S62) Pacific ' \6t2 Congress Springs An Ideal Summer and Winter Resort Pacific Congress Springs Santa Clara County- Santa Cruz Mountains DEC 22 1902 D. of D, THIS little booklet conies to you as a reminder of California's most beautiful mountain retreat— Pae I FIC ©GXGRESS SPRIXGS— situated in the foothills of the Santa Cruz Moun- tains, eleven miles from San Jose and six miles from Los Gatos. The great valleys of California afford many rare scenic effects, rugged canyons breaking abruptly into green wooded foothills, and leading to the most elaborate and awe inspiring grandeur. The canyon in which Congress Springs nestles, winds its way into the Santa Cruz range from the fruitful Santa Clara Valley, aud at every turn presents pictures which are a delight and an inspiration to every true worshiper of the God of nature. To the towering and precipitous walls of the canyon clings a beautiful and variously hued vegetation, the delicate brown of the madrone blending with the soft tinted chaparral. Every mile of the way having a beauty distinctly its own. -" Co ' — --^ GENERAL VIEW OF HOTEI^ From its snug perch on the mountain side, the hotel commands an unparal- leled view, both of the cultivated and fertile Santa Clara Valley, with its back- ground of foothills rising into mountains, and of an untamed and picturesquely wild stretch of country rising to crests, that are on good terms with the clouds; and descending to the " Father of Waters" with all the calm beauty of a sea shore scene. To ramble over the mountains of Congress Springs, to see, to hear, means to come in contact with that which cannot fail to captivate the heart of every true lover of nature. To live in such environments, to drink of mineral waters with health giving properties, to climb to scenic heights, to stroll, to bathe in a pure mountain stream, to fish, to hunt, is approaching very near to the fabled " Fountain of Youth." A popular drive is to the summit of the range, from which, on a clear day, the grand old Pacific is seen from Monterey to San Francisco, while on the other side is the famous Santa Clara Valley, with all its varied tints of fruit and fnrni, blending the green of the redwood and pine with the prune and olive. Although Congress Springs is a retreat where quiet and rest may be enjoyed, it is easily accessible to San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Clara and Ivos Gatos ; making it an ideal spot where busy business men may spend their Sundays COTTAGKS AT [CONGRESS SPRINGS with their families away from the noisy hubbub of a city, and by taking the earh' Mondaj- morning train may be in their places of business in San Fran- cisco before nine o'clock. The drive to the Springs from either L,os Gatos, Santa Clara or vSan Jose is a delightful one, full of interest and charm, through the garden spot of the world, over well kept roads, through orchards and vineyards, which extend to the doors of the hotel. The air, as one nears the hotel, grows exhilarating and bracing, combining the salt of the sea with the ozone of the mountains. The Congress Springs Hotel proper is situated upon a ridge facing the Santa Cruz Mountains. It is a two-story frame structure consisting of about 100 rooms. Adjacent are the cottages which constitute with the main building the Congress Springs Hotel. The rooms in the hotel cannot be surpassed in providing comfort to a guest. Their furnishings are all that the most fastidious could require. The hotel proper is especially adapted to the California climate, and is so arranged that every room opens on the veranda, and is flooded with sunlight at least a portion of the day. The hotel has been thoi'oughly renovated and heaters placed in many of the rooms so guests can be made comfortable at all seasons of the year. The rooms are large, airy and well ventilated. The COTTACIi; AT CONGRESS SPRINGS plumbing is of the latest sanitary design. We have a new water system which insures a plentiful supply of water for house and grounds. In the rear of the hotel and cottages is a vineyard belonging to the prop- erty, while in the front is a delightful flower garden. Just across the road and directly in front of the main entrance of the hotel an arbor opens, leading the guest over a rippling merry brook through a wilderness of beauty to the famous Springs. Our means of. entertainment are not surpassed anywhere. Besides the natural attractions we have a fine club room containing first-class pool and billiard tables, with bar attached ; also bowling alley and shuffle board. Our guests this year will have the privilege of an ideal tennis court. It is surrounded by wire netting and in every particular is first-class. Racquets may be had at the hotel, but it is advisable to bring your own with you. We have several excellent croquet grounds, all finely finished and com- pletely supplied with croquet sets. Congress Springs has a well equipped bath house, supplied with both hot and cold water. The water used in the baths is the celebrated Congress mm Mineral water, and the medicinal properties of this water make the bath very desirable and beneficial for people suffering with rheumatism or any ailment of a similar nature. A beautiful swimming pond of pure mountain water constantly flowing affords ample opportunity for swimming. The grounds have been given special attention during the past winter; there are many beautiful walks over the property, among them a charming walk from the hotel to the mineral springs where guests are allowed to freely partake of this celebrated health giving water. Our children's playground contains swings and other means of amusement for the little ones where uninterrupted they may pleasantly pass the time without any restraining hand. Dancing may be indulged in by the guests to their hearts' content. A plat- form out in the woods and a hall in the hotel give ample space and up-to-date music will be furnished. \ ? APPROACH TO THE SPRINGS Congress vSprings will be kept open throughout the entire year. Mr. A. S. Olney, our new manager, takes charge on the first of March. Mr. Olney needs no introduction to the general public. As late proprietor of the Gregory House, Centerville, California, he has established such a reputation as a caterer as to place him among the first hotel men of the Pacific Coast, and under his management the Congress Springs Company feels justified in assuring the public that it will not regret a season spent at this delightful resort. The table will be first class in every particular and supplied with the very best the market affords at all seasons of the year. Outing parties from neighboring towns will be amply provided for if man- agement is given sufficient notice. RBMEMBER — Congress Springs is convenient to the railroad, with no tiresome stage ride, no dusty roads, no mosquitos ; but good meals, good beds, pure water, mountain air, delightful scenery. THE WATER The Pacific Congress Water is acknowledged to be the best mineral water on the Pacific Coast. It is celebrated in the cure of dyspepsia, rheumatism and in impurities of the blood. As a remedy in kidney and bladder troubles it has no equal. The water is bottled at the Springs and charged with its natural gas, which is collected as it bubbles from the water by large metal caps placed over the Springs, and is conveyed to the bottling works near by. It is bottled in pints, half pints and quarts, and can be had from dealers in any of the large cities in the State. Everj- family should use this water. Ask your dealer for it, or order a case from the Springs. The following analj-sis of the water is made by Dr. Winslow Anderson, Assayer, University of California: Sodium, chlo ide lU.Tf. Sodium, carbonate 120.42 Sodium, sulphate. 12.95 Potassium, carbonate 2.0G ^lagnesium, carbonate 26.34 Magnesium, sulphate 4.19 Ferrous, carbo late 13.87 Alumina 4.50 Silica.. 3.98 Total 304.07 Organic matter — trace Gases— Free carbonic acid, 44.17 RATES Hotel Rates, $10.00 to $16.00 per week. RATES FROM SAN FRANCISCO Railroad Fare, via Los Gatos, including staging, round trip, |4.00 (good for six months). Saturday to Monday, round trip, |3.75. Sunday only, round trip, $3.50. Stage meets trains leaving San Francisco, via Narrow Gauge, at 8:15 a. m. and 2:15 p. m., also train leaving Third and Townsend (Broad Gauge) at 2:45 p. m. daily — Sundays excepted. vSaturdays only — Stage meets train leaving San Francisco, via Narrow (lauge, at 4:15 p. m. , and train leaving Third and Townsend at 5:00 P. M. Parties coming on other trains must secure convej-ances at l^os Gatos. For further particulars, address Pacific Congress Springs A. S. OLNEY, Manager, or F. S. OIJVER, Secretary, No. 54(1 Parrott Building, San Francisco, Cal. VIEW FROM INSPIRATION POINT Fm5T Floor LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS I hill M mil III 017 167 918 7 ^