^A^/.. ;L'B.\.5 \ a .=^/,.// >C^3 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. See pages 147, 181, 182. 183. Calkins'' s New Object Lessons. PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS, TRAINING THE SENSES AND DEVELOPING THE FACULTIES OF CHILDREN. A MANUAL OF ELEMENTARY INSTRUCTION FOR PARENTS AND TEACHERS. I By n/a. calkins, Author of "Phonic Chaktb," akd "School and Family Charts." ■ Present to children things before words, ideas before names. Train them 1 to observe, to do, and to tell." FIFTEENTH EDITION. — REWRITTEN AND ENLARGED. N-EW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE. 1870. ^ Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S70, by HARPER & BROTHERS, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. PEEFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION, "Instruction must begin with actual inspection, not with verbal descriptions of things. From such inspection it is that certain knowl- edge comes. What is actually seen remains faster in the memory than description or enumeration a hundred times as often repeated. " Thus Avrote John Amos Comenius, an exiled teacher of Austria, about the middle of the seventeenth century. And to the introduc- tion of his works Germany is largely indebted for the great progress in her schools which commenced during that century. Said the great Swiss educator Pestalozzi at the close of the eight- eenth century, "Observation is the absolute basis of all knowledge. The first object, then, in education, must be to lead a child to observe with accuracy ; the second, to express with correctness the result of his ob- servations." On the philosophical principles taught by those two great educators, and confirmed by the experiences of subsequent observers, is based the system of mental development illustrated in the present work. In the application of these principles, however, there have been successive clianges resulting in the various forms of the inductive methods of ed- ucation now practiced in this country and in Europe. Not to those noble educators belongs all the credit of the present system of teach- ing from objects, the unknown from the known ; they developed prin- ciples only ; the systems have grown out of the study and application of those principles by succeeding educators. ******** With an earnest desire to contribute something tow^ard a general radical change in the system of primary education in this country — a change from the plan of exercising the memory chiefly to that of de- veloping the observing powers — a change from an artificial to a natu- IV PREFACE. ral plan — one in accordance with the philosophy of mind and its laws of development — the author commenced the following pages. ******** In the preparation of a work upon a subject of such importance as one claiming to be a guide in the early education of the young, he felt it his duty to avail himself of the best sources of information by which he could add to his own the observation and experience of the most successful educators. He has accordingly examined the various sys- tems of infant education of Europe, and especially those by Wilder- spin, Stow, and Currie, and that practiced by the "Home and Colo- nial School Society" of London, as presented by Elizabeth Mayo in her " Model Lessons" and "Manual of Elementary Instruction." ******** The work differs from others prepared for teachers in this important feature : it illustrates how the teacher should prcrceed at each success- ive step in developing the minds of children. In telling what ought to he done, it proceeds to show how to do it hy illustrative examples. ******** In preparing this work, the aim of the author has not been to pro- duce a faultless composition, but rather a book adapted to the wants of teachers in presenting a natural, simple, and philosophical system of primary education so clearly and minutely that no teacher can fail of gaining from it not only its principles, but a knowledge of how to apply them under the varying circumstances in which he may be placed. With the hope that he has not failed in this respect, this volume is earnestly commended to the kind consideration of teachers, parents, and all friends of education. N. A. Calkins. New Ymk, June^ 1861, PREFACE TO THE FIFTEENTH EDITION. "Entirely rewritten, reillustratecl, and enlarged," briefly describes tlie relation of this work to the former editions of my Primary Object Lessons. This is essentially a new work, although it treats chiefly upon the same subjects that were presented in the former editions. While these lessons are nearly all new in form, they are intended to maintain and illustrate more clearly the principles of true objective teaching, and the relation of this system of education to the common branches of school instruction. The lessons of this work embody, in the subjects treated, the results of an experience of nearly eight years as a Superintendent of the Pri- mary Schools in the city of New York ; also as Lecturer in the Satur- day Normal School on Principles and Methods of Teaching. Some idea of the nature and extent of this experience may be obtained from the fact that there are employed in these Primary Schools alone more than twelve hundred teachers, and that these teachers have under their instruction a hundred thousand children. Three subjects which were included in former editions — "Weight," "Place," and "Physical Training" — haA^e been omitted in this work, and^ue new subjects have been added to it — "Home Training of the Senses ;" "Exercises for Training in Habits of Thinking and Speak- ing promptly, and a correct Use of Language ;" " Time ;" " How to Teach the Sounds of Language ;" and "Lessons on Qualities." Be- sides, ' ' Form, " ' ' Color, " ' ' Number, " and ' ' Reading" have been much extended by a variety of illustrative exercises, and the lessons on the various subjects introduced have been arranged in graded steps, with a view to adapt the work to the wants of teachers under all circum- stances. The difference between the lessons of this work and those of the former editions, in the subjects which are included in both, consists chiefly in the methods of giving them ; the principles of the system on VI PREFACE TO THE FIFTEENTH EDITION. which they are founded remain unchanged. A jirinciple of teaching is a law based upon conditions of the minds of those to be taught. A method of teaching is simply the form or manner of presenting the sub- jects of instruction. A true principle remains the same always ; while there may be many methods of presenting a subject, each in conform- ity to the same principle. Between a child from six to nine years of age, and a youth from twelve to fifteen, there is a greater difference in development than be- tween the youth and the man. There should be a corresponding dif- ference in the subjects and modes of instruction for these periods. During childhood, the attention must be largely occupied with the ac- cumulation of f\\cts through the exercise of the several senses. By means of a proper training of its various faculties, the child attains the power of systematic effort in learning, and thus the youth is enabled to acquire a suitable knowledge for commencing the duties of the man. Unless the child attains this power, the youth can not procure the necessary knowledge. How to properly educate the child, and pre- pare it for the studies of youth, that it may gain the knowledge req- uisite for the duties of manhood, is the most difficult problem in edu- cation. Granting that such a knowledge of our language as will enable one to speak, read, and write it readily, and such an acquaintance with arithmetic as will prepare one to engage in the business affairs of life, are the indispensable subjects of school instruction for youth, yet the demands of education for the period of childhood can not be met by elementary instruction in these branches alone. Language itself can not be learned until the mind has been brought in contact, through its several senses, with the qualities and characteristics of things around us. It is only by attention to objects, animals, plants, occupations — in other words, by the observation of whatever may be the surround- ings of itself, that the child's mind undergoes that developing process which gives it the power of subsequently acquiring any branch of knowledge. Since the period of childhood is most profitably spent in attending to those things which will train the mind in power and in facility of mental acquisition, the necessity for that varied character of school instruction M'hich is afforded by means of Object Lessons must be ap- parent to all educators, and the importance of this system of education PREFACE TO THE FIFTEENTH EDITION. Vll be acknowledged by every teacher who will give the subject a careful and candid consideration. It is well known that the majority of those who engage in school teaching commence its duties Avith little or no professional training. Their preparation for this work usually consists in learning the several branches which are generally taught in school, without attention to methods of instruction, or to exercises specially adapted to train the mental powers of children ; consequently, these teachers enter upon their duties with but little knowledge of the philosophy or the prin- ciples which should guide them in their work. In view of these facts, books giving practical suggestions relative to methods of elementary instruction in accordance with right principles of education become almost indispensable to those who engage in teaching. To meet this necessity in the department of primary education, and lead teachers to take proper steps toward success in their work, is the design of this book. I have deemed it best to devote this work almost entirely to meth- ods of teaching, at the same time aiming, by means of the series of graded lessons in the subjects treated upon, to lead teachers to an understanding of the principles which underlie correct methods of instruction. In a portion of another work now in preparation— " A Manual of Object Teaching"— I shall endeavor to give enough of mental science, in its relations to education, to enable me to present more clearly the philosophy on which the principles of correct teaching are based. With grateful remembrances of the kind manner in which the for- mer editions of this work were received, and homing that in its new form this may become still more useful in the cause of Primary In- struction, it is once more intrusted to the generous friends of education. New Yokk, June, 18T0. CONTENTS PAGE Principles on which Object Teaching is founded.... 15-23 Home Training of the Senses 24-38 Exercises for Training the Sense of Sight, 25 ; Hearing, 26 ; Taste, 27 ; Smell, 29 ; Touch, 29 ; The Hand, 32 ; Home Training in Form, 33 ; In Color, 35 ; In Number, 37 ; Other Home Exercises, 38 ; Suggestions for Teachers, 38. Introductory School Lessons for cultivating Observation and the Use of Language 39-46 Conversational Exercises about a Knife ; Cap ; Ball ; Stove 42,43 Exercises for Training in Habits of Thinking and Speaking Promptly, and a correct Use of Language. ... 47-50 What I can see ; hear ; taste ; smell ; feel ; What I can do ; Where I can go ; How I can go ; What I would like to have; What I can wear 47 FORM 51-138 Apparatus for illustrating Form (Illustrations), 54-58 ; Les- sons on Form — When to teach them — which first, 59 ; Or- der of Lessons for City Schools, 59-61. Resemblance and Difference in Shape 62-64 First Step, 62 ; Second Step, 63 ; Suggestions for the Teach- er, 64. Shape of Lines 65-72 First Step — Straight, Crooked, and Curved Lines, 65 ; Sug- gestions for the Teacher, 67, 70. Second Step — Wave and Spiral Lines, 68. Third Step — Descriptions of Lines, and drawing Lines ; straight ; crooked ; curved ; wave, 70-72. Position of Lines 73-79 First Step — Slanting and Vertical Lines, 73. Second Step — Horizontal and Oblique Lines, 74. Third Step — Parallel and Perpendicular Lines, 76 ; Suggestions for Teachers, 79. Corners and Angles 80-88 First Step — Corners, 80. Second Step — Angles ; Acute Angle ; Eight Angle ; Drawing Angles, 82 ; Suggestions for the Teacher, SQ. Third Siep— Angles, 87. A 2 X CONTENTS. PAGE Plane Forms 89-92 First Step, 80. Second Step— Square; Oblong, 90. Third Step, 92. Triangles 93-96 Suggestions for the Teacher, 93. First Step — Triangles, 93. Second Step — Equilateral Triangle ; Right-angled Triangle, 94. Third Step — Isosceles Triangle ; Obtuse-angled Trian- gle ; Scalene Triangle, 95. Four-sided Forms 97-101 First Step — Square ; Oblong ; Rhomb, 97. Second Step — Rhomboid, 101. Third Step — Trapezium; Trapezoid; Quad- rilateral ; Parallelogram ; Suggestions for the Teacher, 101. Many-sided Forms 103-105 First Step — Pentagon ; Hexagon, 103. Second^ Step — Hep- tagon ; Octagon ; Nonagon ; Decagon ; Polygons, 101 ; Sug- gestions for the Teacher, 105. Circular Forms 106-114 First Step — Circle; Centre; Semicircle; Ring, 106. Sec- ond Step— Crescent ; Ellipse ; Oval, 109. Third Step— Cir- cumference', Arc; Diameter, 111. Fourth Step — Radius; Quadrant; Sector, 113. Surface and Faces 115-118 First Step — Plane and Curved Surfaces, 115. Second Step — Faces of Solids, 1 1 6. Third Step — Surfaces, Convex and Concave, 117. Solid Figures— Sphere, Hemisphere, Spheroids 119-122 First Step — Ball shape, 119. Second Step — Sphere ; Hemi- sphere ; Solids, 1 19. Third Step — Spheroids and Ovoid, 1 22. Cylinder and Cone 123-126 First Step — Cylinder, 123. Second Step — Cylinder ; Cone ; Base; Apex, 121. Third Step — Conical; Conoid, 126. Cube and Cubical Forms 127,128 First Step— Cube, 127. Second Step— Cuhical forms, 127 ; Suggestions for Teachers, 128. Prisms , 129-132 First Step — Prisms ; Triangular Prism; Square Prism, 129. Second Step — Prisms ; Hexagonal Prisms, 130 ; Suggestions for the Teacher, 132. Pyramids 133-135 First Step — Shapes of Pyramids, 133. Second Step — Tri- angular Pyramids ; Square Pyramids, 134 ; Suggestions for the Teacher, 135. Descriptions of Objects by their Forms 136-138 CONTENTS. XI PAGE COLOR 139-190 Importance of Training the Eye 139 Color blindness, 140. Facts about Color for Teachers 144-156 Classification of Colors, 145 ; combinations of, 147 ; descrip- tions of, 147; Reds, 148 ; Yellows, 149 ; Blues, 149 ; Orange, 150 ; Greens, 150; Purples, 151 ; Browns, 152 ; Grays, 153 ; White, 153; Black, 153; Colors of Animals, 154; Order for Lessons on Color, 156. Resemblance and Difference in Color 157-161 First Step — Distinguishing Colors, 157. Second Step — Grouping Colors, 159. Third Step — Light and dark Col- ors, 160. Naming Colors 162-165 First Step — Naming Colors at sight, 162. Second Step — Naming Objects by Colors, 163. Third Step — Grouping names of Objects by Colors, 165. Color and Form combined 166-168 Standard Colors 169-174 First StejJ—lled ; Yellow ; Blue, 169. Second /S^e;?— Or- ange; Green; Purple, 171. Third Step — White; Black,! 72. Shades and Tints of Color 175,176 First Step — Shades, 175. Second Step — Tints of Colors, 176. Hues of Colors 177 Classes of Colors 178-180 Suggestions for the Teacher, 1 79 ; Grouping Colors in Classes, 179 ; Browns and Grays, 180. Primary and Secondary Colors 181-187 First Step — Mixing Red and YelloAV, 181 ; Suggestions for the Teacher, 182; Mixing Yellow and Blue, 182; Mixing Red and Blue, 184. Second Step — Primary Colors, 185; Secondary Colors, 186. Colors of Animals 188-190 NUMBER 191-260 First Ideas of Number 194-199 First Step — Counting 1 to 9, 194 ; Value of Numbers, 197. Second Step— Conntmg 10 to 19, 1 98. Third Step— Count- ing 20 to 29, 198 ; Order of Numbers, 199. First Ideas of Figures 200-211 Fi7-st Step — Figures as Symbols, first Group, to 9, 200. Second Step — Second Group of Figures, 10 to 19, 204 ; Sug- Xll CONTENTS. PAGE gestions for the Teacher, 205. Third Step — Group of 20 to 29 ; 30 to 39, 20G. Fourth Step— Gtout^ of Hundreds, 210. Adding 212-218 First Step, 212. Second Step, 213. Third Step, 215 ; Sug- gestions for Teachers, 218. Subtracting 219-222 First Step, 219. Second Step, 221. Third Step, 221. Order of Numbers 223 Adding without Counting 224-237 Adding by Decades, 221 ; Combinations that produce ; 1 ; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9,228. How a Class may drill itself. 235 Numeration and Notation 238-247 First Step — Numeration, 238; Illustrate Tens and Hun- dreds with bundles of Sticks, 239, 242. First Step— Nota- tion, 241. Second Step — Numeration and Notation, 241. Third Step, 244 ; Suggestions, 246. Fourth Step, 247. Addition 248,249 First Step, 248. Second Step, 248. Subtraction 250-252 First Step, 250. Second Step, 250. Third Step, 251. Multiplying Numbers 253-255 First Step, 253. Second aS^c/j— Multiplication Table, 253- 255 ; Division Tables, 256. Equal Parts, or Fractions 257-259 Halves and Eourths, 257 ; Thirds, 258 ; Suggestions, 259. SIZE 261-281 Size in General 261-263 Words used to signify Size, 263. Length and Measure 264-267 First Step — Length, 264. Second /Sie/?— Measure of, 265. "Width and Thickness 268,269 Height and Depth 270,271 Standard Measure 272-274 First Step — Length, 272. Second Step — Capacity, 273. Distance and Measured Distance 275-281 First Step — Eelative Distance, 275. Second Step — Meas- ured Distance, 276. Third Step, 21 7. Fourth Step— Tables of Length and Capacity, 278 ; Grouping Words representing kinds of Size, 281. CONTENTS. XIU PAGE DRAWING 282-287 How Drawing may be commenced 282 First Step, 283. Second Step, 281. Third Step, 284. Fourth Step, 28G. Writing, 287. TIME. Time and Measure of Time 288-290 First Step, 288. Second Step— Tahle, 289. SOUND 291-312 Importance of Training the Ear 291 Exercises for distinguishing Sounds 293 Comparing and classifying Sounds 294-29G First Step, 291. Second Step, 295. Third Step — Sounds as Long and Short, Loud and Soft, etc., 296. How to Teach the Sounds of Language.. 297-311 First Step, 297. Second Step, 299. Third Step, 299-307. Fourth Step — Analysis of Sounds, 307 ; How the Sounds are made, 309 ; Suggestions for Teachers, 312. PRIMAKY READING 313-338 Some of the Methods used in teaching Reading described, 31 3 ; Eacts to be Observed in teaching Reading, 321 ; The Objec*; Method, 326. Steps in Reading by the Object Method 327-332 First Step — Whole Words, 327. Second Step — Words by Sounds, 327. Third Step— Words by Letters, 328. Fourth Step —Words by Sound and Letters, 328. Fifth Step— Grouping Words, 328 ; Suggestions for the Teacher, 329-332. Reading from Books — How to Teach the first Lesson,... 333-337 First Step — Reading Words, 333. Second Step — Reading Sentences, 331. Third Step — TelHng what has been read, 331. Fourth Step — Meaning of Words, 335 ; Suggestions for the Teacher, 335-337; Spelling, 337, 338. QUALITIES OF OB JECTS. . 339-358 Importance of teaching Qualities, 339. Lessons on Qualities — To Distinguish and Name them... 310-358 Rough and Smooth, 310 ; Sticky, 311 ; Slippery, 311 ; Brit- tle, 312 ; Tough, 312 ; Porous, 313 ; Transparent, 311 ; t Opaque, 316 ; Elasticity, 316 ; Flexible and Pliable, 350 ; Liquid and Fluid, 351 ; Solid, 353 ; Absorbent, 351 ; Com- bustible, 351 ; Fusible, 355 ; Soluble, 355 ; Pungent, 356 ; XIV CONTENTS. PAGE Astringent, 35G ; Eibrous, 357 ; Grouping Qualities by the • Senses, 358. OBJECT LESSONS 35l)-400 Their Nature and Design, 359. Lessons on Objects — First Stage 363-378 SuggestionsfortheTeacher, 363, 378; A Chair, 363 ; Bells, 366 ; Pin, 365) ; Watch, 371 ; Hat, 373 ; Shoes, 374 ; Door, 375; A Letter, 376; Thimble, 377 ; Key, 378. Lessons on Objects — Second Stage 379-391 Suggestions for the Teacher, 379 ; Sponge, 379 ; Water, 383 ; Milk, 384; Glass, 385; Wool, 387; Gum Arabic, 390 ; Cork, 390 ; other Objects, 391. Lessons on Oh^^cts— Third Stage 392-400 Suggestions for Teachers, 392 ; Leather, 392 ; Wind, 395 ; Wafers, 397 ; Lead, 398 ; Iron, 399 ; Copper, 399 ; Silver, 399 ; Gold, 399 ; other Lessons on Objects, 400. HUMAN BODY 40i-43i Training Lessons on the Human Body 403-412 The Human Body as a whole, 403 ; Parts of the Body, 403 ; Breathing, 404 ; The Blood, 405 ; Head and its parts, 407 ; Pace and its parts, 408 ; Trunk and its parts, 408 ; Arms and the parts, 409 ; Hand and its parts, 410 ; Leg and its parts, 411 ; Foot and its parts, 411 ; Review, 412 ; Summary of the Limbs, 412 ; Suggestions for Teachers, 412. About the Bones of the Human Body 413-415 Shape and Number of Bones, 413 ; Bones of the Trunk, 413 ; of the Arm and Hand, 414 ; of the Leg and Foot, 415. Organs of the Senses 416-424 The Eyes, 416 ; Eyelids, 417 ; Parts of the Eye, 417 ; The Tears, 418; Eyelashes, 418; Eyebrows, 419; The Ears, 420; The Nose, 421 ; The Mouth, its uses and parts, 422 ; The Teeth, 422 ; Eating, 423 ; Suggestions for Teachers, 424. The Shape, Uses, and Growth of Bones 425-428 The Skull, 425; Backbone, 425 ; Ribs, 426; Shoulder-blades, Collar-bones, 427; Growth of Bones, 427. Lessons about the Skin 429-431 Qualities and parts of the Skin, 429 ; Color of, 430. MORAL TRAINING 432-442 Ideas of God as a kind Father 435-437 Ideas of God as the Maker of all Things 437-439 Ideas of the Soul 440-442 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS-. PRINCIPLES ON WHICH OBJECT TEACHING IS FOUNDED. The first step toward a preparation for the educa- tional training of children should be to ascertain the nature of the mind, its condition in childhood, its natu- ral modes of development, and the processes best adaj^t- ed to secure a proper discipline of their faculties. When this is understood, it will be an easy matter to adapt instruction to them. As an introduction to this step, a few important facts may be stated as a basis for this educational training. 1. Our knowledge of the material Avorld is derived through the senses. Objects, and the various phenom- ena of the external world, are the subjects upon which the faculties are first exercised. 2. Perception is the first stage of intelligence. Pri- mary education naturally begins with the culture of the perceptive faculties. This culture chiefly consists in affording occasions and stimulants for their develop- ment, and in fixing perceptions in the mind by means of the representations furnished by language. 3. The existence of knowledo^e in the mind besrins when resemblances and differences in objects are per- ceived. Knowledge increases in proportion to the in- creased ability for distinguishing resemblances and dif- 16 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. ferences, and the capacity to classify and associate ob- jects, experiences, and facts that resemble each other. 4. All the faculties are developed and invigorated by proper exercise ; they may be enfeebled by being over- tasked, or by being exercised on subjects which do not come 'within their proper sphere. 5. Some of the mental powers are as active and near- ly as vigorous in the child as they are in the man. Among these are sensation, perception, observation, comparison, simple memory, and imagination. Other powers of the mind do not attain their full development until the child has arrived at the period of maturity. Among these are reason, philosophical memory, and generalization. 6. The natural and most healthful incentive to atten- tion and the acquisition of knowledge, with children, is the association of pleasure with instruction. Curiosity, or the desire of knowledge, and the love of the wonder- ful, are great actuating principles of early childhood, and their gratification is always accompanied by pleas- urable emotions. Children possess a natural craving for knowledge as well as for occupation. Success af- fords them pleasure. Self-dependence is another pow- erful agent of culture. 1. Instruction should give pleasure to children, and where it does not there is something wrong, either in the mode of presenting it or in the subject-matter se- lected for instruction. 8. Habits of attention are permanent mainsprings of education. Habits are formed by the repetition of the same act. The great secret of securing the attention of children consists in arousing their curiosity, and grat- ifying their love of activity ; in mingling delightful as- PRINCIPLES. 1 7 sociations with learning, and never overtaxing their j^OTvers by keeping them too long directed upon the same object. 9. The natural process of education is from the sim- ple to the complex; from the known to the kindred unknown; from facts to causes — things before names; ideas before words ; principles before rules. A brief glance at the order and processes by which the mind gains knowledge, and at the steps to be taken in training the mental powers, may aid in making this subject of primary education more clearly understood. But I shall only attempt to present some of the leading mental powers which are employed by children in gain- ing knowledge, and to indicate the order in which these act. The senses furnish to the mind its means of contact with the external world. Through se7isations the mind gains 2^c'>^<^^I)i^ons from the objects around it. Percep- tions lead to conceptions^ or ideas, which are retained or recalled by memory. Imagination takes up the ideas formed through the perceptions, combines and presents them in new forms. Reason proceeds to investigate these ideas by more definite modes, Midi judgment is the result. Again, sensations give 2^e7xe2)tions / attention to per- ceptions leads to observation. By means of observation^ comparison, and classification of experiences and facts, hnowledge is attained. It follows, then, that the first aim of the teacher, and of the parent, in primary instruction, should be to cidti- vate in the child habits of accurate observation.^ and grouping together of like things. Such habits — clear perceptions, fixed attention, and careful observation and 18 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. ready classification — become a guaranty for the acqui- sition of knowledge in after years. Nature suggests the true plan for accomplishing this desirable end in the course which the child itself pur- sues in the examination of the various objects which surround it. The instructor should fall in w4th the child's desire to know, and allow it to exercise its senses upon each new object presented to it, by seeing, feeling, .hearing, tasting, or smelling it, as the case may be. This is Nature's method of teaching, and man never has been able to improve it. By the use of its perceptive faculties on the objects around it, the child acquires a large stock of ideas before it goes to school. The teacher should begin instruction at the point at which the child has arrived when school-life begins, and lead the mind gradually forward from one degree of knowledge to another. She should begin with things that are familiar to the child, and lead it to use the knowledge already acquired in obtaining new ideas. Words and their uses will naturally succeed a knowl- edge of things, because language will be needed to ex- press the ideas derived from them. Here Nature's method may be perceived to be things before loords. If, then, we would improve the language of a child, we must first give it ideas, then words to enable it to ex- press those ideas. Sometimes children employ original terms to express their thoughts; these should be accepted, and, if faulty, let errors be pointed out and right words substituted. Whenever a new word or term is to be taught, the thing or idea of which the term is a sign should be taught first, and be understood by the pupil before the word is presented. In all cases let the teacher present PRINCIPLES. 19 first a clear mental picture or idea of the object to her pupils, then its name will have a meaning which it would not otherwise possess, and, when used, it will call up a distinct conception before the mind. The opposite method — that of giving first the sign of the idea, and, as in many instances, only the sign or word — is opposed to the first principles of education, and its results may be witnessed every day m the mere word knowledge of many schools. All our ideas are primarily derived from nature ; books merely represent the knowledge thus obtained ; therefore it must be evident that books instruct us only so far as we are able to connect the words contained in them with the ideas which those words represent. Since ideas are not derived primarily from words, but from things, it follows that our teaching should begin with things and ideas, and lead to principles. No man becomes a good farmer, or carpenter, or painter, or engineer, or surgeon from books alone ; he must have observation and practice — in other words, ex- perietice, to make what he reads in books a living reality, so that words shall be to him as pictures representing those realities. If habits of accurate observation are ever attained, the foundation must be laid in childhood. Since chil- dren delight in natural knowledge — a knowledge of things — and since a constant impulse to know seems to urge them to acquire ideas of the objects about them, a little encouragement will lead them to employ this use- ful and divinely -implanted desire so that observation shall become a most valuable habit. Thousands of evi- dences exist around us proving that this noble impulse, if neglected or checked in childhood, becomes greatly 20 TRIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. diminislied in activity, even so far as almost to cease to take notice of the beauty and wonders of the world. From the lack of habits of observing the properties of common things, and deriving therefrom those lessons to which such observation leads, the most lamentable errors are committed. Without this habit nature is a sealed book ; the varieties of animal and vegetable life appear but a mass of confusion ; the stars tell no won- ders, mark no seasons. To remedy this, habits of obser- vation must be commenced in infancy, carried forward in youth, and confirmed in manhood. If we would take for our guide in education those laws which God has prescribed for the development of mind, and follow them, we must begin with things, and go from them to words, teaching words as representa- tive symbols, or signs, of the things themselves. This course would render the path of the learner pleasant, as God intended the acquisition of knowledge should be. The most important period in education is that sj^ent in the primary school. Hence those who undertake the charge of training children during this period should be especially qualified for it; they should understand the cultivation of the senses, and know how to teach real things, real forms, real colors, real sou7icls, and words to represent them, and how to lead the mind to correct conceptions. Before teaching the word cube as the name of an object, they should see that the child is fa- miliar with and can readily distinguish the form of a cube. Before teaching the word greeoi as the name of a color, they should know that the child has a distinct idea of the color itself Instead of teaching first the words rough and smooth, and then their definitions, the mind should be made acquainted with the sensations of PRINCIPLES. 21 rough and smooth, and the words taught to enable it to express those sensations. If teachers will learn to carry- out this idea in all their primary instructions, icords and hooTcs will come to have a significance to the young which they seldom or never attain under other methods of ed- ucation. Observation teaches that the full use of our senses is to be acquired by suitable training. Their cultivation is one of the important duties of both the parent and the primary teacher. On this subject Miss Edgeworth justly remarks : "Rousseau has judiciously advised that the senses of children should be cultivated with the utmost care. In proportion to the distinctness of their perceptions will be the accuracy of their memory, and probably, also, the precision of their judgment. A child who sees im- perfectly can not reason justly about the objects of sight, because it has not sufficient data. A child who does not hear distinctly can not judge well of sound ; and if we could suppose the sense of touch to be twice as accurate in one child as in another, we might con- clude that the judgment of these children must difi*er in a similar proportion. "The defects in organization are not within the power •of the instructor. We may observe that inattention and want of exercise are frequently the causes of what are mistaken for natural defects ; and, on the contrary, in- creased attention and cultivation sometimes produce that quickness of eye and ear, and that consequent readiness of judgment, which we are apt to attribute to natural superiority of organization or capacity." The more we spread and enlarge these roots of knowl- edge by such practical means, the more rapidly the future 22 PKIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. tree will grow, and the more abundant and perfect will be the fruits thereof "A little child has sensations which we ourselves had, but which we now forget. It walks in the world as we might do in a new country; the sky, the changing lights, every class of natural objects, give rise to new sensations, for each of which it seeks a name, and, long before it has words to characterize them, it is acquainted with many qualities and circumstances relating to them. But its faculties are chiefly employed upon those things most closely allied to its own nature. Every thing that lives has a special interest ; motion invariably attracts as a sign of life, but it is human society and all its relations that come home most fully to its sympathies."* Whatever the child sees done he wants to know about, and to do ; and so great is his love of the knowledge of actions, that he will gladly throw aside the playthings which delight him. to watch his papa or mamma in op- erations where tools are employed. He wants to know about the food he eats; the uses of each article of furni- ture ; the uses of tools which he sees ; about his clothes — how they are made ; and about every thing relative to man, animals, and plants. In fact, his curiosity is insatiable, because a knowledge of these things is nec- essary to existence and well-being. Now it is evident that by taking advantage of this propensity to know, while gratifying a natural desire, habits of observation may be established, a great amount of knowledge im- parted, and, at the same time, the conception, compari- son, imagination, reason, and judgment cultivated, the ability for classifying and associating strengthened, and the foundation laid for a thoroughly practical education. * Young's Teacher's Manual. PEIXCIPLES. 23 Books will never accomplish this; such training should precede books ; it is the work of the parent and of the primary teacher. To aid both in their endeavors to properly develop the minds of the children intrusted to their care is the design of this book. It is not ex- pected that these lessons will be followed literally ; but it is hoped that they will serve to suggest methods adapted to the wants of teachers and parents under the varying circumstances in which they may be placed, and lead them to instruct by system, in accordance with nature's laws for the acquisition of knowledge, rather than by mere experiments, unguided by system or law. No one is a master of the science of teaching until such skill has been attained as will give the ability, to quickly ascertain not only what the child knows upon any subject, and what portion of this knowledge is clearly known, what part is faintly known, but what steps should be taken, and their order, that the subject may be properly known. Furthermore, the instructor must be able to determine what was defective in the methods of teaching from their results alone, and to suggest readily methods adapted to correct the defects. When a teacher has become practically acquainted Avith a correct system and laws of instruction, all diffi- culties relative to what methods should be used in any given case will rapidly disappear. The laws of mental development are just as certain, and may be as clearly understood, as the laws of phys- ical growth. A person is no better qualified to enter upon the duties of a teacher without knowing these mental laws, and understanding a system of teaching in accordance with them, than one would be to under- take the duties of a physician who knew nothing of the laws of health and the philosophy of medicine. 24 riilMAllY OJiJECT LESSONS. HOME TEAmmG OF THE SENSES. The importance of a proper cultivation of the senses by means of home training can not be over-estimated. The mind of the child has access to the material world only through its senses. It is through these doors and windows that all knowledge of the world can be ac- quired. These senses need cultivation by suitable ex- ercise to enable the mind to act through them with readiness and clearness. When no attention is given to the training of the senses, it often happens that some of them receive so little exercise that they fail to attain their full power of activity. Sometimes it is found that for want of suitable attention the sense of hearing is very imper- fect, and, in consequence, the child is called stupid, when the difficulty exists in its not having been trained to perceive sounds readily and clearly. This condition may exist with other senses, and the child be considered dull, and slow to learn, simply in consequence of not having been trained to use its senses properly. During the period of home training all the senses should receive due attention — smelling, tasting, and feeling, as well as seeing and hearing. It is esjDCcially important that the senses of smelling, tasting, and feel- ing should be carefully trained at home, since the op- portunities are very limited for their cultivation in school, where the exercises chiefly pertain to seeing and hearing:. HOME TRAINING OF THE SENSES. 25 The prominent characteristics of early childhood should be carefully observed, and plans adapted for home training in accordance with them. Among these characteristics will be found activity, a fondness for handling things, and a desire to try to do what older persons do. No better training can be given to the child, before it is old enough to go to school, than to furnish the means to enable it to exercise these charac- teristics in such a manner as to lead to a proper train- ing of the several senses. The opportunities for such home training are of daily occurrence. Favorable circumstances for such exer- cises should be seized whenever and wherever they arise, in the kitchen, dining-room, parlor, garden, field, or the street. Wherever they go, children might thus be trained to observe, and to acquire knowledge, and find entertainment. Where there are two or three children in the family, it will be often found desirable to arrange exercises by which they can join in these sense-training lessons. The following lessons are presented to suggest meth- ods for arranging exercises for home training of the senses. Other plans mnj be devised by the parent that would be equally useful, should the end to be at- tained be kept properly in view. EXERCISES EOR TRAINING THE SENSE OF SIGHT. The sense of sight may be cultivated by distinguish- ing shapes of objects, or their size, length, width, color, etc. Any plans by which shapes, sizes, lengths, widths, or colors may be compared by children will aid in the training of this sense. B 26 PKIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. Rapid Vision. — Let a child be led tlirough a room, and then requested to tell what it saw in the room. Repeat this, and let it tell what other objects it saw. Let children stand before a shoj) window for a min- ute, and afterward tell what they saw. EXERCISES FOR TRAINING THE SENSE OF HEARING. To distinguish Objects by their Sound. — Let a bell, a tumbler, and a bowl be struck lightly with a table-knife, and the child led to notice the difference in their sounds. Then let the child turn its back toward these objects while each is struck again as before, and then tell which object is struck by its sound alone. Other objects may be used in the same manner, and the child trained to distinguish them by sounds also. To distinguish the Location of Objects, by Sound.— Let a small bell be struck ia different parts of a room, and children be requested to tell where the bell w^as sound- ed each time. It might be struck under a table, under a chair, near the floor, behind a child, then near the ceil- ing, in a box, in a closet, in a distant corner of the room. A child might be blindfolded, and a bell rung near it on one side, then far away on the same side ; then near behind it, then far away behind it ; then near and far on the other side ; then near and far in front, and the child required to tell in what position the bell was each time it was rung. To distinguish high, low, loud, and soft Sounds. — Three tumblers, each having a marked difference in tone, may be struck lightly, and the children required HOME TRAINING OF THE SENSES. 27 to notice the sound belonging to each. Then, while the eyes of the children are closed, let each tumbler be struck, and each child requested to tell which tumbler was sounded. In a similar manner children may be led to distin- guish high and low sounds. To distinguish loud, soft, and faint sounds, let loud, soft, and faint raps be made on a door, on a table, on a tumbler, on the wall. Each might be struck with the same object, then all with different objects. Finally, let the children distinguish which object is used for strik- ing by the sound produced. Children should also be led to imitate high and low, loud and soft sounds, with their voices. To distinguish Persons by Voice and by Footsteps.— Let children be trained to distinguish different members of the family by their voice, when they speak but a single word. They may also be led to distinguish the foot- steps of each member of the family. EXERCISES FOR TRAINING THE SENSE OF TASTE. To distinguish common Objects by their Taste.— Let children taste very small portions of the following articles of food without seeing them, and tell what each is, viz. : Bread, cake, cheese, butter, meat, pota- to, turnip, apple, peach, grape, plum, pear, salt, sugar, tea, coffee, milk, water, vinegar, etc. Let them also learn to distinguish fruits, nuts, berries, etc., by their taste. To distinguish Sour Substances. — Let the children 28 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. learn the taste of vinegar, lemon, sour apple, currants, pie-plant, etc., and then by taste alone distinguish each of these, and other sour substances. To distinguish Pungent Substances. — Let the children learn the taste of common pepper, spice, cloves, horse- radish, cinnamon, peppermint, etc., and then to distin- guish them by taste, without seeing them. To distinguish Astringent Substances. — Let children taste of alum, a choke-cherry, an unripe persimmon, a piece of oak bark, and, when they clearly distinguish the puckery taste, tell them that all things that taste like these are said to be astringent. Then let them distin- guish a few substances by their astringent taste, and this quality will be understood, and never forgotten. To distinguish Bitter Substances. — Children may ac- quire a knowledge of a bitter quality by tasting of gentian, myrrh, Peruvian bark, wormwood, rue, quassia, aloes, hops, tansy, or other bitter substances. To distinguish Salt and Sugar.— Place a little dry white sugar in one paper, and in another a little salt. Let the child smell of each, then feel of each, then taste of each. Then ask it. Do these taste alike ? Do they feel alike ? Do they smell alike ? Has the salt any smell ? Are both of the same color ? "Which do you like bettei-, salt or sugar? Would you like to eat as much salt as you do of sugar ? How can you tell which is sugar ? HOME TRAINING OF THE SENSES. 29 EXERCISES FOR TRAINING THE SENSE OF SMELL. 1. Place successively before the child several objects, and let it tell what they are without seeing or feeling them, as cheese, coffee, onion, turnip, a rose, a pink, a ripe apple, an orange, vinegar, leather, sugar, etc. 2. A variety of flowers may thus be placed succes- sively before the nose of a child, and it requested to tell the name of each. 3. The children should be led to notice objects that they can not smell, as salt, glass, alum, iron, etc. 4. Arrange substances possessing strong odors, as cami^hor, peppermint, cinnamon, cologne, onion, and let the children tell their names without seeing them. EXERCISES FOR TRAINING THE SENSE OF TOUCH. To distinguish Objects by Touch. — Place in a small bag several objects, as marbles, tops, knife, buttons, cents, pencils, key, pieces of cloth, and paper ; then request a child to put its hand in the bag, take hold of one object, then tell what it is, without seeing it, and before remov- ing it from the bag. When the name has been given by the child, the object may be taken out, and, if the right name was given, the child may keep the object, and draw another in the same manner. Should the Avrong name be given, the object must be returned to the bag. Where there are two or more children, they may take turns, each naming and drawing out one object. When a child makes a mistake in naming it, the object must be returned to the bag, and that child should wait until 30 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. each of the other children have guessed the name of an object and drawn it from the bag before it draws an- other. When all the articles have thus been drawn from the bag, each child may count them, and see which has drawn out the greatest number. Lumps of sugar, salt, and pieces of stone and wood may be placed in tlie bag, and the children requested to distinguish each by feeling, as before. Children may hold their hands behind them, and a small object be placed in one hand of each, and they be requested to tell the name of it. Let a child be blindfolded, and try to tell the names of articles placed on a table before it by touching them. To distinguish Persons by Touch. — When several chil- dren are together, one may be blindfolded, and then try to distinguish the others by feeling of their clothes and hands. Let a child try to distinguish the members of the family by feeling of their hands, then by feeling of their faces. To distinguish Coins by Touch. — Place several coins in a small bag or in a pocket, as one-cent, two-cent, three- cent, and five-cent pieces, and let the child distinguish them by feeling. Each coin may be drawn from the bag or pocket after its name has been given, but it must be returned when the wrong name is given. To distinguish Grains by Touch.— Several kinds of grain may be put into different bags, as wheat, oats, peas, corn, beans, etc., and the child requested to tell the name of each kind by feeling it. HOME TRAINING OP THE SENSES. 31 To distinguish Rough and Smooth Objects. — Arrange several articles that differ in smoothness and rough- ness, as pieces of silk, cotton, and woolen cloth, brown paper, writing-paper, rough and smooth pieces of wood, pieces of stone, metals, etc., and request the children to select the smooth articles, and place them in one grou23, and the rough articles, and j)lace them in an- other group. To distinguish Hard and Soft Substances. — Arrange on a table several substances, as cork, pine, oak, lead, cop- per, iron, stone, glass, leather, rubber, and let the chil- dren selectj by feeling, the three softest articles, also the three hardest. Let them select all that are softer than lead, and place them on the left side of it; then all that are harder than lead, and place those on the right side of it. Place several substances before the children, and let them ascertain, by scratching each with a piece of cop- per, which are harder than copper, and which are softer than copper. To distinguish Warm and Cold Substances. — Arrange several substances on a table, as cotton, linen, and wool- en cloth, different kinds of wood, stone, lead, iron, glassi, and let the children touch each, and say which they think feel cold, and which warm. To distinguish Size of Objects by Touch. — Place three objects, differing but little in size, in the hands of a blindfolded child, and request it to select the largest one. Place objects of the same shape and size, and objects of the same shape but of different size, in a bag, and let 32 PEIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. children select and draw out two of the same size, then two of a different size. Objects of different shapes, but of nearly the same size, may be placed in the same bag with the last lot, and the child led to select like sizes, then like shapes, then like shape and size. The sense of touch may also be improved by allowing children to compare the thickness of objects by feeling, as a thick and a thin book, a thick and a thin piece of paper or piece of cloth, a thick and a thin stick, a large and a small string. To distinguish Leaves by Touch. — Encourage children to learn the feeling of different kinds of leaves, and of the blades of grass and grains. They may be requested to distinguish these by touch alone. The exercises already mentioned will suggest a va- riety of methods for training the sense of touch. And, in addition to those now given, children should be trained to distinguish substances that are slippery, sticky, light, heavy, etc. On all suitable occasions they should be allowed to touch different objects, and to tell how they feel. But care should also be taken to secure a ^:>?'ope?' training in discriminating lohat and when they should not touch. HOME EXERCISES FOR TRAINING THE HAND. Let the children open and shut their hands; shut all the fingers of the right hand except the forefinger and thumb; then the same of the left hand ; then all except a little finger on each hand ; then all but the little fin- ger and the forefinger, etc. HOME TRAINING OF THE SENSES. 33 Balancing'. — Let children try to balance small objects on the tip of a finger, as a cent, a pencil, a pocket-knife, sticks, etc. Tying Knots. — Let children learn to tie a simple knot in a single string ; then a simple knot with two strings side by side; then to join two strings together by a square knot ; then two strings may be united by a loop- knot. Children should also be taught to tie single and double bow-knots, such as are used in tying their shoe- strings, also their neck-ties. Doing up Parcels. — Children may be taught to tie up small parcels neatly, as books, pieces of cloth, a few pebbles or beans ; also sand, peas, or small grains, in parcels of a conical shape, such as grocers use. Cutting and Folding Paper. — Let children be shown how to cut and fold papers to form 'small boxes, boats, hats, baskets, garments, houses, etc. ; also folding slips of paper for lighting candles or gas. Cat's Cradle is a good game for exercising the fingers of children. ' HOME TRAINING IN FORM. Ideas of form may be developed by means of the toys furnished for the child's amusement at home. For this purpose a box of cubes and a box of brick-shaped blocks should be supplied. The brick-shaped blocks should be made of some hard wood, as cherry or maple, and be about four inches long by two inches wide, and one B2 34 PKIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. incli thick. The child can soon be taught to pile them up, break joints in imitation of brick-work. For a boy of two or three years of age no toys can be furnished that will afford more amusement, and continue for so long a time to occupy his attention without apparent fatigue. When the boy has played with these blocks for a few weeks, it will astonish one to notice the vari- ety of square and oblong structures, towers, pyramids, bridges, arches, gateways, walls, forts, chimneys, etc., that he will construct with them. Crandall's building blocks also serve a similar pur- pose of amusement and observation in shape. These are made so that the different pieces may be joined to- gether at the ends, and the structure may be carried about without falling to pieces. A toy known as a Chinese puzzle, or tangram, rep- resented below, will also be found useful in this home training in form. The tan- gram may be made of paste- board, or wood, or metal. It consists of seven pieces, as seen in the accompanying illustration representing it in the form of a large square. On the opposite page may be seen two squares formed with the same pieces. With the seven pieces that constitute the tangram many hundred figures may be constructed. First the child should be directed to form tlie two small squares; afterward the large one. When it can form these readily, various outlines of figures may be given to be imitated by arranging the several pieces. In ad- HOME TEAINING OF THE SENSES. 35 The Chinese TaBgram. dition, other forms may be arranged according to the child's fancy. It is said that the tangram was one of the amusements of Napoleon. On the following page are a few of the figures that may be arranged from the tangram. HOME TRAINING IN COLOR. To distinguish Colors. — Let the children arrange pieces of silk, ribbon, cloth, paper, or worsteds, of vari- ous colors, in groups of red colors, blue colors, green colors, yellow colors, purple colors, without any distinc- tion of light and dark reds, blues, etc. To name the principal Color of Objects. — Let the chil- dren name the principal colors in their articles of dress, in objects about the room, as carpets, mats, etc. To arrange Flowers of like Colors. — In the summer en- courage children to notice the colors of flowers ; also to arrange together flowers of like colors. To arrange Colors in Order. — Place colors in order, as red, orange, yellow, blue, green ; or green, red, orange, blue, and let children arrange colors in the same order. 36 PEIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. Chicken. Fruit-dish, Goose. . — \ s^^^'o?^ is the point- er now ? " Leaning ;" " Slanting." I will now make marks on the blackboard to represent this position, and you may call these marks slanti7ig lines. How many slant- ing lines have I made ? Vertical. — Taking the pointer again, the teacher holds it in a slanting position, then in an upright position ; then holds it upright with one end standing on the ta- ble. Now the question is asked, In what position is the pointer? "Standing;" "Up and down;" "Upright." Very good. Now I will give you another name for this position ; it is Vertical. What did I call this po- sition? "Vertical." Then vertical means the same as " Standing ;" " Upright ;" " Up and down." T) 74 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. n I will make marks on the blackboard to repre- sent this position, and you may call these marks vertical lines. How many vertical lines did I make ? How many slanting lines do you see on the blackboard ? As I point at a line on the blackboard, you may tell me its name. " Slanting line." " Vertical line." " Ver- tical line." " Slanting line." Now you may point to a slanting line ; now to a ver- tical line. Can you stand in a vertical position? Let me see you try it. [All in the class stand erect.] That is Avell done ; you may sit down. SECOND STEP.— HORIZONTAL AND OBLIQUE LINES. Horizontal. — Again taking the pointer, the teacher holds it in a slanting position, then in an upright posi- tion, then in a lying-down position. Placing it on the table in an upright position, it is first made to lean far over, then to lie on the table. Then the children are asked, In what position is the pointer now? " Lying down." Taking the pointer up, the teacher holds it in various positions, then horizontal, and asks. In what position is the pointer now ? " Lying down ;" " Level ;" " Even." Yes, the pointer is level, like the ice on a pond, or the surface of water in a basin, or like the floor. You may call this the horizontal position. If you were out in a field, with the land level as far as you could see, the place where the sky and the earth seem to meet all around you woidd be called the Jiori- zon. Because this pointer is now in sncli a position LESSONS ON POSITION OF LINES. 15 that its ends point to the horizon^ we call it the hori- zontal position. I will now make marks on the blackboard, and you may tell me in what position they are in as I point at them. " Vertical ;" " Horizontal j" " Slanting ;" " Hor- izontal;" "Slanting;" "Horizontal." In how many jDOsitions have I placed these lines? "Three." What are the names of these positions? " Slanting, vertical, and horizontal." Now you may point to a vertical line ; to a horizon- tal line ; to a slanting line ; to a horizontal line ; verti- cal ; slanting. Oblique. — The slanting line is sometimes called by another name, which means the same as slanting ; that name is oblique. So you may say the line is ohlique, or the line is slanting. If you place one end of the pointer on the floor, a few inches from the wall, and place the top of it against the wall, you would say the pointer is leaning. So, if you should see a tree standing so that its trunk is not in a vertical position, you would say the tree leans^ or the tree is leaning j but when you speak of the position of lines, call them slanting or oblique lines. Now you may hold your right arm in a horizontal position ; now in a slanting position ; now in an oblique position ; now in a vertical positioi;i ; now in a horizon- tal position; in an oblique position. Let books and slates be held in these same positions. 76 PEIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. In what position are you when standing erect? In what position are you when lying down ? In what po- sition do little boys often get when trying to learn to skate ? In what position are roofs of houses ? Why are the roofs made in this position ? In what positions are the tops of tables ? In what position is the ceiliDg ? — is the floor ? — are the walls of the room ? THIRD STEP.— PARALLEL AND PERPENDICULAR LINES. Parallel. — Let the teacher take two pointers, or two pen-holders, or two lead-pencils, and hold them before the children so that two end.s shall be near each other and the two opposite ends wide apart, as in Fig. 1 ; then hold them so that the other ends shall b(? wide apart, as in Fig. 2 ; then hold them so that both ends shall be the same distance apart, as in Fig. 3, requesting the pu- pils to observe each position. Now the teacher may draw lines on the blackboard to represent each of these positions, thus: Fis:. 1. Fiff. 2. Fijr. 3. Then pointing to the lines as in Fig. 1, the teacher asks, Are these line^ the same distance apart at each end? Pointing to the lines as in Fig. 2, the same ques- tion is again put. Then pointing to the lines as in Fig. LESSONS ON POSITION OF LINES. 77 3, the teacher asks, Are these lines the same distance apart at both ends ? Now look at the cracks in the floor, and tell me whether two of those are the same distance apart. " They are." Then drawing lines on the blackboard in a horizontal position, thus : Fig. 5. Fig. 6. the teacher points to lines as represented by Fig. 4, and asks, Are these lines the same distance apart ? Then at the other lines as represented by Figs. 5 and 6, and asks the same question. N'ow the teacher may say. When two lines are side by side, and the same distance aj)art, like these (point- ing to those represented by Figs. 3 and 4), they are called parallel lines. The word parallel means hy the side of each other. Now look at these l^es again, and see if each two of them are by the side of each other. You may tell me how the parallel lines differ from the other lines. " They are the same distance apart, and the others are not." Pointing at lines as represented by Fig. 6, the teacher says. These lines are the same distance apart at both ends ; are they parallel ? "No; they are no.t the same distance apart in the middle." Very good; I will now tell you when lines are parallel. When lines are side by side, and equally distant in all parts, they are parallel. '78 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Again pointing at lines as in Figs. 3 and 4, the teacher asks, Why do you say these lines are parallel? "Because they are side by side, cmd equally distant in all parts.'''* Do parallel lines have the same direction? What can you see in this room that you may say are parallel ? Did you ever see any thing in a parallel position in the street ? " The car tracks." The teacher may draw parallel-vertical lines, paral- lel-horizontal lines, parallel-slanting lines, and parallel- curved lines on the blackboard, thus : What can you tell me about the shape of these lines? " Some are straight, and some are curved." What can you say of their position ? " Some are vertical, some are horizontal, some are oblique, and all are parallel." Are the curved lines parallel ? " Yes." Why do you say these curved lines are parallel? " Because they are side by side, and equally distant in all parts." Very well. Now could you show me parallel lines in a writing- book ? " Yes ; the ruled lines are parallel." What lines are parallel on the slate-frame ? " The two sides and the two ends." What lines are parallel in the door ? You may draw parallel lines on your slates. LESSONS ON POSITION OF LINES. 79 How can you ascertain whether two lines are parallel or not ? " By measuring the distance between them." SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHERS. It is of great importance that the two conditions in parallel lines — side hy side, and equally distant in all parts — be fully illustrated, and the pupils led to perceive these points. It is a common error for teachers to require their pupils to repeat the definitions found in text- books on Geometry somewhat as follows: "Parallel lines never meet, how far soever they may be produced, " By this means they fail to notice the two indispensable conditions mentioned above, and fail also to determine by observation what lines are parallel. These facts, that parallel lines lie in the. same plane, and "can not intersect each other, how far soever both ends may be extended," be- long to the instruction for grammar schools, and should not be intro- duced into the primary school. Perpendicular. — Sometimes another name is given to the vertical line. When I hold this pointer in a vertical position, with one end resting on the table, we may say, " The pointer is in a perpendicular position." Now, if I draw a horizontal line on the blackboard, thus, , and then draw a vertical line so as to meet the horizontal one (see Fig. 7), the vertical line may be called a perpendic- _ nlar line. In what position is the floor ? "Hor- izontal." In what position are the walls? "Vertical." What other name may you give for the position of the walls? "Perpendicular." The walls are perpendicular to the floor. 80 PRIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. LESSONS TO DEVELOP IDEAS OF COKNERS AND ANGLES. First Step.— Corners. — The teacher may take a book, and square and oblong forms, and, showing them to the children, ask. How many corners has this book ? " Four corners." How many corners has this piece of wood? "Four." How many corners has this ? *' Four." How many corners has the slate? "Four." How many corners has the table ? " Four." Showing forms with three and five corners, the teach- er proceeds to ask, How many corners has this? "Three." How many has this? "Five." And this? "Three." Now I wish you to look at this form with three cor- ners, and tell me whether these are like the corners of the book ? " They are not ; these corners are smaller." Taking the trapezium, the teacher asks. Are these corners all alike ? " No ; some are small." You may call these small corners that have a sharp point sharp corners. What may you call the corners that have a sharp point ? " Sharp corners." Now I will fold this piece of paper so that one cor- ner will be like a sharp point. What may you call this corner ? "A sharp corner." Has the table sharp corners ? " No ; they are round." What shape are the corners of this slate ? " Round corners." LESSONS ON" COKNERS AND ANGLES. 81 Taking the trapezium, and showing the blunt end, the teacher may inquire, Has this corner a sharp point ? "ISTo." Can you think of a good name for it ? " Large cor- ner ;" " Dull corner ;" " Blunt corner." Very well ; you may call this corner with a wide point a hliint corner. What may we call a corner with a blunt point? "A blunt corner." Here is a form with four corners alike : you call it a — " Square." Right. Then you may call all corners that are like the corners of a square, square cojmers. What may we call these corners, like those of a square? " Square corners." What kind of corners has the book ? " Square cor- ners." What shape are the corners of this sheet of pa- per? "Square." Now I will draw lines -on the blackboard to repre- sent these corners, and you may tell me the names of each as I make it. ,L What did you call the first corner ? " Sharp." And the second ? " Square." What did you call the third ? " Blunt." And what the fourth ? " Round corner." Which is the smallest corner? "The sharp one." Which corner is like those of the table ? " The round corner." What figure did I place by the square corner ? " Fig- ure 2." What figure stands by the blunt corner? "Fig- ure 3." B2 82 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. What is the name of the corner by figure 1 ? " Sharp corner." What is the shape of the corners of the blackboard? " Square." What kind of corners has the door ? What is the shape of the corners of the panes of glass? Drawing Corners. — You may now take your slates and draw lines to represent these corners. First draw two sharp corners. Next draw two square corners. Now draw three blunt corners. Next draw one sharp corner. Now write a figure 1 at each sharp corner; a figure 2 at each square corner; and figure 3 at each blunt corner. How many sharp corners have you drawn ? " Three." How many square corners ? "' Two." How many blunt corners ? " Three." You may now turn your slates, and let me look at the corners. I wish to see who has drawn them neatly. Second Step.— Angles. — The teacher may d'raw lines on the blackboard to represent sharp, square, and blunt corners — two or three of each ; then, pointing at them separately, request the pupils to tell what kind of cor- ner each represents. I will now take this knife and oj^en one blade a little way, so that the opening between the handle and the blade shall represent one of these sharp corners. Now I will open it further, and you may tell me which cor- ner the opening between the handle and the blade is like. '' The square corner." Opening it still further, which is it like now ? "The blunt corner." LESSONS ON CORNERS AND ANGLES. 83 Kow which corner is it like ? " The square corner." Now which is it like ? " The sharp corner." Now look at the edge of this blade ; now at the edge of the knife-handle. You see that these meet so that the opening between them forms a point at one end. Sometimes it is a small point, like the sharp corner; sometimes it is larger, like the square corner; and sometimes it is a blunt point, like the blunt corner. Now I am going to give you a new name for these points, or the openings between the two lines that form a point. We will call them angles instead of corners. You may still say that the book has square corners, and the table round corners, and the door square cor- ners, and that some things have sharp corners, but we will call the corners made by two lines angles. What shall we call the corners made by two lines? "Angles." Acute- Angle. — We have names for the different kinds of corners, and we need names for the large and small angles. We will call the small angle, that is like the sharp corner, an acute angle, be- cause the word acute means sharp. Now you may tell me the name of the angle as I point to the lines on the blackboard. " Acute angle ; acute' angle ; acute angle." How many acute angles do you see on the black- board? "Three." Now you may make an acute angle with your two fore-fingers. You may point to acute angles on the "Chart of Lines ;" also on the blackboard. 84 PRIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. Right Angle. — I will now draw a horizontal line on the blackboard, and then a perpendicular line above it, so that it shall stand on the middle of the horizontal line. How many angles have I made with these two lines? "Two angles." Are these acute angles? "No; they are both larger than acute angles." Which of these two angles is larger ? " Neither ; both are of the same size." Then you may call them equal angles. What may we call two angles of the same size ? " Equal angles." What corner are these angles like? "The square corner." — I will now give you a name for the angle that is like the square corner; it is a right angle. What may we call the angle that is like the square corner ? " Right angle." How did I make these equal angles ? " By drawing a horizontal line, and a perpendicular line to meet it." Very good ; when two lines are drawn so as to form two equal angles, these angles are called right angles. Now make a right angle with your two fore-fingers. I will now point to the angles on the blackboard, and you may tell their names. "Right angle ; acute angle; acute angle ; right angle ; right angle ; blunt angle." No, we do not say blunt angle ; we speak of blunt corners. But I will soon tell you a name for the angle that is like the blunt corner. Obtuse Angle. — You remember that we have a word which means the same as sharp ; what is that word ? "Acute." Yes ; and so we have another word which means the same as blunt; it is obtuse. Then we LESSONS ON COENEES AND ANGLES. 85 may call the angle that is like a blunt corner an obtuse angle. What word means blunt ? " Obtuse." What, then, may we call the angle which is like the blunt corner ? " Obtuse angle." Now, how many kinds of angles have you learned ? "Three." What are their names ? " Acute angle, right angle, obtuse angle." Which angle is like the blunt corner ? " The obtuse angle ?" Which is like the sharp corner ? " The acute angle." Which is like the square corner? "The right angle-" Now you may point to right angles on the " Chart of Lines," also on the blackboard. Another child may point to obtuse angles on the " Chart," also on the blackboard. All of the children mayjiow make an obtuse angle with the fore-fingers. Now make right angles. Now acute ano-les. o Drawing Angles. — The pupils may now take their slates and pencils, and (as the teacher dictates) draw angles. Ready ! Draw an acute angle. Draw another acute angle. Draw a right angle. Draw another right angle. Draw an obtuse angle ; now another. Draw an acute angle. Draw an obtuse angle. How many acute angles have you made ? " Three." How many right angles have you drawn ? " Two." How many obtuse angles did you make ? " Three." Now turn your slates, that I may see how well you have drawn these angles. 86 TKIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. SUGGESTIONS TOR THE TEACHER. In place of the knife, a pair of scissors might be used to illustrate the openings of different sizes, to prepare the children for the term angle. The gonigraph will also be found convenient for illustrating the lessons on angles. When the names of the different kinds of angles have been taught, it might be well to di'aw the angles on the blackboard, numbering each thus : Then draw several angles, joined together, similar to the following ■ Nov/ request the pupils to go singly and write a figure, representing one of the three kinds of angles, opposite an angle of the same kind in the group of angles. Then they may be required to tell how many angles there are of each kind in the group. In small schools, where there are children in several grades of studies, as in the ungraded schools in the country, it would be well for the teacher to provide several small sticks, and give two to each of the younger pupils, after they have taken these lessons on angles, and re- quest them to make angles with them. This might prove to be the most interesting part of the lesson, and be the means of saving the in- struction that had just been given. Besides, teachers often find diffi- culty in keeping the younger pupils profitably occupied. This plan might furnish a profitable and interesting employment for a portion of the time usually wasted in playing or idleness, much to the annoyance of the teacher. Care should be taken to make the children understand that the size of the angle does not depend upon the length of the lines, but upon the difference in their direction. LESSONS ON COENEES AND ANGLES. 87 Third Step.— Angles. — Those who wish to teach their pupils that " an angle is the difference in the direction of two lines that meet in a point," may give exercises in this step. The teacher draws three angles on the blackboard — acute, right, and obtuse — with one line in each in a hori- zontal position ; then asks, How many of these lines are in a horizontal position ? " Three." In what position are the other lines ? " One is per- pendicular, and two are slanting." Do the slanting lines run in the same direction? "No; one slants toward the right, and one toward the left." What is the shape of these lines ? " All are straight." I will now draw three more angles. Do the lines of either of these run in the same direction as the lines in one of the other angles ? " Yes ; the lines in each right angle run in the same direction." Look at the lines in the acute angles. " They run in the same direction also." How is it with the lines of the obtuse angles ? " The lines of each of these are alike." What do you observe about the size of the two acute angles? "They are both of the same size." How about the obtuse angles ? " They are alike in size." Now, when angles are of the same size, their lines run in the same direction. Do the lines of angles that dif- fer in size run in the same direction ? " No." Does the size of an angle depend upon the difference in the direction of its lines ? " It does." Is the difference in the direction of the lines of a right angle greater than the difference in the direction of the lines in an acute anoxic ? " It is." 88 PEIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. In which angle is the difference in the direction of the lines greatest? "In the obtuse angle." Then we might say " an angle is the difference in the direction of two straight lines that meet in a point." How many right angles may be drawn npon one hori- zontal line ? How many obtuse angles can be drawn upon one hori- zontal line ? Can more than two acute angles be made upon one horizontal line ? How many right angles can you make with two lines ? How many obtuse angles can you make with two lines ? How many acute angles can you make with two lines ? LESSONS ON PLANE FOKMS. LESSONS TO DEVELOP IDEAS OF PLANE FOEMS. First Step.— Plane Forms. — Having provided pieces of paper, pasteboard, and cards of various sizes and shapes, as triangles, squares, oblongs, rhombs, circles, pentagons, half a sheet of paper (each form to be rep- resented by three or more pieces, and tioo or more sizes, including those from the Box of Forms), the teacher may place all of these forms on a table before the chil- dren, and, showing two or three at a time, lead the pupils to observe which shapes resemble each other, to count the corners, and edges, and compare the size. When the children are able readily to distinguish the differences in these forms by the number of corners and the number of edges, they may be required to classify them in groups with three corners and three edges ; and four corners and four edges; send Jive comers and five edges; six corners and six edges; and groups without corners, as circles. In a small class it would be best to allow the pupils to come to the table, one at a time, and make a selec- tion, each of two shapes, and place them with their ap- propriate groups. But in large classes the teacher may hold the form before the class, and require the pupils to tell the number of corners and edges, and in which group to place it. The teacher may now place the "Chart of Forms" be- fore the class, and call upon pupils to point to the forms with three corners ; then those with four corners ; then 90 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. those without corners; then those with three edges; then with four edges. Afterward the teacher may draw these forms on the blackboard, and call j)upils to point them out, as before. Subsequently the children may draw these forms on their slates. Second Step.— Plane Forms. — Taking several squares and oblongs from the "Box of Forms for Object Teach- ing," or pieces of pasteboard representing these forms, the teacher may tell the pupils that the edges of these forms have another name; they are called sides; and when speaking of these edges we will call them sides. Holding up the square, the teacher asks, How many corners has this ? " Four." How many sides has it ? " Four." Holding up the oblong, she asks, How many corners has this ? " Four." How many sides has it ? " Four." How many corners has this form ? [Circle.] " No corners." Now I will point to these forms on the " Chart of Forms." How many sides has this figure ? " Four." How many has this ? " Four." How many has this ? " Three." How many corners has it ? " Three." How many corners has this form? "Four." Square. — Taking a square from the Box of Forms, the teacher asks. How many sides has this form? "Four." Look at the sides, and then tell me Avhich sid<3 is longest ? " They are all alike." LESSONS ON PLANE FORMS. 91 Very good ; the sides are equal. Now look at this. How many sides has it ? " Four." Are these sides equal ? " JSTo ; two are longer than the other two." Taking ujd two squares, the teacher asks, Are the sides of both of these alike ? " They are." What kind of corners has this figure ? " Square cor- ners." How many square corners ? " Four." Now I will give you a name for this figure with, four square corners and four equal sides; it is a square. What do we call a figure with four square corners and four equal sides ? "A square." You may point to a square on the Chart of Forms. You may point to a square on the blackboard. What is the shape of this piece, of wood ? " Square." What is the shape of this piece of paper? "Square." What is the shape of this soda-cracker ? " Square." Why do you call it a square ? " Because it has four square corners and four equal sides." Oblong. — Holding up an oblong, the teacher asks, 1 How many corners has this figure? \ "Four." I How many sides has it ? " Four." ^ '"""' ' """"" '"""""" I Are these sides all equal ? *' No ; two are longer than the other two." This form has four square corners, and two equal long sides, and two equal short sides ; we will call it an ob- long. What shall we call this shape ? " An oblong." When shall we call a figure an oblong ? " When it has four square corners, and two equal long sides, and two equal short sides." 92 PEIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. You may point to oblongs on the Chart of Forms. You may point to oblongs on the blackboard. What is the shape of this book ? " Oblong." Why do you say the book is oblong ? " Because it has four square corners, and two equal long sides, and two equal short sides." Third Step.— Plane Forms. — I have several pieces of paper, and cards of the shape of squares, oblongs, and other forms, on this table. Some of the squares and oblongs are large, and some of the squares and oblongs are small. Here are also long and short strings. This is a long piece of paper, and it is narrow. Here is a long piece, but it is wider than the other. Do we say a string is long and wide ? We measure strings by length only. But when we wish to ascertain the size of squares, oblongs, and simi- lar forms, we measure their length and their loidth. These measures are called dimensio7is. Plane Forms. — Those flat objects which we measure in two directions, as squares, oblongs, and triangles, are Q2iW^Qdi plane forms. I^lane jneans Jlat, or even. Then plane forms are flat forms. We find the size of these by measuring tivo dimen- sions — length and width. How many measures would you make to find the size of a slate ? How many to find the length of a string ? How many to find the size of the top of this table ? How many dimensions have plane forms? How many dimensions has a line ? LESSONS ON TKIANGLES. 93 LESSONS TO DEVELOP IDEAS OF TEIANGLES. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE TEACHER. The lessons on triangles should not be introduced before the pupils have been made familiar with plane forms, and are able to distinguish them readily by the number of corners and sides; nor until they have learned the names of the square and oblong ; also of the different angles^ as right, obtuse, acute. The first lessons on triangles should treat of them as a class of three-cornered figures, without giving attention to the kinds of tri- angles. Several lessons may be given on this class of forms before the second step is taken, and before attention is directed to the different shapes and names of the kinds of triangles. The third step on triangles might be omitted in the Primary School ; at least it should not be undertaken until the pupils have become fa- miliar with all the other lessons on Form. These uncommon names of the triangles are more appropriate for older pupils in the more ad- vanced schools. First Step— Triangles.— What name do we give to corners ? " Angles." Holding 1123 a triangle, the teacher asks, Hoav many angles has this figure ? " Three." How many sides has it ? " Three." I will give yoii a name for these forms with three sides and three angles ; they are called tri-angles. Tri means three^ and the word tri-angles means tliree angles. Then a figure with three angles may be called a tri- angle. What is the name of this figure with three sides and three corners ? "A tri-angle." You may point to triangles on the Chart of Forms. Now you may point to triangles on the blackboard. 94 TKIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. How many lines does it take to make a triangle ? "Three." What does each line represent ? " One side." Why do you call this figure a triangle? "Because it has three angles." Second Step.— Equilateral Triangle. — What do you call this figure which I hold in my hand? "A triangle." Look at the sides of this triangle ; what can you say of them ? " They are all equak" Then it is an equal-sided triangle. What does equal- sided mean ? "Having all sides equal." Holding triangles of difierent shapes successively be- fore the pupils, the teacher asks. Is this equal-sided? " Yes." Is this equal-sided ? " Ko." I w^ill now give you another name for this shape, which means equal- sided y' the name is eqid- lateral. JEqui .means equal, and lateral means side ; hence we may say equi-lateral when we mean equal-sided. This is a hard word, and if you can not think of it you may say equal-sided. N"ow you may point to equilateral triangles on the chart; also on the blackboard. Why do we call these equilateral triangles ? " Be- cause the sides are all equal." You may now draw equilateral triangles on your slates. Plow many acute angles has the equilateral tri- angle ? Uight-angled Triangle. — Here is another triangle ; are its sides equal? "No." LESSONS ON TRIANGLES. 95 How many acute angles has it ? " Two." What do you call the other angle ? "A right angle." This is a triangle with one right angle ; so we will call it a right-angled triangle. What may we call triangles with one right angle? " Right-angled triangles." You may show me right-angled triangles on the Chart of Lines ; also on the blackboard. How many lines will it take for each triangle ? Thir4 Step.— Isosceles Triangle. — Here is another tri- angle. Is it like either of the other two trian- gles ? What kind of angles has this ? "Acute angles." What can you say of its sides ? " It has two equal long sides, and one short side." This triangle has a hard name, and you may not be able to remember it. I Avill write the name on the blackboard, and you may see how strange it looks — Isosceles. It is pronounced I-sos-se-lez. You may point to isosceles triangles on the Chart of Forms and on the blackboard. You may also draw this angle on your slates. You need not try very hard to remember the name of this triangle. It will not matter if you wait until you are old enough to study Geometry in the Grammar or High School before you learn the name isosceles. Obtuse-angled Triangle. — Here is a triangle with two acute angles and one obtuse angle ; two of its sides are equal. This is called an oht use-angled triangle. 96 PEIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. Scalene Triangle. — Here is another triangle with two acute angles and one obtuse angle ; but it has no two angles, nor any two sides equal. The other trian- gle, with one obtuse angle^ as you may see, has two equal sides, while this one has all its sides wiequal, and all its angles unequal. Here is another triangle that has three unequal acute angles and three unequal sides. Both of these angles may be called scalene tri- angles. The word scalene means crook- ed or unequal. These triangles have unequal sides. When may we call a triangle an equilateral triangle f When may we call a triangle a right-angled triangle f When may we call a triangle an isosceles triangle ? When may we call a triangle an ohtuse-angled tri- angle f When may we call a triangle a scalene triangle ? How many kinds of triangles can you draw on your slates ? LESSONS ON FOUK-SIDED FOEMS. 97 LESSONS TO DEVELOP IDEAS OF FOUE-SIDED rOEMS. FIEST STEP.— SQUARE, OBLONG, RHOMB. Square and Oblong. — I have here several forms with four sides. You have already learned the names of some of them, and, as I hold one of these up, you may speak its name ; but when I hold up one that you do not know, you need not say any thing. What is the name of this shape ? " Square." Of this? "Square." Of this? "Oblong." Of this? "Square." Of this? Of this? "Oblong." Of this? "Oblong." And of this? . ^ n How many corners has this square ? \ "Four." What other name can you use for cor- "''' '" "" " "" '' " ' ners? "Angles." Then how many angles has this square? "Four angles." What kind of angles has the square ? " Eight an- gles." How many right angles has it? "Four right au- How many angles has the ob- long? "Four angles." How many right angles has it? "Four right angles." You told me that the square has four right angles also; now what is the difference between the square and the oblong ? " The square has four equal sides, E 98 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. and the oblong has two equal long sides and two equal short sides." Very well. You see that a square has four equal sides and four right angles j and that an oblong has two equal long sides, and two equal short sides, and four right angles. I will write these descriptions of a square and an ob- long on the blackboard, and you may read them. I will now take one of these forms in my hand, with- out allowing you to see it, and describe it, and then you may tell the name of it. I hold in my hand a form with four equal sides and four right angles ; what is it ? "A square." I now hold in my hand a form with four right angles and four equal sides ; what is it ? "A square." I hold in my hand a lorm with four right angles, and two equal long sides and two equal short sides ; what is it? "An oblong." I hold in my hand a form with four right angles, and two short sides, and two more sides of the same length; what is it ? "A square." You may now tell me the names of things that you have seen of the shape of the square, and I will write them on the blackboard. Things that are square: Soda-crackers. Stove door. End of a box. Some books. A piece of paper. Some windows. Now I will write the names of things which you have seen that are oblong in shape. LESSONS ON FOUR-SIDED FOKMS. 99 Things that are oblong : Slates. Side of the stove. Books. Top of the table. Doors. Blackboard. Glass. Side of the room. Why do you say these objects are obloug? "Be- cause they have four right angles, and two equal long sides and two equal short sides." Why do you say the soda-cracker is square ? " Be- cause it has four equal sides and four right angles." FOR THE TEACHER. This first step may be taken in one, two, or three exercises, as the age of the children and their progress seem to indicate best. Rhomb. — I have here several forms which I wish you to observe, and tell me how they resem- ble each other. Holding up a square and a rhomb, the teacher asks. Are these forms alike? How many sides has this? "Four." How many sides has this ? " Four." Then both have the same number of sides. Are all the sides of the square of the same length ? " They are." Are all the sides of this form of the same length ? I will measure them with the side of the square. What do you now observe? "The sides are all equal." Are they of the same sizes as those of the square ? "They are." Then both of these forms have the same number of sides, and all the sides are of the same length. Now why do you say these two forms arc not alike ? " Be- cause their angles are not alike." 100 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Very good. What kind of angles has the square ? "Right angles." What kind of angles has this form ? " Two acute angles and two obtuse angles." I will now give you a name for this figure with four equal sides, and two acute angles and two obtuse an- gles; it is a rhomb. I will write the name on the blackboard, and you may spell it. As I hold up these forms, you may tell their names. "Square; rhomb; oblong; rhomb; oblong; square." You may now point to a square on the Chart of Forms. The next boy may point to an oblong; the next to a rhomb. Now you may tell me what you have seen of the shape of this rhomb, and I will write the name on the blackboard. Thincj8 of fhomh sliax:>Q\ Some cakes. Some candies. A piece of paper. A lozenge. Some panes of glass. You may now draw rhombs, and squares, and oblongs on your slates. How many lines does it take to repre- sent a rhomb ? How many lines does it take for each of these forms ? SECOND STEP.— RHOMBOID. The teacher may prepare several pieces of j^aper, pasteboard, etc., in the shape of rhombs and of rhom- boids, and, holding one of each before the pupils, ask, Are the corners of these forms alike ? LESSONS ON FOUK-SIDED FOKMS. 101 How many acute angles has each ? How many obtuse angles has each ? Are the sides alike ? " No ; one has two long sides and two short sides." Rhomboid. — This form is somewhat like a rhomb, so it is called a rhomboid: aid means somewhat like. You see that this differs from a rhomb only in the length of two of its sides. Point to a rhomboid on the Chart of Forms. You may describe a rhomboid. " A rhomboid has two equal long sides, two equal short sides, two acute angles, and two obtuse angles." THIRD STEP.— TRAPEZIUM, TRAPEZOID. I have here forms of two shapes. You may tell me how many angles each has ? " Four angles." How many sides has each ? " Four." What kind of angles has this form ? [Showing the trapezium.] "It has one acute angle, two obtuse an- gles, and one right angle." Are two of its sides parallel ? " No." Trapezium. — Any form that has four sides and four angles, and that has no two sides parallel, is called a trapezium. What may you call this figure? "A tra- pezium." You may point to a trapezium on the Chart of Forms. When do we call a four-sided figure a trapezium? " When no two of its sides are parallel." 102 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSOXS. Trapezoid. — Here is another four-sided form; what ^ can you say of its sides? "Two of its sides are parallel." A figure that has four sides, with only two of them parallel, is called a trapezoid. A tra- pezoid is somewhat like a trapezium. How many parallel sides has a trapezoid ? How many parallel sides has a trapezium ? Quadrilateral. — All four-sided figures may be called quadrilateral forms. This word m.Q2kn.s four-sided. Parallelogram. — A four-sided figure with its opposite sides parallel may be called a parallelogram. Then squares, oblongs, rhombs, and rhomboids may be called parallclogr:inij. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE TEACHER. The third step in four-sided figures may be postponed until the third steps in the other divisions oi Form have been taken, except the third of Triangles. Or it may be omitted altogether in the Primary School. Whether it would be better to teach it, or to omit it, must depend upon the prog- ress of the pupils and their ages. LESSONS ON MANY-SIDED FORMS. 103 LESSONS TO DEVELOP IDEAS OF MANY-SIDED FORMS. FIRST STEP.— PENTAGON, HEXAGON. Having provided pentagons and hexagons from the Box of Forms, also several pieces of pasteboard and pa- per of the same shape, the teacher may request the pu- pils to count the corners and sides as each is held up ; and those with five sides may be placed in one group, and those with six sides in another group. Pentagon. — How many angles has this form? " Five angles." How many sides has it ? " Five sides." A flat figure with Jive angles and five sides is called a pentagon. Penta means five, and gon means angle; therefore the y^ov^ penta-gon means having five angles. A plane form with five angles is called 2. pentagon. How many sides has a pentagon ? How many an- gles has it ? What do you call a plane figure with five angles ? A form wSxhfive equal sides is a regular penta- gon. Hexagon. — How many sides has this form? " Six." How many angles has it ? " Six." The name of this form is hexagon. How many angles has it ? " Six." What part of the word means angle ? " The last part -gon.^'' 104 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Then what do you thmk hexa may mean ? " Six." Very well. So the word hexagon means having six angles. Then this is a good name for this form. How many sides has a hexagon ? How many angles has it ? What do we call a plane figure with six angles ? SECOND STEP.— HEPTAGON, OCTAGON, NONAGON, DEC- AGON. Heptagon. — We have already learned what figures with five angles and those with six angles are called. iN'ow I hold another form in my hand; you may count the number of an- gles on this. " One, two, three, four, five, six, seven." This is a figure with seven angles ; its name is hepta- gon. Now you may tell me what part of this word means seven. I will write it on the blackboard. " Hep- ta." Very good. Octagon. — Here is another figure. Count its angles. " One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight." Then this form has eight angles. Its name is octagon. Now can you tell me what octa means? "Eight." Then an octagon is a plane figure with eight angles. What does gon mean ? Nonagon. — You may count the angles in this figure. " One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine." It has nine angles, and it is called a nona- gon. What does nona mean ? " Nine." LESSONS ON MANY-SIDED FORMS. 105 Then nonagon is a plane figure having nine a7igles, A form with nine equal sides is a regular nonagon. Decagon. — You may count the angles on this form. " One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, It has ten angles ; and its name is decagon. Then deca means te7i. Decagon is a plane figure having ten angles. You may now point to each of these shapes on the Chart of Forms and on the blackboard as I name them. Decagon, pentagon, octagon, hexagon, nonagon, etc. Polygons. — The teacher may show a piece of paper cut with many angles, and ask the children, Has this a few or many angles? Has it a few or many sides? This is a figure of many angles^ so it may be called a ^polygon : poly means many. Sometimes all of these forms that have more than four angles are called polygoois. "When all the sides of a polygon are equal, it is called a regular polygon. Suggestions for the Teacher.— These lessons on the many- sided forms should not be taken up until the third steps of the pre- ceding divisions of form, except those of triangles and four-sided fig- ures, have been mastered, and not until the Jirst and second steps of most of the succeeding divisions of form have been learned. The most important ybr/n of the polygons is the hexagon. Besides being the shape commonly adopted for large nuts and bolt-heads, it is the shape of the cells in honeycomb. It is a wonderful fact that this from gives the largest space and greatest strength with the least amount of wax in the construction. No better shape could be devised for these cells than that which God taught the bee to use. Illustrate the perfect manner in which hexagons will fit together by using the ten small hexagons from the Box of Forms. E2 106 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. LESSONS TO DEVELOP IDEAS OF CIECULAE FOKMS. FIRST STEP.— CIRCLE, SEMICIRCLE, RING. The teacher may provide for this lesson several coins, flat buttons, circles and semicircles from the Box of Forms, circles and semicircles cut from pasteboard or paper, also a triangle, a square, and an oblong. Show- ing the square, she may ask, Plow many corners has this form ? How many has this ? " Three." How many has this ? " It has no corners." Taking up the square, the teacher asks, What kind of lines are represented by the edges of this form ? " Straight lines-" " How many straight lines are represented by this (triangle) form ? " Three.'^ How many by the square ? " Four straight lines." How many straight lines has the oblong ? " Four." Circle. — How many lines are represented by tiie edge of this form ? " Only one." What is the shape of this edge? "Curved." We sometimes say the line that forms the edge of a shape hounds that form ; that is, it shows how far the figure extends. The walls of this room show how far the room extends, and they hound the room. How many lines bound this triangle ? " Three." How many bound this square ? " Four lines." What is the shape of the lines that bound the tri- LESSONS ON CIKCULAK FOKMS. 107 angle, square, and oblong? "They are all straight lines." What is the shape of the line that hounds this figure? " Curved." How many lines bound this figure ? " Only one." You may call this figure a circle. What is the name of this shape? "Circle." Showing the various objects of a circular form, the teacher asks, What is the shape of this? "Circle." Of this? Of this? "Circle." What is the shape of this two-cent piece ? " Like a circle.'* What is the shape of the lid on the stove ? "A cir- cle." A circle has one evenly curved edge. Circular.— Sometimes you see an object that is almost round like this circle, but not so perfect in shape ; then you may call its shape circular. You may also use this word when asked the shape of these objects, as, what is the shape of this five-cent piece ? Circular would be a correct answer. You may point to a circle on the Chart of Forms. I will now take a string, and show you how to draw a circle on the blackboard. You see that I place my finger on the string and hold it firmly against the board, and I hold the opposite end of the string and a piece of chalk with the fingers of the other hand, and then move them around on the board, thus, making a curved line with both ends meet- ing. I will now make a mark to show the place where I held the string on the board with my finger. 108 PKIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. Centre. — This dot is in the middle of the circle. This O place is called the centre. If I should meas- ure the distance from the centre to this boundary line, it would be exactly the same in every direction. Suppose a boy should tie a string to a post so loosely that it would slip around it, and, taking hold of the other end, should walk around the post as far from it as the string would reach, what would be the shape of his path ? " Circular." In a small class, two boys might be called to form a circle on the floor, one being required to place himself at the centre and hold a string, while the other pupil holds the other end to a piece of chalk, and marks the floor as he passes around the centre. You may now take these strings and draw circles on your slates, and make a dot in each to show the cen- tre. These practical illustrations greatly interest children, and fix the subjects in their minds ; they should always, as much as is compatible with order, he actors in their lessons. You may now tell me the names of objects that you have seen with a circular shape. Semicircle. — I will now take one of the circles made of paper, and cut it through the middle, so as to make two equal parts. What would you call one of these parts ? " Half a circle." Very good. I will give you another name which means half a circle; it is semicircle. Semi means half, so that semicircle means — "Half a cir- cle." LESSONS ON CIRCULAR FORMS. 109 Here is a half circle among these forms ; what do we call it? "A semicircle." Now point to a semicircle on the Chart of Forms. Did you ever see any thing of this shape in the sky ? " Yes ; the moon." If you had a circular pie, how could you make a semi- circle of it ? " Cut it into two equal parts." What part of the pie would one piece be ? " One half" Ring. — Here is a circle with its centre cut out ; what would you call it ? "A ring." What kind of a line bounds the outside of the ring ? "A curved line." What kind of a line bounds the inside of the ring? "A curved line." Then how many curved lines has a ring ? " Two." Look at this ring, and tell me whether these curved lines are both of the same length. "No; one is shorter than the other." Where are these lines ? " One is outside of the other." What have you seen of this shape ? " Finger-rings, rings on chains, hoops, etc." SECOND STEP.— CRESCENT, ELLIPSE, OVAL. .For this step the teacher should provide from the Box of Forms the crescent, oval, ellipse, and circle and semicircles, also the same shapes cut from paper. Crescent. — What is this figure called ? "A circle." And this ? "A semicircle." Now look at this figure, and tell me how it differs 110 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. from the semicircle. " It has two curved edges, and the semicircle has one straight edge." You may call this form a crescent. I will write it on the blackboard, that you may see how the word looks. What is this word ? "Crescent." What have you seen of this shape? " The new moon ; the front of a boy's cap ; a rocker of a cradle ; a piece of an apple." Ellipse. — Is this figure a circle ? " No ; it is longer one way than the other." Has it any corners ? " No." Has it ends ? " Yes ; it has two ends." We call a form of this shape an ellipse. You may spell the word as I write it on the blackboard. What is the name of this form ? " El- lipse." Did you ever see any thing of this shape ? " Yes ; picture-frames." There is another word which we may use for this shape ; it is elliptical. This word means having the form of an ellipse. Sometimes this shape is called oval. You may point to this form on the Chart. Oval. — Here is another figure that is bounded by one curved line ; is this a circle ? " No ; it is longer one way than it is the other." What did we call the other form which was longer than it was wide ? " An ellipse." This is another ellipse, but it usually has a different name. Did you ever see any thing that resembles this shape? "An eojff." ^isi=>' LESSONS ON CIRCULAR FORMS. Ill Very good ; its side resembles an egg in shape. An egg was called ovum by the Latin people. We call this shape oval because its side resembles the egg- shape. Oval is the name of a plane figure. What have you seen of this shape ? " Leaves of trees." I hold in my hand a plane figure having one evenly curved line for its edge ; what is it ? "A circle." I hold a plane figure having one curved edge and one straight edge ; what is it ? "A semicircle." I hold a plane figure with a curved edge, with two equal ends; what is it? "An ellipse." "An oval." I hold a plane figure with a curved edge, with one large end and one small end ; what is it ? " An oval." THIRD STEP.— CIRCUMFERENCE, ARC, DIAMETER. For the exercises of this step the teacher should have before her rings, circles, cylinders, spheres, and other objects of similar shape. Circumference. — Here I have forms and objects that are round like a ring, round like a circle, round like a cylinder, and round like a hall. Now I will take this string and measure the distance around them. We call the distance around an object its circumference. Then what am I going to measure? " The circumference." What is the curved line that bounds the circle called ? " Its circumference." Point to the circumference of the circles on the Chart and on the blackboard. Where is the circumference of 112 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. this ring ? of this apple ? of this cup ? of this hat ? of this button ? etc. Arc. — I will draw a circle on the blackboard, and then y' — ^ rub out a part of its circumference. The part I j of the circumference that is left is called an ''»....^-'' arc. What is a part of the circumference of a circle called ? " An arc." Point to an arc on the Chart — on the blackboard. I hold in my hand a paper ring ; now, if I cut out a piece of this ring, we might call the piece of it an arc, because it would be a part of the circumference of the ring. FOR THE TEACHER. The words circumference^ arc, and diameter should each be written on the blackboard and spelled by the pupils during the exercise for each of these terms. A Diameter. — I will draw a circle on the blackboard, and place •a dot in the centre, and I will take this straight stick and place it across / the circle so that I can just see the dot in '"*-.. — -^•' the centre. Now I will draw a line across this circle directly through its centre, and make the ends of the line touch the circumference on opposite sides. If I measure this line, it will show me the dis- tance through the centre of the circle ; this is called the diameter. What is the distance through the centre of a circle called ? " The diameter." You may point to the diameter of a circle on the Chart ; also on the blackboard. What does diameter mean ? " The distance through the centre." LESSONS ON CIRCULAR FORMS. 113 Where does the line representing the diameter begin ? " It begins in the circumference." Where does it end ? " It ends in the circumference on the opposite side." Through what does it pass ? " Through the centre." What is the distance around a circle called ? What is the distance around a ball called ? What would you call the distance around a stove- pipe ? What is the distance through the centre of a circle called? What would you call the distance through the centre of an orange ? What is a part of the cii'cumference called ? Which is longer, the circumference or the diameter of any thing ? rOUETH STEP.— KADIUS, QUADRANT, SECTOR. I will draw some circles on the blackboard, and place a dot in the centre of each. Now I will draw a straight line from the centre of one of these circles to its circum- ference. This is called the radius of the circle. Radius ^ ^'^^^ ^^^ draw two lines across the other circle, through its centre, and at right angle with each other. Now each of these lines, from the centre to the circumference, also may be called a radius of this circle. A ra- dius, then, is one half of the diameter of a circle. Quadrant. — This second circle, you observe, is divided into four equal parts. What do we call one fourth part of an apple ? "A quarter." 114 PEIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. These jDarts of the circle are called quadrants. Quad- rant means a quarter^ or one fourth part of a circle. What part of a circle is a quadrant ? "A fourth part." If you had a piece of pie of the shape of a quadrant^ what part of the whole pie would you have ? " One quarter of it." Sector. — I will now draw three straight lines through the diameter of the other circle. Is each part of A the circle now as large as a quadrant ? " No." "^ Each of these small pieces of the circle may be called a sector. Which had you rather have, a piece of pie of the shape of a quadrant or of the shape of a sector? SUGGESTIONS FOR THE TEACHER. The fourth step of "Circular Forms" may be omitted in the Pri- mary Schools whenever the pupils are not prepared by training in other steps to easily understand the terms used here. All of these lessons on circular forms, and the various parts of circles, should be fidly illustrated by objects, pieces of paper, drawings on the blackboard, etc. LESSONS ON SUKFACE AND FACES.' 115 LESSONS TO DEVELOP THE IDEA OF SUKFACE AND FACES. FIRST STEP.— PLANE AND CURVED SURFACES. Taking the chalk and writing on the blackboard, the teacher says, I am writing ; can you tell me where I am writing ? " On the blackboard." Am I writing on the inside of the board ? " No ; on the outside." On what part of your slates do you make figures ? " On the sides." What am I holding in my hand ? " An apple." What part of the apple do you see ? " The skin." On what part of the apple is the skin ? " On the outside." When you take hold of an orange, what part of it do you touch ? " The skin — the outside." Surface. — ^I will now give you another word Avhicli means outside ; it is surface. The color of an apple is on its surface. I Avrite on the surface of the black- board ; you walk on the surface of the floor. On what part of your slates do you make figures? "On the sur- face." On what part of a pane of glass in the window does the fly crawl ? When boys skate, on what part of the ice are they? When a board floats on the water, on what part of the water is it ? 116 PKIMAEY OBJECT LESSOXS. Plane Surface. — When a surface is flat, like your slate, the top of this table, or the floor, we call it a plane sur- face. What kind of a surface has the blackboard? "A plane surface." What kind of a surface has the wall of the room ? " A plane surface." Tell me other objects which have plane surfaces. " The book-covers ; the ceiling; the glass; the floor." Curved Surface. — ISTow look at tlie surface of this ball and the surface of this slate, and tell me wliat difierence you see in the shape of these surfaces. " The slate has a plane surface, and the ball has a curved surface." What do you call the surface of an apple? "A curved surface." What would you call the surface around your hat ? "A curved surface." Now tell me the names of things that have curved surfaces. "Pails; cups; oranges; stove-pipes; barrels." Can you mention some object that has two plane faces and one curved face? "A drum; a barrel." What kind of surface has a brick ? What kinds of surfaces has half of an apple ? SECOND STEP.— FACES OF SOLIDS. You told me the other day that a brick has a plane surface^' now, has the brick more than one outside? " No." Well, suppose a brick lies on the ground ; could we not speak of the upper surface of the brick and of the lower surface of the brick ? LESSONS ON SURFACE AND FACES. 117 I will try to help you out of this difficulty. How many surfaces has the orange ? " Only one." How many has this ball ? " Only one." Here is a block with square sides ; how many sur- faces has it ? Well, you may count the sides. " One, two, three, four, five, six." Now the outside of this block is di- vided into six parts, and each part is called a face. All of the faces make its surface. Now you may tell me into how many faces the sur- face of a brick is divided. " Into six faces." And all of the faces together make up the surface. How many faces has a bar of soap ? How many faces has a tea-box ? How many faces has a pencil ? How many faces has a marble ? THIRD STEP.— SURFACES. You have already learned the names of two kinds of surfaces ; what are these called ? " Plane surfaces and curved surfaces." Look at the surface of the outside of the glass in my watch, and tell me its shape. " It is curved." Now look at the inside surface of this glass, and tell me its shape. "It is curved, but not like the out- side." You perceive, then, that curved surfaces are not all curved the same way. Sometimes you may wish to tell how a surface is curved ; and that you may be able to do this readily, I will give you names for both kinds of curved surfaces. 118 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Convex- Surface. — When any surface is curved like the outside of a ball, or like this glass, it is called a convex surface. Concave Surface. — When any surface is curved like the inside of this watch-glass, or the inside of an orange- peel, it is called a concave surface. What kind of a curved surface has a ball ? What kind of curved surface has the bottom of an iron kettle, inside ? What kind of surface has the inside of a soup-plate ? What kind of surface has the inside of the bowl of a spoon ? What kind of surface has the outside of the bowl of the spoon? When a mirror makes your face appear very large, the surface of the mirror is concave. When a mirror makes your face appear very small, the surface of the mirror is convex. SOLID FIGURES — SPHEEE, HEMISPHEEE, ETC. 119 LESSONS TO DEVELOP IDEAS OF SOLID FIGUEES— SPHERE, HEMISPHEEE, SPHEEOID. EIRST STEP.— BALL SHAPE. Foe the exercise of this step the teacher may provide balls of wood, rubber, lead, marbles, and an orange. Ball. — Here is a piece of wood ; what is its shape ? • "Round." , You may say round like a hall. What is the shape of this rubber? "Round like a ball." What is the shape of this piece of lead ? "Round like a ball." What is the shape of this cent? "Round like a circle." You may tell me the names of objects that are round like a hall. "Marbles; oranges; grapes; currants; shot." SECOND STEP.— SPHERE, HEMISPHERE. You say the shape of the orange is " round like a halV Sphere. ^ ^^^^ &^^^ 7^^^ ^^^ word that means round like a hall; it is sphere. When I ask you to tell me the shape of an orange, you may an- swer, a sphere. What is the shape of this rubber ball ? "A sphere." What is the shape of a marble ? 120 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Spherical. — There is another word which is some- times used in place of the word sphere ; it is spherical^ and means having the shape of a sphere. Therefore you might say the grape is spherical ; the globe is spherical. Now look at this sphere, and tell me how many sur- faces it has. " Only one surface." What is the shape of the surface ? " It is a curved surface." How is the surface curved ? ^' Alike in all its parts." Then a sphere is a solid figure with oyie eve7ily curved surface. Hemisphere. — If I should cut a sphere into two equal parts, what might you call one of those parts ? " Half of a sphere." Very good. How many halves of a sphere can I make from one sphere ? " Only two." I will now give you a new name for half of ct sphere ; it is hemisphere. Hemi means lialf; then hemisphere means half of a sphere^ or half of a ball. What is the shape of half an orange ? " Hemisphere." How many hemispheres could I make from one or- ange ? How many faces has a hemisphere ? " Two faces?" What is the shape of the faces of a hemisphere? " One is flat, the other is curved." Then a hemisphere has one plane circidar face and one curved face. How many hemispheres would it take to equal a sphere ? SOLID FIGUEES — SPHERE, HEMISPHEKE, ETC. 121 Solids. — To illustrate the idea of solids, the teacher should provide a variety of objects, as a cube, a prism, an oblong, a rhomboid, a square, large and small books, some of them thick and some thin ; a sheet of paper, and a string. Suppose I wanted a string long enough to reach across the room, should I measure the width of the string to find whether it would be long enough or not ? " No ; you should measure its length.'''^ Could I ascertain whether the string is as long as I want it by measuring one dimension^ its length. " Yes." Suppose I wish to find how large a piece of paper or cloth it will take to cover the top of this table, could I find the size by measuring the length of the table only ? "No; you must measure its width also." Each measure of an object, is called a dimension. Then how many dimensions must I measure to find the size of the top of this table ? " Two dimensions." How many dimensions must I measure to find the size of your slate ? " Two." What do we call those forms that have two dimen- sions, like the oblong, slate, etc. ? " Plane forms." Here are large and small books. Some are long, and wide, and thin ; some are short, and narrow, and thin ; some books of the same length are thin, and others are thick. How can I find which books are largest ? " By measuring them." How many dimensions must I measure? "Three; the length, the width, and the thickness." How can I find the size of a box ? " By measuring its length, its width, and its thickness." Holding a cube, How can I find the size of this ? " By measuring three dimensions." F 122 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Any object that has three dimensions — length, breadth, and thickness, is called a solid. Now what may we call a stick of wood ? "A solid." What may we call a brick ? "A solid." THIRD STEP.— SPHEROIDS AND OVOID. Sometimes we find objects that are not quite like a sphere in shape; they are nearly round like a ball; these are called spheroids. Spheroid.— A lemon, a peach, and a watermelon are s^^heroids. What is the shape of a plum? "Spheroid." Of a grape ? " Some grapes are spheres and some are sphe- roids." Some s2)heroids are long, like the lemon ; some are flattened, like the onion, or a white turnip. When a sj)heroid is long, it is called a prolate sjyhe- roid. When a spheroid is flatten- q^^^^q Pro-late Spheroid. ^^^^ .^ .^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ spheroid. SP^eroid. Ovoid. — What have you seen of the shape of this sol- id ? " An egg.'' Very well. This shape was named ovoid because this word means egg- shaped. Ovcd is a flat or plane figure, the boundary of which resembles an egg-shape. Ovoid is a solid figure shaped like an egg. Did you ever see any fruit of this shape? LESSONS ON A CYLINDER AND CONE. 123 LESSONS TO DEVELOP THE IDEA OF A CYLINDER AND CONE. FIRST STEP.— CYLINDER. For illustrating the forms of a cylinder and cone, several objects having these shapes should be provided ; also a sphere. What am I holding in my left hand ? "A ball." In how many ways is it round ? " Every way." In how many ways is the object in my right hand round ? " Two ways." In how many ways will the ball roll? "In every way." In how many ways will this object roll ? I will try it on the table. " In two ways." What is the shape of this object ? " It is round." Cylinder. — Is it round like a ball ? " No ; it is round and long." Can you say any thing more about it ? " It has cii;cular, flat ends." What can you say of the surface of its sides ? " Its sides have a curved surface." Tell me of something that resembles this ob- ject. " A stove-pipe ; a round ruler; a pencil." This is called a cylinder. The shape of any thing that resembles this in form is liJce a cylinder. Did you ever see any thing growing in the field or forest that resembled this form in any of its parts ? "Yes, trees; stalks of wheat; oats; sugar-cane." 124 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSOXS. Which end of this cylinder is larger ? " Both are of the same size." SECOND STEP.— CYLINDER, CONE. Place a sphere, a cylinder, a cone, and a cube on the table, and request a pupil to roll each across the table. Which of these solids will roll best? "The sphere." Cylinder. — Suppose you wished to roll an object along the floor, which shape would you prefer, that of a cube or that of a cylinder f " The form of a cylinder." Now will you describe a cylinder f A cylinder has two equal^plane^ circular ends^ and one curved surface for its sides. You may tell me what objects you have seen that arc shaped like a cylinder. "Lead-pencil; stove-j^ipe; gas- pipe ; a candle ; stick of candy ; broom-handle ; pen- holder ; the legs of some chairs." Sometimes we use the word cylindrical^ which means like a cylinder. We can say the stove-pipe is cylindri- cal ; a lead-pencil is cylindrical. Cone. — I wish you to look at this object, and tell me whether it is like the sphere or like a cylin- der. " It is not like either." Look at the bottom of this, then at one end of the cylinder; what can you say of the shape of each ? " Both are circular." Are the sides of this like those of a cylinder? "No; the sides of this go to a point." You may say the sides taper to a point. This figure is called a cone. LESSONS ON A CYLINDER AND CONE. 125 Did you ever see the fruit or seed of a pine-tree? Well, can you tell me wliat that seed is called ? "A cone." Which of the objects does it most resemble, the cyl- inder or the other? " The other object." Xow if the shape of this object resembles the cone of a pine-tree, what would be a good name for it? "A €0726.^'' Yes; all objects that are round like a cylinder at one end, but which taper to a point at the other end, may be called cone-shaped. Base. — The bottom of the cone, or the part on which it stands, is called its base. The part on which any ob- ject rests or stands is called its base. Then what is the bottom of a cone called ? " Its base." I have placed the cylinder uj)on one of its ends ; now what is the base of this cylinder ? " The end upon which it stands." I have placed the cylinder upon the other end ; now what is its base ? " The end upon which it stands." What is the base of any object ? " The part upon which it stands." Apex. — The top of the cone is called its ofj^ecc. The apex means the top, or the highest point. Here is a solid with four sides, which meet in a point at the top ; what may we call this point ? " The apex." I will now write a description of a cone on the black- board, and you may repeat it. A co7ie is a solid having a flat, circidar base, and a curved surface tapering regularly to a point at the top. 126 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. THIKD STEP.— CONICAL, CONOID. Conical. — Instead of saying cone-shaped^ we may use the word conical, which means having a form like a cone. Conoid. — When the sides of a conical solid do not taper regularly to the apex, it may be called a conoid. The sides of the cone taper in straight lines, but the sides of a conoid taper in curved lines. The conoid is nearly like a cone, as may be seen in the illustration. What have you seen of this shape ? "A Conoid, hay-stack ; a Minie bullet ; some tops ; the small ends of some eggs ; an acorn ; a pine-apple ; some cocoa-nuts ; pine-apple cheese ; some berries." LESSONS ON A CUBE AND CUBICAL FOEMS. 127 LESSONS TO DEVELOP THE IDEA OF A CUBE AND CUBICAL FOKMS. EIRST STEP.— CUBE. I HAVE placed a solid figure on the table before you. What is the shape of each side that you can see? " Square." Cube. — I will hold it, and you may count its sides as I touch each. " One, two, three, four, five, six." How many sides has it ? " Six." What is the shape, of each side ? " Square." The name of this figure is cube. Then how many sides has a cube ? What other name may we give for side ? "Face." Then how many faces has a cube ? " Six faces." What is the shape of each face of the cube ? " Square." Are all the faces of a cube equal ? " Yes." A cube is a solid having six equal square faces. I will write this on the blackboard, that you may re- member it. SECOND STEP.— CUBICAL EORMS. How many faces has a cube ? " Six faces." What is the shape of each of the faces? *' Square." Is a bar of soap like a cube ? How does it difier from a cube ? " Only two of its faces are square ; the others are oblong." 128 PEIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Sometimes we find objects that have six sides, some of which are square, and others nearly so ; the shape of these may be called cubical^ because they are nearly like a cube. What objects have you seen that resemble a cube? " Lumps of sugar ; pieces of cake ; tea-chests ; some boxes; pieces of soap." When do you call a solid a cube ? " When it has six equal square faces.'''' How would you make a cube from a bar of soap? " Cut off a piece so that it would have six equal square faces." Which side of a cube is its base ? How many different bases may a cube have ? SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHERS. The teacher might farther illustrate the shape of the cube by taking the square and triangular prisms and the inch cube from the Box of Forms, and showing how cubes could be made by cutting the square prism into pieces having six equal square faces. The triangular prism might be shown, and the pupils asked whether cubes could be cut from it. Why would not a piece cut from the triangular prism have the shape of a cube ? This figure represents the shape of a piece of paste- board that may be folded so as to form a cube. The dotted lines indicate the places of the folds. To show children how to cut and fold a paper or pasteboard cube would both interest and instruct them, and furnish the means for profitable amusement and instruction at home. LESSONS ON PRISMS. 129 LESSONS TO. DEVELOP THE IDEA OF PKISMS. FIRST STEP.— PRISMS. Before commencing these lessons the teacher should provide a cube, a triangular, a square, and a hexagonal prism, from the Box of Forms ; also other objects hav- ing equal ends, but unequal sides ; and some with un- equal ends. All of these objects should be placed on a table in front of the teacher, or in a box conveniently near. Holding up a cube, the teacher asks. What is this shape ? " A cube." Taking up a square prism, the teacher asks. Is the shape of this like a cube ? " ISTo ; the sides are not all square." What is the shape of its sides ? " Oblong." What is the shape of its ends? "Square." Holding up a triangular prism, the teacher asks, What is the shape of the sides of this ? " Oblong." What is the shape of its ends ? " Triangular." Holding up an oblong solid having unequal sides, the teacher asks. What is the shape of the sides of this ? " Oblong." Now look at these oblong sides. Are all of them of the same size ? " No." Look at the sides of this, which has triangular ends. Are its sides all equal ? " They are." What can you say of the sides of this solid, with square ends ? " They are all equal." F 2 130 PEIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. How many of these objects have equal sides? "Two." I will give you a name for solids having equal oUong sides and equal ends. They are called 2yrisms. If the sides are not equal, we do not call them prisms. What do we call solids having equal ends and equal oblong sides ? " Prisms." Triangular Prism. — How many oblong sides has this prism ? " Three." What is the shape of its ends ? " Triangles." If its ends are triangles, how many sides has it? " Three sides." Then we might call it a three-sided prism ; but it has also another name, which means three-sided prism. The other name is triangular prism. It is called a tri- angular prism because its ends are triangles. Square Prism. — How many oblong sides has this prism? "Four." What is the shape of its ends ? " Squares." If its ends are squares, how many sides has it ? " Four sides." Then we might call it % four-sided prism ; but this also has another name. Can you give me a good name for this prism ? *' Square prism." SECOND STEP.— PEISMS. Taking a triangular prism, and holding it so that the pupils can not see its shape, the teacher says, I hold in my hand a solid figure^ having three equal oblong sides, and tioo equal triangular ends ; what is it ? "A trian- gular prism." LESSONS ON PKISMS. 131 Now I hold a solid figure, having four equal oblong sides aiid two equal square ends; what is it? "A square prism." Placing the three-sided prism in the ha,nds of a pupil, the teacher says, Tell me the name of this solid, and why it is called so. " It is a triangular prism, because it has three equal oblong sides and two equal triangu- lar ends." Placing a four-sided prism in the hands of another pupil, request the name of the solid, and the reason for calling it, thus : " This is a square prism, because it has four equal oblong sides and two equal square ends." Hexagonal Prism.— How many sides has this solid? " Six." What is the shape of each side ? " Oblong." Are the ends equal ? " They are." Are these oblong sides all equal? "They are." Then what may we call this solid ? « A jpnsm." What is the shape of the ends of this prism ? " Six- sided." Then what may we call this prism? "A six-sided prism." Very good. There is a name for a figure having six equal sides ; can you tell me what it is ? "A hexagon." Then we may call this solid a hexago7ial iJrism. Why do we call this a hexagonal prism? "Because it has six equal oblong sides, and equal hexagonal ends." How many kinds of prisms can you name ? " Three." What are they? "The triangular; the square; the hexagonal." Why do you call one of them a triangular prism? 132 PEIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. " Because it has three equal oblong sides and equal tri- angular ends." Why do you call one of them hexagonal ? " Because it has six equal oblong sides and equal hexagonal ends. If a solid had equal ends and five equal oblong sides, what would you call it? "A five-sided prism." Suppose a solid had eight equal oblong sides and equal ends, what would you call it ? " An eight-sided prism." Did you ever see a glass prism? How many sides had it ? SUGGESTIONS FOR THE TEACHER. The figures given here represent the shape in which pasteboard may- be cut to fold into the form of a triangular prism ; also for a square prism. Triangular Prism. Square Prism. The teacher can add much to the interest of these lessons by show- ing the pupils how they may cut out paper or pasteboard so that it may be folded into the forms of triangular and square prisms. The following figures represent the shapes of pieces of pasteboard or paper that may be folded into triangular and square pyramids. sy LESSONS ON PYRAMIDS. 133 LESSONS TO DEVELOP THE IDEA OF PYEAMIDS. FIRST STEP.— SHAPES OF PYRAMIDS. Before commencing tlie lessons on pyramids, the teacher should provide prisms, cubes, cone, and square and tria'ngular pyramids for the illustrations. Taking up a square prism, the teacher might ask, How many sides has this solid ? " Four." What is the shape of its sides ? " Oblong." Taking up a square pyramid, the teacher may ask, How many sides has this solid? "Four." What is the shape of its sides ? " Triangles." Holding up a triangular pyramid, the teacher might ask. How many sides has this solid ? " Three." What is the shape of its sides ? " Triangles." Placing the square prism, the square pyramid, the tri- angular pyramid, and a cone on the table, each standing upright, the teacher may ask, What do we call the part on which each of these objects stand? "The base." What is the shape of the base of the pyramid? " Square." What is the shape of the base of the cone ? " Cir- cular." What is the shape of the bases of the other objects? " One is square, and the other is triangular." Very good. Now observe the tops of these solids ; are these alike ? " ISTo ; the top of the prism is square, the tops of the others are points." 134 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. How many of these solids have triangular sides that meet in a point at the top ? " Two." I will now tell you what we call all solids that have triangular sides which meet in a point at the top ; they are called pyramids. A pyramid is a solid body hav- ing a base J and triangular sides meeting in a point at the top. SECOND STEP.— PYRAMIDS. Triangular Pyramid. — How many sides has this solid? "Three." What is the shape of its sides ? " Tri- angles." What is the shape of its base? "Trian- gular." What is the name of a solid having triangles for its sides which meet in a point at the top ? "A pyramid." Since this pyramid has only three sides, what name may we give it ? "A triangular pyramid." Why do you call this a triangular pyramid ? " Be- cause it has only three triangular sides." You might say it is a triangular pyramid because its base is triayigular. Square Pyramid. — How many sides has this solid? "Four." What is the name of a solid having tri- angular sides which meet in a j^oint at the top ? "A pyramid." What is the shape of its base? "Square." Since the base of this pyramid is square, what name may we give it? "A square pyramid," LESSONS ON PYKAMIDS. 135 "Why do you call it a square pyramid ? " Because it has a square base, and four triangular sides meeting in a point at the top." Suppose I had a solid with a base, and five equal tri- angular sides meeting in a point at the top; what might we call it? "A five-sided pyramid." I hold in my hand a solid having a triangular base, and three triangular sides meeting in a point at the top; what is its name ? "A triangular pyramid." I hold in my hands a solid having a square base, and four triangular sides meeting in a point at the top; what is its name ? "A square pyramid." SUGGESTIONS FOR THE TEACHER. The teacher may add much interest to the lesson on the pyramids by telling the pupils about the Pyramids of Egypt. If the pupils are not familiar with the location of Egypt, it may be pointed out on the map of the world. The children may be told that along the banks of the Nile, for a distance of seventy miles, may be seen a great number of pp-amids built of stone and brick. The largest of these is nearly eight hundred feet square, covering a space of more than twelve acres ; and the top \&four hundred and eighty feet in height. The base of such a pyramid would cover nearly all the space from Fourteenth to Eighteenth Street, between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, in New York City ; and its top would reach two hundred feet above the steeple of Trinity Church. It is said to have taken a thousand men twenty years to build this pyi-amid. The pyramids were built many thousand years ago, by kings of Egypt, as monumental tombs. 136 PKIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. LESSONS TO SUGGEST DESCEIPTIONS OF OBJECTS BY THEIE FOEMS. When children have become familiar with most of the forms of the preceding lessons, they should be trained to a practical application of this knowledge in describing the shape of objects. Such exercises will serve as a review of the lessons on Form, and make those lessons more useful to these children when they have left school to engage in the common affairs of life. In giving these lessons, it should be remembered that the object in view is not to teach the children to tell " all about" the objects — the names of the parts, the colors, what they are made of, their uses, etc. In these lessons, all that should be required of the children is to tell the shape of familiar objects. The following descriptions are given as suggestions for conducting this class of lessons. A Broom. — The common broom is triangular in shape, and its handle is cylindrical. The handle usually tapers slightly toward the top. A Pin. — A common pin has a head somewhat like an oblate spheroid, a cylindrical, straight body, and a con- ical point. A Slate. — A slate has two plane oblong surfaces, sur- rounded by an oblong frame with sqiiare or round cor- ners. DESCRIPTIONS OF OBJECTS BY THEIR FORMS. 137 A Table. — A table has a flat oblong top, with narrow oblong sides and ends, and four cylindrical legs. A Table-knife. — A tahle-knife has a narrow oblong blade, with a curved end, and a handle usually ^^th four oblong sides. A Spoon. — A spoon has an oval concave bowl, a nar- row, flat handle, which widens toward the end opposite the bowl. Sometimes the part of the handle opposite the bowl has an oblong shape. The handle is usually curved at the end. Blackboard Rubber. — A hlacJchoard riibher is oblong. Some have curved handles on the back. The face is covered with wool. A Numeral Frame. — A numeral frame is oblong, and has several parallel wires extending lengthwise through it. On the wires are movable balls of various colors. It has a handle fixed in the centre of one of the long sides. A Chair. — A chair has four curved cylindrical legs; several cylindrical bars, or rounds; a seat somewhat in the form of a square, with curved corners and a curved side. It has a back of an oblong form, with curved sides and top. The back slants backward slightly. A Wood Stove. — A loood stove has an oblong top and bottom, and sides, with ends nearly square. It has an oval hearth and a square door. It stands on four curved legs. The pipe is a hollow cylinder. 138 PRIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. A Tin Cup. — A tin cup has a flat circular base, with a body like a hollow cylinder. It has a curved handle on its side. A Wagon Wheel. — A wagon wheel is circular, with a barrel-shaped hub for its centre, from which spokes that are somewhat cylindrical radiate to the circular rim. An iron ring or hoop, called a tire, forms the circum- ference. COLOR. IMPORTANCE OF TRAINING THE EYE. The eye is the organ of the most important of our senses. It is the window of the mind, through which all knowledge of colors, shape, size, position, reading, and many of the qualities of objects, must be obtained. Sight is the most nearly perfect of all our senses ; its conceptions of properties of objects are more vivid and complete than ideas of the same properties when con- veyed to the mind by any one of the other senses. Horace understood the importance of this sense when he sang : ** Sounds which address the ear are lost, and die In one short hour ; but that which strikes the eye Lives long upon the mind ; the faithful sight Engraves the knowledge with a beam of light." This important fact should be heeded by instructors of the young, and greater attention paid to teaching the properties of objects by sight, and less to teaching mere words about these properties by the sense of hear- ing. The subject now under consideration — color — is emphatically one that must be learned through the sense of sight. Color can • never be learned by means of words alone. No description will convey any idea of color to one who has always been blind. A blind man once told me that the best idea of black which he ever received was from a remark made to him one day by his little sister. She was describing some object that was black. Her mother, hearing her, re- 140 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. marked, "Your brother can not understand you; he does not know what black is." " Don't you know how black looks, brother ? It looks like the darkest night that you ever saw," said the little sister. Nothing could have been more simple and better adapted to convey the idea of black to a blind man, yet, as he did not know the difference between darkness and light, it gave him no definite conception of black. Notwithstanding a knowledge of color is important in the various avocations of life, and ia nice discrimina- tion of it is a source of great pleasure to the mind, yet the subject is generally neglected in our schools. Color Blindness. — It is a well-known fact that the power of distinguishing color is possessed in very dif- ferent degrees by many individuals. Some can scarcely discriminate shades of the same color ; others can not discern colors the most strikingly opposed to each oth- er. Some persons have been known who could distin- guish only black and white, all the intervening colors appearing as shades of gray. Many instances have been known where individuals could not distinguish red cherries from green leaves except by their shape. It is said that a certain English naval officer chose a blue coat and red trowsers, believing that they were both of the same color. A story is told of one tailor who had no perception of color, that mended a black silk vest with a piece of crimson color ; and of another tailor who put a collar of red cloth on a blue coat. The celebrated chemist, Dr. Dalton, thought the red gown in which he was installed as Doctor of Civil Law at Oxford was a blue one. Some of his friends, in order to test this peculiarity of his vision, substituted red COLOE. 141 stockings for those he usually wore. The doctor put them on without noticing any thing remarkable in their appearance, and when his attention was directed to them he only said they looked rather dirty. One day Dalton dropped a piece of red sealing-wax in the grass, and had great difficulty in finding it again. During the last twenty years this subject has attract- ed the attention of scientific men, and many observa- tions have been made, and numerous facts collected per- taining to this phenomenon, so puzzling to both philos- ophers and physiologists. It has been found that this condition of sight is much more common than was gen- erally supposed. Many persons who are thus afflicted remain ignorant of this defect in their sight until mis- takes or accidents in their business lead them to dis- cover it. Bartholomew, the sculptor, could not distinguish be- tween a crimson curtain and a green one. Yet he be- gan his artistic career as a portrait painter, and once gave the cheeks of a female sitter a hue of bright green. He put the two pigments upon his palette, and mistook the green for the red, and did not discover his mistake until it was pointed out to him. Yet, blind as lie was to the differences of color, he had the most exquisite perception of the beauties oi form. Weavers of silk have been compelled to give up their trade because they could not distinguish colors. On one occasion a Swiss artist was called to paint a por- trait by candle-light, and he used yellow for pink in lading on the flesh tints. An English engineer ran his train into a freight train on which the usual red signal of danger had been placed. During his examination it was discovered that 142 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. he was color-bliucl, and could not distinguish red from green. Out of forty boys that were examined in a school in Berlin, five were found who could not discriminate com- mon colors. From calculations based on various exam- inations made in England and Scotland, it appeared that one person out of every fifteen was unable to dis- tinguish all of the ordinary colors ; one in fifty-five con- founded red with green ; one in sixty brown with green ; one in forty-six blue with green. Of the three primary colors, red appears to be the most difficult to be distinguished ; it is the distracting color of the three. Some persons can not see it at all as a color, for it appears to them as black, but most commonly it is mistaken for green. Yellow is the color which least frequently escapes perception. There are but few persons, even among those who are called col- or-blind, that do not see yellow perfectly. A pure blue is in the next degree least likely to be mistaken, and with some it is the most vivid color of the three. Among the secondary colors, green is the most difficult to rec- ognize. Thus it appears that red and green are the two colors which the color-blind most frequently fail to dis- tinguish, yet it so happens that these are the two colors chiefly used as signals on railroads and ships. This fact renders it highly important that every person em- ployed on railroads or shij^s, whose duties have any re- lation to signals by color, should be carefully examined in his ability to discriminate colors accurately. With- out proper attention to this matter, a fearful catastrophic might occur from mistaking a signal implying danger for one denoting safety. The cause of color-blindness is unknown. The most COLOR. 143 careful observations have thus far failed to detect any difference between the eyes of those who can readily discriminate all colors, and the eyes of those who are color-blind. Possibly what appears to be a permanent physical defect may yet be found to exist, in many cases, in consequence of undeveloped dormant powers of the sense of sight. Who can say that special train- ing of the eye, during early childhood, in distinguishing prominent colors, might not remove many of these de- fects in discerning color? Certainly the possibilities of the case, and the great importance of knowing wheth- er such defects of vision do or do not exist in our chil- dren before their avocations for life have been chosen, makes attention to this matter one of much conse- quence. How far this remarkable defect in distinguishing col- ors can be remedied by early training and careful edu- cation of the eye, it is impossible to answer from pres- ent experience; but we know that by cultivation the ear may be rendered much more cajjable of perceiving and distinguishing sounds. Judging then from anal- ogy, we may reasonably suppose that the eye also, by proper training, might be greatly improved in its power of discriminating colors. At all events, it is of sufficient importance and probability to deserve greater atten- tion, and to render it highly desirable that the subject of color should have a place in school training. 144 PKIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. FACTS ABOUT COLOR. FOR THE TEACHER. All colors exist between the extremes of light and darkness. These extremes are represented by white on one side and black on the other. Light and darkness are opposite conditions. All colors appear differ- ent in sunlight. All colors appear alike in darkness. "Without light there can be no color. Sunlight contains all colors, except those pro- duced by combinations of white or black with other colors. All the colors contained in sunlight may be seen in the rainbow. Sunlight can be separated by a glass prism into the colors of the rain- bow — red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple. This fact was discovered by Sir Isaac Newton. These seven colors are called pris- matic colors. They furnish the true standards for artists and color- ists, and a key to the whole science of colors and coloring. Since the discovery made by Newton that sunlight can be separated into seven colors, it has been ascertained that four of these colors — orange, green, purple, and indigo — can be produced by mixing together two or more of the other three — red, yellow, blue. It has also been found that red, yelloio, and blue can not be produced by any mixture of the other colors. Because of this fact, these three are called pri- mary colors. The colors that can be produced by mixing two primary colors are called secondary colors. If we could obtain perfectly pure red, yellow, and blue pigments, and mix the three completely in their proper proportions, they would pro- duce a white. But a mixture of the best pigments which are known produce only a whitish gi'ay. Ultramarine is one of the purest representatives of a primary color known ; its darkest shades and lightest tints are pure blue. No paint or coloring material of red or yellow has been produced without a slight mixture of one of the other colors. Even carmine, the purest type of the prismatic red that color-makers have produced, contains some yellow. The color obtained by purest chrome yellow, or by gam- boge, may be taken as the best representative of the prismatic yellow. Yet so far do these materials for red and yellow fall short of being FACTS ABOUT COLOR. 145 perfect primary colors, that a mixture of the three representatives of the primary colors produces only a light gray. However, for practical purposes, carviine, chrome yellow, and ultramarine may be taken for the standards of red, yellow, and blue. By mixing black with any color, it becomes darker, and is therefore called a shade of that color. By mixing white with any color, it becomes lighter, and is therefore called a tint of that color. Worsteds are dyed so perfectly that all shades and tints of each of the colors— red, yellow, blue, orange, green, purple— from nearly black to nearly white, may be obtained, in which no more trace of either of the other six colors can be found than, appears in the color before the black or the white were added to it. By counting each shade and tint thus produced as a color, the number of reds that could be distinguished by a well- trained eye would be about twenty-four, and the number that could be perceived of each of the other colors would range from twenty to twenty-four. The teacher may be asked, Why does grass appear green ? Why are some apples red ? Why are some flowers yellow and others blue? Probably the best reply would be the usual scientific answer— a// bodies absorb certain colors and reflect others: thus, if a body is red, it absorbs the yellow and blue rays, and reflects the red ; if yellow, it absorbs the red and blue rays, and reflects the yellow ; if blue, it absorbs the red and yellow rays, and reflects the blue ; if green, it absorbs the red rays, and reflects the yellow and blue ; and so with the others : the colors which the body appears to possess are reflected, the other colors are absorbed. CLASSIFICATION OF COLORS. Primary Colors.— Red, yellow, blue. The primary colors can not be produced by mixing any other colors. Mixing two primary colors will produce a secondary color. Mixing red and yellow will produce an orange color ; yellow and blue, a green ; red and blue, a purple. Secondary Colors.— Orange, green, purple. Mixing two secondary colors, or three primary ones in the propor- G 146 PEIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. tion of two parts of one color and one part of each of the other two, produces a tertiary color. Tertiary Colors. — Citrine, olive, russet. The various combinations of the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors, together with black and white, produce the Irregular Common Colors. — Browns, claret, chocolate, auburn, chestnut, snuff, drab, gray, slate, etc. Shade. — Any gradation produced by mixing hlack with a color, so as to render it darker than the original color, is called a shade of that color. Some shades may be made by mixing a dark color with a light one, where a darker color can be produced without changing the char- acter of the light color so much as to destroy its original color. Tint. — A gradation produced by mixing white with a color, so as to render it much lighter than the original color, is called a tint of that color. Hue. — A hue is produced by combining two colors in unequal pro- portions ; as a little yellow mixed with pure red gives a scarlet, a hue of red. A little red mixed with yellow gives a reddish hue of yellow. A little red mixed with blue gives a reddish hue of blue, a color that inclines to a violet. A little yellow mixed with green gives a yellow- ish hue of green. This term may be applied to colors that are lighter, as well as to those that are darker than the original color. It will be observed that the color which appears most prominent after mixing two colors gives the name to the hue, as a hue of red. This may mean a red with a little yellow mixed with it, or a red with a little blue in it ; but a yellowish hue of red indicates what color has been mixed with the red to make its hue. Tinge. — A slight coloring or tincture, which may be perceived in addition to the principal color, is called a tinge. If a green has a slight coloring of yellow, it may be said the green has a tinge of yel- low. FACTS ABOUT COLOE. 147 COMBINATIONS OF COLORS. For illustrations showing how colors may be produced by mixing the primary ones, see the Plate of Colors fronting the title-page. Primary. Secondary. Secondary. Tertiary. Red and Yellow Yellow and Blue Red and Blue produce Orange. produce Green. produce Purple. Orange and Green Green and Purple Orange and Pui*ple produce Citrine. produce Olive. produce Russet. DESCRIPTIONS OF COLORS. The following familiar descriptions of colors are intended to convey as definite knowledge of standards for the several colors, their shades, hues, and tints, and names for each, as it would be desirable to teach children. It is not claimed that these are entirely perfect, yet they are sufficiently accurate for all the purposes of training children to dis- tinguish colors readily. It is nearly impossible to arrange the several names employed by artists, dyers, colorists, deal'^.rs in fancy goods, etc., to designate their various ideas of color, so that a single teim shall rep- resent the same idea to each class of persons. It is no less difficult to describe a color so that the description shall correspond entirely with the conceptions formed of it even by those who are familiar with colors as used in their own occupations. But there are so many who never obtain any correct conceptions of colors, nor the ability to describe them with even a tolerable degree of accuracy, because they never were taught sfty standards for distinguish- ing colors, it becomes a matter of great importance that a foundation for a knowledge of color should be laid in childhood by fixing these starting-points. With a proper early training in distinguishing colors, it will become an easy matter to attain minute and definite knowledge of color in later life, in any department of busmess which may re- quire it. 148 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. REDS. Pure Red. — Carmine — the purest deep red ; the standard pri- mary red ; the color of Chinese vermilion. Shades of Red. — Morone, or Maroon— a dark crimson ; the color of an unripe mulberry ; a crimson darkened with black. It is sometimes classed with the browns. Crimson — a pure red darkened with a deep blue, giving it a shade of red with a purplish tmge. This color may often be seen on red Garnet Color — a deep red, the color of the mineral known as the carbuncle of the ancients. Magenta — a shade of red lighter than crimson ; a bluish-red. Damask Color — a rich dark red, darker than crimson ; the color of a damask rose. Venetian Red — a name commonly applied to a paint made of earth. It is a dark, dull red, approaching the red-browns. Hues of Red. — Scarlet— a bright red, lighter than carmine ; a pure red made lighter by a slight mixture of yellow. Cherry — a bright red lighter than a scarlet. Vermilion — a yellowish-red paint ; it contains more yellow than scarlet, and may be called an orange-red. This is the color of com- mon vermilion ; the Chinese vermilion has the color of pm-e carmine. Turkey Red — the deep red seen in calico and woolen goods when dyed with madder. Copper Color — the color of copper ; a pale red slightly tinged with yellow. Tints of Red. — Pink — A tint of crimson ; a crimson color made very light by mixing white^ith it. Rose — a tint of carmine ; a carmine color made very light by mix- ing white with it. Flesh Color — a tint of scarlet. FACTS ABOUT COLOR. 149 YELLOWS. Pure Yellcw. — Chrome Yellow, or Chromine — a bright yel- low color ; a fair standard for primary yellow. The yellow produced by gamboge^ a gum used for yellow iu water-colors, is a good standard for a primary yellow. Shades of YelloTV. — Citrine — a dark greenish -yellow; the color of the fruit of the citron-tree. Saffron— a deep dark yellow ; the color of the saffron flowers. Hues of Yellovr.— Lemon— a yellow slightly tinged with green; the color of a lemon. Sulphur— a yellow with a bluish tinge. Golden Color— the color of gold ; a bright yellow with a reddish tinge. Canary — a light clirome yellow ; the bright yellow of the canary- bird. Ochre — a pale dusky yellow ; a kind of earth used for paint. Tints of Yellow. — Straw — a tint of pure yellow ; chrome yel- low made very light by mixing white with it. Primrose — a tint of yellow lighter than straw. Flaxen— a pale tint of yellow, resembling the color of flax. BLUES. Pure Blue. — Ultramarine — ^the purest blue. A very fine rich blue, foraierly obtained from the mineral lapis lazuli. Shades of Blue.— Indigo — a very dark shade of blue with a purplish tinge ; a deep blue containing a little red, and made darker with black ; a color obtained from the indigo plant. Mazarine — a deep reddish-blue. Prussian Blue — a dark blue with a slight greenish tinge. Plum Color— a dark pui-plish-blue. 150 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Hues of Blue. — Cobalt Blue — a pure blue, somewhat lighter than the ultramarine, and much lighter than the Prussian blue. Tdrquois — a beautiful blue, the color of this precious mineral. Sometimes it has a greenish tinge. French Blue — a bright blue with a violet hue. Tints of Blue. — Light Blue — a tint of ultramarine. A pure blue made lighter with white. Azure, Cerulean, or Sky Blue — the clear blue of the sky. A light tint of pure blue. ORANGE. Pure Orange. — Orange — the color of a ripe orange ; a reddish- yellow. Equal parts of pure red and yellow will produce a red-orange color. Three parts of red and five parts of yellow will give a good orange color. Shades of Orange. — Dark Amber, or Amberine — a very deep reddish-yellow ; a deep orange made a little darker with black. Amber is a fossil gum, found on sea-coasts. It is obtained on the coast of the Baltic Sea. Some varieties of this gum are semi-trans- parent, and of a lighter reddish-yellow or orange. Oak Color — a shade of orange ; the color of polished oak wood. Hues of Orange. — Salmon— a light orange with a golden tinge ; the color of a salmon fish. Buff — a light yellowish-orange. Tints of Orange.— Cream Color— a very light tint of orange tinged with yellow. Orange color made very light with white. The color of cream. GREENS. Pure Green. — Green — the brightest grass -green. Eight parts of blue and five parts of yellow will produce a good green. Equal parts of blue and yellow will make a common green. FACTS ABOUT COLOR. 151 Shades of Green. — Olive Green — a broAvnish-green ; the color of an olive. This shade of green may be produced by mixing yellow- ish-green with brown. Bottle Green— a dark, dirty yellowish-green ; the color of bottles made of coarse common glass. Hues of Green. — Emerald — a very rich, brilliant green ; the color of the emerald, a precious stone. Pea Green— a light yellowish-green, the color of green peas. Sea Green— a flxint green with a bluish tinge ; a color seen in deep water. Tints of Green. — Bertline— a delicate pale green, the color of the beryl or aqua marine. Tea Color, or Tea Green— a tint of olive-green ; olive-green made very light by mixing white with it. PURPLES. Pure Purple.— Purple— a color produced by mixing equal parts of pure blue and pure red. A purple with the blue predominating is made by mixing three parts of red with eight parts of blue. Such a, purple might be called a dark violet. Shades of Purple. — Royal Purple— a very rich dark purple. This color was formerly obtained from a sticky liquid found in small quantities in a kind of shell-fish. In consequence of being very diffi- cult to obtain, it was so expensive that none but the most wealthy could wear cloth dyed Avith this color. This was the color of the robes worn by Roman emperors. It was the emblem of power — the sign of royalty. Amaranth — a dark red-purple, the color of the flower of the ama- ranth. Hues of Purple. — Violet — a purple with a blue tinge. In this color the blue appears more prominent than the red. This color might be called a purple-blue. The amethyst has a beautiful blue-vio- let color. 152 PRIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. Mauve — a delicate light purple. One of the aniline colors made from coal tar. Amethyst — a violet with a bluish hue. Tints of Purple. — Lilac — a tint of purple; a purple made light- er by mixing white with it ; the color of lilac blossoms. Lavender — a light tint of violet ; a violet made much lighter by mixing white with it. BROWNS. The browns are usually composed of red, yellow, and black, in vari- ous proportions, and sometimes modified by the addition of white. These colors are known by various names — dark brown, oUve-hroivn, deep brown, red-broivn, gold-brown, light broivn, umber, chestnut, au- burn, russet, hazel, chocolate, etc., according to the prevailing color. It is generally a tawny or dusky color. Shades of Brown. — Umber — a very dark or blackish-brown paint, the color of burnt umber. Haw umber has a yellowish tinge. Chestnut — a dark shade of brown, the color of a chestnut. Chocolate — a dark reddish-brown, the color of chocolate. Puce — a dark or purplish-brown, the color of a flea. Hues of Brown. — Auburn — a reddish-brown ; this name is ap- plied to a color of hair. Russet — a light brown with a yellowish tinge. This color is com- posed of two parts red, and one part each of blue and yellow. Hazel — a light brown, the color of the hazel-nut. This name is used in describing the color of eyes. Snuff — a yellow-brown, the color of snuff. Claret — a purplish, light red-brown, the color of claret. Tints of Brown. — Brunette — a very light brownish color ; a name given to dark complexions. Drab — a very light dull brown, of a yellowish tinge. Tan — a light yellowish-brown. Stone Color — a very light tint of brown. FACTS ABOUT COLOK. 153 GRAYS. The grays are usually composed of black and white, modified by a mixture of red, yellow, or blue. Slate — a bluish-gray or a reddish-gray. Pearl Gray — a very light silvery-gray. Steel Color — a dark bluish-gray. French Gray — a grayish color somewhat resembling a drab. WHITE. White is the representative of light ; it is also a modifier of colors. Sometimes it is said that white is not a color, but only a composition of all colors, because it is composed of the seven prismatic colors, as in sunlight. But to the child white is just as much a reality as red or blue. Since, by universal usage, this term is employed to distin- guish the color seen in pure snow, and all objects having the same color, it is just as correct to use the word white^ as the name of a col- or, as the word green or yellow. And I see no good reason why we may not call white a color as well as purple. White substances reflect all the rays of sunlight ; red substances re- flect the red rays of light, and absorb all others ; yellow substances re- flect the yellow rays, and absorb all others ; green substances reflect the green — or blue and yellow — rays, and absorb all others. Black absorbs all the colors of sunlight, and reflects none of them. White — the color of pure snow. Silver — the color of silver ; a bluish-white. Pearl — usually a bluish or silvery white ; sometimes a pinkish- white. Milk-white — a white with a slight yellowish tinge, the color of milk. BLACK. Black is the opposite of light ; it is the representative of darkness. White reflects all colors ; black absorbs all colors. For the same reason that I would use the word white as the name of a color, I would use the word black to indicate the color of coal, G2 154 PPJMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. Although it is said that hlach is no color — that it only indicates the absence of all colors — yet, for all the ordinary distinctions of objects, it is just as much a color as blue or purple, and it may be so treated in the lessons on color in primary schools. Black — the color of coal or jet. COLORS OF ANIMALS. Black Horse — a horse with a black body and legs, and black mane and tail. Brown Horse — a horse with a dark brown body, and black legs, mane, and tail. Chestnut Horse— a horse with a brown body and legs, and brown mane and tail. There are dark and light chestnut colors. Bay Horse — a horse with a reddish-brown body, and black legs, mane, and tail. Occasionally a bay horse has brown legs. There are dark and Hght bays. Sorrel Horse — a horse with a yellowish-brown body and legs, and usually a hght yellowish-brown mane and tail. Hoan Horse — a horse with red and white hairs mixed, but with the red hairs predominating. Cream - colored Horse — a horse with a yellowish, very light brown body and legs, and generally a yellowish-white mane and tail. Dun — a very light dull chestnut, darker than a cream -color. Horses of this color usually have light mane and tail. This color is also seen on cattle. Gray Horse — a horse with brown or black hairs mixed with white ones, but with the white hairs greatly predominating. The legs of gray horses are usually darker than the bodies. An iron-gray has more dark hairs. FACTS ABOUT COLOR. 155 Pied Horse — a spotted horse, covered with small spots of differ- ent colors. Some dogs are pied. "White Horse — a horse with a white body and legs, and white inane and tail. Red Cow — a cow with a reddish-brown body and legs. Brindle Ox— An ox with black and bro-wn hairs in stripes, or light and dark brown hairs in spots or stripes. Fawn Color — a light tint of yellowish-brown.' APPARATUS FOR ILLUSTRATING COLOR. Color is a subject which can be taught Only by seeing it. The teacher must depend upon visible illustrations for giving definite ideas of colors. It is therefore very important that "Charts of Color,"* a "Box of Colored Cards," a "Set of Color Cubes," worsteds and pieces of silk of various colors, sealing-wax, wafers, colored papers, flowers and fruits in their season, a glass prism, colored crayons for the black- board, etc. , should be provided for this purpose. If the teacher can not obtain more suitable apparatus for illustra- ting colors, she may procure a sheet of perforated pasteboard, and work upon it squares of about two inches by two inches with colored worst- eds, leaving inch spaces between the squares. In this way very good illustrations of colors may be provided. The Frontispiece of this book will serve as a guide in selecting the principal colors. " The Classification of Colors" and " The Descrip- tions of Colors" will also furnish information to aid in this matter. * "Charts of Colors" and a "Box of Colored Cards" have been prepared for illustrating colors, and published by Harper & Brothers. 156 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. ORDER FOR LESSONS ON COLOR. First Series. The First, Second, and Third Steps of Resemblances and Differences in Color may be taken during the period in which the children are learning to read in a Frimer. Second Series. Lessons on Naming Colors : First Step, Naming Colors at Sight ; Second Step, Naming Objects by Colors ; Third Step, Grouping Names of Objects by Color ; Exercises with Color and Form combined. These lessons may be given during the time that the children are learning to read in a First Reader. Third Series. Ideas of Standard Colors : First Step, Red, Yellow, and Blue ; Second Step, Orange, Green, and Purple ; Third Step, White and Black. Idea of Shades and Tints of Color : First and Second Steps ; Idea of Hues of Color ; Idea of Classes of Colors, and Grouping Colors in Classes. These lessons may be given while the pupils are learning to read in a Second Reader. Fourth Series. Ideas of Primary and Secondary Colors, Mixing Colors, and Colors of Animals, may be given while the pupils are reading in the last half of a Second Reader, or in an easy Third Reader. KESEMBLANCE AND DIFFERENCE IN COLOR. 157 LESSONS TO DEVELOP THE IDEA OF EESEMBLANCE AND DIFFEEENCE IN COLOR EIRST STEP.— DISTINGUISHING COLORS. Having provided cards of several colors from the Box of Colors, also pieces of worsteds, silks, etc., the teacher may request the children to notice whether the colors look alike as the cards are shown. The cards may be held with their white sides toward the pupils, then with their colored sides. At first cards of the same color may be selected, as two reds, two yellows, two blues, two greens, etc. Afterward cards of difier- ent colors may be taken, as red and yellow ; blue and orange ; red and green ; purple and yellow. After several colors have been thus shown the chil- dren, and they have been led to notice that the colors of some cards and pieces of silk and worsted are alike and others unlike, the teacher may request the pupils to say alike when two objects of the same color are shown, and unlike when two different colors are shown. Let the teacher hold the white sides of two red cards before the class ; the pupils may answer, " Alike." Then hold the red sides before the class — "Alike." Then two yellow cards — " Alike." Then two blue ob- jects — "Alike." The teacher may then hold a red and a blue card be- fore the class—" Unlike." Then a yellow and a green card—" Unlike." Then a red and a green card—" Un- like." Then the white sides of a green and a purple 158 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. card — "Alike." Then the colored sides of the same cards — " Unlike," etc. These exercises should be varied and repeated for several days in classes of young children. The teacher may continue the exercises for training the children to distinguish colors by placing before them the " Chart of Colors," and, holding up a red card, say, I have a red card ; who will point to a color like it on the Chart ? From the pupils that raise their hands, intimating that they desire to point to a color like that of the card shown them, the teacher may select several, calling out one at a time, to point to the red on the Chart of Colors. The teacher may then take up a yellow card and proceed in the same manner ; then a blue card, and so on,' until the children have become familiar with red, yellow, blue, orange, green, and purple by sight and by name. The teacher may next take colored crayons, and make a broad mark with each color on the blackboard, and as each mark is made let the children tell its color, thus: "Red; green; yellow; blue; orange; purple; white ; green ; blue ; red," etc. Let pupils select a crayon, and make a mark of a given color, as red, blue, yellow, green, etc. The teacher may vary these exercises by pointing to a red color on the Chart, and requesting the pupils singly to select the same color from the cards, or worst- eds and silks on the table. This method may be con- tinued until the pupils can select all the six colors men- tioned above. Let the exercise be again changed by the teacher calling upon pupils to point to red colors on the Chart ; EESEMBLANCE AND DIFFERENCE IN COLOR. 159 then blue color; then green color; and so on through yellow, i^urple, and orange. Next let the pupils be required to select colors by th'&ir names from the colored cards, worsteds, silks, etc. These exercises for distinguishing colors may be con- tinued through several lessons, extending over a period varying in time from two weeks to one month, accord- ing to the ages of the pupils and their progress. Ask the children how they know that all objects do not have the same color. How would all colors appear where there is no light ? SECOND STEP.— GROUPING COLORS. Children may be taught to group like colors by placing a red color on one end of the table and a green color on the other end ; then, taking up several red and green cards, pieces of silk and worsteds, request the pupils, as each piece is held before them, to tell with which color it should be placed ; and the teacher may place it with the red or the green, as the children direct. In small classes the children might take the colors and classify them in two groups, by allowing each child to take two or three colors, and place each with the group which it is alike. When the children have continued this exercise of grouping until they can readily classify any two of the six principal colors, a new series of exercises may be given with three groups of colors in each, as red, yel- low, blue; red, green, white; yellow, purple, white ; blue, orange, black, etc. ; and the pupils may be required to place colors in three groups in the same manner as they before placed them in two groups. ICO PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. These exercises should be continued until the pupils have become so familiar with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, black, that they can readily group objects of each of these colors. The children may now be required to arrange these colors in rows, like patterns given by the teacher, thus : Red, yellow, blue, orange, green, purple ; yellow, blue, orange, green, red, purple ; green, red, orange, purple, yellow, blue. Only one pattern should be given at a time. During this step the children should not be taught shades and tints of colors; all these may be treated as reds, yellows, blues, greens, etc. THIRD STEP.— LIGHT AND DARK COLORS. The children, having become familiar with six or eight colors, may next be taught that the same colors can be light or dark. The teacher may point to light reds and dark reds, light yellows and dark yellows, light blues and dark blues, dark greens and light greens, on the Chart of Colors, and thus illustrate this fact to the class. Then the teacher may call upon pupils to point to light colors, then to dark colors, thus : James may point to a light red ; now to a dark red. Henry may point to a dark green ; now to a light green. Freddy may point to a light blue; now to a dark blue. When the children can readily point out the prin- cipal light and dark colors on the Chart, the teacher may place a white object upon one end of the table RESEMBLANCE AND DIFFERENCE IN COLOR. 161 and a black one upon the other end; then say to the class : We will i^lace all the light colors with the white ob- ject, and all the dark colors with the black object. Now I wish you to look at each color as I show it to you, and tell me where to place it. When I show a color, you may say " light" if you think it belongs with the light colors, and " dark" if you think it should be placed with the dark colors. The teacher may now hold up very light colors and very dark colors, and let the children tell with which group each should be placed. Subsequently light and dark colors may be grouped by the children making the selection themselves from the colors on the table, placing each with its appro- priate group. 162 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. LESSONS IN NAMi:N^a COLOES. FIRST STEP.— NAMING COLORS AT SIGHT. After placing the Chart of Colors before the class, the teacher may point to the colors in groups, request- ing the pupils to give the name of the group, as reds, greens, blues, yellows, purples, oranges. Next the teacher may take up colored cards, pieces of silk, worsted, etc., and request the children to give the name of the color as soon as shown, as red, blue, green, etc. Another exercise may be given in which the pupils will be required, in the same manner, to give some of the other names of colors, as red, pink, yellow, straw, orange, cream, blue, sky-blue, green, light green, purple, violet, lilac. First the teacher may point to the color on the Chart, and the pupils give the name ; then she may hold up cards or other colored objects, and request the pupil to give the name of each color singly as soon as it is shown. A very valuable exercise for securing the attention of a large class may be introduced in connection with these lessons on color. The teacher, taking several of the square colored cards from the Box of Colors, may hold them up, one at a time, and ask. What is the color of this? What is its shape? What is the shape of this? What its color? When the pupils are able to answer readily and cor- LESSONS IN NAMING COLOES. 163 rectly each question as to shape, color, etc., the teacher may show the card, and indicate the question by simply speaking the words color — shape. Let the changes be made rapidly from shape to color, also from one color to another, so as to require the most watchful attention on the part of the pupils to understand correctly and quickly, and answer promptly. Let the names of colors be reviewed by requiring the pupils to point out colors on the Chart ; also to select colors from objects on the table as the teacher speaks the name. SECOND STEP.— NAMING OBJECTS BY COLORS. To train children to apply the appropriate names to the* colors in articles of dress, flowers, fruits, and other familiar objects, let the teacher point to a red color on the Chart, or hold a red card before the class, and re- quest the pupils to mention the names of objects which are red. First let each child that can think of a red object raise a hand, and mention the name of it prompt- ly, in turn, as called upon by the teacher. Li subse- quent exercises upon the same color, each child may be called upon in turn to mention the name of an object with the given color. ^ach color may be presented to the class in the same way until the pupils have learned to associate the right names with the colors seen in common ob- jects, and have also learned to observe more carefully what colors may be seen in the various objects around them. Other exercises for associating the names of colors with those seen in articles of clothing, and for leading 1G4 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. children to a more accurate observation, may be given in the following manner ; All the children that have a blue color in any part of their dress may stand. Mary, what part of your dress is blue ? " My sack." Cassie, what have you that is blue ? " The ribbon on my head." Ella, what have you that is blue ? " My dress." Thus each child may be called upon to point out and tell the name of the part of dress in which the given color may be seen. Proceeding in the same Avay with the other colors, the teacher says : All the children that have red in any part of their dress may stand. Then let each child mention the name of the part, and point out the color, in turn, as before. Continue this exercise with each of the principal colors. Subsequently the teacher may mention the names of objects, and the children tell their colors, as. Cherries — "Red." Apples — "Red; green; yellow." You do not agree as to the color of apples ; which is correct ? " Some apples are red, some are green, and some are yellow." Very good ; all of you were right. What is the CQlor of leaves in the summer ? " Green." Of strawberries ? "Red." Of currants? "Red, when ripe." Of plums? "Red; blue; yellow; green." Yes ; some plums are red, some are blue, some green, etc. What is the color of a lemon ? of an orange ? of a rose ? of a violet ? LESSONS IN NAMING COLOllS. 165 THIRD STEP.— GROUPING NAMES OF OBJECTS BY COLOR. For a class that can read well in a First Reader, the teacher may give exercises in grouping the names of objects by their colors, thus leading them to observe the colors of objects more carefully. Let the teacher write on the blackboard the names of some of the principal colors, thus : Bed. Yelloio. Blue. White. Then the teacher may request the pupils to name objects that are red, and, as each pupil mentions a name, the teacher may write it under the word red. When several red objects have been mentioned, the nam'es of those that are yellow may be given and writ- ten in a like manner. Then those that are blue, and so on. The lesson on each group of colors should be repeat- ed three or four times, to lead the children to extend their obsei'vations, and become able to give longer lists of objects having the colors than they could think of on the first presentation of the lesson. These exercises may be continued with similar groups of other colors, until the children can readily group the names of objects representing eight or ten colors. When the pupils are able to write readily on their slates, this exercise might be varied by requiring them to write a list of names of red objects, green objects, blue objects, etc., and then ascertain Avhich pupil can write the lousiest list of each color. 16G PKIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. EXERCISES WITH COLOE AND FOEM COMBmED. When the pupils have become somewhat familiar with the common colors introduced in the preceding lessons, exercises may be arranged which will furnish an interesting variety for the children by combining colors with plane forms. Let ten more pieces of pasteboard or thick paper be procured than there are pupils in the class. Each piece may be about four inches wide and six inches long. Also procure colored papers which are good represent- atives of the six colors — red, yellow, blue, orange, green, purple. If the class contains thirty pupils, cut each of the fol- lowing forms ixom.four of the colors represented by the papers. If the class contains forty pupils, cut each form fromj^ve colors. If there are fifty pupils, cut each form from six of the colors ; and so on. This will allow a card with each form for the teacher. Triangle. Square. Oblong. Ehomb. Ehomboid. Circle. Semicircle. Crescent. Oval. Eing. For a class of thirty pupils, the triangle, oblong, rhomb, circle, and crescent may each be cut from the * red^ yelloio^ green^ and purple. The square, rhomboid, semicircle, and ring may each be cut from the orange^ hlue^ red., and green. Let each of these forms cut from the colored papers — the sizes of which should correspond to the forms in EXERCISES WITH COLOR AND FORM COMBINED. 167 the box or those on the Chart — be neatly pasted in the centre of the pieces of pasteboard or thick paper. The lessons on form and color may be conducted with these cards somewhat as follows : Distribute the cards so that each child shall hold one. The teacher should select beforehand one card for each form. As the card containing the square is held before the class, all the pupils that have a card CQntaining the same shape may stand ujd. Each pupil standing may then be called upon to tell what shajDC is on its card, and also the color of it. In this instance the shape on each card of those pupils who stand up should be a square, but there will be four different colors represent- ed by these squares in a class of forty. Next the teacher may hold before the class another form, as the crescent^ and request all the pupils that have that shape on their cards to stand up. Then each pupil may tell what shape is on its card, and the color of it, as before. After each form has been thus called for, the teacher may request all the pupils that have a color like the one shown by the teacher to stand up. Then each pu- pil may be called upon to tell the name of the color, and the name of the/brm on its card. When sufficiently advanced in the lessons on form, the pupils may describe the form, thus : " The shape on ray card is a square ; it has four equal sides, and four square corners. Its color is — " " The shape on my card is a circle ; it has one evenly curved edge. Its color is — " " The shape on my card is a rhomboid ; it has two equal long sides, two equal short sides, and two sharp corners, and two blunt corners. Its color is — " 9 168 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. A variety of questions may be given, and the interest of the children kept wide awake when this exercise is properly conducted. In one of the largest public schools in New York City the teachers arranged these forms and colors on pieces of white glazed muslin, and fastened the muslin to sticks like little flags. These are passed by the pupils from one to the other, and the lessons conducted some- what like the manner described above. In this school the children use the flags for the form and color lessons in the classes that are just learning to read short sen- tences from the blackboard, as well as with pupils that are readins: in the First Reader. LESSONS ON STANDAED COLOES. .169 LESSONS TO DEVELOP THE IDEA OF STANDAED COLORS. FIRST STEP.— RED, YELLOW, AND BLUE. We have been talking about various colors, and about objects in which these colors may be seen. You have learned that some colors are dark, also that some are light ; now we will try to learn which are the best colors. Red. — You will observe that some of the reds on the Chart appear to be more red than others. Now Fanny may point to the reddest red on the Chart, and if you think she points to the right color, you may say Right ; if you think she does not point to the reddest one, you may say Wrong. " Right." Jennie may now point to the color which she thinks is reddest. " Right." Let us see what the name of the color is to which Jennie pointed. It is carmine. This is correct; we will call a bright carmine the reddest of the reds, and take this for our standard red. If you will look at the Frontispiece of this book you will find a good carmine red. This color should be like the pure red of the rainbow. The pupils may now be called upon to select the standard red from the colors on the table. Yellow. — When you look at the yellows on this Chart, you can see that they do not all appear alike. Who will point to the yellowest yellow ? H lYO PKIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Henry may clo it. " Wrong." William may try it. " Right." James may now point to the yellowest col- or. "Kight." You may look at this color carefully; we will take it for our standard yellow. You can see this color on the Frontispiece of this book. The children may now be requested to select the standard yellow from the colors on the table. Blue. — On the Chart of Colors you will notice that some of the blues are light, and some are very blue. Now Cora may point to the bluest blue. *' Right." Lizzie may show us which she thinks is the bluest of the blues. "Right." The name of this blue is ultramarine. It is a rich pure blue, and we will choose it for the standard blue. This color resembles the bright blue of the rainbow. The children may now be requested to select the standard blue from the colors on the table. The pupils may also be requested to select the three standard colors, and place them in one group on the table. This may be called the first group of standard colors. SECOND STEP.— ORANGE, GREEN, AND PURPLE. You may tell me how many standard colors we have selected. "Three." What are their names ? " Red, yellow, blue." Who will point them out on the Chart of Colors ? Anna may do it. "Right; right; right." Well done ; now we will select more standard colors. LESSONS ON STANDARD COLORS. 171 Orange. — When you look at the orange colors on the Chart, you observe that some of them do not have the same color as the orange. Carrie may point to a color which she thinks is like that of the orange. " Right." We will take the color of the ripe orange for our standard orange color. Green. — When you look at grass, or green leaves, and the colors on the Chart, you will notice that some greens are brighter than others. Let us choose the brightest color of green grass in early summer for our standard green. Who will point to a color which resembles it on the Chart ? Fanny may show us that color. • "Right." Let pupils be called upon to select the standard green from the colors on the table. Purple. — You may look at the colors on the Chart, and select the best purple. Jane may show us which purple she selected. "Right." Alice may show us which j)urple she selected. "Wrong; right." Now let us examine these colors, and see if Alice is correct. She pointed to the royal purple, which is a very dark, rich purple. This purple is too dark for the purple seen in the rainbow, so we will choose the light- er purple which Jane selected for our standard purple. The pupils may now be requested to select colors like the standard purple, after the teacher shows it on the Chart. They may also be requested to select the last three standard colors and place them in a group on the table. This may be called the second group of standard colors. 172 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. IIow many standards of colors have we selected in all? " Six." What are their names ? "Ked, yellow, blue, orange, green, purple." "Which did we select first ? " The standard red." Which did we select at the first lesson ? " The red, yellow, and blue." You may call these the first colors, because they are the three standards which we selected at i\iQ first les- son. What was the color selected first at the second lesson ? " Orange." How many colors did we select for standards at the second lesson ? "Three." What are their names ? " Orange, green, and purple." These were the standard colors selected at the second lesson, so we will call them the seco7id colors. Which do we call the second colors ? " Orange, green, and purple." Which do we call the first colors ? " Red, yellow, and blue." THIRD STEP.— WHITE AND BLACK. White. — You may tell me what you call the lightest color that you ever saw. " White." What is the whitest object that you ever saw? "Snow." LESSONS ON STANDARD COLORS. 173 Very good ; snow is the purest white that is known. This we call our standard white. Sometimes we call sunlight white, but it is a golden white. You may mention the names of objects that are white. Black. — You told me the name of the lightest color that you ever saw, now you may tell me the name of the darkest color that you know. " Black." What have you seen that is black ? " Horses, cats, dogs, birds, coal, cloth, silk, ribbon." These two colors, white and hlack.^ are the boundaries of all the other colors. I will try to explain what I mean by this on the blackboard. Here I will write the word white at one end of the blackboard, and I will write the word hlack at the other end. Next to the white I will write yellow^ the lightest of the standard colors, and next to that orange., and next to that red. Now I will write blue next to black, then purple next to blue, then green. You observe that all these colors come between white and black. Can you mention any color that is lighter than white ? Can you mention any color that is darker than black? Then these two show how far colors ex- tend each way. Now I will write the name of the lightest color at the top of the blackboard. What is it ? "White." I have written the word white; what shall I write next below it ? ' "Yellow." 174 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. And next below that ? " Orange." And next below that ? "Red." And next below red ? " Green." And next below green? "Purple." And next below purple ? "Blue." And next below blue ? " Black." And next below black ? " There is no darker color." Yeiy good. Now you see that hlack is at the hot- torn^ and white is at the top of the column of colors. Thus you see that all colors belong between these two extremes — white and black. SHADES AND TINTS OF COLORS. 1V5 LESSONS TO DEVELOP THE IDEA OF SHADES AND TINTS OF COLOKS. FIRST STEP.— SHADES. You have already learned that some colors are light and some are dark ; I am now going to tell you what we call those colors that are made dark by mixing some darker color, or a black, with them. Where the sun shines it is very light ; but if you go under a tree, or by the side of a house so that the sun can not shine upon you, you are in the — " Shade." Right. Now tell me whether the shade is as light as sunlight. Then a shade is where the light is not so bright. So when we mix a dark color with a light one, so as to make that light color darker than it was before, we say it is a shade of that color. If I take red and mix black with it, so as to make a dark red of it, then it may be called a shade of red. Suppose I should mix black with green, what would it produce ? " A shade of green." If I should mix black with blue, what would it pro- duce ? So if I should mix blue, which is a very dark color, with red, it would produce a crimson^ which is a shade of red. How may Ave produce shades of colors ? '* By mixing black or dark colors with light ones." llQ PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. SECOND STEP.— TINTS OF COLORS. In the last lesson we were talking about — What? " Shades of colors." Now we will talk about making colors lighter. If I take yellow and mix white with it, what effect will it have on the yellow ? *'Make it lighter." If I take red and mix white with it, what effect will it have on the red ? " Make it lighter." If I mix white with green, what will be produced ? " A light green." When we mix white with any color so as to make it appear very light, we call it a tint of the color. If white be mixed with blue so as to make it look very light, we call it a tint of blue. Suppose you should mix white with purple so as to make it very light, what would we call it ? " A tint of purple." !N'ow you may come to the Chart, one at a time, and point to a tint of some color, and tell what color it is a tint of You may select tints from the colors on the table. You may point to shades of colors on the Chart. Now you may select shades from the colors on the table. HUES OF COLOES. 177 LESSONS TO DEVELOP THE IDEA OF HUES OF COLOES. Sometimes we find a color which aj^pears as if an- other color had been mixed with it. If you will look at vermilion on the Chart of Colors, you will see that it has more of a yellowish ajDpearance than the other reds; so we might say it is a yellowish hue of red. Hue. — When you can see that some other color has been mixed with the one you are looking at, so that it appears reddish, yellowish, bluish, or greenish, it may be called a hue. Now look on the Chart of Colors, and see if you can find a yellowish hue of green. Who will point it out ? Who can point out a hue of orange ? Who will show us a hue of brown ? Emma may select a hue of blue from the colors on the table. Carrie may select a hue of red. H2 178 PKIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. LESSONS TO DEVELOP THE IDEA OF CLASSES OF COLOES. You have had several lessons on color ; now I wish to see who can tell me the names of the groups or kinds of colors that you have learned. As you mention their names, I will write them on the blackboard. Bed. Yellow. Blue. Orange. Green. Purple. White. Black. How many kinds or groups of color have you named? "Eight." I will write three of these names on another part of the blackboard, and leave room to write other words under each, thus : Bed. Yellow. Blue. Grouping Colors in Classes.— You the names of all the colors that you each group, commencing with red. may now tell me can remember for Bed. Yellow. Blue. Pink. Sulphur. Ultramarine. Rose. Saifron. Indigo. Crimson. Canary. Mazarine. Scarlet. Lemon. Prussian blue. Carmine. Straw. Cobalt blue. Cherry. Citrine. Turquois. Vermilion. Ochre. Azure. Magenta. Golden. Light blue. Garnet. Primrose. French blue. CLASSES OF COLOES. 179 SUGGESTIONS FOR THE TEACHER. Probably the first time this exercise is given the children will be able to mention only a few of the names presented above in each group of colors ; but by requesting the pupils to try to find more names for each of these classes, by inquiring of their parents, or older brothers and sisters, in two or three days they will be able to add many more to their first lists. The teacher should also lead the pu- pils to perceive how the colors in each class differ from each other in the same group. A reference to "Facts about Color" will aid in this work. A similar plan should be pursued in grouping the names of other colors in classes. And in each case give the children an opportunity to observe the colors and learn more names, and then teach them how the colors of the same group differ from each other. Teaching the pupils to distinguish the differences in colors of the same class should not be undertaken until they have advanced so far as to read in a Second Reader, and are familiar with all the lessons preceding these on "Classes of Colors." These distinctions of colors will require several lessons, each illus- trated with the colors described. Grouping Colors in Classes.— To-day we will take a new lesson in grouping the names of colors. You may- mention the names of all the colors that you can think of, while I write them on the blackboard. When you have given me the names of all that you can think of to-day for each group, we will leave the lesson, that you may learn the names of more colors to give me to-morrow. Orange. Green. Purple. Amber. Grass-green. Violet. Salmon. Emerald. Mauve. Buff. Pea-green. Lilac. Cream. Olive. Lavender. Oak. Tea-green. Amaranth. 180 PEIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. BROWNS AND GRAYS. In our lessons on grouping colors you have men- tioned the names of some that we could not place in either of the classes already given. I will try to teach you something about two other classes — hroicns and grays — so that you can group the other common names. Browns. — Brown is a reddish color, but it usually has some other hue. Brown colors are produced by mixing red, yellow, and black. All colors, then, that appear to be composed of these three — red, yellow, and black — you may group with the class called browns. Grays. — Gray is a color produced by mixing white and black. But this color is frequently modified by red, or blue, or yellow, so that the gray may have a reddish hue, or a bluish hue, or a yellowish hue. Now you may try to give me names of colors to group in these two classes, and I will write them on the blackboard. Broimis. Grays. • Dark brown. Light gray. Light brown. Dark gray. Chestnut. Steel-gray. Chocolate. L'on-gray. Auburn. French gray. Russet. Slate. Hazel. Pearl-gray. Snuff. Claret. PKIMARY AND SECOND AKY COLORS. 181 LESSONS TO DEVELOP IDEAS OF PEIMAKY AND SECOND AEY COLOES. FIRST STEP. — MIXING RED, YELLOW, AND BLUE. Who can tell me the names of the first group of standard colors which we selected ? Sidney may answer. " Eed, yellow, and blue." Very well. What did we call the first three stand- ard colors that we selected ? ^' First colors.'''' I am now going to take these first colors and show you something more wonderful ' than any thing you have seen in colors. Mixing Red and Yellow. — I have here two colored crayons ; what is the color of this ? " Eed." What is the color of this ? " Yellow." I have also some red and yellow paints. I will place some of the red paint on this white paper, and then mix yellow paint with it. Now look at it, and tell me what the color is like. " It is like the color of an orange." Then what may we call it ? " An orange color." What two colors did I mix together to produce the orange color? " Eed and yellow." I will now make a broad^red mark on the blackboard with the red crayon, and then make a broad yellow mark across one end of it, as you may see in Figure 1 of the 182 PEIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Frontispiece. When I rub these colors so as to mix them, what color do they form ? " An orange." When I wish to make an orange color, what two colors must I mix together ? " A red and a yellow." I hold a red color in my hand; what other color must I take that the two colors held will represent those that will produce an orange? "A yellow." What color must I mix with yellow to produce orange ? SUGGESTIONS FOR THE TEACHER. It would be well, when the size of the class will permit it, to call upon individual pupils to select colors to represent those that will pro- duce orange ; also to request pupils to take the colored crayons and represent the mixing of these colors on the blackboard. What chil- dren learn to do they remember longer than what they learn to repeat. The same practice should be introduced in teaching each of the sec- ondary colors — orange, green, and purple. Mixing Yellow and Blue. — I now have yellow and blue paints, and yellow and blue crayons, and I will show you how we can produce another beautiful color by mixing two of these. First I will place a little yellow paint on this paper, and then mix a little blue with it. Please to observe carefully what I do, so that you can tell me when I am through. What color have I produced ? " A green." What colors did I mix together ? "Yellow and blue." I will now make a broad yellow mark on the black- PRIMARY AND SECONDARY COLORS. 183 board with this crayon, and a broad bhie mark across the end of it, like Fig. 2 on the Plate of Colors, and then rub the yellow and blue colors together. What color does it produce ? " A green." Which of the colors that I mixed together does the green look like ? " It does not look like either." What two colors will produce a green ? I hold a yellow color in my hand ; what other color must I take that the two may represent those which will produce green ? What color mixed with blue will produce green ? I hold a green ; who will select the two colors that would produce it ? Let pupils come and select the two colors which produce green, and hold them in one hand, and select a green to hold in the other hand. Now let me see if you have them right. John has red in his hand with the yellow. Is that right ? "No." What color would he have, should he mix these? "Orange." Try it again, John. Mary, let me see yours. You have yellow and green in one hand, and blue in the other. Ella, you may show her how to hold them. Now all have the right colors, I believe. What two colors have you in your left hand? "Blue and yellow." What color have you in your right hand ? " Green." If you mix blue and yellow paint, what color will you have ? " Green." 184 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Mixing Red and Blue. — Now I have red and blue paints, and red and blue crayons. By mixing these we may produce another color. I will show it to you. Here is a little red paint on this white jiaper, and I will mix a little hlue paint with it. Do you know any name for this beautiful color ? " It is a purple." Very good. What two colors did I mix to joroduce the purple ? "A red and a blue." Kow I will see if we can make a purple with the col- ored crayons on the blackboard. What is the color of this mark ? "Ked." I will now draw a broad blue mark across it, as in Fig. 3 on the Plate of Colors, and rub the red and blue colors together. What have I produced ? " A dark reddish color, like a purple." What colors must I take to make a purple ? "Red and blue." What color must I mix with blue to make a purple ? What color must you mix with red to make a purple ? I promised to show you something wonderful with the first colors. Who can tell me what I did with them ? " You mixed them together, and made other colors with them." Very good. When you saw these colors made by mixing the first colors, which one of the colors that I produced seemed most wonderful to you ? "The green." I sujDpose this was because the green is so unlike both of the colors that we mix to produce it. PKIMAKY AND SECONDARY COLORS. 185 SECOND STEP.— PRIMARY AND SECONDARY COLORS. Let us now talk about the colors that we mixed to make other colors. Who can tell me what colors we mixed together? " Red and yellow ; yellow and blue ; blue and red." How many colors did we produce by mixing the red, yellow, and blue? " Three colors." What are their names ? " Orange, green, and purple." How many and which ^rs^ colors did we use to make the orange ? "Two; the red and the yellow." How many and ^Ylach first colors did we use to make the green ? " Two ; the yellow and the blue." How many and which ^rs^ colors did we use to make the purple ? " Two ; the red and the blue." Primary Colors. — What name did avo give to the standard red, yellow, and blue ? " First colors." Now I will give you a new name for this group of colors ; Ave Avill call them primary colors. Primary means first, or simple. These first colors are simple colors ; they can not be produced by mixing any other colors together. What may we call these first colors ? "Primary colors." Which colors do avc call simple or primary ? 186 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. " The red, yellow, and blue." Why do we say these are simple colors ? "Because they can not be made by mixing other colors." And we might also say, because each of these simple colors does not contain any other color. They are pure colors. Secondary Colors. — Who can tell me what we called the second group of standard colors that we selected ? " Second colors." Very good. Can you tell their names ? " Orange, green, and purple." Right. What were the names of the colors that we produced by mixing the primary colors f " Orange, green, and purple." Are these names like those of either group of the standard colors ? " Yes ; they are like the group of second colors." I will give you a new name for the three colors that may be produced by mixing the ^^rzmary colors ; ^\e did call them second colors^ but now we will call them secondary colors. This means the second colors, or those colors that r)iay he produced by mixing together two pri- mary colors. Which are the secondary colors ? " Orange, green, and purple." What two primary colors will produce the secondary orange ? '' Red and yellow." What primary colors will produce the secondary green ? "Yellow and blue." PRIMARY AND SECONDARY COLORS. 18*7 What primary colors will produce the secondary- purple ? " Red and blue." I will write the word orange on the blackboard, and then one of the class may take the two crayons that will produce an orange, and make a mark with each color under this word. What are the colors of these marks ? " Ked and yellow." ISTow I Avill write the word green., and one of you may make marks under it to show what two colors will pro- duce a green. What colors do you see in these marks ? " Yellow and blue." Now another pupil may make marks under the word purple., to show what colors will produce it. What marks have been made under purple ? " Red and blue marks." How many primary colors are there ? How many secondary colors did we make with the primary ones ? PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. LESSONS FOR BOYS ON COLOKS OF ANIMALS, First Lesson. — I suppose you have noticed that horses and cattle diifer very much in color. Who can tell me the names of some of the colors of these animals ? *' Bay ; black ; gray ; white ; sorrel ; brown." Which of the colors on the Chart does the hay most resemble ? Which color does the sorrel resemble ? I will write descriptions of these two colors on the blackboard, and to-morrow you may tell me how many bay horses and how many sorrel horses you have seen. A hay horse has a reddish-hrown hody, a7id hlack legs^ mane^ and tail. A sorrel horse has a yelloioish-hrown hody and legs, and usually loith a mane and tail of the same color. Who can describe a bay horse ? John may tell us how we may know when to call a horse hay. " A bay horse has a reddish-brown body, and black legs, mane, and tail." Who will describe a sorrel horse ? Abram may tell us how we can know a sorrel horse from a bay one. "A sorrel horse has a yellowish-brown body and legs, and a yellowish-brown mane and tail." Very good. To-morrow you may tell me how many horses you have seen of each color. Second Lesson. — Yesterday Ave were talking about the color of horses, and you were to notice the color of COLOKS OF ANIMALS. 189 the horses that you saw, and tell me how many you have seen of each color. What were the names of the colors that you were to notice and count ? " Bay and sorrel." I will now write these words on the blackboard, thus: Bay horses. Sorrel horses. ISTow as each of you in order, commencing with the first boy, tell me how many bay horses you have seen, I will place the number under the words "bay horses." If any of you have not seen a bay horse, I will make a naught under these words. The teacher may now proceed to place figures under the words "bay horses," as each boy gives the number that he has seen, thus : When the teacher has asked each boy in the May ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ horses he saw, the same plan may be pursued to ascertain how many sorted horses each saw. 3 Suitable remarks should be made to stimu- late those who saw no horses to use their eyes 5 better next time, and to commend those who 4 appear to take notice of what they see. 1 The teacher may call upon individual pupils ^ to describe one of the bay horses that he saw ; ^ also to tell where he saw it. The same may be done with those who saw sorrel horses. To prepare for another lesson, the teacher may in- quire whether any of the pupils saw horses of any other color. Those who did may describe the color, or tell the name of it. The pupils may mention the names gray horse, broion horse, chestnut horse. The teacher may Avrite a description of each of these 190 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. colors on the blackboard, and request the boys to learn them. A brown horse has a dark broion body, and black legs, ma7ie, and tail, A chestnut horse has a dark brown body and legs, and a broion mane and tail. A gray horse has brown hairs mixed with tchite ones, but icith many more lohite than brown hairs. The teacher may request the boys to notice horses, and tell how many each saw, as before, for a thu'd ex- ercise. A similar plan may be pursued with all the colors common among animals. NUMBER. When a child has learned to distmguish objects by Form and Color ^ it soon perceives two or more objects alike, and thus gains its first idea of more than one. This is its starting-point in JSFumher. It obtains this first notion of number at an early age, and, until it learns to count, its ideas ajopear to be limited to one and 7nore, These ideas are enlarged by means of count- ing objects, and thus it takes its first step in a knowl- edge of number. Hence with counting objects should commence the child's training in the elements of arith- metic. Veritable ideas of number, like those of Form and Color^ belong to the facts that are chiefly acquired through the sense of sight. Early instruction in this subject must depend for success upon the actual pres- entation of objects. No description of numbers, or of arithmetic, nor the memorizing and repetition of rules, will ever teach a child true ideas of number, and lay a proper foundation for a practical knowledge of arith- metic. A common error in the teaching of arithmetic con- sists in the abstract manner in which it is usually pre- sented ; and, owing to this, many pupils seldom think of finding illustrations of what they are taught in the daily transactions of life, or of making practical appli- cations of what they learn in school to their experiences out of school. How shall the lessons in number and arithmetic be- 192 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. come living representations of real transactions instead of mere abstract knowledge ? How may these lessons in school be associated with the real affairs of life out- side of the schoolroom? These are most important questions for the teacher to answer; and upon the manner in which these are answered in the practices of instruction will chiefly depend success in teaching. To answer these questions properly, the teacher must go back of the usual course of instruction in arithmetic, and ascertain what is the true starting-point, and how children obtain their first ideas of number, and learn that they do not at first separate number from the things numbered ; that, notwithstanding they may be able to count five fingers or eight apples, they can not reason about the numbers five and eight ; that it is with concrete nuinbers that instruction should commence. The following lessons are intended to suggest appro- priate methods for an objective course of training, as a preparation for commencing the study of the science of number at the point where the subject is usually taken up in text-books on arithmetic. Some teachers may say, " I have no time for this ob- jective teaching." Then some of the other subjects, usually known as "higher branches," had better be omitted, for it is of vastly greater importance that the first steps be properly taken than that attempts be made to teach the abstract studies in which many pu- pils spend so much time unprofitably. You can teach arithmetic thoroughly without this ob- jective training? Ah, yes ; I perceive that your stand- ard oiysi\\^\j constitutes a knowledge of arithmetic is to be able to repeat what the text-books say about it. , Would you say that a farmer, a carpenter, a hatter, a NUMBEK. 193 tailor, an engraver, or a watchmaker understands his business thoroughly because he can repeat what the books say about his occupation or trade, regardless of his ability and skill in performing the actual work per- taining to it ? What is your standard of a true knowledge of arith- metic ? What do you try to teach your pupils concerning it ? Why do you teach them this subject ? JIoio do you commence your instruction in numbers ? -A thoughtful consideration of these questions may lead to more natural methods of teaching arithmetic. I 194 PEIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. LESSONS TO DEVELOP THE FI^ST IDEAS OF NUMBER Before commencing the first lessons in Nkimher, the teacher should procure a variety of objects to be count- ed, as pencils, cents, buttons, beans, pebbles, nuts, mar- bles, books, apples ; also a numeral frame. FIRST STEP.— COUNTING. First Group of Numbers, 1 to 9. — The teacher may- place several objects of the same kind, as cents, but- tons, pencils, or pebbles, on a table before a class, and arrange them in rows, thus : The teacher may then commence counting, saying 07ie^ and at the same time pointing at the first object. Then beginning with the second row, pointing at the two in order, saying one, tico. Next pointing at the row of three, saying owe, tioo^ three. Now the teacher may commence as before, and pro- ceed to point at each object in the order of their grou]3S, and let the children count with the teacher, thus : " Onef^ "one, two ;" " one, two, three." FIEST IDEAS OF NUMBER. 195 When the children can count objects as far as three, let marks be made on the blackboard in similar groups, thus, I I I I I I and the children requested to count them in the same manner as they counted the objects on the table. When the children have learned to count three readi- ly, the teacher may place under the other objects a row with/bwr, and, commencing at the first, let the children count, as before, " One ;" *' one, two;" "one, two, three;" *' one, two, three, four." When the children can readily count four objects, and four marks on the blackboard, and four balls on the numeral frame, the teacher may add a group of five, so that the several groups or rows will appear thus : The teacher should now commence counting at one 196 PEIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. again, as before, and let the children count each line, thus : " One ;" " one, two ;" " one, two, three ;" " one, two, three, four;" "one, two, three, four, five." When the children can readily count five objects on the table, five balls on the numeral frame, and five marks on the blackboard, the teacher may add a row with six objects, and then commence at one, and proceed as before. The same plan may be pursued until the children are able to count groups of objects from one to nine readily and correctly. Let the teacher ask the children. How many cents* in the first row ? " One cent." How many pencils in the second row ? " Two pen- cils." How many buttons in the third row ? " Three but- tons." How many cents in the fourth row ? How many buttons in the fifth row? "Five buttons." Thus the children niixj be led to read the objects or marks in groups, as " Three cents ;" " four pencils ;" " five buttons," etc. At this stage it would be profitable to call upon in- dividual pupils to count a given number of balls on the numeral frame, or objects on the table, or marks on the blackboard. Let one stand and count five balls, then sit down; another stand and count eight marks; an- other, four pencils; another, nine balls; another, seven marks ; another, three balls, etc. The children may be requested to count and hold up three fingers ; t\\Qi\ five fingers ; then eight fingers, etc. * The teacher will, of course, ask the question so as to correspond with the objects used for counting. FIRST IDEAS OP NUMBER. 197 Ask the children, How many eyes have you ? How many ears ? How many feet ? How many toes on one foot ? How many hands ? How many fingers and thumbs ? How many wheels has a cart ? How many has a wagon? How many wheels has a car? Thus lead iDupils to count a great variety of objects. Value of Numbers. — To lead the pupils to observe the value of numbers, ask them, What number is greater than eight ? What number is less than seven ? Now you may tell me a number that is less than nine ; one that is less than four ; one less than eight ; one less than six, etc. Tell me all the numbers you know that are less than four ; all that you know that are less than six ; all less than three ; all less than eight, etc. Now tell me the numbers that you know which are more than seven ; those which are more than five ; those more than six ; those more than four, etc. Which is the largest number, three, six, or five ? Which the largest, eight, four, or seven ? six, nine, or five ? two, five, or seven ? Which is the .smallest number, four, one, or three ? two, six, or five ? eight, seven, or nine ? six, four, or three ? Which is the smallest number that you know? which the largest ? Here are four cents in this pile, and six cents in this ; which pile contains the greater number of cents ? I have placed eight beans in one place, and eight cents in another ; which contains the larger number ? The teacher Tvdll readily perceive how these exercises can be extended in an almost unlimited variety, and she 198 PRIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. will vary them according to the attainments and prog- ress of her pupils. SECOND STEP.— COUNTING. Second Group of Numbers, 10 to 19. — When the pupils have learned to count objects readily to ?^^V^e,the teacher may proceed to teach them the numbers in order from nme to nineteen. Plans similar to those for teaching the children to count from one to nine may be used, but the numeral frame and marks on the blackboard will be found more convenient for large classes than objects on the table. When the pupils have learned to count objects, balls, marks, etc., readily as far as nineteen^ a new mode of grouping may be introduced for numbers from twenty to ninety-nine inclusive, as in the next step. THIRD STEP.— COUNTING. Third Group of Numbers. — The teacher may now show the. children how to count from twenty to twenty-nine by the balls on the numeral frame, by marks on the blackboard, and by other objects. When they can readily count these numbers,'teach them to count from thirty to thirty-nhie in the same way ; also to compare the numbers from thirty to thir- ty-nine with those from twenty to twenty-nine, and thus teach a new mode of grouping, as follows, viz. : Twenty^ twenty-o?ie, twenty-^^oo, twenty-^/iree, twen- ^J-fouT^ twQnij-Jive^ etc. Thirty, thirty-o?ze, Xhivij-two-^ thirty-^Aree, thirty;/c>wr, thivtj-five, etc. FIRST IDEAS OF NUMBER. 199 In tlie same way teach counting from forty to forty- nine ; from fifty to fifty-nine ; and so on through ninety to ninety-nine. Order of Numbers. — Care should be taken to teach the order of numbers^ so that the children can tell what number comes before, and what after, any given num- ber. To accomplish this thoroughly, after the pupils have learned to count in order, ask them. What comes after six? What comes after twelve? What comes before seventeen ? What comes after forty - eight ? What comes after seventy-nine ? What comes before thirty? etc. 200 PKIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. LESSONS TO DEVELOP THE FIEST IDEAS OF FIGUEES. When the children have learned to count readily from one to nine inclusive, they may be taught the fig- %ires from to 9 as symbols of numbers, or signs of the number of things counted. While the pupils are learn- ing this group of figures, they may be taught counting from te7i to nineteen^ and review from one to nineteen. EIRST STEP.— FIGURES AS SYMBOLS. First Group of Figures, to 9. — The teacher may take a numeral frame, and, before moving the balls, ask, How many balls have I moved ? How many fingers do I hold up ? How many marks have I made on the black- board ? Continue similar questions until the pupils an- swer readily, " No balls ;" " No fingers ;" " No marks." The teacher may then say, I will now make a figure on the blackboard that stands for nothing. It shows that there are no marks on the board — that you have not counted any balls or fingers. The name of this fig- ure is naught. What is its name ? " Naught." How many balls does it stand for ? " Not any balls." How many fingers does it stand for? "Not any fingers." Moving one ball on the numeral frame, the teacher says. How many balls have I moved ? " One ball." How many fingers do I hold up ? " One finger." IToxi may now hold up one finger. I will make a FIEST IDEAS OF FIGURES. 201 mark on the blackboard. How many marks did I make ? " One mark." How many books am I holding up ^ "One book." ^' I will make a figure on the blackboard that stands for one. It shows that ojie ball has been moved, one finger held up, one mark made on the blackboard; it stands for 07ie of any thing. It is called fgure me. What do we call this figure ? "Figure one." How many balls does it stand for ? " One ball." How many apples would it stand for ? " One apple." I^ow look at the numeral frame again, and tell me how many balls I move ? " Two balls." How many fingers do I hold up ? " Two fingers." You may hold up two fingers. I will make more marks on the blackboard. How many marks did I make this time ? " Two marks." How many books am 1 holding up ? *' Two books." I will now make a figure that stands for ttvo. It shows tioo balls moved ; tzvo fingers held up ; two marks ; tivo books, etc. This is called /^i^re two. What is this called ? " Figure two." How many balls does it stand for ? " Two balls." How many boys would it stand for ? *' Two boys." Now look at these figures; we have one that stands for no balls, one that stands for one ball, and one that stands for two balls. Who will come and point to the figure that stands for no balls? Lucy may come and point to it. Maggie may point to the figure that stands for 07ie ball. Ellen may point to the figure that stands for two balls. To-morrow we will have another lesson with figures. Who can tell me the names of the figures which you I2 202 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. learned yesterday ? " Naught ;" " Figure one ;" " Fig- ure two." Very good; I will write them on the blackboard as before : 12 N'ow you may count balls on the numeral frame as I move them. " One." Now count the balls that I move on the next wire. " One, two." 'Now count the balls as I move them on the next wire. " One, two, three." How many balls did I move on the last wire ? " Three balls." How many fingers am I holding up ? " Three fin- gers." You may hold up three fingers. I will make marks on the blackboard ; how many marks have I made ? "Three marks." I will make a figure three to stand for three balls, three marks, etc. What is this figure called? "Figure three." How many balls does it stand for? " Three balls." Now look at these figures, and read them as I point. " Figure naught ; figure one ; figure two ; figure three." See, this is the way you count — 07ie, ttoo, three. Each figure tells how many you have counted. You may look at the balls again. How many balls did I move on the first wire ? " One ball." How many balls were moved on the second wire? "Two balls." How many balls did I move on the third wire? "Three balls." Now count — "One, two, three, four." How many balls did I move on the last wire ? " Four balls." FIEST IDEAS OF FIGURES. 203 See how many marks I make. " Four marks." I will now make the figure four. How many balls does this stand for ? " Four balls." Now count the balls on the next wire as I move them. " One, two, three, four, five." How many balls did I move ? " Five balls." I will now make IhQ figure five. How many fingers does this figure stand for ? " Five fingers." Now look at the blackboard, and see how I have made the marks and figures: I il III MM Mill 12 3 4 5 You may read these marks, and the figures that stand for them, as I point. " No mark, figure naught ; one mark, figure one ; two marks, figure two; three marks, figure three; four marks, figure four; five marks, figure five." I will make these figures that you have learned, and you may tell me their names. "Figure one." "Figure three." "Figure five." "Figure two." "Figure four." Now, as I point to these figures, you may hold up as many fingers as each one stands for. At subsequent lessons, let these exercises of counting and representing the number counted by figures be con- tinued as before, until all the figures from to 9 have become so thoroughly learned that the pupils can call each by name, tell how many it represents, and can readily point out each one in any order. To give individual drill, call upon pupils to take the numeral frame, and move and count as many balls as a 204 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. given figure represents, thus ; Point at the figure 5, and let a pupil hold the numeral frame, and, moving the balls, count " One, two, three, four, five." Proceed in the same manner with all the figures, thus giving a variety of exercises for learning the value of figures. Care should be taken to train the pupils thoroughly with the figures from to 9 before presenting any larger number. ' Time properly spent in this step will save double the time in subsequent steps. SECOND STEP.— FIGURES AS SYMBOLS. Second Group of Figures, 10 to 19. — Having become familiar with counting to twenty^ and with figures to nine^ the pupils are prepared to learn the second group of figures from 10 to 19. Commence as in the first group, and let the pupils count " One, two, three, four, fi'i^e halls''' on one wire, and six halls on the next wire, and seven halls on the next, eight halls on the next, 7ii7ie halls on the next. Beginning with the new group, the pupils count "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ^e/i halls on the wire next below the one with nine halls. The teacher represents this number on the blackboard thus: 10. Then eleveii halls are counted in the same manner, and this number represented by figures, as before. Then twelve halls are counted, the figures representing them written, and so on to nineteen. During these exercises several other objects are counted also, and the figures representing each number from 10 to 19 are given as symbols of the number counted. Now the teacher may arrange the figures on the blackboard in the following order, viz. : FIRST IDEAS OF FIGURES. 205 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 The attention of the pupils may now be called to the formation of the characters which represent numbers greater than nine. The pupils may be asked to tell the greatest number that can be represented by one figure ; also what figures are used to represent ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, etc. Thus lead them to observe that, to form the figures which represent the numbers from 10 to 19 inclusive, the figure 1 is written before each of the fig- ures that stand for the numbers from to 9. Subsequently the pupils may be requested to read these figures as follows, viz. : " One ten and naught, ten; one ten and one, eleven; one ten and two, twelve; one ten and three, thirteen; one ten and ioxxv, fourteen; one ten and fiwe, fifteen^'' etc. The pupils should also be trained to read these num- bers at sight, when pointed at in any order, after they have become familiar with them in the order of counting. How can I write the figures for ten f " Make a fig- ure one, and a naught on the right-hand side." How shall I write eleven ? " Make a figure one, and another figure one on the right-hand side of it." How can I write twelve ? SUGGESTIONS FOR THE TEACHER. A Caution. — During these elementaiy lessons on number ondi fig- ures, do not attempt to explain the local value of figiu*es, nor to teach the pupils to say units, tens, etc. This work belongs to a later period of development, and to attempt to do it at this stage would only result in a waste of time and an injury to the progress of the pupils. Do not attempt to teach more than one difficulty at a time. 206 PEIMAP.Y OBJECT LES60NS. All of these figures in both the first and second groups should be taught as signs of the number of balls or other objects counted. This ought to be so thoroughly done that 15 would represent to the child a whole number, or group of objects', just as completely as 5 does. During the time of learning the second group of figures, the chil- dren should be taught counting to fifty. THIRD STEP.— FIGURES AS SYMBOLS. Third Group of Figures, 20 to 29. — When the pujDils have become familiar with figures from to 19 inclu- sive, as presented in the preceding pages, they are pre- pared to be taught figures representing numbers from twenty to twenty-nine. The teacher may now proceed to require the pupils to count balls or other objects to twenty, and then Avrite the figures rejDresenting this number on the black- board, as in the second group. When the pupils have counted and the teacher writ- ten the figures to represent all the numbers from 20 to 29, let the figures be arranged on the blackboard in the following order, viz. : 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 The attention of the pupils should be called to the figures in each line, and led to observe that while the second line is formed by writing the figure 1 before each figure in the first line, that the third line is formed by writing: the fissure 2 before each fio-ure in the first line. The pupils may now be shown two groups of ten balls each on the numeral frame, also two groups of FIRST IDEAS OF FIGURES. 207 marks on the blackboard with ten in each, and led to see that two groups of ten each make twenty balls or twenty marks. Three groups of ten may in a like man- ner be shown to make thirty. Let the pupils read the groups thus : " One ten, or ten balls ;" " Two tens, or twenty balls ;" " Three tens, or thirty balls." Now point to the figure 10, and read it: "One ten, or ten ones ;" to 20, and read, " Two tens, or twenty ;" then to 30, and read, " Three tens, or thirty." Ask the children. How many tens in ten ones ? " One ten." How many tens in twenty ? " Two tens." How many tens in thirty ? The children may be requested to read the figures in the second line as follows, viz. : " Two tens and naught are twenty; two tens and one are twenty-one; two tens and two are twenty-two ; two tens and three are twenty-three ; two tens and four are twenty-four," etc. These figures should subsequently be written out of the order of counting, and the pupils trained to read each at sight ; also to take the numeral frame, and count as many as any given figure stands for. Group of Figures from 30 to 39.— The figures in this group should be taught and written in a manner simi- lar to those from 20 to 29. When this has been done, the last two lines may be compared in a new way, as a means of teaching the succeeding groups of figures to 99 more readily, thus: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 The teacher may now call attention to the resem- 208 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. blance between these two lines of figures by pointing, and reading with emphasis on the units, thus : Twenty, twenty-one, twentj-two, twentj-three, twentj-four, etc. ; thirty, thirtj-oiie, thirty-two, ihirty-thi^ee, thirty -four, thirty;/ive, etc. Then adding, You see these figures have the same order in each line. Now we can write the figures from 40 to 49 in the same order, and 50 to 59 also. At this point the teacher might be able to proceed with the figures without counting objects through all the groups to 99, and the pupils taught to read them by comparing the groups as in 20, 21, 22, etc., and 30, 31, 32, etc. By this time the pupils will be prepared to learn all the figures from 40 to 99 in about half the time required for teaching them thoroughly from to 39. But fre- quent reviews should be had to keep the children fa- miliar with all the figures previously learned while teaching each new group. By comparing the group from 20 to 29 with the one from 30 to 39 carefully, the pupils will learn how to read all subsequent groups more readily. When the pupils can readily read the figures to 99, they may be subsequently drilled in counting as many objects as each figure represents. Let the figures from to 99 be placed on the black- board and carefully reviewed in the following order, viz. : 1 2 3 4 5 6 V 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 FIRST IDEAS OF FIGURES. 209 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 10 71 12 13 U 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Let the pupils read these figures in order, "Naught, one, two, three," etc., through to "ninety-nine." Next let them read the tens, thus : " One ten, two tens, thi^ee tens, four tens," etc., to " m7ie tens." Then they may read the tens as "One ten, or ten ones; two tens, or twenty; three tens, or thirty," etc., to " nine tens, or ninety." The pupils may also read each line of tens as follows : "One ten and naught, ten ; one ten and one, eleven ; one ten and two, twelve ; one ten and three, thirteen ; one ten and four, fourteen," etc. " Two tens and naught, twenty ; two tens and one, twenty-one ; two tens and two, tw^enty-two," etc. " Three tens and naught, thirty ; three tens and one, thirty-one ; three tens and two, thirty-two," etc. Proceed in the same manner through "Nine tens and nine are ninety-nine." Subsequently the pupils may be asked to tell what figures must be used, and how, to represent each num- ber, as. How can I represent seventy-five ? " Make a seven, and a five on the right-hand side of it." 210 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. FOURTH STEP.— FIGURES. The Group of Hundreds. — Having carefully taught the children figures, as symbols of numbers counted, through ninety-nine, the pupils are ready to learn to read three figures, or hundreds. The teacher may ask, What is the largest number that may be represented by one figure? "Nine." What is the largest number that can be represented by two figures ? " Ninety-nine." I will now show you how we write a number that is one greater than ninety-nine — one hundred — thus : 100, with a figure one, and two naughts on the right-hand side of it. The teacher may then proceed to place the tens from 10 to 90 on the blackboard, and to write the hundreds from 100 to 900 in another column, by the side of the tens, thus : Now let the pupils read first the tens col- umn, then the hundreds column, thus : " One ten, two tens, three tens, four tens, five tens, six tens, seven tens, eight tens, nine tens;" "one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, sev- en hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred." Lead the pupils to notice that it takes two figures to write each of the tens, and three figures to write each of the hundreds. The class may next be shown, from the blackboard, the figures representing numbers from 100 to 199 in one group, and from 200 to 299 in another group, and so on, thus • 10 100 20 200 30 300 40 400 50 500 60 600 VO '700 80 800 90 900 FIRST IDEAS OP FIGUEES. 211 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 and so on to 199. 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232, and so on to 299. 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 etc. When the children have become familiar with the fignres of one group in the order of counting, they should be taught the same figures out of order. The same plan may be pursued for each group. Children may be taught figures by means of count- ing, as described in the preceding lessons, so as to read any number readily, as a whole, from one through hun- dreds. To attempt, during this stage, to teach the pu- pils to analyze these numbers, and tell how they are composed of units, or to try to teach them the units, tens, and hundreds, would be little better than a w^aste of time. They might be taught to repeat words in any order, but they are not prepared to comprehend what is meant by " figures increase in a tenfold ratio from right to left." Remember that the first steps are teach- ing figures as symbols of the number of objects counted, as signs for lohole numbers or groups. 212 PKIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. LESSONS FOR TRAINING IN ADDING. FIRST STEP.— ADDING OBJECTS. Adding should be commenced with objects, as balls on the numeral frame, pebbles, beans, pencils, etc. Marks on the blackboard may be used after the children have become familiar with adding objects. Adding balls on the numeral frame should not be confounded with count- ing balls ; the two processes differ, although the ability to count must be acquired before adding can be taught ; it also aids in teaching adding. First Exercises. — Commencing with the numeral frame, the teacher might proceed as follows, viz. : First moving one ball at a time, require the pupils to say, " One ball and one ball make two balls ; two balls and one ball make three balls ; three balls and one ball make four balls," etc. When the children can readily add thus as far as twenty, using balls, pencils, or other ob- jects, let them be taught to add two balls, thus : " Two balls and two balls make four balls ; four balls and two balls make six balls ; six balls and two balls make eight balls ;" and so on to ten balls and two balls. At this stage much practice should be given the pu- pils in adding various kinds of objects, one and two at a time, as already described, until they can readily add one to any number below twenty, and two to any num- ber below ten. ADDING. 213 Second Exercises. — When the pupils have been thor- oughly tramed in the first series of exercises for adding, the teacher may proceed to teach them as before, to add one to numbers from twenty to fifty. Then to add two to numbers from ten to twenty. These exercises, also the first series, should be thor- oughly reviewed before taking up those of the third series. Thirds Exercises. — During the third series of exercises the pupils may be taught to add one to numbers from fifty to one hundred ; and two to numbers from twenty to fifty ; and three to numbers below ten. The train- ing should be sufficiently thorough to enable the pupils to add one or tico to odd as well as to even numbers ; also, that they may add them to any one of the num- bers, out of its order as well as in order. SECOND STEP.— ADDING. First Exercises. — The pupils may now be trained in adding concrete numbers without having the objects before them. The teacher may ask. How many are one apple and one apple ? " Two apples." How many are two apples and one apple ? " Three apples." How many are three boys and one boy? "Four boys." How many are four pencils and one pencil ? " Five pencils." In this manner teach pupils to exercise their con- ception of objects and numbers by adding one to num- bers, in order and out of order, as far as fifty. 214 PKIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. The pupils may then be trained in a similar manner to add two to numbers, in order and out of order, as far as twenty ; and three as far as ten. Second Exercises. — If the preceding exercises have been properly attended to, the pupils will now be pre- pared for adding three to numbers below fifty ; and sub- sequently to add/bwr and^ue to numbers below fifty. First let the balls on the numeral frame or other ob- jects be used ; then let them add concrete numbers, as in the first exercises of this step. During these lessons in this step the teacher should make frequent use of the blackboard, making marks to be added, and also represent the numbers by figures. During this stage a variety of exercises may be given, chiefly with a view of training the pupils more thor- oughly in adding numbers already presented — one, two, three, four, five — to numbers below fifty. The teacher might ask questions similar to the following, viz. : How many balls must be added to six balls to make seven balls ? How many cents must be added to three cents to make five cents ? How many pencils must be added to four pencils to make seven pencils ? How many apj)les must be added to five api^les to make nine apples ? How many marbles must be added to three marbles to make eight marbles ? How many cents must be added to twelve cents to make fourteen cents ? How many cents must be added to twenty-five cents to make twenty-eight cents ? ADDING. 215 111 this manner the teacher may continue questions until all the numbers from one to five have been thus presented to be added to numbers below fifty. During these exercises the pupils may be required to tell what numbers may be added to produce each of the numbers below ten, thus : What numbers can you add to produce three f " Two and one ; one, one, and one ; one and two." What numbers can you add to produce /ve f " Four and one ; three and two ; two and two and one," etc. Third Exercises. — During these exercises the pupils may be taught to add six^ seven, eight, and oiine to num- bers below fifty, in the same manner that the numbers three, four, and five were taught. The training should be varied and thorough as in the other numbers, and carefully reviewed by questions with concrete numbers. THIRD STEP.— ADDING BY FIGURES. When the pupils have been thoroughly trained in the exercises of the " First and Second Steps of Adding," they will be prepared to learn to add by figures as the representatives of numbers. This work should be as carefully graded as the adding by objects. First Exercises. — Let the teacher commence the add- ing by figures by writing numbers on the blackboard in the following order, viz. : 0123456'789 iiiili ilii Then proceed to add them, and write the sum under 216 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. each as the pupils tell the amount, thus : "Naught and one make one ; one and one make two ; two and one make three ; three and one make four," etc. Then let the adding be reversed, thus: "One and nine make ten; one and eight make nine; one and seven make eight," etc. Next the teacher may write another exercise, thus : 0123456789 222222222 '2 and proceed to add through the line, and back again, as before, the teacher writing down the amount under each number as the pupils give it. The class might occasionally go through with this exercise in concert, but the teacher must depend chiefly upon individual drill. In the same manner the teacher may train the pupils to add three^ four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine to the numbers from naugJit to nine inclusive. Second Exercises. — The lessons in adding by figures in these exercises may consist of adding the numbers one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, to the numbers from ten to nineteen, as follows, viz. : 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Let the children add as before, and the teacher write the sum under each as the pupils give it, thus : " Ten and one make eleven; eleven and one make twelve; twelve and one make thirteen," etc. ADDING. 217 Then add these numbers in a reverse order, thus: "One and nineteen make twenty; one and eighteen make nineteen," etc. The teacher may next proceed to write other num- bers in a similar order, and train the pupils in adding them, as before ; 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 .17 18 19 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 and so on through all the numbers to 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9 9 9 9 9 9_5_?_^_? In all of these lessons the adding should be taught by whole numbers, as 15 and 9 make 24. Nothing should be said about adding unitSj or " carrying to the next column." Third Exercises. — The third series of lessons for add- ing by figures from the blackboard may consist of add- ing the numbers one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, to the numbers from twenty to fifty. These lessons may be conducted in a similar manner to those in the Second Exercises. Where the classes are small enough to admit of it, the children should have small slates, and, after they had learned to add the numbers on the blackboard, they should be allowed to copy them on slates. When the pupils have become familiar with adding K 218 PEIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. by figures as far as the lessons of the preceding Exer- cises, it will be an easy matter to arrange lessons and teach adding of one, two, three, four, etc., to numbers below one hundred. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE TEACHER. Great care should be taken that the pupils be not hurried over these early steps too rapidly. Teach the combination of only one number at a lesson. Do not attempt to teach the pupils to add two and two, three and four, and five and three at the same lesson, except in case of a review, after these combinations have been taught in their order. Those who understand the condition of the infant mind, and the pro- cesses by which it acquires knowledge, will not attempt to lead the children over too much ground at one time. Such a course would rob the lesson of its training power on their minds. The presentation of single ideas, single facts, single difficulties, should be the rule in the early steps of all primary instruction. Let each difficulty be mas- tered by itself. SUBTE ACTING. 219 LESSONS FOR TRAINING IN SUBTEACTIKG. FIRST STEP.— SUBTRACTING OBJECTS. Subtracting should be commenced with objects as well as adding. Balls on the numeral frame, beans, pebbles, pencils, and other objects may be used in il- lustrating the first steps of subtracting. Marks on the blackboard will be found very useful in giving children their first ideas in taking one number away from an- other number. rirst Exercises. — The teacher may commence with the numeral frame, as in adding, and proceed as fol- lows, viz. : Arrange the balls on the wires in groups of otie, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine; then move one ball away from each group, asking the chil- dren to tell how many remain, thus : " One ball from one ball leaves no ball ; one ball from two balls leaves one ball; one ball from three balls leaves two balls; one ball from four balls leaves three balls," etc. Pro- ceed in a similar manner with other objects ; also with marks on the blackboard. When the pupils have become familiar with taking away one ball, one mark, or other object, the teacher may arrange the balls in groups of two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine ; also arrange marks on the black- board in the same order. The teacher may move away tioo balls at a time, then rub out tioo marks at a time, and require the children to tell the result, thus ; " Two 220 PKIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. balls from two balls leave no ball; two marks from two marks leave no mark ; two balls from three balls leave one ball ; two marks from three marks leave one mark ; two balls from four balls leave two balls," etc. Proceed in a similar manner until the pupils have be- come familiar with taking away 07ie and two objects and marks from groups of less than twenty, and three, four, and^?;e from groups of less than ten. Second Exercises. — When the pupils have been thor- oughly trained in the first series of exercises, the teach- er may proceed in a similar manner to teach them to subtract one and two objects from groups numbering from twenty to fifty ; also to teach them to take away three, four, and.^ue objects from groups containing from ten to twenty. To save the time which would be required for ar- ranging a sufiicient number of groups, the teacher might commence with thirty, and take away one ball ; then one more from twenty-nine ; then one from twenty- eight ; then one from twenty-seven, etc. In the same manner may the teacher take two away from thirty ; then two from twenty-eight ; then two from twenty-six, etc. The same plan may be pursued with the numbers up to fifty, advancing ten each time. For the second les- son, commence with forty ; and when sufficient drill has been had upon this, commence*with fifty, and take away first 07ie at a time, then two at a time, down to twenty. Third Exercises. — ^During the lessons of this series of exercises, the pupils may be drilled in taking away ob- jects, marks, etc., from larger groups, both from even SUBTRACTING. 221 and odd numbers. This may be done out of order as well as in order, and embrace all the numbers taught in the previous exercises, and also be extended to other and larger numbers. SECOND STEP.— SUBTRACTING. During the several exercises of this step the pupils may be trained in subtracting concrete numbers with- out having the objects before them. The lessons may be similar in character to those in the second step of adding. The teacher may say, Take one apple from two apples, and how many will remain ? " One apple." Take one apple from three apples, and how many will remain ? " Two af)ples." Take two apples from four apples, and how many will remain ? " Two apples." Proceed in a similar manner until the pupils can read- ily take two, three, four, or five numbers away, and tell the number that will remain. Subsequently these lessons may be extended, and the pupils trained in taking away six, seven, eight, and nine from numbers below fifty. THIRD STEP.— SUBTRACTING BY FIGURES. If the pupils have been properly taught in the two preceding steps of subtracting, they will now be pre- pared to learn how to subtract figures as the represent- atives of numbers. This work may be graded, and ar-' ranged on the blackboard in the same manner as the exercises in adding. 222 PEIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. First Exercise. — The teacher may write numbers on the blackboard in the following order, viz. : 1 2 3 4 5 6 V 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Then proceed with subtracting and writing the num- ber left under each, as the pupils tell the number, thus : " One from one leaves naught ; one from two leaves one ; one from three leaves two ; one from four leaves three," etc. Let the subtracting be reversed thus: "One from nine leaves eight ; one from eight leaves seven," etc. The teacher may next teach them to take two away from other numbers, thus ; 23456789 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 Then to subtract three, thus : 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 These lessons may be extended, as with adding, from 10 to 19 ; afterward from 20 to 29, etc. ORDER OF NUMBERS. 223 LESSONS ON THE OEDER OF KUMBEES. It is necessary to teach children the succession of numbers in their order, according to the relative posi- tion in which the objects that they represent are placed, as first, second, third, fourth, etc. The importance of a special lesson on the order of numbers arises from the circumstance that frequently the idea of one, two, three, etc., is confounded with the notion w^hich properly be- longs to first, second, third, etc. A successful mode of developing the ideas of first, second, third, fourth, etc., would be to let the children count the rounds in a ladder, as first round, second round, third round, etc. The pupils might be required to walk and count their steps, as first step, second step, third step, etc. A variety of objects should be counted thus, as first finger, second finger, third finger; first book, second book, etc., until a sufficient variety of exercises have been given to enable the children to clearly understand the order and names of numbers. They may be asked. Which is the first meal in the day? which the second? the third ? Which is the first day of the week? which the second? 224 PEIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. HOW TO TEACH ADDING WITHOUT COUNTmG. Those avLo have observed the various ways by which children add are aware that very few who have not been sjoecially trained learn to add without counting. Much that is called adding is nothing more than counting. It is a common occurrence, when a pupil is asked what is the sum oi fourteen and tliree^ for that pupil to say to himself, " Fifteen, sixteen, sev- enteen," and then answer aloud, '"'' Seventeen.'^'' Many children count their fingers, some count marks on their slates, some count swinging movements of their head or other parts of the body, ancl never learn to add properly. Instead of allowing them to acquire the habit of counting to find the sum of two numbers, they should be trained in combining numbers by adding, so that y^ they will become able to perform addition without counting as rapidly and accurately as they do multi- plication. This desirable attainment may be achieved by teaching children to observe the results of the va- rious combinations of numbers from one to nine, and training them to compare all other combinations with these. The process to be chiefly relied upon for this purpose may be called Adding by Decades. — It is a familiar fact that children may learn to know readily that '7 and 5 make 12, and yet not know that 17 and 5 make 22, or that 27 and 5 ADDING WITHOUT COUNTING. 225 make 32. The reason of this is owing partly to the fact of the children not having been taught to observe that the result in every case, where two given figures are added, is always the same ; and partly to the fact of their not having been made familiar with these combi- nations in large numbers. But it will be found to be a very simple and easy matter to teach children to add each of the nine digits to every number from one to ninety-nine by this plan. Let the teacher write the following combinations on the blackboard in the order and positions given here : 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 Then require the pupils to repeat these combinations as follows, viz. : 2 and 2 are four; 12 and 2 are 14 ; 22 and 2 are 24 ; 32 and 2 are 34, etc. Next lead the pu- pils to observe the fact that the numbers 2 and 2 always make 4 when added. The pupils may afterward rej)eat the same combina- tions as follows, viz. : 2 and 2 are 4; 2 and 12 are 14; 2 and 22 are 24, etc. Then require them to repeat the same in a reverse order, as 92 and 2 are 94 ; 82 and 2 are 84 ; 72 and 2 are 74, etc. Next the teacher may erase the several sums 4, 14, 24, 34, etc., and require the children to repeat these ex- amples, adding and giving the answers as before. Finally require the pupils to copy the figures of these combinations on their slates as ten sums, and add each, and write under them the several amounts or answers. "When the combinations of 2 and 2, by decades, have thus been learned, so that the pupils can readily add K2 226 PKIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. them out of order, the teacher may arrange on the blackboard the combinations of 3 and 2, thus : 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 V3 83 93 5 15 25 35- 45 55 65 75 85 95 Proceed with the oral repetition of these combina- tions through all the various forms used with 2 and 2, Lead the pupils to notice that 3 and 2 always make 5. Also require the pupils to copy these sums on their slates, and add them. Observe the same plan of procedure for each of the folio win Qj conibinations : 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 7 17 27 37 47 57 ^7 77 87 97 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 ADDING WIT'HOUT COUNTING. 227 When all the combinations of 2 have been taught, as before described, up to 99 and 2, require the pupils to review them by writing on the blackboard these com- binations out of the order in which they were first pre- sented, thus : 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 25 36 47 58 69 75 86 97 17 19 49 79 69 39 89 29 99 59 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 and so on. These combinations should also be reviewed by questions from the teacher as follows : How many are 8 and 2 ? 19 and 2 ? 37 and 2 ? 49 and 2 ? etc. By thus frequently changing the manner of present- ing and repeating these numbers, the attention of the pupils will be secured, and the benefit will be tenfold greater than from the same number of repetitions in one form, in which the words might be repeated with- out that attention of the mind which would secure a repetition of the adding. With a class of children read- ing in a First Reader, the combinations of 2 would fur- nish sufficient exercises for half an hour a day for a week or two. The teacher may observe the same general directions, and take up, during each succeeding week, the combi- nations of a new number, until additions of all the nine digits have been thus thoroughly taught and reviewed. The same arrangement of the figures should be observed on the blackboard, in the combinations of the 3, 4, 5, etc., as those given for the combinations of 2. The following arrangement will show how the num- bers may be placed on the blackboard : 228 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 T 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 Let these combinations of 3 be extended to 99 and 3. Then review these out of order, as with the 2. Next present in the same way and teach the combinations of 4. Then follow with the full combinations of 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, in order. Review of the Combinations. — When all the additions have been taught as already described, they should be reviewed in a different order. This review will be ap- propriate work for the next class above the one where these combinations are first taught. The following ar- rangement will indicate a good plan for this review. Place on the blackboard all the combinations which produce 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, as follows: Combinations that Produce 0. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 16 26 36 46 56 6Q 76 86 96 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ADDING WITHOUT COUNTING. 229 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Combinations that Produce 1. 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 3 ■ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 Combinations that Produce 2. 111111111 1 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 2 1222324252627282 92 230 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 102 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 102 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 102 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 102 Combinations that Produce 3. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4" 4 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 103 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 103 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 103 Combinations that Produce 4. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 ADDING WITHOUT COUNTING. 231 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 104 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 104 1 n 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 n 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 104 Combinations that Produce 5. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 6 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 n 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 Combinations that Produce 6. 111111111 1 £ 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 232 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76. 86 96 1 1 1 V 7 7 1 7 7 7 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 106 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 106 Combinations that Produce 7. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 107 Combinations that Produce 8. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 ADDING WITHOUT COUNTING. 233 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 8 19 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 108 Combinations that Produce 9. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 These combinations should be added in order and out of order, until the pupils can instantlj^ tell what the sum of any two figures will make ; also the sum of either of 234 TEIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. the digits with any number below 100. The additions should be made upon their slates as well as orally. These exercises of adding by decades will furnish profitable employment for the usual time devoted to arithmetic in the classes that are reading in a First Reader (^. e., the second reading-book) during a period of some two months. However, it would be more use- ful to have this drill interspersed with other exercises in arithmetic, and made to extend over a period of four months. Careful attention to this matter at this stage will save time in the subsequent progress of the pupils. The teacher should follow these drills by decades, with examples on the blackboard for the pupils to add, and lead them to observe the application of the fact that adding the same numbers always gives the same sum. 2 3 4 5 3 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 3 2 5 1 1 5 4 5 3 4 4 3 2 5 5 2 5 3 2 3 2 4 4 3 4 3 2 4 Let the pupils add each of these columns up and down, and the teacher Avrite the sum underneath. The adding should be performed without counting or repeat- ing the several partial sums, thus : "Two, five, ^vK^eight; three, seven, nine, twelve; two, six, nine, thirteen^'* etc. Several similar examples may subsequently»be given on the blackboard ; also for the pupils to write on their slates. These should be added in the same manner as before. Gradually these single columns should be lengthened, until the pupils can add ten or more fig- ures. During this time nothing should be said about " carrying." Each column will be a complete example of itself. Let much practice be given in thus adding ADDING WITHOUT COUNTING. 235 single columns, and care taken to prevent the pupils from resorting to counting. Should one pupil fail to know readily the sum of 16 and V, call the attention of that one to the fact that 6 and 7 make IS ; then ask what figure 16 and 1 will give. First train the pupils in correct habits of adding ; let the drill for rapidity follow afterward. Changes in Manner of Exercises Useful. — Children need to have the form of their exercises frequently changed, although the character and object of them should re- main the same. These changes constitute an import- ant means of meeting that love of change and fondness for variety which is a prominent condition of children's natures. To aid the teacher in introducing suitable modifications in drilling the pupils in accurate and rapid adding, the following plan is suggested, which may be modified as the circumstances and condition of the class may suggest. How a Class may Drill Itself.— Select nine pupils from the class, place them in front of and facing the other members of the class, and assign number one to the first, number two to the second, three to the third, and so on to nine, requesting each pupil to remember what number was assigned it. Then give the number tico for each pupil in turn to ask the class to add to the number that was assigned to himself For instance, the first pupil would say, " One and two .^" The class would answer in concert, ''''Threes The next child would say, '■'Two and twof'' The class would answer as before, '^Four^ The next pupil, '■''Three and twoT'' Class, '''Five;'''' and so on until each of the nine had 236 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS, asked the class wliat is the sum of two and the number assigned to himself. That those pupils who are not able to answer readily may have an opportunity to learn the answers, each question may be repeated twice, thus : Child, " Three and three ?" Class, " Six." Child, "Three and three ?" Class, "Six." Next child, "Four and three?" Class, " Seven." Child, " Four and three ?" Class, " Seven ;" and so on. When the pupils have become familiar with the com- binations in the regular order, as indicated above, let tlie numbers be assigned to the nine pupils promis- cuously, thus : First pupil, 2 ; second pupil, 4 ; third, f) ; fourth, 8 ; fifth, 1 ; sixth, 3 ; seventh, 5 ; eighth, 7 ; ninth, 9. The exercise should proceed as before. After sufiicient drill has been had with a variety of arrangements and modifications, and the pupils can add accurately and rapidly, the mode of answering may be changed by requesting all the members of the class to stand while the teacher gives the numbers to be added, and each pupil answers singly and in turn. But as a pupil fails to answer promptly and correctly, he must take his seat. The efibrt of each pupil to remain stand- ing by answering correctly will be an excellent incen- tive. The one who remains standing after all the other pupils have failed may be declared the champion. On the occasion of the next exercise of the class in adding, the champion may take his place in front of the class, and ask each member of the class one question. All who answer correctly may in turn each ask the champion one question. Should he fail to answer either question correctly and promptly, the pupil who asked the question may take the champion's place, when he ADDING WITHOUT COUNTING. 237 shall be allowed to ask each member of the class one question, and those who do not fail may in turn each ask him one question, as before. Should a champion answer correctly all the questions P'ut to him, he shall theii be entitled to ask each mem- ber of the class two questions in succession. Those who answer correctly may each in turn ask the cham- pion two questions. Should the champion not fail this time, he shall be allowed to ask the members of the class three questions ; and they may ask him, as before, three questions. These exercises may be continued from day to day, increasing the difficulties.as the pupils acquire the ability to easily overcome them. This self-drilling of the class is chiefly valuable as a review of the adding of numbers learned by the previ- ous exercises ; and it may be extended so as to em- brace all of the numbers included in the lessons for add- ing by decades. The success of this plan of class drilling will dejoend very much upon the manner in which it is carried out. The pupils should be required to ash and answer all questions promptly and rapidly. When a class has been thoroughly trained in this manner, the pupils will be able to answer the questions as rapidly as a teacher can ask them, although they embrace such combina- tions as 19 and 7; 17 and 9; 26 and 8; 25 and 9; 48 and 9 ; 74 and 7 ; 69 and 6 ; 87 and 5 ; 39 and 9, etc. 238 PKIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. LESSONS TO DEVELOP IDEAS OF NUMEEATION AND NOTATIOK FIRST STEP.— NUMERATION. "When the first steps in Numeration are undertaken, the teacher may write a column of figures on the black- board like the one marked a: a. . h. c. d. e. 00 10 20 30 1 10 11 21 31 2 20 12 22 32 3 30 13 23 33 4 40 14 24 34 5 50 15 25 35 6 60 16 26 36 7 70 17 27 37 8 80 18 28 38 9 90 19 29 39 First Exercise. — The children may be taught to read the column a as representing objects, thus : " No ball, one ball, two balls, three balls, four balls, five balls," etc. Then as "No apples, one apple, two apples, three ap- ples," etc. Then as "No cent, one cent, two cents, three cents," etc. When the pupils have read these numbers in this concrete form several times with difier- ent objects, the teacher may tell them that there is an- other name — ^m^7, which means a single thing — that may be used with these figures. We may read this NUMERATION AND NOTATION. 239 column " No unit, one unit, two units, three units, four units," etc. When the children have become familiar with column a as units, the teacher may take the numeral frame, and place ten balls in a group on one wire, and call it one ten. Next another group of ten balls may be placed on the next wire, and both together called tioo tens. Then another group of ten balls may be placed on the next wire, and the three groups called three tens. Illustrate Tens with Bundles of Sticks. — At this stage the teacher may provide several small sticks, about the size of common matches. In place of sticks, slips cut from cards might be used. Taking several single sticks, request the pupils to count te^i ; then tie these up in a bundle, and call it 07ie ten. Let them count ten more, and tie them up as before, and call it one ten. Placing the last bundle by the side of the first one, say. Here are tioo tens. Proceed in the same way until five or six bundles have been made. Now take single sticks and the bundles of ten, and place them in groups to correspond with the figures on the blackboard, thus : One ten for 10. One ten and one stick for 11. One ten and tioo sticks for 12. One ten and three sticks for 13, etc. Now the teacher may write a column of figures on the blackboard by the side of column «, arranged as in column h. The 10 in this column may be shown to rep- resent one group often balls ; the 20, two groups often balls ; the 30, three groups of ten balls, etc. Then, pointing at the figures in this column (^), it may be read 240 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. by the teacher, and then by the pupils, as follows, viz. : " No ten, one ten, two tens, three tens, four tens, five tens, six tens, seven tens, eight tens, nine tens." Second Exercise. — "With the second exercise the teach- er may point to column a, and request the pupils to read it as follows, viz. : " No unit, one unit, two units, three units," etc. Then to read column h as '' No ten, one ten, two tens, three tens, four tens," etc. Next the teacher may write column c on the black- board, and teach the pupils to read it as follows, viz. : " One ten, one ten and one unit, one ten and two units, one ten and three units, one ten and four units," etc. The same column (c) may also be read as follows, viz. : " Ten, one ten ; eleven, one ten and one unit ; twelve, one ten and two units ; thirteen, one ten and three units," etc. Third Exercise. — Column d may now be written on the blackboard, and the pupils taught to read it as fol- lows, viz. : " Twenty, two tens ; twenty-one, two tens and one unit; twenty-two, two tens and two units; twenty-three, two tens and three units ; twenty-four, two tens and four units," etc. Next let column e be placed on the blackboard, and read in the same manner. Then the other numbers from 40 to 99 may be written, and read in a similar w^ay. FIRST STEP.— NOTATION. When the ]3upils can readily read columns of units and tens as in the preceding exercises, they may be required to write these numbers on slates. NUMERATION AND NOTATION. 241 First Exercise. — The teacher may dictate the num- bers to be written as follows : Write two units ; write five units; four units; nine units; three units; eight units ; six units ; one unit ; seven units. When the pupils can readily write columns of units under each other from dictation, let them proceed to write column c from dictation, thus : Write one ten ; write one ten and one unit; write one ten and two units ; one ten and three units, etc. !N"ext let the pupils write from dictation column c7, first in order,- then out of order, thus : Two tens ; two tens and one unit ; two tens and two units ; two tens and three units, etc. Then two tens and three units; two tens and six units ; two tens and nine units ; two tens and four units ; two tens and seven units, etc. Second Exercise. — The writing of numbers may be continued from dictation, as in the first exercise. When the pupils can readily write in that manner any number below 100, these numbers may be dictated as follows, and the pupil required to tell hoAV he wrote the number : Write twenty-four. How did you write it? "With two tens and four units." Write thirty-six. How did you write it? "With three tens and six units." Write seventeen. What did you write? "One ten and'seven units." SECOND STEP.— NUMEKATION AND NOTATION. During this step the pupils may be taught to read numbers by imits, tens, hundreds, through three places, or the period of units, and also to write them. To lead L 242 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. the pupils to see that ten tens make one hundred^ take the numeral frame, and let them count ten balls on each often wires. Then count the groups often, thus : "One ten, two tens, three tens, four tens, five tens, six tens, seven tens, eight tens, nine tens, ten tens." Then let the pupils add them by tens, thus : " Ten, twenty, thir- ty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hun- dred." Then ten tens make how many? "One hun- dred." How many balls in ten tens ? " One hundred balls." Illustrate Hundreds with Bundles of Sticks. — At this stage the teacher wilf find, the use of bundles of small sticks one of the best plans for developing the idea of hundreds in the minds of young pupils. Having pro- vided several hundred of these small sticks, as in the exercise for illustrating tens in the " First Step of Nu- meration," and tied up some thirty or forty bundles of ten each, let the pupils count ten of these bundles, then tie them up in one large bundle, and call it one hundred. Then let them count ten more bundles, and tie them up as before, and call it one hundred. Placing this by the side of the first hundred bundle, say. Here are two hun- dreds. Proceecl in the same way to count and tie up three or more bundles of a hundred. Now the teacher may ask the pupils. How many sticks are there in one bundle of ten ^ or one small bundle ? "Ten sticks." How many sticks in two bundles of ten ? " Twenty sticks." How many sticks in five of the tens? "Fifty sticks." How many of these bundles make ninety sticks ? " Nine bundles." NUMERATION AND NOTATION. 243 How many bundles of ten make one hundred sticks ? "Ten bundles." How many tens make a hundred? "Ten tens." The teacher may now write the group of figures marked / on the blackboard. / 9- h. i. 100 123 156 101 200 321 201 320 Then take one of the hundred bundles to reiDresent the first number, and tico of the hundred bundles to rej)resent the second number. Xext the teacher may write tlie group of figures marked g, and represent each with the bundles of sticks. For the first number take 07ie of the hundred bundles, tv^o of the ten bundles, and three sticks. For the second number of this group, take three of the hun- dred bundles, two of the ten bundles, and one stick. Proceed in a similar manner Avith groups marked h and ^. Pointing to the^rs^ place on the right of each group of three figures, the teacher asks. What is this place called? "Unit's place." In the same manner, pointing to the second place in each group of three figures, the teacher asks. What is this place called? "Ten's place." In the same way, point to the third place, and ask, What is this place called ? " Hundred's place." You may now name each place as I point at it. " Units, tens, hundreds ; tens, units ; tens, hundreds, units ; units, tens, hundreds." How many units does it take for one ten f " Ten units." 244 PKIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. How many tens does it take /br 07ie hundred? "Ten tens." The teacher may write figures on the blackboard, and require the children to read them as units, tens, hun- dreds, thus : " Four units, six tens, seven hundreds ;" "Two hundreds, one ten, three units." The pupils may now take their slat^ and write fig- ures from dictation as follows, viz. : " Write four units and five tens ; write three units, four tens, and five hundreds ; write eight hundreds, two tens, and one unit ; write six units, no tens, four hun- dreds ; write three hundred and twenty-four," etc. When the pupils can readily read and write any num- ber of hundreds, units, and tens, and can tell where each place is in any line of figures, they may be taught the numeration and notation of the period of thousands, as in the third step. THIRD STEP.— NUMERATION AND NOTATION. At this stage the pupils may be successfully taught to read and write numbers in the period of thousands. If they have been properly taught to read and write the period of units^ this can be easily accomplished. Lead the pupils to observe, by figures on the black- board, that the smallest number represented by three figures is 100 ; that the largest number represented by three figures is 999; also that we must use/owr figures to represent 1000. Tell the pupils that \X\q fourth place is called thousands. Then write the following figures on the blackboard, thus : NUMEEATION AND NOTATION. 245 Commencing with figure 1, point at each in order, and repeat its name, thus : units, te7is, himdreds, thousands. Then point at the same figures again, and let the pupils read them, thus : " Units, tens, hundreds, thousand^." When they have read them in this order two or three times, let them read in a reversed order ; also out of or- der, as " Units, hundreds, tens, thousands." Now ask, What is the first place called ? " Units." • .What is the second place called ? What is the third place called ? What is the fourth place called ? Which is unit's place ? Which is thousand's place ? Next the teacher may write on the blackboard the following figures, thus : Commencing with figure one, as before, point at each in order, and repeat its name, thus: units, tens, hun- dreds, thousands, teiis of thousa7ids. Then j^oiut at the same figures again, and let the pupils read them, thus : " Units, tens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands." Proceed as before to read them in order and out of order, and to ask the name of each place, etc. Subsequently write the following figures on the black- board, thus : 6 5 4 3 2 1 Point at and repeat the name of each, as before ; then let the pupils read them, thus : "Units, tens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands." When the pupils are able to name each place readily, in order and out of order, they may be required to write 24G PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. numbers through hundreds of thousands^ from dictation, thus : Write three hundreds, two tens, one unit ; four units, six tens, three hundreds, four thousands ; two thou- sands, no hundreds, eight tens, no units; three units, four tens, five hundreds, six thousands, seven tens of thousands ; no units, two tens, no hundreds, three thou- sands, four tens of thousands, five hundreds of thou- sands. Subsequently dictate numbers as follows: Six hun- dred and fifty-four thousands, three hundred and twen- ty-one, etc. After each number has been thus dictated, ask the pupils. What figure did you write in unit's place ? What in hundred's place ? What in tens of thousand's place ? etc. When the pupils have been thus drilled until they can readily read and write any number from units to hundreds of thousands, they may be introduced to the period of millions. But care should be taken to first train them thoroughly through the period of thousands. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE TEACHER. Many teachers make a serious mistake in supposing that the early steps in reading and writing numbers may be rapidly taken at first, and afterward reviewed until the pupils know them thoroughly. Com- pleteness of knowledge can be secured with the least labor and least time by taking each step in its appropriate order, and mastering it be- fore attempting the next one. During this stage it should be remem- bered that the work to he accomplished is to teach the pupils to read and write numbers correctly. This object should therefore be kept in view, and no attempt made at teaching the pupils to add the examples given for training in numeration and notation during this stage of in- struction. NUMERATION AND NOTATION. 247 FOURTH STEP.— NUMERATION AND NOTATION. After the pupils have become familiar Avith reading and writing numbers through hundreds of thousands, place on the blackboard the following group of figures, thus : 98 7, 65 4, 321 These numbers may be read by the teacher and pu- pils in the same manner as were those of the period of thousands. The attention of the pupils may be called to the fact that these numbers are divided into groups, which are called units, thousands, and millions ; that the first group contains units, tens, hundreds of imits ; the second group, units, tens, hundreds of thousands ; the third group, units, tens, hundreds of millions. When the pupils can read the numbers readily through millions, let them be taught to write these from dicta- tion, as in the period of thousands. 248 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. ADDITIOK FIRST STEP. In commencing the lessons in written addition, the examples should be simple and short at first, and so arranged that there will be nothing " to carry." The following examples will illustrate this step : 24 boys. 15 cents. 36 pens. 215 dollars. 5 " 29 boys. 13 " 28 cents. 23 " 59 pens. 163 " 378 dollars. 623 books. 180 pnnils. 183 days. 409 men. 145 " 217 " 216 " 260 " SECOND STEP. When the pupils can write and add readily the small examples similar to those given above, they may be taught to add and " carry tens." 18 boys. 67 men. 309 men. 4 " 26 " 465 " 2 boys. 93 men. 824 586 475 168 234 268 Thus proceed, increasing the difficulties gradually, until the pupils can readily add large numbers of four or five lines. There should be given, also, much prac- ADDITION. 249 tice in adding examples with one, two, or three col- umns, with eight or ten figures in each column. Avoid the habit of giving large and long examples for addi- tion, which tend to exhaust the patience of the pupils, and to discourage them by many and great difficulties at the same time, during the early lessons in this sub- ject. Much practice should be given in adding num- bers composed of hundreds, until the pupils are able to add accurately and readily long columns, before the examples are extended to numbers which comprise thousands and millions. Large and long examples may occasionally be given, when the pupils have become familiar with smaller numbers, as test examples, to encourage them in per- forming difficult tasks. L2 250 PKIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. SUBTEACTIOK. FIRST STEP. The first lessons in written subtraction, like those of addition, should comprise short, simple examples, and be so arranged that there will be nothing " to borrow." The following examples will illustrate this step : 9 apples. 18 cents. 29 pens. 5 " A '' 16 " T " IT " 13 " 825 693 976 414 382 853 SECOND STEP. As an introductory step to an illustration of "bor- rowing" in subtraction, let the pupils subtract all the numbers from 1 to 9 from 10, thus : 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1_2_^456'789 "9~8~^"6~5"4~3'^"T Next they may subtract each of these numbers from 11 in the same manner ; then from 12 ; then from 13 ; and so on to 19, thus : 19 19 19 19 10 19 19 19 19 _1_^_^_4_5 G 1 8 9 18 17 161514131^1110 SUBTRACTION. 251 Subsequently illustrate borrowing by an example in dimes and cents, thus : A man has 5 dimes and 2 cents, and wishes to pay 2 dimes and 6 cents. Since he has only 2 cents, he must get one of his dimes changed into ten cents, then he will have twelve cents, and can pay the six cents and have six cents remaining. He can also pay 2 dimes from this 4 dimes which he has after changing one of them, and he will then have 2 dimes left — in all, 2 dimes and six cents remaining. The following examples will illustrate the appearance of the work on the blackboard when performed in accord- ance with the above explanation. 4 10 5 10 2 10 7 9 9 10 ^ 2 j6 4 B 5 4 X0 X0 2 6 2 6 3 8 2 6 2 6 9 3 1 B 5 5 3 6 7 2 6 3 8 It will be seen that by the plan of taking away the number borrowed, there is no need of any " carrying to the next number in the lower line" to pay what was borrowed in the upper line. So soon as the pupils un- derstand the process, so as to be able to perform sub- traction in this way, and represent it as above, they may be taught to remember that one has been bor- rowed from an upper figure, and that it must be called 07ie less than it appears in consequence of this. To as- sist in remembering that one has been borrowed, a dot may be placed over the figure, as in the examples be- low. In subtracting this example, the teacher might say, 6 from 15 leaves 9 ; 3 from 11 leaves 8 ; 4 from 12 leaves 8j 5 from 7 leaves 2. 2889 252 PEIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. 800 000 000 411888 999 388,111,001 In the above example, the subtraction might be per- formed as follows: 9 from 10 leaves 1 ; 9 from 9 leaves ; 9 from 9 leaves ; 8 from 9 leaves 1 ; 8 from 9 leaves 1 ; 8 from 9 leaves 1 ; 1 from 9 leaves 8 ; 1 from 9 leaves 8 ; 4 from 7 leaves 3. When pupils become familiar with this process of subtraction, it is both simple and raj)id. Besides, it can be easily understood by children, while the common plan of " carrying one to the next figure in the subtra- hend, to pay for the teii that was borrowed in the min- uend," seems about as difiicult of explanation as why one should pay Brown for that which he borrowed of Smith. MULTIPLYING NUMBEKS. 253 MULTIPLYING NUMBEES. Multiplying is an artificial process derived from ad- dition. Children usually tend in their reckoning to fall back on the natural process of addition. To obviate this, the artificial process should be taught through the natural one. First Step.— Illustrate the first steps in multiplying by objects, as beans,' buttons, pencils, or balls, on the nu- meral frame. Show the pupils that 2 balls and 2 balls make 4 balls, then that two times two balls make four balls ; that 2 pencils and 2 pencils make 4 pencils, then that ttco times two pencils make four pencils, and so on. Second Step. — For the second step, place numbers on the blackboard, and commence teaching the Multiplica- tion Table as follows, viz. : 2x2=4 6x2 = 6 j^g^ ^^^ pupils read these as if written ^ ~ out in full, two times two are four : three 5 v/ 2 10 . »' ^ ^ ~ times two are six, etc. 6X2 = Vx2 = The attention of the pupils should be directed to the fact that each succeeding product is two greater than its preceding one, as 4, 6, 8, 10, etc. This will give them the key to the table, and they may now be required to write it out on their slates, in order, from 2x2 to 1 2 x 2, or even to 20 x 2, and to write the product of each mul- tiplication. When this table of 2 has been learned in 254 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. its true order, it may be reviewed in a different form, thus : 3x2 = 5x2 = 7x2 = 9x2= Let the pupils be required to give the 6x2= products of each of these multiplications on 8x2= their slates ; also to recite them orally. 12x2 = 11X2 = 15x2 = , etc. Then proceed to teach the table of threes in the*same manner, first using the numeral frame, or marks on the blackboard, to illustrate the multiplying of threes : 3x3 are 9 4x3 " 12 5x3 " 15 6x3 " 18 7x3 " 8x3 " The pupils should use their slates as before, and when this table has been learned in its order, let it be reviewed' in the same manner as that of twos ; then review the tables of 2 and 3 together, thus : 4x3= 5x2= 2x2= 8x3= 6x3= 4x2= 8x2= 7x3= 5x3= 2x3= 7x2= 9x2 = , etc. Proceed in the same manner to teach the tables of all the numbers to 12 times 12. Frequent reviews are nec- essary for learning the tables thoroughly but the re- MULTIPLYING NUMBERS. 255 views should not be mere repetitions in the same form as that used in learning the table. Children need vari- ety to keep up their interest. This variety may be had, to some extent, by changes in the mode of conducting the exercise. Multiplication Table Reviewed.— For a review of the entire multiplication table, the following plans will be found useful : 4x5 are 20, and 5x4 are 20. 5x6 30, a 6X5 a 30. 6x7 42, a 7X6 i( 42. 9X6 54, a 6X9 u 54. 3X8 24, u 8X3 u 24. 8x5 40, (; 5X8 u 40. 9x7 63, u 7x9 a 63. 8x9 72, a 9x8 u 72, and so on through the tables. During this stage of the instruction the pupils may be required to answer questions in the following forms : How many are three fours ? five threes ? four sevens ? eight threes? seven fives? twelve nines? six eights? Also, How many sixes make thirty ? sevens make forty- two ? eights make fifty-six ? The pupils should be drilled upon the multiplication table in various ways until they attain the ability of giving the product of any tw^o numbers below 12 times 12 instantly. By these drill -exercises the mind ac- quires a kind of self-acting habit in multiplying, which enables it to perform this work with great ease and ra- pidity. This power seams to be somewhat akin to that in the movements of the fingers of a skillful player on the piano — without conscious exertion of the mind. 256 PEIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Division Tables. — By reviewing the multiplication ta- ble in still another form, the division table may be taught, thus : 6 times 7 are 42 ; 7 is contained in 42 six times. 7 times 6 are 42 ; 6 is contained in 42 seven times. This may be j)laced on the blackboard, thus : 4 times 7 are 28 ; 7 times 4 are 28. 4 in 28 — 7 times; 7 in 28 — 4 times. 5 times 7 are 35 ; 7 times 5 are 35. 5 in 35 — 7 times ; 7 in 35 — 5 times. 6 times 7 are 42 ; 7 times 6 are 42. 6 in 42 — 7 times ; 7 in 42 — 6 times. Continue this exercise through 12 times 12. Dividing numbers should be illustrated on the nu- meral frame, and with other objects. Questions may also be asked in the following man- ner: How many sixes in 42 ? How many sevens in 35 ? How many eights in 72 ? etc. EQUAL PARTS, OR FRACTIONS. 257 LESSONS TO DEVELOP IDEAS OF EQUAL PAKTS, OR FRACTIONS. It is important that children should early obtain ideas oi equal parts of objects and of numbers, also of their comparative size. Ideas of halves and quarters of whole things may be readily illustrated by cutting an apple into two equal parts ^ and another ripple into four equal parts. Halves and Fourths. — Ideas oi halms snid fourths of numbers may be illustrated with the numeral frame, thus : Having placed two balls in one group, four balls in another, and six balls in another, ask the children. How many balls must be moved away from the two balls to leave one half of them? How many balls must .be *moved from four balls to leave owe half of them ? How many from six balls to leave one half? How many balls are one half of four balls ? How many balls are one half of six balls ? What is one half of two ? "What is one half of four ? What is one half of six ? How many twos are there in four ? How many threes are there in six ? How many fours are there in eight ? How many fives in ten ? Here are four balls on this wire ; I wish to take one fourth of them away ; how many shall I move ? Here are eight balls ; how many must I move to take away one fourth of them? What is one fourth of four ? What is one fourth of eidit ? 258 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. How many tioos are there in eight ? Plow many threes are there in twelve? What is one fourth of twelve ? Thirds. — Ideas of thirds may be illustrated in a man- ner similar to that described for fourths. Let six balls or other objects be arranged in groups of two each; then let nine objects be arranged in groups of three each, etc. In this manner the idea of equal 2)cirts of numbers may be illustrated. Comparative Size of Halves and Thirds, etc. — The com- parative size of halves and thirds^ and of thirds and fourths, can be readily illustrated with lines on the blackboard. For this purpose, draw parallel lines, as in the followinsj dias^ram, dividinoj one of the lines into two equal xjarts, or halves, and the other into three equal parts, or thirds : Halves. I . ' ■ I Thirds. Lead the children to notice which is larger, one half or one third, and request them to draw lines on their slates, and divide them into halves and thirds. Subsequently proceed in a similar manner to illus- trate the comparative size of thirds and fourths with lines divided as in the following diagram : Third^^. I , ' , ' , I Fourths. It might aid in illustrating the idea of the compara- tive sizes of halves and thirds, and of thirds and fourths, EQUAL PARTS, OR FRACTIONS. 259 to take sticks or strings, or slips of paper of equal lengths, and cut one into two equal parts, one into three equal parts, and one into four equal parts. It would be well to illustrate each example by divid- ing lines, or strings of different lengths, to prevent the po'ssibility of leaving an impression that either a half or a third is a fixed length, like an inch. The object in comparing these fractions is not to teach their exact difference, but to early fix the fact in the children's minds that a half is greater than a third, that a third is more than a fourth, and that two thirds is less thii three fourths. Let them see that the more parts any thing is divided into, the smaller each of those parts must be. It is of much importance that these early impressions be correct, for they greatly influence the mind in com- prehending subsequent relations of numbers. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE TEACHER. By examining the preceding pages on Number, it wiU be seen that the objective system of teaching commences preliminary instruction with the child's own experience of number, and leads him to examine this property of objects in various ways. The abstract form of the subject is avoided until the pupils have become familiar with the va- rious combinations of objects upon which it is based. It should be borne in mind that two distinct objects ought always to be kept in view in elementary instruction in arithmetic— o«e to give the pupil skillin computation, the other to strengthen the powers of the mind. In the preceding pages on Numher the aim has been to furnish such suggestions as would enable the teacher readily to devise methods for carrying out a thorough course of instruction and mental training in this subject simultaneously. Nevertheless, a few words oUaution and additional hints may be useful here. 260 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSOXS. Do not Teach the Numeral Frame. — In using tlie numeral frame, the teacher should remember that it is to be employed as a means of illustration, not as something to be taught. Therefore it may be understood that the same manipulations of the balls ought not to be gone through with day after day, when they have served their purpose as illustrations. Besides, the tendency in the use of the nu- meral frame is too great toward concert repetition. The main reliance for intelligent instruction must be upon individ- ual answers. Illustrative exercises in number may be given to the entire class, but di'ills for thorough training must require individual answers, and the attention of the entire class at the same time. Order of the Lessons. — Although the arrangement of the les- sons indicates with considerable definiteness the order Br taking up the successive exercises, yet a few additional hints upon this point seem desirable. When the pupils have completed the j^rs^ step in the "First Ideas of Number," they may continue the second step of this subject, and take up alternately with it t\\Q first step in "First Ideas of Figures." When these have been properly learned, and the third step in "First Ideas of Number" is taken up, the second step in " First Ideas of Fig- ures" may be commenced. Thus counting should be kept one step ahead oi figures as symbols. "Adding Objects" and "Adding Figures" may properly follow in the order of the lessons ; also "Subtracting Objects" and "Subtract- ing Figures." "Adding without Counting" may follow the preceding lessons, and should be extended over the period of learning "Numera-. tion and Notation" and "Addition." Repetition is not Learning. — It does not follow that a pupil is learning a table, or any other arithmetical exercise, because he is repeating it. Eepetitions long continued in the same form are little better than waste time. To learn, the mind must act ; and to secure its necessary action, the form of the exercise must be frequently changed. Most of those long-continued concert repetitions, so com- mon in the school-room, do more harm than good by the bad habits which they give the pupils, among which are paiTot-like recitations and sing-song tones. Good teachers will avoid bo^h. SIZE. "Let cliildren count, measure, weigh, and compare." LESSONS TO DEVELOP THE IDEA OF SIZE I^ GEJSTEEAL. Having provided a variety of objects of different sizes, lengths, widths, as large and small balls, large and small cubes, large and small marbles, large and small boxes, cups, pebbles, fruits, nuts, sticks, strings, pieces of cards, strips of paper, etc., the teacher may address the class somewhat as follows: To-day we will talk about the size of things. Some things, you know, are large, and some are small. Chil- dren are not all of the same size, nor of the same height. I have placed three boys in a row before you ; now you may tell me which is tallest. Which is shortest ? Here you may see a ball, an orange, and a marble ; which is largest ? "The orange." Which is smallest ? "The marble." ^N'ow look at these apples, balls, and cup. Which is largest? "The cup." Which is smallest? "An apple." I will place on the table cubes, balls, apples, oranges, boxes, and the cup. l^ow let a boy come to the table and take two large objects. Another boy may come and take two small objects. I will hold in my hand the cup, and one girl may 262 PKIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. come and take up two objects that are larger than this cup. Another ghi may choose two objects that are smaller than this cup. Plere are several strings ; which is longer, the one in my right hand, or the one in my left hand? Let a child come and pick out the longest string. Another may take the shortest string. I have placed some strips of paper and some ribbons on the table. Let a little girl come and choose the widest ribbon. A boy may choose the widest strip of paper. A girl may choose the narrowest ribbon, etc. Here are large and small strings. Who will pick out the smallest string ? Who will select the largest string ? Of course it is intended that all the members of the class will take part in these exercises, giving answers, correcting the mistakes of individual pupils, etc. Is a dog as large as a sheep ? Which is largest, a dog, a sheej), or a cow ? Is a rat as large as a cat ? What is the smallest animal that you have seen? Could a horse walk through a common house-door? Did you ever see an elephant? Is an elephant* as tall as a horse? Is an elephant as long as a horse? Is a horse as broad as an elephant? Do you think an ele- phant could go through the door of this room ? Which will hold most milk, this tumbler or a tea- cup? Here is a tin cup; will it hold more than the tumbler ? Let us trj'- it. Let one child say the name of a large object, another of a smaller one, and another of a smaller one still, and so on. * An elephant is from ten to tweh'e feet in height, and from ten to fifteen feet in length. SIZE IN GENERAL. 263 Let one pupil mention the name of a small animal, another of one a little larger, another of an animal a little larger than the last, another of an animal larger still, and so on until the largest animal has been men- tioned. At another exercise the children might commence with the largest, and continue to mention smaller ones in turn. Words used to signify Size. — Let the teacher write on the blackboard a list of words used to ex2:)ress ideas of size, and request the pupils to form sentences with them. Thus teach the pupils to use the words correctly. Size. Large. Monstrous. Small. Great. Enormous. Little. Big. Immense. Tiny. Vast. Plump. Fine. Huge. Chubby. Thin. The sentences formed by the pupils at this stage may be very simple, and somewhat as follows : That is a large dog ; the great door of the barn ; it is a big mountain ; a huge ox ; a monstrous tree ; it is an immense field ; he is a chubby boy ; it is a tiny flow- er ; the thread is fine, etc. 264 PKIMABY OBJECT LESSONS. LESSONS TO DEVELOP THE IDEA OF LENGTH AND OF MEASUEE. First Step, Length. — To give an idea of length, the teacher may show the children strings, sticks, strips of paper, pencils, and books of different lengths, and in- quire which is longest, which is shortest, etc. Lines may be drawn on the blackboard of various lengths, and pupils requested to point to the longest line; to the shortest line; to two long lines; to two short lines ; to three long lines, etc. Holding before the class two pencils, the teacher asks, Which is longer? The same question may be asked about two books, two sticks, two strings, etc. Which is longer, the slate or the book ? The pencil or the book ? Which girl has the longest hair ? Which boy has the shortest hair ? Children should be requested to come singly and choose longest strings, sticks, books, pencils, etc. ; also the shortest of each. Then to select a stick of the same length as a mark on the blackboard, etc. The teacher may draw lines on the blackboard, then, holding up a stick, ask. Which is longer, the line or the stick ? Which is longer, this string or the line ? Pupils may be requested to draw a line as long as a stick which is shown them without measuring it ; also to draw lines as long as a book or a slate, etc. It would also be useful to request them to divide lines into two equal parts ; to divide sticks into two equal parts, etc. LENGTH AND MEASURE. 265 Words used to signify Length. — The teacher may write on the blackboard a list of words used to signify length, and talk with the pupils about their use, request- ing them to form sentences with these words. Length. Long. Short. Longer. Shorter! Longest. Shortest. Lengthy. Second Step— Measure of Length. — The teacher, hav- ing provided a foot-rule, sticks, or pieces of card one, two, three, and six inches long ; also sticks and strings one, two, and three feet long, shows the children the length of one inch on the rule, also sticks and cards one inch long ; then places the tip of one forefinger against the first joint of the other forefinger, to show the length of an inch ; then the children may be requested to place their fingers in the same position. Next the teacher holds her two forefingers side by side, and one inch apart, and requests the children to do the same. Next the teacher may make several marks on the blackboard, each one inch long. Li a small class it would be desirable to give each child a strip of paper, with a request to fold it in lengths of one inch each. After the children have become familiar with this unit of measure, the inch, they may be trained to meas- ure two inches, three inches, etc., and then to judge of these lengths in sticks, strings, pencils, and marks. Holding up a stick two or three inches long, the teach- er may ask. How long is this stick ? When the chil- M 266 PEIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. dren have guessed, let it be measured. Thus tram the eye to judge of measured length until it becomes famil- iar, and tolerably accurate in determining the length of one, two, three, and six inches. Objects may be shown, their lengths judged and meas- ured ; marks drawn on the board, their lengths judged and measured ; and finally the children required to draw on their slates, or on the blackboard, lines of these sev-' eral lengths, as given by the teacher; thus the hand will be trained as well as the eye. Here is a book ; how many inches long is it ? " Six ; seven ; five." I will measure, and see who is right — one, two, three, four, five, six, seven; seven is right. James, you guessed seven ; take the rule and measure the next object. The girl or boy that guesses nearest to the correct length may be allowed to take the rule and test the accuracy of the guesses on the next ob- ject. How many inches long is this knife ? " Four, two, three, four, three." James measures and counts — " one, two, three, and almost another inch." Say then that it is nearly four inches long. " The knife is nearly four inches long." When the children have become familiar with the measured length of one, two, three, four, five, and six inches, the foot-rule should be shown, and the number of inches counted on it. When they have learned that twelve inches make one foot., this measure should be made the unit for ascertaining the length of sticks, strings, marks, etc., as before. Whenever practicable, the pupils should themselves measure as well as judge of lengths. If this can not be done to a sufficient extent in the school, they should be LENGTH AND MEASURE. 267 encouraged to use measures at home, and thus, by expe- rience, become familiar with inches and feet. Children may amuse themselves in this way for hours by guessing at lengths and distances, and then measur- ing them to ascertain how nearly they had guessed. While the amusement is profitable to the child, the most valuable feature of this exercise is that it trains the eye and the judgment in determining length and distances. During the exercises on measured length, the " Chart of Lines and Measures" will be of service, as it contains an inch and foot measure. 268 PKIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. LESSONS TO DEVELOP THE IDEA OF WIDTH AND OF THICKNESS. Width. — The teacher should provide wide and narrow ribbon, wide and narrow x^ieces of paper and of cloth. Let some of each be held before the pupils, and they be requested to tell which is widest, which is narrowest. Pupils may be called upon to select a piece of ribbon of the same width as the piece of paper shown them, then to select a piece of cloth of the same width as the ribbon. Broad marks and narrow ones may be made on the blackboard, and the children required to decide which are widest, which narrowest. Parallel lines may be drawn on the board an inch apart, two inches apart, and three inches apart, and the children required to tell which have the widest spaces between them, which the narrowest spaces. Show them narrow books and wide books, and re- quire them to exercise their observation in determin- ing which are widest and which narrowest. Here is a slate, a book, and a ruler; which is the widest ? ^What can you say of the slate and this sheet of paper ? " They are both of the same width." Whicja is the widest aisle in the school-room ? Which is wider, the blackboard or the top of the desk ? Let us measure and see. "The blackboard is wider than the top of the desk." Which is wider, the school-room or the street ? WIDTH AND THICKNESS. 269 Words used to signify Breadth and Width. — Let the teacher write on the blackboard a list of words used to signify breadth and width^ and teach the pupils to use them correctly in sentences. Breadth and Width. Broad. Wide. Narrow. Slim. ISTeck. Broader. Wider. ISTarrower. Slender. Broadest. Widest. Narrowest. Diameter. Thickness. — To develop ideas of thickness, the teacher should 23i'ovide a variety of articles, as tissue paper, the thinnest and thickest writing paper, cards, window glass, pasteboard, binder's board, a piece of clapboard, a piece of flooring, and a piece of plank ; also pieces of gauze, thin muslin, silk, linen, sail-cloth, sacking, and of carj^et; wafers, buttons, and different coins. The teacher may show these objects, two or three at a time, and request the children to tell which are thick and which thin. They may also be required to select objects that are thinner than Avindow glass, then those that are thicker than window glass. After a variety of exercises with these objects, select- ing the thin and the thick ones of each class, and exer- cises in comparing one thing with another, as thick and thin books, the paper with the pasteboard, the wafer with the silk, the carpet with the gauze, etc., talk with them about the thickness of other objects, as thick and thin bread and butter, thick and thin cake and j^ie, thick and thin shoes, and coats, and hats. Words which signify Thickness. Thick. Thicker. Thickest. Thin. Thinner. Thinnest. 270 PKIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. LESSONS TO DEVELOP THE IDEA OF HEIGHT AND OF DEPTH. Height. — When children have become familiar with the idea of length and thickness, they may be taught the meaning of the term height. Let short and tall children be placed side by side in front of the class, and the other ^^vipils required to tell which is tallest, which is shortest. The seat of the chair may be compared with the height of the table, the back of the chair with the table. Let the pointer stand on the floor by the side of the table, and the pupils decide which is higher. The children may be told that we use the word height when we mean the length or distance from the floor or ground upward. We may speak of the height of a boy, a man, a horse, a house, a tree, a hill, a mountain, etc. Is the shade-tree as high as the house? Did you ever see a tree as high as the church steeple ? Words used to signify Height. — The teacher may write on the blackboard a list of words used to ex- jDress ideas of height — distance above the surface — and the pupils may form sentences with them. Height. High. Tall. Elevated. Top. Low. Higher. Taller. Lofty. Apex. Short. Highest. Tallest. Towering. Aloft. Pinnacle. Summit. HEIGHT AND DEPTH. 271 Depth. — The teacher may tell the children that, when we speak of distance below the surface of the ground, we say depths and height for distance above the ground. And we may also say depth when we mean distance below the toj), inside, as the depth of a cup, the depth of a pail, of a barrel. Which is deeper, the cup or the tumbler? c Words used to signify Depth. — A list of words whicli express ideas of depth, distance below the surface, may be written on the blackboard. Dep>th. Deep. Shallow. Deeper. Shallower. Deepest. Shallowest. Fathom. Shoal. Illustrations of the i^roper Use of these words should be given by the teacher, and afterward the pupils re- quired to use them in short sentences, as. The well is deep ; the stream is shallow ; the pail is deeper than the cup ; this is the shallowest dish ; there is slioal water near the bank of the river; I can not fathom the ocean. 272 PRIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. LESSONS TO SHOW THE NECESSITY OF STAIS^DAKD MEASUEE. First Step— Measure of Length. — One of you may go to the table and bring to me a long stnng ; another may bring a long sfick ; another a short stick, and an- other a short string. Now let me compare this long stick and the long string. What is the result ? " The string is much longer than the stick." Now we will compare the short string and the short stick. What do you ob- serve ? " The stick is longer than the string." Now suppose your mother or your sister wanted some ribbon for her bonnet, and she should go to the store and ask for a long piece of ribbon ; the store- keeper Avould not know how much to give her. You see, what one of you called a long string was a great deal longer than a stick which another called a long stick ; and what one of you called a short stick was a great deal longer than the string which another called a short string. If I should tell you to give me a thick board, you might hand me this piece of flooring when I wanted the plank ; or if I wanted a thick piece of cloth, you might give me a piece of sail-cloth or carpet when I only wanted a piece of linen or of broadcloth. Suppose you should ask for a thick piece of bread and butter, and Bridget should cut it as thick as this plank, you would tell her that you did not want it so thick: you wanted a thinner piece; then she might cut it almost as thin as the knife-blade. STANDARD MEASURE. 273 After such examples, or similar ones, and the use of other familiar illustrations, the teacher may readily show the necessity for a fixed standard of measure- ment, to determine how long a long object is, or how short a short one is. I presume that you now understand the importance of learning to measure the length of objects by inches, feet, and yards. Short lengths we measure by inches and feet, and tell how many feet and inches long they are; but longer distances we measure with rods and miles ; but when we measure cloth and ribbon we use a yard-stick, and tell how many yards long they are. Now if you should go to the store to buy ribbon, you would ask for some number of yards. If you wanted to buy boards, you would tell how many inches thick you wanted them, and how many feet long. Every store- keeper has a yard measure, and when any one asks him for a piece of cloth three yards long, he knows just how much to give. The teacher might assist the children to fix in their minds the idea of the standard length for an inch, a foot, and a yard, by drawing lines on the blackboard an inch, a foot, and a yard long, side by side. Also by drawing similar lines on the floor. By a few illustrations, the children may be shown that they can determine the width of ribbons by inch- es; also that with these same measures length, breadth, height, and depth are measured. Second Step— Measure of Capacity.— The teacher may give similar exercises, and thus illustrate the necessity for standard measures of capacity as well as length. In M 2 2V4 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. these exercises the necessity of measures for milk, mo- lasses, etc., may be shown. This jDlan may be pursued and similar illustrations given with gill and quart cups, and quart and peck measures, to explain liquid and dry measures, and show that we also have .standards for these. Water and sand are usually so abundant that there can be no lack of materials, especially in a school located in the country. A few cups and measures might be borrowed for the purpose. During all these lessons the eye and the hand of the pupil should be exercised as much as possible ; the eye in observing length, width, and dimension of objects, and the hand in representing and handling what the eye has perceived. Care should be taken not to tell children any thing that they readily may be led to see or ascertain for themselves from objects, illustrations, and questions. DISTANCE AND MEASURED DISTANCE. 275 LESSONS TO DEVELOP THE IDEA OF DISTANCE AND OF MEASUEED DIS- TANCE. First Step— Relative Distance. — Which is nearer to me, the door or the window ? The door or the stove ? The chair or the table ? The blackboard or the table ? Which pupil is nearest to me ? Which pupil is farthest from me ? Which of you resides nearest to the school ? Who has the greatest distance to come? Does James reside as near to the school as Henry ? Which boy has the longest walk to reach home from school? Which is nearer to the school-house, the store or the grocery? Which would be the longer walk, from here to the church or to the post-office ? Lucy, whose house is nearest to the one where you reside ? George, can you tell me which is nearer to your house, the drug-store or the shoemaker's ? Mary, what streets must you cross to go from your home to the grocery ? Which is farther, the bridge or Mr. Smith's orchard? A great number of similar questions should be asked, until the idea of relative distance seems to be clearly understood by every child. Words used to signify Distance.— The following list of words may be placed on the blackboard, and the pupils led by conversations to perceive how ideas of distance are expressed by their use. 276 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Distance. Far; afar; off; far away; afar off; yonder; a long way off; a great way off. Near ; nigh ; at hand ; be- side; alongside. Second Step— Measured Distance. — You told me the other day that some of these objects in the school-room were near to me, and some of them farther away; that some of you live near the school, and some farther away. Now I w^ant to talk with you about a way to find out how near and how far these objects are from me and from each other. How did you find the length of the sticks and strings ? " By measuring them." Very good ; now can you tell me how. we may find the dis- tance from this chair to the door? "By measuring it." I will make two marks on the blackboard, and you may tell me how to find the distance from one mark to the other. "Measure it." I will take this foot-rule to measure the distance, and you may count the number of feet. "One, two." What, then, is the distance from one of these marks to the other? "Two feet." Now I will measure the distance from the table to the door, and you may count. " One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight." What is the distance from the table to the door ? " Eight feet." Similar exercises may be given, and a variety of dis- tances measured, until the pupils are familiar Avith such distances as may be illustrated in the school-room. Third Step— Measured Distance.— When the children have become familiar with such short distances as would be described in feet, they may be taught the yard as a new unit of measure, and then taught to MEASURED DISTANCE. 277 measure distances by the yard in the school-room, and, when practicable, in the yard or street also. For meas- uring with this unit, a yard-stick or tape measure one yard long should be used. Distances in the field or in the street may be meas- ured with the yard-stick, and these may be extended as far as a hundred yards. The exercise of guessing at any given distance, in yards, should be practiced, and the accuracy of the guess determined by measurement. It is lohat the child does that it learns to know. How to measure a Quarter of a Mile. — Give two boys a string ten yards long. One takes hold of an end of the string, and walks along the sidewalk or in the street, or wherever they are to measure the distance assigned them, until the string is drawn out to its full length, while the other boy stands still at the place where the measurement is to commence. The boy who takes the lead carries eleven sticks and four pebbles. When he has carried his end of the string to its entire length, he drops a stick on the walk, or thrusts it into the ground at the end of the string, then proceeds as before. As the boy who follows comes to the stick, he holds his end of the string at that point until the leader has drawn it straight again and deposit- ed another stick. The second boy now picks up the stick and goes forward to the place of the next, and pro- ceeds as before. When the following boy has picked up eleven sticks in this manner, he exchanges them Vith his leader for a pebble, and they proceed again as before. When the following boy has exchanged his sticks four times, and obtained four pebbles, they will have measured forty- 278 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. four lengths of their string, or four hundred and forty yards, which is a quarter of a mile. The same process may be continued until half a mile or a mile has been measured. If more than a quarter of a mile is measured, the boys should be instructed to j^lace some mark to indicate the quarters, half a mile, and the mile. In the same manner they may be re- quired to measure the distance around a block in a city, or to some neighbor's, if in the country. Subsequently pupils may be sent oiit singly to walk a quarter of a mile and back, or half a mile, or even a mile. By experiences such as the foregoing, children may learn to know what a mile signifies. FOURTH STEP.— TABLES OF LENGTH AND CAPACITY. When the j^upils have been led to observe carefully the size and length of various objects, and have learned the units of measure by experience, they will be pre- pared to learn the tables of Cloth Measure, Long Meas- ure, Liquid Measure, and Dry Measure. To teach the table of cloth measure, let the children be made familiar with inches and a foot. Next shoAV them a tape measure, or string, or stick one yard in length, and let them measure it, and see that it is just three feet long. Now write on the blackboard the Table of Cloth Measure. 12 inches make one foot. 3 feet * " " yard. 86 inches " " " 18 " " one half yard. 9 " " one quarter yard. MEASURED DISTANCE. 279 When the pupils have learned this table, let them write it on their slates from memory; also question them concerning it. In one yard how many feet ? If you should buy a yard of ribbon, how many feet long should it be ? In two yards ho\Y many feet? How many feet are there in four yards ? How many inches in a yard ? How many inches in half of a yard ? How many inches in a quarter of a yard ? How many inches in three quarters of a yard ? How many quarters make one yard ? How many quarters in two yards ? Which is longer, nine inches or a quarter of a yard ? Which had you rather have, a piece of ribbon 36 inches long, or a piece three feet long ? Write on the blackboard the Table of Long Measure. ' 12 inches make one foot. 3 feet u u yard. 16i " u a rod. 5^ yards u u (( 40 rods a a furlong. 8 furlongs a a mile. 320 rods ii. u (( When the pupils have learned this table so as to re- peat it readily in order, they may write it on their slates from memory. Subsequently question them concern- ing it until they know it thoroughly. What does it take to make one foot ? How many inches in three feet ? 280 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. "What is the length of a yard? How many feet in four yards ? How many feet make one rod ? Which is longer, 5^ yards or 16j feet? If you had one string that was one rod long, another 5^ yards long, and another 16 J feet long, which string would be longest ? What does it take to make a furlong ? How many furlongs in 80 rods ? What does it take to make a mile ? Whicli is longer, 8 furlongs or 320 rods? When do we use these measures ? Write on the blackboard the Table of Liquid Measure. 4 gills make one pint. 2 pints " " quart. 4 quarts " " gallon. Barrels vary much in size ; they usually hold from 30 to 40 gallons each. Let the pupils learn to repeat this table, and to w^rite it from memory : How many gills in two pints ? In one pint of milk how many gills ? In one quart of water how many pints ? How many pints in four quarts ? What does it take to make one gallon ? How many quarts in five gallons ? If you had eight quarts of water in one pail, and two gallons in another pail, how many gallons would there be in both pails ? How many gallons in twelve quarts ? What articles do we measure by gallons, quarts, pints ? etc. Write on the blackboard the MEASURE. 281 Table of Dry Measure. 2 pints make one quart. 2 quarts " " small measure. 8 " " " peck. 4 pecks bushel. When this table has been memorized, and the pupils can tell what articles are measured by it, they may be reviewed in this table as in the others. Grouping Words representing Kinds of Size. — An in- teresting and profitable exercise may b*e had in the use of words which represent various ideas of size, under the terms lengthy breadth, thickness, height, depth, and capacity. These words may be given by the pupils, and written on the blackboard in groups, to indicate the terms under which they may be classified, as below. Two or three exercises should be had with each group, that the several pupils may have an opportunity of giv- ing words which represent the term. Length. Breadth. Thickness. Long. Broad. Thick. Short. Wide. Thin. Inch. Width. Slender. Foot. Narrow. Slim. Yard, etc. Contracted. Fine. Ample. Slight. might. Depth. Capacity. High. Deep. Gill. Pint. Low. Shallow. Quart. Gallon. Tall. Shoal. Peck. Bushel. Short. Depression. Barrel. Hogshead. DRAWING. " Doing can only be learned by doing ; drawing by drawing ; writ- ing by writing ; painting by painting." — Comeneus. The ability to use the pencil or the pen, so that with a few strokes of either one can represent to the eye that which he can hot describe, is an acquisition the value of which is too well known to need any commendation here ; but that children may be trained to acquire this ability at school is not so generally understood. It is believed by the ablest educators that children will learn to write in less time, if they are taught draw- ing and writing at the same time, than when taught writing alone. It was a saying of the great Swiss edu- cator, Pestalozzi, that " without drawing there can be no writing." The use of the slate and pencil should not be post- poned for a single day after the child has entered the primary school ; indeed, the use of it might be learned long before the child is sent to school at all. The practice of drawing on slates should be inter- spersed with the exercises of the primary school, not only as a means of supplying an interesting variety to the school employments of the pupils, but as the most valuable mode of training the eye in accuracy of com- paring, and the hand in skill of representing objects. Care should be taken that tl\ese exercises do not come to be recrarded as tasks. DRAWING. 283 HOW DRAWING MAY BE COMMENCED. It is not intended to give a series of drawing lessons here, but simply to suggest how teachers may take in- troductory steps in preparing their pupils for a system- atic course of instruction in this important subject. Many valuable aids have been published in the form of Charts and Drawing Cards,^ to assist in acquiring this useful attainment, which will supply a series of appro- priate lessons. First Step.— The teacher may make dots on the black- board, in rows of three each, and request the pupils to copy them on their slates, thus : * Harper's School and Family Slate, with Cards. Also Protessor Louis Bail's Draiving Charts,. 284 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. When the pupils have acquired skill in making dots in rows, and arranging them in groups of various forms, they may be shown how to connect them by straight lines, and subsequently by curved lines, and thus to form a variety of figures. Second Step. — During this step the pupils may be taught to divide lines into two equal parts; then into three equal parts ; then into four equal parts, etc. They may also be trained to draw lines in various positions, as horizontal^ vertical^ ohlique^ parallel^ etc. Third Step. — The teacher may request the pupils to draw two straight lines in as many positions as they can place them. That the children may readily understand this request, draw two lines upon the blackboard in the following positions : Drawing two Straight Lines. At first only a few of these positions should be shown, just enough to make the pupils understand what is de- sired of them ; then they should be encouraged to dis- cover other positions for themselves. Occasionally add a new group to those shown at first. When the chil- dren have become familiar with, and can readily repre- sent the several positions in which two lines may be placed, give them an exercise with three lines. DRAWING. 285 Drawing three Straight Lines. When the pupils have become familiar with drawing three straight lines in groups of various forms, proceed to give them exercises in drawing figures with four lines. \ — w N M r -1 ^ \ 1 XX Drawing four Straight Lines. After a suitable amount of practice with four straight lines, give examples with jlve lines. Drawing five Straight Lines. By thus introducing an additional number of lines from time to time, the lessons may be continued to an almost indefinite extent ; yet care should be taken not to go so far as to confuse the learner. In each lesson, such figures should be drawn upon the blackboard as will be most likely to suggest other forms to the pupils. 286 PKIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. Fourth step. — When the lui^Dils have had sufficient practice to enable them to draw simple figures with straight lines, lessons in drawing forms with curved lines may be given. These exercises should be simple at first, and lead the pupils to draw more difficult fig- ures as they acquire skill in using the pencil. Among other forms, the following illustrations of drawing curved lines, and curved and straight lines combined, might be 2jiven on the blackboard for the children to imitate : Drawing Curved Lines. a "^ r^ straight and Curved Lines. Exercises with these lines combined will readily sug- gest a very great variety of forms. Of course, the teacher will vary the mode of presenting an exercise whenever the interest m it flags, and endeavor to make it both a means of amusement and development. It would be well if the pupils could learn to use the chalk and blackboard during these elementary drawing exercises. By the time the pupils have gone through with the preceding steps, they will have attained a sufficient command of the hand in the use of the pencil, and so trained the eye in distinguishing different forms and positions of objects and lines, and measuring distances, as to be prepared for taking a systematic course of drawins: lessons. WJUITING. 287 WEITITTG. It is not necessary to say any thing on the import- ance of attention to the subject of writing^ since it is universally acknowledged to he an indispensable ac- quirement in education. But it is appropriate, in this relation, to suggest. that early attention be given to printing words on slates and on the blackboard; that this work be commenced when the child takes its first ste'ps in learning words and letters, and continued through the time of reading in the Primer. Let this practice be followed with simple lessons in learning to write : first the small letters in the order of their sim- plicity; then simple words; then capitals; then sen- tences. These steps should be taken first in writing on slates, afterward in writing with pen upon paper. By the time the pupil is able to read in a Third Reader, he should be able to write his name and the day of the month plainly ; also simple words in sentences. This subject of writing is so amply presented in va- rious series of writing-books that it is not necessary to give farther suggestions here relative to the methods to be pursued in teaching it. TIME. "Still on it creeps, Each little moment at another's heels, Till hours, days, years, and ages are made up Of such small parts as these. " LESSONS TO DEVELOP THE IDEA OF TIME AND MEASUEE OF TIME. First Step.— To give children an idea of the shorter divisions of time, as a second and a minute, the teacher may lead them in counting sixty at the rate of one count to each second, thus making sixty counts to a minute. To ascertain the proper rate, let the counting be done Avhile observing the time that it takes the sec- ond-hand of a watch or clock to move once around its dial. At first trial the counting would probably be too rapid; but, after observing the movement of the second- hand for two or three revolutions, and counting sixty at each revolution, a very good standard for the second will be had, and also a standard for a minute. After the class have learned to count at the rate of sixty to a minute, single pupils may be requested to try counting at this rate. When, by this means, a good idea of the length of one minute has been obtained, let the pupils count sixty five times, and thus attain an idea of five minutes. If the teacher has neither clock nor watch to assist in measuring a minute, she might place one finger on MEASUEE OF TIME. 289 the pulse at the wrist, and count seventy-five pulsations for a minute. This will furnish a fair standard for a minute, since during childhood, in health, the pulsations range from eighty to eighty-five, and during adult age from seventy to seventy-five each minute. Second Step— Time Table. — The children may be told that sixty seco7ids make one minute^ and that sixty min- utes make one hour. To ascertain how well they remember the length of one minute, request all the pupils to close their eyes at a given signal, and keep them closed one minute, then to open them. Observe which pu^Dils open their eyes too soon, which keep them closed too long. Encourage the pupils to observe how many minutes it takes them to walk to school or to walk home. Let various similar exercises be devised for training the children to observe and measure time. Subsequent- ly teach them the table of Time Measure. 60 seconds make one minute. 60 minutes (.i hour. 24 hours u day. 7 days (( week. or 31 " u month. 12 months a year. 52 weeks u year. 365 days u year. Teach the pupils to answer correctly questions simi- lar to the following : How many hours in a day ? How many hours do you spend in school each day ? isr 290 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. How many days in a week ? How many days do you go to school each week ? What time does school commence ? What time does school close in the afternoon ? Repeat the names of the days of the w^eek. Which is the first day of the week ? Which is the first school day ? Which is the last day of the week ? Which is the last school day ? Repeat the names of the months of the year. Which is the first month ? Which is the last month ? Repeat the names of the seasons. Which months form the winter season ? Which months form the spring season ? Which months are called summer ? Which months are called autumn ? When do flowers appear, and. trees put on leaves ? When do grains ripen ? When do fruits, such as apples, j)ears, and peaches, get ripe? When do we have snow and ice ? How old are you ? How many summers have you seen ? How many winters have you seen ? SOUND. IMPORTANCE OF TRAINING THE EAR. The organs of sense are the gateways by which knowl- edge must enter the mind ; but if these gateways are only partially opened, or encumbered and blocked up, knowledge must come through them with difficulty, and often become much distorted by the passage * The ear is one of the avenues through which the mind gains knowledge of the external world. By means of the sense of hearing, we recognize the voices of our friends, enjoy the sweet strains of music, distinguish the sounds made by animals, and become acquainted with many of the phenomena of nature. The correctness of our knowledge of each and all of these things must nec- essarily depend greatly upon the condition of the or- gans through which this knowledge reaches the mind. A child that is deaf does not learn to talk, because it can not hear. It may have all the organs of speech per- fectly formed, but it can not learn how to use them be- cause it has no knowledge of sound. So may defective speech result from defective hearing. It is impossible to teach a child to become a good reader until it has been trained to discriminate readily, and imitate, with a good degree of accuracy, the various sounds of the human voice. Many persons hear musical sounds who take no pleas- ure in them simply because they have never been led to observe that harmony which gives pleasure through * Human Culture, by Garvey. 292 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. the sense of hearing with sufficient attention to enable them to SLY^-pYeciate it. Defects of hearing may be essentially remedied by suitable exercises for training the ear in distinguishing sounds with acuteness and accuracy. When the ear has been thus taught to hear properly, the voice can readily be trained in habits of clear and distinct enun- ciation. The importance of early attention to training the ear in an accurate knowledge of sounds is not sufficiently appreciated by most teachers and parents. In endow- ing us with the sense of hearing, God gave with it the ability to derive pleasure from its exercise ; but, like all our powers, it needs its appropriate culture to enable us to enjoy the sweetest pleasures which might flow from it. Since so much of our knowledge of nature and the world, so much of our happiness, and so much of our usefulness in life depends upon the proper cultivation of the sense of hearing, it is deserving of the early and careful attention of all who have any thing to do with training children. DISTINGUISHING SOUNDS. 293 EXERCISES FOR DISTINGUISHING SOUNDS. The following exercises are intended for training chil- dren to perceive sounds that are alike, and those that are unlike, and thus lead them to distinguish sounds with acuteness. First Exercise. — The teacher may provide a large and small bell, a whistle, glass tumbler, tin cup, slate, key, pencil, etc. Let the children see what objects are struck, *nd notice the sound of each. After striking lightly various objects, as the table, blackboard, chair, stove- pipe, bell, tumbler, cup, etc., two or three times, request the pupils to close their eyes, and then tell by its sound what object is struck. Change the position of some of the objects before striking them, and let the pupils discover the change from sound alone. Call four or five pupils in front of the class, and let each read figures or spell words from the blackboard, wdiile the eyes of the other members of the class are closed ; and request the class to tell which pupil read by the sound of its voice. Second Exercise. — The teacher may make sounds of the vowels, and request the pupils to tell which are alike and which unlike, thus: c7, a ; a, a; o, 6 ; d, 6 ; a, a ; d, a ; %l ; ^, ^, etc. When the pupils can distinguish these sounds, let them make each in imitation of the teacher ; but do not teach them as sounds of letters. . 294 PRIMABY OBJECT LESSONS. EXERCISES FOR COMPAEING AND CLASSIFYHSTG SOUNDS. FIRST STEP. Rapping and Rubbing Sounds. — Lead the children to observe and compare sounds made by rappmg with those produced by riibhing. This may be done by gently striking on the table, chair, blackboard, slate, book, etc., with a pencil, ruler, pointer, or other object, and then rubbing, instead of striking, the same objects. When the pupils are able to distinguish these sounds with their eyes closed, let them classify the sounds by saying, as each is produced, "Rapping sound," or "Rub- bing sovmd," as the case may be. Ringing and Tinkling Sounds. — To illustrate these sounds, and lead the pupils to compare and classify them, the teacher should provide a very small bell and a common hand-bell ; also glass tumblers, some pieces of metal, and other sonorous objects. After producing several ringing sounds in succession, then several tink- ling sounds in succession, let the same sounds be again produced behind a screen, or while the children's eyes are closed, and let the pupils tell, as each sound is made, whether it is a ringing or a tinkling sound. The pupils may also be requested to mention objects that have a ringing sound, and those that have a tink- ling sound. Whistling and Hissing Sounds. — The pupils may be led to compare and classify ichistling and hissing sounds, COMPARING AND CLASSIFYING SOUNDS. 295 and to make each. They may then mention various ob- jects that can be made to produce the whistling sound ; also those that give a hissing sound. Talking, Singing, and Whispering Sounds may be com- pared and classified, and each kind made by the pupils. In a manner similar to that indicated in the foregoing exercises, the pupils may be trained to observe and clas- sify a great variety of sounds. SECOND STEP. Having given the pupils several lessons in comparing and classifying various sounds which may be produced in the class-room, the teacher may proceed to lead them to classify familiar sounds which may be heard away from school. First Exercise. — During the first exercise in group- ing sounds that have been heard elsewhere than in the school, the various sounds made by an animal may be grouped together, as, Sounds made by Dogs. — Barking, growling, whining, howling. Sounds made by Cats. — Mewing, purring, spitting. Sounds made by Fowls. — Crowing, cackling, clucking. Second Exercise. — The pupils may next be led to clas- sify sounds that they have heard under the various heads of whining sou7ids, squealing sounds^ bleating, grunting^ harhing, etc. They may be taught to classify sounds that are loud. 296 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. confused, and continuous, as roaring ; those that are low, heavy, and continuous, as rumhling ; those that are low, indistinct, like running water, as murmuring; those that are loud and rapid, as if many things were falling and breaking at once, as crashing; those that are small, ab- rupt, and repeated rapidly, as crackling ; those that are small, indistinct, and of quick succession, like the rub- bing of silk, as rustling. THIRD STEP. Classifying Sounds as Long and Short. — By pronoun- cing several of the vowels, as a, o, with prolonged sounds, then with very short sounds, the teacher may readily lead the children to observe a difference in the length of sounds. Experiments may be made by utter- ing various sounds with the voice; also by striking a bell, a tumbler, a slate, the table, etc., until the pupils readily distinguish long from short sounds. Then let the pupils be trained to produce long and short sounds with the vowels ; also by singing la. Classifying Sounds as Loud and Soft. — By using the vowels, lead the children to observe that sounds may be loud or soft. When they can readily distinguish this quality in sounds, train them to utter loud and soft sounds by using Za, la ; also other elementary sounds. Classifying Sounds as High and Low. — The teacher may readily train the children to distinguish high from loio sounds by uttering the syllables la la first high, then low; also by using the several vowel sounds. After- ward let the pupils be taught to sing high and low notes. SOUNDS OF LANGUAGE. 297 HOW TO TEACH THE SOUNDS OF LANGUAGE. When children have had sufficient training in exer- cising their sense of hearing to enable them readily to distinguish such qualities of sounds as have been pre- sented in the preceding lessons, they can easily be taught the elementary sounds of language ; and thus the training of the ear may be successfully continued, and the organs of speech be cultivated at the same time. FIRST STEP. Distinguishing Sounds of Speech. — With children that have not yet learned to read short sentences of familiar words, the first step should be to train the ear to distin- guish sounds of speech readily. This may be done by the teacher making each sound several times, and then requiring the children to imitate it. During this step nothing should be said about vowels or consonants^ nor about the number of sounds that any letter has. As the object of this step is to train the organs of hearing in acuteness and accuracy, the sounds may be taken up without regard to the order of the let- ters in the alphabet ; also without regard to the num- ber of scTunds given to any letter. While the pupils are learning to read words at sight that are familiar to the ear, and to know them as names of objects or signs of ideas, they may be led to notice N2 m 298 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. which words have similar sounds, and to group t together, as : Cat. Cake. Ball. Cart. Rat. Rake. Hall. Park. Mat. Slate. Call. Mark. Hat. Day. Saw. Barn. Old. Box. Bee. Net. Cold. •Fox. See. Men. Stove. Lot. Me. Ten. Ice. Tin. Blue. Sun. Line. Wind. Tune. Cup. Fine. Li. Cube. Run. When a list of words of similar sound have been thus arranged in a group, let the class pronounce each word in the group, and then repeat the prominent vowel sound, thus: Cat, rat, mat, hat — a, a, ci^ a ; cake, rake, slate, day — a, a^ f7, a; old, cold, stove — o, <5, o, etc. By this exercise the pupils will be prepared to dis- tinguish the different sounds of the vowels when the lessons for that purpose are presented, and then they will soon learn to make all the sounds of each vowel. At any time after the children have learned to dis- tinguish some of the vocal sounds, the teacher may give consonant sounds, beginning with the simplest ones first, as m, n^ l^ s, t,f, V, Jc, etc., and request the pupils to imi- tate them. Thus let the order of procedure be, Mi'st. Train the pupils to distinguish sounds of speech. /Second. Train them to make the sounds. ^ During this stage it is not desirable that these sounds be taught as sounds of letters. Indeed,! believe it would be much better to have the exercises of this step conduct- SOUNDS OF LANGUAGE. 299 ed solely for the purpose of training the pupils to distin- guish and Tnake the separate sounds of speech, without any attempt at associating them with the letters that are used to represent these sounds in written language. SECOND STEP. Distinguishing Sounds of Words. — At this stage the pupils will be prepared to commence analyzing the sounds of spoken words. The first words selected for this exercise should be short, and contain only simj^le sounds, as tne, see, man^ cat, cake, saw, lot, stone, tin, ice, sun, face, snow, etc. Let it be distinctly remembered that no attention is to be given to the silent letters, nor to any letters, during this step. Only the sounds of the words as s2^oJcen are to be distinguished and made sep- arately. To train the pupils in this work, let the teacher pro- nounce a short word very distinctly, then make each of its sounds separately, and next require the pupils to imitate her, thus: Me, m-e, me. Man, m-d-n, man, Saio, s-a, saio. Stone, s-t-o-n, stone. This exercise should be commenced while the chil- dren are learning to read words at sight, as signs of fa- miliar spoken words. THIRD STEP. Associating Sounds with Letters. — If the pupils have been properly trained in the preceding steps, they will now have acquired some knowledge of sounds as the elements of spoken words, and be prepared to learn which letters represent these several sounds. Although 300 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. it is common to commence with the vowel sounds, yet there is no good reason why the teacher may not begin this stej) with some of the simple consonants. M. — The word me may be printed on the blackboard, and the pupils taught to pronounce it distinctly. Then they may be requested to say me^ and to commence speaking it again, but keep the lips closed, so that the sound of e can not be made. The pupils may be told that the sound which is made in beginning to say me is the sound of m. Then let the pupils make the m sound three times. To furnish more practice in making this sound, place the following words and letters on the blackboard, thus : Aim m m m make. Let the pupils pronounce the word aim, prolonging the m sound ; then make the sound of m three times, and pronounce the word make. N. — Print the word no on the blackboard, and let the pupils pronounce it distinctly several times. Then let them say no, and commence speaking it again, but keep the tongue pressed against the roof of the mouth, so that the sound of o can not escape. For practice in making this sound, print the following on the black- board : Fan n n n nap; and require the children to repeat it in the same man- ner as the sound of m was given above. To make the sound of w, the lips and teeth must be slightly open, the top of the tongue pressed against the roof of the mouth, and the sound caused to pass through the nose. L. — To make the sound of /, place the lips, teeth, and tongue in the same position as for n^ except that the edges of the tongue are slightly turned downward, so SOUNDS OF LANGUAGE. 301 as to allow the sound to pass out of the mouth. For practice the foUowmg may be placed on the black- board : Sail 1 1 1 lake. F. — To make the sound of /, place the upper teeth upon the lower lip, and force breath through smoothly. The following may be written on the blackboard for practice : If f f f fin. V. — To make the sound of v, place the teeth and lips in the same position as for/, and force sound through instead of breath. For practice, write on the black- board, Five V V V vine. S. — To learn the sound of 5, say see several times dis- tinctly ; then commence saying it, but omit the sound of e. For practice, write on the blackboard. Gas s s s see. Z. — To make the sound of s, place the teeth and tongue in the same position as for sounding s, but force voice through instead of breath. Say buzz several times. Freeze z z z zeal. T. — To learn the sound of ^, say at several times, pro- nouncing the t very distinctly. Press the tip of the tongue against the roots of the front upper teeth, and force breath through between the tongue and teeth sud- denly. For practice, write the following on the black- board, .Mat t t t tan. K. — To learn the sound of h, say Jack several times distinctly, observing with what sound the word ends. For practice, write on the blackboard, k k k keep. 302 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. P. — To make the sound ofp, press the lips together lightly, and force them apart with breath. Lip P P P pill- B. — To learn the sound of b, say bee several times dis- tinctly, then attempt to say it without separating the lips. Cab b b b bad. D. — To learn the sound of d, say do three times dis- tinctly ; then attempt to say it again without sounding the 0, Lid d d d did. G. — To learn the sound of g, say go three times, then attempt to say it without sounding the o. Beg g g g get. J. — To learn the sound of J, which is the same as the soft sound of g, say edge several times, observing the last sound in the word. Age j j j Jane. R. — To learn the sound of r, say fear several times, taking care to sound the 7\ Near r r r rear. H. — To make the sound of A, open the mouth and eject the breath forcibly. h h h hat. To teach a pupil to pronounce the name of the letter h properly, require him to repeat the long sound of d several times, following it with the sound of cA, thus : d,d ch,ch/ d eh/ d — cAy d-ch/ dch. W. — To produce the sound of w, place the lips in the position for sounding oo in moon, or o in do; then con- tract the lips slightly as the sound of oo begins. The sound of to can not be prolonged. w wall w wish. SOUNDS OF LANGUAGE. 303 Y. — To produce the sound of y, commence the sound of e as in me, but contract the sound by bringing the tongue and palate nearer together. y ye y yes. Ch. — To make the sound of c/i, press the tongue light- ly against the roof of the mouth and expel the breath forcibly ; or say rich several times, observing the last sound in the word. For practice, write on the black- board, Each ch ch ch cheat. Sh. — To learn the sound of sA, say hush several times, observing the last sound in the word. For practice, write and repeat, Sash sh sh sh shall. Th. — To make the whispered or sharp sound of th^ place the tip of the tongue between the teeth and force the breath out gently. Say teeth several times, observ- ing the last sound of the word. For practice, write on the blackboard and repeat, Both th th th thin. Request the pupils to say ^'' Thirty-three thousand things f ^' Think thirty thoughts.'''' Those who lisp substitute this sound of th for the sound of s. This fault of speech may be corrected by training children to make the sounds of s and th separ- ately, and then to give the th sound in the words where they improperly use that of 5. Th. — The vocal or hard sound of th may be produced by placing the tip of the tongue in the same position as for the sharp th^ and forcing voice out instead of breath. Lead the children to notice the sensation of the tongue when this sound is made. They will say, " It makes the tongue tingle." Let the pupils pronounce ^Ais, ^Aat, 304 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. ^Aese, making the th emj)liatic. For practice, Avrite and repeat, Smooth th th th these. Zh. — To make the sound of a;A, j^lace the tongue in the same position as for sA, and force voice out instead of breath. These two letters do not occur together, but the sound is heard in azure^ vision^ glazier. Ng. — To learn the sound of oig, repeat the words hring^ ring^ string^ making the sound of ng emphatic. Require the pupils to pronounce distinctly the follow- ing words, sing-ing^ hring-ing^ ring-mg. For practice, write on the blackboard, Hang ng ng ng gang. Wh. — To learn the sound of ich, jDronounce the words where^ when^ lohich^ making the sound of wh emphatic. For practice, write on the blackboard. Where wh wh wh when. Qu. — Q has no sound of its own. Qit represent the sounds of kw, as in qiieen^ kween ; quite^ kwite. X. — Jl has no sound of its own. It represents the sounds of ks in tax and excel, and the sounds of gz in exist, exalt, and sh in anxious. C. — C may be said to have no sound of its own. It borrows or represents the sound of k in cat, cup, cold ; and the sound of 5 in cent, rice, face ; and the sound of z in sice, discern, sacrifice. Gh represent the sound of/" in laugh, rough, cough, etc. Ph represent the sound of/ in phonic, sylph. When the pupils have become familiar with the sounds represented by the letters and combinations already given, they will be able to determine which letters represent each consonant sound in any word. SOUNDS OF LANGUAGE. 305 The Sounds of A. 1. Ale. Fame. Late. Plait. La. a. 2. 3. 4. 5. At. Arm. All. Air. Fan. Far. Form. Fare. Lad. Lark. Law. Lair. Plaid. Part. Pause. Pair. La. La. La. La. a. a. a. a. 6. Ask. Fast. Last. Pass. La. a. To learn the several sounds of «, commence with the first column, and repeat each word, ending with the long sound of a ; then rej^eat this sound of a several times. Next repeat the words in the second column, ending with the short sound of a ; then repeat this sound several times. Next repeat the words of ih^ first and second columns alternately; then the sounds of each alternately several times. Next repeat the words of the third column, ending with the Italian sound of «/ then repeat this sound several times. Next repeat the words of the three columns in this order : Ale, at, arm ; fame, fan, far, etc., ending with a, a, a. Proceed in the same manner with each of the remain- ing sounds. Practice in this way until the pupils can readily give any sound of a that may be called for sep- arately, as the first sound of a; the third sound of a; the second ; the fourth ; the sixth, etc. The same plan* may be pursued for teaching all the vowel sounds. * " The Phonic Charts, for Self-training in the Sounds of Lan- guage^ by N. A. Calkins," were prepared for teaching the sounds in accordance with the plans described in these pages. Even those who are not familiar with the sounds can learn them from these Charts so as to teach successfully. These Charts are published by Harper and Brothers, and may be sent by mail. 306 PEIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. Sounds of E. | Sounds of I. 1. 2. 1. 2. Eve. End. Ice. In. Meet. Met. Fine. Fin. Seal. Said. Buy. B^Sld. Le. Le. LI. Ll e. e. i. 1 Sounds of 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. Bone. Box. Boot. Broth Cold. Cot. Cool. Cost. Sew. Swan. Soup. Song. Lo. Lo. Lo. Lo. 0. 6. o. o. In the Dictionary, the o in words like dog, cost, song, is marked the same as o in not ; and. yet we are told by the same authority that to give the extreme short sound of o in not to these words is affectation ; and that to give them the full broad sound of a in all, or o in form, is vulgar. Then why not give a special sound for this o f Sounds of U. 1. 2. 3. 4. Blue. But. Bush. Burn. Cube. Cub. Could. Cur. Feud. Flood. Foot. Firm. Suit. Sun. Shook. Serve. View. Wont. Wolf. Work. Lu. Lu. Lu. \A, u. \\. u. ore5. Rattan, J What do we call the little holes in the end of the rat- tan ? " Pores." What do we call the little holes in the sponge and the cake? "Pores." What do we say of any thing that is full of little holes? " It is porous." Why do you say sponge is porous ? Is glass porous ? Is cloth porous ? Will porous things hold water ? Is candy porous ? Whe7i do you say any thing is. porous? What does porous mean ? " Full of little holes." '344 PEIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Your skin is full of very little pores, through which the perspiration comes. Transparent. — To teach children to notice the. quality transparent, take a piece of glass, a cup of water, a tumbler, a slate, a sheet of paper, etc. Take a piece of chalk, hold it in one hand, and hold a piece of glass be- tween the chalk and the class. Ask the pupils, What am I holding behind the glass ? How do you know that it is chalk ? '' We can see it." But the glass is between you and the chalk ; how can you see the chalk ? " We can see through the glass." Very good. I will now take a slate and hold some- thing behind it, and you may tell what it is. But you must not guess. If you do not know what I have in my hand behind the slate, say " I do not know." Why can you not tell me what I am holding behind the slate ? " We can't see it." Why can't you see what I have now as well as you could when I held the chalk behind the glass ? "We can't see through the slate; we could see through the glass." The teacher drops a slate-pencil and a piece of chalk into the cup of water, and asks the children to look into the cup and tell what is in the water. "A slate-pencil and chalk?" You did not see me put them in the cup ; how do you know they are there ? "We can see them through the water." After various illustrations, and the pupils have ob- tained the ideas that some things can be seen through LESSONS ON QUALITIES. 345 clearly^ and some can not he seen through^ request the puj)ils to mention the names of things that can be seen through. Write these on the blackboard : Glass, Water, Air, are transparent. They can be seen through clearly. Alcohol, Some ice. Ask the pupils, How do you know that air is trans- parent ? " We can see through it." Can you see the air ? How do you know that some oil is transparent ? Why do you say water is transparent ? When do you say any thing fs transparent ? Is thin cloth transparent ? Do we say any thing is transparent when we look through holes in it ? We may also say any thing is transparent when light and color pass through it freely. Why is glass so useful for windows ? Why is mica used in stove doors ? It might be well to explain that some things are part- ly trayisparent^ should a substance be mentioned that will allow light to pass through, but will not permit ob- jects to be seen distinctly through it. For this quality the term translucent may be given. When a substance is translucent the light will pass through it, but we can not see objects distinctly through it. We can not distinguish shape and color through translucent objects. Ground glass is translucent. P2 are opaque. They can not be seen through. 346 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Opaque. — The pupils will now be prepared to give a list of objects which can not he seen through. These may be written on the blackboard : Slate, - Wood, Iron, Paper, } Lead, Tin, Chalk, Can you mention as many objects that are transpar- ent as you can that are opaque ? Why do you say the paper is opaque ? When do you say any thing is opaque ? Elastic and Elasticity. — The teacher, having provided herself with pieces of whalebone, rattan, steel sjDring, sponge. India-rubber, etc., takes up a piece of whale- bone, and bends it, at the same time requesting the pupils to observe what 'it does when she lets the end go from one hand. l!^ext the rattan is taken, and bent in the same manner; then the steel spring. Now the pupils are asked to tell what movement they observed in each of these substances. Some children say " they go back;" others say "they fly back again;" one says " they spring back ;" some, that " they snap." The teacher then remarks, When I bend the whale- bone, and let one end of it go, you see that it springs hach to its place again. When I bend the steel spring, and let one end of it go, it sj)rings back to its place again. Now, when I bend the rattan, and let one end of it go, what does it do ? "It springs back to its place again." LESSONS ON QUALITIES. 347 When I let the end of the bent whalebone go, what does it do ? "It springs back to its plape again." "What does the steel spring do as I let one end go after bending it ? " It springs back again." The teacher next takes np a piece oi India-Tuhhei\ stretches it out, and lets one end of it go, at the same time requesting the children to observe what the rub- ber does. Some of the pupils reply, "It snaps;" others say "it flies back again;" one says "it springs back again." Again taking up the lohalehone and bending it as be- fore, the teacher asks. What does the whalebone do after being bent ? " It springs back." What does the rubber do after being stretched ? " It springs back." Next the teacher takes up a piece of moist sponge^ from which the water has been squeezed. While com- j)ressing the sponge, she requests the children to ob- serve and tell what she is doing. Various answers are given, as " squeezing it," " pinching it," " pressing it." On removing the pressure, she asks, What does the sponge do now? " It goes back to its shape again." The teacher then says, suiting her actions to lier words. When I squeeze this sponge and let go of it — " It springs back again." When I stretch this India-rubber and let it go — "It springs back." When I bend the whalebone and let it go — "It springs back." 348 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Taking a flat piece of whalebone or thin steel, the teacher twists it, and requests the pupils to observe what it does when she lets one end go. " It springs back to its place again." Having thus fully prepared the class for the word which is used to signify this power of springing back, the teacher proceeds, I will now tell you a word whicli means springing hack y it is elastic ; and I will write it on the blackboard, that you may observe how it looks, and learn to spell it. At the same time she turns to the board and forms the word in plain letters. Again turning to the class, she says. Spell elastic. What does elastic mean ? " Springing back." Now I wish you to mention such things as you think have this power oi springing hach^ and I will write their names on the blackboard as you give them to me. As the children mention the names of elastic sub- stances, the teacher writes on the board, and soon a list is formed which presents an appearance similar to the following : Whalebone, Rattan, India-rubber, Steel spring, Sponge, Quill, Feathers, Wool, The lesson is now reviewed by questions somewhat as follows, viz. : Why do we say whalebone is elastic ? " Because it will spring back after being hent^ are elastic. Each has the power of spring- ing hach LESSONS ON QUALITIES. 349 Why do we say a steel spring is elastic ? " Because it will spring back after being benC^ Why do we say that India-rubber is elastic ? " Because it will spring back after being stretched^ Why do we say sponge is elastic ? " Because it will spring back after being squeezed.'''' When do we say any thing is elastic ? "When it will spring back after being hent^ stretched, squeezed, or tioistedy Is lead elastic ? " No ; it will not spring back after being bent." Are copper wire and tin elastic ? " No ; they will not spring back." You can stretch chewing-gum ; is that elastic ? " No ; it does not spring back." Is a boy's ball elastic ? " Yes ; it will bound or spring back when thrown against any thing hard." At a subsequent lesson, after reviewing this quality, the teacher may inform her pupils that we sometimes call this power of springing back again elasticity, at the same time writing the word on the blackboard. She then adds, Every thing that will spring back after be- ing bent, stretched, squeezed, or twisted, has elasticity. Then India-rubber has— " Elasticity." And whalebone " — " And sponge " — " And wool " — And a quill « _ « Now you have seen that elastic means springing back, and that elasticity means the poicer of springing hach. Thus you see we may say that an object is elastic; also 350 PEIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. that it has elasticity. Why do we say any thing has elasticity f "Because it has the power oi springing hack after be- ing bent^ stretched, squeezed, or twisted.'''' Is snow elastic ? " Snow has no elasticity ; it has not the power of springing back after being squeezed." Why does the boy's ball bounce when he throws it upon the ground? " Because it has elasticity." Will a ball of putty bounce when thrown upon the hard ground ? Is dough elastic ? Flexible and Pliable. — The quality of being easily bent or folded is expressed by the wovdi^ flexible, flexile, and pliable. To lead children to perceive this quality, the teacher may provide pieces of leather, cloth, cord, paper, whalebone, willow, lead, etc., and show that each of these articles will bend easily, and that some of them may be folded, as cloth, paper, etc. When the pupils have become familiar with this qual- ity, tell them that all things which may be bent ov fold- ed easily oxe flexible. Then request them to give a list of articles that can be bent easily, Avhich the teacher may write on the blackboard : Cloth, ^ ^ ' 2iYQ flexible. ^ J' \ They are easily bent. Lead, Leather, ^ We might also say these things are pliable, for this LESSONS ON QUALITIES. 351 word means easily bent, or folded. But it is more common to use the word pliable w^hen the quality is that of being easily folded. Why do Ave say leather is flexible ? " Because it is easily bent." Why do we say sponge is flexible? " Because it is easily com2Jressed or bent." Why do we say "paper is pliable ? " Because it is easily folded." Why do we say whalebone is flexible ? " Because it is easily bent." When do we say any thing is flexible ? " When it can be easily bent." ' When do we say any thing is pliable ? " When it may be easily folded." Mention things that are pliahle, or may be folded. Mention things that are not pliable. Liquid and Fluid. — To lead the pupils to perceive the qualities liquid and fluid^ it would be well to procure small vials filled with water, milk, oil, molasses, etc., and, showing each to the pupils, tell them what the several vials contain. Then request the members of the class to observe hoio the water, milk, oil, etc., flow as you proceed to pour out each so as to cause it to form- into dro2^s. Call the attention of the pupils to the maimer of flowing by saying. See how the water flows. Now see how the milk flows. Look at the oil ; see how it flows. Who will tell me how each of these flow ? "They aWflovj in drops.'^'' Then say to the pupils. You may now tell me the names of things that flow in drops, and I will write them on the blackboard : 352 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. Water, are liquids. Thejjlow i7i drops^ and wet. Milk, Ink, Vinegar, Oil, Molasses, , Why do we say water is a liquid ? "Because it will flow in drops,' and will wet or moisten." Why do you say milk is a liquid ? When do we say any thing is a liquid ? " When it will flow in drops, and will wet." How do you know that these things flow in drops ? " We can see them drop." Very good; but there are some things which j^oio that you can not see. If I should open a window, you might feel the wind or air flowing into this room. Could you see it ? How, then, could you know that the air was flowing into the room ? "We could feel it." If I should turn on the gas without lighting it, it would flow into the room. Could you see it ? Then how might you know that gas was flowing into the room ? " We could smell it." Thus you perceive that we can not see air and gas when they flow; we can only/ee? them or smell them. As you feel the air flowing, does it seem to come in drops or in a stream ? " It flows in a stream." We call any thing that flows easily, like air and gas, 2i fluid. Water, milk, etc., flow easily, so we may call ih^^Q^ fluids also. Now read what I write on the blackboard : LESSONS ON QUALITIES. 353 Any thing that flows easily ^like air, gas^ water, milJc, etc., is a fluid. Any thing thatfloics i?i drops is a liquid. \ What do we call any thing that will flow easily ? What do we call any thing that will flow in drops ? You see that all liquids are fluids ; but so7ne fluids are not liquids. If you put water or milk in a cup, what will be the shape of the water or milk ? If you put milk in a tumbler, what will be the shape of the milk? If you put water in a pail, what will be the shape of the water ? Thus you see that liquids alioays taJce the shape of the vessel that contains them. Have liquids any shape of their own ? How could you cause milk to take the shape of a cylinder ? You may now mention the names of fluids ; Air, Gas, Steam, Mercury, Alcohol, Water, Why do we say air is a fluid ? Do you drink fluids ? Ask a sufficient variety of questions to make it cer- tain that the pupils hnow what is meant by the terms fluid and liquid. Solid. — To give children an idea of the quality solid, take a piece of chalk, a pencil, a marble, a piece of wood. are fluids. They flow easily. 354 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. a key, and other objects, and lead the pupils to com- pare them Avith water and other liquids. Call attention to the fact that these substances will not flow; that they have the poicer of retaining shape. When the pupils are able to readily distinguish and name objects that have this power of retaining shape and will not flow, they may be told that each of these substances is a solid. Ask questions similar to those in connection with the other qualities. Absorbent. — For leading children to observe the qual- ity absorbent^ provide a sponge, blotting-paper, a lump of sugar, and piece of cloth. Show the pupils that the sponge, cloth, and sugar will suck up loater, and that the blotting-paper will suck up ink, or other liquids. Tell them that Ave say any thing that Avill suck up liquids is absorbent ; that absorbent means draioing in or sucking up. Request them to name objects that are absorbent, to be written on the blackboard, proceeding as with other qualities. Combustible and Inflammable.— The idea of the qual- ity called combustible may be brought clearly to the comprehension of children by telling them that all things that loill take fire and burn, as wood, coal, cloth, etc., are combustible. The idea of inflammable may be made plain by tell- ing them that all things which take fire readily and burn with afiame, as paper, oil, kerosene, gas, etc., are inflam- mahle. Write on the blackboard : Things that loill take fire and burn are combustible. LESSOXS ON QUALITIES. 355 Things that take fire easily and hum icith aflame are inflammable. Request the pupils to give lists of objects that are combustible and inflammable, to be written on the blackboard in separate columns. Fusible. — By directing the attention of children to the familiar fact that some things melt by heat, while others will not melt, they may obtain a clear idea of the quality known as flusible. To aid in giving them a good understanding of this quality, let them mention names of substances that will melt by heat, and write these on the blackboard ; then ask questions about the quality, as in the other les- sons. If the class be composed of pui^ils whose ages are more than ten years, the temperatures at which various substances will melt might be given. The following list will furnish the teacher with information for this purpose : Degrees of Heat at ichich Substances Melt. Ice melts at 32°. Zinc melts at 700°. Tallow 100°. Silver 1870°. Wax 150°. Copper 1990°. India-rubber " 250°. Gold 2200°. Tin 445°. Iron 2800°. Lead G00°. Platina 3000°. Sollfble. — Taking salt, sugar, gum-arabic, or glue, and dissolving tliem in water, will give children an idea of the quality known as soluble. The usual exercises, questions, etc., may be had, and the definition written on the blackboard : 356 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Any thing that will melt or dissolve in a liquid is soluble. Pungent. — By talking with children that have had special home training in the use of their senses, about the taste of pepper, cloves, ginger, mustard, etc., they may be led to understand the meaning and use of the term pungent. The usual exercises may be had with the blackboard, and the following definition given: Pungent — biting to the taste ; having a warm, prick- ing taste. Astringent.— Direct the attention of children to the taste of alum, choke-cherries, oak bark, etc., and lead them to observe the efiect of these substances upon the tongue and mouth. Tell them that the quality which will produce the feeling of drawing together, or a puckery taste, is called astringent. Write on the blackboard : Astringent — drawing together^ or puckery to the taste. Other qualities may be illustrated in a similar man- ner. Care should be had not to allow these exercises to become merely those oi teaching definitions of quali- ties. They are equally valuable for their effects in the discipline of the pupils' minds, and in giving them habits of careful observation in relation to the properties of objects. They are also valuable for their influelice on the teacher's general methods of instruction. The following qualities may also be taught in accord- ance with the methods already illustrated. LESSONS ON QUALITIES. 357 Fibrous — stringy; containing thread-like parts ; full of threads or fine strings, as whalebone, bark of some trees, rattan, willow, linen, etc. Odorous — having a smell, or odor, as camphor, co- logne, tobacco, onion. Fragrant — having a sweet smell, or odor, as a rose, a violet, new-mown hay, coffee, etc. Acid — having a sour taste, as lemon, vinegar, etc. Crumbling — breaking into small pieces easily, as bread, cake, chalk, etc. Granular — composed of small grains, as sugar, salt, sandstone, etc. Malleable — may he easily spread out by pounding or beating, as lead, gold, silver, copper, some iron, etc. Ductile — may be drawn out into fine loire, as gold, sil- ver, copper, iron, etc. Tenacity — holding with great strength when draion out into wire; very strong, as wire made of silver, gold, iron, copper, etc. Volatile — easily 2^cissing into the air, as camphor, spirits of turpentine, and the various perfumes. Nutritious — sustainitig life and promoting growth, as the various kinds of food. 358 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Grouping Qualities by the Senses. — When several qualities have been learned, an interesting exercise may be had by requiring the pupils to arrange the qualities in groups, each to be designated by the sense through which it is perceived. To do this, the teacher may write the names of the senses on the blackboard, and, as each quality is mentioned, let the puj^ils tell where its name should be written, so that when the lesson is finished it shall appear somewhat as follows. VIZ. Qualities perceived through the Sense of Sight. Sense of Feeling. Sense of Taste. Sense of Smell. Transparent. Smooth. Pungent. Fragrant. Opaque. Rough. Acid. Odorous. Porous. Sticky. Astringent. Volatile. Combustible. Slippery. Sweet. Rancid. Inflammable. Brittle. Bitter. Aromatic. Absorbent. Tough. Spicy. Spicy. Fusible. Soluble. Soluble. Elasticity. Elasticity. Flexible. Pliable. Liquid. Fluid. Solid. Solid. Crumblinof. Crumbling. Granular. Granular. Malleable. Malleable. SUGGESTION FOR THE TEACHER. The spelling of the name of each quality should be taught during the lesson on that quality. OBJECT LESSONS. THEIR NATURE AND DESIGN. Lessoxs on " Common Things," given chiefly to im- part information about the thing selected for the lesson, without any system or order of arrangement, are fre- quently,but improperly, called " Object Lessons." Some- times teachers who give occasional information about things of every-day life suppose that they are carrying out the principles of object teaching. This misconcep- tion of the true system of instruction by Object Lessons is one of the serious obstacles in the way of its general and successful introduction into all elementary schools. True Object Lessons are arranged with special adap- tation to the mental condition of the pupils to whom they are to be given ; and they are made to keep prom- inently in view the development of the faculties of chil- dren, and the cultivation of habits of ready and accurate observation. The manner of giving information is made the means of training the mental powers of the pupils, so that the instruction necessarily becomes much more valuable than any exercise of the memory. To hold an object before a class, and tell its shaj^e, color, size, what it is made of, its name and use, and then to ask the pupils to repeat all of that information, is not giving an object lesson. Again, to hold an object before a class, and ask. What is this ? to what kingdom does it belong ? where is it found? what is it used for? is not giving an object lesson. 360 PEIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. All similar methods are at best merely an exercise of the memory, and fail to meet the conditions of object teaching. Telling a child that which it should be led to observe is not developing its mind. Filling the memory with words to be repeated in response to questions is not education. The children's own senses of sight, touch, taste, and hearing must be exercised to produce mental development. Any plan of primary teaching that does not provide for such training is de- fective. It is not in accordance with good common sense nor true objective teaching. In giving these lessons, the object itself should be before the pupils, or it should have been previously so carefully observed by them that they can recall its shape, color, uses, and principal qualities. " To tell a child this and to shoio it the other, is not to teach it how to observe, but to make it a mere re- cipient of another's observations — a proceeding which weakens rather than strengthens its powers of self- in- struction ; which deprives it of the pleasure resulting from successful activity; which presents this all-attract- ive knowledge under the aspect of formal tuition ; and which thus generates that indifference and even disgust with which these object lessons are sometimes regard- ed. On the other hand, to pursue the true course is simply to guide the intellect to its appropriate food, and to habituate the mind from the beginning to that practice of self-help which it must ultimately follow. " Children should be led to make their own investi- gations and to draw their own inferences. They should be told as little as possible, and induced to discover as much as possible. Humanity has progressed solely by self-instruction ; and that, to achieve the best results. OBJECT LESSONS. 361 each mind must progress somewhat after the same fashion, is continually proved by the marked success of self-made men."* A very important point to be attended to in giving these lessons is the adaptation of them to the different stages of advancement of the children to whom they are given. A child of five years is quite a different be- ing intellectually from one of ten ; hence we should not attempt to lead children to the observation of those qualities that require the exercise of faculties which are not developed until the period of youth, nor to consider a subject which requires a previous training to under- stand before that training has been given. To illustrate this idea more clearly, we will indicate some of the properties of objects that maybe presented for observation during different stages of school life. Of course these divisions must hot be considered as ab- solute ; they are rather suggestive, and designed to aid teachers in making a proper arrangement of object les- sons for their own classes. Some teachers limit their lessons to specimens from cabinets of curiosities; the consequence is, that such les- sons usually become mechanical as soon as the novelty of the objects has passed. Often these specimens are such as are rarely seen by the children, and they fail to awaken a desire to examine more common objects, and to cultivate those habits which w^ill lead children to be- come interested in every thing around them. It should be understood that these lessons on objects can not be properly introduced until the pupils have received training in some of the steps of Form, Color, Number, Size, etc. * Herbert Spencer. Q 362 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. First stage. — During this period the pupil may be re- quired to distinguish objects by their ?iames, to observe and name their i:>rincipal parts^ to describe their form^ color, and uses. Second Stage. — During this period, which may com- mence in the second year of school life, the lessons should embrace the form, color, size, material, qualities, and uses of objects, and answers to the simple inquiry, where obtained? or, by ichom made f Third Stage. — During this period, which should com- mence in the third year of school life, the lessons may include a more complete analysis of the several proper- ties of objects, and attention to the adaptation of their prominent qualities to the purposes for which these ob- jects are commonly used. In presenting the following sketches of lessons, I have taken up a variety of objects, and endeavored to sug- gest how similar exercises may be given during the sev- eral periods of school attendance. Teachers should not be satisfied with copying these sketches and teaching only these lessons ; they should acquire the necessary skill by practice to enable them to prepare similar lessons on other objects. Those who do this will teach much more successfully than those who merely attempt to repeat what others have pre- pared. LESSONS ON OBJECTS. 363 LESSONS ON OBJECTS. FIRST STAGE. Suggestions for the Teacher. — In giving these Lessons on Objects, it is very necessary that the information obtained from the children should not be drawn out by such questions as will enable them to answer " Yes" and ' ' No. " They must be led to see, observe, think, and tell, to derive the intended benefit from the lessons. Train the pupils to do most of the talking about the object. A CHAIR. The teacher may place a chair before the class, and ask for the name of the object. Then the name may be written on the blackboard, the word pronounced^ sound- ed, and spelled. Parts. — Placing her hand upon the back of the chair, the teacher asks, " What is this part of the chair called? "Back." This word is tlien written on the blackboard, pro- nounced, sounded, and spelled. Next the teacher touches the seat, its name is given by the pupils, and the word written under the Avord hack., and pronounced, sounded, and spelled. Then the legs are touched, name given, written, pro- nounced, sounded, and spelled. Then the rounds or bars are touched, names given, Avritten, etc., as before. Each pupil may now be called upon to touch a part of the chair, and point to its name on the blackboard. Suppose the chair had no back, would it be as com- 364 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. fortabie as it is now? "No; we could not rest well when tired." Why not ? " There would be nothing to lean against. " Suppose it had no seat, what would be the conse- quence? "There would be nothing to sit upon; it would not be of any use." Suppose it had no legs. " The seat would be on the floor; it would be too low to be of use." Suppose it had no bars. " The chair would soon fall to pieces." How many parts are there in this chair? Of which parts are there only one each ? " Of the seat and the back." How many legs are there ? " Four." Why does a chair have four legs instead of two ? " It could not stand on two legs." How many bars or rounds are there ? Uses of Parts. — The teacher may next proceed to talk about the various uses of chairs, and then ask. What is the use of the back? "To lean against." This may be written on the blackboard opposite the word back. What is the use of the seat ? " To sit on." This may be written opposite the word seat. What is the use of the legs? "To keep the seat up?" This may be written after the word legs. What is the use of the bars ? " To hold the legs to- gether, and make the chair strong." Shape of Parts. — The teacher may now proceed to point to the parts of the chair, and ask the shape of each, thus : What is the shape of the back ? " It is ob- long, with curved sides and end." LESSONS ON OBJECTS. 365 This may be written on the blackboard after the use of the back. What is the shape of the seat ? " Four-sided, with sides curved." This may be written after the use of the seat. What is the shape of the legs ? " Cylindrical." What is the shape of the bars ? " Some are cylin- drical, and some are flat and oblong." When the lesson is finished, its appearance on the blackboard will be somewhat like the following : CHAIE. Parts. Uses of Parts. Shax)e of Parts. Back. To lean against. Oblong, with curved sides and end. Seat. To sit on. Four -sided, with sides curved. Legs. To keep the seat up. Cylindrical. Bars, or> rounds. > To hold the legs together, and Some are flat and oblong, make the chair strong. and some cylindrical. Pupils may now be called upon to go to the black- board, and, while pointing to what has been written, de- scribe the chair somewhat as follows : " The chair is made of wood. The parts of the chair are back, seat, legs, and bars.. The use of the back is to lean against ; the seat, to sit on ; the legs, to keep the seat up ; the bars, to hold the legs together, and make the chair strong. The shape of the back is oblong, with curved sides and end ; the seat is four-sided, with curved sides ; the legs are cylindrical ; some of the bars are flat and oblong, and some are cylindrical." Afterward pupils may point to the parts of the chair, and describe it, without reading from the blackboard. 366 PKIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. Kinds of Chairs. — This lesson may be extended, or an additional one given on the chair. Write on the black- board Kinds of Chairs and their Uses ; then request the pupils to give the names of all the kinds of chairs that they have seen, and let these names be written un- der the proper head. Then their uses may be men- tioned, and these written under the appropriate head. When the lesson is finished, the blackboard might con- tain something like the following : Kinds of Chairs. Their Uses. Dining chair. To sit on at the table. Parlor " " ■" "in the parlor. Easy " rest in. Rocking " " " " while rocking. Arm " " the arms while sitting. Little " For little children to sit on. High " Some are for little children to sit on at the table. The preceding sketch of a lesson on a chair will serve as a model for lessons on the following objects, viz. : table, pail, stool, bench, door, desk, box, basket. When properly conducted, these lessons on objects become exceedingly valuable aids in teaching reading and spelling, as well as in training children to observe carefully and describe intelligently. BELLS. Taking a bell in her hand, the teacher asks, What is this? "A bell." What do we do with it? "Ring it;" "Make it ring." I will make the word bell on the blackboard, and you may pronounce it, and sound it, then spell it. Taking up the bell by its handle, the teacher asks. LESSONS ON OBJECTS. 367 With what am I holding this bell ? " With the hand." What part of the bell do I take hold of? " Its handle." Yery good. I hold the bell with my hand^ and I take hold of the handle. We call this the handle be- cause it is the part which we take with the " ." The word handle may now be written on the black- board under the word Parts. When the handle has been pronounced, sounded, and spelled, the teacher takes up the bell, holds it with the mouth upward, so as to make it resemble a cup. She then asks. What have you seen of the shape of this part of the bell ? "A cup;" "A tea-cup." Yery good. We will call the name of this part of the bell the cup. I will write the word under handle. What word have I made under handle ? " Cup." Of what is this word a name ? " A part of the bell." Holding the opening of the cup toward the children, the teacher says, When you open your mouth and speak, something moves inside of it. Can you tell Avhat it is? " The tongue." When you look in the mouth of this bell, what can you see? "A tongue;" "A clapper." What does the tongue do to the cup ? " It makes it ring." Where do you see the tongue ? " In the cup." What may we call the open part of the cup ? " Its mouth." Let the words tongue and mouth be written nnder cuj), and spelled as before. The teacher may next proceed to talk about the uses of])arts^ and ask, What is the use of the handle ? " To take hold of" 368 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Write tliis on the blackboard after the word handle, under the head " Uses of PartsP What is the use of the cuj) ? " To ring." Write this after cuj). What is the use of the tongue ? " To make the bell ring." Does your tongue tell any thing when you speak? Then your tongue enables you to talk. Does the tongue of the bell tell any thing ? Why do I ring this bell when you are in the yard ? Why do I rin'g it in school ? Then it tells you something each time that I ring it, but it does not always tell the same thing. When you talk your tongue tells something, but it does not al- ways tell the same thing. Now what is the use of the tongue of the bell ? " To tell something." Write this after the word tongue. When you talk, do you keep your mouth shut ? Why do you open your mouth when you talk ? " So we can speak;" "To let the sound out." Very good ; you open your mouth to let the sound out. What use is the mouth of the bell ? " To let the sound out." At this stage the lesson on the blackboard might ap- pear somewhat as follows : BELL, Parts. Uses of Parts. Handle. To take hold of. Cup. To ring. Tongue. To tell something. Mouth. To let the sound out. Pupils may now be required to point to the wore LESSONS ON OBJECTS. S69 on the blackboard, and read them*thus : " A bell. Its parts are handle, cup, tongue, and mouth. The uses of the parts : The handle is to take hold of; the cup, to ring ; the tongue, to tell something ; and the mouth, to let the sound out." By a suitable conversation with the pupils, they may be led to mention various kinds of bells, and tell why they ring. These names, etc., may be written on -the blackboard somewhat as- follows : BELLS. Kinds 0/ Bells. What they tell lis. Door bell. Somebody at the door. Dinner (( Dinner is ready. Tea (( Come to tea. School (; Come to school. Take our seats. Church (( It is time to go to church. Fire (( A building is on fire. Car (( Stop the car. Make the car go on. Steam-boat (( The steam-boat is going to start. Ash iC Bring out the ashes. Cow (( "Where the cow is. Sleigh li A sleigh is coming. Let the pupils read this in a manner similar to the Parts of Bells and Uses of Parts." PIN. The teacher, showing a large pin to the class, may say. What am I holding in my hand ? "A pin." After illustrating the use of the pin in pinning things together. What can I do with the pin ? Why does this pin go through the cloth so easily? " Because it has a sharp point." 319 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Why does not the pin hurt the finger when we push against the end of it ? " Because it has a head to push against." I will now write the word Pin on the blackboard ; also the words Parts^ Shape^ and Uses, Now, if you will tell me the names of the parts of the pin, I will write the words on the blackboard under the wordParfe. *'Head;" "Point;" "Body." What is the shape of the body of the pin? '' Cylin- drical." Can some one tell me any thing else about the body of the pin? "It is straight;" "It is smooth." Would the pin be useful if it was crooked ? What do we do with crooked pins ? Would the pin be useful if it was rough ? Why not ? " It would not go through cloth easily;" "It would tear the cloth." What is the shape of the point of a pin ? " Tapering and sharp ;" " Conical." Could we use a pin if it had no point ? What is the shape of the head of this pin? "Round and flat on the top ;" " Like an oblate spheroid." A needle will go quite through a piece of cloth; why will not the pin go through ? " The head of the pin will not let it go through." Could you sew with a needle if it had a head like a pin? What is the use of the head of a pin ? " To keep the pin in its place ;" " To prevent it from hurting our fin- gers when- we fasten any thing with it." What is the use of the point ? What is the use of the body of the pin ? When the lesson is drawn out and written on the blackboard, it will appear somewhat as follows ; LESSONS ON OBJECTS. 371 PIN. Parts. Shape. Uses. Point. Conical. Go through cloth easily. Head. Oblate spheriod. Push against ; hold the pin in its place; to keep it from hurting the fingers. Body. ( Cylindrical. t Straight. ) To hold parts of the dress to- gether. The teacher may talk about the size of pins, as large and small/ of the color, as lohite, blacTc, and yellow. The children should be shown the importance of not using pins where strings or buttons should be used ; also the danger of placing pins in the mouth. The lesson should be read, the words spelled, etc. WATCH. Holding a watch before the children, the teacher asks, What is this ? "A watch." Now look at it, and tell me what you can see. " I see the face." " The hands." Where are the hands ? " On the face." " The face is white." " It has figures on it." " It is circular." Very well. What else do you see? "There is a glass over the face." "There is a rim around the face." What is the use of this rim ? " To hold the glass." What else can you say about the watch ? " It has a case." "The case will open." "It has a stem." " There is a ring in the stem." What is the use of the ring ? " To take hold of when pulling the watch from the pocket, and to fasten the chain to the watch." 372 PEIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Is there any part of the watch which you do not see? "Yes, we can not see the hiside." Let us look inside of the watch. What do those wheels do ? " Move round." Does any part of the watch which you can see move round ? " Yes, the hands." Who can tell me what these hands are for ? " To point out the time of day." How many hands are there ? "Two." Are both alike ? " No ; one is longer than the other." You have told me several parts that you could see ; now is there any way by which you could tell that there is a watch in my hand without seeing it ? " We could hear it if it was near to our ears." When you hear the watch, what do you say it does ? "It ticks." The teacher may now write on the blackboard the words Watch and Parts^ and the name of each part un- der the word Parts. Now let us talk about the use of a watch. " It is to show us what time it is." Is there any thing else that tells us the time ? " Yes, a clock." Which is the largest — a watch or a clock ? What are the uses of the parts of the watch ? " The wheels are to turn round and make the hands move." " The case is to hold the wheels." " The face is for the figures and hands." " The hands point out the time." " The glass keeps the hands from being broken, and the dirt out of the watch." " The stem is to take hold of." " The ring is to fasten it to the chain." The names and uses of the parts may be written on the blackboard, and spelled as in former lessons. LESSONS ON OBJECTS. 3V3 HAT. We will have a talk to-day about something that is worn on the head. What do you think it is ? "A cap ;" "A hat;" "A bonnet." I will print the name of it on the blackboard, and then you may tell me what it is. " A hat." Very good. Who will lend me a hat to look at while we talk about it ? Thank you, Willie, I will try to make a good use of your hat. I have placed the word hat on the blackboard; now I will write the words Parts^ Sliape^ and Uses. Now, as I touch a part of the hat, the class may tell me the name of that part. *' Crown." " Brim." "Body." "Band," "Binding." "Lining." "Trim- ming." James may come here and touch the crovm of this hat. Henry may point to the body of the hat. George may show us which part is called the brim. Henry may point to the band. Horace may show us which part is called the binding, John may point to the lining. Charles may show us where the trimmings are. You may now tell me the shape of these parts, and I will write it on the blackboard. " The crown is circu- lar." " The body is like a hemisphere." " The body of most hats are cylindrical." " The brim is circular, somewhat like a flat ring." " The band is like a hoop." The binding^ lining^ etc., have various shapes, and it would not be worth while to trouble a class to try to give the shape of these. Let us now talk about the uses of these parts of the 374 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. hat. The teacher may proceed to ask various ques- tions, until the children have observed and mentioned uses for these several j^arts, and these should be written on the blackboard. When the lesson is completed, it will appear somewhat as follows : HAT. Parts. Shape. Uses. Crown. Circular. To cover the top of the head. Body. Cylindrical. To cover the sides of the head and give shape to the hat. Brim. Flat ring. To protect the face and neck from sun and storm. Band. Like a hoop. To keep the size of the hat. To make it look well. Binding Lining. Trimming. This lesson should be read by the pupils from the blackboard in a manner similar to preceding lessons. SHOES. What do children wear on their feet? "Shoes." "Stockings." "Boots." We will talk about only one of these things to-day, and I will write the name of that one on the black- board. What word did I make ? " Shoes." Whe7i do children wear shoes ? Do they wear shoes all night ? Why do you wear shoes ? Can you tell me what shoes are made of? Which do you think are better to wear — shoes made of leather, or shoes made of cloth ? LESSONS ON OBJECTS. 375 Why do you think shoes made of leather are better than those made of cloth ? What is the man called who makes shoes ? Who can tell me the names of parts of a shoe ? "Toe." "Heel." "Sole." "String." "Upper part." "Inside." "Tongue." Continue the conversation, leading the children to give the names of different kinds of shoes, and their uses. When finished, the lesson ou the blackboard may show the following statements : SHOES. Kinds. Parts. Kid shoes. Toe. Morocco (C Heel. Cloth u Sole. Buttoned u String. Laced li Tongue. Gaiter (C Inside. Slipper C( Upper part. DOOR. What do you open when you go into a room ? " The door." What should you shut when you enter a room ? " The door." What is the use of a door ? What are doors made of? What is the shape of the door ? Which w^ay is the door longer ? " Up and down." What keeps the door from falling down when we open it ? " The hinges." What holds the door shut ? " The latch ; or a lock." 376 PKIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. . Talk with the pupils about the parts of the door, and their uses, until they are able to give information that may be written on the blackboard in a form similar to the following : DOOE. Parts. Descriptions and Uses of Parts. Panels. Oblong thin parts in the centre of the door. Stiles. Long, narrow, upright parts by the sides of the panels. Kails. Horizontal parts at the ends of the panels. Hinges. The iron parts on which the door hangs and moves. ^ * [- Parts used to hold the door shut. Lock. ) Let the pupils read this ; also spell the names of the parts. A LETTER. Show the children letters inclosed in envelopes. Re- quest them to tell the shape of an envelope. Shape. — Oblong, flat. Oolor. — Mivelopes are white, buff, bluish, sometimes straw color. ^\\q paper of the letter is white, sometimes bluish. Parts. — Outside. The envelope is a paper pocket or cover for the letter, to keep it clean, and to prevent any one from seeing what is written in the letter. The writ- iyig on the envelope tells the postman where to take the letter.^ and to whom it should he delivered. The postage stamp., in the upper right-hand corner, ^ays /or carrying the letter. The stamp must be put on the letter before sending it. The seal or gum fastens the letter so that no one can read it before it reaches the person for whom LESSONS OX OBJECTS. 377 it was written. It is a great crime to open a letter that does not belong to you. The post-marJc^ or circu- lar stamp containing letters and figures, near the post- age stamp, tells where the letter loas mailed^ or from what place it was sent ; also when it was sent. Inside. The inside of the letter contains a date^ show- ing lohen and where it was written ; also the name of the person who wrote it. This is called a signature. The writing between the date and the signature tells what the person who wrote the letter wants the person to know to whom it is sent. All of these facts should be properly brought out by showing letters, by conversation, etc., and, when fin- ished, the principal facts may be written on the black- board and read by the pupils. Thimble. — A lesson on the thimUe might lead to a consideration of the following facts relative to it: It tapers toward the top ; is hell-shape ; hollow inside, and fits on the finger like a cap ; is Avorn on the middle fin- ger of the right hand when sewing, to keep the needle from pricking the finger while pushing it through the cloth; the outside is covered with little holes called cells; the cells keep the needle from slipping while pushing it through the cloth ; it has a rim around the bottom to guard the finger from injury should the needle chance to slip ; it has a border around it, be- tween the cells and the rim. Write the outline of the lesson on the blackboard as it proceeds, and let the j^upils review the whole by read- ing the outline when the lesson is finished. The same plan should be pursued with all smiilar lessons. 378 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Key. — A lesson on this object might lead the children to observe the following facts : The hey has a cylin- drical barrel^ which is hollow at one end ; it has an oval- shaped ring at the other end ; it has rings around the barrel ; on one side of the hollow end of the barrel is an oblong piece^ sometimes called the lip ; the lip con- tains grooves or notches. The oval ring is to turn the key; the lip to move the bolt in the lock; the hollow end of the barrel fits on a stem in the lock, which keeps the key in its place while moving the bolt. For what are keys used ? What kinds of keys have you seen ? The methods of conducting the preceding lessons will suggest how lessons may be given on the following ob- jects: Blackboard. Cap. Hammer. Slate. Cup. Needle. Window. Pencil. Knife. Clock. Boot. Book. Numeral Frame. Stove. Broom. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE TEACHER. During the lessons of the "first stage," such heads as the following might be written on the blackboard, and the pupils requested to men- tion appropriate objects, the names of which should be written under the headings to which they relate, as : *' Things we have for hreahfast." " Things we get for dinner."" " What is used in the kitchen." " What is in the parlor.'' *■'' Rooms in a house." " Parts of our clothing." " Things that may he bought at the grocery." " Things that grow in the garden." ^^ Kinds of meat used for food." '■''Kinds of fruit that we eat." LESSONS ON OBJECTS. 3l9 LESSONS ON OBJECTS. SECOND STAGE. Suggestions for the Teacher. — In giving lessons on objects in this stage of training, it will be appropriate to lead the pupils to consider the materials of which the objects are made, their most prom- inent qualities, form, color, size, parts, uses, where found, or by whom made. Care should be taken not to allow these lessons to fall into a barren monotony by requiring the pupils to frequently mention those qualities which are so common to objects as almost to permit their being called universal qualities, as opaque, solid, useful, inanimate, etc. Chief at- tention should be given to the leading characteristics of objects, and especially to those qualities which contribute most to the usefulness of the objects. SPONGE. Pieces of sponge may be shown, and the children al- lowed to handle them, while a conversation is had be- tween the teacher and the j)upils which will lead them to observe that the color of the sponge is yellowish; that it is soft to the touch ; that it is compressible^ or easily squeezed by the hand; that it is elastic^ porous^ and absorbent. The conversation may also consider the itses of the sponge, as for hathmg, for washing carriages^ for clean- ing slates^ etc. ; and what qualities make it useful for these purposes, as soft, comjwessible, elastic, absorbent, s^n^ fibrous. If this lesson has been well presented, the black- board w^ill now contain an outline somewhat as fol- lows, viz. : 380 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Its Qualities. SPONGE. How these make it Useful. Soft. Will not scratch. Compressible. Water may be easily squeezed out. Elasticity. Will quickly return to its shape again. Porous. The holes or pipes enable it to be ab- Absorbent. sorbent, or to suck up liquids. Fibrous. Not easily torn. It is Useful for Washing carriages, cleaning slates, and bathing. Its Color is It is Found Yellowish. On rocks in sea-water. The teacher should now question the pupils aPbout these qualities, their uses, etc., until they clearly under- stand how the sponge becomes useful by possessing these properties. Afterward tell w7ie7'e and how the sponge grows, and how it is obtained. now TPIE SPONGE GROWS. Suppose you were standing by the shore of the Med- iterranean, on a rock which jutted out a little way into the sea, you might observe a pile of sponge fastened under the water on the rock, and, as you watched it carefully, you would see now and then a jelly-like look- ing thing, resembling a drop of the white of an egg, and somewhat of the shape of a pear, but very small, fall off the side of an old sponge. This little thing is called a gemtiiide^ or bud. It has no shell nor skin to cover it, no eyes, no ears, no feet, and no fins, yet it has life, keeps itself from sinking, and not only moves up and down with quickness, but soon it becomes partly covered with fine hairs lik^ eyelashes, called cilia. The LESSONS ON OBJECTS. 381 gemmule moves these cilia about quite rapidly, making a motion in the water, and starts off. As it swims, it looks as if it did not know what it wanted, nor where it was going. But its Creator knows, for He cares for it, and draws the little sjoonge gemmule far away from the old sponge, that it may live in another place, and so spread the good of its existence over the sides and bot- tom of the sea. If two of these gemmules happen to meet and to touch each other, they instantly stop -moving their cilia. The next moment they turn themselves round, and then off they go on their way through the water. After wan- dering about for some three days, the gemmule seems to become tired of roaming, and settles down upon some piece of rock, or shell, or wood, and begins to fasten the smaller end of its body to this hard substance. The place where it settles thus becomes its home as long as it lives. While this gemmule is making itself fast to the rock, its cilia keep the water around it in motion ; but in a few hours after it has fixed itself tight, these cilia become quiet, and this jelly-like animal lies down flat on the rock. Soon after the gemmule has become quiet, a great number of dark spots may be seen floating in its clear little body. These dark spots are the fibres of the sponge beginning to grow in the live jelly. These fibres are made of silex, lime, glue, and albumen, which substances are drawn into the body out of the sea- water. These little spots of sponge soon join together like a net-work, and make a sort of frame-work or skeleton for the live jelly to rest upon. As the sponge's frame-work grows in the gemmule, its live jelly grows too, and the 382 PKIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. jelly fills all the tubes and holes of the sporge, and even covers quite over the outside of the sponge. When the jelly is much grown, a great many fine spikes are sometimes seen to shoot out of the sides of the sponge tubes. It is suj^posed that these fine spikes are made to grow in the inside of the tubes, to prevent the weight of the growing sponge from pressing too heavily upon the live animal jelly. All around that part of the sponge wdiich is fastened on the rock you may see a clear rim of jelly spread out; and when two sponges grow so near each other that these rims touch, they immediately grow together, and make one lump of sponge. Persons have tried to take hold of the living jelly of the sponge, in order to see what it is like ; but they are always disappointed, for as soon as it is taken off the sponge, it turns into a kind of thick oil or glue, and soon dries up. As the sponge grows on the rocks, it throws up many round or cone-like heads, with large holes at the to]). The sides of the sponge are full of little holes or pores. It is by these little holes that the sponge draws the sea- water into its substance ; and after letting t-he water run through the whole mass of its body, the living creature throws out what it does not want through the large holes at the top, and often sends this water out with such force as to cause it to rise up like a little fountain. These sponge animals are of many shapes, according to their species. Some grow like shrubs, some like vases and tubes, and some like globes. All the sponges stick so tight to the rocks upon which they are fastened that the dashing of the waves hardly ever tears them LESSONS ON OBJECTS. 383 off. Ill some places they are seen to cover cliffs and rocks ; in other places their soft bodies line the walls of caves deep undgr the waters ; and sometimes they hang in drooping branches from the roofs of the cav- erns.* Sponge is found in the various parts of the ocean, but the strongest sponge is obtained from the Mediterra- nean Sea. When the sponge is taken from the water, the animal jelly soon dries up and crumbles to pieces. That which we call sponge is the frame-work, or soft bones of the animal. The inhabitants who live near the water where sponges grow are taught to dive for the sponge when they are children. They learn to remain under the water from one to two minutes at a time, pulling the sponges from the rocks, that they may bring them up to the surface and take them on shore. WATER. Talk with the children about what they can do with vKiter ; also about the uses which people make of it, as for drinJcing^ cooking^ washing^ etc. Lead them to ob- serve and tell how it looks, as deai\ transparent ; also that it is cool, tasteless, colorless, and inodorous — it has no smell; that it ^Yi^\flo^o in droj^s and z^e^, conse- quently is a liquid; that it can not be gathered up again when spilled ; that it soaks into the ground, or dries up. Lead the pupils also to observe how the water comes from the clouds as ixiin ; that some of it soaks into the * Hoiv the Sponje grows is from " The Observing Eye." 384 TEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. ground, and some of it runs away in little streams and flows into rivers ; that the rivers flow into the sea. Also that water flows from springs^ that the streams from several springs unite and form a river. Lead them also to observe that water will turn into vap)or or steam by heat, and become hard by cold ; that it is useful to move machinery and warm our houses when in the form of steam ; and valuable as ice in pre- serving various kinds of food during warm weather. At the close of the lesson, the outline on tlie black- board will appear somewhat as follows, viz. : WATER. Qualities. Uses. Where Obtained. Transparent. Drinking. From clouds, as rain. Tasteless. Cooking. " the ground, as springs Colorless. Washing. and wells. Inodorous. Moving machinery and " streams. Liquid. warming houses. ' ' ponds and lakes. Will evaporate. Preserving food in summer. " Freeze. It is the most useful liquid, hence God provides it most abundantly. MILK. A lesson may be given on milk in a manner similar to the one on water. During this lesson these two liquids should be compared. The exercise on Milk should lead the children to consider the following prop- erties, which may be written on the blackboard as each one is talked about durino: the lesson : LESSONS ON OBJECTS. 385 MILK. Properties. Uses. ■ Where Obtained. White. Making cheese. From cows; also from Opaque. " butter. goats, in Switzerland ; Liquid. Cooking. from reindeer, in cold Sweet. Drinking, countries ; from cam- Nutritious. Food for young animals. els, in hot countries. GLASS. Taking pieces of window-glass, and a tumbler, and other kinds of glass, the teacher may lead the children to notice the principal qualities and uses of glass in a manner similar to that pursued in teaching transparency in the lessons on Qualities. Experiments may be had with the glass, and the pupils allowed to feel of it, and look through it, etc. Afterward questions should be asked somewhat like the following, to lead the pupils to consider all the important properties and uses of this material. Who will tell me something about glass ? " We can see through it." What word means can be seen through 9 " Transpa- rent." What else can you tell me about glass ? " It will break easily." What word means icill break easily f " Brittle." What else can you say about it ? " It is smooth." "It is thin." How do you know it is smooth and thin ? " By feel- ing of it." Who can tell more about glass ? -" It is used in win- dows." 386 PRIMABY OBJECT LESSONS. Why do we put glass in windows ? " So we can see through." Suj^pose there were no windows in this room, could you see what is in it ? *' No." What then must be in the room to enable you to see in it? "Light." How does the light get in this room? "It comes through the glass in the window." Then for what other purpose is glass used in win- dows besides seeing through? "To let the light in." Can you see through the door when it is closed ? Can you see through the blackboard ? What is made of glass? "Tumblers; "Dishes;" "Bottles;" "Beads;" "Mirrors;" "Inkstands." You have examined these pieces of glass, now you may tell me the names of the different kinds. " Win- dow-glass;" "Flint-glass;" "Bottle-glass;" "Stained glass." Which is the flint-glass ? " The white, clear glass of which goblets are made." For what is stained glass iTsed ? " For church Avin- dows." When the exercise is finished, the blackboard will con- tain an outline of the lesson somewhat as follows : GLASS. qualities. Uses. Kinds. Hoiv Made. Transparent. Windows. Window. Some kinds by melt- Brittle. Tumblers Plate. ing sand and pot- Smooth. Dishes, Flint. ash together. Colorless. Bottles. Bottle. Stained. Mirrors. Watch crysti Inkstands. als. Stained. LESSONS ON OBJECTS. 387 WOOL. What have I in my hand ? " Some wool." Where does wool come from? "It comes from the back of sheep." How is the wool obtained from the sheep? "It is cut off with large shears." When is it cut off? "When the weather becomes warm in the beginning of summer." What is done with the sheep before the wool is sheared from them ? " They are taken into a stream of water, or into a large tub into which clean water runs, and the wool is washed." Who can tell me of what use wool is to the sheep? "To keep them warm." Yes, wool is the sheep's clothing. Can the sheep make its own clothing ? " No." Who gives the sheep their clothing ? " God ; He makes the wool grow." After the children have felt of a piece of wool, ask, How does the wool feel? "Soft." "Warm." Because avooI is soft and warm, it is very useful for clothing, for it prevents the warmth of the body from passing away, and thus it keeps us warm. Here is a little water in this basin. I will place some wool in it. What do you observe ? " The water has disappeared ; the wool has sucked it up." What did we say of the sponge when we found that it would suck up water? "That it is an ahsorhenV What, then, may we say of wool ? " It is an ahsorhenV Why do we call any thing an absorbent f " Because it sucks up water or other liquids." 388 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Squeeze the wool and then let go of it. What do you observe ? " It is elastic.'^'' What is the color of wool ? " White." Did you ever see a black sheep ? For what is wool used ? " For making cloth for coats, pantaloons, vests, and cloaks ; for flannel, blankets, shawls, carpets, stock- ings, hats, etc." What is done with the wool when cloth is made of it ? " It is spun into yarn, and the yarn is woven into cloth."* You may now read what has been written about wool on the blackboard : WOO] L. Qualities. Uses. Where, when, and how Obtained. Soft. Cloth for clothing. From sheep, when the warm Warm. Shawls. weather begins, after wash- Absorbent. CaiT^ets. ing them, by shearing. Elastic. Blankets. Hats, etc. SALT. This substance may be presented by observation, ex- periment, and conversation, and the children led to con- sider the following qualities, uses, kinds, etc. Qualities. — Saline^ soluble, granular, sparMing, hard, ichite. * The extent to which the teacher should lead the pupils to consider and describe the processes of manufacture of woolen goods must de- pend upon their age and their familiarity with the process employed. In a toAvn where woolen goods are manufactured, it would be proper to extend this subject with the older pupils, so as to include the vari- ous processes of the manufacture of woolen goods. LESSONS ON OBJECTS. 389 Kinds. — Rock salt^ coarse salt^fine or table salt, hay or sea salt. Uses. — Seasoning food, preserving meat, glazing earth- enioare, manure, for animals. It is necessary to liealth and life. Where and how Obtained. — Eoch salt is dug from salt mines in the earth. The salt used in the United States is obtained chiefly from springs and wells of salt water. Coarse salt is made by evaporating the water in shal- low vats, or tanks, by the heat of the sun. Fine or ta- ble salt is made by boiling the brine in large iron kettles. The most extensive salt-works in this country are at Syracuse, New York. SUGAR. Proceed with this substance as with salt ; show speci- mens of it, experiment with it, talk about it, and con- sider the following properties, uses, etc. : Qualities. — Sweet, soluble,fusible, sparkling, crumbling, brittle, nutritious. Kinds. — Broion sugar, loaf sugar, poii^dered sugar, crushed sugar, maple sugar. Uses. — To sweeten food and drinks, as cake, pie, pud- ding, tea, coffee, etc. To preserve fruit. From what Obtained. — Chiefly from sugar-cane ; some from maple-trees. It may be obtained from some kinds of beets ; also from sorghum. GLUE. By suitable observation and experiments, lead the children to consider the folio win aste is baJced in them. The pans are greased before the paste is poured in to keep the wafer from sticking. Several of these large loafer sheets are placed in a pile, and the wafers are cut out vnth circular punches. Illustrate the process of cutting by talking with the children about cutting dough into cakes with a cake-cutter, or a punch for cutting holes in leather or tin. Tell them that the paint used for coloring is poison- ous ; hence we must not eat wafers, nor hold them in the mouth. When the lesson is finished, the blackboard may con- tain something like the following : Slwpe and Qualities. Circular, Thin. Smooth. Glossy. Brittle. Adhesive. Of various colors. Poisonous. WAFEES. Uses. Fastening letters ; also for seals after names of persons signed to deeds and other le- gal documents. How Made. Made of thin flour paste, colored with paint; pressed and baked in smooth iron pans ; cut out with circular punches. 398 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. LEAD. Show the children pieces of lead in sheets, bars, pipe, bullets, etc. By experiments, lead them to observe its properties ; and talk with them about its uses, w^here found, how obtained, and tell them such facts as they can not readily ascertain. Afterward the pupils may be required to tell all they can about lead, under the guidance of the teacher, and the names of the several properties, uses, etc., may be written on the blackboard as they are observed and described by the pupils. Care should be taken not to allow one or two pupils to do all the talking ; encourage each one to tell something about the lesson. What can you say about lead. " It is heavy. I know this by lifting it." " It will sink in water. I know this by experimenting." " It is soft. I knoAV this because it is easily cut, or scratched, or dented ; also because it will mark on paper." "It is softer than any other metal." "It y^ pliable. I know this because it is easily bent." "It Infusible. I know this because it melts in fire." " It is malleable. I know this because it can be made into thin sheets by pounding it." For what is lead used ? " For water-pipes." " Bullets and shot." " Lining tea chests." " For solder, by mix- ing it with tin." " On roofs of houses, for gutters, etc." Where is lead obtained? "From lead mines in the earth." What is it called when dug out of the earth ? " Lead ore." " It is smelted in furnaces, to separate it from the earth." What are those called who work with lead ? " Plumb- ers." LESSONS ON OBJECTS. 399 The princiiDal facts of the lesson should be read from the blackboard by the pupils. Similar lessons may be given on iro7i^ copper^ silvej% gold, etc. Iron.' — Qualities. — Hard, ductile, tenacious, mallea- ble, fusible, heavy. Uses. — For stoves ; cooking uten- sils ; made into steel for knives, and forks, and tools ; used for railroads, car-wheels, wagons, houses, bridges, boats, etc. Where found. — In the earth. Called ore. Smelted in large furnaces. Fire very hot. Iron, when converted into steel, exceeds in hardness other metals. It is more ductile than gold, and may be drawn into a wire as fine as human hair. It is the most tenacious of the metals ; a wire of one tenth of an inch in diameter will support 550 pounds. In the state of steel it is the most elastic of metals. It is also the most useful of metals. Copper. — Heavy, tenacious, sonorous, fusible, ductile, malleable, poisonous. It is eight times heavier than water. A wire one tenth of an inch in thickness will support 300 pounds. It is the most deeply sonorous of all the metals. It is more easily melted than iron. It is used for printing pictures ; for printing cahco ; for makipg brass, by mixing zinc with it ; for bronze, by mixing tin with it ; for making bells, gongs, etc. Silver. — Heavy, ductile, malleable, tenacious, fusible, brilliant, reflective, not aftected by common acids. Silver is about eleven times heavier than water. It can be drawn into the finest wire. It can be reduced to an extreme thinness. A wire of silver one tenth of an inch in thickness will support 200 pounds. Gold. — Heavy, malleable, ductile, tenacious, fusible, brilliant. Gold is considered a perfect metal, because it does not change nor 400 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. lose any of its weight when melted. It is nineteen times heavier than water. It is the most malleable of metals : a piece of gold of the size of a pin's head may be hammered out so as to cover a space of fifty square inches. It is so ductile that one dollar can be drawn out into a wire that will reach nearly two miles. Its tenacity is much less than that of iron. A wire one tenth of an inch in diameter will support 160 pounds. Other Lessons on Objects may be given during this stage upon Whalebone, India-rubber, Camphor, Cotton, Linen, Silk, Mirror, Snow and Ice, Brass, etc. The teacher may also write on the blackboard the following heads, and the pupils be required to ascertain and give appropriate informa- tion to be written under each, as : What may be seen in a farm-yard. Materials used for building. Materials used for furniture. Tools used by a carpenter. Tools used by a shoemaker. What may be bought at a hardware store. How to air the house. Things made of iron. Things made of wood. Things made of leather. Things made of glass. Things made of India-rubber. Things made of wool. What farmers plant. What farmers sow. Grains that farmers raise. Kinds of fruits. Kinds of nuts. Kinds of vegetables that we eat. HUMAN BODY. 'A healthful body and a vigorous mind, A countenance serene, expanded chest, Heroic stature, and a temperate tongue." An examination of the Human Body ever awakens feelings of wonder in each observer, as it did when the divine psalmist exclaimed, " I am fearfully and wonder- fully made." One of the most curious and remarkable things in the world is the house that each human being lives in — the hody. A knowledge of its frame-work, its parts, the uses of each, and how to keep it in good con- dition, is of the greatest importance to every one, and especially so to the young. When lessons on the Human Body are properly pre- sented, it becomes not only an appropriate object of ex- amination and study for children, but one of the most important and interesting subjects that claim their at- tention. These lessons are valuable for leading chil- dren to habits of taking a proper care of their bodies, as well as for the knowledge which they impart, as a foun- dation for a subsequent study of physiology. These lessons will furnish suitable opportunities for correcting any vague and imperfect notions which chil- dren may have acquired about their bodies, and for giv- ing them suitable terms for description; also for pre- paring them to understand many wonderful details in the modification and adaptation of the organs of ani- 402 rPvIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. mals to their peculiar habits, propensities, and locali- ties. The summaries given in the following exercises, which appear in smaller type, are intended to be repeated by the pupils, to aid them in remembering the facts taught in the several lessons on the Human Body; but in no case should a summary be presented to the pupils be- fore they have been taught the facts which it contains by a training exercise. It is just that I should state that these summaries were prepared, nearly as given here, by Miss [Margaeet W. Lewis, the teacher for object lessons in the Primary Department of School No. 49, in this city, for the classes of that school. The success of these lessons, as given by Miss Lewis during the past two years to some two thousand children, between the ages of six and ten years, led me to make arrangements with her to incor- porate the summaries into a series of training lessons on the Human Body, in place of those given in the for- mer editions of this work. Miss Lewis also furnished some of the material for the training lesions. I trust that these exercises can be readily given by teachers, and that they will be found interesting and profitable. THE HUMAN BODY. 403 TRAINING LESSONS ON THE HUMAN BODY. FIRST EXERCISE. The Human Body as a Whole. — The lessons on the Human Body may be introduced by means of conver- sations about our bodies — those of children and of grown persons ; what children can do ; what men and women can do ; also about houses as places to live in ; then about the body as the house of the soul. Talk about the building of houses, their frames, and coverings. Afterward request the children to feel of the face, arms, etc., and then tell of what their bodies are built. Some will probably say, " Of bones." What covers the bones ? " Flesh." What covers the flesh ? " Skin." Of what, then, may you say the frame of your body is built? "Of bones." With what is y.our body covered ? " With flesh and skin." You may say, 3Iy body is built ofbones^ covered icith flesh and sUn. I will print this on the blackboard, and you may read it. SECOND EXERCISE. Parts of the Body. — The teacher can best illustrate the principal parts of the body by showing a doll to the class. Let the pupils name and tell the position of the head, the neck, the body or trunk, the arms, the hands, 404 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. the legs, and the feet, as each is pointed out by the teacher. An appropriate conversation should be had about these parts, and the children led to point out and name the same parts of their own bodies. One pupil may stand before the class, and point out each of these parts as the teacher names them. Then the class may name them as the pupil points them out in the same order as before. When a sufficient variety of exercises have been had, and the pupils can readily point out and name all of these parts, in order and out of order, and have learned to know their right and left hands, etc., the teacher may print on the blackboard, for the pupils to read, the fol- lowing : PARTS OF MY BODY. The parts of my body are my head, my neck, my trunl'-i my arms, my hands, my legs, mjfeet. As the children repeat the above, let them touch each part as it is named by them. THIRD EXERCISE. Breathing. — The teacher may take a deep, full breath, and request the children to stand up and imitate her. When they have repeated this several times, ask them what they have been doing. " Breathing" will be the answer of some. Do we breathe all the time ? " Yes." Do you breathe when you are asleep ? If the children can not answer, tell them to watch their baby brother or sister when it is asleep. If you should stop breathing, what would happen ? " We would die." THE HUMAN BODY. 405 Now let the pupils repeat the full breathing, and lead their attention to the drawing in and throwiiig out of something, which they may feel by holding the hand before the mouth. Ask them what they call that which they feel blowing upon the hand ? Some of the chil- dren will say "Wind." Tell them that wind is only air moving. Also talk about air, and lead the children to understand that we take it into the body when we draw in the breath, and that we throw out the air again, then take in more, and so on. Now who can tell me what you breathe through? "The mouth." "The nose." You may hold your hand on your chest, between your arms, and take a full breath. Now where does the air go that you take in when you breathe? "In the trunk." "In my body." "In my chest." The teacher may now tell the pupils something about the windpipe and the lungs, and that the lungs are our breathing machines. When the pupils appear to under- stand these facts about breathing, they may be required to read the following from the blackboard : BKEATHING. I breathe through my nose and my mouthy and take the air into my lungs. FOURTH EXERCISE. The Blood. — Children, if you prick your finger, what will flow out? "Blood." If you cut your foot, what will flow from it ? "Blood. " If you scratch your face, what will flow from it? " Blood." 406 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Where is the blood in your body ? " In all parts of it." "All through it." Where do you think the blood comes from ? " From the head," some may answer. 'Now place your right hand on your left side. What do you feel ? " Something beats." " I feel my heart." Show me how it beats by moving your hand. Now tell the pupils that every time the heart beats it throws out blood, which passes through tree-like pipes or tubes to every part of the body. When does the blood flow through the body? "When the heart beats." Does the heart beat when we are asleep ? " It does not." "It does." Correct the error of those who think the heart does not beat while we sleep by leading them to understand what would happen to us should the heart stop beat- ing. The pupils may now read the summary from the blackboard : THE BLOOD. The blood flows through my body all the time from my heart. It will now be proper to talk about blood being made from our food and drink; of its flowing through the body, leaving something in every part of it to keep it alive and make it grow ; of its taking away the Avaste particles, and thus becoming impure, and needing to be changed or purified before it is fit to go through the body again. Tell the pupils that the impure blood goes into the lungs, and there meets the air that we breathe in, and that the air takes away the waste particles, and makes the blood pure, or freshens it, after which it re- turns to the heart, and is again sent all through the THE HUMAN BODY. 407 body. Lead the children to understand the importance of eating wholesome food and breathing pure air, that the blood may be in a good condition for building up the body. Now the summaries of the four exercises may be placed on the blackboard, and repeated by the pupils, each one touching the parts mentioned. The whole subject may also be reviewed by questions ; ABOUT MY BODY. My body is built of hones, covered with flesh and shin. The parts of my body are my head, my trunk, my arms, my hands, my legs, my feet. I breathe through my nose and my mouth, and take the air into my lungs. The blood flows through my body all the time from my heart. FIFTH EXERCISE. Head and its Parts. — Talk with the children about the head and its parts ; where it is ; its shape ; what we do with it ; what it is covered with ; where the face is ; which part we see most ; where the ears are ; what the top of the head is called; about the nose, mouth, etc. ; and let the pupils touch each part as it is talked about. "When the pupils have become familiar with the parts of the head, they may learn to repeat the following summary from the blackboard, at the same time touch- ing each part mentioned : THE HEAD. The parts of my head are the crown, the back, the sides, my face, and my two ears. 408 PKIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. SIXTH EXERCISE. Face and its Parts. — Talk with the children about the face and its parts ; its shape, round, or oval, narrow part lowest down ; the forehead, the highest part of the face ; the temples on each side of the head, in front of the ears ; the eyes below the forehead, each side of the nose ; the nose in the middle of the face, long up and down ; the cheeks are each side of the face, soft and smooth; the mouth below the nose; the chin below the mouth, the lowest part of the face, pointed, some- times has a little hollow in it called a dimple. Teach the children that the face tells many things about us — when we feel happy, when we feel sad, when we feel ashamed, when we are good, and when naughty. Neck and Throat. — Talk with the pupils about the neck, to join the head to the body; its shape; how it can bend, and turn; the back of the neck, and the throat ; that the throat contains the windpipe and the food passage, etc. Let the pupils now learn the following summary from the blackboard, and touch each part mentioned : FACE AND NECK. The parts of my face are mj forehead, my two temples, my two eyes, my nose, my two cheeks, my mouth, and my chin. The parts of my neck are the hack of my neck, and my throat. SEVENTH EXERCISE. Trunk and its Parts. — Talk with the pupils about the back, its position, how it will bend ; about the sides ; THE HUMAN BODY. 409 about the chest, its use ; the shoulders, and their posi- tion on the sides of the trunk at the top; the arms, joined to each shoulder; the hands, at the end of each arm ; the legs, as two props on which the trunk rests, and which keep it up from the ground ; the knees, at the middle of each leg; the feet, at the end of each leg, to enable us to stand. When the pupils have learned the position and names of these parts, they may learn the following summary from the blackboard, and touch each part : TEUNK. The parts of my trunk are my hack, my two sides, my chest, my two shoulders, my two arms, my two hands, my two legs, my two knees, my two feet ; and now I am sitting erect. EIGHTH EXERCISE. Arms and the Parts. — Talk with the children about the arm, its use for reaching things ; lead them to no- tice its two parts joined at the elbow, and why it is better to have two parts than one, by illustrating the movements of the arm without bendinsj it at the elbow. Request the children to bend their wrist and elbow joints in every possible direction. Show them the hinges on a box, or shutter, or door, and let them com- pare the movements of their elbow and wrist joints with those of the hinges ; then request them to tell what name may be given to these joints. Some children will say " Hinge-joint." NoAV let the children move the arm at the shoulder ; tell them that the end of the upper arm is rounded like a ball, and that it fits into a hollow place or cup. Then ask. What name may be given to the joint at the shoul- S 410 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. der? "Ball and cup joint" some will say. Tell them we call it a hall and socket joint. The pupils may now learn the following summary from the blackboard : ARM. My arm has two parts and three joints ; my upper-arm and ray fore- arm ; my shoulder-]omi, my elbow-^oint, my wrist-]oi\\t. NINTH EXERCISE. Hand and its Parts. — Talk about the hand, and its uses for liolding^ throioing, catching^ liftmg^ pulling^ and feeling y about using one hand more than the other; about the parts of the hand — the back of the hand, where the knuckles are ; the palm of the hand, inside ; of the lingers, naming each ; of the thumb, showing how it can touch each of the fingers; of the joints, and number in the thumb and in each finger ; the nails ; veins ; tips of the fingers ; the ball of the thumb ; and the lines where the flesh is bent. Compare the skin with the tight-fitting glove, and inquire why it would not be as well to have the flesh drawn tightly over the bones ; also talk about the importance of clean hands and clean nails. The pupils may now learn the summary for the HAND. My hand is used in holding, throwing, catching, lifting, pulling, and feeling. The pa^m of my hand.* The 6ac^ of my hand. Mj fingers, my thumb, ray forefinger, my middle finger, my ring-finger, my little finger. My knuckles, nxj finger-joints, my nails. The tips of my fingers, the veins, the hall of my thumb, and the lines where the flesh is bent. * As this is spoken the children clap their hands. They also touch each part as it is mentioned by them. THE HUMAN BODY. 411 TENTH EXERCISE. Leg and its Parts. — Talk about the parts of the leg, and their uses when standing, walking, running, jump- ing, and sitting ; of their position, shape, etc. ; of the thigh, the upper part nearest the body ; of the knee, joining the thigh to the lower leg ; of the knee-pan — its uses ; of the lower leg with two bones ; of the hip-joint — a ball and socket joint ; the knee-joint ; and the an- kle. Let the pupils now learn the summary of the LEG. My leg has two parts and three joints. My thigli, and my lower leg. My hijj-joint, my knee-joint, my ankle-joint. ELEVENTH EXERCISE. Foot and the Parts. — Talk with the children about the uses of the foot for standing, walking, running, jumping, and skating; about the instep, the part in front of the ankle, top of the foot ; the toes, their num- ber, names, etc. ; the sole, the bottom part ; the ball, the part on which the foot rests; the a7xh, or hollow, the part between the ball and heel ; the use of the toe- nails, to protect the toes, etc. These parts may be il- lustrated by showing a shoe. The summary of the lesson may now be learned : FOOT. My foot is used in standing, walking, running, jumping, and skat- ing. My instep, my toes, the sole of my foot, the ball, the hollow, ray heel, my toe-joints, and my toe-nails, which protect my toes. 412 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. TWELFTH EXERCISE. Review. — At this stage the teacher should carefully review the exercises on the A7*ms, Hand^ Leg^ JFoot, and their parts, by questions, etc. Afterward the pupils may be taught to repeat the following SUMMARY OF THE LIMBS. My arm has two parts and three joints ; my upper arm, and my fore-arm ; my shoulder-joint, my elbow-joint, my wrist-joint. My hand is used in holding, throwing, catching, lifting, pulling, and feeling. The palm of my hand, the bach of my hand. My fingers, my thumb, my forefinger, my middle finger, my ring-finger, my little finger. My knuckles, my finger-joints, my nails. The tips of my fingers, the veins, the ball of my thumb, and the lines Mhere the flesh is bent. My leg has two parts and three joints. My tliigh, and my lower leg. My hip-joint, my knee-joint, my ankle-joint. My foot is used in standing, walking, running, jumping, and skat- ing. My instep, my toes ; the sole of my foot, the ball, the hollow ; my heel, my toe-joints, and my toe-nails, which protect my toes. Suggestions for Teachers. — In each of these exei-cises, it should be distinctly understood that in the conversations had with the pupils, the teacher should lead the children to observe and tell as much as possible about the subject under consideration. The point or fact which they should be led to notice is only briefly given in the exercise ; the teacher should lead the pupils to perceive these facts by conversa- tions and questions. Sometimes the several parts of the summary may be written on the blackboard as the lesson proceeds ; but in some of the exercises it may be found necessaiy to talk about each fact, and then review all by leading the pupils to tell what may be written on the blackboard about the lesson, N. B. — The twelve preceding exercises may be completed before the children finish reading in the Primer, or first reading-book. BONES OF THE HUMAN BODY. 413 LESSONS ABOUT THE BONES OF THE HUMAN" BODY. FIRST EXERCISE. Names, Shape, and Number of Bones. — Let the chil- dren feel of their arms, hands, face, head, etc., and learn that all 25arts of the body do not feel alike ; that some are hard and some soft. Ask, What makes this differ- ence? "Bones." Let the children ascertain that there are hones in every i^art of the body — in the head, face, neck, shoul- ders, trunk, arms, hands, legs, feet ; also that the hones are not all in 07ie piece ; that in some parts of the body a great tnany small hones are joined together. Lead the pupils to observe that the hones are of different sizes and shape^ as the long bones of the legs and arms, the small bones of the hands, etc. That those of the skull are curved and cup-like ; those of the shoulders, flat ; those of the arm and legs, round like a cylinder. Tell the children that there are about two hundred hones in the whole hody^ besides the teeth ; that the face has fourteen hones ; the ear has four little hones., which are the smallest bones in the body ; that the root of the tongue has one hone. Let the pupils notice that the lower jaw is hinged to the skull, at the back part of the jaw. Bones of the Trunk. — The children may now touch the back-bone, and the teacher give them its name — spine., writing it on the blackboard. Li the same manner they may touch, and the teacher .414 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. give the name and write the Avorcl, as before, of the curved hones in the sides — ribs y the upright hone in front of the chest — hreast-hone ; the hones near the top of the hack — shoulder-hlades ; the ho7ies crossing from the hreast-hon'e to the shoidder-hlades — collar-hones. The pupils may now learn the summary of BONES IN HEAD AND TRUNK. My bones are hard ; they make my body strong, and keep it upright. There are more than two hundred bones in my body. The bones of my head are my skull^ my lower ^ aw. My face has fourteen bones. My ear has four small bones, and at the root of my tongue is one bone. The bones of my trunk are my spine, my ribs, my hreast-bone^ my two shoulder-blades, and my collar-bones. SECOND EXERCISE. Bones cf the Arm and Hand. — Lead the children to notice that there is only one bone in the upper arm ; that there are two bones in the /ore-arm/ eight bones ill the wrist j that from the wrist to the knuckles there are five bones in the hand ; two in the thumh ^ three ill each of the fingers, making nineteen bones in the hand. BONES OF ARM AND HAND. My upper arm has one bone ; raj fore-arm has two bones ; my wrist has eight bones ; f-om my wrist to my knuckles are five bones ; my thumb has two bones ; each Jinger has three bones, making nineteen bones in my hand. [Here let the pupils point to and count the bones of the hand, commencing at the thumb knuckle, and ending with the lower bone of the little finger.] BONES OF THE HUMAN BODY. 415 THIRD EXERCISE. Bones of the Leg and Foot. — Tell the pupils of the one bone in the thigh^ which is the longest bone in the body ; of two bones in the loicer leg; of one bone over the ^'/zee-joint, called the Jcnee-pan ; of seven bones, 7iear the heel, in the foot ; of five bones in the middle of the foot ; of two bones in the great toe; of three in each of the other toes ; and that the whole number of bones in the leg and foot is thirty. BONES OF LEG AND FOOT. My thigh has one bone ; my lower leg has two bones ; my hnee-pan is one bone ; in my foot, near my heel^ are seven bones ; in the middle of my foot are five bones. My great toe has two bones ; each of my other toes has three bones, making thirty bones in my leg and foot. Suggestions for the Teacher. — These exercises on the hones may be reviewed, and the several summaries taught together, as in the twelfth exercise. The lessons about the bones may be commenced before the pupils have finished their first reading-book. 416 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. LESSONS ON THE OKGANS OF THE SENSES. FIRST EXERCISE. Introduction. — Talk with the children about the uses of windows and doors to a house ; also about the win- dows and doors to the tody — the house of the soul ; of the mouth, as the door for food and drink, and the taste of things to go in, and the voice to come out ; of the nose, as the door where the breath goes in and comes out, and where the smell of things goes in ; of the em\ as the door where sounds go in ; of the eyes^ as the win- dows where the soul looks out, and sees the beautiful things in the world ; of the eyelids^ as curtains for these windows. The Eyes. — Talk with the children about the uses of the eyes ; of their shape — round like a ball ; of their movements — as upward, downward, to the right, to the left. Illustrate the movements by requesting the chil- dren to hold their heads still and look down at the floor, then up at the ceiling, then to the right, then to the left of them. The teacher may look in this manner, and request the children to observe the movement of her eyes. Where children have an opportunity for observ- ing the eyes of fowls and birds, let them notice that their eyes are placed on the sides of their heads, and that they do not move them around as Ave do ours. Thus lead them to see that our eyes are placed in the very best position for us. By showing a cube, cone, cylinder, and sphere, lead ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 417 the pupils to observe that the ball-shape is the best form for an eye. Tell them that the eyes are called eyeballs^ because they are round like balls ; also tell them of the great delicacy of the eye, and its need of protection. Lead them to notice how it is protected from injury by feeling of the forehead, the temples, the cheeks, and nose, thus observing that the eyes are placed in deep cups, or sockets of bones. Eyelids. — Let the children also notice and talk about the two eyelids^ that can be dravvn up and down like curtains, or some window-blinds, and thus protect the eyes by shutting out the light when it is too strong; also by covering them when we sleep, and keeping dust from getting into the eyes. Parts of the Eye. — To lead the children to observe the parts of the eye, let them look at each other's eyes, and notice the white of the eye, that part which is called the eyeball ; also the colored rmg inside the white, called the iris ; that the ring is not of the same color in all eyes ; also to notice the small circular spot^ like a hole, in the centre. Tell the children that this black, circu- lar spot is the part that we see with ; that it is called the pupil of the eye ; that the colored ring around the pupil is called the iris / that it is a curtain to close and open the pupil ; that when the sun shines brightly this curtain draws together around the pupil and leaves a very small spot uncovered, so that only a little light can get in; when we are in a room where there is but little light, this curtain opens and the pupil becomes large, so as to let in enough light to enable us to sec. Request the pupils to observe the eyes of cats in a light room, also in a dark room, and notice the difference in the size of the pupils of their eyes ; also the shape of S2 418 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. their pupils. After the children have observed the cat's eyes, talk with them about the use of their having pu- pils that can be opened so wide as to enable them to see in the night. SECOND EXERCISE. The Tears. — The children may be told that the tears come into the eye-socket at the outer corner, and pass out at the inner corner of the eye into the nose ; that sometimes the tears flow into the eyes so fast that they can not all pass out through the small opening into the nose ; then they run over the eyelids, and fall on the cheeks. Did your tears ever run over the eyelids? What made them do so ? To lead the children to understand the use of tears, talk with them about their mother using oil on her sewing-machine. Why does she use the oil on the ma- chine ? " To make it go easily." " To keep it clean." " To keep it from wearing out." We are moving our eyes about nearly all the time, and they keep clean, and move easily, and do not seem to wear out by rubbing against the sockets. Can you tell me what washes your eyes, and oils them so that they move easily, and do not wear out ? " The tears." Yes, the tears keep the eye moist, and the eyelids wash it like a soft sponge. Eyelashes. — Let the children notice the hair-fringes along the edge of the eyelids, called the eyelashes ; tell them that these help to keep out the dust by brushing it away when we wink; that they also help to shield the eye from strong light ; and they make the eye more beautiful. ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 419 Eyebrows. — The pupils may observe the arches of hair, called eyebroios^ which project over the eyes some- what like the eaves of a house ; and notice their crescent- like shape. Tell the pupils that these help to keep the perspiration which rolls down the forehead from get- ting into the eyes ; that the eyebrows conduct the per- spiration down the sides of the face ; that they also make the eyes and face appear more beautiful. Direct their attention to the wonderful structure of the eye; its beauty; its uses; how it enables us to gain knowledge ; and the importance of taking care of our eyes. Ask the children, Who gave us our eyes, and placed them so that they may be preserved from injury ? Now request the pupils to assist in forming short sentences, which will tell what has been learned about the eye. Thus the following summary of the lesson may be placed on the blackboard, and learned by the children : THE EYE. I have two eyes to see with. They are like balls in deep, bony sock- ets^ which protect them from injmy. The black circle in the middle is the pupil or window of my eye. The colored ring around the pupil is the iris or curtain. The white part is the eyeball. My upper and lovjer eyelids cover my eyes and protect them from dust. My eyelashes are for beauty, and to brush the dust away from my eyes. My eye- brows keep the perspiration from rolling into my eyes ; and they are also for beauty. My eyes are washed by tear-drops every time I wink my eyelids. To presers'e my eyes, I must keep them clean and cool ; I must not read or sew in a faint light. 420 PKIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. THIRD EXERCISE. The Ears. — Lead the children to observe the position of the ears, each side of the head ; their shape^ concave or dish-shape, to catch sounds ; of the outer edge, or r*m / the flap^ the lower, soft part, in which ear-rings are placed ; the opening or passage which leads to the place where the sounds are made, the drum of the ear — a part which can not be seen, as it is about an inch from the outer opening. Tell the children that sounds are produced by waves of air striking against the drum of the ear, and that the hearing nei^ves, inside the drum, receive the sound. Il- lustrate the waves of air by the circles formed on the surface of water when a stone is thrown into it. Tell them of the danger of injury to the drum by putting a pin or other hard substance into the ear. Call attention to the bitter icax in the ]3assage of the ear ; to its yellow color ; its use for keejjing insects from going into the ears, it being so unpleasant that insects avoid it, and so sticky that they could not crawl through it ; that sometimes a great deal of this wax collects in the ear, and stops up the passage, and prevents the waves of air from going in to the drum ; that the ears should be kept clean. Also tell the children about the stiff hairs in the passage, and that the wax collects around the roots of these hairs. Now teach the pupils the following summary from the blackboard : THE EAR. My ears are to hear witli. The rim of my ear ; the flap of my ear ; ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 421 the di-um of my ear. The drum of my ear is protected by short, stiff hairs, and by hitter wax about the roots of these hairs. To preserve my hearing, I must keep my ears clean, and not injure the drum with a pin or any thing else. FOURTH EXERCISE. The Nose— its Parts. — Lead the children to notice the position of the nose, in the middle of the face, over the month ; of the bridge, or top ; the point, or tip / the nostrils, the oval openings through which we breathe and smell ; the cartilage, which separates the nostrils. Tell the pupils that the cartilage is like the white, tough substance seen in beef, called gristle. Tell them, also, that the inside of the nostrils are lined with a spongy kind of flesh, and that just below the thin skin of this soft substance are the smelling nerves. Uses. — Let the children notice how easily we breathe through the nostrils, with the mouth closed ; the use of the sense of smell, to enable us to know whether our food is good or bad before putting it in the mouth ; to give us pleasure in smelling sweet odors; of the use of the nose in making the voice agreeable. Now let the pupils learn the summary of THE NOSE. My nose is to smell and breathe with. It is in the middle of my face. The bridge of my nose ; the tip of my nose ; my two nostrils ; the cartilage, which separates my nose into two parts. My nostrils lead to a passage back of the mouth, through which I breathe. I must not destroy my sense of smell by using snuff. 422 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. FIFTH EXERCISE, The Mouth— its Uses. — Talk about the mouth as the l^lace from which the voice comes ; of its use for eating and drinking, that the body may be sustained ; of its use for breathing when the nose is stopped. Parts of the Mouth. — Lead the pupils to notice the two lips — the upper lip and the lower lip ; their shape, curved and rounded ; and color, red ; their motion — up and down, out and in ; also that they are soft. Of the tongue ; its uses for speaking, eating, and drinking ; of its color and shape ; covered with little red dots ; that it is the organ of taste ; root of the tongue., fastened in the throat, yet soft and flexible, and can be moved about easily ; of the teeth., for chewing ; and the jaiL^s., of which only the lower one moves when we eat ; and the gums^ the flesh which covers the jaws. The following summary may now be learned of THE MOUTH. I use my mouth for speaking, eating^ and breathing. My upper Up) ; my lower lip. In my mouth are my tongue, to talk with ; my upper teeth; my lower teeth; and my upj^er and lower jaws, covered with flesh called gums. SIXTH EXERCISE. The Teeth. — Direct the attention of the children to their teeth. Ask the pupils where they are ; how ar- ranged ; of what they are made; tell them about the enamel — the white, hard substance which covers the teeth; that eating unrij^e, sour fruit will injure the enamel. Lead the pupils to notice that their teeth are ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 423 not all alike ; that some are sharp for hitmg or cutting, as the front teeth ; that some are pointed for tearing, like those each side of the four cutting teeth ; that some are broad, for chewing or grinding, like the back teeth. Let the children count the number of their teeth in each jaw. Tell them about the first set of teeth, those that came when they were little children; how a new set of teeth grow under them, and push the first ones out. Lead the pupils to notice the difierence between their own teeth and those of cats and dogs. Tell them of the use of the teeth in talking. This may be illustrated by the use of the teeth in making some of the sounds of letters. Let the children now learn and repeat the summary for THE TEETH. My teeth are used in eating and talking. My teeth are covered with enamel. A grown person has four kinds of teeth — cutting teeth, tear- ing teeth, crushing teeth, and grinding teeth. In each jaw there are f our front teeth, ov ctitters ; two tearers ; two crushers ; 2indi four grind- ers. A young child has twenty teeth — ten in each jaw ; a grown per- son has thirty-two teeth — sixteen in eachjaiv. To preserve my teeth, I must keep them clean ; I must not scratch the enamel. I must not eat unripe fruit, nor drink any thing very hot or very cold. I must not use my teeth for scissors, or nut-crackers. SEVENTH EXERCISE. Eating. — A very important lesson on eating may be given the children while they are taking their lunch. Lead them 4o notice that they move only the lower jaw; that the upper jaw does not move; that the food is rolled about by the tongue ; that it becomes moist with saliva before it is swallowed ; that we cut or bite 424 PEIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. our food with the front teeth; that we grind it with the back teeth. Tell them of the imj^ortance of chew- ing the food finely before swallowing it ; that we have no control over it after it is swallowed. Tell them about the two tubes in the throat — one, the food-pipe, leading to the stomach ; the other, the wind- pipe, leading to the lungs. That the windpipe has a trap-door to close it when we swallow. That the food passes over this trap-door ; that when we talk or laugh this trap-door opens ; that sometimes, on its way down, a little bit of food gets into the windpipe, and produces violent coughing and great distress. Tell the children of the danger of laughing, or talking, or causing others to laugh when they are swallowing food or drink. Let the pupils now learn the following summary of EATING. When I eat, I move my lower jaw only. The tongue brings my food between my teeth. The cutters cut it ; the tearers tear it ; the crushers crush it ; the grinders grind it. The saliva moistens it ; and my tongue helps me to swallow it. To preserve my health, I must not eat too often nor too fast. I must not swallow my food until it is well chewed. I must not talk or laugh while swallowing. Suggestions for Teachers. — These exercises on the "Organs of the Senses" may be given to any class in the First, Second, or Third Reader, provided that each fact is so presented that the children un- derstand it. But to teach any class to repeat a summary of a lesson without first gifftig the pupils a training exercise on that subject would be a violation of the principles of good teaching. ^ N.B. — It Avill add interest to each summar}^ of these lessons to allow the children, as they repeat them, to touch or point to the parts men- tioned, as indicated by the words printed in italics. SHAPE, USES, AND GKOWTH OF BONES. 425 LESSON ON THE SHAPE, USES, AND GEOWTH OF BONES. FIRST EXERCISE, The Skull.— Let the children feel of the head ; tell how it feels, and why it feels hard ; notice its shape ; tell them the name of the bones of the head — skull ; also that the skull is composed of several pieces of thin bones joined together at the edges. Cut pieces of pa- per to illustrate the toothed edges of the skull bones, and show how they are hooked together. Tell them that the bones of the skull are not perfect on the top of a baby's head ; that care should be taken not to injure the tender skull of a young child. Tell them also about the use of the skull as a case for pro- tecting the brain from injury. A summary may be written on the blackboard of THE SKULL. My skull is formed of several bones, united at the edges like two saws with hooked teeth. SECONP EXERCISE. Backbone. — Let the children show the position of the hacJcbone^ and feel of its projections at the back of the neck. Tell them that these bones, which they can feel, are a part of the SJt9^??e, or backbone ; that the spine is composed of about tioenty-four bones, piled upon each other somewhat like a pile of cups, or saucers, bottom 426 PRIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. side up ; that between these bones is a thick, tough gristle, or elastic eartilage^ which allows the bones of the back to move freely. Tell the children that the pile of bones and cartilages which form the backbone is called the spinal column. Illustrate the term column, and lead the pupils to un- derstand that it is 2i flexible column. Lead them also to consider the advantages " of having the backbone composed of several pieces, and made to bend easily. The pupils may now be requested to aid in construct- ing the summary for the SPINE. My spine extends from the base of my skull^ behind, down the middle of my hack. It is made up of twenty-four short bones, piled one upon the other, with elastic cartilages between them. These bones are fast- ened together, forming an upright and flexible column^ which makes me erect and graceful. THIRD EXERCISE. Ribs. — Let the children touch their ribs, and lead them to ascertain that these bones are fastened to the spine and breast-bone ; that they have twelve ribs on each side ; that seven on each side extend to the breast- bone, and the other five are connected with it by carti- lages ; that the shape of the ribs is curved. Show a picture of the ribs, and lead th^ pupils to see that these bones form a cage or hollow place to hold and protect the heart, lungs, and stomach. Tell the children of the strength of the ribs ; also that they are light. Lead them to understand why these bones should be strong and light. Show them the im- portance of wearing clothing so that it shall not press SHAPE, USES, AND GROWTH OF BONES. 427 the ribs together, and leave too little room for the heart and lungs. The pupils may now assist the teacher in construct- ing the summary for THE EIBS. I have twenty-four ribs, twelve on each side. They are fastened at the back to my spine, in front to my breast-bone, forming a hollow place for my heart, lungs, and stomach. My ribs are curved, strong, and light. FOURTH EXERCISE. Shoulder-blades. — Let the children feel of the shoul- der-Nades, and learn their shape — broad, flat, thin, and triangular ; and that the arms rest upon them. Collar-bones. — The pupils may, also learn the position and shape of the collar-bones by touching them. Tell them that these bones form a kind of brace between the shoulder and the breast-bone, and keep the arms from going too far forward. The summary may now be taught for SHOULDER-BLADES AND COLLAR-BONES. My shoulder-blades are flat, thin, and of a triangular shape. They are for my arms to rest upon. My collar-bones are fastened to my shoulder-blades and my breast- bone. They help support my arms, and keep them from moving too far forward. FIFTH EXERCISE. Growth of Bones. — Talk with the children about young and old trees, how one may be more easily bent than the other; how the bones of children will bend. 428 PEIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. while those of old persons break more easily ; thus lead them to perceive the difference between the bones of children and those of grown people. Tell the pupils of the importance of standing and sit- ting erect, that their bones may grow in a proper shape ; and of the need of wearing loose clothing while young. Bones made from Food.— Tell the children more about the making of blood from the food, and that the bones, as well as the flesh, are formed from the blood. Tell them also of the importance of eating good food, that good blood may be made, and the bones grow to be strong. Use of pure Air. — Call the attention of the pupils to what they have previously learned about the effects of air upon the blood, and then lead them to understand the importance of breathing ji9i«"e air^ if they would have healthy and strong bones. The teacher may now write the summary on the blackboard for the GROWTH OP BONES. The bones of old people are hard and brittle ; those of children are soft and flexible. / must sit and stand erect, that my bones may not be bent out of shape. I must not wear tight clothing, nor do any thing that will crowd my bones out of their places. My bones are made from my food, after it has been changed into blood ; so I must be careful to eat good, wholesome food, that my bones may be strong and healthy. I must not breathe impure air, because it makes bad blood, and bad blood makes poor bones. Suggestion for Teachers. — This series of exercises may be commenced when the pupils are able to begin reading in a Second Reader. THE SKIN. 429 LESSONS ABOUT THE S K I K FIRST EXERCISE. Qualities of the Skin. — Talk with the children about the covering or skin of the sheep, cow, horse, cat, dog, birds, etc. ; then of the thin skin which covers our bod- ies. Let the pupils see that it is elastic, by squeezing the skin of the hands and cheeks, and noticing that it returns to its shape again. Let them see that it inflex- ible, by bending the finger and by pinching the skin. Ask them what comes on the face and other parts of the skin in very warm weather. Tell them that the perspiration oozes from the skin through little holes called j9ore5. Ask them what we say of any thing that is full of little holes. Tell them that we say the skin is jooroz^5, because it is full of little holes, through which the perspiration comes out. These pores are so small and so numerous that the end of the little finger, if placed on the hand or face, would cover hundreds of them. Parts of the Skin. — The children may now be told about the three layers of the skin — the outside, or cuti- cle, the inside or real skin, and the middle layer, or col- oring matter. Explain to them that the outside skin has no feeling ; that it is transparent ; that it is thepart which rises when the skin is blistered ; that the cuticle is thicker in the palms of the hands, and on the soles of the feet ; that it becomes thick and hard by using the hand in work, to protect the true skin from injury. 430 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. Explain by suitable illustrations that the real skin is like net-work ; that it is composed of very fine blood- vessels and nerves, so numerous that we can not prick it with a sharp needle without touching some of the blood-vessels, and causing blood to flow out, nor with- out touching some of the nerves and causing pain. SECOND EXERCISE. Color of the Skin. — Call attention to the differences in the color of the skins of people of different countries, as of the Indian, Negro, Chinese, and others. Tell the children that between the cuticle and the real skin there is a very thin, jelly-like substance, which is spread all over the body ; that this substance is white in those whose skin is white, and black in the Negro, red in the Indian, and yellow in the Chinese ; that it differs in people as the color of their skins differ. Talk with the children about what happens after the skin is cut or scratched ; lead them to notice that when only the outside skin is scratched, it heals up, leaving no mark or scar ; and that a deep cut, or burn, which destroys the real or inner skin, leaves a scar Avhen it heals, because the inner skin will not grow again when once destroyed. Perspiration. — Teach the children that some of the waste or worn-out substances of the body are always coming out through the pores of the skin, whether we feel the perspiration or not. Talk with them about the importance of washing the skin of the body to remove all this waste matter, and keep the pores open. Tell them also of the importance of wearing clean clothing, that the skin may keep healthy. THE SKIN. 431 The pupils may also be told of the beneficial effects of pure air and sunlight. Illustrate this by the sickly aj)pearance of plants that grow in cellars or dark places. It may be found desirable, in giving this lesson on the skin, to divide it into three exercises. Whenever the children understand the various facts presented about the skin, let the following summary be taught : THE SKIN. My skin covers my body. It is thin, elastic, flexible, porous, and absorbent. My skin has three parts, or layers. The outer skin, or cuticle ; the inner, or real skin ; and the colored substance between them. My outside skin is not of the same thickness over my whole body. On the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet, it is very thick and tough. If my outer skin be destroyed, it will grow again ; but if my real skin is destroyed, it will never grow again. More than half the waste substance of my body passes from it through the pores of my skin in the form of perspiration. To preserve my health, I must keep my body clean ; I must wear clean clothing ; I must breathe pure air, and live in the sunlight. MORAL TRAINING. " Simple thoughts of God and Christian virtues, impressed upon us in early childhood, are never erased from memory or heart." " TuAiisr up a child in the way he should go" is not only God's command to parents, but it is society's first demand on both teacher and parent. This training, too, is one of the first needs of the child's own nature. With it, happiness is within his reach ; without it, not only is his own happiness impossible, but he will inter- fere with the rightful enjoyment of others. This training should be commenced at home very early. As soon as emotion is exhibited by the child it may be biased by education. The impressions that ad- here longest to us, and are the deepest rooted, are those of which we remember not the origin — those Avhich we imbibed unconsciously in infancy. The child's dispo- sition may receive during this period a strong bent to good. Then there are no obstacles to overcome ; noth- ing to unlearn ; the afiections are soft and pliable. If this period pass without moral training, the difficulties are greatly increased, the aff*ections take a bent of their own. The great means of training the moral feelings is to draw them out into action. A feeling without action is mere sentiment; it does nothing. If Ave would cul- tivate kindness in children, we must show kindness in our deeds ; if reverence, we must exhibit the example MORAL TRAINING. 433 of reverence; if we would develop, ideas of justice, hon- esty, truthfulness, we must improve the opportunities of daily intercourse to exemplify them. It will be of little use to tell the child about rever- ence, justice, honesty, truthfulness, if these are never acted before it ; it is only by acts that the child can know them. We have too much abstract teaching in morals, as well as in mental education. The law of ex- ercise is of universal application to moral and mental, as well as to physical training. And there is greater room for activity here than most of us at first suppose. The daily occurrences of the schoolroom, and the inci- dents ■ of the playground, furnish opportunities for the most effective lessons in morals. To seize upon these opportunities, and to improve them in the right spirit, should be the earnest aim of every teacher. Let the golden rule be the key-note in moral train- ing; teach the children to do to others as they would have others do to them. This positive teaching is the characteristic feature of the morality of the New Tes- tament. This moral instruction should be commenced with the first day's attendance at school, and continued hj practice and precept with every day's lessons, or in- cidents that furnish an appropriate opportunity. Much of this instruction may be most profitably given incidentally, without stated times for moral train- ing ; yet there are first ideas of God, virtue, right, love to others, duty, etc., which might be taken up and pre- sented in regular succession for the development of sim- ple moral and religious truths as a foundation for future instruction. Children should be taught ideas of God as a hind fa- ther ; of God as the maker of all things ; of aji immor- T 434 PKIMARY OBJECT LESSOXS. talmmd; of co7iscie7ice ; of truth; of obecUe?ice ; of in- dustry ; of cleanliness ; of order. And all of this train- ing should be simple, familiar, and free from technical phrases and formal teaching ; it should be chiefly illus- trated by examples and incidents from life. " Our Fa- ther, who art in heaven," should be the key-note of this instruction ; then love, reverence, and obedience to Him would have a real significance to the young. Let the fundamental ideas of religion be thus estab- lished in early childhood, and they will shine out clear- ly in future years, an anchor of rescue to the soul when happiness and life seem in danger of being wrecked by the billows of passion or avarice, or by evil habits. Simple moral truths thus early implanted in the heart have rescued many a noble youth from the whirlpool of corruption, when all other lessons of wisdom had been washed away by the wild waves of passion. A few lessons and subjects for lessons will suggest what course may be pursued in giving children ideas of God, of the soul, of conscience, of truthfulness, honesty, obedience, etc. GOD AS A KIND FATHER. 435 TO DEVELOP THE IDEA OF GOD AS A KIND FATHEK. I WISH to talk with you, children, about those you love. Some of you may love your mothers best, some your fa- thers ; some love your brothers, your sisters, and your cousins. Those who would like to tell me whom you love best may hold up their hands. Very well ; you have told me whom you love best ; now who can tell me lohy you love one person better than any body else? Why do you love your mother best? Why do you love your father best ? Why do you love your sister ? Why do you love your brother ? What did your mother do for you before you came to school this morning ? What will she do when you go home ? If you are sick, or any one hurts you, to whom do you go and tell your trouble ? Who is pleased to hear that you have been a good child ? Who works to get money to buy your clothes, and food for you to eat? In this manner, by familiar conversation, the teacher should lead the children to talk freely upon the different acts which show the love of their friends, and endeavor to call out their warmest feelings of love and gratitude in return. , Why do your parents thus feed and clothe you, and kiss you, and watch over you when you are sick ? Yes, because they love you. All of you have some kind friends who love and care for you. Now, children, listen very attentively, and I will tell 436 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. you about a Friend that you all have — one who is kind to all of you — one who loves you better than your fa- ther or your mother does — one who takes care of you at all times — one who watches over you when you are asleep as well as when you are awake; for he never sleeps — one who is ready to give you all things you ask him for. Do any of you know who it is that I mean ? This good friend is God. You can not see him, but he always sees you, and knows all about you. He tells us to call him Father because he loves us as a father. He is in heaven — he is our Father in heaven. Now tell me what kind, good Friend we all have ? What does he tell us to call him ? Who is this good Friend ? Where is he ? What does he do for us ? How ought you to feel toward so good a Friend ? "Love him." What should you do in return for the many kind things which He does for you? "Thank him every day." How should you act when you know what He desires you to do ? " Obey him." The teacher may now write on the blackboard, and require the pupils to read and learn the following : God is our father in heaven. He loves us, and takes care of lis. We ought to obey Him, and love Him, and thanh Him every day. The teacher should aim to impress the children with a feeling of reverential love to God. This love may be awakened by bringing the affection to their 23arents into lively exercise, and then directing it to their heavenly Father; their reverence may be awakened by making them feel that God is far above us in heaven; thouo^h GOD AS THE MAKER OF ALL THINGS. 437 invisible to our eyes, that he still cares for and watches over us day and night — that he is our heavenly Father. Much of the effect of these lessons will depend upon the manner and feeling with which they are given. They should be so conducted as to call into exercise the emo- tions and moral feelings of the children. TO DEVELOP IDEAS OF GOD AS THE MAKER OF ALL THINGS. Let us have a talk to-day about making different thino-s that you wear and see about you. Who made your shoes for you ? Who made your dress ? Could things make themselves ? No, it would be very silly to think they could. Who made the bread you eat ? Could the bread make itself? Other questions should be asked, leading the children to see that things must have a maker, and that they could not make themselves. Can your father make any thing? Here allow the children to talk about what their different fathers can do. The art of the teacher is first to call out the mind and heart into activity, and then to direct the thoughts and feelings. You can tell me who made your shoes, your clothes, and the bread you eat, but I want to talk about some- thing much more beautiful than these, and see if you can tell who made them. You have all seen the sun. How brightly it shines ! It warms us and gives us 438 PKIMAEY OBJECT LESSONS. light. Can any of you tell me who made this beauti- ful sun ? " It was God who made the sun to warm us and give us light and heat." What did God make? Why did he make the sun ? What did I tell you about God the other day ? All of you may repeat it together. " God is our Father in heaven ; He loves us, and takes care of us. We ought to obey Him, and love Him, and thank Him every day.'''' What has God made ? " God made the beautiful sun that warms us and gives us light." If there were no sun you could not see. It would also be cold, and nothing would grow. God is good, tlien, to give us the sun. Who made the sun ? For whose good has God made the sun ? What good is it to us ? "It gives us light and warmth, and causes the grain to grow." God makes all the trees, and plants, and flowers grow ; He made all the animals and birds ; and He made us also. Now let us think what He has given us. How do you know what is in this room ? " We can see the things." What do you see with ? " Qur eyes." Who gave you eyes ? How do you know I am talking to you ? " We can hear you." With what do you hear ? " With our ears." Who gave you ears ? How do you know that fur is soft and iron hard ? " By feeling them." Who gave you feeling ? How do you know that sugar is sweet and lemon sour ? " By tasting them." GOD AS THE MAKER OP ALL THINGS. 439 Who gave you taste ? How do you know that the rose has a pleasant odor ? " By smelling it." Who gave you smell ? Now all these things give you pleasure ; it is pleas- ant to see, and hear, and feel, and taste, and smell ; and these things should make you haj^py, and make you love God for giving you so many senses to add to your ha\> piness. How should you feel toward God for giving you all these good things ? " We should love Him and thank Him." The teacher may write on the blackboard, and re- quest the pupils to read, the following : God made the su7i to give us light and heat, a^id cause the grass, andfloioers, and grain, and trees to groio. He made the birds and aiiimals, and made us also. He gave us our eyes, and ears, and taste, and smell, and feel- ing. For all these we shoidd love Him. 440 PEIMAKY OBJECT LESSONS. TO DEVELOP IDEAS OF THE SOUL.* Children, have cats, dogs, horses, and cows bodies ? "Yes." Can they see ? and hear ? and taste ? and smell ? and feel? Can they talk? Have they flesh, and blood, and bones, and skin ? Are their bodies like yours ? Who gave them their bodies ? " God." Who gave them taste, and feeling, and sight, and hearing? "God." Are the bodies of animals like your bodies ? How many legs have you ? How many legs has the dog ? Has the dog arms ? Has the dog hands ? No, the dog has legs instead of arms. Your skin is smooth ; with Avhat is the dog's skin covered ? Is the cat's body like yours ? Is the chicken's body like yours ? How many legs has the chicken ? Has the chicken feet like yours ? With what is the cat's body covered? What covers the chicken's body? What has the chicken in the place of arms, or two legs? Who gave bodies to dogs, horses, cows, chickens, and flies ? Who keeps them alive ? * In a little volume entitled " Peep of Day," published by the Amer- ican Tract Society, ideas of the body, of God as a father, and of the soul, are admirably drawn out in simple illustrations for children. We are chiefly indebted to that volume for this lesson on the soul. We can not do a better service in illustrating how to proceed in moral training than by commending that book to teachers and parents. IDEAS OF THE SOUL. 441 Can a dog or a horse thank God? No; dogs, and horses, and cows, and chickens can not thank God; they can not think of God. They never heard of God. They can not understand about God, because they have no souls, or minds, like yours. Your soul can think of God, and thank him for all that he does for you. It often tells you what is right and what is wro7ig. If you had no soul or mind you could not learn to read and write. You could not learn about God and all the beautiful things that He made for us. Your soul will never die. It is the best part of you. Your body is made of dust. God made the dust into flesh, and bones, and blood. Your soul is made of the breath of God. Some day the dog will die, and its body will be thrown away. The dog will be quite gone when its body is dead. But when your body dies your soul will still live ; it will go back to God who gave it. Your body will decay, and turn to dust again ; but your soul will live forever ; it will never die. It is your soul that thinks ; if we wish to make any thing, we can think how to make it, and then use the tools to make it. If we want more tools we can make them too. Birds can build nests, but they can not use tools, nor make any thing except what God taught them to do. Animals can learn a few things, but children can learn a great many things. The teacher may write on the blackboard, for the pupils to read, as a summary of the lesson — God gave each of us a body, and placed in it a soul. The soul is that part of us lohich thinks, and loill never T2 442 PRIMARY OBJECT LESSONS. In a manner similar to that pursued in these lessons, the teacher may proceed to develop ideas of Conscience, right and wrong; of self-control, gentleness, truthful- ness, honesty, kindness to others and to animals ; of obedience, punctuality, order, cleanliness, industry, etc. Ample illustrations will occur to exhibit what is meant by right and wrong ; and the pupils should frequently be called upon to decide in simple cases ivhich is the one and which the other. A little volume by Jacob Abbott, " Learning about Right and Wrong," will be useful in suggesting how to give these lessons. Illustrate the unkindness of calling names, and of mocking the aged or infirm ; of ]3inching and teasing each other ; and train children to understand the im- portance of forming good habits, and the danger of form- ing bad ones, in childhood. Finally, take the examples of the Great Teacher as a model. Observe how He selected familiar scenes and objects to illustrate His truths. Study His methods, seek His guidance, accept His promises, and success and happiness will be the crown. THE END. A SERIES OE SCHOOL AND FAMILY CHARTS. ACCOMPANIED BY A MANUAL OF OBJECT LESSONS AND ELEMENTARY INSTRUCTION. By MARCIUS WILLSON and N. A. CALKINS. §\ These beautiful Charts, 22 in number, each about 24 by 30 inches, and abounding in colored illustrations, are designed, in connection with the "Manual" and the "Primary Object Lessons," to furnish the teacher requisite aids in the system of Elementary Instruction by "Object Lessons." They are mounted on eleven pasteboard cards for the use of the schoolroom, and are also put up in portfolio form for- family instruction. These Charts will be furnished either separately or in full sets, either mounted or in sheets. When mounted, two are on a card of the size of each Chart — about 22 by 30 inches. In sheets, they can be sent by mail ; the mounted Charts are not mailable. No. T, Elementary : Sixty Illustrated Words $0 35 No.II. Reading: First Lessons 35 , No. III. Reading : Second Lessons 35 5 j No. IV. Reading : Third Lessons 35 (S I No. V. Reading : Fourth Lessons 35 L. No. VI. Reading : Fifth Lessons 35 No. VII. Elementary Sounds 35 No.VIIL Phonic Spelling 35 No, IX. Writing Chart 35 No. X. Drawing and Perspective 35 "g f No. XI. Lines and Measures S5 Sg I No. XIL Forms and Solids 35 £ H "( No. XIII. Familiar Colors, accompanied by a duplicate set of Hand Color-Cards 150 No. XrV. Chromatic Scale of Colors 1 20 ^ f No. XV. Animals. Economical Uses 60 3'i J No. XVI. Classification of Animals 60 g.a 1 No. XVIL Birds. Their Classification. CO N tNo.XVIIL ReptUes and Fishes 60 f No. XIX. Botanical Forms, &c 60 g ^- j No. XX. Classification of Plants 60 o J j No. XXI. Economical Uses of Plants 60 f^ [_ No. XXII. Economical Uses, continued 60 Price of the entire Set, in Sheets, net 11 70 " " '^ " Mounted, " 18 00 '' " " " Atlas Form " ; 20 00 While these Charts, mounted on a hea^y binder's board, are de- signed more especially as aids in carrying out a system of elementary school instruction upon the object-lesson method, they are also, in at- las form, admirably adapted — in their plan and arrangement, by the attractiveness of their colored illustrations, and by the interest that attaches to the subjects which they embrace — to family use. O O 1 PHONIC CHAETS. FOR SELF-TRAINING IN THE SOUNDS OF LANGUAGE. By N. a. calkins, Author of "Primary Object Lessons," "Manual of Object Teaching," &c. The Set comprises 12 Charts, size 18 by 28 inches, mounted on a single roller. Price $3 CO per set, sent by mail. These charts are printed on bleached manilla paper, which for durability is second only to parchment. They combine simplicity of arrangement, conve- nience of form, cheapness, and durability in a greater degree than any Sound Charts before offered to the public. In our country, which has become the adopted home of people from all the countries of the earth, there is an urgent necessity for a systematic course of training in the correct sounds of our language. Our public schools contain pupils whose mother-tongues represent all nations ; and in these institutions all are to be assimilated— Americanized. The ordinary lessons of school in reading, spelling, arithmetic, geography, and even of grammar, do not supply the needed training of the vocal organs to give those habits in speaking our language which ought to be formed by children while at school. It is believed that these Charts contain a classification so simple, and an arrangement so well adapted to teaching the sounds, that, with the directions which they contain for their use, even those teachers who have had but little or even no previous instruction on the subject can use them successfully. MANUAL OF OBJECT TEACHING, AND PEINCIPLES OF EDUCATION. By N. a. calkins. Illustrations. 12mo, Cloth. {In Press.) This volume is intended, in connection with the " Primary Object Lessons," to present a complete course of instruction by the system of Object Teaching, embracing the period and the methods of elementary training necessary to fit youth for the acquisition of such knowledge from books and from nature as will prepare them for the duties of subsequent life. It will contain lessons on "Place and the Elementary Steps of Geography," "Weight and the Tables," "Physical Training," "Animals," "Plants," "Minerals," "Productions," "Occupations," «&c., and Mental Science in its relations to teaching, with Principles of Education.