THE GIMM FAMILY HISTORY AND GENEALOGY MRS. RALPH E JONHSON {Nee A. Virginia Voigt) f^ T ^? BY /?J MRS. RALPH E. JOHNSON, of LINCOLN, NEBRASKA "Oar Dead are Never Dead to Us until We have Forgotten Them' —George Eliot Published by GILLESPIE & PHILLIPS, Lincoln, Nebraska DEDICATED To my friends who so ably assisted me in this work, Mr. L. J- Herzog, Hon. E. J. BuRKETT, Mr. Geo. E. Tobey, Hon. Alex Eckhardt. COPYBTGHT 1909 MBS. Ralph E. Johnson Lincoln, Nbbb. PREFACE So far as re-search has been made this is the first time, to the writers knowledge that any genealogy of the Gimm family has been published. It is the first publication in America at least, because only one of our ancestors came over in 1847. The Gimm family in America can be traced to my paternal Grandmother, Johanna Elisabeth Gimm who emigrated to the United States with her five children, one year after her husband in 1847. Her descendants number now ten families. This book will be of intense interest to all who are embraced in the record aud especially to those who value inherent virtues, to say nothing of the inestimable value this will be to future descendants in tracing family lineage. The facts which I have collected have become very precious, indeed, because they were so dearly bought by time, patience, persistence, and the continual beating down of ever-rising obstacles. I have not travell- ed as many others have done, to accomplish these kinds of results but have worked diligently at home from September 1906 to February 1908, by telephone and correspondence and have kept in correspondence, since, with the German branch of the family. I am indebted first to Mr. L. J. Herzog, now of Lincoln, Nebraska, who advised me how to get the greatest results with the least possible exertion. To the Hon, E. J. Burkett of the U. S. Senate and his Sec- retary, Mr. Geo. E. Tobey, (both of Lincoln), I am indebted for opening the pathway for future success. The latter especially encouraged me to keep patient and persistent in my efforts. Too much praise cannot be given to the Hon. Alexander Eckhardt of Konigberg, Prussia, for his indefatigable help at every trying corner of the work in hand. Not once did he give up. Also do I owe much to Miss Alma Dawell for her prompt trans- lation of all mail received. 7 The relatives inGermany did the rest by correspond- ence and photographs. Miss Amaha WiUing of Walters- hausen,Gotha, now 73 years old, has been themost faith- ful correspondent of all, as following letters will show. In religion the majority of the family are German Lutheran, those in America, especially the last genera- tion, becoming members of the Protestant Episcopal faith. Should these facts tend to strengthen the family bond between the branches by bringing them into nearer acquaintance and kinship, I will be partly compensated for my labors. The work is submitted to the members of the family with these explanations and remarks in the hope that it will be acceptable; and as there are blank leaves in the back of the book for future genealogy and facts, I am wishing that at some distant day the book will be revised. Mrs. Ralph E. Johnson, (Born Virginia Voigt) M FAl Franz Gimi Frank (died in Fv Johann Valen born in Frank € Walpurgis Koll Waltershausen. b Gimm. Tailor. ), married Oct. 15. |ithea Schmidt. jit many descend- yValtershausen) 1 Gimm, Tailor, 1768, married tine Schmidt, 1. 1794. GIMM FAMILY TREE Frunz Gimm Curijenier. FrankenhuuseD (died ia Fraakeuhausen) JohuDD ViilentiD Gimm. Tailor. born in Fmnkenhansen. marriecL Walpurpis Kolloer. of Tabiirz. at Waltershausen. Uied Nov. 23. Iti&G. Andreas Heinric-h Gimm. Tnilor. born March H. 1700, married Oct. 15. 1726. Anna Dorothea Schmidt, (of this line a great many descend- Georee Andreas Gimm. Tnilor. born Oct. 19. 1702: married— , Anna Katharine Scblotterhaese Sept. 29. 1731. 2. Annu Barbara Prayer, Oct. 28. 17.15. .t. MaKdulcnc Marie Kilter. June 25. 1760. George Andreas Glmiii. Tnilor, narried Anna Elisabeth Rcilsten. Nov. 10. 1762. 1. Johann David Gimm. Tailor. born June 27. 1768, married Barbura Christine Scbmidt, May 18. 1791. Joha 1 Karl Andreas Gimm. Tailor. married Feb. 8. 1835. Johanna Marie Ernestine Brehm. Sailed to Ameriha. 1851. Had 3 sons 1 — Bernhard Gimm. 2— Heinrich Friedrich Gimm. 3— Christian Albert Gimm. born March 6. 1843. 5. Karl Tobias Gimm, Tailor. born Feb. 8. 1774. Died July B. 1865, Married, 1— Klara Susanna Roder. Feb. 0. 1800; died 1813. Marrlad, S— Aus. 31, 1811, Anna Marirarete Kuhn, died I6G2. Barbara Elisabeth Henriel Gimm. born Sept, 19, 180i>; died July 17, 1872; married Karl Julius Willioe. born March 25, 1838: died March 27. 1832. Gottlieb Ernst Oscar WiUInif. jrn Dec. 9. 1833; died Dec. 20. 1833. Araalia Wiliinp. born January 31. 2. Johanna Elisabeth Gimm, called "Hanoeliese" (our grandmother) horn Auk. H, 1802; sailed for America Oct. 3. 1847; landed Jan, 15. 1818. Married, I — Johann David Bohm. May 16. 1825. died Nov. 29. 1826. Married 2— Georire Cbristoph Vottt, Auk. 1, 1830 (our erandfather) sailed for Amerika Auk. 6. 1810: died May 17, 1800, Philadelphia. •1. (From his second mnrriaKu.) Johanne Fricderloko, born May a;i 1815: died June 12, 1809. Marrlort. I- Oct. 16, 18;i6, Johann Ernst Schusslui (Tailor). Married S-Juno 11. IHOa Adolph Rudolph Julius Loonbard. who died In Amertlta. By Hrst husbond, one m Schussler, whose widow and ErnHtEmllSchuR.slur. llvolD tbi KarlToblasGlmiii lioniONtcHd i Moria Carolina Wllhelmina Boehm. Carl Christian Voist. (born Voet), born March 19. 1B28; died horn July 1. IS3l: died Oct. 31. lh85. Dec. 1. 1833. Married Maria Louisa Siauden- maycrof Norrlstown. Pa., in Phila- OhrlHtlkO ObarlOR Volet. hiM'u Fob. i. 1801. PhilU' dolphla; diod Juno. 1876. PblhuUdphIa Dortthoa Ellsnbolli Mary VolBt, born May 0. 1803. Married Win. S. Hosskarl Doo. 31. 1889. Pbtludolphta Augusta Vlririnla Voigt, William Godfrey Charles Theodore Volet. WmiomTeriiiis HiisaUar (AUlnPttlladelpbla) Ralph Emery Johnsor B,A., L.L.B., of Lin^-iJlr Neb . Apr. 21. UKU. m St Peler-sP.EChnrch.pmiti Voittl. Oorn Feb. 9. died June, : Christopher Reuben HassVtarl. Augustus Immanue] Husskarl. born April 21, 1895. horn Apr. 22. 1878: married Josephine Naomi Hasskarl, born Aus9. 1899. Maria Justloa Voirt. Dorothea Ethabeth Voai, born Jan. 21. 1835. Muhlbauseo, ITh. born May 20. 1837. Mublbausen. In Germany: died May, 1870, phlladcl- ThiirinKen. Died Fob. 1870 or ■«() In phla. Pa . U. S. A. Phlladoii.liia, Married. 1 -Richard Married 1853 to CiirisMan Brandt. WicbL-llo. of Vlriflnia, Married, 2~ Marxied Ua±.QiJ.7&. Wiiu.iieoliU>ld. - l-Homburger of'- ■ » -^ Noublldron. Annie (died youDg) Johann Gottrrlud Vout. (called Volift In AiriitriKu) Ixmi Out. 12, 1H11, MuhlliauN«n In Thurinuun. Married Kutu Kraniur at Uuvuriu In PhllndoliPlilt ,,(tiorD Sept.. 1873) 1 Furdinand, I, iHii: died Jan. : i. OdayN bufuro nir Amoriku, Wllllai:i (didd yonnir) Mary Brandt Georse Brandt Blanche Brandt s Jr. Bcchtold. Mabel Anna Brandt. bom May 6. ISSI. Married D. Taylor Gladin Not. S3. I9CIS. Blanche B. (died) One Sod. (died Id InraoeT) AMERICAN CONSULAR SERVICE. Koenigsberg, Pr. , Germany, October 26, 1906 Mrs. Virg-inia Voigt-Johnson, 880 North 26th St., Lincoln, Nebraska. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of September 20, and the letter of Senator E. J. Burkett, and beg to say, there are eight towns in Germany named Muhlhausen, therefore my researches were rather lengthy and caused much correspondence. But at last I succeeded to fix the place of your grand-parents and hand you enclosed copy of the marriage certificate of Johann Christoph Vogt, hat maker, married to the widow Elisabeth Bohm, born Gimm, from Gotha, on the first day of August, 1830. On the first day of July, 1831, Carl Christian Vogt was born and baptized in the Church Beatae Mariae Virginis in Muhl- hausen; as godfather acted Carl Tobias Gimm, tailor at Walters- hausen (Herzogtum Gotha) and father of Mrs. Vogt, born Gimm. I hope this will answer your inquiries. If you want further to find out your grandfather's brothers and and your grandmother's sisters, I would suggest to adver- tise in the newspapers of Gotha. Always at your service, I am. Your obedient servant, ALEXANDER ECKHARDT, American Consular Agent. Copy of the Marriage Certificate sent by the American Consul in Prussia to Mrs. Ralph E. Johnson in Lincoln, Nebr. November 1906 Extract from the church register at '"'Divi Blasii in Muhlhausen, Thuringen. On the first of August in the year one thousand eight hundred thirty (1830), the citizen and hat maker, Johann Christoph Vogt and the widow Johanna Elisabeth Boehm (nee Gimm) from Gotha, were married in God in the Haupt church of this city. This is testified to in the above named church regis- ter, October 16, 1906, from the Evangelical Rectory of Divi Blasii. CiiUVER, Birkefeldt, K. N. B.— The writer has not been able to set anyone this side of the water to decipher the word "Divi." K. is the abbreviation lor Kuster or Sexton, 15 To the American consul at Koenigsberg-, Prussia: In No. 18 of the Gotha Journal there appeared an article searching" for the descendants of the Tailor Karl Tobias Gimm from Waltershausen, Thur., Gotha. There is a Praulein Amalie Willinjj, a g-rand-daug-hter of the above, now residing here. She was born here Jan. 31, 1836. She asks me to write to you to ask the reason for the search. Fraulein Willing' s mother was a daughter of this tailor, Carl Tobias. The mother Barbara Elisa- beth Henrietta Gimm was born here (the) Sept. 19, 1800, and died after her husband, July 7, 1872. This Mrs. Willing (Nee Gimm) had only one own sister, Johanna Elisabeth, born here Aug. 14, 1802, who was first married to a hatmaker, Boehm, in Gotha. Of this marriage there were no children.* She married the hat- maker George Christoph Vogt after the death of her first husband. The latter died May 17, 1860. He is supposed to have died in America. There were children in the Vogt family. Should there be no other descendant in this line, Fraulein Amalie Willing would be the heiress. Kindly reply, because of the interest of the afore mentioned lady. A. BATZ, Pastor. Waltershausen, Thur., Kingdom of Gotha, Jan. 25, 1907. ♦Mistake of the Pastor. Carolina Boehm died in the 7th year of her age. Waltershausen, Feb., 2, 1907. To the American Consul, Agent: In reply to your letter of Dec. 30, for which I thank you very much, would say that Ernst Emil Schussler is Grandnephew of Karl Tobias Gimm. His mother, Frederika, is now living in the K. T. Gimm's house. Should Mrs. Johnson intend to leave any of her foi^tune to her relatives on this side of the water, if I may persume to sugg-est, send it separately in a sealed envelope to Ernst Emil Schussler and his mother, who is a hard working- Christian woman, who is living apart from her second husband. These people need it. A sketch of the relatives of Mrs. Johnson of the family Schussler you will find enclosed. Respectfully, KANH, Recorder. Karl Tobias Gimm ? 1774 July 5, 1855 Married I. Feb. 9, 1800 to Clara Susanne Roder. Children 1. Barbara Elizabeth Henriette, married Willing. 2. Johanne Elizabeth, married Bohm later Vogt. Granddaughter, Mrs. Johnson. Married II. Aug. 21, 1814 to Anna Margarete Kuhn, Children, Johanne Frederika, married Schussler. Grandson, Traugott Schussler. Great Grandson, Ernst Emil Schussler. Waltershausen, Apr. 16, 1907. Most highly esteemed lady: Your cousin. Miss Amalie Willing, has asked me to write these lines to you in her name. Miss Willing was delighted that you wrote her and sent your photograph for which she is so much obliged. Miss Willing is well along in yearb, conse- quently she cannot write letters without great effort. She is 16 however hale and hearty and distinctly remembers all the rela- tives who emigrated to America. She has in her possession tlie pictures of your parents and grandparents. She knew person- ally your father, Karl Vogt, who w&s born in Muhlhausen, She will be delighted to see you should you stop here upon your journey to Buda-Pest. Please write when you intend to come and you will receive a hearty welcome from your cousin, Miss Willing, who is the last remaining branch of this family. The newspaper clippings which you enclosed were translated and we can readily undertand how busy your husband must be. Miss Willing will give you her photograph when you come. Mean- while she sends you hearty greetings. Best regards to your husband. I add my greetings. A. BATZ, Pastor. To Madame Virginia Vogt Johnson from Lincoln, at present in Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A., 2559 North Lee street. Waltershausen, Aug. (i, '07. Most highly esteemed Lady: I read with much interest your long letter and translated it to Fraulein Willing. She is very much obliged to you, but is so sorry that you are not coming to Germany this year because of the illness of your mother, she hopes, however, to see you next year if she is still alive. You received no doubi/, the photo- graphs of Fraulein Willing and her brother, Bernhard Willing who died Feb. 14, 1904. (His photograph is of a much earlier period.) As you are anxious to write a book concerning your family, I shall send you the Gimm Family tree, which dates to 1686. Fraulein Willing remembers her grandfather Tobias Gimm. He was a much traveled man and could tell many interesting tales. She knew personally your grandfather Christoph Vogt, your father Karl Vogt, and your uncle Gottfried Vogt. She has in her possession some pictures, but not all. If you have any photographs she would be glad to have copies. She does not know any unusual tales concerning her grandmother Roder. Johanne Elisabeth Vogt, your grandmother, was called by both given names, "HANNELIESE." Fraulein Amalie Willing is a thoroughly good and God- fearing woman. She is not wealthy, but lives comfortably be- cause of her simple manner of living. She sends many many greetings to you, your husband, your mother, (whom she hopes is still alive)* and also to the other. relatives. I, also, send hearty greetings, but cannot send my photograph as I have none at present. Write soon so that we may know that you received both letters and pictures. Respectfully, A. BATZ. P. S. I did not write English, because I wished to send the letter quickly. If I stopped to write English, it would take me much longer. I hope you can read German easily now. Your English letter I understood nicely. *Mrs. Johnson's mother died before this letter arrived in America. Mrs. Virginia Vogt Johnson, 880 No. 26, Lincoln, Nebr, U. S. A. Highly Respected Madam: I am writting these lines to you in the name of your cousid Miss Amalie Willing. Your letter of Feb. 17, 1908 arrived hei-e safely. We thank you so much. We learn from it that you din not receive any letter from us since the sixth of August, 1907. 17 Then one of our letters must have g'one astray. We received your pictures, the one of your mother, who has now gone to rest and also the one of Mrs. Anna Bechtold Glading. Both are excellent. The book of Lincoln views arrived also. We thank you so much, and are delighted that you received the one of your cousin Amalie and her brother Bernhard. It is too bad that Mr. Johnson is so nervous. Hope he will return home well. Your tale of your home journey and your visit was very in- teresting to us, also of your fine musicale of Dec. 28, of which you so kindly enclosed the program. We are so sorry that "Gusta",* Uncle Johann's daughter is so ill. Hope she is much better. We are delighted that the "Gimm" book will soon be com- pleted. It will be so enjoyable if you but had the wings to fly to Germany. Frl. Willing too, would enjoy seeing her Ameri- can relatives. However, she is too old to read; has now bad eyes so that it is necessary for her to have all letters read to her. Otherwise she is still hale and hearty. Frl. Willing has in her possession a letter of your father's. Your father was twice in Waltershausen, once before his confirmation and then before he went to America. The Mathilde of which you write doubtlessly belongs to the Vogt family. Frl. Willing knows no more of her than you. She probably lived in Muhlhausen; is no doubt not living now. Might I ask you a favor? Two uncles of mine went to America in 1851 and 1868. One was called Christian Batz, who was still living in Jacksonville, 111. in 1890. He is probably dead by this time. He had two children, William Batz and a daughter whose name I do not know. The other Uncle was a farmer and lived in Sheboygan, Wis- consin and was called Wm. Batz. He had two sons, Frederick and Edward. I knew the two latter while they were still here or rather in Werningshausen where they were born. The farmer, William Batz, is probably no longer alive. The sons are sup- posed to be butchers. But where? Would it be possible to se- cure the addresses for me? Of course, do not attempt it if it would be too much trouble. I would be so glad and thankful. A young lady from Waltershausen, who was in America last year, said that she had accidentally seen the name Batz upon a Meat Market. Could that have been a cousin of mine? Many hearty greeting from Frl. Willing and myself I am, Your humble servant, A. BATZ, Pastor. In Waltershausen, (H. Gotha) Deutschland. Waltershausen, Mar, 19, 1908. *"Gusta" must be their pet name for Augusta, as I gave the full name. Waltershausen, Gotha, Germany, July 22, 1908. Most honored Madam: We thank you for your last letter. From its contents, we learned that you had in the meantime become secretary of the Lincoln Woman's Club and congratulate you in receiving this honor. Fraulein Amalie Willing delights herself here in her uncle's desendants and would be much more overjoyed could she but travel to America and herself visit and see her relatives. Unfortunately she is too old to travel; therefore she is happy even at a distance, and is so with her whole heart. It is a pleasure that you can soon, in spite of your many duties, send the Gimm family data to the bookbinder. 18 We are glad that Mr Johnson can again swallow. We hope that his stomach may soon be in good condition. I thank you especially that you troubled yourself about my family Batz and for the pointers which you gave me. I can now perhaps seek out my relatives. A few weeks ago I wrote to Rev. OttO' Kleine of the German Evangelical Lutheran Church in Philadelphia. He wished to know of a family Blamberg who originated from Walter shausen. I could give him much information. Fraulein Willing is sending you two postal cards from Waltershausen. One is the soldiers monument near which Frl. Willing lives. The other shows the Market Place, the Court House, the State Church in which Frl. Willing is one of my audience every Sunday. It is unfortunate that Frl. Willing can see so little. Her companion, a teacher, reads all her letters for her and I write them. I hope these lines may find you well and that we may soon again hear from you. Until then "May you rest in God's hands." Hearty greetings to you and Mr. Johnson and all other relatives of Frl. Willing and also from me who am Yours Uespoctfully, A. BATZ, Pastor. To Frau. Virginia Vogt-Johnson Post Office address: Mrs. Ralph Johnson of Lincoln, Nebraska. 880 No. 26th street, U. S. A. Waltershausen, Oct. 5, 1908. Dear Cousin: Your dear letter of Aug. 19, '08 fortunately came into my hands and gave me great pleasure. You had sent the same to Rector Batz. You can no longer direct your letters there be- cause Mr. Batz has been promoted since Oct. 1 to a higher posi- tion of superintendent and is no longer here. You can address your letters directly to me to the following address: Miss Amalia Willing. Waltershausen, Beckengasse Herzogtum Gotha Deutschland. Thus all changes. My dear good Pastor, who always wrote my letters in the great kindness of heart because of my eyes, is here no more and has left us. He will however, visit me and his former parishioners from time to time. If you should per- haps like at some time to write him, his address is: Superintendent Batz, Wangenheim Gotha Germany In his place the teacher, in whose house I live is writting for me. My eyes are no better, but also no worse. My age (I am almost seventy-three years old) and a great deal of sewing which I used to do in my youth weakened my sight, but I will thank God if my sight becomes no worse. Otherwise I am in good health. We are journeying into winter with its shortdays andcold weather. It is a bad season for old people. But, dear Cousin, whatever happens I am safe in God's hands. Your dear Mother has been at rest over a year now. I thought of her the day of her death as one thinks of one's dear departed. You are, how- ever, not alone, you have your dear husband, who cares for you and watches over you. Your saying he was improving has made me very happy. His sojourn at Pelican Lake seems to have been of benelit. You no doubt, saw many interesting things in its vicinity. Your birch bark upon which the Indians carved 19 was a wonder to us and your way from Omaha to St. Paul we traced upon the map. Through your description and the map we know just where you were. We would like to see Agates be- cause here we have no opportunity to find them. America is a rich country, more beautiful in gifts of Nature than our little Thuringen. I also like Lincoln and Philadelphia postals, more especially when you write upon them and let us know how you are. You spoke of the thirty-six pictures you took of your hus- band and yourself at Pelican Lake. Please kindly send me some. You also must be having the beginning of winter with its long nights and short days, and which makes one's thoughts wander. For this trying time I wish you health, you and your dear husband and many hearty greetings. God be with you. Your Cousin, AMALIA WILLING Waltershausen, Gotha. December 10, 1908. Dear Cousin: Your letter delighted me as always when I receive news from you. Everything about me is lonesome, for I am old, and my companions are always fewer. The dreary and dark December days draw our thoughts towards the Past, and at this time of the beautiful Christmas feast I think of the loved ones gone before to their eternal home. But I am glad that I still have rela- tives with whom I am in communication, as with you, although they are far distant. And thus I wish you in the distant land a real happy Christmas and a blessed New Year. Of all things I should like that your husband shall receive his full health again under your loving care. I am sorry he has been so ill and has lost so much flesh, but I think when spring comes, his condition of health will be better. My eyes are no better, but no worse. The eyes become dim in old age. The beautiful views and photos the teacher and cer- tain friends explain to me. Much I can not, I am sorry to say, see of them, but I am always delighted with them. I also re- ceived the agates. The cut stone, the bull's eye is beautiful and many times I gaze at it thinking always of you. You speak of a picture which you call Matilda. It is no picture of me, because I never had a picture taken when I was young. It is no doubt the picture of the niece of your grandfather Vogt from Muhlhausen in Thuringen. My hearty greeting and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year, dear cousin, and to your husband. • Your Cousin, AMALIA WILLING Waltershausen, Gotha. March 15, 1909. Dear Cousin Virginia: Received your dear letter and was much surprised to find that your husband is still not well and that you are staying in Kansas City. I had thought that Mr. Ralph would be well after his stay at the lakes, but it seems he became worse after that. It is well that you sought a German physician. Germans are generally more enlightened in these subjects; are also more trustworthly, and, as this physician renews his knowledge in Germany each year, you can well trust him. He will, no doubt, succeed in bringing about Mr. Ralph's health. Because of his diet, you have, do doubt, much care and labor in the self-prepa- ration of his dishes. I can well see, it is a strangecure with the hot and cold water and the electric violet colored rays. That 20 must of necessity strengthen the nerves. I also think massage excellent. If Mr. Ralph must not have company then. he should take long" walks in the fresh air and live in the out-of-doors. The German papers state that Spring has come in America and then you may live in the out-of-door. Here in Thuringen it is still deep winter — Fields and forests are snow covered, and brooks and rivers frozen. We have not had such a hard winter for years. At my age cold weather is unendurable. But, God be praised thus far I am well. My eye disease does not become better, but for "old" eyes there seems no remedy. I must be content and patient. It Is fortunate that I have made so many friends in my life, who make the time pass quickly with their visits and company. I have no "ennui". I enjoyed so much the Philadelphia Post-Cards which you and your sisters sent me. I can't thank your sisters because, you know, I can not write because of my eyes. Will you therefore kindly thank them and send them hearty greetings from me? I suppose you are now at home and that the cure is complete. At least, I may wish that Herr Ralph has been entirely freed from his miserable disease and has regained his former health, that you may both enjoy an unsaddened prosperity. Also many hearty greetings from Your Cousin, AMALIA WILLING. My son is making a collection of Postage Stamps, perhaps you will, most honored lady, be so kind and enclose in your next letter a few American stamps. Pardon my request. Yours with greatest respect. HELLMUND, Teacher 21 FRAU JOHANN CHRISTOPH VOGT {Born Johanna Elisabeth Gimm) Johanna Elizabeth Gimm-Boehm-Vogt. "Grandmother Vogt" was the daughter of Karl Tobias and Klara Susanna Gimm (born Roder). She was born August 14, 1802, in Walterhausen, a village near Gotha in the duchy of Gotha. When twenty-one, she married Johann David Boehm. She was given the pet name of "Hanneliese" in Germany, and was known for her sweet disposition and charitable ways. The idea of going to America cen- tred in her. Her husband did not like the idea, but Grandmother was ambitious and progressive. Always having a comfortable home, surrounded by love, and in- heriting her father's love of travel she could not resign herself to end her days in the village in Gotha. By verbal tradition only, we hear that her first matrimonial venture was decidedly a love match. We often hear that she and her husband, Herr Boehm "play- ed like children" and lived a very romantic life together. Herr Boehm always having ill health, died early, leaving his young widow with one delicate child"MariaCarolina". Grandmother afterwards married Johann Christoph Vogt of Muhlhausen in Thuringen. The Marriage Cer- tificate says August 1, 1830, in St. Blasii which the advisors of the writer think is a suburb of Muhlhausen. My father was the first-born of this union, arriving July 1, 1831. He was christened Karl Christian in the church of the"Beatae MariaeVirginiae" of Muhlhausen. His Grandfather Karl Tobias Gimm, held him in his arms and stood sponsor for him. The preparation for, and particularly the journey to America were interesting; the latter being really -a hardship. Grandfather Vogt sailed August 6, 1846 and landed in Baltimore, Md., October 2, 1846, as his chest, now in possession of a grandchild, shows. To him the journey was merely an uneventful ocean voyage. Not so with the wife, however. Grandmother sailed with five children, October 3, 1847 and landed in Philadelphia (Grandfather preferring Philadelphia to Baltimore) January 15, 1848. In those days travelers journeyed in a sailing vessel. I leave it to the imagination of the reader, Vv'hat a sturdy 25 character Grandmother must have had to Hve 104 days on the ocean, caring for five children at the same time. ■ But her adventure did not end there. Her youngest child, Ferdinand' a child of three and one-half years of age, contracted measles on board the vessel and was buried at sea five days before the family landed. Grandmother never forgot this sorrow and spoke of it during the rest of her life. Karl Tobias Gimm her father, died seven years after her landing in America leaving his children a comfort- able sum of money. The oldest sister, Barbara, (Mrs. Willing) sent Grandmother her share of the inheritance. ¥/ith it she bought the property 911 South Front Street, Philadelphia, and the land adjoining, in the rear, which her son, John still holds, and has enlarged. As I said above. Grandmother Vogt (Johanna Elisa- beth Gimm-Boehm) was universally loved for her sweet sociable disposition, her progressive ideas, her hospital- ity to the stranger and charity to the needy. She died September 16, 1873 in Philadelphia, and was buried with her husband in Odd Fellows' Cemetery, 22nd and Diamond Streets. The following record was copied from a very old book: Johann David Boehm died November 29, 1826, aged 26 jT'ears, 9 months. Maria Carolina Wilhelmina Boehm born March 19j 1826, died December 1, 1833, aged 6 years, 8 months, 12 days. Karl Christian Vogt, first son, born July 1, 1831, 10 P. M. Second (Vogt) child born November 12, 1833, died November 17, 1833, aged 5 days. Our third daughter, Maria Justina Vogt, born Jan. 21, 1835 at 1 A. M. Our fourth daughter Dorathea Elizabeth Vogt, born May 29, 1837 at 8 A. M. Our fifth daughter Antonia Eva Vogt, born August 7, 1839 at 8 P. M., died April 29, 1842, aged 2 years, 9 months, 22 days. 26 Our second son, Johann Gottfried Vogt, born Octo- ber 12, 1841, at 6 p. m. Our third son Johann Ferdinand Vogt, born March 13, 1844, at 9 P. M., died January .10, 1848. (Contracted Measles on the vessel which left him with Inflamation of the Intestines, causing his death 5 days before landing). Buried at sea. In America, all descendants of Johanna E. and J. Christoph Vogt are living in Philadelphia except four: two in New Jersey; one at Quakertown, Pennsylvania; one in Lincoln, Nebraska. Johann Christoph Vogt. More will be said, in detail, of Grandfather Vogt's life in the "Vogt" book which is nearly finished. Hence the following small sketch: Johann Christoph Vogt, second husband to Hanne- liese Gimm, known, and buried as, George Christoph Voigt, was born May 28, 1798, in Muhlhausen, Tlmr- ingen, Germany. In my foreign correspondence, I find the official records have the name "Johann Christoph", I find further he liked the name, George, because there were many fine Georges in that family. His birth record shows "Johann"; his tomb-stone says "George". The name changed from Vogt to Voigt, in America. I will leave the reader to unravel this himself after he reads the foreign letters, sent to me, in the Vogt book. Grandfather Vogt, represented, according to the family tree, the Fifth Generation of Hat Manufacturers. This is an important fact and worthy pondering over in the next biography. Grandfather had a most decided nature. He loved the good and the beautiful. His German was spoken with excellent pronunciation and inflection. Although a man of most reserved and distant manner, he was affectionate and fond of using endearing terms to those he loved. He was in the German army, part of the time, and in the hat business both in Germany and America. 27 He said he "preferred Philadelphia to any Eastern city," after traveling around on this side, to locate his family. He was the kind of a man that a stranger would re- spect and not approach familiarly: yet those who knew him well, loved his poetic and artistic ideas. It is said of him that he despised slang, "Nick" names and vul- garity; which is another family trait I have discovered on that side of the house. He died in Philadelphia May 17, 1860, and hes buried in Odd Fellows' Cemetery. Karl Christian Vogt ^ Karl Christian Vogt, known in America as Charles C. Voigt, the first born of J. Christoph and Hanneliese Vogt (born Gimm) arrived July 1, 1831, in Muhlhausen, Thuringen, and was chiistened in the church of the "Beatae Mariae Virginiae" of that city. He was sixteen years old when he landed in America and had already mastered the German, English and French languages which are compulsory in the "Real" Schools of Germany. It was not long till he had a position as Clerk in the Court House because of his knowledge and beautiful penmanship, which last talent he maintained till death. This not being very renumerative work he drifted into the hat business which he learned from his father. During the "Centennial" Exhibition held at Phila- delphia in 1876, the John B. Stetson Hat Factory had a fine display. Conspicuous in this was the hat with the so-called "Boss Raw Edge". This means that felt hats hitherto had to be "bound" to keep the edges from fray- ing; but Charles C. Voigt, my respected father, invented an "edge" which needed no binding and called it the "Boss Raw Edge". The writer was talking with a Washington official about this at the time my German research was going on, and he said the' 'Boss Raw Edge" invention, was, speaking conservatively, worth one-fourth of a million dollars be- fore her father ever sold it. As facts resulted, we found our father only sold it for a few hundred dollars and an excellent annual salary; and had nothing to show for it but the gift of an expensive watch, with the fact thereon engraved, now in possession of the oldest son John. All this brings us to the character of the gentleman we are considering. Charles O.Voigt was not a business man and had no tastes in that line. He had a sv/eet sympathetic voice and was the baritone at St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Fifth and Wharton Streets for 27 years before his death. He was thoroughly artistiG in temperment and made a very successful amateur actor; so successful that there was no difficulty in selling seats if his name appeared on any programme. All strangers and friends testified to his charm of manner, which in public affairs would be called a pleas- ing personalty. This seems to be a family trait. His graceful, easy courtesy, his fondness for the "Dance", his generosity (which really amounted to a fault), his success in handling anything of a social nature and his "handy" ways at making hard tilings pass off easily and smoothly, were some of his characteristics. This last talent showed the all-round inventor, mechanical ability in him. He was affectionate and sensitive in disposition, with the desire to please and was loved by many children who remembered him. He was naturalized September 1854. After voting for Abraham Lincoln, he remained a Republican till death. He married Marie Louise Staudenmayer, of Norris- town, Pa., June 1859, and settled in Philadelphia. Of the following children five are still living. 1. Christian Charles Voigt. Born February 4, 1861. Died June 1875. 2. Dorathea Elizabeth Mary Voigt. Born May 6, 1862. Married William Samuel Hasskarl, son of the Rev. William and Elizabeth Hasskarl, December 31, 1889. 3. Johanna Justina Voigt. Born June 13, 1864. 4. John Leonard Voigt. Born July 5, 1867. 5. Augusta Virginia Voigt. Born March 19, 1873. Married Ralph E. Johnson, B. A., L. L. B., of Lincoln, Nebraska, April 24, 1901. 29 6. William Godfrey Voigt. Born February 9, 1875. Died June 1875. 7. Charles Theodore Voigt. Born April 22, 1876. Married Hannah Jane Whitall, direct descendent of Dame Whitall of Revolutionary fame, July 17, 1907. Charles C. Voigt died suddenly Hallow E'en, October 31, 1885. The autopsy showed Atrophy of the Heart, or diminuation of that organ; the attendant physician say- ing the heart was only the size of that of a child of twelve years. He lies buried beside his parents in Philadelphia, his sons "Chrissie" and "William" lying buried south of him; all in Odd Fellows' Cemetery. Amalia Willing. Before proceeding with any more of the decendants let us read about our cousin Amalia Willing. Ere this, you have read her interesting letters to the writer and have just as much of a glimpse of her dis- position and surroundings as she has. As the only daughter of Friedrich Christian and Barbara E. H. Willing (born Gimm) she is the only des- cendant of Karl Tobias Gimm on the eastern side of the Atlantic, unless we include her step-cousin, once re- moved, Ernst Emil Schussler. It was her mother "Barbara" who sent Grandmother her share of the inheritance. It was she, herself, whom my father visited and bade good-bye before sailing. What traditions we might know if we could only take time to visit her! Maria Justina Vogt — Brandt — Bechtold. Maria Justina Vogt - Brandt - Bechtold, known as "Gusta" and "Aunt-a-Gusta, " daughter of J. Christoph and J. Elizabeth Vogt was born in Muhlhausen, Thuringen, Ja^nuary 21, 1835. She, too, had a sweet and most generous disposition. At eighteen, she became the second wife and idol of Christian Brandt, a widower, who was a very good husband indeed. 30 The writer is sorry that some Qiie "nearer" couldn't write of this estimable lady, as her life was most inter- esting, but the writer was unsuccessful in getting any recent dates or happenings, so was forced to give only what she knew. "Aunt-a-Gusta, " too, was a singer, being affiliated with the St. Mark Lutheran Church Choir for many years. She was noted for her dazzling white skin and superb complexion. Add to this, very long black hair, blue eyes, the most shapely hands, and it is small won- der her associates were disappointed in her photographs which could not reproduce the splendor of the com- plexion, especially. This lady, like her brother Karl, was also gifted with a social disposition, rare tact and charm of manner which won for her great popularity with the majority with whom she came in contact. Of her six children I have not been able to obtain accurate data, so will merely set forth only what I per- sonaUy know. Viz: 1. Henrietta Brandt, a beautiful girl giving prom- ise of a rarely sweet disposition, died about her twelfth year. 2. Johanna, or "Anna" Brandt, the oldest living daughter and wife of James S. Bechtold, her step- brother, has three living children and one grand-child now in Philadelphia. * 3. George Brandt, the oldest son has three living children, Mary, George and Blanche. "Mary" Brandt is married but I know no details. 4. Dorathea or "Dora" Brandt died when about five with Diptheria. This sorrow weighed heavily on her father. 5. Charles Christian Brandt. Born May 27, 1862, an actor, unmarried, is living in New Jersey with Phila- delphia and New York for his headquarters. The sixth child, the writer knows nothing about. Christian Brandt died about 1872 or 1873. His widow married V/illiam Bechtold, who was very much admired a,nd respected for his sterling characteristics. (I know no dates, so will omit any.) 31 In May, 1876, just as the Centennial Exposition was about to open, Aunt-a-Gusta died very suddenly of an internal indisposition that the present day physicians know vastly more about now than they did then. She was only 41 years of age. They buried her in the Phila- delphia Cemetery but she has since been removed to Laurel Hill. * Anna Brandt — James S. Bechtold. n. o D> n. Oi a & a CI- a e-i o 5" i-h a e 63 D >< o •< o p. Mabel Anna Bechtold. Born May 6. 1884. Married D. Taylor Glading, November 22, 1905. Taylor Bechtold Glading. Born November 18, 1907. Before closing, it is interesting to note that most of this branch of the family changed to St. Peter's Protest- ant Ei^iscopal Church, 3rd and Pine, one or two members joining St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 3rd and Walnut. DoRATHEA Elizabeth Vogt— Wichello — Homberger Dorathea Elizabeth Vogt — Wichello - Homberger, known as "Dora" was born in Muhlhausen, Thuringen, May 29, 1837. She didn't seem to enjoy robust health and hence was humored. She married Richard Wichello, a Virginian, when young. Mr. Wichello was greatly loved, especially by the children of the relatives. He died rather early. The widow Wichello married later a Mr. Homberger. She died February, 1880, and lies buried with Mr. Wichello beside her parents. She had no children. 32 John G. Voigt Johann Gottfried Vogt in the birth records of Muhlhausen, in Thuringen, son of Johanna Elizabeth and Johann Christoph Vogt was born October 12, 1841. He was too young when he came to America to re- member the land of his birth. After going to the American schools in his youth he settled down in the house of his parents, 911 South Front Street, Philadelphia. He improved the business and the property as years went by, and at one time, was one of the most prosperous "Ship Chandlers" on the Delaware River, This line in his business he closed out some twelve years ago and has been since operating an Ammonia Factory successfully. As Am alia Willing is Karl Tobias Gimm's last living descendant in Europe, so John G. Voigt (American ver- sion of name) is the last living descendant of the third generation of Karl Tobias Gimm in America. With Amalia and Bernhard Willing there is no fourth genera- tion; while with Charles, "Gusta" and John Voigt there is a fourth, a fifth, and now a sixth generation of them. We notice on the family tree at the front of the book that grandmother Vogt' s first cousin, Karl Andreas Gimm, left Europe for America in 1851 with his three sons, already mentioned in the genealogy, and that more of her cousins and their descendants are now living in Waltershausen. However, the descendants of Karl Tobias Gimm are all, now, in America save one — Amalia Willing, a sweet old lady of seventy-three. Gimm is such an unusual name that we have not yet come across our German- American cousins two and three times removed. Again I am lacking in details, dates, etc. John G. Voigt married Kate Kramer, formerly of Bavaria, Germany. Six children were born to them. 1. Anna Voigt, died young. 2. Augusta Mary Voigt. Born February 19, 1871. Married June, 1900, to William Farrell Shepherd. 3. John G. Voigt. Born September, 1873. 4. Clara Voigt. 5. William Voigt. Died in infancy. 6. Facts unknown. 33 Augusta Voigt- Shepherd has many of the inherited family virtues; a sweet, unselfish, helpful disposition, and musical inclinations. She is also a faultless house- keeper. The children of William and Augusta Shepherd are as follows : 1. William Parrell Shepherd. Born May, 1901. Died May, 1901. 2. Samuel Shepherd. Born May 17, 1902. 3. Raymond Voigt Shepherd. Born August 3, 1906. John Voigt, Junior, was employed in the office of Register of Deeds at Philadelphia when the writer last visited there. The entire family resides in Philadelphia. Charles C. Brandt CharJes Christian Brandt, youngest son of Christian and Maria Justina (called "Gusta") Brandt has the dis- tinction of being the greatest traveller of the American descendants of the house of Gimm. The reason the writer mentions this is that the reader may have noticed in the foreign correspondence, that Karl Tobias Gimm was a great traveller. "Viele Reise" it came to her, which means "many journeys." This perhaps accounts for part of the family having such unrest at times — "Wanderlust" it is called in story-books. Wanderlust is an expensive ambition unless one's work or profes- sion compels them to travel, and incidently, pays for the transportation. Charles Brandt started out early in life to "go to sea." His parents both held interests in vessels on the Delaware River, but that water course was not the end of Master Charles' ambition. The next thing the rela- tives knew he sailed to Portugal; again to Germany, etc. Incidentally he has no mean nautical skill, having been "First Mate" of an ocean vessel before going on the stage. It is interesting to note,that at about the age of twelve this boy walked into such an old, well known, and con- servative institution as the "Academy of Fine Arts" in 34 Phil^-delphia, and side by side with many older people underwent a competitive examination for free scholar- ship into that institution, and won that scholarship! But love of the sea overcame love of art, so nothing came of it. In looking up family records and history, the writer finds that success in art is inherited from the Voigt branch of the family. The Gimms shone in society; were fond of travel and successful in business. The Vogts were accurate in detail; reserved in manner; most successful in music, art, and mechanical inventions. Montaigne, the renowned French educator, was the first we hear about, who claimed that "Travel is the best education one can get," etc. If so, Charles Brandt ought to have it. All this sea-roving was done in his youth when the brain was plastic and the emotions impressionable. Then we hear of him adopting the stage as a profes- sion, which very profession causes more travel than any other. Up to date it is conservative to say that he has toured America from coast to coast more than sixteen times. All this has an influence on his character and rela- tion to society, of course. He is the best story teller of the family. Having a good memory and unlimited mat- erial to draw upon, Charles Brandt makes a most de- lightful entertainer. His Vogt (not Gimm) "reserve" of manner, however, makes the stranger think him un- approachable, at times. Charles C. Brandt is well known in theatrical circles in the East, from the time he made his debut in Boston in 1887 to the present day. He is known in connection with Mrs. John Drew during the last year of her man- agement of the Arch Street Theatre Stock Company, Philadelphia; as "Ward Andrews" with Sol Smith Russell's "Peaceful Valley;" as leading man in Mac- Donough and Kennedy's "Siberia;" as Joseph Murphy's chief support in his repertoire of Irish plays; as "Rupert of Hentzau;" in "Prisoner of Zenda;" as mana- ger of the latter production for the Grand Opera House Stock Company, Philadelphia, during the season '98; 35 etc. His 1908 and 1909 engagement has been with the "Girls" Company, touring the country to the Pacific Coast. Providence endowed Charles Brandt with a most handsome face and form. In manner, he is graceful, dignified and reserved. On the other hand, those who know him well find him very lovable; fond of children and animals; and most benevolent to those in need or distress. In later years he has taken unto himself a summer home, a farm near Turnersville, Gloucester County, New Jersey. He was confirmed, when young, into the Episcopal faith at St. Paul's Church, 3rd and Walnut. MABEL A. BECHTOLD— GLADING. Mabel Anna Bechtold-Glading, represents, with her son, the fifth and sixth generations from Karl Tobias Gimm. Daughter of James S. and Anna Bechtold (born Brandt). She has accomplished much for her few years. Born May 6, 1884; graduated from the Girls' High School of Philadelphia; then, receiving her teacher's certificate from the Philadelphia Normal School, she soon began practicing her profession at "The Ringgold School," Eighth and Fitzwater Streets. After teaching a couple of years she married D. Taylor Glading. Their son, Taylor Bechtold Glading, greeted the fam- ily November 18, 1907. Mabel Bechtold Glading, although having many virtues from her father's side of the house, inherits strongly from the Gimm line, that taste for social life and success in it, which ultimately makes her easy, bril- liant and popular in company. Education has rounded out and polished these social proclivities. Born robust and well built, she shows a commanding personality, well poised, which is very attractive. DORATHEA ELIZABETH MARY VOIGT— HASSKARL Mary Hasskarl, (born D. E. Mary Voigt,) born May 6, 1862 ; oldest daughter of Charles C. and M. Louise Voigt, is the wife of William S. Hasskarl. 36 She was one of the three beautiful girls in the family, the other two being Mrs. James Bechtold, Sr., and Mrs. William Shepherd. Her coal black hair, large dark eyes, and good form we can place, but her velvety "olive skin" is unusual in a family noted throughout for its beautiful, fair Saxon complexions. This girl has the amiable, generous, and sociable disposition of the Gimm side with the inventive genius of the Voigt brain, being successful in anything she undertakes. She has four splendid children, William T., C. Reuben, A. Immanuel, and Josephine N. Hasskarl. They are living at present in their country house near Quakertown, Pennsylvania. JOHANNA JUSTINA VOIGT. Johanna Justina Voigt, second daughter of Charles C. and M. Louise Voigt, was born in Philadelphia, June 13, 1864. She seems to get all her virtues from her maternal side of the house. A tine housekeeper, splendid cook, clever nurse, her greatest talent seems to be in handling little helpless children. This talent, anyone who knows her methods, would term nothing short of genius. Any and all sorts of children love, obey, and follow her. Whether sick or well she seems to hit the very kind of medicine or entertainment they most need. So, J. J. Voigt, known in the home as "Anna" is a "comfort" to that home. Many friends and neighbors there are, who would be glad to add, here, testimonials of her fine nursing ability among adults or her clever management of very small children whom she loves dearly. This girl has been a comfort and support to those around her ever since she was a very tender age. JOHN LEONARD VOIGT. John Leonard Voigt, second son of Charles C. and M. Louise Voigt, was born July 5, 1864. Unlike most American boys, he received his element- ary education in a foreign pay school, i. e., the German private day school connected with St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Fifth and Wharton. About his fifteenth year he entered public school. 37 At the time of his father's death he sought em- ployment. Always a great reader and student, gifted in the natural sciences, he often surprises the casual listener with his great store of general information. The writer has heard him spoken of as a "regular Voigt"; as "the image of Grandfather Yoigt," etc. He certainly has a few of Johann Christoph Voight's facial characteristics and, from all traditions, quite a few of his mannerisms — reserve, being quite a prominent one. Strong drink and coarse talk are two of his pet aver- sions, while a sense of humor and harmless sarcasm aid him in getting more enjoyment out of life than most people. He is the type of person who wears better the longer you know him. I have not yet spoken of his great talent. As I said before, Art is strongly marked on the Voigt side. Three Gimm descendants have it through the Voigt father : — Charles C. Brandt, John L. Voigt, and James Bechtold, Jr., and the greatest of these, so far, is John Leonard Voigt. His natural ability is little short of wonderful. One French teacher told him he "couldn't teach him much" while instructors in different phases of Art all agree that he has "splendid natural ability." So far he has been giving his especial attention to "black and white," his immediate talent being portrail-work and character sketches. He had three "original" "wash" drawings copyrighted in 1907. The last the writer heard, he was pursuing his studies at the "School of Industrial Art," Philadelphia. MRS. RALPH E. JOHNSON. Mrs. Ralph E. Johnson (born Augusta Virginia Voigt,) third daughter of Charles C. and Marie Louise Voigt, was born March 19, 1873, in the southern part of Philadelphia. Being one of the younger children and the recipient of the love, labor, and attention of the older ones, she did not "know herself," so to speak, until a time in her life when most other girls would have been married or doing for themselves. Until her eighteenth year she only seemed to be good for one thing — Music. This talent seemed to be ridiculously easy for her, at first, and, as "easy" traits 38 go, might have been utterly v/asted but for the untiring efforts of her mother and the persistence of her teacher in showing her that Hard Work was most necessary. Her mothed watched over her and the teacher, John W. Noble of Yorkshire, England, was thorough in imparting all he knew. With these two supports the musical tempera- ment ripened, until, at the age of twelve years and a half, the child Virginia had quite a repertoire of good classics memorized which fact has surprised more than one of her critics in after years. The family has often wondered what the outcome would be if the innate talent, congenial helpful surroundings and splendid instruction were allowed to continue, say five years more. The death of the father, Charles C. Voigt, made the practical Mother outline the future to this young child. Music, at that time, was not remunerative and it would have cost a young fortune to "finish" the child into the "concert pianiste" many have said she was destined to be. So the Mother wisely put the proposition before her child and let her choose for herself. All the child, at that age, could think of was "School — teaching ;because," as she naively expressed it, "you'd get Saturdays, holi- days and two months in the summer." So the Mother and loving sisters and brother saw to it that this child was trained in the profession she selected. Graduating from the Girls' High School of Phila- delphia in 1891 and from the Philadelphia Normal School in 1892 (capturing a Principal's Certificate,) she entered into practical work the same year. Being ambitious she took a post-graduate course in Psychology, History of Education, Theory and Practice of Teaching and School Hygiene under Prof. Benj. F. Lacy, Dr. Oscar Gerson and a "quizz," Miss Annie B. Marriett which brought her, her Supervising Principal's Diploma, April, 1895, which qualified her for a position equal to men when she was a little over tv/enty-two. A vacancy in this was not open, however, till she heard she was wanted but found on her wedding tour in 1901. Eight years and a half of regular teaching was good training for the girl's future years. Always lacking con- fidence (a trait the writer has not "run down" to the cause yet,) it made her a little more self-reliant: always preferring to follow the leader it sowed the seed for future executive ability for which she has been com- mended. 39 Yet all this time the girl did not "know" herself. While Music is a heavenly gift, a good musician without a general education can be uncomfortably one-sided and a bore to the public. And while teaching is supposed to be one of the most noble professions a women can practice, it doesn't necessarily sharpen her business sense — an attribute needed more and more in women in this twentieth century. Likewise, if she takes her profession too seriously, she will be as badly "in a rut" as the afore- said musician is "one-sided." So while Virginia "kept up" her Music and was ambitious in her profession, she saw in future years where she merely had a "good foundation" but was not yet "rounded out" in life. On April 24, 1901, Virginia Voigt was married to Ealph E. Johnson, lawyer and newspaper man, after- wards, organizer, lecturer and traveller (with the title of "Supreme Organizer") for the largest fraternal in- surance in American and next to the largest (Man- chester Unity of Odd Fellows in England) in the world! While in the West, this same woman seems to have gone under a transformation, living a totally different life. Many or all of the influences may be the cause. First, the husband is the kind of man to encourage ability in anyone. This alone is a great factor in progress. Secondly, she met what is known as the "Spirit of the AA^est." The spirit of the West includes many things, but at the bottom and all around is that faculty for attempting anything and persevering in the attempt! The faculty of never allowing anyone to down you! Its results may be noticed in all sorts and conditions of people. They "get on" in the world as the English say. Thirdly, being torn from all home influences, training, and coddling and situated among total strangers with different views and ways of life, compelled to sink or swim, is it strange that this same girl should grow self- reliant and take on what is termed "executive ability"? Fourthly, not having the climate nor water friendly to her it took two years to find out that illness makes one "use the head to save the heels." Lastly, Club life. First a steady member, then placed at head of the committees on social affairs ; then leader of the Art Department, then Recording Secretary which last three offices made her a member of the Executive Board of the next to the larg- est federated club in these United States. 40 All these influences made a very different Virginia from the old one. To be sure there had to be a founda- tion to work on. Different people view her differently according to their own ideas. To a great many she is a "society" woman: to those interested in Club life she is a "prop" to that institution: to many more she is viewed in still different ways. She is often called a "regular" Westerner. This she denies because she thinks her prenatal German en- thusiasm and vivacity ought to count for a great deal in individual personality. CHARLES THEODORE VOIGT. Charles T. Voigt, fourth son of Charles C. and M. Louise Voigt, was born April 22, 1876. This "Centennial" baby came into the world robust, merry, and fine looking. At about three and a half his physical troubles began. He endured one trouble after another but came out -victorious in his fifteenth year. Ever since, he seems to be one of the strongest in the family. Charles T. Voigt is another example where Gimm sociability, generosity and business instincts are mixed with the Voigt mechanical inventive genius. Ever since his twenty-fourth year this young man has been in business for himself. He understands the oyster business thoroughly while the making of ice cream seems second nature to him. So from September till March he does a thriving business in oysters and from May till September ice cream hold sway. Between the two he does very well and is to be commended for his push and energy. Early in life he found it came easy to him to adjust machinery without help and this he finds not only par- ticularly useful in his business, but a delightful pastime. In the latter part of 1906 after touring the island of Jamaica, in the West Indies, his idea was to invest capital in business there. He just returned in time to escape the earthquake ; for the very places he visited were utterly demolished ! Is it any wonder the business notion was frightened out of his mind? 41 Charles T. Voigt married, July 17, 1907, Hannah Jane Whitall, descendant of Dame Whitall of Colonial fame, and, like her ancestor, a member of the Society of Friends. 42 NOTE. This book will be revised during- the next year. Any member of the Gimm descendants wishing to alter or add to the data herein may do so and the communication will be thankfully received by THE AUTHOR. Lincoln, Nebraska, July 6, 1909. HISTORY OP THURINGIA. Some history of Waltershausen, Gotha andFranken- hausen will no doudt be interesting to the descendants of the Gimm family since the family tree shows those towns to be the only residences of the Gimm family in Europe. These towns are all in Thuringia. Germany in its earliest history was composed of tribes: Goths, Thuringians, Franks, etc. All people, mentioned in this book, sprang from the Thuringian tribe, not only through the Gimm family on the mother's side but through the Vogt family on the father's side. The Vogts lived in Muhlhausen, Thuringia, as far back as 1530, which time shows great activity in the Reform- ation, (We find Martin Luther accomplishing his greatest work in this vicinity.) Much blood was shed during feudal troubles prior to this. Thuringia, like Franconia, Swabia and Bavaria was a stronghold of the lawless nobility. During the Inter- regnum: (inter-between; regnum-reign; between reigns of various emperors) 1250 to 1273, the lawlessness of the nobles increased to such an extent, that the safety of life and possessions, in the country, decreased. This state of affairs caused a noticeable tendency toward town-life. This fact influenced favorably the development of commerce and manufactures. The towns furnished the only revenues to the Crown. The imperial collectors were called "Vogt." Thuringia, like Franconia and Swabia was altogether in the hands of the war-faring nobles. Rudolph of Haps- burg was the first emperor after the inter-regnum, who, in trying to restore order, destroyed in Thuringia alone, seventy castles — the strongholds of the highway robbers. Rudolph's successor, Adolph of Nassau, tried to establish a "Hausmacht"(*l) by acquiring Thuringia as a principality for his family. The "Peasant's War,"('"'2) 1524, occurred in this vicinity. Munser, a religious reformer, published a pamphlet in Muhlhausen in 1524. In the latter town he met Pfeiffer, another religious fanatic and reforrrier. Pac- tions were formed among the people, headed by one or the other of these men. Munser and Pfeiffer were driven several times from Muhlhausen. Then we have Huss, and the war that waged around him, with Thuringia as battle ground. This was followed by the Thirty Years' V/ar (*3) (1618-1648), Of 1700 families in the various villages of Thuringia only 300 remained and the population of Ger- manjr decreased from sixteen million to four million. The peace of Munser closed this war. So Thuringia, and all towns comprising it, flourished during the middle ages while its history, during the last three hundred years, has been practically closed, Thuringia was always subject to Saxony (except the town of Muhlhausen (*4) prior to 1866. At this time Prussia was victorious over the "southern federation" (including Saxony and Austria.) Saxony, in it's defeat, gave over Thuringia to Prussia (*5). FOOT NOTES 1. Hausmacht— hereditary possessions of tlie family. 2. Read "The Peasant's War" by Belf ort Ba,x— Macmillan Co. 3. Read Ranke's '.History of the German Enapire." 4. Read any Encyclopedia account of Muhlhausen and notice changes in government. 5. After reading all the references the reader will no longer be puzzled when some Thuringians say they are from Saxony, while others firmly assert they are Prussians. NOTB— The writer is indebted to Miss Marie Kubn, of Coblenz, Germany, for her valuable assistance in the above history. 45 LB D '09