=~^ i-^-^^ ^^ O c " * * • o •^^^ .V .0 ''^x \ o^O, » • • V, :^ ..■..-*. .V >^ <-. GiLLINGHAM FaMILY J4HfWlfcWtAM.t ''■*^'*^'*Wy;r-* W»*'V»^''**'**'"^-** *rf"'.?T. Descendants of Yeamans Gillingham Compiled by HARROLD EDGAR GILLINGHAM (86i) Member of Historical, Genealogical and Colonial Societies of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA 19QI Compiled from Public Records and Family Records. Great care has been taken to have all information herein correct. Dates have been verified where possible, but the editor assumes no responsibility for the correctness of records. Attention is called to the change of Calendar in 1752, when the first day of the year was changed from the 25th of March to the I St of January. P. Author. J9N 'Ol l^eamans (5ilUnobam- The first record we have of our ancestor in Pennsylvania is from the Middktown Monthly Meeting Records, where he is mentioned as being a witness to the marriage of William Smith, of Yorkshire, England, to Mary Croasdale, at the house of John Chapman, in Bucks county, "the twentieth day of the ninth month, 1690." Yeamans is said to have come from the south of England,* supposed some time between 1683 and 1690. He bought one hundred acres of land in Oxford township, and what is now the center of Frankford, Philadelphia, bounded by Frankford Creek, Church street, Frankford road to the Arsenal or River road on the east. The deed from William Penn's commis- sioner, Thomas Fairman, to Yeamans Gillingham, dated August 31, 1691, is recorded in Book I, 5, page 228, October 7, 1699. In 17 12 he purchased another lot of ground in the same locality from John Worrell (Deed Book I, 3, page 527, Phila- delphia). Yeamans Gillingham is mentioned on the tax list for Oxford township as having paid six shillings tax in 1693. He was one of the overseers of Abington Meeting, 8th mo. 31, T720.t He died in May or June, 1722, his will being signed May 9, 1722, and probated in Philadelphia July 21, 1722 (Book D, No. 252, page 324). WILL OF YEAMANS GILLINGHAM. In the name of God, Amen. The ninth day of May, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-two, I, Yeamans Gillingham, of Oxford township, in the county of Philadelphia, in the province of Pennsylvania, being very, very sick and weak in body, but of perfect mind and memory, — thanks be given unto God there- *He came, doubtless, from Kent or Dorset. If from the latter county, he may have been the son of one James Gillingham, who seems to have had some connection with the Yeamans and Taylor families, of Dorset and Kent, and whose will was proved 1676. (Thomas Allen Glenn.) tAbingtion Meeting Records. Cop ies of same, in possession of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, presented by Joseph E. Gillingham, Esq. for, — calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it IS appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament. That is to say, principally and first of all, I give and commend my soul into the hands of God that gave it, and for my body I recommend it to the earth to be buried in a Christian- like and decent manner at the discretion of my executors. And as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form: Imprimis, I will that all my honest and just debts be known and to be paid as soon as may be after my decease out of my estate, and in order thereto I will that my estate be sold as soon as may be after my decease and all my funeral charges to be defrayed as soon as may be after my decease. Item, I give and bequeath to Mary, my dearly beloved wife, all my estate, both personal and real, to be disposed of as she pleaseth and by her freely to be possessed, and enjoyed by her, her heirs and assigns forever, excepting, if the estate will admit, after debts de- frayed, fifty pounds to each of my dearly beloved sons, James and John. and I do will the said moneys to be put out with good security till they do come to age. I do likewise constitute, make and ordain my said dear and lov- ing wife my executrix of this my last will and testament, and also I do make, ordain and constitute my two sons-in-law, Henry Paul and James Willson, executors with my said wife jointly of this my last will and testament. Lastly. I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and disannul all and every other former testaments, wills, legatees and executors by me named any other time before this time named, willed, bequeathed. Ratifying and confirming this to be my last will and testament and none other. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. Yeamans Gillingham. Sealed, signed, published, pronounced and declared by the said Yeamans Gillingham to be his last will and testament in the pres- ence of we, the subscribers, Paul Wilmerton, James Parsons, Nathaniel Holton. Jr. Yeamans Gillingham's wife is said by family tradition to have been Mary Taylor, and to have come from England about the same time as her husband. In the records of Abington Monthly Meeting her maiden name is not given. The dates of birth of their seven children are given, the first as having been born 5th mo. 8. 1694, and it is supposed they were all born in this country, no mention having been made of their being of foreign birth, as was sometimes done. No record has been found of Mary's death or place of interment. Tier will, signed twentieth day of October, 1727, was probated November tt, 1727 (Book E, No. 67, page 63. Philadelphia Register of Wills). 4 MARY GILLINGHAM'S WILL. In the name of God, Amen. The twentieth of October, in the year of our Lord Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty- seven, I, Mary Gillingham, of Oxford, in the county of Philadelphia, in ye province of Pcnsilvania, widdow, being sick and weak, but of perfect mind and memory, calling to mind the uncertainty of this uncer- tain and transitory life, do make and declare this my last will and testa- ment in manner and form following : First, I recommend my soul to God that gave it ; next, I commit my body to ye Earth to be decently buried at ye discretion of my executors, hereafter named, and for ye selling of my temporal estate I do order, give and dispose of ye same in manner and form following, viz — Imprimis, I give and bequeath unto my two sons, James and John, each of them twenty shillings when they are of age. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Rebeckah, ye wife of William Wright, ten pounds, with the new bed and bolster, and one cow named Rose and four of the best ewes. I give to my daughter Mary ye largeest brass kettle and warming pan and one cow named Brisk. Item, I give unto Joseph Paul, son of Henry Paul, five pounds. Item, I give unto Hannah Willson, daughter of James Willson, five pounds, ye said money to be paid by my executors to their fathers and they to put it out to interest till they come of age. Item, I will that all the remainder of the household goods and also the remainder of the money be equally divided among my five daughters, Ann, Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth and Susannah, and as soon as con- veniently be divided after my decease. My daughter Susannah, her part and dividend of money I order to put out to interest till she be of the age of eighteen years. But, in case any a one or more of the five daughters above mentioned should die without issue, my will is that the same shall be equally divided among the residue. Item, I give to Ann, Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth and Susannah, their heirs and assigns forever, to be equally divided share and share alike, a small piece of meadow land, about two acres be it more or less, front- ing Frankford Creek, as appears by deed ; also, another piece y't lies in the neck by Jonathan Dickinson's land, about ye same quantity as appears by deed to Yeamans Gillingham. And, also, I will to have two acres reserved for ye use of my two sons, James and John, to be equally divided between them, and ye said two acres afore reserved of this plan- tation shall be on that side lying and adjoining on the mill race and fronting Tacony road and ye King's road, and, if in case the said James and John, my sons, at the age of twenty-one years will not take the said two acres in part of their portion allowed and given them by their Father's last will and testament, then the said two acres may be sold. John Shallcross and John Knowles. both of Oxford, county and province aforesaid, yoemans, I do constitute and make and ordain my executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking, disan- nulling and making void all former will bequests by me made and declaring this only to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. her Mary V Gillingham. mark. [seal.] Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us, James Parsons, George Marrett, William Grimitt. Probated November ii, 1727. Letters Test, granted November 20, 1727. In the will of Mary Brodwell (or Bodwell), signed January 8, 1727. proved January 29, 1729 (Administration Book C, page 150), mention is made of her "grandson-in- law's children, Joseph, Mary, Margaret and John Paul" (chil- dren of No. I ) , to whom she bequeaths "nineteen pounds law- ful money of America" ; also "James (No. 5) and John (No. 6) Gillingham, sons of Yeamans Gillingham, late of Frankford. deceased, the sum of three pounds lawful money of America apiece." "Granddaughter Sarah Spicer (No. 3), wife of Abraham Spicer, of Philadelphia, currier; granddaughters Elizabeth (No. 4) and Rebecca (No. 7a) Gillingham, and granddaughter Ann Paul (No. i), wife of Henry Paul; granddaughter Mary Willson (No. 2), wife of James Willson ; Elizabeth Gilling- ham and Rebecca Gillingham, five pounds apiece." Great- grandchildren, "James Willson 's two children, Mary and Eliza- beth (children of No. 2). and John Spicer, son of Abraham Spicer" (No. 3). She willed to "Henry Paul and Ann, his wife, all my shop goods," etc. Letters of administration were granted to Henry Paul February 6, 1729. It is believed this Mary Brodwell, whose will is mentioned above, was the mother of Mary (Taylor) Gillingham, as she mentions her daughter Sarah Taylor and grandson Isaac Tay- lor, son of Isaac Taylor. Children of YEAMANS GILLINGHAM and MARY TAYLOR. (Births from Abington Meeting Records.) 1 Ann Gillingham, b. 5-8-1694. 2 Mary Gillingham, b. 10-21- 1698. 3 Sarah Gillingham, b. 9-27-1699. 4 Elizabeth Gillingham. b. 2-22-1705. 5 James Gillingham, b. 8-2-1708. 6 John Gillingham, b. 5-12-1710. ~ Susannah Gillingham, b. 11-29-1712, d. before October 5, 1731 ; no other record. "a Rebecca Gillingham, not recorded in Abington Records, but mentioned in Mother's will as the wife of William Wright, and in will of Mary Brodwell. Mar., 2d., Kirk, was living December 6, 1766, and was evidently a daughter of Yeamans, as she had an in- terest in the Frankford land (Deed, December 6, 1766, Philadelphia Deed Book I, 3, page 527). Ann Gillingham,^ born 5th mo. 8, 1694, married Henry Paul, son of Joseph and Margaret Paul, of Frank ford township, at the Frankford Meeting, 2d mo. 26, 1716. Children : Joseph Paul, mentioned in will of Mary Gillingham, mother of Ann, also in will of Mary Brodwell. Mary Paul, mentioned in will of Mary Brodwell. Margaret Paul, mentioned in will of Mary Brodwell. John Paul, mentioned in will of Mary Brodwell. Ann (Gillingham) Paul was living December 6, 1766 (see acknowledgment of deed, Book I, 3, page 527, Philadelphia). Mary Gillingham,^ born loth mo. 21, 1698, married 7th mo. 29, 1 7 18, at Abington Meeting, James Willson, of Northern Liberties (died loth mo. 5, 1731). Children: Hannah Willson, mentioned in will of Mary Gillingham. Mary Willson, mentioned in will of Mary Brodwell. Elizabeth Willson, mentioned in will of Mary Brodwell. Oliver Willson, had a daughter Nancy Willson, who married a Jenks. Sarah Gillingham,^ born 9th mo. 27, 1699, died before loth mo. 5, 1731 ; married Abraham Spicer, of Philadelphia, a currier. 8 James Spicer. 8a John Spicer, mentioned in will of Mary Brodwell. Elizabeth Gillingham,^ born 2d mo. 22, 1705, married, 2d mo. 29, 1728, at Abington Meeting, Samuel Eastbum, of Solebury township,* Bucks county, Pa. ; lived at Buckingham, Pa. Children's births from Buckingham Records. *Deed Book I, 3, page 527, Philadelphia. 9 Benjamin Eastburn, b. 2-11-1729, died childhood. ID Joseph Eastburn, b. 12-18-1730- :i Ann Eastburn, b. 7-23-^732. 12 Mary Eastburn, b. 2-16-1734. 13 Benjamin Eastburn, b. ii-2i-i73S- 14 Sarah Eastburn, b. 4-14-1736- 15 Robert Eastburn, b. 6-23-1739. James Gillingham,^ born 8tH mo. 2, 1708, on the Frankford farm, married, 3d mo. 4, 1730, at the Abington Meeting, Martha Canby (born 3d mo. 9, 1705). daughter of Thomas Canby* and Sarah Jarvis. James Gillingham moved to Sole- bury, Bucks county, Pa., shortly after his marriage. His cer- tificate from Abington Meeting to Friends at Buckingham Meeting is dated 4th mo. 29, 1730. He died in Bucks county I ith mo. 4, 1745. Letters of administration were granted 1747 (Docket A, page 20, Doylestown) . Children of James Gilling- ham and Martha Canby if 16 John Gillingham, b. 1-19-173I- 17 Yeamans Gillingham, b. 8-15-1734- 18 James Gillingham, b. 6-30-1736. 19 Martha Gillingham, b. 8-9-1738. 20 Thomas Gillingham, b. I-16-1740, settled in Philadel- phia; no other record. 21 Joseph Gillingham, b. 5-14-1/43- 22 Mary Gillingham, b. 5-26-1746, d. 1-21-1747. these children are not men- tioned in Buckingham Rec- 23 Lavinia Gillingham, 24 Benjamin Gillingham, ords, but are given in family records, with no dates of birth. ♦Thomas Canby, born 1667, son of B«njamin Canby, of Thorn, Yorkshire, Eng., came to Pennsylvania with his maternal uncle, Henry Baker, in ship "Vine," of Liverpool; arrived at Philadelphia, 7th mo. 17, 1684. He died gth mo. jo, 1742. He was married three times: first, 9th mo. 2, 1693, Sarah Jarvis; second, Mary Oliver, 2d mo. 4, 1709; third, Jane Preston, cSth mo. 9, 1722. Was prominent in Bucks county affairs, being justice of the peace, 1719, 1722, 1725, 1726, 1727 and 1738, and member of the Provincial Assembly, 1721 , 1722, 1730, 1733, 1738. tFrom Buckingham Monthly Meeting. c . 5 ^-p _- w rt C 3 = qW OS O :3<; .^p_^ c „• t>j s^E 2^ sE-S -s aE nsEE 13 E S I3| ^ ■« S A w S Be M ? ■£ Tn .5 M p Mn! g'g fcflM^ o ■^ o OH O o pq ^ ^ W < Q ^ E C !> rt -. p -= "bi 1 SEE O rt rt _ "bi o C e ;z: XI rzl M ,E^S \S ^ r::0 O i .2? =30a; E iS bo « pq :i: "box: — C n) O S 53 E o n -. o be rt'^ W ^ W W -o - -H — M C ■*-' w.s-5 1= E ,; -5,.= ^ -S a; C .^e E S •?. ;cq^ -* •- bo v- bo— __ ~ pfcoo£o>-WW^=^PL, E^E S-SE-aSEt.2EE O - ffi ►iH. w § m c^ J u h-1 ►S. H S < J1 W d\ d 1-^ rx r^ i^ (^ O G ■— o > O EE^ 3i (N O ra rt E E o o bo td cli 'S en 3'C SE s —• < (T 'Z kJ J XI a; O E t/i w F ^ <; S >^ <: . < K & ffi O :z; -^ e h-i J § hj o- o tl <: Sa % o < ffi S H K t O rt 13 •£ o S K W Ph . W E t/3 O < o o o < ■XquE3 EmJEJ\[ 'lU '(iOI^EJL -^JBIM PUIJ '•'••El[Sui][I3 SUCU1133^\ JO uos) luvHONmiD sawvf John Gillingham,^ born 5th mo. 12, 17 10, married, 8th mo. 21, 1735, at the Philadelphia Meeting, Ann Jacob, daughter of Samuel Jacob, a mariner, of Philadelphia, and Mary . John Gillingham was a joiner, of Philadelphia, and but little is known of him. He appears as witness to the will of Anthony Peel, a mariner, of Philadelphia, signed 4th mo. 26, 1739; and again to the will of Griffith Owen, a cooper, of Philadelphia, signed 9th mo. 7, 1741. The children's births from the Philadelphia Monthly Meeting Records. 25 Sarah Gillingham, b. 7-14-1736. 2l^ Mary Gillingham, b. 12-4-1738/9. 2^ Ann Gillingham, b. 5-13-1741. 28 Susannah Gillingham, b. 3-5-1743. 29 Elizabeth Gillingham, b. 11-19-1745/6. James Spicer,^ born , died ; married, 9th mo. 28, 1750, at Wrightstown Monthly Meeting Kachel Wildman. Only record of their tenth child. 30 Gulielma Spicer, b. 11-27-1767, mar. Thomas Gilling- ham, No. 55, her 2d cousin, see 55. 10 Joseph Eastburn,^ born 12th mo. 18, 1730, died loth mo. 28, 1780; married, ist mo. 20, 1753, at Buckingham Meeting, Mary Wilson. Children (births from Buckingham Records) : 31 Joseph Eastburn, b. 7-16-1754. 32 Benjamin Eastburn, b. 7-4-1756. 33 Samuel Eastburn, b. 6-20-1758. 34 John Eastburn, b. 4-28-1760, d. 4-5-1833. 35 Rebecca Eastburn, b. 4-4-1762. 36 Thomas Eastburn, b. 5-14-1764. 37 Mary Eastburn, b. 6-22-1766. 38 James Eastburn, b. 8-27-1768, d. 7-4-1792. 38a Amos Eastburn, b. 12-25-1770. 39 David Eastburn, b. 4-7-1773. 40 Elizabeth Eastburn, b. 4-22-1776. i6 John Gillingham,- born ist mo. 19, 1731, at Buckingham, married, lotli mo. 17, 1754, at Buckingham Meeting, Sarah Taylor (born 1st mo. 25, 1734, died 9th mo. 7, 1757), daughter of Benjamin Taylor and Hannah Tyson, of Newtown, Bucks county, Pa. John Gihingham married, second time, loth mo. 21, 1761, at Falls Meeting, Sarah White (born 12th mo. 22, 1740, died 6th mo. 12, 1799), daughter of Joseph and Martha White, of Falls. He settled in Buckingham, Pa.* 41 Mary Gillingham, b. 9-7-1755. 42 James Gillingham, b. 8-26-1757. 43 Samuel Gillingham. b. 12-30-1762. 44 Msrtha Gillingham, b. 7-18-1764. d. g-7-i777- 45 John Gillingham, b. 2-6-1766. 46 Joseph Gillingham, b. 7-10-1768. 47 Benjamin Gillingliam, b. 4-10-1770. 48 Jonathan Gillingham. b. 4-0-1772, d. 9- 15" "77- 49 Sarah Gillingham, b. 3-9-1774- 50 Esther Gillingham, b. 10-6-1776. 51 Amos Gillingham, b. 10-28-1778, d. 3-28-1801. 52 David Gillingham, b. 12-20-1780, d. 6-3-1804. 17 Yeamans Gillingham,- born 8th mo. 15. 1734, in Makefield township, Bucks county, Pa., died 2d mo. 26, 1825, at Frank- ford, Philadelphia. Lived in Solebury township. Bucks county ; afterward in Frankford. Married. 12th mo. 21, 1763. at Buckingham Meeting, Ruth Preston (born 9th mo. 15, 1742. died 3d mo. 25, 1765), daughter of William Preston and Deborah Chessman. Yeamans again married, at Falls Meet- ing, ist mo. 13. 1768, Bridget Moon (born loth mo. 21, 1743, died 4th mo. 9, 1825) (buried in Frankford Meeting yard beside Yeamans), daughter of James Moon and Elizabeth Lucas, who were married 3d mo. 18, 1742. James Moon, son of Roger Moon and Ann Nutt, married 8th mo. 23, 1708. Roger Moon, son of James and Joan I\Ioon, who came from *Births of children from the Buckingham Records. Gloucestershire, England, and settled in Middletown township, Bucks county, Pa., in 1690. Elizabeth Lucas, the mother of Bridget Moon, was daughter of Edward Lucas and Bridget Scott, who were married 7th mo. 3, 1700, at Chesterfield Monthly Meeting in New Jersey. Edward Lucas was son of Robert Lucas,* of Deverall, Longbridge, County Wilts, yeo- man, who arrived at Philadelphia, 4th mo. 4, 1679, i^i the "Elizabeth and Mary," of Weymouth. Elizabeth, his wife, arrived in the 7th mo., 1680, in the ship "Content," of London, Wm. Jonson, master. Robert Lucas's will signed loth mo. 6, i687t (proved 12th mo. 21, 1703, Book B, page 330, No. 122, Philadelphia). Yeamans Gillingham moved from Bucks county to Frankford about 1792, on the original farm, or nearly all of it, owned by his grandfather, Yeamans Gillingham, which he purchased after it had been out of the family for many years. The Friends' meeting house on Unity street, Frankford, was built on land which Yeamans Gillingham gave them. Yeaman's will was signed 8th mo. 4, 1824, proved 5th mo. 9, 1825 (Book 8, page 512, No. 154, Philadelphia). Children of Yeamans Gillingham (dates from Buckingham Meeting) : 53 William Gillingham, b. 3-12-1765, d. 4-18-1765. 54 James Gillingham, b. 12-27-1768. 55 Thomas Gillingham, b. 10-15-1770. 56 Moses Gillingham, b. 9-4-1772. 57 John Gillingham, b. 9-30-1774, d. at Frankford, single. 58 Mathias Gillingham, b. 2-25-1776 d. 1797, at Frankford, single. 59 Yeamans Gillingham, b. 3-9-1778. 60 Joseph Gillingham, b. 8-3-1780. 61 Mahlon Gillingham, b. 7-27-1782. 62 Stacy Gillingham, b. 11-16-1784. Yeamans and Bridget (Moon) Gillingham had ten chil- dren and sixty-two grandchildren. 'Robert Lucas was justice of peace for Upland and Dependencies in 1681; a member of first grand jury in Pennsylvania, 1683; member of Assembly, 1682, 1683, 1687 and 1688. "Robert Lucas, by an order from Sir Edw'd Andros, in the year 1679, took up a parcel of Land now in the Falls Township in Bucks County, 177 acres, which the Gov'r by his Warr't, dated 9th, 3 mo., 1684, again granted and by Patent dated 31st, 5 mo., 1684, confirmed it to the said Robert, who devised the same to Edw'd Lucas, his Son and Heir." — Munites of the Board of Property, Pennsylvania Archives XIX, page 303. tRobert Lucas mentions in will wife Elizabeth, and sons Edward, Robert, Giles and John. Other children, names not given. II i8 James Gillingham,- born 6th mo. 30, 1736, in Buckingham, died 2d mo. i, 1781. Settled in Philadelphia, and became a hatter by trade. Married, 2d mo. 15, 1763, at Arch Street Philadelphia Meeting, Phebe Hallowell (born 7th mo. 26, 1738, died 4th mo. 14, 1819), daughter of John Hallowell and Hannah Lewis, of Philadelphia. (James is also mentioned as being a joiner by trade.) Children: 63 John Hallowell Gillingham, b. 1-11-1764, d. infancy. 64 Martha Gillingham, b. 1-4-1765. 65 Hannah Gillingham, b. 6-15-1767, d. 12-8-1777. 66 James Gillingham, b. 5-14-1768. 67 Esther Gillingham, b. S-31-1770, d. 7-7-1831. 19 Martha Gillingham,- born 8th mo. 8, 1738, died ; married, 6th mo. 9, 1763, at Buckingham Meeting, Jonathan Kinsey, of Buckingham, son of Samuel Kinsey and Elizabeth Crew. Children : 68 Martha Kinsey. 69 Belinda Kinsey. 70 Samuel Kinsey. 71 Lavinia Kinsey. 72 Courtland Kinsey. 73 Lucretia Kinsey. 74 Jonathan Kinsey. 21 Joseph Gillingham,- born 5th mo. 14, 1743, died 5th mo. 17, 1794; married, 5th mo. 25, 1768, at Falls Meeting, Elizabeth Harvey, daughter of Thomas Harvey, of Falls. Joseph lived in Lower Makefield township, Bucks county, when married, and settled in Fallsington. He was once clerk of the Bucks 13 County Quarterly Meeting. Births of children from Falls Monthly Meeting Records. 75 Thomas Gillinghani, b. 3-1-1769. 76 Mary Gillingham, b. 11-21-1770. ^y Ann Gillingham, b. 1-29-1773. 78 Samuel Gillingham, b. 5-30-1775, d. 10-29-1788. 79 Elizabeth Gillingham, am,1 1, i 4- 1 2- 1 778. 80 Joseph Gillingham, 81 John Gillingham, b. 10-21-1780. 82 William Gillingham, b. 4-16-1783. 83 Harvey Gillingham, b. 10-6-1785. 84 Jonathan Gillingham, b. 1-13-1788. 25 Sarah 'Gillingham, 2 born 7th mo. 14, 1736, died ; married, 2d mo. 27, 1754, at Christ Church, Philadelphia, William Wayne. No other record than one child known. 85 William Wayne, no other record. 26 Mary Gillingham,^ born 12th mo. 4, 1738/9, died married Edward Simmons. 86 Stephen Simmons, had a dau. mar. Dr. Wister. 87 John Simmons. 88 Edward Simmons. 89 Susan Simmons. 41 Mary Gillingham,^ born 9th mo. 7, 1755, died ; married, 12th mo. 22, 1773, at Buckingham Meeting, George Kinsey (born 3d mo. 21, 1752), son of Benjamin Kinsey and Susanna Brown. 13 4^ James Gillingham,=* born 8th mo. 26, 1757, in Bucks county, Pa., died ; married, , 1786, at , Elizabeth Hay ward (bom in England 8th mo. 19, 1761, died in Baltimore January 22, 18 19), daughter of . James lived at Elli- co^rs Mills, Md., and afterward in Baltimore. 90 John Gillingham, b. 3-31-1787. 91 William Gillingham, b. 11-30-1788. 92 George Gillingham, b. 10-4-1790. 93 Elizabeth Gillingham, b. 10-2-1792, mar. Dr. Worth- ington, at Elkridge, Md. ; no other record. 94 Ezra Gillingham, b. — — I794. mar. Mary Cole; no other record. 43 Samuel Gillingham,'"' born 12th mo. 30, 1762, died , 1846, at Philadelphia; married, nth mo. 12, 1783, at Buck- ingham Meeting, Margaret Jenks (born 6th mo. 6, 1764, died ), daughter of Joseph Jenks and Elizabeth Pearson, of Middletown township. 95 Elizabeth Gillingham, b. 11-21-1784. 96 William Gillingham, b. 9-20-1786. 97 Jonathan Gillingham, b. 6-3-1788. 98 Joseph Gillingham, b. 9-20-1793. 99 Jenks Gillingham, b. 7-22-1798. 45 John Gillingham,^ born 2d mo. 6, 1766, at Bensalem town- ship, Bucks county, Pa., died May i, 1849, iri Bensalem town- ship, Bucks county, Pa. ; married, loth mo. 10, 1787, at Buck- ingham Meeting, Ann Preston (born 6th mo. 30, 1766), daughter of William Preston and Scott. John Gilling- ham once kept a mill at Lumbertown, Bucks county, Pa. (Dates from Buckingham Records.) 100 Martha Preston Gillingham, b. 6-6-1788. loi Jonathan Preston Gillingham, b. 8-12-1789. 102 John Gillingham, b. 3-12-1791. 103 Anne Gillingham, b. 9-12-1792. 104 Elizabeth Gillingham, b. 7-13-1794. 14 105 William Preston Gillingham, b. 8-25-1796. 106 Jesse Gillingham, b. 3-13-1798, no other record. 107 Sarah Gillingham, b. 9-I3-I799, mar. George Vande- grift, and died at Newark^ N. J.; no other record. 108 Amos Gillingham, b. 8-21-1801. 109 David Gillingham, b. 4-18-1804, no other record, no Mary Gillingham, b. 3-26-1808, d. 7-27-1808. 111 Mary Ann Preston Gillingham, b. 7-6-1810. 46 Joseph Gillingham,^ born 7th mo. 10, 1768, died 5th mo. 17, 1794; married, lotli mo. 19, 1791, at Buckingham Meeting, Phoebe Brown (born , died nth mo. 16, 1795), daughter of Joseph Brown, of Falls. One child : 112 Mary Gillingham, b. 2-11-1793. 47 Benjamin Gillingham,'' born 4th mo. 10, 1770, died Novem- ber 6, 1851; married, 4th mo. 15, 1795, at Buckingham Meet- ing, Grace Comfort (born 3d mo. 2, 1774, died ), daughter of Ezra Comfort and Alice Fell, of Bensalem town- ship, Bucks county, and Plymouth township, Montgomery county, Pa. Benjamin Gillingham married second time March 13, 1817, at Burlington Meeting, New Jersey, Sarah Austin (born 8th mo. — , 1784, died April — , 1858), daughter of Amos and Sarah Austin, of Willingborough, Burlington county, N. J. Benjamin Gillingham lived in Buckingham township, Bucks county, and no record is found of his having any children. 49 Sarah Gillingham,'' born 3d mo. 9, 1774, died ; married, loth mo. 5, 1796, at Buckingham Meeting, Benjamin Rich, of Baltimore, Md., son of William Rich. Children : 113 Nancy Rich, b. 1797, d. 12-28-1863. 114 Sarah Gillingham Rich, b. 1801, d. 8-17-1858. 115 John Rich. 116 Benjamin Rich. 15 50 Esther Gillingham,^ born loth mo. 6, 1776, died ; married, April 10, 1805, at Buckingham Meeting, Thomas Walton (born 6th mo. 19, 1781), son of Joseph Walton and Lydia Gilbert. Children : 117 David Walton. 118 John Walton. 119 Amos Walton. 120 Stacy Walton. 121 Sarah Ann Walton. 54 James Gillingham," born 12th mo. 2"], 1768, in Solebury township, Bucks county. Pa., died June 5, 1865; married, loth mo. 3, 1792, at Providence Meeting, Chester county. Pa.. Sarah Wood, daughter of James Wood and Mary Smith. James was born and lived in Buckingham until 1830, when he moved to Pottsville, Pa., where he died, but was brought to Bucking- ham to be buried. It is said he cast his first vote for General George Washington for President, and his last for Abraham Lincoln, and that he attended and voted at every Presidential election in the interim. He was a member of the Pottsville Union League, and always attended the meetings of that body, even to the age of ninety-five. Children: (Births from Abington Records.) 122 Samuel Gillingham, b. 8-20-1793, d. 4-26-1796. 123 William Gillingham, b. 10-10-1795, d. 5-16-1796. 124 Elizabeth Moon Gillingham, b. 3-13-1797, d. 4-20-1819. 125 James Wood Gillingham, b. 9-6-1799, d. 12-13-1828. *I26 Anna Gillingham, b. 9-18-1802, d. 1-18-1876. 127 Phoebe Gillingham, b. i- 16- 1805, d. 4-24-1874. 128 Samuel Gillingham, b. 3-10-1807, d. 1-5-1863. 129 Charles Gillingham, b. 10-4-1809. d. 5-2-1893. •From Pottsville " Evening Chronicle," of January 19, 1876: "We regret to announce the death of Miss Anna Gillingham, which occurred at her late residence on Mahantonga street last evening (Tuesday). Miss Gilling- ham belonged to the Society of Friends or Quakers, and was well known in this community, and was loved by all for her nobleness of heart and many kind actions. She was pretty far advanced in years, and died from the eflfects of paralysis, from which she had been suffering for the past few days. The funeral will take place on Friday.' 16 55 Thomas Gillingham,^ born loth mo. 15, 1770, in Solebury township, Bucks county, Pa., died April i, i860, at Moorestown, N. J.; married Mary Heywood, 1791, and had five children. Married second time, 1799, Gulielma Spicer (No. 30, born nth mo. 27, 1767), daughter of James Spicer and Rachel Wildman; four children by second marriage. Thomas once lived at Nottingham Meeting, Md., and afterward at Moores- town, N. J., where he died. Children : 130 Elizabeth S. Gillingham, b. 1-4-1792, d. 2-3-1863. 131 Rachel Moon Gillingham, b. 2-10-1793. 132 Rebecca Heywood Gillingham, b. 5-1-1794, d. 7-7-1889 at Beverly, N. J., mar. David Pierce, born 1787; no other record. 133 William Heywood Gillingham, b. 5-18-1796, d. 1-9-1863. 134 Thomas Gillingham, b. 1-18-1798, d. 2-4-1825. 135 Mary Spicer Gillingham, b. 11-11-1800, d. 7-30-1882. 136 Yeamans Canby Gillingham, b. 1-10-1803, d. 1-7-1853. 137 Ruth Preston Gillingham, b. 6-15-1805, d. 7-23-1882. 138 Lucy Ann Gillingham, b. 10-2-1808, d. 12-7-1811. 56 Moses Gillingham,^ born 9th mo. 4, 1772, in Solebury township, Bucks county, Pa., died October 12, 1829, at Bristol, Pa. ; married, at Oxford or Frankford Meeting, 9th mo. 2, 1794, Martha Kirkner, daughter of Jacob and Sarah Kirkner, of Concord township, Delaware county, Pa. (Martha, born 6th mo. 17, 1 77 1, died January 19, 1864.) Moses lived in Maryland, and was a member of East Nottingham Meeting. Children : 139 Nathan H. Gillingham, b. 1795, d. 10-20-1813. 140 Mary Harper Gillingham, b. 1798, d. 12-20-1875. 141 Mathias Gillingham, d. 11-19-1829, at Bristol, Pa. 142 Lydia Gillingham, b. 1803, d. 10-11-1875. 143 Lucas Gillingham, b. 9 — 1805, d. 8-9-1809. 144 Lucy Ann Gillingham, b. 10 — 1808. d. 7-12-1811. 17 145 Sarah Kirkner Gillingham, b. 6-13-1810, d. 3-CI 1882. 146 Yeamaas Gillingham, d. 11-18-1829. 147 Lucas Gillingham, b. 10-14-1810, d. 3-28-1872. 148 Jacob Kirkner Gillingham, b. 5-25-1813, d. 11-18-1829 at Bristol, Pa. 59 Yeamans Gillingham,^ born 3d mo. 9, 1778, in Solebury township, Bucks county, died June 3, 1827 ; married, at Spring- field Meeting, Chester county, Pa., April 28, 1803, Sarah Lewis (born 1 2th mo. 7, 1784, died March 29. 1867 ; buried at Shrews- bury, N. J.). Children: 149 Hannah Gillingham, b. 6-18-1804, d. 8-6-1876. 150 Sidney Gillingham. 151 Chalkley Gillingham, b. 10-19-1807, d. 6-22-1881. 152 Ann Lewis Gillingham, b. 8-11-1809, d. 3-22-1884. 153 George Lewis Gillingham, b. 9-5-1811, d. 5- 10-1880. 154 Eliza Gillingham, b. 10-27-1813, d. 4-23-1888. 155 Yeamans -\Ioon Gillingham, b. 11-25-1817, d. 8-11-1885. 60 Joseph Gillingham," born 8th mo. 3, 1780, in Solebury township, Bucks county. Pa., died May 3, 1867, at 1235 Spring Garden street, Philadelphia ; buried at Laurel Hill. Married, at Buckingham Meeting, April 14, 1802, Rebecca Harrold (bom 3d mo. 19, 1783, died March 10, 1871), daughter of Samuel Harrold and Rachel Carver* (w'ho were married at Buckingham IMeeting nth mo. 10, 1779, and lived in Bucks county). Joseph Gillingham was a merchant in Philadelphia, ♦Samuel Harrold was born in Normandy, France, went to Holland and be- came a lieutenant under William of Orange, afterward William HI of England; was wounded at the Battle of the Boyne, and afterward settled in Ireland and became a linen manufacturer. His son, William Harrold, "married Isabella Elliott, also of Norman descent. Their son, Samuel Harrold II, was born in the province of Ulster, County Cavan, Ireland, in 1728, came to America about 1748 and married Elizabeth Russell; had several children. She died 5th mo. 15, 1777, and he married, second, Rachel Smith Carver, widow of Henry Carver, of Bucks county, and daughter of William Smith and Rebecca Willson. William Smith was born in Pennsylvania nth mo. 2, 1697, was coroner of Bucks county, t74<) to 1751, and member of the Assembly from 1753 to 1765. He was son of William Smith, of Yorkshire, Eng., who arrived in the Delaware river 7th mo. 28, 1682, in the ship " Friends Adventure." Married, 9th mo. 20, 1690, at house of John Chapman, Mary Croasdale, born 8th mo. 31 , 1669 (daughter of Thomas Croasdale and Agnes Hathornthwaite, of Yorkshire, Eng. See Pennsylvania Archives, Vol. XIX, page 255). It was as witness to this marriage of William Smith and Mary Croasdale in 1690 we find the name of Yeamans Gillingham, our first ancestor. 18 and lived at 65 Market street (now No. 223, and the National State Bank of Camden occupies the premises). He afterward bought a country place near Holmesburg, called "Belleview," leaving there in 1839 to live at Frankford, what is now No. 4419 Frankford avenue, opposite the Philadelphia and Reading depot, which house stood on part of the original purchase of his great-grandfather, Yeamans Gillinghani. In January, 1844, he moved to Twelfth street, Philadelphia; afterward to 1235 Spring Garden street, where he lived until his death, in 1867. This house is still occupie/d J)y^ome of his children. He was one of the pioneers, wi w jS&epft" White and others, in Ihe i.ii^roduction of anthracite coal into commerce and, with ctJ^^^^ White, sold to the city of Philadelphia the water power of the Schuylkill river for the use of the Fairmount Water Works in 1819. Children: 156 Rachel Harrold Gillingham, b. 4-8-1803. d. 6-24-1803. 157 Samuel Harrold Gillingham, b. 7-31- 1804, d. 2- 10- 1854. 158 Mary Ann Gillingham, b. 7-30-1806, d. 8-3-1807. 159 Anna Gillingham, b. 12-5-1807. 160 Emmaline Gillingham, b. 11-11-1809, d. 1-23-1877. 161 Elizabeth Gillingham, b. 12-20-1811, d. 10-12-1879, vmmd. 162 Rebecca Harrold Gillingham, b. 11-12-1813, d. 6-15-1888, unmd. 163 Josephine Gillingham, b. 3-3-1816, d. 4-13-1S17. 164 Joseph Harrold Gillingham, b. 8-18-1818, d. 4-7-1900, at Philadelphia, int., 4-10-1900, Laurel Hill. 165 Catharine Gillingham, b. 11-20-1820, unmd. 166 Frances Gillingham, b. 7-2-1823, d. 2-22-1894, int., 2-26- 1894, at Laurel Hill. 167 Caroline Gillingham, b. 9-17-1825. unmd. 61 Mahlon Gilling^ham,-^ born 7th mo. 27. 1782, in Solebury township, Bucks county, died December 8, 1873 ; marrier, at Stony Brook Meeting, Princeton. N. J., October 6, i8c8, Susan Clarke (born 9th mo. 10, 1786, died October 4, 1851), daughter of Isaac and Mary L u ir i ^ e Clarke, of Princeton, N. J. Chil- dren :* o<er 7, 1847, ^t New Orleans, La.) Stacy lived in Frankford; afterward in New Orleans, La. Children: (Dates from Abington Records.) 178 Frances Gilligham, b. 6- 17- 1806, d. 6-27-1807. 179 Harper Gillingham, b. 8-10-1807. 180 Lewis H. Gillingham, b. 4-1-1809. d. 6-28-1846. 181 Mary Ann Gillingham, b. 7-25-1811. 182 Stacy Gillingham, b. 3-21-1813, d. 3-1-1846. 183 Henrietta Gillingham, b. 9-15-1814, d. 10-7-1891. 64 Martha Gillingham,'' born 1st mo. 4, 1765, died March 18, 1832 ; married, , Peter Blight, son of , a hatter by trade. Children: i84 Maria Blight. 185 Charles Blight. 186 James H. Blight. 187 Peter Blight. 188 Sarah Ann Blight. 189 William P. BHght. 66 James Gillingham,^ born 5th mo. 14, 1768, died January 22, 1833 ; married, , 1790, Sarah Baillie, daughter of Baillie. James was a hatter by trade, and Hved in Philadelphia. Children : 190 Mary Gillingham, b. 6- 30-1791. 191 James Gillingham, b. 11-11-1795, d- 7-17-1815, in France. 192 Esther Gillingham, b. 3- 17- 1798, d. 3- 10- 1883. 193 George W. Gillingham, b. 4-17-1800. 194 William Clifton Gillingham, b. 5-10-1802, d. 8-13-1825, at St. Francisville, La. 195 Henry Baillie Gillingham, b. 2- 16-1804. 196 Sarah Ann Gillingham, b. 2-10-1806, d. 1-18-1892. 197 Lewis Gillingham, b. 11-5-1808. 198 Elizabeth Waring Gillingham, b. 8-12-1810, d. 2-26-1813. 199 Charles Gillingham, b. 8-6-1812, d. 3-25-1813. 75 Thomas Gillingham,^ born 3d mo. i, 1769, in Bucks county, Pa. Went to Ohio about 1800 and settled on south fork of Yellow creek, where he owned a salt works. He afterward kept a hotel on the Steubenville road leading to New Lisbon, Ohio. His children were: 199a Nancy Gillingham, mar. John Ewing, a farmer, had several children, some in Wisconsin and some in Minnesota. 199b Joseph Gillingham, a cabinet maker, mar. Dun- bar, had four children, James and Thomas, and two others, names unknown. 21 199^^ Harvey Gillingham, fanner, mar. Polly Ewing. I99d Lydia Gillinghanij who died in Wisconsin, mar. Wil- liam Milner, had several children, said to have lived in Wisconsin. I99e Samuel Gillingham, a merchant, lived in Wellersville, afterward at Leading creek, near Pomeroy, mar. Charlotte Heartley; he died March, 1840, aged about 40 years. His children were: 1 Harvey, who had two daughters and one son, John T., who lived in Dallas, Texas. 2 John, who died 1864, from disease contracted in the army. 3 Frances, who mar. Col. A. S. Ramsaj', and had one daughter, Mar3\ 4 Samuel M., b. 1839, was proprietor of "Wyandot Coun- ty Times," at Carey, Ohio, in 1879. and five others. igpf Hannah Gillingham, mar. Alfred Messick, a farmer, lived near Rockford, 111., had several children. I99g Fannie Gillingham, mar. Benjamin Marshall, a farmer, lived in Wisconsin, had children. I99h Betsy Gillingham, mar. John Marshall, farmer, lived in Wisconsin. 199J Maria, Gillingham, mar. James Marshall, a merchant, had children. 76 Mary Gillingham,^ born nth nio. 21, 1770, died June 24, iSii ; married, at Falls Meeting, Buck.s county, Pa., nth mo. 17, 1790, James Moon (born 6th mo. 7, 1758), of Lower Make- field township, Bucks county, Pa., son of James Moon and Sarah Dowdney. Children: 200 Joseph Moon, b. 7-21-1791. 201 Samuel Moon, b. 1-29-1793, d. 5-1-1817. 202 Sarah Moon, b. 1-27-1795, lived at Waynesville, Ohio. 203 James Moon, b. 4-4-1797. 204 Mahlon Moon, b. 10-1-1799, lived at Waynesville, Ohio. 205 John Moon, b. 10-14-1801. 206 Eliza Ann Moon, b. 8-13-1803, d. 10-10-1815. 207 Mary Moon, b. 12-17-1805. 208 William Moon, b. 12-10-1808. 77 Ann Gillingham," born ist mo. 29, 1773, died , 1843; married ist mo. 7, 1791, George Brearley. Children: 2og Samuel Brearley, b. 1792. 210 James Brearley. 211 Esther Brearley. 212 Harvey Brearley, b. 8-29-1798. 213 William Brearley, b. 11-30-1801. 214 Mary Ann Brearley, d. unmd. 1883, at Trenton, N. J. 215 Joseph GiUingham Brearley, b. 3 — 1808. 216 Stephen J. Brearley. 217 Juliet Brearley, d. unmd. 1863. 218 Elizabeth Brearley, d. young. 79 Elizabeth GiUingham,'' born 4th mo. 12, 1778, died ; married David Swain (born 4th mo. 11, 1778), son of Abraham Swain and Sarah Woolston. Lived at Bristol, Pa. Children: 219 Sarah Swain, b. 11-2-1801. 220 Harvey Swain. 221 Evelina Swain. 222 Joseph Swain, d. unmd. 80 Joseph GiUingham,^ born 4th mo. 12, 1778, in Bucks county, Pa. Lived in New Lisbon, Ohio ; was treasurer of Columbiana county for several terms. Married twice : First, Kate Watson, had one daughter ; second marriage, Ellen Mc- Affee. Children : 222a Ellen GiUingham, mar. Scott. 222b Elizabeth GiUingham, mar. Jacob Crislep, lived in Wheeling, W. Va. 222c Catharine GiUingham, mar. George McFadden, lived in Portsmouth, Ohio. 222d Hattie GiUingham, mar. H. Minton, lived at Wooster, Ohio. 23 222t James Gillingham, lived in McConnellsville, Ohio. 222I Milton Gillingham, never married, lived in Gallipolis, Ohio. 222g Mary Ann Gillingham, mar. George Thatcher, lived in Pueblo, Col. 81 John Gillingham,-' born 10th mo. 21, 1780, in Bucks county. Pa. Settled in JSalem, Ohio. Children were : Mary Gillingham. Charles Gillingham. Hannah Gillingham. John Gillingham. Phineas Gillingham. Elizabeth Gillingham. 82 William Gillingham,^ born 4th mo. t6, 1783, died March 13, 1861; married, at Middletown Meeting, Pa., October 11, 1804, Mary Buckman (born 12th mo. 13, 1785, died September 2y, 1809), daughter of Benjamin Buckman and Ann Janney,* of Middletown township Bucks county. Pa. William married, second time, , 18 10. Phebe Buckman (born 10th mo. 20, 1789), his sister-in-law. He lived in Frankford, Philadelphia; afterward in Morrisvillc, i\a., and later in Baltimore. Chil- dren : 22^ Ann Eliza Gillingham, b. 10-31- 1805. 224 Mary P. Gillingham, b. 12-24-1807. 225 Sarah B. Gillingham. b. 8-30- 181 1. 226 William B. Gillingham, b. 8-30-1813. 227 Adaline M. Gillingham, b. 5-28- 1816. 228 Elvira Milnor Gillingham. b. 7-9-1818. mar. George Al- bertson. lived at Trenton, N. J. 229 Joseph C. Gillingham, b. 10-13-1820. 230 Phebe Ann Gillingham. b. 3-20-1823. d. single. *Some data of descendants from "Janney Genealogy," published 1868. 24 83 Harvey Gillingham,^ born loth mo. 6, 1785, died February 13, 1851; married, at Falls Meeting, March 20, 181 1, Elvira Milnor (born 7th mo. 27, 1792, died January 14, 1831), daughter of Mahlon Milnor and Phebe Merrick, of Falls, Pa. Harvey married second time Harriett Milnor Mitchell, widow of Jonathan Mitchell, and lived in Fallsington, Pa. Children : 231 Elizabeth Gillingham, b. 6-19-1812, d. 8-16-1820. 232 Ann Gillingham, b. 1815. 233 Rachel Gillingham, b. 9-21-1817, mar. Conover, one child, Harvey Gillingham Conover. 234 Phebe Milnor Gillingham, b. 7-18-1821. 235 Elvira Milnor Gillingham, b. 3-31-1824; no other record. 236 Martha Gillingham, mar. Compton; no other record. 90 John Gillingham,* born 3d mo. 31, 1787. died ; mar- ried, September 24, 18 14, Mary TJpdegraff, of York, Pa. Lived in Maryland. 237 Hannah Gillingham. 238 Mary Gillingham. 91 William Gillingham,* born nth mo. 30, 1788, died August 14, 1849, in Kentucky; married, March 18, 1812, in Friends Meeting, Lombard street, Baltimore, Jane McPherson, of Baltimore, daughter of Isaac McPherson. Records from family Bible of Mrs. Catharine Selden (No. 242), Denver, Col. Children: 239 James Gillingham. b. 12-7-1812. 240 Isaac Gillingham, b. 9-18-1814, d. 9-14-1827. 240a John Gillingham, b. 12-17-1816, d. 10-16-1823. 240b Richard Gillingham, b. 8-28-1818, d. 2-1-1822. 241 Elizabeth Gillingham, b. 8-29-1820, mar. Harper Gilling- ham, No. 179; see his record. 242 Catharine Gillingham, b. 9-26-i8.'22. 243 Esther Gillingham, b. 6-23-1825. 244 Anna Gillingham, b. 2-24-1828, d. 11-4-1851. 245 Sarah Gillingham, b. 1-11-1831, d. 10-8-1851. 25 92 George Gillingham/ born loth mo. 4, 1790, in Baltimore, died , 1844; married, September 18, 181 1, Miriam James, of Baltimore, daughter of Amos James. Children: 246 Amos James Gillingham, b. 12-25-1812. 247 Elizabeth Gillingham. b. 12-31-1814. 248 Edward Gillingham, b. 4-14-1816. 249 Ezra Gillingham, b. 6-21-1818; no other record. 250 Rachel Gillingham, b. 1-20-1820. mar. Dr. Henry W. Gross, of Baltimore; no other record. 251 Ann Gillingham, b. 11-13-1821. 252 Lucy Gillingham, b. 6-23-1823. 253 Susannah Gillingham, b. 6-22-1826, d. childhood. 254 George Gillingham, b. 1828. 95 Elizabeth Gillingham,' born nth mo. 21, 1784, died June 28, 1868; married, May 10, 1809, William Watson (born loth mo. 25, 1781, died November 30, 1865), son of John and Alary Watson, of Buckingham. Lived in Mechanicsville, Bucks county. Pa. Children: 255 Samuel Gillingham Watson, b. 4-1-1810. 256 Jenks Watson, b. Ii-i7-i3ii, d. 10-19-1813. 257 Margaret Jenks Watson, b. 8-23- 1814, d. 6-25-1835. 258 Mary Watson, b. 4-17-1817. 259 Henry Watson, b. 12-17-1819. 260 Elizabeth Watson, b. 6-27-1822, d. 4-13-1861. 261 Sarah Watson, b. 10-23-1825. 96 William Gillingham,* born 9th mo. 20, 1786, died July 17, 1850; married, Octol)cr t8, 1809, Hannah Watson, daughter of John Watson and Mary , of Buckingham. Chil- dren: 263 Mary Watson Gillingham, b. 1-5-1811. 263 George S. Gillingham, b. 10-3-1812, d. 7-13-1822. 264 Margaret Jenks Gi'''np:ham, b. 5-2-1814. 26 Hannah W. Gillingham died in 1814. William again married, , 18 15, Willieaim Stoey. Children: 265 Charles Gillingham, b. 5-6-1816. 266 John Watson Gillingham, b. 10-4-1818. 267 Elizabeth Gillingham, b. 7- 19- 1820, d. 11 -27- 1820. 268 Edward Gilingham, b. 8-20-1822. 97 Jonathan Gillingham/ born 6th mo. 3, 1788, a prominent iron merchant in Philadelphia; married, November 2, 1813, at Buckingham Meeting, Phebe Ware (born ist mo. 6, 1792, died July 26, 1857), daughter of John Ware and Catharine Titus, of Philadelphia, who were married 6th mo. 16, 1779. Jonathan Gillingham lived in Buckingham until 1822, where the first live children were born, when he moved to Jefferson county, New York state, and returned to Philadelphia in 1830, where he died March 30, 1872. Children: 269 Harriet Gillingham, b. 10-14-1814, mar. Charles H. Thorn, 2-5-1833, and had several children; lived in Philadelphia. 270 Samuel Gillingham, b. 6-ir-i8i6. 271 Sarah Gillingham, b. 7-26-1817. 272 William Jenks Gillingham, b. 2-5-1819. '21^ John Ware Gillingham, b. 4-16-1820. 274 Charlotte Ware Gillingham, b. 5-3-1822. 27s Clinton Gillingham, b. 2-1-1824. 276 Joseph Jenks Gillingham, b. 3-4-1826. 277 George Gillingham, b. 10-29-1830. 98 Joseph Gillingham/ born 9th mo. 20, 1793, died July 28, 1835, ^t Brownsville, N. Y.; married, February 10, 1831, Mary Moffatt. Lived at Brownsville, N. Y., and was buried there. One child: 278 Joseph Byron Gillingham, b. 12-24-1832, d. 5-12-1854. 27 99 Jenks Gillingham/ born 7th mo. 22. 1798, died December 28, 1870; married, April 4, 1828, Ann Eliza Smith, daughter of Joseph Smith, Jr., and Elizabeth Ely, of Bucks county. Went to live at Brownsville, N. Y., where he died and was buried; his wife died at Brownsville October 20, 1896, aged eighty- nine years. Children: 279 Joseph Smith Gillingham, b. 5-16-1830, d. 7-9-1830. 280 Hannah Ann Gillingham, b. 8-23-1832, deceased. 281 Charles Jenks Gillingham, b. 2-24-1834. 282 Samuel Gillingham, b. 8-18-1840. 283 William Watson Gillingham, b. 1-5- 1842, mar. Emma Jackson, 6-1-1873; no issue. 284 Harriett Gillingham, b. 1-20- 1846. 285 Mary Gillingham, b. 1-19-1848, d. 4-18-1851. TOO Martha Preston Gillingham,* born June 6, 1788, died Jan- uary 17, 1844, at Lambertville, N. J.; married, February 13, 1806, Abraham D. Myers. Abraham went to live in Sonoma county, Cal., where he died December 25, 1872. Children: 286 John Gillingham Myers, b. 7-21-1816. 287 Mary Ann Dillan Myers, b. 1-24-1818. 288 Dillan Preston Myers, b. 10-11-1819. 289 Eastburn N. Myers, b. 5-1-1821. 290 Lawrence W. Myers, b. 8-24-1824. 291 Sarah Ann Sophia Myers, b. 6-22-1826, mar. John P. Rich, of Buckingham; at his death she mar. L. D. Latimer, of Windsor, Sonoma Co., Ca., where she lives. No issue. 292 Jackson R. Myers, b. 8-12-1828. lOI Jonathan Preston Gillingham,* born August 12, 1789, in Buckingham. Bucks county, Pa., died July 5, 1868; married, first, Phoebe Bean, 1813-4. One child: 293 Howard Gillingham, b. 8-13-1815. 28 Jonathan married, second time, Sarah Runk, July il, 1819. Children: 294 Margaret Ann Gillingham, b. 8-13-1820. 295 Elizabeth M. Gillingham, b. 8-6-1821, d. 9-18-1839. 296 Samuel R. Gillingham, b. 12-6-1822. 297 Albanus L. Gillingham, b. 10-16-1824. 298 S. Brock Gillingham, b. 12-3-1826, d. 10-4-1892. 299 Henry C. Gillingham, b. 7-13-1829. 300 Mary F. Gillingham, b. 8-22-1832, living at Hulmeville, Pa. 301 William R. Gillingham, b. 4-7-1836. 102 John Gillingham/ born March 12, 1791, died , 1854; married Mary Price, daughter of John Price, of Plum- stead township, Bucks county, Pa. Lived in Bucks county, Pa. Children : 302 Jane Price Gillingham. 303 Harriett Gillingham, mar. Darling Conrow, of Moores- town, N. J., had three children, all dead. 304 Elizabeth Gillingham, d. without issue. 305 Ann Gillingham, d. without issue. 306 Rebecca Gillingham, d. without issue. 307 Smith Price Gillingham, b. 10-23-1827. 308 Henry C. Gillingham, b. 7-6-1830. 309 John Gillingham, d. without issue. 310 Franklin Gillingham, d. without issue. 311 Mary Ellen Gillingham, d. without issue. 103 Anne Gillingham,* born September 12, 1792, died ; married, August 3, 18 19, Jonathan Beans. 104 Elizabeth Gillingham,* born July 13, 1794, died July 14, 1817; married, , Thomas Pickering. No other record. 2Q I05 William Preston Gillingham/ born August 25, 1796, died -, 1854; married Euphemia Closson, of Bucks county, Pa. (The following record was obtained from one not a mem- ber of this branch of the family, as records and information were repeatedly refused the writer by members.) Children: 312 Preston Gillinghani, d. 1892, mar. Crosscup, had twenty children, lived at Snnnyside, Pa. 313 Mary Ann Gillingham, mar. Alex. Mathews, and lived at Washington, Pa. 314 Martha Gillingham, mar. A. J. Neish, lived at Du- quesne, Pa. 315 Lina Gillingham, d. 4-22-1890. 316 David Gillingham. mar. Kate Bnrgen, lived at Webster, Pa. 317 Louis Gillingham, b. 1828, d. 1-31-1890, mar. Sara Jane Brubaker, had five sons and five daughters, one son, George, living at Pittsburg, Pa, 318 George Gillingham, d. 7 — 1894, mar. Jane Gibson. 319 Albert Gillingham. 108 Amos Gillingham,^ born August 21, 1801, died January r, 1865; married, November i, 1824, Hester Randolph. Chil- dren : 320 Amanda Myers Gillingham, b. 8-1-1825, d. 12 — 1855. 321 Nelson Gillingham, b. 5-12-1828, lived at Hoboken, N. J., had two children, Amanda and Susan. 322 Howard Gillingham, b. 1-12-1830, lived at Sag Harbor, L. I., had four children. ^23 Alfred Gillingham, b. 12-18-1834, lived at Youngstown, Ohio, mar. Eliza Black, had two children. 324 Alargaret Gillingham, b. 5-6-1842, d. 4-20-1861. 325 Henry Clay Gillingham, b. 11-10-1847. 326 Jennie Gillingham, died infancy. Ill Mary Ann Preston Gillingham,* born July 6, 1810, died October 12, 1874; married, October 17, 1835, Samuel Willett Doughty. Lived in Bucks county. Children: 327 William E. Doughty, b. 6-26-1836. 328 Caroline Gillingham Doughty, b. 4-15-1841, lives at Car- versville, Bucks Co., Pa. 112 Mary Gillingham,* born February 11, 1793, died July 5, 1867; married, first, November 10, 1813, William Fell, of Bucks county (born June 14, 1789, died March 11, 1818), son of Amos Fell and Elizabeth Jackson, of Buckingham. Chil- dren : 329 Phoebe Ann Fell, b. 11-21-1814. 330 Joseph Gillingham Fell, b. 11-14-1816. Mary Gillingham Fell married, second time, Dr. John Wilson, April 14, 1824, son of Thomas Wilson and Rachel . Children: 331 Elias Wilson. 332 Mary Wilson. 3SS Henry Wilson. 128 Samuel Gillingham,' born March 10, 1807, at Frankford, Philadelphia, died January 5, 1863; married, March 10, 1835, Rebecca Ann Shur (born November 20, 1818), of Philadelphia, daughter of Ezekiel wShur and Margaret Levering. (See "Levering Family History and Genealogy," 1898.) Chil- dren: 334 Sarah Ann Gillingham, b. 3-30-1836, d. 7-10-1841 in Roxborough. 335 James Wood Gillingham, b. 5-16-1838. 336 William Penn Gillingham. b. 9-2-1839, d. 3-31-1867, unmd. 33/ Walter Taylor Gillingham, b. 5-30-1841. 31 338 Sarah Wood Gillingham, b. 12-10-1842. 339 Edward Gillingham, b. 11-24-1844, d. 12-15-1863, unnid. 340 Samuel Gillingham, b. 7-13-1846, d. 9-14-1847. 341 Charles Levering Gillingham, b. 7-18-1848. 342 Samuel Shur Gillingham, b. 3-28-1850. 343 Thomas Wood Gillingham, b. 3-17-1852. d. 4-14-1857. 344 Harvey Gillingham, b. 3-11-1854. 345 Horace Bennett Gillingham, b. 8-28-1856. 129 Charles Gillingham,* born October 4, 1809, died May 2, 1893; married September 17, 1843, Sarah Ann Simpson, daughter of William Simpson and Elizabeth Weaver; she died July 30, 1874. Children: 346 Mary Wood Gillingham, b. 12-31-1844, d. 3-5-1847. 347 Phoebe Gillingham. b. 2-4-1846. d. 2-25-1847. 348 Elizabeth Weaver Gillingham. b. 7-31-1848, d. 6-3-1865. 349 Anna Gillingham, b. 7-26-1850, mar., 5-16-1878, Caleb J. Brinton, Jr., no issue, lives in Philadelphia. 350 William Weaver Gillingham, b. 12-6-1851. d. 12-12-1853. 351 Charles Wood Gillingham. b. 7-1 1-1853. 352 Cornelia Fraley Gillingham, b. 10-1-1855, d. 8-26-1856. 130 Elizabeth S. Gillingham,* born January 4, 1792, died Feb- ruary 3, 1863; married, December 7, 1813, at Frankford Meet- ing, Philadelphia, Samuel Armitage. Children: .^53 William Armitage, b. 9-23-1814. d. 1830. 354 Joseph D. Armitage, b. 3- 13-1816. Elizabeth S. G. Armitage married, second time, , Henry Storey. Children: 355 James Storey. 356 Ann Eliza Storey, b. 6-5-1827. 357 Thomas Gillingham Storey, b. 9 — 1828. 358 Mary Storey, b. 4-12-1830, d. 2 — 1883. 359 George Storey, b. 4 — 1832. 3^ 131 Rachel Moon Gillingham,* born February lo, 1793, died — ; married, , Buel Rowley, daughter of , Children: 360 Deborah Rowley. 361 Thomas Rowley. 362 James Rowley. S6s Lucy Ann Rowley. 364 Rebecca G. Rowley. 365 Electa Rowley. 366 William Rowley. 367 Nathan Rowley. 368 Clinton Rowley. 369 John Rowley. 133 Dr. William Hey wood Gillingham/ born May 18, 1796, died January i, 1863; married, , 1821, Hannah Schneider (born July 4, 1803, died November 24, 1890), daughter of John Schneider and Mary Beck. Record of first two children from Kennett Meeting, balance of information refused by members of family. Children: 370 Charles Heywood Gillingham, b. 8-7-1822, d. 11-22-1824. 371 Casper S. Gillingham, b. 4-14-1824. 372 Catharine Gillingham. 373 William Heywood Gillingham. 374 Elizabeth Gillingham, mar. J. Howard Taylor. 375 Lanthe Gillingham. 376 Ella Maria Gillingham. 136 Yeamans Canby Gillingham/ born January 10, 1803, died January 7, 1853; married, September 12, 1822, Lydia B. Porter. Children: 377 Robert Porter Gillingham, b. 6-5-1823. 378 Thomas W. Gillingham, b. 9-28-1824, d. 4-10-1843. 37g Lucy Ann Porter Gillingham, b. 4-28-1827, lives at Bev- erly, N. J. 33 380 Martha T Gillingham, b. 5- 12- 1830. 381 James Porter Gillingham, li. 8-S-1832. 382 Yeamans Canby Gillingham, Jr., b. 1-25-1834, d. 4-15- 1837. 383 Henry D. Gillingham, b. 4-12-1836. d. 9-12-1837. 384 Gulielma M. Gillingham, b. 9-12-1838. 385 Lydia Ann Porter Gillingham, b. 8-4-1842, d> 4-16-1877. 386 William Yeamans Gillingham, b. 12-24-1845, d. 12-25- 1849- Ruth Preston Gillingham,'' born June 15, 1805, died July 23, 1882; married, October 28, 1830, William T. Brings. Chil- dren: 387 Edwin Briggs, b. 10 — 1831, d. 10 — 1831. 388 Albert Gillingham Briggs, b. 8-30-1832. 389 Elizabeth H. Briggs, b. 11-25-1834. 390 Theodore L. Briggs, b. 7-1-1836. 147 Lucas Gillingham,* born October 14, 181 1, died Marcli 28, 1872; married. May 17, 1835, Elizabeth Jane Tyson (born January 2, 1810, died November 6, 1850), daughter of Jona- than Tyson and Rachel Jones, who were married May 17, 1796.* Children: 391 Theodore Tyson Gillingham, b. 1-11-1836. 392 Emma Jane Gillingham, b. 8-18-1838. 393 Elhvood William Gillingham, b. 6-28-1840, d. 3-21-1841. 394 Elhvood William Gillingham, b. 7-31-1842. 395 Ellen Roberts Gillingham, b. 8-25-1845. 396 Charles Clarkson Gillingham, b. 7-6-1848. d. 5-17 1849. 397 Lydia Elizabeth Gillingham, b. 9- 18-1850, lived in Chi- *Jonathan Tyson, son of James and Sarah Tyson, born August 11, 1773. Rachel Jones, daughter of Jonathan and Hannah Jones, born June 20, 1776, died August 9, 1832. — Famil}' Record. 34 149 Hannah Gillingham,* born June i8, 1804, died August 6, 1876; married, May 11, 1837, Daniel Leeds, who died March 16, 1867. Children: 398 Lindley M. Leeds, b. g-17-1840, d. 5-20-1856. 399 Davis Leeds, b. 1-22-1842, d. 8-16-1873. 400 Hannah Leeds, b. 12-15-1843. 150 Sidney Gillingham,* born ; married, November 3, 1833, Samuel W. Griscom. Children: 401 Samuel W. Griscom, b. 8-19-1835. 402 George Lewis Griscom, b. 4-6-1837. 403 El wood Griscom, b. 2-5-1839. 404 Yeamans Griscom, b. 4-16-1840. 405 Sarah Lewis Griscom, 12- 19- 1842. 406 Nancy Stewart Griscom, b. 4-9-1845. 407 Mark Stewart Griscom, b. 7-9-1848. Chalkley Gillingham, * born at Frankford, Philadelphia, October 19, 1807, died January 22, 1881 ; married, April 18, 1833, Keziah Warrington, daughter of Benjamin Warrington* and Hannah Thompson. f Chalkley Gillingham lived near Moorestown, N. J., until 1846, when he purchased "Wood- lawn," part of the Mount Vernon estate, near Accotink P. O., Va., and moved his family there, where he lived until his death in 1881 ; buried in the Friends' Meeting grounds at Woodlawn, Va. "Woodlawn" was originally a tract of 2000 acres, known as the "Dogue Run Farm," which Washington left to his niece, Nellie Custis, and Major Lawrence Lewis; their son, Lorenzo Lewis, sold the property to Chalkley and •Benjamin Warrington was born on the farm of his grandfather (Henry War- rington), near Moorestown, N. J. tHannah Thompson, daughter of John Thompson, who carried on a pottery business in neighborhood of Fourth and Race streets, Philadelphia. He was a friend of General George Washington, who visited at his house. — Family Records. 35 Joseph Gillingham; the name of "Woodlawn" was given the place by Major Lewis. He took an active interest in family records, and to his care and research the writer is indebted for many of these records. Children: 408 Warrington Gillingham, b. 8-9-1834. 409 Yeamans Gillingham, b. 12-3-1837, d. 4-25-1843. 410 Hannah W. Gillingham, b. 9-17-1839- 411 Lewis Gillingham, b. 1-16-1842. Ann Lewis Gillingham/ born August 11, 1809, died March, 22, 1884; married, November 2, 1843, under the aus- pices of Wrightstown Meeting, Pa., Edmund S. Atkinson (born September 22, 1808), son of Timothy Atkinson and Deborah Smith. He lived at Wrightstown, Bucks county, Pa. (Ed- mund S. Atkinson was first married, November 16, 183 1, to Ruth Simpson, daughter of John Simpson and Elizabeth Blackfan, and had three children: Robert, Thomas Ogborn and John Simpson.) Children: 412 Ann Lewis Atkinson, Jr., 9-28-1844, d. 9-28-1844. 413 Deborah Atkinson, b. 7-13-1846, d. 2-13-1847. 414 George Gillingham Atkinson, b. 12-13-1847. 415 Sarah Elizabeth Atkinson, b. 5-1-1850, living at Penns Park, Bucks Co., Pa. 416 Lewis Atkinson, b. 7-4-1852, d. 3-24-1873, in Muscogee, Indian territory. George Lewis Gillingham,* born September 5. 181 1, died May 10, 1880; married. May 23, 1849, Elizabeth Lippincott, of Moorestown. Children: 417 Eliza Gillingham, b. 6-16-1850. 418 Benjamin Hewlings Gillingham, b. 3-5-1852. 419 George Lewis Gillingham, b. 1-9-1855. 420 Mary Elizabeth Gillingham, b. 1-11-1857. 36 154 Eliza Gillingham,-* born October 27, 1813, died April 22, 1888; married, May 9, 1849, Thomas T. Williams, of Long Branch. Children: 421 George Lewis Williams, b. 1-7-1852, d. 3-1-1854; and one son died unnamed. Yeamans Moon Gillingham,^ born November 25, 18 17, died August 11, 1885; married, October 31, 1844, Deborah Passmore Williams, daughter of Samuel Williams and Deb- orah Passmore (see the "Sharpless Genealogy"). Yeamans lived in Philadelphia, was a wool merchant with James Mott and retired in 1850, and moved to Moorestown, N. J., where he lived until the time of his death. One child : 422 Aubrey Howard Gillingham, b. 9-30-1850, mar., 10-15- 1885, Anna H. Wright, daughter of Edward T. Wright, of Germantown, Philadelphia; lives in Ger- mantown. Samuel Harrold Gillingham,** born July 31, 1804, died at Philadelphia February 10, 1854; he first married, December 7, 1826, at Frankford Meeting, Lucy Lewis Eddy (born May 10, 1803, died September i, 1836), (the ninth child of George Eddy and Hester Lewis, of Philadelphia, and granddaughter of Ellis Lewis and his second wife, Mary Deshler, of Philadel- phia. Ellis Lewis was a descendant of the Nannau family, of Merionethshire, Wales, and from Nathaniel Newlin, of Chester county, Pa., a member of the Assembly, son of Nicholas Newlin, Provincial Councillor of Pennsylvania, i685.)t Children: *S. H. Gillingham was fifth in descent from Robert Lucas, in Penna., 1682, member of Assembly, 1682, 1683, 1687 and 1688; fifth ''n descent from Thomas Croasdale, in Penna., 1682, came from New Hay, Yorkshire, Eng. ; fifth in descent from Henry Baker, in Penna., 1684, member of Assembly, 1685, 1687, 1688, 1689 and 169S ; fourth in descent from Thomas Canby, in Penna., 1683, member of Assembly, 1721, 1722, 1730, 1733 and 1738; fourth in descent from Stephen Wilson, in Penna., 1692; fourth in descent from William Smith, in Penna., 1682, member of Assembly, 1753 to 1765. fSee "Merion in the Welsh Tract," Glenn, page 240. 37 423 Frances Eddy Gillingham, b. 10-4- 1827. 424 Harrold Gillingham, b. 9-15-1828, d. 9-4-1829. 425 Rebecca Harrold Gillingham ,b. 9 — 1829, d. infancy. 426 Joseph Eddy Gillingham, b. 7-6-1830. 427 Lucy Eddy Gillingham, b. 9-8-1831, d. u-9-1832. 428 Lewis Eddy Gillingham, b. 5-17-1833, d. infancy. 429 George Eddy Gillingham, b. 4 — 1835, d. infancy. 430 Lewis Harrold Gillingham, b. 7-3-1836. Samuel Harrold Gillingham married, second time, June 30, 1839 (at the house of Mr. Buck, on Sixth street, opposite Spring Garden street, Philadelphia, by the Rev. J. Gordon Maxwell), Louisa M. Hubbs, widow, daughter of John Stitcher and Sallie Clemens. One child: 431 Frank Clemens Gillingham, b. 4-14- 1840. Anna Gillingham,* born December 5, 1807, died July 21, 1869; married at her father's house, "Bellevue," near Holmes- burg, Philadelphia, by Rev. George Sheets, December 12, 1833, John Ferris Gilpin (born November 11, 1796, died October 22, 1888), son of Edward Gilpin and Lydia Grubb. (John F. Gilpin's first wife was Mary Levering.) Lived in Philadelphia. Children : 432 Rebecca Harrold Gilpin, b. 3-21-1834. 433 George Gilpin, b. 12-21-1838. 160 Emmaline Gillingham,* born November 11, 1809, died in Virginia January 23, 1877; married, October 13, 1842, Dil- worth Buckman. Lived in Fox Chase, Philadelphia, and on March 9, 1852, moved to Accotink, Va., where she died Children: 434 Emmaline Buckman, b. 10-13-1843, d. infancy. 435 Anna Frances Buckman, b. 2-2-1845, d. 5-2-1847. 436 Caroline L. Buckman, b. 1-31-1849, single. 437 Samuel Harrold Buckman, b. 1-6-1855. 38 179 Harper Gillingham,* born August lo, 1807, died June -, 1861; married, May 17, 1842, Elizabeth Gillmgham (No. 241), daughter of William Gillingham and Jane Mc- Pherson, of Baltimore. Elizabeth born August 29, 1820, died July 19, 1852, in New Orleans, La., of cholera. Children: 438 Helen Hoffman Gillingham, b. 1-11-1844. 181 Mary Ann Gillingham,'* born July 25, 181 1, died October 10, 1888; married John D. Marsh. No issue. 184 Maria Blight,* born -, died ; married George Blight, her cousin. Children : (Family Record.) 439 George Blight, b. 1818, mar. Hannah Smith. 440 Charles Blight, b. 1821. 441 Robert Barry Blight, b. i8ig. 442 Emily Blight, b. 1823, mar. Dr. Charles Carter. 443 Henry Blight, b. 1825. 444 Ellen Blight, b. 1827, mar. Maj. W. V. Palmer, U. S. A., and Gen. John G. Park, U. S. A. 445 Sarah Anne Blight, b. 1830, mar. Lieut. Richard H. Rush. 446 Maria Blight, mar. Madison Rush. \ 447 Atherton Blight, b. 1834, mar. Nina Greenough. \ \ 185 \ 'Charles Blight,* born , died ; married, Julia Fulton, daughter of . Children : 448 Julia Blight, b. 1832, d. childhood. 449 Charles F. Blight , b. 1834, mar. Sally Hancock. 450 Mary Blight, mar. John McCrea. 451 Fulton Blight, b. 1840. 39 Mary Gillingham/ l)orn June 30. 1791, died November 15, 1849; married. September 2, 1818, John Hardwick. Children: 452 Mary Ann Hardwick, b. 6-4-1823, mar. No. 467, Henry D. Gillingham. 453 Sarah Elizabeth Hardwick. b. 2-26-1825. 454 Charles Hardwick. b. 6-30-1831. 193 George W. Gillingham,* born April 17, 1800, died Decem- ber I, 1864; married, January 2, 1823, Maria Doman, she died November 16, 1865. Children: 455 James Gillingham, b. 11-18-1823, d. 3-20-1844. 456 William C. Gillingham. b. 11 -25- 1825. 457 Catharine Rapp Gillingham, b. 12-8-1827, d. 11-25-1845. 458 Anna Maria Gillingham. b. 6-20-1830. 459 Maria Gillingham, b. 9 — 1831. 460 George W. Gillingham, Jr.. b. 8-8-1832, d. 5-3-1876, mar. Mary Idelar, no issue. 461 Sarah Gillingham, b. 5 — 1834. 462 John Doman Gillingham, b. 11-12-1835. 463 Caroline E. Gillingham, b. 11-1-1839. 464 Josephine Gillingham, b 3.-10-1841, d. 5 — 1841. 465 Catharine R. Gillingham, b. 3-1-1846, d. 9 — 1846. Henry Baillie Gillingham/ born February 16, 1804, died August 25, 1882; married, November 13, 1825, Sarah Rich, who died July 6, i860. A hatter by trade. Lived and died in Philadelphia. Children : 466 William Clifton Gillingham, b. 9-1-1826, mar. Ellen Thomas, no issue. 467 Henry Dubosq Gillingham, b. 3-1-1828, d. 5-23-1869 mar. Mary Ann Hardwick, No. 452, his first cousin, no issue. 468 George Washington Gillingham, b. 12-8-1829. 40 469 James Gillingham, b. 11-30-1831, d. 1-29- 1900, mar., 7-28- 1864, Elizabeth Kane, no issue, lived at 1604 S. 4th St., Philadelphia. 470 Elizabeth Rich Gillingham, b. 10-15-1833. 471 Lewis Gillingham, b. 10-8-1835. 472 Sarah Anna Gillingham, b. 7-28-1837, d. 11-6-1873, niar. 4-10-1862, Edward Cowden, no issue. 473 Maria Louisa Gillingham, b. 5-9-1839, d. 1-17-1840. 474 Esther GilHngham, b. 9-5-1840, d. 1-27-1843. 475 Emma Matilda Gillingham, b. 11-6-1842, d. 11-14-1888. 476 Thomas Connor Gillingham, b. 5-30-1845, d. 4- 18-1899, lived at 1801 Christian st., Philadelphia. 197 Lewis Gillingham/ born November 5, 1808, died Septem- ber 13, 1870; married, June 2, 1833, Margaret Thornton. Lived in Philadelphia. Children: 477 Charles Wood Gillingham, b. 3-20-1834, d. 8-8-1852. 478 Margaret Thornton Gillingham, b. 2-7-1836. 479 Robert Gillingham, b. 2-6-1838, d. 7-5-1838. 480 Albert B. Gillingham, b. 2-6-1841. 481 Edward Augustus Gillingham, b. 11-27-1842, d. 8-24-1843. 482 Anne Gillingham, b. 5-8-1845. 209 Samuel Brearley/ born , 1792, died May 27, 1848, at Trenton, N. J.; married, first, to Elizabeth Smith, March 2, 1814; second, to Sarah Smith, December 16, 1818; third, to Mary Ann Smith, October 14, 1830. Children: 483 Eliza Ann Brearley, b. 12-11-1814. 484 Jane Brearley, d. infancy. 485 Theodosia Brearley, d. infancy. 486 William A. Brearley, b. 10-8-1S21. 487 Amanda H. Brearley, d. infancy. 41 210 James Brearley/ born , 1795, died , 1855; married Mehitable Smith. Children: 488 Elizabeth Brearley, b. 10-14-1820. 489 Charles Brearley, b. 11-4-1822. 490 Caroline Brearley, b. 2-23-1825. 491 George Brearley, b. 6-30-1828. 492 Sarah S. Brearley, b. 9-11-1834. 212 Harvey Brearley/ born August 29, 1798, at Lawrence- ville, N. J., died September 12, i860, at Ewingsville, N. J.; married, , 1831, Ann C. Moore, who died at Trenton, N. J., May 30, 1885. Children: 493 Edward P. Brearley, b. 11-27-1832. 494 Mary E. Brearley, b. 2-12-1834, at Lawrenceville, N. J., mar., 2-3-1858, James W. Smith, lived in Trenton, N. J., three children. 495 Louisa A. Brearley, b. 10-22-1835. 496 Anna M. Brearley. b. 7-1-1838, at Lawrenceville, N. J., lived in Denver, Col., in 1886. 497 Harvey G. Brearley, b. 12-31-1839. 213 William Brearley,^ born November 30, 1801, at Law- renceville, N. J- Graduated at Princeton College and Theo- logical Seminary, and preached in South Carolina for fifty years. He married, December 19, 1829, at Sumpter, S. C, Jane English, and he died at Mayesville, S. C, January 9, 1882. Children: 498 Robert AL Brearley, b. 10-18-1832, at Winnsboro, S. C, d., unmd., 4-22-1856, at Columbia, S. C. 499 Henry Martyn Brearley, b. 9-21-1834, at Winnsboro, S. C, mar. Mary Rogers, 10-6-1874, at Marlboro, S. C, lived at Shoe Heel, N. C. ; no children. 500 Elizabeth W. Brearley, b. 4-17-1840, at Winnsboro, S. C, lived at Mayesville, S. C. 42 510 James W. Brearley, b. 8-29-1842, at Darlington, S. C, d., unmd., at Richmond, Va., 7-28-1864. 511 George D. Brearley, b. 2-1-1849, at Darlington, S. C, mar., 10-15-1883, at Mayesville, S. C, Mary C. La Costa, no issue. 512 William Brearley, Jr., b. 11-17-1852, at Darlington, S. C, mar., at Mayesville, S. C, 12-12-1878, Ann English, one child, James W. Brearley, b. 9- 10- 1879, lived at . Mayesville, S. C. 513 Archibald A. Brearley, b. 10-4-1854, at Darlington, S. C, mar., 1 1-9-1882, Tenie Montgomery, resides at Mayes- ville, S. C. 215 Joseph Gillingham Brearley,* born in Lawrence ville, N. J., March , 1808, died in Trenton, N. J., August 23, 1874; married, March , 1839, Catharine Lalor, who died in Germantown, at residence of her daughter, Mrs. Robert P. Molten, 1896. Joseph G. Brearly was at one time Mayor of Trenton, N. J., and the head of a large wholesale hardware firm, and prominently connected with church, banking and social affairs. Children: 514 Anderson Brearley, b. 1840. 515 Alice L. Brearley, b. 4-30-1860. 216 Stephen J. Brearley,* born , died , in Law- renceville, N. J.; married, first, to Cornelia Cooper, who died in 1859, aged forty-five years; second, to Sarah Ann Baker, April 30, 1863. Children: 516 Emmeline Brearley, mar., 12-3-1886, John L. Hendrick- son. lived in Trenton, N. J. 517 William Conover Brearley, lived near Trenton, had four children, Rosa, John, William C, Jr., and Julia. 518 Sarah Brearley, mar. Williams, lived at Hights- town, N. J. 519 Catharine Brearley, mar., 12-30-1874, William Mount, lives at Hightstown, N. J. 43 219 Sarah Swain,* born November 2, 1801, died March 14, 1832; married John Martin (born December 3, 1792, died September 16, 1866), son of William Martin and Susannah Bailey, of Philadelphia. Resided in Philadelphia. Children: 520 Elizabeth S. Martin, b. 8-15-1829. 220 Harvey Swain,* born , died ; married, , Mary Jones, and lived in Mobile, Ala. Children: 521 Mary Swain, mar. and lived in Meridian, Miss. 522 Alice Swain, mar. Hunter, and lived in Washing- ton, D. C. 523 Eva Swain, mar. Joseph S. Thomas, lived in Washing- ton, D. C. 524 Joseph Swain, mar. and lived in Mobile, Ala., one child, George Swain. 525 Alexander A. Swain. 223 Ann Eliza Gilling'hani,* born October 31, 1805, at Frank- ford, Philadelphia; married Enoch Lanning, of Philadelphia. Children: S25a William Lanning. 525b Enoch Lanning. S2SC James Lanning, lives in Philadelphia. 224 Mary P. Gillingham,* born December 24, 1807, at Mor- risville, Pa., died September 24, 1873; married, December 24, 1842, Robert Crozer (born July 21, 1809, died July 8, 1876), son of William Crozer and Mercy Williamson, of Penn's Manor, Pa. Lived at Morrisville, Pa. Children: 526 Enoch L. Crozer, b. 1-9-1846, mar. Debbie A. Moore, lived in Almeda, Cal., one child, William Crozer, b. 7- 18- 1872. 527 Ann Eliza Crozer, b. 3-24-1848, mar., 4-27-1881, David Lukens, son of Samuel and Eliza Lukens, of Morris- ville, Pa., one child, Cora Lukens, b. 7-23-1882, d. 3-28-1886. 44 225 Sarah B. Gillingham/ born August 30, 181 1; married John M. Howell. Lived at Morrisville, Pa. Children: 527a Elvira Howell. S27b Ella Howell. 527c Josephine Howell. 527d Richard Howell. 527e Martha Howell. 226 William B. Gillingham,* born August 30, 181 3, at Mor- risville, Pa., died January 26, i860; married, August 20, 1834, Maria M. Longstreth, daughter of Daniel Longstreth and Letitia Milnor, of Falsington, Pa.; Maria born May 14, 1814, died March 15, 1856. William married, second time, Sep- tember , 1857, Anna Brown, born December 31, 1821, died January 16, 1891. Lived in Falsington, Pa. Children: 528 Milnor Gillingham, b. 7-17-1836. 529 Benjamin Gillingham, b. 12-24-1837, d. 5- 14- 1842. 530 Mary Letitia Gillingham, b. 12-22-1839, lives at Falsing- ton, Pa. 531 Harvey Gillingham, b. 8-22-1841, d. 4-30-1842. 532 William H. Gillingham, b. 9-18-1843, d. 9-27-1848. 533 Anna Gillingham, b. 1-11-1846, d. 1848. 534 Robert Gillingham, b. 3-12-1848, d. 1848. 535 Anna M. Gillingham, b. 7-17-1850, mar., 8-9-1870, Pro- fessor David M. Sensering, live at Westchester, Pa., Normal School. 536 William B. Gillingham, b. 5-7-1853, d. 1-26-1876. 537 Joseph Gillingham, b. 3-15-1855, d. 1855. ] >• Twins. 538 Harvey Gillingham, b. 3-15-1855, d. 1855. J 539 Harvey Gillingham, b. 9-10-1858, d. 10-9-1886. 45 227 Adaline M. Gillingham/ born May 28, 1816, married, — , James Howell. Lived at Morrisville, Pa. Children: 539a William Gillingham Howell. 539b Phebe Howell. 539c Gerselam Howell. 539d Charles Howell. 539e Lewis Howell. 539f James Howell. 539g George Howell. 539h Ada Howell. 5391 George Howell. 539J James Howell. 229 Joseph C. Gillingham,* born October 13, 1820, died March 6, 1875; married, , 1845, Mary Ann Worthington, born August 30, 1822. Children: 540 Phoebe Gillingham, b. 9-10-1846, mar., 1868, L. P. Thompson, lived at Trenton, N. J. 541 Albert B. Gillingham, b. 2-20-1849. 542 William B. Gillingham, b. 8-6-1851, lived at Trenton, N.J. 543 Joseph Gillingham. b. 10-7-1854, d. 2-20-1857. 544 Jesse W. Gillingham, b. 8-5-1857, d. 8 -19-1858. I 3-19-1858. ( Twins. 545 Annie W. Gillingham, b. 8-5-1857, d. 8-1 546 Stephen B. Gillingham, b. 6-27-1859, d. 6-27-1859. 547 Jessie Fremont Gillingham, b. 8-28-1860, lived in Tren- ton, N. J, 548 Joseph Gillingham, b. I-27-1863, d. 7-26-1869. 549 Stephen Elwcll Gillingham, b. 2-3-1867, lived in Trenton, N.J. 232 Ann Gillingham,* born , 1815, died February i, 1837; married, March 7, 1832, Aaron Comfort. Children: 550 Elvira Comfort, b. 10-17-1832. 551 Emma Comfort, b. 3-15-1836, mar. Ira E. Walraven, of Philadelphia. 46 234 Phebe Milnor Gillingham,* born July i8, 1821, married John Thompson, son of Hector and Margaret Thompson, of Penn's Manor, Pa. Children: 552 Rosina Thompson, b. 6-5-1843, mar. Frazer, of New York city. 553 Anna G. Thompson, b. 3-18-1846. 554 Margaretta Thompson, b. 1-16-1849. 555 Elvira G. Thompson, b. 8-19-1852, mar. John Dorrance, of Bristol, Pa. 556 Hervey H. Thompson, b. 3-10-1858, mar., 1-26-1882, Laura Barber (daughter of Thomas Barber and Mal- vina Wright, of Wrightsville, Pa.), lives at Newark, N. J.; one child, Rose Frazer Thompson, b. 5-29-1883. 238 Mary Gillingham,"* born , died December , .1891 ; married, May 13, 1847, Henry Tyson, of Baltimore (born November 18, 1820, died September i, 1877), son of Nathan Tyson and Martha Ellicott. (See genealogy of Tyson family). Children: 557 Hannah Tyson, b. 3-3-1848. 558 Laura Tyson, b. 10-9-1849, d. 10-27-1850. 55Q Alice Tyson, b. 8-3-1851. 560 Margaret Gittings Tyson, b. 3-11-1853. 561 Estelle Tyson, b. 4-24-1861. 562 Mary Beatrice Tyson, b. 1-28-1865. 563 Martha Ellicott Tyson, b. 11-19-1867. 239 James Gillingham,^ born December 7, 1812, was a soldier in the Confederate Army, and died at Bayou Sara, La., of yellow fever, October 6, 1867, buried at Grace Church Ceme- tery, St. Francisville, La. 47 243 Esther Gillingham,'^ born June 23, 1825, married, , 1845, Charles Selden, an attorney at law, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Children: 564 Fannie Selden, mar. Bracken, living in Denver, Col. 564a Charles Selden, Jr.. living in Baltimore, and General Superintendent of Telegraph of B. and O. R. R. 246 Amos James Gillingham,'' born December 25, 1812, died -, 1852, at St. Louis; married, January , 1835, Re- becca Ann Stevenson (born June II, 181 5, died March 31, 1893), daughter of John Stevenson and Rebecca Evans. He lived in Baltimore, where he was a wholesale commission mer- chant. Children: 565 John Stevenson Gillingham, b. 10-8-1835, d. 7-27-1836. 566 George Oliver Gillingham, b. 7-23-1838. 567 Elmira Rebecca Gillingham, b. 10-13-1847. 247 Elizabeth Gillingham,^ born December 31, 1814. married, , 1837, James Myers, of Bahimore. Children: 568 Henry Myers. 569 Mary Myers. 570 George Gillingham Myers, mar. Mary Morrison, and had two children, Charles Myers and Mary Gilling- ham Myers. She mar. Lafayette Stoddard, of Cum- berland. Md., and had Tliomas, Elizabeth, James, Nellie, Jennie and Harry Stoddard. 248 Edward Gillingham,^ born April 14, 1816, died August 12, 1870; married, February 3, 1835, Catharine Barclay Raborg, daughter of Christopher and Ann Raborg, of Baltimore; Catharine B. G. born March 3, 1816, died June 19, 1894. Children : 571 George Gillingham, b. 2-23 1836, d. 8-27-1852, 572 Henry Raborg Gillingham, b. 8-19-1837. 573 Edward Ezra Gillingham, b. 8-11-1839, d. 12 — 1890. 574 Annie Reynolds Gillingham, b. 8-8-1841. 575 Christopher Raborg Gillingham, b. 1-2-1844. 576 Catharine Barclay Gillingham, b. 2-15-1846, d. 11-1-1861. 577 Deborah Robinson Gillingham, b. 1-29-1848, d. 3-4-1849. 578 William Raborg Gillingham, b. 2-9-1850. 579 Charles Curtiss Gillingham, b. 6-19-1852, d. 2-9-1875, 580 Julia Harvey Gillingham, b. 6-1-1855, d. 11-7-1860. 581 Emma M. Gillingham. 251 Ann Gillingham,^ born November 13, 1821 , married, June 18, 1845, Thomas Sewell, Jr., of Baltimore. Children: 582 Ann Gillingham Sewell, b. 1-31-1847. 583 Thomas Sewell, Jr., b. 3-1-1849. 584 George E. Sewell, b. 8-9-1850. 585 Isabella Sewell, b. 9-29-1851, d. 9-19-1854. 586 Walter Sewell, b. 9-30-1853. 587 Catharine B. Sewell, b. 12- 18- 1855. 588 Charles T. Sewell, b. 8-7-1859. 589 John T. Sewell, b. 6-28-1861, d. 8-30-1867. 590 Fannie H. Sewell, b. 6-2-1865. 252 Lucy Gillingham,^ born June 23, 1823, married, , Dr. E. R. Burneston, of Baltimore, lives at Woodland, Dor- chester county, Md. Children: 591 William N, Burneston 592 Matilda Burneston, 593 Lucy A. Burneston. 594 Nellie Burneston, 49 254 George Gillinghain,^ born , 1828, died July 21, 1859, at Golden Hill, Md.; married, July 26, 1849, Ann Eliza Wade, who died January 17, 1858. Children: 595 Miriam James Gillingham, b. 5-5-1850. 596 Richard Thomas Gillingham, b. 1852, lives in Bal- timore. 597 Cora Gillingham, b. 8-24-1853, mar., 12-5-1878, Raymond Shenton and lives at Golden Hill, Md. ; no issue. 598 George Hayward Gillingham, b. 5-21-1855. 255 Samuel Gillingham Watson,* born April i, 1810, died March 29, 1883; married, January 8, 1835, Sarah H. Thomas. Children : 599 Margaret Watson, b. 12-1-1835. 600 Jenks Gillingham Watson, b. 1-3-1838. 601 Alice A. Watson, b. 1-29-1844, d. 4-4-1892. 602 Anna Gilbert Watson, b. 7-10-1847. 603 Emmeline P. Watson, b. 8-6-1850. d. 1-8- 1854. 258 Mary Watson,** born April 17, 1817, died June 23, 1893; married, March 16, 1842, Joshua Fell (born February 22, 1814, died August 14, 1879), son of Jonathan Fell and Jane Buck- man, of Buckingham. Joshua and Mary Fell lived in Mechanicsville, Pa. Children: 604 Emma A. Fell. b. 10-11-1846, d. 1-10-1850. 605 Ada Fell, b. 12-28-1850. 606 Emma Fell, b. 9-30-1853, unmd., resides at Doylestown. 259 Henry Watson,^ born December 17, 1819, married, November 2, 1843, Emmaline P. Rich. Children: 607 John Rich Watson, b. 1-31-1850, d. 2-1-1850. 608 Caroline Watson, b. 10-10-1852. mar., 2-21-1878, Lewis D. Rich. 50 609 Martha Rich Watson, b. 7-25-1855, mar., 2-19-1880, James D. McNair, child, Henry Watson McNair, b. 1-31-1885. 610 Fannie Watson, b. 4-8-1858. 611 William Watson, b. 2-27-1862, mar., 12-5-1893, Caroline S. Bailey, child, Edward Blackfan Watson, b. 9-4-1894. 262 Mary Watson Gillingham,^ born January 5, 181 1 , married, January 26, 1837, Charles Bosler, who has a flouring mill at Ogontz, Pa. Children: 612 William Gillingham Bosler, b. 12-2-1840, d. 3-19-1871. 613 Joseph Bosler, b. 2-24-1846. 614 Hannah Bosler, b. 1-22-1848, mar., 4-20-1882, William H. Birchall, one child, Katharine H. Birchall, b. 11-16- 1884. 615 Charles Bosler, b. 2-24-1846, d. 2-24-1846. 264 Margaret Jenks Gillingham,^ born May 2, 1814, married, March 15, 1838, William D. Rowland. Children: 616 Samuel Rowland, b. 1-22-1839, d. 8-18-1868. 617 Hannah Gillingham Rowland, b. 6-27-1841. 618 Thomas G. Rowland, b. 8-9-1843. 265 Charles Gillingham," born May 6, 1816, died December 7, 1895; married, April i, 1847, Eliza Child. One child: 619 William Gillingham, b. 4-9-1848, d. 11-17-1850. 266 John Watson Gillingham,'' born October 4, 18 18, died June 14, 1889; married, — , Mary Ann Leach. One child: 620 Annie E. Gillingham, b. 4-22-1846, d. 7-7-1852. 51 268 Edward Gillingham,^ born August 20, 1822, married, October 13, 1847, Tacy Ann Rose. Lives at Langhorne, Bucks county, Pa. Children: 621 Esther Gillingham, b. 8-11-1848. 622 Elizabeth H. Gillingham, b. 9-17-1850, d. 8-21-1851. 623 William W. Gillingham, b. 8-11-1854. 624 Sallie Rose Gillingham, b. 9-17-1859. 270 Samuel Gillingham,^ born June 11, 1816, in Buckingham, Pa., where he lived with his parents until 1822, when they moved to Jefferson county, N. Y., but returned to Philadel- phia in 1830, where he became a carpenter by trade. In 1846 he abandoned that to start a grocery store at Marshall and Poplar streets, from which he retired in 1881 and devoted the balance of his life to charitable work. Pie was a member of the Green Street Meeting, of the Society of Friends; died, at his residence, 1606 Montgomery avenue, March 22, 1897, buried in Fairhill Meeting Grounds. Married, December 26, 1839, Hannah J. Allen, of Gloucester county, N. J. Children: 625 Charles Petit Gillingham, b. 12-26-1840, d. 7-23-1849. 626 Charles Gillingham, b. 8- 18- 1849. 627 Mary Eliza Gillingham, b. 12-29-1851, d. 4-5-1861. 271 Sarah Gillingham,^ born July 26, 181 7, in Buckingham, died August 2, 1894; married, November 23, 1835, John W. Middleton. Lived on Fifth street, above Green, Philadelphia. Children: 628 Emma A. Middleton. 629 Annie E. Middleton, mar. William Smallwood. 630 Richard A. Middleton, mar. Nancy R. Halfman. 631 Clara E. Middleton, mar. Mickle C. Paul. 632 Alvin W. Middleton. 633 Emma A. Middleton, mar. Edward B. Kaighn. 634 Sarah Gillingham Middleton. 635 Alice G. Middleton. 52 272 William Jenks G-illingham,^ was born in Buckingham, Buck's county, Pa., February 5, 1819; lived part of his early life in Jefferson county. New York state, but eventually moved to Philadelphia, where he embarked in the iron trade with his father, located in Northern Liberties. In 1858 he was elected a member of City Councils, where he served for several years. In 1861 he was made weighmaster of the port of Philadelphia, under Abraham Lincoln's administra- tion, and remained there five years. He was a school director in the Sixteenth section for ten years and a member of the Board of Education for four years. In 1888 he was made one of the building inspectors and was appointed president of the board, which position was retained until the bureau was increased in numbers and reorganized, when he was made deputy chief. He was president of Northern Soup Society, president of Friends' Flome for Children, treasurer of Master Bricklayers' Association. Mr. Gillingham has a birthright membership in the Society of Friends, of which he is an active and consistent member. He was married, on December 10, 1844, to Anna Maria Weygand, daughter of Philip Joseph and Mary Beane Weygand. Children: 636 Emma Gillingham, b. 11 -2- 1845. 637 Albert Jenks Gillingham, b. 8-23-1847. 638 Phebe Ware Gillingham, b. 12-29-1849, d. 2-24-1850. 639 Anna Elizabeth Gillingham, b. 6-24-1852, d. 7-28-1870. 640 William Jenks Gillingham, Jr., b. 7-29-1861. Anna M. Gillingham died October 29, 1868, and William J. Gillingham married second time, October i, 1874, Rachel E. C. Marks, who died March 18, 1899. He resides at 973 N. Seventh street, Philadelphia. No children by second marriage. 273 John Ware Gillingham,^ born April 16, 1820, in Bucking- ham, died February 16, 1871 ; married, December 12, 1844, Alice Armitage, at Solebury Meeting, daughter of Henry Armitage and Sarah Walton, of Solebury, Children: S3 641 Watson Gillingham, b. 8-28-1846, d. infancy. 642 Jonathan Gillingham, b. 9-6-1847. 643 Henry Armitage Gillingham, b. 6-4-1851. 644 Laura H. Gillingham, b. 7-5-1856, lives at Ogontz, Pa. 274 Charlotte Ware Gillingham,^ born May 3, 1822, in Jeffer- son county, N. Y., died January 15, 1883; married, February 22, 1844, Samuel P. Hancock. Children: 645 Clinton Gillingham Hancock. 646 Samuel Gillingham Hancock. 647 Henry Ware Hancock. 648 Howard Hancock. 649 Aubrey M. Hancock. 275 Clinton Gillingham,^ born February i, 1824, in Jefferson county, N. Y., died February 23, 1864; married, , 1856, Sarah A. Warner. Lived in Philadelphia. Children: 650 Clarence W. Gillingham, b. 5-9-1857, lives in German- town, Phila. 651 William M. Gillingham, b. 9-29-1860, d. 8-1-1886. 276 Joseph Jenks Gillingham,^ born March 4, 1826, in Jeffer- son county, N. Y., died October 5, 1877; married, August 28, 1848, Sarah J. Simpson; after her death he married, August 29, 1864, Sarah W. Gillingham, widow of Clinton Gillingham (No. 275). Children: 652 George Simpson Gillingham, b. 8-'-i849, d. 7-19-1850. 653 Mary Simpson Gillingham, b. 1-5-1851, d. 6-20-1857. 654 Florence D. Gillingham, b. 5-28-1853. 655 Herbert F. Gillingham, b. 2-4-1856, mar. Elizabeth War- ner, two children, Mary W., b. 2-8-1884, and Florence D., b. 8-17-1886, lives in Philadelphia. 656 Clinton Gillingham, b. 4-23-1868, unmd., lives in Phila- delphia. 657 Mary S. Gillingham, b. 5-12-1869, d. 8-31-1869. 54 277 George Gillingham,^ born October 29, 1830, in Philadel- phia, married, February 2, 1854, Louisa E. Davis. Lived 1841 N. Bouvier street, Philadelphia, where he died December 22, 1899. Children: 658 Charlotte H. Gillingham, b. 12- 18- 1854, lives in Phila- delphia. 659 Frank H. Gillingham, b. 2-1-1857, mar., i — 1887, Catharine Jones, children, Charlotte, b. 7-15-1888, d. 9-3-1892, Helen, b. 3-13-1890, and Louisa E., b. 3-20- 1891, lives at Branchtown, Pa. 660 Harvey Gillingham, b. 9-5-1860, d. 3-20-1863. 661 J. Harvey Gillingham, b. 5-5-1867, mar., 2-1-1894, Clara S. Howe, no issue, lives in Philadelphia. 280 Hannah Ann Gillingham,^ born August 23, 1832, died October 14, 1862; married, October 22, i860, B. F. Wood. One child: 662 Fannie H. Wood, b. 7-22-1861. 281 Charles Jenks Gillingham,^ born February 24, 1834, mar- ried, February 16, 1857, Cornelia Ryder. Lives at Water- town, N. Y. Children: 663 Alice Gillingham, b. 7-12-1858, mar., 4-6-1881, William Spencer; one child, Esther G. Spencer, b. 12-1-1882, lives at Watertown, N. Y. 664 Mary Eliza Gillingham, b. 11-8-1860, mar., 8-18-1879, Henry Losee, one child, Harold G. Losee, b. 3-20- 1881, lives at Watertov^m, N. Y. 282 Samuel Gillingham,'' born August 18, 1840, married, January 2, 1870, Louise Hutchins. Lives in Watertown, N. Y. One child: 665 Ella Gillingham, b. 12-8-1871, mar., 1-31-1892, Charles Eggleston; mar. 2d, George Smith. 55 284 Harriett Gillingham,^ born January 20, 1846, married, October 2, 1866, S. S. B. Peck. Lives at Brownsville, N. Y. Children: 666 Charles Peck, b. 1-20- 1869, d. 3-26-1869. 667 Henry Roy Peck, b. 2- 14- 1877. 293 Howard Gillingham,^ born August 13, 181 5, died August 13, 1854; married. May 14, 1840, Sarah D. H. Cooper. Chil- dren: 668 Ann E. Gillingham, b. 4-30-1841, d. 6-2-1841. 669 George C. Gillingham, b. 10-12-1842. 670 David C. Gillingham, b. 3-21-1845. 671 Mary J. Gillingham, b. 8-13-1848, d. 6-20-1851. 672 Sarah F. Gillingham, b. 6-21-1852. 673 Charles H. Gillingham, b. 6-7-1854, d. 6-5-1855. 294 Margaret Ann Gillingham,^ born August 13, 1820, died September 9, 1886; married, , Timothy V. Rose. Chil- dren: 674 Elizabeth G. Rose, b. 2-22- 1841. 675 John Rose, b. 7-16-1842. 676 Harriet R. Rose, b. 4-6-1844. 677 Randall W. Rose, b. 10-3-1845. 678 George G. Rose, b. 7-6-1847. 679 Mary F. Rose, b. 12- 12- 1848. 680 Alfred D. Rose, b. 3-18-1850. 681 Jonathan P. Rose, b. 1-6- 1852. 682 Henry C. Rose, b. 6- 17-1856. 683 Aquilla P. Rose, b. 3-26-1858. 684 Edmund W. Rose, b. 9-30-1859. S6 296 Samuel R. Gillingham,^ born December 6, 1822, died January 20, 1887; married, November 4, 185 1, Jane D. Slay- maker. The widow lives at Hulmeville, Bucks county, Pa. Children: 685 Elizabeth R. Gillingham, b. 10-7-1852, d. 9-8-1853. 686 William S. Gillingham, b. 8-20-1854, d. 8-20-1855. 687 Edmund W. Gillingham, b. 5-6-1856, d. 12-8-1856. 688 Sara W. Gillingham, b. 2-15-1858, d. 12-19-1876. 689 George W. Gillingham, b. 11-13-1860, d. 11-28-1863. 297 Albanus L. Gillingham/' born October 16, 1824, died November 3, 1858; married, January — , 1847, Angeline Hib,bs. The widow lives at Bristol, Pa. Children: 690 Silas Gillingham, b. 1848, d. 1-26- 1850. 691 Emma Gillingham, b. 9-6-1849. 692 Laura Gillingham, b. 4-28-1852. 693 Kate Gillingham, b. 1858, d. 2-6-1859. 299 Henry C. Gillingham,^ born July 13, 1829, died January 17, 1876; married, April 8, 1849, Elizabeth Sommers. No children. 301 William R. Gillingham,^ born April 7, 1836, died Septem- ber 26, 1890; married, November 8, i860, Elizabeth W. Black. The widow lives at Hulmeville, Bucks county. Pa. One child. 694 Henry C. Gillingham, b. 4- 10- 1863. 302 Jane Price Gillingham^ married Howell Ashbridge, of New Jersey. Children: 695 Samuel Howell Ashbridge, Coroner and afterward Mayor of Philadelphia, 1899. 696 Gillingham Ashbridge. 57 307 Smi£h. Price Gillingham,^ born October 23, 1827, died March 12, 1898; married, June 5, 1856, Margaret Catherine Scarborough, of Maryland (who died October 16, 1893). Lived at Lincoln University, Chester county. Pa. Children: 697 Rev. Henry C. Gillingham, b. 5-24-1857, living at Phoe- nixville, Pa. 698 John Gillingham, b. 2-16- 1859, living at Lincoln Uni- versity, Chester Co., Pa. 699 Joseph S. Gillingham, b. 8-24-1860, living at Lincoln University, Chester Co., Pa. 700 Thomas EUwood Gillingham, b. 5-10-1864, lives at Lin- coln University, Chester Co., Pa. 701 Howell A. Gillingham, b. 12-27-1865, lives at West- chester, Pa. 702 Rev. Oscar A. Gillingham, b. 2-3-1868. 308 Henry C. Gillingham,'^ born July 6, 1830, married, Sep- tember 25, 1856, Rachel A. Henderson, of Ohio. He lived in Bucks county, Pa., until December, 1849, when he went to California by the Panama route; now lives at Lodi, Cal. Children: 703 Samuel Adolphus Gillingham, b. 8-25-1858. 704 Ida Louella Gillingham, b. 2-11-1862, mar., 5-3-1894, Murray Beattie. 325 Hehry Clay Gillingham,^ born November 10, 1847, mar- ried, December 25, 1866, Ellen Harris. Lived at Girard, Ohio. Children: 705 Eleanor Gillingham, b. 11-20-1870, d. 1-5-1890. 706 Susan Gillingham, b. 6-19-1873. 707 Fannie Gillingham, b. 10-17-1876. S8 327 William E. Doughty,'' born June 26, 1836, married, Janu- ary 31, 1869, Amanda Leidy. Lives at Hartsville, Pa. Chil- dren: 708 William E. Doughty, Jr., b. 6-9-1870. 709 Gillinghani Fell Doughty, b. 7-9-1872. 710 Mary Eleanor Doughty, b. 1-16-1876. 329 Phoebe Ann Fell,'* born November 21, 18 14, died April 29, 1890; married, April 30, 1838, Caleb Earl Wright (born February 4, 1810, in Wyoming Valley, Pa., died at Doyles- town, Pa., December 2, 1889), son of Joseph Wright and Ellen Hendrick. A prominent lawyer of Doylestown and Wilkesbarre, Pa. Children: 711 Wilson Wright, b. 3-14-1839. 712 Walter S. Wright, b. 5-19-1842, d. 10-20-1843. 713 Warren Wright, b. 8-27-1844, lives in Doylestown, Pa. 330 Joseph Gillingham Fell,° born November 14, 18 16, died October 26, 1878; married, January 22, 1845, Amanda Ruck- man, born January 13, 1819, died , 1900, daughter of John and Rebecca Ruckman, of Buckingham. J. G. Fell was once president of the Lehigh Valley Railroad and of the Union League of Philadelphia ; was prominent and successful in business life. Resided 1407 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Children: 714 Mary Wilson Fell, b. 2-20-1848. 715 John Ruckman Fell, b. 1-1-1858. 335 James Wood Gillingham,^ born May 16, 1838, at Potts- ville, Pa., married, September 24, i860, Rocksy B. Mohler. Lives at Washington, D. C. Children : 716 William Mohler Gillingham, b. 12-1-1865, at x\lexandria, Va., mar., 1888, Minnie Peyton Lewis, one child, Lawrence Gifford Gillingham, b. 3-21-1889, d. 7-3-1889. 59 717 Samuel Wood Gillingham, b. 1-18-1868, mar. Anna Louisa Watson. 718 Edward Mason Gillingham, b. 7-24-1870, lives in Wash- ington, D. C. 337 Walter Taylor Gillingham/ born May 30, 1841, married, March 31, 1863, Ella C. Maxwell. Living at Garfield, Va. Children : 719 George W. Gillingham, b. 4-1 1-1864, d- 8-6-1864. 720 Rebecca Ann Gillingham, b. 3-3-1868, mar., 4-20-1887, Clayton R. Scullin, of Hammonton, N. J. 721 Frank Gillingham, b. IG-3-18O9. 722 Walter Levering Gillingham, b. 11-2-1870. 723 Sarah Ann Gillingham, b. 11-12-1873, mar., 11-12-1894, Frank H. Saffell. 724 Phoebe Gillingham, b. 6-6-1876. 725 Margaret Eleanor Gillingham, b. 5-20-1878. 338 Sarah Wood Gillingham,-' born December 10, 1842, died December 25, 1871, in Philadelphia; married, November 20, 1862, Edward H. Paxson, born April 22, 1833. Lived in Trenton. Children: 725a Charles Gillingham Paxson, b. 8-16-1863. 725b Anna Gillingham Paxson, b. 7-10-1866, d. 5-11-1869, in Philadelphia, Pa. 725c James Goggins Paxson, b. 8-13-1868, d. 7-28-1870, in Philadelphia, Pa. 725d Ellen Heston Paxson, b. 9-10-1870, d. 8-10-1871, in Philadelphia, Pa. 341 Charles Levering Gillingham,'^ born July 18, 1848, mar- ried Dell Hall. Lives at Colorado Springs, Col. Children: 726 Harvey Gillingham. '/2y Charles Gillingham. 60 342 Samuel Shur Gillingham,^ born March 28, 1850, married, April 24, 1873, Sarah J. Harner, of Pottsville. Residence, Manayunk, Philadelphia. Children: 728 James Wood Gillingham, b. 1-19-1874. 729 Anna Gillingham, b. 6- 13- 1877. 730 Walter Brooks Gillingham, b. 12-11-1885. 344 Harvey Gillingham,^ born March 11, 1854, married, June I, 1875, Henrietta Whiteman. Lives at Ardmore, Pa. Chil- dren: 731 William Savery Gillingham, b. 5-13-1876, d. 5-29-1887. "72,^ IMabel S. Gillingham, b. 11-20-1883. TiZ Edith W. Gillingham, b. 10-25-1887. 734 Harvey Gillingham, b. 12-12-1888, d. 11-24-1889. 735 Lena F. Gillingham, b. 6-8-1889. 736 Howard Gillingham, b. 7-3-1891. 345 Horace Bennett Gillingham,^ born August 28, 1856, mar- ried, , 1877, Elizabeth Whiteman. Lives at Narberth, Montgomery county, Pa. Children: 737 Mary W. Gillingham, b. 5-19-1878. 738 John W. Gillingham, b. 9-22-1881. 739 H. Ralph Gillingham, b. 2-26-1886. 740 Elizabeth Wilson Gillingham, b. 1-6- 1892. 351 Charles Wood Gillingham,^ born July 11, 1853, died Sep- tember 4, 1892; married. May 3, 1879, Mary Ann Eckel. Chil- dren : 741 Anna Brinton Gillingham, b. 2-22-1880. 742 Louis Eckel Gillingham, b. 1-15-1882. 61 354 Joseph D. Armitage,^ born March 13, 1816, died married, March 13, 1839, Emmeline Small. Lived at Lumber- ville, Bucks county, Pa. Children: 743 Ann Eliza Armitage, b. 6-7-1840. 744 Gulielma Armitage, b. 7-14-1842. 745 Thomas Armitage, b. 1843, d. 9-20-1877. 746 William Armitage, b. — — 1845, d. 11-23-1886, mar., 10-15-1873, Mary Ann Fenton. 747 Ruth Ella Armitage, b. 3-21-1854. lives at Lumberville, Bucks Co., Pa. 355 James Storey.-^ Lives in Iowa. Children: 748 Charles Henry Storey. 749 Marion Storey. 750 Elizabeth Storey. 751 James Bayard Storey. 356 Ann Eliza Storey,^ born June 5, 1827, married, February 19, 1849, to Albert Heston. Lives in Camden, N. J. Children : 752 William Kinsey Heston, b. 4-24-1850. 753 Thomas Gillingham Heston, b. 6-14-1851. 754 Elizabeth Storey Heston, b. 9-7-1852. 755 Henry H. Heston, b. 3-26-1853, mar., 4-15-1894, Minnie Hancock. 357 Thomas Gillingham Storey,-^ born September — , 1828, died 1877; married, — , 1871, Rebecca R. McLean. Children: 756 Henry Storey, b. 1872. 757 Thomas Gillingham Storey, Jr., b. 1873. 62 377 Robert Porter Gillingham,^ born June 5, 1823, died July 16, 1892; married, first, Maria D. Boney, October 18, 1849; second, Anna Frances Enos, February 28, 1859, and third, Edith Jenkins. Children: 758 Clarence Fell Gillingham, b. 9-28-1853, d. 12-6-1881. 759 Helen Dike Gillingham, b. 7-24-1855. 760 Horace Porter Gillingham, b. 12-8-1860. 380 Martha T. Gillingham/' born May 12, 1830, married, first, June 3, 1852, Thomas Magens; second, September 12, 1862, William E, Blou. Lived at Beverly, N. J. Children: 761 Blanche Gillingham Magens, b. 11-18-1853, mar., 2-9- 1882, Horace Speakman, one child, Ralph C. Speak- man. b. 1-10-1883. 762 Charles R. Blou, b. 7-20-1863, mar., 11-17-1887, Lorena E. Hunter, one child, Henry C. Blou, b. 2-16-1890. 763 Henry C. Blou, b. 11-28-1865. 764 William W. Blou, b. 1-26-1868, d. 9-26-1875. James Porter Gillingham/ born August 8, 1832, died October 28, 1889; married, November 12, 1856, Catherine E. Bureau. Children: 765 James R. Gillingham, b. 7-21-1857, mar., 7-12-1888, Anna M. Troxell. 766 Henry Yeamans Gillingham, b. 11-18-1858, d. 8-2-1880. 767 George L. Gillingham, b. 10-21-1860. 768 William W. Gillingham, b. 1862, d. 2-29-1876. 769 Caroline Bureau Gillingham, b. 1864, d. 1-17-1870. 770 Herbert Gillingham, b. 1869. 771 Anna F. Gillingham, b. 1870, d. 3- 18- 1876. 772 Mary E. Gillingham, b. 1874, d. 5-6-1876. 63 384 Gulielma M. Gillingham,* born September 12, 1838, mar- ried, February i, 1865, Eugene H. Harding. Children: 117) Walter Gillingham Harding, b. 10-24-1868, d. 1-17-1870. 774 Lilian Gillingham Harding, b. 10-23-1870. 775 Frank R. Harding, b. 10-27-1873, d. 4-30-1886. 388 Albert Gillingham Briggs,'" born Angnst 30, 1832, mar- ried, April 12, 1876. Elizabeth B. Coleman. Lives at Hartford, N. J., and supplied much information for this work. Chil- dren: 776 William T. Briggs, b. 8-14-1879. "/"/y Grace Coleman Briggs, b. 10-5-1882, d. 7-24-1883. Elizabeth H. Briggs,"* born November 25, 1834, married, November 12, 1863, Thaddeus S. Kenderdine. Living at New- town, Bucks county, Pa. Children: 778 Robert Kenderdine, b. 8- 17- 1865, mar.. 10-7- 1891, Adele Egbert Staples. 779 Ruth Briggs Kenderdine, b. 5-12-1867, mar., 3-15-1892, Eugene Staples. 780 Lewis R. Kenderdine, b. 10-5-1869. 391 Theodore Tyson Gillingham,^ born January 11, 1836, mar- ried, April 21, 1870. Elizabeth Heacock, born March 2y, 1837, daughter of Nathan and Eliza Heacock. Lives at Hotel Traymore, Atlantic City, N. J. Children: 781 Mary Gillingham, b. 3-18-1875, d. 5-5-1877. 782 Annie Gillingham, b. 7-12-1878. 392 Emma Jane Gillingham,^ born August t8. 1838, died Feb- ruary 27, 1885; married, April 21, 1868, James Charles Robin- son. Lived in Chicago, 111. Children: 783 Elizabeth Gillingham Robinson, b. 5-20-1870. 784 Lj'dia Gillingham Robinson, b. 11-12-1875. 64 394 Ellwood William Grillingham,' born July 31, 1842, mar- ried, November 23, 1871, Mary Elizabeth Lewis, daughter of Josiah and Julia Ann Lewis, born May 28, 185 1. Lives at Geneva, 111. Children: 785 Ellen Roberts Gillingham, b. 1-3-1873, lives at Geneva, 111. 786 Dora Lucille Gillingham, b. 4-7-1877, d. 8-24-1896. 395 Ellen Eoberts Gillingham,® born August 25, 1845, mar- ried, December 25, 1872, Silas Holloway, son of Jason and Jane Holloway. Lives at North Manchester, Ind. Chil- dren: 787 Emma Gillingham Holloway, b. 9-24-1874. 788 Three children died in infancy. 400 Hannah Leeds,'* born December 15, 1843, married, Janu- ary 20, 1870, William E. Tatum, born October 7, 1846. Lived at 843 N. Forty-first street, Philadelphia; gave material as- sistance to this work. Children: 789 Sarah Mickle Tatum, b. 5-29-1871. 790 Lewis Leeds Tatum, b. 11-14-1873. 791 Joseph William Tatum, b. 10-20-1875. 792 Hannah Gillingham Tatum, b. 11-14-1877, d. 4-29-1878. 793 David Scull Tatum, b. 5-3-1879. 402 George Lewis Griscom,' born April 6, 1837, married, first, Betty Birdsong, , 1866, she died in eight months; sec- ond, May — , 1869, Mary Elizabeth Birdsong. Children: 794 Anna Sidney Griscom, b. 3-1-1874. 795 George Lewis Griscom, Jr., b. 7 — 1875, d. 8 — 1875. 796 Mamie Griscom, b. 7-29-1876, d. 3-19-1885. 797 Virginia Birdsong Griscom, b. 5-2-i88a 65 403 Elwood Griscom,* born February 5, 1839, married, March 20, 1867, Sarah Holmes White. Lives near Moorestown, N. J. Children: 798 Samuel W. Griscom, Jr., b. 2-8-1884. 799 Elwood Griscom, Jr., b. 10-22-1885. 404 Yeamans Griscom,'' born April 16, 1840, married, May 20, 1867, Mary W. Brooks, she died October 17, 1880. Mar- ried, second, January 21, 1886, Fannie E. Clark. Children: 800 daughter, unnamed, b. 1-27-1869, d. 1-30-1869. 801 Sidney W. Griscom, b. 8-13-1871. 802 Samuel S. Griscom, b. 1-25-1875, d. 3-14-1875. 803 daughter, unnamed, b. 8-1 1 -1877, d. 8- 13- 1877. 804 Sarah Lewis Griscom, Jr., b. 8-2-1878. 805 daughter, unnamed, b. 8-30-1880, d. 10 — 1880. 806 Louisa Clark Griscom, b. 3-11-1887. 807 Mary Ella Griscom, b. 11-10-1889. 808 Frances Griscom, b. 10-18-1891. 809 Betty Griscom, b. 10-13-1893. 405 Sarah Lewis Griscom,^ born December 19, 1842, married, January 12, 1867, Thomas D. Holmes. Lives at Moorestown. N. J. Children: 810 Edmund S. Holmes, b. 4-4-1868, mar.. 5-11-1893, Mary Fisher. 811 Eliza Griscom Holmes, b. 8-26-1870. 812 Anna Holmes, b. 10-24-1872. 813 Mary Holmes, b. 11-26-1874, d. 2-11-1894. 814 George Lewis Holmes, b. 10-6-1878. 815 Elizabeth Griscom Holmes, b. 12-14-1880. 816 Helen Holmes, b. 12-10-1882, d. 8-18-1885. 66 4o6 Nancy Stewart Griscom,^ born April 9, 1845, married, December 24, 1871, Eeid C. Nichols. Children: 817 Robert Stewart Nichols, b. 10-4-1872. 818 Mary Sidney Nichols, b. 9-26-1874. 819 Jennie Elizabeth Nichols, b. 10-17-1876. 820 Reid Johnson Nichols, b. 12-24-1878. 821 Yeamans Gillingham Nichols, b. 11-14-1880. 822 Samuel Griscom Nichols, b. 11-22-1882. 407 Mark Stewart Griscom,^ born July 9, 1848, married, June 29, 1875, Elizabeth Eleanor O'Brien, she died May 2, 1880. Married, second time, November 29, 1883, Camilla Gertrude O'Brien. One child: 823 Sidney Gertrude Griscom, b. 2-26-1877. 408 Warrington Gillingham,^ born August 9, 1834, near Moorestown, N. J., married, December 10, 1861, Mary Ann Roberts. W. Gillingham was a graduate of Hallowell's Academy of Alexandria, Va. About 1870 he was appointed one of the commissioners for dividing Fairfax county, Va., into townships. He was a notary public for twenty-four years, and for many years a road commissioner. Lives near Accotink, Va. He has been collecting family records for some years, and materially aided in the compilation of these records. Children: 824 Henry Warrington Gillingham, b. 9-24-1862. 825 Joseph Reuben Gillingham, b. 5-3-1864, d. 11-30-1865. 826 Mary M. Gillingham, b. 9-16-1865. 827 Reuben Roberts Gillingham, b. 12-12-1867, lived in Cana- den, N. J., and was in provision business, in Philadel- phia, at 2938 Market St.; now at 266 Washington St., New York. 828 Benjamin Roberts Gillingham, b. 11-14-1869, d. 8-30- 1876. 829 Anna Lewis Gillingham, b. 5-18-1871. 830 Emma K. Gillingham, b. 12-4- 1873. 831 Eliza Warrington Gillingham, b. 4-5-1876. SS2 Ella Gillingham, b. 11-9-1879. 410 Hannah W. Gillingham/' born September 17, 1839, mar- ried, February 17, 1869, William H. Cox. Children: 833 J- W. Cox, b. 1 1-6- 1869. 834 M. G. Cox, b. 11-3-1871, d. 3-31-1872. 835 Mary Warrington Cox, b. 11-22-1873. 836 Sarah E. Cox, b. 7-31-1876. 837 Lewetta Cox, b. 11 -2- 1878. 411 Lewis Gillingham,'^ born January 16, 1842, married, Octo- ber 8, 1868, Esther H. Scott. Lives at Accotink, Va. Chil- dren: 838 A. Scott Gillingham, b. 4-20-1870. 839 Abbie A. Gillingham, b. 7-5-1872. 840 Susan Esther Gillingham. b. 11-30-1874, mar, 8-18-1897, Levi T. Shoemaker, of Fairhaven, Ohio. 841 George Lewis Gillingham, b. 9-20-1877, d. 2-23-1878. 842 George C. Gillingham, b. 10-18-1881. 414 George Gillingham Atkinson,** born December 13, 1847, married, at Wrightstown Meeting, June i, 1881, Jane Knight, daughter of Barclay and Mary P. Knight. One child : 843 Edmund Knight Atkinson, b. 3-10-1885. Eliza Gillingham,' born June 16, 1850, married, Septem- ber 22, 1874, William Hilliard, of Salem, N. J. Children: 844 Thomas Gillingham Hilliard, b. 3-4-1877. 845 George Lewis Hilliard, b. 6-26-1879. 846 William Thomas Hilliard, b. 9-7-1881. 847 Bernard Aubrey Hilliard, b. 8-24-1885. 848 Mary Elizabeth Hilliard, b. 12-6- 1887. 68 419 George Lewis Gillingham,^ born January 9, 1855, married, February 27, 1879, Sarah. Braddock. One child: 849 Elizabeth Lippincott Gillingham, b. 4-19-1881. 420 Mary Elizabeth Gillingham,'^ born January 11, 1857, mar- ried, October 23, 1889, Isaiah W. Linton, of Philadelphia. Lives at Moorestown, N. J. Was of great assistance in compiling these records. Children: 850 Elizabeth Gillingham Linton, b. 7-26-1891, d. 11-1-1892. 851 Ralph Linton, b. 2-27-1893. 423 Frances Eddy Gillingham,^ born October 4, 1827, died May II, 1896; married, March 23, 1852, Dr. Jared Kibbee, who was born November 14, 1820, in Orange county, Vt. In 1844 he moved to Mt. Clemens, Mich., began the practice of den- tistry in 1847, and graduated at the Cleveland Medical Col- lege in 1855, when he settled in Port Huron, Mich., of which city he was elected mayor in 1866. He was also justice of the peace, alderman and served several terms as city comp- troller. He was for twenty years a vestryman of Grace P. E. Church and a prominent Mason. Dr. Kibbee died Decem- ber I, 1890, at Port Huron, Mich. Children: 852 Ada FoUingsbee Kibbee, b. 12-31-1852. 853 Lucy Eddy Kibbee, b. 10-19-1854, living at Port Huron, Mich. 854 Samuel Harrold Kibbee, b. 1-19-1856, d. 2-16-1880. 855 Henry Clinton Kibbee, b. 5-24-1859. 856 Eleanor Pierce Kibbee, b. 9-25-1860, d. 6-3-1861. 857 Frances Lewis Kibbee, b. 4-26-1866. 426 Joseph Eddy Gillingham,'^ born July 6, 1830, in Philadel- phia, married, August 23, 1864, Clara Donaldson, daughter of Jacob and Maria Donaldson, of Philadelphia, who died March 21, 1900. In 1854 Joseph E. Gillingham entered the lumber business, later forming the firm of Gillingham & Garrison, 69 afterward Gillingham, Garrison & Co., Limited. He was president of various street railroads of Philadelphia, and of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company, the first president and still a director of the Mortgage Trust Company of Pennsylvania, director of the Investment Company of Philadelphia, one of the founders of the Veterinary Depart- ment of the University of Pennsylvania, one of the managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital, a director of the American Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia, Bell Telephone Com- pany of Philadelphia and Lancaster Avenue Improvement Company. He is a member of the Art Club, Merion Cricket Club, Union League, Radnor Hunt Club, Historical Society, Genealogical Society and the Colonial Society of Pennsyl- vania, besides being connected with many of the charitable institutions of the city. He resides at his 400-acre farm 'Clairemont," near Villa Nova, Montgomery county, Pa. 430 Louis Harrold Gillingham,^ born July 3, 1836, married, June 12, 1859, Marie Louise Bartle; died in Philadelphia, December 14, 1899. Children: 858 William Bartle Gillingham, b. 5-27-1860. 859 Hattie Wells Gillingham, b. 11-9-1861. 431 Frank Clemens Gillingham,^ born April 14, 1840, in Phila- delphia. Entered the wholesale and retail lumber business in 1859, when less than twenty years of age. In 1868 formed the firm of Watson & Gillingham, which dissolved in 1889 by the death of Rudolph J. Watson. Continuing the busi- ness alone until 1898, he took his oldest son in as partner, under firm of Frank C. Gillingham & Son. In 1862 he en- listed in the 119th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, served as brevet captain of Company H and later as first lieutenant of Company K, same regiment, until mustered out in 1863. He is a member of the military order of the Loyal Legion, the Veteran Corps, Union League, Historical Society 70 of Pennsylvania and a director of the Consolidation National Bank of Philadelphia, besides being interested in several of the charitable institutions of the city. He married, Septem- ber 3, 1862, at her father's residence, Tacy Shoemaker Morris,* daughter of Thomas Edgar Morris and Elizabeth Shoemaker, then living at Hainesport, N. J. Children: 860 Frank Morris Gillingham,, b. 6-13-1863. 861 Harrokl Edgar Gillingham, b. 8-25-1864. 862 Elizabeth Morris Gillingham, b. 5-28-1871. 863 Catherine Gillingham, b. 5-5-1887, d. 5-5-1887. Rebecca Harrold Gilpin,^ born March 21, 1834, in Wil- mington, Del., married, January 24, 1856, Fairman Eogers, son of Evan Rogers and Caroline . Lived in Phila- delphia until about 1895, when they went abroad to travel and reside. Fairman Rogers died August 22, 1900, in Vienna, Austria. No children; 433 George Gilpin,^ born December 21, 1838, in Philadelphia, married, December 3, 1872, Sarah Cotton Winston, daughter of Frederick and Lucy Winston, of New York. He was a member of the Stock Exchange of Philadelphia, and inter- ested in many of the local charitable institutions. Now living in Europe. One child: 864 Anna Gillingham Gilpin, b. 5-27-1874. 437 Samuel Harrold Buckman,^ born January 6, 1855, married, September — , 1892, Marianna Schooley. Lives near Acco- tink P. O.. in Virginia. Children: 865 Bertha Buckman, b. 6-9-1895. 866 Lucy Buckman, b. 4-9-1897. *Tacy Shoemaker Morris is eighth in descent from Toby Leach, in Penna., 1682, member of Assembly, 1713-1714; seventh in descent from Robert Heaton, in Penna., 1682, member of Assembly, 1700; sixth in descent from George Shoemaker, in Penna., 1686; seventh in descent from Henry Comly, in Penna., 1683-4; seventh in descent from Peter Elliott, in Penna., 1686; eighth in descent from Richard Wall, in Penna., 1683; sixth in descent from John Kirk, in Penna., 1686; sixth in descent from Rynear Tyson, in Penna., 1683; sixth in descent from William Lever- ing, in Penna., 1685. 71 438 Helen Hoffman Gillingham,^ born January ii, 1844, died February 14, 1894; married, April 17, 1862, George Coppell. Lived in New York. Children: 867 Elizabeth Cordelia Coppell, b. 4-9-1864. 868 Helen Gillingham Coppell, b. 10-15-1865. 869 George Coppell, Jr., b. 10-7-1867, d. 8-8-1872. 870 Mary Coppell, b. 10-29-1869, mar., 11-28-1899, Edgar Hatfield Booth. 871 Arthur Coppell. 1 J- Twins, b. 4- 10-1872. 872 Edith Coppell. J 873 Herbert Coppell, b. 3-10-1874, mar. 7-22-1897. 874 Florence Coppell, b. 11-18-1875. 875 Grace Coppell, b. 10-24-1878. 458 Anna Maria Gillingham,^ ])orn June 20, 1830, married, November 30, 1854, John H. Geyer. Children: 876 George A. Geyer, b. 12-3- 1855. 877 William Geyer, b. 8 — 1859, d. 5 — i860. 878 John H. Geyer, Jr., d. infancy. 879 Wilbur Geyer, b. 7-19-1868. 462 John Doman Gillingham,^ born November 12, 1835, mar ried, , Sally Thomas. Children: 880 Sarah Maria Gillingham, b. 10-2-1871. 881 Anne M. Gillingham, b. 1873. 463 Caroline E. Gillingham,* born November i, 1839, mar ried, , Ely Lawrence. Children: 882 T. Reeves Lawrence, b. 1871, deceased. 883 Anne Morgan Lawrence, b. 1874. 72 468 George W. Gillingham,^ born December 8, 1829, died July 21, i860; married, , Anne Derr. Children: 884 Henry Baillie Gillingham, b. i — 1857. 885 Sarah Baillie Gillingham, b. i — 1859, d. 7-14-1860. 886 George Washington Gillingham, Jr. 470 Elizabeth Rich Gillingham,^ born October 15, 1833, died September 26, 1886; married, at St. Peter's P. E. Church, Third and Pine streets, Philadelphia, January i, 1862, Joseph Casper (born July 20, 1832, died February 14, 1879), of Salem county, N. J., son of Thomas Jeft'erson Casper and Mary Ann Anderson. Thomas Jefferson Casper (born July 12, 1802, Sharpstovvn, N. J.), son of John Casper and Hannah Wentzell. John Casper (born 1775) son of Lawrence Casper, who came to America when a boy, and died March 2, 1810, aged ninety years. Hannah Wentzell, daughter of Charles Wentzell, a soldier in Revolutionary War, died 1835, aged ninety-two years. Both Lawrence Casper and Charles Wentzell buried in Hopewell township, Cumberland county, N. J. Children: -1868, d. 4-4-1868. I 3-1868, d. 8-1 1-1868. 1 887 Thomas J eflferson Casper, b. 2-28-1 , , y Twins, 888 Henry Gillingham Casper, b. 2-28- 889 Laura Casper, b. 10-21-1865. 889a Josephine Casper, b. 12-9-1878, d. 12-11-1878. Lewis Gillingham,^ born October 8, 1835, married, Janu- ary — , 1865, Ada Lowry. Lives in Philadelphia Children: 890 Charles Arrison Gillingham, b. 3-2-1867. 891 Lewis Gillingham, Jr., b. 6-10-1872. 478 Margaret Thornton Gillingham," born February 7, 1836, married, July 29, 1858, Frank Carey. Children: 892 Lewis Gillingham Carey, b. 5-31-1859. 893 Robert Carey, b. 6- 10- 1862. 894 George Carey, b. 8-29-1864. 73 48o Albert B. Gillmgham,^ born February 6, 1841 , married, October 21, 1876, Janet Toner. Children: 895 Lewis Gillingham, b. 8-29-1877. 896 Hester Gillingham, b. 3 — 1879, d. 3 — 1883. 897 Margery Gillingham, b. 11 — 1884. 898 Lizzie Gillingham, b. 2 — 1889, d. 7 — 1891. 1 ^ . y Iwins. 899 Regina Gillingham, b. 2 — 1889. J 482 Anne Gillingham,^ born May 8, 1845, died August 30, 1866; married, , John Granville. One child: 900 Anna Gillingham Granville, b. 8-12- 1866. 483 Eliza Ann Brearley,^ born December 11, 1814, at Tren- ton, N. J., married, , in South Carolina, to English, and died in South Carolina. Children: 901 Carrie English, mar. Cooper. 902 Juliet E. English. 903 Mary B. English, mar. Scott. 904 Eliza A. English, mar. Plowden. 90s Emma G. English, mar. Brearley. 906 Thomas R. English. 907 F. E. S. English, mar. Cooper. 486 William A. Brearley,^ born October 8, 1821, at Trenton, N. J., died October 6, 1856, at Trenton; married, first, Mary Rue, February 16, 1843; second, Henrietta A. Moore, May 9, 1849. Children: 908 Samuel S. Brearley, b. 11-28-1843, lived at Hightstown, N.J. 909 Joseph R. Brearley, b. 12-14-1846, lived at Hightstown, N. J., two children, Robert Rae, b. 4-17-1874, and Florence, b. 6-27-1883. 74 910 Helen A. Brearley, b. 10-29-1851, d. 1-11-1853. 911 Anna Brearley, b. 7-20-1850, d. 8-4-1850. 912 William Henry Brearley, b. 8-23-1854, at Trenton, mar., 10-22-1879, Emily M. Rue, lived at Trenton, N. J., two children, William, b. 8-1-1880, and Rue, b. 10-24- 1882. 488 Elizabeth Brearley,"^ born October 14, 1820, at Lawrence- ville, N. J., married, March 6, 1856, William E. Rouse. Lives at Trenton, N. J. One child: 913 Carrie B. Rouse, b. 6-17-1857. 489 Charles Brearley,^ born November 4, 1822, at Lawrence- ville, N. J., died October 19, 1880, at Trenton, N. J. ; married first Sarah Ann Burk, July 7, 1849. One child: 913a Elizabeth Brearley, b. 10-3-1852, married Robert W. Kennedy. Charles Brearley married second, June 2, 1873, Annie B. Sloan. 490 Caroline Brearley, '^ born February 23, 1825, at Lawrence- ville, N. J., married, January 22, 1847, David W. Lanning. Resides at Ewingsville, N. J. Children: 914 Mary E. Lanning, b. 1848, d. 1853. 915 Janet B. Lanning, b. 1855. 916 Eva B. Lanning, b. 1861. 491 George Brearley,'* born June 30, 1828, at Lawrenceville, N. J., married, January 7, 1852, Jane S. Phillips. Lives at Trenton, N. J. Children: 917 Joseph G. Brearley, b. 1-27-1853, mar. Julia A. Barnes, 12-26-1883, at Philadelphia, one child, Isabel B. Brear- ley, b. 9-17-1884. 918 Mabel Brearley, b. 3-14-1855, mar., 9-23-1879, George W. Hottel, three children, Joseph B., Lillian K. and Ad- die, lives at Trenton. 75 919 Ellen Brearley, b. 11-15-1859, mar., 10-23-1878, R. B. Lloyd, lives at Ewing, N. J. 920 Julia Brearley, b. 1-12-1864. 921 Mary Brearley, b. 5-17-1866. 922 Angie L. Brearley, b. 1-10-1875. 492 Sarah S. Brearley,^ born September 11, 1834, at Law- renceville, N. J., married, October 15, 1863, George A. Exton. Lives at Trenton, N. J. One child: 923 Harry L. Exton, b. 1-20-1866. 493 Edward F. Brearley,'^ born November 2^, 1832, at Law- renceville, N. J.; married, February 7. 1856, Louisa Mershon. Lives at Lawrenceville, N. J. Children: 924 George J. Brearley, b. 9-14-1857, mar. Madge Ewing, 6-26-1884, one child, Elmer E. Brearley, lived at Lawndale, 111. 925 Samuel M. Brearley, b. 2- 10- 1860, lived at Rahway, N. J. 926 Jasper M. Brearley, b. 11-21-1861, lived at Lawndale, 111. 927 Juliet Brearley, lived at Lawrenceville, N. J. 928 Edward S. Brearley, lived at Lawrenceville, N. J. 929 Louis G. Brearley, lived at Lawrenceville, N. J. 495 Louisa A. Brearley,'' born October 22, 1835, at Lawrence- ville, N. J., married, January 19, 1854, Isaac B. Hutchinson; died in Trenton February 15, 1863. Children: 930 Henry Brearley Hutchinson, b. 1-7-1855. 931 Walter T. Hutchinson, b. 7-29-1858. 497 Harvey G. Brearley/' born December 31, 1839. at Law- renceville, N. ]., married. May 7, 1867, Hannah F. Shreve, at Williamsville, 111. Resides at Deer Trail, Col. Children: 932 Joseph G. Brearley, b. 9-25-1876, d. 12-20-1877. 932a Annie Mary Brearley, b. i -25-1877. 76 514 Anderson Brearley,^ born , 1840, married, January 24, 1861, to Ann Dilworth Gardner. Lived at Trenton, N. J. Children : 933 Florence Brearley. 934 Richard G. Brearley, b. 10 — 1866, d. 9-7-1869. 935 Miriam Brearley, b. 1-11-1869, d. 12-25-1870. 936 Joseph G. Brearley, b. 4-24-1871, d. 11-14-1871. Alice L. Brearley,'' born, at Trenton, N. J., April 30, i860, married Robert Potter Molten, son of Albert Molten and Elizabeth Ciithbert Potter, of Philadelphia, at Trenton, N. J., June 4, 1879. Lives on Emlen street, Germantown, Philadel- phia. Prominent wholesale paper dealer. Children: 937 Helen Cuthbert Molten, b. 3-2-1882. 938 Florence Brearley Molten, b. 7-2-1884. 939 Robert Potter Molten, Jr., b. 11-12-1886. 940 Joseph Gillingham Brearley Molten, b. 2-8-1894. 941 Philip Sherman Molten, b. 11-16-1896. 520 Elizabeth S. Martin,'* born August 15, 1829, died October 10, 1881 ; married, April 24, 1853, Samuel S. Rue, born May 10, 1828, son of Lewis Rue and Ann Stackhouse. Lives at Bris- tol, Pa. Children: 942 Sarah Ann Rue, b. 1-17-1854, mar., 7-3-1883, Lewis Hall, lives at Andalusia. Pa., two children, Elias Hall, b. 4-7-1884, and Lewis Hall, b. 3-5-1886. 943 Harvey S. Rue, b. 9-21-1855, mar. Ella D. Brooks, 11- 11-1880, lives at Bristol, Pa., one child, Elizabeth S. Rue, b. 12-8-1881. 944 Eva Rue, b. 7- 12- 1859, mar., i -9-1884, William M. Down- ing, Jr., lives in Bristol, Pa. 528 Milnor Gillingham,^ born July 17, 1836, died November 12, 1887; married, first, January i, 1862, to Susan Elizabeth Comfort, born September 11, 1843, died July 22, 1866, daughter of George Comfort and Susan Lower; married, second time, November 25, 1867, to Tacy Elizabeth Lippin- cott, born November 25, 1838, widow of Dr. Allen Lippincott and daughter of Robert Stackhouse and Elizabeth Kimber. No children by either marriage. Lived in Falsington, Pa. 540 Phoebe Gillingham,^ born September 10, 1846, married. , 1868, S. P. Thompson, born , 1837. Lives at Trenton, N. J. Children: 944a Albert Thompson, b. 7 — 1869, mar., 1898, Han- nah Booth. 944b Anna Thompson, b. 9 — 1870. 944c Joseph Thompson, b. 9 — 1871. 944d Sering Thompson, b. 12 — 1872. 9446 Lizzie Thompson, b. 5 — 1874, mar. A. Cone. 944f Florence Thompson, b. 4 — 1876. 944g William Thompson, b. 12 — 1877. 944h Horace Thompson, b. 5 — 1879. 9441 Maud Thompson, b. 7 — 944J Mabel Thompson, b. Mar. Jos. C. Clark. 7-1880. [ >■ 1 wms. 7 — 1880, J Albert B. Gillingham,^ born February 20, 1849, married, — , Ann Sexton. Lives in Trenton, N. J. Children: 945 Emma S. Gillingham, b. 8-23-1875. 946 Susan A. Gillingham, b. 7-12-1883. 947 Schuyler S. Gillingham. b. 7-15-1887. 566 George Oliver Gillingham,*' born July 23, 1838, died April 21, 1890; married, July — , 1868, Annie Elizabeth Crawford, of Baltimore, Md. George was a commission merchant of Baltimore. Children: 948 Charles Brooks Gillingham, b. 4 — 1869, d. 7-2-1869. 949 Anna Rebecca Gillingham, b. 4-3-1870. 950 George Oliver Gillingham, Jr., b. 1-3-1872. 78 567 Elmira Rebecca G-illingham,*^ born October 13, 1847, mar- ried, December 13, 1871, Dr. Wilson Gray Regester, of Balti- more, Md. Living in Germantown, Philadelphia. Children: 951 Minnie Stevenson Regester, b. 9-11-1873, d. 6-7-1875. 952 Bessie Gray Regester, b. 6-12-1876. 953 Helen Wilson Regester, b. 5-18-1882. 574 Annie Reynolds Gillingham," born August 8, 1841, died, in Philadelphia, June 30, 1892; married, November 24, 1868, William H. Shuster, of Philadelphia No children. 575 Christopher Raborg Gillingham/ born January 2, 1844, married, , Sellona M. Covey, of Federalsburg, Md. Re- sides in Baltimore, J\kl.; is general agent of Merchants and Miners Transportation Company of Baltimore. Children: 953a Catharine Raborg GilHngham, b. 1-29-1882, d. 12 — 1884. 953b Christopher Raborg Gillingham, Jr., b. 6-18-1883, d. 6-26-1884. 953c Christopher Barclay Gillingham, b. 1-8-1888. 953d Henry Raborg Gillingham, b. 2-12-1891. 578 William Raborg Gillingham,^ born February 9, 1850, mar- ried, January 11, 1876, to Georgia G. McCoy, of Baltimore, where they reside. Children: 953e Charles Curtiss Gillingham. 953f Annie Reynolds Gillingham. 953g Emma L. Gillingham. 953h Georgia Gillingham. 953i Catharine Barclay Gillingham. 953J Ella Gillingham. 953k Edward Ezra Gillingham, d. infancy. 79 58i Emma M. Gillingham,^ born ; married, October i6, 1884, Blair Winston, of Richmond, Va., who died December 8, 1886. One child: 953I Catharine Blair Winston. Married, second time, April 29, 1891, Dr. Joseph S. Den- ton, of Honesdale, Pa., who died August 24, 1896. Mrs. Denton resides in Baltimore. 595 Miriam James Gillingham,^ born May 5, 1850, married, September 10, 1871, Edward Petit. Children: 954 Anna lone Petit, b. 8-27-1872, mar., 7-2-1891, Lewis E. Devers. two children, Cora Edna, b. 8-17-1892, and Anna lone, b. 7-16-1894. 955 George Gillingharn Petit, b. 3-1-1874. 956 Cora Gillingharn Petit, b. 5-21-1876, mar. Warrington Dove, 8-3-1892. 957 Thomas Hayward Petit, b. 2-28-1878. 958 Walter Walton Petit, b. 3-30-1880, d. 8-26-1882. 959 Louis Aubrey Petit, b. 9-10-1881. 960 Laura Mabel Petit, b. 1-10-1884. 961 Olive Rachel Petit, b. 6-17-1888. 962 Carl Edward Petit, b. 3- 16- 1890. 963 Alma Caroline Petit, b. 5-16-1892. 600 Jenks Gillingham Watson," born January 3, 1838, mar- ried, December 27. i860, Caroline Shaw. Qiildren: 964 Mary Alice Watson, b. 6-2-1863, mar.. 2-13-1890, Charles A. Knight, two children, Marion, b. 11-8-1890, and Helen W., b. 1-20-1894. 965 Lizzie C. Watson, b. 7-9-1865, mar.. 12-20-1887, Edward A. Wordman, one child, Jenks Watson Wordman, b. 8-11-1890. 966 Helen M. Watson, b. 6-21 -1870. 967 William Henry Watson, b. 9-28-1874. 80 602 Anna Gilbert Watson,^ born July lo, 1847, married, Sep- tember 21, 1869, John A. Ellis. Children: 968 William Rowland Ellis, b. 8-18-1871, mar., 12-14-1893, Jennie G. Yerkes. 969 Joseph Walter Ellis, b. 7-20-1873. 605 Ada Fell," born December 28, 1850, married, February 13, 1873, Dr. Joseph A. Paxson (born December 11, i8z^2, died April 5, 1888), son of Howard Paxson and Mary Small, of Solebury township, Bucks county. Pa. Lived in Philadel- phia. Qiildren: 970 Emma Fell Paxson, b. 12-27-1873. 971 Frederick L. Paxson, b. 2-23-1877. 972 Grace Paxson, b. 3-8-1884, d. 3-23-1884. 613 Joseph Bosler,^ born February 24, 1846, married, Octo- ber 6, 1869, Cynthia G. Comly. Lives at Ogontz, Pa., where he has a large flour and feed mill. Children: 973 Mary Watson Bosler, b. 2-21-1871, mar., 10-6-1891, Wal- ter S. Comly; one child, Charles B. Comly, b. 9-25- 1893. 974 Carolyne C. Bosler, b. 9-11-1873. 975 Charles W. Bosler, b. 3-31-1879- 976 Lester C. Bosler, b. 4-29-1884. 617 Hannah Gillingham Rowland," born June 27, 1841, mar- ried, February 16, 1869, Joseph Richardson. Children: 977 Margaret Richardson, b. 2-3-1864, mar., 1-23-1890, New- ton M. Comly, three children, Rowland R., b. 12-23- 1890, Bessie May, b. 2-11-1892, Edith B., b. 7-17-1894. 978 Mary Richardson, b. 7-13-1867. 979 Samuel Richardson, b. 2-25-1869. 980 Joshua Richardson, b. 11-12-1872. 81 6i8 Thomas G-. Rowland/ born August 9, 1843, died April 29, 1877; married, January 17, 1867, Tacy Mitchell Mather. One child: 981 William D. Rowland, b. 12-6-1868, mar., 2-14-1894, Linora P. Watson. 621 Esther Gillingham," born August 11, 1848, married, November 11, 1869, Edward Minster. Children: 982 Morris Minster, b. 5-12-1871. 983 Cora G. Minster, b. 8-31-1874. 984 Walter Minster, b. 6-21-1877, d. 2-11-1879. 985 William Gillingham Minster, b. 8-26-1879. 986 Margaret R. Minster, b. 9-21-1881, d. 4-14-1882. 62.^ William W. Gillingham, "^ born August 11. 1854, married. February 22, 1877, Sallie P. Wright. Children: 987 Elizabeth H. Gillingham, b. 4-27-1880, d. 5-7-1880. 988 Edward R. Gillingham. b. 1-16-1889. 989 Clarence M. Gillingham. b. 5-14-1891. 990 Arthur W. Gillingham, b. 10-13-1803. 626 Charles Gillingham,*^ born August 18, 1849, married. November 24, 1875, Emma D. Detwiler. Member of the Builders' Exchange and Lumbermen's Excliange, and for some time president of the former. Lives at 1226 N. Frank- lin street, Philadelphia. Children: 991 Hubert Detwiler Gillingham. b. 12-12-1877. 992 Charles Arthur Gillingham, b. 3-13-1889. 82 636 Emma Gillingham/ born November 2, 1845, married, April 2, 1873, Henry C. Speakman. Living at Easton, Talbot county, Md. Children: 992a William G. Speakman, b. 2-1- 1878. 992b Edna Speakman, b. 5-27-1880. 637 Albert Jenks Gillingham,** born August 23, 1847, in Phila- delphia, married, November 13, 1872, Emma Wildman. Lives in Philadelphia, an auditor of passenger receipts of the Penn- sylvania Railroad, offices at Broad Street Station. Children: 993 Walter Gillingham, b. 9-30-1873, d. 8-19-1876. 994 Mary Wildman Gillingham, b. 1-3-1876. 995 Clara L. Gillingham, b. 6-21 -1882. 996 Albert V. Gillingham, b. 12-17-1884. Twins. 997 Harold E. Gillingham, b. 12-17-ii 640 William Jenks Gillingham, Jr.,*' born July 29, 1861, in Philadelphia, married. May 24, 1883, Frances Ashbridge Smith, daughter of Caleb Hallowell Smith and Susan Veree. Lives in Chicago, 111., is chief signal engineer of Illinois Central Railroad. Frances A. Gillingham died in Philadelphia, June 27, 1898, buried at Friends' Burying Ground, Abington. William J. Gillingham married, second time, February 14, 1900, in New York, Mae McConnell, of Chicago. One child: 998 Helen V. Gillingham, b. 10-15-1884. 642 Jonathan Gillingham,^ born September 6, 1847, died July ID, 1888; married, , 1875, Henrietta Smith. Children: 999 William Allen Gillingham, b. 6-24- 1876, d. 9-6-1876. 1000 Clinton Hancock Gillingham, b. 9-29-1877, lives in Woodbury, N. J. looi Alice Armitage Gillingham, b. 1-7-1881. 83 643 Henry Armitage Gillingham/ born June 4, 185 1, died April 28, 1880; married, , 1874, Emma Myers. Children : 1002 Laura H. Gillingham, b. 8-10-1875, d. 5-10-1876. 1003 Howard Gillingham, b. 2-5-1877. 1004 Charles M. Gillingham, b. 8-9-1879. 650 Clarence W. Gillingham,* born May 9, 1857, married, , 1884, Ella M. Graham. Lives in Germantown, Phila- delphia. Children : 1004a Clinton J. Gillingham, b. 8-28-1885. 1004b William M. Gillingham, b. 12-19-18S7. 654 Florence D. Gillingham,*' born May 28, 1853, married, November 4, 1875, to Horace B. Delany,. son of Charles De- lany and Esther Strickler, of Philadelphia\ where they reside. Children: \h. <^~ i^^ ^9 ^ ^ 1004c Esther Delany, b. 8-20-1876. I004d Linda Hancock Delany, b. 5-3-1878. 10046 Florence Gillingham Delany, b. 9-13-1879. 669 George C. Gillingham," born October 12, 1842, married, March 14, 1868, Mary A. Smith. Lives at Bristol, Pa. Chil- dren: 1005 Howard Gillingham, b. 12-30-1868. 1006 Clarence Gillingham, b. 2-11-1871, d. 7-10-1871. 1007 George P. Gillingham, b. 12-23-1887. 670 David C. Gillingham, '^ born March 21, 1845, died Decem- ber 3, 1884; married Sarah Harter, March 16, 1872. Lived in Philadelphia. One child: 1008 Bertha M. Gillingham, b. 9-4-1874. 672 Sarah F. Gillingham,^ born June 21, 1852, married, March 28, 1874, Charles L. Shock. Lives at Bristol, Pa. Children: 1009 George H. Schock, b. 12-28-1874, mar., 2-26-1896, Mer- cy Allen. loio Alfred H. Schock, b. 4-20-1876, d. 8-2-1877. ion Charles L. Shock, Jr., b. 1-14-1878. 1012 Wilhelmina B. Schock, b. 1-14-1880. 1013 Sarah A. Schock, b. 4-26-1881, d. 4-30-1881. 674 Elizabeth G. Kose,® born February 22, 1841, married, December 22, 1864, John White. Lives at Mechanics Valley, Cecil county, Md. Children: 1014 John C. White, b. 6-21-1866, mar., 8-26-1893, Fannie Mahoney, one child, Hildah E. White, b. 8-24-1894. 1015 Lillie J. White, b. 11-12-1867, mar., 10-16- 1895, Thomas Price, live at Mechanics Valley, Md. 1016 Timothy V. White, b. 5-4-1871. 1017 Margaret R. White, b. 4-26-1873, mar., 4-18-1894, Al- fred Renshaw. 1018 Sarah E. White, b. 2-18- 1876. 1019 Alonza S. White, b. 10- 12- 1882. IQ20 Mary J. White, b. 3-9-1885. 676 Harriet K. Rose,® born April 6, 1844, married, December 20, 1870, Thomas S. Miller. Lives at Childs, Cecil county, Md, Children : 1021 Mary S. Miller, b. 10-28-1871, d. 8-15-1872. 1022 Alfred H. Miller, b. 12-6-1872. 1023 Aquilla B. Miller, b. 1-5-1874. 1024 Eddie F. Miller, b. 2-21-1875. IQ25 Marai L. Miller, b. 4-16-1876. 85 1026 Sallie W. G. Miller, b. 7-5-1877- 1027 Arthur J. Miller, b. 3-20-1879. 1028 Margaret A. Miller, b. 3-2-1880. 1029 Joseph B. Miller, b. 8-19-1881, d. 6-30-1892. 1030 Samuel R. Miller, b. 8-5-1883. 1031 Randall W. Miller, b. 11-4-1884. 1032 Ruth R. Miller, b. 2-28-1886. 1033 Hattie W. Miller, b. 11-26- 1887. 677 Randall W. Rose," born October 3, 1845, married, Decem- ber 28, 1869, Sarah Alexander. Lives at Bay View, Cecil county, Md. Children: 1034 Benjamin V. Rose, b. 11-26-1871, d. 2-18-1872. 1035 Caleb N. Rose, b. 3-25-1873. 1036 Marrion E. Rose, b. 6-30-1875. 1037 Rufus B. Rose, b. 11-23-1878. 1038 William C. Rose, b. 3-9-1880. 1039 Lucy J. Rose, b. 7-13-1881. 1040 Fred E. Rose, b. 12-1-1886. 1041 Marvin E. Rose, b. 1-26-1893. 678 George G. Rose," born July 6, 1847, married, June 16, 1870, Jane A. Miller. Lives at North East, Cecil county, Md. Children: 1042 John A. Rose, b. 7-17-1871, d. 2-18-1873. 1043 Jesse C. Rose, b. 7-12-1872, mar., 4-20-1893, Alice M. Mahoney, one child, Hazel M. Rose, b. 5-26-1894. 1044 Sarah M. Rose, b. 6-6-1875. 1045 Freddie E. Rose, b. 5-17-1877. 1046 Herbert M. Rose, b. 10-18-1879. 1047 Ma^y E. Rose, b. 10-23-1881, d. 5-5-1887. 1048 William Rose, b. 2-28-1884, d. 5-24-1884. 1 Twins. 1049 Anna Rose, b. 2-28-1884, d. 7-8-1884. J 86 Jane A. Rose died August lo, 1886; George C. Rose, married, second time, Lizzie E. Hamilton. Cliildren: 1050 Myrtle J. Rose, b. 8-26-1888. 1051 Ida C. Rose, b. 9-27-1889. 1052 George N. Rose, b. 12-8-1891. 679 Mary F. Rose/ born December 12, 1848, married, March 25, 1871, Joseph R. Miller. Lives at Mechanics Valley, Cecil county, Md. Children: 1053 Ernest S. Miller, b. 8-1-1872, mar., 4-5-1893, Lizzie R. McVey, child, William R. Miller, b. 11 -8- 1894. 1054 Philip R. Miller, b. 2-20-1875, d. 3- 16- 1876. 1055 J- Alfred Miller, b. 5-7-1877. 1056 Mary S. Miller, b. 1-20-1882. 1057 Willard M. Miller, b. 4-28-1886. 1058 Preston E. Miller, b. 6-21-1888. 1059 Lizzie E. Miller, b. 7-24-1891. 680 Alfred D, Rose,® born March 18, 1850, married, February 22, 1888, Laura H. Swayne. Lives at 205 West street, Wil- mington, Del. 681 Jonathan P. Rose/ born January 6, 1852, married, May 17, 1871, Martha A, Wood. Lives at Iron Hill, Cecil county, Md. Children: 1060 Edgar V. Rose, b. 3-18-1872. 1061 John A. Rose, b. 1-30-1875. 682 Henry C. Rose,*' born June 17, 1856, married, February 16, 1881, Hannah E. Holt. Resides at Mechanics Valley, Cecil county, Md. Children: 1062 Renel H. Rose, b. 4-14-1882. 1063 Charles S. Rose, b. 12-5-1883. > 1064 Harlan G. Rose, b. 2-11-1892. 87 683 Aquilla G. Rose,° born March 26, 1858, married, April 16, 1891, Viola H. Gifford. Lives at North East, Cecil county, Md. Children: 1065 Linda S. Rose. 1066 Paul W. Rose. 684 Edmund W. Rose,*' born September 30, 1859, married, May 7, 1881, Cora N. Graham. Lives at 1142 N. CarroUton avenue, Baltimore, Md. Children: 1067 Edna M. Rose, b. 5-10-1888. 1068 Hilda E. Rose, b. 12-24-1893. 691 Emma Gillingham," born September 6, 1849, niarried, January 7, 1868, George W. Warwick. Resides at Atlantic City, N. J. Children: 1069 Edward R. Warwick, b. 1869, d. 1871. 1070 Laurabell Warwick, b. 10-4-1871, mar., 3-3-1897, Wil- liam C. Westcott. 1071 Clifford H. Warwick, b. 1874, d. 10-12-1892. 692 Laura Gillingham," born April 28, 1852, married, Novem- ber 8, 1869, George W. Strausser. Lives at Bristol, Pa. Chil- dren: 1072 Vincent C. Strausser, b. 4-8-1871, d. 4-7-1873. 1073 Horace B. M. Strausser, b. 1-26-1876, d. 10-9-1876. 1074 Helen K. Strausser, b. 12-25-1882. 694 Henry C. Gillingham,*' born April 10, 1863, married, Octo- ber 7, 1883, Georgeanna White. Lives at Langhorne, Bucks county, Pa. Children: 1075 Frank B. Gillingham. b. 5-28-1885. 1076 Anna E. W. Gillingham, b. 1-12-1887. 1077 Mary F. Gillingham, b. 5-17-1890. 698 John Gillingham,® born February 16, 1859, married, — , 1884, Louise I. Hanna, ot Cecil county, Md. Lives at Lincoln University, Pa. Children: 1078 Thomas Cecil Gillingham, b. 9-28-1885. 1079 Mary Jane Gillingham, b. 1-25- 1888. 1080 John Edwin Gillingham, b. 2-18-1890. 1081 Howell Ashbridge Gillingham, Jr., b. 10-12-1892. 699 Joseph S. Gillingham,'^ born August 24, i860, married, October i, 1897, Mary F. Hofman. Lives at Lincoln Uni- versity, Chester county, Pa. One child: io8ia Catherine Gillingham. 702 Rev. Oscar A. Gillingham,** born February 3, 1868, mar- ried, April 29, 1897, at Port Penn, Del., Katherine Whittay Cleaver, daughter of Joseph Cleaver, of Port Penn, Del. He is a graduate of the Princeton Theological Seminary, and pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Oberlin, Kan. 711 Wilson Wright, ** born March 14, 1839, married Isabella Sophia. Children : 1082 Caleb Earl Wright. 1083 Wilson Wright, Jr. 714 Mary Wilson Fell,^ born February 20, 1848, married, November 28, 1871, Herbert Marshall Howe, M.D., son of Bishop M. A. DeW. Howe and Elizabeth Marshall, of Pitts- burg. Lived in Philadelphia. Children: 1084 Mary Herbert Howe, b. 7-14-1873. 1085 John Fell Howe, b. 12-3-1875. 1086 Edith Howe, b. 1-19-1877. 1087 Grace Howe, b. 2-8-1879. 1088 Rhoda Howe, b. 9-21-1880. 1089 Elizabeth Amanda Howe, b. 12-23-1887. 715 John Ruckman Fell,^ born January i, 1858, died in Phila- delphia, , 1896; married, May 15, 1879, Sarah Rozet Drexel, daughter of Anthony J. and Ellen Drexel, of Philadel- phia. A prominent society and club man of Philadelphia, where he lived. Children: '■1 1090 Amanda Ruckman Fell, ^ b. 2-8-1880. 1091 Ellen Drexel Fell, 1092 Mae Drexel Stewart Fell, b. 4-8-1884. 1093 Frances Drexel Fell, b. 12-23-1887. 725a Charles Gillingham Paxson," born August 16, 1863, mar- ried, January 14, 1885, Maggie Wortz. Resides in Camden, N. J. Children: 1093a Ethel Virginia Paxson, b. 1-14-1886 1093b Charles Edward Paxson, b. 7-19-1887. 1093c Rebecca Gillingham Paxson, b. 10-6- i88g. 743 Ann Eliza Armitage,** born June 7, 1840, married, Octo- ber 22, 1861, William Kitchen. Children: 1094 Mary Kitclien, b. 8-15-1863. 1095 Staunton Kitchen, b. 12-21-1865. 744 Gulielma Armitage,** born July 14, 1842, married, January 7, 1864, James Remington Fell (born January 24, 1838), son of George B. Fell and Margaret Mitchell. Lived in Solebury township, Bucks county. Pa. Children: 1096 George Remington Fell. b. 2-21-1866, d. 10-19-1876. 1097 Margaret Lloyd Fell, b. 5-9-1871. 1098 Emeline A. Fell, b. 6-13-1876. 90 752 William Kinsey Heston,*^ born April 24, 1850, married, — , 1875, Lizzie R. Shortledge. Children: 1099 Gertrude Heston, b. 1877. 1 100 Marie W. Heston, b. 8 — 1878. iioi Winona Heston, b. 5-30-1880. 753 Thomas Gillingham Heston,*' born June 14, 185 1, married, -, 1873, Anne Ionise Hopper. Lives in Camden, N. J. A carpenter and builder. Children; 1102 Albert Heston, b. 2-19-1875, d. 7-15-1881. 1103 Emma S. Heston, b. 11-15-1880. 1 104 Raymond B. Heston, b. 1879. 1 105 Thomas H. Heston, b. 1882, d. 1887. 754 Elizabeth Storey Heston,® born September 7, 1852, mar- ried, February 19, 1869, James H. Clinger. Children: 1 106 Florence Phillips Clinger, b. 8-8-1871. 1 107 Charles Milton Clinger, b. 5-24-1873. 1 108 Sarah Louisa Clinger, b. 9-17-1874. 1 109 Mary L. Clinger, b. 5-2-1875. 1 1 10 Edna Alice Clinger, b. 9 — 1877. iiii Thomas Heston Clinger, b. 2-4-1879. 1 1 12 Kate Anna Clinger, b. 6 — 1881. 1 1 13 Henry Armitage Clinger, b. 1883. 1 1 14 Oella L. Clinger, b. 6 — 1885. 1 1 15 Lizzie Heston Clinger, b. 6-12-1887. 759 Helen Dike Gillingham,® born July 24, 1855, married, May 10, 1892, Arnott H. Beitzel. Lives in Philadelphia. One child: 1 1 16 Anna H. Beitzel, b. 3-9-1893. 91 760 Horace Porter Gillingham, M.D.,® born December 8, i860, married, April 14, 1884, Elizabeth M. Moelbert. A practicing physician in New York city. 767 George L. Gillingham,® born October 21, i860, married, — , 1885, Alvina Stall. Lives in Philadelphia. Children: 1 1 17 George Gillingham, b. 1887. 1 1 18 Naomi Gillingham, b. 1889. 11 19 Henry B. Gillingham, b. 1891, d. 1893. 770 Herbert Gillingham,* born , 1869, married, October I, 1891, Irene Smith. Lives in Philadelphia. Children: 1 120 Anna Maria Gillingham, b. 7 — 1892, d. 10-26-1892. 1121 Irene Smith Gillingham, b. 9-1-1893. 783 Elizabeth Gillingham Robinson,® born May 20, 1870, mar- ried, June 24, 1893, George Arthur White (born June 19, 1864). One child: 1122 Elizabeth White, b. 9-14-1894. 790 Lewis Leeds Tatum,® born November 14, 1873, married, February 12, 1897, Mary Lulu Fralick. 791 Joseph William Tatum,*^ born October 20, 1875, married, July 10, 1899, Clara V. Mount. 92 824 Henry Warrington Gillingham,® born September 24, 1862, married, March 31, 1897, Sarah Carpenter, daughter of Robert H. and Amy T. Carpenter, of New York. In the produce business at 266 Washington street, New York city. 826 Mary M. Gillingham,*' born September 16, 1865, married, December 28, 1892, Abner G. Fell, of West Grove, Pa. Chil- dren: 1 123 Marianna Fell, b. 1-25-1894. 1 124 Eliza Fell, b. 12-5-1895. 1 125 Elizabeth Roberts Fell, b. 9-30-1897. 829 Anna lewis Gillingham,*^ born May 18, 1871, married, February 12, 1896, Edward Rogers, son of Josiah and Martha A. Rogers, of Medford, N. J. One child: 1 126 Albert Edward Rogers, b. 8-17-1897, 1126a William Davis Rogers, b. 1900. 852 Ada FoUingsbee Kibbee,* born December 31, 1852, mar- ried, October 5, 1876, Theodore R. Wright. Lives at Port Huron, Mich. Children: 1 127 Clara Gillingham Wright, b. 7-21-1877. 1 128 Ada Kibbee Wright, b. 8-6-1880. 855 Henry Clinton Kibbee,^ born May 24, 1859, married, Octo- ber 4, 1888, Louise Halbig. Lives at Topeka, Kansas. Chil- dren: 1 129 Henry Clinton Kibbee, Jr., b. 7-2-1889. 1130 Clara Louise Kibbee, b. 2-26-1893, d. 7-13-1893. 93 857 Frances Lewis Kibbee,® born April 26, 1866, married, Sep- tember 9, 1891, Cyrus Alvin Hovey. Lives at Port Huron, Mich. Children: 1 131 Harrold Kibbee Hovey, b. 7-28-1892. 1 132 Eleanor Frances Hovey, b. 9-6-1894. 858 William Bartle Gillingham,® born May 2y, i860, married, April — , 1885, Annie Robinson. Lives in Nevada, One child: 1 133 Joseph Eddy Gillingham, b. 3 — 1887. 859 Hattie Wells Gillingham," born November 9, 1861, mar- ried, February 2, 1882, Edmund De Rueyter Conger, of Port Huron, Mich. Lives at Columbia, S. C. Children: 1 134 Edmund Chamberlain Conger, b. 8-25-1886. 1135 Marie Louise Conger, b. 2-15-1893. 1 136 Joseph Harrold Conger, b. 1-1-1896. 860 Frank Morris Gillingham," born June 13, 1863, at Haines- port, N. J., married, October 24, 1888, at Church of the In- carnation, Philadelphia, Ida Keen, daughter of Alfred Keen, of Philadelphia. In the lumber business with his father, Frank C. Gillingham & Son. Resides in Germantown, Phila- delphia. Children: 1137 Frank Keen Gillingham, b. 9-15-1889. 1 138 Thomas Morris Gillingham, b. 12-16-1892. 1 139 Katharine Gillingham, b. 6-21- 1899. 861 Harrold Edgar Gillingham," born August 25, 1864, at Hainesport, N. J., married, February 9, 1891, at St. Peter's P. E. Church, Third and Pine streets, Philadelphia, by the Rev. William H. Vibbert, Louise Hance Long, daughter of John Hen- derson Long and Caroline Hearn Hance, of Philadelphia. A 94 member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Genealogical Society of Philadelphia, Colonial Society of Pennsylvania. Resides at 410 West Price street, Germantown, Philadelphia. Compiler of this work. One child : 1 140 Edith Harrold Gillingham, b. 4-14-1896. 862 Elizabeth Morris Gillmgham,® born May 28, 1871, mar- ried, November 8, igoo, at St. Luke's P. E. Church, German- town, Philadelphia, Charles Schroeder Rich, son of Rev. Arthur John Rich and Fannie K. Miller, of Baltimore. Resides in Baltimor^^Md ,g^^^^^_^-^^^ ^. ,..,.-c / ^ '889 Laura Casper,*' born October 21, 1865, married, February 12, 1896, at St. John's P. E. Church, Salem, N. J., Louis Pan- coast, son of Joseph Pancoast and Mary Jane Barnes. Re- sides at Salem, N. J. One child: 1141 Elizabeth Gillingham Pancoast, b. 8-15-1900. 890 Charles Arrison Gillingham,*' born March 2, 1867, mar- ried, , 1882, Annie Frances McCue. Lives in Philadel- phia. Children: 1142 Charles Lewis Gillingham, b. 7-13-1889. 1 143 William Gillingham, b. 3-1-1891, d. 4-8-1891. 1 144 Adaline Gillingham, b. g- 14- 1892. 1145 Annie Gillingham, b. 7-23-1894, d. 12-22-1894. 891 Lewis Gillingham, Jr.,** born June 10, 1872, married, , Margaret L. Nelms. Lives in Philadelphia. One child: 1146 Margarita Gillingham, b. 12-28-1893. 949 Anna Eebecca Gillingham,^ born April 3, 1870, married. January 19, 1898, in Baltimore, by Rev. Dr. W. PL H. Powers, William R. Van Dusen, of Philadelphia, son of Joseph B. Van Dusen. Resides in Germantown, Philadelphia. 95 950 George Oliver Gillingham, Jr./ born January 3, 1872, mar- i-je^l^ ^ 1893, Mamie Fairlee McKee, of Govanston, Md. One child: 1 147 George Oliver Gillingham, b. 12 — 1894. 994 Mary Wildman Gillingham,'' born January 3, 1876, mar- ried, June I, 1898, Louis Joseph Deacon, son of Howard R. and Anna Deacon, of Philadelphia. Lives in Philadelphia. One child: 1 148 Josephine Tomlinson Deacon, b. 7-5-1899. 1004c Esther Delany,^ born August 20, 1876, married, Novem- ber 29, 1899, Frank L. Sholes, of Philadelphia. ioo4d Linda Hancock Delany," born May 3, 1878, married, May 7, 1898, Llewellyn A. White. One child: 1 149 Thomas Croasdale White, b. 8-17-1900. 1005 Howard Gillingham/ born December 30, 1868, married, November 6, 1887, Ella Agnes Clements, daughter of Robert and Katherine Clements. Resides at Elizabeth, N. J. Chil- dren: 1 150 Howard C. Gillingham, b. 2-22-1891. 1151 Ada Rebecca Gillingham, b. 8-3-1899. 1 127 Clara Gillingham Wright," born July 21, 1877, married, at Port Huron. Mich., June 17, 1899, George Andrew Caruthers. Lives at Toronto, Can. 96 The following is an abstract record of another branch of a Gillingham family given me, but which seems to be extinct now, with but one exception, and, as far as known, there is no connection with the Yeamans Gillingham branch of the family treated herein. George Gillingham, born in England, came to America about 1793 or 1803 (each date given me) with two sons and one daughter. He was said to have been a very fine violinist. Settled in Baltimore. Children: 1 George Gillingham, Jr., b. in London, Eng., 7-23-1791. 2 Edwin Gillingham, b. in England. 3 Harriett Gillingham, b. in England, mar. Lindo; no other record. George Gillingham the first afterward married Anne Hazel, of Annapolis, Md. Moved to Philadelphia, where he died about 1825 or 1830. Both dates given me. Children: 4 Emma Gillingham, b. about 1814. 5 Julia A. Gillingham, was living in Jamestown, R. I., in 1894- George Gillingham, Jr. (i) married, November 22, 1822, Sarah Haslett. Lived in Baltimore, where he died January 20, 1857. Children: George H. Gillingham, deceased. Charles P. Gillingham, b. 1-7-1826. living in Baltimore in 1894, no issue. Furnished some of this record. Mary Louisa Gillingliam, b. 12-28-1827, in Baltimore, mar., 8-24-1852, John Linderman, and had Isabella, George G. and Mary Ella. Edward N. Gillingham, deceased. Virginia Gillingham, deceased. Emily Gillingham, deceased. William D. Gillingham, deceased. 98 Edwin Gillingham (2), date of birth unknown, married, — , Eliza Clemens, in Philadelphia. Children : Horace Gillingham, died without issue. Charles T. Gillingham, died without issue. Emma Gillingham (4), married, , Bostwick. She was a great singer, even until she was seventy-seven years of age. When she was sixty she received a salary of $1000 a year in a Chicago church choir. About 1865 she sang in Dr. Hodges's choir, Trinity Church, New York, and after- ward soprano soloist in the Cathedral Church of Ascension, New York. Was living in Morristown, N. J. Furnished some of this record. 99 L, 3V INDEX. PAGE. ALBBRTSON, Elvira M 24 George 24 ALEXANDER, Sarah 86 ALLEN, Hannah J «2 Mercy 85 ANDERSON, Mary Ann 73 ANDROS, Sir Edward 11 ARMITAGE, Alice 53 Ann Eliza 62, 90 Elizabeth S. (Gillingham) 32 Gulielma 62, 90 Henry 53 Joseph D 32, 62 Ruth Ella 62 Samuel 33 Thomas 62 William 32, 63 ASHBRIDGE, Gillingham 57 Howell 57 Samviel Howell 57 ATKINSON, Ann Lewis, Jr 36 Ann Lewis (Gillingham) 36 Deborah 36 Edmund Knight 68 Edmund S 36 George Gillingham 36, 68 Lewis 36 Sarah Elizabeth 36 Timothy 36 AUSTIN, Amos 15 Sarah 15 BAILEY, Susannah 44 Sarah 21 BAKER, Henry 8,37 Sarah Ann ■. 43 BARBER, Laura 47 Thomas 47 BARNES, Julia A 75 Mary Jane 95 BARTLE, Marie Louise 70 BEAN, Phoebe 28 BEANS, Anne (Gillingham) 29 Jonathan 29 „ PAGE. BECK, Mary 33 BEITZEL, Anna H 91 Arnott H 91 BIRCHALL, Katharine H ei William H 51 BIRDSONG, Betty 63 Mary Elizabeth 65 BLACK, Eliza 30 Elizabeth W 57 BLACKFAN, Elizabeth 36 BLIGHT, Atherton 39 Charles 21, 39 Charles F 39 Ellen 39 Emily 39 Fulton 39 George 39 Henry 39 James H 21 Julia 39 Maria 21, 39 Martha (Gillingham) 20 Mary 39 Peter 20, 21 Robert Barry 39 Sarah Ann 21 Sarah Anne 39 William P 21 BLOU, Charles R 63 Henry C 63 William E 63 William W 63 BODWELL, Mary 6 BONEY, Maria D 63 BOOTH, Edgar Hatfield 72 Hannah 78 BOSLER, Carolyne C 81 Charles Si Charles W 8r Hannah 5^ Joseph 51, 81 Lester C 81 Mary Watson 81 William Gillingham 51 BOSTWICK, Emma (Gillingham) 99 BRACKEN, Fannie (Selden) 48 PAGE. BRADDOCK. Sarali f>9 BREARL.EY. Alice L 43 Amanda H 4» Anderson 43- 79 Angie L 76 Ann (Gillingham) 23 Anna 7S Anna M 4- Annie Mary 76 Ann C. (Moore) 42 Archibald A 43 Caroline 42-75 Catharine 43 Catharine (Lalor) 43 Charles 42, 73 Edward P 4^,76 Edward S 76 Eliza Ann 4'. 74 Elizabeth 23, 42, 75 Elizabeth W 42 Ellen 76 Elmer E 76 Emmeline 43 Esther 23 Florence 74. 77 George 23, 42, 75 George D 43 George J 7^ Harvev 23. 4a Harvey G 42, 7f> Helen A 75 Henry Martyn 42 Isabel B 75 James ^S- 42 James \\' 43 Jane 4i Jasper M 7° John 43 Joseph Ci 75' "6 Joseph Gillingham 23. 43 Joseph K 74 Julia 43. ;6 Juliet 23, 76 Louisa A 42. 76 Louis G 76 Mabel 75 Marv 76 Mary Ann 23 Marv E 42 Mehitable (Smith) 42 Robert M 42 Robert Rae 74 Rosa 43 Rue 75 Samuel 23, 41 Samuel M 76 Samuel S 74 Sarah 43 Sarah S 42- "6 Stephen J 23, 43 Theodosia 4t William 23, 42, 43, 75 William A 41, 74 William Conover 43 William Kerry 75 BRIGGS, Albert Gillingham 34, 64 Edwin 34 Elizabeth 34 Elizabeth H 64 Grace Coleman 64 Ruth P. (Gillingham) 34 Theodore L 34 William T 34,64 PAGE. BRINTON, Anna (Gillingham) 32 Caleb J., Jr 3a BRODWELL,, Mary 6, 7 BROOKS, Ella D 77 Mary VV 66 BROWX, Anna 45 Joseph 15 Phoebe 15 Susanna 13 BRUBAKEH, Sarah Jane 30 BlCIvMAN, Anna Frances 38 Benjamin 24 Bertha 71 Caroline L 38 Dilworth 38 Emmaline 38 Emmaline (Gillingham) 38 Jane so Lucy 71 Mary 24 Samuel 1 i arrold 38, 71 BlREAl, Catherine E 63 BURG EN, Kate 30 BlUK, Sarah Ann 75 Bl KNESTOX, Dr. E. R 49 Lucy A 49 Lucy G 49 Matilda 49 Nellie 49 William N 49 t ANBY, Benjamin 8 Jane 8 Martha 8 Mary 8 Sarah 8 Thomas 8,37 CAREY, Frank 73 George 73 I>ewis Gillingham 73 Robert 73 OARPEXTER, Amy T 93 Robert H 93 Sarah 93 CARTER, Dr. Charles 39 CARL'THERS, George Andrew 96 CARVER, Henry 18 Rachel 18 Rachel (Smith) 18 PAGE. CASPER, Henry Gillingham 73 John n Joseph is Josephine Ti Laura 73. 95 Lawrence 73 Thomas Jefferson 73 CHAPMAN, John i John i& CHESSMAN, Deborah 10 CHILD, Eliza 51 CLARK, Fannie E 66 Jos. C 78 CLARKE, Isaac 19 Mary Louise 19 Susan ly CLEAVER, Joseph 89 Katherine VVhittay 89 CLEMENS, Eliza 99 Sallie 38 CLEMENTS, Ella Agnes 96 CLINGER, Charles Milton 91 Edna Alice 91 Florence Phillips 91 Henry Armitage 91 James H 91 Kate Anne 91 Lizzie Heston 91 Mary A qi Oella L 91 Sarah Louisa 91 Thomas Hestor. 91 CLOSSON, Euphemia 30 COLE, Mary 14 COLEMAN, Elizabeth B 64 Cv*MFORT, Aaron 4() Elvira 46 Emma 4" Ezra IS George 78 Grace 13 Susan Elizabeth 77 COMLY, Bessie May 81 Charles B 81 Cynthia G 81 Edith B 81 Henry 71 Newton M 8» Rowland R 81 Walter S 8r PAGE. COMPTON, Martha (Gillingham) 25 CONGER, Edmund Chamberlain 94 Edmund De Rueyter 94 Hattie (Gillingham) 94 Joseph Harrold 94 Marie Louise 94 CONOVER, Harvey Gillingham 25 Rachel (Gillingham) 25 CONROW, Darling 29 Harriett (Gillingham) 29 COOPER, Cornelia 43 Sarah D. H 56 COPPELL, Arthur 72 Edith 72 Elizabeth Cordelia 72 Florence 72 George 72 George, Jr 72 Grace 72 Helen ((iillingham) 72 Helen Ciillingham, Jr 72 Herbert yz Mary 72 COVEY, Sellona M 79 COWDEN, Edward 41 COX, Hannah (Gillingham) 68 J. VV 68 Lewetta 68 M. G 68 Mary VV'arrington 68 Sarah E 68 William H 68 CRAWFORD, Annie Elizabeth 78 CREW, Elizabeth 12 CRISLIP, Elizabeth (Gillingham) 21 Jacob -3 CROASDALE, Mary 3. 18 Thomas iS, 37 CROZER, Ann Eliza 44 Enoch L -14 Mary (Gillingham) -14 Robert 44 William 44 CUSTIS, Nellie 35 DAVIS, Louisa E 55 DEACON, Anna 96 Howard R 96 Josephine Tomlinson 96 Louis Joseph 96 103 PAGE. DELANEY, Charles 84 Esther §4, 96 Florence Gillingham 84 Horace B 84 Linda Hancock 84, 96 DENTOX, Dr. Joseph S 80 DERR, Anne 73 DESHI.ER, Mary 37 DETWILER, Emma D 82 DEVERS, Anna lone 80 Cora Edna 80 Lewis E 80 DICKINSO.N, Jonathan 5 D03IAN, Maria 4° DONALDSON, Clara 69 Jacob 69 Maria 69 DORRANCE, John 47 DOUGHTY, Amanda (Leidy) 59 Caroline Gillingham 31 (iillingham Fell 59 Mary Ann (Gillingham) 31 Mary Eleanor 59 Samuel W illett 31 William E 31. 59 William E.. Jr 59 DOVE, Warrington 80 DOWDNEV. Sarah 22 DOWNING. William M.. Jr 77 DREXEI., Anthony J 90 Ellen 90 Sarah Rozet 9° EASTBURN, Amos 9 Ann 8 Benjamin 8,9 David 9 Elizabeth 7-9 James 9 John 9 Joseph 8,9 Mary 8.9 Rebecca 9 Robert 8 Samuel 7-9 Sarah 8 Thomas 9 ECKEL, Mary Ann 61 PAGE. EDDY, George 37 Lucy Lewis il EGGLESTON, Charles 55 ELLICOTT, Martha 47 ELLIOTT, Isabella '^ Peter "i ELLIS, John A 81 Joseph Walter i^> William Rowland ^i ELY, Elizabeth 28 ENGLISH, Ann 43 Carrie 74 Eliza A^ li Emma G 74 F. E. S 74 Jane 42 Juliet E 74 Mary B 74 Thomas R 74 ENOS, Anna Frances ^3 EVANS, Rebecca 48 EWING, John 21 Madge 7t> Xancy (Gillingham) 21 Polly 22 EXTON, Harry 1 76 George A 7° FAIRMAN, Thomas 3 FELL, Abner G 93 Ada 50. 81 Alice 15 Amanda (Ruckman) 59. 90 Amos 31 Emeline A 9° Emma S° Emma A SO Eliza 93 Elizabeth Roberts 93 Ellen Drexel 9° Frances Drexel 9c George B 90 George Remington 90 James Remington 9° John Ruckman 59. QO Jonathan 5° Joseph Gillingham 3'. 59 Toshua 5° "Mae Drexel Stewart 90 Marianna 93 Margaret Lloyd 9° Mary (Gillingham) 3i Mary (Watson) 5° Mary Wilson 59. 89 Phoebe Ann 3i. 59 William 3i 104 PAGE. FENTON, Mary Ann 62 FISHER, Mary 66 FRALICK, Mary Lulu 92 FUL.TOjN,. Julia 39 GARDNER, Ann Dilworth n GEYER, George A 72 John H 72 John H., Jr 72 William 72 GIFFORD, Viola H 88 GILBERT, Lydia 16 GILLINGHAM, Abbie A 68 Adaline 95 Adaline -Ni 24, 46 Adeline (Sickle) 20 Ada Rebecca 96 Albanus L 29. 57 Albert 30 Albert B 41, 46, 74, 78 Albert Jenks 53. 83 Albert V 83 Alfred 3° Alice 55 Alice Armitage 83 Amanda 30 Amanda Myers 30 Amos 10, 15. 30 Amos James 26, 48 Angeline (Hibbs) 57 Ann. .. 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 23, 25, 26, 29, 46, 49 Ann E 56 Ann Eliza 24,44 Ann Eliza (Smith) 28 Ann Eliza (Wade) 50 Ann (Jacob) 9 Ann Lewis 18, 36, 93 Ann (Preston) 14 Anna 16, 19, 25, z^^ 38, 45. 61 Anna Brinton 61 Anna Elizabeth 53 Anna E. W 88 Anna F 63 Anna H. (Wright) 37 Anna Lewis 68 Anna M 45. 53 Anna Maria 40, 72, 92 Anna Rebecca 78, 95 Anne 14,29,41,74 Anne M 72 Annie 64, 95 Annie E 51 Annie Reynolds 49. 79 Annie W 46 Arthur W 82 A. Scott 68 Aubrey Howard 37 Benjamin 8, 10, 15, 45 Benjamin Hewlings 36 Benjamin Roberts 67 Bertha M 84 Betsy 22 Bridget (Moon) 10, ti PAGE. GIL.L.INGHAM, Caroline 19 Caroline Bureau 63 Caroline E 40, 72 Caroline Louise 20 Casper S 33 Catharine 19.23,25,33 Catharine Barclay 49,79 Catharine R 40 Catharine Raborg 79 Catharine Rapp 40 Catherine 71. 89 Chalkley 18, 35 Charles.. 16, 21, 24, 27, 32, 51, 52, 60, 82 Charles Arrison 73, 95 Charles Arthur 82 Charles Augustus 20 Charles B 98 Charles Brooks 78 Charles Clarkson 34 Charles Curtiss 49> 79 Charles H 56 Charles Hey wood 33 Charles Jenks 28, 55 Charles Levering 32, 60 Charles Lewis 95 Charles M 84 Charles Petit 52 Charles T 99 Charles Wood 32, 41, 61 Charlotte 55 Charlotte H 22, 55 Charlotte Ware 27, 54 Christopher Barclay 79 Christopher Raborg 49. 79 C,hristopher Raborg, Jr 79 Clara (Donaldson) 69 Clara L 83 Clarence 84 Clarence Fell 63 Clarence M 82 Clarence W 54. 84 Clinton 27, 54 Clinton J 84 Clinton Hancock 83 Cora 50 Cornelia Fraley 32 David 10, 15, 30 David C 56,84 Deborah Passmore (Williams) 37 Deborah Robinson 49 Dora Lucille 65 Edith Harrold 95 Edith W 61 Edmund W 57 Edward 26, 27, 32, 48, 52 Edward Augustus 41 Edward Clarke 20 Edward Ezra 49. 79 Edward Mason 60 Edward N 98 Edward R 82 Edwin 98, 99 Eleanor 58 Ella 55,68,79 Ella Maria ZZ Ellen 2Z Ellen (Harris) S8 Ellen (McAffee) 23 Ellen Roberts 34, 65 Eliza 18,36,37,68 Eliza Warrington 68 Elizabeth 5,6, 7,9, i3, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 33, 39, 48 Elizabeth (Black) 57 Elizabeth H 52,82 Elizabeth (Harvey) 12 Elizabeth Hay ward 14 Elizabeth J. (Tyson) 34 los GILLINGHAM, Elizabeth Lippincott Elizabeth M Elizabeth Moon Elizabeth Morris Elizabeth R Elizabeth Rich Elizabeth S Elizabeth (Sommers) Elizabeth Waring Elizabeth Weaver Elizabeth Wilson Elhvood, William Elmira, Rebecca Elvira Milnor Emma 20,53,57,88. Emma D Emma (Jackson) Emma Jane Emma K Emmaline Emma L Emma M Emma Matilda Emma S Emma W Emily Esther. .. 10, 12, 16, 21, 25, 41, 48, Esther (Scott) Euphemia (Closson) Ezra Fannie Florence D Francinia Frances 19, Frances Eddy Frank Frank B Frank Clemens Frank IT Frank Keen Franklin Frank Morris George. . 14, 26. 27, 30, 49, 50, 55. (ieorge, Jr ("leorge C 56, ( leorge, Eddy George H George Hay ward George 1 George, Lewis 18,36, (.ieorge, Oliver George Oliver, Tr George Oliver, 3d (ieorge 1' George S George Simpson George W 21,40,57, George W., Jr George Washington Georgia Grace (Comfort) Grace (Harper) Gulielma Gulielnia .VI Gulielma (Spicer) Hannah 12, iS, 22, 24, 25, Hannah Ann Hannah (Schneider) Hannah W Hannah (Watson) Harold E Harrold Harrold Edgar Harper 20, Harriet Harriett 28,29, Harvey . ... 13, 22, 25, 32, 45, 55, Hattie PAGE. 36, 6g 29 16 71. 95 57 41, 73 17. 32 57 21 32 61 34, 65 48, 79 24. 25 98, 99 34, 64 68 19,38 79 49, 80 41 -8 83 98 52, 82 68 30 14, 26 22,58 54,84 20 20, 22 38.69 60 88 38,70 55 94 29 71,94 92,98 98 68,84 38 98 SO 63, 92 68,69 48,78 78,96 96 84 26 54 60, 73 73 40 79 15 20 9 34, 64 17 35,68 28,55 33 27. 36 26 83 38 71,94 25, 39 27 56,08 60, 61 23 PAGE. GILLINGHAM, Hattie Wells 70, 94 Helen 55 Helen Dike 63, 91 Helen Hoffman 39, 72 Helen \' 83 Henrietta 20 Henry Armitage 54, 84 Henry B 92 Henry Baillie 21, 40, 73 Henry C 29, 57, 58, 88 Rev. Henry C 58 Henry Clay 30, 58 Henry D 34 Henry Dubosq 40 Henry Raborg 49, 79 Henry \\ arrington 67, 93 Henry William 20 Henry Yeamans 63 Herbert 63, 92 Herbert F 54 Hester 74 Hester (Randolph) 30 Horace 99 Horace Bennett 32, 61 Horace I'orter 63, 92 H. Ralph 61 Howard 28, 30, 56, 61, 84, 96 Howard C 96 Howell A 58 Howell Ashbridge 89 Hubert Detwiler 82 Ida (Keen) 94 Ida Louella 58 Irene Smith 92 Isaac 25 Jacob Kirkner 18 James 3, S, 6, 8, 10, II, 12, 14, 16, 21, 24, 25, 40, 41, 47 James Porter 34, 63 James R 63 James Wood 16,31,59,61 Jane (McPherson) 25 Jane Price 29, 57 Jane (Slaymaker) 57 Jennie 30 Jenks 14, 28 Jesse 15 Jesse Fremont 46 Jesse W 46 J. Harvey 55 John 5, 6, 8, 9, 10. II, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 29, 58, 89 John Doman 40, 72 John Edwin 89 John Hallowell 12 John Stevenson 48 (ohn T 22 John W 61 John Ware 27, 53 John Watson 27. 51 Jonathan 10, 13, 14, 27, 54, 83 Jonathan Preston 14, 28 Joseph 8, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 23, 27, 36, 45, 46 Joseph Byron 27 Joseph C 24, 46 Joseph Eddy 3, 38, 69, 94 Joseph Harrold 19 Joseph Jenks 27, 54 Joseph Reuben 67 Joseph S 58, 89 Joseph Smith 28 Josephine 19,40 Julia A 98 Julia Harvey 49 Kate 57 Kate (Watson) 23 Katharine 94 106 GILLIXGHAM, Keziali (Warrington) Lanthe Laura '. . Laura H Lavinia Lawrence Giliford Lena F Lewis 21, 36, 41, 68, •}:i, Lewis Eddy Lewis H Lewis Harrold Lizzie Louis Louis, Eckel Louis Harrold Louisa E Louisa i\L (Hubbs) Louise Hance (Long) Lucas 17, Lucy Lucy Ann Lucy Ann (Porter) Lucy Eddy Lucv Lewis (Eddy) Lydia Lydia Ann Porter Lydia B. (Porter) Lydia Elizabeth Mabel S Mahlon Margaret Margaret Ann Margaret Eleanor Margaret (Jenks) 14, Margaret (Thornton) Margaret (Scarborough) Margarita Margery Maria Maria (Doman) Maria Louisa Martha 8, 10, 12, 20, Martha (Kirkner) Martha Preston Martha T Mary 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25. 28, 31, 40, Mary Ann 19, 20, 24. Mary Ann Preston Mary (Buckman) Mary (Cole) Mary E Mary Eliza Mary Elizabeth 36, Mary Ellen Mary F Mary Harper Mary (Heywood) Mary J Mary Jane Mary Letitia Mary Louisa Mary M Mary (Moffatt) Mary P Mary (Price) Mary S Mary Simpson Mary Spicer Mary (Updegraff) Mary W Mary Watson Mary Wood Mary Wildman Mathias Milnor Milton Miriam (James) ..26, 35 33 57, 88 54,84 23 59 61 74. 95 38 20 38 74 30 61 '70 55 38 95 18,34 26, 49 17 33 38 37 17, 22 34 3i 34 61 II, 19 30 29, 56 60 26, 51 41, VZ S8 95 74 22. 40 40 41 25. 30 17 14, 28 34, 63 9. 10. 47, 64 30, 39 15,31 24 14 63 55 52,69 29 29, 88 17 17 56 89 45 98 67,93 27 24, 44 29 54 54 17 25 54, 61 26, 51 32 83,96 II, 17 45, n 24 50, 80 PACE. GILLINGHAM, Closes II, 17 Nancy 21 Naomi 92 Nathan H 17 Nelson 30 Rev. Oscar A 58, 89 Phebe Ann 24 Phebe (Brown) 15 Phebe (Hallowell) 12 Phebe iVlilnor 25, 47 Phebe (Ware) 27, 53 Phineas 24 Phoebe 16, 32, 46, 60, 78 Phoebe (Bean) 28 Preston 30 Rachel 23, 26 Rachel Harrold 19 Rachel (Henderson) 58 Rachel Moon 17.33 Rebecca 6,29 Rebecca Ann... 60 Rebecca Ann (Shur) 31 Rebecca Harrold 18,19,38 Rebeca Heywood 17 Rebeckah 5 Regina 74 Reuben Roberts 67 Richard 25 Richard Thomas 50 Robert 41. 45 Robert Porter 33,63 Ruth (Preston) 10, 17, 34 Sallie Rose 52 Samuel 10, 13, 14, 16, 22, 27, 28, 31, 32, 52, 55 Samuel Adolphus 58 Samuel Harrold 19, 37,38 Samuel R 29, 57 Samuel Shur 32, 61 Samuel Wood 60 Sara W 57 Sarah, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 13, 25, 27, 40, 52 Sarah Ann 21, 31, 60 Sarah Anna 41 Sarah Ann (Simpson) 32 Sarah (Austin) 15 Sarah B' 24, 45 Sarah (Baillie) 21, 73 Sarah (Cooper) 56 Sarah F 56. 85 .Sarah Kirkner 18 Sarah (Lewis) 18 Sarah Maria 72 Sarah (Rich) 4° Sarah (Runk) 29 Sarah (Taylor) lo Sarah W 54 Sarah (White) 10 Sarah Wood 16, 32, 60 S. Brock 29 Schuyler S 78 Sidney 18, 35 Silas 57 Smith Price 29, 58 Stacy II. 20 Stephen B 46 Stephen Elwell 46 Susan 3°. 58 Susan A 78 Susan (Clarke) 19. 20 Susan Esther 68 Susannah 5. 6, 9. 26 Tacy S. (Morris) 7i Theodore Tyson 34. 64 Thomas 8, 9, 11, 13. i7, 21 Thomas Connor 4i Thomas Cecil 89 Thomas Ellwood 58 107 PAGE. GILIilNGHAM, Thomas Morris 94 Thomas VV 33 Thomas Wood 32 Virginia 98 Walter ^3 Walter Brooks 61 Walter Levering 60 Walter Taylor 31, 61 Warrington 36, 67 Watson 54 William n, 13, 14, 16. 24, 25, 26, 39, 51, 95 William Allen 83 William B 24, 45. 46 William Bartle 70, 94 William C 40 William Clifton 21.40 William D 98 William H 45 William Heywood 17. 33 William Heywood. Jr 33 William Jcnks 27, 53 William Jenks, Jr 53.83 William Lowrie 20 William M 54. 84 William Mohler 59 William Penn 3' William Preston 15.30 William R 29. 57 William Raborg 49. 79 William S 57 William Savery 61 William W 52. 63, 82 William Watson 28 William \\eaver 32 Williams Yeamans 34 Willieann (Stoey) 27 Yeamans.. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8, 10, 11, 18, 19, 36 Yeamans Canby 17. 33. 34 Yeamans Moon 18, 37 GILPIN, Anna (Gillingham) 38 Anna Gillingham 7' Edward „ 38 George 38,71 John Ferris .^8 Rebecca Ilarrold 38, 7' GRAHAM, Cora N fS Ella M 84 GRANVILLE, Anna Gillingham 74 John 74 GREENOUGH, Nina 39 GRIMMITT. William 5 GRISCOM, Anna Sidney 65 Betty °o Ellwood 35. 00 Elwood, Jr 66 Frances ^o George Lewis •'5' ^5 Louisa Clark 06 Mamie 65 Mary Ella 66 Mark Stewart 35. 07 Nancy Stewart 35-67 Samuel S 66 Samuel W 35 Samuel W., Jr 66 PAGE. GRISCOM, Sarah Lewis 35. 66 Sarah Lewis, Jr 66 Sidney, Gertrude 67 Sidney (Gillingham) 35 Sidney W 66 \'irginia Birdsong 65 Yeamans 35. 66 GROSS, Henry W 26 Rachel (Gillingham) 26 GRUHB, Lydia 38 HALBIG, Louise 93 IIALFMAN, Nancy R 52 HALL, Dell 60 Elias 77 Lewis 77 HALLO WELL. Hannah L 12 John 12 Phebe 12 HAMILTON, Lizzie E 87 HANCE, Caroline Hearn 94 HANCOCK, Aubrey -M 54 Clinton Gillingham 54 Henry Ware... 54 Howard 54 Minnie 62 Sally 39 Samuel P 54 H.\NN.\H, Louise 1 89 HARDING, Eugene H 64 Frank R 64 Lilian Gillingham 64 Walter Gillingham 64 HARDWICK, Charles 40 John 40 Mary Ann 40 Mary (Gillingham) 40 Sarah Elizabeth 40 HARNER, Sarah J 61 HARPER, Grace 20 John 20 Phebe (Thomas) 20 HARRIS. Ellen 58 HARROLD. Isabella (Elliott) 18 Rachel (Carver) 18 Rebecca 18 Samuel 18 William 18 108 PAGE. HARTER, Sarah 84 HARVEY, Elizabeth 12 Thomas 12 HASLETT, Sarah 98 HATHORNTHAVAITE. Agnes 18 HAYWARD, Elizabeth 14 HAZEL., Anne 98 HEAOOCK, Eliza 64 Elizabeth 64 Nathan 64 HEARTIiEY, Charlotte 22 HEATON, Robert 71 HENDERSON, Rachel A 58 HENDRICK, Ellen 59 HENDRICKSON, John L 43 HESTON, Albert 62, 91 Elizabeth Storey 62, 91 Emma S gi Gertrude 91 Henry H 62 Marie W 91 Raymond B 91 Thomas Gillingham 62, 91 Thomas H 91 William Kinsey 62, 91 Winona 91 HEYWOOD, Mary 17 HIBBS, Angeline 57 HILLIARD, Bernard Aubrey 68 George Lewis 68 Mary Elizabeth 68 Thomas Gillingham 68 William 68 William Thomas 68 HOFMAN, Mary F 89 HOLMES, Anna 66 Edmund S 66 Eliza Griscom 66 Elizabeth Griscom 66 George Lewis 66 Helen 66 Mary 66 Thomas D 66 PAGE. HOLLOWAY, Ellen R. G 65 Emma Gillingham 6s Silas 65 HOLiT, Hannah E 87 HOLTOIV, Nathaniel, Jr 4 HOPPER, Anna Louise gi HOTTEL, Addie 75 George W 75 Joseph B 75 Lillian K 75 HOWE, Clara S 55 Edith 89 Elizabeth Amanda 89 Grace 89 Herbert Marshall 89 John Fell 89 M. A. De W 89 Mary Herbert 89 Rhoda 89 HOWELL,, Ada 46 Adaline (Gillingham) 46 Charles 46 Ella 45 Elvira 45 George 46 Gerselam 46 James 46 John M 45 Josephine 45 Lewis 46 Martha 45 Phebe 46 Richard 45 Sarah (Gillingham) 45 William Gillingham 46 HOVEY, Cyrus Alvin 94 Eleanor Frances 94 Harrold Kibbie 94 HUBBS, Louisa M 38 HUNTER, Lorena E 63 HUTCHINS, Louise 55 HUTCHINSON, Henry Brearley 76 Isaac B •}(> Walter T 76 IDEL.AR, Mary 40 JACKSON, Elizabeth 31 Emma 28 JACOB, Ann 9 Mary 9 Samuel 9 109 PAGE. JAMKS. Amos 26 Miriam 26 JAXNEY, Ann 24 ''Genealogy" 24 JARVIS, Sarah 8 JENKINS, Edith 63 JENKS, Elizabeth (Pearson) 14 Joseph 14 Margaret 14 Nancy 7 JOHNSON, William 1 1 JONES, Catharine 55 Hannah 34 Jonathan 34 Mary 44 Rachel 34 KAIGHN, Edward U 52 KANE. Elizabeth 4' KEEN. Alfred 94 Ida 94 KENDERDINE. Lewis R 64 Robert 64 Ruth Briggs 64 Thaddeus S 64 KENNEDY. Robert W 75 KIBBEE, Ada Follingsbee 69, 93 Clara Louise 93 Eleanor Pierce 69 Frances Lewis 69, 94 Henry Clinton 69, 93 Henry Clinton, Jr 93 Dr. Jared 69 Lucy Eddy 69 Samuel Harrold 69 KIMBER. Elizabeth 78 KINSEY. Belinda 12 Benjamin 13 Courtland 12 Elizabeth (Crew) 12 Jonathan 12 George 13 Lavinia 12 Lucretia 12 Martha 12 Mary G 13 Samuel 12 KIRK, John 71 KIRKNER. Jacob 17 Martha "7 Sarah '7 PAGE. KITCHEN, Mary 90 Staunton 90 William 90 KNIGHT. Barclay 68 Charles A 80 Helen \V 80 Jane 68 Marion 80 Mary P 68 KNOWLES. John 5 1,A COSTA. Mary C 43 L.ALOR, Catharine 43 LANNING. David \\ 75 Enoch 44 Eva B 75 James 44 Janet B 75 Mary E 75 William 44 l..\TIMER. L. D 28 Sarah Ann 28 LAWRENCE. Anne Morgan T2 Ely 72 T. Reeves 72 I.EACH, Mary Ann 5' Toby 7> LEEDS. Daniel 34 Davis 35 Hannah 35,65 Hannah (Gillingham) 35 Lindley M 35 LEIDY. Amanda 59 LEVERING. Margaret 3' William 7' LEWIS. Ellis Z1 Hannah '2 Hester 37 Major Lawrence 35 Lorenzo 35 Joshua 65 Julia Ann 65 Mary Elizabeth 65 Minnie Peyton 50 Sarah 18 LINCOLN. Abraham 16, 53 LINDERMANN, George G ^^ Isabella 9^ John 98 Mary Ella 98 110 PAGE. LINTON, Elizabeth Gillingham 69 Isaiah W 69 Ralph 69 LIPPINCOTT, Dr. Allen 78 Elizabeth 36 Tacy Elizabeth 78 liLOYD, R. B 76 LONG, John Henderson 94 Louise Hance 94 LONGSTRETH. Daniel 45 Maria M 45 LOSEE, Harold G 55 Henry 55 LOVERING, Mary 38 LOWER, Susan 78 LOWRY, Ada -jz LUCAS, Edward 11 Elizabeth 10, 11 Giles II John II Robert u. 37 LUKENS, Cora 44 David 44 Eliza 44 Samuel 44 MAGENS, Blanche Gillingham 63 Thomas 63 MAHONEY, Alice M 86 Fannie 85 MARKS, Rachel E. C 53 MARRETT, George 5 3IARSH, John D 39 Mary Ann (Gillingham) 39 MARSHALL, Benjamin 22 Elizabeth 89 Fannie G 22 James 22 John 22 MARTIN, Elizabeth S 44, 77 John 44 William 44 MATHEWS, Alex 30 III PAGE. MATHER, Tacy Mitchell 82 MAXWELL, Ella C 60 Rev. J. CJordon 38 MERRICK. Phebe 25 3IERSHON, Louisa 76 MESSICK, Alfred 22 Hannah G 22 McAPFBE, Ellen 23 McCONNELL, Mae 83 McCOY, Georgia G 79 McCREA, John 39 McCUE, Annie Frances 95 McFADDEN, Catharine (Gillingham) 23 George 23 McLEAN, Rebecca R 62 MeKEE, Mamie Fairlee 96 McNAIR, Henry Watson 51 James D 51 Mcpherson, Isaac 25 Jane 25, 39 McVEY, Lizzie R 87 MIDDLETON, Alice G 87 Alvin W 52 Annie E 52 Clara E 52 Emma A 52 John W 52 Richard A 52 Sarah (Gillingham) 52 MILLER, Alfred H 85 Aguilla B 8s Arthur T 86 Eddie F 85 Ernest S 87 Fannie K 95 Hattie W 86 T. Alfred 87 Jane A 86 Joseph B 86 Joseph R 87 Lizzie E 87 Maria L 85 Margaret A 86 Mary S 85, 87 PAGE. Philip R 87 Preston E 87 Randall W 86 Ruth R 86 Sallie W. G 86 Samuel R 86 Thomas S 85 William M 87 William R 87 Lydia (Gillingham) 22 William 22 MILNOR, Elvira 25 Letitia 45 Mahlon 25 MINSTER, Cora G 82 Edward 82 Margaret R 82 Morris 82 Walter 82 William ( jillingham 82 MINTON, H 23 Hattie (Gillingham) 23 MITCHELL,, Harriett (Milnor) 25 Jonathan 25 Margaret 9° MOELBERT. Elizabeth M 92 MOFFATT, Mary 27 MOHLER, Rocksy 15 59 MOLTEN, Albert 77 Alice L. (Hrearley) 77 Florence Brearley 77 Helen Cuthbert 77 Joseph Gillingham Brearley... 77 Philip Sherman 77 Robert P 43. 77 Robert Potter, Jr 77 MONTGOMERY, Tenie 43 MOON, Bridget 10, 11 Eliza Ann 22 Elizabeth 10 James 10, 22 Joan 10 John 22 Joseph 22 Mahlon 22 Mary 22 Mary (Gillingham) 22 Roger 10 Samuel 22 Sarah 22 William 22 MOORE. Ann C 42 Debbie A 44 Henrietta A 74 PAGE. MORRIS, Tacy Shoemaker 71 Thomas Edgar 71 MORRISON, Mary 48 MOTT, James 37 MOUNT, Clara V 92 William 43 MYERS, Abraham D 28 Charles 48 Eastburn N 28 Emma 84 George Gillingham 48 Henry 48 James 48 Jackson R 28 John Gillingham 28 Lawrence W 28 Martha Preston (Gillingham).. 28 Mary 48 Mary Ann Dillan 28 Mary Gillingham 48 Sarah Ann Sophia 28 NEISH, A. J 30 NELMS, Margaret L 95 NEWLIN, Nathaniel 37 Nicholas 37 NICHOLS, Jennie Elizabeth 67 Mary Sidney 67 Reid C 67 Reid Johnson 67 Robert Stewart 67 Samuel Griscom 67 Yeamans Gillingham 67 MTT, Ann 10 O'BRIEN, Camilla Gertrude 67 Elizabeth Eleanor 67 OLIVER, Mary 8 OAVEN. Griffith 9 PALMER. Major W. \' 39 PANCOAST, Elizabeth Gillingham 95 Joseph 95 Louis 95 PARK, General John G 39 PARSONS, James 4. 5 PASSMORE, Deborah 37 PAGE. PAUL,, Ann 6, 7 Henry 4, 5, 6, 7 John 6,7 Joseph S. 6, 7 Margaret 6, 7 Mary 6, 7 Mickle, C 52 PAXSON, Anna Gillingham 60 Charles Gillingham 60, go Charles Edward 90 Edward H 60 Ellen Heston 60 Emma Fell 81 Ethel Virginia 90 Frederick L 81 Grace 81 . Howard 81 James Goggins 60 Dr. Joseph A... 81 Rebecca Gillingham 90 Sarah VV. (Gillingham) 60 PEARSON, Elizabeth 14 PECK, Charles 56 Harriett (Gillingham) 56 Henry Roy 56. S. S. B 56 PEEL, Anthony 9 PENN, William 3 PETIT, Alma Caroline 80 Anna lone 80 Carl Edward 80 Cora Gillingham 80 Edward 80 George Gillingham 80 Laura Mabel 80 Louis Aubrey 80 Olive Rachel 80 Thomas Hayward 80 Walter Walton 80 PHILLIPS, Jane S 75 PICKERING, Elizabeth (Gillingham) 29 Thomas 29 PIERCE, David 17 Rebecca H. G 17 PORTER, Lydia B 33 POTTER, Elizabeth Cuthbert 77 POWERS, Dr. W. H. H 95 PRESTON, Ann 14 Deborah 10 Jane 8 Ruth 10 William 10, 14 PAGE. PRICE, John 29 Mary 29 Thomas 85 RABORG, Ann 48 Catharine Barclay 48 Christopher 48 KAMSAY, Colonel A. S 22 RAMSEY, Frances G 22 RANDOLPH, Hester 30 REGESTER, Bessie Gray 79 Elmira Gillingham 79 Helen Wilson 79 Minnie Stevenson 79 Dr. Wilson Gray 79 RENSHAW, Alfred 85 RICH, Rev. Arthur 95 Benjamin 15 Charles Schroeder 95 Elizabeth M. (Gillingham) 95 Emmaline P 50 John 15 John P 28 Lewis D 50 Nancy 15 Sarah 40 Sarah Ann (Myers) 28 Sarah (Gillingham) 15 William 15 RICHARDSON, Joseph 81 Joshua 81 Margaret 81 Mary 81 Samuel 81 ROBERTS, Mary Ann 67 ROBINSON, Annie 94 Elizabeth Gillingham 64,92 James Charles 64 Lydia Gillingham 64 ROGERS, Albert Edward 93 Caroline 71 Edward 93 Evan 71 Fairman 71 Josiah 93 Martha A 93 Mary 42 Rebecca (Gilpin) 71 William Davis 93 ROSE, Alfred D 56,87 Anna 86 Aquilla G 88 Aquilla P 56 Benjamin V 86 Caleb N 86 Charles S 87 113 PAGE. ROSE, Edgar V 87 Edmund W 56, 88 Edna M 88 Elizabeth G 56,85 Fred. E 86 George C 87 George G 56, 86 George N 87 Harlan G 87 Harriet R 56.85 Hazel M 86 Henrv C 56, 87 Herbert M 86 Hilda E 88 Ida C 87 Jane A 87 Jesse C 86 John 56 John A 86,87 Jonathan P 56, 87 Linda S 88 Lucy J 86 Marrion E 86 Alarvin E 86 Mary E 86 Mary F 56,87 Myrtle, Jr 87 Paul W 88 Randall W 56,86 Renel H 87 Rufus B 86 Sarah M 86 Tacy Ann 5-2 Timothy V 56 William 86 William C 86 ROrSE, Carrie B 75 William E 75 ROWLAND, Hannah Gillingham 51 Hannah G 81 Samuel 5' Thomas G 51, 82 William D 51,82 ROWLEY, Buel 33 Clinton 33 Deborah 33 Electa 33 James 33 John 33 Lucy Ann 33 Xathan 33 Rachel M. (Gillingham) 33 Rebecca G 33 Thomas 33 William 32, 33 Rl CKMAN, Amanda 59 John 59 Rebecca 59 RLE, Elizabeth S 77 Emily M 75 Eva 77 Harvey S 77 Lewis 77 Mary 74 Sarah Ann 77 Samuel S 77 RLNK, Sarah 29 RUSH, Madison 39 Lieutenant Richard H 39 RYDER, Cornelia 55 SAFFELL. Frank H 60 SCARBOROUGH, Margaret Catherine 58 SCHNEIDER, Hannah jj John 33 SCKOOLEY. Marianna 71 SCOTT, Bridget 11 Ellen (Gillinsham.) 23 Esther H 08 SCCLLIN, Clayton R 60 SELDEN, Fannie 48 Catharine 25 Charles 48 SEXSERING, Anna (Gillingham) 45 David M 45 SEWELL, Ann (Gillingham) 49 Catharine B 49 Charles T 49 Fannie H 49 (ieorge E 49 Lsabella 49 John T 49 Thomas, Jr 49 Walter 49 SEXTON, Ann 78 SI! ALLCROSS, John 5 SI! VRPLESS, "Genealogy" 37 SHAW. Caroline 80 SHEETS, Rev. George 38 SHENTON, Cora G 50 Raymond 50 SHOCK, Alfred H 85 Charles L 85 George H 85 Sarah A 85 Wilhelmina B 85 SHOEMAKER, Elizabeth 71 George 71 Levi T 68 SHOLES, Frank L 96 114 PAGE. SHORTLEDGE, Lizzie R 91 SHREVE, Hannah F 76 SHUR, Ezekiel 31 Rebecca Ann 31 SHUSTER. William H 79 SICKLE. Adeline 20 SI3IMONS, Edward 13 John 13 Mary G 13 Stephen 13 Susan 13 SIMPSON, Elizabeth 36 John 36 Ivobert 36 Ruth 36 Sarah Ann 32 Sarah J 54 Thomas Ogborn 36 William 32 SLAYMAKER, Jane D 57 SLOAN, Annie B 75 SMALL, Emmeline 62 iNIary 81 SMALLWOOD, William 52 SMITH, Ann Eliza 28 Caleb Hallowell 83 Deborah 36 Elizabeth 41 Elizabeth (Ely) 28 Frances Ashbridge 83 George 53 Henrietta 83 Irene 92 James W 42 Joseph, Jr 28 Mary 16 Mary A 84 Mary Ann 41 Mehitable 42 Sarah 41 William 3, 18, 37 SOMERDYKE, Miss 20 SOMMERS, Elizabeth 57 SPEAKMAN, Edna 83 Horace 63 Henry C 83 William G 83 Ralph C 63 SPENCER, Esther G 55 William 55 115 PAGE. SPICER, Abraham 6,7 Gulielma 9, 17 James 7, 9, 17 John 6,7 Rachel (Wildman) 9, 17 Sarah 6, 7 STACKHOUSE, Ann 77 Robert 78 STALL, Al vina 92 STAPLES, Adele Egbert 64 Eugene 64 STEVENSON, John 48 Rebecca Ann 48 STITCHER, John 38 STODDARD, Elizabeth 48 Harry 48 James 48 Jennie 48 Lafayette 48 Nellie 48 Thomas 48 STOEY, Willieann 07 STOREY, Ann Eliza 32, 62 Charles Henry 62 Elizabeth 62 Elizabeth S. G 32 George 32 Henry 32, 62 James 32, 62 James Bayard 62 Marion 62 Mary 32 Thomas Gillingham 32,62 STRAL'SSER, George W 88 Helen K 88 Horace B. M 88 Vincent C 88 STRICKLER, lislher 84 SWAIN. Abraham 23 Alexander A 44 Alice 44 David 23 Elizabeth (Gillingham) 23 Evelina 23 Eva 44 (jeorge 44 Harvey 23, 44 Joseph 23, 44 Mary 44 Sarah 23. 44 SWAYNE, Laura H 87 PAGE. TATUM. David Scull 65 Hannah Gillingham 65 Hannah (Leeds) 65 Joseph William 65,92 Lewis Leeds 65i 9- Sarah Mickle 65 William E 65 TAYLOR, Hannah (Tyson) 10 Isaac 6 J. Howard 33 Mary 4. 6 Sarah 6,10 THOMAS. Ellen 40 Joseph S 44 Phebe 20 Sally 72 Sarah H 50 THOMPSON, Albert 78 Anna 78 Anna G 47 Elvira G 47 Florence 78 Hannah 35 Harvey H 47 Horace 78 Hector 47 John 35. 47 Joseph 78 L. P 46 Lizzie 78 Mabel 78 Maud 78 Margaret 47 M argaretta 47 Rose Frazer 47 Rosina 47 S. P 78 Sering 78 William 78 THOR\, Charles H 27 Harriet (Gillingham) 27 THORNTON, Margaret 41 TITIS, Catharine 27 TONKR, Janet 74 TROXELL, Anna M 63 TYSON, Alice 47 Elizabeth Jane 34 Estelle 47 Hannah 10, 47 Henry 47 James 34 Jonathan 34 Laura 47 Margaret Gittings 47 Martha Ellicott 47 May Beatrice 47 Nathan 47 Rynear 71 Sarah 34 PAGE. UPDEGRAFT, Mary 25 VANDEORIFT. George 15 Sarah 15 A AN DISEN, Joseph B' 95 William R 95 VEREE, Susan 83 VILBERT. Rev. William H 94 AVADE, Ann Eliza 50 WALL. Richard 71 AVALRAVEN. Ira E 46 AA'ALTON, Amos 16 David 16 Esther (Gillingham) 16 Joseph 16 John 16 Lydia 16 Sarah 53 Sarah Ann 16 Stacy 16 Thomas 16 WARE, Catharine (Titus) 27 John 29 Phebe 29 AVARNF^R, Elizabeth 54 Sarah A 54 AVARRINGTON. Benjamin 33 Henry 35 Keziah 35 WARAVICK, Clifford H 88 Edward R 88 (ieorge W 88 Laurabell 88 AVASHINGTON. George 16, 35 AVATSON. Alice A 50 Anna Gilbert 50, 81 Anna Louisa 60 Caroline 50 Elizabeth 26 Elizabeth (Gillingham) 26 Emmeline P 50 Fannie 51 Hannah 26 Helen M 80 Henry 26, 50 Jenks 26 Jenks Gillingham 50,80 John 26 John Rich 50 Kate 23 Linora P 82 116 ^ U RD-94 i PAGE. "WATSON, Lizzie C 80 Mary 26, 50 Mary Alice 80 Margaret 50 Margaret Jenks 26 Martha Rich 51 Samuel Gillingham 26, 50 Sarah 26 Sarah H 50 Rudolph J 70 William 26 William Henry 80 WAYNE, Sarah G 13 William 13 WEAVER, Elizabeth 32 W^ENTZELIi, Charles 73 Hannah 73 WESTCOTT, William C 88 >VEYGAND, Anna Maria 53 Mary Beane 53 Philip Joseph 53 WHITE, Alonza S 85 Elizabeth 92 Georgianna 88 George Arthur 92 Hildah E 85 John 8s John C 85 Joseph 10, 19 Lillie J 85 Llewellyn. A 96 Margaret 85 Martha 10 Mary J 85 Sarah 10 Sarah E 85 Sarah Holmes 66 Thomas Croasdale 96 Timothy V 85 W^HITEMAN, Elizabeth 61 Henrietta 61 WILDMAN, Emma 83 Rachel 9,17 W^ILLIAMS, Deborah Passmore 37 Eliza (Gillingham) 37 Samuel 37 George Lewis 37 Thomas T 37 W^IL,L,IA3ISON, Mercy 44 PAGE. W^ILMERTON, Paul 4 WILLSON, Elizabeth 6,7 Hannah 5, 7 James 4. S. 6, 7 Mary 6 Nancy 7 Oliver 7 Rebecca 18 WILSON, Elias 31 Henry 31 Dr. John 31 Mary 7, 9, 31 Rachel 31 Stephen 37 Thomas 31 WINSTON, Blair 80 Catharine Blair 80 Frederick 71 Lucy 71 Sarah Cotton 71 WOOD, B. F 55 Fannie H 55 James 16 Martha A 87 Mary (Smith) 16 Sarah 16 WOOLSTON, Sarah 23 ^VORDMAN, Edward A 80 Jenks Watson 80 AVORRELL, John 3 WORTHINGTON, Doctor 14 Mary Ann 46 WORTZ, Maggie ■. 90 W^RIGHT, Ada (Kibbee) 93 Anna H 37 Caleb Earl 59, 89 Clara Gillingham 93,96 Edward T 37 Joseph 59 Malvina 47 Rebecca 6 Rebeckah 5 Sallie P 82 Theodore R 93 Walter S 59 Warren 59 William s. <> Wilson 59, 89 Wilson, Jr 89 YERKES, Jennie G 81 117 "%. ''4 <^- 1^^ o V C^" /* 0^ o •• .^■"v. -.^ie-.° .^'i*-^. °.vjc^.- -^■^'•\, l*0- » _,-i-A-< V* *-\*^' ^i> ;;» ^. .^ .'>-f"- V ^' ■•^■^'• r^o^ ?.°r^. ^\' .0 -^^ •>',- <' '■^, -^ ^ J. - . • » ^VJ vx^ •^^ '' aV .„_ <^. '.". « ^-'. '".» . °o / v*?^-\/ 'i'^-^^'.o^ \*^^*y "^o '- %^* "*,^fe- %/ .*isi&°» •^^..** '•■ ^^%:-mm,' ^^"■^%. •: y^ Co OOBBSBROS. Jy"^ „» '^^V ^ ^^ /jl^/^^^\ "^ ^< v'.s^S^'V- ^ C" ' '• X/^ •• I T 8 0^^ kUGUSTINE <^ .AUGUSTINE '^^ "'^TT'* ^-^-^ *^0 '"4- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 018 458 952 7