''^^vhI■■■^^.^'.'- ^''' ■' ^> ■ ■yv^i'yfivt'v»'^aiu'B<;i,"'u'.T:'.'v. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS BURR BROTHERS, 114 Nassau Street, P.O. Box 436. New York, A^ "^"^z ' ^^^ ^AY23J893 T ' ^/_. C--^ ---Ttr -^.^ ,3- JU^^ . IjLfij^^-tt:^ X^:^ C!_l2_^JXZ-yU05L £ ■■^- Dr. Alcximdor Aiulm'Bon at the age of luuety-two. LIFE AND WORKS Alcxaxorr AxniiRSox, M.D., i'lRST AMERICAN woui) i:.\(;ra\ i;k. FRBDURIC M. BURR, A.M., {Aft'iit/ft'r of .W-Ti' York llistorual Socie/y.) TIIKEI-: I'ORTRAirS OF DR. A.VDERSOA; .I.VD OIEK rilIRT\ HXCRAIIKGS liV HI MSIil.l-. Ni;W YORK BURR BROTH HRS 1895. Ma^ .83 189.3 ^\^ Only. . 7. A^V. . ..copies oj this work have been printed. Tills copy ii No. . .7.^ COPYRIGHT Bv FREDERIC M. BURR 189?. ^ / From **The Looking Ulaas for tlic Mitul.'" One of Dr. Aiulcreon'e earliest \vood*cuts. PREFACE. /F A DisTrNGUiSHED aiithoi' has said that illustration stands second only to printing as a means of civili- zation. We should therefore i-egard the men who place the beauties of ai't within the reach of the multitude as most important factors in the improve- ment of the world. In this work the Father of American Wood-Engraving took a prominent part, accomplishing for liis native country what Bewick liad already done for England. The opportunities for studying the life and char- acter of this interesting man have been very limit- ed, as the only information generally accessible was IV PREFACE. contained in a Memorial written by Beu.son J. Lossing, the historian, and read before the New York Historical Society in 1870. This was printed for the snbscribers and had a small circulation. In addition several fugitive articles have appeared in difterent periodicals, and the " History of American Wood-Engraving" contains a brief account of its founder. In preparing the present work, the author has carefully studied the existing material, and lias made numerous extracts from the Diaiy of Dr. Anderson for the years 1 795-1 79.S. These extracts are particularly interesting as throwing a side light on the details of an uneventful but worthy and use- ful career. The illustrations, nearly forty in number, have been selected as showing his progress in the art from his earliest wood-cuts foi' " The Looking Glass for the Mind" to his own portrait, engraved in liis best style in his eighty-first yeai'. Thanks ai'e due to the many kind friends who have given their advice and assistance, and the author gladly takes this opportunity of acknowledg- ing his special oljligation to the following gentle- men : To Mr. George H. Baker, Librarian of Co- lumbia College, for the unrestricted use of Dr. An- PREFACE. V derson's Diary, uo\y preserved in manuscript iu the l^liiriiix Collection ; to ]\rr. ^^'illia^n Kell)y, Libra- rian III" the New ^'(iik Historical Society, for much valuable intbrmatiiiu, .iinl to Mi'. W. W. Pasko of " Tiie Typotheta>." F. iM. B. New Yokk, Mtuvh, ls«)H. l''ri)ni •• Tlio Looking Glass for.llie Miiul." Dm; of Dr. .Smlersoirs earliest wood-ciUs. CONTENTS. ('iiAi''i'Hi; I. r.\*;K CiiiLiiiiooii AND Youth i;5 CHAPTER II. E.viii.Y Mkdk'ai, Studies 19 (ilAPTEl! 111. FiusT Enckavincs ()\ Wool) 30 I'UAl'TEi; l\. Till-: KiMDEMic OF 1705 37 C'lIAI'TKi; V. Iliti Makuiage and Eaklv Sokuow 45 (ilAITKi; VI. Established as ax KN(ii;AVEit 5G CirAITKi; VII. Closing Yeaus ok his Life (i4 APPENDI.X A. Ai'Tor.iotwtAi'Hv OF Dii. Andi:hson 70 APPENDI.X B. Extracts FiioM Dit. Ani)hi!sox"s Diaiiv idi; iiii'; ^■EAKS 1795-1708 n:i ILLUSTUATlOWti. I'AGE PouTHAiT OK Dr. Andkuson at the age of ntnety-two, DKAWN BY AUCiUST Wll-L AND ENGUAVED BY ELIAS J. WlIIT- NEY Frontispiece. IlJ.USTUATION FnOM " TlIE LoOKINll Gl.ASS FOR THE MiNI)" iii Another Ilhsthatio.n from " The Looking Glass for the Mind" v Title-Page from " The Life of Benjamin Franklln" 15 Death's Pulpit, drawn and engraved by Dr. Anderson 21 IIoiA Family, DiiA\VN and encuavkd my Dr. Anderson. . 21 A Deer, an early engraving by Dr. Anderson 33 Poutr.^it of Benjamin Franklin 39 Cottage Scene, AN EARLY engraving by Dr. Anderson 44 Illustration from " The Like of Benjamin Franklin" 47 Cottage Scene, an early engraving by Dr. Anderson 51 Shepherd Dog, an early engraving by Dr. Anderson -55 Fac-simile ok a page krom " The Illustrated Primer" 59 Group of Sheep, an early engraving by Dr. Anderson 65 Engr.wing Tools used by Dr. Anderson ; kkcim a piioto- GR.\PH ^1 An Early Engraving by Dr. Anderson "4 Boating Scene, an early engraving by Dr. Anderson 75 Portrait of Dr. Anderson at the age of korty-four, DRAWN BY BrOWEKE 81 Boy and Swan, an eauly engraving by Dr. Anderson 87 An Early Engraving hy Dr. Anderson 90 Illustration from " The Life of Benjamin Franklin" 97 Country Scene, .\n early engraving by Dr. Anderson 103 X ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE " A Lovek's Complaint," as eari.v enguaving \:\ Du. Andku- 80N 109 Cat and Mouse, an early engraving hy Dr. Anderson 117 Illustration erom " The Liee ok Benjamin Franklin" 125 An Early Engraving by Dk. Anderson 131 Rural Scene, an early engraving by Dr. Anderson 135 King Lear, from Messrs. Cooledge & Brother's edition of Shakespeare 145 Garden Scene, an early engraving by Dr. Anderson 153 Illustration from " The Life of Ben.iamin Franklin" 101 Portrait of Dr. Anderson, engraved by himself in his eighty-first year 1()9 A Happy Family, an early engraving by Dr. Anderson 173 Rural Scene, an early engraving by Dr. Anderson 181 Two lLLU.STR.VnONS FROM THE OlD TESTAMENT 189 Country Scene, an early engraving by Dr. Anderson 197 The Widow and Orphans, an early engraving by Dr. An- derson 210 Wtt/i fke excfplion. of the Froiifisiii€ce,tht half-tone picture of the eiigrav'mf/ toola on pat/e li^ and the portrait oil page aiy the ilhuitrationa in this volume were all engraved bij Dr. Anderson. LIFE AND WORKS OF ALEXANDER ANDEHSOJN, M.l). LIFE AND WORKS OF ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. CHAPTER I. CIlILllIlixiI) AM) YiHTII. Alexander Anderson was )n>n\ in New" York, April LMst, 1775, in an luinil)le aliode near Beek- mau's Sli]). Ilis father, a Scotclinian, was thorough- ly inil)iie(l with repul)lican principles, which he ex- pressed so l)<)klly in a paper published ])y himself, entitled " The Constitutional Gazette," that he soon became famous as "John Anderson, the rebel printer." His fearless utterances were highly ob- noxious to the reigning powei', and, as the strife grew more bitter, he decided that discretion was the better pait of valor, and made preparations for fliglit. He succeeded in ivacliiiiu' F at a considerable pile of pi'ints, such as weiv issued from the London shops, among which were Hogarth's illusti'ations of the careers of the LUe and Industrious AiypreuUees, which made a strong impression upon my mind. These prints detei-- niinod my destiny." We can imagine the eager l)oy bending ovei- these masterpieces, and following out each line and curve, with the close attention of the true artist. He was not content, howevei-, with merely study- ing the pictures to which he had access, but often amused himself by coj)yiug them, employing for that purpose a Inrush and India ink, and faithfully rej)roduciug every line. He was ignorant of the means employed in making the engravings, and it was only through the kindness of a schoolmate, who had seen a description of it in Chambers's Cyclopedia, that he learned the jirocess of produc- tion. He iiiuiiediately carried some large copper pennies to a silversmith, and had them rolled into thin plates, upon which he made his first engrav- ings, using as a graver the back-spring of a pocket- knife ground to a sharp point. He was then only 18 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. twelve years of age, Imt already showed that seri- ous disposition and earnest application to woi'k for which he was afterward noted. At school he was a diligent student, and attained to some proficiency in the study of Greek and Latin. He was so anxious to see the effect of his first plate, a head of Paul Jones, that he constructed a rude roller-press in the gaiTet of his fatlier's house, and secured an impression in red oil paint. What a trying moment it must have been for the young enthusiast ! With trembling hand he care- fully fills the lines of the plate with oil paint (the only material he can obtain) ; then lays the paper, slightly dampened, upon it, and, last of all, applies the cumbrous roller. Will the experiment suc- ceed ? It must succeed, for he feels that his whole future depends upon it. He renKwes the roller, raises the papei-, and sees with rapture his first print. He afterward hired a blacksmith to make him better tools, and Avith these cut a number of small pictures of houses and ships on type-metal, which he disposed of in the newspaper ofiices. The pay was small, but as only one other person was en- o-aged in the same work in New York, he began to feel " of some consequence." CI I APT Ell II. EAIM.V MKDICAI, STi:|)IKS. Ills f'atlier, liaviiiLi,' obstMved tliat lie took great pleasure in stiulyiin;- and copying the illustrations of some medical woiks, determined to educate him for the pi'ofessiitn nf medicine, as he had no confi- dence in the success of his ai'tistic aspirations. Alexander left his woikshop under the eaves soon after his fourteenth Mithday, and entered as a student the office of Dr. Joseph Young, who had been a surgeon in the Continental army, and was a l>rother-iii-hi\v of (ieneral Schuyler. The young engraxci' had taken this step with great I'eluctance at his father's command ; but he found T)r. ^'ouIlg so luiiformly kind and [)leasant that he soon ceased to re[)ine at the change, and applied himself diligently to his work. For the ne.\t live \ears both mind and body were busily employed. At that period medical men combined till' duties of thcii- profession with the occupations of the a[)othecary, and tlie young student was fre- quently called upon to add the labors of a porter to 30 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. those of a rlerk, delivering tlie medicines he had already compounded. Notwithstanding his many cares, he did not entirely abandon his favorite pursnit, and in the intervals of study diligently })lied his graver, becom- ing so proficient in cutting initial letters that he was fre(|uently enijdoyed for that purj)ose by othei' engravers before he was eighteen years old. I n < )rder to take advantage of every spare moment, he was accustomed to carry his tools in his j)ocket, together with any l)lock upon which he happened to be engaged. This practice was continued until he fell downstairs one day, and w^as severely injured by the sharp point of the graver. The recomjjense for his art labors was small, but it was sufficient to keep him decently clothed and to pay for several courses of medical lectures. During this period he used his pen as well as his pencil, and in 17'.*."> his first composition in print ap- peared, l)eing "An Authentic, Surprising, and Won- derful Account of the ITnaccountable Old Man in the Highlands of Harlem Flats." He speaks slight- ingly of this perfoi'uiance, and it is pr\ a Frenchman during this very yeai-. He speaks of it as follow s ; " I proposed to mamma to walk to Corre's {uf 'J 1 >Skih' tStm't) to take a glass EARLY MEDICAL STI-DIES. 25 of iee-cie;iiii by wuy of ('.\|)t!iiiiKMit. She assented, ;ni(l I saw the pleasui-c this mark of attention gave her. W e e;wli took a ghxss (l.s. cacli), ami found it a very (U'licious lefreshmeut for warm weather. AVhile we were tliere some Freneli officers came eajieriug in upon the same errand. Mamma was mueh diverted at liearins: one of them exclaim that it was 'good for Hell.' CornVs phicc was called the ' ice-house.' " In 17'.'-!, when he was nineteen, he designed and enm'aved a commencement ticket for (/oluml)ia College, and from this time on was regularly em- [)loyed both with his pencil and gi-avei'. That he did not neglect his medical studies, howevei-, for the more fascinating work of engraving, is sufficiently shown by the fact that Di'. Young offered to make him a partner immediately after he ol^tained his license, in 1795, although he had only just passed his twentieth birthday. The formalities attending- the ifrantinof of this o rri o license are described bv Andei'son in his diar}' for April, 1795: '' Ai)ril Nth. I callctl upon the Mayor and ex- pressed my wish to undei'go an tsxamination foi- the pi'actiee of IMiysic. — lie directed me to ap])ly to Jud!2;e Benson — I t'ound iiim out. 26 ALEXANDKIt ANOKKSdN, M.D. " "J. I called ujHiu Judge Beu8i>ii who referred me to Judge Yates. Saw Judge Yates, Avho promised to ajipoiut an Exauiination. " 1:5. 1 called upon Judge Yates. — lie appointed for my E.xaminei's Dr. Bard, Dr. Rogers, Dr. Treat or in liis place Dr. Smith. I set oft' immediately in the rain to notify them. Dr. Hard dissuaded me from it, and objected to my youth. — This damped my spirits — but I was determined to go thi-ougli with the business. Dr. liogei's ga\ e me a more favorable reception. — Dr. Smith thought it would be improper for him to attend. — I theivfore call'd u[»on Di'. Treat in tlie evening — he excus'd hiuiself. I bespoke a room at Simmons's Tavern. '• 14. At 4, went with a [lalpitating heait to Simmous's. — The Physicians arrived, but as the Court was sitting no magistrate could attend except Judge Yates. — Some doubts ai'ose respecting the law. — The Judge went to the Mayors and discover- iug that the presence of 2 magistrates, at least, was indispensable — postpon'd the Examination 'till to-nioi'idw afternoon. The agitation of my mind brought on a degiee of fever whicii continued the i-cmaiuder of the day. "15. Arrived at Simnious's a few minutes after 4. Underwent an Kxamination of an hour's length "Iloly Kamily." (iniuii ami «-iiura\fil hy Dr. Aiulcrsoii. EARLT MEDICAL STUDIES. 29 by Drs. Bard, Rogers ife Nicoll. — After this I was desired to withdraw. " 16. Called at Siiiinions's A: paid the expenses of yesterday afternoon 2(),s\ — Fmin that I went to tlio Judge's lodging but he was out. — 1 met hiui after- wards in the street tt was informed that the Physicians had given a favorable report & the only objection to giving me a License was my non-age ; the matter would be decided next week. "21. Tliis day completes my 20th year — I have £'2U laid u]) — besides debts standing out — " 2S. I called upon Judge Yates, who informed me that I might make out my Patent. — I went to Mr. Hertell's & ell, a New York bookseller, to engrave one hun- dred geometrical figures on wood, for eacli of whieli lie was to receive fifty cents. Campbell furnished the wood, which was obtained from a maker of car- penters' tools, at the cost of four cents a block. He found that box-wood was very expensive, and at- tempted to use the wood of the pear-tree in its place ; but soon pei'ceived it was not suited for fine work, and returned to the better if more expensive medium. Moi-e than a year elapsed l)efore he ventured to use the new material for his more important engrav- ings. He tells us in his diaiy how often he was discouraged by finding cracks in the box-wood, but he persevered, seeing how much l)etter adapted it was to the purpose than tyj)e-metal ; and finally, in Septembei', \19-i, he decided to engrave a number of cuts on wood for an edition of " The Looking Glass for the Mind," which was being published by William Durell. He had conunenced the series on type-metal, but was not satisfied with the results, and it was not long after his successful experiment with wood 1>efore he entirely al)andoned the use of the former material. Such was the begiiniing of wood -engraving in this counti'y. A poor medical student, with rude 32 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. tools, niannfactured by an ordinary blacksmith, sustained only by his native genius, and Init scantily renuinerated, laid, in the face of the greatest diffi- culties, the foundations of the art that now occupies so prominent a position in the amusement and in- struction of millions. In February of ITOS, Anderson began a series of ilhistrations for " Wel)ster's Spelling Book," which Bunce tfe Co. were on the point of issuing. Of this work, it is said by Mr. Lossing, over 50,000,000 copies have been sold containing the original illus- trations. Latei- in this same year Andei'son seems to have liad his fii'st view of Bewick's illustraticjns, and he speaks of buying, on August 21st, " a History of Quadrupeds, with elegant wooden cuts for 2Hs." He was fond of scril)l)ling poetry as a relaxation, generally putting it in the form of a satirical or gossipy letter to some friend. An example of his style is found in liis diary for 1 7!'5, and is descrijitive of a journey to Kockawa}', wliit-h h;ul not yet ac- (piired its present popnlai'ity, and was conse(piently reasonable in its charges, his expenses for two days and a half lieing two dollars and a tjuarter. The letter was addressed to his mothei', and ran as fol- lows : % FIRST KNGKAVINOS ON WOOD. 35 " IfoCKAWAV, July Otll. My dear luaiiinia, and so fortli, 3011 No doubt expect as otliors do From absent folks, a line or two Of their all'airs and f'ii'eiimstaiiccs. Health, situation ami Finances. Of what adventures on the way. And how contrive to spend the ilay. Of these I'll give a trite detail If KecoHoction does not fad. — ily dinner eook'd and eat in haste, By one o'clock the ferry pass'd, Behold me at Aunt Carpendcr's — Must eat to dissipate her fears. At two the wagon hastens on. I sit as grand as Gilpin John, In sole possession of the Vehicle Except a lad the steeds to tickle. At fam'd Jamaica we arrive Somewhat about the hour of five. 'Die horses and myself half famished Were now at Public house replenished. Our course rcsuniM, the carriage roves O'er smoother roads, thro' shady groves. And e'er the Sun had dijip'd his head Quite sciss-ing hot in 's wat'ry bed That just before the close of day We find ourselves at Rockaway. We stop at N'anderbilt's, and tlici'c Methiuks I snutt' a purer air. Enquiries made of this and that. And how and where, and who and what. The time declar'd of my sojourning And ckc the day of my returning. \\\ cai'lv lied I simuht. and there 36 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. In Lethe's stream forgot all care. And now another morn apjDears. 1 rise betimes and rub my ears — My eyes I mean— and straight otT-hand I bend my conrse toward the strand. With vast surprise Old Ocean saw Obedient to his Maker's law : (A lesson this to you and me. We've Laws to 'l)ey as well as he). But Sea-ships and such things I tell ye Can never fill a hungry lielly. Well — iuinger does my steps recall — But why ilo 1 vour patience maul — Now mental food is requisite As well as corporal, is n't it ? To overhaul tlie l^ibrary Permission had, I there espy 'The lleidclbergian Oatecliism' ' A Book of Hymns t'exoite Devotion' — And lastly ' Scott on Klocution' — A violin pi'iicui'"d, I play As well as Orpheus, any day — For ])roof — tlie Negroes near me lurk And listen when they ought to work. But stop I my muse, and quit your caper, I fear you will run off the paper Your Son alfectionate ('till Death Shall knock us down and stop our breath) Has scratch'd these lines, and when he's done Subscribes himself A. Anderson. CIIAITEH IV. TIIK KriDKMIC OK 179;"). In 1795 tlie yellow-tVver hroke out in New York, ;ui(1 tlie young doctor performed hi.s work as a man and a pliysician noldy. He gave up bis engraving, and tiiok Ins ])lace as liouse surgeon at Bellevue Hospital, on a salary i>f t'oui' dollars a day. He thus speaks of his first day in his new position : " Aug. 24. Behold me in a new station and my mind in a state of confusion and perplexity. At 1(1 O'cldck I eallM on Dr. Smith and after sitting near 2 iiours, stepp'd into the Chair with him and away we posted to Bellevue. — After instructing me in my duty and introducing nie to the family and patients, he shook me affectionately by the hand and departed. There are 6 patients. The Family consists of ^h: Fisher, the steward, and his wife, Old Daddy, the gardener — an old negro, a black nurse and two white ones. I spent the after- noon in putting up medicines and arranging matters." At one time there were as many as foi-ty patients 38 ALKXANDKK ANDERSON, M.D. under his c;ue, iuid liis diary is i'ull of anxious thoughts and ho])es for tlieir recovery. Although less than twenty-one years old at that time, he showsa realizing sense of the gi'avity of Jiis position, and seems to have ins[)ired confidence in all who came in contact with him. In tlie midst of arduous labors lie found time to wiite stray articles for the magazines, among others an " Essay on Walking," which he lielieved would cure many disordei's. In the evenings he would take his violin and play old Scotch tunes by the hour. He gave so much satisfaction at Bellevue, where he remained neai'ly three months, that on retiring from that institution in the autumn, he was offered a place as physician to the New York Dispensary, at a salary of a thousand dollars. He declined the proffered honor, and I'eturned to his old avocations. His sensitive spirit shuddered at the dreadful responsibility resting upon the physician, and he was constantly thinking of the luicertainty attend- ing every case. Urged by his parents, he continued to })ractise for some }'ears, l:)ut it was always with reluctance, and he gladly seized the first opportunity to abandon an occupation repugnant to his feelings. He speaks of this feeling in his diary for October 1795 : Finiii "The Lifr c.f IliMij:iinin Franklin." t'li^ravod by Or. AmIpimhi fur MLt^srs. (Niolixlgc & ISrotlKT, iibout IKIH. I'liK EPiDEMir OF 179n. 41 "Sunday about '.* I went to town, found oni- people sitting I'ound tlie fii'e, ready for cliurcli. 1 received a sort of rebuke for refusing to offer my- self as candidate for the office of pliysieian to the Dispensary. My brother was not beliind hand in enforcing arguments. The letter I received fioni my mother was in tlie same style. I may have acted iinjirndently in ivfusing it, when proposed by Dr. Smith, but my feelings are entirely discoixlant with such an einplo^-meut ; besides, the engravings which I have unilertaken, and my unwillingness to disappoint my employers had great weight with lue. My present employment is much against the grain — a sense of duty and ac(pnescence in the will of God are the chief motives whieh detain me here." In 179(1 Anderson took the degree of Medical Doetor at (lohnnbia College, choosing "Chronic IMania" as the suiyect of his graduating thesis. The doctrine contained in that essay, and then first promulgated in due form, has since been accepted as substantially eorreet. lie gives the following ac- count in his diary of the examination and its at- tendant ceremonies : "March 14, 17i>(>. *At three I repair'd to the Col- lege and ivniained in SaltonstalTs room 'till the Pro- 42 ALEXANDEK ANDERSON, M.ll. fessors seut word that they were ready to examine me. They were Drs. Mitchill, Rogers, Hamersley Sz Hosack. I enter'd the room with rather more courage than I expected I should be able to muster, and was plied with questions for an hour and a half — being then desir'd to withdraw 1 returned to Saltonstall who was (puvering for his fate to-mor- row. — Dr. Mitchill afterwards informed me that I had given satisfaction, l)ut desired me as a matter of form to call on Dr. Bard tomorrow. — "April 12. I called at Dr. Hamersley 's and got one of the Histories of Diseases in older to com- ment upon it; this Ijeingthe next step in the gi'adua- tion business. "20. According to custom I presented tlie fee, £10, to the Dean. " Mav y. I dress 'd myself in Idack, and awaited with some dread the time for the Examination. . . . At 10 1 went to the College and staid with my companion in affliction 'till 11. The Professors, Trustees etc. began to assemble and among the rest, the Governor. We entei'ed the hall and seated ourselves at a table opposite the Medical Pi'ofes- soi's. Dr. Hosack l)egan first with me, and after i)uzzling me a little, ended with an encomium. Dr. Roo-ers next asked several questions for wliicli I IIIK KI'IIIKMIC OF 1795. 43 was better prepared.- After Saltoiistall had been examin'd on liis Tliesis by Mitcliill and Haniersley, we were desired to witlidi'aw. — At our retui-n tlie (.atli was ivad u lii.di we severally repeated and s\diserilied. 'I'lie l.usiness was l)e^■lIn and eoncluded with prayer. The Dijilonias were Iiaude(l tons to procni-e tlie signatures of the Professors. " May -t. I went to the College tliis mornino- where the students, iki-., were eolleeting. About 10 the procession was formed. Saltonstall and I joined it, and marched to St. Paul's with a liand of music. We were seated near the stage aiul attended the orations of the students. At :". P. M., the church was again opened. When the time arrivM for conferi'ing the degrees, my panic increased, but I ascended the stage and went through with the cere- mony with less confusion than I e.\])ected. Here I was dul)l>ed M. D. " ' //ir -finis Idlxiriiiii ' I should have said, had I not taken a peep into futurity. ^''^ "Saltonstall called niion me and we went to tlie Tontine Coft'ee house at eight o'clock in the evening to partake of the Commencement Supper. A num- ber of toasts were given, and I was at my wit's end to e\ade ks, \\liich lemained on his hands, he disniiss- cd his youthful assistant, and sold at auction the stock that had accumulated — some seven thousand volumes. The venture had cost him aljout ^lod, and he realized only a trifle from the auction. The young doctoi' now found himself sorely pressed for money, and was obliged to retrench in every possible way. 'i'lic approach of each (piarter day caused him the must painful anxiety, and he gives explicit details in his diary of his cfloi'ts to obtain the needed suj)plies. lie even sent his elec- trical machine, on which he had been laboring many months, to his father's auction rooms. Feeling the need of a greater reduction in their expenditures, he finally decided to I'emove to a cheaper house, in Lil)erty Street, eftecting by this means a saving of $!'()( I in rent. A))out this time, early in IT'.'N, he tlrew and en- graved on wood a t'ull-length iiuman skeleton, which he enlarged from Albiiuis' Anatomy. It was nearly three feet in length, and would be considered a ci'editable piece of work even in the present ad- vanced state of the art. He obtained sevei'al proofs 50 ALEXANDER ANDERSOT^, M.D. on a rude lever press of his own manufacture, luit the planks soon cracked and became worthless. The yellow-fever broke out with renewed vio- lence in 1798, and during the summer and autumn destroyed neai-ly every member of Andei-son's family. His infant son, who had been born on tlie 5th of April, died on July 3d. This was a tei'rilde bloAV to his sensitive spirit; but relentless Fate had still worse in store for him. In August he solicited and obtained the positimi of resident physician at Belle vue Ht)S])ital. He there made eveiy pi'ejiaration for fighting the dread j^estilence, but had hardly settled to his duties when he was sununoned to attend his brothei', who had been suddenly stricken. In three days this be- loved I'elative hatl passed away, and Anderson, having placed the remains in the coffin with his own hands, returned to the hospital. Two days latei- his father was taken violently ill, and he ivsolved to give up his position, so as to devote his entire time to the eaiv of one to whom he was so deeply attaclied. The disease made rapid progress, and in two days, on September 1 2tli, his father had bi-eath- ed his last. When the grief-sti'icken son had ]ierformed the last offices, he hastened to visit his young mai;ki.\(;k, and kaim.y soukow. 53 wife, whose health had liceii in a, [Ji-ccai'ious state since tlie death of iheii' infant child. She Inul removed to Hushwick, L(Hig Island, in liopes that the pniff air would revive her failini;' sti-eiie;tli. This hope was illusoiy ; tlie pestilence tunnd an easy victim in her enfeebled fiame. The ayouized hnsl)and recoids in his diary on Septend)er iL'th, that lie experienced a terrible shock- -" Tlie sight of my wife ghastly ami emaciated, constantly coughing and spitting struck me with liorr(^r." The next day he was inforiued of her death. 1 hat very evening h(>r remains were consigned to tlie earth, her father, nil it her, younger sister, and himself l)eing the only mourners. He writes in his diary of his suiprise at his own composure under such afflictions, and says, " I am I'ather disposed to impute it to despair than resignation." He now persuaded his mother to leave her deso- late home and reside with him. In the intervals of his many cares (he had V)een appointed one of the l)liysi('ians to the poor) he strove in every way to relieve the anguish of her spiiit, even while he was sufferiiiii' so intensely himself. His care was of short duration, Imwevei'. < )n Septemlier "2 1st, only nine days after the death nf his wife, his .nil'ection- ate niiither. the friend and counsellor of hisxoiith i f54 ALEXANDER AN DKIiSON, M.D. and iiiaiiliuod, was also taken tVoni liim. When the day was over lie made tlie following simple and pathetic entiy in his diaiy : "8epteml)er '21st. My Mother died at 10 this morning. 'I nevei' shall look upon her like again.'" Aftei' this last Idow he resigned his place as phy- sician to the pool-, saying tliat the hurry and an.xie- ty at such a time were more than he conkl hear. Three days later, en September 'J4th, his mother- in-law, Mi's. Van Vleck, who seems to have been a veiy amialde and estimable person, was seized liy the common enemy, and died in a few hours. In less than three weeks his sister-indaw, Polly, a cheerful and interesting companion, who had ear- nestly striven to lighten his burden of sorrow, began to show the first symptoms of the disease. With a naturally strong constitution, she struggled bravely against it, but finally succund)ed, and expired on October li'th. The young doctor, ever kind and considerate of the feelings of others, now passed much of his time in his father-in-law's family, seeking to relieve the pain so akin to his own. Toward the end of the month he made a brief visit in Stamford to see his aunt and grandmother, and on his return announced his intention of aban- MAUKIAdIC AND KAIM.V S()i;i:()\\. 55 (Idiiiiii;- the piactire of medicine, wliicli luul become liii;-lily distasteful i" liini. in this resoltitiini lie was sustained l)y several of his friends, who apjnovcd liis plan of devoting himself exclusively to engrav- ing. CHAPTER VI. ESTABLISHED AS AN ENGKAVER. 1)p:i'i;[ved of the agreeable companiousliip to wbich he had been accustomed, he was I'estless and unha})py ; and after a sHght attack of the epidemic, from which he quickly recovered, he resolved to pay a visit to tlie West Indies. lie accordingly set sail in the fo]h)wing Maicli, and spent sevei'al months with liis uncle, Dr. Alexander Anderson, who was king's l)otanist in the island of St. Vincent. The peaceful l)eauty of nature was as balm to his troubled feelings, and dui'ing his long rainV)les he accpiired a great fondness for plants and flowers, of which the trojiics ai'e so prodigal. This taste re- mained with him thiough life, and on his return to New York he was a frequent visitor at the Elgin Botanical (xarden, established in the early part of this century l)y Dr. David Hosack. The garden covered twenty acres, extending westward from the present line of Eifth Avenue, and along that avenue ESTAHLISIIED AS AN ENGHAVER. 57 from Forty-seventh to Fifty-first Street. This ti'act was afterward given Ity tlie leiiislature, wliirh \im\ purchased it from Dr. Ilosaek, to Columhia College, in whose possession it still remains. Audei-son's uiiele offered him a lucrative position, but he declined it, having resolved to devote himself entirely to engraving. He was in poor health and extremely melancholy — so much so, that foi' weeks together he woidd shun all society; then, rushing to the opposite extreme, wouhl enter iiit<> all kinds of dissipation. The balance wheel of his life was lii'oken. lie found a new one in his second wife, a sister of her whom he had lost. She gave him what he so much needed — a settled home and a fixed purpose. His was one of those natures that nnist have congenial companionship to appear at its best. This he now had, and he entered w itii spirit into his work. The only break in the daily routine was an occasioiud stroll in the country, in search of plants and Howers, or some sul)ject for his pen- cil. It was during this period of elation, following the previous depression, that he poured out his feel- ings in the (piaint verses given on the next page, arranging them for his favorite tune, " Whistle o'er the lave o't " : ^8 ALKXANDKK ANDKRSON, M.I). "A New 'Whistle o'kr the Lave o't; " We sliould ii;i fret oiirsel's to stane. Like Niobe, wlui's dead an' gaue. Nor blear our een out a' our lane, Rut whistle o'er the lave o't. " Gie me a man wha's een can blink, Wha's heart is free, wha's soul can think ; Wha's Clishma-Clarer care can sink. And whistle o'er tlie lave o't. •' Let Beauty's smiles illume the way. The murky glen through which we stray ; Thus may we live our little day, And wliistle o'er the lave o't. '■ A\'hen fortune shows a scowlin' hrow. And lays our fairest prospects low ; As pleasures fade, let reason grow, Then whistle o'er the lave o't. " But when she glints witli face serene And decks the warl' in gayest sheen. We'll aye distrust the fickle quean, And whistle o'er the lave o't. " And when anld DeatJi \vi' ruthless paw Shall cla])}ier claw us, ane and a', ^Ve maun submit to Nature's law. And whistle o"er tlie lave o't." Attention ! youth and children all, The author takes his chair, Rrsolvoti, for scholars great and small A Primek to jirepare. Ho surely is a learned chap, He shows it in his looks. His slippers, study-jj;o\vn, and cap, His tahlc, and his books. Our New Pictorial nuist claim, A frrst-rate book to bo ; And surely none will doubt the same, When they the author see. Kii^Kivivi l.v Dr. AiiiliTfim for tin- ■' lilus'lraU'il PriiiH-r,' piibiishcil In MessrH. (JnohMl'^e A Brother. ESTAIiLISIIKD AS AN 1<:N«KAVK1;. 61 Alxjut tills time iViidei-soii l>ec;inie iutiiuate witli Jdliii Roberts, whose ae(iu;untiince he liad first made In October, ITOO. lie liad come from Scot- land 111 1 7'.''">, and soon attracted attention l)y his genius and eccentric habits. Skilled in many branches of knowledge — in painting, engraving, mechanics, music, and mathematics — he lacked stability of character, and his irrey-ular habits were very uupk^asiug to a serious mind. Anderson, who had sought employment with him for the sake of studying the most improved methods of engraving, soon drojiped his acquaintance, having in the mean time, however, learned much that was new and important. Ordei's for engraving thronged upon lilm, and In ISOO he prepared the wood-cuts for an edition of "The Looking Glass for the Mind," publlslied by David Longworth, who refers to the illustrations in the foUowins: words: "Our native American orenius and artist, Dr. Alexander Anderson, executed the cuts tVir tills edition idJ on wood ;" and " if they do not equal Mr. Bewick's, whose pinductions in that line have justly gained lilm so great a reputation, and ai'e mentioned by the reviewers in England witli an aj)plause so highly merited, yet, wlieii the iiuiiu'rous op[>ortunltles there affoi'ded to the man fiS ALK.XANDKi; ANDEItSON, M.D. of g'eiiius for improvement, and for the want of which he languishes liere, ai-e considered, it must he admitted that Di'. Anderson's merit falls little short of Mr. Bewick's excellence." The same puldisher employed him in 1802 to redraw and engi-ave thi-ee hundi'ed of Bewick's illustrations in the "Quadru- peds," which Anderson said was " a lahoiious un- dei'taking and poorly paid." He also executed for Longworth, both on wood and copper, the engrav- ings for the early editions of Irving and Paulding's " Salmagundi." The doctor was an intimate friend of AVashingtou Irving, whom he often met in the various puldish- iug houses, and whose insti'uctor he was in the art of playing the clarionet. Mr. Irving always spoke of him in the pleasantest manner, and described him as being " handsome, artless, and full of good liumoi', and as gentle as a woman." Anderson engraved a number of pictures for the excellent set of small l)ooks issued l)y the Quakei' publisher, Samuel Wood, and for many years the publications of the American Ti'aet Society were illustrated with woo(bcuts designed and engraved liy him. His last iiu[)ortant engraving on co])pei- was made about tiie year 181"2, and represented the Last Suppei', after the original l)y Holbein. It was ESTABLISHKD AS AN ENGRAVER. 63 six inches by eight, ;iiid was considered u niagniti- cent specimen of the graphic art. Although an ex- cellent engraver on copper, he much preferred wood, and from this time on confined liimself almost ex- clusively to that material. Some of his wood-en- gravings were of considerable size, a series engraved in 181.S to illustrate the four seasons beins; nine and a half inches wide by twelve and a half long. "The ileshless monarch of the lioui-glass and scythe" had a great fascination for him, and he would often recur to subjects of that character. In 1800 he made fifty-two cuts for "Emblems of Mortality," issiied by John Babcock, a publisher in Hartford. They were repi-oduced from the English edition illustrated by Thomas and ,Iohn Bewick, which ap])eared in 1789, and wci-e in the style of Holl)ein's famous ''Dance of Death." A co]>y of this rare book is in the possession of Charles C. Moreau, Esq., who has a large collection of Ander- son's works, and has kindly given the author of this volume an opportunity of examining them. CHAPTER VII. CLOSIKG YEAKS OF HIS LIFE. All Dr. Anderson's pictures exhibit tlie same careful execution, and show plainly that he wias an artist as well as an engraver. Nothing is over- looked or slighted, even the smallest detail Ijeing worked up conscientiously. He was a close student of Bewick, and engraved in his style ; for with the eye of genius he saw that it \vas the true method. Like his English prototype, he was a lover of nature, and would spend his rare holidays in wandering- through the fields ; stopping here to gather some shy wild flower coyly hidden in the grass ; now gazing with wrapt and loving attention upon a sweet- voiced songstei', from whose feathered throat welled a stream of li(|uid melody; and anon pausing to i-est under a a\ ide-branching tree, Avhere, free fi'om all iuterniption, he could sketch the beauties arouud. He also made a close study of New York archi- tecture, and engraved for the " Mirror" (now the "Home Journal"), j)ul)lished by George P. Morris, a CLOSING YKAKS OK HIS LIKK. (57 series of eaixifully tixeciited wood-cuts of the old Dutcli buildings that were still standing: in the early part of the century. His work was in demand not only at home hut abroad, and for many years he furnislied religious pictures to Spanish printers in Mexico, South America, and the West Indies. When the party strife engendered by the Wai- of 1812 was at its lieight, he cut a number of cari- catures, those dealing with the subject of the em- bargo being especially good. They were designed by John Wesley Jarvis, and were suggested by a satirical poem written by William Culleu Bryant, then only thirteen years old. Di-. Andei-son was taken by the militaiy draft, notwithstanding his professional title, and was com- pelled to bear ai-ms as a soldier; but for a short time only, as he was fortunate enough to secure a substitute. On his return to the city he was em- j)loyed by the authorities to engrave the plates for the small j)aper money issued diii-ing the winter of 1814-15. At this time and, in I'.nct. until eleven years later, he had cmly two or tliive conipetitoi's in wood-engi'aviuL:- in this cuuiitry, and, ;is a conse- ([uence, made a comfortable li\ ing tor himself and fixmily. Mr. Lossing, the historian and engraver, says that 68 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. when he beffan his ^vol•k in New York there were not more tlian twenty professional wood-engravers ill tlie United States, and tliat when the fother of American eno-raviiifj died there were over four liundred. Dr. Anuldislied ; l)ut a year oi- so afterwai'd the daguerreotype was care- fully copied on wood, and the doctor was requested to engrave it for publication in the "London Art CLOSING YEARS OF HIS LIFE. 69 Journal." He was hoi-i-ified, and at first positively refused to do anything that woidd be so grossly egotistical. His objections were overcome, and the picture, which is cut in his Ijest style, aj)peared in the "Journal" for September, 1858. He was then in his eighty-fourth }ear, and those who knew him say that he had retained extraordinary \'igor both of body and mind. For nearly ten yeai-s longei- he was regularly em- ployed in engraving, and at the age of ninety-three cut a series of pictures foi- Barbei-'s " Historical Collections of New Jersey." This was the last work he did for a publisher. In 1868 he moved to Jersey City, and took uj) his residence with his son-in-law, Dr. Edwin Lewis, at 135 Wayne Street, where he died January 17th, 1870, a short time before his ninety-fifth birthday. The service was held in Trinity Church, New York, and the I'emaius were interred in Gi'eenwood Ceme- tery. Si.\ months l)efore his death he drew a picture upon a l)lock, and had partly engraved it, doing a little from time to time as his strength allowed, when the di'ead call came. During his latter years he en- graved many pictures for his own amusement, taking that method of preserving any design that happened 70 ALKXANDEIi ANDERSON, M.D. to strike his fancy. He ]i;ilioan ; and entering into the printing business published a paper, " The Constitutional Gazette," in opposition to Rivington's "Royal (xazette," and soon became conspicuous as John Anderson, the rebel printer. His business was prosperous till the British army approached the city which obliged him to pack uj) and fly. On his way to Connecticut by the Kingsbridge road, his wacrons were seized for the use of the American garrison at Fort Washington, and his books and 80 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. papers converted into carti'idges. Ilis paper money depreciated and soon l)ecame worthless and the consequences may be imagined. He, liowever, found a refuge for liis family among some friends of my mother (who was of the New England stock) at (xreenwich, Conn., while he made himself useful as captain of the alarm list on the dehataljle ground. My first recollections are those of playing on the shores of the Sound, building little huts among the rocks and roofing them with sea weed, delighted with everj^thing around me. My brother and myself, however, were under the rigid government of my mother, whose talents enabled her to give us some instructions. For want of ink she would dissolve indigo in water and the draw- ings of faces and flowers made their appearance and amused us dui'ing the evenings. Some pieces of type-metal ornaments which had escajjcd the wreck of the printing oflice became intei-estingobjects to me. The grotesque vignettes in old editions of books done when the artist had not the fear of criticism befoi'e his eyes had (diarms for me, and I am not ashamed to say something of that taste still I'emains with me. The old Dutch tiles around the fire place were so execrable that I remember look- intr at them with a. mixture of curiosity and disgust. APPENDIX A. 83 At times we were indulged with the sight of a large pile of pictures such as issued from the London print shops of that day. Among the rest Hogarth's Industrious and Idle Apprentice made a strong impressi(>n on my mind. As soon as peace was declared, the scene was changed to New York. I was put to school and drilled into the study of Latin and a little Gi'eek. I became a great i-eader. After devouring all the toy books of Ne\\l)ury, the first book of any conse- quence was ^sop's Fables and the next Dryden's Virgil, the engravings in which formed no small share of the entertainment. I was full of ])usiuess, carving little figures, making boats and fitting up a little cellar as a theatre ; for I had been favored with the sight of one play and it was an event not to be forgotten. I had my drawing books and my drawings were made by wetting a hair pencil in my mouth, rul)bing it on a bit of Indian ink and then imitating ])rints in line woi'k. One of my school- fellows had access to an Encyclopedia and there we found sonic instructions for engraving. Small pieces of copper were procured and pennies rolled out in the mill of a friendly silversmith, and when copper was scarce pewter was used. I did a head of Paul Jones and [)leasetl was I when 1 got an impres.sion 84 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. with red oil paint in a nule rolling press whioh I bad constructed. The first i^ravei' I used was the hack spring of a pocket knife ground to a point. An obliging blacksmith afterwards made some tools for me and I began to work in type metal. I engraved some small ships and sold them at the newspaper offices. Othei' little jobs followed and I produced some spare cash. As there was but one other person working in the same line I began to feel of some consequence. At length it was determined that I should become a physician, and at fourteen years of age, I left my workshop in the gari'et and entered Avith Di'. Joseph Young, a man whose goodness of heart and amiable manners I shall never forget. He had been a siu"- geon in the Revolutionary army and had tliat talent of ol)sei'vation wliich is sometimes deficient in men of greater celebrity, and was very successful in his practice. The study of physic in those days was different from what it is at present. The students compounded all the medicines ; delivered them to the patients and sometimes administered them. No small share of fatigue nttended this as our business was extensive. I continued this mode of life for five years, read- ing all the medical books within reach, and yet APPENUIX A. 85 foimd time foi- eiigfaviiig tor letter press and some on fopper, tlic pindiicts of which partly clothed me and paid for four (bourses of all the medical lectures, besides Natural Phllosopliy and a smattering of Frencli at evening school. ( )ni' of my earliest employers was William Durell w ho began with toy books and proceeded to larger uurks such as a folio edition of Josei)hus and ali()ve a hundred \'(dumes of British Classics. It was while engraving for him that 1 met with Bewick's works, and having witli difficultv jirocured some box wood, found the advantage of that material over type metal. Before I was of age I underwent an examination according t^i hiw and received a license to practice physic. My wayward fate in(hiced me to refuse the offer of a partnershiji witli my ol, we sat down to din- nei', about 12 in number. — I made myself pretty active in helping the company — but was aware how 1 help'd myself to mince pie again. — Ran home l)efore dark. I engrav'd a few strokes. — Benj. Tanner | call'd to know my price for the cuts of the Primer — I retui-n'd to tea — play'd a few tunes on the Violin — came home with Mamma before 8. 17th. Spent (kl for Raisins. — Return'd liulUn and * Williain Diirell, who began with toy books, but hud now attained to mucli greater things. He continued in business for a long time, being in 1705 at 208 Pearl street. He was a printer and stationer, as well as a bookseller. f The use of boxwood liad been discovered V)V Anderson the previous year, and souie ])ieces were procured with great diffi- culty for his experiments. Later, boxwood was regularly imported. It is to be noted that he invariably says " wooden" cuts instead of the modern usage, "wood cuts." \ Benjamin Tanner, an engraver of 2(J Frankfort street. APPENDIX B. 96 got NettJetou on \'irtiif IVoin Felldws's. — Dr. David- son proposes that I should take a trip with liiiii to St. Vincent's, next spring. — My Mother is utterly- averse to this scheme. — Evening. — At 7, according to invitation, [ went to Dr. Smith's, where I found eleven others who attend his Lectures. After spend- ing some time in sociable discourse, we were ask'd into another i-ooiu where an elegant supper was })rovide(l. — I evaded drinking more than a glass of wine & ate hut little. — Past 11 before I got home. •28th. I sat U]. till 12 last night.— My Brother* came home about 1. — I attended ('hem. L<'cture. — Spent fxl for figs &, paid ."xl (hie to Seaman's. — Mrs. Settersfield was at hi'eakfast with us tV: <;ave information of Aunt Carpender'sf ill state of health, from the continuance of a lingering Dysentery. — 1 came home at I '2, got ready some of Mr. Sacket's remedy (Butternut hark and Jerusalem Oak) and took over to her together with a bottle of w'ine — gave Kate directions for pi-eparing the medicine — ate some Supon ;{. S: Milk, and tiHM my pockets with * II is brother was a law student. f Mrs. C'arpender recovercil. licr lumic appearing in tlic tirst Broiiklyii Dircetdrv, wliicli was piil)iisli(Ml in 170(1. Slic was a widow. t Suppaau — the flour of niaizc, made up iiiln a ]iiidilincj by boiliiiij. and then eaten with nuik, snoar m- Miolasses. 96 ALEXANDKR ANDERSON, M.f*. apples wliifli slie forcM upon me; got. lionie l^efore '2, sat down and lieu'an anotlier eiit. — Acoordinn to DuielTs orders I spoke for d more liloeks of box- wood at Smith's. -Ml-. Henderson, schoolmaster from Long Island, di'ank tea at the Dr's. — My Brother John has pass'd his Examination, and, I have reason to believe, with credit. — Evening — Went to the College, where a few of our Medical Society met. — I came home at S — Capt. Stuart and his daughter were there. 1 copied the drawing for Dr. Mitchill. Fel)ruary 2d. Morning — Began a wooden cut — Attended Chem. 6z Clin. Lectures. — Paid Smith 12/ for Boxwood, on Durell's Acct. — Spent 6d. for Figs at Seaman's. Soon aftei' dinner I came home and engravVl. — After taking out some medicme I call'd at r>r. Graham's fi'om whence I attended Mamma and Mrs. Herttell to Dr. Davidson's and return'd. — He call'd and invited me to tea. — Went about 5, with T. Herttell.— We had the pleasure of Dr. Mitchill's* company and convei'sation — mentioned the plan for a Literary Coffee-house. — Two of Capt. Stewait's * Saimiel \j. Mitrliill, IJi.l)., ;i celebrated i)liysiei;ui, was boni ill Uie year lTout 2 hours at the Library. Took out Zimmerman's Survey of Europe. Call'd at Scoles's. He found much fault with my engraving Gilfert's plate so cheap. I took the Ijrass stamps which I did for him some time ago to alter them. They wei'e return'd on his hands. Went to the AVharf opposite the Navy Yard and saw J. Grozart, on board the Brig Nej>tune. He has been absent neai' 2 years, and was at Baltimore, IIaml:)urg, some part of France, London, Boston, Philadelphia, then to the southward, fi'om whence they return'd with timber for the frigate. His station was 2d mate. APPENDIX B. 101 I mentioned to Dr. Young my intention of leaving him next iiKHitli, and applying for a license. Ke- fiis'd liis offci' of Partnership. After 8 in the even- ing 1 vainisli'd a oopper-plate. April 1st. Regan to etch Rivington's 2d plate. I took the delineation of the Insects to Dr. Mitchill, who agreed U> my ])roposal of offering it, with a paper of his on tlie subject, to Siron/s* for insertion '. in the Magazine. I accordingly deliver'd it to him. After-noon — A. Herttell was at my Father's. I be- spoke a pair of Silk-stocking breeches at Sander's for 9 Df)nars ! Evening — Went to Mrs. Rose's and sat with the family. Siip])cr being brought in, I sat down with them, but help'd myself but sparingly. I was oblig'd to drink a glass and a half of wine, the operation of which I felt in my head during the remainder of the evening. 22d. Receiv'd from Cressin £i. 4 and from Bird- sail £2. My Brothel' & I call'd upon Mr. Scoles, who accompanied us to see the Pttiiorama, or View of the City of London — an entertaiinnent new & highly delighting to me. The ])ainting lines the iu- * James and Tliomas Swords were printer.^ wlio learned tlu'ir irailc in this city during the Revohitioii. They became liulilisiu'r.s, and foiitimicd so till tlioir deaths. They and Durell may l>e esteemed as the first who made publishing a business in this city. 102 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. side of :i circiilui' Ijuildiiit^, and is view'd from a station in the middle, suppos'd to be the top of the Albion mills. Di'ank tea & staid at the Doctor's 'till evening. Reeeiv'd 16/ more from Bii'dsall. Came home and employ'd myself in casting type- metal 'till 1 was fairly tired. 'i4th. CallM at the Dr's. Spread a plaster and oft' again. Spent most of the day in engraving. Finish'd the letters gibonne for Cressin & did part of 3 other type-metal cuts. My brother gone to public speaking at Flat-bush. I got an impression of the last copper2:)late and deliver'd to Mr. Riving- ton. Got a piece solder'd in a cut by G. Yoide. Evening — I vv^ent with my glue-pot in my liand to Ml-. Warner's lSl mended the frame of Mr. Banks's glass. Call'd in at Mr. Bailey's and sat awhile. Augustus is preparing for another voyage to St. Augustine. May ]'2th. Annivei-sai-y of Tanunany.* Got my waistcoat from the Tailor and jjaid his bill 15/. Bespoke a 1:)lue coat. Al)0ut 9 I went with my Brother to Gardiner Bakei', who presented us v\ath Tickets for the Oration. At 10 went to the Old Presbyterian meeting house. Sat in the pew with * Tiiiimianv was then six years old. m^. APPENDIX B. 105 I)i'. Davidson. Ahoiit II tlie Society arriv'd, when Dr. Mitcliill Ix'gan the Oration, or rather Narration, in the Indian style, relating the lietitioiis histoiy of Tammany, interlarded with the Indian mytliology. A collection was made for the Charity School, to which I contributed 'Ij. About dusk I Avent with Manuiia to Mrs. Bailey's. 'Jlst. Rose at 4. Breakfasted and call'd on A. Tiebout before •'>. After he had jjiit his shop in ordei' we set off for Panics Hook Ferry-house. Stepp'd into a Boat whicli was just going off, and after a short passage found ourselves transported into the delightfullv \ aried scenes of New Jersey. We walk'd on, cnjoving the lu'.-uitit'iil ;ind romantic prosj)ects around us ; pass'd ovci' the New-Bi'idge of Hackinsack River, and took the road leading to the Mines, being a causeway form'd througli the Cedar swamp. StoppVl at a little cottage and re- fresh'd ourselves with a drink of Buttei'milk. About 10, we found ourselves at the mines.* Some * This copper mine was in the present town of Harrison, east of Belleville, but very near to it. It was worked for twenty years or more before the Revolution, tlie steam engine referred to liciiii; imported from Encrland. While the war was goinj;; on labor reased. It had nut been resumed long, apparently, wlien Anderson visited it, and this renewal of work did not prove to be permanent. Some of the cuttings and mounds of earth arc still to be seen. 106 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. little boys were employ 'd in breaking the ore, near one of tlie entrances, under the shade of trees with which tbe whole hill was pretty well coverVl. We ventur'd in, after taking the pi'ecaution to cool (Uir- selves, and were furnish'd with a candle by one of the Miners, who was very attentive to lead us thro' the different avenues. He inform VI us that there were 16 Workmen, mostly Welclnnen, in the mine. We put some specimens of tlie oie in our pockets. Left this dismal cavern by ascending a perjiendicu- lar ladder about 50 feet long, after giving oui' guide half a dollar, witli whicli lie appearVl well satisfied. From this we went to the mouth of the old shaft and view'd the Steam-engine, now out of use. After resting on the grass, we took the road to New-ark. 2 miles brought us to Second river,'''' which we crossVl in a little ferry-boat. The heat became pretty violent and my companion perspired prodig- iously. Between I'i & ] we arriv'd at New-ark and -went to a public house, where we got a bit of a dinner. Set off with fresh stivngth on the Road for Paules Hook, cross'd the 2 Bridges, and saw the Draw-bridge of one rais'd to let a sloop pass. A slight fall of rain overtook us in our journey over * The Second River is a bniiioli of the Passaic, and is the northern boundary of Newark. APPENDIX B. 107 the lung ciuiseway. V\e were miu-Ii divei'ted with a combat between a Crow & 7 Black-birds. Got to the Ferry house before 5, not without having suf- fer'd some apprehensions from a ^biii w ho joinM us on tlir r dollars. AN'rote an answer to Babcock. July 4t!i. Annixcrsary of AnuTicaii IndcpcMKU'iice. I was aroused pretty early by the firing of Cannon and ringing of bells. — I paid I'd. for different medi- cines at \\ ainwright'.s, nuide some pills and put up, with some articles for I. Grozait. Before dinner 108 ALEXANDER ANDEKeON, M.U. took n walk towards tlie l)rick-iiieeting''' and saw the pi'ocession of tlie troops and public Societies. Stopped at Mrs. Rose's and sat awhile. Afternoon engraved pretty steadily. J. Dougall sat and read with us. I l)ouglit a hat for 4 dollars. Finished reading the Oiiizeu. of the M'arld. Went to see the fire works before the (lovei'nnieut Ilouse.f After- * The Brick Meeting House was the Proshyterian Church at the junction of Nassau street. Park row and Spruce street, whicli when it was built were called respectively Nassau street, Chatham street and George street. The face was on lieekman street. A grant was obtained from the corporation of this piece of land, then almost out of town, and the church, which was intended for those who were swarming from the Wall street one, was opened for divine service January 1st, 1768. During the Revolution it was an hospital. The pas- tors in 1795 were Dr. Kodgers, Dr. McKnight, and Dr. Mil- ler. The church was demolished about 1856, the members moving uptown. The ground is now occupieil by the Potter building and the Times building. f By the Government House is meant the building erected upon the site of the fort below the Bowling Green for the residence of the President of the United States. As the capi- tal of the nation was removed to Philadelphia about the time of its completion the President never lived there, but the Governors of the State, George C'linton and .John Jay, did. When Albany became the State capital early in the century the edifice was used for various govei'nmeutal purposes until the latter part of 1815 or beginning of 1810, when it was de- molislicd. Upon its site were erected in 1816 and 1817 the dwellings now used for steamship offices. They were the /^0^^^^^-rM^^^;^ ■ ■s\ in,," I ,' ..=^L^.>'A^V'v \M. :]^^r'-- A LciviT's Coniplninl. Ari'KNUI.X H. Ill wards walked al)out and viewed some illuiiiiiKi- tioiis. 7tli. Morning. Cast type metal cuts. Planned out a jauut to liockaway and encpiired when the stage goes. During the forenoon I was vei'v l)usy at engraving. Finished the last of llariison's cuts, and delivered to him. He paid ine ."> dollars in [)art. I paid Smith 1/ for smoothing off the negro's stamp. Having cooked and eat dinner in haste, I left home aud crossed the ferry about 1. Sat at Aunt Car[>('ii- der's, wlio compelled me to eat, till 2, wiien I stepped into the stage, with no other com])any than the Driver, a clever negi'o fellow. Before 5 we aiiixed at Jamaica, where the Horses and I having eaten a little we set forward again and reached Far Kocka- way al)oiit sunset. Took up my tpiarters at .Mi-. \ 'auderl»ilt"s, and paid 8 for the stage. A view of the sea from the House, whidi is about a mile off'. Got supper. Coffee. hand.somest in town, and were really very s])acious and com- niodioiis Iniiidinijs. \Vasliin_sjton Irving speaks of a party he attended in one of them in the highest terms, and gi\'es a glowing deserijition of the house. Tlie hist reeonled event in connection witii the (lovernnient House prior to its destruc- tion was the ilhunination in honor of tiie peace of 1S15. It was a tali structure entered from the front by two winding series of steps, and Wiis of large size. 112 ALEXANDER ANDEUSON, M.D. 8th. Rose before 5. Took ;i walk to the Leach and enjoyed the grand view of the Ocean. Walked so far alono; the shore that it was near 6 o'clock before I returned to the house. A clever old wench belonging to the family procured me a violin from one of the neighbors. This afforded a very accept- al)le amusement. Before dinner I took a walk down a different road and came near the Narrows. I got Scott's Elocution. Reading this, walking and fiddling filled up the remainder of the day. yth. The violin taken away last night ; one source of amusement withdrawn. I rose early and went to the beach where I V)athed. In the afternoon, having chosen a new path, I followed it till I came near the Narrows. In returning I lost myself and it was some time befoie I could find my way out of the wood. A young fellow who has been waiter to a Q-entleman from the Southward came to eno-ao-e a seat in the stage — an arch chap with his magic lan- tern — I have seen him before cutting his capers round my father's dooi'. Evening I paid my Land- lord 18/. 10th. Went this morning to take leave of the beach. Last night I had very distressing dreams, occasioned I Ijelieve by h^-xving my collar Ijut- toned. Before dinner I went and picked T)lackber- Al'l'KNKIX I!. IIS lies. At 1 o'clock, having sfttled with my laudhud, I took a seat in the stase. With us a ueio'hhoriiitr t'ai'iner, Mr. .\sh t'roin thi; Southward, and a young girl. The first and hist left us at daniaica, whei'e we staid an liour. I walked aliout tlie town. A little after 4 we started again and ariived at Brooklyn about 7. Stopped a few minutes at Aunt Car2)en- der's. Crossed the ferry and found all well. Mr. Reiil has paid £\d for tlie map. I ])aid 4/ for having my old Hat dressed. August 11th. After-noon called at Eirdsalls, and at Seaman's Cellai', to give advice to this extraordi- iiar}- family. I cannot help admiring the phlegmatic, uni'uilled di>})ositiou of one of them. Her Child came tumbling down the stone steps. " Doctor, can you mend broken heads, too ^" says she, picking him u[) very leisurely. Evening, I went to Dr. "^'oung's (Sz saw Mr. Hei-tteli. who is unwell. A Tvphus fevei' has cari'ied off 7 or 8 in that neighborhood. I'.'ki Sunday F'orenoon, lieard Mr. Beach, I. Thes- salon. iv, 18. Afterno(ni, Mr. Bisset, John vi, .'iS. As I was at tea, Dr. Smith call'd to oft'er me the cai-e of the Hospital at Bellevue,* in place of P. Ander- *Belleviic Hospital was then a loiiij di.stiinco from tlie city. It does not a])pp:xr that the present extensive hnililiuijs had been beirun in 17'J5. There could iiave been little else 114 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. son, who has returned somewhat unwell. The Salary 20s. a day. I promised to give him a decisive answer in the evening. Went to Mr. Dunn's room and heard a discourse from a Stranger. Call'd at Dr. Smith's and agree'd to accept the proposal. The prevailing Epidemic Fevei'* appears to sjiread con- siderably near Di-. Young's. •J4th Behold me in a new Station and my mind in a State of confusion and perplexity. At 10 O'clock I caird on Dr. Smith, and after sitting near 2 hours stepp'd into the Chair with him and away we posted to Kellevue. After instnu-tiiig me in my duty and introducing me to the family and patients, he shook me affectionately by the hand and departed. There are (1 patients. Tlie Family consists of Mr. Fisher, there thau au old-fasliioned country house, with a few extra outbuilding's. Its oceupiition by the rit}- was originally for an almshouse, it being bought iu 1704 for £-2,000. At the begin- ning of the Eevohitionary war the jioor, who had i)reviously been quartered in a Imilding in the present City Hall Park, were removed first to West Chester and then to Poughkeepsie. After the war, wlien they returned, a new building was erected in Chamljei's street. The new Almshouse at Bellevue. now a part of the Hospital, was opened in tlie beginning of the year 1810. Its expense, including that of the Penitentiary and other buildings, was $418,791.34. There was a farm connected with this up to 1830. The first regular Hospital building was begun here in 18'-i3. * The Yellow Fever. APPENDIX B. 115 the steward, and his wife. Old Daddy, the gardener, an okl negro, a black nurse, and •_' white ones. I spent the afternoon in imtting up medicines and arranging matters. At o O'clock I set ofp and walkVl to my Father's, Similes, drank tea. pack'd uji some clothes, books, &c., in a dunk w liidi I bought of mv ?'ather. My Mother's feelings are not a little agitated on this chans;e in imi- fainilv. I I'eturned to the Hospital about half past n, my Brother keeping me company alxmt a mile up the road. Another patient had arrived. Attending to him and writing the daily report to the Committee of Health em- ploy'd me 'till near lo in the evening. 27th. This moniing 1 began to apprehend hot weather, but tlie wind rose before noon and we liaUt. .'intli. Last iii^lit tile (iii'I ami Mui|ili\, wlmm I nientioiiM lor his |iatieiice, lioth liietl. lii the morn- ing a weneh wus sent n|i IVom 'rilliiiLiliast, w itli a uote re(|nestin()k he gives you. In answer to my en([niry how he was this morning, lie said he "felt like the divil,"and then Inindled hiniself up in his lihuiket. ( )n the left lies another who had got np in the night and drag- ged his l)ed into the middle died to-day. McKarlane was surgeon on board an English ship, and h.is visited most of the \\'est India Islands. It began to clear off at Sunset, when the Clouds, together with the Rainbow exliibited a beautiful apj)earance. W v took the liberty to dis- charge a nurse and employ another, a decent looking old woman in her place. Our reasons for this step were these. In the first place she is addicted to liipioi. and of course the patients must suffer from neglect, but thev likewise suffei- from her behaviour which is vi'ry rough and illy fitted to sooth the mind of a sick pei'son. 124 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. COPY OF VERSES WRITTEN TO A. TIEBOUT. I insert them not from any supposed excellence but for the sake of recalling past Ideas. doiild flowing numbers animate my breast And fire poetic raise a mind depress'd, liow would I catcli from Friendsliip's genial shrine Tlie sacred flame and call the muses mine. The Muses — no, a higher aid I call Before whose Throne those fancied beings fall, Who first to Mortal ilan existence gave And next consigned him to the silent grave. In fairer day to rise and ope those powers AVliieh only budded in this world of ours. glorious jirospect, worthy all our care. With hope to wait and for the event prepare ; A great event, which ditt'eront colours wears, As man has reason for his hopes or fears. To him who justice does and mercy loves And fears the God who through all nature moves, The prospect opens and in clearer skies His soul expands, while radiant glories rise. But he whose mind corrupted and debas'd. The heavenly image of his God defac'd, In keen remorse anticipates the day When low in dust his guilty joys shall lay ; When vengeance threatening long, now strikes the blow Which breaks the stubborn heart and kindles woe ; 'Till purged from every stain, Eternal Love Removes the su})pliaut to the realms above, Coeval with Eternity to sing Th' unbounded goodness of our heavenly King. 27th. This morning I went to town. Found my Father's Family well ; must see the silver tea-pot ^'LUil'I PlHTi":! -I !■: irj APPENDIX B. 127 which he has presented to mamma. AValkVl out and bought some shoe-ril)bon. Met Ciessin \vho wislies to have more engravings done. Mrs. Hall, one of our former nurses, called upon me to get a character tfe certificate of her behaviour while in the Hospital ; told me that after Stymets' decease she applied to Alderman Furman for her wages, who refusVl to pay her and on her further importunity threaten'd to send her to Bi'idewell."" Said she was in a great hurry for her money, and asked her what she would do when that was expended. I gave my testimony that she conducted herself soberly & honestly while nurse. I returned to tlie Hospital before ;>. Mary Brown had died, i' Discharged. I spent near an hour in playing on the Violin. November oth. This morning I went to town. Call'd at Keid's (Bookseller) who urg'd me to hurry on the Hieroglyphic engi'aviugs. I went home and once more began to use my engraving tools, now growing i'ust\'. Before three o'clock P. ]\1. I * The Bridewell was on tlw west side of the t'ity llall, m the Park, and was the conniiDii jail. It was a small structure of gray stone, two stories high, besides the basement. It was an object of terror to those who were likely to be imprisoned there, beyond what an ordinary jail would be, as jail fevers in that building were frequently very destructive. 128 AI.EXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. finisli'd 7 of the cuts, and cuiitriv^'d to have a room fitted up for my winter quarters, hi my way back I got HinoanTa Life from the Tjibrary, having re- turned the Spectator. My Brother and I stopp'd in at Capt. Rowe's at his invitation. He walk'd part of the \vay with us afterward. I met with something to flatter my vanity. This was the siglit of my name honorably mention'd in the Papers l)y tlie Health Cummittee. 12th. This morning I toolv leave of Belle-vue Hospital, having agreed to return to-mon-ow to see Mrs. Black who still continues un\vell. George, the black man, was much aft'ected when I gave liiin liis discharge. In my way home I met McFai'lane, who return'd with me. I made a pretty sudden transition in my lousiness. Having kindled a fire in my new apartment I began at engraving. After dinner I went with my Brother and sat a while with ])r. Young ; next call'd at Yoiilex and got some type- metal, for which I paid 13/10. — Iketuind t^ ein- ploy'd the remainder of the day in casting blocks for the Hieroglyphics and part of the evening in finishing them off. 20th. This mornina; I call'd at Harrison's and got some type-metal and some more at Durell's. Met Dr. Hamersley twice at Ryan's who is still in danger. APPENDIX H. 129 I vveut to Aldi-nnaii Kuniian, w liu autlitcd iiiyJielle- vue Account. 1 next took it to Mr. Hazard, who signed it, and then to Mi'. Bi'oonic, who counter- signed it; then to Kohl. IJowiii' w iio treated nie with iiiucli kindness and gave me a elieck on the Baid< of the Tnited States, for the sum of j£l26 /8, the compensation for my services for 71' days, at 4 dollars. In the afternoon T cast a number of cuts. Went with A. Tiel)out and bought two ])air of stockings of a man in a l)uel< house in Maiden Lane. A. Tiehout spent part of the evening with me. December 3d. This morning about'.) the Fire-lxsll alarnfd us. Iran out, and,wlien I liad eiiter'd Siiiitli Street, beheld the Haines ascending from two or three houses near the North Cliiirch. I was liurried into a rank out of siglit of the fire; liei'e I perfoi'niM the duty of lianding along watei' for alxmt an hour when the tire was nearly i-epi-essed by the exertions of the people, 7 or S houses l)eing consumed. In one of them was Robertson's Printing oHice, and the; fine wove paper was trampled into nuish in tlie street. 5th. Tliis morning I paid tlie Tailoi- for Tuy Coat. A. Tiebout caird upon me about ]<• O'clock & jH'opos'd a i-ide to Ilai'lem wlicre he had business. 130 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. — I agreed to it, & the next thing was to procure a chair. We went to several places and at last got one in Maiden-Lane. — We arrivVl at Harlem al)out 1, somewhat chilled. — After we had eat some bread &, cheese and my companion had put a clock in order — we drove home-wards, whither we reach'd at half- past 3. — I engravVl a little. — In the evening, I was preparing to collect some remarkis for G. Baker, when Mr. Mcintosh came in and we must have some Scotch tunes. — After his departure I wrote a letter to Dr. Davidson and something for Mr. Baker, loth. In the evening I went to Mr. Bates's, and was surpi'ised to find poor Fredei'ick with his head shav'd and Ijehaving in a very extravagant manner. — He appeai'Vl glad to see me and show'd me the musical clock. — The leading Idea in his mind is that he is the Almighty again appearing in the flesh, and the reading of Richard Brothers's Prophecy has been the cause of this paroxysm. — He swears most horridly, and curs'd his father in the most dreadful terms. — He gave me a Idister plaster which I applied to his head. — I sent for my Violin to amuse him ; my Brother soon appear'd with one and A. Tiebout Avith another. — The effect of the music not being so bene- ficial as I expected we left them between S & 1> O'clock. APPENDIX B. 131 15th. Evening. Having ])rocur\l tickets of Mr. Baker, A. Tiebout, my Brother and myself went to Mrs. Yonles and from thence accompanied her, Miss Youle and Miss Davis to the Museum— Miss Youle was my companion. After strolling about and feast- ing oui' eyes ct ears we went to my Father's, here our company sat "till near 1(» when we attended them home. — DIARY P^OR ITiM;. January 1st. Tliis first day of tlie new-year passVl ou very smoothly with me. — My Mother's .spirits are somewliat depress'd by tlie news of my Grand-mother's illness. In the afternoon I went with my Brother to visit some of our acquaintances. In the first place we call'd and enquir'd for Mr. Sam. Johnson, Silver- smith, an old friend of my Father's ; he was very ill. — We next stopp'd at Rich. Davis's and ate a cake : then at Rob. Davis. — AVe extended our walk towards the Ship yards. In our way back my Brother stepp'd into Dr. Young's. — Evening. Mrs. Bailey's wench came to me to get a puke of " Hippe gander" (Ipecacuanha) for Miss Charlotte — I got one at the Apothecary's and took down to her. — 8th. At 5 O'clock I attended Dr. Rogers's Lec- ture, after which I went to Mr. Van Vleck's where my Mother & John had gone. — Here I pass'd a AIM'KNDIX K IH;? very jmrccaMc cvcuiiiii-. ^1''- Ilei'ticll tV: liis wife \V(.!iv there, and my old j)la}-inate Benj. E<^l)ert raiiic in. — Miss Van Vleck pl.iy'd on the llarpsi- clioi'd and hei' Father aeeonipanied it with tlie N'iolin. — I came home w itli Mamma liefoic 'J. Mr Ucid had brouiflit nie £'40 on aecoiint for th(^ euts of (he ITierogly|ihie Bible."' — Utli. Mueh gratified with hist night's coiiij)iiiiy & entertainment — it was rational and exhihiteil a [)ietnre of domestic haj)i)iness. ilth. Mrs. Bailey woiider'd that "Mamma k('[)t my lirothfi' A' me ehce|iing about hei- instead of letting us stii" ai)i'oa doljai-s for a jjaiut- iiig, then standing on I lie mantel piece." — 1 endeav- oui'M to convince the good woman that iiinkiiKj moiK'jj was not the sole object. — l.")th. Kmploy'd the most of the day in stud\ing and collecting materials on Mania which 1 propose to make the subject of my InaiKjnrnJ Di-'lc. illustrated witli many cuts. Tlie iiaiiu.' was a couuuon uiic tluii. 134 AI.KXANDEH ANDERSON, M.D. •J 1st. I finish 'd the out for Formau to-day. At- tended Hamersley's Lecture. — 111 tlie eveniug, I went out ahiiost purposely to avoid roiiipany ; and after attending to my two patients, trudg'd off to Dr. Young's where I found my lirotlier. — Here we sat awhile. — In my ^vay home I stopp'd at a Book Auction. — At home I found myself in company with A. Tiebout, the two Misses Minshulls and Miss Polly Youle. — We en- deavour'd to entertain them with music. I attended Miss P. Minshull to Mrs. Youle's — found her a very sjirightly, agreeable, lively girl. — _,— ^' 28th. I jiut the cuts for Babcock on board a New Haven vessel. — Finished 4 more of another book. — In the evening we had company. T. Herttell and his wife, Mrs. Si Miss Youle, A. Tieliout & J. Fer- guson. Some vocal music being thought necessary, a song was exacted from each. — After numerous objec- tions & attempts to evade it, I grumbled out some pieces of songs to the seeming amusement of the company. The Flageolet was likewise calFd for it I made out a few tunes with the aid of the violins. — Upon tilt' whole the tiiiic was spent agreeably & innocently. February 5th. To-day Mrs. Hall, one of the Belle- vue nurses call'd upon me for another Certificate of AI'I'KNDIX H. 137 her sei'vice there. — Her appearance bespoke poverty and her breath betray'd her attachment to the l)ottle — Aild these together and wliat is the result but misery cfe disease. 25tli. In tlie afternoon I sat (h>\vn and finish'd engraving Stanford's EU^phant 1)cfore I rose. — S(|uir(' Pye cate(l his cause. — As I was fifoinc: down Rroad-wav I met the Gov- ernor dress'd in his regimentals and sword at his side, who enquii d if it was ti'ue that the people liad gatherd round the Mayors house. — This not being the case he went to the City Hall to leai'ii the state of matters. — 1 7th. I call'd at Mr. Baker's, and there a very 138 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. pleasing sight attracted iny notice — his four cliil- dreu sitting round the fire at tlieir needlework and books. Not far off was their motlier sewiuo- and attending the baby. — oOtli. Whatever cause it may be owing to I have been uncommonly harrass'd with disagreealde feel- ings. — The death of Mr. A. and the dangerous con- dition of Gowdie perliaps contributed to excite this state of mind. If to this is added the influence of the weather and the want of a steady employment, I believe I sliall have enumerated the circumstances which have, for this day, made life rathei- burden- some to me. — A])ril 1st. A very pleasant day. — I spent part of the forenoon with Saltonstall, con- certing measures for our examinations. — I sent to Dr. Mitchill's room half a gallon of wine from Huggett's. — I applied myself closely to nothing to-day, with the hope of l)eing l)etter prepared for answering the questions. Between 3 and 4 in the afternoon 1 went to the C!ollege to await my ordeal, but was obliged to run back for my Dissertation which I foi-got to bring along. None but Drs. Post, Ilamersley and Hosack met ; but these wei'e sutHcient to em]doy me for APPENDIX R. 139 iif.'ir an Ik mi-. — Siiltonstall was next falld down. After his exaiuination we itcoIniI permission to print the Dissertations. — Another task was then itn[)os\l. — We each i-e- ceived an Apliorisni of Hippocrates to comment upon, and a question to be ansvver'd in writing. — The Question was this : '• What changes does the lilood nndergo in passing tlii'o' the lungs." — The Aphorism was the following: "In omni morbo niente valere, et Ijene se haljere ad ea i[na atteruntiir, bonuni est: contrarium vero malum." Hipp. Aph. Sect. 2. Aph. ;^3. 7th. I met Dr. Hosack in the street, who informed me of the intended estaldishmeut of a Botanical Garden.- -Enquird if Dr. Anderson,* at St. Vincent, was my uncle, and recpiested me to intej'est myself in procuring plants from him. — I sat awhile with Saltonstall. I began to connneut on the Aphoiism. — 12th. I caird at Dr. Hamer-sley's and got one of the Histories of Diseases, in order to conunent upon it; tins being the next stej) in the graduation busi- ness. He visited this luicle in 1790, ( 140 ALEXANDEi; ANDKIISON, M.D. 18tli. Aftei' attending to what business I bad to lo, I proposed to A. Tiel)Out a walk in the Jersey. Tills was agreed to, and accordingly we set of!" with my Brother about 11 O'clock, and had a pleasant passage to Paules Hook.* — Our spirits began to I'ise as we proceeded, and cheerfulness kept us company all the way. — We cross'd Ilackinsack river and walk'd a considerable distance alono; the causeway, but feeling the gnawings of hunger and despairing of reaching Newark in time, we turn'd al)()ut and stoppVl at the bridge, where we procuiM a meal of bread, butter and cheese. — We return'd to Paules Hook, found a boat ready to sail, and about 5 O'clock landed safe at the wharf. — I immediately went to see the old negro patient. 21st. This day completes ray 21st year. — This morning I received the remainder of my Dis- sertations from Swoi'ds's, and paid them iJD.KJ. — I went with A. Tiebout to see the Elephant which has been lately from India. She is only 2 years old, but about the size of a bullock and very plump. — * Paules Hook, Paiilus Hook, Paul's Hook, or Pawles Hook, was the same place now known as Jersey City, which is a quite recent name. Hook is Dutch for corner ; Kinderhook, cliil- dreu's corner ; hookey, playing truant, is literally cornering or hiding in a corner. AI'PKNDIX H. 141 The sagacity of tlu' animal was astoiiishiiig, and Iht liiiiik a great onriosity ; with this she examinM ns carefully and seaicliil uiir jiockrts for sonicthing eatable. — \l'2i}. My patients ai-e now reduced to the nund)cr tour. In the afternoon my Brotlier and I went out with an intention of having a sail to Governors Island ; but not being able to get a passage, we walk'd up the New I'oad and stopped at a house where we drank a liottle of mead. — • 28th. This morning I took a walk with my Bi'other near Lispeiiard's and enjoyed tlie delightful landscape enliveifd by the late refreshing shower and the beams of the rising snn. — After attending to my few patients I crossed the ferry* to Brooklyn and saw my Aunt Sz Cousin Katy. — I ate a little Ijread t^' l)ntter and i-cturnVl home to dinner. i'9th. Mr. Ilerttell sent rc(picsting nic to conic and diaw h is deceased Avife's likeness; I went and found * 'I'he fcn'ics weri' tlu'ii very slow ;m(l mic-diiit'cu-tiililr, jiai'- ticulurly in winter. Ildi'so boats begun to bo used about this tiinc, or boats iu wliicii horses, by stej)})iiig on a treadmill, gave motion to niaehinory which drove the vessel foinvard. Hrooklvu at this time had oulv a fvw hundred inhabitants. 142 ALEXANDER ANDEHSON, M.I>. several of tlie relations and neighbours collected in the room wliere she was laid out. — I began to sketch the features of the corpse, although in a very dis- advantageous position for that pui'pose. — The old man entered the room, and his sol>s burst forth as he stoop'd over tlie head of the bed and view'd the original. — The drawing I took with me in order to finish it. — May 11th. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." How impolitic is it then to de- file the soul for a little sordid (jain or for the sake of exciting a short-lived pleasure. I'itli. This being the Anniversary of Tammany, an oration was delivei'Vl by Mr. Wortman, in the Old Presbyterian Church. — I attended and heard it. It might be reckoned an excellent composition, but was almost spoilt by the ungraceful gestures of the orator. — Just as the Society enter'd the church a violent storm of liail began. — May 18tli. A. Tiebout brouglit me a most excel- lent medicine; viz. 125 dollars (which I had lent him) and the interest, amounting to 5 dollars. About twelve O'clock I took my trunk and went down to Mr. Bailey's. — Augustus got I'eady and we trudg'd down to the boat near the Albany pier. Here we met with a disappointment, for the boat APPENDIX B. 143 was not to sail 'till his^-li tide. M\ fellow ti'iivdlcr began to swear & s])lutter. — 1 preNail'd u[ui\[ him to go ht>int' with iiu' and cat sonic bread ami cheese. — Between 3 it 4 we set sail, and, after narrowly escaping being iiiu dnwn Ity a vessel and breaking an Indiaman's windows, we glided along very i)leas- antly. When we came in sight of the lighthouse, the wind died away and we must content ourselves with sleeping on board supperless. — A. B. found means to hold a conversation with almost everyone on board. — He began to show us a specimen of his dancing abilities and perfoiinM a numlici- of nianoeu\rcs while I whistled For him. — 14tli. I got a nap last night, upon a bed of ,/<)trn. — right ha 1(1 wood. — About 7 this morning we landed at South Am- boy. — Breakfasted at the Stage-house, where we met with very good treatment, and then seated ourselves in the Stage, to the nuni])ei' of 14 or 15. — Mr. Ellis, who keeps the Porter House — from London ; Corre and his tbur children going to make ice-cream in Philadelphia; a fat old <^)uaker; two Scotch travel- ling traders; a Flat Imsh scholar; an old Poman Catholic Irish lady, Szv. — With these we jogged on very checiily, while .\. V>. was incessantly talking or singing. \\ hen some doses of liipioi' had raisM 144 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. the Porter House keeper to the due pitcli, he entered into an argument with the old Lady on Popery & Pi-i ester aft. — Next turn'd his batter}^ against the Quaker and gave him several emjihatic oaths. — The Quaker was to l)e set down on the road, — but it seems he was going off without pay- ing. — This furnish'd a matter of triumph for the rest of our gentry and particularly his opponent. — Before dark we arriv'd at Burlington and dinVl or rather supp'd at the Stage-house. — After this we stepp'd on board a boat and sail'd gently down the Delaware. 15th. Sunday. I had another wooden nap last night. On waking early this morning I found my- self along side of a wharf in Philadelphia. — Mr. Bailey and I ^vent ashoi'e and stroll'd al)Out the streets. — Met three suspicious-looking fellows who enquir'd what o'ckick it was. — My companion snubb'd them up very shortly and we went on. We went on lioard again and slept 'till daylight. — Left our baggage at one Redmond's, an accpiaint- ance of B.'s, and went in search of a lodging. After a long and fruitless search we return'd to Red- mond's and breakfasted. — We were very well treated ct were not suffer'd to ])ay, although the house was a ta\'ern. — We took another walk. — At Khli; Lear, ei)<;ijLtv:M \j) ±#1. .xuuc-tev^n im ail vditiMu 111 Slwiixt'Spcaru. |MlMisllL>(i by ML'tisff CooIoil;;c y a good night's rest. After breakfast, he (A. B.) went out, and I was in hopes that I should have at least half the day to myself. — But whom should I meet in a short time after but my gentleman, driving along Front St. — He tui-u'd about and kept me company. — We saw the ship-yards, «fcc. — Stopp'd in at a^NIead-house and drank some mead. Visited Peale's Museum in the State-house yard. Went to the Cono-ress-room and listen'd awhile. — We next viewed the Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture (in High St.), which was iiighly gi'atify- ing. — Ivetuiii'd to our lodgings, and then set off to one Billington's, where A. B. had invited me to dine. — We were very politely treated at this house and entertain'd with Miss Billington's music. — Here again I was in pain for my companion. His con- versation and ijeha\ iour were aljsurd. Just after dinner he propos'd a walk to Gray's Gardens. We arriv'd there in less than an lioiu'. — I was delighted with the romantic lieauty of this seat. — We got a glass of sangaree ct stn)ird over the gardens. — 17th. I rose at this morning and was not a little pleased to heai' my fellow-traveller say that 148 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. he was just going off for New York. I took a walk after breakfast to enquire for tlie Baltimore Packet Boats. — Went to Mr. Savage's Columbian Galleiy, and spent about an hour very agreeably in viewing tlie Prints & Paintings. — Next I call'd upon Mr. Cummings,* who inform'd me of the Medical Com- mencement. — I found out the College and ai'riv'd in time to liear the examination of 7 graduates, and saw the Degrees conferr'd. — The Examiners were Drs. Rush, Wistai', Kuhn Sl Woodhouse. I met two I'eal Cliinese in the street. 18th. This nioi'ning I settled with my landlord and put my baggage on boai'd a Newcastle packet. Went to the State-house and view'd the Senate Chamber. — Sat awhile in the Gallei'y of the Lower- House and look'd over a newspaper which I had got at Claypoole's. — Walk'd about the city 'till near 12, when I went to Biggs's and sat awhile. — A thought struck me that the vessel might l)e going off. I hurried down to the wliarf and actually beheld it under way in the stream — 1 call'd to a, sailor who was rowing a little boat & prevail'tl on him to set me on board. — Gave him 1 /(>. * He carried a letter dI' iiil idiliictiou to Mr. C'uiiuiini^s I'l-om 1!. Davis. AI'I'KNDIX I!. 14U The iiKHiiiiig \\;is i-;iiiiv, Idit it soon i-lfaiM U]) and we bud a prutty ftivouralde l)reeze. — The view of the coimtiy oa each side tlie Delaware was delight- ful.— In the aftcnionii the ('apt. lnoiiglit to the vessel at Marcus Hook, licca\isc tlu- wind had shifted; or I'ather Ijeeause hf had ndatioiis in the village who would get the custom of the i)assengers. 1 went to another house and dinM upon good l)read ife l)ut- ter. The reniainih'r of the afternoon i s])ent in walking about and viewing tlu' country. — At dark I went to 1)ed and slept 'till 1 1, wluui I found the vessel under way. — Some of the passen- gers had l)een playing cards and coiitinueil it 'till day-light. — We had on board a Frenchman and a Dutch Jew who were bantering each other about Bacon and Frogs. — The Jew, at last, exasperated every one on l)oard by declaring that lie had lost 1:5 tlollars. The Capt. threafeiiM to prosecute him. — l!)th. Before day we arrived at New-Castle. Went to the Staire-house and were very ill used, for they I'l'Tused to ^'ive us auythiiiL:' to eat or ilriiik l)e- fore day-light. — Wt' went t() another house and got breakfast. — Almost every occurrence conti-ilmted to render this day disagreeable to me. — At suni'ise the appear- 150 ALKXANDKR ANDKUSON, M.P. ance of tlie sky was beautiful, but a rainbow iu the west t'oiel)oded the rain that soon succeeded. — A) tout 5 O'clock we stepp'd into the Stage-coach, and between 8 tfe; 9 reached French-town, a distance of al)Out 18 miles. — I caught cold yesterday and had recoiu'se to But- termilk and cold water; but this was not sufBcient to remove it. — The jolting of tlie stage l)rought on a violent headache, and the breakfast which I ate at French-town perhaps increas'd it. — The Baltimore Packet lay oft' at some distance, and we were rowM to lier in the I'ain. This was V)y no means in my favour; but the worst is to come. — As we were scudding under a heavy gale, and I lay in a berth, I happen'd to draw back the sash of one of the port windows. The vessel suddenly heeled and the water came pouring into my bosom, so that I was completely drenched before the sash could be shut. — A man in the berth l^elow me spriuig out of bed as soon as I did, for tlie water had run thro' and serv'd him in tlie same way. — This, to be sure, gave rise to some mirth, Imt it was a ])oor plaster foi- me. — About S in the evening we landed at Bowler's wharf in Baltimore, having I'un 70 miles in 11 hours, (on the Chesapeake). — Accoi'ding to the Captain's (Hrection I went with APPENDIX B. 151 two young men to one Mrs. Edw.-irds's tor lodging. — The appearance of the house by no means pleas'd me. — In the back room was a billinrd ta})le. The Captain soon came in, and we all drank tea with the landlady, who seem'd very desii'ous of showing to advantage the little beatity which she possessed. Two of us were shown to a small room in which were crainmM three beds; bnt we were obliged to stow ourselves into one, while the othei" two were to be occupied by — we knew not whom — peihaps pick-pockets or highwaymen. I griunbled, and my bed-fellow curs'd the place up hill aud (hum dulc. !20th. I have sutlVrd mncli to-day. It cannot therefore be expected that I liaxc much to s;iy on any other subject than my com[)hiints. I rose at 5 this moiniiig, and, happening to look in a glass, found mv cheek so swclTd that I bore a great reseml)lance to a monkey on one side of my face. — Having paid for my entertainment, I took a walk and found out an Apothecary of whom I got some volatile liniment. — Return'd to the Packet-boat, and anointed my cheek with it. — This afforded a tempoi'ary relief. — I went to another shop and got a plaster, which I clap)>'d on, and then went to look for lodgings. — I found out a Mrs. Lavely, an old Quaker-looking body, and engaged with her. 152 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. After breakfast 1 w alkM out, aud in the vicinity of the city pick VI up some minerals. I went to a third Apothecary and bought a dose of Jalap and Nitre which I took iiuiiiediately. — I soon experienced the good effects of its operation, and, after I had drunk some tea, fett tlie truth of the ol)servation that Pleasure consists chiefly in relief from jxiin. — How insipid would Life be without intervals of pain, care, anxiety and disappointment ! 21st. This is a place of great business ; — so l)usy are the people that they have not yet had time to put up at the corners the names of the streets. The town is ]iot yet incorporated, although it has often been propos'd in the Assembly — so great is the spirit of Democracy which reigns here. — I spent most of the foi-enoon in walking about the town. From a bank opposite the bay I collected some specimens of ii'on oi'e which appears to form a stratum at the depth of a foot or two under the town and all the adjacent countiy. Contiguous to it are beds of red ochre in many places. After dinner I took a walk with a young man who lodges at the same house with me, and view'd the works and machinery of a mill. I spent the re- mainder of tlie afternoon in walking about. Fol- l(jw'd the course of a sti'eam calFd JoiietiS 7']/7/.s, Ai'PKNuix I!. ir)r) wliicli tui-ns several mills, iuul whose liorders, grac'd with trees, form some eiicliaiitiiig soeues. — 2'2d. Sumlay. I paid off my old landlady this iiu)rning and put my baggage on board the same l)oat in which I came, to return to Philadelphia. At U we set sail from l>altimore with a fair wind. — Several jokes were thrown out about the Capt. and the handsome widow, his landlady. — I sav'd the expense of a dinner, which would have been a dollar, by a fit of sea-sickness coming on me very seasonably for the good of my purse by the mortiticatiou of my Ijody. — Among the passengers was a young lady of plecma-e, (if such an abuse of words ma}- l»e allowed). — She was pale and sickly, but sti'uck the fancy of the Capt. who was very familiar with her. — At 6 we ai'riv'd at French-town, and after getting some bread and l)utter stepj)'d into the stage. — At this time of the day the ride was very pleasant. — There Avere three sisters in the stage, rough country girls deck'd off with their best clothes. A young Philadelphia Quaker, who sat near me, soon had his ai'Hi round one of tlieni and was bussing her with a very good-will during the jouiuey. — A tVllow from somewhei'e back in the woods went through the same ceremony with another, and a 156 ALEXANDEH ANDERSON, M.D. young TrishiJiau was chattering nouseiise with the third. At y we reaeh\l New-Castle, and some of us pro- cured supper and very good lodging at a small tavern instead of the 8tage-hoiise. — 23d. The young Irishman, my bed-fellow, inform'd me that I had lieen "talking Latin and the devil it; all," in my sleep, and had started up once or twice. — We set sail about 8 (3 clock with a very favoui'- al»le wdnd, and at li' arrived at the wharf in Phila- delphia. — I went to my old lodgings, and din'd. 2-l:th. I was call'd up this morning at '2 O'clock to take my seat in the stage. I ]iaid (i dollars and gave something to the man who call'd me up, and then got into the stage-wagon, where I found a young man. The moi'ning wasraiuy and Cdhl. The rain clear d off later, however, and the country ap- pear'd to great advantage. Every turn presented us with a succession of charming landscapes. We din'd at New Brunswick, and here we were join'd by two gentlemen and a very handsome young lady. — She affected to be mightily alarm'd at one of the horses, who was somewhat unruly, and must needs turn about and sit with lin- liaciv to tlicm. — Arrived at Paules Hook al)out (J'clock. — Had a tedious passage across the river Sz once more enter d AIM'ENIHX I!. 157 New- York. — Found my Fatlier's Janiily ;ill in health. June 4th. I icc'civM a Ic^ttci' IVoni Mr. Ynu Zandt, containing an art-onnt of tlic state of liis child, to- gether with a re(|iiest that I wonld see it. — Went to Titus's andde.sir'd him to Fuinish me with a horse. — 1 got one which gave n.ie such a rattling as I have not had in a long time — for it seems that he went the faster the nioi'e he was held in. — So expeditious was he that my journey of 5 miles and back again was performVl in aliout an lioiir ; Imt not without some ris<|Ue of running over people in the sti'eet and the hazard of "s])iHing me off" while driving along like ■hilnniij (riljiiii. 14th. I began to enter upon my new mode of life, wliich is the following: — I make my home at my rooms,* and sleep there; but eat at my Father's. — Got a slate and fix'd up in my entry, tfe nail'd up ray sign, and j^erform'd some other important opera- tions. L'Oth. I had agreed to make one of a party to view- the niai;ic lanthorn in tlie t'vening.-— Went to liai- ley's whei'e I found my .Mother, ami after tea at- tended Miss Harriet to the Museum w itli the rest. — * 31 Liberty Street, for wliicli he piiid £.30 rent. 158 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. Hei-e we heard some music and then proceeded to the Menagerie ixw\ seated ourselves in Mr. Baker's* little observatory. — Saw the exhibitions of the magic lanthorn. — Had mead and cakes, and upon the whole pass'd the time very agreeably. 23d. In my visit to the poor consumptive woman,f a group of luuiiiliating circumstances presented * (iardiner Baker was tlien the keeper of tlie curiosities of the Tammauy Societ}'. This society was organized on the 12th of May, 1780, about two weeks after General Washing- ton liad taken tlie oatli of otHce as President of the United States. The first Sachem was William Mooney, and Gardiner Baker was Wiskiuskie, or doorkeeper. The next year it founded a museum witli somewliaf tlie same objects in view wliicli tlie Historical Society had later. "A room was granted for its use in the City Hall" (then at the corner of Nassau and Wall streets, where the Sub-Treasury is now), " and Gardiner Baker was apjiointed to take charge of the collection. In 1794 it was removed to a brick building standing directly in the middle of the street at the intersection of Broad and Pearl streets, called the Exchange. The lower part was used as a market, but the upper j^art, being light and airy, was well calculated for displaying the many curiosities which now by the indefatigable exertions of Mr. Baker had been collected. lie had taken so much pains and incurred so much expense in getting it up that he could, with good reason, make a claim upon it. It was therefore given up to him, upon condition that it should lie forever known as the Tammany JInseum, in honor of its founders, and that each member of the Society an for several morn- ings past ; and have uniformly found an uncommon APPENDIX H. 163 laiiuuor iiiid (lisatrreeable affection of the liead re- niainiiig tliroiigli tbe day. Au2:ust '2(1. A. Tiel)ont and I have started some notions about flying, which from several considera- tions appears practicable by man. — T. is to make some inachiiiery for an experiment. 4th. I found three others of my patients in an un- favoni'able situation. — I began to feel like a mariner l)('nighted among shoals & quicksands. — One of Mrs. Harris's friends proposed sending for another Phy- sician. — I rec] nested that she would first try the ap- plication of a blister ])laster over her stomach. She did, and in a short time the pain was entirely re- moved. In tiie evening I saw tlie three other pa- tients again, and had I'eason to think 1 eould avoid the slinals A- (|uicksands, \vith the blessing of Provi- dence. nth. This forenoon I took a walk to the house w here (1. Baker's family have removed. It is about a mile from town, adjoining to the spot of groimd now inclosing for the ascent of the balloon. Mr. Blanchard was busy with the l)alloon which cover'd the tloui' of a large room. Last eveuing I ate two glasses of ice-cream witli the hope of curing a cold. — This did not answer the jiurpose effectually. — After tea I took a dose of salts. 164 ALEXANPEK ANPKRSON, M.P. 7tli. Sunday. I have Leeu veiy miicli under the iii- iiueuce of fear, this day. For some wise intention of Providence T have lieen liarrass'd witli such disa- greeable feelings that Life was rather a l)urdtMi to me. In spite of all my endeavours to attain Forti- tude and Resignation to whatever happens a fear of future evil has depress'd my spirits. I found Mrs Egbert rather worse, and hence arose a degree of anxiety. — The family expi-ess'd a wish to have Di'. Rogei's callVl in. — Somehow or other I have inil>ihed such a dread of consultations that the name struck me veiy disagreeably. — I l)e- lieve this anti})athy may be tracM to Pride, and Ambitii>n to act without the aid of others. KUh. I heai'd of an incident really laughable. — One of Debow's patients had, in the beginning of his complaint, sent for a person who called himself Dr. Smith. — This doctor, in the first place, gave the poor fellow an emetic, and then desired him to send for some brandy to bathe him with. Put it seems that the doctoi- had a great partiality for the inter- nal use of such a meoi- fellow found him a very unruly l)ed-fel- low, for he was almost presis'd to death by the doc- tor. — " l"'or (rod's-sake, Doctor, do get up, or I shall AIM'KNDIX B. Kif) be janim'd to death," cries the patient.- — At last lie made out to precipitate him to the floor, and there he lay 'till morning. — lie then went out to look for his hat which had fallen out of the window as he lean'd his head on the edge. — The Dr. was dismiss VI because his patient did not like rv^/z/y/Yvs/o// in fe- vers. September 1st. A. Tiebout came & was veiy merry. -I jilayM a few tunes and we wei'e both in a merry key. lie accompanied me to my shop. — J. Ferguson canic in and a few jokes cS: jibes passed. — AVe heanl a cry of "Stoji thief." — Fei'guson started up, overset a chair tS: frightened my landlady ])ro- digiously. — We ran out, and saw a gentleman col- laring a fellow & declaring that his coim-adc had stolen his hat oft' his head. — We follow'd on witii the crowd, and enter'd the watch-house. — The gen- tleman desir'd the prisoner would be takcti care of, and promised to appear against him in the morning. "At .') O'clock," says one of the watclnnen. — "At 5 !" answer'd the ]i]aintitf ; " why I shan't be u]) 'till ;>." — The crowd seemed highly diverted with this atfair. Tiic man was next taken to AMerman Fui'inan's, whei'e I left him pleailing his innocence. tlth. In the evening I took the diops to Van Vleck's. lleai'd some music from the young ladies. 166 ALEXANDKK ANnERSON, M.D. Here I sat above an hour, not from choice, foi- com- pany was dropping in and I wishM myself a^vay long before. — The foolish fear of appearing awk- ward in taking leave imposed this restraint upon me. 9th. I went & got a ticket for my Brother in the Harvard College Lottery. This is a jiresent from my Mother ; but the matter is to l)e couceal'd from him 'till the drawing. If a pi'ize turns up,'"' he is to have it ; if a blank, no harm is done. — My Mother otfer'd me a share in this ticket, but I refus'd it. l.'4th. Mi's. Penny display 'd herself in a most ridiculous light, with the aid of her dear liquor. — 1 met her just by the door, as I was coming out. — She was staggering and bawling with a voice like a boatswain. "Dr. Anderson," says she, "these are fine doings ; all the girls and married women falling in love with you." — I made the best of my way out to avoid the tliunder of her eloquence. Octol.)er 4th. I got a sa^vyer to procui'e me some hickory wood. He brought me two loads. — I have bespoke two more, and when my chimney is swept may bid defiance to the cold — at least within my own precincts. I met ]\Ir. Van Vleck this afternoon. He turn'd about and took me to see a little boy * The ticket drew a prize of i^lG. APPENDIX B. 107 with an abscess on the thigh. — I find something very agreeal)le in Mr. V. V. lie appears to pass through life witli sueli an easy indiiferenoe, tliougli l)y no means an inactive iiu'inber of society. He is entertaining in conversation, a wai-m Republican, and fond of relating & licaring the news ; and on such occasions, seems to be much intei'ested in the fate of nations. 8th. Among the transactions of this day I find none really worthy of notice, — The fact is, my thoughts have been directed towards a certain ob- ject, in spite of my employments. Whether novelty may have founded a temporary attachment foi' this object,* or whether tlie anxiety which mingles it- self with these reflections denotes some stronger im- pression, I dare not yet pi'onounce.— At present I find it incumbent on me to proceed with cautious ste])s and to obviate disap[)ointment l)y repressing all sanguine hopes of happiness. — 17th. My Father had been invited to Van Vleck's this evening to hear the young ladies' music. — I went there about 7. The room was filled with company. The time pass'd away very agreeably, and I found it 10 O'clock before I was ready to start. * Miss Ann Van Vleck, whom he married on the 16tli of the following April. 168 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. My Father was liiglily pleas VI with his entertain- ment. — "It's a heavenly family ;" says he, " I don't wonder that the boys are fascinated with them." 18th. This evening was pitchVl upon for view- ing the Museum by a party of us. — I had the pleas- ure of waiting upon Miss N. who was much delight- ed with the experiments in electricity. — My Broth- er's attempts to kiss Miss Jane, while insulated, ex- cited no small mirth, when they were separated by the fire flying from their noses. 25tli. Mr. Hyslop, an old acquaintance of my Father s came for me to see his servant girl. He introduc'd me to Mr. Eoberts, an ingenious young man lately from Scotland. — I went up into his room with him. His business is engraving, and he has made considerable proficiency in that art without any instructions. — In one corner of his room stood several instruments of music, aud his manner of handling the clarionet proves him to have a good ear for music. November 4th. I spent most of the evening at Van Vleck's, and heard Miss Nancy play on the Forte Piano. — I gave them some tunes on my flageo- let, which 1 had in my pocket. — Miss M. presented me with a piece of wedding cake, to dream upon. December Gth. I spent the afternoon chiefly in DR. ALEXANDER ANDERSON. (Engraved by himeelf in his ciglity-flrst year. APPENDIX H. 171 druwiiiij, and at caii(lle-lia:lit fiuisli'd an embleinati- cal picture (the Temple of Hymen). — In the evening, notwithstanding the rain, I went to Van Vleck's, and presented the picture to Miss N. — Heard some music on the Harpsichord. 9th. I was rons'd last night to witness a scene trnly awful. About 1 O'clock the fire l>ells began. I listeuVl and thought I heard somebody in the street say that a store near the Coffee-house was on fire. — I hurried on my clothes, aiul ran \vith trej)ida- tion towards my Father's. I had the satisfaction ti» find that it was not on his side of the way, but on the other, and some distance below on the wharf. — The flames were Ijursting fi'om a store, and the people were crowding goods into my Father's and arouud the door. — I assisted in taking care of them for above an lioui-. The wind was not high, but the tire spread rapid !}• among the wooden stores, and by 4 O'clock I'eign'd nnister of the whole block ex- teinling to the Fly-j\larket.* The cutting down of the mai'ket and the exertions of the firemen put a * At the time the tirst, or \'laie Market, \v;i.s built, a creek extended througli Pearl Street from Maiden Lane to the East River. The term " Fly ^larket'" is a corruption of the one originally adopted, \'laie, meaning to imply the valley or meadow market. 172 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. stop to its progress in tliat direction. I served in the ranks near the market 'till I saw that the con- flagration was check'd. — 14th. The Rev'd Mr. Pilniore enter'd Mr. Bates's room just as I was going to take my leave. His l)e- haviour was really disgusting tome. After express- ing his concern for Mr. Bates, he rose from his chair and was much afraid that he had taken my seat, and with that, ran across the room and handed another to me. He then address'd himself to the company and assur'd them that he was very haj)py to see me, — that I was a person " who feai-'d God," ttc. I wish'd them good day and hurried off. G. Warner, Junr. came up to me to-day, and ui-g'd me to go and vote at the Poll. I \veut to the City Hall* and look'd in at the door; but my heart fail'd me and I turn'd back. — 16th. I made my appearance at the Poll and gave in my vote foi' a liejiresentative. — I should have overlook'd this business entirely if Azariah Williams had not urg'd me veiy earnestly. 31st. Pleasant weather for the last day of the year. I undertook to make a cure of Thomas Hol- * Tlie old City Hall, at the corner of Wall and A'assau streets. APPENDIX B. 173 lock, the laypoclioiulriac man, who has, for a long time, "suflfered many tilings of many Pliysicians." My chief dependence is on Opium. I stopp'd at Van Vleck's this forenoon, and there I leai-nt that Miss N. would be at I)r. Young's in the even- ing. — I went there about <5. — Sat awhile and play'd a few tunes. — Miss iS'. and I were pretty well ban- terd about getting nianic(1, j)articularly by John Herttell — We came away between 7 and s. Went to the Moravian Church ; but did not go in, for we sat in a room of the adjoining house by a good fire, where we could hear distinctly enough. DIARY FOR 1797. January 1st. In the evening mj Brother and I went to Mr. Van Vleck's. Mr. Rausch was there at the Piano Forte and Mr. V. closely attending liini. Mr. Horneke was sitting and playing pranks witli the young ladies. — The latter took his leave, and we set off for Dr. Young's with Misses N. and J. — Spent part of the evening there, and then walked to my 1^'ather's. I took the liberty to salute Miss N. with a kiss, at parting. My Father, my Brother and I call'd on Mi\ Banks, to-day, and wish'd him the compliments of the season. — A neglect of this would have been an unpardonable affront. The old gentleman lays in 70 wt of cakes for iiis ac(piaintance on such occa- sions. '22(1. Sunday. Miss N. Van Vleck drank tea and spent the evening with us. By the aid of my APPENDIX I{. 175 MotluT wc caiiR' ti) all explanation, and I had the happiness to hear Miss N. consent to our union for life, before next May. February 14tli. Mr. Van Vleck inform'd me of a vacant house in Beekman Street.* We went and view'd it. The rent is £180, which, at the present rate, is not extravagant. Miss N's approbation of it almost determined me to engage the house. — loth. This morning I Aveiit and bespoke the house. — Mr. Roe, the person who lets it, mention'd something about securitv, as we were straufjers to each other. However, he did not urge the neces- sity of that, after my Father had an interview with him. -All obligation was siguM by each of us and the business was over. 17tli. Mrs. Neil cali'd on me again to make some enquiries about the Health Committee. — She began to dilate on her usual theme, the abuses at the Hos- ]>ital on the Island. I was fairly tired of her talk before she left me. As to attending her family gratis, I am willing at any time, and have done so ; but tlie tliought struck me that she would be l)etter employed in taking care of her little children than in talking me to death. * 45 Beekman Street. 176 ALEXANDER ANDERSOK, M.D. 20tli. To-(l;iy I had a sight of Palme); the blind pi'eacher, together with Stvaii tlie Pedestrian. The first, a Deist, and tlie hitter, an Atheist. — 1 was at Fellows's Library when Stuart came in, leading the other. — A very odd conversation took place between these two champions and Mr. Fellows, in which Stuai't display'd the singular turn of his mind in forcible language. The others laugh'd heartily at his idea of praying to the audience instead of the Deity. 21st. I went to the Assembly room in William Sti'eet & view'd the paintings there exposed for sale. I spent part of the afternoon &. evening with Miss N. — I proposed a walk, to which she agreed, although she had two blisters behind her ears. — We ascended Bunker Hill* in our way, and from thence took a view of the city. 28d. I invited Miss N. to accompany me to the Theatre this evening. Persuaded my Father and Mother to join the party. We procured the * Bayard's Mount, sometinios called Bunker Hill, was a high hill, overlooking all the surrounding country, and situ- ated near the present Grand and t'entre streets. It was on the farm of Nicholas Bayard, which extended along the west side of the Bowery from (!anal street South to Bleecker street on the North, and across Broadway to Macdougal street on the .West, and comprised more than sixty of our present city blocks. APPENDIX B. 177 front seat of diKi of the side boxes. — Tlie ('Oiiunly was Speculation and the Entertainment, Don Jiian^ or the Libertine Destroy'd. At 11 "tlie farce was over," and I attended my partner liome. — Marcli .'5d. It is lucky for me tliat I liavc but lit- tle l)usiuess to attend to, for that cii'cumstance gives me a better opportunity of com])leting my present Iwhhij-liofHe. Old Mr. Boyd, for whom 1 had prepared a cer- tain medicine, call'd for it this morning. He jok'd me about marrying hix girl (as he calls her). Mr. Holloway came to get his forehead dressed. He has receivM a wound with a very singulai' weapon ; viz. another person's head, which came in contact with his last night, while walking the street. 4tli. This afternoon the ptil>lic were amused with a balloon sent up by Blanchard. — To the balloon was suspended a Parachute with some live animals, which at a considerable height was disengaged from the balloon and fell to the ground. — The descent was very rapid ami must have given the poor dogs and cats little chance for theii- lives. My Brother and i went to ^'all Vleck's, and from the roof of his house had a good view of the fate of the balloon, which after traversing far to the eastwanl caught fire and fell. — 178 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. 10th. Having consicler'd tlie numerous instances of the good effects of Joyce's Balsam and liaving been furnish'd with the recipe by my Grand-moth- er, I began to collect the ingredients, and in the course of the afternoon made above two pounds of it. — The preparation of this, according to my Gi'and- mother's process, w^ould have been a business of several days. — 28th. I have been troubled with very disagree- able feelings to-day. — Can it be possible that the Moon has so threat an influence on our bodies. I really have reason to confess its unaccountable opei'ation, from ol)servations on myself. April 16th. Sunday. I went to Church in the evening and heard a discourse from Mr. Moore ; waited for him at the door and walk'd with him to Van Vleck's. — There, encircled by a room full of company, Miss Ann Van Vleck gave me her hand, and we were united in the bonds of Wedlock. — A propitious hour to me, in which the most amiable of her sex, blooming with innocence and beauty, became mine. '27th. I drank tea at Van Vleck's with a room full of young ladies, and on such a tri/ing occasion I was obliged to make great exertions to behave easy. — I must say that I could face the ijelhvj fever. APPENDIX B. 179 with all its horrors, with more composure than a strange company. '29th. This afternoon I went with Mrs. A. to Greenwood's and saw liiui lix an artificial tooth in her jaw. — His price was ."> dolhirs. May 28th. I had several things to attend to, &, amono; others, to dinw a sketch of a ticket for the Hospital, from an idea of Di'. Mitchill's — Apollo de- stwyiiig tin- Pijthon, which he supposes is an alle- gory of the power of tlic Sun in dissipating conta- gious matter. June 3d. This forenoon I found the difficulty of breathing return. — I was determined to try the ef- fects of wine in this case, not from a fondness foi- that li(|uor, but from a conviction of its necessity. — I set off to go to the new Vnn.rhull, Imt, through a mistake, enter'd the house ne.xt to it and was serv'd with a glass of ice-cream instead of wine. I dis- patch'd the cream, and, after viewing a ( \iiiura ohscura, came away. — I took several glasses of wine at my Father's without feeling any into.xication, but with some relief from my complaint. — As a supple- ment to these I went in the afternoon to the real Vauxhall, and drank two glasses of wine and water. — By means of this remedy I enjoy 'd the lu.xury of breathing, l>ut withal discovei'd tliat it had brought 180 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. Oil some o'iddiness, altliDiiirli not eii()U2:li to make me stagger. — I \veut off rejoicing in my success, Ijiit I might have l)eeii condemii'd as a wine-bibber by a person ignorant of the animal economy. 4tli. Sunchiy. In tlie afternoon I was again gasp- ing for breath, and again (sad alternative) went to Vauxhall and drank half a pint of wine. — It had as good an effect as the former. — This may appear as the conimencemeiit of a hab- it of drinking. — God forbid ! — I have reason to think that I have by this means escaped the attack of tits, to which I am certaiidy disposed Ijy the slighter affections of that kind in the night. 13th. This day we spent at our new place of resi- dence."' I went to market early in the morning and brought home a leg of lamb and green peas which furnish'd our dinner, with the help of some strawberries tfec. ! I engaged a little girl (Jane More) to do house work at two dollars a mouth. — She enter'd upon her service this morning. 20th. This afternoon, according to arrangement, a party was to be made up for a lide to Belle-vue. This was chiefly for the sake of gratifying my (Jrand-niother, who, with my Father and Mother, * 45 BuL'kmau Street. AIM'KNIHX B. \Ki callM oil US with ii ciU'riage alxmt ■'> OVlitck. W'e stc'p[)"d ill after leaving Helen with the eare of the house. Soon reaeliM I^elle-\ue. ( )1(1 Fishei' is i-e- oovering. We [)idcur"(l some chen'ies, and, alter viewing the beauties of tlu' situatiou, set oft" again; and next seated ourselves at Palmer's about 6 or 7 miles from town. — Here we had coHVe. Keturird between 7 and s ( )'cloek. i'C)tli. This forenoon 1 hail a long walk under a hot sun; to the Ship-yards, to Dr. Voungs and fiom that ujt the Post-road to see a patient near Potter's field. — I was eniploy'd there thro' the means of Marshall the (irave-digger. — (It is not the tirst time Physicians and (Jrave-diggei's have thrown business into each other's hands.) July 1-. M} mind has been occupied with a scheme which may appear a piece of jiresuniption in such a no\ice in Natural History. — My scheme is, to establish, if piacticable, a system of I'otany on the Fruit of plants. — If this should turn out to be a frKifle-^s endeavour, it may at least serve to tliro\v some useful knowledge in m\ wav. 2<>th. In the evening we had a sort of a frolic. My Brother came in and dressM liiinscjl' in a suit of Helen's clotiies, while slu^ ]iiit on a suit of mine. — Thus e(jui[ip'd and escorted by .1. I)ouL;all, Miss J 84 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. Jane, Mr. A. and injself, tliey took a walk, and sat aw'Iiile with my Mother. She did not discover the metamorphosis, nor had the least suspicion of the disguised couple who were introduced under ficti- tious names, 'till after they were gone. 2<;th. I prepared a piece of Box-wood, and began to engi'ave a device after one of Bewick's. 27th. I finish 'd engraving the cut and got an im- pression of it at Swoi'd's. C. Tiebout, who was ex- amining it in the evening, complimented me on the neatness of the work. 21tth. I have now but little business of the medi- cal kind to attend to, and have therefore devoted some of my time to engraving. — This latter kind of employment has not as yet yielded any profit, for I have only been making experiments and practicing. — The beautiful specimens of JBewich's work have been the means of stimulating me to improve in the art of engraving on wood. — ;^Oth. Sunday, it seems that my Brother, conceiv- ing that he had a real affection for J. V. V., had en- gaged himself to her, provided she would wait a year or two. — ¥ov some time past his conduct towards liei- has been much altered, cfe the following seems to be the cause. He had been drawing my Father's will, and discover'd that such an union as he in- APPENDIX B. 185 tended would ])e the iiieaii8 of c-uttiiiti' liiiii oil' peu- uiless. What adds to tlie absurdity of bis conduct is that be desired my wife to acquaint Miss J. with the latter circumstance. 8 1st. This day I paid 22 dollars 4 cents for real anil personal taxes. The dreadful period call'd Quarter day appi'oaches. T ha\e V)een drawing on the Bank, Imt the tax gatli- erei' has made too great a hole in the sum I had allotted for rent. — I have been planning a scheme for the publica- tion of children's books. Had some conversation with M. .VlcFarlane on that subject. August 4th. 1 hired a room in Fair Street* of Nath. Kimlierly, for £14, for the remainder of the year — ("till next May.) In tliis room I [iropose to open a Lilipufiini lioohntorc, undci- the cai'e of some honest young lad. — ^NIcFai'lane is to print the books, and I shall engrave the cuts. — I have already finish'd several, having spent the chief pai-t of the afternoon at them. — This project may be reckonM rather out of my line. 1 confess it is, liut the leisure time which this healthy season allrepariug to cla\v them, but is assailed by the spear of Miner\a Avho is at the same time presenting a small book t(^ the children. Some desponding thoughts are now and then popping in along with the Bookstore ; but j^y/c/e and ■s/iaiiu' forl)id me to retreat until I have given the plan a fair chance. I'Sth. I came to a resolution of dismissing mj- lad, and sending my books (of which I have above 70(M>) to my Father's Auction.* This was disagreeable news to the lad who was ■fix'd in a snug lierth, and was earning ;^/every day ; but poor 1 had not received enough from the sales to pay his wages. Well, this pretty scheme of mine must be l)roken up, for these reasons as well as some others. It has Vjeen a very clever hobby-horse foi- me, but has almost thro^vn me in the mud, for the expenses have run up to £25, or thereabouts. — The printer has had a good job of it, & I have gainVl a lesson, and must have patience while the money comes slowly dribbling in. * At 77 Wall Street. The Biikir's Druaui. Pharaoh's Dream. APPENDIX B. 191 21st. I met Mr. Pilinore at Jii. Post's. — He was displaying his oratoiy on tlie suT)ject of Citizenship, and inveighing against tlie importatiou of Irish emi- grants to the great injury of the worthy Ameiicaus. 28th. My Bookstore scheme has cost me about £30. — Whether I shall ever receive my own money for the books is somewhat dou1)tf ul. They go off pretty well at my Father's. October 8th. Sunday. Our little servant giid has been dis])laying her impudence & obstinacy very freely today, in consequence of which we have re- solved to look out for another. 12th. 1 had the pleasure to iind most of my pa- tients in a thriving way. — I was not so successful in the business of money hunting. — I eucjasred a little "irl to live with us — a dau"hter of Jacol) Rhiueheart (Public Porter), at in/ a month. 22d. Sunday. — Dr. Del)ow intimated that he ex- pected I would be so obliging as to l)ail him out of Jail. — I inform'd him of my resolution in that liusi- ness, and assur'd him tliat I profess'd no friendsliip to any person so ardent as to injure myself. — 2Gth. This afternoon I went to Di-. Yomig's, and drank tea. Was detain'd 'till near dai-k l)efore tea was over. — I then hui-ried off my wife and her sis- ters, with an expectation of getting in time to the 192 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. New Circus. — On entering the Cii-cus I was sur- prised at the 1 jeauty of the decorations, the painting of the scenes and the di'esses of the actors. I was highly eutertain'd 'till Id (3'elock with the eques- trian performances and the Pantomime of Peter of Provence. November 2(ith. This evening I concluded to treat myself with a visit to the Theatre in Green- wich St. — My Father & Brother agreed to accom- pany me. — After drinking tea at my Mother's we proceeded to the Play-house, and took a convenient seat in the pit. Tlie Play was " All for Love, or the World Well Lost." — The Entertainments were " Shelty's Frolic" and " Harlequin's Invasion." — Be- tween the acts we were ol)liged to stamp with our feet to keep warm. December 4th. I made myself a soi't of busybody today. — I had been infdriu'd that the Bank Bills were to be engraven on A\ot>d by Be%oick. (in New- castle upon Tyne), but 1 had also been inform'd, upon good authoi-ity, that this celel)rated engraver was the person who had counterfeited the French assignats for the British Government. In consequence of tliis latter information I took the liberty to write to the Cashier of the New York liank, and gave him a cau- tion. — It may be supp(«ed that I was not uninter- APPENDIX B. 193 ested in the business, as tlic job would have l)een very acceptablt'; but I iicv cr sliould have intcrferM had I not heard the story of the assignats. 13tli. I undertook to execute a small Avooden cut for Mr. Kirk, Printei' ; and in the evening a young gentleman came to enquire Avhether I still engi'av'd, and employ'd me to prepai-e 4 stamps for the Post Office.— My medical business kept me stirring about dur- ing most of the day. loth. Rainy weather, but warm. I finish'd the Stamps and receiv'd 2 dollai's foi- them. '27th. In the evenino- 1 euijrav'd a wooden cut.- — Undertook to engrave the Title of " The Rural Magazine" under the employ of Tanner. — A})[)lied to Milns to sketch the letters in his masterly style. 29th. I finish'd the Newspaper title this evening. DIARY FOK 1798. January 2(1. I formed a scheme for engraving a Skeleton on wood, of a large size, about 4 feet by 2. — Began to execute my scheme, and for that pur- pose borrow'd the lai-ge edition of Albinus from Di'. Chickering. Pasted together some paper for di-aw- ing the sketch, and repair'd the book which was somewhat torn. 8th. Full of a new scheme — no less than building a new System of Botany. — I delivered the patterns for my anatomical plate to a Cabinet-maker to have the wood prepared. I saw my Burlescpie Ode on tlie Five He)ixe>< in the " Time-piece." 30th. I took an oatli for Debow at Mr. Kent's, having put up his advertisement on the Jail dt)or for six Mondays successively, agreeably to the x\ct of Insolvency. APPENDIX B. 195 February 3(1. T engaged a house in Liberty St. of James Shaw, at £90 and taxes. 6th. Tliis morning I Avent to the Tontine Tavern, and regaled myself with a view of Mr. Baker's painting of Gen'l Washington, by Stuart. It is allowed by all to l)e a masterpiece. — The music of the concert clock was an addition to our entertain- ment. — Mr. Baker was busy I'epairing a barrel organ. I have been very much push'd foi- money, and my fruitless endeavours to collect it have put me in the dumps. Stli. Very cold weather. — I spent almost the whole day in repairing the injury wliich the sudden change has done to my wooden })lates, by cracking them. 10th. I made great prepai'ations in the garret for printing one of my plates, and in the afternoon ])i'ocur'd a proof of it. liHh. I have finisliVl my weighty job of engrav- ing, at last, and must now set myself to work to print it. — My method of doing it is this : The phite is laid on a table in tlie garret, the paper properly moisteu'd is applied over it, and oii tliat some loose paper. Over all is placed a level board cover'd with flannel, and a strong pressure is applied to it by means of a lever. The board is then removed 196 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. and all the papers except one wliicli covers the printed sheet ; this is rubbed with a smooth piece of box-wood, and the business is done. On the 6th of this month we engaged Nancy Prow as a servant, at 12/ per month. 16th. I got another quire of large paper for print- ing, and made great preparations for the business. — Struck off a few Skeletons. 21st. Busy at finishing off my Ijooks and printing Skeletons, as well as waiting on living skeletons. — I have been considering the means of lessening my expenses. In order to remove one considerable source, I took an opportunity at bed-time to men- tion to my wife the impropriety of her sister Helen's further stay with us, and insisted peremptorily that she should leave us. — ^The snbject had been canvass'd in my mind for some time. 1 had been press'd for want of money, and a sort of desperation drove me to this resolution, however disagreeable it might be to wound the feelings of one so dear to me. I had reason to repent my rashness ; hei- tender nature could not bear so rude a shock. After some expos- tulations with me she fell into a state of the most pitiful distraction, and exhibited such a deplorable picture of misery as would defy all attempts at description. APPENDIX B. 19£} I tried every means of relief, and {tartly relin- quished my proposal, to calm the ininil of a person now doubly amiable in my eyes. 2'2d. Twas past 3 O'clock this morning before we clos'd our eyes. The night was stoiMiiy and every thing seem'd to render the scene awful. Towards evening it cleai'Vl up and became pleasant. My wife resembled a corpse this morning, but began to recover her health and cheerfulness by the little at- tentions I took pains to show her. March 17th. I set myself to work at sawing out and rasping blocks of box-wood, and in the course of tlie day turn'd out 84 of them. April 2d. Some days ago I propos'd to A. Tiebout the publication of Bewick's History of Quadrujieds, on the following terms. The Cuts, which form a material part of the work, were to be engrav'd on wood by myself at the rate of half a dollar each. — All other expenses were to be answer 'd by him, and each of us was to receive a pi'oportional share of the profits. — lliis evening he agreed to make trial of a half-sheet to be sent round with the projjosals. — 1 began to prepare the cuts. May 1st. This day we entirely completed the im- portant business of removing.* In the afternoon I * To Libert)- St, 200 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. went to V. Vleck's, and found myself so much worn out that I was oblig'd to lie down. I toss'd about in much pain for two hours. Mr. V. Vleck presented me with £10. 9th. This day is appointed by the President for a Fast, Thanksgiving &c., but as my opinions did not exactly tally with those of his Excellency I did not make a holiday of it. 14th. I cover'd about 400 books to-day. After tea I took a walk, and sketched off a plant. 18th. I went into Giffings's, and got a pint of porter, an action rather novel to me, but dictated more from a desire of experiencing its effects than fi'om compliance with custom. July -Id. The little boy has lain in fits all the afternoon, attended with a diarrhcea and violent fever. — At my wife's request I went for Mr. Moore, and had him christen'd Jo/m Alfred. Thermometer at 98° in the shade. — 3d. I was up all night trying every method for the relief of my little boy, Ijut in vain, for he died at 2 this morning.* At day-break I took a walk, and, happening to find myself near a Cabinet-maker's, 1 knock'd him up, and bespoke a cofiiu. * He was only three mouths old, having been born Ajiril 5th. APPENDIX B. 201 I spent a great ])art of the day in I'luining about to arrange matters for tlie funeral. At 5 went off in a coacli with my Fatlier, Brother and Mr. Moore to St. Paul's Church, and saw the remains interred next to those of my Brother William. 5th. I have made considerable exertions to procure ray wife a suit of mourning, from an expectation of its divertiuo; her mind. To oi)lir-e her I have worn a crape on my hat, though 1 disapprove the custom. August 29th. i\Iy wife proposes a jaunt to Bush- wick, Long-Island, for the recovery of her health. 3()tli. Biisy in the moi'ning among patients. At 11 I got a cari'iage, ami took my wife and Jane to Cannon's. From that we cross'd over w ith A. Tie- bout to Bushwiek and settled them at Mr. Skil- man's. I met Dr. Bailey in the street. — He desired me to look out for a Physician for Belle-vue Hospital. — I proposed myself, and waited on the Health Commis- sioners, Oothout cO ^[l>r((iiis. My proposal was ac- cepted, and I engaged to enter on the business to- morrow at £3 a day. I had some trouble in disposing of my patients. — Dr. Chickering's timidity surpris'd me. I could not prevail on him to attend two children labouring under the yellow fever. 202 ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.D. 31st. This morning early I eallM on Dr. Bailey, and breakfasted there. As soon as the boat was ready, I was row'd to Belle-vue. About 20 patients were at the Hospital when I came. — 4 died in the course of the day and 14 ad- mitted. September "2(1. This morning I rode to town. Stopp'd in Eagle Street to see Dr. Chickering. He had been seized with the yellow-fever; but enter- tains hopes of a speedy recovery, and then he in- tends to practice Avithout fear. 5th. Very busy. In the afternoon my Father came wp and told me that John was sick. — Dr. Chickering is dead ! 8th. A heavy blow ! I saw my brother this morn- ing, and entertain'd hopes of his recovery. In the afternoon I found him deatl ! I put liini in the coffin, and, finding that the funeral \voTdd be delay'd 'till (lark, I left my poor parents sti-uggling with their fate, and returned to Belle-vue. Thus died an amiable brother, untainted with the vices of the world, and ill-suited to struggle with its trials. 10th. This morning I found my Father so ill that I could not think of remaining any longer at the Hosjiital. — I settled matters as well as I could for APPENDIX B. 203 the conveiiienre of Mr. Douglas,* and came down with Dr. Bailey in the boat. 11th. Ill the evening Alderman Furman sent for me, and inforniM me that I was a|i[ii)iiited one ot" the Physicians for the jioor. I enter'd on my new office l)y visiting one patient in a damp cellar. 12th. " Thy shaft flew thrice, and thrice my peace was sLain." My Father dieil at half after 4 tliis morning. I put him in the cotHii with the assistance of my Mother who show'd moi'e than heroic fortitude on this melancholy occasion. In the afteriKMHi I went to IJiishwick, and met with as great a shock. — The sight of my wife, ghastly and emaciated, constantly coughing tfe spitting, struck me with horror. I returnM to my Mother's with a heavy heart. 18th. This morning I heard of the death of my wife ! Those who knew her worth may imagine my feelings. At 1 O'clock I set off ^^•ith Mr. & Mrs. V. Vleck and Polly for Bushwick. We first got in and the music of half a dozen game cocks stowed in the lockers. — At day -light we found ourselves under way iu the sound — with a gentle breeze and the weather overcast. ^NlessM with the l)oatmeu, and made ourselves as contented as possible 'till 4 in the after-noon, when we landed once more in our beloved old city. 31st. Engraving wooden cuts. Spent [)art of the evening at R. Davis's, and saw'd away on the Violin for him. — As my head is not very fertile at present I can make but few remarks on this past year. A tremendous scene have I witnessed, — biit yet I have reason to thank the great Author of my ex- istence, and am still convinced that " Whatever is, is right." I make no petition for the ensuing year. JUM 13 f.1/7 V'^f -*m ,^ ^y ;.'(' .'■■■:. ';.! ;:w'Ki!;£i;F;:'i:''i"lir;ia,>3;,;-.,:i'.ir::i^;,*i:v" Cv'