Class— ii i^"1 Book'3G- (^^.-..tlllr^i.**^^/ WHY HASSAN'S DISTANCE TABLES ARE SO POPULAR. '(They will save you the trouble of asking questions when They are valuable as a work of reference. They are compiled from latest official sources, and carefully re- m1 and corrected when necessary. hey are not intended for advertising purposes, but as a standard ide, or Pocket Companion, for travelers and others. c'hey contain 112 pages of closely printed matter, giving Distances all Railroads in the United States and Canada, General Distances all parts of the World, Postage, Telegraph, and Hack Rates, Lists . I Hotels, and other valuable information, in a condensed form, rnpt to be found in any other book of the kind. BUY ONE AND YOU WILL NEVEK REGSET IT. T. V. H. & CO. ADVICE-READ IT. Go to the railroad station in time to take the train, and secure a choice seat. Purchase tickets and check your baggage before en- tering the cars. Keep your head and arms inside car windows. Beware of sharpers on railroad trains as well as in large cities. Almost daily parties are robbed by the various "confidence games," ^or by lending money on checks, bonds, or notes on prominent citizens. Go not into gambling dens, even to gratify curiosity, — the visit will benefit you neither morally nor financially. Do not allow yourself to be swindled by knckmen. The rates of charges, '> Cumberland Valley „ 38 Danvers & Newburyport _ 20 D.renport & St. Paul 30 Daytouife Union„ 99 Dayton & Xeuia and Danon & Western 41 Delaware, Lockaw'na&tV'est, and branches.. 31 Denver & Rio Grsnde _ _.. 30 Dcs Moines Valley „ 65 Detroit, Eel River & Illinois 31 Detroit, Hillsdale & Indiana _ 65 Detroit, Lansing & Lake Michigan 65 Detroit & Milwaukee. ...».-. _„„ 67 Dorcheslor & Delaware _..._„...„.. 45 iKjver & Winnipisecgee „.... 44 Dubuque ifc South-western 31 Dunkirk, ,4.11cghen^ Valley & Pittsburg 4? East Tennessee, Virginia i Georgia.-...^.... 81 Eastern Shore _ _ 46 } astern & Maine Central and branches 19 Elizabethtown & Paducah _...„..„ 92 Erie & PitUburg 41 Erie and branches _ 29 Euronean & North American .-;.(. 16 " Evanaville & Crawfordsrille ^..i.. 76 Evsnsv'c, Ca ro i Memphis Steam PkU Co.,. 99 Evansville, Tfrre ii.iute & Chicago.. 99 Fitchburg JB4 Flint 4 Per* MarquetU- 63 FloridaCentrnl 97 Fort Wayne, Jackson & Sagina-r „»^ 78 Fort Wayne, Muncie & Cincinnati _*.. 66 Galveston, Houston & Henderson _...—.. 98 Grcrgii 88 Gilman, Clinton k Sprin^cUl _.... 75 Grand K;ipids ti Indiana aad branches 4C Grand Trunk and )>runches „. .«..., IC Great Wc9tto. Grey & Bruce and branch 87 Toronto & Nipissinc - 87 Troy & Boston 84 I'nion Pacific 63 Utica & Black River — 24 Vermont & Mass. and Troy & Grceiifield 26 V cksburg & Mcrioian -~ 97 Wash. City. Vir. Mid.& Gt. South, and br... 60 Wet Jersey 86 Western Union 66 Western Mnryland ~ 46 Western Railroad of Alabama..^ 91 Western & Atlantic ™ 89 Wicomico & Pocomoke — -. ~ . 44 Wilmini'ton & Reading 43 Wil. & Weld, and Wil., Columbia & Ang..... 81 Windsor & Annapolis ~ - 14 Winona & 8t Peter _.. 47 Worcester & Nashua. ... 83 PRINCIPAL HOTELS. Albany, N. Y. — Delavan House, Stanwix Hall. Baltimore, Md— Carrolton Hotel, Barnum's Hotel, Rennart House, Eutaw House, Maltby House, Fountain, Mount Vernon. Boston, Mass. — American House, Parker's, Revere House, Tre- mont House, United States, Buffalo, N.Y. — Tifft House, Mansion House, Continental Hotel. Cape May, N. J. — Stockton, Congress Hall, Columbia. CKicago, 111. — Briggs House, Potter Palmer's, Sherman House, Tremout House, Grand Pacltic. Cincinnati, O. — Burnett House, Spencer House, Gibson House, St. Nicholas, St. James, "VYalnut Street House. v '• ^' Cleveland, O. — Kennard House, Weddell House. Detroit, Micli.— Biddle House, Russell House, Michigan Ex- change. Harrisburg, Pa.— Lochiel, Bolton's, Jones House. Hartford, Conn. — Allyn House. Indianapolis, Ind. — Bates House. Iioiir; Branch, N. J.— West End, Continental, Stetson. liouisville, Ky. — Louisville House, Gait House. Mil-\, Wis. — Newhall House. Montreal, Canada. — St. Lawrence, St. James, Donegan, Ottawa. Niagara Falls.— International, Cataract, Spencer, Clifton. Ne-*v Yorlc City. — Astor, Fifih Avenue, St. Nicholas, Metro- politan, Grand Central, Hoffman House, Brandreth House, Everett House, St. Denis, St. James, Gilsey House, Grand Hotel, Windsor, Westminster. P]iiladelpb.ia. — Continental, Girard, American, Colonnade, Washington, La Pierre, St. Cloud, Merchants'. Pittsburg:, Pa. — Monongahela House. Q,uebec, Canada. — Parliament, St. Louis, Russel House. Ricbmond, Va. — Ballard, Exchange, Ford's, Monumental, Spottswood. Roclxester, N« Y. — Congress Hall, Brackett House, Osborn House. San Francisco, Cal.— American, Exchange, Brooklyn, Cosmo- politan, Grant, Lick House, Occidental, Russ. St. Iiouis.— Barnum's, Laclede, Planters', Southern, Everett. St. Paxa, Minn.— Metropolitan, Park Place, Merchants'. Toronto, Canada. — Rossini, Quebec. Washington, D. C— V/illard's, Arlington, Ehbitt, Jenness', Kirkwood, Metropolitan, National. HACK FARES-PRINCIPAL CITIES. BOSTON. For one person, not more than tea squares, 50 cents ; each ad- ditional passenger, 50 cents. From one railroad depot to another, each passenger, 50 cents. For one passenger any distance exceeding two miles, 81.50; each additional passenger, 50 cents. For use by day of any hack or vehicle dra'vsrn by two horses, one or more passengers, $8; if drawn by one horsa, $4. For use of same by hour, with one or more passengers, going from place to place, and stopping as long as required, first hour, $2; each additional hour or part thereof, $1. If drawn by one horse, one-half the rates. Between the hours of 12, midnight, and 7 o'clock, A. M., for each trip, 82. Each passenger allowed to carry, without charge, ordinary travel- ing baggage, not exceeding one trunk, and 25 pounds of other baggage, NEW YORK. One passenger, not exceeding one mile, 50 cents ; two passengers the same distance, 75 cents, or 373^ cents each ; every additional passenger, Bl}^ cents. One passenger, exceeding a mile, and within two miles, 75 cents ; every additional passenger, 37^^ cents. For the use of a hackney coach or carriage, by the day, with one or more passengers, So. For the use of a hackney coach or carriage, by the hour, with one or more passengers, with the privilege of going from place to place, and stopping as often as may be required, SI an hour. In all cases where the hiring of a hackney coach or carriage is not, at the time thereof, specified to be by the day or hour, it shall be deemed to be by the mile. For children between two and fourteen years of age, half-price is only to be charged ; and for children under two years of age no charge is to be made. Whenever a hackney coach or carriage shall be detained, except- ing as aforesaid, the owner or driver shall be allowed at the rate of 75 cents an hour. PHUiADEIiPHIA. One passenger, any distance not exceeding one mile, 75 cents; two passengers, 81.25; every additional passenger, 25 cents. One passenger, any distance more than one mile and not exceed- ing two miles, $1.25; two passengers, $1.75; every additional passenger, 25 cents. For carrying a passenger any distance over two miles, for every such additional mile or part of a mile, the sum of 50 cents in addi- tion to fare for first two miles; and for every additional passenger, 60 cents. For the use of a carriage from a public stand, by the hour, with one or two passengers, going from place to place, §1.50 per hour ; and for every additional passenger, 25 cents. In all cases where the hiring of a hackney carriage is not at the time specified to be by the hour, it shall be deemed to be by the HACK FARES-PRINCIPAL CITIES. PHIIiADEUPHIA.— Cosatiiiued. mile ; but in case the distance shall be more than four miles, the rate to be charged for each additional mile shall be 15 cents for each passenger, as herein provided. In all cases a mile shall be taken and construed to mean twelve blocks of one hundred niunbers on numbered streets. Whenever any such carriage, not engaged by the hour, shall be detained by the passenger or passengers, the owner or driver shall be allowed at the rate of 75 cents per hour, in addition to the rates hereby established. For children between five and fourteen years of age, half-price is only to be charged ; and for children uuder five years of age no charge is to be made, if not more than one such child to each two grown persons. One trunk, valise, carpet-bag, etc., not over one hundred pounds in weight, to be carried without charge to each passenger. BAIiTIMORE. To or from any railroad or steamboat station to any hotel or private resideu:'e in the city, one passenger, 75 cents. Each additional passenger, 25 cents. Each trunk, box, or bag, sufficiently large to be strapped on, 15 cents. No charge for parcels put in the carriage. From any point within city limits to another, 75 ceiats. Each additional passenger, 25 cents. Carriage with driver, one hour, $1.50. Each additional hour, $1. Fractions of an hour, over 15 minutes, to be charged as an hour. Night Rules. — For hacks taken from the stand, from 1st of May to 30th of September, inclusive, after 8 o'clock, P. M., for single passenger, 75 cents. For each additional passenger, 50 cents. Same sum for returning. From 1st of October to 30th of April, inclusive. An additional allowance for carriage only, when sent from the stand, 25 cents. CHICAGO. From one railroad depot to another, each passenger, 50 cents. J'or any distance not exceeding one mile, each passenger, 60 cents. For any distance over one and less than two miles, each passen- ger, $1; each additional passenger of same family or party, 50 cents. For one passenger any distance exceeding two miles, $1.50 ; each additional passenger of same family or party, 50 cents. For children between five and fourteen years, half the above rates. For use by day of any hack or vehicle drawn by two horses, with one or more passengers, S8 ; if drawn by one horse, $4. For use of the same oy the hour, with one or more passengers, going from place to place, and stopping as often as required, first HACK FARES-PRINCIPAL CITIES. CHIC AG O.— Contlimed. hour, $2 ; each additional hour or part thereof^ $1. If drawn by one horse, half these rates. Between the hours of 12, midnight, and 7 o'clock, A. M., for each trip, without regard to distance or number of passengers, ?2. Each passenger shall be allowed to take upon such vehicle, with- out charge, ordinary traveLng baggage, not exceeding one trunk, and 25 pounds of other baggage ; for every additional package, where the whole weight of baggage is over 100 pounds, if taken to any place within the city limits, the owner or driver may make an extra charge of io cents. CINCIIVXATI. The driver shall hand to each a^ult passenger In his coach, before a bargain for his services is made, a card whereon shall bo- printed the number of his coach, names of the owner and driver, and the rates of fare. Rates op f 'are. — For carrying a single passenger where no bargain is made, the rate shall not be more than 50 cents. In all cases children over ten years of age half-price ; under that age, free. Each passenger may, without additional charge, have con- veyed a trunk, and for every additional trunk, 25 cents ; and all other articles occupying a seat and weighing over thirty pounds, 25 cents. Whenever any hackney coach is on a publ'e stand, and unem- ployed, the driver of the same, on application made, shall receive any person or persons as passengers, and transport them and their baggage to any place within the city limits as desired, and if any driver plead another engagement, he shall give the name and residence of the person so employing him. In case of any difficulty between the employer of a vehicle for hire, and the person having charge of the same, the former may demand to be driven to the office of the mayor, who may decide \he matter in question, or refer the case to the judge of the police court for decision. Should the employer be in the wrong, he shall pay the additional fare for the time so lost by the driver of the vehicle, the sum to be fixed by the officer deciding the case. ST. liOITIS. For conveying one or more passengers a distance of not exceed- ing one mile, $1. All public hackney carriages, cabs, or cabriolets shall be entitled to charge and collect $2 for the first hour, and $1.50 for each addi- tional hour. The owner or driver of any omnibus, licensed to run to the several railroad depots, hauling passengers to and from said rail- road depots within the city limits, shall be entitled to demand and receive no more than 25 cents for each passenger, and shall con- vey such passenger to any part of the city he or they may require. Note. — The foregoing are extracts from ordinances regulating the rates of fare of hacks, carriages, cabs, etc., in the cities named. THE LATEST POSTAGE LAWS. liETTERS. Letters go to any part of the United States for three cents per half ounce, if prepaid. Unpaid letters are sent to the Dead Letter Office at Washington. BOOKIS. Postage on books, not exceeding four ottncfs in weight 4 cts. Each additional four ounces, or fraction thereof 4 cts. NEWSPAPERS. TranMent Newspapers, 2 cents for every Four Ounces. Newspapers sent from the office of publication to bona fide sub- scribers may be prepaid at the following rates, quarterly : — Dailies (not over 4 oz.) 35 cents per quarter, Weeidies " " 5 " " Monthlies " " 3 " " QuarterUes" « 1 " " MISCELI.ANEOUS MATTER. On nnsealed circulars, maps, prints, engravings, music, cards, photographs, types, cuttings, roots, seeds, ic, in one package to one address, prepaid, not exceeding four ounces, 2 cents ; over FOUR and not exceeding eight OUNCES, 4 cents. The weight of packages is limited to 32 ounces. MONEY-ORDERS. Money can be sent to any part of the country with absolute safety by obtaining a money-order, for which the fees are : — On orders not exceeding $20 10 cents. Over $20 and not over $30 15 " Over $30 and not exceeding S40 20 ** Over $40 and not exceeding S;!)0 25 " No order issued for more than S50. POST ITEMS. It costs 15 cents extra, besides the regular postage, to register a letter. Internal revenue stamps cannot be used to pay postage Stamps cut from stamped envelopes are not allowed to be placed upon other letters. No article contained in glass can be sent by mail to Europe. FOREIGN POSTAGE. England. — On letters not exceeding one-half ounce, 6 cents; newspapers, 2 cents each. The same rates to Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. The postage to Canada is the same, except when not pre- paid, in which case it is 10 cents. German States. — Via North German Union (direct), 10 cents; newspapers, 3 cents. In closed mails, via England, 15 cents; news- papers, 4 cents each, France. — Letters, 13 cents per one-quarter ounce ; newspapers, 8 cents each. Italy. — Letters, 14 cents per one-half ounce; newspapers, 7 cents each. Russia. — Letters, 15 cents per one-half ounce; newspapers, 5 cents each. LATEST TELEGRAPH RATES BY WESTERN UNION LINES. From, Netv York to Albany, N.Y AnnapolLs, Md Augusta, Ga Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Burlington, Iowa Chicago, 111 Charleston, S. C Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Duluth, Minn Harrisburg, Pa Hartford, Conn Indianapolis, Ind.... Lancaster, Pa Louisville, Ky Memphis, Tenn Milwaukee, Wis , Minneapolis, Minn. Mobile, Ala Nashville, Tenn , Newark, N. J New Orleans, La - Newport, R, I , Norfolk, Va Omaha, Neb Petersburg, Va Philadelphia. Pa Pittsburg, Pa Portland, Me Providence, R. I Quincy, 111 Raleigh, N. C Reading, Pa Richmond, Va Sacramento, Cal Sandusky, Ohio San Francisco, Cal.. Savannah, Ga Springfield, 111 St. Joseph, Mo...... . St. Louis, Mo St. Paul, Minn Syracuse, N. Y Toledo, Ohio Troy, N.Y Vicksburg, Miss Washington, D. ( '... Wilmington, Del.... Wilmington. N. C. Zanesville, Ohio av «1 From JPJiiladelphia to Albany, N.Y 'SO 50 Augusta, Ga 1 00 Baltimore, Md 30 Boston, Mass 50 Chicago, 111 1 00 Charleston, S. C 1 00 Cincinnati, Ohio 1 00 Cleveland, Ohio 75 Detroit, Mich 1 00 Duluth, Minn 2 50 Harrisburg, Pa 35 Hartford, Conn 50 Indianapolis, Ind 1 00 Lancaster, Pa 30 Louisville, Ky 1 00 Lowell, Mass 75 Memphis, Tenn 150 Milwaukee, Wis 1 10 Mobile, Ala 1 50 Nashville, Tenn 1 25 Newark, N. J 30 New Orleans. La 2 50 NewYork, N. Y 30 Newport, 11. 1 75 Norfolk, Va 75 Omaha, Neb 2 00 Pcter-sburg, Va 75 Pittsburg, Pa 40 Portland, Me 75 Providence, R. 1 50 Raleigh, N. C 75 Reading, Pa 20 Richmond, Va 75 Sacramento, Cal 2 50 Sandusky, Ohio 75 San Francisco, Cal 2 50 Savannah, Ga 1 25 Scranton, Pa 30 Springfield, 111 1 25 St. Louis, Mo 1 25 St. Paul, Minn 1 55 Syracuse, N. Y 50 Toledo, Ohio 1 00 Trov, N. Y 50 Washington, D. C 40 V/ilmington, Del 25 Wilmington, N. C 1 00 , Worcester, Mass 50 j Zanesville, Ohio 75 I ^^^"W.U.T.Co.transfers money to all principal points in the U. S. ATLANTIC CABLE RATES. Payable in Gold to all points In Great Bri ta in , Ireland, and France. From New York City and all points in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and New England States From all points in New York (ex- cept New York City), New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Mary- land, and District of Columbia... From all points in Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana.Tennessee Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illi- nois, Michigan, and Wisconsin, from St. Louis, Mo., and from Western Union Co.'s offices in Florida From all points in Texas, Arkan sas, Missouri (except St. Louis), Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Minne sota, Colorado, Dacotah, Wyom ing, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, California Arizona, Oregon, and Washing- ton Territory , From all points in British Colum- bia , To Groat Britain «& Ireland. For each word. $1 00 1 03 1 15 1 20 1 35 To France. For 1 wds or less. eio 00 10 30 11 50 12 00 13 50 For each wd.overlO SI 00 1 03 1 15 1 20 1 35 CUBA CABLE RATES. Payable in Gold. From any Western Union Telegraph office east of Mississippi River, includ- ing St. Louis, Mo From any office west of Mississippi River (except St. Louis, Mo.), and from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia From Canada (Provinces, Quebec and Ontario) To any office in the Island of Cuba except Santiago. First ten words. 85 00 6 00 5 50 Each add'l word. $0 40 50 45 In all cable messages the number of words in the entire message, including date, address, and signature, are counted and charged for. Note. — The foregoing telegraph rates are subject to change at any timtt. 10 POPULATION AND INCREASE OF CITIES S:xceediiig 30,000 Inliatoitants. NAME. Popul'n in 1870. Popul'n I Inc. in 1860. p.ct New York Philadelphia Brooklyn St. Louis Chicago Baltimore Baston Cincinnati New Orleans San Francisco Buffalo Washington Newark Louisville Cleveland Pittsburg Jersey City Detroit Milwaukee Albany Providence Rochester Allegheny City Richmond New Haven Charleston Troy Syracuse Worcester Lowell Memphis Cambridge Hartford Indianapolis Scran ton ■ Reading Columbus Paterson Dayton , „„ ^„ Kansas City 32,260 Mobile 32,084 Portland - 31314 Wilmington I o0,841 POPTTLATION OP FOREIGTV CITIES 926,341 674,022 396,300 310,864 298,983 267,354 250,526 216,239 191,322 149,482 117,715 109,204 105,078 100,754 92,846 86,235 81,744 79,580 71,499 69,422 68,960 62,385 53,184 61,087 60,840 48,956 45,471 43,051 41,105 40,928 40,226 89,634 87,180 36,565 85,093 33,932 83,745 33,582 82,579 805,658 15 565,629 20 266,661 50 160,773 94 109,260 174 212,418 26 177,840 41 161,044 34 168,675 13 56,802 165 81,129 45 61,122 80 71,941 46 68,233 48 43,417 115 49,227 67 29,226 180 45,619 74 45,619 80 62,369 11 60,666 36 48,204 30 28,702 85 37,910 8.5 89,267 29 40,522 22 39.23.5 18 28,119 52 24,960 63 36,826 10 22,649 82 26,060 57 29,152 24 18,611 96 9,223 280 23,162 48 18,554 82 19,586 71 20,081 62 4,418 633 29,268 9 26,341 19 21,258 45 London, England 3,082,400 Paris, France 1,825,300 Pekin, China 1,600,000 Yeddo, Japan 1,554,000 Constantinople, Turk.. ..1,070,100 Calcutta, India 1,000,000 Berlin, Prussia 702,000 Vienna, Austria .575,000 St. Petersburg, Russia 539,190 Liverpool, England 492,430 Gl asgow, Scotland 440,900 Naples, Italy 418,000 Dublin, Ireland 319,000 Marseilles, France 300,000 11 A TABLE INDICATIIVG DIFFERENCE OF TIME I>etweeii WASHINGTON AND PRINCIPAL. CITIES. Wlien the cloch is 12,00, noon, at Washington, it is at Albany, N. Y 12.13 P. M. Annapolis, Md 12.02 " Atlanta, Ga 11.30 A. M. Augusta, Me 12.29 P. M, Baltimore, Md 12.02 " Bangor, Me 12.33 " Boston, Mass 12.24 '•' Buffalo, N. Y 11.52 A. M. Cairo, 111 11.12 " Cape May, N. J 12.08 P. M. Charleston, S. C 11.43 A. M. Chicago, 111 11.17 " Cincinnati, O 11.30 " Columbia, S. C 11.44 " Columbus, O 11.36 " Denver, Col 10.08 " Des Moines, Iowa 10.53 " Detroit, Mich ll.:V6 " Dover, Del 12.0G P. M, Fort Wavne, Ind 11.27 A. M. Frankfort, Ky 11.29 " Galveston, Texas 10.49 " Harrisburg, Pa 12.01 P. M. Hartford, Conn 12.17 " Indianapolis, Ind 11.24 A. M. Jackson, Miss 11.07 " Key West, Fla 11.41 " Knoxville, Tenn 11.32 " Leavenworth, Kan.. ..10.49 " Little. Rock, Ark 10.59 " Louisville, Ky 11.26 " Lynchburg, Va 11.51 " Memphis, Tenn 11.07 " Milledgeville, Ga 11.35 " Milwaukee, Wis 11 Mobile, Ala 11 Montgonierv, Ala 11, Nashville, Tenn 11, New Haven, Conn 12 New Orleans, La 11 New York, N. Y 12 Niagara Falls, N.Y... 11 Norfolk, Va 12 Omaha, Neb 10 Philadelphia, Pa 12 Pittsburg, Pa 11. Portland, Me 12 Portland, Oregon 8 Providence, R. 1 12 Raleigh, N. C 11 Richmond, Va 11, Sacramento, Cal 9, Salt Lake City, Utah, 9. San Francisco, Cal 8. Santa Fe,N.M 10, Saratoga, N. Y 12. Savannah, Ga 11, Springfield, Hi 11. Springfield, Mass 12, St. Augustine, Fla 11. St. Louis, Mo 11. St. Paul, Minn 10. Trenton, N..T 12. Vicksburg, Miss 11. Wheeling, W. Va 11. Wilmington, Del 12. Wilmington, N.C 11. Worcester, Mass 12. FOREIGN CITIES. Amsterdam, Holland, 5.28 P. M. Athens, Greece 6.43 " Berlin, Prussia 6.02 " Bombay, Hindostan... 10.00 " Brussels, Belgium 5.25 " Cairo, Egypt 7.13 " Canton, China 12.41 A. M. ConstantinoplcTurk. 7.04 P. M. Dublin, Ireland 4.43 " Edinburgh, Scotland.. 4.55 " Glasgow, Scotland 4.51 " Halifax, Nova Scotia..l2.54 " Havana, Cuba 11.38 A. M. Jerusalem, Palestine.. 7.29 P. M. London, England 5.08 " Madrid, Spain 4..'>8 " Mexico, Mexico 10.32 A. M. Montreal. Canada 12 Moscow, Russia 7, Paris, France 5 Pekin, China 12 Quebec;, Canada 12 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2 Rome, Italy 5 San Juan, Nicaragua..ll. Shanghai, China 1, Singapore, Mai 12 St. John's, New Brun.l2. St. Petersburg, Russia 7 Toronto, Canada 11. Venice, Italy 5 Vera Cruz, Mexico. ...10 Vienna, Austria 6 Yeddo, Japan 2 16 A. M. 16 " 23 " 21 " 16 P. M. 08 A. M. 12 P. M. .52 A. M. ,03 P. M. ,44 A. M. .07 P. M. 48 A. M. .29 P. M. .56 A. M. .22 P. M. .50 A. M. .58 " .02 " .40 " .58 « ,04 « .13 P. M. ,44 A. M. ,10 " ,18 P. M. .42 A. M. ,07 " .56 " .09 P. M. .05 A. M. ,45 " 06 P. M. 58 A. M. .21 P. M. 14 P. M. 38 " 17 " 54 A. M. 23 P. M. 15 " 58 " 25 A. M. 14 " 09 " 44 P. M. 09 " 50 A. M. 57 P. M. 43 A. M. 14 P. M 27 A. M' 12 AIR-LINE DISTANCES FROM WASHINGTON TO VARIOUS PARTS OF THE WORLD. Amsterdam, Holland 3,555 Athens, Greece 5,005 Auckland, N. Z 8,290 Algiers, Algeria 3,425 Berlin, Prussia 3,847 Berne, Switzerland 3,730 Brussels, Belgium 3,515 Batavia, Ja-va 11,118 Bombay, Hindostan 8,548 Buenos Ayres, A. C 5,013 Bremen, Prussia 3,500 Constantinople, Turkey... 4,880 Copenhagen, Denmark 3,895 Calcutta, Hindost^vn 9,348 Canton, China 9,000 Cairo, Egypt 5,848 Cape Town, Cape Colony... 6,684 Cape of Good Hope 7,380 Carracas, Venezuela 1,805 Charlotte Town, P. E. I.... 820 Dublin, Ireland 3,076 Delhi, Hindostan..., 8,368 Edinburgh, Scotland 3,275 Frederic'ton, N. B 670 Gibraltar, Spain 3,150 Glasgov, Scotland 3,215 Halifax, N. S 780 Hamburg, Germany 3,570 Havana, Cuba 1,1-39 Honolulu, S.I 4,513 Jerusalem, Palestine 5,495 Jamestown, St. Helena 7,150 Lima, Peru 3,515 Lisbon, Portugal 3,190 Liverpool, England 3,228 London. " 3,315 City )f Mexico, Mexico 1,867 Montevideo, Uruguay 5,003 Montreal, Canada 471 Madrid, Spain 3,485 Moscow. Russia 4,466 Manilla, Phil. Islands 9,;560 Mecca, Arabia 6,^198 Muscat, " 7,000 Monrovia, Liberia S,G45 Morocco, Morocco 3,308 Mourzouk, Fezzan 5,525 Mo'^^inbique, Moz 7,348 Ottawa, Cansida 4G2 Panama, New Grenada 1,825 Parana, A. C 4,733 Port au Prince, Hayti 1,425 Paris, France 3,485 Pekin, China 8,783 Quebec, Canada 601 Quito, Ecuador 2,531 Rio Janeiro, Brazil 4,280 Rome, Italy 4,365 St. Petersburg, Russia 4,296 Stockholm, Sweden 4,055 Shanghai, China 8,600 Singapore, Mulav 11 ,300 St. John's, N. F.'. 1,340 San Domingo, S. D 4,300 San Juan, Nicaraugua 1,740 San Salvador, C. A 1,650 Santiago, Chili 4,970 Spanish Town, Jamaica.... 1,446 Sydney, C. B. 1 975 Sydney. Australia 8,963 St. Paulde Loanda 6,578 Timbuctoo, Soudan 3,395 Tripoli, Tripoli 4,425 Tunis, Tunis 4,240 Toronto, Canada 343 Venice, Italy 3,835 Vienna, Austria 4,115 Valparaiso, Chili 4,934 Vera Cruz, Mexico 1,680 Warsaw, Poland 4,010 Yoddo, Japan 7,630 Zanzibar, Zanzibar 7,078 RATES OF TRAVEL (IN MILES) PER HOUR. A man walks 4 A horse trots 12 A horse runs 20 A steamboat steams. ...18 A sailing vessel sails. .10 Slow rivers flow 4 Bapid rivers How 7 A moderate wimi blows.. 7 A storm moves 36 A hurricaue moves tiO A riflo ball moves.. .1,000 Sound moves 743 Liirht moves 102.000 Elecu-icity moves.. 2&8,000 L RATES OF MORTALITY IN THE OLD AND NEW WORLDS. It is generally supposed thattherateof mortality is lower in the Old "T\'orld than In the New. Statistics, however, show that in Kurope the annual number of deaths is 1 in every 42 inhabitants, but in this country it is 1 in every 81. In the Gulf Btates the average yearly proportion of deaths is 1 to every 6:5; in Ne^v England, 1 to 68; in the Southern States. 1 to 70; in the Atlantic and Mississirpi Valley States, 1 to 80; in the Western States, 1 to 81 ; in the Middle States, 1 to 88; iu tba Pacitic Stat«a,l to 115; in the North-western States, 1 to 120. 13 " Jl OFFIOHAJli DISTANCES ON RAILROADS m THE UNITKD STATES AND CANADA ST. JOHN TO HALIFAX. WINDSOR & ANNAPOLIS RAILWAY. St. Jolin ( Via Steamer.) Annapolis 81 Roimdhill 69 Bridgetown 75 Paradise 80 Lawrencetown 83 Middleton 89 Wiiniot 92 Kingston 96 i Wolfville 127 Morden Road 101 Aylesford 103 Berwick 108 Waterville Ill Coldbrook 115 Kentville 120 Port WilUams 125 Grand Pre 130 Avonport 133 Hantsport 138 Mount Denson....l40 P'altnouth 145 Windsor 135 Halifax 190 ST. AXDRE\l^'S TO HOULTON. NEW BRUNSWICK & CANADA RAILWAY. St. Andre-iv's... Chameook 5 Barilett's 11 Wagweig 13 Roix Road 15 Hewitt's 19 Rolling Dam 20 Dumbarton 24 Walts' Junction... 27 St. Stephen Maxwell 6 Moore's Mills 8 Meadows 15 Watts' Junction... 19 Lawrence 21 Barber Dam... 26 McAdam Jn.. 35 Canterbury 57 Benton 67 Wickhara 72 Debec Junction. .. 75 Hodgdon 83 Woodst ock 86 Debec Junction.... Greenville 4 Houlton 8 Deer Lake 51 CANADA CENTRAL AND BROCKVILLE & OTTAWA RAILWAYS. Ottawa Sand Point Britannia 6 Stittsville 15 Ashton 21 C P. Junction...- 29 Carleton Place 30 Almonte 35 Pakenham 44 Arnprior 62 56 (asileford 04 Renfrew 71 Brock. lilan 103 Groveton 122 Stratford 131 Wenlock 142 Island Pond 149 Norton Pond 160 Coaticooke 175 Richbv 179 C-ompton 183 Lennoxville 193 Sherbrooke 196 Windsor 211 Richmond 221 New Durham 231 Acton 243 Upton 249 Britannia Mills. ..255 St. Hyacinthe 262 Soixante 269 St. Hilaire 275 St. Bruno 282 St. Hubert 287 St. Lambert 292 Montn-al 297 Lachiue Jn 299 Pointe Claire 301 St. Anne's 318 Vaudreuil 321 St. Dominique 328 Coteau Landing.. .334 Lancaster 351 Cornwall 364 Dickinson's L'g...374 Aultsville 380 Morrisburg 389 Iriquois 396 Edwardsburg 401 Prescott Jn 409 Maitland Brockvillc Mallorytown Lansdowne Gananoque Kingston Ernestown Napanee Shannonville Belleville Trenton Brighton Colborne Grafton Cobourg Port Hope Newtonvillc Newcastle Bowmanville Oshaway Whitby Frenchman'sB'y Port Union Scarboro Toronto Detroit Chicag^o... 417 422 435 443 452 469 484 495 603 510 517 629 538 646 653 661 567 576 683 587 596 600 609 6i:; 619 630 801 1145 16 Q,uebec (Pt. Levi) Hadlow 2 Chaudiere Curve.. 8 Craig's Road 15 Black River 20 Quebec Branch. Methot's Mills 28 Lyster 37 Becancour 41 Somerset 49 Stanfold 55 Arthabaska 64 Warwick 71 Danville 84 Richmond 96 Montreal 172 Q,UKBEC TO RIVIERE DU LOUP. Quebec (Pt. Levi) Chaudiere Curve.. 8 St. Jean Chrysost. 11 St. Henri 14 St. Charles 22 St. Michael 28 St. Francois 37 St. Thomas 46 CapSt. Ignace 53 L'AnseaGile 53 L'IsIet 60 St. Jean Pt. Joli... 63 St. Roch 75 St. Anne 83 Riviere Quelle 90 St. Denis 95 St. Pascal 99 Ste. Hglgne 105 St. Alexandre 117 Lake Road 120 Riviere Du Loup..l25 Cacouna 127 St. Arsene 130 Isle Verte 138 Trois Pislolesl44 MONTREAIi TO PROVINCE LINE. Montreal Lachine 8 Caughnawaga 10 St. Isadora 15 St. Remi 21 Lapigeonniere 25 Hughes' 28 Johnson's 32 Ilemmingford 36 Province Liiue 40 TORONTO TO STRATFORD. Toronto Carlton 5 Weston 8 Malton 15 Brampton 21 Norval 27 Georgetown 29 Limehouse 82 Acton West 35 Rockwood 41 Guelph 48 Breslau 58 Berlin 62 Petersburg 69 Baden 72 Hamburg 75 Shakespeare 82 Stratlbrd 88 BUFFALO TO DETROIT. Bnifalo Fort Erie 2 Bertie 9 PortColborne 19 Wainfleet 25 Feeder 32 Dunnville 38 Canfield 46 Cook's 51 Caledonia 59 Middleport 65 Cainsville 72 Braniford 76 Paris 84 Richwood 89 Drumbo... Bright Tavistock Stratford. . 92 . 97 .107 .115 Stratford Mitchell Carronbrook. Seaforth Clinton Goderich Stratford.., St. Mary's. Granton... Lucan .115 .128 .133 .139 .148 .160 .115 .125 .135 .141 Ailsa Craig 147 Park Hill 155 Widder 164 Forrest 173 Camlachie 183 Sarnia 195 Port Huron 106 Smith's Creek 207 Ridgeway 217 New Baltimore.. ..223 Mount Clemens. ..233 Milwaukee Jn 250 Detroit Junction. .255 Detroit 253 PORT ROYAL RAILROAD. Port Royal Beaufort 4 Sheldon 18 Yemassee 25 Varnsville 42 Hoover's 45 Brunson's 51 Cambellton 65 Allendale 60 Appleton 64 Beldock 68 Millet 76 Ellenton 90 Auspista Ill RICHMOND, YORK RIVER & CHESAPEAKE RAILROAD. Ricliniond Fair Oaks 7 Dispatch 13 Summit 15 Tunstall's 20 White House 24 Fish Haul 26 Sweet Hall 31 West Point 38 Baltimore 220 FORT WAYNE, JACKSON & SAGINAW RAILROAD. Jackson., Banker's 31 Pleasant Lake Baldwin's 11 Hanover 14 Stony Point 16 Mosherville 19 Jonesville 25 Reading 36 Montgomery 42 State Line 46 Fremont 50 Angola 68 60 Summit 67 Waterloo 72 Auburn 77 New Era 84 Fort Wayne... 100 SOUTHERN MINNESOTA RAILROAD. La Crosse Grand Crossing... 1 Hokah 6 Mount Prairie 12 Houston 18 Rushford 30 Peterson .35 Whalan 44 Lanesboro 60 Isinours 56 Fountain 61 Wykoff. 68 Spring Valley 75 Grand Meadow.... 85 Brownsdale 100 Ramsey 105 Oakland 112 Hayward 121 Albert Lea 127 Alden 137 Wells 147 Delavan 162 Winnebago. ... 1 7 NEW LONDON TO ST. ALEAN'S, CENTRAL VERMONT RAILROAD. Ne-w liondon... Waterford 3 Montville 6 Massapeaz 8 Mohegan 10 Thaunesville 12 Norwich 13 Yantic 17 Fraaklin 20 Lebanon 23 South Windham .. 26 Willimantic- 30 Eaglevillie.„ 36 Mansfield 38 Morrow 40 Tolland 44 Stafford 50 Ellithorpe 63 South Monson 60 Monson 61 Palmer 65 Three Rivers 68 Barrett's 70 Belchertown 75 Dwight's 80 Amherst 85 St. Alban's East Swanton 9 Highgate Springs 13 Province Line 17 St. Armand 18 Moore's 21 Leverett 90 South Montague. . 95 Miller's Falls 100 NorthfieldFarms,103 Northfield 109 South Vernon Ill Vernon 116 Brattleboro 121 Dummerstown 126 Putney 130 East Putney 133 Westminster 141 Bellows Falls 145 Charlestown 153 Springfield 154 Claremont 163 Windsor 171 Hartland 175 North Hartland...l79 White River Jn....l85 Woodstock 189 West Hartford 193 Sharon 198 South Royalton....203 Royalton 205 Northern Division. Stanbridpce 25 Des Rivieres 27 St. Alexander 34 St. John's 43 Verselles 49 St. Brigide 50 Bethel 210 Randolph 217 Braintree 223 Roxbury 2.32 Northfield 239 Montpelier Jn 248 Montpelior 249 Montpelier Jn 248 Middlesex 253 Waterbury 258 Bolton 266 Jonesville 208 Richmond 272 Williston 277 Essex Junction 281 Winooski 286 Burlington 289 Essex Junction 281 Tolch ester 285 ISIilton 292 (ieorgia 296 St. Alban's .306 St. John's 349 Montreal 369 Ogdensburg....447 West Farnham.... 53 Angeline 67 Granby 64 Holland's 79 West Shcfibrd 80 Waterloo 86 18 Bello-vrsFalls, Rockingham 5 Bartonsville 9 Chester 13 Gassett'8 18 Cavendish 22 ProctorsTillc 24 Ludlow 27 Healdville. 33 Summit 34 Mount Hollv 37 East Wallingford, 39 St. Albania Swanton Jn 6 Swanton 9 Aiburfth Springs.. 16 AlbuTL'h 20 Rouse's Point 24 Champlain 28 Perry's Mills 31 Moer's , SC Mocr's Forks 39 Wood's Falls 42 St. Alban's Sheldon 10 North Sheldon 13 Rutland Division. CuttingsTille 43 Clarendon.... 46 Rutland f)2 Sutherland Falls.. 59 Pittsford 62 Brandon 69 Leicester Jn 74 Salisbury 79 Middlebury 85 Brookvillo 89 New Haven 93 Western Division. Altoona 45 ^rona 47 Forest 50 Dannemora 52 Ellenburgh 53 Brandy Brook 54 Clinton Mills 59 Cherubusco 61 Chateaugajr 69 Burke 73 Malone 81 Eoitem Division. East Franklin 15 Enosburgh Falls.. 18 Vengennes 99 Ferrisbufg 101 N. Fcrrisburg 104 Charlotte lOS Shelburne .....113 Burlington 120 Winooskl 123 Essex Junction. ...128 St. Alban's 153 Montreal 223 Osdlenabars ....205 Bangor 87 Brush's Mills 92 Moira 95 Lawrence 101 Brasher Falls 105 Knapp's Ill Potsdam 117 iSladrid .125 Lisbon 1.33 Ogrdensburgr. ... 142 East Berkshire 24 Ricbford 28 MONTREAL & PLATTSBURG RAILROAD. Monfrciil Province Lino 40 Mooer's Junction, 43 Scioti 48 Chazy 54 Bcckiiiantown 59 Plattsburs 63 EASTERN & MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD LINE. Boston Lynn. 11 Salem 16 Beverlv 18 North 'Beverly 20 Ipswich .-. 27 Newburyport 36 Salisbury... 38 Hampton 46 North Hampton... 49 Portsmouth 56 Conway Junction, 67 S. Berwick Jn 70 North Berwick.... 74 Kcnnebunk 85 Biddelord 93 Saco 94 Portland 108 Portland ......108 Yarmouth.... 124 Brunswick.... \Tt Richmond 153 (tardnor 164 Ilallowell 103 Augusta 171 Watcrville 189 Watervillft 189 Fairfield 192 Pishon Ferry 200 Skowegan 208 Waterville ksy Clinton 199 Burnham ..204 (Belfast Division.) Burnham 204 Thorndike 21G Belfast 2.'>8 Burnham Pittsfield Newport ..204 ..212 ..219 {Derter Division.) Newport 219 Corrinna ''''6 Dexter ..2:!3 Newport Herman Pond... Bangor ..219 ...2.36 ..24G 19 Boflton Somerville 2 Chelsea 4 Lynn 11 Swampscott 12 Salem IG Ipswich 27 Newburyport 3(5 Hampton 46 North Hampton... 49 Portsmouth 56 Bath Brunswick Lisbon Falls 8 Lisbon 12 Crowley's 14 Lewistown 19 Sabattisville 19 Jiiorlh Comoay Division, Conway Junction 67 Sakeville 80 Myrick's 42 Assonet 45 South Braintree... 1 1 Randolph 15 Stoughton 19 North Easton 22 Easton 25 Raynham 31 Taunton 34 Weir Junction 35 North Digh ton 37 Dighton 40 Somerset 43 Fall River 49 Tiverton 54 Bristol Ferry 56 Newport 68 {Steamer.) Ne-w York. 230 21 BOSTON TO TITELLiFIiEET. CAPE COD RAILROAD. Boston Middleboro 34 South Middleboro 42 Trsmont 45 "Wareham 49 Agawam 51 Coh asset Narrows 54 Monument 55 North Sandwich.. 58 AVest Sandwich... 60 Sandwicli 62 West Barnstable.. 69 Barnstable 73 Yarmouth 75 Hyannis 79 South Yarmouth.. 80 South Dennis 81 Harwich 84 Brewster 89 Orleans 94 Eastham 97 South Wellfleet.. 103 Wellfleet 106 PROVIDENCE TO WATERBURY. HARTFORD, PROVIDENCE & FISHKILL RAILROAD. Providence Cranston 4 Snarl's Corner 7 Naiic 9 River Point 11 Quidnic 13 Washington 14 Nipmuc 17 Summit 22 Greene 24 Oneco 27 Sterling 29 Mooseup Plainfield Canterbury , Jewett City Lovett's Baltic Scotland South Windham. Willimantic Andover Bolton Vernon Manchester 81 Hartford 88 Hartford 90 Newington 95 New Britain 99 Plainville 104 Forestvllle 106 Bristol 108 Terrvville 112 Hoadley's 118 Waterbury 123 BOSTON TO PROVIDENCE. BOSTON & PROVIDENCE RAILROAD. Boston Forest Hill 5 Readville 9 Canton 14 Sharon 18 East Foxboro 22 Mansfield 24 Attleboro ol Providence 41 BOSTON TO ALBANY. BOSTON & ALBANY RAILROAD. Boston Brighton 5 S. Framingham... 21 Ashland 24 Cordaville 27 Southville 28 Westboro 32 Grafton 38 Worcester 44 Worcester Jn 45 Rochdale 63 Charlton 57 Spencer 62 Brooklield 67 West Brookfieid... 69 Warren 73 Brimfield 79 Palmer 83 Wilbraham 89 Indian Ouchard... 92 Springfield 98 West Springfield..! 00 Westfield 108 Russell 116 Huntington 1 19 Chester 12G jVliddlefieid 131 Bt'cket l.T. Washington 138 Hinsdale 143 Dalton 146 Pittsfield 151 Shaker Village 154 Richmond 159 State Line 162 Canaan 167 East Chatham 172 ( hatham 177 Chatham Centre,.181 Kiiidoriiook 184 S'hodac 192 (irecnbush 200 Altoany 2U1 Boston and Worcester Division. Boston Cambridge Cros'g 3 Brighton 5 Newton 7 Newtonville 8 West Newton 9 Riverside 11 N.L.Falls 12 1 Ashland 24 Grantville 13 Wellesley 15 Natic 18 Saxonville 21 S. Framingham... 21 Cordaville 27 Westboro 32 Grafton 38 Worcester (L. S.).. 44 Worcester(U.S.) 45 NEW YORK TO NEW HAVEN. NEW YORK & NEW HAVEN RAILROAD. N.Y. City Hall 27 St. and 4th Ave. 42d Street Williams' Bridge.. Mount Vernon.... New Rochelle Mamaroneck Rye NEAV Port Chester 27 Greenwich 30 Cos Cob Bridge 31 Stamford 35 Noroton 36 Darien 39 Norwalk 43 Wtstport 46 Southport 50 Fairfield 52 Bridgeport 57 Stratford 60 Nautratuck Jn 62 Milford 65 New Haven 74 HAVEN TO SPRINGFIELD. NEW HAVEN, HARTFORD & SPRINGFIELD RAILROAD. New Haven North Haven 6 Walliua:ford 12 Yalosville 15 Msridien 18 Berlin 25 NEW HAVEN & NORTHAMPTON RAILROAD. Newington 31 Hartford 36 Windsor 42 Windsor Locks.... 48 Warehouse Point, 50 Thompsonville. ... 53 Long Meadow 58 Springfield 62 Worcester 116 Boston 160 Farmington 31 Avon 37 Weatogue 40 Simsbury 42 Granby 47 Southwiek 55 Westfield 61 Nevs^ Haven .... Ives 8 Mount Carmel 9 Cheshire 15 Hitchcock's 29 Plantsville 21 Southington 22 Plainville 27 NEW^ HAVEN TO NEW^ LONDON. NEW HAVEN, NEW LONDON & STONINGTON RAILROAD. Southampton G8 East Hampton 71 Northampton 76 Florence 79 Leeds 81 Haydenville 83 Williamsburg 84 New Haven Fair Haven 2 Brauford 8 Stony Creek 11 Guilford 16 Madison 20 Clinton 23 Westbrook 28 Saybrook 31 Connecticut Riv'r 33 Lyme 34 South Lyme 38 East Lyme 43 Waterford 47 New London 50 Providence 112 Boston 156 HOUSATONIC RAILROAD. Bridgeport Stepney 10 Botsford 15 Newtown 19 Hawleyville 23 Brookfield 29 New Milford 35 Merwinsville 42 Kent 48 Cornwall Bridge.. 57 West C'ornwall 61 Falls Village 67 Canaan 73 Ashlev Falls 75 Sheflaeld 79 Barrington 85 Van Deusenville.. 87 Housatouic 89 Glendale 92 Stockbridge 93 South Lee 95 Lee 99 Lenox Furnace. ..1' 1 Lenox 102 Dewey's 1(!6 Pittsfield 110 FITCHBURG RAILROAD. Boston Cambridge 3 Belmont 6 Waverly 7 Waltham 10 Stony Brook 12 Weston 13 Lincoln 17 Concord 20 South Acton 25 West Acton 27 Littleton 31 BOSTON TO BELLOWS PAJLLS. CHESHIRE RAILROAD. Ayer Junction... 35 Shirley 40 Lunenburg 42 Leominster 46 FltcMburg^ 50 Boston Lowell 18 Nashua Ayer Junction... 3.5 Worcester 44 Fitchburg 50 West Fitchburg... 51 Westminster 55 BOSTON, CONCORD Concord East Concord 2 Canterbury 10 Norihfield 13 Tilton 18 Union Bridge 22 Laconia 27 Lake Village 29 Weirs 33 Meredith Village.. 37 Ashland 45 S. Ashhurnham... 60 N. Ashburnham... 64 Wincheudon 68 State Line 71 Fitzwilliam 77 Trov 82 Marlboro 86 & MONTREAL AND (N. H.) RAILROADS Plymouth 51 Rumney 59 West Rumney 62 Wentworth 67 Warren 71 East Haverhill 79 Haverhill 84 North Haverhill.. 89 Woodsville 93 Wells River 93 Woodsville 93 South Keene 90 Keene 92 E. Westmoreland.lOO Westmoreland 104 Walpole 110 Cold River 113 Bellows Falls..ll4 WHITE MOUNTAIN Bath 103 Lisbon 108 North Lisbon 108 Littleton 113 Whitefield 125 Dal ton 128 South Lancaster ..131 Lancaster 135 Northum'd Falls..l40 Nortbumb'd ...145 ROME, WATERTOWN & OGDENSBURG RAILROAD. Rome Taberg 11 MeConnellsville... 13 Camden „ 18 West Camden 23 Williamstovrn 28 Kasoag 31 Albion 37 Richland 42 Pulaski 46 Sandhill 60 Mexico 55 New Haven 60 Scriba 64 Oswego 71 Sandy Creek 47 JNlannsville 52 Pie rrepont Manor 54 Adams 69 Adams' Centre 62 Wiitertown Jn 71 Watertown Watertown Jn 71 Brownville 75 Limerick 79 Chaumont 85 Three-mile Bay... 88 Rosiere 92 Cape Vincent 96 Watertown 72 Sanford's Corners, 78 Evans' Mills 83 Philadelphia 90 Antwerp 96 Keene's 101 Gouverneur 108 Richville 116 DeKalb Jn 123 Rensselaer Falls.. 130 Heuvelton 135 Ogdensburg 1 42 De"Kalb Jn 123 Canton 131 Potsdam 142 Potsdam Jn....l48 UTICA & BLACK RIVER RAILROAD. Utica Marcy 6 Stittville 10 Holland Patent ... 12 Trenton 16 Trenton Falls 17 Prospect 18 Remsen 21 East Steuben 25 Steuben 26 Alder Creek 28 Boonville 35 Leyden 38 Port Leyden 42 Lvon's Falls 45 Giendale 51 Martinsburgh 54 Lowville 58 Caster Land 66 Deer River 70 Carthage 74 Champion 76 Great Bend 81 Felt's Mills 83 Black River 85 Waterto-vvn 91 NEW YORK, OSWEGO & MIDLAND RAILROAD. Ne-vv Yorlc Jersey City New Durham Ridgefield Park.. J.C.&A.R.R Hackensack Rochelle Park.... Dundee Lake Paterson Midland Park.... Wortendyke Pompton Pompton Jn Bloomingdale W. Bloomingd'e. Newfoundland ... Ogdensburg Franklin New York:.. Jersey City.... West End Arlington Kearny , Newark Montgomery.. Lloomfield , Chestnut Hill. Utica New Hartford... 3} Clinton 9 Frank. IronWks. lOJ Deansville 13f I SussexR. R. Jn I Deckertowu Gt5^ G} I Unionville 74 11^ Middletown 88 ... Crawford R. R. J. 91 13J Bloomingburg.... 98 16 Wurtsboro 99J 18^ Summitville 103 20i Fallsburg 117^ 25 Liberty 12Sj 2(ii Parkesville 133f 34J Morston 13?j- 35| Codosia Summit..l69^ 36^ Walton 189^ 37 i Sidney Centre....205 45 Sidney Plains 212^ 56 i E. Guilford J n... 215 69 Montclair Division. Walnut Street... 12^ Watchung 13^ Cliffside 14i Mountain Av. ... 15^ Great Notch 17 Cedar Grove 18 Little Falls 19 Singac 201- Mountain View., 22J Ulica Branch, Oriskany Falls... 18 Solsville 2H Bouckville 23f Peeksport 25^^ Hamilton 33^ 3 7i 8 H 11 Hi Guilford 221^ Oxford 228i- Norwich 237 Earlville 252 Smith's Valley...256 Eaton 260^ Morrisville 26o'i Munnsville 269f Oneida Com'ty...275J- Oneida 279 North Bay 289^- Cleveland 295f Constantia 302^ Central Square...310 Pennellville 31GJ Fulton 324« OsTvego 3o{ii Pequannock 24| Pompton Plains, 2C^ Riverdale 271 Pompton Jn 30 Wanaque Slf Midvale 82| Ringwood 3fiV Monks 37| Smith's Valley... 31 Norwich 50 Cortland 98i New York: 286 SOUTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD. Fair Haven Martville 5 Cato 13 Weedsport 21 Auburn 31 Wyckoffs 38 Moravia 48 Locke 52 (iroton 58 Freeville(Ith.Jn.) 63 Dryden 66 Harford 72 Richford 78 Berkshire 82 Newark 88 Flemingville 93 Owcgo 97 Tioga 103 Smithboro 107 Sayre 116 HARLEM EXTENSION RAILROAD. Rutland Clarendon 6 Walliugford 9 S. Wallingford 13 Danby and Mount Tabor 18 North Dorset 22 East Dorset 25 Manchester 30 Sunderland 36 Arlington 39 Shaftsbury 44 South Shaftsbury 49 N. Bennington 51 Bennington 55 East Hoosic 58 T. & B. Junction.. 61 North Petersburg 63 Petersburg 64 Berlin 69 Centre Berlin 74 N. Stephcntown... 77 Lebanon Springs.. 81 New Lebanon 90 West Lebanon 91 Brainard's 95 Rider's Mill 97 Chatham 103 Chatham 4-Cor's...lOS Albany 53G VERMONT & MASSACHUSETTS AND TROY & GREENFIELD Fitchburg Wachusett 3 Westmiuster 5 Ashburnham 11 Gardner 15 Baldwiuville 21 RAILROADS. Royalston Athol Orange Wendwell Erving Grout's Corner Montague 52 Cireenfield 56 Shelburne Falls... G9 Charlemont 78 Zoar 82 Hoosac Tuu'l.. 86 AL-BANY TO BINGHAaiTON. ALBANY & SUSQUEHANNA R Albany Adumsville 6 Slingerlands 7 New Scotland 11 Guilderland 14 Knowersville 17 Duanesburg 24 Quaker Street 27 Esperance 3L Central Bridgo 36 Howes Cave 39 Cobleskill 45 Ricbmondville 50 East Worcester.... 57 Worcester 63 Schenevus 67 Maryland 70 C.&S.V.R.R.Jn.. 75 Collier's 76 Emmon's 79 Oneonta 82 Otego 90 AILROAD. Well's Bridge 95 Unadilla 99 Sidney 103 Baiubridge 108 Aftou 114 Harpersville 120 Tunnel 127 Osborn Hollow. ...132 Port Crane 135 Bingliamtou...l42 CHERRY V ALLEY TO HYNDSVILL.E. Cberry "Valley I Sharon Springs.... 9 I Hyndsville 18 Prospect Hill 5 | Seward 14 \ Cobbleskill 23 TROY TO RUTLAND. RENSSEL. Troy Green Island 1 Waterford 5 Albany Junction, 6 Mechanicville 12 Ballston 26 Sarotaga 32 Gansevoorts 43 Fort Edward 49 Duuham's Basin.. 52 AER & SARATO(JA RAILROAD. Smith's Basin 57 Fort Ann 61 Comstock's 65 White HallJn ^l Lake Champlain... 73 Fairhaven 79 Hydeville 9 2 Eagle Bridge 23 Cambridge 29 i Shushan 34 Salem 41 Rupert 50 Pawlet 57 Granville 60 Middle Granville.. 62 Poultney 68 Castleton bO West Rutland 96 Centre Rutland .. 91 Rutland 100 NEW YORK TO CHATHAM. NEW YORK & HARLEM RAILROAD. NcwYorlt Williams' Bridge, 11 Woodlawn 13 WcstMt. Vernon, 14 Bronxville 16 Tuckahoe 17 Scarsdale 20 Hartsdale 21 White Plains 23 Kensico 26 Unionville 29 Pleasantvillc 31 Chappaqua 33 Mount Kisco 38 Bedford 40 Katonah 43 Goldeu's Bridge... 45 Purdy's 47 Croton Falls 49 Brewster's 53 Dykeman's 56 Towner's 59 Patterson 61 Pawling 65 South Dover 71 Dover Plains 78 Wassaic 82 86 Ameni Sharon 88 Coleman's 89 Millerton 93 Mount Riga 97 Boston Corners.... 100 Copake 106 Hillsdale 110 Craryville 112 Mavvinsdale 116 Philmont 120 Ghent 126 Cliattiam 128 26 NEW YORK TO TROY. NEW YORK CENTRAL AND HUDSON RIVER RAILROADS, Nevr York Spuyten Duyvil.. Riverdale Mt. St. Vincent... Yonkers Hastings Dobb's Ferry Irvington Tarrytown Scarborough Sing Sing Croton Cruger's Montrose- Peekskill 11 12 13 m 19 20 22 25 29 30 34 37 38 41 Ft. Montgomery 45 Garrison's 49 Cold Spring 52 Cornwall Station 54 Dutchess andCol. Junction 57 Fishkill 58 Low Point 62 New Hamburg... 64 Milton Ferrjr 69 Poughkeepsie 73 Hyde Park 78 Staatsburg 83 Rhinebeck 88 Barrytown 94 Tivoli 98 Germantown 104 Livingston 107 Catskill Station. .109 Hudson 114 Stockport 118 Coxsackie 121 Stuyvesant 123 Schodack 129 Castleton 133 East Albany 141 J Albany 142 Troy 148 ALBANY TO BUPFALiO. iVewj York Central Division. Verona 117^ Oneida 121| Canastota 127 Canaseraga 130f Chittenango 13;->J Kirkville 137 Manlius lo9J Syracuse 147|^ Warner's 157|- Memphis 159J Jordan l(J4f Weedsport 169 Port Byron 172^ Savannah 17t4 Clyde 1851- Lyons 19'2f Newark 19f} ! Palmyra 200^ I Macedon 210|- Auburn Branch. New York I Cayuga 184^ Syracuse 147^ Seneca Falls 189 Albany Schenectady 17 Hoft'man 26 Amsterdam 33 Tribes' Hill 38^ Fonda 43^ Yost's 4Pi Spraker's 52 Palatine Bridge.. 55 Fort Plain 58 St. Johnsville 63f Little Falls 1?,^ Herkimer 80f Ilion 83 Frankfort 85i Utica 91|- Whitesboro 98^ Oriskany lOt^ Rome 109 Camillus 15">J Marcellus 158 Skaneateles 164| Cennett 168 Auburn 173^- Waterloo 192} Seueva 199 Phelps 2061^ Clifton Springs...211 Fairport 2181 Rochester 22F|- Chili 2381- Churchville 243 Bergen 246} Byron 2.53 Batavia 20r>J- Croft's 266i- Corfu 272} Crittenden 276f Wende 279| Grimesville 286} Forks 289 Buffalo 298 Cleveland 480 Cincinnati 738 Chicago 837 St. liouis 1123 Shortsville 215} Canandaigiia 221} Farmington 227} Fisher's 2-35 Pittsford 241f Rocliester 250 NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. Albany Utica 94|- Rome 109 Syracuse 147} Rochester 228} Spencerport 238 Adam's Basin 241 Brockport ^46 Holley 251 Murray 254 Albion 259 Knowlesville 265 Medina 269 Middleport 274 Gasport 269 Lockport 285 Lockport Jn 288 Sanborn 295 Suspension B'dge304 Niagara Falls 305} Suspension B'dge304 Detroit 555 Clilcago 808 27 BUFFAX.O TO NIAGARA FAIxLS, SUSPENSION BRIDGE, AND liOCKPORT. Buffalo Ferry 3 Black Rock 4^ Tonawanda 15 La Salle 21 Niagara Falls 26 Suspens'n Bridge, 27 Lewistou 34 Sawyer's Creek.... 14 Hall's Circular 16 Lockport Jn 23 Lockport 26 Canandaiffua, Baiavia, and Tonawanda Division. Tonafvanda.... Gettzville 6 Transit 10 Clarence Centre... 13 East Clarence 16 Akron 20 Falkirk 21 Richville 23 East Pembroke.... 30 Batavia 36 Batavia Staflford™ 6 Le Roy 10 Caledonia 17 Maxwell's Cr'sing 21 G. V. R. R, Jn 24 West Rush 25 Honeoge Falls 31 East Bloomficld.... 42 Cauandai^ua.. 50 SAIiAMANCA TO DAYTON. ATLANTIC & GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. Salamanca Red House 7 Steamburg 12 Randolph 18 Kennedy 25 Jamestown 34 Ashville 41 Panama 45 Grant 48 Freehold 51 Columbus .. 58 Corry 61 Union „ 72 IMUlVillage 79 Miller's 85 Cambridge 88 Venango 92 Saegertown 96 Meadville 102 Sutton's 110 Evansburg 116 Adamsvill* 121 Greenville 129 Shenango 131 Stiaron Hubbard 6 Youngstown 14 Girard 19 Miles 23 Clarksville 135 Orangeville Ml Burghill 145 Baconsburg 1.54 Warren 162 Leavittsburg 165 Leavittsburg 165 Cleveland........ 213 Leavittsburg 165 Braceville 169 Windham 173 Freedom 179 Ravenna 185 Kent 192 Tallmadge 198 Akron 202 New Portage 208 Wadsworth 216 Milton 220 Seville„ 227 Burbank„ 232 West Salem 238 Polk 244 Mahoning J>i7'ision. Warren 23 Leavittsburg 31 Mahoning 40 GarettsviUe 44 Mantua 50 Ashland 252 Windsor 261 Mansfield 269 Ontario 276 GaUon 284 Caledonia 295 Marion 304 Burwick 310 Woodland 315 Richwood 319 Newton 327 Peoria 330 Potter 334 North Lewisburg,339 Mingo. 343 Kennard 346 Kingston 349 Urbana 353 Bowlusville 359 Springfield 368 Enon 372 Osborne 378 Dayton 389 Cinciuixati 448 Aurora 57 Solon 65 Newburg 75 CleTeland 80 Franklin Division. Evans* Bridge 14 Utica 19 Sugar Creek 24 J^Hes a7id New Lisbon Branch. Nlle8„ I Leetonia 22 I Ne-w Iil8t>on.... 33 Canfield 12 | | Meadville Shaw's 6 Cochran ton 11 Franklin 28 Reno 33 Oil City 36 28 JERSEY CITY TO BUFPAIiO. ERIE RAILWAY— MAIN LINE. Jersey City Rutherfurd Park, 9 Passaic 11 Paterson 16 Ridgewood 21 Ilohokus 23 Allendale 2.'> Ramsey's 27 Suffern 31 Ramapo 33 Sloatsburg 35 Southfield's 41 Newburg Jn 45 Turner's 47 Monroe 49 Oxford 61 Greycourt b-i Goshen 59 Hampton 63 Middletown 66 Howell's 70 OtisviUe 75 Port Jervis 87 Shohola 106 Jersey City {See Main Line.) HornellsvLlle 331 Alfred 340 Andover 349 Genesee 357 Phillipsville 365 Belvidere g69 New York {See Main Line.) Buffalo 422 Jersey City {See Main Line.) Corning 290 Painted Post 292 Cooper's 295 Curtis' 298 Campbell's 299 Savonna 304 Bath 310 Coming Avon 76 Caledonia. 83 Lackawaxen.. Pine Grove.... Narrowsburg.. Cochectou Callicoon Hancock Deposit Susquehanna. Great Bend.... Kirkwood Binghamton... Union CampviUe Owego Smithboro Barton , Waverly Chemung , Wellsburg Elmira Corning .110 .116 .122 .130 .135 .103 .176 .192 .200 .205 .214 .223 .229 .236 .246 .248 .256 .260 .266 .273 .290 Rochester. Corning Painted Post. ■385 .290 .292 Western Division. Friendship 373 Cuba 382 Olean 394 Allegheny 398 Carrollton 407 Great Valley 410 Salamanca 413 Niagara Falls Branch. Main Street 425 Tonawanda 431 La Salle 437 Rochester Division, Kanona. 314 Avoca 318 Wallace's 321 Liberty 326 Blood's 330 Wayland 336 Springwater 340 Conesus 347 Attica Branch. Leroy 90 Stafford 95 Batavia 100 Addison 301 Rathboneville 306 Cameron 314 Adrian 322 Canisteo 327 Hornellsville 331 Burns' 339 Canaseraga 343 Swain's 348 Nunda 355 Hunt's 357 Portage 361 Castile 365 Gainsville 367 Warsaw 374 Dale 380 Linden 384 Attica 391 Darien 397 Alden 403 Lancaster 412 Buffalo 422 Suspension B'dge,403 Cleveland 605 Little Valley 421 Cattaraugus 428 Dayton 437 Perrysburg 440 Smith's Mills 447 Forestville 451 Duulurk 459 Niagara Falls 442 Suspension B'dge,443 Clifton 444 South Livonia 351 Livonia 355 Hamilton's 357 Avon... 366 Rush 371 Scottsville 373 Henrietta 376 Rodiester 385 Alexander 108 Attica Ill Biaffalo 142 29 NEWBURG A NEW YORK RAILROAD. Ne-w York Turner's Greenwood 43 Junction 45 Highland Mills... 48 "Woodbury 50 Cornwall 56 Vail's Gate Jn 68 New Windsor 60 IVewburg 63 NORTHERN RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY. Jersey City New Durham 6 Granton 7 Ridgefield 9 Leonia 12 Jersey City.. Erie Junction.. Carlstadt Wood ridge Lodi Junction. Hackensack Cherry Hill River Edge Englewood 14 Peru 15 Tenafly 16 Gresskill 17 Closter 19 Hackensack Branch. New Milford 1T| Oradel 18 Kinderkamack... 20 Westwood 21 Hillsdale 22 Pascack 23 Park Ridge 24 Norwood 21 Tappan 23 Sparrkill 24 Piermont 25 Nyack 30 Mount Vale 25 Pearl River 26 Nanuetjn 28 Spring Valley 30 Mousey 32 Tallman's 34 Sufierii 37 NEW JERSEY SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Sandy H'kP'r Highlands 5 Seabright 7 Long Branch 11 Branchport 13 Oceanport 14 Eatontown 15 Eatontown Jn 16 Shark River 22 Farmingdale 26 Bricksburg 33 Manchester. Whiting's.... Whiting's Woodmansie., Shamong Atsion Winslow Jn.. Cedar I ake... Landisville ... Vineland 41 47 '47 54 59 71 79 85 90 95 Rosenhavn 101 Bridgetoh 107 Bowentown 110 Greenwich 114 Bay Side 117 Whiting's 47 Hanover 55 Now Lisbon 61 Pernberton 64 Peuibert'u Jn. 65 DAVENPORT & ST. PAUL RAILROAD. Davenport Eldridge 8 Mt. Joy 5 Donohue 14 Eldridge 8 Dixon 20 Long Grove 16 Wheatland 29 C.&N.W.Cr'sing.. 25 Toronto 34 DeWitt 26 Massillon 37 Welton 33 Oxford Mills 42 Delmar Junction, 39 Wyoming 49 Maquoketa 41 Monticello 66 DENVER & RIO GRANDE RAILROAD Hopkinton 74 Delhi 82 Delaware 86 Greeley 94 Edgewood 99 Enfield 106 Brush Creek 115 Fayette 125 Denver Littleton 11 Acequia 18 Plum 25 Citadel 31 Douglass 35 Larkspur 43 Greenland... 47 Divide 52 Henry's 56 Borst's 58 Husted's -62 Monument 67 Colorado Springs, 75 Fountain 86 Little Buttes 94 Pinion 106 Pueblo 118 South Pueblo 120 Good-night 125 Meadows 129 Swallows 134 Carlisle Springs. ..141 Beaver Creek 143 Labran 152 Coal Junction 153 Coal Banks 155 30 DETROIT, EEL RIVER & ILLINOIS RAILROAD. liOgansport Denver 18 Chili 21 Roann 27 Lakctou 33 N. Manchester 37 Collamer 45 DUBUQUE & SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD South Whitley 47 Taylor's 61 Columbia City 56 Colin's 62 Cherubusco 66 Potter's 70 G. R. Crossing 74 Cedar Creek 76 Auburn Junction, 81 Auburn 82 Mooresville 88 Butler 93 Dubuque Julien 9 Peosta 14 Epworth 19 Farley 23 Worthington 30 Sand Spring 37 Monticello 43 Langworthy 47 Anamosa 54 Viola 61 Springville 65 Marion 73 Cedar Rapids.. 79 INDIANA & ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. Decatur Casner 8 La Place 13 Hammond 20 Atwood 27 Tuscola 36 Camargo 42 Newman 52 Hume 58 Cherry Point 66 Crisman 63 Scotland 72 Illiana 76 Benson 79 Hillsdale 84 Montezunnu 85 LONG ISLAND RAILROAD. Hnntcv'sP*..., Woodside 3 WinSeld 4 Jamaica 10 Q leen's 13 Hyde Park 17 Mineola 19 Westbury 22 Hicksville 25 Svosset 29 Huntington 3o Centerporr Northport 40 St. Jchnsland 45 Smithtown 49 St. James 52 Stony Brook 55 Setauket 57 Port Jefferson 59 Jerusalem 28 Farmiugdale 30 Deer Park 36 Brentwood 41 North Islip 43 Lakeland 4S Holbrook 50 Waverly Medford 54 Bellport 57 Yaphank 59 Manor 65 Riverhead 73 Jamesport 78 Mattituck 82 Cutchogue 85 Hermitage 88 Southold 90 Greenport 94 SOUTH SIDE RAILWAY OF LONG ISLAND, 22 Broolclyn Busliwiok Ave 2 Richmond Hill.... 8 Berlin 9 Jamaica 10 Springfield 13 Valley Stream 16 Woodshurgh 18 Ocean Point 19 Far Rockaway 21 S. S. Pavilion Eldert's Grove Sea Side House... Pea rsall's Corner Rockville Cent... P>ald win's Freeport Merrick Bellmore Ridgewood 2-1^ 25i 18 19 21 22 24 25 26 South Oyster Bay, 28 Amityville 31 Breslau 33 Babylon 36 Bayshore 41 Islip 43 Oakdale 47 Sayville 49 Bayport 51 Patcliogae 54 DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. NewYorlc Hoboken 1} Patorson 15 Boonton 30 Junction 69 Washington 71 Oxford Furnace... 75 Bridgeville 80 Manunka Chunk. 82 Philadelphia Trenton 30 Phillipsburg 81 Manunka Chunk.. 82 Delaware 84 Portland 87 AVaterGap 92 Stroudsburg 96 Henry ville 104 31 DELA^ r^VRE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN R. R.— Continued. Oaklan^i 109 Tobyhanna 122 Gouldsboro 128 Moscow 130 Dunning's 139 Scranton 149 Northumberland, 229 Abinglon 159 Factoryvillo 16-1 Nicholson 170 Hopbottom 170 Montrose 183 New Milford 190 Great Bend 196 Binghamton 210 Riciificld Springs,313 Utioa 305 290 Oswejfo 325 MoD'is and Essex Division. New York Hoboken IJ Newark 10 Orange 13 South Orange 15 Millburn 19 Summit 22 Chatham 25 Madison 27 Morristown 81 Morris Plains 34 Denville 38 Rockaway 40 Dover 43 Drakesville 48 Stanhope 53 Waterloo 56 Hackettstown 62 Port Murray 68 Washington 71 Stowartsville 80 Phillipsburg 85 Eastou 85 Utica, Chenango and Susquehanna Valley Division. TTtica New Hartford.... 4 Wash'gton Mills, 5-J- Chadwick's 7| Sauquoit 9^- Clayville ilj Ritchfleld Jn.... ISj Ritchfield Jn Bridgewater \^ Unadilla Forks.. ISf West Winfield.... 21 J Nevr York Hoboken 1| Kingsland 5 Rutherfurd Park 9 Delawanna 11 East Winfield.... 23} Cedarville 25| South Columbia, 31 -J Richfield Sp'ngs, 34^ Paris 17" Waterville 21f San gerfield Cent. 22f N. Brookfield 27 HubbardsTillo. ... 31 Poolville 35 Earlville 37^ Boonton Branch. Passaic 12 Clifton 14 Paterson 17 Beavertown 25 Whitehall 27 Sherburne 42J- MidlandR.R.Jn.. 46^^ North Norwich.. 47|- Norwich 63|- Oxford 62 Coventry 70 Brisbin 75j Greene 83^ Chenango Forks, 84 ChenangoBridge ... Biuglxamtoii, 95 Montville 29 Boonton 32 Denville 37 "Wsisliliistoii ... 70 Lackaivanna and Bloomshurg Division. Scranton Lackawanna 6 Pittston 9 WestPittston 10 Wyoming 12 Kingston 17 Plymouth 20 Nanticoke 24 Hunlock's 27 Shickshinny 32 Beach Haven 41 Berwick 43 Briar Creek 47 E.spy 54 Bloomshurg 56 Rupert 68 Catawissa Bridge.. 60 Danville 63 Norttiuirib'ld.. 80 SYRACUSE TO NEW YORK. SYRACUSE, BINGHAMTON & NEW YORK RAILROAD. Syracuse Jamesville 7 Onativia 14 Apulia 19 Tully 21 Preble 26 Homer 33 Cortland 36 State Bridge 45 Marathon 50 Lisle 57 Whitney's Point.. 59 Chenango Forks.. 69 Chenango 73 Binghamton 80 Scranton 141 Philadelphia 306 New York 290 32 CONNECTICUT VALLEY RAILROAD. Hartford Wethersfield 3J- Rocky Hill 7i Cromwell 12^ MiddletoAvn 15 Maromas 20^ i Chester Higganum 2oJ Walkley Hill 25 Haddam 26i Arnold's 27 Goodspeed's 29^ 32i Deep River Essex Saybrook Jn Saybrook Point.. Fen wick S7i 42 44 LAKE ONTARIO SHORE RAILROAD. Os-wego 1 Red Creek 21 Furniss 5 Woleott 26 Wheeler's 8 Rose 31 Hannibal 10 Alton 36 Sterling 16 I HUNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD, Wallington . Sodus Williamson . Ontario... 38 41 47 52 Hunting-don... McConnellstown.. 5 Pleasant Grove. . 7 Marklesburg 11 Rough and Ready 17 Fisher's Summit.. 21 Saxton 25 Riddlesburg 30 Hopewell 32 TaLesville 41 Everett 44 Mt. Dallas 45 Bedford 53 Bridgepoi-t Cumberland CINCINNATI & TERRE HAUTE RAILROAD. Terre Haute.... I Cory 15 Spring Hill 5 1 Saline City 20 Lockport 11 1 Eel River 22 Middlebury Jn.... 26 Coal City 32 Bessemer 40 CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY. Lehigh and Susquehanna Division. Green Ridge.... Scranton 2 Moosic 8 Pittston 12 Wilkesbarre 21 Ashley 24 Penobscot 37 White Haven 50 Rockport 60 Penn Haven Jn..., 68 Mauch Chunk 75 Lehighton 78 Weissport 79 Parryville 81 Lehigh Gap 86 Walnut Port 89 Treichler'.s 93 Siegfried's Bridge, 97 Laubach's 98 Catasauqua 100 Allentown 104 Bethlehem ..„i(>9 Freemansburg 112 Easton 12(J Philadelphia 164 KewYork 196 EASTO^f TO WAVERLY JUNCTION. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. Easton Gleudon 2 Freemansburg 9 Bethlehem 12 East Penn. Jn 17 Allentown 17 Catasauqua 20 Hokendauqua 21 Coplay 22 Laury's 26 Slatington 33 Lehigh Gap 35 Lehighton 42 Mauch Chunk 46 Penn Haven Jn... 53 Rockport 61 Hickory Run 66 Tannery 69 White Haven 71 Nescopec 77 Fairvicw 85 Newport.... 92 8. Wilkesbarre 100 Wilkesbarre 101 Pittston 110 L. & B. Junction..lll Ransom 116 Falls 122 McKune's 125 Tuukhaunock 133 Vosburg 138 Mehoopany 145 Meshoppeu 148 Black Walnut 153 Laceyville 156 Wyalusing 168 Frenchtown 172 Rummerfield 176 Standing Stone 179 Wvsauking 183 Towanda 187 Ulster 194 Milan 198 Athens 202 Waverly Jn 206 33 MaJianoy, Beaver Meadow, and Hazleton Branches. I^aston Mauch Chunk 46 Penn Haven Jn... 54 Penn Haven 60 Black Creek Jn.... 70 Weatherly 70 Hazleton 66 Eckloy 70 Beaver Meadow.... 59 Audenried 66 Hartz's 71 Quakake Jn 73 PHIIi A.DBIiPHI A TO BEJTHLBHKH. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Mahanoy City 81 Shenandoah 84 Raven Run 89 Centralia 73 Mt. Carmel 100 Pliiladelpliia.. Fisher's Lane 4 Green Lane 5 Old York Road 7 Choltcn Hill3 8 Jenkintown 9 Abinccton 10 Edge^Hill 11 Ft. Washinffton.... 14 Ambler 15 Penllyn 17 Gwynedd 18 North Wales 20 Lausdale 22 Colmar 25 Chalfont 27 Doylostown 83 Lansdale 22 Hatfield 25 Souder's 27 Sellersville 31 Perkasie 33 Quakertown 38 Coopersburg 4-1 Bingen 48 Hellertown 61 Betlileliein 55 PHIIiADELPHIA TO POTTSVILIiE. PHILADELPHIA & READING RAILROAD. Pliiladelpliia Belmont 3^ AVcst Falls 5 Pencoyd 64- West Manayunk 7|- Mill Creek 9^ Spring Mill 12 Conshohooken.... IX^ Bridgeport 17 Merlon 19 Port Kenned V 2^ Valley Forge 23^ Pcrkioraon June 25 Phanixville 27j- Mingo 80^ Royer's Bridge.... 82 Aramingo 32^ Limerick 34 Pottstown 40 Douglassville 4^4- Monocacy 4~i\ Birdsboro 49 Exeter 52 Reading 58 Tuckerton 63 Leesport 66 Mohrsville 6?^ ShoemaKersviiie, 70 Hamburg 75 Port Clinton 78 Auburn 83 Landingville 86 Schuylkill Hav... 89 Mount Carbon 92 Pottsville 93 East Pennsylvania, and Lebanon Valley Branch. Womelsdorf 39 Robesonia 411- Wernersville 45 Reading 54 Temple 59 Blandon 62 Fleetwood 65^^ Harrisburg .... Beaver 7^ Hummelstown.... 9^^ Derry 13^ Palmyra 16 Annville 21 Lebanon 26 Myerstown 32^ READING & COLUMBIA RAILROAD. Lyons 69 Topton 1^ Shamrock 7Cf Alburtis 78 Millerstown 80^- Emaus 84 Allentown 90 Reading Sinking Springs... 6 Fritztown 9 Reinhold's 13 Union 16 Ephrata 20 Millway 23 Litiz 27 Manheim 32 Sellers 34 Landisvllle 37 Bruekhart's 40 Chestnut Hill 41 Kaufiman's 42 Columbia 46 Liancaster., 42 CATAWISSA & WILLIAMSPORT RAILROAD. PkUadelpliia Bridgeport 17 Phoenixville 27J Pottstown 40 Reading 58 Port Clinton 78 Pottsville 93 Tamaqua 08 E.M. Junction ....10'^ Tamanend 10r| Quakake 107^ Summit lioi Girard 11-4^ Girard Pa.=ising...ll"i^ Mahanoy 118^ Ringtowu 123 Beaver 131 McAuley 136 Mainrille 138 Catawissa 145 Rupert 147 34 CATAWISSA & WILLIAMSPORT RAILROAD.— Continued. Danville 154^ Mooresburg IGl Pottsgrove 166 Dougal 169 Milton 170 Datesman's 171 New Columbia 172 White Deer 175 Allen wood 177 Fritz 181 Montgomery 1814- Muncy 18g| Hall's 189i MoHtoursville....l95 \Vllliam8p't..l99 LITTLE ROCK & FORT SMITH RAILROAD. Little Rock Argenta Bartlett 10 Palarm ICi Gold Creek 24^ Conway 30 Cadron 35^ Plummers 44 Lewisburg 49 Pt. Remove 54^^ Atkins 63 Galla Creek 69 Riissellville 74 Mill Creek 79 Georgetown 83 Piney Bridge 87 Mayville 90 Cabin Creek 95 Clarl£STiUe„....100 OIL CREEK & ALLEGHENY RIVER RAILROAD. Irvineton Dunn's Eddy 3 Penna. House 4 Thompson's 5 Cobham 9 Magee's 11 Tidioute 15 Trunkeyvilie '20 Hickory 23 Dawson 26 Jamison 28 Tionesta 30 Hunter 33 Stewart 35 President 37 Eagle Rock 38 Henry's Bend 39 Oleopolis 41 Walnut Bend 43 Rockwood 47 Oil City 50 McClintock 53 Rouseville 54 Rynd Farm 55 TarrFarm 56 Columbia 57 Petroleum Cent... 58 Pioneer 59 Shaffer 61 Miller Farm 62 Titusville 68 Hydetown 71 Myer's Switch 72 Tryonville 76 Centreville 79 Glynden 82 Spartansburg 86 Summit 89 Stewart's Switch.. 93 Corry 95 PHIIiADELPHIA TO ATLANTIC CITY. CAMDEN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Philadelpliia Cooper's Point Haddonfield 7 Ashland 10 White Horse 12 Berlin 17 Atco 19 Waterford 23 Ancora 24 Winslow 27 Hammonton 30 Da Costa 32 Elwood 34 Egg Harbor 41 May's Landing 48 Pomona 47 Absecon 52 Atlantic City.. 59 PHIIiADEIiPHIA TO CAPE MAY. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD. Pliiladelpliia, Camden 1 Gloucester 4 Westville 5 Woodbury 8 Mantua 11 Barnesboro 14 Pitman Grove 15 Glassboro 18 Clayton 21 Franklinville 24 lona 25 Malaga 28 Newficld 30 North Yineland... 31 Yineland 34 South Yineland... 37 Millville 40 Manumuskin 46 35 Belleplain 53 Woodbine 56 Mt. Pleasant 59 Seaville 62 Swain's 66 Cape May Ct. H.... 69 Rio Grande _.. 75 Bennett's 78 Cape May 81 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. NcTvYork Jersey City 1 Newark 9 Elizabeth 15 Rahway 20 New Brunswick.. 32 Monmouth Jn 41 Princeton Jn 48 Trenton 57 Bristol 68 Germantown Jn.. 86 West Philad'a 90 Mantua 89 Overbrook 95 Bryn Mawr 99 Morgan's Corner..l02 Eagle 105 Paoli 109 West Chester Int.l 11 Glen Loch 115 Oakland 118 Downingtown 124 Gallagherville 122 Coatesville 128 Parkesburg 134 Penningtonville ..1S7 Christiana 138 Gap 141 Leaman Place 147 "Sew York Jersey City Newark 8 Elizabeth 14 Rahway 19 Uniontown 22 Sontb. Arnhoy Old Bridge 8 Spotswood 10 Jamesburg 14 Prospect Plains... 16 Cranberry 18 Hightstown 21 Windsor 24 Main Line. Bird-iu-hand 151 Lancaster 159 IHllerville IfiO Landisville 1G6 Mount Joy 170 Elizabethtown 177 Branch Inter 185 Middletown 186 Harrisburg 195 Rockville 201 Marysville 203 Duncannon 210 Bailv's 218 Newport 223 Millerstown 228 Thompsontow n ... 233 Perrvsville 242 Mifflin 244 Narrows 251 Lewistown 256 McVeytown 268 Newton Ilamilt'n 278 Mount Union 281 Mapleton 284 Mill Creek.. 288 Huntingdon 293 Petersburg 299 Spruce Creek 305 Birmingham 310 Neio York Division. Mptuchen 25 New Brunswick... 31 Monmouth Jn 41 Plainsboro 45 Princeton Jn 47 Trenton 56 Amboy Division. Newtown 27 Yardville 31 Bordentown 34 White Hill 35 Kinkora 37 Florence 39 Burlington 43 Edgewater 46 Tyrone 313 Tipton 316 Bell's Mills 320 Altoona 327 Kittanning Point 332 Gallitzin 339 Cresson 342 Lilly's 345 Wilmore 352 South Fork 354 Mineral Point 359 Conemaugh 363 Johnstown 366 Nineveh 375 New Florence 379 Bolivar 385 Blairsville Inter..390 Derrv 398 Latrobe 403 Greensburg 413 Penn 418 Irwin's 422 Carpenter's 427 Wall's 429 Brinton's 432 Hawkins 435 Wilkinsburg 437 East Liberty 439 Pi Itsburg 444 Bristol 67 Germantown Jn.. 85 Mantua 88 West Philad'a 89 Pliiladelpliia, ... Beverly 47 Delanco 49 Riverside 50 Riverton 53 Palmyra 54 Fish "House 57 Camden 61 Plxiladelpliia, 62 Amboy Division. — Continued. HightstOTm ... Sharon 1 Imlaystown 6 Cream Ridge 7 Hornerstown 10 New Egypt 12 Cookstown 15 Wrightstown 17 Lewistown 20 Pemberton 23 N.J. Southern Jn. 26 Birmingham 27 Ewansville 28 Smithville 29 Mount Holly 32 Hainesport 33 Masonville Hartford East Moorestown, West Moorestown Styles' Merchantville Camden Philadclpliia, 86 Belindere Division. Stockton 50 I BiegelsvUle 72 Prallsville 51 1 Pohatcoug.,,. 74 Bulllslaud 53 Point Pleasant.... 56 Tumble 57 Carpenterville.... 75 Lehich Junction 80| PhiHipsburg 81 ^r^cMown::::::::62!Martih'sCreek...88 Milford 65 Koxburg 91 „'\Hnd ... 68 Belvidere 95 Philadelpliia, {Kensington Depot.) Trenton 30 Asylum 34 Greensburg _oo Somerset Jn '38 Washingt'n Cr'ng 40 Titusville 41 Moore's 43 Lambertville 46 Western Pennsylvania.Division. Blairsv'le I»t. j Leechburg. 32 | Harmer^-"e 55 BlairsviUe 3 Allegheny Jn 37 " Freeport i>o Butler Junction... 39 Natrona 43 Tarentum 45 Kite's 43 .... 51 Livermore » Kelly's 1'^ Saltsburg 17 Fairbanks'.... 18 North-west 22 . , , Roaring Run 24 Springdale Apollo 27 Fairview 57 Claremont 58 Ross' 59 Sharpsburg 62 Herr's 65 Chestnut Street... 66 Alleg'iiy City, 67 Lewistown Division. McClure 17 Adamsburg 23 Beavertown 25 Kremer 37 Pawling 39 Selinsgrove 43 Ker...:r:::::: 5 s^^^^^- s Middleburg 33 Meiser's 36 Suixlniry 50 liewist'n Jn.... Lewistown 1 Maitland 5 Painter 8 Shindel 11 Wagner 12 Bald Eagle Valley Division. Unionville 26 1 Eagleville... 44 SnoAV Shoe Int.... 29 Milesburg 31 Bellelbnte 33 Curtin 34 Mount Eagle 37 Howard 40 Tyrone ^ E. Tyrone 1 Bald Eagle 5 Hannah I'J Port Matilda 14 Martha 17 Julian 21 Beech Creek 46 Mill Hall 51 Flemington 52 Lock Haven Int.. 54 Lock Haven... 55 PITTSBURG TO CHICAGO. PITTSBURG, FORT WAYNE & CHICAGO RAILROAD Columbiana ou 63 Flemin„ Dixmont " Haysville 11 Osborn 12 Sewickley 1^ Leetsdale 15 Economy 1^ Baden 21 Freedom 24 Rochester 26 New Brighton 28 Homewood 35 New Galilee 40 Leetonia Salem ;'0 Woodland 74 Damascus 76 Beloit 78 Alliance 83 Strasburg 89 Louisville 95 Canton 101 Masillon HO Fairview 121 Orrville 124 Wooster 135 Shreve 145 Big Prairie 149 Lakeville 151 Loudonville 157 Perrysville 161 Lucas' 169 Mansfield 175 Richland 184 Crestline 189 Robinson 195 Bucyrus 201 Lawrence.".".'.';.".'.'.'.'.'.117 | Glenville 205 PITTSBURG, FORT WAYNE & CHICAGO R. R.— Continued. Nevada 210 Upper Sanduskv..218 Kirby .'...225 Forest 230 Dunkirk 237 Washingtou 239 Ada 246 Lafayette 253 Lima 261 Elida 267 Delphos 275 Van Wert 288 Convoy 295 Dixon 301 Monroeville 304 Maples 310 Fort Wayne 320 Areola 329 Columbia 339 Larwill 347 Pi'jrceton 351 Kosciusco 353 Warsaw 360 Selby 365 Atwood 366 Etna Green 370 Bourbon 373 Plymouth 384 Donelson 391 Hamlet 399 Davis' 405 Hanna 409 Wanatah 415 Valparaiso 424 Wheeler 431 Hobart 435 Liverpool 438 Clarke 444 Cassello 448 Robertsdale 452 South Chicago 456 Illinois Cent. Cr...459 Enelewood 461 Chicago 468 PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAILROAD. Sanbnry Northumberland. 2 Lewisburg Jn 9 Catawissa Jn 12 Milton 13 Watsontown 17 Dewart 19 Montgomery 24 Muncy 28 Williamsport 40 Newberry 42 Linden 45 Susquehanna 46 Jersey Shore 52 Pine 67 Wayne 60 Lock Haven 65 Queen's Run 69 Farrandsville 70 Graham's 71 Ferney 75 Whetham 80 Ritchie 83 Hyner 86 North Point 89 Renovo 92 Westport 98 Cook's Run 102 Keating 105 Wistar 107 Round Island 110 Grove 114 Sinnemahoning. ..117 Driftwood 120 Sterling 129 Cameron 133 Emporium 139 West Creek 140 Beechwood 148 Rathbun 150 St. Mary's 160 Daguscahonda 1 65 Shawmut 168 Ridgway 170 Wilmarth 178 Wilcox 184 Sergeant 189 Kane 193 Wetmore 199 Ludlow 202 Roystone 206 Sheffield 209 Tiona 212 Clarendon 216 Stoneham 217 Warren 222 Irvineton 228 Youngsville 230 Pittsfield 234 Garland 238 Spring Creek 244 Columbus 249 Corry 251 Lovell's 254 Concord 256 Union 262 Le Boeuf 265 Waterford 269 Jackison's 275 Langdon's 279 Belle Valley 281 Erie 288 CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. Harrlsbnrg Bridgeport 1 Shiremanstown ... 6 Mechanicsburg.... 8 Dillsburg Jn 9 Kingston 12 Middlesex 14 So. Mount. Jn.. .. 18 Carlisle 19 Greason's 24 Newville 30 Oakville 34 Shippensburg 41 Scotland 47 Mont. Alto Jn 48 Chambersburg 62 Marion 58 South Penn. Jn... 59 Greencastle 63 State Line 68 Ilagerstown 74 Williarasp'tSt'n... 81 Falling Waters.... 85 Biddington 88 Martinsburs... 94 38 BAIiTIMORE TO NIAGARA FAIiLS. NORTHEKN CENTRAL RAILROAD. Baltimore Mount Vernon... 2 Relay 7 Timonium 12 Cockeysville 15 Ashland 16 Sparks' 19f Monkton 23i Parkton 29 Freeland's 34^ Glenrock 42 Hanover Jn 46 J Glatfelter's 49i York 57i Conewago 67 Goldsboro 72J Red Bank 78^ Bridgeport 83^ Harrisburg 85 Fairview 85^ Marysville 91 Dauphin 92J Clark's Ferry 99 Halifax 105^ Millersburg lllf Liverpool 114 Mahantongo 118 Georgetown 121|- Trevorton Ju 12g| Selin's Grove 13;i Sunbury 138 Williamsport 178 Cogan Valley 186f Crescent 18F|- Trout Run 192 Bodine's 198 Ralston 202^ Roaring Branch,20()i Carpenter's 212 Canton 217|- Minnequa 219|- Alba 221i West Granville...225 Troy 231 Col. X Roads 235^ Snediker's 240^ Gillett's 243i State Line 247 Elmira 256 Horse Heads 262 Pine Valley 266 Millport 269 Croton 271 Havana 275 Watkins' 278 Rock Stream 286 Starkey 289 Himrod's 293 Milo 297 Penn Yan 301 Benton 305 Bellona 307 Hall's 311 Gorham 314 Hopewell 319 Canandaigua 325 Rochester 354 Buffalo 422 N. Palls 431 CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI & INDIANAPOLIS RAILWAY. Cleveland A. & G. W. Depot 2 Berea 13 Olmsted 15 Columbia 19 North Eaton 21 Grafton 25 La Grange 29 Wellington 36 Rochester 42 Crestline Gallon 5 Caledonia 16 Marion 25 N. Bloomington... 35 La Rue 39 Mt. Victory 46 Ridgeway 49 Rushsylvania 56 Bellefontaine 65 Gretna 69 Cleveland Delaware Ostrander 9 Dover 13 Columbus Division. New London 47 Greenwich 55 Shiloh 61 Shelby 67 Crestline 75 Gallon 80 Iberia 85 Gilead 93 Cardington 97 Indianapolis Division, De Graff. 74 Pemberton 81 Sidney 88 Versailes 106 Dawn Ill Ansonia 114 Union 123 Winchester 132 Farmland 140 Selma 147 Muncie 153 Cincinnaii Division. Marysville 17 Milford 22 Irwin 27 Mechanicsburg.... 32 Ashley 104 Eden 108 Delaware 114 Berlin 118 Lewis Center 122 Orange 124 Westerville 127 Worthington 129 Columbus 138 Yorktown 159 Daleville 164 Chesterfield 166 Anderson Cr'ng...l71 Anderson ,m.172 Pendleton 179 Fortville 186 McCord's 191 Oakland 193 Lawrence 198 Indianapolis...207 Catawba 38 Moorefleld 43 Springfield 50 Snyder's 66 39 Enon 57 Osborn 63 Kneislcj''s 66 Harrie's. 70 Dayton 74 Alexanclerville.... 80 Carrollton 81 Miamisburg 84 Cincinnati Diruion.— Continued. Franklin wry Pittsville 10 Whaleyville 16 St. Martin's 19 Berlin 23 Newark... 29 Snow Hill 37 DOVER & WINNIPISEOGEE RAILROAD. Boston South Lawrence... 26 Haverhill 33 Dover 68 Gonic 76 Rochester 78 Place's 82 Farmington 87 Davis' 90 New Durham 92 Alton 95 Alton Bay 96 KENT COUNTY RAILROAD. ToTmsend Vandyke's 4 Morris' 7 Massey'sjn 10 Lanibson 14 Black 17 Kennedyville 20 Still Pond 23 Lynch 25 Worton 27 Chestertown 31 Vickers' 34 Parsons 36 QUEEN ANNE'S & KENT RAILROAD. Baltimore.... Philadelphia.... Wilmington Townsend Vandyke's Morris' Massey'sjn Millington 14 Sudlersville 20 Tilghman's 26 Price's 28 Tallv'sMill 29 Carville 31 Coxe's 23 Ccntreville 36 44 EASTERN SHORE RAILROAD. Delmar Williams' Siding.. 3 Salisbury 6 Forktown 10 Eden 13 Princess Anne 19 Westover 24 Kingston 28 Marion 32 Crisiield 38 JUNCTION & BREAKWATER RAILROAD. Harrington.... Houston 4 Milford 9 Lincoln 12 Eliendale 17 Robbins' 19 Carey's 21 Georgetown 25 Messick 27 Gravely Hill 29 Harbeson 31 Cool Spring 33 Eehoboth 36 Lewes 40 DORCHESTER & DELAWARE RAILROAD. Seafbrd Flowertown 2 Oak Grove 6 Federalsburg 10 Williamsburg 14 Hurlock's 16 East Newmarket, 20 Linkwood 24 Airey's 27 Thompson 29 Cambridge 33 ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD. Pittsburg McCandless 3 Sharpsburg 4 Brilliant 6 Ireland 7 Armstrong 9 Verner 10 Edgewater 11 Hulton 12 Logan's Ferry 16 Parnassus 17 Arnold's 19 Loekhart 20 Chartiers 22 Soda Works 27 West'n Penn. Jn. 29 White Rock 33 Kelly's 85 Ilosston 39 Kittauning 44 Cowanshannock .. 48 Pine Creek 49 Mahoning 55 Red Bank 61 Phillipsburg 66 Brady's Bend 68 Cattish 71 Parker's 82 Foxburg 85 Emlenton 89 Scrubgrass 107 Foster 115 Franklin 123 Prentice 126 Oil City 131 MARIETTA, PITTSBURG & CLEVELAND RAILWAY. Marietta Cavwood 7 Whipple 13 Salem 17 Kingsbury 20 Elba 21 Macksburg 25 Dexter 27 South Olive 29 Caldwell 35 Belle Valley 38 Hiramsburg 40 Ava 42 Glenwo(jd 45 Point Pleasant.... 48 Bvcsville 63 Cambridge 58 Oldham's 62 Miller's 64 Kimbolton 69 Post Boy 74 NewComerstown, 78 Glasgow 81 Bethel 83 Phillipsburg 88 Yorktown 92 Philad'a Station... 95 Canal Oover... 98 CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY RAILROAD. Buda and Rushvilie Division. Bn<1a Lombardville 7 Bradford 11 atstleton 15 Wj'oming 20 Duncan 27 Brimfield 38 Elmwood 45 Yates City 47 Farmiugtou 53 Norris 59 Canton 64 Bryant 72 Lewiston 78 Ipava 88 Vermont 95 Ray 102 Kuslxviile 110 45 PITTSBURG, WASHINGTON & BALTIMORE RAILWAY. Connelhville Route. Plttstourg Soho 2 Laughliu's 3 Hazlewood 4 Glenwood 6 Brown's 6 Mills' 9 Braddock's 10 Port Perry 11 Saltsburg 12 Riverton 14 McKeesport 15 Long Run 17 Ellrod's 18 Osceola 20 Alpsville 21 Coultersvillo 22 Robbins' 23 Guffey's 24 Shaner's 25 Armstrong's 26 Moore's 28 Sutter's 29 Amieville 30 West Newton 33 Snyder's 35 Port Royal 37 Smith's Mills 39 Jacob's Creek 40 Banning's 41 Henderson's 42 Layton's 45 Oakdale 49 Laurel Run 60 Dawson's 62 Sedgwick 53 Broad Ford 65 Connellsville 57 White Rock 58 Sand Works 60 Indian Creek 65 Stewarton 69 Ohio Pyle „ 74 Egypt 79 Confluence 84 Ursina 86 Fort Hill Siding.. 89 Cassellman 96 Mineral Point Jn. 101 Garrett 108 Yoder's 109 Myer's Mills 113 Sand Patch 116 Bowman's 120 Philson's 123 Glencoe 126 South Hampton. ..127 Fairhope 130 Bridgeport 135 Mount Savage Jn.l46 Cumberland 150 Baltimore 328 AVasliiugton. ..348 WESTERN MARYLAND RAILROAD. Baltimore Pimlico 4 PikesTille 8 Shiloh 9 Relay Owing's Mills 12 Timber Grove 15 Reisterstown 17 Glen Morris 17 Finksburg 20 Shamberger's 26 Westminster 31 Avondale 34 New Windsor 38 Union Ridge 43 Middleburg 45 Frederick Jn 46 Rocky Ridge 51 Mechanicstown... 57 Sabillasville 63 Blue Ridge 66 Waynesboro 68 Smithsburg 75 Hagerstown 84 Williamsport 90 CINCINNATI TO BALTIMORE. 3Iarietta and Cincinnati liouie. Cincinnati Brighton 3 Cumminsville.... 5 Spring Grove 6 C. & S. Junction, 7^ Norwood 10 Oakley 12 Madisonville 14 Madeira 17 Montgomery 20 Symraes'....' 22 Lioveland 25 Cazaddalo 31 Level's 37 Blanchester 41 Blanchester 41 Westboro 45 Lvnchburg 52 Russell's 56 Hillsboro 62 Blanchester 41 Martinsville 60 Farmer's 63 Vienna 57 Lexington 62 Leesburg 64 Monroe 68 Greenfield 74 Lyndon 78 Harper's 81 Frankfort 85 Chillicotho 98 Schooley's 105 Londonderry 110 Raysville 117 Hamd en 127 Hamden 127 Berlin 133 Jackson 139 Keystone 144 Irwin's ...145 Vaughan's ...146 Portland ...152 Washington ...155 Monroe ...157 Pioneer ...160 Webster ...165 Slocum's .. 174 Sciotoville ...177 Portsmouth ...183 Hamden ...127 McArthur ...132 Zaleski ..139 Hope Furnace.. ._144 Moonville ...145 Marshfield ...152 Athens ...159 Warren's ..161 New England... ..169 Big Run ...173 46 Marietta and Cincinnati Route.— Scott's Lauding. ..195 Marietta 199 Belpre 204 Parkersburg 205 Grafton 309 Cutler 1'8 Little Hocking.. ..180 Vincent'8 185 Fleming's 189 Tunnel.... 192 CLEVELAND, MX. YEKIsON & COLUMBIA. RAILWAY. Ckmtinued. Baltimore 589 Washington «611 Philadelphia 687 New York 777 Hudson Cuyahoga Falls.... 8 Akron 14 Clinton 27 Marshallville 33 Orrville 38 Fredericksburg... 52 Holracsville 56 Millersburg 61 Black Creek 73 Howard 90 Gambier 94 Mt. Vernon 100 Centerburg 114 Condit 120 Sunbury 124 Galena 126 Westerville 133 Columbus 145 Mount Liberty. ...109 ' Cincinnati 265 DUNKIRK, ALLEGHENY VALLEY & PITTSBURG R. R. Ross Mill Warren 55 Falconer 32 Irvineton 61 A. & G. W. R. W. Youngsville 63 Crossing Frewsburg 38 Fentonville 42 Ackley's Ruiselburg..... 47 Berries' Dunkirk Fredonia 3 Laona 5 Norton's 7 Skidmore's Casadaga 14 Moon's 18 Sinclairville 22 Vermont 27 Pittsfield 67 Garland 71 Newton 79 Pleasant Valley.... 81 East Titusville 89 Titus vUlc 90 WINONA & ST. PETER RAILROAD. Winona Jn Onalaska 2 Midway 6 Lytle's 11 Trempeleau 17 Pine Creek 24 Winona 30 Minnesota City... 36 Stockton 41 Lewiston 49 Utica 52 St. Charles 58 Dover 62 Eyota 67 Chester 74 Rochester 80 Olmsted 85 Byron 89 Kasson 95 Dodge Centre 101 Claremont 108 Havana 115 Owatonna 120 Merideu 129 Waseca 135 Janesville 146 Mankato Jh 161 Mankato Jn 161 St. P. & S. C. Jn...l63 Mankato 165 Mankato Jn 161 Kasota 167 St. Peter 170 Oshawa 180 New Ulm 200 MILWAUKEE & NORTHERN RAILWAY. Grafton 22 New Holstein 59 Saukville 26 Hayton 74 Fredonia 33 Chilton 76 Random Lake 38 Waldo 47 Plymouth 62 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD. Main Line and Parkersburg Division. Milivaukee Schwartzburg 6 Good Hope 9 Brown Deer 12 Thienville 15 Cedarburg 20 Hilbert 83 Menaska 99 Baltimore Washin gton 40 Elllcott's Mills.... 15 Elysville 20 Woodstock 25 Marriottsville 27 SykesviUe 32 Mount Airy 43 Monrovia 50 Frederick Jn 58 Point of Rocks.... 69 Berlin 75 Hagerstown Jn... 79 Sandy Hook 80 Harper's Ferry... 81 Duffield's 87 Kearney sville 92 Vanclievesville.... 95 Martinsburg 100 North Mountain..l07 Sleepy Creek 117 47 Main Line and Parkershurg Division. — Continued. Hancock 122 Sir John's Ilun„..128 Willett's Run 133 Rockwell's Run... 139 Green SpriugRunl63 Patterson's Creek,170 Cumberland 178 Brady's Mill 185 New Creek 201 Piedmont 206 Bloomington 208 Frankville 214 Swanton 220 Altamont 223 Oakland 232 Cranberry Suiu't,242 Cheat River 253 Tunnelton 260 Newburg 267 Thornton 274 Gralton 280 Webster 284 Flemington 290 Bridgeport 297 Clarksburg 302 Wilsouburg 306 Salem 316 Long Run 321 Smithton 326 Central 332 Pennsboro 342 Ellcnboro 347 Cornwallis 352 Cairo 355 L. F. Junction 364 Walker's 369 Kanawha 374 Clavsville 377 Parkershurg 384 Cincinnati 589 Louisville 699 St. JLouis 929 Central Ohio and Lake Erie Divisions. Baltimore Grafton 280 Texas 294 Fairmont 302 Farmington 312 Mannington 319 Burton 330 Littleton 337 Bellton 344 Cameron 351 Roseby's Rock 362 Benwood 375 Wheeling 379 Bellaire 376 Glencoe 385 Warnock's 388 Belmont 395 Burton's 399 Barnesville 103 Spencer's 410 Quaker City 411 SalesviUe 413 Gibson's 417 Campbell's 420 Cambridge 428 Cassell's 432 Concord 437 Norwich 440 Sonora 447 Zanesville 454 Dillon's Falls 458 Pleasant Valley...460 Black Hand 470 Newark 480 Union 486 Pataskala 495 Black Lick 502 Taylor's 504 Columbus 513 Indianapolis 701 Chicago 827 Lafayette 765 Peoria ^3 Newark 480 Vannatta's 486 Louisville 489 Utica 494 Hunt's 500 Mt. Vernon 505 Frederick 512 Independence 523 Belleville 528 Lexington 534 Mansfield 542 Spring Mill 547 Shelby Junction. .554 Plymouth 562 Chicago Jn 568 Centerton 570 Havana 574 Pontiac 577 Monroeville 581 Prout's 588 Sandusky 596 Toledo 634 Cliicago 878 Winchester, Potomac, and Harrisonburg Division. Harper's F'y.. Shenandoah Halltown Charlestown Cameron Wadesville Stephenson's Winchester Kernstown Bartonville 38 Newtown 40 Vancluse 42 Middletown 45 Capon Road 50 Strasburg Jn 61 Tom's Brook 56 Maurertown 58 Woodstock 63 Edinburg 68 Mt. Jackson 75 New Market 82 Broadway 88 Cowan's 91 Linville 95 Harrisonto'sr ... 100 Wheeling, Pittsburg, and Baltimore Division. Wlieeling: Mt. DeChantal 2 Carbon 4 Elm Grove 5 Triadelphia 6 Roney's Point 9 Point Mills 10 Valley Grove 12 West Alexander.. 16 Vienna 18 Clavsville 21 Taylorstown 25 Chartier 28 Tl^asli'ii, Pa.... 32 4S Camden Sta'n Carroll Switch... 2 Camden Jn 4 Washington Jn.. 9 Elk Padge 10 Hanover '. l-'i Washington Branch. Dorsey's 15 Jessup's 17 Annapolia Jn... . 19i Savage 21 Laurel 23 White Oak 25 Beltsville 28 Paint Branch 31^ Bladensburg 34 Metropolitan Jn, 39 Washington.. 40 Washingtm County Division. Baltimore Hagerstown Jn... 79 Bartholow's 82 Clagget's 85 Washington... Metropolitan Jn.. 1 Terra Cotta 4 Silver Spring 7 Knowles' H Beeler's Summit... 86 Rhorersville 87 Eakle's MiUa 90 Metropolitan Branch. Rockville 16 Gaithersburg 22 German town 27 Boyd's 80 Keedysville 92 Breathred's 96 Hagerstown ... 103 Barnesville 33 Dickerson's 36 Tuscarora 39 Pt. of Rocks... 43 CHICAGO & MICHIGAN LAKE SHORE RAILROAD. New Bnffalo... Wilkinson's 6 Chikaming 7 Troy 10 Bridgeman's 15 Morris' 16 Stcivensvilla« 20 St. Joseph's *S Benton Harbor.... 30 Colonia 39 Watervliet 42 Hartford 47 Bangor 55 Breedsville 5S Grand Junction... 62 Sherman 69 Fennsville 75 Manliiiii 78 Riclimofiu "^ Holland 90 Robinson 103 Spoonville — 108 Nuncia HO Fruitport 116 Muskegon 126 Daltou 131 White Hall 142 Montague 143 New Era 153 birEiOy i«"- Collins' 162 Pent-water 170 CINCINNATI, HAMILTON & DAYTON RAILROAD. Miamisburg 49 Belmore 162 Carrolton 52 Milton 172 Dayton 60 Cincinnati Cuminsville 5 Spring Grove 7 Winton Place 7 Carthage 10 Lockland 12 Gleniale 15 Jones' 19 Hamilton 25 Busenbarck's 31 Trenton 33 Middletown 37 Poast Town 40 Carlisle 44 Dayton 60 Tippecanoe 74 Troy 80 Piqua 88 Sidney 100 Anna 107 Wapakoneta 119 Lima 131 Weston 176 Tontogany 182 Perrysburg 193 Toledo 202 Detroit 267 Lima 131 Columbus Grove..l44 I Ottawa 151 Toledo 202 Monroe 227 Holly 293 Flint 310 East Saginaw 344 Bay City 857 INDIANAPOLIS, CINCINNATI & LAFAYETTE RAILROAD. Cincinnati ! South Side 5 1 Trautman's 8 Sedamsville 3 1 Anderson's Ferry 7 1 Rapid Run 49 INDIANAP'S, CINCINNATI & LAFAYETTE R. R.— Continued. Delhi 11 Deven's 14 North End 15 Cleves' 16 Yalley Junction... 18 Elizabethtown 20 Hardentown 23 Lawrenceburg 25 Newtown 26 Guilford 33 Hansen's 34 Harman's 40 Weidsburg 42 Van Wedden's 43 Sunmau's 46 Spades 48 CINCINNATI & Dresden Jn Dresden 2 Ellis' 8 Gilbert 10 Zanesville 16 Eoseville 27 McLuney 32 New Lexington... 38 Bremen 50 Berne 54 Morris' 51 Batesville 54 New Point 60 Smith's Crossing.. 62 McCoy's 65 Greensburg 68 Adams' 75 St. Paul 78 Waldron 81 Prescott 84 Shelbyville 88 Fairland 95 London 99 Brookfield 100 Acton 102 Gallaudet 106 Indianapolis 115 Augusta 125 Zionsville 130 Whitestown 135 Holmes 138 Lebanon 143 Hazelrigg 148 Thornton 152 Colfax 157 Clark's Hill 163 Stockwell 166 Culver's 170 Junction 177 Lafayette 178 MUSKINGUM VALLEY RAILROAD. Lancaster 59 Amanda 68 Stout's 74 Circleville 80 Yellow Bird 87 Williamsport 89 Atlanta 93 New Holland 97 Washington 107 Jasper 112 Sabina 118 Reeseville 120 Clinton 125 Wilmington 129 Ogden 134 Clarksville 138 Morrow 148 Cixicinuati 184 CINCINNATI, HAMILTON & INDIANAPOLIS RAILWAY. CincJniiatS,,.,,, Q Hamilton 25 Hanover 30 McGonnigle's 32 Wood'w.... 35 Ogleton 36 Oxford 39 McDonald's 41 College Corner 44 Cottage Grove 48 Lotus. 49 Liberty,, Mt: 52 BrowUSvilk^ 58 Lyons 62 Connersville 65 Tyner's 69 Longwood 71 Vienna 76 Griffin 78 Farmington 79 Ilushville 84 Brandon 89 Builiiig'con ri Gwynne's 95 Morristown 98 Lardona 101 Fouutaintown 103 Carrolton 105 Palestine 1U9 Jnlietta 113 Morehouse 117 Irvington 119 liietrolt G.T. Junction 3 Dearborn 10 Inkster's 14 Wavne 18 Secord's 23 Denton's 25 Yp.silanti 30 Geddcs' 34 Ann Arbor 38 Foster's 41 Delhi 43 Soio 45 Dexter 47 Chelsea 55 Francisco 62 Grass Lake 66 Leoni 69 Michigan Centre.. 72 Jackson 76 Jack.son 76 Ft. Wayne Ju 80 Snyder's 83 Concord , 90 Homer 90 Clarendon 103 Tekonsha. 109 Union City 117 Sherwood 124 Colon 120 Nottawa .130 Centreville 140 Three Rivers 145 Corey's 152 Vandalia 160 Cassopolis 165 Howard 170 Barron Lake 175 Niles' 179 Jack.son 76 TrumbuUs 81 Parma , 87 North Concord..., 90 Bath Mill 92 Albion 96 Marengo JOl Marshall 108 Ceresco 113 White's 1)5 Battle Creek 121 Augusta 130 Galesburg 135 Comstock 140 Kalamazoo..., 144 Ostemo 149 Mattawan 15« Lawton 160 Decatur JGO Tietsort's 172 Dowagiac 179 Pokagon J 85 Niles' 191 Buchanan 197 Dayton 202 GalJOD.. 205 Avery's.. 209 Three Oaks 21] N. W. Buffalo. ....218 Corymbo 223 Michigan City 228 FurnessviUe... 234 Porter 240 Lake 249 Tollesloa.. .255 Gibson's.. 261 Calumet .270 Chicago 284 Grand River Valley Division. •Jackson Rives' Junction... 10 Onondaga 17 Eaton Rapids. ... 24 Charlotte a5 Chester 40 Verinontville 46 Nashville 50 Quimby 68 Hastings 62 Middleville 73 Hammond 85 54 Gi'and River Valley Division. — Continued. Bowen 88 Grand Eapids 94 Dot. & Milw.Jn... 97 Berlin.. 105 Coopersville Ill Nuiiica 117 Fruitport 129 Muskeeron 133 V/hite "llall 149 Pentwater 177 Jackson, Lansing and Sitglnaw Division. Jackson Rives' Junction... 11 Leslie 15 Chapin's.. 20 Mason 25 Lansing 37 Lainersbnrg .")3 Bennington o9 Ovrosso 65 Chesaning 80 St. Charles 87 Swan Creek 93 Sacjinaw City 101 East Saf,dnaw 103 CarroUton 105 Wenona 116 Kawkawlin 121 Standish 144 Wells 155 Eowena 160 West Branch 169 Ogemaw 173 St. Helen's 1S5 Roscommon 193 Crawford 208 Forrest 217 Bx-adford's 224 OtsejTO Lake. ...228 DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA RAILROAD. Detroit (Mich. Cent. R R.) Ypsiianti .30 {Jht Hdl.s dl.R.R.) Ypsilauti Saline 11 Bridgewater 17 Manchester 25 Brooklyn 30 Woodstock 41 Somerset 44 .Jerome 49 North Adams 53 Hillsdale 61 Banker's 65 DETROIT, LANSING & LAKE MICHIGAN RAILROAD. Detroit Grand Trunk Jn.. 3 Bedford 12 Fishers 14 McKinney's 17 Livonia IS Plvmouth 23 Saiern 29 South Lyon 34 Green Oak 37 Brighton 43 Genoa 46 Howell 52 Fleming 57 Fowlervillo 61 Leroy 60 Wiliiamston 71 Okemos 78 College P'arm 82 Lansing 85 North Lansing.... 86 Delta ,. 94 Ingersoll's 90 Grand Ledge 99 Eagle 103 Dauby 107 Portland ...Ill Stebbinsville ll') Lyons 119 lona 123 Sangster's 131 Palmer's 134 Chad wick 130 Kiddville 138 Greenville 144 Gowen 149 Trufant's 154 Coral 159 Ho\vai*d 164 SOUTH BEND TO LANSING. CHICAGO & LAKE HURON RAILWAY. South Bend Mishawaka 4 Irvin's 10 Edwardsburg 14 Cassopolis 22 Jamestown 20 Volinia 31 Marcellus .35 Flowerfield 40 Schoolcraft 46 Brady ,. 52 Indian Lake 50 Scott's 60 Climax 65 Helmer's 71 Battle Creek 75 Verona 78 Pennfield 81 Madison's 83 Bellevue 88 State Road 91 Olivet 93 Moore's 95 Charlotte 101 Potterville 108 Sevastopol 110 Milletfs 115 I^nsinsr... 120 55 INDIANAPOLIS, PERU & CHICAGO RAILROAD. Indianapolis.. . Malott Park G Castleton 11 Fisher's 15 Britton's 17 Noblesville 22 Cieero 28 Arcadia 31 Biiena Vista 34 Tipton 39 Jackson's 42 Sharpsville 46 Fairfield 49 Kokomo 54 P.,C. &St. L. Cr... 55 Cassville 59 Bennett's. Gl Miami 63 Bunker Hill Cr .. 67 Peru 75 Courter ?1 Denver 83 Deed's 85 Birmingham 88 Lincoln 90 Wagner's 93 Rochester.. 98 Sturgeon 102 Miller's ia3 Walnut 105 Railsback's 108 Argos 110 Plymouth 118 Tyner 125 Walkerton... 132 Kankakee 136 .•stillwcll 141 La Porte 148 Michigan City.lGl FT. WAYNE, MUNCIE & CINCINNATI RAILROAD. Connersrville.... Beeson's 5 Lockport 6 Milton 10 Cambridge City.... 12 NcT Libson 18 Corwin's 20 Pierson's 22 New Castle 25 N. C. Junction 27 Summit 30 Allen's 33 McGowan's 37 Muneie 43 Eaton 54 Hartford 61 Montpelier 70 Keystone 73 Bluffton 84 Eagleville 89 Greenwood 91 Ossian 93 Sheldon 97 Ferguson's 101 Wabash Jn 105 Ft. Wayne 106 WESTERN UNION RAILROAD. Rock Island... Moline 3 Rock Island Jn... 7 Hampton 10 Port Byron 16 Cordova 22 Albany 31 Fulton 38 Thomson 45 Savannah 55 Mt. Carroll 66 Lanark 73 Shannon 80 Florence 86 Freeport 94 Dakotah 101 Rock City 104 Davis' 107 Durand 112 Shirland 119 Rockton 125 Bcloit 128 Clinton 138 Allen's Grove 144 Darien 147 Delavan 151 Elkhorn 156 Elkhorn 156 Springfield 163 Lyons 166 Burlington 170 Dover 176 Kansasville 179 Union Grove 182 Windsor 187 W. U. Junction ...189 Junction 195 Racine 197 Elkhorn 156 Fayette 162 Troy Corner 167 Eagle 173 Milwaulcee 209 CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY. Prairie du Chien DivLtioii. Miliirankee Wauwatosa G Elm Grove 10 BrookfieldJn 14 Forest House 17 Waukesha 21 Genesee 28 North Prairie 31 Eacrle 37 Palmyra 42 Whitewater. 51 Lima 56 Milton 62 Milton Junction.. 64 Janesville 71 Hanover 78 Orford 83 Brodhcad 90 Monroe 105 Milton Junction.. 64 Edgerton 71 Stoughton 81 McFarland 89 Madison 96 Middleton 102 Cross Plains 110 Black Earth 115 Mazomanie 119 Arena 125 Spring Creek 132 Lone Rock 139 Avoca .145 Muscoda 151 Boscobel 166 Wauzeka 176 Wright's Ferry.. ..183 Bridgeport 186 Pr. dnClileu...l94 56 Iowa i5 Ford River 351 Escanaba 357 Flat Rock 3G0 Bay Siding 3G2 Mason 366 Day's River 370 Beaver 374 Campbell Maple Ridge 382 Centreville 387 Helena 392 Little Lake 398 Smith Mine Jn.... 400 Plains 403 Sands Harvey 410 Cascade Jn 412 Goose Lake 414 Partridge 410 Mineral Branch. ..417 Negaunee 419 Ishpeming 422 Marquette.. 431 Li'Anse 470 Cliicagro Harvard Jn 63 Caledonian Jn 78 Beloit 91 Hanover 104 Madison 138 Boraboo 175 Wonowoc 205 Elroy 212 Glendale 218 Wilton 228 Dover, Wis 233 Sparta 245 Herseyville 2ol Fish Creek 253 Bangor 257 Salem 2G1 Winona Jn 2(59 Onalaska 271 Midway 275 Lytle's 280 Clitcaf^o Belle Plaine 5 Ravenswood. 6 Rosehill 8 Calvary 10 South EvanstoD... 11 Evanston 12 North Evanston... 13 Wilmettc 14 Minnesota DicLsion, Trempeleau.. 2SG Pine Creek ..293 Winona, Miuu 299 St. Paul Jn 300 Minnesota City. ..305 Stockton 310 Lewiston 318 Utica 321 St. Charles 327 Dover, Minn 331 Eyota 336 Chester 343 Rochester 349 Oinistead 353 Byron 358 Kasson 364 Dodge Centre 370 Claremont 377 Havana 384 Owatonna 389 Meriden 398 Milwaukee Division. Winetka ^ 16 Glencoe 19 Highland Park.... 23 Highwood 24 Lake Forrest 28 Rockland 30 Waukegan 36 Benton 40 State Line 45 Waseca 404 Janesville 415 Eagle Lake 420 Mankato Jn 430 St. P. & S. C. Jn.,..4.32 Mankato 434 Kasota 436 St. Pet«r...„ 438 Oshawa 448 Nicollet 453 New Ulm 468 Burns, Minn 497 Cottonwood 508 Walnut Grove 522 Saratoga 535 Marshall 547 Lac'-qui-parle 575 State Line 587 Coteau 597 Prairie 610 Ij. Kaiupeska.626 Kenosha 51 Racine Junction.. 60 Racine 62 County Line 70 Oak Creek 75 Buckhorn 78 St. Francis 81 Mil-vraukec 85 CHICAGO T© COUNCIL BLUFFS. CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY, Cliicago Austin 6 Oak Park 9 Maywood 10 Eliuhurst 16 Lombard 23 Wheaton... 25 Winfield 28 Junction 30 Junction 30 Wayne.. 36 Clintonville 39 Elgin 42 Gilbert's 50 Huntly 55 Union 63 Marengo 66 Garden Prairie.... 72 Belvidere 78 Cherrv Valley 84 Rockiord 93 Winnebago 100 Pecatonica, 107 Ridot.... 114 Freeport 121 Dubuque 188 Junction 30 Geneva 36 LaFox 41 Blackberry 44 Lodi 51 Cortland 65 De Kalb 58 Malta 64 Creston 70 Ro-Jhelle 75 Ash ton 84 Franklin 88 Nachusa 93 Dixon 98 Nelson 104 Sterling 110 Gait 113 Morrison 124 Fulton 136 C linton 138 Clinton 138 Camanche 143 Low Moor 148 Malone 152 De Witt 157 Calamus 169 Wheatland 173 Loudon 178 60 CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY.— Continued. Clarence 185 Stan wood 190 Lisbon 202 Mt. Vernon 203 Bertram 210 Cedar Rapids 219 Fairfax 223 Blairstown 244 Luzerne 249 Belle Plaine 254 Chelsea 260 Tama 270 Montour 278 Legrand 280 Maraliall 289 State Centre 303 Colo 311 Nevada 318 Ontario 330 Boone 340 Boone 340 Ogden 352 Beaver 357 Grand Junction. ..363 N. Jefferson 370 Scranton 379 Glidden 389 Carroll 396 Arcadia 406 West Side 409 Denison... 424 Dowville 433 Dunlap... 441 Woodbine — 451 Mo. Valley Jn 467 Honey Creek 476 Crescent 482 Council Bluffs 488 Omalia 492 CHICAGO TO MISSOURI RIVER. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILROAD. Clilca^o Englewood 7 Wasb'ton Heights 12 Blue Island 16 Bremen 24 Mokena 30 Joliet 40 Minooka 51 Morris' 61 Seneca 71 Marseilles 76 Ottawa 84 Utica 94 LaSalle 99 PertJ 100 Bureau 114 Tiskilwa 122 Pond Creek 128 Sheffield 13G Annawan 146 Atkinson 152 Geneseo 159 Colona 170 Moline 179 Rock Island 182 Davenport 183 Walcott 195 Fulton 199 Wilton '208 Wilton 208 Muscatine 220 Ononwa 233 Fredonia 240 Columbus Jn 242 Ainsworth 252 Washington 2-58 Brighton 271 Fairfield 286 Liberty villo 292 Eldon 304 Belknap 317 Drakeville 320 Unionville 333 Centrevillc ..345 Numa 352 Seymour *?0 i Allerton 373 1 Lineville 386 1 Princeton 402 Trenton 427 Jamesport 443 Gallatin 453 Winston 464 Cameron 474 Perrin 482 Plattsburg 493 Grayson 500 Edgerton 505 Platte City 518 Beverly 524 Leavenworth 529 Wilton 208 Moscow 211 Atalissa 216 West Liberty 221 Downey 227 Iowa City 237 Oxford 252 Homestead 257 Marengo 267 Victor ....279 Brooklyn 287 Malcolm 293 Grinncll 302 Kellogg 313 Kevrton J12 Colfax 334 Mitchellsville 340 Des Moines 357 Boone 372 DeSoto 379 Dexter 392 Casey 408 Adair 415 Anita 422 Atlantic 436 Avoca ~ 455 Shelby 463 Neola 474 Council Bluffs 490 Slissouri Riv...493 KANSAS CITY TO DENVER. KANSAS PACIFIC RAILWAY. Kansas City.... State Line .- ... Armstrong 1 Muncy 7 Secondine 9 Edwardsville 13 Tiblow 16 Lenape 22 Stranger 27 Fall Ixaf 31 L. & L. Junc tion.. 36 Leavenworth 61 KANSAS PACIFIC RAILWAY.— Continued. Leavenworth Jn.. 4 Penitentiary 5 Fairmount 10 Big Stranger 16 Moore's Summit.. 19 Tonganoxie 21 Reno 26 L. & L. Junction.. 31 Lawrence 38 Buck Creelc 45 Williamsville 48 Perryvilie 51 Medina 52 Newman 55 Grantville 60 Topeka 67 Silver Lake 77 Rossville 83 St. Marv's 90 Wame-b 104 St. George 110 Manhattan 119 Ogden 1'29 Fort Riley 135 Junction City 138 Kansas Falls 144 Chapman Creek...l50 Detroit 157 Abilene 162 Solomon 171 Salina 185 Bavaria 194 Brookville 200 Rock Spring 295 Elm Creek 210 Fort Barker 218 Ellsworth 223 Wilson 239 Bunker Hill ...2-52 Walker 274 Hays 288 Ellis' 302 Ogallah 312 Park's Fort 322 Coyote 340 Bullalo 352 Grinuell o64 Carlyle 376 Monument 386 Gopher 397 Sheridan 405 Wallace 422 Eagle Tail Monotony Arapaho Cheyenne WoUs, First View Kit Carson Wild Horse Aroya Mirage Hugo Lake Cedar Point Godfrey Agate Deer Trail Bijou Kiowa Box. Elder Schuyler Denver Pac. Jn.. Denver Cheyenne Salt Lake City... Sacramento S. Francisco.. 429 437 452 462 472 487 499 511 524 534 647 562 566 572 583 595 608 617 629 636 638 740 1293 1999 2137 CHEYENNE TO DENVER. Denver' Pacific Branch. Greeley 54 J^jVans 58 Johnson 74 Hughes 87 CHICAGO TO QUINCY. CHICAGO, BURLIN(iTON &, QUINCY RAILROAD Cheyenne Summit Sidiu;^^... 10 Carr 20 Pierce 39 Henderson Island 92 Junction 104 Denver 106 Clilcago Lawndale 6 Hawthorn 8 Riverside 12 West Lyons 15 Hinsdale 18 Downer's Grove... 22 Lisle 25 Naperville 30 Aurora 39 West Aurora 40 Montgomery. 42 Oswego 44 Bristol 47 Piano 53 Sandwich 57 Somonauk 61 Inland 67 F-arl 74 ]^Icridon 80 Mendota 84 Arlington.... 93 Maiden 100 l^riacelon 106 Wyanet 112 ('., R. 1. &Pac Jn.li3 Buda , 118 Noponset 124 Kewanee 132 GUva 141 Altona 148 Oneida 152 Wataga 156 G a 1 OS bu r g 16 4 (ialesburg 164 Cameron 172 Monmouth 179 Young America. ..186 Biggsville 192 Sagetown 198 Carthage .In 206 Bu rling ton. .2 07 Galesburg 164 Saluda 169 Abingdon 173 St Augustine 179 Avon 184 Prairie City 187 Bushnell 192 Bardolph 197 Macomb 204 Colchester 210 Tennessee.. 212 Colmar 218 Plymouth 223 Augusta ...227 La Prairie 234 T.,W. &W. Jn 236 Camp Point 242 Coatesburg 247 Paloma 249 prowler 252 Cliola 254 Ewbanks' 256 Q^uincy 263 62 OMAHA TO OGDEN. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. Omalia Summit Siding. ... 4 Gilmore 10 Papillion 15 Elkhorn 29 Valley 35 Freemont 47 Ketchum 64 North Bend 62 Schuyler 76 Richland 84 Columbus 92 Jackson 99 Silver Creek... ,....109 Clark's 121 Lone Tree 132 Chapman 142 Grand Island 154 Alda 162 Wood River 172 Gibbon 183 Kearney 191 Stevenson 201 Elm Creek 212 Overton 221 Plum Creek 230 Cayote 240 Willow Island 250 Y^'^^rrgxi ...2C0 Brady Island 268 IMcPherson 277 Gunnett 285 North Platte 291 Nichol's 299 O'Fallon's 308 Alkali 322 Roscoe 332 OgalaUa 342 Brule 351 Big Spring 361 Julesburg 377 Chappel 387 Long Pole 397 Colton 407 Sidney 414 Brownson 423 Potter 43* Bennett 442 Antelope 451 Bushnell 462 Pine Bluffs 473 Egbert 484 Hillsdale 496 Archer 508 Cheyenne 516 Hazard 523 Otto 531 Granite Canon 536 Bulford 542 Sherman 549 Harney 558 Red Buttes 564 Fort Sanders 570 Laramie 573 Howell 581 Wyoming 589 Cooper's Lake 599 Lookout...,, 602 Miser 616 Rock Creek 625 Como 640 Medicine Bow 647 Carbon 657 Simpson 662 Percy 667 Dana 673 St. Mary's G80 Walcott's 688 Fort Steele 694 Greenville 702 Rawlin's 709 Summit 716 Separation 723 Fillmore 730 Creston 737 Latham 745 Wash-a-kie 752 Red Desert 762 Table Rock 775 Bitter Creek 785 Black Buttes 794 Hallville 798 Point of Rocks... 805 Salt Wells 817 Rock Springs 831 Lawrence 839 Green River 845 Bryan 858 Marston 86G Granger 874 Church Buttes... 885 Carter 902 Bridger 912 Leroy 917 Piedmont 927 Aspen 936 Millis,, Hi Evanstown 953 Wahsatch 965 Castle Rock 973 Echo 990 Weber 1005 Devil's Gate 1017 Uintah 1022 Ogden 1029 S. Francisco.. 1907 OGDEN TO SAN FRANCISCO. CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. Ogrden Bonneville 10 Corinne 24 Blue Creek 43 Promontory 53 Lake 69 Monument 78 Kelton 92 Matlin 113 Terrace 124 Bovine 134 Lucin 147 Tecoma 157 Montello 166 Loray 175 Toano 183 Pequop 193 Otego 195 I ndependence 205 Moore's 211 Cedar 214 Wells 220 Tulasco 227 Deeth 240 Halleck 252 Peko 255 Osino 266 Elko 275 Moleen 287 Carlin 299 Palisade 308 Cluro 318 Be-o-wa-we 326 Shoshone 336 Argenta 347 Battle Mountain..3t)0 Stone House 379 Golconda 403 Tule 414 63 CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD.— Continued. "Winnemucca 419 Raspberry Creek..440 Mill City 448 Humboldt 459 Rye Patch 471 Oreana 481 Lovelock's 493 Granite Point 502 Brown's „ 509 White Plains 521 Mirage 528 Hot Springs 535 Desert ^..546 Wadsworth 555 Clark's 569 Vista 581 Reno 589 Verdi 600 Boca 616 Truckee 624 Strong's Canon.. ..630 Summit 638 Cascade 644 Tamarack 648 Cisco 651 Emigrant Gap 660 Blue Canon 665 Alta 675 Gold Run 679 Colfax 689 Clipper Gap 701 Auburn 707 Newcastle 712 Pino 718 RockUn 721 Junction 725 Antelope 728 Arcade 736 Sacramento 743 Brighton 748 Florin 753 Elk Grove ^..759 Gait 770 Lodi 779 Stockton 791 Lathrop 801 Bantas 808 Ellis 813 Midway 819 Altamont 827 Livermore 835 Pleasanton 841 Niles 853 Decoto 856 Hay ward's 862 Lorenzo 865 San Leandro 867 Melrose 871 Oakland 876 Si. Francisco...883 TOLEDO, PEORIA & WARSAW RAILROAD. Logansport State Line Sheldon 2 Watseka 11 Crescent City 19 Oilman 25 Piper City 35 Chatsworth 40 Forrest 47 Fairbuxy .'. 52 Weston 68 Chenoa 63 Gridley „ 71 El Paso 78 Secor 85 Eureka 92 Cruger 94 Washington 99 Hilton 100 Peoria Ill Hollis ..119 Mapleton 122 Glasford 127 Rawalt's 137 Canton 139 Civer =....J44 Cuba 149 Smithfield 154 Seville 158 N. Philadelphia...! 65 Bushnell 171 Good Hope 179 Scotia 183 Blandinsville 189 La Harpe 195 La Harpe 195 Disco 199 Iowa 205 Carman 210 Carthage Jn 213 Burlington 215 BurhStde 2U5 Ferris 210 McCall 211 Elvaston....; 216 Keokuk 222 Warsaw 227 KANSAS CITY TO CRESTOX. KANSAS CITY, Kansas City.. Harlem Parkville Waldron Leavenworth E. Leavenworth.. Beverly Weston latam Block's Mill Winthrop Rushville Hall's Lake Station Han. & St. J. Jn.. ST. JOSEPH & COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD. 10 17 25 30i 33i 39i 4^ 50 54 59 65^ 69i S t. Joseph 70i Amazonia 80 Nodaway 84 Forbes' 91 Forest City 99 Bigelow 109 Craig 116 Corning 122 Nishanabotna....l27 Phelps' 135 Watson 141 Hamburg 149 E.NebraskaCity,160 Percival 166 McPaul 170 Bartlett 175 Haney's 180 Pacific Jn 183 Pacific 186 Trader's Poin'. ji Council Bluffs .200 Missouri Rive A3 .. TO Omaha. m Kansas City Ijcavenworth 24 Winthrop 6a St. Joseph 704 . Jamestown... .. , 76 Savannah J- Rosendale.... ' - ■ 64 KANSAS CITY, ST. JOSEPH & COUNCIL B'FS R. R.— Continued. Creston 174 Chicago 408 Bolckow 97 Barnard lOlJ Bridgewater 108 Maryville 115 Pickering 122J Hopkins 130 CtUINCY TO ST. JOSEPH. HANNIBAL & ST. JOSEPH RAILROAD. Q,iiincy West Quincy 2 North River 8 Palmyra Jn 15 Hannibal Barkley 10 Palmyra Jn 15 Palmyra Jn Woodland 19 Eli 24 Monroe 30 Hunnewell 37 Lakenan 42 Shelbina 47 Clarence 59 Round Grove 63 Carbon (57 Macon 70 Bevier 75 Callao 79 New Cambria 86 Bucklin 94 St. Catharine 100 Brookfield 104 Laclede 109 Meadville 116 Wheeling 121 Chillicothe 130 Utica 135 Mooresville 140 Breckenridge 145 Hamilton 156 Kidder 163 Cameron 171 Cameron Jn 172 Turney 181 Lathrop .^....187 Holt 194 Kearney 201 Robertson 205 Liberty 211 Arnold 219 Harlem 225 Kansas City 226 Cameron Jn 172 Osborn 177 Stewartsville 185 Easton 194 Saxton 200 St. Joseph 206 Lake 211 Hall's 217 Rushville 222 Winthrop 226 Atchison 227 Leavenworth 251 Council BPffs, 338 DES MOINES VALLEY RAILROAD. Keokuk Melrose 9 Sand Prairie 14 Belfast 19 Croton 25 Farmington 30 Bonaparte 35 Bentonsport 38 Summit 45 Kilbourne 47 Doud's 54 Independent 68 Eldon 63 Cliffland 69 Ottumwa 73 Comstock'c 83 Eddyville 91 Oskaloosa 99 Leighton 103 Pella 114 Otley 123 Monroe 128 Prairie City 137 Mitchelville 145 Altoona 151 Des Moines 161 Ashewa 169 Waukee 176 Dallas Centre 182 Minburn 188 Perry 195 Rippey 204 Grand Junction...211 Paton 218 Gowrie 226 Kesho 234 Sioux City Jn 243 Fort Dodge 249 TOLEDO, WABASH & WESTERN RAILROAD. Toledo Maumee City 9 Whitehouse 17 Liberty 28 Napoleon 35 Defiance 50 Emerald 61 Antwerp 71 New Haven 88 Fort Wayne 94 Roanoke 109 Huntingdon 118 Lagro 131 Wabash 136 Peru 150 Waverly 157 Logansport 166 Rockfield 180 Delphi 186 Buck Creek 195 Lafayette 203 Lafayette Jn 204 West Point 213 Attica 224 West Lebanon 232 State Line 242 Danville 250 Catlin 256 Fairmount 263 Homer 270 Tolono 286 Norrie 297 Bement 303 Cerro Gordo 312 Decatur 323 Decatur 323 Boody 330 Stonington 342 Taylorville 350 65 TOLEDO, WABASH & WESTERN RAILROAD.— Continued. Palmer's 358 Morrison 363 Raymond 371 Litclifield 383 Drummond 390 Staunton 395 Ekiwardsville 413 East St. Louis 431 St. Louis 432 Decatur 323 Mechanicsburg . . . .348 Springfield 362 C. & A. Jiinction..364 Berlin 379 Alexander 385 Jacksonville 396 Chaplin 406 Blutfs 414 Meredosia 420 Versailles ,428 Mount Sterling. ..437 Mounds 443 Clayton 448 Camp Point 454 Paloma 461 Cliola 467 Quincy 476 Hannibal 464 Keokuk 488 St. Joseph 682 Kansas City. ..702 BURLINGTON & CEDAR RAPIDS RAILROAD. Burlington Latty 9 Sperry 12 Kossuth 15 Linton 20 Morning Sun 23 Wapello 30 Long Creek 35 Columbus Jn 41 Port Allen 44 Cone 4S Nicholl's Po West Liberty 62 Centredale 67 West Branch 70 Oasis 74 Morse 78 Solon 83 Ely 91 Cedar Rapids 100 Epley 102 Linn 106 Palo 110 Shellsburg 115 Vinton 125 Mount Auburn. ..132 La Porte 140 Waterloo 156 Cedar Falls....... ..162 Norris 165 Finchford 170 Shell Rock 178 Clarksville 186 Greene 197 Marble Rock 203 Rockford 211 Nora Junction 219 Rock Falls 225 Plymouth 229 Lyle 250 Austin 261 CHICAGO A ALTON RAILROAD. Clilcaso Bridgeport Brighton Course.. Summit Willow Springs... Lemont Lockport Joliet Elwood Wilmington Braidwood Braceville Gardner Dwight Odeil Pontiac Chenoa 103 Lexington HI Towanda 118 Normal 124 Bloomington 126 Shirley 133 McLean 141 Atlanta 146 Lincoln 157 Broadwell 104 Klkhart 168 Williamsville 173 Sherman 178 Springfield 185 T., W. & W. Jn....l87 Chatham 194 Auburn 200 Virdeu 206 Girard 210 Nilwood 214 Carlinville 223 Plain ville 234 Shipman 238 Brighton 245 Godfrey 251 Alton 257 Milton 261 Edwardsville Jn..263 Mitchell 269 Kinder 274 £astSt.IiOuis..280 CHICAGO TO KANSAS CITT. Short Line. Chicagro 1 Natrona 165 Bloomington 126 | Mason City 171 Stanford^ 13'^ i Grcenview 179 Minier 11'^ ] Petersburg 187 Ilopedale 119 Delavan ]")7 San Jose 162 Tallula 194 Ashland 200 Prentice 203 Jacksonville 215 Murray ville 226 Manchester 232 Roodhouse .^36 Drake 242 Happy ville 245 Pearl 250 66 Stewart 255 Nebo 260 Pleasant Hill 265 Quincy Jn 274 Slwrt Line. — Continued. Louisiana 275 Watson 283 Bowlinsj Green 287 Curryville 294 Yandalia 302 Laddonia 312 Mexico 326 Kaiissts City...492 JACKSONVILLE TO ST. LOUIS. Jacksonville.. Roodhouse 21 Whitehall 25 Berdan 30 Carrolton 34 Eiverdale 38 Kane 42 Jersey ville 47 Delhi 53 Godfrey 62 Alton 68 Kast St. Louis.. 91 ST. LOUIS TO ATCHISON. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD. St. Lonis Franklin 37 Washington 55 Hermann 81 St. Aubert 105 Jefferson City 125 California 150 Tipton 162 Sedalia 189 Knobnoster 208 Warrensburg 218 Holden 232 Pleasant Hill 248 Independence 273 Kansas City 283 Wyandotte 286 Leavenworth 309 Ft. Lcavenworth..312 Atclxison 330 ATLANTIC & PACIFIC RAILROAD. St. Louis Pacific 37 Catawissa 42 Calvey 44 Moselle 49 St. Clair 56 Stanton 66 Sullivan 71 Bourbon 78 Leasburg 83 Cuba 91 Knobview 98 St. James 104 Dillon 109 Rolla 114 York's 124 Arlington 126^ Jerome 127 Frank's 133 Dixon 139 Hancock 144 Crocker 150 Wooden 156 Richland 164 Stoutville 171 Sleeper 179 Lebanon 186 Brush Creek 195 Conway 203 Niangua 211 Marshfield 218 Bunker Hill 224 Strafford 232 Springfield 242 Dorchester 248 Brookline 261 Billing's 261 Logan's 263 Aurora 273 Verona 278 Plvmouth 286 Pe'irceCity 292 Berwick 297 RLtchey 302 Granby Citv 307 Neosho 315 Dayton 325 Seneca ,330 Shawnee 337 Prairie, City 343 Oseuma 348 Afton 353 Albia 353 Vinita 364 ST. JOSEPH & DENVER CITY RAILROAD. St. Josepli Elwood Wathena 5 Troy 13 A. & N. R. R. Ju.. 14 Norway 18 Ryan's 22 Robinson 33 Mannville 37 Hiawatha 42 Hamlin 50 Sebetha 60 Seneca 77 Axtell 88 Beattie 98 Marysville 112 Hanover 127 HoUenberg 136 Steele City 141 Fairbury 152 Alexandria ir)6 Belvidcre 176 Carleton 183 Davenport 190 Eden 199 Fairfield 208 Georgetown 217 Hastimss 226 67 MISSOURI, KANSAS & TEXAS RAILROAD. Hannibal Fair Grounds 4 Springdale 8 Rensalier 12 Hassard 19 Munroe 22 Clapper 31 Stoutsville 34 Austin 39 Paris 44 HoUiday 60 Madison 57 Evansville 62 Moberly 70 Higbee 80 Burton 88 Fayette 95 Talbott 99 Estelle 103 Franklin 107 Boonville 103 Prairie Lick 113 Pilot Grove 117 Harris 122 Pleasant Green. ..125 Clifton 133 St. liOuis Holden 232 Holden Benton 8 Parsons Ladore 5 Galesburg 11 Urbana 18 New Chicago 26 Humboldt 3> Neosho Fails 50 Beaman 137 Sedalia 143 St. Louis Se dalia 189 Sedalia 143 Green Ridge 155 Windsor 164 Calhoun 172 Lewis 176 Clinton 183 La Due 190 Montrose 196 Appleton City 202 Rockville 210 Schell City 215 Walker 226 Nevada 233 Deerfield 243 Fort Scott 254 Marmaton 261 Hepler 274 Walnut 280 Osage Mission 288 Parsons 3C2 Labette City 311 Ocage Division. Gunn City 11 East Lynup 16 Harrisonville 22 Freeman 3^ Neosho Valley Division. Le Roy 56 Burlington 67 Strawu 73 Hartford 81 Neosho Rapids.... 87 Emporia 95 Americus 103 Oswego 317 Chetopa 326 Blue Jacket 342 Vinita 355 Adair 369 Pryor Creek 379 Choteau 388 Leliaetta 400 Gibson 410 Muskogee 419 Oak-ta-ha 432 North Forktown..449 South Canadian...462 Reams 470 McAllister _...479 Perry ville 491 Limestone Gap.. ..507 A-to-ka 525 Caney 536 Caddo 544 Durant 556 Colbert 568 Denison 576 Houston 914 GalTeston ^64 West Line 35 Louisburg.. 4i Sumerset 45 Paola 54 Rock Creek ill Big John 116 Council Grove 119 Parkerville 132 White City 137 Skiddy 143 Junction City.156 MISSOURI RIVER, FORT SCOTT & GULF RAILROAD. Kansas City... Shawnee 9 Lenexa 14 Olathe 21 Ocheltree 28 Spring Hill 30 Hillsdale 36 Paoli 43 Fontana 54 Les Cygnes 61 Barnard 67 Pleasanton 74 Prcscott 82 Osaga 86 Fort Scott 93 Godfrey ..104 Pawnee 110 Dry wood 116 Girard 124 Ingleton 129 Cherokee 185 Coalfield 141 Columbus 148 Baxter 159 INDIANAPOLIS, BLOOMINGTON & WESTERN RAILROAD. Indianapolis.. Carter's 6 Claremont 10 Brownsburg 14 Pittsboro 13 New Elizabeth 22 Jamestown 27 New Ross 33 Crawfordsvillo 44 GS INDIANAPOLIS, BLOOMINGTON & WEST'N R. R.— Continued. Waynetown 54 Hillsboro 59 Veeder's 65 Covin.s;ton 72 Danville 85 Oakwood 93 Fithian 99 Ogden 103 St. Joseph 107 Urbana 116 Champaign 118 Mahomet 128 Mansfield 133 Farmer City 141 Le Roy 151 Bloomington 166 Danver's 176 Mackinaw 186 Tremont 193 Pekin 202 Peoria 212 Rock Island 303 Davenport 304 Galesburg 265 Burlington 308 Ottumwa 383 nmaha 604 Plattsmoulh 587 Nebraska City 599 Lincoln 643 Keokuk 321 Quincy 311 St. Joseph 517 Atchison 537 Leavenworth 562 Kansas City. ..537 PEORIA & ROCK ISLAND RAILROAD. Peoria Keller 6 Stringer 9 Dunlap 15 Princeville 22 Wady Petra 25 Wyoming 31 Toulon 37 Lafayette 42 Galva 48 Bishop Hill 52 Ulah 57 Cambridge 61 Osco 68 Orion 73 Coal Valley 80 Milan 86 Rock Island... 91 ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY & NORTHERN RAILROAD. Eastern Division. St. liouis Gamble's 2 Bellefontaine 5 Jenning's 7 Ferguson 11 Graham's 13 Bridgeton 15 Bonfils 18 Brotherton 20 St. Charles 22 Elm Point Switch, 25 Dardenne 30 Moberly Jn.... Huntsville 153 Clifton IGO Salisbury 167 Keytesvillo 174 Dalton 178 Brunswick 185 Mol>erly Jn Cairo 153 Jacksonville 158 Emerson 162 Macon 109 Atlanta 180 La Plata 189 O'Fallon 34 Pcrruque 38 Gilmoi'e 40 Wentzvillc 43 Foristelle 48 Wright's 52 Warrenton 58 Pendleton 64 .Tonesburg 68 High Hill 73 New Florence 77 Western Division. Dewitt 192 Miami 195 Wakenda 202 Carrollton 209 Norborne 219 Hardin 228 R. & L. Junction..234 Northern Division. Millard 196 Kirksville 203 Sublett's 211 Green Top 214 Queen City 218 Glenwood 227 Coatesville 234 Montgomery....... 82 Wellsville 90 Martlnsburg 95 Benton City 101 Mexico 108 Thompson 114 Centralia Jn 122 Sturgeon 130 Clark 135 Renick 140 Moberly Jn....l46 Camden 239 Orrick 245 Missouri City 254 Liberty Landing..262 N. Missouri Jn 265 Harlem 273 Kansas City.. ..275 Moulton 242 West Grove 249 Bloomficld 256 Belknap 261 Burton 270 Ottumwa, 277 69 ChilUcothe & Omaha Branch, BriinsAviclc B. C. & O. Jn 2 Triplett 8 CunniDgham 18 Bedford 28 ChilUcothe 38 Sampsel 47 Jackson 55 Gallatin 64 Jameson 70 Pattoiisburg.... 80 ST. LOUIS & lEON MOUNTAIN EAILROAD. St. liOiiis Carondelet 6 Ivory 9 Jefl'erson Bar'cks, 10 Quarantine 12 Cbff Cave 13 Jeflerson 19 Kimmswick 21 Sulphur Springs... 24 Illinois 26 Pevely 27 Horine 29 Bailey 33 Hematite 35 Victoria 39 De Soto 42 Viueland 47 Blackwell 51 Bismarck Iron Mountain 5 Middlebrook 7 Pilot Knob 10 Ironton 12 Arcadia 13 Cadet 57 Mineral Point 61 Hopewell 65 Irondale 70 Bismarck 75 Loughborough 83 De Lassus 87 Wolf Creek 91 Knob Lick 95 Mine la Motte 102 Fredericktown... 104 Cornwall Ill Marquand 118 Bessville 124 Glen Allen 130 Marble Hill 133 Whitewater 145 Allenville 147 Arkansas Branch. Hogan 19 Ozark Mills 28 Annapolis 32 Des Arc 40 Gad's Hill 44 Piedmont 51 Caney Creek 155 Sylvania 158 Morley 162 Diehlstadt 173 Charleston 178 Henson's 186 Belmont 195 Columbus 196 Humboldt 267 Memphis 349 Nashville 377 Chattanooga 528 Atlanta 665 Charleston 973 Meridian 534 Mobile 669 Canton 519 iNew Orleaiis....725 Mill Spring 59 Williamsville 70 Hcndrickson's 77 Poplar Bluff. 90 Moark Ill CAIRO & FULTON RAILROAD. Little Rock Ja-ksonville 14 Cabot 23 Ward 28 Garner 40 Kensett 50 Judsonia 53 Bradford 68 Grand Glaise 73 Bridge Switch 81 Newport 84 Campbell 89 Swifton 101 Minturn 113 Murta 126 Delaplainc 138 Corning 153 Moark 159 Poplar Bluff. ISO St. Louis ...345 Southern Duision. Little Rock Alexander 13 Benton 23 Traskwood 30 Huntington 49 Donaldson 53 Arkadelpliia... 65 ROCKFORD, ROCK ISLAND & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD. Sterling Rock Island Jn... 5 Lyndon 13 Pratt's 18 Erie 22 Hillsdale 28 Rock River Jn.... 36 Port Byron Jn 45 MoUne 49 Rock Island 52 Coal Valley 54 Orion 60 Lynn 65 Rio 78 Alexandria 87 Monmouth 99 Lennox 105 Roseville Ill Bushnell 127 Adair 136 Vermont 146 Astoria 153 Osceola 157 Browning 161 Frederick 167 Beardstown 170 Hamilton 177 70 ROCKFORD, ROCK ISLAND & ST. LOUIS R. R.— Continued. Arenzville 181 Concord 185 Chapin 189 Merritt 192 Ri^gston 195 Winchester 199 Smithfield 205 Barrow's 209 Whitehall 214 Greenfield 226 Sheffield 231 Medora 239 Piasa 243 Brighton 248 Woods' 256 Upper Alton 259 Alton Junction. ..261 East St. Louis 281 St. LiOuis 282 CENTRAL RAILROAD OF IOWA. St. Paol {Via3LASl.F.E.W.) Northwood 121 Mason City 141 RockAvell 15 5 Chapin 163 Hampton 170 Geneva 176 Faulkner 181 Ackley 185 Abbott 191 Steamboat Rock...l98 Eldora 202 Union 211 Liscomb 216 Albion 222 Marshalltown 229 Gilman 243 Grinnell 254 Searsboro 266 New Sharon 274 Oskaloosa 286 Eddyville 296 B. & M. Crossing..308 Albia 310 Ottumwa 312 Keokuk 386 Council Bluffs St. Louis 562 K^ansas City. ..566 OMAHA & NORTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. Omalia Florence 6 Warner 12 Calhoun 21 Mills 24 DeSoto 26 Blair 30 Kennard 37 Bell Creek 46 Fremont 54 Nickerson 62 Hooper 69 Scribner 77 Crowell 82 Wisiier 105 BURLINGTON & SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. Burlington Fort Madison 19 Viele 25 Franklin 31 Donaldson 34 Warren 37 Farmington 44 LEAVENWORTH, LAWRENCE & GALVESTON RAILROAD. Willits 50 Mt. Sterling 56 Cantril 64 Milton 70 Pulaski 76 Bloomfield 85 Moulton 100 Caldwell 110 Cincinnati 115 Holbrook 120 Howland 125 Union ville 130 Latvrence Sibley 6 Vinland 10 Baldwin 15 Prairie City 16 Norwood 21 Ottawa 27 Princeton 36 Richmond 42 Garnett 52 Welda 60 Colony 68 Carlyle 73 lola 78 Humboldt 86 Neosho 91 Chanute 94 Earlcton 102 Thayer 109 Morehead 116 Cherryvale 124 Independence 134 Liberty 133 Kalloch 138 Cotfeyville 141 Par iter 144 ST. LOUIS, ALTON & TERRE HAUTE RAILROAD. Belleville and Si. Louis Division. EiastSt.IiOnis.. Jarrott's 3 Centreville 6 Gartside's 9 Ogle's 10 Gartside's 11 Raib's 12 AVest Belleville.... 13 Belleville 14 Wilderman IS Freeburg 22 Lementon 25 Now Athene 29 Marissa 37 Tilden 42 Coulterville 47 Swanwick 51 Craig's 53 71 Belleville and Si. Louis Dii-Uion. — Continued. Pinckneyville 61 Denny 65 Du Quoin 71 Cairo 146 Columbus 166 Union City 192 Nashville 348 Chattanooga 499 Atlanta 5;S6 Humboldt 134 Jackson, Tenii 252 Grand Junction. ..298 Memphis 316 Corinth 309 Grenada 398 Canton 486 Meridian 503 Mobile 638 New Orleans. ..692 ST. LOUIS, VANDALIA, TERRE HAUTE & INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD. ESast St. Louis.. Collinsville 11 Contidence 13 Troy 19 St. Jacob's 25 Highland 30 Oakdale 35 Pocahontas 39 Stubblefield 45 Greenville 49 Mulberry Grove... 57 Hagerstown 63 Vandalia.._ 67 Brownstown 75 St. Elmo 81 Funkhouser 94 Effingham 98 Teutopolis 102 Jewett 116 Greenup 122 Casey 130 Martinsville 137 Marshall 14S Dennison 155 Terre Haute 165 Seeleyville 173 Staunton 177 Williams' 178 Brazil 181 Knightsvilk' 184 Harmony 185 Eagle's 188 Reelsville 191 Hamrick's 194 Junction 198 Greencastle 200 Filmore 206 Coatsville 210 Amo 213 Clavton 218 Belleville 220 Cartersburg 221 Plainfield 224 Bridgeport 229 Fairview 234 Indianapolis ..238 OHIO & MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD. St.IiOnis East St. Louis 1 Hanover 6 Caseyville 9 Furman's 13 Alma 15 O'Fallon 17 Lebanon 23 Summerfield 26 Trenton 30 Aviston 34 Breese 38 Buxton 43 Carlyle 47 Collins' 51 Sandoval 60 Odin 64 Salem 69 luka 78 Greendale 83 Xcnia 86 Flora 95 ClayCity 102 Noble 109 Olney 117 Claremount 123 Hadley 127 Sumner 129 Bridgeport 135 Lawrencevillo 139 Beman 144 Vincennes 148 Richland 155 Wheatland KiO Washington 167 Black Oak 172 Clark's 178 Loogootee 182 Shoals 190 Willow ValU'v 198 Huron 201 Georgia 208 Mitchell 213 Scottvillc 219 Tunnelton 223 Sparksville 229 Medora 234 Velonia 239 Brownstown 242 Shields' Mill 248 Seymour 253 Hardenburgh 261 NorthVernon 268 Oak Dale 270 Butlerville 274 Nebraska 278 Holton 282 Osgood 288 Delaware 293 Pierceville 295 Milan 298 Cold Springs 303 Dillsboro 307 Cochran 314 Aurora 316 Lawrenceburg 320 North Bend 327 Delhi 331 Cullom'8 336 Storr'8 339 Cincinnati 340 72 CINCINNATI TO JEFFKRSONVILI.E. Cincinnati Lawrenceburg 20 Aurora 24 North Vernon 73 Lovett~ 79 Commiskey 83 Deputy 87 Holman 93 Lexington 98 Marysville 103 Otisco 106 Charleston 113 Watson 119 Jefferson villel26 CHICAGO TO CAIRO. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. Chicago M. S. & P., Ft. W. & C. Crossing.... 9 Calumet 14 Homewood 24 Matterson.„ 27 Richton 29 Monee 34 Peotone 40 Manteno 47 Kankakee 56 Sacramento 67 Chebanse 65 Clifton 69 Ashkum 73 Danforth 77 Oilman 81 Onarga 85 Spring Creek 88 Bulkley 93 Lodo 99 Pax ton 103 Ludlow 109 Rantoul 114 Thomasboro 119 Champaign 128 Savoy 133 Tolono 137 Pesotum 143 Tuscola 150 Areola 158 Milton 164 Mattoon 173 ^tna 179 Neoga 185 Sigel 191 Effingham 199 Watson 206 Mason 211 Edgewood 214 Laclede 218 Farina 221 Kinmundy 229 Alma 230 Tonti 239 Odin 244 Central City 251 Centralia 252 Irvington 259 Richview 263 Ashley 266 Dubois 274 Tamarora 280 Du Quoin 288 Elkville 295 DeSoto 302 Carbondalc 308 Makanda 316 Cobdcn 323 Dnngola 338 Wetaug 341 UJlin 344 Pulaski 349 Mounds :5;!)6 Cairo 365 DUBUCtUE TO CAIRO. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. Sublette 123 Mendota...., 131 Homer 139 La Salle 147 Oglesby 150 Tonica 156 Lostant 162 Wenona 168 Rutland 172 Minonk 178 Panolo 187 El Paso 190 Kappa 194 Hudson 199 Normal 205 Bloomington 207 Randolph 213 Hevworth 219 Wapella 225 Dnbuqne Menominee 8 Galena 17 Council Hill 24 Scales Mound 29 A pple River 37 Warren 43 Nora 47 Lena 54 Eleroy 59 Freeport 67 Baileyville 74 Forreston 80 Haldane 85 Polo 90 Woosung 96 North Dixon 102 Dixon 103 Eldena 110 Amboy 115 DUBUCIUE TO SIOUX CITY. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. Dnbuqne I Peosta 15 I Dyersville 29 Julien 10 I Farley 23 | Earlville 37 Clinton 230 Maroa 238 Forsyth 246 Decatur 251 Wheatland 256 Macon 261 Moawcqua 267 Assumption 274 Fana 284 Oconee 291 Ramsey 301 "Vera 308 Vandalia 313 Shobonior 320 Patoka 328 Sandoval 337 Central City 342 Centralia 343 Cairo 455 73 ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD.— Continued. Delaware 41 Manchester 47 Masonvillc 54 Winthrop Gl Independence 69 Jcsup 78 Raymond' 86 Waterloo 93 Jn. C. F. Sc M.R.R. 98 Cedar Falls 99 New Hartford 109 Parkersburg 118 Aplington 123 Ackley 132 Iowa Falls 143 Aldeu 149 Williams' 158 Webster City 172 Fort Dodge* 192 Manson 210 Pomeroy 218 Marvin 226 Newell 235 Storm Lake 245 Aurelia 258 Cherokee 267 Marcus 283 Remsen 291 Le Mars 301 James' 319 Sioux City 327 INDIANAPOLIS & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD. Indianapoiis... Asylum 2 Suunyside 6 Spray 8 Avon 12 Easton 16 Danville 19 Iladley 23 Reno... 27 Malta 31 Darwin 32 Greencastlo 38 Fern 44 Lena 48 Carbon 53 Lodi 58 Fountain 60 Grant 64 Markle 67 Terre Haute 72 St. Mary's 76 Sanford 80 Vermillion 84 Paris 91 Walnut Grove 96 Dudley 99 Kansas 104 Ashmore 109 Charleston 117 Stockton 122 Mattoon 128 Summit 134 Windsor 140 Shelbyvilk- 151 Robinson ("reek... 156 ToAver Hill 160 Pana 167 Rosamond 171 Nokorais 179 Witt 184 Irving 189 Hillsboro 195 Butler 198 Litchfield 206 Clyde 211 Gillespie 216 Dorchester 221 Bunker Hill 225 Dorsey's 231 Moro 234 Bethalto 236 Alton Junction.. ..240 Ixlwardsville Cr...243 Long Lake 249 Nameoki 252 Venice 257 E. St. Louis 261 ST. LOUIS & SOUTH-EASTERN RAILWAY. St. Liouis E. St. Louis French Village.... 7 Birkner's '. 10 Belleville 14 Mascoutah 25 New Memphis 32 Queen Lake 33 Venedy 35 Okawville 39 Nashville, III 49 Ashley 60 Woodlawn 69 Mt. Vernon, 111... 76 Opdykc 84 Belle Rive 87 Dahlgrcn 91 Delafield .. 90 Shawnee Jn... 100 McLeansboro 101 McLcansboro Jn..l01 Thackeray 106 Enfield Junction. .113 Enfield 113 Trumbull 118 Carmi 123 Hawthorne 127 Wabash Stat ion...l31 Upton 136 Mt. VernoQ, lndM2 Belknap 154 Evansville 161 {Steam Ferry ) Henderson 173 Busby's 181 Sebree City 190 Slaughtervillc .198 Hanson 203 Madisonville 209 Earlington 214 Nortonvill • 221 Petersburg 226 Crofton 232 Hopkinsvillc 245 Caskey 250 Pembroke 255 Trenton 261 Guthrie 269 Forts 274 Cedar Hill 280 Springfield 287 Baker's 299 Goodlet's .303 Edgefield Jn 306 Madison 309 Edgefield 315 Nasliville 316 74 LOGANSPORT, CRAWFORDSVILLE & SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. Terre Haute... Otter Creek 5 Rosedale 13 Jessup's lo Catlin 18 Rockville 23 Sand Creek 27 Judson 80 Dooley 34 Waveland 38 Brown's Valley.... 41 1 ITilraore 84 New Market 46 Moran 8G I., B. &W. Jn 62iSedalia 88 Crawfordsville 53 Binford's 58 Darlington. 61 Bower's 65 Colfax 69 Jefferson Road 74 Frankfort 79 Cutler 93 Bringhurst 96 Flora 98 Camden 102 Clymer's 110 Ltogansport 116 EVANSVILLE & CRAWFORDSVILLE RAILROAD. Evaiisville Fair Ground 3 Erskine 5 Ingle's 10 Stacer's 13 St. James 15 Haubstadt 17 Fort Branch 20 King's 24 Princeton 27 Patoka 31 Miller's 33 Hazelton 38 Decker's 40 Purcell's 45 Vincennes 51 John Smith's 57 Emison's 62 Busseron 64 Oak Town 66 Griswold 68 Marsh Creek 70 Carlisle 73 Paxton's 77 Sullivan 83 Shelburn 88 Farmersburg 93 Hartford 97 Young's 101 Terre Haute.... 109 CHICAGO, DANVILLE & VINCENNES RAILROAD. Chicago Dalton 20 Thornton 25 Glenwood 27 Bloom 30 Crete 34 Goodenow 38 Beecher 41 Grant 48 Momence 54 St. Ann 65 Papineau 69 Watseka 82 MUford 93 Wellington 99 Hoopston 104 Rossville 110 Gilbert 116 I., B. & Wn.Jn..l27J DanvHle 128 GILMAN, CLINTON & SPRINGFIELD RAILROAD. Springiielfl Barclay 8 Cornland 16 Mt. Pulaski.. 24 Chestnut 30 Kenney....„ 36 Clinton 43 De Witt 53 Farmer City 62 Belleflower 71 Gibson 82 Guthrie 96 Molvin 92 Roberts' 97 Ridgevilie 106 Oilman 1 11 CKicago..... 192 CHICAGO & IOWA RAILROAD. Chicago Aurora 38| West Aurora 39| Sugar Grove 46 Blunt. 52 Hinckley 57 Waterman.. 64 Shabboun 69 Lee 74 Steward 79 Rochelle 86 Chana 95 Oregon 101 Mt. Morris lOS Maryland 11t Forreston 120 Dubuque... 199 75 LOUISVILLE, NEW ALBANY & CHICAGO RAILROAD. Ne-w AllMiiiy,.. Smith's Mills 6 Wilson's 12 Providence 18 Pekin 23 Farabce's 27 Harristown 30 Salem 35 Hitchcock's 40 Campbeilsburg.... 45 Saltillo 47 Lancaster 52 Orleans 5G Mitchell ^ 61 Juliet. 65 Sand Pit 68 Bedford 71 Salt Creek. 78 Guthrie 82 Harrodsburg 85 Smithville..... 89 Clear Creek 92 Bloomington 97 Wood Yard 101 Ellettsville 101 Stinesville 109 Gosport 113 Spring Cave 117 Quincy 122 Oakland 125 Cloverdale 128 Putnamville 134 Junction 137 Greencastle 139 Maple Grove. 143 Bainbridge 148 Carpentei-sville....l52 Ashby's 156 Ladoga 159 Whitesville 163 Crawfordsville 170 Cherry Grove 175 Linden 180 Corwin 184 Raub's 187 Taylor's 190 Junction 19rt Lafayette 198 Battle Ground 204 Brookston 211 Chalmers' 215 Reynolds' 221 Bradford 229 Francesville 237 Medarysville 244 San Pierre 252 La Crosse 260 Wanatah 267 Haskell's ...271 Westviile 276 Salem Crossing... .279 Beatty's 281 Micliigan C'y..288 JEFFERSONVILLE, MADISON & INDIANAPOLIS R. R. liOuisvUle Jeffersonville 2 Sellersburg. 10 Memphis 17 Henryville 21 Vienna 28 Marshfield. 33 Austin 35 Crotliersville. 39 Retreat 41 Langdon's 44 Farmington 48 Seymour 61 Rockford 53 Jonesville 58 Waynesvilie 62 Walesboro 64 Columbus 69 LoweU 72 Taylorsville 75 Edinburg 79 Amity 85 Franklin. 90 Whiteland 95 WorthsviUe 97 Greenwood 99 Southport 103 Indianapolis...! 1 liOUISVILLK TO MEMPHIS. LOUISVILLE, NASHVILLE & GREAT SOUTHERN R. R liOiiisville Cin. &Lex. Jn 8 Strawberry 6 Old Deposit 9 Brooks 14 Shepherdsville 18 Bardstown Jn 22 Belmont 25 Ivebanon Jn 30 Booth's 32 Colesburg 34 Elizabethtown 42 Glendale 50 Noiin 53 Sonora - 55 Upton 69 Bacon Creek 66 Munfordvillc 73 Rowlctt's 75 Horse Cave 81 Woodland 83 Cave City 85 Glasgow Jn 91 Rocky Hill 96 Smith's Grove 100 Oakland 102 Bristow 1C9 Bowling Green... .114 Memphis Jn 118 Rocktield 123 Auburn 132 McLeod. 136 Russellvillo .143 Cave Spring 143 Whippoorwill .150 Allensviiio 157 Hadensville 161 Guthrie 1()4 Hampton's 168 i Dudley's 171 Fair Grounds 175 Clarksville 177 Steeles.. 184 Palmyra 189 Corbandale 190 Cumberland 198 Erin 205 Tennessee Ridge. .2 10 Stewart's 214 Tpnnessee River..220 Big Sandy 230 Springville 235 Porter's 241 Paris 246 Henry 256 McXenzie 264 Trerant 274 Milan 284 Humboldt 296 Gadsden 301 76 LOUISVILLE, NASHV'E & GT. SOUTHERN R. R.— Continued. Bell's 308 Jones' 312 Brownsville 321 Shephard 329 Stanton 333 Mason 341 Galloway 349 Withe 352 Shelby 359 Bartlett 3GG MempliiSw 377 Louisville & Montgomery Line. liOnisvillo Gin. & Lex. Jn 3 Bardstown Jn 22 Lebanon Jn 30 Elizabethtown 42 Cave City 8o Glasgow Jn 91 Bowling Green.. ..114 Memphis Jn 118 Rich Pond 122 Woodburn 125 Franklin 134 Mitchellville 141 Richland 14i Fountain Head.... 146 Buck Lodge 149 Gallatin 159 Pilot Knob 164 Saundorsville 166 Hendersonville 170 Edgefield Jn 175 Madison 178 Edgefield 184 Nashville 185 liouisvllle Old Deposit 9 Brooks' 14 Shepperdsville 18 Bardstown Jn 22 Belmont 25 Lebanon Jn 30 Boston 35 New Haven 45 Gethsemane 48 Louisville Richmond Jn 105 Gilbert's Creek... .109 Lancaster 113 liOuisTille Strawberry 6 Randolph's 7 Old Deposit 9 N.&C, Depot 186 N. & C. Junction..l89 Brentwood 197 Franklin 206 Thompson's 215 Eweil's 219 Career's Creek 223 Columbia 233 Pleasant Grove.. ..243 Campbell's 246 Lynnville 251 Buford's 254 Reynold's 256 Wales 261 Pulaski 266 Harwell 272 Aspen Hill 203 Lester's 275 Prospect 278 Veto 280 Elkmont 286 Athens 295 McDonald's 300 Harris' 305 Knoxville Branch. New Hope 50 Chicago 55 Loretto 57 St. Mary's 62 Lebanon 67 Penick's 73 North Fork 81 Brumfield 84 Mitchellsburg 85 Parksville 89 Richmond Branch. Hyattsville 116 Lowell 122 Paint Lick 123 Moran's Summit...l26 Bardstown Branch. Brooks' 14 Shepherdsville 18 Bardstown Jn 22 Big Spring 27 M. &Ch. Jn 307 Decatur 308 Ilartsell's 321 Wilhite's 331 Milner's 340 Phelan's 345 (iilmcr's 351 Blount Springs 361 Warrior 371 Cunningham 382 Boyle's Gap 390 Birmingham 395 Ironton 401 Brock's Gap 407 Pelham 413 Calera 428 Jemison 439 Lomax 447 Cooper's 457 Mountain Creek...463 Deatsville 472 Elmore 479 Alabama River.. Moiitgoinery...490 Danville Station... 96 Stanford 104 Richmond Ju 105 Crab Orchard 115 Brodhead 122 Mount Guthrie.. ..127 Mount Vernon 129 Pleasant Valley. ..131 Pine Hill 135 Liiving^tou 140 Silver Creek 128 Duncannon 133 Harris' Station 136 Hichmond 139 Samuel's 33 Nazareth 37 Bardstown 89 77 NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. Ctiattanoo^a... Wauhatchie 6 Whitesidcs 14 ShjUinound 22 Bridgeport 28 Stevenson 38 Anderson 49 Cowan 04 Decherd.'. 69 TuUahoraa 82 Normandy 89 Wartraee 9(5 Belle Buckle 100 Christiana 109 Murfrcesboro 119 Smyrna 130 Antioch 141 Nash & Dec. .In... 150 Nashville 151 Bollemeade 158 Bellevue 164 Newsom's 168 KingstonSpriugs,176 Burns' 189 Dickson 193 McEwen 208 Waverly 218 Johnson ville 229 Huntingdon 258 Mc Ken z ie 270 Memphis 383 Gleason 278 Dresden 285 Paducah Jn 303 Union City 307 State Line 314 Hickman 321 Columbus 333 St. liouis 499 SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD OF CALIFORNIA. San Fraucii^co Bernal 4 San Miguel 6 Baden 12 San Bruno 14 Milbrne 17 Sau Mateo 21 Belmont 25 Redwood City 28 MenloPark 33 Mayfleld 35 Mountain View... 38 Murphy's 41 Lawrence's 4-1 Santa Clara 47 San Jose 50 Covote 63 Perry's 66 Madrone 69 Tennant 73 Gilroy 80 Carnadero 83 Sargent's 86 Vega 96 Pajaro 99 Castroville 110 Salinas 118 Chualar 128 Gonzales 134 S oleda d.. 143 Hollister. 94 Trespiiios 100 BURLINGTON & MISSOURI RIVER R. R. IN NEBRASKA. Plattsmoutli... Oreapolis 4 Omaha Bellevue iO La Platte 15 Oreapolis 17 Oreapolis 4 Concord 9 Inhelder 14 Louisville 18 South Bend 23 Ashland 31 Greenwood 37 Waverly 43 Newton 48 Lincoln 55 Denton 65 Highland 72 Crete 75 Dorchester 83 Priendville 92 Exeter 101 Fairmount 108 Grafton 119 Sutton 123 Harvard 136 Inland 146 Hastings 151 Juniata 158 Kenesaw 166 Lowell 176 Fort Kearney 182 Kearney Jfii..,.191 TEXAS & PACIFIC RAILWAY. Slxreveport Beckville 8 Greenwood 15 MarsUall Woodlawn 8 Jefferson 16 Monterey 25 Kildare 30 Atlanta 43 Lanark 48 Moore's Landing.. 61 Junction 09 Texarkanu 75 Waskoia 21 Jonesville 24 Jefferson Divinon. Marshall 40 Coldwater 47 Hallville 54 Mason Springs... 59 International J n 63 Longview 634- Willow Springs.. 67^ Gladewater 7"jJ BigSaudy 84| Seottsville 32 MarsUall 40 Hawkins 9H Lake Fork 9'Ji Miuneola lO'-j Grand Saline 121^ Wills' Point 139 Elmo 118 Terrell 151^ Brooklvn 16'j Dallas 186 78 L.OUISVIL.I.E TO CINCINNATI. LOUISVILLE, CINCINNATI & LEXINGTON RAILROAD L.. Lexington Jn 28 Jr.oo 32 Sn i ' field 35 Eminence 40 jlelleview ........ 42 Pleasureville 44 Christiansburg 49 Bagdad 52 North .' enson...... 56 Benson 60 Frankfort 65 Junction 70 Ducker's 73 Spring Station 70 Midway 80 Paine's 83 Yarnallton 87 Liexington 94 SPKIN^GFIELD & ILLINOIS SOUTH-EASTERN R. R. B Br.vd.slovm. ... RlulT Springs 5 Vir ,inia 13 Philauclphia 18 Asbland 25 Pleasant Plains... 30 Eichlaud 34 Farmingdale 37 Bradford 40 Coal Shaft 44 Springfield 46 Chicago 4St. Louis Junction 47 Sangam^^n.. 51 Rochesier 64 Clarksvil e 58 Breckinridge 59 Campbellsburg 61 Edinburg 64 Sharpsburg 67 Taylorville 72 Owaneco... 80 Millersburg 83 Pana 88 Tower Hill 95 Lakewood 100 Cowdcu... 106 Holiday 109 Beecher City 112 M cassin 115 Altamont 121 Gilmore 126 Edge wood 132 Larkinsburg 138 Louisvilb 143 Flora 154 Rinard 160 Cisnee 164 Jclfersonville 170 Fairfield 175 Barnhill 181 Mill Shoals 1S4 Springerton 189 Enfield 194 Sacramento 199 NorrisCity 203 Omaha 209 Ridgeway 210 Bartlcy 219 Cypres.s.Junction..221 St.Louis&S.E.Jn.22o SliaAvneet'n. ...228 KENTUCKY CENTRAL RAILROAD. Covington CulbertJion 7 Ry:a£.d 13 Canton 14 Benton 18 MuHin's 21 Demossville 25 Butler.... 28 Boston 31 Irving 33 Catawba 30 Falmouth 39 Livingood 43 Morgan 47 Boyd 50 Berry's 53 Robinson 55 GarneU 58 Cvnt'aiana 06 70 Lair Shawhan 73 Kisor 75 I^ris 80 Hiitchinson 86 Lowe 89 Lexington 99 Providence 106 NieUoIasTiIle.ir2 79 RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG & POTOMAC, RICHMOND & PETERSBURG AND PETERSBURG & WELDON R. R DS. AVasliington.... {Sleaniboat.) Quantico Richland 5 Brooks' 12 Potomac Run 14 Fredericksburg.... 21 Guinea's.. 33 Milford 42 Penola 47 Cheater 63 Junction 58 Taylor's 60 Ashland 65 Richmond 82 Manchester 84 Temple ... 87 Drewry'8 Blufl'.. 90 Hallway 93 RutherGlen 95 Port Walthall Jn.. 98 Petersburg.. 105 Ream's 115 Stony Creek 127 Jarratt's 135 Bellfield 147 Gaston Junction..l54 Pleasant HiU 164 Weldou 168 RALEIGH & GASTON RAILROAD. Raleis^h Mill Brook 6 Neuse 10 Wake 15 Frauklinton 27 Kittrell's 36 Henderson 44 Junction 54 Ridgeway 57 Warrenton.... 62 Macon 66 Littleton 76 Gaston 85 Weldon 97 'WASHINGTON TO LYNCHBURG. WASHINGTON CITY, VIRGINIA MIDLAND & GREAT SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Wasliin^on,... Alexandria 7 Springfield 15 Burke's 21 Fairfax 24 Clinton SO Manassas....- 34 Bristoe 38 Catletts 45 Warrenton Jn 47 Bealeton_ 54 Alexandriu .... Manassas Jn 27 Gainesville 35 Broad Run 42 Plains 47 Salem 51 Rectortown 57 Piedmont 61 Markham 65 Rappahannock 58 Brandy 63 Culpepper 69 Mitchells 76 Rapidan 81 Orange 87 Madison 91 Gordonsville 96 Cobham 103 Keswick 110 Manassas Division. Linden 70 Happy Creek 75 Front Royal 78 Buckton 83 Waterlick 84 Straiiburg 88 StrasburgJn 89 Tom's Brook 94 Woodstock 101 ATLANTIC, MISSISSIPPI & OHIO RAILROAD. Norfolk Suffolt 23 Windsor 84 Zuni 41 Ivor 45 Wakefield.. 62 AVaverly 60 Disputanta 68 Petersburg 81 Church Road 96 Ford's 101 Wilson's lOS Wellville 112 Blacks & Whites.... 113 80 Nottoway C. H 124 BurkeviIIe 133 Rice's 141 High Bridge. ...145 Farmville 149 Prosj)ect 161 Pamplin's. 169 Charlottesville 11 1 North Garden 128 Covesville 133 I Rockfish 140 i Livingston 148 Arrington 152 New Glasgow 158 Amherst 164 Melvor's 170 ls 178 Edingburg .....106 Mount Jackson. ...112 New Market 118 Timberville 123 Broadway 126 Cowan's 129 Linville 132 HarriKon.b'gr 138 ATLANTIC, MISSISSIPPI & OHIO RAILROAD.-Continued Big Lick 258 Wytheville... ....... 337 Salem 264 Rural Retreat ooO Bie Spring 278 Atkins' 358 Alleghany 280 Big Tunnel 285 Christianburg 290 Central 300 Dublin 308 Martin's 316 Max Meadow 328 Appomattox 181 Spout Spring 186 Concord 191 Lynchburg 201 Forest 215 Liberty 228 Thaxton's 234 Buford's 241 Bonsack's 252 Gish's 255 Marion "64 Seven-mile Ford. .371 Glade Spring 380 Emory 384 Abingdon 394 Bristol 408 EAST TENNESSEE, VIRGINIA & GEORGIA RAILROAD. Bristol Union 11 Carter's 20 Johnsons 25 Jonesboro 32 Limestone 43 Fallen's 47 Greenville o6 Midway 65 Rogersville Jn 74 Russellville 82 Morristown 88 Talbot's 96 Mossy Creek 101 Newmarket 105 Strawberry Plains,113 McMillans 120 Knoxville 130 Erin 13" Concord 144 Lenoir s ....150 Loudon 158 Philadelphia 165 Sweetwater 175 Rngan's ■ 180 Athens 185 Ricoville 193 Charleston 200 Cleveland 213 Dalton 240 Ooltwah 225 Tyner's ....231 Chattanooga . ..2 42 MISSISSIPPI & TENNESSEE RAILROAD. Pope's 66 Oakland....... V8 Garner - 87 Hardy 92 Grenada 100 Senatobia 44 Como.... 50 Sardis ^0 Batesville 59 Long Creek 64 Memphis White Haven 8 Horn Lake 12 Nesbit's 22 Hernando 34 Coldwater 37 WILMINGTON & WELDON AND WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAILROADS. 1 Rose Hill 120 i Nichols' 235 slTeacheys .....124 ! Muilin s 241 Weldon Halifax Riddley's Enfield Whitaker's Battleboro Rocky Mount... Sharpsburg.. Joyner's Wilson Black Creek , Fremont Pikeville Coldsboro Dudley Mount Olive Bowden's Warsaw Magnolia 13 19 25 29 37 43 46 , 64 . 69 , 67 , 70 . 78 . 87 . 99 .107 .114 Duplin Road 127 j Marion Leesburg. .. 129 """" ^^"' S.Washington 133 Burgaw 140 Rocky Point 149 Castle Hayne 153 Wrightsboro. 158 Wilmington 162 Meare's Blufl'. 165 Brinkley's 180 Maxwell's IW Fleraington 197 Jonesboro 2W} Whiteville 207 Grisfs 216 Cerro Gordo 220 I Fair Blutf. 226 81 24'J Pee Dee 257 MarsBluflf. 264 Florence 27ii Timmonsville 282 Lynchburg 291 Mayesville 300 Sumter 309 ( ain Savannali... 315 Wedgefield . .319 Camden Junction 32Z Wateree •• 326 Acton 328 Woodward's 33"^ Grovewood 33? Simins' 346 Coluukbia 351 NORTH-EASTERN RAILROAD. Florence. Effingham 9 Cowards 16 Leeaville 20 Graham's 23 Cade's 3'J j Kingstree 38 Salter's 44 Lane's 49 Gourdin's 52 St. Stephen's 57 Bonneau's 65 Monck's Comer.... 73 Strawberry 70 Mount Holly 83 Porcber's 88 Eight-mile Turu't. 94 Charleston 102 SAVANNAH & CHARLESTON RAILROAD. Charleston St. Andrew's i John's Isl. Ferry, P^ Rantowle's 11} Glover's IT} New Road 19 Adams' Run 23 Jacksonsboro 29\ Ashepoo 35 Whitehall 43} Salkehatchie 50} Yemassee 53 Pocotaligo S5 Coosawhatehie 61 Grahamville. 70 Hardeeviile 83} Montcith 9:^} SaTaunah. 104 CAIRO & VINCENNES RAILROAD. O. &>M. June... Vinc^nnes 1 St. Francisvillc... 9 Allend;ve 15 Mt. CarmA 24 Keensburg 31 Logan 32 Grayville 40 Crossville 48 Carmi , 56 Brownsville 61 Norris City 68 Eldorado 81 Harrisburg 88 Stonefort 102 Burnside 106 Tunnel Hill 112 Vienna 122 Grand Chain 135 Mound City 150 Cairo 156 CHICAGO, DUBUQUE & MINNESOTA AND CHICAGO, CLINTON & DUBUQUE RAILROADS. Iia Crosse La Crescent 2 S. M. R. R. Jn 5 Brownsville 12 Sumner 19 New Albin 26 Lansing 37 Harper's Ferry... 62 Yellow River 60 North McGregor.. 63 McGregor 65 Clayton 74 Guttenberg 83 Turkey River 90 Buena Vista 94 Waupeton 98 Specht's Ferry 105 Peru Ill Dubuque 118 Massey 124 Gordon's Ferry. ..132 Bcllevue 140 Green Island 150 Sabula 160 Lyons 176 Clinton 178 Sterling 206 Dixon 218 Chicago 316 ARKANSAS CENTRAL RAILWAY. Clarendon Duncan 8 Holly Grove 10 Palmer's 18 Marvell 27 BigCreek 31 Barton 35 Bushville 38 Helena 43 GREEN BAY & MINNESOTA RAILWAY. Green Bay Oneida 10 Seymour 17 Black Creek 23 Shiocton 31 New London 39 Royalton 46 Manawa 60 Ogdensburg 55 Scandinavia 61 Amherst 70 Plover 82 Grand Rapids 96 Dexterville Ill Scranton 119 Black River 142 Merrilan 149 Alma Center 153 Hixton 159 Taylor 166 Blair 172 Whitehall 179 Arcadia 193 Marshland 210 Winona .215 83 PROVIDENCE & WORCESTER RAILROAD. Providenc* Pawtucket 4 Valley Fails G Lonsdale 7 Asliton Albion 11 Manville 12 Woonsocket IG Waterford 17 Blackstone 18 Millvillo 20 Uxbridge 25 Whitin's 2G North bridge 31 Farnum's 33 Saundersville 34 Sutton 35 Millbury 37 Worcester June..., 42 AVorcester 43 WORCESTER & NASHUA RAILROAD. Worcester WestBoylston 9 Oakdale 10 Sterling June 12 CUnton 17 Lancaster 13 Still River 23 Harvard 25 Air Junction 28 Groton Centre 31 Pepperell 36 Iloilis 39 Nasliua 46 SOUTH SHORE RAILROAD. Boston Braintree 10 East Braintree... 11 Weymouth 11|- N. Weymouth.... 13 E. Weymouth.... U^ AVest Hingham... ICf Hingham 17^ | OldColonyHouse 18 Nantasket 19 Colxasset 2H BOSTON, CLINTON & FITCHBURG RAILROAD. Boston lv's 23 Thompson's 33 Union Springs 40 3-Notch Road 49 Midway 53 Sprin,? Hill 62 Fort Browdor 66 Kufaula 80 WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Cliattanoosa... Boyce 7 Chickamauga 12 Graysville 18 Ringgold 24 Tunnel Hill 32 Dalton 39 Tilton 48 Resaca 54 Calhoun 60 McDaniel's 64 Adairsville 70 Hall's 75 Kingston 80 Cass 86 Rogers' 88 Cartersville 91 Atowah 92 Stegall's 95 Alatoona 98 Ackworth 103 Big Shanty llO Marietta 118 Smyrna 123 Vinning's 127 Bolton 131 Atlant a 1.38 Atlanta 138 Newnan 139 West Point 186 Opelika 208 Chehaw 234 Montgomery ..274 PIEDMONT AIR-LINE. Richmond & Danville Railroad. Rlcliniond R., F. &P. Jn 2 Coalfield 13 Powhatan 22 Amelia Ct. House, 36 Burkville 53 Keysvillo 73 Roanoke 90 Clover 94 Scottsburg 101 Boston 109 Barksdale 127 Ringgold 135 Danville 141 Ruffin 156 Reidsville 165 Crreeusboro 189 North Carolina Division East. Greensljoro Company Shops.... 21 Mebanesville 32 Durham 55 Morrisvilk' 69 Cary 73 Clayton 96 Selma 109 Princeton 118 Qoidsboro 130 HlUsboro 41 | Raleigh 81 North-west North Carolina Railroad. Greensboro 1 New Garden 7 I Kernersville 18 Salem Junction ... 3 I Friendship 10 ) 8alem 29 North Carolina Division West. Riclimond i Thomasville 211 Greensboro 189 Lexington 222 High Point 204 | Salis))ury 238 Atlanta and Richmond Air-Line, Concord 251 Air-Lino Jn 281 Cliarlotte 282 Air-Iiine Jn...281 Charlotte 282 Gastonia 304 Galiney's 337 Spartanburg 357 Greenville.. 389 Seneca City 427 Toccoa City 454 Gainesville 494 Norcross 527 Atlanta 547 89 CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Charlotte Morrow's 11 Rocky Hills 26 Smith's 35 Lewis' 38 Chester 45 Cornwall's 53 Blackstock's 57 Woodward's 59 White Oak 64 Winnsboro 72 Simpson's 73 Doko 91 Killian's 97 Columbia 110 W., C. &A. Jn 113 Arthur's 117 Lexington 124 Bar's Landing 128 Summit 136 Batesville 143 Ridge Spring 153 Johnston's 162 Pine House 169 Adams' T.0 171 Mile's Mill 174 Graniteville 184 Burns' T. O Ifll Dead Fall 194 Augrnsta 196 CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA. Savannali Pooler 13 Eden 20 Egypt 40 Oliver 45 Halcyondale 50 Savaiiiiali. Millen Lawton Scarborough 70 Millen 79 Cushingville 83 Bostwick 99 Sebastopol 103 Spiers' Ill Augusta Branch. Munnerlyn 90 Waynesboro 100 McBean 112 Tennille 134 Oconee 146 Tomsboro 154 Gordon 170 Griswold 181 Macon 192 Allen's 123 Augriuta 132 Milledgeville & Eatonton Branch. SaTannah 1 Milledgeville 187 I Dennis 200 Gordon 170 Meriwether 195 f^atonton 208 South- Western Division. Macon Scago 8 Echeconnee 12 Jackson 17 Fort Valley 26 Everett's 39 Reynolds' 42 Butler 50 Howard 60 Juniper 74 Box Spring 77 Macon Howard's 8 Crawford's 15 Forsyth 27 Collier's 32 Goggin's 38 Upatoi Columbus. Marshal Iville. Winchester... iMontezuma... Anderson.. .. Americus. Sumpter Smithville . 80 ^0 . 36 . 39 . 49 . 60 . 71 . 80 . 83 Smithrille Adams' Wooten 96 Albany 107 Atlanta Division, Barnesville 43 Milner 49 Thornton's 54 Griffin 60 Fayette 67 Smithville 83 Dawson 98 Graves' 102 Cuthbert 118 Ji;nction 120 Morris' 128 Hatcher 134 Georgetown 142 Eufaula 144 Lovejoy's 76 Jonesboro 82 Morrow 87 East Point 97 Atlanta 103 MORGAN'S LOUISIANA & TEXAS RAILROAD. Algiers Gretna 3 Jefferson 12 St. Charles 18 Des Allemandes... 32 Raceland 40 Ewing's 46 Lafourche 52 Terrebonc 55 Chucahoula CI Tigerville 66 Bayou Boeuf. 73 Brashear 80 Morgan's Steamships. Gaiveston 320 90 MOBILE & MONTGOMERY RAILROAD. Montgomery .. McGehee's 10 Pintlala 13 Gilmer's 16 Letohatchie 21 Calhoun 28 Fort Deposit 3:5 Summit 36 Greenville 44 Boiling 53 Georgiana. 60 Garland 67 Gravella 76 Evergreen 81 Sparta 86 Castlcberry 91 Brewton 106 Pollard. 114 Junction 119 Evans' Mills 125 Canoe ^ 129 Williams' 134 Perdido _ 142 Dyas Creek 147 Bay Minette„ 154 Carpenter's 160 Tensas 163 Mobile River 165 Magazine Point. ..176 Mobile 178 WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA. West Point..... Cusseta 11 Rough -and-Ready 18 Opeiika 22 Auburn 28 Lochapoka 85 Notasulga 42 Chehaw 48 Franklin 54 Cowle's 58 Shorter's 65 Cllett's 68 Mount Meigs 74 Montgomery 88 Mobile Junction.. 90 Manack 101 Lowndesboro 107 White Hall 113 Benton 119 Alabama River.. ..127 Selm» 138 MOBILE & OHIO RAILROAD. Colnmbus Clinton 7 Moscow 13 Jordan, Ky 20 Union City, Tenn. 26 Troy 31 Crockett 45 Kenton 43 Rutherford 48 Trenton 59 Humboldt 70 Carroll 79 Jackson, Tenn 87 Pinson 98 Henderson 103 Bethel 120 Ramer, Tenn 132 Corinth, Miss 143 Rienzi 156 Boonvillc 164 Baldwyn 175 Saltillo 185 Tupelo 193 Verona 198 Shannon 203 Okolona 211 Egypt 219 Prairie 227 Muldon 231 Loohatan - 282 West Point 240 Tibbee 245 Mayhew 248 Artesia 253 Crawford 2G2 Brooksville 266 Macon 274 Scooba 296 Sucarnochee 303 Narkeeta 809 Tamola ...314 Lauderdale 319 Lockhart 325 Marion 332 Meridian 337 Okatibbee 342 Enterprise 352 Quitman 363 De Soto 368 Shubuta 376 Red Blufr. 379 Waynesboro 390 Winchester 395 Buckatunna 401 State Line, Mis-s...409 Bienville, Ala 418 Escatawpa 421 Deer Park 428 Langdon 443 Beaver Meadow. ..447 Oak Grove 458 Toulminville 469 Mobile 472 ASHTABULA, YOUNGSTOWN & PITTSBURG RAILROAD. Pittsburgr Lawrence Jn 47 Covert's Mills 50 Edenburg 52 Seymour 53 Quakertown 55 Ix»well 57 Stnither's 60 Haselton 02 Youngstown 65 Briar Hill 67 Girard 70 Nilcs 75 Warren 80 A. & G. W. R. W.. 81 Champion 85 Bristol Centre 91 North Bristol 93 Bloomfield 96 Orwell 101 Rock Creek 109 Eagleville 113 Austinburg 117 Ashtabula, 124 L.S.&M.8.K.W_125 91 ELTZABETHTOWN & PADUCAH RAILROAD liOwisville Elizabothtowu 42 Ceciliau Jn 48 Stephensburg 52 East View 56 West Clifty 66 Grayson Springs.. 69 Litchfield 73 Milwood 79 Caneyville 85 Spring Lick 89 Horse Branch 98 Rosine 102 Elm Lick 105 Beaver Dam 110 Hamilton's 114 Rockport 119 Green River 120 Nelson Creek 123 Owensboro Jn 128 Greenville 135 Gordon 139 Bakersport 146 Nortonville 152 Woodruff. 159 RAILROAD. Scottsburg ..178 Princeton .182 Dulancr .187 Eddyville .193 Kuttawa .196 Cumberland Riv ..200 The Narrows .203 Clear Pond .207 Calvert City ..210 Lawton's Bluff... .219 Clark's River.... .2-23 Paducali ..227 NEW ORLEANS & MOBILE RAILROAD. IVe^v Oi'leaiis.. Junction Gentilly Lee Micheaud Chef Menteur Lake Catharine... Rigolet's Look-Out Grand Plain Toulme 45 Bay St. Louis 62 Henderson's Pt... 55 Pass Christian 58 Scott 64 Mississippi City... 71 Harrison 74 Biloxi 80 Ocean Springs 84 Belle Fouta'no.... 90 West Pascagoula.. 97 East Pascagoula...lOO Murray 108 Grand Bay 115 St. Elmo 121 Fowl River 127 Webb's Landing..l32 Mobile 140 GREENVILLE & COLUMBIA RAILROAD. Colnmbin Frost's Mill 6 Littleton 16 Alston 25 Hope's 29 Pomaria 31 Newberry 47 Helena 48 Silver Street 54 Saluda Old Town, 59 Chappell's 64 Ninety-six 75 Greenwood 84 Cokesbury 93 Barmore's 99 Donald's 102 Honea Path 108 Belton 116 Williamson 123 Golden Grove 133 Ga-eenville 141 HOUSTON & TEXAS CENTRAL RAILWAY. Houston Eureka 5 Gum Island 12 Thompson's 18 Cypress 25 Hockley 35 Waller 40 Hempstead 50 Hempstead 50 Chappel Hill 61 Brenham 71 Bremond 142 Reagan 151 Marlin 160 Perry 168 Harrison 178 Waco 1 87 Bremond 142 Kosse 155 Thornton 161 Groesbeck 170 Burton 84 Ledbctter 96 Giddings' 106 Paige 117 MacDade 128 Elgin 138 Manor 150 Austin 164 Hempstead 50 Howth 65 Waco Brnnrh. Mexia 181 Tehuacaua 189 Richland 199 < orsicana 211 Courtney 62 Navasota 70 Millican 80 Wellborn 88 Bryan 99 Benchley 107 Hearne 120 Calvert 128 Hammond 140 Bremond 142 Corsicana 211 Rice 221 Ennis 231 Palmer 239 Hutchins' 254 Miller 260 Dallas 265 Richardson 277 Piano 282 McKinney 296 Melissa 302 Van Alstyne 312 Howe 319 Sherman 329 Denison 338 Red Hi V. City ..341 92 MEMPHIS & LITTLE ROCK BAILROAD. MempKis Hopefield 2 Eiceville 12 Edmondson 17 Black Fish Siding 33 Madison 41 Forrest City 45 L'Anguille 51 Palestine 53 Goodwin 59 Wheatley 65 Brinkley 70 Du Vall'sBlutf 87 Hazen's 94 Carlisle 103 McCreanor's 106 Lonoke 112 Kerr's 121 Galloway 125 Argenta 133 Little Hoclc 134 INTERNATIONAL, HOUSTON & GREAT NORTHERN R. R. Lane Star Route. Houston Prairie 12 Westfield 19 Spring 23 Haltonfs 27 Egypt 80 Neubarth 35 Stevens' 38 Munger's 39 Henry's 42 Willis 47 Waverly 55 Phelps 66 Dodge 71 Riverside 79 Trinity 85 Lovolady 99 Crockett 114 Grapeland 127 Elkhart 139 Palestine 152 Rockdale Milano 10 Gause 20 Hearne 80 Englewood 45 Lake 55 Marquez 66 Jewett 77 Keechi 94 Oakwoods 104 Douglas 113 Palestine 121 Palestine 152 Neches 164 Peters' 167 Earl's 170 Jacksonville 180 Reynolds' 186 Troupe 198 Overton 211 Kilgore 223 Longyiew 235 Marshal 259 Jefferson 275 Texarkana 334 Little Rock 479 Memphis 613 Poplar Bluff. 659 Cairo 731 St. Louis 825 Cincinnati 1078 Louisville 1060 Indianapolis 1003 Chicago 1096 Buffalo 1468 Detroit 1321 Washington 1545 Baltimore 1585 Philadelphia 1683 New York 1773 Boston 1966 ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE RAILROAD. Ateliison Cummins 11 Nortonville 16 Nichols 20 Grasshopper 26 Rock Creek 35 Mcriden 39 Muddy Creek 44 North Topeka 49 Topeka 50 Pauline 56 Wakarusa 62 Carbondale 67 Scranton 72 Burlinganm 77 Pcterton 80 Osage City 85 Arvonia 92 Reading 96 Horton 104 Emporia Jn 110 Emporia Ill Plymouth 121 Satford 123 EUinor 126 Cottonwood 131 Elmdale 138 Hunt's 144 Cedar Grove 150 Florence 156 Peabody 167 Walton 178 Newton 185 Newton 6 Sedgewick C:Uy.... 10 Valley Centre 16 Wichit a .27 Newton .'..1S5 Ilalstead 194 Burton 203 Hutchinson 213 Nickerson 227 Peace 236 Raymond 248 Eilinwood 259 Great Bend 269 Pawnee Rock 282 Earned 291 Garfield 302 Nettleton 309 Kinsley 318 Siding No. 2 320 Spearville 335 Dodge City 352 Cimmaron 370 Pierceville 389 Sherlock 4m Lakin 432 Auhrey 440 Syracuse 453 Sargent 467 GJ-rena.d,a 480 93 CHICAGO & ST. PAUL THROUGH LINE. Clticago Harvard 63 Beloit 90 Madison 138 Baraboo 175 Wonowoc 205 ElroT/ MotUe. Elroy 212 Camp Douglas 225 Black River Falls,265 Humbird 282 Augusta 298 Eau Claire 321 Menoiuonee 344 Hudson 389 Stillwater Jn 394 St. Paul 409 Minneapolis 420 Dulntli 565 CAIRO & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD. Sast St. Lonis East Carondelet... 8 Columbia 14 Attica 19 Waterloo 23 Burksville 27 Cambria 32 Red Bird 37 Baldwin 45 Houston 49 Sparta 54 Rosborough 59 Percy 64 Bradley 70 Ava „ 75 Gillsburgh 82 Marph.ysboro. 90 CALIFORNIA PACIFIC RAILROAD. SanFrancisco I Yallejo 25 I Napa Jn. South Vallejo 24 1 | 31 IVapa Jn 31 Napa 39 Oak Knoll 45 Napa Branch. Yountville 48 Oakville §2 Rutherford 54 Bello 56 St. Helena 58 Calistoga 66 Main lAne. Napa Jn 31 Creston 35 Bridgeport 39 Fairfield 44 Vaca 55 Batavia 59 Dixon 63 Davis' 71 S»acramento ... 84 Marysville Branch. Sacramento.... Woodland 81 I Knigrlit's lidg. 90 Davis' 71 1 Curtis' 85 | PROVIDENCE &. SPRINGFIELD RAILROAD. Providence Olneyville 2 Manton 4 Allendale 5 Centerdale 6 Allenville 8 Georgiaville 9 Stillwater 10 Tarkiln 17 Oakland 19 Harrisvillc 21 Pascoas 23 BUFFALO & JAMESTOWN RAILROAD. Bnfialo Junction 8 Limestone Ridge 6 Big Tree 9 Abbott Road 11 Hamburg 13 Eden Valley 17 Eden Centre 19 North Colhns 23 Liawton's 27 94 ATLANTIC & GULF EAILROAD. Savannali Miller's 10 Way's 16 Fleming's 24 Mcintosh 32 Walthourville 39 Johnson 46 Doctortown 53 Jesup 57 Screven 68 Patterson 77 Blackshear 86 SaTannali Jesup 57 Lawton 131 Forrest 141 Tebeauville 97 Glenmore 108 Argyle 115 Homersville 122 Lawton 131 Stockton 139 Naylor 144 Valdosta 157 Ousley's 166 Quitman 174 Dixie 181 Boston 188 Florida Division. Statenville 151 Jasper 163 Suwanee 171 Live Oak 179 Thomasville 200 Oklonee 211 Pelham 224 Camilla 232 Baconton 242 Hardaway 250 Albany 258 Cairo 214 Wingham 221 Climax 228 Bainbridge 2S6 Lake City 203 Baldvrin 243 Jacksonville 263 Tallahassee 263 ATLANTIC, GULF & WEST INDIA TRANSIT COMPANY'S RAILROAD. Femandina... Hart's Road 12 Callahan 27 Dutton 36 Baldwin 47 Trail Ridge 62 Starke 73 Waldo 84 Gainesville 98 Aredonda 104 Archer 113 Bronson 123 Otter Creek 134 Palmetto 145 Cedar Keys 155 JACKSONVILLE, PENSACOLA & MOBILE RAILROAD. Jacksonville.. White House 11 Baldwin 19 Darby's Still 28 Sanderson 37 Olustee 47 Lake City 59 Welborn 71 Houston 76 Live Oak 82 Ellaville 95 Madison 110 Goodman's 124 Aucilia 131 Junction 133 Lloyd's 147 Chaire's 153 Tallahassee 165 Midway 177 Quincy 189 Mount Pleasant...l98 Cliattali'cliee..206 MEMPHIS & CHARLESTON RAILROAD. Mempliis Buntyn 5 White's 9 Germantown 15 Bailey 19 Collierville 23 La Fayette 31 Moscow 39 Somerville 52 La Grange 49 Grand Junction... 52 Saulsbury 68 64-mile Siding 64 Middleton 69 Pocahontas 74 Big Hill 79 Chewalla , 84 Corinth 93 Burnsville 107 luka 115 Margurem 124 Dickson 127 Cherokee 129 Barton 133 Pride's 139 Tuscumbia 145 Leighton 156 Town Creek 103 Courtland 169 Hillsboro 176 Trinity 182 Decatur 188 Mooresville 195 Madison 203 Huntsville 212 Brownsboro 223 Gurley's 229 Paint Rock 233 Woodville 237 Larkinsvillc 248 Scottsboro 254 Bellefonte 259 Facklcr's 265 Stevenson 271 {N. & a E. E.) Cliattanooga ...310 96 MACON & BRUNSWICK RAILROAD. Macon Junction 1 Reid 8 BuUard 15 Buzzard Roost 2J) Cochran 38 Dubois 46 Eastman 56 Chaunccy G6 McRae 76 Town's 85 Lumber City 93 Graham 106 Baxley 116 Surrency 126 Satilla 136 Jcsup 146 Pendarvis 156 Buffalo 166 Sterling 176 Bruus-wick 186 SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. Coliimltia Hampton's 6 Hopkins' 12 Gadsden 20 Kingsville 25 Fort Motte 31 Lewisville 38 Jamison's 44 Orangeburg 51 Branchvillc 68 Beeves' 85 George's 89 Ross' 100 Kidgeville 106 Summerville 115 Sincath's 124 Cliarlestou 137 AUGUSTA TO BRANCHVIL.I.E. Augwsta Marsh's 9 Aiken 17 Windsor 30 Williston 38 Blackville 47 Graham's 56 Midway 65 Braucliville... 75 MISSISSIPPI CENTRAL, NEW ORLEANS, JACKSON & GREAT NORTHERN, AND MISSISSIPPI & TENNESSEE RAILROADS. The Great Jackson Route. IVew Orleans... Kenner 10 Bayou deSair .30 Manchac 37 Poncliatoula 48 Hammond 53 Amite 68 Tangipahoa 79 Osyka 88 Magnolia 98 McComb City 105 Summit 108 Johnston 112 BogueChitto 119 Brookhavi^'n 129 Beauregard 139 Hazlehurst 149 Crystal Springs. ..158 Terry 167 Byrara 174 Jackson 183 Tngaloo 190 Madison 195 Calhoun 199 Canton 206 Ways Blutf. 216 Vaughan 220 Pickens 227 Goodman ..234 Durant 242 West 251 Vaiden 261 62-raile Siding 268 Winona 272 Duck Hill 283 Elliott 287 Grenada 295 Torrance 303 Coffeeville 310 Water Valley 324 Taylor's .333 Oxford 341 Abbeville 351 Holly Springs 370 Hudsonville! .378 Lamar 383 Davis' Mill 391 Grand Junction. ..395 Middleburg 407 Bolivar 411 Toons 421 Medon 430 Harrisburg 437 Jackson 441 M. &0. Jn 442 Oakfield 449 Medina 455 Milan 464 Idlewild 472 Kimball 475 Greenfield 481 Sharon 487 Frost 495 Edgar, Teun ."iOO Fulton 506 Alexander 512 Clinton 520 Arlington 528 Fort Jefferson 541 Fillmore, Ky 545 Cairo, 111 548 96 VICKSBURG & MERIDIAN RAILROAD. Vlckslmrg BoYina 10 Edwards' 18 Midway 22^ Bolton 27 Clinton 35 Jackson 45 Howell ^H Brandon oS^ Pelahatchie 70 Boler's ^•• Morton 79 Forest 90 Lake 99 Lawrence 105 Newtoa 109 Hickory 116 Clnmky 122 Golden Grove 129 Meridian 140 ALABAMA & CHATTANOOGA RAILROAD. Greenwood 74 Maxwell's 204 Rease's 82 Carthage 213 Attalia 87 Akron 22o Cliattanoosa... Wauhatchie 6 Wild wood.... 9 Morganville 12 Trenton 18 Dademont 23 Rising Fawn 20 Cloverdale 28 Sulphur Springs... 32 Eureka 34 Valley Head 30 Hollonian's 46 Fort Payne 51 Brandon's 56 Porterville 61 Collins ville 65 Steel's 95 Ashville 102 Springville 115 Trussville 131 Elyton 144 Jonesboro 155 Tannehilla 167 Green Pond 170 Farrer's Mill 174 Clement's 183 Kennidale 191 Tuscaloosa 198 Eutaw 233 Haysville 239 Boligee 243 Epps' 250 Livingston 259 Hookas 263 York 2G9 Cuba 274 Kewanee 279 Toorasuba 283 Russell's 290 Meridian 295 SELMA, ROME & DALTON RAILROAD. Selma Burnsville 9 Plantersville 22 Maplesville 32 Randolph 40 Ashby 49 Briartield 51 Montevallo 55 Calera 62 Shelby Springs 66 Columbiana 72 Wilsonville 81 Childersburg 90 Alpine 99 Talladega 109 Munford 120 Oxford 130 Blue Mountain. ...135 Jacksonville 145 Patona 158 Ladiga 160 Minturn's 168 Pryor's 173 Cave Springs 180 Yann's Valley 182 Six Mile 191 Rome 197 Plainville 208 Skelly's 213 Sugar Valley 221 Stark's 230 Dal&ou 236 FLORIDA CENTRAL BAILROAD. Jacksonville.. White House 11 Baldwin 19 Darbyville 28 Sanderson 37 Olustee 47 £,akeCity 60 NORTH LOUISIANA & TEXAS RAILROAD. Vicks'bnrg (Ferry.) Delta Mounds 6 California 10 Barnes 13 Tallulah 17 Lake One 21 i Rayville 51 Quebec 24 Girard 64 "Waverly 31 Delhi 35 Carpenter's 40 Bee Bayou 47 97 Crew Lake 58 Lafourche 61 Gordon 64 Monroe 72 GALVESTON. HOUSTON A HENDERSON EAILROAD. Galveston Poolville 3 Eagle Grove 4 Virginia Point 6 Highland 12 Dickenson 20 Clear Creek 24 Summit 33 Allen 39 llarrisburg 43 Houston 49 MIDLAND PACIFIC RAILWAY. Nebraska City Summit 6 Dunbar 11 Arlington 16 Syracuse 23 Unadilla 27 Palmyra 34 Bennet -11 Cheney's 47 State iPrisou 55 Lincoln 57 Woodlawn 63 Mount Pleasant... 76 Se\«-arcl 83 MILWAUKEE, LAKE SHORE & WESTERN RAILROAD. Mil^vanlcee . ... Lake Shore Jn 4 Whitefish Bay 4 Dillmann's 10 Mequon 13 Ulao 20 Port Washington, 25 Decker's 30 Belgium 33 I\IANSFIELD, COLDWATER & LAKE MICHIGAN RAILROAD. Cedar Grove 38 Oostburg 42 Wilson 46 Sheboygan 52 Centreville 64 Manitowoc 77 Branch 84 Cato 88 Grimms 91 Recdville 94 Spring Creek 99 Forest Junction...l04 Dundas 108 Kaukuna 112 Little Chute 115 Applctoii 120 Plttsbwrg Manstield .Junction 7 Vernon 12 Hines 14 Dekalb 17 New Washington 24 Attica Pike 28 Bloomville 34 Tiffin 44 Bettsville 53 L. E. & Lou. Cr'g. 56 Helena 60 Gibsonburgh 64 Woodvillc 68 Walbridge 80 Toledo 86 PARIS & DECATUR RAILROAD. Paris May's 5 Iledmon 10 Isabel 15 Oakland 20 nindsboro 27 Areola 36 Filmore 41 Arthur 46 Williamsburg 51 Lovington 55 Lake City 60 HervcyCity 67 Mattoon Mattoon Jn 1 Coles 6 Taylor's 8 Nelson 10 Sullivan 14 Hampton 19 Bethany 23 Dalton 29 Hervey City 33 Hervey City 67 Mount Zion 69 111. Cent. Jn 75 Decatur 76 MISSOURI, IOWA & NEBRASKA RAILWAY. Alexandria Clark City 13 Cahoka 15 Luray 24 Arbela 32 Memphis 40 Downing 51 Lancaster 61 Glenwood 66 Dean 74 Sedan 78 CentreTille 65 LAKE SHORE & TUSCARAWAS VALLEY RAILROAD. Black River... Elyria 8 Grafton 16 Medina 30 Seville 39 Russell 42 Warwick 63 Fulton 66 MassIUon 66 Dover 88 New Philadelphia 91 IJricliNvtile 100 98 SHEBOYGAN & FOND DU LAC RAILWAY. Calvary 30 Rosendale 55 Summit 36 Kipon. 63 Taycheedah 40 Green Lake 69 Fond du Lae 43 Laraartine 47 Eldorado 52 Sliel>oygan Sheboygan Falls.. 5 Decca 10 Plymouth 14 Glenbeulah 20 St. Cloud 26 St. Marie 72 Princeton 88 EVANSVILLE, TERRE HAUTE & CHICAGO RAILROAD. Eugene 37 Terre Haute... Ellsworth 5 L.,C. &S. W. Jn.. 6 Atherton H Numa 12 Clinton 15 Summit Grove 20 Early 22 Highland 25 Opedce 28 Newport 31 Perrysville 44 I., B. & W. Jn.... 52 Danville Jn 54^ Danville 55 DAYTON & UNION RAILROAD. Dayton Trotwood 7 Weaver's 10 Brookville l"> Dodson 15 National Road 16 Baltimore 19 Gordon's 21 Arcanum 26 Delisle 2S Jay's 31 Greenville 35 Rush's 39 Hillgrove 44 Union 47 EVANSVILLE, CAIRO & MEMPHIS Cave-in-Rock Mt. Hurricane Elizabethtown STEAM PACKET CO. Evansville Henderson 12 West Franklin.... 24 Mount Vernon .... 40 Uniontown 62 Raleigh 63 Shawneetown 67 Caseyville 82 Weston 87 Ford's Ferry 89 Rosa Glare Mineral City . Carrsville Parkinson's... Golconda Bay City 92 98 102 105 106 108 111 118 128 Birdsville 131 Smithland 137 New Liberty 140 Paducah 150 Metropolis 160 Ogden's 175 Caledonia 185 Mound City 194 Cairo 200 PADUCAH & MEMPHIS RAILROAD. Padncali Bond's 5 Florence 9 Boaz 14 Viola IG Hickory 20 Mayfield 26 Pryor's 32 Wingo 37 Morse 44 Fulton 50 Pierce 53 Harris 66 Paducah Jn 59 Troy 63 Polk's 68 Obion 74 Trimble 78 OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD. Portland Milwaukee 7 Clackamas 11 Oregon City 16 Rock Island 20 Canby 25 Aurora 29 Hubbard 33 Gervais 40 Salem 53 Turner 61 Marion 67 Jefferson 72 Albany 81 Tangent 87 Ilalsey 98 Ilarrisburg 106 Junction HO 99 Eugene 124 Creswell 135 Latham 145 Divide 148 Comstock 156 Drains 161 Rice Hill 173 Oakland 181 lioseburg .200 GENERAL DISTANCES BY RAILROAD FROM NEW YORK CITY TO Adrian, Mich 748 Albany, N. Y 143 Alexandria, Va 237 Algiers, La 1,503 Allegheny, Pa 432 Allentown, Pa 92 Alton, 111 1,053 Annapolis, Md 226 Ann Arbor, Mich 717 Atchison, Kan 1,360 Atlanta, Ga 952 Auburn, N. Y 317 Augusta, Me 403 Augusta, Ga 837 Aurora, 111 938 Akron, Ohio 610 Alliance, Ohio 529 Baltimore, Md 1S8 Bangor, Me 478 Bath, Me 3R0 Baton Itouge, La 1,320 Belfast, Me 424 Bellefontaine, Ohio 698 Binghamton, N. Y 215 Blackstone, Mass 206 Bloomington, 111 9S4 Boston, Mass 230 Bridgeport, Conn 59 Bristol, R. 1 175 BuHalo,N.Y 423 Burlington, Iowa 1,106 Burlington, Yt 304 Cambridge, Mass 234 Canandaigua, N. Y 865 Carson City, Nev 2,S00 Chambersburg, Pa 234 Charleston, S. C 817 Charleston, Mass 231 Chattanooga, Tenn .'-50 Chelsea, Mass 234 Chicago, 111 899 Chillicothe, Ohio 679 Cincinnati, Ohio 744 Circleville, Ohio 714 Cleveland Ohio 581 Columbia, S. C 749 Columbus, Ohio 624 Corning, N. Y 291 Concord, N. II 298 Covington, Kv 745 Cumberland, Md 366 Danville, Pa 501 Davenport, Iowa 1,082 Dayton, Ohio 695 Dfdham, Mass Denver, Col Des Moines, Iowa.... Detroit, Idich Dover, N. H Dubuque, Iowa Dunkirk, N.Y Easton,Pa Elmira, N. Y Erie, Pa Evansville, Ind Fall River, Mass Fitchburg, Mass Ft. Kearney, Keb.... Ft. Wayne, Ind Fredericksburg, Va., Freeport, 111 Galena, 111 Galesburg, 111 Galveston, Texas (lettysburg. Pa Hamilton, Ohio Harrisburg, Pa Hartford, Conn , Indianapolis, Ind.... Jackson, Miss Jefferson City, Mo.. Kalamazoo, Mich Knoxville,Tenn Lafayette, Ind , Lansing, Mich Lawrence, ISIass Leavenworth, Kan. Lexington, Ky , Lexington, Mo Little Rock, Ark.... Lockport, N. Y Louisville, Ky Lowell, Mass Lynchburg, Va Lynn, Mass ]\Iacon, Ga Madison, Ind Madison, Wis Memphis, Tenn MerideUjConn Milledgeville.Ga.... Milwaukee, Wis Mobile, Ala Montgomery, Ala... Montpelier, Vt Nashua, N. H Nashville, Tenn New Albany, Ind... 240 1,980 1,256 679 298 1,087 460 75 274 486 994 180 230 1,598 751 299 1,020 1,070 1,063 1,900 228 730 182 110 812 1,319 1,210 823 740 876 . 725 , 256 . 1,393 . 844 . 1,554 , 1,430 . 428 . 852 . 256 . 406 , 241 . 1,055 . 841 . 1,037 . 1,159 92 . i)90 . <;-53 . 1,332 . 1,127 . 344 . 263 . 1,001 . 853 ItO PROM NEW YORK CITY TO— Coiitiiiiied. New Bedford, Mass 201 Newburg.N.Y r.2 Newbury poi't, ]Ma.--s 270 New Haven, Conn 70 New Orleans, La 1,502 Newport, Ky 744 Newport, R. I li>2 Omaha, Neb 1,?)9() Oswegj, N. Y 237 Peki-a,Ill 1,005 Peo/ia 111 995 Petersburg, Va 383 Pittsburg, Pa 431 Portland, Me 841 Providence, R. 1 188 Philadelphia, Pa 88 Quincv,Ill 1,102 Raleigh, N.C 537 Reading, Pa 128 Richmond, Va S58 Rochester, N. Y 871 Rock Island, 111 1,081 Rome, N.Y 253 Roxbury, Mass 238 Sacramento, Cal 3,172 Siico, Me 330 St. Joseph, Mo 1.337 St. Louis, Mo 1,098 St Paul, Minn 1,390 Sa'em, Mass 255 Salt Lake City, Utah 2,405 San Francisco, Cal 3,310 Sandusky, Ohio 259 Savannah, Ga 877 Scranton, Pa 147 Springfield, 111 1,035 Springfield, Mass 138 Springfield, Ohio 712 Staunton, Va 494 Steubenville, Ohio 474 Stonington, C-onn 138 Syracuse, N. Y 290 Tallahassee, Fla 1,190 Taunton, Mass 197 Terre Haute, Ind 826 Toledo, Ohio 694 Tonawanda, N. Y 463 Troy, N. Y 148 TTtica,N.Y 238 Vicksburg, Miss 1,400 "Washington, D. C 230 Wheeling, W. Va 541 Wilmington, Del 118 Wilmington, N . C 606 AVorcester, Mass 191 Zanesville, Ohio 610 FROM BOSTON, MASS., TO Albany, N. Y 201 Annapolis, Md 458 Bangor, Me 245 Baltimore, Md 422 Concord, N. H 73 Columbia, S. C 975 Charleston, S. C 1,110 Columbus, Ohio 872 Cincinnati, Ohio 992 Chicago, 111 1,020 Dover, Del 400 Detroit, Mich 736 Des Moines, Iowa 1,377 P'itchburg, Mass 60 Indianapolis, Ind 1,060 Jackson, Miss 1,5.55 Little Rock, Ark 1,006 Lansing, Mich 842 Louisvine,Ky 1,120 Lecompton, Kan 1,054 Lowell, Mass 26 Milwaukee, Wis T,010 Madison, Wis 1,158 Montpelier. Vt 204 Milledgeville, Ga 1,192 Montgomery, Ala 1,421 Mobile, Ala 1,607 Memphis, Tenn j,477 New Haveu, Conn 156 New York,N. Y .-- 236 New Orleans, La ,. 1,736 Nashville, Tenn 1,252 New Bedford, Mass 55 Newburyport, Mass 90 Omaha, Neb 1,511 Portland, Me 107 Raleigh, N. C 775 Richmond, Va 592 Savannah, Ga 1,113 St. Louis,Mo 1,334 St. Paul, Minn.. 1,410 Springfield, HI 1,271 Springfield, Mass 98 Saco, Me 94 Salem, Mass 16 Taunton, Mass 33 Wilmington, D( 1 352 Washington, D. C 402 Wheeling, W. Va 775 Worcester, !Mass 44 101 PROM PITTSBURG, PA., TO New York, N. Y... Newark, Ohio Nashville, Teuu.... Odin, 111 Quincy, 111 Richmond, Ind St. Louis, Mo Springfield, Ohio.., Springfield, 111 , Terra Haute, Ind.. Toledo, Ohio Urbana, Ohio Washington, I). C. Xenia, Ohio , Zanesville, Ohio..., Anderson, Ind 359 Baltimore, Md 334 Boston, Mass G7t Cleveland, Ohio 150 Cairo, 111 71G Dayton, Ohio 2G4 Decatur, 111 550 Detroit, Mich 323 Jefferson City, Mo 773 Kansas City, Mo 933 Louisville, Ky 450 Lafayette, Ind 445 Logansport., Ind 390 Madison, Wis GOG Mattoon, 111 524 FROM PHII^DEIiPHIA, PA., Albany, N. Y 240 Joliet, 111 Alliance, Ohio 979 Jackson, Miss Alton, 111 990 Kansas City, Mo Annapolis, Md 134 Atlanta, Ga 1,278 Baton Rouge, La 1,766 Bellefontaine,Ohio 609 Blooraington, 111 949 Boston, Mass , 324 Buffalo, N. Y 442 Burlington, Iowa 1,030 Catawissa, Pa 145 Canaudaigua, N. Y 352 Cairo, 111 1,053 Cedar Falls, Iowa 1,111 Carlisle, Pa 126 Cincinnati, Ohio 667 Chicago, 111 823 Chattanooga, Ten n 762 Cheyenne, W. T 1,838 Charleston, S. C 786 Corry, Pa 410 Concord, N. II 897 Columbia, S. C 651 Clayton, Del 65 Columbus, Ohio 648 Cleveland, Ohio 505 Crestline, Ohio 544 Dayton, Ohio 619 Des Moines, Iowa 1,180 Detroit, Mich C83 Decatur, 111 936 Dover, Del 76 Elmira, N. Y 283 Evansville, Ind 911 Forest, Ohio 685 Ft. Wayne, Ind 675 Gettysburg, Pa 135 Galena, 111 995 Huntsville, Ala l,i:).l Indianapolis, Ind 736 TO Lansing, Mich. Louisville, Ky Lafayette, Ind Leavenworth, Kan.... Lebanon, Pa Madison, Ind Mattoon, 111 Milwaukee, Wis Memphis. Tenn Montpelior, Vt Mobile, Ala Nashville, Tenn New Haven, Conn New Orleans, La Newark, Ohio Niagara Falls, N. Y... Omaha, Neb Oil City, Pa Piqua, Ohio Portland, Me Pittsburg, Pa Quincy, 111 Richmond, Va Richmond, Ind Rock Island, 111 Sacramento, Cal Suit Lake City, Utah. Sandusky, Ohio Scranton, Pa Springfield, 111 Springfield, Ohio St. Louis, Mo St. Paul, Minn Terre Haute, Ind. Toledo, Ohio Washington, 1). C Wheeling. W. Va Xenia, Ohio 431 IGO 633 583 702 313 643 237 583 447 263 240 374 248 174 863 1,401 1,277 728 776 784 1,303 86 764 864 903 1,153 528 1,501 928 166 1,414 514 453 1,320 444 621 398 355 1,057 2G8 668 1,005 2,91)2 2,374 566 164 946 592 1,008 1,274 809 613 138 451 603 102 FROM BALTIMORE, MI>., TO Augusta, Me 559 Augusta, Ga 69(5 Atlanta, Ga 867 Albany, N. Y s:^8 Baton Kouge, La 1,3(10 Bangor, Me 6;U Bioomington, 111 782 Bowling Green, Ky 812 Boston, Mass 4:52 Burlington, Vt 499 Butlalo, N. Y 422 Cambridge, Md 187 Cairo, lit. 988 Canandaigua, N. Y 325 Charleston, S. C o87 Cleveland, Ohio 483 Chicago, 111 801 Cincinnati, Ohio 591 Columbus, Oliio 51o Culpeper, Va 109 Detroit, Mich 6(56 Denver, Col 1,811 Des Moines, Iowa 1,173 Elraira, N. Y 256 Frankfort, Kv 719 Fort Wayne, hid 707 Frederick, Md 61 Hagerstown, Md 103 Huntsville, Ala 761 Harrisburg, Pa 85 Hartford, Conn 300 Indianapolis, Ind 701 Lynchburg, Va 218 Louisville, Ky 698 Little Rock, Ark 1,057 Los Angeies, Cal 3,782 La Crosse, Wis 1,158 Leavenworth, Kan 1,210 Montgomery, Ala 999 Montpelier, Vt 626 MilledgevLle, Ga..... 770 Milwaukee, Wis 886 Macon, Ga 790 Mobile, Ala 1,185 Montreal, Canada 585 New Haven, Conn 264 NewYork, N. Y 188 New Orleans, La 1,316 Nashville, Tenn 830 New Castle, Del 76 Omaha, Neb 1,292 Pittsburg, Pa 333 Portland, Me 496 Providence, R . 1 376 Petersburg, Va 193 Placerville, Cal 3,066 Pueblo, Col 1,802 Peoria, 111 822 Pensacola, F!a 1,157 Portland, Oivkoii 3,760 Quebec, Canada 760 Raleigh, N. C 353 Richmond, Va 170 Rock Island, 111 983 Rochester, N. Y 354 San Francisco, Cal 3,206 Salt Lake City, Utah 2,332 Savannah, Ga 691 Springfield, Mass 326 St. Joseph, Mo 1,273 Selma, Ala 938 Springfield, 111 933 Sacramento, Cal 3,068 Salem, Oregon 3,709 Sitka, Alaska 4,740 Topeka, Kan 1,270 Terre Haute, Ind 779 Tallahassee, Fla 1,061 Warrenton, Va 87 Washington, D. C 40 Yankton, D. T 1,374 Zanesville, Ohio 458 FROM CINCINNATI, O., TO Alliance, Ohio 271 Akron, Ohio 246 Athens, Ohio 159 Albany. N. Y 738 Altoona, Pa 429 Annapolis, Md 548 Bcllefontaine, Ohio 117 Boston, Mass 870 Burlington, Iowa 447 Baltimore, Md 580 Bioomington, Ind 1G3 Bioomington, 111 307 Buffalo, N. Y 441 Columbus, Ohio 120 Chillicothe, Ohio 99 Cleveland, Ohio 258 Circleville, Ohio 104 Crestline, Ohio 183 Clyde, Ohio 198 Columbus, Ind 94 Concord, N. H 1,015 Cairo, 111 399 Columbia, S. C 676 Charleston, S. C 918 Dover, Del 706 Des Moines, Iowa 629 103 FROM CINCINNATI, O., TO— Coiitlnwed. Delaware, Ohio 145 Detroit, Micli 1*67 Dayton, Ohio 60 Dunkirk, N. Y 401 Dunleith, 111 482 Decatur, 111 ;^.00 Denver, Col 1,")63 Erie, Pa ;;53 Evansville, Ind 243 Frankfort, Ky 118 Fremont, Ohio 175 Frederick, Md 540 Fort Wayne, Ind 180 Fort Kearney, Neb 1,017 Forest, Ohio 153 Findlay, Ohio 186 Grafton, Ohio 233 Gallon, Ohio 177 Harrisburg, Pa 561 Helena, Ark 574 Indianapolis, Ind 113 Jackson, Miss 677 Jeffei-son City, Mo 465 Jelfersonville, Ind 136 Kenton, Ohio 142 Lafayette, Ind 179 Louisville, Ky 107 Lancaster, Ky 698 Little Rock, Ark t)67 Lecompton, Kan 800 Lima, Ohio 131 Logansport, Ind 177 Lansing, Mich 318 Montpelier, Vt 937 Milledgeville, Ga „ 764 Mansfield, Ohio 184 Montgomery, Ala 756 Madison, Ind 97 Madison, Wis 431 Muscatine, Iowa 516 Mitchell, Ind 127 Memphis, Tenn 484 New Albany, Ind 110 New Orleans, Lu 874 New York, N.y 744 Newark, Ohio 153 Nashville, Tenn 292 Omaha, Neb 741 Odin, 111 276 Portland, Oregon 2,100 Portland, Me 981 Pittsburg, Pa 313 Peru, Ind 17G Richmond, Va 638 Richmond, Ind 70 Raleigh, N. C 1,250 St. Jjoais, Mo 340 Springfield, Ohio 84 Savannah, Ga 874 Sidney, Ohio 100 Sacramento, Cal 2,513 Sandusky, Ohio 215 San Francisco, Cal 2,655 Seymour, Ind 87 ShelbYville, Ind 88 Salt Lake City, Utah 1,810 St, Paul, Minn 786 Springfield, 111 338 Tcrre Haute, lud 187 Toledo, Ohio 202 Urbana, Ohio 100 Yincennes, Ind 192 Washington, D.C 620 Wooster, Ohio 220 Wheeling, W. Ya 251 Wilmington, Del .-. 660 FROM ST. I.OUIS, MO., TO Albany, N. Y ". 1,128 AunapoMs, Md 940 Boston, Mass 1,320 Baltimore, Md 959 Brookfield, Mo 203 Boonville, Mo 232 Concord, N. H 1,392 Columbia, S. C 1,247 Charleston.S. C 1.377 Cincinnati, Ohio 340 Chicago, 111 , 280 Cairo, 111 200 Dover, Del i,046 Detroit, Mich 564 Davenport, Iowa i$44 Denver, Col 1.000 Des Moines, Iowa 196 Fort Kearney, Neb 1 Hermann, Mo Hannibal. Mo Independence, Mo Indianapolis, Ind JeftersoD City, Mo Jackson, Miss Kansas City, Mo Lexington, Mo Little Rock, Ark Louisville, Ky Lansing, Mich Lafayette, Ind...., Lecompton, Kan Leavenworth, Kan Mexico, Mo Milwaukee, Wis ,090 81 145 272 262 125 698 282 470 590 302 504 172 347 309 108 365 Km PROM ST. LOUIS, MO., TO-Coiitimied. Madison, Wis 418 Aloutpelier, Vt l^fio? Milledgeville, Ga I'oTo Montgomery, Ala 895 Memphis, Tenn 450 New Haven, Conn 1,1G0 New Orleans, La i,090 New York, N. Y i 084 Nashville, Tenn 455 Omaha, Neb 800 Pilot Knob, Mo 87 Portland, Me 1,492 Pittsburg, Pa 6o3 Philadelphia, Pa 1 008 JUileigh, N. C itichuioud, Va Hyraeuse N. Y St. Joseph, Mo Springtiold, Mo SavannalijGa Sacramento, San Francisco, Ca! [. 2 St. Paul, Minn Halt Lake Ci!v, Utah.. ".'.".".'.".", ] Washington, J). C Wilmington, Del... Wheeling, W. Va '.'.'.'.'.". Weston, Mo ,317 ,008 168 305 200 ,245 ,950 ,030 810 ,500 951 999 590 310 FROM IXDIAJ^APOmS, IND., TO Annapolis, Md 775 1 Memphis, Tenn 486 Anderson Ind 36 Muncie, iud " r.^ Albany, N.Y 1,013 Michigan City Iud I5fi ^::iooimngton Ind 81 Montpelier, Ytl 1 3^ LurliQffton. Iowa .^o« Madison, Ind '..^'.'.'.'"'° 86 New Albany, Ind ......' 112 New Orleans, La '..'. 862 Vr iQgton, Iowa 308 13edford, Ind 107 lialtimore, Md '. 743 uloston, " 10.55 (^olambus, Ind ' 41 Crawfordsville, Ind 70 Concord, N. H 1,157 Charleston, S. C '890 (yolumbus, Ohio .' 188 Cincinnati, Ohio 115 Chicago, 111 193 Detroit, Mich 290 Denver, Col ..[ 1262 Des Moines, Iowa 047 New York, N. Y 839 New Haven, Conn " g-jo Nashville, Teiin 293 Ottumwa, lova 383 Omaha, Neb 604 Philadeiphia, Pa... [ rsn Pittsburg, Pa SSI Prairie du Chien, Wis.... ..." 491 Portland, Me 1 903 Peru, Ind * '"75 Princeton, Ind "* 18S Dubvique, Iowa 381 Eushville, Ind 45 Ldinburg, Ind 30 Richmond, Va 1 oi3 l;aribault, Mmn 650 Kock Island, HI '.375 l;t. Wayne Ind 131 Salem, Ind.. 14? l^ranklin Ind 20 Seymour, Iud 59 Galena, H 364 St.Louis,Mo 059 Greencastle, Ind 20 ■ ««-» ^" — '..;.,„,, /-.^. - r.-:' Iowa City, Iowa 430 Teffersonville, Ind 108 Jackson, Miss 523 Little Rock, Ark 643 Lansing, Mich..... 390 Louisville, Ky 109 Lecompton, Kan (5^32 Lafayette, Ind '. 64 Lawrenceburg, Ind 95 Logansport, Ind ..'. 91 Leavenworth, Kan .....* 571 Mobile, Ala ."*' ^^43 -Milwaukee, Wis .....', 297 Madison, Wis ........'. 350 Milledgeville, Ga .".".' 79^ Montgomery, Ala 7.55 San Francisco, Cat 2 256 St. Paul, Minn '.'. '730 Savannah, Ga ' 790 Springfield, 111 [.Z 223 Sandusky, Ohio 213 Salt Lake City, Utah.....*.'.'.'.' 1 702 Sioux City, Iowa '735 St. Joseph, jVIo 108 Trenton, N. .7 ."."." 795 Thornton, Iud " 33 Terra Haute, Iud .....'.' 73 Urbana, 111 .\'* U7 Vincennes, Ind ., 104 Wilmington, Del .'.*' gn Wilmington, N. C 1 041 Wheeling, W. Va 325 Washington, D. C 639 105 FROM CHICAGO, IIJL., TO Altoona, Pa 584 Albany, N. Y 817 Annapolis, Md 834 Atlanta, Ga 795 Buffiilo, N. Y 542 Baltimore, Md 801 Bellefontaine, Ohio 273 Boston, Mass 1,020 Burlinscton, Iowa 207 Concord, N. H 1,0S3 Chattanooga, Tenn 657 Columbia, S. C 837 Charleston, S.C 1,103 Columbus, Ohio 814 Cincinnati, Ohio 293 Cleveland. Ohio 357 Council Bluffs, Iowa 488 Crestline, Ohio 271 Dayton, Ohio 264 Dubuque, Iowa 188 Dunkirk, N. Y 600 Dover, Del 898 Denver City, Col 1,113 Des Moines, Iowa 357 Erie, Pa 452 Evansville, Ind 338 Ft. Wayne, Ind 148 Ft. Kearney, Neb 682 Forest, Ohio 238 Grenada, Miss 698 Green Bay, Wis 242 Harrisburg, Pa 716 Hannibal, Mo 329 Hamilton, Ohio 238 Jackson, Miss 708 Kansas City, Mo 489 Little Rock, Ark 710 La Crosse, Wis 280 Louisville, Ky 297 Lansing, Mich 245 Lyons, Iowa 137 Logansport, Ind Lexington, Ky , Madison, Ind Mu8ca0 Charleston, S. C 1 300 Columbia River !l5|300 Constantinople, Turkey.... 6,435 Copenhagen, Denmark 5,825 Callao, Peru (via Pan.) 3,100 Dublin, Ireland 5,840 Gibraltar, Spain 4^700 Galveston, Texas 444 Halifax, N. S 2,650 Hamburg, Germany 5,520 Havana, Cuba 625 Havre, France 5,475 Kingston, Jamaica I,'o2o Lima, Peru io,765 Lisbon, Portugal 4,575 London, Eiigland 5,115 Liverpool, England 4,750 Madras, British India 11 276 Malta 5,720 Manila, Philiptne Islands.. '3,120 Monrovia, Africa 1,900 .107 FROM KEW OKL.EAKS, L.A., TO— Continued. J[elbourne, Australia 10,138 New York, N. Y l,7So Naples, Icaly 5,725 Panama, New Grenada 1,370 Pekin, China 14,775 Philadelphia, Pa 1,745 Pernambuco, Brazil 0,925 Quebec, Canada :>,450 Rio Janeiro, Brazil 5,150 Sandwich I., S. I. (via Pan.) 6,380 St. Petersburg, Eussia 6,500 Singapore, China 11,850 Smyrna, Asia Minor 6,400 Stockholm, Sweden 6,526 Tahiti, S. 1 11,475 Triest, Austria 6,525 Valparaiso, Chili 9,000 Vera Cruz, Mexico 820 Victoria, Australia 12,875 Washington, D. C 1,860 FR03I NEW YORK TO Alexandria, Egypt 5.075 i Archangel, Mich 4,320 Aspinwall, C. A. (via Hav.) 2,338 Amsterdam, Holland .3,510 Azores. Western Islands.... 2,240 Belfast, Ireland 2,8H5 Belize, Honduras 1,790 Baltimore, Md. (Ches. Bay) 4t;0 Boston, Mass. (Cape Cod;... 390 Bremen, Germany 8,575 Bordeaux, France 3,310 Bristol, England 3,010 Bru.ssels, Belgium 3,420 Buenos Ayres, S. A 6,120 Botany Bay, Australia 13,294 Batavia, Java 1.3,066 Bombay, India 11,574 Bermudas, W. 1 660 Copenhagen, Denmark 3,640 Calcutta, India(Pauama)... 13,400 Callao, Peru 3,500 Canton, China 10,600 Cape of Good Hope, Africa.. 6,838 Chagres, New Grenada 2,328 Charlestown, Mass 638 Cherbourg, France 3,125 Columbia River 15,965 Constantinople, Turkey 5,140 Coatzacoalcos River, Mex... 2,045 Dublin, Ireland 3,225 Edinburgh, Scotland 2,960 Galway, Ireland 3,000 Gibraltar, Spain 3,300 Glasgow, Scotland 2,926 Guayaquil,Ecuador(Pan.).. 2,800 Halifax, Nova Scotia 655 Havana, Cuba 1,280 Hamburg, Germany 3,775 Havre, France 3,148 Hong Kong, China 6,488 Kingston, Jamaica 1,635 Lima, Peru 11,310 Lisbon, Portugal 3,175 Liverpool, England 3,023 London, England 8,225 Manila, Philipino Islands..l0,750 Mazatlan, Mexico 4,000 Melbourne, Australia 11,165 Mobile, Ala 1,780 Monrovia, Africa 3,850 Madras, India 11,850 Malta 4,325 Nagasaki, Japan 9,800 New Orleans, La 1,785 Norfolk, Ya 300 Naples, Italy 4,330 Pekin, China 15,325 Panama, N. G. (via Isth.).... 2,377 Paris, France 3,700 Pensacola, Fla 1,750 Pernambuco, Brazil 4,780 Philadelphia, Pa 265 Quebec, Canada 1,400 Rio Janeiro, Brazil 5,920 St. Petersburg, Russia 4,420 Singapore, China 12,710 Sravrna. Turkev 5,000 Stockholm, Sweden 4,050 St. John's, N. B 800 San Bias, N. G. (via Pan.).. 3,800 San Diego, Mexico 4,600 Sandwich Islands, S. 1 7,157 San Francisco, Cal 5,249 San Francisco, Cal. (C.H.)..18,850 San Juan, C. A 2,270 Savannah, Ga 716 Shanghai, China (Pan.) 10,400 Shanghai (Pacific R. R.) 8,.555 Southampton, England 3,156 Tahiti, S. I. (via Panama).. 7,865 Tenerifle, C. 1 2,940 Triest, Austria 5,130 Valparaiso, Chili 4,800 Vera Cruz,Mcxico 2,200 Victoria, Australia 12,825 Vienna, Austria 4,100 Washington, D. C 400 Yokohama, Japan 7,520 108 FROM LONDOK TO . Amsterdam, Holland ,. 290 Baltimore, Md 3 700 Barbadoes, W. I s^'jso Batavia, Java 11 812 Bermudas, W. I ".'.." a,'l95 Bordeaux, France '758 Boston, Mass 8.125 Botany Bay., Australia 8'o40 Bombay, India 11,320 Buenos Ayres, S. A 6.'6S5 Calcutta, India 12^160 Canton, China 13'650 Cape Horn, S. A 7,'s50 Cape of Good Hope, Africa fi'^SO Chagres, New Grenada 4,650 Charleston, S. C 4 315 Columbia River .'.*......*.lo'l30 Constantinople, Turkey...'.' 3'2(50 Copenhagen, Denmark 710 Dublin, Ireland 590 Gibraltar Spain [[ 1 330 Halifax, N. S 2 750 Hamb- irg, Germany ..*. 420 Ilavanji, Cuba 4 gio Havre, France ,',,", 275 Kingston, Jamaica ," " 4L'iO Lima, Peru lo;73o Lisbon, Portugal 1 100 Liverpool, England 'eso Madras, British India 11,580 Malta 4 212 Manila, Philii)ine is'l'a'nds'.'.12!425 Monrovia, Africa 3475 Naples, Italy 2V0 New Orleans, La "" s'lio New York,N.Y ..', 3'375 Panama. New Grenada 4*70,0 Pekin, China Is'lOO Pernambuco, Brazil 4*450 Philadelphia, Pa 3*540 Quebec, Canada s'filO Rio Janeiro, Brazil 5*400 Sandwich Islands, S. 1 15*100 San Francisco, Cal 8,'200 St. Petersburg, Russia 1 375 Singapore, China 12,475 Smyrna, Asia Minor 3 120 Stockholm, Sweden 1 i^o Tahiti, S.I :::ii'85o Triest, Austria 3 220 Valparaiso, Chili 9*475 Vera Cruz. Mexico 5*140 Vv toria, Australia 12575 W^hingt. n, D. r 3;775 DISTANCES FROM LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND, TO IlttPORTANT SEA-PORTS OF THE WORI.I}. Baltimore, Md. , via Mercator and Great Circle q o^r Boston, Mass., v a Mercator's Bailing ^'^o Boston Mass., via Mercator and Great Circle oS Calcutta, India, v a Cape ot Good Hope ..: ip'^S Calcutta, India, via Cape Horn ^^'^^2 Calcutta, India, ,via Panama.. Tr'^^^ f S n^ ^r^* ot Lima), Peru, via Ca'p'e'Ho'rn:'.::: Jo'n^ Callao, Peru, via Panama 12,000 Canton, China, via Cape Horn.'. J,'^^^ caS on' PH?"^- ''^' S^p« «^ ^««^ Hope.:::::;:::::: -fMoo Ainton, China, via Panama.. f^'^^O .uayaquil, Ecuador, via Cane Horn ^-'^-^^ Guayquil, Ecuador, 'via Panama. .".'.'.'.'. l?'?^^ iSlew Orleans, La 5,150 Sw v°'f ' ^'-^ ^i«rc'a't'or''s'saiii'n'g:.'.'.'.':.':: HS N^^^'^a'" ^^^^^*- -'i «^-t circie:;':;::;:..:::::;::::::::: |«g Philadefphia,Pa.,vi'a'Grea't'circ'i; f'H^^ Shanghai, China, via Cape of Cood"nope.'::;'.'.:::::::::;::::;:::::::;:i8'5oo HEIGHTS OF THE PRINCIPAL MOUNTAINS OF THE WORLD. VEST. JEtna, a volcano in Sicily 10,1)00 Antisana, a farm-liouse. Republic of Equador 14,300 Ararat, resting-place of Noah's Ark, Armenia 12,700 Ben Nevis, highest in Great Britain, Scotland 4,400 Black Mountains, the highest of the Blue Eidgc, N. C 6,500 Blanc (Mount), Switzerland 15,900 Brown Mountain, highest of the Rocky Mountains, N. A 16,000 Chimborazo, Republic of Equador 21,400 Cotopaxi, the highest volcano, Equador 18,900 Dhawalaghiri, one of the Himalaya Mountains, Asia 25,500 Geesh, highest in Africa 15,100 Hecla, a volcano in Iceland 5,500 Himalaya, the highest in the world, Thibet 29,000 Junfrau, Alps, Switzerland 13,700 Lebanon, Syria 10,000 Mansfield ^Mount), highest of Green Mountains, Vermont... 4,300 Olympus, Greece 6,600 Ophir, Sumatra, East Indies 13,800 Parnassus, the home of the Muses, Greece 6,000 Perdu (Mount), highest of the Pyrenees, France 11,300 Popocatapetl, highest in Mexico 17,700 Roa (Mount), highest in Oceanica, Hawaii 17,500 Sinai (Mount), Arabia 8,200 Sorata, highest in America, Bolivia 25,400 St. Bernard, Switzerland 8,000 St. Elias, highest in North America, Russian Possessions 17,900 Stromboli, volcano in the Mediterranean Sea 3,000 Tenerifte (Peak of), one of the Canary Isles 12,000 Vesuvius, volcano, near Naples 3,900 TOTAL STATISTICS OF THE LAST UNITED STATES i CENSUS. The total population of the country is about thirty-eight and a quarter millions. Total number of deaths in tho ctirrent census year, 492,263, or about 1349 per diem. The births number 1,100,475, or about 3000 per diem. The blind number about 20,000. The deaf and dumb about 16,000. The idiotic about 24,000. The insane about 37,000, nearly one-third of whom are of foreign birth. Persons over 80 years of age number about 150,000. Persons over 90 years of age number about 7000. Persons over 100 years of ago number about 3500. Of those over 80 years, the females outnumber the males by about 12,000. Of those over 90 years, the females are in excess by about 1200. Of those over 100 years, the females exceed the males by about 1000. 110 LENGTHS OF THE PRINCIPAL RIVERS OF THE WORLD. BIVKKS. OOUNTBY. MILB3. Amazon South America 4,000 Amour Tartary 2,500 Arkansas United States 2,100 Burrampooter India 2,000 Colorado Nortii Mexico I,'l00 Columbia Oregon Territory l^lOO Danube Austria 1,800 Forth Scotland 'lOO Ganges British India 1,900 Hoang Ho China 3,100 Indus China ijgoo Irrawaddy Burman Empire 1,900 Kansas United States 1,400 Kianku China 3,200 La Plate South America 2!700 Mackenzie United States 2,800 Missouri and Mississippi United States 4300 Niger Africa 2400 fJil«"---V":-V ^^yP* 3,200 Oby and Irtish Siberia 2 900 Ohio United States 1,400 Oronoko Guiana 1 600 Para and Araguay Brazil 1,600 Red River Louisiana 2 100 Kio Grande Mexico 2 300 Rio Madeira Brazil 2'300 Rio Negro Columbia 1,600 l^^iiie Germany 'SOO Seine France 500 Senegal ....West Africa 1 400 St. Lawrence North America 1400 Tennessee United States 800 Thames England 200 Yenisei Siberia 2 600 LAWS FOR THE MILLION. A note dated on Sunday is void. If a note be lost or sto-len, it does not release the maker- ho must pay it. ' An endorser of a note is exempt from liability if not served with notice of its dishonor within twenty-four hours of its non- payment. Notes bear interest only when so stated. Each individual in partnership is responsible for the wholo amount of the debts of the firm. Ignorance of the law excuses no one. An agreement without consideration is void. Signatures in lead-pencil are good in law. A receipt for money is not legally conclusive. Contracts made on Sunday cannot be enforced. A contract made with a minor is void. A contract made with a lunatic is void. Ill EXCELLENT INTEREST RULES. The answer in each case heing in cents, separate the two ri»ht- hand figures of answer to express in dollars and cents. Four per cent. — Multiply the principal by the number of t lays to run, separate right-hand figure from product, and divide by f). Five per cent. — Multiply by number of days, and divide by 72. Six per cont.— Multiply 'by number of days, separate right-hi^nd figure, ana divide by 6. Eight per cent. — Multiply by number of days, and divide by 45. Nine per cent. — Multiply by number of days, separate right- hand figure, and divide by 4. Ten per cent. — Multiply by number of days, and divide by 3P Twelve per cent. — Multiply by number of days, separate riyt hand figure, and divide by 3. iht- DATES OF SOME IMPORTANT EVENTS A:^0 INVENTIONS. The Romans invaded Britain, under Julius Csesar, 55 B. C. British ambassadors sent to Home to form a treaty with Octaviua Augustus, 30 B. C. dlynipic games founded, 776 B. C. Pugilism introduced at the Olympic games, 688 B. C. First silver and copper money coined by Pheidon, King of A rgos, at iEgina, 895 B. C. First silver money coined at Rome, in the temple of . mo Moneta, whence we derive money, 48"2 B. C. The racehorse introduced at tlie Olympic games, 648 B. C. The first public library was founded at Athens, 526 B. C. Maps, globes, and dials were fir^t invented by Anaximande- h\ the sixth century before tlie Christian Era. They were 'rst brought into England by Bartholomew Columbus, in 1489. Insurance on ships and merchandise first made in A. D. 43. Saddles came into use in the fourth century. Horseshoes made of iron wore first used in 481. Stirrups were not made till a century later. Manuiacture of sHk brought from liidia into Europe in 551 Stone buildings and glass were introduced into England in • 1. Pens first made of quills in 635. Pleadings in courts of judicature introduced in 788. The figures of arithmetic brought into Europe by the San-c is in '.)91. Paper made of linen in 1300. The dei,'ree of Doctor first conferred in Europe, at Bologi =! in 1130; in England, 1208. The first rtgular bank was estaldished at Venice in 1157. The bank of Genoa was established in 1407; that of AmsterdaJi in 1G08 ; England, 1C94. Astrouomy and gi'ometry brought into England in 1220. Linen first made in England in 1253. Spectacles invented in 1280. The art of weaving introduced into England In 1330. Gunpowder invented at the city of Cologne, by Schwattz, 13i-0-40. Cannon first used at the siege of Algezira in 1342. 112 tf^ °§t^^'*<^'^%'oc>^^ V<"-'*'°** If j a / V <^areftilly arranged for the '''arellnjc Public of the^ XJ. S. if wM t t S!!a.n"a^ Kntered, Moordlng to act of Congress, la the year 1872, by THOMAS V. HASSAN ft CO., In the oSoe of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. igjlflmDiiiiiiiinmiiiinmimiMMmimnininffluiiuninniniiimminiinmnmMinii^ M. RILEY & CO., PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD [n^mmi I |i(iie|' |lniJii |al5c Fe&nsyhania Eailroad Depot, Thirty-first and Market Street, WEST PHILADELPHIA. Travelers will always find here the choicest delicaci of the season, served at the shortest notice; also, a we selected assortment of WINES, LIQUORS, and Zl^tJ^v constantly on hand. M.RILEY. C.F.SARGENT. H. C. LEAGl V r LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DiNINe HOOMB V IN THE BALtiMORE k OHIO RAILROAD DEPOT. Iiuncli in Boxes to Order. Raw, Roasted, Broiled, Panned, Fried, and Stewed. FRIED OYSTERS, in boxes, 50 cts. per doz.; 25 cts. per half doz. An assortment of FINE CONFECTIONS, WINES, LIQUOR CIGARS, AND TOBACCO. T. V. HASSAN, Proprietor.! A — (1 UNION NEWS CO. PACKERS, FORWARDERS AND Railroad News Contractors, No. 13 F^RK PL^CE, at^ew "Sfoss cj*ir« Jh.€3r-SSlJffmS 3POH. New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, Lake Shore &. Michigan Southern Railway, Erie Railway, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Harlem, and Delaware, Lackawanna &. Western Railroads. A. MCSORLEY & CO., LADIES' AND GENTS' Furnistiingyrf Goods Ske No. 2149 RIDGE AVENUE, PHILADELPHIA. Fine Linen Shirts and Collars, Ties, Bows, Scarfs, &o. Ladies' and Children's Underwear, our own manufacture- Hosiery, Notions, and Trimmings ; also, a full line of Jewelry and Fancy Goods, to /.-'.- Allen, Lane & Scott's RAILROAD AND MERCANTILE PRINTING HOUSE Ho. 238 South Fifth Stmt, BELOW WALNUT, PHIL ADELP HIA, LITHOGRAPHIO BONDs', DRAFTS, CHECKS, &c. PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Ruling and Binding in all its branches. "TO NEZVTS uA.GEZN'TS. ORDERS FOR THE AHERICAH AHD EUROPEAH Bistaace Tables SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO T. V. HASSAN & CO,, GENERAL NEWS AGENCY, Philadelphia, Wilm. & Baltimore R. R. Depot, i»mxj-A.x>:E5Xji»:Hcx.A.. LBJa'05 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS