SK 465 .P5 1917 Copy 1 AME, BIRD AND FISH LAWS OF WYOMING \ ♦ @ 1917-1918 @ NATE P. WILSON State Game Warden, Lander, Wyoming state Game Commission Frank L. Houx Cheyenne Robert B. Forsyth Cheyenne State Game Warden Nate P. Wilson Lander Fred E. Allen, Clerk Lander Assistant State Game Wardens Carl Hammitt Cody Wm. H. Seebohm Kelly C. P. Sorensen Rock Springs Chas. T. Snj^der Douglas A. W. Webb Rairden Frank S. Smith '. Dubois Game, Bird and Fish Laws OF Wyominj 1917-1918 Compiled by Independent Print Thermopolis, Wyo. NOTICE All commuuicatlons addressed to this office are treated as "strictly confiden- tial," and under no condition will the contents be given out or used as evi- dence without the consent of the writer. I will certainly appreciate the co-opera- tion of all good citizens in securing evidence against game violators, and I assure you that every case reported to this department will be carefully inves- tigated. Bear this in mind. Help pro- tect our game. Respectfully, .^ NATE P. WILSON, State Game Warden. D. of D. SEP t 1917 t ^ GAME LAWS [From the Wyoming Compiled Statutes, 1910, and the Session Laws of 1911, 1913, 1915 and 1917.] Sec. 2722. Ownership in State. All wild animals and wild birds, both resi- dent and migratory, in this state shall be, and are hereby declared to be the property of the state. Sec. 1. State Game Commission — Who Compose. A state game commis- sion is hereby created, consisting of the governor, secretary of state and auditor of state. The governor shall be president of the state game com- mission, and shall call such meetings thereof as may be necessary for the transaction of its business. The com- mission shall elect one of their num- ber who shall act as secretary of the commission. [L. 1911, Ch. 66.] Sec. 2. Duties — Shall Have Super- vision. The state game commission shall have general supervision of the game animals and birds of the state of Wyoming, and the propagation, protec- tion, disposition and distribution there- of. [L. 1911, Ch. 66.] Sec. 3. Permits to Scientific Insti- tutes. The state game commission may grant a permit to the agents of the Smithsonian Institute or other well known scientific institutions, to capture and ship out of this state game animals and birds for scientific purposes. [L. 1911, Ch. 66.] Sec. 4. Permits to Taxidermists. Tlie state game commission may grant permits to bona fide taxidermists to capture, collect and mount, under the supervision of the game warden or his assistants, game or game in families for institutions within the state of Wyo- ming for educational or scientific pur- poses. [L. 1911, Ch. 66.] Sec. 5. Distribution of Game. The state game commission may direct the state game warden to capture any of the game animals of this state, in local- ities where species of game animals are sufficiently abundant, and transport the same within localities of this state where such species are scarce or ab- sent, to be there liberated. [L. 1911, Ch. 66.] Sec. 40. Exchange of Game Animals and Birds — Appropriation. The state game commission may authorize the capture of any of the game animals of this state and permit the same to be transported out of the state in ex- change for such game animals or birds as in its judgment shall be adapted to the climate and conditions of this state, and it shall have power to expend an- nually, from the general fund of the state, the sum of four thousand dollars, or so much thereof as is necessary to pay the expenses of transporting the animals and birds as contemplated in this Section and Sections 5 and 9 of Chapter 06 of the Session Laws of Wy- oming, 1911. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] [For Sections 5 and 9, Ch. 66, S. L. 1911, see Section 5, page 4, and Section 9, page 5, of this pamphlet.] Sec. 7. Reward. The state game commission may offer a reward not ex- ceeding three hundred dollars for evi- dence leading to the arrest and convic- tion of any person or persons violating Section 2771 of the Compiled Statutes of Wyoming, 1910, and the said reward when properly certified to hy the state game commission shall be paid out of the general funds of the state. [L. 1911, Ch. 66.] [See p. 38.] Sec. 8. Purchase of Feed for Game Animals. The state game commission shall make suitable provision for the feeding of the game animals of this state, in such localities as it may deem necessary, during the whole or a por- tion of the winter season of each year ; and the state game commission may ex- pend annually the sum of five thousand dollars, out of the general fund of the state, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purchase of hay and the expense of feeding such game ani- mals ; the feeding of said game animals to be under the supervision of the state game warden or his assistant. [L. 1911, Ch. 66.] Sec. 9. Disposition of Surplus Game. If in the judgment of the state game commission there are more game in any locality within this state than can be successfully wintered in that locality, the state game commission shall, be- tween the first day of December, and the last day of March, order and direct the state game warden to capture and make such distribution of the excess of game as in the judgment of the game commission is to the best interest of the state for the preservation of the game. [L. 1911, Ch. 66.] Sec. 2723. Game Warden— Appoint- ment. Tlie governor shall appoint a suitable person to serve as state game warden, whose duty shall be to protect the game and fish of this state, and to enforce the laws relating thereto. Sec. 2724. Term of office. The state game warden shall hold his oflSce for four years and until his successor is appointed and qualified. Sec. 2725. Bond. Before entering upon the duties of his oflBce the state game warden shall execute a bond to the state of Wyoming in the penal sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00), conditioned for the faithful perform- ance of his duties, and his bond shall be approved by the governor. Sec. 2726. For Neglect of Duty the Governor May Remove Warden. The governor shall have power at any time to remove the state game warden for misconduct or neglect of his duties, upon written charges duly preferred, but the state game warden shall be heard in his own defense. Sec. 2727. Duties of Game Warden. The state game warden shall be an active executive oflicer, and shall at all 6 times when possible take the field in person, in the performance of his duties. He shall personally supervise the protection of all game, and the direction and punishment of violators of the game and fish laws. He shall act as the secretary of the state game commission and shall execute the or- ders of the state game commission. [L. 1911, Ch. 66, § 10.] Sec. 2729. Warden May Employ At- torney. The state game warden is hereby authorized to employ an attor- ney to prosecute violators of the game and fish laws, when deemed necessary ; such attorney to be paid from the gen- eral fund of the state, after his ac- counts have been approved by the state game commission ; Provided, That not more than five hundred dollars per an- num be expended for such attorney fees. [L. 1911, Ch. 66, § 11.] Sec. 2. Reports of Game Warden, Assistants and Deputies. The state game warden shall be required to make an annual report to the governor, and shall from time to time make reports of his acts and furnish information re- lating to the condition of the game ani- mals and game birds of this state to the state game commission. The bi- ennial report of the state game warden, as contemplated by Section 262 of the Compiled Statutes of Wyoming, 1910, shall consist of copies of his annual re- ports to the governor for the two years immediately preceding and up to and including December 31st immediately preceding the meeting of the legisla- ture, and such report may be filed not later than January 1st immediately preceding the meeting of the legisla- ture. All assistant and deputy game wardens shall be required to report monthly to the state game warden. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 3. Game Warden's Salary and Contingent. The state game warden shall be paid the sum of two thousand dollars per annum, payable monthly, from the general fund of the state, and shall be allowed the sum of one thou- sand five hundred dollars per annum for necessary contingent expenses inci- dent to the performance of his duties, payable from the general fund of the state. Said contingent expenses shall bo paid upon vouchers approved by the state game commission. He shall devote his entire time to the duties of his oflice. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 4. Assistants and Deputies. The state game warden is hereby au- thorized and directed to appoint, with the approval of the state game commis- sion, seven assistant game wardens in different portions of the state. The said assistant game wardens shall each be appointed for a term of two years and shall each receive a salary of one thousand two hundred dollars per an- num, payable in monthly installments. They shall devote all of their time to the duties of their office under the di- rection of the state game warden. They shall each be allowed the sum of five hundred dollars per annum for neces- sary contingent expenses incident to the performance of their duties. Said contingent expenses shall be paid upon vouchers approved by the state game warden and the state game commis- sion. The state game warden is hereby authorized and directed to appoint, with the approval of the state game commission, one or more deputy game w^ardens, as the emergency may de- mand, in any county of this state, said deputy game wardens to be paid not less than three dollars nor more than four dollars per day, in the discretion of the state game warden, for actual service rendered as such wardens. The state game warden is hereby authorized and directed to appoint, with the approval of the state game commission, one or more deputy game wardens, as the emergency may de- mand, in any county of this state, said deputy game wardens to receive no pay for their services other than the commission for the sale of such game and fish licenses prescribed bv law. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 41. Clerk— Salary. The state game warden is hereby authorized and directed to appoint with the approval of the state game commission, one clerk, who shall be stationed in the office of the state game warden and shall perform the duties of such office under the direction of the state game warden. Said clerk shall be appointed for a term of two years and shall re- ceive a salary of $1,200.00 per annum, paid in monthly installments, upon vouchers approved by the state game warden and state game commission. [L. 1913, Ch. 121.] Sec. 2733. Salaries— How Paid. All salaries of assistant and deputy game wardens shall be paid out of the gen- eral fund of the state, after the ac- counts have been approved by the state game commission. [L. 1911, Ch. 66, § 14.] Sec. 2734. Bond. The assistant game wardens shall each execute a bond to the state of Wyoming in the penal sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) each, conditioned for the faithful perform- ance of their duties ; said bond to be approved by and filed with the state game warden. Their commissions may be revoked at any time for good and suflicient cause, by the state game war- den. [See also Sec. 6, Ch. 91, S. L. 1915, on p. 12.] Sec. 2735. Warden, Assistants and Deputies May Arrest Without Warrant. The state game warden and assistant and deputy game wardens and all sher- iffs and constables are authorized to ar- rest without w^arrant, any person or persons found violating any of the pro- visions of the game or fish laws, when detected in the act or found with game fish unlawfully in their possession at the time of arrest. The state game warden and all assistants and deputy game wardens duly appointed, shall have full power and are hereby author- ized to execute and preserve all war- rants, search warrants, subpoenas, com- mitments, and all other writs and legal 10 processes issued for the violation of the game and fish laws of this state, or in the trial of offenses against said laws, or any provision supplementary thereto. [L. 1913, Ch. 121, § 1.] Sec. 2736. Deputies Without Pay. Persons employed in this state by the federal government, for the protection of the various national forests, and employees of the Biological Survey, and any reputable citizen may be appointed deputy game warden without pay or bond and at the pleasure of the state game warden, and it is hereby declared by the legislature of the state of Wyo- ming, that the various officers of the National Forest and Biological Survey under the Department of Agriculture of the United States, shall not be in- compatible with the office of deputy game warden within the meaning of Section 19, of Article 6, of the constitu- tion of the state of Wyoming. [L. 1913, Ch. 121, § 2.] Sec. 2737. List of Assistants and Deputies to Be Filed With Governor. The state game warden shall file with the governor of this state, a list of all assistants and deputy game wardens appointed by him. [L. 1913, Ch. 121, §3.] Sec. 5. Neglect of Duty by Game W^arden and Others. Whenever the at- tention of the state game warden or any assistant or deputy game warden, sheriff, constable or deputy sheriff, is called to any violation of the provisions of the game or fish laws of this state, and he shall fail to take proper steps 11 for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons, company or corpora- tion, charged with such violation, he sliall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than fiftv dollars nor more than two hun- dred dollars. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 6. Licenses Issued by Whom. All justices of the peace, assistant and deputy game wardens are hereby au- thorized to issue game or fishing li- censes, or guide certificates, which are issued to them by the state game war- den, and they shall each give a suffi- cient bond in an amount as the state game warden may direct, conditioned for the proper accounting for and turning over of the proceeds from the sale of all game or fishing licenses, and guide certificates which may be placed in their hands, and the proper account- ing for and turning over of all unused and spoiled licenses and certificates, in- cluding all stubs of licenses and certifi- cates, to the state game warden. They shall pay all moneys that may come into their hands from the sale of such licenses and certificates, to the state treasurer. The bond provided for in this section shall be issued by a surety company authorized to do business in this state and the premium on said bonds shall be paid from the state game fund upon vouchers approved by the state game warden. To carry out the purpose of this section, any assistant or deputy game warden who shall have furnished the bond provided for in this section, shall have authority to admin- ister oaths required by the provisions of the game or fish laws of this state, if any, relating to the issuance of li- censes to hunt. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 7. Game x\nimals Not to Be Trapped or Used for Bait. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to kill, wound or capture any moose, elk, deer, antelope or mountain sheep, or any of the game birds of this state by means of any pit, pitfall, net, trap, deadfall, or by any other similar de- vice, and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to use any specimen or specimens of a game animal or game bird of this state for bait for the pur- pose of trapping predatory animals within this state. Any person convict- ed of violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred and fifty dol- lars, and by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than thirty days nor more than six months. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 8. Game Birds — Open Season. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to shoot or kill any of the game birds of this state commonly known as snipe, sandpipers, plovers, tatlers, willets. curlew, godwits, avo- cets, coots, mudhens, ducks and geese, except from September 15tli to De- cember 16th, inclusive, of each year. Provided, That rails may be shot only during the months of September, Octo- 13 ber and November of eacli year. Pro- vided further, That in Carbon county, curlew, mudhens, ducks and geese may be Ivilled from September 1st to De- cember 16th of each year. Any per- son convicted of violating the provis- ions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 9. Sage-chickens, Grouse, Pheas- ants, Quail — Number Permitted. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to shoot or kill any of the game birds of this state commonly known as sage- liens or sage-chickens, except from August 1st to September 1st, inclusive, of each year. Provided, That all grouse, not including sage-hens or sage- chickens as hereinbefore specified, may be lawfully shot or killed only from September 1st to November 15th, inclu- sive, of each year. Provided, That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to kill any Mongolian pheasant or quail until the year 1919, when the killing of such birds shall be allowed only during the open season for sage- hens or sage-chickens. Provided, fur- ther, That it shall be unlawful for any person to kill more than eighteen game birds of this state in any one day, and not more than six shall be sage-hens, sage-chickens or grouse, and it shall be unlawful for any person to have more than eighteen game birds in his or her possession in any one day, and not more than six shall be sage-hens, 14 sage-chickens or grouse. Provided, That but two sage-hens or sage-chickens shall be killed or allowed in the pos- session of any person in the counties of Laramie and Sheridan in any one day. Provided, That this section shall apply only to persons hunting legally. Any person convicted of violation of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 2745. Swan Protected. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to kill any wild swan in this state at any time. Any. person convicted of Adolation of the provisions of this sec- tion shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dol- lars, nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 10. Moose and Antelope — Elk and Mountain Sheep. It shall be un- lawful for any person or persons to kill any moose or antelope, or to sell or have in their possession any moose or antelope or parts thereof that were killed in this state, until the open sea- son for other game animals in 1919, when only one male moose and one antelope may be killed by any person hunting legally. Provided, That during the open season of 1915-1916, there may be killed under special license, is- sued under the state game warden, fifty fully matured bull moose, and the pos- session of any moose or part of the same killed under said special license 15 shall be lawful. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to kill or wound any elk or mountain sheep in any part of this state, except in Lin- coln, Park and Fremont counties. Pro- vided, That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to kill or wound any elk in that part of Fremont county which lies north of Big Wind river and south of Sweetwater river. Provided, further. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to kill or wound any elk within the boundaries of the Bridger National Forest in this state, until the open season on game animals in 1919. Any person convicted of vio- lation of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in .the county jail for not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 11. Open Seasons for Elk, Moun- tain Sheep and Deer. It shall be un- laAvful for any person or persons to hunt, wound or kill any elk or moun- tain sheep in this state, except from September 1st to November 15tli, in- clusive, of each year, and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to hunt, wound, pursue or kill any deer within this state, except from October 1st to November 15th, inclusive, of each year. Provided, That in Sher- idan, Campbell, Johnson, Crook, Wes- ton and Niobrara counties it shall be 16 unlawful for any person or persons to hunt, wound, pursue or kill any deer except from October 15tli to October 31st, inclusive, of each year. Provided, further, That no person may kill more than one matured male mountain sheep and one deer in this state during the open season thereon, and this section shall apply only to persons hunting legally. Provided, That in that par- ticular territory, situated in Lincoln county and in cattle districts Numbers 1, 3 and 5, which embraces all that portion of the Wyoming National For- est lying west and south of the Fall River Divide ; commonly known as the Fall River Rim or Crest. The hunting period will be from October 5th to No- vember 30th, of each year. Any per- son convicted of violation of the pro- Aasions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hun- dred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than thirty days nor more than three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 1. Elk Damaging Personal Prop- erty. The state game warden, his as- sistants and deputies, are hereby au- thorized to kill any elk that the state game warden deems in his judgment are doing damage to personal property at any season of the year. The car- casses, heads and hides from elk so killed shall be sold at public sale to the 17 best interests of the state and the money derived from the sale of such shall be placed in the state treasury. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 2748. Bear Hunter's License. Bear License. It shall be unlawful for any non-resident person to hunt, pur- sue, trap or kill any bear in this state without having first procured a "bear hunter's license," which shall be is- sued to him as other licenses upon the payment of the sum of ten dollars. [U 1911, Ch. 66, § 23.] Sec. 12. Number of Game Animals That May Be Killed. It shall be unlaw- ful for any person to kill more than two elk, one deer and one matured male mountain sheep in any one year ; also one fully matured bull moose, and the limit herein specified shall apply only to persons hunting legally. Any per- son convicted of violation of the pro- visions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 2751. License to Hunt Game Animals. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to hunt, pursue, or kill any of the game animals of this state without having first procured a license entitling such person or per- sons to do so. Every act of pursuing or killing any of the game animals with- 18 out such license, shall be considered a distinct and separate offense. Any per- son convicted of violation of the pro- visions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than sev- enty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. [L. 1913, Ch. 121, § 8.] Sec. 14. Failure to Produce License. The failure of any person hunting the game animals and game birds, or fish- ing v^ithin the waters of this state, to produce the necessary and proper li- cense to engage in such hunting and fishing, when requested to do so by an authorized officer, shall be prima facie evidence of the violation of the provisions of Sections 31 and 32 of this Chapter and Section 23 of Chapter 66, Session Laws of Wyoming, 1911. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] [See pp. 18, 45, 46.] Sec. 15. Resident Hunter*s and Game Bird Licenses. Any person who is a bona fide elector of this state or the child or legal ward of a bona fide elec- tor of this state, over the age of fifteen years, or a soldier or a sailor who is a bona fide elector of the United States and has been stationed at a government post within this state for one year past, or a non-resident having property in this state on which he or she pays taxes to the amount of $100.00 or over, annually, or an officer employed in this state by the National Forest Service, 19 upon making application to any qual- ified justice of the peace, assistant or deputy game warden, and upon fur- nishing satisfactory proof that such person is a bona fide elector of this state, or the child or legal ward of a bona fide elector of this state, over the age of fifteen years, or a soldier or a sailor who is a bona fide elector of the United States and has been stationed at a government post within this state for one year past, or a non-resident having property in this state on which he or she pays taxes to the amount of $100.00 or over, annually, or an officer employed in this state by the National Forest Service, and upon the payment of two dollars and fifty cents to said justice of the peace, assistant ctr deputy game warden, shall be entitled to re- ceive a resident hunter's license, which license shall permit such person to pursue, hunt and kill one elk, one deer and one matured male mountain sheep and the game birds, during the current season, under the restrictions imposed by the laws of this state ; or, upon the payment of one dollar to said justice of the peace, assistant or deputy game warden, shall, if OA'er the age of fourteen years, be entitled to receive a game bird license, which license shall entitle such person to kill any of the game birds during the cur- rent season, under the restrictions im- posed by the laws of this state. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 16. Resident Hunter's Special License — Bull Moose License. Any per- 20 son who shall have complied with the provisions of Section 15 of this Chapter shall, at any time during the open sea- son on large game, upon the payment of $10.00 to any officer authorized to issue game licenses, be entitled to re- ceive a resident hunter's special license, which license shall entitle the person to whom the same is issued, to pursue, hunt and kill one elk in addition to the game animals he is permitted to kill under his resident hunter's license. Provided, further, There shall be issued a special bull moose license, the cost of which shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00). Said license shall entitle the holder thereof, to kill one fully matured bull moose, under the follow- ing restrictions : Parties holding such license must be accompanied by a dep- uty warden appointed by the state game warden and who shall receive for such work the sum of four dollars per day. The above is to be paid by the holder of said moose license. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 17. Non-resident Gunner's and Hunter's Licenses. Any person who is not a bona fide elector of this state, or the child or legal ward of a bona fide elector of this state, or a soldier or sailor who is a bona fide elector of the United States, and has been sta- tioned at a government post within this state for one year past, or a non-resi- dent having property in this state on which he or she pays taxes to the amount of one hundred dollars or over, annually, but who shall be a citizen of the United States or a free-holder in this state, shall, upon the payment of five dollars to any justice of the peace, assistant or deputy game warden of this state, be entitled to receive from such officer a gunner's license, which license shall permit such person to kill any of the game birds and catch the fish of this state during the current season, under the restrictions imposed by the laws of this state. Any person who is not a bona fide elector of this state, or the child or legal ward of the bona fide elector of this state, or a soldier or a sailor who is a bona fide elector of the United States and has been stationed at a government post within this state for one year past, or a non-resident having property in this state on which he or she pays taxes to the amount of $100.00 or over, annually, or an officer employed in this state by the National Forest Service, shall, upon the payment of $50.00 to any justice of the peace, assistant or deputy game warden, be entitled to receive from such officer a non-resident hunter's license, which li- cense shall permit such person to kill two elk, one deer and one matured male mountain sheep and other game animals and game birds and catch the fish of this state, during the current season, under the restrictions imposed by the laws of this state. Provided, That any non-resident who has com- plied with the above may upon applica- tion to the state game warden, be issued a special Bull Moose License, which shall cost the holder thereof the sum of one hundred dollars, not more than one such license, shall be issued to each applicant. Said holder thereof to be accompanied by special game warden and who shall receive for such work the sum of four dollars per daj'. The above to be paid by the holder of said bull moose license. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 13. iVlien's Gun and Fish Li- cense. There is hereby created a spe- cial gun and fish license for aliens. No person, not a bona fide citizen of the United States, shall own or have in his possession, in the state of Wyoming, any gun, pistol or other firearm, or any fishing tackle, without first having obtained the specified license therefor, which such special gun and fish license shall cost the owner the sum of twenty- five dollars and shall expire on Decem- ber 31st of each year after date of issuance thereof ; Provided, however, That this section shall not apply to one who has obtained a fifty dollar hunting license issued under the provisions of Section 17 of this act. Provided fur- ther. That the provisions of this section shall not apply to any alien who is a bona fide resident of the state of Wyo- ming, and a bona fide freeholder in the state of Wymiong, or one who pays taxes in any county of this state in ex- cess of the sum of one hundred dollars, or to any settler on the public lands of the United States or the state of Wyoming and who shall have initiated proceedings to acquire title thereto un- der the several acts of Congress or the 23 laws of the state of Wyoming, nor shall it apply to persons engaged in tending or herding sheep or other animals in herd or on the open range when in ac- tive employment. Any alien of the United States who shall have in his possession or under his control any gun or pistol or other firearm, or any fishing tackle, without having taken out and being at the time in possession of a license as herein provided shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars and not more than one hundred dollars, and in the event that such fine and costs are not paid shall be imprisoned in the county jail until such fine and costs are paid at the rate of one dollar per day. It shall be the duty of the state game warden, his assistants and deputies, and all other peace oflicers in the state of Wyoming, to search for and take into their possession any gun, pistol or other firearm, or fishing tackle, found in the possession of any alien not entitled to hold or possess the same, and to sell the same, destroy or otherwise dispose of the same upon order of any justice of the peace or district court of the state of Wyoming, or a judge or dis- trict court commissioner thereof. Pro- vided, That any moneys derived from fines or moneys collected under this section shall, when the arrests are made by the state game warden, his assistants or his deputies, be paid over to the state game fund, and all fines and other moneys collected under the provisions of this section, when the arrest is made 24 by peace officers shall be paid into the school fund of the county where said offense is committed. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 2760. Form of License Pre- scribed by State Game Warden. Each license permitting the hunting and kill- ing of the game animals or birds, of this state shall be of a form prescribed by the state game warden, w^ho shall cause the same to be printed and dis- tributed to the officers authorized by law to issue such licenses. Every act of pursuing, hunting or killing any of the game animals or birds, of this state without a license, shall be considered a distinct and separate offense. [L. 1913, Ch. 121, § 12.] Sec. 24. Sale or Shipment of Game. Game Specimen Defined — Game Tags. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, barter or dispose of for any pecuni- ary consideration or advantage, or to obtain by sale or barter any edible por- tion or portions of any game animal or game bird or fish of this state. It is hereby declared that for the purpose of this act, a game specimen shall include and cover any carcass, or any part thereof, or any hide, tusk, scalp or head, whether mounted or unmounted, or any full life-sized mount, of any of the game animals or game birds of this state. It shall be unlawful to ship or trans- port, or to receive for shipment or transportation out of this state, any game specimen, as hereinbefore de- fined, or any beaver hide, or beaver hides, unless the same shall first be tagged with a Wyoming game tag. It shall be unlawful to ship or transport, by common carrier, or to receive for shipment or transportation by common carrier from one point in this state to another point in this state, any game specimen, as hereinbefore defined, or any beaver hide, or beaver hides, unless the same shall first be tagged with a Wyoming game tag. It shall be unlaw- ful for any person to deliver to any taxidermist or other person for mount- ing, or for any taxidermist or other person to receive or have in his pos- session for mounting, any game speci- men, as hereinbefore defined, or any beaver hide, or beaver hides, unless the same shall first be tagged with a Wyoming game tag. It shall be unlaw- ful for any person to give away any game specimen, as hereinbefore defined, or for any person to receive any such game specimen, unless the same shall first be tagged with a Wyoming game tag. Provided, That it shall be lawful for any person to sell or barter, ex- change any beaver hide or beaver hides, or any game specimen or specimens of any game animal of this state lawfully killed or taken, but such beaver hide of beaver hides, or game specimen or specimens, shall first be tagged with a W^yoming game tag. Any person con- victed of violation of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be pun- ished by a fine of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dol- lars, or shall be imprisoned in the coun- ty jail for not less than twenty days 26 nor more than sixty days, or may be punished by both such fine and impris- onment. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 25. Game Tags. x\ny person de- siring a game specimen or beaver liide tagged for any of tlie purposes con- tained in Section 24 of this cliapter, sliall comply with the following pro- visions : Such person shall make an affidavit before any justice of the peace author- ized to issue Wyoming game tags, stat- ing that the game specimen or beaver hide is from an animal or bird taken or killed in accordance with the law ; the time when, the place where, ap- proximately, and the person by whom such animal or bird w^as taken or killed. Said affidavit shall also state the name of the person to whom said game speci- men or beaver hide will be shipped or delivered, and the place where said game specimen or beaver hide will be shipped or delivered; and if the game specimen be an edible portion of the game animal or bird, then said affidavit shall state that such edible portion of such game animal or bird is not being sold or disposed of for any pecuniary consideration. Such person shall then pay to the said justice of the peace a fee of twen- ty-five cents, whereupon the justice of the peace shall then attach to the game specimen or beaver hide a Wyoming game tag and seal, which tag and seal shall entitle the person to ship or transport, or receive for shipment or transportation out of this state such game specimen or beaver hide ; or such tag will entitle the person to ship or transport by common carrier from one point within this state to any other point w^ithin this state, such game spec- imen or beaver hide, or to deliver to any taxidermist or other person for mounting, or to have in his possession such mounted game specimen, or to sell, barter, exchange or dispose of for any pecuniary consideration or profit any beaver hide, or any game speci- men except an edible game specimen, of which such sale, barter, exchange and disposition of for a pecuniary con- sideration or profit is hereinbefore pro- hibited. The state game warden shall keep a strict record of all Wyoming game tags issued by him to the justices of the peace, and said justices of the peace shall keep a strict record in their court dockets, on a page or pages set apart for that purpose, of each game speci- men or beaver hide tagged with a Wyo- ming game tag, which record shall also show the kind of game specimen so tagged, the name and address of the person to whom a game tag or game tags have been issued, the date of is- sue, the number of the tag or tags so issued. And the purpose or purposes for which said tag or tags were issued. It shall be the duty of every justice of the peace who tags game specimens or beaver hides within this state, to submit a written report to the state game warden on December 1st, of each year, showing in detail the kind and number of game specimens or beaver 28 hides tagged with a Wyoming game tag, the names and address of persons to whom tags have been issued, the date of issue, tlie number of the tag or tags so issued, the purpose or pur- poses for which said tag or tags were issued ; said report to cover and per- tain to all game specimens or beaver hides tagged by such justice of the peace or his predecessor in office, if any there be, for the year ending December first, respectively. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 2762. Possession or Sale of Game Unlawful — When. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to have in possession or to buy or sell any game or any part of game in this state, which was killed or taken in another state, nation or foreign country, when the possession, hunting or killing or pur- chase or sale of such game, or parts thereof, is prohibited in this state. Any person convicted of the violation of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than ten days, nor more than sixty days, or both such fine and imprisonment. [L. 1913, Ch. 121, § 13.] Sec. 18. Guides — Certificates, Re- ports, and Duties. It shall be unlawful for any person to be engaged in the business of guiding, as the term is com- monly understood, without having first secured from a justice of the peace of the county in which he resides, a 29 guide certificate. Any competent per- son of good moral character, who is a bona fide citizen and qualified elector of this state, may, upon the payment of $10.00 to a justice of the peace of this state, receive a certificate of guide, which certificate shall be valid for a term of one year from the date of issue, unless sooner revoked, and shall state the name, age and place of resi- dence of the holder of the same, and shall recite that the holder of such certificate is a person of good moral character, a bona fide resident and qualified elector of this state. Every person, before obtaining such certifi- cate, shall file with the said justice of the peace a bond in the amount of $500.00 for the faithful performance of his duty, said bond to be approved by the justice of the peace. He shall present to the justice of the peace the afi^idavit of two resident free-holders, known to the said justice of the peace, corroborating his own affidavit that he, the said applicant, is of good moral character, a bona fide citizen and qual- ified elector of this state. All such guides shall be required to furnish to the state game warden sworn reports each year, not later than De- cember 15th; the said reports to con- tain the names of persons guided, the number of animals and kind killed by each person, and the disposition of said animal ; the number of arrests and con- victions for violations of game or fish laws and the name of the justice of the peace granting his certificate. Every person acting as guide, as herein pro- 30 vided, shall be an ex-ofRcio assistant game warden, and shall file with the state game warden, his oath of office. Each such guide shall immediately re- port to the state game warden any vio- lation of the game or fish laws of this state by the person employing him, or by any other person. Every guide who, as an ex-officio assistant game warden, makes an arrest and secures the con- viction of any violation of any of the game laws of this state, shall be en- titled to receive ,$3.00 per day for each day necessarily employed in making such arrest and securing such convic- tion, to be paid from the state general fund, when his account has been ap- proved by the state game commission. Any guide convicted of violating any of the provisions of this section, or of the game laws of this state, shall have his certificate revoked by the justice of the peace who granted the same. Any guide whose certificate has been revoked or any person who is convict- ed of violating any of the game laws of this state, as aforesaid, shall be in- eligible to act as guide in this state for a period of five years from the date of such revocation or conviction. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 2764. Non-Resideiits Must Have Guides. It shall be unlawful for any person who is not a qualified elector of this state, or the child or legal ward of a bona fide elector of this state, over the age of fifteen years, to hunt, pursue or kill any of the game animals of this state, unless accompanied by a qualified guide. 31 It shall be unlawful for any party of such non-resident persons, out for the purpose of hunting the game animals of this state, to enter the game fields of this state, unless each of [such] non-residents has employed, and is ac- companied by, an individual qualified guide. Provided, That one man and one woman may both be conducted by the same guide. Any person convicted of violating the provisions of this sec- tion shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and shall be fined in a sum not less than fifty dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars. [L. 1913, Ch. 121, § 14.] Sec. 19. Moneys Remitted to State Treasurer. All moneys collected for hunting licenses and guide certificates, as provided in the game laws of this state, shall, within fifteen days after receipt of same by any justice of the peace, assistant or deputy game war- den, be paid into the state treasury. Every justice of the peace, assistant and deputy game warden, shall also furnish the state treasurer with such remit- tance, a list of the names of all persons who have secured licenses and guide certificates, which report shall also state the number and kind of the licenses or certificates, the date of issue and the address of the party to whom issued. A duplicate of this report shall also be filed with the state game warden. All moneys so paid into the state treas- ury shall be credited to the general fund of the state. All justices of the peace, assistant and deputy game war- 32 (lens shall be held responsible under their bonds for all licenses and certifi- cates issued to them by the state game warden. Any such officers who violate the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and shall be fined in a sum of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 20. Fees for Issuing Licenses. The justices of the peace and unsal- aried deputy game warden [si collect- ing and accounting for game licenses and guide certificates proyided for by the game laws of this state, shall be allowed fees as follows : Each resident ordinary big game license $ .50 Each resident bird license 25 Each resident special big game license 1.00 Each non-resident or alien big game license 2.50 Each non-resident gunner's license .50 Each non-resident bear license 1.00 Each guide's certificate 1.00 Provided, That any officer who is au- thorized by the provisions of this act to issue licenses, and who shall issue the same to a person not entitled there- to, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars, and the state game warden may thereupon revoke the authority of such officer to issue any further license. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] 33 Sec. 21. Capture of Game Animals. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to capture any of the game an- imals of this state, except in the man- ner hereinafter provided in this section. Any responsible resident person of good character, who shall desire to capture any of the game animals of this state, for the purpose of domesti- cation and propagation, upon applica- tion to the state game warden, and the payment of one dollar, may receive from such state game warden a permit which shall entitle such person to cap- ture not more than three male elk, six female elk, three male deer, six female deer, three male mountain sheep, three female mountain sheep, three male an- telope, six female antelope. Provided, That during the months of January, February, March and April, the capture of such game animals shall be under the direction, supervision and assist- ance of the state game warden or an assistant [or] deputy game warden. It shall be unlawful for any person to cap- ture any elk more than one year old, or any deer, mountain sheep or antelope more than three months old. No person shall be entitled to receive more than one permit under the provisions of this section. The capture and custody of any of the animals mentioned in this section shall not entitle a person hold- ing a permit under the provisions of this section to kill, sell or dispose of the game, or to ship the same out of the state for the period of five years from the date of the capture of said animals, but such person shall be en- 34 titled to an absolute property riglit in the natural increase of such animals. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum of not less than twenty-five dol- lars nor more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail for not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days, or be punished by both such fine and imprisonment. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 22. Photographing Game Ani- mals. It shall be unlawful for any per- son or persons to photograph any of the game animals of this state during the months or January, February, March and April, except in the manner here- inafter provided in this section. Any responsible person who shall desire to photograph any of the game animals of this state during the months of Jan uary, February, March and April, upon the payment of one dollar to the state game warden and upon the recommen- dation of two well known responsible electors of this state, may receive from such state game warden a permit, which permit shall entitle such person to en- ter the game fields of this state during said months and photograph any of the game animals therein, but such person shall be under the direction and super- vision of the state game warden or an assistant or deputy game warden de- tailed for that purpose. It shall be the duty of all game wardens employed as provided for in this section and in Sec- tion 13 [21] of this chapter, to pre- 35 vent any harrassing, undue disturbance of, or injury to the game animals of this state. Every person holding a per- mit to capture or to photograph game animals shall pay to the officer direct- ing, supervising and assisting him as herein provided, the sum of three dol- lars per day for each day or fraction of a day such officer shall be so employed, and such funds shall be remitted by such game warden, within ten days af- ter such service has been performed, to the state treasurer to the credit of the general fund, together with a state- ment showing from whom collected, time of service and number and kind of animals captured and place of cap- ture, or if he has been employed to assist in photographing the game ani- mals of this state, then a statement shall accompany his remittance show- ing for whom the service was per- formed, where and when the time of service. Duplicates of such reports shall be filed with the state game war- den. Provided, That if such assistant or deputy game warden is not regularly employed by the state during the time such service was performed, then he shall render his account against the state for such sum as may be approved by the state game warden, not to ex- ceed the amount collected, which shall be paid from the state game fund by proper warrant issued by the state au- ditor. Provided, further. That all fees or earnings received by the state game warden under the provisions of this section shall be covered into the state treasury to the credit of the general 36 fund. The state game warden shall have power to revoke at any time, any permit granted by him under the pro- visions of this section and Section 13 [21] of this chapter. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction tliereof, be fined in the sum of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or shall be confined in the county jail not less than thirty days, nor more than ninety davs. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] [Sec. 13, p. 23.] Sec. 23. Beaver. It shall be unlaw- ful for any person to kill, wound, en- snare or entrap any beaver within this state, until the fifteenth day of Sep- tember, 1919. Provided, That any bona fide owner of real estate, who is being damaged by beaver, may have the same destroj^ed by obtaining the permission of the state game warden, as follows: Such land owner shall make application to the state game warden, stating the location of his land, the location of the beaver, and the character of the dam- age being done. Thereupon the state game warden shall investigate said complaint, and if he finds that actual damage is being done by the beaver to the lands or property of the complain- ant, he shall immediately issue permis- sion to destroy same. Said property owner shall, after destroying same, im- mediately report number destroyed to the state game warden. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 2770. Unlawful to Capture or Kill Buffalo. It shall be unlawful for any person to kill, chase, pursue or catch any buffalo of any age at any sea- son of the year in this state, or to drive or in any manner remove or transport any buffalo out of this state. Any per- son or persons who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a felony, and upon conviction there- of, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state penitentiary for not less than three years, nor more than ten years ; Provided, That this section shall not apply to any captive, tame or do- mesticated buffalo. Sec. 2771. Wanton Destruction of Game. Whoever at any time kills, cap- tures or destroys any game animal of this state, and detaches or removes from the carcass thereof, only the head, hide, antlers, horns, tusk or tusks, or any or all of the aforesaid parts, or captures or mutilates any such game animal while alive by removing or de- taching a tusk or tusks therefrom, is guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary for not more than five years. The purpose and intent of this section is to protect game animals of the state from wanton, ruthless or wasteful destruction or mutilation for. their heads, hides, antlers, horns or tusks alone, and its provisions are to be so construed and the failure of any person or persons to properly dress and care for any animal or animals killed by such person or persons and if reasonably accessible, within forty- eight hours to take or transport to the 38 camp of such person or persons such carcass, and there properly care for same, shall be prima facie evidence of the violation of the provisions of this section. Sec. 2774. Taxidermists. It shall be unlawful for any professional taxider- mist or taxidermists, who shall mount specimens or heads of game animals or birds for profit, to fail to report to the state game warden on the 1st day of each and every month of the year, giv- ing therein a list of the names of all persons who furnish them with game specimens, and the kind and character of such specimens ; and such taxider- mist or taxidermists shall be required to keep posted in a conspicuous place in their respective shops or offices, a list of all persons who furnish them with raw or unmounted specimens, and all such taxidermists shall be required to exhibit such list together with all specimens in their possession to the state game warden or his assistant or deputies upon request. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty dol- lars, nor more than one hundred dol- lars, or shall be imprisoned in the county jail for a period of thirty days. [L. 1913, Ch. 121, § 19.] Sec. 28. Transportation of Game Animals or Specimens. It shall be un- lawful for any railway, express com- pany, stage company, or other public carriers, or any of their agents or em- 39 ployees or other person or persons to receive or have in their possession for transportation, any live game animal or game birds or game specimen as de- fined in Section 24 of this chapter, or any beaver hide or beaver hides, ex- cept as otherwise provided by law. Any railway, express company, or stage company or other public carrier or any of their agents or employees or other person or persons convicted of viola- tion of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars. Provided, That none of the provisions of this section shall applj^ to game or fish in transit through this state from other states or terri- tories. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] [Sec. 24, p. 25.] Sec. 29. Justices of the Peace — List. Supplies — Appropriation. The county clerk of each county of this state shall furnish to the state game warden a full, true and complete list of all justices of the peace within his respective coun- ty, together with their respective post- office address. The state game warden is hereby authorized and directed to furnish game tags, sealing implements, printed licenses and certificates in ac- cordance with the provisions of the game laws of this state ; such licenses and certificates to be prepared with stubs and securely bound in books and numbered consecutively. He shall pro- vide each justice of the peace, assistant game warden and deputy game warden 40 with a suitable supply of licenses and certificates, and such books, together with the stubs and unused licenses and certificates shall be returned to the state game warden on or before De- cember 5th of each year by such jus- tices of the peace, assistant and deputy game wardens. The state game war- den shall also furnish to such justices of the peace as shall apply for the same, game tags and sealing imple- ments for the purpose of complying with the provisions of Section 25 of this chapter. Sealing implements and game tags so furnished shall be con- sidered the property of this state and unused seals and sealing implements shall be returned to the state game warden upon the expiration of the term of office of such justice of the peace. For the purpose of defraying the cost of purchasing implements and game tags, printing licenses and cer- tificates and paying postage and fur- nishing such other supplies and paying such other expenses as may be neces- sary to carry into effect the provisions of this chapter, the sum of $1,000.00 per annum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of the state. Any oflScer violating the provisions of this section, shall, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and shall be fined- in a sum of not less than ten dollars. [L, 1915, Ch. 91.] [Sec. 25, p. 27.] 41 Sec. 2778. Use of Dogs in Hunting Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to use dogs for the purpose of running or coursing deer, antelope, elk, mountain sheep or moose. Any person convicted of vio- lation of the provision of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and shall be fined not less than ten dollars, nor more than fifty dollars ; or shall be imprisoned not less than ten days, nor more than sixty days. Sec. 30. Predatory Wild Animals in Game Preserves — Use of Dogs. It shall be unlawful for any person to enter the national forests of this state for the purpose of chasing or coursing predatory wild animals with dogs, un- less each of such dogs shall have been duly tagged as hereinafter provided. Upon application to the state game warden, and the payment of one dollar for each dog, the applicant may, in the discretion of the state game warden, receive a license, good for the closed season on large game animals during the current calendar year only, per- mitting such applicant to hunt and chase mountain lion, wolves, fox, coy- otes, lynx, wildcats and wolverines within any part of the national forests which are not included with the state game preserve. Each dog contemplat- ed by this section shall bear a metal tag attached to a substantial collar and bearing the license number and name of such applicant ; all such tags and collars shall be furnished at the ex- 42 pense of the applicant. Any holder of such license may take such tagged dogs into the state game preserve of this state when the state game warden may deem it advisable for the extermination of predatory wild animals upon the condition that such dogs be taken and kept in such state game preserve in company with the state game warden or one of his assistants or deputies, and any hunting or chasing of any of the above mentionad animals in said state game preserve shall be under the direct supervision and control of the state game warden or his assistant or deputy. Any person convicted of the violation of any provision of this sec- tion shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and shall be fined no less than seventy-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or may be imprisoned in the county jail for a period of not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days, or may be punished by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 2780. Trespass. It shall be un- lawful to hunt, shoot or enter in pur- suit of game, or to kill or attempt to kill from the public highway any game animals or game birds on the enclosed lands of another without having first obtained permission from the owner or person in charge of the same. Any person convicted of violation of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and 43 shall be fined not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty dollars. Sec. 2781. County Commissioners Appoint Game and Fish Wardens. For the more certain detection and punish- ment of the violators of this chapter, the board of county commissioners may, in their discretion, appoint a game and fish warden for the county who shall hold his oflSce during the pleasure of the board, and shall be subject to removal at any time. He shall receive such compensation as the board of county commissioners may determine which shall be at a rate not to exceed three dollars per day for the time act- ually and necessarily employed by him in the discharge of his duties, and he shall be paid out of such funds as the board may direct. Before entering up- on his duties, he shall take and sub- scribe to an oath before some ofiicer authorized by the laws of the state to administer oaths, to faithfully perform the duties of his oflfice. Whenever the attention of the county game and fish warden is called to any violation of the provisions of this chapter, and he shall fail to take proper steps for the arrest and conviction of any person or per- sons or corporations charged with vio- lating any of the provisions of this chapter, he shall be guilty of a misde- meanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not greater than one hundred dollars, and shall have his commission revoked ; provid- ed, That nothing in this chapter shall prevent the state game warden from 44 appointing sucli assistants in each county as he deems necessaVy herein- before provided. Sec. 2782. Disposition of Fines. Up- on the arrest and conviction of any per- son or persons violating any of tlie provisions of the game and fish laws, the whole of the fine shall be paid into the school fund of the county in which such fine shall be collected. Sec. 31. Authority to Arrest, Seize and Search. Any officer authorized to enforce the game and fish laws of this state may, without process, arrest any violator of any of the provisions of said laws, and such oflScers shall, with dili- gence, cause such person to be taken before the proper court for trial or examination, which trial or examina- tion shall be had upon complaint or information as now provided by law. Any oflEicer authorized to enforce the game and fish laws of this state may, at any time, seize and take into custody any fish, carcass or part thereof, tusk, scalp, head, or any game bird which has been unlawfully killed or which is held in possession in violation of law. or has been obtained in violation of law% and such game or fish shall be sold to the best advantage, and the money derived from the sale thereof shall be paid into the state treasury, to be cred- ited to the general fund. The state game warden and his assistant and dep- uty game wardens and all sheriffs and constables of this state, shall have the right to search any camp, camp outfit, 45 pack or pack animals, automobiles, wagon, bnggy or hunting clothes for game specimens, carcasses, heads, hides, scalps, tusks or other parts of game animals and game birds, or any fish, which they have reason to believe were killed or taken in violation of any of the provisions of the game and fish laws of this state. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 32. State Game Preserves Ex- cepted. The provisions of the game laws of this state, or those parts there- of defining an open season for, and per- mitting the pursuit, hunting and kill- ing of the game animals and game birds of this state, and regulating the capture of such game animals, shall not apply to any of the areas included in any of the state game preserves now established or which may hereafter be established. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] STATE GAME PRESERVES. Sec. 1. Teton State Game Preserve. For the better protection of birds and animals and for the establishment of breeding places therefor, the following area within the state of Wyoming is hereby set aside, designated and estab- lished as a state game preserve : All that portion of the state of Wyo- ming embraced within the following described boundaries, which area shall constitute and be knows [known] as the TETON STATE GAME PRE- SERVE : Beginning at a point on the south boundary line of the Yellowstone National Park where the Teton range intersects said line; thence following 46 southerly along the crest of said range to the head of Moran creek; thence easterly along " said Moran creek to Jackson's lake; thence easterly along the southern shore of said lake to its outlet ; thence down the Snake river to the mouth of Buffalo Fork; thence up Buffalo Fork in an easterly direction to a point where the government road crosses said creek ; thence to follow said government road in an easterly and southerly direction to where the gov- ernment road crosses DuNoir creek; thence up DuNoir creek in a northerly direction to the east fork of said creek ; thence up the east fork of DuNoir creek to the divide; thence north and west along the crest of the Continental Divide to a point directly north of the headwaters of Soda creek ; thence in a southwesterly direction down Soda creek to the north fork of Buffalo creek ; thence directly north to the Continental Divide ; thence along the Continental Divide in a northwesterly direction to where said Continental Di- vide intersects the southern boundary line of the Yellowstone National Park ; thence along the southern boundary line of the Yellowstone National Park in a westerly direction to the place of beginning. [L. 1917, Ch. 108.] Sec. 2. Shoshone State Game Pre- serve. For the better protection of birds and animals and for the estab- lishment of breeding places therefor, the following area within the state of Wyoming is hereby set aside, desig- nated and established as a state game preserve : 47 All that iiortion of the state of Wyo- ming embraced within the following described boundaries, w^hich area shall constitute and be known as the SHO- SHONE STATE GAME PRESERVE: Beginning at a point on the eastern boundary line of the Yellowstone Na- tional Park where Canfield creek inter- sects said line ; thence down said Can- field creek in a northeasterly direction to the North Fork of the Shoshone river ; thence down the North Fork of the Shoshone river in an easterly direc- tion to where said river intersects the eastern boundary line of the Shoshone National Forest ; thence following said forest boundary line to where the South Fork of the Shoshone river intersects ; thence up the South Fork of the Sho- shone river to Deer creek ; thence in a westerly direction along Deer creek to the Absaraka Divide; thence south along the Absaraka Divide to Younts Peak; thence following the crest of the divide between the Thorofare and Yellowstone rivers to Hawks Rest mountain ; thence in a northwesterly direction to the nearest point on Bridger lake ; thence around said lake on the south and west sides to the outlet ; thence down the outlet of Bridger lake in a westerly direction to the Yellowstone river ; thence down the Yellowstone river in a northwest- erly direction to the southern borjidary of the Yellowstone National Park; thence following the southern and east- ern boundary lines of the Yellowstone National Park to the place of beginning. [L. 1917, Ch. 108.] Sec. 3. Hoodoo State Game Preserve. For the better protection of birds and animals and for the establishment of breeding places therefor, the following area within the state of Wyoming is hereby set aside, designated and estab- lished as a state game preserve : All that portion of the state of Wyo- ming embraced within the following de- scribed boundaries, which area shall constitute and be known as the HOO- DOO STATE GAME PRESERVE: Beginning at a point where Galena creek empties into Sunlight creek ; thence due north to the Wyoming-Mon- tana boundary line ; thence following said boundary line in a westerly direc- tion to the eastern boundary line of the Yellowstone National Park ; thence following the eastern boundary line of the Yellowstone National Park in a southerly direction to where said line crosses the Absaraka Divide; thence following said divide in an easterly di- rection to where the Sunlight Trail crosses said divide; thence following the Sunlight Trail in a northeasterly direction to the place of beginning. [L. 1917, Ch. 108.] Sec. 4. Carter Mountain State Game Preserve. For the better protection of birds and animals and for the estab- lishment of breeding places therefor, the following area within the state of Wyoming is hereby set aside, desig- nated and established as a state game preserve : All that area of the state of Wyo- ming embraced within the following 49 described boundaries, which area shall constitute and be known as the CAR- TER MOUNTAIN STATE GAME PRE- SERVE : Beginning at a point on Boulder Creek three miles above its mouth; thence in a northeasterly di- rection to the boundary line of the Sho- shone National Forest; thence follow- ing said forest boundary line in an easterly and southerly direction to where said line crosses the Grey Bull river ; thence up the Greybull river to the mouth of Eleanor creek ; thence up Eleanor creek to the divide ; thence following the divide in a southwesterly direction to Needle mountain, including all of the watershed of Boulder creek ; thence following the divide in a north- erly direction to the place of beginning. [L. 1917, Ch. 108.] Sec. 5. Popo Agie State Game Pre- serve. For the better protection of birds and animals and for the estab- lishment of breeding places therefor, the following area within the state of Wyoming is hereby set aside, desig- nated and established as a state game preserve : All that portion of the state of Wyo- ming embraced within the following described boundaries, which area shall constitute and be known as the POPO AGIE STATE GAME PRESERVE: Beginning at a point where the Little Popo Agie river intersects the east boundary line of the Washakie Nation- al Forest ; thence following said forest boundary line in a southerly direction to the southeast corner thereof ; thence 50 following south and west along the southern boundary lines of the Wash- akie and Bridger National Forests to the East Fork of Green river ; thence north along the East Fork of Green river to the northwest corner of the Washakie National Forest ; thence east and south, following the boundary line of the Washakie National Forest to the place of beinning. [L. 1917, Ch. 108.] Sec. 6. Big Horn State Game Pre- serve. For the better protection of birds and animals and for the estab- lishment of breeding places therefor, the following area within the state of Wyoming is hereby set aside, desig- nated and established as a state game preserve : All that portion of the state of Wyo- ming embraced within the following described boundaries, which area shall constitute and be known as the BIG HORN STATE GAME PRESERVE: Beginning at a point at the northwest corner of the Big Horn National Forest where the same intersects the Montana boundary line ; thence in a southerly and easterly direction along the west boundary line of the Big Horn National Forest to a point directly west of the east Tensleep lake ; thence directly east to the east Tensleep lake ; thence in a northeasterly direction to the sum- mit of the Big Horn range of moun- tains ; thence in a northeasterly direc- tion to a point directly opposite the ex- treme headwaters of Sherd Lake creek. ; thence down Sherd Lake creek in an 51 easterly direction to its junction with the North Fork of Middle Fork of Clear creek to the Buffalo Lumber Company saw-mill ; thence in a northeasterly di- rection down the Buffalo Road to Hun- ter ranger station ; thence in a north- westerly direction up the Hunter creek road to the Paradise ranch ; thence due north across the center of an open park to the South Fork of Rock creek ; thence down Rock creek in a northerly and easterly direction to where it inter- sects the east boundary line of the Big Horn National Forest ; thence north along the east boundary line of the Big Horn National Forest to the Penrose- Horton trail ; thence in a westerly and northwesterly direction along the Pen- rose-Horton trail to the Penrose ranger station; thence in a northwesterly di- rection four miles west of the east boundary line of the Big Horn National Forest to the Montana line ; thence due west to the point of beginning. [L. 1917, Ch. 108.] Sec. 7. Days River State Game Pre- serve. For the better protection of birds and animals and for the estab- lishment of breeding places therefor, the following area within the state of Wyoming is hereby set aside, desig- nated and established as a state game preserve : All that portion of the state of Wyo- ming embraced within the following described boundaries, which area shall constitute and be known as the DAYS RIVER STATE GAME PRESERVE: Beginning at the northwest corner of the Wyoming National Forest; thence running in a northeasterly direction up the Snake river to the Teton National Forest boundary line ; then south and east along the boundary line between the Teton and Wyoming National For- ests to a point directly west of the ex- treme headwaters of the Little John Days river ; thence in a westerly direc- tion down the Little John Days river to where it intersects with the John Days river ; thence down the John Days river to the west boundary line of the Wyoming National Forest; thence north along the west boundary line of the Wyoming National Forest to the place of beginning. [L. 1917, Ch. 108.] Sec. 9 [8]. Wind River State Game Preserve. For the better protection of birds and animals and for the estab- lishment of breeding places therefor, the following area within the state of Wyoming is hereby set aside, desig- nated and established as a state game preserve : All that portion of the state of Wyo- ming embraced within the following described boundaries, which area shall constitute and be known as the WIND RIVER STATE GAME PRESERVE: Beginning at the center of section 8, in township 6 north, range 6 east of Wind River Meridian; thence due east to the east boundary line of the Shoshone Indian Reservation ; thence south along said line one-quarter of a mile; thence due east one-quarter of a mile ; thence due south two miles ; thence due west to the east boundary line of 53 the Shoshone Indian Reservation; thence due south one and one-quarter mile ; thence due west about one and three-eights [eighths] miles to the southeast corner or the southwest quarter of section 29; thence due north one mile and a half to the center of section 20 ; thence due east one-half mile ; thence due north one mile and one-half mile to the southeast corner of section 8 ; thence due west one-half mile to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of section 8; thence to the center of section 8; thence equivalent to the point of beginning. [L. 1917, Ch. 108.] Sec. 9. Careyhiirst Game Preserve. For the better protection of birds and animals and for the establishment of breeding places therefor, the following area within the state of Wyoming is hereby set aside, designated and estab- lished as a state game preserve : All that portion of the state of Wyo- ming described as follows, which area shall constitute and be known as the CAREYHURST STATE GAME PRE- SERVE : All that portion of Converse county situate in township 33 north, range 74, 75 and 76 west, together with sections 7 and 18 of township 33 north, range 73 west. [L. 1917, Ch. 108.] Sec. 10. Bridger State Game Pre- serve. For the better protection of birds and animals and for the estab- lishment of breeding places therefor, the following area within the state of Wyoming is hereby set aside, desig- 54 nated and established as a state game preserve : All that portion of the state of Wyo- ming described as follows, which area shall constitute and be known as the BRIDGER STATE GAME PRE- SERVE: All that portion of the Bridger National Forest situate in the county of Lincoln, state of Wyoming. [L. 1917, Ch. 108.] Sec. 11. Kendall State Game Pre- serve. For the better protection of birds and animals and for the estab- lishment of breeding places therefor, the following area within the state of Wyoming is hereby set aside, desig- nated and established as a state game preserve : All that portion of the state of Wyo- ming, embraced within the following described boundaries, which area shall constitute and be known as the KEN- DALL STATE GAME PRESERVE: Beginning at the northeast corner of township 13 north, range 105 west ; thence directly south to the state boun- dary line ; thence west to the west line of township 12 north, range 108 west ; thence north to the northwest corner of township 13 north, range 108 west; thence east to the point of beginning. [L. 1917, Ch. 108.] Sec. 12. Repeal. Section 2785 of the Compiled Statutes of Wyoming, 1910, as amended by Section 1, of Chapter 105, Session Laws of Wyoming, 1915, is hereby repealed. And all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this chap- 55 ter are hereby repealed. [L. 1917, Ch. 108.] Sec. 2786. Unlawful to Hunt on Pre- serve — Penalty. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, at any time, to hunt, trap, kill, capture or chase any birds or animals of any kind or descrip- tion whatever within the limits of any of the state game preserves ; Provided, That the provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the killing, capture or destruction of any mountain lion, wolf, fox, coyote, lynx, wild cat, mink, marten, or wolverine or any bird not protected outside of the game preserves of this state ; and, provided, it shall be unlawful for any person to hunt, trap, kill, capture or chase any of the above excepted animals or birds without a permit from the state game warden. Upon application by any person, and the payment of five dollars to the state game warden, the state game warden may, in his discretion, grant a permit to such person to hunt, kill, trap, cap- ture, or chase any of the animals or birds excepted by the provisions of this section. Any person A^iolating the pro- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction be fined the sum of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars, or shall be imprisoned in the county jail for a period of not less than three months, nor more than one year ; or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. 56 Sec. 39. Prosecution — Witness Fees. Appropriation. The several district courts of this state shall have original concurrent jurisdiction in all game cases. Whenever the state game war- den shall file an affidavit, sworn to be- fore any officer authorized to admin- ister oaths, alleging the violation of any provisions of the game or fish laws of this state, with any county and pros- ecuting attorney, such county and pros- ecuting attorney shall forthwith file an information in the district court of this county, charging such oftense, upon which information the accused shall be prosecuted as in other cases ; Provided, however. That no preliminary exam- ination shall be necessary in cases of misdemeanor, and provided, further, That the state game warden may assist in person and by his counsel in the prosecution of all such offenses. All witnesses attending the district court in game and fish cases, shall be paid out of the general fund of the state, after the accounts have been approved by the state game warden and state game commission. For the purpose of carrjang out the provisions of this sec- tion the sum of $2,000.00 per annum, or so much thereof as may be neces- sary, is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of the state. [L. 1913, Ch. 121.] Sec. 40. Trapper's Permit. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons at any time to trap any birds or ani- mals of any kind or description what- ever within any national forest within this state, without a permit from the state game warden. Upon application by any person and a payment of five dollars to the state game warden, the state game warden may grant a permit to such person to trap any animals or birds not otherwise protected by law upon any national forest within this state. Provided, That this does not ap- ply to trappers employed by the depart- ment of agriculture within this state. Persons holding such permits shall, upon request of the state game warden, or any assistant or deputy game war- den, disclose the location of their traps and the bait used therein, and any per- son refusing such a request shall have his permit revoked by the state game warden. Any person violating the pro- visions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars or more than one hundred dol- lars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than thirty days nor more than three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. [L. 1913, Ch. 121.] Sec. 44. Use of Muffler Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to take into the fields or forests of this state, or have in possession while in the fields or forests of this state or to have in possession while out for the purpose of hunting the game animals or game birds of this state, any device or mechanism designed to silence or mufflle or minimize the report of any firearm, whether such device or mech- anisrn be separated or attached to any fire arm or not. Any person convicted of violation of the provisions of this section sliall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and shall be fined in the sum of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or shall be im- prisoned in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days, or both such fine and imprisonment. [L. 1913, Ch. 121.] Sec. 33. State Game Fund Defined. For the purposes of this chapter where the words "state game fund" are used such words shall be construed to mean the fund arising from moneys set aside for carrying out the provisions of the game laws. [L. 1915. Ch. 91.] Sec. 26. Game Animals and Fish De- fined. For the purposes of this chapter and other provisions of the game laws of this state wherein the words "game animal" or "game animals or fish" are used, such words shall be construed as meaning any elk, deer, mountain sheep, wild goats, antelope, moose, beaver or bear, trout, greyling, pike, bass or cat- fish within this state. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] PROTECTION OF BIRDS. Sec. 2788. Unlawful to Kill— Pen- alty. Any person who shall, within the state of Wyoming, kill or catch or have in his possession, living or dead, any wild bird other than a game bird, or who shall purchase, offer, or expose for 59 sale any such wild bird after it has been killed or caught, shall for each offense, be subject to a fine of not more than five dollars for each such bird killed or caught, or had in possession living or dead, or imprisonment for not more than ten days, or both, at the discretion of the court. For the pur- poses of this chapter the following only shall be considered game birds: The Anatidae, commonly known as swans, geese, brant and river and lake ducks; the Rallidae, commonly known as rails, coots and mud-hens ; the Limicolae, commonly known as shore-birds, plov- ers, snipe, sandpipers, tatlers, willets, curlews, godwits, and avocets ; the Gal- linae, commonly known as grouse, prai- rie chickens, pheasants, sage-hens, part- ridges and quails. Sec. 2789. Destruction of Eggs, Pen- alty. Any person who shall, within the state of Wyoming, take or needlessly destroy the nest or the eggs of any wild bird, or shall have such nest or eggs in his or her possession, shall be subject for each offense to a fine of not more than five dollars or imprisonment for not more than ten days, or both, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 2790. Scientific Use Permitted. Sections 2788 and 2789 shall not apply to any person holding a certificate giv- ing the right to take birds, their nests, and eggs for scientific purposes, as provided for in Section 2791. Sec. 2791. Certificates— Bond. Cer- tificates may be granted by the super- intendent of public instruction to any 60 properly accredited person of the age of fifteen j'ears ur upwards, permitting the holder thereof, to collect birds, their nests or eggs, for strictly scientific pur- poses only. No such certificate shall be issued until the applicant therefor shall have filed with the said superintendent of public instruction written testimo- nials from two well known scientific men or educators, certifying to the good character and fitness of said applicant to be entrusted with such privilege. Said applicant must file with said per- sons or oflJcers a properly executed bond, in the sum of two hundred dol- lars, signed by two responsible citizens of the state as sureties. This bond shall be forfeited to the state, and the certificate become void, upon proof that the holder of such certificate has killed any birds or taken the nest or eggs of any bird, for other than the purposes named in Sections 2790 and 2791, and shall be further subject for each offense to the penalties provided therefor in Sections 2788 and 2789. Sec. 2792. Term of Certificate. The certificates authorized by this chapter shall be in force for one year only from the date of their issue, and shall not be transferable. Sec. 2793. Birds Not Protected. The following named birds shall be exempt from protection under the provisions of this chapter, viz. : English sparrow, magpie, sharp-shinned hawk, Cooper's hawk, goshawk, duckhawk, golden or brown eagle, kingfisher and blue heron. 61 FISH. Sec. 1. Office of State Fish Commis- sioner Created. In order to secure im- provement in the fish business of this state, and the thorough stocking of streams, lakes and ponds, the ofl^ce of state fish commissioner is hereby cre- ated. [L. 1913, Ch. 118.] Sec. 2. Appointment and Term. The state fish commissioner shall be ap- pointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. The term of his oflftce shall be for four years and until the appointment and qualification of his successor ; Provided, That the first appointment under this chapter shall be made within thirty days after the passage thereof, or soon thereafter, and shall be for a term of two years. In case of a vacancy it shall be filled by appointment by the governor for the unexpired portion of the term in which such vacancy shall occur. If such ap- pointment be made when the legisla- ture is not in regular session, the ap- pointee shall hold his office until the next succeeding session of the legisla- ture. [L. 1913, Ch. 118.] Sec. 3. Qualifications — Duties — Sal- ary — Bond — Report. No person shall be appointed to the office of state fish commissioner unless he be a person skilled in fish culture, and the habits and nature of food fishes. Said com- missioner shall have supervision of all fish cultural matters of a public nature, and all fish hatcheries, their construc- tion and improvements, and now owned 62 or established in the future by the state, and shall have entire control and su- pervision of the public waters of the state pertaining to the collection, prop- agation, culture, distribution and pro- tection of fish, and shall see to the dis- tribution of all fish and fish eggs com- ing into his hands for distribution, fair- ly and equitably, among the several counties of the state ; also all fish and fish spawn purchased by the state. Said commissioner shall receive an annual salary of eighteen hundred dollars and all expenses actually disbursed by him while necessarily engaged in the service of the state, which sum so paid for his expenses shall not exceed the sum of one thousand dollars per annum, and said commissioner shall, before enter- ing upon the discharge of his duties, execute a bond to the state of Wyo- ming in the sum of three thousand dol- lars for the faithful performance of his duties, which bond shall be approved by the governor. The fish commissioner shall make an annual report to the governor of his oflicial transactions in- cluding expenditures, and the purposes for which same were made, accompa- nied by vouchers ; also the number and kind of fish distributed, and the locali- ties and names of streams or lakes where the same have been placed, and he shall give his full time and special attention to the enforcement of the laws relating to the propagation, culti- vation and protection of food fishes in the waters of this state; and shall in- form himself as to conditions and re- quirements of all public streams or 63 lakes, and shall keep the same thor- oughly stocked with fish suited thereto, and any failure to perform said duties shall be cause for removal from office by the governor. [L. 1913, Ch. 118.] Sec. 4. Superintendents and Assist- ants. The superintendent of fish hatch- ery district No. one shall reside at the hatchery located in Albany county, Wyoming, and superintendent of fish hatchery district No. two shall reside at the hatchery located in Sheridan county, Wyoming. All superintendents are hereby authorized to employ such assistants as is [are] absolutely neces- sary to the efficient and proper man- agement of the hatcheries in their charge, with the consent of the fish commissioner ; Provided, That ex- penses so incurred shall not exceed the appropriation available for such pur- poses. Superintendents shall be sub- ject to removal from office by fish com- missioner for cause with consent of the governor. The superintendents shall make, before the first day of December, an annual detailed report to the fish commissioner of their official transac- tions, including expenditures and the purposes for which same were made, accompanied by vouchers ; also the number and kinds of fish distributed, and the localities and names of streams and lakes where the same have been placed. [L. 1913, Ch. 118.] Sec. 2794. Fish Hatchery Districts. The state of Wyoming is hereby divid- ed into fish hatchery districts, denom- inated fish hatchery district number 64 one and fish hatchery district number two. Fish hatchery district number one shall be composed of the counties of Albany, Laramie, Converse, Natrona, Fremont, Carbon, Sweetvvarer and Uinta, and fish hatchery district num- ber two shall be composed of the coun- ties of Sheridan, Johnson, Weston, Crook and Big Horn. Sec. 2795. Appointment of Superin- tendent — Salary — Bond. The governor shall nominate and by and with the consent of the senate, appoint a super- intendent for each of the districts here- by created who shall be a resident of the district for which he is appointed, and shall hold his oflEice four years or until his successor shall have been ap- pointed ; Provided, When a vacancy oc- curs the governor shall have power to fill such vacancy. Said superintendent shall receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars, which shall be in lieu of all expenses they may incur while in the discharge of their respective du- ties, except as hereinafter provided ; and they shall, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, execute a bond to the state of Wyoming in the sum of twenty-four hundred dollars, for the faithful performance of their duties, which bond shall be approved by the governor. Sec. 2797. Removal of Hatchery in District No. 2. The superintendent of fish hatchery district number two, by and with the approval of the governor, is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to remove the state fish hatch- 65 ery located in Sheridan county from its present location to the south one- half of the northwest quarter and the north one-half of the southwest quar- ter of section 13, township 53, range 84 west, in Sheridan county, and estab- lish a hatchery upon the said premises. Sec. 2798. May Take Fish for Sci- entific Purposes. The superintendents may take, or cause to be taken, from any of the public waters of their dis- tricts, at any time, or in any manner, fish, for the purposes of propagation, science or inspection. Sec. 2800. Shall Stock Streams. It shall be the duty of superintendents to examine the waters of their respective districts, which are not naturally stocked with fish, as to their adaptabil- ity for fish, and stock same if suitable ; and, after having done so, make publi- cation of such fact in some newspaper published in such county for not more than four consecutive weeks, and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to take any fish, in any man- ner, whatsoever, out of any waters so stocked for a period of two years, after first issue of such publication ; Pro- vided, That the foregoing shall not ap- ply to streams that have a natural supply of trout. Sec. 2801. Distribution of Fish. Su- perintendents shall notify the board of county commissioners of their district, at their regular meeting in April of each year, the number of fish they have for distribution in their respective coun- ties, and it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners, on or before the first day of May of each and every year, to instruct said superin- tendents what streams they wish stocked, and if said streams are suit- able for fish the superintendent shall distribute such fish in such streams as directed ; and, if the said board of county commissioners shall, on or be- fore the first day of May of each year, fail to notify the superintendent of when they wish the fish distributed, the superintendent shall distribute said fish in such streams in said county as shall by him be deemed most suitable. It shall be the duty of the superintend- ents to know what streams in their re- spective districts are most suitable and desirable to be stocked and they shall personally superintend the distribution of fish in such streams as in their judg- ment shall be best. The board of coun- ty commissioners of the several coun- ties are hereby authorized and directed to pay the actual and necessary ex- penses of superintendents while distrib- uting fish in the several counties upon proper bills. Sec. 2802. Superintendents Are War- dens. Superintendents of fish hatchery districts are hereby declared to be fish wardens, and as such are charged with the enforcement of all laws of this state relating to fish. They shall arrest or cause to be arrested all violators there- of, and prosecute all offenses against the same. They shall have full power to arrest without warrant any and all 67 persons who may be found violating any of the provisions of the laws of this state, relating to fish, and it is their duty to do so. Sec. 2803. Penalty. Any person or persons convicted of violating the pro- visions of Sections 2794 to 2800 in- clusive, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 34. Sale of Game Fish Prohib- ited. It shall be unlawful to sell, di- rectly or indirectly, or to offer for sale, any game fish or parts thereof, caught from the waters of this state. Pro- vided, That this section shall not apply to any officer authorized by law to sell fish which have been confiscated, nor shall it apply to any person or persons who are engaged in fish culture as pro- vided in Section 30 of Chapter 121, of the Session Laws of Wyoming, 1913. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and shall be fined in a sum of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] [See pp. 75, 78.] Sec. 35. When Transportation Com- panies May Receive Game Fish. It shall be unlawful for any railroad com- pany, express company, stage company, or other common carrier or any of its agents or employees to receive or have in their possession any game fish caught 68 from the waters of this state. Pro- vided, That this section shall not apply to game fish lawfully taken from the waters of this state by any bona fide citizen thereof, nor shall it apply to any person or persons who are engaged in fish culture for commercial purposes, as provided in Section 30 of Chapter 121, of the Session Laws of Wyoming, 1913. Any person or company, as above defined, violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 36. Shipment of Game Fish Out of the State. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, company or cor- poration, to ship or offer to ship out of this state, or to carry out of this state, any game fish caught from the waters of this state. Provided, That this section shall not apply to any per- son or persons who are engaged in fish culture for commercial purposes, as provided in Section 30, Chapter 121, Session Laws of Wyoming, 1913. Any person, company or corporation violat- ing the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 37. Closed Season in Fremont County — Amount Lawful to Catch. In the county of Fremont, it shall be un- lawful to take fish from any of the streams of said county from November 1st, to March 31st, of each year. It shall be unlawful for any person to have in his or her possession more than twenty pounds of fish caught from the waters of this state. Any person vio- lating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined in a sum of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 38. Unlawful to Obstruct Free Passage of Fish. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, company or corporation, to erect, or place, or cause to be erected or placed across any of the rivers, creeks, ponds, or lakes of this state, any dam, net, service weir, trot-line, or any other obstruction in such a manner as to prevent the free passage of fish up, down or through such waters, unless such dam, net, ser- vice weir, trot-line or other obstruction shall be ere'cted or placed across such stream, river, creek, pond or lake with the consent and under the direction of the fish hatchery superintendent of the district. Provided, That the owner or owners of any dam erected across any of the streams within this state, shall build, erex3t and maintain at all times at his or their expense, fish ways at an angle of not more than 45 degrees, to allow the free and uninterrupted pas- sage of fish up and down such streams. Provided, That this section shall not apply to dams over fifty feet in height. Any person or persons, comapny or 70 corporation, violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction there- of, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail for a period of not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days, or may be punished by both, such fine and imprisonment. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 39. Failure to Maintain Sluice in Dam. Each and every month that any person or persons, company or corporation, shall neglect or refuse to keep up and maintain a sufficient sluice or fish way as prescribed by Section 37 [38] of this chapter, shall constitute a separate offense. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 2812. Prosecutions, Where May Be Commenced. All prosecutions for the violation of any of the provisions of the three preceding sections shall be commenced before any justice of the peace in the county wherein the offense shall have been committed, and any such justice of the peace shall, upon his own knowledge or upon the oath of any competent person, issue his war- rant to any constable of his county for the arrest of any person or persons charged w^ith the violation of any of the provisions of said sections ; and upon the arrest of such person or per- sons, shall proceed in the hearing of said complaint as in other cases of mis- demeanor cognizable before justices of the peace. 71 Sec. 2813. When Offense Is Com- mitted on Boundary Line. When such violation is alleged to have been com- mitted upon the portion of a stream or water course which may be the divid- ing line between two counties, then the complaint may be made to any justice of the peace in either of such counties. Sec. 2814. Catching Small Fish Pro- hibited. It shall be unlawful to kill or destroy, or have in possession for any purpose at any time, any trout or black bass less than six inches in length, taken from the waters of this state, and the possession shall be prima facie evi- dence of the violation of the provisions of this section ; and any person violat- ing the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be pun- ished by a fine of not less than five dol- lars and not more than twenty-five dol- lars and cost of prosecution or shall be imprisoned for a period of not more than thirty days or by both. [L. 1915, Ch. 91, § 41.] Sec. 2815. Contamination of Streams. Any owner or owners of any saw-mill, reduction works, smelter, milling, re- fining or concentration works, or other manufacturing or industrial works, or any agent, servant or employee thereof, or any other person or persons whom- soever, who shall throw or deposit in, or in any way permit to pass into any natural stream or lake within this state, wherein are living fish, any saw-dust, chemicals, mill tailings, or other refuse matter or deleterious substances, or 72 poisons of any kind or character what- soever, that will or may tend to the destruction or driving away from such waters any fish, or kill or destroy any fish therein, or that will or may tend to pollute, contaminate, render impure or unfit for domestic, irrigation, stock, or any other purpose for which appro- priated and used, the waters of any such natural stream or lake, or that will or may tend to obstruct, fill in or otherwise interfere with the natural flow, channel or condition of any such stream, lake or waters, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con- viction thereof shall be fined not less than fifty dollars or more than one hundred dollars, or shall be imprisoned in the county jail not less than thirty days, or more than six months, or both such fine and imprisonment for each offense ; and where any of the forego- ing unlawful acts are committed con- tinuously, each of the days upon which committed shall be treated and con- sidered as a separate and distinct of- fense ; Provided, That nothing in this or the succeeding section shall apply to the slag from smelter furnaces. Sec. 2816. Explosives and Poison Prohibited. Any person who shall kill or destroy in any of the waters of this state, by the use of any poison or de- leterious drug, chemical, or substance whatsoever, or by the use of any ex- plosive substance, explode or cause to be exploded any powder, giant powder, hercules powder, dynamite, nitro-gly- cerine, lime-gas, or any other explosive 73 substance in any of the waters of this state containing fish, for the purpose of catcliing, killing, or destroying fish in such waters, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dol- lars, and shall be imprisoned in the county jail not less than ninety days, or more than six months ; Provided, That nothing in this section contained, shall prevent the owner or owners of any quartz mill, reduction works, smel- ter, saw-mill, or other manufacturing or industrial works in the state now located or to be hereafter located upon any natural stream or lake, or other collection of waters, from operating or working said quartz mill, reduction works, saw-mill, or other manufactur- ing or industrial works, if the said owner or owners thereof shall build or cause to be built a suitable dam to be- used in connection with said quartz mill, smelter, reduction works, saw- mill, or other manufacturing or indus- trial works, which dam shall be so con- structed as to prevent any tailings, saw- dust, chemicals, or other refuse, delete- rious or poisonous substances from passing into such stream or lake which shall destroy or drive away the fish or any number of them from said stream, lake or other waters, or pollute, con- taminate, render impure, or unfit such waters for domestic, stock, irrigation or other uses for which appropriated, or obstruct, fill in or otherwise inter- fere with the natural flow, channels, or 74 condition of any such stream, lake or waters. Sec. 27. Lawful Fishing— Sale of Fish — Seining License. A fishing tackle consisting of a rod or pole, line and hook, shall be the only lawful means by which fish may be taken from the wa- ters of the state. The said hook shall not be baited with any poisonous drug or substance, and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to use any net, seine, gill nets, fish traps, grab hooks, spears, snare or similar means for catching fish, and no speckled or mountain trout, California trout or any game fish shall be caught at any time for speculative purposes, or for market, or for sale, and it shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale any speckled or mountain trout caught in the waters of this state; in the lakes and reservoirs of the Laramie plains. Provided, That any person or persons who are engaged in fish culture for commercial purposes, upon making sat- isfactory proof of the same, may sell, transport within and out of the state any fish that have been raised and caught from his or their private waters. Provided further. That the citizens of this state shall be permitted to fish with seine, with meshes not less than 1% inches, in any of the waters of this state. Any citizen or citizens de- siring to seine in any of the waters of this state, shall make application to the assistant or deputy game warden of his district. If said application be ap- proved by the warden of said district, 75 lie shall upon all occasions accompany any such citizen or citizens, and shall return any and all trout, greyling, pike, bass or cat fish to said stream, and it is hereby made unlawful for any citizen seining in any of the waters of this state to retain any trout, greyling, pike, bass or cat fish. Any citizen or citizens so seining shall procure a license to do so from the warden of said district upon payment of $3.00, which shall procure a license for one or more citi- zens for any one day, who may use but one seine only. Said license fee shall be recovered into the treasury in the same manner as all other fees provided for under the game and fish laws of this state ; And further Provided, That the su- perintendent of a fish hatchery district ma5% upon petition of fifty citizens of the county wherein is located any lake or lakes which have been stocked with food fish, such as lake trout, white fish and carp, and upon the recommenda- tion of the board of county commis- sioners of said county, permit citizens of this state to fish for said lake trout, white fish and carp with a gill net with mesh not less than one and one-half inches, said net to be exhibited to said superintendent and by him approved; and it is further Provided, That fish so lawfully taken shall not be shipped out of the state of Wyoming ; and Provided further. That said superintendent may at any time revoke said permission if in his judgment it is necessary in order to preserve the fish in lakes. . Any person 76 offending against this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or shall be imprisoned for a period of not more than three months or by both. [L. 1915, Ch. 91.] Sec. 1. Lawful Fishing — Sale of Fish. Seming Licenses. A fishing tackle con- sisting of a rod or pole, line and hook, shall be the only lawful means by which fish may be taken from the waters of the state. The said hook shall not be baited with any poisonous drug or sub- stance, and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to use any net, seine, gill nets, fish traps, grab hooks, spears, snare, or similar means for catching fish, and no speckled or mountain trout, California trout or any game fish shall be caught at any time during open sea- son for speculative purposes, or for market, or for sale, and it shall be un- lawful for any person to sell or offer for sale any speckled or mountain trout, bass, greyling, pike or catfish caught in the waters of this state, ex- cept in the lakes and reservoirs of the Laramie plains. Provided, That any person or persons who are engaged in fish culture for commercial purposes, upon making satisfactory proof of the same, may sell, transport within and out of the state any fish that have been raised and caught from his or their pri- vate waters. And it is further Provid- ed, That the citizens of this state shall be permitted to fish with seine or gill 77 net with meshes not less than li/^ inches in any of the waters of the Big Horn river within the state, below the city of Thermopolis, and the North Platte river below Fort Steele, and in any of the waters of the New Fork from the junction of East Fork to its mouth, and in Green river from the mouth of New Fork to the Wyoming- Utah line, and in Black's Fork from Granger to its mouth, in Powder river from the crossing of the Douglas and Buffalo wagon road to the Wyoming line, and in Clear creek from a point opposite Clearmont to its mouth, in this state; Provided, That fish so lawfully caught shall not be shipped out of this state, or used as food for any kind of livestock, but persons having more fish than can be used for their own con- sumption may sell the same to resi- dents of this state ; Provided, That they shall be issued a license therefor, and shall cost the holder the sum of $1.00, which shall be recovered into the treasury in the same manner as pro- vided for under the game and fish laws of the state. Provided, further, That all trout, catfish, greyling, pike or bass, shall be returned to the streams from which taken. Provided, further, That the citizens of the state shall be permitted to fish with seine, with meshes not less than 1% inches, in any of the waters of Salt river, in Lincoln county and in the Belle Fourche river within this state. Any citizen or citizens desiring to seine in said river shall make application to the assistant or deputy game warden of 78 said 'district. If said application be ap- proved by the warden of said district, said warden shall issue a license as hereinafter provided for. Any such citizen or citizens shall return any and all trout, bass, greyling, pike or catfish to said stream, and it is hereby made unlawful for any citizen or citizens seining in said streams to retain any trout, bass, greyling, pike or catfish. Any citizen or citizens so seining shall procure a license to do so from the warden of said district upon payment of $1.00, which shall procure a license for one or more citizens for any one day, who may use but one seine. Pro- vided, further. That holders of such li- cense, shall be accompanied by deputy warden, appointed as provided by law, who shall receive the sum of $3.00 per day, for actual services rendered, such sum to be paid in all cases direct to such deputy warden by holder of such license. Said license fee shall be re- covered into the treasury in the same manner as all other fees provided for under the game and fish laws of this state ; And further Provided, That the su- perintendent of a fish hatchery district may, upon petition of fifty citizens of the county wherein is located any lake or lakes which have been stocked with food fish, such as lake trout, white fish and carp, and upon the recommenda- tion of the board of county commis- sioners of said county, permit citizens of this state to fish for said lake trout, white fish and carp with a gill net with mesh not less than one and one-half 79 inches, said net to be exhibited to said superintendent and by liim approved ; and it is further Provided, That fish so lawfully taken shall not be shipped out of the state of Wyoming, but persons having more of said fish than can be used for their own consumption may sell the same to the residents of the state of Wyoming, and Provided, fur- ther. That said superintendent may at any time revoke said permission if in his judgment it is necessary in order to preserve the fish in lakes. Any person offending against this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or shall be imprisoned for a period of not more than three months or by both. [L. 1915, Ch. 108.] [Note.— Ch. 91, S. L. 1915, was ap- proved Feb. 25, and Ch. 108, Feb. 26, 1915, Ch. 108 amends and re-enacts Sec. 30, Ch. 121, S. L. 1913.] Sec. 816. Ditch Owners to Protect Fish. It shall be the duty of every per- son, corporation or company, who shall construct, maintain or operate any ditch or canal pursuant to the laws of this state, to construct and maintain at the point and place where the water is diverted from its natural channel, some fit and proper obstruction where- by all fish will be prevented from en- tering said ditch or canal. Any per- son, company or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and 80 on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than ten or more than sixty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 2818. Private Waters Protected. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to kill or take speckled trout or other fish from any private waters used for the propagation of such fish, except by the consent of the proprietor of such private waters. It shall be the duty of the proprietors of such private waters, who are engaged in the propa- gation of fish, as contemplated by this section, to post, or cause to be posted in a conspicuous manner, public no- tices, painted on boards in large plain letters, that the owner, naming him, is engaged in such business, and warning all persons from killing or taking any fish in the waters named in such no- tices. Sec. 2819. Saratoga Hatchery. There shall be established a branch fish hatch- ery in or near the town of Saratoga, in Carbon county, Wyoming, for the col- lection, propagation, culture, distribu- tion and protection of fish in the North Platte river and its tributaries, in the bounds of fish hatchery district "num- ber one." Removal of Fish Hatchery in Albany County. Sec. 1. Subject to Approval of the Governor. The governor is hereby au- thorized to convey the site and improve- 81 ments and appurtenances of the present state fish hatchery in Albany county to the city of Laramie in consideration of the removal or replacement of said hatchery at a new site in said county, such removal and replacement to be ap- proved by the governor and without ex- pense to the state, Provided, That the moving of said fish hatchery buildings shall in no way impair its efficiency. [L. 1915, Ch. 116.] Sec. 2. Alterations — May Grant Cer- tain Rights to Laramie. The governor is hereby authorized to make such al- terations or relocations of the improve- ments and plant of the state fish hatch- ery in Albany county as he may deem expedient and to grant to the city of Laramie such rights for the location and establishment of water works and improvements on said site as he may deem expedient, such action to be taken without expense to the state of Wyo- ming. [L. 1915, Ch. 116.] Sec. 1. Branch Hatchery Established at Hyattville. There shall be estab- lished a branch fish hatchery in or near the town of Hyattville, Big Horn coun- ty, Wyoming, for the collection, propa- gation, culture, distribution and protec- tion of fish in the bounds of fish hatch- ery district "number two." [L. 1915, Ch. 152.] Sec. 2. Supervision Superintendent District Two. The construction of the necessary buildings, ponds and other facilities needed for the proper culture, care and distribution of fish shall be 82 . made under the supervision of the su- perintendent of said fish hatchery dis- trict. [L. 1915, Ch. 152.] Branch Fish Hatchery at Daniel. Sec. 1. Branch Hatchery Established. There shall be established a branch fish hatchery in or near the town of Daniel, in Lincoln county, Wyoming, for the collection, propagation, culture, distri- bution and protection of fish in the bounds of fish hatchery district "num- ber one." [L. 1917, Ch. 27.] Sec. 2. Supervision of State Fish Commissioner. The construction of the necessary buildings, ponds, and other facilities needed for the proper cul- ture, care and distribution of fish shall be made under the supervision of the state fish commissioner. [L. 1917, Ch. 27.] Sec. 3. Appropriation. There is here- by appropriated out of any funds in the state treasury, not otherwise ap- propriated, the sum of seven thousand dollars ($7,000.00) to establish said branch fish hatchery and pay the run- ning expenses of the same for the years 1917 and 1918. [L. 1917, Ch. 27.] Appropriations. From the General Ap- propriations Act, Chapter 125, Ses- sion Laws 1917. Salaries. Sec. 2. For State Game Warden, four thou- sand dollars. For Assistant State Game Wardens and per diem of Deputy Wardens, thir- »ty thousand dollars. 83 For Fish Commissioner, three thou- sand six hundred dollars. For Superintendent of Fish Hatchery District No. 1, two thousand four hun- dred dollars. For Superintendent of Fish Hatchery District No. 2, two thousand four hun- dred dollars. Contingent Funds. Sec. 3. For the State Game Warden, as pro- vided by law, three thousand dollars. For Assistant State Game Wardens, as provided by law, seven thousand dol- lars. For Clerk to State Game Warden, two thousand four hundred dollars. For printing reports of the State Game Warden, two hundred dollars. For the Fish Commissioner, as pro- vided by law, two thousand dollars. For the Fish Hatchery in Albany county, ten thousand dollars. For the Fish Hatchery in Sheridan county, ten thousand nine hundred dol- lars. For the Fish Hatchery in Big Horn county, eleven thousand dollars. Sec. 33. Refund. The sum of two hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriat- ed out of any funds in the State Treas- ury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of refunding to Assistant Game Wardens, Deputy Game Wardens, and Justices of the Peace, amounts over- paid on account of game licenses ; Pro- vided, That vouchers filed for payment under the provisions of this section 84 shall be approved by the State Game Waj-deii. Sec. 36A. Supplies for Game War- den. The sum of three thousand dol- lars ($3,000.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropri- ated out of any funds in the state treas- ury not otherwise appropriated for the purpose of defraying the cost of pur- chasing sealing implements, and game tags, printing licenses and certificates, paying postage, purchasing oflice sup- plies and paying such other expenses as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of the game and fish laws of this state. [L. 1917, Ch. 125.] Sec. 38. Attorneys* Fees — Game De- partment. The sum of one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for payment of attorneys' fees in the Game Depart- ment pursuant to the provisions of Sec- tion 11, Chapter 66 of the Laws of 1911, for the two years ending March 31, 1919. [See p. 7.] Repeal. Sections 2728, 2757 and 2759, Wyo- ming Compiled Statutes, 1910, were re- pealed by Sec. 25, Ch. 66, S. L. 1911. Sections 2796, 2799 and 2820, W. C. S., 1910, by Sec. 5, Ch. 118, S. L. 1913. Sec. 2777, W. C. S., 1910, by Sec. 45, Ch. 121, S. L. 1913. Sections 2741, 2742, 2749, 2761, 2767, 2768, 2783, 2784, 2787, 2808, 2809 and 2811, W. C. S., 1910, and Sections 6, 21, 85 22 and 24 of Chapter 66, S. L. 1911, and Sections 4, 5. 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 81, 82, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and 42 of Chapter 121, S. L. 1913, by Sec. 42, Ch. 91, S. L. 1915. Sec. 2785, C. S. 1910, as amended by Sec. 1 of Ch. 105, S. L. Wyo., 1915, by Ch. 108, S. L. 1917. , FIRES. Sec. 5817. Burning Property. Who- ever maliciously or wantonly sets fire to any woods, or to anything growing or being upon any prairie or grounds, not his own property ; or maliciously or wantonly permits any fire to pass from his own prairie or grounds, to the injury or destruction of any property not his own, shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars, to which may be added imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding thirty days. Sec. 5818. Neglect to Extinguish Fires. Any person or persons who shall light a fire for any purpose, in any woods or on any prairie in this state and who shall leave the vicinity of such fire without extinguishing the same shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine, not less than ten dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than ten dais and not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 86 INDEX A Page Alien's license 23 Antelope protected 15 Appropriations — Exchange of game (An- nual) .$4,000.00 4 Feed (Annual) 5,000.00 5 Prosecutions (Annual).. 2,000.00 57 Supplies (Annual) 1,000.00 41 Salaries, etc. — Game 83, 85 Fish 83, 85 Assistant and Deputy Wardens — Appointment. Salary 8 Reports 7 Bond 10, 12 List filed with Governor 11 Arrest without warrant 10, 45 Issue licenses 12 Attorney — employed 7 Fees — appropriation 85 B Page Bear hunter's license 18 Beaver. Protected. Permit 37 Shipment of hides 26 Birds. Protection of 59 Eggs 60 Scientific use 60 Permit to collect 60 Not protected 61 (See also Game Birds.) 87 Bonds. Assistant Wardens 10 Justices. Assistants and Deputies. .12 Guide 30 Fish Commissioner 63 Hatchery District Superintendent..65 Buffalo protected 38 C Page Capture of game 34 Certificates. Collection of birds....60, 61 Clerk, Warden's. Appointment — sal- ary 9 Contamination of streams 72 County Clerk. List of justices 40 County Commissioners — appoint war- dens 44 Distribution of fish 66 D Page Dams 70, 71 Deer — open season 16 Number allowed 17, 18 Deputies. (See also Assistant.) Without pay 11 Destruction of game 38 Distribution of game 4 Of fish 66 Ditch owners to protect fish 80 Dogs, use of 42 Ducks and geese. (See also Game Birds.) Open season 13 E Page Elk — where may be hunted 16 Open season 16 Damaging personal property 17 Number allowed 18 88 Exchange of game animals 4 Explosives in streams, prohibited 73 F Page Feed for game — purchase of 5 Fees for issuing licenses 33 Fines, disposition of 24, 45 Fires 86 Fish — Game, defined 59 Amount allowed —69 Closed season, Fremont County 69 Commercial culture 74, 76 Distribution of 66 Ditch owners to protect 80 For scientific purposes 66 Obstructing free passage 70 Sale of 74,76 Seining 74, 76 Small, not to be caught..— ...72 Transportation 68 Wardens 44, 67 Fishing, lawful 75, 77 License, non-residents 22 Aliens 23 Fish Commissioner 62 Appointment, duties, etc 62 Fish Hatchery. Districts 64 Superintendents 64, 65 Laramie 81, 82 Hyattville -82 Saratoga 81 Daniel 83 G Page Game — Animals and fish defined 59 Capture of 34 Destruction 38 Distribution 4 Fund, defined 59 Killed in another state 29 Number allowed 18 Photographing 35 Preserves — excepted 46 Boundaries 46 Hunting prohibited 56 Sale and shipment 25, 29 Specimens defined 25 Tags 25, 27 Game Birds. (See also Ducks, Grouse, etc.) Defined 59 Number allowed 14 Open season 13 Game Commission 3 Powers and duties 3, 6 Game Warden, appointment, etc 6 Reports — Attorney 7 Salary and contingent 8 Arrest without warrant 10 County Wardens ." 44 Grouse, number permitted 14 Guides — certificates, reports, duties-..29 Non-residents require 31 H Page Hatcheries. (See Fish Hatchery.) Justices of the Peace. List, supplies-40 Reports 27 Lawful fishing 75, 77 Licenses. Alien's Gun and Fish 23 Bear hunters 18 Birds, for science 60 Dog 42 Failure to produce 19 Form prescribed by Warden 25 Fees for issuing 33 Fish. Non-resident and Alien.. ..22, 23 90 Issued by whom 12 Moose, special 15, 21, 22 Non-resident gunner's 21 Predatory animals 50 Required 18, 25 Resident hunter and bird 19 Special 20 Seining 75, 77 Trappers 51 M Page Moneys remitted to state Treasurer.... 32 Moose — protected 15 Special license 15, 21, 22 Number allowed 18 Mountain sheep. Number allowed.. ..18 Open season 16 Where may be hunted 16 Muffler, use prohibited 58 N Page Neglect of duty — Warden et al 11 Non-residents — license 21 Must have guides 31 O Page Open season, birds 13 Fish, Fremont County 69 Game animals 16 Ownership of game in state 3 P Page Permits — Beaver 37 Capture game 34 Photograph game 35 Scientific institutes 3 Taxidermists 4 91 Trappers 57 Pheasants protected 14 Photographing game 35 Poisons prohibited 73 Possession of game, when unlawful....29 Predatory wild animals 42, 56 Preserves — (See Game Preserves.) Private waters protected 81 Prosecution — Witness fees 57 Offense on boundary 72 Where commenced 71 Q Page Quail protected 14 R Page Repeal of statutes 85 Reports, Warden, Assistants, Deputies 7 Justice of the Peace 27 Fish Commissioner 62 Hatchery District Superintendent..64 Taxidermists 39 Reward -5 S Page Sage-hens, season and number 14 Salaries, how paid 10 Sale of game 25, 29 Of fish 68, 75, 77 Scientific institutes, permits 3 Search, right to 24,45 Seines, use of 75, 77 Shipment — (See Sale, and Transpor- tation. ) Silencers prohibited 58 Specimens. Game, defined 25 State Game Commission, etc. (See Game Commission, etc.) 92 streams. Contamination of 72 Stocked 66 Supt. of Public Instruction, duty 60 Surplus game. Disposition of 5 Swan protected 15 T Page Tags, game 25,27 Taxidermist — Permits 4 Reports 39 Tags 25, 27 Transportation— Of fish 68, 69 Of game 25,27,40 Trapper's permit 57 Trapping game animals 13 Trespass 43 W Page Warden — (See Game Warden.) Wardens, County 44 Fish 67 Witness fees 57 93 John J. Lenihan Laramie State Fish Commissioner John Baillie Laramie Supt. Fish Hatchery Dist. No. 1 Fred W. Cooper Story Supt. Fish Hatchery Dist. No. 2 State Fish Hatcheries are located at Laramie, Story and Hyattville. The establishment of a fourth hatchery, to be located at Daniel, was authorized by the legislature in 1917. A U. S. Hatchery is located at Sara- tosra. The numerous streams and lakes of Wj^oming, all of which are adapted to the rapid development of the trout spe- cies, are stocked with rainbow, steel- head, brown, eastern brook, and black spotted mountain trout and grayling. These furnish sport and recreation to any persons who avail themselves of the opportunity to cast a fly or troll a spinner. JOHN J. LENIHAN, State Fish Commissioner. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS lllllllllll Illlllllllll II 002 911 503 f