GV 967 .S3 Copy 1 WHY GOLF I r I Abel Dubb b ! Why Golf ? Abel Dutk r by 3^ Index Definitions Paa^ i Rul®^ ior f^ irok 'S' m^iroKi^ competition raoc 4 Gio53ary Pad<2 8 ^Wkai io w^ar ^^ PacS^ 10 T^n Helptal Hini-s Pa^je 13 K>rm3 of claba Paq^24 Tk^ Gam<^ Pa<^^2S OCT \5\32\ §)C!.A627260 'Vi'^ i Preface In producing Ikia loookl^i Ih^ aulhor has iric^ nol only io (txplainwhy Qolf is playedL,]Dui ficicnily cl^air io maSte an ex^ peri p^^y^X oui of ^very read^ (g^r, lis conlenis should d0 rea.d car^Iully anci compleiely,ancl ihc r^ao^r should. Ihen proc^^ti ^ io pui inio praclic^ ih^ knowx j Uge he Kas gained, A word, or j ! cauiion is necasss^ry however. Do noi lei your professional see Ihe took, or know IKaiyoa have readL ii. Professionals will insisi IKai you. {o^o^A/' iheir insirc>ioiionSjkeepinoyou.rhead siill,yoar eyes oper^your fin-^ ^(^"cs crossed, eic. Pay no aiien-N* Hon io ihem,ihey can only plav" we]l,lhey can'i iell how io ao ii. PEF1N1TION5 Player Ci)A pWer U iK<2 p<^i[%son wnoidsap po65(^d!loKii {he batlL H^ owns bai does noi carry Ihc clabs. }ie hivcQ acocidkr anl^a^ h^ is a poor playct: A player is svLpoosed io Know now lo play tK^ gam^, IKo ii is aoi n^c- ^56ary; CadLd^ (2)A caicLy i5 ili- toai io hir the h^llj ihe^ ^ponen i6 ed x)ooin^. ^ I n . 11 (2) Booing pprokibi tea ia mMch a^na mecial plavPermis^iLlein W^^play RuLB V Wifong Ball (Xni ai ple^e-r tincl a^Dall wilKa hc^^er \ic fkan kis li^ P^^ P^^ '^^* (2)H^ may play ii ir no opponenl:6^^s him. (3)PlaY^r mwsi ask caddy to <5r<^T (4) C«kcl<3y n^cci noi ao ii unUss trie-* RULEIZI FatTL (l)If a player fan a^iikeWll wiihoul hifixng ir h^ ^^^Y c-lalnn ii toLe a prackce slroK^ noi io> L^ coLAnr^a. RuLEim FaintirKj coif a player fs.ini {Vorn ^kock aiier rfiaking a kole In one or an C'xiraordanajrypuif no playv ind 6ho6tId W permift^i t^nKl he- has cora^ to. Rule. \nn (1) A player m^ noi siea^l nis op^ ponenjrls t^il. HuLEIX. (I) If <^ player lose- a tall Ine co^n. drop one LekincJ his back and shouz^^hc'rc il is!' (^}This masf noi he com wilhin a s-ioncs tlarow oi iVi^ 9PP^^ neni ii )^\er& ar^ anysion^s RULEX On [he Green (1) A picker naa^ make- a. comb- laaiion 6kc>i or biJliarciinio ine hole 6t6in<3 nis oppone^nis ball* (2)The pWer mast make j52^pK a- sshoi wlikiH^ lower end ot ike pairer and noi wiiK Ihe hand^ le a.seol as acc^e. (3)Bill iarJs do noi couni as sirokes. 6 RULEZI (I) A oiacycr may uac a.s tmjny or HuLEXE (1)A player m6isi noi Deaun nis oppo^ n.cnt unless neccssacry. Rule SHI (1)A player mw iaak to, bui aoi a^sU Quesilons of an oppoa^ni wko is puflina. RuLEXESr CWwirKj Gwnn (l)Ch€wmo aum i^^^ W wrnov^cl from ik^^^ooiin^JDatJljolLitsnOr kand.s, or trousers a^i amy time RuL-E33? Sn^^zin<2 0)SneczLnd may W aone wn^n n^c^easa^ry. GLOS5ARY. Approach -AsUoi inienAc^ tor ma (^acn. BoGEY-Agood ^cpr^'-aarn^d. aooa* BoNEHEAP-A player wKo ^oe^s noi replace tke i^^Q." Brassie- A WooJen^eaci^cl clat wilk a hra^ss sole. Deginner-A wooJen k^aJle^ player wilk aLra« 5oal. But.JL-U6^J. in relalirKa 5cor^. Caddie- An add^ol expense. Coco-Tir^d, weairy,^xka^Li3i^dL, i CovRBX,' Som<^lkin<2 followed tv I I the pUyer ^ ^ ! CuRssL-^SomctWinq lollowing^ player DoBMY- See Pro£e^ional Handbook. Damn - A sw^a^r word. Driver- See Ikge 24. FouR50MB - One jnore ik^n a inr^^ sortie. ToRB " Shoz^ied kerore orA-HerniK iino ei per6on. GoLr- A^a^ncie . Goof- A \Dcn(2>jn:caia. ,a duniD-kell. Gobble- A pc^tt, a ^c^ick luncK. GoPHER-One wko make^ holes. Hc^P-Tke imporiAni pa,ri oi ine^ cJcib a^nd player. Half Shot- Ohsoicie. Horn In-To 6tAri ai ih^ secona hole lo Avoid payinq tae. Ignorance.- 90^ of poor pUy/ncj. JoKE-Sorn^ikino ioLe laugk^ai, Someiim^s apja^yer. LiE-Po^ition of ike tall- Also a6^cj ia repcriiicK^^core. Legs -Low^r pari ^ male pJa^yer. • I' LiMBS-Ditio, rerm^le^. | LtCK.BR-Ok^oI<^ie. OppS- R^rl 01 a. Wi. Tne mor^ odas f^cN/T5' Worn Lyma^l^ players. Penalty' A reward iorooiacsr ocai ol kotAnd^. ^ Putt -To pc^ft- Slak-To vvrallop iKe tall. Stymie- An exccAse for play in cz akeaol of An opponenl. STAxvrcE-Doesn'i meananylkincj. Women- Amelkoci of 6lowia^^ ike^ame. What to Wear be found 'very so^ils^ faciory for aolflno.lf offers proi«<5f ion fr?>ni fhe sun arici Ilyino tails ani also is aspl^ncJid plac^ to k^ej ^cor^ cards 5 exira balls, eic. Socks sboald always skoe^s for com tori .Th^ siyl^ shown arc recom-^ j menJ^for^verydaiy I w^ar.Tb^ showJd qo aileasiiooo mil^s wilhoal a panciur<^. Most pi avers ^rc icr woolsocKs as iJa^ ' slanclapbeH'er. Tlncrc is linle cWolcc in in collars, Sliff collars hc'^ come sof i in warm wealh^ er and soil ones remain sof i. li is ]]ncrcloY(Z rccom nnended Ihal a sofl one be worn .The cul shows ihe ClcekVapopu l ar nn emaueroj lO J he 3uir IS a very importo^n aplaycrs cc^uipmcnL Aoood oplf suii is pratclic^ly necess^ arv- It 0}:v(Z^s ih- ers ana bearoom sJippervS 6no«lol j never te worn on Ihe course he tore I six o'clock . Toolinle aneniion has teen paid irt Ihe past io Ihe siyJe of sole 6<5ea^ Local rt»le5 in mo$l claps proliikii spikes on Ihe daoice floor oi me hoc4seand P^^^r-^ are ap-dc^ ally aocpiin in ien clauy6 replace [he iixri as-v ing ple^n0^ oi ca^r^ and wauier ancl lam pines well, 19 iH. h.lilh courage tn^ s^arckersS anci poin s .j^ 'zo li/,N;/,^/NV VW//HV;^>«»v>i%A^/ IV vC^ fino pa.riicui«9criy 6KUiturai KiHin ola.ndl(2^ lions, cigar Ipaiis) ma boxes, cic. in pt^ciicc^wny noi, exie-nci \nc^ir use a^ncl 1(^^ 6^p Ihetallon iK(^m? li will injure perieci aKois vjhcn all olner m^lkoa^s fail* k^lv**"***' ** '* »»*'''(* T*'*',"!! !s%/l^\^^*^i^\/ 0,1 ¥is »A»|\{,,.«» • V^/V«,^lx^ll*^V/ „ 1%/tm^ edlpelween holes if Ihe pla^^r will ranl:ohi5 t>alL making sure ihal ihe wooer club is carrf^d for Ih^ , next siroke.Mack lim<^ is io^iby placycrs walking hch^/ecn strokes uccllvc in red ^e e: eel ivc m reducma .Zm 22 ih e wai5 1. Ananov/wc come iolne ^kow^r* i^niion ^nou^la, t>e paia io ii. Avoidl ana^^mly wasi^ of koi waier r^sullln^ in ik(^ calamiiy skov/n abov^.A^p layer ^^f-V k^ 23 FoRin^ OF Clubs ThePriver-Fi^.I ^Jiow^ a. popular m^\<,a oi ariv^r. This is a. K^s^e^vy woocl£.n o\vuo useSi Tor arivina ih<^ ball lonq cli5la^nc^6 (from© f^^i io 300\?3.rcls aucoorciina i:o IK^ skill Qtihc player-.) The Mid Iron -Fig Z skows aLl^^fi Kanaka mia-iron.Th'is is a kio Wv populair term of clakCa^n oc usaa lor drlylna.men^ina lec hoxaSjor puiiind hMls oat o{ ponds. lliscalKi j ei mia-iron Lecei.use ii rc^a^cha-s] I KaUway io ike or^^n somchmas. lHiiOMA5HiE-ThlsclaD also iron iS illasirai^ lnTid.3. li 15 used, for qr^Ttlria In or oui oi irouUe. 11 has A woodinskafi ea^sily Lrokenor mended and Wps we'll In Ike kao. The Niblick -Tkisclut as skovmin Fia4 kas a sleeo face and. is ased for raisino Ike tall hui ii is noi as ooooL a raiser as Ike Gillelie shown mFiq.6.Tke niWicK is also ttsed ior removia<;{ .sand from Ihe iraps. Z5 THERjTTER-Fi<2.%5 slr^ow^ one of^ev- as^d forpasKino crKlHind Ihe ba^lJ. Th^ pu.Her^6 ^i aiurcly clab an^ iU^h^Ii 16 rarely trok^n exec pi in a^nd^r* Th£ Gillette SAFETY-Tk is isap^k eniei cluk illusirai^ in Fi^-^ • i 15 used for rcjmoving sit^JD^ ^. Cannoi cui Ike skin of HiekailL 11 jsasurprisinq cJalo andean ^^silv r^li^v^ one of a^ Jays! The^inniEIN-FIo.?. Use(i forpuiv ling Ik^ reverse ZLnglisk onlke kariin pt^iiin^.Tkis 15 }ke ace of cJ^Ios and ikree of ikemwill keal a.ny Iwo pair. The Mallet- Fi«- a Higkly recom- mended for keoinner and near siokied players. Usually cuaed wiik aiaroeloall.Il isawickei cluk if us(z3i correcl ly*Does noi rusl and is very difiicull la kreak> 27 The Game GoKva^^ ln\/c^n[es a-nA, ai^)[een useless pou,nda oiil^^h, wukoat orccplno io iKe locker room Drier e io lam^ni ana wish ik al he could k^^p k 16 n in^ kol^ score Jown io ki5 ao^. it has been Ih^ a^xxthor^ privci^ eqe^ Jo jnAulqe in every modern 5pori irom llr^'apFroo ioPinockk kai in all his vaal amUfic ^xp^ inwkick lk(2r<^ was so muck room. for (^njoyrn(2jnr and improv^meni ^ ky Ik^ dAnieie as in ike gam^ of Idolt% I Golf skould ke'laken seriously Do noi lauok ai aplaye^r if keusi^s adriver for putting. Hi^ ^^i ^^ workino on an:pcc\:eA io mak^ il. The End ^9 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 237 041 A Copyright, 1921 John B* Sanborn Evanston, IlL