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E-3\Z ^-f/y/r '/' ^/ THE LIFE OF WASHINGTON. CHAPTER I. Oh ! as along the stream of time thy name Expanded flies, and gathers all its fame ; May then these lines to future days descend, And prove thy country's good thine only end ! "Ah, gentlemen !" — exclaimed Bonaparte — 'twas just as he was about to embark for Egypt— some young Americans happening at Toulon, and anxious to see the mighty Corsican, had obtained the honour of an introduction to him. Scarcely were past the customary salutations, when he eagerly asked, " how faresyourcountryman,the great Washington?" "He was very well," replied the youths, brighten mg at the thought, that they were the countrymen of Washing- ton ; "he was very well, general, when we left Ame- rica." — " Ah, gentlemen !" rejoined he, "Washington can never be otherwise than well. — The measure of his fame is full. — Posterity will talk of him with re- verence as the founder of a great empire, when my name shall be lost in the vortex of Revolutions !" Who, then, that has a spark of virtuous curiosity, but must wish to know the history of him whose name could thus awaken the sigh even of Bonaparte? But is not his histDry alreadv known ? Have not a 1*' 6 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. tiiousand orators spread his fame abroad, bright aa his own Potomac, when he reflects the morning sun, and flames hke a sea of Hqnid gold, the wonder and dehght of all the neighbouring shores ? Yes, thev have indeed spread his fame abroad .... his fame as Generalissimo of the armies, and first President of the councils of his nation. But this is not half his fame True, he has been seen in greatness : but it is only the greatness of public character, which is no evidence of true greatness ; for a public character is often an artificial one. At the head of an army or nation, where gold and glory are at stake, and where a man feels himself the burning focus of unnum- bered eyes ; he must be a paltry fellow, indeed, who does not play his part pretty handsomely even the common passions of pride, avarice, or ambition, will put him up to his mettle, and call forth his best and bravest doings. But let this heat and blaze of public situation and incitement be withdrawn ; let him be thrust back into the shade of private life ; and you shal) see how soon, like a forced plant robbed of its hot-bed, he will drop his false foliage and fruit, and stand forth confessed in native stickweed sterility and worthlessness. — There was Benedict Arnold — while strutting a brigadier general on the public state, he could play you the great man, on a handsome scale he out-marched Hannibal, and out-fought Burgoyne he chased the British like curlews, or cooped them up like chickens ! and yet in the private walks of life, in Philadelphia, he could swindle rum from the commissary's stores, and, with the aid of loose women, retail it by the gill ! ! — And there was the great duke of Marlborough too — his public cha- racter, a thunderbolt in war ! Britian's boast, and the terror of the French ! But his private character, what.? Why a swindler to whom Arnold's self could hold a candle ; a perfect nondescript of baseness ; a shaver of farthings from the poor sixpenny pay of his own brave soldiers ! ! LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 7 ft is not, then, in the glare of public, but in the shade of private Ufe, that we are to look for the man. Private life, is always real life. Behind the curtain^ where the eyes of the million are not upon him, and where a man can have no motive but inclination, no incitement but honest nature, there he will always be sure to act himself: consequently, if he act greatly, he must be great indeed. Hence it has been justly Baid, that, " our private deeds, if noble, are noblest of our lives." Of these private deeds of Washington very little has been said. In most of the elegant orations pro- nounced to his praise, you see nothing of Washing- ton below the clouds — nothing of Washington the dutiful son — the affectionate brother — the cheerful school-boy — the diligent surveyor — the neat drafts- man — the laborious farmer — the widow's husband — the orphan's father — the poor man's friend. No ! this is not the Washington you see ; 'tis only Wash- ington, the HERO, and the Demigod — Washington the sun-beam in council, or the storm in war. And in all the ensigns of character amidst which he is generally drawn, you see none that represent him what he really was, " the jupiter Conservator," the friend and benefactor of men. Where's his bright ploughshare that he loved — or his wheat-crowned fields, waving in yellow ridges before the wanton breeze — or his hills whitened over with flocks — or his clover covered pastures spread with innumerous herds — or his neat-clad servants with songs rolling the heavy harvest before them? Such were the scenes of peace, plenty, and happiness, in which Washington delighted. But his eulogists have denied him these, the only scenes which belong to man the great ; and have trick'd him up in the vile drapery of man the little. See ! there he stands ! with the port of Mars "the destroyer,'* dark frowning over the fields of war — the lightning of Potter's blade is by his side —the deep-mouthed cannon is before him, disgorg- 1* 8 LllE OF WASHINGTON. ing its flesh-mangling balls — ^his war-horse pants with impatience to bear him, a speedy thunderbolt, against the pale and bleeding ranks of Britain ! — These are the drawings usually given of Washington; drawings masterly no doubt, and perhaps justly descriptive of him in some scenes of his life. But scenes they were, which I am sure his soul abhorred, and in which, at any rate, you see nothing of his private virtues. These old fashioned commodities are generally thrown into the back ground of the picture; and treated, as the grandees at the London and Paris routs, treat their good old aunts and grand- mothers, huddling them together into the back rooms, there to wheeze and cough by themselves, and not depress the fine laudanum-raised spirits of the young sparklers. And yet it was to those old fashioned vir- tues that our hero owed every thing. For they in fact were the food of the great actions of him, whom men call Washington. It was they that enabled him, first to triumph over himself; then over the British; and uniformly to set such bright examples of human perfectibility and true greatness, that, compared there- with, the history of his capturing Cornwallis and Tarleton, with their buccaneering legions, sounds almost as small as the story of General Putnam's catching his wolf and her lamb-killing whelps. Since then it is the private virtues that (ay the foundation of all human excellence — since it was these that exalted Washington to be " Columbia's first and greatest Son," be it our first care to present these, in all their lustre, before the admiring eyes of our children. To them his private character is every thing ; his public, hardly any thing. For how glorious soever it may have been in Washington to have undertaken the emancipation of his country ; to have stemmed the long tide of adversity ; to have baffled every effort of a wealthy and warlike nation; to have obtained for his countrymen the completes! victory, and for himself the most unbounded power . LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 9 and then to have returned that power, accompanied with all the weight of his own great character and advice to estabhsh a government that should immor- talize the blessings of liberty — however glorious, I say, all this may have been to himself, or instructive to future generals and presidents, yet does it but little concern our children. For who among us can hope that his son shall ever be called, like Washing- ton, to direct the storm of war, or to ravish the ears of deeply listening Senates ? To be constantly placing him then, before our children, in this high character, what is it but like springing in the clouds a golden Phoenix, which no mortal calibre can ever hope to reach ? Or like setting pictures of the Mammoth before the mice, whom "not all the manna of Heaven'' can ever raise to equality ? Oh no ! give us his pri^ vate virtues ! In these, every youth is interested, be- cause in these every youth may become a Washing- ton — a Washington in piety and patriotism, — in in- dustry and honour — and consequently a Washington, m what alone deserves the name, self esteem and UNIVERSAL RESPECT. CHAPTER II. BIRTH AND EDUCATION. ** Children like tender osiers take the bow ; " And as they first are form'd, forever grow." To this day numbers of good Christians can hardly find faith to believe that Washington was, bona fide, a Virginian ! " What ! a buckskin ! say they with a smile. " George Washington a buckskin ! pshaw ! impossible! he was certainly an European: So great a man could never have been born m America." So great a man could never have been born in 10 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. America ! — why that's the very prince of reasons why he should liave been born here ! Nature, wc know, is fond of harmonies ; and paria paribus, that is, great things to great, is the rule she delights to work by. Where, for example, do we look for the whale, " the biggest born of nature ?'' not, 1 trow, in a mill-pond, but in the main ocean. " There go the great ships :" and there are the spoutings of whales amidst their boiling foam. By the sam-e rule, where shall we look for Wash- ington, the greatest among men, but in America — that greatest Continent, which, rising from beneath the frozen pole, stretches far and wide to the south, running almost " the whole length of this vast terrene," and sustaining on her ample sides the roaring shock of half the watery globe ? And equal to its size is the furniture of this vast continent, where the Almighty has reared his cloud-capt mountains, and spread his sea-like lakes, and poured his mighty rivers, and hurled down his thundering cataracts in a style of the sublime, so far superior to any thing of the kind in the other continents, that we may fairly conclude that great men and great deeds are designed for America. This seems to be the verdict of honest analogy ; and accordingly we find America the honoured cra- dle of Washington, who was born on Pope's creek, in Westmoreland county, Virginia, the 22nd of Feb- ruary, 1732. His father, whose name was Augustin Washington, was also a Virginian : but his grand- father (John) was an Englishman, who came over and settled in Virginia in 1657. His father, fully persuaded that a marriage of virtuous love comes nearest to angelic life, early stepped up to the altar with glowing cheeks and joy sparkling eyes, while by his side with soft warm hand, sweetly trembling in his, stood the angel-form »'f the lovely Miss Dandridge. After several years of great domestic happiness 1 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. l Mr Washington was separated by death from this excellent woman, who left him and two children to lament her early fate. Fully persuaded still, that " it is not good for man to be alone," he renewed, for the second time, the chaste delights of matrimonial love. His consort was Miss Mary Ball, a young lady of fortune, and descended from one of the best families in Virginia. From his intermarriage with this charming girl, it would appear that our hero's father must have pos- sessed either a very pleasing person, or highly polished manners, or perhaps both ; for, from wha^ 1 can learn, he was at that time at least forty years old ! while she, on the other hand, was universally toasted as the belle of the Northern Neck, and in the full bloom and freshness of love-inspiring sixteen. This I have from one who tells me that he has carried down many a sett dance with her; I mean that amiable and pleasant old gentleman, John Fitzhugh, Esq. of Stafford, who was, all his life, a neighbour and intimate of the Washington family. By his first wife, Mr. Washington had two children, both sons — Lawrence and Augustin. By his second wife, he had five children, four sons and a daughter — George, Samuel, John, Charles, and Elizabeth. Those over delicate folk, who are ready to faint at thought of a second marriage, might do well to remember, that the greatest man that ever lived was the son of this second marriage. Little George had scarcely attained his fifth year, when his father left Pope's creek, and came up to a plantation which he had in Stafford, opposite to Fredericksburg. The house in which he lived is still to be seen. It lifts its low and modest front of faded red, over the turbid waters of Rappahannock ; whither, to this day, numbers of people repair, and, with emotions unutterable, looking at the weather- beaten mansion, exclaim, " Here's the house where the great Washington was born '" 12 JJFE OF WASHINGTON. But it is all a mistake ; for he was born, as I saidj at Pope's creek, in Westmoreland county, near the margin of his own roaring Potomac. The first place of education to which George was ever sent, was a little "old field school," kept by one of his father's tenants, named Hobby; an honest, poor old man, who acted in the double character of sexton and schoolmaster. On his skill as a grave-digger, iradition is silent; but for a teacher of youth, his qualifications were certainly of the humbler sort ; making what is generally called an A. B. C. school- master. Such was the preceptor who first taught Washington the knowledge of letters ! Hobby lived to see his young pupil in all his glory, and rejoiced exceedingly. In his cups — for though a sexton, he would sometimes drink, particularly on the General's birth days — he used to boast that " 'twas he, who, between his keees, had laid the foundation of George Washington's greatness." But though George was early sent to a school- master, yet he was not on that account neglected by his father. Deeply sensible of the loveliness and worth of which human nature is capable, through the virtues and graces early implanted in the heart, he never for a moment, lost sight of George in those all-important respects. To assist his son to overcome that selfish spirit, which too often leads children to fret and fight about trifles, was a notable care of Mr. Washington. For ♦his purpose, of all the presents, such as cakes, fruit, &c. he received, he was always desired to give a Uberal part to his play-mates. To enable him to do this with more alacrity, his father would remind him of the love which he would thereby gain, and the frequent presents which would in return be made to him ; and also would tell of that great and good God, who delights above all things to see children love one another, and will assuredly reward them f(»i acting so amiable a part. LIFE OF WASHINGTON 13 Some idea of Mr. Washington's plan of education ill this respect, may be collected from the folio wmg anecdote, related to me twenty years ago by an aged lady, who was a distant relative, and, when a girl, spent much of her time in the family : « On a fine morning," said she, " in the fall ol 1 737, Mr. Washington havhig little George by the hand, came to the door and asked my cousin Washington and myself to walk with him to the orchard, promis- ing he would show us a fine sight. On arriving at the orchard, we were presented with a fine sight indeed. The whole earth, as far as we could see, was strewed with fruit: and yet the trees were bending under the weight of apples, which hung in clusters like grapes, and vainly strove to hide their blushing cheeks behind the green leaves. Now, George, said his father, look here, my son ! don't you remember when this good cousin of yours brought you that fine large apple last spring, how hardly I could prevail on you to divide with your brothers and sisters ; though I promised you that if you would but do it, God Almighty would give you plenty of apples this fall. Poor George could not say a word ; but hanging down his head, looked quite confused, while with his little naked toes he scratched in the soft ground. Now look up, my son, continued his father, look up, George ! and see there how richly the blessed God has made good my promise to you. Wherever you turn your eyes, you see the trees loaded with fine fruit ; many of them indeed breaking down ; while the ground is covered with mellow apples, more than you could eat, my son, in all your life time." George looked in silence on the wide wilderness of fruit. He marked the busy humming bees, and heard the gay notes of birds ; then lifting his eyes, filled with shining moisture, to his father, he softly said, " Well, Pa, only forgive me this time ; and see if I ever be so stingy any more." Some, when they look ud to the oak, whose giant X\ LIFE OF WASHINGTON. arms throw a darkening shade over distant acres, oi whose single trunk lays the keei of a man of war, cannot bear to hear of the time when this mighty plant was but an acorn, which a pig could hove de- molished. But others, who know their value, like to learn the soil and situation which best produces such noble trees. Thus, parents that are wise, will listen, well pleased, while I relate how moved the steps of the youthful Washington, whose single worth far outweighs all the oaks of Bashan and the red spicy cedars of Lebanon. Yes, they will listen delighted while I tell of their Washington in the days of his youth, when his little feet were swift towards the nests of birds ; or when, wearied in the chase of the butterfly, he laid him down on his grassy couch and slept, while ministering spirits, Avith their roseate wings, fanned his glowing cheeks, and kissed his lips of innocence with that fervent love which makes the Heaven ! Never did the wise Ulysses take more pains with his beloved Telemachus, than did Mr. Washington with George, to inspire him with an early love of truth. " Truth, George," said he, *' is the loveliest quahty of youth. I would ride fifty miles, my son, to see the little boy whose heart is so honest, and his lips so pure, that we may depend on every word he says. how lovely does such a child appear in the eyes of every body ! his parents doat on him. His relations glory in him. They are constantly praising him to their children, whom they beg to imitate him. They are often sending for him to visit them ; and receive him, when he comes, with as much joy as if he were a little angel, come to set pretty examples to their children. " But, Oh ! how different, George, is the case with the boy who is so given to lying, that nobody can Delieve a word he says ! He is looked at with aversion wherever he goes, and parents dread to see him come among their children. Oh, George ! my son ! rather LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 15 than see you come to this pass, dear as you are to my heart, gladly would I assist to nail you up in your little coffin, and follow you to your grave. Hard, indeed, would it be to me to give up my son, whose little feet are always so ready to run about with me, and whose fondly looking eyes and sweet prattte makes so large a part of my happiness. But still I would give him up, rather than see him a common liar." " Pa," 8aid George very seriously'', ^* do I ever tell lies V " No, George, I thank God you do not, my son ; and I rejoice in the hope you never will. At least, you shall never, from me, have cause to be guilty of so shameful a thing. Many parents, indeed, even compel their children to this vile practice, by barba- rously beating them for every little fault : hence, on the next offence, the little terrified creature slips out a lie I just to escape the rod. But as to yourself, George, you know I have always told you, and now tell you again, that, whenever by accident, you do any thing wrong, which must often be the case, as you are but a poor little boy yet, without experience or knowledge, you must never tell a falsehood to conceal it ; but come bravely up, my son, like a little man, and tell me of it : and, instead of beating you, George, I will but the more honour and love you for it, my dear." This, you'll say, was sowing good seed I — Yes, it was : and the crop, thank God, was, as I believe it ever will be, where a man acts the true parent, that is, the Guardian Angel, by his child. The following anecdote is a case in point. It is too valuable to be lost, and too true to be doubted ; for it was communicated to me by the same excellent lady to whom I am indebted for the last. "When George," said she, "was about six years old, he was made the wealthy master of a hatchet 1 of which, like most little boys, he was immoderately 16 LIFE OF WASHINGTON foiid, and was constantly going about chopping every 6hing that came in his way. One day, in the garden, where he often amused himself hacking his mother's pea-sticks, he unluckily tried the edge of his hatchet on the body of a beautiful young English cherry-tree, which he barked so terribly, that 1 don't beheve the tree ever got the better of it. The next morning the old gentleman, finding out what had befallen his tree, which, by the by, was a great favourite, came into the house ; and with much warmth asked for the mischievous author, declaring at the same time, that he would not have taken five guineas for his tree Nobody could tell him any thing about it. Presently George and his hatchet made their appearance. " George," said his father, " do you know who killed that beautiful little cherry tree yonder in the garden ?" This was a tough question ; and George staggered imder it for a moment ; but quickly recovered him- self: and looking at his father, with the sweet face of youth brightened with the inexpressible charm of all- conquering truth, he bravely cried out, " I can't tell a lie, Pa ; you know I can't tell a lie. 1 did cut it with my hatchet." — Run to my arms, you dearest boy, cried his father in transports, run to my arms • glad am I, George, that you killed my tree ; for you have paid me for it a thousand fold. Such an act of heroism in my son is more worth than a thousand trees, though blossomed with silver, and their fruits of purest gold." It was in this way by interesting at once both his heart and head, that Mr. Washington conducted George with great ease and pleasure along the happy paths of virtue. But well knowing that his beloved charge, soon to be a man, would be left exposed to numberless temptations, both from himself and from ethers, his heart throbbed with the tenderest anxiety to make him acquainted with that great being, whom to know and love, is to possess the surest defence against vice, and the best of all motives to virtuo and LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 17 happiness. To startle George into a lively ^ense of his Maker, he fell upon the following very curious but impressive expedient : One day he went into the garden, and piepared a little bed of finely pulverized earth, on which he wrote George's name at full, in large letters — then strewing in plenty of cabbage seed, he covered them up, and smoothed all over nicely with the roller. — This bed he purposely prepared close along side of a gooseberry walk, which happening at this time to be well hung with ripe fruit, he knew would be ho- noured with George's visits pretty regularly every day. Not many mornings had passed away before in came George, with eyes wild rolling, and his little cheeks ready to burst with great news. "0 Pa! come here ! come here !" " What's the matter, my son ? what's the matter ?" " come here, 1 tell you. Pa : come here ! and I'll shew you such a sight as you never saw in all your life time." The old gentleman suspecting what George would be at, gave him his hand, which he seized with great eagerness, and tugging him along through the garden, led him point blank to the bed whereon was inscrib- ed, in large letters, and in all the freshness of newly sprung plants, the full name of GEORGE WASHINGTON. " There Pa?" said George, quite in an ecstacy of astonishment, " did you ever see such a sight in ail your life time ?" <* Why it seems like a curious affair, sure enoUigh, George !" "But, Pa, who did make it there ? who did make It there ?" « It grew there by chance, 1 suppose, my son." " By chance. Pa ! no ! no ! it never did gro\* Ihere by chance. Pa. Indeed that it never did '" " High ! why not, my son ?" 2* IS LIFF: of WASHINGTON. " Wliy, Pa, did you ever see any body's name m a plant bed before ?" " Well, but George, such a thing might happen, though you never saw it before. " Yes, Pa ; but I did never see the little plants grow up so as to make one single letter of my name before. Now, how could they grow up so as to make all the letters of my name ! and then standing one after another, to spell my name so exactly ! — and all so neat and even too, at top and bottom ! ! Pa, you must not say chance did all this. Indeed somebody did it ; and I dare say now, Pa, you did it just to scare me, because I am your little boy." His father smiled ; and said, " Well George, you have guessed right. I indeed did it ; but not to scare you, my son ; but to learn you a great thing which 1 wish you to understand. I want, my son, to intro- duce you to your true Father." " High, Pa,an't you my true father, that has loved me, and been so good to me always?" " Yes George, I am your father, as the world calls It : and I love you very dearly too. But yet with all my love for you, George, I am but a poor good- for-nothing sort of a father in comparison of one you have." " Aye ! I know, well enough whom you mean. Pa. /ou mean God Almighty ; don't you ?" " Yes, my son, I mean him indeed. He is your true Father, George." " But, Pa, where is God Almighty ! I did never see him yet." " True my son ; but though you never saw him, yet he is always with you. You did not see me when ten days ago I made this little plant bed, where you see your name in such beautiful green letters : but though you did not see me here, yet you know I was here ! !" «^ Yes, Pa, that I do. I know you was here.' « Well then, and as my son could not believe that LIFE OF WASHINGTON l» chance had made and put together so exactly i\ <» letters of his name, (though only sixteen) then how- can he believe, that chance could have made andpm together all those millions and millions of things thai are now so exactly fitted to his good ! That my son may look at every thing around him, see ! what fine eyes he has got ! and a little pug nose to smell the sweet flowers! and pretty ears to hear sweet sounds! and a lovely mouth for his bread and butter! and 0, the little ivory teeth to cut it for him ! and the dear little tongue to prattle with his father ! and precious llittle hands and fingers to hold his play -things ! and beautiful little feet for him to run about upon ! and when my little rogue of a son is tired with running about, then the still night comes for him to lie down : and his mother sings, and the little crickets chirp him to sleep ! and as soon as he has slept enough, and jumps up fresh and strong as a little buck, there the sweet golden light is ready for him ! When he looks down into the water, there he sees the beautiful silver fishes for him ! and up in the trees there are the apples, and peaches, and thousands of sweet fruits for him ! and all, all around him, wherever my dear boy looks, he sees every thing just to his wants and wishes ; — the bubbUng springs with cool sweet water for him to drink ! and the wood to make him spark ling fires when he is cold ! and beautiful horses lor him to ride ! and strong oxen to work for him . and the good cow to give him milk ! and bees to make sweet honey for his sweeter mouth ! and the little lambs, with snowy wool, for beautiful clothes for him ! Now, these and all the ten thousand thousand other good things more than my son can ever think of, and all so exactly fitted to his use and delight — Now how could chance ever have done all this for my little son ? Oh George ! — He would have gone on : but George, who had hung upon his father's words with looks and eyes of all-devouring attention, here broke out — q^ 20 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. " Ob, Pa, that's enough ! that's enough ! It can't be chance, indeed — it can't be chance, that made and gave rne all these things." " What was it then, do you think, my son ?" " Indeed, Pa, I don't know unless it was God Almighty !" " Yes, George, he it was, my son, and nobody else." "Well, but Pa, (continued George) does God Almighty give me every thing ? Don't you give me some things. Pa?" " I give you something indeed ! Oh how can I give you any thing, George ! I who have nothing on earth that I can call my own, no, not even the breath I draw !" « High, Pa ! is'nt that great big house your house, and this garden, and the horses yonder, and oxen, and sheep, and trees, and every thing, is'nt all yours. Pa?" " Oh no ! my son ! no ! why you make me shrink into nothing, George, when you talk of all these be- longing to me, who can't even make a grain of sand ! Oh, how could I, my son, have given life to those great oxen and horses, when I can't give life even to a fly ? — no ! for if the poorest fly were killed, it is not your iather, George, nor all the men in the world, that could ever make him alive again !" At this, George fell into a profound silence, while his pensive looks showed that his youthful soul was labouring with some idea never felt before. Perhaps it was at that moment, that the good Spirit of God ingrafted on his heart that germ of piety, which filled his after life with so many of the preci(*us fruits of morality ^ LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 21 CHAPTER HI. George^g father dies — his education continued by his mother — hu behaviour under school-master WilUams. Thus pleasantly, on wings of down, passed away tlie few short years of little George's and his father's earthly acquaintance. Sweetly ruled by the sceptre of reason, George almost adored his father; and thus sweetly obeyed with all the cheerfulness of love, his father doated on George. And though very different in their years, yet parental and fihal love rendered them so mutually dear, that the old gentleman was often heard to regret, that the school took his little companion so much from him — while George, on the other hand, would often quit his playmates to run home and converse with his more beloved father. But George was not long to enjoy the pleasure or the profit of such a companion ; for scarcely had he attained his tenth year, before his father was seized with the gout in his stomach, which carried him off in a few days. George was not at home when his father was taken ill. He was on a visit to some of his cousins in Chotank, about twenty miles off: and his father, unwilling to interrupt his pleasures, (for it was but seldom that he visitedj would not at first allow him to be sent for. But finding that he was going very fast, he begged that they would send for him in all haste. He often asked if he was come ; and said how happy he should be once more to see his little son, and give him his blessing before he died. But alas ! he never enjoyed that last mournful pleasure ; for George did not reach home until a few hours before his father's death : and then he was speechless ! The moment he alighted, he ran into the chamber where he lay. But oh ! what were his feelings when he saw the sad change that had passed upon lira ! when he beheld those eyes, late so briglit and 22 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. . fond, now reft of all their lustre, faintly looking on him from their hollow sockets, and through swelling tears, in mute but melting language, bidding him a last, last farewell I Rushing with sobs and cries, he fell upon his father's neck he kissed him a thousand and a thousand times, and bathed his clay- cold face with scalding tears. happiest youth ! Happiest in that love, which thus, to its enamoured soul strained an aged, an expiring sire. ! worthiest to be the founder of a just and equal government lasting as thy own death- less name ! And ! happiest old man ! thus luxu- riously expiring in the arms of such a child ! ! well requited for teaching him that love of his God (the only fountain of every virtuous love) in return for which he gave thee ('twas all he had) himself — his fondest company — his sweetest looks and prattle. He now gives thee his little feeble embraces. With artless sighs and tears, faithful to thee still, his feet will follow thee to thy grave : and when thy beloved corse is let down to the stones of the pit, with stream- ing eyes he will rush to the brink, to take one more look, while his bursting heart will give thee its last trembling cry my father ! my father ! But, though he had lost his best of friends, yet he never lost those divine sentiments which that friend had so carefully inculcated. On the contrary, inter- woven with the fibres of his heart, they seemed to J. speak : but thrice, in spite of every effort, his utter- ance failed him, save faintly to articulate, " Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker !" To relieve him from his embarrassment, Mr. Kobertson kindly called out, " Major Washington, Major Washington, sit down ; vour modesty alone is equal to your merit." CHAPTER VI. The French arvd Indian war begins — Washir^gton goes forth to meet the dangers of his country — aims a blow at Fort Du Quesne — fails — gallant defence of Fort Necessity — retires from the service in disgust — pressed into it again hy General Braddock — defeat and death of Braddock, and dreadful slaughter of his army. "Well, what is to come, will come !'' said poor Paddy, when going to the gallows. Even so was come, as would seem, the time that was to come for "kmgs to go forth to battle." The truth is, numbers of poor tax-ground, and thence uneducated and half- starved wretches in Britain and France, were become diseased with a mortal cachexy or surcharge of bad hinnours; such as gambling, swindling, horse steal- ing, highway robbing, &c. which nothing but the saturnine pills and steel points of Mars could effec- tually carry off. Thus in all corrupted governments war is considered as a necessary evil. It was no doubt necessary then. Such was the remote cause. The proximate his- tory, or how the dance begun, we now proceed to relate. We have just seen that the French, pouring down from the lakes of Canada, thick as autumnal geese, were dashing away on the Ohio, at an alarming rate — multiplying forts — holding talks — and strengthen- ing their alliances with the Indians. And we have seen, that Washington, with letters from governor Dmwiddie, had been out among the parlezvous, LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 37 conjuring them by every thing venerable in treaties^ or valuable in peace, to desist from such unwarrant- able measures. But all to no purpose : for the French commandant, smiling at Washington, as a green horn, and at Dinwiddle as an old fool, conti nued his operations as vigorously as though he knew not that the country in question made a part of the British empire. Swift as the broad- winged packets could fly across the deep, the news was carried to England. Its effect there was like that of a stone rudely hurled against a nest of hornets. Instantly, from centre to circum- ference, all is rage and bustle — the hive resownds with the maddening insects. Dark tumbling from their cells they spread the hasty wing, and shrill whizzing through the air, they rush to find the foe. Just so in the sea-ruling island, from queens house lo ale-house, from king to cockney, all were fierce for fight. Even the red-nosed porters where they met, bending under their burdens, would st^p in the streets, to talk of England's wrong: and, as they talked, their fiery snouts v ere seen to grow more fiery still, and more deformed. Then throwing their packs to the ground, and leaping into the attitude of boxers, with sturdy arms across, and rough black jaws stretched out, they bend forward to the fancied fight ! The frog-eating foe, in shirtless ruffles and long lank queue seems to give ground ! then rising in their might, with fire-striking eyes they press hard upon him; and coming in, hand and foot, with kick and cuff, and many a hearty curse, they show the giggling crowd, how, damn 'em, they would thump the French. The news was brought to Britain's king just as he had dispatched his pudding ; and sat, right royally amusing himself with a slice of Gloucester and a nip of ale. From the lips of the king down fell the kuckless cheese, alas ! not grac'd to comfort the «^tomach of the Lord's anointed; while, crowned 4 ^3 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. with snowy foam, his nut-brown ale stood untasted beside his plate. Suddenly as he heard the news, the monarch darkened in his place ; and answering darkness shrouded all his court. In silence he roiled his eyes of fire on the floor, and twirled his terrible thumbs! his pages shrunk from his presence ; for who could stand before the king of thundering ships, when wrath, in gleams ot Ughtning, flashed from his "dark red eyes?" Starting at length, as from a trance, he swallowed his ale : then clenching his fist, he gave the table a trem^endous knock, and cursed the wooden-shoed nation by his God ! Swift as he cursed, the dogs of war bounded from their kennels, keen for the chase : and, snufling the blood of Frenchmen on every gale, they raised a howl of death which reached these peaceful shores. Orders were immediately issued, by the British government, for the colonies to arm and unite in one confederacy. Virginia took the lead; and raised a regiment, to the second command in which she raised her favourite Washington. Colonel Fry, by right of seniority, commanded : but on his death, which happened soon after his appointment, Washington succeeded to the command. With this little hand- ful, he bravely pushed out into the Avilderness, in quest of the enemy ; and at a place called the Little Meadows, came up with a party under one Ju- monville. This ofiicer was killed, and all his men taken prisoners. From these prisoners, he obtained undoubted intelligence, that the French troops on the Ohio consisted of upwards of a thousand regulars, and many hundreds of Lidians. But notwithstanding this disheartening intelligence, he still pressed on undauntedly against the enemy, and, at a place called the Great Meadows, built a fort, which he called Fort IS'ecessity. Soon as the lines of entrenchments were marked ofl; and the men about to fall to work, Washington LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 39 seizing the hand of the first that was lifting the spade, cried out "Stop, my brave fellow ! my hand must heave the first earth that is thrown up in defence of this country !" Leaving a small garrison behind him, he dashed on for Fort Duquesne, (Fort Pitt,) hopijig by the reduction of that important post, to strike terror into the enemy, and defeat their plans. But though this was a bold stroke of generalship, yet it appeared that he had not a force, sufficient to effect it. For in the midst of this day's march, he was met by a party of friendly Indians, who, running up to him, with looks and gestures greatly agitated, cried out : " Fly ! fly ! don't look behind you! your enemies are upon you, thick as the pigeons in the woods !" Washington called a council of his officers, who advised an immediate return to Fort Necessity, which they hardly recovered before their sentinels fired an alarm ; came running in; and stated that the woods were alive with Frenchmen and Indians ! It should have been observed, that the dreadful news of the day before, had produced so shameful a desertion among his troops in the course of the night, that when the enemy attacked, which they did with 1500 men, Washington had but 300 to stand by him. But never did the true Virginia valour shine more gloriously than on this trying occasion — to see 300 young fellows — commanded by a smooth-faced boy — all unaccustomed to the terrors of war — far from home — and from all hope of help — shut up in a dreary wilderness — and surrounded by five times their number of savage foes, yet without sign of fear, preparing for mortal combat ! Scarcely since the days of Leonidas and his three hundred deathless Spartans, had the sun beheld its equal. With hideous whoops and yells, the enemy came on like a host of tigers. The woods and rocks, and tall tree-tops, filled with Indians, were in one continued blaze and crash of fire-arms. Nor were our youthful warriors 40 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. idle : but animated by their youthful commander, ihey phed their rifles with such spirit, that the httle fort resembled a volcano in full blast^ roaring and discharging thick sheets of liquid fire and of leaden deaths among their foes. For nine glorious hours, salamander-like, enveloped in smoke and flames, they sustained the attack of the enemy's whole force, and laid two hundred of them dead on tiie spot ! Discouraged by such desperate resistance, the French general, the Count de Villiers, sent in a flag to Washington, highly extolling his gallantry, and ofl'er- mg him the most honourable terms. It was stipulated, that Washington and his httle band of heroes, should march away with all the honours of war, and carry with them their military stores and baggage. On their return to the bosom of their country, they were every where received with the praises which they had so well deserved. The Legislature voted the thanks of the nation to Washington and his officers ; with a pistole to each of his men, about 300. In the course of the following winter, notice was given from the mother country, that xVmerican officers, acting with the British, should bear no command ! ! Hence the poorest shoat, if wearing the proud epaulette of a Briton, might command a Wolfe, if so unlucky as to be an American ! ! ! Incensed at such an outrage on common justice, and the rights of his countrymen, Washington threw up his commission, and retired to his plantation. Mount Vernon, lately left him by his brother Lawrence. Here, Cincinnatus-like, he betook him to his favorite plough. But the season called for the sword ; and he was now risen too high to be overlooked in times like those when troubles and fears began to darken over all the land. The report of his gallant but unsuccessful struggle with the French and Indians, soon reached England: and the ministry thinking the colonies a^one too LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 41 weak to repel the enemy, hurried on General Brad- dock, with two heavy regiments, to their aid. This reinforcement arrived early in tlie spring of 1755. Leaving them at the Capes on their way up to Belle-haven, (now Alexandria,) Braddock called at WilUamsburgh, to see Governor Dinwiddle, who attended him to Alexandria. " Where is Colonel Washington ?" said General Braddock. " I long to see him." " He is retired from the service, Sir," replied the Governor. " Retired ! Sir !" contmued the General, " Colonel Washington retired! pray, Sir, what's the reason?" On hearing the cause, he broke into a passion against die order from the war-ofRce as a shameful piece of partiality — and extolled Colonel Washington as "a young man of sense and spirit, who knev/ and asserted his rights as became a soldier and a British subject." He then wrote to Washington, whom he pressingly mvited to join his army, and accept the rank of a volunteer aid-de-camp in his own family. This invitation was cheerfully accepted by our young countryman, who waited on General Braddock as soon as he heard of his arrival at Alexandria. About the same time, three companies of excellent Virginia marksmen, raised by order of the Legislature, arrived at the British camp. It was in the month of June, 1755, that the army, upwards of 2000 strong, left Alexandria ; and, with their faces to the west, began their march to the mournful ditty of ^-'over the hills and far away." On the route Washington was taken sick ; and by the time they had reached the Little Meadows, had become so very ill, that Braddock, at the instance of the physicians, insisted most peremptorily that he should lie by until Colonel Dunbar with the rear ol the army came up. With great reluctance he yielded to their wishes. But so great were his fears for the army, lest in those wild woods it should fall into some Indian sr.are, that the moment his fever left la LIFE OF WASHINGTON. hini, he mounted his horse, and pursued, und over- took them the very evening before they fell into that ambuscade which he had all along dreaded. For the next morning, the 9tii of July, when they were safely arrived within seven miles of Fort Duquesne ! and so confident of success, that their general swore he would that night sup either in Fort Duquesne or hi the lower regions — behold, the Virginia Rangers discovered signs of Indians. Here Washington, with his usual modesty, observ ed to General Braddock what sort of an enemy he had now to deal with — an enemy who would not, like the Europeans, come forward to a fair contest in the field, but concealed behind the rocks and trees, carry on a deadly warfare with their rifles. He concluded with these words, "I beg of your excel- lency the honour to allow me to lead on with the Virginia Riflemen, and fight them in their own way." Had It been decreed that this hapless army should have been saved, this was the counsel to liave elfected It. But it would seem, alas ! that heaven had ordained their fall in that distaiit land ; and there with their flesh to fatten the wolves and vultures on the hills of Monongahela. For General Braddock, who had all along treated the American officers with infinite contempt, rejected Washington's counsel, and swelhng with most unmanly rage, replied, " High times, by High times! when a young Buckskin can teach a British General how to fight !" Instantly the pale, fever-worn cheeks of Washington turned fiery red. But smothering his feelings, he rode towards his men, biting his lips with grief and rage, to think how many brave fellows would draw short breath that day through the pride and obstinacy of one epauletted madman. Formed in heavy columns the troops continued to advance. A little beyond the Monongahela, was a narrow defile, through which ]ay their road, with moss-grown rocks on either side, and aged trees that spread an awful shade. Here, in perfect concealment, the French and Indians lay, LIFE OF WASHIMGTON. 43 vi^aiting impatiently for this devoted army. Too soon, alas ! the army came up, and entering the defile, moved along in silence, like sheep to the slaughter little dreaming how close the bloody fates hovered around them. Thinking their prey now completely in their clutches, all at once, the Indians set up thu most hideous yells, as if the woods were filled with ten thousand panthers. This they did, both as a terror to the British, and a signal to attack; for in the same moment they poured in a general fire, which instantly covered the ground with death in every hideous shape. Some were seen sinking pale and lifeless at once, giving up the ghost with only a hollow groan — others rolling on the earth, convulsed and shrieking in the last agonies, while life and life's warm blood together gushed in hissing torrents from their breasts. Such sights of their bleeding comrades, had the enemy but been in view, instead of depress- mg would but have inflamed British blood with fiercer thirst for vengeance. But, alas ! to be thus entrapped in a dreary wild ! to be thus pent up, and shot from behind rocks and trees, by an invisible enemy, was enough to dismay the stoutest hearts. Their native valour, however, and confidence i^ themselves, did not at once forsake them. But, animated by their officers, they stood their ground, and for a considerable time fought like heroes. But seeing no impression made by their fire, while that of the enemy, heavy as at first, with fatal flashes continued to cut down their ranks, they at length took a panic, and fell into great confusion. Happily, on the left, where lay the deadliest fire, Washington's rangers were posted ; but not exposed like the British. For, on hearing the horrible savage yells. m a moment they flew each to his tree, like the Indians ; and like them, each levelled his rifle, and with as deadly aim. This, through a kind Provi dence, saved Braddock's army ; for exulting m their confusion, the savages, grimly painted, yelling like furies, burst from their coverts, eager to glut tK?i 4* 41 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. hellisli rnge with a total massacre of the British But, faithful to their friends, Washington's rangers stepped forth with joy to meet the assailants. Then rose a scene sufficient to fill the stoutest heart with horror. Burning alike for vengeance, both parties throw aside the slow-murdering rifles, and grasp their swift-fated tomahawks. Dreadfully above their heads gleams the brandished steel, as with full (5xerted limbs, and faces all inflamed with mortal hate, they level at each othoi* their last decisive blows. Death rages through all their fast-thinning ranks — his bleeding victims are rolled together on every side. Here falls the brave Virginia Bhie, under the stroke of his nimbler foe — and there, man on man the Indians perish beneath the furious toma- liawks, deep buried in the shattered brain. But who can tell the joy of Washington, when he saw this handful of his despised countrymen thus gallantly defending their British friends, and by dint of mortal steel driving back their blood thirsty assailants. Happy check ! for by this time, covered with wounds Braddock had fallen — his aids and officers, to a man, killed or wounded — and his troops, in hopeless, help- less despair, flying backwards and forwards from the fire of the Indians, like flocks of crowding sheep from the presence of their butchers. Washington alone remained unhurt ! Horse after horse had been killed under him. Showers of bullets had touched his locks or pierced his regimentals. But still pro- tected by heaven — still supported by a strength not his own, he had continued to fly from quarter to quarter, where his presence was most needed, some- times animating his rangers ; sometimes striving, but m vain, to rally the regulars. 'Twas his lot to be clo^ie to the brave but imprudent Braddock when he fell ; and he assisted to place him in a tumbril, or little cart. As he was laid down, pale and near spent, with \oss of blood, he faintly said to Washington^ " Well, Colonel, what's to be done now ?'' DEFEAT OF GENERAL BIIADDOCK. LIFE Oh WASHINGTON. 47 »^ Retreat, Sir," replied Washington : " retreat by all means; for the Regulars won't fight; and the Rangers are nearly all killed V "Poor fellows!" he replied, "poor fellows!- — Well, do as you will, Colonel, do as you will." The army then commenced its retreat, in a very rapid and disorderly manner, while Washington with his few surviving rangers, covered the rear. Happily, the Indians did not pursue them far: but after firing a few random shots, returned in a body, to fall upon the plunder ; while Washington, with his frightened fugitives continued their retreat, sadly remembering that more than one half of their morn- ing's gay companions were left a prey to the ravening beasts of the desert. There, denied the common charities of the grave, they lay for many a year bleaching the lonely hills with their bones. On reaching Fort Cumberland, where they met Colonel Dunbar with the rear of the army. General Braddock died. He died in the arms of Washington, whose pardon he often begged for having treated him so rudely that fatal morning — heartily wished, he said, he had but followed his advice — frequently called his rangers " brave fellows ! glorious fellows !" Often said, he should be glad to live if it was only to reward their gallantry ! I have more than once been told, but cannot vouch for the truth of it, rhat his sister, on hearing how obstinately Washington and his Blues had fought for her brother, was so afiected that she shed tears : and sent them from England handsome cockades, according to their number, and a pair of colours elegantly wrought by her own fair hands. With respect to Washington, I cannot but mention here two very extraordinary speeches that were made about him, after Braddock's defeat, and which, as things have turned out, look a good deal like pro- phecies. A famous Indian warrior, who acted a ie-^-ding part in that bloody tragedy, was often heard 4S LIFE OF WASHINGTON. to swear, that. " Washington was never born to be Killed by a bullet! For/' continued he "I had seven- teen fair fires at him with my rifle, and after all could not bring him to the ground I" And indeed whoever considers that a good rifle levelled, by a proper marks- man, hardly ever misses its aim, will readily enough conclude with this unlettered savage, that there was some invisible hand that turned aside the bullets. The Rev. Mr. Davies, in a sermon occasioned by Braddock's defeat, has these remarkable words — " I beg leave to point the attention of the public to that heroic youth Colonel Washington, whom I cannot but hope Providence has preserved for some great service to this country ! !" But though the American writers have pretty unanimously agreed, that Washington was, under God, the saving Angel that stood up between Brad- dock's army and total destruction, yet did it profit him but little with his sovereign. The British officers indeed admired him : but they had no idea of going any farther: "To tell in Gath, or publish in the streets of Askalon" that a British army owed its safety to a young Buckskin, required a pitch of virtue and of courage above ordinary minds. Washington was therefore kept in the back ground ; and General Braddock being dead, the command devolved upon Colonel Dunbar, whose conduct proved him to be one of those pusillanimous hirelings, who flee when the wolf Cometh. To attempt, by some gallant effort to recover what Braddock had lost, — or to hang upon the enemy, and prevent, at least, those numerous scalping parties, which distracted with midnight murders and deluged the defenceless frontiers with blood, were brave and generous ideas, of which he seemed incapable. But, trembhng under the general panic, he instantly ordered the tents to be struck ; and pushing off under the whip and spur of his fears, never halted until he had reached Philadelphia; where he went, as he called it, into winter quarters. LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 49 (m the beginning of the dog-days !) leaving all the frontiers of Maryland and Virginia exposed to the merciless tomahawk. Such facts ought to be recorded for the benefit oi young men, who, with no military qualifications but big limbs, can yet covet red coats and shoulder-knots. Being thus shamefully deserted by Colonel Dun- bar, Washington with his thirty rangers, set out with sorrowful hearts to return home. But before he left Fort Cumberland, he dispatched an express, to inform Governor Dinwiddle, that '^ General Braddock was slain — his army totally defeated — the remnant on their march to Philadelphia — and the whole frontier given up to the Indians !" The consternation that was spread throughout the country by this news, was inexpressible. Heart-sickening terrors, as of a woman in labour, seized upon all families and a frightened fancy found food for its fears in every thing around it — the blast whistling round the cor- ners of their cabin, alarmed, like the yell of murder- ous savages — the innocent death-bell — the croaking raven — the midnight howl of dogs were all sure harbingers of fate. While, for dread of the Indians, the roads were filled with thousands of distracted parents, with their weeping little ones, flying from their homes. The Governor instantly ordered a call of the Le- gislature, who, by the time Washington reached Williamsburgh, were assembled, and, together with numbers of citizens, went out and met him near the 'own. The interview was tender. For the citizens were almost moved to tears, when they saw that of so many of their brave countrymen who went forth to battle, only this little handful remained ! They were exceed mgly rejoiced to see, alive, and well, their beloved W^ashington. He had always been dear to them ; but now doubly dear, in such times of danger. They mourned the misfortunes of their country ; tut laid 5 50 L,iblL OF WASHIJNUTON. no blame to him. On the contrary, it was universal ly believed, tliat, but for him the ruin would have been complete. " Braddock," said they, " lost the* victory : but Washington saved the army." CHAPTER VII. Fatal effects of Braddock's defeat — Washington wishes to carry the war into the Indian country — government refuses — defensive war preferred — the frontiers desolated. Great was the joy at Fort Duquesne on the re- turn of their troops from the slaughter of Braddock's army. The idea of victory, as appeared afterwards, had never once entered their heads. — They had gone out just to reconnoitre, and harass the British in their approach ! How unbounded then must have been the joy of the garrison, on seeing their friends come back next morning, not sad and spiritless, as had been expected, but whooping and shouting for a glorious victory ; and enriched with the artillery, ammunition, provisions, and baggage-waggons of a British army cut to pieces ! ! The French commandant took care to make a proper use of his advantage ; for as soon as the days of savage feasting and drunkenness were over, he sent out deputations of his chiefs with grand-talks to several of the neighbouring tribes, who had not yet lifted the hatchet. The tribes being assembled, and the caiumet oi pipe of friendship smoked around, the chiefs arose ; and in all the pomp of Indian eloquence announced their great victory over Long Knife (the Virginians) and his white brothers, (the British) — then with a proud display of the numerous scalps and rich dresses which they had taken, they concluded with in riting LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 51 the yo jng men to unbiiry the tomahawk, and rush with them to drink the blood of their enemies. This was enough — " Grinning horribly a ghastly smile," at such prospects of blood and plunder, the grim children of the desert, rose up at once to war. No time was lost in preparation. A pouch of parch- ed corn, and a bear-skin, with a rifle, tomahawk, and scalping knife, were their equipage. And in a few weeks after Braddock's defeat, an army of at least fourteen hundred of those blood-thirsty savages were in full march over hills and mountains, to sur- prise and murder the frontier inhabitants. Washington had early foreseen the storm that would one day burst from Fort Du Quesne. On his first trip through that country, two years before, ho had marked the very spot, and pointed it out as " the key of the western world." But Britain and America, (Hke the wild ass and her colts, though mule-stubborn m acting, yet snail-slow to act,) let the golden chance escape ; till one Du Quesne, a French officer, with some troops, passing along that way in 1754, and struck, as Washington had been, with the situation, immediately built thereon a fort, which he called after his own name. It answered the fatal purposes which Washington had predicted. By means of the bold water courses on which it stood, it greatly favoured the conveyance both of goods and of intelli- gence. There the French laid up magazines for then Indian allies, and there they hoisted the dread signals of war. Not having been able to prevail on his countrymen to occupy it before the enemy, Washington's whole ambition now was to take it from them. " Send two thousand men," — said he, in num.erous importunate letters to the Governor and Legislature, " send two thoasand men, and drain the fountain at once — the streams will firil of course." But, spite of this advice, the mad policy of a defensive war prevailed in the Virginia Government 52 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. and instead of raising 2000 men, they voted to raise about half that number ! and then, hke hypocrites who make up in hp-service what they lack in good works, they dubbed hmi Commander in chief of all the troops raised or to be raised in Virginia, with the privilege of naming his own field officers ! These vain honours served but to exalt him to a higher sphere of misery — the misery of taking a wider survey of thos«, misfortunes of his country which he could not remedy, — and to feel a deeper responsibility for those blunders of others, vvhich he could not cure. He saw Fort Duquesne irmstering her murderers, which he had no powers to prevent ! He had a fron- tier of 360 miles to defend, and generally less than 700 men to defend it with ! If he kept his troops em- bodied, the whole country would be left open to the savages. If he broke them down into small parties, they might be destroyed one after another, by a su- perior force. If he threw them into forts, they were sure to be starved ; or derided by the enemy, who could easily pass them in the night and surprise, destroy, and murder the hihabitants with impunity. And though thus completely crippled by the stupidity or parsimony of the government, and incapacitated from doing any services for his country, yet great services were expected of him, and great blame bes- tov\red for every failure. If no victories were gained over the enemy, he would be blamed for inactivity. If the settlers were murdered, he would be accused of neglect — and if he pointed out the errors of gov- ernment, he would be charged as " officious" and "impertinent;" and this while young officers of the worthless sort, mere cork-drawers and songsters at great men's tables, were basely cutting in with a weak old governor's prejudices, to work him out, and to worm themselves into favour and rank. But all these vexations and sorrows were but trifles in comparison of others which he was doomed to (eel. Seeing no hopes of a force sulficieiit to attack LIFE OF WASHINGTOJN. 53 Fort Duquesne, he formed a chain of garrisons along the frontier; and then, with a flying corps of th^. most active and daring young men, continued night and day, to scour the country in quest of the enemy's murdering parties. In this bold and dangerous employment, which lasted ahuost three years, he was often presented with sights of human destruction, sufficient to excite sympathy in liearts of flintiest stone. On cautiously entering the hapless plantation with his men, they halt and listen awhile — but hear no voice of man — see no house, nor sign of habitation — all is void and silent. Marking the buzzards perched on the trees in the corn-fields, they approach, and find, lying by his plough, the half-devoured carcass of a man. The hole in his breast shows that he had been shot, while the deep gashes in the forehead of his dead horses, point out the bursting strokes of the tomahawk. Amidst the ashes of the late dwelling, are seen, white as chalk, the bones of the mother and ner children. But sometimes their raw and bloody skeletons, fed on by the hogs, are found in the yards or gardens where they were surprised. •< One day" — said he to an intimate ; though it was out seldom that he mentioned those things, they gave nim so much pain — " One day, as we drew near through the woods, to a dwelling, suddenly we heard the discharge of a gun. Whereupon quickening our pace, and creeping up through the thick bushes to a fence, we saw what we had dreaded — a party of Indians, loaded with plunder, coming out of a house, which, by the smoke, appeared as if it were just set on fire. In a moment we gave the savages a shower of rifle balk, which killed every man of them but one. He attempted to run off. It was in vain. Some of our swift-footed hunters gave chase, and soon overtook and immolated him with their toma- hawks. On rushing into the house, and putting out the fire, we saw a mournful sight indeed — a young woman lying on a bed floating in blood— her foie- 5* 5 54 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. head cleft with a hatchet — and on her breast two Uttle children, apparently twms, and about nine months old, bathing her bosom with the crimson currents flowing from their deeply gashed heads ! 1 had often beheld the mangled remains of my mur- dered countrymen ; but never before felt what I did on this occasion. To see these poor innocents— these httle unoffending angels, just entered upon life, and, instead of fondest sympathy and tenderness, meeting their hideous deaths; and from hands of brothers too ! filled my soul with the deepest horror of sin ! but at the same time inspired a most adoring sense of that reUgion which announces the Redeemer, who shall, one day, do away man's malignant passions, and restore the children of God to primeval love and bhss. Without this hope, what man of feel ing but would wish he had never been born ! On tracing back into the corn-field the steps of the barbarians, we found a little boy, and beyond him his father, both wehering in blood. It appeared, from the print of his little feet in the furrows, that the child had been following his father's plough ; and, seeing him shot down, had set off with all his might, to get to the house to his mother ; but was overtaken and destroyed ! " And, indeed, so great was the dread entertained of the French and Indians, throughout the settle- ments, that it was distressing to call even on those fomilies who yet survived, but, from sickness or other causes, had not been able to get away. The poor creatures would run to meet us, like persons half distracted with joy and then with looks blank with terror, would tell that such or such a neigh- bour's family, perhaps the very night before, was murdered ! — and that they heard their cries ! — and saw the flames that devoured their houses ! — and also, that they themselves, after saying their prayer? at night, never lay down to sleep, v/ithout first taking leave of one another, as if they never expect*>d tc J.IFE OF WASHINGTON. 55 Tfieet again in this world. But when we came to take our leave of these wretched famihes, my God ! what were our feelings ! to see the deep, silent grief of the men ; and the looks of the poor women and children, as, falling upon their knees, with piercing screams, and eyes wild with terror, they seized our hands, or hung to our clothes, intreating us, for God's sake, and for mercy sake, not to leave them. 1 remember, "These things so harrassed my heart with grief, that I solemnly declare to God, if I know myself, I would gladly offer my own life a sacrifice to the butchering enemy, if I could thereby insure the safety of these my poor distressed countrymen. Such were the scenes in which Washington was doomed to spend three years of a wretched life, ren- dered still more wretched by knowing so perfectly as he did, that the rapid charge of two thousand brave fellows upon Fort Duqnesne, hke the thundering shock of a two-and-forty pounderupon a water-spout, would have instantly dispersed the fatal meteor, and restored the golden hours of peace and safety. But to give Colonel Washington two thousand men, seemed to old governor Dinwiddle, like giving the staff out of his own hand, as he elegantly called it; and rather than do that, he would risk the desolation of the western country, by continuing a defensive war, and a mad dependence on a disorderly militia, who would come and go as they pleased — get drunk and sleep when they pleased — whoop and halloo where they pleased — and, in short, serve no other purpose on earth but to disgrace their officers, deceive the settlers, and defraud the public. Indeed so ruinous were these measures of governors Dinwiddle and Loudon, that, in the short space of three years, they completely broke up all the fine young settle- ments to the westward of Winchester, Fredericktown, and Carlisle, whereby numbers of poor people were butchered ! hundreds of rich plantations deserted ! myriads of produce lost ! and thousands ol dollars 66 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 8unfe! and all for the sake of saving the paltrj expense of raising in the first instance a force which would in ten weeks have taken Fort Duquesne, and completely broken up that den of thieves and mur- derers ! At length, in 1758, the government of Virginia devolved on general Forbes, who, to the infinite satisfaction of Washington, consented to second hu views on Fort Duquesne. Washington earnestly recommended an early campaign, lest the Indian warriors who were to meet them in April at Winches- ter, should grow tired of waiting, and return home. But the season was, unfortunately, so idled away, that marching orders were not given till the first of September, when, according to Washington's pre- diction, there was not a red man to be found in camp. The army then commenced its movements, but stiil as would seem, under the frown of heaven. For instead of sweeping along the old track, gene- rally called Braddock's road. Gen. Forbes was per- suaded to take an entirely new route, of which every inch was to be cut through wilds and mountains covered with rocks and trees ! In vain Washington remonstrated against this as a measure, "which" he said, " if persisted in at this late season, woula certainly ruin the undertaking." — General Forbes was inflexible. In a letter to the Speaker of the House of Burges- ses, Washington has these remarkable words — ^" If this conduct of our leaders, do not flow from superior orders, it must flow from a weakness, too gross for me to name. Nothing now but a miracle can bring this campaign to a happy issue." In a letter of a later date he says, " well, all's lost ! our enterprise is ruined ! And we shall be stopped this winter at the Laurel Hills !" By the middle of November, after incredible exer- tions, the army, sure enough, reached the Laurei Hills, where Washington predicted it would winter • LIFE OF WASHINGTON 57 and strange to tell ! General Forbes, with a caucus squad of his officers were actually in deep debate, whether they should spend the winter in that inhos- pitable wild, or tread back their mournful steps to Winchester, when some prisoners bi ought the wel- come news that the garrison of Fort Duquesne, for a long time past misupported by their countrymen, and now deserted by the Indians, was so reduced, that they would surrender at the sight of an enemy. General Forbes instantly changed his mind, and with a select detachment made a push for Fort Duquesne, the ruins of which he entered, without opposition, on the 28th of November, 1758. For, advertised of his approach, the French determined to quit it ; and after having set fire to the buildings, embarked in their boats, and went down the river. Having thus, after three years of labour and sorrow, attained his favourite wish — the reduction of Fort Duquesne and a total dispersion of the savages, Washington returned with joy to Williamsburgh, to take his seat in the legislature, to which he had been regularly chosen in his absence. It is worthy of remark, because it happens but to few, that though he often failed of success, he never once lost the confidence of his country. Early aware of the importance of character, to those who wish to be useful, he omitted no honest act, thought no pains, no sacrifice of ease too great, to procure and preserve It. In the whole of that stupidly-managed war, as also another subsequent war, which was not much better conducted, he always took care to keep the public well informed as to the part which he had acted, or wished to act, in the afl^air. Not content, to know himself that he had acted wisely or bravely, he took care that the pubhc should also know it ; in order that if at any time an uproar should be made, the error might be charged to the real ofiender. If the legislature, or governor Dinwiddle, or general Brad- dock, or any other superior, with whorpi he had 53 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. public concern, and character at stake, made propo sitions which he disliked, he would modestly poin out their errors, predict their mischiefs, and thus wash his hands of all blame : — which documents, through the channel of numerous letters to his friends, were always laid before the people. Hence, for the ruinous consequences of the weakness and obstinacy of Dinwiddle and Braddock, not a breath of censure was ever blown on him. On the contrary, in the public mind, he always rose as high, or higher, than the others sunk. It was universally believed, that had he governed, in place of Dinwiddle, the fatal Indian war would not have lasted a campaign ; and that on the hills of Monongahela, had Washington commanded in place of Braddock, the French and Indians would have been handled very differently. Such were the sentiments with which the public were prepared to receive him, on his return into their welcoming bosom. Wherever he went, homage always waited upon him, though always uncourted. The grey-headed rose up to do him honour, when he came into their company ; and the young men, with sighs, often wished for a fame like his. Happy was the fairest lady of the land, who, at the crowded ball, could get colonel Washington for her partner. Anc even at the house where prayer is wont to be made, the eyes of beauty would sometimes wander from the cold reading preacher, to catch a liveher devotion from his "mind-illumined face,'^ — a face at once so dignified with virtue, and so sweetened with grace, that none could look on it without emotions very friendly to the heart ; and sighs of sentiment, too delicate for description, were often seen to heave the snowy bosoms of the noblest dames. At the head of all these stood the accomplished Mrs. Martha Custis, the beautiful and wealthy widow of Mr. John Custis. Her wealth was equal at least, to one hundred thousand dollars! But hei beauty was a sum far larger still. It was not the UFE OF WASHINGTON. 5» ihallow boast of a fine skin, which time so quickly tarnishes, nor of tliose short-lived roses, which some- times witiier almost as soon as blown. But it sprung from the heart — from the divine and benevolent affections, which spontaneously gave to her eyes, her looks, her voice and her manners, such angehc charms, that I could never look on her, without exclaiming with the poet, ! ** She was nearest heaven of all on earth I knew ; And all but adoration was her due." For two such kindred souls to love, it was only necessary that they should meet. Their friendship commenced with the first hour of their acquaintance, and was soon matured to marriage, which took place about the 27th year of Washington's life. His lady was, I believe, six months younger. But that it is contrary to the rules of biography, to begin with the husband and end with the wife, I could relate of that most excellent lady those things which the public would greatly delight to hear. However, gratitude to that bright saint, now in heaven, who was my noblest benefactress, while I preached in her parish, compels me to say, that her virtues and charities were of that extensive and sublime sort, as fully to entitle her hie jacet to the following noble epitaph, a little altered, from one of the British poets. Underneath this marble hearse, Lies the subject of all verse. Custis' widow — great George's wife — Death ! ere thou robb'st another life, Virtuous, fair, and good as she, Christ shall launch a dart at thee. 60 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. CHAPTER VHI. Washington's mother has a very curious dream — it pomts to greal coming trouble — a cloud arising in England — the causes of tbt revolutionary war. When a man begins to make a noise in the world, his relatives, (the Father, sometimes, but, always that tenderer parent, the Mother) are sure to recollect certain mighty odd dreams, which they had of him when he was a child. What rare dreams, for exam *)le, had the mothers of" Macedonia's madman, and tie Swede," while pregnant with those butchers ol the human race ! Mrs. Washington also had hei dream, which an excellent old Lady of Fredericks- burg assured me she had often heard her relate with great satisfaction ; and, for the last time, but a few weeks before her death. " I dreamt," said the Mother of Washington, " that I was sitting in the piazza of a large new house, into which we had but lately moved. George, at that time about five years old, was in the garden with his corn-stalk plough, busily running little furrows in the sand, in imitation of Negro Dick, a fine black boy, with whose ploughhig George was so delighted that it was sometimes difficult to get him to his dinner. And so as I was sitting in the piazza at my work, I suddenly heard in my dream a kind of roaring noise on the eastern side of the house. On running out to see what was the matter, I beheld a dreadful sheet of fire bursting from the roof. The sight struck me with a horror which took away my strength, and threw me, almost senseless, to the ground. My husband and the servants, as I saw in my dream, soon came up ; but, hke myself, were so terrified at the sight, that they could make no attempt to extin- guish the flames. In this most distressing state, the image of my little son came, I thought, to my mind LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 61 more dtar and tender than ever : and turning tow- ards the garden wliere he was engaged with his Uttle corn-stalk plough, I screamed out twice with ah my might, George ! George ! — In a moment, as I thought he threw down his mimic plough, and ran to me saying, " High ! Ma ! what makes you call so angry . 'an't I a good boy — don't I always run to you soon as I hear you call ?" I could make no reply, but just threw up my arms towards the flame. He looked up and saw the house all on fire : but instead of bursting out a crying, as might have been expected from a child, he instantly brightened up, and seemed ready to fly to extinguish it. But first looking at me with great tenderness, he said, " Oh, Ma ! don't be afraid : God Almighty will help us, and we shall soon put it out." His looks and words revived our spirits in so wonderful a manner, that we all instantly set about to assist him. A ladder was presently brought, on which, as I saw in my dream, he ran up with the nimbleness of a squirrel ; and the servants supplied him with water, which he threw on the fire from an American gourd. But that growing weaker, the flame appeared to gain ground, breaking forth and roaring most dreadfully, which so Irightened the servants, that many of them, like persons in despair, began to leave him. But he, still undaunted, conti- nued to ply it with water, animating the servants at the same time, both by his word and actions. For a long time the contest appeared very doubtful : but at length a venerable old man, with a tall cap and an iron rod in his hand, like a lightning rod, reached out to him a curious httie trough, like a wooden shoe ! On receiving this, he redoubled his exertions, and soon extinguished the fire. Our joy on the occasion was unbounded. But he, on the contrary, showing no more of transport now than of terror before, looked rather sad at sight of the great harm that had been done. Then I saw in my dream that after some ;ime spent as in deep thought, he called out with 6 62 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. much joy, " Well, Ma ! now if you and the family will but consent, we can make a far better roof than this ever was ; a roof of such a quality, that if well kept together, it will last for ever ; but if you take it apart, you will make the house ten thousand times worse than it was before." This, though certainly a very curious dream, needs no Daniel to interpret it ; especially if we take Mrs. Washington's new house, for the young Colony Government — the fire on its east side, for North's civil war — the gourd which Washington first employed, for the American three and six months enlistments — the old man with his cap and iron rod, for Doctor Franklin — the shoe-like vessel which he reached to Washhigton, for the Sabot or wooden-shoed nation, the French, whom Franklin courted a long time for America — and the new roof proposed by Washington, for a staunch honest Republic — that "equal govern- ment," which, by guarding alike the welfare of all, ought by all to be so heartily beloved as to endure for ever. Had it been appointed unto any man to quaff un- mingled happiness in this hfe, George Washington had been that man. For where is that pleasurable ingredient with which his cup was not full and over- flowing? Crowned with honours — laden with riches — blest with health — and in the joyous prime of 27, sharing each rural sweet in the society of a charming woman who doated on him, he surely bid fair to spend his days and nights of life in ceaseless pleasure. — But ah ! — as sings the sweet bard of Zion, Our days, alas ! our mortal days, Are short and wretched too ! " Evil and few !" the Patriarch says, \nd well the Patriarch knew ! Tis out ai best, a narrow bound, That Heaven allots to men ; And pains and sins run through the round Of three-score years and ten ! LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 65 From this, the universal lot, not Washington him- self could obtain exemption. For in the midst of his favourite labours, of the plough and pruning-hook, covering his extensive farms with all the varied de- hghts of delicious fruits and golden grain, of lowing herds and snowy flocks, he was suddenly called on by his country, to turn his plough-share into a sword, and go forth to meet a torrent of evils which threat- ened her. The fountain of those evils, whence at length flowed the great civil war, which for ever separated Britain and her children, I proceed now briefly to state. After the reduction of Canada, the British officers who commanded on that expedition, came to Boston and New York, on a visit to their American brethren n arms, who had served with them in that war. Soon as their arrival was announced, the Americans flew to meet and welcome them. They were paraded through the streets as the saviours of the land — the doors of all were thrown open to receive them — and every day, during their stay, was spent in feasting and public dinners, which, for the sake of their be- loved guests, were made as splendid as possible, though always through the aidof obhging neighbours. The rooms glittered with borrowed plate — wines of every vintage sparkled on the crowded side-boards — while the long extended tables were covered with the finest fish and flesh, succeeded by the richest des- serts. The British officers were equally charmed and astonished at such elegant hospitality, and, on their return to England, gave full scope to their feelings. They painted the colonial wealth in the colourings of romance ; and spoke of the Americans as a people, who, in comparison of the British, lived •ike kings. Thus, American hospitality, by a strange perver- sion, had nearly destroyed American Liberty ! For, from that time, the British ministry began to look apor the Americai*« with an evil eye, and to devise 84 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. ways and means to make us "bear a part of theii burd'^.ns !'* But what did they mean by this? Did they mean to acknowledge us as sons of Britons ; equally free and independent with our brethren hi England ? and, like them, allowed a representation m Parliament, who should freely vote our money for the common cause ? Oh no ! an idea so truly British and honourable, was not at all in their thoughts. We were not to be treated as brothers, but as slaves! over whom an unconditional right was claimed, to tax and take our property at pleasure ! ! ! Reader, if you be a Briton, be a Briton still — pre- serve the characteristic calm and candour of a Briton. I am not about to say one word against your nation. No ! I know them too well: and thank God, I can say, after several years residence among them, I be- Ueve them to be as honest, charitable, and magnani- mous a people as any under the canopy of Heaven. I am about to speak of the Ministry only, who cer- tainly, at that time, were a most ambitious and in- triguing junto, who by bad means had attained power, and by worse were endeavouring to extend it, even to the destruction of both American and British Liberty, as the excellent Mr. Pitt charged them. — No Englishman can desire fuller evidence than this one tyrannical claim made against us by Lord North — " taxation without representation ! !" As a plea for such despotic doing. North and his creatures began with boldly trumpeting the wonderful kindness they had conferred on America. " They, it seems, " first discovered the country ! — they settled it — they always had defended it. It was their blood — their treasure — their ships and sailors, and soldiers, that created Vhe British colonies ! ! dear ! — and what then ! — why, to be sure, aftei having done such mighty things for the Americans, they had as clear a right to their gold and silver, as % Dutch'^r has to the hair and hides of his cattle I LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 65 This language was actually carried into Parliament! where a Mr. Charles Townsend, to enforce the stamp actjCriedout, " Who are these Americans? Are they not our children, planted by our care, nourished by our indulgence, and protected by our arms ? At this the brave Colonel Barre, with cheeks in- flamed with virtuous indignation, thus thundered forth against the insolent speech ifier. " They plant- ed by your care ! No, sir : your oppressions planted them in America. They tied from your tyranny to a then uncultivated and inhospitable country, where they exposed themselves to all the evils which a wilderness, filled with blood-thirsty savages, could threaten. And yet, actuated by true English love of liberty, they thought all these evils light in comparison with what they had suffered in their own country, and from you, who ought to have been their friends. " They nourished by your indulgence ! No, sir ! they grew by your neglect. As soon as you began to indulge them, that boasted indulgence was to send them hungry packs of your own creatures, to spy out their liberties ! — to misrepresent their actions — and to prey upon their substance ! — Yes, sir, you sent them men, whose behaviour has often caused the blood of those sons of Liberty to recoil within them — men promoted by you to the highest seats of justice, in that country, who, to my knowledge, had good cause to dread a court of justice in their own ! — They protected by your arms ! — No, sir ! They have nobly taken up arms in your defence ; have exerted a most heroic valour, amidst their daily labours, for the de- fence of a country whose frontier was drenched in blood, while its interior parts gave up all their savings for our emolument V^ All this was very true. For the Americans had not only planted, but in a great measure protected themselves. In the French and Indian war, from ^55 to '63, they lost nearly 30,000 of their stoutest young men And by regular returns it appears that Mas 6* 6 66 LIFE OF WASHINGTON sachusetts alone expended about 50,000/. sterling in that time ! ! ! And moreover, they had never hesi- «,ted for a moment to furnish to the last man and he last shilling whatever Britain had required. But, alas ! what signifies right against might ! When a king wants money for his own pride, or for nis hungry relations, and when his ministers want stakes for their gaming tables, or diamond nerklaces for their mistresses, they will have it, though plun- dered colonies should lack bread and spelling books for their children. For in the year '63, when the lamp of God was burning with peculiar brightness in our land, and both Britain and her colonies enjoyed a measure of blessings seldom indulged to the most favoured nations — w'hen, at the very mention of Old England, our hearts leaped for joy, as at the name of a great and venerable mother, and that mother felt equal transport at thoughts of us, her flourish ing colonies — when all the produce of these vast and fertile regions was poured into her beloved lap, and she in return, not allowing us the trouble to make even a hob-nail, heaped our families with all the necessaries and elegancies of her ingenious artists — when, though far separated b)'' an ocean's roar, we were yet so united by love and mutual helpfulness, that the souls of Columbus, Raleigh, and Smith, looking down from Heaven, with joy beheld the con- summation of all their labours and wishes ! At that happy period, lord North brought in a bill to tax the colonies, without allowing us a voice in their coun- cils ! ! The colonies were thunderstruck : and Britain herself groaning through all her islands, " gave signs of woe, that all was lost !" Doctor Franklin, who was then in England as a colony agent, on hearing that this most iniquitous bill had actually passed both houses, and was ratified by the king, wrote to a friend in America in these words — " The sun of our liberty is set. Yoa must all now light up tlie double candles of Industry an\l LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 67 Economy. But, above all things, encourage the young people to marry and raise up children as fast as they can." Meaning, that America, yet too weak to resist the chains which a wicked ministry were forging for her. should instantly fly to heaven-ordered marriage, foi iier heroic youth, to rend the ignominious bonds from their own and their father's arms. But the sons of Columbia, though few in number, nad too long enjoyed the sweets of Liberty and pro- perty to part with them so tamely, because a king and his minions had ordered it. No ! blessed be God, their conduct was such as to strike the world with this glorious truth, that a brave people, who know their rights, are not to be enslaved. • For, soon as it was told in America, that the stamp- act had passed, the people rose up against it as one man — the old grudges between churchmen and dis- senters were instantly forgotten — every man looked to his fellow as to a brother for aid against the coming slavery — their looks on each other were as lightnings in a parched forest — the sacred fire kindled, and ran from end to end of the continent. In every colony the people rushed into patriotic societies reminded each other of their rights denounced the stamp-act as a most audacious infringement — burnt in effigy the promoters of it — destroyed the houses of those degenerated Americans who had received the stamps to sell — and menaced loudly a non-intercourse with Britian, if the act was not im- mediately repealed ! This spirited behaviour filled all England with amazement. Every man there, no matter what his principles or politics, felt it to the very quick. The manufacturers and merchants trembled ; the tories raved ; the whigs rejoiced, and, with the great Pitt and Burke at their head, publicly applauded the Americans, and denounced the stamp-act as entirely contrary to the spirit of British freedom. In short» 68 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. the cry ag^nsi jt was so loud, both in England and America, ihat the ministry, covered with shame, were obliged to give way, and abandon the project. The cloud, waich had hung so dark over the two countries, being thus happily scattered, many began to cherish the hope, that we should have a clear sky again, and that ihe former golden days would soon return. But alas ! those golden days were gone, to return no more ! Government had shown the cloven foot — and America had taken a fright which nothing but whole years of kindliest treatment could ever sooth. But, unfortunately, the ministry were m no humour to show that kindness. Long accus- tomed to speak of the Americans as a pack of »« convicts, whom by transportation, they had kindly saved from the gallows," instead of giving them credit for their late spirited behaviour, they consider- ed it as the height of audacity: and though from necessity they had yielded to tlieir demands, they were determined to have revenge on the first opportunity. That opportunity was too soon af- forded. It should have been stated, that with the duty on stamp paper, similar duties had been laid on glass, tea, &c. &c., all of which had been repealed with the stamp act, except that on tea. This the ministry had artfully retained : partly to cover the shame of their defeat, but chiefly in hopes of familiarizing the Americans with taxation. For though Lord North was never, that I know of, charged with being a wizard, yet did he not lack sense to know that if he could but prevail on the young Mammoth to submit to a tax, though as small as a Gnat, he soon should briLg him to swallow a Camel ! But glory to God! the Americans had too much of British blood, to allow an unconstitutional tax in any shape or size. Independent and coy as the birds of their forests, they would not suffer a stranger's hand even to touch the sacred nest of their rights. As soon there LIFE OF WASHINGTON. <59 fore, as the ministry began, in 1773, to order •' tfie collection of taxes on tea," the colonies took fire again : and the old flame of '53 was completely re- kindled throughout the continent. But still in the very storm and tempest of their rage, they never lost sight of the respect due their mother country. Their numerous letters and petitions to the King, to the Parliament, and to the people of Britain, all, all, breathe the full spirit of dutiful children, and of loving brothers. In terms the most modest and pathetic, they state the extreme injustice and barbar- ity of such measures — their total inconsistency with the spirit of the British Constitution — their positive inadmissibility into America — or, in that event, the certainty of a civil war, with all its fatal effects on the two countries. Tempered with meekness, and pointed wirth truth, their arguments reach the hearts of the British patriots, who all fly in eager myriads to extinguish the kindling flames of civil war. Foremost of this noble band is seen the venerable form of Chatham. Though worn with years and mfirniities, he quits his bed ; and, muffled up in flannels and furs, crawls to the house of lords, to give his last advice, and yet avert, if possible, the impending ruin. He rises to speak. A solemn silence prevails, while the looks of the crowded audience are bending forward upon him, to catch the accents of his magic tongue. His eyes are upon the ground : but his thoughts are not there : they are travelling like sun-beams over all the earth. Britain and America, with all their population and interests, lie open before his vast mind, with the varied evils of the threatened war In Britain he beholds a fearful pause in the pulse ol mdustry and joy — the loom is still — the anvil re sounds no more — while the harbours, late alive with bustling business and cheerful songs, now crowded v/ith silent dismantled ships, present a scene ol national mourning. In the colonies He sees the 70 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. plaitjs, lately crowned wilh joyful harvests, now covered with armed bands of Britons and Americana rushing to murderous battle — while in Europe, the proud Spaniard, the sarcastic Gaul, and broad grin- ning Hollander, with shrugs and sneers enjoy the coming fray, as a welcome prelude to the downfalj of their hated rival. He next paints the Americans as native sons of Britain — and, at once, enthusiastic lovers of liberty and of their mother country — ready, as her children, to give her every thing ; but, as her slaves, nothing. Though harshly treated, they still love her, and wish for nothing so much as a hearty reconciliation, and a glad return of all the former friendships and blessings. At thought of this most desirable of all events, the parent soul of the great orator is stirred within him, his angel frame trembles with strong feeling, which heaves his labouring bosom, and swells his changeful face. At length his powerful words break forth. " For God's sake then, my lords, let the way be instantly opened for reconciliation. I say instantly; or it will be too late for ever. The Americans tell you — and remember, it is the language of the whole continent — they tell you, they will never submit to be taxed without their own consent. They insist on a repeal of your laws. They do not ask it as a favour. They claim it as a right. They demand it. — And I tell you the acts must be repealed. They will be repealed. You cannot enforce them. But bare repeal will not satisfy this enlightened and spirited people. What! satisfy them by repealing a bit of paper — by repealing a piece of parchment ! N- ! you must declare you have no right to tax them Then they may trust you — then they will come into you. There are, my lords, three millions of whigs hi America. Three millions of whigs, with arms m their hands, are a formidable body ! There are, i trust, double that number of whigs in England. And I hope the whigs in both countries will join and LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 71 make a common cause. They are united by the strongest ties of sentiment and interest ; and wih therefore, I hope, fiy to support tiieir brethren. In this most alarming and distracted state of our affairs, though borne down by a cruel disease, 1 have crawl- ed to this house, my lords, to give you my best advice, wliich is, to beseech his majesty that orders may instantly be dispatched to General Gage to remove the troops from Boston. Their presence is a source of perpetual irritation and suspicion to those people. How can they trust you, with the bayonet at their breasts ? They have all the reason in the world to believe that you mean their death or slavery. Let us then set to this business in earnest. There is no time to be lost. Every moment is big with dan- ger. Nay, while I am now speaking, the decisive blow may be struck, and millions involved in the dreadful consequences ! The very first drop of blood that is drawn, will make a wound perhaps never to be healed — a wound of such rancorous malignity, as will, in all probability, mortify the whole body, and hasten, both on England and America, that dissolution to which all nations ar^. destined. '^ Here was a speech, sufficient, one would have thought, to stop the career of the maddest pohticians. — But neither this, nor the advice of lord Camden nor the numerous and pathetic addresses from Lon- don, Liverpool, and Jamaica, could produce the least change in the views of the ministry. " Let the Americans," said lord Gower with a sneer, " sit talking about their natural rights! their divine rights! and such stuff! we will send them over a few regi- ments of grenadiers to help their consultations I" Thus high-toned was the language of ministry, and thus stoutly bent on the submission of the Ameri- cans. Indeed, in some instances, they would not honour them so far as to give their " humble peti- tions'- a reading ; but consigned them to what the 72 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. whig opposition pleasantly called, " the committee of oblivion.'-' "^^ The tea-tax was, of course, at any rate to be col lected. But as there could be no tax without tea, nor tea unless it was sent, several ships of that obnoxious weed were purposely dispatched for America. Lord Fairfax happened to be at Mount Vernon when Washington received advice from a friend in London th:it the tea-ships were about to sail. ..." Well, my lord," said he, " and so the ships, with the gun-pow- der tea, are, it seems, on their way to America !" " Well, but colonel, whv do you call it gunpowdei tea." " Why, I am afraid, my lord," replied Washing- ton, " it will prove inflammable, and produce an explosion that will shake both countries." The event corresponded with Washington's pre- diction. Looked on as sent to insult and enslave them, the ships were every where received with the heartiest curses of the people, who quickly boarded them — in some places furiously emptying their fra- grant cargoes into the flashing deep ; — in others, sternly ordering the captains to depart, under the pen- alty of being instantly tucked up to the yard arms. On the arrival of this news in England, the counte- nance of the minister was dark with fury ; and he proceeded, without delay, to mix up for the colonies a cup of fiery indignation, of which Boston, it seems, was to have the largest dose. As that most unduti- ful child had always led ofl" the dance in outrage and rebellion against the parent state, it was determined that she should pay the piper for old and new. . . that her purse should answer for all the tea that had been destroyed . . . that her luxuriant trade, which had made her so wanton, should be taken from her — and, that, in spite of her high looks and proud stomach, <\ie should sit on the stool of repentance, until his gracious majesty, George III. should be pleased to pronounce her pardon ! ' LIFE OF WASHINGTON 73 On the receipt of this inteUigence at Boston, the passions of the people flew np,five hundred degrees above blood-heat ! throughout the continent the fever raged with equal fury. The colonies all extolled Boston for the firmness with which she had asserted her chartered rights .... Liberal contributions were made for her relief: and this ministerial attack on her liberties, was considered as an attack on the hberties of the whole, which were now thought to be in such danger, as loudly to call for a general congress from all the colonies, to deliberate on their common in- terest. This most unkingly body commenced its session in Philadelphia, September 5th, 1774. They began with publishing a bill of rights, wherein they repeated " their loyalty and love to the mother coun- try, together with an earnest wish for constitutional dependence on her. But, at the same time, they begged leave to assure her, that though she, in her excessive fondness, might suffer herself to be bound and insulted by North and Bute, and other Philistine lords, yet they, for their parts, were resolved, like true sons of British Sampsons, to rise and fight to the last locks of their heads. They asserted, and begged leave to do it pretty roundly too, as it was now high time to speak plain, that by the immutable laws of nature — by the principles of the British constitution — and by their several charters, they had a right to liberty, the liberty of British subjects — that their ever honored fathers, at the time of their emigration to this country, were entitled to all the rights of freemen — and since, by such emigration they had neither forfeited nor surrendered these rights — that they their children, were determined, at the risk of every thing short of their eternal salvation, to defend and to transmit them entire to their inno- cent and beloved offspring.'^ Millions of choice spirits in England, Scotkind, and Ireland, cried out "that's well said! and may God's arms strike with our American brethren!'' 7 14 LIFE OF WASHIiNGTON. This was coming to the point, and produced the effect that might have been expected. For, instantly all exportation of arms and ammunition to America was prohibited — large reinforcements were sent to the king's troops at Boston — and every step was taken to compel the colonies to submission. This filled up the measure of American hatred to the ministry, and called forth the most vigorous prepara tions for war. Every ounce of gunpowder was hus- banded like so much gold-dust. Powder-mills and musket-manufactories were erected in most of the colonies ; while others, not liking this slow way of doing things, laid violent hands at once upon all the king's arms and ammunition that could be found. The tremendous cloud of civil war was now ready to burst : and April the 19th, 1775, was the fatal day marked out by mysterious heaven, for tearing away the stout infant colonies from the long- loved paps of the old mother country. Early that morning, general Gage, whose force in Boston was augmented to 10,000 men, sent a detachment of 1000 to destroy some mihtary stores which the Americans had collected in the town of Concord, near Lexing- ton. On coming to the place, they found the town militia assembled on the green near the road. " Throw down your arms, and disperse, you rebels," was the cry of Pitcairn the British officer ; which was imme- diately followed by a general discharge of the soldiers; whereby eight of the Americans were killed, and several wounded. The provincials retired. But finding that the British still continued their fire, they returned it with good interest ; and soon strewed the green with the dead and wounded. Such fierce dis- charges of musketry produced the effect that might have been expected in a land of freemen, who saw their gallant brothers suddenly engaged in the strife of death. Never before had the bosoms of the swains experienced such a tumult of heroic passions. The.i blowing aside the implements of husbandry, and KATTLE OF LEXINGTON. LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 77 leaiing their teams in the half-finished farrows, tliey flew to their houses; snatched up their arms; and bursting from their wild shrieking wives and children, hasted to the glorious field, where liberty, heaven born goddess, was to be bought for blood. Pouring in now from every quarter, were seen crowds of sturdy peasants, with flushed cheeks and flaming eyes, eager for battle ! Even age itself forgot its wonted infirmities : and hands, long palsied with years, threw aside the cushioned crutch, and grasped the deadly firelock. Fast as they came up, their ready muskets began to pour the long red streams of fiery vengeance. The enemy fell back, apalled ! The shouting farmers, swift closing on their rear, followed their steps with death, while the British, as fast as they could load, wheeling on their pursuers, returned the deadly platoons. Like some tremendous whirlwind, whose roaring sweep all at once darkens the day, riding the air in tempests ; so sudden and terrible, amidst clouds of dust, and smoke, and flame, the flight of Britain's warriors thundered along the road. But their flight was not in safety. Every step of their retreat was stained with the trickling crimson. Every hedge or fence by which they pas- sed, took large toll of hostile carcasses. They would, m all probability, have been cut ofl" to a man, had not general Gage, luckily recollected, that, born of Britons, these Yankees might possess some of the family valour ; and therefore sent 1000 men to sup- port the detachment. This reinforcement met the poor fellows, faint with fear and fatigue, and brought them safely ofl" to Boston. In this their first field, the American farmers gleaned of the British about sixty-three, in slain, and two hundred and eighty wounded and prisoners. The fire of civil discord now broke out a roaring flame : and, with equal ardour, both parties hastened to clap on the " kettle of war." National prejudices ought to be scouted from the 7* n LIFE OF WASHINGTON. face of the earth. Colonel Grant actually'" said ir? parliament, that " with fiv^e regiments he could march through all America ! ! !" Oh ! had that profound philosopher but beheld the scrub race above, he might have learned two things — first, that he was never born to be a prophet. \ And secondly, that as it is not to this or that country exclusively, that we are to look for brave men, but in every country where the people are accustomed to breathe the proud air of liberty, and to rejoice in the sweet fruits of their labours as all their own. \ Soon as the battle of Lexington was told to the astonished ministry in England, a grand caucus of lords was held, to consider the best ways and means to bring the rebels to their senses. " One spoke after this manner, and another after that. Presently up rose lord George Germaine, and with all Moloch in his looks, hurled the curses of Amalek against the x\mericans. " Vengeance ! gentlemen !" he cried, " vengeance ! your insulted island — your wounded honour — your murdered countrymen — all cry havoc' and bid slip the dogs of war. Gods ! can we sit de- bating here, when rank rebellion lords it over our colonies, and the tongues of rebel curs are red in the blood of our bravest soldiers slain. No ! let our swift-avenging armies fly across the ocean, and light- ing like a tornado on the rebel continent, from end to end, with fire and sword sweep both town and country before them." Here the celebrated Mr. Wilkes, in the spirit of a true Briton, roared out : " Aye, that's right ! that^s right ! lord George ! that's exactly according to our old English proverb the greater the coward, the crueller the devil !" " Coward ! Sir !" replied lord George, black with rage. " Coward ! what do you mean by that, sir?" "I mean, sir," returned Mr. Wilkes, "that the hero who could not stand fire on the plains of Minden, does well to advise fire and sword in the woods of America '' LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 79 Upon this, the unlovely names of liar and scoun- dre. were exchanged with a freedom which showed that in the quarrel with America the passions of the two parties knew no bounds. Happily for America, this spirit of Mr. Wilkes was not peculiar to him- self. Thousands of enlightened and virtuous whigs breathed it with equal ardour. The gallant duke of Buckingham, on hearing how bravely the Ameri- cans had behaved at Lexington, exclaimed, " Well, thank God ! there are yet some veins in the world that beat high with British blood !" Lord Effingham, also, being required to take up arms against the Americans, returned his sword to the king, saying, " he had received it on oath, to maintain the cause of justice, not of oppression ! !" But though the right heads in England were nu- merous, they were not sufficiently so to direct the wrong heads. A feeble minister, and his puny lordlings, still held the reins: and though, compared with the great nation which they governed, they seemed but as monkeys on the back of a mammoth, yet they had, too long, the fatal art so to blindfold and goad the noble animal, as to make her run riot over her own children, and crush thousands of them into their bloody graves. On this day, June 12, 1775, General Gage issued his proclamation of rebellion, with threats of heaviest vengeance against the rebels ; extending however in the king's name, the golden sceptre of mercy to all true penitents, Samuel Adams, and John Hancock, excepted. These gentlemen, by their extraordinary zeal in the cause of Uberty, had so mortally offended the ministry, that nothing short of their lives could make atonement. Orders were sent privately to General Gage, to seize and hang them in Boston, or to send them over in irons to be hung in England. But God gave his angels charge of them, so that not a hair of their heads was hurt. The British, 10,000 strong, were still in Boston, 7 80 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. where, ever since the affair of Concord, they had been surrounded by an army of 20,000 provincials, ail so eager to take the city by storm, that it was with the greatest difficulty their officers could res- train them. How adorable the goodness of God for ordering that the ministerial attack on our liberties, should fall on the populous and high-toned New-Englanders ! The heroic spirit with which they repelled it, should to eternity, endear them to their southern brethren. CHAPTER IX. Battle (A Bunker*s-hill — of Sullivan's Island — Declaration of Inde- pendence — Defeat of the Americans on Long-Island — Howe threatens violently — Times squally. And fame of Bunker's hill endure, Till time itself shall be no more. This hiil of fame still lifts its yellow brow, half hid in sedge, on the plains of Charlestown — a lovely port north of Boston, to which it is united by an ele- gant bridge. To confine the British as closely as possible to Boston, the American generals, on the night of June 16, despatched 1500 men to throw up an entrenchment on BunkerVhill. The party did not begin their work till about 12 o'clock; but ex- erted such a spirit, that, by day-break, they had sur- rounded themselves with a tolerably decent ditch — without embrasures indeed, because they had no cannon to stare through them ; nor even a bayonet to bristle over its ridges. Soon as the rosy morn appeared, they were disco- vered by the British men of war, which quickly salut- ed theui with their great guns and mortars. But, re- LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 81 gardless of sliells and shot, Ihe dauntless Yankees still drank their Switchel* and plied their work. Finding that his ships of war, with all their thun ders, had not been able to dislodge them, Gage or- dered to their aid 3000 men with a train of artillery, under command of Generals Howe and Pigot. By- twelve o'clock they were all safely landed on the Charlestown side, near Bunker's-hill, the destined place of storm. An interesting scene is now about to open — for not only the British and American armies from the neighbouring heights, are eagerly looking on ; but all the surrounding country, timely alarmed, are running together, in terror, to behold the coming fight. Among the crowding spectators are seen thousands of tender females, with panting bosoms and watery eyes, fixed upon the fields below, anxiously waiting the fate of their brothers, fathers, and husbands. After a hurried moment spent in forming, the British troops began to advance in heavy columns, with all the martial pomp of flying colours and rattling drums. At the same time, by order of Gage, the beautiful port of Charlestown, of 300 fine buildings, with a tall steepled church, was wrapped in flames, roaring like distant thunder, and tossed on eddying winds in fiery billows to the clouds — while, far and wide, the adjoining plains are covered with British soldiers in crimson regimentals and shming arms, moving on the attack with inces- sant discharges of muskets and great guns. Close, on the brow of the hill, appears the little fort, dimly seen through smoke, and waved over by one solitary flag, and very unlike to stand the shock of so power- ful an armament. But the Americans are all wound up to the height of the enthusiasm of Liberty : and, * A mild and moralizing malmsey, made of molasses and water, which the prudent Yankees drink, to the great benefit of their health ind senses, while too many of their southern neighbours are Qe-fool *ng and bc-poisoning themselves with grog. 82 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. iying close behind their works, with fowling pieces loaded with ball and buckshot, wait impatiently for the approaching enemy. Their brave countrymen^, Putnam and Warren, are in the fort, constantly reminding them of that glorious inheritance. Liberty, which they received from their gallant fathers, and now owe to their own dear children. " Don't throw away a single shot, my brave fellows," said old Put- nam. "Don't throw away a single shot; but take good ami: nor touch a trigger, till you can see the whites of their eyes.'^ This steady reserve of fire, even after the British had come up within pistol-shot, led them to hope that the Americans did not mean to resist, and many of their friends on the heights had nearly given up all for lost. But as soon as the enemy were advanced withhi the fatal distance marked, all at once a thou- sand triggers were drawn : and a sheet of fire, wide as the whole front of the breast-work, bursted upon them with most ruinous effect. The British instantly came to a halt — still keeping up their fire — but alto- gether at random and ineffectual, like men in a panic. While full exposed, within pohit-blank shot, ranks on ranks fell before the American marksmen, as the heavy-eared corn before the devouring hail storm, when with whirlwind rage it smites the trembling earth, and rushes on, smoking and roaring through the desolated fields. The ejiemy still mahitained their ground like Britons, though all in front was nothing but one wide destructive flash ; and nought around but heaps of their shrieking, dying comrades. But in a few minutes the slaughter became so general, that they could stand it no longer, but broke and fled in the utmost disorder, to the shore side; and some even took refuge in their boats ! Their oflicers .with some duTiculty brought them back to a second charge, when the Americans, waiting till they had come up within a few rods of the fort, recommenced their fire, with a mortahty which broke and drove BATTLE OF BUNKEr's HILL. LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 85 them again. Some of the officers attempted to bring tnem en a third time, but others cried out, "that it "w as no better than murder \" It is probable they would hardly have made another effort, had not the generals Clinton and Burgoyne, spectators of their defeat, hastened over fronj Boston with fresh troops to their aid/^ The Americans, being nearly destitute of ammuni- tion, and attacked by such superior force, were obliged to retreat, which they did in tolerable order, but not till they had given the enemy, as they mounted the works, their last cartridges, and to some of them the buts of their guns — for want of bayonets. The British, 'tis true, by such great advantage of numbers and weapons, gained the day; but sung no le deum. To have given 1350 men killed and wounded, for a poor ditch of 12 hours labour, seemed to them a bargain hardly worth thanking God for. Among the Heroes whom this day immolated on the altar of Patriotism, was Dr. Joseph Warren, whose memory will be held sacred as long as grati- tude or honour live among men. The British lost Major Pitcairn, author of the murders at Lexington, a few weeks before ! During the autumn and wmter of 1775, Washing- ton could effect nothing against the British, but to hold them close confined in Boston, where the scurvy prevailed, and proved very fatal. To remedy this evil, immense quantities of livestock and vegetables were shipped from Britahi — 5,000 fat oxen; 14,000 sheep — 12,000 hogs, with 22,000 pounds sterhng worth of sour-crout ! ! ! And nearly the same amount m hay, oats and beans, for a single regiment of cavalry !! "Blessed are the meek!'' for they shall save a world of expense. In consequence of some disturbances this year, m South Carolina, in favour of the ministry. Sir Peter Parker was dispatched with nine ships of war, and 86 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. a iargj land force, commanded b^r Clinton and Ccrn walks, to make an attempt on Charleston, the capi- tal. Before the ships could be brought to pay theii respects to the town, they must, it seems, pass a little fort on Sullivan's Island. This, however, being defended only by raw militia, was hardly looked on as an obstacle. Happily for America, the command of the fort had been committed to General Moultrie ; for the chief in command, Gen. Charles Lee, though otherwise brave, was ever in the frights at the thought of a British man of war ; and for a general, much too free in lendmg his fear to others. For, while Moultrie was showing him the fort, and in the language of a fiery patriot was boasting what handsome resistance he hoped it would make ; Lee with infinite scorn replied, "Pshaw ! a mere slaughter house ! a mere slaughter house ! a British man of war will knock it about your ears in half an hour!" He even proposed to abandon the fort ! The courage of one man saved Charleston, and perhaps the State. That fortunate man was John Rutledge, Esq., governor of South Carolina. He insisted that the fort should be defended to the last extremity. Moultrie was called in. " Well, General Moultrie," said Gov. Rutledge, " what do you thmk of giving up the fort !" Moultrie could scarcely suppress his indignation. " No man, sir," said he to Lee, " can have a higner opinion of the British ships and sea- men than I have. But there are others who love the smell of gunpowder as well as they do ; and give us but plenty of powder and ball, sir, and let them come on as soon as they please." His courage was quickly put to the test; for about 10 o'clock, on the 28th of June, in the glorious 1776, Sir Peter Parker, with seven tall ships formed his line, and bearing down within point-blank shot of the fort, let go his anchors and began a tremendous fire. At every thundering blast he fondly hoped to see the militia take to the sands like frightened rats from an LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 87 old barn on fire. But, widely different from his» "hopes, the miUtia stood their ground, firm as thf Black-jacks of their land ; and levelling their four- and-twenty pounders with good aim, bored the oIq liearts of oak through and through at every fire Their third broadside carried away the springs on the cables of the commodore's ship, which immedia- tely swung around right stern upon the guns of the fort — " Hurra ! my sons of thunder," was instantly the cry along the American battery, " look hand- somely to the commodore ! now m.y boys, for your best respects to the commodore !'* Little did the commodore thank them for such respects ; for in a short time he had 60 of his brave crew lying lifeless on his decks, and his cockpit stowed with the wound ed. At one period of the action, the quarter-deck v/as cleared of every soul, except Sir Peter himself Nor was he entirely excused ; for an honest cannon ball, by way of broad hint that it was out of charac- ter for a Briton to fight against liberty, rudely snatched away the bag of his silk breeches. Thus Sir Peter had the honour to be the first, and I believe the only Sans Culotte ever heard of in American natural history ! ! The Americans stood the fire like Salamanders ; for the neighbouring shoreswere lined with thousands of their dearest relatives, anxiously looking on ! the British tars, poor fellows ! had no sisters, mothers, nor wives, spectators of their strife ; but fought, not- witlistanding, with their wonted lieroism. Long accustomed to mastery in battles with the French and greatly out-numbering the fort both in men and guns, they counted on certain victory ; and though drreadfuUy handled, scorned to yield. Immense were the exertions on both sides ; and while the powder of the fort lasted, the conflict was awfully grand — From ships to fort, and from fort to ships agam, all below seemed one stream of solid fire ; all abo s'e, one vast mountain of smoke darkening the 8a MFE OF WASHINGTON. day, while unintermitted bursts of thunder deafenec: all ears, and far around shook both land and sea. The heroes in the fort won immortal honour. One brave fellow, a Sergeant Jasper, observing the flag- staff shot away, jumped down from the fort on the beach, in the hottest fury of the battle, and snatching up he flag, returned it to its place, streaming defi- ance, with a — " Hurra, my boys, liberty and America for ever." Governor Rutledge rewarded him with a sword. Another Sergeant, M'Donald, while roaring away with his 24 pounder, was terribly shattered by a cannon ball. When about to expire, he lifted up his dying eyes and said — " My brave countrymen, I die ; but don't let the cause of Liberty die with me." Now louder and louder still, peal on peal, the Ame- rican thunder burst forth with earth-trembling crash- es : and the British ships, after a long and gallant struggle, hauled off with a good fortnight's worth of work for surgeons, carpenters and riggers. Sir Peter was so dumb-founded by this drubbing, tliat it took him full eight-and forty-hours to recover his stomach for his beef and pudding. So wonderful- ly had it let him down, that even his black pilots grew impudent upon him. For as he was going out over the bar, he called to Cudjo (a black fellow, a pilot who was sounding the depth of the water) " Cud- jo ! (says he) what water have you got there .^" " What water, massa ? what water ? why salt water, be sure, sir ? — sea water alway salt water, an't he, massa ?" " You black rascal, I knew it was salt water. 1 only wanted to know how much water you have there ?" <' How much water here, massa ? how much water here ! God bless me, massa ! where I going get quart pot for measure him?" This was right down impudence; and Cudjo richly deserved a rope's end for it ; but Sir Peter, a good naturod man, was so tickled with the idea of measur • LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 89 ing the Atlantic ocean with a quart pot, that he broke into a hearty laugh, and ordered Cudjo a stiff drink of grog. 'Twas the celebrated Samuel Chase, the Demos- thenes of Maryland, who first taught the startler, vaults of Congress hall to re-echo the name of Inde pendence. After enumerating many a glaring m stance of mmisterial violation of American rights- on all of which George III., the expected father ol his people, had looked with a most unfatherly calm- ness — his countenance became like the dark stormy cloud edged with lightning — then swinging his arm m the air, with a tremendous stamp and voice of thunder, that made the hollow dome resound, he swore a mighty oath, "that he owed no allegiance to the king of England !" Many in Congress trembled at hearing such a speech ; and, on mention of Independence, felt the pang which nature feels when soul and body are parting. But fearing that " true friendship could never grow again, where wounds of deadly hate had pierced so deep," they at length resolved to part. The gentlemen appointed by Congress to frame the declaration of Independence, were Thomas Jeffer- son, John Adams, Du. Franklin, R. Sherman and R. Livingston. On hearing their nomination to a task so high and arduous, they met ; and after some conversation on the subject, parted, under the agree- ment that each of their number should draft his own declaration, and read it next day, in rotation to the rest. At the fixed hour next day, they met^ — but " who should read first," was the question. Mr, Jefferson was fixed on ; and, after much importunity, consented to read his form, which had the honour to give such complete satisfaction, that none other was read. A few days after this, Lord Howe came upon the coast with a forest of men of war and transports, shading far and wide the frightened ocean, and 8* yo LIFE OF WASHINGTON. beaiing nearly 40,000 men, British, Hessians, and Waldeckers. Supposing that this had intimidated the American commander, Lord Howe wrote a letter to him, directed — " George Washington, Esq." This the general refused to receive ! looking on it as an iusnlt to Congress under whom he had the honour to bear the commission of Commander in Chief, and should have been addressed as such. General Howe then sent an officer (Colonel Patterson) to converse with him on the subject of reconciliation — Havmg heard what he had to say, Washington replied, " by what has yet appeared, sir, you have no power bul to grant pardons. But we who have committed nc fjiuits, want no pardons; for we are only fighting for our rights as the descendants of Englishmen." The unfortunate defeat of Long-Island now took place on August 28th, which though the hottest day in the year, had like to have been the freezing point in the American affairs. For on this day, the British, with an infinite superiority of force, after having de- feated the Americans with great loss, were investing the slender remains of their army ; and had actually broke ground within six hundred yards of the little redoubt that feebly covered their front. Soon as it was dark, Washington ordered the troops to convey their baggage and artillery to the water side, whence it was transported over a broad ferry all night long, with amazing silence and order. Providentially a thick fog continued next morning till ten o'clock ; when that passed away, and the sun broke out, tire British were equally surprised and enraged to see the rear guard with the last of the baggage in their boats, and out of all danger. Lord Howe, supposing that such a run of misfor- tunes must have pat congress into a good humour to think about peace, signified a willingness to have a grand talk on the subject. Congress sent Dr. Frank- lin, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Rutledge, each with his belt of wampum. But finding that his lordship was LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 91 ■till harping on the old string, pardons ! pardons ' they very soon closed the conference. Towards the close of the trying campaign, it is a fact, that Washington had not 3000 men ; and even these were so destitute of necessaries, that nothing but their love and veneration for him kept them to- gether. And with this handful he had to oppose a victorious army, of nearly forty thousand veterans'! But Jehovah, the God of Hosts, was with him : and otV times, in the ear of the slumbering hero, his voice was heard, " fear not ; for I am with thee. Be not dismayed; for I am. thy God." — Hence under all the disheartening circumstances of this campaign, Washington not only kept up his own spirits, but cheered those of his drooping comrades. Hearing his officers one day talk about the gloominess of the American affiairs, he humorously clasped his necl* with his hands, and said with a smile, " I really can not believe yet, that my neck was ever made for a halter!" For four months during the summer and fall oi 1776, the Americans were obliged to retreat before the enemy, who completely over-ran the Jerseys, fill- ing every town and hamlet with their victorious troops — During their pursuit through the Jerseys, the behaviour of the Hessians towards the country peo- ple was barbarous in the extreme. To make them fight the better, it seems that they had been told that the Americans, against whom they were warring, were not (like the Europeans) Christians and gentle- men, but mere savages, a race of Cannibals, who would not only tomahawk a poor Hessian, and haul ofl^ his hide for a drum's head, but would just as leave barbacue and eat him as they would a pig. " Vat ! Vat !" cried the Waldeckers, with eyes staring wild and big as billiard bails, " Vat ! eat Hessian man up uke vun hog ! Oh mine God and Vader ! vot peoples ever been heard of eat Christian man before ' Vy shure, des Mericans must be de deble." 92 ' LIFE OF WASHINGTON. This was Hessian logic : and it inspired them with the utmost abhorrence of the Americans, to whom they thought the worst treatment much too good — they burnt houses — destroyed furniture — killed the stock — abused the women ! and spread consterna- tion and ruin along all their march. To save their families from such horrid tragedies, the Americans flocked in by thousands to general Howe, to take the oath of allegiance. And the best judges were of opinion, that this alarming apostacy would soon become general throughout the two great states of Pennsylvania and New-Jersey ! And indeed no wonder ; for to most people it appeared that the cause of liberty was a gone cause. But, still firm as the iron rudder-bands that maintain the course of the ship in her trembling flight over raging seas, so firm- ly did Washington cleave to his countrymen, and cover their retreat. They had been obliged to retreat from Long- Island to New-York, from New-York, over the Hud- son, to New-Jersey, and now over the Delaware, to Pennsylvania. " My God !" general Washington, " how long shall we retreat ?" said general Reed, " where shall we stop ?" " Why sir," replied Wash- nigton, " if we can do no better, we'll retreat over every river in America ; and last of all over the mountains, whence we shall never lack opportunities to annoy, and finally, I hope, to expel the enemies of our country." But, God be thanked, our toils and trials were not to be pushed to such sad extremities : for general Howe, having driven the Americans to the western side of the Delaware, stationed 4000 men in Trenton, Bordentown, and Burlington, on its eastern bank j and then returned with the main army to eat their winter puddings in Brunswick and New-York. Here Washington, with joy, first discovered an opportu- nity to make a blow. Not doubting, but that such a long rrui of success had taught the enemy to llii/ik LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 9b rery highly oi themselves, and as meanly . f the Americans ; and suspecting, too, that at Christmas, which was close at hand, instead of watching and praying like good Christians, they would, very like- ly, be drinking and hopping like fools, he determined then and there if possible to break up their winter quarters. To this end he broke his little remnant of an army into three divisions ; two of which he committed to Generals Ewing and Cadwallader to attack at Bordentown and Burlington. The third he meant to lead in person to the heavier charge on Trenton. Every thing being in readiness by Christ- mas night, ad soon as it was dark, they struck their tents, and moved off in high spirits, once more to try their fortune against an enemy long victorious. But alas ! the enthusiasm of the gallant Cadwallader and Ewing was soon arrested; for on arriving at the river, they found it so filled with ice, as to preclude all possibility of crossing. Thus, to their inexpressi- ble grief, was blasted the ardent wish to aid their beloved chief in this his last bold attempt to save America. Ignorant of the failure of two-thirds ol his plan, Washington and his little forlorn hope, pressed on through the darksome night, pelted by an incessant storm of hail and snow. On approaching the river, nine miles above Trenton, they heard the unwelcome roar of ice, loud crashing along the angry flood. But the object before them was too vast to allow one thought about difficulties. The troops were instantly embarked, and after five hours of in- finite toil and danger, landed, some of them frost bitten, on the same shores with the enemy. Form- mg the line, they renewed their march. Pale, and slowly moving along the neighbouring hills was seen, (by Fancy's eye) the weeping genius of liberty. Driven from the rest of the world, she had fled to the wild woods of America, as to an assured asylum of resL Here she fondly hoped, through long unfailing tiuie, to see her children pursuing theii 94 LIFE OF WASHLNGTON. cheerful toils, unstarved and uncrushed by the inhu man few. But alas ! the mhuman few, with fleets and armies, had pursued her flight ! Her sons had gathered around her, but the}' had failed — some, on their bloody beds ; others dispersed ; all desponding One little band alone remained ! and, now, resolved to defend her or perish, were in rapid march to face her foes. Pale and in tears, with eyes often lifted to Heaven, she moved along with her children to wit- ness perhaps the last conflict. * • The Sun had just tipped with gold the adjacent hills, when snowy Trenton, with the wide-tented fields of the foe, hove in sight. To the young in arms this was an awful scene : and Nature called a short lived terror to their hearts. But not unseen of Washington was their fear. He marked the sudden paleness of their cheeks, when first they beheld the enemy, and quick, with half-stifled sighs, turned on him their wistful looks. As the big hon of Zara, calUng his brindled sons to battle against the mighty rhinoceros, if he mark their falling manes, and sees them crouching to his side, instantly puts on all his terrors — his eyes roll in blood — he shakes the forest with the deepening roar, till, kindled by their father's fire, the maddening cubs swell with answering rage, and spring undaunted on the monster. Thus stately and terrible rode Columbia's first and greatest son, along the front of his halting troops. The eager wish for battle flushed over his burning face, as, rising on his stirrups, he waved his sword towards the hostile camp, and exclaimed, " There ! my brave friends ! there are the enemies of your country ! and now, all I ask of you, is, just to remember what you are about to fight for. March !" His looks and voice rekindled all their fire, and drove them undaunt- ed to the charge. The enemy saw their danger when it was too late ! but, as if resolved by taxing their courage, to pay for their carelessness, they roused Ihe liiunder of their drums, and flew to arms. But LIFE OF WASHINGTON 95 before they could form, the Americans, led on by Washington, advanced upon them in a stream ol lightning, which soon decided the contest. By the musket of the intrepid captain (now General) Freling- huysen, of New Jersey, fell Col. Rahl, a brave Ger- man who commanded the enemy. The ghosts of forty of liis countrymen accompanied him; and very nearly one thousand were made prisoners. Five hundred British horse effected their escape to Bordentown. Could Ewmg and Cadwallader have crossed the river, agreeably to Washington's plan, the enemy's whole line of cantonments would have been com pletely swept ! ! To rouse his desponding countrymen Washington immediately marclied down to Philadelphia, and made triumphal entry with his prisoners, preceded by their cannon and colours, and wagons, bristling with muskets and bayonets. The poor tories couid scarcely believe their o\weyes. Many of the whigs v/ept for joy. To remove from the minds of the Hessians, their ill-grounded dread of the Americans, Washington took great care, from the moment they fell into his hands, to have them treated with the utmost tenderness and generosity. He contrived that the wealthy Dutch farmers should come in from the country and converse with them. They seemed very agreeably surprised at such friendly attentions. The Dutchmen at length proposed to them to quit the British service and become farmers. — At this the Hessians paused a little and said something about parting with their country. " Your country !" said the farmers. " Poor fel- lows ! where is your country? You have no country. To support his pomps and pleasures yourprlTice has torn you from your country, and for 30/. a-head solff you like slaves to fight against us, who nevei troubled you. Then leave the vile employment anc come live with us. Our lands are rich. Come help us to cultivate them Our tables are covered with S6 IJFE OF WASHINGTON. fat meats, and with milk and honey. Come sit down and eat with us like brothers. Our daughters are young and beautiful and good. Tlien shew your- selves worthy, and you shall have our daughters : and we will give you of our lands and cattle, that you may work, and become rich and happy as we are. You were told that General Washington and the Americans were savages and would devour you! But from the moment you threw down your arms, have they not been as kind to you as you had any right to expect ?" "0 yes!" cried they, "and a thousand times more kind than we deserved. We were told the Americans would show us no pity, and so we were cruel to them. But we are sorry for it now, since they have been so good to us : and now we love the Americans, and will never fight against them any more !" Such was the effect of Washington's policy; the divine policy of doing good for evil. It melted down his iron enemies into golden friends. It caused the Hessian soldiers to join with the American farmers ! — not only so, but to write such letters to their countrymen, tliat they were constantly breaking loose from the British to run over to the Americans — insomuch that in a little time the British would hardly trust a Hessian to stand sentinel ! Though this victory was gained on the 26th of December, yet we find Washington again, on the 1st of January, across the angry Delaware, with his country's flag held waving over the heights of Tren- ton. Lord Cornvvallis advanced in great force to attack him. The Americans retreated through the town, and crossing the Sanpink (a creek that runs along its eastern side,) planted their cannon near the ford, to defend its passage. The British army following, close in their rear, entered the town about four o'clock ; and a heavy cannonade commenced between the two armies, which were separated only LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 97 by the Sanpink and its narrow valley. « Now, sir!^' said Sir William Erskine to Cornwallis, " now is the lime to make sure of Washington. « Oh no !" replied CornwaUis, " our troops havn inarched a good way to-day and are tired. And the old ^ox can't make his escape ; for, with the help oi the Delaware now filled up with ice, we have com- pletely surrounded him. To-morrow morning, fresh and fasting we'll fall upon him, and take him and his ragamuffins all at once !" " Ah ! my Lord !" returned Sir William, " if Washington be the soldier that I fear he is, you'L not see him there to-morrow mornhig !" Night coming on, the artillery ceased to roar; and lighting up their fires, both armies proceeded to sup- per and to sleep. About midnight, having renewed all the fires, Washington put his little army in motion, and passing along the enemy's rear, hasted to sur- prise a large body of their troops at Princeton. Soon as it was day Cornwallis was greatly mortified to find there was no American army on the banks of the Sanpink. " That's exactly what I feared," said Sir William. Just as they were in deep thought on the matter, they heard the roar of Washington's can- non at Princeton. " There," continued Sir William, « There is Washington now, cutting up our troops." And so it was ; for on arriving at Princeton, about sunrise, Washington met three British regiments, who had just struck their tents, and were coming on in high spirits to attack him at Trenton. In a mo- ment, both parties attacked like heroes. At the first onset the Americans gave way ; but sensible that all 'vas at stake, Washington snatched a standard, ana advancing on the enemy, called to his countrymen to follow : his countrymen heard, and rushed on to the charge. Then flash and clash went the muskets and bayonets. Here the servants of George, and there the sons of liberty, wrapped in clouds and flames, and inflicting mutual wounds. 9 fi* M LIFE OF WASIIINGTOM. « God save the king !" the British heroes cried, « And God for Washington !" Columbia's sons replied. The name of Washington imparted its usual animation to his troops. The enemy gave way in all quarters, and were pursued four miles. Tiie victors returned with 400 prisoners ; the bayonet had stopped 120 on the field. But rhey fell not alone The gallant Mercer, and sixty-three of his brave countrymen sleep with them. But the strife of the heroes was but for a moment ; and they have forgot- ten their wounds. Together now, they feast in Paradise, and when meet their eyes of love, their joys are not dashed by the remembrance of the past. The British officers gave Washington full credit for such fine strokes of generalship, and began lo look thoughtful whenever his name was mentioned. The enemy on the 1 5th of January drew in ah their forces to winter-quarters at Brunswick, \\ here Washington continued to thin their numbers by cut- ting oft' their foraging parties ; so that every \oas they get, was at the p;loo of their lives. Thus gloriously, in ten days, was turned Ine tide of victory in favour of America, by him whom Heaven, in mercy not to America alone, but to Britain, and to the world, had raised up to found here a wide empire of liberty and virtue. The character of Washington was exalted to the highest pitch, even throughout Europe, where he was gene- rally styled the American Fabius, from the famous Roman general of that name, who opposed Hannibal with success. A distinction to which he was justly entitled, from the invincible firmness with which he rejected every finesse of the British gener-ils ; as also, that admirable judgment with which he suited the defence of the nation to the genius and abilities of the people, and to the natural advantages of tha LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 9fe country, thereby not allowing the enemy o pront by their great superiority of numbers, discipline, and artillery, and constantly cutting theiTi off by skir- mishes and surprise. The ministerial plan for 1777, was to reduce the Americans, by intercepting all communications be- tween the northern and southern states ! To effect this object General Howe, with 20 thousand men, was to go round from New York to the Head of Elk, and thence march on, due north, through Phila- delphia ; while General Burgoyne, with 10,000 men, setting out from Canada, was to pass down the lakes, and thence due south to meet his colleague Howe ; the straight line, formed by the junction of these two gentlemen, was to possess such virtues, that It was supposed no American could be found hardy enough to set foot over it ! ! Accordingly, July 23, General Howe left Sandy Hook ; sailed up the Chesapeake ; landed at the mouth of Elk River ; and with but little interruption, except at Brandywine, marched on to Philadelphia. Into that elegant city, on the 26th of September, 1777, he entered in triumph; fondly supposing, that, in America, as in Europe, the capture of the city was equivalent to the reduction of the country. But instead of finding himself master of this great conti- nent, whose rattle-snakes alone in the hand of heaven, could scourge his presumption ; it was with no small difficulty he could keep possession of the little village of Germantown. For, on the morning of the 4th of October, Washington made an attack on him with such judgment and fury, that his troops gave way in every quarter. " The tumult, disorder and despair in the British army,'' says Washington, " were unparalleled." But in the very moment ot the most decisive and glorious victory, when some of the provincial regiments had more prisoners than men, the Americans, through the mistake of an officer, who had drank too freely, began to retreat '* COFt 100 LIFK OF WASHINGTON. VVasliington's grief and mortification were inex pressible. But while he was annoying the enemy by land, he did not lose sight of their fleet, which was now forc- ing its way up the Delaware, to keep open to the army a channel of supplies. They arrived, without molestation, within 8 miles of Philadelphia, at a marsh called Mud-Island. On this poor harmless spot, the fittest, however, that nature in this peaceful land of Friends could furnish, Washington ordered a fort to be thrown up, the command of which, with 230 men, he assigned to lieutenant-colonel Samuel Smith. On the eastern or Jersey side of the river, at a place called Red-Bank, he ordered a strong redoubt, the command of which, with 250 men, was given to Colonel Greene. These, with some chevaux-de-frise sunk in the river, and a few gallies, formed all the barrier that Washington could present against the British navy. The strength of this barrier was soon put to a fiery trial. Great preparations were made to attack the Americans, at the same instant, both by land and water. Count Donop, with a host of Hes- sians, was sent over to be in readiness to attack Red- Bank, while the flood-tide, groaning under the enor- mous weight, brought up the men of war. The morning was still, and the heavens overcast with sad clouds, as of nature sympathizing with her children, and ready to drop showers of celestial pity on their strifes. No sooner had the ships floated up within three cables length of the fort, than they began a most tremendous cannonade : while cannon-balls and fire- tailed bombs, like comets, fell upon it thick as hail. The gallant Smith and his myrmidons stood the shock to a miracle : and, hke men fighthig under the eye of their Washington, drove two-and-thirty pounders through them with such spirit and success, that in a little tune, the Augusta, a heavy 64 gun ship, took fire, anH blew up, the horrible balloon of many of the »:re\v. Another ship called Khe Merlii , or Black-Bird, LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 101 soon got on the wing, blew up likewise, and wejit of! in thunder to join the Augusta. At the same moment Col. Donop, with his Hes sians, made a gallant attack on the fort at Red-Bank After a few well-directed fires, Greene and his men artfully retired from the out-works. The enemy now supposing the day their own, rushed on in vast num- bers along a large opening in the fort, and within twenty steps of a masked battery, of 18 pounders, loaded with grape-shot and spike-nails. All at once Erebus seemed to open before their affrighted view. But their pains and their terrors were but for a mo- ment. Together down they sunk by hundreds, into the sweet slumbers of death, scarcely sensible of the fatal blow that reft their lives Heaps on neaps the slaughter'd Hessians lie : Brave Greene beholds them with a tearful eye. Far now from home, and from their native shore, They sleep in death, and hear of wars no more. Poor Donop was mortally wounded, and taken prisoner. The attentions of the American officers, and particularly the kind condolence of the godlike Washington, quite overcame him ; and his last mo- ments were steeped in tears of regret, for having left his native land to fight a distant people who had never injured him. On hearing of his misfortune, Washington sent an officer to condole with him. The officer was con- ducted to his apartment ; and delivered the message. The wounded count appeared much affi^cted — a tear swelled in his eye : and he said to the officer, " Pre- sent to General Washington the thanks of an unfor- tunate brother soldier : tell him I expect to rise no more, but if I should, the first exertion of my strength shall be, to return to him my thanks in person.'' The officer sent was Colonel Daniel Clymer, of Berks, Pennsylvania. " See here, Colonel," said the dying count, " see in me the vanity of all human pride ! 1 9* lOf LIFE OF WASHINGTON have snone in all the courts of Europe ; and now I am dying I. ere, on the banks of the Delaware, in the house of an obscure Quaker !" After six weeks of infinite fatigue, with great loss of men and money, the British forced a passage large enough for their provision ships to Philadelphia, where General Howe and hisoificers held their balls this winter; while 16 miles distant, the great Wash- ington, well pleased with his campaign, retired to winter quarters at Valley Forge. While such ill success attended this part of the ministerial plan, viz. to choke the colonies by a mili- tary noose, so tightly drawn from Chesapeake to Champlain, as to stop all circulation between the northern and southern states; a worse fate frowned on their attempt in the north. General Burgoyne, with 10,000 veterans, besides a host of Canadians and Indians, issuing forth from Canada in June 1777, came pouring along down the lakes like the thunder- ing Niagara, with an impetuosity that swept every thing before it. The liatchets of the Indians were drunk with American blood. No age, no sex, could soften them. " The widow's wail, the virgin's shriek and trembling infant's cry," were music in their ears. In cold blood they struck their cruel tomahawks into the defenceless heart of a Miss M'Rea, a beautiful girl, who was that very day to have been married ! Such acts of inhumanity called forth the fiercest indignation of the Americans, and inspired that des- perate resolution of which the human heart is capa- ble, but which no human force can conquer. The New Englanders, who were nearest to these infernal scenes, turned out en masse. Washington hurried on Gates and Arnold with their furious legions ; and to these he joined the immortal Morgan with his dreadful phalanx, 1000 riflemen, whose triggers were never touched in vain, but could throw a ball a nundred yards at a squirrel's head, and never miss The first check given to Burgoyne's career, was at LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 103 Bennington. Hearing that the Americans had laid up large provisions in that town, he detached a Colonei Baum, with 600 Germans, to surprise it: and, at the same time, posted Colonel Breyman in the neigh- bourhood, with an equal number to support him i< necessary. Finding the place too well guarded either for surprise or storm, Baum fortified himself at a lit- tle distance, and sent back for Breyman. The Ame- rican commander, the brave General Starke, salliec^ out, and with great fury attacked Baum's intrench ■ ments without giving him time to receive his rein- forcements. At the first onset, the Canadians and British marksmen took to their heels, and left the poor Germans in the lurch. After a gallant resist- ance, Baum was mortally wounded, and his brave countrymen killed or taken to a man. In the mean- time Breyman, totally ignorant of their catastrophe, arrived at the place of action, where, instead of the cheering huzzas of joyful friends, he was saluted, on all hands, with the deadly whizzing of rifle bullets. After receiving a few close and scorching fires, the Germans hastily betook themselves to flight. The neighbouring woods, with night's sable curtains, en- abled the fugitives to save themselves for that time at least. The enemy lost in these two engagements, not less than 1000 men, killed, wounded, and prisoners. About the same time all their forts on the lakes were surprised. Colonel St. Leger was defeated at Fort-Stan wix ; the Indians began to desert ; Arnold and Morgan were coming up like mountain-storms ; and the militia from all quarters were pouring in. Burgoyne began to be alarmed, and wrote to New York for aid ; but finding that Clinton could give him none, and that the salvation of his army depended on themselves, he gallantly determined, on the 7th of October, 1777, to stake his all on the issue of a gen- eral battle. His army, in high spirits, was formed within a mile of the iimerican camp. Burgoyne, with the flower 104 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. of the British troops, composed the centre. Briga dier-general Frazer commanded the left. The Ger- mans, headed by major-generals PhiUps and Reides- del, and col. Breyman formed the right. With a fine train of artillery, flying colours, and full roll of mar- tial music, from wing to wing the towering heroes moved. On the other hand, fired with the love of liberty, the Americans poured out by thousands, eager for the glorious contest. Their dear country's flag waves over their heads. The thoughts of the warriors are on their children, and on the chains now forging for their tender hands. The avenging pas- sions rise, and the battle moves. Morgan brougiit on the action. In a large buckwheat field, which lay between the two armies, he had concealed his famous regiment of riflemen. The enemies, chiefly Cana dians and Indians, unsuspiciously advance. They were suffered to come within point blank shot, when they received a general fire, which strewed the field with their dead bodies. Morgan pursued ; but was soon met by a heavy reinforcement from the British, who quickly drove him, in turn. Arnold then moved on to support Morgan ; and, in a short time, with nine heavy regiments was closely engaged with the whole of the British army, both parties fighting as if each was determined never to yield : while the in- cessant crash of muskets and roar of artillery appear- ed both to sight and sound as if two wrathful clouds had come down on the plain, rushing together, in hideous battle, with all their thunders and lightnings. The weight, however, of the American fire was directed against the enemy's centre, extending along the left wing : and though it was some time sustained with the greatest firmness, yet at length it prevailed, and threw the British uito confusion. But the gallant Frazer flying to their assistance, soon restored their Drder and renewed the fight. Severely galled still by Morgan's rifles on the flanks, and hard pressed at the same time, in front by Arnold, they gave way a LIFE OF WASHINGTON 105 gecond time ; and a second time Frazer's presence revived their valour, and rekindled the battle in all its rage. Here Arnold did an act unworthy of the glory of the well fought battle. He ordered up twelve of his best riflemen, and pointing to Frazer, who on horse- back, with brandished sword, was gallantly animat- ing his men, he said : " Mark that officer ! — Himself IS a host ; let me not see him long." The riflemen flew to their places, and in a few moments the hero was cut down. With him fell the courage of the left wing, who, being now fiercely charged, gave way, and retreated to their camp. But scarcely had they entered it, when the Americans, with Arnold at their head, stormed it with inconceiv- able fury; rushing with trailed arms through a heavy discharge of musketry and grape shot. The British fought with equal desperation. For their all was at stake ; the Americans, like a whelming flood, were bursting over their intrenchments ; and, hand to hand, with arguments of bloody steel, were pleading the cause of ages yet un born. Hoarse as a mastiff of true British breed, Lord Balcarras was heard from rank to rank, loud-animating his troops; while on the other hand, fierce as the hungry tiger of Bengal, the im- petuous Arnold precipitated his heroes on the stubborn foe. High in air, the encountering banners blazed; there bold waving the lion-painted standard of Bri- tain ; here the streaming pride of Columbia's lovely stripes — while thick below, ten thousand eager war- riors close the darkening files, all bristled with venge- ful steel. No firing is heard. But shrill and terrible, from rank to rank, resounds the clash of bayonets — frequent and sad the groans of the dying. Pairs on pairs, Britons and Americans, with each his bayonet m his brother's breast, fall forward together faint- shridknig in death, and mingle their smoking blood. Many were the widows, many the orphans that were made that day. Long did the daughters of 106 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. Columbia mourn their fallen brothers! and often did the lovely maids of Caledonia roll their soft blue eyes of sorrow along the sky-bound sea, to meet the sails of their returning lovers. But alas ! their lovers shall return no more. Far distant, on the banks of the roaring Hudson they lie^ pale and helpless on the fields of death. Glassy now and dim are those eyes which once " beamed with friendship, or which flamed m war." Their last thoughts are towards the maids of their love : and the big tears glisten in their eye, as they heave the parting groan. Then was seen the faded form of Ocean's Queen, far-famed Britannia, sitting alone and tearful on hei western cliff. With downcast look her faithful lion lay roarmg at her feet ; while torn and scattered on the rock were seen her many trophies of ancient fame. Silent, in dishevelled locks, the goddess sat, absorbed in grief, when the gale of the west came blackening along the vv^ave, laden with the roar of murderous battle. At once she rose — a livid horror bespread her cheeks — distraction glared on her eye- balls, hard strained towards the place whence came the groans of her children ! the groans of her children fast sinking in a distant land. Thrice she essayed to curse the destroyers of her race. But thrice she remembered, that they too were her sons. Then^ wild shrieking with a mother's anguish, she rent the air with her cries : and the hated name of North resounded through all her caves. But still in all its rage the battle burned : and both parties fought with an obstinacy, never exceeded. But, in that moment of danger and of glory, the impetuous Arnold, who led the Americans, was ■ dangerously wounded, and forced to retire ; and several regiments of British infantry pouring m to the assistance of their gallant comrades, the Ameri- cans, after many hard struggles, were finally re- pulsed. I 1.1FE OF WASHINGTON. 107 In another quarter, where the strength of the Germans fought, the Americans, led on by Morgan, carried the intrenchments sword in hand. The face of Morgan was hke the full moon in a stormy night, when she looks down red and fiery on the raging deep, amidst foundering wrecks and cries of drown- ing seamen ; while his voice, like thunder on the hills, was heard, loud-shouting his heroes to the bloody charge. The tall regiments of Hesse Cassei fell or fled before them ; leaving their baggage, tents and artillery, in the hands of the victors. This was a bloody day to both armies: but so peculiarly disheartening to the British, that they were obliged to retreat that night to Saratoga, where, in a few days, (on the 13th of October, 1777,) they surrendered to the Americans, under Gates, by whom they were treated with a generosity that astonished them. For, when the British were marched out to lay down their arms, there was not an American to be seen ! They had all nobly retired for a moment, as if unwilling to give the pain, even to theii enemies, of being spectators of so humiliating a scene ! Worthy countrymen of Washington ! this deed of yours shall outlive the stars, and the blest sun himself, smiling, shall proclaim, that in the wide travel of liis beams, he never looked upon its like before. Thus, gloriously for America, ended the campaign of '77. That of '78 began as auspiciously. In May, Silas Deane arrived from France, with the welcome news of a treaty with that powerful people, and a letter from Louis XVI. to Congress, whom he styled — ^very dear great friends and allies. Soon as it was known by the British ambassador at Paris, Lord Stormont, that the king of France had taken part with the Americans, he waited on the French minister, De Vergennes; and with g-'^at agitation mentioned the report, asking if U weiv possible it could be true 108 JJFE OF WASHINGTON. " Very possible, my Lord," replied the smooth Frenchman. " Well, I'm astonished at it, sir,'' continued Stor- mont, exceedingly mortified. " America, sir, is our daughter ! and it was extremely indelicate of the French king thus to decoy her from our embraces, and make a vv — e of her !" « Why as to that matter, my Lord," quoth Ver- gennes, with the true Gallic shrug, "there is no great harm done. For the king of France is very willing to marry your daughter, and make an honest woman of her. CHAPTER X. Lord North, coming to his senses, sends commissioners to America - Clinton evacuates Philadelphia — Washington pursues him — battle of Monmouth — Arnold's apostacy — Andre apprehended — executed — his character The news of the total loss of Burgoyne and his army soon reached Parliament, where it produced a consternation never before known in that house. The Ministry, utterly confounded, could not open their lips; while the Whig minority, with great severity, lashed their obstinacy and ignorance. Lord North, beginning now to find, as the great Chatham had foretold, that "three millions of Whigs, with arms in their hands, were not to be enslaved," became very anxious to conciliate ! Commissioners were sent over with offers to repeal the abnoxious taxes ! and also with promises of great favours which Lord North would confer on America, if she would settle the dispute witli the mother country. The better to dispose her towards these offers, elegant j)resents were to be made to her best friends, (such as Washington, the President of Congress, k.c. &.c.,) LIFE OF WASHINGTON lOS to speak a good word for Lord North's favours ' ' But, observe, Independence was to be out of tht question. Doctor Franklin used laughingly to say, that "Lord North and his great favours, put him in mind of an old bawd, and her attempts upon a young virgin, to whom she promised every thing but Innocence. While in robbing her of innocence, the old hag knew well enough that she was robbing the poor girl ot that without which she would soon, in spite of her fine gowns and necklaces, become a miserable out- cast and slave." Finding that Lord North, in the multitude of his favours, had entirely forgotten the only one which they valued, i. e. the Independence of their country, the committee of Congress broke off all farther con verse with the ministerial commissioners, who pro- ceeded immediately to try the efficacy of their presents. To Washington, 'tis said, a viceroyship, with tons of gold, was to have been tendered. But, to the honour of the commissioners be it said, not one of their number was graceless enough to breathe the polluted wish into his ear. They had, however, the hardihood to throw out a bait of 10,000 guineas to the President of Congress, Gen. Reed. His answer is worthy of lasting remtmbrance. "Gentle- men," said he, " I am poor, very poor. But your king is not rich enough to buy me !" On the 18th of June, the British army, now under the command of Clinton, evacuated Philadelphia for New Yoik. The figure they made on the road had something of the air of the sublime ; for their bag- gage, loaded horses, and carriages, formed a line not less than twelve miles in length. General Washing- ton, whose eye, like that of the sacred dragon, was always open, and fixed upon the enemies of America, immediately crossed the Delaware after them— pushed on detached corps to obstruct their advance — gall their flanks — and fall on their rear, while he 10 9* 110 IJFE OF WASHINGTON. himself moved on with the main body of the army. By the 27th, Clinton had advanced as far as Mon- mouth : and Washington's troops were close on his flank and rear. Next morning Gen. Lee, with 5000 men, was ordered to begin the attack ; Washington moving on briskly to support him. But, as he advanced, to his infinite astonishment he met Lee retreating, and the enemy pursuing. " For God's sake. General Lee," said Washington with great warmth, " what's the cause of this ill-tim'd pru- dence ?" *^ No man, sir," replied Lee, quite convulsed with rage, " can boast a larger portipn of that rascally virtue than your Excellency ! !" Dashing along by the madman, Washington rode lip to his troops, who, at sight of him, rent the air with " God save great Washington !" " My brave fellows," said he, " can you fight ?" They answered with three cheers ! " Then face about, my heroes, and charge." — This order was executed with infinite spirit. The enemy, finding themselves now warmly opposed in front, made an attempt to turn his left flank ; but were gallantly attacked and driven back. They then made a rapid push to the right ; but the brave Greene, with a choice body of troops and artillery, repulsed them with considerable slaughter. At the same instant, Wayne advanced with his legion ; and poured in so severe and well directed a fire, that the enemy were glad to regain their defiles. Morgan's rifles distin- guished themselves that day. Washington and his heroes lay upon their arms all night, resolved to fall on the enemy the moment they should attempt their retreat next morning. But during the night, they moved off in silence ; and got such a start, that Washington thought it dangerous, in such hot weather, to make a push after them. The Ameri- cans lost 5S killed — 140 wounded. The British had 84.9 killed, and the wounded in proportion. Numbers, LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 11 • on both sides, died of the extreme heat, and by drink ing cold water. In September 1780, an attempt was made to take off our Washington, and by means which I can hard- ly beheve the old British lion was ever well pleased with. 1 allude to the affair of Arnold's treason. That which makes rogues of thousands, I mean Extrava- gance, was the ruin of this great soldier. Though extremely brave, he was of that vulgar sort, who havmg no taste for the pleasures of the mind, think of nothing but high living, dress, and show. To rent large houses in Philadelphia — to entertain French Ambassadors — to give balls and concerts, and grand dinners and suppers — required more money than he could honestly command. And, alas ! such is the stuff whereof spendthrifts are made, that to fatten his Prodigality, Arnold consented to starve his Ho- nesty : and provided he might but figure as a gorge- ous Governor, he was content to retail, by the billet and the gill, wood and rum unfairly drawn from the commissary's store ! Colonel Melcher, the barrack master, mentioned the matter to Congress, who desired him to issue to General Arnold no more than his proper rations. He had scarcely returned home when Arnold's servant appeared with an order for another large supply of Rum, Hickory wood, &c. &c. " Inform your master," said Melcher, " that he can't have so much." Arnold immediately came down ; and in a great passion asked Colonel Melcher, if it was true he had protested his bill ? " Yes, sir !" " And how durst you do it ?" " By order of Congress, sir." At this, Arnold, half choked with rage, replied, '« D n the rascals ! I'll remember them for it. Sampson-like I'll shake the pillars of their Liberty temple abovU their ears. •12 LiFE OF WASHINGTON. On the evacuation of Philadelphia by tiie British, cien. Arnold had been appointed temporary governor of that city, where he behaved like a desperado, who hesitates at nothing to stop the deadly leaks of his prodigality, and to keep himself from sinking. Among other bold' strokes, he seized and sold large quantities of American property, pretending it was British. Complaints were made to Congress, who, unwilling to expose the man who had fought so gallantly for Liberty, treated him with great gentleness : and for the same reason, Washington, after a mild reproof, gave him the command of West Point, with a large body of troops. The history of Arnold's embarrassments and his quarrel with his countrymen, soon reached New York. The British commander, well knowmg the ticklish situation of a proud man, caught on the horns of poverty, sends up major Andre, with money in his pocket. The major, by means yet unknown to the public^ got near enough to Arnold to probe him ; and, alas ! found him, both in principle and purse, hollow as an exhausted receiver, and very willing to be filled up with English guineas. English guineas, to the tune often thousand, with the rank and pay of Bri- gadier General, are offered him : and Arnold agrees, Oh ! shocking to humanity ! Arnold agrees to sacri- fice Washington. The outlines of the project were, it seems, that Arnold should make such a disposition of the troops at West Point, as to enable Sir Henry Clinton, so completely to surprise them, that they must inevita- bly, either lay down their arms or be cut to pieces — with General Washington among them ! ! The victo- rious British were then, both by land and water, to rush upon the feeble and dispirited residue of the American army, in the neighbourhood, utterly una- ble to resist, when there would follow such a slaugh- ter of men, and such a sweeping of artillery, ammu- nition, stores, &.C. &c., as would completely break LIFE OF WASHINGTON US down the spirit of the nation, and reduce them to unconditional sybmission to the Ministry ! To be certified of this delightful truth, Andre, during Washington's absence from West Point, comes ashore from a sloop of war, with a surtout over his regimentals ; spends a day and night with Arnold ; sees with his own eyes, the dear train laid, the matches lighted, and every thing in readiness, a few nights hence, to send the old Virginia farmer and his republic to destruction. Every thing being settled to satisfaction, Andre wishes to set oif to carry the glorious news to Gen- eral Clinton. But, behold ! by a fine stroke of Provi- dential interference, he cannot get on board the ship ! ! Arnold gives him a horse and a pass to go to New York by land. Under the name of Anderson he passes, in safety, all the guards. Now, like an un- caged bird, and light as the air he breathes, he sweeps along the road. His fame brightens before him — stars and garters, coaches and castles, dance before his delighted fancy — even his long-loved reluctant Delia (Miss Seward) is all his own — she joins in the nation's gratitude — softly she rolls her eyes of love, and brightening in all her beauty, sinks on his en- raptured breast ! In the midst of these, too, too happy thoughts, he is met by three young militia men. Though not on duty, they challenged him. He answers by the name of Anderson; shews his pass ; and bounds away. Here the guardian genius of Columbia burst into tears — she saw the fall of her hero, and her country's liberties crushed for ever. Dry thine eyes, blest saint, thy Washington is not fallen yet. The thick bosses of Jehovah's buckler are before the chief; and the shafts of his enemies shall yet fall to the earth, accurst — For, scarce riad Andre passed the young militia-men, before one of them tells his comrades, that " he does not like hia looks;" and insists that he shall be called back, and questioned again. His answers prove him a spy 10* 114 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. He would have fled : but they level their muskets rrembiiug and pale, he offers them an elegant gold- watch to let him go. No ! He presses on them a purse bloated with guineas. No ! He promises each of them a handsome pension for life — but all in vain. The power that guarded Washington was wroth with Andre. On searching him they find in his boot, and m Arnold's own hand- writing, a plan of the whole conspiracy ! Sons of the generous soul, why should I tell how major Andre died ! The place where his gallows stood is overgrown with weeds — but smiling angels often visit the spot ; and it was bathed with the tears of his foes. His candour, on his examination, in some sort ex- piated his crime. It melted the angel soul of Wash- ington : and the tears of the hero were mingled with the ink that signed the death-warrant of the hapless youth. The names of the young men who arrested poor Andre, were, John Paulding, David Williams, and Isaac Van Vert. They were at cards under a large poplar that grew by the road, where the major was to pass. Congress rewarded them with silver medals ; arid settled on each of them ^200 annually, for life. American writers have recorded a thousand hand- some things of unfortunate Andre. They have made him scholar, soldier, gentleman, poet, painter, musi- cian, and, in short, every thing that talents and taste can make a man. The following anecdote will show ihat he was much greater still. Some short time before that fatal affair which brought him to his end, (said my informant, Mr. Drewy, a painter, now living at Newbern,) a fora- ging party from New- York made an inroad into our settlement near that city. The neighbours soon as- sembled to oppose them ; and, though not above fit- teen years old, I turned out with my friends. In com- pany was another boy, in age and size nearly about my own speed. We had counted on a fine chas« OAI'TURK OF MAJOR ANDRE. LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 117 Rut the British were not to be driven so easily as v/e had expected. Standing tlieir ground, they not only put us to fliglit, but captured several of our party ; myself and the other boy among them. They present- ly set out with us for New-York : and, all the way, as we were going, my heart ached to think how my poor mother and sisters would be distrcjssed when night came, and I did not return. Soon as they brought me in sight of the prison, I was struck with horror. The gloomy walls, and frightful guards at the doors, and wretched crowds at the iron windows, together with the thoughts. of being locked up there in dark dun- geons with disease and death, so overcame me, that 1 bursted into tears. Instantly a richly dressed offi- cer stepped up, and taking me by the hand, with a .ook of great tenderness, said, " My dear boy ! what makes you cry ?" I told him I could not help it when I compared my present sad prospect with the happy one I enjoyed in the morning with my mother ana sisters at home. " Well, well, my dear child, (said he) don't cry, don't cry any more." Then turning to the jailor ordered him to stop till he should come back. Though but a boy, yet I was deeply struck with the wonderful difference betwixt this man and the rest around me. He appeared to me like a brother ; they hke brutes. I asked the jailor who he was. " Why, that's Major Andre, (said he angrily) the adjutant- general of the army ; and you may thank your stars that he saw you ; for I suppose he is gone to the gene- ral to beg you off, as he has done many of your d — d rebel countrymen." In a short time he returned; and with great joy in his countenance called out — " Well, my boys, I've good news, good news for you ! The general has given you to me, to dispose of as I choose ; and now you are at liberty ! So run home to your fond parents, and be good boys ; mind what they tell you: say your prayers; love one another; and God Almighty will bless you." And yet Andre perished, on a gallows while Ar- 118 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. aold, after living to old age, died in his bed ! ! ShalV we hence infer with Brutus, that " Virtue is but an empty name ?" and that Andre had been good in vain? God forbid! Goodness and happiness are twins. Heaven hath joined them together, and Hell cannot put them asunder. For proof, we need go no further than to Andre himself— to Andre in prison ! Even m that last and gloomiest scene of his life, we see the power which virtue has to illuminate the dark, to en liven the sad, and to raise her votaries above the ter- rors of death. In the first moment of his capture, when vulgar minds are thinking of nothing but self- preservation, he is thinking of nothing but duty and generosity. Regardless of himself, he is only anxious for Arnold. Having by letter advised that wretched man of his danger, and given him time to escape, he then gallantly asserts his own real character ; and avows himself "the Adjutant General of the British army.'' The truth is, he had been sent by Gen. Clinton, on a dirty piece of business for which he was not fit ; and of which he was so heartily ashamed, that he ap- pears to have been willing to atone for it with his life. Hence to the questions put at his trial, he answered with a candour which at once, surprised and melted the Court Martial — he answered, with the candour of a mind which feared its own condemnation mere than that of any human tribunal. — He heard his sentence of death with perfect indifference ; and at the place of execution behaved like one who had fulfilled the high duties of son, brother, and man, with constant attention to a happy immortality. Thus giving the friends of virtue abundant cause to exclaim: " Far more true peace the dying Andre felt, Than Arnold ever knew in prosp'rous guilt." He, poor wretch, survived ! but only to live a life, at once hated and despised — hated by the British Gene- LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 119 ral,w]iom he had shown capable of assassinating the man he could not conquer — hated by the British army, whom he had robbed of one of its brightest orna- ments — and hated by the officers, who could not bear to see what they called '' a d — mn'd trator," not only introduced into their company, but placed over their heads ? In short, Arnold was an eye-sore to every man of honour in England, where he was often most grossly insulted. Soon after his flight to England with the slender remains of the British army, he went down to South- ampton, where the broken-hearted Mother and Sis- ters of the unfortunate Andre lived. And so Uttle was he acquainted with the human heart, that he called to see them ! On hearing his name announced by the servant, they burst into tears ; and sent him word, that " they did not wish to see him." The moment he received Major Andre's letter, the terrified Arnold made his escape to New-York. British historians have wondered that he left hi? wife in the power of Washington. But Arnold knew in whom he trusted : and the generous man behaved exactly as Arnold had foreseen ; for he immediately sent him his clothes and baggage ; and wrote a polite letter of condolence to his lady, offering her a convey- ance to her husband, or to her friends in Pennsylvania. Washington now waged the war with various success. On the one hand, his hero of Saratoga (Gates) was defeated with great loss, at Camden 5 on the other, the British lost, on the King's-Mountain, the brave Colonel Ferguson, with all his army, 1,400 men. Colonel Ferguson and his men were supposed by the British, the most exquisite marksmen alive. And indeed to hear their bravadoes, one would suppose, that give them but guns of a proper calibre, and they would think it a light affair to snuff the moon, or drive the centre of the fixed stars. But the American Kifle-boys soon led them into a truer way of thinking. For in a few rounds they pink'd the 120 LIFE OF WASHINGTON brave Colonel, and put 3000 of his exquisite marks- men asleep ; which struck such a wholesome panic into the survivors, that they threw down their arms, and like thrifty gentlemen called out right lustily for quarters. But few of the Americans fell ; but among these was one, whose fame " Time with his own eternal lip shall sing." I mean the brave Col. Williams. He it was, whose burning words first kindled the young farmers at their ploughs, and led them to the King's Mountain, to measure their youthful rifles with Ferguson's heroes. On receiving the ball which opened in his breast the crimson sluice of life, he was borne by his aids, into the rear ; where he was scarcely laid down, fainting with loss of blood, before a voice was heard, loud exclaiming, "Hurra! my boys ! the day is our own ! the day is our own ! they are crying for quarters !" Instantly he started as from the incipient sleep of death; and, opening his heavy eyes, eagerly called out, " My God ! who are crying for quarters ?" " The British ! The British !" replied the powder-blackened riflemen. At this, one last beam of joy lighted in a smile on his dying face: then faintly whispering, God be praised ! he bowed his head in everlasting peace. Joy follow thee, my brother, to his blest presence who sent thee, a pillar of fire, to blast the mad efforts of men fighting against their brethren ! On earth thy lame shall never fail. Children yet unborn shall lisp the name of Williams. Their cherub lips shall often talk of him whose patriot eye beheld them, afar oft' smiling on the breast, and with a parent's ardoir hasted to ward from their guiltless heads the curses of monarchy. After the defeat of Gates, Washington sent on his favourite Greene to head the southern army aga.nst the victorious Cornwallis and Tarleton. With Greene he joined the famous Morgan, whose riflemen had performed such signal service during the war 1 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 121 To draw Comwallis's attention from a blow meditated against the British post at Ninety-Six. Greene detached Morgan to Paulet's river, near the neighbourhood of CornwalUs and Tarleton Imme- diaFely the pride of Tarleton rose. He begged of his friend, lord Rawdon, to obtain for him the per- mission of the commander in chief to go and attack Morgan. " By heavens, my lord," said he, " I could not desire a finer feather in my cap than Col. Morgan. Such a prisoner would make my fortune." " Ah, Ben," replied Rawdon very coolly, "you had better let the old wagoner alone." As no refusal could satisfy, permission at length was granted him : and he instantly set out. At parting, he said tc ord Rawdon with a smile, " My lord, if you will be so obliging as to wait dinner, the day after to-morrow, till four o'clock. Col. Morgan shall be one of your lordship's guests." " Very well, Ben," said the other, "we shall wait. But remember, Morgan was brought up under Washington." Tarleton was followed to battle by about 1000 choice infantry and 250 horse, with two field pieces. To oppose this formidable force, Morgan had but 500 miUtia, 300 regulars, and 75 horse. His militia were but militia. His regulars were the famous Maryland line led by Howard ; men who would have done honour to the plains of Austerlitz. The intrepid Desaix, who turned the tide of war in the bloody strife of Marengo, was only equal to Washington, Col. of the horse. Morgan had no wish to fight. But Tarleton compelled him ; for about two hours before day, on the 17th oi January, 1781, some of Washington's cavalry came galloping into camp v/ith news that the British were but eight miles off, and would be up by day break. Instantly Morgan called a council of war, composed only of Howard, Washington, and himself. " Well, gentlemen," said he, " what's to be done ? shall we fight or fly ? shall we leave our friends to our enemies ; and burning our meal and bacon, so hardly 11 US LIFE OF WASHINGTON. got, turn out again into the starving woodc ; or shaU we stand by both, and fight Uke men?" " No burning! no flying," replied they, " but let's titand, and fight like men?" " Well then, my brave fellows," said Morgan " wake up the troops, and prepare for action." The ground, on which this very memorable battle was fought, was an open pine barren. The militia were drawn up about two hundred yards in front of the regulars, and the horse some small distance in the rear. Just after day break, the British came in sight ; and halting within a quarter of a mile of the militia, began to prepare for battle. The sun had just risen, as the enemy, with loud shouts, advanced to the charge. The militia, hardly waiting to give them a distant fire, broke and fled for their horses, which were tied at some distance on the wings of the Maryland line. Tarleton's cavalry pushed hard after the fugitives, and, coming up with them just as they had reached their horses, began to cut them down. Unable to bear that sight, Col. Washington, with his corps, dashed on to their rescue. As if certain of victory, Tarleton's men were all scattered in the chase ! Washington's heroes, on the contrary, sensible of the fearful odds against them, advanced close and compact as the Spartan phalanx. Then sudden and terrible the charge was made ! Like men fighting, life in hand, all at once they rose high on their stirrups ! while in streams of lightning their swords came down, and heads and arms, and caps, and carcasses, distained with spouting gore, rolled fearfully all around. Mournfully from all sides the cries of the wounded were heard, and the hollow groans of the dying. Agonizing with rage and grief, Tarleton beheld the flight of his boasted victory, and the slaughter of his bravest troops. He flew to reanimate them. He encouraged — he threatened — he stormed and raved. But all in vain No time was given to rally ; for LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 123 /ike the heavy ship under crowded canvass, bursting through the waves, so strong and resistless, Wash- ington's squadron went on, hewing down and over- throwing every thing in their way. Confounded b/ such a fatal charge, the British cavalry could not support it ; but broke and fled in the utmost precipi- tation ; while, bending forward over their horses, and waving their blood-stained swords, the loud- shouting Americans pursued. The woods resounded with the noise of their flight. As when a mammoth suddenly dashes in among a thousand buffaloes, feeding at large on the vast plains of Missouri ; all at once the inn!imerous herd, with wildly rolling eyes, and hideous bellowings, oreak forth into flight, while, close at their heels, the roaring monster follows. Earth trembles as they dy. Such was the noise in the chase of Tarleton when the swords of Washington's cavalry pursued his troops from the famous fields of the Cowpens. It was like a peal of thunder, loud roaring at first, but gradually dying on the ear as it rolls away along the distant air. By this time the British infantry had come up : and, having crossed a little valley, just as they ascended the hill, they found themselves within twenty steps of Howard and his regulars, who received them with a right soldierly welcome, and, taking good aim, poured in a general and deadly fire. A slaughter so entirely unexpected, threw the enemy into confusion. Seeing this wonderful change in the battle, the militia recovered their spirits, and began to form on the right of the regulars. Morgan waving his sword, instantly rode up to them, and with a voice of thunder roared out, " Hurra ! my brave fellows, form, form ! Old Morgan was never beat in his life — one fire more, my heroes, and the day is our own !" With answering shouts, both regulars and militia then advanced upon the eiiemy: and, following their fire with the bayonet, instantly I LIFE OF WASHINGTON. decided the conflict. The ground was covered with the dead. The tops of the aged pines shook wiin the ascending ghosts. With feeble cries and groans, at once they rose, Uke flocks of snow-white swans when the cold blast strikes them on the lakes ol Canada, and sends them on wide-spread wings, far to the south to seek a happier clime. Washington pursued Tarleton 20 miles ! and, during the race, was often so near him, that he could easily have killed him with a pistol shot. But having strictly forbidden his men to fire a pistol that day, he could not resolve to break his own orders. How- ever, there was one of his men who broke them. At one time Washington was 30 or 40 yards ahead ot his men. Tarleton observing this, suddenly wheeled with a couple of his dragoons to cut him off. Wash- ington, with more courage than prudence, perhaps, dashed on, and rising on his stirrups, made a blow at Tarleton, with such force, that it beat down his guard and mutilated one or two of his fingers. In this unprotected state, one of the British dragoons was aiming a stroke which must have killed him. But the good genii, who guard the name of Wash- ington, prevailed : for in that critical moment a mere dwarf of a Frenchman rushed up, and with a pistol ball shivered the arm of the Briton. The other dragoon attempted to wheel off; but was cut down. Tarleton made his escape. Tarleton was brave, but not generous. He could not bear to hear another's praise. When some ladies in Charleston were speaking very handsomely of Washington, he replied with a scornful air, that, "He would be very glad to get a sight of Col. Washington. He had heard much talk of him," he said, "but had never seen him yet." " Why, sir," rejoined one of the ladies, " if you had looked behind you ai the battle of the Cowpens, you might easily have enjoy- ed that pleasure." While in the neighbourhood of Halifax, Nort>'^ LIFE OF WASHINGTON. Ii5 CarMina, Tarleton dined in a Jarge company. The elegant and witty Mrs. Wiley Jones happened to be of the party. The ladies, who were chiefly whigs, were frequently praising the brave Col. Washington. Tarleton with looks considerably angry, replied, " that he was very much surprised that the Ameiicans should think so highly of Col. Washington ; for, from what he could learn, he was quite an illiterate fellow and could hardly write his own name." " That may be very true (replied Mrs. Jones) " but I believe, sir you can testify that he "knows how to make his mark." Poor Tarleton looked at his crippled finger, and bit his lips with rage. General Washington contin'ied the war against the British till 1781 ; when Cornwall is pushed into Virginia, and fortified himself at \'ork-Town. Bat the eye of Washington was upon him ; and with an address, which, the British historians say, was never equalled, he concerted a plan that ended in the total destruction of Cornwallis. He artfully wrote letters to Greene, informing him, that, " in order to relieve Virginia, he was determined immediately to attack New York." These letters were so disposed as to fall mto the right hands. Clinton took the alarm. But while the British general was in daily expecta- tion of a visit from him, Washington and his army, were now across the Delaware, with full stretch to the south, darkening the day with their clouds of rolling dust. Cornwallis saw that the day of his fall was at hand. He had done all that a brave (would to God we could add, a humane) man could do ; but all in vain. On the last day of September, Washing- ton sat down before York, with 100 pieces of heavy artillery. On the 7th of October this dreadful train began to thunder : and the British works sunk before them. Lord Cornwallis. unwilling to expose his army to the destruction of a general assault, agreed on the 17th to surrender. This was justly considered .he close of the war ; which having been begun with 126 LIFE OF WASHINGTOJN. supplication, Washington piously ordered to be finish ed with thanksgiving. In the siege of Yorktown, the behaviour of the Americans was, as usual, generous and noble. The amiable Col. Scammel, adjutant-general of the Ame- rican army, and uncommonly beloved by them, was dangerously wounded and taken prisoner by some British dragoons, who barbarously trotted him on before them, three miles, into town, where he pre- sently died of fever and loss of blood. Great was the mourning for Scammel. In a few nights after, Washington gave orders to storm two of the enemy's redoubts, which were carried almost in an instant. The British called for quarters : A voice of death was heard, " Remember poor Scammel !"— «< Remem- ber, gentlemen, you are Americans !'' was rejoined by the commander : and instantly the points of the American bayonets were thrown up towards heaven! The conduct of the French also, was such as to entitle them to equal praise. For when the British marched out to lay down their arms, the French officers were seen to shed tears. They condoled with the British, and tendered them their purses ! — Glorious proof, that God never intended men to be, as some wickedly term it, natural enemies. On hearing in Congress the fall of Cornwallis, the door-keeper swooned with joy — on hearing the same news announced in parliament, lord North fell back in his chair, in the deepest distress. On receipt of the glad tidings, Congress broke forth into songs of praise to God : Parliament into execrations against their Prime Minister — Congress hastened to the temple to pay their vows to the Most High ; the Parliament went to St. James's with a petition to the King for a change cf men and measures. The King was graciously pleased to hear the voice of their prayer. Men and measures were changed ; and a decree was passed that whoever should advise war SURRENDER OF LORD CORNWALLIS. LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 13» and a farther widening of the breach between Britain and America, should be denounced an equal enemy to both. Then full leafed and green the olive branch of peace was held out to the nations : and the eyes ol millions, on both sides of the water, were lifted in transport to the lovely sign. The stern features ol war were relaxed ; and gladdening smiles began again to brighten over the " human face divine." But Washington beheld the lovely sight with doubt. Long accustomed unerringly to predict what Britain would do, from what he knew she had power to do, he had nothing to hope, but every thing to fear America, without money or credit ! — her officers, without a dollar in their pocket, strolling about camps in long beards and dirty shirts — her soldiers often without a crust in their knapsacks or a dram in their canteens — and her citizens every where sick and tired of war!— Great Britain, on the other hand, every where victorious over the fleets of her enemies — completely mistress of the watery world, and Judas-like, bag- Dearer of its commerce and cash ! with such resources, with all these trumps in her hands, she will play quits, and make a drawn game of it ? Impossible ! but if she should, " it must be the work of that Provi- dence who ruleth in the armies of Heaven and earth, and whose hand has been visibly displayed in every step of our progress to independence." " Nothing," continued Washington, " can remove my doubts but an order from the ministry to remove their fleets and armies." That welcome order, at length, was given ' and the British troops, sprucely powdered and perfumed, m eager thousands hied on board their ships. " All hands unmoor !" the stamping boatswain cried : " All hands unmoor !" the joyous crew replied. Then in a moment they all fly to work. Some seizing the ready handspikes, vault high upon the windlasses j thence coming down ail at once with the ISO LIFE OF WASHINGTON. hearty Yo-heave-0, they shake the sounding decKS, and tear from their dark oozy beds the ponderous anchors. Others, with halyards hard strained through the creaking blocks, sway aloft the wide-extended yards, and spread their canvas to the gale, which, with increasing freshness, bears the broad- winged ships in foam and thunder through the waves. Great was the joy of tlie multitude ; for they were hasten- ing to revisit their native land, and to meet those eyes of love which create a heaven in a virtuous breast. But the souls of some were sad. These were the reflecting few, whose thoughts were on the better hopes of former days! To them, the flowing bowl, the lively joke, the hearty laugh and song, gave no delight; nor yet the blue fields of ocean brightly shining round, with all her young billows wantoning before the playful breeze. Their country ruined, and themselves repulsed, how could they rejoice ! Then slowly retiring from the noisy crew, by themselves apart they sat on the lofty stern, high above the burning track which the ships left behind them in their rapid flight. There, deep in thought, they sat with eyes sad fixed on the lessening shores, and ru- minated even to melancholy. The dismal war returns upon their thoughts, with the pleasant days of '76, then bright with hope, but, now, alas ! all darkened in despair. " 'Twas then," said they, " we first approached these coasts, shaded far and wide with our navies, nodding tall and stately over the heaving surge. From their crowded decks looked forth myriads of blooming warriors, eagerly gazing on the lovely shores, the farms, and flocks, and domes, fondly regarded as their own, with all the beauteous maids, the easy purchase of a bloodless strife ! But ah, vain hope ! Washington met us in his strength. His peo- ple poured around him as the brindled sons of the desert around their sire when he lifts his terrible voice, and calls them from their dens, to aid hrni in war against the mighty rhmoceros. The battle raged LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 131 along a thousand fields — a thousand streams ran puiple with British gore. And now of all our bloom- ing warriors, alas ! how few remain ! Pierced by the fatal rifle, far the greater part now press their bloody beds. There, each on his couch of honour, lie those who were once the flower of our host. There lies the gallant Frazer, the dauntless Ferguson, the ac- complished Donop, and that pride of youth, the gen- erous Andre, with thousands equally brave and good. But, ! ye dear partners of this cruel strife, though fallen, ye are not forgotten ! Often, with tears do we see you still, as when you rejoiced with us at the feast, or fought by our sides in battle. But vain was all our valour. God fought for Washington. Hence our choicest troops are fallen before him ; and we, the sad remains of war, are now returning, inglorious, to our native shores. Land of the graves of Heroes, farewell ! Ghosts of the noble dead ! chide not the steps of our departure ! ye are left : but it is in the ;and of brothers, who often mourned the death which their valour gave. But now the unnatural strife is past, and peace returns. And ! with peace may that spirit return which once warmed the hearts of Americans towards their British brethren, when the sight of our tall ships was wont to spread joy along their shores ; and when the planter, viewing his cotton-covered fields, rejoiced that he was preparing employment and bread for thousands of the poor ! !" The hostile fleets and armies thus withdrawn, and the Independence of his country acknowledged; Washington proceeded, at the command of Congress, to disband the army ! To this event, though of all others the dearest to his heart, he had ever looked forward with trembling anxiety. Loving his soldiers as his children, how could he tell them the painful truth which the poverty of his country had imposed on him ? How could he tell them, that after all they had done and suffered with him, they must now ound their arms, and return home, many of them 132 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. without a decent suit on their backs, or a penny in iheir pockets ? But he was saved the pain of maxnig this commu« nication ; for they soon received it from another quarter, and with circumstances calculated to kindle the fiercest indignation against their country. Let- ters were industriously circulated through the army, painting in the strongest colours, their unparalleled sufferings, and the ingratitude of Congress. " Confiding in her honour," said the writer, did you not cheerfully enlist in the service of your coun- try, and for her dear sake encounter all the evils of a soldier's life ? Have you not beaten the ice-bound road full many a wintry day, without a shoe to your bleeding feet ; and wasted the long bitter night, with- out a tent, to shelter your heads from the pelting storm ? Have you not borne the brunt of many a bloody fight, and, from the hands of hard struggling foes, torn the glorious prize, your country's indepen- dence? And now after all — after wasting in her service the flower of your days — with bodies broken under arms, and bones with the pains and aches of a seven year's war, will you suffer yourselves to be sent home in rags to your families, to spend the sad remains of life in poverty and scorn ? — No ! my brothers in arms ! I trust you will not. I trust you bear no such coward minds. I trust, that after having fought so bravely for the rights of others, you will now fight as bravely for your own rights. And now is the accepted time and golden hour of redress, while you have weapons in your hands, the strtngth of an army to support you, and a beloved general at your head, ready to lead you to that justice which you owe to yourselves, and, which you have so long but vainly expected from an ungrateful country." These letters produced, as might have been ex- pected, a most alarming efl^ect. Rage, like a fire in secret, began to burn throughout the camp. Wash- ington soon perceived it. He discovered it in his LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 133 Soldiers, as, gathered into groupes, they stood and murmured over their grievances, while, with furious looks and gestures, they stamped on the earth, and hurled their curses against Congress. Gladdening at such success of his first letters, the writer instantly sent around a second series, still more artful and in- flammatory than the first. The passions of the army now rose to a height that threatened instantaneous explosion. But still their eyes, beaming reverence and love, were turned towards their honoured chief, to whom they had ever looked as to a father. Often had they marked his tears, as, visiting their encampments, he beheld them suffering and sinking under fevers and fluxes, for want of clothes and pro- visions. Often, had they hushed their complaints, trusting to his promises that Congress would still remember them. But behold ! his promises and their hopes are all alike abortive ! And will not Washington, the friend of justice and father of his army, avenge them on a government which has thus basely defrauded them, and deceived him ? There needed but a glance of his approbation to set the whole army in motion. Instantly with fixed bayonets they would have hurled the hated Congress from their seats, and placed their beloved Washing- ton on the throne of St. Tammany. Here, no doubt, the tempter flashed the dangerous diadem before the eyes of our countryman. But religion at the same time, pointed him to the great lover of order, holding up that crown, in comparison of which the diadems of kings are but dross. Animated with such hopes he had long cherished that ardent philanthropy which sighs for liberty to all countries, and especially to his own. For Liberty he had fought and conquer- ed; and now considered it, with all its blessings, as at hand. " Yet a little while, and America shall oecome the glory of the earth — a nation of Brothers, enjoying the golden reign of equal laws, and rejoicing under their own vine and fig-tree, and no tyrant to 12 11 4 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. make them afraid. And shall these glorious pros pects be darkened ? shall they be darkened by Wash mgton ! shall he, ever the friend of his country, be come her bitterest enemy, by fixing upon her again the iron yoke of monarchy ? shall he ! the father of his army, become their assassin, by establishing a government that shall swallow up their liberties for ever?" The idea filled his soul with horror. Instead, therefore, of tamely yielding to the v/ishes of his army to their own ruin, he bravely opposes them to their true good : and mstead of drinking in, with trai- torous smile, the hozannas that would have made him king, he darkens his brow of parental displeasure at their impiety. He flies to extinguish their rismg rebellion. He addresses letters to the officers of the army, desiring Ihem to meet him at an appointed time and place. Happily for America, the voice of Washington still sounded in their ears, as the voice of a father. His officers, to a man, all gathered around him ; while, with a countenance inspiring veneration and love, he arose and addressed the eager listening chiefs. He began with reminding them of the great object for which they had first drawn their swords, i. e. the liberty of their country. He applauded that noble spirit with which they had sub- mitted to so many privations — combated so many dangers — and overcome so many difficulties. And now, said he, after having thus waded, like Israel of old, through a red sea of blood, and withstood the thundering Sinais of British fury ; after having crush ed the fiery serpents of Indian rifles, and tramplec ^own those insidious Amalekites, the tories — after having travelled through a howling wilderness of war, and, with the ark of your country's liberties in camp, safely arrived on the borders of Canaan, and in sight of the glorious end of all your labours, will you liow give yourselves up the dupes of a " British fmissury,"' and tor the sordid flesh-pots ol a few LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 135 months' pay, rush into civil war, and fall back to a worse than Egyptian bondage ? No ! ray brave coun-^ trymen : I trust you will not : I trust, that an army so famed throughout the world for patriotism, will yet maintain its reputation. I trust, that your behaviour on this last, this most trynig occasion, will fill up the measure of your heroism, and stamp the American character with never dying fame. You have achiev- ed miracles. But a greater miracle still remains to be achieved. We have had the glory to conquer our enemies ; now for the greater glory to conquer our- selves. Other armies, after subduing the enemies of their country, have themselves, for power and plun- der, become her tyrants, and trampled her liberties under foot. Be it our nobler ambition, after suffer- ings unparalleled for our needy country, to return cheerful, though pennyless, to our homes ; and pa- tiently wait the rewards which her gratitude will, one day, assuredly bestow. In the mean time, beat- ing our swords into ploughshares, and our bayonets into reaping hooks, let us, as peaceful citizens, culti- vate those fields from which, as victorious soldiers, we lately drove the enemy. Thence, as from the noblest of theatres, you will display a spectacle of patriotism never seen before. You will teach the de- lighted world, that men are capable of finding a hea ven in noble actions : and you will give occasion ro posterity to say, when speaking of your present be- haviour, had this day been wanting, tlie triumph of our fathers' virtues would have been incomplete." As he spoke, his cheeks, naturally pale, were red- dened over with virtue's pure vermillion : while his eyes, of cerulean blue, were kindled up with those indescribable fires which fancy lends to an angel orator, animating poor mortals, to the sublimest of god-like deeds. His words, were not in vain. From lips of wisdom, and long-tried love, like hi? such counsel wrought as though an oracle had spotLen. instantly a committee of the whole was formed, with S3 framed him so fearfully in the womb — nursed him on a tender mother's breast — watched his helpless nfancy — guarded his heedless youth — preserved him 184 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. from the dominion of his passions — mspired him with the love of virtue — led him safely up to man — and^ from such low beginnings, advanced him to such unparalleled usefulness and glory among men ! These, and ten thousand other precious gifts heaped on him, unasked — many of them long before he had the knowledge to ask — overwhelmed his soul with gratitude unutterable ; exalted to infinite heights hib ideas of eternal love; and bade him without fear resign his departing spirit into the arms of his Redeemer God, whose mercies are over all his works. He is now about to leave the great family of man, in which he has so long sojourned ! The yearnings of his soul are over his brethren ! How fervently does he adore that goodness, which enabled him to t)e so serviceable to them! that grace, which preserv- ed him from injuring them by violence or fraud ! How fervently does he pray, that the unsuffering kingdom of God may come, and that the earth may be filled with the richest fruits of righteousness and peace ! He is now about to leave his country ! that deal spot which gave him birth — that dear spot for which he has so long watched and prayed, so long toiled and fought ; and whose beloved children he has so often sought to gather, « even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings." He sees them now spread abroad like flocks in goodly pastures; Uke favoured Israel in the land of promise. He remem- bers how God, by a mighty hand, and by an out- stretched arm, brought their fathers into this good land, a land flowing with milk and honey ; and blessed them with the blessings of heaven above, and the earth beneath ; with the blessings of liberty and of peace, of religion and of laws, above all other people. He sees that, through the rich mercies of God, they have now the precious opportunity to continue their country the glory of the earth, and a LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 185 refuge for the poor, and for the persecuted of all lands ! The transporting sight of such a cloud of blessings, impending close over the heads of his countrymen, together with the distressing uncertainty whether they will put forth their hands and enjoy them, shakes the parent soul of Washington with feelings too strong for his dying frame r The last tear that he is ever to shed, now steals into his eye — the last groan that he is ever to heave, is about to issue from his faintly labouring heart. Feeling that the silver cord of life is loosing, and that his spirit is ready to quit her old companion, the body, he extends himself on his bed — closes his eyes for the last time with his own hands — folds his arms decently on his breast, then breathing out " Father of mercies, take me to thyself," — he fell asleep. Swift on angel's wings the brightening saint ascended; while voices more than human were warbling through the happy regions, and hymning the great procession towards the gates of heaven. His glorious coming was seen afar olf; and myriads of mighty angels hastened forth, with golden harps, to welcome the honoured stranger. High in front ot the shouting hosts, were seen the beauteous forms ot Franklin, Warren, Mercer, Scammel, and of him v/ho fell at Quebec, with all the virtuous patriots, who, on the side of Columbia, toiled or bled for liberty and truth. But oh ! how changed from what they were, when, in their days of flesh, bathed in sweat and blood, they fell at the parent feet of their weeping country ! Not the homeliest infant suddenly spring- ing into a soul-enchanting Hebe — not dreary wintei suddenly brightening into spring, with all her bloom and fragrance, ravishing the senses, could equal such a glorious change. Oh ! where are now their wrinkles and grey hairs ? Where their ghastly wounds and ciotted blood ? Their forms are of the stature of angels — their robes like morning clouds streaked with gold — the stars of heaven, like crowns 1^* 15* 186 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. glitter on their heads — immortal youth, celestial rosy red, sits blooming on their cheeks, while infinite benignity and love beam from their eyes. Such were tbe forms of thy sons, Columbia ! such the brother band of thy martyred saints, that now pour- ed forth from heaven's wide opening gates, to meet thy Washington ; to meet their beloved chief, who, in the days of his mortahty, had led their embattled squadrons to the war. At sight of him, even these blessed spirits seem to feel new raptures, and to look more dazzlingly bright. In joyous throngs they pour around him — they devour him with their eyes of love — they embrace him in transports of tenderness un- utterable ; while from their roseate cheeks, tears of joy, such as angels weep, roll down. All that followed was too much for the over- dazzled eye of imagination. She was seen to return, with the quick panting bosom and looks entranced of a fond mother, near swooning at sudden sight of a dear loved son, deemed lost, but now found, and raised to kingly honours ! She was heard passion ately to exclaim, with palms and eyes lifted to heaven, " 0, who can count the stars of Jacob, or number the fourth part of the blessings of Israel ! — Let me die the death of Washington ! and may my latter end be like his V Let us now return to all that remained of Wash- mgton on earth. He had expressly ordered in his will, that he should be buried in a private manner, and without any parade. But this was impossible ; for who could stay at home when it was said, " To- day General Washington is to be buried !'* On the morning of the ISth, which was fixed on for his funeral, the people poured in by thousands to pay him the last respect, and, as they said, to take their last look. And, while they looked on him, nature stirred that at their hearts, which quickly brought the best blood into their cheeks, and rolled down the tears from their eyes. About two o'clock they bore LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 187 him to his long home, and buried him in his own family vault, near the banks of the great Potomac. And to this day, often as the ships of war pass that way, they waken up the thunder of their loudest guns, pointed to the spot, as if to tell the sleeping hero, that he is not forgotten in his narrow dwelling. The news of his death soon reached Philadelphia, where Congress was then in session. A question of importance being on the carpet that day, the house, as usual, was much interested. But soon as it was announced — " General Washington is dead" — an instant stop was put to all business— the tongue of the orator was struck dumb — and a midnight silence ensued, save when it was interrupted by deepest sighs of the members, as, with drooping foreheads rested on their palms, they sat, each absorbed in mournful cogitation. Presently, as utterly unfit for business, both houses adjourned ; and the members retired slow and sad to their lodgings, like men who had suddenly heard of the death of a father. For several days hardly any thing was done in Congress; hardly any thing thought of but to talk of and to praise the departed Washington. In this patriotic work all parties joined with equal alacrity and earnestness. In this all were federalists, all were republicans. Elegant addresses were exchang- ed betv/een the two houses of Congress and the President, and all of them replete with genius and gratitude. Then, by unanimous consent, Congiess came to the following resolutions : l8t. That a grand marble monument should be erected at the city of Washington, under which with per mission of his lady, the body of the General should be deposited. 9d. That there should be a funeral procession from congress hall to the German Lutheran church, to hear an oration delivered by one of the members s>f congress. 188 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. Sd. That the members of congress should wear full mourning during the session. 4th. That it should be recommended to the people oi the Unit^'d States to wear crape on the left arm, as mourning, for thirty days. But, thank God, the people of the United States needed not the hint contained in the last resolution. Though they could not all very elegantly speak, yet their actions showed that they all very deeply felt what they owed to Washington. For, in every city, village, and hamlet, the people were so struck on hearing of his death, that long before they heard of the resolution of congress, they ran together to ease their troubled minds in talking and hearing talk of Washington, and to devise some public mode of tes- tifying their sorrow for his death. Every where throughout the continent, churches and court houses were hung in black, mourning was put on, proces- sions were made, and sermons preached, while the crowded houses listened with pleasure to the praises of Washington, or sighed and wept when they heard of his toils and battles for his country. CHAPTER XIII. CHARACTER OP WASHINGTON, Let the poor witling argue all he can It is religion still that makes the man. When the children of years to come, hearing his great name re-echoed from every lip, shall say to their fathers, " What was it that raised Washington to such a height of glory .?" let them be told tiiat it was HIS GREAT TALENTS, CONSTANTLY GUIDED AND GUARDED BY RELIGION. For liovv sl: all mau, fraiJ man, prone to inglorious ease and pleasure, evei LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 189 ascend the arduous steps of virtue, unless animated by the mighty hopes of religion ? Or what shall stop him in his swift descent to infamy and vice, if un- awed by that dread power, which proclaims to the guilty that their secret crimes are seen, and shall not go unpunished ? Hence, the wise, in all ages, have pronounced, that " there never was a truly great man without religion." There have, indeed, been courageous generals, and cunning statesmen, without religion, but mere courage or cunning, however transcendent, never yet made a great man. •* Admit that this can conquer, that can cheat 'Tis phrase absurd, to call a villain great ! Who wickedly is wise, or madly brave, Is but the more a fool, the more a knave." No ! to be truly great, a man must have not only great talents, but those talents must be constantly exerted on great, i. e. good actions — and perseveringly loo — for if he should turn aside to vice — farewell to his heroism. Hence, when Epaminondas was asked which was the greatest man, himself or Pelopidas ? he replied, " wait till we are dead :" meaning that the all of heroism depends on perseverance in great and good actions. But sensual and grovelUng as man is, what can incline and elevate him to those things like religion, that divine power, to whom alone it belongs to present those vast and eternal goods and ills which best alarm our fears, enrapture our hopes, inflame the worthiest loves, rouse the truest avarice, and in short, touch every spring and passion of our «souls in favour of virtue and noble actions. Did SHAME restrain Alcibiades from a base action m the presence of Socrates ? " Behold," says Religion, « a greater than Socrates is here !" Bid LOVE embolden Jacob to brave fourteen years of slavery for an earthly beauty ? Religion springs that eternal love, for whose sake good men can even «^l()rv in laborious duties. 190 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. Did the ambition of a civic crown animate Scipio to heroic deeds ? Religion holds a crown, at the sight of which the laurels of a Caesar droop to weeds. Did avarice urge Cortez through a thousand toils and dangers for wealth ? Religion points to those treasures in heaven, compared to which all diamond beds and mines of massy gold are but trash. Did good Aurelius study the happiness of his sub jects for this world's glory ? Religion displays that wor.'d of glory, where those who have laboured to make others happy, shall " shine like stars for ever and for ever." Does the fear of death deter man from horrid crimes ? Religion adds infinite horrors to that fear — it warns them of death both of soul and body in hell. In short, what motives under heaven can restrain men from vices and crimes, and urge them on, full stretch, after individual and national happiness, like those of religion ? For lack of these motives, alas ! how many who once dazzled the world with the glare of their exploits, are now eclipsed and set to rise no more ! There was Arnold, who, in courage and military talents, glittered in the same firmament with Wash- mgton, and, for a while, his face shone like the star of the morning ; but alas I for lack of Washington's religion, he soon fell, like Lucifer, from a heaven of glory, into an abyss of never ending infamy. And there was general Charles Lee, too, confessed- ly a great wit, a great scholar, a great soldier, but, after all, not a great man. For, through lack of that magnanimous benevolence which religioix inspires, he fell into the vile state of envy : and, on the plains of Monmouth, rather than fight to immortalize Wash- ington, he chose to retreat and disgrace himself There was the gallant general Hamilton also — a gigantic genius — a statesman fit to rule the mightiest monarchy — a soldier " fit to stand by Washington and give command." But alas ! for lack of religion, se lish the reputation of the author among novelists." — Albany Argus. How it all Happened. By Louisa Parr, author of " Dorothy Fox," etc. i2mo. Paper cover. 25 cents. "It is not often that one finds so | in which a great deal is said in a very much pleasure in reading a love story, charmingly told in a few pages." — Charleston Courier. " Is a well-written little love story. few \voxA%."— Philadelphia Evening Telegrafih. " A remarkably clever story." — Bos- ton Saturday Evening Gazette. yohn Thompson, Blockhead, and Compamon Por^ traits. By Louisa Parr, author of " Dorothy Fox." i2mo. With Frontispiece. Extra cloth. ^^1.75. " Extremely well-told stories, inter- esting in characters and incidents, and pure and wholesome in sentiment." — Boston Watchman and Reflector. " These are racj' sketches, and be- Vong to that delightful class in which the end comes before the reader is ready for it. 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