_3> ^ *1* SF 395 .H113 Copy 1 HOGOLOGY -♦ — o — «-^ INFORMATION CONCKRNINO Sw^INE. t^>/3*- CO?NP.\QxUT^Q. t^-^??- H^^4 DR. JOS. HAAS' SMREIIIES WIL.I. PREVENT AND CURE All Diseases of HORSES AND CATTLE. HAAS' ALTERATIYE, 25c. and SOc. per Box. The Best Condition Powder for Horses. A Blood Purifier and Tonic. HAAS' EPIZOOTIC REMEDY, $1.00 per box. Cures Distemper, Epizootic and Pink Eye. HAAS' COLIC REMEDY, - $1.00 per box. Acts Promptly, Relieves Suffering and Saves Liife. HAAS' CATTLE REMEDY, - $1.00 per box. The Best Preventive of Pleuro-Pneumonia, Milk Fever and Bloody Murrain. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. HOGOLOGY INKOR.XIATION CONCKRNINO SWINK. S^p washinoI^ INDIA??AP0LIS : WM. B. BUHFORD, PRINTER. 1885. CONTENTS. Arrest disease, how to 36 Artichokes as hog food 25 Breeds (principal) of swine 7 Berkshire swine 9 Breeding' of swine .* . . . 17 Chester-White swine 16 Cheshire swine 15 Corn, or its equivalent, necessary to sustain hog life ... 21 Constituents of body of hog 23 Castration 28 Cistern, contents ot 41 Corn in crib, how to measure 38 Desirable time for pigs 19 Diseases of swine ... 32 Diseases of swine (symptoms). 32 Diseases of swine, rules for treating 34 Don'ts, the 34 Duroc-Jersey swine 14 Error of permitting hogs to eat carcasses 30 Feeding and fattening economically 19 Flesh and fat formers, value of foods as 22 Foofl for domestic animals, value of. 25 Food, nutrition in 24 Food, comparative value of . . . 24 Fraudulent veterinary medicines . 40 Hay in stack, to find quantity . 38 Hay in mow, to find quantity 40 Hog lice 29 Hogs, to compute the weight of ol H('gs aa manure producers 32 Hogs, highest and lowest prices ^6 How to prevent and arrest disease 36 Ignorant prescriptions 36 Jersey-Red swine 13 Jersey-Duroc swine 14 Losses of stock from disease, etc 30 Manure, relative value of 31 Miscellaneous 48 Money in pies 26 "Nip and Tuck" 17 Poland-China swine 11 Prevent disease, how to 36 Prevent sows eating pigs, to 29 Pounds to the bushel of various articles 39 Quantity of seeds per acre 42 Record associations 8 Spaying 28 Size to make boxes for certain measures 48 Statistics of swine ' ' /^a Weather wisdom 44 2 INTRODUCTION. There is nothing new under the sun. The follow- ing pages contain nothing that is new or unknown, ■^he information given is compiled from various sources of authority. The aim of this pamphlet is to supply the farmer and others interested in swine facts ' concerning the breeding, feeding and treatment of the animal whose career is of vital importance to the pocket book and bank account of every American larmer. A massive volume might be written concerning his hogship, but as few persons have the time or inclina- tion to wade through hundreds of pages, the compiler hopes that this work, while it does not supply all the information that could be given or may be expected upon viewing the title, will create and foster an inter- est in the science of swine breeding, and stimulate the reader to pursue further the matters which are herein suggested and touched with a light hand. The intention of this pamphlet, besides giving to the farmer items of information concerning other farm matters, is to place before its readers the ex- perience and successful results of experiments made by its author (a veterinarian whose practice for many years has been mainly directed to the betterment of the condition of swine and the prevention and cure of their diseases), iu the treatment of swine disease and its prevention. As " the proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof," so m regard to this publication ; if the re- commendations it contains fail to appeal to the sober judgment of the reader as being based upon the high- est of all sciences, viz, that of common sense, the work of preparation will have been in vain. Value of the Swine Industry. According to the National Department of Agri- culture at Washington, .D. C, there were in the United States on .January 1, 1885, 45,142,657 swine, of the average value of $5.02, the aggregate value of the pork producing animal being $226,616,138.14. (See statistics on another page.) 3 • It must be borne in mind, however, that at that season of the year (January) the swine in existence are principally young and of considerable less value, therefore, the enumeration, if taken in the months of October and November, would show a marked in- crease in number and value. Yet, the above figures are sufficient to demonstrate what a great factor in the prosperity of the farmer is what may be properly termed the swine industry, for the brec^ding and feeding of swine is undoubtedly one of tiie chief industries of every well-ordered farm. In earlier days, when the laising of swine was con- fined only to supplying the needs of the family of the farmer, the brood sow and her young family were treated with the same beneficent care that is now given to the milch cow or family horse. To-day the hog is a marketable commodity of greater value than the grain which constitutes its principal article of food, and in the hurry of feeding it up to a profitable weight for market its proper care and treatment is neg- lected to an extent sufficient to entail a loss, verified by statistics, of nearly seven millions of dollars annually. The original hog was not fattened on corn or dis- tillery slop. His living was obtained much after the manner of the human tramp or Sherman's bummers, he foraged for it. Trees, grasses, wild fruits and roots, formed his principal diet, it was " root, hog or die." No kind hand plowed the land, sowed seed tended the growing corn and distributed it when ripe two or three times daily tohishogship. But lacking lux- uries he fortunately lacked the natural concomitants of a luxurious life, viz, easy subjectivenesa to disease, or if he did, few were cognizant of the fact, because his value as an article of commerce had not been estab- lished. We have no time to waste upon him except to draw the inference that, as v/ith man, the further he recedes, in the process of evolution, from his prime- val ancestry and multiplies in numbers, the more is his healthy existence dependent upon the teach- ings of nature and science ; the one to guide by ob- servation to a knowledge of the causes of disease and error in treatment, and the other to assist nature in its herculanean task of resisting and driving back the diseases incurred by the neglect of the laws of nature. ■4 SWINE STATISTICS. The number of swine in the United States on the 1st Jay of January, 1885, as shown by statistics prepa: ed by the United States Agricultural Department : STATES AND TERRITORIES. Maine New Hampshire, Vermont ... Massachusetts. Rhode Island . , Connecticut. . New York ... New Jersey . . Pennsylvania. Delaware ... Maryland ... Virginia. ... North Carol' na South Carolina , Georgia Florida Alabama . . . Mississippi . . Louisiana ... Texas ..... Arkansas ... Tennessee . . . West Virginia. . Kentucky . . . . Ohio. ..... Mifhigan . . . , Indiana .... Illinois .... Wiscons'n. . . Minnesota. . . , Iowa Mis.«ouri. ... Kan-^'as .... Nebraska . . . California . . . Oregon .... Nevada .... Colorado . . Arizona .... Dakota .... Idaho Montana . . . New Mexico. . Utah Washington. . Total . . . Hogs. Number. Value 71,41(3 54,'l04 74.115 81,701 14,840 62,406 1?S,7% 206.165 1,114 5:56 44,431 309.142 795,687 1,432,599 567,181 1,597,937 307,328 1,351,752 1,224,388 563,874 2,233,081 1,6-59,181 2,021,568 416,133 2,052.665 2,467,123 849,174 2,801.211 4.090,681 1,066,934 431 .902 4,800,998 4.210,193 2.208,911 1,679.200 978'665 187,843 14,256 14.193 9,853 177,990 26,762 19.298 24,988 26,242 63,599 45,142,657 5627,747 551,113 619,601 1,014. T26 166,802 619,068 6,284,870 1,999,891 9,462,411 364.334 1,944,503 3,421,454 5,787,336 2,348,129 5,528,862 835,932 4,580,405 3,979,261 1,877,700 8,128,415 5,574,848 8,126,703 1,739,436 9.709,105 13,297,820 5.154,486 15,770,818 21.435.168 6,316,249 2. 26^166 2(i.74 1,559 16,924,976 13,673,159 10,49i,000 5,676,257 706,290 95,943 126,743 62.074 1,028,782 240,858 189.120 177,415 243,526 489,712 $226,401,683 Highest and Lowest Prices of Hogs for Twenty-eight Years. The price of hogs and pork in the Chicago market during the month of January for twenty-eight years past. Highest and Lowest in January. Year. Pork. Hogs. 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 $13.00- 16.25- 15.75- 16.25- 9.25- 14.00- 19.75- 38.50- 28.00- 19.00- 21.25- 31.00- 29 50- 23.00- 13.40- 12 00- 14.75- 19.00- 19.45- 17.95- 11.35- 9.57- 13.62- 14.50- 18.50- 17.82- 16.35- 12.45- -12.00 -16.00 -14.50 -13.75 - 8.00 -10.75 -17.50 -32.75 -24.50 -18 00 -19.62 -27.00 -26.00 -18.37 -12.50 -11.35 -13.75 -17.70 -19.00 -16.40 -10.50 - 7.27 -12.20 -12.20 -16.60 -16.75 -14.20 -11.30 $4.00—3.25 5.00—4.00 5.25—4.60 5.50—4.25 2.70—2.15 4.30—2.75 6.75—3.75 12.75—9.75 9.00—8.50 6.50—5.40 7.25—5.50 11.34—9.51 9.93—8.50 7.16—6.26 4.46—4.05 4.12—3.40 5.90—4.25 7.55—5.25 7.80—5.75 7.25—5.65 4.37—3.60 3.40—2.50 4.95—4.25 5.90—4.40 7.35—5.80 7.10—5.60 6.75—4.95 5.05—4.00 ^1 THE PRINCIPAL BREEDS OF SWINE OF THE UNITED STATES ARE: Berkshire, Yorkshire Poland-China, Essex, Duroc-Jersey, Sussex. Jersey-Eed, Woburn, Chester-White, Mackey, Cheshire, Byfield. The six first mentioned breeds are predominant and the desire for their improvement has resulted in the formation of associations of swine breeders, having for members the leading breeders of hogs in the United States. These associations register in their " records " the pedigrees of all thoroughbred swine of the particular breed from which they take their title, and furnish copies of the same at a small charge. Farmers desir- ing pure bred stock for breeding purposes will find it to their best interest to abandon inbreeding and close breeding and purchase boars and sows from breeders who can furnish reliable pedigrees furnished by these associations, whicli exist, not as money making insti- tutions, but for the improvement of swine and the dissemination of information and the protection of farmers and swine breeders from bogus breeders, of whom there are a large number. The method adopted by these bogus breeders is to travel over the country and take orders for pigs they do not own. They w^U take orders for pigs and gu.arantee them to be thoroughbred, and furnish written pedigrees a yard long. An instance has been given of one of these confidence operators taking an order for a Chester- White hog and purchasing a scrub white pig and shipping him to the trustful farmer w'ho is unconscious of the fraud until the offspring appear, some of them spotted black and white. An- other instance is given of a bogus breeder purchasing six pigs, the brood sow being white and the sire an Essex boar; three of tkem were as black as the ace of spades and three of them perfectly white. He shipped the white ones as thoroughbred Chester- Whites, and the black ones as pure Essex, and fur- nished pedigrees of his own manufacture. There- 7 fore all intending to raise pure bred swine only can best attain that end by refusing to purchase swine for breeding jjurposes from any one who can not furnish them witli pedigrees certified by the properly authorized officers of the Record Associations. The following is a general description of the promi- nent breeds, the names of the Record Associations, their executive officials and the standard of excellence adopted by them for the guidance of their members. The compiler of this pamphlet has no special or pecuniary interest in any of them, but believing that they are doing a grand Avork for the American farmer and sv/ine breeder, and leaving the selection of breed to the reader, recommends him to support and further the interests of that association wjiioh exists for the development and improvement of the breed which is his own particular fancy, and the result will be healthier pork for the people and more money in the pocket of the breeder. SWINE BECORD ASSOCIATIONS. American Berkshire Record. — Phil. M. Springer, Secretary, Springfield, 111. Fee for regis- tering, $L00. American Poland-China Record. — John Gil- more, Secretary, Vinton, Iowa. Fee for registering, $1.00. American Buroc-Jkrsey Svn'ine Association. — Chas. W. Holmes, Secretary, Grinneli, Iowa. Fee for registering, $1.00 ; member% 50 cents. National, Chester White Record. — E. R. Moody, Secretary, Eminence, Kentucky. Fee for registering, $1.00. Central Poland-Chin v Record. — W. H. Mor- ris, Secretary, Indianapolis, Indiana. Fee for regis- tering, $1.00. Ohio Poland-China Record. — Carl Freigau Secretary, Dayton, Ohio. Fee for registering, $1.00. Northwestern Poland-China Record. — J. O^ Young, Secretary, Washington, Kansas. Fee foi registering, $1.00. Cheshire Swine Breeders' Association. — Gil^ bert S. Button, Vice-President, Chittenango, N. Y| Fee for registering. $1.00. 8 National Association of Jersey-Red Swine Breeders.— Clark Pettit, Secretary, Salem, New Jer- sey. Fee for registerins;, $1.00. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BERK- SHIRE SWINE. The Berkshire is one of the oldest breeds. Form- erly it was distinguished by its reddish color with small black spots. It was improved by the early in- troduction of Chinese and Siamese blood, and since 18B9 by an infusion of Neapolitan blood; the latter cross has produced the fine hair and pliable skin of a rich plum color which is now a noticeable character- istic of the modern Berkshire. Color. — Black with white on feet, face, tip of tail^ an occasional splash of white behind the fore leg, and sometimes a small white spot on some other portion of the body ; white upon one ear, or a bronze or cop- per spot on some part of the body does not argue impurity, but is discouraged by the best breeders. (Other markings suggests impurity.) Face. — Short, fine and well dished, broad between tlie eyes, ears erect, smajl, thin, soft and showing veins. .Jowl. — Full; not deep. Neck. — vShort and thick. Shoulders. — Short from neck to middling, deep from back down. Back. — Broad and straight, or very slightly arched. Ribs. — Long and well sprung, giving rotundity of body. Hip. — Good length from point of coupling to tail. Hams.— Thick, "round and deep, holding their thickness well back and down to the hocks. 9 Tail. — Fine and small, set on high up. Legs. — Wide apart, short and fine, but straight and very strong, with hoofs erect. Size and Length. — Medium. Bone. — Fine and compact. Offal. — Light. Hair. — Fine and soft ; no bristles. Skin. — Pliable. The promoters of this breed claim that they are hardy, prolific, excellent nurses, active and furnish excellent meat for smoking, producing good hams, shoulders and bacon. One of the most prominent breeders of several kinds of swine says he prefers the meat of the Berkshire for his own family use. Advocates of rival breeds, however, claim that they are objectionable because of their restlessness when in the field, inclining them to be breachy and hard to fatten, and slow of growth, on account of their ac- tivity, and that they are deficient as lard producers. Yet, on account of their tipright ear, quick eye, firm nerve and activity, they are excellent to follow cat- tle, it being almost impossible for them to be hurt by the horns of the cattle. If closely confined and well fed, they grow rapidly and fatten easily. STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE Adopted by the American Berkshire Record Association. Color, black, with Avhite on feet, face, tip of tail, and an occasional splash on the arm, 4; face and snout short, the former fine and well dished, and broad between the eyes, 7 ; eye, very clear, rather large, dark hazle or gray, 2; ear, generally almost erect, but sometimes inclined forward with advanced age, medium size, thin and soft, 4; joAvl, full and heavv, running well back on neck, 4 ; neck, short and broad on top, 4 ; hair, fine and soft, medium thick- ness, S ; skin smooth and pliable, 4 ; shoulder, thick and even, broad on top, and deep through chest, 7 ; back, broad and straight, ribs well sprung, coupling close up to the hips, 8 ; side, deep and well let down, straight on bottom line, 6; fiank, well back and low down on leg, making nearly a straight line with lower ♦ 10 part of side, 5; loin, full and wide, 9 ; ham, deep and thick, extending well up on back, and holding thick- ness well down on hock, 10; tail, well set up on back, tapering and not coarse, 2 ; legs, short, straight and strong, set wide apart, with hoofs erect and capable of holding good weight, 5; symmetry, well propor- tioned throughout, depending largely on condition, ■ 5 ; condition, in good, healthy, growing • state, not over-fed, 6; %le, attractive, spirited, indicative ot thorough breeding and constitutional vigor, 5 ; total, 100. POLAND-CHINA SWINE. The Poland-China hog originated in southwestern Ohio, the common stock being its basis, crossed with the China, Russia, Byfield, Poland, Bedford, Big China and others, between 1815 and 1835. After- wards the product of these crosses were crossed with the Berkshire and Irish Grazier. The white color in the present standard breed evidently originated from the China, Byfield, Bedford, Eussia and Irish Graziers, and the black from the Berkshire, or possibly from the Essex, during the earlier efforts made by the sturdy farmers of the Miami bottoms to establish a breed of swine which should prove practical and profitable. The outcropping of red comes, probably, from their cross with the Poland, or maybe the Jersey Red. During the last forty years there have been no further attempts to introduce new blood, and to-day the Po- land China swine are a standard breed, transmitting their characteristics with certainty and uniformity. The characteristics of this breed are described as follows : ^ 11 Color. — Spotted, but fancy of the breeders has varied it from nearly white to almost or entirely black, the dark colors having preference. Size. — ^They have long, deep bodies, straight or slightly arched backs. Hams. — Large and full, holding their size low down and lapping over the liock. Shoulders. — Broad and deep. Chest. — Capacious. * Flank. — Low. Muzzle. — Fine. Ears. — Small, line, thin, silky and drooping. Neck. — Short, full, high crested. Jowl. — Heavy. Legs. — Short, tough, medium -sized, well apart, terminating in tine, tough feet. Hair. — Fine, usually straight, although sometimes a little wavy ; nO bristles. They are active and vigorous, prolific breeders and good nurses; have fine fattening qualities at all ages. STANDARD OP POLAND-CHINAS. American Record. Color, dark predominating, 3 percent. ; head short, small and wide between the eyes, 8 ; ears, fine, silky and drooping, 3 ; neck, short and slightly arched, 3 jowl, large and neat, 3 ; shoulder, broad and deep, 8 heart, girth large and full, 10 ; ribs, well sprung, 8 back, straight or slightly arched, 8; sides, deep, 8 loin, wide and full, 10; flank, well down, 3; belly wide and straight, 4; hams, broad, deep and well down on hock, 12 ; legs, short pastern short and standing well on toes, 5 ; tail, tapering and not coai-se, 2; hair, tine and thick, 2; total, 100. 12 JERSEY RED SWINE. The origin of the Jersey Ked is not positively known. They have been carefully bred in New Jer- sey for fifty years, and now extensively bred in New Jersey, Virginia, Kentucky and in some parts of the Western States. These hogs are supposed by some investigators to have descended from the Polish or Podolian hog of Continental Europe, and were imported to America by the Dutch settlers of New Jersey and New York. Their appearance answers completely the description given by Albert Thaer (a celebrated German Agri- cultural writer) of the Polish hog, common in Ger- many in 1800 and later. Some persons suppose them to be descendants of the old Red Berkshire, but they more nearly resemble the Polish hog. New Jersey breeders, and those of other States who desired to perpetuate what they believe they possess, viz : the improved genuine Jersey Red, met in Cam- den, New Jersey, on January 31, 1885, and organized the National Jersey Red Swine Breeders' Association, and decided that none but the offspring of stock re- corded prior to March 1, 1885, should be eligible to record. The general description of these hogs is that they are good feeders, large size, strong constitution, of docile disposition and rather sluggish ; thev are pro- lific breeders, fair nursq^ and fatten readily. The advocates of this breed claim that they are less liable to disease than any othei-s. It is certainly true that they have many valuable qualities, as well as some that may be viewed as undesirable, but the former undoubtedly outweigh fchc latter so ffreatlv that their unfavorable qualities are not worth considering. The j improvement of the breed, however, has almost, if / , not quite, obliterated these unfavorable qualities / possessed by the original stock. / As an evidence of their fattening qualities it may/ be stated that during the winter of 1884-'85, of fortyl hogs slaughtered by two breeders of the common/ Jersey Eed, at the harvesting of the New Hanover! (N. J.) pork crop, the average dry weight was 824 lbs., three of them being over 1,000 lbs. each. Standard of the National Association of Jersey Red Swine Breeders. The improved Jersey Red Swine should be of good medium length, on fine symmetrical legs, with straight or slightly roached backs, well-sprung ribs, deep bodies and large development of hams ; should evince great constitutional vigor and feeding capac- ity, with sufficient growth to insure with good care a net weight of 300 to 350 lbs. at 9 months old ; or 600 to 700 lbs. per hog at 14 to 17 months of age: faces short and wide between the eyes; ears thin and pend- ant or wilted, and covered with fine, silky hair; tails large at base and tapering finely to the end; hair moderately fine without bristles, and of medium bright red color without markings. Standard of the Duroc- Jersey Swine As- sociation. A Duroc-Jersey should be moderately long, quite deep-bodied, not round, but broad on the back, hold- ing the width well out to the hips and hams, the head should be small in proportion to the body ; the face slightly dished, nose rather short ; ears medium in size, pendant, and falling toward the eyes, and must not be erect. The neck should be short, deep and thick. The legs short, wide apart and well set under the body. Bone of medium fineness, arm large, and flank well down. The hams should be broad and full, and well down to the hock. Tail large at its base, and tapering to its extremity. There should be a good coat of hair of medium fine- ness, usually straight, but in some cases wavy, with 14 few, if any bristles at the top of the neck and shoul- dei-s. The color should be red ; varying from dark, glossy cherry, to light or yellowish red. An occa- sional fleck of black (usually on the belly and legs) is admissible, but cherry red without black, is pre- ferred. In disposition mild and gentle. Pigs at nine months of age should dress 250 to 300 pounds, and when fully matured, from 400 to 700 pounds. CHESHIRE SWINE. The Cheshire was originated over thirty years ago in Jefferson County, New York, by D. J. Clark. It was a cross between the English Cheshire and York- shire, both imported animals. By carefully selecting and carefully breeding, a valuable breed has been es- tablished. They are white in color, very quiet and docile, a fast grower, reaching the weight of 350 pounds at eight months when well fed. They are very prolific, excellent mothers, and will breed in a more fleshy condition than any other breed. They have been bred so thorough that a sow of any other breed, such as Poland-China, Berkshire, Essex or Jersey Ked, when crossed with a Cheshire boar will invariably have a pure white brood. Messrs. Clark & Green exhibited some Cheshire at St. Louis, in 1870, where they were awarded the Pork-packers' prize of $500. There was a register started for this breed in 1883, and the following standard was adopted: Head, short to medium, short in proportion to length of body; face, somewhat disheda nd wide between the eyes; ears small, fine, erect, not foxy, and in old ani- mals, slightly pointing forward ; neck, short ; shoul- ders full, and hips broad ; body, long, broad and deep ; hams, broad, nearly straight with back and running well down toward the hock ; tail, small and thin ; 15 legs, small and slim, set well apart and supporting body well on the toes ; hair, medium in thickness, and fine; color, white; size, medium ; when well grown and fattened will dress from 550 to 700 pounds ; will do well on grass. The Live-Stock Journal of Chi- cago, says they are the best of the white hogs, having a thin rind and solid meat ; are not so liable to mange and other skin diseases as other w^hite hogs. THE CHBSTEK WHITE. The Chester White breed originated in Chester county, Pennsylvania, and is supposed to have been produced by a cross of the Bedford upon the common stock of the county, the first pair of Bedfords being imported from Bedfordshire, England, in 1818, by Capt. James Jeffries. By careful selection and judi- cious crossing for a number of years, the Chestet county farmers have produced the present valuable^ well-formed, good-sized, easily-fattened hog, whicL. transmits its qualities as uniformly as other well recognized breeds. The general ^description of this breed is as follows : Head. — Short and broad between the eyes. Eaes. — Thin, projecting forward, and drooping. Neck. — Short and thick. JowjL. — Large. Body. — Lengthy and deep. Legs. — Short and well set under; fitted forbearing heavy weight. Hair.— White and generally straight, although it is sometimes wavy ; no bristles. Tail.— Small. ' They are docile, prolific breeders, good nurses, and of good constitution. 16 *'NIP" AND " TUCK." At the Wichita, Kansas, Faiy, the Treasurer of the Association, Mr. R. E. Lawrence, exhibited two fat pigs which had been fed with a view to determine which one did the best. The feeding experiment .lasted sixty days, the pigs being weighed August 4th alt the commencement of the experiment, and again October 1st at close of same. One of these pigs was a Poland-China, bred by J . C. Hyde, which weighed at the beginning of the experiment 96 lbs., and at the end 176 lbs., it having been fed 57 days and made a gain during that time of 82 lbs., consuming in the mean time 3 lbs. of feed to 1 lb. of flesh made. The other pig was a Berkshire, bred by D. L. Miller, which weighed at the beginning of the experiment 81|^ lbs,, and at the end 164 lbs., being fed 57 days and gaining 82| lbs., and consuming 3.18 lbs. of feed to 1 lb. of flesh made. It will be seen that the Berk- shire gained in 57 days three-quarters of a pound more than the Poland-China. BREEDING. Select a sow from a large even litter, one of good length, large development of hind quarters, short, broad face, drooping or wilted ears, covered with fine silky hair, good broad back, with a slight inclination to roach, and prefer having her one year old when her first litter is dropped, although fine litters can be had from younger ones. Sixteen weeks before you wish the litter farrowed mate her with a broad faced, heavy, compactly -built boar of great vigor, on short, symmetrical legs — aiming to have him combine all the desirable points of an extra feeding hog. One service is amply sufficient. The sow is now given liberal treatment, and furnished as great a variety of food as your resources will admit of — such as slops made of bran or middlings, in addition to a small allowance of corn, with clover, hay and roots, and abundant exercise in winter, or a run to clover in summer, when corn is omitted. Ten days before she is to farrow, in cold weather, quietly separate her from the herd, and give her good, comfortable private quarters, with a moderate amount of dry cut wheat straw for bedding, in a shed with warm south- 2 ^ 17 ern exposure. Now feed with a view to keep her system loose and open— thus avoiding a feverish and restless condition in farrowing — reducing the quan- tity gradually a short time before farrowing, in which you will find but very little risk when the proper precautions have been taken to secure the above conditions beforehand. As a rule, it seldom pays to disturb them while farrowing, unless the weather proves very inclement, when it is best to cover the mother with a blanket, and remove the pigs as fast as delivered to the fire, and feed a little sweetened milk with a few drops of whisky added, until aM are farrowed and dry ; then return them quietly to the nest; they then seldom need any further care or at- tention save what the mother gives them. Give the sow a little aired water and clover only for the first twenty-four hours, then a little thin slops, made of ground oats and bran, with a few roots, which allow- ance should be increased daily, until at the end of one week she has all she will eat with avidity, coupled with a run to grass (clover preferred) when ever practicable, daily — leaving the pigs in the end meanwhile, .where they may be treated to an allow- ance of sweet milk and a little meal until three weeks old, when they should have a corner divided off in- accessible to the sow, where they should regularly be fed milk or other rich slops and soaked corn. Any tendency to scour may be checked by changing the sow's feed, and lessening the quantity of theirs. Fed thus carefully they readily weigh from 50 to 65 lbs. each when eight weeks old, when they should be gradually weaned in from three to five days, and then get their entire sustenance from the trough; and the sow, if proven a satisfactory breeder, returned to the hog for another litter. Again, swine of various ages and conditions should never be herded and fed together, as is too often the case, but should be divided according to age and condition, or else furnished with feeding apartments so constructed as to admit of the younger and weaker ones having access to troughs that can not be reached by the more robust ones; these latter can take ample care of themselves at a trough common to all. By ob- serving these generalhints, coupled with each feeder's 18 own experience and observation, put into practice, and a due regard to the securing of suitable annual crosses of fresh and vigorous blood into his herd, which will constantly improve and secure to him a fair percentage of profit at even the late low prices of pork ; while he who has followed the almost universal practice of neglecting his stock in times of depression and allowing both quality and numbers to depreciate, will undoubtedly now have ample time and cause to bemoan his misfortune in having his pens depleted of stock at a time when he should be prepared, like his more shrewd and far-sighted neighbor, with well- filled pens of No. 1 stock, to take advantage of the reaction in prices already commenced, and which promise continued growth for some time to come. Most Desirable Time for Pigs to Come. The most desirable time to have pigs come is in the months of March or April and in the fall months of September and October. Pigs coming in March escape the most stormy season, and if of an early maturing breed may be killed at nine to eleven months old, saving their owners the expense of wintering and keeping until the next spring. Such pigs, if well bred, should weigh from 175 to 225 pounds net. Pigs coming in September or October are strong enough when the winter sets in to stand tempestuous weather, if properly cared for, and may be slaughtered in the November or December o^ the following year, and may be estimated to weigh at that time from 300 to 350 pounds. Feeding and Fattening Economically. Swine, true to their natural instincts, will ramble, and the habit can not be eradicated. Exercise to them is a necessity. The most successful breeders of the United States give their hogs a large range of pasture at all times during mild weather, and haul and scat- ter over the ground during the fattening season a supply of corn and vegetables, taking care never to feed more than once in the same spot. They claim that the hogs fatten a'fe rapidly as when confined in pens, and by the use of regular preventives do not so readily fall victims to disease. In the winter time 19 sysnoma nave sneiter provided against inclement weather, and ready access to pasturage. They will fatten better in mild weather or in com- fortable winter quarters than when exposed to sudden changes of weather without shelter. The object of feeding swine is not to see how much food can be disposed of, but to produce and maintain, at the least possible expense, an animal for convert- ing grain and grasses into merchantable pork, lard and bone, at the same time preserving and improving the general health of these money-making machines, so that they may reproduce their species in form and quality as good as, if not better than, themselves. In feeding stock for market it is highly necessary to observe the rule of nature that the preservation of life depends upon maintaining normal heat. Every effort must be directed to this end. This accom- plished, the fattening will usually result as night fol- lows day. Growth is the consequence of the food given or taken in excess of that necessary to sustaiii the proper temperature. Let, however, the normal temperature be changed several degrees and continue for any great length of time and death will certainly follow. Now, farmers do not usually raise pork for the "fun of the thing," but because they can obtain a greater price for their corn and vegetables in the shape of pork than in their cereal form. Therefore, the economical use of the grain and grasses used for food is a vital question to the farmer and feeder. An authority on live stock once observed: "It is expensive to attempt to keep animals warm while exposed to wintry blasts: in other words, to ivarvi the winter air by means of fuel fed to the animals." The sum of the whole matter then is: What amount of grain can be saved by properly sheltering swine in wintry and inclement weather? It is a well-known fact that all animals eat more food in winter than in the mild season, and that food which is of a heat pro- ducing nature. Now, it is self-evident that if hogs exposed to a temperature of 20° above zero are com- pelled (to sustain life) to each eat five pounds of corn daily, and hogs sheltered where the temperature is 60° above zero each eat but Z\ pounds per day to 20 supply inat necessary lo me, uien ni« uegieui lu piup- erly shelter and w^arai the sheltering places is a loss of If pounds of corn per day in the effort to sustain life, or an actual loss of 1^^^ cents per day (at 50 cents per bushel) each hog, equal to the loss of one bushel per month per hog, or 10 pounds of pork per month each hog. The farmer or feeder can multiply for himself the loss according to the number he owns. Besides loss of grain or pork (for one represents the other in this case) insufficient shelter retards fatten- ing and increases labor in caring for the swine, and what is still more disastrous, they are carried^ off by lung and throat diseases, which are generally incura- ble, because the symptoms do not discover themselves until too late for remedies to be applied with success. In-bred hogs more easily fall victims to diseases occa- sioned by exposure to inclement v/eather than do those which are bred upon the principles followed by successful breeders. The following table will illustrate the foregoing remarks, and is based upon the theory, that with the air at an average temperature of 70° above zero a hog weighing 200 pounds will require three pounds per day of corn, or its equivalent in other food, to maintain its weight and condition : CORN OR ITS EQUIVALENT NECESSARY EACH DAY TO SUSTAIN HOG LIFE. Drgbee of Temper- ature. o u~< ^ I. ■^ « . oi a—. t-1 -10" Zero 10° . 20" . 30° . 40° . 50° . 60° . ro° . 80° . 90° . 100° 7% ^% 5 3 2% 2}Z 234 6% cts. 5% cts. 4';4 cts. i% cts. 4 cts. 3>4 cts. 3 cts. 2% cts. 2% cts. 2>|cts. 2% cts. 2 cts. 3% cts. 2% cts. 1% cts. IM cts. 1 ct. 3^ct. $1123^ 75 52>^ 37^ 30 15 21 From the above table it can be easily ascertained what it costs in food to supply the heat necessary to sustain animal life at any temperature. All food fed beyond the above goes to forming fat, and by the use of the above table, and a previous weighing of each hog, the feeder can estimate the condition of his hog crop. Comparative Value of Foods as Plesh- Eormers and Pat-Pormers. • It is ns necessary to the business of the successful feeder and breeder to know what to feed as much as it is how to feed. Healthy and profitable hogs to become such must be built up liEe a house is on a foundation strong enough to sustain the layers of material put upon it. You can build fat upon bone and muscle, but can not put bone and muscle upon fat. The best and strongest houses are those in which tlie bricks are bonded in alternate layers of lengthwise and endwise. The best pork and the healthiest hogs are those which have a reasonable amount of lean and are not overwhelmingly fat. The major portion of the pork raised in the United States is exported to countries where fat meat is pre- ferred. The use of pork in American families is not as large as it was years ago, according to the ratio of population, and the reason is easily found in the fact that too much attention has been paid to raising hogs for their fat and lard for the foreign market, and consequent neglect of the domestic preference for pork of a more meaty nature. The raising of meaty hogs, or hogB whose propor- tion of fat Avill correspond with the lean, can be car- ried on with returns as profitable as the raising of fattened hogs, and the market for them can be reached without shipping to a distance of hundreds of miles. On the other hand, if the reader prefers to raise fat hogs, the following tables will advise him which is the best food wherewith to build up the fat. If he carries out this preference, let him however not neg- lect to first lay a good foundation of bone and sinew, the food for which is also indicated on next page. 22 J FLESH AND FAT FOKMEKS. 1. Roots axp Tubers. to 1-, o CO a a f^ t-. o 'H p^ +J d o ^ C^ o Sao S^ S3 Potato Carrot Parsnip Jerusalem Artichoke .... Long Red Mangolds .... Short Red Mangolds . . . . Orunge Globe Mangolds . . Silesian Mangolds White Turnips Swedish Turnips 2. Cereals and Leg^umixous Seeds. Wheat ... Corn Rye Barley Oats . . . . . Buckwheat . . Peas Beans, field . . Beans, kidney Per Per Per Cent. Cent. Cent. 75.2 1.4 18:9 87.5 0.6 6.6 82.1 1.2 7.0 76.0 1.0 18.8 85.2 0.5 9.8 84.7 0.4 12.0 86.5 0.4 10.2 82.0 0.9 13.6 90.1 1.0 4.0 87.1 1.3 5.3 14.3 14.7 66.4 15.0 11.0 66.7 13 14.3 55.8 13.9 13.0 52.0 14.0 18.0 51.1 14.0 9.0 52.1 14.2 23.1 41.9 14.9 24.0 39.7 15.0 23.9 39.3 Cent Per Cent. 3.4 5.3 14.8 16,9 14.7 23.3 18.5 18.2 18.3 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.5 4.5 3,8 2:9 k 3.1 0.9 1.0 1.2 2.0 2.0 4.2 2.2 1.6 2.a 3.2 3.5 By reference to the preceding table and a recollec- tion of the constituents of the body of the hog, every breeder and feeder of hogs cau form a plan of profit- able and economical feeding The constituent parts of the body of the hog are approximately as follows: Water 36.00 Fat . 48.00 Ash 2.50 Proteine 13.50 Total 100.00 The comparative table above, showing that the Jerusalem artichoke and potatoes contain about 75 23 per cent, water, demonstrates that swine which are fed those articles require less water than when fed with corn, peas, oats and similar food ; and when fed cereal or leguminous food require a plentiful supply of pure water to keep up the supply of water in the system. The tables show that corn and wheat are the best fat formers, and peas and beans the best flesh formers ; that buckwheat, peas and beans give the most heat, and wheat, corn, turnips and potatoes the least. They also demonstrate that the roots and tubers are the best food to be given when cooling foods are a medical necessity. The inference is that roots and tubers and peas and beans are the best summer foods and the cereals the best foods for fall, winter and spring, or for fattening purposes. COMPARATIVE DIFFEBENCE AS TO THE VALUE OP FEED FOR STOCK. Careful experiments in France and this country show the following relative values of the different kinds of feed for stock : ONE HUNBRED POUNDS OF GOOD HAY EQUAL TO Lbs. Lbs. Green Corn 275 Rye 54 Rye Straw 442 Wheat 46 Wheat Straw 360 Oats 59 Oat Straw 164 Peas and Beans mixed. . 45 Barley Straw 180 Buckwheat 64 Pea Straw 153 Corn 57 Buckwheat Straw .... 200 Acorns 68 Raw Potatoes 201 Wheat Bran 105 Boiled Potatoes 175 Rye Bran 109 Mangel-Wurzels 339 Wheat, Pea and Oat Chaff 167 Turnips 504 Rye and Barley mixed . . 179 NUTRITION IN FOOD. The following is " Boussingault's Scale of Nutritive Equivalents," and shows how many parts of the va- rious articles of food in common use it takes to be equal in nutrition to 100 parts of wheat flour: Wheat flour 100 Rye Ill Wheat 107 Rice 177 Barley meal 119 Buckwheat 108 Barley 130 Maize 130 White haricots 56 Horse beans 44 Lentils 57 Peas 67 White garden cabbage . .810 Potatoes 313 Dried garden cab. at212° . 83 Carrots 777 Oats 117 Turnips 1335 24 VALUE OF POOD FOR DOMESTIC ANIMALS. These figures give the number of pounds of any one substance to be equal to the quantity given of any other — the result of experiments : Pounds. Good Hay 100 Good Clover Hay .... 95 Pounds. Peas 44 Beans 46 Rye 49^ Barley 51 Indian Corn 5& Oats 5^ Buckwheat 64 Oil Cake 64 Rye Straw 365 Oat Straw 220 Potatoes 95 Carrots 280 Beets 346 Ruta Bagas 262 Wheat 43 Artichokes as Hog Food. From 1,000 to 1,500 bushels an acre may be raised with same labor and expense as an acre of potatoes. Planted four square feet to a hill they will yield about 900 bushels per acre. If cut green the stalks make excellent green fodder for stock, but swine will eat the dry stalks. Cutting the stalks green reduces the crop of tubers about one- third. The (Stalks can be used v.s fuel, and also as a litter for hog pens, when they make an excellent manure. They cost little or nothing to raise, and the yield is not less than three times that of potatoes and may become equal to turnips at one-tenth the cost of cul- tivation. As will be noted in foregoing tables they excel all other roots and tubers in fattening qualities. They can be raised on any dry soil, and since tile- ditching is becoming universal, there is hardly a, farmer in the United States who can offer an excuse for not raising them. They cost less trouble than any other root crop to harvest and store. Freezing does not injure them^ but all that are required for winter use should be dug. before the ground is frozen, and they may be safely stored as potatoes are, in pits or heaps. They can be thawed after freezing before feeding, or may be pre- served in sand. They are insect proof. Hogs thrive upon them as well as on corn, and some breeders maintain that stock hogs thrive better. The fact^ 25 however, is well established that it is a food that is inexpensive and suitable for use in resting the diges- tive organs. MONEY IN PIGS. [Breeders' Journal.] Did you ever sell any corn ? If so, there is a cer- tainty that you do not carry as much stock on your farm as it will feed. The way to grow corn is to manure the ground. A heavy coating of manure is a weather breeder for the corn, that is, the weather is A^ery likely to be favorable to a good corn crop, if the ground is well manured and the seed of an early sort. Manure will not keep away frost, but it will crowd corn ahead so it will be put out of the way of frost. Manure can not be made on a farm without stock. 'Corn can be sold at a much larger price after made into pork than in the ear or bag. Not only the price obtained per pound for the pork made by the corn, but also the summer's growth of the pig can be figured as returns from the corn. If it was not for the corn it takes to ripen the hog, the price for the summer's growth upon the hog could not be obtained. Now is the time to provide a market for the next year's surplus corn crop. To do this, six or eight sows should now be selected ; they do not need to be the best, or fat ; they will make better breeders if they are not fat. The quality of them does not need to be the best; the best quality can be got in the boar, and he must be of the best sort; short legged, good back, full hams, short neck, short nose, thorough- bred ; if the boar is first-class, the pigs will be like him if he is a thoroughbred hog. If the eight sows are all bred to this boar in January, the pigs will come in May on grass. A hog pasture (clover is the best) should be prepared as soon as grass starts in the spring. The breeding sows provided with rings in their noses and put in here, being careful to make the fence pig proof, or in other words, so the little pigs can not get out; three fence boards at the bot- tom and two barbed wires above them, will make a safe fence. The little pigs should be littered in this field. A larger per cent, will be raised and saved by the sows this way than bv any other. A reasonable "26 estimate for these sows will be six pigs each, this makes forty-eight pigs. The pasture for these should be ten acres, wortli a rent of $3 per acre, total, $30. What slop and milk can be spared should be mixed with ground corn and fed these pigs next summer, feeding them about one bushel each by October first, making them get most of their living off the grass. The pigs will then weigh 100 pounds each ; put on to corn, then it will take one bushel of corn to make ten pounds of pork. After feeding ten bushels of corn each they should weigh 200 pounds each. These 200 pounds of pork have cost eleven bushels of corn, and sixty cents eacli for pasture. If they are sold for five cents a pound, (there were times last fall when they would have sold for six cents) tliey would bring $10 a head ; taking out their pasture tliey would realize $9.40 per head, for the eleven bushels of corn, or 85. j cents per bushel. The next 100 pounds of pork would cost ten bushels of corn, and would realize at least fifty cents per bushel, which is a profit of at least ten cents a bushel over the present price of corn. It is not a diflicult matter to raise pigs if they come in spring on grass. And it will be found more profit- able to raise one litter of pigs a year and have others come iu May. The sows can be put up and fed a full feed as soon as the pigs are weaned, and as they have flesh enough, sold. It is wonderful how much flesh a thin brood sow will put on as soon as her milk is -dried up. And what a light expense for feed — if she is of the right breed. The sows tiiat are to be bred the following year should be picked out from the young pigs, when the feeding for market commences, and put them by themselves growing but not fattened, and bred the following January, but to a new boar no relation to them. The boar after being used can be altered and fattened. In this manner of doing, there is only one sized^lot of hogs for sale at a time. The brood sows are fattened and sold at one time, and the May pigs are all of a size and fattened and sold by themselves. The most profit can thus be got out of the hogs by having a system in their hand- ling. ^ 27 » CASTRATION. Male pigs are usually castrated at from two to six weeks of age. This operation improves the quality of the flesh and promotes the propensity to fatten. The following is the simplest method of perform- ing the OPERATION. The pig is laid on his left side and held by an as- sistant. The operator, standing at the back, grasps one testicle between the thumb and fingers of his left hand, and with a sharp knife makes a longitudinal incision in the bag large enough to press the testicle out through, when he grasps it with the left hand, and, by a backward scraping motion of the knife, severs the cord. The other testicle is then removed in the same way. No further attention is necessary. ^ In castrating an old boar it might be well to tie a ligature around the spermatic cord just above the place it is to be cut across, so as to prevent any dan- ger of bleeding. Let one end of the ligature be long enough to hang out, so that in sloughing off it will come away. SPAYING. Spaying is the operation of castrating females ot any species of animals, for the purpose of increasing their size, hastening their maturity and causing them to fatten easier. OPERATION. The sow is placed on the left side, and an opening made through the right flank at a point a little be- low and a little back of the center of the flank. After making the incision, the ovaries may be felt by the operator, who, being placed at the back of the sow, introduces the front finger of the right hand. The right ovary will be felt a little down or inclining back of the incision, if made exactly in the proper place. If not, it must be searched for in other direc- tions. When found, it is drawn out and cut off". The other -is then found and drawn out and cut off. The whole or a portion of the womb may be drawn out in searching for the second ovary, but may be re- turned with very little difficulty or danger, and the aperture stitched up with a curved needle. For a few days after castration or spaying the ani- mals should receive some extra care. Their food should be of a cooling character, they should be kept quiet, and in situations where they will not catch cold, and thereby produce inflammation. A little lard rubbed over the wound will assist the healing. Sows should be spayed when from five to eight weeks old; it is not advisable to delay it until the sow has obtained frame. Cool weather in the spring or fall is the best time for either castration or spay- ing. HOG LICE. The hog afflicted with lice continually rubs and scratches himself, and wallows in the mire and din. Wallowing in the dirt is not as healthy a practice as. is generally believed, and will produce malaria as readily as decayed vegetation. There are various remedies for this trouble. One is to take about half a pint of coal oil and mix it thoroughly in a bucket- full of water, and thoroughly paint the animal with the solution; or wash the animal with a medium strong lye from wood ashes ; or a weak saleratus water, and then with a solution of lobelia. A com- mon remedy is to boil tobacco in sufficient water to float it until the water is tobacco color, and while hot mix in lard enough to make a thin ointment; then, when cool, rub the animal thoroughly once, and the vermin will be speedily destroyed. WHAT WILL PREVENT SOWS EAT- ING PIGS. Young sows will sometimes eat their offsprings from costiveness, which may be prevented by feed- ing some laxative food and rubbing the back of the pigs with an infusion of aloes. A breeder says the best means of prevention is to regulate the sows with Haas' Remedy and their appetites will remain normal and their habits regular, and feed them with bran- mash and potatoes or other cooRng food. J22_ IMPROVEMENT OF PIGS. Give the pigs a chance, and do not expect them to root for their living through the summer and then fatten out into fine big hogs in the fall, which is one of the impossibilities. Continuous growth is neces- sary to make swine profitable, and this can not be obtained without plenty of feed. A little grain each day with good pasture will answer all the purposes and insure the pigs making a very rapid growth, and to insure them reaching full maturity, see that they get their full proportion of Haas' Hog and Poultry Remedy. LOSSES OF STOCK. Prof. J. W. Sanborn, of the Missouri State Agri- cultural College, and also Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, estimates the losses of stock in that State during the last winter, from disease and exposure, at not less than four millions of dollars. The principal loss by diseases has been from cholera in hogs and from exposure from want of proper shelter. If these hogs had been treated with Haas* Remedies as a preventive, there is not the slightest doubt the farmers of Missouri would have saved the majority of those that fell victims to the disease. — Exchange. Gross Error in Permitting Hogs to Eat the Carcasses of Other Hogs. The hog is not a meat-eating animal, and if it were it stands to reason that diseased meat, especially of its own kind, would not be the healthiest food. Many persons, through ignorance, permit their swine to eat the carcasses of their kind which have died from disease. These persons, however, are only partially to blame, because they have been instructed by quack veterinarians that if hogs eat the flesh of swine who .were affected with disease they would thereby be protected from contagion. If swine disease can be communicated by drinking from a stream down which dead hogs have floated, how much more readily will swine contract diseases if they eat the carcasses of their kind who have per- 30 ished from contagious diseases? The least harm that can be done ■will be to impair the digestive organs and render the flesh-eating hog an easier victim to malaria. Further, may we not reasonably suggest the presence of trichinae spiralis in the hog to the eating of flesh containing these parasites. RELATIVE VALUE OP MANURES. The following table shows the relative values of decomposed vegetables as manures from the nitrogen they contain : 100 POUNDS OF BARN- YARD MANURE IS EQUAL TO Lbs. Lbs. Wheat straw manure . . 130 Fresh sea-weed manure . 80 Oat straw manure .... 150 Dried sea-weed manure . 20 Barley straw manure . .180 Wheator corn bran man . 26 B'kwheat straw manure . 85 Malt dust manure .... 13 Pea straw manure .... 45 Rape cake manure . ... 8 AVheat eliaJSf manure . . . 50 Pine sawdust manure . .250 Green grass manure ... 80 Oak sawdust manure . . 180 Potato tops manure ... 75 Coal soot manure .... 25 TO COMPUTE THE WEIGHT OP HOGS. 1. Measure the girth in inches back of the shoul- der, and the length in inches from the square of the buttock to a point even with the point of the shoul- der blade. 2, Multiply the girth by the length and divide the product by 144 for the superficial feet, and then multiply the superficial by 11, if the girth is less than 3 feet, or by 16 if over 3 feet, and the result will be the number of pounds of pork in the four quarters of the animal. Example : What is the estimated weight of pork in a hog whose girth is 3 ft. 8 in. and length 3 ft. 10 in.? Operation : 44 ins. girth X 46 ins. length = 2024 ; 2024--144^14 pq. ft. X 16=224 lbs. Ans. * Note — If the animal is lean and unthrifty, a de- duction of five per cent, should be made from the above result. Hogs Profitable as Manure Producers. One hog, kept to the age of one year, if furnished with suitable material, will convert a cart-load per month into a fertilizer which will produce a good crop of corn. 31 A reliable authority estimates that twelve loads per year multiplied by the number of hogs usually kept by our farmiers would make fertilizing substance sufficient to grow all the corn they eat ; in other words, the hog will pay for its keeping in manure. Farmers who carry out such economies as this can laugh at low prices for hogs, and never quit laughing when prices are high. DISEASES OF SWINE. Swine diseases have cost the farmers and feeders of the United States, during the past few years, money sufficient to have paid off the mortgages on their lands. Investigations have been made into the causes, and the majority of opinions hold that the prime cause is malaria indigenous to the soil on which the hogs are raised. The disease may present itself in the form of coughing and thumping, lameness, star- ing hair, constipation, scouring, black or sheep drop- pings, scurviness, watering eyes and inflamed eyes, sniffling, gauntness and unthriftines, sluggishness, with disposition to keep the nest and to shun the light, excessive thirst or loss of appetite. As with the human family, malaria in the hog ia insidious in its approach; does not develop to the eyes until it has obtained a lodgment, and demands prompt measures to eradicate from the system. The cause being found it is the duty of every farmer and feeder to use the best means to prevent and arrest disease in the hogs he raises, be they ievf or many. It is a duty owing to himself and to society to raise healthy meat, knowing, as he should, that un- healthy animals can not become healthy food simply by the process of death. SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE. * "The external symptoms are a dullness of the eyes, the lids of which are kept nearer closed than in health, with an accumulation of secretion in the corners. There is hanging of the head, with lopped ears, and an inclination to hide in the litter and to lie on the belly and keep quiet. As the disease ad- 32 vances, the animal manifests more or less thirst, some cough, and a pink blush, or rose-colored spots, and papular eruption appears on the skin, particularly on the belly, inside of the thighs and forelegs, and about the ears. There is accelerated respiration and circulation, increased action of the flanks in breath- ing, tucked-up abdomen, arched back, swelling of the vulva in the female as in heat; occasionally, also, of the sheath of the male, loss of appetite, and tender- ness of the abdomen, sometimes persistent diarrhea, but generally obstinate constipation. In some cases large abraded spots are observed at the projecting points of the body, caused by separation and loss of the epidermis. In such cases a slight blow or friction on the skin is sufficient to produce such abrasions.. In many cases the eruption, blush and spots are en- tirely absent; petechia are formed in only about one-third of the cases. In some cases there is con- siderable inflammation of and discharge from the eyes. Some animals emit a very ofiensive odor even before death. In large herds, where the disease pre- vails extensively, thie offensive effluvia can be de- tected for a great distance to the windward. In nearly all cases there is a weakness or partial par- alysis of the posterior extremities, and occasionally this paralysis is so complete in the first stages of the disease as to prevent walking or standing. *'A8 symptoms of special diagnostic value, which are scarcely ever absent in any case, the following are mentioned : Drooping of the ears and of the head, more or less coughing, dull look of the eyes, staring appearance of the coat of hair, partial or total want of appetite for food, vitiated appetite for excrements,, rapid emaciation, great debility, weak and undecided and frequently staggering gait, great indifference to surroundings, tendency to lie down in a dark corner, and to hide the nose and even the whole head in the bedding, the specific offensive smell and the peculiar color of the excrements. "If the animals are inclined to be costive, the faeces are generally grayish or brownish black in color and hard ; if diarrhea is present, they are semi-fluid of a grayish-green color, and in some cases contain an ad- mixture of blood." • 3 33 The disease is often conveyed from the pens or herds of neighbors, or from running water which comes through the premises of those who have the disease, or even through the air from adjacent farms. Too great care can not be taken by any one whose herd has it, that it be not transmitted. Hogs turned out to pasture, especially before or after it is wet with dew or mild rains, seem to get it because the wafted material is more apt to alight and remain amid moisture. There are some remarkable examples of exemptions to herds whose owners have been skilled and consistent and exact in their precautions. Where a neighbor's herd is affected, in the opinion of most authorities, it is wise to treat adjacent herds with preventive measures and fortify their constitutions with invigorating and stimulating tonics. BULES FOR TREATING DISEASES OP SWINE. THE DON'tS. 1. DonH try to prevent disease by permitting the apparently well animals to eat of the carcasses of those which have died from the disease you seek to prevent spreading. 2. DonH, because they cost a few cents, dose your hogs with poisons like arsenic, copperas, saltpetre, hellebore, henbane, stramonium, antimony, bella- donna, aconite, foxglove, strychnine, hemlock and car- bolic acid. These poisons may be given in special cases by competent veterinary surgeons who know when and how to administer them ; but in the hands of the unprofessional and fed indiscriminately they are deadly in their effect. Further, as traces of them have been found in pork direct from the butcher, it is evident they are detrimental to the life of the people . who unconsciously partake of the products oi hogs dosed with these poisons. 3. DonH wait until disease is on every side of your farm before you institute preventive measures. 4. DonH wait until your hogs are attacked and I some of them die before you procure remedies for those sick and preventives for those that are appar- ently well. U 5. Don't expect that the treatment given to the sick swine is going to prevent disease in those in whoAi it has not outwardly developed, and for whom no preventive measure are adopted. In other words, don't expect the medicine given only to sick hogs will prevent disease in hogs that don't get the medi- cine. '6. Don't, when directed to give certain quantities of remedies, try to save money by dividing the dose for one hog among five or ten of them. This method of deceit assuredly will be found out by the man you are injuring, and he won't thank you for your '^penny- wise-and-pound-foolish " economy. The man you deceive most is yourself. 7. Don't stigmatize a remedy as " worthless" be- cause it fails to save the hogs who were in the final stage of disease before it was given to them ; or be- cause it did not prevent disease in hogs to whom you did not feed it until they showed symptoms of dis- ease; or when fed to hogs you might have saved you gave it in irregular and insufficient doses. You do not expect to raise fifty bushels of corn from an acre of ground when you plant only ten seeds to an acre, nor should you expect to cure or prevent swine dis- ease with one-tenth the amount of remedy prescribed. 8. Don't expect a remedy prepared for the preven- tion of swine diseases to prevent hogs dying from the poisonous effects of arsenic, antimony, strychnine, and improper doses of carbolic acid. You might, with just as good reason, expect quinine to reset a broken limb, or sow wheat and look for a crop of corn. 9. Don't purchase remedies which are prepared by any other than regularly graduated veterinary surgeons; or are imitations or substitutes for well- known remedies; or are stated to be ^^just as good" or "<^e same as," because they are cheaper, for you may be sure that the dealer oflfering them to you makes a larger percentage of profit on the cheap substitute than he does on the original and genuine article. Cheap remedies are usually worthless and aie made of inferior ingredients to those which are couioined in remedies. It takes no stretching of*tbe iDiaginalioii to know this. ^ 35 10. JDon't inbreed or close breed your hogs. Such practices are contrary to natural laws, and the penal- ty of their infraction is weak constitutions in the de- scendants of inbred and close bred hogs. HOW TO PREVENT AND ARREST DISEASE. 1. Prevention is better than cure. 2. Half measures add to expense and loss, and are, in the end, exasperating. 3. Keep your hogs in a healthy and vigorous con- dition, and if contagious diseases come into the neighborhood they will be the last attacked, the least hurt, and the least liable to succumb. 4. Purchase remedies only which have obtained reputation by years of successful use, and recommend themselves to your judgment by the treatment ad- vised. 5. Always purchase remedies of which others are imitations, counterfeits and substitutes, for the reason that a remedy which is counterfeited is sure to be a successful one and profitable to use, or it would not be counterfeited, just as the genuine dollar bill or government bond are counterfeited, because they are valuable. 6. In selecting a remedy get the one which is uni- versally endorsed, and when you get it, follow the di- rections in aU particidars. Beware of Ignorant Prescriptions. [The Drovers^ Journal of Chicago lately published the following sound words of advice concerning the ignorant and dangerous prescriptions that annually go the rounds of the agricultural press :] " Free prescriptions, like free shows, are usually without merit, and in numerous instances are posi- tively harmful. " Many thousands of hogs have died a quick death, and the cause has been falsely attributed to hog ^'cholera," whereas the true cause was that, misled by the gratuitous advice of correspondents of county and agricultural papers, the farmers administered copperas and arsenic as sure cures for " hog cholera," and black antimony as a fattening powder. These voluntary prescribers are certainly ignorant of the properties of these poisons, for we find the United States Dispensary says : 'J Sulphite of iron (copperas) is an astringent and irritant. In large doses,it is apt to produce nausea, vomiting, griping and purging, and its use, when long continued, injures the stomach. As its effect is chiefly that of an astringent it can not be used with advantage to improve the quality of the blood. Taken in an overdose it acts as a poison." Regarding the effect of arsenic, the same authority says: "Arsenic administered internally or applied ex- ternally acts with very great energy and generally destroys life in a short time * «• * occasionally the symptoms have a perfect resemblance to Asiatic cholera in the stage of collapse. It is very rare to observe all these symptoms in the same individual or animal. Sometimes, indeed, they are nearly all wanting, death taking place without any pain or prominent symptoms. "Arsenic may be detected in exhumed bodies long after death, and has been found in the brain of a body that has been buried years ago." The same authority, which we may remark can be found in a drug store, says, concerning black anti- mony: "Antimony is a medicine of the greatest power of any known substance; a quantity too minute to be sensible in the most delicate balance is capable of ^ producing potent effects. Antimony can not be relied upon for a definite effect, being some- times mild and sometimes more active than might be desirable. It is not generally employed by physi- cians." Prof. Ricord, of Paris, a celebrated chemist, after conducting a series of experiments, demonstrated that antimony was a complete failure as a curative agent, but a decided success as a specific irritant poison. "Hog raisers^ will preserve their hogs and circum- scribe the limits of sickness among pork eaters by rigidly ignoring these and similar cheap prescrip- tions, and use such remedies as specifics for swine diseases as are prepared by veteriffaries who, by rea- flon of their scientific training and practical exneri- ence, are better fitted to prescribe and prepare remedies than. are newspaper correspondents, however well-meaning the latter may be. '' We are informed that Haas' Hog and Poultry Remedy is composed of such ingredients only as are the natural assistants of nature in its efforts to ward off disease, and judging from the numerous com- munications sent to our Letter Box, that it 'does all that is claimed for it." TO MEASURE CORN IN THE €RIB. This rule will apply to a crib of any size or kind. Two cubic feet of good, sound, dry corn in the ear will make a bushel of shelled corn. To get, then, the quantity of shelled corn in a crib of corn in the ear, measure the length, breadth and height of the crib, inside of the rail ; multiply the length by the breadth, and the product by the height; then divide the prod- uct by two, and you have the number of bushels ot shelled corn in the crib. To find the number of bushels of apples, potatoes, etc., in a bin, multiply the length, breadth and thickness together, and this product by 8, and point off one figure in the product for decimals. HAY IN THE STACK. To find the quantity of Hay in a Bound Stack, termi- nating in a Cone: For timothy, square the diameter, multiply by 8, and that product by the height of the stack, reckoning up to one-third of the distance from where it begins to taper off to the top or apex ; cut off the right hand figure, and divide by 75 ; the re- sult will be in tons. Should there be a remainder, m\iltiply it by 2,000, and divide again by 75; the quotient will be pounds. For clover hay, square the diameter, multiply by the height of the stack, as for timothy, and that product by 7 ; cut off three right hand figures, and all on the left will be tons; then multiplv the figures upon the right by 2,000, cut off three from the right, and all on the left will be pounds. 38 "LC CvjOa>053Pi-!-1 ^-'O O CD C ?3 t^'-SOtq ffl ^?° '-'■ i-'f-^P ?5 ?i I-! ►^ M o >-« fli ro o s^ cr^ p n> 2 2 » 2.S-2 reap 1 CD > pi H I— ( o CO California. Connecticut. Dakota. Illinois. Indiana. Iowa. Kansas. Kentucky. Louisiana. Massachu'ts. Michigan. Minnesota. Missouri. Nebraska. New Hamp. New Jersey. s: 0500 §: en 03' OiO. s: WOT 10050050000 . OiOl. . . CC" Oi' ■ en* i*..>4i. o. ^^. . o>. oo-' ■ 00*..C5Cr>' en' ►*>-*>■ 0500. . ^^05005. o. tooo ~"^i Wisconsin. QUANTITY OF HAY IN A MOW. Multiply the length of the mow by the breadth, and that product by the height; divide by 600 for timothy, and 800 for clover ; the result will be tons. To the remainder annex a cypher and divide by 3; the result will be pounds. The following editorial appeared in the Drovers^ Journal of August 7, 1884. Coming as it does from a newspaper of general circulation among breeders and feeders of live stock, and devoted entirely to their interests, it is entitled to the most careful con- sideration : Fraudulent Veterinary Medicines. Ever since the Drovers' Jowmal was established we have been importuned to admit to our columns ad- vertisements of compounds called hog and cholera remedies. Our readers will give us the credit of believing that we have exercised a censorship over the advertising columns in the interest of our sub- scribers. We have repeatedly refused the use of this paper for the advancement of schemes of quacks and adventurers, notwithstanding the highly remunera- tive rates offered for the opportunity. In addition to the exclusion from this paper of advertisements of articles we believed to have been frauds, we have al- ways considered it a duty to warn its readers against schemes directly aimed to entrap the unwary. It has again become our duty to exercise this high function of journalism by advising our readers to view with distrust the advertisements now going the rounds of the country press of imitations and sub- stitutes for the well known Haas' Remedies, which have been advertised in the Drovers^ Journal for years. We have refused the insertion of advertisements of these imitations and substitutes for two reasons : First, because the Haas' Remedies are known by the feeders to be what they are represented, and are com- pounded by one of the leading veterinarians of the age, a graduate of the severest school of veterinary learning, the Berlin Veterinary College, a gentleman whose testimonials as to personal character and abil- ity and to the efficacy and worth of his preparations 40 :i have convinced us of his merit and claim to the use of our columns. Second, because the substitutes claimed to be the same preparations, we judge them to be egregious frauds from the lack of medical rep- utatioi^ of the manufacturers, whose ability seems to be limited to imitations and counterfeiting of suc- cessful medicines. The compounders of these imitations^ as far as we can ascertain, have never graduated either as chemisU or veterinary surgeons, hut have filled laboiHng and clerical positions. The breeder or feeder who would use their concoctions as substitutes for those prepared by a professional veterinary of wide celeb- rity, endangering his herds, exhibits less wisdom than the man who should employ a shoemaker to make his coat or a bricklayer to prescribe for the Asiatic cholera ; for the shoemaker may have changed his occupation, and the bricklayer may have once had the cholera and prescribed the remedies which saved his life ; but these charlatans and impostors, as far as we can gather the information carefully sought for, have never dissected a hog or any other animal, nor treated as veterinary surgeons, a horse or a cow. Stock feeders of all classes will always be on the safe side when they use established and successful remedies, prepared by regular practitioners, which are indorsed by their fellow feeders, and ignore the plausible representations of firms and individux.ds whe aim foi- the almighty dollar without offering a fair equivalent. CONTENTS OP CISTERNS. The following gives the contents of circular cis- terns for each foot in depth : Diameter. Barrels. 5 feet 4.66 6 feet 6.7 7 feet 9.18 Diameter. Barrels. 8 feet 11.98 9 feet 15.10 10 feet 18.65 If the diameter varies, take several measurements, add them together and divide the amount by the number of measurement — the quotient will be the average diameter. 41 The following is contents of square cisterns : Bbls. 5 ft. X 5 ft. holds .... 5.92 6 ft. X 6 ft. holds .... 8.54 7 ft. X 7 tt. holds 11.63 8 ft. 9 ft. 10 ft. Bbls. X 8 ft. holds. . . . 15.19 x9ft. holds. , . .19.39 X 10 ft. holds . . .23.74 QUANTITY OP VARIOUS SEEDS PER ACRE. 60 45 14 14 50 50 45 56 56 56 60 48 32 52 60 55 55 60 60 Red Clover Timothy Red Top Kentucky blue-grass Hungarian grass . . Millet Sugar cane seed . . . Flax seed Corn Rye Wheat Barley Oats Buckwheat . . . f . Potatoes Sweet potatoes . . . Beets Carrots Turnips ■ . Parsnips Onions White Beans .... Peas 8 to 10 lbs. Va to Vy bushel. )| to 1 bushel. V/o to 2K bushels % to V2 bushel. K to % bushel. 2 quarts. 1 to 3 bushels. 4 to 6 quarts. ] to 2 bushels. 1 to 2 bushels. VA, to 2 bushels. 2 to 3 bushels. Yi to % bushel. iO to 15 bushels. 4 to 10 pounds. 2 to 3 pounds. lib. 2 to 3 lbs. 4 to 6 lbs. 3^ to 1 bushel. 13^ to 23^ bushels The Necessity of Keeping Healthy Hogs. The hog "multiplies fast and matures quickly. When it is considered how important a factor the hog is in the production of wealth, is it not a little strange that the real scientific knowledge of hogs for raising and keeping them healthy is so little under- stood ? The hog brings more money to this nation from other nations than all the domestic animals put to- gether ; yet until Dr. Haas introduced his invaluable Remedy, the farmers and feeders of hogs were at the mercy of experimental and valueless remedies for swine diseases. 42 m\ In the districts where his Remedy is universally used, swine disease has ceased to become epidemic and is always under full control. WHAT HAAS' REMEDY WILL DO. 1. Put your hogs in first-class condition. 2. It will stop cough and regulate the bowels. 3. It is the only remedy known to relieve a hog when smut poisoned. 4. It will keep sows healthy during pregnancy, and superinduce a sound progeny. 5. It will arrest disease in every instance, if admin- istered before the vital parts are beyond the reach of aid. 6. It will destroy worms. 7. It is a thorough preventive. Feeders who use it all the year round have no disease among their swine. 8. It will repay its cost many times over in the extra pounds of pork it will make without extra feed. Hogs treated with it will gain two or more pounds while others are gaining one. The reason of this is that it regulates the digestive functions and thereby enables the animal to convert every article of food eaten into pork, involving no waste. WHAT HAAS' REMEDY WON'T DO. 1 . It won't put new vitals into swine which were ^born only to premature death. 2. It won't cure swine which obtain the remedy upon the plan that the impecunious Irishman got drunk, viz., by absorption. Swine never absorb the remedy given to another hog. 3. It won't prevent and arrest disease in hogs that are given two cents worth when twenty-five or more cents worth are necessary. 4. It will not accomplish the results intended if the directions as to feeding it, and the sanitary and dietary instructions are neglected. 5. It will not save from death swine to whom it is administered after the vitals are destroyed by dis- ease, nor prevent disease in those already diseased. ! « TO KEEP MILK SWEET. Among the many methods adopted to preserve milk for a lengthened period, is that of M. Pasteur. He has found that if milk be heated to 212°, the boiling point of water, it will remain sweet for a few days ; if heated to 220° (under pressure, of course), it will remain sweet for several weeks ; but if heated to 250°, the milk will keep for any number of years. REASONS WHY HAAS' HOG AND POUL- TRY REMEDY IS THE BEST. 1. Because it is counterfeited, and unscrupulous dealers endeavor to foist upon the farmer other prep- arations which are claimed to be " the same " or "better" than Haas' remedy, in order to secure larger profits than can be made on the genuine article. All counterfeits prove the value of the genuine article. 2. Because it not only arrests but prevents disease. 3. Because it not only arrests and prevents dis- ease, but, by reason of its assimilative properties aid- ing digestion, it repays its cost with compound in- terest by putting on extra pounds of pork without extra feeding, enabling the farmer to market his hogs from one to two months earlier than without it. 4. Because when used according to directions it will tone the hog system, expel ail poisons from the blood, aid digestion, and destroy worms, thus remov- ing the prime causes of disease. 5. And when used according to directions to arrest disease, it will stop coughing and thumping in hogs, regulate the bowels, create an appetite and allay fever. 6. Dr. Haas is the only inventor and manufacturer of a remedy who offers to insure hogs against disease and put up sufficient money in bank to secure the farmer whose hogs he insures. He will insure all the hogs in a township or even a county. The larger the herd the better. Concerning the success of his rem- edy read the testimonials from nearly every Western State. Concerning his financial ability inquire of any banker at Indianapolis, Indiana. WEATHER WISDOM. The Farmers' Club of the American Institute, has 44 issued the following ten rules in relation to the weather, which farmers would do well to preserve for future reference : • 1. When the temperature falls suddenly, there is a storm forming south of you. 2. When the temperature rises suddenly, there is a storm forming north of you. • 3. The wind always blows from a region of fair weather toward a region where a storm is forming. 4. Cirrus clouds always move from a region whore a storm is in progress to a region of fair weather. 5. Cumulous clouds always move from a region of fair weather to a region where a storm is forming. 6. When cirrus clouds are moving rapidly from the north or northv/est, there will be rain inside of twenty-four hours, no matter how cold it is. 7. When cirrus clouds are moving rapidly from the south to the southeast, there will* be a cold rain storm on the morrow, if it is summer ; if it be winter, there will be a snow storm. 8. The wind blows almost in a circle around the storm, and when it blows from the north, the heaviest rain is east of you ; if it blows from the south, the heaviest is west ; if it blows from the e*t, the heav- iest is south ; if it blows from the west, the heaviest rain is north of you. 9. The wind never blows unless rain or snow is falling, within one thousand miles of you, ^ 10. Whenever a heavy white frost occurs, a storm is forming within one thousand miles north or north- west of you. If. WEIGHT PER BARREL OF DIFFER- ENT ARTICLES. LEGAL OR BY USE. Lbs. Lbs. Flour 196 Soap 256 Boiled salt 280 Raisins 112 Beef 200 Anchovies 3a- Pickled fish 200 Hydraulic cement .... 300 Pork 200 Lime 220 45 I WILL IJYSURE YOUR HOGS I MEAN WHAT I SAY AND SAY WHAT I MEAN. ■RTI "KTOT "nPHFTVPn By worthless SUBSTITUTES J5iJ JNUi JJJjUJJiVlJi; claiming to be the same as the Haas' Remedy, some of which are enclosed in wrappers of same color and size and have same directions as on my well known packages. THE ONLY SCIENTIFIC SWINE REMEDY -^ IS — ■*- — DR. JOS. HAAS' Hog 1 Poultry Hemedy Sold by all Respectable Druggists and General Storekeepers. (None Genuine except with |^is Trade Mark.) Eemember that I have always personally prepared my own remedies, and have never employed any one to perform that duty for me, all state- ments to the contrary notwithstanding. This Eemedy is the first and only one put upon the market which has successfully answered the question, '* How can swine diseases be prevented and arrested?" It has stood the severest tests for nearly ten years. All so-called remedies, since put upon the market, claiming to be the same as mine, are feeble imitations 46 inspired by the success obtained by me, and are com- pounds containing neither merit nor medicine, and should be avoided as you would repel the advances of bunko-steerers or three-card-monte men. All the tests heretofore made with my Remedy were made under my personal supervision and at no time by peddlers formerly in my employ, none of whom are chemists or veterinary surgeons, notwithstanding their false claims of having made such tests. READ MY PROPOSITIONS. 1. I will insure herds of not less than 100 hogs at 80 much per head conditioned that my Kemedy is used under my personal direction, and pay the mar- ket price for all that die ; in other words, I am ready at any time to forfeit money if my statements can not be substantiated by practical tests of my Kemedy. 2. Where my expenses are paid, I will visit herds of not less than 100, and will arrest the disease among them or forfeit $500. ♦ 3. After hogs have been regulated by the Remedy, I guarantee that the annual cost of feeding it will not exceed 35 cents per head ; furthermore that the increase of actual flesh will ^far more than pay for the Remedy used. THE COST OF FEEDING THE REMEDY. It costs to feed Haas' Remedy, as a preventive and arrester of disease, from twenty -five to fifty cents per hog during its lifetime, determined by the prevalence of disease in the neighborhood and the physical char- acteristics of the locality where they are fed. Note. — Feeders too often make the mistake of waiting until their hogs are crippled by disease, and then rushing off to the drug store to purchase for a large number of hogs Remedy sufficient only for a few, and expect from small, irregular and insufficient doses, the result that can be obtained only by regular treatment. The result is failure, which is improperly charged against the Remedy instead of to false econ- omy. A thorough trial, "strictly according to directions, is respectfully solicited, and the result will be the same as recorded in the testimonials. Don't wait until your hogs show unmistakable 47 signs of disease, and then try my Remedies on hogs •which are past all redemption, but use my Remedies as a preventive with all your hogs, and its power to prevent those iinafflicted from contagion, although herding with the sick hogs, will be fully demonstrated. Immediately a hog indicates disease, feed it the Remedy as directed in that case, and you will test itg^ power as an arrester of disease. Prices: — 50c., $1.25 and $2.50 per box, accord- ing to size. 25 pound cans, $12.50. Full directions in each box. The larger sized packages are the cheapest. If your druggist or general store doesn't keep my medicines, or urges you to purchase cheaper and cousequently inferior substitutes, send remittance direct to me and I will fill your order, but I prefer that you should procure it of your druggist or dealer, • Jos. Haas, V. S., Indianapolis, Ind. SIZE TO MAKE BOXES FOR CERTAIN MEASURES. A box 20 inches square, and 16| inches deep, will contain one barrel (3 bushels). A box 15 inches square, and 14^ inches deep, will contain half a barrel. A box 17 inches by 14 inches, and 9 inches deep, will contain one bushel. A box 10 inches by 12 inches, and 9 inches deep, will contain half a bushel. A box 8 inches square, and 8| inches deep, will contain one peck. A box 8 inches square, and 4j'^ inches deep, will contain 1 gallon (dry)=i bushel=268| cubic inches. A box 4 inches square, and 4/^ inches deep, will contain 1 quart. The following TESTIMONIALS From all parts of the Union are indiscriminately selected from letters sent by farmers, feeders, breeders and druggists selling the Haas Remedies. They are ar- 48 ranged by States so that the reader can satisfy him- self with little or no trouble by writing or visiting the subscribers. ARKANSAS. Fayetteville, Ark., Feb'y 5, 1885. Send us at once another $50 lot of H. and P. Remedy. Gregg