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Should her shoe become unlaced, or her dress in any manner disordered, fail not to apprize her of it, respectfully, and offer your assistance. A gentleman may hook a dress or lace a shoe with perfect pro- priety, and should bs able to do so grace- fully. Whether with a lady or gentleman, a street talk should be a short one ; and in either case, when you have passed the customary compliments, if you wish to con- tinue the conversation you must say, " Per- mit me to accompany you." Don't sing, hum, whistle, or talk to yourself in walking. Endeavour, besides being well dressed, to have a calm, good natured countenance. A scowl always be- gets wrinkles. It is best not to smoke at all in public, but none but a rufl^ian in grain, will inflict upon society tlie odour of a bad cigar, or that of any kind, on ladies. Ladies are not allowed upon ordinary occasions to take the arm of any one but a relative or an accepted lover in the street, and in the day time ; in the evening — in the fields, or in a crowd, wherever she may need protection, she should not refuse it. She should pass her hand over the gentle- man's arm, merely, but should not walk at arm's length apart, as country girls some- tim.es do. In v.alking with a gentleman the step of thelady mustbe lengthened, and his shortened, to prevent the hobbling ap- pearance of not keeping step. Of couise, the conversation of a stranger, beyond asking a necessary question, mustbe considered as a gross insult, and repelled with proper spirit ART OF GOOD BEHAVIOUR^ (4 ) Visiting. Of course, you ring or knock, and await Uie opening of the door. When this is done, you ask for the mistress of the house, not the master. Should she be not at home or engaged, you leave your card, where cards are used, or your compliments. Where there are several ladies in the family, you may ask for the ladies. Where people dine early, calls are not made until some time after dinner— in cities they are made from eleven till three. You leave ")ver-coat,cane, umbrella, &c., and if the call is of any length, your hat in the entry. A graceful bow, a pleasant smile, an easy way of paying the customary compliments, and suiting them to each per- son, no lesson can teach. In the presence of ladies, you are only silent when listening to them. You never yawn, nor lounge on your seat, nor interrupt, nor contradict, but by insinuation — you never tell unpleasant news, nor make ill-timed observations. Study to please, by a respectful demeanour, and an easy gaiety. Never be rude or bois- terous, or presuming. In short, it is much easier to tell what you should not do, than what you should — but there is one important direction, "never wear out your welcome." It is well to know how to enter a room, but it is much better to know when and how to leave it. If you have made a good impres- sion, a long story may wear it off— if a bad one, being tedious only makes it worse. Don't stand hammering and fumbling, and saying, " Well, I guess I must be going." When you are ready, go at once. It is very easy to sa}', " Miss Susan, your com- pany is so agreeable, that I am staying longer than T intended, but I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you again soon ; I wish you a good morning;" and, bowing, smiling, shaking hands, if the hand be prof- fered, you leave the room, if possible with- out turning your back ; you bow again at the front door, and if any eyes are following you, you still turn and raise your hat in the street. (5.) Introductions. The rule is, never to introduce oi:e person ;& another without knowing that it is agree- able to both. Ladies are always to be con- sulted beforehand. Gentlemen are intro- ws' milk ; but on no account should fari- naceous food be given at this early period. Apply a flannel bandage to the lower part of the body in bowel complaints. A warm bath soothes irritation. After six months an approach may be made to more solid diet. Raise up the child after feeding. Give no stimulants, caraway-seeds, car- minativos, &c. ; they are most pernicious. Give as little medicine to a child a« possible, and always by advice. Never over-feed, and never stop crying by feeding. Avoid rough jolting and patting of the back. Train an infant to regularity in all its wants. (2.) Rules for Weaning. Wean gradually, discontinuing suckling in the night : the gradual change is beneficial to both mother and child. Avoid weaning in severe weather. 'J'ake for yourself a cooling purgative, and refrain from fluids and stimulating diet. In weaning, apply to the breasts thrcB ounces compound soap liniment, three drachms laudanum, one draclim camphor liniment. If this is too irritating, foment with warm water, or poppy liuads and cam- omile flowers boiled together in water. Avoid tightness or pressure from the dress, and all roughness, for fear of al>scess Avoid drawing the breasts-, avoid exposure to cold. (3.) Rules for treatment after Weaning — Food. Study the child's constitution, digestive powers, teeth, strength, and proportion tho Idnd and quantity of food. Animal food in small quantity once a-day, if the teeth can masticate, is necessary when there is ripid growth. Avoid too nourishing a diet with aviol&ct tempered child. Give a nourishing diet to a white looking lymphatic child. Both overfeeding and underfeeding pro- duce scrofula and consumption. The spoiled and petted child is injured both in health and temper. Avoid seasoned dishes, fried ana salted ON THE TREATMENT OF INFANTS. 1^ meats, pastry, uncooXed vegetables, unripe fruits, wine and rich cake. Insist on thorough chewing or masti- cation, Never tempt the appetite when disin- clined. Vary the food from day to day, but avoid variety at one meal. Animal food should be tender, and eaten with a little salt, vegetables, and bread. Take care that the child's food is well cooked. Give no new bread. Sweeimeals and confections are only to be given to children in a very sparing man- ner, if given at all. Never pamper or reward with eatables. (4) Rules for Sleep. Allow the child plenty of sleep without disturbance. Avoid accustoming the child to sleep on the lap ; it will not sleep in bed if so accus- tomed. ^^ Establish times for regular sleeping. Keep the hands, feet and face comfortably warm — blankets are better than sheets. Support every part of the body, raising by a slope the head and shoulders. Avoid laying the child in the same bed with an adult, unless for a short time to restore warmth if it fail. riever rouse the child by play when taken up during the night. (5.) Rules for Clothing. In the first stage of infancy, warmth depends on clothing alone, for there is no muscular movement. Avoid a degree of warmth which pro- duces sensible perspiration. Flannel and calico are the best materials in all seasons. Dress the child loosely, and fasten with •trings, not with pins. The umbilical cord, navel, and belly- band, require much attention. Avoid keeping the child's head too warm or its feet cold. Avoid chilling the child, or taking it abroad in cold weather. Attend to the form and size of the child's shoes, so that the feet shall not be cramped. The practice of plunixing infants into cold water, to r< nder them hardy, is exceedingly dangerous. Let a child's washing be very completely and carefully performed. Keep the child ilways j)erfectiy clean and neat. Be very attentive to ventilate the apart- ment where a child lives, but never expose it to draught* of air Begin early to form habits of peraonil cleanliness and delicacy. (6.) Vaccination. Let the child be vaccinated from six weekt to two months after birth, and that by a proper medical attendant. VaccinatioD should take place before teething. (7.) Deformities and Distortions. Consult the surgeon upon the first appear^ ance of any deformity ; and do not allow fears for giving pain to the child prevent the use of the necessary remedies. Be very vigilant with rickets or soft bones. Never allow the rickety child to support its own weight. It ought to be kept on its back for many months, and carried about on a little mattress on a board or tray, and have nourishing diet, and the proper medi- cines to give solidity to the bones. Never jerk or swing children by the arms ; much mischief has been done by this practice. When a child falls or meets with any accident, it is highly culpable in a nurse to. conceal it. If she do not immediately men- tion it, she may be the cause of the child's deformity and lameness for life. With proper attention, a tendency to be Ifl handed may be easily cured in a cliild. Prevent ail tricks and ill-habits which injure the features and organs; such as stuffing the nostrils, ears, &c., distending the mouth with too large a spoon. Curvature of the spine is of very frequent occurrence from mismanaging children, by tight lacing, lonjr sitting without support to the back — (all school seats nnd forms should have backs.) Take all deformities of the spine in time, before they get fixed. (8.) Precocity. When a child appears to be over-intellj gent, or too clever, or loise for its age. this is a symptom of an unnatural development of the brain; it is a kind of disease. Avoid, therefore, exercising the child's ability; treat ii as an animal, with nutritive food, muscular out-door exercise, and plenty of sleep ; and do this, and this only, for some years. No child should be kept for more than a few minutes at a time engaged in mental study. (9 ) Stammering and Defective Articulation. This defect, with care, maybe cured ; ot rather, when it is first threatened, it may be prevented. 16 ON .'HE TREATMENT OF INFANTS. Praclise the child in letters or articula- tions where a peculiar defect appears. (10.) Squinting. Watch this very common weakness : ehecli it in the infant by holding the hand over the eyes till they are shut ; and when opened ajrain, if they have not assumed a proper position, repeat the operation. It may have often to he repeated. Careless nurses are very apt to prodiux squinting in children. An ingenious and effectna! mode of curing squinting has been discovered, and is now practised by surgeons. (11.) Teething. The hrst sign of teething is heat in the mouth of the child — felt by the mother dur- ing sucking — (low of saliva — biting and grinding the gums. A piece of India-rubber is better than coral, ivory, or any hard sub- stance, for rubbing the gums. When the child is much distressed, have recourse to medical aid. When the bowels are confined, give with- out delay a gentle purgative, such as castor- oil, muiina, magnesia, or senna. The warm bath at 1)6 degrees sooilies the child. A child's mouth should be often exam- ined, even after three years of age. Way- ward temper, cough, and even croup, have been traced to cutting a double tooth. Do not hesitate to allow the child's gums to be lanced. (12.) Exercise — Walhng Alone. Very little motion, and that of the gen- tlest and most careful kind, is all the infant should have for a considerable time after birth. Avoid the upright posture as much as possible. Avoid all sudden and violent jerking, and long-continued positions. Allow the child to move its limbs freely, on the floor or in bed. Watch the first efforts of the child to walk alone, and interfere rather with eye and hand than by exclamations of caution and alarm : these last do much harm. Avoid sympathising too strongly with a child when hurt : assist quietly, and show how the accident happened. Children who ate angry when hurl should see that you do not sympathise with their rage, although you do with their suflierings. Abjure all leading-strings and go-carts, or other artificial means of teacliing the child to walk. Never drag the child by one hand, or lift it bv either one oi both arms. When the child walks alone, it should not be permitted to over-fatigue itsell. I'he mother should have her eye both on child and its attendant out of doors, and be as much as she can in her child's company (13.) Moral Government. Anticipate and prevent fretfulness and ill-temper by keeping the child in good health, ease, and comfort. Never quiet with giving to eat, or by bribing in any way, still less by opiates. For the first few months avoid loud and harsh sounds in the hearing of children, or violent lights in their sight : address them in soft tones ; do nothing to frighten them; and never jerk or roughly handle them. Avoid angry words and violence both to a child and in its presence : by which means a naturally violent child may be train ed to gentleness. Moderate any propensity of a child, such as anger, violence, greediness for food, cun- ning, &c., which appears too active. Show him no example of these. Let the mother be, and let her select ser- vants such as siie wishes the child to be. The youngest child is affected by the con- duct of th(»se in whose arms he lives. Cultivate and express benevolence and cheerfulness ; in such an atmosphere, a child must become benevolent and cheerful. Let a mother feeJ as she ought, and she will look as she feels. Much of a child's earliest moral training is by looks and ges- tures. When necessary, exhibit firmness anrf authority, always with perfect temper, com posure and self posst^ssion. Never give the child that which it cries for ; and avoid being too ready in answer- ing children's demands, else they become impatient of refusal, and selfish. When the child is most violent, the mother should be most calm and silent Out-screaming a screaming child is as use- less as it is mischievous. Steady denial of the object screamed for is the best cure for screaming. In such contests, witnesses should with- draw, and leave mother and child alone. A child is very ready to look round and attract the aid of foreign sympathy in its little rebellions. Never promise to give when tlie child leaves off crying. Let the crying be the reason for not giving. Never strike a child, and never teach it to strike again. Never tell a child to beat or threaten any animal or object. Corpora, correction may be avoided by substitutes. DISEASES OF THE HAH 17 DISEASES OF THE HAIR. Nothing contributes so much to personal beauty as a good head of hair. Neveithe- sss, the hail has its diseases like other parts of the human frame. Appended will be found an accurate and scientific description of these diseases, from the highest medical autlioriliii', with prescriptions that may be implicitly relied on for their alleviation and care iilvery person who begios to find his hair loosen or prematurely turn grey, should read this essay, and practice its precepts. It will save him from being imposed on by (]uack nostrums if notiiing else. (1.) To remove superfluous Hair. With many persons it is an important question, How hairs in improper situations are to be disposed of? I wisb I could answer this question satisfactorily, for it is one that I have addressed to me very frequently. I know of no specific remedy for such a purpose. Substances are sold by the perfumers called dvpilatones, which are represented as having the power of re- moving hair. But the hair is not destroyed by these means, the root and that part of the shaft implanted within the skin still re- main, and are ready to shoot up with in- creased vigour as soon as the depilatory is withdrawn. The effect of the depilatory is the same in this respect as that of a razor, and the latter is unquestionably the better remedy. It must not, however, be imagined that depilatories are negative remedies, and that if they do no permanent good, they are at least harmless ; that is not the fact ; they are violent irritants, and require to be used with the utmost caution. This will be im- mediately seen when I inform my reader that depilatories are chiefly composed of quicklime, soda, and sulphuret of arsenic, all of which substances act by burning up and dissolving the hair. There could be no objection to this process, if it were con- ducted with safety to the skin ; but the depilatory requires to be laid on the skin cither in the form of powder or paste, and necessarily destroys the scarfskin at the same time that it acts on the hair, for the ficarf-sldn and hair are, as I have shown in prp'ieding chapters, identical in composi- tion After all, the safest depilatory is a |wur of tweezers and patience. (2.) Loosening of the Hair. I -will not advert to the loosening of the hair, which frequently occurs in yoang per- sons, or in those of the middle period of life, and which, if neglected, would become real baldness. Such a state as I am now describing is not uncommon in women, and generally terminates in its mildest form, in excessive loosening of the hair. The case, however, is far from being the hopeless one which is generally imagined ; and if proper treatment be pursued, the hair will grow afresh, and assume all its pristine strength. A useful practice in men, and those of the opposite sex whose hair is short, is to im- merse the head in cold water, morning and night, dry the hair thoroughly, and then brush the scalp, until a warm glow is pro- duced. In women with long hair this plan is objectionable ; and a better one is to brush the scalp until redness and a warm glow are produced, then dab among the roots of the hair one or other of the" following lo- tions. If the lotion produce smarting, or tenderness, the brush may be laid aside, but if no sensation is occasioned, the brush- ing should be resumed, and a second appli- cation of the lotion made. This treatment should be practised once or twice a day, or at intervals of a few days, according to the state of the scalp ; namely, if tender, less ; if insensible, more frequently. When the baldness happens in patches, the skin should be well brushed with a soft tooth-brush, dipped in distilled vinegar, morning and evening, or dipped in one of the following lotions : — Lotion for promoting the growth oftht Hair No. 1. Vineajar of cantharides, half-an-ounce Eau de Cologne, one ounce. Rose water, one ounce. No 2 Eau de Cologne, two ounces. Tincture of cantharides, half-an-ouDC9 18 DISEASES OF THE HAIR. Oil of nutmegs, half-a-drachm Oil of lavander, ten drops. Mix. No. 3. Mezereon bark in small pieces, one ounce. Horseradish root in small pieces, one ounce. Boiling distilled vinegar, half-a-pint. Let this infusion stand for a week, and then strain through muslin for use. £f either of these lotions should be found too irritating to the skin, use them in smaller quantity and less frequently. I^'o. 3 may be diluted with more distilled vinegar. If they have the effect of making the hair harsh and dry, this inconvenience may be removed by the use of oil or pomatum after each application of the lotion. Pomatums for the growth of the hair are very inferior to the lotions, and the celebrated pomatum of Dupuytren is both clumsy and inefficient. (3.) To remedy premature greyness of the Hair. It must be a matter of common observa- tion, that in those instances in which the pigment presents the deepest hue, blanch- ing most frequently occurs, and greyness is most common ; while in persons of light hair and light complexion, blanching is eomparatively rare. There can be no doubt that the production in this climate of a dark pigment is a greater exertion to the econo- my than one of a lighter kind ; and hence, when the power of the nervous system is reduced, the formation of pigment is one ol" the first actions which sufiers. It is wisely ordained that it should be so, for colour of the hair is one of the conditions of existence most easily spared, and it is one also that may well serve as a monitor of human de- cay. When greyness shows itself in the hair, it is therefore an indication of want of tone in the hair-producing organs ; and if this tone can be restored, the hair would cease to change, and at the same time, further change would be prevented. The lotions for promoting the growth of the hair are remedies of this kind, and I know no better local means for chocking greyness. Thev must be used as recommended in the preceding paragraph. (4.) On dying the Hair. 1 have heard of persons who have oeen led to adopt this artifice under the supposi- aoD that the hair being once dyed will grow for ever afver of that colour. If they had reflected in time that the dye acts only on 'he hair above the level of the surface, and that the hair continues to grow of the ; ft'N'i^Sionable colour, so as to require a t. g y !j BSgetition of a disagreeable process . they would, I think, have hesitated before they had offered themselves as willing slaves to a barbarous practice. (5.) Altered direction of the Hair. Altered direction of the hair may be dis- cussed in a few words ; the only situalioB in which the hair is known to give rise to inconvenience by irregularity in the direo- tion of its growth, is upon the margin of the eyelids, where the lashes sometimes grow inwards, and by pressing against the front of the eyeball, occasion irritation, and even inflammation. When such a state as this occurs, the erring hair must be re- moved by means of a pair of fine tweezers, and the inflammation afterwards subdued by cooling and slightly astringent lotions. (6.) Ringworm. In the treatment of ringworm, the first point for attention is rigorous cleanliness : the head should be washed with a profusion of soap, and the hair carefully combed, to remove all loosened hairs and every particle of crust. When this has been done, the whole head, and particularly the disordered parts, should be well rubbed with the fol- lowing lotion, namely : — Ringivorm Lotion. Sublimate of mercury, five grains. Spirits of wine, two ounces. Tincture of musk, one drachm. Rose water, six ounces. Mix well. It must be recollected that the yellow mat- ter is not confined to the surface alone, but extends deeply into the hair-tubes, and the friction of the diseased parts with the finger, when well wetted with the lotion, is necessary to introduce the latter into the hair-tubes. Unless attention be paid to tills observation, the lotion might be used without ever reaching the seat of the disor- der, and of course without avail in respect of the cure of the disease. Another point to be noticed is the necessity of carrying the principle .of cleanliness to the sponges, combs, and towels used by the patient. The sponge and combs should be dipped in a weak solution of chloride of lime, and » clean towel employed at each washing Unless these pre" 'iitlons be adopted, the sponge, the comb, the >rush, the towel, may each corwey the sep>is of the vegeta- ble growth, and conseqaently the disease, back to "^f^ s".^\\,. T ivo. - said nothing abo'i*^ snaving tne head in ringworm, becausf m private life t know it to be quite uni.ecessary. OW THB PRESBRVAtlON OF THK SIGHT. 19 ON THE PRESERVATION OF THE SIGHT. There are no people in the world that suffer so much from weak eyes as the Ameri- cans, so at least T am assured by the ocu.ists. In the essay which follows will be found a complete treatise on the cure of the eyes, and the proper method of warding off the diseases to which they are subject. Let every one who perceives the slightest approach to weakness in his organs of sight, take counsel from the maxim that " an ounce of preventive is worth a pound of cure," a maxim of singular correctness in all that relates to the eyes. ( 1 . ) Diameter of the pupil of the eye. In proportion to the expansion of the Dupil of the eye, is the sensibility of the organ : the mean diameter of the pupil, though varying from one to two tenths of an inch, in proportion to the brightness of objects, is reckoned to be commonly about one tenth of an inch. When the light is too strong, or the object too bright, the pupil contracts, that it may intercept the excess of light, by which the eye would otherwise be distressed : on the contrary, when the light is faint, the pupil expands, in order that a larger portion of it may be admitted by the eye, and thus a more powerful impression be made upon it. (2.) Injury of sudden Transitions of lic^ht. Sudden changes from comparative dark- iiess to strong light, and vice versa, are nighly improper : hence the eyes should be carefully guarded from the full effect of the .Tiorning sun on first awaking in summer ; and the custom of breakflisting in the lightest room in the house, as is generally practised. vs certainly weakening to the eyes, which ought to bo accustomed by gentle transitions from one degree of light to another, till rhey can bear the effulgence of the sun's meridian splendour. (3.) Cautions against rubhing the eyes. Rubbing the eyes on waking is a destruc- tive habit which many people have con- tracted; and though healthy persons, whose sight is moderately used through the day, may not be sensible of receiving any injury fiDm this custom ; yet those whose occupa- tions demand close application of their visual organs for any continued space of time, will soon be convinced by painful experience of the truth of this remark. Besides the daily injury thus done to the eyes, it some- times also happens that hairs and other foreign matters are forced into them by their being violently rubbed, which may occasion inflammation, and are frequently very troublesome to dislodge. The inflamed and weak eyes of many persons are like-. wise in a great measure to be attributed primarily to this most imprudent habit. Should, however, the eyelids be so fixed that a difficulty in opening them is felt, let them be moistened with a little warm milk and water for a few mhmtes, which, in all cases where the organ is healthy, will be found to answer the purpose in a manner such as they can have no idea of who have never tried this simple remedy. (4 ) On the pernicious effects of shades and bandages. The use of shades and bandages, on every trifling affection of the eye, is an evil that cannot be too strongly reprobated ; for the action of light and air being thus excluded, and the organ rigidly compressed, ophth- almia, and even total blindness, is not un- frequently the consequence of that which, being perhaps merely a slight flow of hu- mour, or a little extravasated blood, would have subsided in a few days, if judiciously treated, or even if left to itself (5.) Care of the eyes. Bathing the eyes occasionally during the day, as well as on rising, is of much im- portance to their preservation ; where the organ is healthy, cool spring water should be preferred ; but where there is reason to suspect any disease, people cannot be too careful, considering what a very delicate organ the eye is, in haviijg professional advice before they adopt any remedial means. When the roads are dusty and the weather windy, bathing the eyes is so pleas- ON THE PRESERVATION OF THE SIGHT ant, and felt to be so necessary to comfort, that I need say nothing as to its salubrity, to induce its employment by those who have experienced the annoyance arising from dust in walking our streets in summer ; but I have to remark, that care must be taken to be perfectly cool before l):ithing the eyes, because if the face be covered with perspiration, the application of cold water may be very dangerous. The most frequent situation of counting- houses, and other places where business is carried on, in closr^ and d'lrk situations, is equally injurious to the sight and to the general health ; for the latter is not more affected bv confined and ill-ventilated rooms, than the former by dim and obscure ones, into which the light of day can hardly ever be said fairly to penetrate. It is therefore essential to the preservation of the sight in any degree of vigour, that the apartments in which the greatest portion of our time is spent, and in which are carried on those occupations requiring a continued exertion of our eyes, be in a light and cheerful situ- ation ; for whoever neglects this advice will assuredly sooner or later feel the baneful effects of his temerity. Care should also be taken to avoid rooms whose windows face whitewashed walls, which reflect the rays of the sun so powerfully as in a short time sensibly to weaken the strongest sight, causing inflammations and a train of other evils. An excess of gilding, or indeed, of any shining or white articles, in rooms, ought to be carefully avoided. Dress also, it can- not be doubted, exercises much influence on the visual organs ; and many naturally good eyes have been permanently weakened iby the apparently innocent custom of wear- ing a veil, the constant shifting of which affects the eyes so prejudicially, in its cease- less endeavour to adjust itself to the veil's vibrations, that I have known not a few young ladies who have brought on great visual debility by this means alone. Again, tight clothing is manifestly hurtful to the sight; too copious a flow of humours being thereby induced to the head ; for it needs not to be demonstrated, that the effective state of the eyes, like every other part of the body, depends on a free circula- tion of blood, which cannot take place when tlie body is too straitly laced or buttoned. (6.) Choice of situation important. Whatever may be the nature of the occu- pation, an equal degree of light should, if possible, be attained, and a happy medium observed — there should neither be too much aor too little, both being very destructive to the eyes. Some, however, seem VD think that nothing can affect their sight ; hence we find such persons, as a matter ol choice, working opposite a wall white enough to reflect powerfully the sun's rays ; never considering that this foolish conduct cannot fail to weaken their vision. T h?ve, indeed, frequently known this to be the caufce of obstinate and dangerous inflamma- tions, which, even after being cured, left the eyes still so weak as to unfit them ever after for their accustomed duties. (7.) Value of an equal light. A good and equal light being procured, the next remark I have to make is, that it is highly conducive to the comfort and dur- ability of the eye, to vary frequently the position in w'hich any employment is car- ried on ; this being a very effectual way of preventing too great an influx of humours to the head. For e5cample, the student and man of letters should be furnished with a high desk, at which he should stand to read or write, alternately with silting. This, simple as it seems, if once fairly tried, would, I am confident, so strongly commend itself by its beneficial influence not only on the sight, but on the general healtii, that they would not easily be in- duced to abandon the custom. To their constant habit of sitting, and seldom chang- ing their position, there can be no reason- able doubt that very many of the com- plaints peculiar to literary men are owing (8.) Importance of Cleanliness, especially in Children. Rigid cleanliness is a point of much im- portance, as regards the sight of children especially ; for it is well known, that though one powerful cause of inflammatory ophth almia among the children of the poor con sists in improper and innutritions diet, yet it cannot be denied that the putrid exhal ations of the places in which many of them arc doomed to live have a greater effect in producing diseases of the eyes, than ever, the deleterious and insufficient food which is the lot 01 but too many of our miserable fellow-creatures, in a great and densely populated metropolis. (9.) Cautions to persons of wec^ sigfu. Costiveness, and whatever causes mucii straining at stool, is very injurious to the sight; as in such cases, the pressure on the intestines impels the blood with an ui\- natural rapidity to the head. THE PRESERVATION OF THE SIGHT. 21 ^10.) Fiequent cmises of Diseases of the Eyes. Among the common causes of diseases of the eye may be noticed, derangement of the digestive functions — high living— ex- cess in vinous and spirituous liquors — cold fever — -suckjing too long protracted — an immoderate use of tobacco and cigars. which often produces debility in youn"- persons — siuin be taken from between two ribs. (11.) Fore Quarter nf Lamf). Slice to the bone at the line a, and help Separate, first, the shoulder from the thin pieces from each side. The choice fat scuven, which constitutes vne ribs and the lieBattheimteredge, atA. Should morebe breast, by sliding the knife under the aepded than can be gotten from those parts, knuckle, m the direction of a, b, c, ieaviofe THE ART OF CARVING, 25 ^n the ril)s a due proportion of meat. Place it on a fiiffi^rent disli. Now squeeze half a Seville oransre on the other part, which, beinn- sprinkled with salt and pepper, should be carved in Uie direction c, d. This will separate the gristly part from the rihs. Now help from either, as may be the choice, «arvinjr as directed by the lines e. f. (\1.) Saddle of Mutton. Cut Ion? slices, on each side of the back bone, in the direction f^ /*. As some are fond of a joint of the tail, they can easily be served by cutting between the joints. (13.) Breast of Veal. Separate the ribs from tlie brisket by cutting tliroiigli the line c/, b. The brisket is the thickest part, and of a gristly sub- stance. Carve each, and help according to preference. (14.) Fillet of Veal. 5^ This resembles a round of beef. Like that, it should be carved hoi-izontally, or by cutting thin even slices off the top, cutting deep into the flap, i)etween a, b, for the Bluffing, lielp to each person a portion of the dressing, (15.) Pig. chops and ears, and dividing the body length- wise. Separate a shoulder from the luxly ; next a leg ; and divide the ribs. The joints may be divided, or the meat sliced from them. Some prefer tiie neck, though most the ribs. Help with stufhiig and gravy. If the head is not otiicrwise disposed ct the brains should be mixed with the gravy (16.) Venison. Slices of a medium thickness may be given, and plenty of gravy with them. Cut quite to the bone in the line a, c, b; then turn the dish witii the end b towards you, and putting in the point of the knife at c, cut as deep as possible in the direction c,d. You may now, at pleastire, slice from either side. As the fat lies deeper on the left, those who like fat, as most venison eaters do, may be helped to the best flavoured and I'atlest slices on the left of the line c, d. Ham may be carved three different ways. Usually, commencing by long delicate pieces, cut to the bone through the thick fat, in the line a. b.. A second way is, to cut a small round hole on the top, as at c, taking thin circular pieces. The raos* saving way is to begin at the knuckle. (18.) A Fowl. This is seldom sent to the table whole; It will be more convenient carving Ihi*? the cook first garnishing the dish with the to take it on your plate, replacing thejoif*' 26 THE ART OF CARVING. as sepaiated, neatly on the dish. Place the fork in the middle of the breast, and remove the wing in the direction of a, b, separatinor the joint at a, and lifting up the pinion with the fork, and drawing tlie entire wing towards the leg. This drawing will separate the fleshy part more naturally than cutting. Cut between the leg and the body at c, to the joint b. By giving the blade a sudden turn the joint will break. Repeat the same operation for the other wing and eg. Next, take off t!ie merry thought by drawing the knife across the breast and turning the joint back; and then remove the two neck bones. Divide the breast from the back, by cutting through all the ribs, close to the breast. Turn the back up ; half way between the extreme ends press the point of the knife, and on raising the rump ei; J the bone will part. Take off the sidesmen, having turned the rump from you : — and done. The wings should be made as handsome as possible. These, with tlie breast, are the most delicate parts of the fowl ; the legs are more juicy. (19.) A Goose. With the neck end toward you, to take ^ffthe wing,putthe fork into tlie small end of the pinion and press it close to the body, dividing the joint at a, and carrying the knife along as far as h. Take ofl the leg by an incision from b to c, and separate the drumstick. Part the wing and leg from the other side, and between the line 1 and 2, cut long slices from each side of the breast. The apron must be removed by cutting from d to e. by c, to get at the stuf- fing. The merry thouglit being removed, the neck bones and all other parts are to be divided as in a fowl. A Duck may be carved in a similar man- ner (20.) Turkey. To carve, without withdrawing the fork, place your fork firmly in the lower part of the breast, so as to have the turkey at per- fect command. It is not difficult to com- plete the entire carving of this fowl without extracting the fork till done — the whole back, of course, making one joint. Proceed to lemove the wing ; the leg ; another wing and leg. (This may be done either before or after slicing the breast.") Next, remove the merry-thought, the neck bones, the neck itself; then, cutting through the ribs the job is done. (21.) Partridge. Carved as a fowl. Wings, breast, anJ merry-thought, are the best parts. Tho two latter not often divided. The wing tha best joint ; the tip the very best. (22.) Pigeons. Halve them, dividing lengthwise ; or, so as to make the breast and wings form one division. The lower division generally preferred. Woodcocks, Grouse, 4*c., are carved like fowls, if not too small ; when they must be cut in quarters. Snipes should only be halved. (23.) Tongue. Cut perpendicular thin slices, commencing a little nearer the root, than the tip. The fat lies underside, at the root. (24.) L-g of Pork— [See Ham.] The stuffing, in a roast leg, will be found under the skin, at the thick end. General Directions. The seat for the carver should he some what elevated above the other chairs : it is extremely ungraceful to carve standing, and it is rarely done by any person accustomed to the business. Carving depends more on skill than on strength. We have seen very small women carve admirably silling down ; and very tall men who know not how to cut a piece of beef-steak without rising on their feet to do it. The carving knife should be very sharp, and not heavy ; and it should be held firmly in the hand : also the dish should be not too far from the carver. It is custom.^.ry to help the fish wiih a fish trowel, and not with a knife. The middle part of a fish is gene- rally considered the best. In helping it, avoid breaking the flakes, as that will give it a mangled appearance. In helping any one to gravy, or to melted butter, do not pour it oftr their meat, fowl, or fish, but put it to one side, on a vat aiU part of the plate, that they may use just as much of it as they like. In filling a plate, never heap one thing on another. In helping vegetables, do not plunge tho spoon down to the bottom of the disii, in case they should not have been perfectly well drained, and the water should have settled there. ON WARTS AN:D CORNS AND HOW TO CURE THEM. 2r ON WAETS AND CORNS AND HOW TO CURE THEM. Su:;h persons (atitl who have not) as have been troubled with these afflicting annoy- ances, will no doubt feel gratified to see a scientific exposition of the nature of their enemy, and of the proper and ready means of exterminating him. The essay which follows is from one o** our most enlightened surgeons, and his prescriptions may be implicitly relied on, (1.) Hovi Warts are formed The papillee of the sensitive skin are covered and protected by the scarf-skin, and the thickness of the scarf-skin bears an exact relation to the size of the papilla?. It may therefoie be inferred, that if the pa- pillifi grow to an extraordinary size, they, piece of cotton wool between the toos. charijring the cotton daily. Caustic, as a^ application I'or the cure (d' corns, is a remfr dy which should l)e used with great cautioft and would be better left altogether in ih.^ hands of the medical man. / OBSERVATIONS ON MAXING PUDDINGS. 99 OESEKVATIONS ON MAKINTx PUDDINGS, &c. The receipts which follow are from an experienced and capable housewife. They are amply worthy the attention of all who have any interest in the kitchuu. It will be per- cei &J that the prescriptions are all upon the cold-water princip!-^, .o aicohol is in no insta..iv ijcommended. OBSERVAaCNS ON 3IAKING PUDDINGS. The cloths u^jeJ to tie over puddings, or boil them in, shcalJ be nicely washed and dried in the sun, s.r\iL kept in a dry place. When to be used, ihey nhould be dipped into boiling water, squeezed >.'ry, and floured. In all cases the eggs mui.i be thoroughly beaten. Tf bread pudding, tiie doth shc-uld be lied loose, to give room for rising. If flatter, tight over. Tlie water slionld boil quick when the pudding is put in ; and it hould be moved about for a minute, that tlie ingredients should mix evenly. Batter pudding should be strained through a coarse sieve when all mixed. In others, strain the eggs separately. The pans must always be buttered before the pudding is put in. And the milk or cream used, should be boiled and cooled, before the eggs are put in. A pan of cold water must be ready, and the pudding dipped in, as soon as it comes out of the pot ; then it will not adhere to the doth. Transparent Pudding. 8 eggs. S oz. of sugar, S oz. of butter. Nutmeg. Beat up the eggs, put them into a stew- pan with the sugar and butter, nutmeg to taste, set it on a stove or fire of coals, stir- ring it constantly until it thickens, then pour It into a basin to cool. Set a rich paste round the edge of your dish, pour in your pudding, and bake it in a moderate oven. A most delicious and elegant article. A Cheshire Pudding, 1 lb. of raspberry jam, 4 oz. of butter, 1 cup of creamer buttermilk, 11-2 lbs. flour. I table spoonful of saleratus, Rub the half of the butter into the flour, wfrm the milk, rub the saleratus fine with the broad blade of a knife on the corner of a paste-board, then scrape it in, and while It is in effervescence, mix with the flour and therestof the butter, and adust of more salt if necessary, then roll out to fourteen or fifteen inches long, and eight or nine in width ; spread with the jam, and roll it up in the manner of collarea eel ; have a floured cloth ready and wrap it two or three times around and pin it ; tie it tight at each end. Boil in plenty of water two hours. Serve with thickened sweet sauce, with some rose-water and nutmeg, and juice of a lemon. Nice stewed peaches are fine in this dumpling, with cream sweetened, and nut- meg for sauce. Almost any acid fruit is excellent in this way. The crust should bt light, and it must be cat as soon u- done. Tapioca Pudding. 1 qjiart of milk, 5 eggs. Seasoning, 1 coffee cup of tjpioca. Stesp the tapioca in the milk two hours, put it in cold, let it warm a little, beat up the eggs well with sufficient sugar, .i little essence of lemon. Bake half an hour, eat with butter. ^mce Pudding. Scald the quinces tender, pare them ihin, scrape off the pulp, mix with sugar very sweet, and add a little ginger and cinnamon. To a pint of cream put three or four yolks of eggs, and stir it into the quinces till they are of a good thicaness. Butter the dish, pour it in, and bake it. Baked Pciato Pudding. 12 oz. of boiled potato 1 oz. of suet, skinned and mashed, 1 gill of milk 1 oz. of cheese grated fine. Mix the potatoes, suet, milk, cheese, and all together ; if not of a proper consistence, add a little water. Bake it in an earthen pan. Almond Pudding. 1 lb. of blanched almonds, 8 oz. of sugar, 1-2 glass of rose-water, I pmt of cream. 6 eggs. Put the rose-water to the almonds in a marble mortar, pound them fine ; beat the sugar and eggs together well, the sugar 30 OBSERVATIONS ON MAKING PUDDINGS. being nicely sifted ; put all into a basin and stir them over a few coals, well tog-ether, until they are warm, then put it into a thin dish, put paste only around the edges (or sides of the dish^ bake three quarters of an hour Winter Pudding. Take the crust off a baker's loaf of bread, and fill it with plums • bi)!! it in milk and water. Custard Pudding. 1 quart of milk, 6 spoonsful of flour, 6 eggs, 1 nutmeg, sugar and butter. Boil the milk, and, whilst scalding, stir in the flour, set to cool half an hour before it is wanted, beat up the eggs nicely, and put to the milk with sufficient salt, bake in a quick oven twenty minutes. Rub nutmeg with nice sugar and butter for sauce. Flour Pudding. I pint of milk 6 spoonsful of flour. 6 eggs, Boil the milk, stir in the flour whilst scalding, let it cool ; have the water boiling. When sufficiently cool, beat the eggs well, and put them in with salt to taste ; boil hard one hour. Use the sauce above. Sago Pudding. 4 spoonsful of sago, 4 eggs, 1 1-2 pints of milk, Sugar to taste. Lemon peel, cinnamon, nutmegs. Boil the milk and sago nicely, let it cool ; beat the eggs up perfectly with some sugar, add the other ingredients, then mix all together, put a nice paste round the dish, pour in the pudding, and bake slowly. Boiled Custard Pudding 1 pint of nev/ milk, Orange-flower water. 2 spoonsful of flour, Cinnamon,currant-jelly. Yolks of five eggs, Mix the flour with the milk, by degrees ; beat the yellows and other ingredients with a little salt together, and put with the milk. Butter a basin that will exactly hold it, pour the batter in, and tie a floured cloth over it. Put in a kettle of boiling v>'ater, and turn it aoout a few minutes to prevent the eggs from settling on one side. Half an hour will boil it. Pour currant-jelly over, and seive with sweet sauce. Rice Pudding. 1 quartet milk, 1 stick of cinnamon, 4 cz. of rice, 4 spoonsful of rose-water, 1.2 nutmeg, S eggs, salt. Boil the rice and cinnamon with the milk, etir it often to ke,ep from burning, cool, add the nutmeg and other ingredients, haying beat the eggs well. Butter a pan or dish, or cover the dish with puff paste ; pour the above composition in, bake one hour and a half. Serve with butter and sugar. An Apple Pudding Dumpling. Put into a nice paste, quartered apples, tie up in a floured cloth, and boil two hours serve with sweet sauce. Pears, plums, peaches, &c., are fine done this way. Indian Pudding. 3 pints of milk, 1-4 lb. of butter, 7 eggs, 7 spoonsful of Indian meal, 1-2 lb. of raisins, Spice, salt, sugar to taste. Scald the milk, and stir it in the meal whilst boiling, set it to cool, stone and put in the raisins, salt, and spice ; then beat the eggs well, and if only milk-warm, put them in, stir all well together, bake an hour and a half, good heat. A Superb Lemon Pudding. 1-2 lb. of sugar, 5 eggs, 1-2 " best butter 1 glass of rose-water, 1 lemon, 1 glass orange-fiovver water. Beat the rose-water and butter to a froth, prepare the sugar and eggs as for pound cake, grate the yellow part of the lemon rind in, (but not a particle of white) have a nice puff paste ready in your dish, and, after incorporating the pudding well to- gether, pour it into your paste. Bake in a moderate oven. Orange pudding is made in the .same way, using a pounded orange, instead of a lemon. Boston Apple Pudding. IS good apples, 1-4 lb. of butter, 4 yolks of eggf^, 1 white. Cinnamon, cloves. 1 lemon. Sugar to taste. 1-2 nutmeg. Peel, core and cut the apples into a stew- pan that will just hold them, with a little water and the spices, rasp the peel of the lemon in, stew over a slow fire till quite soft, then sweeten and pass through a sieve, beat the eggs and grated nutmeg together with the juice of a lemon, then mix all well, lino the inside of your pie-dish with good pufl- paste, put in your pufkUng. bake l,alt an hour. Nesmm'kct Pudding. 1 pint of milk, -I oz. of currants, 1 teaspoonfulcinnamosi, 1 lemon peel, 5 yolks, 3 whites of cg^^s, sweeten with sugar- Boil the milk with the lemon peel and other spices, for five or ten minutes ; then set tc cool ; spread butter upon nice bread CBSERVATIONS ON MAKING PUDDINGS, ETC 31 2 eggs, Grate the peels into the milk, and boil ; sweeten ; take the yellows of all of the eggs, and half of the whites ; beat them well, then add the boiling milk, keep them stirring, set the dish over the fire five min- utes, stirring it constantly , then pour through a sieve into your freezing-pot. The pro- portions to surround the pot is one quart of salt to one pail full of ice. Place it in as cold a place as possible ; as fast as it freezes on the sides, remove it with the spoon. One hour is sufficient to freeze it. Scotch Marmalade. 2 lbs. honey, 2 pints juice of Seville oranges. Squeeze the juice from the oranges, put hem together, ajid boil in a nice, well tinned stew-pan, and boil to a proper coi» sistence. Ice Cream with Frutt. 1 pound of preserved fruit, 2 lemons, 1 quart of cream, CochineaJ Squeeze the juice of the lemons into rfome sugar to taste ; then pass all through n sieve, and if raspberry, or strawbeny, ii any other ripe fruit, add a little cochineal to heighten the colour. Have the freezing pot nice and clear, put the cream into it and cover it ; then put the pot into the tub with the ice beat small, and some salt ; turn the freezing-pot quick, and as the cream sticks to tlie sides, scrape it djwn with an ice- spoon, and so on until it is frozen. The more the cream is worked to the side with a spoon, the smoother and better it will be flavoured. After it is well frozen, take it out and put it into ice shapes with salt and ice ; then carefully wash the shapes for fear of any salt adhering to them ; dip them in lukewarm water, and send to the table> Fresh fruit, strawberries, or raspberries, are uice, but more sugar will be necessary. Currant Jelly, to use with Venison. 10 lbs. of the juice, S lbs. clean brown sugar of red currants. As the currants may for this jelly get very ripe, they can be broken through a colander and then be cleaned with flannel jelly-bags. When perfectly clean, add the sugar, boil and skim until it jellies, which is known by dipping in a spoon and holding it in the air; when it hangs in a drop to the spoon, it is done: pour into pots; when cold, cover as before directed. Another ivay 4 lbs. of double refined sugar, 4 lbs. of clear juice extracted in ajar. Stir gently, and smoothly for three hours, then put into glasses, and in three days it will concrete into a firm jelly .' then cover and set by for use. Black Currant Jelly. 6 quarts of juice, 9 pounds of sugar. To ten quarts of the dry fruit add one quart of water ; put them in a large stew- pot, tie paper close over them, and set them for two hours in a cool oven. Squeeze them through a fine cloth, and iidd to every quart of juice a pound and a half of sugar loaf, broken in small pieces. Stir it until the sugar is melted ; when it boils skim it quite clear. Boil it quick over a clear fire till it jellies; try it as above directed. If jelly is boiled too long, it will lo.se its flavour, and shrink very much : pot and cover. THE CANARY BIRD FANCIER. 33 THE CANARY BIRD FANCIER. For the amusement of our leisure hours, I know not that a more innocent or rational fairsuit can be recommended than that of rearing these harmonious songsters. 1:\ many of the principal cities and towns, the industrious mechanic and manufacturer are enabled to pay the entire ot their rents, and to add to their comforts, by attending, in the intervals of their labour, to the rearing and management of these pleasing little v/arblevs. Pleasure is thus blended with profit; and our pretty songsters help to " feed ttie hungry and clothe the naked." To the gentleman fancier they aflbrd an equal degree of amusement and delight ; and, if profit were his object, the prices which are frequently given for well-bred birds, suffi- ciently prove that they may be easily obtained. I will only add, the directions here given for their treatment in cases of illness, are the result of practical knowledge, and many vears experience of their efficacy. (1.) Of the general characteristics of Canaries. Canaries are not naturally so delicate as they are thought to be, but become so from ihe little attention and improper treatment that is sometimes paid them. It may be said with truth that they excel most other birds in their good qualities — 1st, In the sweetness and melody of their song, which continues nearly the whole of the year, excepting only the time of moulting, during W'hich they are generally silent ; although some in spite of this annual illness, do not even then lose their song. 2dly, By their rich and beautiful plumage, which is dis- played in seven or eight different colours, causing a variety of corresponding names to be given them by different fanciers. 3dly, By their docility ; which is manifested by their learning quickly a variety of pleas- ing little tricks — such as coming at the order of their master, and even pronouncing distinctly several words. Add to this their aptness in learning airs, by means of a flage- olet or bird-organ, even keeping time as correctly as a skilful inusician The man- lier of leaching them will be shown here- after. (2.) The proper tiine for fairing Canaries. As to the time of pairing, it generally commsnces about the middle or latter end of March, but in some degree depends upon the weather, at that period, being genial or otherwise. The best criterion is, when the frosts have disappeared, and the rays of the un begin to shed the enlivening warmth, which, at the time I have named, is gene- rally the case. You may then pair them in the following manner : Take a small cage which is well cleaned ; be careful there are no small red insects, which are very injurious, and of which I shall hereafter speak. Select the cock and hen Canary you intend to pair and put them in together, as they sooner match in a small cage than in a large one. Although at first they may fight and qua* rel, let not this alarm you, as you will soon see them reconciled, which will be known by their feeding each other, billing, &c. During the time they are preparing, they must be fed in the following manner : Boil an egg very hard, and chop or grate it very fine, to which add bread crumbled equally fine, a little maw seed, and mix this all up well together in a plate, and give the birds a table spoonful twice a day. In ten days (sometimes much sooner) they will be paired. (3.) The most advantageous place for the Breeding Cage. The situation of the breeding cage is an object of considerable importance ; let it be where it may, the birds, prompted by nature, will go to nest ; but there will be a great difference in the success that awaits the breeder. For instance, if the cage be in a dark room where the sun seldom appears, and never shines on the cage, the young birds that may be bred, will be weakly, duU, and small ; and not equal in three weeks. 34 THE CANARY BIRD FANCIER. to birds of ten days old, which are bred in a more cheerful situation ; so that if you wish to procure fine birds, let your breed- ing cag-e be in a room which enjoys the morning sun, and on which it continues, if possible, the best part of the forenoon, which is preferable to a room where the sun shines only in the afternoon, as the exces- sive heat then sometimes causes the hen to fall ill, and forsake her nest ; it likewise occasions what may be termed a sweating sickness, and causes the birds to breed mites, which destroy the young ones, suck- ing their blood, and sticking to them with the most obstinate pertinacity, as long as life remains. I do not now speak of a vari- ety of accidents to which they are liable, as having clear and unproductive eggs, or being in a room which does not suit their temper, for they have their preferences and antipa- thies, and their behaviour in their room or cage, will readily testify their satisfaction or dislike to it. (4.) Observations on the mode of Pairing. The original Canary, which was of a dusky buff and dark green colour, is now but little esteemed in comparison with the birds distinguished by the terms, jonque, and mealy. In pairing, care should be taken not to put a cock and hen both mealy, other- wise the colour of the young ones would degenerate to a disagreeable dirty or whitish tint : but rather you should pair a fine jonque or yellow cock with a mealy hen, and you may then expect the young birds, particularly the cocks, to follow the colour of the father. So also is it with streaked, striped, spotted, or various coloured birds, taking care if the predominant colour be yellow, to pair with mealy, and vice versa. if you wish to breed splashed or marked birds, I should recommend you to pair a fine shaped lively green or splashed male bird with a yellow or jonque hen ; the pro- duce of this pair will be marked, and of various colours. To breed full-coloured yellow birds without a spot or splash, you should procure a fine large mealy hen, bred i'rom yellow birds, with which match a jonque cock bird ; or a pair of close-feath- ered yellow birds, large and strong : these latter will, from being both jonque, if they are not of a good size, dwindle very much, but from such matches are thrown the fine deep yellow birds. If you wish to breed green Canaries, let the birds you pair be both green, or a green cock bird with a yel- low or mealy hen, bred from green old ones, from which I have known to be produced that pleasing variety called "Cinnamon Birds." (5.) The proper materials for Nests. There are different materials given them to build their nests with ; but nothing is so good as a little fine hay and cow's hair, or deer's hair, which latter ought to be well washed to clean it from dust, and then dried in the sun or before the fire. This hair, after serving one nest, may be washed s.nd dried, and it will serve the remainder of the season, being as goed as the first for Jhe succeeding nest. Tlie best nest boxes are those which are composed entirely of wicker, or wooden sides with wire bottoms, so that the dust, if any left in the hair, falls through, and does not breed the red mites which prey on the young birds. You must not fail to let the paired birds, when in the breeding cage, have red sand or gravel, which ought to be dried before it is given them, and laid pretty thick at the bottom of the cage, so that if the cock or hen, in flying off the nest, hap- pen to draw a young bird or egg out after them, which sometimes occurs, it falls on the soft sand, and thus frequently is saved a valuable bird. I would recommend, when your birds are first put up, to give them only one nest box, as they are apt, when they have two, to carry the building materials first to one and then to another, and by these means lose time. When the hen sits, the other nest box is easily put in, or indeed after she has hatched. It is better to make the second and following nest for them, as by so doing they are saved much unneces- sary fatigue ; and if it does not please them, they soon adapt it to their wishes or faney. (6.) Directions for Feeding. The following food must be given to them when they have young : Boil an egg very hard, and grate it through a giater, such as is used for grating horse-reddish ; after that, take a stale piece of bread about the size of an egg, and grate it through the grater, after the egg is grated ; then mis them together, pass it through the grater twice, and it will mix the better. Give them, now and then, for a change, a stale piece of bread soaked in water, \^ith the crust taken off, then squeeze the water out. add a little sweet milk to it, and then give it to the birds ; also give them cabbage now and then when in season — this is a fins thing for them. This ought to be given them two or three times a day, witi) chicken-weed or salad, if in season. Many persons who commence breeding Canaries, without previously knowing the necessary management of them very often meet with such disappointmeni from the number o\ THE CANARY BIRI FANCIER, 35 birds that die, that they give it up in dis- gust, attributing fault ;o the bird, when they aione are to be blamed. The young ones are generally lost from being either fed too much or too little, and without paying any attention as to the food being proper at the season it is given them or not. For instance, chickweed or salad, which in proper season are excellent, if given too early in the year, arc absolute poison ; that is, before the plants are in that stage of their growth that their bitterness goes off, and their cold acrid juices are dissipated or exhaled by the heat of the sun. Thus, when your young birds can feed themselves, (which you will observe by their not letting the cock feed them any longer, or by his discontinuing to do so,) you may cage them off and give thera chopped eg-g, with bread, as before stated, with the addition of a little maw seed, and some ground or bruised rape, till they are seven weeks old ; when they will be able to crack hard seed, which should, however, before that time, be given them. They should then have a mixture of rape, canary, yellow, and hemp seeds mixed together, taking care that fresh seed be put in their box every two days, with now and then a few grains of bruised hemp seed. Some feed their birds with rape alone, thinking they live longer. I have observed it renders them so thin, that they often die at the first illness that attacks them — and particularly the later birds when moulting. Another evil to guard against is, when your old birds are put in a cag'e with soft food, &c., to breed, they generally gorge to such a degree as to swell themselves and die. Many Canaries are killed by giving them too large a quantity of soft food, as eggs, greens, &c., which is not always necessary for them. Remember, when breeding, your old birds should have (besides canary, rape, and hempseed) a little lettuce seed, which purges and clears them of such foul hu- mours as may have generated during the vvinter. And, as the breeding time is the most difficult period to manage them, I shall be particular in my directions for their treat- ment at that season. The hen sits thirteen, but more frequently fourteen days, although much depends on the state of the weather, as in very fine weather they hatch sooner than in dull and told weather ; however, two days before »kB hatches, I generally clean the perches, fill the box with seed, and the fountain with water, so that they may not be disturbed for two or three days after they hatch. The soft meat must be given them three times a day ; you may likewise give them a little seed, chickweed as free as possible from the large rank leaves, ■vhicti are very injurious. In July and August, they should have ripe plantain, or a lettuce leaf, feeding them at six o'clock in the morning, at noon, and again at five in the afternoon. In the hot months, -hey must be very particularly attended to ; and this food put in the cage in the morning, if any remains, should be taken away when next fed, as the soft meat in a few hours turns sour, the chickwee*' also withers, so that the old ones, feeding their young on these nauseous, half-rotten substances, retard their growth, and make them weak and large bellied, instead of being strong, straight, and taper. I also give them lettuce seed and plantain seed mixed in a small pot. Observe what the old ones prefer, giving them as much of that particular seed as they will eat : for the less they feed the young ones on green meat the better, as it causes the surfeit or swelling before observed. I put sometimes a piece of stick liquorice into their water glass, which gives a flavour to the water and acts as an alterative. In hot weather they should have cleam water once a day in pans, to bathe and wash in, which greatly refreshes them ; as well as in their glasses, as they drink much oftener than in cold weather. (7.) Directions tomake Pastp,io brinsthem up by hand. When you wish to bring up a Canary by hand, for the purpose of rendering him remarkably tame, you must first see if he is strong enough to be taken away from the old ones ; as should he be taken away too soon, he is apt to pine ; neither must he be left too long, as in that case he is obstinate sullen, and difficult to breed The bird thus intended to be brought up should be well fledged or feathered ; if a mealy bird, eleven days is the proper age; if a jonque, thirteen. When taken from the hen, he should be placed in a warm box and kept in rather a dark situation, to make him forget the old ones. This rule is not without exception ; as sometimes the hen is taken ill in breeding, and cannot feed her young, so that it be- comes necessary they should be taken from her sooner, and bred up by hand, if you have not another hen under which you can put them. And occasionally a hen feeds so ill, that the young ones fall away and will die for want of food. When this is the case, they must be taken from her, or they would soon be past recovery, from the effect of her neglect. Frequently the hen leavea them at eight days old to the care of the 36 THE CANABY BTRD FANCIEH cock ; and althoug-h you give her proper things for Jier nest, she unmercifully plucks the feathers from her young ones; in which case they must be taken from her, or she will kill them in two or three days. But when there is no pressing occasion to take them from the old ones, they should be suf- fered to remain as before stated. When they are taken away, the follow- ing paste is given them, which will keep good fifteen days : In a large mortar, or on an even table, you must bruise with a roll- ing-pin, a pint or quart of rape, in such manner that you may blow the chaff away ; to this bruised seed add a piece of bread, reducing them to powder ; mix these together, and put them in an oak box, which should be kept from the sun. You may give them a tea-spoonful of this pow- der, with the addition of a little hard yolk •f Ggg, and a few drops of water. By^ these means you will have prepared in a minute food for your young birds without trouble. This powder must not be kept longer than twenty days, as it then becomes unfit for use, the rape seed turning sour, so that when the water is put in, it smells like mustard. After twenty days, if any of the powder remains, it may be given dry to the old ones, and it will do them no harm. I rather pre- fer giving them their paste fresh every day, as I observe they thrive better. The first three days I take them from the old ones, I give them part of a sponge biscuit, reduced to powder ; add a hard boiled yolk of pgg, (or the white, which is better, if fresh, as it does not heat them so much as the yolk,) with a drop or two of water : make this up into a thick paste, as, if it be too liquid, it digests so quickly as to be of little or no service to them. After your birds are three or four days old, and begin to be strong, add to the mix- ture a small quantity of scalded rape seed, without bruising it, as they are strong enough to digest it. I sometimes give them too, (chopped very fine,) a sweet almond peeled, and a small quantity of chick weed seed. This latter ought to be given them twice a day in very hot weather. If you attend strictly to this mode of feeding, you may depend on your Canaries thriving well, and, on an average, you will scarcely lose ©ne in fifty. (8.) Hotv to treat those that are sick. If any of the young ones are ill, you must treat them as follows : Take a handful of hemp seed, which first wash in cold water, then bruise it in a mortar, and put in water again, from which again take it and put it in a clean piece of linen, which yoa mn» squeeze very strongly in the last used water, and this is termed milk of hemp seed ; it will strengthen and nourish your young birds very much. Remember to take the water glass away when you give your sick birds this medicine. Birds brought up by hand require fre- quent feeding ; let them be attended to every two hours at farthest. This regu- larity and frequency is ahsoLutely requisite to procure complete success. To feed them, sharpen a small piece of wood, and at each time of feeding give them four or five mouthsful, or till they refuse to open their mouths voluntarily ; as, if too much gorged, they are apt, from a want of suffi- cient digestive powers, to become ill, and to fall into what may be termed a surfeit. At a month old you may cease feeding them with a stick, as they will then begin to feed alone. You must put them in a cage with- out perches, at first, and feed them as before directed for about a month. There must also be a little rape and canary in the seed box, or glass. When you see them strong enough, which will generally be about seven weeks old, take the soft food by degrees away from them, and leave them only the rape, yellow, and canary. It will be well to give them now and then, a little bruised hemp seed, especially in the winter. Many fanciers boast that the Canaries brought up by the old ones, are the strongest and best, while some maintain that the birds brought up by hand by far exceed the others in strength and force; (and the additional trouble considered, so they ought.) It often happens that those brought up by the old ones fall into a consumption, owing to the parent birds being ill, and not giving them half enough food ; having five or six hi a nest to bring up at a time, they must neces- sarily neglect some, which become feeble and die. The cock and hen are likewise much relieved when the young ones are taken away at ten or twelve days old ; and they live longer than when they are left entirely to tear them themselves. The young brought up by hand are more familiar than the others, and fewer die in the moult. At least, a nest from each pair of birds is gained by thus rearing them ; and they may have four nests without too much fatiguing them during the breeding season, and they will the next season be in as good a state to breed as they were the first year. A bird that breeds, seldom lives longer than ten years : others; that are not bred from, but kept merely for song, have beeo known to attain the age of twenty years. TB£ ETIQUETTE OF COURTSHIP AND MAKRUGE. THE ETIQUETTE OF COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE. No subject in this work is more important, and certainly none will be studied with M much attention, as that of the present section. Love is the universal passion, courtship is the most interesting avocation of human life, and marriage one of the great ends of existence. As our wives are not purchased as in China, nor stolen as in some parts of Africa, nor in general negotiated for by parents, as in some countries in Europe, but wooed and won by polite attentions, the manner in wliich a fjentleman should behave towards ladies, is a matter of the greatest importance. Charms, filters, and talismans axe used no longer — the only proper talismans are worth and accomplishments. How to win the favour of Ladies. To win the favour of the ladies, dress and manner mustnevor be neglected. Women iook more to sense than to beauty, and a man shows his sense, or his want of it, in every action of his life. When a young man first finds himself in the company of the other sex, he is seldom free from a degree of bashfulness, which makes him more awkward than he would otherwise appear, and he very often errs from real ignorance cf what he should say or do. Though a feeling of respect and kindness, and a de- sire to be obliging and agreeable, will al- ways be recognised and appreciated, there are certain forms very convenient to be un- derstood. How to address a Lady. We address a married lady, or widow, as Madam, or by name, as Missis or Mis- tress Jones. In answering a question we contract the Madam to ma'am — as "yes, ma'am, no ma'am, very fine day, ma'am." A single lady, of a certain age, may also be addressed as Madam. A young lady, if the eldest of the fami- ly, unmarried, is entitled to the sirname, as Miss Smith, while her younger sisters are called Miss Mary , Miss Julia, &c. The term " Miss," used by itself, is very inelegant. It is expected, that gentlemen will, upon every proper occasion, offer civilities to la- dies of their acquaintance, and especially to those for whom they have a particular attachment. _ A gentleman neeting a lady at an eve- ning party, is struck with her appearance-. Ascertaining that she is not engaged, which he may do from some acquaintance, he \akes some opportunity of oayinir. "Miss Ellen, will you honor "me, by ac- cepting my escort home to-night?" or, "Miss Ellen, shall I have the pleasure of seeing you home?" or, " Miss Ellen, make me happy by select- ing me for your cavalier ;" or, "Miss Ellen, shall I have the pleasure of protecting you?'' The last of course, as the others, may be half in fun, for these little matters do not require much seriousness. The lady re plies, if engaged, " Excuse me. Sir, I am already provided for;" or, pleasantly. "How unfortunate! If you had been five minutes earlier, T might have availed myself of your services ;" or, if disen- gaged, " Thank you, sir ; I shall be obliged foj your attention ;" or, " Wiih pleasure, Sir, if my company will pay you for your trouble ;" or, any other pleasant way of saying that she ac- cepts, and is grateful t<)r the attention prof fered to her. The preliminaries settled, vviiich should be as early as possible, his atte-ntion should be public. He should assist her in put- ting on her cloak and shawl, and offer hei his arm before leaving the room. Preliminaries of Courtship. There is no reasen why the passion of love should be wrapped up in mystery. Il would prevent much and complicated mise- ry in the world, if all young persons un- derstood it truly. According to the usages of society, it is the custom for the man to propose mar- riage, and for the female to refuse or ac- cept the offer as she may think fit. There ought to be a perfect freedom of the will in both partiep. When a young man admires a lady, and thinks her society necessary to his happt- 88 THE ETIQUETTE OF COURTSHIP AND MARRUGE. ness, it is proper, before committing him- self, or inducing the object of his admira- tion to do so, to apply to her Parents or Guardians for permission to address her ; this is a becc/ming mark of respect, and the circumstances must be very peculiar, wliich would justify a deviation from this course. Everything secret and unacknowledged is to be avoided, as the reputation of a clandestine iatsrcouTse is always more or less injurious ti.rough life. The romance evaporates, but the memory of indiscretion survives. Young men frequently amuse themselves by playing with the feelings of young women. They visit them often, they walk with them, tliey pay them divers atten- tions, and after giving them an idea that they are attached to them, they either leave them, or, what is worse, never come to an explanation of their sentiments. This is to act the character of a dangler, a character truly dastardly and infamous. How to Commence a Courtship. A gentleman having met a lady at social parlies, danced with her at balls, accompa- nied her to and from church, may desire to become more intimately acquainted. In short, you wish to commence a formal courtship. This is a case for palpitations, but forget not that " faint heart never won fair lady." What will you do? Why, taking some good opportunity, \'ou will say, " Miss Wilson, since I became acquaint- ed with you, I have been every day more pleased with your society, and I hope you will allow me to enjoy more of it — if you are not otherwise engaged, will you permit me to visit you on Sunday evening?" The lady will blush, no doul't — she may tremble a little, but if your proposition is acceptable to her, she may say : " I am grateful for your good opinion, and shall be happy to see you." Or if her friend's have not been consult- ed, as they usually are before matters pro- eeed so far, she may say: " I am sensible of your kindness, Sir ; »ut I cannot consent to a private inter- view, without consulting my family." Or she may refuse altogether, and in such a case, should do so with every reg ird to the feelings of the gentleman, and if en- gaged, should say frankly : " I shall be happy to see you at all times as a friend, but I am not at liberty to grant a private interview." As, in all these affairs, the lady is the re- spondent, there is little necessity for anj directions in regard to her conduct, as s " Yes " ever so softly whispered, is a suf- ficient affirmative, and as her kindness of heart will induce her to soften as much aa possible her " No." To tell a lady who has granted the pre- liminary favours, that you love her better than life, and to ask her to name the hap- py day, are matters of nerve, rather than form, and require no teaching. Love Letters. A gentleman is struck with the appear ance of a lady and is desirous of her ac- quaintance, but there are no means within his reach of obtaining an introduction, and he has no friends who are acquainted wit" herself or her family. In this dilemiu there is no alternative but a letter. There is, besides, a delicacy, a timidity, and nervousness in love, which makes many men desire some mode of communication rather than the speech, which in such ca- ses too often fails them. In short, there are reasons enough for writing — but when the enamoured youth has set about pen- ning a letter to the object of his passion, how difficult does he find it ! How many sheets of paper does he spoil ! How many efforts does he make before he succeeds in writing one to suit him \ It may be doubted whether as many reams of paper have ever been used in writing letters upon all other subjects, as have been consumed upon epistles of love ; and there is probably no man living who has not at some time written, or desired to write, some missive which might explain his passion to the amiable being of whonj he was enamoured; and it has been the same, so far as can be judged, in all the generations of the world. Affairs of the heart — the delicate and in- teresting preliminaries of marriage, are of- tener settled by the pen than in any other manner. To write the words legibly, to spell them correctly, to point them properly, to begin every sentence and every proper name with a capital letter, every one is supposed to learn at school. To give examples of letters would tfl useless and absurd, as each particular case must necessarily require a widelj'' different epistle, and the judgment and feelings of the party writing, must bo left to contro! both the style and substance of the letter. For a love letter, good paper is indi.'^pen- sable. When it can be procured, that of a costly quality, gold-edged perfumed, P CONVERSATION 49 linfj T!ie manner or saying things is what, gives them their value. Avoid provincialisms in your language and pronunciation. Walker is the stand- ard for pronouncing in tlie best society both in the T^niled .States and in England. Swearing, which formerly pervaded eve- ry rank of society, is now to be chiefly found in a very low and uninstructed chiss ; it 13, in fact, a vulgar and proscribed mode of speech. Nevertheless, it is still used Oflca^i.inally by persons of no humble rank, especially by the young, though chiefly for the purpose of giving an emjjhasis to speech, or perhaps simply to give token of a redundancy of spirits, and a high state of excitement. To those who are guilty of it for these reasons, it is only necessary to point out, that no well-informed person can be at the least loss, with the genuine ■words of the Englisii language, to express all legitimate ideas and feelings, and that to use either profane or slang words, is at the least, the indication of a low taste and inferior understanding. A direct, pure, manly use of our native language, is an object which all may cultivate in a greater or loss degree ; and we have invariably ob- served, through life, that the most virtuous persons are the most exempt from the use of mean and ridiculous phraseology and monkey tricks of all kinds. Meeting an acquaintance among stran- gers — in the street or a coffee-house, never address him by name. It is vulgar and an- noying. Kever tattle — nor repeat in one society any scandal or personal matter you hear in in another. Give your own opinion of peo' pie if you please, but never repeat that of others. You are not required to defend your friends in company, unless the conversation is addressed to you ; but you may correct a statement of fact, if you know it to be wrong. Do not call people by their names, in speaking to them. In speaking of your own children never " Master " and " Miss " them— in speaking to other people of theirs, never neglect to do so. In the use of latiguage, avoid too great formality of expression, and an affectation of preciseness. It is better to say " I don't know," or " I can't tell," than " I do not knew," or " I cannot tell." Preserve a proper medium, avoiding pedantry on the one hand, and vulgarity on the other. In all cases speak plainly, with proper empha- sis and inflection, neither drawling, nor mumbling, nor chattering, nor spluuering, nor speaking through the nose, nor mouth- ing, like a stage-player murdering Shak- speare, nor whining like a whipped school- boy. There are a thousand vulgarities of pronunciation and expression wliich it ia impossible to enunieraie- such as " onct," for once ; " dost,"' for does; " wulgar," for vulgar; and the rest. In relating a circumstance to any one, do not be constantly saying— " you know" — " you understand " — " you take." Do not at everv six words, put in a "says he," or "says she," which last I have heard voluble old ladies shorten into a con- tinual " sheshe." What is called d^iubling coniparatives should be carefully avoided, such as " more better," more honcster," &c. Avoid grand words and high sounding phrases, particularly when you are no» quite sure you can use them correctly, os you may be exposed to the same ridicule asj was a worthy lady with more money than learning, who, in describing the mansion her husband was about to build, said there was to be a " Pizarro " on the front, and a " lemonade " all round it, while to com- plete the arrangement the water was to come in an " anecdote." There is another vulgar affectation — that of claiming acquaintance with distinguish- ed people. Some persons are forever tell- ing of Governor this, and General that, evidently to increase their own conse- quence. While music is playing, especially while any one is singing, it is very bad manners, little better than an insult, indeed, to talk at all. in general society, certain subjects must he carefully excluded. Politics g'^nerally lead to warm and intemperate discussions. Sectarian opinions of religion cannot be put forth without offence, and all matters of controversy should be avoided. In ordinary conversation, the modulation and proper management of the voice is a point worthy of the attention of young la- dies ; for a fine and melodious voice, " sweet as music on the waters," make the heart- strings vibrate to their very core. The thin, small voice is the mostdiificuU to manage, as it is liable to degenerate into shrillness ; and ladies who have this kind of voice must keep strict guard over their temper, when within hearing of any one on whom they may wish to make a favour- able impression ; for the very idea of a shrill voiced scold makes us place our hands to our ears. But with a sweet temper, a ' pretty little harmonious voice is pleasing enougti. Always recollect, however, that affectation, constraint, or striving for effect, is the certain ruin of *he prettiest voice \v the world. COOKERY FOR THE SICK BOOM. COOKERY FOR THE SICK ROOM. Too little attention is generally paid to the preparation of food for the sick, and nen we consider that " kitchen physic is often the best physic," it is a matter of Bur» prise that so important a subject should be so frequently neglected. The palate of 9 sick person is usually more nice, and less easily pleased than that of one in good health, and the utmost delicacy is required in preparing nourishing articles of diet. The cookery for the sick room is confined to the processes of boiling, baking, and roasting ; and it may~be useful to offer a few remarks upon the principles which render these processes serviceable for the preparation of food. By cookery, alimentary sub- stances undergo a two-fold change, — their principles are chemically modified, and theii texture is mechanically changed. The extent and nature of these changes greatly de- pend on the manner in which heat has been applied to them. (1.) Boiling. Boiling softens the animal fibre, and the principles not properly soluble are rendered softer, and easier of digestion. In boihng meat, the water should scarcely be brought to the boiling temperature, but it should be long kept at a lower th^ the boiling point of water, or in that state which approaches more to stewing than to boiling. The na- ture of the water is also of some import- ance. Dr. Paris observes, that meat boiled in hard water is more tender and juicy than when soft water is used ; while vegetables are rendered harder and less digestible when boiled in hard water. (2.) Baking. Excepting in the preparation of light puddings, the process of baking is inad- missible for the sick. (3.) Roasting. Roasting softens the tendonous part of meat better than boiling, and it retains more of its nutritious principles. Care should always be taken that the meat be neither over nor under-d-one ; for, although in the latter state it may contain more nutriment, yet it will be less digestible on account of the density of its texture. It has of late years been much the fashion to regard under-done roasted meat as being well adapted for weak stomachs ; but no opinion is more erroneous. (4.) Mutton Broth. This is prepared from a pound of good mutton, freed from fat, and cut into slices, and a pint and a half of soft water. Boil ^r half an hour, after the maceration, •ltd then strain it through a siere. (5.) Panada. Having pared off the crust, boil some slices of bread in a quart of water for about five minutes. Then take out the bread, and beat it smooth in a deep dish, mixing in a little of the water it has boiled in ; and mix it with a bit of fresh butter, and sugar and nutmeg to your taste. (6.) Tapioca. Wash the tapioca well, and let it steep for five or six hours, changing the water three times. Simmer it in the last water till quite clear, then season it with sugar and v/ine, or lemon juice. (7.) Rice Jelly. Having picked and washed a quarter of a pound of rice, mix it with half a pound of loaf sugar, and just suffi- cient water to cover it. Boil it till it be- comes a glutinous mass ; then strain it ; season it with whatever may be tliought proper ; and let it stand to cool. (8.) Gruel. Allow three large table spoonfuls ot oatmeal or Indian meal to a quart of water. Put the meal into a large bowl, and add the water, a little at a time, mix ing and bruising the meal with the back of a spoon. As you proceed, pour off the liquid into another bowl, at every time, before adding fresh water to the meal, till you have used it all up. Then boil the mixture for twenty minutes, stirring It all the while ; add a little salt. Then strain the gruel and sweeten it. A piece of butter may be stirred into it ; and also a little wine and nutmeg. It should be take* warm. HOUSEWirs's MAKVAL ^'• RESPECTING CLOTHING, Ac. (1.) Putting away Woollens, The followingf method of putting- away all the woollen and worsted articles of the house, will be found an infallible preserva- tive against moths ; and the cost is nothing in comparison to the security it allbrds of finding the tilings in good order when open- ed for use on the return of cold \\ eather. Procure at a distiller's or elsewhere, a tight empty hogshead that has held whiskey. Have it well cleaned, (without washing) and see that it is quite dry. Let it be placed in some part of the house that is little used in summer, and where it can be shut up dark. After the carpets have been taken up, and well shaken and beaten, and the grease spots all removed, (see 4) let them be fold"- ed and packed closely down in the cask. Putin also the blankets, having first washed all that were not clean ; also, the woollen table-covers. If you have worsted or cloth curtains and cushions, pack them likewise, after they have been freed from dust. Also, iiannels, merin«es, cloaks, coats, furs, and in short every thing that is liable to be at- tracted by the moths. Fold and pack them closely, making all the articles fit advanta- geously into the space, and so disposing them that each may find a place in the hogs- head. The furs had best be sewed up in linen before they are put in. If well pack- ed, one hogshead will generally hold all the woollen articles belonging to a house of modern size, and a moderate sized family. Then nail on the head of the cask, and let the whole remain undisturbed till the warm weather is over. While the house is shut up, and the family out of town, in the sum- mer, you may safely leave your woollens put away in this manner. Choose a clear dry day for unpacking them in the autumn ; and when open, expose them to the air till the odour of the whiskey has gone off. If they are put away clean and free from dust, it will be found that the w^hiskey atmos- phere has brightened their colours. As soon as the things are all out of it, nail up the cask again, and keep it for next season. Where camphor cannot be conveniently procured, furs, flannels, &c., may be kept Ihrough the summer by sewing them up in linen, and interspersing properly among ihem bits of fresh sassafras bark, or shav- ings of red cedar. But there is nothing so certain to preserve them from moths as an »ld whiskey cask. Never keep hair trunks. They always produce moths. (2.) French method of ivashing Silk Cra- vats, Scarfs, Shawls, 4c- Make a mixture in a large flat dish, of the following articles : — A large table- spoonful of soft soap or of hard brown soap, sliaved fine, (white soap will not do) a smaH tea-spoonful of strained honey, and a pint of spirits of wine ; have ready a large brush (a clothes brush, for instance,) made per- fectly clean. Lay the silk on a board or on an ironing-table, stretching it evenly and securing it in its place with weights on its edges. Then dip the brush into the mix- ture, and with it go all over the silk length- wise of the texture, beginning at the pan least seen when worn, and trying a little at a time, till you have ascertained the efl'eci. If you find that the liquid changes the col- our of the silk, weaken it by adding more spirits of wine. Having gone carefully over the whole of the article, dip it up and down in a bucket of clean water ; but do not squeeze or ring it. Repeat this through another clear wa- ter, and then through a third. Afterwards spread it on a line to dry, but without any squeezing or ringing. Let it dry slowly. While still damp take it down, pull it and stretch it even, then roll and fold it up and let it rest a few minutes. Have irons ready and iron the silk, taking care that the iron is not so hot as to change the colour. The above quantity of the washing mix- ture is sufficient for about half a dozen silk handkerchiefs, one shawl, or two scarfs, if they are not too long. If there is fringe on the scarfs, it is best to take it off and replace it with new ; or else to gather the ends of the scarfs and finish them with a lapell or b;xll. Brocaded silks cannot be washed in this way. Gentlemen's silk or chaly cravats may b*? made to look very well washed in this ma.".- ner. Ribbons, also, if they are thick and rich. Indeed, whatever is washed by this process, must be of very good quality. A foul or dyed silk dress may be washed this way, provided it is first taken apart ; silk aprons also. We have seen articles washed by this process, and can assure our readers it is a good one. This is also a good method of washing blond, using a soft sponge in- stead of a brush. When dry, lay the blon«:< in long folds within a large sheet of whitf paper, and press it for a few days in a largp book, but do not iron it. In putting away ribbons or silk, wrap or fold them in coarse brown paper, vvhich, as it contains a portion of tar or lurpeatine. 52 HOVSEWIFE'S MANUAL. will preserve the colour of the article, and prevent white silk from turning yellow — he chloride of lime used in nranufacturin»r to change colour. \3 ) To make a soiled Coat look as good as new. First clean the coat of grease and dirt (see No. 4,) then take one gallon of a strong decoction of logwood made by boil- ing iotrwood chips in ■vater. Strain this liquid, and when coo. add two o_ices of gum arabic in powder, which shou.J ';-:- Kept in well stopped bottles for use. Then go gently over tiie coat with a sponge wet ,n the above liquid diluted to suit the colour, and hang it in the shade to dry. After which brush the nap smooth and it will look as good as new. The liquid will suit all brown or dark colours if properly oiluted, of which it is easy to judge. (4.) To extract Oil or S-permaccti from a Carpet or othcrWoollcn. If oil has been spilt on a carpet, that part | of the carpet must be loosened up and the floor beneath it well scrubbed with warm soap and water and fuller's earth ; other- wise the grease will continue yet to come through. You may extract some of the oil by washing that part of the carpet with cold water and a cloth. Then spread over It a thin coating of scraped Wilmington clav, which should be renewed every two or three hours. If you have no Wilming- ton clay, take common magnesia. To remove spots of spermaceti, scrape off as much as you can with a knife, then lay on a thin soft white paper upon the spots and press it with a warm iron. By repeating this you may draw out the sper- maceti. Afterwards rub the cloth where the spots have been, with some very soft brownish paper. Wilmington clay, which may be had in small round balls, is excellent for removing grease spots however large. Scrape down a sufficient quantity and rub on the spot, letting it rest an hour or naore, then brush it off and continiie to repeat the process. The genuine Wilmington clay, pure and unmixed, is far superior to any other ptfeaseball sold by the druggists. (5.) To extract Grease spots. Grease of the very worst kind, (whale oil for instance,) may be extracted even from silks, ribbons, and other delicate arti- .■;!es, by means of camphine oil. As this til is the better for being fresh, get but ittle at a time. Pour some camphine into a cup, and dip lightly with a clean aof white rag. With this rub the grease spot. Then take a fresli rag dipped in the cam- phine, and continue rubbing till the grease is extracted, which will be very soon. The colour of the article will be uninjured. To remove the turpentine odour of the camphine rub the place with cologne water or strong spirits of wine, and expose it to the open air. Repeat this process if anv odour remains after the first. (6.) To take Mildeiv out of Linen. Take soap and rub it well ; then scrape s^me fine chalk and rub that also in the linen ; lay it on the grass ; as it dries wet it a little, and it will soon come out. (7.) To take Paint off of Cloths. Rub with spirits oi^ turpentine or spirit." of wine, either will answer if the paint is but just on. But if it is allowed to harden nothing will remove it but spirits of turpen- tine rubbed on with perseverance. Use a soft sponge or a soft rag. (8.) To clean IMiite Kid Gloves Stretch them on a board, and rub the soiled spots with cream of tartar or magne- sia. Let them rest an hour, then take a mixture of alum and fuller's earth in pow- der, and rub it all over the gloves with a clean brush, and let them rest again for an hour or two. Then sweep it all off, and go over with a flannel dipped in a mixture ol bran and finely powdered whiting. Let them rest another hour ; brush off the powder, and you will find them clean. (9.) To xoash coloured Kid or Hoskin Gloves. Have on a table a clean towel, folded three or four times, a saucer of new milk and a piece of brown soap. Spread a glove smoothly or. the folded towel, dip in tlie milk a piece of clean flannel, rub it on the soap until you get enough, and then commence rubbing the glove, beginning at the wrist and rubbing lengthwise to the ends of the fingers, the glove being held firmly in the left hand. When done, spread them out to dry gradually. When nearly dry, pull them out the cioss way oi the leather, and when quite dry, stretch them on your hands. (10.) To clean White Leather Gloves. White leather gloves may be cleaned lo look very well by putting on one at a time and going over them thoroughly with a shaving brush aud lather. Then wipe them off with a clean handkerchief or sponge, and dry them on the hands by the fire, or in the sun. HOOSEWIFS'S MANOAL. 5$ ** (11.) To presci've Furs from Moths. Wrap up a few cloves or pepper ^,:)rs with tlicm when you put them away for iny leii<;th of time. (12.) To cTlract Dui Me Ink. Ruh tlie ink stahi with a little sal-ammo- tiia moistened with water. (13.) To remove Stains from Cotton and Linen. Put a small quantity of brimstone into an iron vessel, and drop in a live coal ot fire ; having first wet the stained spot with water, lay the clotli over the vessel, so a» to let the fumes have full access to the stained spot, and it will soon disappear, or become loose, so as to wash out. ON THE CARE OF FURNITURE AND HOUSE-KEEPING ARTICLES (14.) To clean the inside of Sal's There is frequently some trouble in clean- ing the inside of jars that have had sweet- meats, pickles, mince-n- ping each knife and fork separately. (25.) To clean stoves and Stone Hearihs. Put on varnished stoves several coats of vamish in the summer, to have it gPt hard before used. Wash them in warm water, without soap, and rub a little oil on thens occasionally. It will make them look nice, and prevent the varnish wearing off. Black HOUSEWIfE S M1Nl}.t]< 05 eloves ihat have never been varnished, with black lead and British lustre. It will not answer if they have been varnished. Mix .hem with cold water to a paste, rub it on the stoves, and let the paste remain till quite .Iry ; then rub the stoves witli a dry, stiff, rlat brush, till clean and polished. To pre- serve the colour of freestone hearths, wash them in water without any soap, rub on them while damp, pulverized freestone, let it remain till dry, and then rub it off. If stained, rub them hard with a piece of free- i stone. To have your hearths look dark, rub them with pure soft soap, or dilute it with water. Use redding for b-rick hearths, mixed with thin hot starch and milk. j (26.) To remove Putty and Paint from ' Window-glass. Put salseratus into hot water, till very strong ; saturate the putty or paint daub with it ; let it remain till nearly drv ; then rub it off hard with a woollen cloth. Whi- ting is good to remove it. Salan-atus water \ is good to remove putty while green, on the glass. (27.) To Extract Ink from Floois. Remove Ink from floors, by scouring them with sand wet with water and tlie oil of vit- riol, mixed. Then rinse them with strong salaeratus water. (28. ) To temper Earthrn-ware. Boil earthenware that is used for baking, /before using it, as it will be less liable to crack.) covering it with cold water, and then iieating it gradually. Let it remain in till the water has cooled. (29.) To loosen tightly-ioedged Stopples of Decanters and Smelling-bottles. Rub a feather dipped in oil round the stopple, close to the mouth of the bottle ; place the mouth of the bottle towards the fire, about two feet from it. Wrien warm, strike the bottle lightly on both sides, with any convenient wooden instrument, and take out the stopple. You may have to re- peat the process. By perseverance, you will ultimately triumph, however closely wedged in. 1 30.) To prevent the formation of a Crust in Tea Kettles. Keep an oyster-shell in your tea kettle. By attracting the stony particles to itself, it will prevent the foimation of a crust. '31.) To cleanse Vials and Fie Plates. Cleanse bottles ihat have had medicine in them, by putting ashes in each, iniiiicrsiug them m cold v;ater, and then iieatiug the wavei gradually till it boils. A 'ter boiling i an hour, let them remain in the water till it lis cold. Wash them in soap suds, and j rinse them till clear in fair water. Pie plates that have been long used for baking, are apt to impart an unpleasant taste on ac , count of the rancidity of the butter and lard, imbibed. Put them in a brass kettle, with ashes and cold water, and bud them an hour. 1 (32.) Tti renovate Feather Beds and Mattresses. ■ Make soiled and heavy feather beds clean and light thus : — dip a stiff brush in not soap suds, and rub them ; when clean, lay them on a shed or in some clean place, and let it rain on them ; when thoroughly soak- ed, let them dry a week in the hot sun, shaking them well and turning them over daily, and covering them nightly with a thick cloth. It is quite as well as to empty the feathers, and to wash them and the tick separately, and much easier. Dry the bed thoroughly before sleeping on it. Hard and dirty hair mattresses can be made al- most as good as new, by ripping them, washing the ticking, picking the hair free from bunches, and keeping it some days in a dry airy place. Fill the ticking lightly, when dry, and tack it together. (33.) To clean Bed Ticks, however ladly Soiled. Apply Poland starch, by rubbing it on thick, with a wet cloth. Place it in the sun. When dry, rub it in with the hands. Repeat it, if necessary. The soiled part will be as clean as new. (34.) To clean Bedsteads, and keep them free of Chintscs Apply lard. (35.) Creaking Hinges, Iromng Board, Shec's and Holders, Mending. Put soft soap on the hinges. Keep ex- pressly for ironing, ail ironing apparatus ; cover v.ith old flannel, and then with fine cotton, u board twenty-four by fourteen inches, as a convenient ajjpendnge for the ironing of small articles. i\Iend clothes be- fore wusiiing, except stockings. (30.) To clean the inside of a Stove. lHlr(7ducs the poker, or some convenient instrument, by removing the top of the stove or otiierwise, and scrape the slag- off, wliiie red hot. (37.) A cheap Waf^r Filter. Lay a thick bed of pounded charcoal on thi Ijottom of a large common earthen flower-pot, and over f.nis lay abed of fuifl sand about four inches thick. 56 housewife's MANUAt.. TO MAKE CHEAP AND WHOLESOME DRINKS FOR WARM WEATHl '* (38.) Sassafras Mead. This is a very pleasant, wholesome, and cheap beverape in warm weather. Stir jrraduallv with two quarts nf boiling water, tiiree po'unds and a half of the best brown sugar, a pint and a half of good West India molasses, and a quarter of a pound of tartar- ic acid. Stir it well and when cool strain it into a large jug or pan, then mix in a quarter of an ounce of essence of sassafras. Transfer it to clean bottles (it will fill about half a dozen) cork it tightly and keep it in a cool place. Have ready a box containing about a quarter of a pound of carbonate of soda to use with it. To prepare a glass of it for drinking, pour a little of the mead into a tumbler, stir into it a small quantity of soda, and then add sufficient ice water to half fill the irlass, give it a stir and it will immediately foam up to the top. (39.) To make Pine apple ade. This is a delightfully refreshing drink in warm weather, and is much used in the West Indies. Pare some ripe Pine-apples, cut them into thin slices, then cut each slice into small bits, put them into a large pitch- er, and sprinkle powdered white sugar among them : pour on boiling water in pro- portion of lialf a pint of water to each pine- apple, cover the pitcher, stop up the spout with a roll of soft paper, and let the pine- apple infuse into the water till it becomes quite cool ; stirring and pressing down the pine-apple occasionally with a spoon, to get out as much juice as possible. When the liquid has grown quite cold, set the j-iiehei for a while in ice. Then transfer the in- fusion to tumblers, add some more sugar and put into each glass a lump of ice. You may lay a tliin slice of fresh pine-apple into each tumbler before you pour out the infu- sion. (40.) Brown Spruce Beer. Pour eight gallons of water into a barrel, and then eight gallons more boiling liot ; add twelve pounds of molasses, and half a pound of essence of spruce ; and Avhen nearly cool, put in half a pint of goed ale yeast. This must be well stirred and well mixed, and leave the bung out two or three days ; after which the liquor may be imme- diately bottled, well corked and tied, and packed in sawdust or sand, when it will be ripe and fit to drink in a fortnight. (41.) Cottage Beer. Take a peck of good sweet wet bran, and put it into ten gallons of water with three handsful of good hops ; boil the whole to- gether in an iron, brass, or copper kettle, until the l)ran and hops sink to the bottom. Tiien strain it through a hair sieve, or a thin sheet, into a cooler, and Avhen it is about lukewarm, add two quarts of molasses. As soon as the molasses is melted ] our the whole into a nine or ten gallon cask with two tablesponsful of yeast. When the fer- mentation lias subsided, bung up the caskf and in four days it will be fit for use. TO MAKE SWEETMEATS AND PRESERVES. Sweetmeats should be kept in a cool, dry place ; they should be properly boiled, and then they will not be likely to ferment ; but they should be well looked to the first two months, and if not likely to keep, set the jar in the oven after the bread comes out, or on a hot hearth. As soon as preserved fruit is entirely cold, it should be covered with either a carmel cover (for which I shall give direc- tions), or white paper, cut the exact si»ze of the pot or jar, that the fruit may be covered ; then dip the paper in a liquid, one part pepper-sauce, two parts (fourth proof) brandy. Then an entire white paper tied down over the top pricked full »>f holes, and the article mentioned thai the poi coiAijins, and the year made, &r t am thus particular, as I feel that those to whcmi this will be most welcome, will not have a mother to teach these little et ceteras. Jellies should be covered in ihe same way. A pan should be kept for preserving, of double block tin. A bow handle opposite the straight one for safety will do well ; skimmers, sieves, and spoons, should he kept on purpose for sweet things. If brass is ever used, it must be kept free from ver- digris. It is necessary that nice conserves should be put into small jelly-pots or glasses, that no more should be disturbed than what is required, at the time wanted; there are many reasons, which will scon appeal to &11 good managers. housewife's manual. 57 (48.) A CaiTncl Cover for Sweetmeats. Dissolve eipiit ouaccs of double refined Buniir ill three or four spoonsful of water, and three or four drops of leinou juice ; ilien put into a l)ra,ss kettle. When it hoils to be thick, dip liie hcuidlc of a spoon in it, and put that into a pint basin of water Squeeze the sujar from the spoon into '.„, and so on, till yon have all the suir-vr. Take a bit out of the wat;;r, and if it snaps, and is brittle when cold, it is done enough. But only let it be three parts cold, then pour the water from the suf^ar, and having a copper form well oiled, run the sugar on it, in the manner of a maze ; \ and when cold, you may put it on the dish ' it is to cover ; but if on trial the sugar is not brilile, pour off the water, and return the suirar into the kettle and boil a;iain : it should look thick, like treacle, but of a hriglit light good colour. It is an elegant ' cover. ' (43.) To Preserve Plunis an Elegant Green. 8 lbs. of (lou!>le refinod su?:ir, 8 ll)s. ol' /Viiit picpajcil us l)L'l()\v. Take the plums whilst a pin will pa?3 ihrough them, set them covered willi water, in wliich a little alum has bfen dissolved, in a brass kettle on a hot hearth, to coddle. If necessary, change the water ; they must be a beautiful grass-green ; then if y(>ii prefer, peel them and coddle again ; take eight pounds of this fruit to the above sugar after it has been dissolved in one quart of water and nicely skimmed. Then set the whole on the lire to boil, until clear, slowly, skimming them often, and they will be very green , put them up in glasses, as before directed, for use. Cher- ries, apricots, or grapes, can be done in this way ; they look fine. (44.) To Preserve Cherries. 4 !l)s. of fruit, 3 Il)s. of sugar. Ta''e "ne quart of water, melt some Bugar in, and boil, then the rest, lioil and skim, then put in the cherries, boil softly but steadily, take off the scum as it rises; and talvc them oil" two or three times and siiake them, and put theiji on again, then let llicni boil fast. When the fruit looks ilear, take it out with a skimmer, and boil the syrup until it will not spread on a tliina plate ; then return the fruit, and let it cool ; then pot for use. (45.) To Keep Damsons. Take damsons when they are first ripe, pick them off carefnllv, wipe them clean, put them in snuff bottles, stop them up with nice new coiks, that neither air nor water can penetrate. Set the bottles in a kettle of cold water, put over the fire, let them heat fc'ov'ly, then let them boil slowly for half an hour, set oil' to cool, let the bottles remain in the water until cold, then rosin the corks, and set tiiem in a cool cellar : they will keep one year nice, if done right. But they must bo used as soon as ojiened. It will answer as well, to place the bottles in a good brick oven after the bread is re- moved. All kinds of fruit can be preserved in this same way, placed with the mouth downwards, to prevent fermentation (40.) To Preserve Quincs. Take a peck of the finest golden quinces, put them into a bell-metal kettle, cover with cold water, put over the fire, and boil until done soft, then take them out with a fork into an earthen dish ; when sufficient- ly cool to handle, take off the skin, cut open on one side and take out the core, keeping them as whole as possible. Take their weight in double refined sugar, put it with a quart of w^ter into tiic kettle, let it boil, and skim until very clear, then fyt m your quinces ; two orangec "ut up thii- and put with the fruit, is an improvement. Let them noil in the syrup half an hour, -nen with your frait-ladle take out the fruit and boil the juice sufficiently, then pour it <)ver the fruit. (47.) To Preserve Peaches. Ill Ills, of uicfily poelcil fruit, 'i h-iiions, fre.sh. !i)lli> <,f liKif.-ugir. The white clingstone is the nicest ; n<;el and drop into a pan of water, cut up the lemons, break the sugar slightly, put into a well tinned hettle (brass will do if nicely cleaned), with one quart of water and the lemons, let it scald, and skim, and having the required quantity of peaches in a nice I stone jar, pour the syruj) over, let it stp^id j over night, then put all into the pros'". ving i kettle and boil slowly, until the f' it looks clear ; take out the peaches, and boil down the svrup to a proper consistence, and pour over the fruit. (48.) To Preserve Magnvm Bonvm Plums V^ lbs. of plums, Id lbs of Ijuf su;,'ar. i M oranges. Take two pounds of the sugar and make a weak svrup, pour it boiling upon the fruit, let it remain over night, closely covered: then, if preferred, skin them, and slice up the oranges nicely, dissolve the rest I of t!ie suffnr by taking the lage cakes and I dip in water quickly, and instantly brought out. If the plums are not peeled, they must be nicely drainedvfroin the first syrup, and the skin pricked with a needle. Do . them gently, until they look clear, and the 58 HOUSEWIFE 8 M A M D A !• e days, and if taken in time may be said to be almost an infallible remedy. It is a sovereign balsamic cordial for the lungs withoi^t the opening qualities which engender fresh colds on going out. 1 have known it to cure colds that have almost settled into consumptions, in three weeks. (15.) To 'prevent the nails growing down into the toes. This is a very troublesome and sometimes dangerous thing, for I know an instance of a foe's having to be ainpuiated in consO' quence. But the cure is very simple. Take a .^harp pointed knife and cut a little furrow all along the top of the nail lengthwise. As it fills up scrajie it out again. This will cause the nail to contract at the top and M THE NVR8E S MANUAL. 61 loosen its. hold from the flesh. Persevere antil the diificulty is entirely overcome. (16.) A sure cure for the Barber's Itch. Havinr a few cents at a druggist's. Divide this quantity into four portions, and tie up each portion in a separate bit of new bobbinet or clean thin muslin. The strings must be white; for instance, coarse white thread or fine cot- ton cord. Take care to omit any powder or dust that may be found about the alkanet, as if put in, it will render the oil cloudy and muddy. Put these little bags into a large tumbler or a strait-sided white-ware jar, and pour on half a pint of the best fresh olive oil. Cover the vessel, and leave it untouched for three or four days or a week, being careful not to shake or stir it ; do not press or squeeze the bags. Have ready some small clear glass phials, or one large one, that will hold half a pint. Take out carefully the bags of alkanet and lay them in a saucer. You will find that they have coloured the oil of a beautiful crimson. Put into the bottom of each phial a small portion of any perfume you fancy; for in- stance, oil of orange flowers ; oil of jessa- mine ; oil of roses ; oil of pinks ; extract of violets. The pungent oils (cloves, cin- namon, bergamot, lavender, orange-peel, lemon, &c.,) are not good for the hair, and must not be used in scenting Macassar oil. Having put a little perfume into the phials, pour into each through a small funnel suffi- cient of the coloured olive oil to fill them to the neck. — Then cork them tightly, and tie a circular bit of white kid leather over the corks. To use Macassar oil, (observing never to shake the bottle) pour a little into a saucet and with the finger rub it into the roots of the hair. The bags of alkanet may be used a sec- ond time. To prevent one^s bonnet being injured b^ the hair. Great advantage will be found in h«Ting THE YOUNG LADY's MANUAL. 6» a piece of white or yellow oiled silk basted inside of that part of your bonnet where the crown unites with the brim, carrying it up some distance into the crown, and some dis- tance dov/n into the hair between the out- side and the lining-. This will pi-event the bonnet being- injured by any oiliness about your hair. Or you may have an oiled silk bonnet cap. All hair should be combed every morning ■with a fine comb, to remove the dust which insensibly goes into it during the day, and to keep the skin of the head always clean. To Clean Hair Brushes. Clean your head brushes by washing them thoroughly with a bit of soft sponge tied on the end of a stick, and dipped into a warm solution of pearlash, prepared by dissolving a table-spoonful of pearlash in a pint of boiling water. When the bristles have thus oeen made quite clean, rinse the brushes in dear hot water, leaving them in it till the v/ater gets cold. Afterwards drain and wipe the brushes with a clean cloth, and set them up- right before the lire to dry. To Cleaji a finc-tooi.h Comb, The most convenient way of cleaning combs, is with a strong silk llirsad, made fast to the handle of a bureau-drav/er — in front of which seat yourself, with a towel spread over your lap to catch the impurities that fall from the comb. Pass the thread hard between each of its teeth, holding the comb in one hand and the end of the thread in the other. Afterwards wipe the comb well, and then wash it in warm soap suds and dry it on a clean cloth. THE EYE-LASHES The Circassian method of treating the eye -lashes is as follows: — The careful mother removes, with a pair of scissors, the forked and gossamir-like points (not more) of the eye-lashes ; and every time this is done, their growth is renewed, and they be- come long, close, finely curved, and of a silky gloss. The growth of the eye-lashes has been promoted, where they have been lost from disease, by the following ointment : — Take ointment of nitric oxide of mercury, two drachms, hog's lard, one drachm. Incor- ])Orate the ointment well with the lard, and anoint the edges of the eye-lids night and morning, wasliing after each time with milk and water, warm. To blacken the eye-lashes. The simplest preparations for this pui pose, are the juice of elder berries, burnt i cork, and cloves burnt at the candle. A.rv- ' other means is, to take the black of frank- incense, resin, and mastic. This black will not come off with perspiration. THE MOUTH. The mouth requires paticular care, as lothing is more offensive than a want of cleanliness in this organ. It should be rinsed every morning, after dinner, and the last thing at night, witii cold water. This frequent washing of the mouth is necessary because small particles of food settle about the interstices of the teeth, and if not re- moved will affect the breath, and gradually affect the teeth. The tongue ought no less to be clfc.insed every morning, either with a small piece of whale bone or v/ith a leaf of sage, wliich last is also useful for polish- ing the teeth. To clean the throat it should be gurgled v-ax, yel- low, two ounces; oil of roses six ounces. Mix the whole in one well-blended mass for use. "When the hands are chapped avoid put- tin a- them in water. To whiten the hands tionably the best. Take spirits of turpen tine one ounce, balsam of copaivi one ounce Mix them together, and rub the afflicted parts two or three times a day wath a per tion of it. Mr. Wardrop's Chilblain Embrocation, Take tincture of cantharides twr and preserve them from being chapped, | drachms ; soap liniment one and a halt rub them with a tallow candle before re- "" - . - _ . tiring, and wear a pair of gloves through the night. To remove Stains from the Hands. Ink-stains, dye-stains, fruit-stains, &c., can be immediately removed, by dipping the fingers in water (warm water is best) and then rubbing on the stain a small por- , ^^^_j ^^^^^ ^^ ^,^g 1,^,^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ tion of oxahc acul powder and cream of I ^jpi^^tely to wet or cold : or as before ounces. Mix, and rub the affected parts therewith. Warm spirits of rosemary, or spirits ot camphor, are useful at the first appearance of chilblains. Those who are most liable to chilblains, should on the approach of winter cover the parts most subject to be affected with woollen gloves or stockings, observed, to a considerable degree of heat. Hints to Ladies. tartar, mixed together in equal quantities, and kept in a box. When the stain disap- pears, wash the hands with fine soap or almond cream. A small box of this stain- ' powder should be kept always in the wash- stand drawej ; unless there are small chil- ] g^^j^ ^^ ^j^^^l^ ^^ ^^^^ ^ g,- dren in the family, in which case it should ^^^ ^^ ^^^^j^^. ^,^^.^,^ ^^ ^,^j ^^.^^ ^j^^ be put out of their reach, as it is poison if ^j^*; >^f ^^^^.^ ^^^-^^ ^^,^-^^^ -^ ^1^^, ^^^^ ^^.ji^^.^ swallowed. i ^j^^y ^^^^^ wear out, in oider to lessen the The Nails. friction of the carpets against the boards To give a fine colour to the nails, the beneath. The strips should be within an hands and fingers must be well lathered inch or two as long as the carpet is wide, and washed in scented soap ; then the nails and about four or five inches in breadth, so should be rubbed with e(ii:al parts of cinna- as to lie a distance from each stair. This bar and emery, and afterwards with oil of simple plan, so easy o" execution, will, we hitter almonds. When the bad colour of know, preserve a stair carpet half as long the nails is occasioned by some internal again as it would last without the strips of evil, the cause must be first attacked. In paper. i&andice, for instance, the nails become of' I THI invalid's manual. 73 THE INVALID'S MANUAL HOW TO CURE DYSPEPSIA, OR THE ART OF ATTAINING AND PRESERVING HIGH HEALTH. It is an acknowledged fact that there are \ fewer individuals in the constant enjoyment | of robust health in this country, according to its population, than among any other ' people. The want of a proper physical I education and an intense application to business, are among the most obvious caus- es for this phenomenon. I Having been for a considerable part of | m^ life an invalid, I have made the art of | regaining and preserving health a subject j of the most careful and elaborate study, and ' I am firmly of the opinion that almost every ' individual not absolutely broken down has I it completely within his power to compass , this attainment. ! As I have now established in my own mind | a complete system or code of principles re- lative to the preservation of health, I pro- pose in this, and the succeeding numbers of the " Manual," to give such an exposi- tion of the subject as I am entirely confident contains the true secret of reaching this object, and of curing all those maladies now so prevalent, that are usually spoken of as dyspepsia, liver complaint, nervous- ness, hypochondria, &c. Of late years there has been a multitude of theories and systems put forth for the cure of this class of complaints ; one (Hal- stead) says kneed the stomach ; another (Graham) prescribes the use of bran bread ;is indispensable ; a third (Banning) has a sort of lace which he says performs wonders, and so on. Now I do not wish to say that these systems are all perfectly false, on the contrary, I believe all of them contain more or less truth, but their propagators being men of narrow minds, and moreover, being actuated by selfish motives, push their views to the most absurd limits. The poor in- valid who has, mayhap, tried medicines of all sorts, when he takes up one of them as a last resource, and does not find the relief iC has been promised, very naturally arrives at the conclusion, that in his case, systems of diet or regimen have as little efficacy B8 prescriptions of medicine. But in this e is in error, for there can be no question n the mind of any one who has given much reflection to this subject, that no permanent cure can be made for this class of diseases except in and by a proper course of diet and regimen. A cure in such cases depends upon a few plain principles strictly follow- ed ; these I shall now proceed to lay down in the order of their importance, with the cautionary remark, that 1 hope no one who takes up some one of them for a few weeks and does not get well, will thereby conclude that it is of no avail. No ; the invalid, if he would regain his health, must put in practice all the means requisite for that purpose, and pursue them rigorously and systematically. I now proceed to give what I shall term THE FIRST FUNDAMENTAI, PRINCIPLE IN THE ART OF PRESERVING AND ATTAINING HIGH HEALTH, which is To give the S/cin a thorough cleaning, at least as often as once in every twenty- four hours. How to do it. — It is of little use, I have found, to tell a person to do a thing to which he is not accustomed, without you at the same time, give him some ready and easy method by which he may do it ; I shall, therefore, here give a means by which every one may indulge in that greatest of all luxuries, as well as an essential means of preserving health — a cold bath — as often as he chooses. First then, get four yards of cotton cloth of about one yard in width, cut it in two in the middle and sew the pieces together lengthwise, sew also round the edges a piece of rope of at least half an inch in diameter, then take it to a painter, and get him to put upon it two or three coats of paint to make it thoroughly water proof. You will then have a bathing mat^ elevated at the edges and two yards square, which is large enough to enable the most careless to make use of in the nicest bed room, without leaving any slops upon the pet. When you are travelling it can and should be taken withyou,so that whenever you can get a pitcher of water, you will have the means of taking a bath. N.B. A mat made of India rubber will answer the same purpose, but is not quite so cheap. Now, for the bath. Spread your mat nicely on the carpet, before and under your washstand, the last thing you do before go- ing to bed, so that it will collect every drop of water. Have in your room, or what is better, have brought to you, from six to twelve quarts of the purest and coolest wa- ter you can get, pour it into the wash- bowl, then commence by dipping the face 74 THE IKVALID's MAN0AI. into it, then wet the neck, back part of the head, amis and hands, then with the palms of the hands, or with a sponge, if you like it better, throw it all over your person as quickly as possible. Be careful to have a good quantity run down in front and upon the spine ; in fact, give every part of your person a rapid but thorough wetting ; then wipe rapidlvwith a coarse towel, and after- wards apply the flesh-brush (one with a long handle is the best) until you produce a healtliful glow throughout the system Well, your bath is completed, and you feel at least a hundred percent, better than you would have done if you had not have taken it. The only thing now that remains to do, is to take up your mat by the four cor- ners, and empty it into a slop-pail, and your room is in as perfect order as if you had not attempted this formidable operation. I wish I could impress upon my readers, not what I think of the value of this pro- cess, for that would be impossible— but what I know they will think of it after they have prcatised it for a few weeks. To the weakly and sedentary it will add ten fold to the charms of existence, and will at once give them a better appetite, an easier digestion, and a bolder energy, and it will be a greater beautifier of the .complexion than all the cosmetics sold in Broadway. There are many people, so irrational are the habits of society, tiiat will be frighten- ed at the idea of making use of cold water in this way. Oh dear I I should take my death of cold, says some pretty miss, whose skin probably has never had a per- fect ablution for years, and as a necessary consequence, is thoroughly clogged with impurities, and thus deprived of its most essential attributes as a secreting organ. Now we must try and convince such that a cold bath taken daily is not only perfectly safe, but is a positive luxur}^. Ijet all such as labour under this form of hydro- phobia commence gradually by wetting at iirst only the arms, neck, &c., the next morning make a still further application, and so on, till they shall have obtained sufHcient courage to take a full bath, but be careful to use the flesh brush, or coarse towel, or what ia better than either, per- haps, hair gloves to produce a healthy glow in the system ; or, if they like it better, they can commence with water made slightly tepid, and every succeeding morning use water more and more cold, till they shall be able to make use of the cold- est iced water. A few cautionary remarks respecting this method of using cold water will not be oul of place. The good or bad effects of a bath are always immediately apparent ; you feel them at once, if at all. If one is in feeble health, he must be cautious and not overdo the matter. Then a very little water slowly applied is the best ; if in firm vigorous health, a common shower bath is far better than the one we have prescribed, as it will give a greater shock to the sys- tem and will cause a more powerful re- action. ON DIET Few persons of delicate health are aware how much their sufferings might be alle- viated bv adopting a light diet. This applies more especially to such as are at all troubled with indigestion or any of its con- comitants ; to such, a light nutritious food that will sit easy upon the stomach is in- dispensable if they would enjoy any com- fort. We give below receipts for a few arti- cles of diet which we would strongly urge upon the attention of those who are at all troubled with indigestion. They will find from their adoption the most surprising re- lief. Literary men that are compelled to exercise their minds much and their bodies little ; females who are much confined within doors ; and indeed all who lead a sedentary life, will find the prescriptions below of the greatest service. Invalids when they find it necessary to commence a dictic reform usually begin by making a selection from their ordinary ar- ticles of food, but I believe the dishes pre- scribed below will be found far more beneficial than any thing in ordinary use Many people will wish probably, for a greater variety, but if they eat for gaining strength and not for the mere pleasure o' gustatory enjoyment, they will find these few articles with a little Graham bread (no butter) will be far more beneficial than the most varied diet. I have lived upon them for months with great satisfaction, and soon lost all relish for other kinds of food : however, what will su't one person will THE IHTALID's MANUAL, '75 not always suit another, and I, therefore, leave every one to judge for himself. I shall hereafter take up ihe subject of diet in the series of articles " How to Cure Dyspepsia," &c., and give it a thorough discussion. The first receipt which follovi's for mak- ing what the Irish term flimmery, or pud- ding made out of oat meal starch, is per- fectly light, very nutritious, and at the same time laxative. Until one gets accus- tomed to it, it is not so palatable as some other dishes, but with syrup or molasses or good milk it soon becomes agreeable. In Great Britain, where oat meal is more common than in this country, it is univer- sally prescribed for invalids, particularly those of consumptive habits, and not for invalids alone, but many persons compara- tively hearty wall find great advantage in adopting it as an article of daily diet. Their minds will be clearer, their bodies more active, and spirits freer. It is made in this wise : (1.) To make oat meal starch pudding. Take, say, two quarts of oat meal and pour into it sufficient pure cold water to well cover it, let it stand about two days, then strain it through a sieve or cloth into ^ a clean vessel. To make sure that you •' get all the substance out of the meal, after the first water is drained off, pour on it more water and rub it well. Let the water stand till well settled, then pour off the top, and p.t the bottom will be found the starch. To make this perfectly pure and white, after you have turned oil the first water, pour in on top of the starch a little more pure water, and after it has swelled, pour it off as before ; this operation may be repeated till the starch becomes perfect- ly fine and white. It is then fit for cook- ing. This is done simply by putting a few spoonsful into a saucepan with fresh water and a little salt. It will be done with about four minutes boiling. (2.) To make fotatoe starch fudding . Take two or three spoonsful of potatoe starch, mix it in half a pint of milk, beat into it two eggs, then pour all into a sauce- pan containing half a pint of boiling milk a little salted, let it boil two or three minutes, (stirring it well all the time,) as otherwise the eggs will get overdone and become hard and indigestible. Eat with sugar or molasses. Mr. Fowler, the well known phrenolo- gist, says in one of his publications, this is the best article of diet he has ever found, and he has been a dyspeptic for twenty rears I think every one who gives it a fair trial will agree with him, nothing can be more easily digested, whi.e with the eggs it is very nutritious, and is at the same time very palatable ; it may be added, also, that it is very cheap, for the whole expense of a good meal from it need no* exceed six or eight cents. N. B. As many weak stomachs will find two eggs at a meal, more than they can master, I would recommend that if they eat of this dish three tmies a day, as many invalids should, that at breakfast it be made with but one ego;^ at dinner with two, and for supper with but the yolk of one. or without any. The only objection that can possibly bo urged against this article is that it has a tendency to constipate the bowels. In thai case I would recommend the injection prescribed on page 14, or what will be preferred by some, the reinedies for consti- pation prescribed by the llomceopathic prac- titioners. I do not endorse all the theories of tliis sect, but I have found their reme- dies for constipation very beneficial. Potatoe starch is to be obtained at the groceries, being sold by them as Boston arrow root. As many people, however, prefer to make it themselves, I add a method of doing it. (3.) To make potatoe starch. Take a quantity of good mealy potatoes and after having them nicely peeled and washed, grate them on a fine grater, (if the grater is too coarse, much of the virtue of the potatoe will be wasted,) pour into the pulpy mass enough pure cold water to cover it a few inches, after it has well settled, strain the whole through a sieve or cloth into a convenient vessel, pour into the sieve fresh washings of water and squeeze the potatoes well, so to be sure you get all the nutriment out of them, let the water stand for a short time and then pour off; there will be found at the bottom a quanti- ty of starch. To render it quite pure and nice more fresh water should be poured into it, and after having settled, again poured off. This may be repeated a second and even a third time to the improvement of the starch. (4.) To make buckwheat pudding. This is also a very light, agreeable pud- ding, and at the same time decidedly laxa- tive. Take half a pint of buckwheat flon', mix it with cold milk and eggs, if the sto- mach will bear them, add a little salt, and boil in cold water two or three minutes. This pudding made of Indian meal is, by many, preferred to the buckwheat, but is not so laxative as when made of buckwheat. If 76 THE invalid's MANUAL. made of wheat flour it is decidedly consti- pating. (5.) To make flour caudle. Into five spoonsful of the purest water, rub smooth one dessertspoonful of fine flour. Set over the fire five table spoonsful of new milk, and put two bits of sugar into it : the moment it boils pour into it the flour and water, and stir it over a slow fire twenty minutes. It is a nounshiR* and gentle astringent food, particularly foe babies who have weak bowels. (6.) To make milk porridge. Make a fine gruel of cracked corn, grits, or oat meal, long boiled ; strain off, eithei add cold or warm milk, as may be approv ed. Serve with toast. HINTS ON THE USE AND CHOICE OF SPECTACLES. Most persons begin to feel the necessity for some assistance to their eyes in reading and working after the age of thirty-five ; though even the commencement and pro- gress of the deterioration of the eyes vary according to the degree of health the in- dividual has enjoyed, their original forma- tion, the use that has been made of them, &c.; so that some persons have as much occasion for spectacles at twenty -five as others liave at fifty ; and others, on the contrary, have as good sight at fifty as they had at twenty-five. Still, the average time at which glasses are needed for reading, may be said to be from thirty-five to forty- five. After this latter period of life, the power of adjustment possessed by the eye in youth fails ; and those who continue to pefcei\e distant objects, clearly, arc unable to see plainly those which are near ; and the man who can read the smallest print nnfatigaed without glasses, cannot distin- guish anything distinctly at the distance of ten yards. Among the many vulgar errors that are daily injuring those who clierie>h them, few Have done more injury to eyes than the notion that all persons of the same age re- quire glasses of the same focus. Nothing can be more absurd ; as well miglit the same remedies be ajjplied indiscriminately to all diseases, provided the ages of the sufferers but tally !* The most general, and probably the best direclion which can be given to those who /eel that glasses are necessary to ei:.ible them to u.se their eyes with comfort to *"Tlic piopt-r selection of glassRs for imperfect vision is a point of uiucli deeper importance tli:ui is jfonorMlly relieved. An oculist who is ac(pj;iinteil only vvitti llic 'lisenses of the liunian eye. witliout posses.sina; any knowledge of it as an optical instrument, is often led professional!;- to recommend ^'lasses when they oii','ht not to be used, and to fi;i on focal lenjrth.s entirely unfit foi the purpose to wliicli they are applied; and the mere vendor of lenses and spectacles is still more fre qucntiy in the haUit of |)rotferins his dcloterioas couu- iel." — Brewster on SpcciacUs. themselves, and advantage to their occn- pation, whatever that may be, is to make choice of such as represent objects nearest to their natural state ; for, to be exactly suitable to the eye, spectacles ought neither to magnify nor minify, but should enable us to read or work without creating any straining or unnatural exercise of the pupil. The great design of spectacles is to give the eyes of the wearer ease ; and although this is also attended by increased power of application, yet no glasses can be said to be properly accommodated to the sight of the individual, which do not, with additional capability, also procure rest and comfort to the eyes. If they weary them, we may conclude, either that we have no occasion for any, or that those we have are improper for us, or defectively made. Glasses are of two kinds — convex and con- cave. Convex glasses are for the use ol those who have what is commonly call- ed an old or long sight, and are una'ble to read or see small objects near them ; con- cave glasses are for the use of those who are short-sighted, to enable them to see dis- tinctly objects at the same distance at which they were able to perceive them before they became short-sighted.* '• If the humours of the eye, through age or weakness, have shrunk or decayed, the * "When the eye (says Dr. Younj) is possessed of too i^rcat refractive power for the distinct peiccption of distant ohjccts, the pupil is generally large, so that the confusion of the image is somewhat lessened l>y partially closing the eyelids; and from this habit an eye so formed is called myopic. In such cases, by tlin hel|) of a concave lens, the divergence of the rays of li.?ht may be increased, and a virtual ima?e maybe formed, at a distance, so much smaller than that of the object as to afiford perfect visi(ni. For a long-siijhted or jiresbyopic eye, on the contrary, a convex lens is required, in order to obtain a virtual image at a greater distance timn the object; and it often happens that the rays must be made not only to diverge less than before, but even to converge towards a focus behind such an eye, in order to make its vision distinct. Pres- byopic persons have in general a small pupil, and thftreforj seldom aciiuiro the habit of ocvcring am part of it v^ith tlieir eyelids, ' TJC invalid's manual. cornea will then be too flat, and the rays not being sufficiently bent or retracted, arrive at the retina before they are united ill a focus, and would meet, if not inter- cepted, in some place behind it. They, therefore, (unless influenced by artificial means,) do not make an impression suffi- ciently correct and forcible, but form an in- distinct picture on the bottom of the eye, and exhibit the object in a confused and im- perfect manner. This defect of the eye is therefore remedied by a double-convex lens, Buch as the common spectacle-glasses, which, by causing the rays to converge soon- er than they otherwise would, afford that aid to this defect of nature which the circum- stances of the case may require, the cop vex- ity of the glass being always proportioned to the deficiency in vision. If, on the contrary, the cornea is too con- vex, the rays will unite in a focus before their arrival at the retina, and the image will also be indistinct. This defect is re- medied by concave glasses, which cause the rays to diverge; and consequently, bybeing properly adapted to the case, will enable the eye to form the image in its proper place. By the aid of convex glasses of thirty- six or thirty inches' focus, persons, whose sight is beginning to be unequal to read small print, or to work without fatiguing or paining their eyes, will be enabled to do either ; and, if properly chosen, by the ease and comfort they affi^rd, will tend material- ly to preserve the sight : hence their name o^ prcse}-i-ers, which, however, is a term as applicable to all the various gradations of glasses. The length of time that will elapse before it may be necessary to change these first spectacles must depend upon the same circumstances which I have mention- ed as creating the necessity for using them at all. However, it may be said that they will commonly serve for reading in the day- time about six or seven years. As soon as the eye begins to do little better with the glasses used than without them, it is time to change them for more powerful magnifiers, and the second sight, or thirty inches' focus, are necessary ; though these should not be too hastily adopted by those who wish to preserve their sight unimpaired to old age ; but they should be content to use them as sparingly as possible — only when unavoidable. Many have worn out their sight prematurely by using spectacles of too great a magnifying power, or of improper materials and faulty workmanship, to which their eyes have Boon become accustomed ; but they speedi- ly exhausted the resources of art, and, be- frjrf aeath, have become totally blind. I Those who are about to commence wear* j ing glasses, as they cannot know what will 1 suit their eyes, will do well to borrow a I set of {glasses, consisting of spectacles of ' regular gradations of power, and try at ; home, for a few days, which suit them ! best : they siiould make the experiment by j day-light and candle-light, in that posture ! of the body in which they will be most 1 used. ' Almost all persons, on first wearing spectacles, if they keep them on a few hours, complain of fatigue and uneasy sen- sations in their eyes ; and this, even though they have been judiciously chosen, and when they were needful. Such weariness will be most felt by candle-light, and is caused, no doubt, by the eyes, for some time before resorting to glasses, having been tasked beyond their ability ; and not, as is commonly supposed, by the artificial light, though that, probably, contributes to it. Those whoae avocations or amusements render the assistance of magnifiers neces- sary, ought to bear in mind, that the lower the degree of magnifying power possessed by their glasses, the less the eye will be fatigued by them, the less constrained the position of the body in using them, and the larger, as well as more uniformly dis- tinct, the field of view embraced by them. Where only a moderate magnifying power is required, I would recommend, instead of a single magnifier, the use of spectacles of nine inches' focus, which will enable the eye to be directed to minute objects with- out weariness for a longer time than if an eye-glass only be used, as well as being Ot material benefit in preserving one of the eyes from becoming injured, by being con- stantly unemployed. The use of spectacles is every way pre- ferable for short-sighted persons to single eye-glasses ; a strong confirmation of the truth of which may be found in the fact that Mr. George Adams, a late highly ce- lebrated English optician, asserted that he did not recollect an instance of a short- sighted person who had occasion to increase the depth of his glasses, if he began with spectacles ; but, on the other hand, he knew many cases where only one eye had been used, in which the individuals had been obliged repeatedly to change theii glasses for concaves of higher power. In- deed, the advantage of a pair of spectacles over an eye-glass is very evident, from the circumstance that all objects are much brighter when seen with both eyes than when looked at wth one only. 78 THE YOUNG MAN'K hlAMUAL THE YOUNG MAN'S MANUAL My litde book in my humble opinion •contains a great deal of valuable informa- tion, but the three prescriptions which fol- low are worth infinitely more than all the rest. I strontrly commend them to the at- tention of every young man into whose hands this book may fall. (I.) Upon getting a loife. Young man ! if you have arrived at the right point in life for it, let every other con- sideration give way to that of getting mar- ried. Don't think of doing any thing else. Keep poking about among the rubbish of the world till you have stirred up a gem orth having in the shape of i. wife. Ne- ver think of delaying the matter ; for you know that delays are dangerous. A good wife is the most constant and faithful com- panion you can possibly have by vur side, while performing the journey of lite — a dog isn't a touch to her. She is of more ser- vice, too, than you may at first imagine. She can " smooth your linen and your eares" far you — mend your trousers, and perchance your manners — sweeten your sour moments as well as your tea and cof- fee for you — ruffle, perhaps, your shirt bo- som, but not your temper ; and, instead of) Bowing the seeds of sorrow in your path, I she will sew buttons on your shirts, and I plant happiness instead of harrow teeth in ] your bosom. Yes — and if you are too con- i 'bundedly lazy or too proud to do such j cvork yourself, she will chop wood, and dig ' potatoes for dinner : for her love for her : husband is such that she will do anything j to please him — except receive company in , her every day clothes. j When a woman loves, she loves with a aouble-distilled devotedness ; and when she h.ates, she hates on the high pressure prin- jiiple. Her love is as deep as the ocean, as I a hempen halter, and as immutable as the i rock of ages. She won't change it, except j It is in a very strong fit of jealousy, and even then it lingers, as if loath to part, like evening twilights at the windows of the I west. Get married by all means. All the ! excuses you can fish up against ' doing the deed' ain't worth a spoonful of pigeon's milk. Mark this — if blest with health and employment, you are not able to support a wife, depend upon it you are not capable of supporting yourself. — Therefore, so mucli more the need of annexation ; for, in union, as well as an onion, there is strength. Get married, I repeat, young man ! Concen- trate your affections upon one object, and 'not distribute them crumb by crumb, amoiu^ a host of Susans, Sarahs, Marys, Loranas, Olives, Elizas, Augustas, Betsies, Peggies, and Dorothies — allowing each scarcely enough to nibble at. Get married, and have somebody to cheer you as you journey through this " lowly vale of tears" — some- body to scour up your whole life, and what- ever linen you possess, in some sort of Sun day-go-to meeting order. Young woman, I need not tell you to look out for your husband, for I know that you are fixing contrivances to catch one, and are as naturally on the watch as a cat is for a mouse. But one word in your ear, if you please. Don't bait your hook with an artificial fly of beauty : if you do, the chances are ten to one that you will catch a gudgeon — some silly fool of a fish that isn't worth his weight in saw-dust. — Array the inner lady with the beautiful gar- ments of virtue, modesty, truth, morality, and unsophisticated love ; and you will dis- pose of yourself quicker, and to much bet- ter advantage than you would if you dis- played all the gew-gaws, flippejigs, fol-de- rols, and fiddle-de-dees in the universe. Remember that it is an awful thing to live and die a self-manufactured old maid. My hearers — get married while you are young : and then when the frosts of age shall fall and wither the flowers of affection, the leaves of connubial love will still be green, and, perchance, a joyous offspring will surround and grace the parent tree, like ivy twining and adorning the time- scathed oak. (2.) Upon Choosing a Wife. Young men, a word in your ear, when you choose a wife. Don't be fascinated with a dashing creature, fond of society, vain, artistical, and showy in dress. You do not want a doll or a coquet for a part- ner. Choose rather one of those retiring, modest, sensible girls, who have learnt to deny themselves and possess some decided character. But above all seek for a good disposition. No trait of character is inore valuable in a female than the possession of a sweet temper. Homo can never be made happy without it. It is like the flowers that sprinff up in the pathway, reviving and cheering us. Let a man go home ai night, wearied and worn by the toils of the day, how soothing is a word dictated by a good disposition ! It is sunshine falling on his heart. He is happy and the cares of life are forgotten THE YOUNG MANS MANUAL. 79 (3.) How to Treat a Wife. First get a wife — secondly be patient. You may have great trials and perplexities in your business with the world ; but do not therefore carry to your home a clouded cr contracted brow. Your wife may have had trials, which though of less magni- tude, may have been as hard to bear. A kind, consoling, and tender look, will do wonders in cliasing from her brow all clouds of gloom. You encounter your difficulties in the open air, fanned by heaven's cool breezes, but your wife is often shut up from these healthful in- rluences, and her health fails, and her spirits lose their elasticity. But oh ! bear with her ; she has trials and sorrows to which you are a stranger, but which your tenderness can deprive of all their anguish. Notice kindly her little attentions and efforts to promote your comfort. Do not take them all as a matter of course, and pass them by ; at the same time being very sura to notice any omission of what you may consider her duty to you. Do not treat her with indifference, if you would not seai and palsy her iieart, which, watered by kindness, would to the latest day of your existence throb with sincere and constant affection. Sometimes yield your W'ishes to hers. She has preferences as strong as vou, and perhaps just as trying to her to yield her choice as to you. Do you find it hard to yield sometimes? Think you it is not hard for her to give up always'? If you never yield to her wishes, there is danger that she will think you are selfish, and care only for yourself, and with such failings she cannot love you as she ought. Again, show your- self manly, so that your wife can look up to you, and feel that you will act nobly, and that she can confide in your judgment. HINTS ON ETIQUETTE. (1.) In all your associations keep con- stantly in view the adage, " too much free- dom breeds contempt." (2.) Never be guilty of practical jokes: if you accustom yourself to them, it is probable you will become so habituated as to commit them upon persons who will not allow of such liberties : I have known a duel to arise from a slap on the back. (3.) If there be another chair in the room, do not offer a lady that from which vou have just risen. (4.) Always suspect the advances of any person who may wish for your acquaint- ance, and who has had no introduction : circumstances may qualify this remark, but, as a general principle, acquaintances made in a public room or place of amusement are not desirable. (5.) Never converse while a person is singing ; it is an insult not only to the singer, but to the company. (6.) The essential part of good breeding is the practical desire to afford pleasure, and to avoid giving pain. Any man pos- sessing this desire requires only opportuni- ty and observation to make him a gentle- man. (7.) Always take off your hat when handing a lady to her carriage, or the box of a theatre, or a public room. (8.) If in a public promenade you pass lid Te-pass persons of your acquaintance, it is only necessary to salute them on the first occasion. (9.) Do not affect singularity of dress by wearing anything that is so conspicuous as to demand attention ; and particularly avoid what I believe I must call the ruffian style. (10.) Never lose your temper at cards, I and particularly avoid the exhibition of anxiety or of vexation at want of success. If you are playing whist, not only keep (your temper, but hold your tongue; any I intimation to your partner is decidedly un- I gentlemanly. ! (11.) Let presents to a lady be charac- i terised by taste — not remarkable for intrin- j sic value. j (12.) Except under very decided circum I stances, it is both ungentlemanly and dan- gerous to cut a person : if you wish to rid yourself of any one's society, a cold bow in the street, and particular ceremony in the circles of your mutual acquaintance, is the best mode of conduct to adopt. (13.) Never introduce your own affairs for the amusement of a company ; it shows a sad want of mental cultivation, or exces- sive weakness of intellect: recollect also that such a discussion cannot be interesting to others, and that the probability is that the most patient listener is a complete gossip, laying the foundation for some tale to make you appear ridiculous. Vc^^^^;*^'^ ^j^im^'m^^^jMsj^ 9BfsfL. 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