. no o' 019 754 590 2 HoUinger Corp. Jx^ ^^k -^ AA^.^ ^ ^^A^^^ju .AS UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS Chapter 292, Laws of 1913 All act to amend the Education Law, relative to the estahlisliinent of schoharships for the aid of students in colleges. Became a law April 16, 1913, with the approval of the Governor. Passed three-fifths being present The People of the State of New York, repiesented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as folloivs: Section 1 Article 3 of chapter 140 of the Laws of 1910, en- titled "An act to amend the Education Law, generally," is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sections, to be known as sections 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 and 77, and to read as follows : § 70 State scholarships established. 1 State scholarships are hereby established in the several counties of the State, to be main- tained by the State and awarded as provided by this act. 2 Five such scholarships shall be awarded each county an- nually for each assembly district therein. 3 Each such scholarship shall entitle the holder thereof to the sum of one hundred dollars for each year which he is in attend- ance upon an approved college in this State during a period of four years, to be paid to or for the benefit of such holder as here- inafter provided, and out of a fund which is hereinafter created. § 71 Scholarship fund of the University of the State of New York. 1 The scholarship fund of the University of the State of Xew York is hereby created. Such fund shall consist : a Of all money appropriated therefor by the Legislature; h Of all money and property hereafter received by the State, the Eegents of the University or the Commissioner of Education by gift, grant, devise or bequest for the purpose of providing funds for the payment of such scholarships and of all income or revenue derived from any trust created for such purpose. 2 Such fund shall be kept separate and distinct from the other State funds by the State Treasurer, and payment shall be made therefrom to the persons entitled thereto in the same manner as from other State funds, except as otherwise provided by this act. H3ir-Agi5-5000 (7-8981) ^,K^ 3 Whenever any such gift, grant, devise or bequest shall have been made or any trust shall have been created for the purpose of providing funds for such scholarships, the incomes or revenues de- rived therefrom shall be applied in maintaining scholarships in addition to those to be maintained by appropriations made by the State Legislature, as provided herein, and no part of such income or revenue shall be applied for the maintenance of State scholar- ships hereinbefore established for each county. Such additional scholarships shall be equitably apportioned by the Commissioner of Education among the several counties, unless it be provided in the will, deed or other instrument making such gift, grant, devise or bequest, or creating such trust, that the incomes or revenues derived therefrom be applied to the establishment and maintenance of additional scholarships in a specified county. § T2 Regents to make rules. The Eegents shall make rules governing the award of such scholarships, the issuance and cancel- lation of certificates entitling persons to the benefits thereof, the use of such scholarships by the persons entitled thereto, and the rights and duties of such State scholars, and the colleges wliieli they attend, in respect to such scholarships, and providing gener- ally for carrying into effect the provisions of this act. Such rules shall be in conformity with this act and shall have the force and effect of a statute. § 73 List of candidates, award of scholarships. 1 The Com- missioner of Education shall cause to be prepared for each county of the State, annually, during the month of August, from the rec- ords of the Education Department, a list of the names of all pupils residing therein who became entitled to college entrance diplomas under Regents rules, during the preceding school year. Such list shall also show the average standing of the pupils in the several subjects on which each of such diplomas was issued. 2 The Commissioner of Education shall also cause the names of all pupils on the foregoing lists of the several counties, who are not appointed to scholarships in the county of their residence, to be arranged upon a State list in the order of their merit, as shown by their average standings on the several county lists, from which unclaimed vacant scholarships shall bo filled as hereinafter provided. 3 The scholarships to which each county is entitled shall be awarded by the Commissioner of Education annually in the month of August to those pupils residing therein who became entitled to D. Of U. DEC 22' 1915 college entrance diplomas, under Regents rules, during the pre- ceding school year and in the order of their merit as shown by the list prepared as provided in subdivision 1 of this section. 4 In case a pupil who is entitled to a scholarship shall fail to apply for such scholarship within thirty days after being notified that he is entitled thereto or shall fail to comply with the rules of the liegents as to such scholarships and the same shall have been revoked or canceled on account thereof, or, if for any other reason such scholarship shall become vacant, then the pupil standing next highest to those pupils on such list for such county who have re- ceived scholarships, shall be entitled to receive appointment to such vacant scholarship. 5 In case a scholarship belonging to a county shall not be claimed by a resident of such county or if there be no resident of the county entitled to appointment to the vacant scholarship in such county, the Commissioner of Education shall fill such vacancy by appointing from the State list the person entitled to such vacancy as provided in subdivision 2 of this section. G The Commissioner of Education shall cause such person en- titled to receive appointment to a scholarship to be notified of his rights thereto and of his forfeiture of such rights by failure to make the application for such scholarship required under section 74 of this act. § 74 Issuance of scholarship certificate. Upon the application of a pupil duly notified of his right to a scholarship, the Commis- sioner of Education shall issue to such pupil a scholarship cer- tificate. Such application and such certificate shall be in the form proscribed by the Commissioner of Education and such certificate shall specify the college for which it is valid. Said Commissioner may also require such additional statements and information to accompany such application as he may deem necessary, § 75 Effect of certificate; payments thereon. The certificate issued as provided in the preceding section shall entitle the person named therein to receive the sum of one hundred dollars each year for a period of four years to aid such person in the completion of a college education. Such sum shall be paid by the State Treas- urer in two equal payments, one on October 1st and the other on March 1st out of the scholarship fund of the University of the State of New York, upon the warrant of the Comptroller issued with the approval of the Commissioner of Education. Such ap- proval shall be given upon vouchers or other evidence showing that the person named therein is entitled to receive the sum speci- fied, either directly or for his or her benefit. The rules of the Regents may prescribe conditions under which payments may be made direct to the college attended by the person named in such certificate, in behalf and for the benefit of such person. [As amended hy chapter 437, Laivs 0/ 1913] § 76 Revocation of scholarship. If a person holding a State scholarship shall fail to comply with the rules of the Regents in respect to the use of such scholarship, or shall fail to observe the rules, regulations or conditions prescribed or imposed by such col- lege on students therein, or shall for any reason be expelled or sus- pended from such college, or shall absent himself therefrom with- out leave, the Commissioner of Education may, upon evidence of such fact deemed by him sufficient, make an order under the seal of the Education Department revoking such scholarship and there- upon such scholarship shall become vacant and the person holding such scholarship shall not thereafter be entitled to fvirther pay- ment or benefits under the provisions of this act and the vacancy caused thereby shall be filled as provided in section 73 of this act. § 77 Limitation as to number of scholarships; courses of study. At no time shall there be more than twenty scholarships established and maintained for each assembly district and at no time shall there be more than three thousand such scholarships so estab- lished and maintained for the entire State not including scholar- ships maintained from the revenues or income of trust funds, or gifts, devises or bequests created or made as provided in this act for the maintenance of such scholarships. A person en- titled to such scholarship shall not be restricted as to the choice of the college which he desires to attend, or the course of study which he proposes to pursue; provided that no such scholarship shall include professional instruction in law, medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or theology, except so far as such instruction is within a regularly prescribed course of study leading to a de- gree other than in the above-named professions ; and provided fur- ther, that the college selected by the person entitled to such scholarship is situated within the State of ISTew York, and is incor- porated as a college and authorized under the laws of this State and the rules of the Regents of the University to confer degrees. § 2 This act shall take effect August. 1, 1913. REGENTS RULES Section 561 Approved colleges. The State scholarships issued under sections 70 to 77 of the Education Law shall bo known, for distinguishment, as University scholarships, and the colleges approved for their use shall be all such institutions in this State, authorized to confer degrees, whether specifically named colleges, universities, or otherwise, which are registered by the Regents of the University as institutions of college grade and as maintaining approved standards. § 502 Colleges to furnish information. Colleges in this State shall in February and September of each year certify to the Com- missioner of Education a list of their pupils who are holders of the University scholarships, and shall promptly report to him the facts in the case of any such pupil who shall fail to observe the rules, regulations or conditions prescribed or imposed by the institution on its pupils, or who shall for any reason be expelled or suspended, or who shall absent himself without leave. § 563 Service of notifications. JSTotifieation of rights to the University scholarships, or forfeitures thereof, may be served personally or by registered mail. § 564 Acceptance of vacant scholarships. If a University scholarship shall bo declined or resigned, or for any other reason shall become vacant, and the pupil next entitled shall not accept the same within ten days after notification of his right thereto, it shall be deemed to be still vacant. § 565 Payments to colleges. The Commissioner of Education may, at any time, direct the payment by the State Treasurer, in one sum, to the treasurer of any college, at which holders of the University scholarships are in attendance, of the total of the instalments then payable to or for such pupils, to be applied for the benefit of each, respectively, 1 So far as needed, to pay for his tuition for the current semester. 2 To reimburse the college for his other indebtedness thereto. 3 To pay the remainder of his instalment to such pupil, or as he shall direct. § 566 Leave of absence. If leave of absence for a period of not more than twelve months be granted by the college authorities to the holder of a University scholarship for cause deemed satis- factory, the holder of the scholarship may retain the same, but the period for which the scholarship is good shall not be extended beyond the time for which it was originally issued, and no pay- ment shall be made for the period for which the student is absent on leave. THE COLLEGE ENTRANCE DIPLOMA The college entrance diploma whicli indicates the completion of a four-year high school course is the basis of the award of University scholarships. This credential is earned by pupils who satisfactorily complete courses in approved secondary schools and pass in such schools the Regents examinations in the subjects re- quired for the diploma. In the month of August of each year, the pupils who completed in the January or June Regents examina- tions preceding the requirements for the college entrance diploma are ranked in the University scholarship competition. The resi- dents of each county in the State who thus become entitled to college entrance diplomas are ranked in their order of merit in count}^ lists. The number of scholarships to be awarded to pupils in each county is equal to five times the nimiber of assembly districts therein. After the county awards have been completed, a general State list of all those pupils entitled to college entrance diplomas who did not secure scholarships in their own counties is made up and from such list vacancies existing in counties where there are no eligible candidates are filled. Original notice of awards of scholarships is given about the last of August by the University of the State of JSTew York directly to the successful competitors. Each scholarship entitles its holder to $100 a _year for a period of four years in an approved college of the State of IsTew York, beginning with the opening of the fall college term after the award in August. Following is the. Regents rule giving the condition's for the col- lege entrance diplomas: 3.S9f College entrance diplomas and certificates. Collogi- t>ntraiioe diplomas, which are issued in arts, in science or in engineering, and whose requirements are substantially the saute as the entrance requirements of the colleges of the State, are designed to guide preparation for and to facilitate admission to col- lege and to constitute, in part, the basis for awarding the University scholar- ships, and will be given only to pupils of tiie registered secondary schools in this State icJio make irriiten application for such diplomas iriUtin the month of July in the year of their completion, at the end of any half-year, of a four- year course of a])proved study therein, who iiavc cirMcd in Regents fxuniiiia- tions the following respectively ])rescril)ed counts: College entrance diploma in arts Roquirod subjects 00 counts KuKJish Alpcbru Plane KC'onietry History , 13 counts . 7 " . 5 " Either Or Four years of Latin 20 counts and Two years of French or Clerman or (Ireek 10 Tin-ee years of Latin lo " and Three years of French or German or Greek 15 30 counts Fleet ive subjects as follows 10 counts An additional year of French or German or Greek or Latin 5 " Advanced botany 5 Advanced zoology 5 Biology 5 " Chemistry < 5 Physics 5 Physical geography 5 Two of the following: 5 Advancefl algebra Solid geometrj' Plane trigonometry Total 70 counts 10 counti^ College entrance diploma in science Required subjects (50 counts English 13 counts Algebra 7 Plane geometry 5 History ■ 5 Three years of Latin or German or French or Spanisli or Italian 15 " Two years of a strontl foreign language: Latin or German or French or Greek or Spanish or Italian 10 " One of the following: . Advanced botanj' Advanced zoology Hiology Cheniistry IMiysics Physical geography LIBRARY OF CON( 019 754 59 10 counts Elective subjects as follows 10 counts An additional year of French or German or Greek or Latin or Spanish or Italian 5 " Advanced botany 5 " Advanced zoology 5 " Biology 5 " Chemistry 5 " Physics 5 " Physical geography 5 " Advanced algebra 3 " Solid geometry 2 " Trigonometry 3 " History 5 " Drawing — a maximum of 5 " Shopwork — a maximum of .... 5 " Advanced bookkeeping — a maximum of 5 " Shorthand 2 — a maximum of 5 " Total 70 counts College entrance diploma in engineering Required subjects 60 counts English Algebra Plane geometry History • Three years of Latin or German or French or Spanish or Itahan . . . Physics One of the following: . . Advanced botany Advanced zoology Biology Chemistry Physical geography Two of the following : Advanced algebra Solid geometry Plane trigonometry Elective subjects as follows 10 counts An additional year of French or German or Latin or Spanish or Italian 5 Advanced botany 5 " Advanced zoology - 5 Biology 5 II Chemistry o Physical geography 5 Advanced algebra 3 Solid geometry 2 Trigonometry 3 History 5 Drawing — a maximum of 5 " Shopwork — a maximum of . . . 5 Advanced bookeeping — a maximum of 5 " Shorthand 2 — a maximum of 5 " . 13 counts . 7 " . 5 " . 5 " .15 " 5 " 5 " 10 counts Total 70 counts Persons who, because of not completing the required four-year course of study in registered secondary schools in this State, or for any other reason, arc not eligible for a college entrance diploma, but who have earned the counts pre- scribed therefor, in Regents examinations, may have the measure of their suc- cess therein attested by certificates, to be known as college entrance certificates. Assistant Commissioner for Secondary Education.