,.r. '.■*.' r; • •*;■■ ^ Mil- skMiig:-^^^; !>■;;. :;>::n;;r--i<:.i.-.f Book U.tJjt / MA P DSAGE: COUNT>f OKLAHOMA. Ormwm for /A# ')40fi AbitraO % T'fk Co of zi tV-.*C/, ffit /f4L /f j|p: I sfM I publish :ind h^«v& r County, showing the rlioti Indians. It le divided It other aide of this sheet* Dead Indian lands, and Is or thoae who wish to buy, I sell one or more parts, or the whole Map $40. 00. Names, Allotment Numbers, Osuges, (2230 in all) botl which*I furnish free to e This little book alone is Osages than the price cha For further informat 4^«»« /y •« im 7A» 0, M»^** /** /909. MAP osage: county 5 ;'r // / * OKLAHOMA. o Qroivn for fnt \ Oioqi /ihJrac/ J[ Tiflf Ce v^ a:_ ' of ^ O/Vaco Chy :^: -^-- ^+--d :^:- 1 ff»ilt» -s B^adt rirattit bu m* f»r 7"A» Otoat Akil'oet t^ Tith Cempmitu and n • /rv* mnd art let /•#/)f# J* <•'•/'•" of Ot»ft Cevftf^. M»r,A /" /909. ~ . ^tV.\ / xi -v^ 1 ; ; / '^^ ^ 1 •-^ ^ 1 > iM t .« ¥4r 1 ^/y ^^n t T y L t A or ijale a large cloth map (5x5 feet) or Osage ^ nents of all the lands of the Osage Tribe of ito five parts, as shown by the little luap on It designates all the Homesteads and all the j I invaluable to Allottees, Real Estate Dealers, sell, or in any way deal in Osage County lands. or the whole map. Price of each part $10.00; ] I also publish a book of SO pages giving the Ages, Sex, Head of Families, &c., of all the ; 1 numerically and alphabetically arranged, ] /ery purchaser of the map, or part thereof. ■^ worth more to those who v/ish to deal with the i rged for tne map. ^ lou call on or write to me. ^ J. D. THOMAS, ' Room 2, Hall-Floyd Building, ' Pawhuska, Oklahoma. ' / r M ^ r h e O s a ^ e s Their Names, Allotment Numbers, Aah (Mary ilarvcy) 47 lie ah t ^'mnic llar\cy) ;s jlhi (ih lah (Waller Harvey ih (Thc<». R. Harvey I .1 He:: to. Dec'd •2 Ne kc-^-ah-u-an-kah '»3 Wahlirah-lum-pah. . ►4 Kah-lic ah-j^'ra (Louis Jat: < >.') Me-lo-oj>-pc ,., u..,. James t of Me-tsa-he. DecM hard White. Dec'd • '.* Liii lu *'•.,. ',e 'J> H**-.ih-lo inc (Nellie Whit. ;)h Whjlc .', \v, . ... j>-py (John Blackbird) '►4 fcne-op-pc (Mary Iiird> <.'") K v:ro 'n'- ■ ' ••• "- ' 17 M ..•. s- , c :. , n :w M •i of Joseph Bacon, UecM - " n hin-kah VU Hun-pah-io-kah 73 Wah-iop-py-wah-kah (Mary I'appin) 7 1 ^' :•:- \:.x'- -■■■ 'a'- 7t> Wah-shin-kah-hu (Jos. Shunkmolah) • - I » _i \i-_ . shin-kah .•M* V. .i;. h.n 81 W.ih « . kah (John Blackl>ird> ^2 Hluah-tome (Mary Blackbird) .S.3 Mon-«hcr • - tah (Maud Blacklnrd 84 Wah-hr.i , ah (Moike Mantle) U .•) P H 40 M W 37 F 15 P 12 If 11 M 1 U II 53 U W .3*» V 13 %l 5 F H LM M W 2S F 14 I- r. M 4 M 11 r>:{ M 19 P H 24 F H .•iO M W :is P IG P II 21 M 9 P H 64 M W 5fl P 20 M H 30 U W 39 P 9 M H 73 U H 52 U W 35 P 15 P 19 P 4 NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. 85 Pun-kah-shin-kah H 86 He-ah-to-me W 87 Kah-scah 88 Kah-wah-e (Yellow Horse) H 89 Ke-ah-som-pah W 90 Pah-kah-me-tsa-he (Maggie Bates) 91 Ah-kah-hu (John Bates) 92 Hun-kali-me-tsa-he 93 Kah-ah-sum-pah 94 Heirs of Nah-so-su-pah, Dec'd 95 Joseph Bates H 9G Wah-hrah-lum-pah H 97 Hun-tsa-me H 98 Wah-tsa-moie H 99 Hun-kah-me-tsa-he \V 100 Michel Wah-tsa-moie 101 Pun-q-tah H 102 Andrew Berry H 103 Grace Berry H 104 Esther Berry H 105 Nun-tsa-wah-hu H 106 Hun-pah-se (Joseph Cannon) 107 John Cannon 108 Frank Cannon H 109 Alex. Cannon H 1 10 0-pah-su-ah H 1 1 1 Wah-to-sah W 1 12 Pah-pah-ah-hah (Francis Opah) 113 Tsa-po-in-hah H 114 Heirs of Hlu-ah-me-tsa-he, Dec'd W^ 115 Lawrence Gray H 116 Hazel Gray H 117 Laura Gray 1 18 Amos Osage H 119 Ne-kah-ah-se (Eliza Osage) W 120 He-ah-to-me (Rosa Osage) 121 Moh-e-kah-moie H 122 Tsa-me-hun-kah (Mamie Mohekahmoie) 123 Hlu-ah-to-me W 124 Me-hah-sah-e (Aggie Mohekahmoie) 125 Me-ah-hre (Mary Mohekahmoie) 126 Adair Hickey H 45 M 34 F 10 M 53 M 43 F 15 F 13 M 11 F 5 F 24 M 68 F 66 F 31 M 27 F 5 M 59 F 23 M 25 F 25 F 58 M 19 M 8 M 25 M 27 M 41 M 41 F 16 M 61 M 57 F 24 M 26 F 8 F 38 M 29 F 11 F 76 M 20 F 56 F 20 F 16 F 34 M NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT U" bi^niflat HMd. «*W" Wile, Figatm Ac«, "M" lUit, 127 William Fletcher !2S Sm . IMcUhcr) rjD E •- 130 Francis T. Fletcher l.'U Gro luni kali (j 177» 132 Hars t)f John I.: 177 133 To-wan-uahshc 134 llr f 135 Gra :.i. ah (T1ic 212 Annie Turpic Jl.l Brukikr kah -'14 Ene op |>e (Anntc Hrokcy) J 1 5 Herhery Hrokcy J 16 K-pah son-Ua J17 Shon-kah-tsa a JIH I'olly Earl .M9 (iralo-moie, Dec'd -'2<) Kcah-som-pah ..'21 Mc-Kra-lo-me (Heir" '^ •• J22 Mc hun-kah (Rose ..'23 Hluah-wah-kon-tah (l>anicl S Wah-ko-sah-mote (Mar)' Clay) ^.{6 Dudley Haskell 237 Sonsc-jjrah. 2.'W Wahhrah-lum-pah 239 Me-gra-io-me. . 240 Hlu ah wah-kon-tah 241 He-shahahhle 242 Hc-ah to me 243 Ah Kah me 244 Hlu ah-Rla-she 245 Mo hah ah-tfra 246 Wah kontah-heum-pah 247 He-km-to-oppe (Anjjella Hanna^ 248 Peter Clark 249 Tom- pah -(>e 250 Gratahsu-ah 251 He-he-ldn-to-op-i^c- i.M«t> junc 252 A-non-to-op-pe H W M H 22 P H 54 M 16 F H 22 M H 51 M H 42 M 19 F H 59 F H •20 P 19 F 16 M 13 M H 56 M W 32 F 14 M ii 26 F H 42 M il 17 M 17 M n (A M \v (Vt F 16 F H 34 M \V '2H P 9 P 7 P t M H 51 M W 44 P 11 F 1 M 11 61 M W 67 P 15 P H 27 M H H4 M \V 43 P 18 P 6 P 8 NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. 253 Lizzie June W 254 Hun-kah 255 Richard Kenny H 256 Lah-tah-sah H 257 John Kenny H 258 Wah-hrah-lum-pah W 259 Orlando Kenworthy H 260 Tony Townsend H 261 Hun-kah-hop-py H 262 Hun-kah-hop-py (William Stepson) 263 He-ah-to-me (Mary Hunkahhoppy) 264 Wah-hrah-lum-pah (Rose Hunkahhoppy) 265 Jack Hartley H 266 Nah-hah-scah-she H 267 Wah-tsa-ki-he-kah (Blind) H 268 W^e-heh 269 Wah-to-sah 270 Julia Dunlap 271 Clara Marshall W 272 To-wah-e-he, Dec'd 273 Hun-kah (Alfred McKinley) H 274 Adelia McKinley W 275 Daniel McDongan H 276 Ben Harrison H 277 Edna M. Harvey 278 Emily Harrison 279 Ben H. Harrison 280 Wauneta E. Harrison 281 Ne-kah-e-se-y (Jimmy) H 282 Lizzie W 283 Me-se-moie (Minnie Kyle) H 284 Wah-shah-she (Rita Kyle) 285 Mollie Kyle H 286 Ke-ne-kah H 287 Heirs of Ne-kah-o-e-blah, Dec'd 288 A-non-to-op-pe H 289 Pah-pah-ah-hah (Thomas Dorrey) 290 Num-pah-se 291 Earnest Roe H 292 Heirs of Walter Florer, Dec'd 293 Alex. Marshall, Dec'd 294 Mum-brum-pah H 85 F 22 F 4 M 54 M 50 F 27 M 24 F 34 M 30 M 41 M 19 M 15 F 13 F 34 M 56 M 39 M 13 F 9 F 12 F 24 F 22 M 22 F 40 M 38 M 15 F 12 F 8 M 5 F 64 M 61 F 20 F 19 F 23 F 73 M 61 F 18 F 9 F 38 M NUMERICAL ARKANGEMENT "H** Sifniflw HMd, "W" Wife, Fifcure* Age, "If** lUlt, *'F*' FtnuJe. 295 Wah-hrah-lum-pah 290 Ilun-kahshc (Clementine I*. Harnn) 297 Perry K;- 29S H ne kc 299 Sin-ljui-«*ah-kon-tah :iO() Min tsa-kah Ml Pun q-tah 302 Moh en Kra tah .'MXJ Unrs (»f To J !' i »-. a 304 HciPiofChc knh rVcd .'W).') (ira-to-mc-tse-he 300 Ne-wal-la (George \V .tmu 307 John Clarcniorc 305 Amanda Clarcmorc .'M)9 Ifcirs f»f He ah to-mc. i>i- 310 Dominic Daniels 311 Juseph Daniels 312 Wah-she ho t •. ' Ti 313 Gra-to-me 314 Hlu-ah-tse-he (John Kenworthy) 315 W ' > • ,h (WilUam Kcnworthy» 310 \ lij hah 317 Wah-shun-kah-hah-me . 31H K ' - pe (Hall G4 F 14 F n ;i:> M w :i:> F 15 M 11 M 8 P r> M H *»7 F HI M II 27 M W •J«', F li 27 M II 2S M |{ 47 .\( w 44 F 20 M 17 M 11 M 5 F II 21 M 15 F H 49 F 10 F H 41 P 19 F 13 F 12 M li 2.3 M \V 2^ F H 33 M W 34 F 12 F s M t I- H 0.1 M W rw) I' 10 NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, ''M" Male, "F" Female. 337 Angela Peace H 338 Paul Peace H 339 Henry Peace H 340 Alex. Tall-Chief H 341 Eliza Tall-Chief W 342 Rosa Tall-Chief W 343 Hlu-ah-wah-kon-tah (Alex. Tall-Chief, Jr.) 344 Che-sah-me H 345 He-ah-to-me (Emma) H 346 Eves Tall-Chief H 347 Wah-shah-hah-me W 348 Plelen Tall-Chief 349 Me-kun-kah H 350 Ho-tah-moie (John Stink) H 351 Wah-shah-hah-me H 352 Henry Tall-Chief H 353 Nah-she-wal-la H 354 Wah-shah-she-me-tsa-he (Mattie Walsh) H 355 Tilton En-to-kah H 356 Pah-she-he (Grace Entokah) W" 357 He-ah-to-me 358 He-lo-ki-he (Bare Legs) H 359 He-se-moie H 360 Tsa-me-tsa (Mary Buffalo) 361 Charles Grant H 362 Wah-tsa-e-o-she H 363 George Dunlap 364 Lo-tah-tse-a W 365 E-to-kah-wah-ti-an-kah H 366 Shon-shin-kah (Bryan Wilson) 367 E-to-hun-kah 368 Heirs of Hlu-ah-to-me, Dec'd 369 Ne-wal-la (Tsa-shin-kah) H 370 Me-tsa-he W 371 Hlu-ah-to-me 372 Son-se-gra H 373 Kah-wah-ho-tsa- Sassamoie H 374 Wah-ko-ki-he-kah W 375 Wah-to-sah-grah W 376 Ah-kah-me-tsa-he (Eva McKinley) 377 Lah-su-sah-pah (Henry McKinley) 378 Ah-kah (James McKinley) 23 F 24 M 27 M 43 M 38 F 29 F 20 M 62 M 57 F 32 M 30 F 5 F 26 F 47 M 63 M 27 M 51 M 20 F 30 M 25 F 5 F 72 M 61 M 11 F 37 M 61 M 15 M 43 F 74 M 17 M 10 M 44 M 34 F 7 F 33 F 42 M 44 F 42 F 19 F 19 M 16 M WUMKRICAI. ARRANGKMKNT 11 "U" SifaiilM Head, "W" Wile, kiguits A^e, "M" lUle, "F" FtauU. 379 Tahlsa-hu hah (William McKinley) .TSI) Wn' h :WI Jos. K'Kinley 3H2 Wahku-kihe-kah 3s;j \Vn' • t ' • -^ Hunter) 3S4 W.» Mary Hunter .iH/i Mav:9 Me hoc 4()() Alhson Webb 401 " ' ' " - - " 402 103 Myron Hanps 404 Wn» 40:1 Uc 406 Silas San lord 107 Anna Sanf-ird •JOS Allen Wcia. 409 Hum-pah-to-kah 410 • /. ft M 411 4 F 412 Wilhc McCarthy H 29 M 413 * ' ' ' I! '' ^' 414 ahlum-pah. Dec i 415 Me-tsahe (Maud Ilahmoie) 16 F 416 I^wrence H 56 M 417 Wah to sah (Martha NmI) W 19 F 41H Wah hu sah c H 74 M 419 Joseph Mills H 21 M 420 Alex EaKle-Feather H 37 M 14 M H) F n •>•» I- II :.«. F IH M 4 P II 22 F II 6.3 M w .30 F H 37 M W 27 F H S6 M W 72 F II :is M H M tt M il :{() M i:> M 12 M 11 F II 71 M II 26 M H 43 M 20 M H 29 M W 26 I- H .3,3 M W 2S F H 30 M W 22 F 12 NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT *H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. \'2\ Wah-te-sah H 422 Gra-to-mc-tsa-he (Ida Gibson) 42.3 Prudie Martin H 424 Christine Martin 425 Cecil Martin 426 James G. Blaine H 427 Walker Blaine 428 E-ne-op-pe H 429 Eugene Blaine 430 Me-shah-e 431 James G. Blaine, Jr 432 Sophia Chouteau H 433 Hayes Little-Bear H 434 Lo-hah-me W 435 Ah-hu-shin-kah H 436 Nah-hah-sah-me W 437 Augustine Chouteau H 438 Josephine Strike- Axe 439 Augustus Chouteau 440 Charles Chouteau 441 Heirs of Mary Penn, Dec'd 442 Heirs of Martha Penn, Dec'd 443 Rose Chouteau 444 Robert Panther H 445 Charles Panther 446 Clark Panther : 447 Maude Panther 448 Nellie Panther 449 John Strait, Dec'd 450 Mary Pryor W 451 Edna Goodbear H 452 Charles Me-she-tsa-he H 453 Wah-ko-sah-moie W 454 Paw-she-he (Emma Hoover) 455 Hlu-ah-to-me (Eva Bean) 456 Sarah Dodson Mizer H 457 Ben-Mushunkashey H 458 Hlu-ah-me-tsa-he (Edna Mushunkashey) W 459 Heirs of Arthur Mushunkashey, Dec'd 460 William Pryor H 461 Min-kah-she (Mary Pryor) W 462 Josephine Pryor 69 M 15 F 35 F 7 F 5 M 37 M 14 M 29 F 10 M 8 F 6 M 68 F 25 M 22 F 50 M 63 F 35 F 16 F 15 M 12 M 19 F 47 M 20 M 18 M 16 F 13 F 59 F 38 F 51 M 56 F 14 F 18 F 35 F 27 M 22 F 35 M 37 F 10 F JfUMFRICAI. ARRAffGEMENT 13 U" SicQiflM Head, "W" Wiie, Figures A«e, "M" IUi«, "F" Ftiiula. 4fi:{ John Pr>'ar 4(V-I Shon-kah (Thaji Mushunkashc> < 4ft.'» Heirs ..f ilnis [^ Fonc. DoM 4(><> Susie L IlutchtnH«in 407 thus 11 Hutchinsun 4(ls Kc Ickom-fiah 46l> M<> Mjchc-he 470 Wah kon-ic-oh (Wakon-Iron) 471 I'ah sl.r he 472 1 1 urn pah- to- kah 47.J Hcjrs of ()c«»rKc Albert. Dec'd 474 Wah shah-shc-mc-tsahe (Auj^ustine Black 47.*) Mc shah- he 47ti Harry Kohpay 477 KIsic K' 'hpay 47s Hujfh K<>h{>ay 479 I.irric K"hj>ny. DrcM 4NI Heirs <.t A iiMii 1.1 op-pe, Dec'd.. 4K1 Wy c Kla-in-kah (Red-Corn) 482 Wah-kor • •» ' > 4K.i Wah-lsa NIal<»nct 4M Raymond Kcd-Corn 485 Tw • •' 486 Mlu 487 tan (James Black), Dec'd. 48.S • V H M) P 48«» ! scab (Chas. White-Tail). Dec'd 4lMi Jtiim \S fine Tail 4UI John P White Tail 492 Hcini ..( John Buffalo. Dec'd 49.i Aniwnc An»cri 494 < > ■ •- ^' 49:1 49li ■ 497 h.. . . ., ..... .. 498 Silvia W.H-I 41H.» .' 500 i . , ., 501 .n: V Wh: 502 Harry Py ah hun kar^ 50;i ( • "•- "' r 504 y. ^h (Mary StnkeAxe Brave) W 1 M \\ M H 2H F .'1 M U) M V.I .M :a) M .*■>»■, .M • • < P .'>7 M ;{s M 11 F 10 M H .'.r. M W .V.I F IS M H 2\ N! H r.i M \V .vs F W «V4 F i:{ M H 47 M H 42 M W :\s F 14 P H 24 M H 42 P H srt P 16 M H 2:1 M H 32 M ]\ NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. 505 Andrew Brave 506 Louis Brave 507 Laban Miles II 508 Mo-se-che-he (Anna Miles) H 509 Wah-shah-ah-pe (Mary Miles) 510 Hlu-ah-shu-tsa (John Miles) II 51 1 Pah-pah-ah-ho (Leo Miles) 512 Wah-shah-she-me-tsa-he W 513 Eddie Penn H 514 Walker Penn 515 Charles Penn, Dec'd 516 Laban Miles, Jr 517 John White-Horn H 518 Arthur White-horse 519 Hu-lah-tun-kah (Big- Eagle) H 520 Pah-pu-son-tsa H 521 Hun-kah-ah-gra (Robert Warrior) 522 Wah-she-pah (Wash Warrior) 523 Pah-she-he (Mary Warrior) 524 Russell Warrior r H 525 E-stah-o-gra-she H 526 Shon-blah-scah W 527 James Bigheart, Dec'd 528 Rosa L. Bigheart 529 Sarah L. Bigheart 530 Belle L. Bigheart 531 Che-sho-shin-kah (Henry Red- Eagle) H 532 Rose Red-Eagle W 533 Paul Red-Eagle H 534 Cecelia Red-Eagle W 535 Harry Red-Eagle 536 Louis Red-Eagle 537 Joseph Red-Eagle 538 Hlu-ah-sha-tsa (Joseph Red- Eagle) H 539 Beg-gah-hah-she (Brave) H 540 Mary Brave W 541 Charles McDongan H 542 Andrew Bighorse H 543 Hum-pah-to-kah W 544 We-heh (Rose McDongan) 545 Peter Bighorse 546 Joseph Bighorse 9 M 5 M ')() M 20 F 16 F 21 M 16 M 41 F 21 M 19 M 9 M 27 M 5 M 58 M 60 M 20 M 18 M 15 F 26 M 46 M 42 F 18 F 12 F 7 F 61 M 59 F 30 M 28 F 8 M 5 M 4 M 34 M 76 M 79 F 22 M 33 M 39 F 18 F 11 M 9 M NUMERICAL A R RAHOBMBlTr "H" SifoiflM HMd, "W" WUe, ¥ig\um Af*, 'W' ..p. 15 FMMto. 17 .">4J% 54U &50 551 552 55;< 554 555 55« 557 55H 559 56(3 5fil 502 56:J 564 •VT) mH\ 567 568 560 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 583 584 585 586 587 Mary Bifjhorsc Ilctrs of Julia Hignomc. i^c^ '• John \Vajij«ishc . . . . \Vah-shah-she-met«uk-hc (A^nes Hif^heart) Heirs oi Mo-se-che*he, UecM A-non-io-oppc John Lookout. Heh-kah-mon-kah. . Ix>u •■ • To ighorsct Rosa H>Khon»c LUlie n Minntc Heirs of Charles Bi);horse, Dec'd Paul HufTalo . l*ah-pu-son-*^a Mc-sah • Ah • ^^cc r. >V. rarrar) Mo Xfe-tsa-hi-kc An* " An Juha l*r>*or Francis Pr\'or) um pah Clem Coshehe Heirs of Hlu-ah-to-mc. Dcc'.l '■ 'cwalla cwalla Heirs of Mary Cheshewalla. Dec'd H W H \V H W ii W II H \V H H H W md) (See V. Whiling) He-he-kin-to-op-pe (Minnie Onhand) (See V. Whiting) >-op-pe (Minnie Onhand) (See V. Whiting) Gratahshinkah (Mary IfcPall) H W H H «i P :i2 M H'2 V 14 M fl M » i- Xi M M P 45 .M) 14 fi \>> :)2 r ■• 12 M P P P P M P P P 56 M M) 24 .'( .{7 M 17 10 •1 19 10 14 43 31 20 36 P M P F M P U If M M M 11 U If M P M P P M 10 NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. fxSS Wesley W. Michelle 589 Mo-se-che-he H .')<)() Fred Lookout H 591 Mo-se-che-he (Julia Lookout) W 592 Charles Lookout 593 Frederick Lookout 594 Nora Lookout 595 Heirs of Agnes Lookout, Dec'd 596 Henry Lookout 597 James Strike-Axe 598 Wy-e-nah-she H 599 Tsa-shin-kah-wah-ti-an-kah (Saucy Calf) H 600 Joseph Buffalohide H 601 Agnes BulTalohide W 602 Tom-pah-pah H 603 Pendleton Strike-Axe H 604 Mo se che he W 605 Emma Strike-Axe 606 Foster Strike-Axe H 607 Loh-tah-sah (Cordelia Strike-Axe) 608 Jennie Strike- Axe 609 Emma Strike-Axe 610 Dora Strike-Axe 61 1 Louis Pryor H 612 Andrew Pryor 613 Nellie Buffalo W 614 0-sah-ke-pah (Cap Strike-Axe) H 615 Pah-se-to-pah H 616 Me-sah-e (Vera Pehsetopah) W 617 Cora Pehsetopah 618 Carrie Pehsetopah 619 Louis Pehsetopah 620 Heirs of Hun-kah-me (He-ah-to-me), Dec'd 621 Me-hum-kah (He-ah-to-me) H 622 Ke-nun-tah (Wm. Shahpahnahshe) 623 Pierce St. John H 624 Ke-ah-som-pah W^ 625 Gra-tah-scah (Jacob Jump) 626 Dora St. John 627 Herbert St. John 628 WilUam St. John 629 Frank Comdropper H 5 M 70 F 52 M 41 F 18 M 15 M 10 F 4 M 16 M 62 M 66 M 24 M 23 F 56 F 29 M 22 F 6 F 36 M 14 F 14 F 12 F 4 F 31 M 4 M 25 F 52 M 40 M 30 F 9 F 7 F 5 M 60 M 20 M 34 M 36 F 18 M 8 F 6 M 4 M 62 M NUMFklCAL ARRAWGEMBIfT 17 "U" ! MgnifiM UMd, "W" Wife, Figures A«e, **1I'* Male, ttCtl Female 6.10 Gra-to-me-tsa-he W 64 I- 531 IV' ■ -. - il 07 M Wi W . W 3S F 633 Richard Fire walk 11 20 M 634 S- ' - ih (May liir«.iiK' w 21 F 63.'> |,.i valla (Three St n kef II 00 M ma Wy-u-hah-kah II 52 M 637 Hluah-me-tsa ! « w 01 F ais John ()l>erly H .30 M (VU) Me-tsa-he \V 28 F &40 Martha 0» 5 F 641 John A L i II .{7 M 642 Mar>' Lo^an. \S' .{2 F 643 Joseph Logan 11 M (M4 Oscar I^)Kan «.! M 645 Rosa Logan .'> I- 646 A ' ^ hre (Roi>i-ti Amu-^u il 00 M 647 C> tsa-he \v 54 F 64S Me-tun-kah (Susan Killon> II •20 F 649 V.i ^ - ■'■ 'in 5 I- 650 T Mrs Womaik 11 00 F 651 Ke-mo-hah. II 51 M 652 , ... .., w 35 F 65.1 M. ^EMa To^*nsen.inMiiuKaci il 50 ^1 665 Wah w 60 F 666 E-to-wahhrah-lumpah (Mar>' Brown) 15 F 667 S* ' ^ Brown) II 22 M 668 I). II .34 M 669 Hun-kah-me-ua he (Majjjfie Coppcrheld> \v 36 F 670 Me-tsa-he 10 F 671 Hun-kah-shc s M IS NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. 672 Hun-kah-ah-gra 073 William l^itts H (174 Me-tsa-he (Isabella Pitts) W 675 Heirs of Wah-to-ali-wah-she, Dec'd 676 Hun-kah-tun-kah (Roman Logan) 11 ()77 Pah-she-he (Mary Logan) W 67S Me-tsa-he (Agnes Logan) 679 Tom-pah-pe 680 Wah-tain-du-sah 681 Che-sho-shin-kah H 682 Hlu-ah-to-me W 683 Frank Loh-owa H 684 Wah-kah-lah-tun-kah H 685 Me-tsa-he W 686 Ah-hu-scah (Walla Fish) H 687 To-ap-pe H 688 Hun-tsa-moie H 689 Hlu-ah-to-me W 690 Mo-se-che-he H 691 Francis Claremore H 692 Wah-hrah-lum-pah W 693 Tsa-pah-ke-ah (Louis Claremore) 694 John Abbott H 695 Ne-Kah-she-tsa W 696 Wah-shah-she-me-tsa-he 697 Henry Pratt H 698 Hun-Kah-me (Josephine Pratt) W 699 Helen Pratt 700 Gra-tah-scah (George Pratt) 701 Charles Pratt 702 Me-gra-to-me H 703 Bishop Opah H 704 Pah-hu-gre-she W 705 Charles Big-Elk H 706 Mo-se-che-he (Cora Big-Elk) W 707 Mary Big-Elk 708 Don S. Big-Elk 709 Gra-she-ah-tse-a (Grace Big-Elk) H 710 Heirs of Shah-pah-tsa-a, Dec'd 71 1 Hlu-ah-me H 712 E-ah-scha-wal-la (Jas. Browning) 713 Mon-Kah-hah (John Browning) 5 M 33 M 32 F 50 M 29 F 14 F 8 F 5 F 71 M 63 F 25 M 68 M 70 F 21 M (32 M 46 M 66 F 92 M 45 M 39 F 17 M 29 M 26 F 8 F 38 M 37 F 15 F 9 M 5 M 54 M 26 M 22 F 31 M 28 F 10 F 4 M 36 F 66 F 17 M 12 M irUlfERICAL ARRANGEMENT I* W" Wife, Figure* Age, "M" Male, "F" FmuUe. 71 1 BuRcne Ware . 715 Hum {>ah-t(> kah 716 Joseph Ware 717 Mary Ware 718 EUjah N Warr 719 Daisy L Warr 72f) Hetrs of Ah-smkah. Uei'd 721 Henry Roan. 722 He-ah-to-me 72:1 Grace R<»an 724 Arthur Uonnicasllc 725 Angie Bonnicastlc 72<) Mau(! ii 727 Mary ... ...; n 72H Jack Wheeler 729 Nah-mc isc-hc 730 Rhoda Wheeler 731 Ben Wheeler 732 Tsa-mc-t5a-he (I'unny V, het'lcr 733 Hun-kah-hrc fr—^ \V' ..••.•- 734 Me-tsa-he 735 Nannie Naranj" 736 Clara Naranjo 737 Heirs of Mary Naranjo. Dec'd 7:W Hlu-ahshu-isa (Joe R 7:U» Hun-kah me (Dora Rt . 740 Hlu-ah-shu-t£a (Frederick RedEai:lr 741 A le 742 W V me-tsa hf 743 Sophia S{K>ttcd- Horse 744 \V in-Rmd 745 W.... . .. .. ^ 740 Inirro-tah (Ge^ir^e Bacon- Rind 747 A n kah (! Rind; 74H Mu.. , .. ..ih (Mt«u ' 749 Julia Bacon- Rind 754) M im-p«h 751 H....^.... :ne 752 Ki-he-kmh-tun-kah 753 To-w«h-e-he 754 Grm-to-se-me 755 Shethe. H 34 M W 3.1 K 11 M F 4 M 5 F II 27 M W 21 F 4 P II 33 M w 23 F I! 30 F 12 F II as M W 5;} F H 25 F II 34 M W 2-S F 9 M 4 F II 11 F F H 40 M U" •(2 F M .*! F II 51 M H 30 I- H 50 M W 44 F 19 M 13 F 9 M 7 P H 43 M W 37 P 14 M H 65 M W 54 P H 51 M NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. Ne-kah \V Simon Henderson H Luisa Henderson W He-ah-to-me Howard BufTalo H George Pitts H Mary Pitts \V Warren Pitts Da\id Pitts Heirs of He-ah-to-me, Dec'd Ho-ki-ah-se H Me-tsa-he (Louise Hokiahse) W Wah-shah-she-me-tsa (Louisa Hokiahse) To-ho-ah Heirs of Wah-shah-me-tsa-he, Dec'd Peter C. Bigheart H Wah-ko-ki-he-kah W Hlu-ah-to-me George Bigheart H Pah-me-she-wah W Charles Bigheart Claude Smith H Hlu-ah-to-me (Mamie Smith) W Wah-tsa-me Hum-pa-to-kah Ke-ah-som-pah Wah-she-wah-hah (John Bigheart) H Hlu-ah-to-me (Grace Bigheart) W Wah-tsa-tun-Kah (Joseph Bigheart) H Ne-kah-sto-kah (John Bigheart, Jr.) Wah-ko-sah-moie Xe-kah-sto-wah Kah-scah Grah-e-grah-in-kah Edward Bigheart H 0-lo-hah-wal-la H He-ah-to-me W Wah-shah-hah-me (Elsie Big-Eagle) W Ne-wal-la (Henry Lohah) Ah-hu-shin-kah (Albert Lohah) A-non-to-ap-pe (Ellen Lohah) He-Kah-mon-kah (Mary Lohah) ()4 F 28 M 24 F 4 F 50 M 29 M 24 F 7 M 5 M 42 M 32 F 14 F G M 71 M 67 F 18 F 34 M 24 F 5 M 36 M 27 F 8 M 7 F 4 F 44 M 41 F 21 M 13 M 12 F 9 M 5 M 4 M 22 M 66 M 49 F 20 F 18 M 16 M 12 F 11 F NUMERICAL AHHANGEMEPIT -U" Signttii Head, "W" Wife, i-igures Age, "M" Male. 79S Tom- pah jh; she 799 Laura lA>hah 800 Samuel Barker 801 O! r 802 M. c 803 Hluah-wah-kontah (Robert Olahahmou 804 W.i rj»c Olahahmoic' 805 Wu . . 806 Num-pah-K-ah. . . 807 Mt 808 Mi: 809 Tahhah-Kah-hah 810 \Va 811 Ah .-- 812 Shon-kah (James Maker 813 Ah-nah-nic l-sa he (R<>y Maker HM Heirs of Wah shah-shc me isa he, DecM sl5 Ho-ke-ah-se (George Maker) . . . 816 R. ■H17 E18 Mo-shah- ketah H19 T< • 820 O-).-.. , . -la (J«.hn Hrvi. ri 821 Albert Penn 822 Dora Penn 82^J Wah scs-iah (Andrew Pcnn> 824 Wah-te sah (Grace Penn) . 82.'> Mary Penn 820 Annie I'cnn Albert 827 Fred Penn 828 () ke sah (Tom Wes' 829 Me tsa he 830 Heirs of Wah-konuhhe-no-pah-pe (Frank Wood) Dc'd 831 John W 832 Mosc ... ..^ 833 Hlu-ahtaeke. 834 Hetrs of Metsa-he. Ue<. 1 83,'> Dan G. West 836 !*ah-pu-soD-Ua (Fanny West 837 Hr H38 He; . s39 Howard M. Weft 4 M 21 F" F«nai«. S M H LM F H 31 M H .')2 M W 4J F IS M 15 M 12 F 10 M K F M H 40 M W 41 F W 31 F 13 M 13 M M li 22 M H 25 M H 46 M H ♦»4 F 2U M H 40 M W 23 F 10 M 15 F 4 F W 20 F H 37 M H 36 M W 37 F •d • • M F 4 M H 32 M W 29 F 9 F 22 NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. 840 Heirs of Hch-scah-moie, Dec'd 84 1 Charles W'hitehom 842 John Whilehom II 84;^ James Whitehom H 844 Nah-kah-sah-me (Kate Whitehom) W 845 Mary Whitehom 840 Kan-sah-ah-hre H 847 Wah-shah-kah-me W 848 Ki-he-kah-wah-she H 849 Hlu-ah-to-me (Francis Kihekahwahshe) W 850 Wah-shah-she-me-tsa-he (Mayella Whitehom) 851 Hum-pah-to-kah (Tresa Whitehom) 852 Heirs of Mo-ne-pah-she, Dec'd 853 Me-tsa-he H 854 Wah-sha-she-me-tsa-he 855 Ho-ho (Clarence Daniel) 856 Wah-shah-she 857 He-ah-to-me H 858 Pah-hu-gre-she (Frances Little Soldier) H 859 Frank Little-Soldier H 860 Me-tsa-he W^ 861 Ellen Spurgeon H 862 Mary Agnes H 863 Hlu-ah-wah-tah H 864 He-to-ap-pe W 865 Mah-grah-lum-pah 866 Hlu-ah-wah-kon-tah 867 Heirs of Peh-tsa-hun-kah, Dec'd 868 Me-tsa-no (Mary Mudd) H 869 Alex. Mudd H 870 Anna Mudd 871 Lucy Latson H 872 Lucius Latson 873 Albert Mudd, Dec'd 874 Lottie lone Cox (See Geo. Cox) 875 Elizabeth Aiken H 876 John H. Aiken H 877 Cynthia Alberty H 878 Lizzie Alberty 879 George Alberty H 880 Levi Alexander H 881 Heirs of Mary L. Alexander, Dec'd 20 M 22 M 20 M 22 F I." 1 M 5S F 47 M 37 F 10 F 14 F 44 F 9 F 15 M 7 F 57 M 22 F 25 M 20 F 29 F 28 F 44 M 41 F 11 F 6 M 54 F 21 M 12 F 33 F 14 M 3 F 28 F 26 M 54 F 19 F 23 M 29 M WUMERICAL ARRANGEMEWT ii "H" S4nm« Head, "W" WUe, Figures Age, "M".lUle, "F" Femal*. s V NS2 Martha I. Alexander Hs:i Heirs of I)a\nd I' A' - HM Mafjvnc Alexander ' HM Ida A Alexander 8H0 Kmily Allen. . 887 Charlotte Whairn sss Esther W! SM» Doroiha \\ .... .. SlHl Mary Anderson H91 John H Anderson 802 Henry IV Anderson 89a Edward R Anderson H94 Skinner T Anderson 805 Ora 1) An ' • 896 Noble M /. 897 Jane Appleby (No Allotment). SOS TcterC soo Heirs B Atkins. Dec M 1»0() Heirs ot Zoya M. Atkin. Dec'd 901 John D Atidn |r 902 Rosahe Avant oai Thet^lore R. Avant •MM Ethel A--V" •K)') Ida Ha •MM, Mn.!-ei A Harl)er 'H»7 Cl.ir.i \f HarVpr 'His i;a.:.i: i: i^.i:: r: ' M (« 1 I^urance L. Barber V»U» Paul (1 Bar? cr •MI I^ R Bar' c r ' 1 1 J Mar>- J Barkc '.M.i ('« T- • ^ 'M4 c ' 1 ' ', John 1 Hi, Monet w , L "»17 Myrtle C. 1 ■ 1 ' ^ Morris A. Baker ' 1 ' Frank T !' -^ — i: II 27 1 H L'l F H ^i\ F H 21 IG M F r 1 H 2r. 1 i! 24 M 4 M H •>•> M 16 M 12 F 11 M 11 4(. M 11 2.i \{ H :t.{ 1- 12 M y l- M 2S 1 11 40 F IS F 16 M 13 M 10 M G M n 5:. 1 UJJ lit... -.. * ...... 92:1 Harry Bayhs IG F H 41 M W 3r> F 14 F 10 If 9 M 6 I- H 6G I H 26 M 24 NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. Thomas A. Hellieu H Walter S. Hellieu H Emmett Hellieu Stella Bellieu Leo V. Bellieu Anna Bellieu Stephen H. Bellieu Eliza Bellmard H Kate Beekman Woodward H Sybil F. Beekman Mary A. Gorman (See 932) William Bennett H Isabella Bennett W William E. Bennett Teresa Bennett Barbary Bennett Rapp H Rachel Blackburn H Oliver Blackburn Luther A. Blackburn Joseph Boulanger H Benjamin H. Boulanger James V. Boulanger Eulalie C. Boulanger Anna V. Boulanger Charles F. Boulanger Grover Boulanger H Stephen E. Boulanger H Minnie L. Boulanger Augustine C. Boulanger Isaac Boulanger H Charles M. Boulanger Alta Boulanger Lenora Boulanger Nellie Boulanger W. J. Boulanger H Edward Mc Boulanger May Boulanger Evart Boulanger Dora Bocldus H Blanch Boren H Ida M. Bowhan H Francis D. Bowhan 28 M 23 M 4 M 18 F 14 M 12 F 10 M 23 F 33 F 5 F 11 F 34 M 34 F 10 M 6 F 24 F 30 F 10 M 5 M Gl M 20 M 19 M 16 F 15 F 13 M 25 M 28 M 9 F 7 F 31 M 10 M 8 F 7 F 5 F 36 M 15 M 14 F 10 M 27 F 24 F 29 F 9 M •fUMERICAI. ARRANGEMENT '2' U" SigBifltt HMd, "W" WJc, Figures kgt, "M" lUlc, "F" FtoAle. 966 Sewel C Bowhan 967 E\nn S Bowhan 96H Mane B. Bowhan 960 John C. Bowhan 970 Rose I la Bownmn U7I Mililrctl I. Bowman '•71.' Ben Bowman WlW luivana Whcclcr Broi k '.»74 R«»sc E Bra«lshaw .•7:> Thomas S. Brailshaw •J76 Harry A. Bradshaw 'Ml AKin S Bradshaw •»7S Sarah A. Bradshaw '»7«.» Greta E Bradshaw 'SO Alva F Bradshaw •hi Irene A Bradshaw .,s> '•'-•■ W Bradshaw ■■- . Bro>*Ti •M Bemicc Bro^Ti •sr, Treva Bro>»-n 'Ml Edward Bro^-n »H7 Earnest Brt»ft-n •vs Maude Brown tS'.t Laura J Brown *»9() Wilham B. Brown • ,ip Lula B Brown A li Brown »93 William S. Bro«-n \HH Frank R. Brown in<.. M.iry J Brown 996 Edith Brown 997 I^juis M Browii 998 Edward Brum 999 George E Brunt lOCX) f If 1 > 1001 Kxri Else F. Bruce KJUi Bessie !' *' C«»i*-an 1004 Loui&a 1005 Lena Bruce 1006 Ad. 1007 Jrr- n 6 M 4 M H 24 M *) M II n F 6 F 4 M II :kj F ii 39 F 19 M 16 M 14 M 12 F 10 F M F fi F 4 M 11 4y M ih F 12 P li 43 M H 38 M 15 F 12 F 11 M 6 F II :a) M 8 M 4 M II 43 F 17 F 15 II II 50 U 19 M 11 M H 24 II H 40 F II 20 F 16 F 14 F 19 M 11 30 F 20 NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. lOOS William K. l^ratton 1009 Edmund S. Bratton 1010 John I. Bratton 1011 Mary L. Breeding H 1012 Leta M. Breeding 10i;5 Francis Breeding 1014 Elsie E. Breeding 1015 Philomena Brook H 1016 Sylvester Brook 1017 Dollretta Brook 1018 Ruby A. Brook 1019 Del Oner Brook 1020 Joe Bryant H 1021 Frank Bryant 1022 Delia M. Bryant 1023 Carrie M. Bryant 1024 Cecil Bryant 1025 Arthur Bryant 1026 Anna B. Bryant 1027 Arena Bryant 1028 Polly Buxbaum Horn H 1029 Roy B. Burton 1030 Nelson Carr (See 1554) 1031 Gussie M. Carr (See 1554) 1032 Gertrude Carr Rutter H 1033 Mary E. Carpenter H 1034 Floyd H. Carpenter 1035 Charles E. Carpenter 1036 Rose B. Carpenter 1037 Louis S. Carpenter 1038 Alva E. Carter (See Geo. Carter) 1039 Leota M. Carter (See Geo. Carter) 1040 Barton D. Carter (See Geo. Carter) 1041 Charles A. Carter (See Geo. Carter) 1042 Alfred Callahan H 1043 Cornelius Callahan H 1044 JuUa Callahan H 1045 Rosemary Callahan 1046 WilUam Callahan H 1047 Leo Callahan 1048 Charles Callahan 1049 Mary Callahan 11 M 8 M 5 M 45 F 15 F 13 M 10 F 30 F 12 M 11 F 9 F 6 M 58 M 16 M 15 F 13 F 11 M 10 M 7 F 4 F 28 F 14 M 14 M 10 F 30 F 40 F 18 M 15 M 13 F 11 M 12 M 10 F 16 M 14 M 27 M 35 M 28 F 4 F 32 M 12 M 10 M 9 F NUMKRICAI. AHRANGEMENT "H" bigmnes Hetd, ''W*' Wile, Ft^urM Age. "M" Male, 1050 Gertrude Callahan |n ,,,-.--, iv _ , ' - laV) Afmcs L. Canville (Se« Mrs |ri- nir 1" ■ ■ ._ __,_ . . 'riO John Canvnlle. 1057 A(. 1058 An 1059 Mary E Carlton ||M - ■ ll ■ , . '«i2 France* Carlton lOM Gc> lOtM Au, !. 1065 Robert Carlton 10«m Mn- 10G7 (;«- . 1068 William Cedar (Sec Keed Wilson !(.. lu, 1071 llenrv Chouteau 1072 ti 1073 11 1074 William Clem 1075 Wilham L Clcuj 107G Ji)hn E Clem 1077 James A. Clem 107H Fr.i 1079 Jar. tm lONO Jessie M Clem lONI William il • iaH2 James N CIl:.. •H3 Sallie I Clem I0H4 An- '-n 1085 Cla: Icwen 1086 Josiah G Claw»on 1087 Emma C Clawson 1088 Thomas A Clawson 1089 George R Clawson IWKl Anna 1. C 1091 Wilham O L , in M 27 p., Female. ;.i l- 9 M F il .'.'.» W 12 M 16 M n V li ;{.s M w 29 P 12 F 11 F 9 F 11 .ta M lU F s M G F 5 M M M 12 M 11 F 11 25 M 11 2:i M 11 •)•! M 11 A'2 M 10 M 9 M 6 M 4 W II Ab M 14 P 12 M 9 M 7 F 11 29 F 5 F 11 22 M 19 F 15 M 13 M H 28 F 2^ NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. I()!)2 Francis Cooper 101)3 Edward E. Cooper [01)4 Woodie Conner H I0i)5 Theil L. Conner 109G George Connor H [097 Adelia Connor [OOS Victor W. Connor [099 Ida Cottingham H 100 Vera L. Cottingham 101 Logan Cottingham 102 Lula Collins H 103 John W. Collins 104 Roy W. Collins 105 Vera Conness H lOG Geneva M. Conness 107 AVilliam S. Conness 108 Jane Conway H 109 Isabella Fuller Crouse H 1 1 Carl Crouse 1 1 1 Laura I . Crouse 112 Stephen M. Crouse 113 Dallas Crouse H 1 14 Marie Crane H 115 Ellen Cross H 116 Heirs of Martha C. Cross, Dec'd 117 Laura Cunningham H 118 Edward R. Cunningham 1 19 Rose I. Cunningham H 120 Robert B. Cunningham 121 John M. Cunningham H 122 Mary Curtis H 123 Mary Farrell H 124 Virgil Farrell 125 Lethia B. Curtis 126 Ada Curtis 127 Sophia Daniel H 1 28 Bessie Daniel 129 Vernie Daniel 130 Pearl C. Daniel 131 Ida I. Daniel 132 Sophia Davis H 133 Mary J. Davis H 7 M 4 M 27 M 5 F 40 M 9 F 5 M 24 F 7 F 5 M 35 F 11 M 8 M 38 F 11 F 5 M 82 F 44 F 18 M 14 F 11 M 24 M 37 F 29 F 36 F 11 M 40 F 11 M 22 M 53 F 21 F 19 M 15 F 12 F 34 F 16 F 14 M 12 M 9 F 69 F 61 F NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "U" SifniAM HMd, ''W* Wtie, Ftcurtt Aft, "M" Mate, ll.'H Minnie E. I^Sarvc 1135 Dom Dailoy ll.m KIhic a Dull 11. 'i7 Uwum M Dial ll.iS Rcl^ivca J Daniel 1 n:J« Amy V Va«lniy 1 140 Eliza Dcnnison 1 MI Frank E FuKalc 1 142 John A KuK'titc II4^i Nellie Dennis* >n 1 144 OcorKt* <^ DcniiiN"!! I Mfi Hcri Dennison 1146 Julia Del Orier 1147 Virvil I- Del Oner. Uct d. IMS Louts Del Oner 1 1 49 Louis De Nuyu IlfjO Freilcrick De N- \.i ll.'il Clement De No\;i 1152 Josephine De Xoya II.-kJ Riil.y pp.' 1 1.V4 Kvcrcitc A 1155 Frank De Noy.i IITiT* James E Dc N..>.i 1157 Clara Dc N'oya I15S Grace De Noya ILVJ Alfre.l R I " IHW Charlotte 1 1161 Myrtle C De Noya 1102 Catherine I " i lUVl Walter L . I1(V4 Mablc De Nu>*a Brown !■ ' • • • - . I 1167 Vinnl H. De Noya i: *• •• • ■ I .■ . I17U Helen D. De No>-a 1171 • 1172 1173 Margaret I. De Noya 1174 • " • 1175 29 t4BII FamaJe. 11 Ul 1- 11 1 ! F I- ii 17 I 1 li >l 2<) M lU M 9 I 4 M n 2:. M n id) I 5 M ii 411 M 18 M 10 M 1 i I 12 1 n 2:t y. ii 5.i M 20 M 19 I 17 I- Ki M 14 1- 12 F 7 I- 5 M H 24 F n 31 M w •I F M i M f) I- 1 li .Li 1 M 6 F 7 F 5 F 11 43 M •^0 NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. 17() Emily Do Noya W 177 Clement De Noya, Jr 1 7uis L Fenton Curtjs Fent"n Susie P«'^ S ' - .1 .ir.l Joseph Lombard 15 M Paul Lombard... 11 M Hetrs of Mary E. Pronkicr, Dcc'd I^ban A. Pronlder Wilham Pronk:«" Simon Fronk'.« ; Florence Pronkicr '. ■ - < r Heirs of EUxa Pronkier. Dec'd Phillip Pronlder I^aura Fronlder S«^>uhgny Augtutus Pronkic 31 r» 16 If 14 M 12 M P M 11 11 F H 21 M M IS P 14 P 12 P H F li :{4 M s F n :vA M 10 F « M li 1) M I- H .'».') !• n 21 M 20 M II 27 F 9 If 8 If 5 If II IH F 20 M 17 P 20 M ii ;;•.» M 11 ;{s M 14 P 12 P S M ii 2i M li 2:> P H ;;2 M 32 NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. 1259 James Fronkier H 1200 Louis B. Fronkier I2()I Thomas Fuller H 1262 Louis Fuller H 1203 Andrew B. Fuller 1204 Charles Fuller H 1205 Victoria Gaylor H 1266 Mary E. Evans H 1207 James W. George H 1208 James L George 1209 Sylvester George H 1270 Ruby George H 1271 Mary A. Gilmore H 1272 S. J. Gilmore 1273 Coeanna Gilmore Sheriff H 1274 William H. Gilmore 1275 Amelia Girard H 1276 Mary E. C. Girard 1277 Corine A. Girard 1278 Amelia V. Girard 1279 Leona Girard 1280 Clara Goad H 1281 Cecil J. Goad 1282 Heirs of May Goad, Dec'd 1283 Agnes Groves H 1284 Ida Hall H 1285 Alfred Hall ; 1280 Margaret Harruff H 1287 Julia M. Harruff 1288 Emily Hardy H 1289 Louisa V. Hardy 1290 Goldie Hardy 1291 Geneva Hardy 1292 William R. Hardy 1293 Ora Hardy H 1294 Orel Hardy 1295 Charles Hampton H 1296 Roland C. Hampton 1297 Rosalie Hampton H 1298 Pearl Hayes H 1299 Olivia Hayes 1300 Elizabeth Hayes 31 M 4 M 29 M 35 M 8 M 26 M 45 F 24 F 27 M 4 M 26 M 21 F 50 F 19 M 23 F 13 M 30 F 10 F 15 F 14 F 12 F 30 F 8 M 28 F 25 F M 40 F 14 F 37 F 10 F 13 F 10 F 6 M 30 F M 30 M 4 M 49 F 30 F 6 F 6 F WUMKRICAI. ARRANGEMKNT X\ "H" SigniflM Head, "W" Wile, Figures A^e, "M" Male, "F" Fenult. J«»S€I»h»nc llarlnw John N Harlow llcini of Klnora Haye*. Der'd (S«? I2«»^ l-awr«mcc L Hayes (Sec ' Susan H:i-' • ('.rare U. Hcllc M Ha- Utlhc ii John C li.i . :. i Kmma Haynie Juha Ann Hacklctuaii Mar L ?' ' n Mary K r Hams Adehnc Harvey A "rnan \! Hceti.in I'aul He . l.i;*2 Mvnic I lA2h kixui Hewitt I •■», \ • . I . _ . II.. i;iL*.> hllen Hil.lci.raml. Deed \:\2M S " " -' -nn.l Hitder brand 13311 LctJtja li .1 l.'{37 Susan Htlran5 F 11 :ui F II 2<.» F 11 29 F 11 F 1- 11 »-» M II •J.'i M II 24 1- II 21 F 19 M 16 F 11 24 F 4 F il 74 I- II • )•) F 11 27 M II ;u M 11 M M 9 F II n M 18 P 16 P 15 P 10 P H ■»:•. M 12 M 34 NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT ••H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. I'.iA'A Cleiiienlinc Hickman H I'MA Homer Hickman 1345 Edna J. Hickman 134G Franklin Hickman 1347 Florence Hickman 1348 Lillie V. Hickman 1349 Bertha C. Hickman 1350 Jasper C. Holloway H 1351 Sarah Holloway Marshall H 1352 Frank Holloway . . / H 1353 Milton Holloway H 1354 Andrew L. Holloway 1355 Olita M. Holloway \'.]oQ Rosa Hoots H 1357 Agnes Hoots 1358 Alfred Hoots H 1359 Mary A. Hunt H 1360 Lula B. Hunt 1361 Mary G. Hunt 1362 Andrew D. Hunt 1363 Antwine Hunt H 1364 Peter Javine H 1365 Benjamin H. Javine H 1366 Hasread Javine 1367 Viola M. Javine 136S Ople Javine 1369 Roy V. Javine 1370 John Javine H 1371 bllie Javine H 1372 Audra Javine 1373 Ora E. Javine 1374 Joseph Javine 1375 Anthony Javine H 1376 John Javine H 1377 George M. Javine 1378 Earl T. Javine 1379 Jesse James H 1380 Julia M. Johnson H 1381 John W. Johnson H 1382 Laura Jones H 1383 James F. Jones 1384 Agnes Kennedy H 34 F 14 M 1 1 F 10 M s F (> F 4 F 58 M 22 F 25 M 27 M 1 M 4 F 41 F 15 F 23 M 40 F 13 F 11 F 8 M 23 M 58 M 21 M 19 M 16 F 4 F 14 M 55 M 20 F 17 F 16 F 13 M 23 M 28 M 6 M 4 M 22 M 55 F 21 M 24 F 5 U 34 F IfUMERICAL ARRAWGEMEriT .T1 "H" Sif;nifl«t HMd, "W" Wife. Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" FtmaJc. i IHS7 Thclma Kcnnctl\ l.'WS f I.IMJ 139U Mable Kennedy I.UU '■' * ' Iv ia92 I'M'A Samuel Kennefie M 14 Rol>ert E. Lal>adie MIA •" . l.r 1416 I 1417 G. V. L.. 14 IS Paul F I^J a.i;i 1419 John Labadie 1420 Mane U SarRe 1421 ' 1422 1423 Charles V. U Sar^e 1424 ' 1425 { 1426 joMph Lane 12 M (i NT 1- 4 M 11 to F tr> M H «V2 F 11 24 M 11 I- M U J I M 1 M i:{ M li :»a I' 11 A\i M 12 F 10 M s M F 11 -•:> M II 2:t F 2<» M 19 M 17 M 11 44 M 12 M 9 F 1 M .*) M II 1«» M is M i:> M II 2A M n\ F 14 M 13 M 11 M II 41 M 10 F II 41 M 'M\ NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. 1427 Zclla A. Lane W 1428 Mary Lane 1 429 Bessie Lane 1430 Joseph C. Lane 1431 Roy B. Lane 1432 Mary L. Leahy II 1433 Bertha Leahy li 1434 Thomas R. Leahy 1435 Cora W. Leahy 1436 Mable A. Leahy 1437 Edward A. Leahy 1438 W.T.Leahy H 1439 Martha Leahy W 1440 William T. Leahy, Jr 1441 B. Thomas Leahy 1442 Mary Lewis H 1443 Frank Lessert H 1444 Walter Lessert H 1445 Joseph Lessert H 1446 David Lessert H 1447 Guy Lessert 1448 Willie M. Lessert 1449 Charles A. Lessert 1450 Hattie Lessert 1451 Frank Lessert, Jr H 1452 Mary J. Lessert 1453 Robert A. Lessert 1454 Grace J. Lessert 1455 Roy L. Lessert 1456 Cora L. Lessert 1457 Benjamin Lessert H 1458 William K. Lessert H 1459 Wade Lessert 1460 Susie Lessert 1461 Benjamin L. Lessert 1462 Fay Lessert 1463 Fanny Lessert 1464 Charles Lessert H 1465 Coanie M. Liese H 1466 Washaki Liese 1467 Albert Lombard H 1468 Irene Lombard 40 1' 1() F 12 F 7 M 5 M 01 F i'>7 F 13 M 11 F 7 F 5 M 41 M 32 F 12 M 11 M 49 F 68 M 25 M 26 M 32 M 14 M 12 F 10 M 8 F 46 M 15 F 13 M 9 F 7 M 4 F 39 M 21 M 19 M 14 F 7 M 12 F 4 F 43 M 28 F 5 M 64 M 18 F NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT 'H" SigntflM HMd, "W" Wife. FigurM A^e, "M" M«le, 1400 1 . 1 1 t 1470 .If! 1471 Clara Uimbonl 1472 N'ina LMnituirtl 147.{ John L<»ml»aril 1474 George W U)mbard 1475 J.>hn K ■ ' ' 147tl Walter i 1477 Lucy I^imbanl I47S Lois I,*'! ' 1479 Samic 1. 14SU Olive G. Lyman 14S1 Paul Ln 14S2 Ajincs I. 14S3 Ca pi tola Lyman 14S4 Arthur J Lynuin 14S5 Mary A Lynn 14H6 John F L>*nn 14S7 I M Lntaii 14HS L>-iin 14.su Joseph Lyrxu 14U0 "■ '" t. I 1491 1492 Eva Mackey 149.1 ■•• *' . • 1494 149.5 Warren F. Mackey 1490 '.t"\ 1497 . 'A' 140M Bertha M Mackcv 1499 Grt " • 1500 W 1501 John Matheti^-s 1502 Mar>- I " I5a'J Lilhan i as 1504 Florence Mathews l.V).*! Sarah ? *' ' 1506 W W N 1507 Norman S Mathews I.VW • • . » » 1.509 ■. ■•: I 1510 John A. Mathews. Jr 37 p.. Female. 10 P 9 M II 24 F n ■»■> F ii jti M II ;u M II 24 M n :j2 M 9 F 7 F F II 47 F 11 44 M 7 F .') F ti 40 .M II ;i:j F 15 M 11 F 7 9 M .M 4 M 11 .12 M 12 F H F {\ F 4 M Ii 27 M 10 F 5 F II 24 M 11 02 M 10 M 12 F 11 F .H F II 22 F II .il M 5 M H .14 M W •2S F 9 M 38 NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. .')! 1 Victoria Mathews 512 Edward O. Mathews II ')\:i Alfred E. Mathews 514 Thomas S. Matliews 11 515 Alex. Martin 11 51() ik-rtha Martin 517 Lombard Martin H 518 Lee Martin H 5 1 <) Dane L. Martin 520 Ldj^ar E. Martin 521 Lennie N. Martin 522 Emery Martin H 52M John D. Martin 524 Richard Martin H 525 Claude Martin 52() James Martin 527 Wilson Martin 528 Lenora McCarty H 529 William H. McCarty 530 Solomon McCarty 531 Edna McCarty 532 Ellen McDaniel H 533 Frederick W. McDaniel 534 Emma McGath H 535 John W. McGath 530 Mary E. McGuire H 537 Ethel McGuire 538 Leo McGuir 539 Bird A. McGuire 540 William T. McGuire 541 Charles A. McGuire 542 Ellen McComb H 543 Jessie McComb 544 William N. McComb 545 Gladys I. McComb 546 Rachel B. McComb 547 Naioma McComb 548 Nancy McLaughlin H 549 Flora McLaughlin Alberty W 550 Mary McLintic H 551 Aloysia McLintic 552 Minnie McLain H s F ;;i M 5 Adeline Mctsier 1500 \V T Mosjer 1507 Louisa Mosicr 1508 Charles IV Mosier 1509 John T M.- 1570 Kdwm P M 1571 Luther P Mossier 1572 ' 1573 1574 Stella M 1575 1570 1577 Kate M 1575 • 1579 1580 John J Mosier 1581 Ida M y 1582 Walter ; 1&83 Bismark Mosier ir.s 1580 James W. Moorr 15.H7 1588 1589 Charles Moncrav.. l.v. 1.'. 1592 Vinonia M. Moncrav . 1593 1594 5 M il Xi F s I- 5 M 12 M II 2() F ii • »_' M 11 •2\ M 17 M 11 23 F II t»7 M H m I- 11 42 M W 3'. F 14 M 11 M 8 M () M '> M 11 4S M 18 F 15 M 12 F H •>•> F II 35 M 14 F 8 M F 4 M 11 27 M F 4 F II 24 M II 21 F 19 F 11 41 M W 32 F 11 F 8 F H 35 M 11 37 M 40 NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT '•H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. 1595 Henri E. Moncravie F 15«)() John Moncravie 11 40 M 15*17 Sylvester A. Moncravie 17 M 15US John N. Moncravie l.i M 15<)<) Alexander C. Moncravie 11 M !()()() Haruda J. Moncravie \) M 1()01 Vivian L. Moncravie (i F 1002 Anna A. Moncravie 4 F 1()0:! Jennie Murray H .'!4 F 1001 Morton J. Murray 12 M 1 (105 Ruby M. Murray 11 F 1 ()()() Arthur R. Murray 8 M 1()07 Alfred G. Murray 6 M lOOS Gertrude Murphy H 28 F IGOO Alice Murphy H 26 F 1610 Elizabeth Murphy H 24 F 1611 Nettie Murphy H 20 F 1612 William Musgrove H 32 M 1613 Carl R. Musgrove 5 M 1614 Willis E. Musgrove 4 F 1615 George Newman H 28 M 1616 Larry Nolegs H 55 M 1617 Heirs of Ora Owens, Dec'd (See J. W. Owens) 1618 Samuel T. Pappan 19 M 1 619 Lee A. Pappan 17 M 1 620 Oakley Pappan 15 M 1621 Lester Pappan 13 M 1622 Alex. Pappan H 51 M 1623 Grace Pappan Rivera H 20 F 1624 Herbert Pappin 13 M 1 625 Franklin A. Pappin 8 M 1 ()26 Roosevelt Pappin 5 M 1627 John Pappin, Dec'd 1 628 Jesse L. Pappin 20 M 1629 John L. Pappin 18 M 1 630 Jeanette Pappin 15 F 1631 Joseph L. Pappin 13 M 1632 Jules C. Pappin 11 M 1633 Joshua J. Pappin 7 M 1634 Jeremiah Pappin 4 M 1635 James Pappin H 26 M 1636 John F. Palmer H 49 M NUMERICAL ARRAPCGEMEWT 41 -H" SigBiflti Hatd, "W" Wifr. K^^urrs Ace "M" Male. "F" Fenule. iai7 ■ t'T mus :... c: I6:i9 Mary E Palmer imo ' <"'' 1G41 :.. . 1&I2 Manon 11 IV i KH.i -r 1644 ^ -i - . . . c : 1(M5 L«o Pcmer 164(i James Pcrncr 1047 John T I'crncr 1648 James R. Perrier 1(V««I lt>60 .. .... . ^ . 1051 Nina Perrier Hi.'i2 Lo«> I'crncr 166:1 Pclcr Pcrncr 1654 Lola Perrier l(i.Vy 1 > 1656 .... :cr 1657 Roy B. I*emer 16.V< huK'cnc : 1659 Ray LI 16613 James M. Peters (See Cha». Peter \mi S W !•. 166 J Ncuic M 1663 Heins uf I&al die Pettit Odell mv\ 1 • ■ • 1665 1 <\u\ 1666 Ula M Pettit l»i«i7 • I66S 1660 1670 t»c»»r>:c k I'r" '. 1671 Lula B Pettf 1672 John Pettit 1673 I, Dcv .1 1674 L...... . . t rkm< 1675 RoAa Pear« M 4 M II 27 M 4 M 11 M II r>5 M H T\ 1- ii • » < M 13 F 9 P 8 M 6 M li 35 M 11 M K F II .{.{ M ii 55 F H 47 P II 21 F II 19 F IS F 42 NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. 1671) Bertha L. Pearson KiSO Kate V. Pearson HiSl Willie J. Pearson l(jS2 Rose E. Pearson 1683 October Pearson H 16S4 Mary C. Pearson W KiS") Bernice M. Pearson 16S6 William Phillips H 1()S7 Anp;eline M. Phillips loss Iva M. Phillips 1GS9 James W. Phillips !()'.)() Clemy Plomondon H !()*)] Stella Plomondon Mann H 1692 Daniel B. Plomondon IWA Julia A. Plomondon 1694 Louisa Plomondon 1695 Louis Plomondon H 1 696 Barnard Plomondon H 1697 Ella Plomondon W 1698 Grace Plomondon 1699 Clementine Plomondon 1700 Moses E. Plomondon 1701 George A. Plomondon 1702 Ethel Potter H 1703 Francis A. Potter 1704 Oliver L. Potter 1705 James L. Potter 1706 Charles N. Prudom H 1707 Nora Prudom H 1708 Nettie Prudom Lohman H 1709 Frank Prudom H 1710 Henry Prue H 1711 Maude Prue W 1712 Hattie M. Prue 1713 Charles F. Prue 1714 Henry E. Prue 1715 Floyd B. Prue 1716 Anna B. Prue 1717 Franklin Quinton H 1718 Jane R. Rairdon H 1719 Louis S. Miller H 1720 Ida J. Miller 16 F 13 F 10 M 7 F 27 M 23 F 4 F 40 M 16 F 14 F 12 M 56 F 21 F 18 M 16 F 13 F 25 M 40 M 36 F 18 F 16 F 14 M 11 M 32 F 15 M 10 M 7 M 55 M 27 F 24 F 44 M 35 M 28 F 12 F 11 M 9 M 6 M 4 F 23 M 51 F 21 1^1 18 F IfUMERICAI. ARRAWGEMENT ■■H" Signifiw Head, "W" Wa«, Figures Ag; "M" Male 1721 Wmdall II Kairdon 1722 '" ' " ".cr I72.i 1724 Kthcl Recce I72:> * •• I72« 1727 William L Kevelclle I72.H Mary E Re ' I72y Mtnnu' V K. I7aO Fred Revelette \7'M Pauljnc '" 17:J2 Freil L ll'Xi Frank Revcleitc 1734 :• • ' •• • ti- 1735 17;J6 Joseph Revelette 17.J7 " • 173.S r i 17;W Delia M RcvanI 1740 ■ 1741 1742 Charles Revard 1743 ■ 1744 1745 Paul Revani 174« Susie Revar«l 1747 Mary K Rcvar.l 174S Elsie E Revard 1749 ■ irl 1750 i 1751 Emanuel M Revani 1752 Pearl I ■ 175.1 Ethel K 1754 John \V. Rc\-artl 1755 ' .1 1756 1757 Joseph Revard 1758 • 1759 ' 1-1 1760 Wilbam J. Revard 1761 Renald V Revard 13 M 1762 Ralth Revard II 22 M 43 F" Female. 10 M ii 26 F s F 6 F (1 33 M 11 F 9 M 1 F 1 F II 31 M lU F 8 M II (V.) M 11 21 M II 37 M 1 M H M M 1 F '> F 11 .•»i M II :»4 M II :>o M Ii 29 M H 35 M 15 F II r.2 F F II 12 M 16 M 11 If 9 F 4 F II 32 M 12 M 11 M II SO M '20 F 17 F 15 M II NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. (VA hVanklin Revard H (') 4 Nicholas X. Revard (').") I'earl Revard »■)(■) Myrta Revard (i7 Mark S. Revard H OS Charles E. Revard H 69 Clarence Revard 70 Ed. Clifford Revard 71 Clara Revard 72 Carrie Revard 7'A Cora Revard 74 Nora T. Revard 75 McGuire N. Revard 7() Lena Revard 77 Leonard Revard H 7S Lode Revard 79 Opal A. Revard 50 Hazel Revard 51 Minnie Revard 52 Cleo Revard 83 Joseph Revard, Jr H S4 Nellie Revard 85 Edgar T. Revard 786 Mary G. Revard 787 Curtis Revard H 788 Mae Bell Revard, Dec'd 789 Odell Revard 790 Aaron T. Revard 791 Sherman Riddle 792 Joseph Riddle 793 Frank Riddle 794 Heirs of Josephine Ririe, Dec'd (See Cyrus Ririe).... 795 Effie E. Ririe (See Cyrus Ririe) 796 Scott F. Ririe (See Cyrus Ririe) 797 Otis E. Ririe (See Cyrus Ririe) 798 Nellie L Ririe (See Cyrus Ririe) 799 Arthur M. Ririe (See Cyrus Ririe) 800 Oscar A. Ririe H 801 Antwine Rodman H 802 Stephen Rogers H 803 Louis Rogers H 804 Heirs of Ella Rogers, Dec'd 46 M IT) M 15 F 7 F 22 M 50 M 20 M 17 M 16 F 12 F 12 F 11 F 6 F 4 F 52 M 16 F 13 F 10 F t F 4 F 53 M 9 F 6 M 4 F 24 M 20 M 18 M 18 M 16 M 14 M 17 F 14 M 10 M 8 F 4 M 23 M 37 M 29 M 67 M NUMKRICAI. ARRArCGEMENT AT* "H" Sifnifiet UMd. "W" Wife, figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. 1K()5 Lnv '' 184)0 Wa . Dec'd 1807 Th r». DecM IKOS Naiu > i IhOU T Lk^. 1810 Arthur Rogers INIl < . IS 12 .' - 1 1813 Ellen E R. ; ISN 1K15 IKIO .Mary E R< . 1SI7 Irene Rojjers 1818 Mary A Rojjcrs 1819 Coaina Roffera lS2t) 1821 ....... K ■ • • 1822 Antu*ine R< 1823 Vi. 1824 Mat .. 1825 Kennet is , IS-. 1828 Iasf>er 1 1829 18.30 1831 ' 18.32 .Mauti K<>>;i:r> 183.3 H..r.'. . U L' 1834 IS IS.., ia37 is Ik lfV..i 1840 , ., , ... John 11 1841 1842 ii.i. ..... J ., . 1843 l^wis A R' , 1844 Isiadore R^vrer'. 1845 Frctl R. Rojjcrs 1846 Frank Rogers 11 M ii t.j F il J J M n :>n M 11 M 9 P 7 M 5 M H .{« F 18 P 16 P 12 F 10 M H 2s F H • ».'i .M IS F Ii 24 F i! .;o M 7 F 5 M U 10 .M \y :{1 F s M 9 P 5 P 16 P 14 P u .{(» M u 2.*» M H •>•> M 17 P 14 P 12 M II 2r» F r M H .35 M W 32 P U U 5 u 40 NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. 1847 Ula Roberts II 24 F 1S4S John Ross H 05 M is4i) Floyd F. Ross l.i U 1500 Wilfred D. Roach I! :{() M 1501 Bridget A. Roach 7 F 1S52 Melvin C. Roach A M 1853 Samuel Roach II 28 M 1854 Mikle J. Roach 7 M 1855 Herman B. Roach 4 M 1850 Mary E. Roach H 27 F 1857 George \V. Roach H 24 M 1858 Hattie B. Roach H 22 F 1859 Cora Saxon H :jO F 1800 Veva M. Saxon F 1801 E. Stella Michelle 12 F 1802 Delia Michelle U F 1803 George Scott H 33 M 1804 Mary M. Scott 5 F 1805 Heirs of Julia Ann Scott, Dec'd (See E. F. Scott)... 1800 William J. Scott (See E. F. Scott) 5 M 1807 George Selby H 24 M 1808 Joeanna Shafer H 30 F 1809 Franklin Shaw H 23 M 1870 Rose M. Shaw W 22 F 1871 Moses Shaw M 1872 John Shaw 4 M 1873 Anna U. Shobe H 20 F 1 874 Susan Simpson H 08 F 1875 Mary L. Simpkins H 38 F 1870 Warren D. Simpkins 17 M 1877 Mary E. Simpkins 10 F 1878 Vivian P. Simpkins 13 F 1879 Oren T. Simpkins 12 M 1880 Edward Simpkins 10 M 1881 Virgil Simpkins 4 M 1882 A. B. Slaughter H 20 M 1883 Amanda Slaughter H 23 F 1884 Harry E. Slaughter 20 M 1885 Minnie Smith H 27 F 1880 George B. Smith 8 M 1887 Genevei ve Smith 11 F 1888 Anna Smith Fuller H 31 F nUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT ■H" SigiiiflM HMd, **W" Wife. FigurM Afe. "M" lUle. 1889 Gertrude Sodcntr..- 1800 Alta A Dickcv ISIU ISU2 ., 180.{ U> 1^ l^;^ 18U0 Kate r 1HU7 Iihi M S..;,Uiik 1899 An IlKJO Ainciia K ^...lai.i 11K)1 Frank K .S..lilanj 1902 Charles L Soldani HKM 1905 Rose M S..: 1900 (jc^.rv'c H S.ia.nii 1907 Mary L S.! 1 .• 190K John II Stc 190'J 1910 ... 1911 Nfa 1912 19i:< 1914 19i:> Ja: 1916 Alu. 1917 John I 19 IS Arr jtlKl I ... IV 192 i |() > > I' 1' 1" 1 • 1" 1" ' — 1' I9.i0 James B. rayi«>r M s F .*» M 17 U II 46 P 14 U 11 P 17 M i 48 NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. 1931 John F. Taylor (See Hugh Pitzer) 1932 Iliram Taylor (See Hugh Pitzer) 19o;i Fanny Taylor (See Hugh Pitzer) 19;U Agnes Taylor (See Hugh Pitzer) 1935 Anna Taylor (See Hugh Pitzer) 1930 John Tayrien H 1937 Mary L. Tayrien 1938 Agnes Tayrien 1939 Charles Tayrien H 1940 Edna Tayrien 1941 Thomas Tayrien II 1942 George A. Tayrien 1943 Andrew J. Tayrien 1944 I\iul Tayrien 1945 Maud J. Tayrien 1 940 John C. Tayrien 1947 James Tayrien H 1948 Alberty Tayrien ' 1 949 Elmer C. Tayrien 1950 David W. Tayrien H 1951 Andrew Tayrien H 1952 Jennie Tayrien 1953 Viola Tayrien 1954 Alfred J. Tayrien 1955 Violet M. Tayrien 1950 William J. Tayrien 1957 Rose Anna Tayrien 1958 Cyprian Tayrien H 1959 WilUam Tayrien 1900 Rena L. Beggs H 1901 Lillie Tayrien McCoy H 1902 Leroy Thompson (See Lottie Roe) 1903 Emery E. Roe (See Lottie Roe) 1904 Nicholas Thompson H 1905 Agnes Thomas H 1900 Maggie C. Thomas 1907 Julia H. Thomas 1908 Lola Thurman H 1909 Louis Tinker H 1970 WilHam Tinker 1971 Bessie Tinker 1972 Nora Tinker 12 15 M 13 M 12 F 10 F (i F 28 M F 5 F 35 M 12 F 49 M 20 M 10 M 14 M F 5 M 25 M F 4 M 22 M 30 M 14 F 13 F 11 M 10 F 7 M 7 F 72 M 20 M 20 F 23 F 16 M 9 M 52 M 28 F 8 F 5 F 24 F 43 M 19 M 16 F NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT 49 "H" Sijjmfte* Head, "W Wife, F.ijurw Age, "M" Male. "F" Femalt. IU73 Ora Tinker 1974 Eva Tinker 1975 Iwil>clle Tinker 1970 R' L Tinker 1993 Noma J. Tinker 1994 Tom Tinker 1995 Mar>- E Tinker 1990 Ehra Tinker 1997 Syl- • - ' ■•■-■, Wrr 199S Mu 1999 Harold i oiltl 20(X) Gerald J TMl 2()01 Julian TruniM;, 2002 Ebxa Trumhiy 20o:i Henry Trur * ' 2004 Tina O Trv; 2005 Charlw Tm 2000 •t-i _ - -r. 2007 2008 I larenc« Trumbly. 2009 11.^ J t: \ \ T . 2010 ■ V 2011 Clarence E. Truml»ly 2012 / • _ _. _ -r I t .. 2013 2014 Mary Trumbly 13 P 10 P 7 P 5 P II 11 M 18 P 10 P 14 M 11 M 7 P 11 •»•> M li ;;s M 19 F 10 M 13 P 12 P 9 M .1 M 11 4y M W 49 P 11 •J I M IG M 14 P 10 P 7 M II :\\ F 5 M 9 M II :i9 M W .V4 P 20 M 18 P 17 M 12 P II 2S M II inj M 1 F 4 M II :\Ci M H .15 M \V 24 F 50 NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. _M) 1 .") Oscar Trumbly 20 1() J. B. Trumbly H 2017 Florence Trumbly Anderson 11 201 S John F. Trumbly 2019 Elizabeth Trumbly 2020 Paul P. Trumbly 2021 Anna Tucker H 2022 Beulah G. Tucker 202:> Angeline Tucker II 2024 Frederick D. Turner 2025 Mary B. Turner H 202G Benjamin F. Tyner H 2027 Ethel M. Tyner 2028 Roy F. Tyner 2029 William L. Tyner 2030 Heirs of Eliza Vesser, Dec'd (See Chas. Vesser) 2031 Ruth Vesser (See Chas. Vesser) 17 2032 Ora M. Voils, Dec'd (See Fred Voiles) 2033 Kathleen M. Voils (See Fred Voiles) 2034 Elsie L. Voils (See Fred Voiles) 2035 Rosalie Watkins H 2036 Francis M. Watkins 2037 James Watkins 203S John F. Watkins 20:59 Victoria Ware H 2040 LilHe M. Del Orier H 2041 Edna Del Orier 2042 Aggie Ware H 2043 Julia Ware 2044 Nancy Ware 2045 Bulah Ware 2046 Rosa L. Ware 2047 Henry H. Ware 2048 David Ware 2049 Effie Wade H 2050 Merle C. Wade 2051 Elmer Whiles H 2052 Telina Whiles Waters H 2053 DeHlah Whiles H 2054 Francis M. Whiles H 2055 Paul Wheeler H 205() Merrit J. Wheeler 4 M 56 M 21 F 19 M 16 F 10 M 26 F 5 F 75 F 15 M 28 F 35 M 11 F 9 M 5 M 8 F 4 F 35 F 16 M 15 M 8 M 59 F 20 F 19 F 40 F 16 F 14 F 12 F 10 F 8 M 7 M 24 F 5 M 28 M 27 F 25 F 21 M 38 M 7 M NUMERICAL ARRANGEMEIfT .*>! "il" StcniflM Head, "W" WUe, Vigur» Age, "M" 1UJ«, "F" Feouto. 2():»7 (jeneva Wheeler 2<)5S Elmer W ' 2l)M» Kvn K 21M«> Wheeler 2()(tl .\ ...i »'. heeler 20112 Anna Wheeler '2iH\H Susan Wheeler 2(H>4 \ .... I.- \i •. .. ■ . JlXWi -vie. Dec*< LMHki Umis F Wiiicie 2IM'>7 Mary WiUon 200S William E WiUon 2t)i\si\ 20S7 .saihe Ho«>j>er 20H,H \ 1 . _ . 1 f 2tlMl 2090 Andrew W. Sif^joos 2091 II. . ( .1 „ .1 2092 2()0.'i To-wah-e-hc (S« 2094 if / % 2095 V . 209ft Vemie L. Hutchinvm (Sec 1 2097 ? 1 . . , It f .. 2098 P ii .11 M W :V2 1 1 P P H 24 P 11 27 P H Xi P 9 M Ii 2\ M n .{2 F i:( M 11 F 9 M G F II :ih F 15 M \:i M 9 P ii TiO P II :t7 P 14 F 13 M 9 (I P M Ii •»•> 1- 11* M 17 F ir, P II -'4 F II :i9 P ifi P II 47 P 19 M 3 F 4 M 3 M 7 M 9 P 4 P 52 NUMERICAL ARRANGEMENT "H" Signifies Head, "W" Wife, Figures Age, "M" Male, "F" Female. 2()'.M) Ida Slrikc-Axc (See (iOiJ) 4 F 2 100 Andrew Opah (See TO.'i) 4 M 2101 Heirs of Hattie Crow, Dec'd (See 743) 2102 Urn pah to kah (See 774) 3 F 2103 Heirs of Elias S. Bigheart, Dec'd 2104 Augustus Barber (See 905) 7 M 2105 Earnest F. Bockius (See 962) 2100 Cyril D. Bockius (See 962) 2107 Mary B. Bockius (See 962) 2108 Kathleen Boren (See 963) 2109 Evaleen Boren (See 963) 2110 Frankie M. Crane (See 1114) 21 1 1 Lou M. Cross (See 1115) 2112 Charles L. Cross (See 1115) 2113 Heirs of Eva Dennison, Dec'd (See 1140) 2114 Daniel I. Conner (See 1096) 2115 Alexander Fox (See 1246) 2116 Mural W. Groves (See 1283) 2117 Mary L. Groves (See 1283) 2118 Emerine Hanelson (See 1188) 2119 Heirs of Slaughter Harris, Dec'd (See 1315) 2120 Leo Penn (See 821) 2121 Oscar Penn (See 821) 2122 Wayne M. Penn (See 821) 2123 Hanna N. Soderstrom (See 1889) 2124 Geneva Thurman (See 1968) 2125 Andrew Edward Wilkie, Dec'd (See 1919) 2126 Heirs of Wah-tsa-ah-tah, Dec'd (See 118) 2127 Hlu-ah-me-tsa-he (See 33) 2128 Hla-me-tsa-he (See 9) 2129 Paul Albert H 2130 Son-se-gra H 2131 Harry H. Saxon (See 1859) 2132 Gladys Tayrian (See 1936) 2133 WilHe L. Rogers (See 1835) 2134 A-non-to-ap-pe (See 638) 2135 Gilbert J. Stevens (See 1908) 3 M 2136 John Thomas Baker', Jr. (See 915) 3 M 2137 Heirs of Edward G. Chouteau, Dec'd (See 1071) 2138 Heirs of Samuel A. Smith, Dec'd (See 1885) 2139 Maurice C. Murray (See 1603) 3 M 2140 Anna M. Mathews (See 1506) 3 F 9 M 12 M 7 F 5 F 5 F 3 F 10 F 7 M 3 M 8 M 8 M 6 F 12 F 13 M 11 M 5 M 9 F 4 F 4 F 4 F 31 M 52 M 4 M 3 F 3 M 3 F NUMERICAL ARRAWGEMEPIT "U" Sigaiflw Und, "W" Wife, Figures Age. "M" lf«l France* Clcwcn (Sec 10S4) '■ ^ - •:<). I Ilcir^ ..1 Sarah O. B< D«cd (Sec *J'..{ \t > . I ii I Heirs of Amos Sw-ain. Dec'd (See 13.').*> NVun-jH- ct7l4) L«)rctta \\r\cn \\ I ■ 1 ec 4y.i» 53 Fe mtle 3 P 3 U 14 P :t M 4 M 3 P 3 P ^ F .k Si 3 U 3 P 4 M 3 M 3 M 3 F { M 12 P 3 P 3 P .{ P 3 M 3 M 3 If 3 M 3 P 3 P 3 P 3 P Irene Hennt- h. |M- ' ' .*i ' Albert. K.i-. 2\M A _»s^ A' • ' -'212 a: .V .i(Hi 1. 1 Ah-hu-shinka V.iS Black Bird. John 63 A!' - »::; f? • *• W A JS4> 1'.: . .i,l. «i5 Albert. Anlunnc ittM Bacon. Joseph. Dec'd 67 :W t;u'. I?. •' • 08 A :..-»» li .IJ HI Abbott, John tHM Black- Bird. Mary 82 A J ' • sll nv ..>..! v{ A Ijtt I; . W Albert. Annie Pcnn Sjt. Bates. John 91 Ar SI. J H. ••') Al s7.') 1-;. lu.' Aikin. John H s7t) Berr>'. Grace lai Albert y. (* s77 B. •• ■ 104 An>eriy. I.. ^7^ i< 1.J5 Albcrty. GeorKe ^7'i Butler. Ev 136 A! • • 1«.'» Al. •! ^ 171 Alexander. Martha 1 S V ' ■ art. Janu- 199 Al. Daviil C . Do •! V , J! { Al. Ma A V s , !,• Jll Allen. Emily SM , Brokey. Herbert. 215 Al -■hr] -»2s Ai. ■. H {.'►s Andenion. Henry V - ■ Buffalo Mar>' MA) Av • •■ ■ ■ K - . , ... . . vsr. Ar. 1- : :. !x>uii«' ■ is7 Anderson. Ora D. BanfTs. Myron 4a3 At ■ ■ - M *" ■ 1 J<»*, Ai; . J-'O Atkins. James B . Dec - Blaine. Walker 427 Atv , B . Dut .•40 Brown. Charlt-s IJMl Blackburn. Ob\ 11 Brown. Bemicc 984 BoulanK'cr. Bcn]am:n H ' 1 . •.»44 Brow*n. Earnest ... '•J.-, 1 n- " ■ •nil l\: • Boulantrer. Anna V \H7 Brown. W: '•90 - K ' ; Lula i: cr A U BoulanKcr. Stephen K '»:iO 1 Brown. William S l»93 " ■ '•M ' H' •»«.»4 ' ' '*'.:' Hi w:* Boulan^er. I i Brown. Edith \*Wi '. ' • 1 n- ~ ' ' '« '. ih . Bou lander. Lenora Brunt. Gf 999 ■ ' ' ■ > 7 H i(MK) i ' ' '. ^ Br :: 1<»(I| Boulanvrer. E7 Bom-han. Frann^ 1 > Bratton. WilUam E HIOK 'H.J, Br.itt- n K-hvar.! S 1(N)9 ._, .,.,,, , '.M,7 Br.irt .11. }'>hu I lOlU Bowhan. Marie B \u\s Mrrr-lini;. Marv 1. iOll «M,M H'. NI 1012 «)7l) H: 10 13 Bowman. Mildred L 971 Br. !•: 1014 '•n ♦.•7 J n- :..i 1015 ^ .iria W •.»7:{ Hr . . 1016 Bradnhaw. K<.9e K "•74 Brook 1017 s •»7.'. M- lOlH 1 . .. .i .. ". l»7«i Hi. ., . ,. I0I9 Bradshaw. AKin S 977 Br>'ant. Jor 1(120 A 97S Bryant. Frank 1021 ..-.a K 9711 Bryant. Delia M l(»22 Bradshaw. Alva F ItSO Bryant. Carrie M 1023 9.SI Bryant. Cecil 1024 0H2 Brvant. Arthur 1 i\?'. 58 ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT I^ryant. Annie H 1()2<) Bryant, Arena. 1027 Burton, Roy B 1029 Brown. Mable U. Xoya 11 G4 Beggs. Rena L 1000 Black, Mary 2097 Big heart, Elias S., Dec'd 2103 Barber, Augustus 2104 Bockius, Earnest 2105 Bockius, Cyril D 2106 Bockius. Mary B 2107 Boren, Kathleen 210S Boren, Evaleen 2109 Baker. John T., Jr 2136 Big-Eagle-Metsa 2143 Bellmard. Clarence 2145 Boulanger, Sarah O., Dec'd.... 2146 Bockius, Milton, Jr 2147 Barber, Morris G 2155 Brown, Helen M 2158 Bennett, Irene 2166 Bighorse. Edward 2169 Brock, Wynona V 2174 Buxbaum, Vernon E 2202 Carson, Tom 14 Carson, Philip 15 Cannon, Joseph 106 Cannon, John 107 Cannon, Frank lOS Cannon, Alex 109 Cox, Gilbert i;')9 ConkHn, Roscoe 140 Cole, Donnie 159 Cole, Mable 160 Cleshowahkepah, Fiddio 161 Cox, Edward 165 Cox, Joseph 1()7 Cox, Edward, Jr.. Dec'd 168 Cox, Mary 181 Che-sho-wah-ke-pah 190 Che-sho-wah-ke-pah, Mary. . . 194 Clay, Mary 235 Clark, Peter 248 Che-sho-hun-kah, Dec'd 304 Claremore. John ;>07 Ciaremore, Amada 308 Collum, May 321 Collum. Clara 323 Collum, Anna 324 Che-sah-me 344 Choteau, Sophia 432 Choteau, Augustine 437 Choteau, Augustus 439 Choteau, Charles 440 Choteau. Rose 443 Coshehe, Henry 572 Coshehe, Clem 574 Coshehe, John 575 Coshehe. George 576 Cheshewalla, Evart 578 Cheshewalla, Floyd 579 Cheshewalla, Mary, Dec'd. . . . 580 Corndropper, Frank 629 Copperfield, David 668 Copperfield, Maggie 669 Che-sho-shin-kah 681 Claremore, Francis 691 Claremore, Louis 693 Cox, Lottie lone 874 Captain, Peter 898 Carr, Nelson 1030 Carr, Gussie M 1031 Carpenter, Mary E 1033 Carpenter, Floyd H 1034 Carpenter, Chas. E 1035 Carpenter, Rose B 1036 Carpenter, Louis S 1037 Carter, Alva E 1038 Carter, Leota M 1039 Carter, Barton D 1040 Carter, Chas. A 1041 Callahan, Alfred 1042 Callahan, Cornelius 1043 Callahan. Julia 1044 Callahan, Rosemary 1045 Callahan. WilUam 1046 ALPHABETICAL ARRAJIGEMBIIT Ml Callahan. 1^> l(M7 1 Cooper. Anna lOW) C. :'1CS (US C-.j.r \\r. () U¥J\ Cu...i. — :.. M.i: y (U'» • "''■; rr Ir.iTi :s HH»2 Callahan. Gertrude ( i.'H » ( . ;.' K.lA.ir,! i: III* I.J Canvillr. Clara (I'll ( I.T.r- \\ -l:,. urM Canxillc. John H (i:.j C. n:..- . .-.: I. \lfl\ Can \n lie. Aj?nc* I. (i.v; ( • lui • 1 .. :/«• Can\ii!r. I'as, »>,.»I 1 ( i:» I (■■Mv- .\.!.-'..i lir«7 Can\-illc. Ccvjl (i;.;. <• • • Vut,.: W 1 1 r- . S Canxnlle. John M.'.r. < iin. Ida Cannllc. Aoii'la 0.-.7 ( '. . I. i .M» Carlton. Antliony (t'lS ^ ....... .1 .. . 1101 Carlton. Mary E (l.V» ('•Ilins. Lula 1102 Carlton. Kva M IXUI (•..::tr.s |..' n V, I m;: Carlton. Ethel (»-.i Coihus. K v; 1101 Carlton. Fran* i iM,.» Conness. 1105 Carlton. Georye iMt.; ('•■nru-Nv I .« licvii M . IHMi Carlton. Augustine IM.J ( ". .f.Ilcss W- ■ •s 1107 Carlton. Robert III.;. ('■ tr.'. .i\ noM Carlton. Mar>- E (Mil'. ("r< 'Ux«- Is. I < ..» '. no»» Carlton. George . Jr (M,7 tr .'.isc. lurl 1110 Cedar. William in;s <"r use. I^ura 1 nil Cedar. Paul Df'.M 1112 Childers. N'ola ()7(> ma Chouteau. Hcnrv 1 071 1114 (•■• i»7J ( ; s . i , 111:1 1 1 1)7.; 1 ■ ' ' inr. 074 m: Clcui. Wi ' 117'. Clem. Joli:. i. I (i7i> Clem. James A 1 077 1120 Clem. Frantx 1 (i7s • J. .hit M 1121 C! ' ! 1 i'7'» H22 C 1 IISII r-;":s T. • i.i it 1 1 :s cicn.. Wu. n f IS ; < . -s. Ada f lo"- I ...— V , MS' < M.nrv . ^ . c 1 IS , :.ib. 1 .V,:. Clewinc. Anna i ns J ( w P.*2S Clewine. (' " • IS ', ( \ !•• ^«» ClawBon. : < PSI , Clairaon. Emma i Jinl '"!awBon. T— - ^ - 2 1 1 o :awson. • 2111 (JO ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT Cross. Chas. L 2112 Conner, Daniel 1 21 14 Chouteau. Eidward G., Dec'd..21.'i7 Cle vvi en . Frances 2141 Cross. Claudis J 2179 Che-sho-ki-he-kah 2194 Carlton. Ella 2iys Dickinson, Don 15.'^ Dunlap, Julia 270 Dorrey, Thomas 289 Daniels, Dominie 310 Daniels. Joseph 311 Drexil, Francis 329 Dunlap, George 363 Daniel. Clarence 855 Daniel, Sophia 1127 Daniel, Bessie 1128 Daniel, Vemie 1129 Daniel. Pearl C 1130 Daniel, Ida J 1131 Davis. Sophia 1132 DaWs, Mary J 1133 Dailey, Dora 1135 Dial, Elsie A 1136 Dial. Lawton M 1137 Darnell, Rebecca J 1138 Dennison, Eliza 1140 Dennison, Nellie 1143 Dennison, Geo. O 1144 Dennison, Bert 1145 Del Orier, Julia 114G Del Orier, Virgil L.. Dec'd.. . . 1147 Del Orier, Louis 1148 DeNoya. Louis 1149 DeNoya, Frederick 1150 DeNoya, Clement 1151 DeNoya, Josephine 1152 DeNoya. Ruby P 1153 DeNoya, Everette A 1154 DeNoya. Frank 1155 DeNoya, James E 1156 DeNoya, Clara 1157 DeNoya, Grace 1 1 58 DeNoya, Alfred R 1159 DeNoya, Charlotte 1 160 DeNoya, Mrytle C 1161 DeNoya, Catherine 1 1 162 DeNoya, Walter L 1163 DeNoya, Jacob 1 165 DeNoya, Belle 1106 DeNoya, Virgil H 1167 DeNoya. Maurice H 1168 DeNoya. Lillian C 1169 DeNoya, Helen D 1170 DeNoya. Joseph 1171 DeNoya, Charlotte E 1172 DeNoya, Margaret 1 1 173 DeNoya, Martha M 1 1 74 DeNoya, Clement 1175 DeNoya, Emily 1176 DeNoya, Clement. Jr 1177 DeNoya, Wesley 1 178 DeNoya, Louis 1179 DeNoya, Sadie 1180 DeNoya, Elsie 1181 DeNoya, Edna 1182 DeNoya, Elizabeth 1183 DeNoya, Millard 1184 Deal, Joseph 1185 Deal, Mary J 1186 Deal, James C 1187 Deal. Julia A 1188 Deal, Sherman 1189 Dickey, James A 1190 Dickey, John T 1191 Dial, Eliza 1192 Dial, Cora E 1195 Dial, Eva 1196 Dial, Chas. P 1197 Donelson, Frances 1199 Donelson, James L 1200 Donelson, Robert L 1201 Doolin, Martha 1202 Donovan, Augustine 1203 Donovan, Charles 1204 Donovan, Jesse C 1205 ALPHABETICAL A&JUUGBMEIIT 61 Ducotey. Stanislaus I)ur<»tcy. Vcnw Ducutcy. Manza Ducotey. Bel lie V Ducotey. Frank S Dunn. Dora Dunn. Ida M Dunn. Mary A Dunn. Tim«»ihy J Dunham. Martha Du key. Aha A Del Orier. LiUie M Del Orier, PMna 1> I Deid Di. . . :cnie I- Doohn. Alia J E-nah inin tsa E->;rp.j)e E-staho v:ra «>he Easley. Margaret Easley. Pearl Easley, G**- • Easley. Ia Easley, John W Easley, Mar>' E Easley. Clarence A r>OG Edwards, julia 1225 l-M)7 1 1 JJ*J I JUS h : ... .. .. K ] ' It 1 1 .M r» Evans. Marv E \2W 1 tj . , ILMI 1--. , ;. Kah-me 1212 Edwards. Theodore ' 1 \2\:i I John r« I2U l^.^.. .. Ajjnesi 21 1215 Fletcher. William 127 1V.M> K!r?. \'.cr. Cl.arlrs •- .'010 I'lcUhcr. Anmc . _■ ' 2(>41 Fletcher. Francis T ;.h IWi i.n ., . "-- - , . . ^ , ..... ^. . ...... Hit 2201 Plorer. Walter. Dec'd 2«»J IS Firewalk. Rirhanl ' 1 , m Fircwalk, Marv 1 . i t 143 Fish, Walla lySI. 141 Farrrll. Marv I I4r> Farrcll. Vjt^'j! 1 : J i 147 Fu^ate, Frank E lUl 14.S FuKatc. John A 1142 \'^\ Farrcll. .Nathaniel 12 >! l.'.l I'arrell. Ruth I ' ■ . ' lsi» V.iru'U. An-lrrw 2 Hi Farrcll. Charlc 21S Farrell, Mary 2<»s Farrcll. M-aiKa ;{.•.:. Fen ton. Mar^arel .».'.»» Fenton, Sylvester R .{•v.*. Fenlon, I^nns I. 1 .; ; ; M\7 Fent'-'- «'""- 1212 41>0 Pox. 124.; I2S Fronkicj. Maty E . Dec'd ; • ■. - .*>2.'> I'nmkicr. I^l>an A 1 2 Hi Fnmkier. Wilh.i- 1217 Fr'-nkirr. Sini"n 1 J '. ; I2I.S Fr<>nk>rr. F!nkirr n 1 ..' '. } 1221 Fr<»nkjcr. ;...^. .*«*. d \ • ', , 1 222 Prrjnkier. I'hilip ij •' • 62 ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT Fronkier, Augustus 125K Fronkier, James 1259 Fronkier. Louis B 1260 Fuller, Thomas 1261 Fuller. Louis 1262 Fuller. Andrew B 1263 Fuller. Charles 1264 Fuller, Anna Smith 1888 Fox, Alexander 2115 Flippin. Nettie H 2163 Farrell. Pearl 2165 Gra-to-me 5 Gra-tah-wah-kah 22 Gray. Lawrence 115 Gray, Hazel 116 Gray, Laura 117 Gra-to-me-tsa-he 157 Gra-to-ah 158 Gra-to-me-tsa-he 203 Gra-to-moie, Dec'd 219 Gibson, Embrey 230 Gibson, Helen, Dec'd 231 Gibson, Edward G 232 Gra-tah-su-ah 250 Gra-to-me-tsa-he 305 Gra-to-me 313 Goode, Hall 318 Gra-to-me-tsa, Dec'd 328 Grant, Charles 361 Gra-tah-me-tsa-he 395 Gra-tah-seah 410 Gibson, Ida 422 Goodbear, Edna 451 Gra-to-me-tsa-he 630 Gra-to-me-tSa-he 647 Gray, Clarence 660 Gray, Mary 662 Gray, Carl, Dec'd 663 Gra-to-se-me 754 Grah-e-grah-in-kah 789 Grammer, Maggie 884 Gorman, Mary A 934 Gaylor, Victoria 1265 George. James \V 1267 I George. James I 1268 i George. Sylvester 1269 > George. Ruby 1270 Gilmore. Mary A 1271 Gilmore. S. J 1272 j Gilmore. William H 1274 ■ Girard, Amelia 1275 | Girard, Mary E. C 1276 : Girard, Corine A 1277 i Girard, Amelia V 1278 Girard, Leona 1279 i Goad, Clara 1280 | Goad, Cecil J 1281 ! Goad, May, Dec'd 1282 ! Groves, Agnes 1283 j Groves, Mural W 2116 | Groves, Mary L 2117 j Gra-scah 2142 | Goad, Ethel 2148 j Gray, Clarence, Jr 2161 ' Groves, Harry L 2170 He-kah-mon-kah 4 Hun-kah-ah-gra, Dec'd 11 Hun-kah-me 16 Hum-pah-to-kah 20 He-ah-shin-kah 27 Hlu-ah-to-me 31 He-ah-to-me 30 Hun-kah-me 39 Hlu-ah-me 41 i Harvey, Luther 45 i Harvey, Mary 46 Harvey, Minnie 47 Harvey, Walter 48 Harvey. Theo. R 49 Hum-pah-to-kah 70 Hamilton, Ralph 72 Hlu-ah-to-me 78 He-ah-to-me 86 Hum-kah-me-tsa-he 92 Hun-tsa-me 97 Hun-kah-me-tsa-he 99 j ALPHABETICAL ARRAIVGEIIBIIT 63 Hluah-mc-ua-he, Dcc'd 114 Hutchinton. Chas II 4«i7 Hluah-to-me. li'J Hum-pah-to*kah. 472 II. • • !.iir lift H" ■ . hv IST, \w i:tt II.. KS Ilumpah-to-kah 1U2 Hum-pah-to-kah. :,\i lU • -Ko ■■•' 1 . . . . . . . .'i.'it. H; hc. Dec'.! •"•77 Maskcll. I)udU^ jao Hun-kah-mc. DecM iV2l) If: -•10 If • I '. 7 11. J 11 H : • 1 1 1 Hc-ah-to-nu J42 Heh-mu-sah • > 1. 1 II!: _»li II. ' .,',: n.. 217 H './i Ilunkah J.VI Hun-kah-ah-Kra •i72 lltr ■ • • V . L»r. 1 ' " • - ■ II'.: . . y. Mary _'•».{ . ,. llun-kah-hop-py. Rose -MV4 Hlu-ah-to-mc (vSi) Ha • •. k •-'•'..'. ... 711 lla ,,n J7«' 71."* Harvey. Edna M 277 He-ah-to-me. 722 Ha - 7.'il Ha ;i ■ II 757 Harrison. Wanneta i. 2S0 Henderson. Lui^a 758 Ha J'M, If. • ■■^C .. 7'.'. lit iir.l n. . .0. DtvM Hun-ua-moie 125 Ho-ki-ah-sc 7«i6 llr ' <•. Eninui :i:, H 7«i7 He . .i.")7 ii riis He>«e-moie {riQ Hlu-ah-to-me. 773 ic. Deed ' . ^ ■ ■ '-. .. 7st) •:ie 7U2 Hunter. John i.s;{ Hlu-ah-tse-k< S.W llu - • S40 \Ui : 1 ■_ _^ ^',7 Hamil' Hlu-ahwahuh s Hall. .\ 12H6 •l.M 1 Harru:: .Mar, .arc'. 12H4i • r 1 uk't I Ha:- : • I •.•:. M I2s7 ()4 ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT Hardy. Emily 12.S.S Hardy, Louisa V 12S9 Hardy. Goldie 1290 Hanly. Geneva 1291 Hardy. William R 1292 Hardy. Ora 1293 Hardy. Oval 1294 Hampton, Charles 1295 Hampton. Roland C 1296 Hampton, Rosalie 1297 Hayes, Pearl 1298 Hayes, Olivia 1299 Hayes, Elizabeth 1300 Harlow, Josephine 1301 Harlow, John N 1302 Hayes, Elnora, Dec'd 1303 Hayes, Lawrence L 1304 Harlow, Susan 1305 Harlow, Grace 1300 Harlow, Belle M 1307 Harlow, Chas. C 130S Haynie, Mary 1309 Haynie, Willie 1310 Haynie, John C 1311 Haynie, Emma 1312 Hackleman, Julia Ann 1313 Harrelson, Mary L 1314 Harris, Mary E. S 1315 Harvey, Adeline 1316 Heenan, Anna 1317 Heenan, Beatrice M 1318 Herard, Paul 1319 Herard, Eugene 1320 Herard, Minnie 1321 Herridge. Myrtle 1322 Herridge. Joseph 1323 Herridge, Lula 1324 He^\^tt, Rosa 1325 Hewitt, Valaria 1.326 Hildebrand, Ellen, Dec'd 1328 Hildebrand, Susana 1329 Hildebrand, George 1.330 Hildebrand, Richard 1331 Hildebrand. David. 1332 Hildebrand. Nancy. . 1.3.33 Hildebrand. James 1334 Hildebrand. Lctitia 1336 Hildebrand, Susan. . 1337 Hildebrand, Oragonia 1338 Hildebrand, Dica 1339 Hildebrand. Ruby, Dec'd 1.340 Hildebrand, Joseph 1341 Hildebrand, Frank 1342 Hickman, Clementine 1343 Hickman, Homer 1344 Hickman, Edna J 1345 Hickman, Franklin 1346 Hickman, Florence 1347 Hickman, Lillie V 1.348 Hickman, Bertha C 1349 Hollo way, Jasper C 1350 Holloway, Frank 1352 Holloway, Milton 1353 Holloway. Andrew L 1354 Holloway, Olita M 1355 Hoots, Rosa 1356 Hoots. Agnes 1357 Hoots, Alfred 1358 Hunt, Mary A 1359 Hunt, Lula B 1360 Hunt, Mary G 1361 Hunt, Andrew D 1362 Hunt, Antwine 1363 Hooper, SalUe 2087 Hooper, Mary 2088 Hun-kah-me-tsa-he 2091 Hutchinson, Charles V 2095 Hutchinson, Vemie L 2096 Harrelson, Emerine 2118 Harris, Slaughter 2119 Hlu-ah-to-me-tsa-he 2127 Hardy, Mary 1 2150 Hla-me-tsa-he 2128 Hlu-ah-me-tsa-he, Dec'd 2159 Harrison, Ethel. Dec'd 2162 He-e-ke-ap-pe, Dec'd 2178 ALPUABE1ICAL ARRA1IGEM£1IT 65 Hayes. Margaret 2IK2 | Ke-ahsf)mpah 193 : : • • •, }\\y2 f • . 11 .. 195 ..ill : I '.»:. ; .ill 220 Hunt. Harold R . I)etd ,'.''• 5 Kenny. Kichard 255 • : •' ' * * - .' J • 1 *■ • ' .. 257 ' ' i ' ' ' • jji.: (>rland«' '259 Hcwtt. Uretta M 2225 Kyle. Minmr 2H3 ; . M • - . .. 2H4 rM I , 2H5 lune. Mary 2.M Kcnc-kah 2S6 I;m.\ Liscic 2M • • 1 . 297 I;::.i3iy 2KI 314 larkson. Andrew 413 Kenworthy. William 315 1 ■ • , ■ i'- . .-.SI ... . • 373 •"■' i . ' ujrt 4(kS Ia\*inc. Peter 13(M Kohpay. Harry 470 !.i ::.<■ i i.i M-.i'i i::r.- 1 .1... 477 478 Ia\*ine. Viola M 1367 Kohpav. Litsie. DecM 47<» I , • . n..-.- i::iw Kal i.i ::• : \' i.;ri<.i 500 |a\*ine. J" n 1370 Ke-ah-som-pah r>24 1:^.7 1 VAS i.;7.» 051 laxnne. Ora B. . 137:1 Kemohah. Ralph. Dec'd 059 I * ■ ! '.7J 752 [ ^ ^ ■ l.i7.'. 7H1 Ia\nne. John 1370 Kahsca 788 !.i •• . r,.. M 1 '77 K40 U. :.. i . r i;;7> ■if K48 Iame«, I I i7«» Ri-hekah-wah-she. Franca. »49 1 ;so - . 13M lis; i:i.s5 I : <•<. Laura !.;sj KiMncdy. Forwt 1, 13h0 1- i.;s.; I 1387 :. M JJIs '.a .\ 1388 i\.t 1 thtn-kah 7'.' t • nnedy. Samuel G 1389 . ; . s7 ,, . . 131K) ». m-pah V» 1391 Kah-ahfum-pah \K\ Kennedy. Adeline 1392 Kirk. \^lson 177 ' .1 1393 Kirk. Dora 178 i ^ - ■- 1.394 Kirk. Rou 179 Keeler. Dixjr 1395 GO ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT Keeler, Alberta M l.'WO Kilbie, Benedict i:i97 Kilbie, John A 139S Krebs, Henry 1:599 Kohpay, Loretta 2157 Kle-o-tone, Dec'd 2189 Little, Margaret 71 Little Coon, John, Dec'd i;-{2 Little-Star 185 Lah-tah-sah 256 Lizzie 282 Lo-tah-tsa-a 364 Long-Bow 401 Lawrence 416 Little-Bear, Hayes 433 Lo-hah-me 434 LaForce, Chas., Dec'd 465 Lookout, John 555 Lookout, Fred 590 Lookout, Julia 591 Lookout, Charles 592 Lookout, Frederick 593 Lookout, Nora 594 Lookout, Agnes, Dec'd 595 Lookout, Henry 596 Lo-tah-sah 652 Logan, John A 641 Logan, Mary 642 Logan, Joseph 643 Logan, Oscar 644 Logan, Rosa 645 Logan, Roman 676 Logan, Mary 677 Logan, Agnes 678 Lohowa, Frank 683 Lohah, Henry 794 Lohah, Albert 795 Lohah, Ellen 796 Lohah, Mary 797 Lohah, Laura 799 Little-Soldier, Frances 858 Little-Soldier. Frank 859 Latson, Lucy 871 Latson. Lucius 872 LaSarge, Minnie E 1134 Lombard. Sylvester 1244 Lombard, Augustine 1245 Lombard. Joseph 1246 Lombard, Paul 1247 Lawrence, Maggie 1400 Labidie, Charles 1401 Labidie, Hazel 1402 Labidie, Frank 1403 Labidie, Alvin 1404 Labidie, Nita 1405 Labidie, William H 1406 Labidie, Ella 1407 Labidie, Frederick 1408 Labidie, Earnie 1409 Labidie, Joseph 1410 Labidie, Edward 1411 Labidie, Milton 1412 Labidie, Rose M 1413 Labidie, Robert E 1414 Labidie, Chas. W 1415 Labidie, Frank 1416 Labidie, G. V 1417 Labidie, Paul F 1418 Labidie, John 1419 La Sarge, Marie 1420 La Sarge, Louis 1421 La Sarge, Arthur 1422 La Sarge, Chas. V 1423 La Sarge. Joseph 1424 La Sarge, Ellen 1425 Lane, Joseph 1426 Lane, Zella A 1427 Lane, Mary 1428 Lane, Bessie 1429 Lane, Joseph C 1430 Lane, Roy B 1431 Leahy, Mary L 1432 Leahy, Bertha 1433 Leahy, Thos. R 1434 Leahy, Cora W 1435 Leahy, Mable A 1436 ALPHABETICAL AKRAIVGEMENT 87 I.,eahy. Kdwanl A Lcttiiy. W T L«ahy. Martha Leahy. \Vm T . Jr Lcohy. H T' • 1^ Lewis. Ma LcsAcrt. !•• I.,««crt. W I Lc&ttcrt. J' Lessert. Davui Lesscrt. Guy l..esscn. Wilhuin M Lesftcrt. Charles A Lessen, Hatuc Lessen, Frank, Jr Lessen, Mary J I.,essen. Rt>l cri A I.,essen. (iracc J Lessen. Koy L Lessen. Cora L [..essert. Benjamin I,.essert. \Vm, K Lessen. \V.iaril. AH>crt ...^ ...I fr^.. crt A Lumi)arci. Waiter Loml>ard. Samie I l.{7 ' I.vrr.an, OUvc G I 1.5S Lyiu-m. I'aiil 1 i:w 1 1 Lyman. A^rtu-s 1110 ' Lyman. Cajntula Mil Lyman. Arthur j 1142 LvTin. Mar>' A . i '. i ...;... . . ^' 1145 Lynn, I*sv Jf>sc|»ii i ill • 1 i.' '.>■ y i*>i I Mah lahto. Deed I i"." I Mantle, M 1»7*» I Moh ' 1 ( ~ 1 * f Me-u-an-kah tsa-e-tah I4H0 MM 1IH2 I »V{ ; 5^1 1 l'»0 17i»s 1.: 1-»7W i Miller. Howar. i ii 1 (J i:><» I TO ji r» ()8 ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT Miller, Chester 210 Mon-shon-tsa-e-lah 2.'}4 Me-gra-to-me 2'A\) Mo-hah-ah-gra 245 Marshall. Clara 271 Marshall. Alex.. Dec'd 293 Mum-l)ruin-pah 294 Min-tsa-kah 300 Moh-en-gra-tah 302 Mo-se-che-he 320 Mason. Joseph 320 Mason, Rose 327 Me-tsa-kah 332 Moie-en-gra-tah, Dec'd 333 Me-hun-kah 349 Me-tsa-he 370 Moh-shah-hah-me 391 Me-ho-e 399 Mills, Joseph 419 Martin, Prudie 423 Martin, Christine 424 Martin, Cecile 425 Me-shah-e 430 Me-she-tsa-he, Charles 452 Mizer, Sarah D 45G Mushunkashey, Ben 457 Mushunkashey, Edna 458 Mushunkashey, Arthur, Dec'd 459 Mushunkashey, Charles 464 Mo-se-che-he 4G9 Me-shah-he 475 Malone, Ralph 483 Michelle, Charles 494 Me-sah-e 495 Michelle, Ida 490 Miles, Laban 507 Miles, Anna 508 Miles, Mary 509 Miles, John 510 Miles, Leo 511 Miles, Laban, Jr 516 Mo-se-che-he, Dec'd 553 Me-sah-e 565 Mo-ho-gla 667 Me-tsa-hi-ke 568 Michelle, George. 587 Michelle, Wesly W 588 Mo-se-che-he 589 Mo-se-che-he 604 Me-hun-kah 621 Me-tsa-he 639 Mo-e-kah-shah 657 Moh-shon-kah-heh 658 Me-tsa-he 670 Me-tsa-he 685 Mo-se-che-he 690 Me-gra-to-me 702 Me-tsa-he 734 Mo-sah-mum-pah 750 Mo-se-che-he 802 Me-gra-to-me 807 Moie-ke-hah-she 808 Maker, James 812 Maker, Roy 813 Maker, George 815 Maker, Ross 816 Maker, Edgar 817 Mo-shah-ke-tah 818 Me-tsa-he 829 Mo-se-che-he 832 Me-tsa-he, Dec'd 834 Mo-se-che-he, Dec'd 838 Mo-ne-pah-she, Dec'd 852 Me-tsa-he 853 Me-tsa-he 860 Mah-grah-lum-pah 865 Mudd, Mary 868 Mudd, Alex 869 Mudd, Anna 870 Mudd, Albert, Dec'd 873 Marshall, Sarah H 1351 Mackey, Joseph 1491 Mackey, Eva 1492 Mackey, Tenne 1493 Mackey, Agnes 1494 Mackey, Warren F 1495 ALPHABETICAL ARRAFCGEMEflT ^> Mackey. V. ■ ,,■ Moner. W T Mackey. I \fi>«if>r I,..in.i;i Mackcy. Bcrthu M '■' I i' ! ' "» Mackfy. (irovcr ^, • •• l.,».'l Malhcws. W S i '.: :•, i" I :.7i) Mathews. John M .■ i' 1571 MatlirwN Nf.ir*. 1 ' ( I .'.72 MatJicws. Ljlli.m 1'. '.: 1 .*.7;i Mathewft, Florcnu- ■' ' 1 M . .1 1 :.7 1 Malhcws, Sanih J i' 1 1 \I .. . ! .•.7.'> Mathews. W W .'.1 111 M u.. :.. 1 :.7G Mathews. Nonnan ^ .'.It 7 .\I icr. Kale \'u7 Mathews. John A .',1IS M .^•.r' K •!.:<•:, r I .'mS Muilicws. I^orcnza ,'.(>•.• M . Mil. Mary M l.'.7'.» Mathews. John A . Jr .-.10 M . ur. John J I.'. SI) Mathrws :.ii .M<»sicr. 1 ' 1 :.s 1 Malhcws. ., . .■>12 Mosier. \'. ...... .. I .'.sj Mathews. Alfred MA M»>sier. Mismark i:,s:i .Malhcws. Thomas S M » .M»sur (Lira <) Mariin. A'*** .-.l.-) .M'>sjcr. riifhna \' Martm. 1' :.i« M<»«rc. Janice \V 1 \Si\ Martin I."-n '.i;'! MT M ..:.• 'i:i;;.i Martin. I^c .'.!s M re. Ah.c Martin. Dane I .MM M !., mxTp Charles 1 :>s\) .Martin K-K'ar 11 :.j() ^• I.VM) MarMn. I,- ^ :.-• 1 y l.VM Martin. 1 ') ' ' ■ * y . ".I l.VtJ Mar'in. John ii .'.J. 5 \: r. Fred 1 :.'.».j Mai tin. Rirhart! .*.J 1 \' II I .v.> 1 Martin. ('l;»ii Martin. I . .'.Jf, N' . . John !'.•<••, Martin V. •.JT y. c. Sylvester .\ !.'.'» 7 Mlrlr!^ • ;..% J N: .• John N . 1 .-.'»s V nee I) 1 .1 1 1 y .;uler (* !.VK> Y .'». 1 ~ I 1 ? I . y k M :... I ■ .'..►s '.: ... L Mnivrrain. Coaina. Dec'd '..I'l M IK ravje. Anna A. hK(2 Moni;nun. Slcvn-* :,i^) Murra*.- fcnnir H.'U Moni^rain. Krn- •.r.i Mwr:..-, Mr. u \ |(><)t M'>nv:rain. Stewari. Jr .".».j .Murray. Ruby M ir.*).') Mon$;r«in. Ilattic ,'v.\ \\".-'.v. Arth':- R liWM) Mosier. Thoniax :,u\ M':::.i. A:::c5 <. 1«W)7 Mosier. Adehne 5«V> Mun>hv. (icrtrude HW)S 70 ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT Murphy, Alice 1609 Murphy, Elizabeth 1610 Murphy, Nettie 1611 Musgrove, William 1612 Musgrove, Carl R 1613 Musgrove. Willis E 1614 Mann, Stella P 1691 Miller, Louis S 1719 Miller, Ida J 1720 Michelle. Estella 1861 Michelle, Delia 1862 Mizer, Aaron, Dec'd 2094 Mon-shah-ah-she 2187 Mah-he-wah-kon-tah, Dec'd. .2160 Mon-shon-tsa-e-tah, Dec'd.. . .2190 Mushunkashey, Charley 2191 Murray, Maurice C 2139 Murphy, Amy 2219 Martin, Delmas E 2227 Monk-she-hah-pe 2175 Mathews, Anna M 2140 Martin, Nannie V 2199 McCarthy, Herman 29 McKjnley, Alfred 273 McKinley, Adelia 274 McDongan, Daniel 275 McKinley, Eva 376 McKinley, Henry 377 McKinley, James 378 McKinley, William 379 McKinley, Josephine 381 McCarthy, Edgar 388 McCarthy, Nettie 389 McKinley, James 396 Mclslinley, Walter 397 McCarthy, WilUe 412 McDongan, Charles 541 McDongan, Rose 544 McFall, John 584 McFall, Mary 585 McCarthy, Lenore 1528 McCarthy, WilUam H 1529 McCarthy, Solomon 1530 McCarthy, Edna 1531 McDaniel, Ellen 1532 McDaniel, Fred W 1533 McGath, Emma 1534 McGath, John W 1535 McGuire, Mary E 1536 McGuire, Ethel 1537 McGuire, Leo 1538 McGuire, Bird A 1539 McGuire, Wm. T 1540 McGuire, Chas. A 1541 McComb, Ellen 1542 McComb, Jessie 1543 McComb, Wm. N 1544 McComb, Gladys I 1545 McComb, Rachel B 1546 McComb, Naiama 1547 McLaughUn, Nancy 1548 McLintic, Mary 1550 McLintic, Floysia 1551 McLain. Minnie 1552 McLain, Roy S 1553 McCoy, LilHe T 1961 McCarty, Charles W 2168 McCoy, Richard 2228 Nah-me-tsa-he, Dec'd 6 Nan-me-tsa-he 44 Ne-kah-wah-she-tun-kah 52 Nah-so-su-pah. Dec'd 94 Nun-tsa-wah-hu 105 Ne-kah-she-he 149 Ne-wal-la 173 Neal, John, Dec'd 174 Neal, Stevens, Dec'd 175 Neal, Rosa 176 Ne-kah-wah-she-tun-kah 182 Ne-kah-lum-pah 204 Ne-ah-tsa-pe 211 Nah-hah-scah-she 266 Ne-kah-o-e-blah, Dec'd 287 Num-pah-se 290 Ne-kah-ah-se 331 Nah-she-wal-la 353 ALPHABETICAL ARRAllGBIfBlIT Newal ta :i(H) Peace, Angela XM NmI. Martha 117 Peace, Paul \a- i.ir. IV. •• Nc •v.'.'. iv Nah-meuahe 729 Penn, Mary. Dec'd 441 Nn- 7.1- IV " Dec'd. J 12 N» . , Til. la- -^t it 4 Naranjo. Mary. De^ i 737 I»anther. Charli n 445 \e knh ** " , " 44r, Nc-knhsto-wah \ -~ . 447 Num-pah-K-ah. S06 Panther, NelHc 448 Newman. Ccorjie ir.i:. Pr i " • Nolens. I^rry UiU, Pr; . < 1 Noble. Ida R. 1821 Pryor. Mary . . 461 '. Valentine. Ucc d.. 2217 Vx .. j'>c. 37 J*r: Osase Nellie 38 Pah-sheht 171 O; no 1 rajik Oja 112 Harrv Osaxe Amos 118 Penn. i .13 Osa Penn. .M4 Osa Penn. » Dec'd .'.15 Onhand. Ralph Pah-pu-son-tsa -.20 ~' ' ■ ■ ,'»N. . r... MV4 i..;s 1':;. . .. :.ot» Oberly. Martha • VJC Pryor. Prands 570 Opah. 1 7(1.5 iv » 571 O-lo-hu 7'Jl !':> .. - - s Oil O-lo-hah-moie sOl Pryor. Andrew (.12 ,, . . ■ r Owens. Ora. Dc .1617 Pah-se-to-pah. Com ♦117 :• . Deed 106.-) P.I - 1 -* " ■ 21(N1 I'u: , ..■ Owens. Catherine. . Jlsf. Peh-tsa-m< •wU 1 . 1 Ihtts. ^' .„'... I s.*. Ihtts. 1 Pon-q-tah 1(11 Pratt. Henry. ri97 lYatt. ' i'A^S . . . » » ... mm Pratt, 1 - . (Vjy Pun-q-tah Ol Pratt. Gconre. 700 .i.M !•' 701 72 ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT Pitts, George 7()1 Pitts. Mary 7()2 Pitts. Warren 7(hl Pitts. David 764 I'ah-me-she-wah 77") Penn. Albert N21 Penn. Dora S22 Penn. Andrew S23 Penn. Grace H24 Penn. Mary 825 Penn, Fred 1 n Klla r . 1 Rtjc. Kanu-.: tM r .-.. .. - • .. •>.. IS'. r 1 R«l Kttiflc. n .Vll r 11. Gct^i^c A . . '1 '•. Rose :>;i_' 1 ..ihcl .7i'_' u. . ■ '•■•■• .vrt r«>ttct. l-'r.iju jN A iT.a Red VM potior. Ol-.ror 1. IToj 1 " 1 i '. 1 ■ 1 ( ". > : 7i»«» R«v|-Kat'lc. J '» 57 iViul'un. \>'ra 17"i7 ! i'. J.«ie|.' .'(is rrudoin, Frank ITthJ I\'.ii. i.cnry 721 I*rue. Henry 1710 Roan. (ira> t 72a l*ruc. Mauilc 1711 Rc»l-Kav:lc. Joe 7:»8 Pruc. llaiuc M 1712 R ■' « ' - - " '. 7.W Pruc. Charles F I7i:i M,k 740 Pruc. Hctiry E. . I7U kci Ka;;ic. Alice 741 Pruc. Floyd W 1715 Rapp. P:t- ■ : 9ai» Pruc. Anna H I7ir) Ruiler. < iai2 Pcnn. I^«> JUO Rivera. ' 1623 Pcnn. O J 1 J 1 K t - ' - 171S Pcnn. W.. _• 1 -'J i . .1! 1721 Ploinondon. Kaihclecr. -•NM Recre. Kiuaieili 1722 Pcllil. \V'- * 2in7 Rccie. Hi 1723 Palmer. ' 2171 Rec Rcvelctte. Mary B. . 1728 ,... . jj\i\ 1 ti • . . \i -f 1729 1 1 j..'j"» . 1730 ^uinton. Alex \jj\ RcveJeltc. Pauline 1731 I jj:> t > 1 ' 11 1732 ( 1 . .-, 1 JJU 1733 Quinton. Pearl t" IJJ7 Rcvclctie. Franklin 1734 (V - 1 22S T' • ■ ■•• . '. WAS ( ! 1717 t- 1736 Kusk. Richard 9 Rcvard. William 1737 Rusk. Mav 10 Revanl. Wtlham £. 173S 74 ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT Revard, Delia M 17:^9 Revard. Gladis 1740 Revard, Solomon 1741 Revard, Charles 1742 Revard, Alex 1743 Revard. Benjamin 1744 Revard, Paul 1745 Revard, Susie 1746 Revard, Mary E 1747 Revard, Elsie E 1748 Revard, Francis 1749 Revard. Mack 1750 Revard, Emanual M 1751 Revard, Pearl 1 1752 Revard, Ethel E 1753 Revard, John W 1754 Revard, Edward L 1755 Revard, Evart A 1756 Revard, Joseph 1757 Revard, Ursula 1758 Revard. Clementine 1759 Revard, William J 1760 Revard, Renold V 1761 Revard, Ralph 1762 Revard, Franklin 1763 Revard, Nicholas N 1764 Revard. Pearl 1765 Revard, Myrta 1766 Revard, Mark S 1767 Revard, Charles E 1768 Revard, Clarence 1769 Revard, Ed Clifford ] 770 Revard, Clara 1771 Revard, Carrie 1772 Revard, Cora 1773 Revard, Nora T 1774 Revard, McGuire N 1775 Revard, Lena 1776 Revard, Leonard 1777 Revard, Lode 1778 Revard, Opal A 1779 Revard, Hazel 1780 Revard, Minnie 1781 Revard, Cleo 1782 Revard, Joseph, Jr 1783 Revard, Nellie 1784 Revard. Edi,'ar T. 1785 Revard, Mary G 1 786 Revard, Curtis 1787 Revard, Mae Bell, Dec'd 1788 Revard, Odell 1789 Revard, Aaron T 1790 Riddle, Sherman 1791 Riddle, Joseph 1792 Riddle, Frank 1793 Ririe, Josephine, Dec'd 1794 Ririe, Effie E 1795 Ririe, Scott F 1796 Ririe, Otis E 1797 Ririe, Nellie 1 1798 Ririe. Arthur M 1799 Ririe, Oscar A 1800 Rodman, Antwine 1801 Rogers, Stephen 1802 Rogers, Louis . 1803 Rogers, Ella, Dec'd 1804 Rogers, Louis, Jr 1805 Rogers, Wahneta, Dec'd 1806 Rogers, Thomas L., Dec'd. . . .1807 Rogers, Nancy 1808 Rogers, T. L 1809 Rogers, Arthur 1810 Rogers, Minerva, Dec'd 1811 Rogers, Joseph L 1812 Rogers, Ellen E 1813 Rogers, John R 1814 Rogers, William C 1815 Rogers, Mary E 1816 Rogers, Irene 1817 Rogers, Mary A 1818 Rogers, Coaina 1819 Rogers, Eldred T 1820 Rogers, Ant\\'ine 1822 Rogers, Viola 1823 Rogers. Mae 1824 Rogers, Kenneth 1825 ALPHABETICAL ARRAIfGEM EKT Rojrcn?. lie!. R<»K«T> An Rofjrn*. Jasper R<»V!<^r«. R" R<»VJCP4. Ki: Rogers. Cecelia kofjcrs. Helen l' Rojjer*. Gran \n lie. Rof;ers. John H R. R. Rofjers. I^wis A R. • ' R< R ' srnke-Axe. ^•P J I'M. St John. I ■ i J'JJ" ^ 'n-^c-jfra': 2221 I Shah-pah-t5aa. DccU. 7(^ ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT Spotted- Horse, Sophia 74.'{ She-she 755 Smith, Claude 777 Smith, Mamie 77S SpurReon, Ellen 801 Simms, Coaina, Dec'd 91."? Simms, Cora E 914 Shaw, Charles M 1237 Shaw, Moses R 123.S Sonligny, Laura 1257 Sheriff, Coeanna G 127.S Swain, Rose, Dec'd 13.'i5 Saxon, Cora 1859 Saxon, Veva M 1860 Scott, George 1863 Scott, Mary M 1864 Scott, JuHa Ann, Dec'd 1865 Scott, William J 1866 Selby. George 1867 Shafer, Joeanna 1868 Shaw, Franklin 1869 Shaw, Rose M 1870 Shaw. Moses 1871 Shaw, John 1872 Shobe, Anna 1873 Simpson, Susan 1874 Simpkins, Mary L 1875 Simpkins, Warren D 1876 Simpkins, Mary E 1877 Simpkins, Vivian P 1878 Simpkins, Oren T 1879 Simpkins, Edward 1880 Simpkins. Virgil 1881 Slaughter, A. B 1882 Slaughter, Amanda 1883 Slaughter, Harry E 1884 Smith, Minnie 1885 Smith, George B 1886 Smith, Geneveive 1887 Soderstrom, Gertrude 1889 Soldani, Sylvester J 1891 Soldani, Josephine 1892 Soldani, Louis 1893 Soldani, Myrtle 1894 Soldani, Emmert A 1895 Soldani, Kate P 1890 Soldani, Ida M 1897 Soldani, Agnes 1898 Soldani, Anthony 1S99 Soldani, Amelia K 1900 Soldani, Frank E 1901 Soldani, Charles L 1902 Soldani, Clarence 1903 Soldani, Grace M 1904 Soldani, Rose M 1905 Soldani, George H 1906 Soldani, Mary L 1907 Stephens, John H 1908 Stephens, Mildred V 1909 Stephens. MadeHne 1910 Stephens. Mary 1911 Stotts, Emma 1912 Stotts, Joseph L 1913 Stotts, WilUam W 1914 Stotts, James E 1915 Stobaugh, Alice 1910 Stewart. Lenora 1919 Swanson. Celestine 1922 Swanson, Addison L 1923 Swanson, Ora E 1924 Swanson, Joseph N 1925 Sweeney, Oscar E 1926 Siggins, Clara 2089 Siggins, Andrew W 2090 Strike- Axe, Ida 2099 Soderstrom, Hanna X 2123 Son-se-gra 2130 Saxon, Harry H 2131 Stevens, Gilbert J 2135 Smith, Samuel A., Dec'd 2138 Swain, Amos, Dec'd 2151 Sin-cha-wah-ken-tah, Dec'd. .2170 Sonligny, Mildred V 2183 Scott. Violet 2188 Tsa-po-in-kah 113 To-wan-gah-she 133 ALPHABETICAL ARIUIIGEMERT 77 To- wan -Rah -he. 162 Taynen. Kdna 1940 T . - IKS "^ '*" I 1941 ■ 1 206 ^ 1942 Turpi c. Anruc- 212 Tayrien. Andrew J 1943 ... 240 ' ■ ' 11M4 . 1 iny 2(M) IIM.S Tu-%k-ah-e-he. Dcc'd 272 Tayrien. John C 194fi -p ■ ,■",'■ lUKI "* , * 1947 :{I2 194H Tall-Chief. Alex :mo Tayrien. Elmer l 1949 T.-- •• ■ •■• .. .'Ml •~ • ■ ' ',' ' I9.V) . . . ' I :i42 19.M TallChief. Alex.. Jr .M.'i Ta>Tien. Jennie 1952 — •• , ■■ ■■ :■ :wfi — ... 1953 :»■!« J 1954 Tall-Chief. Henry 352 Tayrien. Violet M 1956 lO-Sfi . ^ .lii 1^ 1957 Tom -pah -pail ii()2 Tayrien. Cypnuii 1958 1959 1962 Townucnd. John !' 6M Thompson. Nicholas 1964 M-kah. John r.» 1965 t., U»66 To-op-|M as7 Thomas. Ju 1967 -- - ■ 1968 1-- 1 J . 1969 To-wah-e-hc 753 Tinker. William 1970 ■'I . . . 709 •.r 1971 , in-|>e»hc 7UH 1 1972 Tah-tah-gah-hah 809 Tinker. Ora 1973 sp» Tit 1974 " -* I I • ■ " lliJT Tu:*.. . . .. clla 1975 Taylor. James K luru) Tinker. Rose 1976 Taylor. John F i»:n Tinker. ('tc«> K 1977 Taylor. Hiram I9:t2 Tinker. Mary E 197N Taylor. Pannv I9:i3 Tinker. Sarah Anna 1979 Taylor. I'.i.U tk at 19M) Taylor. ........ iu.i:> Tw;^. . '■ Tr 19M Tavrien. John 1036 Tinker 1982 Mary I. MM 7 Ti: I9S3 ......; ... A>fn»*s 19:iS Tltii. • 19M Taynen. Clui . 1939 Tinker. Mary J 1985 78 ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT Tinker. Roy B 19S() Tinker, Maud 1<)S7 Tinker. Lucile. . . . . lUSS Tinker. David W 198'J Tinker. Louis H 1990 Tinker, Frank . . . 1991 Tinker. Mary L 1992 Tinker. Xorris J 1993 Tinker, Tom 1994 Tinker, Mary E 1995 Tinker, Eliza 199G Tinker, Sylvester J 1997 Todd. Maud 199.S Todd, Harrold 1999 Todd. Gerald J 2000 Trumbly. Julian 2001 Trumbly, Eliza 2002 Trumbly, Henry 2003 Trumbly, Tina O 2004 Trumbly. Charles 2005 Trumbly, Theresa 2006 Trumbly. OHver 2007 Trumbly, Clarence 2008 Trumbly, EUza A., Dec'd 2009 Trumbly, Gladys 2010 Trumbly, Clarence E 2011 Trumbly, George 2012 Trumbly, Andrew 2013 Trumbly, Mary 2014 Trumbly, Oscar 2015 Trumbly, J. B 2010 Trumbly, John F 2018 Trumbly, Elizabeth 2019 Trumbly, Paul P 2020 Tucker, Anna 2021 Tucker, Beulah G 2022 Tucker, Angeline 2023 Turner, Frederick D 2024 Turner, Mary B 2025 Tyner, Benjamin F 2020 Tyner, Ethel M 2027 Tyner, Roy F 2028 Tyner, William L 2029 Tall-Chief, Enoch 2092 To-wah-e-he 2093 Thurman, Geneva 2124 Tayrien, Gladys 2132 Tinker, Cora 21S1 Tucker, Stephen J., Jr 2200 Tall-Chief, Henry 2211 U-ses-tah-wah-hah 138 Vest, George 551 Va-sah-pah-shin 049 Vadney, Amy 1 139 Vesser, Eliza, Dec'd 2030 Vesser, Ruth 2031 Voils, Ora M., Dec'd 2032 Voils, Kathleen M 2033 Voils, Elsie L 2034 White, May 3 Wy-u-tsa-kah-she 12 Whitehom, Charles 17 Wah-shah-she-me-tsa-he 32 Wah-sho-shah 33 Wah-hre-she, Charles 40 Wah-hre-she, Josephine 42 Wah-tsa-su-sah 50 Wah-hrah-lum-pah 53 White, Richard, Dec'd 58 White, Edith 59 White, Nellie 60 White, Joseph 61 White, Abraham 62 Wah-tsa-me 75 West, Daniel 77 Wah-hah-sah-e 80 Wah-hrah-lum-pah 96 Wah-tse-moie 98 Wah-tse-moie, Michel 100 Wah-to-sah Ill Wah-ne-en-kah 145 West, Charles 152 Wah-kon-tah-he-um-pah. Dc'd 172 Wah-hrah-lum-pah 183 Webster, Nicholas 184 V/ah-to-she-e 186 ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT 79 Wah-hrah-lum-pah ^^ lumpah W ..J.. Wah-ns-tah Wnh ts4i ah li.ih Wdh hruh luin pah Watson. loseph \\ ' -». . \\ - iin-pah Wah-hrah-lum-pah W i-he-kah \N.. Wah-to-sa.. W \\.. Wah-shun-kah-hah-mr \\ \N.. . .. Wah-ko-sah-moie Wah "-lia'; tsa-he Wah siia: -• Wah shah-hah-mc W V. ..r WjUon. Br>'an W W _.. ,.... Wah-hu-sah w Wcl.l.. Allen Wcl.»>. Heriha Wahhrah lutn ftat> HorM Wah hu vah < V. ih V. .... .. ^h-m"«r Wakon-Iron W W While Tail. Juha V. 1. John ;■ V. . . .;na Wah-shah-the-me-Uft-hr 191 Wah -shah -the- me t«a-he 512 IMS \v LMK) V. : m: 2U1 Warhor. Roliert :»2 ! 22'. Warrv.r Wash .'.22 22«. Warn r. .Mary .'.2.i 227 Warrior. Ru&.mII 524 2l«j . .... i:!r^ 258 Wildcat. Mary .'»«".<. 2«.7 V ■ in pah " 2•v^ '•'» - - ... 200 Wye-nah-shc 2'.»'. It- - vlL. \-. .__i . 317 :n'.i Wamack. Mrs !"».'»< » ;i22 Wah-tain-du-sah < ■ \ iVA) xu\ \i- ..4!l :{'y\ Ware K- 711 :u\2 Ware. Jo:.,,.. 7ir. .{(•«» Ware. Marv 7i: JTI Warr K 71h .{7.'> Uarc. Da. , . 710 ;;m) Wheeler. Jack 72^ ;is2 Whpclrr Kh.Mla 7 Mi ilN» Whrrlcr. iicn 7.11 WIS V. i'.rclcr. Fanny 7.i-' 411 1 7;u u\ c me tfttt-hp 712 41H Wah ko-kihe kal 71.'. 121 \' lie. Deed 77(1 i.k; V „ „ ... 772 470 Wah-taa-me. 1 i ' S'.»s Wah hu »ah r MO \' . fthe-iue-taa-be. Uc'd - v.. . .:n W -l. Frank K . Do. i r'uv i»v7» ina. CopTriflil 1 V "^ J '■ THIS book is furnished free to every purchaser of my Allot- ment Map of Osage County, which shows the allotments of every member of the Osage Tribe of Indians, and designates the home- steads and the lands of the deceased. It is invaluable and indispensable to Real Estate Dealers and all those who wish to buy, sell or in any way deal in Osage County Lands. For further information call on or write to me at Pawhuska, Oklahoma. J. D. Thomas. I CI. A 25(1 5 n LbFe 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 010 743 775 7 m m l^^i\ ^:i<"