Class _IP^,__aii.3-_ Book. — ^Mi2uS_ Copyriglit]^«_ ^ Ij03 COPVRIGHT DEPOSfT. CICADAS IN HOME. SWEET HOME. HlCADAS IN Home HWEETmOME THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Two Copies Received MAR 23 1903 Copyiigi-it Entry CLASS CL XXc, No. COPY B. P6 3SX3 COPYKI6HT, 1903, BT ALFRED LAMBOITRNE. Co M!iniini!(g i § CICADAS IN HOME, SWEET HOME. I. FLOAT in melody, I drift with song; Music's sweet notes enrich the night around, And summer's hosts their tireless cry prolong; A piercing, crisp, intense, sharp, blade- like sound, Yet clear it melts, as for some magic balm With deathless harmonies of Home, Sweet Home. Ah ! true those symbols are — for Home the palm, The cactus and the sands for those who roam! And as I list unto the insects shrill, Ecstatic dwellers mid the vines and trees, All thoughts of deep content my bosom fill; Dear love, I weep while soft you touch the keys: Unto this moment fleeting, I could say With Faust, "Thou art so fair — ah, still delay!" II. |H, still delay, thou present moment fair! From welcome bondage, spare that I go free; A richest vesture thou for me dost wear; Like island affluent in life's charmed sea. Now the cicada's high and ceaseless din, I hear with words and tune immortal blend; The soft transcriptions draw it all within; A round doth make, a current without end. O, not mine own, another's fond content. Has caused to fall a slow, unbidden tear. Willing I cling unto imprisonment, That I go thence, indeed my only fear: All harmony within this moment lies — In Home, Sweet Home, "The Earthly Paradise." III. AIL, Earthly Paradise ! where true love takes Terrestrial reflex of the hea- venly mood; That cherished spot where symphony awakes, And stills the discord of earth's clamor rude! Hark ! once again from out the unseen room Those words undying come, and ripple slow; As here I sit amid nocturnal gloom, Upon mine ear the tender measures grow. And sounds like steel from out the dark- ness flash — The wakeful creatures, happy of the night; Like tiny scimetars the keen notes clash; Assail the gloom as though it were with light; All rhythmic sound the echoes in my breast, In Home, Sweet Home, love's Island of the Blest. IV. HE Island Blest, the Lotus Land of Peace, The golden refuge, lie in Home, Sweet Home, That song which holds the human heart in lease; Its power I learn beneath night's star-lit dome. What dearer moment can the future give, Than this, wherein a thousand transports crowd ? The loves of dead ancestors once more live. Within my heart they call to me aloud. Is this the issue of some happy plot. That through the song darts swift the insect's cry? No more I seek, nor need for mine allot. While voice beloved and omen sweetly vie: Apart this moment is from pain's abyss, As Fields of Lethe from the Walls of Dis ! V. HE Fields Lethean are this moment mine, As though my soul emerged from out that wave By that bright shore, where starry clusters shine, Those flowers whose roots in mystic waters lave. A sweet forgetfulness from self I find, Lost 'mid the cadences of verse and song; The overflow from one glad heart, com. bined With gleeful clamor of night's winged throng. Here let me rest, nor leave this hallowed goal; 0, rather bid me all the world forsake ! These harmonies hath made my being whole, A cure hath wrought upon my every ache: In Lethe's stream there lies a mystic power — In Home, Sweet Home, the brightest earthly flower. VI. |N Home, Sweet Home, the flower of Lethe lies, The bright adornment of love's shining fields; In Home, Sweet Home, the world's loud tumult dies, A rich nepenthe there the spirit shields. Safe the cicadas, wrapt in summer ease, Amid their verdant coverts tireless sing; In Home, Sweet Home, my soul finds all appease, As thrilling words meet to responsive string. Quick, through the tender, soft melodic chord. Each tiny rival fierce staccato thrusts; The frenzied mirth of night's vehement horde, To lull all pain, the long held note ad- justs: Dear to my heart the wild, shrill serenade, And Home, Sweet Home, the flower no sun can fade. VII. HE serenade which I this mo- ment hear- Loud edged notes the glad night- watcher makes, And that loved song which ties of home endear, From out unfathomed heart of nature breaks. A noise obstreperous the insects raise. Bright contrast to euphonic, flowing tones; That chorus wild, amid the leafy maze. Is answered now from sweetest of all thrones. O, oft the rambler neath some alien pine, Has felt his heart at that wild chorus burn! O, oft the rover on the stormy brine At those sweet words, has longed for swift return ! O, unappeased desires have now rebound, I live and breath upon enchanted ground! VIII. ALL enchantment lies in Home, Sweet Home ! What power can break the love-accepted chains ? Its call is heard o'er ocean's leagues of foam, — No bar the pathless woods, nor desert plains. These sounds of revel, swift, acute and loud, I've heard where other vines their leaves unfurl, These melting lines have listed with the crowd Upon the streets amid the cities' whirl. O, then, what tumult in my heart was housed, A strange unrest to these sharp notes akin; What yearnings infinite the song aroused, As sorrow dwelt my troubled heart within: Afar from home the cypress boughs en- twine. In Home, Sweet Home, the myrtle wreath is mine. IX. |S cypress boughs, O sad the thoughts that sway, From Home, Sweet Home the absent one with fear; In solitude the longing heart must weigh The sum of that, which now I listen here. Now nature speaks and blends itself with art, And no false note where thought to voice is true. Unconscious all, each singer takes a part. And ere they die the symphonies renew. Shrill dwellers of the vine, thy notes dis- perse, And thou, loved voice, for absence make atone; O would that I this moment might coerce Through golden law and make it all mine own: O, sorrow now like to an old moon wanes, In Home, Sweet Home, where sweet con- tentment reigns. X. |H, sweet content but dwells in Home, Sweet Home, Nor in the world, nor in the prospect wide; Within the cottage of the weary mome, It reigns as oft as in the halls of pride. Sing, ye cicadas, housed amid the green. Make a shrill music as to some deep spell, What other than mine own can thy joy mean? And yet, I know mine own doth thine excel. Thou, too, beloved, O sing sweet notes and high. Here shall I learn where true love must abide, Blend song and word with those wild singers nigh; Here lives my hope, whatever may betide: Sing, happy singers — sweetest of all themes Is Home, Sweet Home, the golden Land of Dreams ! 1 XI. N Land of Dreams, O golden harbor bright, Not here the promise of the heart shall fail: This anchorage for struggle makes requite. Rest now my bark, and furl the useless sail. When saddened days the skies of life trans- form, Then, Home, Sweet Home, no haven like to thee; When gathered clouds presage the coming storm, Here is my calm, and here my rest shall be. Trill, happy creatures, anchored in the vine. Sharp on the night the vocal gladness falls, As voice and string I hear in melting line. Love unto love, as deep to deep, it calls: Ah, insects' cry, and chord, and note, and voice. Sweet rivalship to make my heart rejoice. XII. EJOICE, my heart, in this sweet rivalship, Thy measures make amid the ^lad acclaim. Caressed each word that dwells upon the lip, And sweetly wild, night's watchers shrill proclaim. Hark, how vociferous the notes they shake-- The keen cicadas, happy in the strife ! And list, ah list, — as clear for gladness sake — Sweet word and melody awake to life ! O, shall I sink though heavy weight op- press — While sounds of concord, strength and hope shall give ? O, all forgotten now each wan distress. While these bright words and tuneful echoes live: This moment fleeting, blissful peace re- news. In Home, Sweet Home, where love comes like the dews. XIII. HE dews of gentle peace, and song, and verse, For me in this bright present focussed are; This moment fair and passing they immerse. As yonder heavens doth my natal star. O, what these melodies that upward steal, And by keen, shrilly notes are pierced through ? Their potent charm and sweet control I feel. As fateful power from out the skies they drew. Of Pleiades, O, naught the sway can bind. And so this moment bears my star's im- press; These sounds of joy my inmost bosom find, My soul doth touch as with a soft caress: Until that time I sleep beneath the loam, I'll love cicada's song, and Home, Sweet Home. XIV. iNTIL within the narrow house I sleep, Time shall not steal this mo- ment prodigal; While life is mine, securely will I keep Its song, and riot, and heart-festival; Yes, from the thief, remembrance shall hold back Those strains of Home, Sweet Home that softly glide; Those ardent notes and keen, that never slack And, with proclaimings, song and night divide. O, sing loved voice, and fingers deftly stray, Press light the keys, the eager heart as- suage ! And thou, wild rioters on branch and spray; With verse and melody thy contest wage: Sweet moment live, till life for me is past, And time to silence gives my heart at last. Mi\9. 23 1903 LIbHAHY Uh UUNliHtbb 020 994 538 1