re you :from Iventucky ? This should bring you Don t you ^\^ant to come nome and see tke folks? The sun shines bright on my old Kentucky home m ome coming for all Kentuckians wKo have wandered to other lands or foreign shores, in Louisville, June 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, 1906. fr^#l-n^ ''Our State" Thifl 13 Kentucky. Turn an J jfazc: How fair tKe Earth ! tKc Keaven how near! >A(' here smile tKc stars. wKcrc gIo\v tLc A^elcome Day/' Registration of all visitors at tke 119 County keadquarters in tke new Armory. Mr. Henry \Vatterson will deliver tke ckief address of welcome, and former Governor David R. Francis, of Missouri, lias teen asked to respond. Among tne otners ^vno kave accepted an invitation to appear on tne programme are former XJ. S. Senators Wm. Lindsay and Jokn G. Carlisle, of New York City, Associate Justice Jokn M. Harlan, of tke U. S. Supreme Court, former Governor Tkomas T. Crittenden, of Missouri, and Hon. Preston H. Leslie, ^vko kas served kotk Kentucky and Montana as Ckief Executive. Former Vice-President Adlai E. Stevenson, of Illinois, IS expected to ke present, kaving keen invited. Tkis list will ke enlarged witk tke names of otker ICentuckians 'wko, m adopted komes, kave marked tkeir names kigk on tke roll of fame in tke law, tke ministry, and commercial pursuits. During tke afternoon tkere will ke a Floral Parade, and at nigkt a Grand Spectacular Pageant witk kistorical floats^ representing tke ckief claims of tke dif- ferent counties to kistorical distinction. "'Kentucky I love your "woods ana ver- dant kills. And every stream and farm- land. For to your sons, dear motker State, Your every roads a cnarmland : TkursJay, June 14tli IS to be ''Foster Day," in konor of Stepken Collins Foster, tke autkor of tke immortal song, ''My Old Kentucky Home/^ Tke events of tkis day will include krass kand and vocal concerts, it kemg planned to mass several kands to render " My Old Kentucky Home," and kave a ckorus of several tkousand ckildren konor Foster s memory. A statue of Foster is keing modeled ky J. L. Roop, sculptor, to ke unveiled and later placed in tke New Capitol at Frankfort. Tke sckool ckildren of Ken- tucky are raising tke fund for tke statue. Friday, June 15tli "Daniel Boone Day, 'wt.U give tke opportuni- ty of paying trikute to tke Kentucky pioneer, reviewing tke State s earliest kistory, tke trials and privations of its men and \vomen in tke eigkteentk century, tke figkts led ky Gen. George Rogers Clark, Kentuckians at tke River Raism, etc., etc. Tke day will ke spent m Ckerokee Park, acknowledged to ke unsurpassed in natural keauty, and follow- ing tke oratory tkere will ke old-faskioned games, m "wkick prizes -w^ll ke a^warded; sew- No fairer women in the ■world. Nor braver men are living. To blesf tne places •whence they go Tnan tKo5c that you are giving. And for your strong and loving ways. Your Kappy homes and graces. Your sons are zealous tliat your name Sliall Kold the Kigtest places. And love you, dear Kentucky. -- WillUm Light foot Visscher, ing tees, apple parings, com kuskmgs, tke Jay concluding -witli tke ""Virginia Reel,' on a platform (inside a stockade) kuilt to kold a tkousand couples. Snocks or com and barrels of apples were arranged for during the past winter, to be used m tne husking and paring. A tronze statue of Daniel Boone, by Miss Enid Yandell, the Kentucky sculptor of in- ternational reputation, wnicn nas been given to tbe city of Louisville by Col. C. C. Bickel, will be unveiled. The committee will pay spe- cial recognition on this day to all tbe descendants of Boone m attendance. A bandsome medal will be given tbe person present ^vbo can prove tbe closest relationsbip to the great pioneer. Saturday, June 16tn bas been set aside as '"'' Greater Kentucky Day, witb barbecues, camp fires, and tbe like, a day wben orators and poets may tell bow Ken- tuckians bave assisted m making tbe fields of otber States more prolific, tbe bencb and bar of otber States more learned, tbeir press more profound ; boAV Kentuckians bave belped dis- close tbe bidden mineral treasures of otber States; bo'w tbey bave contributed to advance- ment under all conditions. Kentucky Daughter or tke East, MotKer of tlie West; ^ Link that tinJe Nortk and Soutk. Sunday, June 17tli "Until We Meet Again" will te sung, and visitors will listen to good sermons from tte pulpits of Louisville's ckurckes, preaclied ty ex-Kentuckians ; tke day to conclude witk universal vesper services in tke new Armory. ^A Hall of Fame of Kentuckians wko kave kelped to make tke State illustrious— installed m tke new Armory — will add to tke interest attacking to tke week, as w^ill a collection of kistorical relics. ^Otker features of ''Home-Coming ^Veek" Will include County Reunions, wkick may be extended to tke county seats in many in- stances, as several commercial organizations are already planning "County Home Comings ' following tke "State Home Coming"; a grand ball, fire works, etc. ^Tke committee expects to arrange witk tke railroads to grant 30 and 60 day extensions on all tickets, wkick will enakle visitors to leave Saturday nigkt for any point in tke State, to stay for a time witk friends and relatives. A rate of one cent per mile will probably be m effect for tkese side trips. Special excur- sions will be run to Frankfort to see tke pro- Honor to tkeir Native State Kentucky genius, ^race, and gentleness, Ken- tucky initiative, pusK and pluck, Kave to every State imparted a wealtK of valued acKievemcnts and inestimable rennement. EveryA\'Kerc popular, brave, truthful, tbe Kentuckian Kas left the im- press of hig forceful yet lorahle manhood in all States and all lands to which he has wandered. j^t ^ gress of tke work on tke New CapitoL to the old komes of Akrakam Lincoln ana Jeffer- son Davis, to Mammotk Cave, and to tke two Higk Bridges across tke Kentucky River. ^In addition to tke Boone prize, kef ore men- tioned, tke committee expects to make otker kandsome awards to tke following: ^Xke former Kentuckian ^vko comes the greatest distance. flXke former ICentuckian present -wko kas lived longest outside tke State \vitkout kavmg returned. ^Xke most aged ex-ICentuckian, man or -wo- man, present. ^Xke former Kentuckian present -wko left tke State at tke tenderest age. flXke former Kentuckian present wko left tke State at tke most advanced age. ^Information as to railroad rates and ticket extensions, kotel accommodations, etc., will ke supplied later. ^ Again we keg of you to come. Commercial Cluk, V. H. ENGELHARD, President. Louisville, Ky. ror"Home-CominK" Week: R. S. BROWN, Chief Executive. R. E. HUGHES, Director-General. '*My Old Kentucky Home' Strikes a more responsive chora in the breast or true Kentuckians tlian even tKe national antLem. It is tLe call oi the Kearthstone. It nas been heard at liome by countless Kentuckians wlio Kavc been glad tbat tbey were not suffering tbc pangs Oi bomesickncss beyond tbe border oi the State. It bas brought many w^anderers back to tbeir native beatb rejoicing. Pretkof John P. Morton & Company Louisrille Kentucky