'■■ '■•• " '■■■'.•' No. T. The United States, showing F After a map by J. W. Powell in orms of Land and Principal Rivers Xational Geographic Magazine FRONTCOV.fi. ■ A SHORT HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK • BOSTON • CHICAGO ATLANTA • SAN FRANCISCO MACMILLAN & CO , Limited LONDON • BOMBAY • CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, Ltd. TORONTO Abraham Lincoln. " Our children shall behold his fame, The kindly-earnest, brave, foreseeing man, Sagacious, patient, dreading praise, not blame, New biith of our new soil, the first American." — Lowell. A SHORT HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES FOR SCHOOL USE BY EDWARD CHANNING PROFESSOR OV HISTORY IX HARVARD UNIVERSITY AUTHOR OF "A STUDENTS' HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES," ETC. REVISED IN CONSULTATION WITH SUSAN J. GINN MASTER'S ASSISTANT IN THE HYDE SCHOOL, BOSTON Xctn gorfe THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1909 Ail rights reserved E.\ Copyright, 1900, 1909, By THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Ret up and electrotyped. Published April, 1900 Reprinted May, August, 1901 ; August, September, 1902; July, 1904; January, 1906; April, 1907; February, 1908. New and revised edition June, 1909. ©Cu- j. 2.5- ':> of > ::: S ^ :he pupa's needs her will '■vj-.i^h .ire £ - - tains the reasons for many thout qualir to the ShubMtfjhstoy is made as : that the di. s is a irts by Roman numerals coves I he same periods in time as the the larger work. On the margin ! be found specific refere: ooks rad u-book either in proportion or in point The: - - Ms sables urces anci B s. Itis gges pupil, a s ■ -■; ,. I may v them v gs g mention such: s - : W to be found i bs 5 - • (N.Y., : g s . 3 /J ■ Egglest fs I >:.:::■> A PP" is - egg -; McMasfe s - -•• (N.Y., American Be k Co.), < Higgins "s ■ x v.. d S contain-: g s - .:rther u bv a sk. XVUl A SHORT HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES THE UNITED STATES i DISCOVERY AND EXPLORATION, 1000-1600 Books for Study and Reading References. — living's Columbus (abridged edition). Home Readings. — Higginson's Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic, Mackie's With the Admiral of the Ocean Sea (Columbus); Lummis's Spanish Pioneers; King's De Soto in the Land of Florida ; Wright's Children's Stories in American History; Barnes's Drake and his Yeomen. CHAPTER 1 THE EUROPEAN DISCOVERY OF AMERICA 1. Leif Ericson discovers America, iooo. — In our Leif Ericson. early childhood many of us learned to repeat the lines * — — Columbus sailed the ocean blue In fourteen hundred, ninety-two. We thought that he was the first European to visit America; but nearly five hundred years before his time Leif Ericson had discovered the New World. The European Discovery of America [§§ 1-4 He was a Northman and the son of Eric the Red. Eric had already founded a colony in Greenland, and Leif sailed from Norway to make him a visit. This was in the year 1000. Day after day Leif and his men were tossed about on the sea until they reached an unknown land where they found many grape- * American . _. „ , . __. _ History Leaf- vines. 1 hey called it V inland or \\ ineland. They &*r,No.3. then sailed northward and reached Greenland in Leif dis- covers America, iooo. Higginson, 25-30 ; k I "■W^C. Farewell Reykjavik IT. HEKLA FAROE IS. > SHETLAND IS ORKNEY Y^ 3 EYI... Chnjjianiafa I _^ ).\OKTU * , \ \ ) 3 ■ '' \ *v , DENMARK - H ^)~;T Nsles v,-" • ' .- *>< "Sgg & CAPE BRETON I. r Taris, **< FRANC i AUSTRIA Marco Polo, Cathay, and Cipango. Europe, Iceland, Greenland, and North America. safety. Precisely where Vinland was is not known ; probably it was Labrador, but it may have been some land farther south. Leif Ericson, the Northman, was therefore the real discoverer of America. 2. Early European Travelers. — The people of Europe knew more of the lands of Asia than they knew of Vinland. For hundreds of years mission- aries, traders, and travelers visited the Far East. They brought back to Europe silks and spices, and ornaments of gold and of silver. They told marvel- ous tales of rich lands and great princes. One of 1000-1492] From Leif to Columbus 3 these travelers was a Venetian named Marco Polo. He told of Cathay or China and of Cipango or Japan. This last country was an island. Its king was so rich that even the floors of his palaces were of pure gold. Suddenly the Turks conquered the lands between Europe and the golden East. They put an end to this trading and traveling. New ways to India, China, and Japan must be found. 3. Early Portuguese Sailors. — One way to the Portuguese East seemed to be around the southern end of Africa — if it should turn out that there was a southern end to that Dark Continent. In 1487 Portuguese seamen sailed around the southern end of Africa and, returning home, called that point the Cape of Storms. But the King of Portugal thought that now there was good hope of reaching India by sea. So he changed the name to Cape of Good Hope. Ten years later a brave Portuguese sailor, Vasco da Gama, actually reached India by the Cape of Good Hope, and returned safely to Portugal (1497). 4. Columbus. — Meantime Christopher Columbus, Columbus an Italian, had returned from an even more startling beliefs. voyage. From what he had read, and from what other H'gginson, J 31-35; men had told him, he had come to believe that the Eggieston, T— O ■ earth was round. If this were really true, Cipango * American and Cathay were west of Europe as well as east of ^ lstor y Lea f- J r lets, No. 1. Europe.- Columbus also believed that the earth was very much smaller than it really is, and that Cipango was only three thousand miles west of Spain. For a time people laughed at the idea of sailing westward reac 149a 4 TJU " to Cipango and Cathay. But at length Columbus secured enough money to fit out a little Beet 5. The Voyage, mo:. >lumbus left .spam m \ugust, 1492, and. volutin- at the Canaries, sailed westward into the Sea of Darkness, At ten clock in the evening ot October 20. 1492, looking out into the night, he saw a light in the distance, The fleet t 1 was soon stopped. When day broke, there. a one of the Bahama Islands. Going ash lolumbus took p ssess of the country Ferdinand and Isabella, King and I stile, rhe natives cam s fhej were reddish in color and inl - • . -for wei Inhabitar s s t - So V ed then ans, 6. The Indians and the Indies.- * Indians 1492, 1497] Columbus tjn . . 1 • 1* , 1 C • 1 1 • greal voyage Portuguese seaman in the service 01 the Spanish king. * sailed through the Straits of Magellan ami entered Eggteto* t 10-11. the same great ocean, which he called the Pacific, Thence northward and westward he sailed day after da\\ week alter week, and month after month, until hereached the Philippine Islands. The natives killed Magellan ; but one o\ his vessels found her way- back to Spain around the Cape of Good Hope. CHAPTER '2 SPANISH AND FRENCH PIONEERS IN THE UNITED STATES 10. Stories of Golden Lands. — Wherever the Span- Indian tr.uii- iards went, the Indians always told them stories o\ golden lands somewhere else. The Bahama Indians, for instance, told their cruel Spanish masters of a wonderful land toward the north. Not only was there gold in that land ; there was also a fountain whose waters restored youth and vigor to the drinker. Among the tierce Spanish soldiers was Ponce de Leon (Pon'tha da la-on'). He determined to see for himself if these stories were true. uons. 8 §§ U-I4 De I 15*3 I the M sippi. nado .540. 11. Discovery of Florida, 1513. — In the same yeai that Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean, Ponce de Leon sailed northward and westward from the Baha- mas. On Easter Sunday. 1515. he anchored off the shores of a new land. The Spanish name for Easter was La Pascua de los Flores. So De Leon called the new land Florida. For the Spaniards were a ver\ religious people and usually named their lands and settlements from saints or religious events. Pe Leon then sailed around the southern end of Florida and back to the West Indies. In 1521 he again visited Florida, was wounded by an Indian arrow, and returned home to die. 12. Spanish Voyages and Conquests. — Spanish sailors and conquerors now appeared in quick sue, - sion on the northern and western shores of the Gulf of Mexico. One of them discovered the mouth of the Mississippi. Others of them stole Indians and carried them to the islands to work as slaves. The most famous of them all was Cone.-. In 1510 he conquered Mexico after a thrilling campaign and found there great store of gold and silver. This discovery led to more expeditions and to the explora- tion of the southern half of the United States 13. Coronado in the Southwest, 1540 4a. — In 1540 Coronado set out from the Spanish towns on the Gulf of California to seek for m Id and silver. For seventy-three days he journeyed northward until he came to the pueblos (pweV-16) of the Southwt These pueblos were huge buildings of si ud sun- i54o] Coronado iti the Southwest dried clay. Some of them were large enough to Thepuebio shelter three hundred Indian families. Pueblos are *source- still to be seen in Arizona and New Mexico, and the Jiook ^- Indians living in them even to this day tell stories of Coronado's coming and of his cruelty. There was hardly any gold and silver in these "cities," so a great grief fell upon Coronado and his comrades. 14. The Great Plains. — Soon, however, a new hope came to the Spaniards, for an Indian told them that riii' Pueblo of Zun] (from a Photograph), far away in the north there really was a golden land. Coronado Onward rode Coronado and a body of picked men. Great They crossed vast plains where there were no moun- Plains - tains to guide them. For more than a thousand miles they rode on until they reached eastern Kansas. Everywhere they found great herds of buffaloes, or wild cows, as they called them. They also met the Indians of the Plains. Unlike the Indians of the pueblos, these Indians lived in tents made of buffalo hides stretched upon poles. Everywhere there were 10 CV\: [$§ 14-1S s * s sses s - - plains, but - td Indians. Nbwh< is there poW r s oken hearted. C ad his 15. De Soto in the Southeast, 1550-43. — In 15 Spanish army landed at T -. on : -:ern The - army was De iquerors of Peru. He " was very the s of killing Indian - gret gold and silver. Fi ched nor: S then iv - uth- Afobile Ba rhen be ful time; tor the Ind - burned his camp and - men. From Mobile he northv - d until he came : D It - .... . . je that a man standing bank < se* a man ling on I site bank Some of De Sot - men y - : the line : at the two bands De S and was buried in the M — ssippL Those lis men 10 si man sS sh » sin Mex 16. Other Spanish Expeditions. — I ish explorers visit! Some sailed ig the At s The S attem] 5 1 settlemei - both on : thern s v and s all the- ended in -550 :' .re no S : .rds 1524-36] Early French J r oyages 11 on the continent within the present limits of the United States, except possibly a few traders and mis- sionaries in the Southwest. 17. Early French Voyages, 1524-36. — The first Verrazano's French expedition to America was led by an Italian ls ^f eS named Verrazano (Vor-ra-tsa'-no), but he sailed in the &igsi»son, , T . . 44-45; service Ot FranCIS , , . ^Explorers, I, King ol France. He made his voy- age in 1524 and sailed along the coast from the Cape Fear River to Nova Scotia. He entered New York harbor and spent two weeks in Newport harbor. He reported that the country was " as pleasant as it is possible to conceive." The next French expedition was led by a Frenchman named Cartier (Kar'-tya'). In Cartierinthe 1534 he visited the Gulf of St. Lawrence. In j.' 'i'^ UI 1535 he sailed up the St. Lawrence River to Mont- Explorers, 99-117. real. But before he could get out of the river again the ice formed about his ships. He and his crew had to pass the winter there. They suffered terribly, and twenty-four of them perished of cold and sickness. In the spring of 1536 the survivors returned to France. 18. The French in Carolina, 1562. — The French next explored the shores of the Carolinas. Ribanlt 12 Spanish and French Pioneers [§§ 18-21 Ribault explores the Carolina coasts, 1562. French colonists in Carolina. * Explorers, 149-156. French colonists in Florida. Spaniards and French- (Re'-bo') was the name of their commander. Sail- ing southward from Carolina, he discovered a beau- tiful river and called it the River of May. But we know it by its Spanish name of St. Johns. He left a few men on the Carolina coast and returned to France. A year or more . these men remained. Then wearying of their life in the wilderness, they built a crazy boat with sails of shirts and sheets and steered for France. Soon their water gave out and then their food. Finally, almost dead, they were res- cued by an English ship. 19. The French in Florida, 1564-65. — While these Frenchmen were slowly drifting across the Atlantic, a great French expedition was sailing to Carolina. Finding Ribault's men gone, the new colony was planted on the banks of the River of May. Soon the settlers ate up all the food they had brought with them. Then they bought food from the In- dians, giving them toys and old clothes in exchange. Some of the colonists rebelled. They seized a vessel and sailed away to plunder the Spaniards in the West Indies. They told the Spaniards of the colony on the River of May, and the Spaniards resolved to destroy it. 20. The Spaniards in Florida, 1565. — For this pur- pose the Spaniards sent out an expedition under Me- 1562-67] Sir John Hawkins 13 nendez (Ma-nen'-deth). He sailed to the River of May and found Ribault there with a French fleet. So he turned southward, and going ashore founded St. Augustine. Ribault followed, but a terrible storm drove his whole fleet ashore south of St. Augustine. Menendez then marched over land to the French End of the colony. He surprised the colonists and killed nearly segment all of them. Then going back to St. Augustine, he 1 5< J S- *Explorers t found Ribault and his shipwrecked sailors and killed 159-166. nearly all of them. In this way ended the French attempts to found a colony in Carolina and Florida. But St. Augustine remained, and is to-day the oldest town on the mainland of the United States. CHAPTER 3 PIONEERS OF ENGLAND 21. Sir John Hawkins. — For many years after Hawkins's Cabot's voyage Englishmen were too busy at home 1562-67' to pay much attention to distant expeditions. But in Queen Elizabeth's time English seamen began to sail to America. The first of them to win a place in history was John Hawkins. He carried cargoes of negro slaves from Africa to the West Indies and sold them to the Spanish planters. On his third voyage he was basely attacked by the Span- iards and lost four of his five ships. Returning home, he became one of the leading men of Eliza- beth's little navy and fought most gallantly for his country. 14 Pioneers of England [§§ 22-25 Drake on the California coast, 1577-78. *Source- Book, 9. 22. Sir Francis Drake. — A greater and a more famous man was Hawkins's cousin, Francis Drake. He had been with Hawkins on his third voyage and had come to hate Spaniards most vigorously. In 1 577 he made a famous voyage round the world. Steer- ing through the Straits of Magellan, he plundered the Spanish towns on the western coasts of South America. At one place his sailors went on shore Sir Francis Drake. and found a man sound asleep. Near him were four bars of silver. "We took the silver and left the man," wrote the old historian of the voyage. Drake also captured vessels loaded with gold and silver and pearls. Sailing northward, he repaired his ship, the Pelican, on the coast of California, and returned home by the way of the Cape of Good Hope. 23. Sir Walter Ralegh. — Still another famous Eng- lishman of Elizabeth's time was Walter Ralegh. He never saw the coasts of the United States, but his 1584-87] The Ralegh Colonies 15 °° C. Charles V fX^C. Henry ROANOKE I. name is rightly connected with our history, because Ralegh and he tried again and again to found colonies on our ^ s ^j°™ es ' shores. In 1584 he sent Amadas and Barlowe to is-m *£xp/orers, explore the Atlantic seashore of North America. 177-189, Their reports were so favorable that he sent a strong colony to settle on Roanoke Island in Virginia, as he named that region. The settlers soon became discon- tented because they found no gold. Then, too, their food began to fail, and Drake, happening along, took them back to England. 24. The "Lost Colony," 1 5^7' — Ralegh made still one more attempt to found a colony in Virginia. But the fate of this colony was most dreadful. For the set- tlers entirely disappeared, — men, women, and children. Among the lost was little Virginia Dare, the first English child born in Amer- Ralegh's last ica. No one really knows what became of these jJSj"^' people. The Indians told the later settlers of James- * Explorers, 189-200. town that they had been killed by the savages. «r tx . Ruin of lh. Destruction of the Spanish Armada, 1588. — Spain's sea- This activity of the English in America was very dis- ^%' sk tressing to the King of Spain. For he claimed all History for . r , Americans, America for himself and did not wish Englishmen to 131-135. ^ Hatteras 1 6 Discovery and Exploration go thither. He determined to send a great fleet, or armada, to conquer England and thus put an end to these English voyages. But Hawkins, Drake, and the men behind the English guns beat off the in- vaders with cruel loss. Spain's sea-power never re- covered from this terrible blow. Englishmen could now found colonies with slight fear of the Spaniards. When the Spanish king learned of the settlement of Jamestown, he ordered an expedition to go from St. Augustine to destroy the English colony. But the Spaniards never got farther than the mouth of the James River ; because when they reached that point, they thought they saw the masts and spars of an English ship. They at once turned about and sailed back to Florida as fast as they could go. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS Chapter i 1. So far as we know, who was the discoverer of America ? 2. Show on a map the route the Northmen probably followed in sailing from Norway to the coast of North America. 3. What portions of the earth were known to Europeans in 1490? 4. Why was it necessary for the Europeans to rind a new route to India, China, and Japan? 5. State Columbus's beliefs about the shape and size of the earth. 6. Tell about Columbus's first voyage. Trace it on the map. 7. What land did Columbus think he had reached ? 8. Why was Cabot's voyage important ? 9. Why was the New World called America and not Columbia ? 10. Tell about the discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Why was this discovery important ? Questions and Topics 17 Chapter 2 1. 2. 3- why ? 4- 5- 6. 7- What was the chief aim of the Spanish discoverers? Tell about the finding of Florida. Who was the most famous of these Spanish conquerors, and Describe Coronado's march. Trace De Soto's expedition on the map. What attempts did the Spaniards make at settlement up to Why is Verrazano's voyage important ? Describe Cartier's experiences in the St. Lawrence. Tell about the French in Carolina and Florida. Chapter 3 1. Who was Sir John Hawkins ? 2. Compare Drake's route around the world with that of Magellan. 3. Explain Ralegh's connection with our history. 4. What territory did the word Virginia signify in 1600 ? 5. What effect did the defeat of Spain have upon colonization in America ? General Questions 1. Draw upon an Outline Map the routes of all the explorers men- tioned. Place names and dates in their proper places. 2. Arrange a table of the various explorers as follows : — Date Spanish French English Regions Visited 1492 Columbus Bahama Islands, etc. 1497 Cabot Coast of America north of Nova Scotia i5 J 3 Ponce de Leon Florida 15*3 Balboa South Sea (Pacific) i5 J 9 Cortez Mexico 1 8 Discovery ( Elizabeth. II COLONIZATION, 1600-1660 Books for Study and Reading References. — Fiske's United States for Schools. 59-133: E^ gleston's United States and its People. 91-113 (for colonial life) : Bradford's Plymouth Plantation (extracts in •• American Hisl Leaflets,'' No. 29). Home Readings. — Drake's Making of New England ', Drake's A faking of Virginia and the Middle States; Eggleston's Poca- hontas and Powhatan : Dix's Soldier Rigdale (Pilgrim children; : living's Knickerbocker Hi dory: Webster's Plymouth Oration; Longfellow's Miles Standish; Austin's Standish of Standish ; Guerber's Story of the Thirteen Colonies. CHAPTER 4 FRENCH COLONISTS, MISSIONARIES, AND EXPLORERS 26. The French in Acadia. — For nearly forty years Settlement after the destruction of the colony on the River of ^/" May, Frenchmen were too busy fighting one another at home to send any more colonists to America. At length, in 1604, a few Frenchmen settled on an island in the St. Croix River. But the place was so cold and windy that after a few months they crossed the Bay of Fundy and founded the town of Port Royal. Port RoyaL The country they called Acadia. 19 20 Frc7ich Colonists [§§ 27-30 Champlain at Plymouth. Quebec founded, 1608. 27. Champlain and his Work. — The most famous of these colonists was Champlain. He sailed along the coast southward and westward as far as Plymouth. As he passed by the mouth of Boston harbor, a mist hung low over the water, and he did not see the en- trance. Had it been clear he would have discovered Boston harbor and Charles River, and French colo- nists might have settled there. In 1608 Champlain built a trading-post at Quebec and lived there for fp* U MT. DESERT C. Sable "£.,. IX? H >■> MT. DESERT _ ( built stations on the shores of the Great Lakes. They made long expeditions to unknown regions. Some of them were killed by those whom they tried to convert to Christianity. Others were robbed and left to starve. Others still were tortured and cruelly abused. But the prospect of starvation, torture, and death only made them more eager to carry on their great work. 30. The Iroquois. — The strongest of all the Indian The League tribes were the nations who formed the League of the Iroquois# Iroquois. Ever since Champlain fired upon them they hated the sight of a Frenchman. On the other hand, Their hatred they looked upon the Dutch and the English as their F rench# friends. French missionaries tried to convert them its impor- tance. to Christianity as they had converted the St. Law- rence Indians. But the Iroquois saw in this only 22 French Colonists [§§ 30-32 Tin mission- another attempt at French conquest. So they de- :,l " s;m,1,llc stroyed the mission stations and made war on the [roquois. J Indians who were friendly to the French. For a century and a half the Iroquois stood between the Champlain's Attack or; an Iroquois Fort. Dutch and English settlers and their common enemies in Canada. Few events, in American history, therefore, have had such great conse- quences as Champlain's unprovoked attacks upon the Iroquois. 1607J The Founding of Jamestown 23 CHAPTER 5 VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND 31. The Virginia Company, 1606. — English peo- New condi- ple were now beginning to think in earnest of found- ^England? 6 ing colonies. It was getting harder and harder to earn one's living in England, and it was very difficult to invest one's money in any useful way. It followed, from this, that there were many men who were glad to become colonists, and many persons who were glad to provide money to pay for founding colonies. In 1606 the Virginia Company was formed and coloni- The Virginia zation began on a large scale. 32. Founding of Jamestown, 1607. — The first colo- The Virginia ., , r , T . ..... , /*'*- -n colonists at msts sailed for Virginia in December, 1606. 1 hey were j amestown> months on the way and suffered terrible hardships. * 6 °7- . -' Higginson, They reached Chesapeake Bay and James River and 52,110-117; Ep ,:r lcston settled on a peninsula on the James, about thirty miles I9 _ A 28 . from its mouth (May, 1607). Across the little isth- *^^' mus which connects this peninsula with the mainland they built a strong fence, or stockade, to keep the In- dians away from their huts. They named their settle- ment Jamestown. The early colonists were not fitted for the rough work of clearing and settling a new coun- try. Some of them were gentlemen who had never la- bored with their hands ; others were poor, idle fellows whose only wish was to do nothing whatever. There were a few energetic men, among them : Ratcliffe, Archer, and Captain John Smith. These spent their 24 Virginia cinJ Maryland [§§ 3»-35 Sir Thomas Dale. Sickness and time in exploring the bay and the rivers, in hunting death. r _; , tor gold, and in quarreling with one another. With the summer came levers, and soon fifty of the one hundred and five original colonists were dead. Then followed a eold, hard win- ter, and many of those who had not died of fever in the summer, now died of eold. The colonists brought little food with them, they were too lazy to plant much corn, and they were able to get only small supplies from the Indians. Indeed, the early history of Virginia is given mainly to accounts of "starving times." Of the first thousand colonists not one hundred lived ten years to tell the tale of these early da vs. 33. Sir Thomas Dale and Good Order. — In 1611 Sir Thomas Dale came out as ruler, and he ruled with an iron hand. If a man refused to work. Dale made a slave of him for three years ; if he did not work hard enough. Dale had him soundly whipped. But Sir Thomas Dale was not only a severe man ; he was also a wise man. Hitherto everything had been in common. Dale now tried the experiment of giving *Ml 1 p * 7 ~t*nry % ^ C. CharUs i6u] Sir Thomas Dale 25 three acres of land to every one of the old planters, His wise and he also allowed them time to work on their own land. 34. Tobacco-growing and Prosperity. — European Tobacco, people were now beginning to use tobacco. Most of it came from the Spanish colonies. Tobacco grew wild in Virginia. But the colonists at first did not know how to dry it and make it fit for smoking. After a few years they found out how to prepare it. They now worked with great eagerness and planted tobacco on every spot of cleared land. Men with money came over from England. They brought Prosperity, many workingmen with them and planted large pieces of ground. Soon tobacco became the money of the colony, and the whole life of Virginia turned on its cultivation. But it was difficult to find enough la- borers to do the necessary work. 35. Servants and Slaves. — Most of the laborers white were white men and women who were bound to ser- servants * vice for terms of years. These were called servants. Some of them were poor persons who sold their labor to pay for their passage to Virginia. Others were unfortunate men and women and even children who were stolen from their families and sold to the colonists. Still others were criminals whom King Criminals. James sent over to the colony because that was the cheapest thing to do with them. In 1619 the first negro slaves were brought to Virginia by a Dutch Negro slaves, vessel. The Virginians bought them all — only twenty in number. But the planters preferred white 26 Virginia and Maryland [§§ 35-39 Sir Edwin Sandys, The first American legislature, 1619. End of the Virginia Company, Virginia a royal province. laborers. It was not until more than twenty-five years had passed away that the slaves really became numerous enough to make much difference in the life of the colony. 36. The First American Legislature, 1619. — The men who first formed the Virginia Company had long since lost interest in it. Other men had taken their places. These latter were mostly Puritans (p. 29) or were the friends and workers with the Puritans. The best known of them was Sir Edwin Sandys, the playmate of William Brewster — one of the Pilgrim Fathers (p. 29). Sandys and his friends sent Sir George Yeardley to Virginia as governor. They ordered him to summon an assembly to be made up of representatives chosen by the freemen of the colony. These representatives soon did away with Dale's ferocious regulations, and made other and much milder laws. 37. Virginia becomes a Royal Province, 1624. — The Virginians thought this was a very good way to be governed. But King James thought that the new rulers of the Virginia Company were much too liberal, and he determined to destroy the company. The judges in those days dared not displease the king for he could turn them out of office at any time. So when he told them to destroy the Virginia charter they took the very first opportunity to declare it to be of no force. In this way the Virginia Company came to an end, and Virginia became a royal province with a governor appointed by the king. >* 1632] Settlement of Maryland 27 38. Religious Intolerance. — In 1625 King James intolerance died, and his son Charles became king. He left the m llgmla ' Virginians to themselves for the most part. They liked this. But they did not like his giving the northern part of Virginia to a Roman Catholic favorite, Lord Baltimore, with the name of Mary- land. Many Roman Catholics soon settled in Lord Baltimore's colony. The Virginians feared lest they might come to Virginia and made severe laws against them. Puritan missionaries also came from Persecution New England and began to convert the Virginians ^^5 to Puritanism. Governor Berkeley and the leading- Virginians were Episcopalians. They did not like the Puritans any better than they liked the Roman Catholics. They made harsh laws against them and drove them out of Virginia into Maryland. 39. Settlement of Maryland. — Maryland included Maryland the most valuable portion of Virginia north of the Bafthnore Potomac. Beside being the owner of all this land, I<3 3 2 - Lord Baltimore was also the ruler of the colony. He invited people to go over and settle in Maryland and offered to give them large tracts of land on the payment of a small sum every year forever. Settlement oi Each man's payment was small. But all the pay- ^Stfww* ments taken together, made quite a large amount i 2I ~ I2 3; Eggleston, which went on growing larger and larger as Maryland 50-53; was settled. The Baltimores were broad-minded Book C %-<\ men. They gave their colonists a large share in the government of the colony and did what they could to bring about religious toleration in Maryland. 2S Virginia and Maryland [§§ 40-43 Roman - - .nd. Roman Catholics and Puritans in Maryland. The To'.era- Act, and grain. Commerce. - and 40. The Maryland Toleration Act, 1649. — The English Roman Catholics were cruelly oppressed. No priest of that faith was allowed to live in England. And Roman Catholics who were not priests had to pay heavy fines simply because they were Roman Catholics. Lord Baltimore hoped that his fellow Catholics might find a place of shelter in Mankind, and many of the leading colonists were Roman Cath- olics. But most of the laborers were Protestants. Soon came the Puritans from Virginia. They were kindly received and given land. But it was evident that it would be difficult for Roman Catholics, Epis- copalians, and Puritans to live together without some kind of law to go by. So a law was made that any Christian might worship as he saw fit. This was the first toleration act in the history of America. It was the first toleration act in the history of modern times. But the Puritan, Roger Williams, had already estab- lished religious freedom in Rhode Island (p. 33} 41. Maryland Industries. — Tobacco was the most important crop in early Maryland. But grain was raised in many parts of the colony. In time also there grew up a large trading town. This was Balti- more. Its shipowners and merchants became rich and numerous, while there were almost no ship- owners or merchants in Virginia. There were also fewer slaves in Maryland than in Virginia. Nearly all the hard labor in the former colony was done In- white servants. In most other ways, however, Vir- ginia and Maryland were nearly alike. id 20] The Pilgrims 29 CHAPTER 6 NEW ENGLAND 42. The Puritans. — The New England colonies The English were founded by English Puritans who left England because they could not do as they wished in the home land. All Puritans were agreed in wishing for a freer government than they had in England under the Stuart kings and in state matters were really the Liberals of their time In religious mat- ters, however, they were not all of one mind. Some of them wished to make only a few changes in the Church. These were called Non-Conformists. Others Non-Con- wished to make so many changes in religion that they could not stay in the English State Church. These were called Separatists. The settlers of Plym- separatists, outh were Separatists ; the settlers of Boston and neighboring towns were Non-Conformists. 43. The Pilgrims. — Of all the groups of Separa- The Scrooby tists scattered over England none became so famous H ^ g ^ lsoni as those who met at Elder Brewster's house at Scrooby. 55-56 ; Egglcston, King James decided to make all Puritans conform 34. to the State Church or to hunt them out of the land. The Scrooby people soon felt the weight of perse- cution. After suffering great hardships and cruel treatment they fled away to Holland. But there they They flee to found it very difficult to make a living. They suf- fered so terribly that many of their English friends preferred to go to prison in England rather than lead 30 New England [§§ 43-4^ They decide such a life of slavery in Holland. So the Pilgrims to America determined to found a colony in America. They reasoned that they could not be worse off in America, because that would be impossible. At all events, their children would not grow up as Dutchmen, but would still be Englishmen. They had entire religious freedom in Holland; but they thought they would have the same in America. The voyage of the May- flower t 1620. Brewster's House at Scrooby. The Pilgrims held their services in the building on the left, now used as a cow-house. 44. The Voyage across the Atlantic. — Brewster's old friend, Sir Edwin Sandys, was now at the head of the Virginia Company. He easily procured land for the Pilgrims in northern Virginia, near the Dutch settlements (p. 41). Some London merchants lent them money. But they lent it on such harsh condi- tions that the Pilgrims 1 early life in America was nearly as hard as their life had been in Holland. They had a dreadful voyage across the Atlantic in 1620] The Mayfloivcr Compact 31 the Mayflower. At one time it seemed as if the ship would surely go down. But the Pilgrims helped the sailors to place a heavy piece of wood under one of the deck beams and saved the vessel from going to pieces. On November 19, 1620, they sighted land off the The May- coast of Cape Cod. They tried to sail around the capTcSd cape to the southward, but storms drove them back, and they anchored in Provincetown harbor. 45. The Mayflower Compact, 1620. — All the pas- The Pilgrim sengers on the Mayflower were not Pilgrims. Some ify^. of them were servants sent out by the London mer- chants to work for them. These men said that as they were out- side of Virginia, the leaders of the expedition would have no power over them as soon as they got on land. This was true enough, so the Pilgrims drew up and signed a compact which obliged the signers to obey whatever was de- cided to be for the public good. It gave the chosen leaders power to make the unruly obey their commands. 46. The First Winter at Plymouth. — For nearly The Pilgrims a month the Pilgrims explored the shores of Cape coast*. 16 Cod Bay. Finally, on December 21, 1620, a boat * Explorers, 319-328. party landed on the mainland inside of Plymouth harbor. They decided to found their colony on the shore at that place. About a week later the May- flower anchored in Plymouth harbor. For months 32 New England [§§ 46-49 Plymouth settled. Higginson, 58-60; ston, 35-38; *Source- Book, 39-41. Sickness and death. The Pilgrims and the Indians. * Explorers, 333-337- Success of the colony. New Plymouth colonv. Founders of Massachu- setts. the Pilgrims lived on the ship while working parties built the necessary huts on shore. It was in the midst of a cold New England winter. The work was hard and food and clothing were not well suited to the worker's needs. Before the Mayflower sailed away in the spring one-half of the little band was dead. 47. New Plymouth Colony. — Of all the Indians who once had lived near Plymouth only one remained. His name was Squanto. He came to the Pilgrims in the spring. He taught them to grow corn and to dig clams, and thus saved them from starvation. The Pilgrims cared for him most kindly as long as he lived. Another and more important Indian also came to Plymouth. He was Massasoit, chief of the strongest Indian tribe near Plymouth. With him the Pilgrims made a treaty which both parties obeyed for more than fifty years. Before long the Pilgrims' life became somewhat easier. They worked hard to raise food for themselves, they fished off the coasts, and bought furs from the Indians. In these ways they got together enough money to pay back the Lon- don merchants. Many of their friends joined them. Other towns were settled near by, and Plymouth became the capital of the colony of New Plymouth. But the colony was never very prosperous, and in the end was added to Massachusetts. 48. The Founding of Massachusetts, 1629-30. — Unlike the poor and humble Pilgrims were the foun- ders of Massachusetts. They were men of wealth and 1630] Founding of Massachusetts 33 Saleih j 5 Sii social position, as for instance, John Winthrop and * Explorers Sir Richard Saltonstall. They left comfortable homes *Source- in England to found a Puritan state in America. Boo/i <^s-^, 74-76. They got a great tract of land extending from the Merrimac to the Charles, and westward across the continent. Hun- dreds of colonists came over in the years 1629-30. They settled Boston, Salem, and neighboring towns. In the next ten years thousands more joined them. From the begin- ning Massachusetts was strong and prosperous. Among so many people there were Settlement some who did not get on happily with the rulers of setts^So. U the Colony. Higpinson, 49. Roger Williams and Religious Liberty. — Eggieston, Among the newcomers was Roger Williams, a Puri- 39_4I# tan minister. He disagreed with the Massachusetts R 0g er leaders on several points. For instance, he thought Wllh f ms 1 ° expelled from that the Massachusetts people had no right to their Massachu- • setts lands, and he insisted that the rulers had no power in Hig'ginson, religious matters — as enforcing the laws as to Sun- 68 ~ 7 °- day. He insisted on these points so strongly that the Massachusetts government expelled him from the colony. In the spring of 1636, with four companions He founds he founded the town of Providence. There he de- *££ dence ' cided that every one should be free to worship God as *source- , , Cl. Boo A, 52-54. he or she saw nt. 34 New England [§§ 5°-53 Mrs. Hutch- inson and her friends. They settle Rhode Island, 1637. The Con- necticut colonists. Founding of Connecticut, 1635-36. Higginson, 71-72. Providenc 50. The Rhode Island Towns. — Soon another band of exiles came from Massachusetts. These were Mrs. Hutchinson and her followers. Mrs. Hutchin- son was a brilliant Puritan woman who had come to Boston from England to enjoy the ministry of John Cotton, one of the Boston ministers. She soon began to find fault with the other minis- ters of the colony. Nat- urally, they did not like this. Their friends were more numerous than were Mrs. Hutch- inson's friends, and the latter had to leave Mas- sachusetts. They settled on the island of Rhode Island (1637). 51. The Connecticut Colony. — Besides those Puri- tans whom the Massachusetts people drove from their colony there were other settlers who left Massachu- setts of their own free will. Among these were the founders of Connecticut. The Massachusetts people would gladly have had them remain, but they were discontented and insisted on going away. They settled the towns of Hartford, Windsor, and Weathersfield, on the Connecticut River. At about the same time John Winthrop, Jr., led a colony to Saybrook, at the mouth of the Connecticut. Up to 1639] First American Constitution 35 this time the Dutch had seemed to have the best chance to settle the Connecticut Valley. But the control of that region was now definitely in the hands of the English. 52. The Pequod War, 1637. — The Pequod Indians Destruction were not so ready as the Dutch to admit that re- sistance was hopeless. They of the Pequods, 1637. attacked Wethersfield. They killed several colonists, and carried others away into cap- tivity. Captain John Mason of Connecticut and Captain John Underhill of Massachu- setts went against them with about one hundred men. They surprised the Indians in their fort. They set fire to the fort, and shot down the In- dians as they strove to escape from their burning wigwams. In a short time the Pequod tribe was destroyed. 53. The First American Constitution, 1638-39. — The Connecticut colonists had leisure now to settle the form of their government. Massachusetts had such a liberal charter that nothing more seemed to be neces- sary in that colony. The Mayflower Compact did well enough for the Pilgrims. The Connecticut people had no charter, and they wanted something more defi- nite than a vague compact. So in the winter of 1638- 39 they met at Hartford and set down on paper a 36 New England [§§ 53-55 The Connecticut Orders of 1638-39. The New Haven settlers. complete set of rules for their guidance. This was the first time in the history of the English race that any people had tried to do this. The Connecticut con- stitution of 1638-39 is therefore looked upon as "the first truly political written constitution in history." John Winthrop, Jr. The government thus established was very much the same as that of Massachusetts with the exception that in Connecticut there was no religious condition for the right to vote as there was in Massachusetts. 54. New Haven, 1638. — The settlers of New Haven went even farther than the Massachusetts rul- ers and held that the State should really be a part of 1643] New England Confederation 37 the Church. Massachusetts was not entirely to their tastes. They passed only one winter there and then moved away and settled New Haven. But this New Haven colony was not well situated for commerce, and was °££ too near the Dutch settlements (p. 41). It was never Higginson, 72-73. as prosperous as Connecticut and was finally joined to that colony. 55. The New England Confederation, 1643. — Be- Reasons for sides the settlements that have already been described there were colonists living in New Hampshire and in Maine. Massachusetts included the New Hampshire towns within her government, for some of those towns were within her limits. In 1640 the Long Parlia- ment met in England, and in 1645 Oliver Cromwell and the Puritans destroyed the royal army in the bat- tle of Naseby. In these troubled times England could do little to protect the New England colonists, and could do nothing to punish them for acting in- dependently. The New England colonists were sur- rounded by foreigners. There were the French on the north and the east, and the Dutch on the west. The Indians, too, were living in their midst and might at any time turn on the whites and kill them. Thinking all these things over, the four leading colo- nies decided to join together for protection. They formed the New England Confederation, and drew Articles of r^., , ,. . . t»i 1 Confedera- up a constitution. 1 he colonists living in Rhode tion> l643 Island and in Maine did not belong to the Confedera- tion, but they enjoyed many of the benefits flowing from it ; for it was quite certain that the Indians and 33 New Netherlami and New Szveden [§§ 55-59 England towns. Higgi*- *"'. 47-79 Education. the French and the Dutch would think twice before attacking any of the New England settlements. 56. Social Conditions. — The New England colonies were all settled on the town system, for there were no industries which demanded large plantations — as tobacco-planting. The New Englanders were small farmers, mechanics, ship-builders, and fishermen. There were few servants in New England and almost no negro slaves. Most of the laborers were free men and worked for wages as la- borers now do. Above all, the New Englanders were very zeal- ous in the matter of education. Harvard College was founded in 1636. A few years later a law was passed compelling every town to provide schools for all the children in the town. CHAPTER 7 A Child's High Chair, about 1050. The Dutch East India Company. NEW NETHERLAND AND NEW SWEDEN 57. The Dutch. — At this time the Dutch were the greatest traders and ship-owners in the world. They were especially interested in the commerce of the East Indies. Indeed, the Dutch India Company was the most successful trading company in exist- 1609] Hudson's Voyage 39 ence. The way to the East Indies lay through seas carefully guarded by the Portuguese, so the Dutch India Company hired Henry Hudson, an English sailor, to search for a new route to India. 58. Hudson's Voyage, 1609. — He set forth in Henry 1609 in the Half -Moon, a stanch little ship. At first he sailed northward, but ice soon blocked his way. He then sailed southwestward to find a strait, which was said to lead through America, north of Chesapeake Bay. On August 3, 1609, he He discovers reached the entrance of what is now New York har- Ri ver°i6o9. bor. Soon the Half-Moon entered the mouth of the Higginson, J 88-90 ; river that still bears her captain's name. Up, up the ^Explorers, river she sailed, until finally she came to anchor near 2 I_29 ' the present site of Albany. The ship's boats sailed even farther north. Everywhere the country was delightful. The Iroquois came off to the ship in their canoes. Hudson received them most kindly — quite unlike the way Champlain treated other Iro- quois Indians at about the same time, on the shore of Lake Champlain (p. 20). Then Hudson sailed down the river again and back to Europe. He made one later voyage to America, this time under the English His death, flag. He was turned adrift by his men in Hudson's 2f ^_^ r5 ' Bay, and perished in the cold and ice. 59. The Dutch Fur-Traders. — Hudson's failure to The Dutch find a new way to India made the Dutch India Com- pany lose interest in American exploration. But many Dutch merchants were greatly interested in Hud- son's account of the " Great River of the Mountain." 40 New Nethcrland and New Sweden [§§ 59-61 Settle on Manhattan Island. New Nether- land. The Dutch West India Company, 1621. Higginson, 90-96; *Explorers, 303-307 ; * Source- Book, 42-44. The patroons, 1628. They thought that they could make money from trad- ing for furs with the Indians. They sent many expe- ditions to Hudson's River, and made a great deal of money. Some of their captains explored the coast northward and southward as far as Boston harbor and Delaware Bay. Their principal trading-posts were on Manhattan Island, and near the site of Albany. In 16 14 some of the leading traders ob- tained from the Dutch government the sole right to trade between New France and Virginia. They called this region New Netherland. 60. The Founding of New Netherland. — In 1621 the Dutch West India Company was founded. Its first object was trade, but it also was directed " to advance the peopling" of the American lands claimed by the Dutch. Colonists now came over; they set- tled at New Amsterdam, on the southern end of Manhattan Island, and also on the western end of Long Island. By 1628 there were four hundred colonists in New Netherland. But the colony did not grow rapidlv, so the Company tried to interest rich men in the scheme of colonization, by giving them large tracts of land and large powers of government. These great land owners were called 1 644] Kieft and the Indians 41 patroons. Most of them were not very successful. Indeed, the whole plan was given up before long, and land was given to any one who would come out and settle. 61. Kieft and the Indians, 1643-44. — The worst Governor Kieft of the early Dutch governors was William Kieft (Keeft). He was a bankrupt and a thief, who was The Dutch Colony of New Amsterdam. sent to New Netherland in the hope that he would reform. At first he did well and put a stop to the smuggling and cheating which were common in the colony. Emigrants came over in large numbers, and everything seemed to be going on well when Kieft's brutality brought on an Indian war that nearly des- troyed the colony. The Indians living near New Amsterdam sought shelter from the Iroquois on the mainland opposite Manhattan Island. Kieft thought 42 New Netlierland and New Sweden [§§ 61-64 Kieft orders the Indians to be killed. Results of the massacre. Peter Stuyvesant. Higginson, 97- The Swedes on the Delaware. Higginson, 106-108. it would be a grand thing to kill all these Indian neighbors while they were collected together. He sent a party of soldiers across the river and killed many of them. The result was a fierce war with all the neighboring tribes. The Dutch colonists were driven from their farms. Even New Am- sterdam with its stockade was not safe. For the Indians sometimes came within the stockade and killed the people in the town. When there were less than two hundred people left in New Amsterdam, Kieft was recalled, and Peter Stuyvesant was sent as governor in his stead. 62. Stuyvesant' s Rule. — Stuyvesant was a hot- tempered, energetic soldier who had lost a leg in the Company's service. He ruled New Netherland for a long time, from 1647 to 1664. And he ruled so sternly that the colonists were glad when the Eng< lish came and conquered them. This unpopularity was not entirely Stuyvesant's fault. The Dutch West India Company was a failure. It had no money to spend for the defence of the colonists, and Stuyvesant was obliged to lay heavy taxes on the people. 63. New Sweden. — When the French, the English, and the Dutch were founding colonies in America, the Swedes also thought that they might as well have a colony there too. They had no claim to» any land in America. But Swedish armies were fighting the Dutchmen's battles in Europe. The Swedes planted a colony on Dutch territory on Delaware Bay 1660] Summary 43 Dutch. As long as the European war went on, the stuyvesant Swedes were not interfered with. But when the Euro- Jhem" 6 pean war came to an end, Stuyvesant was told to conquer them. This he did without much trouble, as he had about as many soldiers as there were Swedish colonists. In this way New Sweden became a part of New Netherland. 64. Summary,, — We have seen how the French, Summary. the Dutch, the Swedish, and the English colonies were established on the Atlantic seashore and in the St. Lawrence valley. South of these settlements there was the earlier Spanish colony at St. Augustine. The Spanish colonists were very few in number, but they gave Spain a claim to Florida. The Swedish colony had been absorbed by the stronger Dutch colony. We have also seen how very unlike were the two The English groups of colonies. They were both settled co i on i es . c by Englishmen, but there the likeness stops. For Virginia and Maryland were slave colonies. They produced large crops of tobacco. The New England The New colonists on the other hand were practically all free. c Ji iTies. They lived in towns and engaged in all kinds of industries. In the next hundred years we shall see how the English conquered first the Dutch and then the French ; how they planted colonies far to the south of Virginia and in these ways occupied the whole coast north of Florida. 44 Colonization QUESTIONS AND TOPICS Chapter 4 1. Tell about the settlement of Acadia. 2. Describe the work of Champlain. 3. Give three reasons for the coming of the French to America. Compare these reasons with those of the Spaniards. 4. What did the Jesuits do for the Indians? 5. Explain the importance of Champlain's attacks upon the Iro- quois. Chapter 5 1. For what two reasons did the English decide to come back to America? 2. Describe the settlement of Virginia. 3. What did Dale do to improve conditions in the colony? 4. To what was the prosperity of Virginia due? Explain. 5. Explain the difference between servants and slaves. 6. For what two things is the year 1619 famous? 7. What happened in 1624? 8. Tell about religious persecution in Virginia. 9. Describe the likenesses and differences between Virginia and Maryland. 10. Why was the Maryland Toleration Act necessary? What do you think of it ? Chapter 6 1. Why did the Enghh Puritans leave England? What does " Puritan" mean? 2. What two classes oi Puritans came to America? 3. Describe the voyage oi the Mayflower. Trace it on the map. 4. What was the object oi the Mayflower compact? 5. Describe the first winter at Plymouth. Read Bradford's account. 6. I low did the Indians treat the Pilgrims? 7. What advantages did the founders of Massachusetts have over those of Plymouth ? Questions and Topics 45 8. On what matter did Roger Williams disagree with the rulers of Massachusetts? 9. Why was Mrs. Hutchinson expelled from Massachusetts? 10. Who were the founders of Connecticut? 11. What were the results of the Pequod War? 12. What is a constitution? Why did the Connecticut people feel the need of one? Why is the Connecticut constitution famous? 13. Why did the New Haven settlers found a separate colony? What finally happened to the colony, and why? 14. Give the reasons for the formation of the New England Con- federation. What were the effects of this union? 15. Compare the industries of New England with those of Virginia. Chapter 7 1. Why did the Dutch East India Company wish a new route to India? 2. Describe Hudson's expedition. How did his treatment of the Iroquois compare with Champlain's? 3. What attracted the Dutch to the region discovered by Hudson? 4. Why was the Dutch West India Company founded? Who were the patroons? 5. Describe the career of Kieft. 6. Why was Governor Stuyvesant unpopular? 7. How did New Sweden happen to be settled? What eventually happened to it? General Questions 1. Mark on a map in colors the lands settled by the different Euro- pean natiuns. 2. Note the position of the Dutch with reference to the English, and explain the importance of such position. 3. Give one fact about each of the colonies, and state why you think it important. 4. Give one fact which especially interests you in connection with each colony, and explain your interest. 5. In which colony would you have liked to live, and why? 46 Colonization Tories for Special Work 1. Champlain's place in American history (Parkman's Pioneers'). 2. The story of Captain John Smith and Pocahontas. 3. The First American Legislature ami its work (Hart's Contempo- raries, I, No. 65). 4. Why did the Pilgrims come to America? (Bradford's Plymouth). 5. Arrange a table of the several settlements similar to that described on page 17. 6. Write a composition on life in early colonial days (Eggleston's United States, 91-1 13). Ill A CENTURY OF COLONIAL HISTORY, 1660-1760 Books for Study and Reading References. — Fiske's United States for Schools, 133-180; McMaster's School History, 93-108 (life in 1763); Source-Book, ch. vii ; Fisher's Colonial Era ; Earle's Child Life. Home Readings. — Parkman's Montcalm and Wolfe ; Franklin's Autobiography ; Brooks's In Leister's Times ; Coffin's Old Times ill the Colonies ; Cooper's Last of the Mohicans ; Scudder's Men and Manners One Hundred Years Ago. CHAPTER 8 THE COLONIES UNDER CHARLES II 65. The Puritans and the Colonists, 1649-60. — The Puritan in 1649 Charles I was executed, and for eleven years ^"iSor?" the Puritans were supreme in England. During this and Chan- . ning, English time the New England colonists governed them- History for selves, and paid little heed to the wishes and orders A ™ eruans > 1 r 182-195. of England's rulers. After some hesitation, the Vir- ginians accepted the authority of Cromwell and the The Puritans. In return they were allowed to govern them- 6 ° on 6 ^ s ' selves. In Maryland the Puritans overturned Balti- more's governor and ruled the province for some years, 47 4 8 The Colonies under Charles II [§§ 66-69 The Restora- tion, 1660. English History for Americans, 196. The Naviga- tion Laws. Charles II and Massa- chusetts. Massachu- setts and the Quakers. Higginson, 80-81. Charters of Connecticut and Rhode Island, 1662-63. 66. Colonial Policy of Charles II. — In 1660 Charles II became king of England or was " restored" to the throne, as people said at the time. Almost at once there was a great revival of interest in colonization, and the new government interfered vigorously in colonial affairs. In 165 1 the Puritans had begun the system of giving the English trade only to English merchants and shipowners. This system was now extended, and the more important colonial products could be carried only to English ports. 67. Attacks on Massachusetts. — The new govern- ment was especially displeased by the independent spirit shown by Massachusetts. Only good Puritans could vote in that colony, and members of the Church of England could not even worship as they wished. The Massachusetts people paid no heed whatever to the navigation laws and asserted that acts of Par- liament had no force in the colony. It chanced that at this time Massachusetts had placed herself clearly in the wrong by hanging four persons for no other reason than that they were Quakers. The English government thought that now the time had come to assert its power. It ordered the Massachusetts rulers to send other Quakers to England for trial. ' But, when this order reached Massachusetts, there were no Quakers in prison awaiting trial, and none were ever sent to England. 68. Connecticut and Rhode Island. — While the English government was attacking Massachusetts it was giving most liberal charters to Connecticut and 1664] Conquest of New Netherland 49 to Rhode Island. Indeed, these charters were so liberal that they remained the constitutions of the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island until long after the American Revolution. The Connecticut New Haven charter included New Haven within the limits of the Connecticut larger colony and thus put an end to the separate ex- istence of New Haven. The Oldest Church south of the Potomac. 69. Conquest of New Netherland, 1664. — The The English English government now determined to conquer New^Nether- New Netherland. An English fleet sailed to New land - 16 °4- Higginson, Amsterdam. Stuyvesant thumped up and down 97-98. on his wooden leg. But he was almost the only man in New Amsterdam who wanted to fight. He soon surrendered, and New Netherland became an English colony. The Dutch later recaptured it s So T/it' Colonics under Charles II [§§ 69-74 and held it for a time; but in 1674 they finally handed it over to England. New Nether. 70. New York. — Even before the colony was land given to ... -^ ^. , TT . , . the Duke of seized in 1604, Charles 11 gave it away to his York and brother lames, Duke of York and Albany, who after- Albany. ■' J ward became king as James II. The name of New Netherland was therefore changed to New York, and the principal towns were also named in his honor, New York and Albany. Little else was changed in the colony. The Dutch were allowed to live very nearly as they had lived before, and soon became even happier and more contented than they had been under Dutch rule. Many English settlers now came in. The colony became rich and pros- -.. „. perous, but the people had little to do with their own pjov- Origin of Nrw Jersey, 1004. ernment. 71. New Jersey. — No sooner had James received New Nether- land from his brother than he hastened to give some of the best portions of it to two faithful friends, Sir George Carteret and Lord Berkeley. Their territory ex- tended from New York harbor to the Delaware River, and was named New Jersey in honor oi Carteret's defense of the island Settlement of of Jersey against the Puritans. Colonists at once Now [ersey. , ,, , ... , J began coming to the new province and settled at Elizabethtown. 1664] New Jersey 5 1 72. Later New Jersey. — Soon New Jersey was East and divided into two parts, East Jersey and West Jersey. est J erse y' West Jersey belonged to Lord Berkeley and he sold it to the Quakers. Not very many years later the Quakers also bought East Jersey. The New Jersey colonists were always getting into disputes with one another, so they asked Queen Anne to take charge of the government of the province. This she did by telling the governor of New York to govern New Jersey also. This was not what the Jersey people had expected. But they had their own legislature. In time also they secured a governor all to them- selves and became a royal province entirely separate Prosperity, from New York. Pennsylvania and New York pro- tected the Jersey people from the French and the Indians, and provided markets for the products of the Jersey farms. The colonists were industrious, and their soil was fertile. They were very religious and paid great attention to education. New Jersey became very prosperous and so continued until the Revolution. 73. The Founding of Carolina. — The planting of Founding of New Jersey was not the only colonial venture of Car- J^Vin^nn teret and Berkeley. With Lord Chancellor Clarendon son ' 12 4~ I2 7- and other noblemen they obtained from Charles land in southern Virginia extending southward into Spanish Florida. This great territory was named Carolina. 74. The Carolina Colonists. — In 1663, when the Northern Carolina charter was granted, there were a few Carol,na - settlers living in the northern part of the colony. 5- TJic Colonics under Charles II [§§ 74-70 Southern Carolina, Indian w.ir. Bacon's Rob IO7O. Other colonists came from outside mainly from the Barbadoes and settled on the Cape Fear River. In this way was formed a colony in northern Carolina. But the most important settlement was in the south- _^_, ^ . , era part of the prov- . -. ^.V \ ^\\ ince at Charleston. Southern Carolina at :^/ once became prosperous. " This was due to the fact yA ? . aillgt on that the soil and climate ot that region were well suited to the cultivation of rice. The \ rice swamps brought riches to the planters, they also compelled the employ- ment of large numbers of negro slaves. Before long, indeed, there were more ne- groes than whites in southern Carolina. In this way there grew up two distinct centers o\ colonial life in the province. 75. Bacon's Rebellion, 1676. — By this time the Virginians had become very discontented. There had been no election to the colonial assembly since 1660 and Governor Berkeley was very tyrannical. The Vir- ginians also wanted more churches and more schools. To add to these causes of discontent the Indians now attacked the settlers, and Berkeley seemed to take very little interest in protecting the Virginians, Led by Nathaniel Bacon the colonists marched to Jamestown and demanded authority to go against the Indians. Berkeley gave Bacon a commission. i6 7 6] Bacon s Rebellion 53 But, as soon as Bacon left Jamestown on his ex- pedition, Berkeley declared that he was a rebel. Bacon returned, and Berkeley fled. Bacon marched against the Indians again, and Berkeley came back, and so the rebellion went on until Bacon died. The House in which Nathaniel Bacon died. From an original sketch. Berkeley then captured the other leaders one after another and hanged them. But when he returned to England, Charles II turned his back to him, saying, " The old fool has killed more men in Virginia than I for the murder of my father." 76. Virginia after Bacon's Rebellion. — The Virgin- Greedy c i governors. ians were now handed over to a set ot greedy gov- 54 The Colonics under' CJiarlcs II [§§ 76-78 ^pfefSi bounding of William and Mary College, 1691. King Philip's War, 1675- 76. Higgin- son, 137-138; Eggleston, 81-89. . of £o* Kiut< <£Jt*l£fR\£> "5rc+fim> trtntrc cUnv c\ Ck&S? ^orxotti' Ami- < The OrENiNG Lines of the Pennsylvania Charter showing ernors. Some of them came to America to make their fortunes. But some of them were governors whom the people of other colonies would not have. The only event of importance in the history of the colony during the next twenty-five years was the founding of William and Mary College (1691) at Williamsburg. It was the second oldest college in the English colonies. 77. King Philip's War, 1675-76. — It was not only in Virginia and Maryland that the Indians were restless at this time. In New England also they attacked the whites. They were led by Massasoit's son, King Philip, an able and far-seeing man. He saw with dismay how rapidly the whites were driv- ing the Indians away from their hunting-grounds. The Indians burned the English villages on the frontier and killed hundreds of the settlers. The i68i] The Pennsylvania Charter 55 Ornamental Border and Portrait of Charles II. strongest chief to join Philip was Canonchet of the Narragansetts. The colonial soldiers stormed his fort and killed a thousand Indian warriors. Before long King Philip himself was killed, and the war slowly came to an end. 78. William Penn. — Among the greatest English- William men of that time was William Penn. He was a enn * Quaker and was also a friend of Charles II and James, Duke of York. He wished to found a col- ony in which he and the Quakers could work out their ideas in religious and civil matters. It chanced that Charles owed Penn a large sum of money. As The p f nn ~ J sylvania Charles seldom had any money, he was very glad to charter, 1681. 56 The Colonies under Charles II [§§ 78-82 Settlement of Pennsyl- vania, 1682. Higgitison, 101-105; Eg- gleston, 57- 60; *Source- Book, (yj-&). Mason and Dixon's line. give Penn instead a large tract of land in America. In this way Penn obtained Pennsylvania. James, for his part, gave him Delaware. 79. Founding of Pennsylvania, 1682. — William Penn had a great reputation for honesty and fair dealing among the English Quakers and among the Quakers on the continent of Europe as well. As soon as it was known that he was to found a colony, great numbers of persons came to Pennsylvania from England and from Germany. In a very short time the colony became strong and prosperous. In the first place, the soil of Pennsylvania was rich and productive while its climate was well suited to the growth of grain. In the second place, Penn was very liberal to his colonists. He gave them a large share in the government of the province and he allowed no religious persecution. He also insisted on fair and honest dealing with the Indians. 80. Mason and Dixon's Line. — In the seventeenth century the geography of America was very little understood in Europe — and the persons who drew up colonial charters understood it least of all. Char- ter lines frequently overlapped and were often very indistinct. This was particularly true of the Mary- land and Pennsylvania boundaries. Penn and Balti- more tried to come to an agreement ; but they never could agree. Years afterward, when they were both dead, their heirs agreed to have a line drawn with- out much regard to the charters. This line was finally surveyed by two English engineers, Mason 1 682] Mason and Dixon s Line 57 and Dixon, and is always called after their names. It is the present boundary line between Pennsylvania and Maryland. In colonial days it separated the its impor- colonies where slavery was the rule from those where history" labor was generally free. In the first half of the nine- teenth century it separated the free states from the slave states. Mason and Dixon's line, therefore, has been a famous line in the history of the United States. CHAPTER 9 COLONIAL DEVELOPMENT, 1688- 1760 81. The Stuart Tyranny. — Instead of admiring New policy the growth of the colonies in strength and in liberty, g t ^ Charles and James saw it with dismay. The colonies were becoming too strong and too free. They deter- mined to reduce all the colonies to royal provinces, like Virginia — with the exception of Pennsylvania which belonged to their friend, William Penn. There Reasons for was a good deal to be said in favor of this plan, for *^" ew the colonists were so jealous of each other that they would not unite against the French or the In- dians. If the governments were all in the hands of the king, the whole strength of the British colonies could be used against any enemy of England. 82. The Stuart Tyranny in New England. — The End of the Massachusetts charter was now taken away, and Sir setts Com . Edmund Andros was sent over to govern the colony. P an y- 168 4 He was ordered to make laws and to tax the people without asking their consent. He did as he was 58 Colonial Development [§§ 82-85 Governor Aminos of New England, 1688. Flight of James II. Rebellion a^.iinst Andros, 1689. ordered to do. He set up the Church of England. He taxed the people. He even took their lands from them, on the ground that the grants from the old Massachusetts government were of no value. When one man pointed to the magistrates' signatures to his grant, Andros told him that their names were worth no more than a scratch with a bear's paw. He also enforced the navigation laws and took possession of Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Plymouth. At the same time he was also governor of New Hamp- shire and of New York. 83. The " Glorious Revolution' ' in America, 1689. — By this time Charles was dead, and James was * . King of England. GOVERNOUR. * CQW 11. w The English people did not like James any better than the New Englanders liked Andros. In 1688 they rebelled and made William of Orange and his wife Mary, James's eldest daughter. King and Queen of England. On their part, the Massachu- setts colonists seized Andros and his followers and shut them up in prison (April 18, 1680). The people of Connecticut and Rhode Island turned out Andros's A Proclamation of 1690 forbidding thf Printing of Newspapers with- out Permission of the Governmen r. 1700-60] The Colonies 59 agents and set up their old governments. In New York also Andros's deputy governor was expelled, and the people took control of affairs until the king and queen should send out a governor. Indeed, all the colonies, except Maryland, declared for William and Mary. 84. The New Arrangements. — For a year or two Policy of William was very busy in Ireland and on the conti- ^' liam and nent. At length he had time to attend to colonial affairs. He appointed royal governors for both Penn- sylvania and Maryland. William Penn soon had his colony given back to him ; but the Baltimores had to wait many years before they recovered Mary- land. In New York there was a dreadful tragedy. For the new governor, Slaughter, was persuaded to order the execution of the leaders in the rising against Andros. Massachusetts did not get her old charter The Massa- back, but she got another charter. This provided ^ husetts r Province that the king should appoint the governor, but the charter, 1691, people should elect a House of Representatives. The most important result of this new arrangement was a series of disputes between the king's governor and the people's representatives. Maine and New Plymouth were included in Massachusetts under the new charter. But New Hampshire remained a royal province. 85. The Colonies, 1700-60. — During these years Prosperity immigrants thronged to America, and the colonies co i on j es . became constantly stronger. Commerce everywhere I 7°°- 6 ^ developed, and many manufactures were established. 6o Colonial Development [§§ 85-88 Bad govern- ment of the Carolina proprietors. Throughout the colonies the people everywhere gained power, and had it not been for the French and Indian wars they would have been happy. Aside from these wars the most important events of these years were the overthrow of the Carolina proprietors and the founding of Georgia. 86. North and South Carolina. — The Carolina pro- prietors and their colonists had never got on well together. They now got on worse than ever. The ^^^^^^^^ Carolina Rice-fields. Rebellion in Carolina, 1719. greater part of the colonists were not members of the Established Church ; but the proprietors tried to take away the right to vote from all persons who were not of that faith. They also interfered in elections, and tried to prevent the formation of a true representative assembly. They could not pro- tect the people against the pirates who blockaded Charleston for weeks at a time. In 1719 the people of Charleston rebelled. The king then interfered, and appointed a royal governor. Later he bought out the rights of the proprietors. In this way Caro- i73 2 ] Founding of Georgia 61 lina became a royal province. It was soon divided into two provinces, North Carolina and South Caro- North and lina. But there had always been two separate colo- Carolina nies in Carolina (p. 52). 87. Founding of Georgia, 1732. — In those days General it was the custom in England to send persons who °g lethor P e could not pay their debts to prison. Of course many p^ of these poor debtors were really ..jJ§ industrious persons whom mis- fortune or sickness had driven 1 rederica 0js into debt. General Oglethorpe, V^ w \k^o^Tybee a member of Parliament, looked V ).*<' into the prison management. He was "O^xH greatly affected by the sad fate of these x&S poor debtors, and determined to do some- ^Js? thing for them. With a number of charitable persons he obtained a part of South Carolina for a colony, and named it Georgia for George II, who gave the Grant of land. Parliament also gave money. For the govern- ^Z^*' ment thought it very desirable to have a colony between the rich plantations of Carolina and the Spanish settlements in Florida. 88. Georgia, 1733-52. — Naturally Oglethorpe had Settlement no difficulty in getting colonists. For the poor i^° Tgm ' debtors and other oppressed persons were very glad Higginson, to have a new start in life. Savannah was founded Eggieston, in 1733. The Spaniards, however, were not at all * So ^ ce - glad to have an English colony planted so near Boot, 7 1-73. Florida. They attacked the Georgians, and Ogle- 62 Expulsion of the French [§§ 88-91 Progress of the colony. thorpe spent years in fighting them. The Georgia colonists found it very difficult to compete with the Carolina planters. For the Carolinians had slaves to work for them, and the proprietors of Georgia would not let the Georgians own slaves. Finally they gave way and permitted the colonists to own slaves. But this so disheartened the Georgia proprietors that they gave up the enterprise and handed the colony over to the king. In this way Georgia became a royal province. CHAPTER 10 EXPULSION OF THE FRENCH Louis of France and William of Orange. Disadvan- tages of the English colonists. 89. Causes of the French Wars. — At the time of the "Glorious Revolution" (p. 58) James II found refuge with Louis XIV, King of France. William and Louis had already been fighting, and it was easy enough to see that if William became King of Eng- land he would be very much more powerful than he was when he was only Prince of Orange. So Louis took up the cause of James and made war on the English and the Dutch. The conflict soon spread across the Atlantic. 90. Strength of the Combatants. — At first sight it might seem as if the English colonists were much stronger than the French colonists. They greatly outnumbered the French. They were much more prosperous and well-to-do. But their settlements were scattered over a great extent of seacoast from A 1689-97] King William's War 63 the Kennebec to the Savannah. Their governments were more or less free ; but this very freedom weak- ened them for war. The French colonial government Advantages was a despotism directed from France. Whatever colonists!" resources the French had in America were certain to be well used. wm m Ill A "Garrison House" at York, Maine, built in 1676. 91. King William's War, 1689-97. — The Iroquois King began this war by destroying Montreal. The next War l68 winter the French invaded New York. They cap- 97- Eggleston, tured Schenectady and killed nearly all the inhabi- 122-123. tants. Other bands destroyed New England towns and killed or drove away their inhabitants. The English, on their part, seized Port Royal in Acadia, but they failed in an attempt against Quebec. In 1697 this war came to an end. Acadia was given back to the French, and nothing was gained by all the bloodshed and suffering. 64 Expulsion of the French [§§ 92-96 Queen 92. Queen Anne's War, 1701-13. — In 1701 the 1701-13. ' conflict began again. It lasted for twelve years, Higgmson, unt n \j\i. It was in this war that the Duke of 143-147 : •Source- Marlborough won the battle of Blenheim and made ' for himself a great reputation. In America the French and Indians made long expeditions to New England. The English colonists again attacked Que- bec and again failed. In one thing, however, they were successful. They again seized Port Royal. This time the English kept Port Royal and all Aca- dia. Port Royal they called Annapolis, and the name of Acadia was changed to Nova Scotia. King 93. King George's War, 1744-48. — From 1713 Wai- rg i744- until 1 744 there was no war between the English and 4 8 - the French. But in 1744 fighting began again in earnest. The French and Indians attacked the New England frontier towns and killed many people. But the New Englanders, on their part, won a great suc- cess. After the French lost Acadia they built a strong fortress on the island of Cape Breton. To this they gave the name of Louisburg. The New Englanders fitted out a great expedition and captured Louisburg without much help from the English. But at the close of the war (1748) the fortress was given back to the French, to the disgust of the New Englanders. La Saiie on 94. The French in the Mississippi Valley. — The Spaniards had discovered the Mississippi and had ex- plored its lower valley. But they had found no gold there and had abandoned the country. It was left the Missis- sippi, 1681. 1699] Founding of Louisiana 65 for French explorers more than one hundred years McMaster, later to rediscover the great river and to explore it *%urce- from its upper waters to the Gulf of Mexico. The ^^.96-98, first Frenchman to sail down the river to its mouth was La Salle. In 1681, with three canoes, he floated down the Mississippi, until he reached a place where the great river divided into three large branches. He sent one canoe down each branch. Returning, they all reported that they had reached the open sea. 95. Founding of Louisiana. — La Salle named this La saiie T . . . , r > 1 t- 1 attempts to immense region Louisiana in honor of the French f ounda king. He soon led an expedition to plant a colony on colon y- & r r J McMaster, the banks of the Mississippi. Sailing into the Gulf 79-80. of Mexico, he missed the mouth of the Mississippi and landed on the coast of Texas. Misfortune after misfortune now fell on the unhappy expedition. La Salle was murdered, the stores were destroyed, the Spaniards and Indians came and killed or captured nearly all the colonists. A few only gained the Mis- sissippi and made their way to Canada. In 1699, Louisiana another French expedition appeared in the Gulf of settled < l6 99< Mexico. This time the mouth of the Mississippi was easily discovered. But the colonists settled on the shores of Mobile Bay. It was not until 171 8 that New Orleans was founded. 96. Struggle for the Ohio Valley. — At the close The French of King George's War the French set to work to con- ly49 nect the settlements in Louisiana with those on the St. McMaster > 82-86. Lawrence. In 1749 French explorers gained the Alleghany River from Lake Erie and went down the 66 Expulsion of the French [§§ 96-100 The English Ohio Com- pany, 1750. George Washington. Scudder's Washington ; Hero Tales He warns the French to leave the Ohio. The French build Fort Duquesne. Ohio as far as the Miami. The next year (1750) King George gave a great tract of land on the Ohio River to an association of Virginians, who formed the Ohio Company. The struggle for the Ohio Valley had fairly begun. Governor Dinwiddie of Virginia learned that the French were building forts on the Ohio, and sent them a letter protesting against their so doing. The bearer of this letter was George Washington, a young Virginia surveyor. 97. George Washington. — Of an old Virginia family, George Washington grew up with the idea that he must earn his own living. His father was a well-to-do planter. But Augustine Washington was the eldest son, and, as was the custom then in Virginia, he inherited most of the property. Augustine Washington was very kind to his younger brother, and gave him a good practical education as a land surveyor. The younger man was a bold ath- lete and fond of studying military campaigns. He was full of courage, industrious, honest, and of great common sense. Before he was twenty he had sur- veyed large tracts of wilderness, and had done his work well amidst great difficulties. When Dinwiddie wanted a messenger to take his letter to the French commander on the Ohio, George Washington's em- ployer at once suggested him as the best person to send on the dangerous journey. 98. Fort Duquesne. — Instead of heeding Din- widdie's warning, the French set to work to build Fort Duquesne (Dii-kan') at the spot where the Alle- 1755] B ruddock's Defeat 6 7 ghany and Monongahela join to form the Ohio, — on the site of the present city of Pittsburg. Din- widdie therefore sent Washington with a small force of soldiers to drive them away. But the French were too strong for Washington. They besieged him in Fort Necessity and compelled him to surrender (July 4, 1754). 99. Braddock's Defeat, 1755. — The English gov- ernment now sent General Braddock with a small army of regular soldiers to Virginia. Slowly and pain- fully Braddock marched westward. Learning of his approach, the French and Indians left Fort Du- quesne to draw him into ambush. But the two forces came together before either party was pre- pared for battle. For some time the contest was even, then the regulars broke and fled. Braddock was fatally wounded. With great skill, Washington saved the survivors, — but not until four shots had pierced his coat and only thirty of his three com- panies of Virginians were left alive. 100. The War to 1759. — All the earlier French and Indian wars had begun in Europe and had spread to America. This war began in America and soon spread to Europe. At first affairs went Washing- ton's first military expedition, 1754- Braddock's expedition, 1755- Higginson, 152-154; Eggleston, 129-131; *Source- Book, 103-105. Braddock's Campaign. The French and Indian War. 68 Expulsio7i of the French [§§ 100-102 William Pitt, war minister, 1757. Capture of Quebec, 1759- Higginson, I54-I5 6 ; Eggleston, 137-139 ; *Source- Book, 105- 107. very ill. But in 1757 William Pitt became the British war minister, and the war began to be waged with vigor and success. The old generals were called home, and new men placed in command. In 1758 Amherst and Wolfe captured Louisburg, and Forbes, greatly aided by Washington, seized Fort Duquesne. Bradstreet captured Fort Frontenac, on Lake Ontario. There was only one bad failure, that of Abercrombie at Ticonderoga. But the next year Amherst captured Ticonderoga and Crown Point and opened the way to Canada by Lake Champlain. 101. Capture of Quebec, 1759. — Of a H tne younger generals James Wolfe was foremost. To him was given the task of capturing Quebec. Seated on a high bluff, Quebec could not be captured from the river. The only way to approach it was to gain the Plains of Abraham in its rear and besiege it on the land side. Again and Wolfe's Ravine. again Wolfe sent his This shows the gradual ascent of the path from the river to the top of the bluff. men to storm the bluffs below the town. Every time they failed. Wolfe felt that he must give up the task, when he was told that a path led from the river to the top of the bluff above 1763J Peace of Paris 69 the town. Putting his men into boats, they gained the path in the darkness of night. There was a guard at the top of the bluff, but the officer in com- mand was a coward and ran away. In the morning the British army was drawn up on the Plains of Abraham. The French now attacked the British, Battle of and a fierce battle took place. The result was doubt- ful when Wolfe led a charge at the head of the Louis- burg Grenadiers. He was killed, but the French were beaten. Five days later Quebec surrendered. Montreal was captured in 1760, and in 1763 the war came to an end. 102. Peace of Paris, 1763. — By this great treaty, Peace of or set of treaties, the French withdrew from the con- tinent of North America. To Spain, who had lost Florida, the French gave the island of New Orleans and all of Louisiana west of the Mississippi. To Great Britain the French gave up all the rest of their American possessions except two small islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Spain, on her part, gave up Florida to the British. There were now practically only two powers in America, — the British in the eastern part of the continent, and the Spaniards west of the Mississippi. The Spaniards also owned the island of New Orleans and controlled both sides of the river for more than a hundred miles from its mouth. But the treaty gave the British the free navigation of the Mississippi throughout its length. JO A Century of Colonial History QUESTIONS AND TOPICS Chapter 8 1. Tell about the government of England between the years 1649 and 1660. 2. What were the Navigation Laws? 3. How did the accession of Charles II affect the colonies? 4. How did the new government regard Massachusetts? Why? 5. Describe the treatment of the Quakers in Massachusetts. 6. Describe the charters given to Connecticut and Rhode Island. 7. What colony was united with Connecticut? 8. Describe the English conquest of New Netherland. 9. To whom did Charles give this territory? 10. Mark on a map the position of New Jersey. 11. Describe the division of New Jersey and its sale to the Quakers. 12. Why was the colony prosperous? 13. Describe the founding of Carolina. 14. Describe northern and southern Carolina and note the differences between them. 15. What were the causes of Bacon's Rebellion? 16. Describe the later government of Virginia. 17. Why was the founding of William and Mary College important? 18. What was the cause of King Philip's War? 19. What were the results of the war? 20. Who was William Penn? Why did he wish to found a colony? 21. Give the reasons for the strength and prosperity of Pennsylvania. 22. What trouble arose over boundary lines? 23. Why is Mason and Dixon's line famous? Chapter 9 1. Why did Charles and James dislike the growing liberty of the colonies? 2. What changes did Andros make in New England? 3. Describe the "Glorious Revolution" in America. 4. What changes did William and Mary make in the colonial gov- ernment? Questions and Topics yi 5. What was the condition of the colonies during the years 1700- 1760 ? 6. Why did the king make Carolina a royal province? 7. Give the reasons for the founding of Georgia. 8. How did Georgia become a royal province? Chapter 10 1. State the causes of the French wars. 2. Compare the strength of the English and French colonies. 3. Draw a map showing the position of the English and French colonies. 4. By what right did the French claim the Mississippi Valley? 5. Describe the settlement of Louisiana. 6. Give the cause of the last war. 7. Where was Fort Duquesne? Why was its position important? Describe Braddock's expedition and trace his route. 8. Mark on a map the important routes to Canada. 9. Describe the capture of Quebec. Why was it important? 10. Give the terms of the peace of Paris. 11. What was the great question settled by this war? General Questions 1. Were the New England colonies difficult to govern? Why? 2. In what respects were the colonial governments alike? In what respects were they unlike? 3. What events in any colony have shown that its people desired more liberty? Topics for Special Work 1. The Quakers. 2. The Revolution of 1688 in England and America. 3. Write an account of the life of a boy or girl in any colony; tell about the house, furniture, dress, school, and if a journey to another colony is made, how it is made and what is seen on the way. 4. Arrange a table showing the settlement of the thirteen original colonies in accordance with the following plan : — 72 A Century of Colonial Histoiy Name Origin of Name Date Place Nation- ality Prominent M EN Object Virginia Virgin Queen Elizabeth 1607 James- town English Capt. New- port and Capt. John Smith Wealth, adve n- ture,and trade IV COLONIAL UNION, 1760-1774 Books for Study and Reading References. — Fiske's War of Independence, 39-86; Scudder's George Washington ; Lossing's Field- Book of the Revolution ; English History for Americans, 244-284 (English political history). Home Readings. — living's Washington (abridged edition) ; Cooke's Stories of the Old Dominion ; Cooper's Lionel Lincoln ; Longfellow's Paid Revere 's Ride. CHAPTER 11 BRITAIN'S COLONIAL SYSTEM 103. Early Colonial Policy. — At the outset, Eng- England's land's rulers had been very kind to Englishmen who co i onial founded colonies. They gave them great grants of p° lic y- land. They gave them rights of self-government greater than any Englishmen living in England en- joyed. They allowed them to manage their own trade and industries as they saw fit. They even per- mitted them to worship God as their consciences told England's them to worship him. But, as the colonists grew in cofoifiai strength and in riches, Britain's rulers tried to make P° lic y- 73 74 Britain's Colonial System [§§ 103-106 Difficulties in enforcing the naviga- tion laws. James Otis. Eggleston, 163. His speech against writs of assistance, 1761. Patrick Henry. Fggleston, 162. their trade profitable to British merchants and inter- fered in their government. On their part the colo- nists disobeyed the navigation laws and disputed with the royal officials. For years Britain's rulers allowed this to go on. But, at length, near the close of the last French war Mr. Pitt ordered the laws to be enforced. 104. Writs of Assistance, 1761. — It was a good deal easier to order the laws to be carried out than it was to carry them out. It was almost impossible for the customs officers to prevent goods being landed contrary to law. When the goods were once on shore, it was difficult to seize them. So the officers asked the judges to give them writs of assist- ance. Among the leading lawyers of Boston was James Otis. He was the king's law officer in the province. But he resigned his office and opposed the granting of the writs. He objected to the use of writs of assistance because they enabled a customs officer to become a tyrant. Armed with one of them he could go to the house of a man he did not like and search it from attic to cellar, turn everything upside down and break open doors and trunks. It made no difference, said Otis, whether Parliament had said that the writs were legal. For Parliament could not make an act of tyranny legal. To do that was be- yond the power even of Parliament. 105. The Parson's Cause, 1763. — The next impor- tant case arose in Virginia and came about in this way. The Virginians made a law regulating the salaries of clergymen in the colony. The king vetoed 1761-63] Otis and Henry 75 the law. The Virginians paid no heed to the veto. The clergymen appealed to the courts and the case of one of them was selected for trial. Patrick Henry, a prosperous young lawyer, stated the opin- ions of the Virginians in a speech which made his His speech reputation. The king, he said, had no right to veto pY^'s a Virginia law that was for the good of the people. Cause, 1763. To do so was an act of tyranny, and the people owed no obedience to a tyrant. The case was decided for the clergyman. For the law was clearly on his side. But the jurymen agreed with Henry. They gave the clergyman only one farthing damages, and no more clergymen brought cases into the court. The king's veto was openly disobeyed. 106. The King's Proclamation of 1763. — In the Prociama- same year that the Parson's Cause was decided the ^cMastl/ king issued a proclamation which greatly lessened "°- the rights of Virginia and several other colonies to western lands. Some of the old charter lines, as those of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Virginia, and the Carolinas had extended to the Pacific Ocean. By the treaty of 1763 (p. 69) the king, for himself and his subjects, abandoned all claim to lands west of the Mississippi River. Now in the Proclamation of 1763 he forbade the colonial governors to grant any lands west of the Alleghany Mountains. The west- ern limit of Virginia and the Carolinas was fixed. Their pioneers could not pass the mountains and settle in the fertile valleys of the Ohio and its branches. 7 6 Taxation without Representation [§§ 107-108 CHAPTER 12 TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION George III. George Grenville. The British Parliament. Taxation and repre- sentation. 107. George III and George Grenville. — George III became king in 1760. He was a narrow, stupid, well-meaning, ignorant young man of twenty-one. He soon found in George Grenville a narrow, dull, well-meaning lawyer, a man who would do what he was told. So George Grenville became the head of the government. To him the law was the law. If he wished to do a thing and could find the law for it, he asked for nothing more. His military advisers told him that an army must be kept in America for years. It was Grenville's business to find the money to support this army. Great Britain was burdened with a national debt. The army was to be maintained, partly, at least, for the protection of the colonists. Why should they not pay a part of the cost of maintaining it ? Parliament was the supreme power in the British Empire. It controlled the king, the church, the army, and the navy. Surely a Parlia- ment that had all this power could tax the colonists. At all events, Grenville thought it could, and Parlia- ment passed the Stamp Act to tax them. 108. Henry's Resolutions, 1765. — The colonists, however, with one voice, declared that Parliament had no power to tax them. Taxes, they said, could be voted only by themselves or their representatives. They were represented in their own colonial assem- 1765] The Stamp Act 77 blies, and nowhere else. Patrick Henry was now a Henry's member of the Virginia assembly. He had just been I?6s elected for the first time. But as none of the older Higgimon, 161-164; members of the assembly proposed any action, Henry McMaster, tore a leaf from an old law-book and wrote on it a II4 ' % X^WW /L~J /^^e <~+a~+y &~< ^^ ^^1 'yy^A^^^^ fits tJnrf>.t*J*t*'*d* "f S&^t U-tfe^n-y *™2 fr*iy? l^Jjt^y &&*^r*fiJ- A ,v*-i// %/m *S" Henry's First and Last Resolutions (Facsimile of the Original Draft). set of resolutions. These he presented in a burning speech, upholding the rights of the Virginians. He said that to tax them by act of Parliament was tyr- anny. " Caesar and Tarquin had each his Brutus, Charles I his Cromwell, and George III" — "Treason, treason," shouted the speaker. " May profit by 78 Taxation without Representation [§§ 108-uo Opposition to tin* Stamp Act, 1765. Higginson, KM 165; Mc Master, no. Colonial congresses. Albany Congress, 1754- their example, " slowly Henry went on. " If that be treason, make the most of it." The resolutions were voted. In them the Virginians declared that they were not subject to Acts of Parliament laying taxes or interfering in the internal affairs of Virginia. 109. Stamp Act Riots, 1765. -Until the summer o( 1765 the colonists contented themselves with passing resolutions. There was little else that they could i\o. They could not refuse to obey the law because it would not go into effect until November. They could not mob the stamp distributers because no one knew their names. In August the names of the stamp distributers were published. Now at last it was possible to do something besides passing reso- lutions. In every colony the people visited the stamp officers and told them to resign. If they refused, they were mobbed until they resigned. In Boston the rioters were especially active. They detested Thomas Hutchinson. He was lieutenant-governor and chief justice and had been active in enforcing the navigation acts. The rioters attacked his house. They broke his furniture, destroyed his clothing, and made a bonfire of his books and papers. 110. The Stamp Act Congress, 1765. — Colonial congresses were no new thing. There had been many meetings oi governors and delegates from colo- nial assemblies. The most important of the early congresses was the Albany Congress of 1754. It was important because it proposed a plan of union. The plan was drawn up by Benjamin Franklin. But Patrick Henry 1 am not a Virginian, but an American. 1 8o Taxation without Representation [§§ 110-113 Stamp Act Congress, I765- neither the king nor the colonists liked it, and it was not adopted. All these earlier congresses had been summoned by the king's officers to arrange expedi- tions against the French or to make treaties with the Indians. The Stamp Act Congress was summoned by the colonists to protest against the doings of king and Parliament. 111. Work of the Stamp Act Congress. — Delegates from nine colonies met at New York in October, 1765. They drew up a " Declaration of the Rights and &JgY&*-V> frptemljer Si, T765. ?= The 'Constitutional Ccnyin.'m; Ma 1- • .3 LiSLRrvf ■Zf»~? mttpj. ,- %£*&* j> sit [NUMB. ,.j e ported up at the Door or DwgJliQg-iJoufc of the Offender. Committees of Correspondence. — Up to this time the resist- ance of the colonists had been carried on in a haphazard sort •_ __,. , o j- wav Xow Com- mittees of Correspondence began to be appointed. These committees were of two kinds. First there were town Committees of Correspondence. These 1769] Committees of Correspondence 87 were invented by Samuel Adams and were first ap- pointed in Massachusetts. But more important were the colonial Committees of Correspondence. The first Colonial of these was appointed by Virginia in 1769. At first of c ™ e . eei few colonies followed Massachusetts and Virginia in spondence, 1769. appointing committees. But as one act of tyranny succeeded another, other colonies fell into line. By 1775 all the colonies were united by a complete sys- tem of Committees of Correspondence. 122. The Tea Tax. — Of all the Townshend duties The tax only the tax on tea was left. It happened that the McMaster British East India Company had tons of tea in its Il 9- London storehouses and was greatly in need of money. The government told the company that it might send tea to America without paying any taxes in England, but the three-penny colonial tax would have to be paid in the colonies. In this way the colonists would get their tea cheaper than the people of England. But the colonists were not to be bribed into paying the tax in any such way. The East India Company sent over ship-loads of tea. The tea ships were either sent back again or the tea was stored in some safe place where no one could get it. 123. The Boston Tea Party, 1773. — In Boston Boston Tea things did not go so smoothly. The agents of the Hig^h?^' East India Company refused to resign. The col- r 7i-i73; Eggleston, lector of the customs refused to give the ships per- 165 -^Source- mission to sail away before the tea was landed. Governor Hutchinson refused to give the ship cap- tains a pass to sail by the fort until the collector gave 88 Revolution Impending [§§ 123-127 his permission. The commander at the fort refused to allow the ships to sail out of the harbor until they had the necessary papers. The only way to get rid of the tea was to destroy it. A party of patriots, dressed as Indians, went on board of the ships as they lay at the wharf, broke open the tea boxes, and threw the tea into the harbor. Repressive 124. Punishment of Massachusetts, 1774. — The "\)^\/]l% British king, the British government, and the mass I2 °- of the British people were furious when they found that the Boston people had made ''tea with salt water." Parliament at once went to work passing acts to punish the colonists. One act put an end to the constitution of Massachusetts. Another act closed the port of Boston so tightly that the people could not bring hay from Charlestown to give to their starving horses. A third act provided that soldiers who fired on the people should be tried in England. And a fourth act compelled the colonists to feed and shelter the soldiers employed to punish them. The colonists 125. Sympathy with the Bostonians. — King chusetts. Sa George thought he could punish the Massachusetts Higgt* people as much as he wished without the people 174-177. r r of the other colonies objecting. It soon appeared that the people of the other colonies sympathized most heartily with the Bostonians. They sent them George sheep and rice. They sent them clothes. George Washington. Washington was now a rich man. He offered to raise a thousand men with his own money, march with them to Boston, and rescue the oppressed people 1774] Repressive Acts 89 from their oppressors. But the time for war had not yet come although it was not far off. 126. The Quebec Act, 1774. — In the same year The Quebec that Parliament passed the four acts to punish Massa- chusetts, it passed another act which affected the people of other colonies as well as those of Massa- chusetts. This was the Quebec Act. It provided that the land between the Ohio, the Mississippi, and the Great Lakes should be added to the Province of Quebec. Now this land was claimed by Massa- chusetts, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. These colonies were to be deprived of their rights to land in that region. The Quebec Act also provided for the establishment of a very strong government in that province. This seemed to be an attack on free institutions. All these things drove the colonists to unite. They resolved to hold a con- gress where the leaders of the several continental colonies might talk over matters and decide what should be done. 127. The First Continental Congress, 1774. — The The First members of the Continental Congress met in Carpen- congress, ter's Hall, Philadelphia, in September, 1774. Never, x 774- except in the Federal Convention (p. 137), have so many great men met together. The greatest delega- tion was that from Virginia. It included George Washington, Patrick Henry, and Richard Henry Lee. From Massachusetts came the two Adamses, John and Samuel. From New York came John Jay. From Pennsylvania came John Dickinson. Of all 90 Revolution Impending [§§ 127-131 The Ameri- can Associa- tion, 1774. the greatest Americans only Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were absent. 128. The American Association, 1774. — It soon became clear that the members of the Congress were opposed to any hasty action. They were not willing to begin war with Great Britain. Instead of so ^■■A'«Si CaRI'KNTKR'S HAI.L, PHILADELPHIA. doing they adopted a Declaration of Rights and formed the American Association. The Declaration of Rights was of slight importance. But the Associa- tion was of great importance, as the colonies joining it agreed to buy no more British goods. This policy was to be carried out by the Committees of Corre- spondence. Any colony refusing to join the Associa- 1774] The American Association 91 tion should be looked upon as hostile "to the liberties of this country," and treated as an enemy. The American Association was the real beginning of the American Union. 129. The Association carried out, 1774-75. — It Resistance was soon evident that Congress in forming the Asso- IhecXon^ ciation had done precisely what the people wished to *774-75- have done. For instance, in Virginia committees were chosen in every county. They examined the merchants' books. They summoned before them persons suspected of disobeying " the laws of Con- gress." Military companies were formed in every county and carried out the orders of the committees. The ordinary courts were entirely disregarded. In fact, the royal government had come to an end in the Old Dominion. 130. More Punishment for Massachusetts, 1774-75. Parliament ■ — George III and his ministers refused to see that Massachu- the colonies were practically united. On the con- setts - x 774- 75- trary, they determined to punish the people of Mas- sachusetts still further. Parliament passed acts forbidding the Massachusetts fishermen to catch fish and forbidding the Massachusetts traders to trade with the people of Virginia, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and all foreign countries. The Massachu- setts colonists were rebels, they should be treated as rebels. General Gage was given more soldiers and ordered to crush the rebellion. 131. Gage in Massachusetts, 1774-75. — General General Gage found he had a good deal to do before he age ' 92 R ei 'o lu tion Impending [§§ '31-132 Opposed by the Massa- chusetts people. Lexington and Con- cord, 1775. Higginssn, 178-183; 126-128; *Source- Booik, 144- 146. could begin to crush the rebellion. He had to find shelter for his soldiers. He also had to find food for them. The Boston carpenters would not work for him. He had to bring carpenters from Halifax and New York to do his work. The farmers of eastern Massachusetts were as firm as the Boston carpenters. They would not sell food to General Gage. So he had to bring food from England and from Halifax. He managed to buy or seize wood to warm the soldiers and hay to feed his horses. But the boats bringing these supplies to Boston were con- stantly upset in a most unlooked-for way. The colonists, on their part, elected a Provincial Congress to take the place of the regular government. The militia was reorganized, and military stores gathered together. 132. Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775. — Gage had said that with ten thousand men he could march all over Massachusetts. In April, 1775, he began to crush the rebellion by sending a strong force to Concord to destroy stores which his spies told him had been collected there. The soldiers began their march in the middle of the night. But Paul Revere and William Dawes were before them. "The regulars are coming," was the cry. At Lex- ington, the British found a few militiamen drawn up on the village green. Some one fired and a few Americans were killed. On the British marched to Concord. By this time the militiamen had gathered in large numbers. It was a hot day. The regulars J 775] Lexington and Concord 93 were tired. They stopped to rest. Some of the militiamen attacked the regulars at Concord, and when the British started on their homeward march, the fighting began in earnest. Behind every wall and £j§3l Bra April 19, 1775, drawn and engraved by Two Men who took Part in the action, Reproduced through the courtesy of Rev. E. G. Porter. bit of rising ground were militiamen. One soldier after another was shot down and left behind. At Lexington the British met reinforcements, or they would all have been killed or captured. Soon they started again. Again the fighting began. It con- tinued until the survivors reached a place of safety 94 Colonial Union under the guns of the warships anchored off Charles- town. The Americans camped for the night at Cam- bridge and began the siege of Boston. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS Chapter ii 1. At the outset, how had England treated her colonies ? Mention instances which illustrate this treatment. 2. What caused England to change her treatment later? 3. What were the writs of assistance? 4. What reasons did Otis give for his opposition to the writs of as- sistance? Why are such writs prohibited by the Constitution of the United States? 5. What is a veto? What right had the king of Great Britain to veto a Virginia law? Which side really won in the Parson's Cause? 6. What colonies claimed land west * f the Alleghany Mountains? How did the king interfere with these claims? Chapter 12 1. What reasons were given for keeping an army in America? 2. What is meant by saying that Parliament was " the supreme power in the British Empire "? 3. What was the Stamp Act ? 4. Explain carefully the colonists' objections to the Stamp Act of "7*5- 5. Explain the difference between the Stamp Act Congress and the earlier Congress. 6. What did the Stamp Act Congress do? 7. Give an account of Franklin. What did Franklin say about the feeling in the colonies? 8. Explain carefully the causes which led to the repeal of the Stamp Act. 9. Can the taxing power and the legislative power be separated? What is the case to-day in your own state? In the United States? Questions and Topics 95 10. How did Townshend try to raise money? How did this plan differ from the Stamp tax? 11. What was the Massachusetts Circular Letter? Why was it important ? 12. What was the result of the seizure of the Liberty ? 13. What were the Virginia Resolves of 1769? Why were they passed? 14. What were the Non-importation agreements? 15. What action did the British merchants take? What results followed? Chapter 13 1. Why were the soldiers stationed at New York? At Boston? 2. Describe the trouble at Boston. Why is it called a massacre? 3. What was the work of a Committee of Correspondence ? Describe the colonial committees of correspondence. 4. What did the British government hope to accomplish in the tea business? Why did the colonists refuse to buy the tea? 5. Why was the destruction of the tea at Boston necessary? 6. How did Parliament punish the colonists of Massachusetts and Boston? Which of these acts was most severe? Why? 7. What was the result of the king's attempt to punish Massa- chusetts? 8. Explain the provisions of the Quebec Act. 9. How would this act affect the growth of the colonies? 10. What was the object of the Continental Congress? 11. Why was the Association so important? 12. How was the idea of the Association carried out? 13. What further attempt did Parliament make to punish Massa- chusetts? 14. Describe General Gage's difficulties. 15. What was the result of Gage's attempt to seize the arms at Concord? General Questions 1. Arrange, with dates, all the acts of the British government which offended the colonists. 2. Arrange, with dates, all the important steps which led toward union. Why are these steps important? 9 6 Colonial Union 3. Give the chief causes of the Revolution and explain why you select these. 4. Explain the difference between the British and colonial ideas of representation. 5. What stand did William Pitt take in regard to the colonies? Topics for Special Work 1. The early life of Benjamin Franklin {Franklin's Autobiography'). 2. The early life of George Washington (Scudder's Washington). 3. The Boston Tea Party (Fiske's War of Independence). 4. The Nineteenth of April, 1775 (Fiske's War of Independence ; Lossing's Field- Book). 5. Character of the reign of George III. 6. England's point of view as to the colonies. 7. Samuel Adams's share in the American Revolution. 8. Write a brief account of Patrick Henry. v THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE, 1775-1783 Books for Study and Reading References. — Fiske's War of Independence ; Higginson's Larger History, 249-293 ; McMaster's With the Fathers. Home Readings. — Scudder's Washington; Holmes's Grand- mother's Story of Btmker Hill ; Cooper's Lionel Lincoln (Bunker Hill) ; Cooper's Spy (campaigns around New York) ; Cooper's Pilot (the war on the sea) ; Drake's Burgoyne^s Invasion; Coffin's Boys of '76; Abbot's Bine Jackets of '76; Abbot's Paul Jones , Lossing's Two Spies. CHAPTER 14 BUNKER HILL TO TRENTON 133. Advantages of the British. — At first sight Advantages it seems as if the Americans were very foolish to fight the British. There were five or six times as many people in the British Isles as there were in the continental colonies. The British government had a great standing army. The Americans had no regular army. The British government had a great navy. The Americans had no navy. The British gov- ernment had quantities of powder, guns, and cloth- h 97 9 8 Bunker Hill to Trenton [§§ 133-135 Advantages of the Americans. The Loyal- ists. ing, while the Americans had scarcely any military stores of any kind. Indeed, there were so few guns in the colonies that one British officer thought if the few colonial gunsmiths could be bribed to go away, the Americans would have no guns to fight with after a few months of warfare. 134. Advantages of the Americans. — All these things were clearly against the Americans. But they had some advantages on their side. In the first place, America was a long way off from Europe. It was very difficult and very costly to send armies to America, and very difficult and very costly to feed the soldiers when they were fighting in America. In the second place, the Americans usually fought on the defen- sive and the country over which the armies fought was made for defense. In New England hill succeeded hill. In the Middle states river succeeded river. In the South wilderness succeeded wilderness. In the third place, the Ameri- cans had many great soldiers. Washington, Greene, Arnold, Morgan, and Wayne were better soldiers than any in the British army. 135. Disunion among the Americans. — We are apt to think of the colonists as united in the contest with the British. In reality the well-to-do, the well-born, and the well-educated colonists were as Grand Union Flag. Hoisted at Cambridge, January, 1776. The British Union and thirteen stripes. J775] Character of the War 99 The Siege of Boston. a rule opposed to independence. The opponents of the Revolution were strongest in the Carolinas, and were weakest in New England. IOO Bunker Hill to Trenton [§§ 136-138 Boston and neighbor- hood, 1775- 76. Importance ofDorchester and Charles- town. 136. Siege of Boston. — It was most fortunate that the British army was at Boston when the war began, for Boston was about as bad a place for an army as could be found. In those days Boston was hardly more than an island connected with the mainland by a strip of gravel. Gage built a fort across this strip of ground. The Americans could not get in. But they built a fort facing the British lines and the latter could not get out. On either side of Boston was a similar peninsula. One of these was called Dorchester Heights ; the other was called Charles- town. Both overlooked Boston. To hold that town, Gage must possess both Dorchester and Charlestown. If the Americans could occupy only one of these, the British would have to abandon Boston. At almost the same moment Gage made up his mind to seize Dor- chester, and the Americans determined to occupy the Charlestown hills. The Americans moved first, and the first battle was fought for the Charlestown hills. 137. Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. — When the seamen on the British men-of-war waked up on the morning of June 17, the first thing they saw was a re- doubt on the top of one of the Charles- But in spite of A Powder-horn used at Bunker Hill. town hills. The ships opened fire. the balls Colonel Prescott walked on the top of the 1775] Bunker Hill 101 breastwork while his men went on digging. Gage Battle of sent three or four thousand men across the Charles "" er ! ' I 775- River to Charlestown to drive the daring Americans Mgginson, 1111 • 183-188; away. It took the whole morning to get them to McMaster, Charlestown, and then they had to eat their dinner. I29_I 3 a This delay gave the Americans time to send aid to Prescott. Especially went Stark and his New Hampshire men, who posted themselves behind a breastwork of fence rails and hay. At last the British soldiers marched to the attack. When they came within good shooting distance, Prescott gave the word to fire. The British line stopped, hesitated, broke, and swept back. Again the soldiers marched to the attack, and again they were beaten back. More soldiers came from Boston, and a third time a British line marched up the hill. This time it could not be stopped, for the Americans had no more powder. They had to give up the hill and escape as well as they could. One-half of the British soldiers actually engaged in the assaults were killed or wounded. The Americans were defeated. But they were encouraged and were willing to sell Gage as many hills as he wanted at the same price. 138. Washington in Command, July, 1775. — The Continental Congress was again sitting at Philadel- Washington phia. It took charge of the defense of the colonies. takes com " r ° mandofthe John Adams named Washington for commander-in- army, 1775. chief, and he was elected. Washington took com- z ^f"'^ mand of the army on Cambridge Common, July 3, 1775. He found everything in confusion. The sol- 102 Bunker Hill to Trenton [§§ 138-139 Seizure of Ticonderoga and Crown Point. In the Harbour of B EVfl KIT .___. jt -pplyingto JOHN KSON. $£8®S$* t^: ^"ThmwrillMrl Fac-simile of a Revolutionary Poster. *775-7 6 ] Siege of Boston 103 attack. He seized and held Dorchester Heights. Evacuation -r-» tm of Boston, The British could no longer stay m Boston. They ltJtj6 went on board their ships and sailed away (March, 1776). Site of Ticonderoga. 139. Invasion of Canada, 1775-76. —While the The Canada , expedition, siege of Boston was going on, the Americans under- vrjs ^ 6m took the invasion of Canada. There were very few regular soldiers in Canada in 1775, and the Cana- dians were not likely to fight very hard for their British masters. So the leaders in Congress thought 104 Bunker Hill to Trenton [§§ 139-140 Assault on Quebec. Strength of Charleston. that if an American force should suddenly appear before Quebec, the town might surrender. Mont- gomery, with a small army, was sent to capture Montreal and then to march down the St. Lawrence to Quebec. Benedict Arnold led another force through the Maine woods. After tremendous exertions and ter- rible sufferings he reached Quebec. But the garrison had been warned of his coming. He blockaded the town and waited for Mont- gomery. The garrison was constantly increased, for Arnold was not strong enough fully to blockade the town. At last Mont- gomery arrived. At night, amidst a terrible snow- storm, Montgomery and Arnold led their brave fol- lowers to the attack. They were beaten back with cruel loss. Montgomery was killed, and Arnold was severely wounded. In the spring of 1776 the survivors of this little band of heroes were rescued — at the cost of the lives of five thousand American soldiers. 140. British Attack on Charleston, 1776. — In June 1776 a British fleet and army made an attack on Charleston, South Carolina. This town has never been taken by attack from the sea. Sand bars guard Arnold's March. 1776] Canada and CJiarleston 105 Moultrie. Fort Moultrie, 1776. Success of the defense, the entrance of the harbor and the channels through these shoals lead directly to the end of Sullivan's Island. At that point the Americans built a fort of Fort palmetto logs and sand. General Moultrie com manded at the fort and it was named in his honor, Fort Moultrie. The British fleet sailed boldly in, but Attack on the balls from the ships' guns were stopped by the soft palmetto logs. At one time the flag was shot away and fell down outside the fort. But Sergeant Jasper rushed out, seized the broken staff, and again set it up on the rampart. Meantime, General Clinton had landed on an island and was trying to cross with his soldiers to the further end of Sullivan's Island. But the water was at first too shoal for the boats. The soldiers jumped overboard to wade. Suddenly the water deepened, and they had to jump aboard to save themselves from drowning. All this time Americans were firing at them from the beach. General Clinton ordered a retreat. The fleet also General Moultrie. io6 Bu7iker Hill to Trenton [§§ 141-143 Defense of New York, 1776. sailed out — all that could get away — and the whole expedition was abandoned. 141. Long Island and Brooklyn Heights, 1776. — The very day that the British left Boston, Washing- ton ordered five regiments to New York. For he well knew that city would be the next point of at- tack. But he need not have been in such a hurry. General Howe, the new British commander-in-chief, sailed first to Hali- fax and did not be- gin the campaign in New York until the end of August. He then landed his soldiers on Long Island and pre- pared to drive the Americans away. Marching in a round-about way, he cut the Ameri- Battie of can army in two and captured one part of it. This Long island, brought him to the foot of Brooklyn Heights. On the top was a fort. Probably Howe could easily have captured it. But he had led in the field at Bunker Hill and had had enough of attacking forts defended by Americans. So he stopped his soldiers — with Escape of the some difficulty. That night the wind blew a gale, Americans. and the next day wag foggy> ' The British fleet could not sail into the East River. Skillful fishermen safely 177 6 ] Long Island 107 ferried the rest of the American army across to New- York. When at length the British marched to the attack, there was no one left in the fort on Brooklyn Heights. 142. From the Hudson to the Delaware, 1776. — Retreat from Even now with his splendid fleet and great army Howe could have captured the Americans. But he delayed so long that Washington got away in safety. Washington's army was now fast breaking up. Soldiers deserted by the hundreds. A severe action at White Plains only delayed the British ad- vance. The fall of Fort Washington on the end of Manhattan Island destroyed all hope of holding any- thing near New York. Washington sent one part of his army to secure the Highlands of the Hudson. With the other part he retired across New Jersey to Washington crosses the the southern side of the Delaware River. The end Delaware, of the war seemed to be in sight. In December, 1776, Congress gave the sole direction of the war to Washington and then left Philadelphia for a place of greater safety. 143. Trenton, December 26, 1776. — Washington Battle of did not give up. On Christmas night, 1776, he irj6 crossed the Delaware with a division of his army. Higginson, 203 ; riero A violent snowstorm was raging, the river was full Tales, 45-55 of ice. But Washington was there in person, and the soldiers crossed. Then the storm changed to sleet and rain ; but on the soldiers marched. When the Hessian garrison at Trenton looked about them next morning they saw that Washington and Greene held io8 Bunker Hill to Trenton [§§ I43-H5 Battle of Princeton, 1777. *Source- Book, 149- 151. the roads leading inland from the town. Stark and a few soldiers — among them James Monroe — held the bridge leading over the Assanpink to the next British post. A few horse- q % men escaped before Stark could prevent them. But the foot soldiers were killed or captured. A few days later nearly one thousand prisoners marched through Philadelphia. They were Germans, who had been sold by their rulers to Britain's king to fight his battles. They were called Hes- sian s by the Ameri- cans because most of them came from the little Gevman state of Hesse Cassel. 144. Princeton, January, I777- — Trenton saved the Revolution by giv- ing the Americans renewed courage. General Howe BATTLE OF PRINCETON sent Lord Cornwallis with a strong force to destroy the Americans. Washington with the main part of 1777] Pri?iceton 109 his army was now encamped on the southern side of the Assanpink. Cornwallis was on the other bank at Trenton. Leaving a few men to keep up the campfires, and to throw up a slight fort by the bridge over the stream, Washington led his army away by night toward Princeton. There he found several regiments hastening to Cornwallis. He drove them away and led his army to the highlands of New Jersey where he would be free from attack. The British abandoned nearly all their posts in New Jersey and retired to New York. CHAPTER 15 THE GREAT DECLARATION AND THE FRENCH ALLIANCE 145. Growth of the Spirit of Independence. — Rising spirit The year 1776 is even more to be remembered for °^ctlnT^ the doings of Congress than it is for the doings 76. of the soldiers. The colonists loved England. They spoke of it as home. They were proud of the strength of the British empire, and glad to belong to it. But their feelings rapidly changed when the British government declared them to be rebels, made war upon them, and hired foreign soldiers to kill them. They could no longer be subjects of George III. That was clear enough. They determined to declare themselves to be inde- pendent. Virginia led in this movement, and the chairman of the Virginia delegation moved a reso- no The Great Declaration [§§ 146-143 The Great Declaration, adopted July 4, 1776. Higginson, 194-201 ; Mc Master, 131-135; *Source- Book, 147- 149. lution of independence. A committee was appointed to draw up a declaration. 146. The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. — The most important members of this com- mittee were Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. Of these Jefferson was the youngest, and the least known. But he had al- ready drawn up a remarkable paper called A Summary Viezv of tJie Rights of British America. The others asked him to write out a declaration. He sat down without book or notes of any kind, and wrote out the Great Decla- ration in almost the same form in which it now stands. The other members of the committee proposed a few changes, and then reported the declaration to Congress. There was a fierce debate in Congress over the adoption of the Virginia resolution for independence. But finally it was adopted. Congress then examined the Declaration of Independence as reported by the committee. It made a few changes in the words and struck out a clause condemning the slave-trade. The first paragraph of the Declaration contains a short, clear statement of the basis of the American sys- tem of government. It should be learned by heart by every American boy and girl, and always kept in mind. The Declaration was adopted on July First United States Flag Adopted by Congress in 1777. 1776] Declaration Adopted in BKANDYW1NE 4, 1776. A few copies were printed on July 5, with the signatures of John Hancock and Charles Signing of . , -, r s-i the Declara- Thompson, president and secretary 01 Congress. t ion, August On August 2, 1776, the Declaration was signed by 2 » I 776« the members of Congress. 147. The Loss of Philadelphia, 1777. — For some months after the battle of Princeton there was little fighting. But in the summer of 1777, Howe set out to capture Philadelphia. In- stead of marching across New Jer- sey, he placed his army on board ships, and sailed to Chesapeake Bay. As soon as Washington learned what Howe was about, he marched to Chad's Ford, where the road from Chesapeake Bay to Philadelphia crossed Brandywine Battle of Brandywine Creek. Howe moved his men as if about to attempt I777 to cross the ford. Meantime he sent Cornwallis with fff^ 1 a strong force to cross the creek higher up. Corn- wallis surprised the right wing of the American army, drove it back, and Washington was compelled to retreat. Howe occupied Philadelphia and captured SwTtroo ps 112 The Great Declaration [§§ H7-H9 Battle of German- town, 1777. The army at Valley Forge, 1777- 78. Baron Steuben. the forts below the city. Washington tried to sur- prise a part of the British army which was posted at Germantown. But accidents and mist interfered. The Americans then retired to Valley Forge — a strong place in the hills not far from Philadelphia. 148. The Army at Valley Forge, 1777-78. — The sufferings of the soldiers during the following winter can never be over- stated. They sel- dom had more than half enough to eat. Their clothes were in rags. Many of them had no blank- ets. Many more had no shoes. Wash- ington did all he could do for them. But Congress had no. money and could not get any. At Valley Forge the soldiers were drilled by Baron Steuben, a Prussian veteran. The army took the field in 1778, weak in numbers and poorly clad. But what soldiers there were were as good as any soldiers to be found any- where in the world. During that winter, also, an attempt was made to dismiss Washington from chief command, and to give his place to General Gates. But this attempt ended in failure. 149. Burgoyne's March to Saratoga, 1777. — While Howe was marching to Philadelphia, General Bur From Title-page of an Almanac of 1778. To show condition of wood-engraving in the Revo- lutionary era. 1777-7*1 Valley Forge "3 goyne was marching south- ward from Canada. It had been intended that Burgoyne and Howe should seize the line of the Hudson and cut New England off from the other states. But the orders reached Howe too late, and he went southward to Phila- delphia. Burgoyne, on his part, was fairly successful at first, for the Americans abandoned post after post. But when he reached the southern end of Lake Cham- plain, and started on his march to the Hudson, his troubles began. The way ran through a wilderness. General Schuyler had had trees cut down across its woodland paths and had done his work so well that it took Burgoyne about a day to march a mile and a half. This gave the Ameri- cans time to gather from all quarters and bar his south- ward way. But many of the soldiers had no faith in Burgoyne's campaign, 1777. Eggleston, 178-179; McMaster, 139-140 ; *Source- Book, 154- 15V. Schuyler and Gates, ii4 The Great Declaration [§§ 150-154 Battle of Bennington, 1777. Hero Tales, 59-t>7- Battle of Oriskany, 1777. First battle of Freeman's Farm, 1777. Schuyler and Congress gave the command to General Horatio Gates. 150. Bennington, 1777. — Burgoyne had with him many cavalrymen. But they had no horses. The army, too, was sadly in need of food. So Burgoyne sent a force of dismounted dragoons to Bennington in southern Vermont to seize horses and food. It happened, however, that General Stark, with soldiers from New Hampshire, Vermont, and western Massa- chusetts, was nearer Bennington than Burgoyne sup- posed. They killed or captured all the British soldiers. They then drove back with great loss a second party which Burgoyne had sent to support the first one. 151. Oriskany, 1777. — Meantime St. Leger, with a large body of Indians and Canadian frontiersmen, was marching to join Burgoyne by the way of Lake Ontario and the Mohawk Valley. Near the site of the present city of Rome in New York was Fort Schuyler, garrisoned by an American force. St. Leger stopped to besiege this fort. The settlers on the Mohawk marched to relieve the garrison and St. Leger defeated them at Oriskany. But his Indians now grew tired of the siege, especially when they heard that Arnold with a strong army was coming. St. Leger marched back to Canada and left Burgoyne to his fate. 152. Saratoga, 1777. — Marching southward, on the western side of the Hudson, Burgoyne and his army came upon the Americans in a forest clearing called Freeman's Farm. Led by Daniel Morgan 1777] Burgoyne s Campaign 1 15 and Benedict Arnold the Americans fought so hard that Burgoyne stopped where he was and fortified the position. This was on September 19. The American army posted itself near by on Bemis' Heights. For weeks the two armies faced each other. Then, on October 7, the Americans attacked. Second Again Arnold led his men to victory. They captured Fr e em° an s a fort in the centre of the British line, and Burgoyne Farm> 1 777« was obliged to retreat. But when he reached the crossing place of the Hudson, to his dismay he found a strong body of New Englanders with artillery on the opposite bank. Gates had followed the retiring Surrender British, and soon Burgoyne was practically sur- ^Saratoga* rounded. His men were starving, and on October 1 777- 17 he surrendered. 153. The French Alliance, 1778. — Burgoyne's defeat made the French think that the Americans would win their independence. So Dr. Franklin, who was at Paris, was told that France would recog- The Treaty nize the independence of the United States, would ° 8# iance ' make treaties with the new nation, and give aid openly. Great Britain at once declared war on France. The French lent large sums of money to the United States. They sent large armies and splendid fleets to America. Their aid greatly shortened the struggle for independence. But the Americans would proba- bly have won without French aid. 154. Monmouth, 1778. — The first result of the The British French alliance was the retreat of the British from Philadelphia, Philadelphia to New York. As Sir Henry Clinton, w*- n6 Clark' s Campaign [§§ 154-156 Battle of Monmouth, 1778. Clark's conquest of the North- west, 1778- TO. Hero Tales, 31-41. the new British commander, led his army across the Jerseys, Washington determined to strike it a blow. This he did near Monmouth. The attack was a failure, owing to the treason of General Charles Lee, who led the advance. Washington reached the front only in time to prevent a dreadful disaster ; but he could not bring about victory, and Clinton seized the first moment to continue his march to New York. There were other expeditions and battles in the North. But none of these had any important effect on the outcome of the war. 155. Clark's Western Campaign, 1778-79. — The Virginians had long taken great interest in the western country. Their hardy pio- neers had crossed the mountains and begun the settle- ment of Kentucky. The Virginians now determined to conquer the British posts in the country northwest of the Ohio. The command was given to George Rogers Clark. Gather- ing a strong band of hardy frontiersmen he set out on his dangerous expedition. He seized the posts in Illinois, and Vincennes surrendered to him. Then the British governor of the Northwest came from Detroit with a large force and recaptured Vincennes. Clark set out from Illinois to surprise the British. It CLARK'S CAMPAIGN 1777-1778 1778-79] Clark's Campaign 117 was the middle of the winter. In some places the snow lay deep on the ground. Then came the early floods. For days the Americans marched in water up to their waists. At night they sought some little hill where they could sleep on dry ground. Then on again through the flood. They surprised the British garrison at Vincennes and forced it to surrender. That was the end of the contest for the Northwest. West Point in 1790. 156. Arnold and Andre, 1780. — Of all the leaders Benedict under Washington none v/as abler in battle than Benedict Arnold. Unhappily he was always in trouble about money. He was distrusted by Con- gress and was not promoted. At Saratoga he u8 Independence [§§ 156-158 His treason, 1780. Higginson, 209-211 ; McMaster, 144. quarrelled with Gates and was dismissed from his command. Later he became military governor of Philadelphia and was censured by Washington for his doings there. He then secured the command of West Point and offered to surrender the post to the British. Major Andre, of Clinton's staff, met Arnold to arrange the final details. On his re- turn journey to New York Andre was arrested and taken before Washington. The American com- mander asked his generals if Andre was a spy. They replied that Andre was a spy, and he was hanged. Arnold escaped to New York and became a general in the British army. CHAPTER 16 INDEPENDENCE Invasion of the South. Capture of Charleston, 1780. 157. Fall of Charleston, 1780. — It seemed quite certain that Clinton could not conquer the Northern states with the forces given him. In the South there were many loyalists. Resistance might not be so stiff there. At all events Clinton decided to attempt the conquest of the South. Savannah was easily seized (1778), and the French and Americans could not retake it (1779). In the spring of 1780, Clinton, with a large army, landed on the coast be- tween Savannah and Charleston. He marched over- land to Charleston and besieged it from the land side. The Americans held out for a long time. But they were finally forced to surrender. Clinton i 7 8o] Camden 119 then sailed back to New York, and left to Lord Corn- wallis the further conquest of the Carolinas. ill JL J. Jt Mi 'iriii 158. Gates* s Defeat at Camden, 1780. — Cornwallis Battle of had little trouble in occupying the greater part of I7 g™ en * South Carolina. There was no one to oppose him, for the American army had been captured with Charleston. Another small army was got to- gether in North Carolina and the command given to Gates, the victor at Saratoga. One night both Gates and Cornwallis set JL A J/ J, 4 *J ±M.£ -"CAMDEN JL If ^ j> » » out to attack the other's camp. The two armies met 120 Independence [§§ i 5 8-i6d Battle of King's Mountain, 1780. Hero Tales, 71-78. General Greene. Morgan's victory of the Cowpens, 1781. at daybreak, the British having the best position. But this really made little difference, for Gates's Virginia militiamen ran away before the British came within fighting distance. The North Carolina militia followed the Virginians. Only the regulars from Maryland and Delaware were left. They fought on like heroes until their leader, General John De Kalb, fell with seventeen wounds. Then the survivors sur- rendered. Gates himself had been carried far to the rear by the rush of the fleeing militia. 159. King's Mountain, October, 1780. — Cornwallis now thought that resistance surely was at an end. He sent an expedition to the settlements on the lower slopes of the Alleghany Mountains to get re- cruits, for there were many loyalists in that region. Suddenly from the mountains and from the settle- ments in Tennessee rode a body of armed frontiers- men. They found the British soldiers encamped on the top of King's Mountain. In about an hour they had killed or captured every British soldier. 160. The Cowpens, 1781. — General Greene was now sent to the South to take charge of the resist- ance to Cornwallis. A great soldier and a great organizer Greene found that he needed all his abili- ties. His coming gave new spirit to the survivors of Gates's army. He gathered militia from all direc- tions and marched toward Cornwallis. Dividing his army into two parts, he sent General Daniel Morgan to threaten Cornwallis from one direction, while he threatened him from another direction. Cornwallis Cape Lookout The Southern Campaigns. 121 122 Independence [§§ 160-163 Greene's retreat. Battle of Guilford, 1781. at once became uneasy and sent Tarleton to drive Morgan away, but the hero of many hard-fought battles was not easily frightened. He drew up his little force so skill- fully that in a very few minutes the British were nearly all killed or captured. 161. The Guil- ford Campaign, 1 78 1. — Cornwal- lis now made a desperate attempt to capture the Americans, but Greene and Mor- gan joined forces and marched diagonally across North Carolina. Cornwallis followed so closely that frequently the two armies seemed to be one. When, however, the river Dan was reached, there was an end of marching, for Greene had caused all the boats to be collected at one c pot. His men crossed and kept the boats on their side of the river. Soon Greene found himself strong enough to cross the river again to North Carolina. He took up a very strong position near Guilford Court House. Cornwallis attacked. The Americans made a splendid defense before General Morgan the Hero of Cowpens. 1781] Greene s Campaigns 123 Greene ordered a retreat, and the British won the battle of Guilford. But their loss was so great that another victory of the same kind would have de- stroyed the British army. As it was, Greene had dealt it such a blow that Cornwallis left his wounded at Guilford and set out as fast as he could for the seacoast. Greene pursued him for some distance and then marched southward to Camden. 162. Greene's Later Campaigns. — At Hobkirk's Greene's Hill, near Camden, the British soldiers who had been campaigns left behind by Cornwallis attacked Greene. But he I 78i-83- beat them off and began the siege of a fort' on the frontier of South Carolina. The British then marched up from Charleston, and Greene had to fall back. Then the British marched back to Charleston and abandoned the interior of South Carolina to the Americans. There was only one more battle in the South — at Eutaw Springs. Greene was defeated there, too, but the British abandoned the rest of the Carolinas and Georgia with the exception of Savannah and Charleston. In these wonderful campaigns with a few good soldiers Greene had forced the British from the Southern states. He had lost every battle. He had won every campaign. 163. Cornwallis in Virginia, 1781. — There were Lafayette already two small armies in Virginia, — the British *" llis °^g" x> under Arnold, the Americans under Lafayette. Cornwallis now marched northward from Wilming- ton and added the troops in Virginia to his own force; Arnold he sent to New York. Cornwallis 124 Independence [§§ 163-166 The French at Newport, 17S0. Plans of the allies, 17S1. The march to the Chesapeake. then set out to capture Lafayette and his men. Together they marched from salt water across Virginia to the mountains — and then they marched back tc salt water again. Cornwallis had called Lafayette "the boy" and had declared that "the boy should not escape him." Finally Cornwallis fortified York- town, and Lafayette settled down at Williamsburg. And there they still were in September, 1781. 164. Plans of the Allies. — In 17S0 the French government had sent over a strong army under Ro- chambeau. It was landed at Newport. It remained there a year to protect the vessels in which it had come from France from capture by a stronger British fleet that had at once appeared off the mouth of the harbor. Another French fleet and another French army were in the West Indies. In the summer of 1 78 1 it became possible to unite all these French forces, and with the Americans to strike a crushing blow at the British. Just at this moment Cornwallis shut himself up in Yorktown, and it was determined to besiege him there. 165. Yorktown, September-October, 1781. — Ro- chambeau led his men to New York and joined the main American army. Washington now took com- mand of the allied forces. He pretended that he was about to attack New York and deceived Clinton so completely that Clinton ordered Cornwallis to send some of his soldiers to Xew York. But the allies were marching southward through Philadelphia be- fore Clinton realized what they were about. The i 7 8i] Cornwallis in Virginia 125 French West India fleet under De Grasse reached Combat one end of the Chesapeake Bay at the same time prendTand the allies reached the other end. The British fleet the British fleets. attacked it and was beaten off. There was now no hope for Cornwallis. No help could reach him by sea. The soldiers of the allies outnumbered him two to one. On October 17, 1781, four years to a day THE SIEGE OF \ YOHKTOWN since the surrender of Burgoyne, a drummer boy Surrender oi appeared on the rampart of Yorktown and beat a October 19, parley. Two days later the British soldiers marched I 7 81 ' • r J J Higginson, out to the good old British tune of "The world 211-212. turned upside down," and laid down their arms. 166. Treaty of Peace, 1783. — This disaster put Treaty of an end to British hopes of conquering America; Peace ' I783 ' but it was not until September, 1783, that Benjamin 126 Independence [§ 166 Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay brought the negotiations for peace to an end. Great Britain acknowledged the independence of the United States. The territory of the United States was defined as extending from the Great Lakes to the thirty-first parallel of latitude and from the Atlantic to the Mississippi. Spain had joined the United States and France in the war. Spanish soldiers had con- quered Florida, and Spain kept Florida at the peace. In this way Spanish Florida and Louisiana sur- rounded the United States on the south and the west. British territory bounded the United States on the north and the northeast. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS Chapter 14 1. Compare the advantages of the British and the Americans. Which side had the greater advantages? 2. Explain the influence of geographical surroundings upon the war. 3. Why were some colonists opposed to independence? Give an- other name for Loyalists.- 4. Draw a map of Boston and vicinity and explain by it the impor- tant points of the siege. 5. Describe the battle of Bunker Hill. What were the effects of the battle upon the Americans? Upon the British? 6. Why was Washington appointed to chief command? 7. What were the effects of the seizure of Ticonderoga on the siege of Boston? 8. Why did Congress determine to attack Canada? 9. Eollow the routes of the two invading armies. What was the result of the expedition? Questions and Topics 127 10. Describe the harbor of Charleston. Why did the British attack at this point? 11. What was the result of this expedition? 12. What advantage would the occupation of New York give the British? 13. Describe the Long Island campaign. 14. Why did Congress give Washington sole direction of the war? Who had directed the war before? 15. Describe the battle of Trenton. Why is it memorable? 16. Who were the Hessians? 17. At the close of January, 1777, what places were held by the British? Chapter 15 1. What had been the feeling of most of the colonists toward England? Why had this feeling changed? 2. Why was Jefferson asked to write the Declaration? 3. What great change was made by Congress in the Declaration? Why? 4. What truths are declared to be self-evident? Are they still self-evident? 5. What is declared to be the basis of government? Is it still the basis of government? 9. When was the Declaration adopted? When signed? 7. Describe Howe's campaign of 1777. 8. What valuable work was done at Valley Forge? 9. W^hatwas the object of Burgoyne's campaign? Was the plan a wise one from the British point of view? 10. How did the battle of Bennington affect the campaign? What was the effect of St. Leger's retreat to Canada? 11. Describe Arnold's part in the battles near Saratoga. 12. What was the effect of Burgoyne's surrender on Great Britain? On France? On America? 13. What were the results of the French alliance? 14. Describe the battle of Monmouth. Who was Charles Lee? 15. Describe Clark's expedition and mark on a map the places named. 16. How did this expedition affect the later growth of the United States? 128 Independence 17. Describe Arnold's career as a soldier to 1778. 18. What is treason? What was the result of Arnold's treason? Chapter 16 1. Why was the scene of action transferred to the South? 2. What places were captured? 3. Compare the British and American armies at Camden. What was the result of this battle? 4. Describe the battle of King's Mountain. 5. What was the result of the battle of the Cowpens? 6. Follow the retreat of the Americans across North Carolina. What events showed Greene's foresight? 7. What were the results of the battle of Guilford? 8. What were the results of Greene's later campaigns? 9. Compare the outlook for the Americans in 1 781 with that of 1 780. 10. Describe the doings of Cornwallis in Virginia. 11. Describe the gathering of the Allied Forces. 12. Describe the surrender and note its effects on America, France, and Great Britain. 13. Where were the negotiations for peace carried on? 14. Mark on a map the original territory of the United States. 15. How did Spain get the Floridas? General Questions 1. When did the Revolution begin? When did it end? 2. What was the condition of the colonies at the beginning of the Revolution? 3. Give three reasons for the colonists' success in the Revolution. 4. Were the colonies independent when the Declaration of Inde- pendence was adopted? If so, why did they continue righting? 5. Select any campaign and discuss its objects, plan, the leading battles, and the results. 6. Follow Washington's movements from 1775-S2. 7. What do you consider the most decisive battle of the war? Why? 8. What aid did Robert Morris give to the cause of America? Questions and Topics 129 Topics for Special Work 1. The Declaration of Independence. 2. Naval victories. 3. Burgoyne's campaign. 4. Arnold's treason. 5. Greene as a general. 6. Nathan Hale. 7. The work of the Continental Congresses. 8. The peace negotiations. K VI THE CRITICAL PERIOD, 1783-1789 Books for Study and Reading References. — Higginson's Larger History, 293-308 ; Fiske^ Civil Government, 186-267; McMaster's With the Fathers. Home Readings. — Fiske's Critical Period, 144-231, 306-345; Captain Shays : A Populist of 1786. CHAPTER 17 THE CONFEDERATION, 1 783-1 787 Disunionand 167. Problems of Peace. — The war was over, *Source- kut tne future of the American nation was still Book,i6i- uncertain. Indeed, one can hardly say that there was an American nation in 1783. While the war lasted, a sense of danger bound together the people of the different states. But as soon as this peril ceased, their old jealousies and self-seekings came back. There was no national government to smooth over these differences and to compel the states to act justly toward one another. There was, indeed, the Congress of the Confederation, but it is absurd to speak of it as a national government. 130 1781-88] Weakness of the Confederation 131 168. The Articles of Confederation, 1781. — The Formation of Continental Congress began drawing up the Articles f Con _ of Confederation in June, 1776. But there were long federati on. delays, and each month's delay made it more impos- sible to form a strong government. It fell out in Weakness 01 this way that the Congress of the Confederation had federation. no real power. It could not make a state or an indi- McMaster, . l6 3- vidual pay money or do anything at all. In the course of a few years Congress asked the states to give it over six million dollars to pay the debts and expenses of the United States. It received about a million dollars and was fortunate to get that. 169. A Time of Distress. — It is not right to speak Distress too harshly of the refusal of the state governments to p™ ""^ give Congress the money it asked for, as the people of the states were in great distress and had no money to give. As soon as peace was declared British mer- chants sent over great quantities of goods. People bought these goods, for every one thought that good times were coming now that the war was over. But the British government did everything it could do to prevent the coming of good times. The prosperity of the northern states was largely based on a profit- able trade with the West Indies. The British govern- ment put an end to that trade. No gold and silver came to the United States from the West Indies while gold and silver constantly went out of the country to pay debts due to British merchants. Soon gold and silver grew scarce, and those who had any promptly hid it. The real reason of all this trouble 132 The Confederation [§§ 169-173 Paper money was the lack of a strong national government which could have compelled the British government to open its ports to American commerce. But the people only saw that money was scarce and called upon the state legislatures to give them paper money. 170. Paper Money. — Most of the state legislatures did what they were asked to do. They printed quan- tities of paper money. They paid the public expenses with it, and sometimes lent it to individuals without much security for its repayment. Before long this paper money began to grow less valuable. For instance, on a certain day a man could buy a bag of flour for five dollars. In three months' time a bag of flour might cost him ten dollars. Soon it became difficult to buy flour for any number of paper dollars, render laws. 171 Tender Laws. — The people then clamored for "tender laws." These were laws which would make it lawful for them to tender, or offer, paper money in exchange for flour or other things. In some cases it was made lawful to tender paper money in pay- ments of debts which had been made when gold and silver were still in use. The merchants now shut up their shops, and business almost ceased. The lawyers only were busy. For those to whom money was owed tried to get it paid before the paper money became utterly worthless. The courts were crowded, and the prisons were filled with poor debtors. 172. Stay Laws. — Now the cry was for " stay laws." These were laws to prevent those to whom money was due from enforcing their rights. These Stay laws. 1781-88J Weakness of the Confederation 133 laws promptly put an end to whatever business was left. The only way that any business could be carried on was by barter. For example, a man who had a bushel of wheat that he did not want for his family would exchange it for three or four bushels of pota- State Street, Boston, about 1790. The Boston Massacre occurred near where the two-horse wagon stands. toes, or for four or five days of labor. In some states the legislatures passed very severe laws to compel people to receive paper money. In one state, indeed, no one could vote who would not receive paper money. 173. Shays's Rebellion, 1786-87. --In Massachu- Disorder in Massachu- setts, especially, the discontent was very great. The people were angry with the judges for sending men setts. 134 The Confederation [§§ 173-176 Claims of the states to Western lands. McMaster, 155- Hero Tales t 19-28. to prison who did not pay their debts. Crowds of armed men visited the judges and compelled them to close the courts. The leader in this movement was Daniel Shays. He even threatened to seize the United States Arsenal at Springfield. By this time Governor Bowdoin and General Lincoln also had gathered a small force of soldiers. In the midst of winter, through snowstorms and over terrible roads, Lincoln marched with his men. He drove Shays from place to place, captured his followers, and put down the rebellion. There were risings in other states, especially in North Carolina. But Shays's Rebellion in Massachusetts was the most important of them all, because it convinced the New Englanders that a stronger national government was necessary. 174. Claims to Western Lands. — The Confedera- tion seemed to be falling to pieces. That it did not actually fall to pieces was largely due to the fact that all the states were interested in the settlement of the region northwest of the Ohio River. It will be well to stop a moment and see how this came about. Under their old charters Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vir- ginia, Carolina, and Georgia had claims to lands west of the Alleghanies. Between 1763 and 1776 the British government had paid slight heed to these claims (pp. 75, 89). But Daniel Boone and other colonists had settled west of the mountains in what are now the states of Kentucky and Tennessee. When the Revolution began the states having claims to western lands at once put them forward, and New Que 5^W^ \ , Asf ale it i t s \ kj / I Detroit \'/\r^ nta ' Kxss v y< % s i A V^Lton " r ° rk st -0 fCahok Al.SHtvlria'JJ'l^'-DEli. ^^flE«j#jF "^ ' ^^C Iff 1 ~, Norfolk U 36:— OcJ „ U CLAIMED jj' DKhTBD StU AND A^^QSgia 00 = Orleans G \"lf of Mex Note : New York, claimed "western land as far south as the Tennessee River CLAIMS AND CESSIONS. 1 781-84 j Claims to Western Lands 135 York also claimed a right to about one-half of the disputed territory. Naturally the states that had no claims to these lands had quite different views. The Marylanders, for example, thought that the western Opposition lands should be regarded as national territory and ofMai 7 land 1 r .-, , J and of other used tor the common benefit. Maryland refused to states, join the Confederation until New York had ceded her claims to the United States, and Virginia had proposed a cession of the territory claimed by her. 175. The Land Cessions.— In 1784 Virginia gave The states up her claims to the land northwest of the Ohio River cedetheir .. 1 .1 . claims to the with the exception of certain large tracts which she United reserved for her veteran soldiers. Massachusetts ^Master, ceded her claims in 1785. The next year (1786) I59_l6a Connecticut gave up her claims. But she reserved a large tract of land directly west of Pennsylvania. This was called the Connecticut Reserve or, more often, the Western Reserve. South Carolina and North Carolina ceded their lands in 1787 and 1790, and finally Georgia gave up her claims to western lands in 1802. 176. Passage of the Ordinance of 1787.— What Reasons should be done with the lands which in this wav had for the . J ordinance come into the possession of the people of all the states ? It was quite impossible to divide these lands among the people of the thirteen states. They never could have agreed as to the amount due to each state. In 1785 Congress took the first step. It passed a law or an ordinance for the government of the Territory Northwest of the Ohio River. This ordinance was 136 The Confederation [§§ 176-179 Passage of Ordinance of 1787. Mc Master t 160-162 ; *Source- Book, 169- 172. Provisions of the Ordinance of 1787. imperfect, and few persons emigrated to the West. There were many persons who wished to emigrate from the old states to the new region. But they were unwilling to go unless they felt sure that they would not be treated by Congress as the British government had treated the people of the original states. Dr. Cutler of Massachusetts laid these matters before Congress and did his work so well that Congress passed a new ordinance. This was in 1787. The ordinance is therefore called the Ordinance of 1787. It was so well suited to its purpose that nearly all the territories of the United States have been settled and governed under its provisions. It will be well to study this great document more at length. 177. The Ordinance of 1787. — In the first place the ordinance provided for the formation of one terri- tory to be called the Territory Northwest of the Ohio. But it is more often called the Northwest Territory or simply the Old Northwest. At first it was to be governed by the persons appointed by Congress. But it was further provided that when settlers should arrive in sufficient numbers they should enjoy self- government. When fully settled the territory should be divided into five states. These should be admitted to the Confederation on a footing of equality with the original states. The settlers in the territory should enjoy full rights of citizenship. Education should be encouraged. Slavery should never be permitted. This last provision is especially important as it saved the Northwest to freedom. In this way a new po- i7 8 7] Ordinance of 7787 \^j litical organization was invented. It was called a territory. It was really a colony; but it differed from all other colonies because in time it would become a state on a footing of entire equality with the parent states. CHAPTER 18 MAKING OF THE CONSTITUTION, 1787-1789 178. Necessity for a New Government. — At this very moment a convention was making a constitution to put an end to the Confederation itself. It was Weakness quite clear that something must be done or the states federaUon" soon would be fighting one another. Attempt after attempt had been made to amend the Articles of Confederation so as to give Congress more power. But every attempt had failed because the consent of every state was required to amend the Articles. And one state or another had objected to every amendment that had been proposed. It was while Meeting of affairs were in this condition that the Federal !? e Fed f ral Convention, Convention met at Philadelphia in May, 1787. ^7- 179. James Madison. — Of all the members of the james Convention, James Madison of Virginia best deserves Madison - the title of Father of the Constitution. He drew up the Virginia plan which was adopted as the basis of the new Constitution. He spoke convincingly for the plan in the Convention. He did more than any one else to secure the ratification of the Consti- tution by Virginia. He kept a careful set of Notes of 138 Making of the Constitution [§§ 1 79-181 the debates of the Convention which show us pre- cisely how the Constitution was made. With Alex- ander Hamilton and John Jay he wrote a series of papers which is called the Federalist and is still the best guide to the Constitution. Washing- ton Presi- dent of the Convention. James Maiuson. 180. Other Fathers of the Constitution. — George Washington was chosen President of the Convention. He made few speeches. But the speeches that he made were very important. And the mere fact that he approved the Constitution had a tremendous influ- ence throughout the country. The oldest man in the '787] The Federal Convention 139 Convention was Benjamin Franklin. His long ex- Franklin. perience in politics and in diplomacy with his natural shrewdness had made him an unrivaled manager of men. From all the states came able men. In fact, with the exception of John Adams, Samuel Adams,' Patrick Henry, and Thomas Jefferson, the strongest men in political life were in 'he Federal Conven- The Old State House, Philadelphia. Meeting place of the Continental Congress and of the Federal Convention -now called Independence Hall. tion. Never in the history of the world have so many great political leaders, learned students of pol- itics, and shrewd business men gathered together. The result of their labors was the most marvelous product of political wisdom that the world has ever seen. 181. Plans for a National Government. — As soon The Virginia as the Convention was in working order, Governor plan ' Randolph of Virginia presented Madison's plan for a "national " government. Charles Pinckney of 140 Making of tin- Constitution [§§ iSi-iS; Pinckney's South Carolina also brought forward a plan. His scheme was more detailed than was Madison's plan. But, like it. it provided for a government with "supreme legislative, executive, and judicial powers." Vote for a On Mav 30 the Convention voted that a "national national , , , ,. , « . goyernmjent government ought to be established, consisting ot a supreme Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary." It next decided that the legislative department should consist of two houses. But when the dele- gates began to talk over the details, they began to disagree. 182. Disagreement as to Representation. — The Virginia plan proposed that representation in one branch of the new Congress should be divided among the states according to the amount of money each state paid into the national treasury, or according to the number of the free inhabitants of each state. The Delaware delegates at once said that they must withdraw. In June Governor Patterson of The New New lersev brought forward a plan which had plan, " been drawn up by the delegates from the smaller states. It is always called, however, the New ler- sev plan. It proposed simply to amend the Arti- cles of Confederation so as to give Congress more power. After a long debate the New Jersey plan was rejected. 183. The Compromise as to Representation. — The discussion now turned on the question of representa- tion in the two houses of Congress. After a long- debate and a good deal of excitement Benjamin Benjamin Franklin. " He snatched the lightning from Heaven, and the sceptre from tyrants." — Turcot, 142 Making of the Constitution [§§ 183-185 Representa- tion in the House of Representa- tives. McMaster, 167. Representa- tion in the Senate. The federal ratio. Power of Congress over com- merce. Franklin and Roger Sherman proposed a compro- mise. This was, that members of the House of Representatives should be apportioned among- the states according to their population and should be elected directly by the people. In the Senate they proposed that each state, regardless of size, popula- tion, or wealth, should have two members. The Senators, representing the states, would fittingly be chosen by the state legislatures. It was agreed that the states should be equally represented in the Senate. But it was difficult to reach a conclu- sion as to the apportionment of representatives in the House. 184. Compromise as to Apportionment. — Should the members of the House of Representatives be distributed among the states according to population ? At first sight the answer seemed to be perfectly clear. But the real question was, should slaves who had no vote be counted as a part of the population ? It was finally agreed that the slaves should be counted at three-fifths of their real number. This rule was called the "federal ratio." The result of this rule was to give the Southern slave states repre- sentation in Congress out of all proportion to their voting population. 185. Compromise as to the Slave-Trade. — When the subject of the powers to be given to Congress came to be discussed, there was even greater excitement. The Northerners wanted Congress to have power to regulate commerce. But the Southerners opposed 1737] The Great Compromises 143 it because they feared Congress would use this power to put an end to the slave-trade. John Rutledge of South Carolina even went so far as to say that unless this question was settled in favor of the slave-holders, the slave states would " not be parties Restriction Signing of the Constitution, September 17, 1787. From an early unfinished picture. This shows the arrangement of the room and the sun behind Washington's chair. to the Union." In the end this matter also was as to slave- compromised by providing that Congress could not prohibit the slave-trade until 1808. These were the three great compromises. But there were compro- mises on so many smaller points that we cannot even mention them here. 144 Making of the Constitution [§§ 186-189 Franklin's prophecy. Strength of the Constitu- tion. Mc Master % 168-169. 186. Franklin's Prophecy. — It was with a feeling of real relief that the delegates finally came to the end of their labors. As they were putting their names to the Constitution, Franklin pointed to a rising sun that was painted on the wall behind the presiding officer's chair. He said that painters often found it difficult to show the difference between a rising sun and a setting sun. " I have often and often," said the old statesman, "looked at that behind the President, without being able to tell whether it was rising or setting ; but now, at length, I have the happiness to know that it is a rising and not a setting sun." And so indeed it has proved to be. 187. The Constitution. — It will be well now to note some of the points in which the new Constitu- tion was unlike the old Articles of Confederation. In the first place, the government of the Confedera- tion had to do only with the states ; the new govern- ment would deal directly with individuals. For instance, when the old Congress needed money, it called on the states to give it. If a state refused to give any money, Congress could remonstrate — and that was all. The new government could order indi- viduals to pay taxes. Any one who refused to pay his tax would be tried in a United States court and compelled to pay or go to prison. In the second place the old government had almost no executive powers. The new government would have a very strong executive in the person of the President of the United States. 1787] The Constitution 145 188. The Supreme Court. — The greatest differ- interpreta- ence of all was to be found in the Supreme Court of constitution, the United States provided in the Constitution. The new Congress would have very large powers of mak- ing laws. But the words defining these powers were very hard to understand. It was the duty of the Supreme Court to say what these words meant. Now the judges of the Supreme Court are very inde- pendent. It is almost impossible to remove a judge of this court, and the Constitution provides that his salary cannot be reduced while he holds office. It fell out that under the lead of Chief Justice John John ]M 3, rs h 3. 1 1 ' s Marshall the Supreme Court defined the doubtful decisions, words in the Constitution so as to give the greatest amount of power to the Congress of the United States. As the laws of the United States are the supreme laws of the land, it will be seen how impor- tant this action of the Supreme Court has been. 189. Objections to the Constitution. — The great Opposition strength of the Constitution alarmed many people, constitution Patrick Henry declared that the government under *s versity. For Secretary of War, Washington selected Henry Knox. He had been Chief of Artillery during Knox, Secre- the Revolution. Since then he had been head of the War Department. Edward Randolph became Attor- Randolph, ney General. He had introduced the Virginia plan GeneraY of union into the Federal Convention. But he had 1 54 Organization of the Government [§§ i95- ! 99 Federal Officers. Jay, Chief Justice. Titles. Higginson, 222. Washington's Writing-table not signed the Constitution in its final form. These four officers formed the Cabinet. There was also a Postmaster General. But his office was of slight importance at the time. 196. Appointments to Office. — The Pres- ident now appointed the necessary officers to execute the na- tional laws. These were mostly men who had been prominent in the Revolutionary War. For instance, John Jay (p. 126) was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and General Lincoln (p. 134) was appointed Collector of Customs at Boston. It was in having officers of its own to carry out its laws, that the new govern- ment seemed to the people to be so unlike the old government. Formerly if Congress wanted anything done, it called on the states to do it. Now Congress, by law, authorized the United States officials to do their tasks. The difference was a very great one, and it took the people some time to realize what a great change had been made. 197. The Question of Titles. — The first fiercely contested debate in the new Congress was over the question of titles. John Adams, the Vice-President and the presiding officer of the Senate, began the conflict by asking the Senate how he should address 1 789-92] Cerent on ies 155 the President. One senator suggested that the President should be entitled " His Patriotic Majesty." Other senators proposed that he should be addressed as " Your Highness, the President of the United States and Protector of their Liberties." Fortunately, the House of Representatives had the first chance to address Washington and simply called him " Mr. President of the United States." 198. Ceremonies and Progresses. — Washington Ceremonies, liked a good deal of ceremony and was stiff and '^f^™' aristocratic. He soon gave receptions or ''levees" as they were called. To these only persons who had tickets were admitted. Washington stood on one side of the room and bowed stiffly to each guest as he was announced. When all were assembled, the entrance doors were closed. The President then slowly walked around the room, saying something pleasant to each person. In 1789 he made a journey through New England. Everywhere he was received by guards of honor, and was splendidly entertained. At one place an old man greeted him with "God bless Your Majesty." This was all natural enough, for Washington was " first in the hearts of his country- men." But many good men were afraid that the Monarchical new government would really turn out to be a appe ' monarchy. 199. First Tariff Act, 1789. — The first important struggle over business that Congress took in hand was a bill for I780t raising revenue, and a lively debate began. Repre- *^ u ^ ce l _ sentatives from New England and the Middle states 186. 156 Organization of the Government [§§ 199-201 Extent of the United States, 1791. Population of the United States, 1791. wanted protection for their commerce and their strug- gling manufactures. Representatives from the South- ern states opposed all protective duties as harmful to agriculture, which was the only important pursuit of the Southerners. But the Southerners would have been glad to have a duty placed on hemp. This the New Englanders opposed because it would increase the cost of rigging ships. The Pennsylvanians were eager for a duty on iron and steel. But the New Englanders opposed this duty because it would add to the cost of building a ship, and the Southerners opposed it because it would increase the cost of agricultural tools. And so it was as to nearly every duty that was proposed. But duties must be laid, and the only thing that could be done was to com- promise in every direction. Each section got some- thing that it wanted, gave up a great deal that it wanted, and agreed to something that it did not want at all. And so it has been with every tariff act from that day to this. 200. The First Census, 1791. — The Constitution provided that representatives should be distributed among the states according to population as modified by the federal ratio (p. 142). To do this it was neces- sary to find out how many people there were in each state. In 1791 the first census was taken. By that time both North Carolina and Rhode Island had joined the Union, and Vermont had been admitted as the fourteenth state. It appeared that there were nearly four million people in the United States, or 1790 The First Census 157 not as many as one hundred years later lived around the shores of New York harbor. There were then about seven hundred thousand slaves in the country. Of these only fifty thousand were in the states north of Maryland. The country, therefore, was already divided into two sections : one where slavery was of little importance, and another where it was of great importance. 201. New States. — The first new state to be ad- mitted to the Union was Vermont (1791). The land Vermont admitted, 1791. 88 , , r8 Center of Population which formed this state was claimed by New Hamp- Higgimon shire and by New York. During the Revolution the Green Mountain Boys had declared themselves in- dependent and had drawn up a constitution. They now applied t% Congress for admission to the Union as a separate state. The next year Kentucky came Kentucky into the Union. This was originally a part of Vir- ^™ itted ' ginia, and the colonists had brought their slaves with Higginson, them to their new homes. Kentucky, therefore, was a slave state. Vermont was a free state, and its constitution forbade slavery. 224-230. 158 Organization of the Government [§§202-204 Origin of the National Debt. For details, see Mc Master t 108-200. Bonds. Hamilton as a financier. His plan. Objections to it. 202. The National Debt. — The National Debt was the price of independence. During the war Con- gress had been too poor to pay gold and silver for what it needed to carry on the war. So it had given promises to pay at some future time. These promises to pay were called by various names as bonds, certificates of indebtedness, and paper money. Taken all together they formed what was called the Domestic Debt, because it was owed to persons liv- ing in the United States. There was also a Foreign Debt. This was owed to the King of France and to other foreigners who had lent money to the United States. 203. Hamilton's Financial Policy. — Alexander Hamilton was the ablest Secretary of the Treasury the United States has ever had. To give people con- fidence in the new government, he proposed to re- deem the old certificates and bonds, dollar for dollar, in new bonds. To this plan there was violent ob- jection. Most of the original holders of the cer- tificates and bonds had sold them long ago. They were now mainly held by speculators who had paid about thirty or forty cents for each dollar. Why should the speculator get one dollar for that which had cost him only thirty or forty cents ? Hamilton insisted that his plan was the only way to place the public credit on a firm foundation, and it was finally adopted. 204. Assumption of State Debts. — A further part of Hamilton's original scheme aroused even greater Alexander Hamilton. " He smote the rock of the national resources and abundant streams of revenue gushed forth. He touched the dead corpse of the public credit and it sprang upon its feet." — Webster, 160 Organization of t/ie Government [§§ 204-205 The state debts. *Source- Book, 186- 188. Hamilton's plan of assumption. Objections to it. Failure of the bill. Question of the site of the national capital. opposition. During the Revolutionary War the states, too, had become heavily in debt. They had furnished soldiers and supplies to Congress. Some of them had undertaken expeditions at their own expense. Virginia, for example, had borne all the cost of Clark's conquest of the Northwest (p. 116). She had later ceded nearly all her rights in the conquered territory to the United States (p. 135). These debts had been incurred for the benefit of the people as a whole. Would it not then be fair for the people of the United States as a whole to pay them ? Hamilton thought that it would. It chanced, however, that the Northern states had much larger debts than had the Southern states. One re- sult of Hamilton's scheme would be to relieve the Northern states of a part of their burdens and to increase the burdens of the Southern states. The Southerners, therefore, were strongly opposed to the plan. The North Carolina representatives reached New York just in time to vote against it, and that part of Hamilton's plan was defeated. 205. The National Capital. — In these days of fast express trains it makes little difference whether one is going to Philadelphia or to Baltimore — onlv a few hours more or less in a comfortable railroad car. But in 1 791 it made a great deal of difference whether one were going to Philadelphia or to Balti- more. Traveling was especially hard in the South. There were few roads or taverns in that part of the country, and those few were bad. The Southerners "790 Assumption of State Debts 161 were anxious to have the national capital as far south as possible. They were also opposed to the assump- tion of the state debts by the national government. Now it happened that the Northerners were in favor 1^ ^ I An Old Stagecoach. The house was built in Lincoln County, Kentucky, in 1783. of the assumption of the debts and did not care very much where the national capital might be. In the end Jefferson and Hamilton made "a deal," the first of Jeffersonand its kind in our history. Enough Southerners voted for the assumption bill to pass it. The Northerners, on their part, agreed that the temporary seat of government should be at Philadelphia, and the per- M 1 62 Organization of the Government [§§ 205-207 The District of Columbia. Hamilton's plan for a United States bank. Mc Master, 201. manent seat of government on the Potomac. Vir- ginia and Maryland at once ceded enough land to form a "federal district." This was called the Dis- trict of Columbia. Soon preparations were begun to build a capital city there — the city of Washington. 206. The First Bank of the United States. — Two parts of Hamilton's plan were now adopted. To the third part of his scheme there was even more op- position. This was the establishment of a great Bank of the United States. The government in 1 790 had no place in which to keep its money. Instead of establishing government treasuries, Hamilton wanted a great national bank, controlled by the government. This bank could establish branches in important cities. The government's money could be deposited at any of these branches and could be paid out by checks sent from the Treasury. Furthermore, people could buy a part of the stock of the bank with the new bonds of the United States. This would make people more Copyright, D. Appleton & Co. A Lady of the " Republican Court." 179 1 ] First Bank of the United States 163 eager to own the bonds, and so would increase their price. For all these reasons Hamilton thought the bank would be very useful, and therefore " necessary and proper " for the carrying out of the powers given by the Constitution to the national government. Jef- ferson, however, thought that the words " necessary Jefferson's and proper " meant necessary and not useful. The agSnsUt! bank was not necessary according to the ordinary use of the word. Congress therefore had no business to establish it. After thinking the matter over, Wash- The bank ington signed the bill and it became a law. But Jef- ferson had sounded the alarm. Many persons agreed with him, many others agreed with Hamilton. Two great political parties were formed and began the con- test for power that has been going on ever since. CHAPTER 20 RISE OF POLITICAL PARTIES 207. The Federalists. — There were no political Formation of parties in the United States in 1789. All the leading i st e pa rt y era " men were anxious to give the new Constitution a fair McMaster, trial. Even Patrick Henry supported Washington. Many men, as Alexander Hamilton and Gouverneur Morris, believed a monarchy to be the best form of government. But they saw clearly that the Ameri- can people would not permit a monarchy to be established. So they supported the Constitution although they thought that it was " a frail and worth- 202. 164 Rise of Political Parties [§§ 207-210 Formation of the Republican party. less fabric." But they wished to establish the strong- est possible government that could be established under the Constitution. This they could do by de- fining in the broadest way the doubtful words in the Constitution as Hamilton had done in the controversy over the bank charter (p. 162). Hamilton had little confidence in the wisdom of the plain people. He believed it would be safer to rely on the richer classes. So he and his friends wished to give to the central government and to the richer classes the great- est possible amount of power. Those who believed as Hamilton believed called themselves Federalists. In reality they were Nationalists. 208. The Republicans. — Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Albert Gallatin, and their friends entirely disagreed with the Federalists on all of these points. They called themselves Republicans. In the Great Declaration Jefferson had written that government rested on the consent of the governed. He also thought that the common sense of the plain people was a safer guide than the wisdom of the richer classes. He was indignant at the way in which Ham- ilton defined the meaning of phrases in the Constitu- tion. He especially relied on the words of the Tenth Amendment. This amendment provided that "all powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the states are reserved to the states respectively or to the people." Jefferson thought that phrases like " not delegated " and " necessary and proper " should be understood 1793] Political Parties 165 in their ordinary meanings. He now determined to arouse public opinion. He once declared that if he had to choose between having a government and having a newspaper press, he should prefer the news- paper press. He established a newspaper devoted to his principles and began a violent and determined attack on the Federalists, calling them monarchists. These disputes became especially violent in the treat- ment of the questions which grew out of the French Revolution. 209. The French Revolution. — In 1789 the French The French people rose against their government. In 1792 they 17 ^ l imprisoned their king and queen. In 1793 they be- headed them, and set up a republic. The monarchs of Europe made common cause against this spirit of revolution. They made war on the French Republic and began a conflict which soon spread to all parts of the world. 210. The French Revolution and American Politics. Effect of — Jefferson and his political friends rejoiced at the ^0^"^ overthrow of the French monarchy and the setting on American up of the Republic. It seemed as if American ideas McMaster, had spread to Europe. Soon Jefferson's followers 2o6_2 °7- began to ape the manners of the French revolution- • ists. They called each other Citizen this and Citizen that. Reports of French victories were received with rejoicing. At Boston an ox, roasted whole, bread, and punch were distributed to the people in the streets, and cakes stamped with the French watchwords, Lib- erty and Equality, were given to the children. But, 1 66 Rise of Political Parties [§§ 210-213 Federalists and Republicans. Genet at Charleston. His contest with the government. The Treaty of Alliance of 1778. while the Republicans were rejoicing over the down- fall of the French monarchy, the Federalists were far from being happy. Hamilton had no confidence in government by the people anywhere. Washington, with his aristocratic ideas, did not at all like the way the Republicans were acting. He said little on the subject, but Lady Washington expressed her mind freely and spoke of Jefferson's followers as "filthy Democrats." 211. Citizen Genet. — The new French government soon sent an agent or minister to the United States. He was the Citizen Genet. He landed at Charleston, South Carolina. He fitted out privateers to prey on British commerce and then set out overland for Philadelphia Washington had recently made a tour through the South. But even he had not been re- ceived with the enthusiasm that greeted Genet. But when Genet reached Philadelphia, and began to con- fer with Jefferson about getting help from the govern- ment, he found little except delay, trouble, and good advice. Jefferson especially tried to warn Genet not to be over confident. But Genet would not listen. He even appealed to the people against Washington, and the people rallied to the defense of the President. Soon another and wiser French minister came to the United States. 212. The Neutrality Proclamation, 1793- — Wash- ington and his advisers had a very difficult question to settle. For the Treaty of 1778 with France (p. 115) gave to French ships the use of United States 1793] Neutrality Proclamation 167 ports in war time, and closed those ports to the ene- mies of France. The treaty might also oblige the United States to make war on Great Britain in order to preserve the French West India Islands to France. It was quite certain, at all events, that if French warships were allowed to use American ports, and British warships were not allowed to do so, Great Britain would speedily make war on the United States. The treaty had been made with the King of France. Could it not be set aside on the ground that there was no longer a French monarchy ? Washington at length made up his mind to regard it as suspended, owing to the confusion which ex- isted in France. He therefore issued a Proclama- tion of Neutrality. In this proclamation he warned The Neutrai- all citizens not to aid either of the fighting nations. \^ on r °i^ ma " It was in this way that Washington began the policy of keeping the United States out of European con- flicts (p. 224). 213. The Whiskey Insurrection, 1794. — The in- internal creasing expenses of the government made new taxes ^xe" 116 necessary. Among the new taxes was an internal revenue tax on whiskey. It happened that this tax bore heavily on the farmers of western Carolina and western Pennsylvania. The farmers of those regions could not take their grain to the seaboard because the roads were bad and the distance was great. So they made it into whiskey, which could be carried to the seaboard and sold at a profit. The new tax on whiskey would make it more difficult for these 1 68 Rise of Political Parties [§§ 213-216 western farmers to earn a living and to support their rhe whiskey families. They refused to pay it. They fell upon the tax collectors and drove them away. Washing- ton sent commissioners to explain matters to them. But the farmers paid no heed to the commissioners. The President then called out fifteen thousand militia- men and sent them to western Pennsylvania, under the command of Henry Lee, governor of Virginia. The rebellious farmers yielded without fighting. Two of the leaders were convicted of treason ; but Wash- ington pardoned them, and the conflict ended there. The new government had shown its strength, and had compelled people to obey the laws. That in itself was a very great thing to have done. 214. Jay's Treaty, 1794. — Ever since 1783 there had been trouble with the British. They had not surrendered the posts on the Great Lakes, as the treaty of 1783 required them to do. They had op- pressed American commerce. The American states also had broken the treaty by making laws to prevent the collection of debts due to British subjects by American citizens. The Congress of the Confedera- tion had been too weak to compel either the British government or the American states to obey the treaty. But the new government was strong enough to make treaties respected at home and abroad. Washington sent Chief Justice John Jay to London to negotiate a new treaty. He found the British government very hard to deal with. At last he made a treaty ; but there were many things in it which were not at all 2 795] Jay's Treaty 169 favorable to the United States. For instance, it pro- Jay's Treaty, vided that cotton should not be exported from the 4 ' United States, and that American commerce with the British West Indies should be greatly restricted. 215. Ratification of Jay's Treaty, 1795. — After contest over a long discussion the Senate voted to ratify the treaty ^ T a yV° n without these two clauses. In the House of Repre- Treaty, 1795. sentatives there was a fierce debate. For although the House has nothing to do with ratifying treaties, it has a great deal to do with voting money. And money was needed to carry out this treaty. At last the House voted the necessary money. The British surrendered the posts on the Great Lakes, and the debts due to British subjects were paid. Many people were very angry with Jay and with Washington for making this treaty. Stuffed figures of Jay were hanged, and Washington was attacked in the papers as if he had been "a common pickpocket" — to use his own words. 216. The Spanish Treaty of 1795. — France and I/O Rise of Political Parties [§§ 216-219 Treaty with Spain, 1795. Right of deposit. Washington declines a third term. His Farewell Address. Great Britain were not the only countries with which there was trouble. The Spaniards held posts on the Mississippi, within the limits of the United States and refused to give them up. For a hundred miles the Mississippi flowed through Spanish territory. In those days, before steam railroads connected the Ohio valley with the Eastern seacoast, the farmers of Kentucky and Tennessee sent their goods by boat or raft down the Mississippi to New Orleans. At that city they were placed on sea-going vessels and carried to the markets of the world. The Spaniards refused to let this commerce be carried on. In 1795, however, they agreed to abandon the posts and to per- mit American goods to be deposited at New Orleans while awaiting shipment by sea-going vessels. 217. Washington's Farewell Address. — In 1792 Washington had been reelected President. In 1796 there would be a new election, and Washington de- clined another nomination. He was disgusted with the tone of public life and detested party politics, and desired to pass the short remainder of his life in quiet at Mt. Vernon. He announced his intention to retire in a Farewell Address, which should be read and studied by every American. In it he declared the Union to be the main pillar of independence, pros- perity, and liberty. Public credit must be carefully maintained, and the United States should have as little as possible to do with European affairs. In declining a third term as President, Washington set an example which has ever since been followed. 1796] Presidential Election 171 CHAPTER 21 THE LAST FEDERALIST ADMINISTRATION 218. John Adams elected President, 1796. — In Hamilton's 1706 John Adams was the Federalist candidate for lntrl s ues 'J J against President. His rival was Thomas Jefferson, the Adams, founder and chief of the Republican party. Alex- ander Hamilton was the real leader of the Federalists, and he disliked Adams. Thomas Pinckney was the Federalist candidate for Vice-President. Hamilton suggested a plan which he thought would lead to the election of Pinckney as President instead of Adams. Adams But Hamilton's scheme did not turn out very well. p^^nt For by it Jefferson was elected Vice-President. In- *79& deed, he came near being President, for he had only three less electoral votes than Adams. 219. More Trouble with France. — France was Relations now (1796-97) governed by five chiefs of the Revo- ^Z^I^^ lution, who called themselves "the Directory." McMaster, 210-212; They were very angry when they heard of Jay's *Source- Treaty (p. 168), for they had hoped that the Ameri- ™ ,I91 cans would make war on the British. James Monroe was then American minister at Paris. Instead of doing all he could to smooth over this difficulty, he urged on the wrath of the Directory. Washington recalled Monroe, and sent in his stead General The French Charles Cotesworth Pinckney of South Carolina, declines to The Directory promptly refused to receive Pinckney, receive an . American and ordered him to leave France. News of this minister. 1 72 The Last Federalist Administration [§§ 219-223 Adams's message, 1797. A commis- sion sent to France, 1797. The X. Y. Z. Affair, 1797- 98. Excitement in America. action of the Directory reached Philadelphia three days after Adams's inauguration. 220. The X. Y. Z. Affair, 1797-98. — Adams at once summoned Congress and addressed the mem- bers in stirring words. He denied that the Ameri- cans were a " degraded people, humiliated under a colonial sense of fear . . . and regardless of national honor, character, and interest." It seemed best, how- ever, to make one more effort to avoid war. Adams therefore sent John Marshall, a Virginia Federalist, and Elbridge Gerry, a Massachusetts Republican, to France. They were to join Pinckney and together were to negotiate with the French Directory. When they reached Paris three men came to see them. These men said that America (1) must apologize for the President's vigorous words, (2) must lend money to France, and (3) must bribe the Directory and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. These outrageous sug- gestions were emphatically put aside. In sending the papers to Congress, the three men were called Mr. X., Mr. Y., and Mr. Z., so the incident is always known as the " X. Y. Z. Affair." 221. Indignation in America. — Federalists and Republicans joined in indignation. " Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute," was the cry of the day. French flags were everywhere torn down. " Hail Columbia " was everywhere sung. Adams declared that he would not send another minister to France until he was assured that the representative of the United States would be received as "the 1797-98] War zvith France 173 representative of a great, free, powerful, and inde- pendent state." 222. War with France, 1797-98. — The organiza- Washington tion of a provisional army was now at once begun, commander Washington accepted the chief command on condi- in - chJ ef. Hamilton tion that Hamilton should have the second place, and Adams. There were already a few vessels in the navy. A Navy Department was now organized. The building The navy, of more warships was begun, and merchant vessels were bought and converted into cruisers. French privateers sailed along the American coasts and Naval war- captured American vessels off the entrances of the McMaster^ principal harbors. But this did not last long. For 2I 3-2i4- the American warships drove the privateers to the West Indies and pursued them as they fled south- ward. Soon the American cruisers began to capture French men-of-war. Captain Truxton, in the Con- stellation, captured the French frigate V Insurgent. Many other French vessels were captured, and prep- arations were made to carry on the naval war even more vigorously when a treaty with France was signed. 223. Treaty with France, 1800. — This vigor con- Another vinced the French that they had been hasty in their sen tto treatment of the Americans. They now said that if France - another minister were sent to France, he would be honorably received. Adams wished to send one of the American ministers then in Europe, and thus end the dispute as soon as possible. But the other Fed- eralist leaders thought that it would be better to wait commission 1/4 The Last Federalist Administration [§§ 223-225 until France sent a minister to the United States. Finally they consented to the appointment of three commissioners. Napoleon Bonaparte was now the ruler of France. He received the commissioners The treaty honorably, and a treaty was soon signed. On two points, however, he refused to give way. He de- clined to pay for American property seized by the French, and he insisted that the treaty of 1778 (pp. 115, 166) was still binding on both countries. It was finally agreed that the Americans should give up their claims for damages, and the French government should permit the treaty to be annulled. John Adams always looked upon this peaceful ending of the dis- pute with France as the most prudent and successful act of his whole life. Hamilton and other Federal- ists thought it was treachery to the party. They set to work to prevent Adams's reelection to the presidency. Repressive 224. Alien and Sedition Acts, 1798. — The Feder- ^cMaster alists, even if they had been united, would probably fcn-212. h ave been defeated in the election of 1800. For they had misused their power to pass several very The natural!- foolish laws. The first of these laws was the Natu- zation act. ra ii zat i n Act. It lengthened the time of residence in the United States from five to fourteen years be- fore a foreign immigrant could gain the right to vote. This law bore very harshly on the Republicans, be- cause most of the immigrants were Republicans. The alien Other laws, called the Alien Acts, were also aimed at the Republican immigrants. These laws gave the acts 1798-99] Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions 175 President power to compel immigrants to leave the United States, or to live in certain places that he named. The worst law of all was the Sedition Act. The Sedition Act This was aimed against the writers and printers of Republican newspapers. It provided that any one who attacked the government in the press should be severely punished as a seditious person. Several trials were held under this law. Every trial made hundreds of persons determined to vote for the Republican candidate at the next election. 225. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, 1798-99. Virginia and — In the exciting years before the Revolutionary Resolutions War the colonial legislatures had passed many reso- I 79*-99- & . . McMaster, lutions condemning the acts of the British govern- 212-213. ment (see pp. 77, 84). Following this example Jefferson and Madison now brought it about that the Jefferson and Virginia and Kentucky legislatures passed resolutions 0^^°" against the Alien and Sedition Acts. They declared Constitution, that the Constitution was a compact between the states. It followed from this that any state could determine for itself whether any act of Congress were constitutional or not. It followed from this, again, that any state could refuse to permit an Act of Congress to be enforced within its limits. In other words, any state could make null or nullify any Act of Congress that it saw fit to oppose. This last conclusion was found only in the Kentucky Res- The Kentucky olutions of 1799. But Jefferson wrote to this effect Resolutions in the original draft of the Kentucky Resolutions of of I799 ' 1798. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions 176 The Last Federalist Administration [§§ 225-227 The election in the House of Repre- sentatives. called the voter's attention to the Federalist abuse of power and did much to form public opinion. 226. Death of Washington, 1799. — In the midst of this excitement George Washington died. People forgot how strongly he had taken the Federalist side in the last few years, and united to do honor to his memory. Henry Lee spoke for the nation when he declared that Washington was " first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." To this day, we commemorate Washington's birth- day as we do that of no other man, though of late years we have begun to keep Lincoln's birthday also. 227. Election of 1800. — It was for a moment only that the noise of party conflict was hushed by the death of America's first President. The strife soon began anew. Indeed, the election of 1800 was fought with a vigor and violence unknown before, and scarcely exceeded since. John Adams was the Feder- alist candidate, and he was defeated. Jefferson and Burr, the Republican candidates, each received seventy-three electoral votes. But which of them should be President ? The Republican voters clearly wished Jefferson to be President. But the Federalists had a majority in the House of Representatives. They had a clear legal right to elect Burr President. But to do that would be to do what was morally wrong. After a useless struggle the Federalists permitted Jefferson to be chosen, and he was inaugurated on March 4, 1801. President Washington, 1790. Observe good faith and justice towards all nations." — Farewell Address. 178 Fedei'alist Supremacy QUESTIONS AND TOPICS Chapter 19 1. Describe the method first employed in electing the President. Compare with present method. 2. Describe Washington's journey to New York and the inaugural ceremonies, and compare them with the inauguration of the last Presi- dent. 3. In whose hands do appointments to federal offices lie? Name the members of the first cabinet and show their fitness for office. 4. How did the new government differ from the old? Why was the difference so great? 5. Describe some of the ceremonies of the time. 6. Would Washington have accepted the title of king? Give the reasons for your answer. 7. Give the reasons for the different views expressed in Congress as to customs duties. What are customs duties? 8. Explain how slavery influenced the views of the Southern mem- bers. 9. Compare the extent and population of the United States in 1 791 with the extent and population to-day. 10. What two new states were admitted in 1791-92? What was their attitude on slavery? What changes would their admission make in Congress? 11. Explain carefully Hamilton's plan. What were its advantages? What is meant by the phrase "public credit"? 12. What is meant by the phrase "assumption of the state debts " ? 13. What question arose concerning the site of the national capital? How was it settled? Was this a good way to settle important questions? 14. Why did Hamilton want a Bank of the United States? Was this bank like one of the national banks of to-day? Chapter 20 1. Compare carefully the principles of the Federalists and the Repub- licans. Which party would you have joined had you lived then ? Why? Which ideas prevail to-day? 2. Discuss Jefferson's views as to the value of newspapers. Questions and Topics 179 3. Why did the Republicans sympathize with the French Revolu- tion? 4. How was the action of the Republicans regarded by Washington? By Hamilton? 5. Why did Washington issue the Proclamation of Neutrality? 6. What is the difference between a tax laid by a tariff on imported goods and an internal revenue tax? 7. Tell about the Whiskey Rebellion. Compare this with Shays's Rebellion. 8. State the reasons for the trouble with Great Britain. How was the matter settled? 9. Explain the trouble over the traffic on the Mississippi. How was this matter settled? 10. Why did Washington decline a third term? 11. What are the important points in his Farewell Address? 12. How far has later history proved the truth of his words? Chapter 21 1. How did Hamilton set to work to defeat Adams? What was the result? 2. To what was the refusal to receive Pinckney equivalent? Describe the X. Y. Z. Affair. 3. What is a bribe? How must bribery in political life affect a government? 4. How was the news of this affair received in America? What does this show about the feeling of both parties toward the govern- ment? 5. Describe the preparations for war. Why was a Navy Depart- ment necessary? 6. Why was France wise to make peace with the United States? 7. How was the matter finally settled? 8. Describe the Naturalization Act. 9. What power did the Alien Act give the President? What dan- ger is there in such power? 10. What is sedition? Compare the Sedition Act with the First Amendment. 11. What did Jefferson and Madison declare the Constitution to be? What were the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions? 12. What position does Washington hold in our history? Why is it deserved? 180 Federalist Supremacy 13. Describe the election of 1800. Why was it fought so bitterly? 14. Why should disputes as to elections for President go to the House ? 15. How was it known that Jefferson's election was the wish of the voters? General Questions 1. Write an account of life in the United States about 1790, or life in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Charleston. 2. Prepare a table of the two political parties mentioned, with dates and account of origin. As you go on, note upon this table changes in these parties and the rise of new ones. 3. On an Outline Map color the thirteen original states and then fill in, with dates, new states as they are admitted. Write on each state F. for free or S. for slave, as the case may be. 4. Why is compromise often necessary in political movements? Topics for Special Work a. Early life of Washington, John Adams, Jefferson, or Hamilton. b. Washington's Farewell Address. VIII THE JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLI- CANS, 1801-1812 Books for Study and Reading References. — Higginson's Larger History, 344-365 ; Scribner's Popular History, IV, 127-184; Schoulers Jefferson. Home Reading. — Coffin's Building the Nation ; Drake's Mak- ing the Ohio Valley States ; Hale's Man Without a Country and Philip NolaiCs Friends. CHAPTER 22 THE UNITED STATES IN 1800 228. Area and Population, 1800. — The area of Area. the United States in 1800 was the same as at the close of the Revolutionary War. But the population had begun to increase rapidly. In 1 791 there were Population, nearly four million people in the United States. By 1800 this number had risen to five and one-quarter millions. Two-thirds of the people still lived on or near tide-water. But already nearly four hundred thousand people lived west of the Alleghanies. In 1 79 1 the centre of population had been east of Balti- more. It was now eighteen miles west of that city (P. 157). 181 182 The United States in 1800 [§§ 229-231 Philadelphia. 229. Cities and Towns in 1800. — Philadelphia was the largest city in the United States. It had a popu- lation of seventy thousand. But New York was not far behind Philadelphia in population. Except these two, no city in the whole United States had more than thirty thousand inhabitants. The seat of govern- ment had been removed from Philadelphia to Wash- ington. But the new capital was a city only in name. One broad long street, Pennsylvania Avenue, led from the unfinished Capitol to the unfinished White House. Congress held its sessions in a temporary wooden building. The White House could be lived in ; but Mrs. Adams found the unfinished reception room very convenient for drying clothes on rainy Mondays. A few cheaply built and very uncomfortable boarding- houses completed the city. 230. Traveling in 1800. — The traveler in those days had a very hard time. On the best roads of the north, in the best coach, and with the best weather one might cover as many as forty miles a day. But the traveler had to start very early in the morning to do this. Generally he thought him- self fortunate if he made twenty-five miles in the twenty-four hours. South of the Potomac there were no public coaches, and the traveler generally rode on horseback. A few rich men like Washing- ton rode in their own coaches. Everywhere, north and south, the inns were uncomfortable and the food was poor. Whenever it was possible the trav- eler went by water. But that was dangerous work. 1807] The " Clermont " 183 Lighthouses were far apart, there were no public buoys to guide the mariner, and almost nothing had been done to improve navigation. 231. The Steamboat. — The steamboat came to The first change all this. While Washington was still Presi- dent, a queer-looking boat sailed up and down the steamboat. The " Clermont," 1807. Delaware. She was propelled by oars or paddles which were worked by steam. This boat must have been very uncomfortable, and few persons wished to go on her. Robert Fulton made the first Fulton's successful steamboat. She was named the Cler- l8o7 mont and was launched in 1807. She had paddle ^igginson. 241-242. wheels and steamed against the wind and tide of the Hudson River. At first some people thought 1 84 The United States i)i 1800 [§§ 231-234 that she was bewitched. But when it was found that she ran safely and regularly, people began to travel on her. Before a great while steamboats ap- peared in all parts of the country. 232. Making of the West. — Even before the Revo- lutionary War explorers and settlers had crossed the Alleghany Mountains. In Washington's time pio- neers, leaving Pittsburg, floated down the Ohio River in flatboats. Some of these settled Cincinnati. Others went farther down the river to Louisville, in Kentucky, and still others founded Wheeling and Marietta. In l8ll the first steamboat appeared on the Western rivers. The whole problem of living in the West rapidly changed. For the steamboat could go up stream as well as down stream. Communica- tion between the new settlements, and New Orleans and Pittsburg, was now much safer and very much easier. 233. Cotton Growing in the South. — Cotton had been grown in the South for many years. It had been made on the plantations into a rough cloth. Very little had been sent away. The reason for this was that it took a very long time to separate the cotton fiber from the seed. One slave working for a whole day could hardly clean more than a pound of cotton. Still as time went on more cotton was grown. In 1784 a few bags of cotton were sent to England. The Englishmen promptly seized it because they did not believe that so much cotton could be grown in America. In 1791 nearly two hundred *793] Whitney s Cotton Gin 185 thousand pounds of cotton were exported from the South. Then came Whitney's great invention, which entirely changed the whole history of the country. 234. Whitney's Cotton Gin, 1793. -Eli Whitney eu Whitney. was a Connecticut schoolmaster. He went to The University of Virginia. As designed by Thomas Jefferson. Georgia to teach General Greene's children. He was very ingenious, and one day Mrs. Greene sug- gested to him that he might make a machine which would separate the cotton fiber from the cotton seed. Whitney set to work and soon made an engine or His cotton gin, as he called it, that would do this. The first ^cM^er, machine was a rude affair. But even with it one 195-196. 1 86 The United States in 1800 [§§ 234-238 slave could clean one hundred pounds of cotton in a day. Mrs. Greene's neighbors promptly broke into Whitney's shop and stole his machine. Whit- ney's cotton gin made the growing of cotton profitable and so fastened slavery on the South. With the exception of the steam locomotive (p. 241) and the reaper (p. 260), no invention has so tremendously influenced the history of the United States. 235. Colonial Manufactures. — Before the Revolu- ;ariy manu- tionary War there were very few mills or factories in the colonies. There was no money to put into such undertakings and no operatives to work the mills if they had been built. The only colonial manufactures that amounted to much were the making of nails and shoes. These articles could be made at home on the farms, in the winter, when no work could be done out of doors. 236. Growth of Manufactures, 1 789-1 800. — As soon as the new government with its wide powers was established, ( manufacturing started into life. Old mills were set to work. While the Revolution had been going on in America, great improvements in the spinning of yarn and the weaving of cloth had been made in England. Parliament made laws to prevent the export from England of machinery or patterns of machinery. But it could not pre- vent Englishmen from coming to America. Among the recent immigrants to the United States was Samuel Slater. He brought no patterns with him. But he was familiar with the new methods of spinning. 1801] President Jefferson 187 He soon built spinning machinery. New cotton mills introduction were now set up in several places. But it was some spinnfng 1 time before the new weaving machinery was intro- machinery. duced into America. CHAPTER 23 JEFFERSON'S ADMINISTRATIONS 237. President Jefferson. — Thomas Jefferson was a Republican. He believed in the republican form Jefferson's of government. He believed the wisdom of the P° htlcal t> . ideas. people to be the best guide. He wished the Presi- ffiggimon, 239 ; dent to be simple and cordial in his relations with his McMaster, fellow-citizens. Adams had ridden to his inaugura- 2l6 ' tion in a coach drawn by six cream-colored horses. Jefferson walked with a few friends from his board- Republican ing house to the Capitol. Washington and Adams slm P llclt y- had gone in state to Congress and had opened the session with a speech. Jefferson sent a written mes- sage to Congress by a messenger. Instead of bowing stiffly to those who came to see him, he shook hands with them and tried to make them feel at ease in his presence. 238. The Civil Service. — One of the first matters to take Jefferson's attention was the condition of the Proscription civil service. There was not a Republican office- o f Republi- cans by the holder in the government service. Washington, in Federalists. the last years of his presidency, and Adams also had given office only to Federalists. Jefferson thought it was absolutely necessary to have some officials upon i88 Jefferson's Administrations [§§ 238-239 Adams's midnight appoint- ments. The Judiciary Act, 1801. Repealed by Republicans. Jeffersoii and appoint- ments. whom he could rely. So he removed a few Federal- ist officeholders and appointed Republicans to their places. Adams had even gone so far as to appoint officers, up to midnight of his last day in office. Indeed, John Marshall, his Secretary of State, was busy signing commissions when Jefferson's Attorney General walked in with his watch in hand and told Marshall that it was twelve o'clock. Jefferson and Madison, the new Secretary of State, refused to deliver these commissions even when Marshall as Chief Justice ordered Madison to deliver them. 239. The Judiciary Act of 1801. — One of the last laws made by the Federalists was the Judiciary Act of 1 80 1. This law greatly enlarged the national judiciary, and Adams eagerly seized the opportunity to appoint his friends to the new offices. The Re- publican Congress now repealed this Judiciary Act and "legislated out of office" all the new judges. For it must be remembered that the Constitution makes only the members of the Supreme Court sure of their offices. Congress also got rid of many other Federalist officeholders by repealing the Internal Revenue Act (p. 167). But while all this was done, Jefferson steadily refused to appoint men to office merely because they were Republicans. One man claimed an office on the ground that he was a Repub- lican, and that the Republicans were the saviors of the republic. Jefferson replied that Rome had been saved by geese, but he had never heard that the geese were given offices. Thomas Jefferson. 1 Honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none, . . . economy in the public expense, the honest payment of our debts, and sacred preservation of the public faith." — Jefferson's First Inaugural. 190 Jefferson 1 s Administrations [§§ 240-242 240. Paying the National Debt. — Jefferson was especially anxious to cut down the expenses of the government and to pay as much as possible of the national debt. Madison and Gallatin worked heartily with him to carry out this policy. The repeal of the Internal Revenue Act took much revenue from the government. But it also did away with the salaries of a great many officials. The repeal of the Judiciary Act also put an end to many salaries. Now that the dispute with France was ended, Jefferson thought that the army and navy might safely be reduced. Most of the naval vessels were sold. A few good ships were kept at sea, and the rest were tied up at the wharves. The number of ministers to European states was reduced to the lowest possible limit, and the civil service at home was also cut down. The expenses of the government were in these ways greatly lessened. At the same time the revenue from the customs service increased. The result was that in the eight years of Jefferson's administrations the national debt shrank from eighty-three million dollars to forty-five million dollars. Vet in the same time the United States paid fifteen million dollars for Louisiana, and waged a series of successful and costly wars with the pirates of the northern coast of Africa. 241. Louisiana again a French Colony. — Spanish territory now bounded the United States on the south and the west. The Spaniards were not good neighbors, because it was very hard to make them come to an agreement, and next to impossible to i«03] The Louisiana Purchase 191 make them keep an agreement when it was made. This did not matter very much, because Spain was a weak power and was growing weaker every year. Sooner or later the United States would gain its point. Suddenly, however, it was announced that France had got back Louisiana. And almost at the France same moment the Spanish governor of Louisiana said Louisiana, that Americans could no longer deposit their goods Jackson Square, New Orleans. at New Orleans (p. 170). At once there was a great outcry in the West. Jefferson determined to buy from France New Orleans and the land eastward from the mouth of the Mississippi. 242. The Louisiana Purchase, 1803. — When Na- Napoleon's poleon got Louisiana from Spain, he had an idea of polcy * again founding a great French colony in America. At the moment France and Great Britain were at peace ; but it soon looked as if war would begin 192 Jefferson's Administrations [§§ 242-245 He offers to sell Louisiana. Louisiana purchased, 1803. Higginson, 244-245 ; Eggleston, 234 ; * Source- Book, 200- 202. Importance of the purchase. again. Napoleon knew that the British would at once seize Louisiana and he could not keep it any- way. So one day, when the Americans and the French were talking about the purchase of New Orleans, the French minister sud- denly asked if the United States would not like to buy the whole of Louisiana. Monroe and Living- ston, the American ministers, had no au- thority to buy Louisi- ana. But the pur- chase of the whole colony would be a great benefit to the United States. So they quickly agreed to pay fifteen million dollars for the whole of Louisiana. 243. The Treaty Ratified. — Jefferson found him- self in a strange position. The Constitution nowhere delegated to the United States power to acquire territory (p. 164). But after thinking it over Jeffer- son felt sure that the people would approve of the purchase. The treaty was ratified. The money was paid. This purchase turned out to be a most fortu- nate thing. It gave to the United States the whole western valley of the Mississippi. It also gave to Robert R. Livingston. iSojJ Louisiana Purchase 193 Americans the opportunity to explore and settle Ore- gon, which lay beyond the limits of Louisiana. 244. Lewis and Clark's Explorations. — Jefferson Lewis and soon sent out several expeditions to explore the un- lS ^!^ known portions of the continent. The most important #te*u»»i 245-247 ; of these was the expedition led by two army officers, Mc Master, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, brother of f* 9-221. General George Rogers Clark (p. 116). Leaving BooA t ao6- 209. St. Louis they slowly ascended the muddy Missouri. They passed the site of the present city of Omaha. They passed the Council Bluffs. The current of the river now became so rapid that the explorers left their boats and traveled along the river's bank. They gained the sources of the Missouri, and came to a westward-flowing river. On, on thev followed it The mouth until they came to the river's mouth. A fog hung nJon, low over the water. Suddenly it lifted. There before the explorers' eves the river " in waves like small mountains rolled out in the ocean." They had traced the Columbia River from its upper course to the Pacific. Captain Gray in the Boston ship Columbia had already entered the mouth of the river. But Lewis and Clark were the first white men to reach it overland. 245. The Twelfth Amendment, 1804. — Four presi- Amendment dential elections had now been held under the method a f to the . election of provided by the Constitution. And that method had President, not worked well (pp. 171, 176). It was now (1804) changed by the adoption of the Twelfth Amendment, which is still in force. The old machinery of presi- 194 Jefferson's Administrations [§§ 245-247 dential electors was kept; but it was provided that in the future each elector should vote for President and for Vice-President on separate and distinct bal- lots. The voters had no more part in the election under the new system than they had had under the old system. The old method of apportioning electors among the states was also kept. This gives to each state as many electors as it has Senators and Repre- sentatives in Congress. No matter how small its territory, or how small its population, a state has at least two Senators and one Representative, and, therefore, three electors. The result is that each voter in a small state has more influence in choosing the President than each voter in a large state. In- deed, several Presidents have been elected by minori- ties of the voters of the country as a whole. 246. Reelection of Jefferson, 1804. — Jefferson's first administration had been most successful. The Republicans had repealed many unpopular laws. By the purchase of Louisiana the area of the United States had been doubled and an end put to the dispute as to the navigation of the Missis- sippi. The expenses of the national government had been cut down, and a portion of the national debt had been paid. The people were prosperous and happy. Under these circumstances Jefferson was triumphantly reelected. He received one hun- dred and sixty-two electoral votes to only fourteen for his Federalist rival. i8oi-5] Tripolitan War 195 CHAPTER 24 CAUSES OF THE WAR OF 1812 247. The North Africa Pirates. — Stretching along The African Stephen Decatur. pirates. Higginson, 237-239 ; Eggleston, 228-229. the northern shores of Africa from Egypt westward to the Atlantic were four states. These states were named Tunis, Tri- poli, Algiers, and Morocco. Their people were Mo- hammedans, and were ruled over by persons called Deys or Beys, or Pachas. These rulers found it profitable and pleasant to attack and capture Chris- tian ships. The car- goes of the captured vessels they sold at good prices, and the seamen and passengers they sold at good prices too — as slaves. The leading powers of Europe, instead of destroying these pirates, found it easier to pay them Tribute to let their ships alone. Washington and Adams also Pre- paid them to allow American ships to sail unharmed. But the pirates were never satisfied with what was paid them. Jefferson decided to put an end to this 196 Causes of tlic War of 1812 [§§ 247-250 Jefferson ends this system. Hero Tales, 103-113. European fighters attack American commerce. AfcMaster, 224-226. tribute paying. He sent a few ships to seize the pirates and shut up their harbors. More and more vessels were sent, until at last the Deys and Beys and Pachas thought it would be cheaper to behave themselves properly. So they agreed to release their American prisoners and not to capture any more American ships (1805). In these little wars Ameri- can naval officers gained much useful experience and did many glorious deeds. Especially Decatur and Somers won renown. 248. America, Britain, and France. — Napoleon Bonaparte was now Emperor of the French. In 1804 he made war on the British and their allies. Soon he became supreme on the land, and the British became supreme on the water. They could no longer fight one another very easily, so they determined to injure each other's trade and com- merce as much as possible. The British declared continental ports closed to commerce, and Napoleon declared all British commerce to be unlawful. Of course under these circumstances British and Con- tinental ships could not carry on trade, and Ameri- can vessels rapidly took their places. The British shipowners called upon their government to put an end to this American commerce. Old laws were looked up and enforced. American vessels that disobeyed them were seized by the British. But if any American vessel obeyed these laws, Napoleon seized it as soon as it entered a French harbor. 1807-9] The Embargo 197 249. The Impressment Controversy. — With the impress- British the United States had still another cause of Eggieston, complaint. British warships stopped American ves- 2 4°- sels and took away all their seamen who looked like Englishmen. These they compelled to serve on British men-of-war. As Americans and Englishmen looked very much alike, they generally seized all the best-looking seamen. Thousands of Americans were captured in this way and forced into slavery on British men-of-war. This method of kidnaping was called impressment. 250. The Embargo, 1807-1809. — Jefferson hardly The em- knew what to do. He might declare war on both bar £°> * 8 °7- Egg lest on, Great Britain and on France. But to do that would 2 4 1- . McMaster, surely put a speedy end to all American commerce. 226-227,228. In the old days, before the Revolutionary War, the colonists had more than once brought the British to terms by refusing to buy their goods (pp. 84, 85). Jefferson now thought that if the people of the United States should refuse to trade with the British and the French, the governments both of Great Britain and of France would be forced to treat American commerce properly. Congress therefore passed an Embargo Act. This forbade vessels to leave American ports after a certain day. If the Failure of people had been united, the embargo might have ^J r ^ arga done what Jefferson expected it would do. But the Book, 209- 211. people were not united. Especially in New Eng- land, the shipowners tried in every way to break the law. This led to the passing of stricter laws. 198 Causes of the War of 1812 [§§ 250-253 Outrage on the Chesa- peake, 1807. Mc Master, 227. Madison elected President, 1808. Finally the New Englanders even talked of seceding from the Union. 251. The Outrage on the Chesapeake, 1807. — The British now added to the anger of the Americans by impressing seamen from the decks of an American warship. The frigate Chesapeake left the Norfolk navy yard for a cruise. At once the British vessel Leopard sailed toward her and ordered her to stop. As the Chesapeake did not stop, the Leopard fired on her. The American frigate was just setting out, and everything was in confu- sion on her decks. A hot coal was brought from the cook's stove, and one gun was fired. Her flag was then hauled down. The British came on board and seized four seamen, who they said were deserters from the British navy. This outrage aroused tremendous excitement. Jeffer- son ordered all British warships out of American waters and forbade the people to supply them with provisions, water, or wood. The British offered to restore the imprisoned seamen and ordered out of American waters the admiral under whose direction the outrage had been done. But they would not give up impressment. 252. Madison elected President, 1808. — There is nothing in the Constitution to limit the number of times a man may be chosen President. Many per- A^bt «»V- An Early Steam Ferryboat, about 1810. i8o8] Madison elected President 199 sons would gladly have voted a third time for Jeffer- son. But he thought that unless some limit were set, the people might keep on reelecting a popular and successful President term after term. This would be very dangerous to the republican form of govern- ment. So Jefferson followed Washington's example and declined a third term. Washington and Jeffer- son thus established a custom that has ever since been followed. The Republicans voted for James Madison, and he was elected Presi- dent (1808). 253. The Non-Inter- course Act, 1809. — By this time the em- bargo had become so very unpopular that it could be maintained only at the cost of civil war. Madison suggested that the Embargo Act should be repealed, and a Non-Intercourse Act passed in ♦ its place. Congress at once did as he suggested. The Non-Intercourse Act prohibited commerce with Great Britain and with France and the countries controlled by France. It permitted commerce with the rest of the world. There were not many Euro- pean countries with which America could trade under this law. Still there were a few countries, as Norway and Spain, which still maintained their independence. And goods could be sold through them to the other Modern Double-decked Ferryboat. Non-Inter- course Act, i8oq. 200 Catises of the War of 1812 [§§ 253-257 The Erskine treaty. The British minister Jackson. *Source- Book, 212- 213. Still another policy. McMaster, 229-230. European countries. At all events, no sooner was the embargo removed than commerce revived. Rates of freight were very high and the profits were very large, although the French and the British captured many American vessels. 254. Two British Ministers. — Soon after Madi- son's inauguration a new British minister came to Washington. His name was Erskine, and he was very friendly. A treaty was speedily made on con- ditions which Madison thought could be granted. He suspended non-intercourse with Great Britain, and hundreds of vessels set sail for that country. But the British rulers soon put an end to this, friendly feeling. They said that Erskine had no authority to make such a treaty. They refused to carry it out and recalled Erskine. The next British minister was a person named Jackson. He accused Madison of cheating Erskine and repeated the accusation. Thereupon Madison sent him back to London. As the British would not carry out the terms of Erskine's treaty, Madison was compelled to prohibit all intercourse with Great Britain. 255. British and French Trickery. — The scheme of non-intercourse did not seem to bring the British and the French to terms much better than the em- bargo had done. In 18 10, therefore, Congress set to work and produced a third plan. This was to allow intercourse with both Great Britain and France. But this was coupled with the promise that if one of the two nations stopped seizing American ships 1810] Indian Troubles 20 1 and the other did not, then intercourse with the French unfriendly country should be prohibited. Napoleon at once said that he would stop seizing American vessels on November I of that year if the British, on their part, would stop their seizures before that time. The British said that they would stop seizing when Napoleon did. Neither of them really did anything British except to keep on capturing American vessels when- trickery. ever they could get a chance. 256. Indian Troubles, 1810. — To this everlasting Indians of trouble with Great Britain and France were now the North - west. added the horrors of an Indian war. It came about Eggieston, in this way. Settlers were pressing into Indiana Territory west of the new state of Ohio. Soon the lands which the United States had bought of the Indians would be occupied. New lands must be bought. At this time there were two able Indian leaders in the Northwest. These were Tecumthe, Tecumthe. or Tecumseh, and his brother, who was known as " the Prophet." These chiefs set on foot a great Indian confederation. They said that no one Indian tribe should sell land to the United States without the consent of all the tribes of the Confederation. 257. Battle of Tippecanoe. — This determined atti- Battle of tude of the Indians seemed to the American leaders ^v ec!iryoe > to be very dangerous. Governor William Henry Harrison of Indiana Territory gathered a small army of regular soldiers and volunteers from Ohio, Ken- tucky, and Indiana. He marched to the Indian settlements. The Indians attacked him at Tippe- 202 Causes of the War of 1812 [§§ 257-259 canoe. He beat them off and, attacking in his turn, routed them. Tecumthe was not at the battle. But he immediately fled to the British in Canada. The Americans had suspected that the British were stir- ring up the Indians to resist the United States. The reception given to Tecumthe made them feel that their suspicions were correct. 258. The War Party in Congress. -- There were abundant reasons to justify war with Great Britain, CLAV MEDAL OBVERSE SIDE. CLAY MEDAL — REVERSE SIDE Medal presented to Henry Clay. Henry Clay, or with France, or with both of them. But there would probably have been no war with either of them had it not been for a few energetic young men in Con- gress. The leaders of this war party were Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun. Clay was born in Vir- 1812] Madison's War Proclamation 203 ginia, but as a boy he had gone to Kentucky. He represented the spirit of the young and growing West. He was a true patriot and felt angry at the way the British spoke of America and Americans, and at the way they acted toward the United States. He was a very popular man and won men to him by his attractive qualities and by his energy. Calhoun John c. was a South Carolinian who had been educated in Calhoun - Connecticut. He was a man of the highest personal character. He had a strong, active mind, and he was fearless in debate. As with Clay so with Calhoun, they both felt the rising spirit of nationality. They thought that the United States had been patient long enough. They and their friends gained a ma- jority in Congress and forced Madison to send a warlike message to Congress. 259. Madison's Reasons for War, 1812. — In his Madison's message Madison stated the grounds for complaint w g ar messa s e . against the British as follows: (1) they impressed McMaster, American seamen ; (2) they disturbed American com- B J k 2I merce by stationing warships off the principal ports ; 2l6 - (3) they refused to permit trade between America and Europe ; (4) they stirred up the western Indians to attack the settlers; (5) they were really making war on the United States while the United States was at peace with them. For these reasons Madison advised a declaration of war against Great Britain, and war was declared. 204 Jeffersonian Republicans f QUESTIONS AND TOPICS Chapter 22 1. Draw a map showing the states and territories in 1800. 2. How and why had the center of population changed since 1 79 1? Where is it now? 3. Why did so many people live near tide water? Do the same reasons exist to-day? 4. Describe the dangers and discomforts of traveling in 1800. 5. Compare the early steamboats with our modern ones. 6. What fact hindered the growth of cotton on a large scale in colonial times? 7. What was the effect of Whitney's invention? 8. Why had manufacturing received so little attention before the Revolution? 9. How did the new government encourage manufacturing? Chapter 23 1. How did Jefferson's inauguration illustrate his political ideas? 2. Compare his method of opening Congress with that employed by Washington and Adams. Which method is followed to-day? 3. What is the Civil Service? How had Washington and Adams filled offices? 4. Explain the Judiciary Act of 1801. 5. What power has Congress over the Judiciary? (Constitution, Art. III.) 6. What was Jefferson's policy toward expenses? How did he carry it out? What was the result of these economies? 7. Was the reduction of the navy wise? What conditions make a large navy necessary? 8. When and how had Louisiana changed hands since its settle- ment? Why were the Spaniards poor neighbors? 9. How did the United States acquire Louisiana? 10. Trace on a map the boundaries of the Louisiana Purchase. Compare its value to-day with the price paid. 11. What important discoveries did Lewis and Clark make? Questions and Topics 205 12. Give instances which illustrate the disadvantages of the old way of electing the President and Vice-President. 13. Explain carefully the changes made by the Twelfth Amendment, and show how a President may be elected by a minority of the voters. Chapter 24 1. Describe the doings of the African pirates. Why had Washing- ton and Adams paid them? 2. Describe Jefferson's action and state the results. 3. Compare the power of France and Great Britain at this time. 4. How did they try to injure one another? How did they treat American ships? 5. Explain the impressment of sailors by the British. 6. Describe the difficulties of Jefferson's position. 7. Give instances of refusal to buy British goods and the results. 8. Explain the Embargo i\ct. Why was it a failure? 9. Describe the outrage on the Chesapeake. What were the results? 10. What were Jefferson's objections to a third term? What cus- tom was established by these early Presidents? 11. Where have we found Madison prominent before? 12. Explain the difference between the Embargo Act and the Non- Intercourse Act. 13. Describe the attempt to renew friendly intercourse with Great Britain. 14. What do you think of Napoleon's treatment of the United States? 15. What caused the trouble with the Indians? 16. Describe Harrison's action. How were the British connected with this Indian trouble? 17. How did all these affairs affect the relations between the United States and Great Britain ? 18. Explain the attitude of Clay and Calhoun. 19. What is meant by the " rising spirit of nationality"? 20. Illustrate, by facts already studied, the reasons given in Madi- son's message. 2o6 Jeffersonian Republicans General Questions 1. How has machinery influenced the history of the United States? 2. Draw a map showing the extent of the United States in 1802 and 1804. 3. What were the four most important things in Jefferson's admin- istrations? Why do you select these? Topics for Special Work 1. Robert Fulton or Eli Whitney. 2. Exploration of the Northwest. 3. War with the African pirates. 4. Life and manners in 1800. IX WAR AND PEACE, 1812-1829 Books for Study and Reading References. — Higginson's Larger History, 365-442 ; Scribner's Popular History, IV ; Lossing's Field-Book of the War 0/1812 ; Coffin's Building the Nation, 149-231. Home Readings. — Barnes's Yankee Ships ; Roosevelt's Naval War of 1812; Seawell's Midshipman Paulding ; Holmes's Old Ironsides ; Goodwin's Dolly Madison. CHAPTER 25 THE SECOND WAR OF INDEPENDENCE, 1812-1815 260. Plan of Campaign, 18 12. — The American American plan of campaign was that General Hull should in- campaign, vade Canada from Detroit. He could then march l8l2 « eastward, north of Lake Erie, and meet another army which was to cross the Niagara River. These two armies were to take up the eastward march and join a third army from New York. The three armies then would capture Montreal and Quebec and gen- erally all Canada. It was a splendid plan. But Objections there were three things in the way of carrying it out: (1) there was no trained American army; (2) there were no supplies for an army when gathered 207 208 Second War of Independence [§§ 260-263 Hull's march to Detroit. His mis- fortunes. He sur- renders Detroit, 1812. Battle of Lake Erie 1813. Mc Master % 234- 2 35 • and trained ; and (3) there was a small, well-trained and well-supplied army in Canada. 261. Hull's Surrender of Detroit, 1812. — In those days Detroit was separated from the settled parts of Ohio by two hundred miles of wilderness. To get his men and supplies to Detroit, Hull had first of all to cut a road through the forest. The Brit- DETROIT, ABOUT 1815. -it i r .1 ish learned 01 the actual declaration of war before Hull knew of it. They dashed down on his scattered detachments and seized his provisions. Hull sent out expedition after expedition to gather supplies and bring in the scattered settlers. Tecumthe and the other Indian allies of the British captured one expedition after another. The British advanced on Detroit, and Hull surrendered. By this disaster the British got control of the upper lakes. They even invaded Ohio. 262. Perry's Victory on Lake Erie, 1813. — The British triumph did not last long. In the winter of 18 12-13 Captain Oliver Hazard Perry built a fleet of warships on Lake Erie. They were built of green timber cut for the purpose. They were poor vessels, but were as good as the British ves- sels. In September, 181 3, Perry sailed in search of the British ships. Coming up with them, he hoisted at his masthead a large blue flag with Law- i8i3] Battle of Lake Erie 209 rence's immortal words, " Don't give up the ship " (p. 212), worked upon it. The battle was fiercely fought. Soon Perry's flagship, the Lawrence, was disabled and only nine of her crew were un- injured. Rowing to another ship, Perry continued the fight. In fifteen minutes more all the British ships surrendered. The control of Lake Erie was now in American hands. The British retreated from the southern side of the lake. General Harrison occupied De- troit. He then crossed into Canada and defeated Battle of the a British army on the banks of the river Thames l8l3# (October, 1813). 263. The Frigate Constitution. — One of the first TheCkwd*. vessels to get to sea was the Constitution, commanded by Isaac Hull. She sailed from Chesapeake Bay for New York, where she was to serve as a guard- ship. On the way she fell in with a British squadron. Chased by a British The Constitution sailed on with the whole British fleet> l8l2 . fleet in pursuit. Soon the wind began to die away. The Constitution's sails were soaked with water to make them hold the wind better. Then the wind gave out altogether. Captain Hull lowered his Perry's Battle Flag. 2IO Second War of Independence [§§ 263-265 boats and the men began to tow the ship. But the British lowered their boats also. They set a great many boats to towing their fastest ship, and she began to gain on the Constitution. Then Captain Hull found that he was sail- ing over shoal water, although out of sight of land, so he sent a small anchor ahead in a boat. The anchor was dropped and men on the ship pulled in the anchor line. This was done again and again. The Constitu- tion now began to gain on the British fleet. Then a sudden squall burst on the ships. Captain Hull saw it coming and made every preparation to take ad- Tiie "Constitution." From an early painting of the escape of the Constitution from Vanta g e 01 it. VVneil the British fleet. The men in the boat are preparing to carry the rain cleared awaV out a small anchor. the Constitution was She escapes, beyond fear of pursuit. But she could not go to New York, so Captain Hull took her to Boston. The government at once ordered him to stay where he was ; but, before the orders reached Boston, the Constitution was far away. 1812] The Frigate Constitution 21 1 264. Constitution and Guerriere, 181 2. — For some time Hull cruised about in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. One day he sighted a British frigate — the Guer- Constitution riere — one of the ships that had chased the Con- Querriere stitution. But now that Hull found her alone, he l8l2> steered straight for her. In thirty minutes from the firing of the first gun the Gnerriere was a ruinous wreck. All of her masts and spars were shot away and most of her crew were killed or wounded. The Constitution was only slightly injured, and was soon ready to fight another British frigate, had there been one to fight. Indeed, the surgeons of the Constitu- tion went on board of the Gnerriere to help dress the wounds of the British seamen. The Gnerriere was a little smaller than the Constitution and had smaller guns. But the real reason for this great victory was that the American ship and the American guns were very much better handled than were the British ship Reasons foi and the British guns. ory ' 265. The Wasp and the Frolic, 181 2. — At almost the same time the American ship Wasp captured the British brig Frolic. The Wasp had three masts, and Wasp and the Frolic had only two masts. But the two vessels were really of about the same size, as the American ship was only five feet longer than her enemy, and had the lighter guns. In a few minutes after the beginning of the fight the Frolic was a shattered hulk, with only one sound man on her deck. Soon after the conflict a British battleship came up and captured both the Wasp and her prize. The effect of 212 Second War of Independence [§§ 265-268 these victories of the Constitution and the Wasp was tremendous. Before the war British naval officers had called the Constitution "a bundle of sticks." Now it was thought to be no longer safe for British frigates to sail the seas alone. They must go in pairs to protect each other from "Old Ironsides." Before long the Consti- tution, now commanded by Captain Bainbridge, had captured the British f rigate./tf^tf , and the frig- ate United States, Cap- tain Decatur, had taken the British ship Mace- donian. On the other hand, the Chesapeake was captured by the Shannon. This victory gave great satisfaction to the British. But Captain Lawrence's last words, "Don't always been a aaan.!L. i L--g. -a... , — .j _ " Naval Dinner. *" j"*Hl r . jftmtlenien, true v. s ami subscribers toihe 1 DlNSkUt, pivt'n in honor of the gallant V,*«diict of ltommodn, un/l»r the direction of M >jor % I*. Tdden, Chief Marshal, *ill move precisely •1 J past 3 o'clock >!*io ltd ;he weather be slot my, the iruests &nd buhscuaers wilt as*r>icr ot'iiif Committee of Arrangements, KRAXOtS J. OLIVEU, CVm. *. B The Tickets wtil be colled, d in the tUU. __ M£chl_ "notice. •VllE Gentlemen Subscribers to the DINNER, jf ,v W*"* btHMt of the brij!i»nl victory aeliiev- *ed Uy Commodore lUi.iuvot, U e Officer* Mid Cir w ol U.e U. S. frigate i,.j«.*iaatwjn, are re- spectfully notified, that the futeuwill be de- livered This Day, al the s*.j-e ol Mr. (X 0. Gutn- Itaf, Com-, street The number of MibscribQrs >s necessarily I'm. i;ed hy the scCQronu;iLitii>i.s ot the lull, and he Subscriber* sue requested to take their Tickets wi'.li' .ut dei-.v. iiiM-th 1 Attention ! THB HlXSUJir ULLKH a e hereby or- tiesetl to mustf r at llMtr Armory, to-mor- row, 12 o'clock, in complete uniform Mirl Mf.NJ DMll.lN'G, O. S. glorious give up the ship," have inspiration to American sailors. 266. Brown's Invasion of Canada, 1814. — In the first two years of the war the American armies in New York had done nothing. But abler men were now in command. Of these, General Jacob Brown, General Macomb, Colonel Winfield Scott, and Colonel Ripley 1814] Lundys Lane and Plattsburg 213 deserve to be remembered. The American plan of campaign was that Brown, with Scott and Ripley, should cross the Niagara River and invade Canada. General Macomb, with a naval force under McDon- ough, was to hold the line of Lake Champlain. The British plan was to invade New York by way of Lake Champlain. Brown crossed the Niagara River and fought two brilliant battles at Chippewa and Lundy's Lane. The latter battle was especially glo- Battle of rious, because the Americans captured British guns Lane^s and held them against repeated attacks by British vet- erans. In the end, however, Brown was obliged to retire. 267. McDonough's Victory at Plattsburg, 1814. — invasion of General Prevost, with a fine army of veterans, marched New York " southward from Canada, while a fleet sailed up Lake Champlain. At Plattsburg, on the western side of the lake, was General Macomb with a force of American soldiers. Anchored before the town was McDonough's fleet. Prevost attacked Macomb's army and was driven back. The British fleet attacked Mc- Battle cf Donough's vessels and was destroyed. That put an ^j" sburg ' end to Prevost's invasion. He retreated back to Can- ada as fast as he could go. 268. The British in the Chesapeake, 1814. — Be- Burning of sides their operations on the Canadian frontier, the Washington, 1 » 1814. British tried to capture New Orleans and the cities on Chesapeake Bay. The British landed below Washington. They marched to the capital. They entered Washington. They burned the Capitol, the 214 Second War of Iiuiepetidence [§§ 268-270 "The Star- Spangled Banner." Jackson's Creek campaign, 18 14. Fort McHexry, White House, and several other public buildings. They then hurried away, leaving their wounded be- hind them. Later on the British attacked Baltimore and were beaten off with great loss. It was at this time that Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star-Spangled Ban- ner." He was de- tained on board one of the British war- ships during the fight. Eagerly he watched through the smoke for a glimpse of the flag over Fort McHenry at the harbor's mouth, the flag was still there. This defeat closed the Brit- ish operations on the Chesa- peake. 269. The Creek War.— The Creek Indians lived in Alabama. They saw with dismay the spreading settle- ments of the whites. The Americans were now at war. It would be a good chance to destroy them. So the Creeks fell upon the whites and murdered about four hundred. Gen- eral Andrew Jackson of Tennessee commanded the In the morning Flag of Ft. McHenry. Fifteen stars and fifteen stripes — one of each for each state. 1814-15] Gene?-al Jackson 215 American army in the Southwest. As soon as he knew that the Creeks were attacking the settlers, he gathered soldiers and followed the Indians to their stronghold. He stormed their fort and killed most of the garrison. 270. Jackson's Defense of New Orleans, 1814-15. — Jackson had scarcely finished this work when he Battle of New Orleans, 1815. Copyright, Harper & Brothers. Battle of New Orleans. From a sketch by one of Jackson's staff. learned of the coming of a great British expedition Hero Tales, to the mouth of the Mississippi River. He at once I39 ~ 147 ' hastened to the defense of New Orleans. Below the city the country greatly favored the defender. For there was very little solid ground except along the river's bank. Picking out an especially narrow place, Jackson built a breastwork of cotton bales and rub- bish. In front of the breastwork he dug a deep 2l6 Second War of Independence [§§ 270-274 Naval com- bats, 18 14. The privateers. Hero Tales, 129-136. Treaty of peace, 1814. ditch. The British rushed to the attack. Most of their generals were killed or wounded, and the slaugh- ter was terrible. Later, they made another attack and were again beaten off. 271. The War on the Sea, 1814. — It was only in the first year or so of the war that there was much fighting between American and British warships. After that the American ships could not get to sea, for the British stationed whole fleets off the entrances to the principal harbors. A few American vessels ran the blockade and did good service. For instance, Captain Charles Stewart in the Constitution captured two British ships at one time. But most of the warships that got to sea were captured sooner or later. 272. The Privateers. — No British fleets could keep the privateers from leaving port. They swarmed upon the ocean and captured hundreds of British merchantmen, some of them within sight of the shores of Great Britain. In all, they captured more than twenty-five hundred British ships. They even fought the smaller warships of the enemy. 273. Treaty of Ghent, 1814. — The war had hardly begun before commissioners to treat for peace were appointed by both the United States and Great Britain. They did nothing until the failure of the 18 14 cam- paign showed the British government that there was no hope of conquering any portion of the United States. Then the British were ready enough to make peace, and a treaty was signed at Ghent in December, i8i 4 ] Treaty of Ghent 217 1 8 14. This was two weeks before the British disaster at New Orleans occurred, and months before the news of it reached Europe. None of the things about which the war was fought were even men- tioned in the treaty. But this did not really make much difference. For the British had repealed their orders as to American ships before the news of the ■'MjgsSS The Old State House. Where the Hartford Convention met. declaration of war reached London. As for impress- ment, the guns of the Constitution had put an end to that. 274. The Hartford Convention, 1814. — While the New commissioners were talking over the treaty of peace, Federalists other debaters were discussing the war, at Hartford, 218 Second War of Independence [§§ 274-276 Hartfcrd Convention, 1 8 14. Gains of the war. A Republican Squib on the Hartford Convention Connecticut. These were leading New England Federalists. They thought that the government at Washington had done many things that the Constitu- tion of the United States did not permit it to do. They drew up a set of resolutions. Some of these read like those other resolutions drawn up by Jefferson and Madison in 1798 (p. 175). The Hartford debaters also thought that the national government had not done enough to protect the coasts of New England from British attacks. They proposed, therefore, that the taxes collected bv the national government in New England should be handed over to the New Eng- land states to use for their defense. Commissioners were actually at Washington to propose this division of the national revenue when news came of Jackson's victory at New Orleans and of the signing of the Treaty of Ghent. The commissioners hastened home and the Republican party regained its popularity with the voters. 275. Gains of the War. — The United States gained no territory after all this fighting on sea and land. It did not even gain the abolition of impressment in so many words. But what was of far greater impor- tance, the American people began to think of itself as a nation. Americans no longer looked to France 1815-24] The Era of Good Feeling 219 or to England as models to be followed. They became Americans. The getting of this feeling of TheAmeri- independence and of nationality was a very great can natlon - step forward. It is right, therefore, to speak of this war as the Second War of Independence. CHAPTER 26 THE ERA OF GOOD FEELING, 1815-1824 276. The Era as a Whole. — The years 1815-24 Monroe have been called the Era of Good Feelinp-, because ?! ecte ? & ' President, 1816, 1820. James Monroe. there was no hard political fighting in all that time — at least not until the last year or two. In 18 16 Monroe was elected President without much opposi- tion. In 1820 he was reelected President without any opposition whatever. Instead of fighting over 220 The Era of Good Feeling [§§ 276-278 Character- istics of the Era of Good Feeling. McMaster, 260. Hard times, 1816-18. Emigration to the West, 1816-18. Mc Master, 241, 266-273. politics, the people were busily employed in bringing vast regions of the West under cultivation and in founding great manufacturing industries in the East. They were also making roads and canals to connect the Western farms with the Eastern cities and facto- ries. The later part of the era was a time of un- bounded prosperity. Every now and then some hard question would come up for discussion. Its settle- ment would be put off, or the matter would be compromised. In these years the Federalist party disappeared, and the Republican party split into fac- tions. By 1824 the differences in the Republican party had become so great that there was a sudden ending to the Era of Good Feeling. 277. Western Emigration. — During the first few years of this period the people of the older states on the seacoast felt very poor. The shipowners could no longer make great profits. For there was now peace in Europe, and European vessels competed with American vessels. Great quantities of British goods were sent to the United States and were sold at very low prices. The demand for American goods fell off. Mill owners closed their mills. Working men and women could find no work to do. The re- sult was a great rush of emigrants from the older states on the seaboard to the new settlements in the West. In the West the emigrants could buy land from the government at a very low rate, and by work- ing hard could support themselves and their families. This westward movement was at its height in 18 17. 1816-19] Western Emigration 221 In the years 18 16-19, f° ur states were admitted to the Union. These were Indiana (1816), Mississippi Four states (181 7), Illinois (18 18), and Alabama (18 19). Some it^-if' of the emigrants even crossed the Mississippi River and settled in Missouri and in Arkansas. In 18 19 they asked to be admitted to the Union as the state of Missouri, or given a territorial government under the name of Arkansas. The people of Maine also Maine and asked Congress to admit them to the Union as the M,sso " n a pp'y for State of Maine. admission. 278. Opposition to the Admission of Missouri. — objections Many people in the North opposed the admission of admission of Missouri because the settlers of the proposed state Missouri - were slaveholders. Missouri would be a slave state, and these Northerners did not want any more slave states. Originally slavery had existed in all the old thirteen states. But every state north of Maryland had before 18 19 either put an end to slavery or had adopted some plan by which slavery would gradually come to an end. Slavery had been excluded from the Northwest by the famous Ordinance of 1787 (P- r 35)- I n these ways slavery had ceased to be a vital institution north of Maryland and Kentucky. Why should slavery be allowed west of the Missis- sippi River? Louisiana had been admitted as a slave state (18 1 2); but the admission of Louisiana had been provided for in the treaty for the purchase of Louisiana from France. The Southerners felt as strongly on the other side. They said that their slaves were their property, and that they had a per- The Eta ' . .:" [§§278-981 The ari -DI. feet right to take their property and settle on the land belonging- to the nation. Having founded a slave state, it was only right that the state should be admitted to the Union. 279. The Missouri Compromise, 1820. — When the question of the admission of Maine and Missouri came before Congress, the Senate is squally divided between the slave states and the free states. But the majority of the House of Representatives was from the free states. The "*«■. MISSOURI COSFR03ISE M i>:o free states were grow Both s admit! McMa ing faster than were the slave states and would probably keep on growing faster. The majority from the free states in the House, therefore, bably keep on increasing. If the free states obtained a majority in the Senate .i'. r j> & Alliance. Spain, and there was a rebellion in Spain itself. There were rebellions in other European countries 224 The Era of Good Feeling [§§ ^81-283 as well as in Spain. In fact, there seemed to be a rebellious spirit nearly everywhere. This alarmed the European emperors and kings. With the excep- tion of the British king, they joined together to put down rebellions. They called their union the Holy Alliance. They soon put the Spanish king back on his throne. They then thought that they would send Old Houses, St. Augustine, Florida. it interferes warships and soldiers across the Atlantic Ocean to Lffairs." 1 crush the rebellions in the Spanish colonies. Now the people of the United States sympathized with the Spanish colonists in their desire for independence. They also disliked the idea of Europeans interfering in American affairs. "America for Americans," was the cry. It also happened that Englishmen desired the freedom of the Spanish colonists. As her subjects 1823] The Monroe Doctrine 225 Spain would not let them buy English goods. But if The Spanish they were free, they could buy goods wherever they fo^-sts" pleased. The British government therefore proposed rebel against r- •-> Spain. that the United States and Great Britain should join in a declaration that the Spanish colonies were in- dependent states. John Quincy Adams, son of John Adams, was Monroe's Secretary of State. He thought that this would not be a wise course to fol- low, because it might bring American affairs within European control. He was all the more anxious to prevent this entanglement, as the Czar of Russia was Russian preparing to found colonies on the western coast of coionka-^ North America and Adams wanted a free hand to tion - deal with him. 282. The Monroe Doctrine, 1823. — It was under The Monroe these circumstances that President Monroe sent a ^ octnne ' 1823. message to Congress. In it he stated the policy of Mc Master, 262— 26 ^. the United States as follows: (1) America is closed to colonization by any European power; (2) the United States have not interfered and will not inter- fere in European affairs; (3) the United States regard the extension of the system of the Holy Alliance to America as dangerous to the United States ; and (4) the United States would regard the interference of the Holy Alliance in American affairs as an " un- friendly act." This part of the message was written by Adams. He had had a long experience in diplomacy. He used the words "unfriendly act" as diplomatists use them when they mean that such an " unfriendly act " would be a cause for war. The Q 226 New Parties and New Fc'iciss [§§282-286 Action of Great Britain. End of European interference in America. Meaning of the Monroe Doctrine. British government also informed the Holv Allies that their interference in American affairs would be resented. The Holy Alliance gave over all idea of crushing the Spanish colonists. And the Czar of Russia agreed to found no colonies south of fifty- four degrees and forty minutes north latitude. 283. Meaning of the Monroe Doctrine. — The ideas contained in Monroe's celebrated message to Con- gress are always spoken of as the Monroe Doctrine. Most of these ideas were not invented by Monroe or by Adams. Many of them may be found in Wash- ington's Neutrality Proclamation, in Washington's Farewell Address, in Jefferson's Inaugural Address. and in other documents. What was new in Monroe's message was the statement that European inter- ference in American affairs would be looked upon bv the United States as an "unfriendly act," leading to war. European kings might crush out liberty in Europe. They might divide Asia and Africa am themselves. They must not interfere in American affairs. CHAPTER 27 End of Moiv administra- tions. NEW PARTIES AND NEW POLICIES. 1824-1829 284. End of the Era of Good Feeling. —The Era of Good Feeling came to a sudden ending in [824. Monroe's second term as President would end in 1825. He refused to be a candidate for reelection. In thus following the example set by Washington, 1824] Prudential Candidates 227 Jefferson, and Madison. Monroe confirmed the cus- tom of limiting the presidential term to eight years. There was no lack of candidates to succeed him in his high office. 285. John Quincy Adams. — First and foremost J.Q.Adams was John Quincy Adams of Massachusetts. He was Monroe's Secretary of State, and this office had been a kind of stepping-stone to the presidency. Monroe had been Madison's Secretary of State ; Madison had been Jefferson's Secretary of State ; and Jeffer- son had been Washington's Secretary of State, al- though he was Vice-President when he was chosen to the first place. John Quincy Adams was a states- man of great experience and of ability. He was a man of the highest honor and intelligence. He was nominated by the legislatures of Massachusetts and of the other New England states. 286. William H. Crawford. — Besides Adams, two w. H. other members of Monroe's cabinet wished to suc- ceed their chief. These were John C. Calhoun and William H. Crawford. Calhoun soon withdrew from the contest to accept the nomination of all the factions to the place of Vice-President. Crawford was from Georgia and was Secretary of the Treasury. As the head of that great department, he controlled more appointments than all the other members of the cabinet put together. The habit of using public offices to reward political friends had begun in Penn- sylvania. Washington, in his second term, Adams, and Jefferson had appointed to office only members 228 New P and New Pi [§§*« Tenure of machine. Henr\ of their own party. Jefferson had also removed from office a few | deal opponents (p. 1S7). But there were great difficulties in the way of making removals. Crawford hit upon the plan of appoint- ing officers for four years only. Con- gress at once fell in with the idea and passed the Tenure of Office Act. limit- ing appointments to r years. Craw- ford promptly used this new power I build up a strong political machine in the Treasury De- partment, devoted to his personal ad- vancement. He was nominated for the presidency by a Congressional caucus and became the "regular" candidate. 287. Clay and Jackson. — Two men outside of the cabinet were also put forward for Monroe's high office. These were Andrew Jackson of Ten — and Henry Clay of Kentucky. Clay and Calhoun had entered politics at about the same time. They had then believed in the same policy. Calhoun had abandoned his early ideas ; but Clay held I : J. B I John C. CAI 1824] Clay and Jackson 229 the policy of "nationalization." He still favored in- ternal improvements at the national expense. He still favored the protective system. He was the great " peacemaker " and tried by means of com- promises to unite all parts of the Union (p. 222). He loved his country and had unbounded faith in the American people. The legislatures of Kentucky and other states nominated him for the presidency. The strongest man of all the candidates was Andrew Andrew Jackson, the "Hero of New Orleans." He had never been prominent in politics. But his warlike deeds had made his name and his strength familiar to the voters, especially to those of the West. He was a man of the people, as none of his rivals were. He stood for democracy and the Union. The legis- latures of Tennessee and other states nominated Jackson for the presidency. 288. Adams chosen President, 1824. — The elec- The election tion was held. The presidential electors met in their °' Ii>24 ' several states and cast their votes for President and Vice-President . The ballots were brought to Wash- ington and were counted. No candidate for the it goes to presidency had received a majority of all the votes ^^^ cast Jackson had more votes than any other candi- sentatives date, next came Adams, then Crawford, and last of all Clay. The House of Representatives, voting by states, must choose one of the first three President. Clay, therefore, was out of the race. Clay and his friends believed in the same things that Adams and his friends believed in, and had slight svmpathy 2^0 New P ■ and X. a P [§S : x - The House Ada Adams app>oints day S tarv ot S with the views of Jackson or of Crawford. So they joined the Adams men and chose Adams Preside The Jackson men were furious. They declared that the Representatives had defeated the " will of the people." 289. Misfortunes of Adams's Administration. — Adams*s hrst mistake was the appointment of Clay John Quincy Ap\m>. a banr<\in. as Secretarv of State. It was a mistake, because it gave the Jackson men a chance to assert that there had been a " deal " between Adams and Clay. They called Clay the "Judas of the West." Thev - that the " will of the people " had been defeated by a "corrupt bargain." These charges were repeated 1825-2] Misfortunes of Adams 231 over and over again until many people really began to think that there must be some reason for them. The Jackson men also most unjust Iv accused Adams Weakness of stealing the nation's money. The British gov- ^i^"^ ernment seized the opportunity of Adams's weak tion - administration to elose the West India ports to American shipping. 290. Early Tariffs. — Ever since 1 789 manufactures Early tariff had been protected (p, 155). The first tariff rates ,RWS " were very low. But the Embargo Act, the non- intercourse law, and the War of 181: put an end to the importation of foreign goods. Capitalists invested large amounts of money in cotton mills, woolen mills, and iron mills. With the return of peace in 1815. British merchants flooded the Ameri- can markets with cheap goods (p. 220). The manu- facturers appealed to Congress for more protection, Thetarift and Congress promptly passed a new tariff act (1816). ° lSl6, This increased the duties over the earlier laws. But it did not give the manufacturers all the protection that they desired. In 18^4 another law was drawn Tariff of up. Tt raised the duties still higher. The Southern- ers opposed the passage of this last law. For they clearly saw that protection did them no good. But the Northerners and the Westerners were heartily in favor of the increased duties, and the law was passed. 291. The Tariff of Abominations, 1828.— In 1828 Agitationfoi another presidential election was to be held. The J2^5ta8. manufacturers thought that this would be a good time to ask for even higher protective duties, because 232 New Parties and New P elicits [§§ 291-299 Scheme of the Jackson men. Tariff of ion of 18* Jackson ted lent McM 301. the politicians would not dare to oppose the passage of the law for fear of losing votes. The Jackson men hit upon a plan by which they would seem to favor higher duties while at the same time they were really opposing them. They therefore proposed high duties on manufactured goods. This would please the Northern manufacturers. They proposed high duties on raw materials. This would please the Western producers. But they thought that the manu- facturers would oppose the final passage of the bill because the high duties on raw materials would injure them very much. The bill would fail to pass, and this would please the Southern cotton growers. It was a very shrewd little plan. Rut it did not work. The manufacturers thought that it would be well at all events to have the high duties on manufactured goods — perhaps they might before long secure the repeal of the duties on raw materials. The Northern mem- bers of Congress voted for the bill, and it passed. 292. Jackson elected President, 1828. — In the midst of all this discouragement as to foreign affairs and this contest over the tariff, the nresidential cam- paign of 1828 was held. Adams and Jackson were the only two candidates. Jackson was elected by .1 large majority of electoral votes. But Adams re- ceived only one vote less than he had received in 1824. The contest was very close in the two large states of Pennsylvania and New York. Had a few- thousand more voters in those states cast their votes for Adams, the electoral votes of those states would iSjS] Jackson elected President 233 have been given to him, and he would have been elected. It was fortunate that Jackson was chosen. For a great contest between the states and the na- tional government was coming on. It was well that a man of Jackson's commanding strength and great popularity should be at the head of the government. QI 1 si [ONS \\l> TOPICS Ch upter 25 1. Explain by a map the American plan of campaign and show its advantages and disadvantages. 2. Describe Perry's victory. How did this turn the scale o\ war? ;. Describe the escape o( the Constitution from the British fleet. Describe the destruction o( the Guerriere and o( the Frolic. What was the reason for the American successes? 4. Why was the effect o\ these victories so great? ;. Mention one British victory. What has been a great inspiration t>> American sailors? o. Compare the second plan for the invasion o( Canada with the earlier one. 7. 1 'imuss the events of l'rown's campaign and its results. 8. Compare Prevost's campaign with Burgoyne's. Why was it un- successful? 9. What do Perry's and McDonough's victories show? 10. Why were the British attacks directed against these three por- tions of the country? 11. Describe the attacks on Washington and Baltimore. 12. Read the "Star-Spangled Banner" and explain the allusions. 13. Give the causes of the Creek War. 14. Describe Jackson's plans for the defense o( New Orleans. Why were they so successful? 15. Why did not this success of the Americans have more effect on the peace negotiations? 234 War and Peace 16. Why were most of the naval conflicts during the first year of the war? Whafis a blockade? What is a privateer? 17. What work did the privateers do? 18. Why was so little advance made at first toward a treaty of peace? 19. Why was the news of the treaty so long in reaching Washington? 20. What was settled by the war? 21. Were the Federalists or the Republicans more truly the national party? 22. What propositions were made by the Hartford Convention? If such proposals were carried out, what would be the effect on the Union? 23. Compare the principles underneath these resolutions with those of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions. 24. Note carefully the effect of this war. Why is it called the Second War of Independence? Chapter 26 1. What is meant by the Era of Good Feeling? Is this period more important or less important than the period of war which pre- ceded it? Why? 2. What matters occupied the attention of the people? 3. What shows the sudden increase in Western migration? 4. State carefully the objections to the admission of Missouri on the part of the Northerners. Why did the Southerners object to the admission of Maine? 5. Trace on a map the line between the free states and the slave states. Why was slavery no longer of importance north of this line? Why was it important south of this line? 6. Why were the free states gaining faster than the slave states? 7. Explain the Missouri Compromise. How did the Compromise postpone the conflict over slavery? 8. Why was Florida a danger to the United States? 9. What people in the United States would welcome the purchase of Florida? 10. Why was the Holy Alliance formed? What did the allies pro- pose as to America? n. I low was this proposal regarded by Americans? Why? 12. Mow was it regarded by Englishmen? Why? Questions and Topics 235 13. Explain carefully the four points of Monroe's message. 14. Were these ideas new? What is an " unfriendly act"? 15. What action did Great Britain take? What was the result of the declarations of the United States and Great Britain? 16. What was the new point in Monroe's message? 17. Do we still keep to the Monroe Doctrine in all respects? Chapter 27 1. Who were the candidates for President in 1824? Describe the qualities and careers of each of them. For whom would you have voted had you had the right to vote in 1824? 2. How were these candidates nominated? What is a caucus? 3. Describe the Tenure of Office Act. Should a man be given an office simply because he has helped his party? 4. In what respects was Jackson unlike the earlier Presidents? 5. What was the result of the election? Who was finally chosen? Why ? If you had been a Representative in 1824, for whom would you have voted? Why? 6. What is a majority? A plurality? 7. Why was the appointment of Clay a mistake? 8. What charges were made against Adams? 9. Describe the misfortunes of Adams's administration. 10. How are manufactures protected? 1 1. Why were the protective tariffs of no benefit to the Southerners? 12. Why was an attempt for a higher tariff made in 1828? 13. Explain the plan of the Jackson men. W 7 hy did the plan fail? 14. Describe the election of 1828. 15. How was Jackson fitted to meet difficulties? General Questions 1. Why was the navy better prepared for war than the army? 2. Why did slaveholders feel the need of more slave territory in the Union? 3. Show the application of the Monroe Doctrine to the events of recent times. 4. Jackson has been called " a man of the people." Explain this title. 236 War and Peace Topics for Special Work 1. Early life of Andrew Jackson (to 1828). 2. A battle of the War of 1812, e.g. Lake Erie, Lundy's Lane, Plattsburg, New Orleans, or a naval combat. 3. The frigate Constitution. 4. The career of Clay, of Calhoun, of J. Q. Adams, or of Monroe. 5. The American navy up to this time. Flag adopted in 1818. A star for each state and a stripe for each of the original states. X THE NATIONAL DEMOCRACY, 1829-1844 Books for Study and Reading References. — Scribner's Popular History, IV; Lodge's Web- ster-, Coffin's Building the Nation, 251-313. Home Readings. — Roosevelt's Winning of the West; Hale's Stories of Inventions \ Wright's Stories of American Progress. CHAPTER 28 THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN 1830 293. A New Race. — Between the election of Presi- Changes in dent Jefferson and the election of President Jackson great changes had taken place. The old Revolution- ary statesmen had gone. New men had taken their places. The old sleepy life had gone. Everywhere now was bustle and hurry. In 1800 the Federal- ists favored the British, and the Republicans favored the French. Now no one seemed to care for either the British or the French. At last the people had become Americans. The Federalist party had dis- appeared. Every one now was either a National 237 238 TJie American People in 1830 [§§ 293-296 Population, 1830. Area, 1830. Growth of the cities. Settlement of the West. Difficulties of transport over the Alleghanies. Mc Master, 252, 280-282. The Cumber- land Road. Republican and voted for Adams, or a Democratic Republican and voted for Jackson. 294. Numbers and Area. — In 1800 there were only five and one-half million people in the whole United States. Now there were nearly thirteen mil- lion people. And they had a very much larger coun- try to live in. In 1800 the area of the United States was about eight hundred thousand square miles. Louisiana and Florida had been bought since then, and now (1830) the area of the United States was about two million square miles. The population of the old states had greatly increased. Especially the cities had grown. In 1800 New York City held about sixty thousand people ; it now held two hundred thousand people. But it was in the West that the greatest growth had taken place. Since 1800 Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Missouri had all been admitted to the Union. 295. National Roads. — Steamboats were now run- ning on the Great Lakes and on all the important rivers of the West. The first result of this new mode of transport was the separation of the West from the East. Steamboats could carry passengers and goods up and down the Mississippi and its branches more cheaply and more comfortably than people and goods could be carried over the Alleghanies. Many persons therefore advised the building of a good wagon road to connect the Potomac with the Ohio. The eastern end of tins great road was at 1830] National Roads 239 Cumberland on the Potomac in Maryland. It is generally called, therefore, the Cumberland Road. It was begun at the national expense in 181 1. By 1820 the road was built as far as Wheeling on the Ohio River. From that point steamboats could steam to Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis, or New Orleans. Later on, the road was built farther west, as far as Illinois. Then the coming of the railroad made further building unnecessary. 296. The Erie Canal. — The best way to connect one steamboat route with another was to dig a canal. The most famous of all these canals was the one The Erie connecting the Hudson River with Lake Erie, and ^cMaster^ called the Erie Canal. It was begun in 18 17 and 282-284. was completed so that a boat could pass through it in 1825. It was De Witt Clinton who argued that DeWitt such a canal would benefit New York City by bring- mton * ing to it the produce of the Northwest and of west- ern New York. At the same time it would benefit the farmers of those regions by bringing their prod- uce to tide water cheaper than it could be brought by road through Pennsylvania. It would stilf fur- ther benefit the farmers by enabling them to buy their goods much cheaper, as the rates of freight would be so much lower by canal than they were by road. People who did not see these things as clearly as De Witt Clinton saw them, spoke of the enterprise most sneeringly and called the canal "Clinton's big ditch." It very soon appeared that Clinton was right. In one year the cost of carry- 240 TJie American People in 1830 [§§ 296-298 Results of the building of the Erie Canal. ing a ton of grain from Lake Erie to the Hudson River fell from one hundred dollars to fifteen dol- lars. New York City soon outstripped all its rivals and became the center of trade and money in the United States. Other canals, as the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, were marvels of skill. But they were not so favorably situated as the Erie Canal and could not compete with it successfully. Conestoga Wagon and Team. The first railroads. Mc Master i 285-289. 297. Early Railroads. — The bes*: stone and gravel roads were always rough in places. It occurred to some one that it would be better to lay down wooden rails, and then to place a rim or flange on the wagon wheels to keep them on the rails. The first road of this kind in America was built at Boston in 1807. It was a very rude affair and was only used to carry dirt from the top of a hill to the harbor. The wooden rails soon wore out, so the next step was to nail strips i8 3 o] Early Railroads 241 ^?7 of iron on top of them. Long lines of railroads of this kind were soon built. Both passengers and goods could be carried on them. Some of them were built by private persons or by companies. Others were built by a town or a state. Any one having horses and wagons with flanged wheels could use the railway on the payment of a small sum of money. This was the condition of affairs when the steam locomotive was invented. 298. The Steam Locomotive. — Steam was used to drive boats through the water. Why should not steam be used to haul wagons over a railroad ? This was a very easy question to ask, and a very hard one to answer. Year after year inventors worked on the invention of problem. Suddenly, about 1830, it was solved in tiy e e °8°™°' several places and by several men at nearly the same time. It was some years, however, before the loco- motive came into general use. The early railroad trains were rude affairs. The cars were hardly more Hardships than stagecoaches with flanged wheels. They were fastened together with chains, and when the engine started or stopped, there was a terrible bumping and jolting. The smoke pipe of the engine was very tall An Early Locomotive. V s *#jjgfS55SE&*ah Webster published the first edition of his a . nary. Unfortunately he tried to char, the spelling of many words. But in other ways his 244 The American People in 1830 [§§ 300-302 American men of letters. American men of science. dictionary was a great improvement He denned words so that they could be understood, and he gave the American meaning of many words, as " congress." American writers now began to make great reputa- tions. Cooper, Irving, and Bryant were already well known. They were soon joined by a wonder- ful set of men, who speedily made America famous. These were Emer- son, Lowell, Long- fellow, Holmes, Hawthorne, Pres- cott, Motley, Ban- croft, and Sparks. In science, also, men of mark were be- ginning their labors, as Pierce, Gray, Sil- liman, and Dana. Louis Agassiz be- fore long began his Noah Webster. & & wonderful lectures, which did much to make science popular. In short, Jackson's administration marks the time when Ameri- can life began to take on its modern form. 1829] Andrew Jackson 245 CHAPTER 29 THE REIGN OF ANDREW JACKSON, 1829-1837 301. General Jackson. — Born in the backwoods Jackson's of Carolina, Jackson had early crossed the Alleghanies eary c ' and settled in Tennessee. Whenever trouble came to the Western people, whenever there was need of a stout heart and an iron will, Jackson was at the front. He always did his duty. He always did his duty well. Honest and sincere, he believed in him- self and he believed in the American people. As President he led the people in one of the stormiest periods in our history. He seldom called a regular cabinet meeting. When he did call one, it was often merely to tell the members what he had decided to do. A strong, able man with the people behind him, he was almost as absolute as a king. His adminis- tration was often referred to as " the reign of Andrew Jackson." 302. The Spoils System. — Among the able men Party who had fought the election for Jackson were Van Buren and Marcy of New York and Buchanan of Pennsylvania. They had built up strong party ma- chines in their states. For they " saw nothing wrong in the principle that to the victors belong the spoils The Spoils of victory." So they rewarded their party workers System - with offices — when they won. The Spoils System was now begun in the national government. Those who had worked for Jackson rushed to Washington. machines. 246 The Reign of Andrew Jackson [§§ 3° 2 -3°5 The North and the South. Mc Master x 301-304. The South and the tariff, 1829. Calhoun's " Exposi- tion." The hotels and boarding-houses could not hold them. Some of them camped out in the parks and public squares of the capital. Removals now went merrily on. Rotation in office was the cry. Before long Jackson removed nearly one thousand officeholders and appointed political partisans in their places. 303. The North and the South. — The South was now a great cotton-producing region. This cotton was grown by negro slaves. The North was now a great manufacturing and commercial region. It was also a great agricultural region. But the labor in the mills, fields, and ships of the North was all free white labor. So the United States was really split into two sections : one devoted to slavery and to a few great staples, as cotton ; the other devoted to free white labor and to industries of many kinds. 304. The Political Situation, 1829. — .The South was growing richer all the time; but the North was growing richer a great deal faster than was the South. Calhoun and other Southern men thought that this difference in the rate of progress was due to the protective system. In 1828 Congress had passed a tariff that was so bad that it was called the Tariff of Abominations (p. 231). The Southerners could not prevent its passage. But Calhoun wrote an " Exposi- tion" of the constitutional doctrines in the case. This paper was adopted by the legislature of South Caro- lina as giving its ideas. In this paper Calhoun de- clared that the Constitution of the United States was a compact. Each state was a sovereign state and i»30] Webster and Hayne 247 speech, 183a could annul any law passed by Congress. The pro- tective system was unjust and unequal in operation. It would bring " poverty and utter desolation to the South." The tariff act should be annulled by South Carolina and by other Southern states. 305. Webster and Hayne, 1830. — Calhoun was Hayne's Vice-President and presided over the debates of the Senate. So it fell to Senator Hayne of South Carolina to state Calhoun's ideas. This he did in a very able speech. To him Daniel Webster of Massachusetts re- plied in the most brilliant speeches ever delivered in Congress. The Constitution, Web- ster declared, was " the people's con- stitution, the peo- ple's government ; made by the people and answer- able to the people. The people have declared that this constitution .... shall be the supreme law." The Supreme Court of the United States alone could declare a national law to be unconstitutional ; no state could do that. He ended this great speech with the Webster's reply to Hayne. Daniel Webster, 1833. 248 The Reign of Andrew Jackson [§§ 305-309 Tariff" of 1832. "Nullified' by South Carolina, 1833- Jackson's He prepares to enforce the law. The Force Bill, 1833. Tariff of 1833. memorable words, " Liberty and Union, now and for- ever, one and inseparable." 306. Nullification, 1832-33. — In 1832 Congress passed a new tariff act. The South Carolinians decided to try Calhoun's weapon of nullification. They held a convention, declared the act null and void, and forbade South Carolinians to obey the law. They probably thought that Jackson would not oppose them. But they should have had no doubts on that subject. For Jackson already had proposed his famous toast on Jefferson's birthday, " Our federal Union, it must be preserved." He now told the Carolinians that he would enforce the laws, and he set about doing it with all his old-time energy. He sent ships and soldiers to Charleston and ordered the collector of that port to collect the duties. He then asked Congress to give him greater power. And Congress passed the Force Bill, giving him the power he asked for. The South Carolinians, on their part, suspended the nullification ordinance and thus avoided an armed conflict with " Old Hickory," as his admirers called Jackson. 307. The Compromise Tariff, 1833. — The nullifiers really gained a part of the battle, for the tariff law of 1832 was repealed. In its place Congress passed what was called the Compromise Tariff. This com- promise was the work of Henry Clay, the peace- maker. Under it the duties were to be gradually lowered until, in 1842, they would be as low as they were by the Tariff Act of 18 16 (p. 231). 1832-33] Nullification 249 308. The Second United States Bank. — Nowadays Second . , , .l* 1 1 1 United States any one with enough money can open a national bank Bank( l8l6 under the protection of the government at Washing- ton. At this time, however, there was one great United States Bank. Its headquarters were at Phil- adelphia and it had branches all over the country. Jackson, like Jefferson (p. 163), had very grave doubts as to the power of the national government to estab- lish such a bank. Its size and its prosperity alarmed Jackson's him. Moreover, the stockholders and managers, for t h eD ank. the most part, were his political opponents. The United States Bank also interfered seriously with the operations of the state banks — some of which were managed by Jackson's friends. The latter urged him on to destroy the United States Bank, and he determined to destroy it. 309. Struggle over the Bank Charter. — The char- Jackson, ter of the bank would not come to an end until 1836, t he bank- while the term for which Jackson had been elected in charter - 1828 would come to an end in 1833. But in his first message to Congress Jackson gave notice that he would not give his consent to a new charter. Clay and his friends at once took up the challenge. They passed a bill rechartering the bank. Jackson vetoed the bill. The Clay men could not get enough votes Constitution, to pass it over his veto. The bank question, there- £ ' * 7 ' fore, became one of the issues of the election of 1832. Jackson was reelected by a large majority over Clay. Reelection The people were clearly on his side, and he at once l832 set to work to destroy the bank. 250 The Reign of Andrew Jackson [§§ 3 I °-3 11 The bank and the gov- ernment. Removal of the deposits, 1833- Mc Master, 305-308. Speculation in Western lands. Mc Master, 3^9- 310. Removal of the Deposits. — In those days there was no United States Treasury building at Washington, with great vaults for the storing of gold, silver, and paper money. There were no sub-treas- uries in the important commercial cities. The United States Bank and its branches received the govern- ment's money on deposit and paid it out on checks signed by the proper government official. In 1833 the United States Bank had in its vaults about nine million dollars belonging to the government. Jack- son directed that this money should be drawn out as required, to pay the government's expenses, and that no more government money should be deposited in the bank. In the future it should be deposited in certain state banks. The banks selected were con- trolled by Jackson's political friends and were called the "pet banks." 311. Jackson's Specie Circular, 1836. — The first result of the removal of the deposits was very differ- ent from what Jackson had expected. At this time there was active speculation in Western lands. Men who had a little spare money bought Western lands. Those who had no money in hand, borrowed money from the banks and with it bought Western lands. Now it happened that many of the " pet banks" were in the West. The government's money, deposited with them, tempted their managers to lend money more freely. This, in turn, increased the ease with which people could speculate. Jackson saw that un- less something were done to restrain this speculation, Andrew Jackson, 1815. 'Our Federal union, it must be preserved." — Jackson's toast at the Jefferson dinner, 252 The Reign of Andrew Jackson [§§311-314 The specie circular, 1836. disaster would surely come. So he issued a circular to the United States land officers. This circular was called the Specie Circular, because in it the President forbade the land officers to receive anything except gold and silver and certain certificates in payment for the public lands. A SETTLER'S CABIN. Payment of the national debt. McAfasfer, 309-310 312. Payment of the Debt, 1837. — The national debt had now all been paid. The government was collecting more money than it could use for na- tional purposes. And it was compelled to keep on collecting more money than it could use, because the Compromise Tariff (p. 248) made it impossible to re- duce duties any faster than a certain amount each year. No one dared to disturb the Compromise l8 37J Distribution of the Surplus 253 Tariff, because to do so would bring on a most bitter political fight. The government had more money in the "pet banks" than was really safe. It could not deposit more with them. 313. Distribution of the Surplus, 1837. — A curious Distribution plan was now hit upon. It was to loan the surplus ° u * ^ us revenues to the states in proportion to their electo- l8 37- ral votes. Three payments were made to the states. Then the Panic of 1837 came, and the government had to borrow money to pay its own necessary ex- penses. Before this occurred, however, Jackson was no longer President. In his place was Martin Van van Buren Buren, his Secretary of State, who had been chosen p e e ct f d President in November, 1836. 1836. CHAPTER 30 DEMOCRATS AND WHIGS, 1837-1844 314. The Panic of 1837. — The Panic was due Causes of directly to Jackson's interference with the banks, to his Specie Circular, and to the distribution of the surplus. It happened in this way. When the Specie Circular was issued, people who held paper money at once went to the banks to get gold and sil- ver in exchange for it to pay for the lands bought of the government. The government on its part drew out money from the banks to pay the states their share of the surplus. The banks were obliged to sell their property and to demand payment of money due 254 Democrats and Whigs [§§ 314-317 Hard times, I837-39- The national finances. them. People who owed money to the banks were obliged to sell their property to pay the banks. So every one wanted to sell, and few wanted to buy. Prices of everything went down with a rush. People felt so poor that they would not even buy new clothes. The mills and mines were closed, and the banks suspended payments. Thousands of working men and women were thrown out of work. They could not even buy food for themselves or their families. Terrible bread riots took place. After a time people began to pluck up their courage. But it was a long time before "good times" came again. 315. The Independent Treasury System. — What should be done with the government's money ? No one could think of depositing it with the state banks. Clay and his friends thought the best thing to do would be to establish a new United States Bank ; but Van Buren was opposed to that. His plan, treasury pan. . n g^Qj-^ was j- build vaults for storing money in Washington and in the leading cities. The main storehouse or Treasury was to be in Washington, subordinate storehouses or sub-treasuries were to be established in the other cities. To these sub-treas- uries the collectors of customs would pay the money collected by them. In this way the government would become independent of the general business affairs of the country. In 1840 Congress passed an independent act for putting this plan into effect ; but before it Treasury Act, wag j n wor king order, Van Buren was no longer President. The Sub- 1840] Democrats and Whigs 255 316. Democrats and Whigs. — In the Era of Good New parties. Feeling there was but one party — the Republican party. In the confused times of 1824 the several sections of the party took the names of their party leaders : the Adams men, the Jackson men, the Clay men, and so on. Soon the Adams men and the Clay men began to act together and to call themselves National Republicans. This they did because they wished to build up the nation's resources at the ex- pense of the nation. The Jackson men called them- The selves Democratic Republicans, because they upheld Democrats - the rights of the people. Before long they dropped the word " Republican" and called themselves simply Democrats. The National Republicans dropped the The Whigs, whole of their name and took that of the great Eng- lish liberal party — the Whigs. This they did because they favored reform. 317. Election of 1840. — General William Henry » a cam- Harrison was the son of Benjamin Harrison of P aign °f, J humor. Virginia, one of the signers of the Declaration of Mgginson, Independence. General Harrison had moved to the McMaster, West and had won distinction at Tippecanoe, and 3i5-3 l6 « also in the War of 1812 (pp. 202, 209). The Whigs nominated him in 1836, but he was beaten. They now renominated him for President, with John Tyler of Virginia as candidate for Vice-President. Van Buren had made a good President, but his term of office was associated with panic and hard times. He was a rich man and gave great parties. Plainly he was not a " man of the people," as was Harrison, 256 Democrats and Whigs [§§ 317-320 Harrison and Tyler elected, 1840. Death of Harrison, 1841. A Democratic orator sneered at Harrison, and said that all he wanted was a log cabin of his own and a jug of cider. The Whigs eagerly seized on this de- scription. They built log cabins at the street corners and dragged through the streets log cabins on great wagons. They held immense open-air meetings at which people sang songs of " Tippecanoe and Tyler Too." Harrison and Tyler received nearly all the electoral votes and were chosen President and Vice-Pres- ident. 318. Death of Harrison, 1841. — The people's President was inaugurated on March 4, 1841. For the first time since the establishment of the Spoils System a new party came into control of the gov- ernment. Thousands of office-seekers thronged to Washington. They even slept in out-of-the-way corners of the White House. Day after day, from morning till night, they pressed their claims on Har- rison. One morning early, before the office-seekers were astir, he went out for a walk. He caught cold and died suddenly, just one month after his inauguration. John Tyler at once became President 1842] Tyler and the Whigs 257 Whigs. 319. Tyler and the Whigs. — President Tyler was President T/vlcr not a Whig like Harrison or Clay, nor was he a Democrat like Jackson. He was a Democrat who did not like Jackson ideas. As President, he proved His contest to be anything but a Whig. He was willing to sign a bill to repeal the Independent Treas- ury Act, for that was a Democratic measure he had not liked ; but he re- fused to sign a bill to es- tablish a new Bank of the United States. Without either a bank or a treas- ury, it was well-nigh im- possible to carry on the business of the govern- ment. But it was carried on in one way or another. Tyler was willing to sign a new tariff act, and one was passed in 1 842. This was possible, as the Com- promise Tariff (p. 248) came to an end in that year. 320. Treaty with Great Britain, 1842. — Perhaps North- the most important event of Tyler's administration boundary was the signing of the Treaty of 1842 with Great dispute. Britain. Ever since the Treaty of Peace of 1783, 258 Democrats and WJiigs [§§ 320-321 The Ash- burton Treaty, 1842. The Morse code. there had been a dispute over the northeastern boun- dary of Maine. If the boundary had been run accord- ing to the plain meaning of the Treaty of Peace, the people of Upper Canada would have found it almost impossible to reach New Brunswick or Nova Scotia in winter. At that time of the year the St. Lawrence is frozen over, and the true northern boundary of Maine ran so near to the St. Lawrence that it was difficult to build a road which would be wholly in British territory. So the British had tried in every way to avoid settling the matter. It was now arranged that the United States should have a little piece of Canada north of Vermont and New York and should give up the extreme northeastern corner of Maine. It was also agreed that criminals escaping from one country to the other should be returned. A still further agreement was made for checking the slave trade from the coast of western Africa. 321. The Electric Telegraph. — Benjamin Franklin and Joseph Henry made great discoveries in electric- John Tyler. i»44] The Electric Telegraph 259 ity ; but Samuel F. B. Morse was the first to use electricity in a practical way. Morse found out that if a man at one end of a line of wire pressed down a key, electricity could be made at the same moment to press down another key at the other end of the line of wire. Moreover, the key at the farther end of the line could be so arranged as to make an impression on a piece of paper that was slowly drawn under it by clockwork. Now if the man at one end of the line held his key down for only an instant, this impression would look like a dot. If he held it down longer, it would look like a short dash. Morse combined these dots and dashes into an alphabet. For instance, one dash meant the letter "t," and so on. For a time people only laughed at Morse. But at length Con- gress gave him enough money to build a line from First tele- Baltimore to Washington. It was opened in 1844 g rap h line, and proved to be a success from the beginning. l844 * Other lines were soon built, and the Morse system, of s t e h g nes greatly improved, is still in use. The telegraph made telegraph. McMaster, it possible to operate long lines of railroad, as all the 372 . The First Morse Instrument. 260 Democrats and Whigs [§§ 321-322 Problems of wheat growing. The McCor- mick reaper, 1831. Mc Master, 371-372. trains could be managed from one office so that they would not run into one another. It also made it pos- sible to communicate with people afar off and get an answer in an hour or so. For both these reasons the telegraph was very important and with the railroads did much to unite the people of the different portions of the country. 322. The McCormick Reaper. — Every great staple depends for its production on some particular tool. For instance, cot- ton was of slight importance until the invention of the cotton gin (p. 185) made it possible cheaply to sepa- rate the seed from the fiber. The suc- cess of wheat grow- ing depended upon the ability quickly to harvest the crop. Wheat must be allowed to stand until it is fully ripened. Then it must be quickly reaped and stored away out of the reach of the rain and wet. For a few weeks in each year there was a great demand for labor on the wheat farms. And there was little labor to be had. Cyrus H. McCormick solved this problem for the wheat growers by inventing a horse reaper. The invention was made in 183 1, but it was not until 1845 that the reaper came into general use. By 1855 the The First McCormick Reaper. i845] The Horse Reaper 261 use of the horse reaper was adding every year fifty- five million dollars to the wealth of the country. Each year its use moved the fringe of civilization fifty miles farther west. Without harvesting machin- ery the rapid settlement of the West would have been im- possible. And had not the West been rap- idly settled by free whites, the whole history of the country be- tween 1845 an d 1865 would have been very different from what it has been. The influence of the horse reaper on our political history, therefore, is as impor- tant as the influence of the steam locomotive or of the cotton gin. Results of this invert tion. Modern Harvester. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS Chapter 28 1. Compare the condition of the United States in 1830 and 1800 as to (1) extent, (2) population, (3) interests and occupation of the people. Illustrate these changes by maps, diagrams, or tables. 2. How had the use of steamboats increased? 3. Why had this led to the separation of the West and the East? How was it proposed to overcome this difficulty? 4. Do you think that roads should be built at national expense? Give your reasons. 262 The National Democracy 5. Mark on a map the Erie Canal, and show why it was so impor- tant. Describe the effects of its use. 6. Do you think that railroads should be carried on by the state or by individuals? Why? 7. What influence has the railroad had upon the Union ? Upon people's minds? Upon the growth of cities? (Take your own city or town and think of it without railroads anywhere.) 8. Explain how one discovery or invention affected other indus- tries (as shown, for instance, in the use of anthracite coal). 9. How did these inventions make large cities possible? 10. Why is the education of our people so important? 11. What were the advantages of Webster's " Dictionary "? Chapter 29 1. Compare Jackson with the Presidents who preceded him. 2. What is a " party machine"? What was the " spoils system"? How were the two connected? 3. Did the "spoils system " originate with Jackson? 4. Compare carefully the North and the South. Why was the North growing rich faster than the South? 5. Where have you already found the ideas expressed in Calhoun's Exposition? Why was this doctrine so dangerous? Are the states " sovereign states " ? W T hy ? 6. What view did Webster take? How does his speech show the increase of the love of the Union? 7. What is the "supreme law of the land"? W T hose business is it to decide on the constitutionality of a law? 8. How did South Carolina oppose the Act of 1832? 9. How did Jackson oppose the South Carolinians? 10. What was the Tariff of 1833 ? 11. Would a state be likely to nullify an act of Congress now? Give your reasons. 12. Compare tjie United States Bank with the national banks of the present day. 13. Why did Jackson dislike and distrust the United States Bank ? 14. If a bill is vetoed by the President, how can it still be made a law ? 15. Where did the United States government keep its money? 16. How did Jackson try to ruin the United States Bank? Questions and Topics 263 17. Why did people wish to buy Western lands? How did the favoring the "pet banks " increase speculation? 18. How did Jackson try to stop speculation? 19. What was done with the surplus? What was the effect of this measure? Chapter 30 1. Give the causes of the panic of 1837. 2. Describe the Independent Treasury plan. Where is the nation's money kept to-day? 3. State briefly the reasons for the split in the Republican party. Had you lived in 1840, for whom would you have voted? Why? 4. Give an account of the early life of Harrison. 5. Describe the campaign of 1840, and compare it with the last presidental campaign. 6. What party came into power in 1S41? Under the spoils system what would naturally follow? 7. To what party did Tyler belong? What was he willing to do? 8. What dispute had long existed with Great Britain? 9. Why did the British object to the boundary line laid down in the Treaty of 1783? Show on a map how the matter was finally settled. 10. Explain carefully the application of electricity made by Morse. Of what advantage has the telegraph been to the United States? 11. How did the McCormick reaper solve the difficulty in wheat growing? What were the results of this invention? 12. Compare its influence upon our history with that of the cotton gin. General Questions 1. Why is the period covered by this division so important? 2. Give the principal events since the Revolution which made Western expansion possible. 3. Explain, 'using a chart, the changes in parties since 1789. 4. What were the good points in Jackson's administration? The mistakes? 5. Compare Jackson's political views with those of Jefferson. 264 The National Democracy Topics for Special Work 1. Select some one invention between 1790 and 1835, describe it, explain the need for it, and the results which have followed from it. 2. The Erie Canal. 3. The career of Webster, Clay, or Calhoun. 4. Life and works of any one of the literary men of this period. 5. The Ashburton Treaty, with a map. XI SLAVERY IN THE TERRITORIES, 1844-1859 Books for Study and Reading References. — Scribner's Popular History, IV ; McMaster's With the Fathers ; Coffin's Building the Nation, 314-324. Home Readings. — Wright's Stories of A77ierican Progress-, Bolton's Famous Americans ; Brooks's Boy Settlers ; Stowe's Uncle Toni's Cabin ; Lodge's Webster. CHAPTER 31 BEGINNING OF THE ANTISLAVERY AGITATION 323. Growth of Slavery in the South. — South of Pennsylvania and of the Ohio River slavery had increased greatly since 1787 (p. 136). Washington, Jefferson, Henry, and other great Virginians were Antisiavery opposed to the slave system ; but they could find ^f^ 1115 no way to end it, even in Virginia. The South Caro- Virginians, linians and Georgians fought every proposition to Slavery in t -r.1 r • the far South limit slavery. They even refused to come into the ^ J J . *Source- Union unless they were given representation in Con- Book, 244- gress for a portion at least of their slaves. And 24 ' 251 in the first Congress under the Constitution they opposed bitterly every proposal to limit slavery. 265 266 Beginning of Antislavery Agitation [§§ 323-327 Proposal to end slavery with com- pensation. Then came Whitney's invention of the cotton gin. That at once made slave labor vastly more profitable in the cotton states and put an end to all hopes of peaceful emancipation in the South. 324. Rise of the Abolitionists. — About 1830 a new movement in favor of the negroes began. Some per- sons in the North, as, for example, William Ellery Channing, proposed that slaves should be set free, and their owners paid for their loss. They suggested that the money received from the sale of the public '£. J J. WM i 1 1 J. iU X. The Liberator. Anti-aboli- tionist senti- ment in the North. Higginson, 268. lands might be used in this way. But nothing came of these suggestions. Soon, however, William Lloyd Garrison began at Boston the publication of a paper called the Liberator. He wished for complete aboli- tion without payment. For a time he labored almost alone. Then slowly others came to his aid, and the Antislavery Society was founded. 325. Opposition to the Abolitionists. — -It must not be thought that the abolitionists were not opposed. They were most vigorously opposed. Very few Northern men wished to have slavery reestablished in the North ; but very many Northern men objected lsunion 1833] The Abolitionists 267 to the antislavery agitation because they thought it would injure business. Some persons even argued that the antislavery movement would bring about the destruction of the Union. In this idea there was a good deal of truth. Garrison now grew more and more outspoken. He condemned the Union with d slaveholders and wished to break down the Consti- s ^ nt ' m . e i nt of abohtion- tution, because it permitted slavery. There were ists - anti-abolitionist riots in New York, New Jersey, and The Garrison New Hampshire. In Boston the rioters seized Garri- " ot> l83 5* , x Source-Book, son and dragged him about the streets (1835). 248-251. 326. Slave Rebellion in Virginia, 1831. — At about Nat Turners the time that Garrison established the Liberator at ^ ^ lon ' Boston, a slave rebellion broke out in Virginia. The rebels were led by a slave named Nat Turner, and the rebellion is often called " Nat Turner's Rebel- lion." It was a small affair and was easily put down ; but the Southerners were alarmed, because they felt that the Northern antislavery agitation would surely incendiary lead to more rebellions. They called upon the gov- P u ^ icat, °" s J r ° in the mails. ernment to forbid the sending of the Liberator and McMaster, • • 3 I 3 — 3 I 4* similar " incendiary publications " through the mails. 327. The Right of Petition. — One of the most sa- Right of cred rights of freemen is the right to petition for re- P et,tlon - dress of grievances. In the old colonial days the British Parliament had refused even to listen to peti- tions presented by the colonists. But the First Amendment *to the Constitution forbade Congress to make any law to prevent citizens of the United States from petitioning. John Quincy Adams, once 268 The Mexican War [§§ 327-330 J. Q. Adams and anti- slavery peti- tions, 1836. Hero Tales, I5I-I59. The " gag- resolutions." McMaster, 3I4-3I5- Growth of antislavery feeling in the North. President, was now a member of the House of Representatives. In 1836 he presented petition after petition, praying Congress to forbid slavery in the District of Columbia. Southerners, like Calhoun, thought these petitions were insulting to Southern slaveholders. Congress could not prevent the antislavery people petitioning. They could pre- vent the petitions being read when presented. This they did by passing " gag-resolutions." Adams pro- tested against these resolutions as an infringement on the rights of his constituents ; but the resolutions were passed. Petitions now came pouring into Congress. Adams even presented one from some negro slaves. 328. Change in Northern Sentiment. — All these happenings brought about a great change of senti- ment in the North. Many people, who cared little about negro slaves, cared a great deal about the free- dom of the press and the right of petition. Many of these did not sympathize with the abolitionists, but they wished that some limit might be set to the ex- tension of slavery. At the same time the Southerners were uniting to resist all attempts to interfere with slavery. They were even determined to add new slave territory to the United States. CHAPTER 32 THE MEXICAN WAR The Mexican 329. The Republic of Texas. — The Mexicans won Republic, . i r j j 1821. their independence from Spain in 1821 and founded 1844] The Texas Question 269 the Mexican Republic. Soon immigrants from the United States settled in the northeastern part of the new republic. This region was called Texas. The Mexican government gave these settlers large tracts of land, and for a time everything went on happily. Then war broke out between the Mexicans and the Texans. Led by Samuel Houston, a settler from Texas Tennessee, the Texans won the battle of San Jacinto ^^Mexico and captured General Santa Anna, the president of l8 3 6 - Mc Master, the Mexican Republic. The Texans then established 320-322; the Republic of Texas (1836) and asked to be ad- "™™ e5% mitted to the Union as one of the United States. 330. The Southerners and Texas. — The applica- Question of tion of Texas for admission to the Union came as a sioVofTexas pleasant surprise to many Southerners. As a part of to the Union - the Mexican Republic Texas had been free soil. But Texas was well suited to the needs of the cotton plant. If it were admitted to the Union, it would surely be a slave state or, perhaps, several slave states. The question of admitting Texas first came before Jackson. He saw that the admission of Texas would be strongly opposed in the North. So he put the whole matter to one side and would have nothing to do with it. Tyler acted very differently. Under his direction a treaty was made with Texas. This treaty provided for the admission of Texas to the Union ; but the Senate refused to ratify the treaty. The matter, therefore, became the most important question in the presidential election of 1844. 270 The Mexican War [§§ 331-334 Candidates for the presidency, 1844. The Liberty party. Polk elected. Texas admitted by joint resolu- tion, 1845. McMaster, 3*5- 331. Election of 1844. — President Tyler would have been glad of a second term ; but neither of the great parties wanted him as a leader. The Democrats would have gladly nominated Van Buren had he not opposed the acquisition of Texas. Instead they nominated James K. Polk of Tennessee, an out- spoken favorer of the admission of Texas. The Whigs nomi- nated Henry Clay, who had no decided views on the Texas question. He said one thing one day, another thing another day. The result was that the opponents of slavery and of Texas formed a new party. They called it the Liberty party and nominated a candidate for President. Although the Liberty men did not receive many votes, they gained enough to make Clay's election impossible, and Polk was chosen President. 332. Acquisition of Texas, 1845. — Tyler now pressed the admission of Texas upon Congress. The two houses passed a joint resolution. This resolu- tion provided for the admission of Texas, and for the formation from the territory included in Texas of James K. Polk. 1845] Acquisition of Texas 271 four states, in addition to the state of Texas, and with the consent of that state. Before Texas was actually admitted Tyler had ceased to be President. But Polk carried out his policy, and on July 4, 1845, Texas became one of the United States. 333. Beginning of the Mexican War, 1846. — The Southern Mexicans had never acknowledged the independence ° Texas' of Texas. They now protested against its admission to the United States. Disputes also arose as to the southern boundary of Texas. As no agreement could be reached on this point, President Polk ordered General Zachary Taylor to march to the Rio Grande Taylor on and occupy the disputed territory. Taylor did as he Grande, was ordered, and the Mexicans attacked him. Polk reported these facts to Congress, and Congress authorized the President to push on the fighting on c iared, 1846, the ground that " war exists, and exists by the act of Lowe11 1U J Source-Book, Mexico herself." 271-276. 334. Taylor's Campaigns. — The Mexican War The three easily divides itself into three parts: (1) Taylor's Meldcfn^ forward movement across the Rio Grande ; (2) Scott's War - campaign, which ended in the capture of the City of Mexico; and (3) the seizure of California. Taylor's Taylor's object was to maintain the line of the Rio Grande, c ^^fte' r then to advance into Mexico and injure the Mexicans 326-327- as much as possible. The battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma (May 8, 9, 1846) were fought before the actual declaration of war. These victories made Taylor master of the Rio Grande. In Septem- ber he crossed the Rio Grande. So far all had gone 272 The Mexican War [§§ 33A~33<> Battle of Buena Vista, 1847. Scott's campaign. Eggleston, 284-286 ; McMaster, 327-328. He captures City of Mexico, 1847. THE MEXICAN CAMPAIGN well ; but in the winter many of Taylor's soldiers were withdrawn to take part in Scott's campaign. This seemed to be the Mexicans' time. They attacked Taylor with four times as many men as he had in his army. This battle was fought at Buena Vista, February, 1847. Taylor beat back the Mexi- cans with terrible slaughter. This was the last battle of Taylor's campaign. 335. Scott* s Invasion of Mexico. — The plan of Scott's campaign was that he should land at Vera Cruz, march to the city of Mexico, — two hundred miles away, — capture that city, and force the Mexi- cans to make peace. Every- thing fell out precisely as it was planned. With the help of the navy Scott captured Vera Cruz. He had only about one-quarter as many men as the Mexicans. Eut he overthrew them at Cerro Gordo, where the road to the City of Mexico crosses the coast mountains (April, 1847) With the greatest care and skill he pressed on and at length came within sight of the City of Mexico. The capital of the Mexican Republic stood in the midst of marshes, and could be reached only over narrow causeways which joined it to the solid land. August 20, 1847, Scott beat the Mexicans in three City of &~ p>\ Cerro Gordo 1 •'"... Mexico °7^ S%\L_ i«47] Scoffs Campaign 273 'I'r'i ■Vr* The Bear Flag. pitched battles, and on September 14 he entered the city with his army, now numbering only six thousand men fit for active service. 336. Seizure of California. — California was the name given to the Mexican posses- sions on the Pacific coast north of Mexico itself. There were now many American settlers there, especially at Monterey. Hearing of the outbreak of the Mexican War, they set up a republic of their own. Their flag had a figure of a grizzly bear painted on it, and hence their repub- lic is often spoken of as the Bear Re- public. Commo- dore Stockton with a small fleet was on the Pacific coast. He and John C. Fremont assisted the Bear Republi- cans until soldiers under Colonel Kearney reached them from the United States by way of Santa Fe. California, The " Bear Republic." 1846. California seized by American soldiers. John C. Fremont. 274 The Mexican War [§§ 337-339 Mexican 337 - Treaty of Peace, 1848. — The direct cause of cessions, t h e Mexican War was Mexico's unwillingness to give 1848. ° & up Texas without a struggle. But the Mexicans had treated many Americans very unjustly and owed them large sums of money. A treaty of peace was made in 1848. Mexico agreed to abandon her claims to Texas, California, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado. The United States agreed to withdraw its armies from Mexico, to pay Mexico fifteen million dollars, and to pay the claims of American citizens on Mexico. These claims proved to amount to three and one-half million dollars. In the end, therefore, the United States paid eighteen and one- half million dollars for this enormous and exceed- ingly valuable addition to its territory. When the time came to run the boundary line, the American and Mexican commissioners could not agree. So the United States paid ten million dollars more and re- ceived an additional strip of land between the Rio Grande and the Colorado rivers. This gave the The Gadsden United States its present southern boundary. This l853 agreement was made in 1853 by James Gadsden for McMaster, the United States, and the land bought is usually 334- called the Gadsden Purchase. 338. The Oregon Question. — It was not only in the Southwest that boundaries were disputed ; in the Northwest also there was a long controversy which Oregon. was settled while Polk was President. Oregon was the name given to the whole region between Spanish and Mexican California and the Russian Alaska. i8 4 6] The Oregon Treaty 275 The United States and Great Britain each claimed to have the best right to Oregon. As they could not agree as to their claims, they decided to occupy the region jointly. As time went on American settlers and missionaries began to go over the mountains to Oregon. In 1847 seven thousand Americans were liv- ing in the Northwest. 339. The Oregon Treaty, 1846. — The matter was now taken up in earnest. "All Oregon or none," "Fifty-four forty or fight," became popu- lar cries. The United States gave notice of the ending of the joint occupation. The British government suggested that Oregon should be divided between the two nations. In 18 18 the boundary be- tween the United States and British North America had been fixed as the forty-ninth parallel from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains. It was now proposed to continue this line to the Pacific. The British government, however, insisted that the western end of the line should follow the channel between Vancouver's Island and the mainland so as to make that island entirely British. The Mexican War was now coming on. It would hardly do to have two wars at one time. So the United States gave way and a treaty was signed in 1846. Instead Joint occupa- tion by- United States and Great Britain. " All Oregon or none." Division of Oregon, 1846. 2/6 The Compromise of 1850 [§§339-341 of "all Oregon," the United States received about one-half. It was a splendid region and included not merely the present state of Oregon, but all the territory west of the Rocky Mountains between the forty-second and the forty-ninth parallels of latitude. Should Oregon and Mexican cessions be slave or free soil ? The Wilmot Proviso. Mc Master, 324- CHAPTER 33 THE COMPROMISE OF 1850 340. The Wilmot Proviso, 1846. — What should be done with Oregon and with the immense terri- tory received from Mexico ? Should it be free soil or should it be slave soil ? To understand the history of the dispute which arose out of this ques- tion we must go back a bit and study the Wilmot Proviso. Even before the Mexican War was fairly begun, this question came before Congress. Every one admitted that Texas must be a slave state. Most people were agreed that Oregon would be free soil. For it was too far north for negroes to thrive. But what should be done with Calitornia and with New Mexico ? David Wilmot of Penn- sylvania thought that they should be free soil. He was a member of the House of Representatives. In 1846 he moved to add to a bill giving the President money to purchase land from Mexico a proviso that none of the territory to be acquired at the national expense should be open to slavery. This proviso was finally defeated. The matter was one on which people held very strong opinions, 1848] Taylor elected President 277 and the question became the most important issue in the election of 1848. 341. Taylor elected President, 1848. — Three can- Candidates didates contested the election of 1848. First there d ° e r ncy e ^g' was Lewis Cass of Michigan, the Democratic can- didate. He was in favor of "squatter sovereignty," "Squatter that is, allowing the people of each territory to have slavery or not as they chose. The Whig candidate was General Tay- lor, the victor of Buena Vista. The Whigs put forth no statement of principles. The third candidate was Martin Van Buren, already once Presi- dent. Although a Democrat, he did not favor the ex- Zachary Taylor. tension of slavery. He was nominated by Democrats who did not believe in " squatter sovereignty," and by a new party which called itself the Free Soil party. The abolitionists Free Soil or Liberty party also nominated a candidate, but he ^fcMaster withdrew in favor of Van Buren. The Whigs had 334-335- nominated Millard Fillmore of New York for Vice- President. He attracted to the Whig ticket a good 278 The Compromise of 1850 [§§ 341-344 Taylor and Fillmore elected. Discovery of gold in California, 1848. many votes in New York. Van Buren also drew a good many votes from the Democrats. In this way New York was carried for Taylor and Fillmore. This decided the election, and the Whig candidates were chosen. 342. California. — Before the treaty of peace with Mexico was ratified, even before it was signed, The Site of San Francisco in 1847. From an original drawing. The " rush " to California, 1849. Mc Master , 337-338 ; * Source- Book, 276- 279. gold was discovered in California. P_eports of the discovery soon reached the towns on the western sea- coast. At once men left whatever they were doing and hastened to the hills to dig for gold. Months later rumors of this discovery began to reach the eastern part of the United States. At first people paid little attention to them. Then President Polk said that gold had been found, and they began to think that it must be true. Soon hundreds of 1848-49] California 279 gold-seekers started for California. Then thousands became eager to go. These first comers were called the Forty-Niners, because most of them came in the year 1849. By the end of that year there were eighty thousand immigrants in California. 343. California seeks Admission to the Union. — There were eighty thousand white people in Cali- fornia, and they had almost no government of any kind. So in November, 1849, they held a conven- California tion, drew up a constitution, and demanded admission const,tu - ■*■ tional con- to the Union as a state. The peculiar thing about vention, this constitution was that it forbade slavery in Cali- fornia. Many of the Forty-Niners were Southerners ; slavery but even they did not want slavery. The reason was forbldden - that they wished to dig in the earth and win gold. They would not allow slave holders to work their mining claims with slave labor, for free white laborers had never been able to work alongside of negro slaves. So they did not want slavery in California. 344. A Divided Country. — This action of the Divisions people of California at once brought the question of on the r r a ~i question of slavery before the people. Many Southerners were the extension of slavery. eager to found a slave confederacy apart from the McMaster, Union. Many abolitionists were eager to found a 335-336. free republic in the North. Many Northerners, who loved the Union, thought that slavery should be con- fined to the states where it existed. They thought that slavery should not be permitted in the territories, which belonged to the people of the United States as 28o The Compromise of 1850 [§§ 344-347 Taylor's policy. California demands admission. Clay's com- promise scheme, 1850. Mc Master, 339-341 ; *Source- Book, 279- 281. a whole. They argued that if the territories could be kept free, the people of those territories, when they came to form state constitutions, would forbid slavery as the people of California had just done. They were probably right, and for this very reason the Southerners wished to have slavery in the terri- tories. So strong was the feeling over these points that it seemed as if the Union would split into pieces. 345. President Taylor's Policy. — General Taylor was now President. He was alarmed by the growing excitement. He determined to settle the matter at once before people could get any more excited. So he sent agents to California and to New Mexico to urge the people to demand admission to the Union at once. When Congress met in 1850, he stated that California demanded admission as a free state. The Southerners were angry. For they had thought that California would surely be a slave state. 346. Clay's Compromise Plan. — Henry Clay now stepped forward to bring about a "union of hearts." His plan was to end all disputes between Northerners and Southerners by having the people of each section give way to the people of the other section. For example, the Southerners were to permit the admis- sion of California as a free state, and to consent to the abolition of the slave trade in the District of Columbia. In return, the Northerners were to give way to the Southerners on all other points. They were to allow slavery in the District of Columbia. They were to consent to the organization of New 1850] Clay's Compromise Plan 281 Mexico and Utah as territories without any provision for or against slavery. Texas claimed that a part of the proposed Territory of New Mexico belonged to her. So Clay suggested that the United States should pay Texas for this land. Finally Clay proposed that Congress should pass a severe Fugi- tive Slave Act. It is easily seen that Clay's plan as a whole was dis- tinctly favorable to the South. Few persons favored the passage of the whole scheme; but when votes were taken on each part separately, they all passed. In the midst of the excite- Millard Fillmore. ment over this com- promise President Taylor died, and Millard Fillmore, the Vice-President, became President. 347. The Fugitive Slave Act. — The Constitution Art. iv J & provides that persons held to service in one state escaping into another state shall be delivered up upon claim of the person to whom such service may be due. Congress, in 1793, had passed an act to Fugitive Slave Act carry out this provision of the Constitution. But this Q f 1793. 282 The Compromise of i8jo [§§ 347-350 Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. Mc Master, 341-343- Results of passage of this act. Higgi$ison t 281; *Sourcc- Book, 282- 284. The " Under- ground Rail- way." *Source- Book, 260- 263. "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Effects of this book. law had seldom been enforced, because its enforce- ment had been left to the states, and public opinion in the North was opposed to the return of fugitive slaves. The law of 1850 gave the enforcement of the act to United States officials. The agents of slave owners claimed many persons as fugitives, but few were returned to the South. The important result of these attempts to enforce the law was to strengthen Northern public opinion against slavery. It led to redoubled efforts to help runaway slaves through the Northern states to Canada. A regular system was established. This was called the " Under- ground Railway." In short, instead of bringing about "a union of hearts," the Compromise of 1850 in- creased the ill feeling between the people of the two sections of the country. 348. " Uncle Tom's Cabin. " — It was at this time that Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote " Uncle Tom's Cabin." In this story she set forth the pleasant side of slavery — the light-heartedness and kind-heartedness of the negroes. In it she also set forth the unpleasant side of slavery — the whipping of human beings, the selling of human beings, the hunting of human beings. Of course, there never was such a slave as Uncle Tom. The story is simply a wonderful picture of slavery as it appeared to a bril- liant woman of the North. Hundreds of thousands of copies of this book were sold in the South as well as in the North. Plays founded on the book were acted on the stage. Southern people when reading 1852] "Uncle Tom's Cabin" 283 " Uncle Tom" thought little of the unpleasant things in it : they liked the pleasant things in it. Northern people laughed at the pretty pictures of plantation life : they were moved to tears by the tales of cruelty. " Uncle Tom's Cabin " and the Fugitive Slave Law convinced the people of the North that bounds must be set to the extension of slavery. CHAPTER 34 THE STRUGGLE FOR KANSAS 349. Pierce elected President, 1852. — It was now Campaign time for a new election. The Whigs had been suc- cessful with two old soldiers, so they thought they would try again with another soldier and nomi- nated General Winfield Scott, the conqueror of Mexico. The Democrats also nominated a soldier, Franklin Pierce of New Hampshire, who had been in northern Mexico with Taylor. The Democrats and Whigs both said that they would stand by the Compromise of 1850. But many voters thought that there would be less danger of excitement with a Democrat in the White House and voted for Pierce Pierce P 1 p/-« f f*(1 for that reason. They soon found that they were President> terribly mistaken in their belief. 350. Douglas's Nebraska Bill. — President Pierce The ^^pVirii sic T began his term of office quietly enough; but in 1854 bjl , l85 Senator Douglas of Illinois brought in a bill to *s° urce - & b Book, 284- organize the Territory of Nebraska. It will be re- 287. membered that in 1820 Missouri had been admitted 284 The Struggle for Kansas [§§ 350-352 Douglas asserts Com- promise of 1820 to be repealed. The Kansas- Nebraska Act, 1854. to the Union as a slave state. In 1846 Iowa had been admitted as a free state. North of Iowa was the free Territory of Minnesota. Westward from Missouri, Iowa, and Minnesota was an immense region without any government of any kind. It all lay north of the compromise line of 1820 (p. 222), and had been forever devoted to freedom by that compromise. Sena- tor Douglas said that the Compromise of 1820 had been re- pealed by the Com- promise of 1850. So he proposed that the settlers of Nebraska should say whether that territory should be free soil or slave soil, precisely as if the Compromise of 1820 had never been passed. Instantly there was a tremendous uproar. 351. The Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854. — Douglas now changed his bill so as to provide for the for- mation of two territories. One of these he named Kansas. It had nearly the same boundaries as the present state of Kansas, except that it extended westward to the Rocky Mountains. The other ter- Fkanklin Pierce. i854] Kansas-Nebraska Act 285 ritory was named Nebraska. It included all the land north of Kansas and between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains. The antislavery leaders in the North attacked the bill with great fury. Chase of Ohio said that it was a violation of faith. Sumner of Massachusetts rejoiced in the fight, for he said men must now take sides for freedom or for slavery. Some independent Democrats pub- lished "An Ap- peal." They asked their fellow-citizens to take their maps and see what an im- mense region Doug- las had proposed to open to slavery. They denied that the Missouri Com- promise had been repealed. Nevertheless, the bill passed Congress and was signed by President Pierce. 352. Abraham Lincoln. — Born in Kentucky, Abra- ham Lincoln went with his parents to Indiana and then to Illinois. As a boy he was very poor and had to work hard, but he lost no opportunity to read and to study. At the plow or in the long even- ings at home by the firelight he was ever thinking and studying. Growing to manhood he became a lawyer and served one term in Congress. The pas- Antislavery senators attack the bill. The Inde- pendent Democrats. Abraham Lincoln. Hero Tales y 325-335- 286 The Struggle for Kansas [§§ 352-356 Aroused by the Kansas- Nebraska Act. Seward's challenge to the Southerners. Mc Master, 347-35 i- The Sons of the South. Fraudulent election. *Source- Book, 287- 289. Free-state constitution. sage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act aroused his indig- nation as nothing had ever aroused it before. He denied that any man had the right to govern another man, be he white or be he black, without that man's consent. He thought that blood would surely be shed before the slavery question would be settled in Kansas, and the first shedding of blood would be the beginning of the end of the Union. 353. Settlement of Kansas. — In the debate on the Kansas-Nebraska bill Senator Seward of New York said to the Southerners : " Come on, then. . . . We will engage in competition for the soil of Kansas, and God give the victory to the side that is strong in numbers as it is in right." Seward spoke truly. The victory came to those opposed to the extension of slavery. But it was a long time in coming. As soon as the act was passed, armed " Sons of the South " crossed the frontier of Missouri and founded the town of Atchison. Then came large bands of armed settlers from the North and the East. They founded the towns of Lawrence and Topeka. An election was held. Hundreds of men poured over the boundary of Missouri, outvoted the free-soil settlers in Kansas, and then went home. The terri- torial legislature, chosen in this way, adopted the laws of Missouri, slave code and all, as the laws of Kansas. It seemed as if Kansas were lost to freedom. 354. The Topeka Convention. — The free-state voters now held a convention at Topeka. They drew up a constitution and applied to Congress for 1856] The Republican Party 287 admission to the Union as the free state of Kansas. The free-state men and the slave-state men each elected a Delegate to Congress. The House of Rep- resentatives now took the matter up and appointed a committee of investigation. The committee reported in favor of the free-state men, and the House voted to admit Kansas as a free state ; but the Senate would The Senate refuses to not consent to anything of the kind. The contest in admit Kansas went on and became more bitter every month. Kansas - 355. The Republican Party. — The most important result of the Kansas-Nebraska fight was the forma- Origin of tion of the Republican party. It was made up of **„ party. * men from all the other parties who agreed in oppos- McMaster, 352-355- ing Douglas's Kansas-Nebraska policy. Slowly they began to think of themselves as a party and to adopt Anti- the name of the old party of Jefferson, Madison, and ^J raska Monroe — Republican. 356. Buchanan elected President, 1856. — The Whigs and the Know-Nothings nominated Millard Presidential Fillmore for President and said nothing about slavery. l856# The Democrats nominated James Buchanan of Penn- sylvania for President and John C. Breckinridge of Buchanan. Kentucky for Vice-President. They declared their approval of the Kansas-Nebraska Act and favored a strict construction of the Constitution. The Re- publicans nominated John C. Fremont. They pro- tested against the extension of slavery and declared Fremont. for a policy of internal improvements at the expense of the nation. The Democrats won ; but the Repub- licans carried all the Northern states save four. 288 The Struggle for Kansas [§§ 357-359 Dred Scott decision, i857- Mc Master, 355-357 i *Source- Book, 290- 291. Opinions of the judges. Lincoln's policy. His debates with Douglas. Mc Master, 388-389 ; * Source- Book, 290- 294. 357. The Dred Scott Decision, 1857. — The Supreme Court of the United States now gave a decision in the Dred Scott case that put an end to all hope of com- promise on the slavery question. Dred Scott had been born a slave. The majority of the judges de- clared that a person once a slave could never become a citizen of the United States and bring suit in the United States courts. They also declared that the Missouri Compromise was unlawful. Slave owners had a clear right to carry their property, including slaves, into the territories, and Congress could not stop them. 358. The Lincoln and Douglas Debates, 1858. — The question of the reelection of Douglas to the Senate now came before the people of Illinois. Abraham Lincoln stepped forward to contest the election with him. " A house divided against itself cannot stand," said Lincoln. "This government can- not endure half slave and half free. ... It will be- come all one thing or all the other." He challenged Douglas to debate the issues with him before the people, and Douglas accepted the challenge. Seven joint debates were held in the presence of immense crowds. Lincoln forced Douglas to defend the doc- trine of " popular sovereignty." This Douglas did by declaring that the legislatures of the territories could make laws hostile to slavery. This idea, of course, was opposed to the Dred Scott decision. Douglas won the election and was returned to the Senate; but Lincoln had made a national reputation. 1858] Lincoln and Douglas 289 359. " Bleeding Kansas.' ' — Meantime civil war Civil war had broken out in Kansas. Slavery men attacked McMaster Lawrence, killed a few free-state settlers, and burned 357- several buildings. Led by John Brown, an immi- John Brown, grant from New York, free-state men attacked a party of slave-state men and killed five of them. By 1857 the free-state voters had become so numerous that it was no longer possible to outvote them by bringing Harper's Ferry. men from Missouri, and they chose a free-state legis- lature. But the fraudulent slave-state legislature had already provided for holding a constitutional conven- tion at Lecompton. This convention was controlled The siav< by the slave-state men and adopted a constitution L constitution. 290 TJie Struggle for Kansas [§360 Douglas opposes Buchanan. John Brown's Raid, 1859. Higginson, 286-289 ; *Source- Book, 294- 296. He seizes Harper's Ferry. His execu- tion, 1859. providing for slavery. President Buchanan sent this constitution to Congress and asked to have Kan- sas admitted as a slave state. But Douglas could not bear to see the wishes of the settlers of Kansas outraged. He opposed the proposition vigorously and it was defeated. It was not until 1861 that Kan- sas was admitted to the Union as a free state. 360. John Brown's Raid, 1859. — While in Kan- sas John Brown had conceived a bold plan. It was to seize a strong place in the mountains of the South, and there protect any slaves who should run away from their masters. In this way he expected to break slavery in pieces within two years. With only nineteen men he seized Harper's Ferry, in Virginia, and secured the United States arsenal at that place. But he and most of his men were immediately cap- tured. He was executed by the Virginian authorities as a traitor and murderer. The Republican leaders denounced his act as "the gravest of crimes." The Southern leaders were convinced that now the time had come to secede from the Union and to estab- lish a Southern Confederacy. Questions and Topics 291 QUESTIONS AND TOPICS Chapter 31 1. Why were the people of South Carolina so opposed to any limitation of slavery ? How did they show their opposition ? 2. Why had slavery disappeared in the North ? 3. What suggestions were made by some in the North for the ending of slavery ? What do you think of these suggestions ? 4. For what did Garrison contend, and how did he make his views known ? Why were these views opposed in the North ? 5. Why were the Southerners so alarmed by Nat Turner's Re- bellion? 6. What power had Congress over the mails ? How would you have voted on this question ? 7. Why is the right of petition so important ? How is this right secured to citizens of the United States ? 8. Why should these petitions be considered as insulting to slave- holders ? 9. Why were the Southerners so afraid of any discussion of slavery ? Chapter 32 1. Show by the map the extent of the Mexican Republic. 2. Why did Texas wish to join the United States ? What attitude had Mexico taken on slavery ? 3. Explain carefully how the Texas question influenced the election of 1844. 4. What was the Liberty party ? How did its formation make the election of Polk possible ? 5. What is a "joint resolution " ? 6. How did the Mexicans regard the admission of Texas ? What dispute with Mexico arose ? Who began the war ? 7. What was the plan of Taylor's campaign ? Of Scott's cam- paign ? 8. Mention the leading battles of Taylor's campaign. Of Scott's campaign. 9. What action did the American settlers in California take? With what result ? 292 Slavery in tlic Territories 10. Explain by a map the Mexican cessions of 1848 and 1S53. 11. What was the extent of Oregon in 1845 ? 12. How was the dispute finally settled ? Explain by a map. 13. What was the extent of Oregon in 1847? I s ^ tne same to-day ? 14. Of what value was this region to the United States ? Chapter ^ 1. Why was there little question whether Oregon would be slave or free ? 2. Explain carefully Wilmot's suggestion. What would be the arguments in Congress for and against this " proviso " ? 3. What is meant by " squatter sovereignty " ? What do you think of the wisdom and justice of such a plan ? 4. Describe the discovery of gold in California and the rush thither. What difference did one year make in the population of California ? 5. What attitude did California take on the slavery question ? Why? 6. How had the question of slavery already divided the country ? 7. What extreme parties were there in the North and the South ? 8. Why was the questiomabout the territories so important ? 9. What action did President Taylor take? Why? 10. State the provisions of Clay's compromise plan. Which of these favored the North ? The South ? 1 1. What law had been made as to fugitive slaves ? Why had it not been enforced ? Why was the change made in 18^0 so important ? 12. Who was Mrs. Stowe ? What view did she take of slavery? 13. What effect did "Uncle Tom's Cabin." have upon the question of slavery ? Chapter 34 1. Who were the candidates in 1852 ? Who was chosen ? Why ? 2. What doctrine did Douglas apply to Kansas and Nebraska ? 3. Why did Chase call this bill "a violation of faith" ? Questions and Topics 293 4. Give an account of the early life and training of Abraham Lincoln. 5. What did he think of the Kansas-Nebraska Act ? 6. What effect did the Kansas-Nebraska Act have on the settle- ment of Kansas ? 7. Describe the election. Do you think that laws made by a legislature so elected were binding ? 8. Explain the difference in the attitude of the Senate and House on the Kansas question. 9. How was the Republican party formed ? 10. Were its principles like or unlike those of the Republican party of Jefferson's time ? Give your reasons. 11. Describe the election of 1S56. 12. What rights did the Supreme Court declare a slave could not possess ? Was a slave a person or a thing? 13. What power does the Constitution give Congress over a territory ? (Art. IV, Sec. 3.) 14. What was the effect of the decision in the Dred Scott case ? 15. Explain carefully the quotations from Lincoln's speeches. 16. Was the doctrine of popular sovereignty necessarily favorable to slavery ? Give illustrations to support your reasons. 17. Was Douglas's declaration in harmony with the decision of the Supreme Court ? 18. Compare the altitude of Douglas and Buchanan upon the admission of Kansas. 19. Describe John Brown's raid. Was he a traitor ? General Questions 1. Give, with dates, the important laws as to slavery since 1783. 2. What were the arguments in favor of the extension of slavery ? Against it ? 3. Find and learn a poem against slavery by Whittier, Lowell, or Longfellow. 4. Make a table of elections since 178S, with the leading parties, candidates, and principal issues. Underline the name of the candidate elected. 5. Trace the political parties to date. 294 Slavery in the Territories Topics for Special Work 1. John Brown in Kansas or at Harper's Ferry. 2. The career, to this time, of any man mentioned in Chapters 33 and 34. 3. Any one fugitive slave case : Jerry McHenry in Syracuse (A. J. May's Antislavery Conflicts), Shadrach, Anthony Burns. XII SECESSION, 1860-1861 Books for Study and Reading References. — Scribner's Popular History, IV, 432-445 ; McMaster's School History, chap, xxvi (industrial progress, 1 840-60) . Home Readings. — Page's The Old South. CHAPTER 35 THE UNITED STATES IN i860 361. Growth of the Country. — The United States Area of the was now three times as large as it was at Jeffer- g™^ l86a son's election. It contained over three million square miles of land. About one-third of this great area was settled. In the sixty years of the century the popu- lation had increased even faster than the area had in- population, creased. In 1800 there were five and a half million l8 °' people living in the United States. In i860 there were over thirty-one million people within its bor- ders. Of these nearly five millions were white im- migrants. More than half of these immigrants had come in the last ten years, and they had practically all of them settled in the free states of the North. Of the whole population of thirty-one millions only 295 296 The United States in i860 [§§ 361-364 New states. McMaster, 365-368. The cities. New York twelve millions lived in the slave states, and of these more than four millions were negro slaves. 362. Change of Political Power. — The control of Congress had now passed into the hands of the free states of the North. The majority of the Represen- tatives had long been from the free states. Now more Senators came from the North than from the South. This was due to the admission of new states. Texas (1845) was the last slave state to be admitted to the Union. Two years later the admis- sion of Wisconsin gave the free states as many votes in the Senate as the slave states had. In 1850 the admission of California gave the free states a majority of two votes in the Senate. This majority was in- creased to four by the admission of Minnesota in 1858, and to six by the admission of Oregon in 1859. The control of Congress had slipped forever from the grasp of the. slave states. 363. The Cities. — The tremendous increase in manufacturing, in farming, and in trading brought about a great increase in foreign commerce. This in turn led to the building up of great cities in the North and the West. These were New York and Chicago ; and they grew rapidly because they formed the two ends of the line of communication between the East and the West by the Mohawk Valley (p. 239). New York now contained over eight hundred thou- sand inhabitants. It had more people within its lim- its than lived in the whole state of South Carolina. The most rapid growth was seen in the case of Chi- i860] Grozvth of Population 297 cago. In 1840 there were only five thousand people Chicago. in that city ; it now contained one hundred and nine thousand inhabitants. Cincinnati and St. Louis, each with one hundred and sixty thousand, were still the largest cities of the West, and St. Louis was the larg- est city in any slave state. New Orleans, with nearly as many people as St. Louis, was the only large city in the South. 364. The States. - — As it was with the cities so it The North was with the states — the North had grown beyond g"^ 6 the South. In 1790 Virginia had as many inhab- itants as the states of New York and Pennsylvania put together. In i860 Virginia had only about one- quarter as many inhabitants as these two states. Indeed, in i860 New York had nearly four million inhabitants, or nearly as many inhabitants as the whole United States in 1791 (p. 156); but the growth of the states of the Northwest had been even more Growth of remarkable. Ohio now had a million more people ^ t than Virginia and stood third in population among the states of the Union. Illinois was the fourth state and Indiana the sixth. Even more interesting are the facts brought out by a study of the map show- ing the density of population or the number of people to the square mile in the several states. It appears that in i860 Ohio, Pennsylvania, Mary- land, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecti- cut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts each had over Density of forty-five inhabitants to the square mile, while not iSoo" 3 a single Southern state had as many as forty-five 298 The United States in i860 [§§ 364-366 inhabitants to the square mile. This shows us at once that although the Southern states were larger in extent than the Northern states, they were much less powerful. Density of Population in i860. improve- 365. City Life. — In the old days the large towns ments in ... . ,. . . living. were just like the small towns except that they were larger. Life in them was just about the same as in the smaller places. Now, however, there was a great difference. In the first place the city could afford to have a great many things the smaller town could not pay for. In the second place it must have certain things or its people would die of disease or be killed as they walked the streets. For these reasons the streets of the Northern cities were paved and lighted i86oJ Life in the Cities 299 and were guarded by policemen. Then, too, great sewers carried away the refuse of the city, and enor- mous iron pipes brought fresh water to every one within its limits. Horse-cars and omni- buses carried its in- habitants from one part of the city to another, and the rail- roads brought them food from the sur- rounding country. 366. Transporta- tion. — Between 1849 and 1858 twenty-one thousand miles of railroad were built in the United States. In i860 Growth of .... , ., r ., the railroad there were more than thirty thousand miles 01 rail- systems _ road in actual operation. In 1850 one could not go from New York to Albany without leaving the rail- road and going on board a steamboat. In i860 one continuous line of rails ran from New York City to the Mississippi River. Traveling was still uncomfort- able according to our ideas. The cars were rudely made and jolted horribly. One train ran only a com- paratively short distance. Then the traveler had to alight, get something to eat, and see his baggage placed on another train. Still, with all its discomforts, traveling in the worst of cars was better than travel- ing in the old stagecoaches. Many more steam- An Omnibus. 3oo The United States in i860 [§§ 366-368 Schools. Newspapers. Horace Greeley. boats were used, especially on the Great Lakes and the Western rivers. 367. Education. — The last thirty years had also been years of progress in learning. Many colleges were founded, especially in the Northwest. There was still no institution which deserved the name of university. But more attention was being paid to the sciences and to the education of men for the professions of law and medicine. The newspapers also took on their modern form. The New York Herald, founded in 1835, was the first real news- paper. But the New York Tribune \ edited by Horace Greeley, had more influence than any other paper in the country. Greeley was odd in many ways, but he was one of the ablest men of the time. He called for a liberal policy in the distribution of the public lands and was forever saying, " Go West, young man, go West." The magazines were now very much better than in former years, and America's foremost writers were doing some of their best work. Horace Greeley. i86o] Education and Invention 301 368. Progress of Invention. -- The electric tele- The graph was now in common use. It enabled the newspapers to tell the people what was going on as they never had done be- fore. Perhaps the inven- tion that did as much as any one thing to make life easier was the sew- ing machine. Elias Howe was the first man to make a really practica- ble sewing machine. Other inventors improved C^f upon it, and also made - machines to sew other things than cloth, as leather. Agricultural machinery was now in com- The Howe mon use. The horse reaper had been much improved, ^achfne and countless machines had been invented to make Agricultural agricultural labor more easy and economical. Hun- mac dreds of homely articles, as friction matches and rubber shoes, came into use in these years. In short, the thirty years from Jackson's inauguration to the secession of the Southern states were years of great progress. This progress was confined almost wholly to the North. In the South, living in i860 Stagnation „ . in the South was about the same as it had been in 1830, or even in 1800. As a Southern orator said of the South, " The rush and whirl of modern civilization passed her by." The First Sewjng Machine. 302 Secession [§§ 369-371 Candidates for the Republican nomination i860. CHAPTER 36 SECESSION, 1860-1861 369. The Republican Nomination, i860. — Four names were especially mentioned in connection with the Republican nomi- nation for President. These were Seward, Chase, Cameron, and Lincoln. Seward was the best known of them all. In the de- bates on the Compro- mise of 1850 he had declared that there was " a higher law " than the Constitution, namely, " the law of nature in men's hearts." In another speech he had termed the slavery contest " the irrepressible conflict." These phrases endeared him to the antislavery men, but they made it impossible for many moderate Republi- cans to follow him. Senator Chase of Ohio had also been very outspoken in his condemnation of slavery. Senator Cameron of Pennsylvania was an able politi- cal leader. But all of these men were "too conspic- uous to make a good candidate." They had made Copyright, I). Vim Nostrand & Co. William H. Seward i860] Presidential Candidates 303 many enemies. Lincoln had spoken freely, but he had never been prominent in national politics. He was more likely to attract the votes of moderate men than either of the other candidates. After a fierce Lincoln contest he was nominated. The Republican platform Th ™ n stated that there was no intention to interfere with P latform - slavery in the states where it existed ; but it declared the party's opposition to the extension of slavery. The platform favored internal improvements at the national expense. It also approved the protective system. 370. The Democratic Nominations. — The Demo- The Charles- ,-,, , /-, -i *-* -i. ton conven- cratic convention met at Charleston, South Carolina. tion l86o It was soon evident that the Northern Democrats McMaster, 360-361. and the Southern Democrats could not agree. The Northerners were willing to accept the Dred Scott decision and to carry it out. But the Southerners demanded that the platform should pledge the party actively to protect slavery in the territories. To this the Northerners would not agree. So the convention broke up to meet again at Baltimore; but there the delegates could come to no agreement. In the end two candidates were named. The Northerners nomi- The Douglas nated Douglas on a platform advocating "popular sovereignty." The Southerners nominated John C. The Breckinridge of Kentucky. In their platform they Democrats 56 advocated states' rights, and the protection of slavery in the territories by the federal government. 371. The Constitutional Union Party. — Besides these three candidates, cautious and timid men of all 304 Secession [§§ 37 x -373 The Consti- tutional Union party. The cam- paign of i860. Weakness of the Republicans. parties united to form the Constitutional Union party. They nominated Governor John Bell of Tennessee for President. In their platform they declared for the maintenance of the Constitution and the Union, regardless of slavery. 372. Lincoln elected President, i860. — With four candidates in the field and the Democratic party hopelessly divided, there could be little doubt of Lincoln's election. He car- ried every North- ern state except Missouri and New Jersey. He re- ceived one hundred and eighty electo- ral votes. Brecken- ridge carried every Southern state except the " bor- der states" of Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee, and received seventy-two electoral votes. Bell carried the three " border" Southern states and Douglas carried Missouri and New Jersey. There was no doubt as to Lincoln's election. He had received a great ma- jority of the electoral votes. But his opponents had received more popular votes than he had received. He was therefore elected by a minority of the voters. 373. The North and the South. — Lincoln had been elected by a minority of the people. He had been elected by the people of one section. Other Lincoln's Surveying Instruments and Saddlebag. Lincoln elected. i86o] Lincoln elected President 305 Presidents had been chosen by minorities; but Lin- coln was the first man to be chosen President by the people of one section. The Republicans, moreover, had not elected a majority of the members of the House of Representatives, and the Senate was still in the hands of the Democrats. For two years at least the Republicans could not carry out their ideas. They could not repeal the Kansas-Nebraska Act. They could not admit Kansas to the Union as a free state. They could not carry out one bit of their policy. In their platform they had declared that they had no intention to in- terfere with slavery in the states. Lincoln had said over and over again that Congress had no right to meddle with slavery in the states. The Southern leaders knew all these things. But Southern they made up their minds that now the time had come to secede from the Union and to establish a Southern Confederacy. For the first time all the southernmost states were united. No matter what Lincoln and the Republicans might say, the Southern Lincoln's Bookcase. From the Keyes-Lincoln Memorial Collection, Chicago. fears. 3o6 Secession [§§ 373-377 Southern conventions. Buchanan's compromise plan. slaveholders believed that slavery was in danger. In advising secession, many of them thought that by this means they could force the Northerners to accept their terms as the price of a restored Union. Never were political leaders more mistaken. 374. Threats of Secession, November, i860. — The Constitution permits each state to choose presidential electors as it sees fit. At the outset these electors had generally been chosen by the state legislatures. But, in the course of time, all the states save one had come to choose them by popular vote. The one state that held to the old way was South Carolina. Its legislature still chose the state's presidential electors. In i860 the South Carolina legislature did this duty and then remained in session to see which way the election would go. When Lincoln's election was cer- tain, it called a state convention to consider the ques- tion of seceding from the United States. In other Southern states there was some opposition to seces- sion. In Georgia, especially, Alexander H. Stephens led the opposition. He said that secession " was the height of madness." Nevertheless he moved a reso- lution for a convention. Indeed, all the southernmost states followed the example of South Carolina and summoned conventions. 375. The Crittenden Compromise Plan. — Many men hoped that even now secession might be stopped by some compromise. President Buchanan suggested an amendment to the Constitution, securing slavery in the states and territories. It was unlikely that i860] Compromise Plans 307 the Republicans would agree to this suggestion. The most hopeful plan was brought forward in Con- gress by Senator Crittenden of Kentucky. He pro- posed that amendments to the Constitution should be Crittenden's adopted: (1) to carry out the principle of the Mis- compromise, souri Compromise (p. 222); (2) to provide that McMaster, states should be free or slave as their people should determine ; and (3) to pay the slave owners the value of runaway slaves. This plan was carefully con- it fails sidered by Congress, and was finally rejected only c ngr eS s. two days before Lincoln's inauguration. 376. Secession of Seven States, 1860-61. — The south caro- South Carolina convention met in Secession Hall, J^ Charleston, on December 17, i860. Three days later Eggieston, 304-305. it adopted a declaration " that the union now subsist- ing between South Carolina and other states, under the name of the United States of America, is hereby dissolved." Six other states soon joined South Caro- Six other lina. These were Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. 377. The " Confederate States of America." — The Confederate next step was for these states to join together to form const i tut i on a confederation. This work was done by a convention of delegates chosen by the conventions of the seven seceding states. These delegates met at Mont- gomery, Alabama. Their new constitution closely resembled the Constitution of the United States. But great care was taken to make it perfectly clear that each member of the Confederacy was a sovereign state. Exceeding care was also taken that slavery 308 Secession [§§ 377-379 Views of Jefferson Davis. Views of Alexander H. Stephens. *Source- Book, 296- 299. HilltMMtn MERCURY .EjATIUI: l'as-,,1 u„„„i„„.„st v ml l.l.» 0-rlark. #»..!#„ ■HHh. t*««. IS ilium ix » j., .(....j,, /a, i,„„„ Mm aa v,.i. ..7 <-../» f fttrftt (.,..J,Tr.li„« ../ //,. /,,;..» Sl„l,. .,1 .»,.,,,,.., UNION is DISSOLVED! should be protected in every way. Jefferson Davis of Mississippi was chosen provisional president, and Alexander H. Stephens provisional vice-president. 378. Views of Davis and Stephens. — Davis de- clared that Lincoln had " made a dis- tinct declaration of war upon our (Southern) institu- tions." His elec- tion was " upon the basis of sectional hostility." If "war must come, it must be on Northern and not on Southern soil. . . . We will carry war . . . where food for the sword and torch awaits our armies in the densely pop- ulated cities " of the North. For his part, Stephens said the new gov- ernment's " foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man." 379. Hesitation in the North. — At first it seemed i86o-6ij Hesitation in the North 309 as if Davis was right when he said the Northerners " Let the would not fight. General Scott, commanding the sisteS" go army, suggested that the "erring sisters" should be in P eace - allowed to " depart in peace," and Seward seemed to think the same way. The Abolitionists welcomed the secession of the slave states. Horace Greeley, Greeley's for instance, wrote that if those states chose to form opin,ons - an independent nation, " they had a clear moral right so to do." For his part, President Buchanan thought Buchanans that no state could constitutionally secede, although °P inlons - if a state should secede, he saw no way to compel it to come back to the Union. So he sat patiently by and did nothing. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS Chapter 35 1. Compare the area and population of the United States in 1800 and in i860. 2. Compare the white population of the North and the South. Were all the Southern whites slave owners ? 3. Why had the control of the House passed to the free states ? Did a white man in the North and in the South have proportionally the same representation in the House ? Why? 4. What change in the control of the Senate had taken place? Why? Why was this change so important? 5. What had caused the growth of the Northern cities? Why were there so few large cities in the slave states? 6. How had the population of the states changed since 1790? What had caused the growth of the Northwest ? 7. Where was there the greatest density of population? Why? 8. Describe the change of life in the cities. What arrangements were made for the comfort and health of the people? 3 1 o Secession 9. How had railroads increased, and what improvements had been made? 10. Of what use are newspapers? How do they influence the opinions of the people? What policy did Horace Greeley uphold? Why? 11. Who were some of the important writers? Mention two works of each. 12. What influence did the telegraph have? W T hy was this impor- tant? 13. Describe some of the other inventions. 14. Why had this progress been confined mainly to the North? Chapter 36 1. Who were the leading Republican candidates? 2. Why was Lincoln nominated? What is the meaning of the phrase "too conspicuous"? 3. What did Seward mean by saying that there was a " higher law " than the Constitution ? Why was the slavery contest " irrepressible"? 4. What declaration was made by the Republican party as to slavery? Compare this policy with the Wilmot Proviso. 5. What divisions took place in the Democratic party? Why? 6. What candidates were named? What policy did each uphold? 7. How had the demands of the Southerners concerning slavery increased? 8. What third party was formed? By whom? What does the name show? 9. What was the result of the election? 10. What was there peculiar in Lincoln's election? 11. Why should the Southerners have felt so strongly about this election? What was their hope in threatening secession? 1 2. Give arguments for and against secession. In what other question similar to this had South Carolina led? 13. Were the people of the South generally in favor of secession? 14. What compromise did Buchanan suggest? What do you think of the wisdom of the plan? 15. Explain carefully the points in Crittenden's plan. Discuss its value. 16. Could one state dissolve the Union? 17. What other states followed South Carolina? Questions and Topics 311 18. What government was formed by them? What two points were especially emphasized in their constitution? Why these? 19. What statement did Davis make as to Lincoln? Was it true or false? Give your reasons. 20. Why did Davis advocate war on Northern soil ? 21. Why was there such hesitation in the North ? State the opin- ions of Scott, Greeley, and Buchanan. 22. What would Jackson probably have done had he been President? General Questions 1. W T as the South justified in thinking that the North would yield ? Give illustrations to support your view. 2. Were the years 1857-61 more or less "critical" than the years 1783-87? Why? 3. How was the South dependent upon the North? Topics for Special Work 1. Comparison between the North and the South. 2. Any invention mentioned in this part. 3. Some writer of this period. 4. The condition of your own state (or town or city) in i860. XIII THE WAR FOR THE UNION, 1861-1865 Books for Study and Reading References. — Dodge's Bird's- Eye View; Scribner's Popular History, IV and V ; McMaster's School History, chap, xxix (the cost of the war) ; Lincoln's Inaugurals and Gettysburg Address. Home Readings. — Battles and Leaders of the Civil War (composed largely of articles that had previously appeared in the Century Magazine; Whittier's Barbara Frietehie ; Coffin's // 'inning his 11 'ay and other stories ; Soley's Sailor Boys of '6/ ,• Trowbridge's Drummer Boy and other stories ; Read's Sheri- dan's Bide; Champlin's Young Folks' 1 History of the War for the Union. CHAPTER 37 THE RISING OF THE PEOPLES, 1861 380. Lincoln's Inauguration. — On March 4, 1861, President Lincoln made his first inaugural address. In it he declared: "The Union is much older than the Constitution. . . . No state upon its own motion can lawfully get out of the Union. ... In view of the Constitution and the laws the Union is unbroken. ... I shall take care that the laws of the Union be faithfully executed in all the states." As to slavery, he had " no purpose ... to interfere with the insti- 312 i86i] Fall of Fort Sumter 313 tution of slavery in the states where it exists." He even saw no objection to adopt an amendment of the Constitution to prohibit the Federal government from interfering with slavery in the states ; but he was resolved to preserve, protect, and defend the Con- stitution of the United States. 381. Fall of Fort Sumter, April, 1861. — The Fort strength of Lincoln's resolve was soon tested. When *^™J^_ South Carolina seceded, Major Anderson, command- Book,2s&- 302. ing the United States forces at Charleston, with- drew from the land forts to Fort Sumter, built on a shoal in the harbor. He had with him only eighty fighting men and was sorely in need of food and ammunition. Bu- chanan sent a steamer, the Star of the West, to Charles- ton with supplies and soldiers, but the Confederates fired on her, and she steamed away without landing the soldiers or the supplies. Lincoln waited a month, hoping that the secessionists would come back to the Union of their own accord. Then he decided to send supplies to Major Ander- son and told the governor of South Carolina of his decision. Immediately (April 12) the Confederates opened fire on Fort Sumter. On April 14 Anderson surrendered. The next day President Lincoln issued The call to a proclamation calling for seventy-five thousand vol- arms - April unteers. Old Glory " as used in the Civil War. 3H The Rising of the Peoples [§§ 382-85 The North- ern volun- teers. Mc Master, 386-387 ; *Source- Book, 303- 3°5- Douglas, Buchanan, and Pierce. Progress of secession. West Virginia. Kentucky and Mary- land saved to the Union. 382. Rising of the North. — There was no longer a question of letting the " erring sisters " depart in peace. The Southerners had fired on " Old Glory." There was no longer a dispute over the extension of slavery. The question was now whether the Union should perish or should live. Douglas at once came out for the Union and so did the former Presidents, Buchanan and Franklin Pierce. In the Mississippi Valley hundreds of thousands of men either sympa- thized with the slaveholders or cared nothing about the slavery dispute. But the moment the Confeder- ates attacked the Union, they rose in defense of their country and their flag. 383. More Seceders. — The Southerners flocked to the standards of the Confederacy, and four more states joined the ranks of secession. These were Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia. In Virginia the people were sharply divided on the question of secession. Finally Virginia seceded, but the western Virginians, in their turn, seceded from Virginia and two years later were admitted to the Union as the state of West Virginia. Four " border states" had seceded; but four other " border states" were still within the Union. These were Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri. 384. The Border States. — The people of Mary- land and of Kentucky were evenly divided on the question of secession. They even tried to set up as neutral states ; but their neutrality would have been so greatly to the advantage of the seceders that this 1861] The Border States 315 could not be allowed. Lincoln's firm moderation and the patriotism of many wise leaders in Kentucky saved that state to the Union. But Maryland was so important to the defense of Washington that more Missouri i i T u /r • «i saved to the energetic means had to be used. In Missouri, a large union. and active party wished to join the Confederacy. But £ ££ /es/on > two Union men, Frank P. Blair and Nathaniel Lyon, held the most important portions of the state for the Union. It was not until a year later, however, that Missouri was safe on the Northern side. 385. To the Defense of Washington. — The na- Southern sentiment in tional capital was really a Southern town, for most Washington. of the permanent residents were Southerners, and the offices were filled with Southern men. In the army and navy, too, were very many Southerners. Most of them, as Robert E. Lee, felt that their duty to their state was greater than their duty to their flag. But many Southern officers felt differently. Among these were two men whose names should be held in grateful remembrance, Captain David G. Farragut Southern and Colonel George H. Thomas. The first soldiers to arrive in Washington were from Pennsylvania ; but they came unarmed. Soon they were followed by the Sixth Massachusetts. In passing through Baltimore this regiment was attacked. Several men were killed, others were wounded. This was on April 19, 1861, — First blood- the anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Con- shed >Ap nl cord. It was the first bloodshed of the war. 3i6 Bull Rim to Murfreesboro [§§ 386-38^ The field of war. CHAPTER 38 BULL RUN TO MURFREESBORO', 1861-1862 386. Nature of the Conflict. — The overthrow of the Confederate states proved to be very difficult. The Railroads and Rivers of the South. Alleghany Mountains cut the South into two great fields of war. Deep and rapid rivers flowed from the mountains into the Atlantic or into the Mississippi. Each of these rivers was a natural line of defense. The first line was the Potomac and the Ohio. But 1861] The Bull Run Campaign 317 when the Confederates were driven from this line, they soon found another equally good a little far- ther south. Then again the South was only partly settled. Good roads were rare, but there were many poor roads. The maps gave only the good roads. By these the Northern soldiers had to march while the Southern armies were often guided through paths unknown to the Northerners, and thus were able to march shorter distances between two battlefields or between two important points. 387. The Bull Run Campaign, July, 1861. — North- Plan of ern soldiers crossed the Potomac into Virginia and campalgn< found the Confederates posted at Bull Run near Manassas Junction. Other Northern soldiers pressed into the Shenandoah Valley from Harper's Ferry. They, too, found a Confederate army in front of them. The plan of the Union campaign is now clear: General McDowell" was to attack the Con- federates at Bull Run, while General Patterson attacked the Confederates in the Valley, and kept them so busy that they could not go to the help of their comrades at Bull Run. It fell out otherwise, for Patterson retreated and left the Confederate gen- eral, Johnston, free to go to the aid of the sorely Disaster at pressed Confederates at Bull Run. McDowell at- juiy^'i. tacked vigorously and broke the Confederate line ; *Source- Book, 305- but he could not maintain his position. The Union 308. troops at first retreated slowly. Then they became frightened and fled, in all haste, back to Washing- ton. The first campaign ended in disaster. 3i8 Bull Run to Mnrfreesboro [§§ 388-391 The Army of the Potomac, 1862. Southern preparations. *Source- Book, 308- 311. Richmond. 388. The Army of the Potomac. — While the Bull Run campaign was going on in eastern Virginia, Union soldiers had been winning victories in western Virginia. These were led by General George B. Mc- Clellan. He now came to Washing- ton and took com- mand of the troops operating in front of the capital. During the autumn, win- ter, and spring he drilled his men with great skill and care. In March, 1862, the Army of the Potomac left its camps a splendidly drilled body of soldiers. 389. The Army of Northern Virginia. — Meannme the government of the Confederacy hnd gathered great masses of soldiers. There were not nearly as many white men of fighting age in the South as there were in the North. But what men there were could be placed in the righting line, because the negro slaves could produce the food needed by the armies and do the hard labor of making forts. The capital of the Confederacy was now established at Richmond, on the James River, in Virginia. The army defending this General McClellan. 1862] Plan of the Peninsular Campaign 319 capital was called the Army of Northern Virginia. Army of 1 t 1 t t- t 1 Northern It was commanded by Joseph h. Johnston; but its Virginia, ablest officers were Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson). 390. Plan of the Peninsular Campaign. — The coun- McCieiians try between the Potomac and the James was cut up campaign, by rivers, as the Rappahannock, the Mattapony, and l862 - the Pamunkey, and part of it was a wilderness. Mc- Clellan planned to carry his troops by water to the peninsula between the James and the York and Pa- munkey rivers. He would then have a clear road to Richmond, with no great rivers to dispute with the enemy. Johnston would be obliged to leave his camp at Bull Run and inarch southward to the defense of Richmond. The great objection to the Objections plan was that Johnston might attack Washington instead of going to face McClellan. General Jack- son also was in the Shenandoah Valley. He might march down the Valley, cross the Potomac, and seize Washington. So the government kept seventy-five thousand of McClellan's men for the defense of the Federal capital. 391. The Monitor and the Merrimac. — On March 8 The Monitor . T7 , and the a queer-looking craft steamed out from Norfolk, Vir- Merrimac. ginia, and attacked the Union fleet at anchor near H o er0 Tales > b . 185-195. Fortress Monroe. She destroyed two wooden frig- ates, the Cumberland and the Congress, and began the destruction of the Minnesota. She then steamed back to Norfolk. This formidable vessel was the old frigate Merrimac. Upon her decks the Confed- 320 Bull Run to Murfreesboro [§§ 39 I ~394 SIDE ELEVATION Anchor Pilot Well House Battle of Fair Oaks, May, 1862. erates had built an iron house. From these iron sides the balls of the Union frigates rolled harmlessly away. That night an even stranger-looking vessel appeared at Fortress Monroe. This was the Moni- tor, a floating fort, built of iron. She was designed by John Ericsson, a Swedish immi- grant. When the Merrimac came back to finish the destruction of the Minnesota, the Monitor steamed directly to her. These two iron- clads fought and fought. At last the Merrimac steamed away and never renewed the fight. 392. The Peninsular Campaign, 1862. — By the end of May McClellan had gained a position within ten miles of Richmond. Meantime Jackson fought so vigorously in the Shenandoah Valley that the Washington government refused to send more men to McClellan, although Johnston had gone with his army to the defense of Richmond. On May 31 the Army of the Potomac and the Army of Northern Virginia fought a hard battle at Fair Oaks. John- ston was wounded, and Lee took the chief command. He summoned Jackson from the Valley and attacked DECK PI AN. Tuiiet Smoke- stacks The " Monitor." Blower Propeller Pipes Well 1 862] The Peninsular Campaign 321 McClellan day after day, June 26 to July 2, 1862. These terrible battles of the Seven Days forced The Seven McClellan to change his base to the James, where ays ' he would be near the fleet At Malvern Hill Lee Malvern Hill and Jackson once more attacked him and were beaten off with fearful loss. 393. Second Bull Run Campaign. — The Army of the Potomac was still uncomfortably near Richmond. It occurred to Lee that if he should strike a hard Lee's plan blow at the army in front of Washington, Lincoln of cam P ai s n - would recall McClellan. Suddenly, without any warning, Jackson appeared at Manassas Junction (p. 317). McClellan was at once ordered to trans- Second port his army by water to the Potomac, and place R a u " August it under the orders of General John Pope, command- l862 - ing the forces in front of Washington. McClellan did as he was ordered ; but Lee moved faster than he could move. Before the Army of the Potomac was thoroughly in Pope's grasp, Lee attacked the Union forces near Bull Run. He defeated them, drove them off the field and back into the forts de- fending Washington (August, 1862). 394. The Antietam Campaign, 1862. — Lee now Lee invades crossed the Potomac into Maryland. But he found more resistance than he had looked for. Mc- Clellan was again given chief command. Gathering his forces firmly together, he kept between Lee and Washington, and threatened Lee's communications with Virginia. The Confederates drew back. Mc- Clellan found them strongly posted near the Antie- 322 Bull Run to Murfreesboro [§§ 394-39S Antietam, September, 1862. Hero Tales, 199-209. Battle ot Fredericks- burg, December, 1862. General Grant. tarn and attacked them. The Union soldiers fought splendidly ; but military writers say that McClellan's attacks were not well planned. At all events, the Army of the Potomac lost more than twelve thou- sand men to less than ten thousand on the Confeder- ate side, and Lee made good his retreat to Virginia. McClellan was now removed from command, and Ambrose E. Burnside became chief of the Army of the Poto- mac. 395. Fredericks- burg, December, 1862. — Burnside found Lee strongly posted on Marye's Heights, which rise sharply behind the little town of Fredericksburg on the southern bank of the Rap- pahannock River. Burnside attacked in front. His soldiers had to cross the river and assault the hill in face of a murderous fire — and in vain. He lost thirteen thousand men to only four thousand of the Confederates. " Fighting Joe " Hooker now suc- ceeded Burnside as commander of the Army of the Potomac. We must now turn to the West, and see what had been doing there in 1861-62. 396. Grant and Thomas. — In Illinois there ap- peared a trained soldier of fierce energy and invin- cible will, Ulysses Simpson Grant. He had been Antietam (a War-time Sketch). 1861-62] Grant and Thomas 323 educated at West Point and had served in the Mexi- can War. In September, 1 861, he seized Cairo at the He seizes Cairo. junction of the Ohio and the Mississippi. In January, 1862, General George H. Thomas defeated a Con- Battle of federate force at Mill Springs, in the upper valley January"" of the Cumberland River. In this way Grant and l862 - Thomas secured the line of the Ohio and eastern Kentucky for the Union. 397. Forts Henry and Donelson, Febru- ary, 1862. — In Feb- ruary, 1862, General Grant and Commodore Foote attacked two forts which the Con- federates had built to keep the Federal gun- boats from penetrating the western part of the Confederacy. Fort Henry yielded almost at once, Capture of but the Un longer time. The Bridge at Antietam. Burnside's soldiers charged over the bridge from the middle foreground. but the Union forces besieged Fort Donelson for a February^' Soon the Confederate defense became l862 - , Fort Donel- hopeless, and General Buckner asked tor the terms son> of surrender. " Unconditional surrender," replied Grant, and Buckner surrendered. The lower Ten- nessee and the lower Cumberland were now open to the Union forces. 398. Importance of New Orleans. — New Orleans The lower and the lower Mississippi were of great importance sSipp1, 324 Bull Run to Murfreesboro 1 [§§ 398-400 Admiral Farragut. Capture of New Orleans, April, 1862. Higginson, 303-304 ; *Source- Book, 313- 315- to both sides, for the possession of this region gave the Southerners access to Texas, and through Texas to Mexico. Union fleets were blockading every important Southern port. But as long as commerce overland with Mexico could be maintained, the South could struggle on. The Mississippi, too, has so many mouths that it was difficult to keep vessels from running in and out. For these reasons the Federal gov- ernment deter- mined to seize New Orleans and the lower Mississippi. The command of the expedi- tion was given to Farragut, who had passed his boyhood in Louisiana. He was given as good a fleet as could be provided, and a force, of soldiers was sent to help him. 399. New Orleans captured, April, 1862. — Farra- gut carried his fleet into the Mississippi, but found his way upstream barred by two forts on the river's bank. A great chain stretched across the river below the forts, and a fleet of river gunboats with an iron- clad or two was in waiting above the forts. Chain, forts, and gunboats all gave way before Farragut's A River Gunboat. j862] Capture of New Orleans 325 forceful will. At night he passed the forts amid a terrific cannonade. Once above them New Orleans was at his mercy. It surrendered, and with the forts was soon occupied by the Union army. The lower Mississippi was lost to the Confederacy. A War-time Envelope. 400. Shiloh and Corinth, April, May, .862. — Gen- eral Halleck now directed the operations of the Union armies in the West. He ordered Grant to take his men up the Tennessee to Pittsburg Landing and there await the arrival of Buell with a strong force overland from Nashville. Grant encamped with his troops on the western bank of the Tennessee between Shiloh Church and Pittsburg Landing. Albert Sidney Johnston, the Confederate commander in the West, attacked him suddenly and with great fury. Soon the Union army was pushed back to the Shiloh, April, 1862. 326 The Emancipation Proclamation [§§ 400-404 Corinth, May, 1862. General Bragg invades Kentucky. Battle of Perryville, October, 1862. Murfrees- boro', December, 1862. Eggleston, 331. river. In his place many a leader would have with- drawn ; but Grant, with amazing courage, held on. In the afternoon Buell's leading regiments reached the other side of the river. In the night they were ferried across, and Grant's outlying commands were brought to the front. The next morning Grant attacked in his turn and slowly but surely pushed the Confeder- ates off the field. Halleck then united Grant's, Buell's, and Pope's armies and captured Corinth. 401. Bragg in Tennessee and Kentucky. — General Braxton Bragg now took a large part of the Confed- erate army, which had fought at Shiloh and Corinth, to Chattanooga. He then marched rapidly across Tennessee and Kentucky to the neighborhood of Louisville on the Ohio River. Buell was sent after him, and the two armies fought an indecisive battle at Perryville. Then Bragg retreated to Chattanooga. In a few months he was again on the march. Rose- crans had now succeeded Buell. He attacked Bragg at Murfreesboro'. For a long time the contest was equal. In the end, however, the Confederates vvere beaten and retired from the field. The block- ade. CHAPTER 39 THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION 402. The Blockade. — On the fall of Fort Sumter President Lincoln ordered a blockade of the Con- federate seaports. There were few manufacturing industries in the South. Cotton and tobacco were 1861-64] The Blockade 327 the great staples of export. If her ports were blockaded the South could neither bring in arms and military supplies from Europe, nor send cotton and tobacco to Europe to be sold for money. So her power of resisting the Union armies would be greatly lessened. The Union government bought all kinds of vessels, even harbor ferryboats, armed them, and stationed them off the blockaded harbors. In a sur- prisingly short time the blockade was established. The Union forces also began to occupy the Southern seacoast, and thus the region that had to be blockaded steadily grew less. 403. Effects of the Blockade. — As months and Effect of the blockade. years went by, and the blockade became stricter and stricter, the sufferings of the Southern people became ever greater. As they could not send their products to Europe to exchange for goods, they had to pay gold and silver for whatever the blockade runners brought in. Soon there was no more gold and sil- ver in the Confederacy, and paper money took its place. Then the supplies of manufactured goods, as clothing and paper, of things not produced in the South, as coffee and salt, gave out. Toward the end of the war there were absolutely no medicines for the Southern soldiers, and guns were so scarce that it was proposed to arm one regiment with pikes. Nothing did more to break down Southern resist- ance than the blockade. 404. The Confederacy, Great Britain, and France. — From the beginning of the contest the Confederate 328 The Emancipation Proclamation [§§ 404-407 Hopes of the South- erners. Southern agents sent to Europe. leaders believed that the British and the French would interfere to aid them. " Cotton is king," they said. Unless there were a regular supply of cotton, the mills of England and of France must stop. Thou- sands of mill hands — men, women, and children — would soon be starving. The French and the Brit- ish governments would raise the blockade. Perhaps they would even force the United States to acknowl- edge the independence of the Confederate states. There was a good deal of truth in this belief. For the British and French governments dreaded the growing power of the American republic and would gladly have seen it broken to pieces. But events fell out far otherwise than the Southern leaders had cal- culated. Before the supply of American cotton in England was used up, new supplies began to come in from India and from Egypt. The Union armies oc- cupied portions of the cotton belt early in 1862, and American cotton was again exported. But more than all else, the English mill operatives, in all their hard- ships, would not ask their government to interfere. They saw clearly enough that the North was fight- ing for the rights of free labor. At times it seemed, however, as if Great Britain or France would interfere. 405. The Trent Affair, 1861 . — As soon as the block- ade was established, the British and French govern- ments gave the Confederates the same rights in their ports as the United States had. The Southerners then sent two agents, Mason and Slidell, to Europe to ask the foreign governments to recognize the inde- 1 86 1] The Trent Affair 329 pendence of the Confederate states. Captain Wilkes of the United States ship San Jacinto took these Removed agents from the British steamer Trent. But Lin- xrent. coin at once said that Wilkes had done to the British the very thing which we had fought the War of 1812 to prevent the British doing to us. " We must stick Lincoln's a • • • -i '>» • 1 1 t» • 1 tc 1 opinion. to American principles, said the President, "and re- store the prisoners." They were given up. The Action of British government, without waiting to see what Lin- B^ain. coin would do, had gone actively to work to prepare for war. This seemed so little friendly that the people of the United States were greatly irritated. 406. Lincoln and Slavery. — It will be remem- bered that the Republican party had denied again and again that it had any intention to interfere with slav- ery in the states. As long as peace lasted the Federal government could not interfere with slavery in the states. But when war broke out, the President, as The war commander-in-chief, could do anything to distress j^p" ° f and weaken the enemy. If freeing the slaves in dent, the seceded states would injure the secessionists, he had a perfect right to do it. But Lincoln Lincoln knew that public opinion in the North would not £orihem approve this action. He would follow Northern sen- sentiment. timent in this matter, and not force it. 407. Contrabands of War. — The war had scarcely The contra- begun before slaves escaped into the Union lines. One day a Confederate officer came to Fortress Monroe and demanded his runaway slaves under the Fugitive Slave Act (p. 281). General Butler 3& The E- [$§ 407-410 Abolition with com- pensation. refused to give them up on the ground that they were ''contraband of war." By that phrase he meant that their restoration would he illegal as their services would be useful to the enemy. President Lincoln approved this decision of General Butler, and escaping slaves soon came to be called " Con- trabands." 408. First Steps toward Emancipation, 1862. — Lincoln and the Republi- can party thought that Congress could not inter- fere with slavery in the states. It might, however, buy slaves and set them free or help the states to do this. So Congress passed a law offering aid to anv state which should abolish slavery within its borders. Congress itself abolished slavery in the District of Columbia with compensation to the owners. It abol- ished slavery in the territories without compensa- tion. Lincoln had gladly helped to make these laws. Moreover, by August. 1862, he had made up his mind that to free the slaves in the seceded states would help " to save the Union " and would therefore be right as a " war measure." For every negro taken away from forced labor would weaken the producing power of the South and so make the conquest of the South easier. or right is righi, since God is God, nd right the Say must win. To doubt, would be disloyalty. To falter, would be sio. A War-time Envelope. 1862-63] Emancipation 331 409. The Emancipation Proclamation, 1863. — On Lincoln's September 23, 1862, Lincoln issued a proclamation September stating that on the first day of the new year he l862 - would declare free all slaves in any portion of the United States then in rebellion. On January 1, Emancipa- 1863, he issued the Emancipation Proclamation. J^^ 00 " This proclamation could be enforced only in those January i, portions of the seceded states which were held by mgginson, the Union armies. It did not free slaves in loval 304-305; J *Source- states and did not abolish the institution of slavery Book, 315- anywhere. Slavery was abolished by the states of West Virginia, Missouri, and Maryland between 1862 and 1864. Finally, in 1865, it was abolished through- out the United States by the adoption of the Thir- teenth Amendment (p. 361). 410. Northern Opposition to the War. — Many per- Northern sons in the North thought that the Southerners had secession, a perfect right to secede if they wished. Some of these persons sympathized so strongly with the Southerners that they gave them important informa- tion and did all they could to prevent the success of the Union forces. It was hard to prove anything against these Southern sympathizers, but it was dan- gerous to leave them at liberty. So Lincoln or- dered many of them to be arrested and locked up. Now the Constitution provides that every citizen shall have a speedy trial. This is brought about by the issuing a writ of habeas corpus, compelling the jailer to bring his prisoner into court and show cause why he should not be set at liberty. Lincoln now 332 TJic War 1863 [§§ 41^414 Suspension suspended the operation of the writ of habeas corpus. corpus. 1 nis action angered many persons who were quite willing that the Southerners should be compelled to obey the law, but did not like to have their neighbors arrested and locked up without trial. 411. The Draft Riots. — At the outset both armies were made up of volunteers ; soon there were not enough volun- teers. Both govern- ments then drafted men for their armies ; that is, they picked out by lot cer- tain men and compelled them to become soldiers. The draft was bitterly resisted in some parts of the North, especially in New York City. The Draft. The draft. Riots in the North. Position of the armies. CHAPTER 40 THE YEAR 1863 412. Position of the Armies, January, 1863. — The Armv of the Potomac, now under Hooker, and the Army of Northern Virginia were face to face at Fredericksburg on the Rappahannock. In the West Rosecrans was at Murfreeshoro', and Bragg on the way back to Chattanooga. In the Mississippi Valley Grant and Sherman had already begun the Vicks- burg campaign. Hut as yet they had had no success i86 3 ] The Vicksburg Ca)>ipaign 333 413. Beginnings of the Vicksburg Campaign. — Grant's Vicksburg stood on the top of a high bluff directly campaign on the river. Batteries erected at the northern end l86 3- Hero Tales, of the town commanded the river, which at that point 239-248. ran directly toward the bluff. The best way to attack this formidable place was to proceed overland from Corinth. This Grant STATUTE MILES tried to do ; but the Confederates forced him back. 414. Fall of Vicks- burg, July 4, 1863.— Grant now carried his whole army down the Mississippi. For months he tried plan after plan, and every time he failed. Finally he marched his army down on the western side ot the river, crossed the river below Vicks- burg, and approached the fortress from the south and east. In this move- ment he was greatly aided by the Union fleet under Porter, which protected the army while crossing- the river. Pemberton, the Confederate commander, at once came out from Vicksburg. But Grant drove ^ ie f e ,° o \ lcksburg. him back and began the sie^e of the town from the *Soutca land side. The Confederates made a gallant defense. Book, 320 323- 334 The Year 1863 [§§ 4H-417 THE FALL OF VICKSBURG. Surrender of Vicksburg, ; more Glorious News. July 4, 1863. Port Hudson surrendered. Bippi. 1 '• Gen. Pemberton Begs for Conditions. He VTante to March Out His Mca. ••Unconditional Surrender" Grant Don't See It. lie Will \"ot Allow a Single Man to March Out. Opening of the, Missis- PEMBERTON CONSULTS WITH HIS OFFICERS. TheyDont Want to Stay in "Qrant's Pig-Pen" Any Longer. TJioy Urge Pembertoa to Surrender, Bag, Baggage, Cannon, and Cattle. And this on Oar Ever Qlorioas Fourth of Jul;. THE STRONGHOLD IN OUR POSSESSION. Wil U»t,tam, Tui-timy. JmlT 7-1 •'•l*ck p. ». Tbe follow i.^ jUpKbch has jn.t been received: O S »!illUI!ffl!(r»Mll», I "" rr.»n «>ur Buct U»w*. Jul,*. 13*1.1 W»«. Gn.«o< Ww Bi. ft n f iH THi >'->•►• ► "81m I ba\e l!:c bv ii r \» iuform yon tfc« Vickt- ttarg hit tarrendt-i*.! to tho Culted State* forcea oj tbla (lb of July. V«rj ie.| f et.'„Mj, joor o'j«\!!»a: Mnui. P. D. PORTgtt. Ac'lu*- Bw Aimini. But slowly and surely they were starved into submis- sion. On July 4, 1863, Pemberton surrendered the fortress and thirty- seven thousand men. 415. Opening of the Mississippi. — Port Hud- son, between Vicksburg and New Orleans, was now the only important Confederate position on the Mississippi. On July 8 it surrendered. A few days later the freight steamer Imperial from St. Louis reached New Orleans. The Mis- sissippi at last "flowed un vexed to the sea." The Confederacy was cut in twain. 416. Lee's Second In- vasion, 1863. — " Fight- ing Joe Hooker " was now in command of the Army of the Potomac. Outwit- ting Lee, he gained the rear of the Confederate lines on Marye's Heights i86 3 ] Opening of the Mississippi 335 But Lee fiercely attacked him at Chancellorsville and chancellors drove him back across the Rappahannock. Then Lee again crossed the ville, May, 1863. Potomac and invaded the Hero Tales> 213-223. North. This time he penetrated to the heart of Penn- Lee invades Pennsyl- vania. sylvania. Hooker moved on parallel lines, always ' L^2^^ jawgta^^tat-," r;.;, •» - v...,S:3 He £& r y **w*&, !- " — m . ^ • ■'■ ^hP __ ... w _A- ^j*** '- * ' * r ^ " : iM^S? |i , * -O* uA . ■ &£3M MP^ "^ };. ■'■ m ■*#* • 1 *. ' -' *-^:. ' ** - v -•. " ^-" - — * £ ■' ■--■-■ *W»*»i -,J ?- f BpSn?-v* k Battlefield of Gettysburg, looking South from Round Top. keeping between Lee and the city of Washington. At length, in the midst of the campaign, Hooker asked to be relieved, and George G. Meade became the fifth Meade in and last chief of the Army of the Potomac. command. 417. Gettysburg, July 1 , 1863. — Meade now moved Lee retires, the Union army toward Lee's line of communication 336 The Year 1863 [§§ 417-420 Gettysburg, 1863. The second day. The third day. *Source- Book, 323- 327- with Virginia. Lee at once drew back. Both armies moved toward Gettysburg, where the roads leading southward came together. In this way the two armies came into contact on July 1, 1863. The Southerners were in stronger force at the moment and drove the Union soldiers back through the town to the high land called Cemetery Ridge. This was a remarkably strong position, with Culp's Hill at one end of the line and the Round Tops at the other end. Meade determined to fight the battle at that spot and hurried up all his forces. 418. Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. — At first matters seemed to go badly with the Union army. Its left flank extended forward from Little Round Top into the fields at the foot of the ridge. The Confederates drove back this part of the Union line. But they could not seize Little Round Top. On this day also the Confederates gained a foothold on Culp's Hill. 419. Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. — Early on this morning the Union soldiers drove the Confederates away from Culp's Hill and held the whole ridge. Now again, as at Malvern Hill (p. 321), Lee had fought the Army of the Potomac to a standstill ; but he would not admit failure. Led by Pickett of Vir- i H tittle Round Top § , j i 131? Round Top 1863] Gettysburg 337 ginia, thirteen thousand men charged across the valley Pickett's between the two armies directly at the Union center. c 3j arge ' , J Hero Tales, Some of them even penetrated the Union lines. But 227-236. there the line stopped. Slowly it began to waver. Then back the Confederates went — all who escaped, it fails. The battle of Gettysburg was won. Lee faced the Army of the Potomac for another day and then re- Lee retreats, treated. In this tremendous conflict the Confeder- J u y 4 ' x 3 ates lost twenty-two thousand five hundred men killed and wounded and five thousand taken pris- oners by the Northerners — a total loss of twenty- eight thousand out of eighty thousand in the battle. The Union army numbered ninety-three thousand men and lost twenty-three thousand, killed and wounded. Vicksburg and Gettysburg cost the South sixty-five thousand fighting men — a loss that could not be made good. We must now turn to eastern Tennessee. 420. Chickamauga, September, 1863. — For six Rosecrans months after Murfreesboro' (p. 326) Rosecrans and *g 6 iagg Bragg remained in their camps. In the summer of 1863 Rosecrans, by a series of skillful marchings, forced Bragg to abandon Chattanooga. Bragg was now greatly strengthened by soldiers from the Mississippi and by Longstreet's division from Lee's army in Virginia. He turned on Rosecrans, chicka- and attacked him at Chickamauga Creek. The September right wing of the Union army was driven from the l86 3- field. But Thomas, "the Rock of Chickamauga," with his men stood fast. Bragg attacked him again and again, and failed every time, although he had 338 The Year 1863 [§§ 420-423 Thomas and nOOga, Sheridan. ^^ Grant in command in the West. Sherman's attack. double Thomas's numbers. Rosecrans, believing the battle to be lost, had ridden off to Chatta- but Sheridan aided Thomas as well as he The third day Thomas and Bragg kept their positions, and then the Union soldiers retired unpur- sued to Chattanooga. The command of the whole army at Chatta- nooga was now given to Thomas, and Grant was placed in control of all the Western armies. 421. Chattanooga, November, 1863. — The Union soldiers at Chattanooga were in great danger. For the Confeder- ates were all about them and they could get no food. But help was at hand. Hooker, with fifteen thousand men from the Army of the Potomac, arrived and opened a road by which food could reach Chattanooga. Then Grant came with Sherman's corps from Vicksburg. He at once sent Sherman to assail Bragg's right flank and ordered Hooker to attack his left flank. Sher- man and his men advanced until he was stopped General Thomas. 4 1863] Chattanooga 339 by a deep ravine. At the other end of the line Hooker's fltturk Hooker fought right up the side of Lookout Moun- tain, until the battle raged above the clouds. In the center were Thomas's men. Eager to avenge Thomas's the slaughter of Chickamauga, they carried the first attack - Confederate line of defenses. Then, without orders, they rushed up the hillside over the inner lines. They drove the Southerners from their guns and seized their works. Bragg retreated as well as he could. Rout of the Longstreet was besieging Knoxville. He escaped ^"^oven: through the mountains to Lee's army in Virginia. t>er, 1863. CHAPTER 41 THE END OF THE WAR, 1864-1865 422. Grant in Command of all the Armies. — The Grant in Vicksburg and Chattanooga campaigns marked out m a n d^ 01 Grant for the chief command. Hitherto the Union forces had acted on no well-thought-out plan. Now Grant was appointed Lieutenant General and placed in command of all the armies of the United States (March, 1864). He decided to carry on the war in Virginia in person. Western operations he intrusted to Sherman, with Thomas in command of the Army Sherman of the Cumberland. Sheridan came with Grant to ^"^ west. Virginia and led the cavalry of the Army of the Po- tomac. We will first follow Sherman and Thomas and the Western armies. 423. The Atlanta Campaign, 1864. — Sherman Sherman's had one hundred thousand veterans, led by Thomas, army " 34Q The End of the War [§§ 423-425 The march to Atlanta. McPherson, and Schofield. Joseph E. Johnston, who succeeded Bragg, had fewer men, but he occu- pied strongly fortified positions. Yet week by week Sherman forced him back till, after two months of ■ - General Sherman. steady fighting, Johnston found himself in the vicin- ity of Atlanta. This was the most important man- ufacturing center in the South. The Confederates must keep Atlanta if they possibly could. Johnston plainly could not stop Sherman. So Hood was ap- 1864] The Atlanta Campaign 341 pointed in his place, in the expectation that he would fight. Hood fought his best. Again and again he Hood attacks attacked Sherman only to be beaten off with heavy sherman - loss. He then abandoned Atlanta to save his army. From May to September Sherman lost twenty-two thousand men, but the Confederates lost thirty-five thousand men and Atlanta too. 424. Plans of Campaign. — Hood now led his army Problems northward to Tennessee. But Sherman, instead of ° war ' following him, sent only Thomas and Schofield. Sherman knew that the Confederacy was a mere shell. Its heart had been destroyed. What would be the result of a grand march through Georgia pianofthe to the seacoast, and then northward through the th^sea Carolinas to Virginia? Would not this unopposed march show the people of the North, of the South, and of Europe that further resistance was useless ? Sherman thought that it would, and that once in Virginia he could help Grant crush Lee. Grant agreed with Sherman and told him to carry out his plans. But first we must see what happened to Thomas and Hood. 425. Thomas and Hood, 1864. — Never dreaming Hood in that Sherman was not in pursuit, Hood marched rap- ennes idly northward until he had crossed the Tennessee. He then spent three weeks in resting his tired sol- diers and in gathering supplies. This delay gave Thomas time to draw in recruits. At last Hood at- _ , , Battle of tacked Schofield at Franklin on November 30, 1864. Franklin, Schofield retreated to Nashville, where Thomas was !86 4 . 342 The End of the War [§§ 425-428 Thomas destroys Hood's army, December, 1864. The March to the Sea, 1864. Fall of Savannah, December, 1864. Grant's plan of campaign, 1864. with the bulk of his army, and Hood followed. Thomas took all the time he needed to complete his preparations. Grant felt anxious at his delay and ordered him to fight. But Thomas would not fight until he was ready. At length, on Decem- ber 15, he struck the blow, and in two days of fighting destroyed Hood's whole army. This was the last great battle in the West. 426. Marching through Georgia. — Destroying the mills and factories of Atlanta, Sherman set out for the seashore. He had sixty thousand men with him. They were all veterans and marched along as if on a holiday excursion. Spreading out over a line of sixty miles, they gathered everything eatable within reach. Every now and then they would stop and destroy a railroad. This they did by taking up the rails, heating them in the middle on fires of burning sleepers, and then twisting them around the nearest trees. In this way they cut a gap sixty miles long in the railroad communication between the half- starved army of northern Virginia and the store- houses of southern Georgia. On December 10, 1864, Sherman reached the sea. Ten days later he captured Savannah and presented it to the na- tion as a Christmas gift. Sherman and Thomas between them had struck a fearful blow at the Con- federacy. How had it fared with Grant ? 427. Grant in Virginia, 1864. — Grant had with him in Virginia the Army of the Potomac under Meade, the Ninth Corps under Burnside, and a great *564] Grant and Lee 343 cavalry force under Sheridan. In addition General Butler was on the James River with some thirty thousand men. Lee had under his orders about one- half as many soldiers as had Grant. In every other respect the advantage was on his side. Grant's plan of campaign was to move by his left from the Rap- pahannock southeastwardly. He expected to push Lee southward and hoped to destroy his army. But- ler, on his part, was to move up the James. By this plan Grant could always be near navigable water and could in this way easily supply his army with food and military stores. The great objection to this objections scheme of invasion was that it gave Lee shorter lines of march to all important points. This fact and their superior knowledge of the country gave the Confederates an advantage which largely made up for their lack in numbers. 428. The Wilderness, May, 1864. — On May 4 and Battle of the 5 the Union army crossed the Rapidan and marched May^sS!' southward through the Wilderness. It soon found itself very near the scene of the disastrous battle of Chancellorsville (p. 335). The woods were thick and full of underbrush. Clearings were few, and the roads were fewer still. On ground like this Lee at- tacked the Union army. Everything was in favor of the attacker, for it was impossible to foresee his blows, or to get men quickly to any threatened spot. Nevertheless Grant fought four days. Then he skill- fully removed the army and marched by his left to Spotsylvania Court House. General Grant. From a photograph taken in the field, March, 1865. " Strong, simple, silent, . . . such was he Who helped us in our need." — Lowell. 1864] Grant and Lee 345 429. Spotsylvania, May, 1864. — Lee reached Spotsyiva- Spotsylvania first and fortified his position. For ™L ay ' days fearful combats went on. One point in the Confederate line, called the Salient, was taken and retaken over and over again. The loss of life was awful, and Grant could not push Lee back. On May 20 he again set out on his march by the left and directed his army to the North Anna. Again, Lee was before him and held such a strong position that it was useless to attack him. 430. To the James, June, 1864. — Grant again with- drew his army and resumed his southward march. But when he reached Cold Harbor, Lee was again cold strongly fortified. Both armies were now on the Harbor * ground of the Peninsular Campaign. For two weeks Grant attacked again and again. Then on June 1 1 he took up his march for the last time. On June 15 the Union soldiers reached the banks of the James River below the junction of the Appomattox. But, owing to some misunderstanding, Petersburg had not been seized. So Lee established himself there, and the Blockade of campaign took on the form of a siege. In these Petersbur s- campaigns from the Rapidan to the James, Grant lost in killed, wounded, and missing sixty thousand men. Lee's loss was much less — how much less is not known. 431. Petersburg, June-December, 1864. — Peters- importance burg guarded the roads leading from Richmond to ^f eters " the South. It was in reality a part of the defenses of Richmond. For if these roads passed out of Con- 346 The End of the War [§§ 431-432 Confederate attack on Washington, 1864. federate control, the Confederate capital would have to be abandoned. It was necessary for Lee to keep Petersburg. Grant, on the other hand, wished to gain the roads south of Petersburg. He lengthened his line ; but each extension was met by a similar extension of the Confederate line. This process could not go on forever. The Confederacy was get- ting worn out. ■ No more men could be sent to Lee. Sooner or later his line would become so weak that Grant could break through. Then Peters- burg and Richmond must be abandoned. Two years before, when Richmond was threatened by McClel- lan, Lee had secured the removal of the Army of the Potomac by a sudden movement toward Washington (p. 321). He now detached Jubal Early with a formidable force and . sent him through the Shenandoah Valley to Washington. 432. Sheridan's Valley Campaigns, 1864. — The conditions now were very unlike the conditions of 1862. Now, Grant was in command instead of Mc- Clellan or Pope. He controlled the movements of all the armies without interference from Washington, A Bomb Proof at Petersburg as it appears To- day with the Trees growing on the Breast- works. 1 864] Sheridan's Valley Campaign 347 and he had many more men than Lee. Without letting go his hold on Petersburg, Grant sent two army corps by water to Washington. Early was an able and active soldier, but he delayed his attack on General Sheridan. Washington until soldiers came from the James. He then withdrew to the Shenandoah Valley. Grant now gave Sheridan forty thousand infantry and fifteen Sheridan in thousand cavalry, and sent him to the Valley with ^ eVa H e J' orders to drive Early out and to destroy all supplies 263-290. 348 The End of the War [§§ 432-433 Confederate disaster, October, 1864. Lincoln reelected, November, 1864. Mc Master, 425-426. Mobile Bay, 1864. Hero Tales, 303-322. Kear surge and Alabama. in the Valley which could be used by another South- ern army. Splendidly Sheridan did his work. At one time, when he was away, the Confederates sur- prised the Union army. But, hearing the roar of the battle, Sheridan rode rapidly to the front. As he rode along, the fugitives turned back. The Confed- erates, surprised in their turn, were swept from the field and sent whirling up the Valley in wild con- fusion (October 19, 1864). Then Sheridan destroyed everything that could be of service to another invad- ing army and rejoined Grant at Petersburg. In the November following this great feat of arms, Lincoln was reelected President. 433. The Blockade and the Cruisers, 1863-64. — The blockade had now become stricter than ever. For by August, 1864, Farragut had carried his fleet into Mobile Bay and had closed it to commerce. Sher- man had taken Savannah. Early in 1865 Charleston was abandoned, for Sherman had it at his mercy, and Terry captured Wilmington. The South was now absolutely dependent on its own resources, and the end could not be far off. On the upen sea, with Eng- land's aid a few vessels flew the Confederate flag. The best known of these vessels was the Alabama. She was built in England, armed with English guns, and largely manned by Englishmen. On June 19, 1864, the United States ship Kearsargc sank her off Cherbourg, France. Englishmen were also building two ironclad battleships for the Confederates. But the American minister at London, Mr. Charles Admiral Farragut. 350 The End of the War [§§433-436 Francis Adams, said that if they were allowed to sail, it would be "war." The English government thereupon bought the vessels. Sherman's 434. Sherman's March through the Carolinas, 1865. march, 1865. — Early in 1865 Sherman set out on the worst part of his great march. He now directed his steps northward from Savannah toward Virginia. The Confederates prepared to meet him. But Sherman set out before they expected him, and thus gained a clear path for the first part of his journey. Joseph E. Johnston now took command of the forces opposed to Sherman and did everything he could to stop him. At one moment it seemed as if he might succeed. He almost crushed the forward end of Sherman's army before the rest of the soldiers could be brought to its rescue. Sherman's veterans were too old sol- diers to be easily defeated. They first beat back the enemy in front, and when another force appeared in the rear they jumped to the other side of their field breastworks and defeated that force also. Night then put an end to the combat, and by morning the Union force was too strong to be attacked. Pressing on, Sherman reached Goldsboro' in North Carolina. There he was joined by Terry from Wilmington and by Schofield from Tennessee. Sherman now was strong enough to beat any Confederate army. He moved to Raleigh and completely cut Lee's communi- cations with South Carolina and Georgia, April, 1865. Condition of 435. Appomattox, April, 1865. — The end of the sarmy. Confederacy was now plainly in sight. Lee's men 1865] Appomattox 351 were starving. They were constantly deserting either to go to the aid of their perishing families or to obtain food from the Union army. As soon as the roads were fit for marching, Grant set his one hundred and twenty thousand men once more in motion. His ob- ject was to gain the rear of Lee's army and to force him to abandon Petersburg. A last despairing attack on the Union center only increased Grant's vigor. On April 1 Sheridan with his cavalry and an infan- mgginson, try corps seized Five Forks in the rear of Peters- 31? ' burg and could not be driven away. Petersburg and Richmond were abandoned. Lee tried to escape to the mountains. But now the Union soldiers marched faster than the starving Southerners. Sheridan, out- stripping them, placed his men across their path at Appomattox Court House. There was nothing left save surrender. The soldiers of the Army of North- surrender of ern Virginia, now only thirty-seven thousand strong, ^ e Southern laid down their arms, April 9, 1865. Soon Johnston April, 1865. *Source- surrendered, and the remaining small isolated bands Book, 329- of Confederates were run down and captured. 333 ' 436. Lincoln murdered, April 14, 1865. — The Murder of national armies were victorious. President Lincoln, Lincoln, ' April 14, never grander or wiser than in the moment of vie- 1865. tory, alone stood between the Southern people and 322-323; the Northern extremists clamoring for vengeance. *£ ou { ce ~ _ On the night of April 14 he was murdered by a sym- 335- pathizer with slavery and secession. No one old enough to remember the morning of April 15, 1865, will ever forget the horror aroused in the North by 352 The End of the War [§436 this unholy murder. Tn the beginning Lincoln had been a party Leader. In tin- end the simple grandeur o{ his nature had won for him a place in the hearts of the American people that no other man lias ever gained. He was indeed the greatest because the ttAYOH'S OFFICE, APRIL lAth, IKH5. WHKREAS, We arc Informed of (lie death of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES, L by the limul of an n*sasiii,and in consideration of (lie great and Irreparable cnlnnlty (ha( bus befallen our coun(ry, I hereby request all Ihe pt'ople «»t 'dardiiH r not prevented In disability, l» assemble a( (he sever- al placet Of public worship and bow themselves be- fore Almighty iiotl, imploring Uli- Irvine assistance at tliis (ime of onr country'** peril, on Sunday, ttfili Inst. 1 hope ah (he citizen* will forego every little ineonveiiieaee and thus show (heir sympathy for the great sorrow that has roine ii|>ou us, mid I also re- quest the prayers of the <'lcrg> and people be offered up that the life of Secretary Seward maj be spared. If. O. WITCHELt, Mayor. - most typical of Americans. Vice-President Andrew Johnson, a war Democrat from Tennessee, became President. The vanquished secessionists were soon to taste the bitter dregs oi the cup of defeat. Questions and Topics 353 OUKSTIONS AM) TOPICS [Use maps constantly while studying this period. 'I he maps pro* vided in Dodge's Bird's-Eye View are admirably adapted to this pur- pose] Chapter 37 1. What did Lincoln say aboul the Union? What 'li. What were the u border states"? Could these tat* havi been neutral? 7. Describe the especial importance of Maryland. 8. What oath had the officers oi the United States army and navy taken? Did Lee and other officers who resigned necessarily believe in th>; right of secession? Give your reasons. Chapter 38 1. State the advantages of the Southerners from the geographical point of view. 2. Explain how rivers were lines of def< 3. Describe carefully the plan of the liull Run campaign. 4. Why was the Shenandoah Valley so import. 5. Why was McClellan placed in command oi the Army of the Potomac? 6. Of what advantage to the South were the negroi 2 A 354 The War for the Union 7. Describe the plan of the Peninsular Campaign. What was the great objection to it? 8. Describe the Merrimac, the Monitor. Compare them with the Congress. 9. What effect did the Monitor-Merrimac fight have on McClel- lan's campaign? 10. Describe the Peninsular Campaign. Why were not more soldiers sent to McClellan? 11. What is meant by the phrase " change of base " ? 12. How did Lee secure the removal of McClellan's army from the James? 13. Why did Lee invade Maryland? 14. Describe the battle of Antietam, of Fredericksburg. What was the result of each of these battles? 15. Give an account of the early life and training of Grant and of Thomas. 16. Why were the seizures of Cairo and Paducah and the battle of Mill Springs important? 17. What is meant by the phrase " unconditional surrender " ? 18. Explain carefully the importance to the South of New Orleans and the lower Mississippi. 19. Give an account of Farragut's early life. How did it fit him for this work ? 20. Describe the operations against New Orleans. 21. Explain carefully the plan of the campaign to Corinth. Why was Corinth important? 22. What quality in Grant was conspicuous at Shiloh? 23. What was Bragg's object in invading Kentucky? How far did he succeed? Why was Chattanooga important? Chapter 39 1. What is a blockade? What was the effect of the blockade on the South? 2. Had sea power been in Southern hands, could the Union have been saved? 3. Why was Charleston so difficult to capture? (Compare with the Revolutionary War.) Questions and Topics 355 4. What help did the Southerners hope to obtain from Great Britain and France? Why? How were their hopes disappointed? 5. What do you think of the action of the English mill operatives? 6. Describe the Trent Affair. What do you think of Lincoln's action? What do you think of the action of the British government? 7. What had the Republican party declared about slavery in the states? What had Lincoln said in his inaugural? 8. How had the war altered Lincoln's power as President? 9. Why was it necessary for Lincoln to follow Northern sentiment? 10. What is contraband of war ? How were these slaves contraband? 11. What steps had already been taken by Congress toward freeing the slaves? 12. How was the Emancipation Proclamation justified? Upon what would its enforcement depend? 13. What slave states were not affected by this proclamation? 14. How was slavery as an institution abolished throughout the United States? 15. Why was not the North united upon this war? 16. What is the force of the writ of habeas corpus? Why is it so important? 17. What was the " draft," and why was it necessary? Chapter 40 1. Explain the position of the armies at the beginning of 1863. 2. Why was the conquest of Vicksburg so difficult? How was it finally captured? 3. What effect did the control of the Mississippi have upon the Confederacy? . 4. What was Lee's object in invading Pennsylvania? 5. What position did the Union army keep as regards the Confed- erates? 6. Describe the battle-field of Gettysburg. Why was the battle so important? 7. Describe in detail the principal events of each day of the battle. 8. Learn Lincoln's " Gettysburg Address." How was this ground hallowed? What was the great task before the people? 9. Describe the battle of Chickamauga. Review Thomas's services up to this time. 10. Describe the three parts of the battle of Chattanooga. 356 TIic War for the Union Chapter 41 1. How had Grant shown his fitness for high command? Was it wise to have one man in command of all the armies? Why? 2. Review Sherman's career up to this time. Why did Grant im- pose trust in him ? 3. What was the result of Hood's attacks? 4. What was the real object of Sherman's inarch to the sea? 5. Describe the destruction of Hood's army. What does it show as to Thomas's ability? 6. What did Sherman"> army accomplish on its way to the sea? 7. Compare the conditions of the two armies in Virginia. Explain the advantages of the Confederates. 8. Describe the battle of the Wilderness, noting the conditions favorable to the Confederates. 9. Describe the movement to the James. What advantages had Grant not possessed by McClellan? 10. Why was Petersburg important? 11. How did Lee try to compel the withdrawal of Grant? Why did he not succeed? 12. Describe Sheridan's work in the Shenandoah Valley. Read a short account of Sheridan's career to 1865, and state his services to the Union cause. 13. How had Sherman's'victories affected the blockade? 14. What aid had Great Britain given to the Confederates? Why did she not give more assistance? 15. How did Sherman's occupation of Raleigh affect Lee? 16. Describe the condition of Lee's army. How was its capture accomplished ? 17. Why was Lincoln's death a terrible loss to the South? 18. Whv is he the greatest of all Americans? General Questions 1. Review the steps which led to the war for the Union. 2. What were Lincoln's personal views as to slavery? Why could he not carry them out ? 3. What were Lincoln's leading characteristics? Give illustrations to support your view. Questions and Topics 357 4. Study Grant's military career and try to find out why he suc- ceeded where others failed. 5. Arrange a table of the leading campaigns, giving dates, leaders, end to be attained, important battles, and result. 6. Give the two most important battles of the war. Why do you select these? Topics for Special Work 1. Life in Southern prisons. 2. The Shenandoah Valley in the war. 3. Any important battle or naval action, or leading general, or naval commander. 4. The part played by your own state or town in the war, or the history of one of your state regiments. Suggestions A few days spent upon a study of the field of war will save a great deal of time. Channing's Students' History will enable the teacher to indicate the most important strategic points. Maps have been sparingly provided in this book, as the simple plans in Dodge's Bird's-eye View can easily be reproduced on the blackboard. In general, campaigns should be studied rather than battles. Pictures relating to this period are easily obtainable and may be freely used. It is an excellent plan to ask some veteran to describe his expe- riences, and the local post of the Grand Army of the Republic will often lend material aid in making the war real to the pupils. Grant's career should be especially studied, and the reasons for his successes carefully noted. Indeed, the study of this period may well center around Lincoln and Grant. Lincoln's inaugurals are too difficult to be studied thoroughly. But the teacher can easily select portions, as the last paragraph of the second inaugural. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address should be learned by every pupil, and his letter to Greeley {Students' History, p. 357) will throw a flood of light on Lincoln's character. In studying this period, as well as other periods, it is better to dwell on the patriotism and 358 The War for the Union heroism of our soldiers, sailors, and statesmen than to point out their mistakes and personal faults. Literature is so rich in reference to this time that nothing more than the mention of the works of Lowell, Whittier, Holmes, and Longfellow is needed. The Flag, 1900. XIV RECONSTRUCTION AND REUNION, 1865-1888 Books for Study and Reading References. — Scribner's Popular History, V ; Mc Master's School History, chs. xxx-xxxiii; Andrews's Last Quarter -Century, Home Readings. — Hale's Mr. Merriam's Scholars, CHAPTER 42 PRESIDENT JOHNSON AND RECONSTRUCTION, 1861-1869 437. Lincoln's Reconstruction Policy. — The great Position of question now before the country was what should be s^tes" done with the Southern states and people. And what should be done with the freedmen ? On these questions people were not agreed. Some people thought that the states were " indestructible " ; that they could not secede or get out of the Union. Others thought that the Southern states had been Lincoln's conquered and should be treated as a part of the pollcy ° f ^ r reconstruc- national domain. Lincoln thought that it was use- tion. . . Mc Master, less to go into these questions. The Southern states 427-428. were out of the " proper practical relations with the 359 360 President Johnson and Reconstruction [§§437-440 Andrew Johnson President, 1865. His ideas on recon- struction. Afc Master, 428. Union." That was clear enough. The thing to do, therefore, was to restore " proper practical relations " as quickly and as quietly as possible. In December, 1863, Lincoln had offered a pardon to all persons, with some exceptions, who should take the oath of allegiance to the United States, and should promise to support the Constitution and the Emancipation Proclamation. Whenever one-tenth of the voters in any of the Confederate states should do these things, and should set up a republican form of government, Lincoln promised to recognize that government as the state government. But the admission to Con- gress of Senators and Representatives from such a reconstructed state would rest with Congress. Several states were reconstructed on this plan. Public opinion was opposed to this quiet reorganization of the seceded states. The people trusted Lincoln, however, and had he lived he . might have induced them to accept his plan. 438. President Johnson's Reconstruction Plan. — Johnson was an able man and a patriot, although he had none of Lincoln's wise patience and had none of Lincoln's tact and humor in dealing with men. On the contrary, he always lost his temper when opposed. Although he was a Southerner, he hated slavery and slave owners. On the other hand, he had a Southerner's contempt for the negroes. He prac- tically adopted Lincoln's reconstruction policy and tried to bring about the reorganization of the seceded states by presidential action. 1865] The Thirteenth Amendment 361 slavery, 1865 439. The Thirteenth Amendment, 1865. — Presi- Force of dent Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation (p. 331) Emanc i pa . had freed the slaves in those states and parts of states tlon Proc " lamation. which were in rebellion against the national govern- ment. It had not freed the slaves in the loyal states. It had not destroyed slavery as an institution. Any state could reestablish slavery whenever it chose. Slavery could be prohibited only by an amendment Abolition of of the Constitution. So the Thirteenth Amendment was adopted, Decem- ber, 1865. This amend- ment declares that "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, . . . shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdic- tion." In this way slavery came to an end throughout the United States. 440. Congress and the President, 1865-66. — Un- Forced labor happily many of the old slave states had passed laws ™ *?? ^ tb * to compel the negroes to work. They had introduced 429- a system of forced labor which was about the same thing as slavery. In December, 1865, the new Con- gress met. The Republicans were in the majority. They refused to admit the Senators and Representa- tives from the reorganized Southern states and at once set to work to pass laws for the protection of the Horse Car. 362 President Johnson and Reconstruction [§§ 44°-44 2 The Freed- men's Bureau. *Source- Book, 339- 342. Civil Rights Bill, 1866. It is passed over John- son's veto. The Four- teenth Amendment, 1866. negroes. In March, 1865, while the war was still going on, and while Lincoln was alive, Congress had estab- lished the Freedmen's Bureau to look after the inter- ests of the negroes. Congress now (February, 1866) passed a bill to continue the Bureau and to give it much more power. Johnson promptly vetoed the bill. In the following July Congress passed another bill to continue the Freedmen's Bureau. In this bill the officers of the Bureau were given greatly enlarged powers, the education of the blacks was provided for, and the army might be used to compel obedience to the law. Johnson vetoed this bill also. 441. The Fourteenth Amendment. — While this contest over the Freedmen's Bureau was going on, Congress passed the Civil Rights Bill to protect the freedmen. This bill provided that cases concerning the civil rights of the freedmen should be heard in the United States courts instead of in the state courts. Johnson thought that Congress had no power to do this. He vetoed the bill, and Congress passed it over his veto. Congress then drew up the Fourteenth Amendment. This forbade the states to abridge the rights of the citizens, white or black. It further provided that the representation of any state in Con- gress should be diminished whenever it denied the franchise to any one except for taking part in rebel- lion. Finally it guaranteed the debt of the United States, and declared all debts incurred in support of rebellion null and void. Every Southern state except Tennessee refused to accept this amendment. 1 866] The Fourteenth Amendment 363 442. The Reconstruction Acts, 1867. — The Con- gressional elections of November, 1866, were greatly in favor of the Republicans. The Republican mem- bers of Congress felt that this showed that the North was with them in their policy as to recon- struction. Congress met in December, 1866, and at once set to work to carry out this pol- icy. First of all it passed the Tenure of Office Act to prevent Johnson dismissing Repub- licans from office. Then it passed the Reconstruction Act. Johnson ve- toed both of these measures, and Con- gress passed them both over his veto. The Reconstruc- tion Act was later amended and strengthened. It will be well to describe here the process of reconstruction in its final form. First of all the seceded states, with the exception of Tennessee, were formed into military districts. Each district was ruled by a military officer who had soldiers to carry out his directions. Ten- nessee was not included in this arrangement, be- cause it had accepted the Fourteenth Amendment. Elections of 1866. Tenure of Office Act, 1867. The Recon* struction Acts, 1867. Andrew Johnson. Process of reconstruc- tion. *Sotirce- Book, 344- 346. 364 President Johnson and Reconstruction [§§ 44 2 ~445 Charges against Johnson. He is impeached. All the other states, which had been reconstructed by Lincoln or by Johnson, were to be reconstructed over again. The franchise was given to all men, white or black, who had lived in any state for one year — excepting criminals and persons who had taken part in rebellion. This exception took the franchise away from the old rulers of the South. These new voters could form a state constitution and elect a legislature which should ratify the Fourteenth Amendment. When all this had been done, Senators and Repre- sentatives from the reconstructed state might be admitted to Congress. 443. Impeachment of Johnson, 1868. — President Johnson had vetoed all these bills. He had declared that the Congress was a Congress of only a part of the states, because Representatives from the states recon- structed according to his ideas were not admitted. He had used language toward his opponents that was fairly described as indecent and unbecoming the chief officer of a great nation. Especially he had refused to be bound by the Tenure of Office Act. Ever since the formation of the government the Presidents had removed officers when they saw fit. The Tenure of Office Act required the consent of the Senate to removals as well as to appointments. Among the members of Lincoln's cabinet who were still in office was Edwin M. Stanton. Johnson removed him, and this brought on the crisis. The House impeached the President. The Senate, presided over by Chief Justice Chase, heard the impeachment. The Consti- 1 868] Impeachment of Johnson 365 tution requires the votes of two-thirds of the Senators But not to convict. Seven Republicans voted with the Demo- convicte crats against conviction, and the President was ac- quitted by one vote. 444. The French in Mexico. — Napoleon III, Em- Napoleon's peror of the French, seized the occasion of the Civil plans * War to set the Monroe Doctrine at defiance and to refound a French colonial empire in America. At one time, indeed, he seemed to be on the point of interfering, to compel the Union government to with- draw its armies from the Confederate states. Then Napoleon had an idea that perhaps Texas might secede from the Confederacy and set up for itself under French protection. This failing, he began the establishment of an empire in Mexico with the Austrian prince, Maximilian, as Emperor. The end- ing of the Civil War made it possible for the United States to interfere. Grant and Sheridan would gladly Action of have marched troops into Mexico and turned out the the Umted r States. French, but Seward said that the French would have to leave before long anyway. He hastened their going by telling the French government that the sooner they left the better. They were withdrawn withdrawal in 1868. Maximilian insisted on staying. He was ° fthe , „,„ J & French, 1868. captured by the Mexicans and shot. The Mexican Republic was reestablished. 445. The Purchase of Alaska, 1867. — In 1867 purchase of President Johnson sent to the Senate, for ratification, Alaska - 186 7 a treaty with Russia for the purchase of Russia's American possessions. These were called Alaska, 366 President Jo Jinson and Reconstruction [§§ 445-449 The fur seals. Boundary controversy, Grant nominated for the presidency. The Democrats. Grant elected, 1868. and included an immense tract of land in the ex- treme Northwest. The price to be paid was seven million dollars. The history of this purchase is still little known. The Senate was completely taken by surprise, but it ratified the treaty. Until recent years the only important product of Alaska has been the skins of the fur seals. To preserve the seal herds from extinction, the United States made rules limit- ing the number of seals to be killed in any one year. The Canadians were not bound by these rules, and the herds have been nearly destroyed. In recent years large deposits of gold have been found in Alaska and in neighboring portions of Canada. But the Canadian deposits are hard to reach without first going through Alaska. This fact has made it more difficult to agree with Great Britain as to the boundary between Alaska and Canada. 446. Grant elected President, 1868 The excite- ment over reconstruction and the bitter contest be- tween the Republicans in Congress and the President had brought about great confusion in politics. The Democrats nominated General F. P. Blair, a gallant soldier, for Vice-President. For President they nom- inated Horatio Seymour of New York. He was a Peace Democrat. As governor of New York during the war he had refused to support the national govern- ment. The Republicans nominated General Grant. He received three hundred thousand more votes than Seymour. Of the two hundred and ninety-four elec- toral votes, Grant received two hundred and fifteen. 1 868] Grant elected President 367 CHAPTER 43 FROM GRANT TO CLEVELAND, 1 869-1 889 447. The Fifteenth Amendment. — In February, The 1869, just before Grant's inauguration, Congress pro- Amendment, posed still another amendment, providing that neither l8 7°- the United States nor any state could abridge the rights of citizens of the United States on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. The state legislatures hastened to accept this amend- ment, and it was declared in force in March, 1870. 448. End of Reconstruction. — Three states only progress of were still unreconstructed. These were Virginia, reconstruc - ' tion. Texas, and Mississippi. In 1869 Congress added to the conditions on which they could be readmitted to the Union the acceptance of the Fifteenth Amend- ment. Early in 1870 they all complied with the conditions and were readmitted. The Union was Reunion, now again complete. Since i860 four states had x 7 °" been added to the Union. These were Kansas, West Virginia, Nevada, and Nebraska. There were now thirty-seven states in all. 449. The Southerners and the Negroes The first The carpet- result of the Congressional plan of reconstruction was twister to give the control of the Southern states to the freed- 439-414- men and their white allies. Some of these white friends of the freedmen were men of character and ability, but most of them were adventurers who came from the North to make their fortunes. They 368 From Grant to Cleveland [§§ 449-452 The Ku- Klux-Klan. The Force Acts. Relations with Great Britain. Treaty of Washington, 1871. ^Source- Book, 355- 358. were called the " carpet-baggers," because they usu- ally carried their luggage in their hands. The few Southern whites who befriended the negroes were called " scalawags " by their white neighbors. Se- cret societies sprang into being. The most famous was the Ku-Klux-Klan. The object of these societies was to terrorize the freedmen and their white friends and to prevent their voting. This led to the passage of the Force Acts. These laws provided severe penalties for crimes of intimidation. They also pro- vided that these cases should be tried in United States courts. Federal soldiers, stationed in the South, could be used to compel obedience to the law. 450. The Alabama Claims. — During the Civil War vessels built in British shipyards, or refitted and supplied with coal at British ports, had preyed upon American commerce. The most famous of these vessels was the Alabama. The claims for losses caused by these vessels which the United States presented to Great Britain were therefore called the " Alabama Claims." There also were disputes with Great Britain over the fisheries and over the western end of the Oregon boundary. In 1871 the United States and Great Britain made an arrangement called the Treaty of Washington. By this treaty all these points of dispute were referred to arbitration. The Oregon boundary was decided in favor of the United States, but the fishery dispute was decided in favor of Great Britain. The "Alabama Claims" were settled by five arbitrators who sat at Geneva in Switzerland. 1871] The Alabama Claims 369 They decided that Great Britain had not used " due The Geneva diligence " to prevent the abuse of her ports by the Confederates. They condemned her to pay fifteen and one-half million dollars damages to the United States. 451. The Chicago Fire, 1871. — Early one morn- The Chicago ing in October, 1871, a Chicago woman went to the barn to milk her cow. She carried a lighted kero- sene lamp, for it was still dark. The cow kicked over the lamp. The barn was soon ablaze. A furi- ous gale carried the burning sparks from one house to another. And so the fire went on spreading all that day and night and the next day. Nearly two hundred million dollars' worth of property was de- stroyed. The homes of nearly one hundred thousand persons were burned down. In a surprisingly short time the burnt district was rebuilt, and Chicago grew more rapidly than ever before. 452. Corruption in Politics. — New York City had Rings. no two hundred million dollar fire ; but a " ring ' Book ^ 352 _ of city officers stole more than one hundred and 355- fifty million dollars of the city's money. In other cities also there was great corruption. Nor were Bribery, the state governments free from bribery and thiev- ing. Many officers in the national government were believed to be mixed up in schemes to defraud the people. The truth of the matter was that the Civil War had left behind it the habit of spending money freely. A desire to grow suddenly rich pos- sessed the people. Men did not look closely to see where their money came from. 2B 370 From Grant to Cleveland [§§ 453-454 Objections to Grant. 453. Election of 1872. — In fact, this condition of the public service made many persons doubtful of the wisdom of reelecting President Grant. There was not the slightest doubt as to Grant's personal honesty. There were grave doubts as to his judg- ment in making appointments. Reconstruction, too, did not seem to be restoring peace and prosperity to the South. For these reasons many voters left the Chicago in 1832. Liberal Republicans. Horace Greeley. Republican party. They called themselves Liberal Republicans and nominated Horace Greeley for President. He had been one of the most outspoken opponents of slavery. The Democrats could find no better candidate, so they, too, nominated Greeley. But many Democrats could not bring themselves to vote for him. They left their party for the moment and nominated a third candidate. The result of all I8 7 2] Grant and Greeley 371 this confusion was the reelection of Grant ; but the Grant re_ elected, 1872. Democrats elected a majority of the House of Rep- resentatives. 454. The Cuban Rebellion, 1867-77. — When the other Spanish-American colonies won their inde- pendence (p. 223), Cuba remained true to Spain. Copyrighted, 1898, by Poole Bros. The Heart of Modern Chicago. But by 1867 the Cubans could no longer bear the hardships of Spanish rule. They rebelled and for ten years fought for freedom. The Spaniards burned Rebellion in whole villages because they thought the inhabitants favored the rebels. They even threatened to kill all Spanish Cuban men found away from their homes. This cruelty aroused the sympathy of the Americans. cruelty. 37^ From Grant to Cleveland [§§ 454-456 The Virginius affair. Spanish promises end rebellion, 1877. The Credit Mobilier. The Whiskey Ring. Expeditions sailed from the United States to help the Cubans, although the government did everything it could to prevent their departure. One of these ves- sels carrying aid to the Cubans was named the Vir- ginius. The Spaniards captured her, carried her to Santiago, and killed forty-six of her crew. There came near being a war with Spain over this affair. But the Spaniards apologized and saluted the Amer- ican flag. In 1877 President Grant made up his mind that the war had lasted long enough. He adopted a severe tone toward Spain. The Spanish government made terms with the rebels, and the rebellion came to an end. 455. Scandals in Political Life. — In 1 872 the House of Representatives made a searching inquiry into the charges of bribery in connection with the building of the Pacific railroads. Oakes Ames of Massachusetts was the head of a company called the " Credit Mobil- ier." This company had been formed to build the Union Pacific Railway. Fearing that Congress would pass laws that might hurt the enterprise, Ames gave stock in the company to members of Congress. But nothing definite could be proved against any members, and the matter dropped. Soon after the beginning of Grant's second term, many evil things came to light. One of these was the Whiskey Ring, which defrauded the government of large sums of money with the aid of the government officials. Grant wished to have a thorough investigation, and said, "Let no guilty man escape." The worst I8 7 2] Political Scandals 373 case of all, perhaps, was that of W. W. Belknap, Secretary of War. But he escaped punishment by resigning. 456. Anarchy in the South. — Meantime reconstruc- tion was not working well in the South. This was Failure of especially true of Louisiana, Arkansas, and South ^^ Carolina. In Louisiana, and in Arkansas also, there * Source ~ Book, 349- were two sets of governors and legislatures, and civil 351. A Mississippi River Cotton Steamer. war on a small scale was going on. In South Caro- lina the carpet-baggers and the negroes had gained control. They stole right and left. In other South- ern states there were continued outrages on the negroes. President Grant was greatly troubled. " Let us have peace," was his heartfelt wish. But he felt it necessary to keep Federal soldiers in the South, although he knew that public opinion in the North was turning against their employment. It was 374 From Grant to Cleveland [§§ 456-459 Election of 1876. Higginson, 33!-334- The electoral commission. Hayes in- augurated, 1877. Southern politics. Higginson, 334-335- under these circumstances that the election of 1876 was held. 457. Election of 1876. — The Republican candidate was Rutherford B. Hayes of Ohio. He was a gallant soldier of the Civil War, and was a man of the high- est personal character. His Democratic opponent was Samuel J. Tilden of New York — a shrewd law- yer who had won distinction as governor of the Em- pire State. When the electoral returns were brought in, there appeared two sets of returns from each of three Southern states, and the vote of Oregon was doubtful. The Senate was Republican, and the House was Democratic. As the two houses could not agree as to how these returns should be counted, they referred the whole matter to an electoral com- mission. This commission was made up of five Senators, five Representatives, and five justices of the Supreme Court. Eight of them were Republicans and seven were Democrats. They decided by eight votes to seven that Hayes was elected, and he was inaugurated President on March 4, 1877. 458. Withdrawal of the Soldiers from the South. — The people of the North were weary of the ceaseless political agitation in the South. The old Southern leaders had regained control of nearly all the South- ern states. They could not be turned out except by a new civil war, and the Northern people were not willing to go to war again. The only other thing that could be done was to withdraw the Federal sol- diers and let the Southern people work out their own 1877] President Hayes 375 salvation as well as they could. President Hayes re- Troops with. called the troops, and all the Southern states at once drawn ' passed into the control of the Democrats. 459. Strikes and Riots, 1877. — The extravagance Panic and and speculation of the Civil War, and the years fol- hard times - The Ruins after the Pittsburg Riots. lowing its close, ended in a great panic in 1873. After the panic came the "hard times." Production fell off. The demand for labor diminished. Wages were everywhere reduced. Strikes became frequent, 376 From Grant to Cleveland [§§ 459~4 62 The Pitts- burg riots, 1877. The Stalwart Republicans. Garfield elected President, 1880. Garfield murdered, 1881, and riots followed the strikes. At Pittsburg, in west- ern Pennsylvania, the rioters seized the railroad. They burned hundreds of railroad cars and locomotives. They destroyed the railroad buildings. At last the riot came to an end, but not until millions of dollars' worth of property had been destroyed. 460. Election of 1880. — At the beginning of his administration Hayes had declared that he would not be a candidate for reelection. Who should be the Republican standard bearer ? Grant's friends pro- posed to nominate him for a third term. The politi- cians who advocated a third term for Grant were opposed to the candidacy of James G. Blaine. They were called the Stalwart Republicans. In the con- vention they voted steadily and solidly for Grant. Finally their opponents, with the cry of " Anything to beat Grant," suddenly turned to an entirely new man, whose name had been little mentioned. This was James A. Garfield of Ohio. He had won distinction in the Civil War and had served with credit in Congress. For Vice-President the Repub- licans nominated Chester A. Arthur, a New York banker. The Democrats, on their part, nominated one of the most brilliant and popular soldiers of the Army of the Potomac, General Winfield Scott Han- cock. The campaign was very hotly contested. In the end Garfield won. 461. Garfield murdered; Civil Service Reform.— President Garfield took the oath of office on March 4, 1 88 1. On July 2 he was shot in the back by a dis- 1881] Garfield murdered 377 appointed office-seeker. Week after week he endured terrible agony. At length, on September 19, the martyred President died. Now at last the evils of the " Spoils System " were brought to the attention of the American people. Vice-President Arthur be- president came President and entered heartily into projects Arthur - of reform. A beginning was soon made, but it was found to be a very difficult thing to bring about any lasting reform. The Constitution gives the civil Service President the appointment of officers, subject to the ^ form * confirmation of the Senate. No act of Congress Book, $6$- 365. can dimmish the constitutional powers of the Presi- dent except so far as he consents, and one President cannot bind succeeding Presidents. Any scheme of reform also costs money, which must be voted annu- ally by Congress. It follows, therefore, that the consent of every President and of both Houses of every Congress is necessary to make the reform of the civil service permanent. Nevertheless the re- form has made steady progress until now by far the greater part of the civil service is organized on the merit system. 462. Election of 1884. — In 1884 the Republicans t. g. Biains nominated James G. Blaine of Maine for President. He was a man of magnetic address and had made many friends, but he also had made many enemies. Especially many Republican voters distrusted him. They felt that he had used his position for private gain, although nothing was proved against him. The Mug- These Republicans were called " Mugwumps." They wumps. 378 From Grant to Cleveland [§§ 462-463 Grover Cleveland. Cleveland elected President, 1884. Tariff reform. "bolted" the nomination and supported the Demo- cratic candidate, Grover Cleveland. As mayor of Buffalo, Cleveland had done very well. He had then been elected governor of New York by a very large majority. The campaign of 1884 was conducted on lines of personal abuse that recall the campaigns of 1800 and of 1828. Cleveland carried four large North- ern states and the "solid South" and was elected. 463. Cleveland's Administration, 1885-89. — The great contest of Cleveland's first term was a fierce struggle over the taiiff. The govern- ment's need of money during the Civil War had compelled Congress to raise large sums by means of internal revenue taxes. These taxes in turn had brought about a great increase in the tariff rates on goods imported from foreign countries. The internal revenue taxes had been almost entirely removed, but the war tariff sub- stantially remained in force. In 1887 Cleveland laid Grover Cleveland. Questions and Topics ^70 the whole question before Congress. For a time it seemed probable that something would be done. But the opposition in Congress was very active and very strong. It fell out, therefore, that nothing important was done. The real significance of Cleveland's first administration lay in the fact that the Southerners were once again admitted to a share in the govern- ment of the nation. It marked, therefore, the reunion of the American people. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS Chapter 42 1. What is meant by " reconstruction " ? 2. Explain carefully Lincoln's plan for reconstruction. How was it affected by his death ? 3. What was Johnson's attitude toward reconstruction ? 4. What was the force of the Emancipation Proclamation ? How was the institution of slavery abolished ? 5. Explain the reasons for the establishment of the freedmen's bureau. What do you think of the provision relating to the use of the army ? 6. How was Congress able to pass a bill over the President's veto ? 7. Explain carefully the Fourteenth Amendment. What do you think of the provision as to debts ? 8. Why were the elections of 1866 important ? 9- What was the force of the Tenure of Office Act, and why was it passed ? 10. Describe the actual process of reconstruction. 11. Why was Johnson impeached? Why did the impeachment fail ? 12. How did Napoleon's act set the Monroe Doctrine at defiance ? 13. What action did the government take ? With what result? 14. What advantage has Alaska been to the United States ? 380 Reconstruction a?id Reunion 15. What were the issues in the campaign of 1868 ? 16. What had Blair done for the Union ? 17. What did the election of Grant show ? Chapter 43 1. What were the provisions of the Fifteenth Amendment ? 2. Under what conditions were the remaining seceded states re- admitted ? 3. What was the Force Act ? Why was it passed ? 4. How was the injury to our shipping during the Civil War con- nected with Great Britain ? 5. What is meant by " arbitration " ? Is it better to settle disputes by arbitration or by war ? 6. Describe the Chicago fire and its results. 7. Why was there so much bribery and corruption at this time ? 8. Should city governments be conducted as business enterprises ? 9. Why was there so much opposition to Grant's reelection ? 10. Why did the Democrats nominate Greeley ? What was the result of the election? 11. What trouble broke out in Cuba? Why? 12. Describe the Virginius affair. How did the Cuban rebellion come to an end ? 13. What scandal arose in connection with the Union Pacific Railway ? 14. What was the " Whiskey Ring "? What was Grant's wish ? 15. What troubles arose in the South? Could they have been avoided ? 16. Why was there a dispute about the election of 1876? How was it settled ? 17. Was it wise to let the Southerners work out their questions for themselves or not ? Why ? 18. Compare the panic of 1873 with that of 1837, explaining the likenesses and differences. 19. Why was opposition to the nomination of Grant so strong ? 20. Who were nominated ? Who was elected ? 21. What was the cause of Garfield's murder ? 22. Why is Civil Service Reform so difficult ? 23. What is meant by the " Merit System "? What are the advan- tages of such a system ? Questions and Topics 381 24. Why was Blaine so strongly opposed ? Who were the "Mug- wumps " ? How did their action influence the election ? 25. What is the difference between internal revenue taxes and customs duties ? 26. What was the real significance of Cleveland's first election? General Questions 1. Trace the history of slavery from 1619 to 1865. 2. Give all the treaties with Great Britain, with dates, reason for the treaty, and results. 3- Why were there no executions for treason at the close of the Civil War ? 4- What two methods does the Constitution provide for its amend- ment? Which method has always been followed ? 5- What were the chief difficulties in the way of reconstruction > 6. What are the important duties of citizens ? Why do you select these ? Topics for Special Work 1. Impeachment of Johnson. 2. The Chicago fire. 3. Civil Service Reform. 4. Industrial activity in the South. XV NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 1889-1900 Benjamin Harrison elected President, 1888. Books for Study and Reading References. — Scribner's Popular History, V, 579-659; McMaster's School History, chs. xxxiv, xxxv. Home Readings. — Any short, attractive account of the Spanish War. CHAPTER 44 CONFUSION IN POLITICS 464. Benjamin Harrison elected President, 1888 In 1888 the Democrats put forward Cleveland as their candidate for President. The Republicans nominated Benjamin Harrison of Indiana. Like Hayes and Garfield, he had won renown in the Civil War and was a man of the highest honor and of proved ability. The prominence of the old Southern leaders in the Democratic administration, and the neglect of the business interests of the North, com- pelled many Northern Republicans who had voted for Cleveland to return to the Republican party. The result was the election of Harrison and of a Republican majority in the House of Representatives. 382 l8 9°J The McKinley Tariff 3 g 3 465. The McKinley Tariff, 1890. — One of the The questions most discussed in the campaign of 1888 McKinle y was the reform of the tariff. There seem to have ^ ^ been two sets of tariff reformers. One set of re- formers proposed to reform the tariff by doing away with as much of it as possible. The other set of re- formers proposed to readjust the tariff duties so as to make the protective system more consistent and more perfect. Led by William McKinley, the Republicans set to work to reform the tariff in this latter sense. This they did by generally raising the duties on pro- tected goods. The McKinley Tariff Act also offered Reciprocity reciprocity to countries which would favor American goods. This offer was in effect to lower certain' duties on goods imported from Argentina, for in- stance, if the Argentine government would admit certain American goods to Argentina on better terms than similar goods imported from other countries. 466. The Sherman Silver Law, 1890. -In the Go]dand Civil War gold and silver had disappeared from circu- silver - lation. After the close of the war a gradual re- turn was made to specie payments. In the colonial days the demand for silver, as compared with the de- mand for gold, outran the supply. The consequence was that silver was constantly becoming worth more in comparison with gold. In the nineteenth century the supply of silver has greatly outstripped the de- mand, with the result that silver has greatly de- clined in value as compared with gold. In 1871 the government decided to use silver for small coins only, 3^4 Confusion in Politics [§§ 466-469 and not to allow silver to be offered in payment of a larger sum than five dollars. This was called the " de- monetization of silver." In 1878 a small but earnest band of advocates of the free coinage of silver se- cured the passage of an act of Congress for the coinage of two million silver dollars each month. The silver in each one of these dollars was only worth in gold from ninety to sixty cents. In 1890, The Capitol at Washington. Sherman Silver Law. Business depression. Senator John Sherman of Ohio brought in a bill to increase the coinage of these silver dollars which, in 1894, were worth only forty nine cents on the dollar in gold. 467. Election of 1892. — One result of this great increase in the silver coinage was to alarm business men throughout the country. Business constantly declined. Every one who could lessened his ex- penses as much as possible. Mill owners and railroad l8 93] Silver and the Tariff 385 managers discharged their workers or reduced their wages. Harrison and Cleveland were again the Re- publican and Democratic candidates for the presi- dency. As is always the case, the party in power was held to be responsible for the hard times. Enough voters turned to Cleveland to elect him, and Cleveland he was inaugurated President for the second time eIected (March 4, 1893). fs^!^' 468. Silver and the Tariff. — In the summer of scarcity of 1893 there was a great scarcity of money. Thousands money - of people withdrew all the money they could from the banks and locked it up in places of security. Rep eaiofth e But Congress repealed the Sherman Silver Law and sherman put an end to the compulsory purchase of silver and the coinage of silver dollars. This tended to restore confidence. The Democrats once more overhauled Wilson the tariff. Under the lead of Representative Wilson tariff - of West Virginia they passed a tariff act, lowering some duties and placing many articles on the free list. 469. The Chicago Exhibition, 1893. — The four Chicago hundredth anniversary of the Columbian discovery Edition, of America occurred in October, 1892. Preparations were made for holding a great commemorative exhi- bition at Chicago ; but it took so long to get every- thing ready that the exhibition was not held until the summer of 1893. Beautiful buildings were erected of a cheap but satisfactory material. They were de- signed with the greatest taste, and were filled with splendid exhibits that showed the skill and resources of Americans, and also with the products of foreign 386 Confusion in Politics [§§ 469-471 countries. Hundreds of thousands of persons from all parts of the country visited the exhibition with pleasure and great profit. No more beautiful or successful exhibition had ever been held. The Fisheries Building, World's Fair, Chicago. William McKinley. 470. Election of 1896. — In 1896 the Republicans held their convention at St. Louis and nominated Wil- liam McKinley of Ohio for President. They declared in favor of the gold standard, unless some arrange- ment with other nations for a standard of gold and silver could be made. They also declared for pro- tection to home industries. The Democrats held their convention at Chicago. The men who had stood by Cleveland found themselves in a helpless w. j. Bryan, minority. William Jennings Bryan of Nebraska was nominated for President on a platform advocating the free coinage of silver and many changes in the '896] McKinley elected President 387 laws in the direction of socialism. The Populists and the Silver Republicans also adopted Bryan as their candidate. Now, at last, the question of the gold standard or the silver standard was fairly before the voters. They responded by electing McKin- ley and a Repub- lican House of Representatives. 471. The Ding- ley Tariff, 1897. — The Republi- cans, once more in control of the government, set to work to re- form the tariff in favor of high protection. Repre- sentative Dingley of Maine was chairman of the committee of the House that drew up the new bill and the act as finally passed goes by his name.' It raised the duties on some classes of goods and taxed many things that hitherto had come in free Especially were duties increased on certain raw ma- terials for manufactures, with a view to encourage the production of such materials in the United States The reciprocity features of the McKinley tariff (p. 383) were also restored. Vopyright, by Rockwood. William McKinley. McKinley elected President, The Dingley tariff, 1897. 388 The Spanish War [§§ 472-473 CHAPTER 45 The Cubans rebel, 1894. Spanish cruelties. * Source- Book, 374- 379- THE SPANISH WAR, 1898 472. The Cuban Rebellion, 1894-98. — The Cubans laid down their arms in 1877 (P- 372) because they relied on the promises of better government made by the Spaniards. But these promises were never carried out. Year after year the Cuban people bore their oppression. At last, however, their patience was worn out. In 1894 they again rebelled. The Span- iards sent over an army to subdue them. Soon tales of cruelty on the part of the Spaniards reached the United States. Finally the Spanish governor, General Weyler, adopted the cruel measure of driving the old men, the women, and the children from the country villages and huddling them together in the seaboard towns. Without money, without food, with scant shelter, these poor people endured every hardship. They died by thousands. The American people sent relief, but little could be done to help them. The Cubans also fitted out expeditions in American ports to carry arms and supplies to the rebels. The government did everything in its power to stop these expeditions, but the coast line of the United States is so long that it was impossible to stop them all, especially as large numbers of the American people heartily sympathized with the Cubans. Constant disputes with Spain over the Cuban question natu- 1898] War declared 389 rally came up and gave rise to irritation in the United States and in Spain. 473. The Declaration of War, 1898. — On Janu- Destruction ary 5, 1898, the American battleship Maine anchored °£ h * Maine * in Havana harbor. On February 1 5 she was destroyed by an explosion and sank with two hundred and fifty- three of her crew. A most competent Court of In- quiry was appointed. It reported that the Maine had The "Maine." been blown up from the outside. The report of the Court of Inquiry was communicated to the Spanish government in the hope that some kind of apology and reparation might be made. But all the Spanish government did was to propose that the matter should be referred to arbitration. The condition of the Cubans was now dreadful. Several Senators and Representatives visited Cuba. They reported that the condition of the Cubans was shocking. The President laid the whole matter before Congress for 39Q The Spanish War [§§ 473-474 Cuban inde- its determination. On April 19, 1898, Congress rec- pendence • i i • i 1 r^ i i i recognized, ognized the independence of the Cuban people and demanded the withdrawal of the Spaniards from the island. Congress also authorized the President to compel Spain's withdrawal and stated that the United States did not intend to annex Cuba, but to leave the government of the island to its inhabit- ants. Before these terms could be formally laid before the Spanish government, it ordered the American minister to leave Spain. Battle of 474. The Destruction of the Spanish Pacific Fleet. — Manila Bav, . 1 May i, 1898. Admiral Dewey, commanding the American squadron on the Asiatic station, had concentrated all his ves- sels at Hong Kong, in the belief that war was at hand. Of course he could not stay at Hong Kong after the declaration of war. The only thing that he could do was to destroy the Spanish fleet and use Spanish ports as a naval base. The Spanish fleet was in Manila Bay. Thither sailed Dewey. In the darkness of the early morning of May 1, Dewey passed the Spanish forts at the entrance of the bay. The fleet was at anchor near the naval arsenal, a few miles from the city of Manila. As soon as it was light Dewey opened fire on the Spaniards. Soon one Spanish ship caught fire, then another, and another. Dewey drew off out of range for a time while his men rested and ate their breakfasts. He then steamed in again and completed the destruction of the enemy's fleet. Not an American ship was seriously injured. Not one American sailor was 1898] Battle of Manila Bay 391 killed. This victory gave the Americans the control of the Pacific Ocean and the Asiatic waters, as far as Spain was concerned. It relieved the Pacific sea- The "Olympia." From a photograph by Irving Underhill. coast of the United States of all fear of attack. It made it possible to send soldiers and supplies to Manila, without fear of attack while on the way. And it was necessary to send soldiers because Dewey, 392 The Spanish War [§§ 474-478 Defense of the Atlantic seaboard. Blockade of Cuba. The Spanish- Atlantic fleet. The Ameri- can fleet. while he was supreme on the water and could easily compel the surrender of Manila, could not properly police the town after its capture. 475. The Atlantic Seacoast and the Blockade. — No sooner did war seem probable than the people on the Atlantic seacoast were seized with an unreasoning fear of the Spanish fleets. For the Spaniards had a few new fast ships. The mouths of the principal harbors were blocked with mines and torpedoes. The government bought merchant vessels of all kinds and established a patrol along the coast. It also blockaded the more important Cuban seaports. But the Cuban coast was so long that it was impossi- ble to blockade it all. As it was, great suffering was inflicted on the principal Spanish armies in Cuba. 476. The Atlantic Fleets. — Before long a Spanish fleet of four new, fast armored cruisers and three large sea-going torpedo-boat destroyers appeared in the West Indies. The Spanish admiral did not seem to know exactly where to go. But after sailing around the Caribbean Sea for a time, he anchored in Santiago harbor — on the southern coast of Cuba. In the American navy there were only two fast armored cruisers, the New York and the Brooklyn. These with five battleships — the Oregon, Iowa, Indiana, Massachusetts, and Texas — and a number of smaller vessels were placed under the command of Admiral Sampson and sent to Santiago. Another fleet of sea-going monitors and unarmored cruisers main- tained the Cuban blockade. l8 98] The Atlantic Fleets 393 477. The Oregon's Great Voyage. -When the Maine Theorems was destroyed, the Oregon was at Puget Sound on the voyage * northwest coast. She was at once ordered to sail to the Atlantic coast at her utmost speed. Steadily the great battleship sped southward along the Pacific coast of North America, Central America, and South America. She passed through Magellan Straits and made her way up the eastern coast of South America. As she approached the West Indies, it was feared that she might meet the whole Spanish fleet; but she never sighted them. She reached Florida in splendid condition and at once joined Sampson's squadron. 478. The Blockade of the Spanish Fleet. — Santiago Santiago harbor seemed to have been designed as a place of refuge for a hard-pressed fleet. Its narrow winding entrance was guarded by huge mountains strongly fortified. The channel between these mountains was filled with mines and torpedoes. The American fleet could not go in. The Spanish fleet must not be allowed to come out unseen. Lieutenant Hobson was ordered to take the collier Merrimac into the sinking of narrow entrance and sink her across the channel at the Merri ' the narrowest part. He made the most careful preparations. But the Merrimac was disabled and drifted by the narrowest part of the channel before she sank. The Spanish admiral was so impressed by the heroism of this attempt that he sent a boat off to the American squadron to assure them that Hob- son and his six brave companions were safe. mac. 394 The Spanish War [§§ 479-481 479. Destruction of the Spanish Fleet. — As the American vessels could not enter Santiago harbor to sink the Spanish ships at their anchors, it became necessary to send an army to Santiago. But the Spaniards did not wait for the soldiers to capture the city. On Sunday morning, July 3, the Spanish fleet suddenly appeared steaming out of the harbor. The Massachusetts was away at the time, getting a supply of coal, and the New York was steaming away to take Admiral Sampson to a conference with General Shafter. But there were enough vessels left. On Destruction came the Spaniards. The American ships rushed Spanish fleet, toward them. The Spaniards turned westward and tried to escape along the coast. Soon one of them was set on fire by the American shells. She was run on shore to prevent her sinking. Then another fol- lowed her, and then a third. The torpedo-boat de- stroyers were sunk off the entrance to the harbor. But one ship now remained afloat. Speedily, she, too, was overtaken and surrendered. In a few hours the whole Spanish fleet was destroyed ; hundreds of Spanish seamen were killed, wounded, or drowned, and sixteen hundred Spanish sailors captured. The American loss was one man killed and two wounded. The American ships were practically ready to destroy another Spanish fleet had one been within reach. At Manila Bay and off Santiago the American fleets were superior to the enemy's fleets. But the astound- ing results of their actions were due mainly to the splendid manner in which the American ships had l8 9 g ] Battle of Santiago 395 been cared for and, above all, to the magnificent Lessons of training and courage of the men behind the guns. thevictor > r - Years of peace had not in any way dimmed the splendid qualities of the American sea-fighters. 480. The American Army. - Meantime the Ameri- Military can soldiers on shore at Santiago were doing their P re P aration& work under great discouragement, but with a valor and stubbornness that will always compel admira- tion. While the navy was silently and efficiently in- creased to be a well-ordered force, the army was not so well managed at first. Soldiers there were in plenty. From all parts of the Union, from the The South and from the North, from the West and from volunteers - the East, from the cattle ranches of the plains and the classrooms of the great universities, patriots offered their lives at their country's call. But there was great lack of order in the management of the army. Sickness broke out among the soldiers. Volunteer regiments were supplied with old-fashioned rifles. It seemed to be difficult to move one regiment from one place to another without dire confusion. When the Spanish fleet was shut up in Santiago harbor, a force of fifteen thousand soldiers under General Shaf- ter was sent to capture Santiago itself and make the harbor unsafe for the ships. 481. The Santiago Expedition. -On June 22 and The landing. 23 the expedition landed not far to the east of the entrance to Santiago harbor. Steep and high moun- tains guard this part of the coast ; but no attempt was made to prevent the landing of the Americans. 39^ The Spanish War [§§ 481-482 La Gua- simas. *Source- Book, 380- 382. San Juan and Caney. Dismounted cavalrymen of the regular army and Roosevelt's Rough Riders, also on foot, at once pushed on toward Santiago. At La Guasimas the Spaniards tried to stop them. But the regulars and the Rough Riders drove them away, and the army pushed on. By June 28 it had reached a point within a few miles of the city. The Spaniards occupied two very strong positions at San Juan (San Huan) and Caney. On July 1 they were driven from them. The regulars and the volunteers showed the greatest courage and hero- ism. They crossed long open spaces in the face of a terrible fire from the Spaniards, who were armed with modern rifles. The rains now set in, and the sufferings of the troops became terrible. On July 3 the Spanish fleet sailed out of the harbor to meet its doom from the guns of the American warships. Reinforcements were sent to Shafter, and heavy guns were dragged over the mountain roads and placed in positions commanding San Juan Blockhouse showing Marks of Shot. 1 898 J Capture of Santiago 397 the enemy's lines. The Spaniards surrendered, and Fail of on July 17 the Americans entered the captured city. antia s°- 482. The Porto Rico Campaign. — The only other The Porto important colony still remaining to Spain in America ti< ^° expe< was Porto Rico. General Nelson A. Miles led a strong force to its conquest. Instead of landing on 1111 ^tJk^sfr* Taking Wounded to the Division Hospital after the Fight on San Juan Hill. the northern coast near San Juan, the only strongly fortified position on the seacoast, General Miles landed his men on the southern coast near Ponce (Pon-tha). The inhabitants received the Americans with the heartiest welcome. This was on August 1. The American army then set out to cross the island. But before they had gone very far news came of the ending of the hostilities. 398 The Spanish War [§§ 483-485 Fall of Manila. 483. Fall of Manila. — When the news of Dewey's victory (p. 390) reached the United States, soldiers were sent to his aid. But this took time, for it was a very long way from San Francisco to the Philippines and vessels suitable for transports were not easily procured on the Pacific coast. General Wesley Merritt was given command of the land forces. Meantime, for months Dewey with his fleet blockaded Manila from the water side, while Philippine insur- -5}=»rff»s No. 4: Treaty of Peace, i8q gents blockaded it from the land side. Foreign vessels, especially the German vessels, jealously watched the operations of the American fleet and severely taxed Dewey's patience. On August 17 Merritt felt strong enough to attack the city. It was at once surrendered to him. 484. End of the War. — The destruction of the Spanish Atlantic fleet and the fall of Santiago con- vinced the Spaniards that further resistance was useless. So it was agreed that the fighting should be stopped. This was in July, 1898, but the actual DEPENDENCIES OE THE UNITED STATES. AH on same scale as United States, 1900. FACING PAGE 399. 1898] End of the War 399 treaty of peace was not made until the following December. The conditions were that Spain should abandon Cuba, should cede to the United States Porto Rico, the Philippines, and some smaller islands, and should receive from the United States twenty million dollars. For many years American mission- Hawaii, aries, merchants, and planters had been interested in the Hawaiian Islands. The war showed the im- portance of these islands to the United States as a military and naval station, and they were annexed. CHAPTER 46 PROGRESS AND REFORM, 1898-1909 485. McKinley and Roosevelt, 1898-1909. — These years have seen the presidencies of William McKinley McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt and the election of William H. ^ n oosevelt Taft to that high office. All three were Republicans; the first and last were elected from Ohio, while Roose- velt came from New York. McKinley was in office at the close of the Spanish War. In 1900 he was reelected President, with Roosevelt as Vice-President, and was murdered by an insane man in the autumn of the next year. Thereupon Roosevelt became President, and in 1904 was elected President by a very great majority over the Democratic candidate, Alton B. Parker of New York. Throughout his term of office he ceaselessly directed public atten- tion to the reform of abuses in the management 400 Progress and Reform of business affairs and to the improvement of the relations of great corporations to the people. Many of these corporations have received special privileges without which they could not live. For example, the railroads have been given the right to take land which is necessary for their use upon paying proper prices to the owners, whether the owners wish to sell or not. In other ways, great masses of capital have been invested in some one business, so that a single corporation or a group of corporations controls the production and distribution of necessaries of modern life, like anthracite coal and mineral oil. President Roosevelt felt that these and similar great enterprises should be regulated so that every one should have a "square deal," and no favoritism be shown to great capitalists as opposed to the smaller dealers. Area. 486. The United States in 1900. — Since i860 there has been no increase in the homelands of the United States; but in outlying territories there have been many additions. In 1867 Alaska was purchased from Russia. Thirty-one years later (1898) the important group of Hawaiian Islands was annexed, and at the close of the Spanish War, Porto Rico, the Philippines, and several smaller islands in the Pacific came into our possession. Cuba, also, came under the protection of the United States in 1898, with a pledge to give it back to the Cubans whenever that should seem to be safe. This was done in 1902, but later President Roosevelt was obliged to reoccupy it for a time owing The United States in 1900 401 to disturbances in the island. It has now been again restored to the Cubans. At first the inhabitants of the Philippines opposed the occupation of those islands by the Americans; but this hostility has, by firmness and wise government, been overcome. In the forty years since i860 the growth of the United States in population and wealth has been truly mar- velous. In i860 the population was under thirty-two mil- lions; in 1 900 it was seventy-six millions, exclud- ing the island possessions; in- cluding them, eighty-five mil- lions. Espe- cially the cities have increased in population. New York and Brooklyn together contained, in 1900, Population. nearly three and one half million inhabitants, or more than the total number of people living in the United States at the close of the Revolutionary War. The growth in wealth has also been remarkable. This is roughly indicated by the increase of the national 2D Theodore Roosevelt. 402 Progress and Reform income from fifty-five million dollars in i860 to over five hundred million in 1900. 487. The San Francisco Earthquake. — In April, 1906, a terrible earthquake visited San Francisco and the country to the southward. In the city, buildings swayed and tumbled, destroying the chimneys and thus causing fire which spread rapidly. In the streets, the settling of the ground broke the water pipes and thus made it impossible to fight the fires successfully. The loss of property was tremendous and the suffer- ing intense; men, women, and children, hundreds of thousands of them, were driven from their homes, lost all their food and clothing, and were obliged to sleep in the parks on the open ground. Contribu- tions of money and supplies poured in from all parts of the United States. Never before was there so great a calamity in our history and never before so great generosity. 488. The Saving of Our Natural Riches. — From the beginning, the American colonists and people have been using up the resources of the country as if they were endless. In colonial days the Virginians planted tobacco so constantly on the same fields that they exhausted the fertility of the soil of the older settled portion of that colony. Since then the farmers of the Northwest have grown wheat with a similar prodigality. Now, however, the agricultural depart- ments of the national government and of the state universities are bringing about a better use of the land. In our own time we have cut down the for- A Wojdd Poiver 403 ests with such recklessness that nowadays the roofs of houses in the Eastern states are frequently covered with shingles brought from the Pacific coast. To direct the attention of the country to the gravity of this problem, President Roosevelt summoned the governors of the states and other leading men to advise with him as to the best means of checking this waste and making a better and more profitable use of the natural resources of the United States. 489. A World Power. — The effect of the Spanish War was to throw the United States into the world's politics. For the first time the American people held as possessions countries situated far away from America. The protection of the Philippines and the questions which the annexation of Hawaii have aroused have compelled us to interest ourselves in the affairs of China and Japan. American troops The army m joined French, German, Russian, Japanese, and Eng- China - lish soldiers in a march on Peking, the capital of China, to rescue the people of the embassies there from Chinese rebels. Again, at the time of the war between Russia and Japan, the government intervened to bring about an ending of hostilities between the contending parties, which was accomplished by the treaty of Portsmouth. The most significant example of the new position occupied by the United States was the voyage of a fleet of sixteen battleships around the world in the years 1907- 1909. No such formi- dable squadron had ever been sent on so long a voyage by any power. The fact that it was safely 404 Progress and Reform accomplished is a tribute to the efficiency of the officers and men of the navy and to the high quality of the vessels. 490. The Panama Canal. — Ever since the time of Balboa (p. 7) projects to cut a canal through the Isthmus of Panama have been put for- ward. The first persons seriously to enter upon the task were French capi- talists under the le ader- ship of the engineer who had con- structed the Suez Canal. The difficul- ties of the new enter- prise were many times greater than those of the earlier one. The French company failed, and so did another which took its place. The United States William H. Taft. Questions and Topics 405 then came forward, bought out the French investors, and secured from the Panama Republic rights of government over the Canal Zone, which is the name given to the territory occupied by the canal and a strip five miles wide on either side. This acquisition has given the authorities the power to stamp out malaria and other tropical diseases and to take proper care of the laborers. Consequently the work has gone on with great rapidity, and the most recent reports indicate that it will be completed within a few years. When one realizes that to accomplish this task a range of mountains has to be cut in two, a river turned from the bed in which it has coursed for cen- turies, and a great lake formed to receive its waters, one gains some idea of the greatness of the task and of the honor due to the men possessing the courage to undertake and the skill to carry it through to success. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS Chapter 44 1. Why was Harrison chosen President ? 2. What is "tariff reform" ? What is " reciprocity ? " Do you consider such a method wise or not ? Why ? 3- Why was silver demonetized ? What is meant by the word "demonetization"? 4. What was the Sherman Silver Law ? What effect did it have upon business ? 5. What was the cause of the fear on the part of business men ? 406 National Development 6. Why was Harrison defeated in 1892 ? 7. Why did money become scarce in the summer of 1893 ? 8. How did the repeal of the Sherman Law affect confidence in the future of business ? 9. Describe the Chicago Exhibition. What is the advantage of such an exhibition ? 10. Who were the leading candidates for the presidency in 1896 ? What principles did they stand for ? 11. Explain the provisions of the Dingley Tariff. 12. Ask some business man what he thinks of the wisdom of chang- ing the tariff very often. Chapter 45 1. What promises had the Spaniards made to the Cubans and how had they kept them ? 2. What do you think of Weyler's policy ? 3. Give the immediate cause of the war. 4. Why could not Admiral Dewey remain at Hong Kong ? 5. Describe the battle of Manila Bay. What were the results of this action ? 6. Why were the American people on the Atlantic seacoast alarmed ? How was the coast protected? 7. Compare the American and the Spanish Atlantic fleets. Why was the voyage of the Oregon important ? 8. Describe the harbor of Santiago. What advantages did it possess for the Spaniards ? 9. How did Hobson try to prevent the escape of the Spanish fleet ? 10. Describe the encounter between the two fleets. 11. To what was this great success due ? 12. Describe the American army. Why was there so much confu- sion in it ? 13. Describe the Santiago campaign and the suffering of the soldiers. 14. Describe the Porto Rico expedition. Why did General Miles land on the southern coast ? 15. Why were the soldiers needed after Dewey's victory ? 16. Give the conditions of peace. Exactly what was the condition as to Cuba ? 17. Why are the Hawaiian Islands important to the United States ? Questions and Topics 407 Chapter 46 1. How did Roosevelt first become President ? 2. Describe Roosevelt's policy. 3. Name the outlying portions of the United States. How did we come by them? 4. What was the population of the United States in 1900 ? 5. Why should we build the Panama Canal ? General Questions 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a tariff? 2. What important matters have been definitely settled during the past one hundred years ? 3. What are some of the problems now before the American people? 4. Should the United States be a "world power " ? Topics for Special Work 1. Industrial and financial issues since 1880. 2. Present condition of any part of the United States or dependent territories. 3. Any campaign or battle of the Spanish War. 4. Present political parties and their principles. 5. The trip of the American battleship fleet. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE In Congress, July 4, 1776, The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happi- ness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to insti- tute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate thai Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes ; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But v/hen a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Des- potism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. ii Declaration of Independence He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and neces- sary for the public good. He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncom- fortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people. He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihila- tion, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within. He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States ; for that purpose obstructing the Laws of Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands. He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers. He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their substance. He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislature. He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws ; giving his Assent to their acts of pretended legislation : For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us : For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from Punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States: For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world : For imposing taxes on us without our Consent : For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury: Declaration of Independence iii For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences : For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies : For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments: For suspending our own Legislature, and declaring themselves in- vested with Power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Pro- tection and waging War against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation. He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands. He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeav- oured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms : Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free People. Nor have We been wanting in attention to our Brittish brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends. We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do. vn the Name, and by iv Declaration of Independence Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. JOHN HANCOCK. New Hampshire — Josiah Bartlett, Wm. Whipple, Matthew Thornton. Massachusetts Bay — Saml. Adams, John Adams, Robt. Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry. Rhode Island — Step. Hopkins, William Ellery. CoHfiecticut — Roger Sherman, Sam'el Huntington, Wm. Will- iams, Oliver Wolcott. New York — Wm. Floyd, Phil. Livingston, Frans. Lewis, Lewis Morris. New Jersey — Richd. Stockton, Jno. W t itherspoon, Fras. Hop- kinson, John Hart, Abra. Clark. Pennsylvania — Robt. Morris, Benjamin Rush, Benja. Frank- lin, John Morton, Geo, Clymer, Jas. Smith, Geo. Taylor, James Wilson, Geo. Ross. Delaware — C^sar Rodney, Geo. Read, Tho. M'Kean. Maryland— Samuel Chase, Wm. Paca, Thos. Stone, Charles Carroll of Carrollton. Virginia — George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Th. Jefferson, Benja. Harrison, Thos. Nelson, jr., Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton. North Carolina — Wm. Hooper, Joseph Hewes, John Penn. South Carolina — Edward Rutledge, Thos. Heyward, Junr., Thomas Lynch, Junr., Arthur Middleton. Georgia — Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, Geo. Walton. x 1 This arrangement of the names is made for convenience. The States are not mentioned in the original. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA* We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Bless- ings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and estab- lish this Constitution for the United States of America. ARTICLE. I. Section, i. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Section. 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature. No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one * Reprinted from the text issued by the State Department. vi Constitution of the United States Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three. When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies. The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment. Section. 3. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote. Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expira- tion of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one third may be chosen every second Year; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make tempo- rary Appointments until the next Meeting of \he Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies. No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen. The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided. The Senate shall chuse their other Officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the Absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exer- cise the Office of President of the United States. The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside : And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present. Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States : but the Party con- victed shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law. Section. 4. The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections Constitution of the United States vii for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day. Section. 5. Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Re- turns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attend- ance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide. Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a member. Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal. Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. Section. 6. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Com- pensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place. No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been encreased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office. Section. 7. All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills. Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States; If he approve he shall sign it, but if viii Constitution of the United States not he shall return it, with his Objections, to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall like- wise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law. Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States; and before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in the Case of a Bill. Section. 8. The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; To borrow Money on the credit of the United States; To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes; To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States; To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States; To establish Post Offices and post Roads; To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries; To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court; To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations; To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning r aptures on Land and Water; Constitution of the United States ix To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years; To provide and maintain a Navy; To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces; To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress; To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of partic- ular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arse- nals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; — And To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. Section. 9. The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be pro- hibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person. The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it. No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken. No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State. No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another : nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be pub- lished from time to time. No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States : And no x Constitution of the United States Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State. Section, io. No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Im- posts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection Laws : and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Controul of the Congress. No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay. ARTICLE. II. Section, i. The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Sena- tors and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress : but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Per- sons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each ; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Govern- ment of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one Constitution of the United States xi who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner chuse the President. But in chusing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; A quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall chuse from them by Ballot the Vice President. The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States. No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States*. In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected. The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Com- pensation, which shall neither be encreased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them. Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the fol- lowing Oath or Affirmation : — " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Section. 2. The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and xii Constitution of the United States Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment. He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law : but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments. The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session. Section. 3. He shall from time to time give to the Congress Infor- mation of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commis- sion all the Officers of the United States. Section. 4. The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Mis- demeanors. ARTICLE III. Section, i. The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Con- gress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, botn of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Com- pensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in Office. Section. 2. The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Author- ity; — to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls; — to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction; — to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party; — to Contro- versies between two or more States; — between a State and Citizens Constitution of the United States xiii of another State; — between Citizens of different States, — between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects. In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Con- suls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make. The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed. Section. 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Con- fession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Trea- son, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted. ARTICLE. IV. Section, i. Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof. Section. 2. The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States. A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime. No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due. Section. 3. New States may be admitted by the Congress into this xiv Constitution of the United States Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Juris- diction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress. The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State. Section. 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence. ARTICLE. V. The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate. ARTICLE. VI. All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof ; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Mem- bers of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be Constitution of the United States xv bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution ; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States. ARTICLE. VII. The Ratification of the Conventions of nine States, shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratify- ing the Same. THE AMENDMENTS. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. II. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. III. No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, with- out the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, sup- ported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infa- mous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger ; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of xvi Constitution of the United States life or limb ; nor shall be compelled in any Criminal Case to be witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law ; nor shall private property be taken for public use, Without just compensation. VI. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witnesses against him ; to have compulsory process for obtaining Witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence. VII. In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. VIII, Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. IX. The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. x. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respec- tively, or to the people. XI. The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State. XII. The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves ; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots Constitution of the United States xvii the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate; — The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted ; — The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed ; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a Presi- dent whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional dis- ability of the President. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States. XIII. Section i. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly con- victed, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. XIV. Section i. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce xviii Constitution of the United States any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States : nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law ; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Section 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole num- ber of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the pro- portion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State. Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitu- tion of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for, the loss or emanci- pation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. Section 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appro- priate legislation, the provisions of this article. XV. Section i. The right citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. INDEX Abolitionists, 266. Acadia, 19, 63, 64. Adams, John, 89; Vice-President, 152; President, 171; his administration, 171- 177. Adams, John Quincy, portrait, 230; and the Monroe Doctrine, 225; President, 227, 229; his administration, 230-233; and the right of petition, 267. Adams, Samuel, 86, 87, 89, 146. Alabama claims, 368. Alaska, purchase of, 365; map of, 399. Albany Congress, 40. Algerine War, 195. Alien and Sedition Acts, 174. Allen, Ethan, 102. America, discovery of, 1-7; naming of, 5. American Association, 90. Americus Vespucius, see Vespucius. Andre, Major, 118. Andros, Sir Edmund, 57, 58. Antietam, battle of, 321. Antislavery agitation, 265. Appomattox, surrender at, 350. Arnold, Benedict, at Quebec, 104; in Burgoyne's campaign, 115; treason of, 117. Arthur, C. A., Vice-President, 376; Presi- dent, 377. Articles of Confederation, 130, 131. Atlanta Campaign, 339-341. Bacon's Rebellion, 52. Balboa discovers Pacific Ocean, 6. Baltimore, Lord, 27. Bank of the United States, the First, 162; the Second, 249. Bennington, battle of, 114. Blaine, J. G., candidate for the Presi- dency, 377. Blair, F. P., 315, 366. Blockade of Confederate seaports, 326, 327» 344- 2K X " Border States " in Civil War, 314, 315. Boston, founded, 33; massacre at, 85, 86; destruction of tea at, 87; closing of the port of, 88; siege of, 93,98-103; map of siege, 99. Braddock, British general, 67. Bragg, Confederate general, 326, 332, 337- 339- Brandywine, battle of, in. Breckinridge, John C, Vice-President, 287; defeated for Presidency, 303, 304- Brown, General Jacob, invades Canada, 212. Brown, John, in Kansas, 289; at Har- per's Ferry, 290 ; executed, 290. Buchanan, James, President, 287-309; comes out for the Union, 314. Buell, General, 325, 326. Bull Run, battles of, 317, 321. Bunker Hill, battle of, 100. Burgoyne's campaign, 112-115. Burnside, General A. E., 322. Cabot, John, discovers North America, 5. Calhoun, John C, portrait, 228; in Con- gress,. 203; Vice-President, 228; his Exposition, 246. California, Drake on the coast of, 14; seized by Americans, 273, 274; dis- covery of gold in, 278; seeks admission to the Union, 279. Camden, battle of, 119. Canada, conquest of, 68; invasion of 1775, 103; in War of 1812, 207-209, 213. Canal, Panama, 404. Carolina, settlement of, 51; rebellion in (i7i9),6o; two provinces, 61. Carrier (kar'tta')> n. Cass, Lewis, defeated for the Presidency, 277. Cathay, 3. Champlain, Samuel de, 20, 21. XX Index Champlain, Lake, 20. Chancellorsville, battle of, 335. Charles II, his colonial policy, 48. Charleston, S.C., attacked, 104; captured, 118; in Civil War, 303, 313, 348, 350. Chattanooga, battle of, 338. " Chesapeake," outrage on the, 148. Chicago, growth of, 297 ; great fire at, 369; Columbian Exhibition, 385. Chickamauga, battle of, 337. Cipango, 3. Civil Service under Washington and Adams, 187; under Jefferson, 188; "Spoils System" in the, 245; reform of the, 377. Clark, General G. R., conquers the North- west, 116. Clay, Henry, portrait, 202; in Congress, 202; and the Missouri Compromise, 223; defeated for the Presidency, 228, 229, 270; and the Compromise of 1850, 280, 281. Cleveland, Grover, portrait, 378; Presi- dent, 378 ; reelected President, 384. Clinton, British general, 105, 115, 124. Columbus discovers America, 3, 4. Committees of Correspondence, 86. Compromises of the Constitution, 142, 143; of 1820, 221; of 1850, 280-282. Concord, battle of, 92. Confederate States, 307, 308. Confederation of New England, 37. Confederation of the United States, Arti- cles of, 130, 131. Connecticut, settlement of, 34, 35; char- ter of, 48. Constitution, formation of the, 139-147; facsimile of first lines, 146, 147; first ten amendments, 146; text of, Appendix. "Constitution," the frigate, chased by a British fleet, 209; and the " Guerriere," 2x1. Constitutional Union Party, 303. Continental Congress, first, 89; second, 101. Coronado, in the Southwest, 8-10. Cotton gin, 184-186. Cowpens, battle of, 120. Crawford, William H., defeated for the Presidency, 227, 228. Creek War, 214. Critical Period, 130-133. Crittenden Compromise, 306, 307. Cromwell, Oliver, and the colonies, 47. Cuba, rebellions in (1867-77), 371; (1894- 98), 388; protection of, 400. Dale, Sir Thomas, 24. Davis, Jefferson, 308. Decatur, Stephen, portrait, 195; in Al- gerine War, 195. Declaration of Independence, 109-111. Declaratory Act, 82. Democratic Party, 255. Detroit, surrender of, 208. Dewey, Admiral, 390. Dickinson, John, 89. Douglas, Stephen A., Kansas-Nebraska Act, 283-285; debate with Lincoln, 288; defeated for Presidency, 303, 305; comes out for the Union, 314. Draft Riots, 332. Drake, Sir Francis, his great voyage, 14. Died Scott Decision, 288. Duquesne, Fort, 66. Dutch Colonies, 38-43. Elections, presidential, of 1800, 176; of 1824, 226-230; of 1840, 255; of 1844, 270; of 1848, 277; of 1852, 283; of 1856, 287; of i860, 302-304; of 1868, 366; of 1872,371; of 1876, 374; of 1880, 376; of 1884, 377; of 1888, 382; of 1892, 384; of 1896, 386. Electoral Commission, 374. Embargo, Jefferson's, 197. Era of Good Feeling, 219. Ericson, Leif (Life er'ik-son), 1. Ericsson, John, 320. Erie Canal, 239. Farragut, Admiral D. G., portrait, 349; at New Orleans, 323-325. Federal Ratio, 142. Federalist Party, 163. Fifteenth Amendment, 367. Fillmore, Millard, portrait, 281; chosen Vice-President, 278; becomes P*«~,ident, 281. Florida, discovered, 8; settled, 13; pur- chased, 222. Fourteenth Amendment, 362. France, explorers and colonists of, 7, n, 19, 21; colonists conquered by British. 62-69; recognizes independence, of the United States, 115; influence of rev- olution in, on America, 165; contro- versy with, 171-173. Franklin, Benjamin, portrait, 141; early life of, 80; examined by House of Com- mons, 81; Minister to France, 115; in Federal Convention, 139, 144. Index xxi Fredericksburg, battle of, 322. Free Soil Party, 277. Freeman's Farm, battles of, 114, 115. Fremont, John C, portrait, 273; in Cali- fornia, 273; defeated for the Presidency, 287. Fugitive Slave Act, 281. Fulton, Robert, 183. Gadsden Purchase, 274. Gag Resolutions, 268. Gage, British general, 91. Gama, da (da ga ma), 3. Garfield, J. A., elected President, 376; murdered, 376. Garrison, W. L., 266. Gates, General, in Burgoyne's campaign, 114, 115; defeated at Camden, 119. Genet, French Minister, 166. Georgia, settlement of, 61, 62. Gettysburg, battle of, 334-337. Ghent, Treaty of, 216. Grant, General U. S., portrait, 344; seizes Cairo, 322, 323; captures Fort Donel- son, 323; at Shiloh, 325; captures Vicksburg, 333; at Chattanooga, 338; Lieutenant-General, 339; his Virginia Campaign, 342-346, 351; elected Pres- ident, 366; reelected President, 371. Great Britain, Treaty of 1783, 126; Jay's Treaty, 168; Treaty of Ghent, 216; Treaty of 1842, 257; Oregon Treaty, 275; Alabama claims, 368. Greeley, Horace, 300; portrait, 300; on secession, 309; defeated for Presidency, 37 1 - Greene, General, his Southern Cam- paigns, 120-123. Grenville, George, 76. Guilford, battle of, 122. Hamilton, Alexander, Secretary of the Treasury, 153; his financial policy, 158; his constitutional ideas, 162, 163; in- trigues against Adams, 171. Harrison, Benjamin, elected President, 382. Harrison, General W. H., 257; at Tippe- canoe, 201 ; elected President, 255; his death, 256. Hartford Convention, 217. Harvester, the, 260. Hawaii annexed, 399, 400. Hawkins, Sir John, 13. Hayes, R. B , elected President, 374. Henry, Patrick, portrait, 79; Parson's Cause, 75; his Stamp Act Resolutions, 76, 77; in Continental Congress, 89; opposes Constitution, 145. Hood, Confederate general, 340-342. Hooker, General Joseph, 322. Hudson, Henry, 39. Impressment, 197. Iroquois, 20-22, 39, 63. Jackson, General Andrew, portrait, 251, a Creek War, 214; defends New Or- leans, 215, 216; candidate for Presi- dency, 229; elected President, 232; his administration, 245-253. Jamestown, founded, 23. Jay, John, 89, 126, 168. Jay's Treaty, 168, 169. Jefferson, Thomas, portrait, 189: writes Declaration of Independence, no; Sec- retary of State, 153; his constitutional ideas, 163; Vice-President, 171; writes Kentucky Resolutions, 175; elected President, 176; his administrations, 187- 198. Johnson, Andrew, portrait, 363; Presi- dent, 352; his reconstruction policy, 360; impeached, 364. Johnston, Confederate general, 317, 319, 320, 339, 350. Judiciary Act of 1801, 188. Kansas, struggle for, 283-285, 286, 289. Kansas-Nebraska Act, 283-285. Kentucky Resolutions, 175. Kieft, Dutch governor, 41. King Philip's War, 54. King's Mountain, battle of, 120. Lake Erie, battle of, 208. La Salle, his explorations, 65. Lee, R. E., Confederate general, 315, 319, 320-322, 334-337, 343-347, 35i- Lee, R. H., 89, 145. Leon, Ponce de, 7. Lewis and Clark, 193. Lexington, battle of, 92. " Liberty," the, seized, 83. Lincoln, Abraham, portrait, frontispiece; early life, 285; debate with Douglas, 288; elected President, 303, 304; first inaugural, 312; Emancipation Procla- mation, 328-331; murdered, 351, 352; reconstruction policy, 359. Livingston, R. R., portrait, 192; negoti» ates Louisiana Purchase, 192. XX11 Index Locomotive invented, 241. Louisiana, 64, 68. Louisiana, settlement of, 65 ; ceded to Spain, 69; returned to France, 190; purchased by United States, 191-193. Loyalists, 98. Lundy's Lane, battle of, 213. Madison, James, portrait, 138; in Federal convention, 137; writes Virginia Reso- lutions, 175; President, 198-219; his war message, 203. Magellan, his great voyage, 7. " Maine," destruction of the, 389. Manhattan Island, 40. Manila Bay, battle of, 390. Manila, captured, 398. Maryland Toleration Act, 28. Mason and Dixon's Line, 56. Massachusetts Circular Letter, 83. Mayflower compact, 31. McClellan, General G. B., portrait, 318; Peninsular Campaign, 318-320; at An- tietam, 321. McCormick, C. H., invents horse reaper, 260. McKinley, William, portrait, 387; Presi- dent, 386, 399. Meade, General G. G., 333. Menendez (ma-nen'deth), 13. Mexico, War with, 271-274; the French in. 365- Missouri Compromise, 221-223. " Monitor" and " Merrimac," 319. Monmouth, battle of, 115. Monroe Doctrine, 223-226. Monroe, James, portrait, 219: negotiates Louisiana Purchase, 192; President, 219-226. Morgan, General D., 114, 115, 120. Morse, S. F. B., 259. Moultrie, General, 105. Murfreesboro', battle of, 326. Nashville, battle of, 341, 342. National debt, origin of, 158; Jefferson and the, 190. Neutral commerce, 196. Neutrality Proclamation, 166. New Amsterdam, 40. New England colonies, settlement 0^29-38. New England Confederation, 37. New Jersey, 50, 51. New Netherland, 38-43, 49. New Orleans defended by Jackson, 215; captured by Farragut, 323-325. New Sweden, 42. New York City in 1800, 182; in 1830, 23S in i860, 296. Non-Importation agreements, 84. Non-Intercourse Act, 199. North Carolina, 51, 60, 61. Nullification, 248. Oglethorpe, General, 61, 62. Ordinance of 1787, 135, 136. Oregon, claims to, 274; divided, 275. Oriskany, battle of, 114. Otis, James, 74. Pacific Ocean, discovered, 7. Panic of 1837, 253; of 1873, 375- Paris, Peace of (1763), 69; U783), 126. Parker, Alton B., 399. Parson's cause, 74. Parties, political, formation of, 163, 164. Peninsular Campaign, 319-321. Penn, William, 55. Pennsylvania, settlement of, 54-57. Pequod War, 35. Perry, Commodore, 208. Petersburg, blockade of, 345, 346. Petition, right of, 267. 'Philadelphia, in, 182. Philippines, the, annexed, 400. Pierce, Franklin, portrait, 284; President, 283; comes out for the Union, 314. Pilgrims, 29, 30-32 Pitt, William, 68, 74, 82. Plattsburg, battle of, 213. Plymouth, settlement of, 31. Polk, James K., President, 270-276. Polo, Marco, 3. Pope, General John, 321. Porto Rico, occupied, 397: annexed, 400. President, how chosen, 151, 193. Princeton,' battle of, 108. Proclamation of 1763, 75. Providence, founded, 33. Puritans, the, 29. Quakers, 48, 56. Quebec Act, 89. Quebec, founded, 20; captured, 68. Railroads, growth of, 240, 299. Ralegh, Sir Walter, 14. Reaper, the horse, 260. Reconstruction Acts, 363. Religion, 27, 28. Republican Party, of Jefferson, 164; of Lincoln, 287. Revolutionary War, campaigns of, 97-126. Index xxm Rhode Island, settlement of, 33, 34, 48 Ribault (re'bo'), explorer, 11, 13. Rockingham Ministry, 81. Roosevelt, Theodore, portrait, 401 ; Pres- ident, 399-403. Rosecrans, General, 320, 337. St. Augustine, founded, 13. Sampson, Admiral, 394. San Francisco, earthquake, 402. Sandys, Sir Edwin, 26, 30. Santiago, 394, 395. Saratoga, Burgoyne's surrender at, 115. Schuyler, General, 113. Scott, General Winfield, his Mexican cam- paign, 272; defeated for Presidency, 283 ; views on secession, 309. Secession, 306, 307, 314. Seward, W. H., portrait, 302; Kansas, 286. Shays's Rebellion, 133, 134. Sheridan, General Philip, portrait, 347; at Chickamauga, 338: in Virginia, 339; his Valley Campaigns, 346-348. Sherman, General W. T., portrait, 340; at Chattanooga, 338; captures Atlanta, 339341; the march through Georgia, 342; the march through the Carolinas, 35°' Shiloh, battle of, 325. Slavery, in Virgina, 25; compromises, 142; Missouri Compromise, 221; peti- tions in Congress, 267; Compromise of 1850,280; abolished, 328, 36T. Soto, de (da so'tot in the southeast, 10. South Carolina, settlement of, 52, 60, 61; nullification, 248; secession, 306. Spain, pioneers of, 7; Treaty with (17951, 169; War with, 389-398. Spotsylvania, battle of, 345. " Squatter Sovereignty," 277. Stamp Act, 76 81. Stamp Act Congress, 78-80. Stark, General, 101, 107, 114. Steamboat, the, 183. Stephen, A. H., 306, 308. Steuben, Baron, 112. Stowe, Mrs. H. B., 282. Stuart Tyranny in the colonies, 57-58. Stuyvesant, Dutch governor, 42. Sumter, fall of Fort, 313. Taft, Wiiliam H., President, 399, 404. Tariffs, 1789, 155; of 1816, 1824, 1828, 231, 232; the Compromise, 248; McKinley, 383; Dingley, 387. Taylor, General Zachary, portrait, 277; his Mexican Campaign, 271-274; Presi- dent, 278-280; death, 281. Tea Tax, 87. Tecumseh or Tecumthe, 201. Telegraph, the, 258. Tenure of Office Acts, Crawford's, 228; of 1867, 363. Texas, Republic of, 268; admitted to the Union, 269, 271. Thirteenth Amendment, 361. Thomas, General George H., portrait, 338; his services, 315, 338, 341, 342. Ticonderoga, 102. Tippecanoe, battle of, 201. Townshend Acts, the, 82, 83. Treaties, 1778 (with France), 115; 1783 (with Great Britain) , 125 ; Jay's Treaty, 168; 1795 (with Spain), 169; 1800 (with France), 173; Louisiana Purchase, 193; of Ghent, 216; Florida Purchase, 222; 1842 (with Great Britain), 257; Oregon Treaty, 275; 1848 (with Mexico), 274; Gadsden Purchase, 274; 1898 (with Spain), 399. Trent Affair, 328. Trenton, battle of, 107. Twelfth Amendment, 193. Tyler, John, portrait, 258; Vice-Presi- dent, 255; President, 256-258. United States, area and population of, 181, 238, 295, 4or ; natural riches, 402. Van Buren, Martin, President, 253, 254; defeated for Presidency, 278. Verrazano (ver-ra-tsa'no), n. Vespucius, Americas, 6. Vicksburg, Campaign of, 333, 334. Vinland, 2. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, 175. Virginia Resolves of 1769, 84. Virginia, settlement of, 15, 23, 26, 52, 53- War of i8r2, 203, 208-219. Washington, George, portrait, 175; his early life, 66; first campaign, 67; on the Boston Post Act, 88; in Conti- nental Congress, 89; in Revolutionary War, 101-126; in Federal Convention, 138; President, 152-170; his neutrality proclamation, 166; farewell address, 170; death, 176. Washington City, 182, 213. Webster, Daniel, portrait, 247; his reply to Hayne, 247. XXIV Index Webster, Noah, portrait, 243; his Dic- tionary, 243. Whig Party, the, 255. Whiskey Insurrection, 167. Whitney, Eli, 185. Wilderness, battle of the, 343. Williams, Roger, 28, 33. Wilfnot Proviso, 276. Wolfe, General, 68. Writs of Assistance, 74. X. Y. Z. Affair, 172. Yorktown, capture of, 124, 125. A History of the United States By EDWARD CHANNING Professor of History in Harvard University INCLUDES Volume I. — The Planting of a Nation in the New World, 1000-1660 Volume II. — A Century of Colonial History, 1660— 1 760 These volumes together form a complete history of the Colonial Period. Press Comments : — The English Historical Review writes of the work : " Many as are the histories of the United States, Professor Channing has am- ple justification in adding another to the list, not only in his point of view, but in his exhaustive knowledge. His narrative flows on so smoothly that it is only when one realizes the immense mass of controversies which he settles with calm common sense, the thoroughness of his bibliography, the sanity of his criticisms on the hundreds of authors consulted, that one grasps the fulness of his erudition . . . 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