rt t 'S i f-^ -^ *— ' U^ LA, 9 K f ^yCf . (^ L LAYING THE CORNER-STONE I / "^ ' OF THE NEW STATE CAPITOL LANSING, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, OCT. 2, 1873. LANSING : W. e. GEORGE «! CO., PRINTERS AND BINDERS. 1873. ORDER OF EXERCISES< 1st. Formation of the Procession at 13 o'clock. 2d. Instrumental Music. 3d. Introductory Address by His Excellency, Governor John J. Bagley. 4th. Prayer by Rt. Rev. Samuel A. McCoskry, D.D., LL.D. 5th. National Hymn, "America." 6th. Oration by Hon. William A. Howard, 7th. Laying the Corner-Stone. 8th. Hymn, "Old Hundred." 9th. Benediction by Rev. Noah Fassett. 10th. Firing of National Salute. WeBt.Bes.HiBt-Soo. 1915 F 574 .L2 M59 Copy 1 OFFICERS OF THE DAY. PRESIDENT : GOVERNOR JOHN J. BAGLEY. VICE PRESIDENTS : 1 C. C. Trowbridge, Detroit 2 G. V. N. LoTHROP, Detroit 3 E. J. Pbnniman, Plymouth 4 Alpheus Felch, Ann Arbor 5 Warner Wing, . . . . . . Monroe 6 John J. Adam, Tecumseh 7 G. T. Gridley, Jackson 8 C. P. Dibble, Battle Creek 9 John P. Cook, Hillsdale 10 Charles Upson, Ooldwater 11 J. G. Wait, Sturgis 12 R. W. Landon, Niles 13 Jonathan J. Woodman, .... Paw Paw 14 W. B. Williams, Allegan 15 Charles E. Stuart, Kalamazoo 16 Joseph Musgrave, Charlotte 17 0. M. Barnes, Mason 18 Amos Gould, Owosso 19 J. B. Walker, Flint 20 A. C. Baldwin, Pontiac 21 R. P. Eldridge, Mt. Clemens 23 W. T. Mitchell, Port Huron 23 J. L. Woods, Lexington 4 24 Albert Miller Bay City 25 D. H. Jerome, Saginaw 26 John Larkin, Midland 27 A. F. Bell, Ionia 28 C. C. CoMSTOCK, Grand Rapids 29 W. M. Ferry, Grand Haven 30 Delos L. Filer, Manistee 31 D. C. Leach, Traverse Bay 32 Peter White, Marquette committee: of arrangements: John J. Bagley, John H. Hoyt, Ebenezer 0. Grosvenor, Leonard H, Randall, James Shearer, Ellery I. Garfield, Alexander Chapoton, William H. Withingtok, David Anderson, Oliver L. Spaulding, Augustus S. Gaylord, William H. Stone, John Hibbard, John S. Tooker. secretary: ALLEN L. BOURS, Lansing. assistant SECRETARIES: 1 Fred. Morley, Detroit 2 M. D. Hamilton, Monroe 3 James O'Donnell, Jackson 4 James H. Stone, Kalamazoo 5 A. B. Turner, Grand Rapids 6 John N. Ingersoll, Corunna 7 H. G. Chapin, Caro 8 R. L. Warren, East Saginaw 9 J. R. Devereaux, Houghton ARCHITECT ; ELIJAH E. MYERS. Oliver Marble, Local Superintendent of State Capitol. 5 STATE BUILDING COmilllSSIOlNERS : Gov. JoHK J. Baglet, Ex Officio, . . . Detroit Hon. EBBi!j"EZER 0. Grosven^ok, . . . Jonesville Hon. James Shearer, . . . . . , Bay City Hon. Alexander Chapoton, Detroit Allen L. Bours, Secretary, Lansing. contractors : Nehemiah Osburn, Emory W. Osburn, Jambs Appleyaed, Charles C. Moodey, Eichard Glaishbr. HEADQUARTERS. Officers of the Dat — Senate Chamber, Old Capitol. Committee of Abrangements — Senate Chamber, Old Capitol. State Building Commissioners — Senate Chamber, Old Capitol. Chief Marshal — Auditor General's OfiBce. Marshals of Divisions — Auditor General's Office. PROGRAMME OF CEREMONIES. The following will be the order of the formation of the oolumn on the occasion of laying the Corner-Stone of the New State Capitol at Lansing, October 2d, 1873 : The column will be in six divisions : The First Division will form on Washington aveuue, the Left resting on Main street. The Second Division will form on St. Joseph street, west of, and with its Eight resting on, Washington avenue. The Third Division will form on Hillsdale street, Avest of, and with its Right resting on, Washington avenue. The Fourth Division will form on Lenawee street, west of, and with its Right resting on Washington avenue. The Fifth Division will form on Kalamazoo street, west of, and with its Right resting on Washington avenue. The Civic Division will form on the plat in front of the old State Capitol. FORMATION OF PROCESSION DETACHMENT OF POLICE, In charge of Sergeant P. W. Girardin". chief marshal, Gen. Wm. HUMPHEEY. AIDS. Col. F. Schneider, Capt. Charles Hodskin, Capt. S. H. Row, Capt. G. M. Hasty, E. H. Burt, Dr. Geo. E. Rannbt, I. MILITARY. II. CIVIC. III. COMMANDERIES OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. IV. MASONIC FRATERNITY. V. ENCAMPMENT I. O. O. F. VI. THE FRATERNITY OF I. O. O. F. DIVISIONS. FIKST DIVISION. MARSHAL, GE2^r. W. H. WITHINGTON. AIDS, Major John D. Clark, Capt. Adam Beattie, Lieut. Beih.i. B. Berry, William H. MARsiojir. First U. S. Infantry Band. Battalion First U. S. Infimtry, Capt. R. H. Offlet, U. S. A., Commanding. Oo. — , First U. S. Infantry, Capt. G. S. Gallupe, Commanding. Co. — , First U. S. Infantry, Capt. E. Walker, Commanding. Battalion of State Troops, Capt. James D. Hinckley, Com- manding, Detroit Light Guard, Capt. David F. Fox, Detroit, Commanding. Porter Zouaves, Capt. Warren E. Walker, Ann Arbor, Commanding. National Guard, Capt. John O'Keefe, Detroit, Commanding. Adrian Light Guard, 1st Lieut. Wheeler, Adrian, Com- manding. Tecumseh Zouaves, Capt. James D. Sholes, Tecumseh, Commanding. Monroe Light Guard, Capt. Charles F. Gruner, Monroe, Commanding. Coldwater Light Guard, Capt. H. Turner, Coldwater, Commandinar. 10 Hudson Light Guard, Capt L. H. Salisbury, Hudson, Commanding. Flint Union Blues, Capt. 0. F. Lockhead, Flint, Commanding. Grand Eapids Guard, Capt. Isaac C. Smith, Grand Eapids, Commanding. Ypsilanti Light Guard, Capt. Cicero Newell, Ypsilanti, Commanding. Kalamazooo Light Guard, Capt. J. D. Sumner, Kalamazoo, Commanding. BATTALION OF CADETS. Detroit Cadets; 2 Companies. Monroe Cadets : 1 Company. CIVIC DIVISION. MARSHAL, Brig. Gen. JOHN EOBERTSON, Adj. General. Constantine Band. Gov. John J. Bagley, President of the day. Governor's Staff. William A. Howard, Orator of the day. Right Rev. Samuel A. McCoskry. Rev. Noah Fasset. Invited Guests. Capitol Commissioners and Architect. Committee of Arrangements. Maj. Gen. Philip St. George Cook, U. S. A., Commanding Department of the Lakes, and Staff. Officers of United States Engineers, and other United States Military Officers. Vice Presidents of the Day. Secretary and Assistant Secretaries. Senators and Representatives in Congress. Judges of the United States Courts. 11 Judges of State Supreme and Circuit Courts. Lieutenant Governor; Speaker of the House of Kepresentatives;^ Senators and Eepresentatives of the present Legislature. Lieut. Governor; Speaker of the House of Eepresentatives ; Senators and Eepresentatives of the Legislature of 1871. Present State Officers. Past State Officers. President, Eegents and Professors of the State University. Mayor and Common Council of the City of Lansing. Mayors of other cities, and Presidents of Villages. Officers of United States Civil Departments. Members of State Military Board. SECOND DIVISION. COMMANDERIES OP KNIGHTS TEMPLAR OF THE STATE OP MICEUQAN. ELLEEY L GAEFIELD, Eight Eminent Grand Commander, in command. AIDS OF GRAND COMMANDER, V. E. Sir L. H. Eandall, D. G. C, Chief of Staff; Em. Sir S. C. Eandall, G. C. G., Executive Officer; Em. Sir S. S- Mathews, Grand Gen. ; Em. Sir Eev. A. J. Davis, Grand Prelate ; Em. Sir E. J. Carney, G. S. Warden ; Em. Sir C. E Grisson, G. J. Warden ; Em. Sir M. S. Smith, G. Treasurer; Em. Sir Wm. P. Innes, G. Eecorder; Em. Sir H. F. Knapp, G. Stand. Bearer ; Em. Sir Mills H. Landon, Q. Sword B. ; Em. Sir Wm. B. Wilson, G. Warder ; Em. Sir Alex. Mc- Gregor, G. Sentinel ; and all Past Grand Officers. The following Sir Knights have also been appointed on the Staff, and will be assigned to special duty : Col. Sir George LocKLEY, Gen. Sir Mark Flanigan, Col. Sir William Phelps, Sir W. H. Burk, Sir A. H. West, Sir D. P. Smiley. The Grand Commander and staff will be mounted. 12 J. E. Warner's Great Pacific Band, 20 pieces. Alfred Bixby, Eminent Comman«ier. T. B. Theift, Gen. Geo. W. Chandleb, Capt Gen. Lansing Commandery, No. 25, 60 Swords. Detroit Opera House Band, 18 pieces. John p. Fiske, Eminent Commander. EiCHA-RD EowLAND, Gen. Eugene Kobinson, Capt. Gen. Detroit Commandery, No. 1, 100 Swords. Hillsdale City Band, 18 pieces. Geo. C. Munro, Eminent Commander. C. H. Putnam, Gen. W. B. Wilson, Capt. Gen. Eureka Commandery, No. 3, Hillsdale, 50 Swords. Flat Kock Comet Band, IS pieces. Jno. W. Einch, Eminent Commander. W. L. Mills, Gen. Feed. Haet, Capt. Gen. Adrian Commandery, No. 4, 50 Swords. Valley City Band, 20 pieces. L. H. Eandall, Eminent Commander. C. S. Allen, Gen. H. N. Moore, Capt. Gen. DeMolai Commandery, No. 5, Grand Kapids, 75 Swords. Peninsular Commandery Baud, 14 pieces. Frank Hendj:rson, Eminent Commander. WiLLiAiT'S. Lawrence, Gen. A. T. Metcalf, Capt. Gen. Peninsular Commandery, No. 8, Kalamazoo, 100 Swords. Fort Wayne Band, 20 pieces. Geo. W. Baker, Eminent Commander. H. D. Fisher, Gen. C. C. Ismon, Capt. Gen . Jackson Commandery No. 9, 75 Swords. 13 Bach's Band of Milwaukee, 24 pieces. J. H. KiDD, Eminent Commander. Mtron Ryder, Gen. F. S. Hutchinsois-, Capt. Gen. Ionia Coramandery No. 11, 65 Swords. Niles Commandery Band. Mills H. LANDO]sr, Eminent Commander. J. B. Fitzgerald, Gen. Jno. A. Montague, Capt. Gen. Niles Commandery No. 12, 50 Swords. G Winer's Band, 12 pieces. Stephen M. Webster, Eminent Commander. Lewis C. Risdon, Gen. Thomas F. Hill, Capt. Gen. Ann Arbor Commandery, No. 13, 40 Swords. Fenton Knights Templar Band, 12 pieces. J. Buckbee, Eminent Commander. Wm. E. Smith, Gen. H. E. Meeker, Capt. Gen. Fenton Commandery, No. 14, 35 Swords. East Saginaw Reed Band, 13 pieces. Edwin Saunders, Eminent Commander. Joshua Tuthill, Gen. George Lockley, Capt. Gen. St. Bernard Commandery, No. 16, East Saginaw, 60 Swords. Dowagiac Silver Cornet Band, 10 pieces. John W. Fletcher, Eminent Commander. John Adams, Gen. John A. Gerow, Capt. Gen. Marshall Commandery, No. 17, 50 Swords. George R. Hurd, Eminent Commander. Jos. Waltman, Gen. Constant Luce, Capt. Gen. Monroe Commandery, No. 19, 30 swords. Corunna Knights Templar Band, 15 pieces. Hugh McCurdy, Eminent Commander. Daniel Bush, Gen. M. E. Garland, Capt. Gen. Corunna Commandery, No. 21, 50 swords. 14 Chas. p. Bigelow, Eminent Commander. Daniel E. Stearns, Gen. A. M. Green, Capt. Gen. Pilgrim Commandery, No. 23, Big Eapids, 30 swords. St. Johns Cornet Band, 12 pieces. 0. L. Spaulding, Eminent Commander. A. J. Wiggins, Gen. C. E. Grisson, Capt. Gen. St. Johns Commandery, No. 24, 50 swords. Gardner's Knight Templar Band, 17 pieces. C. F. Gibson, Eminent Commander. A. H. VanEtten, Gen. F. Crandall, Capt. Gen. Bay City Commandery, No. 26, 40 swords. A. M. Clark, Eminent Commander. W. T. Jenny, Gen. N. Wolfel, Capt. Gen. Lexington Commandery, No. 27, 50 swords. Sardis F. Hubbell, Eminent Commander. MiLO L. Gay, Gen. Henry N. Spencer, Capt. Gen. Howell Commandery, No. 28, 30 swords. Three Eivers Commandery Band, 18 pieces. D. D. Thorp, Eminent Commander. W. E. Wheeler, Gen. J. E. Prutzman, Capt. Gen. Three Eivers Commandery, No. 2'J, 40 swords. THIRD DIVISION. marshal, Capt. JAMES H. BAKEE. AIDS, Ool. a. Cottrell, Lansing ; Col. M. W. Quackbnbush, Owosso; Capt. H. B. Carpenter, Lansing; E. C. Chapin, Lansing; Capt. E. B. Gifford, Ionia; Capt. H. Troop, 15 Owosso ; Joseph B. Bamptok, Detroit ; E, M. Marston, Lansing; E. V. Sanford, Lansing; Geo. M. HuDfTiNGTOK, Mason. The formation of this Division will be in the following order : DETROIT LIGHT GUARD BAND. First— Grand Lodge of F. & A. M. of the State of Michi- gan, in the following order. Band. Grand Sword Bearer, with drawn sword. Grand Standard Bearer. Grand Master, supported by two Grand Deacons with black rods. Grand Pursuivant. '^ A Past Master carrying the Book of Constitutions. 2 Deputy Grand Master, carrying the golden vessel with corn. ^ Senior Grand "Warden, carrying the silver vessel with wine. '^ Junior Grand Warden, carrving the silver vessel with oil. S The Five Orders of Architecture. Past Grand Masters. Past Deputy Grand Masters. Past Grand Wardens. Bible, Square, and Compass, carried by a Master of a Lodge, supported b}' two Stewards with white rods. Grand Chaplain. Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, and Grand Lecturer. District Deputy Grand Masters. Grand Architect and Ass'ts, Avith Square, Level, and Plumb. Grand Stewards Avith white rods. Grand Tiler, with drawn sword. Second — Masonic Lodges in the following order: Union of S. 0., No. 3, Detroit, P. S. Dillon, W. M. Evergreen, No. 9, St. Clair, D. D. Odell, W. M. Murat, No. 14, Albion, E. P. Eobertson, W. M. 16 Union, No. 28, Union City, E. McDonald, W. M. Fidelity, No. 32, Hillsdale, S. S. Smith, W. M. Lansing, No. 33, Lansing, Geo. H. Green, W. M. Lyons, No. 37, Lyons, D. 0. Spalding, ^Y. M. Plymouth Eock, No. 47, Plymouth, W. E. Smith, W. M. Climax, No. 59, West Leroy, N. J. Kelsey, ^Y. M. Lexington, No. 61, Lexington, A. M. Clark, W. M. Eaton Eapids, No. 63, Eaton Rapids, J. S. Montgomery, W. M. Mason, No. 70, Mason, D. Campbell, W. M. Germania, No. 79, Saginaw City, A. W. Achard, W. M. Byron No. 80, Byron, A. McCaughna, W. M. Lowell, No. 90, Lowell, A. J. Howk, W. M. Greenville, No. 96, Greenville, Wm. Maxted, W. M. St. John's, No. 105, St. John,s A. J. Wiggins, W. M. Bay City, No. 129, Bay City, Wm. E. Tupper, W. M. Stockbridge, No. 130, Stockbridge, C. W. Van Slyke, W. M. Mystic, No. 141, Bronson Prairie, Edward A. Gay, W. M. Saginaw Valley, No. 154, Saginaw, W. W. Knight, W. M. Dansville, No. 160, Dansville, M. M. Atwood, W. M. Grand Ledge, No. 179, Grand Ledge, J. W. McMillan, W. M. Chesaning, No. 194, Chcsaning, J. L. Helme, W. M. Bedford, No. 207, Bedford, C. W.Eldred, W. M. Okemos, No. 252, Okemos, J. F. Smiley, W. M. DeWitt, No. 272, DeWitt, M. F. White, W. M. Springport, No. 284, Springport, F. H. Ludlow, W. M. Salt Eiver, No. 288, Salt Eiver, Eichard Hoy, W. M. Woodland, No. 304, Woodland, J. P. Philips, W. M. St. Charles, U. D., St. Charles. FOURTH DIVISIOIS^. MARSHAL, Capt. J. A. ELDEE. AIDS, Eugene B. Wood, Lansing ; William Appleton, Lansing ; John W. Edmonds, Lansinsr. 17 Formatiori Avill be in the following order : Lansing Cornet Band. Wildy Encampment K'o. 4, I. 0. 0. F., Lansing. Washington Encampment No. 19, I. 0. 0. F., Lansing. Valley Encampment No. 20, 1. 0. 0. F., East Saginaw. Friendship Encampment No. 33, L 0. 0. F., Lansing. Kanonda Encampment No. 36, 1. 0. 0. R, Bay City. And other Encampments in the order of rank. FIFTH DIVISION. MARSHAL. JOHN N. INGERSOLL. AIDS. B. Prell of Detroit; 0. W. Oviatt of St. Joseph. Lodges of Odd Fellows in the order of rank. The divisions will form on the streets indicated at 12 o'clock M. The signal for the formation of the divisions will he the firing of one gun. Marshals will be as prompt as possible in llie formation of their divisions. The movement of the colnmn will commence at the firing of the second gun. As that portion of the column on Wash- ington avenue nncovers the streets on which the several divis- ions are formed, the divisions will move into their proper places in the column. The line of march will be down Washington avenue, pass- ing in review before the Governor and staff in front of the old Capitol, to Ottawa street, west on Ottawa street to Capitol avenue, north on Capitol avenue. From Capitol avenue to Washington avenue, south on Washington avenue to Ottawa street, east on Ottawa street to Grand street, south on Grand 3 18 street to Allegau street, from which point the first division Avill move west on Allegau street to Washington avenue, north on Washington avenue to Michigan avenue, west on Michigan avenue to the new Capitol Grounds. The remainder of the column will continue soutii from Allegan street on Grand street to Washtenaw street, west on Washtenaw street, thence to its place in the column in the rear of the Civic Division, Avhich will have taken its place immediately in the rear of the First Division. Arriving at the Capitol Grounds the First Division Avill be formed in the position indicated in column, by companies closed in mass. The Civic Division will be conducted to the platform about the speakers' stand. The Third Division will be formed on the left of the First Division, in column by commanders, closed in mass. The Fourth Division will move to its position immediately east of the foundation walls of the capitol, and will be formed in close column. The Fifth Division will be formed at the left of the Fourth Division, in close column. The procession having arrived on the ground tlie following will be the order of exercises : I. Instrumental Music. II. Introductory Address by Gov. John" J. Baqley. III. Prayer by Rt. Rev. S. A. McCoskuy, D. D., LL. D. 19 IV. National H ymx — A merica. My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty — Of thee I sing : Land where my fathers died — Land of the pilgrims' pride — From every mountain's side Let freedom ring. My native country, thee, Land of the noble free, Thy name I love : I love thy rocks and rills — Thy woods and templed hills, My heart with rapture thrills. Like that above. Our Father, God, to Thee, Author of Liberty — To Thee we sing : Long may our land be bright AVith Freedom's holy light ; Protect us by Thy might, Great God our King. V. Oration by Hox. Williaji A, Howard. VL Laying of the Conier-Stone by the Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of Michigan. VIL Hymn — Old HimdrecL With one consent let all the earth To God their cheerful voices raise ; Glad homage pay with awful mirth, And sing before Him songs of praise. For He's the Lord, supremely good, His mercy is for ever sure ; His truth, which always firmly stood. To endless ages shall endure. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 20 016 099 603 1 . Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. VIII. Benediction by Key. Xoah Fassett. IX. Pirinflf of ISTationul Salute. The badge of the Chief Marshal and his aids will be yel- low ; of the Marshal and aids of the Military Division, red ; the Knights Templar will appear in the uniform of their order; the badges of the Marshal and aids of the "Masonic Fra- ternity," blue; the Commanderies of I. 0. 0. F. will appear in the uniform of their order ; the color of the badges of the Mar- shal and aids of Division of Lodges of I. 0. 0. F. will be purple. Marshals of Divisions w-ill have entire control of the forma- tion of their respective Divisions, and of the changes of for- mation during the time of moving. The procession will not re-form after the completion of the ceremony of laying the Corner-Stone. The military compa- nies and Commanderies of Knights Templar will move from the ground in charge of their respective company and Com- mandery commanders. Detail instructions will be given by the Clnef Marshal during the day. WILLIAM HUMPHREY, Chief Marshal. # LIBRARY OF CONGRESS .. ... ii"i'i"iii' nil nil nil III 016 099 603 1 9'