1 h r iiiiiii^ i Glass Book. COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT Buzzards Bay AND VICINITY PH0T0-QRflYURE5 Photographed, PirgtTisHED and Copyrighted, 1896, \/ BY w. l. kelley, photographer, Harwichport, Mass. //3 /^{^ /■ The Albertype Co., N. Y. ^>" At Onset. Crow's Nest -Joseph Jefferson's Summer Home. I Gray Gables. At Monument Beach. On Buzzards Bay. W IKO S IN FJ'K. Looking South from Onset. Club House, Tobey Island. Grinding Corn— Mill at West Falmouth. Built 1787. Beach at Penzance. Headquarters U. S. Fish Commission -Wood's Hole. Laboratory and Fish Hatching House, U. S. Fish Commission, Wood's Hole Marine Biological Laboratory— Wood's Hole. ■r-iffs^C': I Steamer Gay Head coming into Wood's Hole Harbor Little Harbor. Wood's Hole. NoBSKA Light. Looking South from Nobska Light. A 014 014 204 9