Manual Training FOR THE Rural Schools LOUIS M. ROEHL Manual Training for the Rural Schools A GROUP OF Farm and Farm Home Woodworking Problems By ,_,:>■ Louis M. Roehl Director of Farm Mechanics, Milwaukee County School of Agriculture and Domestic Economy, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin The Bruce Publishing Company MILWAUKEE, WIS. Copyright 1916 The Bruce Publishing Company J 0^ )CI,A473731 SEP 28 1917 PREFACE THIS book, "Manual Training for the Rural Schools," as its name implies, is a set of woodworking problems especially adapted for the rural schools. It is planned as a textbook to be used by the pupils. The material used in all of the problems is such as may be obtained locally by any teacher in the country schools and the problems are within the capacity of rural school pupils. It is suggested to those beginning woodwork that they follow closely the directions for reducing a piece of stock to dimensions, observing closely the illustrations of the tool operations referred to. The problems consist of practical articles which are used in the home and about the farm in performing the various farming operations. CONTENTS Page Preface 3 Woodworking Equipment for Country Schools 5 Directions for Reducing Stock to Dimensions 8-9 Bread Board 10-11 Bench Hook 12-13 Feeding Trough for Chicks 14-15 Fly Trap 16-17 Folding Bench 18-19 Nail and Staple Box 20-21 Bird House 22-23 Window Screen 24-25 Tool Sharpening 26 Saw Filing 27 Milking Stool 28-29 Ironing Board 30-3 1 Wagon Jack 32-33 Community Bird House 34-35 Chicken Feed Hopper 36-37 Chicken Brooder Coop and Run 38-39 Singletree and Eveners 40-41 Fence and Gate 42-43 Lacing a Belt with a Rawhide Thong 44 Lacing a Belt with a Metallic Wire Belt Lacing 45 WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT FOR COUNTRY SCHOOLS 1— 22-inch Hand Rip Saw 8 Point $1 . 50 1— 22-inch Hand Cross Cut Saw 8 Point 1 . 50 1 — Claw Hammer, 12 oz. Straight Claw, Plain Face . .55 1 — Jack Plane, 14-inch with 2-inch Cutter 2. 15 1 — Try Square, 8 inch .35 1— T bevel, 8 inch 30 1— Marking Gauge No. 10 1 — Divider, 8 inch .35 1— Carpenter's Mallet, 2|x3f inches 25 1 — 2-foot Four Fold Rule, Brass Bound .35 1 — |-inch Socket Firmer Chisel .35 1 — |-inch Socket Firmer Chisel .35 1 — |-incH Socket Firmer Chisel .40 2— Bench Stops 10 1 — 8-inch Bench Brush .35 1— 12-inch Handy Saw 1 . 25 1 — Steel Rafter Framing Square 1.75 1 — Bench Hook .35 1 — 6-inch Screw Driver .30 1 — 10-inch Screw Driver .50 1 — Ratchet Brace, 12-inch Sweep 1 . 10 1— 10-inch Flat Bastard Mill File, with Handle 25 1 — 6-inch Slim Taper Triangular File, with Handle... . 10 1 — 8-inch Drawing Knife .70 1— Nail Set, 3-32 inch 10 1 — Rose Countersink .15 1— Set Twist Drill Bits 1 • 25 1 — 2x8-inch Combination Grinding Stone 1 . 00 1— Special Saw Set 40 1 — 6-inch Combination Plier .30 1— Putty Knife 15 1— Set of Six Auger Bits, I, |, h h h 1 inch 1.50 1 — Coping Saw, Nickel Plated, Wire Frame .25 $20.35 Hand Rip Saw. Claw Hammer ^A '^M =- Ka F^ ^ :«! I^o)-^' 1^ l«r> 2^ IM iiAi> Ji'llill ,1,1 Eight-Inch T Beve Combination Plier. Coping Saw. Rose Countersink. Set Twist Drill Bits. Combination Grinding Stone. vmvm\mmvniiV^^-^> Flat Bastard Aliil Fi ^^ i ^ . 31^.. iiiiHliiiiBiMl '^""^'^""''^liiii' Slim Taper Triangular File. -99«^<»9= iM Auger Bit. Putty Knife. MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS 4 DIRECTIONS FOR REDUCING STOCK TO DIMENSIONS 1 — Plane one side smooth and mark "I." Call this side the working face. Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Holding Wood Between Bench Pegs and Planing Surface. -Plane one adjoining edge at right'angles to surface "I" and mark "II." Call this edge the working edge. Fig. 2. Fig. 2. Edge Planing. -Draw a line across surface "I" near one end at right angles to surface "II," and remove the end stock to line with saw or plane. Mark end surface "III." Call this end the working end. Fig. 3, Fig. 4. Fig. 3. Squaring the End with Try Square and Pencil. MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS -Measure off the length of the required piece on surface "I" from the end surface "III," and reduce stock to length with saw or plane. Fig. 4. Fig. 4. Sawing Cross Grain on Bench Hook with Back or Handy Saw. 4a— The end may be trimmed with a block plane as shown. Fig. 4a. Fig. 4a. Knrl Planing with a Block Plane. 5— Measure off the width of the required piece on surface "I" from edge "11" and remove stock to line with plane. 6 — With marking gauge set at the thickness of the required piece, measure off the thick- ness of the required stock from surface "I" and remove stock to line with plane. Fig. 5. Fig. .5. The Marking Gauge in Use. - In reducing a piece of wood to dimensions the try square should be used con- stantly, to obtain right angles with the adjoining surfaces. The stock should be removed to the line but the line should never be cut away. Fig. 6. Tis. 6. sting to See if End is Square with the Edge. I 10 MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS 11 BREAD BOARD Material Required Lumber : 1 piece basMWOod, pop- laror white pine iix5^ixll}/2 inches. Tools Sharp lead pencil, rule, try square, jack plane, handy saw, brace, ^g inch bit, ^ inch chisel, marking gauge, dividers. Stock Bill Pieces. Finished Dimensions. 1. ^''8x5^2x11 inches. Fig. 7. Swinging an Arc with a Compass. Directions 1 — Reduce stock to finished di- mensions following the above directions. '- — To lay out round corners locate points at each corner on both sides 1 inch from end and 1 inch from edge, and with dividers set at a 1- inch radius swing an arc across the corner to edge and end; Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Chiseling with the Grain. 3 — Draw a hne acro-ss edge and end at each corner 1 inch from the corner so that the proper amount of stock may be removed. ■4 — Remove stock at corner with fy4 inch chisel, cutting with the grain. Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Boring a Hole. -Locate a point % inch from one end on a center line drawn lengthwise of the stock and bore hole with % inch bit. Bore from one side until the point of the bit comes through, then turn the board and finish from the other side. This prevents sphtting of the wood around the hole. Fig. 9, Fig. 10. Fig. 10. Feeling for the Point of the Bit. 12 MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS 13 BENCH HOOK Material Required Lumber: 1 piece white or yellow pine, iix 5^x103^ inches. 1 piece white or yellow pine tlxlj'gxll inches. (Cypress or Oregon pine may be substituted for white or yel- low pine.) Hardware : 6 flat head bright wood screws 1 34 inch, No. 8. Fig. 12. Setting a Plane. Directions 1 — Reduce all pieces to fini.^hed dimen.sions. 2 — Draw a center line lengthwise of big piece. 3 — Locate a point on line just drawn 2J| inches from one end and bore % inch hole. 4 — Locate points on each of the small pieces for screws. •^ — Bore holes for screws with -^ inch twist bit and countersink the holes. 6 — Clamp all pieces accurately in position in vise and assemble with screws. If white pine or other soft wood is used the screws may be forced into the large piece without drilling a hole, but if yellow pine or other hardwood is used a hole should be made for starting the screw with a smaller bit than that used for the shank of the screw. The screw driver should be held .straight and pressed firmly so as not to mar the slot in the .screw. The hole for the head of the screw should be countersunk so that the head is slightly below the surface of the wood. Fig. 11. Position to Hold Sand Paper and Sand Paper Block. Tools Sharp lead pencil, rule, try square^ jack plane, handy saw, brace, ^4 inch bit, No. A inch twist drill, countersink, screw driver. Stock Bill Pieces. Finished Dimensions. 1. ^4x51^x10 in. 1. HxlHx bVi in. 1. Mxl%x4i^in. Fig. 13. Countersinking a Hole. I 14 MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS 15 FEEDING TROUGH FOR CHICKS Material Required Lumber: 1 piece cypress, white pine or basswood, t6x43^x9 inches. 1 piece cypress, white pine or basswood, tixt|x22i^ inches. 1 piece cypress, white pine or basswood, 1^x9x30 inches. (Poplar or redwood may be substituted for cypress, white pine or basswood.) Hardware: 2 flat head bright wood screws, 13^ inch No. 10-. 5 dozen J^ inch brads. IQ l]4 inch brads. 12 -id finishing nails. Tools Sharp lead pencil, rule, try square, T bevel, jack plane, hammer, brace, re inch twist drill, countersink, nail set, screw driver. Fig. 14. Proper Position to Hold Screw Driver. Pieces. 2. 1. 1. 2. 28. Stock Bill Finished Dimensions. ^x4 x4 inches. %x %x22 inches. J^x3 x22 inches. Hx2Hx223^ inches. J/^x J^x 2}4 inches. Use. Ends. Ridge. Bottom. Sides. Partitions. Directions 1 — Reduce all pieces to finished di- mensions. 2 — To make the end cuts of the par- titions hold the saw atj45° to a right angle. 3 — Fasten ends to ridge with IJ^ inch No. 10 screw. Use re inch twist drill for screw hole and counter- sink hole. 4 — Fasten ends to sides and bottom with six 4d finishing nails at each end. 5 — Nail sides to bottom with IJ^ inch brads. Use eight brads at each side spaced evenly. 6 — Fasten partitions by using one J/g inch brad at each end. Fig. 15. Ripsawing on a Saw Horse. 16 ^ d MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS 17 FLY TRAP Material Required Lumber: 1 piece white pine, cypress or basswoood tsx8x24 inches. 1 piece white pine or basswood 3^x13^x36 inches. Hardware: 16 flat head bright wood screws 13^ inch, No. 8. 4 dozen carpet tacks. 1 piece wire fly screen 14 inches square. 16 brads IM inch. No. 18. 14 shingle nails. Tools Sharp lead pencil, rule, try scjuare, jack plane, handy saw, brace and A inch twist drill, countersink, screw driver, hammer, nail set, compass. Stock Bill Pieces Finished Dimensions Use ■ 4 %x 34x8% inches. Corners. 8 %x Mx63^ inches. Cross Pieces, .2 %x %x9}4 inches. Top. 2 %x %x8 inches. Top. 2 3^x1 x93^ inches. Top. 3'^xl x73^ inches. Top. Fig. 16. Cross Sawing on a Saw Horse. Directions 1 — Reduce all pieces to finished dimensions. 2 — Assemble box part of trap by using one flat head screw 13^ inch No. 8, and one brad 13^ inch No. 16 at each joint. The hole for the screw should be made about half the length of the screw with the 5-32 inch twist drill and then countersunk. The two screws at each corner must be placed a little above and below center respectively so as not to strike each other. 3 — Place a brad at each joint at least 3^ inch from the screw so as to prevent the stock from turning. 4 — Assemble the four % inch pieces for the top same as box and nail the 1 inch strip as shown in the drawing with shingle nails. 5 — Lay out the pattern for the screen on any piece of paper and cut the screen to the pat- tern with scissors or knife. 6 — Sew the pattern together at the joint with a wire torn from the edge of the screen. 7 — Tack screen in place with carpet tacks. I T.^-*: (o J fl 1 1 ^ 1 ) h *1 !"»! ie| 1* •, 9 -I' 18 MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS 19 FOLDING BENCH Material Required Lumber: 1 piece cypress or white pine t|x8 inches x 9 ft. 6 inches. 1 piece cypress or white pine HxlJ^ inches x 7 feet. (Oregon pine or Southern may be substituted for cypress or white pine.) Hardware: 30 flat head bright wood screws 1^ inches, No. 10. 16 flat head bright wood screws 1 inch, No. 7. 4 carriage boU.s and washers ^8x2 inches. Tools Sharp lead pencil, rule, try square, jack plane, handy saw, brace, ? g inch bit, ,% inch and 14 inch twist drills, countersink, ^ inch chisel, rip saw, screw driver, pliers, dividers. Pieces 2. 2. 2. 4. 2. 2. 4. Stock Bill Finished Dimensions. %x2Hx 4 feet Mx2Hx 3 feet ^x23^xl4H inches. %x2 x21 inches. ^x2 xl6 inches, ^x %xl43/2 inches. J/2xl x21 inches. inches. 103^ inches. Use. Sides. Platform. Ends. Legs. End cross piece. Lower cross piece. End braces. Directions 1 — Reduce all pieces to finished dimensions. 2 — Fasten ends to four long pieces by using two 1^ inch No. 10 screws at each joint. Bore holes for screws with fV inch twist bit and countersink holes. 3— Fasten end lower cross piece bj' placing five screws as shown in the drawing. 4 — Locate points for bolts on side pieces l^g inches from top edge and 3^ inches from end and bore hole with ^. g inch bit. 5 — Bore ^g inch holes in legs at end for bolts. 6 — Cut notch }4: inch deep and % inch wide in upper edge of legs 2 inches from end and fasten cross piece in place with one 1^ inch screw at each joint. 7 — Lay out cross braces, making half lap joint at center and fasten with two 1 inch No. 7 screws at each joint, and one ^g inch screw at half lap joint. 8 — Fasten legs to top with bolts. 20 MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS 21 NAIL AND STAPLE BOX Material Required Lumber: 1 piece white pine or basswood tfiX83^xllJ-2 inches. 1 piece white pine or basswood t|x5 3^x11 3^^ inches. 1 piece white pine or basswood J^x4 inches by 4 feet 2 inches. (Redwood, poplar or cypress may be substituted for white pine or basswood.) Hardware: 5 fiat head bright wood screws 1)^ inches, No. 8. 3 dozen 4d finishing nails. Tools Sharp lead pencil, rule, tiy square, jack plane, handy saw, brace and 5-32 inch twist drill, countersink, 1 inch bit, screw driver, ham.mer, % inch chisel. Fig. 17. Holding the Plane at an Angle to Cut a Chamfer. Pieces. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. Stock Bill Finished Dimensions. 3'4x8 xll inches. ^x5 3^x11 inches. 3/^x4 xl2 inches. 3^x4 X 8 inches. 3^x3 3^x 3^ inches. Use. Bottom. Partition and handle. Sides. Ends. Cross partitions. Directions 1 — Reduce all pieces to finished dimensions. 2 — To lay out opening for hand draw a line lengthwise of stock 13-^ inches from upper edge, also draw a center line crosswise of stock. Measurements should be made on line running lengthwise of stock from center line. Locate points on line 132 inches from center Hne and bore 1 inch holes. Remove as much as possible of the remaining stock with 1 inch bit and trim opening with % inch chisel. 3 — In making partition and handle first reduce piece to Mx5 3^x11 inches. To lay out the slant draw two lines across upper edge 33^ inches from ends and a Hne across each end 2 inches from upper edge. Connect lines just drawn with Unes on both sides. 4 — Lay out }4 inch chamfer on upper edge and both ends of opening with pencil and re- move stock with chisel. 5 — Remove stock for slant with saw and trim to line with plane. 6 — Lay out 3^ inch chamfer on corners of upper edge and remove stock with plane. 7 — Assemble box by placing nails and screws as shown in drawing. 22 MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS 23 BIRD HOUSE Material Required Lumber: 1 piece white pine or basswood ^x53^ inches x 3 feet 2 inches. 1 piece white pine or basswood Hx8Mx83^ inches. 1 piece white pine or basswood tlxU 8^163^ inches. (Poplar, cypress or redwood may be substituted for pine or basswood.) Hardware: 1 flat head bright wood screw 2 inch No. 12. 4 fiat head bright wood screws J^ inch No. 7. 1 dozen l}yi inch brads No. 18. 2 dozen 1 inch brads No. 18. Tools Sharp lead pencil, rule, try square, jack plane, handy saw, brace, coping saw, twist drills, 7-32 inch and }s inch countersink, .screw driver, hammer, nail set, T bevel. Pieces. 1. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. Stock Bill Finished Dimensions 3^x6 3^X' 8 inches. ^x5 X 534 inches. ^x43^x 4 inches. %x4:%x 8 inches. 3^x1 3^x 2 inches. %xl xl6 inches. Use. Bottom. Ends. Sides. Roof. Brace. Post. Directions 1 — Reduce all pieces to finished dimensions. 2 — To make doorway draw a center hne lengthwise of end piece and swing a circle with com- pass using point on center Une 134 inches from end as center. 3 — Draw lines at right angle to end tangent to sides of circle. 4 — Remove stock for doorway using handy saw to cut to circle and coping saw to make the oirolp 5 — Set the T bevel at the same angle as shown in the drawing and lay out the slant for the gable of end pieces. 6 — With T bevel in same position as for gables lay out bevels on upper edge of both sides and both edges of two pieces for roof. 7 — Fasten brace to post with 2 inch No. 12 screw. Holes for fiat head screws should always be bored and counter- sunk. 8 — Fasten brace and post to bottom with four J/g inch No. 7 screws as shown in drawing. 9 — Nail ends to sides by using three 1 inch brads at each joint. 10 — Draw lines on lower side of bottom piece where brads are. to be placed so that when driven through bottom they will enter sides and ends. 11 — Nail bottom, ends and sides by us- ing three 1 inch brads at each side and back and two at front. . 12 — Fasten |top in place by using seven 1 inch brads for each side. 13 — Set brads with nail set. Kiti. IS. ^cttinj; Nail with Nail Set, 24 MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS 25 WINDOW SCREEN Material Required for Each Window Lumber: 1 piece white pine or cypress 13^x23^ inches by width of window for bottom rail. 1 piece white pine 1^x2 inches by width of window plus twice the length of win- dow for top rails and stiles. 1 piece white pine 1^x1 inch by width of window for middle rail. Enough screen moulding to cover edges of screen and middle rail. Hardware: Twenty lOd casing nails, if nailed joint is used; 1 package No. 16 brads if mortise and tenon joint is used and for nailing moulding; package of carpet tacks for screen; wire fly screen; paint. The finished dimensions are not given here as they must be obtained by measur- ing the window where the screen is to fit. The m.ortise and tenon joint is the stronger and better way of joining the screen at the corners, yet a nailed joint holds the members firmly in place if the Fig. 19. Position of Chisel and Mallet for Mortising. nails are well placed at an angle as shown in the drawing. The screen need lap only far enough on the sides and ends to be securely nailed. It should not project outside of the moulding which is placed on the inside edge of the sides and ends and across the middle rail. The painting should be done carefully so as to prevent moisture from getting into the joints. Fig. 20. Method for Holding Chisel in Mortising. 26 MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS TOOL SHARPENING There are three distinct operations in sharpening a plane, bit or chisel; first, grinding, Fig. 21; second, whetting the beveled side. Fig. 22; third, removing the wire edge from the plain side, Fig. 23. In grinding a plane iron loosen the cap screw with a screw driver and set the lever cap back on the plane iron so that it will be out of the way when removing the wire edge from the plain side. The'^plane iron or cutter should be held on the grinder so that the edge will be a perfect right angle with the side. It should be held firmly in one position so that only one bevel will be formed. In grinding, the tool should be moved from side to side on the grinder so as to prevent wearing the stone unevenly. Fig. 21. Grinding a Chisel. In whetting the beveled side of the chisel or plane iron it should be held firmly in both hands as indicated in Fig. 22 and given three or four for- ward strokes, pressing the iron firmly on to the stone. Do not move the wrists for this motion. The movement should occur at the elbow and by the swaying of the body forward and back. Fig. 22. Whetting the Beveled Side of a Chisel Fig. 23. Removing the Wire Edge from the Plain Side of a Chisel. To remove the wire edge, lay the flat side of chisel or plane iron, flat on the oil stone as shown in Fig. 23 and move it back and forth three or four strokes. Under no circumstances should the end of the iron be raised or lowered so that it won't lie flat- on the stone. Until one becomes thoroughly famil- iar with tool sharpening the whetting of both beveled and plain sides may need to be done more than once to insure a good cutting tool. MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS 27 SAW FILING The first operation in sharpening a saw is that of jointing the saw. Fig. 24. The purpose of this is to bring all teeth to an even length. This is done by drawing a flat file across the teeth of the saw. One or two strokes is usually sufficient. The file must be held perfectly square; this may be facilitated by use of a block called a saw jointer, as shown in Fig. 24. The second opera- tion in saw sharpening |MM|^B««MW».'Ufe.»»s j-hj^ib is that of setting the saw. This consists of bending the teeth out- ward, one on one side, the next on the other and so on till all the teeth are bent. The set should not extend more than half the length of the tooth. For ordinary work the teeth .should be set about one-third the thickness of the blade. For dry lumber the saw will require less set than for green or wet lumber. The third operation is that of filing the saw. In filing a cross-cut saw the point of the file should point toward the point of the saw at an angle of about 45 degrees. In filing a rip saw the file is held straight across the saw. File every tooth to a point, one-half of the filing being done from each side, being careful to stop filing a tooth when it has been brought to a point. File the entire length of the saw from one side, then reverse the saw and file from the other side. The front edge of each tooth projecting away from the filer and the back edge of the tooth next ahead, should be filed with the same stroke. Only forward strokes of the file should be used. The fourth operation con- sists of placing the saw flat on a smooth surface, as the top of a bench, and running a whet- stone over the teeth so as to re- move the burr from the teeth Fig. 25. Filing a Saw. CaUSCd by filing. Fig. 21. Jointing a Saw. 28 MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS 29 MILKING STOOL Material Required Lumber: 1 piece white pine t^"xl0"x5' 3". (Cypress or redwood may be substituted for white pine.) Hardware: 15 flat head bright wood screws, If" No. 10. 16 flat head bright wood screws, Ij" No. 8 for braces. Stock Bill Pieces. Finished Dimensions. Use. r'xl0"xl2r' Seat. f"xlO"xllf" Back Leg. f "xl0"x5" Front Leg. f"xl0"x21i" Pail Rest. f"xl0"x5f" Front Seat Support. 1/ Braces. Directions 1. Reduce all pieces to finished dimensions. 2. Round both ends of the seat and the front end of the pail rest to lines drawn across the stock on both sides |" from the end. 3. Locate points on seat for hand hole as shown in the drawing and at these points swing circles with f " radius. Draw lines tangent to the circles. 4. Bore a hole with |" bit so that the outside of the |" hole touches the outside edge of the circle and cut the opening with a coping saw. 5. Set the T bevel for the bevel cuts at the back end of the pail rest, the lower end of the front seat support, the upper end of the front leg and the upper end of the braces from the drawing and cut ends to the bevels. The lower ends of the braces are 45 degree cuts and may be laid out by setting the T bevel at 45 degrees on the steel square. 6. Bore three holes for If" No. 10 screws at each joint spaced as shown in the drawing with 3-16" wood twist drill; countersink the holes and assemble the parts. 7. Bore 5-32" holes for screws in braces; countersink the holes and fasten the braces. The stool may be assembled by using four 6d common nails at each joint and two 6d common nails at each end of each brace; however the screws are a better form of construction. I 30 MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS 31 IRONING BOARD Material Required Lumber: 1 piece white pine, poplar or basswood, I|"xl2"x5' 0". 1 piece white pine, poplar or basswood, il"x4"x3' 6". 1 piece birch or oak i|xlj"x8' 4". Hardware: 2 carriage bolts i"x2^" with 2 washers each. 4 flat head bright wood screws Ij", No. 8. 2 flat head bright wood screws |", No. 7. 2 steel butt hinges, riveted, with 1|" screws. Stock Bill Pieces. Finished Dimensions Use. 1. I|"xl2"x5' 0" Board. 2. ir'xli"x3' 2" Clamps. 1. i«"xl"xl2" Parting Strip. 1. i"xl"x9i" Cross bar. 1. i^"x4"x2' 7" Post. 1. ii"x4"xl0" Post and Hinge Support. Directions 1. Reduce all pieces to finished dimensions. 2. To shape the board draw a center line lengthwise of stock and swing an arc with 5" radius on center line 5" from end. 3. Draw lines across both edges 2' 3" from the same end as the arc. 4. Remove stock to line with saw, draw knife and plane. 5. Locate points for bolts 4" from end and 2" from edge and bore a 11-16" hole Y' deep on the upper edge of board. 6. Bore I" holes thru the board in center of 11-lG" holes, and thru the parting strips and clamps. 7. Bolt these three members in place and plug the 11-16" holes. 8. Fasten the post to the post and hinge support with four Ij" No. 8 screws. 9. Cut a small groove in the lower side of the board and also in the edge of the post and hinge support for the joint of the hinges and fasten the hinges. 10. Place the board on the bench and the post standing up at right angle to the board and fasten the cross bar to the clamps so that it touches the post. 11. Bore the f" hole in the lower end of post for hanging the board. 32 MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS 33 WAGON JACK Material Required Lumber: 1 piece oak, birch, maple or other hardwood I"x6"x6' 6' Hardware: 6 machine bolts |"x3|" with washers. 2 flat head, bright wood screws 1^", No. 10. 2 pieces of iron i"xl"x4". 3 iron rivets j"xlf". Stock Bill ieces. Finished Dimensions Use L 1. 2. 2. 1. 1. L r'x3"x3'-0" l"x2i"x3'-0" I"x2i"xl2" l"xli"x22" I"x3"x24" |"x2"x8" |"x4"x4" Directions Top. Main Brace. Front Standards, Back Standards. Lever. Foot. Wheel. 1. Reduce all pieces to finished dimensions. 2. Round one end of the top by swinging an arc on a centerline at one end with a radius of one and one-half inches, and remove stock with saw and chisel. 3. Lay out axle notches by drawing lines across the upper edge of the top two and three-quarters inches apart, and another line on the side of the stock one inch from the top edge. Cut the notches with the rip and cross- cut saws. 4. Round the ends of the front standards by swinging arcs on a center- line one and one-eighth inches from the end with a one and one-eighth inch radius. 5. Find the center of the piece for the wheel by drawing lines diagonally across the stock, and swing the circle with the compass set at a 2 inch radius. 6. Lay out the lower end of the main brace as shown in the detail draw- ing to fit the foot, and cut the upper end at a bevel. 7. Lay out and cut a one-quarter inch chamfer around the upper edge of the foot excepting where it fits into the main brace. 8. Swing a circle on a centerline drawn lengthwise of the lever one and one-half inches from the upper end with the compass set at one and one-half inch radius; taper the lever to one and one-half inches at the lower end, and remove the stock to line. Lay out and cut a one-quarter inch chamfer at all four corners of the lever as shown in the drawing. 9. Fasten the foot to the main brace with two one and one-half inch No. 10 flat head, bright wood screws. 10. Bore holes with three-eighths inch bit for bolts at positions shown in the drawing and assemble parts with bolts. 11. Bore one-quarter inch holes for rivets of iron plate at center of circle of lever, as shown in the drawing at upper end, and fasten plates by riveting in position. I ^^"■LV. l§"i -m -Jj 34 MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS 35 Stock Bill Pieces. Fi aished Dimensions. 1. i"x6"xl3i" 2. i"x6i"xl3i" 3. i"x6"x7i" 2. i"x5f"xl9i" 1. i^"x4"x4" 1. liVli"xl6" 2. r'xi"x7" 4. 1// 1// o// 2 A 2 A.O Directions COMMUNITY BIRD HOUSE Material Required Lumber: 1 piece white pine or basswood ^"x6^"x9' 4". 1 piece white pine or basswood t^"x4"x4". 1 piece white pine or basswood l|"xl|"xl6". (Poplar, cypress or redwood may be substituted for white pine or basswood.) Hardware: 1 flat head bright wood screw 2^", No. 12. 4 flat head bright wood screws 1|", No. 8. 2| doz. brads \\", No. 18, for bottom and sides. 1| doz. 6d finishing nails for roof. Use. Bottom. Sides. Ends and partition. Roof. Support for post. Post Perch Perch supports. 1. Reduce all pieces to fin- ished dimensions. 2. To make doorway locate a point for center as indicated in drawing and draw a circle with the compass. Bore a hole with I" bit so that the outside edge of the hole touches the circle. Place a coping saw blade thru the j" hole, fasten blade in frame and saw the circle. 3. To lay out the slant on partition and end pieces for gable set the T bevel at the same posi- tion as shown in the drawing. 4. Lay out the bevels at ridge and eaves of roof boards with T bevel set the same as for end pieces. 5. Fasten brace to post with one flat head bright wood screw 2|", No. 12. 6. Drill holes for screws with 5-32" wood twist drill |" from end and I" from side at each corner of brace and fasten brace and post to bottom with four flat head bright wood screws Ij', No. 8. 7. Fasten ends and partition to bottom with four U" No. 18 brads at each joint. 8. Fasten sides to ends and partition by using five brads on each side at the bottom and three at each end. 9. Fasten roof by using three 6d finishing nails at each joint. All nails and brads should be spaced evenly and driven straight so as not to run out at the side. 10. In boring the holes for the f " screws in the perch supports the wood should be clamped in the vise so as to prevent splitting. 11. Fasten perches with f" No. 6 flat head bright wood screws as shown in the drawing. Fig. 26. Community Bird House. 36 Stock Bill Pieces Finished Dimensions. Use. 1. fg 'x7"x2' 4" Top door. 1. w 'x8"x2' 4" Top door. 2. w 'x2"xl3" Cleats for door. ttom 2. w 'xlM"x2' 1" Levers. 3. V2' 'xt-r'x24K" Perches. 1. Yi ■x2" D. Circle Pulley. MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS 37 CHICKEN FEED HOPPER Material Required Lumber: 2 pieces white pine I"xl2"xl2' 0". Redwood or cypres.s may be substituted for white pine. Hardware: \ lb. 8d common nails. 1 round-head blued wood screw \\" No. 10. 2 round-head blued wood screws If" No. 10. 1 doz. 6d common nails. 1 doz. 6d finishing nails. 2 pair 6" light T hinges. 32" of heavy cord. Small piece of wire for fastening weight. 2 small screw eyes for fastening cord. Pieces. Finished Dimensions Use. 1. i|"xl03s"x223s" Bottom. 2. i|"xl03g"x22i54" Ends. 2. ii"x8M"x24" Back. 1. ||"x43/^"x24" Front at bottom 1. i|"xllM"x24" Front. 1. Ji"x4H"x2i" Door. 1. t|"xllTV'x2'4" Top. Directions 1. Reduce all pieces to finished dimensions. 2. Nail the ends to the bottom by using three nails at each joint. 3. Nail the boards for the back in place and bevel the upper edge of the upper board so that the roof will fit on it snugly. 4. Bevel the lower edge of the front board to fit against the end boards; fasten with three nails at each end and bevel the upper edge same as upper edge of back. 5. Nail the front board at bottom and bevel its upper edge. 6. Fasten the top by driving two nails into each end board and four into the back. 7. Nail the cleats to the door using at least six 6d common nails for each cleat. The nails should be driven at a slant so as not to come thru. 8. Cut notches in the upper edges of front to receive the cleats when the door is closed. 9. Fasten hinges to door and door to top. 10. Bevel the top edge of the lower door to fit front; fasten door by placing the strap part of the hinges against the box and bevel the front edge of the door. 11. Fasten the three perches to the lever, by driving two 6d finishing nails thru the lever into each end. 12. Place the levers driving a one and three-quarter inch, No. 10 round- head blued wood screw thru its center, and into the end of the hopper at points shown in the drawing. 13. Fasten a screw eye into the upper edge of one lever at the front end, and another into the upper front edge of the lower door. 14. Make a pulley for the cord by sawing a two-inch circle with the coping saw; cut a groove to receive the cord in the face of the pulley with round file or chisel. Bore a hole thru the center of the pully the size of a two-inch. No. 10 screw and fasten in position shown in drawing. 15. Fasten cord to screw eyes and run over the pulley. 16. Hang a weight at the back end of the levers of sufficient weight to lower the door. 38 Lumber MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS CHICKEN BROODER COOP AND RUN Material Required 1 piece Xfi"x9"xl0' 0" white pine, Oregon pine, cypress or redwood. 1 piece Ji'^'x2j^'^xW 0" white pine, Oregon pine, cypress or redwood. 1 piece i|"x2"x7' 6" white pine, Oregon p'ne, cypress or redwood. 1 piece ■H"xl34"x2' 0" white pine, Oregon pine, cypress or redwood. 1. piece J^"xU'x2' 0" white pine, Oregon pine, cypress or redwood. Hardware: }4 lb. 4d common nails. 1 lb. 6d common nails. 21 hneal ft. LS", 1" chicken wire. 39 lb. ^'"poultry net ting staples. Stock Bill 'ieces Finished Dimension? 1 Use. Pieces. Finished Dimer 3. i^"x9"x283.8" Platform. 3. il"xl0"x25" 4. fr'x2i4"x27" Cleats for bot- 3. il"xl0"x24i4" tom and sides. 1. i^"xl0"x20" •1 Ii"x2"xl9" Middle door 2. t^"x9"xl8" slats. 1. il"x2^^"x23" 2. ii"x2"xl3M" Side door slats. 2. ti"xiH"xiiM" 2. tl"x2"xl2" Front piece of slot for door. 4. W'x2"x3' 9" 2. K"xl"xll" Back piece of 4. «"x2"x2'43s" slot for door. 4. Tl"x2"xl8" Us Roof. Roof. Back. Back. Cleat for back. Cleats for door. Run sides. Run ends. Run posts. Directions 1. Reduce all pieces to finished dimensions and label each piece. Labels should be written neatly with letters about the size used in writing on paper. Careless writing does not look well on woodwork. 2. Fasten bottom cleats to bottom by driving two 6d com- rron nails in each board at each end. The nails are longer than the of the boards and should be driven at a slant so as not to go thru. 3. Fasten cleats to roof boards same as bottom and drive two nails into each board at the ridge. 4. For laying out the slant on upper end of pieces for back and front the T bevel should be used and may be set at the same angle as the drawing. 5. Fasten cleat to back pieces the same as bottom and roof; set back pieces in place and nail thru edge of back roof board. 6. Nail the two lower front jjieces firmly in place by nailing thru edge of front roof board and one nail in end of roof board cleat. 7. Place cleats for door as shown in "Top view of door" and fasten with 6d nails. 8. Fasten cleats to door by using two 4d common nails at each joint. Take a few shav- ings from the side of the side pieces so the door may shde freely. 9. Cut the ends of the corner posts of the run as shown in the detail drawing and join the corners with three 6d common nails placed as shown in detail of corner. Assemble the sides and ends first. 10. In fastening the wire begin at one corner and run the wire around the run, cutting the opening for the door as wide as the door and eight inches high. Do not cut the bottom strand of wire. Staples should be placed not more than 6 inches apart. 11. Run the wire lengthwise at the top and fasten with staples at the end and sides. 12. Bore a ?-§ inch hole thru the upper door cleat at the center. A peg placed in this hole may rest on the upper end piece of the run and hold the door open. A similar hole thru a slat of the door and into the front edge of the front roof board furnishes a place for the peg to hold the door open when the run is not in use. A brooder coop should be built so that the roof may be rem.oved and the platform thoroly cleaned. Fig. 27. Chicken Brooder Coop and Run. 40 MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS 41 THREE-HORSE EVENER Lumber: 1 piece select hickory If"x5"x4' 4". (If hickory is not avail- able, white ash may be used.) Hardware: 1 iron rivet |" x3|" with 2 washers. 1 iron rivet j"x5|" with 2 washers. Directions 1. Reduce stock to If"x5"x4' 4". 2. Lay out the taper for the one-horse end by drawing a line from a point on the back edge of the stock 21" from the two-horse end to a point on the one-horse end 3|" from the front edge. 3. Remove the stock to line with saw and plane. 4. Lay out and cut a I" chamfer on the edges of the stock as indicated in the drawing. 5. Bore j" holes for the rivets Ij" from ends and fasten rivets by securely riveting them. 6. Locate points 2" from ends and 1|" from back edge of stock and bore I" holes for clevises. 7. Locate a point 18" from the two-horse end and 1|" from the front edge, and bore a f " hole for main clevis pin. TWO-HORSE EVENER Lumber: 1 piece select hickory or ash If"x4^"x4' 0". Hardware: 2 iron rivets j"x3f". Directions 1. Reduce stock to If"x4|"x4' 0". 2. Lay out the taper by drawing lines across the back edge of the stock 21" from each end and lines across both ends 3|" from the front edge and con- necting the lines by lines drawn on the sides of the stock. 3. Remove the stock to line with the saw and plane. 4. Lay out and cut a j" chamfer on the edges of the stock as indicated in the drawing. 5. Bore j" holes for the rivets 1|" from ends and place rivets. 6. Locate points 2" from ends and 1|" from back edge of stock and bore 9-16" holes for clevises. 7. Locate a point 24" from either end and 1|" from the front edge and bore a f " hole for the main clevis pin. SINGLETREE Lumber: 1 piece of hickory or ash 2i"x2|"x2' 10". Directions 1. Square up the stock to finished dimensions. 2. Find the center at each end by drawing lines diagonally as shown in the detail drawing. 3. Draw a circle at center of each end 1|" in diameter. 4. Cut a templet .of pasteboard as shown in the detail drawing and use in getting the singletree a perfect oval at the center. 5. In removing the stock, bring it to a square at the end, then an octagon and then a circle. Remove the bulk of the stock with the saw and finish with the plane. The singletree may be sanded to produce a smooth finish. 42 MANUAL TRAINING FOR THE RURAL SCHOOLS 43 FENCE AND GATE Material Required Lumber: 5 pieces white or yellow pine |"x6"xl6' 0". 2 pieces white or yellow pine |"x6"xl4' 0". 1 piece white or yellow pine |"x4"x6' 0". 1 piece round hardwood |"x6". (Oregon pine or cypress may be substituted for white or yellow pine.) Hardware : 2 pair screw hook and strap hinges. 26 carriage bolts f "x3". 16 carriage bolts f "x2". 23 6d common nails. Stock Bill Pieces. Finished Dimensions. Use. 4. |"x6"xl6' 0" Horizontal pieces. 6. |"x6"x4' 0" Vertical pieces. 2. |"x6"x8' 3" Braces. 2. |"x4"x20" Uprights for latch 1. f 'x4"x2' 2" Latch. 2. |"x2"x4". Blocks above and below latch 2. |"x2"x6" Blocks above and below latch 1. f " round x 6" long Knob. Directions L Reduce all pieces to finished dimensions. 2. Fasten the vertical pieces to the horizontal pieces by placing two f "x3" carriage bolts at each joint. 3. Fasten the braces to the horizontal members by using two f "x2" carriage bolts at places indicated in the drawing. 4. Bore a |" hole in the center of the latch for the knob; place knob in position and fasten by driving a 6d nail into the upper edge of the latch so that the point of the nail will go into the knob. 5. Place latch in position. 6. Assemble the uprights for the latch to the two middle horizontal pieces 8" from the front end vertical piece by driving two 6d common nails at each end from each side. 7. Li like manner fasten the blocks above and below the latch, as shown in the detail drawing, using two 6d nails from each side. I I r ^ ^ J J r r~\ __, ^ o o o o .^2 ^ 5:: I 44 45 r