett County, and in 1853, the father began opening up a farm in Bolivar Township, and here his widow is resid- ing at the present time. His death occurred on the 16th of November, 1876, having been an enter- prising resident and an active member of the Dem ocratic party all his. life. William Smith, the pa ternal grandfather, was an early pioneer of this section in 1832, and was one of the prominent ag- riculturists of Bolivar Township. He was county treasurer for a number of years. filO HISTORY OP ARKANSAS. L. E. Stancell, deputy sheriff of Poinsett County, Ark., was born in Northampton County. N. C. , in 1847, being the fourth of seven children born to William E. and Caroline E. (Long) Stan- cell, their births having occurred in North Caro- lina and Virginia, respectively. The father was a planter and merchant, and in 1854 came to Arkan- sas, and settled near the present town of Harris- burg, where he entered a timber tract, which he commenced improving, but only lived to conduct the work for two years, his death occurring in the month of October, 1856. His wife survived him until 1809, when she, too, was called to her long home. After the death of his father, L. E. Stan cell took the management of the home farm on his own shoulders, and although he was compelled to work hard, he managed to acquire a fair English education, in the district schools of the county. In January, 1861), he was married to Miss Lura A. Malone, who was born in Tennessee, and died in 1870, and, after remaining a widower until 1881, Mr. Stancell wedded Miss Mittie O. Mitchell, also of Tennessee, and a daughter of M. A. Mitchell and wife, nee Hindman, natives of Tennessee, who came to Poinsett County. Ark., in 1856. The mother died in 1879, but the father is still living, and resides with Mr. Stancell. From 1872 to 1880 Mr. Stancell was engaged in the grocery business, but at the latter date sold out, and has since given his attention to farming, bnt from 18S8 to January, 1889, also conducted a grocery. This business he then gave up to assume the duties of sheriff. Socially, he is a member of Poinsett Lodge No. 184, of the A. F. & A. M., and of White Hall Lodge No. 77, of the I. O. O. F. He and wife are members of the Baptist Church, and are the parents of two children: Lola Elizabeth and Lela G. Mr. Stancell is a supporter of Dem- ocratic principles, and has held the office of justice of the peace for six years. In 1864 Mr. Stancell enlisted in Capt. W. G. Godfrey's company, and was afterward with Price on his raid through Mis- souri, but surrendered in May, 1865, and returned to Poinsett County, where, as stated above, he has since made his home. Thomas B. Steele, attorney, Harrisburg, Ark. Of the many prominent names that make up the strength of the Arkansas bar is that of Thomas B. Steele, who is a true type of the progressive, yet conservative, and cultured Arkansas man. He was born at Batesville, Independence County, Ark. , i on the 18th of April, 1855, and is one of seven children born to Rev. John M. and Narcissa (Brookfield) Steele, and grandson of Rev. Isaac Brookfield, who was originally from New Jersey, and was one of the pioneer preachers of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He, with Rev. John M. Steele, was the founder of a great many churches of that denomination on Crowley's Ridge, their territory extending from Chalk Blnff to Helena. Rev. John M. Steele was born in Hardeman County, N. C, on the 2d of March, 1810, and remained in his native State until 1836, when he moved to Arkansas, where, for a number of years, he spent his time as an itinerant preacher. He was without a permanent home until about 1843, when he took for his second wife Miss Nar cissa Brookfield, a history of whose parents ap- pears in the church history of the counties trav- ersed by Crowley's Ridge. The seven children born to Rev. John M. Steele and wife are as fol lows: Mrs. Nancy J. Harris, residing in Bolivar Township; Rev. J. R., an elder in the Methodist Episcopal Church, Texas; Mrs. Mary E. Dudley, who died in 1874. leaving three children; Mrs. S. Ann Keck, in Bolivar Township; Mrs. Martha C. Bettis; Thomas B. and James M., Jr., physician and surgeon at Weiner, Ark. Thomas B. Steele began in early life to assist on the farm and to at- tend the schools of Poinsett County. He attended the high school at Harrisburg, and finished in Arkansas College, at Batesville, in 1875. After this he began the study of Blackstone, under the tutelage of J. C. Brookfield, was admitted to the bar in 1878, and licensed to practice in the circuit and all inferior courts of the State. He at once located at Harrisburg, and has since been success- fully devoting himself to the practice of his pro- fession. On the 18th of September, 1887, he abandoned his single state, and was united in mar- riage to Miss Dora E. Guyer, a daughter of B. Y. and Mary A. (Bomar) Guyer, natives of New York -< 9 ^ POINSETT COUNTY. 611 and Tennessee, and of English and French descent, respectively. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Steele occurred in the Lone Star State, where her parents were living at that time. One child has been born to thi.s union —Archie W., whose birth occurred on the Mist of August, 1888. Mr. Steele is the owner of about four acres in the oldest part of Harrisbnrg, and one business block on Main Str(>et. In addition to this, he is the owner of 400 acres of timber land in Poinsett and Craighead Counties, with about fifteen acre.s undei' cultiva- tion. He votes with the Democratic party, and is quite active in politics, having made the canvass for representative in 1888, but was defeated by L. J. Collins. He takes a prominent part in all matters relating to education or for the public good. Dr. James M. Steele, physician and surgeon, Weiner. Ark. Dr. Steele is a son of the well- known pioneer. Rev. John M. Steele, and is the youngest in a family of seven children. He was born in Batesville, Independence County, Ark. , on the 25th of February, 1861, and his brothers and sisters are named as follows: Mrs. Jane Harris, wife of W. C. Harris, a farmer near Harrisburg; John E., a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Meridian, Tex. ; Mrs. Mary Dudley, wife of N. P. Dudley, and who died in June, 1876; Mrs. Ann Keck, wife of T. W. Keck, a farmer, living in Poinsett County; Mrs. Kate Battis. wife of J. W. Battis, a farmer near Harris- burg, and Thomas B. Steele, an attorney and counselor at law, at Harrisburg. Dr. James M. Steele's parents. Rev. J. M. and Narcissa (Brook- field) Steele, were among the earliest settlers of Crowley's Ridge. The father was born near Raleigh, N. C, in 1810, and received his educa- tion in that State and in Tennessee, having re- moved with his father to that State in 1824. He began life as a millwright, and in 1829 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Seit, a native of Tennessee. Two children were the fruits of this union: A. C a farmer, who died from injuries re- ceived in the war, in 1865, leaving a wife and two children, and AVilliam M.. who died in 1881, leav- ing a family of five children. Rev. Steele lost his wife in Saline County, Ark., in 1832. He had moved there in 1830, and a short time after his wife's death was conv(>rtod and united with the Methodist Episcopal ('hurch. He immediately entered the ministry of the Arkansas Methodist Episcopal Conference, and began his notable life- work. His labors for the first four or five years were in Northwest and Southwest Arkansas, and after that time on Crowley's Ridge, in St. Fran cis County. He was there married, in 1848, to Miss Narcissa Brookfield, daughter of Rev. Isaac and Nancy Brookfield, and the same year he was sent by the conference to the Indian Territory, where he remained four years. He then returned to Batesville, Ark., and after this time his field was Crowley's Ridge, from Chalk Bluff to Helena and the Black River country. After startmg over fifty churches, this devout and truly Christian man closed his eyes to the scenes of this world in 1S81. Dr. James M. Steele attended the schools of Harrisburg, then Washington high school, in Independence County, and also attended one term at Vanderbilt University, at Nashville, Tenn. He began the study of medicine in 1876. under Dr. Beecher, and then spent several seasons as a drug clerk. In 1884 and 1885 he took a medical course in Memphis Hospital College, and in the last men tioned year began practicing at Weiner. Poinsett County, Ark., where he has l)uilt up a large and paying practice. He was married, on the 14th of March, 1886, to Miss Emma E. Mayer, daughter of Michael and Mary (Klaege) Mayer, natives of Germany. To the Doctor and wife was born one child, Austin G. , now a bright boy of six months. They lost one child, Edgar M. , at the age of three months. Dr. Steele owns eighty acres of land, twenty acres under cultivation, and in connection with his practice is engaged in farming and stock raising. He votes with the DiMuocratic party, hut is conservative. H(* is a member of the school board, and one of the leading men of the county. Mrs. Steele is a member of the Catholic Church. T. A. Stone, a gen(>ral merchant of Harris burg. Ark., carries a full line of hats, caps, cloth ing, boots and shoes, groceries, etc. , and although he has only been established in business here since November, 1883, he has built up a paying patron- M 612 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. age. He is a native born resident of the county, his birth occurring in ]840, and he is the second of a family of seven children born to Robert H. and Emily (Shavei-j Stoue, the former a native of Sumner County, Tenn. , and the latter of Phillips (now Poinsett) County, Ark. Robert H. Stone came to the State of Arkansas when a young man of eight- een years (in 1839), and was the fourth county clerk, elected in 1846, holding the position nearly four- teen years. He was also sheriff of the county in 1845-46, and at the time of his death, in 1859, he was tilling the position of county clerk. His es- timable wife survived him until 1870, when she, too, passed to her long home. T. A. Stone was reared to farm life, and received a fair education in the schools of his native county. He was mar- ried here in 1868, to Miss Mary Frances Goodwin, a native of Alabama, and a daughter of Peterson and Mary (Burt) Goodwin, also of that State, who came to Arkansas in the year 1856, both being now residents of the county. After his marriage Mr. Stone purchased a farm of 120 acres in Scott Township, it being partly improved at the time, and now has about fifty acres under cultivation. He has taken quite an active part in the political affairs of the county, and always votes with the Democratic party, and was elected on that ticket in 1886, to the office of county clerk, his term ex- piring in 1888. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , and he and wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Of an interesting family of four children born to them, two are now living: Albert Sidney and Minnie Lura. Samuel G. Stone, general merchant. Bay Vil- lage, Ark. In including, in this work, the sketches of prominent business men of Poinsett County, none are more deserving of recognition than that of Samuel G. Stone, who for a number of years has carried on an extensive mercantile establishment at Bay Village. He was born near Harrisburg, Ark. , December 23, 1859, and is the son of S. D. Stone, a native of Middle Tennessee, and a successful agriculturist. He was married in his native State, to Mrs. Matilda (Hall) Wilson, also a native of Middle Tennessee, and they soon afterward moved to Arkansas, and settled in Poin- sett County, where they passed the remainder of their lives. Both were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mrs. Stone had been married twice before; first, to William Stanford, by whom she had two children, Thomas and Lucinda, and then wedded Berry Fentrel, by whom she had one child, Richmond Fentrel. To her marriage with Samuel D. Stone were born two children: Robert A., a farmer, married, and residing near Harris- burg, and Samuel G., the subject of this sketch. The latter, like the ordinary country boy, received his education in the common schools, and started out in the world for himself at the age of eighteen. He began first by hauling logs and lumbering, which he continued for some time, and then was for a short time engaged in tilling the soil. In 1882, he met and married Miss Ida L. Goodwin, daughter of Peterson and Mary A. (Bert) Good- win, natives of Virginia and North Carolina, re- spectively. Mr. Goodwin is one of the sturdy sons of toil, and is now residing in Poinsett County, Ark. To Mr. and Mrs. Stone were born the fol- lowing children: William (died at the age of three months); Lulu M., Mary Belle and Ollie P. In 1884, Mr. Stone was elected constable, which posi- tion he held until 1886, when he was re-elected, and was also made marshal and deputy sheriff at the same time. In November, 1887, he engaged in mer- chandising at Bay Village, which he continued alone until February 1, 1888, when J. H. Van- diver bought an interest in the business, and they continued together until January 1, 1889. Mr. Stone then bought Mr. Vandiver out, and is now engaged alone in the business. He carries a gen- eral stock of goods, does a good business, and is in a prosperous condition. Aside from his store, he is the owner of 320 acres of land, and has one farm of 1 20 acres, well improved, and fifty-five acres under cultivation. This farm lies three miles east of Harrisbvirg, and another farm of eighty acres lies four miles east of Harrisburg, the latter all woodland. Another tract of timber land, 160 acres in all, lies si.K miles east of Harrisburg, and another eighty-acre tract lies on the Bijttom Belt road. In addition to this, Mr. Stone is the owner of six lots and one dwelling-house in Harrisburg. He has -7f Jacksqm County, Arkansas. -^ POINSETT COUNTY. ni3 acquired all his property by his own industry, and deserves much credit for it. He and Mrs. Stone are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to which he is a liberal contributor, as well as to all other worthy and laudable enterprises. Thomas B. Sparks, general merchant, Harris- burg, Ark. Thomas B. Sparks, the senior member of the well-known and thoroughly established firm of T. B. Sparks & Co., is a native of Middle Ten- nessee, where his birth occurred February 27, 1 840. His father, Thomas Sparks, was a farmer and trader by occupation, and was married in Virginia, to Miss Mary Booth. He moved to Arkansas in 18r)U, and died near Jonesboro about 1878. Both he and wife were members of the church, he of the Methodist Episcopal, and she of the Baptist Church. Their childi'eu, ten in number, are as follows: Mrs. Sarah A. Stroud (residing near Jonesboro), Mary E. (widow of H. Parr, residing at Jonesboro), T. B., A. W. (a farmer, residing at Harrisburg, Ark.), W. M. (a traveling salesman for a wholesale clothing house, at Cincinnati), G. N. (merchant at Wynne, Ark.); the rest of the chil dren are deceased. Thomas B. Sparks began life for himself by entering the army, enlisting Febru- ary 17, 1S62. in Company A, Twenty third Arkansas, with J. D. HilHs, as captain. He took part in the disastrous battles of luka and Corinth, and was captured at Port Hudson, paroled and returned home. In the autumn of the same year he was exchanged, after which he entered the service in the same company and regiment, but cavalry. On the reorganization, his elder brothers, James E. and T. B. , were elected captain and lieutenant, re- spectively, of Company A, which position they each held until the close of the war. After enter- inc the cavalry, the subject of this sketch was in the White River campaign, but surrendered at Wittsburg, in July, 1865. After the termination of hostilities, he returned home, and engaged in tilling the soil for one year, after which he entered the employ of his l>rother. James E. Sparks, as clerk. In the year 1868 his marriage to Miss El- vira Harris was consummated. She is the daugh- ter of Capt. Benjamin and Martha (Thrower) Harris, who were among the earliest settlers of this county, and were the founders of the town of Harrisburg, which was named in their honor. Mr. Harris was a successful agricidturist, and figured prominently in the affairs of his county and State, holding the offices of representative, judge, and was also senator of the Twenty- ninth District of Poinsett, Jackson and Mississippi Counties. He was a Democrat in politics, and was a prominent Mason. Mr. Sparks continued to work as a sales- man until 1873, when he was elected clerk of the circuit court of Poinsett County, and was twice re- elected. He was defeated in 1S78, and subse- quently returned to mercantile work, which he continued until 1880, when he was elected sheriff and collector. He was twice reelected, thus plainly showing his efficiency as a puVilic man. and served in that office until 1886, since which time he has given his undivided attention to merchandising. He and Mrs. Sparks are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and are much respected by all who know them. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. (being High Priest of the Chapter) and of the K. of H. He is a Democrat, and is active in his support of all schools, churches and public enter- prises generally. In January, 1887, the present firm of Sparks & Co. was formed, the individual members being T. B. Sparks and J. L. Smith. They carry a stock of goods valued at from $6,0(»() to $8,000, handle cotton and grain, and are doing the largest business of any firm in town. A. S. Thorn & Co. .general merchants. of Marked Tree, Ark. A. S. Thorn is an example of the suc- cess attending hard work and honest dealing, and his trade is solidly established and reaches over the surrounding country. They carry an excellent and select stock of general goods, and the l)uilding in which they do business is their own, and they also own a good fi-ame hotel. Their store was es tablished in 1886, and, as stated above, they art- doing a prosperous business. A. S. Thorn was born in York District, of South Carolina, in 18;-!-l. and is the third of a family of ten children born to Jesse and Frances (Miller) Thorn, who were born in South Carolina and North Carolina, respectively. The father was a planter, and in 1838 removed to the "Blue Grass State." and from there to Poin- A' 614 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. sett County, in 1848, but entered land in Craij;- head County, and in 1874 moved to Jonesboro. where he lived a retired life until his death, in 1875. He took considerable interest in local poli- tics, and, although originally a Whig, he afterward became a Republican. His wife's death preceded his by one year, she having borne him the follow- ing children: William Jasper, who in 1861 enlisted from Crittenden County, in Capt. Barton's regi- ment of cavalry, and while trying to capture a vessel, in 1862, was shot, dying a short time af- terward, in the month of April ; John Newton, an- other son, resides in Craighead County, and is en- gaged in farming; A. S., our subject; Mary, who died young; D. H. , who is married and resides in Jonesboro; Harvey J., who was killed in 1871 by a falling tree; Zilla, who died in 1864; Martha (Mrs. Hubbs) residing in Craighead County; Sarah (Mrs. Abraham Brown), also of that county, and Caledonia (Mrs. Gwinn), also residing there. A. S. Thorn received no educational advantages in his youth, but educated himself after reaching manhood. He began farming in Craighead Coun- ty, and was married there, in 1856, to Miss Ollie Owen, of Tennessee, but her death occurred the same year. He next wedded, in Poinsett County, Miss Nannie Bradsher, of Tennessee, their union taking place in 1859. She bore Mr. Thorn one child, Ida, and died in 1866. This daughter mar- ried a Mr. Hydrick, in 1882, and is living in Scott TownsLiip. In 1867 Mr. Thorn's third imion was consummated, his wife being Miss Amanda J. Mar- dis, of Alabama, and their marriage has resulted in the birth of three children: Willie N. , Ruth and Bessie Beatrice. In 1866 Mr. Thorn removed to Scott Township, and purchased a partially-im- proved farm of l,o50 acres, and put 250 acres under cultivation. He has since divided with his children, but still owns 150 acres there, all under cultivation. He remained on this farm until No- vember, 1884, when he moved to Little River Township, and the following year embarked in his present business, at which he is doing well. He had previously been engaged in the same enter- prise at Harrisburg, in 1872, the firm name being D. H. Thorn & Co., but at the end of eighteen months he sold his interest. He has a good farm of 320 acres, with about 120 acres under cultiva- tion, and gives considerable attention to raising stock. He read law while living in Scott Town- ship, and in 1872 was admitted to the bar, and since that time has practiced more or less. He is independent in his political views, and on the 13th of March, 1868, he was elected sheriff of Poinsett County, and served until the latter part of 1874. He is a member of Lodge No. 184 of the A. F. & A. M. , at Harrisburg, and in this order is a mem- ber of Poinsett Chapter, No. 77. He and wife be- long to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. A. W. Thornton has passed the uneventful life of the farmer, and has continued steadily to pursue ' ' the even tenor of his way, ' ' and is now classed among the prosperous farmers of Poinsett County. His birth occurred in Giles County, Tenn., in 1846, and he was the fifth of eight chil- dren born to Leecel and Sarah Jane (Austin) Thornton, the former born in South Carolina and the latter in Tennessee. The father was taken to Tennessee when a youth, and was there reared and educated, and made that his permanent home until his death, which occurred in 1888, his worthy wife still surviving him, and making her home in Ten- nessee. In early life he was a Whig in his politi- cal views, but later he became a Democrat. A. W. Thornton was initiated into the mysteries of farm life by his father, who was a successful agricul- turist, and received his early scholastic training in the district schools of Giles County. In 1862 he abandoned farm life for the time being to join the Confederate army, and was a member of Com- pany E, Thirty-second Tennessee Infantry, and was mustered into service at Murfreesboro, and afterward participated in the battles of Chicka- mauga, Missionary Ridge, Lookout Mountain, and in 1864 received a gun-shot wound at Resaca, and was confined in the hospital at Forsyth, Ga., until fully recovered. He rejoined his company in August, 1864, and was again wounded by a gun- shot at Atlanta, Ga. , and was sent to the hospital where he had j)reviously been cared for, and was later taken to Cuthbert, Ga. In 1864, he again rejoined his command, and was with Hood on his >^ ♦ < ■ Independence County— Formation and Organization— Public Structures— Catalogue of Offi- cials — The Franchise— Administration of Law— The Coming of the Pioneers— Location of the County— Its Water Courses— Numerous Personal and Business Sketches— Timber AND Mines— Lands and Crops— Census Returns— Railroads— Religious Growth —Towns— Popular Instruction— War Record— Facts and Statistics. In ancient times the sacred plow employ'd The kings and awful fathers of mankind, And some * * have held the scale of empire Then, * * with unwearied hand, * * * Seized the plow, and greatly independent lived. — Thomson. *HE county of Independence was organized in accord- ance with the provisions of an act of the legislature of Arkansas Territory, ap- proved October, 20, 1820. As then organized it em- braced much territory which has since, from time to time, been cut off and included in other counties as they were formed. Originally it composed a part of Lawrence .SV) County. i \-f^ 1'^^ town of Batesville having ^r^ been established prior to the organ- ">«r_. ization of the county, and being centrally located, as well as enjoy- ing the advantages of a navigable river, was chosen as the seat of justice, and as such still continues. The first coui-t-house, a brick structure, was erected in 1821 , close to the bank of White River, and above the mouth of the bayou, on the public square, as shown by the town plat. The present court-house, which stands on block 15, at the comer of Broad and Main Streets, was erected in 1857 by Messrs. J. H. Peel and J. E. Wamac, at a cost of $10,000. It is a plain two-story brick building, with six rooms on the first floor, and court-room, jury and witness-rooms on the second. It has a wooden tower containing a town clock. The Paul Jail Company, of St. Louis, Mo., is now repairing the two-story stone residence of the jailer, and complet ing a new jail attached, for the contract price of $7,500. It stands on the opposite side of the same block on which the court-house is located, the jail proper having seven cells for prisoners. The county has a poor farm and asylum for the use of the paupers. It is six miles northeast of Batesville, and has good buildings, and about fifty acres under cultivation. The county furnishes food and clothing for the indigent, the superintend- ent caring for them for the use of the farm. f \ Aj f)22 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 1832-36 1838-44 1848-54 1856-58 1862-64 1866-68 1872-74 1836-42 1847-52 18r6-60 1862-64 1866-68 1872-74 1876-82 The following is a list of names of county officers of Independence County from its organiza- tion, with date of their terms of service: County judges: James Boswell, 1829-32; Richard Peel, 1832-40; D. W. Lowe, 1840-44; John Kyler, 1844-46; John Mannikin, 1846-48; D. W. Lowe, 1848-54; J. C. Brickey, 1854-56; N. Peed, 1856-64; H. Hogan, 1864-66; G. W. Shaw, 1866-68; H. Hogan, 1868-72; commission- ers, 1872-74; Henry Neill, 1874-76; W. M. Steel, 1876-78; S. A. Hail, 1878-80; W. M. Steel, 1880-82; R. H. Griffin, 1882-80; A. J. Craig, pres- ent incumbent, first elected in 1886. Clerks: R. Searcy, 1820-21: T. Curran, 1821-27; J. Redmond, 1827-32; C. H. Pelham, William Moore, 1836-38; C. H. Pelham, D. W. Lowe, 1844-48; W. R. Miller, R. R. Kellogg, 1854-56; Henry Powell, J. A. Price, 1858-62; M. A. Wycough, R. Harpham, 1864-06; Robert Neill, R. Harpham, 1868-72; W. H. Berry, E. M. Dickinson, 1874-86; M. A. Wy- cough, present incumbent, first elected in 1886. Sheriffs: Charles Kelly, 1820-32; J. Egner, 1832-35; J. H. Egner, 1835-36; H. A. Engles, W. L. McGuire, 1842-47; A. Alexander, U. E. Foot, 1852-56; G. W. Daugherty, John Bailey, 1800-62; Dan James, John Palmer, 1864-06; F. D. Denton, J. J. Palmer, 1868-72; J. W. Kennedy, John Bailey, 1874-76; R. R. Case, R. M. Desha, 1882-86; McCurdy Hail, present incumbent, first elected in 1886. Treasurers: J. H. Egner, 1836-40; S. B. Wy- cough, 1840-50; B. Lee, 1850-54; G. W. Dough- erty, 1854-56; Thomas Womack, 1856-58; R. Harpham, 1858-60; T. Chaplain, 1860-64; Frank- lin Perrin, 1866-68; J. Van Emberg, 1868-72; J. H. Foster, 1872-74; B. F. Howard, 1874-80; R. H. Lee, 1880-86; J. A. Hinkle, 1886-88; L. C. Lindsay, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Coroners: John Reed, 1820-21; John Bean, 1821-23; J. L. Daniels, 1823-27; John Ruddell, 1827-29; A. Cresswell, 1829-30; Robert Bruce, 1830-32; J. Carroll, 1832-35; J. Merri weather, 1835-36; C. McArthul, 1836-38; H. W. Bandy, 1838-40; W. W. Baltimore. 1840-42; George Case, 1842-48; William O" Conner, 1848-52: Mar- tin Cason, 1852-54; G. M. Miniken (or Minni- kin), 1854-56; William O'Conner, 1856-58; H. Blevins, 1858-60; J. Thomas, 1860-62; J. Bethel, 1862-64; S. J. McGuffin, 1866-68; Charles Caw, 1868-72; W. R. Joplin, 1872-78; C. B. Grig.sby, 1878-80; C. D. McCormack, 1880-S2; K. E. Law- rence, 1882-84; Kent Lawrence, 1884-86; W. S. McGuire, 1886-88; J. L. Ellis, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Surveyors: C. H. Pelham, 1827-30; J. Trim- ble, 1830-35; E. Frazier, 1835-40; Samuel Wel- din, 1840^2; A. Bowman, 1842-44; A. Manning, 1844-46; George Gill, 1846-48; T. S. Carter, 1848-52; J. Ireland, 1852-56; E. D. Rushing, 1856-58; C. P. Head, 1858-60; Robert Neill, 1860-62; Z. D. Bozart, 1862-64; James Grisham, 1864-66; J. S. Carter, 1866-68; J. S. Smith, 1868-72; J. M. C. Southard, 1872-76; W. A. Hill, 1876-78; J. M. C. Southard, 1878-82; John Hindman, 1882-88; G. M. Thompson, present in- cumbent, elected in 1888. Assessors: W. H. Grigsby, 1862-64; E. D. Rushing, 1864-66; R. H. Lee, 1866-68; T. A. Baxter, 1868-72; E. C. Patchell, 1872-74; D. R. Ford, 1874-76: William Taylor, 1876-82; T. B. Padgett, 1882-84; Thomas Owens, 1884-86; C. H. Webb, 1886-88; Josiah Martin, present incum- bent, elected in 1888. Delegates in constitutional conventions: 1836, John Ringgold and Townseud Dickinson: 1861, M. S. Kennard, U. E. Fort and F. W. Desha; 1864, C. C. Bliss; 1868, Peter G. Misner and George W. Dale; 1874, J. W. Butler and J. Rutherford. Peyton Tucker represented Inde- pendence County in the council of the Second Territorial legislature, in 1821, and J. Ringgold represented Independence and Jackson Counties in the senate of the First State legislature; at the same time T. Dickinson representing Independence County in the house. The political aspect of the county may be in- ferred from the votes cast for the several candi- dates at the last State and Presidental elections, which were as follows: September election, 1888, A INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 623 for governor, James P. Eagle (Dom.), 2,012; C. M. Norwood (Com. Opp.), 2,051; for secretary of State, B. B. Chism (Dem.), 2,002; George W. Terry (Com. Opp.), 2,050; Presidential election, 1888, Cleveland (Dem.), 1,789; Harrison (Rep.), 324; Streeter(U. L.), 1,220; Fisk (Prohibition), 36. As the county was created October 20, 1820, it is most likely that the lirst session of court was held in the latter part of that year or early in the year following; but no record of any court appears on tile until the " ' Common Pleas ' ' court convened at Batesville on Monday, November lU, 1821, with Judges Richard Pee] and William Moore, presiding. This court assumed jurisdiction over all business, including county, probate and crim- inal affairs. So far as the record shows, this was the last term of the common pleas court. The same volume of records immediately following the last proceeding of the above shows that in Janu- ary, 1822, the Hon. Richard Searcy, judge of the First judicial district, appeared and produced his commission as such, and opened the first term of the circuit court at Batesville. A grand jury was then chosen, and sworn to perform their duties, and Thomas Dickinson was appointed prosecuting attorney for the term. This court had jurisdiction now over all kinds of business, and was the only court held until 1829, when the county court was created by the legislature. Judge Searcy presided over the circuit court until November, 1825, when he was succeeded by Judge James Woodson Bates. The first term of the county court began April 5, 1830. with James Boswell, judge presiding. The circuit court now belongs to the Third judicial district, composed of the counties of Jackson, Lawrence. Stone, Randolph, Independ- ence and Sharp, with Judge J. W. Butler, of Bates- ville, presiding, and J. L. Abernethy, of Evening Shatle. as prosecuting attorney. The sessions of this coui't are held in Independence County, commenc- ing on the first Monday of January and July of each year. The sessions of the county court begin on the first Mondays of January, April, July and October, and the probate court the first Mondays of Februarv. Mav. .\ugust and November. The legal bar of Independence County is com- posed of the following named attorneys: H. S. Coleman, J. C. Yancey, Robert Neill, W. A. Bev- ens, J. J. Barnwell, Ex. -Gov. Elisha Baxter, Sam- uel Peete, W. B. Padgett, Charles Bourne, J. C. Bone and W. B. Ruddell. Independence County has been comparatively free from the perpetration of the grosser crimes. Since the Civil War there has been only one exe- cution for the crime of murder committed here — the hanging of Jesse Kemp for the mui'der of Mar- ion Hulsey. He was tried on a change of venue and executed in Sharp County. Another person suffered capital punishment in the county for a murder committed elsewhere. French traders and trappers ascended White River long before the permanent settlement of the country traversed by it began. A party of these people encamped and hunted bear in the region now known as Oil Trough Bottom, in Independ- ence County. Here they slew many bear, from which they rendered the oil, filled their barrels and had a surplus left. This letter was put into wooden troughs and left in the camp, the intention probably being to return for it. However, no one called, and the oil spoiled in the troughs. Hence the name Oil Trough Bottom. These traders and hunters left many marks of their travels at various places up and down the river, which were plainly visible to the pioneer settlers. Not a few of the streams and other natural objects were named by the French and Spaniards. . The permanent settlement of this territory is believed to have commenced about the year 1810, or perhaps a little earlier. John Reed located at the site of Batesville in 1812. Samuel Miller, of Tennessee, came in 1813, and subsequently settled on the creek that bears his name in this county. Col. Robert Bean ran the first keel-boat up White River and established himself at the mouth of Polk Bayou (Batesville) in 1814. James Micham settled near the same place in the same year. In 1817, James Trimble and his family, including Jackson S. Trimble, who now lives at Sulphur Rock, and who was then a small child, came from Kentucky and chose a location five miles southwest of Bates- 6 "V A 624 HISTOKY OF ARKANSAS. ville. Col. Hartwell Boswell, John H. Einggold, John Redmond and Henry Engles all came from the same State to Batesville some time prior to 1820. The following named persons composed the first grand jury empaneled for the county in the circuit court, in January, 1822: George Teil, Byrd Candrey, James Akin, John Morgan, Henry Mor- ris, David Magness, John Cochran, William Sneed, George Trimble, Peter Taylor, William Matney, Benedict White, Joshua Minyard, Amos Friend, William Friend, Robert Bruce and Morgan Mag- ness. These, of course, were all prominent pioneer settlers. John Magness, father of Morgan Mag- ness, was also a pioneer of note. Space only per- mits the mention here of a few of the most prominent early residents, but two of whom, so far as known, are now living: James Mieham and Jackson S. Trimble. For other pioneers the reader is referred to the list of early county offi- cers and biographical sketches. Independence County, located in the north- eastern part of the State, is bounded north by Izard, Sharp and Lawrence Counties, east by Jack- son, south by Jackson and White, and west by Cleburne and Stone. It has an area of 700 square miles, a considerable portion of which remains un- improved. Its boundary lines are as follows: Beginning on the line dividing Townships 14 and 15 north, where Black River lastly crosses it in its downward course; thence west on the township line to the range line between Ranges 4 and 5 west; thence north to the corner between Sections 13 and 24, Township 15 north, Range 5 west; thence west on section lines to the southwest corner of Section 18, Township 15 north, Range 7 west; thence south 45° west seven and a half miles to White River; thence down White River to the mouth of Wolf Bayou; thence up Wolf Bayou to the line dividing Townships 12 and 13; thence east to the northeast corner of Town- ship 12 north, Range 8 west; thence south on the range line to the line dividing Townships 10 and 11 north; thence east on the township line to the line dividing Ranges 3 and 4 west; thence north on the range line to White River; thence down White River to the mouth of Black River; thence up Black River to the place of beginning. The surface of the county, in general, is quite broken and hilly, and in some places it might be considered mountainous. Along the streams there are beautiful valleys, and on the summits of the ridges between the streams many tracts of fair table lands are seen. A large proportion of the hilly lands are so completely covered with stone and bed rock as to render their cultivation impos- sible. The famous Oil Trough Bottom is a tract of very rich alluvial land, fifteen miles in length and about three miles in width, lying on the south- west side of White River, in the southeast part of the county. It is level, but not subject to over- flow, and is especially well adapted to the pro- duction of wheat and com. At its head is the Oil Trough Ridge, with a height of 152 feet. In this ridge is a black limestone capable of a superior polish. About five miles above Batesville a bold headland on the south side of White River, known as "Shields' Bluff," or White River Mountain, is a conspicuous object. This mountain is some 570 feet above the river, and is a noted land-mark in Arkansas as having been the point where the old Cherokee line commenced at White River, and ran southwest along the dividing ridge, of which it forms the terminating bluff on the river. From Miller's Creek to Batesville the hills are from 130 to 240 feet in height. Red shales, run- ning downward into brown and black shales, with calcareous septaria, occupy the base of the hills around Batesville; these shales are surmounted by 150 to 180 feet of sandstone. Between Bates- ville and the " Big Spring," there are high ridges elevated about 450 feet above White River, com- posed in their upper part of both compact and cellular chert; the latter partaking of the character of buhr-stone. The descent from these chert ridges to the "Big Spring" is some 260 feet. (State Geological Report). Building stone of excellent quality exists in unlimited quantity in Independ- ence County, and in the cavernous limestone re- gions, hundreds of caves, from small to great dimensions, are numerous. White River, the largest stream in the countv. INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 625 passes through it in a direction a little south of east, leaving the larger portion of the area to the north. The creeks that flow into this river from the south are Wolf Bayou, which forms a portion of the western boundary of the county. Green - briar, Salido and Goodie; and those flowing into it fi'om the north are Lafferty, Spring Creek, Polk Bayou and Big Creek. South Big, Elbow, Fourteen Mile, Ten Mile and Departeo Creeks drain the extreme southern part, flowing southward. Cura and Dota Creeks, in the north- eastern portion of the county, flow into Black River, where the latter forms a portion of the east- ern boundary line. With the streams here named, and their various tributaries, the locality is well drained. Many springs abound, the most noted of which is Big Spring, about six miles northwest of Batesville. Here a volume of the clearest water rises from a cavernous passage at the foot of an amphitheatre of hills of cherty, siliceous lime- stone, sufiicient in quantity to turn a small grist- mill, which stands a short distance below. This spring is quite a noted locality in Independence County. Good well water can be obtained at vari- ous places at a moderate depth, while cisterns are generally in use. From the several sources named an abundant supply of water is obtained for all purposes. White and Black Rivers are both nav- igable to points above this vicinity. The former may be traversed by the large steamers that ply the lower waters, as far up as Batesville, and by small vessels, to Leadville in Missouri. The latter is navigable for boats of medium size as far as Poca- hontas, in Randolph County, and for smaller ves- sels to points at a greater distance above. Independence is in the mineral belt of this part of the State. The ores found are oxides of iron and manganese, galena and occasionally copper pyrites. The richest beds of manganese are located in the vicinity of Lafferty Creek and the town of Cushman, to which latter place the railroad has been extended from Batesville, on Jiccount of the rich mineral deposits thereabouts. Lead has been mined to some extent on Cura Creek, in the northeast part of the county. Throughout this mineral belt mangfanese ore is found in different de- grees of purity, from that which is worthless, up to the best, which is very rich and remarkably free from phosphoms and silica. It is usually detected between a top covering of burnt flint and limestone at various depths beneath. The principal mines now worked are the Southern Mine and the Turner Mines, both in Stubbs Township. The Keystone Iron & Manganese Company, of Johnstown, Pa., one of William Carnegie's companies, own the for mer and control the latter. They have a very exten- sive plant of machinery at the Southern Mine, and generally keep about fifty men employed. The ore from this and the Turner Mines is of the finest de- scription. Considerable work is being done in other mines in the way of developing them. There are millions of tons of the better class of ore in this belt awaiting only the investment of the intelligent capitalist to reap a rich reward for his investment; but capital is necessary.* The timber growth of Oil Trough Bottom is pin oak, red oak, water oak, elm, pecan, black wal- nut, sweet gum, hackberry and buckeye, with an un- dergrowth of large pawpaw, grape vines, spice- wood, etc. The bottom lands, though of limited extent, in the northwest part of the county sup- port a growth of black walnut, Spanish oak, ash, and over-cup oak, with an undergrowth of spice and large grape-vines, A similar growth of tim- ber is found in the valleys throughout the county. Much of the upland is covered with black and white oak, hickory and dogwood, and the princi- pal growth on the cherty limestone land consists of black-jack, sassafras and persimmon. A large proportion of the more broken lands still belong to the United States, and are sulijoct to homestead entry. The State also owns consid- erable, which can be procured very cheap. The St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad Com- pany have a large amount of laud within the coun- ty, and the balance belongs to individuals. The soil of the Oil Trough Bottom is unsurpassed in fer- tility. It is dark colored and of a clayey coasis tency, having a depth of from five to six feet. It yields from a bale to a bale and a half of cotton, fifty to one hundred bushels of corn, and from •From the Batesville Guard of October 26, 1888. s \ A ® k^ 026 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. twenty to forty bushels of wheat per acre. The soil of the other bottom lands are generally com- posed of alluvial deposits, and are very rich and productive, while that of the uplands is, as a rule, light and sandy. Much of the upland will not pro- duce more than from five to ten bushels of wheat, and from ten to twenty bushels of corn, and from one-half to three-fourths of a bale of cotton per acre. All kinds of fi-uit trees flourish and do well when cultivated, even where scarcely any thiug else can be grown. A State Geological Report pulilished before the late Civil War, speaks of the soil in general as follows: "A considerable diversity of soil is to be found in Independence County, corresponding to changes in the underlying geological formations. Though the surface is considerably broken, still there are extensive areas of table land underlaid by cherty subcarbonifer- ous limestones. These soils are rich, and being based on red clay, are retentive and durable; they are similar in composition to the land in the bar- rens of Kentucky. There are, also, extensive tracts of bottom land, bordering on the numerous small streams which water this county, that are well adapted for cultivation." Much of the timber of the county has been cut into logs and rafted down White River to dis- tant market points, while some has been sawed into lumber and shipped away by rail; an abundant supply, however, remains for domestic purposes, and wood for fuel seems almost inexhaustible. Thus far the county's chief sources of income have been the growing of cotton and corn and the rais- ing of live stock. It is believed, however, that ere long the mineral products will become equally profitable. When thousands of men are employed to dig the ores from the earth, and other thousands are engaged in manufacturing the products at or near home, and home markets are established for the surplus farm yield, greater prosperity must reign ! In 1880 the United States census showed that Independence had 2,405 farms and 84, 766 acres of improved land. From these the vegetable pro- ductions for the year 1879 were asfolloction with the stronger churches. I'pon the whole the community is well supplied with church- es and schools. Batesville, the county seat, is situated on the north side of White River, at the mouth of Polk Bayou. In 1812, one John Reed, from Missouri, cut down the first tree on the site where it now stands, and erected a small store house, and with a supply of notions and whisky traded with the Indians, trappers and hunters. His example was followed during the next five years by C. Kelly. Robert Bean, Boswell, Ringgold and Hedmoud. The town was named after Judge James Woodson Bates, the first delegate to Congress from Arkan- sas Territory. The principal trade of the place during its early existence was that of supplying the settlers with groceries and provisions, for which hides and furs from the then numerous wild animals were taken in exchange. At that period the only means of intercourse with the older States was by keel-boats, and the trade was principally with New Orleans. But as time passed on and the country improved, Batesville became, as it now is, a beautiful and substantial city of nearly, if not quite, 3,000 inhabitants. It is attractively located on a jjlane inclining from the north toward White River, and on both sides of Polk Bayou— the busi- ness portion being mostly east of the latter stream. The business part of the town begins at Chest nut Street and extends up Main Street on both sides for about five blocks. In this vicinity, ex- tending out also on the cross streets, are nineteen substantial buildings of sandstone, this stone hav- A 628 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ing been procured near by. These nineteen build- ings embrace the Arlington Hotel, the cotton ware- house and twenty stores. There are seven brick buildings (all two stories except one), containing fourteen stores. Two buildings are covered with corrugated iron, and many others are made of wood. Many fine brick, stone and frame resi- dences are also found. The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and the Baptists have each a large and commodious stone church edifice; the Presby- terians have a fine brick, and the Episcopalians a neat frame building. The colored people have three church houses. The public school-house is a large two-story brick, with a onestory stone building attached. The Arkansas College, a sub- stantial brick structure of two stories, occupies a commanding position in the eastern part of town. There are also numerous other fine buildings and manufacturing establishments here, indicating thrift and energy above most places. Batesville contains two banks, fourteen general stores, eleven groceries, two book and notion stores, three hardware stores, three drug stores, one dry goods and clothing store, two millinery, one fur- niture and two jewelry stores, two auction houses, one music and sewing machine store, a merchant tailor, two harness stores, three meat markets and a bakery; also a full complement of mechanics and their shops; the town is also supplied with two public halls, two large and commodious hotels — the Arlington and the McDowell House — and sev- eral smaller ones, a numl)er of restaurants, two livery stables, a telephone exchange, connecting the town with Jamestown, Melbourne, Barren Fork, Cushman, Sulphur Rock, the Oil Trough district and Newport, a Pacific Express office, the Batesville Iron Works, a steam plaiiing-mill and sash and door factory, two steam saw mills, two flouring-mills, a wool carding-mill, a cotton-gin, a large canning and evaporating factory, a neat rail- road depot, a well arranged post office, an abstract office, etc. The professions are also supplied. The various prominent secret societies are well represented. The trade of the place is extensive. Several of the leading stores do a large wholesale business, supplying the country merchants and merchants of many smaller towns with goods. During the cotton season of 1887-88 over 20,000 bales of cotton were shipped from this point, 12,000 of which belonged to the trade proper of Batesville, and the number of car loads of other commodities shipped away were as follows: Cedar, 824; railroad ties, 89; manganese ore, 152; zinc ore, 2; stone (dressed), 127; lime, 16; general merchandise, 171; cotton, 1,013; cot- ton seed, 32; total, 2,426. About a mile from the court-house is the fair gi-ound of the Inde- pendence County Agricultural and Mechanical Fair Association, being an enclosure of twenty acres, containing a good race track, a grand stand and an agricultui'al hall. Very near the fair ground is Oaklawn Cemetery, owned by the cor- poration of Batesville. The town is incorporated, and has a full set of corporate officers and five aldermen. The present mayor is the Hon. J. C. Yancy. As a prosperous, growing and beautiful little city, and one whose cleanliness is proverbial, Batesville certainly compares most favorably with any in Northeast Arkansas. This is a terminal point in the navigation of White River. It is the head of navigation for the large steamers that ply the lower waters, and the foot for the smaller up-river crafts. A powerful steam elevator belonging to the railroad company transfers the freight between the railway and the boats. * The place also contains two weekly news- papers, the Batesville Guard, a Democratic paper of general news, now in its thirteenth volume, edited and published by M. Y. Todisman, and the Wheel, in its third volume, edited and published by Messrs. Martin and Bradley, deaf-mutes. The latter advocates the cause of the order known as the ' ' Wheel, ' ' an organization professedly opposed to tyranny and monopoly. Both of these papers are ably conducted, and have proven a prominent factor in the influence exerted toward the advance- ment of the community. Cushman, situated at the present terminus of * For the history of Batesville acknowledgments are made to the Batesville Guard. ^ liL^ INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. r)29 the railroad, nine miles northwest of Batesville, contains three general stores, three groceries, a blacksmith and wood shop, a postoffice, several dwellings, etc. Though only three years old, its growth has been steady. Jamestown, on the Batesville and Clinton road, seven miles south of Batesville, contains four gen- eral stores, a postoffice, a blacksmith and wood shop, three school-houses, a public school building, a grist-mill and cotton-gin, and about 200 inhabi- tants. Newark is on the railroad, in the ea.stern part of the county, and has a depot, post-office, four gen- eral stores, a drug store, two saloons, a still house, a saw and grist-mill and cotton-gin, a church edi- fice, a school house, and about 300 people. Pleasant Plains, on the Batesville and Little Eock road, about twenty miles south of the former place, is comprised of three general stores, a blacksmith and wood shop, postoffice, academy, a church bouse, and about 200 inhabitants. Sulphur Kock, on the railroad, eight miles east of Batesville, is a substantial old village, contain- ing a postoffice, eight general stores, three drug stores, two groceries, pottery works, several me- chanics' shops, a hotel, livery stable, two churches, two school-houses — academy and free school, lodges of several secret societies, and a complement of professional men. The town is incorporated and does a large amount of business. Its popula- tion is about 500. The educational facilities of Independence County are best shown by the following statistics, from the report of the State superintendent of public instruction, for the year ending Jime 30, 18S8: Scholastic population, white, males, 3,599; females, 3,2(58; total, 0,867; colored, males, 289; females, 276; total, 564; total white and colored, 7,432. Number of pupils taught in the public schools, white, 3,682; colored, 337; total, 4,019; number of school districts, 81; number of teachers employed, males, 76; females, 12, or a total of 88. Average monthly salaries paid teachers of first grade, males, .|45.00; females, $40.00; in second grade, males. $37.50; females, $30.00; third grade, males, $32.50, females, $25.00. There was expended for the support of the i)ublie schools during the year, $21,202.15 for teacher:,' salaries; $521.84 for treasurer's commissions, and $1,504.89 for other purposes; total $23,228.88. The num- ber of districts voting tax was 32. According to these official statistics, about 72 per cent of the white and about 60 per cent of the colored scholastic population were taught in the public schools during the year. It is believed, however, that the statistics do not give the* whole number of pupils who received instruction in the schools. The free school system is gaining popular favor and becoming more and more efficient. The Arkansas College, located at Batesville, is a noted institution of learning, under the man- agement of the Presbyterian denomination. It was founded in 1872, and has long been an established success. Then, as now. Rev. I. J. Long was president of the faculty. There are four courses of study: Primary, common school, bachelor of science, and the classical, mathematical and scientific. The college buildings consist of a large two- story brick and a large one-story stone house. They are pleasantly located in the eastern part of the city. The school is well patronized both at home and from abroad. There has always been in Independence County a strong sentiment of loyalty to the general gov- ernment. Out of about 1,800 votes cast in the county for delegates to the State convention before the first guns were fired in the Civil War, only about 300 were given to the candidates favoring secession. As soon, however, as the ' ' dogs of war" were let loose, the loyal sentiment was sup- pressed and the secession element became pi'edomi- nant. Many Union men refugeed to the North, and many others were pressed into the Confederate service. Companies for the Confederate army began to be organized in the spring of 1861, and before the struggle was over the county had fur nished about fifteen companies for that army. These were commanded respectively by Capts. \V. E. Gibbs, John H. Dye, George W. Rutherford, J. AV. Cullins, S. C. Jones, S. Carson, J. S. Tracy, W. S. Smalley, T. J. Morgan, N. Floyd, E. Bride- well, S. J. McGuffin, James McCauley and others. \ 630 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Tlie most of these companies served in the Seventh and Eighth Arkansas Confederate regiments. On the 3rd of May. 1862, Gen. Curtis, of the Federal army, arrived at and established his headquarters at Batesville, and sent portions of his army to occup}' other points in this part of the State. Immediately afterward a battalion of six com- panies, commanded respectively by Capts. Turney, H. V. Gray, Davis and others, was organized at Batesville under the charge of Col. Eli.sha Baxter, for the Federal army. After marching this bat- talion to Helena. Col. Baxter, who declined fur- ther to command it, turned it over to Lieut. -Col. Bundy, of Chicago, who assumed command. This battalion was raised principally in Independence County. In the fall of 1803, Col. Baxter recruited and organized another battalion of six companies at Batesville, known as. the Fourth Arkansas Mounted Infantry, or " Steele Guards," the latter name being in honor of Gen. Steele. The nucleus of this battalion was the company of Capt. Will- iam P. Berry. This command was also raised mostly in Independence County. It served about a year for the Union cause, and was disbanded without having been mustered into the United States service. A number of loyal men joined Col. Phelps' Missouri and other Federal regiments. By the best authority it is estimated that from first to last about 1,000 men of the county served in the Union army. Gen. Curtis remained with his army at Bates- ville until nearly July 1, 1862. This place was re- occupied about the 1st of January, 1804, by a Federal force i;nder Col. Livingston, who held it for several months, and at the close of the war, and for some time after, it was garrisoned by Federal troops. In January or February, 1864, while Col. Livingston commanded the post of Batesville, he sent a forage train into the country under an escort of about ISO soldiers. This force was attacked, a few miles out, by a Confederate force under Capt. George Rutherford. The escort was defeated, with some loss in killed and wounded, the forage train was captured and some forty-odd wagons were burned, and the mules taken away by the Confederates. This was known as the ' ' Waugh Fight,'" and was the only engagement in the coun ty between the contending parties worthy of men- tion. The county was over run by both armies, the results of which were somewhat felt b)' private cit- izens. Independence County is undoubtedly in the center of a community rich in everything that tends to contribute to the happiness and welfare of man. Liberally supplied by nature with unsur- passed advantages of soil, climate and location, it needs no argument to convince the most skeptical of its desirability as a place of residence. Time will demonstrate the wonderful resources here awaiting development. William R. Albright was born in North Caro- lina on the 16th of November, 1841), and is a son of Alvis and Mary (Stockard) Albright, both of whom were born in North Carolina, also, and were there reared, educated and married. Five sons and five daughters blessed their union: Samuel, George A., Alson G., Peggie, Nancy A., Julia E. , William R. , Franklin P., Mary Jane and Harriet E. Alvis Albright was a Mason, and he and wife were mem- bers of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, in which faith he died, on March 3, 1881. Hi.s widow still survives him, and finds a pleasant home among her children, but the most of her time is sjient in Izard County, with one of her childi-en. William R. Albright acquired a good practical education in Independence County, and was mar- ried on the 22d of February, 1877, to Miss Mary Ann Meacham, who was also born, March 2, 1855, in this State and county. Their family numbers four children, three sons and one daughter; Alvis E. and William F. (twin sons, born June 22, 1880), Oscar A. and Cora L. Mr. Albright owns a farm of 300 acres, and is careful and painstaking in the cultivation of his land, and is very thorough in everything connected with its managememt. One hundred acres he devotes to the raising of the different cereals. He has been secretary and con- ductor, holding also other offices in the order of the I. O. O. F., of which organization he is a member, and he and Mrs. Albright have been ^' members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, for some time?. William Allen, farmer and stock i-aiser, Cord, Ark. The sulijoct of this sketch is so well known that an introduction to the public seems unnecessary. Mr. Allen is a native Tennesseean, born in Wilson County, on the 24th of November, 1815. and is the son of George and Sallie (Johnson) Allen, na- tives, respectively, of South Carolina and North Carolina, the former born on the 2d of August, 1781, and died in Juno, 1807, and the latter born on the 23d of June, 1780, and died in 1851. They wore married in Wilson County, Tenn., in 1805, and in ISIS he, with his family and nine other families, took a keel-boat and sailed, on the Cum- l)erland River, for the Red River country. On their arrival at Chickasaw Bluffs (now Memj)his), they were informed that the commissioners were negotiating for the Northwest Territory; and as the treaty was successfully completed, and the Terri- tory included the portion of countiy they were then in, they settled there, two miles east of the present site of the town of Memphis. They remained in the western part of Tennessee for six years, en- gaged in farming and hunting, and bought a herd of wild cattle, which they had great difficulty in managing. Some stories connected with their wild woods experiences were very exciting and interest- ing. Seeing that the rapid settlement of the coun- try was dispersing the game, Mr. Allen removed with his family to Independence County, Ark., settled in Oil Trough Bottom, which was then a dense and pathless canebrake, abounding in wild animals, and after remaining there a few months, came to Bayou Curie Creek, and bought a small farm, where he passed his last days. He was an old line Whig, and was under Gen. Jackson in the War of 1812. His father was a Revolutionary soldier. He was a great lover of hunting, and followed this ])ursuit as long as he lived, killing a deer only a few months before his death. He died at the age of seventy-seven, and his wife at the age of seventy-live, both members of the society of the Latter Day Saints. William Allen was reared to farm life, and received a limited educa- tion in the common schools of Arkansas. He was but fourteen or fifteen years of ago when he came with his parents to this State, and was well schooled in the woodcraft of those pioneer days. He was reared principally on liear and deer meat. H(> as- sisted his father in clearing land, and in other farm- work, until seventeen years of age, when he hired to a man at Batcwville, to assist a gang of men in clearing 300 acres of the heavy bottom land opposite Memphis. Here he worked for three months at $ 1 2 per month (his first earned money), and then re- turned to his home in Arkansas. He then engaged in farming, raised a crop, and hired out the same year to William Strong for $20 per month. Strong was a Government contractor, and young Allen worked on the Memphis & Little Rock Railroad, known then as the St. Louis & Little Rock road. In 1837 Mr. Allen secured emj)loyment as fire- man on a steamboat, and later assisted in the build- ing of a house in Batesville. During the winter of 1838 he worked in Oil Trough Bottom, gather- ing com, and in 1839 he made a crop on the same farm. On the 26th of Jaiuiary. 1840, li» wedded Miss Sarah Speers, a native of Lauderdale Coun- ty, Ala. , and the same year made a crop in Law - rence County. Also, the same year, he moved to In- dependence County, andon the 23dof March, 1841, settled on the place where he now lives. W'hen he first came there, there were a small log cabiti on it, and 800 rails split. He at once began clearing land, and erected suitable buildings, erecting the house in which he now lives in 1843. During that year and the two following he ran rafts of cypress logs to New Orleans, and on his retui-n from that city, in 1849, he bought a land warrant for $125 from a Mexican soldier (James Bullard), and laid the same on the 160 acres of land where he lived, thus securing title to the same. Since that time he has added to his farm, until he has now 480 acres, with 200 acres cleared. He has on this farm three tenant houses. To his fir.st marriage were born seven children, only one now living, William T., who was bora December 30, 1863, is married, and is one of the prosperous farmers of Independence County. Of the deceased, all of whom were daughters: Two died in infancy; Mrs. Nancy J. Lawrence was born on the lOth of Febru- A^ 632 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. ary, 1841, and died in September, 1866; Mrs. Polly A. Young, was born October 20, 1846, and died in September, I860; Mr.s. Julia Y'oung, was born on the 8th of April, 18-49, and died on the 6tb of March, 1881, and Mrs. Sarah E. Lambert, born March 23, 1851, and died on the 11th of Novem- ber, 1874. The mother of these ehildi-en, Mrs. Sarah (Speers) Allen, died on the 13th of Novem- ber, 1875, and was a woman loved and esteemed by all who knew her. On the 25th of December, 1876, Mr. Allen mat-ried Mrs. Abbie Ann (Mc- Dougall) Smart, relict of William P. Smart, a farmer of Tennessee. She is the daughter of Rob- ert and Amanda (May) McDougall, the latter still living and making her home with her daughter (Mrs. Allen). She is now eighty-seven years of age. Mrs. (Smart) Allen has four children : Rufus, living in Oregon; Abbie A. is the wife of Andrew Parr, farmer of Black River Township; Amanda is the widow of Nelson N. Winkles, and Latie is the wife of William Winkles, and lives in Black River Township. Mr. Allen has given his attention to agricultural pursuits all his life, and has been successful. He votes with the Republican party, but does not take an active part in politics. His first presidential vote was cast for William H. Harrison, and his last for Benjamin Harrison. He gives an amusing accoimt of the former campaign, of the log-cabin, cider di'inking, cheering, etc. During the late war he remained at home, never entering the service, but was in sympathy with the Union. He has never aspired to office, though frequently solicited by his fi'iends to do so; has never submitted, but has served his full share on i the grand jury. He is a member of Bayou Dota Lodge No. 126, A. F. & A. M. Mrs. Allen is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Dr. Sterling W. Allen. The name of Allen is one of the most influential in Floral, and one of the most respected in this community. Dr. Al- len is a native of Wilson County, Tenu. , born Feb- | ruary 13, 1822, and received his education in pri- vate schools. He then began the study of medicine, graduated from Memphis (Tenn. ) Medical College, in 1848, and began practicing the same year. He married Miss Melissa Carter, of South Carolina, born in the year 1825. and the fruits of this union were three living childi-en — Sarah Jane, Mary W. and Martha L. Dr. Allen was in the late war as a surgeon under Gen. McRhea, and participated in the battles of Ironton, Pilot Knob and West Port. Aside from his profession, he is also engaged in agricultural pursuits, and is the owner of 1,260 acres of land. In politics his principles coincide with those of the Democratic party. He and Mrs. Allen are members of the Methodist Church, and are held in high esteem by all acquainted with them. The Doctor is a genial, generous gentle- man, and is liberal and progressive in his ideas. His parents, John and Sarah (Craig) Allen, were both natives of South Carolina, but later in life they moved to Fayette County, Tenn. , where they passed the remainder of their days. To their mar- riage were boru twelve children, the Doctor being the only survivor. The grandparents were from the Emerald Isle. Dr. John Farrell Allen, a retired physician of great prominence, now residing in Batesville, was born in New Madrid County, Mo., March 29, 1824. He is a son of Samuel W. and Cecelia (LeSieur) Allen, his father a native of Alexandria, Va. , and his mother a native of Missouri. The maternal grandfather was a French Canadian, whose ances- tors came originally from France to Canada, and from there he moved to the State of Missouri, about the beginning of the eighteenth century, residing in that State until the time of his death. The paternal grandfather, Salathiel, was a Virginian bj- birth, and a sea captain who was lost at sea from his own vessel, together with a cousin, John Farrell, for whom our subject was named. Samuel W. Allen, the father of Dr. John F., died in 1863, followed by the mother in 1868. They were among the early settlers of Southeast Missouri, and were married in 1823, having but one child, a son. An inci- dent worth noting is that for four generations only one son has been born to each family. The Doctor was reared in New Madrid County, and received his degree of A. B. in Perry County, at a Roman Catholic college. At the age of twenty years he began the study of medicine, spending two years under a private instructor, Dr. John Kirkwood. .u INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 638 I He then entered the University of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, Penn. , and graduated in the spring of 1S47. From there he came to Batosville, where he remained but a short time, when he moved to New Orleans. He stopped here only a few months, however, and iu 1848 returned to Batesville and began to practice his profession, making this place his j)ermanent home. The Doctor's skill soon re- ceived a widespread reputation, as he was (>arnest in his profession, and made it his study and l)usi- ness. His practice was at one time proliably the largest in Northern Arkansas, but within the last few years he has retired from the practice of his pi'ofession. He has accumulated considerable real estate, and owns several good farms, which are cared for by tenants. The Doctor has the credit of having given the Arkansas College, located at Batesville, its name, and is a trustee of that excel lent institution of learning. He is one of the pioneer physicians who could append M. D. to his name, and became one of the most po|)nlar in Independence County, and the number of his friends are many. Dr. Allen was married. April 25, 1849, to Miss Mary E. Agnew, of Pennsylva- nia, a daughter of Dr. James Agnew, of Pitts- burg, who graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1800, twenty-four years before the subject of this sketch was born. She is a sister of Chief Justice Agnew, of Pennsylvania. The Ag- new family are lineal descendants of the Howells, Mrs. Allen's grandfather, Richard Howell, being governor of New Jersey for many consecutive years, and she is also a tirst cousin of the wife of the Confederate leader, JefF. Davis. Mrs. Davis is a Howell. Dr. and Mrs. Allen are the parents of four daughters and one son, only two of whom now survive the mother. Those yet living are Sarah (Mrs. Theodora Maxtield), Samuel W. and Mary. The latter and the Doctor are members of the Presbyterian Church, and he takes great interest in religious matters, as in educational affairs also, at Arkansas College, and has done a great deal for the advancement of school interests in Independ- ence County. He has been identified with Bates- ville for forty-three years, as one of its leading spirits, and has the reputation of a skillful physi- cian, and, as far as he himself is concerned, has never been upon a bed of sickness, though now in his sixty-sixth year. Active and earnest in all he undertakes, he says, jociilarly, he could never find time to be sick. At heart, however, he attributes to God all his blessings, good health being one of the many. Andrew Allen, one of the most extensive jilant- ers and land-owners of Independence County, resides in Greenbriar Township. He was born at Arkansas Post January 4, 1827, and when but six weeks old was taken l)y his parents to Independ- ence County, which county has ever since been his home. Abraham and Sebella Allen, parents of Andrew, settled six miles east of Batesville, after- ward removing to a point south of the river, where the father died, May 22. 1873: he was a farmer and blacksmith, and at the time of his death was one of the most wealthj' men in the county. Abra- ham Allen was born in Orange County, N. C, where he was reared and married; he afterward lived some time in Tennessee before his removal to Arkansas, in 1827. He was of Irish-English descent, served in one of the Indian wars, and was 'well known and respected. His father, Samuel Allen, was one of the pioneers of Independence County, where he lived a number of years, but spent the latter part of his life in Texas. The maternal grandfather of our subject was Andrew Allen, brother of Samuel, and he was also an early settler of Independence County, where he and wife died, leaving several sons and daughters. The mother of our subject died when he was young, and the father married again. Andrew received a limited common-school education, and at the age of twenty-one years engaged in farming for him- self. In 1861 he enlisted in Company D, Eighth Arkansas Infantry, and did service in Kentucky and Tennessee until after the battle of Shiloh, when the army was re-organized at Corinth, Miss. , and he was discharged. He later joined Gen. Price's army, and was with him on the raid in Missouri and Arkansas. In 1867 Mr. Allen mar ried Emily P., daughter of Madison C. and I^Iary. E. Snapp, natives, respectively, of Virginia and East Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Snapp were mar- 4- — ^ -^u Tied in Tennessee, and soon after moved to Arkan- sas, thence to Polk County, Mo. , where Mrs. Allen was born. Mrs. Snapp died in 1871, and Mr. Snapp, in Missouri, in February, 1889; he was a farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Allen have one son, Robert Lee. Mr. Allen has resided on his pres- ent farm since the war. He owns about 1,800 acres of land, 1,500 of which are fine bottom land; he inherited a large amount from his father, but has enlarged his property by his own efforts, and is one of the most successful and enterprising farmers in the cbunty. He devotes some attention to good cattle-breeding, and takes great interest in stock raising. Mr. Allen's residence is four miles southeast of Batesville. Politically, he is a Dem- ocrat. William A. Allen, an extensive and highly-re- spected farmer of Batesville, was born in 1842, within eight miles of that place. His parents were Abraham and Isabella Allen, of North Caro- lina, who, on their journey to the West, first settled in Tennessee, and then in the State of Arkansas. They moved to Independence County in 1827, and located within six miles of Batesville, and after- ward to a point south of the river, where the father ilied, in 1873, over eighty years of age. He left a fortune of 120,000, and considerable landed estate at the time of his death, and had been oue of the most successful farmers of that period. He was upright and honest in all his dealings with man- kind, and his name was one that commanded re- spect in every grade of society. William A. Allen was the youngest of the family, and re- mained with his parents until the latter days of the war between the North and South, when he en- listed in Company C, of Col. Dobbins' regiment, and fought for the Confederate cause. His ca- reer through the war was short, but brilliant, and though not on the victorious side, after the sur- render at Jacksonport, he still bore the honors of a brave soldier. In 1866 he was married to Miss Nancy A., daughter of Joel and Matilda McClen- don, of Mississippi. Mrs. MoClendon, the mother, died three years after her arrival in Independence County, and the father survived her for four years, leaviugf four sous and six daughters at the time of his death, of whom five are yet living. Mr. Allen and his wife have had their union blessed with sis children, although one of them has since died. The names of those living are Abraham, Andrew, George William, Ida and Emily. The family re- sided on the old farm south of the river until Feb- ruary, 1889, and then moved to Batesville, where Mr. Allen has a fine residence. He owns thi'ee tracts of laud comprising about 840 acres, and has some 300 acres under cultivation. Part of his land he inherited from his father, and his own good judgment and natural ability have added the rest. He is a Democrat in politics, and a strong upholder of the principles of that party, and is a member of Neill Lodge No. 285, A. F. & A. M. , of Jamestown. Mr. Allen also belongs to the I. O. Q. F., being a member of the Batesville Lodge. He is one of the leading farmers of Independence County, and a man whose opinion and advice are always received with the fullest confidence. Mrs. Allen is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and is well known for her generosity and the interest she takes in all matters pertaining to that church. John D. Aydelott. a successful farmer of Oil Trough, is the son of A. P. Aydelott and Martha J. Aydelott, who were the parents of twelve chil- dren, John D. being the fourth child. Five lived to be grown: M. J., J. D., A. W., S. E. and A. ' P. Aydelott, Jr. , who is also a successful farmer in i Oil Trough. A. P. Aydelott, Sr., was one of the oldest settlers of Oil Trough Bottom, comiuK to I Oil Trough in 1844, bringing the first stock of goods that was sold in Oil Trough. He bought 240 acres of land from Joe Egner, and cleared 200, and farmed and made stock raising a success. At the beginning of the Civil War Mr. A. P. Aydelott was opposed to the States seceding, but after they did he cast his lot with the Confederacy. In poli- tics before the war he was a Whig, but afterward a Democrat. A. P. Aydelott came to Arkansas from Tennessee in 1836, first settling in Little Rock, afterward Elizabeth, thence to Oil Trough, where he and his wife (whom he married in 1844), Martha J. Birdsong, also of Tennessee, lived hap- pily together until death claimed the father and ^'* '-^ INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 035 husband, October 16, 1880. His widow and the mother of our subject, followed August 26, 1884. They were buried in the family graveyard on the farm. They were both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. The five children living are all doing well. One girl, S. E., is an invalid, and lives with the youngest brother. ■John Bailey, farmer, Floral, Independence County, Ark. Tennessee has given to Independ- ence County many prominent citizens, but she has contributed none more universally respected or more worthy of esteem than the subject of this sketch. He was born in Smith County on the 12th of September, 1822, and is the son of Wiatt W. Bailey and Dolly (Tinsley) Bailey, both natives of Virginia, the father born in .Campbell County, and the mother in Amherst County. They moved to Smith County, Tenn. , in 1818, and here the father was elected sheriff of the county, in the spring of 1838, which office he held for six years. He died in that county in 1804, and the mother in 1871. The paternal grandparents, William and Sarah Bailey, were natives of Campbell County, Va. , and died at a good old age in Smith County, Tenn. John Bailey is now successfully following the occupation to which he was reared, and which has been his life work, a calling that has for ages received undivided efforts from many worthy indi- viduals, and one that always fiu-nishes sustenance to the ready worker. He came to Izard County, Ark., in 1853, resided there three years, and in 1856 came to Independence County, where he was elected sheriff in 1860. This position he held two years, during which time he was a resident of Batesville, removing to his present home in 1863. He is the owner of 2,000 acres of land, a part in Independence County, and some in different coun- ties of the State. He has about 150 acre* of this land under cultivation, with most of it in cotton and corn. Mr. Bailey was married to Charlotte B. Nail, of Tennessee, in 1844. She died four years later, leaving two children, Dorothea Ann and Charlotte Olive, the latter dying two months after its mother. For his second wife Mr. Bailey chose Miss Sarah E. Harper, a native of Smith County, Tenn., born December 1, 1834. To them were born ten children : William H. , Harriet E. , John B., Edward Everett, James Madison, Archi- bald D., Thomas Franklin, Mary Frances, Emily J. and Martha Ann. Mr. Bailey served during the late unpleasantness between the North and South, from July 17, 1864, until the surrender. He was at the battles of Big Creek, Pilot Knob, and in many minor engagements. He served under Col. Dobbins. In November, 18()4, he returned to his duties on the farm, which he continued until his election to the office of sheriff of Independence County, in 1874, which position he held for one term. He then returned to his farm. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, his first wife also being a mem- ber. He is a member of the Masonic lodge at Cedar Grove, also an Odd Fellow in good standing in Batesville Lodge. In politics he is a Democrat, and is also an enthusiastic supporter of all public enterprises. He is at present school director of District No. 40, Independence County. Peter K. Baker, farmer and stock raiser, Dota, Ark. The subject of this sketch needs no intro- duction to the people of Independence County, Ark., for he is one of the oldest and most esteemed citizens of the same, and one whose integrity and honesty of purpose are unquestioned. He was born in Middle Tennessee, on the 23d of February, 1819, and is the tenth of a family of eleven chil- dren born to John and Nancy (Carter) Baker, na- tives of North Carolina. The father was born about 1776, and could remember some incidents of the Revolution. He was a farmer, and followed this calling all his life. He was married, in his native State, to Miss Carter, who was born in 1789. and afterward they moved to Tennessee on a pack-horse, carrying two children. This was in 1807. They resided there about sixteen years, and then, in about 1823, moved to VVe.st Tenne.s- see, where they spent the remainder of their days, the father dying in 1842, and the mother in 1844. Both were Christians, the father a member of the Methodist Church, and the mother of the Baptist. Of the eleven children born to their marriage only two are now living — James G., a successful farmer, married, and living in Calloway i) X> J^': mci HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. County, Ky. , and Peter K., who represents this sketch. The latter passed his youthful days in assisting on the farm, and in attending the com- noon schools of Henry County, Tenn. At the age of eighteen years he began learning the cabinet- maker' s trade, and spent the succeeding five years engaged in this vocation. After this he worked at the carpenter and millwright trades, but conducted his farm all the time. In November, 1856, he sold his land in Tennessee, and came to Arkansas, where he purchased his present farm, then 1(50 acres, with thirty acres cleared, and with some very poor buildings on it. After this he bought and improved land until he had 530 acres. Since that time he has settled his two sons on farms of his own, but reserved for himself 240 acres as the home place. He has cleared over 200 acres of land, and has now on his home place 140 acres in a high state of cultivation. He has one of the best farms in Black River Township, if not in In- dependence County. Good buildings, fences and orchards adorn his property, and beautiful flowers make his home very attractive. Mr. Baker has been twice married; first, in November, 1842, while in West Tennessee, he led to the altar Miss Elizabeth Browning, a native of South Carolina. Five children were born to this union: Alonzo S. , born July 10, 1843, and died in the war, in 1863; Melissa L. was born on the 10th of March, 1844, and died on the 14th of September, 1869; Eras- mus F. was born on the 13th of December, 1846, is married and lives in the Lone Star State; Will- iam L. was born on the 13th of December, 1849, and died on the '10th of June, 1855; Angus C. was born on the 26th of January, 1853, is mar- ried, and lives on his own farm, adjoining his father's place; he is a prosperous farmer, and is also engaged in the profession of teaching. Mrs. Baker departed this life in September, 1878. She was a good wife, a fond and loving mother, and a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In November, 1879, Mr. Baker was again married, taking for his second wife Mrs. Nancy L. (Cleveland) Parks, widow of Ambrose Parks, a farmer of Indiana. No children were born to this union. Since his residence in Arkan- sas Mr. Baker has been principally engagbd in tilling the soil, although for five years after the late war he ran a steam gin and grist-mill on his farm. In 1871 he was severely injured by a fall from a wagon, and this prevented him from doing much work. After this he sold his milling interest, bought a stock of goods, and, in connection with his farm, carried on merchandising until 1877. He was also appointed postmaster. At the above- mentioned date he sold his store, but retained the postoffice until 1888. Since then he has given his attention exclusively to agricultural pursuits. In 1856 Mr. Baker was elected justice of the peace, and transacted the business incumbent upon that office in a creditable and satisfactory manner until 1862, when military authority usurped the reins of government, thus throwing civil officers out. In 1874 he was elected to the same office, and served two years. In 1880 he was re-elected for two years. Mr. Baker came to this settlement at a time when there were very few people in Black River Township, only 100 voters in the township, and only two stores in Batesville, but recently started, and one in Sulphur Rock. Jacksonport was the nearest market of any importance, and wild game was plentiful. Abundance of good water is on his farm, and mineral of some kind (likely iron) underlies a part of the timber portion. During the late war Mr. Baker remained at home unharmed, on account of his mechanical skill as a millwi-ight, and owing to his peaceable disposition; and in compliance with a petition signed by a large number of both parties, asking that he might remain at home. When the State considered the question of secession Mr. Baker voted that it remain in the Union, but, being defeated in this particular, and being left in the South, his sym pathies svere with the Confederacy. He main- tained his opinions, slept with unlocked doors and answered all calls from both armies in person. Notwithstanding, the devastating hand of war grasped all his personal property, and he was left at the terminus of the war as though just starting in life. He holds no prejudice against either party, but votes with the Democrats. He does not take an active part in politics. His first presi- ^1 '\ iyd^^cc4^ Mississippi Coumty, Arkansas i liL INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 637 dential vote was for James K. Polk. He was never a slave-owner. Mr. and Mrs. Baker are church members, he a Methodist, and she a Bap- tist, and the former a trustee of his church, also having filled the position of steward in the same for years. He is a Royal Arch Mason, and a member of Dota Lodge. Francis M. Baker, merchant, Desha, Inde- pendence County, Ark. Among the prosperous enterprises in Desha is that of Francis M. Baker, general merchant, of that beautiful and prosperous town. He owes his nativity to Independence County, Ark., where he was born on the 14th of October, 1842, and is the son of John Baker [see sketch elsewhere]. Francis M. Baker passed his youth in his native county, and received his edu- cation in the neighborhood schools. During the late conflict he was in several prominent battles, that of Perryville and Chickamauga, and in the latter serious battle was severely wounded. He selected for his life companion Miss D. A. Steward, of Independence County, and was united in mar- riage to her on the 18th day of January, 1871. They have an interesting family of nine children, Annie C, Augusta, John R. , Jennie, Marion, Delia, Ernest, Lulu and George. Mr. Baker is the owner of ninety acres of valuable land, but his principal occupation is merchandising. He is a Mason in good standing, being a member of Neill Lodge, Independence County, Ark., and has been a member of this organization for twen- ty-three years. He is a stanch Democrat, and has voted that ticket for the past twenty-tive years. He also takes a great interest in public affairs. David L. Baker, farmer and stock raiser, Jamestown, Ark. Still a young man, INIr. Baker has risen to a position in agricultural affairs in this county which many older in years and opportuni- ties might envy. He is a citizen whom Independ- ence County is proud to claim as one of her sons, having been born here November 0, 1851. He is of good old Tennessee stock, the son of John and Annie (Beeler) Baker, both of whom were born in that State. The parents came to Arkansas in 18^50, were among the very earliest settlers, and are still residing on their farm, in Independence County, respected and esteemed by all. There has been but one death, and that Ijy accident, on the father's place during the forty-nine years he has lived there. David L. Baker received a thorough education in the private schools of In- dependence County, and remained under the pa- rental roof until his marriage, which occurred in Independence County, on the 22d of September, 1874, to Miss Annie J. Pate. Three children are the fruits of this union: John Henry, Margie Lee and Robert Franklin. Mr. Baker is the owner of 203 acres of valuable land in Ind(*pendence County, and other valuable property. He is a Mason, be- longing to Neill Lodge, Jamestown, and also a member of the Methodist Church, as is his wife. In his political views he aiSliates with the Demo- cratic party. Angus C. Baker, farmer and stock raiser. This gentleman, one of the progressive young farmers of the county, was originally from Henry County, Tenn., where his birth occurred on the 26th of January, 1853. His father, Peter K. Baker, is well known throughout the county as one of its representative citizens. [See sketch on previous page. ] Brought up as an agriculturist it was but natural that Angus C. Baker should permanently adopt that calling as his life occupation. He re- ceived a good practical education in the common schools of Independence County. Ark., and later attended Washington high school, near Batesville, where he remained until 1876, and then entered Gardner's Academy, in Weakley County, Tenn., there taking a year's course. During the winter of 1876-77 he taught his first school, in Bayou Dota Academy, and since that time has taught both select and public schools in his own county. He has been twice married; first, September 15, 1878, to Miss Mary E. Best, daughter of William Best, a prominent farmer of Black River Township. Four children were born to this imion, who are named as follows: Percy K. , born September 15, 1879; Orville M. L. was born on the VMh of No- vember, 1881; Ernest E. was bom on the 15th of October, 1884, and Roy C. was born on the I'Jth of November, 1888, and died on the 7th of Janu- ary, 1889. Mrs. Baker died on the 24th of No- ^ 638 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. vember, 1888. She was a loving wife and mother, and a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Baker's second marriage took place in December, 1888, to Miss Burrilla.A. Best, sister of his first wife. His principal occupation has been that of farming, but, in connection with this, he has been engaged in mercantile pursuits. From 1880 to 1887 he carried on a general mercantile business on his farm, and at the same time acted as assistant postmaster. In the winter .of 1887 he sold his store, and worked as a salesman for J. R. Bullington, of Sulphur Rock, until December 1st, when he entered the clerk's office at Batesville, and there remained until the spring of 1889. He then returned to his farm of 160 acres, with sixty acres under cultivation, a good orchard, and lately he has erected a nice residence. He votes with the Democratic party, but is not a political enthusiast. He and Mrs. Baker are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. C. M. Ball has long been associated with the agricultural interests of Independence County, Ark., the residents of which have had every op- portunity to judge of his character, for he was born here June 13, 1834, and naught can be said of him but to his credit. Eighty acres of his 219- acre farm are in an excellent state of cultivation, and his buildings and fences ai'e in good repair, and his farm is well stocked. His father, B. F. Ball, was born in Loudoun County, Va., in 1807, and in that county he was reared to manhood and educated. In 1826 he moved to Arkansas, where he was married to Elizabeth Dillard, who was also born in North Carolina. They were married in 1832, and to this union were born fourteen children, seven being still living. Mr. Ball was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife by death, August 9, 18-49, and he was afterwards wedded to Miss Mi- nerva Baker, of Virginia, and their marriage resulted in the birth of four children, only one being now alive. At the time of his death, June 24, 1889, he was the owner of 205 acres of land. He and wife were connected with the Methodist Church, and he was a member of the Masonic lodge. C. M. Ball, our subject, was educated in Independence County, near Batesville, and was there married to Miss Nancy A. Anderson, a North Carolinian, their uaion taking place July 9, 1858. Two sons and four daughters were given them, the four daughters, only, being alive: Mary E.. wife of J. B. Gray; Caledonia, wife of J. W. Meacham; Flora B. , wife of W. T. Home, and Emma, who is still at home. Like his father, Mr. Ball is a Mason, and he also belongs to the Agricultural Wheel, but has neglected to attend the latter or- ganization for some time. He is universally re- spected by his fellowmen, and is a man on whose word one can rely. He and family worship in the Methodist Chiirch. Warren G. Ball may be classed among the many successful agriculturists of Independence County, Ai-S. He was born in this county October 26, 1837, and there his early scholastic advantages were enjoyed, but only such as the common schools afforded. These opportunities he improved to the iitmost, however, and his subsequent contact with business life, coupled with much reading, has tended to place him among the intelligent men of the county. After reaching mature years he united his fortunes with those of Miss Sarah A. Jackson, a Tennesseean by birth, and of a family of three sons and five daughters born to their marriage six are living and all reside with their parents: Tabitha, William L., Laura C, Julia, Agnes and Gracie. Mr. Ball's land, which amounts to 185 acres, is ex- ceedingly fertile and well located, and ninety acres are under the plow. All the buildings are in good condition, and the farm is well supplied with all necessary stock. In addition to this property, Mr. Ball also owns a grist-mill, which turns out an ex- cellent product. He is a Mason, and has been sec- retary of his lodge one year, and senior warden two years. He has always taken a deep interest in educational matters, and has held the office of school director five years, and is still filling the position. He has also been constable, and dis- charged the duties of this office to the satisfaction of those concerned. He and wife are uiembersof the Methodist Church. John F. Barnes, M. D., though only thirty- two years of age, is however, conceded to be one of the leading dentists of Independence County. vis r- 1^ INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 630 He is a native of the county in which he now re- sides. When a child, he was taken by his parents to the State of Iowa, where his youthful days were spent in assisting on the home farm and in attend- ing the public schools, where he acquired a good practical education. In 1873, he returned with his people to Independence County, Ark., and in 1883 began the study of medicine under Dr. Moore, a traveling dentist, and remained with him until 1888, traveling over the State of Arkansas. In 1888 here turned to Sulphur Bock, where he has since made his home, and has acquired an excel- lent patronage. He is a married man, Miss L. Cora Hurt, of Independence County, becoming his wife on the 7th of April, 1886, she being the daughter of Thomas Hurt (deceased), one of the pioneers of the county. Dr. Barnes is a Bepubli- can in his political views, and is now filling the office of city marshal. His parents, Archibald and Lucinda (Mateby) Barnes, were born in Wilkes County, N. C, and were there reared, educated and married. Soon after the latter event, they came to Independence County, Ark. , but subsequently moved to Iowa, where they remained until 1873, then returning to Arkansas. The father is still living, but the mother died February 6, 1883, at the age of fifty-nine years, eight months and twen- ty-five days. Mr. Barnes is a Mason, a Bepubli- caii, and a successful farmer. He is probably of English ancestry. He and wife became the par- ents of the following family: Nancy (Reeves); William P., who died at Helena, Ark., while a .soldier in the Union Army; Martha L. (Smith); Sarah H. (Harmon); G. W., who died in 1888, at the age of thirty-two years; Mary L. (Martin); Lucinda J., who died when a child, and John F. J. M. Bartlett, ex-mayor of Batesville, is of Indiana nativity, born in Owen County, on the 4th of November, 1844, and since his location in this county, in 1883, he has been closely indenti- fied with its material affairs, and associated with its progress and development. His parents, James C. and Surah (Alexander) Bartlett, were natives of Kentucky and North Carolina, respect- ively. The father settled in Owen County, Ind. , in 1831, locating at Gosport, and was a tanner by trade, which occupation he followed for years. He subsequently engaged in tilling the soil, and has lived on the same farm for fifty years, residing within fo\ir miles of Gosport. In their family were twelve childi-en, four only, now living: Louisa, wife of James Alverson; Richard P., Jesse M. and Jackson A. The father was married the second time, in February, 1859, and one child was born to this union, Lawrence, who is now at home. The maternal grandfather of J. M. Bartlett emi- grated to Indiana and located in what is now Owen County, then a territory adjoining the Indian Nation. He erected a house within half a mile of the Indian Nation line. He was a farmer by oc- cupation, and died in that county in his eighty- fourth year. The paternal grandfather died in Kentucky. J. M. Bartlett's youth and early man- hood were passed in his native county, and there he attended the schools which favored him with a good education. Reared to the arduous duties of the farm, he continued this pursuit until in Octo- ber, 1875, when he removed to Paris, 111., and there remained about one year. From there he went to St. Louis, where he was engaged in the livery business for six years, and after that was with the Christian Manufacturing Company, for one year. In 1883 became to Batesville, ' Ark. , and in 1884 he embarked in the livery business, which he still carries on. He owns a fine sand- stone quarry near Batesville, and is president of the Zinc-Blende Mining Company, who are operat- ing over 250 acres of mining land, with a capital stock of §1,500,000. He was elected mayor of Bate.sville, in 1886, and reelected in 1887. which position he held until 1889. He owns a stone building on Main Street, two stories high, 38 feet front and 120 feet long, the lot 150 feet deep. Mr. Bartlett is also a stockholder and director in the Batesville Telephone. On the 2d of Septem- ber, 1869, at Charleston. 111., Miss Mary A. Duni- vin, a native of Coles County, became his wife. One child was born to this union, Edwin C. Mr. Bartlett is a member of the I. O. O. F.. K. of H.. and he and wife are members of the K. & L. of H. Elisha Baxter, ex-governor of the State of Ar- kansas and whose name has been famous before the ^ ^ r - .re ^ 040 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. nation for many years, was born in Rutherford County, N. C, September 1, 1827. HLs father waa William Baxter, bom in Ireland about the year 1759, and a weaver by trade, who emigrated to America in the year 1789, settling for a time in Mecklenberg Count3^ N. C. , where he soon after- ward married Miss Sarah Berryhill. This happy union gave them four daughters and five sons whose names are Margaret, James, Joseph, Wil- liam, Andrew, Thomas, Sarah, Carolina and Mary. After his marriage he removed to Rutherford County. N. C. , where he resided until his death, in 1852, leaving a very large estate behind him, the result of his energy and good business ability. About the year 1810 he married his second wife, Catherine, daughter of James Lee, of Virginia, and from this marriage were born three daughters and five sons: Jane, Elizabeth, Esther, John, David, George, Elisha and Taylor. John became a very prominent attorney^ and for several terms was elected a member of the North Carolina legis- lature and speaker of the house in 1852. He moved to Knoxville, Tenn. , in 185-t, and was a member of the constitutional convention that adopt- ed the present constitution of that State. He was appointed United States circuit judge by Presi- dent Hayes in 1878 for the States of Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan, and was one of the most brilliant men of his time. John died at Hot Springs, Ark., March 2, 1887; David perished at sea on an ocean voyage to Australia in 1851, and George died in 1854. Taylor became a prosperous farmer in Kansas, while Eliaha was one of Ar- kansas" most noted governors. Elisha Baxter re- ceived a good moral training in his youth, bat, much to his regret in after life, he did not have the facilities for attending the higher schools and academies that are now within the reach of every young man in America. In 1848 he commenced his mercantile career at Rutherfordton, in company with his brother-in-law, Spenser Eaves, and in 1849 he was united in marriage to Miss Harriet, daughter of Col. Elijah Patton, of Kutherford County. He shortly afterward withdrew from commercial life and farmed for two 3'ears, and in the fall of 1852 moved to Arkansas. In the early part of 1853 he again entered into business, this time at BatesvUle, in company with his brother Taylor, under the firm name of E. Baxter & Bro. He had not been a merchant at Batesville very long befoi-e he found that the nature of trade and the habits of the people were essentially different from those of North Carolina, and this, in connection with his love of politics and activity in that direction, soon led to disastrous results. In 1855 they suspended, giving up all of their property, and paying their debts in full, and ended their business career as honorably as the_v had conducted it. This unfor- tunate occurrence did not break the spirit of these determined men, however, and the brother, who had never been compelled to do a day's labor before, at once mounted a building, just before the store they had vacated, and began learning the car- penter's trade. In this he succeeded, and soon regained part of his fallen fortune. Elisha repaired ; to the ofiice of the Independent Balance, a news- paper published at Batesville, by U. E. Fort, and edited by M. Shelby Kennard. Here ho found employment for twelve months, and devoted his leisure hours to the study of law under the super- vision of the Hon. H. F. Fairchild. He soon after- ward was admitted to the bar, and since then has practiced his profession, except when filling office. He was a Whig in politics, and a strong adherent of that party until it disbanded, in 1855. Mr. Bax- ter then attempted to co-operate with the Demo- cratic party, but could not agree with them on the 1 question of secession. As a Whig, he was elected and served as mayor of Batesville, in 1853, and in 1854 was elected a member of the legislature from Independence County, which had not elected a Whig to any position for twenty years. In 1858 he was atrain elected to the legislature as a non- partisan, and in 1860 was defeated for prosecuting attorney of the Third judicial di.strict by F. W. Desha. When the war came on he tried to be neutral and loyal to the government of the United States, so that when Curtis came into Batesville with 20,000 Federal troops, in the spring of 1862, his position enabled him to do a great deal of good for the citizens of Batesville; and during the two , months that the place was occupied by the Federal T" -k^ INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 041 army he was incessantly engaged in reclaiming property, collecting vouchers, and procuring the release of prisoners, without the hope or prospects of reward. At that time he believed his course would he appreciated, but Curtis had scarcely left when he was notified by some friendly Confeder- ates that he could not safely remain in the country. Accordingly, he left on short notice, with but very little provision made for himself and family. Over- taking Curtis at Jacksonport, he was tendered the command of the First Arkansas Federal regiment, then just ready to be organized, but declined, and as he said to General Curtis: Not because I think you ought not to whip the rebel- lious but because I feel that I, who am Southern born and raised, ought not to take arms against my neighbors and friends. He did not get to see or hear fi'om his family for almost a year, and in the spring of 1863 he was captured by a squad of Southern cavalry com- manded by Col. Newton. On arriving at head- quarters he received such courtesy from Col. New- ton, and discovered in him such military genius, that afterward, when he became governor, and felt it his duty to appoint a major-general for active operations in the field, he did not hesitate to be- stow the commission on Col. Newton, who had paroled him at Fredericktown, Mo. , with an escort of two men, and required him to report to Gen. Holmes at Little Rock. He had scarcely left New- ton's camp when he came in full view of the Fed- eral army, in which one of his friends urged him to join them, but he replied that he had given his pledge of honor to report at Little Rock, which he did, and Gen. Holmes unceremoniously turned him over to the civil authorities, who assigned him to the Pulaski County jail to await an indictment for treason against the Confederate States. In due time the indictment was found, and he was ar- raigned before Judge Ringold, William M. Ran- dolph acting as district attorney. The case was continued until the next term of court, and through the agency of some friends he managed to escape from jail, and after concealing himself for eigliteen days near Little Rock, without any shelter and barely enough foo corn, oats, wheat, etc., and he is known as a tine melon raiser, having this fruit early and late. In 1878 he erected a large gin house, which he has conducted ever since, with unusual success. He spends the autumn months engaged in ginning, and has averaged 250 bales each year for eight years. He votes with the Democratic party, and finds much of interest in local politics. He takes a great interest in conventions, and has once been a dele- gate to the Democratic State Convention. He has been a member of the Temperance Council Grange and Agricultural Wheel. Mr. Best and family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is a steward and trustee of the same. Judge William C. Bevens (deceased). From an early period in the county's history Judge Bevens gave to Independence the very best en- ergies of his life, as one of its most worthy and respected citizens; and to the community and all among whom he lived the example of a life well and usefully spent, and the influence of a charac- ter without stain. His birth occurred in Charles- ton, S. C. , on the 2l8t of December, 1806, where he studied law and afterward practiced his pro- fession in Greenville, in the northern part of his native State. He removed to the Lone Star State in 1840, settling at Austin, and there j)racticed his profession until 1846. He then moved to Bates- ville, Ark., where he joined a number of his rela- tives who had moved there from North Carolina. Here he was elected to the legislature of Arkan- sas, and served with great acceptability in the sessions of 1852-53. So great was his popularity and prominence, that he was elected judge of the circuit court of the Third judicial circuit in 1856, and was much esteemed for his sterling integrity, sober, sound judgment, broad intelligence and lib- eral, progressive ideas. His decisions were not made without careful and painstaking study of the evidence adduced, and all felt that his judgment could be relied upon. During the late war he took his family south, where he remained a quiet citizen until the cessation of hostilities. He died at Little Rock, in September, 1865, while on his way home to Batesville. Judge Bevens had three beautiful daughters, the belles of the country in their youth. One of them married ex-Gov. Will- iam R. Miller, another became the wife of Maj. William E. Gibbs, and a third is the wife of Hon. James W. Butler, the present judge of the Third judicial circuit of Arkansas. John C. Bone, dealer in furniture, sash and doors, coffins and undertakers' supplies, Batesville. The business men of Batesville are a pushing, ac- tive, persevering and enterprising set, . and "the weakest must go to the wall." Certainly Mr. Bone is not one of the latter class, for, to all in- tents and purposes, he is an ideal business man. He is a native of Izard County, Ark., born Octo- ber 20, 1849, and after remaining on the farm un- til twenty years of age engaged in the mercantile business as clerk, following it for a number of years. He then studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1877, at Batesville, but never practiced. He again returned to mercantile pursuits, which he followed two years, and then took charge of his present business, which was run by his father in- law, Charles L. Gorsuch, who was killed by hav- ing a house fall on him during a fire. Mr. Bone has since continued the business, has erected a planing-mill, and now carries it on in connection with his other interests, employing several hands. Ho is self-educated and self-made in every respect. He was married on the ]2tb of December, 1877, to Miss Nettie M.' Gorsiich, and they have two children living: Charles E. and Harry C. Mr. Bone is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Chap- tor and Council. He and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and are esteemed and respected citizens. His parents, Elihu C. and Charlotte J. (Jeffrey) Bone, are natives of Wilson County, Tenn., and Izard County, Ark., respect- ively. The father immigrated to Izard County, in 1841. locating near Barren Fork one year, entered land at Mount Olive, Izard County, and there fol- lowed agricultural pursuits. He was also a Cum- berland Presbyterian minister. By his marriage, which occurred in 1844, be became the father of seven children, four living; Miles N.. John C, Levisa J. and Henry F. Th<> remainder of the children died when young. The parents died when the children were quite young, and they were obliged to look out for themselves. The maternal grandfather, Jehoiada Jeffery, and his wife Mary, settled at what is now Mount Olive, in Izard Coun- ty, in 1816. They were originally from North Carolina and Tennessee, and after living in Jones- boro, 111. , for some time, they moved to Arkansas, coming through by land on pack-horses. They were the first settlers of Izard County, their near- est neighbors being about thirty-five miles distant. He was a member of the Territorial legislature of Arkansas, about 1824, from Independence County, and afterward from Izard County, when he intro- duced the bill creating Fulton County. Gabriel J. Bradley is one of the industrious farmers of Greenbriar Township, Independence County. He is a native of Randolph County, 111., and was bom July 13, 1831. His parents were Isaac A. and Jlary T. (Jones) Bradley, of whom the former was born in Sumner County, Tenn. , in 1806, and the latter was a native of Adair County, Ky. , born about 1813. They were married in Randolph County, 111., but removed to Perry Coun- ty in 1834, where Mrs. Bradley died about 1854 and her husband about 1883, both having been members of the Baptist Church. Isaac A. Brad- ley was one of the commissioners of Pen'y County seven years; he was a son of Joshua Bradley, a na- tive of North Carolina, who lived some years in Sumner County, Tenn., and then moved to Jackson County, 111., where he died; he was of Irish descent. Col. Gabriel Jones, the maternal grandfather of Gabriel J. Bradley, was born in Virginia, from which State he went to Kentucky, and when Mrs. Bradley was about seven years old removed to Randolph County, 111. Mr. Jones was killed at Chester, 111., in a storm daring the war; he represented Randolph County in the legisla- ture in an early day, and was a colonel in the Black Hawk War. Gabriel J. Bradley was the eldest of the family of five sons and one daughter. He re- mained at home, and most of the time until nine- teen years of age attended the common schools. In 1857 he married Mrs. Malinda Wilson, daughter of William Osburn. She died in 1883, leaving five children, viz. : James, Ada, Ann. Emma and Zee In August, 1885, Mr. Bradley married Edie E. James, of Independence County. She is a daugh- ter of Henry B. and Eveline James, of Coffey Coun- ty, Tenn. , who removed to Independence County, Ark., before the war, where Mr. James died; his widow is still living. One child has lieen born to the last marriage of Mr. Bradley— Ethel. Mr. Brad- ley removed from Perry County, 111., to Independ- ence County, Ark., in 1806, and has since lived in Greenbriar township. He has a good farm of 168 acres, about 100 of which are under cultivation. He is an enterprising farmer, and devotes his entire attention to his occupation. His political sympa- thies are with the Democratic party. Mrs. Braenter's efforts. He was the fourth of six children born to Jesse and Polly A. (Sidwell) Carpenter, and was born on the 2d of October, 1828, in Alabama. His father, who was a native of Virginia, came to Arkansas while it was still a territory (about 1833 or 1834), and located in St. Francis County, where he fol- lowed carpentering, and was a general worker in wood, and at the same time conducted farming. Thomas B. Carpenter was brought to Arkansas in his early youth, and was educated in the subscrip- tion schools of his adopted State. In 1853 he was united in marriage to Miss Tabitha A. Tuggle. a native of the Blue Grass State, and their family now consists of five children: Margaret L. , born in 1855; James T. , who died at the age of six months; Dicie, who was born in ]8fil; Jesse Lee, whose birth occurred December 7, 1864, and Polly Alice, born February 26, 1868. In 1854 Mr. Car- penter made his first purchase of land, which consisted of 197 acres, and by hard work, managed in a few years to put forty acres under the plow, and to erect a good double log house, barns, etc., also a cotton-gin. In 1877 he sold this farm and purchased a tract of 211 acres in Christian Town- ship, and has made some valuable improvements on this farm, also, improving seventy- five acres. After making this his home for twelve years, he sold it in July, 1889, for a consideration of 13,000, and now thinks of giving up farm life, and engag- ing in mercantile pursuits. He is a Democrat in politics, and he and wife are members of the Mis- sionary Baptist Church. He has given his chil- dren good educational advantages, and they are now well qualified for any commercial position or pursuit. The youngest son, Jesse, has for some years been engaged as clerk in the mercantile house of a Mr. Van Ronlde, of Newport, Ark. , and is now the trusted manager of his employer's busi- ness. With this son, Mr. Carpenter contemplates embarking in business. Richard, the eldest son, is a successful farmer of Jackson County; Margaret is the wife of M'. P. Young, and resides in the county; Polly A. is still at home. Thomas E. Carter, an extensive property owner of Sulphur Rock, was born in Prince William County, Va. , at the mouth of Bull Run, on the 3d of October, 1824, and is a son of James P. and Elizabeth (Davis) Carter, both of whom were also born in Prince William County, Va. , the former's birth occurring on the 23d of May, 1785, and the latter' s on the 23d of October, 1786. The father died in 1860, and his wife at the age of eighty-five years. They were married in their native county, and there resided until 1838, when they came to Arkansas and located in Independence County, where both spent the remainder of their days. Mr. Carter was a carpenter and house-joiner, at which he worked, in connection with farming, all his life. The farm on which he located on coming to Inde- pendence County is situated three miles northeast of Batesville, and is known, far and near, as the old INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 640 'k. Carter place, and is noted for chalybeate springs located thereon. The paternal grandfather was born in England, and came to the United States before the Revolution, in which war he served on the side of the colonists. The maternal grand- parents were William and Elizabeth Davis, and were extensive planters of Virginia. Mrs. Davis was a native of Scotland, and lived to be one hun- dred years old. When the Carter family first came to Arkansas, Independence County was very thinly populated, and the farm on which they settled was an immense canebrake. Schools and churches were very few and far between, but our subject, Thomas E., acquired a fair education," his teachers lieing U. E. Fort 'and Burr Lee. At the age of twenty one years he commenced to clear a farm near Batesville, but sold out in 1856, and moved to Big Bottom, where he opened a mercantile estab- lishment on the plantation owned by Col. Morgan Magness, where he continued his enterprise until the breaking out of the war. In 1862 he enlisted in the Confederate service, and after the close of hostilities returned home and resumed his mercan tile enterprises at Akron, as a member of the firm of Owen, Moore & Co., but in three years sunk 1150,000. He then retired to his farm and took up agriculture and stock raising as an occupation, in which he has amassed another large fortune. His first business transaction in life was to pur- chase a farm for .|600, on credit, and he now owns 800 acres of some of the finest bottom land in the State, besides other valuable property. Mrs. Eliza (Adams) Hulsey, a native of Fayette County, Tenn. , born in IS'io, became his wife in 1856, but her death occurred three years later, she having borne a family of two children: Susan, wife of Allen Brad- ford, and Elizabeth, who died when quite young. On the 15th of August, 1860, Mr. Carter wedded Mis.s Mary Adams, a sister of his first wife. She too was born in Fayette County, Tenn., and died the year after her marriage. In 1863 Nancy Ann Magness became his third wife. She is a daughter of Josiah Magness, and was born in Fayette Coun- ty. Tenn., October 23, 1834, and, by Mr. Carter, is the mother of four children: Mary, wife of Thomas Nisbett; Noah, Alice and Eddie. Mr. 41 Carter has been a member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church for forty-nine years, and in his political views is a Democrat. He belongs to the I. O. O. F , and has become a prominent citizen of the county, owing to his sound judgment, pro gressive ideas and unimpeachable honesty. Christopher Case, farmer, Batesville. No name is justly entitled to a more enviable place in the history of Independence County than the one which heads this sketch, for it is borne by a man who. though young in years, has yet been honorably identified not only with the agricultural interests of this county, but with its advancement in every worthy particular. He was born in the city of Batesville, Ark., on the 4th of December, 1851, received his education, and j)assed his youth in tliat city. He learned the harness- maker's trade, and followed this in Batesville until his marriage, after which he engaged in agricultural pursuits. In 1883 he moved to where he now resides, and has since been engaged in tilling the soil and stock dealing quite extensively. He owns over 208 acres of good land, with 200 under cultivation. He deals principally in cattle, is at present engaged in the dairy business, and has forty head of good milch cows. He makes two trips a day into Batesville, and is doing a good business. He was manned, in 1880, to Miss Cora Knowles. a native of Missouri, and they are the parents of three children : Eva, Henry K. and Robert R. Mrs. Case is a meml^er of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Case's parents, George and Sarah (Ridgeway) Case, are both natives of Pennsylvania. The father emi- grated to Mansfield, Ohio, thence to Illinois, and to Independence County, Ark., in about 1837. While in Illinois he met and married Miss Ridge- way, who had moved with her parents to that State. After coming to Arkansas, Mr. Case located in Batesville, where he carried on the mercantile busi- ness for some time. He died at Hopefield, Ark , in 1864. The mother is yet living, and resides in Batesville. They were the parents of seven chil- dren, now living: Mrs. Eliza Jolilin. JIrs, Mary Maxfield, Mrs, M. A. Joblin. Robert R., Chris topher, Dr. J. W. and George R. Simeon Cason is an enterprising farmer of In- f jvJ: 650 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. dependence County, Ark., and the energetic man- ner in which he has ever taken advantage of all methods and ideas tending to enhance the value of his property has been the means of obtaining the competence he now enjoys. His farm consists of 117 acres of excellent land, of which sixty-five acres are in a high state of cultivation. He was born in Georgia, August 25, 1823, and is a son of Hillary and Mary (Smith) Cason, natives of the " Old North State," the former's birth occurring April 3, 1779. Their marriage took place about 1803, and of thirteen children born to them (seven sons and six daughters) only two are living: Simeon, and a daughter, who is the wife of Jesse Ward, and now a resident of Washington. Hillary Cason was a member of the Baptist Church, and his wife was a Methodist. Simeon Cason was edu- cated in the common schools of Madison County, 111., and, after attaining manhood, was married to Miss Sarah J. Leggett, a native of Arkansas, who died on the 6th of November, 1887, leaving him with a family of six children: George, John B. , who died November 9, 1867; Zachariah, Henry Clay, James Y. and Mary V. Mr. Cason after- ward married Mary A. Swan, and to them were given seven children, three of whom subsequently died. Those who survive are: Mary A.. Drucilla, William T. and Benjamin F. Mr. Cason has held the office of justice of the peace and constable for the past fourteen years, and has been junior warden in the Masonic lodge. He and Mrs. Cason have long been members of the Methodist Church, and have always liberally contributed to churches and schools. In 1861 he joined the army, and was in a number of hotly-contested engagements. He was also a soldier in the war with Mexico, being first sergeant in Capt. A. R. Porter's company. First Regiment, Arkansas Cavalry, commanded by Col. Archibald Yell. He was captured with Maj. Bourland, Maj. J. P. Gaines and Capt. Cassius M. Clay, at Incarnation. Mexico, and taken from there to the City of Mexico, remaining until the city was captured by Gen. Wintield Scott. W. E. Chambers, merchant, Batesville. That the city of Batesville has a bright future before it is beyond all question. Situated as it is, with excellent railroad facilities, it could not be other- wise; noting this fact many wide-awake merchants are locating in this town, which affords the best inducements to energy and enterprise. Among those recently established may be mentioned Mr. Chambers, who. although a young man, is old in his mercantile experience. He was born in Harde- man County, Tenn., July 24, 1866, and his parents. William C. and Fannie M. (Moore) Chambers, are natives of Mississippi and Tennessee, respectively. The father carried on the mercantile business the most of his life at Saulsbury, Tenn. In 1886 he came to Batesville, Ark., and died there January 17, 1887. The mother is still living. Their family consisted of two living children — Mrs. Ella Beane, of Newark, Ark. , and W. E. The latter was fav- ored with good educational advantages in Tennes- see, and in 1886 came with his parents to Bates- ville, Ark., and engaged in the insurance and real estate business with T. B. Padgett for some time. He subsequently clerked a short time for O. P. Moore & Bro. In December, 1887, he engaged in merchandising, and has since carried it on. He has a select line of merchandise, and is doing well. He was married, December 1-1, 1887, to Mi.ss Mattie M. Colton, of Ripley, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. Cham- bers are members of the church. Mr. Chamliers is the owner of considerable property in the State of Tennessee. Robert A. Childress, a prosperous farmer of Independence County, was born in Franldin Coun- ty, Va., in 1813. He is a son of John W. and Sarah (Ferguson) (Jhildress, both native of Vir- ginia. The Childress family are of English origin, but the family has lived in the State of Virginia for several generations. The grandparents, Robert and Rachel Childress, both lived and died in that State. John W. remained in his birth place until the year 1817, when he moved to Missouri, and in 1819 again changed his location, settling in Ran- dolph County, Ark. In 1829 he came to Inde- pendence County, and was one of the earliest set- tlers of that section, where he made his residence until old age began to creep upon his shoulders, when he went to live with a son in Galveston, Tex., where he died. His wife resided in Inde- :£: INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 651 pendence County up to the time of her death, in 1840. Robert A. was the oldest child of this couple, and iu his youth received a somewhat lim- ited education in Independence County, on account of the very meager facilities for learning offered in that State. But after reaching his majority he returned to Virginia, where the educational advan- tages were greater, and attended some of the higher schools of that State until he had procured a satis- factory education. In 1841 he was married to Miss Martha A. Waugh, who was born in Virginia in 1823, and died in ISfiO. This marriage gave them nine children, of whom four are yet living: Thomas B. , Julia C. (wife of Joseph B. Pritchett), Lewis W. and John \V. In 1802 Mr. Childress married again, his second wife being Mrs. Josephine Sulli- van, an amiable and pleasant widow lady, raised in Mississippi, and a daughter of Dr. Samuel Halli- burton, who has also passed away. This union gave them four children, of whom two lived to ma- turity, and those yet living are Samuel K. and Sarah J., wife of J. E. Moore. His third wife was Mrs. Lucilla J. Cross, a widow, youngest daugh- ter of Col. John Miller, an influential and prom- inent citizen of Independence County. Mr. Chil- dress has resided at his present home since 1840, excepting five years spent at Batesville, where he was engaged in business. He owns 642 acres of land, and has about 325 acres under cultivation, all of it comprising some of the richest land in the State. He has held the office of justice of the peace for a number of years, and has proven him- self to be an efficient officer, and a valuable man for the position. He is held in high esteem by the entire community, and enjoys that distinction which an old settler is entitled to. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity until the war, but since then has not been identified with any secret society. He has been a memljor of the Presbyterian Church since 1833, and an elder for over forty years. His wife is a memljer of the Baptist Church, and the children, ("xcepting two. l)elong to the Cumb(*rland Presbyterian Churcli. In politics Mr. Ciiildress is a stanch Democrat. J. N. Cliurchill, farmer and merchant, of Black River Township, and postmaster at Charlotte, .\rk. , is one of the representative citizens of Independ- ence County, and is a recognized leader in the public affairs of his locality. He was originally from North Carolina, born in Iredell County, in January, 1835, and the son of Charles C. and Ma tilda (Johnson) Churchill, natives, respectively, of Connecticut and North Carolina. The former was a relative of the three Churchill brothers, who came to one of the early colonies of Connecticut. Charles C. Churchill was born in 1791, and emigrated to North Carolina in 1829, where he met and mar- ried Miss Johnson. His principal vocation was tilling the soil, but he was well educated, and his true worth was soon appreciated. He was elected sheriff of his county, and served with credit in that capacity for some time. In 1842, be removed to Tennessee, bought a plantation, and successfully tilled the soil until his death, which occurred in 1845. He was an old-line Whig, and exerted quite an influence in the politics of his county. He was a Mason, and a man universally respected. His excellent wife survived him until in April, 1887, and then died at the ripe old age of seventy- four years. She was for sixty years a devoted Christian, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. J. N. Churchill is the third of a family of seven children (five of whom are living): Samuel B., died at the age of fifty-four years (1885), and was a farmer and stock raiser of Texas; Harriet J., consort of one Grady Pickens, who was killed in Hood's retreat from Nashville; J. N. (subject of our sketch); W. P.. a farmer, married, and is liv- ing in Independence County; Curtis .T. , died on the 7th of April, 1877, at the age of forty-five years, a farmer and justice of the peace; Mary A., widow of William Hammond, who was a farmer of Black River Township; Marcia M. V.. wife of W. H. Walden, a merchant and farmer of Black River Township and postmaster of Hazel Grove. J. N. Churchill was reared from early boyhood to the arduous duties of the farm, and secured his edu- cation in the common schools of North Carolina and Tennessee. At the age of nineteen, or in 1852. he came to Independence County and joined his brother, who had made his appearance in that county the year previous. In 1854 J. N. returned A^ 652 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. to Tennessee, and spent one year in Oak Grove Academy (Fayette County), having earned the money in Arkansas which enabled him to obtain that part of his education. Having completed the year at school, he returned to Arkansas in 1855, and spent the ensuing four years in wielding the ferrule, conducting private schools in that State. On May 12, 1858, he wedded Miss Charlotta T. Hogan, daughter of Elijah Hogan, one of the first settlei's of Arkansas. Heaven blessed this union with four childr-en, all of whom are living: Charles D. , born August 1, 1851), is a merchant of Charlotte, but contemplates merchandising in con- junction with his brother, Curtia J. (who was born in 1860), under the firm name of Churchill Bros., in Sulphur Rock; Mary M. was born on the 11th of March, 1861, and is the wife of W. H. Ward, a school teacher and farmer of Black River Township; and Lucy, wife of Dr. Robert C. Door, a successful physician of Black River Township. Mrs. Churchill departed this life on the 23d of March, 1889. She was a model mother and wife, and had long been a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Since his marriage. Mr. Churchill has followed the different avocations of teaching, cotton gin- ning, threshing grain, and has also been engaged in merchandising. He built the first steam gin in Independence County, reduced the toll of ginning, and brought the second separating thresher into the county. In 1872, he embarked in the mercan- tile business on his farm, the present site of Char- lotte postoffice, and established a branch store at Sulphur Rock, which he conducted for five years. At present he is erecting a large store building in Sulphur Rock, in which to do a general mercantile business. The first land Mr. Churchill ever se- cured was from land bought with wages received in compensation for teaching his first school in Arkan- sas (180 in gold), with which he purchased eighty acres of land. This policy he followed for several years, or until 1859, when he bought 320 acres, and lived on the same for fifteen years, clearing about seventy-five aci'es. He then bought 160 acres, cleared forty acres of the same, and in 1873 moved to that place (Charlotte), where he has ever since lived. He now owns about 3,000 acres of land, and has cleared over 200 acres. He served in the late war about six months, but having been elected justice of the peace, and being a teacher, he was allowed to remain at home unmolested. However, he lost most of his personal property, and so, like a number of the old citizens of this county, had to begin anew when the war was over. In addition to his own family, Mr. Churchill has reared, and given the same opportunities in the common schools as his own children, ten orphan children. He votes with the Democratic party, and has a great deal of influence, politically. He holds a membership in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and also belongs to the Masonic frater- nity. He was W. M. of Bayou Dota Lodge No. 126 for twenty years, and is the only charter member left of that lodge. He is a member of the Chapter and Council at Sulphur Rock. Mr. Churchill has always taken an active interest in and given his support to all public enterprises for the good of the county, and is now chairman of the executive committee on removal of county site from Batesville to Suljihur Rock. Churchill Bros., general merchants, Sulphur Rock, Ark. The above mercantile firm, successors of J. N. Churchill & Sous, consists of these brothers, C. D. and J. C. Churchill, who succeeded their father in the business at Charlotte, Black River Township, Independence County, on the 15th of February, 1889. C. D., the senior mem- ber of the firm, is a native of Independence Coun- ty, Ark., and was born on the 1st of August, 1859. He is the eldest child born to J. N. Churchill, whose sketch may be seen preceding this, and was reared to the duties on a farm. He was edu- cated in Bayou Dota Academy, and later spent one year at Mountain Home Male and Female Academy, at Mountain Home, Baxter County, Ark. During the winter seasons, when not attending school, he spent his time in his father's store as salesman, there learning the principles of the busi- ness which have since made him a successful merchant. He was married, on the 16th of December, 1880, to Miss Callie Linn, daughter of J. H. Linn (deceased), who was a farmer, and also filled the position of county judge of Baxter ^ i INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 653 County, Ark. By this union two children were born: Daisy P., eight years of age, and is now living with her grandmother Linn, and attonding school at Mountain Home, and Oscar Linn, who is six years of age, lives with his father, and attends school at home. Mrs. Chm-chill's death occurred on the 31st of October, 1887. The early training of Mr. Churchill fitted him for a commercial life, and his future prospects are indeed bright. J. C. Churchill, the junior member of the same firm, was born in this county on the 1 1th of September, 1863, and he, like his brother, was reared to farm life, and was educated in Bayou Dota Academy, where he spent ten months in the study of den- tistry, under the tutelage of Dr. W. G. Rosebor- ough, of Batesville. He was obliged to abandon the study of dentistry from the fact that one of his eyes was injured from the accidental discharge of a gun. Since then his entire time has been directed to commercial pursuits. On the 22d of January, 1885, his marriage to Miss Amanda Sor- rells was consummated. She was the daughter of R. L. Sorrells, a native of Illinois, and a farmer of Black River Township. C. D. Churchill first engaged in business at Sulphur Rock, in the spring of 1879, under the name of Churchill & Son, and in the spring of 1880 the title was changed to C. D. Churchill. In September of the last men- tioned year he removed to Hazel Grove, where he continued until the summer of 1887, when he removed to Charlotte; then, in January, 1888, he became a member of the firm of Churchill & Sons, composed of J. N. Churchill and the subjects of this sketch. Under this name they continued busi- ness until the 15th of February, 1889, when the present firm was formed. They recently erected a large store-building at Sulphur Rock, 82x60 feet, consisting of three large commodious rooms, in which they became located about the 1st of September, and now carry on a general mercan- tile business. Both are members of Bayou Dota Lodge No. 126. A. F. & A. M., and also hold membership in Council U. D. and Danley R. A. Chapter No. 59, at Sulphur Rock. C. D. Church- ill is a member of Walnut Grove Church, Meth- odist Episcopal, South. They vote with the Democratic party, and exert quite an influence in local politics. J. .C. Churchill is notary public for Independence County. They take an intere.st in all improvements for the public good, and con tribute liberally to their support. J. C. Cobb, an honored ex-Federal soldier of the Eighth Tennessee Cavalry, was born in Fulton County, Ky. , in 1838, and grew to manhood on Blue Grass soil, but his educational advantages in his youth were of the luost meager description. He was left an orphan when a small lad, and was reared by strangers, but left- the family with whom he made his homo, before he attained his majority, on account of ill treatment, and started oiit to seek his own fortune. Ho first went to Mississippi County, Mo. , where he found a home with Dr. Snuzer, near Charleston, and remained with him until the war became an assured fact, when he joined the Federal forces at Indianapolis, Ind., being a member of the Eighth Tennessee Cavalry, and served honorably and well throughout the war, and was mustered out of service at Bull's Gap, in East Tennessee. He participated in the engagements at Elizabeth (Ky.), Franklin, Harts- ville. Galena, Clarksville, Knoxville, Jonesboro, and Bull's Gap, Tenn. At the latter engagement he was quite severely wounded, being shot from his horse and having his jaw l)roken. He served in Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Florida. In 1883 his application for a pension was recognized, and he received back pay to the amount of $1,233. He returned to Kentucky at the close of the war, and was man-ied four months afterward, to Miss Nancy Whitlock, who was born in Kentucky, in 1841, and by her has a family of three living children: Martha A.. wife of Walker Duunagan; Mary L., and Myrtle May. Those deceased are John J. . who died when eight years of age; Elizabeth, at the age of six months, and Emma J., when ten months old. About one year after the war Mr. Cobb removed with his wife to Arkansas, but only remained a short time; then they returned to Kentucky, and remained six years. Since that time they have been residents of Arkansas, and up to January 1. 1889, resided five miles from Sulphur Rock, but at \ A^ 654 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. that date moved to the town, where they have since made their home. They are quite well-to-do, and each of their children owns forty acres of land, which was deeded to them by their parents. Mr. Cobb is a son of Amsy and Lettie (Ryan) Cobb, the former of whom was a native of North Carolina, and at an early day became a citizen of Kentucky, and lived and died in that State. The mother was born in Newcastle, Ky. , and of their five children, four are still living: J. C, Anna, wife of A. Mc- Nutt; Elizabeth, wife of Bert Watton, and . The maternal grandparents were John and Alsie (Smith) "Whitlock. John was born in North Caro- lina, but was left an orphan in his youth, and ran away to Kentucky. He lived in Monroe and Phil- lips Counties, but died in Crittenden County, at the age of seventy-six years, followed by his wife, who was of Kentucky stock, at the age of sixty -six years. William L. Coble, a highly-respected and well- known farmer and stock raiser of Independence County, is a son of Anthony and Nancy (Burris) Coble, of North Carolina and Virginia, respectively, whose marriage occurred in the latter State. The parents emigrated to Indiana about the year 1820, where their children were born, and in 1849 moved to the State of Ai-kansas, locating near the town of Sulphur Rock, in Independence County, where the father purchased a small tract of land and com- menced farming in connection with his trade as a carpenter. He remained here until 1860, con- tracting for and building a great many houses in that time, and then sold his farm and moved to Jackson County, where he rented some land. He resided in Jackson County for three years, but finding the desire to return to Independence County too strong to resist, he moved back to that place and j)urchased 160 acres of land, upon which he erected a dwelling, barns and all necessary ad- juncts to a well-regulated farm, and resided there until his death, January 8, INSl, at the age of ninety-one years. Mrs. Coble died in 1866, and was buried in what was then McGuire's cemetery, while her husband lies in Surrounded Hill ceme- tery. His son, William L. Coble, was educated at private schools in Sulphur Rock, and in connec- tion with his brother, F. A. J. Coble, cleared, im- proved and put the farm on a paying basis long before the father's death. In 1864 he enlisted in the Forty-sixth Arkansas Volunteer Cavalry, Col. Baber's regiment, and served as a courier for al- most the entire time. After peace had been es- tablished, in 1865, he returned to his home, and was shortly afterward married to Miss Mary J. Hinkel, a daughter of Selsor and Sarah E. (Hop- kins) Hinkel, of Missouri. Nine children were born to this union, which was a very happy one in every way, and four are still living: Laura, born March 2, 1875: Cordelelia. born September 4, 1879; Edna Asia, born July 13, 1883; W'illiam L., born November 7, 1888 ; all of whom are bright children, and Mr. Coble intends to give them the best edu- cation obtainable. At the time Mr. Coble came in possession of his farm, it consisted of 320 acres, with 160 acres under cultivation. He now owns 480 acres, with 200 acres cleared, and under good cultivation. He is a Democrat in politics, and a strong supporter of that party and its men, and in religious and educational matters he is one of the county's most liberal contributors, as also one of its most progressive. Mr. and Mrs. Coble are both members of the Christian Church. George Cook, farmer, Independence County, Ark. Mr. Cook's birth occurred in Tennessee, on the 28th of August, 1826, and he was reared and educated in his native State. He was also married there, on the 26th of November, 1846, to Miss Elizabeth Haskins, who was also born, reared and educated in Tennessee. His parents, John D. and Mary (Montgomery) Cook, were both natives of Tennessee, in which State they were married. George Cook came to Arkansas in 1849, locating near Sulphur Rock, Independence County, where he farmed for one season. He then moved to a farm west of Batesville, where he entered forty acres of land, and cleared about five acres, erected a single log house, etc., but in 1854 sold this. He then moved to a farm on White River, Washington Township, where he has resided for the past twelve years. His children were all born in Arkansas, except John D. Cook, his eldest son, who was born in Tennessee. The latter was married ia Arkan- & - INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 655 sas, and is now living on a farm in Oil Trough Bottom, wberti he rents a farm and carries on the business of general merchandising in connection with farming. Another son, William Thomas Cook, is deceased; Mary Ann Cook married Mr. John Morgan, and now resides in Oil Trough Bottom; J. H. Cook married Miss Mattie Glover, who is now deceased (J. H. resides on the farm with his father); B. A. Cook married Miss Rebecca Holloway, and now resides in Oil Trough Bottom; Jane M. Cook married Mr. G. F. Mannz, and now resides in Christian Township, Independence Coun- ty ; Martha Price Cook married Mr. Thomas Glover (deceased), and is now residing with her father; George M. Cook resides at home with his parents. Our subject's education was obtained in the sub- scription and public schools of this county. When he tirst came to Arkansas all was wild and unset- tled, wild animals abounded, and all the hardships necessary in a new country were experienced by this pioneer. He is a Wheeler in politics. Mr. and Mrs. Cook are members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, as are also their daughters, Martha and Jane, and their son, J. D. Mr. Cook takes an active interest in religious and social progress, and has always been a liberal contributor to all such causes. Virgil Y. Cook, one of Independence County's most enterprising merchants and farmers, and also one of its wealthiest men, is a son of William D. and Pernecia (Dodds) Cook, the father a Kentuckian, and a son of John Cook, one of the pioneer mer- chants of that State. Mr. Cook was born in Boyds- ville. Graves County, Ky., on the 14th day of No- vember, 1848, and received his education in the ad- joining county, at what was then known as Spring Hill Academy, but previous to that he had attended the subscription schools of Boydsville. His life was uneventful until the outbreak of the war be- tween the States, when he joined the command of Gen. N. B. Forrest. He enlisted in the Twelfth Kentucky Cavalry, and served twelve months, and at the end of that time was transferred to the Seventh Kentucky Cavalry, formerly Seventh Ken- tucky Infantry, where he was in the capacity of a ]}rivate soldier. Mr. Cook took part in the battles at Okolona (Miss.), Paducah (Ky. ), Tishimingo Creek, Han'isburg (Miss.) and a great many other engagements, and was in Gen. Forrest's Pulaski campaign, in the fall of 1864, after which that general was transferred to Gen. Hood's command, for the purpose of making the raid on Nashville, in the winter of 1864, He also took part in the battles at Spring Hill, Franklin and Nashville, and later, in the spring of 1805, was with Gen. Forrest on his Alabama campaign, which termi- nated at Selma, on the 2d of April, 1865, and then surrendered at Gainesville, Ala., on May 10, 1865. Though serving as a private, Mr. Cook's record through the war would put to blush the actions of many men who held superior rank. He has in his possession yet the parole record received at Gaines- ville, on the occasion of his surrender, and values it highly, simply as a relic of those days. The brigade to which he belonged was the famous Kentucky brigade organized and commanded by Gen. Abe Buford, who afterward commanded the second division of Gen. Forrest's cavalry corps. After the surrender Mr. Cook returned to his home in Kentucky, where he remained until the year 1806, and then moved to Grand Glaize, Ark., where his father, previous to the war, had carried on business in partnershij) with Mr. M. F. Thoma- son, under the iirm name of Cook & Thomason. Upon his arrival Mr. Cook, in comi)any with Mr. Thomason, re-organized the tirm and did business until the year 1874. when the partnership was dissolved, and Mr. Cook went to the town of Olyphant, on the St. Louis &Iron Mountain Rail- road, where he conducted a large business, with fair success, until 1884. He then came to Oil Trough Bottom, and located on his Midland farm, about one mile and a half west of Elmo, where he estab- lished himself in business, and still remains. He is one of the most successful merchants and plant- ers in that section, and his actions have always l)oen characterized by an energy and enterprise that could not end otherwise. He owns 2,300 acres of land in Oil Trough Bottom, of which 1,600 acres are under cultivation, which he leases annu- ally for a stipulated sum. Altogether Mr. Cook owns about 8,000 acres in Independence, Jackson, > "V ^- 650 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Clay and Greene Counties, and the total amount that he has under cultivation is 2,000 acres. He was united in marriage to Miss Ophelia Lamb, a daughter of Enos and Frances (Parish) Lamb, of Tennessee, his wedding taking place at Jacksou- port, Ark., on June 29, 1871. Six children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Cook: Neva, M'hitfield, May, Jennie, a baby who died in infancy, and Varina. In business Mr. Cook carrieg a large line of general merchandise, in fact everything that is to be found in a first-class establishment, besides dealing in lands and having an interest in one of the finest ranches in Texas. He has erected a splendid dwelling and several buildings on his Midland farm, and owns a cotton-gin on the same farm that has no equal in Arkansas. His brother, Barnett M. Cook, is associated with him, but gives his attention, specially, to dealing in stock, cattle and horses, of which he has quite a herd. Barnett M. was also in the Confederate army, serving as a private soldier in the Twelfth Kentucky Cavalry, and took an active part in all the engagements and campaigns in which his regiment participated. He is a bachelor of forty three years of age, having been born on the ISth of September, 1846, at Boydsville, Graves County, Ky. The maternal grandfather, Capt. John C. Dodds, commanded a company of soldiers in a Kentucky regiment un- der Gen. Jackson, in 1814-15, and participated in the battle of New Orleans, on the 8th of Janu- ary, 1815. His father took an active part in the Revolutionary War, serving with the South Caro- lina troops, of which State he was a native, and died after that war on his way with his family from South Carolina to Kentucky, whither his widow with his children proceeded, settling in Caldwell County, near Princeton. A. J. Craig, probate and county court judge of Independence County, was born on the farm upon which he now lives, one mile east of James- town, in 1844. He is a son of John L. and Mar- garet A. (Hardin) Craig, the former of whom was born in Alabama, in 1801, and the latter in Law- rence County, Ark., about 1817. When a young man Mr. Craig removed to Independence County, Ark. , where he married, and spent the remainder of his life, his death occurring in 1864; he was one of the earliest settlers of the county, locating in the dense woods, where he cleared a farm and reared his family. Mr. Craig was a member of the Metho- dist Church, of which church his widow, who is still living, is also a member. The latter is a daughter of Joseph Hardin, who was one of the pioneers of what is now Lawrence County. A. J. Craig was the fourth child in a family of live sons and three daughters. He received a common- school education, and during the last two years of the late war, served in the Confederate army, in Company C, Morgan's regiment. Price's cavalry troops; he was at the battles of Cape Girardeau, Helena, Pilot Knob, and many skirmishes, oper- ating in Missouri, Kansas and Indian Territory, until the sui'render at Jacksonport, in June, 18G5, when he returned home. In 1867 Mr. Craig mar- ried Louisa, daughter of Cary and Margaret Simms, who came to Independence County, when she was a little girl. Mrs. Craig, who was a native of South Carolina, died in 1878, leaving one son and two daughters. In 1879 Mr. Craig married Dorcas Engles, of Independence County. She is a daugh- ter of "William D. and Margaret Engles, natives, respectively, of Kentucky and Missouri, who re- moved to Independence County, Ark. , when young. Mr. Engles died in 1845; he was a member of the Methodist Church. Mrs. Engles is still living, aged seventy-one years; she is a daughter of Job and Elizabeth Stark, who both died in Independ- ence County, as did the parents of Mr. Engles. One son and one daughter have blessed the second marriage of our subject. Judge Craig has spent his entire life on the farm of his birth, which con- tains 127 acres, about eighty acres of which are under cultivation; forty acres he inherited from his father, and the balance he has earned. From 1878 to 1886 he served as justice of the peace, being elected to the office of county and probate judge in 1886, serving in that capacity with much ability, and was re-elected to the same office in 18S8. He is a Democrat politically, and he and wife are members of the Methodist Ej>iscopal Church, South. M. R. Craig, proprietor of meat market. Bates- >> ville. Dealing in articles necessary for our daily sustenance, it is not surprising that the number of those engaged in the butchering business should be large, but this field of enterprise is also a large one. Among those engaged in this pursuit is Mr. Craig, a native of Greenbriar Township, Independ- ence County, Ark., born on the KJth of March, 1851, and the sou of John L. Craig, who was a native of Tennessee. The father came to Bates- ville when a young man, taught school for several years, and was married in Independence County, to Miss Margaret Harding, a native of Arkansas. They then located in Oil Trough Bottom, and af- terward moved to Greenbriar Township, where he purchased a farm, and there died in 18(54. The mother is still living, and resides on the old home- stead, in Greenbriar Township. They were the par- ents of eight childi-en, seven now living: John, was killed in Tennessee, while serving in the army; Lizzie, wife of P. Tucker; Joseph, Andrew, James, Mark R., Laura, wife of AV. L. Dunaway, and Jane, wife of William Cullens. M. R. Craig at- tained his growth in Greenbriar Township, and as- sisted on the farm until twenty-one years of age. At about 1875 he engaged in the butcher's busi- ness in Batesville, and has since carried it on. He owns a timber tract of land of forty acres, and is also the owner of town property in Batesville. He has been a member of the council of Batesville. In the year 1871 he selected Miss Sarah Elms as his companion in life, and the fruits of this mar- riage are four living children: Baswoll W. , Mag- gie, Andrew J. and Abernathy. One, deceased, was named Robert Henry. Mr. Craig is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the K. of H. Georse Washiugrtou Crow, a minister of the Missionary Baptist Ciiurch, of Independence Coun- ty, is a son of Robert and Margaret (Killinger) Crow, and was the fourth in a family of eight children bora to the parents, his birth occurring April 8, 1819, in what is now Smyth County, Va. The grandfather, George W. Killinger, was a pri- vate soldier in Gen. George Washington's army, and fought in many of the battles under that famous hero. The family on lioth sides are de- scendants of old Virginians. lu 1823 Robert Crow emigrated to Boane County, Tenn., and lo- cated near Kingston, the county seat, where his son, George W., gi-ew to manhood and received his education. In 1837 the father moved to the State of Alabama, which place he made his resi- dence until his decease, and is now buried at Gravel Hill, De Kalb County, in that State. Two years later his son, George W. Crow, was married to Miss Sidney Hines, of Tennessee, by whom he has had four children: William Harrison, who was killed in the battle of Seven Pines, in 1802; Eliza A., who was married to Mr. H. Fike, of Alabama, at the residence of the bride's father, in 1859, but lost her husband in 1871 ; Palestine, who was mar- ried to Mr. Joseph Wilburn, of Alabama, but now residing in Stone County, Ark. , and the last child dying in infancy. In 1847 Mr. Crow lost his first wife, who was buried in Garrett Cemetery, De- Kalb County, Ala., and in 1849, he was married to Miss Avadney J. Dutton, of Alabama. l)y whom he had eight children, all living until they had reached their maturity excepting one; Mary, wife of William Tate; Nancy E., married to Mr. New ton Cooper, and now residing near Mr. Crow; Ed- mond Thomas, who was married to Miss Amahda Cooper; Bankston W., who was married to Miss Fannie Ellis, and residing near the father' s home ; Margaret Spurgeon, wife of Rev. James L. Brown, this daughter dying in 1879: Jane, who was mar- ried to John Tate, and John D. , at home. Mr. Crow was ordained by the Missionary Baptist Church, in 1869, at Gravel Hill, DeKalb County. Ala. That year he moved to Arkansas and located near Sulphur Rock, where he purchased the farm upon which he still resides. He owns 35(') acres of land, with about ninety-tive acres under culti vation, and in partnership with his son, Bankston W., owns 160 acres, with twenty five acres under cultivation, and good buildings and improvements. Mr. Crow has worked faithfully in the interests of the church, and many times has contril)uted to its sui)port from his own private means. In 1887 the congregation at Maple Springs attemjited to erect a church to be paid for by sul).scrii)tion, and Mr. Crow came nobly forward with $112.00 for that purpose. He is at present the pastor at Ma])le A 058 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Springs, but formerly was occupied a great part of the time in filling such vacancies as occurred in that section. Four of his children also attend the father's church. In politics Mr. Crow is a Demo- crat, and previous to coming to Arkansas, had held the office of treasurer of De Kalb County, Ala. , for two years. He has always been to the fi-ont in any enterprise for the advancement of religious and educational matters, and is a citizen of whom the county may and does feel proud. Capt. John W. Cullins, a prominent farmer and stock raiser of Greenbriar Township, Inde- pendence County, purchased his present farm of 320 acres, which is situated near Jamestown, in 1855; there was at that time little improvement on the land, which is now one of the best farms in the county. xMr. Cullins was born in Abbeville Coun- ty, S. C, in 1S28, and, receiving a limited educa- tion, he hired out on a farm at the age of fifteen, in which capacity he was employed until 1846. In the latter year he enlisted in Company C, Col. Coffee's regiment of Alabama Infantry, and served twelve months in the Mexican War, participating in the battle of Vera Cruz; he was honorably dis- charged at New Orleans in June, 1847, and after spending some time in Alabama, went to Missis- sippi, two years later returning to South Carolina, where he married and lived until his emigration to Independence County, Ark., in 1855, where he has since made his home. He devoted his entire attention to farming until 1867, when he built a store on the present site of Jamestown, and for twelve years engaged in merchandising in part- nership with Jacob Pate. Mr. Cullins has accumu- lated considerable property, owning in all 540 acres, about 220 acres of which are under cultivation, beside real estate in Jamestown. During the Civil War Mr. Cullins served about four years in the Con- federate army; the first year as captain of Com- pany C, Desha's battalion, operating in Alabama and Mississippi, and subsequently assisted in or- ganizing Company C, Arkansas Cavalry, of which he was appointed captain, in which capacity he served until the close of the struggle. He was in the battles of Marks' Mill, Big Blue, with Gen. Price on his raid through Missouri and Kansas, surrend- ering at Jacksonport in June, 1865, after four years of the hardships of war. Mr. Cullins first married in 1851, Mary Ann, daughter of Johnson and Margaret Simms, of South Carolina, who moved to Tennessee, in 1852, and three years later to Independence County, Ark., where Mr. Simms died before the war. Mrs. Cullins, who was also a native of South Carolina, died in 1856, leaving two sons, John S. and William S. In 1857 Mr. Cullins married Mary, daughter of Jolj Starks. Mrs. Mary Cullins was born in Independence County, where she died in 1867, the mother of three children, Henry N., Francis M., and Estella, wife of William D. Hatton. Mr. Cullins next married, in 1868, Martha M. Davis, daughter of Jesse and Margaret Flinn. She is a native of Guilford County, N. C. One daughter, Ida. has blessed this union. Mr. Cullins was the only child of Elijah and Mary fSwain) Cullins, l)oth natives of Abbeville Coimty, S. C, who removed to Georgia when he was only a year old. There the mother died soon after, and the father was subsequently twice married, having three children by his second wife and three by the third. He was a farmer by occupation, and spent the latter part of his life in Alabama, where he died soon after the war, a member of the Baptist Church. Capt. Cul- lins belongs to the Neill Lodge, of Jamestown, of the A. F. & A. M., and he and wife are mem bers in good standing of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church. Hon. F. D. Denton, of Batesville, is a native of that town, born there on the 28d of November, 1841, and is one of the representative citizens of the county. His father, William F. Denton, was a native of Tennessee, and when a young man was united in marriage to Miss Margaret F. Desha, a native of Washington City, D. C. William F. Denton emigrated with his father, John Denton, to Washington County, Ark., in early territorial days, and there the latter died. He was a soldier in th(> War of 1812, under Gen. Jackson, and had followed agricultural pursuits all his life. The maternal grandfather, liobert M. Desha, was captain in the United States marine service, at Washington. He emigrated to Arkansas, and located at Helena, and U® w_ - < > INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 659 subsequently, leaving his wife and two children there, while on his return to Washington, was stricken down with yellow fever, and died at New Orleans, in 1822. The great-grandfather, Gen. Jo. Desha, was governor of Kentucky from 1824 to 1828, and was the first Democratic governor of the State. He commanded a division of Kentucky troops under Gen. Harrison. He died in Ken tucky. William F. Denton came to Independence County, Ark. , in about 1835, and one year later was made prosecuting attorney of this county. He was a lawyer by profession, and died in August, 1845. The mother is still living. Of the four children born to their marriage, two only are now living, Frank D. and Elvira F. , wife of J. P. Boyd. One son, William F., was killed during the war, when only eighteen years of age. The other child, was Frances J. Mrs. Denton's brother, Capt. F. W. Desha, for whom our subject is named, was a captain in Yell's Arkansas regiment, in the Mexican War, and lieutenant- colonel commanding the Seventh Arkansas Battalion, C. S. A., in the Civil War. F. D. Denton attained his growth, and received a fair education in Batesville, but subse- quently pursued his studies at Fayetteville (Ark. ), College and Center College, at Danville, Ky. He was attending the last named institution, and was deeply immersed in his studies, when the breaking out of the war caused him to abandon his liooks and seek his home. Soon after he enli.sted in Company C, Desha's battalion, and served until the close of the war. He was in Gen. Johnston's army, and participated in the battles of Perryville, Chickamauga, and was in Johnston's campaign through Georgia. He was wounded at Murfrees- boro, by a gun-shot in the neck, cutting his wind- pipe, and lay on the battlefield two days. He was also wounded at the battle of New Hop? Church, Ga. , by a gun-shot in the side. He was then captured, and left in a hospital. He was carried to Nashville, where some ladies took care of him. He was exchanged in 1863, and again joined his regiment in Tennessee. After the sur- render he returned to his home, arriving there in August, 1805, and engaged in tilling the soil. In 18()0, he was elected sheriff, which position he held until the reconstruction. In 1.S70, he en- gaged in merchandising, l)ut carried this on for only about two or three years, as he was quite un fortunate in this business venture. In January, 1877, he established the Batesville Guard, and ran this paper in an able and capable manner until in July, 1885. In October of the same year he was ap[)ointed postmaster, and conlirmod in Jan- uary, 1886. Mr. Denton was married, in 1868, to Miss Mattie A. Lewis, a native of Holly Springs, Miss., and to them were born seven children, four now living: William F., Desha, Estella, and Kosa. Mr. Denton is a member of the I. O. O. F. , K. of P., K. of H., and K. and L. of H. He was elect- ed to represent his county in the legislature, in 1881, and re-elected in 1883, serving two terms. Col. Eobert M. Desha, a prominent farmer of Independence County, was born in that county in the year 1847, and is a son of Col. Franklin W. and Elizabeth (Seavey) Desha, of Washington, D. C. , and Independence County, Ark., respectively. The parents were married in Independence County, and settled upon the land now occupied by the Desha family, and where the father died April 80, 1869. He was a graduate from the law and lit- erary department of the Transylvania University, at Lexington, Ky., and became a successful lawyer as well as one of the most influential men in this county. He was prosecutor of his district at the outbreak of war, and was also a member of the convention that declared the State of Arkansas out of the Union. Upon reaching his sixteenth year he entered a business house at Clarendon, where he occupied a position of trust for some time, and then went to Kentucky, to attend col lege. He commenced to practice his profession at Batesville, and continued in the law at that point for twenty-tiTe years. At the outbreak of war be tween this country and Mexico, he enli.sted in Company D, First Arkansas Mounted Infantry, in which he held the rank of lieutenant, and on the occasion of the captain's death, at the battle of Buena Vista, Lieut. Desha was promoted to fill his place. During the Civil War he again enlisted and organized what was known as Desha's bat- talion, which he commanded until after the battle ■nr of Shiloh. when he resigned on account of ill health, and returned to his home. Mr. Desha was at one time a member of Capt. Rutherford's com- pany in Price's raids through Missouri, and was afterward severely wounded at the Fitzhugh tight, in Arkansas. After his return home he again re- sumed his practice and became one of the most promising men of Arkansas, as also one of the wealthiest. His father was Robert Desha, a son of one of Kentucky's most famous governors in the early days. Robert Desha entered the United States marine service, and was for a good many years a captain in that body. Col. Desha's mother was a descendant of the famous Bledsoe family, whose name figured so prominently in the early history of Tennessee; while the Desha family are of French descent, the name being formerly De Shaze. The mother was a daughter of James and Martha Seavey, of Virginia, who were married in Alabama, and moved to Batesville, Ark., in 1829, being then among the first settlers of that country. Mr. Seavey was of Scotch descent, and served under Gen. Jackson in the War of 1812. He af- terward became a prominent farmer in Independ- ence County, where he resided until his death, in 1835, his wife following him the same year. Their daughter, Mrs. Desha, is still living, and has been a member of the Presbyterian Church for over forty years. She was the mother of eleven children, of whom two sons and two daughters are yet living: Robert M. , Benjamin, Mary and Liz- zie. Col. Robert M. Desha, the oldest, now owns about 700 acres of land, and has some 250 acres un- der cultivation in valuable bottom land. In politics he is a strong Democrat, and from 1882 to 1886 he was one of the best sheriffs Independence County could ever boast of. He is very largely interested in stock dealing, ginning, milling and farming, and is a model and influential citizen. He belongs to Mill Lodge No. 285, A. F. & A. M., and has held all the offices except master. As far as popularity is concerned. Col. Desha has a host of friends in Independence County. He is an act- ive politician and of value to his party, his services being well appreciated. He also belongs to the Royal Arch Chapter and Eastern Star. Dr. Lycurgus A. Dickson, a prominent physi- cian and surgeon, of Desha, Independence County, is a native of Murfreesboro, Tenn. , and was born in 1827. His parents were Enos H. and Cynthia (Howell) Dickson, both of Tennessee. Enos H. Dickson was a cabinet-maker by trade, and was a son of William Dickson, a native of North Caro- lina, who died in Tennessee; the latter was a sol- dier in the Revolutionary War, participating in the battle of King's Mountain. Lycurgus A. was next to the youngest of a family of seven sons, and is the only one now living; he was left an orphan at the age of fourteen years, and lived with an uncle. G. B. Lanham, till nearly grown. His education was that which he could obtain in the common schools, and at the age of nineteen he engaged in teaching, which profession he followed several years. In 1851 he began the study of medicine, in Gibson County, Tenn., and in 1853-54 attended the medical department of the University of Nash- ville, Tenn., graduating from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1855. He began the practice of his chosen profession in Gibson County, Tenn., where he remained until 1856; in the latter year he removed to Independence County, Ark. , where he has ever since been actively engaged in practice, with remarkable success. During the war he served two years as surgeon of the Eighth Ar- kansas Infantry, operating in Arkansas, Kentucky and Tennessee. In January, 1863, Dr. Dickson married Elizabeth G. , daughter of Judge Henry Neill. Mrs. Dickson was born not far from where she now lives. Their children are: Maude M. , wife of Dr. F. E. Jeffery; Dr. Henry N. , a grad- uate of the medical department of Vanderbilt Uni- versity, of Nashville, Tenn. ; Robert L. , Florence (deceased), Paul Lanham, Elizabeth Adair, and Enos H. The Doctor owns 280 acres of land, with 150 acres under cultivation. He is one of the old- est physicians in the county, and is a leader in his profession. His practice is large and remunera- tive, and he has the respect and confidence of a large number of friends and patrons. Politically, he is a Democrat. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. Mi-s. Dickson is a member of the Meth- odist Church. V ^ ^ Mississippi CouNTr,ARKAN3AS . INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 661 John H. Dickinson, clerk of the circuit court, Batesville. The public services of Mr. Dickinson, since 1880, have been characterized by a noticeable devotion to the vyelfare of Independence County, and his fidelity in his position of public trust has made a lasting impression upon the sphere of pub- lic duty. He was born in the city of Batesville, Independence County, on the 1 1th day of February, 1849, and is one of three children now livinfj, born to the union of Benjamin and Maria L. (Slater) Dickinson, early settlers of Batesville. The father was a general business man, and kept hotel for several years. The three children now living are named as follows: Edward M., Elizabeth C. and John H. The latter was reared principally in San Joaquin County, Cal., and there he received a good practical education. At the age of twelve years he began learning the printer's trade at Stockton, Cal., in the office of the Stockton Inde- pendent, and there continued until twenty-one years of age. He then went to Delaware to visit his father, and subsequently came to Independ- ence County, where he engaged as clerk in a country store. He continued in this business for some time, and in 1888 was elected to his present position. On the 31st of December, 1879, his mar- riage with Miss Virginia Byers, was consummated. Mr. Dickinson is a member of the Masonic frater- nity ; a member of the K. of H. , and he also be- longs to the K. of P. William P. Dotson, a practicing physician and surgeon, of Union Township. Independence Coun- ty, resides on a farm four miles north of Cushman postoffice. He was born in Surrey County, N. C, in 184fj, and is one of two children born to John H. and Elizabeth Dobson, both natives of North Carolina. John H. was born in 1807 and died in his native State in 18(56; he was of English-Irish descent. Mrs. Dobson, whose maiden name was Martin, was born in Wilkes County in 1817, and died in 1867; her ancestors were Dutch. William P. was reared in North Carolina, where he was given the advantages of a common -school educa- tion. He obtained his medical knowledge at the University of Louisville, Ky., and. since the year 1868, has been actively engaged in the practice of medicine. He located in Independence County, Ark., in 1870, where he has ever since resided and devoted the greater part of his attention to his practice, which is extensive and lucrative. In 1875 Dr. Dobson married Miss Kittie Williamson, a native of Arkansas, who was born in 18r)6. Their six children are: John K., William T., David E., Burrus C. , Archibald H. and Mary E. The mother is an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and the family is one well-known and respected. The Doctor owns 480 acres of land, of which he cultivates 125 acres. His politics have been Democratic ever since he cast his first presi- dential vote for Seymour and Blair. John S. Dodd, a well-known resident and farmer of Independence County, was born in that county on the 17th of May, 1841, and is a son of Abner H. and Mary Jane (Martin) Dodd, natives of Ten- nessee and Kentucky, respectively, the latter com- ing to Arkansas, with her parents, when only three years of age. The father moved to that State with his father, in 1812, when the country was very sparsely settled. At that time, as well as John S. Dodd can recollect from his father's account, there were but one or two families in Greenbriar Township, and a few in Oil Trough. There was also a settler livinij at what is now known as Maracy. In 1865 he was mustered out, and in 186',) he bought the farm upon vjrhich he is now living. There were at that time 113 acres in the lot, but at present he has 233 acres, with about 100 acres under cultivation. He has a tine orchard, with fruit of all kinds in abund- ance. Mr. and Mrs. Duck have been members of the Methodist Episcopal Church since 1845, and he has contributed liberally to the support of the church. Mr. Duck is also a member of McGuire Lodge No. 20S, Oil Trough, Independence County, Ark. , of which he was one of the charter members, and the only one now living. He is Democratic in his political views, and is a friend to progress. N. E. Duffey, deputy circuit court clerk, and one of the representative men of the county, was born in Bristol, Conn., on the 12th day of Au- gust, 1849, and is the son of Nicholas and Mary (Hogan) Duffey, natives of County Westmeath, Ire- land. The parents emigrated to America at an early day, and located in Connecticut. From there thej^ removed to Illinois, in 1859, and settled in Madison County, near Edwardsville, where the father followed agricultural pursuits, and where he remained for several years. The mother died in 1851. Of their family there are three childi-en now living: James, Owen, and Nicholas E., who is the youngest of the family. He was principally reared in Illinois, and there received his education. At once, with the energy and industry of his fore- fathers, he devoted himself to tilling the soil, and this continued until in April, 1872, when he came to Arkansas, and located at Batesville. He first en- gaged in the livery business, which he continued for a number of years, and then embarked in mer- chandising. This he carried on in Oil Trough Bottom for about five years, and three years in Batesville. The last few years he has been practi- cally retired, with the exception of settling up his business. Since January, 1889, he has been acting as deputy circuit clerk. He is the owner of about 600 acres of land, with 240 under cultiva- tion. By his maiTiage. which occurred in 1878, to Miss Eglantine Gainer, a native of Arkansas, he became the father of three children: Mollie, Gainer and Nora. Mrs. Duffy is a member of the Episcopal Church. He is a very public- spirited citizen, and is always ready to assist any public enterprise. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , and is also a member of the K. of P. Thaddeus W. Dumas, business manager of the Co-operative Wheel Store, Pleasant Plains, Ark. The mercantile interests of this portion of Independ- ence County, have been ably represented for sev- eral years by Mr. Dumas, who is a pleasant, genial gentleman, and a good business man. His birth occurred in Lowndes County, Miss. , on the 20th of November, 1837. and he was one of six interesting children born to Winchester and Louisa (Jenkins) Dumas, both of whom were natives of South Caro- lina. They removed to Tipton County,. Tenn.. in 1864, and there the closing scenes of their lives were passed. Thaddeus W. Dumas came to Arkansas in 1873, and settled in Independence County, where he has since remained. He received his education in the Manual Labor School of Franklin College, Tenn. , under the management of Toll)ert Fanning. During the late conflict he served in the Third Kentucky Regiment, and participated in the battles of Belmont, Shiloh, Port Hudson, Jackson, and several less important engagements. He chose for his companion in life. Miss Phcebe James, whom he married in 1878. They have no children. Mr. Dumas possesses 160 acres of mountain land, and on the same are several fine mineral springs. He is a Jacksonian Democrat in politics, is a member of the Wheel, and in religion a Baptist. Robert W. Earnheart is one of the leading farm- ers and business men of Washington Township, Independence County. He owns over 1,000 acres of land, of which only about 225 acres are culti- vated, but comprise one of the finest farms in the vicinity. Mr. Earnheart is also the proprietor of a distillery, which has a capacity of ten gallons of whisky per day, and is situated on his farm, seven miles west of Batesville. Mr. Earnheart is a na- tive of North Carolina, and was born January 25, 1849. His parents were Edward and Sarah i Mull) ^ INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 665 [ Earnheart, the former of whom was bora in North Carolina, May 10, 1811, and died iu 1850; the latter was boru March 2, 1819, and died in Arkan- sas, June 28, 1859. In 1853, after the father's death, the family removed to Arkansas. There were six children, only three of whom are now living. Robert W., who was the youngest child, was reared in Independence County, Ark., and his (nliioation consisted of but four months' attendance at the common schools. At the age of twelve years he began providing for himself, and has principally devoted his attention to farming, at which lii^ has been very successful. December 29, 1869, Mr. Earnheart married Miss Martha E. Harmon, also a native of Independence County, who was born Oc- tober 23, 1850. Mrs. Earnheart died January 15, 1886, the mother of six children, viz. : Lee Edward, Joseph W., Robert S. , Emma I., Jefferson B. (deceased) and Martha P. February 9, 1887, Mr. Earnheart married Miss Mattie Winston, and their union has been blessed with one child. Mrs. Earn- heart was born in Independence County, May 12, 1867. Our subject and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and the for- mer is also a member of the Masonic order. He is politically a Democrat, and is one of the most extensive farmers in Washington Township. William J. Erwin, an enterprising and prosper- ; ous farmer of Independence County, was born in Maury County, Tenn. , on October 22, 1833. He is a son of Alexander K. and Elizabeth (Wilson) Er- win, of the same State. The paternal grandfather was an early settler of Tennessee, and a soldier in the War of 1812. His son, Alexander K. , was reared in that State, and followed the occupation of a farmer until the spring of 1840, when he emi- grated to Independence County, Ark., making the entire journey with his family in wagons. He lo- cated in Washington Township, where he entered a tract of land in the woods, upon which he lived until 1870, when he moved to Batesville, where he lived up to the time of his death, in 1S72, his wife following him six years later. They were the par- ents of seven children, of whom three are still liv- ing: William J., Laura, wife of Dr. D. C. Ewing, and Martha, wife of Clinton McGuire. William J. Erwin was only seven years of age when his parents arrived in Independence County, and he remained on the farm until he had reached his maturity, receiving in that time a fair education. In 1862 he enlisted in McCaulcy's cavalry com- pany. Seventh Regiment, and served in that body until the surrender. Mr. Erwin took part in all the principal engagements west of the Mississippi River, and, although disjilaying a recklessness in battle sometimes that was marvelous, he was never wounded or cajitured. After the surrender he came home and resumed his work on the farm, starting in with a determination to make that his business and to be successful at it. He has never aspired to be a politician, and rather shuns the notoriety that public office would bring— the only position he would ever consent to filling l)eing that of judge of election. In 1871 he moved to where he now resides, within one mile of Batesville, and in 1873 built a fine residence. He owns altogether about 1,000 acres, and has some 650 acres under cultivation, of which 550 acres are situated in Oil Trough Bottom, being some of the most valuable land in that section, and adapted to any growth. Mr. Erwin raises corn, cotton and hay, also cattle, sheep and hogs. In 1866 he was married to Miss Cornelia Glenn, by whom he had six children, three of them yet living: William A., M. E. and Nellie. His wife died after a happy married lif(^ of fourteen years, and he was united to Miss Ida Lipscomb, of Maury County, Tenn. , on June 26, 1883. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin are members of the Presl)yterian Church, and the former belongs to the Royal Arch Masons, and in politics is a Dem ocrat. D. C. Ewing, M. D., a well known physician of Batesville, was bom in Madison County, Tenn. , on November 7, 1846, and is a son of David C. and Sophia (Dixson) Ewing, of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively. The elder Ewing immi- grated to Tennessee about the year 1819, and settled in Madison County, where he died iu 1858, his wife following him in 1888. They were the parents of ten children, of whom six are yet liv iug: Elizabeth C, wife of W. S. Carson, a grand- nephew of the celebrated scout and Indian fighter, _jj^ 666 HISTOKY OF ARKANSAS. Kit Carson; Jane W., who was married to James Steed, and died in 1871; Adeline E., wife of James F. Bray: Newton A. ; the Doctor: Joseph D. .who died in Los Angeles. Cal. ; Fannie, wife of Gran- ville Ingram, and Margaret, wife of Robert Davis, deceased. The Doctor was reared on his father's farm, in Madison County, Tenn. , and received his education at the Madison Academy. On September 13, ISni, he enlisted in Company A. Thirty-iirst Tennessee Infantry, and served sixteen months, afterward joining Company B, Twenty-first Ten- nessee (Forrest's) Cavalry, in which he continued until his surrender at Gainesville Junction, Ala., to E. R. S. B. Canby, who was killed by Capt. Jack, a celebrated Indian chief. The Doctor served in a number of the most important battles, and, though one of the foremost in the ranks and in the thickest of battle, he was never once womided nor captiu-ed. After the war was over he remained in Madison County, Tenn., where he read medicine under Dr. D. M. Spencer, at the same time obtaining a knowledge of the drug busi- ness in a store at that place. In 1869 he entered the medical department of the University of Louis- ville, and upon graduating, in 1871, came to Arkan- sas and located at Batesville, where he has been a resident and practiced medicine ever since. He has built up a large and lucrative practice, and is well known throughout this section, not only for the skill displayed in his profession, but also for his personal qualities. The Doctor is a member of the Arkansas State Medical Society and the Amer- ican Medical Association. He also belongs to the Masonic fraternity and the Knights of Honor, and was an alderman of Batesville for four years. On July 2, 1874, he was married to Mrs. Laura A. Cox, of Mississippi, but reared in Arkansas. He has made his home one of the most attractive in Batesville. The Doctor owns considerable town property, and bis residence is unsurpassed. Elisha M. Flinn is a native of Guilford County, N. C, and was born in 1828. He is a son of Dr. Jesse W. and Margaret (Bowen) Flinn, both of North Carolina. Dr. Jesse W. Flinn was born September 4, 1801, and lived in North Carolina until our siibject was three or four years of age, when he removed to Madison County, Ky. , and thence, in 1839, to McMinn County, Tenn. , where Mrs. Flinn died in 1844. Mr. Flinn married again, and in 1857 located in Independence County, Ark., where he spent the remainder of his life as a farmer and stock raiser, also practicing medicine to some extent; when young he was for several years en- gaged as a circus performer ; his death occurred in Greenbriar Township in 1873. John Flinn, pa- ternal grandfather of Elisha M. , was of Irish de- scent, and served as a soldier in the Revolution; he died in North Carolina at the advanced age of one hundred and four years, still retaining his eye- sight. The maternal grandparents of oui- subject died when Mrs. Flinn was ipiite small. To Jesse W. and Margaret Flinn were born three children. Elisha M. received his early education in the com- mon schools, and afterward attended for eighteen months Eastmalla Academy, Eastern Tennessee, which qualified him to teach, which profession he followed only one term as assistant. In 1852 Mr. Flinn married Elizabeth, daughter of William and Tempie Moore, natives of North Carolina, who spent the latter part of their lives in Independence County, Ark. Mrs. Flinn was born in McMinn County, Tenn., and died in 1864, leaving one daughter, Mary, now the wife of Jefferson Porter. In 1866 Mr. Flinn married Anna Todd, a native of Randolph County, who died in 1872. Three chil- dren were born to the latter union, viz. : James R. , Emma Vernettie, and Jesse Lee (deceased). I\Ir. Flinn located on his present farm in Independence County in 1856, and for the past thirty-three years has made his home there. He has 200 acres of fine farm land, of which 140 acres are under cultiva- tion. He traded extensively at one time, driving stock to Georgia and Florida. In the latter part of 1861 he enlisted in Company C, Col. Newton's regiment of Arkansas cavalry, and served as or- derly sergeant, and quartermaster three and a half years; he was in the battles of Little Rock, Cape Girardeau, Jefferson City, and others, and was with Gen. Price on his raid through Missouri and Kansas. During service he was twice slightly wounded. After the war he returned to his farm, to which he has since devoted his entire attention. ^'* ^« — ^ ,u INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 667 He is politically a Democrat, and for fifteen years has been a member of the A. F. & A. M. , Neill Lodge, of Jamestown. Kobert Gardner. Indej)endence County, Ark., has won an enviable reputation as a prosperous farming country, and this reputation has boon acquired through the enterprise and energy of such agriculturists as Mr. Gardner. He is now residing one mile southeast of Elmo. He was born in Gib- son County, Ind. , on the 3d of October, 1843. He received an excellent common school education in his native county, but in 1878 emigrated to Ar- kansas and located in Independence County, where he continued farming, having learned the details of this work in his youth of his father, who was a successful agriculturist. Off and on, for the tirst ten years of his residence here, he rented land of \V. D. Hodges. Mrs. Mary L. Bennard became his wife in February, 1874. She was born in Ar kansas, and died on the ISth of January, 1882, being buried in the Kirk family cemetery. She left four children: John and Sallie (twins), who were born on the 4th of July, 1873; Mary, born August 22, 1879, and Edna, born October 29, 1881. Mr. Gardner's second union was to Mrs. Minerva Scanlan, a native of Arkansas, their union being consummated January 6, 1882. He has always been a warm friend of education, and has kept his two eldest children in school for the past eight years, their attendance being ten months out of the year. He is one of the trixstees of the school, and prides himself upon the fact that their school is one of the best in the county, and that none but the best teachers are employed, the salaries they offer being suflSciently large to command only the best educators. While in Indiana he was a mem- ber of the Masonic order, and belonged to Gib.son Lodge No. 420, of Hazleton. His parents, John and Mary (Nixon) Gardner, were born in Indiana. W. A. Glass. The manufacturing industries of Independence County, Ark., are ably represented by the pottery ostaljlishment belonging to Mr. Glass, which is located at Sulphur Rock. Mr. Glass was born in Texas, in 1858, and came with his parents to Saline County, Ark. , where he grew to manhood and was educated. At the early age of fourteen years he commenced learning the pot- ter's trade, serving an apprenticeship under his father, and at the age of about twenty years be^an working on his own account, and operated a pot tery establishment in Benton for some time, and then followed the same occupation in Bradley County for about one year. Since that time he has been in Sulphur Kock, with the exception of three years, when he returned to Benton, and since June 19, 18S8, he has had a permanent [jottory establish- ment at this place, which he considers a fine loca- tion, as the clay is of a superior quality, and the advantages for shipping are good. He has a very large trade, and although his establishment turns out 3,000 gallons per week, he can hardly supply the demand. He was married in Saline County, Ark., to Miss Mary Glidewell, who was born in Tennessee, but was reared in Arkansas. To them have been born four children : John C, William A., and Lula. Frederick died at the age of two years. Mr. Glass is a son of Lafayette and Eliza H. (King) Glass, the former of whom was born in Tennessee, on the 5th of July, 1830, and the latter on the 5th of December, also of that year. The father lived for many years in Saline County, but died in Mississippi. He and wife were the parents of seven children. W. A. being the third of the family. Grandfather Glass was born in Tennessee, emigrated to Texas at an early day, then came to Arkansas, and made his home in Sebastian County until his death. He was a hatter by tratle, and was a Master Mason, as was his son Lafayette. John W. Glenn, a retired merchant, and one of Batesville's leading citizens, was born in Inde pendence County, on April 29, 1850. His parents were William W. and Martha E. (Hassell) Glenn, of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively. The father emigrated to Tennessee at an early period, and met and won his wife in that State. In 1828 or thereabouts he moved to what is now In- dependence County, Ark., and located on the old homestead, where he now resides. The Indians were still here when he arrived, and all the dangers of a pioneer's life were fully experienced. Wild game of every description abounded in plenty, and in retui'n for the warfare made upon his stock by ^1 668 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the savage animals in that country the elder Glenn hunted considerably. His first residence was a lit- tle log cabin covered with clapboards, and this section was chosen on account of his wagon break- ing down at that point. After stopping awhile and looking over the country, he concluded that it would be about the right place to locate, and immediately commenced building a home. Jeanette Hassell, Mr. Glenn's father-in-law, came with them, and built a home near by. He had but two cliildien with him, Martha E. and Mary, the latter shortly after being married to James Wilson, a Presby- terian minister, who emigrated to Arkansas with them, and after the war removed with his wife to Arkadelphia, where he resided until his death. Mr. Wilson was an officer in the late war, and served with distinction throughout the entire fight. Mr. Hassell died from a stroke of paralysis, at the home of his son-in-law, W. W. Glenn, in this county. He was a large slave-owner, and had accu- mulated a fortune in real estate. W. W. Glenn was born in 1808, and came to Independence County when in his thirty- second year. He passed through all the trials and obstacles of a new country with a determination of purpose that eventually made him a successful man, and he is now very wealthy. He is in his eighty -first year, but is still as active as a man with twenty years' less weight on his shoulders, and has been a resident of Inde- pendence County for over sixty years, watching it grow from infancy to a thriving and populous cen- ter of civilization. Five children were born to the elder Glenn and his wife, four of whom grew to maturity, and three still living: John W. , Mrs. A. M. Hickerson, and Mrs. T. R. Taylor (whose hus- band is the owner of the Arlington Hotel). Those deceased were the first child, who died in in- fancy, and Mrs. Nellie Irwin, the latter, a noble woman and loving sister. The father, W. W. Glenn, was sheriff of Independence County for a number of years, whose name was a terror to evil- doers, and it was through his efforts that a great many of the desperate characters of earlier j'ears were run to earth. He also held the office of coun- ty judge, besides a number of minor positions, all of which he filled honorablv. John AV. Glenn was educated in Batesville, and at various other places, and upon finishing his college life com- menced merchandising at the former city in 1872. He carried on this business until 1886, when he was burned out, causing a loss of $15,000. Since then he has been winding up the affairs of his old business and dealing in real estate. He owns be- tween 2,000 and 3,000 acres of land, some of it lying in the river bottom, and very valuable, and has a large amount of it under cultivation, one farm of 400 acres producing some of the best crops in that section. He also deals extensively in horses and mules, and owns some of the best an- imals in Arkansas. In 1875 Mr. Glenn was mar- ried to Miss Sarah E. Maxfield, a daughter of Uriah Maxfield, and sister of Maxfield Bros., prominent merchants of this locality. This mar- riage has given them five children: Edgar H. , Nora A. , Elfie M. , Nellie L. and June. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Mr. Glenn belongs to the K. of H. and K. & L. of H. Both parents have attended the Methodist Church for a great many years, and are held in high esteem by the entire community. H. H. Goodwin. Among the representative farmers of Independence County, Ark., there are none more favorably known, or more highly re- spected, than Mr. Goodwin, for, like the majority of farmers, he has been sober, honest and indus- trious, and has won the property he now owns by the sweat of his brow. He is a native of the county, born in 1844, and is a son of O. P. Good- win, a Virginian by birth, born in Hanover County, in 1810. When about twenty-five years of age he moved to the State of Arkansas, and has since been a resident of Independence County, where he is well and favorably known. His wife, whose maid- en name was Elizabeth Hotchkiss, was born in Roane County, Tenn. , in 1817, and bore him fif- teen children, the following of whom survive: O. P. , who married Miss Carrie Bryant, a native of Mississippi; J. W., who wedded Miss Bettie Searcy, a native of Arkansas; P, J., who married Miss Emma Gibson, an Alabamian by birth; Martha G., who wedded William Hurt, a native of Arkansas; ^ 6 INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 669 ^ ( Emma G., the wife of Richard Lee, of Arkansas; O. P. autl H. H. The latter, like the majority of farmers' sons, devoted his time and attention to farming as he was growing up, and in the mean- time acquired a good, common-school education. After reaching mature years he was married to Miss Mary Pope, a Georgian by birth, their nup- tials taking place March 6, 1870, and to their union have been born six children: Albert S., Rob- ert E., Elizabeth M., Kirby A., Hattie, and an infant unnamed. Mr. Goodwin is a Mason, and has held the office of treasurer of his lodge for three years. During the Rebellion he joined McBride's forces in August, 1862, and his first hard tight was at Prairie Grove. After receiving his discharge on the 16th of May, 1865, he returned home, and resumed the peaceful pursuit of farming, which occupation he has since industriously followed. He is an enthusiastic patron of education, and for five years has served in the capacity of school di- rector. Mrs. Goodwin is a daughter of M. L. and Melvina Pope, who were native Georgians. The father was killed at the battle of Baker's Creek, Miss., May 16, 1863, and was followed to his long home by his wife in 1867. Mr. Goodwin owns a good farm of 1 20 acres, of which about fifty are under cultivation, and since his marriage has cleared fifty acres of woodland. E. R. Goodwin, druggist, Batesville, Ark. There is no branch of business more important in the whole list of occupations than that of a chem- ist and druggist. A prominent and representative establishment devoted to this branch of industry, is that of Mr. Goodwin, who, for a number of years, has been before the public in this line, and whose house is one of the best in the city. He was born in Panola County, Miss., on the 19th of December, 1845, and is the son of Albert G. and Maria A. (Moore) Goodwin, both natives of Suf- folk, Nansemond County, Va. They were mar- ried in Virginia, and emigrated to Mississippi about 1838, locating in Panola County, where they remained until 1849. They then removed to Perry County, Ark., and in December, of the same year, moved to Batesville, of the same State. While living in Perry County the mother died, in 1859, and ten years later the father died in Bates- ville. He was a merchant by occupation, but the war almost ruined him financially. They were the parents of eight children, only three living: Albert F., Charles E., and Eugene R., who is the youngest of the three living. He was but four years of age when he went to Memphis with his parents, and was but fourteen when ho came to Batesville. He received the principal part of his education in Memphis, Tenn., for after coming to Batesville ho remained in the store with his father until the opening of the conflict between the North and South. In 1862 he enlisted in Capt. McGuf- fin's company, and served until the surrender, in June, 1865. He was with Price's raid through Missoiui, and was in almost a continuous fight. At the close of the war he returned to Batesville, and began clerking in a dry-goods store. In Octo- ber, 1868, he started clerking in a drug store, and in 1872 he entered in partnership vnth A. W. Lyon, continuing until March, 1875, when Mr. Goodwin engaged in the business for himself, and this has since continued, a period of seventeen years. He carries a general line of drugs, sta- tionery, etc. He was married in 1871 to Miss Louisa F. Davies, a native* of South Carolina, who bore him foui- children: Lillio F., Cora D., Mabel T., and Lula H. Mr. and Mi's. Goodwin and family are members of the Presbyterian Church. He is a member of the K. of H., and also the Le- gion of Honor. Abraham Gossett is the proprietor of Distillery No. 154, at Newark, Independence County, Ark., which was established in November, 1888, and has a capacity of fifty gallons per day, which, it is ex- pected, will soon be increased to seventy-five gal- lons per day, consuming all the sui'plus com raised in that portion of the county. Mr. Gossett is a native of Independence County, and was born February 2, 1862. His parents are Allen and Charlotte (Brannan) Gossett, both natives of Ten- nessee, who, in early life, removed with their par- ents to Arkansas, where they married. They are active members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and are among the most prominent residents of Independence County, where they now reside. .^ 670 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Allen Gossett was in tbe Confederate service four years dm-ing the late Civil War, serving a greater portion of the time as orderly sergeant; he has been a farmer all his life, and has been most suc- cessful in his chosen occupation. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and his political sym- pathies are with the Democratic party. Nine chil- dren have been born to the parents of our subject, viz.: Abraham, Robert M., Cassandra, Florence (wife of William Kenman, a farmer of Independ- ence County), Williamson and John (twins), Mad- ison, Lena and Sarah (deceased); the latter was married to William Bruce, and died at the age of twenty-two years. Abraham Gossett received a common-school education, and at the age of twenty- one years began farming for himself, but after one year, abandoned the farm, and engaged in trading, in which he was successful for a time. In 1881 he turned his attention to the mercantile business in Johnson ville, Humphreys County, Tenn., and two years later removed to Newark, Ark., where he engaged in the same business, and built the second business house in that place. He continued mer- chandising until January 1, 1889, when he deter- mined to devote his entire time and attention to distilling, of which he is making a great success. April 22, 1885, Mr. Gossett married Miss Black- head Tomblinson, a daughter of John N. Tomblin- son. Mrs. Gossett is a native of Independence County. They have two children: Owen and Newel. Mr. Gossett is a member of the Baptist Church, the I. O. O. F. , and Masonic fraternity. Capt. Hiram Vardeman Gray (deceased). The above name is familiar to all the old citizens of In- dependence County, for it was borne by a man who was honest and upright, and whose life was without reproach in his intercourse with his fellowmen. Capt. Gray was born on the 22d of April, 1822, in Graves County, Ky. , and was the son of Capt. Gil- son and Rachel (Hodge) Gray, natives of North Carolina, who were among the early settlers of Graves County, Ky. The father was a captain in the War of 1812. In their family were five chil- dren. George M., a school teacher by profession, who went to Illinois in 1849, was elected and served two years as sheriff of Massac County. Later he represented a senatorial district in the Illinois legislature. In 1857 he contracted con- sumption and died at the age of thirty- nine years. Gilson, farmer and youngest son, on hearing that his brother Hiram had enlisted in the war, came to the home of his brother, ind then, learnin£r that the latter was at Helena, joined him there. He was his brother's nurse, remaining as such till his death, which occurred in Memphis in 1876, at the age of forty-eight years. Celia was the wife of Luke Ogden, a farmer of Kentucky, and her death occurred in 1852, at about thirty years of age. Malenia was the wife of Tillman H. Steele, a soldier of the Mexican War, and a farmer. She and her husband came to Arkansas in 1854, and here her death occurred in 1867, at the age of forty years. Capt. Hiram V. Gray was reared as all other farmers' boys, but was left an orphan when but a lad, and he and his brothers and sisters were left to look out for themselves. As might be supposed, his educational advantages were not of the best, but being naturally of a studious turn of mind he improved spare moments and became an average scholar. His early life on the farm gave him a strong constitution physically, and made him a practical, sensible man, and fitted him in an admira- ble manner for the public life he was destined to live. During his early manhood he followed agri- cultural 2)ursuits, and in 1840 was married to Miss Mahala Sweeny, a daughter of David Sweeny, who was a school teacher and a native of Tennessee. After his marriage Capt. Gray lived in Kentucky and tilled the soil until 1852, when he came to Arkansas, and at first stopped in White County. Not being pleased with the country, he started to return to his native State, but when he reached Black River Township, and became acquainted with some of the people, he concluded to settle there. He at first entered eighty acres of land, which he improved, and later bought 400 acres of J. N. Tunstill, which he added to this tract. He erected good buildings on the same and cleared forty acres of the land. Subsequently he bought 160 acres about four miles from the first, which was woodland. In 1854 he was elected to the office of constable, which office included the duties ^S of deptity sheriff, in which capacity he served, having been re-elected twice, until the breaking out of the war, in 1861. Being a strong Union man and his politics well known, he found plenty of opportunities to argue his opinions. In the spring of 1862, while in Batesville, he was asked under what flag he would fight, and made this answer: "I will be found iiuder the stars and stripes, battling for God and liberty," upon which he was struck by a citizen and surrounded by 100 others, one of whom had a rope to hang him. Being a highly respected Mason, some of the members of that order interfered in his behalf, and this saved his life. Later, in May, 1862, Mr. Gray organized a company of 100 men, and, on the 24th of June, he joined Curtis' army at Batesville, and was mustered in at Jacksonport. From there he went to Helena, where he remained stationed to await orders. While lying there one- half of his command, unused to malarial atmos- phere, sickened and died. Capt. Gray, himself, took sick with measles, and after sixty of his men had died, he and the remnant of his command were sent to Benton Barracks, St. Louis, for their health. Capt. Gray was sent to the Fifth Military Hospital, and, notwithstanding that he was at- tended by the best medical skill that could be pro- cured, and the most careful nursing, he continued to decline tintil December 2, 1862, when death came to his release. At present there are but eleven of his company of 100 men living, seven in Independence County. In this brief memoir it is impossible to do justice to the person whose mem ory it is designed to commemorate. His memory is perpetuated in Independence County by having his name given to the G. A. R. Post at Sulphur Itock, No. 33. His premature death left Mrs. (iray a widow with six children in the country of the enemy, and in the ibidst of the greatest fratri- cidal contest the world has ever known. Her oldest child was twenty years of age and the youngest six. ^Irs. Gray soon lost all her property, and was so harassed bj' the soldiers that she had to take refuge in another State, going to St. Louis in the spring of 1S63. In 1864 she moved to Illi- nois, and. afti'r a .short residence in that State, moved to Potosi, Washington County, Mo., where she met Gen. Price's army, and was robbed of her all. Thus she was left entirely without funds, and, to add to her trouble, her eldest son was taken pris- oner. However, on account of physical disability, and at the instance of some of his friends in the Confederate ranks, young Gray was released after a short time and allowed to return to his home. The subsequent trials of Mrs. Gray would fill vol- umes, and this continued until the close of the war, or in the fall of 1865. They then returned to their home in Arkansas, to find that the ruthless hand of war had taken everything movable away, the house alone remaining. Here she passed the remainder of her days, her death occurring on the 14th of October, 1884, at the age of sixty years. She was the widow of Capt. Gray, at her death, never having married again, and devoted her life to her children. Capt. Gray and wife were both Christians, he having received the ordinance of baptism on his death-bed. Mrs. Gray had been for forty years a member of the Baptist Church. They were the parents of seven children: Henry C, born in August, 1841, was reared to farm life, was unmarried, and when the war broke out joined his father's company. He was one of the unfor- tunates who died at Helena, his death occurring in August, 1862; Sally A. was born August 2, 1851, and died at Potosi, Mo., on the 30th of De- cember, 1864; AVilliam C. was born on the 2d of December, 1842, in Marshall County, Ky., and was reared to farm life. His education was lim- ited, but through his own efforts he is a good practical scholar. He came with his father to this State in 1852, and his career up to 1865 has been given. On the 31st of January, 1867, he married Mrs. Martha (Edward.s) Burt, a native of Tennes- see, and by her he has one child, Lydia A., who was born on the 5th of February, 1868, and is at present her father's housekeeper. Mrs, Gray died of consumption on the 30th of June, 1870; and. May 2, 1875, Mr. Gray mamed Miss Amelia A. Anderson, a native of Arkansas. Three chil- dren were born to this union: William C, born on the 9th of February, 1876; Thomas B., born on the 15th of September, 1877, and John H.. V Jd « k_ 672 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. born on the 20th of September, 1879, and died in November. 1880. Mrs. Gray died on the 4th of October, 1879. She was an excellent woman, and a devoted member of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church. Mr. Gray continued farming un- til his thirty- fourth year, when, on account of bad health, he picked up the basket and chair-making trade, which occupies his attention at the present time. He votes with the Republican party, and is a member of the Wheel. Capt. Gray's next child was Mary A. , wife of W. H. Gires, a farmer of Black River Town.ship; Benjamin J., was born on the 14th of January, 1847, and was married on the 6th of November, 1869, to Mrs. Margaret (Alexander) Hall, and has the following family: Hiram V., born January 3, 1871; James W., born December 24, 1872; Sarah A., born October 15, 1875, and Robert B., December 30, 1878. Mr. B. J. Gray and his three sons are all natural musicians, all playing the violin. His principal occupation is that of a farmer. He votes with the Republican party, and like his brother, W. C, is a member of the A. O. U. W. The next child of Capt. Gray is James G., who was born on the 7th of February, 1853, and on May 7, 1874, he married Miss Susan Kennedy, a native of Arkan- sas, and seven children were born to this union, five of whom are now living: Ida, born on the 2l8t of February, 1875; Joseph I., born on the 19th of March, 1881; Nellie Zora, born on the 19th of February, 1884; Elam, born on the 10th of February, 1886, and James G., born on the 16th of February, 1888. Those deceased are: Martha J., died on the 15th of May, 187S, at the age of one year, and the others were unnamed. James G. Gray has followed agricultural pursuits all his life, and also votes with the Republican party. He is a member of the Wheel. He and his wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and are highly- esteemed citizens. Hon. E. C. Gray, born in Guilford County, N. C, on the 9th of October, 1830, is a son of John Gray, a native of Randolph County, of that State, who was there reared to manhood, educated, and married, the latter event being to Miss Ver- linda Robbins, by whom he became the father of two sons and four daughters. After following the life of a husbandman in his native State until 1850, he removed to Arkansas and settled in Independ- ence County, where he became the owner of 500 acres of land, and died in 1878. His wife had pre- viously expired in her native State, in 1844. They had been worthy members of the Methodist Protest- ant Church. E. C. Gray received an excellent ed- ucation in Trinity College, North Carolina, but it was then known by the name of the Union Insti- tute. After his removal to Arkansas with his par- ents, in 1850, he was married to Miss Ann S. Meacham, a native of Independence County, Ark., and their union resulted in the birth of eleven sons and six daughters. Of this large family fourteen are still living: Julius B., Aurelius G., Mary M., Sarah A. , Dr. Christopher C. , Dr. Elisa J. , James E., William A., Queen E., Thornsberry A., John W. , Virgil O. , Aurora, and Lillie. Mr. Gray is a wealthy planter of Arkansas, being the owner of 1,300 acres of land, of which there are about 400 acres under cultivation. In 1877 he was elected to represent his county in the State legislature, and discharged the duties of this office in a manner very satisfactory to his constituents. He has also served as justice of the peace, and during the late war (in 1862) enlisted under Col. Dobbins, in a company of Arkansas cavalry. He was discharged at Jacksonport in 1865, and after his return home resumed tilling the soil. His wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and, al- though not a member of any church, he is a liberal contributor to churches and schools. A. G. Gray. The subject of this sketch is a native-born resident of the county, and as such is looked upon with respect and esteem by his many acquaintances. His birth occurred on the 18th of December, 1854, and he is one of fourteen surviving members of a family of seventeen children, born to E. C. Gray and Ann S. (Meacham) Gray, his wife, the former of whom was born in North Car- olina, in 1830, and was educated in Trinity Col- lege, of that State. He was a member of the Agri ■ cultural Wheel for about four years, but withdrew on account, as he thought, of the political senti- ments which had crept in. He is one of the leading ^ ^ INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 673 farmers of this locality; was elected to represent Independence County in the State hjgislature in 1875 to fill the term of 1876, and received the largest vote of any man who ever ran for office in this county. He served faithfully and efficiently for one year, discharging his duties in a manner which needs no additional words of compliment. He has been justice of the peace for about eight years, and in this capacity also has been a faith- ful servant of the jiublic. In 1801 he enlisted in the Confederate army as a sergeant and served as such until the final surrender, when he returned home and again engaged in farming, and has be- come one of the most substantial husbandmen of the county. His wife has long been a member of the Methodist Church. From this sterling pioneer sprang the subject of this sketch, and, like his father, he has become an honored and respected resident of the county. His education was re- ceived in Independence and Sharj) Counties, and his attention, while growing, was given to farming his father's land. He was married in Independ- ence County to Miss Ella Albright, a native of the State, and a daughter of Alvis and Mary Albright, who are well-remembered pioneers of the county. To Mr. and Mrs. Gray have been born five chil- dren: Bertha F., G., Stella, Justin and Albert. A. G. Gray, like his father, was a member of the Agricultural Wheel, withdrawing for a like reason. He is also a member of the Masonic lodge, in which he has held the office of senior warden for about three years. He is a Methodist in faith and his wife a Presbyterian, and both are deeply con- cerned in all good works, being especially inter- ested in churches and schools. Hon. Robert H. Griffin resides in White River Township, Indejiendence County, Ark. He was born in Meigs County, Tenn. , May 2"), 1836, and is a son of William and Mary (King) Griffin, natives of Greene Connty, Tenn. W'illiam Griffin was a farmer by occupation, and was also a shoemaker by trade. He removed with his family to Roane Coun- ty, Tenn., when our subject was young, where they remained until 1860, in the latter year lo- cating in Independence County, Ark., which was his home until his death, that occurring Novem- ber 25, 1863, at the age of sixty- four years. His first wife, the mother of Robert H. , was a daughter of Robert King, a native of North Carolina, who was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Mrs. Griflin died in Roane County, Tenn., amember of the M(>th- odist Episcopal Church, of which church Mr. Griffin was also a member. He afterward married Hnnnali Cliauncy, who died in Texas; she was a member of the Baptist Church. Politically, Mr. Griffin was a life- long Democrat. To the jiarents of the subject of this sketch, five sons were born, viz.: John S., who is a farmer in Iowa; Robert H. ; Joseph W., engaged in the livery business at Whiting, Iowa; Thomas M., and William; the last two died in childhood. Robert H. received his early educa- tion in his native State, and at the age of twenty one began for himself. He married, August 5, 1856, Margaret Chauncy, daughter of John and Hannah Chauncy, of Roane Country, Tenn. She was born January 13, 183-1. Mrs. Griffin died in Independence County, Ark., July 21, 1877, the mother of seven children, viz. : Mary E. , who died when quite young; James A., a farmer of Inde- pendence County; Lettie J., wife of T. J. Davis, of Texas; Sarah J., wife of Odell DeVauglum. also of Texas; John R., of Texas; William H. , at home, and Joseph S., at home. In 1878 Mr. Griffin married Elizalieth Rice, of Independence County. She is a daughter of William Rice, and was born August 15, 1855. Four childi-en have been born to this union: Eva, who died at the age of two years: Robert A., Ethel and Alda. Mr. Griflin has always been engaged in farming. In the fall of 1S60 h(> located in White River Township, In- dependence County, where in a few years he pnr- 1 chased land, which has ever since been his home. I He owns 415 acres, of which 100 acres are under cultivation. In 1872 he was elected justice of the peace, in which capacity he served eight years; he was then elected county and probate judge, .serving three terms. Ho afterward represented the count} I in the General Assembly. In August, 1862, he was mustered into Company A. Col. Shaver's regi ment, and served until the surrender at Jackson port. Ark., June 5, 1865, as second lieutenant, i participating in many battles, among them Prairie A 674 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Grove, Pilot Knob, Trading Post and Big Blue. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin are members of the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church, in which he is an elder. Judge Griffin is a Democrat, and is one of the most enterprising and influential citizens of the county. McCurdy Hail, sheriff and collector of Inde- pendence County, was bom in Greene County, Ark. , on the 15th of September, 1851, and is the son of Dr. William P. A. Hail, a native of Tennessee, who, after growing to manhood, was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Underwood, also a native of Tennessee. In 1851 the parents immigrated to Arkansas, locating in Greene County, at Greens- borough, and here the father practiced his profes- sion until 1852. He was a graduate of the Ten- nessee Medical College, and was a physician and surgeon of considerable note, having followed this business all his life. He was a surgeon in the Mexican War. At the above mentioned date he moved to Smithville, Lawrence County, where he received his final summons in 1857. The mother died in the spring of 1863, at Powhatan, the coun- ty seat of that county. They were the parents of seven children, only two now living: Stevadson A. and McCurdy. The latter passed his youth and early manhood in Lawrence County, but the only education he obtained was by self -application; and although reared in town, when old enough he engaged in agricultural pursuits, thus continuing for four years. He then embarked as clerk in a store, at Evening Shade, and remained there until 1871, when he moved to Hickory Valley, subse- quently working on the construction of the Kansas City Railroad as a carpenter. In 1873 he engaged in merchandising at Hickory Vallej', Independ- ence County, but lost nearly everything by being burned out in 1879. In 1886 he was elected sher- iff and collector of this county, and was compli- mented by being reelected in 1888. It is but a statement of the truth when it is said that no man could be found more capable to fill that position than Mr. Hail. He was postmaster at Hickory Valley from 1873 to 1884. By his marriage to Miss Mary A. Meacham, in 1873, he became the father of five children: Willie A., McCurdy, Jr., Lizzie W. , Nettie and Lena. Mrs. Hail is a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , and K. & L. of H. He is the owner of 300 acres of land, with eighty acres under cultivation, and he also has a house and lot in Batesville. Mrs. Lou C. Hathcock (whose maiden name was W^atts), the relict of Seaborn A. Hathcock, was born in Independence County, Ark., March 16, 1860, and is a daughter of Mrs. Manerva O. and William T. Watts, who were born February 24, 1812, and January 22, 1831, respectively. They moved from Perry County, Mo. , to Independ- ence County, Ark., in 1849, where the father is now making his home with his daughter, Mrs. Hathcock. Mrs. Watts died October 2, 1883, leaving one single daughter, also residing with her sister. Mrs. Hathcock was reared and educated in Independence County, Ark., and was hero mar- ried, March 4, 1874, to Seaborn A. Hathcock, who was born in the State of Mississippi, November 20, 1847. He there acquired his scholastic training, and came to Arkansas May 24, 1873, here engag- ing in the mercantile business in Sulphur Rock. After a career which marked him as one of the successful and representative business men of the count}', his death occurred on the 7th of January, 1888. He was always noted for his intelligence, energy and honesty, and won the confidence and esteem of all with whom he had business or social re- lations. He left a wife and four interesting children to mourn his loss, the names of the latter being Minnie L., Henry C, Eddis W., Virgie O. Mr. Hathcock was a Democrat in his political views. Mrs. Hathcock is residing at her home at Sulphur Rock, where her family and the duties attendant upon domestic life engage her time and attention. She is not a member of any church, but is a be- liever in the Christian faith, and supports the cause by precept and example. C. R. Handford & Co. , manufacturers of mountain red cedar, telegraph poles, railway piling, sawed and split fence po.sts, cedar shingles and pickets, oak, yellow pine, sycamore, walnut, ash and Cottonwood lumber, have the largest enterprise of the kind in this part of the State, and do an im- mense business in the manufacturincr line. This *^; -d 9 K^ INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. f)75 business was established in 1884, and has been in successful operation since its organization. The firm employs a great many hands, and carries on business the year round. The senior member of this firm, Charles R. Haudford, was born in Mor- gan County, Ohio, in 1842, and was partly reared in that State, and in Philadelphia, Penn. He sub- sequently moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, and thence to Kansas, leaving Philadelphia in 1854. In 1856 he arrived in Wyandotte County, Kas., just as the border trouble was beginning, and there he worked at the lumber business, and at farming, se- cui'ing such education as the time afforded. He came to Arkansas in 1872, in August, before the Iron Mountain Railroad was built, and located in Pulaski County, going then to Saline County. He was married in Iowa, to Miss Sarah Brown, who bore him six children: Myrtle, Stanley, Charles, Jack, Willie and Frances. In 1884 Mr. Hand- ford came to Batesville with his family, and in that year the present business was established. He owns a nice residence in that town, and is also in- terested as a stockholder in the Bank of Bates- ville. His parents, Joseph and Narcissa (Robert- son) Handford, were natives of Philadelphia, Penn., and Ohio, and descendants of English and Scotch ancestors, respectively. Charles R. Handford en- listed in the Federal army while living in Wyan- dotte, Kas., in 1862, Company A, Sixth Kansas Cavalry, and served until August, 1865. He par- ticipated in all the principal engagements, and was never sick a day, nor was he ever wounded or cap- tured. The jimior member of the above-mentioned firm, J. S. Handford, was liorn in the city of Phila- delphia, in 1854, and went to Kansas with his parents. He engaged first as a clerk in a dry goods store, and was thus occupied for a uuml)er of years. In 1870 he engaged in the saw- mill business in Arkansas, and carried this on for about twelve years, being interested in it at the present. He became a member of the firm at Batesville in 1884. He was elected president of the Batesville Bank on the 1st of July, 1889, at its organization, and now holds that position. He was married in December, 1879, to Miss Abbie J. Boyer, a na- tive of Illinois, and to them were born five chil- dren. Mr. Handford is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , and is also a member of the K. of P. Anthony B. Harrelson, farmer and stock raiser, Dota, Ark. Mr. Harrelson is a native of Lawrence County, Tenn., born on the 30th of March, 1837, and when sixteen years of age, emigrated with his parents to Independence County, Ark., landing in Black River Township on Christmas day, 1853. His father, Vincent Harrelson, was a native of the Blue Grass State, born in 1800, and when a young man was wedded to Miss Mary Anthony, also a native of Kentuclcj', and born in 1802. After mar- riage they came to Arkansas, and there the father died in 1875, and the mother — previous to this — in 1861. The father tilled the soil successfully all his life. During his youthful days lie was a play- mate of David Crockett, of pioneer fame, and they were great friends. Both the parents were church members — the father a Baptist and the mother a Methodist. The maternal and paternal grandpar- ents were natives of Kentucky, in which State they passed their last days. Anthony B. Harrelson passed his boyhood days on the farm, and not being favored with many opportunities for attending school, his educational advantages, in consequence, were quite limited. He began life for himself at the age of twenty-three, by following agricultural pursuits on his father's farm, and this continued until 1862, when he enlisted in the Union army. Company A, First Arkansas Infantry, for si.\ months' service, and was discharged at St. Louis. He then moved to Illinois. Previous to this, in 1860, he led to the matrimonial altar Miss Phoebe A. McDonald, daughter of John and Jane (Brown) McDonald, natives of Mississippi. The McDonald family emigrated to Arkansas in the 50' s, and after a few years' residence in this State, returned to their native State, where the parents passed the remainder of their days. To Mr. and Mrs. Har relson were born nine children, seven of whom are living: William F. , born in IS'il, is now married, and engaged in tilling the soil near his father: Mary E., wife of W. D. Bowlby, a farmer of Black River Township; Labau V. , married and engaged in farming on the farm of his father; John A. Logan (deceased); Burrilla (deceased); James El- J^l G76 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. don, at home with his father, and eighteen years of age; Thomas Monroe, age sixteen, at home; Charles L., at home, and fourteen years of age; and Mattie Nora, eleven years of age. For several years after the war Mr. Harrelson rented land in Illinois, and returned to his home in Arkansas in 1807, where he has resided continuously ever since. He also rented land in Arkansas until about twelve years ago, when he traded for 136 acres of land, and on this he is now located. He has 100 acres under cultivation; has good buildings, orchards, and fences, and is doing well. In the year 1885 he erected a cotton gin, and has been very success- ful in this enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. Harrelson have taken great interest in school and church mat- ters, and have given their children each a fair education. Mrs. Harrelson is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Harrelson takes an active part in politics, and he votes with the Union Labor party. He holds membership in the following so- cieties: The G. A. R., H. V. Gray Post No. 33, Sulphur Rock; A. F. & A. M. , and Ladies' Chap- ter, and also the Agricultural Wheel. He came to Independence County when there were verj' few settlers in the County, and when wild game was plentiful. Where fine farms and growing towns are at present situated once flourished heavy tim- ber. Mr. Harrelson is one of the progressive citi- zens of the community, and has aided materially in developing this part of the county. James W. Headstream is well known in Wash- ington Township, Independence County, as an en- terprising and successful farmer. He first located there in 1845, at which time he entered a consid- erable tract of land, and devoted his entire atten- tion to the pursuit of agriculture. He now owns 340 acres in Independence Couaty, 150 acres of which are under cultivation, and about 200 acres in Stone County, Ark. His early experiences in the county (which has for so many years been his home) were those of the pioneer, and his present pros- perity is the result of many hardships endured and the practice of economy as well as good manage- ment and enterprise. Mr. Headstream was born in Hickman County, Tenn., about the j^ear 1827. His parents were John P. and Harriet (Hassel) Head- stream. John P. Headstream was a native of Sweden, and was bom in 1810. When a young man he left his native country and came to Nash- ville, Tenn., afterward locating in Hickman Coun- ty, where he married. About 1835 he removed to Helena, Ai-k. , his death occurring in 1844 in Monroe Count}% Ark. His wife was born in North Carolina, in 1812, and lived imtil 1880. Of their nine children but three are now living. In 1849 James W. married Rachel M. Ford, whose birth occurred in Tennessee in 1831. She was the daughter of James G. and Martha A. (Roland) Ford. She lived to be the mother of twelve chil dren, of whom six survive, viz. : Harriet O. , who married Claiborn Pierce; Sarah P., wife of John Olvey ; James P. ; Margaret, who married Robert Baird; Felix J. and Virginia L. In 1869 Mr. Headstream married Mahulda Pierce, who was also a native of Tennessee, and was born in 1837. Seven children have been born to this union, all living, viz. : David R. , Anna J. , Dora H. , Laura A. , Samuel B., Maude and William T. B. Mrs. Head- stream is a daughter of Zadock and Nancy Pierce. Mr. Headstream is a Democrat in politics, and he and wife are membei's of the Presbyterian Church. They reside near Victor postoffice, six miles west of Batesville, and are among the earliest settlers of the township. John A. Hinkle, of the firm of Hinkle & Co., Batesville, owes his nativity to Izard County, Ark., where his birth occurred the 20th of December, 1852. His father, Jolin D. Hinkle, was a native of Tennessee, and after reaching manhood was united in marriage to Miss Arena Beckham, also a native of Tennessee. They emigrated to Arkansas in the 40' s, locating in Izard County, and there he followed the profession of teaching, but in connec- tion carried on farming also. The father died in 1852, but the mother is still living. She was mar- ried the second time to Stephen Taylor, by whom she had five children, three living: Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, Mrs. Amanda Bone and Mrs. Emeline Haley. Mr. Taylor died in 1876. The mother re- sides on the old homestead in Izard County, and enjoys fairly good health. John A. Hiukle secured a fair education in the common schools, and re- "■% i>\ mained on the farm until seventeen years of age. He then engaged as a clerk for Hinkle & Son (his uncle and cousin), at Lunenburg, where he re- mained until 1876, after which, in May of that year, he embarked in merchandising for himself at Melbourne. He carried on business at that place until 1883, when he sold out and removed to Bates- ville, where he carried on the business alone. The firm was changed in 1885 to J. A. Hinkle & Co., by adding Jeff P. Hinkle, a cousin, and thiis con- tinued until H. H. Hinkle, another cousin, and brother of Jeff P. , became a member of the firm, and the title was changed to Hinkle & Co. This firm carry a full line of general merchandise, valued at from $12,000 to $15,000. They are doing a good business. Jeff' P. died in April, 18S9. H. H. Hinkle retired from the business in 18S8, and engaged in the banking business, which bank was consolidated into a stock company in July, 1889, with H. H. Hinkle as ca.shier. Thus John A. was left alone to run the mercantile department. Mr. Hinkle has a wide experience in merchandis- ing, having followed the business from seventeen years of age. He was married, in 1879, to Miss Talitha Kilpatrick, of Hazlehurst, Miss., and the daughter of William A. Kilpatrick. Mrs. Hinkle is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Hinkle is a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the Batesville Telejihone Company; is also vice-pres- ident of the board of directors of Batesville Tele- phone Company; is a member of the board of directors of Batesville Printing Company, and of the board of directors of the Bank of Batesville. "William D. Hodges, who is classed among the most independent and progi'essive farmei-s of Northeast Arkansas, was born August 18, 1833, and is a son of Fleming and Sarah (Kimzey) Hodges, both natives of North Carolina. The father died in the State of Alabama about the year 1843, and the mother was again married some time afterward, her second husband being David C. Whitehead of that State. They emigrated to Arkansas in 1855, where the mother died in 1878. The birthplace of William D. Hodges was in Flat Rock, N. C, and he received the greater portion of his education at Burrett College, in Spencer, Tenn. In 1879 he was married to Mrs. Mary Hinkle, a charming widow, by whom he had one child, William D., Jr. Mr. Hodges commenced in busi- ness for himself in 1855. and continued up to 1862, accumulating in that time considerable property, and being quite a large slave-owner. In 1862 he enlisted in the Confederate army, and served about three years in the commissary department, and at the close of hostitilities he returned to Independ- ence County, and again commenced farming and milling. In connection with those two I)ranehe8 he operates a cotton-gin, which has been one of the most successful in that section. Mr. Hodges is a ]>ublic spirited and enterprising citizen, and is always foremost in aiding and encouraging any- thing, which, in his judgment, will advance the interests of his county and State. He is a Demo- crat in politics and has held several offices, but has declined time and again to fill any political office for the last year or two. He attends the Methodist Episcopal Church with his wife, and is always interested in educational and religious matters, and in secret orders he is a member of Jackson- port Lodge No. 91, A. F. & A.M., as well as of Danlis Chapter of the R. A. M., at Oil Trough. Mr. Hodges is one of the largest land owners in this section, his land comprising 8,000 acres, with some 850 acres under cultivation. The balance, which is almost all bottom land, and situated in Jackson and Independence Counties, is rented by tenants, and some of it used for grazing purposes. He owns 200 head of cattle, horses and mules, and at one time kept a great many sheep, but finds the latter are not an advantage financially. H. M. Hodge, examiner of puljlic instruction and loan agent, Batesville. The history of every community is made up, so far as its more inter- esting features are concerned, of the events and transactions of the lives of its prominent, repre- sentative citizens. In any worthy history of Independence County, an otitline of the career of the subject of the present sketch should not fail to be given, together with a sketch of his family. His parents, Louis and Willie (Cav- enar) Hodge, are natives, respectively, of North Carolina and Tennessee. They are still living in 078 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the latter State, and are happy and comfortable in their declining years. H. M. Hodge owes his nativity to Marshall County, Tenn. , where his birth occurred March 13, 1849. He received his educa- tion at the Morrisville Male and Female College, at Marshall, graduating from the same in 1869, and subsequently became a teacher in that institu- tion. One year later he went to Western Tennes- see, and here wielded the ferrule' for four years. In 1875 he came to Independence County, Ark., and here continued his former occupation for sev- eral years. In 1885 he turned his attention to the manganese mines, and was very successful in this. He had charge of the Keystone mines for one year, and was one of the first men employed. He was also acting collector. He now owns a mining in- terest in Izard County, and property in Batesville. He was married, in 1871, to Miss Fannie Benton, and both he and wife are members of the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church. In April, 1889, he re- ceived his appointment as public instructor. Mr. Hodge is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and is also a member of the K. of H. Robert H. Hodges, M. D. Among the people of Independence County, the name of Dr. Hodges is a familiar one, for during his twelve years' prac- tice here he has won an enviable reputation, not only as a practitioner, but as a citizen and neigh- bor. He was born in Tennessee, May 1, 1850, but reared and educated in the State of Kentucky, and at the age of twenty -three years began the study of medicine under W. A. Lively, M. D. He is a graduate of the medical department of the University of Louisville, and has been a citizen of Independence County since September 1, 1877. He is a member of the Independence County Medical Society, also the Stale Medical Society of the State of Arkansas. He owns some valuable property at difFerent places in the county, and a comfortable and pleasant home in the town of Sul- phur Rock. He was married to Mrs. D. J. Mag- ness, nee Bone, December 10, 1879, and the hapj^y results of their union are two boys, Eugene and Armstrong, and three girls, Ethelind, Jessamine and Nettie Roberta. Dr. Hodges is a modest, con- servative and unassuming gentleman, and he and his wife are both consistent members of the Metho- distrEpiscopal Church, South. Hon. William P. Huddleston is the name of a prominent farmer and a fitting representative of Independence County, who moved to that locality when the surrounding country was a wilderness, and has remained to see its present fortieth year of civilization under the leadership of sturdy spirits like himself. He was born in McNairy County, West Tenn., on March 24, 1836, and is a son of William P. and Sarah (Hodges) Huddleston, of Claiborne County, East Tenn. The father was a man of more than ordinary ability, and for a number of years was a teacher in the public schools of his native State, and a noted scholar. In 1849 he emigrated with his family to Independence County, Ark., and located in what is now Gains- boro Township, where he purchased a tract of land and began a home. He filled many civil offices with distinguished ability. None but the pioneers' of Arkansas can fully understand the dangers and hardships that surrounded the early settlers of this State, when, for days and weeks, they had to con- tend with the terrors of a new country without the support and companionship of any civilized beings besides themselves. On May 1, 1877, the elder Huddleston died, and was followed by his wife on April 3, 1886. William P. Huddleston grew to manhood with his parents, assisting them with the duties of the farm, and in the early struggles of his life displayed the same strong character and firmness of will that characterized his father. He commenced in life on a farm of eighty acres, but his industry and tine judgment have increased it to 500 acres, of which '200 acres are under cultivation. During the struggle between the Union and the rebellious States he was an ultra-Union man. In the spring of 1861 he became a member of the Arkansas State militia, and from the 28th of May, 1862, until the close of the war, served in the Federal army as dispatch-bearer and scout. It was in the stirring times of battle that the finer metal of the man was discovered; when the modesty and unassuming appearance of the individual gave way to the brave and gallant soldier in many a charge through shot and shell. On July 28, 1861, _J| 9 ^ INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 079 Mr. Huddleston was married to Miss Martha J. ^\'!U•d, of Lincoln County, N. C, who emigrated to Arkansas with her parents in 1859. This union was a happy one, and six children were given to the parents, of whom four are yot living. After the death of this wife Mr. Huddleston was married on September 9, 1877, to Miss Orpha E. Blair, and by this marriage has had four sons and one daughter. Mrs. Huddleston is a native of East Tennessee, and came to Arkansas with her mother ill 1809. Her father, Napoleon Blair, was a sol- tlier in the Confederate army, and met his death from a wound received at the battle of Atlanta, (la. Politically Mr. Huddleston was formerly a supporter of the Democratic party, and still ad- heres to the true principles of Democracy as laid down by Jefferson. In 1885 he identified him- self with the labor organization, known as the Ag- ricultural Wheel, and was elected to the lower house of the XXVIIth General Assembly of Arkan- sas as the candidate of that body, which position he tilled with distinguished ability and to the satisfaction of his constituents. He is a member of the Knights of Honor and a Royal Arch Mason. He has filled all the stations in the Blue Lodge with distinction to himself and satisfaction to the craft. He is a past High Priest of Dannerly Chapter No. 57, of Sulphur Rock, Ark. He is an active mem- ber of the Missionary Baptist Church, and a liberal contributor to the cause of Christianity and suf- fering humanity wherever dispersed about the in- habitable globe. Wiley B- Huddleston has become closely ident- ified with the progress and development of Inde- pendence County, Ark. He was born in McNairy County, West Tenn., March 2, 1843, and is one of six surviving members of a family of eleven chil- dren born to W. P. and Sarah Huddleston. who were also Tennesseeans, the former's birth occur- ring in Claiborne County. He was a farmer and teacher by occupation, and in both callings l>ecame well and favorably known. He emigrated to Ar- kansas iu the year 1849, and settled in Independ- ence County, eight miles northeast of Batesville, where he endured the privations incident to pioneer life. He was an active member of the Baptist Church for a period of forty- five years, filling many important stations, among which were the positions of deacon, clerk of the association, church clerk, and licensed minister. He filled several civil of- fices with dignity to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. He died May 1, 1877, in his sixty- seventh year. Sarah, his wife, survived him nine years, and died April 2, 1880. in her seventy- third year. She was a consistent member of the Baptist Church for more than thirty-five years, and died in the full triumph of a living faith. Wiley B. Huddleston was reared in Independence County, Ark., receiving the greater part of his education near Rolla, Mo. After returning home he was married to Miss Martha H. Wainwright, a native of Arkansas. Soon after this event he set- tled on a farm consisting of 134 acres, which yields annually a golden harvest of the diversified products of this climate. This result has enabled him to become an independent and prosperous citizen. To him and his worthy companion eight children were born, of whom six were boys and two girls. Six are now living. He is a m(>mber of the institution of F. & A. M. , and has filled a number of stations in the order with credit to himself and satisfaction to his lodge. He is a member of organized labor. He was formerly identified, politically, with the Republican party, but is now a nonpartisan, and votes for men and measures, and not for party. He and his wife, Martha H. , are members of the Baptist Church. Kelley Monroe Hulsey, farmer and stock-raiser. Among those who have become intimately associ- ated with the farming and stock-raising intere.sts of this county we cannot fail to mention Mr. Hul- sey, who, from a very early period in life, has given his attention to this channel of business-life, gaining for himself a reputation which may be a .source of pardonable pride. He is the son of Kel- ley and Sarah (Smalley) Hulsey, the former prob- ably a native of Georgia, and the latter of South Carolina. The elder Hulsey was married in Ar- kansas, about 1820, and was a successful agricult- urist all his life. He served five years in the War of 1812, and participated in one of the principal battles. His father, Charles Hulsey, probably IZ 680 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. moved to Arkansas abont 1811 or 1812, and was one of the earliest settlers of the northeast part of the State. Joseph Smalley, the maternal grand- father of the subject of this sketch, moved to Ar- kansas abont 1812. Kelley Monroe Hulsey was born on the 12th of December, 1827, in Independ- ence (Jounty, Ark., within one mile of his present home. Like other farmer boys, he early learned the principles of farm life, and received his educa- tion in the schools of the county. He was one of live children born to his parents: Allen (deceased), Rachel A. (deceased), Charles (deceased), Warren and Kelley M. After the death of his first wife the brother married Miss Eliza Adams; Rachel A. Hulsey married Mr. John W. Fowler, by whom she had one child (she and her husband are now both deceased) ; Kelley M. Hulsey chose for his compan- ion in life Mrs. Mary Jane (Wiley) Gibbons, and was married to her on the 20th of October, 1850. In 1863 he enlisted in Col. Dobbins' cavalry, and served until cessation of hostilities. He partici- pated in the battles of Helena, Little Rock, Grand Prairie, and numerous skirmishes. In 1870 he purchased 148 acres of land, in its virgin state, and eighty acres of this he has cultivated, and is now living on the same. It is considered one of the finest small farms in Independence County, beautifully situated, on the banks of White River. While Mr. Hulsey has not attempted to raise fancy stock, he has upon his farm good grades of horses, cattle, sheep and hogs. He is a member of Mc- Guire Lodge No. 208, A. F. & A. M., Oil Trough, Independence County, Ark. , and he and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He has filled the offices of justice of the peace and con- stable in a very satisfactory and creditable manner. John M. Hurley, farmer and stockman, was born in Franklin County, Tennessee, in 1850, and, at the age of ten months, he was removed by his parents to Independence County, Ark., and here has received his education and rearing. At the age of fourteen years he moved with his parents to the State of Illinois, and dui-ing his four years' resi- dence in that State his time was employed in attending school, his educational advantages being excellent. They next settled in Jasper County, Mo., near Carthage, where John M. made his home for eight years, then removing to Benton County, Ark. Prior to this, he had spent about eighteen months in Colorado, and had worked in the mines in Leadville, accumulating thereby quite a sum of money. He was married in Benton County, to Miss Anna Hale, a native of the county, and two children blessed their union: William M. and Fan- nie C, who died at the age of four months. In March, 1876, his wife died in Dallas County, Tex., and he was afterwards married to Miss Sarah J. Haddock, who was bom in Independence Coimty, Ark. Three of their four children are living: Charles A. , James A. , who died at the age of three years; W. W. and Thomas W. Since 1878 Mr. Hurley has resided in Independence County, and has turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, being engaged in tilling forty acres of his eighty- acre farm. He is a Republican in politics, and is a member of the Agricultural Wheel. His father, John Hurley, was born and reared in Tennessee, and was married there to Miss Sarah A. Har- rington. He is yet living, and resides in Webb City, of Jasper County, Mo. The mother died in 1875, on her birthday (the 14th of October), at the age of fifty-five years. The paternal grand- father was born in the State of Maryland, was an early resident of Tennessee, and a hatter by occu- pation. He was of Scotch descent and lived to be 107 years old. His wife was a Denton. John Hurley, the father of our subject, reared a family of fifteen children, eleven sons and four daughters. The first ten childi-en were sons, then came a daughter, then another son, and afterwards three more daughters. Of the ten sons who grew to manhood none of them ever drank liquor or used tobacco until after they were grown. All are mar- ried and have families of their own. They held a family reunion in January, 1889, and the father was there, aged seventy- seven years. J. B. James, of the general mercantile firm of A. M. James, of Sulphur Rock, Ark. . was born in the State of Texas, in 1855, but was reared mainly in Randolph County, Ark., whither his parents moved when he was quite young. His rudimentary education was acquired in the common schools, and er - in 1878 he was united in marriage to Mrs. Anna M. (Robison) Bonner. Possessing keen business foresight, ho conehided to embark in tlie general mercantile business, which he did at O'Kean, in ISSl, and remained there some three years, when lie closed out his business at that place, and came to Sulphur Kock and opened up his present gen- eral mercantile establishment. In 1887 he again engaged in busiue.ss at O" Kean, and gave it in charge of his stepson, W. F. Bonner, the latter receiving a one-half interest in payment for his services. The style of the firm is James & Bonner. Mr. James has resided at Sulphur Rock for five years, and is doing an exceptionally good business. His stock is valued at about $4,(XiO, and his annual sales amount to $20,000. Besides this possession he owns a business house and lot and a line resi- dence property. His wife assists him in the store, and deals in general millinery goods, and shows remarkable taste in arranging her stock and in the goods she sends out. She is a highly-educated lady, and received her education in the schools of Alton, 111. Mrs. James was born and reai'ed in Wheeling. ^\'. Va. , and during the Civil War at- tended school at St. Louis. Her father was a Ger- man by descent, and was a tobacco merchant in Wheeling. Mr. James has been jsostmaster of Stilphur Rock for the past eighteen months, and his step-daughter. Miss Bertie Bonner, is his prin- cipal deputy. He is a Democrat, and belongs to the K. & L. of H. Dr. Finis E. Jeffery, senior member of the tirm of Jeffery & Dickson, physicians and surgeons of Jamestown, Independence County, was born in Izard County, Ark., in 1855. He is a son of Hon. Miles and Sarah (Williams) Jeffery, the former born in Missouri, in 1816, and the latter in Izard County, Ark. , about 1820. The parents were mar- ried in Izard County, which county was always their home, the father dying in 1868, and the mother in 1875, both members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Hon. Miles Jeffery was reared in the wilds of Arkansas with no educational advantages, but liecame one of the most intluential men of the county, and held many positions of trust and honoi-. taking an active interest in every- thing pertaining to tlie upbuilding of the com munity. He sc^rved as justice of the peace for many years, was sheriff of Izard County from 1844 to 1846, and from 1856 to I860 represented that county in the legislature with credit and di.stinc- tion. In his death the county was deprived of one of its most valuable men. Hon. Miles Jeffery was a son of Judge Jehoiada Jeft'ery, who was of a Vir- ginian family of English descent, and in 1816 re- moved to the White River country. Ark., settling in what is now Izard County, where h(< sjtent the rest of his life. In 1824 he represented Independ- ence County in the Territorial legislature, and brought forward a bill to make a new county, call- ing it Izard, for the then governor of Arkansas; he subsequently represented Izard County in the legis- lature, and brought forward anothc^r bill to divide the county, naming the new county thus formed, Fulton, for the man then governor of the State. For perhaps a dozen years he served as judge of the county and probate courts of Izard County, and was one of its most prominent men. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and had a personal en- counter with an Indian, whom he killed and whose scalp he brought into camp; he died at his White River residence in 1846, esteemed by many. The maternal grandfather of our subject was also a pio- neer of Izard County, but in an early day went to California and was never afterward heard of. Dr. Finis E. was one of the younger members of a family of nine sons and six daughters. He was reared on a farm, receiving a good education at the common schools and the La Crosse Collegiate Institute. He began the study of medicine in 1 876, with Dr. O. T. Hunt (deceased), of Izard County, and graduated in 1879 from the University of Louisville, Ky., after a two years' course; he was in a class of 105, and was one of ten who stood the best examination, being awarded the degree of honor. He immediately returned to Arkansas and began practice in partuershiji with Dr. L. A. Dickson, of Jamestown. Dr. Jeffery is now one of the leading medical practitioners of the county, and has an extensive and remunerative practice. June 10, 1886, he married Maud Dickson, daughter of his former partner, Dr. L. A. Dickson. Mr.s. 682 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Jeffery is a native of Greenbriar Township, Inde- pendence County. Dr. JefiFery is a prominent member of the Independence County Medical So- ciety, the Arkansas State Medical Society, and the American Medical Association. He is the present mayor of Jamestown, and takes an active interest in all public enterj)rises, being one of the influen- tial men of his town. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , and belongs to the Cumberland Presby- terian Church. Mrs. JefiPerj^ is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. L. C. Jernigan, of the general mercantile firm of L. C. Hathcock & Co. . wa.s born in Henry Coun- ty, Tenn., in 1854, but has been a resident of In- dependence County, Ark., since 1859, and was prominently identified with its agricultural inter- ests up to 1883. Although he never attended school for more than three months at a time, he re- ceived the fovirth first-grade certificate ever issued in Independence County, and taught school with marked success from 1875 to 1883. In the latter year he became associated with Mr. Hathcock as salesman, in his general mercantile store, but upon the death of the senior member of the firm of S. A. Hathcock & Co., Mr. Jernigan became con- nected with the business, and has remained thus interested up to the present time. He is the owner of some valuable real estate in the county, and had done much to build up the commercial standing of the city of Sulphur Rock, and was one of the first members of the city council. -January 16, 1883, he was married to Miss Victoria, a daughter of Rev. J. W. Bell, of Cotton Grove, Tenn., and two children, Bonnie P. and Kate C, have blessed their union. The paternal grandfather moved from his native State of North Carolina to Tennessee, and there spent the rest of his days. His son, our subject's father, was born in North Carolina, and now resides in Sulphur Rock, and makes his home with his son, L. C. The family have been mem- bers of the Methodist Church for generations, and Mr. Jernigan, the father, has always been known for his uprightness and purity of character. L. C. Jernigan' s older brother, T. M. , joined the Confederate army before he was eighteen years of age, and during his four years' service, was a participant in nearly all the regular engagements, and was neither wounded nor taken prisoner. His brother, James F., is a noted Methodist divine, and although he received a limited early education, dur- ing his early manhood he formed the resolution of devoting his life to the ministry, and was very suc- cessful from the first. After several years' preach- ing in different counties in Arkansas, he was given charge of the Sulphur Rock circuit, and in one year's work, over 150 souls were converted to Christianity. He is now located at Osceola, White River conference. He was first married to a Mrs. Shoup, at Jacksonport, Ark., and after her death he wedded Miss Lizzie Kamp. The mother of our subject was born in 1814 and died in 1878. In 1889 the brothers and sisters held a family re-union, the first time all had been together in ten years. It was a joyful and happy occasion, and when the time for parting came, the old father read a chapter in the sacred family Testament, and led in prayer. Instead of feeling sorrowful, all were shouting at the parting. Many will see this who knew and loved the good old father and grandfather, now eighty-two years old, recalling the name of Will- iam H. Jernigan with tender memories. John Kimmer is the youngest but one of the family of eight children, five sons and three daugh- ters, born to Henry and Sarah Kimuier, both of whom were natives of North Carolina, where they spent their lives. Henry Kimmer was a farmer by occupation. John Kimmer was born February 2, 1815, and was reared in his native State of North Carolina,- where he received a common-school edu- cation. In the year 183(5 he married Miss Esther Eford. Mrs. Kimmer was born in North Carolina in 1817, and died in Arkansas, March 3, 1888, leaving nine children, four sons and five daughters, viz. : Henry, Margaret, wife of John York; Sarah A., who married William McBride; Mary, now Mrs. William Fulbright; George AW, Robert, Lou- isa, wife of J. B. Fulbright; Martha, now Mrs. A. D. York, and Jacob. About the year 1867 Mr. Kimmer removed with his family to Independence County, Ark. , where they have since resided. He owns a fine farm of 267 acres, about sixty acres of which he has under cultivation. In polities he is a *F|« — *" « k. '-^ INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 683 Democrat, and, as an enterprising farmer and well- to-do citizen of tbe township, he is most hif^hly re- spected. He resides about two miles southeast of Cusbman postoffice. C. C. Kirkland, a well-known planter and cot- ton-raiser of Independence County, Ark., was born in Alabama, in 1826, and is a son of Richard and Elizabeth (Anderson) Kirkland. who were born in South Carolina and East Tennessee, and were mar- ried in Alabama, whither the mother was taken when a child, but where the father moved after reaching manhood. Mrs. Kirkland died in 1882, at the age of seventy-five years. Mi". Kirkland died in 1845, aged fifty three years. Five of their eight children are now living: Two brothers, besides our subject, reside in Arkansas; Lucinda is the widow of Will- iam Tate, and resides in Tate County, Miss. ; W. R., died in Alabama, at the age of thirty-five years; J. W., died in Mississippi, aged about thirty-five years, also; Martha, who married Mr. Garrison, died in Mississippi, and Ellen, wife of Ed John- son, now resides in Memphis, Tenn. C. C. Kirk- land grew to manhood in Northern Alabama, and in 1860 came to Independence County, Ark. Dur- ing the Rebellion he served in the Confederate army three years; was at the battle of Helena, was a participant in a great many skirmishes, and was assistant ordnance master on Price's raid through Missouri. Since the war he has been engaged in farming, and for eight years past he has been col- lecting agent for the Singer Sewing Machine Com- pany during four or five months of each year. He was first married, in 1851, to Miss Charlotte Parks, who was born in Alabama, in 1829, and the result of their union has been six children: W. T., who is now employed with The Goodspeed Publishing Company; Mary E. , wife of W. P. Sneed; Frances C. ,wifp of Tom Hardin; James W., Calvin A., and Joan, wife of John A. Thomas. In 1872 Mr. Kirk- land was called upon to mourn ' the death of his wife, and after remaining a widower for some time he was united in the bonds of matrimony with Miss Jane Whaley, by whom he has one child, Cora. Mr. Kirkland has always supported the men and measures of the Democrat party, and has shown his approval of secret organizations by becoming a member of the Masonic fraternity, in which order he has ascended to the Royal Arch degi-ee. He has a good and fertile farm of ninety acres, im- proved with buildings, fences and orchard, and supplied with all necessary stock. Martin Lacy is one of the prosperous general merchants of Independence County, Ark., and by his superior management and rare business ability and efficiency, he has done not a little to advance the reputation the county enjoys as a commercial center. He was l)orn in the " Emerald Isle " in 1846, and two years later was brought by his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Lacy, to America, but the latter' s death occurred soon after her arrival in New Orleans. He was then taken in charge by his father, James Lacy, who had previously come to the United States, and was removed by him to Missouri, where he was reared and educated. Martin Lacy is the only surviving member of two children born to this couple, and after first acquir- ing a fair knowledge of the English branches, in the common and subscription schools of Clark County, he entered on a cours(> of study in the Christian Brothers' College, of St. Louis, and was graduated from this institution in 1869, at the age of twenty-two years, his course there lieing marked by hard study and rapid progress. After leaving school he engaged as a clerk and book-keeper with M. L. C. Bevans, of Canton. M(3. . and after remain- ing thus employed for about four years, he went to Shreveport, La. , where he was occupied as book- keeper with John "W. Bowers & Co.. wholesale grocers. At the end of two years he removed from there to Winchester, Mo., and again resumed his old occupations of clerking and book-keeping, but this time was an employi? of John Hennessy. In the year 1877 he came to Arkansas, and filled the latter position for N. E. Duffy, at Oil Trough, Ark. , where he remained three years, purchasing, in April, 1880, a stock of general merchandise, and embarking in business at Oil Trough, in a store-house which had previously been erected for the purpose. His stock consists of dry goods, boots, shoes, clothing, hats, caps, hardware, tin- ware, drugs, etc., and Mr. Lacy is also engaged in dealing in cotton. Upon his shelves will at all ii "*y ' V Af 684 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. times be found an excellent assortment of the various articles in which he deals, and in all his relations with the public, he is strictly honest and fair. He is assisted by James M. Nichols. He is a commu- nicant of the Catholic Church, and his wife is a Baptist. On the 24th of March, 1880, he was married to Miss Sallie E. Toler, a native of Mis- souri, the wedding taking place at the home of the Ijride's parents, in Oil Trough. They have had four chOdi'en: Martin, who was born December 31, 1880, and died March 81, 1882; Jesse, born May 18, 1883: Dollie May, born December 5, 1884, and James Edwin, whose birth occurred March 26, 1888. Mr. Lacy has always supported the prin- ciples of the Democratic party. Byron Lacy is a prominent merchant, and the postmaster of Elmo, Ark. The olde.st of two chil- dren, he was born January 16, 1860, in Dublin, Ire- land. His parents were Frank and Fanny I. (Byron) Lacy, natives of Ireland, and both fiom among the oldest families in that country. The father received his education in France, and was one of the most polished and gallant men of his day, while the mother was educated at the home of her par- ents by private tuition. Mrs. Lacy' s father, Thom as Byron, occupied a high position on the Queen's Bench, Dublin, and at the time of his decease, was succeeded by Mr. Frank Lacy, who held the of- fice until its abolishment, when he was retired on full pay until his death, in 1885, at the advanced age of eighty-iive years, his wife having gone be- fore him ten years. The second child was a daughter, Ada Lacy, who was born June 8th, 1862, and was married, in 1887, to Mr. Edgar Lit- tle, who occupies a position of trust in the Bank of Ireland, Dublin. Byron Lacy came to America in the spring of 1880, and located at Elmo, where he was employed by M. & W. D. Hodges on their farm. He remained in this position for a short time, and then applied for and obtained the post of watchman on the A\'hite River bridge near the St. Louis & Iron Mountain Railroad, two miles below Newport, Ark. He remained in this capacity un- til the autumn of 1881, when, in company with a friend, he went into the business of hunting, trap- ping and trading in furs up to the spring of 1882. His tirst experience in commercial life, was with Mr. Oliver Bro^vu, who kept a grocery and bakery, and with whom he remained until the beginnine of 1884, and then bought Mr. Brown out, and con- tinued the business for two years longer at Newport. In the summer of 1886, he retired fi'om business at Newport, and returned to Elmo, and in January, 1887, purchased the .stock of merchandise of G. A. Duck & Bro. , at that place. The stock consists of general merchandise and plantation supplies, and Mr. Lacy's shelves will at all times contain a fine assortment of every line in which he deals. In 1887 Mr. Lacy was united in matrimony to Miss Laura Hodges.a daughter of W. D. Hodges, and this happy marriage has given them two children: Fannie and Mable. Mr. Lacy is a member of the Episcopal Church, while his wife attends the Methodist Epis- copal Church, and is much admired for her active work in that faith. Upon locating in America, Mr. Lacy declared his intention of becoming a citizen of the United States, and at the proper time re- ceived his naturalization papers, voting the Demo- cratic ticket since then. He is a charter member of Newport Lodge No. 26, Knights of Pythias; and postmaster of Elmo, Ark. He has become one of the leading citizens of Independence County, and has set an example worthy of emulation not only by his former countrymen, but by the rising gen- eration of America. His thrift, enterprise and ability have procured for him the success that al- ways attends those virtues. Wbitmill Leggett, a pioneer of Independence County, Ark., was born on the lOth of January, 1829, in the old log cabin on the place where he now lives. He is the son of Whitmill, Sr. , and Elizabeth (Masters) Leggett, the father a native of North Carolina, and the mother of Pennsyl- vania. The elder Leggett came to Tennessee and served about two years in the War of 1812, under Gen. Jackson. He got his brother to take his place while he came on and settled in what is now Ruddell Township, Independence County. The county was then a territory, and called Lawrence County. He was among the very first settlei's of this locality, and erected a little log cabin of rough character. Everything was wild and unbroken. ^1 ^' Sharps + Roads, Independence County.Arkansas. 3n ^ INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 685 a few Indians were here, and the woods abounded in wild animals. The clothes and shoes were all home-made, and one pair of shoes was to last through the year. Although they experienced many hardships, they at the same time enjoyed themselves most thoroughly. He moved to the farm where Whitmill Leggett, Jr., now lives, in about 1825, and bought the land of the government. There were no improvements whatever at that time, but he set to work, and after several years of hard work had made considerable changes. He died on this place in 1855. The mother died in 1864. They were the parents of a large family of children, two now living: Jeremiah, and Whit- mill, who was reared and educated in the district where he now lives. He has followed the duties on the farm from early childhood, and this he con- tinues at the present time. He owns 240 acres of land, with 150 under cultivation, over half of which he has cultivated himself. In the conduct of his estate, Mr. Leggett gives each detailed portion of work his personal and close observance, and the care and methods ever exercised have contributed to place him among the foremost farmers of the vicinity, as he is one of the most intelligent citi- zens. He had one brother, Zechariah, who was killed at Chickamauga during the war. Mr. Leg- gett was married, in 1855, to Miss Virginia Lean- eave, by whom he has two children living: Ee- becca and Lou May. He was married the second time, in 1873, to Miss Victoria Ann Mack, who bore him three children: Emma A., Rachel C. and Whitmill, Jr. Mr. Leggett is a Royal Arch Mason, and has been a member of that fraternity for over thirty years. Mrs. Leggett is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, as is her daughter, Emma A. L. C. Lindsey, treasurer of Independence Coun- ty, is still less than thirty-eight years of age, but is holding, nevertheless, one of the most important and responsible offices in the county and discharg- ing the duties of this position with an energy, effi- ciency and ability surpassed by few, if any, pub- lic officials. He was born in Lawrence County, Tenn., September 30, 1851, and is the son of Daniel and Sallie (Dalton) Lindsey, the father a native of Tennessee and the mother of North Car- olina. They were married in the former State, and in 1853 emigrated to Independence County, Ark., located first in Liberty Township, then in Inde- pendence, where ho purchased a tract of land. He owned the first mill in the county, which was run by water power. He was also the first mechanic in that section and there resided until his death, which occurred in December, 1862. The mother is still living. Ten children were born to this union, three now living — Mary, wife of Jacob Elms; Lewis C. , and Tennessee, wife of Robert Simmons. The father was justice of the peace for a number of years and deputy sheriff in Tennes- see. L. C. Lindsey was but two years of age when he came with his parents to Arkansas, and here he was reared and received his education. He assist- ed on the home place until the death of his father, and in 1871 removed to Greenbriar Township, In- dependence County, where he still resides. He owns 120 acres of land, with about 90 acres under cultivation. He was elected to his present office in September, 1888, but previous to this had served as deputy sheriff from 1886 to 1888 under Mc- Curdy Hail. For his companion in life he chose Miss Elizabeth C. Pritchard, who became his wife in 1876. They have five children -Sallie, Lenora, Daniel, OUie and Ii-a. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and the former is a Democrat in his political views. Dr. Henry G. Logan, of Independence Coun- ty, was born in Cleveland County, N. C. . January 30, 1847, and is a son of John R. and Saiah P. (Jackson) Logan, natives of York District, S. C. The family is of Scotch-Irish descent, and the i)a- ternal grandfather of our subject was John B. Logan, a native of Virginia, who spent the greater part of his life in York District, S. C, where he died. John R. Logan was an extensive farmer, and acquired considerable means, though he was a heavy loser by the war. He was one of the most prominent men of his county, and held many posi- tions of trust and honor. He was a representative in the State legislature four years, and was a life lone Democrat. Both he and his wife were mem- bers of the Missionary Baptist Church, though f 686 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. Mrs. Logan was formerly a Presbyterian. They had ten children, viz.: Benjamin F., Leonardas M., Henry G. , Elizabeth Bomer, Emily Herndon, Amanda McBrayer and Ida Hogue, living; and David J., who was captain of Company F, Eigh- teenth South Carolina Confederates, and was killed by pickets in the trenches of Petersbiu'g, June 18, 1864; John Pinkney was killed at Hatch's Kun, February 6, 1865, while serving in the Twelfth North Carolina Infantry; Hugh G. died at the age of three years. The mother died in 1865, at about the age of fifty-one years, and Mr. Logan afterward married a Miss Allison, of York District, S. C, who now resides at the old homestead, in Cleveland County, N. C. John R. Logan died in Cleveland County, N. C, April U, 1884, aged seventy- three years. Henry G. received his early education at Shelby, N. C. In May, 1864, he en- listed in Company D, Second North Carolina Re- serves, and served as first lieutenant until the close of the war, surrendering at Greensboro, N. C After the close of the war he attended school one year, and the following two years engaged in teaching. He also learned photography, at which profession he worked at Shelby. While traveling through North and South Carolina and Mississippi he studied medicine, and, in 1874, attended a course of medical lectures at Louisville Medical College. In 1879-80 he attended the Atlanta Medical College, where he graduated, returning to Arkansas, where he entered upon the practice of his chosen profession. He has been very success- ful as a physician, and now has an extensive prac- tice. In 1874 he married Sarah Howell, daughter of Henry Howell, of Independence County. She was born in 1855, and reared in Mississippi. They have two children living, viz. : Emma E. , aged eight, and Jefferson D. , aged five. Marion P. died at the age of three years. Isaac J. Long, D. D. , president of the Arkan- sas College, located at Batesville, one of the most noted institutions of learning in that State, is of Scotch-Irish ancestry. His paternal grandfather, Joseph Long, was born in Virginia, but in early life removed to East Tennessee and settled on the Holston River, in Hawkins County, where the father of the Rev. Isaac Long, was born and grew to manhood. Dr. Long's maternal grandfather was Luke Hamilton, of Scotch parentage, but born in the North of Ireland. In early life he emi- grated to America and settled on Rocky River, in what was then Pendleton District, now Ander- son County, S. C. Isaac Long, Sr. , was a lieu- tenant in Gen. Jackson's command during a part of the War of 1812, and at the close of that con- test he went with his kinsman. Col. Joseph Cal- houn, to South Carolina, and settled among his relatives in Abbeville District, then known as "Calhoun Settlement;" but the climate being un- favorable to his health, he soon removed to Ander- son, where he was married in 1816, and on May 23, 1844, died from the sting of a poisonous spider before completing his fifty-seventh year, his widow following him in 1848. Rev. Isaac J. Long was the fifth son and youngest child of his parents, and was born near the Savannah River, in Anderson District, S. C, on the 23d of February, 1834. His early life was spent at the home of his parents, and at the time of his father's death he had only reached the age of ten years. After his mother's death, four years later, he was left to act upon his own judgment, and immediately began his battle with the world. The only schooling he obtained during his parents' lifetime was nine months at- tendance, when in his eighth j'ear, and this was reached after a walk of nearly three miles along a lonely country path. The start obtained in this manner, however, developed a strong desire for an education, and many difficult points were mastered and problems solved by studies pursued at night by the light of pine knots, gathered at the close of the day's labor. On reaching the age of sixteen years, and squaring up accounts with his fellow- men, he found his worldly possessions amounted to only two suits of clothes and a single barrel shot-gun, worth about |6. Thus equipped he started out to seek fame and fortune. His first engagement was to labor as a common farm hand on a cotton plantation at a compensation of $5 per month and his board, rising at 4 o'clock in the morning and working though the day with the foremost laborer on the place. In this way he saved ^. INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 687 lip enough money to complete bis English educa- tion. His classical and mathematical course was obtained chietly at Tbaliau Academy, in South Car- olina, where, in addition to keeping up with his classes, be tilled the laborious position of tutor for three hours each day, as a means of defraying expenses. Receiving encouragement and assistance from a fiiend and pastor, the llev. David Hum- phreys, he entered Center College, at Danville, Ky. , in 1855, and graduated from that institution with the second honor in a class of twenty seven gathered from thirteen States. Having chosen the ministry (Presbyterian) as a profession, he en- tered the Theological Seminary at Danville, four days after graduating from college, and remained here for some for some time enjoying the instruc- tion received from men of national reputation. In 185U he was selected as one of the principals of the preparatory department of his alma mater, and here began his work as an instructor in ancient languages, in which he has been identified during a large portion of his subsequent life. He was licensed to preach after the usual examinations by the Presbytery of Transylvania, at Lebanon, Ky. , on the 12th of April, 1860, and after preaching the gospel for several months, he resigned his position as instructor, and repaired to the Theo- logical Seminary at Columbia, S. C, for the pur- pose of attending the lectures given by the cele- brated Dr. Thornwell, professor of theology at that institution. He entered in October, 1860, and remained a portion of that winter and spring, e.x- pecting at the close of the session to return to Ken- tucky, but the Civil War beginning in the spring of 1S()1, thwarted all his plans. He then accepted a call to the jiastorate of Concord Presbyterian Church, in Sumter County, S. C, and was or- dained and installed by the Presbyter}' of Harmony, October 31, 1M61. At the outbreak of war, al- though strongly opposed to secession, yet believing that bis allegiance as a citizen was due primarily to the State, his fortunes were cast with the South- ern Confederacy. He served for a time as an inde- pendent volunteer chaj)lain, accepting neither com- mission nor comf)ensation from the government. Dr. Long founded an academy at Batesville, by employing teachers and boarding them partly with- out compensation, and giving a part of his own time to the work. This formed the nucleus from which the Arkansas College was organized, in the fall of 1872, and of which he was elected the first president, with the professorship of ancient lan- guages and moral science, holding this position at the present time, besides preaching regularly to his pastoral charge. This institution has been pressed forward by Dr. Long's perseverance in the face of many discouragements and difficulties incident to such an undertaking, until it has achieved a success almost unprecedented. He was married at Itonia, S. C, on August 30. 185'.l, to Miss Callie Penelope, second daughter of the Rev. J. L. Kennedy, A. M., a widely-known and eloquent Presbyterian clergyman, who was also an eminent classical teacher in the northwestern part of South Carolina, and at one time professor of mathematics in Oglethorpe University, Georgia. Mrs. Long is of Scotch Irish descent, and a rela- tion and namesake of Mrs. William Preston, of South Carolina. Dr. Long and his wife are the parents of seven children, sis sons and one daugh- ter, of whom three sons died in infancy. Eugene R. was born in Sumter County, S. C, December 10, 1862; the only daughter, Irene, was born Octo- ber 3, 1864; Ross K., bom June 12, 1871, and Mack H., born July 24. 1873. Dr. Long is a thoughtful, deliberate speaker, and a profound theologian and logician. In addition to his labors here as a minister, he has founded and conducted the Arkansas College, at Batesville, of which he has been president since its commencement. He is a thorough educator, and many young men and women of Batesville and elsewhere have ahundant reason to feel grateful that they were placed under his care. He is one of the most useful men in the community, and one whom the people greatly appreciate. M. C. Long, an enterprising business man of Jamestown, Independence County, is a dealer in general merchandise, farm implements, etc., and is also postmaster. He was born in McMinu County, Tenu.. in 1851, and is a son of William R. and Susan C. (Scoggin) Long, natives, respective- 'vt* — «>- 088 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ly. of Tennessee and North Carolina. They were married in the latter State in 1850, and subse- quently in 1857 removed to Independence County, Ark., where Mr. Long died in March, 1889. Mrs. Long is still living, and is about fifty-eight years of age; the former was a tanner by trade in early life, Vj)ut afterwards turned his attention to farm- ing. He served a shoi't time in the Civil War. He is a son of Moses Long, a native of Tennessee, who died in that State in 1880. The parents of our subject were both members of the Baptist Church. They had ten children (six living), of whom M. C. was the eldest. The latter attended the common schools and one year at high school in Houston, Mo. , after which he taught one year in Texas, with which exception he has lived in Independence County since six years of age. In 1875 he married Ruth A., daughter of William and Emeline Jessup, the former a native of Indiana, and the latter of North Carolina. They lived several years in Greene County, Mo., and soon after the war removed to Lawrence County, thence to Independence County, where Mr. Jessup died in June, 1889. He was a blacksmith, and served as justice of the peace sev- oral years in Missouri. Mrs. Jessup is still living. Mrs. Long is a native of Missouri. Mr. Long engaged in farming a short time after marriage, and, then in 1878, established a grocery in James- town, in connection with which he taught school. In 1882 he enlarged his stock, and now keeps a general stock of merchandise, valuing the same at about $4,000. In 1878 he was appointed post- master, which position he still holds. He served two terms as mayor of Jamestown, and is one of the most influential citizens of the place. Mrs. Long is a member of the Baptist Church. They have five children, and the family is most highly respected by all who know them. The great-grand- father of Mr. Long, George Long, was a native of Virginia, where he prol)ably spent his life; he was a prominent Baptist minister. Andrew G. McCauley, merchant, and notary jjublic, Pleasant Plains, Ark. As might naturally be expected, mention is made in the present work of many citizens of Independence County, Ark. , now prominent in their different callings, but none more so than Mr. McCauley, who represents the mercantile interest of this vicinity. Born in Cov- ington, Tipton County, Tenn., on January 29, 1851, he is the son of John A. and Emaline, (Cheek) McCauley, both natives of North Carolina. The parents were married in 1844, and five years later moved to Arkansas, where the father received his final summons. His excellent wife still sur- vives. They became the parents of six childi'en, all now living with the exception of one. Andrew G. McCauley secured a good practical education in the private schools, and subsequently engaged in merchandising at Pleasant Plains (then Fairview), Independence County, Ark., in 1875, and has con- tinued there since. He carries a first-class stock of goods, such as dry-goods, boots, shoes, hats, caps and general supplies. He has assisting him Mr. Blackburn, an accomplished salesman, who gains many customers by his pleasant, social man- ners. Mr. McCauley is also notary public, has been postmaster for thirteen years, and also filled the office of justice of the peace in a satisfactory man- ner for four years. His marriage was consummated in 1878 to Miss Gertrude Gan-etson, of New Jer- sey, and they have two children, Beulah B. , aged nine years, and Garrie G. , who died at the age of seventeen months. Mr. McCauley is the owner of 120 acres of fine land, and also valuable property in the town of Pleasant Plains. He is a stanch Democrat and a firm l)eliever in Democracy. He also takes a great interest in the progress of the State and county. Eli McClain, M. D., a young physician of ac- knowledged merit in Independence County, Ark., was l)orn in Randolph County, this State, April 24, 1859, and is one of four surviving members of a family of eight children born to the marriage of Matthew McClain and Alcy HufPstedler, that mar- riage occun-ing August 7, 1851, in the State of Tennessee, where they were born, the former May 20, 1822, and the latter November 27, 1882. They moved to this State in the year of their marriage, procuring a place in Randolph County, where the father continued to till the soil up to his death. April 29, 1864. His widow married John S. Camp- bell, August 7, 1867. They, with all the children ^ that have an-ived at the years of accountability, are members of the Christian Church. The Mc- Clain children still surviving are: Margaret, born October 23, 1856; Martin, bom January 14, 1801; Julia, born December 23, 1862, and Dr. Eli. At first, the latter attended school in his native coun- ty, but a strong desire to study medicine led him to enter the Medical College of St. Louis, Mo. , in which institution he made progress sufficient to justif)' him in entering into active professional life, which he did in his native State, and has continued successfully in this calling up to the present date, and many can testify to his ability. He is an active member of the Christian Church, and is un- married. William B. McClendon, farmer, Jamestown, Ark. For many years, or since his location in this county, the reputation which Mr. McClendon en- joys has been not only that of a substantial and progressive farmer, but of an intelligent and thor- oughly-posted man in all public affairs. He is the son of Joel and Matilda (Mauldin) McClendon, the former a native of North Carolina. The father moved to Alabama while young, from there to Mis- sissippi in 1840, and in 1853 to Independence County, Ark., where he departed this life in 1858. Mrs. McClendon came to Arkansas with her hus- band, and died at their home in 1857. William B. McClendon was born in Springville, St. Clair County, Ala. , on the 28th of December, 1838, and began business for himself at the age of twenty years. He married his present wife, Mrs. Martha J. (Morgan) McClendon, the same year. Her parents, John and Mary Morgan, were natives of South Carolina, and both are deceased. Mr. Mc- Clendon, by his marriage, became the father of ten children, seven living: David E., aged twenty -nine years; Laura E., aged twenty -seven years; Cynthia E., aged twenty one years; Henry C, aged eight- een years; George D., aged sixteen years; Bertha A., aged thirteen years, and Claude O., aged seven years. The three deceased are: Thomas J., aged twenty-four years; Neaty E., aged eleven months, and Effie. aged four weeks. Mr. McClendon owns 260 acres of excellent land in Independence Coun- ty, on which he has a pleasant home with all mod- ern improvements. He was with the Eighth Ar- kansas Regiment, Govan's Brigade, Cleburne's Division, Hardee's Corps, Army of Tennessee, for over three years during the late war; was wounded and captured at the battle of Murfreesboro, but made his escape, and came back to his home in In- dependence County, in 1864, where he l)egan lifi- anew by renting land for four years. In 1868 he bought land in the woods, his present farm. He has held the office of justice of the peace for two years; is a member of the Masonic lodge at James- town, and is a Democrat in politics. He has also been a member of the Missionary Baptist Church for thirty years. Dr. M. McClure is the owner and manager of "The Batesville Steam Patent Roller Flour Mills," supposed to have cost over $20,000, including steam cotton-gin, with steam compress for baling; also wood-working machinery, planing-mills, re- saws, and woolen mills; also the owner of very valuable city property and thousands of acres of land in this and adjoining counties. He left home when but seven years old, and has paddled his own canoe ever since. From what we can learn from his fi-iends, he educated himself and made all his property by his untiring industry, notwithstanding his father's estate (who died when the Doctor was but two years old) left a competency to have edu- cated all the heirs, if it had been properly man- aged by the administrator. The above shows what a boy can do if he has the will and determination. Dr. McClm'e was born twenty miles north of Mays- ville, Ky., and obtained the most of his education in Ohio. He graduated in the dental profession in Cincinnati. Practicing his profession in Decatur, 111., for six years, he went South in 1858, and settled in Batesville, Ark., where he has remained since. He married a Miss H. A. Sigler, in Ross County, Ohio, in 1861. He joined the Confederate army in 1864, and surrendered as assistant surgeon, at Jacksonport, in I860. He put several thousand dollars in a newspaper. The North Arkansas Times, a Democratic sheet, now owned by Batesville Print- ing Company, and slill Democratic. We under- stand Dr. McClure has about (juit his profession, but still keeps things moving. ^ A 690 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. William L. McGuire, farmer, Batesville. The name that heads this sketch is one long and worth- ily identified with Independence County, and, indeed, no history of this immediate vicinity would be complete which failed to make proper men- tion of Mr. McGuire. Originally from St. Louis County, Mo., his birth occurred near the city proper now, on the 5th of September, 1840. His father. Elam S. McGuire, was a native of North Carolina, but emigrated to Missouri while single, and was married in St. Charles County, of that State, to Miss Catherine E. Lewis, who was a native of Virginia, but who had emigrated to Mis- souri with her jaarents. They moved to St. Louis County a short time afterwards, and located near St. Louis, where he followed tilling the soil for one year. He lived in a little cabin, cut wood and haiUed it to St. Louis. In 1841 he moved to Independence County, Ark., and stopped in Bates- ville, where subsequently he and his brother, Wil- liam L., engaged in farming in what is now Greenbriar Township. They farmed in partner- ship for a number of years. He then moved to Batesville and carried on the drug business until about 1856, when he bought and moved upon the Lee farm, adjoining his flouring-mill property, a mile and a half northeast of the town, which he had purchased three or four years before, and which farm, with a part of the mill property (210 acres, 100 under cultivation), is owned and culti- vated by his heirs. He there remained until his demise, in December, 1858. The mother died in December, 1888. He and his wife, being faithful Christians, members of the Presbyterian Church, were among the few to organize a Presbyterian Church in Batesville, in 1849. He was elected and ordained a ruling elder. They gave a hearty, cheerful, helping hand to all religious, educa- tional and benevolent efPorts and enterprises in the community. They were the parents of seven chil- dren — all living: William L., Charles E., Thomas W., Walter S., John AV., Elam A., and Laura B. The father was postmaster at Batesville through one administration (Taylor and Filmore' s) and was also school commissioner. He was a Whig in politics, and was also a Know Knowing. He was a promi- nent Mason. William L. McGuire was but one year old when he came to this county, and here he received a good, thorough education. He attended the Literary and Military Institute in St. Louis County, Mo. , for some time, and was there at the time of the death of his father. He then came home and there remained. His father was a man who believed in making his boys useful, and re- quired their assistance in his business. There the son tirst learned in some degree the ways and forms of business — drug store and postofiice, and fur- ther on, milling, running of machinery, etc. When his father sold out his drugs and moved on the farm, he being the oldest, naturally became the leader in carrying out the directions of his father ' until his death, when he became more the mana- | ger on the farm, on which he has continued, with ( the exception of two years in the employ of his | uncle, E. R. McGuire, and cousin, J. C. McGuire, in Oil Trough Bottom, this county, in charge of a gin and mill; and one year in the employ of his aunt, Mrs. S. S. Watson, St. Charles County, Mo. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and in his politics he affiliates with the Democratic jjarty. In 1862 he enlisted in Com- pany C, Dobbins' Regiment and served through the war. He was wounded twice at LaGrange, Ark., by a pistol shot, once in the right leg and once in the shoulder. He was in a great many hard skirmishes and witnessed many hardships. James Clinton McGuire, a prominent and suc- cessful farmer of Independence County, is a son of Edwin R. and Emeline (Craig) McGuire, of North Carolina and Missouri, respectively, and is the old- est of four children born to the parents, the next in order being Mary E. , Cordelia and William E. The father was one of the earlier settlers of this county, having come here in 1837, and locating at Oil Trough Bottom. He was one of the largest land-owners in Independence County at that period, owning about 1,700 acres, with some 600 acres under cultivation, and resided there in content- ment and prosperity from 1837 to 1864, when he was burned out of house and home by a band of marauding jayhawkers, who were roaming over the country plundering honest settlers. He ^ 'k^ INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. fU»l was well known and active in political circles, as well as all [lublic enterprises, and was a man who commanded considerable influence in his day. He attended service at the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was an honorable man in every action. Mr. McGuire was also a member of the Masonic fra- ternity, and took an active part in developing and organizing lodges. He belonged to Mount Zion Lodge No. 10, and was also a member of Bates- ville Chapter No. 9, besides being at one time a member of De Molay Commandery, at Louisville, Ky. His son, Jamos Clinton McGuire, was born at Oil Trough on the 17th of October, 1839, and received his education at that place. In early life he showed some of his father's characteristics, and the course he pursued in after life fully entitles him to be "a chip o' the old block." He is a member of the same Lodge and Chapter as his father was before him, and the same iron will and determined character mark his career as they did the older man. He now owns about 700 acres of land, and has placed some 500 acres under cultivation, and is a true representative of the progressive farmer. In 1871 he was married to Miss Mattie E. Erwin, who has been a devoted wife. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church, while her husband attends the Methodist Episcopal Church. Richard A. McHenry is an extensive farmer of Big Bottom Township, Independence County. He was born in Batesville, Ark., January 12, 1840, and is a son of James and Mary (Parker) McHenry, natives, respectively, of Tennessee and Kentucky. James McHenry went to Kentucky when quite young, where he married, subsequently settling at Batesville, Ark., when there were but few people living in that part of the State; he was a mechanic by trade, but devoted the greater part of his atten- tion to farming. He died in Batesville, in 1844. Of his five children, our subject is now the only one living. Mrs. McHenry afterward married Will- iam May, to which marriage one daughter was born, now deceased. The mother died in Inde- pendence County, in 1862, aged about forty-eight years. When but thirteen years of age, Kichard A. left home to work for himself, engaging at any- thing that he could, farming and working on a steamboat. In July, 1861, he enlisted in Company K, Eighth Arkansas Confederate Infantry, and sei-ved nine months, being discharged at Nashville, Tenn., on account of disability. In 1803 he re- enlisled, and was under command of Capt. Knight, Col. Sweet's regiment, during the Missouri raid, participating in several skirmishes — among them Pilot Knob, Independence and Kansas City. After the war Mr. McHenry returned to Independence County, Ark., and turned his attention to farming, his first purchase being eighty acres of land in the bottoms of the White River. He now owns 880 acres of as fine farming land as there is in the county, which he has acquired through enterprise and good management. January 21, 1863, he married Rose Tunstall, a daughter of Thomas Tun- stall. She was born in Independence County, April 4, 1847. They have three children living — Richard K. , Katie N., wife of James Brooks, a farmer of Independence County, and Rosa L. Those deceased are: Mary E., James L. , James I. and an infant. Mr. McHenry is a Royal Arch Mason, and in politics is a Democrat. He is an in- dustrious farmer, and has been very successful in his chosen occupation. John Lemviel McKee. From this brief and in- complete review of the life record of Mr. MeKee it will be seen that his life from earliest youth up to the present time has not been uselessly or idly spent. He is a progressive planter, residing in Christian Township, but was born in Tennessee, in February. 1S39. and is a son of John and Bar- bara Ann (Smith) McKee, who were born, reared, and married in North Carolina. The parents emi- grated to Arkansas in 1848, and located one mile west of where our subject now resides, on what is known as the Newport and Batesville road. His land was heavily covered with timber, and con- sisted of 160 acres, and during a fourteen years" residence on this place he cleared and improved the entire tract. This property he sold in 1862, and bought the farm on which his .son, Jolui Lemuel, is now residing, and here lived until his death, which occurred during the war. He was followed to his long home by his good wife in 1870. The subject of this sketch received the v4' — ^ 692 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. greater part of bis education in Arkansas, and re- mained with his parents on the farm until the breaking out of the late Rebellion, when he volun- teered as a private in Company G, First Arkansas Infantry, and served until wounded at the battle of Chiekamauga, having taken an active part in the battles of Bull Run, Manassas Gap, Mur- freesboro, Shiloh, and in various skirmishes. He was honoralily discharged in 1864, by reason of disability caused by the wound received at Chieka- mauga, the ball having penetrated the left eye, and lodging just above the left ear. He remained in the hospital at Marietta, Ga. , for about seven months after the battle, and after recovering suf- ficiently to travel he was discharged, and returned home, which place he reached about the middle of May, 1864. October 28, 1866, he wedded Miss Lucy McCravy, a daughter of John and Permelia (Newton) McCravy, the former a native of North Carolina, and the latter of Alabama, in which State Mrs. McKee was also born. In 1860 Mrs. McKee came to Arkansas with her married sisters, Mrs. Eliza Kennemur and Mrs. Mary Haney, but her early education was received in her native State. Mr. and Mrs McKee have two children, Jesse H. , who was born on the 'ilst of Sep- tember, 1867, and died October "28, 1867, and George F. , whose birth occurred on the 13th of December, 1868, he being now the mana- ger of the home farm. Mr. McKee has always lived the life of a farmer, and, although he has been a life-long Democrat, he has never held an office, or aspired to do so. Mrs. McKee and their son, George, are members of the Methodist Epis copal Church, and, although Mr. McKee has never united with a religious denomination, he has always contributed liberally to the support of churches. His uncle, George McKee, held the position of major in the volunteer army through- out the Mexican War. Y. M. Mack, farmer, Batesville. The subject of this sketch, well and favorably known to a host of acquaintances in this community, is a fair example of what can be accomplished by industry and per- severance. He was born November 13, 1838, his birth occurring in Wayne County, Tenn., and is the son of A. W. and Serene (Hutson) Mack, the father a native of Rockingham County, N. C, and the mother of Maitry County, Tenn. The father emigrated to Maury County at an early day, and there met and married Miss Hutson. After resid- ing here for twenty-two years they removed to Wayne County, of the same State, and there re- mained for another twenty- two years. In the fall of 1854 he came to Independence Count}', and located four miles northeast of Batesville on what is known as Blue Creek. He bought a tract of land, with about fifty acres under cultivation, 280 acres in all, and there resided until his death, which occurred on the 7th of May, 1876. W^hile living in Tennessee he held a number of minor offices. He was a carpenter by trade, having learned the same in Maury County, Tenn. , and followed this for many years. He was born in 1793, and was eighty-three years of age at the time of his death. His great-grandfather was a native of Scotland, and was an early emigrant to North Carolina. Some of the family were soldiers in the Revolutionary War. The mother died August 9, 1844. There were eight childi-en in their family, six daughters and two sons, three now living: Aseneth R. , wife of John W. Ingalls ; Young M. , and Victoria A. D. L. J., wife of Whitmill Leg- gett. Y'oung M. came to Independence County, with his parents, when about sixteen years of age, and here he received the principal part of his edu- cation. In 1861 he enlisted in Company H, De- sha's battalion, and this was consolidated into the Eighth Arkansas at Shiloh, in 1862. He enlisted as a private and was promoted to corporal, ser- geant, second, third and first lieutenant, and final- ly to the rank of a captain. He was at the bat- tle of Perryville, was in all the engagements of the Army of Middle Tennessee, and was in the 120 days' fight during the fall of Atlanta. He was wounded, by a gun- shot, in the right arm, at New Hope Church, was taken to the hospital at Macon, Ga. , and there remained four weeks. He was again disabled at Franklin, Tenn., but not seri- ously. He was within twenty feet of Clayborne when that officer was shot. Capt. Mack was cap- tain of Company H, Eighth Arkansas, and served A :?; INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. <-m with great bravery in every oBice. He went home on an eighty days' furlough, but the war was over when the time expired, and he surroiidorod at Jacksouport in 1865. They were mustered in with eighty three men, and at the close there were but twenty-three left. After cessation of hostilities Capt. Mack engaged in agricultural pursuits, and has carried on this calling ever since. When he left the army he did not have a decent suit of clothes. He is now the owner of 300 acres of ex- cellent land, with 160 acres under cultivation. He has a good residence and all out-buildings are in good condition. By his marriage, which occurred in 1874, to Miss Lou Gilbreath, a native of Arkan- sas, he became the father of six children : Maud M. , Minnie P., Leonidas L. , Sidney C. , Louie D. and Jeff D. Mrs. Mack and two daughters are members of the Methodist Church. He is a mem- ber of the Masonic Blue Lodge and Chapter, the K. of H, and the K. & L. of H. Col. Morgan Magness (deceased) was one of the earliest settlers and most prominent residents of the State of Arkansas. He was a son of Jona- than Magness. and was born in Davidson County, Tenn., December 18, 1796, his death occurring in Independence County, Ark., September 1, 1871. When sixteen years of age he removed with his parents from Tennessee to Independence County, Ark., locating on Miller's Creek, northwest of Batesville; one year later the family removed to a point sis miles southeast of Batesville, and subse- quently settled in Big Bottom Township, where they entered land, and from that time were most prosperous. Col. Magness won very distinguished success as a farmer, and at the time of his death was one of the most substantial men in the State; he was also extensively interested in stock rais- ing and planting. He represented Independence County in the lower house of the State legislature several years, and his honorable service in that capacity will long be remembered by his constitu- ents. His first wife was Keziah Elliott, a native of North Carolina, who died in Independence County, Ark., leaving no children. In 1845 Col. Magness married Susan Dunnigan. who was born in Dick- son County, Teuu., in 1815. To this union were bom five children, four of whom gr<«w to maturity, viz.: William D., D. P. W. (a jilanter and stock raiser, died in November, 1875, at about the age of twenty-five years), Elizabeth F. (now the wife of Joseph J. Waldrop, a prominent farmer of Inde- pendence County, Ark.), and Morgan J. (who was born in 1855, and died December 2, 1882). Mrs. Magness died March 16, 1877. William D. Mag- ness was born in Big Bottom Township, Independ- ence County. August 1, 1846. He received the advantages of a common school education, and re- mained at home the greater part of the time until his father's death, having spent some time with him in Texas during the latter part of the war. He then began farming for himself, and is now the owner of about 1,000 acres of fine land. Feb- ruary 5, 1879, he married Mary E. Edgar, a native of Jefferson County, East Tenn., who was born March 15, 1852. They have one son, Morgan E. Politically, Mr. Magness is a Democrat; his father was formerly a Whig, and during the latter |)art of his life sympathized with the Democratic party. Benjamin Magness is one of the influential men and enterprising farmers of White River Town- ship, Independence County. His birth occurred in Rutherford County, N. C, January 27. 1821. and he is a son of Jacob and Eda(Webb) Magness, who were also natives of Rutherford County, N. C. Of their family of eleven children, five grew to maturity, and but two are now living, our sub- ject and a sister, Mrs. Sallie Chetwood, of North Carolina. Benjamin Magness was an extensive and successful farmer in his native State, where he spent the whole of his life, his death occurring at the age of seventy-seven years; his wife died when sixty-three years old. Both were consistent mem- bers of the Missionary Baptist Church, in which church he served as deacon for over forty years. The paternal grandfather of our subject was also named Benjamin Magness: he was a native of North Carolina, and served in the Revolutionary War. Mrs. Magness was a daughter of Robin Webb, also of North Carolina. Benjamin Magness, subject of this sketch, received his education in his native county, and remained on his father's farm until 1840. In the latter vear he married Charlotte Me- f s r,- A 9 k^ 694 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Brayer, daughter of Samuel INIcBrayer, of Cleve- land County, N. C. Mrs. Magness only lived a short year after her marriage. Mr. Magness next married Adaline Sweega, who was a native of Ruth- erford County, N. C. Her father was Elijah Sweega. To this union were born seven children, five sons and two daughters, viz. : Robert L. , a farmer of Independence County, Ark. ; Alonzo, also a farmer; Almina, wife of John McFarland, of North Caro- lina; George O., merchant at Newark, Ark. ; Elijah, engaged in farming in Independence County; Susan, who died in North Carolina, and Jacob, en- gaged in merchandising in Independence County. Mrs. Magness died in 1865, at the age of thirty- two years. Mr. Magness subsequently married Barbara Ann Rice, who was born November 24, 1843. The following children have blessed this union: Martha A., wife of Frank Martin, of Newark; John M. , a farmer; William W., also a farmer; Ella (deceased), Amanda W., Julia, Benjamin A., Hugh T. E. D.. Gertie A. P., Bonnie B. and Leona. After his first marriage, Mr. Magness worked a farm of 365 acres, which his father gave him in Rutherford County. In 1858 he removed to Arkansas, locating in Independence Coxmty, where his first purchase consisted of 330 acres; he now owns 1,000 acres of good farm land, and is one of the most extensive farmers in the county. For forty-eight years he has been a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. He is also a member of the Masonic fraternity, and though taking no active part in politics, his sympathies are with the Democratic party. He supports liberally the cause of education, and is ever ready to assist in the ad- vancement of its interests. Mr. Magness is one of the most substantial men of Independence County, and is highly respected by all who know him. Isaac Magness is a properous farmer and stock- man, residing on Section 14, Christian Township, Independence County, Ark. , his postoffice address being Oil Trough. He is a son of Josiah and Pari- lee (Williams) Magness, his maternal grandfather being Isaac Williams; the paternal grandfather was a soldier in the W'ar of 1812, and a participant in the battle of New Orleans. Isaac Magness was born in Fayette County, Tenn., May 24, 1836, and was there reared to manhood and educated, but came with his parents to Arkansas in 1857. They resided in Cross County until 1867, then moved to Independence County, and purchased 130 acres of land, a portion of which was under cultivation, and here resided until the father's death, in 1870, he being the owner of 1 50 acres at that time. His wife died in 1880. Isaac Magness enlisted in the Con- federate army in 1862, and was a member of Col. Bob Shaver's regiment, serving until June, 1885, and was a participant in the battle of Little Rock, and numerous skirmishes. After bis return from the war he again took up the implements of farm life, and has continued in this calling up to the present time. His first purchase of land was in 1870, and consisted of eighty acres, but he sold this two years later and purchased land in Christian Township, which he also sold in 1879. His present farm consists of 243 acres, and at the time he pur- chased it there were but fifteen acres under culti- vation, and it was only improved by a small log cabin. He now has 130 acres cleared and 110 acres under cultivation, and on this is an excellent frame dwelling-house and other good buildings. He i.s a member of McGuire Lodge No. 208, of the A. F. & A. M., at Oil Trough, and has always been known as a liberal and public spirited citizen. He was married on the 1st of September, 1868, to Miss Missouri Hungatte, a native of Arkansas, whose father was born in Illinois and her mother in Indiana. To them the following family have been given: Willie Lee, who was born on the 22d of August, 1869; Elisha T., whose birth occurred September 9, 1871; John M. , who was born Feb- ruary 22, 1 875, and Hardy Marquis, born January 4, 1880. The eldest child. Miss Willie Lee, was married to James Monroe Nichols on the 26th of May, 1889, her husband being a son of John G. and Nancy (McGuire) Nichols. Jacob F. Martin, one of the well-to-do and most highly respected farmers of Washington Township, Independence County, resides five miles southwest of Victor postoifice. He was born in Independence County, August 18, 1839, and is a son of John and Sarah (Fulbright) Martin, natives, respectively, of Tennessee and North Carolina. INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 695 The parents of John Martin were early settlers of Lawrence Connty, Ark., where they died. John Martin was married in Independence County, where he died about 1858. He was a farmer by occupa- tion. The mother of our siibject died in 1887, and of her eleven children ten lived to be grown. Jacob F. was the sixth child. He was reared in his native county, but was deprived of the advant- ages of an education, his help being required at home. In 1859 he married Miss Elizabeth F. Net- tles, who was born in the State of Tennessee, April 15, 1841. Of the nine children who have blessed their union but four survive, viz. : Henry, Frances (now the wife of William F. Shaw), Laura and Min- nie. In 1861 Mr. Martin enlisted in the Civil War on the Confederate side, serving faithfully until the surrender, in 1865. He is a stanch Democrat in politics, and east his first presidential vote for John Bell, of Tennessee. He owns 353 acres of land, about 115 acres of which he has under cultivation. Mr. and Mrs. Martin are members of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church, South, in which they take an active interest. The family is most highly es- teemed by their many friends, and their long resi- dence in the county has made their name a famil- iar one here. Adam Martin, of the firm of Martin & Bradley, publishers of The Wheel, at Batesville, Ark., is a native of Sulphur Rock. Independence County, Ark., and the son of Hon. John G. Martin, a native of North Carolina. The elder Martin was a successful agriculturist by vocation, and became a very prominent man later in life. He was elected to the house of representatives in 1878, and served one term. He was also justice of the peace before the war, and discharged such duties as were incumbent upon that office in a capable and efficient manner. He died at Sulphur Rock in 1881. He was married in Indiana, and in about 1849 located at Sulphur Rock, where his widow still lives. Twelve children were born to their union, three of whom are mutes, two sons and one daughter, all of whom were educated at the same school and were graduates. Six children are now living: Mrs. Sallie J. Bradley, George D.. Mrs. Lee TuUev, Urban, Pike and Adam, all of whom reside at Sulphur Rock, except Pike, who is in Little Elm. Tex. Adam Martin graduated at Little Rock, Ark., in 1869. and was in school for seven years, in the first school which was organ- ized for the deaf and dumb. He was appointed teacher in 1878, following this profession for four years, and resigned in 18S2. He learned a part of the printer' 8 trade at the Deaf and Dumb Institute, and he and his partner established the Sulphur Rock Wheel in 1887. One year later they moved their paper to Batesville. where they have since continued its publication. They have a large cir- culation, and issue a good, spicy sheet. Mr. Martin was married in 1882 to Miss Eunice N. Walls, at Holly Grove, Monroe County, A.rk., and she is also a mute. They have two sons, Ralph H. and Adolphus W. W. Mr. Martin is a mem- ber of the old Presbyterian Church of Little Rock, and is also a member of the Wheel and Alliance. He and his partner are both mutes and get along as well as most business men. During the year 1880 Mr. Martin traveled extensively through Texas, New Foundland, Canada, and all the New Eng- land States. Most of the time was spent on the ocean. During this trip Mr. Martin met with about 1 , 500 mutes. George L. Massey is a man of more than ordi- nary energy and force of character, and no agricul- turist of this region is deserving of greater success in the conduct and management of his farm than he. He, as well as his father, Jason Massey, was born in Orange County, N. C the latter's birth occurring in 1802, and the former's. May 6, 1830. The latter was married, in his native State, to Rachel Peirson, also a native of the ' ' Old North State," and to their union wore born two sons, of whom our subject is the only one now living. The father was of Irish descent, and both he and wife were earnest members of the Methodist Church at the time of their death, the father's demise occur- ring in 1882, and the mother's in 1871. George L. Massey received a good practical education in the common schools of Tennessee, and at the age of sixteen years removed to Arkansas, and was afterward married in that State to Miss Margaret E. Lowe, who was a native of Arkansas, and died # \. <5 W. 696 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. in March, 1874, having become the mother of four sons and one daughter, three of the family surviv- ing: Edwin L., who married Miss Missouri Gunn, a native of Mississippi, who died in March, 1874 (he afterward married Miss Vida E. Morgan, a na- tive of Alabama); Ida, wife of Frank J. Leggett, a native of Arkansas, and Henry M., who wedded Mattie McClendon, of Alabama. After the death of his first wife Mr. Massey married Miss Sarah Jane Bryant, who was a native of Mississippi. Her parents, Richard and Elizabeth Bryant, were Virginians, and became the parents of twelve chil- dren, six of whom are now alive. Mr. Bryant died in April, 1876, and his wife in December, 1873. Mr. Massey owns land to the amount of 1,000 acres, and has about 300 acres under cultiva- tion. In 1862 he joined the army, and after par- ticipating in the battle of Helena and other engage- ments, he was discharged in 1865, and returned home to again take up the implements of the farm. Mr. Massey is a Mason, and a member of the Agricultural Wheel. He is a liberal contributor to schools and churches, and he and wife are mem- bers of the Methodist Church. David B. Maytiekl, farmer, Desha, Ark. No worthy reference to the agricultural affairs of this county would be complete without mention of Mr. Maytield, among others engaged in tilling the soil. Besides this, he enjoys to an unlimited extent the confidence and esteem of all who know hi7ii, and is one of the influential men of the county. His birth occurred in Cobb County, Ga., February 26, 1840, and he is the son of Elisha and Elizabeth (Blackwell) Mayfield, both natives of Georgia. The mother died in 1841, and the father then married Miss Catherine Blackwell, a sister of his first wife. The elder Maytield re- moved to Izard County, Ark. , in 1858, and there he received his final summons in 1869. His second wife followed him to the grave in 1888. David B. Mayfield received his education in the private schools of Georgia. He entered the Civil War at its commencement, and was with his regiment, the Eighth Arkansas, until the surrender. He was in active service, and participated in the battles of Chiekamauga and Shiloh, being woimded in the last named battle. He was captured at Lookout Mountain, and, after a long confinement at Rock Island, made his escape and went to Canada, where he remained until after the surrender. He then came to Batesville, Ark., where he met and mar- ried his present wife, Mrs. Elizabeth (Massey) Mayfield, in 1867. They have two children living and two deceased. Those living are Jesse and William, who are now at home. Mr. Maytield is the owner of 380 acres of land. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. , and is a prominent member of the Wheel. He and Mrs. Maytield are members of the Methodist Church, and are much esteemed citizens. B. F. Mayhue possesses those qualities of in- dustry and energy which are characteristic of people of Ohio nativity. He was bom in Scioto County, August 28, 1843, and was one of nine sons and three daughters born to the marriage of Amos Mayhue and Margaret Stumbaugh, who were also of Ohio birth. They were reared, educated and married in that State, and there the father be- came possessed of about eighty acres of land, which he gave to his youngest son. He subsequently removed to Illinois, and afterward came to Arkan- sas, and in these two States served the public in the capacity of justice of the peace. He and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. B. F. Mayhue received his schooling near Shaw- neetown. 111., and while a resident of that State was married to Miss Sarah A. Fowler, on the 10th of October, 1861, and their marriage has been blessed in the birth of seven children; Benjamin W., William A., Marion M., Mary M., Sarah A. and Dora C. On the 22d of July, 1883, he was called upon to mourn the death of his wife, she having been a native of Illinois, and a daughter of William and Amy Fowler. Mr. Mayhue afterward married Miss Matronia Steed, a Kentuckian, their marriage taking place on the Tith of November, 1883. Their family consists of three sons and one daughter. Mr. Mayhue has eighty acres of his 160-acre farm under cultivation, well siipplied with all necessary stock and buildings. He is a Mason, and was a member of the Agricultural Wheel, but resigned his membership in that organization, not INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. (•>U7 because ho objected to its principles, but to the way it was conducted. lu 1862 he enlisted in the army, under Capt. McCaleb, and the first hard combat in which he took part was Mobile Bay, Ala. After receiving his discharge, in November, LSGS, he returned home and resumed his farming opera- tions, to which he has since given his attention. Mrs. Mayhue is a member of the Methodist Church. James A. Meacham, an energetic tiller of the soil, in Independence County, Ark. , was born on the west fork of the Cumberland River, in Mont- gomery County, Tenn. , October 29, 1810, and is one of three living members of a family of eight children born to John W. Meacham and Mary Allen, both of whom were born in the State of Tennessee, the former a native of Montgomery County, where he was also reared and educated. He was an industrious and fairly successful agri- culturist, and showed his approval of secret socie- ties by joining the Masonic order, of which he was an active member. In 1814 he moved to the State of Arkansas, which at that time was a Territory, and the nearest market where he could sell the products of his farm, and the results of his hunt- ing and trapping expeditions, and purchase neces- sary articles, was St. Louis, Mo. His wife was a member of the Methodist Church. James A. Meacham was educated in the common schools of Independence County, attending a school taught by John Daniels, in Batesville, which was the tirst house of the kind erected in the town. He was married to Miss Mary N. Eenley, a Georgian, who was bom on the 23d of January, 1812, their nup- tials taking place on the 30th of April, 1835. Of six daughters and two sons born to them, five of the family are still living. Mr. Meacham owns 220 acres of fertile land, and. by industry and judicious management, has put about 120 acres under the plow. He has been a member of the Masonic order for about thirty years, and is an active member of the Methodist Church. He was a border ranger for one year during the 30' s, but his services were not afterward needed. James A. Meacham, who is still a hale and hearty old man, has sixty-six grandchildren, and twenty-one gi-eat-gi-andehildren. T. A. Meacham is a prosperous farmer of In- dependence County, Ark., and was l)orn in this county Septemlier 14, 1831, being a sou of John W. Meacham, who was born in Orange County, N. C, May 8, 1786, and was reared and educated in Virginia, and afterward married in Montgomery County, Tenn., on the 24tli of December, 1809, to Miss Mary Allen, who wjis also a native of the "Old North State." James and T. A. Meacham, and Margaret Carter are the only ones of th(Mr family of eight eliildren who are now living. The father was a farmer. T. A. Meacham was reared and educated in Independence County, and was married on the 13th of March, 1856, at which date Miss Elizabeth Allen, also a native of the county, became his wife. The following children havi- been born to this union: MoUie A., Sarah A., James A., Eliza E., Leona. JefF, Cora L., William A. and Robert R. Mr. Meacliam's acreage amounts to 500, of which there are about 150 acres under cultivation, which he has cleared and put under the plow himself, and in tilling his broad acres he has met with more than average success. He has shown his approval of secret organizations by join- ing the Masonic Lodge, and in this order held the position of junior warden for some time. He served in the late war under Gen. Hindman, and in 1862 participated in his first hard battle at Prairie Grove, Ark., which combat lasted for about twenty-nine hours. He and family attend the Methodist Church, and. owing to their long resi dence in the county and their many admirable qualities, they enjoy an extensive acquaintance and are highly resjjected. F. B. Meriwether is a native-born resident of the county, his birth occurring in 1861, and he re- ceived his early scholastic training in the common and graded schools of his native county. From his earliest youth he clerked in his father's store, and, after attaining a suitable age, became a partner with his father in a store in Batesville, and was married, in 1880, to Miss Queen Berry, whose birth occurred in Mitchell, Tenn., in 1862. To them have been born two children, but only one is living, Nettie. The wife died on the 3d of September. 1887. After his father's death, Mr. Meriwether na and Little Rock, and while serving in the cavalry was with Gen. Price on his raid through Missouri. At the close of the war Mr. Mills returned to his home, and again turned his attention to farming, at which he has been very successful. He is a member of Neill Lodge No. 82, A. F. & A. M. , at Jamestown. Politically, he was reared a Whig, but is now a Prohibitionist. Mrs. Mills is a mem- ber of the Methodist Church. They have two children — James T. and Elizabeth. u .L INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 699 H. L. Miniken, a prosperous business man of Batesville, and one of its leadinir citizens, was born in that city on August 9, 1850, and is a son of John and Jane (Middleton) Miniken, of Washing- ton County, Penn. The Miniken family were early settlers of Pennsylvania, whose ancestors origin- ally came from England. The great-grandfather's brother was a noted Tory, who, at the outl)reak of the Revolution, returned to England, where all trace of him was lost. John Miniken emigrated to Zanes- ville, Ohio, and remained at that place for a few years, when he traveled further west, making the trip by water. The boat in which he took passage contained a great number of emigrants, and one day an explosion occurred, which completely wrecked the vessel and killed a number of people. Fortunately, however, the greater portion of them were picked up out of the water, and among the sur- vivors was Mr. Miniken, who returned home, and again started west with his family, but traveling this time by wagon, and coming all the way overland. He arrived at Batesville, with his family all in good health, and immediately entered into the drug business at that place, afterwards carrying a large stock of general merchandise. Mr. Miniken rose rapidly in the estimation of the people in his new home, and after residing here some time, rep- resented Independence County in the legislature for one term, and also served as county judge. He was was a very prominent man and influential citizen up to the time of his death, in 1852. The mother is still living and enjoying fair health. They were the parents of fifteen children, of whom only four are living: Julia, wife of Charles Bag- ley, a resident of California; Jane A., wife of the Rev. P. Hickerson; Helen, and Harvey L. , the lat- ter being the youngest of the family. He was reared and educated in Batesville, were ho was engaged for some years in the livery business. In 1879 he commenced dealing in general merchan- dise, a business he has continued ever since, meet- ing with great success, owing to his method of transacting business. Mr. Miniken has adoj)ted certain rules for his establishment from which he never deviates. His practice is to sell the best goods at the lowest price, to be fair and square in all of his actions, and these methods have given him a reputation and enlarged his business to such an extent that he is now looked upon as an author- ity in commercial circles. He was married, in 1882, to Miss Sarah J. Lawton, of Washington Coun- ty, Penn. . by whom he has had one child — Dona hue L. Mr. Miniken is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and a stockholder in the Building and Loan Association of Batesville and St. Louis. He also has an interest in the Batesville Canning and Evaporating Company. D. C. Montgomery is a man well remembered in Batesville, and one with whom many of the old landmarks of that city are associated. He was born in Guilford County, N. C, in 1810. and was reared and educated at that place. Upon reaching his maturity he learned the carpenter's trade, and after becoming proficient in that, moved to the State of Illinois, where he followed his avocation of carpentering for some years. He next moved to Missouri, and there formed the acquaintance of Urban E. Fort, at one time a well known and pop- ular citizen of Independence County, and from him learned of the opportunities offered in Bates- ville. He came to that place in 18-10, and. after a few years' residence, was one of its most prosper- ous and enterprising young mechanics. It was here that he met his first wife, Miss Pheamster, by whom he had one child, who died in infancy, and was shortly afterwards followed l)y the mother. In 1859 he was married to Miss Mary A. Rutherford, a sister of ex- State Senator Rutherford, but had no children by this wife. In time, Mr. Montgom- ery became the leading carpenter and contractor in Batesville. and many of the old buildings were erected by him and his then young associates, George Case, Samuel B. Wycough and Thomas Wamac. At the close of the war, or about 1867. he moved to his late residence, some six miles from Batesville, where he led a quiet and easy exist- ence up to the time of his death. He was one of the thirteen persons who formed the organization of the Presbvterian Church in Batesville. many years ago, all of whom have since died, and he was one of the leading spirits in all public enterprises. Mr. Montgomery was one of the few men who were » r JiJ- 700 HISTOKY OF ARKANSAS. not afraid to express their candid opinion on polit- ical or religious subjects, and in every case his views were correct and judgment good. He hold a high place in the hearts of his fellow- citizens, and out of the entire community it would have been impossible to pick his enemy. During the war he was appointed postmaster at Batesville, and previous thereto was elected, through his own merits, to the legislature for five successive terms, and tilled the position honorably. Mr. Montgom- ery helped to build the first house in Hughes' ad- dition to Batesville, and had no superiors in his trade. He left no children at his death, but his widow still survives him, and resides on the home farm, where she owns some 300 acres of land, with about 100 acres under cultivation, and which is creditably managed by her brother, James Ruth erford. Many of the citizens of Batesville have passed away to their eternal sleep, but none have ever left a void in the hearts of their fellowmen as did Mr. Montgomery, who, although his form has departed forever from the gaze of loving friends, his name still lingers, and will last in their memory as long as life remains in the community. Jesse A. Moore, a well-known and respected citizen of Independence County, is a native of Jef- ferson County, Tenn. , where he was born Febru- ary 7, 1840. His father, I. W. R. Moore, was also born in the same county and State in the year 1808. It was there he met and married Miss Julia Moore, of Hawkins County, Tenn. , whose parents, Hugh and Sarah Moore, of Virginia, had first set- tled in that place shortly after marriage, and some years later moved to Jefferson County. This hap- py marriage was productive of seven children, three sons and four daughters: George L., a resi- dent of New Orleans ; Hugh L. , who married Miss Eliza Dickson, of Hawkins County, Tenn. ; Mary, wife of John Coke, of Tennessee; Martha R., wife of Matterson Love, a native of North Carolina; Julia Ann, who married Lucian Welch, of North Carolina; Sarah, not married — now residing in Chattanooga, Tenn., and Jesse A., who, like his father, married a Moore, the lady being Miss Eli- zabeth Moore, of Arkansas. This union gave Mr. Moore and his wife three boys and two girls, of whom three children are still living: Jessamie, Mal- colm and Ernest. By industry, economy and good management Mr. Moore has accumulated quite a snug competence. He owns about 400 acres of land, and has 200 acres under cultivation, besides possessing ten town lots in a valuable portion of Moorefield. He is a member of the Masonic fra- ternity, and has held the ofBee of Worshipful Mas- ter for four years, and was also elected a member of the legislature in 1873, but through some polit- ical chicanery Mr. Moore was not allowed to take his seat in that body that year. In 1885, how- ever, he was elected and served in the legislature, and also has charge of the postoffice at Moorefield. His wife is a regular attendant of the Methodist Church, and a devout Christian lady. M. M. Moore, grocer at Sulphur Rock, is a son of James F. and Anna G. (Dillingham) Moore, both of whom were born in North Carolina, the former' s birth occurring in Iredell County, and the latter's in the year 1813. They were married in Independence County, Ark. , whither the father came in 1819, and the mother with her parents when a child. They reared their family in this county and here the father was engaged in black- smithing, carriage-making, farming and stock rais- ing. In these enterprises he accumulated a large fortune, and died in 187'2, at the age of sixty-tive years, and his wife when thirty five years old. He was a Whig in politics, and two of the four chil dren born to himself and wife are now living. The paternal grandfather, John Moore, was born in Scotland and came to the United States, locating in North Carolina, where he married and spent his life, dying at the age of one hundred years. M. M. Moore grew to manhood in Indejiendence County, but owing to the scarcity of schools in his youth, he received a limited early education. Brought up to a knowledge of farm life, he very naturally chose that as his calling at first, but when the war broke out laid down his farm work to en- list in the Confederate army. He participated in the battle of Shiloh, where he was wounded, and, accepting Lincoln's proclamation, he did not return to service, but came home and resumed farm work, continuing until 1875, when, with keen business ^ INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 701 foresight and realizing the advantages to be gained in conducting a grocery, he embarked in the busi- ness at Sulphur Rock. In connection with this he looks after the interests of his farm, which com- prises ",240 acres. He is a member of the Metho- dist Church, and in his political views is a Repub- lican. He was first married when twenty-seven years of age to Miss Fannie Rushing, who died in 1876, having borne the following children: John, who died when six years of age; Mary, wife of Everett Murphy; Daniel, Susie, who died at the age of ten years; Rosa and Enoch. His second wife was Miss Mary Moore, and their two children are named John N. and Fannie. In his younger days Mr. Moore taught school for about ten years in Northern Alabama and some in Independence County, Ark. Col. T. J. Morgan, farmer and stock raiser, and one of the best known men in Independence County, was born near Hamburg, S. C, in the year 1827. He is a son of John and Mary Ann (Vaughn) Morgan, of Edgefield District, South Carolina, and Augusta. Ga. . respectively, who were married in Abbeville District, South Caro- lina, where they resided until 1882, and then emigrated to Independence County, Ark. The parents were among the earlier settlers, and came here when Independence County was a wilderness. They bought some land and began improving it, and in time, as the country began to settle up, the father became one of its leading men. He was a successful farmer and a highly res]iected citizen, and for some years held the office of justice of the peace, being also associate judge of the Imlepend- ence County court. His father, William Morgan, was also a native of South Carolina, of Irish and Welsh descent, and fought in the War of 1812. In 1832 he moved to Texas, where he resided until his decease, his occupation during that time being that of farmer, trader and saw-mill operator. His father, Elias Morgan, was a native of Ireland, who emigrated to America when a young man and re- sided in South Carolina for the remainder of his life. The maternal grandfather. Thomas J. Vaughn, was a prominent contractor and builder, of Eng- lish and Welsh oritrin, who died when Mrs. John Morgan was a girl. Col. Thomas J. Morgan was the oldest of four sons and seven daughters, of whom four are yet living, and all residing in Inde- pendence County. He is strictly a self-made man. having attended school but very little in his young- er days, but is possessed of a wonderful amount of knowledge and information on almost every con- ceivable subject, which his natural ability and fine intellect have enabled him to understand thorough- ly. At eighteen years of age he enlisted in Com- pany D, of Yell's Arkansas regiment, and at the battle of Buena Vista was a member of Wood's division of Gen. Taylor's army. He gave four year's service to the Confederacy, and distinguished himself in every action, winning promotion from a private up to his present title. He left the army at Corinth, Miss., and shortly afterward assisted in the organization of Company C, of Col. Robert Newton's regiment of Arkansas Cavalry, and com- manded that company until the fall of 180:5, when he was promoted to colonel, his regiment being known as Morgan's regiment. He never lost a day by sickness or any other cause, and was in almost every battle of note, as weU as Price's raids through Missouri. After the surrender at Jacksonport he returned to his home and family to enjoy the peace he was so well entitled to. Col. Morgan was mar- ried in 1855 to Miss Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Abram and Sebilla Allen, of Alabama, who were among the early settlers of this State, first locating in the river country, and a few years afterwards moving to Independence County, where Mr. Allen became a successful and wealthy farmer. Nine children were born to Col. Morgan and his wife, of whom five sons and two daughters are still living Eliza Jane, wife of H. F. Dwight; Andrew David, Jefferson D., Mar}' Ann, wife of John T. Powell; William A., Thomas E. and John A., all of them having been well educated. Col. Morgan and his family lived in different portions of Arkansas and bought land in various sections. He owns 340 acres in one tract, 640 acres in another and 150 acres in still another, besides giving each of his children a generous portion, and has about 300 acres under cultivation. In 1874-75 he represented his county in the legislature, after repeated solicitn- jy: 702 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. tion, but since then he has had no further political aspirations. He is a Democrat in politics, and a member of the A. F. & A. M., belonging to Neill Lodge No. 285. His grandfather, Elias Morgan, was a cousin of the famous Gen. Daniel Morgan, of Revolutionary fame, and it is believed that they were the only two of the Morgan family who ever came to America. Judge Henry Neill, retired tanner of Green- briar Township, owes his nativity to Mason County, Ky. , where his birth occui'red in 1808, and he is a prominent citizen of this county, respected and esteemed for his sterling integrity, sober, soimd judgment, broad intelligence and liberal, progress- ive ideas. He is a man whose career has been above reproach. His parents, Robert and Mag- daleua (Black) Neill, were natives of Wilmington, Del., and the father's birth occurred in 1767, the same year in which Gen. Jackson was born. The mother was born some years later, in the latter part of the eighteenth century. They removed to Mason County, Ky., at an early day, and later crossed the Ohio River and settled in the Buckeye State. There the father died at the age of eighty- three, and the mother at the age of eighty one years. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. The paternal grandfather of Judge Neill, Robert Neill, was a native of the Emerald Isle. Judge Neill, the sixth of nine children, live sons and four daughters, born to his parents, received a limited common school education, and began for himself at the age of seventeen by learn- ing the tanner' s trade. Before reaching his twenty- first year he went to Northeast Missouri, and found a position in a tan- yard, remaining there about three years. In 1832 he came to Independence County, where he followed his trade in a tan-yard until 1834, and then established one of his own on his present farm. This he continued until his age would not permit of further work. In 1830 he married Miss Dorcas Stark, daughter of Job and Elizabeth Stark, natives of Kentucky and North Carolina, respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Stark went to Missouri when single, were married there, and there remained until 1832, when they came to Independence County, and there passed their last days, the mother dying in 1844 and the father in 1845. Both were members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church for many years. Mr. Stark followed the occupation of a farmer all his life, and served faithfully and well in the War of 1812. Judge and Mrs. Neill reared six children: Job S., who was killed at the battle of Oak Hill, on the 10th of August, 1861, while serving in the Confederate army; Robert, Elizabeth, wife of Dr. L. A. Dick- sou; Florence, wife of Captain George Rutherford; Delia, widow of M. D. Hulsey, who was murdered in 1869; Henry L., who died with consumption, aged twenty-eight years. Mr. and Mrs. Neill cel- ebrated their golden wedding in 1886, and were the recipients of many tokens of affection and esteem by their numerous relatives and friends. In 1846 the Judge was elected to the legislature and served one term. He was register of the United States laud office at Batesville one year, was county supervisor a few years, and, after the war, was county judge. He was a man whom all relied upon, for his decisions were not made with- out careful and painstaking study of the evidence adduced. He also discharged si;ch duties as are in- cumbent upon the office of justice of the peace for several years. He is a member of the Masonic fra- ternity, Neill Lodge being named for him; was a charter meml)er, and Master for a number of years. He is an honorary member of Mt. Zion Lodge, Batesville, aud was Master over iour years. He also belongs to the Chapter at Batesville. He is Democratic in his political preferences, and cast his first presidential vote for Martin Van Buren, in 1836, and has voted for every Democratic candi- date since. Mrs. Neill has been a member of the Methodist Church for forty years. Gen. Robert Neill, one of the best known law- yers of Northeast Arkansas, was born in Inde- pendence County, November 12, 1838. His par- ents were Henry and Dorcas (Stark) Neill, natives of Kentucky and Missouri, respectively. The father was principally reared in Southern Ohio, and from the town of Aberdeen in that State, he, about the time of his majority, went to New Or- leans, the trip being made on a fiatboat. He next came to St. Louis, Mo., by steamboat. After re- siding in Missoiu-i a year or two he redo on horse- back from St. Louis to the then Territory of Arkan- sas, arriving at Batesville on ]\[ay 1, 1832, and soon afterward settled in Greenbriar Township, on the place where he still resides. Job Stark, the ma- ternal grandfather, a native of Kentucky, arrived in Independence County, Ark., with his family, in the ' month of December, 1832, and purchased a farm three miles east of Batesville, whore he resided until his death. He was a noted Itidian tighter in his earlier days, and took part in the War of 1815. Robert Neill, the paternal grandfather, was born and reared in the State of Delaware, and emi- grated to ' Kentucky, near Maysville, about the year 1800, where he resided for some time, and then moved to Southern Ohio, where he remained until his death, when he was over eighty years old. Henry Neill was a tanner by trade, and soon after his arrival in Arkansas established a tannery, where he now resides, and did business in that line for forty-eight years. In 1846 he was elected a mem- ber of the legislature and served one term, and, in the years 1847-48, he held the office of register of the United States land office at Batesville. Later on he was elected judge of the county and probate coui-t, serving from 1874 to 1876. and was, before that, a justice of the peace for several years. He was one of the most prominent citizens of In- dependence County, and a man of gi'eat influence, and though now in his eighty-second year, still en- joys much activity for his age. The mother is yet living in good health, in her seventy-third year. They were the parents of eight children, of whom four are yet living: Gen. Kobert Neill, Elizabeth, wife of Dr. L. A. Dickson; Florence, wife of Maj. George AV. Ilutberford, and Delia, widow of Mar- ion Hulsey. Gen. Kobert Neill received a fair English education in his youth, in the schools of the county, and in 1859 went to Ohio and took a course in land surveying. He followed that pro- fession until the outbreak of the war, in 1861, and then enlisted at Batesville, in Company K, First Regiment of Arkansas Mounted Riflemen, Con- federate Army. He entered service as a private, but was soon promoted to the grade of first ser geant, and at Corinth, Miss., in 1862, received the rank of first lieutenant, and later that of captain of the company, on the death of his captain. His bravery was rewarded, and his gallant actions through the war won for him promotion up to his present title. Gen. Neill took part in the battles at Oak Hills, Mo., Richmond, Ky., and the skir- mishing around Corinth, Miss., in 1862, and in the spring of 1864 was captured in Louisiana, while attempting to make his way back to his reg- iment. Ho was taken as a prisoner to Camp Chase, and from there to Fort Delaware, where he was confined for seventeen months. After the surren- der, in 1865, he returned to his home and taught school for three months, and then entered into the tanning business with his father until 1866. when he was elected clerk of the circuit clerk, an office he held until the reconstruction of the State, in 1868. During this time he read law and in No- vember. 1868, was admitted to the bar, but entered into commercial life until 1872, when he commenced to practice his profession, which he has continued ever since. Ho has the reputation of being one of the ablest lawyers in Arkansas, and as a speaker has but few superiors. In 1874 he was appointed lieutenant-colonel in the State Guards, b}- Gov. Baxter, and gave efficient aid to the State during the Brooks-Baxter embroglio. Gen. Neill was severely wounded and disabled for many months at the battle of Oak Hills in 1861, while fighting on "Bloody Hill," by a musket ball passing through his left thigh; in the same battle his brother. Job S. Neill, a youth of twenty years, who belonged to the same company, was killed on the field, after displaying great courage and cool- ness. In 1877 he was appointed a brigadier-gen- eral in the State militia, by (tov. Jliller. his for- mer law partner, and assigned to the command of the fifth military district of the State, a position which his large army experience rendered him en- tirely capable of filling with credit. In April, 1869, Gen. Neill was married to Miss Mary Adelia Byers, one of Batesville's fairest daughters and almost a native of the town. Ten children have resulted from this union, of whom seven are living: Arthur. Ernest. Hugh, Clare. Ella Byeis, Es-ther Annie and Robert, Jr. Geu. and Mrs. Neill are 704 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. members of the Mt>tb()dist Episcopal Church, South; the former is a member of the order of Free and Accepted Masons, and a companion of the Royal Arch degree; has been a member of the Masonic fi-ateruity since 1861, and has served for two years as a district deputy grand master of Masons of Ai-kausas. He is a stockholder in the Batesvillo Telephone Company, the Batesville Water and Electric Light Company, the Batesville Printing Company and the Batesville Building and Loan Association, for which last named corpora- tion he is attorney. He is also the Arkansas attor- ney for the St. Louis Manganese Company, a for- eign corporation, engaged in mining and shipping manganese ore from Independence County, and is the attorney for the Adler Bank, located and doing business at Batesville. In June, 1888, he attended the National Democratic Convention at St. Louis, as one of the delegates from the First Congres- sional district of Arkansas, and was the vice-presi- dent of the convention from his State. W. T. Nesbit is a young man who is rapidly and surely making his way to the front among the energetic business men of Independence County, and, although only twenty nine years of age, he has built up a large patronage by strict attention to each minor detail of his chosen calling, and can not fail to succeed. He is a native resident of Independ- ence County, and was born May 28, 1860, being there brought up and educated; and in addition to attending the common schools, he entered the Arkansas College, at Batesville, in which institu- tion he finished his education. His attention dur- ing his early youth was given to assisting his father on the farm, but in 1884 he gave this up to engage in the mercantile business in Sulphur Rock, where he does an annual business of about 130,000. He has recently built a business house, 60x24 feet, which is the only two-story business house in the town. His average stock amounts to nearly $4. 500, and his credit l)usiness amounts to $12,000. He employs two clerks. On commencing business for himself, in 1883, his capital amounted to about $2.50, but as mentioned in the beginning of this sketch, his success is owing to his energy, excel- lent business qualifications and attention to details. Mr. Nesbit' s wife, whom he married in 1885, was formerly Miss Mollie Carter, also a native of Inde- pendence County, Ark. They have one child. William E. Mr. Nesbit is a son of W. H. and Catherine (Herrington) Nesl)it, both Tenne.sseeans, who emigrated to Arkansas about 1850, whei-e the father died ten years later. The mother is still living and is the worthy companion of William Wilson. To her first marriage five children were born, of whom our subject is the youngest. The great-grandfather was a native of Ireland, who emi- grated to the United States and settled in North Carolina, where the grandfather was born. He afterwards moved to Mississippi. The father was a soldier in the Mexican War. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, a Democrat, and belongs to the Blue Lodge and Chapter in the A. F. and A. M. , also holding membership in several benevolent associations. William B. Norvell is a prosperous agricultur- ist of this region, and successfully manages his farm of 240 acres, which lies in section 84, Gains- boro Township, and is an exceedingly fertile tract of land. In addition to this, he has devoted his attention to the profession of school-teaching, in which occupation he has met the universal ap- proval of those whom he has served. He was born in Bedford County, Tenn. , on the 23d of July, 1846, and is a son of E. M. B. and Jerusha (Arnold) Norvell, who were born in Bedford County, Tenn., and North Carolina, respectively, and were married in the former State in 1837; nine of their ten children being yet living. The father was a farmer by occupation, a member of the I. O. O. F. , and he and wife were consistent members of the Baptist Church. William B. Nor- vell first attended the common schools of Bedford County, Tenn. , and then entered as a student the Cedar Grove Academy, in which well-known insti- tution he remained for some time and received an education of more than ordinary thoroughness. Miss Sarah A. Rogers became his wife, she having been born in Independence County, Ark. , and their marriage has resulted in the birth of three sons and five daughters, one daughter being a deaf mute. Mr. Norvell has held the ofiice of justice of w the peace for about two years, and for about six years has been a school director. While iu Ten- nessee he joined the Masonic and I. O. O. F. lodges, and still holds his membership in that State. He belongs to the Agricultural Wheel, and he and wife are members of the Baptist Church, in which he is an ordained deacon. Mr. Norvell is an exceptionally intelligent man, and is thor- oughly posted on all the current topics of the day, and takes an active interest in all enterprises tending to benefit the county. Robert G. Osborne, one of the leading citizens of the county of Independence, was born in Hay- wood County, North Carolina, November 27, 1853, and is a son of Enoch M., and N. E. (Howell) Osborne, also natives of Haj'wood County, North Carolina. Enoch M. Osboiiie died in Independ- ence County, Ark., in 1876, at the age of sixty- one years; his widow is now residing in Ashe- ville, N. C. , having returned to her native State after her husband's death, for the purpose of educating her children. They removed in 1855 from North Carolina and bought 550 acres of land in Independence County, Ark., which they cleared and cultivated. Enoch M. Osborne was a man of great enterprise and ability, and was a very suc- cessful farmer. He and wife were members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and of their family of eight children, seven are now livinsr, viz. : Robert G. ; William H. , a minister of the Missionary Baptist Church, now located at Jonosboro, Tenn. ; Thomas S., a lawyer of Ft. Smith, Ark. ; James H., a merchant of Asheville, N. C. ; Fannie, wife of Thomas Drummond, land agent at Greenville, Tenn.; Joseph C. died October 21, 1888, at the age of twenty years, while attending college at Asheville, N. C. ; Mary A. with her mother, and John M. also at college. Robert G. , the eldest child, received his education in Independence County, Ark., and after the death of his father continued farming on the old homestead, which he now owns. He also owns 193 acres in White River Township. 160 in Black River Township, as well as town property in Sulphur Rock, all of which has become his through close application and en- terprise, that have won for him so much success in his chosen occupation of farming. In 1880 Mr. Osborne married Aiuaiida E. McPhearsou. a daughter of Joseph McPhearson, now deceased. She was born in Alabama in 1860. Of the live children born to their marriage three are living, viz. : Fannie, Morgan and Maudie, the last two twins. Adolphus and Willie are deceased. Polit- ically, Mr. Osborne is a Democrat, as was also his father. The family is of English descent, and is widely known and highly respected in Independ- ence County. Joseph Ottinger. Within the limits of Inde- pendence Co\inty, Ark., there is no man of more progressive spirit or of greater recognized worth than Mr. Ottinger. Born in Cocke County, Tenn., June 15, 1838, he is a son of Michael and Eliz- abeth (Winter) Ottinger, also Tennesseeans, the former's birth occurring in Greene County, in 1802. He was also educated in this county, and, as he grew up, learned the lessons of industry, frugal habits and economy — lessons which he ever re- membered and which stood him in good stead in after life. He became a wealthy planter of that State, and at one time owned 1,020 acres of land. He was married in 1823, and eleven children were born to himself and wife, six of whom are yet liv- ing. He held the office of constable for some time. He and wife were members, iu good standing, in the Lutheran Church. He died iu 1877. followed by his wife a few years later, in 1881. Josejih Ottinger was educated near Newport, Tenn., and for a number of years has been a resident of Inde- pendence County, Ark. He owns 239 acres of average land, and, from his earliest recollections, has been familiar with farm work (a secret, doul)t- less, of his success). He was married near Now- port, Tenn. , to Miss Sarah A. Davis, who was born and reared in that State. To them a family of nine children have been given, eight sons and one daughter, and eight of the family are still living. Mr. Ottinger is a member of the Masonic order, and has held the office of secretary and treasurer of his lodge. He is also a member of the Agri- cultural Wheel, and he and wife are connected with the Baptist Church, and are always interested in enterprises tending to benefit their adopted r 700 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. county. The maternal grandparents were Penn- sylvanians, who were among the pioneer settlers ' of Tennessee. Margaret F. Owen, widow of John M. Owen, of White River Township, Independence County, was born in Alabama in 1850. She is a daughter of Michael K. and Matilda (Dutton) Crow, both natives of Virginia. Michael K. Crow was born in 1825; he grew to manhood in Virginia and Tennes- see, and was married in Alal)ama, to which State his parents had removed. In 1860 he emigrated to Arkansas, locating on a farm in Independence County, where he spent the remainder of his life. He was a Confederate soldier, and was wounded by the fall of a horse at the battle of Helena. He died in 1883, and his wife, who was also born in 1825, died in 1881. A double monument marks | their graves in the neighborhood in which the lat- ter part of their lives was spent. They were the parents of seven children, viz.: Margaret F., Mary M. , Reuben M. , George ( who died in infancy), William C, Riddie A. and Thomas J. Though not a member of any church, Michael Owen was a [ great Bible student, and was exceedingly charitable. He was of German descent, while his wife was of Irish origin. Margaret F. attended the common , schools of Independence County, and at the age of ; eighteen years married John M. Owen, who was born in Big Bottom Township, Independence Coun- ty, in 1836, being nearly fifteen years her senior. They were blessed with live children, viz. : Alfred C. , Edward, Thomas, Eunice and Mabel. Mr. Owen served the Confederacy four years during the late war, and lost his health while in the army. He died March 22, 1884, leaving a good farm, upon which his widow now resides. He was a member of the Christian Church, and in politics was a Democrat. T. B. Padgett, real estate and insurance agent, Batesville. In all business communities the matter of insurance holds a jiromincnt place. It is a means of stability to all business transactions, and a mainstay against disaster, should devastation by fire sweep property or merchandise away. Among those engaged in the insurance business in Bates- ville is Mi\ T. B. Padgett, who is a native Vir- ginian, born in Fairfax County, in September, 1839. The Padgett family comes of Virginia stock, settling there at an early day. William B. and Harriet T. (Ossmonj Padgett, parents of T. B. Padgett, were also natives of Virginia, and the father was a farmer by occupation, which pursuit he carried on for years. He died in Virginia, and the mother in Missouri. T. B. Padgett passed his youth and early manhood in the grand old State of Virginia, and there received a good com- mon education. Early in life he was apprenticed to the drag business in Washington City, D. C, and there remained until 1860, when he came to Batesville, Ark., and engaged as clerk in the drug trade. In 1861 he enlisted in Company E, Seventh Arkansas Infantry, and served until the close of the war. He was in the battles of Chickamauga, Murfreesboro, Shiloh, and all the principal engage- ments of the Western army. He was wounded both at Murfi-eesboro and Chickamauga, and quite severely at the last named place, being disal)led from duty for some time. He ranked as second lieutenant. After the surrender he went to Alex- andria, Va., and after remaining there a little over a year, he returned to Batesville. He again en- gaged in the drug business, and carried it on until 1875, when he commenced in his present business. He represents fifteen of the leading insurance companies, is a thorough-going, persevering and enterprising business man, and is deserving of all business success. He has been a member of the town council, and has also tilled the position of town treasurer, recorder, covmty assessor, and deputy collector for ten years. He was married in 1868 to Miss Elvena Maxfield, by whom he has four children living. He was married the second time, in 1882, to Miss Martha E. Moore, and two children were born to this union. Robert A. Patterson is a native farmer and stock raiser of Independence County, where he has lived all his life. He was born in 1824, and is a son of Thomas and Martha (Bruce) Patterson. Thomas Patterson was born in Tennessee, where he grew to manhood and married, and soon after the War of IS 12 moved to Missouri, settling on the James Fork of White River, from which location ^ 1^ he was driven away by the Indians. He then re- moved to Indei^endence County, Ark., and settled on a small improvement on Polk Bayou, where he improved a good farm, to which he devoted his at- tention the remainder of his life; he was among the pioneer settlers of White River Township, and his death occnrred in 1S57. Mrs. Patterson was a native of North Carolina, and survived hor hus- band until 1875. Of their large family three sons and seven daughters lived to be gi'ovvn, of whom oui" subject was the third born. The mother was a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Patter- son served as a soldier in the War of 1812. Robert A. was deprived almost entirely of anj' school ad- vantages, as the country was so sparsely settled, and schools were not organized. He lived at home until twenty-one years of age, when he worked one year as a mill hand, and afterward engaged in ' farming. In March, 1848, he married Mary Ann, daughter of Johnston and Elizabeth Clark. Mr. Clark was reared in Illinois, but was married in Missouri, in which State the parents lived until Mrs. Patterson was nine years old. They then re- j moved to Independence County, Ark. , where Mrs. | Clark died, in November. 1802. Mr. Clark died the same month in St. Louis while servinij as lieu- tenant of an Ai'kansas regiment, Federal army; he was a millwright by trade, and also a farmer. Of the nine chikh'en born to Mr. and Mrs. Patterson seven are living, viz. : Mary J., wife of William I. Marshall; Sarah I., wife of J. M. Patterson; Thomas S. . Robert A. R., John H. , George W. W. and Lauretta. After his marriage Mr. Patter- son settled on his present farm, which was then entirely unimproved; of his 288 acres he now has about sixty under cultivation. He also carries on wagon-making in connection with his farming. He is one of the oldest residents of Independence County, whose birth occurred here, and is one of the best known and most respected citizens. Mr. Patterson was formerly a Democrat, but since the war he has been a Republican. He is a member ; of the A. F. & A. M. . and he and wife are con- sistent members of the Methodist Church. Mrs. Patterson's maternal grandfather, Lewis Roan, was a native of England, and when but twelve years of age came to America, where he fought all through the Revolution for the freedom of the colonies. He reared a large family in this country, where he spent the remainder of his life. James Clark, paternal grandfather of Mrs. Patterson, was an early settler of Illinois. He afterward liveil some j'ears in Missouri and snbse«piently located in Independence County, Ark. , where he died. It is supposed that all of the family, except himself and one sister, were killed by the Indians when he was a boy. William C. Pearce, postmaster, justice of the peace and notary public. Oil Trough, Ark. A representative citizen of Independence County, and a man recognized and respected as such wher- ever known is Mr. Pearce. He never engaged very largely in agricultural pursuits, but is generally in business, and is also occupied in his official duties. He owes his nativity to Henderson County, Tenn., where he was born on the 18th of March, 183(), and is the son of John and Lucy (Collins) Pearce. John Pearce came to Arkansas, with bis family, in bSoO, located on land near Fairview, Independ- ence County, where he remained for about eight years. He cleared about twenty-five acres, erected log houses, stables, etc., but exchanged this for land nearer B'airview, and made this his home for fifteen years. The mother died in 1875, and he one year later. William C. Pearce received his education principally in the schools of Independ ence County. In 1858 ho left the parental roof to engage as clerk with Col. James H. Patterson, who ^ carried a general line of merchandise in Jackson County, and remained there until ISfil, when he enlisted in Company A. Eighth Regiment, Arkansas Volunteer Infantry, in the capacity of private, hos- pital steward and druggist. He participated in all the battles in which his command engaged, but space will allow the mention only of some of the most prominent: Shiloh. Mnrfreesboro, Chicka- manga. Missionary Ridge. Buzzard Roost, Resaca, and, in fact, all the engagements of the Atlanta cam paiga. Jonesboro Vieing the la.st. He was with Gen. Hood in his campaigns, during his command of the Confederate army, but left his company on a sixty days' furlough in the latter part of the war. 708 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. The conflict closed before the expiration of the fur- lough, so he remained at home. In 1865 he put in a crop on a farm near Pleasant Plains, Inde- pendence Conoty, and in October of the same year, engaged in business with Mr. A. J. Cheek, the latter furnishing the means, and Mr. Pearee man- aging the business and receiving a salary for his services. He continued in business with Mr. Cheek until in March, 1868, after which he passed his time in collecting for other business men until 1869. He was then united in marriage to Miss Sarah Calhoun, of Arkansas, but originally fi-om South Carolina. Her father was a cousin of John C. Calhoun of historical fame. To Mr. and Mrs. Pearee were born five childi'en : Zachary H. , born in 1870 and died in 1885; his body is interred in the cemetery at Maple Springs, Independence County. Mollie, Lama, Cornelia and Culbert L. Mr. Pearee moved to Oil Trough in 1875, and was engaged in various occupations until appointed postmaster under President Garfield's administra- tion, in 1882. The same year he was elected jus- tice of the peace, and notary public in 1887. He has taken a great deal of interest in politics, ident- ifying himself with the Democratic party, to which he has always strongly adhered. While Mr. Pearee is not a member of any Church, he has always been a strong friend to religious and social advancement, and contributes liberally to all. He is a great friend to education, and his children have had good ojjportunities for schooling. He was made a Mas- ter Mason in 1866, was exalted to the first sublime degree of Royal Arch Mason in 1868, and at this time is a member of MeOuire Lodge No. 208, Oil Trough, Independence County, Ark. He is also a member of Oil Trough Chapter No. 84, Oil Trough, Ark. John L. Pierce is worthy in every way of being classed among the successful agriculturists of this region, for by his own industry he has become the owner of 320 acres of land, about seventy of which are in a high state of cultivation, and 100 acres of land he lias cleared himself. His birth occurred in McMinn County, Tenn., January 11, 1838, and he was educated near Athens, and, after attaining manhood, was married there to Miss Lucie Herod, who was a native of the State. Of eight sons and three daughters born to them, eight of the family are still living, and one is at home with his parents, helping to till the farm. Mr. Pierce is a Mason, a member of the Agricultural Wheel, in which organization he has held the office of vice-president, and he and wife, for a number of years, have been earnest and consistent members of the Baptist Church. The manner in which Mr. Pierce has acquired his present estate denotes him to be an energetic, successful agriculturist, and the secret of his success, perhaps, lies in the fact that he was reared from earliest boyhood on a farm and inher- ited some of the sterling qualities of his Scotch ancestors. His parents, Thomas and Elizabeth (Wyatt) Pierce, were born in Tennessee and Vir- ginia, respectively, and became the parents of two sons and nine daughters, five of the family sur- viving: Sarah, Ursulia, LinaM., David and John. The father died in 1868, followed by his wife in 1872, she having been a member of the Lutheran Church for many years. The paternal grand- father was a Scotchman, who came to America many years ago. William Ramsey, farmer, Batesville. Nowhere within the limits of Independence County can there be found a man who takes greater interest in its agricultural and stock affairs than Mr. Ramsey, or who strives continually to promote and advance these interests to a higher plane. He has a native pride in this county, for he was born here, and it is but natural that he should strive to see all its mat- ters placed on a footing equal, if not superior, to the affairs of other counties in the State. He is the son of Allen D. and Helen F. (Slater) Ramsey, and the grandson of William Ramsey, who settled in what is now Independence County, Ark., in about 1819, when there were but few settlers in tliis country. He was a farmer by occupation, and died in Independence County. During his early residence in this county he underwent many hard- ships, and had many stirring adventures. He was sheriflF of Independence County at one time. Allen D. Ramsey was born on the place where the fami- ly now resides, and there passed almost his entire life. Perhaps few men in North Arkansas, aside ' f £ Mississippi CouNnAflHANSAa . INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 701) from those in professional or politioiil life, were better known. He was edueateii near Alexandria, Va., and was possessed of a high order of intelli- gence. He was an honored, influential and exem- plary citizen. He died December 31, 1878. The mother is still living, and is a native of North Carolina. Her parents were natives of Scotland, and came to the United States at an early day. Her mother came to Ai-kansas, and located at Batesville. To Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ramsey were born five children, three now living: Margaret, William and Maria. The two deceased were Mary, married George Weaver, who is also de ceased, and left one child, Allen R. Weaver, who makes his home with the subject of this sketch, and David. William Ramsey (subject) was born and reared on the farm where he now lives. Being reared to the arduous duties of the farm, he has always followed this calling, and has made a complete success of the same. The family now own 1,050 acres of land, with about 325 acres un- der cultivation, and the principal productions are corn, cotton and hay. Mr. Ramsey also raises some stock. He is an enterprising young man and a first-class farmer. He is a member of the Episcopal Church, and his mother and family are members of the same. When the Ramsey family first settled in Independence County, Indians were here, and all kinds of wild gam^ abounded. The now fine and productive river bottoms where then a dense canebrake. One incident that the father used to relate to his children was that, when the first steamboat came up the river, that had a whis- tle, it roused every one from their slumbers, and the people were very much frightened. The great grandfather of the subject of this sketch, at a very early date, lived in Kentucky, where he met with experiences worthy of record. On one occasion, while in the hay field, in comjiany with a hired man, a party of Indians came upon them unaware. The hired man started to run, but was killed by the savages. Mr. Ramsey's great-gi"andfather was taken prisoner, and kept as such for a long time, finally being sold to some French traders for a pair of lilaukets. He was then so far from home, that the only way to return in safety, and avoid being recaptured, was to cross the ocean to France and back again, which he did. He at last made his way to his family, who had mourned him as dead, after an absence of three years. C. T. Rosenthal, dealer in hardware, stoves, tin-ware, etc. , Batesville. Among the resources of the town of Batesville, which go to make up its commercial fabric, the trade carried on in hard ware, stoves, tin-ware, etc., forms a most import- ant feature. Prominent among those engaged in it is Mr. C. T. Rosenthal, who has been in this line of business for twenty five years. In 1865 he engaged as clerk in the wholesale hardware house of Pratt & Fox, then the largest hardware firm in St. Louis. He remained with them over three years, after which he went to Helena, M. T., and there worked for Clark, Conrad & Miller for a short time. He then returned to St. Louis and entered the firm of Adolphus Meier & Co., remaining with them about three years, or until they sold out to McCombs, Keller & Byrnes, with whom he remained until 1878, although the firm again changed, this time to McCombs, Caruth & Byrnes. At the above mentioned date, Mr. Rosenthal came to Batesville, Ark., engaging in business for him- self. The first two years the firm was Rosenthal & Stritter, and since that time 'he has carried on the business alone. He has one of the neatest and best stocked hardware stores in Arkansas. Mr. Rosenthal has been an alderman three terms, and was school director for one term of two years. He owns the building that he occupies, which is a large two- story stone building, and which he has had erected since coming to Batesville. He does a good business, carries a large stock of goods, and employs five men. Joseph M. Runyan, who has a reputation of owning some of the best stock in Independence County, and is also an experienced farmer, is a son of and Elizabeth (Burke) Runyan. of Tennessee, in which State Jose[)h was l)om and educated. His early life was spent on the home farm, but in 1842, when he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Baker, also of Tennessee, he com- menced to make a home for his bride. Three children were born to them in that State, and seven 3?: liL no HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. in Arkansas, of whom eight children are still living. Their names are Jerome, born in Tennessee in 1S66; John Richmond, born in Tennessee in 1867; Russell M., born in 1869; Cora B., born in Ten- nessee in 1871; William D., born in 1873; Katie, born in 1877; Josie, born in 1880; Bertha, born in 1882; Thomas J., born in 1884, and dying at the age of three years, and James C, born in 1887, dying in 1888. Mr. Kunyan moved to Arkansas in 1870, and located in Christian Township, where he rented land and farmed up to 1876, when he purchased 160 acres of heavily-timbered land, com- prising sycamore, which was 6 feet in diameter; oak trees, 5 feet in diameter; walnut, d^ feet; Cot- tonwood, 8 feet : box elder. 2 J feet; pecan 5 feet: hack berrj', 4 feet, and corn that was 20 feet tall. This was the condition Mr. Runyan found the land in upon his arrival, and out of the 160 acres he has now placed eighty acres in cotton and 30 in corn, besides gathering 2,800 pounds of cotton seed, that being the average of the field. He has raised 386 bushels of corn from three acres of ground, and 41 bushels of wheat to the acre. Also from seventy- five to 100 bushels of oats per acre. Mr. Runyan is also cultivating 500 acres of new land, and has placed sixty acres in clover, from which he expects to get three and one-half tons at the first cutting; one and one-half tons at the second, and the signs are very favorable toward getting one and one-half tons per acre at the third cutting. He also raises a tine stock of cattle and Berkshire hogs, as well as high-grade poultry. His land has upon it a fine orchard of apple, pecan and pear trees, and several good dwellings, barns, cribs, etc. He is a member of the Missionary Church, while his wife and the three oldest children attend serv- ice at the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Run- yan is a member of McGuire's Lodge, A. F. & A. M. , Oil Trough, and also belongs to the Knights of Honor and Royal Arcanum. In politics he is a stanch Democrat, and has served one term as justice of the peace, but only held the office from a sense of duty, as he can not well spare the time. Hon. James Rutherford, ex-State senator, a highly- esteemed citizen of Independence County, was born in Rutherfordton, Rutherford County, N. C, on July 7, 1825. This county was named after Gen. Rutherford, of Revolutionary fame, and a distant relative of the senator's. AV alter B. Rutherford, the father, was a Scotchman, who emi- grated to America when twenty years of age, and resided for twenty-five years in Rutherford County, afterward moving to Batesville, Ai-k., in 1850, where he died October 17, 1865. The elder Ruth- erford was a man firm in his convictions, and sen- sitive of his honor, and up to the time of his death was a citizen of considerable influence in the community. His father, Alexander Rutherford, was one of the leading lawyers of Edinburgh, Scotland, and his wife, Sarah (McTyre*) Ruther- ford, was a native of Georgia, who died in Inde- l^endence County, Ark., in 1870, at the age of seventy-five years. They were the parents of nine children: Catherine, Isabelle, Alexander, Walter, James, William, Mary A., Amelia and George. James Rutherford remained in North Carolina un- til the age of twenty-three years, when he moved to Batesville, in 1849, two years in advance of his parents, and has resided at that place ever since. His education was limited to a common school and academic course, but his natural abilities and liter- ary tastes soon placed him on a level with some of the smartest men of that section. It has been a common belief that for one to be successful in after life he must, as a rule, sow his wild oats in boyhood, but in Mr. Rutherford's case this theory has been exploded. He has never sowed his wild oats, has never gambled, drank, nor sworn an oath, and in his later life he has remained always the same practical, moral man, and becoming more successful year after year. He owns several valua- ble farms, having nearly 1,000 acres under culti- vation, and raises almost everything that the soil will produce, commencing his life with only 160 acres of land. Public offices have been bestowed upon him, on account of his intelligence, tact and integrity, and these talents have commanded for him the respect of every citizen interested in pub- lic affairs. In 1861 he went into the State service as fii'st lieutenant of Dye's company, in Colonel *This name is spelled Tyrie, by Capt. George W. Rutherford. v INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 711 Shaver's regiment, afterward known as Seventh Arkansas Regiment, and then transferred to the Confederate service. He commanded a company at the battle of Shiloh. in which the lieutenant- colonel was killed, and Mr, Rutherford was imme- diately promoted to fill his place, serving until the reorganization, in August, 1862, when he resigned and came home. AtBatesville he accepted the po- sition of provost marshal, remaining in that ca- pacity for four or five months, and for the balance of the war he was enrolling officer at that town. At Grand Glaize he was taken prisoner, on Febru- ary 4th, 1863, and detained at Little Rock for three months. Senator Rutherford became an Odd Fellow at Lincolnton, N. C, and is the oldest liv- ing member of the Batesville Lodge. He is a member of no other secret order. In politics he was a Whig from boyhood until the death of that party, when he became a Democrat. He was a Secessionist in theory, but contended that it was bad policy to secede, although he stood firmly with the Confederacy to the bitter end. For the last six years he has attended as a delegate to the State conventions of the Democratic party, but has never taken an active part in politics, except when can- vassing for himself. In 1850 he was elected jus- tice of the peace, just one year after moving to the county, and served four years. In the trouble- some times of 1874 he was elected a delegate fi'om Independence County to the constitutional con- vention that framed the present constitution of the State, and in 1879 he was elected for four years as State senator for the counties of Independence and Stone. During the session of 1880 he was chairman of the finance committee, and also of the special senate committee on revenue, and re- ported the famous revenue law which Gov. Churchill vetoed. Senator Rutherford was mar- ried in Batesville, on November 112th, 1802. to Miss Maria Louisa Hynson, of Independence County, a daughter of Henry Hynson, one of that county's well known merchants. Mrs. Rutherford is a charming lady, and is almost her husband's equal in tact and good judgment. In fact, it is partly due to her advice and good management that the senator has built up his fortune. Their marriage has been blessed with four sons and two daughters; George L.. James B., "William A., Medford M., May B. and Sophia A. The senator is a man who never allows politics to interfere with his friendships, as is shown by the fact that some of his political opponents are his personal friends. He is regarded as the best financier in Independ ence County, and, as an eminent citizen of Arkan- sas says of him, " He has an undisputed charac- ter for honesty and integrity, and is strictly moral " Capt. George W. Rutherford, a prominent cit- zen and leading farmer of Independence County, was born in Rutherfordton, Rutherford County, N. C, on July 10, 1883. and is a son of Walter B. and Sarah (McTyre) Rutherford, the former a native of Scotland, and the latter, who was also of Scottish origin, from Fairfield County, S. C. The elder Rutherford landed at Charleston. S. C, in December, 1815, some six months after the battle of Waterloo was fought, and while the world was still ringing with the news of Napoleon's defeat. His voyage across the ocean occupied four weeks, and the vessel encountered many heavy storms in that time, causing consternation on board. Alex- ander Rutherford, the father of Walter B., was at one time a captain in the British Reserves, and an old friend of Robert Burns. He resided in Scot- land and practiced law up to the time of his death. Walter B. Rutherford was a tanner by trade, hav- ing served seven years' apprenticeship at Edin- burgh, Scotland, and still pursued that occupation in South and North Carolina. In 1830 he made a trip to Arkansas, coming the entire distance on horseback, and after returning to North Carolina, where he resided until 1850, he moved with his fam- ily to Independence County, traveling all the way by wagons. Following his arrival here he bought a section of land in 1S3'.I, comprising 640 acres, with about seventy-five acres under cultivation, and which is the farm upon which Capt. George W. now resides. The land was purchased from a man named Dilling ham, who settled here in 181 t, and the old house, which was built in 1816, is still standing on the place. The elder Rutherford died in 1865, and the wife fol- lowed him five years later. They were the parents of nine children, of whom five are still living. 712 HISTORY OP ARKANSAS. Caj)t. Rutherford was the youngest of this family, and received his education in the schools of North Carolina. He came to Arkansas with his parents when seventeen years of age. and has always been a farmer. In 1862 he enlisted in the Second Ar- kansas Cavalry, and served until the close of the war, taking part in the battle of Helena, and a great many cavalry skirmishes, and on one occa- sion captured a train of Federal soldiers. He raised a company of partisans under ui'ders of Gen. Hind- man, in 1862, being joined to Chrisman's battal- ion of Arkansas Cavalry, and subsequently to Dobbins' regiment of Arkansas Cavalry. In May, 1 864, he was captured at Sugar Loaf Springs, and taken to the Little Rock penitentiary, where he was confined in a cell, though only at night, for eleven months, and after obtaining his liberty, re- turned home, to once more lead a peaceful life and cultivate the land. Capt. Rutherford owns about 1,000 acres, and has some 350 acres under cultivation. His farm is well improved, and adapted to the stock business, in which he is an extensive dealer. In 1868 he was married to Miss Florence Neill, a daughter of Judge Henry Neill, and has had ten children by this marriage, of whom nine are living: Anna and Lizzie, Mary and Amelia are twins; Delia, George and Neill. twins; Nina and Genevieve. Mrs. Rutherford is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a devout Christian. She has made her home one of the most pleasant in Northeast Arkansas, and is a de- voted wife and fond mother. Calvin Rutherford, farmer and stock raiser, Elmo, Ark. Mr. Rutherford owes his nativity to Cocke County, Tenn., where he was born in 1848. He left his native county in 1871, journeyed to Ar- kansas, and located in Oil Trough Bottom, Chris- tian Township, Independence County. The same year he was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Baker, a native of Tennessee, and after coming to Arkansas he rented land, thus continuing until in 1887, when he bought forty acres. Heaven has' blessed his married life with four children — Lounz, Oscar, Mary and John. The forty acres purchased by Mr. Rutherford was at tliat time very heavily timbered, but of this he has cleared twenty acres, and has built on the same a good log house. He is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, McGuire Lodge No. 208, Oil Trough, Independence County, and takes a prominent part in all public enterprises, whether of a religious, social, or educational nature, in his county and State. He has two children in school, and contemplates educating them as far as his means will permit. He is the son of Calvin and Nancy (Lane) Rutherford, natives of Ten- nessee, and the grandson of Lane, who was a soldier in the Mexican War, and drew a pension until his death. Mr. Rutherford is not only a public spirited, enterprising citizen, but is a man universally respected by all acquainted with him. In the history of Independence County, in its de- velopment and growth, Mr. Rutherford has borne a prominent part for the last eighteen or twenty years. James F. Saffold, a popular and enterprising farmer and stock raiser, of Independence County, is a son of James F. and Elizabeth (Hulsoy) .Saf- fold, both natives of that county, where James, Jr., was born on the 2d of July, 1854. The elder SafFold was a noted and brilliant politician during his life, as also a leading spirit in all public enter- prises for the advancement of his county. He was elected to represent Independence County in the State legislature, and filled the office with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of his constitu- ents, besides filling several minor positions. On the occasion of his death, at the age of forty -five years, the county lost one of her most valued citi- zens and one whom she well appreciated. He be- longed to McGuire Lodge No. 208, A. F. & A. M. , and was also a member of Oil Trough Chapter No. 84. His loss was deeply mourned by the public, as well as his wife and six children, to whom he was a kind husband and an indulgent father. He was strictly a self-made man, having received but a limited education in his youth; but the brain and power of the man were equal to any emergencj', and in after life he had educated and qualified himself for any position he might have been called uj)oii to fill within the gift of the people, or in the ordinaiy demands of business. His son, James F. Satl'old, Jr., follows closely in the light of his father's INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 71 H ll>£ uiauy f^ood ([ualities, and is a roijresentative citi- zen of the conuty. Added to what he inherited fiom his father's estate, he now owns 250 acres of land, with 175 acres under cultivation, and has (irected one good dwelling, several tenant houses and barns upon the place. Mr. Saffold is not a member of any particular religious faith, but he has contributed to a great many causes, both re- ligious and educational; and outside of his large circle of friends in Christian Township, is well known throughout Independence County. Allen H. Saviors, farmer and stock raiser, Dota, Ark. One of the foremost men among the agri- culturists of Independence County, is he whose name appears above, and who has borne an influ- ential part in promoting the various interests of the county. His birth occurred in what is now Jack- son County, Ark., on the 81st of December, 184-1:, and he has always made this State his home. He- was reared between the handles of a plow, figura- tively speaking, and received his education in the common schools of Jackson County. Although his educational attainments were rather limited, ho improved his time in later years, and is now con- sidered one of the well-posted and intelligent cit- izens of the county. He is the second in a family of six children, born to John C. and Martha (Oli- ver) Saylors, natives of Missouri, who came to Arkansas about 1820 or 1824, and first settled at Litchfield, in Jackson County. A few years later they sold out and moved a few miles further south, where they opened up a large tract of land, 160 acres. He then moved three miles east of Jack- sonport, and there died, in 1855. At that time he was the owner of 480 acres. He was the first clerk of Jackson, and also held the office of mag- istrate for a number of years. The mother died in 1859. at the age of forty-four years. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The six childi'en born to their union are named as fol- lows: Eliza J. (wife of Oliediah Wilkinson, died in 1871). Allen H., Annette S. (died in 1863, at the age of sixteen years), John R. (died in 1869, at the age of twenty years), Mary M. (wife of Craig Simmons, lives in Craighead County, and was born June 10. 1852), Charles A. (died at the 45 age of four years. 1858). In 1859, after the death of his mother, Allen H. Saylors began life for himself, and at the age of fifteen engaged in the calling to which he was reared, and this con- tinued until 1862, when he joined the Southern army, and was on duty several months. He then came home, and, to escape the strife, went to thi' "Lone Star State;" but he found that it was '"war times" of a certainty, and the following year joined the army again, entering Col. Morgan's regiment, Campbell's brigade cavalry. He was in the battles of Pleasant Grove, Marks' Mill, the Saline River tight, and besides was in a number of sharp skirm- ishes. In an engagement at Pilot Knob, in the fall of 1864, he was wounded by a piece of bomb- shell. He was with Gen. Price on his rai. He wa> Ihum (Vtulier 2. At 718 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ] 1828, in what is now Yadkin Coiinty, N. C. , and his parents were Michael and Elizabeth (McGiiire) Swain. Michael Swain was also a native of North Carolina, and was born in 1809; he died in the house in which he was born, and which was always his home, January 8, 1886. He was a farmer, of English descent, and for about forty years prevr- oiis to his death was afflicted with blindness. The mother of our subject was born in North Carolina in 1811, and died in her native State in May, 1882. Ephraim D. was the third in a family of twelve children, five of whom are living. He lived with his parents until about twenty-four years of age, re- ceiving his education in the subscription and free schools of the State in which he was born. In 1854 he married Miss Lucinda Chappel, a native of North Carolina, who was born in 1830. Of the nine children who have been born to them five sur- vive, viz. : Sarah, Pleasant M. , James M. , Rosa and Buck. Mr. Swain emigrated from North Car- olina in 1871, and settled in Independence County, Ark., where he has since resided and been success- fully engaged in the pursuit of farming. He has 300 acres of his large farm under cultivation, and is one of the well-to-do and most enterprising farm- ers of the township. His first presidential vote he cast for Pierce, and he still votes the Demo- cratic ticket, thoiigh not an active politician. Mrs. Swain is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. The paternal grandfather of our subject was also Michael Swain, whose life was spent in his native State of North Carolina. John Thomas Tarpley, merchant and farmer, Elmo, Ark. This name is not unfamiliar to those in the vicinity of Elmo, as well as to those in the county, for he who bears it is numbered among the highly-respected citizens of this community. Born on the 16th of October, 1857, he is the son of John Wesley and Sarah Elizabeth (Phillips) Tarpley, who were originally from Alabama. The parents came to Arkansas in March, 1S70, located in Inde- pendence County on what is known as the Baily farm, where the father died on the June following, after an illness of three years. In their familj^ were eight children: Edward Everett, born on the 5th of February, 1855, residing in Independence County; John Thomas, Dora Ann, married M. J. Harris; Eugene, lives in Texas; Lucella, married F. M. Copps; Belle P., lives in Boone County; Murillah, married Mr. William L. McMullen, and lives in Christian Township, and Finis Wesley, now attending school. John Thomas Tarpley com- menced business for himself at the age of twenty- one years, first as a farm hand, and in 1881 he rented land. In 1885 he made his first purchase of land, twenty acres, all under cultivation, and in 1888 he bought twenty acres more adjoining his first purchase, this being also under cultivation. In 1885 he also purchased 120 acres in Jackson County, all of which was covered with heavy tim- ber, which Mr. Tarpley has cleared and has about thirty acres under fence. On the 20th of January, 1889, he purchased a stock of drugs and groceries, which he opened up in Elmo, and is now carrying on in a ver}' successful manner. He contemjilates putting in a good line of dry goods in the near future, and will have one of the best stores in the township. In his political principles he is closely associated with the Republican party, as was his father before him. His grandparents on both sides were old-line Whigs in their political views. Mr. Tarpley is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, is a member of the Masonic fra- ternity, McGuire Lodge No. 208, and Oil Trough Chapter No. 84. He is active in all enterprises, whether religious, social or educational, and con- tributes liberally of his means to each and all. Hon. J. S. Trimble. A worthy history of In- dependence County, Ark., could not be given with- out mentioning the name of Mr. Trimble, who for over three-score-years and ten, has been a promi- nent resident of the county. During his long term of years here, his good name has remained un- tarnished, and he has well and faithfully per- formed every duty, both public and private, that has fallen to his lot. He is a native of the Blue Grass State (Kentucky), his birth having occurred at Smithland, in Livingston County, March 28, 1815. His father's name was James Trimble; he was born in Augusta County, Va., in 1774. His mother's maiden name was Elizabeth Stewart; she was born in Culpeper County, Va. . in 1 782. INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. il'J ^ — V — ; After their marriage his father moved to Ken- tucky, in quite an early day, wliere Mr. Trimble was born, as above stated. In 1817, his parents moved to what was then a portion of Missouri Terri- tory, but which is now the State of Arkansas, and here J. S. Trimble grew up to manhood, his early education being received in the common schools of the country and at Batesville. Immediately af- ter completing his school dajs, he commenced to apply himself closely to agricultural pursuits, and ! in 1850, he was elected from Independence Coun- ty, Ark., as a member of the lower house of the State legislature. He was always a Jeffersonian, and a Jackson Democrat of the strictest sect; he believed in the strict construction of organic law, both State and National ; he also believed that it was by strict construction, alone, that the rights of the minority were to be protected in the government; and, if the declaratory and restrictive clauses of the constitution be removed, the rights of the few could not be maintained or protected. His great speech in the house of representatives, December 24, 1850, and the introduction of the joint reso- lutions on Federal relations, which were published in the Arkansas Banner at the time, places him at once in the front rank as a sound and al)le debater. In 1856 he was elected to the senate of the same body, and served by re-election until 1804. At this date, he was again chosen to the same position, by the soldiers in the service of the Confederate States, by virtue of a bill passed for that purpose, but, owing to the unsettled condi- tion of affairs at that time, this legislature was disorganized after the first year of its existence. Thus, Hon. J. S. Trimble has served his county nine years in the State senate, and four years in the house of representatives, making thirteen years' service, as a faithful legislator, and in both of these capacities he has discharged his duties with ability, and to the entire satisfaction of his constituents. This was during the most turbulent times of our American history. He has always believed in the State rights doctrine, and when South Carolina withdrew from the Union, he was a warm advocate of secession, and was a strong friend of the South during its entire struggle; and, although exempt from military duty (by virtue of his being a member of the senate of Arkansas during the entire war), yet he was too strong a Southern sympathizer not to partic- ipate in the great war Ijotween the States, which he considered just, and for some time served in the Confederate mail service, in the State of Texas. After the war, he was elected Treasurer of Inde- pendence County, on only a few days' notice, to fill out an unexpired term of R. Lee, deceased, and, althougli there were three worthy candidates in the field, who had for some time been canvassing the county, he was elected by a very large major- ity. He gave bond for S40,nOO, served the peo- ple faithfully, quit the office with clean hands, but declined re-election. Mr. Trimble has al ways kept up with the times in reading, has shown himself to be a man of strong native intellect, sound judgment, sterling principles, well posted in governmental affairs, and is perhaps as highly esteemed and respected as any man in the county. In 1850, he was married to Miss Catherine P. Ham- ilton, of Conway County, Ark. , and l\v her he be- came the father of one child, a daughter bamed Elvira, who is now the wife of Joseph Wright, of Sulphur Rock, Ark. Mr. Trimble lived in Green briar Township, Independence County, for about seventy two years, and on New Year's eve, 1886, moved into his new buildings in Sulphur Rock, to be near his only child and grandchiklren dur ing his declining years. He is of old Virginia stock, his father, James Trimble, having been born in that State, in 1774. His mother was also a Virginian, bom in Culpeper County, and after their marriage moved to Kentucky, in quite an early day, where they reared the must of their family, ten children in all. three only of whom survive The father was a surveyor by occupation. Immi grating to Arkansas in 181 7. he used to get contracts of surveying, and return his work to St. Louis, Mo., before there was any land office established in the State. Shortly after his removal to Sulphur I Rock, Mr. T. assisted in having the town incorpo- 1 rated, and became first mayor, but declined a re- election. In his younger days, he was active in the cause of education and temi)erance, and has 9 k_ 720 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. never lost interest in either cause. He is a rapid and impressive speaker, and as a legislator has few equals, being always in his seat when the senate was in session, and his place was never va- cant at the meetings of the committees with which he was connected. Mr. Trimble was always prompt, industrious, efficient and conscientious. With his superior business qualifications, clear head, and excellent practical common sense, he was much respected by his associates, and soon be- came one of the most honored and influential mem- bers of the senate. His social and domestic at- tachments are very strong. His friendship is sin- cere and true; his grasp of the hand warm and cor- dial. Of him it might be said: "His life is gentle, and the elements So mixed in him, that Nature might stand up And say to all the world, this is a man." H. W. Vaughan, M. D., deserves honorable men- tion, as one of the successful practicing physicians and surgeons of Sulphur Rock, Ark. He was born in North Carolina, July 16, 1828, and was reared in Fayette County, Tenn. , where he also received his literary education, and, in 1849, began his study of medical lore under an instructor, entering in 1850 the Louisville Medical College, where he took a regular course of lectures. He came to Ar- kansas soon after, and, in 1856, located in Inde- pendence County, where he was for years the only college practitioner, and enjoyed a lucrative and extensive practice, his patients being among the best class of citizens in the county and in North- east Arkansas. Sulpjiur Rock was a very small place, indeed, at the time of his location, and con- sisted of one store and a postoffice. The Doctor has been married twice — the first time to Miss Maria L. Tumey, a native of Independence Coun- ty, and of this union four children were born; Ella v., Solon. Phoebe M. and Clarence P. Mrs. Vaughan, after having performed well and faithful- ly the duties of a wife and mother, was called to her final home on the 14th of August, 1873. The Doctor is a son of S. F. and Phoebe Vaughan, the former of whom was a Virginian, who subsequent- ly became a citizen of North Carolina, and after- ward of Tennessee. He died in the State of Mis- sissippi, in 1856, at the age of fifty -eight years. Dr. Vaughan is a Master Mason, and in his political views is a Democrat. His wife belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Joseph J. Waldrip of Big Bottom Township, Independence County, was born in Lauderdale County, Ala., November 4, 1839. He is a son of Thomas W. and Serena Waldrip, natives, respect- ively, of Maury and Giles Counties, Tenn. The father of Thomas W. Waldrip was James Waldrip, a native of South Carolina, of Irish descent, his ancestors having emigrated to this country about 1690. Several of them served in the War for Inde- pendence, and James Waldrip took part in the War of 1812, participating in the battle of New Orleans. He died in Lafayette County, Miss. , at an advanced age, having been a life-long farmer. Thomas W. was born August 14, 1805, and died in the fall of 1875, in Panola County, Miss. When young, he moved, with his parents, to Lau- derdale County, Ala., where he was reared on a farm; he educated himself after he was grown, and engaged in teaching, but abandoned that profes- sion for farming, in which he was most successf nl. February 8, 1831, he married Serena German, who was born May 13, 1814, and was a daughter of Joseph German, an early settler of Tennessee, who was born January 18, 1784, and died in Mon- roe County, Miss. , at the age of eighty-four years. He was an en tensive farmer, who moved from Ten- nessee to Lauderdale County, Ala. , and thence to Monroe County, Miss. Ten children were born to Thomas W. and Serena Waldrip, but four of whom arenow living, viz. : Joseph J., Thomas ^\'., afarmer of Independence County; Amanda Louisa Aldridge, wife of John W. Aldridge, also a farmer of Inde- pendence County, and Romelia Catherine, wife of W. M. Keating of Independence County. Those deceased are Eliza J. Rieder, William P. Waldrip, Fannie E. Aldridge, Rachel E. Carpenter, James M. Waldrip, and Mary A. Bivens. The parents were members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and took an active part in church work. They settled in Panola County, Miss., in 1856, where they made their home the remainder of their lives. Thomas W. was a stanch Democrat in politics and 4^ INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. ?1\ served several years as justice of "the peace; his wife died in PanoUt County, Miss., in 1885. Joseph J. Waldrip received a common school edu- cation, and at the age of eighteen left his home for Northern Alabama, where for a short time ho worked and went to school; he tlien returned to his home and assumed control of his father's farm until 1861. March 28, of the latter year, he was mustered in Pettis" artillery, which was afterward known as the Hudson Battery, and was the first battery organized to leave the State. Although n>peatedly tendered an office, Mr. Waldrip refused to accept a more responsible one than that of sergeant. He served faithfully until the sur- render of his company, June 13, 18(35, and took part in many of the principal battles of the war, among them Shiloh, Corinth, Port Gibson, Siege of Vicksburg and others. At Shiloh he was severely wounded in the left side by a bursting shell, at Port Gibson received a flesh wound, and at Vicksburg was wounded in the right side. At the close of the war he returned to Mississippi and worked on a farm until 1868, when he went to Arkansas and engaged in the mercantile busi- ness until 1870. He then turned his attention exclusively to farming and stock-raising, and now is one of the most enterprising and successful agricul- turists of Independence County. December 28, 1869, he married Elizabeth Magness, daughter of Col. Morgan Magness. She was born in Inde- pendence County, September 22, 1852. They are the parents of four children, viz.: Thomas M. , William J., Joseph R. and Mirtle (deceased). Mr. Waldrip has been a member of the Masonic fraternity since 1866; he is a member of the Council, and has frequently represented his lodge in the Grand Lodge, both in Mississippi and Ar- kansas. He is a Democrat politically, and in 1874 was elected justice of the peace, in which capacity he served two years. Dr. M. C. Weaver, of Independence County, now engaged in merchandising, is the youngest of seven sons and one daughter born to Abram and Mary ( Burton ) Weaver, and was born in Phila- delphia, in the year 1855. The parents were natives of Pennsylvania and Virginia, respectively, who settled in Chester Valley, Pa., after their marriage, and in 1859 moved to Batesville, Ark., where Mrs. Weaver died in 1867, and the father at Pocahontas, in 1882. The elder Weaver was a lawyer and real estate dealer in Memphis, Tenn. , at one time, who afterwards practiced his profes- sion in Pocahontas. He was a member of the 'I. O. O. F., and a leading man of Northeast Ar- kansas. His wife was a member of t\w Episcopal Church and a daughter of Dr. P. P. Burton, a prominent physician of Virginia, who moved to Batesville in 18-11, and contributed largely to the building up of that town. In 1847 or 1848 he removed to Little Rock, where he practiced his profession for twenty -five years, and died in that city in 1875. Dr. M. C. Weaver was educated at Batesville and St. John's College at Little Rock. His choice for a profession was medicine, and in 1877 he graduated from the Louisville Medical College, and began practicing in Greenbrier Town- ship. The following year he went to Kentucky, where he remained a short period, but soon returned to Independence County, and engaged in practicing at Jamestown until 1888. The Doctor about this time had built up a large practice, but his mercantile interests became so pressing that he was forced to abandon his chosen profession, although now he is one of the leading merchants in that section. In 187S he was married to Miss Theodora, a daughter of the Rev. C. H. Albert of Pennsylvania, in which State Mrs. Weaver was born. The Rev. Albert, during his life, was an eloquent minister, whose fame as a speaker had rapidly spread to the surrounding country soon after his arrival. He was the first Episcopal min- ister to settle in Independence County after the war, and was killed after a long life of usefulness by a runaway horse. Doctor Weaver and his wife have two daughters, and are members of the Epis- copal Church at Batesville. In politics he is a Democrat, but owing to his large commercial inter ests. has always declined to accept office of any kind. The Doctor has a splendid residence and magnificent home in Jamestown, situated on the spot noted as being the birthplace of Congiessman Samuel Peele. 4 722 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Calvin Houston ^Vebb, farmer, stock raiser and ex-assessor of Independence County, Ai'k. Al- though a young man, Mr. Webb has, by his native energy and progressive ideas put into execution, won for himself an enviable reputation that entitles him to a place among the representative citizens of the county. He owes his nativity to this county, where he was born on the 18th of April, 1855. His parents, Holland Revere and Luciuda E. (Hogan) AVebb, were natives, respectively, of Ten- nessee and Arkansas, the former born on the 27th of Jivne, 1825, and died on the 21st of February, 1876. The father was reared to agricultural pur- suits, received his education in Weakley County, Tenn. , and came to Arkansas at an early day, settling on a farm in the foothills of Black River Swamp. Here he was surrounded by wild game, from liear down to quail, and there lived a bachelor life until he met and formed the acquaintance of Miss Hogan (daughter of Hamblin Hogan, one of the very early pioneers of this country, who is spoken of in another part of this history), and a love match was the result. They were married on the 8th day of June, 1854, Squire Thomas Lloyd officiating. At the time of his marriage, Mr. Webb was the possessor of 160 acres of land, twenty under cultivation, and a rude log hut. Many were the interesting stories of pioneer life that they were able to tell their children in after years. Once, when the father was absent at court, a bear came and robbed the bean patch. Mrs. Webb was alone in the house, which was without doors, and the nearest neighbor quite a distance away. Mr. Webb continued farming until his children were large enough to need some school advantages, and in order to give them the best, in 1866 he built a school-house on his farm, for the benefit of his own and the neighbors' children, and this was attended by young and old for about two years, doing a great amount of good. Mr. Webb was itn active and influential Democrat, and was a member of Bayou Dota Lodge, A. F. & A. M. At the time of his death he owned 600 acres of land, with 100 under cultivation, and all the im- provements good. Though he never held member- ship in any church, he was a man of perfect morals and strict integrity, and contributed liberally to all public enterprises for the public good. His excel- lent wife survives him, and makes her home with her sou, the subject of this sketch. She owns and controls 160 acres of the old homestead, which makes her a bountiful living. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Since the death of her husband she has never mari'ied. To Holland and Lucinda Webb were born the fol- lowing children: C. H. (subject), Sarah T. , born on the 5th of November, 1856, and the wife of Joseph McDaniel, died in spring of 1S84, a farmer of Black River Township; Fredonia A., born on the 10th of February, 1858, and the wife of Henry McDaniel, also one of the farmers of the county, and Luciuda Holland, born on the 16th of July, 1876, and now living with her mother. C. H. Webb was reared to the occupation of farming, and attended several months in his father's school. By this means the children all received a fair edu- cation. C. H. began life for himself at the age of nineteen by raising a crop on his father's farm, and received half of the same. On the 21st of May, 1874, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary C. Killingsworth, daughter of E. R. and Sarah A. (Martin) Killingsworth, and a native of Arkansas. Her father was one among the first brick masons of Bates ville. Mr. Killingsworth was a large contractor and builder, and in the 50' s was engaged in erecting brick buildings in that city; later he turned his attention to agricul- tural pursuits. Mrs. Killingsworth was a daugh- ter of Adam and Elizabeth Martin, and a sister of Senator George Martin [see sketch]. After his marriage Mr. Webb lived on his father's farm for two years, and at the latter' s death he sold his portion of the same, and then purchased the farm on which he now lives. This farm consists of eighty acres, with fifty under cultivation, twenty of which he has cleared himself. On this farm lie has erected one of the finest farm-houses in Black River Township. He has a good orchard of five acres, a nice vineyard, and has perhaps one of the finest farms in the county. In addition to his home place, he has bought 200 acres joining it, and has ninety acres under cultivation. He has • >. three tenement houses on it, and gives homes and employment for three families. Mr. Webb believes in thorough farming, and so in addition to his crops of corn and cotton, he raise's all kinds of grain. He depends entirely for his support on the products of his farm. He was reared a Democrat, and voted with that party until the Wheel was organized in his county. He was solicited as a charter member June 27, 1884, for Wheel No. 388, and since that time has thoroughly identified himself with that order, and in 1886 was nominated by the farmers for assessor, and elected. He has served in that capacity with credit to himself and his constituents. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a mem- ber of Sulphur Rock Lodge No. 1189, K. & L. of H. , and is one of those liberal, free-hearted men upon whom depends, to a great extent, the future progress of his country. His future prospects look bright. R. D. Williams. The merchants of Batesville have the reputation of being among the most en- terprising in Arkansas, and Mr. Williams stands in the foremost ranks of commercial life at that point. He was born in Henry County, Tenn., on October 28, 1836, and is a son of William R. and Evaline (Moody) Williams, of Kentucky and Ten- nessee, respectively. The parents were married in the latter State and moved to Arkansas about the year 1839, locating in Independence County. They remained here two years and then removed to Lawrence County, now Sharp County, and located near the county seat. Evening Shade. They were among the early settlers of that section, where the father's occupation was farming, and where they resided imtil the time of their death. They were the parents of eight children, of whom three only are living at present: Richard D., Cordelia, wife of M. G. Wainright, and Nancy J., wife of W. T. Cunningham. Richard was only three years old when he came to Lawrence County with his par- ents, and was educated in the common schools of that place. Some idea of the schools of that i)eriod may be obtained from the one he attended, which was merely a log cabin, and had nothing l)ut the bare earth to serve as a tloor. He remained on the farm until he reached maturity, and then oc- cupied a responsible position with a business house at Evening Shade, in which he was emjtloyed for two years. In 1858 he became a merchant himself, and carried on a profitable business until the war commenced, when he left it in charge of a friend and enlisted in Company D, Fourteenth Arkansas Regiment. He was taken violently ill shortly after joining the army and returned home, but after re- covering he again enlisted, becoming a member of Wade's Company, and served a short time in Price's raids through Missouri. He was captured near his home soon after this raid, l)Ut after two weeks' confinement was paroled, and after the sur render returned home and took charge of his busi- ness at Evening Shade, continuing there until the fall of 1887, when he moved to Batesville and 0])('ned up a large and well stocked store. He still retains his interest in the business at Evening Shade, however, the firm there' being Williams, Price & Co. , while that one at Batesville is known as R. D. Williams & Co. He owns about 1,200 acres of land in Sharp County, and has about 500 acres under cultivation. Mr. Williams is a true representative of the wide-awake, active and en- terprising business man, and his ability has made him one of the mo.st successful men in commercial circles in Batesville. He was married in 1867 to Miss Mary E. Shaver, by whom he has one child living — Clara. He lost this wife," and was again married in 1882, his second wife l)eing Mrs. Mat- tie Wasson, widow of \V. G. Wiisson. Mr. M'il- liams is a member of the Masonic fraternity and the Knights of Honor, and, with his wife, attend-; the Methodist Episcopal Church. James Alfred Williamson, M. D.. a prominent physician of Elmo, whose name is familiar in many homes throughout Independence County, is a son of Alfred and (Caroline Virginia (Sanders) William.son, the former a native of Maine, and the latter of Kentucky. The parents were married near what is now Saloma. Taylor County, Ky., where James Alfred was born, on the 20th of March, 1857. The parents moved from Kentucky the same year, and settled in Arkansas, at a point near Batesville. where the father commenced i)racticing his pro 724 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. fession in addition to cultivating a farm. The Doc- tor was reared on the home farm, and educated in the schools of Independence County. After grad- uatinsr from these schools he took a course in liter- ature at the Batesville High School, and in 1880 commenced the study of medicine under his father. He received his first course of lectures at the Mis- souri Medical College, of St. Louis, Mo., in 1882 and 1883, and afterward located at Elmo, Ark., where he practiced until the fall of 1884, when he matriculated at Vanderbilt University, and gradu- ated that term, also graduating from the medical college at Nashville, Tenu. , in 1885. Dr. William- son was married to Miss Henry Clay Tunstall, of Arkansas, a daughter of Clay and Nancy (Arnold) Tunstall, both natives of Tennessee, but among the earlier settlers of the former State, and Clay Tunstall' s name is associated with much of Inde- pendence County's early development. To the Doctor' s marriage were born three children : Jessie, Basil and Imogene, and they contribute to make this one of the brightest and happiest homes in Northern Arkansas. The Doctor has built up a large practice in this section, and enjoys the con- fidence of everyone with whom he comes in contact. He is a general practitioner, and skillful in his pro- fession, having made it the study of his existence. In the winter season, when pneumonia, bronchitis, croup and kindred diseases are jirevalent, he has his hands full, and in the summer months, when malarial affections are lurking everywhere, he is one of the busiest men in that county. In politics the Doctor is a Democrat, and in religious faith he, with his wife, attends the Methodist Episcopal Church. Dr. Williamson is a member of McGuire Lodge No. 208, Oil Trough, Independence County, and filled the chair of Senior Warden at one time, but is now the Senior Deacon. He also belongs to Oil Trough Chapter No. 84, at Oil Trough, and holds the position of Captain of the Host. W. G. Wilson is the mayor of Sulphur Rock, Ark., and is the proprietor at that place of one of the best livery stables in the county. He is a native- born resident of the county, his birth occurring in 1837, and during his early youth and manhood he attended the subscription schools, and worked with his father on the home farm. On the 26th of Jan- uary, 1859, he was married to Miss Mary E. West, a native of the ' ' Bay State, ' ' who came with her parents to Arkansas when a child. Her death oc- curred on the 27th of January, 1873, and she left her husband and three children to mourn her loss, the names of the latter being: Ed. M. , Charley G. and Florence, who died aged twenty -seven years, the wife of Solon Burkett, and left two children. Mr. Wilson took for his second wife Miss R. F. Morgan, a native of Alabama, and the following childi'en have been given them: Emma, Myrtie, Bertha, Fay, and Julia A. Two children died when quite small. When ihe thunders of war re sounded through the land, Mr. Wilson enlisted in the Confederate army, in the First Arkansas Cav- alry, and served from July 26, 1862 to June 5, 1865, surrendering at the latter date. He was in Little Rock, Helena, and various fights in Missouri, being with Price on his raid through the latter State. After the war he returned home and re- sumed farming, continuing until 1885, when he came to Sulphur Rock and embarked in his pres- ent business, which is one of the most popular es- tablishments of the kind in the county, and is meet- ing with well-deserved success. He has a fine farm, two miles north of Sulphur Rock, and is well fixed in a worldly point of view. In April, 1889, he was elected mayor of Sulphui- Rock, Ark., and also served part of an unexpired term of the pre- vious year. Besides this, he served one term as constable and four terms as justice of the peace. He belongs to the Blue Lodge of the A. F. &A. M., is a Royal Arch Mason, and Royal and Select Master Mason, and is a member of the K. and L. of Honor. In his religious views he is a Methodist. He is one of the substantial residents of the county, and is well known and highly respected by all. His parents, William M. and Hannah (Masters) Wilson, were born in Tennessee and Missouri, re- spectively. The father moved to the mother's na- tive State after reaching manhood, and afterward went to Arkansas, and located in Independence County, where he died in November, 1864, at the age of seventy-five years, followed by his wife in November, 1868. Of the ten children born to *^ INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. 725 them, only two are living — our subject, W. G. Wilson and his sister, Mrs. Davidson. Samuel M. ^\'yatt, a genial and popular farmer and stock raiser, of Independence County, was born in Davidson County, Tenn., in 1S37, and is a sou of Isaac and Eleanor (McCutchen) Wyatt, of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively, the mother dying when Samuel was four years of age. The father moved to Gibson County, Tenn., the following year after her death, where he resided until 1857, and then came to Independence Coun- ty, Ark., spending the balance of his life in that lo- cality. He was a prosperous and highly-respected farmer at the time of his death, in 1885, and a member of the A. F. & A. M. His parents both died when he was still very young, and he was reared by an uncle in Tennessee. After the death of his wife he sincerely mourned her absence, and remained a widower all his life. Mrs. Wyatt' s parents were natives of Ireland, who emigrated to America and settled in Tennessee, where they re- sided until their decease. The father, John Mc- Cutchen, was a soldier in the War of 1812, and fought under Gen. Jackson, at the battle of New Orleans. Samuel was the fourth child of one son and four daughters born to his parents, and re- ceived a good common school education in his young days. He moved to Arkansas with his fa- ther and sisters, and has made that State his home ever since. When the war broke out he cast his lot with the Confederate army, and enlisted in the First Arkansas Mounted Riflemen, operating through Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Virginia, Florida, and, in fact, all the Confederate States. He took part in almost all of the principal battles during that mem- orable period, besides a great number of skirmishes and minor engagements, and though the Confed- eracy had followers for her cause whose names are far better known to the world, she had no braver soldier than Mr. Wyatt. After his surren- der at Jacksouport, in 18(55, he returned to his farm, and again commenced cultivating the soil. In 1S()7 he was married, in Independence County, to Mrs. Mary Gainer, a charming young widow, and a daughter of John and Tobitha Rodman, of famous old Bourbon County, Ky. Two sons and one daughter were born to this union: Isaac R., John and Mamie. Immediately after his marriage Mr. Wyatt settled on 'VN'hite River, and commenced farming in that neighborhood, residing there ever since. He has become one of the leading farmers in that section, and now owns about 1,000 acres of land, in different tracts, with about 500 acres un- der cultivation. He inherited a portion of his land, but the greater part has been derived from his own industry and enterprise, and outside of being a practical farmer he is a wide-awake and energetic business man. In politics he is a Dem- ocrat, and has been a stanch adher(>nt to that party all his life. Mrs. Wyatt is a member of the Epis copal Church, and a devoted wife and mother, who makes her home one of the most pleasant iu Indi' pendence County. William C. Wyatt is a successful farmer and stockman of Independence County, Ark. . iind is a man who, by his sterling characteristics and genial and hospitable disposition, has won a host of warm friends, and the universal respect of those whom he meets. He is a son of James and Martha (Davis) Wyatt, the former a native of North Caro- lina, and the mother of old Virginia, and of Swiss and Scotch descent, respectively. The paternal ancestry is traced back as far as the great-grand- father, and the grandfather particijiated in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, in the latter war taking part in the battle of New Orleans. His death oecuiTed while coming home from that battle. In the year 1852 James Wyatt emigrated with his family to Arkansas and located in Inde- pendence County, where he turned his attention to farming, an occupation which he had always fol- lowed, on forty acres of land which he had pur chased. He cleared this of timber, and many of his early days were spent in hunting, his trusty I rifle bringing down many wolves, bear, panthers, ( deer and wild turkeys. In 18(57 Mr. Wyatt re turned to Tennessee, where he had lived a numl>er i of years, to dispose of his possessions there, and after receiving the money for the sale of his land he started for his home in Arkansas, but. after crossing the Tennessee River, he disappeared and '.^ 120, HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. has never been heard from since. He is supposed to have been killed for his money, and his family mourn him as dead. William C. Wratt was one of his eight children, and was the fourth in order of birth, this event occurring on the 5th of January, 1842. He came to Arkansas when ten years of age, and was reared to farm life and educated in this State. When the war broke out he enlisted in Company B, Eighth Arkansas Volunteer Infan- try, United States Army, and participated in the bat- tles of Stone River, Perryville, being captured at the former battle on the Slat of December, 1862, anil was exchanged on the 22d of March, 1863. In the same engagement in which he was captured he was severely wounded, having his left arm broken, but thinks he has now entirely recovered. After being exchanged at Petersburg he returned home on furlough, and this ended his services as a soldier. On the 18th of January, 1866, he was married to Miss Mary M. Dodd, a native of Arkan- sas, and a daughter of Abner H. and Mary Jane (Martin) Dodd. the father born in Tennessee and the mother in Kentucky, the latter being a great- granddaughter of Col. Ben Hardin, of Kentucky. To Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt have been born the fol- lowing children: William Abner, who was born on the 25th of November, 1866; Andrew David, who was born August 11. 1869; George Washington, who was born July 24, 1877, and Edna Inez, born January 14, 1887. Mr. Wyatt made his first pur- chase of land in 1876, it consisting of forty acres of timber land, and has added to it until he now has seventy-eight acres in the home farm, the re- mainder being inherited by Mrs. Wyatt from her father's estate. About fifteen acres were under cultivation, and he now has thirty-five acres cleared and improved. He has a good frame dwelling house and substantial barns, stables, etc. His en- tire acreage at the present time amounts to 290 acres, with sixty- five under cultivation. He and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and he is a Democrat in his jiolitical views, and is a warm friend of progress, and a liberal contributor to all worthy enterprises. M. A. Wycough, county clerk of Independence County, and one of its most scholarly men, was born February 3, 1835, and is a son of Samuel B. and Malinda H. (Bandy) Wycough, of Lincoln County, N. C. In 1835 the parents emigrated to Independence County, Ark., and located at Bates- ville, where their son was born. The father was a carpenter, and master of his trade, as some of the finest buildings in Batesville, and also some of the first, will testify. He held the office of county treasurer for five successive terms, and also repre- rented Independence County in the legislature for one term, and was one of the most prominent and brilliant politicians in Independence County at that period. His word carried considerable weight, and his influence was eagerly sought after by others. The Wycough family are of German ori- gin, and the name has been illustrious for several generations as soldiers, statesmen and honorable men. The grandfather was a soldier in the War of 1812, and his bravery was often the theme of conversation among his fellow-comrades, while Samuel B. Wycough, though dying in 1880. his brilliant career in the political arena is still remem- bered in Arkansas. The mother died in 1864, leaving: eight children, of whom five are still liv- ing: Marion A., Martin A. R. , Samuel B. , Henry C. and William H. , the latter a Presbyterian min- ister in Texas. M. A. Wycough was reared and educated at Batesville. The facilities for attend- ing school at that period were very limited, conse- quently young Wycough did not receive quite the learning that he wished for, but his natural ability and bright intellect made up for any deficiency. At fifteen years of age he occupied a position of trust for several years, with a firm in Batesville, and then followed the carpenter's trade for a number of years after his marriage. In 1861 he enlisted in Capt. McGutfin's company, and accom- panied Gen. Price in his raids through Missouri, and while on a scouting expedition, he received a gunshot wound in the left foot. After the war Mr. Wycough entered into commercial life up to the time of his election to the present office, in 1879. He took charge of the position in 1880, and his distinguished services have been recog- nized to that extent that he has been re elected five times in succession — the first and third terms c 'k in 1874 was admitted to the bar in Crittenden County, Ark. , where he practiced about one year. He then formed a partnership with Col. A. Crockett, a grandson of famous Davy Crockett, and moved to Arkansas County, Ark., to practice. They re mained at this place until 1878, when Col. Yancey came to Batesville, and established a law office, where he practiced alone until 1882, and then formed a partnership with Col. H. S. Coleman, under the firm name of Coleman & Yancey. In 1885 Col. Yancey was elected to the XXVth Gen- eral Assembly, serving one term, and in 1889 was elected mayor of Batesville, an office he holds at the present time, and fills with distinction. In 1884 he was married to Miss Ella A. Dunnington, by whom he has had three children: Nona W., Dunnington A. and James C. Col. Yancey is a man of excellent ability, and one whose oratory at times is grand. His shrewdness and foresight have won for him many cases, where facts and argument were needed, and his eloquent addresses to many a jury have given him victory where it needed a man who could play upon the human heart. He is attorney for the Keystone Mining Company, and is president of the Telephone Com- pany of Batesville. Also president of the Char- coal and Chemical Plant, and a principal stockholder in the Bank of Batesville, and also interested in the Batesville Printing Company, and Oil Trough Tel- ephone Company. -In- :fv: SHAKP COUNTY. 729 SiiAiti- County — Lo(;ation and TopooitAi-iiY -Tiih Watkk Sui'FLy— Minkkals, Timbkk and 8uii.- Pkoducts— Valuation of Puoperty— Public Highways— Population— Erection of the County— The J.egal Centkk— County BuiLDiN(is— Days of the Pioneers- Law AND EyuiTY Practiced— The Stkugqle over Slavery and Secession —Villages Located and Described— School Statistics- Church People— Catalogue of County Offi- cers—Personal and Business Memo- randa—Elections. ' The liusy world shoves angrily aside The man who stands with arms akimbo set Until occasion tells him what to do."' ^HARP COUNTY, lying in the northern tier of coiinties in Arkansas, is bounded north by Oregon County, Mo., east by Randolph and Lawrence, south by Independence, and west by Izard and Fulton counties, in Arkansas. It has an area of 290 square miles, or about 377,600 acres, of which nearly 60,000 belong to the United States, about 20,000 to the State, and the remainder to individuals, and to mining, timber and railroad com- panies. The boundary lines of the county are as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of Township 15 north. Range 4 west; thence north on the range line to the line between Townships 18 and 19 north; thence east on the township line to the south-east corner of Section 85, Township 19 north. Range 3 west; thence north on section lines three miles; thence west on the section line one mile; thence north on 46 section lines live miles; thence in a northwesterly direction on the line between Sharp and Ran- dolph Counties to the State line; thence west, about eighty rods, to the line dividing Ranges 4 and 5 west; thence south on the range line to the northeast corner of Township 19 north, Range 5 west; thence west to the northwest corner of said Congressional township; thence south to the southwest corner of the same; thence west on the township line to the northwest corner of Section 1, Township 18 north, Range 7 west: thence south on section lines to the middle of said township; thence east one mile to the range line; thence south on the range line to the northeast corner of Section 36, Township 16 north. Range 7 west; thence west one and a half miles; thence south on sub-divisional lines to the middle of Town- ship 15 north; thence east on section lines to the line between Ranges 4 and 5 west; thence south on the range line to the line between Town- ships 14 and 15 north; thence ea.st on the town- ship line to the place of beginning. The most of the surface lies high and dry, and is drained by waters flowing south tributary to i V ■^j]^ w- 730 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. White River, and others flowing east tributary to Black River. It is classed in the State with the northern barrens and hill region. Its surface pre- sents a variety of features, some portions being hilly and broken, others rolling or undulating, with summit plateaus, while still other portions eshil)it a level or flat surface. The ridges, which are from tifty to three hundred feet high, show outcroppings of sandstone and cherty limestone. The principal difficulty encountered on some of the uplands consists in the loose rocks and bowlders lying scattered on the surface or slightly embedded in the earth; but, when these are re- moved, there remains a light soil, easily cultivated and always possessing to a greater or less extent the elements of fertility. The valley and bottom lands are dark loams, very rich and productive, usually drained by clear and never- failing streams of wholesome water. The latter, however, com- pose but a small percentage of the area of the county. A large portion of the uplands, as well as all of the valley lands, are comparatively free from rocks, and as the growth of timber is light upon the former it is easily cleared for the plow. Spring River, flowing from the great Mammoth Spring of Fulton County, enters Sharp from tte north, near the middle of the north line of Town- ship 19 north. Range 5 west, flows thence in a southeasterly direction across the county, and contains several good mill seats on its route. South Fork, its principal tributary from the west, enters the county at the northwest corner of the Congressional township just described, and empties into Spring River in the same township. Martin's Creek rises in the extreme northern por- tion, and flowing southwardly, empties into Spring River, in Range 3 west. Many smaller streams empty into this river within the county. Straw- berry River enters from the west, and flowing a little south of east on its general course, crosses the south central portion, its route also offering a number of desiraVjle sites for mills. Piney Fork, another important stream, makes its appearance from the west a few miles south of Strawberry River, and empties into the latter in the south- west part of Township 17 north. Range o west. William's, or South Big Creek, and also Reed's Creek flow into Strawberry River from the south, while North Big Creek. Mill and Harry's Creeks join it from the north. Many smaller streams also find an outlet here. Polk Bayou and Sullivan's Creek, rising in the southwestern portion of the county, flow into White River. Cave Spring, a large body of water, flows through a cavern a few yards from the road leading from Evening Shade to Batesville. at a point about ten miles south of the former place. There are numerous springs in this vicinity, all producing cold, clear and pure water unexcelled in quality. Good well water can also be obtained in many places at a moderate depth, but where springs are not con- venient, cisterns are generally in use. The streams mentioned are not sluggish, but run with a swift current, thus making the water pure and healthful for stock. Sharp County lies in the mineral belt, and zinc has been successfully mined and smelted at Cala- mine, on Section 22, Township 16 north. Range 4 west, in its southeast part, and also on Sections 12, 28 and 29, Township 18 north, Range 4 west, and there are indications of its existence in other localities. Evidences of the presence of copper have been discovered in Section 32, Township 17 north. Range 6 west. Some two miles from Calamine, in Sections 22, 23, 25 and 30, Township 10 north. Range 4 west, and the surrounding region, lies an immense bed of pot iron or looking-glass ore. Here, before the late war, iron was successfully made in a rude furnace, operated by Bevens & Co. The iron was of a fine quality, and found a readj' sale then. The supply of ore is said to be almost inexhaustible. Hematite is found in various parts of the county, cropping out and lying loosely about the ground. Lead ore has also been found in the county, but its extent has not been ascertained. The best of lime has been made at Calamine and other points, and a light-grey, nearly white, marble, which takes on a fine polish, and has been used for grave-stones, lies in illimitable (juantities near Highland, and but a few miles from Hardy. Good building stone may be had in various sections. SHARP COUNTY. 731 The timber growth of tlip county includes pine, all the varieties of oak, walnut, hickory, ash, syca- more, elm, gum and cedar. In the southwestern portion is a belt of yellow pine, of excellent quality. This pine region is about fifteen miles long and from two to five miles wide. Several good saw- mills are now at work in this region, converting the pine trees into lumber for the local trade. * The resources of the county are almost entirely agricultural, but the natural mineral and horti- cultural provisions, if developed, might be made very profitable. But little scientific farming has been done. Clover and the tame grasses, thousrh they are said to do well, have scarcely been introduced. Individuals seem content to raise such crops of cotton and corn as the land will produce without re-fertilizing it. More thorough methods of farming must come. In 1880 the county contained 1,183 farms and 44,674 acres of improved land. The vegetable productions for the year 1879, as shown by the United States census of 1880, were as follows: Indian corn, 432,570 bushels; oats. 52,241 bushels; wheat, 18,908 bushels; hay, 282 tons; Cotton, 4,350 bales; Irish potatoes, 4,285 bushels; sweet pota- toes, 5,917 bushels; tobacco, 10,070 lbs. The number of head of live stock, as given by ; the same census, was: Horses, 2,186; mules and j asses, 960; neat cattle, 8,653; sheep, 8,458; hogs, I 19.731. The number, as shown by the assessment rolls for 1888, was: Horses, 2.31 1 ; mules and asses, 1.003; neat cattle, 11,149; sheep, 7,535; hogs, 14,- 497. The apparent decrease in the number of sheep and hogs is accounted for by the fact that the as- sessment rolls show only those on hand when the assessment was taken, and do not, like the census of 1880, include the number slaughtered and oth- erwise disposed of during the year. The census of 1890 will show a large increase over that of 1880. The county is well adapted to the raising of live stock, the winters being so mild and the range so extensive that but little shelter or feed are required. The stock industry can easily be made a very pro- fitable occupation. *CJuotalions from North Arkansas Land Company's description of Sliarp County. In 1880 the real estate of Sharp County was assessed for taxation at $426, 363, and the personal property at $363,420. making a total of $788,783, on which an aggregate amount of taxes to the extent of $11,596 was charged. In 1888 the real estate assessment was $754,901, and personal prop erty, $502,085, making a total of S1,256,9S6. The total taxes reached $ 1 2, 752. This comparison shows that since 1880 the taxable wealth of the county has increased nearly sixty per cent, while the amount of taxes charged is only a trifle more. The Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Rail- road passes through and across the northern part of the county, in the valley of Spring River. It is assessed for taxation here at $173,4U6. The population of the county in 1870 was : White. 5,286; colored, 114; total 5,400. In 1880 it was white, 8,871; colored. 176; total 9,047. This shows an increase from 1870 to 1880, of a little over sixty-seven per cent of the white popu- lation and a little over fifty-four per ceat of the colored. The immigration l)eing somewhat rapid, the next census will probably present a still larger growth. The organization of this territory was in accord- ance with an act of the General Assembly of the State, approved in July, 1868. It was named after E. Sharp, one of the representatives of the dis- trict composed of Lawrence, Randolph and Greene Counties, and who presented the bill for its formation. The territory composing it was nearly all taken fi-om Lawrence County. By sub- sequent acts of the General Assembly, the original boundary lines have been slightly changed .so as to conform to the present limit, as elsewhere noted. The county is now divided into eighteen municipal townships. Upon the organization of the county the seat of justice was located at Evening Shade, where it still remains, though strenuous efforts have been put forth for a change to a more central point. Soon after the seat of justice was determined upon, work was commenced for the construction of a court- house which was completed not later than 1H70. This house was a two-story frame, al)0ut 40x60 feet in size, with office rooms below, and the court-room :e 732 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. above. It stood until 1879, whea it was consumed by fire, together with nearly all of the public records. It is not known how the fire occiUTed. Since then the county has rented and still con- tinues to rent a building for a court-house. A very substantial wooden jail with an eighteen-inch wall made of planks securely spiked together, containing two rooms with a "cage" in one of them, was constructed soon after the county was organized. It is still standing and is in use. The county owns a "poor farm" consisting of 165 acres, located in Washington Township, on which there are good and comfortable buildings for the use of the paupers of the county, and the super- intendent of the farm. The contract for the keeping of the paupers is annually let to the low- est responsible bidder. The poor are here well cared for. Among the pioneer settlers of (now) Sharp County were John King, who settled where Center postofiice is now located; Robert Lott, who located two miles west; Nicholas Norris and his son-in-law, William McKinley, who settled on Strawberry River, all about the year 1810. Prominent among the pioneers along Spring River were William Morgan, at the mouth of Rock Creek; William J. Gray, William Williford, Solomon Hudspeth, Colby Crawford, Stephen English, Robert J. Moore, Joseph Kellett, John Walker, Samuel Beasley and L. D. Dale. Ferguson B. Boothe settled at the head of Martin's Creek, John C. Garner and his four sisters farther down, and Jo- seph Kellett at the mouth of the same creek. Mr. Garner and two of his sisters, Mrs. Wilkinson and Mrs. Baker, all at a very advanced age, are living at this time. John and Joseph Hardin, R. P. Smithee, John MUliggan and J. W. Mobley were early settlers on Reed's Creek. John M. Vanhoo- zer, William Norris and Serrel Mobley early made a home on South Big Creek. The first settlers in the southwest part of the county were John Luce, Josiah Richardson, Plummer Baxter, A. J. Hodges and Judge A. H. Nuun, whose settlement dates fi-om early in the 40' s, and Col. William G. Math- eny, a pioneer of 1849. The many very old jjeople now residing in the county, who have lived here nearly all their lives, prove that this is a remarkably healthy section, notwithstanding all that can be said to the con- trary. Several of the old settlers named are over eighty years of age, and two ladies, Mrs. Sarah Galloway and Miss Mary Caton, mention of whom should not be omitted, are ninety-eight and eighty- eight years of age, respectively. In 1876 there were in the county, by actual count, seventy-four persons each over seventy years old. The county court of Sharp County convenes for its regular sessions on the first Mondays of Jan- uary, April, July and October of each year, and the probate court on the first Mondays of February, May, August and November. The circuit court convenes for its regular sessions on the first Mon- days of June and December of each year. This county belongs to the Third judicial district, of which J. \V. Butler, of Batesville, is the present judge. The legal liar of the county consists of the fol- lowing named attorneys: Col. J. L. Abernethy, S. H. Davidson (present State senator), John B. McCaleb, W. A. Turner, and A. J. Porter, the present county judge. There has never been an execution for the of- fense of murder committed within Sharp County. A few years ago, however, one Joseph Camp was tried at Evening Shade, upon a change of venue from another county, for the killing of one Hulsey, was found guilty, and was hanged for the otfense. For crimes committed within the county, there has been no conviction for murder in the first de- gree, and but one in the second degree, and two for manslaughter. Neither have there been but few homicides. The laws are generally well en- forced, and the citizens are law-abiding. At the beginning of the Civil War of 1861-65, the citizens of this locality were, with only a few exceptions, in full sympathy with the proposed Southern Confederacy, and did all in their power to help establish it. There were but a few Union men, and they refugeed to the North. A number of companies of soldiers commanded, respectively, byCapts. M'illiam Adams, William G. Matheny, A. H. Nunn, M. V. Shaver, and perhaps others, were ^} ■^cA^ot, Mississippi UoiiMTV Ahkamsas. SHAEP COUNTY. 733 recruited and organized in Lawrence County, from that part which now composes Sharp, for the Con- federate army, in which they served during the war. No engagement worthy of mention took jilace here, until the spring of 1864, when Col. Freeman and Maj. M. V. Shaver, with the Third Missouri Confederate Cavalry, met Col. Woods, with a Kansas regiment of Federal cavalry, on the Baker farm on Martin's Creek, in what is now the northern part of the county. On this occasion the Federal troops were routed and compelled to fall back toward headquarters, at Batesville, suffering some loss. There was no bushwacking amoncr the citizens during the war, but several persons were killed by scouting parties passing through. The territory was generally over-run and devastated of its provisions, in consequence of which considera- ble suffering resulted for the want of food. Sharp County can boast of no large towns, but it has a number of small villages distributed to suit the convenience of the people. Ash Flat, located on Section 10, in Richwoods Township, contains four general stores, a drug store, a grocery and saddlery store, two blacksmith shops, two church edifices (one of which is also used for school purposes), a grist and flouring-mill and cotton-gin coml)ined, a saw-mill and cotton- gin combined, one hotel, a lodge each of Masons, Eastern Star, and Knights and Ladies of Honor, one physician, and has a population of about 200. It is located in the best agricultural district of the county, and enjoys a considerable trade. Some time prior to 1849 a postoffice was estab- lished in the hollow south of the east end of what is now the business street of Evening Shade. The office was so situated that after 3 o'clock P. M. of each day it remained in the shade of the tall pines standing on the rising groimds south and west, and for this reason it was named Evening Shade, the name that the place still retains. In June, 1849, Samuel Cammack opened the first store here. The site of its location is now occupied by the business street of the town, immediately in front of the present store of R. D. Williams. The building containing the gootls was a canvas tent, with the rear end boarded up, the lock used at the front being a large and savage female bull-dog. In September following, J. W. Shaver joined Mr. Cammack in the business, and together they formed the firm of Shaver & Cammack. About 1852 a party of na- tives met J. M. Hiland, a young man from Ten- nessee, in a saloon kept by one William Vanghaii, and there gave him rum until he became intoxi- cated, after which he was induced to play cards. The victim was soon dispossessed of his money — a considerable amount. Upon sobering up, he ex- claimed: "They gave me rum, and hooked my money." In consequence of this. Evening Shade was, for many years, vulgarly called ' ' Hook lium. ' ' At the beginning of the Civil War, Evening Shade contained three stores and a saloon, and about 100 inhabitants. It now has two general stores, two groceries, a drug store, bookstore, two hotels, mechanics' shops, a large public school- house, three church edifices, three grist-mills, two cotton-gins, five saw-mills, in the town and its im- mediate vicinity; two shingle-mills, two wool-card- ing mills, a bed spring manufactory; a lodge, Chapter and Eastern Star lodge of the Masonic fraternity, and a lodge each of Odd- Fellows, Knights of Honor and Knights and Ladies of Honor, also five physicians, a real estate agent and an insurance agent. Society is refined and culti- vated; the town offers attractive advantages; it is a pleasant place in which to live, and a large amount of business is transacted. The population is about 350. The Sharp County Record, a weekly news- paper, in its twelfth volume, is published here by E. G. Henderson, its proprietor. It is well edited and advocates Democratic principles, though ably serving the general interests of its community. Hardy, located on Spring River and on the Kan- sas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Railroad, consist* of the railroad buildings, a general store, drug store, saloon, blacksmith shop, cotton-gin, a school- house, church and Masonic hall combined, and about twenty families. Williford, on the same river and railroad, ten miles below Hardy, has three general stores, a saloon, cotton-gin, black- smith shop, railroad section house, a school- house used also for religiojis services, and two stone quarries. ssee, and the latter in North Carolina, and were united in marriage in the State of Alabama, where they have resided ever since, with the exception of several years' sojourn in Texas. In religious faith both parents have been Primitive Baptists for a great length of time, and the father for a number of years was tax col- lector and assessor of Walker County, Ala. He is at present justice of the peace of his county, and has hold that office several years, having also been a member of the A. F. & A. M. for the past forty years. His father was Jacob Gibson, of Tennessee, who resided in Alal)auia some length of time, but died in the State of Arkansas. The father of Jacob Gibson was Jacob Gibson, a Revo- lutionary soldier of early days, who died in Walker County, Ala. On the mother's side, James Crock- er, Mrs. W. N. Gibson's father, was an Irish- man, who emigrated to the United States when a young man. His wife was also a native of Ire- land, but they were married in North Carolina, and, after a long residence in .Mabama, lioth died in that State. Dr. William X. (xibson is the second child of two sons and one daughter. He was educated at the common schools, and, by a close application to his studies hiins( daughter was very young, and where the father still resides. She moved to Arkansas with au uncle, and was here married to Mr. Hamilton. This union has given them two sons and one daughter. Mr. Hamilton has lived on the old farm ever since 1808, and has about forty-tive acres of land under cultivation, owning altogether 160 acres. He is a Democrat in poli- tics, and has been a member of the I. O. O. F. since 1874, holding the offices of secretary and grand secretary during that time. He also belongs to the Evening Shade Masonic Lodge, and has held the offices of junior warden, master and several others. Mr. Hamilton and his wife and oldest son are members of the Christian Church. They are a well-known family in this vicinity, and are held in the highest esteem by their neighbors. E. G. Henderson, editor of the Sharp Comity Record, was Iioi-n in Catoosa County, Ga. , in 1850, and is a son of Charles and Sophia A. C. (Ussery) Henderson, born in Halifax County, Va., in 1803, and Charlotte County, Va., in 1810, respectively. The parents were married in North Carolina in 1830, and shortly afterward settled in Virginia. They remained in that State a few years, and then moved to Alabama, and from there to Georgia, where the elder Henderson died in 1853. The family continued in Georgia several years after the father's death, and in 1856 moved to Izard County, Ark. From that place they changed their residence to Batesville. where they resided until ISfi'J, and then moved to Little Rock. A few years later the mother came to Evening Shade, where she still lives. She is a daughter of John Ussery, a native of Virginia, who enlisted in the War of 1812, but who never engaged in active service, as peace was declared shortly after his entrance into the ranks. E. (Jr. Henderson is the youngest of five sons and five daughters, of whom four are yet living. He was educated in Batesville, and in his eighteenth year went to Little Rock, where he remained one year, learning the printer's trade. He then moved to Jacksonport, and farmed in Jackson County for 47 two seasons, but as the sea is to the mariner, .so wa.s printer's ink to young Henderson, and he gave up his agricultural i)ursuits to enter the office of the Herald, in Evening Shade, as a compositor. He remained in that capacity until the year 1874, and then, in partnership with J. W. Clark, he estab lished the North Arkansas Democrat. In 1870 he was made postmaster, and at the same time en- gaged in the grocery and stationer's business, con- tinuing in that until 1882, when he was elected treasurer of Sharp County, and held the office for two years. In 1884 he purchased the Sharp County Record, which paper he still (^dits and jiublishes, and has not only made it the leading exponent of Democratic principh's in Sharp County, but also a magnilicent news gatherer. Mr. Henderson was married in September, 1879, to Miss Minnie Tnr- ney, daughter of the Rev. Dani(4 M. and Isabella B. Turney, now residents of South Dakota. Mrs. Henderson was born in Mattoon, 111., and died June 23, 1889, at her home in Evening Shade. Three children were born to this marriage, of whom two are still living. Mr. Henderson is a member of Evening Shade Lodge No. 143. A. F. & A. M., "Rural" Royal Arch Chapter No. 50; I. O. O. F., and K. of H. His eldest brother served in the Confederate army, and fought almost through the entire war. He was killed in 1864, about twenty- five miles above Batesville, on the White River, by a scouting party. Another brother, Charles E., gave two years' service to the Confederate cause, and was severely wounded at the battle of Augusta. Ark., in 1865, but recovered, and is now a farmer of Sharp County. The mother of Mr. Henderson, although very near the advanced age of eighty years, is still living and is as active and capable of doing as much work as many other women fifteen or twenty years younger. Mr. Henderson, in the rush and huiry of his active life, still finds the time to devote to her, and though stern to the out- side world as a rule, he is one of the gentlest of sons. Thomas I. Herrn. teacher, also a farmer and stock dealer in Highland Township, was born in Independence (now Izard) County, in 1861. His parents were John and Malinda (Fiidey) Herrn, of »fV^ A e ^ 746 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Tennessee and Arkansas, respectively, who were united in marriage in Independence County. The father was a farmc^r by occupation, who died in Ozark County, Mo., in 1863. He was a son of Thomas Herrn, one of the pioneers of Arkansas. His wife's father was Isaac Finley, who settled in Izard County, Ark. , at a very early day, and died there in the year 1865. Thomas I. Herrn received but little schooling until bis thirteenth year, and then at- tended Evening Shade high school for three years. He subsequently went to the State University at Fayetteville, and afterward taught school himself for four years. In 1883 he was married to Kate, a daughter of James P. and Julia Cochran, whose history appears in this volume. By this marriage he has had one son and two daughters, the latter living. After his marriage Mr. Herrn moved to Evening Shade, and taught school for two years, but gave that occupation up to commence farming at South Fork. He now has 600 acres of land, with about seventy-five acres under cultivation, which, on his arrival, was destitute of improve- ment. In politics he is a Democrat, and is zealous in upholding the principles of that party. Mr. Herrn is one of that type of men who present a strong example for the younger generation to fol- low. He was thrown on his own resources at the age of thn-teen, and went to work for $8 a month, on a farm. Jasper N. Higginbottom, whose success as a farmer and stock raiser has seldom been equaled, was born in Independence County, in 1846. His parents were James and Nancy (Ward) Higginbot- tom, who were born in Kentucky, in 1801, and South Carolina, in 1809, respectively, and were married in Perry County, Tenn., about the year 1840. The parents moved to Independence Coun- ty, Ark., in 1846, and four or five years later changed their residence to Lawrence County, where the father died. The elder Higginbottom was a well-known boatman on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and in his later days quite an extensive farmer. His father was Oglesbury Higginbottom, a native of Ireland. The mother of Jasper died in 1877, in the religious faith of the Christian Church. Jasper was the eighth child of eight sons and six daughters, of whom only two sons and one daughter are yet living. His education was some- what limited on account of the facilities for attend- • ing school not being so good as they are at the present day, but his natural shrewdness and quick- ness of comj)rehension made up for any deficiency in that respect. In 1868 he was married to Miss Sarah Wilmuth, a daughter of Edward and Mary Wilmuth, of Kentucky, and by this marriage has had twelve children, of whom seven are still living. Mr. Higginbottom continued to reside in Lawi-ence County until 1877, when he moved to his present farm, in Sharp County, where he owns about tiOl) acres of land, and has some 120 acres under culti- vation. In addition to his farm, he deals in stock on an extensive scale, and has the reputation of being one of the best men in the business in that section. He is noted for his fair dealing in all business transactions, and is one of the most pop- ular men in Sharp County. In politics, Mr. Hig- ginbottom is a Democrat, and that }>arty has in him a representative who strongly su[)ports their principles and men. Kussel Jordan, justice of the peace, a prosper- ous farmer and stock raiser, is the youngest of three sons and six daughters. lie was born in St. Clair County, Ala. , December 22, 1827, and is the son of Stephen and Sarah (Deerman) Jordan, of South Carolina, where they were reared and mar- ried. The parents removed to St. Clair County, Ala. , soon after their marriage, where the father died when Russel was but two or three years old. The mother married a second time, her next husband being Peter Roadland. who died shortly before Russel left St. Clair County, and the moth- er's death occurring after the war. The elder Jordan was a farmei', and a soldier in the War of 1812, fighting under Gen. Jackson at the battle of New Orleans. He was of Irish descent, as was also the father of Mrs. Jordan, William Deerman. Upon looking over the thousands of schools and colleges now in every part of our countiy. it is hard to conciMve the difficulty that early settlers had to contend with in oi'der to procure an educa- tion for their children. But the facilities then were not near what they are now, and where there is n^ « — »- ^ no excuse for any civilized being to be uneducated at the present day, at that period it was (Mitirely different, and the children who were eager for an education, in the unsettled j)ortions, were unable to attend school. This was the case of Russel Jor- dan, Init, though seriously handicapped as he was, lie managed to obtain a few years' study at the com- mon schools, and when unable to attend, applied himself to his books and mastered what he desired to learn. On January 2, 1847, he was married to Martha, daughter of Levi and Jane Watson, of North Carolina, who moved to Sharp County, in 1852, where they have since died. Mrs. Jordan was born in St. Clair County, Ala., where her parents resided some time, and died in 1861. Six children were born to this marriage, of whom three are yet living. His second marriage was in 1862 to Nancy J. , daughter of Harvey D. and Josephine Worthington, of North Carolina and Kentucky, respectively. The parents moved to Arkansas, about the year 1856, and settled in Prairie Coun- ty, where the father died. Mrs. Worthington is now residing in Kentucky, her daiighter's birth- place. Seven sons and four daughters were born to Mr. Jordan's second marriage, all of them still living, and, remembering his early experience in attending school, he has spared no pains in giving them the best education obtainable. In 1852 he moved to Mississippi, and from there to what is now Sharp County, Ark. , the following year, where he settled on a farm. His land at that time had but seven or eight acres cleared, but now he has over 100 acres cleared and under cultivation, and owns about 210 acres altogether, all the result of his own industry and good management. Mr. Jordan is a well-known and popular man in his vicinity, and mingles in public life considerably, having for the ])ast thirty years held several public otfices, such as de]iuty sheriff, justice of the peace (his present official capacity) and others. In politics he is a Democrat and a stanch adherent to that party. He enlisted in the Confederate army during the war, becoming a member of Col. Freeman's regiment of cavalry, and performed some excellent work in a numlier of battles. Mr. Jordan is a member of the A, F. &. A. M., and has been master a great many years of Curia Lodge No. 144. He also belongs to " Rural" Royal Arch Chapter No. 50, at Evening Shade, and has hel.l several of the offices, and is a member of Eastern Star, having been for .some time past worthy patron. At one time he was commissioned to or- ' ganize chapters of his fraternity through.Mit North Arkansas, and succeeded in establishing quite a number. John B. McCaleb, a prominent attorney at Evening Shade, was born at Evening Shade, Ark., October 24, 1856. He is a son of Col. James H. and Frances A. (Jenkins) McCaleb, of Knox County, Tenn., and Bowling Green, Ky., respect- ively. The mother was married in her fourteenth year to William French, and soon after moved to Little Rock. After a short residence in that place, they came to Evening Shade, at a time when there were but one or two families living there, and where Mr. French died. In 1854 Mrs. French was married to Col. McCaleb, who had come from Tennessee, and both have resided in Evenino' Shade up to the time of their death. The father- was a farmer and hotel proprietor for twenty- live years, and was one of the best- known hotel men in Northeast Arkansas. In earlier days the elder McCaleb held the office of justice of the peace. He served almost through the entire war. and per- formed the duties of a soldier in different capaci- ties in the Confederate army, and was colonel of a regiment of militia in the home guards stationed at Pocahontas. He was a member of the A. F. & A. M., and was master of Evening Shade Lodge [ for a number of years. Col. McCaleb" s father was James H. McCaleb. of North Carolina, who died in Evening Shade after a few years' residence. Col. McCaleb's forefathers originally came from North Ireland to this eountiT. and the lineHge of that family extends back to the earlier part of the eighteenth century. The father of Col. McCaleb's wife was William Jenkins, a Kentuckian. who moved to Illinois at an early period, and died there about the year 1873. His daughter, Mrs, McCaleb, had three children by each husband, of whom John McCaleb is the oldest of three broth ers — sons by the last husband. John McCnleli 748 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. was educated at Evening Shade, and began life for himself when fifteen years of age. In 1878 he commenced tlu; study of law with the Hon. Sam H. Davidson, teaching school in the mean- time. In 1881 he was admitted to the bar by Judce R. H. Powell, and since then has practiced his profession in Sharp, Izard, Fulton and Baxter Counties, also holding a license to practice in the supreme court of Arkansas and Missouri, and is one of the most promising attorneys in Sharp County. On January 10, 1883, he was married to Allie, daughter of Col. Joseph L. Abernethy, and' has had four children by this marriage, one son and two daughters still living. Mr. McCaleb owns some town property, besides aboiit 1,500 acres of wild land in Sharp County, and his pros- perity is due entirely to his own enterprise and shrewdness. In politics he is a Democrat and is chairman of the county Democratic Central Com- mittee. He has been a member of the A. F. & A. M. since his majority, belonging to Evening Shade Lodge No. 143, and has held almost all of the offices, being master for two terms. He is also a member of Royal Arch ( Rural ) Chapter No. 50, and has been high priest. Also a charter member of Knights of Honor, and Knights & Ladies of Honor, and is dictator of the former. John C. McKinney, a leading farmer of Law- rence County, Smithville postoffice, was born in Alabama, February 20, 1839, a son of James and Patsey M. (Holder) McKinney. James was born in North Carolina, April 3, 1819, was reared and married in Alabama, came to Polk County, Mo. , about 1844, and in 1857 moved to Sharp County, where he resided until his death, in 1863. His father, Francis McKinney, of Scotch and Welsh descent, was born in South Carolina. He served throughout the Revolutionary War, and died in Polk County, Mo. Our subject's mother was born in Alabama in 1820; she died about 1867, being the mother of ten childi-en, five of whom are now living: Thomas M. , Elizabeth A., William B.. Samuel B. , and John C. our subject, who came to Polk County, Mo. , at the age of eight years, where he received his education. On March 4, 1860, he married Lucinda Daily, who was born in Polk County in 1839, and died in September, 1882. She was the mother of six children, all living: Sarah J., wife of William Hollen: Melvina J., wife of Jeff D. Estes; Mary A., Davis L., Milliam G., Dora J. In November, 1884, he married Hannah Williams, who was born in Louisiana in 1855. Mr. McKinney has 285 acres of land, about 100 culti- vated, located on Strawberry River. He enlisted in Company F, Shaffer's regiment. Seventh Ar- kansas Infantry Volunteers, and served until May, 1865. He was a private the first year, corporal the second, and afterward captain of a company till the close, when he retui'ned home and resumed farming. He has been a resident of this county since 1875, and has held the office of justice of the peace two years. He is a Democrat, having east his first presidential vote for Breckinridge. He is a member of Masonic Lodge No. 29, at Smithville. His wife is a member of the Baptist Church. William C. Matheny, retired farmer and ex- coiinty judge, was born in Roane County, Tenn., September 9, 1824, his parents being Samuel and Sytha (Grimsley) Matheny. The former, whose birth occurred in Virginia, June 18, 1796, was a son of Elijah and Mary (Davis) Matheny, natives of Virginia, the Mathenys being of French descent. His parents moved in 1799 to East Tennessee, where he was raised and where Samuel died (in Overton county) in 1881. The latter was a farmer, althoiigh he served an apprenticeship at the cabi- net trade. His wife Sytha Matheny, was born in Washington County, Tenn., in 1793. and died in Roane County, that State, in 1838. Her jiarents were natives of Culpeper County, Va. , and moved to Tennessee in an early day. She was the mother of twelve children. Eleven grew to maturity and married, and five are now living, all in Tennessee, except our subject, who also has two half sisters and one half brother by his father's second marriage. His parents being poor, William C. received but a common school education, and that in Tennessee, where he was raised. December 13, 1849, he mar- ried Miss Louisa F. Terry, who has born in what is now Putnam County, T(^nn., November 9, 1831. She is a daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Terry, the father having died in Tennessee, where the moth- er is still living, tbougli blind. The family of our 8ul)ject consists of seven children — Allison B., l)orn September 30, 1850; Sarah E., bora January 14, lSr)3, wife of James W. Smith, of Sharp County; Mary A., born November 15, 1855, wife of Milton T. Ofield, of Izard County; Columbus D., born January 14, 1858; Elijah, born July 23, 1861; Grimaley H. , born April 7, 1806, and Ira J., born August 24, 1868. In May, 1847, Mr. Matheny enlisted in Capt. Huddleston's Company, Four- teenth Regiment, United States Infantry, in Over- ton, Tenn. , and served in the Mexican War, being with Gen. Scott at the taking of the City of Mexi- co, {)articipating also in the battles of Contreras, Cherubusco, Melina Delva, Castle of Chapultepec, and at the gates of the city, being discharged as second sergeant at New Orleans July 25, 1848. He now tb'aws a pension of $8 a month. In 1861 he organized a company in Sharp County, and was mustered into the Confederate service in September of the same year, and served as captain until May 8, 1862, when he was promoted to lieutenant-col- onel of the Twenty-first Arkansas Regiment of In- fantry, which position he held until the close of the war. May 17, 1863, he was captured at Vicks- bnrg and taken prisoner to Sandusky Bay, Ohio, and kept there till exchanged, March 3, 1865, at Richmond, Va. At the battle of Corinth, Miss., October 3, 1862, he received a liullet wound in the left forearm, breaking the bone. In 1866 he was elected representative of Lawrence County (which then included Sharp), and served one term. In 1872 he was again elected to represent Sharp County, serving one term. In 1880 he was elected county and probate judge of Sharji County, and served for three consecutive terms, and is one of Sharp Coun- ty's most influential citizens. Politically, he is a Democrat, and himself and wife are members of the Primitive Baptist Church. He has a farm of 160 acres, about 70 of which are cultivated. John S. Medley, owner and proprietor of the extensive saw and planing-mill and shingle factory two miles south of Evening Shade, was born in Parke County, Ind., in 1848. Ho is a son of Capt. Philip and Rachel (Barnes) Medley, of Indiana and Kentucky, respectively, who were married in Indiana, and in 1853 removed to Fulton County, 111., and from there to Schuyler County, 111., after the war, where the father died about the year 1870, and his wife one year previous. Both were members of the Union Baptist faith. The elder Medley was a miller by occupation, and a man of fine business ability. In 1862 he joined the Thir- teenth Illinois Infantry, and commanded Company I, serving about six months, when he was forced to resign on accountjof poor health. He was a member of the A. F. & A. M., and a son of Rev. Samuel Medley, of Scotch -Irish descent, a noted preacher of Kentucky, who died in Illinois. The grandfather of John S. Medley, James Barnes, was a farmer, and died in the State of Indiana. John S. Medley is the third child of eight sons and three daughters, of whom eight are yet living. He received his education partly at the common schools and by self- tuition, and at the age of seven- teen years his ability was so well recognized that he was taken into partnership with an extensive saw mill firm, and has continued in that business ever since. He thoroughly understands the busi- ness, and has met with success in every instance. In 1869 Mr. Medley moved to Evening Shade, where he resided up to 1870, when he married Mrs. Nancy Sharp, a widow lady, of Indiana, who died six months after their wedding. In 1889 he was again married, his second wife being Miss Lily Green, of Illinois. Mrs. Medley's mother is still living, but the father died when she was a young girl. Mr. Medley owns about 1,200 acre.s of land in the vicinity of Evening Shade, and has about 125 acres under cultivation, with several good buildings and barns. His mills have the reputation of turning out some of the best work in Sharp County, and. as a citizen and business man, he enjoys a popularity that must be gratifying even to the most egotistical, although Mr. Medley is as modest as he is popular. His mills have a capacity of about 8,000 feet of lumber, and about 20,000 shingles per day, and has also a planing at- tachment. In politics he is a Democrat, and has been a member of the I. O. O. F. since his matur- ity, holding all of the otfices during that period. William G. Meeks, a pioneer farmer of Sullii 750 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. vau Township, was born in Breckinridge County, Ky., in 1819. He is a son of the Rev. William and Nancy (Goatley) Meeks, of North Carolina and Maryland, respectively, who moved to Kentucky, and were married there at a very early day, and when young William was sixteen years old, settled in Spencer County, Ind., where the father died about 1846, and the mother some time afterward, in Illinois. The elder Meeks was a Baptist min- ister, and well known for his eloquence in the pul- pit. He is a son of Priddy Meeks, of North Car- olina, who was one of the first settlers of Kentucky, and an associate of the famous Daniel Boone. William G. Meeks' grandfather, John Goatley, was a native of Scotland, who came to America with his parents when four years old. He served through the Revolutionary War, with the exception of one year, in which he was badly disabled, and died in Kentucky, with honors showered upon him for his record through that period. William G. Meeks is the seventh child of eight sons and four daughters, and in his youth received a very limited education, as the facilities for attending school were quite scarce in those days. He commenced in life for himself at the age of twenty, and, in 1843, was married to Millie, daughter of Pleasant and Re- becca Galloway. Mrs. Meeks' mother is still liv- ing at the age of ninety-six years, but the father died in the State of Indiana, where Mrs. Meeks was born. In 1840 Mr. Meeks came to what is now Sharp County, but did not move on his pres- ent place until 1849, which was then but very little improved. He now owns about 280 acres of land, with some 120 acres under cultivation, all the re- sult of his own energy, and is one of the most en- terprising farmers of Sharp County. Mr. Meeks enlisted in the Confederate army during the war, and was enrolled in Company D, Fourteenth Ar- kansas Infantry, holding the rank of lieutenant. He afterward became a member of Freeman' s regi- ment of cavalry, and later took part in Price's raids through Missouri and Kansas. Mr. Meeks performed some creditable work during the war, and won a reputation as being a gallant and effi- cient soldier. He surrendered at Jacksonport in Juno, 1865. and returned to his home. When Mi'. Meeks first settled in this vicinity the country was nothing but a wilderness, and had no inhabitants but a few venturesome spirits like himself, who were seeking a home in the West, unless, indeed, the wild animals that infested the country at that time could be called its inhabitants. His nearest postoffice and trading post was at Batesville, some twenty miles distant; but since that period he has lived to see this portion of Arkansas grow up into a populous and thriving country, and can now tell the younger generation how the streets and by-ways of the present civilization were once the path of the fleet-footed deer and the prowling wolf. The names of Mr. Meeks' children are : Nancy, wife of Francis Kent; Sarah, wife of A. J. Green; Benja- min F., Thomas J., Eliza, wife of J. E. G. Ball, and Willie Ann, wife of J. D. Cargle. Isaac N. Jlorgan, a substantial farmer of Mor- gan Township, is a native of Tennessee, having been born in Franklin County in 1837. His father was Harris Morgan, who was born in Ten- nessee, in June, 1810, and who is now living in Sharp County. Ark., where he came in 1840, Mor- gan Township being named in his honor before the war. He was a blacksmith by trade, but carried on farming in connection therewith. His wife was born in North Carolina in 1816, but died in Sharp County in November, 1881. She was the mother of ten children, three of whom are now living. Elizabeth, Sarah and Isaac, all of whom reside in Sharp County. Isaac N. acquired most of his education after reaching manhood, but received what little schooling he had in Sharp County. In October, 1865, he married Miss Salina Carver, who was born in Mississippi in 1843. Her par- ents were J. D. and Frances Carver, natives of Mississippi, who came to Ai'kansas in 1851. The father is dead, but the mother still lives in Sharp County. The family consists of three daughters and three sons: Tennessee B. , Amanda L., Mary. William T., Joseph and Isaac B. Our subject entered the Confederate service in 1861. in the Seventh Arkansas Volunteers, under Col. Robert Shaver, participating in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth and Bowling Green, and at the close of the war returned to Sharp County and resumed SHARP COUNTY. 751 farming. He has a good farm of 347 acres, about 100 of which are under cultivation. He is a Dem- ocrat, and both he and hi.s wife are members of | the Baptist Church. Judge Addison H. Nunu, one of the pioneers of Sullivan Township, was born in Williamson County. Tenn., in 1814. He is a son of William R. and Rebecca W. (Stone) Nunn, the former born in Pendleton District, S. C. , about 1783, and the latter in Mecklenburg, Va. The parents were married in Williamson County, Tenn., and resided there until the year 1855, when they moved to Texas, where the father died in 1862. The elder Nunn was an extensive merchant and real estate dealer, and a very successful business man, finan- cially. He first started in life without a dollar, , but by his natural abilities, shrewdness in busi- ! ness transactions and enterprise, he left a fortune at his death. He held the office of justice of the peace for three years, and was a member of the I. O. O. Y. His father, Francis Nunn, was a Noi-th Carolinian, and when William R. was about thrfee years old removed first to Georgia and then to the State of Tennessee in 1806, where he died at the age of sixty years, his wife, Marcy (Rice) Nunn, dying in Tennessee, at the age of eighty- tive years. The Nunn family are of French origin, but on the mother's side the family are English. Judge Nunn's grandfather, William Stone, came from England with his parents, and settled in Vir- ginia, and were afterward among the first settlers of Maury County, Tenn. Judge Nunn was the eldest of thirteen children, who received their edu- cation in the early days at a log cabin school. In 1837 he w'as married to Amanda, daughter of Jere- miah and Catherine Baxter, born in North Caro- lina and Tennessee, respectively. Eleven children were given to this marriage, of whom four sons and three daughters are yet living. His second mar- riage was in 1863, to Mrs. Mary Bowman, a widow lady, and a daughter of Men-iman Arnn, of Vir- ginia, where his daughter was also born, in Pitt- sylvania County. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Nunn, of whom three sons and five daugh ters are still living. In 1843 Judge Nunn moved to Arkansas, and pitched his tent upon the same spot where he now resides. This section of Arkan- sas was then a wilderness, whose only inhabitants were wild animals, the nearest postoftice and trad- ing point being the town of Batesville, which was then a very small place. He has made this his home ever since, and at one time owned over 2,0(tO acres of land. He now owns about l,IMtO acres, and has 100 acres under cultivation, owning one of the finest farms in Sharp County. In 1861 he organized Company I, and joined MeCarver's reg- iment of Arkansas infantry, and for the first four months was stationed at Pocahontas, then at Fort Pillow, and lastly at Corinth, where he was dis- charged after six months' service. After the war he returned home, and for several years was justice of the peace, an office he also held in Tennessee. In 1845 he was elected county and probate judge of Lawrence County, and at the expiration of bis term, on two different occasions, was re-elected. In 1 874 he was elected supervisor of Sharp County, and in 1878 county and probate judge for two years. Before the war. Judge Nunn established the Sidney postoffice, and was postmaster for three years; and after peace had been declared he had the office re- stored, and was appointed jwstmaster again. In politics, he has been a Democrat ever since the war, and was a Whig before that event. He became a member of the I. O. O. F. in 1845, and a Mason several years later, and is a member of the Royal Arch Chapter. Judge Nunn is well known and luiiversally respected throughout Northeast Arkan sas. He is one of its oldest inhabitants, and has lived to see that portion of the State grow u]) from its infancy, to be dotted with productive farms, thriving towns and enterprising citizens. He has been a member of the Presbyterian Church since his fourteenth year, as also were both wives, and was an elder for over forty years. Abner J. Porter, judge of the county and pro bate court of Sharp County, and a leading attorney of that place, was born in \\ illiamson County, Tenn., in the year 1831. He is the son of Will iam C. and Judith R. (Owen) Porter, the former born in Rockingham County, N. C. in 1803, and the latter in Davidson County. Teim., in 1804. The parents were married in Williamson County, ■»Pv 2iJ 752 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Tenn.. in 1824. and resided there until the year 1830, when they moved to Weakle_y Coiinty, Tenn., and from there to Springfield, Mo., in 1856. In 1860 they settled in Sharp County, Ark., where the father died in 1878, and the mother in 1881. The elder Porter was a prominent farmer and a leading citizen of Sharp County during his life, and was held in the highest esteem by his fellow- citizens. He was a son of Dudley Porter, of North CaroHna, who removed to Tennessee in 1811, and died three months after his arrival. His father was John Porter, who lost another son at the battle of Charleston, during the Revolution. Judge Porter's parents had eleven sons, of whom seven are living: Their names are Robert G. , a resident of Sharp County;. William G. , a tobac- conist of Springfield, Mo.; Judge Abner J. Porter; Rev. Peter O. , of Sharp County; Jesse W., re- siding in the same county; Henry W. , of Ran- dolph County, and Felix R., a prominent lawyer of Springfield, Mo. Five of them gave their services to the Confederate cause — Abner J., John W., Jesse W., Benjamin F. (who was captured and died in prison at Chicago), and Felix R. In his youth Judge Porter received a common school edu- cation, and also applied himself to the higher branches of education, which he mastered without the aid of a teacher. He had commenced the study of law at Springfield, Mo., when the war called him from his books, and he joined Capt. Thomason's company of the Fifty- second Volunteer Tennessee Infantry. In the spring of 1862 he was sent home on furlough, on account of disability, but after recovering from hi.s afflictions he re-joined the army under Gen. Forrest's command, becom- ing a member of Col. Wilson's Tennessee regi- ment. He held the rank of orderly sergeant in Capt. Dudley's company, and served about one year longer, taking part in a number of engage- ments during that time. Judge Porter was mar- ried in Weakley County, Tenn., in 1866, to Miss Mary J. Carter, a daughter of Jerome and Mary (Matthews) Carter, of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively, and they are the parents of five sons and three daughters: Ada J., William C. , Thomas J., James O. , Ida R. , Mary E., John W. and Granville D. In 1867 the Judge arrived in Sharp County, and located at Evening Shade, where he entered the grocery busi- ness, and practiced law until 1875. He then set- tled on his present place of residence, and com- menced farming, and now has about 100 acres un- der cultivation, owning 320 acres altogether in two farms. He is considered to be one of the best farmers in Sharp County, and has also continued the practice of law, with gratifying success, both in the justice and circuit courts. In 1878 he was elected judge of the county and probate courts for two years, and filled the office with distinction. The soundness of his judgment and the coiTect- ness of his views made him the most available man for that position, and he was again elected in 1888. In politics he is a Democrat, and has been one all his life. He is strong in upholding the principles and men of his party, and is one of its stanchest adherents. The Judge has been a member of Evening Shade Lodge No. 141, A. F. & A. M., since 1867, and is also a member of Royal Arch Chapter No. 52, at Evening Shade. He belongs to the Baptist Church, while his wife is a Presbyterian. Elijah Ratliff is a farmer of Union Township, near Martin's Creek postoffice. His grandfather was one of the first settlers of Pike County, Ky. , where he died. Robert R. , the father of our sub- ject, was born in Kentucky, about 1816; was mar- ried there to Polly Edwards, and in 1854 emi- grated to Texas County, Mo. , being one of the early settlers of that county. In 1862 he moved to Arkansas. He was a soldier in the late war, was captured and taken prisoner to Alton, 111., where he died in 1866. His wife, who died about 1865, was the mother of nine children, our subject being the sixth. He was raised and received most of his schooling in Texas County, Mo. In 1871 Elijah married Miss Nancy Garner, who was born in Sharp County, Ark., in 1849, the daughter of John and Rena Garner. They have six children living: John R., William H., Martha E., Mary J., George W. (deceased), Albert and James. Mr. Ratliff has resided in Sharp County since 1870, and has about 400 acres of land, about ninetv of which are ^ SHARP COUNTY. under cultivation, 200 acres in Fulton County, Ark., and '200 on Martin's Creek. In politics he is a Democrat. Laving cast his first presidential vote for Cleveland. Our subject and his wife are both members of the Christian Church. Michael Van Buren Shaver, farmer and mer- chant, was born in Sullivan County, East Tenn., April 7, 1832. His parents were David and Har- riet (May) Shaver. David, Jr., was born in Sulli- van County, Tenn., in 1799, where he always re- sided, and died in 1843. He was a son of David Shaver, Sr. , merchant and slave owner, who was born in Buncombe County, N. C, and whose father (Michael's great grandfather), was killed in the Revolutionary War. The Shavers are of French, . German and English descent. Michael's mother was bom in Tennessee, in 1800, and died in Sharp County, Ark., in 1881; her parents were Samuel and Catherine May. Mr. May was born in Lon- don, England, and was a physician by profession, and a wealthy citizen. His wife was a Shelby, of one of the old families of the United States. Isaac Shelby, an uncle of Catherine, was governor of Kentucky, and a noted man. Ferdinand M. and our subject are the only children living of a family of eight. M. Van was raised in Tennessee, where he received a common school education. At the age of nineteen years he came to Independence County, Ark. The next year he located in Fulton County, cleared a farm in the woods, and in May, 1866, married Mary Livingston. They have had five children (four of whom are now living) : Shelby L. , Hattie M., Jimmie (deceased), Emma and Mat- tie. In 1861 he raised a company of infantry in Fulton County, Seventh Arkansas, of Col. Robert Shaver's regiment, under Gen. Hardee; was cap- tain of his company one year, when he came home, formed a battalion, was elected major, and served in that capacity during the war. At Augusta, Ark., he was wounded in the left leg, where the bullet still remains. He was also with Gen. Price on his raid through Missouri. After the war he returned to Fulton County, of which he was ap- pointed sheriff l)y Gov. Murphy, and served two years, when ho removed to where he now resides. He has a natural stock farm of 350 acres, 125 of which are under cultivation, the same being finely watered by Reed's Creek. In 1880 he erected a grist mill at a cost of $4,000, and in May, 1882, it was totally destroyed by high water; having no insurance, it was a total loss. In 1866 he opened a general store where he now resides, but retired in 1880 on account of health, and in 1887 resumed business in partnership with his son. He is a Democrat, having cast his first presidential vote for Buchanan. Mr. Shaver was engaged in a hard fight on Martin's Creek, and selected the battle ground for the first fight in Fulton County. Ferdinand May Shaver, farmer and merchant, two and a half miles west of Grange postolfice, is a brother of M. Van Shaver, and was born in Sullivan County, Tenn., July 14, 1836, where he resided till the age of fourteen years, and received his schooling, which is very limited, and came to Arkansas with his parents in 1850, where he has since resided. In 1870 he married Miss Mary J. Gardner, who was bom in Lawrence County, Ark., in 1847. She is the daughter of John H. R. and Susana Gardner, her father a Baptist minister, who came to Independence County in the early days. Mr. Shaver's family consists of six chil- dren, Julia M. , Edwin V., David L., James F., Lulu B. and an infant. The subject of this sketch served in the Confederate army as a cavalryman, fi'om 1862 till the close of the war, taking part in the Augusta fight. He was engaged in business in Fulton County previous to the war, and in 1867 opened a general store in Sharp County, where he has since been in business, carrying a valual)le stock of goods. He has about 700 hundred acres of land in Sharp County, 200 acres under cultiva- tion; 300 acres in Independence County, and eighty acres in Lawrence County. Politically, he is a Democrat, having cast his first presidential vote for Breckinridge. Tliomas C. Sims, a prominent farmer and sttx-k raiser of Sullivan Township, was horn in Ruther- ford County, Tenn.. in 1832. His parents were the Hon. Leonard H. and Louisa (Beatty) Sims, born in North Carolina in 1807, and Virginia in 1808, respectively, and were united in marriage in Rutherford County. Tenn. In 1839 the parents >» y 754 HISTOKY OF AEKANSAS. removed to a point near Springfield, Mo., but in 1847 returned to Tennessee, and in 1859 they came to Independence County, Ark., where the father died in 188(3, and the mother in Tennessee the fol- lowing year. The elder Sims was at one time one of the most brilliant politicians in Tennessee. He twice represented Rutherford County in the legis- lature, and from 1842 to 1845 or 1846, represented Greene County, Mo., in the State legislature. During the Polk administration be was a member of the National Congress from Missouri (at large), and in 1860 was elected to represent Independence and Stone Counties in the State senate. He was again elected in 1874 for the long term of four years, and his oratory while a member of that body was noted for its eloquence. He was a man of su- perior abilities, a close observer of men and events, and a shrewd politician, and never suffered defeat in a political contest. When a member of the senate he served on the committee on Federal returns, and was one of the ablest men of that body, and was also an ardent advocate for the pay- ment in full of the State debt. During his first term in the Arkansas State senate he delivered the memorial address on the late Senator Lusburrow, who was the senator from Pulaski County during that session, but had recently committed suicide while the senate was in session. This was one of the most eloquent and able addresses ever heard in the senate chamber, and Mr. Sims was the recip- ient of many flattering compliments and consider- able praise on this occasion. He was also a promi- nent member of the A. F. & A. M. , Curia Lodge, and of the Royal Arch Chapter. In politics he had been a Democrat all his life, and was a strong supporter of that party. Thomas C. Sims was the fourth child of seven sons and five daughters, and received a good common school and academic education. In 1854 he was married to Sarah J., daughter of Judge A. H. Nunn, and by this marriage has had ten children, of whom four sons and three daugh- ters are still living. In 1855 he moved to what is now Sharp County, and settled on a farm with but very little improvement, but since that time he has placed 145 acres under cultivation, owning alto- gether some 346 acres, besides a number of town lots in Hardy, and all the result of his own industry, business tact, and good management in farming and trading. He taught school for several years before and since the war, and, on the outbreak of hostilities between the North and South, he en- listed in Company G, of Col. Shaler's regiment, and served almost three years in the Confederate army, holding the rank of first lieutenant for two years. He fought in a number of battles in Mis- souri, Kansas, and portions of the Indian Territory, and was with Price on his raids through Missouri and Kansas. He was present during the snin>n- der at Jacksonport, in 1865, and returned home after the war was over. In politics, Mr. Sims has always been a Democrat, and was appointed post- master of Sullivan Springs for several years. He is a member of Evening Shade Lodge No. 143, A. F. & A. M., and, with his wife, has been a member of the Presbyterian Church for over thirty years. His grandfather, Swepson Sims, of North Carolina, resided in Rutherford County, Tenu., for about forty-five years, where he was a noted physi- cian in his day. His father was Leonard Sims, a Scotchman, who settled in North Carolina at a very early period. William Beatty, the grandfather of Thomas C. Sims, was a native of Virginia, and died in Rutherford County, Tenn. , where he had resided a great many years. Joseph Sims, the great- uncle of Thomas C. Sims, first settled at Welchmere, now known as Lebanon, Tenn. , and was the first man to cut down a tree in that place. Leonard H., the father of Thomas C. Sims, was a great hunter in his yoimger days, and a celelirated shot. His early experience with the Indians had given him a skill with the rifle that was marvelous, and to the present day many a tale may be heard of the great work done by him in the far West. James G. Sims, an enterprising and popular farmer, of Sharp County, was born in Greenes Covmty, Mo. , in 1841. He is a son of Hon. Leonard H. and Louisa (Beatty) Sims, of whom an extended sketch is given in the biography of T. C. Sims. When, in his seventh year, Mr. Sims removed with his 2>arents to Tennessee, where the}- resided until the year 1859, and then came to Independence County. He was reared on a farm, and received a ~^; ^ good common scbool oducatiou in his youth, and ' in early youth displayed the disposition and charac- ter of a man whose future life woiild V)e success- ful. He was imbued with the same traits of energy and force which characterized his illustrious father, and though not following directly in the footsteps of the elder Sims, he has made a path for himself that may serve as an example for many others. In ISfil, he joined Company K, of th(> First Ai'kansas Infantry, and served one year through Missouri, Ai'kansas, Kansas and the In- dian Nation, taking part in the battles at Wilson's Creek, Pea Ridge and others. The same comj)any soon after re-organized, with Mr. Sims a mem- ber of it, and took a leading part in the memorable l)attle of Shiloh. His next campaign extended through Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and Kentucky, and he took part in the liattle at Richmond ; on Kirby Smith's raid through Ken- tucky: afterwards at the battles of Chickamauga and Atlanta, and then returned with Hood to Ten- nessee, where he fought in the battles at Franklin and Nashville. Shortly after this campaign, he re- turned home and resiimed his farm work, and, in 18()7, was married 1^ Miranda, daughter of Perry and Margaret West, of Arkansas. Mrs. West died when her daughter was a child, and the father died in 187-4, in Sharp County. Mrs. Sims was born in Texas, and with her marriage to Mr. Sims, has had nine sons and one daughter. In 1808 they settled on their present farm, about four .miles northeast of Evening shade, where Mr. Sims owns 700 acres of land, and has about 200 acres imder cultivation. He is one of the leading farm- ers and citizens of Sharp County, and is held in high esteem by the entire community. In politics he is a Democrat, and was a member of the board of equalization of Sharp County. He was also a member of the Agricultural Wheel, and in 1888 was vice-president of the Sharp County Wheel. He also belongs to Evening Shade Lodge No. 143, A. F. & A. M. , and has been a member since 1874. John T. Sparks, a farmer of Strawberry Town- ship, Smitbville postoffice, Lawrence County, was born in Alabama, February 8. 1843. His father, John Sparks, was born in Alabama about ISI 1, and died there in 1847, and Sarah (Bowlou) Sparks, his mother, was bom in Georgia in 1815, dying in Lawrence County in 1.S87. The family consisted of eight children, three of whom are living: John, James L. and Isaac, all residing in Sharp County, our subject being the eldest. John T. was raised in Alabama till the age of eleven years, when he went to Tennessee with his parents, remaining there till he was eighteen years of age, when his mother and family removed to Lawrence County, Ark., living there a short time, and finally moving to where our subject now lives. He received his education in Arkansas, and, in 181)0, married Miss Susan Webb, who was born in Polk County, Mo. . in 1845, and died in 1871: she was the mother of two children, both living; Mary J. (wife of James Wheeler) and William N. In 1872 Mr. Sparks married Miss .\lvira Hill, who was born in Law- rence County, Ark., in 1850, the daughter of Daniel and Delia Hill, Mr. Hill being a native of "Virginia, and one of the early settlers of Lawrence County, where his wife was born. By this marriage there was a family of five children, three living: Ellen O., Causette and Edward B. In April, 1862. our subject enlisted in the Confederate army, serving under Capt. Huddleson until 1805: he was in aU the battles west of the IMississippi River, in the cavalry. At the close of the war he resumed farm- ing, and has also held the offices of constable of his township and justice of the peace four years. He is a Democrat, and he and his wife are memliers of the Missionary Baptist Church. Ashley Taylor, a prominent farmer of Rich- woods Township, is a son of J. Millidge and Hes- ter A. (Cravens) Taylor, of Missouri and Arkansas, respectively. J. Millidge Taylor moved to the State of Arkansas, with his parents, in 18Ut, and met the lady who became his wife in Lawrence County, where Ashley was born in 184(5. The elder Taylor was a son of J. \V. Taylor, one of the earliest settlers of Lawrence County, and died in 1852. his wife surviving him a good many years. They were the parents of ten chiliiicn, «f whom Ashley was the seventh, and four of them are still living: William W. and Millidge. residents of Texas; Mary, wife of John Saffell. and Ashley. 3 . V 756 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Ashley Taylor remained on the home place until the year 1863, when he joined the Confederate army, becoming a member of one of the Arkansas regiments, in which he did gallant service. On September 12, 1864, he was captured at Thomas- ville, Mo., and taken to the prison at St. Louis. From there he was changed to a prison at Alton, 111., but again returned to St. Louis, where, with five others, he was sentenced to be shot. The six men awaited their doom with the greatest fortitude, realizing that what was to be was according to the fortunes of war, but shortly before the hour set for the execution a kind Providence saved them from the fate they expected, and others were chosen instead to face the executioners. He was then returned to Alton, 111., and afterward to Rock Island, where he was held until June 22, 1865, and then released. On his return to Arkansas Mr. Taylor ran a carding machine at Evening Shade for several years, and finally commenced farming again, his occupation previous to the war. He was married in 1875. to Miss America E. Barnett, a daughter of James and Jane Barnett, of Sharp County, and by this marriage has had one son and four daughters. Mr. Taylor lost his wife on Sep- tember 21, 1887. He resided in Lawrence County until 1885, and then moved to Sharp County, but did not settle on his present place until 1887. The land comprises 200 acres, of which 1 20 acres are under cultivation, all of it being accumulated by Mr. Taylor himself. He is a Democrat in politics and a strong supporter of his party. Mr. Taylor is a member of Ash Flat Lodge No. 159, F. & A. M., and of Royal Arch Chapter No. 50. at Even- ing Shade. He is also a member of the Famous Life Association of Little Rock, his wife, during her life, being a member of the same association. S. Price Turner, one of the leading merchants of Ash Flat, was born in Dent County, Mo., in 1862. His parents were George \V. and Leon E. (Dougherty) Turner, both natives of Tennessee, who resided in Dent County, Mo. , bef,ore the war. The family moved to Baxter County, Ark. , in 1864, and from there to Izard County, and, in 1866, settled in Sharp County, coming to Ash Flat one year later. The father entered into com- mercial life on his arrival, and was a successful business man up to the time of his death, in Janu- ary, 1885, being one of the most prominent mer- chants and leaders in mercantile affairs in that place. He was an officer in the Confederate army, and served through the war with great distinction, and was also a member of the A. F. & A. M. , and Knights and Ladies of Honor. His start in Ash Flat was, similar to that of other self-made men, on almost nothing, but, being a man of energetic and determined spirit, he made a success where many others would have made a failure, and, at the time of his death, left a considerable fortune. Mr. Turner and his wife were both members of the Christian Church, and Mrs. Turner still survives her husband, at the age of fifty- four years. She is a daughter of Sakiah Dougherty, a brave officer, who met death at the battle of Wilson's Creek, in 1861. S. Price Turner has resided in Ash Flat ever since five years old, with the exception of one year at Fayetteville. He attended the State Uni- versity in his youth, and at the age of eighteen was taken into partnership with his father, and re- mained with him until the elder Turner's death, when he succeeded to the business. He has car- ried on the business in the same enterprising man- ner that characterized the father, and has upheld the reputation made by the elder Turner. Mr. Turner, in connection with other members of his family, owns over 1,200 acres of land in Sharp County, besides considerable real estate in Ash Flat, and in the State of California. He was mar- ried, February 19, 1885, to Miss Fannie David- son, a daughter of Dr. Benjamin H. and Atella J. Davidson, both deceased, the former being one of ! the leading physicians of this county during his life. Mr. Turner and his wife are the parents of one son and two daughters, and they comprise one of the most interesting and happie.st families in Ash Flat. In politics he is a Democrat, and in I 1884 cast his vote for Cleveland. He is also a mem- ber of Ash Flat Lodge No. 159, A. F. & A. M., and was senior warden for two terms. Royal Arch j Chaj)ter, Evening Shade, claims him as a mem- ber, as do the Knights and Ladies of Honor. 1 Anderson Huston Vance, farmer and justice of V B .F. Jones Frenchmans Bayou. Mississippi County, Arkansas. 9 W the peace, of Washington Township, was liorn in AlHl)ania, November 15, 1837. His parents were William and Sarah (Hudson) Vance. William was born in North Carolina about 1776, and died in March, 1866, in Sharp County, Ark., when about eighty-six years of age. Ho emigrated from North Carolina to Tennessee in an early day, with his parents (who were born in Ireland), and from Ten- nessee to Arkansas, in 184S, and located live miles south of where the county seat now is. He was a farmer. His wife died in October, 1858. in Sharp County. She was the mother of fourteen children, all of whom grew to maturity, only four of whom are now living: Nancy Clark, Claring Norman, Anderson H. and Mai'y A. Shirley. All but Mary reside in Sharp County, and she in Independence County. The subject of this sketch, the eleventh child, was raised in Sharp County, where he re- ceived his limited education. In 1859 he married Miss Margaret C. Johnson, who was born in East Tennessee, September '2, 1840, and died June 26, 1878. She was the mother of three children, one of whom is living, William Huston. December 3, 1888, he married Sarah J. (Hardester) Douglas, a widow, who was born in Independence County, in 1851. Mr. Vance was in Evening Shade before the town was thought of. In June, 1862, he en- listed in the Confederate army. Company F, under Col. Bob Shaver, serving four years, and partici- pating in the battles of Pleasant Hill (La.) and Jenkins' Ferry (Ark. ). He is, and has been since 1867, a member of the Masonic order, and once represented his lodge in th(^ grand lodge. In 1874 he was elected justice of the peace of Wash- ington Township, and s(>rved eight successive years, and was again elected to the same oflBce in 1888, and is now serving his fifth term. He is a Demo- crat in jiolitics. He has 174 acres of land, and cultivates seventy-five acres of it. He and his first wife were members of the Missionary Baptist Church, his present wife being a memlier of the Melhodist Ejjiseopal Church, South. Samuel J. Walker, general merchant and stock dealer, was born in Stewart County, Tenn., in 1821). His parents were John and Susan (Thomas) Walker, the former born in Virginia in 1804, and the latter in Tennessee in 1806. The parents were married in Stewart County, where they resided until the year 1852, and then moved to what is now Sharp County, and lived there until the time of their death. John Walker's father was Samuel Walker, who was born in Ireland and fought in some of the early wars of this country. He was a blacksmith and woodworker by trade, and moved to Tennessee when John was a boy, where the latter grew to manhood and was married. Samuel J. is the fourth child of a family of eight sons and four daughters. He moved to Shaqi County, Ark., with his parents, and was married in that place to Miss Elizalieth Baker, a daughter of Newton and HaiTiet Baker, of Sharp County. Mr. Walker lost his wife in 1874, after a happy married life, and also a son. His second wife was Mrs. Mary Dun- can, a widow lady, and a daughter of Ephraim and Olive Perkins, of Missouri, and by this maiTiage he has three children: Minnie J., Maudee and Sam- uel. With the exception of one year's residence in Randolph County, Mr. Walker has lived on his present place ever since his arrival in .\rkansas. He then liad only two acres of land under cultiva- tion, which he had fenced in a very primitive man- ner, but has increased the number U) 300 acres under cultiv.ation, and owns about 1,5(10 acres alto- gether. He is also an extensive dealer in stock, merchandise and general trading, and is one of the most successful and energetic men in Sharp (bounty. Mr. Walker has secured all of his prosperity by his own efforts since the war. Before that event he had considerable real estate and farms, but lost everything, and after peace had been declared he started in life without a dollar. He served three years in the Confederate army, and was a nien]bt>r of AVood's battalion, on Gen. Price's staff. After two years' service he was discharged ou account of disalnlity, and sis months later re enlisted in Col. Love's regiment as a private, where he remained until the close of the war. Few men served their country better than Mr. \\'alker diil, whilf lighting for the Confederacy. He took part in a great many engagements, and was with Price on his iiiein- orable raids through Missouri. At home he was captured by the enemy and taken prisoner in the (T ^ a k^ 758 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. fall of 1863, and was held about two months at Pilot Knob, afterward taking the oath of allegiance. Later ou he was forced into the service again, and surrendered at Jacksonport. In politics, Mr. Wal- ker was a Whig, and cast bis first vote for Scott, in 1852, but since the war he has become a true Democrat. He has been a meiujaer of the A. F. & A. M. (now belonging to Wilson Lodge No. 132, at Hardy), for twenty years, and has in that time helped to organize two lodges, also holding all of the principal offices. He is also a member of the Knights & Ladies of Honor, and the Famous Life Association at Little Rock, having belonged to the latter for five years. Mrs. Walker is also a mem- ber of the same association. Mr. Walker is a gen- tleman of great popularity in this locality, and is also counted as one of its wealthiest men. He is full of energy and life in all enterprises, and Sharp County has in him a citizen of whom she may feel proud. David D. Walker, a retired farmer, residing in Hardy Village, was born in Stewart County, Tenn. , November 16, 184:4, but came to Sharp County with his parents, who were among the early set- tlers, iu tlie winter of 1852. His father, John Walker, died in Sharp County, and his mother, Susan (Thomas) Walker, died in the same county in 1874. Of a family of twelve children our sub- ject and ii brother are the only living members, David being the eleventh. He was raised in Sharp County, but his education was very limited, he having had no opportunity of going to school. In 1866 David married Miss Permelia Webb, who was born in Tennessee, in 1844, the daughter of Thomas J. and Batharba Webb. Mr. Webb was born in Arkansas and his wife in Tennessee, both having died iu Arkansas. Mr. Walker's fam- ily has consisted of eight children (two of whom are living): Sarah H. (deceased), Susan M. (de- ceased), Mary E. (deceased), Samuel J. (deceased), Lucy Ann, John W. (deceased), Margie E. (de- ceased) and Newton R. Mr. Walker has about 300 acres of land in Hardy Township, some 200 being under cultivation. In 1864 he enlisted in Capt. Adams' company, in the Confederate army, and served till the close of the war, participating in the battles of Martin' s Creek and Dardanelle. He is a member of Wilson Lodge No. 132, A. F. & A. M., at Hardy, and is a Democrat in politics, having cast his first presidential vote for Seymour and Blair. He and his wife are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Joshua Wann, county and circuit court clerk of Sharp County, was born in Jackson County, Ala. , in 1836. His parents were the Hon. Joshua and Lydia (Collins) Wann, born in North Carolina iu 1796, and Virginia in 1800, respectively, who emi- grated to Kentucky with their parents, and were there married. They afterward moved to Tennes- see, and from there to Alabama, where young Joshua was born, and then came to what is now Sharp County, Ark., where the father died shortly after their arrival. The mother was a Missionary Baptist, and died in that faith in the year 1879. She was a daughter of Thomas Collins, a native of Virginia and of English descent. The elder Wann commanded a company of soldiers during the re- moval of the Indian tribes from Alabama and Georgia in the earlier days, and later in life whs a representative from Jackson County, Ala., wheu the capital was situated at Tuscaloosa. He held the office of assessor and collector of that county for several years, and was a member of the A. F. & A. M. in good standing. He was in the battle of New Orleans, in the War of 1812, and died in Jackson County, Ala., before young Jo.shua was born. Joshua Wann is the seventh child of four sons and six daughters. One of his uncles, Will- iam Wann, was at one time a member of the Ten- nessee legislature, and died in Lawrence County, Mo. His brother, Landen A. , fought in the Mex- ican War, and died at Tampico during the cam paign. Joshua Wann received his education at the common schools, and early in life, the fathei- being deceased as well as the elder brothers, the support of the family devolved upon him. In 1860 he was married to Miss Zilpha J. , daughter of Dr. Burwell and Edith Dawson, of North Caro- lina. Dr. Dawson located in Independence County, Ark., about the year 1857, and wrote for his family to join him there, but upon their arrival they found that death had been before them, and the husband 5) 'k SHARP COUNTY. 750 and father had passed away. Mrs. Dawson sur- vived her husband until after the war, and died in Sharp County. Mr. and Mrs. Wann have one daughter, Laura A., wife*of (i. S. Jernigan. The family resided on a farm in Scott Township until 18S6, when Mr. Wann was elected to his present office, and then removed to Evening Shade. He was re elected in 1888, and has filled the office in a highly creditable manner. He gave three years' service to the Confederate cause, and held the rank of captain of Company B, Thirty-lifth Arkansas Infantry, for three years, performing heroic work in Texas, Louisiana and Missouri. He was at the battles of Prairie Grove, Little Rock, Saline River, Jenkins' Ferry, and many others, and later on joined Gen. Price's army, and commanded a com- pany of cavalry in Col. M. D. Baber's regiment. He was present in all the raids through Missouri and Kansas, and was actively engaged until the sur- render at Jacksonport, in 1805. In politics, Mr. Wann has been a Democrat all his life; in 1874-75 he represented Sharp County in the legislature, and was present during the first session after the adoption of the new constitution. He is a charter member of Reed's Creek Lodge, A. F. & A. M,, and has been master, warden and secretary. He also belongs to the Knights and Ladies of Honor and Eastern Star at Evening Shade. Mrs. Wann has been a member of the Mission.irv Baptist Church since her youth, and is a devout Christian. Mr. W'ann's success has been due entirely to his own shrewdness and ability, and he is one of the most popular and influential citizens of Sharp Coimty. He has an interest in a small farm in Scott Township, and is an enterprising and pro- gressive man. Capt. John M. Wasson, a prominent citizen of Sharp County, Ark. , is the oldest of a family of six children, and was born in Lawrence County, Tenu., in 1835. He is a son of William Lee and Jane (Matthews) Wasson, born in 1810 and 1813, re- spectively, in the State of Tennessee, where they resided until 1841 and then moved to Searcy County, Ark. , but soon afterward came to Lawrence County, Ark. The elder Wasson was one of the pioneers of that section, and settled on a large farm, which he made one of the most successful in Lawrence County, and in connection with which he ran a blacksmith shop until his death, in LSf57. His father, John Wasson, of Scotch Irish descent, died in Lawrence County, Tenn. Capt. Wasson's grandfather, Thomas Matthews, was a successful farmer during his life, and is also buried in Law- rence County, Tenn. The Captain received a "log cabin" education in his youth, and studied one term in Smithville. Upon reaching his ma- turity he was offered a position in one of the firms at Smithville, and remained with them for several years, afterward going into partnership in the grocery business at Evening Shade with L. S. Bobo, under the firm name of Wasson & Bobo. In the fall of 1861 he enlisted in Company B, of the Twenty-first Arkansas Infantry, and commanded that company as captain until the fall of Vicksburg, where he was captured and paroled and then came home. He was again captured at home in 1863 and imprisoned for a short time at St. Louis, and from there taken to Camp Chase, Ohio, and then again transferred to Johnson's Island. Ohio, where he was held until May, ISf)."), and then pa- roled and returned to his home. Altogether he was kept a prisoner for one year and a half, and soon after his release he surrendered in June. 18(»5, at Jacksonport. Capt. Wasson fought well for the cause he undertook, and received many words of praise for his gallant actions during tue war. His operations extended through Arkansas, Alabama and Mississippi, and he took part in the battles at Corinth, Baker's Creek, Black River, siege of Vicks- burg and many others. While at the lirstuamed battle he received a gunshot wound in the right leg and left arm, and in his career through the war had many thrilling escapes from death. In ISfid he was married to Amanda, a dauglifei' of Williniu and Frances French, liorn in Bowling (J reen, K\.. in 1820 and 1824, respectively, who immediately after their marriage moved to Arkansas and settled in Lawrence County, where the father died wiien Mrs. Wasson was a little girl. The mother was afterward married to Col. James H. McCaleb, who died in May, 1885. Mrs. Wasson wa.s born in that portion of Lawrence County which is now 760 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Sharp County, and is the mother of nine children, of whom seven are living. After the war Capt. Wasson entered into commeroial life at Evening Shade, but finding that farm life was more eon- genial, he carried on that buKiness, and at present has a fine farm, consisting of seventy- tive acres under cultivation, about eight miles north- west of Evening Shade. In 1876 he was elected clerk of Sharp County and served two years, and was again elected in 1880, filling the office with credit. He has been a Democrat in politics all his life, and is a member of the Masonic order at Evening Shade, also belonging to the Knights of Honor at the same place. Mr. and Mrs. Wasson, both, have been members of the Christian Church in good standing for several years. Allen Weaver, one of the first settlers of North Township, resides at what is known as Indian Camp Spring, located near Martin's Creek. His great-grandfather, William Weaver's father, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and fought by the side of Gen. Washington. The grandfather was also William Weaver. His wife was Kesiah W^eaver, who died in Tennessee at an advanced old age. The father of our siibject, James Weaver, was born in 1812, in North Carolina, but came to Tennessee with his parents when two years old. He was there married to Jane Whitted, in 1836. She was a native of North Carolina, and died Jan- uary 29, 1875, in Sharp County. In 1851 James Weaver came to Polk County, Mo. : in 1852 went to Crawford County; the next year to Oregon, and in 1857 to where our subject now lives, where he died June 18, 1889. On coming to this place he piirchased from the government 240 acres of land, at 12 J cents per acre; there are now eighty acres under fence. The subject of this sketch is the onlv child of James and Jane Weaver, with whom he resided until their deaths. His education was limited, and mostly received at home. September 7, 1865, he married Miss Josephine Hollinay, of Knox County, Tenn., born in 1840, a daughter of Zachariah and Eliza Hollinay, her father born in North Carolina, and her mother in Tennessee. Mr. Allan Weaver's family consists of six living chil- dren, two having died: Eliza J. (deceased), born September 15, 1866; William A., born September 7, 1867; Margaret E., born October 3. 1862 (de ceased); Joseph L., born .4.ugust 15. 1870; Delila D., born March 21, 1873; Joseph N. , born April 14, 1876; John W., bom December 12, 1877, and Orlean S. , born November 26. 1881. died Novem- ber 28, 1883. Mr. Weaver enlisted, on the 12th of September, 1863, on the Federal side, in Com- I^any D, Tennessee Regiment of Light Artilleiy, and was discharged July 20, 1865, at Nashville. He was in the battle of Nashville, and numerous skirmishes. September 2, 1878, he was elected justice of the peace for North Township, and re- elected in 1880 for another term, having been an able and efficient officer. In politics he is a Re- publican, but was formerly a Democrat. He owns 200 acres of land, having given forty to his sou, William, who was recently married. Winsted post- olfice was established at Mr. Weaver's house July 1, 1888, he being appointed postmaster. When he first located here the nearest postoffice was ten miles on Martin's Creek, called Red Bank, and his nearest neighbor two miles away. He and his wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. On this farm are traces of an ancient silver mine, supposed to have been worked by the Spaniards. J. M. Williams, proprietor and owner of Even- ing Shade carding factory and saw and corn-mills, was born in Sharp County, in 1858. His parents were John W. and Margaret (^\■orley) Williams, of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively, who were married in Tennessee, and came to what is now Sharj) County, about the year 1854. where they resided until the demise of the father, in 1871, and his wife, in 1888. Both were members of the Baptist faith for many years. The elder Williams fought in the Confederate army almost from the beginning to the end of the war, and had many a nari'ow escape from both death and the enemy, although on one occasion he was severely wounded, and at another time was captured. He was a son of Joseph Williams, of North Carolina; he was a member of the A. F. & A. M. , Evening Shade Lodge. Michael Worley Deitch, the grand- father of J. M. Williams, died in Tennessee, and was a well known resident of that State. J. M. ^' Williams is the fourth son of three sons and five (lauf^hters. and did not receive much cdncation, owing to limited school facilities. He began farming for himself at the age of twenty years, and continued in that occupation for three vears. He then turned his attention to milling, a business for which he seems to be especially adapted, and has remained at it ever since. In August, 1879, he was married to Sarah, daughter of Lewis Graddy, but lost his wife in 18S4, and by this marriage had two childi-en, one of them, a daugh- ter, still living. In 1886 he was married to Mat- tie, daughter of John W. and Emma Bristow, natives of Boone County, Ark., who moved to Sharp County after the war, where Mrs. Bristow died. Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Williams, of whom one daughter is still living. Mr. Williams is a member of the A. F. & A. M. (Evening Shade Lodge), and has been junior deacon for two years, and is also a member of the Order of Eastern Star. He is one of the most enterpris- ing and popular citizens of Sharp County, and a man who takes every opportunitj- to make that county one of the most progressive in Arkansas. Samuel Yates, farmer, of Union Township, six miles north of Martin's Creek postoffice, was born in East Tennessee, July 24, 1830; son of Nathaniel and Margaret (Davie) Yates, both natives of Ten- nessee, born in 1803 and 1805, respectively, where they each died. Nathaniel Yates was a soldier in the Revolutionary AVai\ Our subject was the fourth of a family of seven children, live of whom are now living. He was raised in Tennessee, receiving his education in the common schools. In 1853 he married Miss Jane Davis, born in Ten- nessee in 1829, the daughter of Benjamin and Eleanor Davis, who both died in Tennessee. Mrs. Davis is the mother of eight children, all liv- ing: Eleandora (wife of C. C. Heaves), Mary M. (wife of Robert Wood), Nancy C. (wife of Broad- foot Wells), John, William (in Texas), Thomas A., Benjamin N. and John S. In 1871 Samuel Yates came to Independence County, Ark., re- sided there till 1881, when he removed to Sharp Coiinty, where he now lives. He has 160 acres of land, about fifty of which arc under cultivation. He is now serving his third term as justice of the peace of riiioii Township, and gives good satis faction. He is a Democrat in politics. 'S\v» Yates is a member of the Baptist Church. Lemuel A. Yeagor, a well known and j)ri)iiiiiient farmer of Piuey Fork Township, was born in White County, Tenn., in 1.S27. He is a son of Solomon and Nancy (Dearing) Yeager, born in East Tennessee and South Carolina, respectively, and married in White County, Tenn., where they resided until the year 1850, and then moved to what is now Sharp County. Ark., the father dying there in December, 188(5, and the mother several years previous, both of them being members of the Baptist faith. The elder Yeager was a farmer, and for twelve years justice of the peace in \\'hite County, Tenn. He was afterward elected county and probate judge of Lawrence County, for two years, and for six years in the same capacity at Sharp County. He was a son of Solomon Yeager. of Virginia, who fought in the Revolution, and whose parents came originally from Germany to this country. Lemuel A. Yeager' s grandfather, John W. Dearing, was a South Carolinian, who lived many years in White Coimty, Tenn., and died in the northern part of Missouri. Lemuel was the second child of two sons and one daughter, and received a good common school edtication in his youth. He was married, in 1840, to Louisa, daughter of John and Elizabeth Hobinsou. of Virginia and North Carolina, respectively, who resided in White County, Tenn., when Mrs. Y^eager was born. Nine children were the results of this marriage, of whom eight are still living. In 1850 Mr. Yeager and his family moved to what is now Sharp County, Ark., and, in 18(')1, settled on the farm where he now resides. The land was but very little improved at that period, and covered with timber, but since then he has cleared sixty acres, and put them under cultivation, and owns altogether about 240 acres. In ISOS he was elected sheriff of La\NTence County for four years, but when Sharp County was brought in he refused to move to Lawrence County, and resigned his office after one year's service. In politics, he was formerly a Whig, but is now a Republican. 762 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Iflff'lSt XXI¥. -^+-5- Lawkence County— Period of Settlement— The Mound Builders— Boundary of the County- Topography— Rivers OR Creeks— Timber, .Soil and Products— Minerals and Other Uesources— Live Stock— Taxables— Population— Railroads— Legal Matters- The Civil War— School Affairs— Church Strength— The County Created — Its Officers, Buildings and Seat of Justice — Political Statistics — 'J'owns and Villages — Personal Notices. On the overwork'd soil Of this planet enjoyment is sharpen'd by toil; And one seems, by the pain of ascending the height. To have conquered a claim of that wonderful sight. — Meredith. ^I^AWRENCE COUNTY had ,/^v its pioneer settlements along ^i'' the water courses, and the first location that can posi- tfe 'j ti vely be mentioned was that of 1812, though undoubt- edly previous ones were made. Prominent among the first settlers were the McKnights, Taylors, Finleys, Hillhouses, Richardsons, Ja- cob Fortenberry, John Spotts, Sam- uel Raney and the parents of Will- iam J. Hudson,* who settled on Straw- berry River; Col. William Stuart, John Richie, James Kuykendall, Hi- ram Darter, Isaac Morris and the Way lands, on Flat Creek; Ferguson Sloan, Booker Bennett, the Imbodens. Wyatts,the Wellses, John Hardin, James Couch, William B. Marshall, and a Mr. Berry, on Spring River. The latter was shot and killed at his plow by an unknown person soon after coming, and was among the first » The Hudsons settled in 1813. men murdered in the country. William B. Marshall was an early politician, and served twenty years in the legislature. Other early pioneers were the Thornburgs, near Smithville, G. W. Jackson, near Running Water, Col. John Miller, and Robert Smith, who sold goods at Davidsonville, when that was the countj' seat. There was a French settlement on the east side of Black River, at what is now Clover Bend, headed by Peter Lamew, a Frenchman, and the tract known as the Spanish Grant, on the same river, at Lauratown. was settled by Charles Logan and William Russell, assignees of John Baptiste Janis. to whom the grant was confirmed. Henson Ken- yon settled near this grant. John S. Fickliu, the original owner of the site at Powhatan, and also the Houghtons, Watsons, Capts. T. J. Warner, and John A. Lindsey were early residents near Black River. The eastern part of the county was settled later than the west- ern. All but one or two of those mentioned have passed away. The names of many others are well remembered. At first some suffering resulted from -7i: ' >r LAWRENCE COUNTY. 763 the want of bread, a few not bi'inn; able to obtain grain, while those wiio had it were obliged to pound it into meal with the pestle and mortar. As soon as grain could be had and mills were con- structed a new era of prosperity set in, for game and wild honey were abundant and easily obtained, and vegetables were grown without trouble. An anecdote is told concerning the appearance of the first steamboat that ascended Black River. Having received notice of its arrival, the early set- tlers — men, women and children — for miles around assembled on Sunday at the site of Powhatan, where it stopped at the landing. It was a great curiosity, for onlj- a few of the pioneers had ever seen such an invention. After viewing it for a time from the banks, many of them boarded it. Presently the engineer let off some steam, which so frightened the "natives'" that all ran, a few jumping into the water and making for the shore, while others, upon reaching land, hid in the brush. The boats now pass daily, but excite no wonder or astonishment. Before the present transporta- tion facilities peltry was shipped to Arkansas Post, on "flats.'' Ancient mounds have been discovered on the bottom lands on the Spanish Grant, at Lauratown, on the east side of Black River, and on adjacent lands, and also in the same locality on the west side of the river. Other smaller mounds have been fotmd on the bottom lands of Cooper's Creek, near Smithville. A few of the former have been opened, revealing the presence of pottery, lead, copper images, Indian arrow-heads, etc. The paint on a portion of the pottery is well preserved. Lawrence County, situated in Northeast Arkan- sas, is bounded north by Sharp, Randolph and Greene Counties, east by Greene and Craighead, south Ijy Craighead, Jackson and Independence, and west by Sharp County, and contains an area of some 582 square miles, of which only al)Out one- sixth is improved. Its boundary lines are as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of Township 18 north. Range 3 west; thence east to the northeast corner; thence south to the middle of Spring River: thence down the middle of Spring River with its meanders to Black River; thence up the middle of Black River to its first crossing, from the north, of the line di- viding Townships 17 and 18; thence east on the township line to the middle of Cache River, in Range 3 east; thence down t\w middle of Cache River to the lines dividing Townships 14 and 15 north; thence west on the township line to the line dividing Ranges 3 and 4 west; thence north on the range line to the place of beginning. The fifth principal meridian of the public land surveys passes through the county a little east of the center. Cache River crosses the line between Townships 17 and 18 north, on the northern boundary of Sec- tion 3, Township 17, Range 3 east, and flows thence in a southwesterly direction on the county's eastern boundary to its southeast corner, at or near the southeast corner of Section 33, Township 15 north, Range 2 east. Village Creek enters from the north in Range 2 east, and flows in a southwesterly di- rection, passing out in Range 1 west. Running Water Creek enters the county from the north in Range 1 east, and flows in a southwesterly course through Range 2 west. Black River, a large and beautiful stream — navigable for boats at all sea- sons of the year — miikes its appearance fi-om the north in the eastern [)art of Range 1 west, and pro- ceeds in the same general direction as the streams above named, flowing out in the western part of Range 2 west. Spring River enters from the north, about two miles east of the north we.st corner of tile county, and flows in an eastern and southeastern direction to its confluence with Black River at the center of Section 15, Township 17 north. Range 1 west. So far as it flows through Ranges 1 and 2 west, it forms the boundary between Lawrence and Randol[)h Counties. Strawberry River enters near the middle of the western boundary line, and flows southeasterly and empties into Black River a short distance below the southern boundary of the county. These streams and their tributaries famish ex- cellent drainage. The valley or bottom lands of Black River, ex tending through the county a little west of the center, vary in width from three to seven miles. These lauds are [)artially subject to overflow early in the spring, about once in three years, but the t' J^l 764 HISTOET OF ARKANSAS. water always subsides in time for the raising of crops. East of this valley the land is compara- tively low and level, with alternate ridges or slight elevations between the streams. Buncom Ridge lies between Black River Valley and Run- ning Water Creek, and extends from the north- ern boundary of the county south to the line be- tween Townships 15 and 16 north. Bramlett's Ridge extends between Running Water and Vil- lage Creeks. The western line of Black River Valley is bordered with a bluil, averaging about fifty feet high. This bluff extends from near the northern boundary close to Spring and Black Riv- ers down to Powhatan, then bears to the west- ward and widens out the valley. The rock forma- tion crops out along it from its northern extent to a point several miles below Powhatan. West of this bhifP are the table lands, becoming higher as they increase in distance from the river. These are traversed with the valleys of the smaller streams. Iron, lead and zinc abound in this sec- tion, and have been mined to a limited extent, but no mining is now being done. Numerous springs abound in that portion of country lying west of Black River Valley, and on the table-lands well water can be obtained at a depth of from forty to eighty feet. East of Black River Valley water is found at a depth of from fifteen to twenty-live feet, and in all parts of the county good cisterns can be constructed with but little expense. The timber of the territory east of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad con- sists principally of post, white and willow oak, with red oak interspersed. On Bramlett's Ridge white and red oak, walnut, and sweet gum are the most numerous. On Buncom Ridge white oak and sweet gum prevail, with some black oak and walnut interspersed. On Black River Valley the principal growth is black and red oak, sweet gum, elm, sycamore, cypress and tupelo. In the west- ern part, on the table-lands, several varieties of oak and black hickory are found, but of much lighter growth than elsewhere in the county. Many kinds of lesser value grow in all parts. Ex- cellent saw and rail timber abounds in abundance. A great variety of soils is peculiar to the coun- ty, and nearly all is of good quality. None can be found that does not produce well, with proper cultivation. The soil of the valleys is mostly al- luvial, and on the uplands is composed of vegeta- ble mold, clay and sand, well adapted to the growing of Indian corn, oats, wheat, cotton, the tame grasses, clover, and all kinds of vegetables. Fruits common in this latitude, especially peaches, do well here. But little attention has as yet been devoted to horticulture. A few individuals have turned their attention to growing peaches for the market, with excellent success. Lumbering and farming constitute the principal resources of the county at present. The former is a great industry, and the supply of timber is suffi- ciently abundant to last for many years. There are twenty-three saw-mills, about twenty shingle- mills, two spoke factories and three stave factories in full operation, giving evidence of progress and growth and advancing prosperity. Many hands are employed in these mills, and the lumbering business has become extensive. In 1880, according to the census, there were 1,250 farms within the county, with 46,808 acres of improved lands, fiom which the vegetable pro- ductions for the year 1879 aggregated: Indian corn, 522,720 bushels; oats, 40,851 bushels; wheat, 18,662 bushels; hay, 414 tons; cotton, j 6,480 bales; Irish potatoes, 3,809 bushels; sweet potatoes, 3,145 bushels; tobacco, 4,600 pounds. These figures show that corn and cotton were then, as now, the staple products. There are about twenty five cotton-gins, but only a few gi-ist mills here. Watermelons are extensively raised and shipped to Northern markets. The census of 1880 also shows the presence of 2,574 horses; 1,008 mules and asses; 9,670 head of neat cattle; 4,336 sheep, and 30,515 hogs. By the assessment rolls of 1888 there were then within the county 2,860 horses; 1,395 mules and I asses; 14,113 head of neat cattle; 4,396 sheep, and 18,131 hogs. I The real estate asssessment in 1880 was $631, i 079, and of personal property $442,577, making I $1,073,650, as the total assessed value of taxable I property, on which total taxes charged amounted ^; to |2(», 141.00. lu 1888 the roiil estate, iacluding the railroads, was assessed at $1,671,839, and the personal property at $948,628, a total of $2,620, - 467, and the total amount of taxes charged was $41,478.62. These figures show that since 1880, the taxable property has considerably more than doubled, while the taxes have but little more than doubled. The county has good public buildings, is entirely out of debt, and its scrip is worth a hundred cents on the dollar. The railroads, which now constitute a considerable portion of its taxa- ble wealth, were assessed in 1888 as follows: St. Loais, Iron Mountain & Southern. .1278.140.00 Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis 252,763.00 Total 530,903.00 The county's rapid growth as shown by these statistics, its vast resources, the great facilities for the development of agriculture, horticulture, and especially stock raising, where stock lives through the year on the grasses and mast of the forest without shelter; and where the climate is mild and not subject to the extremes of heat and cold; where churches and schools abound; and the shipping facilities, both by rail and water, are excellent, and the people are kind, moral and sociable, ought to be sufficient inducements to turn the tide of emi- gration to this country, instead of toward the cold region of the West and Northwest — to Oklahoma or elsewhere. Here the industrious cannot fail to prosper. The population of Lawrence County iu 1870, after it was reduced to its present limits, was 5, 735 white and 246 colored, a total of 7,981. In 1880 it was 8,815 white and 467 colored, a total of 8,782. There is no manner of truly ascertaining the exact present population, but the census takers of 1890 will certainly find a wonderful increase over that of 1880. The St. Louis. Iron Mountain & Southern Rail- road enters the county from the north, in the east- ern part of Range 2 east, and runs in a south- westerly direction, by way of Walnut Ridge, Hoxie and Minturn, passing out near the middle of Range 1 west. Its length, within 'these boundaries, is twenty three miles. The Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Railroad enters about four miles east of the northwest corner, and runs in a southeast- erly direction, by way of Ravenden, Imboden, Black Rock, Portia, Hoxie and Sedgwick. Its length, within the county, is thirty-one miles, mak ing a total of fifty-four miles of railroad through this immediate section. The first term of the circuit court was held, as provided in the act creating the county, at the bouse of Solomon Hewit, on Spring River, and the next session convened " at the new house of Rich- ard Murphy, Esq., in Spring River Township." After that it was held at Davidsonville, the place selected for the seat of justice. This court, aside from the juri.sdiction usually held by circuit courts, exercised jurisdiction over all county and probate business until 1829, when the county court was organized. The terms of the circuit court now convene at Powhatan in March and August, and at W^alnut Ridge in March and September of each year. The county court was created tmder the Terri- torial laws, in 1829, its first session having been held in April, 1830. It then consisted of a judge and .several justices of the peace as associates, and remained thus composed until after 1836, when the State was admitted into the Union. It then comprised a judge and two associates, until 1873, when a board of commissioners constituted the court. During all of this period, after 1836, the county court judge, presiding alone, held the pro- bate court. Since the adoption of the constitution of 1874, the county court has consisted of a single judge, and he, by virtue of his office, is judge of the probate court. The terms of the former are held at Powhatan for the entire county, beginning on the first Monday of January, April, July and October, of each year, and of the probate court for the Western district at Powhatan on the second Mondays of the same months, and for the Easti-rn district, at Walnut Ridge, on the third Moudiiys of the same months. The resident attorneys constituting the legal bar of Lawrence County, are M. D. Ruber, R. P Mack, Charles C. Rogers, John K. Gibson. Z. M. Cypert and Charles Coffin. The latter two live at Walnut Ridge, and the others at Powhatan. 766 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. There have been a few legal and some illegal executions of criminals within the territory. Dur- ing the early days of its existence, as originally constituted, when courts and officers were few, the old settlers often took the administration of justice into their own hands, and for murder, raj^e, arson and horse stealing, usually selected certain ones to run down the perpetrators, who, when caught, were brought back and hung without the use of a court or jury. For lesser crimes offenders were tied, stripped and flogged. Hanging and flogging thus constituted the only modes of punishment in- flicted by Judge Lynch and his associates. This manner of acknowledging crime ceased generally when the Territory was divided into several counties, and courts and oflScers became more numerous. However, only a few years ago, a mob composed of iudividuals outside of the county, forcibly took from the jail at Powhatan, a negro, incarcerated therein on a charge of committing rape, and hanged him. For capital crimes men have been legally tried and sent to the penitentiary for long terms, and a few, some half dozen, have been executed. Two of the latter, however, were tried in this county, on change of venue, from other counties. Society is now well regulated, and property and persons are preserved in safety. The people of Lawrence County were originally opposed to a separation of the States of the Fed- eral Union, but when actual war came they were found to be, with very few exceptions, in full sym- pathy with the Southern cause. A few of the ' ' old- line Whigs"' adhered to their Union sentiments throughout the struggle, and were saved by the efforts of their Southern, sympathizing neighbors from punishment at the hands of Confederate sol- diers. On the other hand, many adherents of the South were saved by Union citizens from punish- ment by Federal soldiers. Though opposed in sen- timent there was no quarrel or fighting among themselves. In 1860 this county, including all of what is now Sharp, and about tweuty-tive square miles afterward set off to Randolph, had a pop- ulation of 10,000. Out of this number of peo- ple not less than seventeen companies of soldiers were recruited and organized for and served in the Confederate army. After the Federal army obtained possession of the country, and toward the close of the war, a few individuals left here and joined it. The tir.st company organized in the county was that of Capt. Z. P. McAlexander, re- cruited in the spring of 1861. Among the captains and first commanders of other companies were the following named: Robert Jones, T. J. Warner, Dr. Andrew Balfour, William C. Sloan, W. G. Matheny, James H. Herndon, Dr. John R. Wells, Wiley Jones, James C. Holmes, Mr. Wann, James M. Phelps, Charles A. Stewart and John A. Lind- say, besides others. While the Federal army under Gen. Curtis had possession of this part of Arkansas, in the summer of 1862, a post was maintained about three months at Smithville. Meanwhile Confederate forces scoured the country, keejiing watch and reporting the movements of their enemies. Two slight skir- mishes, in which a few were killed and wounded, took place between the opposing forces within the county, one about four miles west of Smithville, and the other a mile and a half north of Powhat- an. No property was burned by either army, but both passed and re-passed, and camped here so constantly during the war period, that provisions were all consumed, and citizens left in a destitute and suffering condition. As was the case with nearly if not all the coun- ties mentioned in this work, the educational facilities of Lawrence County were very meager prior to the inauguration of the free school system. Statistics at hand show that, in 1881, the scholastic popula- tion consisted of 2.935 white, and 168 colored children, and that of these only 1,450, less than one-half, were taught in the public schools. There were then twenty- one male and five female teachers employed, and the amount expended for the sup- jiort of the schools for the year ending June 30, 1881, was $5,573.90. The report of the State siiperintendent of public instruction for the year ending June 30, 1888, shows that the scholastic population consisted of 3,950 white, and 303 col- ored children, and that of these 2,353 white, and 198 colored, much more than one-half, were taught in the public schools; that there were forty-four ^7 -^p LAWRENCE COUNTY. 7(57 male and eight female teachers employed, and that the amount expended for the support of the schools during the year was 115,319. Sfi. The same report shows that the average monthlj' salaries which were paid teachers were as follows : First grade — males, $42.20; females, $35.50. Second grade— males, $33.83; females, $30.18. Third grade-males, $32.54; females, none. A much better class of teachers than formerly are now being employed. The free school system has to a great extent out- grown the prejudice formerly existing against it, and it is now becoming popular, and is better and better sustained as the years go by. At this writ- ing there are fifty-two school districts, and fifty- five white and three colored schools within the county. The Methodists and Baptists organized the pio- neer Christian societies of the county, followed at a later date by other denominations. The Methodist E])iscopal Church, South, is now the strongest here, and its various organizations be- long to the Newport district of White River confer- ence, of which Rev. F. E. Taylor is presiding elder. Powhatan and Walnut Ridge constitute a station, with a membership of about 100, and of which Rev. G. W. Smith is the present pastor. Portia circuit has about eight appointments or preaching places, and a membership of nearly 135, with Rev. •J. H. Anderson as pastor, ^^'aluut Ridge circuit has several appointments in the eastern part of the county, and a membership of about 300. Smith - ville circuit has six appointments, and a member- ship of 496, with Rev. W. T. Ready as pa.stor. Hoxie mission includes Hoxie, Black Rock and other points, with a large, scattering membership, and with Rev, S. D. Evans as pastor. Of the Missionary Baptist Church there are the following church organizations: Pleasant Hill, on Strawberry River; Bethany, on Ridge Creek; New Hope, seven miles west of Powhatan; Clear Spring, on Stinnett's Creek; Pleasant Grove, in the Flat Woods near Spring River; Cross Roads, near Por- tia: Stranger's Home and two or three others. Some of them have a small and others a very large membershi]). Of the Free Will Baptist Church, three organ- izations are within the county — Mt. Zion ami Har mony, on Caney Creek, and Jerusalem, on Ridge Creek, with an average membership of alwut fifty each. Elders G. W. Hassell and C. L. Sneed are pastors. Lebanon Church, seven miles southwest of Powhatan, the oldest society of the Presbyterian Church here, was organized in 1852, by Rev. Sam- uel J. Baird. It has a very small membership. Powhatan was first organized in the year 1807. and in 1875 it was re-organized by Rev. Thomas U. Welch, of Little Rock. It has a membership of fourteen. Walnut Ridge Presbyterian Church was organized in 1870 or 1877, also by Rev. Welch. The present pastor is Rev. Isaac J. Long, of Bates- ville, president of Arkansas College, who preaches there twice a month. Black Rock Presltyterian Church was organized in December, 1888, by Rev. R. B. Willis, evangelist of Arkansas Presbytery, with seventeen original members. Rev. W. S. Baker, a licentiate, during his vacation from the '< Theological Seminary, is preaching at Powhatan, Black Rock and Lel)anon. Of the Christian denomination three organiza- tions are worthy of mention: New Prospect, on Steep Bank Creek, one at Opposition, and one at Portia. Nearly all the church organizations throughout this vicinity maintain Sunday-schools, having also regular preaching, and do good work in the moral vineyard. The settled portions of the county are well supplied with churches and schools. The county of Lawrence was organized in ac cordauce with an act of the legislature of the Ter- ritory of Missouri, approved January 15. 1815, by Gov. William Clark. It was named in honor of Capt. Lawrence, who distinguished him.self in the United States navy during the War of 1812-15. [ At this time the whole of what is now .Vrkansas was I a part of the Missouri Territory, and this county was carved out of the original subdivision known as New Madrid, and was de.soribed as follows: " Beginning at the mouth of Little Red River, on the line dividing said county [New Madrid] from the County of .Vrkansas; thence with said line to the River St. Francis; thence up the River St. A J 768 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Francis to the division liue between the counties of Cape Girardeau and New Madrid; thence with said last-mentioned line to the western boundary line of the Osage purchase; thence with the last- mentioned line to the northern boundary of the county of Arkansas; thence with the last-mentioned line to the place of beginning," By a careful study of the above it will be seen that Lawrence county originally comprised a large portion of Southeast Missouri and of Northeast Arkansas — enough territory to make a State. Since then, from time to time, other counties have been formed out of this, until it has been cut down to its pres- ent limits. By an act of the legislature, approved March 26, 1887, two judicial districts were formed, — the Eastern and the Western — with Black River as the dividing line between them; and Walnut Ridge was made the seat of justice for the Eastern district. The act creating the county provided that the first county court and circuit court to be holden for said county should be held at the house of Solo- mon Hewit, on Spring River. Later, at the Oc- tober term, 1815, Louis De Munn, William Robin- son, William Hix, Sr., Morris Moore, Solomon Hewit, Andrew Criswell and Isaac Kelley, commis- sioners appointed to select the permanent seat of justice for the county, or a majority of them, re- ported to the county court that they had fixed the permanent seat of justice on Big Black River, near the mouth of Spring River, and purchased the town site fi'om their several owners, for the sum of $255. Soon after a town was laid out on the site selected, and named Davidsonville. At this place the county seat remained until 1829, when it was removed to Jackson in what is now Randolph County. No vestige of Davidsonville at this time can be found. May 22, 1837, David Orr, Alexander Smith and William Thompson, commis- sioners previously appointed to select a new site for the seat of justice, reported that they had lo- cated the county seat on fifty acres of land in Sec- tion 33, Township 17 north, Range 8 west, donated, by James H. Benson tor the purpose. To this place, where a town was laid out and named Smith- ville, the county seat was immediately removed. and remained there until 1868, when, in accord- ance with the act of the legislature creating Sharp County, it was removed to Clover Bend, on Black River, six miles south of Powhatan. Afterward the question of removing the seat of justice to the town of Powhatan, was submitted to the voters of the county, at an election held November 15, 1869, on which occasion 207 votes were cast in favor of the removal, and only six against it. In accord- ance with this decision of the people, the records were taken to Powhatan, which became the final and permanent seat of justice. At all the former county seats, excepting Clover Bend, but ordinary public buildings were used. In 1873 the first court-house at Powhatan, a large two-story brick structure, with offices below and court-room above, was completed by Thornton & Jones, of Little Rock, at a cost of between $16,- 000 and $17,000. It was destroyed by fire in the month of March, 1885, supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. The records, however, which were in a vault that had been attached to the building after its original construction, were saved in good condition. The present court-house was constructed in 1888, by the contractors. Boon & McGinnis, at a cost, including the pay of the commissioner, J. P. Coffin, and the removal of the debris of the old building, of about $12,000. It stands on the site of the former building, and is a handsome modern two-story brick structure, on a ! rock foundation, with fine offices and fire-proof vaults below and the court and other rooms above. The jail, near the court-house, is a substantial stone house, containing iron cells. When the county was divided into judicial districts, a two-story frame court-house, with the clerk's office and two jury rooms on the first floor and the court-room on the second, was erected at Walnut Ridge, at the expense of the citizens of that district. The coun- ty offices authorized to be held there are managed by deputies. The following is a list of the county officers of Lawrence County as compiled from the report of the secretary of State, showing also the time served by each. Judges: James Campbell, 1829-32; T. S. Drew, 1832-33; Joha Hardin, 1833-40; J. G. Floyd, 1840-44; J. Ficklin, 1844-46; A. H. Nunn, 1846-50; Johu Milligiin, 1850-52; G. Mc- Gehey, 1852-56; W. G. Smith, 1856-58; George McGehey, 1858-60; G. S. Wainright, 1860-62; G. McGehey, 1862-64; Solomou Yeager, 1864-66; G. McGehey, 1866-68; Josiah Dent, 1868-72; com- missioners, 1872-74; J. N. Hillhouse, 1874-76; ■ David Wagster, 1876-78; Alex. Jackson, 1878-84; W. A. Townsend, 1884-86; David G. Smith, 1886-88; W. A. Towusend, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Glerks: Lewis DeMunn, 1815-19; R. Searcy, 1819-21; H. Sanford, 1821-25; R. Richardson, 1825-27; H. R. Hynson, 1827-29; D. W. Lowe, 1829-38; J. S. Brown, 1838-42; J. B. Wilmeth, 1842-46; A. Hammond, 1846-48; L. B. Toney, 1848-50; N. G. Steadman, 1850-53; J. N. Hill- house, 1853-58; Z. P. McAlexander, 1858-60; A. Lowe, 1860-64; H. W. Harlow, 1864-66; A. j Lowe, 1866-68; J. H. Snj^der, 1868-72; William McBride, 1872-73; J. P. Goffin, 1873-88; Glay Sloan, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Sheriffs: Joseph Hardin, 1819-25; J. M. Kuy- keudall, 1825-36. T. McGarroU, 1836-44; L. Toney, 1844-40; L. B. Poer, 1846-50; G. C. , Straughan, 1850-54: W. J. Hudson, 1854-56; T. G. Steadman, 1856-60; J. D. Wyatt, 1860-62; B. F. Matthews, 1862-66: J. H. W. Gampbell, 1866-68; J. B. Judkins, 1868-72; AV. G. Was- son, 1872-78; W. A. Townsend, 1878-80; John Darter, 1880-86; C. A. Stuart, present incumbent, i first elected in 1886. Treasurers: G. T. Stewart, 1836-40; J. B, Wilmeth, 1840-42; Henry King, 1842-44; F. B Wilmeth, 1844-46; G. G. Straughan, 1846-50 Edward Holt, 1850-56; James McGarroll, 1850-62 L. W. Robertson, 1862-64; E. Taylor, 1864-66 Edward Holt, 1866-68; Samuel Sharp, 1868-72 J. N. Gampbell, 1872-78; W. Ghilders, 1878-82 M. D. Hudson, 1882-88; J. N. Gampbell, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Surveyors: John Rodney, 1827-30; J. M. Cooper, 1830-35; N. W. Grawford, 1835-36; T. Johnson, 1836-38; John Kidd, 1838-40; L. B. Lang. 1840-42; G. Durham, 1842-46; T. John- son. 1846-52; J. T. Perkins. 1852-54; T. John son, 1854-56; Alfred Gay, 1856-60; J. Pattun, 1860-62; T. Johnson, 1802-64; Alfred Gay, 1864-66; T. B. Goforth, 1866-68; H. L. Roberts, 1868-71; J. P. Goffin, 1871-72; G. Matthews, 1872-74; I. T. Morris, 1874-76; Johu Darter, 1876-80; W. Brannon, 1880-86; M. H. Ageo, 1886-88; William Matthews, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Assessors: G. W. Wright. 1862-64; B. F. Matthews, 1864-66; Alfred Gay, 1866-68; J. W. Houghton, 1868-70; S. G. Sharp, 1870-72; J. B. Judkins, 1872-74; G. G. Dent, 1874, to Feb- ruary, 1876; M. D. Hudson, from February, 1876; W. A. Townsend, 1876-78; E. A. Vinson, 1878- 80; T. J. Moore, 1880-82; James H. Doyle, 1886-88. J. H. Moseley, 1882-84; Samuel A. Harris, 1884-86; J. N. Ghilders, present incum- bent, elected in 1888. Representatives in constitutional conventions: 1836, Robert Smith, Thomas S. Drew. David W. Lowe and Henry Slavens; 1861, M. D. Baber and S. Robinson; 1864, none; 1868. Bouldin Duvall; 1874, Philip K. Lester. The political aspect of the county can be readily be ascertained by reference to the number of votes cast at the November election in 1888, for the candidates for the presidency and for congress- men. For president: Cleveland (Dem.), 1,416; Har- rison (Rep. ), 427; Streoter (U. L. ). 1 54 ; Fisk (Pro. ). 10. For Congress: W. H. Gate {Dem.), 1,292; L. P. Featherstone (combined opposition), 690. At the State election held in Se]>teml)er, 1888, James P. Eagle, Democratic candidate for governor, re- ceived 1,503 votes, andC. M. Norwood, opposition candidate for the same office, received 762 vdtes. Alicia, a town on the Iron Mountain Railroad, near the southern boundary of the county, con- tains three general stores, a sawmill, cotton-gin, church, school house and a number of dwclliiii.' houses. Black Rook, on the western side of liluck River, where the Kansas City. Fort Scott A; Mem- phis Railroad crosses the same, comi)rises five gen- eral, eight grocery, two drug, one liardware nud one millinery stores: live hutels. .several lioardiiig 770 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. houses, two meat markets, one wholesale flour store, a bakery and restaurant, ten saw-mills (seven of which have shingle mills attached), one separate shingle mill, one planing mill, one lumber drying kiln, one heating factory, one lath mill, a wagon felloe factory, one undertaker's store, several mechanics' shops, a stone quarry, a weekly news- paper, a school -house, two churches (Methodist and Presbyterian), and a population of about 1,000. It is also the headquarters for three steamboats, the "George W. Decker," the "Hope" and the "St. Augustine." The latter makes daily round trips between Black Rock and Pocahontas. The Bowlder Publishing Company, of Black Rock, publish a stanch Republican paper of seven columns, issued weekly, which was first organized August 24, 1888, and edited by J. G. Cash, as a Democratic paper. It was purchased by the above company February 2, 1889, and is the only paper published in Black Rock. It is a fearless critic on every course of human events, and each issue is replete with in- teresting matter. George Dent is editor. Black River and its tributaries above Black Rock, aggregate a thousand miles of waterways, through a well timbered country, uncrossed by a railroad. The outlet for the timber of this vast section is through Black Rock, by way of Black River and the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Railroad. The town was incorporated October 7, 1884. It has all been built since the completion of this railroad. Clover Bend, a 2,000-acre plantation on Black River, eight miles below Black Rock, with 1,300 acres in cotton at this writing, has a supply store, saw and grist-mill, cotton-gin, church, school- house and a few dwellings. Dosy is a postoffice four miles southeast of Clover Bend. Egypt, a postoffice, is six miles southeast of Minturn. Hoxie, at the crossing of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, with the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Railroads, contains a general store, several groceries and restaurants, four hotels, a church and a school house and some dwellings. Imboden. on the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Railroads, eight miles northwest of Black Rock, includes three general stores, two groceries, two saloons, a hotel, livery stable, school-house, church, and dwellings. Lindsay is a postoffice on the railroad, four miles southwest of Hoxie. Minturn is also on the railroad, six miles south- west of Hoxie; two general stores, a hotel, cotton- gin, church, school-house, etc., are here. Opposition is a postoffice in the northwest part of the county. Parsonville, five miles east of Minturn, is but a postoffice. Portia, a railroad village, two miles southeast of Black Rock, supports three general stores, two groceries, a drug store, two saw-mills, a church, school-house and dwellings. Powhatan, the county seat, on the western bank of Black River, two miles below Black Rock, proves a profitable center for four general stores, one grocery, one drug store, a spoke factory, blacksmith and wagon shop, two hotels, two churches — Methodist and Presbyterian — a school - house, livery stable, the county buildings, a ferry across the river, and about 250 inhabitants. It is a very old town, the site of which was settled by John Ficklin, and its location is a most pleasant one. Ravenden, on the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Railroad, five miles northwest of Imbo- den, contains three general stores, a hotel, church, school -house, etc. Sedgwick, on the same railroad, at the eastern boundary of the county, consists of a saw mill, store, grocery, school-house and a few dwellings. Smithville, for many years the county seat, sit- uated ten miles west of Powhatan, has four gen- eral stores, a drug store, hotel, livery stable, and about 350 inhabitants. Stranger's Home, a store and postoffice, is seven miles southeast of Clover Bend. Strawberry is a village of log houses on Straw- berry River, containing two general stores, a school- house, church, etc. ! Taylor includes only a store and postoffice on Strawberry River. 7^ LAWKENCE COUNTY. '1^ , Walnut Ridge, ou the Iron Mouutaiu Eaih-oad, one and a half miles north of Hoxie, the seat of justice for the Eastern district, contains seven gen- eral stores, four groceries, a bakery, meat market, three hotels, two livery stables, a cotton-gin and grist-mill, two churches, a school- house, the court- house, a weekly newspaper, and its complement of dwelling houses. In size it is the second town in the county. The Telephone, now nearing the completion of its third volume, is a neat and well- edited Democratic newspaper, published there by its proprietor, George Thornburg. It ably sup- ports the interests of the community. All of these places are supplied with a post- office, and those located on the railroads have depots. A proportionate number of physicians are found, besides notaries public, insurance and other agents, Bonita Springs is a noted summer resort, one mile west of Black Rock, where there are mineral springs and a hotel. Lodges of Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Labor, Wheelers and other orders, exists at various places throughout the coimtv. Jacob S. Allison, a farmer and stock raiser whom Lawrence County can feel proud to claim as a citizen, was born in Burke County, N.C., Novem- ber 12, 1837. He is a son of Bird and Elizabeth (Davis) Allison, of the same State. The elder Allison was a farmer in North Carolina, until the year 1 859, when he moved to Cocke County, Tenn. , and from there to Alabama, where he now resides with his wife, very near the age of one hundred years. Jacob remained with his parents in North Carolina, until he gi'ew to manhood, and then started in life on his own account. In 1861 he enlisted in the Twenty second North Carolina Infantry, and served in that company until the close of the war. He took i)art in the liattles around Richmond, at Manassas, Chancellorsville, the seven days' l)attle, in the Wilderness, the fights and siege at Peters- burg, Cedar Creek, and others, besides twenty or more skirmishes. He was wounded twice, through the .shoulder, at Shepherdstown, by v^'" l"i11«. and had one finger shot off. His service for the cause was brilliant, and there are few that are superior. After receiving his discliarge he returned to the State of Tennessee, where he remained up to 1871, when he moved to Arkansas and located at Clover Bend. He first bought some land near Stranger' s Home, and has since then added to it on different occasions, until now he owns about 1,400 acres of rich bottom land, with about 200 acres under cul- tivation. He has ten houses altogether on his land, eight of them being on the home farm. When Mr. Allison first came to Lawrence County, all he possessed was $90 cash, and two beds, and was in debt to the extent of SI 00, which he has since paid. He now owns a fine farm, and is con- sidered to be one of the most substantial men in Lawrence County. He was married, in 1809,' to Miss Sallie Store}', of Tennessee, a daughter of William Storey, and has had seven children by his marriage: William, Clara, Rose, Pearl, Lizzie, Robert Lee and Zola. Mr. Allison is a Master Mason, and he and Mrs. Allison are both members of the Eastern Star Chapter. Sidney W. Andrews, of Sexton & Andrews, druggists, was born in Jefferson County, 111., Jan- uary 12, 1855, and is a son of Seymour Andrews and Martha C. (Hendricksou) Andrews, now resid- ing in Centralia, 111. The parents had ten chil- dren born to them, five of whom are still living. S. \V. Andrews being the only one in Arkansa.s, however. Mr. Andrews was reared in Centralia, and received a common school education. In the year 1871 he learned telegraphy, in Centralia. 111., and accepted a situation as telegraph operator at Georgetown, 111. Soon thereafter he emigrated to Arkansas, and in 1S74 entered the emi>l(>y of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain &; Southern Railway Company as agent and operator at Bradford, re maining in their service at Bradford and Walnut Ridge until January, INH7, when Le formed a partnership with Joseph K. Sexton in the drug traile, and has had fair success. He is a Mason, and a member of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, also of the Methodist Epi.scopal Church, South, and is treasurer of the town. He was united in we.llock to Mrs. Belle E. (Haney) Matthews. May A 772 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 3, 1883, and has had two children: Sidney Mills, born March 7, 1884, died with whoojjing cough August 16, 1884; Alonzo Bertrand, born October 29, 1885, died with membraneous croup August '24, 1889. His wife is also a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Joseph Bagley (deceased) was born in Bed- ford, Penn. , February 2'S, 1802, and is the son of Samuel Bagley, a native of Scotland (who came to the State of Pennsylvania at a very early day), and Martha (Bentle) Bagley. He was reared in the neighborhood of Bedford, or Bedford Springs, Penn., and in his younger days drove a hack, and did considerable freighting between Philadelphia and the above named places. When between the age of twenty one and twenty-two he enlisted in the United States regular army for five years, and, on one occasion, was sent with his company up the Missouri River, as far as the mouth of the Yellow- stone. After his five years' service was up he was discharged from the army, at Jefferson Bar- racks, and came to Illinois, where he resided one year. From there he traveled down the Missis- sippi to Jacksonport, Ark. , about the year 1829 or 1830, and was there married to Miss Annie Gibson, of Lawrence County, daughter of Jacob Gibson. Within a short time after his marriage he moved to this section, and commenced farming, until his death, April 0, 1872, at the age of seventy years. His grave is on Col. Ponder" s farm, at Old Walnut Ridge. He was among the early settlers of this section, and lived, until his death, about live miles northwest of Walnut Ridge. He and wife were the parents of nine children, only two of whom are yet living, Lavira, the wife of Thomas C. Hennes- see, and Isam J., both residents of Campbell Township. Isam J. was reared on the homestead farm, and was born December 18, 1847. He led a placid life on the farm, with nothing eventful oc- cuj'ring to disturb the serenity of his existence un- til March, 1864, when he enlisted in Company F, Thirteenth Missouri Cavalry, and was a gallant soldier through the remainder of the war. He was married to Miss Elizabeth Sailing, of Crawford County, Ark., and out of nine children has five still living: Estella, Charles, John, Alfred and Edward. Mr. Bagley fir.st rented his land for three or four years, near Walnut Ridge, and then bought 120 acres north of tliat town. Since then he has added to it, and now owns 460 acres. He also operates a cotton-gin upon the farm, and deals very largely in stock. He is a member of the Ma- sonic fi'aternity, and in politics a Democrat, hold- ing the office of justice of the peace for one term. William W. Baley, farmer and cotton ginner, was born in McNairy County, Tenn., in the year 1835. His parents were Benjamin and Nancy (Holman) Baley, of North Carolina, who had set- tled in Tennessee with their parents when children. Later in life they married and moved to Hender- son County, remaining there until the war eom- ! menced, when they transferred their home to Bal- I lard County, Ky., where the father died in 1867, at the age of seventy-four years. After his death the mother came to Arkansas with one of her sons and a daughter, and settled in Searcy County, where she died in 1870, aged sixty-eight years. She was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, in which : she had been an earnest worker all her life. Mr. Ba- ( ley is the oldest of five childi'en yet living. Seven were born to his parents, but two of them have died. He was reared in Tennessee, and commenced farm- ing for himself in Henderson County in the year 1855, where he remained until 1862, when the call to arms was issued, and on June 17 of that year he enlisted in Company K, of the Seventh Kansas Cavalry, and served three years and two months. He was in the foremost ranks of every battle in [ which the Seventh Kansas was engaged, and can recount some of the narrowest escapes a soldier ever had in time of war. Twenty-eight different times he was shot through the clothes he wore, the bullets not even scratching his skin, and on four occasions had the horse he rode shot from under him. His service through the war was honorable and brave, and the lustre of his valor can never be tarnished by time. He received his discharge from the army in November, 1864, at St. Louis, Mo. , and joined his family in Kentucky. Five years later he moved to Thomasville, Mo., and from thence to Arkansas, coming here in 1870, and locating on Big Creek, in this county. He came to his present home iu 1872, which, at that time, was but veiy lit- tle improved. Since then a great change has taken place in the condition of the land. He owns 100 acres, 125 acres of which are under cultivation. He also has a cotton-gin set up on his place and in 1888 ginned 312 bales of cotton. Mr. Baley's wife was formerly Miss Jane C. Wadey, of Tennessee, born in 1829. They have a family of four chil- | dren living: Richard M., Mary E., John G., Rob- ert L. Mary E. is the wife of William B. Doyle, and the others are all married except the youngest. They have lost two children — Sarah Ann and Jeanette E. Mr. Baley and wife are members of the Christian Church, and the former of Dry Creek Masonic Lodge No. 453. In politics he is a Re- publican. "William J. Ball, retired merchant and farmer, was born near Murfreesboro, Rutherford County, Tenn., September 13, 1825. He is a son of W. T. Ball, an Englishman, and a native of Worcester- shire, whose histories and adventures would till a volume. The elder Ball was a soldier in the Eng- lish army, and fought under the famous Welling- ton. He took jjart in seven battles against the great Napoleon, and fought under Blucher on the memorable field of Waterloo. He was a member of the British army at the battle of New Orleans, but the principles of liberty were so strongly in- stilled in his mind that he found it impossible to fight against them, and deserted the ranks to join the younger nation in its struggle against the mother country. After the war had ended, he came to the State of Tennessee and settled in Rutherford Coun ty, where he was married to Miss Jane Jordan, a native of that State, whose father was one of its pioneers. He resided in Rutherford County, one mile from Murfreesboro, up to the year 1835, when he moved to Bradley's Creek, of the same county, and lived there till 1851, then selling out and mov- ing to (Jibson County, where he lived until 1867. He then moved back to Rutherford County, where he died in 1873. W. J. Ball remained with his father in Rutherford County until his eighteenth year, and then received the contract for carrying the mails by stage coach through that section until the fall of 1858. He then moved to Lawrence County, Ark., and l)i>nght a farm in Spring River Township for farming purposes, but shortly after- ward entered into l>usiiiess at I'owhataii. and was a dealer in general merchandise up to the time of war, and during that period had charge of a dis- tillery, on Martin's Creek, for the government. In January. 1860, he moved to Gibson County, Tenn., more for the purpose of giving his children the advantages of a good schooling than anytliing else, but while there, engaged in the general nier chandise business. At the expiration of a year hi- returned to Lawrence County, and settled upon the place he now occupies, and liegan selling goods. He had been an active business man up to the year 1886, when he turned the business over to his son. who continues at it with the same enterprise that characterized his father. In 1868 Mr. Ball was appointed postmaster at Opposition, and still has charge of the office. He owns 320 acres of land on his home place, with about 180 acres cleared, and has eighty acres in clover and meadow, and about 10(1 acres iinder cultivation. .Mr. Ball was married on September 13, 1846. to Miss Mary Crouse, of Rutherford County. Tenn., a daughter of Harmon G. Crouse. There are five children living by this marriage: George W.; Samuel H. . Joseph, now carrying on the business here; Eliza- beth, wife of Joseph Hallowell; Hattie, wife of F. M. Graves, and William T. and John, who are deceased, the former in 1882 and the latter in 18SSt. Mr. Ball and his family are all members of the Christian Church, of which he is clerk, and he is also a Royal Arch Mason. Sam. H. Ball, a prominent merchant of Rav enden, Lawrence County, was born in Rutherford County, Tenn., in November, 1850. and is a son of William J. Ball, whose adventurous career has been jiortrayed in the sketch preceding this. Mr. Ball remained with his father in his store luitil he reached his twenty eighth year. He then established a store for himself in 1S7U, at Ojipo.si tion, Ark., and carried on a profitable business up to the year 1882. In 1883 he moved to Raven- den, built a magnificent residence and a large, commodious store, and put iu a large sterty, but be- lieves in giving his children a good education under his own supervision, so that his money will be ju- diciously expended. The Doctor is a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellows' fraternities, and of <& k_ U 9 778 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the Cross Roads Baptist Church, near Portia. He is a Democrat in politics, but has never held any public office excepting that of county examiner of public instruction, in Greene County. He was married May 2, 1860, in Sumter County, Ala., to Miss Sarah C. Sheid, of that State, a daughter of Jesse G. Sheid. Her parents had three girls and two boys born to them, one of them deceased. Those living are Lizzie I. , the wife of Rev. James F. Jernigan, a minister of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, South, and residing in Walnut Ridge; James Sheid, now studying medicine with his father; Mary Ann, who graduated in June, 1889, from the Bellevue Collegiate Institute, of Cale- donia, Mo., and Alice E., at home. Mrs. Camp's mother died July 17, 1888, aged fifty-one years. She was a member of the Cumberland Presbyte- rian Church, and came from what is known through- out South Carolina as the " Old Horseshoe Robin- son Stock." John N. Campbell, treasurer of Lawrence Coun- ty, Ark. , is a native of Cumberland County, N. C. , where he was born April 3, 1820. His father was Miirdock Campbell, of Scotland, born of Scotch and Irish parentage, who was raised and married in North Carolina. After his marriage the elder Campbell moved to Lawrence County, Tenn. , and settled on a farm, where he began the cultivation of the soil and rearing his children. From there he moved to the State of Arkansas in 1843, settling in what is now Lawrence (bounty, where he resided up to the time of his death, about the year 1852. John N. Cambell reached his maturity in the State of Tennessee, and came to Arkansas in 1843, where he settled, in Lawrence County, on a farm, and tilled the soil for a number of years. In 1872 he was elected county treasurer and at the expiration of his term was re elected, serving from 1872 to 1878. In 1888 his party, seeing the fitness of the man for the position and recognizing his abilities, once more elected him to office. He previously discharged the duties of justice of the peace for twelve years, and also served as deputy sheriff and constable. Mr. Campbell was married, in 1846, to Miss Mary J. Childers, of Virginia, and they are now the parents of three sons and one daughter. all of them having attained maturity and mar- ried. Their names are: William M., John D., Alex C, and Sarah A., wife of John C. Overstreet, the entire family residing in Lawi-ence County. Both Mr. and Mrs. Campbell are mt^mbers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and stand high in the regard of those surrounding them. John Casper, farmer and blacksmith, whose work at the forge and anvil has placed him as an expert in his trade, was born in Rowan County, N. C, May 5, 1827. He is a son of George and Nancy (Leonard) Casper, both of the same county and State, who died in their native place. Mi-. Casper is one of a family of four sons and four daughters, of whom five are still living, three brothers and two sisters, the latter residing in North Carolina, and the former, David, Jacob Alexander and John, living in Lawrence County. John Gasper is the oldest of the three brothers living, and was reared in Rowan County, N. C, where he remained with his father until his twenty- sixth year. He moved west in 1853 and settled in Lawrence County, Ark., where he bought a small section of land and commenced clearing and improving it. On March 8, 1854, he was married to Mrs. Sarah M. Blackwell, a widow lady, of North Carolina, who also possessed a small im- provement on government land. Mr. Cas[)er im- mediately set to work clearing his land, and they now have about seventy-five acres under cultiva- tion. The home place comprises about 380 acres altogether, with a good log house and other build- ings built upon it, and an orchard. He also owns 240 acres in other sections, and fiom the fact that he commenced on almost nothing at all, has done remarkably well. He owes it all to his own thrift and business tact, and is now considered as one of the sul)stantial farmers of Lawreuce County. Mr. Casper enlisted in the Confederate army in 1863, and was a member of the Seventh Missouri Cav- alry, and afterward transferred to the Seventh Arkansas Infantry. He took part in many a hard fought battle — at Little Rock, Pilot Knob and in Gen. Price's I'aids through Missouri, besides sev- eral battles of lesser importance. He was paroled at Shreveport, La., at the close of the war, and ^-* e k. At LA WHENCE COUNTY. 77» rotnrned homo to resume his labor upon the farm. In 1877 Mr. Casper lost his faithful wife, who (lied October 4, leaving him one child, George W. He again married, his second wife being Mrs. Har- riet E. Harris, a widow, of North Carolina, and has one child by this marriage- Etter E. Mr. Casper is a member of the Old School Presbyterian Church, in which he is an elder, and is also a mem- ber of the Agricultural Wheel, being vice-presi- dent of the local Wheel. He has been unfortunate in the loss of his second wife, who died February 13, 1884, leaving behind her a record of useful- ness and many virtues. John A. Cathey, one of the oldest merchants in Lawrence County, was born in Shelley (Jounty, Tenn., in the year 1840. He is the son of John A. Cathey, of Maiiry County, Tenn., who was reared on a farm, and finally adopted the tailoring trade, which he followed until his death occurred, in 1SS31, at Jacksonport, Ark, in which place he had settled in 1848, for the purpose of working. He was married to Miss Narcissa Turnage, of Ten- nessee, who died shortly after the decease of her husl)and at Jacksonport. Five sons were born to them, two of them yet living: James H. and John A., both living in Arkansas. The children who have died are William T. , David L. and an infant. David was killed by accidentally shooting himself during the war. John A. Cathey, for whom this sketch is intended, is the youngest member of the family living. He came to Arkansas with his par- ents, and remained with them, until he grew to manhood, in Jackson County. He enlisted in the Confederate army in 1861, and was enrolled in Company G, First Arkansas, and served until the close of the war,, when he surrendered at Jackson- port. He participated in the battle of BuU Eun, at Shiloh, and was so severely wounded in that en- gagement that he lay disabled for some two months. He also took part in the battles of Perry- ville (Ky.), Murfreesboro (Tenn.), Chickamauga, Chattanooga, and then a three months' campaign from Dalton to Atlanta. He was at Franklin, Tenn., during the terrible slaughter (Hood's) at that place, and afterward in another hot campaign at Nashville. He has been wounded at different times, and bears a war record thai few men can equal at the present day. When the war was over, it would naturally seem that after witne.s.sing and taking part in the terrible carnage of his numerous battles, he would prefer a peaceful life, l)ut, strange to say, his occupation was Initchering while in Jacksonport, as though he had not yet been satiated by the sight and smell of blood. From Jackson port he moved to Newport, and lived there for eight years, then settled down in Lawrence County, where he is now considered the oldest establisln'd merchant in that section. He carries a large stock of general merchandise, and is noted for his square dealing throughout the county. In fact, lie is the founder of the town that bears his name. He was appointed postmaster from 1881 to 1885, and lias held several local offices. His wife was Miss Sarali W. Roberts, of Alabama, who died in 1809. Mr. Cathey afterward married a sister of his first wife. Miss Eliza Roberts, and they have had two chil- dren by this union, I'jliza I. and Bertha Lee. They are members of the Methodist ]. from 1827 until 1S36, and died at Greeueville, in 1852. He was the educator of many of the most prominent, influential and distinguisheen known to say, in reference to his loneliness and alisence of a life companion, that "a Coffin is the last thing on earth a woman wants.'' Mr. Coffin has for his motto: " Never do anrthing to be ashamed of." His style of oratory is earnest, fluent and pointed, speaks impromptu and gets at the "meat" of the question. He is an honor- able, upiright citizen in all that the terms imply. Joseph W. Coffman, a prominent farmer of Duty Township, was born in McLean County, Ky., in 1838. His parents, Benjamin and Eliza Ijeth (Gossett) Coffman, are natives of Virginia, and of German descent. Homo of the family were extensive farmers in Virginia, while others had various occupations. The father was l)orn in the year 1802, and came to Kentucky with his parents in 1804, where he grew to maturity, and was mar- ri<'d. He died in ISufj, from a very painful accident, having his head mashed while moving a hogshead of tobacco. He was a firm adherent of the Universalist Church, and a member of the A. F. & A. M., while his death was a source of sin- cere regret among a large circle of friends. The mother, who was some ten years j'ounger than her husband, died in 1844. Benjamin Coffman and Elizabeth (Gossett) Coffman were the parents of eight children: William A., Nancy, Ephraim A., Benjamin ¥., Daniel M., Eli.sha, Elizabeth, and Joseph W., of whom William A. and Elisha are deceased. Joseph W. Coffman was the third child, and remained on the farm in Kentucky with his parents until his twenty-first year, when he accepted a lucrative position with a large tobacco firm, and commenced his own career. On October 19, 1856, he was married, and moved to the State of Arkansas, wher(> he settled in Hempstead County, on a farm which he rented the first year, but at the expiration of that time was able to purchase a farm of his own. A few years later, that announcement of war, which broke up so many happy homes, also filled him with the desire to aid the Confederacy, and he enlisted in W. H. Prescott's company, and served for three years. He took part in a gi-eat number of engagements, and carried himself through that bloody e|)och in history in a manner that won the admiration and respects of his comrades. After the war had ended, he returned to Lawrence County, in l8l<<5, and settled at a point within one mile and a half of where he now resides, and, in 1878, moved to the present place, where he has been employed in agricultural pursuits ever since. Jlr. Coffman was married to Miss Rebecca Bowen, a daughter of John W. and Ann (Kenerly) Bowen, natives of South Carolina and Virginia, res])ectively. who were prominent farmers and large slave-owners 4, 784 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. before the war. The father was born in 1805, of English descent, and died in the year 1869, while the mother, who was of Dutch origin, was born in 1804, and died in 1864. Thoy were the parents of five sons and three daughters, three of them yet living, and Mrs. Coffman is the sixth child of that number. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Coffman, of whom seven are still living. Their names are: F. AVarren, Mary C, wife of B. A. Welbon, living in the State of Washington; John B. , Elizabeth, who died in her thirteenth year; Benjamin A., at home; William M., who died at thirteen years of age; Jennie, algo dead; Flora, Lena and Josie at home. Mr. and Mrs. Coffman are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in which they are active workers, while Mr. Coft'man is a trustee, steward, and also superintendent of the Sunday-school, and has represented the church in several conferences. He is a prominent man, and a leader in all enterprises concerning the welfare of his county, and one whose advice and judgment are sought for on many occasions. He is a member of Lodge No. ITjO, and has belonged to that organization forever tln'rty years. Mr. Coffman' s father contracted a second marriage after the death of his first wife, and by this wife had nine children: John T., Jacob B., Samuel R., Solomon E., George P. (who met his death at the hands of an assassin), Frank P. , Susan F. , James Lewis, Ezekiel. Ezekiel, George, Frank, James and Samuel are deceased. James W. Coffman, M. D., a gentleman well known throughout Northeastern Arkansas as one of its leading physicians, and a fruit grower of well-deserved reputation, was born in 1847 on a farm in what is now known as McLean County, Ky. He is the son of Jacob N. and Nancy (Gish) Cott'man, both natives of Pennsylvania, who re- moved to the State of Kentucky in 1808, when they were children. In 1857 Mr. Coffman and his family removed to Arkansas, and settled in Law- rence County, where ho entered into the cultivation of cotton on an extensive scale. His death occurred in 1879, at the age of sixty -seven years, fourteen years after the demise of his wife. Ten children were born to them, of whom two only are living, one of them being a daiighter, Mrs. Mary S. Benne- lield, and James W. Coffman. Mr. Coffman re- sided in Lawrence County until the age of sixteen years, when he enlisted in the Confederate army under Gen. Price during the declining years of the late war, participating in some of the daring raids through Missouri and Kansas. At the close of that eontiict he returned home, and engaged in the more peaceful avocation of cotton planting. In 1868 he commenced the study of uiedicine, with his brother (now deceased), who was a graduate of the University of Louisville, Ky. , as his preceptor. He entered the same university in the fall of 18(59, fi'om which he graduated in 1871, and later on en- tered the Jefferson Medical College, of Philadel- phia, graduating in 1883. He commenced the practice of medicine at Powhatan in 1871, and re.- moved to Black Rock in 1883, where his personal popidarit}' and large practice attest to his efficiency as a skillful physician. His wife, a pleasant and attractive lady, was formerly Miss Mollie F. Warner. The Doctor embarked in general merchandising in 1883-84 at Black Rock, and has been deservedly fortunate, being the owner of considerable prop- erty in that town and the outlying district. He has one of the finest fruit orchards in the north- eastern portion of this State, comprising twenty- five acres of young trees just producing fruit, which he planted in the fall of 1S85 as an ex- periment, and which have proven a .success be- yond his most sanguine expectations. They will yield on an average one and one-half bushels to the tree this year. Besides this, he has planted out small fruits in proportion, and has been equally successful with them. He is a strong Democrat; one of the most industrious and energetic citizens of Black Rock, and takes a active part in all public and private enterprises that tend toward the ad- vancement of his county. J. Bowen Coffman. deputy clerk of Lawrence County, for the Eastern District, was born in Hemp- stead County, Ark., November 17, ISCA. He is a son of Joseph W. Coffman, of McLean County, Ky. , who came to Arkansas in 1 856, and located in Hempstead County, where he resided until the war was ended, and then settled in Lawrence LAWRENCE COUNTY. 785 Comity, his present rewitlonoi*. Tlic clclcr (joffmiin WAS jiiarricd to Miss Kobecca Bowen, of Alabama, and tliis nnion gavo them ten cliildrcn. SovBn of ihi'Ui arti now living, six of them in this county. J. JJowcn (V)ITnian was five years old when ho came to Lawrence County. He received a good district school education, and also attended scliool at Pow- hatan. He then taught school in Lawrence Coun- ty for three terms, and in Fulton County for the same length of time. He was appointed deputv clerk under Clay Sloan, February 14, 1887, and when the district was divided he came over to Wal- nut Kitlge, in April, 1887, to take charge of the Eastern District. He fills the position in a highly creditable maimer, and enjoys the confidence of his fellow citizens. He is a meml)er oi the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, and also of the Walnut Ridge Silver ('Ornet Band. Mr. Cofi'man has hosts of friends, and well merits the resjx'ct and esteem accorded him. Rufus M. Dail, farmer and stock raiser, is a son of WillL;un and Nancy (Overttm) Dail, natives of North Carolina and Virginia, resjjectively. William Dail moved to the State of Tennessee, and was there married when a young man. He settled on a farm in Anderson County, where Rufiis was born, July 11, 1828, and remained there until his death, in 1877, at the age of eighty- four years. He served in the War of 1812, and drew a pension for his heroic performances during that event. Eufus M. Dail gnnv to manhood on the farm, and remained with his father until that time. He was married in June, 1858, to !Miss Christina Skaggs, of Knox County, Tenn. , and settled on a farm with his wife, up to the year I87i), when he moved to Arkansas, and located in Randolph County. He remained at that place for six years, and had brought his farm up to the highest grade of per- fection, when he sold out and came to Lawrence County, arriving here in 1881). He has resided here ever since, and cultivates the soil, farming, on an average, seventy acres annually. Mr. Dail was elected and served as justice of the peace in Anderson County, Tenn., for eight consecutive years, and was also elected deputy sheriff, in which capacity he served four years. He was an old time \\ liig originally, and since tlii^ war has be come identified with the Democratic party. His family is com])os<>d of six children: Nancy J., wif(( of James Hill, of Lindseyville; Sarali Ann, single; Martha I., wife of Charles Basket; Naomi, wife of Tiiomas Howard, and Kden S. He has l(jst three other children: Leroy, who died at the age of twenty-five years; William K. , who died in his twenty fourth year, and James M., at tlie age of fourteen. Mr. anected, and his valu al)le advice and aid in all enterprises regarding the advancement of iiis community are very much appreciated. (ireene 1'. Dean, an enterprising and prosper- ous farmer of Dent Townshij), was born in Law- rence Cimnty, in the year 1S48. He is the son of William and Hettie (Roney) Dean, nativesof Ten- nessee and Arkansas, resp(>ctively. His father set- tled in the latter Statci at the age of eighteen years, having started in life for himself at an early age, and established a good blacksmith trade, which ho followed until the time of iiis death, in ISIil. He was an active politician and a noted temper- ance worker in his day, and was a member of the society known as Sons of Temperance. He was one of the main pillars of the Methodist Episcopal (/hurch, South, and also tilled the office of justice of the peace for a numlier of years. The mother died in IS")-!. She was a descendant of one of the oldest families in Arkansas, and a lady universally loved for her many excellent (jualities. This cou]ile had nine children, seven of them living to maturity, since which time two have died. 5Ir. (ireene P. Dean was the fourth child, and has grown right uji with the county be resides in. He started in to learn his father's trade at the ago of fifteen, and after his death he worked with ^ladison Smith, of this county, for three and one half years. He is a self-made man, and even during the bnsie.st por- tion of his younger days f(junil time to apply him self to his books. He hired himself out on a farm aftin- leaving the blacksmith trade, and att<>nded school for several years, and, in tlie fall of 1S07, 786 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. turned tutor himself, and opened a private school. He met with splendid success, and continued his teaching until 1S71. Ho also had charge of a school in Duty Township, this county, in 1877. Mr. Dean was married in December, 1870, to Miss Elizabi'th T. Phillips, of Arkansas, whose ]iarents came to that State from Tennessee, in IS4U, and settled in Lawrence County. Mrs. Dean's grandparents were at one time the most ex- tensive iron dealers in Tennessee, controlling sev- eral of the largest foundries in that State. Ten children were born to this couple: William A., Thomas Oscar, Nettie Oberia, Eugene D., Asa Belle, Francis Marion, Mary Edna, John Foster, Homer Lee and Ernest D. Mr. and Mrs. Dean are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and Mr. Dean of the Farmers' Alliance. He takes a deep interest in politics, and is a Democrat. The office of justice of the peace has been filled by him in Duty Township, and ho has also occupied several local positions, besides being a director in the schools. Mr. Dean is one of Lawrence County' s most influential and prosperous men. He has 300 acres under cultivation, and owns considerable other land in different sections. William Deeter is a farmer of Lawrence County, and was born in Miami County, Ohio, in 1831. His parents, Jacob and Elisabeth (Williams) Deeter, came from Ohio in 1839, and settled in Clay County, lud., where his father cultivated the land, and also followed his occupation as a stone- mason. They resided here until the father's death, in 1885, at the age of seventy-three years. Both parents were members of the Christian Church, in which faith the mother died in 1876 in her sixty-sixth year. Mr. Deeter is the second of seven children, and grew to manhood in the State of Indiana, with the exception of a short time served in apprenticeship at the carriage and wagon- making trade, in Ohio, when in his eighteenth year. On his return to Indiana he followed that trade until the war commenced, but for the greater part as a journeyman worktn'. He enlisted in the army July 15, 1862, and was a member of Company I, Eighty- fifth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, serving until 1865, when he received his discharge at Washington, D. C. Mr. Deeter did considerable guard duty in the army, and, after the battle of Chickaniauga, was detailed for repair duty. He returned to Clay County, Ind., after the war hatl ended, and purchased a small farm, on which he lived until the fall of 1878. He then came to Ar- kansas and settled on the place he is now occupy ing, having cleared about 100 acres of the land with his own hands, and getting it under cultivation. Mr. Deeter' 8 first marriage occurred in 1852 to Miss Mary E. Congleton, a young lady of Clay County, Ind., who died, a member of the Christian Church, on the 14th of March, 1803. By this mar riage he was presented with three children, two of whom died in infancy. The one living is Martha I. , now the wife of C. R. Moon, a resident of Wilton Springs, Mo. His second marriage took place in September, 1865, to Miss Catherine Now- port, an Ohio lady, who is now the happy mother of nine children, namely: Elisabeth, wife of J. H. Still; Mathias, Henry, Clara, wife of Isaac Wells; Laura, Isaac, David J., Barton W.,. George W. Mr. Deeter and his wife are members of the Christ ian Church, of which he is the organizer. He is also an elder of that church, and a director of the schools, being a strong advocate of the latter. He is a man well appreciated for his good qualities, and is beloved by his flocks to whom he pi'eaches regularly. Swan C. Do well, dealer in drugs, books and stationery. Walnut Ridge, Ark. It is to the skill and science of the druggist that suffering hu- manity look for alleviation from pain. The phy- sician may successfully diagnose, but it is the chemist who prepares the remedy. Mr. Dowell has been engaged in the above business since 1880, and in that time a trade has been built up second to no other drug house in the city. His birth occurred in Breckinridge County, Ky., on October 20, 1856, and he is the son of Christopher M. Dowell, also a native of the Blue Grass State, who came to Arkansas in February, 1867, and who located near Clover Bend, in Lawrence County, where ho remained for tour or five years. He first rented land, but afterwards bought 160 acres, and sul)sequently (in 1876) went to Minturn to live near his two sons, J. T. aud Swan, who were there, in business, and there ]ie passed the remainder of bis days. Ho was a pioneer settler and a iii(>mber of the Ma- sonic fraternity. He was marriod to Miss Eliza- beth Ann Brandenburg, a native of Brandenburg, Ky., and the daughter of Solomon Brand<>nburg, who Weis a native of Hampshire County, ^\'est Va. To them were born five children, two now living — John Thomas, proprietor of an hotel in Minturn, on the Iron Mountain Railroad, aud Swan C. (the subject of this sketch). The latter became famil- iar with the duties on the farm in early life, and received his education in the common schools. \\'hen fifteen years of age, he went to Clover Bend ;ind engaged as a clerk for his cousin, J. H. Dow- ell, by whom, subsequently, he was promoted to l)0okkeei)er. Five years later he went to Minturn, and with his brother formed a partnership in a general store under the firm name of J. T. Dowell & Bro. In 1880 they dissolved i)artnorship, and Swan C. came to Walnut Ridge, where he engaged in tlie drug business. He has i)een fairly success ful in his calling, and for the last three years has bi'en engaged in the real estate business with J. P. CoUin, of Powhatan, under the firm name of Coffin & Dowell, and they control about 2,500 acres of land for sale. Mr. Dowell individually owns 5,000 acres. He is a Democrat in politics, aud at jires- ent is mayor of the city. His marriage was con- summated in 1878 to Miss Alice Wall, a native of St. Louis, Mo., and the daughter of William \\'all (deceased). The fruits of this union were five children — Walter, Mamie, Agnes, Oliver and jVly- sius. Mrs. Dowell is a memlier of the Catholic Church. Andrew C. Estes, deputy sheriff for the Eastern District of Lawrence Count v, was l)orn in O'Brien County, Ala., October 10, 1859. He is a son of Thomas and Elisabeth (Belcher) Estes, of Ala- bama, who settled in Arkansas, when their son Andrew C was very young. They located in Carroll County, where they resided until the war, when the elder Estes enlisted in the Confederate army, and was killed near Smithville, Ark., dur- ing the latter part of that period. Four children were born to the ]iarents. two of tliem .still living. After the father's death, his wife removed to Lawrence County, and settled on a farm three miles west of Walnut Ridge, and lived there until the month of October, 1.S88, when she moved to Scott County, Mo. , where she is at present resid- ing. Mr. Andrew C. Estes was reared on a farm and received only an ordinary education in his boyhood. His avocation was farming until the year 1882, when ho was elected constable of Campbell Township. He served four years in this position, and was then appointed deputy sheiifl' for the Eastern District, in Novoniljer, 1888, by C. A. Stewart, sheriff. That entire portion of Lawrence County, is now under his jurisdiction, and he fills the bill to perfection in every way. On November 20, ISOI, Mr. Estes was united in mar- riage to Miss Amanda McGuinnis, of Illinois, and four children have been th(! r((sult of this union: Elizabeth, Eliza Ann, Tliomas Edward Jefferson and Maudie May. They are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Old Walnut Ridge, and in politics Mr. Estes is a Democrat. John T. Evans, farmer and stock raiser, of Black River Township, wasliorn in Tippah County, Miss., Jime 23, 1837. He is a son of Thomas Jefferson and Miriam (Rainey) Evans, who, after their marriage, first moved to Fayette County. Tenn., and then to Tipton County, and on March 1, 1851, arrived at Batesville, Ark., where they settled on a farm. The elder Evans was a Union soldier during the war, and died at Batesville, Ark., while in the service, his two sons, John T. and David F., also belonging to the same regiment, al- though John first enlisted in the Confederate army. After joining the Union forces, John remained with them until his comjiany disbanded, and then went to Illinois, where he resided until the war was over. When peace had once more been assured he returned to Arkansas and located in this (Law- rence) county. He first settled on a portion of land belonging to the railroad, but afterwards bought the tract of land upon which he now re- sides, and shortly after its purchase added forty acres more, having now about seventy acres under cultivation, with several substantial dwellings on the land. ^^r. Evans has also given a great deal A 3 kw 788 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. of his atteutiou to fruit growing, and can now lioast of a splendid pnach and apple orchard. After his marriage he started in life with very little, so far as worldly wealth was concerned, Imt being the possessor of a stout heart and a determined spirit, hesocn lifted himself above want and now owns a fine farm, a comfortable home, and is looked ui^on as one of the best farmers in Lawrence County. He was married in Lawrence County, on May 3, 1S6S, to Mrs. Mary E. Craig, an amialile and pleasant widow, of Union County, N. C. , who came to Arkansas with her father, Jason Hargett, in 1851, when a young girl of eighteen. Mrs. Evans has one daughter l)y her first marriage, Fannie C. Har- gett, who is now the wife of William H. Leonard; and two children by her second husliand, Miriam Emmeline and John A\'illiam. Miriam Einmeline is now the wife of Lewis H. Richey, who is a renter on Mr. Evans' ])lac('. They are the parents of one child, Fannie Ella. Mr. and Mrs. Evans are both members of the Christian Church. Hartwell B. Farmer is a son of Capt. John Farmer, of North Carolina, and Nancy Farmer, of the same State, who moved to Tennessee in the year 182i), and settled on a farm in Williamson County, where Hartwell was born on December 20, 1830. The father was a carpenter and wheel- wright, but also cultivated the soil. In the latter years of his life he moved to the State of Ken- tucky, and located in Graves County, where he died aboiit 18fi2. He was a captain of militia, and a survivor of some of this country's earlier wars before his death. Hartwell B. remained with his father until his eighteenth year, but being fired with the ambition to make his own way in life, he started out with that worthy object in view, and located at Haywood County, in the western portion of Tennessee, where he learned the blacksmithing trade. By close application to his duty he soon be- came an expert, and thereafter followed that occu- pation for several years. In 18'J0 he moved to Lawrence County, Ark., and bought a tract of land, the same upon which he now resides. It comprises 120 acres of rich bottom land, and is situated two miles fi'om Portia. He has cleared about sixty acres upon which stands a good double log-house, also an orchard of 200 peach, apple, plum and pear trees, besides smaller fruits. Mr. Farmer enlist(^d in the Confederate Army in 1 S()2, becoming a member of Col. Shaver's regiment of infantry, and served until his ca}>ture,ou December 25, 1863, when he was taken prisoner to Rock Island, and held until near the close of the war. He was paroled June 5, 18(')5, at Jacksonport, Ark. Mr. Farmer was first married, in 1852, to Miss Martha King, and has one daughter by this wife, Margaret Ann, wife of Hiram Corkins. He was married again, in Tennessee, to Miss Sallie Cook, and has two children by this marriage. Their names are Napoleon P. and Lee Thomas. Afterward he was married a third time to Miss Martha Ogden, a native of Lawrence County, and has had six children by this wife: Delilah P., Jennie B., Blunt H., Sarah E. L., Milton H. and Simon Cleveland. Mr. Farmer and his wife are both members of the Missionary Baptist Church, of which the former is a deacon, and also a membei- of the Masonic order since 1852. He is a Master Mason, and together with his wife is a member of the Eastern Star, a degree in Masonry. Mr. Farmer also served his county as justice of the peace for ten years, filling that ofiice with a dig- nity that won for him the highest respect. Joseph Finley (deceased) was one of the oldest settlers in Lawrence County. He had recorded in the county clerk's bfifice the first deed for land east of Black River, in this section of country. His native State was Kentucky, where he was born January 18, 1814. He came to Arkansas at a very early day, and located west of the river, on Straw- berry Creek, and, in 1846, came over on the east side of the Black River. Mr. Finley was consid- ered to be one of the best farmers in that portion of Arkansas, and when his death occurred had two splendid farms of 160 acres each. He was noted far and wide for his generosity and good- heartedness, and, at the time of his death, was mourned by not a few. Stock raising was also part of his business, and his knowledge as a breeder of cattle enabled him to make considei'able money in that line. Mr. Finley' s grave is on the home farm, three miles west of Walnut Ridge, a 3^ LAWKENCE COUNTY. 78ft place selected by himself for the i-epose of his ashes. In politics he was a Democrat, and a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mrs. Nancy (Childers) Stuart became his wife. H(>r parents were also among the earliest settlors of Arkansas, and had nine children besides herself, four of whom are living: Elizabeth (wife of Will iam Shelton), living in Southern Texas; Amanda (wife of Rev. B. A. Morris, a minister of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church), residing three miles west of Walnut Ridge; Joseph B. , in Walnut Ridge, and L. D. , residing near Portia. The mother died about the year 1854, and is buried near what is now " Ponder' s Chapel," three miles west of Wal- nut Ridge. Elizabeth, the wife of William Shel- ton, a resident of Southern Texas, is the youngest of the four children living. Joseph B. Finley was born in this county December 13, 184S. He has received but very little schooling, and has been farming all of his life, excepting at odd times when he clerked during the dull agricultural season. On January 12, 1871, he was unit<'d in marriage to Miss Emma Montgomery, of Tennessee, and this couple have been the parents of five children, of whom three are living: Ida, George and Orto. The wife and daughter are members of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, South. In spite of the disadvantages he labored under, Joseph B. is now the owner of a farm four miles from Walnut Ridge. He is a stanch Democrat in politics, forty years of age, and hopes to live to see another Democratic president in power. Dr. S. L. Fisher was born ill Lawrence County, Middle Tenn., IFay ;5(), bS;'>G, and is the son of Fredrick Fisher, a native of North Carolina, whose wife was Elizabeth ^[(tWhirter before her marriage. She was a native of South Carolina. They were among the first settlers of MidtUe Tennessee, and the father was in the mercantile ))usiness for a number of years in that State, on Duck River. The establishment is still conducted under the name of the Fisher stand. After raising their family, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher moved to Hardeman County, West Tenn., where the mother died at the age of about fifty years; after this the family came to Arkansas. There were seven children in the family— John P., William G , H. P., C. J., A. M., M. E., and S. L. John P. died in Randolph County. Ark., AV. G. died at Metropolis City, 111.; A. M. died in Kentucky; C. J. died at La Crosse, Izard County, Ark., and H. P. died at Smithville, Lawrence County, Ark. ; all between the ages of fifty and sixty, exce|)t A. M., at the age of sixtet-n. Only two are living, S. L. and Mary E., widow of (Jreen Ruliy. After coming to Arkansas. S. 1;. commenced the study of medicine under tlie guiil ance of his brother, John P., and entered upon the practice of his profession in lSr)7, l)eing located the first two years in the wild mountains of Izard County, Ark., where panthers, hears, aud to liandol|)li County and )iracticed his j)rofession un til tlie war commenced, when he enlisted in Jmn', 1801, and served in Col. Lowe's regiment, Prici-'s brigade, as assistant surgeon. He was wonmled twice during the war, the last time being iicl shell at Kansas City, on Price's raid. This ended his services in the war, and he returned home, and after recovering, came to Smithville, Lawrence County, where he resumed his practice, March, 1885. Here lie has since remained. He was married .Noveml)er 15, 1S80, to Miss Mary Ann McKnight, whowasl)orn in Lawrence County. Ark., in 1840, and died August '_'(), 1.S72. They Were blessed with three children, all living; the eldest, Martha L. , is the wife of J. N. Barnett • (and they have two chihlren); and ('harlie F. and Gertrude are now grown. After the death of his first wife. Dr. Fisher lived single three years and three months, and was married to Miss Mary E. Barnett, October 10. 1875. They have two chil dren — Ada L. , twelve years old, and Myrtle .\., two years old. The Doctor has Ix'en a member of I the Masonic fraternity thirty-three years, having gone as high as the Royal Arch degree. Both wives were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and devoted Christians. Jesse P. (Tibl)ens, farmer and stock raiser, of Spring River Township, was born in Rowan Conn ty, N. C, January 1 1, I.S31. He is a son of J.Jm and Pat.sy (Winder.s) (til)bens, of the same .State, wlio moved to the State of Tennessee, altont the r to Ai 790 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. year 1836, and settled in Shelby County, on a farm where they resided until 1846, and then changed their home for one in Lawrence County, Ark. Jesse P. Gibbens remained with his father, until he reached his majority, in this county, which was also about the time of the elder Gibbens' death, and then went back to Tennessee. After an ab- sence of three years he returned, and was married in Lawrence County, in 1861, to Miss Mary J. Hamrich, of Tennessee, a daughter of John Ham- rich. Mr (Jibbens had cleared up and im- proved his farm before his marriage, and he now owns 140 acres of valuable land, with over 100 acres ready for cultivation, besides having a small but select orchard and a comfortable house. In 1862 he enlisted in the Confederate army, and joined Col. Baber'a regiment, serving until the linal surrender. He took part in a number of sharp skirmishes at close quarters, and was always to the front in battle. He was paroled at Jack- sonport. June 5, 1865, and retui-ned home to his farm work and a more peaceful life. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbens have one daughter, the wife of F. Lee, a resident of Lawrence County. They are lovers of children, and have reared eight orphans to ma- turity, and started them in life with the exception of one. Both Mr. Gibbens and his wife are mem- bers of the Missionary Baptist Church, and the former a member of Rock Cave Lodge No. 347, A. F. & A. M. They are well known for their benev- olence and generosity, and are highly esteemed by their neighbors. Hon. John K. Gibson, attorney, and real estate dealer, Powhatan. This man. whose name is synonymous of success in his profession, was born in Richmond County, N. C, August 15, 1845. His parents were John K. and Elizabeth (Wat- son) Gibson, natives of the same State. Early in life Mr. Gibson began to show traces of what his future course would be through the world, and the occupation he would follow. He obtained a knowledge of men and things beyond his years, and even when a boy at school, often surprised his elders at the correctness of his ideas regarding different events and his knowledge of human nature. This talent he has fostered up to the present time. and it has stood him well in many a hard- fought battle before the bar. Mr. GiVison attained his maturity in North Carolina, and attended the com- mon schools of his county. Subsequently, he went to the higher schools and academies of North and South Carolina, and for a period of three years later taught school himself. In 1867 he became a freshman in the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill, and in the fall of 1868 commenced reading law at that place under a well-known and prominent juri.st of that State. He was admitted to the bar in 1869, and shortly afterward departed for Arkansas, where he first located at Jaeksonport, unknown and unheralded. On the 15th of Decem- ber, 1869, he left Jaeksonport, and came to Pow- hatan, where he soon won the confidence of his fellow citizens, and built up a fair practice. He has brought several cases to a successful issue in the Superior Court, and always given his jier.sonal at tention to his clients' grievances, not trusting them in the hands of subordinates. In connection with his law practice he is engaged in the real estate business, and has been highly successful in the latter, owning about 4,000 acres of land, besides holding the agency for an immense amount. Mr. Gibson has been elected to several local positions, and for a number of years was county superin- tendent of schools. He also held the office of county examiner for several years, and it is not only said, but is an established fact, that he has done more toward advancing the public school in- terests, and aiding the caiise of education, than any other man in the county. In 1876 he was a can- didate for and elected representative of his county, and served with distinction for two years. In 1873 Mr. Gibson was married to Miss Fannie Peebles, and after a short period of happy wedded life his wife died. He was again married in 1881, his second wife being Miss Lizzie M. Moore, a relative of J. M. Moore, the prominent Little Rock jittor- ney. This union has given them three bright chil- dren: George M., Maggie M. and John K. Gibson, Jr. , besides an infant, which the parents had the misfortune to lose. Mr. Gibson and his wife are members of the Old School Presbyterian Church, in which the former is a deacon. In summing up >? (3 Mr. Gibson's career, it would not ho inappropriate to touch upon the causes of his success in life. As shown in this sketch, he began life with compara- tively nothing, but has, by untiring energy and the strict application of business principles, coupled with the brilliancy of his mind, won for himself the eminent success he has achieved. John S. Gibson, attorney at law, one of the brightest of the legal talent in Lawrence County, was born in Fayetteville, N. C, October 12, 1857. He is a son of Green S. and Sarah (Evans) Gibson. Mr. Gibson received a common school education in his youth, and was a close student of every sub- ject that came under his notice. He studied law with Chief Justice Pearson, of Richmond Hill, and was granted a license by the Supreme Court of North Carolina in 1879. He came to Arkansas immediately following, and was granted a license in that State in March, 1879, locating at Walnut Kidge. He has had very fair success as a lawyer, and can proudly point to the fact that he has won every suit lirought to the court by him. "When Mrs. Mary A. Boas came to Hoxio, he took charge of her business as manager, and March 9, 18S7, he was united in marriage to Miss Annie Boas. He is a Democrat in politics, and was a delegate to the State convention that nominated Gov. Hughes. He resided in Colorado for eighteen months, and in the fall of 1888 delivered several speeches in behalf of the Democratic party in that State. Mr. Gil)son was the lirst man to predict the election of Wade Hampton, if nominated, for governor of South Carolina. Mrs. Mary A. Boas at one time owned the land on which Hoxio now stands. The Iron Mountain Railroad was already here at that time, and she gave twenty acres to the company on which to build their side-tracks, de- pots, etc. The road runs about as near through the center of her 400- acre farm as it is possible to locate without measurement. Mrs. Boas has since then laid out the town site, and is selling the lots. This lady is a native of Alabama, whoso parents were Henry and Sarah M. Stephens, the former from Georgia, and the latter a South Carolinian. She was reared in the city of New Orleans, and was there united to Henry Boas, December 27, 1804, a gentleman who Inid lieen engaged in rail- roading almost all of his lifo until he came to Moark, Ark., and oi>ened up the railroad eating house at that place. Two years later he cauje to Walnut Ridge, and established a very fine eating- house, which was burned down in ^lay, 1877, In the interval between the lOth of .May (date of tire) and September t>, he had ))uilt ami moved into the present eating-house, which ho conducted for three years and a half, and then retireil from active lifo for about four years. September 20, 1883, he came to Hoxio, and erected the present hotel, whicii ho operated until March, 1887. At this period the health of their youngest child, Harry, began to fail, and Mrs. Boas and her family made a visit to Colorado, where they remained eighteen months. Her oldest son, William Edgar, graduated from the Brothers' College, St. Louis, Mo., but died xVngust 21, 1885, and she lost her husband in Panama, in September, 1886, where he had con tracted malarial fever. Those of her children wlio are now living are: Anna E., wife of John .S. Gib- son, and Harry. There are two churches and a public school building in course of construction at Hoxio, the site of those improvements having Ijeen donated by Mrs. Boas, and the newly projected Walnut Ridge & Hoxio Street Railway Company is through her farm, as also the right of way for the Pocahontas & Hoxie Railroad. Mrs. Boas is widely known for her liberality and kindliness, atid is hold ill high regard by all acquaintancos. George W. Goodwin is the oldest of four chil- dren, and has resided in Lawrence County since his twelfth year. He is a native of Alabama and was born in 1839. His parents left Alabama in 1849 and came to Arkansas, where they settled in Independence County and cultivated the land for two years. In the fall of 1851 they removed to Lawrence County, and settled in the neighliorliood of whore Mr. Goodwin is now living. Here the father purchased nn unimproved farm and com- menced to model it into better shajie, when death interrupted his labors in 1852, while yet in the meridian of life. The mother is still living at the age of seventy years and has never ceased to mourn the loss of her husband. Eight children were r born to them, of whom four are deceased, and the four remaiuing are George W. , Mark, Peter. Emily, wife of D. A. Price. Those deceased are: Francis, Samuel, Pleasaut, Mary E. Mr. Goodwin re- mained at liome until the year 186'i, and in March of that year entered the army under Capt. Sloan, of the Twenty-tifth Arkansas. He fought in all the battles in which the company participated when able to do duty, and was commended by his superiors for the bravery he displayed on several occasions. He was taken prisoner at Baldwin, Miss., in 1862, but was only held a short time and then released. He surrendered at Greens- boro, N. C, in April, 1805, and when paroled, re- turned home and resumed his work on the farm. In 1870 he was married to Miss Leah Williams, of Arkansas, who was l)orn and reared in this county, and who died March 1, 1878, at the age of thirty- two years and eleven months. Their union was blessed with four children, one of them now de- ceased. Their names are James, Charles J.. Absa- lom (deceased), and John L. Mr. Goodwin again contracted a marriage with Miss Martha B. Daw- son, born in Independence County, and a daugh- ter of 1. F. Dawson, one of the representative farmers of this county. Three children were born to Mr. Goodwin and his second wife, namely: George F. , Osa May and Lena. Mr. Goodwin is a member and the clerk of the Missionary Baptist Church, and has taken an active pai't in school work, having held several offices on the school board. He has taken one degree in Masonry, and is a leading spirit in the community, being held in high esteem by his fellow-townsmen and neighbors. He has upward of ninety acres of land under cultivation. Mark Goodwin, a well-known farmer of Law- rence Countv, was born in Jefferson County, Ala., in 1843, and came to Arkansas with his parents, Wyche and Maria (Sharp) Goodwin, when very youn". Mr. Goodwin has resided in Arkansas ever since, and on reaching his twenty second year he married and settled on the farui where he is at present living. He is a practical farmer, and thoroughly versed in the details of cotton ginning, which l)usiness h(* operates in conjunction with his brother, George Goodwin. They purchased a gin in 1887, and in the following year ginned KiO Ijales of cotton, with marked success. Mr. Goodwin at one time devoted his attention to cabinet-making, but finding that his farm would claim all of his energies, he turned in that direction and has since followed the occupation of farmer. His first mar- riage was with Miss Frances Koney, of Arkansas, who died, leaving two children — Samuel and Laura, the latter now dead. His second wife was Mi.ss Sarah SafFell, also a native of Arkansas, who shortly followed in the footsteps of his first wife, leaving one child, an infant, that did not survive her long. Mr. Goodwin was married in 18(57 or 1868 to bis present wife. Miss Margaret Williams, a daughter of Samuel Williams, a farmer and ex- tensive stock dealer, of Lawrence County. The fruits of this union were eight children, six girls and two boys, whose names are: Ida, Joseph, Milton, Ella, Lena, Addie, Mandie, Nora all of them living. Mr. Goodwin is a member of A. F. & A. M. Lodge No. 458, and also of the Mission- ary Baptist Church. He has creditably filled sev- eral offices on the school l)oard and local positions, and is a man of great popularity in his vicinity. (ieorge Graff & Sons, wagon manufactur- ers, blacksmiths and repairers. Walnut Ridge. George Graff, who established the l)usiness in 1877, was born at Frankfort on-the-Main, Ger- many, October 18, 1825. He learned the wagon trade in his native country and came to America in 1854. locating at St. Louis, where he established himself in business at the corner of Clayton and Manchester roads, remaining there twenty-si.\ j'ears. Having been compelled to pa}' a big secur- ity debt, and being a heavy sufferer from fire, he was induced to settle in Arkansas, in the year 1877, when he bought 200 acres of land at Lind- say, five miles south of ^\'alnut Ridge. Shortly aftm'ward he came to the latter place and opene both North Carolinians, but were married in South Car- olina, from which place they moved, in 1835, and settled in Walker County, Ga. His father, William 6. Harris, was a tanner by trade, and had followed it for a number of years, but later in life embarked in agricultural pursuits. He was one of the num- ber who assisted in transferring the Cherokee Na- tion into the Indian Territory. After locating in Georgia he turned his attention to farming, and also devoted part of his time to a lanyard, until the Union WHS divided, when he moved to Catoosa Connty, wliere he died in 1X54, a member of the .Methodist E])iseoiial (Uuircli. His wife moved to Missouri, after his death, and settled in Maries ('ounty, where she lived until the time of h<'r de- cease, in 180'.^. Twelve children were born to them, seven living to maturity, and two dying since then. The names of those living are Mary Ann, Sarah N., Martha, Cicero F. and William C. Those dead who lived to maturity were James F. and Fletcher; the others died in infancy. William C. was the third child and the eldest son. His young 50 er days were passed ujwn a farm in Georgia, and at the age of twenty-ono years ho commenced life for himself. His first venture was on a farm in Georgia, and, in 1857, he came to Arkansas, and settled in Jefferson County, where ho dealt in stocks. In the year 18()() he moved to his present home, where he has lived ever since, except in thi- interval when he enlisted in Dobbins' regiment, during the war. He was pre.sent at the surrender, on June"), 1805, at Jacksonport, Ark. On his re turn home ho resumed his work on the farm, and was shortly afterward married to Miss Mary Sini ord, of Walker County, Ga , a daughti-r of .lames Sinierd, an old resident of Georgia. Mrs. Harris came to Arkansas with her parents, in 18r>7, an«l settled in this county, wiiere the father died in 1801, at the age of tiftytwo, and thr> mother in 1874, aged sixty two. Botli of them were mem- bers of the Missionary Baptist Church. Two chil- dren were born to them: Joseph G. , who died in 1859, and Mary, now the wife of Mr. Willianj C. Harris. Mr. Harris and his wife liave three chil- dren living: Martha E. , the wife of William Allen; Thomas M., and Amanda G., the wife of Bishop Morris, justice of the peace of this township. When Mr. Harris first settled in this jjlaco there were only five acres of land cleared; but he now lias upwards of 1(10 acres under cultivation, most of it being done by his own labor. Thomas C Hennessee is a son of G. C. and Sallio (Smith) Hennessee, of Warren County. Teun., who emigrated to Wright County, Mo., in 1842, where Thomas was born March 20, 1844. In ISOM the family moved to Arkansas and located in Lawrence County, where the father died in ISSO. He served in the Confederate army through the war, and was one of the raitlers luider Price during that general's daring exploits. The family con- sisted of four sons and three daughters, who grew to mature years, of whom two brothers and three sisters are yet living. Thomas ('. Hennessee re- mained with his father on the farm until the latter joined the Confederate array, in IStU. In 1802 ho enlisted in the Second Missouri Battalion of Cav airy, and served in that company until the clo.se of the war. He was paroled and discharged at d s w_ 794 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Shrevepoit, La., on May 10, 1865, and returned to his home in Lawrence County. During his career in the army Mr. Henne.ssee has, no doubt, seen about as much lighting, and also done fully as much as any soldier at that jjeriod. He took part in the tights at Poison Springs, Marks' Mill, Jen- kins' Ferry, and a great many skirmishes and tights of lesser note, but equally as hot as their prede- cessors. When he tirst joined the army, the bat- talion of which he was a member was composed of 476 men, and out of that number only seventy-four lived through the hon'ors of war to be paroled at its close. Mr. Hennessee received a gun- shot wound in one of his limbs, which disabled him for a time; and, on another occasion, was wounded by one of the guards, after being taken a prisoner, while walking over a log to cross a creek. Ou De- cember 21, 1865, he was married to Miss Levira Bagley, of Arkansas, and then settled to a farm life with his bride. He came on his present place in December, 1870, and has cleared up about 160 acres, and built a fair house, out- buildings and all necessary adjuncts, besides a small orchard of well- selected fruits. He also owns another farm of 187 acres, with about sixty acres cleared up and a com- fortable house -built upon it, owning altogether some 400 acres of rich Ijottom land, situated abou* five miles northwest of Walnut Ridge. Mr. Hen- nessee was elected justice of Cache Township in 1874, and held the oifice continuously for twelve years. He is a Democrat in politics, and a strong adherent to the principles and doctrines of his party. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and Mr. Hen- nessee is also a member of the Knights and Ladies of Honor. They have had five children born to them, all living. Their names are Martha, wife of J. S. Childers; Laura, wife of W. G. Duty; Joseph G. , John H. and Sallie Anna. Mr. Hen- nessee .started in life, after the war, without a dol- lar, and has accumulated his fine property by in- dustry, economy and good management, and is now one of Lawrence County's solid men and en- terprising citizens. Samuel Henry, farmer and stock raiser, is a son of Reuben and Elizalieth (Yates) Henry, of Polk County, Tenn. , where Samuel was born on the 10th of August, 1837. His father bore arms for this country in the War of 1812, and also fought under Gen. Jackson, at the battles of New Orleans and Horseshoe Bend. After the death of the elder Henry, which occurred while in his prime, the government granted a land warrant to the family, in recognition of his services. Samuel remained with his mother until he grew to manhood, and then commenced farming for himself. When war was announced between the North and South, he enlisted in the Confederate army, and became a member of the Ninth Tennessee Cavalry, first as a private, but later on i^romoted to the rank of orderly sergeant. He was present at the battle of Shiloh for three days, and at the tirst siege and bombardment of Vicksburg for thirty days; then at the battle of Baton Rouge, La., and at Corinth, Miss. , where he was captured and taken prisoner. Ten days after his capture he was paroled, and in nine months' time fi'om that date re-joined his regi- ment in time to take part in the battle at Jackson, Tenn. His last fight of importance was at the battle of Chickamanga, but he afterward fought in a great many skirmishes and smaller battles. In the fall of 1864 he was taken prisoner at Charles- ton, Tenn., and held at Paducah, Ky. , until the close of the war, when he was paroled at Union City, Tenn. , in June, 1865. x He then returned to his home in that State, and farmed for several years, and in the fall of 1872 moved to ISIissoim, where he remained for two years. Ho again changed his habitation in 1874, coming to Lawrence County, Ark., and settling on a farm. In 1882 he moved to Texas, and was gone one year, when he re- turned to Lawrence County, and bought a small tract of land, iipon which he commenced farming. Shortly afterward he went to Randolph Coirnty, Ark. , bought land, and later on retui'ned to Law- rence County, and settled upon his present place of residence, where he has almost 200 acres of land, and about fifty acres cleared and under cultivation, all of it being on bottom land, and composed of very rich soil. In politics Mr. Henry is a Demo- crat, and, before he went to Texas, had been elected justice of the peace and served one term. In the _ fall of 1888 he was again elected justice of the peace, and is still holding that office. He was mar- ried on July 22, 1860, in Bradley County, Tenn., to Miss Adalino Clark, a daughter of Ht^nry Clark, of Georgia, and has three children: Miranda, Elizabeth and Margaret, all single. Mr. and Mrs. Henry have lost a son, Reuben Napoleon, who died in July, 1884, at the age of seventeen. Mrs. Henry is a member of the Methodist E])iscopal Church, and is well-known for hi'rcliarital)le nature and interest in church work. J. F. Hildebrandt, farmer, has been a resident of Campbell Township for thirty-one years, and was boru in Dallas County, Mo., in 1857. His parents were Thomas and Mary (Potter) Hilde- brandt, who died while he was very young. They moved to Arkansas in the year 1858, and settled in Randolj)h County, where the father followed his occupation of farming Tintil 1861, when he enlisted in the Federal army, and was taken sick and died. The mother survived him eight years, leaving three boys at hm' death, of whom only one is liv ing at present, J. F. Hildebrandt. Mr. Hilde- brandt was reared on a farm, and after his mother's death went to live with his uncle, M'illiam I'otter, until the time of his decease, when he transferred his home to that of Uncle Claiborne Piiuiell, an old settler of Lawrence County. December 5, 1876, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Hennes- see, a daughter of Gideon Hennessee, one of the old residents of Campbell Township, who presented his daughter with forty acres of land, as a mar- riage gift, and upon which Mr. Hildebrandt and his wife are at present living. He is an energetic and successful young farmer, and will soon add to his prosperity, from present indications. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and Mr. Hildebrandt is also connected with the Knights and Ladies of Honor, at Walnut Ridge. They have had live children, two of them deceased. Those living are Nancy Artabell, Mary Vlvira and William Thomas. P. B. Hill, a well-known farmer of Campbell Township, was born in Iredell County, N. C, July 8, 1852. His father, who was Robert H. Hill, was a native of North Carolina, of Scotch and Irish ancestry, who married Miss Sarah Adeline Hall. The father of Mr. Hill died in North Caro- lina, and the mother in Fayette County, Tenn. P. B. Hill received a liberal education at home, his parents taking pains to provide him with every facility for learning, and was subsequently at Mm' University of Mississippi, where he completed thi- junior and sophomore courses. He then studied law at SomervilJe, Tenn., with H. C. Moorman, and attended a course of law lectures at the Van- derbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. He was a A J' 796 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. He first entered as a lieutenant, but was afterwards transferred to the regiment hospital of which he had full charge, and was promoted to surgeon- general. The Doctor then located at Pinckney- ville. 111., in 1860-67, and was appointed pension examiner by Gen. Grant. He held the office for two years, and then resigned, but continued his prac- tice at that place up to the year 1875. In 1878 he moved to Arkansas, and located at the place upon which he now resides, and practiced for a number of years. He finally gave up his profession, and bought a section of land, with some slight improve- ments on it and commenced farming, and he now owns about 450 acres of land, with about 240 acres cleared. The Doctor also built a cotton-gin in 1883, which was at first worked by horse-power, but is now run by steam, and gins a large portion of the cotton in that vicinity. In 1850 he was married to Miss Ellen Burgee, in Perry County, a daughter of Judge Burgee, of that place, but lost his wife in 1S06. He has one daughter by this wife, and two sons and one daughter by his second wife, who was Mrs. Mary Steel, a widow lady of Illinois. Their names are Martha, wife of John Mosley; John, Ellen, wife of H. R. Childers, and Thomas. The Doctor and his wife are members of the Baptist Church, and he himself is a Master Mason. In the fall of 1884 he was elected justice of Marion Township, and at the expiration of his term was re-elected in 1888, and is at present fill- ing that office with dignity and wisdom. John Holmes (deceased), one of the former citi- zens of Walnut Ridge, was born in Coshocton, Ohio, April 18, 1858. His 2)arents were A. Jack- sou and Mary (McDanifl) Holmes, of the same State, who died when their son was very young. Mr. Holmes was reared on a farm in Coshocton, Ohio, by his uncle, Felix Butler, and on reaching his twentieth year, he left him and settled at a point near St. Mary's, Kas., where he learned the car penter's trade. He followed this for two years, and then worked on a farm for one year. In the spring of 1884 he came to Walnut Ridge, and worked at his trade until his death occurred, in 1888, aged thirty years. Mr. Holmes was not a member of any society. He was a Republican in politics, and served one term as marshal of Wal- nut Ridge, gaining the reputation of being an effi- cient officer. He was married January 1, 1881, to Miss Maggie Van Syckle of New Jersey, whose parents, A. Jackson and Catherine (Hibler) Van Syckle, were natives of the same State. Four chil- dren were born to Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, three of them living: Ada, Bertha and Otto. Mrs. Holmes was appointed postmistress of Walnut Ridge, on May 16, 1889, succeeding Capt. James C. Can- non, on June 9, 1889, and fulfills the duties of her office to the satisfaction of Lawrence County's citizens. Henry T. Holt, one of Lawrence County's lead- ing farmers, and a blacksmith whose repiitation extends to all parts of that county, was born in 1844, in the State of Arkansas. His parents were Heni-y and Patsy (Logan) Holt, of Kentucky, who came to this State and settled near the Missouri line, in 1830. The following year they moved to Carroll County, Ark., where the father is still liv- ing, in his seventieth year. Mr. Holt's parents had eight children, and seven of them are yet liv- ing, Henry T. being the fourth child born. He was reared in Carroll County, and lived thereuntil better opportunities seemed to present themselves in Lawrence County, to which locality he moved. In 1863 he enlisted in the Confederate army, and was one of Gen. Price's raiders through Missouri. He was also a member of the Sixth Cavalry, and while with that company was engaged in several sharp skirmishes. Before raiding through Mis- souri he took part in an engagement in this county, and played an active part. His surrender was made at Buffalo, in Newton County, in 1865. He returned home in 1866, and came to this county, where he located on Coopers Creek. He lived there five years, and then purchased his present home, near Smithville, and has been there ever since. He was married to Mrs. C. Campbell, nee Sloan, of Tennessee, and the coujile are happy in the possession of three bright children: Lura, Amelia, and Clo. Thomas. Mr. Holt learned the trade of blacksmith from his father, when a boy, and has followed it up to within the last few years. He is the largest stock dealer in Smith- villi" Township, and also has 100 acres of land under cultivation, besides some good farms. In politics, he is a Democrat, and one of Lavprence County's leading citizens. Dr. "William H. James, of the firm of James & Wayland, merchants and lumber dealers, was born in Gibson County, Tenn., in 1844. He is the son of John W. James, of Virginia, who y/na born in 181U, and came to the State of Tennessee in his young days, where he was graduated from the Nashville Medical College, being in his after career a successful physician. He was also a minister of the Baptist Church, of which denomination he died a member in 1863. The mother, Lucinda D. (Mc- Whirter) James, was born January 4, 1817, in the State of North Carolina, and died in 1860. They were the parents of five children, three of whom lived to maturity, but only one. Dr. William H. James, is living at present. Dr. James came to Ar- kansas with his parents in 185S, where he remained until the war commenced. He enlisted in the Con- federate army in 1861, and served until the close of hostilities, when he surrendered at Jackson, Miss. He was severely wounded at the battle of Bentonville, N. C, while making a charge upon the enemy, aud slightly wounded at Murfreesboro, Tenn. AVhen the war was over he returned home, and was engaged to oversee a plantation near Mem- phis, and afterward accepted a position in a mill near that place. He commenced the practice of medicine under Dr. Boardman, of the Missouri Medical College, St. Louis, and entered that col- lege in IBBC). He returned to Arkansas, and com- menced practicing at Smithville, and from then" came to Powhatan in 186U. He now resides on Flat Creek, between Smithville and Powhatan, and enjoys a large practice. The Doctor was first mar ried, in 1869, to Miss Temperance A. Wesson, of Virginia, who died August 1, 1884, leaving five children to survive her— Ada L., Ella L. , Ida L., Ora L. , and Ula L. , of whom the first letter in each name makes the five vowels. His second wife was Miss Virginia Brady, of this county, who is still living, and by whom he has had three chil- dren —Willie V. (a girl), Yancey V. (a boy), and Edward, all of them living. The Doctor and his wife are memliers of the Missionary Baptist Church, and the Doctor himself of the A. F. & A. M,, in which he is a Chapter member. He entered into mercantile life in 18711, and one year later formed a partnership with F. M. Waylaad, now the man- ager of the firm. Dr. James is one of the most successful men in Lawrence County. He owns a large farm, well under cnltivution, besides several large tracts of timber land, and is engaged in saw- milling lo some extent. He is very popular, both on account of his business and personal qualifica- tions, and is a man of fine physique. • \\'iley C. Jones is a native of Alabama, and was born in Jackson County, in 1824. His parents both came originally from Georgia, and settled in Alabama, where they were married, and in 1829 or 1830 moved to the State of Tennessee. In 1834 they settled in Illinois, locating in the southern portion of that State, and remaining six years, and in 1840, the prospects of a brighter future present- ing itself in the State of Arkansas, they turned their attention in that direction and settled on Big Creek, now situated in Sharp County. Farming and milling were their occupations until 1856, when the father died at the age of fifty-two years, after a busy and useful life. Four children were born to the parents, Mr. Jones being the second child. He grew to manhood in this county, and com menced in business for himself in Sharp County, in 1S47, and afterward in Lawrence County. He followed the business of his father until the first iilarm of war penetrated into his home, and. leaving the old mill and its boyhood memories behind, rushed to the front like a gallant soldier to fight for his country. He was enrolled in Coleman's regiment, and after two months' hot work, was captured in Sharp County, and conveyed to St. Louis, Mo., where he was forced to lay si.v weeks in captivity. From St. Louis he was taken to Alton, where he was held a jmsoner for three months, and thence to Memphis, Tenn., from which place he daringly made his escape by swimming the river, with the bullets of his cnptoi-s singing about his ears. He returned to his regiment, then at Pocahontas, Randolph County, and obtained his release. He remained at home for a short time, 798 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. bnt inactivity was the bane of his existence, and, in the fall of 1802, he joined Capt. Dye's regi- ment, which had been re-organized, and was then called Newton's regiment. One year later he was sent home on a recruiting expedition, and suc- ceeded in organizing what was known as Baber's regiment, in honor of Col. Baber, and remained with them until the surrender at Jacksonjwrt, June 22, 1865. At the close of the war he re- turned home and resumed his business of farming and milling, and has devoted a portion of his time to cotton-ginning. He has various interests in Lawrence County, and is one of the influential men of his section. He was married, in 1848, to Miss Rebecca Lingo, one of the former belles of Arkansas, and their marriage has been blessed with two children, who brightened their home un- til death claimed them. After the death of his first wife Mr. Jones met Miss Sarah Endsley, an attractive lady of Tennessee, and after a brief struggle love was once more the victor over grief, and they were united in 1853. They have had seven children, of whom four are deceased. Mr. Jones was fated to lose his second wife, and re- mained a widower until January 11, 1884, when he succumbed to the charms of Miss Sarah Snider, his present wife. He is a member of A. F. & A. M. , and was appointed postmaster at Canton in this county before the war, and has also held several local ofSces. William Jones, justice of the peace, and a well- known farmer and merchant, was born in William- son County, 111., November 29, 1849. He is a son of L. A. Jones, of Indiana, who moved to Illinois in 1841, and was married in that State to Miss Ridley J. Moore, of Tennessee. After their mar- riage the couple made W'illiamson County, 111., their home, where the elder Jones still resides at a very advanced age. His mother, Mrs. Ridley J. Junes died in March, 1862. W'illiam Jones re- mained with his parents until his sixteenth year, and with a strong reliance on his own abilities he commenced in life for himself. He came to the State of Arkansas in 1807, and located at Clover Bend, in Lawrence County, where he farmed for a number of years, and then moved to his present residence. When he first purchased the land it was all new and unimproved, but since then he has cleared about fifty acres, biiilt some very fair houses upon it, and cultivated a small but well-se- lected orchard. He also built a store in 1888, and put in a good stock of general merchandise, and l)y his upright and honest methods of doing business has established a tine trade. He was married in the spring of 1868 to Miss Mary Stephens, of Tennessee, and has three children living by this marriage, Nettie Jane, Charley A. and Arthur W. Allie D. and Willie A. died in early childhood. Mr. Jones was elected justice of the peace in the fall of 1884, and is now serving his third term. He is a member of the Agricultural Wheel, and one of the most substantial citizens of Lawrence County. Hon. Joseph B. Judkins, a name well known and respected throughout Lawrence County, was born in what is now De Kalb County, on March 1, 1837. He is a son of Hon. William H. and Sarah (Roberts) Judkins, natives of Virginia, where the elder Judkins was a farmer of considerable magni- tude. The father first moved to North Carolina, and from there to the State of Tennessee, and about the year 1850 he settled in Lawrence County, Ark., where his son, Joseph B., now re- sides. He was elected to the State senate of Ar- kansas, and was a member of that body at the time of his death, in 1854, and previous to that event had held the office of justice of the jieace for twelve years. Joseph B. Judkins came to Ar- kansas with his father when fourteen years of age, and remained with him up to the time of his death. He then lived with his mother until he had attained his manhood, and bought the land upon which he now resides. When he first came n|)on it the land was entirely new, and he immediately sot to work clearing and building upon it, so that now he has some 150 acres cleared and under cultivation, own- ing altogether about 520 acres. Mr. Judkins also owns two fine orchards of apples and peaches, upon which he has spent a large amount of time and care to tiring to a state of perfection, and thus far his labor has been rewarded. In 1862 he enlisted in the Confederate service, becoming a memlier of ^' LAAVEENCE COUNTY. I'M the Twenty fifth Arkansas Infantry, and gave val- uahle and efficient aid to the canse until the close of the war. He was at the battles of llichmoiid, Ky. , Stone River and Ghickainauga, and was also present at the siege and surrender of Atlanta. Al- together he was engaged in ahout twenty five hat- ties, besides several minor skirmishes. On his first entrance into the army he held the rank of orderly sergeant, but by his bravery ho soon won the raidcs of lieutenant and captain, respectively. He com- manded the regiment as senior captain in thirteen (Migagoments, and was twice wounded, each time while gallantly leading his men before a suijerior force. After the war was over, and his surrender at Jacksonport, he returned to his home and farm, and on July 8, 1856, was married to Miss Susan A. Phillips, a daughter of Alfred and Ann Phillips; she had captured the gallant soldier's heart, and found for him a haven of peace after his stormy career through the war. Seven children were born to this happy union: Alfred L., William H., Josie \\'. (wife of George A. Dungan), all of them married, and Charles F., Augustus H. G., Horace H. and David W., single. Mr. Judkins is an Odd Fellow, and in politics is a .strong believer of Democratic principles, supporting his party on every occasion where his valuable aid was needed. He was elected sheriff of his county in 186'J, and on the expiration of his term was re-elected and served four consecutive years. Two years succeeding he was elected and served as assessor, and then represented his county in the legislature. In 1870 he was elected to the State senate, and after serving in that body four years, was re-elected as a member of the Arkansas legislature, and for ten years comprised one of that body. He retired from political life in 1880, but still takes an active part in the aflfairs of his county. His record in the political field is one of lirilliancy and honor, and few men have ever served the interests of their l)arty to a bettter advantage than did Mi-. Judkins. John W. Kelley is the son of Marvel and Sally Kelley, of Georgia, in which State he was born in the year of 1830. He is the youngest of eight children, and lost his father when only two years old. His mother was afterward married to Ed. Kitchens, and removed to Arkansas in 1857, local ing in Newton County. They remained there several years and then settled in Te.xas, where they liv(Hl until the time of their decease. 5Ir. Kelley reached his mauhood in the State of Ala bama, having gone there when quite young. At twenty tliree years of ago he went to Dent County, Mo., and finding the locality satisfactory, remained there until 1854, when he returned to Alabama, and lived there three years. He then moved back to Dent County, Mo. , and in 1863, when the first alarm of war was sounded, he joined Col. Mitchell's regiment in the Confederate army, and served un- til the fall of 1804. They were disbanded when near the Indian Nation on account of the ravages of small pox in that territory. He fell a victim to this dread disease, and remained in Ozark County, Ark., until his recovery. In the spring of 1805, he came to Lawrence County, Ark., and settled at a point near Powhatan, where he remained six years. From thi>re he moved to his present home and commenced farming and improving the land. Mr. Kelley was first married to a young lady of Alabama, Miss Nancy Lawson, who died in 1800. By this marriage he had seven children (four of them dying since): Rebecca J., the wife of Thomas Hederick; Marvel Jackson, and JlaryAnn, the wife of James C. Smith — living; and those who have died are: Sarah, who was the wife of William McLaughlin, leaving three children, and Nancy, William and Cassandra, the latter dying in child- hood from the small-pox. Mr. Kelley was married the second time to Mrs. Mary Woodson, nee Law- son, a sister of his first wife. They had one child by this union, Andrew, who died August 22, 1887. This lady died in 1882, and Mr. Kelley' s third wife was Mrs. Cynthia Cravens, nee Johnson. He has had one child by this wife. Mr. and Mrs. Kelley are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. They have throe children by her first husband, whose names are Maggie Cravens, Thomas G. and Martha E. Their father died in March, 1882. Mr. Kelley' s son. Marvel Jack.son, is married and teaching school near the home of his father. Jarrett W. Kendall, a widely-known farmer of 800 HISTORY OF AKKANSAS. Strawberry Township, was Ijorii in Henry County, Tenu., in 1834. He is a son of Jophtha A. and Elizabeth J. (Harvey) Kendall, of Tennessee, whose parents settled in Tennessee in the year 1800. Mr. Kendall's grandfather fought in the War of 1812, and was also a soldier in the old Rev- ohitionar}' War. He lived to a very advanced age, as did also his wife, Rachel, who was one hundred and twelve years old at the time of her death. They were the parents of a very large family, the father of J. W. Kendall being their youngest child, who was l)()rn in Tennessee, in 1806, where he grew to maturity and married. His wife, the mother of J. \V. Kendall, was born in Tennessee, in the year 1812, and both parents were of English descent. They remained in Tennessee until the death of the father, in 1838, when the mother came west and located in Independence County, Ark., where they lived until 18(55, when they removed to a point in Jackson County, near Jacksonport. In 1861) they came to this county, where Mr. J. W. Kendall has since lived. He enlisted in Capt. Gibb's company. First Arkansas Regiment, and served four years. During that time he fought at Wilson's Creek, andElkhorn, Mo., also at the bat- tle of Corinth, Miss. He took part in several small engagements, but the next battles of note in which he was present were at Murfreesboro (Tenn. ) and Chickamauga (Ga. ), and was with Sherman on his famous march to the sea. Some of his hottest fighting was at Franklin, Tenn. , and at Nashville, where he was disabled by a ball through the left hip, and was also shot through the bowels and kid- neys. He was taken to the hospital at Franklin, where he was captured, and taken to Nashville. He was held in the hospital for tliirty days, and taken to Columbus, Ohio, where he was kept a prisoner until his exchange, just before the war was ended. He then went to Rook Hill, N. C. , where he was taken care of by a citizen of the town until the surrender, when he returned home and resumed his farm work. Mr. Kendall must certainly have received as many wounds as any survivor of the war. For two years afterward he could pick small pieces of bone out of his body, especially in his ])ack, where he was struck by a bursting shell at Murfreesboro; and at Dock Hill. Mo., his legs were riddled with small shot. His war record is an honorable one, and the country he served certainly had no braver man. One of the saddest episodes of his career was during the battle at Franklin, Tenn. He saw his brother John shot down l)efore his eyes, but was unable to reach him unlil the smoke and thunder of that terrible slaughter had cleared away, and left the battlefield to the dead. He returned at the earli- est opportunity, and found him lying among the slain, and, far away from home and kindred, he buried him in a secluded spot near where he fell, with the vast tield of battle as a monument to bis bravery. At the close of the war Mr. Kendall was left without a cent in the world, Ijut by exert- ing himself he i-eceived 130 from the A. F. & A. M. , with which to make a new start in life. He now owns 4-16 acres of land, and has l^O under cultivation, with a substantial building ujion it. He was first married, in 1866, to Miss Mary G. Box, of Tennessee, who died in 1880, leaving two children: Felix Susan and George A., the latter dying in December, 1888. His second wife was Miss Harriet I. Reed, of Arkansas, who has borne him two children; John W. and William S. Mr. and Mrs. Kendall are members of the Missionary Baptist Church; the former also of the A. F. & A. M. , in which he is Past Master. He takes an active interest in politics, and is a Democrat, having held the office of justice of the peace. Daniel Ketuer, farmer and stock-raiser, is a son of David Ketner, of North Carolina, whose father was one of the soldiers of the Revolution. David Ketner married Miss Mary Izehom, their son, Dan- iel, being born November 25, 1825. The latter remained with his father until he reached the age of twenty-four years, and in the .spring of 1849 moved west, and settled in the State of Illinois. He labored on a farm in Union County for eight- een months, and then, thinking the prospects brighter for him in Tennessee, he moved to that State, where he was shortly afterward married to Miss Catherine Bour, of North Carolina. After his marriage, he settled on a farm in Weakley County, Tenn. , where he remained three years. LAWRENCE COUNTY. .S(l| and id tlie expiiiitioii of tluit time, moved to Union County, 111., residing there until the fall of 1858. He then came to Arkansas and l)ou<^lit eighty acres of now laud, which he cleared and put under cul- tivation, and, meeting with success in his new home, he l)onght more land on different occasions, until, at the present time, he owns considerable. His home place consists of 100 acres, with about eighty acres cleared and a comfortable house upon it; an adjoining farm of eighty acres, with fifty- live acres cleared ; one of 160 acres, with about thir ty five acres cleared, and another of s(^venty-three acres, with thirty-five acres ready for cultivation. Mr. Ketner can feel proud of his possessions, as he has made it all liy his own exertions and good management since, the war. He is one of Law- rence County's representative farmers, and a man much thought of and respected in his community, lu 1863 he enlisted in the Confederate army, and served until the final surrender, when he was pa- roled at Shreveport, La., in June, 1865. His record through the war is one of the best, and he was always in the thick of battle at Pilot Knob. Pine Bluff, Little llock. Independence and Price's raids through Missouri. Mr. Ketner returned to his home after the war had ended, and was there married to his present wife, a widow lady, of Tennessee, formerly Mrs. Mary Lawson. He is the father of seven children by his first marriage: George H., J. Daniel, Mahala, wife of Clay Hol- den; Jesse A., Jane, wife of George Caspar; Mar- garet, wife of James Nunley; Amanda, wife of Elihu Davis; and there is also one child by the last marriage, Nettie, a miss of five years. Mr. Ket- ner is a membov of the Old School Presbyterian Church, and also of the Agricultural Wheel, while Mrs. Ketner attends the Baptist Church. / Henry L. Lady, farmer and stock raiser, is a son of Henry and Irene (Fried) Lady, of Tennes- see and Germany, respectively. After their mar riage the parents moved to Lyon County, Ky., where their son, Henry L., was born, Doceml)er 26, 1S48. The elder Lady has resided in that county over since, with his wife, both having reached an advanced age, and is one of the most prominent men in that section. He held the office of ct)r()uer for sixteen consecutive years, and at Uie present time he is still a vigorous, active old gen tleman. Henry L. Lady remained with his jiar ents until he had reached his twenty fourlli year, having, in the nu^antime, all the advantages of a good common school education, and also attending the Eddyville Academy. He left his native place ill 1871, and (rame to Arkansas, where he remained the first year with an uncle, and then located on the place upon which he now resides. On March 2',), 1S76, he was married in Lawrence County to Miss Alice A. Cunningham, of South Carolina, and .settled on a farm with his bride, who died on No- vember 28, LST'.t. He was married a second time, his nest wife being Miss Emeline Kenion, of Law- rence County, who owned the place upon which Mr. Lady resided on his arrival witli the first wife. j They have 100 acres of fine land under cultivation, and since his arrival, Mr. Lady has greatly im- ))roved and l)uilt up the place. He also has 200 acres of other land under cultivation and six tene- ment houses, besides his own residence. Mr. and Mrs. Laily hav(> no children of their own, but havi- adopted two orphans, one of them thirteen years of age and th(i other three years, and are giving them a comfortable home and idl the advantages that can be had. They are generous, kind-hearted people, and much respectcnl by their neighbors. Mr. Lady is a member of the Knights of Honor, and also an active man in all enterprises working for the welfare of his community. Isaac Loss, of Walnut Ridge, farmer and real e.state dealer, was born in Germany in the year 1840. He was thoroughly instructed in mercan- tile branches in early life, and when in his .seven- teenth year, he left his native country for America, where he entered into partnership with Marcus Berger (now of Jonesboro), at Greenville, III. In 1875 he came to Walnut Ridge with Mr. Berger. and established a general store under the firm name of Berger & Less, at a time when that town had a population of about 200. They continued under that name until ISSO, when the stock and trade were purchased by Mr. Less, who remained in the business for eight years, when fire burninl him out; fortunately, however. It wie- c.iv.Ti'd l>y a T 802 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. fair amount of insurance. He owns between 9,000 and 10,000 acres of land, and is quite an exton.'iive dealer in that commoditj', and out of this amount has about 1,200 acres under cultivation. Mr. Less was married, in lS8t*, to Miss Augusta Isaacs, of St. Louis, Mo., and four children have been born to them. For natural ability, fair dealing in all commercial transactions and activity in business life, Mr. Less takes rank with the foremost. He is one of the largest landholders in the eastern part of the county, and has acquired it all by his own labor. The names of his children are Mary, Alex- ander, Morris and Jacob. Philip K. Lester (deceased) was a resident of Greene and Lawrence Counties for a period of fifty years or more. He was a native of Middle Tennessee, born in the year 1819. His parents were John and Nancy (King) Lester, the former a Virginian and a farmer by occupation, who came to the State of Arkansas in 1831 or thereabouts. The elder Lester was one of a party who camped on Manmelle Prairie, Mo., the night of a great celestial phenomenon, when multitudes of stars were seen to fall from the heavens; a sight so grand and inspiring that he had occasion to remember it for a lifetime. He settled on Crowley's Ridge (now the site of Lorano, in Greene County), where P. K. Lester was reared. When the latter reached his eighteenth year he attended school, and em- ployed the greater part of his nights in studying. He was an apt pujiil and a diligent student, and mastered his task with such success that eventually he taught school himself. While still a young man, he went into the real estate business and fol- lowed that until the war broke out. He enlisted, but served only six weeks, and in the winter of 1861 , he came to Lawrence County, where he resided until his death occurred. He bought and sold stock quite extensively after the war was over, and was very successful in business, owning at the time of his death about 7,000 acres of land. He was a hearty, active man, but was stricken down with pneumonia and died January 28, 1877, at the age of iifty-eight years. His grave is on the old home- stead farm, where it was his desire to be buried. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and also of the Powhatan Lodge of Masons. In 1 855 he was married to Miss Mary Ann Rogers, of Shelby County, Tenn. , whose parents were ISlagilbra and Nancy (Staton) Rogers, of Nortli Carolina, who had, besides this daughter, six other children, three of them still living: JohnM. , Nancy v., the wife of P. B. Hill, and Robert L., of Little Rock, Ark. Mrs. Lester resides with one of her daughters, and is a member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. Col. John A. Lindsay, farmer and stock raiser is a native of Kentucky, and was born in what is now Carroll County, on the 7th of July, IS'JO. His parents were Gen. Jesse Lindsay and Priscilla (Ficklin) Lindsay, of Kentucky, who lived in tliat State, and were married there in its earlier days. They settled in Carroll County as soon as the In- dians were moved from that section, and com- menced farming and stock raising. The elder Lindsay served through the War of 1812, and was afterward militia general for a large district in Kentucky. He also filled the office of sheriff of both (xallatin and Carroll Counties, and at one time was elected magistrate; and by virtue of be- ing the oldest magistrate in the county, held the first term as sheriff, in accordance with the laws of the State. Gen. Lindsay, in his day, was one of the best- known men in that locality, and as an official was fearless in the discharge of his duty. As sheriff, he was held in the highest respect by the entire district he covered, and his name was a check of the strongest kind on the law breakers of that community; as a magistrate, his fame was widesj)rpad. He died March 6, 1875, greatly mourned by all who knew him. Col. John A. Lindsay remained in Carroll County until he had attained his eighteenth year, and then moved to the State of Arkansas, in 1838, locating in Law- rence County. As Washington was called the father of his country, so might Col. Lindsay be called the father of Powhatan, as he laid out that town, and established the ferry across Black River. Upon his arrival in Lawrence County he cleared the land, and commenced farming where Powhatan now stands, and at one time owned some 10,000 acres of land in this county. He now possesses ■" — "t^ LAWRENCE COUNTY. 80:! n alH)iit. 2,000 acres, aud six valuable farms, and is (Mie of the wealthy men of Ashland Township. In 18()1 the Colonel received the cajitain's commission of an independent company, who were armed, nionnted and equipped at their own expense, and re(|U('sted to report to the nearest command for home protection on special duty. This company afterward entered the Confederate army, and per- formed good service for the Southern cause, their captain being promoted to colonel. In 1864 he joined Gen. Price, but more in the capacity of guide than for actual battle, as he was thoroughly acquainted with the country in which they were traveling. The war was an occasion of heavy losses to Mr. Lindsay, on account of his having credited an immense amount of goods previous to its advent, and then not being able to collect. He was married at Powhatan, in 1840, to Miss Martha A. Ficklin, of Missouri, a daiighter of Asa P. Ficklin, who died in 1878, after a faithful and happy married life of almost forty years. One son was born to them, who lived until his thirty- seventh year, and died in 1879, Asa T. Lindsay. The Colonel is a member of the Masonic order, being a Royal Arch Mason and Knight Tem^jlar, belonging to Powhatan Lodge No. 72, besides being a member of Hugh DePayne Comraandery, at Little Kock. James M. McCall, farmer and stpck raiser, and a popular resident of Duty Township, was born in Weakley County, Tenn., March, 29, 1889. He is a son of Robert J. and Eliza McCall, who were the i)arents of five children, four boys and one girl. One of the brothers was killed in the last war, and another met his death in a runaway team, while the remaining three are still living: James M., John M., and Elizabeth, wife of F. Gillespie. The family moved to the State of Arkansas in 1850, and settled at a point in Lawrence County, near Wal- nut Ridge. They remained here one year, and then located on a farm near Portia, where the father died, in 18')1 or 1802, and the mother sev- eral years later. The elder McCall, up to the time of his death, had been a veteran of the Mexican War. and had done good service for his country during the campaign in Mexico. He was married a second time, and James M. is the ol.lcst .'.(.n liv- ing by that marriage. James M. McCall came to Arkansas with his parents when in his twelfth year, and remained with thcun until ho came of age. He enlisted in the Confederate army at the commencement of the war, and was a member of Col. Baber's regiment, in which ho was one of its most gallant fighters in the numerous battles par- ticii)ated in by that regiment. On December 25, 1863, he was captured in Ripley County, Mo., atid taken a prisoner to Rock Island, 111., where he was held until the close of the war. After being liber- ated he returned to his home, and resumed his work upon the farm, this having been his occupation ever since, and he now owns one tract of 120 acres, some three miles from Portia, of which twenty- five acres are cleared and under cultivation. He has a good frame residence and stables on his home place, and also an orchard, from which he expects good results.' Mi-. JlcCall was married in Lawrence County, March 14, 1861, to Miss Mar tha C. Jeffrey, a native of this county, and a daugh- ter of Jesse Jeffrey. Five children were horn to this union, who are still living: James E. , F. O. McCall, wife of John Freer; Martha Selnia, wife of D. Finly; Robert J. and Laura Jessie, and two who died in childhood. Mr. and Mr.s. McCall are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and Mr. McCall is one of Lawrence Coun- ty's brightest men. He is active in promoting the interests of the county, and is held in high esteem. John R. McCarrell, an extensive stock rai.ser and farmer of Black River Township, was l)orn in Lawrence County, Ark., December 24, 1S34. His father, James McCarrell, was a native Kentuckian. who came to Arkansas with his parents when eight years of age, being among the lirst settlers of Lawrence County. They settled at a point near Smithville, in the year 180S, where James McCar- rell grew up and lived the greater portion of his life. His occupation was farming, and at one time ho owned two of the finest farms in that sec- tion of Arkansas. He also served a.s county treas- urer of Lawrence County, for a number of years, tilling the oflice with honor and credit. His death occurred iu 1872, after a long and n-'fn) i-Mr....!- S()4 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. John R. McCarrell remained with his father until December 22, 1852, whcni he was married to Miss Elizabeth Davis, of Tennessee. This wife died January 24, 1884, after a faithful and happy mar- ried life of over thirty -three 3'ears. They were the parents of sixteen children, ten of them yet living. After his marriage Mr. McCarrell commenced farm- ing near Smithville, and in 1876 he moved to the present place, which he has greatlj' improved since his arrival, having about 1 50 acres under cultiva- tion, on the Flat Greek Bottoms. In the fall of 1861 he enlisted in the Confederate Army, and served until the close of the war, performing in that time many a deed of valor. He was present at the battle of Pilot Knob and several others, and a great part of the time was on detached duty. He surrendered at Jacksonport, Ark., June o, 1865, and shortly afterward returned home to attend to the cultivation of his farms. On March 10, 1886, he was married to Mrs. Emma Rutledge, a widow, of Lawrence County, who formerly resided in Ten- nessee. They have two children by this marriage: James P. and Sarah E.,the latter the wife of Frank Hastin; and those by Mr. McCarrell' s first wife are John H. , Susan (wife of Robert Eddy), George W., William T., Martha (wife of Mr. Harroll), Fannie (wife of W. Taylor) and Cora Belle. Rol)ort McKamoy is a son of Robert and Jemima (Parks) McKamey, of Tennessee, where young Robert was born, on the 29th of November, 1845. The elder McKamey held several local offices, and was quite a prominent man in Tennessee, and was also one of the survivors of the Mexican War. He moved with his family to Arkansas in the fall of 185S, and purchased a farm in Lawrence County, where he resided until his death, on the 12th of October, 1870, six days after the demise of his wife. Robert McKamey, Jr. , came to Arkansas when in his thirteenth year, and remained with his parents until the last year of the war, when he entered the Federal army, and was attached to the Sixth Missouri Volunteer Cavalry. He enlisted fir-st as a ])rivate, but was made sergeant, in which capacity he remained until the war had ended. After he was given his discharge, in September, 1865, he returned to his home, and on the 6th of •January, 1867, was married, in Randolph County, to Miss Barbara Wells. He remained in that county four years, farming upon a piece of land he had purchased, and then sold out and bought the place upon which he now resides. At the time of its purchase, there were about 100 acres cleared, and the buildings on it were unfinished, but since then he has cleared some seventy -five additional acres, fenced it in, and greatly improved the place. He owns altogether about 500 acres of land, situated two miles from Imboden, and one third rich bot torn and second bottom land. This is one of the best farms and most desirable pieces of [U'operty in Lawrence County, and Mr. McKamej' has shown thrift and energy in securing it, from the fact that he started on comparatively nothing after the war. He also has a tine orchard of seven acres, consist- ingof different varieties of fruit. Mr. McKamey's first wife died in Lawrence County, leaving two children to her husband's care. His present wife was Miss Susan Ann Bragg, of Independence County, liy whom he has had seven children. Their names are James L., John, Leona, Robert, Naida, Abbie and Anna, the last two being twins; and those by his first wife are Margaretta, wife of Will- iam York, and Emily, who died in her seventeenth year. Mr. McKamey has also lost three children, who died in childhood. Mrs. McKamey is a mem- ber of the Methodist Ei)iscoiial Church, and Mr. McKamey an Ancient Odd Fellow. He is a Repul) lican in politics, and upholds the principles of his party. His wealth, while not of mammoth pro- portions, has grown to ample size, and he is one of the most substantial men of his county. Simon McLeod was born in Harnett County, N. C, March 3, 1843, and is the son of Murdoch and Barbara (Matthews) McLeod, who came to Arkansas in 1858, settling on a farm in Law- rence County. His grandparents, on his father's side, emigrated from Scotland to this country during the latter half of the eighteenth century. On his mother's side, he, is a descendant from a local family of merchants and farmers. The elder McLeod died in 1862, and his wife followed, De- cember 20, 1888. Eleven children were born to them, and the family came to Arkansas unbroken, (deceased) Mississippi Cdunty.Arkanbas. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Mir) but death has cropped them out one by one until but live remain. Their names are James, John A., Simon, "William and Hector all farmers and mechanics. Simon McLeod, the seventh child, came west vyith his parents, with whom he remained until 1861, then leaving a comfortabh* home to fight for a cause he thought was right. He en- listed in the First Arkansas Battalion, and served to good advantage for the princ^iples which he had undertaken lo defend. He was present at the bat- tle of Corinth, and at the siege of Port Hudson was among the most valiant in action. He did the duty of a ])rivat(' soldier until the end of the war, and surrendered at Shreveport, La., in ISC),"). He then returned to his home, and was married, in 1867, to Miss Sally C Judkins, a Tennessee lady. In 1868 he and his companion moved on to tiie farm where they still live, with a happy and pros- perous family. Mrs. McLeod is the descendant of a wealthy and influential Virginia family. She also is of Scotch descent. She is the daughter of William H. and Sarah D. (Roberts) Judkins. Mr. Judkins was elected to the State Senate of Arkan- sas, in 18r)4, and died at Little Rock, Ark., in December of the same year. Mi's. McLeod is a sister of Hon. Joseph B. Judkins, who was presi- dent of the Twenty- fourth Arkansas senate. Mr. McLeod and wife have been blessed with nine chililren. all living with the exception of two. Their names are: Walter E. , Maggie D., Lettie M., Bes.sie C, Joseph H., Luther H., Eva A., (and one not named, deceased), and Laurence S. Mr. McLeod and his wife and his three oldest children are members of the Misssionary Baptist Church, and are peo|)le that command the respect of tlie entire community. He is a Democrat, and takes a deep interest in politics, though he has never aspired to any public position, prefeiTing rather the pleasures of rural life. John D. McMillen, a widely -known farmer and stock raiser of Duty Township, was born in Tip- pah County, Miss., October 21, 1850. He is a sou of \V. W. McMillen, a native of Alabama, who moved to Tennessee when a boy of seven years, and was reared in that State. \V. W. McMillen was married in Mississippi, to Miss Mary A. (iuniiell, i>f Jefferson County, Ala. (who moved to Mississippi when thirteen years old), and after his marriage settled on a farm in Tippah County, where Jolin D. was born. He moved to Arkansas County, Ark. , in 1855, and, after residing there for nine years, came to Tjawrence (county, where lie remained nn til his death, in 187'J. He fought for eight montbs in th<> lat<> war, and bore a splendid record for his bravery. John D. IMcMiiien came to llie State of Arkansas witli his parents when thirteen years of age, and remained with tiieni until his maturity. He was married, on Deceml)er 2'2, 1878, to Miss Laura K. Mitchell, who was Ijorn and reared at Clover Bend, Lawrence County, and brought liis l)ride to the present residence. Tlie land was l)nt slightly improved wlien he came upon it, but about forty-three acres are now cleared and under cultivation, and. ])erhaps. forty acres more, wliicb are still unimproved, i)ut valuable ]anook. Mr. Mack cnme to Arkansas with liis parents in lsr>I{, when lie was a lad of live years, where they located at Marion. Crittenden County. They afterward moved to Bol ivar, and then to Gainesville. Greene t'ounty. where he grew to manhood. He receive former is a Mason. He is a very popuhir man. l)otli in business and society, and is also one of the most progressive men of his county. Samuel A. Massey was born in Knox County, Teun., in 183S. He is the son of Jacob L. and Ann J. (Gray) Massey, the first named being a na tivo of Tennessee, and the mother coming fi-om Ireland to America with her parents in 1820, and settling in Knoxvillo, Tenn. His parents were married in Tennessee, in the year 1837, and moved to Arkansas in 1850, where they s(>ttled on Straw berry Kiver, and commenced farming until the death of his father, in 1883. His mother died in 1878. Nine children were born to the parents, and two of them have been called away by death. Of the seven yet living, Mr. Massey is the oldest, and came to Arkansas when in his thirteenth year. He passed the younger portion of his days on the farm, and, on attaining his majority, commenced his race with the world with such a degree of suc- cess that to-day he is worthy of emulation by the young men of his county. He has 140 acres of land under cultivation, besides other lands in vari- ous sections, amounting to some 240 acres in all, which is the result of his own labor. In 1861, when he found that his country needed his services, ho eidisted in the army, becoming a member of Company B, Twenty -first Arkansas, and held the rank of second lieutenant. He was captured liy the enemy in 1-8(34, in this countv, and taken prisoner to Johnson's Island, Ohio, where he was kept until January, 180,"). When no longer a prisoner of war he returned to his command and did good service, returning to his home shortly be- fore the surrender, and has continued farming ever since. He was married in 1858 to Miss Elvira Milligan, a young lady born and reared in Arkan sas, and a daughter of John ]\Iilligan, one of the pioneers of that State. AJFrs. Massey died Septem- ber 1, 1866, leaving four children as the result of their happy married life. Their names are Edia J., Samuel J., Jacob L., and Elvira E. Mr. Mas- sey lives with his son Jacol) on the home place, and though ofltimes beset by the snares of his wid- ower's state, has always remained true to the memory of his beloved wife. He is a memiier of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, to which his wife also belonged, and is also a member of Lodge No. 144, A. F. &A. M., of Reed's Creek, Sharp County. Benjamin F. Matthews, a popular citizen of Powhatan, is a native of Georgia, and was born in Madison County, August 12. 1823. His parents were the Hon. Allen and Margaret (Elton) Mat- thews, who were manied and resided for awhile in Jackson County, Ga., and then moved to Madi son County. After a short residence in the latter locality they moved back to Jackson County, where the elder Mr. Matthews practic<>d law during the greater ])ortion of his life, and attained an emi- nent place in his profession. He represented the county several terms in the legislature, and died in Gainesville, Ga., in 1843, after a successful ca- reer. His son, B. F. Matthews, grew to manhood in the State of Georgia, and during the earlier portion of his life had but a limited amount of education. This, though an ob.stacle in his path, was easily overcome by his perseverance and natural ability. He first came to Arkansas in 1854, and located at Powhatan, which place has been his residence ever since. In 187(5 he com- menced his commercial career, and up to the year 1886 was actively engaged in mercantile life, con trolling a business of from ?30,(I00 to $40,000 a year. In 1863 he was elected sheritT of Lawrence County, and served until 1867, and for four years acted as collector and as.sessor. Previous to that, in 1860. he was deputized census enumerator, and took the census of Lawrence and Sharp Counties. On October 24, 1844, he was married to Miss Catherine ilcElroy of Cherokee County, Ga., and this union has given them nine children, of whom only three are living at the present time: William, Catherine, wife of Clay Thorn, and Ella. Those deceased are Josephine. Bettie. Phineas, Alice, Thomas and Henry. Mr. .\[attbews lost bis r first wife October 80, 1871, and after her death was determined to spend the remainder of his days single, but after meeting Miss Mary C. Clisby, of Massachusetts, he succumbed to that lady's charms, and was again married. They are both members of the Presbyterian Church, and Mr. Matthews has been a Mason for forty years. Willis B. Matthews, of the firm of Weir & Mat- thews, is another representative of that class of men, who, by their energy and pluck, have won the esteem of their fellow-citizens. He was born in Lawrence County, Ark., on the 1st day of No- vember, 1857, and is a son of William J. Mat- thews, a native of Tennessee, whose father, John L. Matthews, was one of the pioneers of Arkansas. His father, W. J. Matthews, married Miss Eliza J . McGhehey, of Lawrence County, a daughter of George McGhehey, one of the early settlers of this State, and his interest in the State of Arkan.sas is, thus doubly strengthened by the fact of both par- ents being born on the same soil. His father turned his attention to faiTaing until 1885, and then moved to Black Rock, to engage in mercan- tile pursuits. Mr. Matthews remained with him until he attained his majority, educating himself in the meantime, and then taught school for a period of twelve months. He gave up this occu- pation to accept a position at Powhatan, where he became thoroughly versed in mercantile afPairs, and received excellent business training. He then re- turned to farming again, and continued in that business until October, 1888, when he re-entered into mercantile life at Black Rock. He established himself in the grocery and dinig business at that point, and,- in 1885, his father was brought into partnership, and remained with him until the time of his death, in 1887. In the spring of 1889, the present firm of Weir & Matthews was established. They carry a large stock of general merchandise, dry goods, groceries, clothing, drugs, hardware, etc., and by their fair dealing and integrity, have earned a reputation second to none in the county. Mr. Matthews has served on the town board, and is a Master Mason. He is treasurer of Black Rock Lodge. James Cabell Minor, physician and surgeon, Walnut Ridge, Ark. In a comprehensive work of this kind, dealing with industrial pursuits, sciences, arts and professions, it is only fair and right that that profession — the medical profession — on which in some period or other of our lives, we are all more or less dependent, should be noticed. It is the prerogative of the physician to relieve or alle- viate the ailments to which suffering humanity is j)rone; and as such he deserves the most grateful consideration of all. A prominent physician and surgeon, who by his own ability has attained dis- tinction in his profession, is Dr. Minor. He was born in Albemarle Coimty, Va. , on the l()th of October, 1858, and is the son of Dr. Charles Minor, and nephew of Prof. John B. Minor, pres- ent professor of Common and Statute Law in the University of Virginia, and the author of ' ' Minor' s InstitTites." Dr. Charles Minor was a physician, and in the early part of his life practiced his pro- fession, but in later life was principal of a high school at Brook Hill, six miles north of the Univer- sity of Virginia. He died in 1861, at the age of fifty-eight years. He married Miss Lucy Walker Minor, a native of Virginia, who died in that State, • at Bellevue, in 1881, at the age of fifty-two years. They were the parents of a large family of chil- dren, thirteen in all, eight now living, two in this state — Lancelot, attorney at law, Newport, Ark., and James Cabell. One brother, Charles (now deceased), was an attorney at law at Jacksonport, and at one time represented Jackson County in the State legislature. James Cabell Minor was reared in Virginia, and first took an academic course, but subsequently entered as a student the Univer- sity of Virginia, from which institution he gradu ated in the class of 1882, in the study of medicine. Going to Louisville, Ky., he there took a clinical course at the Hospital College of Medicine. He then came to Newport, Ark., in 18S3, ])racticed there three years, and, in 1886, located at Walnut Ridge, where he has since resided. His marriage to Miss Emma Smith occurred on the 6th of Feb- ruary, 1885, at Newport, Ark. She was born at Brownsville, Teun., and by her marriage became the mother of one child — Lancelot Minor, Jr. Dr. Minor and wife are members of the Episcopal LAWRENCE COUNTY. 800 Gliurch, parish of Newport. He is a Democrat in politics, and has for the past six years been local surgeon for the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company. William Park Mitchell, farmer and stock raiser, is a sou of William and Sallie (Ross) Mitchell, of North Carolina, in which State William Park Mitchell was born on December '25, 1830. The family resided in North Carolina until 1847, when they moved to Benton County, Teun., and settled on a farm. Here they resided, a hajipy family, until the father's death, in 1872, and then the mother following him in 1875. William P. re- mained with his father until his majority, and then entered into the grocery busines at Dresden, where he remained for fourteen months. He next commenced farming in Tennessee, uj:) to th(> year 1870, and, thinking that Arkansas offered a better field for that business, he moved to the latter State, and settled in Lawrence County. On his arrival he bought 120 acres of timbered land and an ad- ditional 150 acres, with slight improvements upon it. He at once began to improve and cultivate his farms, and at the present time has about eighty acres under cultivation, with two fair residences and two tenant houses, besides a substantial donblo log house, in which he resides. He also owns a tine bearing orchard of peaches and apples. Mr. Mitchell was married in Benton County, Tonn., on July 27, 1862, to Miss Sarah F. Summers, a native of that State, and a daughter of Zachariah Summers, of Virginia. This union has given them six children, all of whom are living and in the best of hejilth. Their names are Willis L., Zula, wife of H. D. Lawson; Emma, wife of Elijah Roberts; Anna and Maggie, both young ladies, and Katie. They have also lost three children : George, who died in his sixth year; Laura, (lying at three years of age, and John, who died in his second year. Mr. Mitchell is a Democrat in politics, and is always loyal in his support of the principles and men of that party. He was appointed deputy sheriff and served in that capacity for a number of years, and is held in the higiuvst esteem by the entire community. He has a splendid farm, a com- fortat)le home, and is considerinl to be one of the most successful farmers in Lawrence County, all of which he has accumulated by his own good judgment and industry. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Mr. Mitchell also of the Agricultural Wheel, being president of the local \Vli(>el. J. E. Moore is a firm believer in the soil upon which he was born, having remained in this county since his birth. His occupation is that of farming, but he is also an exponent of the advantages of a good education, and finds time for instilling knowl edge in the minds of Lawrence County's future men and women. He is the son of William Moore, one of Arkansas' pioneers, who is now residing near Powhatan, and his mother was Miss Martha A. Judkins. of Tennessee, who met. and was united to her husbaiir of th(^ Ba[)tist Church, and his wife of the Pn-sby terian. He is an active politician. John H. Morgan is a (Jeorgian, and was l)orii in Walker C!ounty, that State (now Catoosa ("ounty), in the year 1838. He is a prosperous farmer of Morgan Township, and is a son of Henry Morgan, of Georgia, who was killed in a distressing man ner, in 18(54, by being thrown from an unruly mule. The elder Morgan came to Missouri with his family, in the year 1850, and .settled at a point in Wayne County, about ten miles from flreenville. the county seat, where he farmed and cultivated the land, until the time of his death. His wife, ^r ■^J 810 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. Polly (Blackwell) Morgan, of Georgia, died in about 1877. John H. Morgan is the fourth of ten children, and was in his sixteenth year when his parents came to Missouri. He attained his manhood in Wayne County, and in 1858 returned to Georgia, where he established himself in the grocery business. In 1862 he answered the call for men, and enlisted in Company A, of a Tennes- see regiment, and fought under Captain White, iintil the close of the war. He afterwards went back to Missouri, and wa.s there married to Miss Surilda Smith, of Wayne County, but a native of Hamilton County, Tenn. The couple have eight children living: Henry H. D., Joseph L., George W., Savanah J., William Jackson, Tennie C, Martha S., Laura Alice. They have lost three children, namely: John Morgan, born September 28, 1869. died September 7, 1886; General Robert Lee, born November 28, 1885, died March 15, 1889; and an infant daughter, who died, when eight days old, March 4, 1872. Mr. Morgan and his family came to Arkansas in 1869, and settled in Independence County, at a place some ten miles south of his present residence, where they lived until the year 1881, when he moved to where he now is. He and his wife are members of the Free Will Baptist Church, and are earnest workers in the religious field. Capt. J. M. Phelps, senior member of the firm of Phelps Bros. , general merchandise, was born in McNairy County, Tenn., July 17, 1841. His father came lo Arkansas when twelve years of age, and located at a point near Dardanelle, in Yell County. Four years later he went to Northwest Missouri, where he remained a year, and then came back to Randolph and Greene Counties. Ho entered into mercantile life at Gainesville; thence to Southern Missouri, and from there to Lawrence County, Ark., in the latter part of 1860. His son, Capt. James M. , received only a common school educa- tion in Tennessee and Arkansas, but his natiu-al aptitude made up for any loss in that direction. When war was announced he was a resident of this county, and first joined the Seventh Arkansas In- fantry, Company F, in April, 1861, Joseph Mar- tin, captain. He was discharged in February, 1862, and returned home, where he remained until Hind- man's call for volunteers, and, in April, 1862, he was captured, after having raised a cavalry com- pany in response. That entire summer was spent by him in prison at St. Louis, Chicago and John- son's Island. In 1862 he was exchanged, and joined Tim Reeves' company of Missoiu'i cavalry, and served with them until the spring of 1864, when he raised a cavalry company, which he com- manded until he surrendered, June 6, 1865, Com- pany F, Fourteenth Missouri Cavalry. At the close of the war he returned to Lawrence County, which has been his home ever since, and embarked in farming and merchandising. Later on he spent three or four years traveling through Texas and Mexico, and in the spring of 1876 came to Walnut Ridge and established the business of Z. Phelps & Sons (J. M. & A. C. ). The firm continued under that head until the year 1880, when it was merged into Z. Phelps & Son (J. M.). The present firm of Phelps Bros., was started up in 1884, with J. M., A. C. and Z. C. Phelps as partners. They do a heavy business in general supplies, their transactions in 1888 amounting to $125,000, and are one of the largest firms in their line in the county. J. M. , the eldest, has practically retired from active busi- ness. Capt. Phelps owns probably 1,500 acres of land, divided into several tine farms, and, in conjunction with his father and brother, has a gi'eat amount of other lands in Lawrence and ad joining counties. He is a member of the Knights of Honor, and the Blue Lodge, Chapter and Com- mandory of the Masonic order, lielonging to Hugh DoPayne Commandery at Little Rock; is a mem ber also of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. This year (1889) he was a delegate to the district conference at Corning. He is a Democrat in politics, and was mayor of Walnut Ridge for several years. In 1864 (February ISth) he was married to Miss Victoria Kinian, of La\vi'ence County, Ark., whose father, Hensen Kinian, was a pioneer settler of Lawrence County. They have had one child, Virgil D., a little boy, who died in November, 1876, aged about nine years; and, hav- ing no other ehildi'en of their own, the Captain and his wife are rearing a neiee, Jessie Vinson. -^; »t^ LAWRENCE COUNTY. 811 Abram C. Pliolps, of tho firm of Phelps Bros., Walnut Ridge, general merchandise and supply house, was born inMcNairy County, Tonn. , January 4, 1848. A\hen six years of age he came to North- eastern Arkansas, and has been reared principally in Lawrence County. He received a somewhat limited education in his youth — a disadvantage which the majority of our substantial men at the present day seem to overcome — and worked on his farm until the year 1S()8. On March 7 of that year he was married to Miss Sarah Fallin, who breathed her last ten months afterward. Mr. Phelps, shortly after the death of his wife, traveled with his brother, J. M., through Texas, Mexico and the greater part of the western country. When his trip had been finished he returned to Lawrence County, and in February, 1874, was united in wed- lock to Miss Mattie Ammons. During that period he went into business with his father, establi.shing the firm known as Z. & A. C. Phelps, which he con- ducted for two years. The firm was then changed to Z. Phelps & Sons, and has since continued un- der that name. In 1884 he sold out his interest in the business, and went to Fort Smith, where he started a grocery, but one year later he returned to Walnut Ridge, and entered actively into mer- cantile life at that jioint again, and now has ex- clusive control of the firm's business. Besides his interests in the firm, he owns 660 acres of land, 500 acres of which are under cultivation. Mr. Phelps is a member of the Knights of Honor, and 151ne Lodge, Chapter and Council of Masonic fi'a- ternity, and also of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Walnut Ridge, of which his wife is a regular attendant. They have three children: Flora, Wal- ter and Claude. Zaccheus C. Phelps, a partner in the house of Phelps Bros., well-known merchants of Walnut Ridge, was Ijorn in Greene County, Ark., Novem- ber 21, 1858. His early life was spent on a farm, and, at the age of seventeen years, he entered the employ of his father and brother, where he re- iiiainod three years, obtaining a thorough knowl edge of mercantile affairs. Later on he formed a partnership with N. M. McCarroll. under the firm name of McCarroll <& Phelps, which was continued for two years, when he bought out his pailiiers in terest, and combined it with A. C. Phelps & liros. Mr. Phelps owns 240 acres of good land, and has i;iO acres of it under cultivation. He is a Royal Arch Mason, also a member of the Council, and of the Methodist Episcopal Church. His wife was Miss Mattie Brinkerhoff, of Warreiisbnrg, Mo., whom he married on September 15, ISSU, and one child has been born to them, Otis B. Mrs. Phelps' father is a minister of the Baptist denomination. Claiborne Sullivan Pinnell, familiarly known as Uncle " Claib" Pinnell, has been a resident of Northeast Arkansas for about fifty-one years, or over half a century. He was born in what was then called the " New Purchase " of Kentucky, October 27, 1817. His father was Peter Pinnell. who removed to Franklin County, Mo., when the son was an infant, and afterward settled in Greene County, Ark., at Crowley's Ridge, where he re- mained until his death, in 1842, or therealrouts. His wife was Miss Annie Sullivan, of Kentucky, whose parents, Claiborne Sullivan and wife, nee Harvey, were South Carolinians. This couple were the parents of nine children, C. S. Pinnell being the only one living, so far as known, although his oldest brother, Louis, was living in the Choctaw Nation, I. T. , two or three years ago, at the a"e of eighty -two years. The mother died in Law- rence Coimty, on the Cache River, after the close of the war. Claiborne S. Pinnell was reared on a farm, and as his father always lived in a very new country, where schools were not to bo found for love nor money, and teachers were few and far between, his education, as a consequence, was very limited. When nine years of age he met with a painful accid(>nt, which has rendered him a cripph- all his life; a colt ran away with him one day, and, stepping into a hole, threw him off, breaking his, right arm and shoulder, which has |)revenled him from doing any hard labor ever since. Not- withstanding this fact, he has been an active man all his life: following the plow, farming and rais- ing stock. He came to Lawrence County alx>ut thirty years ago, and bought 160 acres on Village Creek, one and one-half miles north of Walnut Ridge, and has made this his home ever sinci". be 812 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. HidpH owninf» another farm in this county, tho two ag{^i'og!itinf5 '-'10 iicn'H. Ho has hnnteanther that had ever been H(H'n in that iiei^'hliorhood, measuring eleven feet from l)oth tips. Mr. Pinnell has made a lengthy trip to Oregon, and another to Texas, but looks upon Lawrence (Jounty as the dearest spot on (mrth. He was married to Miss Minerva G. Rhea, a sister of M. 15. Rhea, and has luul nine childi'ou. Four of them grew to maturity, but all are now deceased, including tho mother. His second wife was Mrs. Amanda K (drayles) Moore, and has had no children by this lady, although his wife has a daughter by her former husband. Mr. Pin- nell is a nieml)er of th(< Ravenden Springs Methodist Episcopal Church, as are his wife and step-daugh- ter, Mettie Isabello. Grandfather Claiborne Sulli- van married liis scwond wife in liis ninety eighth year, living two or three years afterward, showing the remarkable vitality existing in the family. He was a noted Haptist preacher in his time. Mr. Pinnell was an ardent huntor in his younger days, and has made considerable rnoney in killing wild game and selling the liidos and furs. He tanned the hide of the " [jainter " ho killed some years ago, and made a pair of shoes out of it, which were (juite a curiosity, on ac(^)nnt of the associations connected with them. Col. W. M. Ponder, farmer and piopiietor of sawmill, was born in Hickman County, Tenn., O(!tobor 12. 1S2;5. His father was Amos Ponder, of Georgia, one of the early settlers of Tennessee, moving to that State in the year 1800, and snl)se- cpiently to Southeast Missouri, where ho died, in 1808, in his seventy fourth year. Col. Ponder' s mother was Miss Nancy Dudley, of Tennessee, in which State she mot and was married to his father. They were tho parents of nine children, four of whom are still living. Mrs. Ponder died in tho year 187i), aged about seventy two years. The Colonel was reared on a farm in Tennessee, and received a somewhat limited eilucation in his boy- hood days, on account of tho scarcity of schools in that section of the State. He applied himself to farm woik until he reached his twenty-fourth year, when his father then moved to Missouri. Here he commencetl farming and merchandising, and also dealing in produce and stock, shipping the latter to the N(nv Orleans marltet in flatl)oats. He con tinned in this ))usiness some four or five years, and was then elected clerk of the circuit, county annds in the tight. Subsecpuintly ho entered tho Confi^dorate army, where his bravery and knowledge of tho tactics of war pushed him rap- idly to tho front, being promoted from sergeant through the different grades to colonel. He hold that rank and commanded the Seventh Missouri Infantry in the (!oiif(Hlorate army and served until the surrender at Shrevoport, La., about tho 25th of June, 1865. After peace had been declared he came to Arkansas and bought 200 acres of land, a couple of miles from tho present town of Walnut Kidgo. Hi^ then went to work with a vim an afteiward married, in A[)ril, IS")?, Miss Susan Hudspeth, of Mis.souri. Two children were born to them, both of them dyinj; since. His wife died in .lanuary. ISfi'i, and he was again mar- ried, this time to Miss Mary Montgomery, of Vir ginia. Six children were the result of this mar- riage, of whom five are living: Andrew, Harry Lee, George W., Edgar F. and Susan. Col. Ponder increased his farm of 200 acres to 2,600, and is also president of the Walnut Uidge & Hoxie Street Car Company. He is one of the bust known and most highly respected citizens of Lawrence County; is a Democrat in politics, and in 1882-83 represented his county in the State legislature, and was county judge in 1878-74. Wilson Price, postmaster and a well known farmer and stock raiser of Taylor, was born in Union County, N. C, July 27, 1836. His parents are Valentine and Caroline (Hargett) Price, of the same State, who, a few years after their marriage, first moved to Smith County, Tean., where they remained for throe years, and in the fall of 1841) settled in Lawrence County, Ark., at a point near Smith ville, where they resided until the father's death, in 18<')1. Wilson Pric(( was reared and has lived in this county since his thirteenth year. He remained with his parents until lie attained his maturity, and then commenced in life for himself. He was married in his twenty-second year, and located on a farm near Smitliville, where he culti- vated the soil until ho came to his present resi- dence, in 1876. Mr. Price has always been a man of industrious and progressive hal)its, and it did not take him long to obtain a fair competence. He bought laud and added to his possessious when- ever he saw a good chance t^) invest, ami now owns over 1,000 acres of the l)e.st laiul in Arkan- sas, with some 300 acres of it cleaicl. The entire amount is comprised in four tracts, and is all sit uated in Lawrence County. Mr. Price was mar- ried in this county on January 7, 1858, to Miss Susan Ann Davis, a daughter of Ross Davis, of Tennessee, but on Octolter 11, I87i), this lady died, leaving eight children to survive her: Sarah Ann, wif»» of John Bilberry; Nile A., (Jeorgi- L., David P., B'illmore, Charles D., Philip V., and Lutz, a young lady. Nile A. and George L. are both married. Mr. Price has also lost five children, who died in early childhood. His second wife was a widow lady, Mrs. Mary Steadman, whom ho mar- ried in 1881, this lady dying in 188"), and leaving one daughter, Hattie U. He married his ]jresent wife, who was formerly Miss Nancy llidor, of In dependence County, on July 3, 1887. Both Mr. and Mrs. Price are members of the Baptist Church, in which the former is a deacon, and they are deeply interested in all matters concerning its wel- fare. In 1885 ho established a general merchan- dise store, and by his methods of doing business, soon built up a good patronage. A postoflice was opened \ip in his place of business in Ai>ril, 1886, and he was appointed postmaster, having Ijud charge of the office since then. Greene E. llaney, a prosperous and well known farmc^r of Smith ville. Ark., was born in Lawrence County, near that town, September 20, 1850. He is a son of Morgan Uaney, also a native of ArkansaH, born March 18, 1818, and died in 1877. Samuel Raney, the gi-andfather of Greene E. , was a Vir ginian by birth, who married and settled in Mis souri, where he reared part of his family. His son, Morgan llaney, was the youngest of eight chil dren, and was born in Arkansas, iu which State he lived all his life, never having evinced any desire to go out of it. Morgan Raney was one of the most in dustrious and able men of his day, and at the time of his death owned about l.NSO acres of line land, with a good portion of it under cidtivatioii. At the time of his decease lie j>resented each of his children with $2.(inn cash, and a tine farm, since which time the land has doubled in vnbi.' He was su HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. married to Miss Nancy Taylor, of Lawrence Coun- ty, Ark. , who was born in 1S27, and died in the year 1867. meetin licr s(!t,tlfis of this coimty. She died in 1807, uiul Mr. llhea was again married in 1808 to Clementine S(H'<^o. This wife died in ISOO, and in 1870 he was married to Miss Mary Slavin, whose death oc- curred in 1S71. His fourth wife was Miss Sarah Daily, who died in 1870, and his present wife is Miss Uuth Kiuyon, who has lived in this county about thirty-eight years. Mr. Rhea is the father of sixteen children, only five of whom are living: Murcinda, wife of William Hennessee; John A., of Walnut Ridge; Flavins, married; Laura Daily, who lives near the homestead; James and A\"illiaiii, who live at home. John A. Rhea, proprietor of Walnut Ridge liv- ([a- hala E., wife of William Beavers, of this county. He married his present wife in Jackson County, in 1875. The lady's name was formerly Miss Eliza- beth Brackenridge, a daughter of James Bracken - ridge, one of the pioneers of Jackson County. There are four children by this marriage: Ada, Gilbert, Aggie and May. Dr. Richard.son is n meml)er of Thornburg Lodge No. 371, A. F. & A. M. , and is Master of his lodge. Ho is also a Royal Arch Ma.sou, and a member of Walnut Ridge Chap ter, and has represented his lodge in the Grand Lodc^e on several occasions. He has served as Wor- -^ 816 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. sbipful Master for six or seven years, and has a lodge-room over bis store-room. Hamilton W. Richey is a sou of John Richey, of Virginia, vpho moved to Indiana in his younger days, and married Miss Polly Woods, of that State, locating in Gibson County, where Ham- ilton vyas bom December 29, 1829. John Richey followed his occupation of farming in Indiana un- til the year 1844, when he removed to Arkansas, and settled in Lawrence County. He resided in that place, and reared his family, until the time of bis death, in the fall of 1861, when he passed away, regretted l)y all who knew him. Up to the time of his decease Mr. Richey had been a sur- vivor of the War of 1812, and was at Mobile, Ala., when the battle of New Orleans was fought. He was also a captain of militia during his resi- dence in Indiana. Hamilton W. Richey came to Arkansas when in his fourteenth year, and is the oldest of three surviving sons, out of a family of eight who grew to maturity and had families of their own. He remained with his father until his twenty third year, and was then united in marriage to Mrs. Sarah Ann Richey, December 12, 1852, the lady being a widow, and a native of Lawrence County. After their marriage they settled on a small farm in Flat Creek, and, in the spring of 1867, moved to their present home. Mr. Richev commenced clearing his land at once, and at the present time has almost 225 acres under cultiva- tion. He owns altogether about 700 acres of land, on different tracts, a portion of it l>eing cleared, and owes his present prosperity to liis own enter- prise, having but very little property when he first started in life. Mr. Richey is one of the substan- tial and progressive men to whom Lawrence County can point with pride, and by his industry and economy has placed himself upon a basis where others must look at him with admiration. In March, 1862, he enlisted in the Confederate army, becoming a member of the First Arkansas Battalion, and served until taken prisoner, at Port Hudson, July 8, 1863. The command was again reorganized the following fall, and then Mr. Richey held the rank of first lieutenant, and con- tinued in that capacity until his surrender, at Jack- sonport, Ark., where he was paroled in June, 1865. He had two children by his first wife, both of them deceased, and fcis wife also dying in 1857. He contracted a second marriage, his wife being Miss Mary Way land, of Arkansas, who died in 1876, leaving six children: David H. , John H. and Jo- seph W. , while three others lived to maturity, and two married before their deaths occuircd. Their names are Hamilton W., Sarah Ann M. and Amanda J. Mr. Richey was again married, his third wife being Miss Mattie E. Walker, of Gib- son County, Tenn. , and has had two children by this marriage, Nora May and Mattie Aoma. He was elected justice of the peace of his township, and, at the expiration of his first term, was re- elected to a second term. Mr. Richey and his wife are both members of the Christian Church, and he is also a member of the Agricultural Wheel. James P. Rogers, a well-known farmer of Cache Township, was born in Middle Tennessee, March 10, 1847. He is the son of John B. Rog- ers, a native of North Carolina, who settled in Tennessee about the year 1846, and from there came to Arkansas and located on Black River, eight miles or more east of Pocahontas, where he resided until his death, two years later. His wife was Miss Ann S. Collier, of North Carolina, a daughter of Henry Collier, wlio settled in Arkan- sas about the year 1850 and located on Black River, in Randolph County, in which place he pur- chased half a section of land. He was one of the first settlers in that region and lived there until his death, in 1855, or thereabouts. Mrs. Rogers is still living and resides in Red River County, Tex., at the age of seventy years. She is the mother of twelve children, seven of them living, whose names are: James P. Rogers, Martha L., widow of William Sutton, a resident of Red River County, Tex.; John C. and Henry C. twins, the former a resident of Fort Worth, Tex., and the latter near Arkadelphia, Ark.; Mary E., the wife of John W. Scoggin, of Red River County, Tex. ; Senora, wife of Samuel Daniels, and Robert Lee, also of Red River County, Tex. James P. Rogers spent the earlier part of his life on a farm in Ten- nessee, and in his twenty-second year went to "TP Sherman, Tex., where he worked as a carpenter. He then traveled through the Indian Territory for a short time, after which he nndertook the busi- ness of freighting between Paul's Valley and Fort Sill. His next trip was back to Texas, along the Red River, and after finding a suitable location he commenced farming. He continued at various oc- cupations until the year 1871, when he came to Randolpli County, Ark., and l)ought 120 acres of land, and on Decemlier 'I'S, 1872, was married to Miss Ellen E. Brooks, a daughter of Albert W. W. Brooks, who has the reputation of l)eing the wealthiest man in Randolph County, Ark. Mr. and Mrs Rogers then came to Cache Township, in Lawrence County, and settled on a farm of 240 acres, of which 115 acres are in a good state? of cultivation. He owns 440 acres more in two tracts of land in Randolph County. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers are the parents of seven children, five of them living, whose names are recorded as follows: John A., William H. , Julia A., Magnolia, Mary Susan. He is a member of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, and a man held in high esteem. Charles C. Rogers, attorney and county ex- aminer, was born in Madison County, Tenn., April 1, 1852. He is a son of Hon. D. S. and Nancy G. (Taylor) Rogers, of North Carolina and Virginia, respectively. After his marriage, the elder Rog era resided in Tennessee for a number of years, where he farmed to a consideralile ext(>nt, and for twenty five years was chairman of the county court of Madison County. In his sixty- fifth year Mr. Rogers was admitted to the bar, but as he had al- ways declined to practice, his membership was con- ferred more as an honor. Previous to the war he had l)een elected a member of tin? legislature, and for almost twenty-five years, continuously, he held the office of justice of the peace. His death oc- curred in the spring of 188B, leaving behind him a name respected and honorinl wherever mentioned. Charles C. Rogers grew to manhood on the farm in Tennessee. His facilities for attending school in his youth were very meager, but, knowing the advantages of a good education in order to make a success in life, hi- applied himself studiously to his books at every opportunity, and now not only is ho posted in the common and higher EDglish branches, Imt is also well versed in Greek and Latin. After niastcriug liis studies, Mr. Rogers taught .school himself in Teiuiessee for five terms, and for one term iti Arkansas. In 1875 he com- menced the study of law at the ('uiiil)cr]atid fjaw School, Lebanon, Tenu., and completed his full course. He then located at Jackson, Tenn., and in 1881 was offered th(> editorial chair of u news- paper in that city, which he occupic'd for eight months, his work during that time attracting wide- spr(>ad att(!ntion. In 1882 he moved to I'nwliatan, where he has resided ever since, and commenced the practice of law. He has been successful from the very Ix'ginuing, and now ranks as one of the best lawyers in Northeast Arkansas. Mr. Rogers was married to Mrs. Ella Croom, a charming widow, of Tennessee, who had been the companion of his youth. Mrs. Rogers has one daughter by her former marriage, and her union with Mr. Rogers has given them a son Willie P. Rogers. They are l)oth members of the Methodist P^pisco pal Church, South, of which Mr. Rogers is stewarttlement in tho county, and has 100 acres of land under cultivation. Mr. Sharp was married, September 20, 1868, to Miss Lucinda C. McGhehey, a daughter of Judge McGhehoy, who has filled that ol!i(!e for fourteen years. They have five children: William Henry, Alice, Albert Redmond, Ernest ^\'. and Lacie B. , and are mem- bers of the Christian Chiu-ch. Mr. Sharp has been a member of the school board for n nural)er of years, and has always used his influence to the fullest extent, in the cause of education. He is a firm believer in the maxim that " knowledge is power," and is always one of the first to advance a cause for the enlightenment and instruction of childhood. He is the owner of a large sorghum - mill and a splendid farm. His mill has a capacity of forty five gallons per day. T. J. Sharum, general merchant of Walnut llidge, was born in Daviess County, Lid., February 4, 1840. His father, H. Y. Sharum, is a native of Kentucky, and an early settler of Daviess County, lud. , where he still resides on a farm, at tho ago of eighty years. The elder Sharum was married to Miss Rosa Ann Cisell, of Kentucky, and eight children were the result of this union. One of the sons, James A., was a member of Company I, Twenty-fourth Infantry, Indiana Volunteers, and was killed in the battle of Shiloh. Two of the .sons reside in Arkansas — T. J. Sharum and J. C. Shnr um. the latter a resident of Portia. Mr. T. J. Sharum was reared on a farm in Indiana, and re- ceived a fair education in his youth. He learneattle of Sliiloh, where he was wounded in the left- shoulder l>y a rifle ball. He was granted a fur- lough of several months after this occurrence, and later on rejoined his regiment at Helena, Ark., and with the exception of skirmishing, was not engaged in actual battle until the siege of Vicks- burg. On June 2;3, he was taken prisoner, and finally landed in the famous Libby Prison. Later on he was exchanged, and rejoined his regiment at New Iberia, La. At Clinton, La. , he did some skirmish duty, and iu the year of 1864, he was mustered out at Baton Rouge. Mr. Sharum's next occupation was that of traveling salesman for a jewelry house, and then a stock trader. He jour- neyed through the Choctaw Nation and the State of Arkansas for two years, trading in stock and hides. He then established himself in business in Indiana for seven years, and afterward was a wholesale mannfacturer of boots and shoes in St. Louis. Mo., for eight years, in connection with a brother. In November, 1888, ho came to Walnut Ridge, his present home, and purchased the busi ness of J. M. Phelps & Sons. His undertakings have all been successful, and he is now the owner of some 8,000 acres of land, besides thatjsart of Wal- nut Ridge where the court-house and Methodist Episcopal Church stand. He is commander of Lawrence Post No. 72, G. A. R., and is a member of the I. O. O. F., Good Templars and Knights and Ladies of Honor. He was married April 24, 1806, to Miss Lydia A. Loutz, of Indiana, and has bad three children, one of them dying since (Ed- ward). The two still living are Monte and Myrtle. Arthur W. Shirey, a prominent merchant of Ashland Township, comes from an old South Car- olinian family, but is of German descent. He was born in Lexington County, S. C, on the 13th of May, 1835, and is a son of Enoch and Martha (Sandford) Shirey, who, a few years after their marriage, moved to the State of Georgia, and from there to Alabama, where they settled on a farm, and proceeded to make their future home. The father died September 6, 1866, while visiting his son, A. W. Shirey, in Texas, giving the family a blow from which they did not recover for some years. A. M'. Shirey remained with his father un- til he had attained his manhood, and then moved to Texas, where he located in Smith County, and af terward in Angelina County. In 1862 he enlisted in the Thirteenth Texas Cavalry, as a private, but his valiant services for the cause of the Confeder- acy soon won for him the rank of orderly sergeant, in which capacity he remained until the company disbanded at Hempstead, Texas. He fought at the battles of Mansfield (La.), Pleasant Hill (La.), and -Jenkins' Ferry (Ark.), besides a great number of others ere until his marriage to Miss Rosanna Ruggles, of Otsego, N. C, who was born in 1797, and came to Missouri in 1818. They moved to Arkansas in 1S'20, and located in the Spring River district, where they opened up a largo farm (for that time) of 150 acres. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sloan were mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and the elder Sloan's house in (larly days was often a meeting place for the missionaries of that time. He dieil, while on a visit to his former home in Missouri, on November 18, 184Vt, anil ins wife, the mother of Capt. Sloan, died on the old homo- stead, August 10, 18f)0. Nine children were born to the parents, all of them living to bo marrie. Clay Sloan, circuit court clerk, Powhatan, was born in Lawrence County, Ark., August 20, I Sill. He comes of a family who have made Arkansas their home for a great many years, his father, James F. Sloan, having been reared in the same county and State, as also his mother, Margaret J. (Uauey ) Sloan. The older Sloan was, for the greater |«>r tion of his life, a prominent merchant of I'owha tan, and was one of the most progi'essivo men in commercial circles in that city up to the time of his death, in 1878. His wife still survives him, and is now married to M. D. Baber, an attorney of Powhatan. Mr. Clay Sloan attained his ma turity in Lawrence County, and in his youth re ceived a thorough education at Arkansas College, Batesville, Ark. He ci>mi>letet^ the necessity of schooling himself. At tho awe of twenty two ho located on the home jilacc, where he remained nntil he was able to purchase a home of his own, and, owing to his natural ability and pluck, was not long in attaining his object. He served three years in the C(jnfederate army, being a memljer of Col. Shaver's regiment, and was present at the surrender at Jacksonport, Jackson County, Ark. At the close of the war he returned home and engaged in farm work, and some years later was elected justice of the peace of Black River Township, tilling the duties of that office for two terms. He was then elected to the office of county judge in the fall of 188f). serving two years. Mr. Smith has also been a member of the board of equalization for four years, and has filled several minor offices. He was first married in 1859 to Miss Mary A. Bottoms, a lady of Tennes- see, who died on the I'Jth of Marcli, 1888. He had seven children b}' this wife, five of them de- ceased: David W., Elias H., Mary E., Clay C. and Emmett E. Those living are James C. and John R. Mr. Smith was married a second time to Mrs. Vj. a. Pyland, a native of Tennessee, and this lady had three children: Mary F., Georgia A. and Modena W. They are meml)ers of the Bap- tist Church. Mr. Smith is an active worker in school and church affairs. He is a stanch Demo- crat, and was a Whig b(>for<< the reconstruction. J. C. Starr, M.D., was born in ("annon County, Tenn., on the 2d day of August, 1843. He is a son of John and Celinda (Shumate) Starr. The family settled in Missouri, in IS50, and located in Wright County, where Mr. Starr, the elder, en- gaged in farming and stock raising. The Doctor remained with his- father until he reached maturity, when he began the study of medicine with Dr. J. F. Brooton, one of the leading physicians of Wright County, in 1808. He finally moved to Lawrence County, Mo., and enrolled as physician and surgeon in the clerk's offic(> in Mount Vemon, Mo., in July, 1874, where he remained until mov- ing to Arkansas, when ho settled in Lawrence County in 1875. His first place of residence was at Smithville, but in 1887 he selected Black Rock as a more desirable location, and has continued there ever since. He has a large jjractice, and is a man of high .standing in that community, which position has been won by his sterling qualities and skill in his profession, and ho is in every way worthy (jf the success attending him. The Doctor mot and won Miss E. J. Smith, a yoimg lady of Arkansas, in 1882. Five children have been born to tlieui- Clara, Tolivar, Webby, Ophelia and Mary. The family are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and the Doctor himself is a member and Junior Warden of Black Rock Lodge of ilasons. Andrew J. Stewart, a well-known and exten- sive stock raiser and farmer, was born January 1 5, 1S4S, in Phelps County, Mo. His father, James Stewart, was married in Missouri to Miss Melinda Lane, of Iowa, who, after their marriage, first settled in Dent County, Mo., and subsequently in Phelps County, where Andrew J. was born. An- drew remained with the family until his sixteenth year, and then came to Arkansas, and settled in Lawrence County, where he has resided since. He was married on September 24, 1872, to Miss Sarah Thomason, of North Carolina, a lady who has proven herself a devoted wife and mother. After his marriage Mr. Stewart bought 12t) acres of land, partly cleared, and since then has added to it considerably, now owning some b'lO acres in three tracts, with perhaps 200 acres cleared. He has a good box Innise on one place and a log house on each of the others, besides a good many im provements having been done upon all of his land. Mr. St(>wart's position in life is a gooil exami)le of what thrift, good management and common sense will do toward building up a man's fortune. He first started in life with comparatively nothing. l)nt l)y the aid of these qualities has accumulated an independent competence, and is now considered as one of the most substantial men of his county. He has a family of four children: Filli'nore L., James T., Jessie and Charles H. ; and has lost one child. Mrs. Stewart is a member of the Old School Presbyterian Church, and takes an active interest in all matters pertaining to it. Joseph Taylor was born in LawTence C uunty. Ark.. January 'IH, 182:^, his parents being Will- iam and Mary (Fortenberry) Taylor, whoso ro- — ► 824 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. spective places of birth were Tennessee and Vir- ginia. The father was born in East Tennessee, on Clinch River, near Kingston. The grandfather died at an early age, leaving a widow and two children — "William and Nancy. His wife married a short time after the death of her husband, and William was compelled to leave home on account of the ill treatment of his stepfather. At this time, being abont seventeen years of age and weighing only 104 pounds, he started for the West. He crossed the Mississippi River not far be- low the mouth of the Ohio, and located in Capo Girardeau County, near the southern line, on a small stream called White Water. He was wholly illiterate, being unable to read, save a little, while to write his own name was an impossibility. He remained in this coiintry until about the age of twenty -two, and having grown to be a reasonable sized man, he married. He was in this country in time of the earth's shaking and during the War of 1812. During this time his wife presented him two sons — Milledge and John — and about the year 1816 or 1817 he removed with his wife and family to Arkansas, and located in the woods, on the bank of Strawberry River, a very poor man. He suc- ceeded in procuring lands, on which he erected a building and cleared a farm, and, following the occupation of farming and stock-raising through life, he became a well-to-do man. After he settled here his wife bore four other sons — James, Wesley, Joseph, and one that died soon after its birth. The mother died at the same time, leaving Joseph a little over two years of age. The father remained a widower about two years, and married a lady named Lear Williams. This wife became the mother of four children, Nancy, William, Eliga and Elie. The father died at about the age of fifty- livo or fifty six, leaving eight sons and one daughter, all of whom became grown, married and had fami- lies, save one son, William, who died single at the age of twenty two. Joseph was about seventeen years old when his father died. He remained with his step-mother one year, and then lived with his brother until twenty years of age. On November 7, 1843, he married Mary J. Hinderson. They lived together about three years, and she died. During this union they had a son born unto them, named William Alexander (after his grandfather). This son (without consent of his father), at the age of sixteen, joined the Southern army in the fall of 1861, and was killed at Atlanta, Ga. After the death of his wife, Mr. Taylor remained a widower about three years, leading a very reckless life, but, under the influence of his brothers, he was per- suaded to marrj' a second wife, Martha A. Findley, November 7, 1850. This lady was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and a de- voted Christian. Through the influence of his wife, Mr. Taylor made a profession of religion in September, 1853. The next morning he joined the church to which his wife l)elonged. Shortly after he was elected and ordained to the office of ruling elder of the Strawberry congregation, which office he has held to the present time. Mr. Tay- lor lived with his second wife about fourteen years, and she died, after having given birth to five chil- dren — John W., Margret A., Sarah W., Melissa A., Matilda E. Mr. Taylor again married, a third time, the lady being a sister of his second wife, and the widow of J. M. Barnett. They had three sons, all of whom are living: Joseph G., Benjamin D. and George W. He lived with this wife about eighteen years, when she died, on the 31.st of De- cember, 1883. In 1887 he was married to the widow McHenry, who had one little daughter — Allis McHenry, who is now living with them. Mi'. Taylor's present wife's maiden name was Crits. Her native State is Virginia. Mr. Taylor is the only one of this branch of the family now living. He is in his sixty-sixth year, and lives at the Jack- sonport Crossing, on Strawberry, a place within two miles of where he was born. Thomas J. Thorn, farmer and stock raiser, was born in Bedford County, Tenn., December 25, 1837. His father, W. Thorn, was a native of North Carolina, who moved to the State of Ten- nessee, and was there married to Miss Penelope Crumple, of that State. After his marriage the elder Thom settled on a farm in Bedford County, where he resided until his death, in 1856. His wife still survives him, and is a resident of Law renee County. He served through the Seminole ^ LAWRENCE COUNTY. 825 War in Florida, and had n(W(*r fully recovered from the exposure and hardships broucrht on while en- deavorinf( to subdue this savage tribe. Thomas J. Thorn remained with his father until he had reached his maturity, and then started out to tind his own fortune. In 1859 he settled in Oregon County, Mo. , and one year later moved to Law- rence County, Ark. In ISOl he enlisted in the Confederate army, and after six months' active service was badly wounded and discharged. He received his wound in the thigh, from a rifle ball, while engaged in a battle at Springfield, Mo., in 180L and at that time was a member of Col. McBryant's division. Finding it impossible to light any longer, he returned to Lawrence County, and, as time passed, and he was able to resume his farm work, he did so, and has been at that oc- cupation ever since, with the exception of a short period, in which he did carpenter work. He sold out his farm and moved to Florida, in 1880, spend- ing twelve months in that State, and, at the end of that time, returned to Lawrence County and bought the place upon which he now resides. He owns forty acres of fine land, and has about twenty- five acres under cultivation, with a comfortable house, Ijarns and all necessary adjuncts. Mr. Thorn was first married, in Teimessee, to Miss Mary Bennett, who died in Arkansas. Two chil- dren are yet living by this wife and two deceased. His second marriage was in Randolph County, to Miss Rebecca Holt, who left five children at her death. He was married a third time to Mrs. Sarah Hatfield, a widow of Lawrence County, who is still living. Both Mr. and Mrs. Thorn are mem- l)ers of the Missionary Baptist Church, of which the former is a deacon, and are people who are held in the highest respect in their community. George Thornlnirg, born in Havana, Mason County, 111., January 25, 1847, moved to Smith- ville. Ark., in December, 1855. His educational facilitie.s were meager, but used industriously, such as they were. He assisted J. N. Hillhouso for two sessions, and taught one session at New Hope. Ho l)egan the study of law in 1807, with Col. Bal)er, and then in the law department of the Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn., in 1808. 52 He was licensed to practice by Judge (afterward Governor) Baxter, and had charge of the circuit clerk's office fi-om 1808 to 1870, during which time the county seat was moved to Clover Ben.l, and from there to Powhatan. He entered into mer- cantile business at Smith ville, from 1870 to 1873, and in June, 1873, moved to Powhatan, where he began the i)ractice of law in co-partnershij) with Col. Baber. This firm did a large and successful business until June, 1880, when Col. TLornburg withdrew to take charge of a newspaper at Walnut Kidge. He moved to Walnut Ridge, in July, 1 880, and began the publication of the Tele])liono. The change from law to newspaper was not made from any pecuniary interest: but for the reason that journalism was more congenial to his taste. He was elected to the legislature as a Democrat, in 1870, but, after serving a month, his seat was con- tested, and the house l)eing largely Repul)lican, and j)olitics being very bitter, he was ousted to give place to William B. Janes, who received less than one- fourth as many votes. He was reelected to the legislature in 1872, and stood with the im- mortal minority in the house in 1873. In 1876 he was nominated liy his county for the senate, but declined on account of business engagements. In 1880 he was forced by the demands of his party and friends to submit to an election to the legisla ture again, and was elected speaker for the bouse during the session of 1881. It is said of him, as it can be said of no other speaker of the Arkansas legislature, that none of his decisions were ever ap- pealed. In 1884 he was again elected to the legis- lature, and was made chairman of the judiciary committee. In 1886 he was nominated by the State Wheel convention for secretary of State, but declined the nomination, because, as a Demo- crat, he could not accept any nomination that would antagonize the Democratic party. Since 1884 he has .sought no political oflice, devoting his attention to his paper. He was appointed a col- onel in the Arkansas militia, l)y Gov. Baxter, and again appointed by Gov. Garland. Col. Thorn - burg was made a Mason, in Smithvilli' Lodge No. 20, in ISON. He served as Secretary of his loarty, creed or color. Francis M. Wayland, of the lirm of James & Wayland. dealers in general merchandise, is another name that will be rememlicred for years to come as belonging to a pul)lic-si)irited and progres sive man of this community. He was born in Lawrence County October 7. 1840, and is a son of Rev. Jonathan Wayland, of Vii-ginia. a noted ])reacher of that period, who came to Arkansas in 1815, and settled in what is now Lawrence County, with his father. Nevil Wayland. (irandfather Wayland died soon after his arrival in Arkansas, and Jonathan was thrown on his own r<>sources: lint though the prospects ahead of him at the time were very dark, he was never daunted in the least, and through thf troul)les and |)rivations of his early life he grew to manhood with the |)roud consciousness of having overcome all obstacles that had been thrown in his path. He was married in Lawrence County, to Miss Amy A. Kdily. of Indi ana. whose parents wore among the pioneers of Arkansas, and locat(>d with his wife on a farm near Powhatan, where lie resided until his death. He was a noted minister of the Methodi.st Episcopal Church, South, in tiiat section, and his sermons were often the occasion for drawing hundreds of people from the surrounding country. His loving and faithful wife died about the year 1870. some fifteen years before his own death, leaving besides her husband, two .sons and a daughter to mourn her. The elde.st of these children was Francis M. Wayland, who remained with his father until he reached his majority. He received agooil edu- cation at the common schoolfl of Lawrence County, supplemented by a course of study at the Academy High School, of Iron County, Mo. When througli with his schooling he commenced teaching in Law- rence County, and <'oiitinued at it until induced by the offer of a lucrative position at Powhatan, to go to that city. In 1879 he entered into mercantile life on his own res|)onsil)ility, and his eiiter[)riHi-, honesty in all transactions and untiring energy have I built uj) for him a large and well-established bnsi- j ness. This firm carry one of the largest and best selected .stocks of general merchandise in Lawrence County, besides dealing in lumber, and operat- ing a cypress shingle-mill, having a capacity of 80,000 per day. They do a iiusiness of .^()(),()(10 annually, with the different branches combined, and are well and favorably known throughout the entire county. In the month of October, ISfJN, Mr. Wayland was united in marriage to Miss Sarah K. IMatthews, of Georgia, and this happy union has given th(>m three children: Charles M., j assisting in his father's business, Katie and Nettie. They are members of thi' Methodist Episcnpal Church, South, and Mr. Wayland is supt^rintend- I ent of the Sabbath-school, a position he has held for the past five years. He is also a Royal Arch Ma.son, and is Warden of his lodge. Mr. Way land is one of those men who can look back from his assured and substantial position in the world to that time when, as a young man struggling through life with nothing but a stout heart and an honest character to .sustain him. he fought his way U[)ward, like the hero of Longfidlow's E.xcelsior, never stopping until he had reached the summit of his ambition. His career has been one that can be pointed out as an example for the younger genera- tion to follow, in order to be placed upon ns solid a foundation, antl it is of such men the luition shoiUd i)e conji>oseil, in order to draw the admira- tion of the worlil upon us. I John P. Wel)b was born and raised on a farm J in Coffee County, Tenn. His parents. John B. >^ 828 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. and Mary (Pearson) Webb, were natives of the same State, who moved to Arkansas in the fall of 1858, and settled at a point seven miles west of Powhatan, where they continued to reside until the death of Mr. Webb's father in 1865, two years before the mother. Mr. Webb is the seventh of ten children, all of whom lived until their matur- ity, when four have since died. He remained on the farm with his parents until the disruption of the North and South, and gave up the plow and rake for the more deadly implements of war. In 1862 he enlisted with Newton's regiment of cav- alry, and thereafter fought on several battlefields before the surrender. He took ])art in the battles of Helena and Alexandria on the Red River, and also at Little Rock, and was one of the followers of Gen. Price on his raids through Missouri. Af- ter the war had ended, he once more sought the peace of his home, and remained with his mother on the farm until his marriage, in the fall of 1866. He then located near the home place, where he resided until 1882, when he removed to Black River Bottom, near their present home. Here he put his energies into saw-milling for three years, and after that venture engaged in cotton -ginning. He moved to his present home in 1887, and com- menced farming, and has also established a thriv- ing business in general merchandise. Mr. Webb was married to Miss Asenath Denton, of Tennes- see, who died in 1871 after a happy wedded life, leaving seven children to mourn a mother's loss. Since then three of them have died. He was married a second time to Miss Rebecca Johnson, a young lady also from the State of Tennessee, who is now the mother of three children. The names of those by his first wife are William F. , Charles (deceased), Wiley J., John It., Chesley N., Mary (deceased) and Harvey (deceased). The children by his second marriage are Henry P., Matilda and Elisabeth. Mr. Webb and his wife are mem- bers of the Missionary Baptist Church, of which Mr. Webb is a deacon. He has also been a mem- ber of Dry Creek Lodge No. 453, A. F. & A. M., for the past sixteen years, but was a member of Rock Cave Lodge No. 347, this county, when Dry Creek Lodge was organized in 1886. Mr. Webb is a generous, public -spirited citizen, and one of the foremost to assist in pushing his county to the front. He takes an interest in all public and private enterprises, and is one of this section's most valued citizens. John H. S. Weir, a well-known resident of Dent Township, was born in North Carolina in 1842. The parents of Mr. Weir moved west, and settled in Arkansas in 1845, locating at Old Jack- son, December 24. From there they moved to a point in Black River Township, where they have resided since 1846. James A. Weir, the father, has been one of the foremost citizens of this county, and a leading spirit in its affairs. He is one of the best-posted men in Northeastern Arkan- sas, and now, after a liusy and useful life, is living quietly with his children. The mother died. May 23, 1885, a firm believer in the Seceder Church. Out of eight children six are living. The first four born were twins. Mr. Weir came to Arkansas with his parents when three years old. and has always remained in that State, excepting the time he spent in the late war. In 1862 he enlisted in Wells company, and soon afterward was dis- charged. He re-enlisted in R. C. Newton's Cavalry Regiment, of Little Rock, Ark., and served until 1865, when he was paroled in Drew County. He took part in the battles at Mark's Mill and Poison Springs, in this State, but was principally sent out on skirmish duty. After the war he returned home, and worked on the farm until 1867, when he ac- cepted a position with William Jones, of Pow- hatan, who owned a general merchandise store, which was then sold to the firm of Stuart, Cravens & Balfor. On leaving the above business Mr. Weir entered school, where he studied diligently for ten months. At the end of his student days he met and married Miss Thirsey J. Moore, a daughter of Robert W. Moore, of Tennessee, who came to Arkansas in 1832, with his mother and stepfather. Mr. Moore was a representative citi- zen of this county in his day, and one of its most popular men. He died at the age of sixty-six years. When Mr. Weir first purchased his pres- ent place it was heavily covered with timber, but since that time he has put upwards of seventy-five s-mm J.H.M^.Gauqck. (qe ceased) Mississippi County, Arkansas , LA.\VEENCE COUNTY. 829 acres under cultivation, all of which has been done by the labor of his own liaadH. His mother-in- law is still living, and is a member of tli(> Metho- dist Episcopal Church, South, which she has at- tended ever since her girlhood. She was boru near Huntsville, Ala., in the year 1819, and her first marriage was with Hezekiah Darter, of Vir- ginia, by whom she had one child, Charlotte. Mr. Weir and his wife have had seven children, two of them deceased. Their names are: Margaret E. (wife of Henry H. Rainwater), Eobert S., Mary L., Burett S., Moses N. , Clay C. and Laura B. They are both members of the Methodist Epi.scopal Church, South, and are zealous workers. Mr. Weir has been one of the school directors for a number of years, and is an active leader in public and private enterprises. George F.Weir, of Imboden, Lawrence County, was born in this county, in 1846. He is the son of James A. and Elisabeth (Sloan) Weir, who were among the earlier settlers of this State, locating here in the year 1845. Mr. Weir was born and reared on a farm, and remained at home until his twenty- fifth year, when he enlisted in the Confederate army in 1863, under Capt. Butler, and served until peace was established. He was one of the foremost in the raids through Missouri, under Gen. Price, and was engaged in some of the hottest work of that time. After the war was over he retiu-ned to his hom(>, and has since fol- lowed the occupation of a farmer. He was mar- ried, in 1871, to Miss Martha J. Smith, but lost his wife in December, 1S84; she had been a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, for fifteen years. Six children were born to them — all of them living: Margaret R., James F., Wil- liam H., George R., Julia E. and Lenora L. Mr. Weir's second marriage was with Mrs. Charlotte Nation. They have one child, a step-daughter of Mr. Weir's, Ella V. Nation, and Mrs. \\eir has one daughter married, Mi-s. John StaiT, resid- ing in Dent Township. Mrs. Weir is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mr. Weir is a Democrat. He has upwards of 100 acres of land under cultivation, and can be counted as one of the successful men of this county. Burett S. A\eir, postmaster, of the firm of Weir «& Matthews, is a native of Aikansas, and was born in Lawrence County, on the 'ilst day of December, 1856. He is the son of James A. and Sarah E. (Sloan) Weir, both of North Carolina, who moved west and settled in Arkansas in 1845, locating at Old Jackson, in what is now known as Randolph County. From there he moved seven miles south, now in Lawrence County, where Mr. Weir estab- lished a home for his family, and lived until the death of his wife, in 1885. Mr. Weir, the elder, served with distinction through th(> late war, hold- ing the rank of lirst lieutenant, and took an active part in that portion of oui' country's history. After remaining with his father until he reached the age of twenty-eight years, Mr. Weir started upon a career of his own. He received the greater part of his education from the public schools, and is a self-made man in the true sense of that phrase, being a strong representative of what pluck and perseverance will do. On the 7th of June, 1883, he was united in marriage to Miss Eudora Perry, daughter Of William and Elisabeth Perry, and re- moved to Black Rock, where he occupied a position cif trust in a general store. In 1885 he entered into the grocery business on his own account, and continued in that business luitil 1880, when the present firm of Weir & Matthews was organizeil. Mr. Weir has held several local positions, and was appointed postmaster of Black Rock on the 14th of December, 1888, but has had charge of all busi- ness connected with the postoflSce since it was es I tablished in 1884. He is a member of the Knights of Honor and holds the uGice of Past Dictator. I Dr. John R. Wells, a successful and well ■ known physician and surgeon of Powhatan, comes from a family of Arkansas pioneers. He was born in Lawrence County, Ark., Se|>tember 5, 1838, and is a son of G. W. Wells, of the same State, whose father was one of its earliest settlors, coming here in the year 1807, and locating at what is now known as Ravendeii JuiictiuM, in fwiwrence County. G. W. Wells grew to mauliood, and was married, in what is now Lawrence Comity, his wife being Miss Nettie Stubblefield. of Cape fiiranleau j County, Mo., whose father C. S. Stubbleliehl, was '-^ 830 HISTOKY OF ARKANSAS. also one of the pioneers of this State, and repre- sented Lawrence County at an early day. After his marriage Mr. Wells settled on a farm across the river, in this county, where he resided until his death, in 1840. Ho was a farmer and stock dealer, and shipped his stock to the Southern markets. His wife died in 1887, at the age of seventy-tive years, after rearing her family with all the care of a gentle Christian mother. Dr. Wells grew to maturity on the farm at home, and received a good common school education. He subsequently attended college for two years, at Springfield, Tenn., and in 1857 began the study of medicine at Jacksonport, Ark., under the care of Drs. Kirkwood and Matlock, both noted physi- cians of that period. He took his first course of lectures at the Memphis Medical College, in 1858-59, and the following year completed his course at the University of Louisiana, one of the most celebrated schools of medicine in the South. He graduated from the latter place, in the spring of 18fi0, and came to Powhatan, where he com- menced to practice his profession. Dr. Wells has kept unceasingly at his practice, from the time of obtaining his diploma, to the present day, except- ing the period when he enlisted in the Confederate army during the war. He entered as a private, in the First Arkansas Regiment of Riflemen, but was soon after detailed as steward on the medical staff. In 1862 a new company was organized, of which he was made captain and assistant surgeon, and in that capacity served in Col. Baber's regiment until the close of the war. When the war was over, he returned home and resumed his practice, and has succeeded in building up a reputation in that sec- tion that is second to none. The Doctor was mar- ried, November 24, 1804, to Miss Nettie Stuart, of this county, a daughter of C. F. Stuart, and now has a family of five children: Laura G. .W., John L., Ada, and Frank Stuart, besides three children, who died in infancy. Dr. Wells and his wife are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and the Doctor is a member of the Masonic order, being a Master Mason. Frederick W. Westphal, the leading butcher of Walnut Ridge, was born in Pomvaigne, Ger- ! many, November 7. 1844. He learned the tan ner's trade in his native country, and in 186'J '. came to Baltimore, Md. Mr. Westphal was de- sirous of seeing something of the country of his adoption, and shortly after his arrival at Balti- more, he went to Illinois, and thence to La Porte, Ind. , where he settled down for awhile, and worked on a farm. He then came to Chicago and wcwkcd at his trade, and afterward moved to Effingham, 111., where he remained three months. His next visit was made to St. Louis, in the spring of 1878, and from there he came to the then small village of Walnut Ridge. In the second year of his arrival, he bought 160 acres of land, and has since that time homesteaded 160 more. He has also pur- i chased enough additional land to make in the ag- gregate 420 acres. His homestead is three miles due west of Walnut Ridge, and has on it a fine fruit orchard, and at least 125 acres under cultiva- tion. In the fall of 1887 he started in the meat business, and has succeeded in building up a good trade. He is a member of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, and Odd Fellows, and also of the Pro- testant German Church. Mr. Westphal has al- ways remained a bachelor, as the lady has not yet appeared to captui-e his heart. His mother re- sided with him until her death, January 5, 1887. He is a much respected citizen. Samuel Williams was born in Lawrence County, in 1845, and was reared in the same county. He ! is the son of James and Sally (Rose) Williams, also natives of this State. Mr. Williams lost his mother when still very young, and his father died in the year 1888, leaving two children to survive them: Samuel Williams, and his sister Leah, the wife of George W. Goodwin, but now deceased. The father married again after the death of his first wife, his second bride being a sister to the first. This union gave them five children — three of them now dead, and those living are Margaret and Nancy, who are both married. Mr. Williams reached his maturity in this county, and, in fact, has resided here ever since. He is a man of lib- eral ideas, and has traveled extensively through the South, but, in the face of all his wanderings, still believes there is no place like home. He was LAWRENCE COUNTY. 831 a gallant soldier during the war, and did some excellent work in Coleman's regiment, which, as the advance guard, always brought on the engage- ment. He escaped without injury, the closest call he ever had being at Kansas City, where his horse was shot from under him. He surrendered at Jacksonport, June, 1865, and then returned home, where he commenced farming and trading in stock. In 1872 he was married to Miss Sally Brandon, of Tennessee, who came to Arkansas, a girl of eight years, with her parents. Mr. Williams and his wife have had eight children, three of them now dead. Those living are: Eebecca, Ashley, Clay, Roxien, William. The children who have died are Addie, George, and James Lacy. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church, and are strong adherents to its teachings. Mr. Williams has eighty acres of fine land under cultivation which is the work of his own hands, besides 180 acres of tim- bered land, in all 260 acres. He is a Democrat. John E. Willmuth, elder of the Baptist Church at Hazel Grove, was born in Graves County, Ky. , in the year 1840. He is the son of Edmund and Mary (Edwards) Willmuth, of Tennessee, who lived in that State until their marriage, and fi-om there moved to Kentucky. Edmund Willmuth gave the greater portion of his attention to farming, but was also a carpenter by trade, and sometimes worked at shoomaking. He died when his son, John E. Willmuth, was a child, and his wife survived him but a few years after, consequently, young John knew but little of parental authority. This couple had ten children born to them, nine of them living until they had reached maturity, and four yet re- maining. John E. continued on the homestead tmtil his tw(>nty third year, and then married and located on a farm of his own. Since then he has al- ways lived within a radius of three miles from his present home. In 1861 he enlisted in the Con- federate army, becoming a member of Harrington's company, in McCarver's regiment, and served two months. His wife was Miss Lncinda Campbell, of Tennessee, a daughter of Alex. Campbell, a native of that State, and their marriage has been blessed with seven children, namely: William R., Sidney G., George W., Lawrence F., John W., Henry C. and Mary E. All of them are single, and reside with their parents, making one of the happiest homes in Arkansas. Elder Willmuth and his wife are members of the Baptist Church, and are among the most faithful workers in the fold. He has a splendid farm, and is the owner of a cotton-gin, built in 18S7, that ginned some 20S( bales of cotton the following year. He is a man of sound common , sense, whose word is always considered as good as his bond, and possesses the qualities that go to make up a valued and influential citizen. William J. Wilson, one of the leading mer- chants of Eavenden, was born in California, in 1858. He is a sou of Capt. Isaac D. Wilson, whose birthplace was in Tennessee, but was reared in Arkansas, having come to this State and settled in White County, among the first arrivals. I. D. ' Wilson grew to manhood in White County, and was married in Lawrence County to Miss Martha F. Estes. After their marriage they made a trip to California and remained several years, return- ing about the year 1855, and locating in Washing- ton County. Capt. Wilson held a commission in the Confederate army, and died in that service about 18()3, while gallantly defending his cause. William J. Wilson was reared in Lawrence and Sharp Counties, and cultivated the soil until the year 18S2, when he entered into commercial life at Williford. He remained here two years and then moved to Ravenden, where he formed a piu'tner ship with Mr. Ball, with whom he continued in business for the same length of time. He after ward went to Texas and purchased some land, and on his return was inactive until 1887, when he once more entered into business. He carries a large stock of gcMieral merchandise, and has estab- lished a line trade, enjoying an enviable reptita tion for fair dealing and honest goods. He also handles cotton to n consideralile extent, and is in terested with Mr. Ball in the erection of a cotton gin. Mr. Wilson was married, in 1S73, to Miss Mary Osborn. and tln»y are now the parents of six children: Isaac M., Martha A., Minnie, Alvin. Thomas and ToUie. Both parents are members of the Christian Church, an.l Mr. Wilson is a member , of the Masonic order, and is secretary of his l.Hlge. r 832 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Illfiifi -4-+-5- Jackson County— Act of Creation— Seat of Justice Located— County Structures— Official Cata- logue—Votes AND Voters— The War of 1861-65— The Administration of Justice— Church Denominations Represented- School Matters Outlined — Names of the Early Settlers— The County Located— Topography— Streams- Timber— Soil— Resources— Property Valuation— Rail- roads— Population— Towns AND Villages- Personal Memoirs. The "good old times " — all limes, when old. are good- Are gone; tlie present might be, if they would; Great things have been, and are, and greater still Want little of mere mortals but their will. — Byron. hs:i*s ACKSON COUNTY was organ- ized in accordance with an act of the legishititre of the Territory of Arkansas, approved Novem- l)er 5, 1.S29. * As then consti- '■<: tilted it embraced nearly all of what is now Woodruff County. The latter was cut off in 1S62. By the act creating Woodruff, and other acts, the county has been re- duced to its present limits, as given in subsequent pages of its history. In 1832 the site for the per- manent seat of justice for the county was chosen at a place called Litchfield, which was on the Jacksonport and Augusta road, at the crossing of Village Creek, a point some two or three miles southeast of the present town of Newport. Here the county seat remained until 183U, when it was removed to Elizabeth, a point on the northeast side of White *Named in honor of General Jackson. River, about midway between the present sites of Jacksonport and Newport; there it continued until 1S52, when it was removed to Augusta, which is now the county seat of Woodruff County. The next year, 1853, it was changed to Jacksonport, and there has since remained. It is predicted that its next and final removal will be to Newport, the largest town in the county, and the one having the greatest transportation facilities. A small frame court-house was erected at Elizabeth, but no county building was constructed at either of the other places where the seat of jus- tice was fixed until after it was removed to its pres- ent location, and not there until early in the 70' s, when the present, court hou8e_ was erected. This house was built by Col. J. A. Sehnable, the orig- inal contract being for .140,000. It is claimed, however, that it cost twice that amount by the time final payment was made. It is a very substantial two story brick structure, large and commodious, with halls and ofiices on the first fioor. and court- room above. A serviceable fire-proof vault, cost- ing, together with its burglar proof safe and other JACKSON COUNTY. HHH i'uniiture, iibout$2,S0(), hasrefiniitly bocii attached. Near the court-house stands a small, frame jailer's residence and a safe and com]>lote stone jail with iron cells. The county poor farm, consisting of forty acres, on which the jiaupers are supported, lies live miles north of Jacksonport. The following is a list of the names of officers of Jackson County, with the dates of their terms of service annexed, from its organization to the pre- sent time: Judges: Hiram Glass, l(S3()-32; E. Bartley, 18eut, elected in 1888. Surveyors: ■bilni ivubinson, 1832-35; Hall Roddy, 1835-38; William Scruggs, 1840-42; J. Gibson, 1842-44; H. H. Pongur, 1844 46; William Hughes, 1846-48; Jesse Oats, 1848-50: John Towey, 1850-52; B. Ford. 1852-54: .). Mullin-. 1854-56; J. C. Mullin.s, 1856-58: J. M. Miillms. 1858-60; John Glass, 1860-62; J. K. Siddell. 1862-64; Ignatius S])rigg, 1864 6S; B. F. Chand- ler, 1868-72; C. E. Brizzell, 1872 74; M. Hawk. 1874-76; W. P. McDonald, 187fi 78; F. Simmons. 1878 88; T. W. Jamison, present incumbent, elected in 188S. Assessors: ^\ illiam Brian. 1N6S 71; W. .1. Scott, 1871-72; F. W.Lynn, 1872 74; J. G. Bandy, 1874 76; G. C. Buford, 1876-80; J. R. West, 1880-81: J. S. Jones, 1884-88; F. R. Dowell, present incumbent, electeil in 1888. Representatives in con.stitntional conventions; John Robinson, 1836; J. H. Patterson, 1861; John Box, 1S61: W. H. Pickett.* 1868; Franklin Doswell, 1874. R. Tidwell was the first representative of tiie county in the council, and Morgan Magness and * Never preseat. V 834 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. C. S. Manley the first rejiresciitativeH in tlio lioiise of tho Torritorial legislature. This was in 1S81. The votes cast in .Jackson County for the can- didates for governoi' and for president at the late elections will show its political aspect. They were as follows: At the September election, 1888, for governor, James P. Eagle (Dem.), 1,808; C. M. Norwood (Com. 0pp.), 1,200; at the November election, 1888, for president, Cleveland (Dem.), 1,555; Harrison (Rep.), 842; Streeter (U. L.), 82; Fisk (Pro.), 5. At the approach of the Civil War of 1861-65, the people of Jackson County were found to be almost unanimously in favor of secession and the proposed Southern Confederac}'. The delegate elected to represent the county in the State conven- tion, held at Little Rock in March, 18()1, was in- structed to vote for secession of the State from the Federal Union. Eleven companies of infantry and cavalry and McCown's battery, about 1,200 men in all, were organized within the county for the Southern army. The companies were originally commanded, re- spectively, by Capts. A. C. Pickett, Harvey Wilson, O. Percell, Orm, J. H. Hunter, M. M. Bate- man, Robert Anthony, A. C. Hooker, J. H. Patter- son and others. No Federal troops were raised hero, and no fights worthy of mention took place within the county's boundaries. It was held alter- nately and over-run by the'contending armies, and much property was destroyed. A few little skir- mishes took place between scouting parties, and a few individuals were killed. The citizens suffered considerably for the want of provisions, and shared alike with those of adjoining counties, the hard- ships of ' ' cruel war. ' ' Numerous Union soldiers have settled here since the war, the effects of which struggle are rajiidly passing away. The first terms of the courts held in the county were early in 1830, at the house of Thomas Wideman, at the place now called Irwin, a flag station on the Batesville & Brinkley Railroad, five miles south of Newport. At this point the organ- ization of the county was completed, and the courts continued to be held there until the seat of justice was established at Litchfield, in 1832. Hiram Glass was the first county court judge, and J. C. Saylors the first clerk of the courts. Judge Thomas P. Eskridge convened the first term of the circuit court on Monday, May 3, 1830, and finding no business he immediately "adjourned to court in course. ' ' The next term began on the first Monday of November following, when the first grand jury was empaneled. This jury, after a short deliberation, reported ' ' no business found. " ' and were then discharged. No such report has ever l)een made since. At the third term of this court the grand jury found three indictments — the first against a man for bigamy, the second against a man and woman for adultery, and the third against a man for vagrancy. In the first case the defendant was "too much married," in the second the df^fendauts were "not enough married," and the third proves that there were "tramps" (va- grants) then as well as now. Judge Eskridge con- tinued on the bench until 1835, when he was suc- ceeded by Judge Archibald Yell, who in 1837 was succeeded by Judge Lewis B. TuUy. The county court of Jackson County convenes on the first Mondays, and the probate court on the second Mondays of January, April, July and Oc tober, and the circuit court on the fourth Mondays of April and October of each year. The legal bar of the county consists of the following named attorneys : William R. Jones, Franklin Doswell, Joseph M. Bell, J. W. Stayton, Joseph W. Phillips, L. Minor, A\'. A. Monroe, Isaac T. Davis, M. M. Stuckey, O. W. Scarborough, J. M. Stayton, Gustave Jones, C. F. Greenlee and F. M. Lamberton. The county's criminal record is comparatively small. One white man and two negroes have been legally executed since the close of the Civil War for the crime of murder, and two colored men have been taken from the jail and hanged by a lawless mob. During the war period a niimber of murders were committed by roving bauds of soldiers and others, who took advantage of the circumstances of the times. The leading religious denominations within Jackson County are the Methodist Episcopal, South, Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopal and Chris- *n^ JACKSON COUNTY. 88,- tiau. The Methodists have three stations — New- port, A. M. Branson, pastor, witli a membership of 11 T); Jackson port, W. K. llntledge, pastor, mem berslii[> alxint ninety, and Auvergue, W. R. Foster, pastor, with a membership of sixty-three ; also Titckerman circuit, E. M. Davis, pastor, and Weldon circuit, R. M. Manloy, pastor. The former of these circuits embraces two or more appointments with an agijreijjate membership of sixty three; and the latter, three or more appoint- ments, with an aggregate membership of 112. Seven Sunday schools are reported with these churcli organizations.* Of the Baptist Church organizations there are Pleasant Valley at Aiivergne, Elder J. I. Martin, pastor, with a membership of seventy-four; Oak Grove, Elder John Ball, pastor, membership nine- teen; Hickory Grove and Litchfield. Elder F. M. Brannon, pastor, membershij), respectively, eighty- two and eighteen, and Pleasant Hill, the latter having only a small meml)ership. All of these belong to the AVhite River Valley Baptist Associa- tion. There is only one Presbyterian Church organi zation in the county, the one located at Newiwrt. It was organized January 29, 1S82, by Rev. Dr. Long of Batesville. The pre.sent pastor is Rev. Richard B. ^\ illis, of Searcy, and the membership is nineteen. Of the Christian Church, there are within the county the following named organizations: Shiloh, Surrounding Hill, Grand Liike, oneatMcCullough's School house on Departee Creek, Rol)inson'sChapel, Hopewell, one in Richwood Township, one eight miles southeast of Newport, one three miles east of Tuckerman, and Swifton; the whole having an aggregate membership of al)out 5(10. Elder Ritch erson preaches at Shiloh, Surrounding Hill and Robinson's Chapel; Elder S. Bowman at Hopewell; Elders Townsend and Mills at and near Swifton, and Elder J. G. Connor at a point three miles east of Tuckerman. In addition to the foregoing there is one Epis copal Church in the county, located at Newport, Rev. Coursan, of Little Rock, officiates as rector. *Stati8tic8 mostly from last Uonfereiice minutes. The educational facilities of .lackson ('(juntv are best shown by the following statistiiis, taken from the rejiort of the State superintendent of public instruction, for the year ending June :i(). LSSS: Scholastic population — white, males l,74(i, females l,5fl5, total 3,:U1; colored, males Tyfil, females o4S, total 1,115. Number of pupils taught in the public schools — white, males 1,122, females 1)28, total 2,050; colored, males 407, fe- males 3S2, total 789. Numi)er of school districts 31; number reporting enrollment 24; number vot ing local tax 20; number of teachers erajiloyed, 71; average monthly salary of teachers— first grade, males, 150; females, $45; second grade, males, .'542.50, females $37.50; third grade— males, $35, females $30. Amount expended for the sup- port of the free schools — teacher's salaries, $18,- 015.47; treasurer's commissions, $405.35, total $18,480.82. These statistics, if fidl and correct, would show that only a little over sixty-one per cent of the white, and a little over seventy per cent of the colored scholastic population, were taught in the public schools; this, however, is not correct forth(> reason that the number of pupils att(>nding schocil in seven of (lie thirty-one districts were not re- ported at all. The State school system is very defective. A school law should compel fidl and complete statistical reports showing all of its opera- tions, proving itself adequate to meet the demands of the cause of education. The wages paid teachers is sullicient to secure good talent, and the amount of money expended for the public schools, if prop- erly a|)plied under a more efficient school system, would bring about ijetter results. Jackson County, however, makes a far more favorable showing in respect to her schools than many other counties within the State. Auvergne Academy is a private enterprise, ami was established in 1S85 at the |)rogressive town of Auvergne. by the re(piest of the leading citizens of that place and vicinity. The Academy building, which is a large two story frame, was en«ct<»d in 1885, by D. W. Bristol, of Beebe, under the man agement of Dr. G. D. Clements and R. M. Laird. The property was purchased June 22, 1888, by D. L. Paisley aTid \. L. Blake, now the jirincipals 4 Air 836 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. of the faculty of the Academy. The town of Auvergne is high and rolling, free from mud and malaria, and the school is strictly moral, but not sectarian. It is open to lioth sexes. More ex- tended mention of this institution is made in sub- sequent pages. The settlement of the territory now composing Jackson County began some time prior to 1830, the date of its organization, but by whom or just when the first settlement was made can not be definitely stated. The following named persons who composed the first grand jury of the county were, as a matter of course, prominent pioneers here: Nicholas Copeland, Dudley Glass, Jesse Gray, Jacob Haggerton, Michael Haggerton, Silas T. Glass, Samuel Stokes, Joseph Haggerton, Elijah Bartley, Holloway Stokes, John Teagne, John Flannery, Jacob Flannery, William Melton, John James, Martin Copeland, Martin Bridgeman and Redding Stokes. Some of tlie.se, perhaps, lived in that part of the county since cut off in the formation of Woodruff County. John Wideman, at whose house the first courts were held, the Cope- lands and Newton Arnold, were the first settlers in the neighborhood of what is now Irwin Station, on the Batesville & Brinkley Railroad. George Hatch and a Mr. Daugherty were the first to locate at Newport. Alexander, George, William, Samuel and John Robinson, five brothers, and their cousin James Robinson, all from Tennessee, togethei' with George Crummel and several others, with their families, located in 1831 in the neighborhood of Litchfield. The Grays and Stokes were the first settlers in the southern pait of the county, a Frenchman, Shave- naugh by name, Dunbar and the Hollenheads, were amotjg the first in the northern part, and Thomas T. Tunstall and Samuel Reid were early residents at Jacksonport. About the year 1833 or 1834, the Robinsons l)oiight a steam-boat, the "Mount Pleasant,"' with which they carried on a trade for several years following, between their landing at Newport and New Orleans. [For the names of other pioneer settlers see the early county officers and biographical sketches.] The county lies in Northeast Arkansas, and is bounded on the north by Lawrence, east by Craighead, Poinsett and Cross, south by Woodruff and AVhite, and west by White and Independence Counties. It has an area of ()50 square miles, of which only about one fifth is improved. There are some government lands in the county subject to homestead entry, and some State lands subject to donation, and about 30,000 acres belonging to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway Company; the remainder is owned by individuals. The boundary lines of the county are as fol- lows: Beginning on the fifth principal meridian, where it is intersected by the township line divid- ing Townships 14 and 15 north; thence south on the meridian line to the point where it is inter- sected by the township line dividing Townshi|)s 8 and U north; thence west on the township line to the range line between Ranges 2 and 3 west; thence north on the range line to the township line dividing Townships U and 10 north; thence west on the township line to the range line between Ranges 5 and 6 west; thence north on the range line to the township line dividing Townships 10 and 1 1 north ; thence east on the township line to the range line between Ranges 3 and 4 west; thence north on the range line to White River; thence down White River, following its meanders, to the mouth of Black River: thence up Black River, following its meanders, to the point where it first crosses (in its downward course) the township line dividing Townships 14 and 15 north; thence east on the township line to the place of beginning. Jackson County is situated in the valleys of White, Black and Cache Rivers. White River, after forming a short portion of the boundary, enters from the west at the town of Jacksonport, and flows thence in a general southeasterly direc tiou to Newport, and thence a little west of south until it crosses the southern boundary, in the middle of Range 4 west. It is a most magnificent river, and is navigable throughout the year to points far north. Black River, as has been noted, forms about one-half of the western boundary of the county, and empties into White River just above the town of Jacksonport. It also is a beautiful stream, very deep, and is navigable during all the JACKSON COUNTY. ss-; year for a considerable distance. Cache River makes its appearance near the center of the eastern boundary, and tlows thence west of south, passing out at a point aljout eight miles west of the southeast corner. Village Creek enters the county at a point about two and a half miles west of its northeast corner, and flows in a southerly and southwesterly direction, and empties into White River about four miles south of Newport. Departee Creek, from the north, runs in a south- erly direction across the eastern part of Township 10 north. Range 4 west, and empties into White River below. These, the principal streams of the county, and their tributaries, furnisli its entire drainage. Cache River, and some of the smaller streams are extremely slow and sluggish. In that region lying east of Black and White Rivers there are several small lakes or bayous. Some good springs are found here, though they are not so numerous as in a more hilly country. Cisterns and wells are in general use, and the supjjly of good water for all purposes is abundant. That part of the county lying west of Departee Creek, emliracing about one and a half ('ongres- sional townships, is hilly, while the balance is com- paratively low and level; the farming lands l>or- dering on White River being elevated some six to eight feet above the Cache tlats. The best farming lands embrace that portion of country lying between Village Creek and ^\'hit(< River, occupying a low ridge rising several ff't't aljove the adjacent flats, and elevated about tea feet above high water of White River, and that portion of the Oil Tiough Bottom extending into the County of Independence. This latter tract is situated in the bend of White River, south of Jacksonport and west of Ni^wport. The low ridge dividing the waters of Villag(j Creek and White River has a siliceous soil and sul)soil of seven feet, under which is a stratum of tough yellow clay, eighteen feet in thickness. These are underlaid by a light colored sand, the thickness of which has not lieen ascer- tained; this sand forms the sub-stratum, alTording unfailing supplies of excellent pure water, and is reached In' sinking wells from lifteen to thirty feet. The soil of the " lirst bottoms," or the lowe.st valley lands, is composed of alluvial deposits and vegetable mould, and that of the higher lands in made up of sjuid, clay and vegetalile mould, anil all, (excepting some portions of the hilly and ridg<( lands, are exceedingly rich and fertile. The low lands along the streams and bayous support a growth of large timber, gam, cypress, ash, pin oak. hackberry, sycamore, cottonwood, elm, etc.. wlii!.- the higher lands al)ound in l)lack. wiiitf and |)i>st oak, l)lack walnut and some hickory. Tiie growth on the liilly lands consists of aev(>ral varieties of oak and some hickory, while the summits are cov- ered principally with l)lackjack oak. There is yet an unlimited supply of good timber. No mineral is claimed to exist here. Aside from the malaria cau.sed by stagnant surface water in the extensivi' forests, the county is comparatively healthy. Tiic malaria disappears in proportion as the country is cleared of its forests and the lands are drained. At present the lumber industry is a leading source of income to individuals, and as the supply of timber seems almost inexhaustibli- it will .so con tinuo for many years. One stave factory, thirteen sawmills and a planing-mill are in operation. Thmmon to this latitude can also be raised in great excellence and abundance, but horticulture has not received much attention. In ISSO tiiere were 1.282 farms within the county and 48,4ii7 acres of im|)roved lands, from which the yield of products for the previous year were as folKnvs: Cotton, 18,SS)r> bales; Inilian corn, 384,898 bushels; oats, (i.MlHt; wheat. 7,415; hay. inO tons; Irish jiotatoes, 4.*140 l>nshels: sweet pt)tatoes, 7.2:l'.t liushels; tobacco, 4.7!lO pounds. The United States census of 1W)0 will nndoubtedly show the ])roducts of the present yt>ar (ISSit) to b.- more than double these amounts. 838 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. The climate being so mild and the water supply so abundant, this locality is well adapted to the raising of live stock, but little winter feed- ing being necessary. According to the census re- ferred to there were within the county 2. 192 horses, 1,118 mules and asses, 11,246 neat cattle, 1,343 sheep and 18,006 hogs. The assessment rolls of 1888 show that the county then had 3,036 hor.ses, 1,506 mules and asses, 15,171 neat cattle, 1,202 sheep and 13,429 hogs — a noticeable increase from 1880 to 1888 in horses, mules and asses and cattle, a small decrease in the numl)er of sheep, and a large apparent but not real decrease in the number of hogs. A liberal income can be derived by de- veloping the horticultural advantages hereabouts. In 1880 the real estate of Jackson Ooirnty was assessed for taxation at $1,029,404 and the per- sonal property reaching $366,091, making a total of !{! 1,935, 495, and the aggregate amount of taxes charged thereon was 127,389. In 1888 the real estate assessment was $2,146,781 and personal property, 1753,179, making a total of $2,899,960, upon which the aggregate amount of taxes charged was $49,320.55. These figures indicate that since the year 1880 the taxable wealth of the county has more than doubled in value. This increase is due mainly to the building of the railroads and the consequent rapid development of resources in the community, the railroad property itself adding to the assessment the sum of $615,856. The main line of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway enters the county about three miles west of its northeast corner and runs thence in a southwesterly direction by way of Newport and other points — its length within the county being thirty- six miles. The Batesville branch of this railroad departs from the main line at Diaz, two miles north of Newport, its length within this territory lieing live miles. The Batesville & Brink- ley Railroad enters eleven miles west of the south- east corner and runs mostly in a northern direction to Newport, thence northwesterly to its present terminus at Jacksonj)ort, a distance of twenty-two miles. The total number of miles of main line of railroads within the county is sixty- three. The aggregate population of Jackson County since its organization, as shown by various United States census reports, has been as follows: 1830, 333; 1840, 1,540; 1850, 3,086; 1860, 10,403; 1870,7,268; 1880,10,877. During the first de- cade the population nearly trebled, during the second it doubled, and during the third, it more than trebled. Then, in 1862, nearly half of the territory was set off in the formation of Woodrufif County, which accounts for the reduction of popu- lation from 1860 to 1870. On account of the rapid immigration since 1880 the population at this writ- ing undoul)tedly equals 15,000 or more. The colored population of the county in 1870 was 1,612, and in 1880, 2,763. It is now estimated at 3,000. Auvergne, on the Batesville & Brinkley Rail- road, fourteen miles southeast of Jacksonport, con- tains a postoffice, two general stores, a drug store, grist-mill and cotton-gin. a blacksmith and wood shop, puldic school-house, railroad depot, and some other establishments. The population is es- timated at 200, and it does a large amount of trade. It is also the site of Auvergne Academy. Campbell is a station on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway, five miles north- east of Newport. Denmark, in Barren Township, in the e.xtreme sovithwestern part of the county, has two grist mills, a general store, blacksmith shop, post office, etc. Grand Glaize, also on the Iron Mountain Rail- way, fifteen miles southwest of Jacksonport, com- prises a saw mill, postoffice, railroad depot, and a general store. Irwin, a station on the Batesville & Brinkley Railroad, live miles southeast of Newjiort, has a small collection of houses. Jacksonport, on the north bank of White River just below the mouth of Jack's or Jacque's Creek, the present county seat, was established about the year 1839, l)y Thomas T. Tunstall, who in com- pany with Samuel Reid, opened the first store in the place. It contains the county buildings, three general stores, a drug store, a family grocery, a steam, saw and grist-mill, three church edifices — one for the white peo])le and two for the colored; JACKSON COUNTY. \M two public school houses, a livery stable, a cabinet- maker and undertaker' s shop, two restaurants, and a number of mechanics' shops. The population is estimated at 500, and is about equally divided be tween the whites and blacks. Before the day of railroads — or before they were constructed through this part of the country — Jacksonport did a flour- ishing business, but the building up of Newport at the crossing of two railroad lines, has interfered somewhat with its business. This is a desirable and excellent site for a town. Newport, the largest town in .lackson County, is situated on White lliver. at the junction of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern and the Batesville & Brinkley Railroads, eighty three miles northeast of Little Rock, and three and a half miles southeast of Jacksonport. It has within it two banks, eight general stores, ten family grocery stores, five drug stores, two hardware stores, an undertaking store, a harness store, a merchant tailor store, two millinery and dressmaking estab- lishments, a music store, two jewelry stores, two book and stationery stores, a photograph gallery, a livery stable, five restaurants, four hotels, two bakeries, marble works, three saw-mills, with lumber yards attached, three planing-mills, a car- riage factory, an extensivt! stave factory, foundry and machine shops, a complete system of water works, a capacious ice factory, a largo cotton com- press, commodious railroad depots and ware- houses, an important cotton seed warehouse (form- erly the oil mills,) opera house, three church edifices, pnljlic school houses, a telephone system forming communication between various points, a ferry across White River, many mechanics' shops, a full supply of doctors, lawyers, notaries public, iusnnince agents, etc. Two weekly news]>apers, both Democratic in politics, are also here; the Jackson County Herald, successor to the Jackson- port Herald, which was estal)lished at Jacksoni>ort in 1858, is a seven-column folio, published every Saturday by T. T. Ward, editor and proprietor. The Newport Weekly News is an eight column folio, published every Friday by J. J. Flahiff, edi- tor and proprietor. It was established in 187:^. and was the first paper published in Newport. Both of these journals al)ly advocate the interests of the community. In addition to the foregoing, Newport contains many other industries worthy of mention. The town was estal)lisiied and named soon after the settlement began, but remained only a small village until 187'J, wheti the St. Louis, Iron Mountain it Sontiiern Railway was completed. Its growth then coniineijced and il has been almost entirely built sinci' that date. It has lodges of several secret and l)enevolent societies, is incorporated and has its complement of cor])orate officers. It is a flourishing town, very advantageously located for manufacturing purposes, having two good railroads and u river navigable for large vessels. The lumber and timber traflic on the river has readied extensive proportions. The population of tiie |)lace is esti mated at 2,500. Olyphant is a station on the St. Louis, L-on Mountain & Southern Railway, eight miles south west of Newport. It has a railroad depot, jji^^t office, two general stores and a saw mill and cot ton gin. Swifton, also on the Iron Mountain Railway, twenty miles northeast of Jacksoni)ort. contains a po.stoffice, a steam grist-mill and cotton gin, two general stores, one dry goods and grocery store, two groceries, two hotels, a school-house, mechan ics' shops, etc., and a population of -about 150. Tuckerman, on the Iron Moinitain Railway. ninety-one miles northeast of Little Rock anil eight miles north of Newport, is comprised of a post-office, three general stores, two groceri<>s, two drug stores, two blacksmith and wood shops, one hotel, two boarding-houses, a school-house, a church, two saw-mills and cotton-gins coniliined, and has a population of 150. Tupelo is a station on the Batesville »t Brink- ley Railroad, twenty two miles south of Jackson port. Wehlon. on the Batesville \- Hrinkley Kail road, eighteen miles south of Jacksonport, con tains two general stores, two groceries, one hotel, postoffice, etc. Ceuterville (postoffice Keiiyon) lies in the northern part of Bird Township, foiirt«en uiiloH 840 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. north of Newport, and contains one general store, two groceries, two cotton-gins, a blacksmith shop and school-house. There are a few other post ham- lets in the county, having a store, postoffiee, etc. R. W. Anderson, one of the pioneer merchants, and a highly esteemed resident of Jaeksonport, was born September 12, 1846, in the State of Ohio. His parents, John and Jane (Kerr) Anderson were both natives of Dublin, Ireland, who emigrated to America about the year 1880, and located in Penn- sylvania, from which State they moved to Ohio, and from there to Iowa, about the year 1850. In September, 1859, they came to .Jaeksonport, Ark., where the father died on February 28, 1888, the mother preceding him in 1887. They were the parents of nine children, of whom only one svir- vives — Roliert W. The father was a Pre.sbyterian minister, and had been ordained in Ireland. He preached the gospel up to within a few years of his demise, and was one of the most intellectual and scholarly men that ever spoke from a pulpit at that period. He afterward left the Presbyterian and joined the Methodist faith, and was also engaged for some years in mercantile life at Jaeksonport. His son, Robert W., was born in Ohio, but princi- pally raised and received his education in Iowa. He was still quite young, however, when his par- ents moved to Jaeksonport, and lie there received the higher branches of education from his father. The commercial instinct was early in life developed in Robert, and he was brought up behind the counter from a boy. The training he received in his young days was well calculated to tit him for a mercantile life, and his after career reflected the highest credit on himself and his father, who had instructed him. He has one of the largest and best stocked stores in the city, and owns about 480 acres of land, most of which is under cultivation, and is adapted to almost any growth, the soil being a rich, sandy loam. Mr. Anderson has been twice married, his first wife l)eiug Miss Mary A. Jones, by whom he had four children, three of them yet living — John, Fannie, and Lizzie. The first wife died, and Mr. Anderson married a second time. being united to the next wife in 1884, who was Miss Ella Nixon, of Indiana. This union gave them four children (of whom three are living): Robert W. (deceased), Robert W., Pearl and Allie. Mr. Anderson is a Royal Arch Mason, and a mem- ber of the Knights of Honor. He was one of the first men to start in business at Jaeksonport, and his fortitude and pluck in struggling through the adversities of a young business venture and coming out victorious have won for him the admiration and respect of his fellow -merchants and citizens. Samiiel Anthony, farmer and stock raiser, is a native of Missouri, but came to Arkansas in 186(t. He remained but three or four months, when he returned to Missouri, and after a short time again returned to Arkansas, Jackson County, in 1861, where he remained until the following autumn, and then enlisted in the Fourteenth Regiment of Arkansas Volunteer Cavalry, serving as a scout for about two years. In 1863 he organized a com- pany of scouts, reported to Gen. Sterling Price, then stationed at Little Rock, Ark. , and served to the end of the war as captain of that company. In 1866 he purchased 240 acres of land, partially improved, adding by subsequent purchases, until he now owns 720 acres, on which he raises all kinds of produce known to American agriculture. September 12, 1872, he married Miss Mary A.Par- mer, a native of Tennessee. They have had eight children, four of whom are still living: Emma (burn in October, 1874), Ethel (born February 6, 1883), Katie (born May 25, 1885) and Edgar (born August 15, 1887). Mr. Anthony is a member of Buck Skull Lodge No. 101, A. F. & A. M. Our subject's father was a native of Virginia, as was also his grandfather; he married Miss Unica Shep herd, a native of Missouri. Mr. Anthony's mater- nal grandparents traveled on foot from Georgia to Missouri, locating in the southeastern part, near Cape Girardeau. Adam Bach, an enterprising merchant, and the postmaster at Jaeksonport, was born in Hessen, Germany, on the 1st of March, 1863, and is a son of Conrad Bach, a native of the same place, who was a shoemaker by trade, which occupation he followed in Germany, previous to coming to Amer- 5) \ ica. The father had two children by his first wife: Adam and Lizzie; the latter was married to G. A. Lockard. Ho was married a second time and had four children by the next wife: Margaretta, Morie, Conrad and Peter. Adam, the eldest son, was reared in Germany and completed his studies at Gross-Rohrheim College, from which he gradu- ated in 1878. He shortly afterward sailed for America, taking passage at Bremen, and landed at Baltimore, going from there to Tell City, Ind. , where he attended school for eight months in order to learn the English language. In the spring of 1879 he came to Jacksonport, and was there em- ployed by his uncle Peter, with whom ho remained until the year 1882, when he embarked in business for himself.^ Since then he has been successful, and become very prosperous, making an enterpris- ing merchant and a valuable citizen to his adopted country. He was appointed postmaster in 1884, and his intelligence and many fine qualities would fit him for almost any other position or business in which he might enter. He is also a member of the Masonic fraternity. Peter Bach is a well-known and retired merchant of Jacksonport, who was born in Hesse- Darmstadt, Germany, on November 4, 1835. He is a son of Peter and Margaretta (Crow) Bach, both natives of the same province, the father dying when his son was but two years of age. The mother, however, is .still living at the ago of eighty-one years, and came to America in 1882. There were throe children born to the par- ents: John S. , Peter and Conrad. Peter was reared and educated in the homo college, and learned the barber's trade in his native place, an occupation he followed for four years. In 1853 ho sailed for America, taking jjassage in France, and landing in New York City after a twenty- sovou days' voyage on the ocean. From New York ho wont to Cincinnati, whore he was employed at his trade for some time, and then found employ- ment on the Empire No. 3, a steamboat plying up and down th(> Mississippi. He remained on this vessel about six months, and then came to Jackson- port, where ho has resided ever since. On May 5, 18r)l. he enlisted in Company G, of the Fir.st Arkansas Regiment, and served until a short time before the surrender. He took part, in all the Ijat- tles of his regiment, and was severely wonii.led at Atlanta. Ga., from which place he was taken to the Macon Hospital, and hovered between life and death for three months. He was furlougliod in 1804, and went to Alabama, and in bSG") rcturnod home to Jacksonport. Mr. Bach is now practically retired from business. He is (juite pros[)oroii«. owning about 2,0r»() acres of valual)lo land and a tine residence at Jacksonport), besides interests in various industries. He was married, in 1805. to Miss Jennie Hndson, who has boon a devoted wife and helpmate to him. Mr. Bach is a Royal Arch Mason, Knight Templar, Kniglit of Pythias, and a member of the American Legion of Honor. G. W. Bandy, farmer and stock raiser. Tuck- erman. Ark. It is a fact unnecessary of denial that a person is better fitted to follow the occu|>a- tion with which he became familiar in early life, than to engage in an undertaking learned in later years. This truth is Iiorno out by the career of Mr. Bandy, who from a boy has known all the minute details of agricultural life. To this ac (juired knowledge may be added a natural faculty for that calling, for his father, Richard Bandy. was also a farmer. The latter was a native Vir- ginian, but emigrated to Tennessee when a l)oy, grew to manhood on the farm in that State, and there married Miss Keziah Pearce, by whom he had four children, only one, G. W. Bandy, now living. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, under Gen. Jackson, and afterward received land warrants, which he sold. His second marriage was to Miss Lucy Rushing, a native of Tennessee, antl they had four children, only one living, Amanda, now Mrs. John M. Glass, who resides in Glass Township, Jackson County, Ark. Mr. Bandy moved to Bird Township, Jackson County, Ark., in 1853, where he purchased eighty acres of land, with ten acres cleared. He died in 1854. His wife died in September. 1887, at the age of eighty- three years. G. W. Bandy was born in Sumner County, Tenn., in 1827, and as before stat<>d, was reared to the duties ou the farm. He received a fair education in the schools of his native comity; and in Bedford County, Tenn., in 184(5, Miss Dm 842 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. cilia Salina Mitchell Perry, a native of Bedford County, became his wife. Her parents, Wiley and Letitia (Gentry) Perry, were natives, respectively, of North Carolina and Tennessee. Mr. Perry was a farmer and tanner, and made Bedford County his home until his death, in 1868. His wife had died previously, in 1867. Grandfather Allen Perry was in the Revolutionary War, and Grandmother Perry went to New Orleans to enter the fort for protection. G. W. Bandy after marriage settled in his native State, followed farming until 1850, when he came to Arkansas, landing at Jackson- port on the 25th of December, 1850. One year later he went to Izard County, purchased a claim, but the same year sold this and moved to Jackson County, Ark., where he purchased an eighty-acre tract with twenty acres in tillable shape. To the original tract he had added from time to time un- til he owned 280 acres with 100 acres cleared. Later he sold this and invested in 320 acres, unim- proved, set out an orchard, erected a cabin and otherwise improved his farm. He now owns 840 acres, with 450 under cultivation, and has a great many tenants. He raises principally on his farm cotton and corn, and has 200 acres in cotton yearly. He is also engaged in raising stock, and on his ex- tensive meadows may been seen many fine horses and mules. He is a Democrat in politics, and is active in school matters, and represented the school interests of Bird Township as trustee. He has two school-houses on his land, donated for buildings, one for white and one for colored chil- dren. Socially, Mr. Bandy is a member of the Masonic order; was made a Mason in 1848, at Marsh Hill Lodge No. 144, Rutherford County, Tenn. He is now a member of Lunenberg Lodge No. 190, A. F. &A. M. , at Lunenberg, Izard Coun- ty, Ark. Mr. Bandy was charter member of Kirk- patrick Lodge No. 102. In 1865 he moved to Lunenberg, Izard County, Ark. , for the purpose of educating his children, live in nnmber, as five were deceased. Those living are named Richard W., now married and resides at Tuckerman; William A. , married and resides in Comanche County, Tex. ; George O. , married and resides in Bird Township; Jane, now Mrs. Conditt, resides in Bird Township, and Lucilla, at home. Mr. Bandy has been active in his support of worthy enterprises and contributes liberally to all. He is practically a self-made man, having made all by his own industry. A. P. Bateman, merchant, Elmo, Ark. Nowhere in this section of the county is to be found a more wide-awake, thorough-going business man than the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. Born to the union of Simeon D. and Mary (Con- naly) Bateman, on the farm where he now lives, in Jackson County, August 6, 1859, A. P. Bate- man has ever since been a resident of this county. His father, Dr. Simeon D. Bateman, was born in Tennessee in 1829, and emigrated with his father to Independence County, Ark., in about 1832. They located seven miles west of Sulphur Rock, and here Simeon D. was reared and educated. At the age of fifteen years he began the study of medi- cine and graduated at New Orleans Medical Col- lege some time later. He first began practicing in Independence County, and afterwards moved to Jacksonport, where he administered to the phys- ical wants of his fellow-men for thirty years. By his marriage to Miss Mary Connaly, a native of Ar- kansas, he became the father of eight children — six now living: Charles T. , Alice J., widow; Albert P., Nora C. (deceased). Savannah, David L., Mary and Susan. The grandfather of these children, Bonniah Bateman, died near Sulphur Rock, Ark. He was an old Mexican soldier, and was a military man most of his life. He was also a member of the legislature for several years, and the governor gave him the prize for the nicest suit of jean clothes to be found in the senate. He was a very matter-of-fact, stern man. A. P. Bateman attained his growth and received his education in Jackson County, and, being brought up on the farm, naturally his inclinations turned that way, after he had reached years of discretion. In 1884 he also engaged in merchandising and this busi- ness he still carries on. He is successful and is a substantial business man. Charles T. was also reared to farm labor, and received the principal part of his education in the common schools. For several years he was engaged in teaching school, but the balance of his time was occupied ^^ .^ JACKSON COUNTY. 843 on the farm. He was married, in 1877, to Miss Panthia Long, who died in 1882, and the re.sult of this union is two living children: Hattio and Mil- lie. Mr. Bateman was married the second time, in 1884, to Miss Annie J. McGoffin, by whom he has three children: Annie, Emma and Fannie. Mr. Bateman is a member of the Masonic fraternity. William H. Beede, farmer and stock raiser of Cow Lake Township, residing five miles southeast of Lay ton, was born in Orange Couiity, N. Y., in 1837, being the son of Addison C. Beede, of Ver- mont, and Elizabeth (Weygant) Beede, of New York nativity. William H. received his education partly in the public schools of his native county, and finished his education at Newburgh. At the age of seventeen, he was apprenticed to the carriage workers' trade, to Mr. Theodore Weygant, High- land Mills, Orange County, N. Y. At the break- ing out of the late war, he was working at his trade in Germantown, Tenn. ; he enlisted in the Thirteenth Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Confed- erate States Army, participating in the battles of Belmont and Shiloh, and after one year was discharged on account of physical disability. Re- turning to Tennessee, he worked at his trade, till he came to Arkansas, in 1867; that year he bought 280 acres of land in Woodruff County, about ten acres being cultivated; he at once commenced improving and clearing the land, building stables and cribs, besides a log house. He remained there one year, when he came to Jackson County, pur- chased 100 acres of land, only eight being under cultivation. Since that time he has cleared and improved the land, and erected a good fi'ame house, and other buildings. He now owns 550 acres of hind, 140 of which are under cultivation, having deeded KiO acres to his eldest son, after his marriage. August 20, 1867, Mr. Beede mar- ried Miss M. J. Nance; they have had nine chil- dren: Julane N., born July 11, 1868; Jasper Newton, born September 3, 1869; William W., born September, 1870; Macy, born February 28, 1874; Joseph A., born May 0, 1875; Francis W., born March 2, 1877; Fletcher H., bom September 19, 1880; Eugene A., born November 4, 1882, and Amelia Viola, born September IS, 1883. Mi\ Beede is a great friend to education, and whs the first school director in Cow Lake Township, and for four years the only one, and since 1874 had been superintendent of schools for the State. There are now four hee schools in Cow Lake TownHhiji. C. Biggers, planter and stock raiser of Bird Town.ship, was born in Randolph County, Ark., in 1845, the fifth in a family of seven. His jiareuts were natives of Tennessee, and came to Randolph County in an early day, the father dying when our subject was young, the mother still surviving, in Baxter County, Ark. The subject of this sketch was raised on the farm, receiving a very limited education, and in 1804, at Pocahontas, enlisted in McCray's brigade, Crammond's regiment, for one year. At the battle of Pilot Knob he received a gun-shot wound, which prevented further service, and he returned to Jackson County, Ark., where, the same year, he married Elizabeth (Ridley) Con- ditt, widow of John A. Conditt. He then rented land, commenced farming, and in 1877 bought eighty acres of timber-land, which he has improved and added to, until he now owns 1 60 acres. 1 1 M) under cultivation, averaging about fifty acres a year in cotton, which is the principal product. He also raises some stock. They have a family of six children: Sarah A. (now Mrs. Tinsley, of Bird Township), Samuel E., James Henry, Thomas Calvin, Richard Franklin and William Richard. Mr. Biggers is a Democrat, and has been a mem- ber of the school board, taking an active interest in school work. He has seen a vast change in Jackson County, and has done his share toward opening it up and developing it. Mr. Biggers has made what he has by his own individual efforts, and takes an interest in everything for the welfare of the county. Oliver Blackburn, general farmer and .stock raiser, was born in the town of Cash. Jaekson County, in 1847, sou of William and Mary (John- son) Blackburn, the father a native of North Car- olina, who married in Alabama. The subject of this sketch married Miss Wilkiu.son, a uativo of Jackson County, Ark., and they have had three childi'en: Lydia, born in \X~\. married .\. W. Pariah in 1887; Harriet Emma, born in ISTI. at A 844 HISTORY OP ARKANSAS. liome, and Lyda, born in February, 1882. Mrs. Blackburn's father died in 1859, and -wasbm-iedin the family cemetery, on Sections 17 and 18. Mr. Blackburn, like all native-born Americans, is an ardent lover of his native State, and has witnessed great changes, having been an active participant in the development of the country. As early as Mr. Blackburn can remember, the market for the farm produce vpas Elizabeth, and game being plenty, many pelts and skins of animals adorned the fences and barn, which found a market at Jack- soiiport. Our subject now gives his attention to raising cotton and mules. While he has not had the best educational advantages, he has always been a friend to education and progress. J. C. Bleakley is a planter and stock raiser of Auvergne. His parents were William C. and Catherine Bleakley, of North Carolina. Mr. Bleakley came to the southern part of Arkansas before the war, where he married, after which he came to Jackson County and bought what is now the Pickett farm. Later he moved to Hempstead County, where he raised his family, and where our subject was born, October 20, 1854. The family consisted of nine children, four of whom lived to be grown — William, died at the age of twenty- one; J. C, Mary, wife of Charles Harris, now the wife of George Johnson, farmer of Oil Trough Bot- tom; and Robert, a farmer. The father, a conserv- ative man politically, died in 1865, and the mother in 1874. They were both members of Missionary Baptist Church. J. C. .spent his boyhood days on his mother's farm, and at the age of eleven years began its management. He was his mother's main stay, and assisted his brothers and sisters in get- ting an education, sending bis sister one term to the high school at La Crosse. In 1868 he sold his property in Hempstead County, came to Jackson County, and bought forty acres of land, which he began clearing and improving, and on which he has since resided. In 1877 he bought 120 acres adjoining, and now has 115 acres under cultivation, south of Auvergne, raising corn and cotton. In November, 1876, he married Miss AbertineClanton, daughter of Javison and Dulciana (Morris) Clan- ton, of South Carolina and Georgia, respectively, who came to Union Township, Jackson County, in 1871. Her father died in 1882, but the mother, still surviving, resides in Union Township. She has three brothers — William, John and Thomas, farm- ers in Faulkner County, and a sister, Georgia, wife of John E. Manger, farmer, of Faulkner County. Mr. Bleakley' s family consists of five children living — Oscar, Lulu, Lina, Crawford, Claude and Georgia; Clyde died in childhood. In addition to this family, they are raising and giving a home to Idle, Willie and Eva Nelson, children of a widow, one of his tenants, whose dying wish was that they should raise her children. Mr. Bleakley has a pleasant and comfortable home, and has seen a great many improvements in this community. He and his wife are members of Sand Hill Baptist Church. He is a Democrat, but con- servative. He is a most enterprising farmer, rais- ing horses, cattle and hogs. He is always active in the interest of all public enterprises for the welfare of the county. John Boen is the only child of Thomas and Sallie (Leonard) Boen, both natives of Tennessee, and of Scotch and English descent, respectively. Thomas Boen came to Arkansas from Tennessee in the fall of 1845, and located on Sections 14 and 15, in the township now known as Cache, purchas- ing from the United States Government 320 acres of heavily-timbered land, upon which he built a log cabin, and as he chopped down the trees made rails to fence the land. At the time of his death, which occurred in 1857 or 1858, he had seventy acres cleared and under cultivation, and his farm well stocked with cattle and hogs, wolves prevent- ing the raising of sheep. His first wife dying when John was biit an infant, Thomas Boen, in 1847, married Mrs. Nancy (Kirldand) Mackey, by whom he had two children: James Wesley, now married, and residing on our subject's farm, and Andrew J. , who died in 1877, at the age of twenty- seven years. John Boen was married, in 1S59, to Miss Catherine Mathering, a native of Tennessee, and to them have been born two children, viz. : Henry J., born November 12, 1861, is a farmer, and resides near his father; be married Miss Callie Ragsdale, of Arkansas, May 2, 1886, and they :7i'. Lave oue cbikl, Lena, about two years old. Jubu R. Boen was bora February 4, 1865, and was mar- ried, September 1, 1887, to Cyatliia Luiiley, who has borne two children, one, Laura Belle, dyin" at the age of two months; the other, Thomas JefPer- son, is one month old. He is also a farmer, and owns a farm in Breckiuiidge Township. Mr. John Boen came into possession of forty acres of land throni,'h his wife; he now owns in all 3'20 acres of laud, about 125 acres of which are under cultiva- tion; corn and cotton are his principal crops, and his farm is well stocked with horses, cattle and hogs of good grade. Mr. Boen is interested in all matters tending toward the advancement of relig- ious and educational interests, and is in every re- spect an enterprising farmer of Jackson County. Mrs. Boen is a member of the Christian Church. Henry Bordwell, one of the leading citizens of Jacksonport, was born in Ontario County, N. Y. His parents were John and Abigail (Travis) Bord- well, the former a native of Massachusetts, who emigrated to New York at an early age, and located at Chautauqua Lake, where he resided until his death. After the demise of the father his family moved to Ontario County. They were the parents of three children, of whom Henry is the only one living. Henry was reared and received his schooling in Ontario County, N. Y. In 1858 he moved to ■ Arkansas, and located in Jackson County, where he has since resided. When the Civil war commenced he enlisted in Company B, Eighth Arkansas Regiment, and during the battle of Shiloh was severely wounded in the ankle by a rifle ball. To add to his misfortune, he was cap- tured and taken prisoner to Louisville, and from there to Camp Chase, where be was closely con- fined for about four months. He was then taken to Vicksburg, where he was exchanged and re- turned home. Mr. Bordwell has been actively en- gaged in business up to within a few years, and during that time has acquired a comfortable fortune upon which he is entitled to retire. He owns con- siderable town property in Jacksonport, and, al- though not in active commercial life, he is wide- awake to the interests and development of his county, and is always ready to give his valual)K> assistance for that cause. He is an old resident of Jackson County, and has watched its growth from infancy up to the present, and can recount many interesting incidents of the various changes that have taken place during his stay. Dr. li. L. Boyce, physician and surgeon, Tuckerman, Ark. Dr. Boyce is recognized throughout the county as a friend of and laborer in the cause and advancement of the medical fra- ternity. He is a native of Ralls County, Mo., born in 1832, and is the fourth in a family of six children, born to Richard and Elizalietb (Foreman) Boyce, natives of the Blue Gra-ss State. Dr. Boyce was reared to farm labor, and in 1849, when but seventeen years of age, he was seized with the gold fever and started with an oxteam to cross the plains to California. He was three months in making the perilous trip, and after reaching that State was engaged in mining until 185'J, when ho returned to Ralls County, Mo., quite well satisfied with the result of his visit to the Golden State, after which ho engaged in cultivating the soil, and in 1854 entered the State University at Columbia, Mo. , taking a literary course. H(^ subsetjuently entered the St. Louis Medical University, graduat- ing from that institution in the spring of 18(50. He first began practicing medicine in Macon County, Mo., in 1857, where he remained until 1859, entering the St. Louis Medical University, graduating _at the dates stated above. Then moving to Bird Township, Jackson County, Ark., he purchased a farm near Elgin, and began a systematic course of fertilizing and cultivating tlio soil. At the breaking out of the late contlict, he enlisted, in 1801, in Lawrence County, and was regimental surgeon in Col. Adams' regiment. Col. Shaver's brigade, and under Gon. Hindnian, but part of the time served as brigade surgeon. He remained in service until 1803, when he returned to Jackson County, and resumed the practice of medicine, which he has followed ever since. He has been actively engaged in faruiiug and having it carried on, and is now the owner of 320 acres of good land, with 160 acres in tillable condition. He has contrilmted more than any other man to the introduction of fine st(«'k in his neiglilMirhoml. t 846 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. He brought the first Durham and Berkshire stock into that part of the county. The Doctor is quite active in politics, and votes with and is a supporter of the Democratic party. Socially, he is a member of the Masonic fraternity. In his religious con- viction he adheres to the Presbyterian Church, and is a liberal contributor to the same. He is deej)ly interested in educational matters, and is at present a member of the school board. His parents emi- grated to Missouri at an early period, settling in what is Ralls County, where the father tilled the soil for many years. He was quite an active man, politically, was county judge of Ralls County, quite a number of years, and was a good and use- ful citizen. He served in the War of 1812 from Kentucky, under Old Hickory. He died in 1869, and his wife, previously, in 1867. Their family consisted of the following children: James, the eldest, first settled on a farm in Missouri, later moved to Texas, locating near Bastrop, where he tilled the soil until his death, in 1859; Aaron, mar- ried, settled also in Texas, before it was part of the United States, having many fights with the Indians and narrow escapes, and there his death occurred in 1850; Nicholas, was also a pioneer of Texas, and died in 1858. A. W. Boyce, brother of the Doctor, came to Jackson County, with his family in 1884, and settled on a farm where the subject of this sketch resides, and there died in 1886, leaving a widow and two bright and promis- ing children, son and daughter — the son holding a responsible position among the county officials— E. L. and Lucia. R. L. Boyce, the subject of this sketch had four sisters, all of whom married men of some distinction, and all have joined the silent throng, that are passing on before. Thomas Britt, planter and stock raiser, son of Alexander and Nancy (Prauat) Britt, natives of North Carolina, came with his parents from Mis- sissippi, in 1848, and located on Section 23. He was born April 10, 1842, in Mississippi, and re- ceived his education in the private schools of that time. In 1863 he entered the Confederate serv- ice in Col. Gaw's Regiment Arkansas Volunteer Infantry, was captured in the hospital at Little Rock, in September, 1863, and sent to Camp Mor- ton, Indianapolis, Ind. , where he remained till the close of the war, arriving home May 13, 1865. His father was wounded in battle, from the effects of which he died; the mother died in 1805. Com- ing into possession of all his father's property by will, Thomas took possession of the homestead, and at once commenced cultivating the land, which was in bad condition, but little of the farm having been cultivated during the war, and only fifty of the 300 acres being cleared. August 11, 1868, Mr. Britt maiTied Miss Anna Combs, a native of Ala- bama, and whose parents came to Arkansas in 1852; their children were Julia M., (born July 6, 1870), Iduma (born March 7, 1873, deceased), Ida (born October 2, 1875), Alice (born July 29, 1880), Luvena (born May 7, 1878, deceased), Jacob L. (born March 4, 1883) and John F. (born August 29, 1885). In 1872 Mr. Britt erected the com- fortable house in which he now lives. He has upon his place a steam cotton-gin, also grist-mill and barns. Being an early settler, he remem- bers well when the only grist-mills were turned by hand, when the meat was obtained fi'om the forests, and when wolves and bears rendered it almost im- possible to raise sheep and hogs. He is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and his wife of the Methodist. He is a Democrat, and has been justice of the peace, and although not an educated man himself, his children have received the advan- tages of the best schools in the neighborhood. Emma (Anthony) Buford, of Union Township, Jackson Countj% resides three miles south of New- port, upon the farm which her husband owned and improved, and upon which he died. May 28, 1889. Mrs. Buford is a native of Madison County, Mo., of which State her parents wore also natives. Sep- tember 4, 1873, she married William Buford. and the same year they located on the farm in Jackson County, Ark. , which has ever since been her home. They had four children, viz. : May Buford, born July 21, 1874; Maud Buford, born September 29, 1877; Bertha Buford, born July 26, 1882, and Homer, born February 5, 1886. The maternal grandfather of Mrs. Buford was of German de- scent, and Mr. Buford' s maternal grandfather, George Nifong, lived to be eighty-eight years of ^l JACKSON COTJNTY. sr ug(% r«taiuiug to the last full possession of all his faculties. Mr. Buford projected many plans for the improvement of hin farm, which his sudden death prevented him from carrying out, but Mrs. Bnford has taken up the management of the farm, and is completing her husband's plans. The place now contains 4'20 acres. Mr. Buford was an en- terprising farmer, a kind neighbor and affectionate husband, and in his death the county was deprivonl of a most exemplary man. The following pream- ble and resolution was adopted by the White River Stock Breeders' Association, at a meeting in June, ISSU, and appeared in the columns of the Newport News, issued June 7, 1889: "William Buford died at his home, May 28, 1889, and it becomes our duty to give formal expression to the sorrow of our association at the loss of so valuable a mem- ber. The mere mention of his name is sufficient to recall to the minds of surviving members more vividly than any words the uprightness and recti- tude of his conduct, which earned for him the high standing he enjoyed as a citizen, and as a valued member and acquisition to the White River Stock Breeders' Association. Plain, sincere and honest was William Buford, and as treasurer of the asso- ciation, to which position he was elected one year ago, he was prompt and fully alive to its interests. Dead — and where now are those e.aruest, loving eyes. Which kindled in so many eyes the light? Have they departed from our earthly skies And left no ray to illuminate the night? Shall man thus die and waste away And no fond hope be left? Is there no sweet, confiding ray for bosoms all bereft? Yes, yes, an earnest trust. Resolved, That a page of our records be suita- bly inscribed and set apart, sacred to his memory, and that a copy of this memorial be furnished his family, with our deepest, warmest and most loving sympathy." The resolution was unanimously adopted by a standing vote. Thomas J. Burton, postmaster at Layton, was born in Mississippi, March 15, 1847. His parents were Thomas F. and Nancy (Burton) Burton, who came to Arkansas in 1869. The father was born in Halifax, Va., in 1808, and the mother in Rock- ingham County, N. C, in 1808. In their family there were seven children: William F., Jolin A., Sarah Jane (wife of S. J. Moore), Mary S. (wife of D. A. Kiml)rongh), Henry J. and Thomas J. The father died in 1878, the mother in 1879. The subject of our sketch received his education in Kemper Comity, Miss., and made his first purchase of land in 18(59, on Sections 2f5 and 27, in Caclie Township. There were 220 acres in the tract, thir- ty-five of which were under cultivation, and fenced with rails. Thomas cleared twenty acres more, and erected a good double-box house, hauling lum- ber from Augusta, Woodruff County, a distance of twenty miles, and paying §20 per thousand. At various times Mr. Burton has cleared fifty acres of land. At the age of sixteen, Thomas J. enlist- ed in the Confederate service, served two years, participating in all the battles from Resaca to At- lanta, leaving Hood's army at Dalton, on his re- turn to Tennessee, after the campaign at Atlanta. He was in Gen. J. E. Johnston's army at the time of the surrender, at Gainsborough, in April. 1865, and still has in his po-ssession the parole re- ceived at that time. In 1878, in partnership with Mr. D. A. Kimbrough, he opened a stock of general merchandise at Layton (now Bower's Ridge), and continued till 1882, when he sold out to his part- ner. In 1885. after farming three years, he again engaged in business with Mr. Hite, but in Jan- uary, 1889, Ml-. Kimbrough bought Mr. Kite's interest. In connection with this he carries on his farming enterprises. Mr. Burton's first wife was Miss Narcie Otey, of Arkansas; they had one child, Augustus, born June 22, 1873. Obtaining a divorce, in 1874, they separated, and December 2, 1879, Mr. Burton married Miss Ada Murphy. They have had four children: T. Ewing, decea.sed; Beenie, born June 21, 1883; Willie May. Iwru January 5, 1885; David Henry, born April 2, 1888. Mr. Burton is now the owner of eighty acres of land. His wife is a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. He has 8erve ^t 848 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. H. Camp (German descent), of Virginia, and Cath- erine (Whitehead) Camp (French descent), also of Virginia. May 7, 1852, he married Miss Maria Ferguson, of McCraekon County, Ky., whose par- ents came from Khode Island. By this union they had two children: Luther R., now of Perry County, Ark., and Catherine F. (married Will- iam F. Hammond, and died in 1881). Mrs. Camp died June 15, 1806, and he again married Mrs. Martha (Nance) Robertson, who had two chil- dren : William Jesse Robertson and Martha A. By his second wife Mr. Camp has eight children: George Washington, born September 28, 1861; Nancy J. Camp, born May 10, 1863; Sarah E., born May 29, 1865; Doctor Dick Camp, born April 10, 1867; Daniel L., born March 23, 1869; John H., born December 24, 1870; Laura Jane, born January, 1873; Mary A., born December 24, 1875; and Martha H., born February 8, 1880. Mrs. Camp died October 6, 1886, and Mr. Camp mar- ried Mrs. Missouri Crabtree, who had one child, Eva Blair, by her drst husband, who lives with her stepfather. Mr. Camp learned the carpenter's trade, tiuished it in 1853, and engaged in the busi- ness for three and a half years, when he com- menced farming. After coming to Arkansas he leased a farm belonging to the estate of John Jones, at the expiration of which lease he moved upon the present farm, which has since been his home. He bought the land of the State of Arkansas at sev- enty-five cents per acre, and with will and deter- mination commenced clearing and improving it. Mr. Camp now has fifty- live acres of land under cultivation, seven acres being in orchard, contain- ing apple, peach, pear and fig trees, he having the largest and finest variety of fruit in Arkansas, in which he takes a just pride. Mr. and Mrs. Camji are both members of the Christian Church, and Mr. Camp has always been a friend to religious, educational and social advancement, and by strict and honest dealing, has earned the reputation of an honest man. What higher tribute can be paid his name ? He well deserves a place in the pres- ent volume. Jarrett Record Carter, a planter and stock raiser of Jaekson County, was a son of Kinchen and Cazar (Johnson) Carter. The father came to Ar- kansas in 1849, bringing seven children with him, five remaining in Tennessee. He died in 1851, leaving his widow and children almost desti- tute. The wife died in 1868. The subject of our sketch, born January 26, 1840, educated himself, and, although having little learning, is shrewd, in- telligent and liberal in business affairs, and in all things for the advancement of his State. Li 1863 he purchased a tract of twenty-three acres of land, on which was a small hut, where he lived ten or twelve years, renting land and farming, and accum- ulating means, until at the present time he owns 253 acres, about 100 under cultivation. He has good dwellings and barns on the place, and such improvements as ai-e necessary, together with a small orchard. In 1863 Mr. Carter married Mi-s. Melissa (Benson) Jones. His second wife was Mary Jane Sutherland. Of the family there are these living children: Bettie, born March 12, 1873; Sarah, born October 2, 1874; Jarrett R., Jr., born January 17, 1877; Mabel, born September 5, 1883; and Rosenell, born October 17, 1885. Mr. Carter has taken the degree of Fellow Craft, A. F. & A. IVI. , and intends to advance at the first opportunity, sickness having prevented. He is a member of the Christian Church, and a friend to religrious and educational advancement. Col. J. W. Clark, a prominent planter and stock raiser of Glass Township, Jackson County, was born in Madison County, Ala., in 1833. His parents were Thomas and Esther (Moore) Clark, natives, respectively, of South Carolina and Ala- bama, who had seven children, of whom J. W . was the third. Thomas Clark, who was also a farmer, removed to Madison County, Ala., in an early day, where he operated a large plantation and spent the remainder of his life, his death oc- curring in 1849; his widow survived until 1855. The paternal grandfather of our subject, who was also named Thomas Clark, was a soldier of the Revolution, and died in Alabama, at the advanced age of one hundred and twelve years. His wife lived to be one hundred and eight years old. Col. J. W. Clark was reared and educated in his native county. He learned the blacksmith's trade, and his first experience at farming for himself was in his native State. In 1857 he went to Gibson County, Tenn., where he was employed as an over- seer until November, 1860, when lie removed to Jackson County, Ark., locating near the present site of Swifton, on what is now known as the Har- ris place, where he remained one year. In 1801 he enlistinl in Company B, Thirty -first Arkansas Mounted Riflemen, spending the early part of that winter in Central Arkansas, recruiting soldiers; the following March he went to Memphis. He was made major of the First Regiment, promoted to lieutenant colonel, and subsequently became colo- nel of the Thirty-second Arkansas Infantry. He took part in the battles of Richmond, Murfrees- boro, Perryville, Mansfield, Dickens' Ferry, Pilot Knob; was with Gen. Price on his raid through Missouri; thence south in Arkansas, to Fayette- ville; thence to Jacksouport, whore, June 5, 1805, he surrendered the Forty-fifth Arkansas Infantry. At the close of the war Col. Clark returned to Jack- son County. December 25, 1864, he was married in Calhoun County, to Mary S. A. Moore, daugh- ter of Leroy and Mary (Culp) Moore, of Alabama, who removed to Calhoun County at an early day. The father died some years ago, but the mother now resides in Jackson County. Mrs. Clark died in 1879, and January 1, 1882, Mr. Clark married the wimain(>d at home, clearing the farm, and in 1849 Uriali married Martha Wann, a nativi> of Al- abama, and setthnl on the farm on which he now resides, which contains 240 acres, 190 under culti- vation, thirty-five of which are yearly planted to cotton. Mr. Cole also raises considerable stock. In 1801 he enlisted in Capt. Bateman's company, Dobbins' regiment of cavalry, and parti(-ipated in the battles of Helena, Little Rock, Marks' Mills, Jenkins' Ferry. At the close of the war, in 18fJ5, be was paroled at Jacksonport, when he returned to the farm. Though a Democrat, Jlr. Cole is not an office-seeker, and not very active in politics. Mrs. Cole died in 1879, leaving six chihlren: William Jason, married, residing in Bird Town- ship; Amanda, now Mrs. Gibson, of Bird Town- ship; Mary Elizabeth, now Mrs. Grooms, of Binl Township; Uriah A., single; Henry, single; and Harriet, now Mrs. Brightwell— the last two being twins. In 1882 Mr. Cole married Martha Deaton, a native of Alabama. Mr. Cole has seen the full growth of Jackson County — has cami)ed out and kilh'd bears where the town of Tuckermun is now situated. During the war Mr. Cole lost every thing, and what he now ha-* lia-* bi-oti iniid.' vjn,-.. ■^ 850 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. that time by economy and industry, and by taking an interest in everything for the good of the county. William Wesley Collier, a merchant of Tupelo, Jackson County, is a native of Limestone County, Ala. , and is a son of Mark M. and Elizabeth (Har- ris) Collier, born, respectively, in North and South Carolina, and of English and Scotch descent. The father died in 1840, and the mother in 1864. William AVosley was born April 12, 1826, and ob- tained his education iu the private schools of his county, and the H. H. Brown school, which at that time had a wide reputation, being conducted by a Methodist preacher, who was employed by the com- munity. At the age of twenty years Mr. Collier was employed by Dewooddy, Turentine & Hig- gins, at Athens, Ala. ; at the expiration of one year he went to Aberdeen, Miss. , where he served three years at the carpenters' trade, with J. W. Ellis. February 3, 1849, he emigrated to Califor- nia, with the Mississippi Rangers, a joint stock conipany, which dissolved after three months. Our subject arrived at Los Angeles, July 6, 1849, where until January, 1850, he engaged in the car- penter and joiners' trade. He then went to San Francisco, worked for weeks as journeyman, and then in partnership with K. T. Woody, engaged in mining; three months later Mr. Woody died, and Mr. Collier bought a stock of general mer- chandise, which he established at Agufrior Gold Mines, Mariposa County, Cal. He also built a hotel at the latter place, which he sold in 1851, carrying on his mercantile business there three years; he then took into partnership George Turner, of New York, and William T. Osburn, of Georgia. Early in 1853, Mr. Collier went to Stockton to buy goods and supplies for the store, remaining until fall, when he was notified by his partners to return and close out business, as they were not making any- thing; returning, he found that they had lost money gambling, and squandered the entire resources of the firm. After closing out the business, he went to San Francisco, in October, 1853, where he pur- chased a ticket for his home in Alabama, arriving there the following December. In 1854 he lo- cated on his mother's farm near Athens, where he lived the following three years. In January, 1856, he married Martha Walls, also a nativt» of Ala- bama. Of the eleven children born to them, six are now living, viz. : Albert, a farmer by occupa- tion, now residing in Breckinridge Township; he married Laura Stanley; William T., married a Miss Higgs of Mississippi, and has two children; he is also a farmer of Breckinridge Township; J. M. , who is engaged in business with his father, and farming; John M. is living with his father; Cath- arine, of Arkansas nativity, married Mr. W. C. Patrick, a native of Mississippi, and has one child; and Allen C, who is now a student at Searcy Col- lege, Ala. The children have all been liberally educated in the English branches. At the time of his marriage, Mr. Collier owned about 370 acres of land, some 100 acres of which were under culti- vation. He is a Democrat in politics, as are also his sons and son-in-law. Lee H. Conditt, planter and stock raiser, of Bird Township, was born in Ohio County, Ky. , in 1848, the fifth in a family of six, liorn to Jeduthan Lind- ley and Mary (Duke) Conditt, of Tennessee and Kentucky, respectively. The father was a cabinet workman and wagon-maker, and came to Jackson County in 1855, in Jefferson Township, then in 1856 came to Bird Township, where he bought a partly improved farm of 275 acres. He was very active in religious and educational interests, being the principal man in organizing the school district. His death occurred in 1863; he was a Methodist. His widow survived until 1878. There are living of the family William Henry (of Baxter County), Lorenzo M., and Lee, the subject of this sketch, who was educated in the district schools of Bird Township, Jackson County. He aided in clearing the home farm, and at the age of twenty commenced farming for himself. After his marriage, in 1883, he settled where he now resides, owning a good farm of 275 acres, with ninety acres under cultiva- tion, having cleared forty acres himself; he also owns the original homestead. He raises corn, and on an average thirty-five acres of cotton a }'ear, and good average cattle; he has now a high grade stallion, Morgan and Bashaw, a well-known trotter and good roadster, six years of age, said to be the « k_ >^ JACKSON COUNTY. 851 best in the county. Our subject's wife was Jose- phine A. Snider, daughter of Ur. Jacob and Mary (Davis) Snider, of Tennessee, who came to Dunk- lin County, Mo., where they now reside; they have two chikb-en: Annie Beatrice and Phamous Arlee. Mr. Conditt takes a great interest in school matters, being secretary of the school board for District 10, which includes also the Tuckerman District, three white schools and one colored. He is now serving his second term. He is a Democrat, and liberal in all [)ublic matters. William H. Craige, dealer in groceries, drugs, and plantation supplies, also postmaster, Kenyon, Ark. Among the important industrial enterprises which contribute to the commercial .standing of the thriving town of Kenyon is the establishment of Mr. Craige, who is acknowledged to be one of the prominent business men of the jilace. He was born at Chapel Hill, N. C, on the 30th of Novem- ber, 1840, and his father. Rev. John M. Craige, was a Methodist minister, and a member of the East North Carolina Conference. The elder Craige' s health failing during his ministerial duties, he was ol)lig(^d to abandon this calling, and betake himself to agricultural pursuits, which he continued until his death, in 1864. His excellent wife, formerly Miss Elizabeth Barbee, a native of North Carolina, survived him until 1869. Both were of Scotch- Irish descent.- They became the parents of three children: James, married, and resides at Chapel Hill, N. C, on the old homestead. He enlisted in the Twenty- eighth North Carolina Infantry, in 1861, and served during the war. Wesley enlisted in the Eleventh North Carolina Infantry in 1S62, and remained in service until the time of his death, but contracted sickness at Petersburg, Va., went home and died there in 1864: and William H. The latter at the age of fourteen was put under the tutelage of F. M. Hubbard, D. D., of the Tni- versity of North Carolina, and there remained for two years, receiving the preparatory course. Then, at the age of sixteen, he entered the University of North Carolina, and remained in college until 1859, when ho was obliged to leave on account of ill health. In 1862 he enlisted in the Confederate nnv\' at Charleston, S. C, but was transferred to heavy artillery at Wiiuiington, N. C. .w,. ,, i... remained until February, 1864. He was then put in charge of engineering corps, and remnineil in that capacity until the close of the war. After this he settled at Chapel Hill, N. C, where he fol lowed agricultural ])ursuits for one year and then, at the solicitation of Gov. Swain, entered college, finishing his course and graduating with the class of 1868. After this he followed teaching for some time, and then came to Lawrence County, Ark., where he still continued that avocation at Pow- hatan for two years. In 1878 his alma mater con- ferred on him the degree of A. M. Since that time he has been engaged in merchandising and farm- ing. Ho moved to Kenyon. Jack.sou County, in the spring of 1872, embarking in mercantile pur- suits, but has also been engaged in farming since 1879. He owns a good farm of 1,000 acres, with 500 acres under cultivation, has nearly HOO acres in cotton and 200 acres in corn. He raises consid- erable cattle, and has one of the best stock farms in the countj'. He has not been very active in pol- itics, but votes with the Democratic party. He has held the office of postmaster since 1879. and in all his relations with the public, as well as in all other respects, he is strictly honorable and upright. He was married in Jackson County, in August, 1871, to Miss Lavinia Holford. a native of Tennes- see, and the daughter of William and Martha A. Holford, natives of Tennessee. Her |>arentscau)i' to Jackson County in 1859, settling on a farm, and there both passed their last days. Their family consisted of the following children: Mrs. C. W. Winfree, Mrs. B. F. Manning and Rev. B. F. Hoi ford, a Baptist minister, residing in Lawrence County, Ark., and Mrs. Lavinia (Holford) Craige. To the union of Mr. and .Mrs. Craige wore born these children: Hubbard, Augustus G. and Bar bee. Mr. Craige is a member of the Episcopal, and Mrs. Craige of the Baptist Church. C. G. Crow, farmer and proprietor of gristmill and cotton-gin at McCreary Station, Bird Town- sliip, was l)oru in Jackson County, in 1S44, the second in a family of three children of Atrides and ^lary (Waters) Crow, the father of Kentucky, the mother of Cape Girardeau County, Mo. The « »-_ 852 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. father was marrioJ in Missouri, and in 1840 came to Craighead County. He was practicing physi cian and surgeon, and in 1842 came to Jackson - port, Jackson County; after residing in various places, he returned to Jackson County, where he was county clerk; his death occurred in 1857. His wife died in 1851. The subject of this sketch was educated at the seminary in Hartford, Ky. In 1861, in Scott County, Mo., he enlisted for six months' State service, and on the expiration of this time, he reenlistod in Capt. William Cotter's company, Gen. Forrest's brigade, Neeley's regiment, and was mustered into service in Tennessee. He was in the battles of Fort Pillow, Harrisburg, Parker's Cross Roads, and the Oklahoma raid. He was paroled in Mississippi, in 1865, and returned to Jackson County, and in 1807 married Mary V. Parrott, a native of Tennessee, daughter of William H. and Martha (Darden) Parrott, of North Caro- lina and Tennessee nativity, who came to Jackson County in 18(51. Her father died in 1879, and her mother some years before. After his man'iage our subject settled where he now resides, buying a tim- ber tract of forty acres, which he cleared and added to, until he now owns 600 acres, nearly 300 under cultivation, the products being cotton and corn; he also raises some stock. Mr. Crow is a Demo- crat, active in politics, and has always taken an active interest in the schools, being now a mem- ber of the school board. He is a member of Jack- sonport Lodge No. 191, A. F. & A. M., and of Jacksonport Chapter No. 40. Mr. Crow always takes an active interest in everything for the good of the county, and has seen great changes in the course of its development. His family consists of four children now living: Ada, Maoima, Charles and Daisy Cleveland. William Atrides died in 1868, at the age of two years; Maud Ida, in 1874, at the age of four years. Roliert L. Davis, farmer and stock raiser, was born in Alabama, September 25, 1832, son of Will- iam and Ann (McDonald) Davis, natives of Ala- bama. Samuel Davis, grandfather of our subject, a native of East Tennessee, came to Alabama between 1815 and 1825, and was the iirst settler at Huntsville. He located a claim, built a log house and returned to Tennessee for his family. In his absence his claim was jumped by David Hunt, after whom the city of Huntsville was named. Mr. Davis made no effort to substantiate his claim to the land, but located another, which he improved, and on which he resided till his death, at the age of ninety-six years. William Davis died at the age of seventy-three years, and his wife at the age of forty. Robert L. was the fifth of a family of eight: Elizabeth, Samuel, Steele, Jane, James, Anson and William. The subject of our sketch lived at home with his parents till he married Miss Eliza Henderson, May 16, 1857. In 1860 he came to Arkansas, locating a farm on Bower's Ridge, which he sold in 1863, when he liought 152 acres of wild land in Section 18, Breckinridge Township, which he commenced at once to clear and improve, and now has about 100 acres of that tract under cultivation, and which has since been his home. Mrs. Davis died May 21, 1885. They had three children : Walter S., born March 16, 1858; James H., born April 1, 1868, a telegraph operator in the employ of the St. Louis & Iron Mountain Railroad Company, and Georgie Laird, born January 28, 1872. Mr. Davis' chil- dren have been well educated at the j)rivate schools of the county, and also at some of the prominent colleges of the State and of Tennessee, Mr. Davis being a friend to education, and taking active in- terest in all matters of importance to the county and State. At this time he has 432 acres of land, 230 under cultivation. R. M. Davis, mayor, Newport, Ark. Mr. Davis has been a resident of Jackson County, Ark. , for many years, and has been closely and usefully identified with its history throughout all that pe- riod of time. He was born in Madison County, Ala., near Huntsville, March 27, 1841, and is a son of Matthew and Sarah (Walls) Davis, the former a native of the Old Dominion, born near Lynchburg, and the mother a native of Alabama. They were married in Madison County, of the last named State, and emigrated to Marshall County, Miss., in about 1844. They remained there until 1856, and then moved to Arkansas, settling in Jack son County, where the father died in 1866. The Maj .D. L. Ferguson . Mississippi County,Arkansab JACKSON COUNTY. 853 mot,}i(^r had previously died in Missisisippi. Their family consisted of nine children, only four living: IMrs. E. V. McDonald, Mrs. M. S. Ballard, Mrs. Anthony McDonald, and Richard M. , who is the youngest of the family living. He was only thir- teen years of age when he came to Arkansas, and finished his growth on a farm in this State. At the breaking out of the war, he was but eighteen years of age, and in 1861 ho enlisted in Company A, Ninth Mississippi Regiment, at Pensacola, Fla. He was one of the first three men to leave the State of Arkansas, before the ordinance of secession was l)assed. He was at the battles of Shiloh, Prairie Grove, Helena, and in Gen. Price's raid through Missouri. He was wounded at the battle of Hel- ena, by a gun-shot through the left leg. He served over four years in the Confederate army, and sur- rendered at Jacksonport, Ark. Afterward he en- gaged in the livery business at the last named plape, and continued at this for about three years, when he embarked in the mercantile business, which he carried on for some time. He then be- gan farming, but later went back to merchandising, which he continued until 1882, when he moved to Newport. He was here employed as clerk by E. L. AVatson & Son, with whom he remained until February, 1888, and then took charge of the stock of goods now owned by P. V. Davis & Co. The firm carries a good line of groceries, etc., and are doing a good business. Mr. Davis was married, in 1863, to Miss Pauline Hudson, a native of South Carolina, who bore four children now living: Rush H. , Daisy D. , Mary E. and Fannie J. Mr. Davis is a member of the Masonic fraternitj'. In April. 1880, he was elected mayor of Newport, and is fill- ing that position to the entire satisfaction of all. He has also served as alderman. C. F. Dean, a prominent planter, of Jackson County, whoso name is almost too well-known to need any comment, was born in Meigs County, Tenn., in 1853. His parents were Patrick and : Caroline (Stames) Dean, the former a native of Ireland and the latter from North Carolina. The I father emigrated to America upon reaching his ma- turity, and settled in Tennessee, where he was afterward married. He was a very intellectual | ( man, and a school teacher by profession. He died in the State of Tennessee, while the mother snr vived him a number of years, and j)assed away in Jackson County, Ark., l.-aving three children yet living: Cornelius F., Margaret and Jamos J. Cor nelius was reared in Tennessee, where he remaineil until 1808, and then moved to Jackson County, Ark. For the first few years after his arrival he farmed on rented land, but his energy and slirewd ness in business transuclions have enaliled him to accumulate about 347 acres of valuabl.. land, with some 200 acres well nnder cultivation, almost all of which he has improved himself. His farm is situated on the west side of White River, ojiposite the city of Jacksonport. and the soil is some of tin' best in that section, being adapted to almost any kind of vegetal>le or grain, as well as a fine graz ing country. In 1875 Mr. Dean was married to Miss Lizzie Delaney, by whom he has had two children: Stella and Archie. He is a member of the Legion of Honor, and one of the most success ful men in Jackson County. Maj. William Deen. One of the men who has contributed much to the development of Jackson County is Maj. Deen, a ])romiuent planter and stock raiser of the county. He was born in Ansou County, N. C, on February 18, 1825, and was the fourth in a family of eight children born to Red dick and Martha (Morre) Deen. both natives of the same State. The father was also a planter in An- son County, and duiiug the earlier hi.story of that county was a prominent figure in politics. The Major was reared on a fai-m, and educated in the district schools of his birthplace. In 1843 he was married to Miss Rebecca Price, from tiie same State, who subsequently died after a hajipy married life, leaving him one child, John, who is now a prominent i>hysician and surgeon in Texas. In 1855 Maj. Deen was again married, in Anson County, his second wife being Mi.ss Ann Lilly, and two years later he moved with ills bride In KempiT County, Miss., where he bought a plantation, and became a leading citizen of that county, Ix-ing al one time commissioned on the relief committee to look after the destitute of tliat section. In IStll) he moved to Woodruff County, Ark., and two years k_ 854 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. afterward bought a timber tract of 320 acres, which was slightly improved. He has continued to im- jnove the land and add to it on different occa- sions, until now he owns about 1,080 acres, and has some 400 acres under cultivation. His princi- pal crops are corn and cotton, and he also raises some stock. Maj. Deen is not a very active poli- tician, but he takes a deep interest in all matters that augur for the welfare of his county, and is very liberal in his aid toward all enterprises, which, in his judgment, will make it one of the foremost in the State. The Major and his wife, who both attend the Missionary Baptist Church, have had eight children born to their union: Marcus L. (re- siding in Texas), William T., Laura (now Mrs. McCauley), Fannie (also married), Benjamin and Simeon, all residing in the same townshij) with their father except Marcus. Maj. Deen has been a valuable citizen to the community, and one whose efforts in building up his county have been well appreciated. F. R. Dowell, assessor of Jackson County, farmer, miller and ginner, was born in Jackson County, May 10, 1851. His father, Henry J. Dowell, was born in Virginia, in 1814, moved to Kentucky, and in 1838 married Miss A. M. Boyce, who was born in Kentucky, in 1819. In 1849 they came to Jackson County, Bird Township, bought a farm of 100 acres, and improved and added to this iintil, at the time of his death, in 1881, it consisted of 2,200 acres, 500 under culti- vation. Mr. Dowell was a strong Democrat, and served his township ten years as magistrate, and declined several other offices. The mother was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Our subject was the fourth of a family of six: Belle, J. H., Jimius, D. C. and Mary S. J. H. served diu-ing the war in the Confederate army. Henry J. was a man of great energy, and was of much service to the early settlers in locating land, being thoroughly acquainted with the country. His wife still lives on the old homestead, at the age of sev- enty. The subject of our sketch was raised on the farm, received his education in the common schools of Jackson County, and also spent two years at the academy in Philadelphia, Izard County, Ark. He left school at the age of twenty-two, and for ten years engaged in mercantile business at Tucker- man with his brother D. C. , the firm being F. R. & D. C. Dowell. In the spring of 1882 he with- drew from the firm, and, having been appointed administrator of his father's estate, he took charge of that and engaged in farming and stock d(>aling. In 1883 he built a large saw-mill and cotton-gin. later adding the grist-mill. He also owns 160 acres of land, 100 of which are cultivated, and also has an interest in his father's estate. Mr. Dowell, in November, 1878, married Miss L. B. Billings- lea, daughter of J. C. and Mary E. (Woolley) Bil- lingslea, natives of Alabama, who came to Arkan- sas about 1807 and settled in Woodruff County, Mr. Billingslea .being a prominent farmer and phy- sician of that county, and dying in 1809. Our subject's wife was born May 19, 1858. They have had three childi-en : Harry E. (born in 1880), Mary A. (born August 20, 188(3; died March 7, 1888), and Henry J. (born September 2, 1888; died Feb- ruary 7, 1889). They are members of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. Mr. Dowell is an active member of the Democratic party, having served on both township and county committees. In Sep- tember, 1888, he was elected assessor of Jackson County, which office he still holds. He has also held the office of school director, and is active in the cause of education, and in support of all pub- lic enterprises. He is now making preparations for entering the business of raising blooded stock. D. C. Dowell, general merchant at Tucker- man, was born in Jackson Coiuity, in 1853, being a son of H. J. and A. M. (Boyce) Dowell, natives of Kentucky. The father, a farmer, emigrated to Jackson County, in 1849, settling in Bird Town- ship, near Black River, and opened up consider able land in the county; his death occurred in 1881, his excellent wife still surviving. In their family were J. H. (now deceased,) Jimmie and Belle (who died young), F. R. (assessor of Bird Township) and M. L. (at home). The subject of our sketch was raised on the farm, educated in the dis- trict schools, and also at Izard County College. He aided at home in clearing the farm, and there en- gaged in mercantile business, and in 1 874, at Tuck- -^ V erman, in partnership with his brother, F. li. Dowell, erected the first store in the place, carry- ing a full line of notions, dry goods, groceries and drugs; this partnership continued till 1885, when our subject bought his brother's interest, they having been burned out in 1888, and in 188!) a good frame building was erected. October H\ 1879, Mr. Dowell married Ida Thoroughman, a na- tive of Missouri, daughter of Thomas and Emily Thoroughman, natives of Virginia and Kentucky, respectively, the father then being an attorney in St. Louis, Mo., where they now reside. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Dowell: Gracie, Lou (died in 1885, aged four years), Fos- ter, D. C, Jr., and Taylor. IVIi-. Dowell daring his lifefime in Jackson County has seen a vast change; he is one of the prominent citizens, and takes an active interest in furthering all projects for the good of the county. G. "\V. Dudley, a highly-esteemed farmer and stock raiser of Jackson County, was born in Bod- ford County, Tenn. , in 1840. He was the third in a family of seven children born to Christopher S. and Louisa P. (Bandy) Dudley, of Tennessee, in which State the father was county surveyor of Bedford County for twenty-five years, and also en- gaged in farming quite extensively. The elder Dudley was a noted Democratic jwlitician during his life, and one of the best orators of his party in that section. During his lator days he t)ccupied himself with his farm entirely until his death, in 1878, his excellent wife only surviving him one day. The seven children born to the parents are all living: Richard Hou.ston resides in Nashville, Tenn., and is engaged in the wholesale hardware business; Marion resides in Glass Township; G. W. also lives in Glass Township; Harriet M., now Mrs. Lucker, of Franklin Comity, Tenn. ; Fannie, now Mrs. Jarrett, residing in Tennessee; Guilford, residing in Nashville, Tenn., and in the hardware business; Robert M., residing at Na.sh- ville, and also in the hardware business. G. W . Dudley was reared to a farm life and attended the district schools of Bedford County, Tenn. In ISOl he enlisted in Company D, Senator Bates' regiment, and was mustered into service at Lynch- burg, Va. He was engagctl in ibi- liombarcliiient of Aqua Creek, on May 28, 1801; at .Mana.s.sas, on July 22, and was a member of Claiborne's brigade at Shiloh. Ho also took part in the l)attle at Richmond, Ky. (when captain and colonel were Iwtli killed), at Perryville, Murfroesboro and Chickamauga. and was severely wounded at Iwtli Perryville and Chickamauga. He was also at the battles of Missionary Ridge, Resaca, Calhoun, Konesaw Mountain, Marietta and Decatur. At the last place he was again severely wounded, and fell on the s])ot where Gen. McPherson was killed. He lay on the battlefield for some time, unable to move, but was finally discovered and taken to the hospital at Macon, Ga. After his recovery he again returned to the front and went with Hood to Middle Tennessee. At Franklin he heard Gen. Claiborne give his last command to his brigadii-r generals: Gentlemen, I have called you lopetlier to say lo you tliat Gen. Hooil comninnds that Franklin must lie taken. He says that line of works (scanninf; tlie breastwork-)) must be taken. He says: " I want you. General, and your staff otflcers to lead your brigades, and impress it on llic colonels and captains to lead their commands. I. myself, will lead the division, and the Hrsl man who lircs a gun or dodges to the rear we will eut his head off and put it on a pole, and carry it through the streets of Nashville with ' cowardice' branded upon it." He then waved them off, the battle commenced; and Gen. Claiborne was killed while storming the breastworks, as were also Gens. Sniitli and Gran berry, while many of the officers were mortally wounded. After this event Mr. Dudley joined Gen. Forrest at A\'est Point, Miss., and was witii him at Selma, Ala., during the closing scenes. He surrendered at Gainesville, Ala., and returne«.see. whose death occun'ed the same year, and, in 1875, he was maiTiod to Miss Caroline Laster, of Mis sissippi. In 1878 he made his lirst purchase of laud and bought 170 acres on a timber tract, which he immediately set to work improving, and now has forty acres under cultivation. Mr. Dudley ^ '^ 856 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. has always been an active politician, and a valuable man to the Democratic party. He is very much interested in educational mutters, and has served on the school board for some years. In secret socie- ties he belongs to Thornbiirg Lodge No. 39, A. F. & A. M. , and has been Worshipful Master, and is a member of Jackson Chapter No. 40, at Jackson- port. Four children were born to Mr. Dudley and his wife: George William, Robert Guilford, Rich- ard Houston and Mary Louisa. Mr. Dudley has witnessed a great many changes in the county during his loDfr residence here, and has noted the adversity and prosperity of Jackson County, as it fell and rose fi-om year to year, until now it can take rank with the foremost through the efPorts of citi- zens like himself. Christopher Marion Dudley, farmer and stock raiser, now residing on Section 18, Township 14, was born in Bedford County Tenn., near Shelby- ville, a son of Christopher S. and Louisa Peirce (Bandy) Dudley, both natives of Tennessee. There were ten children in this family, Christopher M. and William being the only ones living in Arkan- sas. The former was raised on a farm in his na- tive State, where he attended the public schools, and also spent several terms at the Academy at Salem, coming to Arkansas November 7. 1860. His first purchase was of wild land, which he sold, and in 1868 or 1869 bought the farm on which he now resides, clearing and improving the same himself, and at the present time has upon his farm good house and stables, besides cotton-gin and grist-mill. Mr. Dudley is the owner of 746 acres, about 800 acres being cultivated. January 13, 1867, Mr. Dudley married Miss Letitia Bandy, of Arkansas. They had three sons and one daughter, George C, Richard Huston, Guilford and Louisa S. , all of whom have had good school advantages; and Richard, a graduate of University of Tennessee, in the wholesale hardware house of Dudley Bros. & Lipscomb, at Nashville, Tenn. The other children at home, attending school. Mrs. Dudley died, and in 1880 he married Mrs. Sarah P. Maxy {nee Winfred) ; they have one daugh- ter, Susan Maud. Mr. Dudley is a charter mem- ber of the Strangers' Home Lodge No. 391, Thorn- burg, Lawrence County, Ark. He is progressive, and ready and willing to take an active part in all enterprises which, in his judgment, are for the best interests of the county and State. ^ Dr. M. M. Erwin, physician, surgeon and planter, is a native of East Tennessee, having lieen born in Knox County, June 8, 1849. His parents were Wade H. and Melinda (Kincade) Erwin, of Tennessee, where their parents came from Virginia about 1812.- The grandfathers on both sides, of English and Irish descent, were soldiers in the Rev- olutionary War and the War of 1S12. Mr. Er win's father was a planter and mechanic, who, in 1852, came with his family to Independence, then to Lawrence County, and settled a large farm near Smithville, where he lived till his death, in 1882, his wife having died about three years pre- vious. He served four years in the late war; was twice discharged and returned, and closed his military career after Price' s raid through Missouri. Five of his sons were in the Confederate service, all of whom survived without a wound. Our sub- ject's parents were consistent members of the Bap tist Church, and his father an honored member of the Masonic fraternity, a strong temperance man, an active Democrat in politics, and served as jus- tice of the peace several terms. The subject of this sketch, a highly-esteemed citizen of Auvergne, came to this State thirty-seven years ago. He was reared to farm life, spending his school days in the common schools of Arkansas. In 1868 he began the study of medicine, under Dr. Bevens, of Bates- ville, Ark. ; was with him several years, when lie began the practice of his profession in Lawrence, Craighead, Independence, Cross, and Jackson Counties. In 1873 he married Miss Kitty A. Wright, daughter of George W. and Liddia (Old- ham) Wright, natives of Kentucky. Living in Lawrence County four years, he moved to Bower" s Ridge, where he engaged in farming and stock raising, in connection with his practice, remaining ten 3'ear8. In November, 18S6, ho removed to Auvergne, purchased farm and town property, and in March, 1886, associated with Dr. G. D. Clem- ents in practice, and also in the conduct of the drug business, in which connection he still con- ♦^; a JACKSON COUNTY. 857 tiiiues. Dr. Erwin is the ninth of a family of eleven children, and himself has a family of five liv- ing; Willie Lee, Claude Mayo, Ira H., Dovie and Josie R. ; those who died were Alabama, Geortre A. and May. He is a member of Newport Lodge No. 71, I. O. O. F., is a Democrat in politics, but conservative, and himself and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He also takes an active part in supijort of schools, churches and public enterprises, and is thoroughly familiar with the development of the country since his residence here. He was one of the most liberal supporters of the Auvergne Academy, and one of the board to guarantee a support of that school until it should be made permanent. Dr. Erwin has a farm of 620 acres, 285 acres of which are cultivated. He was one of the tirst to prove that swamp lands could be successfully drained, and that small fruits could be successfully grown. One of his farms, the Wideman farm, was the first land cleared in the village, and it was done by the Indians. John T. Flynn, superintendent of the Bates- ville & Brinkley Railroad, was born in Charleston, S. C on January 10, 1840, and is a son of John T. and Louisa (Abram) Flynn. of New York and South Carolina, respectively. The father went to South Carolina, and was married in that State, afterward entering into business, which he carried on until after the war, when he returned to New York, where he died in 1881, the mother dying in South Carolina. They were the parents of live children, of whom three are yet living, John T. being the oldest. Young Flynn was l)orn and reared in Charleston, and received his education in the public schools of that city. He commenced railroading at seventeen years of age, entering into the employ of what is now the Louisville & Nashville system, where he remained twenty years, first commencing as clerk in the freight dejiart- ment. and working himself up to be a division superintendent of that road. After leaving the employ of the Louisville & Nashville road, he went to Texas, and was made superintendent of the East Line & Red River Railroad for several years. He was then transferred to the Memphis & Little Rock Railroad, as agent for ««<ril 6, 1882), Laura Jane (born September 10, 1885j, James Arthur (born August 4, 1887) and Rufus L. (Iwrn April 3, 1889). In 1868 or 1S(S9 Mr. Ford pur- chased eighty acres of partly improved land on Section 11, and lived there until 1880, when he bought the farm on which he now lives. He now has 160 acres of tine corn and cotton laud, about sixty-five acres uniinijroved, which is well stocked with good breeds of cattle and hogs. Mr. Ford is a member of Newport Lodge No. 397, A. F. & A. M., has been school director and justice of the peace, and is now postmaster at Ford jiostolVice. He takes quite an active part in polities, and id-n in educational and religions udvnucement. Rev. W. R. Foster, a member of the \\ lute River .\iiiinal eonfereiKH' of the Methodist F.pisco 4^ 858 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. pal Church, South, aud pastor of the church at Auvergne Station, is a native of Madison County, Tenn., born September 16, 1828. His parents were Elijah B. and Ann (Smith) Foster, natives of South Carolina and Virginia, respectively; the father a farmer, and an energetic and prosperous man, emigrated to Tennessee v^^hen a young man, and there married. He was magistrate of his county for several years, and died January 20, 1845, his wife surviving him nine years, and de- parting this life in March, 1854. They were mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Our siibject is the eldest of six children: W. R. , Sarah E., Harriet A., Fannie T., Julia P. and James L. Foster. W. R. was raised and received his education in Lauderdale County, Tenn. In 1851 he professed religion and joined the above named church. In December of the same year he came to Mississippi County, Ark., with his mother, where be was engaged in the wood business on the Mississippi River for two years, after which he moved, with his mother to Phillips County, Ark., where she departed this life in the faith of the Gospel. He engaged in farming for two years, and was licensed to preach on the 24th of August, 1855, by the Walnut Bend Quarterly conference, Helena district, Stephen S. Carlisle, presiding elder. In September, 1856, he was admitted, on trial, in the Arkansas Annual conference, as a traveling preacher, and was appointed to Salem Mission, where he had good success for a young preacher, aljout 144 persons being converted to the Christian religion, and some 200 added to the Church of God. At the close of that year (1857) he was appointed to the Lawrenceville circuit, where he met with some success, about sixty being brought into the church. In the fall of 1858 he was appointed to the Smithville circuit, where he had a good revival of religion, over 100 souls be- ing converted. In the fall of 1859 he was ap- pointed to Greensboro Mission, which he served two years with good success. Jonesboro was then a young town, and one of his appointments. In this town he preached the tirst sermon heard there, in a livery stable, and organized the church in that (now) city. In the fall of 1861 he was appointed to the Walnut Bend circuit, where he was licensed to preach. The war was on, and but little was done in the work of the ministry. In the fall of 1862 he was appointed to Batesville Station aud circuit, where he had a good revival of religion, all over his work. While on this work ho was cap- tured by the Federal soldiers, and was held in l^rison one month. While in prison the annual conference was held, and he was appointed to the Strawberry circuit. In the fall of 1864 he w/is appointed to the Smithville circuit, and for three years he served this work with happy results. In the fall of 1867 he was appointed jjresiding elder on the Yellville district, laboring with good results for three years. In 1870 he was transferred by Bishop Keener to the White River conference, and was appointed to Searcy Station, at which place he met with some success. In the fall of 1871 he was appointed to the Osceola circuit, where he served two years as pastor. In 1873 he was appointed presiding elder on the Mississippi district, which work he served four years with acceptability. In 1877 he was appointed to the Helena district, where he served two years. In 1879 he was appointed again to the Mississippi district, where he served the church four years longer. In the fall of 1883 he asked Bisho]) Granberry to relieve him from district work and give him a circixit. The request was granted, and he was appointed to Jonesboro circuit. The fall of 1884 he was appointed to Greensboro circuit, the fall of 1885 to Pleasant Hill (now Larado circuit), and in 1886 to Harrisburg circuit, and on this work he labored two years, with great success. In the fall of 1888 he was appointed to Auvergne Station. Rev. W. R. Foster was ordained deacon by Bishop Early in September, 1858. On account of the war the Bishop could not meet the annual conference, and he was not ordained elder until September, 1866, by Bishop G. F. Pierce. He was married, to Miss Mildred E. Barker, on the 11th of December, 1857, she being a native of Rob- ertson County, Tenn. To them have been born six children: John C, Matilda A., William R. (died in early childhood), Dixie L. (a young lady of twenty-four years), Ida B. (seventeen years), and Minnie P. (eigbt years). Mr. Foster is a member of Jonesboro Masonic lodge; also Jonesboro Royal Arch Chapter, and of R. & S. M., Harrisburg Council. He was made a Mason in RitcLman lodge, in Cotton Plant, St. Francis County, Ark., in 1858. He is now closing up his thirty-third year's work in the ministry, all in the State of Ar- kansas. He never has been a supernumerary, nor a superannuated preacher, and he loves the itiner- ant ministry today as he loves his own life. Many have told him they would be stars in his crown when they get home to Heaven. Josejih P. Foushee, farmer and stock raiser of Union Township, Jackson County, is a son of Lloyd and Mary (Lambert) Foushee, natives of North Car- olina, the father being of French descent. Our sub- ject's paternal grandfather, Elijah Foushee, a na- tive of Paris, France, came to America in 1774, and participated in our Revolutionary War, supposedly under the immediate command of Gen. Washington. Daniel Foushee, brother of Lloyd, and Joab and Eli Lambert, uncles of our subject, participated in the War of 1812. George Washington Foushee and Elijah Foushee were in the War of 1861, Eli- jah being present at the surrender of Gen. R. E. Lee, at Appomattox, in 1805. Joseph P. Foushee was a member of the North Carolina militia, with the rank of captain, at the breaking out of the Civil War, which position ho tilled for three years, in Company B, Sixth Regiment, North Carolina Infantry. Home Guards. William F. Foushee, being colonel of militia, retained that position in the Home Guards for about three years. Elijah Foushee. the grandfather, married ]\Iiss Anna Stewart, in Chatham County, N. C. They had a family of ten children. Joseph F. married Miss Fanni(> Sanders, of Irish descent, a native of North Carolina, and they have had six children: James (born December 8, 1848), William A. (born in 1852), Mary (married Thomas J. Sconyers, of Ala- bama), Fannie E. (married William Harwell), Eliza P. (married John Baker, of Tennessee), and George V. (at home). Mr. Foushee has had some education, and has given all his children good schooling, providing for them liberally as they have grown up, married, and left home, but still has plenty, owning 040 acres of good average cotton land. As an instance of Mr. Foushee' a kindheart- edness, may be mentioned the fact that he is now raising and providing for two orphan children, and a place in this volume may well bo accorded such an individual. Mr. Foushee is a member of the American Legion of Honor, of the Royal Arcaniim. and of the Missionary Baptist Church, his wife an.! the members of his family also belonging to the latter. N. M. Gardner was bom in Henderson County, West Tenn., July 7, 1830, the son of Joseph and Elizabeth (McLernan) Gardner, natives of North Carolina, who at an early day, in 182 1, moved to Henderson County, Tenn., and engaged in farm- ing. Mr. Gardner, though an uneducated man, by hard work accumulated quite a property, own- ing 3,000 acres at the time of his death, which occurred in Tennessee, at the age of seventy years, his excellent wife dying some years later. Grand- father Joseph Gardner served in the Revolution- ary war. Our subject, the sixth in a family of ten, was raised on the farm, and aided in clearing up the land; he was educated in the subscription schools of Tenno.?see. In 1859 he came to Jackson County, settling in Bird Township, where he bought 400 acres of land, sixty-five acres being cleared; after clearing sixty acres more, he sold the land, and in 180'.) engaged in the mercantile lousiness, in which he is now engaged, as the proprietor of a general store, carrying a full line of groceries, dry goods, and shelf hardware; this was the (irst store opened in the place. Mr. Gardner also has a farm of 475 acres, 251) being under cultivation, on which are raised principally cotton, corn and oat.s. and some stock. June 23, 1857. our subject mar- ried Lavinia R. Hardgrave. of Madison Connty, Tenn.. daughter of F. R. and Melvina (Woodfolk) Hardgrave, of Tennessee. Her father came to Jackson County, in 1800, his death occurring at Kenyou, in 1878, his wife dying in Tennessee. They have two children: Emerson D., attending Batesville College, and Mattio Lou, attending the public school at Batesville, where th(> family reside during the school year. Mr. Gardner also owning property in that place. Mr. (lardner is a T' \ ^k 860 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Democrat, having been brought out by the party as representative, and made a strong run. He is a member of Tuckerman Lodge No. 192, and was made a Mason in Tennessee. He is practi- cally a self-made man, having made what he has by his own efforts, and has always been actively interested in eveiything, for the good of the county, aiding liberally in all pixblic enterprises. Eugene Bailey Gillim, farmer and stock raiser, residing in the village of Swifton, Jackson County, is a native of Daviess County, Ky., having been born October 3, 1849. His parents were Hamilton B. and Middle Gillim. Our subject was raised on a farm in Kentucky, and received his education in that State at Pleasant Valley High School. He made his home in Independence, and taught several terms in Independence County during the summer months, working on a farm during the remainder of the year. In 1874 he came to Jackson County, rented a farm near Tupelo, where he put in crops in 1874 and 1875. Mr. Gillim came to Swifton in 1878, and engaged in mercantile business with Mr. A. D. Bailey, bought Mr. Bailey's interest in 1879, and finally sold ont to H. P. Mortensen. He pros- pected for a location, and finally invested in lots at Morrillton, remained there about nine months, when he sold his property at a nice profit, and in 1880 returned to Jackson County and bought 480 acres of land, abont twenty acres improved, where he moved his family, and now has 125 acres under cultivation. In 1888 he erected the comfortable house in Swifton in which he resides, working on it at odd times when not engaged in farm work. His first wife was Miss Clara B. Caviness, of Jackson County, a native of Tennessee, by whom he had two children, one. Gorilla, born August 26, 1875, now living. Mrs. Gillim died February 11, 1878, and in 1879 he married Miss Willie E. Moon; they have four children: Otis Eugene, born June 10, 1880; Julia, born January 21, 1883; John M., born May 19, 1886, and Robert L., born March 10, 1888. Mr. and Mrs. Gillim are members of the Christian Church at Swifton. Mr. Gillim is a member of Thornburg Lodge No. 371, Stranger's Home, Lawrence County, Ark. , and is a supporter of all worthy movements. J. M. Glass, Sr. , planter and stock raiser, Swifton, Ark. Mr. Glass, who is also numbered among the first-class farmers and stock raisers of the county, came originally from Fayette County, 111. , where he was born in 1829. He was one of the first settlers of this township, after whom it was named, and the only original settler living in the same. He was the fifth of six children born to Elisha W. and Eleanor (Taylor) Glass, natives of the Old Dominion, but both of whom were reared in Illinois near Golconda, Gallatin County. Elisha Glass came with his father, Dudley Glass, to Illi- nois in 1802, but went to Tennessee in 1820, and settled in Weakley County, of that State. He was there married, and there remained, engaged in farming, until in September, 1829, when he bought land and settled in Fayette County, 111. He im- proved several farms, but in 1845 moved to Miller County, Mo., settling in Rich wood Township, where his death occurred in 1851. His wife after- ward moved to Hill County, Texas, and died in April, 1884. The paternal grandfather of the sub- ject of this sketch moved to Fayette County, 111. , at an early day, where he died, in 1843, at the age of sixty-six years. He was a soldier in the Semi- nole War. J. M. Glass, Jr., was taught the duties of farm life during boyhood, and received a fair education in the district schools of Illinois. He went with his parents to Miller County, Mo. , was engaged in clearing and developing the farm, and in 1850 made his way to Jackson County, Ark., and settled in Bird Township. During the fall of 1851-52 he taught school on Black River, and boarded with Henry Miller. In the last named year he entered eighty acres of land near Inde- pendence County, but later sold that, then invested in more land in 1854, again sold out, and from 1854 to 1857 was engaged in the real estate bus- iness. In 1856 he purchased 167 acres of land, and commenced improving the same, erecting a cabin and planting a good orchard. From time to time he added to this farm, until he now owns 467 acres with 150 acres under cultivation. At the beginning of the war he was the owner of 800 acres but afterward sold some of this. He was elected county surveyor in 1860, serving until 'C ( '->£ JACKSON COUNTY. 801 1802, and iu July of that year enlisted in Com- pany A, in Capt. Henry's company, and was mustered into service at Clover Bend, Lawrence County, Ark. He participated in the battle of Prairie Grove, and was in many skirmishes while on detached duty. In the fall of 18(53 he was sent home on recruiting service by orders of Gen. Smith, and organized a company of which he was elected first lieutenant, serving thus until Novem- ber, ISG-t, when he was made adjutant, serving in that capacity until the close of the war. He was in Thomas H. McCray's brig.ide, was with Gen. Price on his raid through Missouri and Arkansas, and was in active service until the close of the war. He surrendered the company at Jacksonport, June 5, 1865, after which he returned to the duties on the farm. He was married, in Jackson County, on the 7th of November, 1857, to Miss Amanda K. Bandy, a native of Bedford County, Tenn. , and nine children were born to them, four now living, viz. : Fannie, born October 18, 1858, and is now Mrs. A. Catlett, Prairie Grove, Ark. ; John M. , born February 10, 1863, and is at home; Lucy E. , born December 25, 1800, and Carrie A., born in Jiily, 1873: E. W. died in 1880, at the age of twenty years; two died in infancy: Samuel died in 1875, at the age of five years, and George died in 188-1, at the age of four years. After his mar- riage Mr. Glass located on his present fine farm, and there he has since remained. He is quite act- ive in politics, and votes with the Democratic party. He discharged such duties as were incum- bent upon the ofiice of justice of the peace in 1858 and 1860, and has always taken an eixrnest part in all educational affairs, having served on the school board for about twelve years. He re- sided for a short time in Izard County, for the purpose of educating his children, and in this he has been successful. George W. Goddard is the popular proprietor of the Planters' Hotel, at Newport, Ark., and is a native of Wayne County, N. Y., born on the 2d of December, 1840. He is one of six living members of a family of eight children born to Edwin P. and Maria (Fillmore) Goddard. and is their third child in order of birth. He was reared and educated in York State, and like the majority of natives of the " Empire State" he is intelligent and enterpris- ing. After making his home with his parents until he attained his majority, he went to Leaven- worth, Kan., where he was employed in the (quar- termaster's and sutler's department for several years during the war, and he was thereafterward employed on the construction of the Kansas Pa- cific Railroad for some time. His next enterprise was to engage in the hotel business, at Salina, Kan. , but this enterprise he gave up, after a short time, to go to Old Mexico, where he spent a year or two in investigating a mining interest. Subse- quently he opened and developed the Bellville Zinc Mines, in Jasper County, Mo., putting up the improved reduction works, and these mines he operated, with good results, for several years. His nest business enterprise was to engage as a clerk in a hotel at Joplin, Mo., and from this point he returned to Old Mexico. After a time he settled in Little Rock, Ark. , where he became manager of the Doming House, continuing in this capacity for about three years. The following year he ran a hotel at Hot Springs, Ark., and in the month of October, 1887, he came to Newport, and took con- trol of the Planter's Hotel, which is a strictly first- class house. His establishment contains forty rooms, and the meals he serves are always of the best quality, and are palatable and well cooked. Mr. Goddard is connected with the mining in- terests of Marion County, and his mine gives promise of becoming one of the finest in the United States. Socially, Mr. Goddard is a momlier of the K. of P. He was married, in 1888, to Mrs. P. V. Sparks, the former proprietress of the Windsor Hotel. Edwin P. Goddard and wife were born in the State of New York, and in 1850 they emigrat ed to Knox County, 111., and until 1800 were resi- dents of Abingdon. In the latter year they re moved to Leavenworth, Kan., where the father died in 1867, still survived by his widow, who re sides in that city. Andrew J. Greenhaw (deceased), a native of Alabama, was born November 20, 1813. His fatlier, (Jabriel Greenhaw. who was l)orn August 0, 1783. fiiiiif li> this country from tiie easterr\ sliores 862 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. of Scotland, and, after living in Alabama, removed to Mississippi, v^here be died. Andrew J. located in Jackson County, Ark., about 1840, where, for several years, he rented land and carried on farm- ing. In 1850 he settled on the farm upon which his widow now resides, in Village Township, which, at the time of his purchase, was entirely unim- proved, and covered with forest trees. He hung up a log-chain to mark the place for his cabin, which he afterward erected in the most crude way. He then went to work to clear and cultivate his land, which required years of labor and economy, but his toil was rewarded, for at the time of his death he owned in all 640 acres of land, of which 200 acres were under cultivation. He devoted his time and attention entirely to farming and stock raising, and became a prominent man of Jackson County. During the war he was a member of the Home Guards, but saw no active service. After the war he was elected county treasiu'er, and also served as coroner. Mr. Greenhaw was married March 5, 1844. to Lucinda Pistole, daughter of David Pistole, a native of Virginia, who emigrated to Middle Tennessee, and thence to New Madrid County, Mo., where he died. Mr. and Mrs. Green- haw were the parents of nine children, five of whom are living, viz. : James A. , born in December, 1847 (married September 27, 1866, to Mattie E. George); Mary, born July 1, 1851 (now the wife of Robert A. Spinks) ; Susan, born October 6, 1852 (wife of Rev. E. A. Garrison, of Trinidad, Col.); Isaac N. , born May 27, 1854, and John, born Janu- ary 15, 1860. Those deceased were Lucy A., born December 18, 1844, died in February, 1846; Will- iam D., born March 20, 1846, died June 9, 1859; Anthony, born April 25, 1849, died November 24, 1877, and Nicholas, born August 31, 1855, died at Center Point, Tex., May 16, 1884. The father died February 22, 1872, and his widow is still liv- ing on the homestead. The Greenhaw family now have in their possession 800 acres of land, of which 400 acres are under cultivation. The land is all in one tract, and the different members of the family all have their homes upon it. The principal prod- ucts are corn and cotton, and some attention is paid to stock raising. They are enterprising and successful farmers, and an honor to the parent, who was one of Jackson County's jiioneers. Benjamin F. Grimes, farmer and stock raiser, now residing on Section 6, and owning land on Sections 5, 6, 8 and 17, is a son of Lewis and Ruthy B. (Embry) Grimes, natives of Kentucky. Lewis was a son of James and Sallie Bryan (Boone) Grimes, natives of Virginia, Sallie Grimes being: a sister of Daniel Boone, the Kentucky pioneer. The subject of our sketch was born in Fayette County, Ky. , March 24, 1836, receiving his education partly in the private schools of his native State; he also attended the State Normal School, of Col- umbia, S. C. , and finished his education at Bethany College, Virginia, in 1854, when he returned home, where he engaged in farming and stock raising, finding a market for his horses and mules in South Carolina. In 1860 he purchased 122 acres of land in Bourbon and Nicholas Counties. June 5, 1861, he enlisted in Company I, Forty-eighth Regiment Volunteer Infantry, Confederate States Army, serving fourteen months as a private, when he re- ceived a commission from the secretary of war of the Confederate States of America, to raise a regiment, which was mustered into service in November, 1862, and was ordered to McMinnville, Tenn., un- der Gen. John H. Morgan, and finally entered the secret service. In the winter of 1863 Col. Grimes was captured, taken to Lexington, Ky. , and thrown into what was known as Gen. John H. Morgan's nigger prison; he was kept there ten days, when he was transferred to Kemper Barracks, Cincinnati, where he was kept in solitary confinement four months and twenty-three days, during which time he was court-martialed and sentenced to death on Johnson's Island, in Lake Erie, but six hours be- fore the time for the execution he made his escape by bribing the guards with money given him by a lady friend, and by sliding down a lightning-rod, hand over hand, thirty feet. He took the train for St. Louis, but, fearing danger, stopped off at Law- rence Station, 111. During his long service. Col. Grimes participated in the battles of Piketon, Chancellorsville, South Mountain, Antietam, seven days' fight before Richmond, Si^ottsylvania, Hart- ersville, Perryville, and many skirmishes, toonum- r 'i'h erous to mention. April 4, 1882, Col. Grimes married Mrs. Hebe (Grayson) Butler, daiifrJiter of Col. William P. B. Grayson, of Kentucky, who was a sou of Robert Harri.son Grayson. Col. Grimes is a member of the Christian Church, his wife being a member of the Episcopal, having been confirmed with her father, at his death-bed, in 1873, by Bishop Cummings. John Q. Guynn, who resides near Newport, in Jacksou County, came to Arkansas from Christian County, Ky. , in 1861. He is a son of Eandolph and Elizabeth (Collins) Guynn, the latter of whom died in Jacksonport, Ark., February 27, 1887, and is buried in the cemetery near Jacksonport. John Q. Guynn was born June 0, 1832, and lived in Kentucky until he emigrated to Arkansas, in 1861, as before stated. He received his edncation in the Counties of Trigg and Christian, of his native State. January 13, 1857, he married Miss Catherine Stenibaugh, a native of Trigg County, Ky. To them were born two children: John M. (born March 8, 1858, in Trigg County, Ky. ) and Will- iam A. (born March 6, 1868.) John M. Guynn was married December 15, 1882, to Miss Miimie Pistole, of Jacksonport, Jackson County; he is now employed in the freight depot of the St. Louis & Iron Mountain Railroad. Mr. Guynn first en- gaged in farming, on rented land, and has ever since devoted his attention to the pursuit of agriculture, with the exception of two years, during which he served in the Confederate army. His first pur- chase of land was in 1862, and consisted of 160 acres in Cache Township, Jackson County, which was cultivated land. In 1872 he sold out and bought 300 acres in Sections 24 and 25, Jefferson Township, upon which were some small improve- ments. He now has about 160 acres under culti- vation, has erected four good tenant houses and two dwellings, one of the dwelling-houses being built for his son John M., and the other by him- self. Mr. Guynn is now renting his farm, which is situated midway between Jacksonport and New- port. Ho at present leases a farm about one mile east of Newport, where he has lived a year and a half. After the death of his first wife our subject married Mrs. Eliza (Holdby) Pistole, March 11, 1878. They are members of the Shiloh congrega- tion of the Christian Church, at Deaz. Mr. (iuyiiu is also a member of Jacksonport Lodge No. IWI, A. F. & A. M., and also belongs to Jacksonport Chapter No. 40, K. A. M. Howell Jesse Hale, a farmer and stock raiser, residing on Section 34, in Grublis Township, Jack- son County, came to Arkansas when about four years of age with his parents. John and Jane (Tatum) Hale, both natives of Georgia. John Halo located in IndeiJendence County about 1853, and of the four children born to himself and wife Imt two are now living, our subject and a sister, who mar- ried Mr. T. M. Owens, and now lives in Indian Territory, near Oklahoma. Mr. H. J. Hale was born January 30, 1854. He married Miss Nancy C. Sullens, a native of Arkansas, who was lx>rn and luarried on the place now owned by Mr. Hale. She died in 1880, the mother of two children, one of whom, Julia A., died in 1876; the other. James, was born in 1877. In 1885 Mr. Hale married Miss Nora Kobin.son, of Jackson County. To the latter union have been born two children, of whom Al- berta died in 1887, and Clara, born June 4, 1888, still survives. After the death of his first wife Mr. Hale came into possession of her old home- stead, which she inherited from her father, con- taining 355 acres, to which Mr. Hale has adiled 460 acres. He now has 260 acres under cultivation and has erected upon the place seven tenant houses, as well as good barns, a cotton-gin, and saw and corn-mill. In clearing his land Mr. Hale uses such of the timber as will make a good quality of lumber for l)uilding purposes, for which he fincN a ready market in the neighborhood and adjoining townshi]>s. He is a meml)er of Newport Lixlge A. F. & A. M., and also belongs to that Christian Church known as Robinson's Chapel. Isaac W. Hankins, by occupation a fanner and stock raiser, was born in (ieorgia. ami when but three years of age came to Arkansas with his par- ents. Elijah and Celia (Brock) Hankins, both na- tives of Georgia. The [larents located in Craig head County, Ark., in 1856. removing to Jackson County, in 1864. where they rented the McElrath farm in Grubbs Township, upon which they liveil 864 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. two or three years, and afterward moved to a place in Village Township, known as the Quails farm, where both died, the mother surviving her husband only three years . To this worthy couple were born nine children, whose names in the order of their birth are as follows: J. W. , born in 1853; Winnie, R., born in 1858; Mintia D., born in 1879; Melia, born in 1881; Noria F., born in 1886, and Strator W. , born in 1889. Isaac W. Hankins, the only son, received the most of his education in the common schools of Village Township. Mr. Han- kins married Miss Winnie K. Freeman, a native of Johnson County, Ark., and took his bride to a home he had prepared on a small farm on Section 28, Grubbs Township, Jackson County, where they commenced life, living there about five years. Three of their children were born on this place. In 1882 Mr. Hankins rented the farm upon which he now lives, on Section 29, which he purchased in 1885. Mr. and Mrs. Hankins have had six chil- dren, of whom but four are living, two having died in infancy. Those living are Mintia D.. Melia A., Nora and Strator. The parents are both members of the Christian Church, worshiping with the congregation at Robinson's Chapel. Mr. Hankins is also a member of the Wheel, an organization for the promotion of the interests of the farmers. J. A. Harlan. One of the best examples of enterprise to be seen in Jacksonport is the busi- ness of Mr. Harlan. This gentleman was born in Hardeman County, Tenn. , on January 1, 1851, and is a son of David and Sarah (McMuUeu) Harlan, of North Carolina, who emigrated to Tennessee shortly after their marriage, where they remained several years, and from there to Mississippi, where the father died in 1855. After his death the mother returned to Tennessee, where she is still residing. They were the paients of five children, of whom four are yet living: Cullen M. , Idotha (wife of Guy Smith), Bettie (wife of Dr. J. M. Higlin) and John A. The mother of the.se children was three times married, and by her j second husband had one daughter, Jennie Black. John A. was reared principally in Tennessee, and received his education in that State. In 1869 he came to Jacksonport, and was engaged in | farming for five years. He afterward embarked in commercial life, and became one of the lead- ing business men of that city, as well as one of the most popular men, socially. He carries a fine stock of general merchandise, and has earned a rep- utation for square dealing, the best goods and lowest prices, that has enabled him to build up a large patronage in Jackson County. In 1880 Mr. Harlan was married to Miss Lulu Simpson, by whom he has had three children : Cullen D. , Elden B. and Ethel A. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and Legion of Honor, as well as the Knights of Honor. Besides his mercantile inter- ests, he owns several hundred acres of valuable land, and altogether enjoys a liberal prosperity. B. F. Harris was the third in the family of five children born to John and Jane (Goodi-ich) Harris, and his birth occurred in Madison County, Tenn. , in 1856. The parents were natives of Tennessee. John Harris was a planter by occupation, and set tied in Glass Township, Jackson County, Ark., in 1860, purchasing 400 acres of land, which he partly improved, and which was his home until his death, in December, 1872; his wife died in 1870. Of the children, two are living beside our subject: J. G., who resides iu Jackson County, and Elizabeth E., now Mrs. Hill, living at Swifton. B. F. Harris was reared to the pursuit of farming, receiving his ed- ucation in the district schools of Jackson County. He aided his father in clearing and improving tlie home farm, and commenced farming for himself on the same tract. Mr. Harris was married in Jackson Coimty, in 1880, to Emma J. Moon, a native of Calhoun County, Ark., and their three children are John Leroy, Thomas Edwin, and Tennessee. After his marriage, our subject set- tled where he now resides, near the village of Swifton, where he owns 160 acres of good farm land, of which 100 acres are under cultivation. He pays considerable attention to stock raising, owning some valuable stock. Mr. and Mrs. Har- [ ris are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and well known in the township, where they are highly esteemed. Politically, Mr. Harris is a Democrat in his political preferences, though he takes no active interest in politics. e; - JACKSON COUNTY. m;:, Albert Walter Harris, farmer and stock raiser, of Breckinridge Towaship, was born March 25, 1859, in Alabama. His parents were Fletcher Har- ris (born in Alabama, in 183:^, died in 1877) and Sallie A. (Walls) Harris, of Alabama (born in 1836, and died January 29, 1889). Our subject was ed- ucated in the public schools of Jackson County, Ark. Upon the death of his father, he came into possession of some sixty acres of the old homestead, twenty-five acres of which were cultivated. He now owns 220 acres of land, forty acres cultivated. At one time, in company with his brother, James, he engaged in the mercantile business, erecting a building on the homestead, where they continued six years, moving to Tupelo in 1885, and selling out in 1888. In 1883 Mr. Harris married Miss Martha Ellen Rotenburg, of Alabama; they have three children: Laura Jane (born in November, 1883), Maud Ethel (born February 11, 1885) and Lena (born May 14, 1887.) Mr. Hairis is a Democrat, public-spirited and progressive, taking an active interest in things educational, social and religious. George C. Harrison, planter and miller, is a native of Mississippi, and was born March 23, 1834. His parents were natives of Tennessee, and, both dying before our subject was one year old, he was raised by an uncle — G. C. Harrison. He lived on a farm, never attending school, and the considerable knowledge he has was gathered since his majority. At the age of nineteen he began life for himself, engaging in farming as an overseer, in Prairie County, Ark., where he remained till 1857. He has been three times married — in 1853 to Miss Mary Henderson, of St. Francis County, Ark. They had one child, Arthur, the wife dying in 1857. In 1863 he married Miss Sarah Bray, of St. Fran- cis County, daughter of Henry and Fanny Bray, the father a farmer and Baptist minister. By this union there were four children: Delia (died at fif- teen), Henry, \\'illiam, and George (married and living in Jackson). Mi-s. Harrison died in 1882, and in 1884 Mr. Harrison married Mrs. Sumette Mallory, widow of James Mallory, who had two children, Anna and Hannah O., aged fifteen and twelve years. In 1872 Mr. Harrison came to , Centerville, Jackson County, Ark., whore he lived live years, and in 1877 bought ninety-one acreH of new land, which he cleared, later adding forty acres to it, and has 100 acres of cleared land. He has since added forty acres to that, making 171 acres in that farm in Union Township. In 1885 he gave his wife a farm of eighty-five acres, sev- enty-five of which are cleared, lying half a mile northwest of Auvergne. Together, they now own 570 acres, 350 of which are now under cultiva- tion. In 1882 he began ginning cotton with his own machinery, on his farm, in Union Townshij), insured his customers against loss l)y fire, and in October, 1885, the gin, together with eighteen bales of his customers' cotton and three bales of his own, were totally destroyed by fire, being a totjil loss. In 1886 he built his present gin and the grist mill at Auvergne. This gin is the best in Jackson County, having a capacity of fifteen bales. He does a general ginning business, and buys his ten- ants' crops. In 1861 our subject enlisted in the Thirteenth Arkansas Regiment, was made lieuten- ant of Company B, serving one year, when he was discharged. He re-enlisted in Capt. Anderson's company, Col. Dobbins' regiment, where he served until the surrender, in 1865. He was never wounded, but in the battle of Belmont, in which he was engaged, seven bullets were sent through his clothing. He was with Gen. Price on his raid through Missouri, and was at the battle of Lexing ton. He was also at the battle of Pilot Knob, and the last skirmish was at Fayetteville, Ark., in the winter of 1864. Mr. Harrison votes the Democratic ticket, and is conservative; is a member of the Ma- sonic order, of the Knights of Honor and the A. L. of H. He and his wife are members of the Baptist and Presbyterian Churches, respectively. He also contributes to the support of the cliurches, schools, and all other enterprises for the good of the county. J. Y. Harrison, a prosperous and enterprising farmer of Jefferson Township, was born in Chris tian County, Ky., near Hoi>kiusville, on tbe 22d of April, 1847. His parents were Robert nni) graduated from the University of Louisville, an State of Missouri, and took up their location in Cedar County, where the father followed mer- chandising and dealt in live stock. In this county l)oth parents died, having reared a family of seven children, of whom our subject is the youngest. His boyhood days were spent in his native State, and being a youth of a rather thoughtful disposi- tion, he applied himself closely to his l)ooks dur- ing his school days, and in later years while a stu- dent in the University of Nebraska he was diligent and })ainstakiiig. From this instutitiou he was graduated in 1877, and the following year (1878) he located in the State of Arkansas, and in 1883 took up his abode in Newport being admitted to the bar the same year. He has since successfully followed the practice of law, and is now filling the office of justice of the peace, to which position he was elected in 1884. To his marriage to Miss Annie Wearham, which occurred in December, 1883, have been born a family of three children: Horace C. and Annie L. (twins), born in 1887, and Frank. Mrs. Lamberton is a member of the Methodist Episco[)al Church. The paternal grand- father, Christopher Lamberton, was a native of Ireland, and was a graduate of Dublin University. By profession he was a lawyer, and was one of the early settlers of Ohio, dying there at the ago of ninety-four years. The maternal grandfather was a colonel in the War of 1812, and died of cholera in Cairo, III. T. D. Lawrence, general merchant, Tuckerman, Ark. Mr. Lawrance's career in life, as far as its connection with industrial afFairs is coucerued. might be divided into two periods, that during which he was occupied in agricultural pursuits, and his more recent experience in the capacity of a merchant. He owes his nativity to the Blue Grass State, where his l)irth occurre>d, in 183f), and is second in a family of five children born to William and B. Gatsy (Pace) Lawrence, natives of Alabama. They settled in Kentucky at an early day, Ijut later moved iroxn there to Tennessee. Mr. Law- rence was a very active man in the early history of the State, and was a successful tiller of the soil. His death occurred in West Tennessee, in 1844, and he was a member of the Hard Shell Baptist Church. The mother died in 1886, at the ago of seventy -two years. T. D. Lawrence secured a fair education in the schools of Gibson County, and was early instructed in the mysteries of farm life. He was the second of the following children ; ^lary (now Mrs. Shelton, resides in Weakley County, Tonn.), T. D. , Susan (now Mrs. demons, resides in Howell County, Mo.), Elizabeth (now Mrs. Parker, resides in Weakley Connty, Tonn. ), and John William, whose death occurred in Weakley County. Tenn., in 1858, at the age of nineteen years. T. D. Lawrence came to Jackson County, Ark., in November, IStiil, locating in Bird Town- ship, entered land and bought KU) acres, which he proceeded to cultivate. He was married in Jack son County, in 1861. to Miss Sarah V. Palmer, a native of Memphis, Tonn., and daughter of Samuel J'- IhL 880 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. and Louisa (Means) Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer were natives of Kentucky, and were among the pioneers of Jackson County, Ark. Mr. Palmer was a farmer and an honorable, uprij^ht citizen. After his marriage, T. D. Lawrence settled in Bird Township, where he opened up some land, and where he now has 800 acres under cultivation. He is the owner of 1,700 acres in Jackson Countj% and 330 acres in two farms in Lawrence County, neai' Alicia. He is a successful stock raiser, and on his extensive farm may be found many fine cat- tle and hogs. He has about seventeen tenants on his farms. He also runs two cotton-gins and a blacksmith shop, besides owning considerable prop- erty in town. He owns 160 acres adjoining Tuck- erman, or rather owns East Tuckerman, and lots have been laid off. He has resided in town since 1 885, and has followed tlie general mercantile busi- ness since, although in 1881 he engaged in this business on his farm. He lost his wife in 1879. By that union he became the father of five chil- dren: William Shelby (married, and resides on the home farm), Lula Lee (now Mrs. Spriggs, resides in this count}'), Felix, Albert and Lucien. 'Mr. Lawrence was married again in Jackson County, in 1881, to Miss Elizabeth Perrox, a native of Craighead County, Ark. He has taken quite an active part in politics, and votes with the Republi- can party. He was in the service a short time during the war, then exchanged and remained in the North until the close of hostilities. He has served in different official capacities, viz. : deputy sheriff, magistrate, and has been a member of the school board. He is deeply interested in educa- tional matters. Mrs. Lawrence is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. Andrew Lawson, farmer and fruit raiser, is a native of Denmark, and by occupation a carpen- ter. He left his native land on an expedition to Greenland, remaining six months, when he came to Philadelphia, Penn. , in 1869; from there he journeyed to Buffalo, and thence to Chicago, where he made an engagement to go to Mississippi, to clear land, at $20 per month, working at this in the winter and at his trade in Memphis, during the summer. In 1873 he was united in marriage to Miss Delia Nelson, a native of Denmark, after which they traveled and prospected in Texas, re- turned to Mississippi, and in the early part of 1874, came to Arkansas, and engaged with Dr. Peters, to take charge of the stock, orchards, etc. , on the plantations. There he remained two years, and then started for Little Rock, engaging with the Baring Cross Bridge Company; he worked on the bridge across the river at Baring Cross, and on its completion secured the position of watchman, where he remained for three years, when he locat- ed at Grande Glaise, in charge of the water station. In 1883 he bought eighty acres of partly improved land adjoining that upon which stood the water station, which he improved, and there is now upon the place a fine young orchard and vine- yard. Mr. Lawson was instrumental in securing the postoffice at Grande Glaise, and has been the only postmaster in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson are both members of the Danish Lutheran Church. He is a member of Newport Lodge, I. O. O. F., in which he takes an active interest: he is also a member of the Knights of Honor, Lodge No. 1159, Little Rock, Ark., and takes a very active interest in temperance matters, and all religious, educational and social enterprises. Thomas James Laytou, of Cache Township, Jackson County, is a native of Fountain County, Ind. , and was born September 28, 1830. He is a son of Samuel and Ella (Ogle) Layton, natives of Ohio, where they were married. The father died in Indiana, about the year 1859, and the mother in Illinois, in 1877. Thomas J. was reared to farming, receiving the advantages of the common schools of his native State. At the age of four- teen he learned the cooper's trade, which ho fol- lowed in connection with farming until he was twenty years of age. In October, 1854, he mar- ried Miss Anna Bradshaw, who was born in Indi- ana, and to their union were born four children, viz. : Samuel James Layton, born in 1855, a merchant of Weldon, Ark., who married Miss Georgia Symmonds, of Stafford County, Kas. , in August, 1879; John McElroy Layton, a farmer by occupation, who married, in 1883, Miss Emma Bowen, of Indiana; David L. Laytou, married Miss Neila Burton, in February, 1884, and is in partnership with his brother, Samuel, at Weldon; Jesse B. married Miss Lydia Burton, and is a farmer, also operating a cotton-gin. Th(! mother of this family died in September, 1864, in Cham- paign County, lU. , and her remains were taken to Indiana for interment. In October, 1865, Mr. Layton, married Mrs. M. J. McCorkhill, nee Ful- ler, widow of W. J. R. McCorkhill, of Indiana. She had one child by her former marriage, Mahala Josephine, born in Vermilion County, 111. , who, in 1864, married William C. Glover, of Virginia, a farmer and carpenter by trade; he was the princi- pal contractor in rebuilding Newport, Ark., after its loss by lire. Mr. and Mrs. Layton have seven children, viz.: Anna C. , born in Missouri, in 1866, married, in December, 1885, Howard Fletcher; William Thomas, born March 28, 1869; Fairel- lener, born May 9, 1870, married, December 9, 1888, Lee Stanley, of Cross County, Ark. ; Mar- garet, born April 11, 1872: Katie, born December 3, 1873, and Jacob H., born January 13, 1876, died February 15, 1889. Mr. Layton removed with his family to Arkansas, in 1867, locating in the neighborhood in which he now lives, where he rented land for three years. In 1871 he bought eighty acres of his present farm, which was en- tirely unimproved, and which he began at once to clear and improve. He has been successful, and has added to his farm from time to time, until now it contains 346 acres, seventy-eight acres of which are under cultivation. He has one of the finest farms in the county, as a result of enterprise and jjerseveranee. Though not an active politician, Mr. Layton votes with the Union Labor party. Dr. W. H. Lenox, physician and surgeon, Denmark, Ark. This prominent and successful practitioner was born in Kolla, Phelps County, Mo., in 1837, and located in Denmark, Jackson County, Ark., in 1878. His parents, Hamilton and Permelia (Harrison) Lenox, were natives, re- spectively, of Kentucky and South Carolina, and both immigrated to Missouri in ISl 1. They settled in what is now Callaway County, were reared in that county. l)ut were married in Pulaski County, in 1834, after which Hamilton Lenox followed till- ing the soil in Craighead County for some time. From there he moved to Phelps County, but in 1861 left the State of Missouri, and took up his residence in Jackson County, Ark., where he made his home until 1863. He then went to Van Burea County, where he [)nrchasod and improved a farm, and there resided until his death, which occurred in November, 18()5. He took a deep interest in the early settlement of the county, and was promi- nently fdentified with its affairs. In politics he was first a Whig, but later became a Democrat. His faithful and much beloved companion followed him to the grave in 1874. Grandfather Williani Lenox was one of the early pioneers of Callaway County, Mo., was a soldier in the War of 1812, and also saw duty in the Seminole War. Great- grandfather Lenox was also a soldier in the War of 1812. Grandfather Harrison was an early settler of Pulaski County. Mo., and made that his home during life. He lived to an advanced age. Dr. W. H. Lenox attained his growth in Phelps County, Mo., and received his rudimentary educa- tion in the subscription schools of the same. He first began reading medicine under the tutelage of J. P. Harrison, of Phel|)s County, then under N. A. Davis, of Greene County, and finally under John Hyer, of Dent County. In 1855 he entered McDowell College, now called Missouri Jledieal College, at St. Louis, but later, on account of bronchial troubles, went to Lake Providence, La.. to recuperate. After remaining in that State for three winters, he returned to Phelps County, Mo., and was there occupied in farming and trading in horses and mules. He selected for his companion in life Miss Ellen E. Stiegleman, a native of Cum- berland Valley. Penu., and was married to her in Laclede County, Mo., in 1861. Her father, Dr. Stiegleman, was an eminent physician of Penn- sylvania, and received his final summons in Mis- souri. Her mother now resides in Dent Coimty, Mo. In 186 1 , or the same year of his marriage. Dr. Lenox moved to Jackson County. Ark., settled in Union Township, and the same year enlisted in Company A, Col. Freeman's regiment, but did not serve with the regiment, as he received per mission to remove to .Vrkansas. He then went to 882 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Jackson County, to Corinth, and enlisted in Com- pany K, Fourth Missouri Infantry, Col. McFar- land's regiment, after which he participated in the engagements around Corinth, Jackson, Ray- mond and Big Bhick Bridge. Prior to the engage- ment at Vicksburg, he went to Little Rock, thence to Van Buren County, Ark., and there, in 1864, raised Company C (cavalry), and was made captain of the same under Col. Coleman. He joined Gen. Price's raid through Missouri, and was in the bat- tle of Pilot Knob. He was captured near Jefferson City, and confined a prisoner at Johnston Island until the close of the war. After his release he returned to Van Buren County, Ark., engaged in farming, and there remained until coming to Jack- son County in 1878, as above stated. He com- menced the practice of medicine in Van Buren County in 1S73, and has thus continued ever since, having built up a paying and profitable practice. In connection with this Dr. Lenox is also engaged in cultivating the soil, having purchased 210 acres, to which he has since added eighty acres, and now has forty acres in tillable condition. One hun- dred and thirty acres of the Doctor's laud are in White County, and he is also engaged in raising stock. He is not active in politics, and does not vote; in school matters he takes a decided inter- est, and is connected with an incorporated school at Pleasant Plains, being trustee of the same. Dr. and Mrs. Lenox are members of the organization collectively known as Ecclesia of the Deity, com- posed individually of Christ Adelphians, which means Church of God, composed of Christ's Brethren. To their marriage were born the follow- ing children: Shelby L., Laura E., Florence O., Edna G. and Pearley E. George W. Littleton, a farmer and stock raiser, of Village Township, is a son of William and Martha (Brown) Littleton, the former a native of North Carolina, and the latter born in Tennessee, in which latter State this worthy couple were mar- I'ied. William Littleton emigrated to Tennessee with his father in 1801 ; he was the father of ten children, of whom four sons and four daughters are still living. In the order of their birth George W. was the fourth. In 1886 he married Miss Telitha Jane Hall, a native of Virginia, and to them have been born seven children, viz: Martin, born in 1858; Eliza, who married Mr. Henry Sul livau in 1873, and died in 1875; Samuel P., who was born in 1865; Martha Lena, married John Darden, February 23, 1887; William, born in 1870; Amanda, born in 1872; and Henry, born in 1875. Mr. Littleton and family removed from Tennessee to Arkansas in 1872; he rented land which he farmed for several years, when he pur- chased eighty acres, only six acres of which were under cultivation; he and his sons cleared forty- nine acres of this place, and he is now negotiating the purchase of 220 acres in Bird Township, Jack- son County, 125 acres of which are cleared ami broken, to which place he expects to move. He has some very fine stock on his place, among which are thirteen blooded horses, good grades of cattle, and about eighty hogs of the best breeds. In poli- tics Mr. Littleton is inclined to be liberal. In 1862 he enlisted in Company I, First Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, was immediately promoted to the sergeantcy, and subsequently be- came first lieutenant, thus serving luitil the close of the war, in all three years and four months. George A. Lockard, deputy county clerk at Jacksonport, Jackson County, Ark. This promi- nent citizen of the county owes his nativity to Breckinridge County, Ky., where his birth oc- curred on the 5th day of June, 1846. His parents, Phillip A. and Armilda (Dowell) Lockard, are na" tives, respectively, of Westmoreland County. Va., and Breckinridge County, Ky. They were mar- ried in the latter State whither the father had come when a boy, and there remained until 1849, when he and family moved to Jackson County, Ark. They located at Jacksonport, and there the father engaged in the livery business until about the year 1852, at which time he moved to the country near Jacksonport, and followed the occupation of overseer of slaves, in said county, until the year 1856. Moving to the State of Louisiana he continued as overseer of slaves on a plantation, near Donaldsonville, until his death, which occurred in March, 1859. Then in the fall following the mother and family returned to Jack- JACKSON COUNTY. ^s:', son Conuty, Ark., aud there roniained until her death, which occurred in November of 1859. The family consisted of five children, of whom our subject is the only survivor, he being only three years old when his father first moved to Arkansas. At bis mother's death he returned to the land of his nativity, and remained there during the war. and in 1866 returned to Jackson County, Ark., where he grew to manhood, receiving such educa- tion as the schools of that day afforded, and, at an early age, he began the occupation of clerk in the mercantile business, at Jacksonport, where he has since resided. Since the year 1S7S he has been acting as deputy clerk of Jackson County, and at present is still acting in that capacity. He is a pioneer of Jackson County, and during bis residence here has witnessed many changes in the way of improvements, etc. He was married, in May, 1885, to Miss Lizzie Bach, a native of Germany, and the fruits of his union are two sons: George A. and Franklin A. Mr. Lockard is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and American Legion of Honor. Mrs. Lockard is a member of the Lutheran Church. Samuel W. Loftin, a general farmer and stock raiser, residing on Section 15, township of Grubbs, Jackson County, was born in liutherford County, Tenn. , August 31, 1834. His parents were Eldredge and Elizabeth (Moore) Loftin, natives, respectively, of North Carolina and Tennessee. The father died two years after his location in Jackson County, Ai'k., which was in 1849; the mother died in Ten- nessee in 1840. Samuel W. received a limited common school education in the private schools of Tennessee, and in 1857 commenced business for himself. He married Miss Elizabeth Denton, whose birth occurred August 12, 1843, and of their eight children, four died in infancy; those living are Sallie, born January 19, 1867 (who tin- i.shed her education at Jacksonport, and is now the wife of Eli Evans, a native of Tennessee, and has three children, of whom two are living: Bertha, born in 18S6, and Elizabeth, I)orn in 1888), Rob- ert M.. born December 15, 1873; Rachel E., born September 12, 1875, and Cora, the latter born July 25, 1882. In 1859 Mr. Loftin bought eighty acres of wild land, upon which he erected a log cabin. and industriously set to work to clear and improve. He afterward bought 200 acres more, and liuilt a comfortable farm house, in which the family now live. Mr. Loftin takes an active interest in educa- tional matters, and proposes to give his children the advantages of a good education, as, having been deprived of the same himself, he realizes its im- portance, and does not wish them to grow up in ignorance, and the humiliating consciousness that they are inferior to others in that direction. Mrs. Loftin is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and the family is highly respected by all. B. R. McDearmon, one of the prominent citi- zens and manufacturers of Weldon, Ark. , is a native of Tennessee, having been born in Wilson County, September 19, 1858. His parents were William W. and Martha (Wright) McDearmon, of Tennes see. His father came to Batesville, Ark., and en- gaged in business of contractor and builder, till his death in 1879 or 1880. The mother died A]>ril 19, 1887. They were members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and the father was a Democrat, and served four years in the Southern army, being once captured, but never wounded. The subject of this sketch spent his school days in Batesville, and attended the State University at Fayetteville one year, receiving a good English and scientific education. At the age of eighteen he went to Tennessee for his health, and spent two years as apprentice with S. L. Garrett, a noted architect of Louisburg, Tenn. In 1879 he returned to Arkan- I sas, and, on account of his father's ill health, ran 1 his saw-mill on what is now the Pickett farm, at the I same time carrying on the same business ten miles south of Newport. In 1880 he sold his father's mill (after his death), and in 1888 his own. in the meantime having built the grist-mill and machine shops at Weldon. He also in 1.S88 built the larg est cotton-gin and press in the county. November 15, 1881, he married Miss Susan L. ShoiTner, daughter of A. E. and JIartba (Patterson) Shoffiier. Mr. Shoffner being a prominent fanner of Jackson County. They have two daughters: Pearl, three years old. and Node, eight months, respwtively. Mr. McDearmon, who has been active in the de velopment of Weldon, now owns several town lots. I' j!dl 884 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. and two blocks in the town. In connection with the milling and ginning business, he does general repairing and manufacturing, and takes no part in i politics. Roberts Manly, farmer and stock raiser of Union Township, Jackson County, Ark., was born January 16, 1830, in Henderson County, Tenn. , a son of Elkarp and Catherine (Roberts) Manly, who are of English and Irish descent, natives of North Carolina, and who both died in Tennessee. In 1855 Mr. Manly went to Missouri, locating in Dunklin County, where he engaged in farming for ten years, and in 1806 located on his present farm in Arkansas, which consists of eighty acres of fine land, sixty of which are in a high state of cultivation, cotton being the principal crop; on this farm he has planted a veiy tine and large apple orchard, con- taining the very best varieties, his object being to raise fruit which will keep the year round. Mr. Manly, by his thrift and perseverance, has made all the tine improvements to be seen upon his farm. While he had not the advantages of an education, he is greatly interested in the schools, and believes the interests of the country could be best subserved by liberally educating the children. Mr. Manly married Miss Mary Armstrong, of North Carolina. By this union there were seven children, one, W. S. Manly, growing to manhood, and now residing in Marion County, Ark. Mrs. Elizabeth Manly died in 1863, and Mr. Manly was again married, to Mrs. Rhoda (Bates) Berry, a widow, and a native of Georgia. They had one child, Rufus H. Manly, born in 1866. The other children were William, Sutton, Elizabeth, Harriet and Tennessee Caroline; two daughters and one son are now living. Mr. Manly, his wife and children, are members of the Missionary Baptist Church; Mr, Manly being a Democrat, and a member of Jackson Lodge No. 91, A. F. & A. M. He was formerly a Whig. Fred J. Mason, farmer, Jacksonport, Ark. Of the many residents of foreign birth in Jackson County, none are more honest, industrious or more deserving of success than the German element of which Mr. Mason is a representative. He was born in Saxony, December 16, 1840, and his parents, Carl and Christina (Gehering) Mason, were natives of the same province. The father followed agri- cultural pursuits in the old country. In 1852 he sailed to America, taking passage at Bremen on a sailing vessel, and landed at New York City after a forty-two days' ocean voyage. He came as far as Buffalo by railroad, then took a boat on Lake Erie, went from there to Sandusky, Ohio, thence to Cincinnati, and fi'om there down the Ohio River, stopping in Southern Indiana. They located in Per- ry County, and there both parents died. They had three childi'en : Fred J., Augusta and Christopher. The eldest child, Fred J., was only eleven years old when he came to America, and he remained in Indiana with his parents until of age. During the stirring period of the war he came to Little Rock, Ark., and was there employed as butcher for the government, remaining in that capacity un- til cessation of hostilities. He subsequently moved to Batesville, where he followed the butcher" s trade for one year, and in the fall of 1869 he came to Jacksonport, Ark. , where he followed his trade for fourteen years. For the past few years he has been engaged in farming, and has one of the finest tracts of land along the river, 700 acres in all, with 200 acres imder cultivation. Mr. Mason makes his residence in Jacksonport, and is a progressive and enterprising citizen. He was married, in 1868, to Mrs. Mary Sharj), nee Young, by whom he has five children: Frank, Carrie, Ruth, Fred and Fan- nie. His wife Mary died January 15, 1883, and Mr. Mason married his present wife, Ella Cameron, September 12, 1886. Dr. David May, practicing physician and farm- er, is a large planter, of Breckinridge Township. He was born in Missouri, November 15, 1826. His parents were John and Guyan (Morgan) May, natives of Pennsj'lvania and Virginia, who moved to what is now Bollinger County, Mo., about 1820. David's father was born in 1759, in Pennsylvania, and at the age of seventeen ran away from home, and joined the American army, serving four years in the field, and the last three years of that strug- gle as a hospital nurse. On coming to Missouri he bought 160 acres of land, on whicli he lived, and died in 1841. He was a Democrat, and both him- self and wife were members of the Baptist Church. •^ Q 9 k^ .^M JACKSON COUNTY. 8S5 Our subject is the youngest of a family of eight children: William (deceased), Hamilton (deceased), Andrew (deceased); Alpha, wife of James Boker, farmer, of Missouri; Eliza, of South Missouri; Mary, wife of Anderson Virgin, farmer, of Missouri, and John (deceased). Dr. May was raised on a farm, and received his education in the common schools, and in the academic school near Bloom- field, Mo. When a young man he secured med- ical works, which he studied for the purpose of at- tending his own family, but, the demand being great, in 1875, he went to Nashville and attended a course of medical lectures, and has since had a successful general practice, until the present, when he is about retiring. At the age of eighteen years he began his career as a farmer, and in 1850 married Miss Rina W. Naremore. They had one child, George W. , born April 5, 1851, who now lives in Jackson County. Mrs. May died in 187G, and in 1877 he married Evaline T. Gwynn, a native of Tennessee, who had one child, but both mother and child died in 1878, and the same year our sub- ject married Sarah E. McMinn, relict of Jos- eph W. McMinn. They have one child, Will- iam Lee, ten years old. In 1848 Dr. May came to Jackson County and settled on what is now the Pickett farm. He bought and entered 160 acres of land, cleared fifty or sixty acres of the same, and in 1858 sold it and entered 160 acres of the farm he now works, which was then in the woods. He now owns 600 acres of land, having 200 acres under cultivation, all of which he cleared. During his residence here of forty-one years, Dr. May has seen a great many changes, and has done his share in the development of the country. He served as magistrate sixteen years, during which time but one appeal was taken from his decision, and that appeal was not sustainc^d. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church, and for the last twenty years he has filled the position of local minister of that church. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum, is a Wheeler, and votes the Democratic ticket. In addition to his farming and l>ractico, Dr. May is taking some interest in horse and mule breeding, and has as good a stock farm as there is in the county. William Miller, planter and stock raiser, was born in Humphreys County, Tenn., in 1839, the oldest of two boys born to Henry and Louisa (Cole) Miller, natives of Tennessee. The parents dying when the boys were quite young, they were left to depend upon themselves. Our subject was reared to farm life, and also learned wood-work, and re ceived his education in the subscription schools of Tennessee. He was married in Humphreys County. Tenn., in 1857, to Martha Jane Plummer, of Ten- nessee, daughter of John and Parthena (Mat this) Plummer, natives of Virginia, who emigi-ated to Tennessee in an early day, where they died. After his marriage William settled on a farm, and in 1861 enlisted in Capt. MoAdoo's company for three years; he was in the battles of Bell Buckle, Tallahassee, where he was taken sick, and sent to Atlanta, where ho remained two months, when he returned to Tallahassee. He was in the campaigns in North Alabama, East and Middle Tennessee and North Mississippi, and in 1865 surrendered under Col. Hurd. In 1872 Mr. Miller came to Jackson County, Ark., settling in Bird Township, where, in 1880, he bought 120 acres of improved land; he has continued to improve it. and has now nine- ty acres under cultivation, having planted a good orchard, and has all varieties of fruit. He raises hogs, horses and cattle. In 1870 his wife died leaving foiu' children: Henry (married), James William (married), Charles Lafayette, and Louisa (now Mrs. R. Donahoe), all residing in Bird Town- ship. In Jackson County, in 1881, Mr. Miller married Belle Corson, a native of North Alabama, daughter of Charley and Julia (Anderson) Corson, who were early settlers of Alabama. They have had foui- children: Jesse, Dawson, Julia Pinckuey and Rosa Lee. Our subject is not active in poli- tics, and votes independently. He has been road overseer, and is a member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church; he is practically a self-made man. and interested in the welfare of his coinity. Lancelot Minor is a leading member of the ! bar of Jackson County, and owes his nativity to Albemarle County, Va., his liirth occurring in Charlottesville, June Ki, 1S47. He inherits Scotch and Irish blood from his ancestors, and is a son J^ HISTORY OP ARKANSAS. of Dr. Charles and Lucy W. (Minor) Minor, both of whom were born in Louisa County, Va., the father's birth occurring at what was known as Minor's Folly, the old homestead. He was reared on this farm, and upon reaching a proper age be gan the study of medicine, and became a graduate of a medical university of his native State, and of one in Philadelphia, Penn., both noted colleges. He first entered upon his practice in Albemarle County, Va., continuing there iintil 1S54, then gave up his profession and established the Brook- hill College, or preparatory school, which he suc- cessfully conducted until the breaking out of the late Civil War. He then raised a company and sent it into service, but was unable to go himself, and died in 1862 at the age of sixty years. His widow survived him until 1879, when she, too, followed him to the grave. Seven of the family of thirteen children born to them are now living: Mrs. William R. Abbott, whose husband is prin- cipal of the Bellevue Institute of Bedford County, Va. ; Mrs. Loed, a widow residing in Wilmington, N. C. ; Lancelot, Kate, residing in Virginia; John B., Jr., also in Virginia: Annie and Dr. J. C, of Walnut Ridge, Ark. Both the paternal and ma- ternal grandfathers were soldiers in the Revolu- tionary War. and were well educated men, having prepared themselves for a professional life, but were practically good farmers. Lancelot Minor re- sided on his father's farm until Civil War times, then left the Brookhill school, of which his father was manager, to take up arms for the Confederate cause. He enlisted in Rock Bridge Artillery, and served the cause he espoused, faithfully and well, until April 8, 1865, when he was wounded at Cumberland Church, Virginia, by a gun shot pass- ing through his right lung. He was left at a farm house, being thought dead, but at the end of about five days he began to recover, and in the care of the kind people with whom he was left he remained until he was thor- oughly convalescent, but, from the effects of his wound, he had become paralyzed. He remained in this condition until 1867, when he recovered the use of his limbs, and soon after resumed farm- ing, continuing until 1868, when he was taken with the pioneer fever, and determined to push westward. He did so, and settled at Miami County, Kas. , where he farmed until 1 870, then came overland to Jacksonport, Ark. , and was en- gaged in farming and dairying at this point up to 1875. In the meantime he had been reading law, and in the above mentioned year he was admitted to the bar, and formed a partnership with his brother, Charles, which continued up to the lat- ter' s death, in 1879. After being in practice alone for four years, he entered into partnership with Franklin Doswell, one of the oldest attorneys in Jackson County, and their connection has since continued, the firm being known as Minor & Dos- well. They make a strong legal firm, and, by their superior abilities, command a large patronage in this and surroiuiding counties. Mr. Minor owns a great deal of real estajte in Jackson County, and is the originator of the White River Stock Breed- er's Association, of which he is the president. They have forty acres with a mile track for train- ing, which is now under the management of Prof. Menkie. Mr. Minor is deeply interested in this enterprise, and, so far, it has proved a decided success. He has attained the hig-hest dearree in the Masonic fraternity, and is also a member of the K. of P. and the Royal Arcanum. He has been a member of the city council, and is at present chief of the fire department. He was married, in 1868, to Miss Emma W. Minor, by whom he became the father of two children, Charles and Louisa, but in 1884 was called upon to mourn her death. In July, 1887, he espoused his second wife. Miss Theo Ferguson, of Augusta, Ark. They are members of the Episcopal Church. Nathaniel D. Moon, farmer and stock raiser, was born July 19, 1844, and in 1858 came to Ar- kansas with his parents, Leroy and Mary A. (Gulp) Moon, who were natives of Alabama. Nathaniel was raised on the farm, receiving his education in the private schools of Alabama, and the public schools of Arkansas, and in 1868 came with his parents to Jackson County, and in 1869 bought a farm of 120 acres in Section 1, erected a double log-house, and at once commenced clearing and improving the land, and in 1870 put four acres •? a :x. HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. er's death occurred in August, 1883, and that of his wife in April, 1884. each living to be about eighty-three years of age. Stephen J. is the third child of a family of seven, viz.: William L. (a farmer, teacher, and mechanic, enlisted in the Confederate army in Texas, and met his death at Richmond, Va. , in 1864), Caroline (became the wife of A. H. Bumpass, a farmer of North Carolina, and died April 17, 1889, leaving a family of nine children), Rufus R. (was a farmer, who married and had two sons; he served in the Confederate army and was killed in the second battle of the Wilder- ness, in 1865; his two sons are DeWitt and Rufus, the former now living on the original Moore home- stead, and the latter a merchant at Birmingham, N. C), Susan (is the wife of Henry Foust, a farmer and mechanic, living in Chicot County, N. C), Sarah E. (married William Moore, a teacher and farmer, of Washington, Hempstead County, Ark. ; they have six daughters and one son), and Alfred Dudley (a farmer, of Person County, N. C, hav ing a family of live children). Stephen J. Moore was reared to the pursuit of farming, in Person County, N. C. , and at the age of twenty-one en- gaged in farming for one year in his native State, after which he went to Sumter County, Ala. , where he remained three years, going thence to Greenfield, Dade County, Mo., where he turned his attention to the mercantile business for four years. In 1859 he sold out and returned to North Carolina. August 16, 1859, he married Sarah Jane Burton, daughter of Thomas F. and Nancy Burton, natives, respectively, of Virginia and North Carolina. Mr. Burton was a prominent farmer of Alabama and Mississippi. Prior to the birth of Mrs. (Burton) Moore, her parents lived in the Cherokee Territory, afterward moving to Ala- bama, where she was born March 2, 1835. To our subject and wife have been born seven children, two of whom died in infancy; those living are: Nancy E. (wife of George T. Damerson, a native of Randolph County, Mo.), Fanny (wife of W. H. Wise, a merchant, of Weldon, Ark.), Alfred T. (born March 15, 1868, a graduate of Jones Com- mercial College, of St. Louis), Margaret J. (born I November 28, 1870, attending the school for the blind, at Little Rock, Ark. ), Georgia (bom Janu- ary 21, 1873, also attending the blind school at Little Rock). Immediately after his marriage Mr. Moore retu^rned to Dade County, Mo., and the same year went to Texas, where he engaged in merchandising three months, then sold out and went to Kemper County, Miss. ; he farmed one year, railroaded one year, and, in April, 1862, en- listed in the Thirty-fifth Mississippi Regiment; he participated in the battles of Corinth, luka, Chick- asaw Bayou, and all the summer campaign in Georgia; August 26, 1864, he was captured in front of Atlanta, and remained a prisoner of war at Nashville, Tenn. , Louisville and Camp Douglas, until June, 1865, when the close of the war set him free. He then returned to his farm, which he worked until November, 1809, when he emigrated to Jackson County, Ark. , and bought and settled upon the farm upon which he now resides. He first bought 105 acres of land, very little of which was cleared; he cleared, improved and built, add- ing to his acres from time to time, until he now owns 235 acres, 120 acres of which are under a high state of cultivation. He votes the Democratic ticket and is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Mr. and Mrs. Moore and family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, except Alfred, who is a Baptist. The family is highly esteemed by all who know them, and Mr. Moore has done his share toward the support of worthy, public enterprises. William H. Morris, a farmer, residing at New- port, and one of the pioneers of Jackson County, was born in Pennsylvania on the 6th of January, 1834. He is a son of William H. and Eliza (Proc- tor) Morris, of New York City and Boston, Mass. , respectively. The Morris family are of French descent. William H. Morris, Sr. , was married in New York State, and a few years after removed with his bride to Dayton, Ohio, which was almost nothing but a wilderness at that period, and owned a portion of the land upon which the city now stands. In 1838 he moved to little Rock, Ark., where he entered into commercial life and carried on a successful business until 1840, when he moved to Austin, in Prairie County. Mr. Morris remained in that county for one year, and then ^1^ - -n sIV JACKSON COUNTY. fSSU removed to what is now Jackson County, bringing with him his stock of merchandise and locating at Elizabeth, then the county seat of tliis county. He continued in business at that point until 1S54, when he changed his business to Jacksonport, where he remained until his death, in 1855, the mother dying at Little Uock, while residing in that city. They were the parents of six children, of whom two still live, and after the moth<>r's death, the father married a second time, this union giving him three children: Robert, John and Anna. During the early days of his settlement he was postmaster at Elizabeth. At that time coon skins and beeswax were legal tenders for postage. William H. Morris was quite young on his arrival in Jackson County, and was given the l>est educa- tion to be had at that time. He was early in life instructed in commercial affairs, and was taught to look upon it as being marked out for his after career. He remained with his father until almost of age, and was then associated with several prom- inent iirms in Jacksonport and Newport. In 180!) he purchased his present farm and commenced cultivating the land, and now has 175 acres, out of 500, under a good state of cultivation. In 1857 he was married to Miss Amelia C. Hamilton, of Alabama, by whom he has had five children, three of them now living: Marguerite E., wife of Stephen Brundidge, Jr., of White County, Ark.: Savannah H. and Charles M. Mr. Morris is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and one of the first settlers of Jackson County, having witnessed a great many changes from the time of his an'ival to the present day. B. C. Morrison is a member of the firm of Morrison. Decker & Co., manufacturers of tight barrel staves and hardwood lumber, at Newport. Mr. MoiTison was born in Denmark, on the 11th of March, 1843. and until his twentieth year resided in his native land, and learned farming and tavern keeping of his father, who followed both occupa- tions. Becoming imbued with the idea that better opportunities were offered to young men of push and energy in the New W^orld, he determined to seek his fortune in tlie " land of the free," and accord- ingly, in April, 1863, hetook jiassage at Hambursr. and landed at Quebec in May. He iinniediai<'i_\ wended his way to Racine, Wis., where he hired out to a farmer, remaining with him four months, then entered a cooper shop to learn the trade, and this occupation received his attention until the fall of 1801, when he enlisted in the First Wisconsin Heavy Artillery, United States Army, and was a faithful servant of his adopted country until July, 1805, when he was mustered out of service. He returned to his former home at Racine, where he worked as a jonrneyman for some time. In 1868 he is found at work in a cooper shop in Keokuk, Iowa, but, in 1873, he determined to embark in business for himself, and from that time until 1881 he successfully conducted a cooper shop of his own. In the latter year he removed to Newport, Ark., and began building his present mill, under the name of B. C. Morrison & Co., and on the 10th day of January, 1882, ho raised steam in his engine, and began running his establishment, which is the largest concern of the kind in Northeast Arkansas. They handle a great deal of lumber, piling and staves, and give employment the year round to at least 300 men. With this mill they are clearing a farm of 1,700 acres, and in a few years they ex pect to have every acre of it under cultivation. The pi'esent partnership was formed in 1884, and. in connection with their stave and lumber factory, they own a large saw mill at Pond Switch, which furnishes employment to about fifty men. They also own two steaml)oats: the '"G. W. Decker." which is a passenger boat, and the ' ' Bright Star, a freight boat, both of which iim regularly up as far as Cherokee Bay. These gentlemen may be termed benefactors of the community in whicli they reside, for they have done much to open up Jackson Count}', and have added materially to its commercial standing. They are building good houses, and have a railroad of their own, which is three miles in length. Mr. Morrison was united in marriage to Miss Hannah Prater, a native of Illinois, in 1868. Jasper Nance. One of the best known men in mercantile circles in Jackson County is Mr. Nance, who keeps a general store in Cow Lake Township. He was l)oru in what is now Woodntfr Countv. 890 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Ark. , in the year 1 846, and was the fourth in a family of seven children, born to Joshua and Hetty (Forehand) Nance, of North Carolina and Georgia, respectively, the parents being married in the lat- ter State. After their union they moved to Wood- ruff County, and entered land in Barnes Township, which the father at once commeuced to cultivate and make a permanent home, and at the time of his death he had cleared up about 500 acres. He died several years before the Civil War, and his ex- cellent wife soon after moved back to her native State, where she survived him but a few years. Jasper was reared by his maternal grandfather, and received his education in the schools of Baker County, Ga. In 1858 his grandfather moved to Woodruff County, Ark. , where he bought a line farm, upon which he resided until his death, and, during the litigation over the estate, young Nance commenced farming for himself. In 1865 he in- herited his share of the land, and has added to it on different occasions until now he owns 100 acres, all of which are under cultivation, besides owning several other farms in different portions of the State. In 1884 he first started in business and opened np a general store, laying in a stock of everything to be found in a store of that kind, and has established a fine trade. He was married in Jackson County, July 20, 1866, to Mrs. Permelia M. Duty, who was a daughter of David Johnson, of Jackson County, and this iinion has given them eight children: Margai-el J., now Mrs. A. Sprague; William M. , Laura A. , Lewin A. , Alonzo, Martha, David J. and Elza Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Nance are both members of the Christian Church, in which the former is an elder, the daughter Mar- garet also being a member. Mr. Nance is not an active politician, but his interest in the affairs of his county are unbounded. He is a keen observer, and his remarks upon the various changes that have taken and will take place in his county are well worthy of attention. Thomas Nance, farmer, of Bird Township, was born in Cape Girardeau County, Mo. , in 1849, the youngest of fifteen children born to Thomas Nance and his wife. Thomas was a farmer of North Carolina, and in 1846 came to Missouri, bought land and improved it; he also bought land in But ler County, Mo., and in !March, 1861, came to Jack- son County, Ark. , moving to Cache Township in 1866, and then to Independence County, where he bought land near Fairview, which he made his home till his death, in August, 1874. His wife died when our subject was an infant. Grandfather Nance died, at the age of one hundred and fifteen, in North Carolina; the grandmother died in the same State, at the age of one hundred and four teen. The subject of this sketch was raised on the farm, receiving his education in the subscription schools of Missouri. In 1861 he came to Jackson County, and aided in clearing and improving the home farm. In September, 1864, in Jackson County, he enlisted in C'apt. Steen's company, and was with Gen. Price on his raid through Mis- souri. He was in the battles of Pilot Knob and Kansas City, returning home in 1865, and engaged in farming. In August, 1866, he married Sarah Cheshire, of Jackson County, daughter of Jonathan and Nancy (Seiner) Cheshire, natives of North Car- olina, and early settlers of Jackson County. Both died some years ago. After his marriage Mr. Nance settled on Black River, this township, and later moved to Tuckerman, and engaged in farm- ing. His excellent wife died in October, 1877, leaving three children: George W. (married and residing in Lawrence County), Mollie (now Mrs. Parrott, of this county) and Savannah (at home). In 1881 Mr. Nance married Rebecca Goodman, of Tennessee, whose father was one of the early settlers of this county. Both her parents are dead. Mr. Nance has resided on his present place since 1880. He owns a good farm of eighty acres, forty acres of which are under cultivation. He is a Democrat, active in politics, being now county coroner; was bailiff of Bird Township two years, also deputy sheriff for two years, and has always taken an interest in school matters, and all enter- prises for the good of his county, aiding liberally in such matters. He is a member of the Masonic order, belonging to Kirkpatrick Lodge No. 192, at Tuckerman, and was Senior Deacon in 1888. He is also a member of Jacksonport Chapter, and a member of the Eastern Star order, as is his wife. ^* ±z=£k JACKSON COUNTY. 891 They are both members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church. C. C. Nicholson is a native planter and stock raiser of Jackson County, and was born in 18G3. He is the youngest of the five children born to Major and Nancy (Tippett) Nicholson, both natives of Tennessee. The parents were early settlers of Jackson County, Ark., where the father opened a farm, and devoted his entire attention to clearing and improving it. He died in 1863, the mother surviving until 1872. C. C. Nicholson was brought up on the farm, which occupation he has always followed. He obtained his education in the dis- trict schools of his native county, and worked on the home farm vintil sixteen years of age, when he commenced farming for himself on sixty acres, which he cleared. He now owns 220 acres, eighty acres of which he has under cultivation, as a result of his own labor. In March, 1884, Mr. Nicholson married Elizabeth Dudley, also a native of Arkan- sas. They have two children: Willie and Nancy. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson are members of the Chris- tian Church, and are highly esteemed by all who know them. Mr. Nicholson is one of the most enterprising young farmers of Glass Township, in the welfare and development of which he takes an active interest, aiding libei'ally enterprises for its advancement, educationally and religiously. Paisley & Blake, well known residents of the community, are closely identified with the affairs of Auvergne Academy, a graded school for both sexes, which is located on a beautiful eminence in the southern part of the village, facing the east. June 20, 1888, this property was bought by Prof. D. L. Paisley and A. L. Blake, of Mrs. G. W. Bristol. They have conducted it during the term of 1888-89, with signal success. The faculty are D. L. Paisley, A. L. Blake and Mrs. A. L. Blake (in- structor in instrumental music). The building is a large two-story frame edifice, with boarding de- partment below, and school rooms above, with a seating capacity of sixty. Prof. Paisley is a native of North Carolina, born in Guilford County April 10, 1860. His parents, James and Minerva ( Whor- ton) Paisley, were also natives of North Carolina, of Scotch descent. His father was a farmer and magistrate. He enlisted in the army of Northern Virginia, under Gen. Loe, in the Guilford Grays, was dismissed on account of ill health, and died in 1866, his wife surviving until 1888. Tbey were members of the Presbyterian Church, and the father was an oldline Whig, and afterward a Dem- ocrat. Prof. Paisley was reared on a farm; his schooling was obtained first in the public schools of his county, then in Lych's select school, at High Point, N. C. ; in Horner's school, Oxford, N. C, and in 1880 entered the State University, in 1881-82 taking an eclectic course. After complet- ing this term, he taught in Maysvillo, S. C, three years. After his marriage, in 1885, he taught at Bennettsville, S. C, one year, when became to Gurdon, Ark. . and aftersvard to Auvei-gne Academy. His wife was Miss Loula Rankin, daughter of Thomas and Nancy Rankin, of Guilford County, N. C. They have one child. Lacy, a bright babe of eleven months. Our subject is the sixth child of a family of seven, and has one brother and one sister living. He is a Democrat, and conservative, and himself and wife are members of the Method- ist Episcopal Church at Auvergne. Prof. Andrew L. Blake is a native of Abbeville County, S. C, son of William K. and Hattie (Law) Blake, also natives of South Carolina, and of Irish and Scotch descent, respectively. His father, a lawyer and member of the Masonic order, served one term as the Democratic representative of his county in the State legislature, and has, for years, held the office of magistrate. The parents were members of the Presbyterian Church, the mother dying February 2, 1887. Our subject, the third of a family of six children, was reared on the farm, spent his school days at Greenwood, and from 1880 to 1884 was in Davidson College, Mecklenburg County, N. C. He began teaching at White Hall, S. C. , where he remained one yiear. He taught one jear near Greenwood, S. C. ; taught at McLeansville, N. C. , eighteen months, and in July, 1887, came to Clark Coimty, Ark., and engaged as bookkeej)er for William Paisley, of Gurdon. He remained in this position till February, 1888, when he taught an unexpired term at Gurdon. Closing this school April 20, he came to Auvergne, and taught the I @ Sfc_ 892 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. last nine weeks of the term at Auvergne Academy, and in June, with Prof. Paisley, bought that in- stitution. Prof. Blake is a member of the Pres- byterian Church, a Democrat, and takes an active interest in all public enterprises for the general welfare of the country. He was married to Miss Josie B. Lindsay, of Athens, Ala., Jiily 16, 1889. George H. Palmer, planter and stock raiser, of Bird Township, was born in Memphis, Tenn. , in 1848, son of Samuel and Louisa (Means) Palmer, of Virginia and Kentucky, respectively. The father was a pioneer of Kentucky, married there, and in 1849 came to Jackson County, Ark., in Jefferson, and the winter of the same year came to Bird Township, locating on the farm where our subject now resides, taking a claim of 520 acres of timber land, which he cleared and improved, erecting a house and planting an orchard. He died in Jack- son County, in 1866, his wife surviving till 1884. George H. was the fifth of the family, the others being Margaret (wife of Joel Bandy), George H. , Fannie (wife of William Haynes), and Joseph H., all residing in Bird Township. George H. was reared to farm life, educated in the subscription schools of Bird Township, and aided at home in clearing and developing the homestead. He com- menced farming for himself at the age of twenty- two, and in 1870 was married in Jackson County, to Laura Steen, a native of Jackson County, daugh- ter of John and Nancy (Stancell) Steen, who were among the early settlers of Jackson County. The father died about 1858; the mother is still living. Mr. Palmer owns a good farm of 120 acres, with about sixty-five acres under cultivation, having cleared the most of it himself. He raises princi- pally cotton and corn, and considerable stock. He is a Democrat, though not active in politics, and served as magistrate for two years. He is a mem- ber of the Masonic fraternity, Kirkpatrick Lodge No. 192. Mrs. Palmer is a member of the Meth- cJist Episcopal Church, South. Mr. Palmer re- members this country as a dense timber tract, and has always been interested in everything for the good of the county. There are three children in his family. Oda L., Samuel Tilden and Maggie Cordelia. Hon. John W. Parish, an enterprising farmer of Union Township, Jackson County, resides two miles east of Newport. He is a native of Tennes- see, and is a son of William B. and Elizabeth (Cheatham) Parish, both of whom were born in North Carolina. The parents were married in Ten- nessee, and to them were born seven children, all of whom are dead except two: Sarah N. (who married Richard Cole, and died, leaving three children, named William, Anna and Jennie), and our subject. John W'. Parish married Miss Sarah E. Lacy, a native of Tennessee, and a daughter of Hiigh R. and Eliza (Smith) Laeey. Their union has been blessed with sis children, viz. : Lydia, born December 19, 1873; Frederick, born October 24, 1876; Cora, born June 4, 1884; Hugh, bom January 6, 1886. Mr. Parish removed to Union Township, Jackson County, Ark., in 1873, locat- ing on land which is now a part of his farm, and which he rented for about six years, subsequently buying the same. He purchased 326 acres, of which 150 acres were under cultivation. He now has 225 acres well improved, and has built four tenant houses, renting his houses and lands to re- sponsible parties. He has at present about 160 acres of cotton, and the balance in corn and clover. At the outbreak of the war Mr. Parish was attend- ing college at Jackson, Tenn., now known as the West Tennessee College, where he was a student two years. He entered the Confederate army. Company I, Fifty-first Tennessee, in which he served six months, and the company then being consolidated with other Tennessee regiments, served until the close of the war. his regiment con- stituting a part of the reserve of Gen. A. S. John- ston at the battle of Shiloh. Mr. Parish takes an active interest in enterprises tending toward the advancement of all social as well as religious and educational interests of his community, and is highly esteemed by the people of the county, which is evidenced by the fact that in 1881 he was elected to represent the county in the XXIIId session of the General Assembly of the State, where his honest endeavors to promote the best interests of his constituents earned for him their hearty approval. He was elected on the Democratic ' «^® r- 9 »^ JACKSON COUNTY. 898 T ticket. Mr. Parish is a member of Newport Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and is a prominent and honored man of Jackson County. Alexander S. Parish, M. D., of Jackson County, student of the Allopathic School of Medicine, was born in Tennessee. He is a brother of the Hon. J. W. Parish. In 1871 became to Arkansas, and began the study of medicine with Dr. P. S. Wood- ward, and in 1879 took his first course of lectures at Vandorbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. He continued in Dr. Woodward's office until the fall of 1880, when he returned to the University, grad- uating in 1881, after which he returned to Jackson County, and actively engaged in the practice of his profession. March 26, 1884, our subject mar- ried Miss Annie Phillips, of Arkansas, daughter of Col. T. H. and Amanda (Robinson) Phillips, the father a native of Georgia, and the mother of Arkansas. They have one cliild, William Theo- dore, born March 31, 1885. Dr. Parish is one of the deservedly successful physicians of this portion of the community. Earnest, careful and search- ing in the investigation of the science to which he has given his best attention, he has become well- informed, keeping thoroughly apace with the ad- vancement made in this profession. His practice is a happy illustration of his worth. Lewis W. Penix resides on Section 13, Union Township, Jackson County. He is a son of Henry H. and Caroline (Roberts) Penix, both natives of Tennessee, who died in Jackson County, Ark. They were the parents of ten children, one of whom died in infancy : Minerva, died at the age of eighteen; Mary A., married R. V. Hunter, a farmer of Jefferson Township, and has four chil- dren; Susan F. (married R. T. Armstrong, de- ceased, and has six children); Lewis W., Eliza- beth (had two children by her first husband, Mr. R. P. Jackson, and afterward married Mr. T. D. Lawrence, a farmer and merchant of Tuckerman), Martha J. (single), Columbus C. (married Dora Jowers, and resides in Jefferson Township engaged in farming), they have three children: Lydia \V. (died at the age of eighteen), and James Henry (married Miss Jennie Anderson, by whom he has one child, is also a farmer of Jefferson Town- ship). Lewis W. Penix was born May 1, 1850, and received his education in the public schools of Jackson County, where he has lived all his life, commencing business for himself at the age of twenty one years. In 1880, in partnership with R. V. Hunter, he purchased 240 acres of land iu Jefferson Township, which they still own, and Mr. Penix afterward purchased forty acres in Union Township. Since 1882 he has lived on the home- stead of his wife's parents, in Union Township. Mr. and Mrs. Penix were married December 27, 1877. Her maiden name was Miss Willie J. Car- ville, she was born in Memphis, Tenn., Deceml)er 27, 1857, and is a daughter of W. K. and Mary A. (Estes) Carville. Of their four children, but two are living, viz. : Nora E. , born December 1 , 1878, and Clarence E., born August 28, 1882. The parents are members of the Missionary Baptist Church of Jefferson Township, while Mr. Penix also belongs to Jacksonport Lodge No. 191, A. F. & A. M. , Jacksonport Chapter No. 40, R. A. M. , and American Legion of Honor. Dr. W. H. Pickett, retired physician, Weldou. Ark. Originally from Limestone, Ala.. Dr. Pick ett's birth occurred on the 22d of Decemlier, 1826. and his early life was passed in attending the common schools and in assisting on the farm. Later he supplemented his primary education by attending Exeter College, in Exeter, N. H., and in 1846 and 1847 he attended the Medical College of the University of New York. From there he went to New Orleans and attended the University of Louisiana, where he graduated in medicine and surgery in the class of 1848. He began the prac- tice of his profession the same year at Whitesburg, Ala., and, after remaining there two years, came to Jackson County, where ho settled upon his present property. He entered and bought about 2,300 acres of land, 1,200 under cultivation and 1,100 acres of which he has cleared himself. Dr. Pick- ett was married, in 1850, to Miss A. R. Collier, a native of AlaViama, and two children were the result of this union: Ida G. , wife of John \V. Ferrill, a farmer residing at Batesvilie; and Eliza- beth B. , wife of William H. Hardy, also residing at Batesvilie. Mrs. Pickett died Julv 1. ISH."), in 9 w 894 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. full communion with the Episcopal Chui'ch. Dr. Pickett was exempt from any army service by Gen. Kirby Smith, in 1803, and practiced his pro- fession at home. In the year 1868 he moved to Batesville, and since that time he has remained a resident of that city, and is enj^aged in agricult- ural pursuits in Jackson County. He gave up his practice in 1868, and, in addition to ^neral farming, he lias also a large cotton-gin, grist and saw-mill, with which he does all his own work and general settlement business. He has on his farm about forty tenant families, aggregating 200 peo- ple, all in fair circumstances and furnished with good houses. The Doctor has seen many impor- tant changes during his residence of thirty-eight years in this county. When he first came here Elizabeth was the county seat, but was afterward changed to Augusta, and subsequently to Jackson - port. Wild game was plentiful and easily ob- tained. His parents, Steptoe and Sarah O. (Chil- ton) Pickett, were natives of the Old Dominion, the father born in Fauquier and the mother in Westmoreland County. The parents settled in Alabama, in 1820, and were among the earliest pioneers of Northern Alabama. They both bought and entered land (1,000 acres in all), and Steptoe Pickett was an extensive slave-holder. He was a schoolmate of James Buchanan, and was a coiisin to both Chief Justice John Marshall and "Light Horse ' ' Harry Lee. He was also a cousin of Gen. Pickett. He was a graduate of William and Mary College, and was an old-line Whig in his political views. His death occurred in 1848, at the age of fifty- four years. He was a member of the Episcopal Church, and the mother a member of the Christian Church. The latter died in 1864, at the age of seventy-four years. They were the parents of nine children : Martin, married, and a commission merchant at Mobile, Ala. ; Richard is an attorney and judge at Florence, Ala. ; Steptoe, Jr., was a farmer and died in 1884, at Madison, Ala., leaving a wife and two children; A. C. is a lawyer at Augusta, Ark. ; John S. was a physician, at Danville, Ala., and died in 1887, leaving a wife and two children, who reside in Des Arc, Ark; Felicia, the wife of Gov. Reuben Chapmore, of Huntsville, Ala. (she died in 1874, leaving four children); Virginia, wife of Samuel Blackwell, a farmer of Alabama; Anna S. Edwards, wife of a farmer, and resides in King William County, Va. I. D. Price is the efficient postmaster of New- port, Ark., and also deals in books and stationery. He is a native of the county, born December 10, 1856, and is a son of Dr. John F. and Kate (Brown) Price, the former from South Carolina, and the latter a native of the State of Arkansas. Dr. John F. Price has become well known as a physician wherever he has resided, and is now living at Fort Worth, Tex. I. D. Price resided in Jefferson County until seven years of age, and was princi- pally educated in the schools of Cross County. In the spring of 1880 he came to Newport, Ark., and for four years followed the occupation of clerking, then opened a book and stationery establishment in the building he now occupies, and his stock is extensive and well selected. In February, 1888, he was appointed to the position of postmaster, and is now discharging his duties in a manner ac- ceptable to all. He was married, in 1884, to Miss Mamie Wallace, and by her he has had two chil- dren: Katie and Rina. His wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and he belongs to the American Legion of Honor. Lewis E. Purssell, a prominent merchant of Auvergne, Jackson County, is a native of Arkansas, born in Woodruff County, February 20, 1861. His parents were William O. and Lucy (Coyle) Purs- sell, natives, respectively, of South Carolina and Alabama, the former of whom came to Arkansas with his father, J. H. Purssell, who was one of the earliest settlers of Woodruff County, where he opened several large farms. William O. Purssell married Miss Lucy Coyle, in Prairie County, Ark., in 1854; they afterward moved to Woodruff County, where they lived imtil 1868, when they moved to Izard County, where Mr. Purssell died in 1872. He was a Master Mason and an Odd Fellow, and in the early part of the war enlisted, and served until its close as brevet-captain; at the time of his death he owned 900 acres of land in Woodruff and Izard Counties, about 160 acres being under culti- vation; he had been very successful as a farmer and stock raiser. His -widow remained on the farm in Izard County until December, 1875, when she re- turned to the old homestead in Prairie County, which was her home with our subject until 1871}. She died December 19, 1882, a member of the Methodist Ejjiscopal Church. The maternal grand- parents of Lewis E. came to Arkansas from Mis- sissippi in 1858, living one year in Woodruff County, and then locating in Prairie County, where they entered land and built a home. Mr. Coyle was a natural and successful farmer, and during his life cleared about 500 acres of land, l)eing able to do a good day's work at the age of seventy years. His death occurred in December, 1885, and his excellent wife, who survives him, still lives on the old home.stead; she is a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, to which her husband also belonged. Lewis E. Purssell was reared to the pursuit of farming, receiving a good education at the common schools of Woodruff and Jackson Counties, the Philadelphia Academy iu Izard County, and the Male College at Searcy, "White County. At the age of eighteen he left home, and was engaged as clerk for Gates Bros. & Co., at Des Arc, Prairie County, where he remained six months, when he entered the employment of Plun- kett & Erwin of the same place, in which capacity he worked two years; in 1882 he opened a drug and grocery store at Hickory Plain, Prairie County, which he conducted until January, ISSH, when, on account of his maternal grandfather's death, he sold out and assumed the management of his grand- mother's farm. In the latter part of the same year he moved to Auvergne, Jackson County, pur- chased a stock of groceries of M. J. Malone, to which he added a sreneral stock of drv-goods, cloth- ing. etc., and now has one of the best general stores in the country. Mr. Purssell also owns a farm of IfiO acres in Prairie County, sixty acres of which are under cultivation. Our subject was the fourth in a family of nine, and is one of the two surviving, the others dying in infancy, except Ada, who mar- ried J. W. Williamson, a farmer and stock trader of Izard County; she died in 1884, leaving one child. Ethel, aged five years. Alice Corrinne Purs- sell is the wife of James B. Gardner, a practicing physician and farmer near Hickory Plain, Prairie County; they have four children: Elmer, Earl, Oscar and Bessie. Mr. Purssell is iinniarrieil; lie is one of the leading men of the town of Auvergne, and is actively interested in its welfare, lending his hearty and liberal aid to the support of schools, churches and all worthy public enterprises. He takes no active part in politics, but his sympathies are with the Democratic party. B. F. Hay, planter and stock raiser of Bird Township, was born in Lauderdale County, Ala., in 1888, being the ninth of twelve children born to Benjamin and Nancy (Dixon) Ray, the fath<«r of East Tennessee and the mother of South Carolina. Benjamin Bay served in the War of 1812. He settled in Alal)ama, on a plantation, where he died in February, 1864, his wife having died in 1861. He engaged in farming until his death. Our subject was reared on the plantation, receiv- ing his education in the subscription and district schools of the State of Alabama. In 1862 he en- listed in Company C, of the Sixteenth Alabama In- fantry, and was in the battles of Murfreesboro, Liberty Ga]>. Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, and a number of skirmishes, also in Ringgold. In January, 1864, he left the service and returned to Alabama, where he engaged in farming, coming to Jackson (bounty, Ark., in 1868, and settling in the vicinity of Newport. In ISfi'.t he married Josephine Slayden, of Jackson County, daughter of Coleman Slayden. a native of Middle Tennessee, and an early settler of Jackson County. Her father died in 1859, and her mother in 1864. In 1878 Mr. Ray settled on his present farm, which consi.»ts of 280 acres, 130 under cultivation; he raises considerable stock, and a mixed cro]> of cotton, corn and hay. Mrs. Ray died in 18S3, leaving two children: Prince Ella and William Thomas. In 1884 Mr. Ray married Elizal)eth Carter, of Alabama, dangh ter of James and Lucinda (Rankins) Akens. who came to Jackson County in 1S69; the father died in 1877, the mother is still living. Mr. Ray is not very active in politics, but votes with the Demo- cratic party; he has been a member of the school V)oard, and has always taken an active interest in school matters: he is a member of Kirkpafrirk 3?^ 896 HISTOEY OF AKKANSAS. Lodge No. 192, and has been Senior Warden. He lias seen great changes in the county, and the edu- cational system is improving rapidly. The chil- dren by the second wife are Isaac and Franklin. WOson LaFayette Robinson is a son of Mathew B. and Sarah (Lindsay) Robinson, and is a farmer and stock raiser of Grubbs Township, Jackson County. The father was a native of Virginia, and the mother was born in Tennessee. In the fall of 1860, W. L. came to Arkansas with his parents, the mother dying in 1862, and the father surviv- ing until 1872. Mr. Robinson attended school in Alabama until his twentieth year, receiving in- struction in the common branches. In 1862 he enlisted in Col. Mattock's regiment of Arkansas Volunteers, Confederate States Army, serving iive or six months, when poor health rendered him un- fit for service. In 1864 Mr. Robinson married Mrs. Frances (Blair) Coffin, who died in 1874; they had one child, which died in 1868. July 22, 1874, Mr. Robinson again married, and to the latter union seven children were born, only two of whom are now living, viz. : Grover Cleveland, born Oc- tober 11, 1884. and Robert LaFayette, born May 7, 1888. In 1863 our subject purchased quit claim deed to land in Grubbs Township, which was partly improved, and to which he subsequently added forty acres, upon which he erected a house, in which he lived eighteen years. He now owns 720 acres of land, of which about 325 acres are under cultivation, the remainder being woodland. He has one of the best improved farms in the coun- ty, as a result of industry and enterprise, as well as good management and perseverance. W. A. Roy, farmer and stock raiser, Layton, Ark. Mr. Roy is a typical Arkansas citizen, sub- stantial, enterprising and progressive, and such a man as wields no small influence in the commu- nity where he makes his home. He was born in Shelby County, Term., in 1886, and was the second in a family of ten children, born to the union of Merida and Susan (Gentry) Roy, the father a na- tive of South Carolina, and the mother of Tennes- see. Merida Roy came with his parents to Ten- nessee in 1807, settling in the middle part of the State, and after growing to manhood was united in marriage to Miss Gentry, a representative of one of the old and much honored families of Tennes- see. He tilled the soil in that State, and was a prosperous and industrious farmer. He was a Democrat in politics, and a member of the Masonic fraternity for many years. His death took place in Shelby County, Tenn. , in May, 1885, and his wife still survives him. She resides on the home farm in Shelby County. Their family was named as follows: John Thomas, presiding judge of Poin- sett County; W. A., Eliza, now Mrs. Crain, resides in Tennessee; Frances, now Mrs. Clarridge, re- sides in Tennessee; Merida, married, and resides in Tennessee; Alfred, married, and a resident of Poinsett County; Daniel, resides in Poinsett Coun- ty, and the remainder died when young. Tilling the soil was the pursuit ^V. A. Roy followed in youth, and his time was divided between this occu- pation and in attending the district school, where he received a good practical education. He was married, in Shelby County, Tenn., in 1857, to Miss Frances Jane Mustin, a native of Alabama, and the daughter of Henry and Hannah (Clark) Mustin, of Alabama nativity. Mr. and Mrs. Mus- tin first immigrated to Tennessee, thence to Jack- son County, Ark., in the fall of 1860, and settled in Cow Lake Township. Here both parents passed their last days. After his marriage Mr. Roy located on a farm in Tennessee, and there re- sided until 1861, when he came to Jackson County, Ark. , and entered 160 acres of land, which he im- mediately began to improve, erecting a house, set- ting out orchards, etc. He continued to add to the original tract from time to time, until he is now the owner of 520 acres, with ninety acres under culti- vation. He raises corn entirely, but his renters raise considerable cotton. Mr. Roy lost his wife in 1879. By that union he became the father of two living children: William Newton and Melinda Alice. His second marriage was consummated in Jackson County, in 1879, to Miss Martha Taylor, a native of Jackson County, Ark. , and the daughter of Richard and Melinda (Bigham) Taylor, natives of Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor came to Jack- son County, in 1859, and there both closed their eyes to the scenes of this world. Mr. Roy lost his *M k. JACKSON COUNTY. SOT wife in 18S7, and was left with four interesting children: Richard Charley, Louvenia J., Susan and Alafa. In 1888 Mrs. Susan (McFadden) Turner became the third wife of Mr. Roy. She was a native of South Carolina, the widow of Stephen Turner, and the daughter of Twitty McFadden, a native of South C'arolina. Her father came to Jackson County, Ark. , many years ago, and there died in 1808. Mr. Roy has been justice of the peace for some time, has been a mem- ber of the school board, and takes much interest in educational matters. He is a Democrat in poli- tics. In 1862 he enlisted in Company C, Col. Mat- lock's regiment, and was with Gen. Price on his raid through Missouri. He was in the battle of Prairie Grove and numerous skirmishes. He and Mrs. Roy are members of the Christian Church, and he is an elder in the same. Dr. J. H. Rutland, of Swifton, Jackson County, was born in Georgia, in 1853. He was the second child in a family of eight, born to J. H. and Orphy (Jordan) Rutland, natives of Sumter County, Ga. The father owned and operated a large plantation in his native State, 1,800 acres in one tract and 1 , 300 in another. He is now president of the South Georgia Vocal and Instrumental Conserva- tory, and he and wife still live in Georgia. Dr. J. H. was reared on his father's plantation, receiving his early education in the public schools. He then entered the ^S'estmoreland Medical College, at At- lanta, Ga. , from which institution he graduated in 1886. He first located in Texas Township, Craig- head County, Ark., where he built up a large and lucrative practice, removing to his present home in Swifton in 1889, where he is a prominent physician and surgeon, and enjoys extensive patronage. Dr. Rutland was married in Craighead County, in No- vember, 1888, to Florence Bell, a native of Ten- nessee, whose parents now live in Craighead Coun- ty, Ark. Dr. Rutland is quite an active member of the Democratic party, politically, and, religious- ly, is a member of the Christian Church. He is a liberal supporter of public interests, and is one of the rising yoimg men of Jackson County, where he is highly esteemed by all who know him. Otis W. Scarborough is one of the leading at- torneys of Jackson Coimty, and has been estab- lished in business in Newport since 1884. He was born in Ko.scinsko, Attala County, Miss., on the 24th (lay of December, 1849, and is a son of Isaac and Lucy G. (Harrison) Scarborough, being the eldest of their five living children: Otis W., Othello C, a physician; Isaac W., also a physician; Fen- ton G., wife of Wade F. Fletcher, and Lucy L. : seven children are deceased. The grandfather, John Scarl)orough, was born in North Carolina, but was of Welsh extraction, his father having been born in Wales, but removed to the New World, owing to some difficulty he had with the Crown. He settled in North Carolina, where he died, after having taken an active part in the Revolutionary War, his son John being also a participant in that war. They were both planters by occupation. Isaac Scarborough was born in Edgecombe County, N. C, and his wife in Madison County, Ya He was a lawyer by profession, and after his removal to Mississippi about the year 1828. was admitted to the bar at Kosciusko, and there he has since made his home, being a prominent member of the legal fraternity in Attala County. He served as judge of the county and circuit courts for about ten years, and now, although in his seventy- fourth year, he shows few indications of decay, either mentally or jjhysically. Otis W. Scarborough ac quired an excellent education in the high school at Kosciusko, but. not being satisfied with the learning there ae<[uired, he entered Davidson Col- lege, Mecklenburg County, N. C. . in 1868, becom- ing a member of the sophomore class, and from this institution he was graduated as an A. B. . in June, 1871. Having determined to follow the pro- fession to which his father was devoting his time, he entered the law department of the University of St. Louis, in the month of October, 1883, and graduated in May, 1885, being admitted to the bar in Kosciusko, in August, of the same year. He practiced his profession in his native town until December. 18S4, when he came to Newport, and the following year began the practice of law. He is an able practitioner, and his iiifiuenee is felt when he takes the stand, for he is a fluent and elo- quent speaker, and is always the thorough master • i 898 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. of the subject which he handles. He was married on the 24th of December, 1878, to Miss Cynthia E. Rimmer, by whom he has one child, James I. He and wife are members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, and he is a member of the I. O. O. F. , belonging to the Encampment. Thomas J. Sconyers, an enterprising farmer of Village Township, Jackson County, came to Arkan- sas in January, 1870, with his parents. Darling and Samantha (Snyder) Sconyers, natives, respect- ively, of South Carolina and Alabama. Upon his arrival in Arkansas the father leased the Davis farm, upon which he died in August, 1870. He was the parent of ten children, viz. : Catherine, who died with diphtheria about 18fi3; Elizabeth, who first married Green Jacks, and after his death married Julius Wright; George married a Miss Phillips; Mary married a Mr. Rhodes; Policy Ann, wife of B. Eason; Ellen became the wife of Mr. Myrick, and both are now deceased; Victoria mar- ried Thomas Hutson; Nisie died, the wife of Rollie Phillips, and John first married a Miss Strauther, after whose death he married Miss Arnett. Thomas J., who was born Februaiy 20, 1846, received his education in the common schools of his native State, Alabama. March 16, 1873, he married Miss Mary Foushee, whose birth occuired March 20, 1856, and their six children are "William C, born January 26, 1875; Joseph Edward, born Jan- uary 20, 1878; George F., born March 4, 1881; Frances S. , born September 19, 1884; Monte L., born August 31, 1886, and John T., born Septem- ber 17, 1888. For about one year Mr. Sconyers worked for Mr. G. B. Branderburge, of Union Township, and the following six years rented land, which he farmed, and subsequently purchased. His first purchase consisted of 320 acres in Village Township, and afterward in partnership with Mr. J. T. Foushee, bought 240 acres in the same town- ship. He now has about 150 acres improved, and raises corn and cotton, at which he has been suc- cessful. Mr. Sconyers was a member of the Thir- teenth Alabama Regiment, Volunteer Infantry, Con- federate States Army, enlisting in 1 863. He partici- pated in the battles of the Wilderness and Peters- burg (Va. ), not taking off his cartridge-box for forty days and nights. Though a Confederate soldier, and, while in arms, fighting to conquer, Mr. Seon3'ers wishes it to go on record that he will hail with joy the day when sectarian animosities are forgotten, believing that there should be "no North, no South.'" He is an enterprising farmer, and is highly esteemed by all who know him. A. E. Shoffner, one. of the leading planters of Jackson County, was born in North Carolina, on April 18, 1831, and is a son of Frederick and Susan (Danison) Shoffner, both natives of Germany, who emigrated to this country with their parents, and settled in North Carolina, the grandfather becom- ing a prominent planter in Orange County. The father was married in the same county, and died in that place in 1845, near Hillsboro, the mother dying several years later. They were the parents of two sons, Aenes E. and T. M. The former son was born and reared in Orange County, N. C, and received his education in that place. In the fall of 1858, he emigrated to Arkansas, and located at Batesville, where he remained until 1860, when he removed to Jackson County and settled in Rich- mond Township. He bought some land and com- menced farming in that locality, but a few years afterward he moved to Breckinridge Township, and settled on a farm in that place. On his ar- rival in Arkansas he possessed very little, but be- ing a man of industrious habits and economy he became very successful and accumulated considera- ble property. He now owns about 960 acres of valuable land in Jackson County, with about 300 acres under cultivation, and a great many improve- ments on his other land. Mr. Shoffner has passed through many hardships in his life, and encount- ered obstacles in his path on almost every occasion when seeking to make his fortune, but his strong will, determination and upright character, have placed him in an independent position, and he is now a respected and highly-esteemed citizen of his county. In the spring of 1862 he enlisted in Company I, of Gauze's regiment, and served until the surrender. He was principally assigned to the quartermaster's department during that time, but also took part in several battles. Mr. Shoffner was married in 1854, to Miss Martha N. Patterson, l)y whom be bad eight children: Emily I., Queeny i A., Susan L., William H., Charles C, Edwin P., V Daniel L. and Nannie B. Mr. Shoffner has served as justice of the peace and constable of his town- ship, and has also been one of the school directors. He is a member of the Knights of Honor and lioyal Arcanum, and also of the Masonic fraternity. W. S. Shuford, treasurer of Jackson County, born in North Carolina, November 29, 1821, in Lincoln County, was a great-grandson of Jacob Shuford, one of the earliest settlers of that section; at his death, in 1844, there were present seventy- five grandchildren, twenty-foiu* greatgrandchil- dren and several great-great-grandchildren. Jacob was born about 1764, in Lincoln County, was a farmer, and conducted a large plantation, owning several. He was several times elected sheriff. Our subject's parents were Abel H. and Adeline (Perkins) Shuford, natives of North Carolina, their parents, who were of Dutch and English descent, coming from Pennsylvania and Virginia, respect- ively; Abel H. was the fourth of eleven children: Betsey (Smyer), Eva (Ramsaeur), Fanny (Cansler), Susan (Reinhardt), John J. (merchant and farmer), Martin (member of the legislature), Abel Eli (farmer), Elkanah (farmer), Jacob (farmer), and Andrew (farmer, representative and Baptist minis- ter); they all lived and died in Lincoln County. Adeline (Perkins) Shuford was a daughter of Ephraim and Elisabeth (Abernathy) Perkins, na- tives of Lincoln County, and she was the eldest of a family of ten children: Adeline (died at the age of forty-two in North Carolina), Elisha, Caroline, Catherine, Elizabeth J., John (deceased), David, Patsey, Daniel, Robert J. M. Abel H. Shuford was born October 11, 1796, and died January 4, 1858; October 4, 1820, he married; both himself and wife were members of the German Reformed Church. He was a Whig, but took no active part in ])olitic3. The subject of this sketch was reared to farm life, and spent his school days in the old schools of that date. He worked with his father till 1840, when he went to Northern Mississippi, where he resided seven years, and in February, 1851, he married Miss Ellen Grider. daugliter of Jesse and Polly Grider, natives of Kentucky. Af- ter marriage he remained in Mississippi two years, when he came to Jackson County. Ark., and en- gaged in farming and clerking in Jacksonport till after the war, he being exempt from military serv- ice on account of age, and of being a cripple. Like a great many others, he lost all his property during the war, and when {)eaco was declared found himself in possession of a dog, which had followed him to Texas and liack, and two old mules. From 1805 to 1870 ho clerked, and then bought 160 acres of land, on which he now resides, having cleared about ninety acres of the same. In 1874 he was elected county treasurer, which office he has held continuously since, with the exception of the years 1880 and 1882, and is the present in- cumbent. He is a Democrat, though conservjitive, is a member of Poole Lodge No. 40, Chapter and Council, of the A. F. & A. M., at Jatfksonport, and he and his family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, he being trustee and steward. The family consists of Fanny (wife of Frank How- ell), Mattie (wife of Rev. David Hare, deceased). Jesse (married and living at home), Mary T. (died at the age of eighteen months). Mrs. Hare and her four children live at home. Mr. Shuford had one of the first cotton-gins in this country, a horse- power (in 1871), and in 187<) erected a steam gin, and has been engaged in ginning and milling, during the season for such work, ever since. He was one of the first settlers of the county, and gives his sup port, as far as able, to schools, churches and all other public enterprises. Joseph E. Slaydeu (deceased) was a native of Jackson County, and was a son of Coleman and Elizabeth (Briggs) Slaydeii, the father a native of Virginia, and the mother of North Carolina. Tlie parents were married in Hickman County, Tenu., March 27, 1884. Two children were born to them in Tennessee, both of whom died. Six children were born in Arkansas, viz. : Atlantic, lx>rn April 13, 1839; Artamesa, born November 11, 1841. man'ied Levi Eader, Deceml)er 27, 1858. and died December 18, 1870; Joseph E., born June 22, 1S44, married Miss Cordelia Graham, a n.-itive of Jackson County, Ark. ; Cordelia, born December 30, 1840, married Job Greenhnw. a farmer of Bird '-^ 900 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Towniship, Jackson County: Ariminty, born March 13, 1848, became the wife of James P. Gurgo, a native of Tennessee, and died June 2, 1871; Jo- sephine, born January 21, 1852, married Frank B. Ray, and is now deceased. At the time of his marriage Joseph E. Slayden owned a farm in Union Township, which was under cultivation, and upon which he lived fifteen years; he owned in all 300 acres, of which 200 were well improved. He after- ward purchased 100 acres which were mostly under cultivation, and still later bought 240 acres more, upon which he erected a good dwelling and barns. The latter place was his home until his death, and then became the property of his wife and sister, Atlantic. To Mr. and Mrs. Slayden were born in all seven children, viz. : Levi Tillman, born Janu- ary 12, 1874; William H, born January 23, 1878; Thomas Jeffei'son, born August 23, 1870; Joseph E., born February 9, 1880; Julius B., born March 20, 1884; James Morgan, born February 19, 1886, and Augustus, born August 15, 1887. Mr. Slayden was a public-spirited man, of liberal views, and always took an active part in every enterprise for the advancement of his county or State. At the time of his death he was a member in good standing of Jacksonport Lodge No. 191, A. F. & A. M., and was a sincere friend of educational and religious interests. L. D. Smith, postmaster at Tuckerman, was born in Gibson County, West Tenn., in 1855, the fourth of nine children born to A. B. and M. J. (Woodard) Smith, natives of Middle Tennessee. The father was a farmer and came to Bird Township, Jackson County, in 1873, where he died in 1876, his wife surviving. Of this family there were Mon- roe M., LeroyD. , James R. (deceased), George L., Ashley, Maggie (Mrs. Hogan), Mollie (Mrs. Mc- Farland), Lena (Mrs. Layton), Decatur (deceased), Maud (deceased). The subject of this sketch, be- ing raised on a farm, received his education in the district schools of Gibson County. Coming to Jackson County in 1873, he engaged in farming until he entered the grocery and drug business, in 1883, erecting a frame building that year, having lived in Tuckerman since 1882. In 1879, in El- gin, this county, he married Nora Coe, daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Coleman) Coe, early settlers of Independence County, where the father was en- gaged in mercantile business till his death, in 1864. His wife died in 1885. They have a family of four children: Gussie M., Gertie, Ralph and Kate. Mr. Smith is active in politics, voting the Demo- cratic ticket, and received his commission as jsost- master from Cleveland. He has served as magis- trate six years, has been delegate to county con- ventions at different times, and was a delegate to Little Rock, in 1888, to a convention of the various Democratic clubs. He always takes an active in- terest in all worthy enterprises for the advance- ment of the county. Hon. John W. Stayton is a prominent attorney of Newport, Ark., and is a native-born resident of Helena, Ark., his birth occurring on the 6th of November, 1835. He is a son of Thomas N. and Esther (Harns) Stayton, who were born in Dela- ware and Virginia, respectively, but their mar- riage occurred in the State of Arkansas, whither the father had moved with his father. Hill D. Stayton, in 1820. They located in what is now Helena, Phillips County. Hill D. was a civil en- gineer, and came here with a contract for sur- veying land for the Government, and this occu- pation he followed until his death. The ma- ternal grandparents were Virginians, who, at an early day, settled in the State of Kentucky, and later in Louisana, coming from there to Arkansas about the year 1832, also taking up their abode in Helena. Mr. Harns was a planter, and died in Helena. Thomas N. Stayton was a small boy when he was brought to Arkansas, and his earlj' youth was spent in farm labor. Like the majority of boys, the occupation which received his atten tion in his youth became his calling in after life, and his enterprises in the interests of agriculture have been attended with good results. Although he has now almost attained his four- score years, he is still quite active, the "ravages of time" having had but little effect upon him. Of six children born to himself and wife, but three are living: John W., Dr. D. A., and R. F., wife of Dr. C. C. Herring. John W. Stayton remained on the home farm until he had attained his Mississippi County, Arkansas. I A ^ - 1> JACKSON COUNTY. '.Id I eighteenth year, when he entered the high school of Helena, and while there formed the resolution to make the profession of law his occupation through life, and upon leaving school he entered upon his legal studies with a determination to sue- i ceed, and after a most thorough preparation he was admitted to the bar in 1857, at Helena. From tliat time until the opening of the Civil War he 1 was actively engaged in practicing in that town, then took charge of the county clerk's office, and served faithfully and well until the night of the 9th of July, 1862, when Helena was captured by the Federal troops, and ovc^rybodj' was put under arrest, Mr. Stayton being among the number. I Upon his release he went to St. Louis, and being urged by some of his friends to accept a position there, did so, and remained about one year, i From that time until 1866 he resided in Helena, and at the latter date came to Jacksonport, and embarked on the sea of merchandise, and success- [ fully conducted this business until 1874, when he again engaged in the practice of his profession. The first office which he held was that of city re- corder of his native town, and in 1808 he was chosen mayor of Jacksonport, and in 1874 was appointed by the governor as justice of the peace. ; Upon the re-organization of the State government, under the constitution of 1S74, he was elected on the Democratic ticket, and in 1884 was chosen to the position of State senator from the Twenty- ninth District, and served a term of four years. In 1885 he was elected president pro tern, of the senate, and was acting governor in the absence of Gov. Hughes. From 1874 to 1878 he was county and probate judge, and the efficient manner in which he discharged the duties incumbent upon the different and responsible positions he has held is too well known to need any additional words of compliment; suffice it to say that he always labored on the side of right and justice, and that his career was above reproach. Since 1885 he has been a resi- dent of Newport, and as a member of the legal fraternity he has few superiors, and is a fluent and elegant pleader. He has always been victorious whenever his name has been announced before the public as a candidate for any office, and, although he has never been an office seeker, he has been i. >.,- nized as a leader by his numerous friends and acquaintances, and, as a natural result, honors have been bestowed upon him. He is a member in good standing of the Masonic fraternity. On the Slst of June, 1861, he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah J. Wickersham, a native of St. Louis, by whom he has had four children, three now living: JoHej>h M. . partner with John W. in l)usine.ss; Mattie B. and John W., Jr. George K. Stephens, a well-known liveryman and farmer of Jackson County, was born in Madi- son County, Tenn., in 1840, and is a son of Isaac and Mary J. (York) Stephens, of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively, the father dying in the latter State in 185'.l. After his death the family moved to Jackson County, Ark., and located in Bird Township, where they resided until the mother's death, in 1882. George was reared prin- cipally in Tennessee, and came to Jackson County, Ark., when nineteen years of age. In 1861, when the Civil War called so many thousands of young men from home and family to face the fate that awaited tliem from cold steel or leaden bullet, he never hesitated a moment, but gallantly went forth to bear arms and battle for the Confederacy. He became a member of the First Arkansas Regiment, and the first that left the State, and was mustered in at Lynchburg, Va. His first battle was at Ma nassas, and, after that engagement was over, he was discharged, and returnetl to his home. He soon enlisted again, however, and joined Hook-» er's cavalry company, but was afterward dis- mounted and put into the Thirty second Arkansas regiment, in which body he served until the close of the war. Mr. Stephens took part in a number of battles, and, at the evacuation of Little Kock, was captured and confined for two months in tliat city. He was then taken to Pleasant Hill, and ex- changed, and, in a l)attle some time afterward, re ceived a wound in his left hand from a rifie ball. After the war he returned home and resumed his farm work, now owning between 8,000 and 4,(M10 acres of valuable laud, with about 5)00 acres under cultivation. In 186V» he embarked in the livery bnsi ness at Jacksonport. ami continued there until 3<: ^' 902 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 1880, when he removed to Newport, where he has been ever since, and has established a lucrative trade. He was married, in 1866, to Miss Mary Stewart, by whom be has had five children: Isaac W. (who has charge of the livery business), Mary A. (wife of Judge M. M. Stuekey), Florence M., Fannie G. and Sarah. Mr. Stephens lost his first wife, and, in 1878, was married to Miss Alice York, by whom ie has had three children: Stella, Guy and Lydia. He is a Mason, and a very popular man in both business and social circles. T. S. Stephens, the popular and efiicient sheriff and collector of Jackson County, was born in Madison County, Tenn., on the 30th of April, 1849, and is a son of Isaac and Mary J. (York) Stephens, of North Carolina and Tennessee, re- spectively. The parents were married in Jackson, Tenn.. and resided in that city until the father's death occiirred, in 1851. The mother was again man-ied. her second husband being Alexander Claridge, and shortly afterward moved to Jackson County, Ark. Four children were born by her first mairiage, three of them yet living: George K., Fannie, widow of Elsie Brown, and Theophi- lus S. , and by her second husband one child was born, John H. The elder Stephens was a shoe- maker by trade, and followed that vocation all his life, while the husband of his widow, Mr. Claridge, was a school-teacher, who taught for some time at the West Union College, near Cuba. The latter gentleman died at Sulphur Rock, Independence County, about the year 1869, and his wife survived him until 1882, dying in the town of Newport. T. S. Stephens was only eight years old- when he moved to Arkansas with his mother, and received the greater portion of his education in Independ- ence County. He remained on the farm and cul- tivated the soil, an occupation he seemed to take delight in, until his twentieth year, when he made a visit to Jacksonport. While at that place he met and was introduced to several business men, and the idea of a commercial life then seemed to enter his mind. The consequence was that he remained at Jacksonport and went into one of the grocery firms, where he clerked for several years. In political life he was always very active, and after a few years' residence in that city he was elected con- stable, and filled the office for two terms, in the meanwhile terminating his engagement with the grocery firm, and carrying on a livery business of his own. His integrity and the manner in which he conducted himself while in office won the sup- port of almost every citizen, and in 1882 he was elected sheriff and collector, the office he fills at present, and to which he has been re-elected four terms Mr. Stephens owns about 1,200 acres of good land, and has some 500 acres under cultiva- tion, the soil being adapted to almost any kind of growth, and also good for grazing purposes. On March 4, 1884, he met and won Miss Belle Taylor for his bride, who died in November of the same year. His second wife was Miss Emma Kellogg, whom he married on July 15, 1885. This union gave them four childi-en, of whom three are yet living: George K., Ralph C. and Mary J. Both Mr. and Mrs. Stephens are members of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, while Mr. Stephens be- longs to the Masonic fraternity, I. O. O. F. Lodge and Encampment, Knights of Pythias, Knights of Honor and Legion of Honor. He is prominent in political affairs, and a popular man among all classes of society, his position being such that he is brought in contact with many different phases of life while in the discharge of his duties. A. Steveley, the proprietor of the Newport Lum- ber Company, was born in Essex County, N. J., May 1, 1824, and is a son of Andrew and Jean- nette (Hay) Steveley, who were of Scotch descent. The genealogy of the family can be traced back 300 years. Both the paternal and maternal grand- parents died in New Jersey, in which State Andrew Steveley also died, his death Ijeing caused from cholera, in 1848. He was a copper refiner by oc- cupation, and made this his calling through life. A. Steveley, the subject of this sketch, is the only one of the two childi-en, born to himself apd wife, now living, and after his death his widow married again, becoming the worthy companion of John Frame, who was a participant in the War of 1812. She also died in New Jersey. A. Steveley was reared and educated in his native State, and in his youth learned the cabinet-maker's trade. At the JACKSON COUNTY. 903 [ agt> of twenty-one years he left his home and pareuts to take up his abode in New York City, and after working at his trade in that city for about five years he removed to the "Nutmeg State." In 1857 we find him- in Wisconsin, which State continued to be his home until 1873, in which year he removed to the city of Chicago, where he acted as foreman for different establishments until 1884. At that time he removed to Newport, Ark., and be- came manager for the Newport Lumber Company, continuing as such until February, 1889, when he bought oat the entire establishment, and has since managed affairs alone. He manufactures lumber of a fine grade, and ships to many different points, but principally to Chicago, and his establishment gives emploj'ment to about forty men the year round. Mr. Steveley is a member in good standing of the Masonic fraternity, is a public-spirited citi- zen, and in the interest of all good works has been an active participant. In 1846 he was married to Maria Adair, a native of Pennsjdvania, and by her he has five children: Eliza. Benjamin, Walter, John and William. Dr. J. H. Strider, though still a young man, has established an enviable reputation in Jackson County, and is one of its leading physicians. He was born in Tallahatchee County, Miss., on the ]'2th of July, 1857, and is a son of Henry A. and Abigail (McMullen) Strider, the former a native of Virginia, who moved to Mississippi in his boyhood, locating in Tallahatchee County, where he was af- terward married, residing there until his death, in 1874, the wife, who was a native of Tennessee, dying a number of years previous. They were the parents of four children, of whom the Doctor is the only survivor, and when the latter was only two years old, he was taken charge of by an uncle, who died in 1865, and later by his aunt, with whom he still makes his home on a farm in Jackson County. At the age of nineteen years he began the study of medicine, and attended lectures at the University of Nashville, from which institute he graduated in 1879. He immediately returned to Jackson Coun- ty, and commenced practicing, which he continued up to 1883, when he abandoned his profession, much to the regret of a large number of friends. and turned his attention entirely to farming. He owns 480 acres of land, and has 200 acres under cultivation, the largest portion of the farm having been iniproved since his residence upon it. He raises corn and cotton principally, but the soil is valuable, and well adapted to almost any growth, and he has l)een as successful in this venture as he was in hia profession. In 1S79 the Doctor was married to Miss Ada Frost, of Nashville, Tenn., by whom he has had throe children: Maud, Mary and Caroline, and he is a kind husband and in dulgent father, as well as a valuable citizen to the community. Dr. Strider is a member of the Bap- tist Church, Masonic fiatemity, and the Agricult- ural Wheel. M. M. Stuckey, the county and probate judge of Jackson County, and one of its leading men, was born at Alton, 111., on the 16th of December, 1853, and is a son of Michael ]M. and Amelia (Bush- weiler) Stuckey, the father a native of Kentucky, and the mother from Worms, Germany, in the province of Hesse-Darmstadt, Mrs. Stuckey coming from her native country with a cousin, Louis May, who is now a prominent New York banker. The father met and was married to her in Illinois, where they resided for a number of years, and then moved to Wichita, Kas. , their present residence. The father is a well known and popular minister of the Methodist faith. Nine children were born to the parents, of whom eight are yet living: Mar- garet, Lucy, M. M. , Milton, Frederick and Minnie. The elder Stuckey was twice married previous to meeting Miss Bushweiler, both of his former wives being sisters by the name of McCauley. M. M. Stuckey was reared and received a common school education in Butler, 111., completing his studies at the Depann University of Greencastle, lud. , which he left at the end of the sophomore term. After bis college days were over he traveled for thehonse of R. L. Billingsley & Co., St. Louis, for a few years, and then severed his connection with the firm, coming immediately to Jackson County, Ark. He there taught school for a short time, and com- menced reading law under Jmlge Phillips. In September, 1883, ho was admitted to the bur, and in 1884 he commenced to practice, meeting with i,pr remarkable success since that time. In 1886 he was elected to his present office, and re-elected in 1888. Judge Stuckey is a self made man, and one who has worked himself up in the world by his own intellect and industry. He has made a repu tatiou in his profession that is seldom equaled, and it is said that he is better posted in the fine points of law than any other lawyer in that sec- tion. He was married, in July, 1888, to Miss Alice Stephens, who has been a devoted wife, and is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, while the Judge belongs to the I. O. O. F. He takes a great interest in all affairs of his county, which he understands will be of benefit to its citizens, and he is one of the most popular men in that commu- nity. The Judge has completed a set of abstract books of Jackson County, which are a boon to its citizens, as any title may be found within a few minutes, and they are at his office for inspection any day. Solomon D. SuUins, a farmer and stock raiser, residing on Section 29, Grubbs Township, Jackson County, came to Arkansas with liis parents in the year 1849. He is a son of Jesse and Catherine (Eaves) Sullins, both natives of North Carolina, to whom were born ten children, all of whom grew to maturity, married, and have homes of their own. One of the sons married in North Carolina, where he still lives. The other members of the family who are still living reside in Arkansas, all farmers and farmers' wives. Solomon D. married Miss Sarah A. Han kins, July 11, 1869. She is a native of Georgia, from which State her jjarents moved to Craighead County, Ark., and thence to Jackson County. To Mr. and Mrs. Sullins have been born eleven children, viz. : Celia C. , born in November, 1870, now the wife of Nathan Holbrook, of Bates- ville, Independence County, Ark.; Georgia A., born in September, 1872; Cornecei A., born in January, 1874; William L., born March 30, 1875; Isaac J., born in 187C; Sarah J., born in 1878; Lydie O. , born in 1879; Mary Frances, born in 1881; James A., born in 1884; Solomon Wright, born in 1886; and Jesse T., born in 1889. Mr. Sullins commenced business for himself in Decem- ber, 1866, working for three years with an older brother, James Sullins, at the expiration of which time he rented land that he cultivated one year. He then bought a tract of land which was partly improved, and had a very good log house which had been erected by the former owner. He made many substantial improvements on this place, planting a good orchard of peaches and apples. In 1882 Mr. Sullins rented and moved to the farm upon which he now resides, which place he pur- chased in 1884. He now owns in all 600 acres of good land in Jackson County, which is well adapted to all the varieties of products of the temperate zone. Mr. and Mrs. Snllins and the four older children are members of the Christian Church, worshiping in Robinson's Chapel. . J. A. Sursa was born in Madison County, 111. , in 1840. He was the eldest in the family of seven children born to William and Elizabeth (Steward) Sursa, natives of Tennessee. William Sursa, who was a farmer and millwright, moved from Tennes- see to Madison County, 111., in 1832, locating on a farm, upon which he remained until 1847; he then moved to Jefferson County, purchasing a farm near Mount Vernon, where he spent the remainder of his life, his death occurring in 1865. Mrs. Eliz- abeth Sursa still resides in Mount Vernon, 111. Of their children besides our subject, George is mar- ried, and is a farmer in Missouri, and Sarah, now Mrs. Staley, lives near Mount Vernon, 111. J. A. Sursa was brought up on a farm, receiving his education in his native county. In 1876 he re- moved to Jackson County, Ark. , first locating near Elgin, where he worked as a farm laborer. He then engaged in farming for himself, in Lawrence County, Ark., purchasing in 1880 a tract of timber of 120 acres, which he commenced clearing and improving; he erected a good log house, and now has all except forty acres fenced, with sixty acres under cultivation. Mr. Sursa was married, in Greene County in 1881, to Elizabeth Can, who was born in Tennessee and reared in Kentucky, a daughter of John and Margaret Can, the former of whom died in Kentucky ; the mother removed to Greene County in 1880, and later to Jackson County, where she died in 1882. Mr. Sursa has a good home in Glass Township, and devotes his entire atteution to farming and stock raising; he is inter- ested in every enterprise for the advancement of the county, and is a public spirited man. John Sweat, residing between Weldon and Tu- ytelo, on Section 9, was born in Georgia in May 1848, being a son of Noah and Betsy J. (Hargett) Sweat, natives of South Carolina. John has been a farmer all his life, having been reared on his father's farm, and on coming to Arkansas rented of L. B. McDonald, of Newport, Ark., where he has lived for years. In 1888 he purchased 160 acres of land, about sixty being improved, and since that time has cleared some twenty acres, about ten being under cultivation. Mr. Sweat has 345 acres under cultivation on the McDonald farm. His father served three years in the Confederate army, participating in the battles of Shiloh and New Hope. December 26, 1883, Mr. Sweat mar- ried Miss Jennie Cooper; they have had a family of four children: Columbus, Maud, Lena and John. Mr. and Mrs Sweat are memliers of the Sand Hill Missionary Baptist Church. E. J. Taylor, a prominent and enterprising citizen of Bird Township, Jackson County, was born in North Carolina in 1814, the fifth child of Charles and Mary (Turner) Taylor, of North Car- olina, the father an extensive planter of North Carolina, who died in Mississippi in 1855, his ex- cellent wife dying in 1836. The subject of this sketch was reared on the farm, and educated in the subscription schools of Alabama, and at the age of twenty two enlisted for three months' serv- ice under Gen. Scott, against the Creek and Sem- inole Indians, after which time he clerked in Huntsville, Ala., for nine years, and in 1845 went to Memphis, and conducted a general store. After his man-iage, in 1850, he engaged in farming, in Do Soto County, Miss. , till after the close of the war. He improved a large plantation, and in 1866 moved to Memphis, and opened a grocery and commission business, which he conducted until 1873, when he sold the business, and came to Bird Township, locating at Elgin. He engaged in farm- ing, and now owns a good farm of '2,000 acres, in Jackson and Independence Counties, with 600 under cultivation, raising principally cotton. In 57 connection witli his sun, James ().. lie has a cot- ton-gin and grist mill, and also a Ininbermill, for their own use. They also have a supply store. His son is jiostmaster at Elgin. Our subject is a Democrat, and a member of Memphis Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcoi)al Church, South. In 1850 he married Mary J. Oliver, a native of Georgia, and daughter of James and Lucy (Clark) Oliver, of Virginia and Georgia; the father died in 1848, and the mother in 1850. They have two children: James O. married Julia Ethel Doswell, and Lucy Ann. Mr. Taylor is actively interested in every thing pertaining to the good of the county. Thomas Toler is a native of Johnson County. N. C, and was born in November. 1844. He is a son of Thomas and Mary (Holder) Toler, who were the parents of eleven children, of whom our sub- ject was next to the youngest. Both the paternal and maternal ancestors were of Irish descent, and were pioneers of North Carolina. The father of our subject, who was a native of \\'ayne County, N. C, owned and operated a very large plantation in Johnson County, where he was a well-known and influential man. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and for many years served as magistrate, taking an active part in politics and sympathizing with the Whig party. He died in Johnson CJounty in 1849, his widow surviving until 1865. Thomas Toler, the subject of this sketch, was reared to the pursuit of farming, receiving his education in the district and subscription schools of Johnson County. In 1861 he enlisted in Company E, Twenty-fourth North Carolina Infantry, and was mustered into service at Weldon, N. C. , June 24. He took part in the Seven Days' Battle around Richmond, the battle of Antietam, Winchester, and at the siege of Petersburg, doing service with the corps of sharp- shooters; he received a wound in the left leg and was first confined in the hospital at Richmond. He was then sent home on wounded furlough, where he was captured liy Sherman, taken before Blair, and was impri.soned at Hart's Island. N. Y., until the close of the war. Returning to Johnson County, N. C. , he engaged in fanning until 1S67. when he went to Obion Countv. Ti'im unil fniin.M] ?^ JACKSON COUNTY. flOO after, he again ehanged, and settled at Walnut Ridge, in the same county, whore he remained un- til the spring of 1889, when he left, to the regret of many friends, and moved to Newport. Ho is building up a fine practice, and is regarded as one of the most competent physicians in that section, besides being a very popular man socially. He is a member of the Lawrence County Medical Asso- ciation, and was its president for a number of years, as well as being a member of the State Medi- cal Society. The Doctor also belongs to the Knights of Honor, and was the State medical ex- aminer of that organization for three and one-half years, also belonging to the Masonic fraternity. He was married in 1872 to Miss Elizabeth T. Jen- kins, daughter of Dr. J. H. and Sarah C. {nee Wayland) Jenkins, both natives of Kentucky, by whom he has had one child, G. Masey, the lady being a sincere and conscientious Christian, and a member of the Presbyterian Church. Dr. M'at- kins has become one of the most enterprising and valuable citizens of whom Lawrence County can boast. He is always a leading spirit in anything advancing and improving the community. E. L. Watson. In any worthy history of Jack- son County, Ark. , the name that heads this sketch will always be given an enviable place among the leading citizens of the county, and its self-made wealthy l>usines8 men. His experience in life has been quite a varied one, but at the same time re- flects only credit upon him as a man. He was born in Pulaski County, Ga., November 25, 1819, and is a son of Grin and Lydia (Smith) Watson, who were of English descent, early settlers of Georgia, and removed to Tennessee, locating in Henry County, in 1822, where his motlier died, in 1828, and his father died on his second trip from his home in Georgia, in camp on Chattanooga Mountains, Tennessee, in 1822. The father was a farmer by occupatii^n, and he and wife became the parents of thirteen childi'en, three of whom are living: LeRoy, Martha A. and Elbert L. The most important years of the latter's life were spent in Tennessee, after he had reached his fif- teenth year, and although he was reared in town, most of the education he received was obtained through self application. In 1836 ho left home and kindred to tight his own way in the world, and soon found himself in Hickman County, Ky., where he remained until 18,")!, being engaged in the oc- cupation of merchandising and farming. He also served for quite a number of years as sheriff of that county. On the 2yth of December, 1853, he arrived in Jackson County, Ark., and immediately located in Jacksonjiort, where he opened a mer cantile establishment, conducting the same with the best of success for a great many years, but in ISfil gave up this work to enlist in Patterson's Eighth Arkansas Regiment, serving until the month of June, 1862, when, on account of rheumatism, he was compelled to resign, and returned to his home and fireside. In 1883 he removed to Newport, where he carried on merchandising until February, 1886, when he sold out and engaged in the broker's business, which he is still successfully conducting. He has now in process of erection, a substantial bank, iind is putting in a tine iron and steel cased burglar and fireproof vault, at a great expense, and the bank, when finished, will be known as the Newport Safe Deposit Bank. Mr. Watson owns about 20,000 acres of land in Jackson and adjoin- ing counties, a part of which is occupied by ten- ants, and several of his farms are very finely im- proved and are very valuable. To his second marriage, with Miss Lizzie J. Caldwell, in 1858, a family of five children have been born: Oren D. , Mattie, Ellen, Birdie and Bessie. Mrs. Watson is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, • and he is a Mason, and is one of the leading and prominent men of Jackson County, having been a resident of this county for thirty-six years. T. J. Watson, a retired and highly respected merchant of Jackson County, was born in Hick- man County, Ky., on the 8th of December, 1845, and is a son of E. L. and Mary (James) Watson. Mr. Watson was liut nine years old when he came to Jackson County, Ark. , with his parents and re- ceived the greater portion of his education at the Forest Homo Academy. Like many of the young men at that period, his Southern blood was aroused at the first intimation of war. and he joined the Confederate army in the early days of the rebellion, 910 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. becoming a member of the Tenth Tennessee Cav- alry, Company E. He took part in the fight at Parker's Cross Roads, Thompson's Station and a number of other engagements and skirmishes, and in February, 1864, he was captured at Fort Donel- son and confined for about three months. At the end of that time he was paroled and returned home, where he embarked in business at Jackson- port, until February, 1883, when he moved to New port and carried on his business quite extensively, but in 1889 he sold out and has been practically retired ever since. In 1874 he was elected by the county court to collect the revenue of Jackson County, but owing to some fault of the bond, which was $200,000. he was never qualified. Mr. Watson was married in 1869 to Miss Elizaleth Boyd, of Jackson County, by whom he has had five children: Kate M., Lucy, Elbert L., Bessie and Fannie. He is a member of the Masonic fra- ternity and Hugh DePayne Commandery at Little Rock, as also the Hiram Council No. 18 and Blue Lodge, at Newport, holding the offices of Past Master of the Blue Lodge, and Past High Priest of Jackson Chapter, as well as positions in the Council; he is also an ex-member of the Knights of Pythias and Ancient Order of Odd Fellows. He is also Senior Warden of the lodge at Newport, and has been representative of the Masonic fraternity at the Grand Lodge. Mr. Watson is a full fledged Mason, and takes a deep interest in all matters pertaining to the fraternity. Dr. R. P. Watson, of Newport, Jackson Coun- ty, was born in Hempstead County, Ark. ; in 1848, and is the only child of William and Nellie (Cald- well) Watson, natives, respectively, of Virginia and Arkansas. William Watson emigrated from Virginia to Middle Tennessee at an early day, and in 1837 located in Hempstead County, Ark. ; he was a physician and surgeon, and became the owner of a large plantation in Hempstead County. In 1858 he moved to Jackson County, and the fol- lowing year went to Craighead County, where he engaged in farming and tlie practice of his profes- sion until his death, which occurred in 1864; he served in the Mexican War, and took quite an act- ive part in politics as a JefFersonian Democrat. The mother of our subject died in 1855. Dr. R. P. Watson was reared to the pursuit of farming; he attended the common schools of his native county, and after his father's death educated himself, at- tending the seminary at Jonesboro until 1870, when he entered the old University Medical Col- lege at Louisville, graduating from the latter insti- ' tution in 1872. The same year he commenced the practice of medicine at Jonesboro, remaining, how- ever, but a short time. He also acted as medical examiner for a New York life insurance company. November 7, 1872, Dr. Watson married Martha Florence Dodd, of Jackson County, a daughter of Atlas and Margery (Stegall) Dodd, the former a native of Mississippi, and the latter of Memphis, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Dodd came to Jackson County, at an early day, and settled in Village Township, where Dr. Watson now resides; they j now live in Izard County, Ark. After his mar- riage. Dr. Watson removed to Jackson County, j and engaged in farming in connection with his practice. In 1881 he removed to La Crosse, Izard County, where he devoted the greater part of his attention to his profession; in 1884 the cyclone destroyed his residence, and the following year he moved to his present residence. Dr. Watson owns 2, 354 acres of land in one tract, of which 350 acres are under cultivation, and near by has another farm of 1000 acres, with 350 acres more improved. I He has erected a good cotton-gin and grist and j saw-mill, and has been one of the leading stock- I men of the county. He is a member of the White River Stock Breeders' Association, and owns a great many fine full-blooded horses and cattle and hogs, in which he takes a great deal of pride. Politi- cally he is in sympathy with the Democratic party, and has twice been a delegate to the State Conven- tion. He is a member of Philadelphia Lodge No. 127, A. F. & A. M., of Izard County, and also belongs to the I. O. O. F. at Newport. Six chil- dren have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Watson, viz.: Margery Ella, Belle, Willie Dodd, who died in 1881, aged eighteen months; Gracie, Baxter B. and Robert S. Mrs. Watson is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and also of the East- ern Star Chapter, of Newberg. The Doctor is one ^ f JACKSON COUNTY. 'J 11 of the live and enterprising men of Jackson Coun- ty, where he is well known for his public spirit and active interest in every public enterprise. Robert West, farmer and stock raiser, is a na- tive of Tennessee, the son of Robert C. and Sarah (Willard) West, of North Carolina and South Car- olina, respectively. They had a family of eleven children, of whom only two, the subject of our sketch and Dr. Crawford West, of Tuckerman, born May 18, 1855, are now living.. Robert West came from South Carolina with his parents, to Arkansas, in the year 1S(J6, locating in Jackson County upon a farm rented of W. R. Jones; they lived there one year, then rented a farm of a non- resident, where they lived one year; they again rented of Mr. W. R. Jones, and the following year bought a farm in Union Township, where the father died at the age of lifty-two. In 1875 he bought land in Union Township, Section 30, and after remaining there one year, bought the farm upon which he now lives. This farm was partly improved. At the present time Mr. West owns 450 acres of cotton and corn land, 205 acres of which are cultivated; in addition to this, he is cul- tivating 800 acres of rented land. Mr. West is a man of unusual energy and determination, such a one as is needed to build up a country like this. In 1874, October 24th, Robert married Miss Josephine E. Miller; they have had a family of live children, three of whom are now living: Sarah Emma (born November 11, 1878), Cromwell H. (born February 18, 1886), and Thurman (born December 13, 1888). Mrs. West's parents were George W\ and Emma (H.) Miller, who were among the early settlers of Arkansas. Wiley J. Westmoreland, farmer and stock raiser, is a son of William and Annie (Bridges) Westmoreland, natis'es of Georgia, M'illiam's father being a native of Westmoreland County, Va. Wiley J. was born March 16, 1833, in Georgia, being the eldest of a family of twelve, four of whom are still living in Arkansas. Our subject was raised on a farm, and never engaged in any other business than farming. He came to Arkansas with his parents in 1857, and made his Jir.st pur- chase of land, a forty-acre tract, in 1859, in White j County. About twenty acres were cultivated; be put in one crop, and in the fall of that year sold it, after which he rented land, which ho worked till 18(52, when he enlisted in the Thirty-fourth Arkansas Volunteer Infantry Regiment, participat- ing in the Prairie Grove battle in 1802, the battle of Helena in 1803, and also the battles of Pleas- j ant Hill and Jenkins' Ferry, and served faithfully till May 5, 1805, when he returned home, having been under Gen. Kirby's command, Pierce's divi- I sion. On bis return, he rented a farm in Barren i Township, where he lived till 1808, when he bought the farm upon which he now lives. At the present time, he has forty acres under cultiva- tion, and raises good grades of horses, cattle and hogs. In 1885 Mr. We-stmoreland married Mrs. Sarah (Gray) Swick, who has one child, Susan Naomi Swick. They have had no children. Mr. Westmoreland has served his township as school director for five years, and in May last was elected for a term of three years. In politics, he is a Democrat, and with his wife, belongs to the Mis- sionary Baptist Church of Denmark, a small vil- lage of Barren Township. J. M. M'estmoreland, farmer and stock raiser, Bradford, Ark. Originally from Coweta County, Ga., Mr. Westmoreland's birth occurred in 1853, and he is the youngest in a family of eleven chil- dren born to the union of Dr. William and Anna (Bridges) Westmoreland, both natives of the same State as their son. Dr. William Westmoreland attained his growth, and was married in his native^ , State, removing from there to Arkansas in 18511. I He settled in White County, Liberty Township, and there ret\ted land, but at the same time fol- lowed his profession, becoming prominentl}- known 1 all over the county in the latter capacity. He then moved to Jackson County, Barren Township, where ! he purchased an unimproved farm, and l)pcame well known all over the county, not only as a sue cessful and eminent physician, but as a social, pleasant gentleman. He was a Democrat in poli- I tics, and socially a Ma.son. His death occurred on the 2d of June. 1S77, and his wife j)revious to this, on the 21st of February, 1S74. J. M. West- moreland, like the average country boy. a.ssisted on 912 HISTORY OF AEKANSAS. the farm and received his education in the district schools of Barren Township. He was married in that township, in 1883, to Miss Nettie Lovell, a native of Missouri, and afterward settled on his present property, where he has 125 acres of land, with thirty-five acres under cultivation. He has erected good houses and out -buildings. He is at present quite deeply interested in the raising of stock. He votes with the Democratic party, but is not active in politics. Mr. and Mrs. Westmore- land are members of the Baptist Church. Their marriage was blessed by the birth of two children: Willie and Alta. Mr. Westmoreland has always taken an active interest in all matters relating to the community's welfare, and is a tirst-class citizen. John N. Williamson, of Arkansas, planter and stock raiser, was born in Marshall County, Tenn. , in 1822. His father was John Williamson, of Virginia, who married Mary Hunter, of South Carolina, and was a farmer and one of the early settlers of Tennessee, where he died, in Marshall County, in 1832, his widow surviving till 1852. John N., the sixth in a family of eight children, was raised on the farm and received his education in the subscription schools of Tennessee. He followed the life of a farmer, and in 1850 moved to Greene County, Mo., where he remained for five years, then going to Cedar County, of the same State, and in the fall of 1860 removed to Sharp County, Ark., engaging in farming jsart of the time during the war, in Missouri. In 1866 he came to Jackson County, Ark. , located at Elgin, renting land, and in 1870 bought a timber tract of 160 acres, on which there were no improvements, and no settlement be- tween there and Elgin. For 120 acres of this land he paid $16 an acre, and for forty acres, $10. He at once cleared off a place for a cabin, and commenced clearing and improving the land, until now he has eighty acres under cultivation, on' which is a good orchard. He raises a good grade of stock. In 1847 Mr. Williamson married Willmarth Roberts, a native of Marshall County, Tenn., born in 1829, the daughter of Jeremiah and Rebecca (Jones) Roberts, of Virginia and North Carolina, who were among the early settlers of Tennessee. They have been dead some years. To Mr. and Mrs. Williamson have been born twelve children, eight of whom are living: Narcissa (died at the age of nine), James M. (died at the age of twenty), Thomas N. (of JefPerson Township), Mary E. (died at the age of sixteen), Christopher C. (of Bird Township), John F. (of Western Arkansas), An- drew Jackson (died at the age of twenty), William S. , Sarah Frances (resides in the West), Virginius F., Josephine J. (at home), and Monroe Pinckne\' (at home). Mrs. Williamson is a Baptist in belief. Mr. Williamson is a Democrat, but not an ofiSce seeker, and always takes an active interest in public enterprises for the advancement of the county. Our subject is practically a self-made man, and one of the leading citizens of the county. P. L. Williamson, farmer, of Bird Township, was born in Limestone County, Ala, in 1828, the only child of F. L. and Sarah (Lookenbill) Wil liamsou, the father a native of England, who came to this country at an early day, married in Virginia, and finally settled in Tennessee, where he died in 1828. Our subject's mother went to Alabama be- fore the country was sectionized, settling in what is now Limestone County, Ala., and later moved to Tennessee, where her death occurred. Her father was among the first pioneers of Pennsylva- nia, and served through the Revolutionary War. He had two sons in the War of 1812. The sub- ject of this sketch was reared to frontier life, and went four miles on foot to the subscription schools for what education he received. He aided in clear- ing and developing the home farm, and commenced farming for himself in Wayne Coimty, Tenn. In January, 1862, he enlisted for twelve months in Capt. Powers' company, under Col. Crewes, went to Nashville, thence to Alabama, and was assigned to the Fifth Kentucky Infantry, under Col. Hunt, Gen. Breckinridge's brigade. He was in the bat- tle of Shiloh, then on the skirmish line to Corinth ; from there to Tupelo, Miss., then to Abbeville, Miss. He was in the company that reorganized, and was in service till the close of the war; he was in the battle at Jackson; thirty-two days at Vicks- burg; then went to Baton Rouge, returning to Jackson, Miss. . where he was on garrison duty : from there to Grand Junction, then to Jackson. n* JACKSON COUNTY. Vtl3 Merita, Ala. , Mobile and thence to Florida, from there to Montgomery; to Atlanta and to Chattanoo- ga; to Knoxville, to Virginia, and l)ack to Knox- ville; to Chattanooga and Murfroesboro; engaged at Nashville, then on skirmish line to Murfreesboro; he was then transferred to Newman's command, Ten- nessee Regiment, and finally returned to Tennessee in 1864, and engaged in farming. In 1867 he came to Arkansas, settling in Independence County, and in 1869 came to Jackson County, in Village Township, and in 1872 to Bird Township, renting land, and in 1886, bought 160 acres in that town- ship. Mr. Williamson has taken quite an active part in politics, voting with the Democratic party. He has seen a vast change in this county, and has always taken an active interest in all worthy pub- lic enterprises. Mr. Williamson was first married in AVayne County, Tenn., in April, 1848, to Vianer Tally, daughter of Page and Nancy Tally, natives of South Carolina and Alabama, respectively, who came to Tennessee in an early day. Her father died in 1864, his wife later. By that mar- riage there were seven children: Levi, Mar}' Ann (now Mrs. Blake), Calvin, Elizabeth (now Mrs. Beech), William Marion, Caledonia (now Mrs. Stephens) and John, our subject. Mrs. William- sou died in 1886, and in 1887 Mr. Williamson married Josey Andrews, widow, daughter of John Petty, an early pioneer of Tennessee. C. W. Winfi-ee, farmer and merchant, Centre- ville, Ark. This gentleman, who was originally from West Tennessee, where his birth occurred in 1850, is the second in a family of si.'c children born to Charles W. and Susan H. (Terry) Winfree. both natives of the Old Dominion. Charles W. Winfree emigrated to Tennessee at an early day, and was a mechanic (carriage workman) by trade. He moved to Jackson County, Ark., in 1870, settling in Bird Township, and there followed tilling the soil until his death, which occurred in 1873. His cheerful companion also closed her eyes to the scenes of this world in 1883. C. W. Winfree was early initiated ! into the duties of farm life and quite naturally, as might be supposed, has since principally followed that pursuit. He received his education in the schools of Tennessee, and came with his parents I to Jackson County, Ark., in 1S70, when- he re sumed the duties on the farm. This occupntion he has since continued, and has opened up considera- ble land, being now the owner of 1,700 acres in Bird Township, with 600 acres under cultivation. He has about 450 acres in cotton, and this is his principal pursuit. He also raises considerable stock, principally horses and mules, and in fact is one of the wideawake, thorough going farmers of the county. He is active in politics, and votes with the Democratic party. He has filled the offices of judge, clerk and supervisor, several times, and to the satisfaction of all, and ho also takes au active interest in school matters. Mr. Winfree was mar- ried, in Independence County, Ark., in 1887, to Mrs. Fannie E. (Holdford) Gray, widow of Dr. Gray, and afterward settled in Centreville, where he has been engaged in merchandising since 1884, but akso carries on his farming interest. Socially, he is a member of Tuckerman Lodge No. 15)2, Masonic fraternity, and has been secretary' of the same. To his marriage was born one child. W. H. Wise is a farmer and merchant, being a partner in the firm of Kimbrough & Wise, of Wel- don, Ark. His parents were William H. and !Mary E. (Brown) Wise, natives of Maryland and Alabama, respectively, who moved to Mississiiipi at an early day, where the subject of this sketch was born, in De Soto County, April 1, 1849. His father, a farmer and mechanic, was a relative of Gov. Wise, of Virginia. He settled a large farm in Mississippi, also the town of Hernando, and l)e- came a large land owner. He was a Democrat, and held the office of magistrate a great many years. M'. H. Wise was'raised on a farm, where his op- portunities for education were limited, having at- tended only the common schools of Mississippi. At the age of twenty, in 1870. he came to Arkan- sas, engaged in farming, and in 1873 bought eighty acres of land in the woods, ou the present site of Weldon. He cleared fifty acres of this land and continued farming till 1885, when the Batesville & Brinkley Railroad reached Tupelo. At that time he sold forty acres of his land to D. \. Kiuibrongh for a half interest in the latter's store, and the same year the firm of Kimbrough & Wise began Aj ffl 9U HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. business in Weldoa, where they have since contin- ued. They carry a general stock of goods and do a large business. Mr. Wise and his partner own a large part of Weldon property, twenty-two lots and two blocks having been sold. In 1873 he married Miss Maggie Godby, of Mississippi. They had five children: Ida, Willie, Estelina, Maggie Jef- ferson, Edward Hubbard, aged fifteen, thirteen, eleven, nine and six years, respectively. His wife died December 27, 1883, and in October, 1885, he married Miss Fannie Moore, daughter of S. J. and Sarah Moore, of North Carolina and Alabama, who came to Arkansas in 1870, where he has since en- gaged in farming. They live at Bowen's Ridge. Mr. Wise is a Democrat, though not an active poli- tician. He and his wife are members of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, South, of which he is stew- ard and trustee. He is active in the interest of schools and churches in his community, and has done his share in the development of the country. Robert A. Wise is a brother of W. H. Wise, and both are residents of Weldon, Ark. Robert A. Wise was born in Hernando, De Soto County, Miss., May 24, 1844. He is now postmaster at Weldon and engaged in the drug and grocery bus- iness. He was the second child of W. H. and Maiy E. (Brown) Wise, the former having been born and reared near Baltimore, Md., and the latter at Florence, Ala. W. H. Wise, a mechanic by occupation, came to Memphis, Tenn. , in 1838, and went to work at his trade, but his health be- coming bad he moved to Hernando, Miss., in 1839, and met Miss Brown, whom be married in 1840. He was elected magistrate and sheriff of De Soto County for a number of years, abd he invested his income in real estate in the town of Hernando. Finally his health became so bad that he gave up his oifice and sold his property in town, and in- vested in a large tract of land four and one-half miles east of Hernando, turning his attention to farming and stock raising, and at his death, which occurred in 1850, his estate, consisting of land, stock and negroes, was valued at $100,000. He and his wife were strict members of the Methodist Ei)iscopal (jhureh. South. Robert A. was raised on the farm, receiving his education in the common schools of North Mississippi, and at the age of seventeen he left school and enlisted as a volunteer in Company K, Ninth Mississippi Regiment, Monroe, Capt. Thomas White, Chalmer's brigade, in the Army of Tennessee. He was at the battle of Shi loh and was sent home on furlough sick from Cor- inth. Returning to the army at Tupelo he was taken down with typhoid fever, which settled in his right leg, disabling him from duty. He re- ceived an imlimited furlough to go home, and re- mained until further orders. Some ninety days later he recovered, and was ordered to join the army at Knoxville, Tenn., as it came out of Ken- tucky on its way to Mui'freesboro. He was in that battle and all the skirmishes and fights engaged in by his command through Tennessee, taking part in the battle of Chickamauga, and receiving a wound in the breast on the second day of the fight. This, however, did not disable him from duty, and sulj- sequently he was in the engagements at Mission- ary Ridge, Tunnel Hill, at Dalton, Ga. , and at Resaca; he was wounded in the thigh at Altoona Mountain. Following this he was occupied with his command in fights around Atlanta and at Jones- boro, but becoming ill again he was sent home, where he remained until the close of the war. Afterward he engaged in farming on a small scale. His father's and mother's estate was all destroyed during the war and taken away except the land. Robert A. received his portion of the land, which he sold and went to Louisiana to raise cotton on a large scale on Red River. He invested every dol- lar he had in a cotton crop, but the fir.st year the worms destroyed half of it and the next year the overflow destroyed all. He then came to Jackson County, Ark., and engaged in farming, starting on boirowed capital, and by hard labor and economy he managed to pay for a farm near Newport, which he sold in 18S7, and came to Weldon, em- barking in his present business. He is a bachelor and a member of the Methodist Church, South, and was an active member in the district school board in which he lived before coming to Weldon. He was also a member of the Farmer's Alliance or Wheelers. He has always been liberal, and has done his share toward building; churches, schools Bdlden LAKE,Miaar8aiPPi Co.Arhahms. 1 4 JACKSON COUNTY. and all public enterprises. He is now a cripple, being paralyzed in the right hip and leg, but is making a good support by his own exertion. Him- self and his brother are the only surviving members of a family of nine children. N. B. Wishon is a prosperous real estate dealer and collecting agent at Newport, Ark., and was born in Phelps County, Mo., on the 12th of September, 1848, and is a son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Singleton) Wishon, the former a native of North Carolina, and the latter of Kentucky. Their marriage took place in the latter State, and they afterward moved to St. Louis, Mo. , when the city contained less than 10,000 inhabitants (in 1829). Here Mr. Wishon remained for about ten years, being an employi^ of the A\'iggins Ferry Company, and acted in the capacity of engineer. In 1839 he located near Eolla, Mo., and opened a very tine farm of about 1,500 acres, and here he and his wife resided until their deaths. N. B. Wishon remained on this farm until nineteen years of age, and in 1867 came to Arkansas and began clerking in a store in Jacksonport, continuing an employe of Holloway & Co. ,at a very low salary, until 1871. He then formed a partnership with his brothers, Frank and W. C. , and the firm became known as Wishon Bros.; they conducting a general merchan- dising establishment in Jacksonport. In 1873 they opened up a branch store at Newport, which was the first business house in the place, and was a frame structure, and this together with two cheap box houses were located in the woods. They continued at this point until 1883, then sell- ing out to E. L. Watson & Son. Mr. Wishon then set to work to build up the town and put up a sub- stantial brick block and several residence buildings, but for the past few years he has given his atten- tion almost entirely to the real estate and collec- tion business. The brothers at one time owned a tifth interest in the original town site. They own eight brick business houses, and considerable im- jiroved residence property, and unimproved town lots and several line farms in a high state of culti- vation, together with several hundred acres of fine timbered and wild lands in the county. He has held several local offices, and he and wife, whom he married in 1871, atid whose maiden name was Amelia Wallace, are members of the Methodist I Episcopal Church, South, and an- the jiarents of two children; Lena and Karl H. \\'. C. Wishon, agent of the Batesville & Brink ley Railroad, and a popular resident of Newport, was born in Phelps County, Mo., in February, ]H'>\. and is a son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Singleton) AVishon. He was reared and remained in Phelps County until attaining his twenty-second year, and up to nineteen years of age lived on the home farm, and attended the schools of his native place. At nineteen years of age he was oflFered and acce|>tcd a position in one of the business houses at Rolla, Mo., where he remained for two years, winning the confidence and esteem of his emi)loyers by per- i forming his duties in a satisfactory manner. In 1871 he moved to Jaek.sonport, Ark., and entered into commercial life with his brother, N. B.A\'ishon, continuing at that city until 1873, when they both removed to Newport, where they were among the first and most onterjirising business men of that town, and helped to build considerable of the property. In 1880 W. C. was engaged bj' the Southern Express Company as express agent, and the business of the brothers was sold in February. 1882. He remained with that company until 1880, when the Batesville &. Brinkley Railroad opened up its line, and he was engaged as their agent at New- port, where he has Vieen ever since, building up a reputation for being one of the best agents on the line. In 1877 he was mamed to Miss Rina Wal-^ lace, a pleasant and attractive lady, who has made his home one of the brightest in Newport. Mr. Wishon is a member of the Masonic fraternity and the Royal Arcanum. He is a prominent man in social and business circles at Jaek.sonport as well as Newport, of which latter city he is the pioneer. A. Wiysel, lumber manufacturer. Mr. Wiysel was born and reared among the industries of a great manufacturing place, his birth occurring in Cambria County, Penn., on the 24th of August, 1824. He is a son of Joseph and Susanna (Weis- inger) Wiysel, of the same county and State, but the great grandfather was a native of Germany, who emigrated to this country at an early jHTiod u>£: 916 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. and settled in Pennsylvania, afterward fighting in the War of the Revolution. The parents of A. Wiysel emigrated to Wabash (Jounty, Ind. , some years after their marriagi% whore the father died during the Civil War, while the mother still sur- vives him and is living in Indiana. They were the parents of six children, of whom four are yet living, A. Wiysel being the oldest. He was reared and spent his younger days in Pennsylvania, where he also received the greater part of his education, and afterwards moved to Wabash County, Ind. From there he went to Adair County, Mo. , and remained until 1859, when he came to Jackson- port and was employed in teaming. Diuing the war he was detailed as engineer of a large flouring mill on the White River, and after that event he embarked in saw-milling and lumber manufactur- ing, a business that he has fostered and built up to be one of the most successful in that section. He has various markets for his products, employs a large number of men, and turns out some of the best material to be found anywhere, and has the honor of being one of the pioneer mill men of Jackson County. Mr. Wiysel was married in 1848 to Miss Susanna Stemman, by whom he has had five children, two of them yet living: Samuel and Charles. He is a member of the Lutheran Church, and one of the representative citizens of his county, taking an active interest in its promo- tion and welfare. William D. Yarbrough a merchant, of New- port, Ark., was born November 28, 1856, in Nebo, Hopkins County, Ky. His parents were Lewis and Lucy (Davis) Yarbrough, both natives of Kentucky. William D. received a fair educa- tion in the English Ijranches, in the public schools of his native State, and commenced business for himself in 1881, securing a position in the com- mercial house of Mr. H. V. Ames, of Newport, Ark., who carried a general line of merchandise, where he remained until 1885, when he paid a visit to his home in Kentucky, and while there, on the 10th of February, 1886, married Miss Katie Trigg, of Hopkins County. On the 25th of Feb- ruary they returned to Arkansas and he entered the employ of Mr. Johnson, of the firm of Ames & Johnson, his former employers. He re- mained with them until the latter part of the year, when he purchased a full line of groceries, and on January 1, 1887, opened an establishment for him- self, carrying a well selected line of staple and fancy groceries, and the prediction is, that Mr. Yarbrough will be one of the leading business men of the community. Mr. Yarbrough is a member in good standing, of the Newpoii Lodge. His wife died September 25, 1887, and was buried in Rose Creek Cemetery, in her native county. On August 25, 1889, Mr. Yarbrough married Miss Saidie Roberon, a native of Ohio, an estimable young lady, and a general favorite. ft X> IZARD COTJNTY. '.tr Izard County— Thk Akiiival of the Settleus— Cikcuit am> Pkohate Courts— Mii.itakv Mioioiit- The County Formed— The County Seat Located— Public Buildings Prected— Election Returns— Church Organizations— Towns and Vii-LAtiKs- Educational Devel- opment— The County Bounded— .Statistics Showing its Desirabil- ity as a Place ok Residence— Population— Biography. There is a spot of earth supremely blest. A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest, Where man, creation's tyrant, casts n.si(Ie His sword and sceptre, pageantry and pride. That spot's tliy liome. — Montgomery. *HE exitct timo and place of the making of the tirst set- tlement of the territory now composing Izard County is uncertain. It is evident, however, that immigration must have commenced very soon after the beginning of the present century, points of location being, in general, along White and Strawborry llivers. Among the early settlers in the vicinity of the former stream were Daniel Hively, Elbert and Henry Benbrook. the family of the father of William and Hill Dillard, the JeflFerys, Moses Bishop, the Harrises and George and James Partee. Daniel Jeffery settled below Mount Olive, Jehoida, his brother, a mile above, and James, another lirother, at or near the mouth of Piney Creek. Of the Harrises there were four brothers: Augustus. Henry, James and Richard. Augustus located on the east side of the river, in (the present) Izard County, the others on the opposite side, now Stone County. Daniel Hively settled at the mouth of Piney Creek, anil there built a water-power grist-mill very early. Among the first to locate on Strawberry River wore the Simpsons, Billiugsleys and Finleys, John Gray taking up his residence on Rocky Bayou, and James Wren at Lunenburg. Other very early comers to the county were Ambrose, Harvey, Will iam and James Creswell. Later came the Lancasters, the Walkers, the AVatkiuses, Richard, Robert and William Powell. Thomas Richard.son. Samuel Bingham, William and James Woods, Col. Thomas Black, the Ar nolds, Jesse Hinkle, the Robinsons and many others. Both the early and subsequent settlers of the county principally came from Tennessee. .\ few were from Georgia, and some other Soutlieni States, but few, if any, from Northern .Stales. The early settlers here suffered in common with all who moved so far back from the Mississippi the many privations of frontier life. It was not long, however, until boats came up White River and fur- nished such provisions as could not be produced at home. The people of Izard ('ounty are iiitidli gent, kind and ho8])itablo. Society now is all that could be desired, and churches aro miraorous in all r 918 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. settled portions. Subsequent pages contain more detailed mention of the county's pioneers and prominent citizens. Court affairs, of course, early occupied atten- tion. The county court was established in 1829, when Arkansas was a territory. Prior to that date the county business had all been transacted in the circuit court. This court meets on the first Mon- days of January, April, July and October, in each year. The probate court meets on the third Mon- days of March, June, September and December. The Izard circuit court convenes on the second Monday in April and October, in each year. It belongs to the Fourteenth judicial circuit, composed of the counties of Izard, Boone, Baxter, Marion, Fulton, Searcy and Newton, of which R. H. Powell, of Melbourne, is the judge. The legal bar of Izard County is composed of the following named attorneys: Ransom Gulley, John H. Woods, J. B. Baker, F. M. Hanley, Moreau Ashley, S. W. Woods, and E. B. Brad- shaw. Judge Powell, when not on the bench, is also a member of the bar. Aside from the war period, there has never been but one or two murders committed within the county, as it is now composed, and not a legal exe- cution of a criminal has occurred here. Other crimes have been committed frequently. At the approach of the Civil War, when the question of secession was first discussed, a majority of the people of Izard County seemed opposed to it, but when actual hostilities commenced, all but a few were naturally in full sympathy with the Southern cause, and soon thereafter favored the secession of the State. Of the several companies of soldiery raised within the county for the Con- federate army, one, gathered by Capt. Deason, served in the Seventh Arkansas Regiment; four, commanded, respectively, by Capts. C. C. Elkins, T. N. Smith, Hugh A. Barnett and T. J. Mason, became a part of the Ninth Arkansas Regiment; two, commanded, respectively, by Capts. C. Cook and Richard Powell, served in Col. Freeman's regiment of cavalry; three, commanded, respect- ively, by Capts. T. M. Gibson, R. C. Matthews and Samuel Taylor, formed a part of Col. Shaler's regiment. A portion of a company was raised by Capt. John H. Dye, the other part being raised in Independence County, and a part of another was raised by Capt. James Huddleston, the other being recruited in what is now Sharp County. Some in- dividuals went out and joined companies raised in adjoining counties. Thus ten companies, besides the fractions of other companies, were furnished by the county for the Confederate army. Early in the war period, most of the Union men here removed to Rolla, Mo. , and were there organized into a company by Capt. L. D. Toney, and served in the Federal army. All the able bodied men of the county, and many boys in their "teens," joined the armies. Only the old and feeble were left with the women and children. There was no fighting or bushwhacking among the citizens. The county, however, was over-run by scouting parties from the contending armies, and while but little burning was done, all stock and provisions that could be found were seized and car- ried away, thus leaving the citizens in great want for food. Parties of women, each accompanied by an old man, frequentlj^ hauled cotton inside of the Federal lines and exchanged it for salt and other necessities. Salt was also obtained by extracting it from the earth under old smoke houses. Meat was concealed from the scouting parties by hiding it in straw beds, in the rocks and under brush heaps. Grain was also hid in peculiar places. J. B. Hunt, the postmaster at Melbourne, states that he saved his corn by shelling it and hiding it in the hollow walls of his house, between the weather- boarding and the inside-boarding, and had a hole at the bottom through which he drew it out on going to the mill. Others, no doubt, saved their grain in a similar way. The county of Izard was organized in accord- ance with an act of the legislature of the Territory of Arkansas, approved October 17, 1825. It was named in honor of George Izard, who was the gov- ernor of the Territory, and contained territory since cut off in the formation of Fulton, Baxter and Stone Counties. Various acts have been passed since its formation, by which it has been created as at present. IZARD COUNTY. SHU The original county seat was located on White River, at the mouth of Big North Fork, now in Baxter County. Soon after it was moved to Athens, on White River, at the mouth of Piney Creek, and from there, about the year 1844, to Mount Olive, in Section 31, Township 16 north, Range 10 west, another point on White River. Here it remained until May 15, 1875, when it was taken to its present site at Melbourne. The first court house erected at the original site of the county seat was a hewed log cabin. The second was a small frame structure, built at Athens, and the third was also a frame erected at Mount Olive. The court-house at Melbourne was built in 1878, but on the 11th of April, 18S'J, it was consumed by fire, with all the public records aiul papers, sup- posed to have been of incendiary origin, as the fire occurred in the morning before daylight. The question of removing the county seat to some other point is now being agitated, but the probability is that it will remain at its present location. The only public building the county possesses is the jail and jailer's residence combined, at Mel- bourne. This is a wooden building, the jail proper being fi-ame on the outside, with a wall of squared timljers on the inside. The county owns a poor farm, but it has never been improved or made available for the support of the paupers. The lat- ter are let out on contract for their su{)port, to the lowest responsible bidder. The following is a list of the names of the county officers of Izard County, and the dates of their terms of service fi'om the organization of the county to the present time, as compiled from the report of the secretary of State: Judges: Matthew Adams, 1829-38; J. Jeffery, 1833-38: B. Hawkins, 1840-42; J. A. Harris, 1842-44; James Wren, 1844-46; J. A. Harris, 1846- 48; G. H. Morton, 1848-50; Henry Cole, 1850-52; J. J. Sams, 1852-54; B. C. Hollowell, 1854 50; T. Black, 1858-60; H. H. Harris, 1860-62; Thomas Black, 1862.64; A. C. Jeffery, 1864-68; William Byler, 1868-72; commissioners, 1872-74; G. W. Shaw, 1874-80; J. A. Byler, 1880-82; W. Grim- mett, 1882-86; H. H. Harris, present incumbent, first elected in 1886. Clerks: J. P. Houston, 1825 30; Jesse Adams, 1830-32; J. P. Houston, 1832-38; B. H. Johnson! 1838-44; C. P. Lancaster, 1844-46; A. C. JefTery, 1846-48; R. M. Haggard, 1848-52; William Wood, 1852-54; H. H. Harris, 1854-58; W. C. Dixon, 1858-60; H. H. HaiTis, 180068; I. H. Talley, 1868 72; F. W. Pen-in, 187274; D. W. Billings- ley, 1874-70; J. N. Craig, 1870-78; H. H. Harris, 1878-84; W. K. Estes, present incumbent, elected in 1884, re- elected and served continuously since. Sheriffs: John Adams, 1825-30; John Har grove, 1830-35; Daniel Jeffery, 1835-30; J. A. Harris, 1836-38; D. K. Lloyd, 1838-44; Miles Jef- fery, 1844-40; S. E. Rossen, 1846-50; S. J. Mason. 1850-56; John Woods, 1850-58; A. Adams, 1858 60; W. J. Cagle, 1800-08; R. L. Landers, 1868- 72; J. M. Hinkle, 1872-78; R. L. Landers, 1878- 82; J. S. Roberts, 1882-86; R. L. Landers, pres- ent incumbent, first elected in 1886. j Treasurers: W. B. Carr, 1836-38; A. Cres- I well, 1838-40; S. H. Creswell, 1840-42; Jacob ; Wolf, 1842-44; A. McFelich. 1844-40: H. J. Wren, 1840-48; H. Dillard, 1848-50; William Gray, 1850-58; J. W. Cypert, 1858-64; H. H. Harris, 1864-60: E. D. Hayes, 1800-08; B. F. Brantley, 1808-72; J. B. Hunt, 1872-74; L. C. Holmes, 1874-76; A. J. Hutson, 1876-SO; John McElmurry. 1880-82; H. H. Hinckle, 1882-84; John McElmurry, 1884-80; J. B. Hunt, present incumbent, first elected in 1886. Coroners: H. C. Roberts. 1829 3U; J. Blyeth, 1830-35; Jesse Adams, 1835-36; H. W. Bandy, 1840-42; R. C. Moore, 1842-48; G. W. Neal, 1848-50; J. D. Churchill, 1850-52; D. Jeffery. 1852-54; R. Harris, 1854-50; S. T. Martili, 1856-58; R. Landers. 1858-02; Jesse Hincklo, 1802-04; J. A. Byler. 1804-66; R. Landers, 1866-68; J. G. Richardson, 1808-72; J. H. Uoten, 1872-74; J. F. Cornelius, 1874-76; F. M. Hall. 1870-78; Squire Wood, 1878-80; J. R. Beaver. 1880-80; John Schell. 188ii-.SS: S. F. Heaves, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Surveyors: William Clement, 1830-32; A. Adams, 1S35-30; Jesse .\dams. 1830-38; James Davis, 1838-40; William Seymour. 1840-42; J. M. Pugh, 1842-44; F. M. Copeland. 1844-46; R. r 920 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Decker, 1846-4S: Cyius Crosby, 1848-52; J. Byler, 1852-56; J. W. Rector, 1856-58; A. C. Hardin. 1858-62; J. W. Rector, 1862-64; J. C. Claiborne, 1866-08; R. Sanders, 1868-72; J. A. Claiborne, 1872-76; Joseph Hixon, 1876-80; Jacob Franks, 1880-82; J. A. Claiborne, 1882-88; E. L. Billingsley, present incumbent, elected in 1S88. Assessors: P. F. Heasler, 1868-72; W. O. Dil- lard, 1872-74; James Green, 1874-80: W. C. Hammond, 1880-84; Robert Gray, 1884-86; James Gray, 1886-88; P. J. Puckett, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Representatives in constitutional conventions: 1836, Charles R. Sanders; 1861, A. Adams; 1868, W. W. Adams; 1874, Ransom Gulley. The tirst representative of the county in the Territorial legislature was Jacob AVolf, and the first one in the State legislature was Thomas Culp. The first State senator from the county was C. R. Sanders. The following will show the political aspect of Izard County. At the September election, 1888, James P. Eagle (Dem. ) received 1,328 votes for the oifice of governor, and C. M. Norwood, his op- ponent, 779 votes. At the presidential election, 1888, the several candidates received votes as fol- lows: Cleveland (Dem.), 1,187; Harrison (Rep.), 378; Streeter (U. L.), 68; Fisk (Pro.), 7. Religious affairs, here as elsewhere, date from the first settlement of the community. As usual, the Methodists and Baptists were the pioneer Chris- tian workers of the Territory, followed by the Cum- berland Presbyterians and Christians. The organ- izations of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, located within the county, are embraced in three circuits. The Melbourne circuit. Rev. W. L. King, pastor, has eight appointments; the Newburg cir- cuits. Rev. William A. Peck, pastor, has five ap- pointments, and the La Crosse and Evening Shade circuit. Rev. J. S. Brooke, pastor, has also five appointments, the latter being in Sharp County. The aggregate memViership of each, as shown by the last conference minutes, is as follows: Mel- bourne, 399; Newburg, 684; La Crosse and Even- ing Shade, 301; making 1,384 in all. Of the Methodist Episcopal Church, there is but one or- ganization in the county. Of the Missionary Baptist Church nineteen or- ganizations are known, sixteen of which belong to the Rocky Bayou Association, two to the Big Creek Association, and one to Independence Association. Those belonging to the first named are Melbourne, Lunenburg and Franklin, of which Elder J. L. Brown is pastor; Saints' Rest, Bellview, Mount Nebo, No. 2, and Piney Bayou, of which Elder J. J. Vest is pastor; Mount Pleasant and Bethel, of which Elder J. D. J. Faulkner is pastor; Zion Hill, Concord, Fairviow and Philadelphia, of which Elder William Dureu is pastor; Pleasant Valley, with Elder S. A. Merchant as pastor; Mount Nebo No. 1, with Elder J. H. Soden as pastor, and Hid- den Creek, which has no pastor at present. Those belonging to Big Creek Association are Cross Roads and New Prospect, while the one belonging to Independence Association is called Wilson Creek. The aggregate membership of these organizations within the county is between 700 and 80(\ The ten organizations of the Christian Church here consist of Mill Creek, at Melbourne; Walnut Grove, Oxford, Franklin and luka. with Elder H. T. King as pastor; Kent Mill, Liberty, Pleasant Spring and Newburg, with Elder W. G. Cypert as pastor, and Twin Creek, with Elder G. H. Metheny as pastor. The aggregate membership is 503. The organizations of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church are Mill Creek, at Melbourne, and Mount Olive, with Rev. P. M. Jeflfery as pastor; Nnl)bin Ridge, Rev. R. H. Evans, pastor; Olive Branch, Rev. J. S. Bone, pastor; La Crosse. Rev. W. B. Baird, pastor; Barren Fork, Rev. A. C. Evans, pastor; Dry Town, Rev. J. S. Bone, pas- tor; Palestine, Rev. Clark, pastor: Rocky Glade and one or two other organizations. Many of the church organizations have Sunday-schools connect- ed with them, and nearly all have regular preach- ing, and are doing good work in the cause of Chris- • tianity. There is an organization of the Adventists at La Crosse. The towns and villages of the county are small and scattered, and no one has gained much as- cendency over the others. Barren Fork, in the IZARD COUNTY. !)•_>! southeast part of the county, contains two general stores, one drug store, one grocery, two church houses, a school house, cotton-gin, and some shops, dwelling houses, etc. Franklin, in the opposite northeast jwrtion, has two general stores, a grist-mill, still-house, school- house, Masonic hall and lodge, and an Odd Fel- lows' hall and lodge. luka is a very small post village on the line between Izard and Baxter Counties. La Crosse, four miles northeast of Melbourne, contains two general stores, a drug store, a church edifice, two blacksmith shops, a Masonic hall and lodge, and the La Crosse Collegiate Institute. In the fall of 1883 a cyclone passcnl over this place and almost entirely demolished the buildings, be- sides killing a number of individuals. Melbourne, the county seat, located near the center of the county, includes within its limits four general stores, three groceries, a drug store, two hotels, four church buildings, a Masonic and Odd Fellows' hall and school- house combined, a lodge each of Masons and Odd Fellows, two feed stables, one newspaper (The Izard County Reg- ister, Democratic in politics, now in its eighth volume, and ably edited by its proprietor, Mr. Dave Craig), a steam grist-mill, mechanics" shops, etc., etc., but no court-house at present. Of the societies there is also an Encampment of Odd Fellows. The churches are Baptist, Methodist, Cumberland Presbyterian and Christian. Newburg, a few miles northwest of Melbourne, has three general stores, a steam saw-mill, school- house, blacksmith shop, a Masonic and Odd Fol- lows' hall and a lodge of each of these societies. Oxford is in the north central part of the coun- ty. Three general stores, a steam grist-mill, three churches, a school-house and an Odd Fellow's hall comprise its industries. Pineville, in the northwest part of the county, contains a general store, a blacksmith shop, and a Masonic hall, church and school -house combined. Violet Hill is eight miles northeast of Mel- bourne. It has a store, steam grist-mill, black- smith shop and a church. At each of these points is a postoflice, and ss >^ dwelling liouses corresponding in number to the size of the place. The other p IZARD COUNTY. '.)'23 post oak and black jack. Ash, cherry, walnut, and other varieties of timber abound in limited quantities. The county's resources, so fur as developed, are principally agricultural, the horticultural and min- eral wealth not having been unfolded. The supply of timber is extensive, as but little, aside fi'om the small quantity used at home, has ever been cut. This will be an important resource whenever ship- ping facilities are provided. The agricultural products for 1879, as given by the census of 1880, were as follows: Indian corn, 451,904 Vnishels; oats, 40,593 bushels; wheat, 25,902 bushels; hay, 214 tons; cotton, 4,800 bales; Irish potatoes, 4,500 bushels; sweet potatoes, 11,349 bushels; tobacco, 13,212 pounds. These figures show that the lands of the county are best adapted to the raising of corn, cotton, sweet potatoes and tobacco. • The number of head of live-stock, as shown by the same report, were as follows: Horses, 2,109; mules and asses, 1,258; cattle, 9,492; sheep, 8,492; hogs, 18,966. The number listed for taxation, as shown by the abstract of taxable property for 1888, are as follows: Horses, 2,436; mules and asses, 1,655; cattle, 14,857; sheep, 7,035; hogs, 1,619. This indicates by comparison a large increase of the three former and an apparent decrease of the two latter. But reflecting that the number of animals given by the census report include the number of sold and slaughtered during the previous year, while the tax lists include only those on hand when assessed, it is evident that in all, excepting proba- bly sheep, there was a large increase. In 1880 the county's real estate was assessed for taxation at 1584,303, the personal property at $411,715, making a total of $996,018. In 1888 the real estate was assessed at $743,994, and the personal property at $759,607, making a total of $1,503,601. This shows that the taxable property of the county, since 1880, has increased in value over 61 per cent. The total amount of taxes charged in 1888, for all purposes, was $20,608. The population of Izard County at the end of each census decade, since its organization, has been as follows: 1830, 1,266; 1840, 2,240; 1850, 3,212; 1860, 7,215; 1870, 6,806; 1880, 10,857. The colored population in 1870 was 182, and in 1880, 222. Charles R. Aikin, a retired merchant of Calico Rock, Ark., was born in Colorado, in 1854, and is a son of William M. and Catherine W. (Rudolpli) Aikin, who were born in South Carolina and Mary- land, respectively. William Aikin removed to Arkansas in 1843 or 1844, and located in what was then Izard County (now Stone County), and these counties have since been his home, with the excep- tion of from 1852 to 1855, when he was a resident of Colorado. From 1861 to 1872 he resided in Batesville, Init upon the death of his wife, in the latter year, he removed from Batesville, and has made his home in Izard and Stone Counties since. He was a farmer during his early life, but after- ward gave his attention to merchandising, and was associated with Cox & Byers, at Sylamoro. He was married in 1850 or 1851, and he and wife be- came the parents of four children, Charles R., th(> subject of this memoir, being the only one living; Maggie L. (deceased) was the wife of Joseph Case, of Batesville, and died in 1881, leaving two chil dren, Maggie being the only one now living; the two other children died in infancy. Mr. Aikin has filled the ofSce of notary public, and w.is postmas- ter of Calico Rock for a number of years. He re sides in Sylamore, is sixty -six years of age, and is in the enjoyment of excellent health. Charles R. Aikin attended school in Batesville until he at- tained his sixteenth year, and then engaged in farmingfor himself on his father's farm, continuing thus occupied for three years; then entered college at Batesville, which institution he attended one year. He then entered the dry goods store of W. E. Maxwell, at Sylamore, but at the end of one year accepted a position in a store at Batesville, and after remaining in the employ of H. C. Smith for some time he returned to Sylamore and entered the employ of McMurtry & Whitfield. His next enterprise was to engage in merchandising in part- nership with W. E. Maxfield, but in 1879 he came to Calico Rock, and began working for that gen- tleman for a portion of the profits, and since li)iS8 924 HISTOKY OF AEKANSAS. has been out settling up the outstauding accounts of the business. He was married on the 22d of January, 1888, to Miss Mary B. Grimmett. He has been postmaster of this place for four or five years, is a Democrat politically, and belongs to the I. O. O. F. and the A. F. & A. M. He owns a good farm of eighty acres close to the town, well improved, besides other valuable property. A. G. Albright is one of the substantial resi- dents of Izard County, Ark., but his birth occurred in the "Old North State" October 9, 1838, his parents, Alvis and Mary A. (Stockard) Albright, being also born there, in 1808 and 1815, respective- ly. They were reared, educated and married in their native State, but about the year 1853 they moved to Arkansas, where they reared their family. Five sons and live daughters were born tc> them, and seven of their children are living at the pres- ent time. The father was an energetic tiller of the soil, in which occupation he acquired a hand- some competency, and at the time of his death, March 31, 1881, he was the owner of some 500 acres of land. He was also a minister of the gospel, being an expounder of the Methodist doc- trine, but, after his arrival in Arkansas, he and his wife attached themselves to the Cumberland Pres- byterian Church, Mr. Albright being identified with this church at the time of his death. His widow is still living, and resides with a daughter at Barren Fork. A. G. Albright, their son, was educated near Pittsboro, N. C, and after com- ing to Arkansas with his parents he united his destiny with that of Miss Sarah T. Screws, who was born in this State, being a daughter of George W. Screws. Of the family of eleven children born to them eight are living: George A., James G. , Sarah C, Harriet E., Nancy N. , Julia Esther, William F. and Lula J. Mr. Albright owns an excellent farm comprising 352 acres, of which there are about 160 acres under cultivation, and it is well stocked with all the necessary animals for success- fully conducting the place. In connection with this work he is engaged in general merchandising at Barren Fork, his stock at the present time in- voicing at about $8,000. He is a member of three secret organizations, the Masons, the Knights and Ladies of Honor, and the I. O. O. F. , and in the former order belongs to the Commandery. When the war, which had for some time been threaten- ing, at last became an assured fact, Mr. Albright joined Kelley's Ninth Battalion, and went to Ken- tucky, but was discharged on account of disability. The same year he joined Capt. Woods' company, Shaler's regiment, and served to the close of the war in the quartermaster's department, as regimen- tal carpenter. In the latter part of 18fi6 he re- turned home and engaged in the milling business with his father, and still later embarked in the occupations mentioned above. He and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and are active and liberal supporters of churches and schools, as well as all other worthy enterprises. J. H. Ayler, farmer, Melliourne, Ark. Among the younger members of the agricultural com- munity of Izard County there are none more de- serving of mention than Mr. Ayler, and on this account, no less than that he has resided in this county since about three years of age, he is ac- corded a worthy place in this volume. His birth occurred in Tennessee in 1848, and he came with his parents, Charles and Minerva E. (Robison) Ayler, to Arkansas, in 1851, and settled in Izard County. He assisted on his father's farm until twenty-one years of age, when he started out to fight life's battles for himself, and rented land for about sis years. He then purchased a farm of eighty-six acres, which he afterward increased to 286 acres, with sixty-five acres under cultivation, and has plenty of good stock to run his farm. In 1870 he was married to Miss Icj^ D. H. Cornelius, and they became the parents of these children: John P., born October 13, 1871, at home; Ada M., born February 21, 1873, at home; Lou N., born July 21, 1875; Nancy E., born November 23, 1877; Willie Maud, born February 1, 1880 (deceased); Nettie E., born February 19, 1883, and Grover H., born June 7, 1885. Mr. and Mrs. Ayler are mem- bers of the Christian Church, and in politics he is a Democrat. His parents were both natives of Tennessee. The father, Charles Ayler, was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools of Tennessee. He came to Arkansas in 1851, as s^ i -f '4^ IZARD COUNTY. 5»2r. above stated, and bought an unimproved farm in Izard County. After remaining on this farm for about fifteen years he sold out and bought an im- proved farm, close to where he first resided, and continued there about ten years. He then sold out, and bought another farm of 175 acres, where he remained until his death, which occurred in 1882, at the age of sixty-four years. He was twice mar- ried, the first time to Miss Minerva E. Robison, and by her became the father of seven children, five now living: J. H., William, Mrs. Nancy Evans, Mrs. Sarah E. Sterling and Mrs. Harriet J. Will- iams. The mother of these childi-on is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Ayler's second marriage was to Miss Amanda Taylor, in 1871, and they had a family of three children: Tennessee, Annie and John. Mr. Ayler was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Mrs. Ayler still survives him. Mrs. Minerva Ayler was married the second time to Henry Williams, and they reside in this county. John N. Bates, farmer, Franklin, Ark. Not withstanding the rapid growth of the agricultural affairs of the county in the last few years, and the progressive ideas advanced, Mr. Bates lias kept thoroughly apace with the times, and is considered one of the leading farmers of the county. His birth occurred in Bedford County, Tenn. , in 1829, and he is the son of J. A. and Elizabeth (Davis) Bates, the former a native of the Old Dominion, and the latter of South Carolina. J. A. Bates came to Tennessee about 1820, but previous to that had been a resident of Georgia and Alabama. He was principally reared in Georgia, and served in the War of 1812 up to 1815. He was also with Gen. Noonan's command, was in the Florida swamps in 1830, and was present when the chief, Osceola, was captured. During the War of 1812 he was a lieutenant, and served in that capacity until 1814 when, for his bravery and daring, he was promoted to the rank of captain, having piloted a boat-load of ammunition and provisions from Black Creek Station to Fort Scott. Fla. This boat-load of supplies had been ordered to Black Creek Station while Gen. Jackson was there, I)ut the commander at Fort Scott was hard-pressed. and had requested Gen. Jackson to come to his assistance. Lieut. Bates was off after deserters at this time, but when he returned to Black Creek Station he found Gen. Jackson gone, and the boat load of ammunition and provisions had arrived from the head of supjilies. There were not enough troops loft to guard the boat, so Lieut. Bates built breastworks on the boat and pushed off, reaching Gen. Jackson in safety. For this daring and almost impossible feat he was promoted to the rank of captain. He died in Coffee County, Tenn. in September, 1868, at the age of seventy-four years. Ho had l)0(>n twice married, first to Eliza beth Aulford, by whom he had three children, all daughters, Martha, Mary and Elizabeth, wife of a Mr. Carroll. Mrs. Bates died about 1819. and Mr. Bates was the second time married, to Miss Elizabeth Davis, in 1824. To this union were born seven children, six of whom lived to be grown. The yoimgest one died when quite small; Jasper M. resides in this county; Alethia (deceased), was the wife of J. S. Jones; John N., the subjiH^t of this sketch; Frances A., widow of J. Hickerson. now resides in Tennessee; Rebecca A. (deceased), wife of L. W. Angel 1, of Tennessee, and Louisa J. (deceased), was the wife of Alex. Oldfield. Mrs. Bates died in July, 1869. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bates were members of the Baptist Church, and he was a member of the Masonic fraternity. In politics he was a Whig. At the age of twenty-one years J. N. Bates started out for himself, after receiving a fair education in the common schools. He was a schoolmate of Judge Powell, of this county, in Bedford County, Tenn. He first began as a hired hand to learn the tanning business. boarded with his father, and worked for $5 per month for one year. In 1854 he commenced tan ning on his own account, and ran a yard for himself until 1864, when he lost all of his property. He then engaged in farming, and has foilowod this pursuit up to the pros(>nt. In March, 18(19, he came to this county, and settled on Strawljerry, where ho re- mained until 1876, when he sold out and Iwught his present property, consisting of 220 acres, 1(X) under cultivation, all the result of hard labor since the war. He was married, on the 4th of December, 926 HISTOKY OF ARKANSAS. 1849, to Miss Harriet L. Oldfield, a native of Ten- nessee, born on the 11th of November, 1827, and they are the parents of ten children, eight now liv- ing: Nancy E., widow of Dr. J. M. Beaver, and af- terward married to John C. Billingsley; Rhoda J., wife of James Billingsley; Eliza F., wife of F. M. Wolf; Charles L. lives in Texas; John L. resides in Lee County, Ark.; Mary F. (deceased); Laura A., wife of J. T. Robertson; Susan L., wife of Walter Hardaway; Lillie M., wife of James M. Godwin, and Carrie L. (deceased). Mr. Bates was not in the army, but was detailed to make shoes for the soldiers, and to continue the tanning business. Previous to the war he was a Whig, but since then he has voted with the Democratic party until 1880, when he supported the Green- back and Wheeler ticket. He and wife are mem- bers of the Cumberland Presbyterian Chiuch. The paternal grandfather of John N. Bates, Samuel Bates, was a soldier in the War for Independence, and served first, until the battle of Lexington, when he was captured by the English, and kept prisoner for three months. He then made his escape. He was a silversmith by trade, and the English kept him at work at his trade while a pris- oner. He then joined the army again, was at Yorktown, and was present at the surrender of Lord Cornwallis. After the war he located in Vir- ginia, where he reared his family. He worked at his trade and became wealthy, owning many ne- groes. In 1807 he moved to North Carolina. Dr. E. A. Baxter, Melbomne, Ark. It is the prerogative of the physician to relieve or alleviate the ailments to which suffering humanity is prone, and as such he deserves the most grateful consid- eration of all. A prominent physician, who by his own ability has attained distinction in his pro- fession, is Dr. E. A. Baxter. This gentleman was born in Batesville, Ark. , in 1853, and is the son of Elisha D. and Harriet N. (Patton) Baxter [see sketch of ex-Gov. Elisha Baxter]. Dr. Baxter was educated at Batesville, Ark. , received a good English education at that place, and in 1877 en- tered the University of Louisville, from which he graduated in March, 1879. He then returned home, remained a short time, and then came to Melbourne, where he located in the last named year. He immediately began practicing his pro- fession. Realizing that it was not good for man to be alone, he was married on the 23d of Decem- ber, 1882, to Miss Maggie Powell, daughter of William and Millie Powell, and niece of Judge Powell, of Melbourne. They are the parents of two children, only one living. Hattie M. The one deceased was named Alfred A. Dr. and Mrs. Baxter are both members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, and the Doctor is a member of the I. O. O. F., and also belongs to the Encamp- ment of that order. He makes no specialty in his line of practice, but has gained the confidence of all as a clever and scientific practitioner. He has been successful financially, accumulating property as rapidly' as could be expected in a healthy county like Izard. Coming as he does from one of the leading families of the State, and being well con- nected by marriage, the Doctor would be a very pojjular man even if it were not for his pleasant, social disposition, which has called around him many friends. Kind and obliging, open-hearted and free-handed, he is ever found at the bedside of the sick and helpless. He takes no active part in politics, and votes always for the good of his friends. He is a Republican, though he has voted with the Democratic party in this State. Elbert Benbrook is one of the most successful farmers and stockmen of Izard County, and de- serves much credit for the success which has at- tended his efforts, for when he began life for him- self he only owned one horse and rented land, whereas he is now the owner of 500 acres of as good land as there is in the county, and is one of the most successful stockmen of this region. He was born in Izard County, in 1838, and is a son of Henry and Catherine (Langston) Benbrook, who came from the State of Illinois in 1832, and settled on the farm on which our subject is now residing. The father was a miller as well as a farmer, and in 1848 erected one of the first mills in the county, and was also the proprietor of one of the first cotton-gins. Upon settling in this region their neighbors, with the exception of the families who came with them, were twenty miles distant, and ^^ ^rr -^ — Aj- IZARD COUNTY. 927 Indians and wild game of all kinds were very abundant. Flonring-mills were very few and far between in tlie region at that time, and their com i and wheat were ground t)y machinery of their own manufacture and wore of a very crude description. The first mill built in the county was said to have been erected by Laugsten Close, near Melbourne, in 1811), its capacity being one bucket of meal per day, but this was sufficient to keep all the families in meal within a radins of fifty miles. Wild honey was very al)undant, and as a means of carrying it in considerable quantities they would sew up a deer skin in the form of a sack, put the honey in at the neck, throw the same across their horse as a sack, and thus convey it home. A few elk were found in the region by the earliest settlers, but there was no bufPalo, although the country showed evidence of their having been here, as the woods were entirely free from underbrush, the canelirake being only along the streams. At the age of twenty- • three years Elbert Benbrook began managing a ] steam saw-mill, the first one of the kind in the county, it being erected by A. H. Matthews and Ben BufFord in 1858, but owing to the breaking out of the war he was compelled to give up the work. In 1802 he enlisted in the' Confederate sei-vice, but at the end of six weeks he was dis- charged on account of disability and returned home, where he engaged in teaching school for a short time. He then operated his father's carding ma- chine until after the close of the war, when he again embarked in saw-milling, and also managed the carding machine and followed farming up to 1S7:5. From 1878 to 1881 he ojierated a grist- mill, but since that time he has given his attention to farming and carpentering. He is a Democrat l)olitically. and has held the office of justice of the |)eace and deputy sheriff, and is the present in- cumbent of the latter office, to which he was ap- pointed in 1888, and had previously filled it from 1N74 to 1878. Margaret M. Berry became his wife in 1861, but her death occurred seven years later, she having borne a family of three children: Susan A. (wife of W. J. Hudson), Robert H., and JIartha 0. (wife of W. C. Rodman). Mr. Ben- brook wedded his second wife. Miss Sarah A. Mathes, in 18R8, biit after bearing three children, Margie A. , Dora and Allan H. , her death occurred in 1878, she having been a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, South. In the latter part of 1878 Mr. Benbrook wedded his present wife, Mrs. Elizabeth (Slyre) Rodman, and both are worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is a Royal Arch Mason. He is one of the men who has helped to build up the county and has always been noted for his Chris- tianity, benevolence, and high sense of honor. Uen Benbrook, farmer, Pinesville, Ark. Lo- cated in the midst of one of the finest agricultural centers of Izard County, the farm which Mr. Ben- brook occupies is conceded to be among the best in this vicinity, and this is saying not a littl<>. for on every hand may be seen superior places, whose ownership indicate thrift and prosperity. He is a native of this county, his birth occurring in 1849, and he is the son of Henry and Elizabeth (Tray- lor) Benbrook, natives of Illinois and Indiana, re- spectively. Henry Benbrook came to Izard Coun- ty, at a very early day, settled on a farm and tilled the soil, but in connection also carried on the mill- ing Inisiness. He and wife reared a family of ten children, eight now living: Maria J. (wife of David Smith), Uen, Armedia A. (wife of Green P. Staggs), Washington. Serenia V. (wife of A. J. Frank.s), Perry, Charlotte T. (wife of L. L. Bailey). Henry and Nancy (deceased). Mr. Benbrook died in 1872, at the age of sixty years, and Mrs. Ben- brook died in 1808, at the age of forty years. They were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he was a uiemlier of the A. F. & A. M. He had accumulated considerable pn)perty at the time of his death, and owned about 1, 8(H) acres of land, besides a gri.st-mill, two saw-mills and a water-gin and carding machine. He was one of the leading men of his day, and contributetl liberally to all worthy enterprises. Fen Benbrook remaineil on his father's farm until twenty-four years of age. and acquired a taste for agricultural pursuits which has adhered to him ever since. He receiveaat in many other hard fought battles, and served until the war closed. James H. Bone is a native of Izard County, born on the 18th of June. 1857, and is one of five living members of a family of ten children born to the marriage of A. W. Bone and Sarah L. McKee, both Tennesseeans, the former's birth occurring on the 8th of October, 1826. He gave his attention to farming throughout life, and is now residing on his farm of 200 acres in Izard County, Ark., there being about seventy-five acres of his land undei- cultivation. He and wife arc church membei-s, ho being a member of the Olil School Presbyterian Church and she of the Cumberland Presliyterian, and they are 8ul)stantiHl residents of the county. James H. Bone received a good practical education in his youth, and learned the rudiments of farm life from his father, who was a practical agricull urist, and by attending strictly to hisfiiosi-n calling he has done much to advance the reputation the county enjoys as a prosi)erous farming community. He is careful ami painstaking in the cultivation of his land, and very thorough in everything con- nected with its management, and of the 180 acres which he possesses he has about sixty acres under cultivation. He was married, in his native county, on the 7th of Fel)ruary, 1S7S, to Miss Amanda M. 932 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Taylor, a daughter of Stephen and Arena Taylor. Stephen Taylor was born in North Carolina, but moved to Tennessee at an early daj' and married there. He then came to Arkansas, after which his wife died, and later he married Miss Arena Hinkle who still survives, a resident of Izard County. She was born in the State of Tennessee. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Bone five children have been born: Fannie E. , AVilliam H., Sarah A., Stephen W. and Samuel J. Mr. Bone has held a number of local offices in his township, and he has always been ready and willing to support enter- prises of a worthy character. He and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. Mr. Bone's paternal grandfather came from Tennessee to Arkansas in 1840, and his great-grandfather, McKee, was born in Ireland. He went from there to Virginia. Grandfather McKee was born in Vir- ginia, in 1801 or 1802, and moved from there to Tennessee, and in 1851 he came to Arkansas. W. L. Bramblette is a farmer of Izard County, and although his land only amounts to eighty acres yet his farm is so well tilled that it yields a larger income than many larger farms. He was born in Murray County, Ga. , July 8, 1851, he being one of five sons and three daughters born to the mar- riage of Wiley Bramblette and Mary A. Howard, whose birthplace was in the ' ' Palmetto State, ' ' where they were reared and married. At the time of the father's death, which occurred in August, 1861, he owned about 200 acres of laud in Izard County, Ark., whither he had moved in the year 1856. His wife survives him and lives with her son, W. L. Bramblette, our subject. He was a Mason in good standing at the time of his death. W. L. Bramblette received the advantages of the common schools of Izard County in bis youth, and after attaining manhood was married in this county to Miss Sarah Mosier, whose native State was Ar- kansas, their nviptials Ijeing celebrated on the 27th of May, 1877, and to them were born five children, whose names are as follows: Owen M. , Minnie A., Arab B. , Buggie and Delia C. , all residing at home. Mr. Bramblette is a member of the Agricultural Wheel, and was president of this organization for one year. The family are attendants at the Baptist Church, to which our subject and his wife belong, and they are liberal contributors to enterprises tending to benefit the community in which they reside. G. W. Bray is one of the rising young farmers of this region, and since starting out in life for himself he has applied himself steadfastly to agri- cultural jjursuits, and with what success may be inferred when we mention the fact that since 1881 he has owned a good farm of 193 acres. He was born in Mississippi in 1851, and is a son of Will- iam and Permelia (Aikin) Bray, who were natives of Tennessee, but moved to Mississippi at an early day, where they engaged in farming, and reared their family of ten children, only two of whom are now living. Mr. Bray died in 1843, and in 1868 Mrs. Bray and her son, G. W. , came to Ar- kansas (whither her daughter Permelia, wife of W. F. Raider had previously come), their journey being made in an ox-cart, which they had bor- rowed. Mr. Bray now says at that time he had only $2 in cash, and that the oxen were borrowed from W. Garner, and the cart from Sandford Hames. The first two years after coming here he raised crops on shares, and then entered land, purchasing, in 1870, his first horse, for which he paid the sum of $80, 130 of which he earned by picking cotton on the bottom lands, and the balance he paid the follow- ing year. In 1871 he married Miss Alice Nail, who bore him five children: JohnH. , born in 1872; Martha B., born in 1873; William A., born in 1877; George W., born in 1879, and Newton E., born in 1882. This wife died in 1883. In 1881 he purchased his present property, and has thirty acres under cultivation and seventy-five acres im- proved with good fences, buildings, orchards, etc. , his building especially being in excellent condition. This property has all been acquired through unre- mitting toil and judicious management, and he may with tnith be called one of the self-made men of the county. He always favors public improve- ment, and although he never went to school a day in his life he is making every effort to give his children, Permelia R. , Isaac R., Mary B. and Ellen E. , the advantages of which he was deprived. Before coming to Arkansas, and for two years ^ e IZARD COUNTY. ysa i after, he supported his mother out of his \va<,'es earned by daily labor, and for this filial care if for nothing else ho deserves the respect of his fellow- men ; and when it is taken into consideration that he has manfully fought his way up to his ])resent position, and that he has been honest and upright in all his dealings, words are but meager things with which to express the admiration his conduct commands. In his political views he is a Demo- crat, and socially he is a member of the I. O. O. F. His wife, whom he married in 1883, was for- merlj' a Miss Docia Hames. E. A. Brown, one of the worthy residents of Izard County, Ark. , was born in Hall County, Ga. , on the 16th of August, 1824, and is a son of Will- iam and Nancy (Grimes) Brown, whose native State was South Carolina, the former's birth occur- ring in 1797. They were reared and married in their native State, and their union resulted in the births of four sons and five daughters, E. A. Brown being the only one of the family now living. The father was a carpenter by occupation, and died on the 26th of December, 1880, his death be- ing followed by his wife's on the 9th of January following. They were worshipers in, and consist- ent members of, the Presbyterian Church, and were worthy and honored residents of the community in which they resided. E. A. Brown was educated in the State of Georgia, near Lawrenceville, and after reaching manhood, was married there on the 14th of August, 1845, to Miss Susan Long, she being a native of the "Palmetto State," and a daughter of James and Margaret Long. At the time of his marriage Mr. Brown only owned a horse worth about $40, but, with the push and energy for which he has always been remarkable, he set bravely to work, and with the aid of his intelligent and estima- ble wife he has become the owner of 1,400 acres of land in Izard County and 9li0 acres in Sharp Coun- ty, about 875 acres of which are under cultivation. He is a member of the Masonic lodge,i8 a Democrat, in his political views, and on the breaking out of the late war he enlisted in the First Georgia Cav- alry, under Col. Morrison, and his first hard fight was near Knoxville, Tenn. He was discharged at Jacksonport in 1865. He and wife are members of the Baptist Church, and are tiie parents of the fol- lowing children: Henry, Wiley, Jane and Mollie. W. A. Bruuiitt, farmer, Franklin, Ark. This successful farmer was born in Fulton County, Ark., in 1859, and when only eleven years of age started out to fight life's Ijattle for himself. He first commenced as a hired hand, and for his serv- ices was boarded and clothed the first year, but the second year the same man paid him $12 a month for his labor. He confinuod working by the month on a farm until seventeen years of age, when he began traveling, and thus enjoyed himself for about twelve months, visiting as far north as Illi- nois and Kentucky, and as far south as Texas and the Indian Nation. When eighteen years of age he rented land and farmed in Sharp County, and when nineteen years of age he farmed and ran a cot- ton-gin. After this he rented the Wolf mill and con- ducted that for two years, after which he embarked in the distillery business for twelve months. lu 18S4 he bought his present property, consisting of 220 acres, with eighty under cultivation, and had this farm cultivated until 1889, when he took charge of the place himself. He was married in Decem- ber, 1878, to Miss Rebecca Jack.son, a native of this county, and born on the farm where they now reside. They are the parents of four childri'ii; Lucy A., W. P., Clara and James H. Mr. Bru- mitt has discharged the duties of justice of the peace in his township, and is now director of the public schools. He is a self-made man in everj- sense of the word and deserves the esteem of all for his enterprise and perseverance. His educa- tional advantages, as might be supposed, were rather limited, but by reading and observation he has become a well-informed man. He is a Repub- lican and is alive to the j)olitical issues of the day. His parents were R. H. and Elizabeth A. (Morris) Brumitt, natives of Tennessee and Kentucky, re spectively. R. H. Brumitt moved to Arkansas in 1857, entering land on Strawberry River, Fulton County, but only resided there three years, when he moved to Independence County, settling in the northeast part of the same. In 1862 he moved to Illinois, settling in Johnson County, and there I remained for four years. In 1867 hi' caim' b.'ick A S k^ 934 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. to his farm in Independence County, remained there until 1869, when he moved to Sharp County and there bought a farm of 360 acres. In 1883 he Bold this farm and moved to Izard County, locating near the center of the county ' on a farm of 340 acres. He has been married three times; lirst, to the mother of the subject of this sketch, and they became the parents of two childi-en: Na- thaniel (deceased) and W. A. Mrs. Brumitt was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and died in 1867, at the age of fifty-two years. Mr. Brumitt' s second marriage was to Mrs. P. M. Hotchkiss, nee Shanks, and they had six children, live now living: Martha, wife of William Fry; James F., resides in this county; Susan J., at home; Lucy F., Daniel H. and Mary A. (deceased). Mrs. Brumitt was a worthy member of the Baptist Church, and died in 1881. By his third marriage, to Mrs. Mahala Thompson, nee Richardson, he became the father of one child, Naomi A. Mr. Brumitt is a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge, and is still quite an active man. He is a Repub- lican, but does not take a very active part in poli- tics. Mrs. Brumitt is a member of the Primitive Baptist Church. Joseph L. Byler was born in Middle Tennes- see, in 1834, his father, John Byler, being also born in that State in 1797. The latter was a sol- dier in the War of 1812, and was the captain of a company, afterward being promoted to major, and this latter position he held until the close of the war. In the year 1820 he united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss Middia Adkinson, a daugh- ter of John Adkinson, and to their union seven children have been bom, two of whom are now living: Mary and Joseph L. He removed from Tennessee to Izard County, Ark., in the year 1847, and obtained a land warrant from the government for 160 acres of land, which he farmed with suc- cess up to the time of his death, in 1873. His wife died in Bedford County, Tenn. , in 1844. At the age of eighteen years Joseph L. Byler engaged in farming and stock raising, and in these two enter- prises, which have been his chief calling through life, he has met with marked success. He owns 250 acres of land on Rocky Bayou, and has about ninety acres under cultivation, which he devotes principally to the raising of cotton, corn and small grain. In addition to this, he owns a large cot- ton-gin and gi'ist-mill, which he has operated for the past twelve years, last year putting up 166 bales of cotton, and since 1887 he has been en- gaged in merchandising, and has a fair patronage. Since Cleveland's administration he has held the office of postmaster of Alder, and socially is a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellow's fraterni- ties. He is a thorough, enterprising business man, has a host of friends, and is recognized by all as a good citizen. In 1854 he was married to Rachel, the daughter of John and Elizabeth Gray, of Izard County, but she died in 1868, leaving him with a family of five children to care for: Augusta C, Mary E., Mentian, Sarah J. and Rachel R. In 1871 he was married to his second wife, whose maiden name was Lettie W. Woody, she being a daughter of Joseph and Sarah Woody, of Izard County. They have a family of three children: Dixie E., Joseph G. and Edna. Mr. Byler served in the Confederate army under Capt. Gibson and Col. Shaler from 1861 to 1865, being in the in- fantry, and was a participant in a number of bat- tles. He is now a stanch Democrat in his polit- ical views, and for a number of years has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. William W. Campbell. The farm which Mr. Campbell now owns and conducts in such an enter- prising and industrious manner embraces 340 acres of land, of which 125 are under cultivation, forming one of the neat, comfortable homesteads of this township. The improvements upon it are convenient and complete, and, no doubt, one reason of his success in this calling is the fact that from his earliest youth he has been familiar with the duties of farm labor. He was born in the "Old North State" in 1838, his father, William R. Campbell, also being born there, the latter's birth occurring in 1813. The latter received a somewhat limited education in his youth, but in his business enterprises was quite successful, and be- came the owner of 550 acres of land. He was married to Miss Mary Howard, a daughter of John Howard, of Iredell County, and to their union a ^1 IZARD COUNTY. family of eleven children were born, seven sons and four daughters: James A., William W., Sarah A., Faunie, Martin H. , Augustus W., Henry F., Samuel P., Mary, Preston B. and Alice. The family emigrated from North Carolina to Izard County, Ark., in 1856, and here Ijocame prominent citizens. The father purchased 200 acres of land, which he devoted principally to raising corn and small grain, and during his life- time he was quite active in politics, and held the office of magistrate for some years. He volun- teered to serve in the Mexican War, but before he entered service peace was declared. He, as well as his wife, were active members of the Mission- ary Baptist Church, and his death occurred in Izard County, Ark., in 1883. William W. Camp- bell received a common school education in North Carolina, and, in 1859, began life for himself in Izard County, with the results above stated. Upon the breaking out of the Civil W'av he (>nlisted in the infantry, bxit later joined the cavahy, being under Gens. McCarver and Hardy, but was dis- charged while serving under the latter, at Poca- hontas. He next enlisted under Gen. Shaler, and was taken prisoner at Cape Girardeau, Mo., and was taken to St. Louis, where he was confined for six months. He served in all four years. He is a Mason, a member of the I. O. O. F., and is a man who enjoys an extensive acquaintance, and is highly respected. He has been married three times; fir.st, in 1860, to Miss Hiley J. Walker, a daughter of John Walker, of Izard County, but she died in 1863, leaving one child, Pierce W. She was a member of the Baptist Church, and was an estimable woman in every respect. In 1864 Mr. Campbell took for his second wife Miss Hiley J. High tower, Nathan High tower's daughter, but her death occurred in 1876, she having borne him two children, Sarah A. and Martha J. She was also a consistent member of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Caroline Smith became his third wife in 1883, her father's name being Andrew James. This mar- riage resulted in the birth of the following family: Patrick O. , Edward B. , Augustus A. and Maggie O. Henry F. Campbell is a native of North Caro- lina, born in 18-i8, and like the majority of the ^^^=4^ native born residents of that State, he i.-< .■ii.>rg(tic and enterprising. A short history of his father, William R. Campbell, appears in the sketch of Milliam W. Campbell. Henry F. Campbell re- ceived the education and rearing which is usually given the farmer's boy, and after reaching man- hood was married in Izard County, Ark., to Miss Mary E. Helen, a daughter of George C. Helen, of this county. To them have been born the fol- lowing interesting family of children: James T., William C, Mary E., and Cornelia F. Like so many of the substantial citizens of this country at the present time, Mr. Campbell was initiated into the mysteries of farm life from the very fii-st, and this has since continued to be the calling to which his attention has been directed. He now owns and operates 240 acres of land in Izard County, and has sixty-five acres under cultivation, which he de- votes to the raising of cotton, corn and oats. In 1880 he erected a cotton-gin on his farm, which has been in operation each succeeding year, and in 1888 he ginned 140 bales of cotton. He built a substantial residence in 1881; and is one of the largest and most successful fruit growers in this section of the country. His marriage occurred in 1874, and his wife lived until the 7th of March, 1889, when she was called to her long home. She was a consistent member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, South, and Mr. Campbell belongs to the Baptist Church. His mother was born in North Carolina in 1816, her parents being also natives of that State, and they were the parents of * the following family of children; Martin, James. Polly, Sarah, Lemira iind Millie. John W. Cone, farmer, Newburg, Ark. Mr. Cone is one of the rejiresentative young farmers of Newburg Townshi[). and is closely a.ssociated with the agricultural affairs of the county. His birth occurred on the 5th of July, 1850, in Tenue.ssee, and his youth was passed in attending the common schools and in assisting his father on the farm in Tennessee. He came with his father to Arkansas, in 1870, and settled on the farm where he now re- sides. Four years later ho wedded Miss Mollie A. Freeman, a native of Tennessee, but who vnxa reared in Arkansas, this county. Four children — V k 936 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. are the result of this union: George T., Cora E., Bosa H. and John B. Mr. Coue commenced farm- ing for himself at the age of twenty- one years on his father's land, and at the end of two years bought his present property, which then consisted of 140 acres, but he has added to this until he now has 260 acres with 160 under cultivation. Soon after arriving at his majority he commenced travel- ing, and journeyed over Tennessee, Kentucky and Illinois, and did not commence saving anything for a rainy day until twenty -five years of age. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , is a Democrat in his political views, and he and wife are members of the Christian Church. His parents, Bev. G. W. and Margaret (Howland) Cone, were natives of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively. G. W. Cone was a minister in the Christian Church, and followed this calling for forty years, although in connection he also carried on farming. He was married in Tennessee, in 1847, and lived there until 1870, when he moved to Izard County, Ark., and settled on the farm adjoining his son's (John W. Cone) tine tract of land. There he now resides and is in his seventy-third year, but is still active and in the enjoyment of comparatively good health. He was quite well off previous to the war, but lost the principal part of his property during that ex- citing period. He and wife reared a family of eight children, all living: Tennessee, wife of B. F. Smith, of this county; John W., J. B., resides in this county; Mary J., wife of W. C. Bounds, and lives in Texas County, Mo. ; I. N., wife of W. C. Aylor; Cassie M., wife of C. E. Jett; Maggie W. , wife of H. Lacy, and Thomas F., who lives in this county. The mother of these children is in her fifty- eighth year. The paternal grandfather was of Irish descent as was also the grandmother, whose maiden name was Norwood. The maternal grandparents of John W. Cone were John F. and Ellen (Miller) Howland, and the grandfather was a soldier in the Mexican War. J. M. J. Conyers deserves honorable mention as one of the successful agriculturists of Izard County, and, owing to his own enterprise and push, he has become the owner of 307 acres of land, with about 110 acres under cultivation, all of which is located in Dry Town Township. He was born in Hart County, Ky. , March 6, 1836, and is one of three sons born to P. C. and Eliza (Ralston) Conyers, both of whom were born on Blue Grass soil, and were there reared, educated and married. After the death of his wife, in 1838, he espoused Miss Tabitha Gouch, she also being a Kentuckian; their union was consummated in March, 1842. This marriage resulted in the birth of thirteen children, of which family three were boys and the rest girls. Seven of these children are now living. At the time of Mr. Conyers death, March 4, 1865, he was the owner of 240 acres of land. His widow -survives him, and resides with a son in Izard County, Ark. The father was a Mason, and a member of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church. J. M. J. Conyers received an ex- cellent education in Henry County, Tenn., but in the year 1867, he removed to Arkansas, and was afterward married to Miss Nannie Billington, a daughter of William and Pemelia Billington, of Tennessee. To their marriage, which occurred on the 6th of February, 1867, have been born a fami- ly of eleven children (eight of whom are living): William P., Thomas A., Franklin M. , James A., Newton A., Nathaniel E. , Dora A., Nancy A., Mary E. , Jeptha A. and Sarah J. Mr. Conyers has held the office of Junior Deacon in the Masonic order, and in public life has been deputy sheriff of the county, and has also held the position of constable of his township. He and wife worship in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, of which he has been a worthy member since 1853. David Craige, proprietor of the Izard County Register, Melbourne, Ark. The name of Craige is honorably connected with the prosperity and happiness of Melbourne and the county of Izard, for his paper enters the homes of many, and with its progressive ideas and newsy articles, receives a ready welcome. This paper is the only one in the county. David Craige is a native of Rowan County, N. C, born in the year 1836, and is the son of John and Jane (Thomason) Craige, both natives of North Carolina, The father was a de- scendant of a Scotch family, and owned a number of slaves. He was a Democrat, but not active in -5.pr IZARD COUNTY. St:{7 polities. He ilied aliunt 1847, at the ajije of forty- five years, ami bis wife died about 1840, at the age of thirty five years. The paternal grandfather served as a colonel dining the entiri> War for In- dependence. David Craige divided his time in early youth in assisting on the farm and in at- tending the common schools of his county. At the age of fifteen years he commenced serving an ap- prenticeship at the printer's trade in Lincolnton, N. C. , and after following this for some time, he came to Batesville. Ark., in lSr)2, and went to work on the Commercial Standard, run by John C. Claiborne. Mr. Claiborne only ran the paper a year, when he sold to Urban E. Fort, and the name and political status were changed from a Democratic to a Whig. It then became known as the Independent Balance, and was run under that name until the commencement of the war. About 1855 Prof. M. Shelbj' Kennard assumed control of the paper, and through all the political changes Mr. Craige worked at this paper until the breaking out of the war. On account of poor health he was exempt from service, and during the war, and for a few years afterward, he was engaged in agricnl- tural pursuits on North Fork and Piney Bayou. In 1871 he returned to the printing business and worked on the North Arkansas Times, published by Charles Maxwell and Dr. ]M. McClure of Bates- ville, Ark., and Democratic in its principles. He continued with this paper until 1873, when he went to Jacksonport, and was engaged as journey- man on the Statesman, a Republican journal, edited by John Fagan. From 1873 to 1883 Mr. Craige merely rusticated, for his health was quite poor at that time. In 1883 or 1884 he took charge of the Sharp County Record for J. W. Buckley, and managed that for three years. In January, 1887, he first leased the Register, but in No- vember, 1888, purchased the same, and runs the paper in the interests of the Democratic party. Ho was married March 20, 1887, to Jliss Elizabeth Campbell, daughter of Archibald Campbell, of this county, who was originally from Iredell County, N. C. , and is one of the old settlers of Izard County. Mr. Craige is now permanently located, having married in his fifty- first year, and with the 59 extensive circulation his paper has already ob tained, commands the respect and confidence of many of the reading pulilic. Politically he is. of course, a Democrat. Dr. John M. Creswell is a native of Izard County, and was born on the 20th of May. 1 857. being one of nine living members of a family of eleven children born to James C. and Martha (Mann) Creswell, the former a native of Arkansas, born in 1826, and the latter of Tennessee. James received a very limited education in his youth, and afterward followed the occupation of farming: and although he was badly crippled financially during the war, by diligent subsequent labors he was the owner of a good farm of 1(50 acres at the time of his death, on the 2l8t of March, 1881. In 18*58 he moved to Bell County, Tex., but not liking the country he returned to Arkansas at the end of six months, and settled at Sylamore (now in Stone County), but two years later ciime to Izard County. He served in the Confederate army from 18(53 to 1865, and was captain of his company, being under Gen. Price, and was with him on his raid through Missouri, participating in the battle of Pilot Knob. He surrendered at Jacksonport. Ark., June 5. 186r(, and then returned home. He was married in 1854. the following being his children, who are now living: John M.. Solon M.. Cyrus J.. James L. . Rufus C. Martha D. (wife of J. D. Denton), Will- iam D., HaiTiet E. and Homer Z. Mr. Creswell was a member in good standing of the A. F. & A. M. at the time of his death, and was a man who took great interest in all worthy public movements and gave his children good educational advantages. His widow survives him. Dr. John M. Creswell was reared on a farm but spent the most of his time in school, being an attendant of the La Crosse Academy from 1871 to 1878, the institution at this time being under Profs. H. C. Tipton and ^I. Shelby Kennard. In 1880 he entered the St. Louis Homtepathic College and gi-adnated from this in- stitution two years later, delivering the valedictory address at the commt>ncemi>nt exercises, and was honorably mentioned in Materia Medica and Surg ei"y. He has been engaged in practicing at his present location ever since, and lias won an envi- •*j N- 938 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. able reputation among the medical fraternity of the county, and is acknowledged by all to be a successful physician. On the 7th of May, 1885, he was united in marriage to Miss Martha C. Peel, of Izard County, and by her became the father of one child, who is deceased. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is a Royal Arch Mason, and a member of the I. 0. O. F. The paternal grandparents, James L. and Margaret (Laferty) Creswell, were very early settlers of Izard County, and here the grandfather died at the age of fifty-five years; four of his sisters also died when fifty five years of age. The maternal grandfather. Rev. John H. Mann, was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and came to Izard County from the State of Tennessee in 1830. His death occurred in 1872, aged sixty. Wiley Croom is a Tennesseean, bom in 1840, and a son of Denajah and Mary (Daniel) Croom, who were born, reared and married in North Caro- lina, the latter event taking place in 1825. The father was born in 1805, and about 1828 or 1830 removed to the State of Tennessee, and was there engaged in farming up to 1849, when he came to Arkansas, and after renting land one year he re- turned to Tennessee. He continued to make his home in this State until 1854, and from that time until 1856 he was a resident of Lawrence County; then resided one year in Greene County, Mo., after which he again returned to Lawrence County. He here purchased 160 acres of land, which he was engaged in farming until 1863, at which date he removed to Illinois and farmed on rented land until 1866. From that time until his death, in 1871, be was a resident of Lawrence County, Ark. He was a member of the Baptist Church, as was his wife, whose death occurred in 1870, she being a daughter of Owen Daniel, of North Carolina. Of sixteen children born to Mr. and Mrs. Croom, the following are now living: Nancy, wife of Eph- raim Sharp, of Lawrence County, Ark. ; Elizabeth, Mariah, wife of Whit B. Smith; Jesse, Wiley, Hiram, and Drucilla, the wife of John M. Smith. Wiley Croom, our immediate subject, began life for himself in 1865. farming on rented land for two years, and then purchased a farm of I'iO acres in Izard County, the tilling of which has since re- ceived his attention, but his acreage is now 185, and he has sixty -five under the plow. Since 1878 he has been engaged in grist-milling in Oxford, at which time he erected a substantial mill, and in these two enterprises the results have been highly satisfactory. His union to Miss Sarah J. Pearson occurred in 1866, she being a daughter of Thomas Pearson, of Lawrence County, Ark. , and to them have been born five sons and three daughters : Mary M., wife of J. L. Smith, of Oxford; David F.. Hiram F., Ida J., wife of A. H. Caldwell, of Ox- ford; Denajah, Anna B., Thomas W. and Grover C. Mr. Croom is a Democrat. In 1861 he en- listed in the Confederate army, under Col. McCar- ver, find was in many important battles during his service. He was captured at Big Black, Miss., and taken to Fort Delaware, on the Delaware River, and was kept there until September, then being taken to Point Lookout, on the Chesapeake Bay. He was kept in captivity from May 17, 1863, till January, 1864, when he was released and returned to Arkansas. Here he again entered the service, this time enlisting under Capt. Wiley Jones, and served until the surrender at Jacksonport, in 1865. Marion D. Crutchfield was born in Orange County, N. C. , in 1846, and is a son of James W. Crutchfield, who was born in North Carolina, July 6,1811. The latter first married Levina, the daugh- ter of Alex. Lashley, their union taking place on the 13th of March, 1836, but her death occurred the following year, she having borne one child, Salina. For his second wife he took, in 1841, a daughter of Acquilla Jones, her name being Sallie P., and three sons and three daughters have been born to them. Mr. Crutchfield emigrated from North Carolina to White County, Ark., in 1849. and here he took up government land to the amount of 160 acres, near Searcy, but the follow- ing year he moved to Newton County, and bought eighty acres and entered eighty acres more, and here made his home until his death in 1860, his wife, who was a member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, having died here a j'ear earlier. Marion D. Crutchfield, having learned farming and blacksmithing of his father, began doing for him- IZARD COUNTY. MQ self in 1861, and when the war broke out be joined tlie infantry, but afterward joined the cavalry un- der Capt. Harvey Lane. In 1868 he was captured in Newton County, Ark. , and at the end of about three weeks, after being kept at Springfield, was released, and joined the Federal army. After his return home he resumed farming and blacksmith- ing, and by his own good management has a fine farm of 580 acres, with 250 acres under cultiva- tion, his principal products being corn, cotton, millet and the small grains. He has a fine fruit orchard of about 500 bearing trees, and, take it all- in-all, he has one of the finest and best improved farms in the county. In connection with his farm work, he has also been engaged in blacksmithing. He is a Democrat, a member of the I. O. O. F., and he and wife, whom he married on the 7th of Jan- uary, 1869, and whose maiden name was Martha M. Cargill, are members of the Methodist Epis- copal Chiu'ch, South, and are the parents of the following children: Lueian E., Ida A., Elmer W. and Henry G. Those deceased are James P, , Florence I. and Marion F. His wife was born in Kentucky in 1846, and is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Cargill, the former a native of North Carolina, born in 1812, and the latter of Kentucky, born in 1819. This couple became the parents of the following family: William, James, Mary E., Sarah M. and Susan S. ; and those deceased are Thomas C. , Jonathan and Louiza. Mr. and Mrs. Cargill are residing in Izard County, and the former is a member of the Baptist Church. Thomas P. Cypert was born in Wayne County, Tenn. , in 1820, his parents, Jesse and Jemima (Worthen) Cypert, being Virginians by liiiih. To them were born seven sons and four daughters: Nancy, Elizabeth, John, Zacharias, William, James W., Thomas P., Robert J., Jesse Newton, Sarah W. and Felicia Ann. At an early day the parents moved to Wayne County, Tenn., where thoy en- J tered land, and followed the occupation of farm- I ing for many years. The father served in the | War of 1812. and died in Tennessee in 1856, and liis wife in 1858. Thomas P. Cypert embarked in j life for himself in 18-12, following the occupation I of farming, and by energy and good management has become the owner of 160 acres of land, fifty of which are under cultivation and are devoted to the cultivation of corn, cotton and small grain. He also raises considerable stock. In 1861 he en- listed in the infantry under Capt. Deason, and was with the troops stationed at Bowling (ireen, Kv.. during that year, but after participating in the battle of Shiloh, the following year he was dis charged, and upon returning resumed farming, which occupation has since received his attention. He has been a resident of Izard County. Ark., since 1852, and is considered by all one of its in dustrious and enterprising citizens. The year 1846 witnessed his marriage to Miss Temperance Brown, a daughter of Levi Brown, by whom he became the father of eleven children: John T. , Sarah A., Delphina. Mary. Levi J., Jesse N., Jemima C, Mack, Lydia. George W., Emma F.. Levi and Jesse (twins). William Davis is one of the old and highly honored residents of Izard County, and durinir the many years devoted to agricultural pursuits in this region he has become well and favorably known. His farm comprises 252 acres, of which eighty acres are under cultivation, and it is well improved with good buildings and orchards. Some portions of his land are underlaid with minerals and are con- sidered very valuable. He was born in Campbell County, Tenn., in 1815, and is a son of James Davis, who was born in Kentuck.y. The latter re- ceived a liberal education in his youth, and gave « his attention to the occupation of farming. He served in the ^\'ar of 1812, was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church, and after his marriage to Miss Sallie Cushenbury, of Tenue8.see, he re- moved to Kentucky (in 1829), where he purcha.sed land and reared his family of six sons and six daughters: Patsey, Nancy, Baxter, (teorge, Anna, James, Ursula, William, Ferroliy. Joseph, John and Emaiuiel. William Davis, the immediate sub ject of this sketch, was married to Miss Bethenia Dobbs, of Kentucky, in 1.835. but her death oc- 1 curred in 1858, she having borne a family of eleven children, eight of whom survive: Mary A.. James, Emanuel, Ferrol>y, Simon, Mark, Ollie and Nancy. In the latter part of 1858 Mr. Davis took ^ 940 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. for his second wife Harriet A., the daughter of Isaac Bettis, of Izard County, Ark. This union resulted in the birth of twelve children, seven now living: William A. Baxter, Rufus M., Martha E., Anthony W. , Tennessee and Minnie L. Their son, Rufus M., was married in 1888 to Miss Julia Cunningham, of Izard County, and they reside on the homestead with Mr. Davis. They have one child, Willie. The family attend the Missionary Baptist Church, of which Mr. and Mrs. Davis have long been members. W. O. Dillard. The family of which the sub- ject of this sketch is a representative, is one well known to the people of Izard County, for one or more of its members have been identified with its agricultural interests since 1849, when Alex. Dil- lard and his family located here. The latter was married to Delilah Legau, both being natives of Tennessee, and, throughout his entire life, he was engaged in farming and merchandising, following the latter occupations at Spring Creek and Flat Woods after coming to Arkansas. He served as justice of the peace and deputy sheriff of his coun- ty, and, during the time he served in the latter capacity, he transacted the greater portion of the business which should have been attended to by the sheriff. He was quite a wealthj' man prior to the war, and owned several negroes, but his losses during the rebellion were very heavy, and these he never fully regained. He died in 1867, at the age of fifty-nine years. To his marriage, which occurred in 1825, were born a family of seven chil- dren, three of whom lived to be grown, and two now living: J. A., a resident of this county, and W. O. John C. died while serving in the Mexican War, being sergeant of his company. Both par- ents were meaibers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and the mother's death occurred in 1837 or 1838. Mr. Dillard's second wife was Mary Wood, of Tennessee, and she is now the wife of John Anderson. W. O. Dillard remained with his father until twenty-seven years of age, then commenced for himself, farming on his own land, which was situated on White River, in Izard Coun- ty. This property he sold in 1806, and bought 202 acres on another portion of White River, about eighty acres of which are under cultivation, and in addition to this owns 1,000 acres, the entire amount of his land under cultivation amounting to 250 acres. In 1862 he joined the Confederate army as a private, but was afterward promoted to the rank of second lieutenant, and served three years under Col. Freeman, and was with Price on his raid through Missouri. He suiTendered at Jacksonport, Ark. , on the 5th of June, 1865, and returned home and resumed farming. From 1869 to 1875 he was successfully engaged in merchandis- ing, and since that time he has been occupied with farming. He was married, in 1857, to Miss Aver- illa Jeffrey, but she died in 1868, after having borne four children, three now living: James L. , Nancy J. , wife of Neely Talley, and Alex. Mary E. is deceased. In 1869 Mr. Dillard wedded his second wife, she being a Mrs. Sarah Slavens, and to them three childi'en have been born: J. J., John C. and W. O. Mr. Dillard was called upon to mourn the death of this wife in 1879, and in 1881, his third wife, who was a Miss Sallie Harris, also died, their marriage having been consummated in 1880. His marriage to his present wife, who was a Miss Adelaide Cantrell, took place in 1883. They have two children: George C. and Charley R. Mr. Dillard's first two wives were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, his third wife was a Cumberland Presbyterian, and he and his present wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a Democrat, a member of the A. F. & A. M. , and is a man who favors and sup- ports all laudable enterprises, especially those con- nected with churches and schools. George J. Dillard is a native-born resident of Izard County, Ark. , and was born in the year 1850. He is a son of Hill and Eliza (Creswell) Dillard, the former's birth having occurred in the "Old Dominion," in 1814. The fatherwasone of the leading farmers of the section in which he resid- ed, and during slavery times, owned a great many negroes. Although he received a limited early education, he possessed sound judgment and a keen and active intellect, and was a man who stood well in the estimation of all who knew him. The fol- lowing family wereborn to himself and wife: Eliza- ■^s- ■S k^ IZARD COUNTY. 941 betb, the wife of B. T. Roose; Martha, also married, Sarah, now Mrs. Billingsley, all of whom reside iu this county. Mr. Dillard removed to this county and State in 1836, coming overland, and entered a large tract of land, and, at the time of his death, owned about 1,000 acres. He built him a cedar- log hilt in the woods and in this primitive struct- ure, his son, George J. Dillard, was born. After making this county his home until 1863 he moved to the State of Texas, where he died two years later. George J. Dillard, like his father, has fol- lowed the occupation of farming all his life, and like him, has been successful. His farm, which comprises 264 acres, of which 130 acres are under cultivation, he devotes chiefly to raising cotton, corn and small grains, and throughout the county he is well and favorably known. Although he at- tended the La Crosse school for some time, which was under the management of Prof. Kennard, his early education was somewhat limited, but by read- ing and contact with the world, he is considered one of the well posted men of the county. In 1872 be was married to Miss Rebecca Shell, a daughter of AVilliam and Catherine Shell, of Izard County, and l)y her has a family of seven children: Edward, William D. , Ollie, Elizabeth, James, Hul)l)ard and Catherine. William K. Estes, county and circuit clerk, Melliourne, Ark. In his present position as clerk of the county and circuit court of this county, Mr. Estes is proving himself to be efficient and popu- lar, and the manner in which he has acquitted himself has justly won him the name of being possessed of more than ordinary business aliility. He is a native-born citizen of this county, his birth occurring on the 5th of September, 1853, and he is the son of Thomas N. and Lucy R. (Johnson) Estes, and the grandson of Burris and Martha (Morris) Estes, natives of North Carolina. The grandfather came to Tennessee at an early day, and was there married about 1825. He was a leading agriculturist, and died near the close of the late war, leaving consideralile property in land and slaves. He was a member of the Baptist Church, as was also his wife, who died shortly after his death. The paternal gieat-grandfather of William K. Estes was an officer in the war for independence, and had in the same army with him- self eleven cousins of the same name and sons of one father. He drew from the government 600 acres of land, and located his claim in Henry County, Tenn., where he passed his last days. Thomas N. Estes was born in Tennessee, but moved to this State in 1852, and was married that year to Miss Lucy R. Johnson, who bore hiui three children: W. K., John J. (who is a book- keeper at Evening Shade, Sharp Coimtj'), and Sam uel C. (who is clerking in a dry goods store, at Ash Flat, Ark.) The mother of these children died in 1858. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Estes was married the second time, in 1869, to Mrs. Minerva R. Wilson, tiee Kimmins; both are members of the Baptist Church. The same year they moved to Izard County, where Mr. Estes has a fine farm of 200 acres, with thirty or forty under cultivation, and on which are good buildings, etc. In 1849 he crossed the plains to California, and after suffering untold hardships and after being on the road over six months, reached that State. He then followed mining until 1852, met with rea- sonable success and returned to Arkansas in the above mentioned year. He was countj' clerk of Fulton County from 1862 to 1864, and also served in the Confederate army. William K. Estes' early life was divided between assisting on the farm and in attending the common schools of bis county. At the age of twenty years he started out for himself by continuing the pursuit to which he had been reared, and followed this occupation uninterrupt edly for a long time. In 1879 be moved to the city, and served as deputy clerk from that timeun til 1884, when be was elected county clerk, though he had first been deputy clerk in November, 187<'). He tilled this ofiice in such a capable and efbcieiit manner, and so popular did be become, that be was complimented by being re-elected in 1886, serving until 1888. He has been twice married: first, in 1873, to Mi.S8 Lurana E. Wilson, l)y whom he bad five children: Lucy E., Walter H., Jasper M., Allie M. and Ford W. Mrs. Estes was born on the 3d of March. 1855, and died on the 13tb of August, 18S6. She was a member uf the Baptist rof five cbildren: Henry E., Frank P., Charles E., Rich- ard R. and Sallie. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery are both members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and he is Democratic in his political views. John W. Jones, M. D., is one of the oldest aiid best known physicians in Izard County, Ark., and was born in Giles County, Tenn., on the 1st of March, 1832. He inherits Welsh blood from his paternal ancestors, his grandfather, Wiley, and his great grandfather, John Jones, having been born in that countrj-. They came to America a short time prior to the Revolutionary War, and John took an active part in that struggle, taking sides with the colonists in their struggle for liberty, serving throughout the entire war as a private. He afterward settled in Virginia, near the North Carolina line, but after these two States were divided his home was found to be on the North Carolina side, and in this State he died near Char- lotte in 1807. Wiley Jones and his wife, who was also born in Wales, removed to the State of Ten- nessee at a very early day, and there he reared his family and engaged in farming, being the owner of a large amount of property, both personal and real. He died in 1827. His son Ceberu was born in North Carolina, and in his youth learned the boot and shoe maker's trade, which business he conducted in Nashville from 1803 to 1871, his death occurring in the latter year. He was mar- ried, in 1827, to Miss Selina W. Mealor, and their marriage was blessed in the birth of four children, John W. and William being the only ones now living, the latter a farmer of Greene County, Mo. The mother's death occurred in 1837, and Mr. Jones took for his second wife Miss Sarab Stephens, their union resulting in the birth of four sons and three daughters: ^larj' A., the widow of James Cash; Sarah A., Christina, George W., Thomas N., Newton J. and Louis E. Mr. Jones and this wife were divorced, and he espoused his third wife in Nash^dlle, Tenn. He was a member of the Old School Presbyterian Church, and in his political views was a W hig. Hi.s son. Dr. John W. Jones, was reared to farm life, but lived in the villages of Louisburg and Connersville; receiving his early .scholastic advantages in the schools of those places and Jackson College, at Columbia, Tenn., which institution ho entered when seventeen years of age, remaining one term. Upon leaving school he learned the harness maker's and saddler's trade, but after following this occupation two years he came to Arkansas in 1855, and settled in Inde- pendence County, whore he was engaged in teach- ing school, following this occupation in Polk Bayou, and afterward in Searcy County. During his days of podagoguing his leisure moments were devoted to the study of medicine with the view to making it his calling through life, and in ISfiO he entered upon his practice continuing until the opening of the rebellion, when he joined the Confederate forces as a private, and after serving one month was promoted to the position of assistant surgeon and filled the position three years. He took part in a number of battles. Pea Ridge, luka and Cor- inth being among the number. He was taken pris- oner at Port Hudson, but after being kept in cap- tivity for sis days he was ]>arolod and returned to Searcy County, Ark., where he again resumed the practice of his profession. In 1865 he located at Evening Shade, and after teaching school for twenty months he again entered upon the practice of medicine, being in partnership with Dr. Hill. but this connection only continued a short time.. He moved to near La Crosse in IStJS, but in 1N73 he came to Izard County and settled on the old Langston place, where he remained seven years. He purchased his present property at the end of that time, and l)y adding forty acres now has a farm comprising 100 acres, with about twenty acres under cultivation. Prior to the war, in 1S(51, he attended the Medical College, of St. Louis, Mo., but owing to some disagreement between Prof. McDowell and some of his German and Irish students the institution was closed. Dr. Jones is a member of the A. F. & A. M., the I. O. O. F., and in his political views is a Demo carpenter's trade exclusively. He was there married to Miss Mennox, who came over from Ireland when he did, and who settled in Nashville, Tenn. Both he and wife were orphans, and came over from the old country with an old man and his family. In 1860 they settled at Batesville, Independence County, remained there for some time, the father engaging in the carpenter business, and then moved to Izard County, where he still continued his trade up to 1870, after which he embarked in the mercantile business. In 1884 he retired to private life on his farm, and there received his linal summons, in 1886, at the age of liftysix years. Mrs. Kerr still survives and resides on the old homestead. Mr. Kerr was a member of the Masonic fraternity, and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which his wife is still a member. Dr. J. A. Kerr received his education in the j)ublic schools of his county until 1880, when he entered the Medical College at Louisville, and attended regu- larly until 188"J, when he graduated. He then returned immediatel)' to Izard County and entered ui)on the practice of his profession at this place, and his reputation as a physician and surgeon, as well as in private life, is an enviable one. The Doctor is vet a voung man. as his birth occurred in hS-JT, and he was married in 1882 to Miss Emma ^\■ood, of this county. The fruits of this union have been four children, three now liviug: Clarence E. (deceased), Neely T. , Oscar and Roscoe (twins). Mrs. Kerr was bom in 1863, and is the daughter of William and Sarah (Benbrock) Wood, natives of Tennessee, who came to Izard County at an early day. When Dr. Korr tirst commenced the practice of medicine his financial resources were rather limited, a horse, saddle and bridle, and a pair of pill bags, filled, completed his outfit. He is now the owner of some 500 acres of land, with iibout 135 acres und(>r cultivation, and is also the owner of property in Newburg, consisting of house, store-house, office, vacant lots, and, besides, plenty of personal property. He is Iniilding on his farm a fine residence, and already has a good barn and out- buildings. The Doctor has made all this within the last ten years, and by energy and per-^e verance. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. , and politically he is Democratic. Mrs. Kerr is a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church. . Rev. H. T. King, minister, Melbourne. Ark. This much revered and esteemed gentleman is only one of the many citizens of Izard County, who owe their nativity to Tennessee, where his birth oc- curred in 1853. He is the sou of John A. King, a native of Virginia, who. when a young man. was united in marriage to Miss Dedama Sutton, also a native of the Old Dominion. The parents moved to Tennessee at an early day, and here the father purchased land, which he tilled until 1850. after which he moved to Crittenden County, Ky. He remained in that State for four years, and then settled in Randolph County. Ark., but, not being particularly satisfied, he moved from there to Clay County, 111. , thence to Jefferson County, where his death occurred in 1873, at the age of sixty-.seven years. He was a member of the Christian Church. Mrs. King still survives and resides in Baxter County, this State. She is a member of the Christian Church, and a pleasant, agreeable wo man. They were the parents of eleven children, four now living: Nancy J., widow of John Welch, is now liviug in Fulton County, Ark.; Sarah A., wife of (i. W'. Sel]>h. resides in Baxter County; r MJ- Rebecca M. , wife of G. W. Lundy, resides in Bax- ter County, and Rev. H. T. The father of these children waa fairly educated, and during his life- time had accumulated considerable property, the principal part of which was lost during the late unpleasantness between the North and South. Rev. H. T. King acquired but a limited educa- tion, as during his boyhood days he only attended one month at school, and this was all the education he received until after his marriage, when he at- tended school two terms. He is quite studious, and applies himself to his books at home, and is now probably better informed than many who have had every advantage. He expects to attend school during the fall and winter of this year (1889), and is now studying law with a view to making it his profession. At the age of twenty -one years Mr. King commenced life for himself, and at that age was united in marriage to Miss E. E. Taylor, by whom he had six children, five now living: W. C, K. J., Auscar and Oscar (twins), and Mary L. Mrs. King died in 1884, a devout member of the Christian Church. Mr. King took for his second wife Mrs. Mary A. Harlin (Conklin), a widow. She was a member of the Christian Church, and died in 1880, at the age of thirty-seven years. By her first marriage she became the mother of nine children, eight sons now living: James P., W. T., J. H., Joe E., L. D., C. C, J. C. and Frank H. Mr. King moved to Arkansas in 1876, settling in Baxter County, and there remained until 1887, when he moved to this place. He had very little means when first coming to this county, but he is now the owner of a tine residence with some three or four acres of land worth about $1,000 or 11,200. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, R. A. M. , and is also a member of the I. O. O. F. In politics he is a Republican. He is a minister in the Christian Church, and was ordained in 1881. K. J. Lacy, blacksmith and farmer, Newburg, Ark., came originally from Tennessee, his birth occurring in 1830. Mr. Lacy has won an enviable reputation as a farmer, and none the less is his reputation established as a first-class blacksmith. His father, Robert Lacy, was a native of North Carolina, born in 1793, and came to Tennessee about 1813 or 1814, where he was united in mar- riage to Miss Annie Miller, in about 1816. He was a farmer by pursuit, and was also a minister in the Methodist Church. After remaining in Ten- nessee until 1861, he settled on White River, in this county, but after a residence there of only one year, moved to Knob Creek, where he pur chased a farm. There he closed his eyes to the scenes of the world in 1870. He still continued to preach after coming to this State, and was asso- ciated with the American Tract Society for a num- ber of years previous to his death. He was a Democrat in polities. His wife was a native of Georgia, and died in 1870 at the age of seventy- three years. She was also a member of the Meth - odist Episcopal Church. In their family were the following children: AV. Mc. , Mrs. Mary A., wife of George Bussey; Mrs. L. J., widow of John Bussey; Kibble J. (the subject of this sketch), and James W. The paternal grandparents were fi-om Ireland and England, respectively. The maternal grandfather was a German by birth, and came to this country when a boy. He served during the greater portion of the War for Inde- pendence. At the age of twenty years K. J. Lacy began learning the blacksmith trade, and at that age he commenced life for himself, doing joui'ney man's work in Tennessee for fifteen years. In 18G0 he came to Arkansas, and took charge of Col. Black's farm on White River, where he was overseer of the negroes for one year. He then went to Lunenburg, opened a shop, and con- tinued there until 1870. He joined the army in 1862, but was discharged on account of disability. He was conscripted two or three times afterward, but succeeded in being released, and was taken prisoner one time by the United States soldiers, but was soon released by the Confederates. In 1870 he rented a farm from Dr. Watson on ^^'hite River, and remained there for ten years, when he bought a farm on Knob Creek. At the end of four years he sold out, purchased another farm, im- proved the same, and built good houses, barns, etc. He made two tratles afterward, one for the farm on which Judge Grimmett now lives, and the other for his present property. This farm consists of 100 «<^ 6" -^j>v IZARD COUNTY. sinr acres with thirty-five under cultivation, with fair houses, etc. Mr. Lacy has been twice married; lir.st, on the 15th of November, 1858, to Miss Mary E. Hairendon, and four children were the result, three now living: William H. , lives in this county; Robert ¥., James M. , and Sarah J., wife of Ole Brown, and lives in this county. Mrs. Lacy died in 1870, and was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mr. Lacy's second marriage was to Mrs. Martha A. Womack (Wolds), and two children have been born to them: Laura B. and George T. Mr. and Mrs. Lacy are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Socially he is a member of the A. F. & A. M., and the I. O. O. F., and Encampment of that order. He has filled the oflBce of Worshipful ]Master in the Masonic fraternity, and nearly all others of this order, and has held the office of N. G. in the I. O. O. F. He is a Democrat. R. L. Landers, sheriff, Melbourne, Ark. R. L. Landers, was born in Bedford County, Tenn., in 1845, and is the son of George T. and Jane (Browning) Landers, natives, respectively, of North and South Carolina. The parents came to Ar- kansas in 1851, and settled in Izard County, where they reared a family of five children, four now living: Robert L. , Nanny J., wife of Guston Rose; Mary T.. wife of J. F. Driskill; and G. R. , a farmer of this county. The father, George T. Landers, only lived three years after com- ing to Arkansas. He was Democratic in his po- litical principles. When he came to this State, he brought with him fourteen negroes and consid- erable money, and was quite successful, financially, after coming here. The mother died in 1885. R. L. Landers was early taught the principles of farm life, and a limited education was ol)tained in the subscription schools of Tennessee, and Izard Connty, Ark. When seventeen years of age he superintended his father's plantation, and at the age of twenty-one. he commenced life for himself. In 18(52 he enlisted as a private in Company E, Forty-seventh Arkansas Infantry, under Capt. Gibson, and served west of the Mississippi River, until 1804. He was sergeant of his regiment at the time he was discharged. After the war he commenced tilling the soil, which occupation he followed until 18(i'.), when ho was elected sheriff, and held the office until 1875. He then returned to the farm and cultivated the soil until 1881, when he was again elected sheriff, and held this position for one term. In 1886 he was again chosen to discharge the duties of this office, and is the present incural)ent. Mr. Landers seems to have a peculiar fitness for this position, and his long ser vice in this capacity has proven that he is surely the right man in the right place. During 1884 and 1885, he served as justice of the peace. By his marriage, which occurred in 1804, to Miss Sarah E. Shannon, were i)oru the following living chil- dren: Mary E.. wife of A. E. Feltz: W. T., G. R., Frances T. and Rosa L. Mr. Landers is the owner of about 500 acres of land, with 140 acres under cultivation, and also has considerable town property. He is Democratic in his political views, is a Royal Arch Mason, and is also a member of the Odd Fellow order. He and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. E. G. Landers, mi'rehant, ^Melbourne, Ark. In publishing an account of the industries and mer- cantile resources of the town of Melljourne, the house of Mr. Landers' must not be forgotten, as it constitutes a most important factor in the com mercial fabric of the town. Mr. Landers was born in Bedford County, Tenn., on the 7th of May. 1840, and came with his parents to Arkansas in 1854. He attended the subscription schools, buir only received a limited education, and at the at'e of twenty-two started out in life for himself, first as a laborer in a gin. He then followed the car- penter's trade for some time, and in 1804 joined the Confederate army, remaining in service until June, 1805, when he surrendered at Jacksonport, Ark. He was witii Gen. Price on his raid through Missouri, in 1804 and 1805, and particii)ated iti nearly all the battles fought on the raid. In 1877 he engaged in merchandising at Lunenburg, under the firm title of Landers & Bros., and continued thus until 1880, when his brother sold out and a new partner, S. R. Hinkle, took his place. The firm is now Landers & Co., and do the largest busi ness in the place. They carry a stock of goods « w. 956 HISTORY OF AEKANSAS. that invoices at about $10,000 at the least, enjoying an annual trade of about $40,000. When first starting out in this business the firm had a capital of $1,5(0, Mr. Landers putting in $750. Aside from his flourishing mercantile business, he owns about 400 acres of land and considerable town property. His marriage was consummated in No- vember, 1867, to Miss Martha A. Hinkle, and by her he became the father of six' children, five now living: Leanora (wife of William Blair), Robert O. (deceased), Maggie, EfiSe G. , J. H. and Maudie. Mr. and Mrs. Landers, with the two eldest chil- dren, are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and he is a Democrat in politics. Mrs. Landers is a member of the lady's department of the Masonic fraternity, and also of the Odd Fel- low's order. Mr. Landers started with very little means, but he is now one of the most successful men of the county. He is the son of Roland and Martha G. (Landers) Landers, natives of North Carolina. The father was born in 1810, and died in 1878, and the mother's birth occurred in 1813, and she died in February, 1884. Roland Landers was coroner of Izard County for several years, and was a cabinet maker Ijy trade, although in his latter years he was engaged in tilling the soil. He accumulated considerable property previous to the war, but was not a slave holder. By his marriage, which occurred in Tennessee, he became the father of these children: Rebecca J. (wife of W. Joe Arnold, of Melbourne), Sarah A. (wife of G. W. Gray), Mary Frances (wife of G. W. Owens), H. B. (farmer), Charlotte T. (wife of T. H. Adams), E. G., Genora D. (wife of W. Z. Craig), George W. (of Batesville), John F. (farmer), and Joe L. (farmer). Nathan J. Langston is one of the oldest native residents of Izard County, and when his parents, Nathan and Patty (Weir) Langston, made their first settlement in this region, Arkansas was a ter- ritory. They came here from their native State of North Carolina in 1814, and Mr. Langston and Col. Stewart erected the first mill in the county, he and four brothers being the ones to build it. They caiTied the logs on their shoulders, and had the mill completed in six days, and although it was a very rude construction, and only ground about a bushel of corn a day, yet it was sufiicient to supply the demand, as the settlers at that day were very few. Nathan Langston, Sr. , was only connected with this mill for about six months, when he turned his attention to farming, at which he was fairly successful, and in early days he also carried the mail for twelve years from Mount Olive, in Izard County, to Thomasville, Mo., a distance of IfiO miles, there being only foiu' oflices on the entire route. According to Mr. Langston the first post- office in this county was at North Fork, which was also the first county seat. In 1838 it was moved to Calico Rock, afterward to Athens, at the month of Piney Bayou, nest to Mount Olive, and thence to Melbourne, where it now is. When Mr. Lang ston first came to Arkansas Batesville consisted of two pole cabins, and from Batesville to the mouth of the Big North Fork there were only five families living on the east side of the river. The west side was inhabited by the Indians, who were very nu- merous at that time. The first year of his location Mr. Langston had to goto Helena, Ark., for flour, and to Little Rock, Ark., to attend circuit court. He died in 1870, at the age of seventy-nine years. He was married twice, and by his first wife became the father of sixteen children, and by his last, three. Those living are Absalom, Thomas B. and Nathan J., whose name heads this sketch. The latter was born in the year 1830, was reared to a farm life, and at the early age of nineteen j years was married to Miss Rachel Adams, who died 1 in 1856, leaving four children, three of whom are ! living: Alex., Mary, wife of Johnson Holfora, and I Matthew R. Mr. Langston married his second wife in 1859, she being a Miss Lucy A. Churchill, and five of their eleven children yet survive: Luvinia J., wife of James Brothers; Dempsia M. , Rebecca A., Acenith B. and Albert W. Mr. and Mrs. Langston are members of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church, and in his political views he is a Democrat. He owns a good farm comprising 120 acres, and has twenty-five acres under cultivation. Among his numerous acquaintances and friends the respect shown him by them is in full keeping with his well-established reputation for honesty of pur- ■^1 ^^ pose and hospitality. Mr. Langston remembers many interesting facts connected with the early history of this county, which the limited nature of this volume will not admit of insertion. William Lawrence, farmer, Melbourne, Ark. In the early settlement of Izard County, Ark., Mr. Lawrence bore a prominent jiart in developing and opening the way for civilization and is one of the representative men of the county. He was born in Alabama, in 1823, and is the son of James and Cynthia (Franks) Lawrence, natives of Tennessee. James Lawrence moved to Alabama, in 1822, set- tling in Marion County, and after remaining there a short time removed to Fayette County, where he remained until 1839. From there he journeyed to Louisiana, entered land and followed farming for about two years, when ho moved to Izard County, Ark., and settled in Sylamore, now in Stone Coun- ty. After a residence there of two years, he moved to the western part of the county, where he im- proved some government land. Two years later he moved to the eastern part of the county and re- mained there until a short time previous to his death, when he went to live with his son, William Lawrence, and died there in 1859, at the age of sixty-live or. seventy years. He had held the office of justice of the peace in the county for four years, and was an excellent citizen. He was twice mar- ried, his first wife being a Miss Tucker, who bore him five children, two sons and three daughters, all living at last accounts. They are named as fol- lows: Martin, Edward, Sai'ah, Catherine and Mary. His second marriage was to Miss Cynthia Franks, and to them were born nine children, two now liv- ing, William and James, who reside in this county. Mrs. Lawrence died in 1865. Both were members of the Baptist Church, and in politics he was a Democrat. William Lawrence was married in his twenty third year, and commenced work for him- self by farming on his own land, which ho had pur- chased in the central portion of the county. He sold this farm in 1850 and entered his present property, which he has improved and which con- sists of 200 acres. He now has about seventy or seventj'-five acres of cleared land, all the result of his own efforts, unassisted by any of his family. In 1802 he joined tlie Coufedenitc army and served under Gen. Thompson and Capt. C. C. Cook until the close of hostilities, when ho returned to his farm. He has lieeii three times married, his first wife being Elizabeth King, whom he led to the altar in 184t), and the fruits of this union were six children, all living: James, G. W., John, Isaac, Thomas and Edward. Mrs. Lawrence died in 1859, a worthy member of the Baptist Church. His second marriage took place in 1801, to Miss Eliza both Clark, who liore him five children, all living: Henry, Cynthia A., wife of J. VV. Freeman; Mary F., at home; Rebecca J., at home, and Walter, also at home. The mother of these children was a member of the Baptist Church, and died in 1879. Mr. Lawrence's third marrijigo was to Mrs. A. N. Ivins (Bryant), a member of the Christian Church. He is a member of the Baptist Church, belongs to the Masonic fraternity, and in his political vifws is a stanch Democrat. Dr. Samuel M. Lewis, farmer and physician of Izard County., Ark., was born in Bledsoe County, Tenn., December 14, 1832, his parents. Reason and Patience (Peters) Lewis, being also natives of that State, the former's liirth occurring in Bedford County, in 1809. Their union took place in Bledsoe County, and to them were born four sons and five daughters, seven of their fam- ily being now alive, and all residents of the State of Tennessee except our subject. The father yet lives in Tennessee, and owns COO acres of as good land as there is in the State. He is a meirf ber of the Baptist Church, as was his wife, who died in 1875. Dr. Samuel M. Lewis, after acquir ing a good common school education, entered the Hamilton College with the intention of studying medicine, having chosen that profession as his calling through life. After his marriage, which was celebrated on the 19th of Septeml>or, 1858, to Miss Margaret Turk, he remained in his native State until 1807, at which time he settled in Max- field, Sharp County, .\rk.. but for a long time has been a resident of Izard County. He has been very successful in his practice, and has always commanded a large anil paying patronage, and occupies an iMivinbli' place among the medical '*Pr 9 k^ 958 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. brotherhood of Izard County. In addition to this work he has been engaged in farming, and is now the owner of about 640 acres of land, with about 330 acres under cultivation, of which 150 are in Sharp County. He has shown his approval of secret organizations by becoming a member of the Masonic fraternity, and in this order has held the highest office. He and wife are classed among the worthy citizens of the county, and are consist ent members of the Methodist Church. Their children are as follows: Charles W. , Henry R., James J., George T., Joseph R., William D., John R. , Aque M. and Lora A. Mrs. Lewis is a daughter of George and Malinda Turk, both na- tives of Tennessee. Capt. Ransom "\V. Luther was born in the •'Keystone State" in 1837, and is a son of Enoch Luther, whose birth occurred in Sugar Creek, Penn., in 1787. The latter received a limited ed- ucation, and when quite a youth, learned the car- penter's trade, which occupation he followed for a number of years, then learning the wheelwright's trade. He was married in his native State, in 1807, to Miss Polly Bennett, her father being Elisha Bennett, and to them a large family of seventeen children were born, ten of whom are living at the present time : Rosweir, David, Enoch, Elliot, Ransom, Burton, Laura, Mary, Angeline and Adaline. Mr. Luther served in the War of 1812, and after hostilities had ceased, he returned home, and entered a tract of land embracing 160 acres, which lie farmed for several years; then erected two large saw-mills and a grist-mill, which have been rebuilt, and are in good condition at the present time. For services rendered in the War of 1812, he received a grant to 160 acres of land in Knox County, 111., from the government, and at the time of his death, on the old " Luther's Mill Farm," in Pennsylvania, in 1859, he was the owner of 300 acres of laud. Capt. Ransom Luther received a good business education in the ' ' Luther's Mill Farm" school, and he has since put the education he acquired in this institution to the best use. He learned the millwright's trade under his father, afterward worked at the carpenter's trade, and in time became a very tine architect, although in more recent years he has given his attention principally to milling as his chief calling. He is an experienced carpenter and builder, and many evidences of his ability and skill in this direction are to be seen in his native State, Illinois, Iowa and Ai'kansas. He has always been of an enter- prising disposition, and in 1856 started out in life for himself, and moved to the State of Hlinois, but two years later went back to his old home, and was married there, in 1859, to Miss Sarah Knapj), a daughter of Charles Knapp, by whom he had one child, Alice. He wedded his second wife. Miss Edna C. Scott, of Cherokee, Iowa, in 1871, and two interesting children, Eugene W. and Maud S. , have blessed their union. Capt. Luther removed from the State of Iowa to Benton County, Ark., in 1878, and purchased eighty acres of land near Maysville, which he used as a small cattle ranch. From this place he went to Eureka Springs, in 1880, and erected a neat little cottage on Spring Street, near the Crescent Spring, his place being generally known as ' ' Eagle Cottage, ' " and it is of his own architecture. Here he resided until i 1 883, when he sold out to Dr. Swartly, of Chicago, for $2,350. After this the Captain and his family traveled for some months, and visited various places of interest in Missouri, Illinois, Dakota and Arkansas, and in 1884 returned to this State, and I located on Lafferty's Creek, six miles west of Barren Fork, where, with his brother in-law, Mr. Scott, he erected a large saw-mill, which has been of great benefit to the surrounding country. In 1889 he sold his interest to Mr. Scott, and erected a grist-mill and cotton-gin just south of his former place of business, and at the present writing he is preparing to erect a commodious residence, and build a large dam to afford water power for his mill. In 1888 he ginned 150 bales of cotton, and in his new mill he expects to bale at least 300. Capt. Luther is a jovial and hospitable gentleman, a thoroughly capable business man, and is ever ready to assist any good cause, either practically or financially. He approves of secret organiza- tions, and is an active member of the I. O. O. F. His wife and daughter, Alice, are consistent mem bers of the Baptist Church. In 1861, upon the r bursting of the war cloud, which had threatened the country for some time, he enlisted in the in- fantry, under Col. Dodge, of Pennsylvania, and was in the battles of Williamsburg, Four Oaks, Richmond and Melbourne, and was also in the seven days' retreat at Harrison's Landing. He entered as a private, but for gallant services ren- dered, he was promoted to the rank of captain. He was honorably discharged, in ISfio. James McCuistion is one of the men of this section who has won life's battles, and by enerey and pluck, which are so necessary to success in any pursuit, he has become one of the leading agri- culturists of Izard County. He was bom in Jef- ferson County, East Tenn. , in 1815, and is a son of Joseph and Rachel (McGuire) McCuistion, the former's birth occurring in North Carolina, in 1775. In 1789 he removed to Tennessee, with his parents, and in this State received a fair educa- tion in the common schools. In 1809 he entered 160 acres of laud, and lived on it until 1S;]8, when he sold out and moved to Bays Mountain, where he died, in 1862, being followed to his long home by his wife in 1868, both having boon niembers of the Old Presbyterian Church. The children born to them were Catherine, James and Elizabeth. James' youth was spent in attending the schools of Tennessee, and in 1842 he was married, in Jeffer- son County, of that State, to Miss Mary Ann, a daughter of John Kimbrough: and Lafayette, Eve- line, Rachel A. (who died August 7, 1889), Vir- ginia, Francis (who has been dead some twenty years), Mary E. and Josephine are their children. Mr. McCuistion emigrated from Tennessee to Izard County, Ark., in 1850, and took np 299 acres of land, of which be has now about fifty-five acres under the plow. His first house was a log cabin, wliich he has since converted into a comfortable frame residence. His land is devoted to raising eottou, corn and the small grains, and he has plenty of good fruit. He and his wife and children are all members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and he has given freely to public institutions for the good of his fellow-men. He has twenty four grandchildren, ten boys and fourteen girls, and two great-grandchildren, both boys. Alfred N. McNairn was born in Georgia, in 1842, and is one of seven sons and four daughters born to Alfred T. and Prudence (Horton) Mc- Nairn, and is a grandson of Edwin Horton. Al- fred T. McNairn was born in North Carolina, De- cember 15, 1813, and was reared on a farm, but in 1826 moved to Georgia, where he followed the oe cnpation of farming; he was also engaged in preach- ing the Gospel, being a minister of the Missionary Baptist Cluirch, and there reared his children, whose names are as follows: Larkin H. , Spencer B., Edwin B., Joseph U., William L., Alfred N.. Alvin C, Martha J., A. L., Eliza M. and Rosa A. Both parents died in the State of Georgia, his death occurring in 1870, and hers in 1868, at the age of fifty-eight years. Alfred N. McNairn emigrated from Georgia to Izard Coimty, Ark., in 1869, and was here married, in 1872. to Miss Nancy E. Dureu, a daughter of James E. Duren. Of the eight children born to them the following are living: Thomas E., Mary L.. Francis P. E.. Dolores A., Zef R. and Newton A. In 1873 Mr. McNairn purchased eighty acres of woodland, but he now owns 100 acres of good land, with forty-eight acres under cultivation, it being well improved and fur- nished with one of the finest fruit orchards in this section of the country. He and wife are memlters of the Missionary Baptist Church, and he belongs to the I. O. O. F.. and in his political views is a Democrat, and always supports the men and mea sures of that party. He espoused the cause of the Confederacy during the rebellion, and in 18ft2 enlisted in the Fifty-second Georgia Infantry, and served until the close of the war, when he surren dered at Kingston. Ga. He was a member of Company I, under Capt. Russell, and was in a number of hard fought battles. ^ A. A. Marchant, farmer, Melbourne, Ark Among the leading men'of Mill Cn-ek Townshij) none arc more prominently identified with the farming and stock raising interests of the same than Jlr. Marchiint. who by his industrj-, perse- vereuce and integrity, is considered one of its tirst-clasB farmers. He was born in Bedford County, Tenn., in 1S41, and when iiinet<>en years of age started out in life for liiniself, his first ven l^, 'J60 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ture l)eing to hire out to one man as a farm hand for two years. When twenty-one j-ears of age he donned his suit of blue, and enlisted in the First Arkansas Infantry, United States Army, Company C, and served for six months, when he was dis- charged at St. Louis, Mo., in December, 1863. After this he drove a team for the government, and acted as guide until 1864, when he enlisted in the Forty- eighth Missouri, Company E, for twelve months, and served only nine months, when he was discharged again at St. Louis, on the 1st of July, 1865. At the close of the war he was at Chicago, 111. , guarding the prisoners. After ces- sation of hostilities he came home and engaged in farming, which he followed on rented land until 1871, when he bought land in Baxter County. He only remained on this land one year, but con- tinued in the county until 1874, when he moved to Izard County, and, in 1879, bought his present jiroperty consisting of 163 acres, with about 100 acres under cultivation. At the close of the war he had only about $50 or $60 in money, and not a horse, hog or cow. On the 16th of July, 1865, he wedded Miss Amanda F. Dixon, a native of Izard Count)-, although they were' married in Mil- ler County, Mo. They became the parents of these children: W. B., lives in the Choctaw Na- tion; T. J. (deceased); J. W., at home; Rufus, at home, and Minnie M. Mr. Marchant is a member of the I. O. O. F. , is a member of the Christian Church, and is a Republican in his political views. Mrs. Marchant belongs to the Baptist Church. The parents of Mr. Marchant, W. B. and Nancy (Byler) Marchant, were natives of Alabama and Tennessee, respectively. After reaching manhood W. B. Marchant went to Tennessee, but left that State in 1850, and came on a flat-boat to Napoleon, thence by steamer to Little Rock, and from there with teams over- land to Izard County. He settled on Hidden Creek, bought an improved piece of land and there resided for six years. He then sold out and bought a farm close to where Melbourne now is, remaining there only two years, when he traded his farm for one close to Calico Rock, in Izard County. In 1862 he joined the* United States Army, and was sent to St. Louis, where he died in the hospital. He was married three times; first, to Susan Cox, who bore him four children, three living: W. B. , Minerva and T. J. After her death, Mr. Marchant married Miss Nancy Byler, mother of the subject of this sketch. Three children were born to this marriage, only one, A. A., now living. Mrs. Marchant died in 1844, at the age of twenty-eight years. She was a mem- ber of the Missionary Baptist Church. In 1845 Mr. Marchant married Miss Ena Taylor, of Ten- nessee, and by her became the father of nine children, eight now living: W. S., Richard E., Mary T., Silas A., Joseph E., Martin B., Susan A. and A. M. The oldest child, Martha, was killed on the road from Little Rock to Melbourne, having accidentally fallen out of the wagon, by which she was ran over. This was in 1850, and she was buried in White County. Mr. Marchant was an old line Whig, but was not active in poli- tics. He was once a member of the Know- Nothing party, was a member of the Baptist Church, and at one time was constable of Rocky Bayou. His last wife still resides near Calico Rock, and is a member of the Baptist Church. The maternal grandfather of A. A. Marchant, John Byler, was a private in the War of 1812, and was in the battle of New Orleans. He died about 1871, at the age of eighty-live years. T. J. Mathews is a merchant and farmer, re- siding at Calico Rock, and was born in Benton County, Tenn., being a son of Capt. R. C. and Nancy (Migell) Mathews, who were also Tennes- seeans, and came to the State of Arkansas in ] 860, settling in Izard County. Capt. Mathews em- barked in merchandising in the house in which his son T. J. is now doing business, and he was also engaged iu farming. In the spring of 1861 he moved to Pineville, where he conducted a general store for about one year, then joined the Confed- erate army, and was elected captain of his com- pany. After serving for one year, he was taken sick and returned home, and here continued during the remainder of the war. After the cessation of hostilities, he again embarked in merchandising, and continued this occupation with success for twelve or thirteen years, when he sold out to his V *, (deceased) Mississippi CouHit,ARHAH5AB . ^ IZARD COUNTY. '.If, I son, S. E. Mathew.s, iuul turned his attention to farming and stock raising, on the property where he now lives. His business ventures have been at- tended with good results, and the property he now owns has all been acqiiired since the war, as his losses during that time were very heavy. He was married about 1835, and his children's names are as follows: Margaret E., wife of W. McNeil; S. E., a merchant of Pineville; Clarissa E., wife of Dr. J. A. Schanks; Mary A., wife of Rufus P. Jones; and T. J., the subject of this memoir. Mrs. Mathews died in March, 1879, having been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, for many years, her death occurring on her birth- day, at the age of sixty years. Mr. Mathews is a Democrat, and belongs to the F. & A. M. T. J. Mathew's birth occurred on the 6th of September, 1855, and his early education was received in the schools ot La Crosse, Prof. M. Shelby Kennard being his instructor, and at the age of twenty-five years he began life for himself as a merchant, this being the occupation to which he was reared. He has continued to follow this business up to the present time, and has been remarkably successful, for, on starting for himself in 1880, his stock of goods amounted to $160, and his annual sales now aggregate between » 12, 000 and !?1 0,000, and he has an excellent tract of land, amounting to i)'SH acres, with nearly 164 acres under cultivation, all of which he has earned by good business management and industry, since the above-given date, and with the aid and assistance of his worthy wife. Her maiden name was Mollie Wood, their union taking place on the 30th of October, 1879, and they have an interesting little family of four children: Henry H., born October 4, 1880; Shelby S., born Decem- ber 15, 188'2; Troy G., born February 3, 1885; and Winford F., bom May 23, 1887. Mrs Math- ews was born in Izard County, on the 28th of November, 1863, and she and Mr. Mathews are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and he belongs to the F. & A. M. . and is a Democrat politically. Dr. R. H. Morton, Franklin. Ark. Dr. Morton is one of the oldest j)ractitioners of Frank- lin Township, and one of the oldest in the county. He owes his nativity to Bedford County, Tenu.. and is the son of Jacob and Annie (Fisher l Morton, natives of North Carolina. Jacob Mr)rton received an average education in his native State. and came to Tennessee at an early date. He pur- chased a farm in Bedford County, and was one of the tirst settlers of Shelbyville. In connection with farming he also carried on the blacksmith trade, liut bis principal occupation was tilling the soil, which he gave his attention until his death in 1857. He was married in Tennessee, and he and wife commenced housekeeping on Duck River, where they reared a large family of children, eight now living: Minerva, wife of B. F. Whitworth: Sophronia (deceased) was the wife of Micliael Shof ner; G. W. C. (deceased), whose family resides in Bedford County, Tenn. ; Daniel C. resides in Cof- fee County, Tenn. ; Nancy, wife of Edward Whit worth; Christina, wife of W. Tune; Emily, wife of Newton Neal; Ann, wife of B. F. Smawling. D. E. resides in Bedford County, Tenn. ; Dr. R. H., Jessie E.. wife of T. N. Smith: Elijah A. re- sides in Bedford County, Tenn., and Martha (de- ceased), wife of T. N. Smith. The father of these children served in the War of IS 12. as a private, and participated in the battle of New Orleans. Mrs. Morton died about 1869. Both were members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. Morton took an active interest in politics, and was a very strong supporter of Old Hickory. Dr. R. H. Morton divided his time in early youth between assisting on the farm and in attending the free and subscription schools of Tennessee, where he re- ceived a good English education. He atten(l medical lectures at Nashville, Tenn., in 1856 and 1857, and opened his first office at Poplin's Cross Roads, where he practiced for two years previous to graduating. He was then located in Missouri, from 1858 to 1861 (Texas County). In the spring of the last mentioned year he served in the Con federate service as surgeon, and thus continued until 1863, when he resigned and located in Izanl County, where he has since resided. He gradti ated at the American Medical College, at St. Louis, in 1878, and is the oldest practicing physician in the county. He has almost al)aiuloned the prac ® W- >^, 962 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. tice of his profession in late years, and is now in- terested in agricultural pursuits. The Doctor was married in Septembor, 1857, to Miss Emma A. Nichols, of Tenn., but they have never had any children. He is quite well fixed financially, and enjoys life to the fullest extent. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , is also a member of the I. O. O. F. , and has been Treasurer of the former lodge, holding the position of Vice Grand. Com- mander, and others in the latter lodge. He is a Democrat in politics, but has never been an office seeker. He is a member of the Christian Church. The Doctor owns considerable land, and has on his home place about seventy-five acres under cultiva- tion. He has good barns, outbuildings, etc. His residence is one of the finest in the county, and there he entertains his friends in the social pleas- ant manner peculiar to him, and the stranger also meets with a ready welcome from the Doctor and his agreeable wife. Although children were denied their union, the Doctor and wife have reared sev- eral who were left orphans. Jacob Mosier, Sr., was born on the Potomac River, in Lincoln County, N. C, in 1821. His father, Barnett M. Mosier, was also a native of that State, his birth occurring in 1799, and was married there to Margaret, a daughter of Corb. Gobble, their union taking place when he was eighteen years of age. In 1832 he removed with his family to Independence County, Ark., and purchased and entered land there to the amount of 320 acres, which land he was engaged in farming lip to the time of his death, in 1864. His children are: Mary J., Allen B., George W., Henry A., Ja- cob and Jack. Jacob Mosier removed to Arkansas with his parents, and on his father's farm, in In- dependence County, he learned the details of farm work, which occupation has received his attention up to the present time. He is one of the leadinc husbandmen of this vicinity, and has 250 acres of well improved and well cultivated land. He was one of tlu^ pioneers of the State, and during its early history he carried the surveyor's chain through this section, this being some fifty years ago. He is one of the hard working men of Izard County, and owing to his many worthy characteris- tics, chief among which may be mentioned his gen- erosity and honesty, he is respected and esteemed by all. In 1854 he took a trip to California. He was married, in 1846, to Miss Melissa A. Romenor, by whom he has a family of seven children: Mary J., William H., Jacob, Charles M., Cordelia. Sarah A. and Martha. Mr. Mosier and his wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and he belongs to the I. O. O. F. James H. MuUins was born in the "Old Do- minion." on the 18th of March, 1839, and is a son of Hiram R. Mullins, who was born in North Car- olina, in 1794. and was educated in that State. He moved to Tennessee in 1815, and was there married to Nancy Singleton, a native of Virginia, and to their union eleven children were born, six of whom are living, three being residents of Ar- kansas and three of Kentucky. The father was one of the honest sons of the soil, and uj)on his death, in 1850, was the owner of 220 acres of pro- ductive and valuable laud. His wife died in Arkansas, August 13. 1886, both having been members of the Methodist Church, and be a mem- ber of the Masonic lodge. James H. Mullins was educated in Tennessee, near Tazewell, but being of an energetic and enterprising disposition he deter- mined to seek his fortune in what he considered a more favorable locality, and accordingly, in ] 8(53, moved to the State of Arkansas and engaged in business for himself, his capital consisting of a span of horses and the energy and pluck which nature had bestowed upon him. He immediately engaged in farming, and that he has been success- ful is shown when the fact is mentioned that he owns 250 acres of land, with about 125 acres under cultivation. Notwithstanding that he was severely wounded in the left wrist, in the year 1862, at the battle of Oak Hill, being left a cripple for life, he has succeeded far beyond his expectations, and can look back over a useful and well spent life. He and wife, whose maiden name was Minerva King, and whom he married on the 23d uf June, 1863, are worthj' and consistent members of the Baptist Church, and both areliberal contributors to all char itable and other worthy enterprises. He is a Mason, has been postmaster of Evening Shade for three - > n >*- IZARD COUNTY. years, constable two years, and deputy sheriff six months. His children are: Eliza A. (Mrs. T. D. Starkey), Albert F., Hiram R., Josephine, Robert C, Nancy M., Sarah R. and William C. In the late war Mr. Mullins served from 1862 till No- vember, 1864, under Col. Greene. William S. Nail was born in Lawrence County, Tenn. , in 1820, and his father, Archie, was a na- tive of Alabama, but was married in Tennessee to Miss Morrow, by whom he reared a family of four children: William, Franklin, Thomas and Mary A. Archie Nail was a soldier in the War of 1812, and died in the State of Tennessee, in 1830, he having followed the occupation of farming and blacksmithing all his life. William S. Nail learned these occupations of his father, and in ad- dition to farm work, which has always received his attention, he has been faithful to the hammer and anvil also. In 1845 he removed from Ten- nessee to Mississippi, and was there engaged in blacksmithing until 1856, when he came to Inde- ])endence County (now Izard County), Ark., and purchased land to the amount of 120 acres, and in 1867 built a cotton-gin on this farm which has been in operation ever since. His land now com- prises 280 acres, seventy- tive being in a tillable condition, and a portion of his mountainous land is underlaid with valuable minerals. He raises cotton, corn, and small grains on his cultivated lands, and is acknowledged l)y all to be one of the most reliable and enterprising citizens of Lafferty Township. In 1840 he was married to Miss Me- linda, the daughter of Thomas Williamson, of Mis- sissippi, aud of eight children born to them, the following are living: Thomas, INIary E., Catherine F. and Charley L. Mr. Nail belongs to the I. O. O. F. , aud he aud wife are members of the Pres- byterian Church. Thomas A. Nail is one of the industrious farm- ers aud law abiding citizens of Izard County, Ark., and has a good farm of 100 acres, which he has acquired by his own energy and good management since the close of the Civil War. His property is located on Lafferty' s Creek, and is considered very valuable, as it is underlaid with mineral ore in paying quantities. Twenty-five acres are under the plow, and are in an exceedingly fertile con- dition. Mr. Nail was l)orn in the State of Missis- .sippi, in 1842, aud at the early ag(^ of eighteen years ho was united in the Ijonds of matriuKjny to Miss Sallic Brown, a daughter of Levi Brown, of Izard County. T(j them were born u family of three children: William A., Mary F. and Charles F. When the Civil War broke out he, in 1862, joined the cavalry under Capt. George W. Rutherford, now of Independence County, Ark., and was in many important engagements during his service. ! He surrendered at Jacksonport and returned home, and has since given his attention to farming with the above mentioned results. He is a son of Will- iam S. Nail, whose sketch precedes this. Joel D. Patterson has been familiar with farm work from his earliest youth, aud is now ranked among the prosjjerous farmers of Izard County. He was born in North Carolina in 1826, and is a son of David and Mecca ( Holder ) Patterson, who were also born in the "Old North State.'" In 1846 David Patterson removed to Kentucky, where he engaged in farming, having previously worked at house carpentering and cabinet making in his native State. He was also married there in 1825, and to him and wife were born eight children, five of whom are living: J. D., Caroline, wife of La Fayette Wright, of Kentucky ; Susan, wife of M. V. Belma, of Kentucky; Francis M.. a black smith, also residing iu Kentucky, and Mary, wife of C. C. Ashworth. of Tennessee. Mr. Patterson voUmteered, but did not serve in the War of IS12. He died on the 16th of May, 1855, at the age of sixty six years, followed to his long home by bis wife in 1883, her death occurring at the age of seventy-eight years. They were meml)ers of the Baptist Church, and were worthy and honored citizens. Joel D. Patterson attended the common schools of North Carolina, and, after his removal to Kentucky with his parents, he gave his atten tion to agricultural jmrsuits. with the exception of two years, when he worked in a wagon shoji. In 185i) he moved to Izard County, Ark., aud en tered ll'id acres of land near the town of Philadel phia. where he resided two years, then, upon \\w opening of the Civil War, he returned to K<'n J^! ^^ 964 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. tucky, where his attention was given to farming for four years. He then came back to his farm in Izard County, but about two years later traded it for another place, but also disposed of this at the end of two years. He then pui'chased and has since J resided on his present farm (which amounts to i 277 acres, with eighty acres improved, with good buildings and under cultivation), with the excep- | tion of about twenty months, when he resided in Fulton County. He was married, in ]8r)8, to Miss Miranda Egbert, of Kentucky, and five of their eight children are now living: James R. , who is now residing in Smith ville, Ark. , but expects soon to go to Texas; Joel B. , residing in Indian Terri- tory; Francis L. , Marcus L. and Hiram E. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson are members of the Baptist Church, and he is a Democrat politically, and is decidedly in favor of all movements which prom- ise to benefit the community in which he resides. E. S. Pearson is a member of the mercantile firm of Sanders & Pearson, of Oxford, Ark., and also of F. AV. Pearson & Co., of Thayer, Mo., both of whom carry a varied assortment of goods, which can not fail to satisfy every want of their patrons. He was born in McMinn County, Tenn., in 1829, and is a son of Edmond and Cynthia E. (Hardwick), natives of South Carolina and Alabama, respectively. The father removed to Tennessee in 1824, where he farmed, in connection with preach- ing the Gospel, and for ten years he was an elder in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. In 1832 he settled in Jackson Covinty, Ala., but he afterward moved to Talladega County, where he died in the fall of 1847, at the age of fifty-two years, having been a minister of the Gospel for twenty-eight years. He and wife became the par- ents of the following children: Charles D. (who died, leaving a family in Texas), F. A. (deceased, left a family in Mississippi), B. T., F. C. (a min- ister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, residing in Texas), F. C. (also a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Texas, besides engaged in farming), Martha C. (wife of Marion Simmons, of this county), Cynthia E. (the de- ceased wife of Carroll White, her family residing in Mississippi), Mary C. (wife of D. B. White, of Texas), Watson H. (a Methodist minister, residing in Izard County), and W. W. (deceased, was also a minister of the Methodist Church, and died in Mississippi, in 1871). E. S. Pearson was reared on a farm, and educated in the schools of Alabama. Upon reaching the age of twenty-one years he be- gan farming on land which he owned, but this work he gave up, on the breaking out of the war, to enlist in the Confederate service. He joined Company F, under Gen. Forrest, and served as his commissary for three years, and, in 1865, surren dered at Corinth, Miss. He then returned to Mississippi, where he had located in 1850, and be- gan farming and merchandising at Houston, but, four years later, he moved to Lee County, and en- gaged in farming. He took up his abode in the State of Arkansas, in 1889, and, after residing for some time on a farm of 400 acres, he sold out and went to Newburg, where he was engaged in the mercantile business for three years. From that time iintil 1880 he again farmed, and then followed merchandising once more. He sold this establish- ment to Garner & Richardson, and up to March, 1889, his attention was given to agriculture alone. He has since followed merchandising, and has also managed his farm of sixty- five acres. His home place is also under cultivation, and in the two enter- prises to which he has given the most of his at- tention he has met with flattering success, and, besides the income which he derives from his farm, the sales in his mercantile establishment will amount to about $12,000. He was married, in 1850, to Miss Ellen Morris, of Pontotoc County, Miss. , and by her he became the father of eleven children, seven of whom are living: C. Elizabeth (wife of John M. Smith, of Polk County, Mo.), F. W. (a merchant at Thayer, Mo.), Alice M. (wife of Joseph Harklerood, a farmer of Fulton County, Ark.), Mary E. (wife of Jasper Rader, of Fulton County), Emma (wife of W. Martin, a farmer of Izard County), Thomas W. and Josie L. (the latter two at home with their father). Adolphus L., the eldest child, died in 1SS8 (he wedded the daughter of Judge Hunter, of Fulton County); W. W. died in his twenty-third year, in 1876, and two died in infancy. Mr. Pearson was IZARD COUNTY. iKjr called upon to mourn tho death of his wife ia 1879, she having been an earnest member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and, in 1880, he wedded Mrs. Sarah J. (Hancock) McCollough, a daughter of Joel and Sarah (Hall) Hancock, na- tives, respectively, of Kentucky and South Caro- lina. Mrs. Pearson was reared in Ohio, to which State her father was taken when he was a small boy, and from this State her father enlisted in the War of 1812. He was a fanner, and he and wife were the parents of the children whose names are here given; Robert T. (of Oliio), L. B., J. K., J. H., J. B., J. R., Harriet (wife of Ezra Clark, of Indiana), and Sarah J. (Mrs. Pearson). Mr. Hancock died in 1803, and his wife in 1875, both being earnest members of the United Presbyterian Church at the time of their deaths. Mrs. Pearson was first married, in 1848, to Aaron Michael, in Ohio, soon afterward emigrating to Arkansas, and settling in Jackson County, where Mr. Michael died, in 1857. In 1874 Mrs. Michael was united in marriage with William McCollough, who died in 1878. He was a Confederate soldier, and was with Price on his last raid through Missouri. He was a member of the Baptist Church, and belonged to the A. F. & A. M. Since 1884 Mr. Pearson has been a licensed minister of the Cumberland Pres- byterian Church, with which church he united in 1880. While residing in Mississippi, in 1868, he became a licensed minister of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. Politically, he is a Democrat. Mrs. Pearson has in her possession a bed-spread, with a double-woven top, in blue and white, and on the under side is the year (1837) in which it was woven, and also the name of the weaver, she having herself spun the thread, of which the bed- spread was made, when a girl. James Perrin is one of the wealthy agricult- urists of this region, and at the present time is the owner of a fine tract of land consisting of 900 acres, of which there are about 100 acres under cultivation, all being the result of his energy, de- termination and attention to details. He was born in Lexington, Ky., December 1, 1844. but was ed- ucated in Independence County, Ark., to which place his parents moved at an early date. He was there also married, his wilV' licmg .i .Mis> Eil.-u Street, and a daughter of \\illiam and Anna Street, their nuptials being celebrated on the "Jd of March, 1869, at Batesville. To them were born four sons and three daughters, the following of whom are living: Jessamine, Claud B., Horace, and William F., all residing at home. During the rebellion Mr. Perrin served in the Third Arkansas Cavalry from 1862 to 1865, the first hard Imttle in which he participated being at Helena. After his return home he engaged in grist- milling, and now in ad- dition to his farm work he is furnishing railroad timber supplies, such as telegraph poles and ties. He and wife belong to the Presbyterian Church and are worthy and honored citizens of the county. He is one of three surviving members of a family cf two sons and three daughters born to the man-iagi' of David Perrin and Nancy M. Baldwin, the former a native of Michigan, born in 1786. He was also educated in that State, but moved to Ohio, and was there married, his wife being a sister of Rev. S. D. Baldwin, who was the author of the "Baldwin's Prophecy," and was pastor of the Me Kendry Church at Nashville. Tenn. Mr. Perrin was a millwright by trade, and was a member of the Masonic lodge, and at the time of his death, on the 2d of April, IS69, he was buried with Ma- sonic honors in the cemetery at Batesville. He re moved from the State of Indiana, where he had resided for some time, to Arkansas, in 1850. settling near Batesville, where he erected the first bridge ever built over Polk Bayou. His wife died May 28, 1877, both being members of the Old School Presbyterian Church. Judge R. H. Powell, Melbourne, Ark., is one of whom it can be said: " With an equal scale He weiijhs the affairs betwi.xt man and man ' He is a prominent man of Northern Arkansas, and judge of the district in which he resides. His ' birth occurred in Sussex County, Va. , on the Sth of April, 1827, and he is the s<^(5 r- V ' J£ IZARD COUNTY. 007 ia mercantile pursuits, and followed this business in La Crosse, Lunenburg and Newburg, Izard County, and at Paraquet Bluff, Independence County. He lost his wife in 1870. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. In 1873 the Judge wedded Mrs. Harriet Herbert {nee Harris), and two children were the result of this union, both of whom died while small. Mrs. Powell died in 1870. She was also a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Judge Powell was again married in 1878 to Mrs. Elizabeth Davidson, widow of Dr. Davidson. Her maiden name was Gardner, and she was a native of Ten- nessee. Two children were born to the last union: Guy and Ruth H. In 1874 Judge Powell attend- ed strictl}' to the practice of his profession, and for four years remained thus engaged. In 1878 he was elected judge of the Third circuit, and tilled that position until 1887, when there was a division iu the circuit, and he was placed in charge of the Fourteenth judicial circuit. He has been judge ever since 1878 (now twelve years) without any in- termission, and his term expires in 1890. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Blue Lodge, R. A. C. , and Council, and is also a Knight Templar. He is a straight Democrat in his political views, and he and wife are members of the Methodist Episco- pjil Church, South. William M. Ray removed from his native State of Tennessee (he being a native of Bedford County, born in 1828), to Independence County, Ark., in 1858, and purchased and entered the land on which he is now residing, which comprises 300 acres, 100 acres being under cultivation. The tillable por- tion of his land he devotes principally to cotton, corn and small ffrain, and the manner in which he con- ducts his farm shows him to be well posted on all matters pertaining to the work. He was reared, educated and married in his native State, the latter event taking place in 1850, and jjeing to Miss Nancy J. Holland, a daughter of William Holland. Seven of their nine children survive: Alexander, Joseph R. , George F. , Sarah J. , James, William M. and Dorinda. Mr. and Mrs. Ray are members of the Christian Church, and he is an active mem- ber of the I. O. O. F. During the Civil War he espoused the cause of 1\h< Confederacy, and served in the infantry and cavalry for about six months during 1802. His parents, Alexander and Isabella (Scott) Ray, wore born in North Carolina and Ten- uessee, respectively, and were married in the lat- ter State, in 1810, to which State ho came with his parents, when near twenty-six years of age. Ho was badly crippled when al>out twenty years of age by white swelling, but notwithstanding this drawback he became quite well-to do, and was the owner of 240 acres of land in Tennessee. Of the seven children born to himself and wife, only one is now living, William M., our subject. He died in Tennessee, July 30, 1850, his wife, who was a daughter of John Scott, of Tennessee, dying at the age of thirty-five years. T. H. Ray is a Tennesseean, born in Wayne County on the 10th of March, 1845), his father, E. W. Ray, being born in Warren County of that State, in 1812. He was reared, educated and married there, the latter event being to Miss Eliz abeth Ford of the same State. Of four sous Ijorn to them, two are still living, and both reside in the State of Arkansas. E. W. Ray was a fairly suc- cessful agriculturist, and died in the "Lone Star State" in 1881, his wife having died in Tennessee in 1855. Mr. Ray moved from Tennessee to Ar- kansas in 1860, and at the time of his death and that of his wife they were members of the Presby- terian and Methodist Churches, respectively. T. H. Ray was educated in Flat Woods, Tenu., but after reaching manhood was married in the Staly of Arkansas to Miss Sarah A. Moser, she being a native of the State, and their union was consum- mated on April 11, 1809. Of a family of seven sons and three daughters born to them, there are but six children living, all of whom reside at home: Mary F. , Ida T. , Heury J. , Oscar H. , Lemon B. and Delbert A. Mr. Ray has Ijeen engaged in the occupation of farming from earliest boyhood, learning the details of the work from his father, who was an enterprising agriculturist. He owns an excellent farm i n Dry Town Township, compris ing 124acres,of which about ninety areunderculti vation. He has always been fou ml ready and will- ing to support iMiti-rprises of a worthy character, and as a citizen and neighbor, is highly esteemed and respected. His wife is a communicant in the Presbyterian Church. K. W. Kector, farmer, Arkansas. No worthy reference to agricultural affairs oi this county would be complete witliout mention of Mr. Rector, among others engaged in tilling the soil, for, al- though young in years, he has already attained an enviable position in the ranks of the farmers. He owes his nativity to Izard County, his birth occur- ring on the farm where he now resides, in 1858, and he is the son of J. W. and Ann E. (Cooper) Rector, natives of Kentucky. J. W. Rector came to Arkansas in 1852, settled in Izard County, on the place where his son, K. W., now resides, and tilled the soil for many years. He was at one time surveyor of the county. During the late war he was a lieutenant in Capt. Cook's company, and served four years, participating in a number of battles on the east side of the Mississippi River, where he was on duty a part of the time. He sur- rendered at Jacksonport, Ark. , on the 5th of June, 1865, after which he immediately came home, and engaged in farming to replenish his fortune, near- ly all of which had been lost during the war. He owned, at the breaking out of strife, quite a num- ber of negroes, and a large number of stock of all kinds, which he lost. He was also the owner of about 800 acres of land. This was a very thinly settled country when he first located here, and he suffered many inconveniences, his nearest neighbor being about live or six miles distant, and the near- est mill ten miles away. After the war he tilled the office of supervisor, or county judge, which position he occupied only one term. He was mar- ried in 1850, and to him and wife were born nine children, eight now living: J. M. (resides in this county), Mrs. Mary Richardson, G. S. (resides in this county). Miss Ellen J. (resides in Van Buren County), K. W., Mrs. Sarah E. Sheid (re- sides in Texasj, J. L. (resides in this county), Nancy E. (makes her home with her father, in Texas) and Joseph I. (with his father). J. W. Rector moved to Texas in January, 1885, and bought land in Palo Pinto County. He is a mem- ber of the Masonic fraternity, and he and wife are members of the Baptist Church. He was born on the 3d of December, 18'2(), and Mrs. Rector was l)orn on the 30th of August. 1830. Both are en- joying good health, and bid fair to live many years. At the age of twenty- one years K. W. Rector l)egan life for himself by farming, and this occupation he has since followed. He was mar- ried, on the 25th of September, 1879, to Miss Martha C. Bigham, of this county, and they are the parents of tive children: Margaret E., born September 12, 1880; Samuel B., born September 15, 1882; Effie J., born March 8, 1884; Joseph L., born March 3, 1886, and Rufus S. , born Sep- tember 5, 1888. Mr. Rector started life with little capital, but with the assistance of his life companion is now the owner of about 400 acres of land in one tract, and with fifty or sixty in another, consider- able stock, and is one of the leading farmers of the county. He has about 145 acres under culti- I vation, with good buildings, outhouses, etc. Mrs. Rector in the daughter of Samuel and Susanah (Woods) Bigham, natives of Tennessee, who came to this county at an early day, and here reared a family of four children, three now living: James W., Mary B., Mrs. Martha Rector (wife of the subject of this sketch), Ursulla C. (wife of Rufus Landers). Mr. Bigham was killed during Gen. Price's raid through Missouri, in 1864. He was a member of the Christian Church. Mrs. Bigham was married the second time, in 1867, to Joseph H. Russell [see sketch]. Mr. and Mrs. Rector are both church members, he a member of the Baptist Church, and she of the Christian. In politics, he is Democratic. Mr. Rector is a man who is in favor of all public improvements, and is deeply interested in educational matters. William S. Richardson ia one of the oldest pioneers of' Izard County, and was born in Craw- ford County, Mo., in 1828, being a son of Joshua ' and Mary (Stafl'ord) Richardson, who were fi'om the State of Maine. The father removed to Missouri about 1816, and entered land in Crawford County, the country at that time being in a very wild and unsettled condition and thinly inhabited. Here he was married in 1827, and made his home until 1844, when he moved to the farm in New Hope Township, Izard County. Ark., on which his >(.i,. William S., is now residing, and here he passed away in 1S73, at the age of seventy-three years, his wife having died iu Missouri in 1830. Of six chil- dren born to this union only William S. is now liv- ing, and after the motlier's death Mr. Richardson married a second time, his wife being a Mrs. Sarah Romine {nee Barley), who bore him eleven chil- dren, the following of whom are living: Alex., James C, Francis R., Martha (wife of James Stub bletield), Nancy (wife of James Smith), Sarah (wife of Richard White), and Wilmoth (wife of John Smith). The mother of these children died in 1872, and both she and the first Mrs. Richardson were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, although Mr. Richardson was a minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. William S. Richardson was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools of Izard County, and after at- taining his majority he began farming for himself on his own land in Izard County. When the war Iwoke out he dropped his farming implements to engage in the struggle between the North and South, and joined the Union forces at Rolla. Mo. , enlisting in Company G, Phelps' regiment of Mis- souri Volunteers, and at the end of six months en- tered the Missouri State service for six months. In 1805 he returned to the State of Arkansas, and after serving for some time as first lieutenant of his company, he was promoted to the rank of cap- tain, and held this office until his company was disbanded. He was at the battle of Pea Ridge, and at this engagement had a brother killed. After the war he served as courier for the Freed- men's Bureau, in Izard County, for some time. After his return home he found nothing left to show for his earl}' toil, except his land, all his per- sonal property having been destroyed, but he im- mediately resumed his farming operations, and has since increased his acreage from 1(50 to 270, a large portion of which he has under cultivation. He is a Republican in his political views, and is a liberal contributor to all charitable enterprises, educa- tional and otherwise, and he belongs to the A. F. & A. M. He and wife, whom he married in 1851, and whose maiden name was Elizabeth U ells, are incmluMs of the Ciinilierlaiid l'resl)ytenan Church, and of a family of twelve children born to them they have reared five: Alex. S., Fannie J. (wife of John Largeant), Ellen. Emma, Net(ie V., Catlierine (the deceased wife of James B. Byr.l), and Martha (the deceased wife of John Fuller). Joab M. Rodgers, a prosjierous farmer of this region, was born in Georgia, in |.sr)4, and is a son of Avery Rodgers who was a Tennesseean, and a farmer by occupation. The latter was luanied to Miss Polly A. McCuUum, a daughter of Joab Mc Cnllum, their union taking place about 1840, and to their mamage the following children have been born: William, John B.. Mary A.. Sallie E. and Joab M. Averj' Rodgers enlisted in the Confed- erate army in 18(51, serving in the infantry, and was killed in 18(58. In 1807 his wife married William Anderson, of Georgia, by whom she be came the mother of three children: Hardy L., Doney and Clinton, and in 1K70 they moved to Izard County, Ark., and are here now living, both being consistent members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, South. Joab Rodgers, the subject of this sketch, was married to Miss Sarah M. Wethers, of Dade County, Ga., in 1873, she be ing a daughter of Johnsey Wethers, and four daughters and three sons have been the result of their union: Effie. Leter P., Veronia, Hattie B., Ward J., Garland and Benjamin. Mr. Rodgers removed with his mother and ste]) father to Arkan sas, in 1870, but since his marriage has been doing for himself, and by industry, economy and good management, he has become the owner of 11? acres of land, forty -six of which are under culti vation and well improved. He built a commodi ous and substantial residence in ISSS. has a fine fruit orchard, and in connection with his farming he is engaged in stock raising to some extent. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Reuben Rogers was liorn in the State of Ten- nessee, in 1820, his parents, William and Klizal)eth (Hicks) Rogers, being natives of Alabama and Tennessee, respectively, the former's birth occur ring in 1795. He was familiar with the duties of farm life from earliest boyhood, and in |S81 was "Th 970 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. married to Miss Hicks, by whom he became the father of six children: Reuben, John, Peter, Allie, Sarah and Ada. From Tennessee Mr. Rogers re- moved to Independence County, Ark., in 1843, where his death occurred the following year, he being a member of the Baptist Church at that time. His widow married Henry Newman, of In- dependence County, in 1845, and to them three children were born: Henry N. , Matilda and Annie E., all of whom reside in Izard County. They own eighty acres of land, and both are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Reuben Rogers was married to Miss Nancy Newman in 1869, a daughter of Henry Newman by his former wife, and their union resulted in the birth of two children: William R. and Reuben F. In 1854, becoming possessed with the ' ' gold fever, ' ' Mr. Rogers took the overland route to California, to seek his fortune, and like a great many others in those days, failed to find it and returned to Arkansas in 1868. After living on eighty acres of land in Independence County, until 1876, he moved to Izard County, and purchased the place where he is now living, consisting of 160 acres, a portion of which is mountainous, and is finely adapted to grazing. The rest is in the valley and about fifty acres are under cultivation, well watered and improved with good buildings, orchards, etc. He and wife have been members of the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church for a number of years, and he is one of the men who has assisted largely in making Izard County the fine agricultural re- gion which it now is. Mr. Rogers is a severe suf- ferer from cancer of the stomach. Joseph Ruminer was born on Blue Grass soil, in Hickman County, June 22, 1835, his father, John Ruminer, having been born in Bedford Coun- ty, Tenn. , in 1809. The latter was educated in his native State and county, and was married there to Miss Elizabeth Harris, who was a Kentuckian, their union resulting in the birth of six sons and five daughters, only one, Joseph, being now alive. Mr. Ruminer was a farmer by occupation, and at the time of his death, in 1862, was the owner of seventy seven acres of land. He held the office of justice of the peace for two terms, and was a man whom all respected and esteemed. His wife, who was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, died the same year as himself, but a few months afterward. Joseph Ruminer received a very lim- ited education in his youth, but this defect he has remedied in a great measure by reading and con- ducting the business affairs of life. After reach- ing manhood, he was married on the 24th of Feb- ruary, 1859, to Miss Sarah Coalson, whose birth occurred in the State of Mississippi. Although the family born to them consisted of ten children, only five are now living: Mary E., Samuel R.. Sheffield, Robert and Harris H. Mr. Ruminer is a successful agriculturist, and his farm consisting of 368 acres is one of the best in the coiinty, with about seventy-five acres under the plow and twenty acres cleared of wood and brush, with which it abounded. His first purchase of land was some forty acres, but as can be seen he has been remark- ably successful, and now ranks among the first farmers of the county. He enlisted in the army in 1863, and his first hard fight was at Helena. He was a member of Dobbins' regiment, but when the rest went to Jacksonport to surrender he returned home. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and he and wife worship in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. J. H. Russell, farmer, Melbourne, Ark. Mr. Russell is one more of the many residents of Izard County, Ark., who were originally from Bedford County, Tenn., and who, since their residence in this State, have become leading men in whatever calling in life their tendencies have led them. Mr. Russell was born in 1821 and is the son of Joseph D. and Mary (Hightowor) Russell, natives, respect - ively, of North Carolina and Tennessee. The father was born in 1777 and the mother in 1800. They were married in Hickman County, Tenn., about 1820, and afterward removed to Bedford Coimty, of the same State, where they remained until 1829. They then located in Scott County, Mo. , and after stopping there for several years went to Webster County, of the same State, and here the father passed his last days, his death occurring in 1847. He was twice married, first to a lady whose name is not remembered, and by her IZARD COUNTY. 5)71 became the father of two children: William B. and Daniel D. By his second marriage, to Miss Mary Hightower, he became the father of five children, four of whom lived to be grown: J. H. , subject of sketch; Louis, was killed during the war with Mexico and after being discharged, it is supposed by Indians; Louisa (deceased), was the wife of John Cox, the family living in Missouri; John W. (deceased), whose family reside in Fulton County, and one who died in infancy. Mrs. Rus- sell died in Kentucky, in 1827, while Mr. Russell was on his way to Missouri. She was a member of the Baptist Church, of which Mr. Russell was also a member until about six or eight years before his death, when he joined the Christian Church and died a member of the same. He was a school teacher, farmer, and also a carpenter, but followed the teacher's profession principally after reaching mature years. He was an old line Whig, but not active in politics. He was well-to-do while living in Tennessee, but lost nearly all he had by going security for his fi-iends. J. H. Russell had very poor chances for an early education, but this he made up to a great extent by observation and read- ing. In 1862 he moved to Arkansas, settled in Izard County, and still continued to till the soil, the occupation he had followed while living in Missouri. While residing in Howell County, of that State, he was appointed one of the three to organ- ize the county, and served as county judge, being elected to that position afterward (or one of the associate justices), and was once elected justice of the peace of his township. He was first married to Miss Elizabeth Sweet, of North Carolina. His second marriage was in 1807, to Mrs. Susanah (Big- ham) Woods, a native of Tennessee, who bore him one child, Margaret L., who died in infancy. Mrs. Russell was the mother of four children by her tirst marriage (three now living): James (de- ceased), Mary E. (at home), Martha C. (wife of K. W. Rector), and Ursula C. (wife of G. R. Lan- ders). Mr. Russell has one son; his name is Robert F. He is now in his twenty-third year. At the time of the Mexican War Mr. Russell joined the army at Spriugtiekl, Mo., but the company was not received, although he was very anxious to go, and had hired a man to run his farm. He was suffering with poor health during the late war. He bought 400 acres of land in Izard County, in 1868, and resides on that farm at present. There were about forty acres improved at that time, and he now has 135 acre? und'M" a fine state of cultiva- tion, with good buildings, barns, etc. He and wife are both members of the Christian Church, and he is a memlier of the Masonic fraternity. In his po- litical views he atKJiates with the Democratic party, and was originally a Whig. W. E. Sanders, M. D., of Oxford, Ark., was born in the " Palmetto State" in 1846. and is one of six living members of a family of seven children born to the maiTiage of Dr. W. R. and F. H. (Simons) Sanders, the former of whom removed to Georgia in 1851. He wiis a graduate of the Charleston (S. C.) Medical College in 1838, and was an extensive and successful physician. He was married in 1839, and died in 1853. being a member of the Old School Presbyterian Church, and a member of the A. F. & A. M. In his po- litical views he was a Democrat. His wife died in 1809, at the age of fifty-two years. Dr. \V. E. Sanders attended the graded school of Newman. Ga. , up to the breaking out of the late war. and at the early age of fourteen years and eleven months, he joined Company E. Twentieth .Vlabama Infan try, and was an active participant in forty-six hotly contested engagements, among which were Baker's Creek, Chickamauga. Lookout Mountain. Mission- ary Ridge, Raymond, Dalton. Vicksburg. and ^s in all the battles from Dalton to Atlanta, Ga. At the battle of Franklin lie was wounded l)y a bay- onet, while he and his comrades were trying to take possession of the Federals' ditch. Thirty days afterward he took part in the l)attle of Nashville, although he had not fully recovered from his wound. He surrendered at Greenstoro, N. C. He served as a private, and on five different occa- sions, when the color be:irer was shot. Dr. Sanders carried the colors of his regiment out of the en- fafements, and was offered the position of color bearer bv his colonel, but declineil, saying he would rather carry a gun. .\fter his return home he becan the study of medicine, and for some time w ^ 972 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. before entering college he was engaged in practic- ing, and was well fitted to perform the duties of a physician from the fact that his father and all his brothers were practicing physicians. At the age of twenty years he entered the Medical University at New Orleans, but at the end of one term en- tered the Medical College of Philadelphia, gradu- ating therefrom in 1868, and immediately began practicing in Clinton, Ala. At the end of five years he moved to Fayette County, Texas, and three years later settled in Independence County, Ark. In 1878 became to his present location, and the same year opened a mercantile establishment in Union, Fulton County, Ark., but removed bis goods to this county in 1884, and formed a part- nership with J. E. Ford. This partnership was dissolved in 1888, and the Doctor has since been connected with E. S. Pearson, the style of the firm being Sanders & Pearson. They ai-e doing a prosperous business, and fully deserve the patron- age which they are receiving, for they are honest and upright in all their dealings, and are accom- modating and agreeable gentlemen. The Doctor was married, in 1876, to Mrs. Addie Hodges, of Independence County, but a native of Tennessee, and to them have been born four children : Mary A., William C, Edward C. and Kittie. Dr. and Mrs. Sanders are members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, South, and he is a member of the I. O. O. F., and is a Democrat politically. He is now examining physician for the Pension Bureau, and a thoroughly reliable, successful physician. Dr. Joseph A. Schenck is a leading physician of Calico Rock, and in connection with tiis prac- tice is also engaged in merchandising. He was born in Owen County, Ky. , in 1847, and is a son of Julius P. and America (Applegate) Schenck, natives of Kentucky. The father was a captain on a steamboat plying between Cincinnati and New Orleans, and he was also engaged in farming and merchandising, following the latter occupation in Vevay, Ind., while at work on the river. He owned a one-half interest in the "Switzerland," which was the name of his boat, the other half being owned by Jesse Teets, and they were also the proprietors of several other boats which plied on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, in the interests of the Government during the war. He died in 1862, leaving his family well provided for, but during the war much of their property was lost. He was married about 1842, and he and wife be- came the parents of eight childron, four of whom are living: J. P., who is a merchant of Worthville, Ky. ; Delia, the wife of Dr. J. F. Costillo, resides in Kansas; Amy is the wife of James Grubbs, a telegraph operator, and J. A., the subject of this sketch. Mrs. Schenck died in 1887, having been a worthy member of the Christian Church for many years, her husband being a member of the Baptist Church. He was a Democrat politi- cally, and belonged to the I. O. O. F. Dr. Joseph A. Schenck received his early schooling in Vevay, Ind., and in 1873 he took his first medical lectures in the University of Louisville, Ky. , and gradu- ated from this institution in 1880. He had, how- ever, begun practicing in Jackson County, Ark., in 1874, but at the end of one year removed to Izard County, Ark., and has been a successful practitioner at Pineville ever since. Since 1885 he has been engaged in merchandising, in part- nership with Dr. T. K. Goodman, their paid up capital upon starting in business, amounting to about $300, but on the 6th of October, 1886, they were burned out with, a loss of about $1,600, their insurance reaching the sum of 11,000. They opened their store on the 12th of the same month, with a stock of goods worth $200, and have since been very successful, and are now doing an annual business of $18,000. In addition to this property Dr. Schenck owns 288 acres of valuable land, with 150 acres under cultivation, and all this property he has earned since coming to the State of Arkansas, as he then (in 1874) only owned a horse and saddle and about $150 worth of drugs. The Doctor still continues to practice his profession, but not so extensively as formerly. He was married in 1876 to Miss Ellen Matthews, a daughter of Capt. R. C. Matthews. She was born in Tennessee in 1849, and by Dr. Schenck is the mother of the following family: Amy D., Reua Z., Joseph E. and America E. (twins), Lunford P. Y., Carrie M., Julius P., John M. and Robert IZARD COUNTY. «73 C. Mrs. Schenck is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and the Doctor belongs to the A. F. & A. M. and I. O. O. F., having ad- vanced to the Encampment in the latter order. John Sharp, farmer and stock raiser, Evening Shade, Ark. Originally from Independence Coun- ty, Ai'k., Mr. Sharp's birth occurred on the 15th of September, 1843, and he is the son of Hon. i William and Catherine (Barnes) Sharp, the former born in Indiana, and the latter in Ohio. William Sharp came to Independence County, Ark. (near Sulphur Rock), in 1838, and engaged first in farm- ing, which occupation he continued for two or three years. He then embarked in the tannery business, and established the second yard in the county. It is now known as the Gelpin (anyard. Mr. Sharp was a practical tanner, and followed this pursuit until 1852, when he moved to what is now Sharp County, and settled close to Evening Shade. He purchased a mill, rebuilt it, and it is now known as Sharp's mill. This business he fol- lowed until his death, which occurred in 1804. In 1860-61 he represented Lawrence County in the legislature, was a member when the State seceded, but was opposed to secession. During 1863 and 1864 he was at home attending to his mill, and was also engaged in tilling the soil. He was one of the old land-marks in the early settlement of Northeast Ai'kansas, and was one of the prominent men of his section of the county. He was a man well read, and although he had never attended school but about three months, he was a much bet- ter informed man than many who had every advan- tage for schooling. He died in his fiftieth year. He was a Democrat in politics. He was married in Ohio, about 1835, to Miss Catherine Barnes, and eight children were the fruit of this union, five of whom lived to be grown: Isaac E. died in 1875, and was quite a prominent man in Northeast Arkansas after the war; Zaccheus (deceased), Mary (deceased), John, Rachel, wife of E. Berry, resides in Dent County, Mo. ; Margaret, wife of William Martin, resides in Independence County; Elijah resides in Dent County, -Ai-k.. and Ephraim (de ceased). Mrs. Sharp died in 1855, in full commun- ion with the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1857 or 1858 Mr. Sharp married Mrs. Louisa Simpson, nee Douglas, and they became the par- ents of four children, one now living, Samuel, residing in Wasliingtoii Teiritory. The second Mrs. Sharp died in 1864. John Sharp, the sub- ject of this sketch, joined the Confederate army in 1861, under Capt. Nunn, and served cast of the Mississippi River until after the fall of Vicksburg. He was engaged in two prominent battles, Cham pion's Hill and Black Rivi-r Bridge. He was taken prisoner at the last named place the day before the ' siege of Vicksburg, and was sent to Fort Delaware, [ thence to Point Lookout, Md. , and was retained from the 17th of October to the 24th of December, when he was paroled. He then returned home, remained there until 1864, when he enlisted the second time as a private under Capt. Huddleston, and served the remainder of the war, surrendering at Jacksonport on the 5tb of June. 1865. He wa.'^ with Gen. Price on his raid through Missouri in 1864, and after the surrender he returned home, where he worked in the mill until 1867. He then engaged in tilling the soil on his present farm, which now consists of 800 acres, with 300 under cultivation. Part of this is in Sharp County, but all joins except one tract of 253 acres, which is, however, within one-fourth of a mile from the home place, with eighty-five acres under cultiva- tion. Mr. Sharp was married the first time in 1865, to Miss Catherine Summers, and they be came the parents of these children: William, mar ried and resides on the farm; Anna, wife of I^au. T. Taylor, resides on the home place; Mary E., wife of Jeff. Davis, resides in this county; Emma died at the age of nine years; Robert I., at home, and one unnamed. Mrs. Sharp died on the 13th of December, 1876. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Sharp's second marriage was to Miss Susan J. Yeager. in 1878. and they have a family of five children (two l)eing de ceased): Katie, Prussia, John C. Frank and one unnamed. Mr. Sharp is a member of the Masonic fraternity and the Knights of Honor. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a Democrat politically, but though well posted, does not take nn active interest in politics. 974 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. J. M. Shaver ranks among the successful farmers of Guthrie Township, Izard County, Ark., and is now residing on the farm on which he was born in 1853, his parents being John S. and Mary (Cox) Shaver, Tennesseans by birth. John Shaver came to the State of Ai-kansas in 1851, and pur- chased the farm in Guthrie Township, in connection with which work he was engaged in merchandising. Here he made his home until 1862, when he was killed by Federal soldiers, he having previously served in the Home Guard Confederate service. He was also a soldier in the Mexican War, holding the rank of captain, and when returning home came via New Oi'leans. He was married in 1848, and he and wife became the parents of seven chil- dren: D. C, Marietta (wife of J. R. Metcalf), J. M., Mattie (wife of E. A. Taylor), Addie (widow of T. H. Montgomery), Hattie (wife of Will Col- lins), and Belle (wife of C. E. Taylor). Mrs. Shaver still survives her husband, and makes her home with her children. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Capt. Shaver was a member of the A. F. & A. M., and in 1858 was elected to represent Fulton County in the State legislature. J. M. Shaver, the immediate subject of this memoir, received his early school- ing in Izard County, and made his home with his mother and sisters until 1884, when he was mar- ried to Miss Georgia Smith, and made a home for himself. He has now seventy-five acres of his land cleared, and besides making a good living, is slowly but surely laying by capital for a rainy day. He was at one time engaged in merchandising in Oxford, but has given his attention to farming only for some time. He is a Democrat politically, and on that ticket was elected to the office of deputy sheriff of the county for four years. He is also a member of the A. F. & A. M. His wife belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and they are the parents of two children: John S. and Mamie L. Mrs. Shaver is a daughter of S. J. and Levica (Chastine) Smith, natives of Georgia. John J. Shultz was born in the State of Illi- nois on the 16th of August, 1851, and like the majority of German-Americans is one of the sub- stantial residents of the county, and is industrious ] and frugal. By energy and close attention to the details of farm work he has become the owner of 160 acres of good land, and of this there are about fifty acres under cultivation, well improved and well stocked. He is now tilling the office of justice of the peace, which position he has occupied for the past fourteen years, and he and wife, whose maiden name was Mary E. Bean, and whom he married on the 11th of October, 1865, are mem- bers of the Christian Church. Of six sons and five daughters born to them nine are still living, and all reside at home: William A., Walter E. , John M., Caswell B., Mordecai M., Mary E., Amanda V. , Albert F. and Maggie E. Mr. Shultz is a son of John Shultz, a native German, born in 1784, he being educated in his native land. He was also married there to Holy Homsan, by whom he becanie the father of seven children, sis sons and one daughter. Six of this family are still living, three being residents of the State of Kan- sas, two of Illinois and one of Arkansas. The father was a farmer, and at his death, in 1838, he owned a good and fertile farm of 160 acres in Illinois, he having moved from Germany to the United States in 1832. His wife died in 1871, both belonging to the German Lutheran Church. William C. Sims is worth)- of being classed among the many prosperous farmers of Izard County, for by his own exertions he has become the owner of about 420 acres of fertile land, of which 300 are in Izard County and the rest in Sharp County. One hundred and seventy acres of this farm are under cultivation, and in addition to his farm work he gives much of his attention to raising a good grade of stock. He was born in Itawamba County, Miss., on the 7th of Septem- ber, 1844, and is a son of Gray and Marinda (Mann) Sims, who were from the State of Ala- bama. Of two sons and four daughters born to them, the two sons only are living. The father, at the time of his death, was the owner of 160 acres of good land. He and wife were members of the Baptist Church, and after his demise, in 1846, his widow became the worthy companion of John Pressley, to whom she bore a family of four sons and three daughters. The mother's death oc- Tl >y % iL. IZARD COUNTY. fl75 curred on the 22d of June, ]8fi3. William C. Sims was educated in Mississippi, and at the age of fourteen years moved to Van Buren County, I Ark., remaining there until 1861. Thonhevolun- i teered in the Confederate army, and was mustered into service on the 14th day of July, 1861. After the war he located in Sharp County, and was mar- ried to Mrs. Sarah C. Waiiiwright, who was a Ten- nesseean, their marriage being consummated Sep- tember 4, 1867. This union resulted in the l^irth of eleven children, three sons and eight daughters, but only two of the family are now living. After the death of Mrs. Sims, on the 18th of March, 1881, Mr. Sims was married, August 10, of that year, to Miss Sallie P. Haile, a Mississippian. He has attained a high rank in the I. O. O. F., and he and wife are members of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church. Ephraim Sipe has been a resident of his pres- ent well cultivated and fertile farm of 240 acres in Izard County, Ark., since 1857, and has about 100 acres in an excellent state of cultivation. Like the majority of German-Americans he is thrifty, indus- trious and enterprising, and his property has been acquired through his own good management and business ability. After remaining single until 1865, he was united in marriage to Miss Betsey Deal, their union taking place in Independence County, Ark. Fom- children are the result of their union: Martha M., Malinda E., Ephraim and Rob- ert R. He and wife belong to the Missionary Bap- tist Church, and he is a member of the I. O. O. F. He is a son of Jacob Sipes, who was also born in Lincoln County, N. C. , his wife, Mary Delp, being also born there. John, Jacob, Joseph, Abraham, Ephraim, Peter, Franklin, Noah and Susan are their children. The father died in 1846. Our subject's wife was a daughter of Robert Deal and wife, the latter of whom was born in North Caro- lina in 1806, and is still living, and makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Sipe. Although she has passed her allotted three-score years and ten, she is still active, and bids fair to reach one hundred years. E. F. Smith, farmer and miller, Melbourne, Ark. All his life Mr. Smith has followed, with substantial success, the occupation to which he was reared and in which he is now engaged — farm- ing — but in connection has also been largely inter- ested in the milling business. He was born in Massachusetts, in 1S88, and is the son of Roswell and Jane E. Smith, who were also natives of Mas- sachusetts. Roswell Smith was a farmer by occu- pation, and was a man of only limited education. He was drafted in the AVar of 1812, but was not in any engagements. He was married about 1807 and became the father of fourteen children, twelve of whom lived to be grown, E. F. Smith being the only one residing in the South. At the age of seventeen the latter came to this part of the United States, located first in Tennessee, and later, or in 1859, in Arkansas. He was employed on the Memphis & Little Rock Railroad, and after that was finished he settled in Jacksonport, where he followed the carpenter's trade. In 1S61 he joined the Confederate army under Gen. Hindman, and served on the west side of the Mississippi River, participating in the following battles: Pea Ridge and Pleasant Hill, and was in the (juartermaster's department. He surrendered at Marshall, Tex., in 1865, returned home and located at Evening Shade, where he engaged in merchandising, and which he continued for two years. He then re- sumed the carpenter's trade, which he followed un- til 1880, when he commenced farming. He bought his present property, consisting of a merchant mill and cotton-gin combined, with a nice resi dence. He owns, besides this property, two farms in the county, with about eighty acres under cul tivation, all the result of his own labor since the war, for at the close of that eventful period he had but $2. He was married on the 18th <>f October, 1866, to Miss Melissa J. Wasson, and they are the parents of two children: Ella G., at home, and Leander G.. also at home. Mrs. Smith is the daughter of Lee and Jane (Matliews) Was son, natives of Tennessee. Mr. Smith votes the Democratic ticket, is a member of the A. F. & A. M., and he and wife are members of the Mi>thod ist Episcopal Church, South. Dr. James L. Smith lias acipiired an envialile reputation in Izard County, Ark., as an nbli' j)hy ^1 976 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. sician and surgeon, and the extensive territory over which he travels to alleviate the suffering of j the afflicted is a sufficient proof of his popularity, i He was born near Melbourne, and is a son of S. R. and Jane (Walker) Smith, the former a native j of Tennessee, and the latter of Arkansas. In I 1849 S. R. Smith came to Arkansas, and settled on the farm with his mother, near where he is now residing, live miles southwest of Melbourne. He served in the Confederate army during the re- bellion, and was with Price on his raid through | Missouri, but in 1864 he was severely wounded by a gun-shot, which resulted in the loss of his left leg. He was captured and taken to Alton, 111. , thence to St. Louis, and received his parole from this city in 1865. He returned to his farm in Izard County, only to find it destitute of buildings, fences and stock, but he set manfully to work, and by good management he is now in comfortable circumstances. He and Miss Walker were mar- i ried in 1855, and moved to the farm where he is now living, and eight of the nine children born to them still survive: James L. , Joseph M. , Mary E. P., wife of J. P. Gray; W. T. (deceased), W. A., Jeff. D., John H. , Solomon and Robert L. Mr. Smith has been constable of Lunenburg Township for several years, and is a member of ■ the I. O. O. F. His wife belongs to the Chris- tian Church. The paternal grandfather was a sol- dier in the Mexican War, and bore the name of James. His wife was a Miss Orphia Byler. The maternal grandparents were Joseph and Sarah (McCubbin) Walker. Dr. James L. Smith re mained with his father on the home farm and at- tended the common schools until 1S7(), when he engaged in farming on his own responsibility, con- tinuing two years, and in. the meantime he was en- gaged in the study of medicine under Dr. J. K. P. ' Black. In 1880 and 1881 he attended his lirst course of lectures in the Hospital Medical College of Memphis, Tenn., and in 1881 entered upon his practice, continuing until 1887, when he again re- turned to Memphis and graduated from the same institution in 1888. He has been very successful, j and is held in high esteem by the medical brother- | hood of Izard County. The Doctor is a Democrat, j a member of the I. O. O. F. , and he and wife, whom he married in 1883, and whose maiden name was Mary Croom, are members of the Christian Church. Dr. and Mrs. Smith have three interest- ing little children: Robert O. , Bertha J. and Erskin. Mrs. Smith was born in Izard County, January 28, 1865, and is a daughter of Wiley and Sarah J. (Pearson) Croom, both Tennesseeans, and the parents of nine children : Mary, D. F. , H. F., Ida J., wife of A. H. Colwell; Benage, Susan E., Annabel, Thomas W. and Grover. William A. Spence is one of the enterprising agriculturists of La Crosse Township, and since 1868 has been the owner of an excellent farm of 187^ acres in Izard County. He was born in Davidson County, N. C, in 1837, but in his youth, which was spent in that State, he received a limited education. Upon emigrating to Arkansas, in 1862, he settled in Independence County, but since 1868 he has been a resident of the farm on which he is now residing. In 1857 he was married to Miss Emily C. Grills, a daughter of William D. Grills, and by her he is the father of six children: Mary, Harriet G.. Martha T. L., Ive T., James D. and William E. Mr. Spence is one of the live farmers of his community, and the success which has attended his efforts is fully deserved, for throughout life he has been industrious and frugal. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He began doing for himself in 1857, in Wright County, Mo., where he home- steaded eighty acres of land, but in 1862 moved to Independence County, Ark. , as above stated. He is a son of Joseph Spence, who was born in North Carolina, and the latter was married in his native State to Miss Rachel, a daughter of James Hurley, and by her became the father of three children. Their union took place in 1834. In 1855 Mr. Spence moved to Wright County, Mo., and was engaged in farming there until 1863, at w'hich time he moved to Independence County, Ark. , and bought 160 acres, which he farmed successfully for several years. He died here in April, 1878, at about the age of seventy-three years. O. P. Stroud is a prominent farmer and stock man of Izard County, Ark., and is one of the old ^. eth, widow nf John McAfee, Thomas J., Resi, Marcus L., Fannie, widow of William Sapp; Hettie and Minerva, wif»< of Robert Henderson. In 1872 Thomju* Stroud died on the same place he settled wlien he first came to Tennessee. His father's death occurred in 1840, at the age of seventy-four years. The maternal grandfather was in the Revolutionary War, being severely wounded in one of the battleti. He settled in Tennessee, also, and there died. J. A. Stroud is one of the rising and energetic young agriculturists of Izard County, and was born in Mississippi in 1840, being a son of O. P. Stroud, whose sketch precedes this one. In 1851 be re- moved to Arkansas with his father, and remained with him, assisting on the farm until he was twen- ty-one years of age. Besides working at farm labor his youth was spent in attending school, and he acquired a fair practical education in the subscrip- tion schools of Izard County. Upon attaining his majority he began fanning on rented land, contin- uing for two or three years, then purchased his present property, which consists of 230 acres. There were only aliout ten acres of this improved, and on the land were no buildings, Vjut by industry he hjis put sixty-five acres in good farming condi- tion, and has erected a good frame residence and barns. His property is also further improved by a small orchard, which will in time bear an afcuii dance of fruit. Mr. Stroud is a Democrat, a mem ber of the A. F. & A. M., and donates freely to churches and educational institutions. Like his ancestors, he is quite fond of hunting and fishing, and, as good spwrt can still be had in the vicinity of his home, he freijuently indulges in thesp amuse- ments. Miss Euphemia Guest became his wif»« in 1874, and by her he has an interesting family of five children: Jeffie A.. Lillie B. , Doroth«'8 N.. Perry L. and Fannie C. Mrs. Stroud was born in Tennessee, and is a daughter of Morgan and Eliza (Dennison) Guest, who wern alsoTenni'sseoans. In 1859 they came to Arkansas, and from this State 978 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Mr. Guest enlisted in the Confederate army, and died during the war. Of the four children boi"n to them Mrs. Stroud and Robert M. Giiest are living. Mr.s. Guest still survives, and makes her homo with Mr. Stroud. John K. Suttle is a well known merchant of Izard County, Ai'k. , and was born in Henry Coun- ty, Tenn., September 24, 1850. His father, Ed- ward J. Suttle, was born in Pennsylvania County, Va. . and he was reared and educated in that State, being also married there to Mintie Marrow, a na- tive of the Stat(>. The ten children born to them (five sons and five daughters) are all living, and four reside in the State of Arkansas. Mr. Suttle removed from Vii;ginia to Tennessee, and from that State to Arkansas, in the fall of 1854, locating in Big Spring Township, Izard County, where he entered a large tract of land, consisting of 460 acres, on which he made his home until he was called from earth October 20, 1862. He was followed to his long home by his wife October 23, 1873, they hav- ing been earnest members of the Hard Shell Bap- tist Church for many years. The father served for a short time in the Confederate army during the rebellion, and after his death his property was divided among his children. John K. Suttle was educated in the Mountain school house, in Izard Coimty, his early days being employed in assist- ing in tilling the home farm. In March, 1873, he was married to Miss Sarah Edwards, a daughter Wiley and Martha Edwards, and a native of Ten- nessee. Of four daughter and three sons born to them, only three children are now living: Ora A., Dee E. and Archie. Mr. Suttle has been engaged in merchandising at Barren Fork, for some time, and his stock of goods will invoice at about $1,500, his annual sales netting him a fair income. His wife is a member of the Baptist Church. James J. Vest was born in Alabama, in 1821, and is a son of James and Sallie (Harvey) Ve.st, the former a native of Georgia, born in 1791, and to their union, which occurred 1809, a family of eight children were born: Albert, James, John, George, William, Lucy, Martha and Nancy. The mother of these children died in Alabama, in 1827, she having been a worthy member of the Method- ist Episcopal Church for many years. Mr. Vest wedded his second wife, Margaret Canady, in 1828, she being a daughter of Felix Canady, and the following childi-en were bom to their union: Henry, Martin, Jonathan and Sarah. Mr. Vest from earliest boyhood was reared to a farm life, and received his early education in the common schools of Georgia. He served as a captain in the Alabama State Guards, State Militia, and in 1833 was elected to the office of constable of Morgan County, Ala. , and after remaining in office for sev- eral years he was (in 1838) elected sheriff of the same county, holding the position until 1840. Two years later, he was elected to represent Winston County, Ala., in the State legislature, and died in this county in 1868, followed by his wife two years later, and they lie side by side in the Old Mount Nebo Cemetery, Ala. James J. Vest re- ceived his early instructions in farming from his father, and in 1857 removed to Izard County, Ark., fi-om which State he enlisted in the Confed- erate army in 1862, under Gen. Price, and after serving for a short time in the infantry, he joined the cavalry, and was a participant in all the prin- cipal battles which occurred west of the Missis- sippi River. He surrendered at Jacksonport on the 25th day of June, 1865. When a young man in his native State, he studied for the ministry, and in 1838 was licensed to preach in the Methodist Church, and was a minister of that denomination for several years. In 1865 he was ordained to preach in the Baptist Church, and although he was the owner of a tract of land, he has divided it among his children, and devotes his time to the cause of Christianity. He is a stanch Democrat, a Royal Arch Mason, and also belongs to the I. O. O. F. His wife, who was formerly a Miss De- laney Kent, and whom he married in 1840, was born in the State of Alabama, and she and Mr. Vest are the parents of the following family: Al- bert, James, William, Martha and Mary living, and John, Malviney and Sallie deceased. James A. Walker is a native of Izard County, Ark. , born in 1849. His father, who was born in the State of Kentucky in 1807. was reared to a farm life, and after he attained his majority, he ^, IZARD COUNTY. 979 learued the blacksmith's trade. As earlj' as 1820 he removed to the State of Arkansas with his parents, the country then being a territory, and from that time up to the day of his death was engaged in farming, becoming one of the leading agriculturists of this region. He owned an ex- cellent farm of 200 acres, the principal part of which he devoted to the raising of cotton, corn and tobacco. He was married, in 1830, to Miss Sarah McCubbins, whose people were residents of Marion County, Ai'k., and to their union a family of ten children were born, six sons and four daughters, all of whom lived to maturity : Eobert T. AV. , Will- iam M., John A. W., Greene, James A., Jane, Phoebe, Elizabeth, Harriet C. and Mary L. In 1869 James A. Walker married a daughter of Jo- seph and Sarah Woody, of Izard County, but Ten- nesseeans by birth. Her name was Izora E. Woody, and by Mr. Walker she became the mother of four children: Lillie, Leroy, Oleen and Charley. Mr. Walker has devoted his attention to farming from his youth up, and by paying strict attention to his work, and being ever ready to adopt new meth- ods, he has met with good results, and now has a fertile farm of 127 acres on Rocky Bayou, the fifty acres which are under the plow being devoted to the raising of cotton, corn and small grain. Mr. Walker is a gentleman who possesses many worthy qualities, and ho and wife make the best of neigh- bors, and are very hospitable. They are members in good standing of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he belongs to the I. O. O. F. T. J. Williamson is a man who seems to be es- pecially iitted for the occupation of merchandising, for he has met with more than the average degree of success, and his earnest and sincere endeavor to succeed in life is well worthy of imitation. He was born in Independence County, Ark., Decem- ber 22, 1852, and is a son of R. P. and Catherine (Bowman) Williamson, who were born in Franklin County, Tenn., and North Carolina, respectively, the former's birth occurring November 15, 1819. He was educated in Hardeman County, Tenn., near Bolivar, and after his removal to Arkansas, in 1849, he settled in Independence County, and was there married. He and wife became the parents of two sons and two daughters, and being people of wealth and position, they have given their children good educational advantages. They own aboat 1,500 acres of land, and have some 750 under cul tivation. The mother is a member of the Cumber land Presbyterian Church. T. J. Williamson, their son, was educated in Bellefonte, Boone County, Ark., and ho was married there to Miss Sarah Murray on the 20th of December, 1877, she being a native of that State, and a daughter of Alfred Murray, who was a Tennesseean. To Mr. and Mrs. Williamson were born seven children, of whom four are still living: Clarence R., Kittie N., Pauline and Alexander; those deceased are: Oscar W., who died June 14, 1889; Viola, who died October 5, 1888; and Elloena, whose death occurred on the 14th of September, 1888. Mr. Williamson has been engaged in merchandising since he was twenty-one years of age. He holds the highest office in the I. O. O. F., and has been a delegate to the Grand Lodge. He and wife are members of the Methodist Church, and are well known and highly esteemed citizens. W. H. Winkle was born in Iredell County. N. C, July 8, 1838, and is one of five surviving mem bers of a family of ten children born to Harvey and Sarah Winkle, who were born in Tennessee and North Carolina, the former's birth occurring in 1806. Harvey Winkle was educated in his native State, and his occupation through life was that of a farmer and mechanic. His death occurred March 24, 1866, and his wife's in April, 1850, she l>ein<' a member of the Lutheran Cljurch atethe time of her death. After receiving the advantages of the common schools and attaining manhood on his father's farm. W. H. Winkle wiis marrie«l on the 14th of February, lfS61, to Elizal)eth Ful- bright, who was bom in the State of Arkansas, but her death occurred on the 2Sth of September. 1868, she leaving him with an infant daughter, Mary Jane, to care for. His second wife, Sarah Jackson, was also born in the State of Arkansas, and their marriage was consummated on tlie 24th of January, 1866, his wife l)oing a daughter of John and Mary Johnstin. The second union also re- sulted in the birth of one daughter, who ilied on ►^ '-^ 980 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the 19th of November, 1872. Mr. Winkle pos- sesses an exceedingly fertile farm of 160 acres, of which eighty acres are under cultivation, and much of his attention is given to raising a good grade of mules and other stock. He has attained a high rank in the I. O. O. F., and in every en- terprise in which he engages he is progressive and energetic, and consequently is successful as a rule. He and wife belong to the Cumberland Presby- terian Church. James B. Woods, farmer, Melbourne, Ark. Among the prominent young farmers of Izard County appears the name of James B. Woods, who, like many others of the representative men of the county, is h native of Bedford Coun- ty, Tenn. His parents, John and Luciuda (Rich- ardson) Woods, are natives of the same State. John Woods came to Arkansas in 1854, settling in Izard County, and bought a farm near Mel- bourne, or rather near the present site of Mel- bourne, where he resided until his death in 1860. He was in his twenty -ninth year at that time, and was a member of the Christian Church. He had always taken an active interest in politics. In 1858 he had been elected sheriff of the county, and had just retired from office at the time of his death. The mother died in 1879, at the age of forty-eight years. To their union were born six children, four now living: Margaret, wife of Alex. L. Sublett; James B., Mary, wife of W. L. Stroud; Sarah J. (deceased), wife of Joseph E. Freeman; Thomas R. (deceased), and Martha C. , wife of Daniel S. Freeman. James B. Woods was born in February, 1852, and was reared to agricultural pursuits in this county. He received a good, prac- tical education in the subscription and free schools of Arkansas, and when twenty-one years of age started out to fight life's battles for himself. He first tilled the soil on his mother's farm, but two years later bought a house in Melbourne, moved there, but rented land and still cultivated the soil. In connection with this he also teamed and fol- lowed the carpenter's trade for two years, after which he sold out and bought his present property. This (consists of 151 acres, with about forty or fifty acres cleared, and with good buildings, etc. He was married, in 1874, to Miss Fannie Dixon, daughter of \V. C. and Eliza (Clarada) Dixon, na- tives of Tennessee. To this marriage have been born five children: Ora A., Lillian A., Owen D., Robert L. and Margaret. James B. Woods is among the prosperous young farmers of the county and deserves especial credit for the start he has made in life. He is public-spirited and takes an active interest in educational matters as well as all other public enterprises. He and wife are both members of the Christian Church. In politics he casts his vote with the Democratic party. Socially he is a member of the Masonic fraternity. S. H. Wren is the oldest living pioneer of Izard County, and was born in Warren County, Ky. , (near Bowling Green) in 1824, and at the age of six years was brought by his parents, James and Elizabeth (Hightower) Wren, to Izard County. I James Wren was born in North Carolina, and in 1 1819 moved to Kentucky, and settled in Warren County, where he engaged in farming, and lived until the above mentioned date, at which date he located in Arkansas, near Lunenburg, and gave his attention to farming. He served as justice of the peace of the county several terms, and held the office of county judge from 1842 to 1847, having no opponents during this time. He was also elected to the office of county trustee, to distribute the international and school fund for the purpose of improving the public roads, there being three candidates, and Mr. Wren received every vote polled in the county with the exception of one — the only case of the kind on the county records. He was popular with all, and justly so, for he ' was ever very public-spirited, and his efforts in aiding in the improvement of the county will al- ways be highly appreciated. His death, which occurred on the 28th of April, 1888, at the age of ninety seven years and twenty-eight days, was much regretted by all who knew him. He had ! been a member of the Missionary Baptist Church h'om the time he was thirty two years of age until his death, and in his political views was a Jeffer- sonian Democi'at, and during the war a loading I Secessionist. His wife, who was born in the "Pal- ! metto State," died on the 6th of June, 1883, at 71® ^v- IZARD COUNTY. '.IS I tlie agi> of t'ighty-piglit years. Tlieir son, S. H. Wreu, bogaji life for liimsolf at tbo age of twonty years, first as a farmer, and October 6, 1845, ho moved to the Platte Purchase, in Missouri, remain- ing there about one year. Upon his return to Izard County, Ark., ho was engaged in rafting lumber for two years. In 1861 he was living in Fulton County, Ark. , and was a candidate on the Union ticket for a seat in the convention opposed to secession, and was victorious over his opponent, biit the county clerk gave the certificate of election to the defeated candidate. The race was made three times, and each time Mr. Wren secured the greatest number of votes, but before the case was finally settled the State seceded. Owing to the views held Vjy Mr. Wren in regard to secession, he was arrested and tried for treason to tlie Confed- erate government, the trial being held at Little Rock, before Judge Ringo, but he was ac(juitted after they had examined two prosecuting witnesses. He then returned home, in February, 1862, and remained here until the arrival of Gen. Curtis, when he went to Rolla, Mo., and remained con- nected with the Union army for two years, selling goods at Batesville. After his return home, at the close. of the war, he found all his buildings and fences destroyed, but he set to work to again improve his property, and now lias hin fnrin, which consists of 120 acres, well impn.ved with gotjd buildings, and has eighty one acres under the plow. He has owned 1,2(1(1 acres, but has lost the most of it in going security for his friends. His wife owns 146 acres, with 1(10 acres under cultivation. He was elected to the oftice of justice of the peace two terms, making six years in all, and during that time did not have a decision re versed or a change of venue taken, and not a cent was charged up to the State of Arkansas. He is a Republican in his political views, but usually votes for whom ho consid(>rs the best man, regardless of party. He has been twice married, the first time to Miss Nancy J. Hayley, in 1854, and of six chil- dren born to them, three are deceased: .Tanies M. . William C, and Martha .J. (Mrs. .James Cole) living in Franklin County, Ark. Mrs. Wren was a mem ■ ber of the Missionary Baptist Church.'Tjnd died in 1865. Mr. Wren's second union took place on the 24th of November, 1867. his wife being a Miss Margaret Evans, and of nine children liorn to them, four are living: W. G., S. R.. Thomas H. and Mai-}' C. Mrs. Wren is a member of the Christian Church, and he is a member of the I. O. O. F., and the Agricultural Wheel, taking a warm interest in commendable enterprises. "^ ^^ '/ v'^v V^*/ v'^-/ \-^\/.. --=*-•- „.■ %/ -•»%:■ %<<•* .• Jfe'-. \./ :M^\ %.*' .-jfej-^^w^' .-4 0' ■^ " • « o " .0 .:,««r,-- /%. --S^-- /% -•.^•- /X • ■ .*'' Hi- "^-^-^ ■mi- **'^** •■ *'-^^* ■ .., ^ ^^'/:^- ^ ■J.^ ,o«o. '^. „V .t... "^^ , .0".. 0^ •£ . • •• ^\^' •-< • • ' ' A*^ •0^ -'^^ o V . ^ -^ • J d o V A ^0- <► ... ,0^ %. 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