TH 6711 .J7 1919 OHNSON'S NEW Handy Manua ON PLUMBING HEATING VENTILATING AND MECHANICAL REFRIGERATION A PRACTICAL BOOK for PRACTICAL MEN Class jrhL^Ui Book . jy COPYRIGHT DEPOSED JOHN W. JOHNSON, Author and Publisher of "Johnson's Handy Manual" and Mechanical Engineer Any question pertaining to this book will be answered in a practical way providing you send three cent stamp for a reply. Address all letters to Week Engineering Company, 850 Cass St., Chicago, 111., U. S. A. JOHNSON'S NEW HANDY MANUAL PLUMBING HEATING VENTILATING AND MECHANICAL REFRIGERATION NINTH EDITION PRICE by Parcel Post 1.25 JOHN W. JOHNSON 850 CASS^kTREET CHICAGO. ILUNOIS TH' A ( 1 C'- ^etflcaiion TO THE STEAM-FITTERS AND PLUMBERS WYld WHOM I HAVE SPENT SO MANY PLEASANT YEARS, I DEDICATE THIS MANUAL Copyrighted by JOHN W- JOHNSON, M. E. '« 905-1913-1919 JUL 10 1919 ^ < ©CU5301j|5 Johnson'*s Handy Manual. Cross- Connected Pumps Fig. A shows a battery of boilers with cross-con- nected pumps. Feed water heater and tank on the roof. The installation is as follows: For Suction: Connect pumps No. 1 and No. 2, as in illustration, by 4"x3" tees to the city main. Between the tees and pump' connections insert gate valves A and B and flange unions. Valve must in all cases be next to the tee so that in case either pump should have to be disconnected, valves A or B can be closed and the pump disconnected without interfering with the water supply. From the tee, connecting pump No. 1, run a 4" pipe to a point directly under the roof tank and with a long sweep elbow continue the pipe up through the roof and connect to the bottom of the tank on this pipe, marked 4" tank suction on the illustration, at a convenient place, insert a 4x2" tee and connect with 2" pipe, marked "feed to boiler through heater," using valve C and flange union. When feed from tank dircQt to boilers close valve D and open valve C. When feed which has passed through the heater is wanted close valve C and open valve D. Check valve E. E. must be set to open with the flow of water from tank or heater. 4 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Pump Discharge: When pumping to roof tank close valves F. and G. and open valves H. and I. Check valve J. must be set to opo^n with the flow of water to the tank. If direct feed from pump No. 1 to boiler is wanted proceed as follows: Close valves H., G. and L. and open valves F. and M. The flow will open check valve E and close check valve E. E. If direct feed from Pump No. 2 to boiler is wanted close valves I., F. and L. and open valves G. and M. Check valves E. and E. E. have the same action as when pump No. 1 is used. Feed to Heater: When using pump No. 1 to supply water to heater, close valves H., G. and M. and open valves F. and L. When pump No. 2 is used close valves I., F. and M. and open valves G. and L. Note: Illustration being an elevation to show all pipes, valves and unions, the position of the pipes must necessarily be somewhat extorted. Pipes should not be higher frorri the floor but what a man could easily reach all valves when standing on the floor. — All valves on branches should be placed as near as possible to the supply pipe from which its duty is to stop the supply when not wanted; for instance: Valves, H. and I. with their unions should be placed as near the tees N. and O. as possible. Steam to pumps, exhaust from pumps to heater and feed to boiler through heater are shown so plainly in the illustration that any explanation is unnecessary. PLAN OF PAIR OF MODERN BOX TO BE APPROXIMATELY IB-FT W 1N5I0E AND ABOVE RAIL. WILL E FEET BOARD MEASURE (AN AVERi LUMBER 16-FT LONG. AIR SPACE IN WALL, CONCRETE I ODORS AND PLATFORMS. COURTE /"Mi l I I I I I H JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. lANSFER CAR AND TRACK DRY KILNS FOR LUMBER EACH IDE BY 27-FT LONG lO-FT HIGH ACH HOLD APPRDXIMATELY I5D00 IGE RAILROAD CAR) OF ONE INCH TO BE ERECTED OF BRICK WITH FOUNDATIONS^ TILE ROOF, WDOD ;5Y OF GRAND RAPIDS DRY KILN JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Overhead System of Hot Water Heating Apparatus. CMsw ftvt & r f >^ n^ — I— » Fig. 1. PLAN OF PAIR OF MODERN BOX ORY KILNS FOR LUMBER EACH TO BE APPROXIMATELY IB-FT WIOE BY 27-FT LONG 10-FT HIGH IN5I0E AND ABOVE RAIL . WILL EACH HOLD APPROXIMATELY 15000 FEET BOARD MEASURE (AN AVERAGE RAILROAD CAR) OF ONE INCH LUMBER IB-FT LONG. TO BE ERECTED OF BRICK WITH AIR SPACE IN WALL, CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS, TILE ROOF, WOOD DOORS AND PLATFORMS. COURTESY OF GRAND RAPIDS DRY KILN 10 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL, Single Pipe Hot Water System. 0" =n t 1 m f\- :4t= •4| 24 I6f. - r, 45*ANo90'»ELL5 22 SIZE OFFSET , Z - -it' ii"-- tfe 2t 6 1^, ; 3 61- , 3t 7^. s A &h \ 4^. ■ Sir! 5 9i 6 y Th 7 >o i 8 11 i 9 »2 TS SO i 13 i la 14 i ^ 14 J5\l : : 15 16 V ■ 16 17 ii i : IS 18 1 i 20 20 \ ; 2a 211 i a 4 23.7 1 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 23 ^/4' 2Zi' 33%' ^ ^ \" i- Iw Kj \v^>» ' r 2'~/g 3-2 3'- 2 Fig. 6 3'-Z 24 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Table of Long and Short Legs and Diagonals for IIM, 223^, 33^, 60, 673^ and 72 Degree Triangles. As Shown in Fig. 6 Suppose, for example, that you wish to know the diagonal distance and short leg for the several triangles or any one of them corresponding to a long leg distance of 3 feet, 2 inches. Look in the first column of the table for 3 feet, 2 inches. On the same line will be found the corres- ponding diagonal arid short leg distances for the several triangles, each in its proper column. For instance, the diagonal distance for a 11J4' triangle having a long leg of 3' 2" is 3' 2^4" and the short leg is 7Vi«. Similarly for a 22^** triangle the diagonal is 3' 5%" and the short leg is 1' 3^" and 80 on. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 29 Table of Diagonals for \\%° Triangles Measuring from 1 Inch to 10 Feet on the Sides, .Long Leg Sh. Leg Diag. Long Leg Sh. Leg Diag. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. 1 %6 1 3 73/16 3 1^6 2 % 2H6 3 1 73/8 3 11^6 3 % 3^6 3 2 7%6 3 23/4 4 1%6 41^6 3 3 713/16 3 33.4 - 5 1 hVs 3 4 8 3 43/4 & 1%6 •6^8 3 5 83.46 3 513/ie 7 1% 7y8 3 6 83/8 3 613^6 8 P/l6 8^8 3 7 8%6 3 713^6 9 1^%6 9%6 3 8 83/4 3 813^6 10 2 103/16 3 9 9 3 9% 11 2%6 113/16 3 10 93^6 3 loys 1 2% ¥4 3 11 93/8 3 11% 1 1 2%6 Ui 4 9%6 4 15/,Q 1 2 23/4 25/16 4 1 934 4 115^6 1 3 3 3%6 4 2 915/16 4 3 1 4 3%6 45A6 4 3 103A6 4 4 1 5 3% 53/8 4 4 103/8 4 5 1 6 8%6 63/8 4 5 10%6 4 6^16 1 7 3% 73/8 4 6 103.4 4 71.46 1 8 31%6 83/8 4 7 101^6 4 8^6 1 9 43/16 9%6 4 8 iiy8 4 9V46 1 10 4% IOV16 4 9 113/8 4 lOVs 1 11 4%6 lF/i6 4 10 11% 4 llVs 2 4% 2 ¥2 4 11 111%6 5 % 2 1 41%6 2 iy2 5 1 5 13,46 2 2 SVs 2 2%6 5 1 1 %6 5 23^6 2 3 5% 2 39/16 6 2 1 % 5 3V4 2 4 5»/l6 2 49/16 5 3 1 % 5 4V4 2 5 5% 2 5% 5 4 1 13^6 5 514 2 6 515/16 2 6% 5 5 1 1 5 6%6 2 7 evs 2 7% 5 6 1 1%6 5 75^6 2 8 65/16 2 8% 5 7 1 13/8 5 8%6 2 9 6%6 2 9Hi6 5 8 1 P/ie 5 9%6 2 10 6% 2 io*yi6 5 9 1 13.4 5 10% 2 11 61%6 m^e 5 10 1 11%6 5 113/8 Extreme caution must be exercised in taking oS centers of fittings in these measurements. 26" JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Table of Diagonals for 11^° Triangles Measuring from I Inch to 1 G Feet on the Sides. Long Leg- Sb. Leg Diag. Long Leg Sh.Leg Diag. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In 5 11 1 21/s 6 % 8 1 71/16 8 178 * 6 1 25/16 6 IV16 8 1 1 71/4 8 278 6 1 1 21/2 6 2716 8 2 1 7%6 8 315/18 6 2 1 2H46 6 31/2 8 3 1 7iyi6 8 415/ifl 68 1 215/16 6 41/2 8 4 1 77/8 8 6i%« 6 4 1 2% 6 51/2 8 •5 1 81/16 8 7 6 5 1 35/16 6 61/2 8 6 1 81/4 8 8 6 6 1 S1/2 6 71/2 8 7 1 8716 8 9 6 7 1 311/16 6 81/2 8 8 1 8% 8 10 6 8 1 3% 6 91/2 8 9 1 878 8 11 7ie 6 9 1 4% 6 10% 8 10 1 91/16 9 i/ie 6 10 1 4%6 6 11% 8 11 1 91/4 9 I1/16 6 11 1 41/2 7 % 9 1 91/2 9 278 7 1 411/16 7 1% 9 1 1 911/16 9 - 31/8 7 1 1 4% 7 2% 9 2 1 978 9 478 7 2 1 61/16 7 311/16 9 3 1 IQi/s 9 53/16 7 3 1 55/16 7 411/16 9 4 1 105/19 9 63Ae 7 4 1 5V2 7 51V16 9 6 1 1072 9 73/16 7 5 1 6iyi6 7 6% 9 6 1 IO1716 9 874 7 6 1 6% 7 7% 9 7 1 1078 9 91/4 7 7 1 61/16 7 8% 9 8 1 117l6 9 1074 • 7 8 1 61/4 7 9% 9 9 1 111/4 9 115/16 7 9 1 61/2 7 1013/16 9 10 1 117l6 10 %g 7 10 1 611/16 7 1113/16 9 11 1 11% 10 1%6 7 11 ; >. 1 6% 8 13/16 10 1 111%6 10 23/8 Extreme caution must be exercised in taking off centers of fittings in these measurements. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. •27 Table of Diagonals for 223^° Triangles Measuring from 1 Inch to 10 Feet on the Sides. Long Leg Short Leg. Diagonal. Long Leg Short Leg Diagonal Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft, In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. 1 ; yi6 iyi6 3 1 1 35/16 3 41/46 2 1%6 23/16 3 2 1 '33/4 .; 3; 5% 3 1^4 31/4 3 3 1 41/8 3 63/16 4 U^ie 45/16 3 4 1 4%6 3, 75/16 5 2yi6 5716 3 5 1 6 3. 83/8 6 2y2 61/2 3 6 1 5% 3 9%6 7 278 7%6 3 7 1 513/16 3 10%6 . 8- 3%6 ' 8iyi6 3 8 1 61/4 3 11% 9 3% 93/4 3 9 1 65/8 4 ii/ie 10 41/8 101%6 3 10 1 7yi6 4. 113/46 11 4%6 1178 3 11 1 77i6 .4 278 1 5 1 1 4 i 778 4 315/46 1 1 6% 1 21/16 4 1 1 85/16 4 51/16 1 2 513/16 1 31/8 4 2 1 8II/16 4 61/8 1 3 6y4 1 41/i 4 3 1 91/8 4. 73/16 1 4 611/i6 1 65/16 4 4 1 99/16' 4 85/16 1 5 7I/16 1 63/8 4 6 1 915/16 4 9% 1 6 71/2 1 7y2 4 6 1 103/8 4 107i6 1 7 778 1 8%6 4 7 1 103/4 4 1172 1 8 8%6 1 9% 4 8 1 113/16 5 5/g 1 9 8% 1 ]03/4 4 9 1 11% 5 111/46 1 10 91/8 1 1113/16 4 10 2 5 234 1 11 9%6 2 78 4 11 2 %6 5 378 2 9i%6 2 2 5 2 % 6 415/46 2 1 10% 2 31/16 5 1 2 11/4 5 6 " 2 2 10% - 2 41/8 5 2 2 I11/16 5 71/8 2 3 11%6 2 51/4 6 3 2 21/8 5 83/16 2 4 11% 2 6%6 5 4 2 2y2 5 91/4 2 5 1 2 7% 5 5 2 215/16 6 103/8 2 6 1 yi6 2 81/2 5 6 2 35/46 5 11%6 2 7 1 1%6 2 9%6 5 7 2 33/4 6 1/2 2 8 1 11/4 2 105/8 5 8 2 43/i6 6 15/8 2 9 1 111/16 2 1111/16 5 9 2 4%6 6 211/16 2 10 1 21/16 3 18/16 5 10 2 5 6 33/4 2 11 1 2y2 3 178 5 11 2 5% 6 478 3 1 215/16 3 215/16 6 2 513/16 6 515/46 Extreme caution must be exercised in taking off centers of fittings in these measurements. 28 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Table of Diagonals for 2 2 3^° Triangles Measuring from 1 Inch to 10 Feet op the Sides. LongLeg Short Legr. Diagonal. LongLeg Short Leg. Diagonal. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. 6 1 2 61/4 6 7 8 1 3 43/16 8 9 6 2 2 6% 6 81/8 8 2 3 49/16 8 IOM0 6 3 2 71A6 6 93/16 8 S 3 5 8 llVs 6 4 2 71/2 6 101/4 8 4 3 5716 9 V4 6 6 2 77/8 6 11% 8 5 3 6^13/16 9 1%0 6 6 2 85/16 7 %6 8 6 3 6y4 9 2% 6 7 2 S% 7 11/2 8 7 3 6Hl6 9 31/2 6 8 2 9y8 7 2% 8 8 3 71/16 9 4%6 6 9 2 9%6 7 31^6 8 9 3 71/2 9 5% 6 10 2 9i%6 7 4% 8 10 3 V/8 9 63/4 6 11 2 10% 7 513/16 8 11 3 8%6 9 713/16 7 2 10i%6 7 6i%6 9 3 83/4 9 8% 7 1 2 113/16 7 8 9 1 3 91/8 9 10 7 2 2 11% 7 91,16 9 2 3 9%6 9 lli/ie 7 3 3 Vie 7 103/16 9 3 3 10 10 Vs 7 4 3 Vie 7 im 9 4 3 103/8 10 1% 7 5 3 % 8 %Q 9 5 3 1013/16 10 25/iQ 7 6 3 U4 8 K/ie 9 6 3 IIV4 10 33/8 7 7 3 IIV16 8 21/2 9 7 3 11% 10 4^2 7 8 3 21/8 8 3%6 9 8 4 %6 10 6%6 7 9 3 21/2 8 4iyi6 9 9 4 Tie 10 6% 7 10 3 2i%6 8 b% 9 10 4 Vs 10 73/4 7 11 3 3% 8 613/16 9 11 4 P/16 10 813/46 8 3 3% 8 715/16 10 4 lii/ie 10 9% Extreme caution must be exercised in taking off centers of fittings in these measurements. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 29 Table of Diagonals of 33^° Triangles Measufing from 1 Inch to 1 Feet on the Sides. Long Leg Short Leg. Diagonal. 1 Long Leg Short Leg. Diagonal Ft. In. Ft . In. Ft . In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. 1 Hie 1%6 3 1 2 % 3 8I/2 2 1%6 2% 3 2 2 1% 3 911/16 3 2 3% 3 3 2 21/16 3 10% 4 211/16 41%6 3 4 2 2% 4 % 5 85/16 6 3 5 2 3% 4 15/16 6 4 7%6 3 6 2 41/16 4 2y2 7 411/16 8yi6 3 7 2 4% 4 311/16 8 5% 9% 3 8 2 6% 4 415/16 9 6 1013/16 3 9 2 61/16 4 6% 10 611A6 3 10 2 6% 4 75/16 11 7% m 3 11 2 7% 4 8y2 1 8 2%6 4 2 81/16 4 93/4 1 1 811/16 3% 4 1 2 8% 4 1015^6 1 2 9% 413/16 4 2 2 9% 5 % 1 3 10 6^16 4 3 2 lOVie 5 15/16 1 4 10Hi6 71/2 4 4 2 10% 5 2%6 1 5 11% 8^16 4 5 2 IIV16 5 33/4 1 6 9% 4 6 3 1/16 5 4i%6 1 7 11/16 10% 4 7 3 % 5 6% 1 8 1% 2 1/16 4 8 3 1%6 5 73/8 1 9 2 2 11/4 4 9 3 21/16 5 89/16 1 10 211/i6 2 2716 4 10 3 2% 5 93/4 1 11 3% 2 311/16 4 11 3 3%6 5 1015/16 2 41,16 2 4% 5 3 41/16 6 8/16 2 1 411/16 2 61/16 6 1 3 4% 6 13/8 2 2 5% 2 71/4 5 2 3 57/16 6 29/16 2 3 61/16 2 81/2 5 3 3 6% 6 33/4 2 4 611/16 2 911/16 5 4 3 6% 6 5 2 6 7% 2 1078 1 5 5 3 7-/16 6 63/16 2 6 8^16 3 Vie 6 6 3 81/8 6 73/8 2 7 811/16 3 11/8 5 7 3 83/4 6 89/16 2 8 9% 3 21/2 5 8 3 me 6 913^6 2 9 1 lOVie 3 3II/16 5 9 3 101/8 6 11 2 10 1 1013^6 3 4% 6 10 3 103/4 7 ?16 2 11 11% 3 61/8 5 11 3 IIV16 7 13/8 3 2 V16 3 7%6 6 4 i/s 7 25/8 Extreme caution must be exercised in taking off centers of fittings in these measurements. 30 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Table of Diagonals of 33^° Triangles Measuring from 1 Inch to 10 Feet on the Sides. Long Leg She rt Leg. Diagonal Long Leg Short Leg. Diagonal Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. 6 1 4 %' 7 313/16 8 1 5 413/16 9 8II/16 6 2 4 F/ie 7 5 8 2 5 51/2 9 9y8 6 3 4 21/8 7 613/16 8 3 5 61/8 9 II1/16 6 4 4 21%6 7 73/8 8 4 5 613/16 10 1/4 6 5 4 3%6 7 8% 8 5 5 71/2 10 11/2 6 6 4 4y8 7 913/16 8 6 5 81/8 10 2iyiQ 6 7 4 413/16 7 11 8 7 5 813/16 10 3y8 6 8 4 5%6 8 %6 8 8 5 91/2 10 5yi6 6 9 4 evs - 8 iyi6 8 9 5 103/16 10 65/16 6 10 4 61%6 8 2% 8 10 5 1013/16 10 71/2 6 11 4 7yi6 8 313/16 8 11 5 111/2 10 8Hie 7 4 81/8 8 5 9 6 3/16 10 9y8 7 1 4 813/16 8 61/4 9 1 6 13/16 10 II1/16 7 2 4 9716 8 7yi6 9 2 6 11/2 11 ^aQ 7 3 4 lOVs 8 8% 9 3 6 23/16 11 11/2 7 4 4 101%6 8 913/16 9 4 6 213/16 11 2iyi8 7 5 4 11716 8 111/16 1 9 5 6 3y2 11 3y8 7 6 5 Vs 9 M 9 6 6 43/16 11 51/8 7 7 5 1%6 9 iyi6 9 7 6 413/16 11 65/19 7 8 5 11/2 9 2% 9 8 6 51/2 ir 71/2 7 9 5 21/8 9 3y8 9 9 6 63/16 11 811/16 7 10 5 213/16 9 61/16 9 10 6 eys 11 915/16 7 11 5 31/2 9 6y4 9 11 6 71/2 U 111^8 8 5 41/8 9 7yi6 10 6 83/16 12 %Q Extreme caution must be exercised in taking ofi centers of fittings in these measurements. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 31 Table of Diagonals of 6 7 >^ ° Triangles Measuring from 1 Inch to 10 Feet on the Sides. Long Leg- Short Leg Diagonal. Long Leg Short Leg. Diagonal Ft In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. 1 %6 li/ie 3 1 1 3%6 3 4I/I6 2 1%6 . 23/i6 3 2 1 3% 3 51/8 3 U4 31/i 3 3 1 41^8 ■3 63/16 4 lii/ie 4^/16 3 4 1 49/16 3 75/1q 5 2Vi6 5%6 3 5 1 6 3 83/8 6 21/2 61/2 3 6 1 53/^8 3 9716 7 2% 7%6 3 7 1 513/16 3 109/16 8 3%6 811/i6 3 8 1 61/4 3 115/8 9 3% 9% 3 9 1 6% 4 11/16 10 4^8 1013/16 3 10 1 7I/I6 4 113/16 11 4%6 11% 3 11 1 7716 4 278 1 5 1 1 4 1 7% 4 315/16 1 1 5% I 21/16 4 1 1 8%6 4 51/16 1 2 61%6 1 31/8 4 2 1 811A6 4 eys 1 3 61/4 1 41/4 4 8 1 9y8 4 73/16 1 4 611^6 1 55/16 4 4 1 99/16 4 85/16 1 5 71/16 1 63/8 4 6 1 915/16 4 93/8 I 6 71/2 1 7y2 4 6 1 103/8 4 10716 1 7 7% 1 8%6 4 7 1 103/4 4 1172 1 8 8%6 1 9% 4 8 1 113/16 5 5/3 1 9 8% 1 103/4 4 9 1 11% 5 111^6 1 10 91/8 1 1113/16 4 10 2 5 23/4 1 11 9%6 2 % 4 11 2 yi6 5 378 2 91%6 2 2 5 2 % 5 415/iQ 2 1 10% 2 31/16 5 1 2 11/4 5 6 2 2 10% 2 4y8 6 2 2 lii/lo 5 71/8 2 3 113/16 2 51/4 5 3 2 2y8 5 83/16 2 4 11% 2 65/16 5 4 2 2y2 5 974 2 5 1 2 7% 5 5 2 215/16 6 103/i 2 6 1 yi6 2 81/2 5 6 2 35/16 5 117i6 2 7 1 1%6 2 99/16 5 7 2 33/4 6 1/2 2 8 1 11/4 2 10% 5 8 2 43/16 6 15/8 2 9 1 IHie 2 II11/16 5 9 2 49/16 6 211/lfl 2 10 1 2yi6 3 13^16 5 10 2 5 6 33/4 2 11 1 2y2 3 1% 5 11 2 53/8 6 478 3 1 2i%6 3 215/16 6 2 613/16 6 515/iQ Extreme caution must be exercised in taking off centers of fittings in these measurements. 32 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Table of Diagonals of 6 7}4° Triangles Measuring from 1 Inch to 10 Feet on the Sides. LongLegr Short Leg-. Diagonal. Long Leg Short Leg. Diagonal. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. 6 1 2 61/4 6 7 8 1 3 43^6 8 9 6 2 2 6% 6 81/8 8 2 3 4%6 8 101^6 6 3 2 71/16 6 93^6 8 3 3 5 8 llVs 6 4 2 71/2 6 mi 8 4 3 6^/46 9 y* 6 5 2 7% 6 11% 8 6 3 513/L6 9 1%6 6 6 2 8%6 7 %6 8 6 3 6V4 9 23/8 6 7 2 8% 7 11/2 8 7 3 6i%6 9 31/2 6 8 2 91/8 7 2% 8 8 3 71/16 9 4%6 6 9 2 9%6 7 311/16 8 9 3 7^2 9 5% 6 10 2 9i%6 7 4% 8 10 3 778 9 63/4 6 11 2 10% 7 513/16 8 11 3 8%6 9 713/^6 7 2 10i%6 7 6i%6 9 3 83/4 9 878 7 1 2 113/16 7 8 9 1 3 91^8 9 10 7 2 2 11% 7 9yi6 9 2 3 9%6 9 llHe 7 3 3 yi6 7 103/16 9 3 3 10 10 ys 7 4 3 '^Ae 7 111/4 9 4 3 103/8 10 iy4 7 5 3 7/8 8 %g 9 5 3 1013/46 10 2%6 7 6 3 Ui 8 iyi6 9 6 3 IIV4. 10 33/8 7 7 3 I11/16 8 21/2 9 7 3 11% 10 4y2 7 8 3 21/8 8 3%6 9 8 4 yi6 10 6%6 7 9 3 2V2 8 411/16 9 9 4 yie 10 6% 7 10 3 215/16 8 53/4 9 10 4 7/8 10 73/4 7 11 3 3% 8 613/16 9 11 4 1%6 10 813/46 8 3 3% .8 715/16 10 4 11^6 10 9% Extreme caution must be exercised in taking off centers of fittings in these measurements. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 3S Table of Diagonals of 60° Triangles Measuring from 1 Inch, to 10 Feet on the Sides. Long Leg Ft. In. Short Leg Ft. In, Diagonal Ft. In. Long Leg Ft. In. Short Leg Ft. In. Diagonal, Ft. In. 1" %6" iKs" 3' 1" V 9%" 3' 6K" 2" IVs" 2%6" 3' 2" 1' 9i%6" 3' 1%," 3" m" 3%6" 3' 3" V 101/2" 3' 9" 4" 2%6" m" 3' 4" 1' llMe" 3' lOsAe" 5" 2W 5H" 3' 5" 1' mWe" 3' 11%6" 6" 3%6" 615,46" 3' 6" 2' V4" 4' J^" 7" 41,^6" 81,46" 3' 7" 2' 13^6" 4' li^e" 8" 4%" Q'A" 3' 8" 2' 13/8" 4' 2i%6" 9" 53/16" 10^8" 3' 9" 2' 2" 4' 315A6" 10" 5%" 11%6" 3' 10" 2' 2%6" 4' 5K" 11" 6%" I2IV16" 3' 11" 2' 31/8" 4' 6K" 12" 615^6" 1313/16" 4' 0" 2' 311^6" 4' 7%^a" 1' 1" 7V2" 1 ' 3" 4/ 1" 2' 4%" 4' 8%6" 1' 2" 8%6" 1 ' 43,46" 4/ 2" 2' 4%" 4' 9K" 1' 3' 811.16" 1' ' 55/1 6" 4/ 3" 2' 5%6" 4' 10^" 1' 4" 9V4" 1' ' 6y2" 4' 4" 2' 6" 5' 0" 1' 5" 913,46" 1' ' 7H" 4' 5" 2' 6K" 5' l%a" 1' 6" L03/8" 1' S%" 4' 6" 2' 7%6" 5' 25A6" 1' 7" 11" 1' 915^6" 4' 7" 2' 7%" 5' 3%" 1' 8" ll%e" 1' ime" 4/ 8" 2' 85A6" 5' 4%" 1' 9" 12^8- 2' %" 4' 9" 2' 8J^" 5' 518^6" 1' 10" L2Hi6" 2' 1%" 4' 10" 2' 9%" 5' 615,46" 1' 11" 131,4" 2' 29/46" 4/ 11'. 2' lOMe" 5', 8/8" 2' 0" L37/8" 2' 3H46" 5' 0" 2' 10%" 5' 9%" 2' 1" V 2%6" 2' 4K" 5' 1" 2' UK" 5' 10 K" 2' 2" 1' 3" 2' 6" 5' 2" 2' 1113,46" 5' 119A6" 2' 3" 1' 3%6" 2' 73^6" 5' 3" 3' ^" 6' Yx" 2' 4" 1' 43,ie" 2' 8% 6" 5' 4" 3' 15^6" 6' 1%" 2' 5" 1' 43/4" 2' 9M" 5' 5" 3' 1%" 6' 3%6" 2' 6" 1' 55/ie" 2> 10%" 5' 6" 3' 2H" 6' 4%6" 2' 7" 1' 5%" 2' 1113/16" 5' 7" 3' 2iyi6" 6' 5^" 2' 8" 1' 6%" 3' 1%6" 5' 8" 3' S%" 6' &%" 2' 9" 1' 71^6" 3' 2J/8" 5' 9" 3' 313^6" 6' 711^6" 2' 10" 1' 7%" 3' 3^/" 5' 10" 3' 47,46" 6' 8i%'6" 2' 11" 1' 83/16" 3' 4%6 5' 11" 3' 5" 6' 10" 3' 0" 1' 83/4" 3' 5%6 6' 0" 3' 59,46" 6' UK" Extreme caution must be exercised in taking off centers of fittings in these measurements. 34 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Table of Diagonals of 60° Triangles Measuring from 1 Inch to 10 Feet on the Sides. Longr Leg Ft. In. Short Leg- Ft. In. Di Ft agonal . In. Long- Leg Ft. In. Short Leg Ft. In. Diagonal Ft. In. 6' 1" 3' 6/8" 7' %" 8' 1" 4' 8" 9' 4" 6' 2" 3' 6^" 7' lyio" 8' 2" 4' 8%6" 9' 5/3" 6' 3" 3' 75/10" 7' 29/16" 8' 3" 4' 9/8" 9' 65^6" 6' 4" 3' 7%" 7' 3K" 8' 4" 4' 9K" 9' 77/16" 6' 5" 3' 87/16" 7' 4^8" 8' 5" 4' 105/ie" 9' 8/8" 6' 6" 3' 9" 7' 6yi6" 8' 6" 4' lO/a" 9' 9K" 6' 7" 3' 9^8" 7' 73/16" 8' 7" 4' 11^1 e" 9' 1015,46" 6' 8" 3' 103/16" 7' 8^3" 8' 8" 5' Vie" 10' Vie" 6' 9" 3' 103/i" 7' 9>^" 8' 9" 5' K" 10' 1/" 6' 10" 3' 11%6" 7' 101 Vie" 8' 10" 5' 1%6 10' 23/8" 6' 11" 3' 1115/19" r 111%6" 8' 11" 5' IK" 10' 3%6" 7' 0" 4' V2" 8' 1" 9' 0" 5' 2/3" 10' 4ii,ie" r 1" 4' IMe" 8' 2/8" 9' 1" 5' 215/16" 10' 513A6" 7' 2" 4' IK" 8' 35A6" 9' 2" 5' 3/" 10' 7" 7' 3" 4' 2^/" 8' 4Vl6" 9' 3" 5' 41,i6" 10' 83A6" 7' 4" 4' 213A6" 8' 5/s" 9' 4" 5' 4/3" 10' 95/16" T 5" 4' 35/3" 8' 63/" 9' 5" 5' 5/" 10' 10/" 7' 6" 4' 315A6" 8' 715^6" 9' 6" 5' 513/1 e" 10' 11/3" 7' 7" 4' 4>^" 8' 9Vl6" 9' 7" 5' 63/8" 11' y^" 7' 8" 4' 5/3" 8' 10/" 9' 8" 5' 7" 11' 1^6" 7' 9" 4' SiVie" 8' 11/3" 9' 9" 5' 7%6" 11' 3^16" T 10" 4' 6K" 9' /" 9' 10" 5' 8/8" 11' 4/" 7' 11" 4' 6^8" 9' 11V16" 9' 11" 5' SiVie" 11' 5%" 8' .0" 4' 7%6" 9' 2/3" 10' 0" 5' 9/" 11' 6»/i6" Extreme caution must be exercised in taking off centers of fittings in these measurements. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 35 Table of Diagonals of 72° Triangles Measuring from 1 Inch to 10 Feet on the Sides. Long Leg Ft. In. Short Leg Ft. In. _ Long Leg Ft. In. Short Leg Ft. In, Diagonal. Ft. In. Diagonal. Ft. In. 1" %" IMe" 3' 1" 1' 0" 3' 2%" 2" %" 2%" 3' 2" V w 3' 4" 3" 1" 3/8" 3' 3" V %" 3' 5" 4" lU" 4^X" 3' 4" V 1" 3' 6" 5" m" ^Va" 3' 5" V 1/" 3' 7K" 6" 2" 6y^" 3' 6" V 1%" 3' 8>^" 7" 2K" 7%" 3' 7" V 2" 3' QY" 8" 2H" 8H" 3' 8" V 2 1/" 3' lOJi" 9" 2%" Q%" 3' 9" V 2/8" 3' 11%" 10" SVa" 10%" 3' 10" V 3" 4' ^ %" 11" 351" 11%" 3' 11" V 35^" 4' 1%" 12" 3%" 12/8" 4' 0" V 3%" 4' 2%" 1' 1" 4Ji" 1' 1^" 4' 1" V 3%" 4' 3%" V 2" 4>^" 1' 2M" 4' 2" V 4^/" 4' 4^" r 3" 4%" 1' 3K" 4' 3" V 4/8" 4' 5^" V 4" 5J<" 1' 4%" 4' 4" V 4%" ■ 4' 6%" r 5" 5^" 1' 5%" 4' 5" V 5K" 4' 7%" V 6" 5%" 1' 6?|" 4' 6" V 5%" 4' 8%" 1' 7" GVs"- 1' 8" 4' 7" V 5/3" 4' 9K" 1' 8" 65^" 1' 9" 4' 8" V 6J^" 4' 10%" 1' 9" 6%" V lO/s" 4' 9" V 6%" 4' 11%" 1' 10" 7/8" V llYs" 4' 10" V 6K" 5' 1" V 11" 754" 2' /s" 4' 11" V 7/8" 5' 3" 2' 0" 7^" 2' IJ^" 5' 0" V 7%" 5' 3/8" 2' 1" 8/8" ~ 2' 2/" 5' 1" V 7/8" 5' 4/8' 2' 2" 81^" 2' 3%" 5' 2" V 8/8" 5' 51/" 2' 3" 8^" 2' 4/8" 5' 3" 1' 8%" 5' 6J<" 2' 4" 9/" 2' 5?^" 5' 4" 1' Wa" 5' 714'" 2' 5" 0%" ■2' 6%" 5' 5" V 9/8" 5' 8%" 2' 6" 9H" 2' 7/" 5' 6" V 9%" 5' 9%" 2' 7" lOYs" 2' Wi' 5' 7" V 9?^" 5' 10%" 2' 8" 10%" 2' 9/8" 5' 8" V 10/8" 5' 11%" 2' 9" 10^" 2' 10%" 5' 9" V 10?^" 6' %" 2' 10" 11" 2' 11%" 5' 10" V 10%" 6' 1%" 2' 11" ll/s" 3' 3^" 5' 11" V 115^" 6' 2%" 3' 0" UK" 3' 1%" 6' 0" V 113/^" 6' S%" Extreme caution must be exercised in taking off centers of fittings in these measurements. 36 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 1 Table of Diagonals of 72° Triangles Measuring from 1 Inch to 10 Feet on the Sides. Long Leg Ft. In. Short Leg Ft. In. Diagonal. Ft. In. Long Leg Ft. In. Short Leg Ft. In. Diagonal, , Ft. In. , 6' 1" V IIK" 6' 4^" 8' 1" 2' 7^" 8' 6" ,' 6' 2" 2' 0" 6' 5K" 8' 2" 2' 7%" 8' 7" 6' 3" 2' %" 6' 6%" 8' 3" 2' 8/8" 8' 8/" 6' 4" 2' 5i" 6' 7%" - 8' 4" 2' 8/" 8' 9/8" 6' 5" 2' 1" 6' 8%" 8' 5" 2' 8%" 8' 10/" '6' 6" 2' 1%" 6' 10" 8' 6" 2' 9H" 8' 11/" 6' 7" 2' \y^' 6' 11^" 8' 7" 2' 9>^" 9' /" 6' 8" 2' 2" 7' H" 8' 8" 2' 9/" 9' 1%" . 6' 9" 2' 2%" 7' l/s" 8' 9" 2' 10%" 9' 2%" 6' 10" 2' 2/8" 7' iy2" 8' 10" 2' 10/" 9' 3/" 6' 11" 2' 3" T 3U" 8' 11" 2' 10/" 9' 4/" 7' 0" 2' 3Ji" 1' 43/8" 9' 0" 2' 11%" 9' 5/" 7' 1" 2' 3>/8" 7' 53/" 9' 1" 2' 113/" 9' 6^" T 2" 2' 4" 7' 6%" 9' 2" 2' 11/" 9' iy^< T 3" 2' 4>^" 7' 7K" 9' 3" 3' /s" 9' 8/" T 4" 2' 4^8" 7' 83^" 9' 4" 3' /" 9' 9/" T 5" 2' 4K" 7' 9^" 9' 5" 3' %" 9' 10^" T 6" 2' 5^^" 7' 101^" 9' 6" 3' 1" 9' 11^" 7' 7" 2' 5^8" 7' 11^" 9' 1" 3' 1%" 10' -w' 7' 8" 2' 5%" 8' 3^" 9' 8" 3' IM" 10' 2" 1-' 9" 2' 6K" 8' 13/" 9' 9" 3' 2" 10' 3" J 7' 10" 2' ^Vi" 8' 2/" 9' 10" 3' 2^" 10' 4%" 7' 11" 2' eVs" 8' S/s" 9' 11" 3' 2/8" 10' 5/8" ' 8' 0" 2' IYa" 8' 5" 1 10' 0" 3' 3" 10' e/s" Extreme caution must be exercised in taking off centers j of fittings in these measurements. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 37 Illustration showing how to obtain measurements of all kinds of bends used in heavy duty work QUARTEaeCNOS U BCNOS OFFSET BENDS Fig. 7 The radius of any bend should not be less than 5 diameters of the pipe and a larger radius is much preferable. The length "X" of straight pipe at each end of bend should be not less than as follows: I 2>^-in. Pipe X=4 in. 8-in. Pipe X= 9 in 3 -in. Pipe X=4 in. 10-in. Pipe X=12 in" 3K-in- Pipe X=5 in. 12-in. Pipe X=14 in 4 -in. Pipe X=5 in. 14-in. Pipe X=:16 in 4^-in. Pipe X=6 in. 15-in. Pipe X=16 in 5 -in. Pipe X=6 in. 16-in- mpe X=20 in 6 -in. Pipe X=7 in. 18-in. Pipe X=22 in 7 -in. Pipe X— 8 in. 38 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Table Showing Expansion of Iron Pipe for Each 100 Feet, in Inches, from 30 Degrees. Expansion Temoentnre in inches. Ifi.^ degrees 1 . 15 215 degrees 1 .47 265 degrees 1.78 2fl7 defi;Tees 2.12 338 dpfjrees 2.45 Radiation in Low Pressure Steam Heating Plant Below 'Water Line of Boiler. There are two ways by which heat may be had from low pressure steam heating plants at points be- low the water level of the boiler, and while these two special points are known to the average fitter, there are many persons practicing this line of trade who have had no experience with such system, but who often meet situations where radiation below the water line would be desirable. The illustration. Fig. 8, will serve to show how the pipe work of such radia- tion may be practically carried out. In the illustra- tion B represents the steam boiler, from which steam may be carried to the various radiators situ- ated above the boiler and having the usual return pipe to bring back the condensation to the boiler. The highest point to which water rises, or the water level, is indicated by W, and on the right side of boiler is a return bend coil, all of which is situ-- ated below the water level, and which can be used as radiating surface. Through this coil the water from the steam boiler can be made to circulate, and will be found to be very effective. Both connections of the coil should be provided in such cases with valves as shown, and while one valve would answer the purpose of stopping the circulation, it is always best to provide against a leak in the coil, so that a valve in each branch to the boiler might save JOHNSOIT'S HANDY MANTTAL. 39 Radiation in Low Pressure Steam Heating Plant Below Water Line of Boiler. 40 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. trouble and annoyance. Then where such radiation as shown on the right of boiler is used, provision should always be made to drain the coils of water when not wanted for heating purposes in cold weath- er, and this can be done by placing a pet cock at some point on the lower pipe in such coil. If the pipes to hot water radiation of this kind are carried as shown, there will be no necessity of air valves, as all air will pass to the boiler and escape through radiators situated at some higher elevation. Any style of hot water radiation can be used for such purposes, as well as pipe coils, by simply car- rying out the same general principle of producing circulation. On the left of the boiler in the illustra- tion is shown another kind of radiation at a point below the boiler, and in this case steam is used, but the condensation does not return to the boiler, and therefore provision is made in this case so that there will be no escapement of steam and at the same time completely draining the radiator. At the outlet end of this style radiation is placed a steam trap, as indi- cated by T, the discharge pipe from which connects with a waste or drain pipe. There are a few special points connected with this arrangement of radiation, which must also be remembered, to guard against damage from freezing. And, as will be noticed, the radiation is elevated so that all water will fall from it into the steam trap by gravitation, then, again, the one valve for controlling the supply of steam to this ra;diator is located near the main steam pipe above the boiler, so that at times when this valve is closed there will be no chance for water to stand in any part of the' steam pipe to the radiator where it might freeze. An automatic air valve will be neces- sary on such radiators in order to keep up a circula- tion of the steam at all times during cold weather, for the reason that it would be possible to stop cir- culation by the accumulation of air in the radiator JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 41 with an ordinary direct air valve, and with the steam supply valve on main pipe wide open, and under such circumstances it would be possible for the water to freeze in the steam trap, thus closing the outlet and allowing the radiator and all connec- tions to it to fill with water. Therefore it will be seen that this is a very important place to use the best make of automatic air valves. In regard to the sup- ply valves on all lines, if globe valves are used, they should be placed at an angle of 45 degrees, as shown in illustration, in order to prevent trapping of these lines, but gate valves in such places may be placed at any angles. In heating systems of this kind where steam radiation is located below the water level of the boiler and condensation from such surface discharged through steam traps, there will be a loss of water from the boiler to the extent of such condensation, and on this account, it will be necessary to place on the boiler a reliable auto- matic water feeder connected to the water service supply to keep the water up to its proper height in the boiler at all times, and not alone to save atten- tion but to protect the boiler. What a Unit of Heat is. 1 A unit of heat is that amount of heat which is required to raise the temperature of one pound of water 1 degree F., and is used to calculate and measure the quantity of heat. I Combustion of Fuel in House-Heating Boilers. The combustion of fuel in any given area of grate must depend on the rapidity of the draught. In ordinary home heating boilers, one square foot of grate will burn from 5 to 8 pounds of coal per hour. One pound of coal should add about 9000 heat units to water in a boiler used for heating purposes. 42 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. One cubic foot of ordinary coal gas contains 650 units of heat, but 50% of this is lost in the gener- ating of steam or heating of water by even the best construction of Bunsen or atmospheric burners, so that 1 cubic foot of 16 candle power gas will addj about 325 units of heat to water below 200 degrees F. A most important thing in the construction of steam heating plants, is to properly proportion the boiler, the grate surface with the heating surface, also the proper area of chimney for a proper and economical consumption of the fuel, and for this pur- pose the diagrams on page 38 have been arranged, and which are the result of practical experience and tests under various conditions. It will be noticed in referring to plate, Fig. 9, that one square foot of grate surface will 'supply 36 square feet of boiler surface; and this amount of grate and boiler surface will carry 196 square feet of direct radiating surface for heating purposes. The area of chimney must be taken into consideration, and for this amount we allow 49 square inches. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 43 ^9 '&^*i% D ejye of JSoi/er^ ^orfacc /96 ^^ f^'^ Fig. 9 44 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. (a u u a o ca t) IB o I H O •ssqonx "eosy -dy JO 9JBnt>s JO 8zig ';99j 9jBnt)g 'E9JV l^njov t^i— l•<#oor-l'<*^c-oca^-Q■«*«o^-cx)OQoo^• rHCQCOCO-^iOOOOOSfMiOOSCOOOCOOOrJ^O ";99j 9jBnt)g B9JV 9Aip9ga w s w u o H w o w S ^ o s s t:^t>OOQOOOt-t>«t>iX)-^i-iQOCOOOCO«OOSrHli OS'>*OI>'iOTjHTti«OI>'^iOO»OOOl>'t-i-HO| 1-H 1-1 »-i ca cvi(M CO ■^ ^ o o w I— < u w o o ' ipH T-H O t^ CO t> 1 ■ooooocooicoti ' Oi T-i '^ (X) T-<\\ ■ op 00 iO O 1— • O P- ■ rfi 1— I O 1— t CO !>• (N • t- 05 i-t CO lO !> O F-4 r*4 1-H 1-^ (N '— t(M<»0Oeci00C35«O 'iOOi-^CQi— tT-HCOt- •iOCOCiOOCQ'<^COOO ■ oscowcO'rHr-'^coo .OOOCOC-COOOiOi*A0t>Q0OCN'^i:0 'Ci-«T-it-(C« •CCOCOCDi-HT-HCOiO •«oooococDascOr-OC.ococDaiCcioO"<*OCDC^•oooia! I JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 4& Chimney Flues. For low pressure gravity steam heating plants, carrying over 1000 feet of radiation, the size of chimney may be reduced somewhat less in propor- tion than that shown in Fig. 9.- The success of any heating plant depends largely on the chimney, and no matter how well a boiler may be proportioned and constructed, there cannot be proper results un- less the chimney is also properly constructed. Chim- neys intended for heating plants should never be constructed less than 8x8 inches in the clear for the smallest size private house. Size of Flues for Indirect Radiation. Heating Surface, Sq. Ft. Area of Cold Air Supply, Sq. In. Area of Hot Air Supply, Sq. In. Size of Brick Flue for Hot Air. Size of Register. 20 80 40 4x12 8x 8 30 45 60 8x12 8x12 40 60 80 8x12 10x12 50 75 100 12x12 10x15 60 90 120 12x12 12x15 80 120 160 12x16 14x18 100 150 200 12x20 16x20 120 180 240 14x20 16x24 140 210 280 16x20 20x24 Ho^^'^ to Clean a 'Water Gau^e Glass on a Steam Boiler Without Removing Same. 1. Draw a cupful of hot water from the boiler, into which pour at least a tablespoonful of raw muriatic or other acid. 2. Close both water gauge valves. 3. Open top water gauge valve and also pet cock at bottom and blow water out of the glass. Then immediately close the top valve and submerge the end of the pet cock in cup of hot water solution. A vacuum is at once created in the gauge glass which causes the solution in the cup to rush in. 4. Keep the pet cock immersed and operate the top valve, slightly opening and closing, alternately expelling and draw- 46 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. ing in the solution until all grease, oil, or other matter adhering, to the inside of the glass is cut out. Then close pet cock and open both water gauge valves. It is necessary to have one pound pressure of steam or more on the boiler before commencing this operation, which need not occupy more than ten minutes. The result is a clean glass without the risk of breakage and probable renewal of gaskets, which is frequently the case when removing the glass for cleaning. Removing Oil and Grit from Steam Boiler. Unavoidable accumulation of oil, grease or grit in a new system causes a boiler to foam, prevents generation of steam, and produces an unsteady water line ; therefore it is necessary to blow off boiler under pressure. 1. Close -off the main steam and return valves, or all radia' tor valves. 2. Make a wood fire and get up a pressure of at least ten pounds as indicated by the steam gauge. 3. Open the blow-off valves, being careful that just sufR- cient fire is carried to maintain a pressure until the last gallon of water is exhausted. 4. Allow fire to die out. 5. Open all fire and flue doors and in aoout half an hour. 6. Close blow-off valve and 7. Refill boiler slowly to water line. 8. Open all radiator and main valves and 9. Start fire. A boiler should be blown off within a week after it is in- stalled and in operation. If one blowing off does not result in clean water gauge glass, proper generation of steam and a steady water line, the boiler should be blown off a second, and if necessary a third and fourth time. I JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 47 Table of Relative Sizes of One Pipe Steam Main Show- ing Feet of Radiation Pipe it -will take care of. 1 1^ 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ 5 6 7 9 10 inch 40 to inch 100 to inch 125 to inch 250 to inch 400 to inch 650 to inch 900 to inch 1250 to inch ..1600 to inch ..2050 to inch 2500 to inch ...v. .3600 to inch. . •. ;. . .. 5000 to inch 6500 to inch. 8100 to 50 feet of radiation. 125 feet of radiation. 259 feet of radiation 400 feet of radiation 650 feet of radiation 900 feet of radiation 1250 feet of radiation 1600 feet of radiation 2050 feet of radiation 2500 feet of radiation 3600 feet of radiation 5000 feet of radiation 6500 feet of radiation 8100 feet of radiation 10000 feet of radiation Table Showing Various Sizes of Pipe Constituting a Foot of Radiation, Water and steam the same. 36 inches 1 28 inches Ij^ 24 inches 1^ 20 inches 2 16 inches 2^ 13 inches 3 9^ inches S% 8j^ inches 4 6}4 inches 5 b}4 inches 6 inch pipe inch pipe inch pipe inch pipe inch pipe nch pipe inch pipe inch pipe inch pipe .nch pipe makes makes makes makes makes makes makes makes makes makes 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot of radiation, of radiation, of radiation, of radiation, of radiation, of radiation, of radiation. of radiation, of radiation, of radiation. Tables of Mains and Branches for Hot Water. 1/^ in. will supply 2 1% in, will supply 2 2 in. will supply 2 2H in. will supply 2 VA-in 3 -in. will supply 1 2K-in, 3% in. will supply 2 2H-in 4 -in. will supply 1 3K-in, 4% in. will supply 1 5 -in. will supply 1 6 -in. will supply 2 7 -in. will supply 1 8 -in. will supply 2 and 1 IJ^-in., orl2 -in. and 1 and 1 2 -in., or 2 2 -in, ^nd 1 or 1 3 -in., ar.d 1 2 -in. or 3 and 1 2%-in., or 2 3 -in. and 4 and 1 3 -in., or 1 4 -in. and 1 -in., or 1 4K-in. and 1 -in., or 4 3 -in. or 10 -in., or 3 4 -in. and 1 -in., or 5 4 -in. and 2 3^-in. 4 -in. 4 -in. 6 -in. 6 -in. and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 .1 AH .1^ IK IM 2 ■ 2 2%- 2% 2 ■ 2 ■ 2 ■ m. in. in. in, in. in. in. in. in, in. in, in. 48 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Size of Mains for T-wo Pipe Steata Systetns. In calculating on the proper size of steam mains for gravity systems, lengths of such pipes as well as the square feet of surface in same must be consid- ered. In situations where long runs of pipe are nec- essary between the boiler and radiating surface proper, one size larger pipe should be used for each 100 feet, and at the same time all mains figured as radiating surface when deciding on the sizes of such main pipe. Radiating Surface Pipe will Supply. Size of Pipe, Area, Inches. RADIATION. Feed: Return. Direct. Indirect. IXxl 1.49 150 85 iy2xiH 2.03 225 140 2 xl^ 3.35 350 200 2>^xl>^ 4.78 . 600 300 3 x2 7.38 800 600 S}4x2 9.83 1100 700 4 x2K 12.73 1500 1000 4Kx2>^ 15.93 1800 1200 5 x3 19.99 2400 1600 6 x3K 28.88 3600 2200 7 x4 38.73 5000 3000 8 x4^ 50.03 6500 4000 9 x5 63.63 8000 5400 10 x6 78.83 10000 7000 Branches to radiators should always be taken off the top of the main, using a square Ell or a 45'' Ell. A practical man will always do this. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 49 Measurement of Supply and Return Pipes. To ascertain the amount of heating surface in supply, return pipes and risers, multiply length of pipe by figures, given below, always pointing off two places. Example: 200 lineal feet IJ^-inch pipe multiplied by -50 equals 100 square feet heating surface. Size of Pipe. Square Feet in Gallons of Water in One Lineal Foot. 100 Feet in Length. ^-inch. .27 2.77 gallons. 1 -inch. .34 4.50 gallons. l»4:-inch. .43 7 . 75 gallons. 13^-inch. .50 10.59 gallons. 2 -inch. .62 17.43 gallons. 2;^ -inch. .75 24.80 gallons. o -inch. .92 38.38 gallons. 3>^-inch. 1.05 51.36 gallons. 4 -inch. 1.17 66.13 gallons. Square Feet of Direct Steam Radiation. 250 300 400 r.oo 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 3000 3500 5000 5500 8000 Horse Power. 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 ?«.0 18.0 20.0 22 30.0 35.0 50.0 55.0 80.0 Size of Chimney. 8x 8 8x 8 8x 8 8x12 8x12 8x12 12x12 12x12 12x12 12x12 12x16 12x16 12x16 12x16 16x16 16x16 16x20 16x20 20x20 20x20 Square Feet of Direct Water Radiation. 400 500 700 850 1000 1200 1350 1500 1700 2100 2400 2700 3000 3400 3700 5100 5900 8500 9300 18000 50 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Size of Mains for One Pipe Hot Water System. Do not reduce size of mains too rapidly as branches are taken off. The increased friction of smaller pipe is frequently too great to admit of any reduc- tion in the size of main. For direct radiation the area of the mains may be arrived at by multiplying radiating surface. When 1800 feet and less by .011 When 2000 feet and over by .009 Use pipe having area nearest to that so found. Under ordinary conditions, the following table for size of mains will be found entirely reliable: — Size of Main, Inches. Direct Radiation Indirect Radia- Area. Will Supply, Feet. tion Will Supply. Feet. ^/z 2.03 200 135 2 3 35 325 200 2^ 4.78 450 300 3 7.38 700 450 3>^ 9.82 900 600 4 12.73 1200 800 - 4>^ 15.93 1500 1000 5 19.99 2000 1200 6 28.88 3000 2000 7 38.73 4200 2800 - 8 50.03 5600 3600 9 63.63 7000 4^00 10 78.83 8500 5600 Size of Mains for Two Pipe Hot 'Water System. Size of Main. Area. Direct Radiation Feed: Return. will Supply, Feet. Feet. 1% X iM 4.06 From 275 To 350 2x2 6.70 400 650 2% X 2% 9.56 800 1000 3x3 14.76 1300 1500 3y2 X sYz 19.64 1700 1950 4x4 25.46 2450 2950 4=y2 X 4K 31.86 3275 3500 5x5 39.98 3700 4450 6x6 57.76 5400 6050 7x7 77.46 7275 9400 8x8 100.06 11000 12400 9x9 127.26 14000 15500 10 X 10 157.66 17000 19000 . Refer to page 42. third table, for Bratiohes. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Hprizontal Tubular Boilers, 51 Diam Length No. of Diam. Length Gauge Gauge Heat'g of Shell. of Shell. Tubes. of Tubes. of Tubes. of Shell. of Heads Surface 3° 60 19 65 3K 18 H Vz 1147 76 60 18 65 sy2 17 H Yz 1074 72 60 17 65 3^ 16 H Vz 1006 67 60 17 92 3 16 H yi6 1229 82 60 16 92 3 15 v% yi6 1152 77 60 15 92 8 14 H yi6 1075 72 60 14 92 3 13 H Vie 998 67 54 19 50 sy^ 18 5/ia K 951 63 54 18 50 3K 17 %6 Yz 900 60 54 17 50 3>^ 16 ^Ae Yz 795 58 54 17 72 3 16 5/l6 %6 977 65 54 16 72 8 15 5/l6 %6 917 61 54 15 72 8 14 S/ie %6 857 57 54 14 ' 72 3 13 %6 %6 797 58 54 13 72 8 12 %6 Vie 735 49 48 17 40 SH 16 %6 v% 688 46 48 17 49 3 16 %6 v% 684 46 48 16 49 8 15 5/i6 v% 642 43 43 15 49 3 14 %6 v% 600 40 48 14 49 8 18 %6 y% 555 37 48 18 . 49 8 12 %6 y% 613 34 48 12 66 2^ 11 %6 Yt 542 36 42 16 38 3 15 X k 508 34 42 15 38 8 14 % Ys 476 32 42 14 38 3 18 % Ys 441 30 42 13 38 3 12 % v% 408 27 42 12 45 2H 11 M y% 390 26 42 11 45 2^ 10 % Ys 355 24 42 10 45 2^ 9 % Ks 320 22 42 9 45 2/2 8 % Ys 285 19 42 8 45 2K 7 Yat Ys 248 16 36 13 28 3 12 X Ys 306 20 36 12 34 2/2 11 X Ys 298 20 36 11 34 2>^ 10 )i H 271 18 36 10 34 2>^ 9 Yat n 244 16 36 9 34 2>^ 8 Y k 211 14 36 8 34 2;^ 7 Y Ys 190 12 30 9 30 2 8 Y k 152 10 30 8 50 2 7 Y k 133 8 30 7 30 2 6 Y Y% 114 7 30 6 30 2 5 Y Ys 95 6 52 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Water Capacity of a Boiler. To find the water capacity of any horizontal tub- ular boiler, 1-3 being allowed for water space. 1. Multiply area of head by length of boiler in inches. 2. Multiply area of one tube by length and the result by number of tubes. 3. Deduct amount given from first amount and dU vide by 231 (cubic inches in gal.) quotient will be answer in gallons. Take % for amount wanted. Example. Boiler, 6 feet by 18 inches. 100 3-inch tubes Length of tubes 216 Area of tubes 7 - 1512 Number of tubes 100 151200 Area of boiler 4071.51 Length of boiler * = ^ * - - 216 24429.06 40715.1 814302- Total cubic inches boiler 879446. 16 Deduct cubic inches in tubes 151200 Divide by 231 (cubic inches in gallon) 231)728246.16(3152.58 693 352 231 1214 1155 596 462 1341 1155 Answer: y^ of 3152.58=2101.71. 1866 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 53 t^lO Tj-OO CMCNICSl ■«f-O00 8 8 00 T-l ooc^iooro CM CM-* CMOTtH 8 ;^ oooooco VD-«j- \n CM CM 1-1 en CMCM-i-l ■* ;^ ;^ \£)T}- COCT^CM CO 8 8 \0 CM CM •<*• CMOCMCM lO -r-l oor^T-i o Q ■i-(-*• COCsl CO tH ■<1-CN-* o c 01 4- cr 01 U (D c en o to O O tn to .CX! to to O) O) XI X! u u c a C 01 4j C 0)c/2 a^i— I a-o o caO cs a"" i/i ;> H to ■ • C! to to • <6 at: 1- „ OS : nS U G U c di c; S « a; c'-'^ c o) ca JJ rt O) ca 01 \^ ^-^ ^A^ *** U* ^'J l-« N o u. ojW caw 54 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Heating Surface of Boilers. In considering the question, "What is good and proper heating surface in steam boilers?" we take the horizontal tubular style of boilers as the stan- dard, and any construction of cast or wrought iron boiler with as good heating surface may be figured in the same manner as to capacity. Boiler Capacity. If you wish to install a boiler that will be economi- cal and require only moderate attention, do not se- lect a boiler with ar rating agreeing with the surface to be heated. Allow from 15 to 25 per cent, reserve power for emergencies — remembering that other factors beside the radiation affect the boiler, such as the care or management it receives, the fuel used and the chimney draft. Rating of Tubular Boilers. In figuring radiation, for every horse power allow 100 square feet of direct radiation. Determining Size of Boiler when Pipe Coil is used for Heating "Water for Domestic Purposes. When a pipe coil or cast iron section is introduced into the firepot for the purpose of heating water for domestic use, additional capacity should be figured in determining size of Boiler, viz., in the case of Steam Boilers, 1% square feet of direct radiation^ for each gallon of water to be thus heated, and in" the case of Water Boilers, 2 square feet of direct radia- tion for each gallon of water to be thus heated, ac- cording to the capacity of the tank to which coil or section is connected. When indirect radiation is to be used, not less than JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 55 75 per cent increase over direct radiation should be figured in determining the size of boiler required. In rating steam boilers as above, it is understood that an average pressure of two pounds will be main- tained at the Boiler. In rating water boilers as above, it is understood that the mean temperature of the water at the .Boiler will be 180 degrees Fahren- heit. Size of Fresh Air Inlets to Ifldir ect Stacks. Where natural draught is depended upon for the movement of cold air to the indirect stacks of steam radiation, practice has found that for each square foot of radiation 1^ square inches of opening for cold air supply Is necessary, or, in other words, for each 10 square feet of indirect radiation 15 square inches of cold air opening will answer. The Amount of Direct Radiation that can be Heated by Exhaust Steam. In calculating the heating capacity of an engine from its exhaust steam, there will be some difference in the make or style of such engine- from which the exhaust steam is taken, and the better the engine the less will be the heating capacity per horse power of such engine from its exhaust steam; at the same time it will be a safe plan, based on practical exper- ience, to allow from 100 to 125 feet of direct radia- tion per horse power of engine from which the ex- haust steam is taken. Condensing engines, of course, not being considered for such purposes. In exhaust steam heating plants where the feed water is heated by the exhaust steam, much of the heat from the exhaust steam will be extracted from the exhaust system by the feed water; and therefore this must be taken into consideration. 56 ' JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Locating Radiators. Direct Radiation. Direct radiation should be set along the exposed or cold walls or under the windows, in order to warm the cold currents of air produced by these exposures. If placed on the warm side of a room the tend- ency is to cause a draft of cold air across the floor, endangering health, or, if nothing worse, causes cold feet. Usually, in residences, sufficient radiation is placed on the first (or lower) hall to heat the cubic contents of the halls on all floors, but in a three- story building, where the halls are large, we advise the placing of some radiation in the second floor, unless there is an unprotected glass exposure (sky- light) over the hall, in which case the radiation should be put in the third story instead of second, to heat the cold air as it descends. \^eight and Measurement of a Square Foot of Radiation. A foot of prime radiation should weigh 6^ pounds and hold one pint of water. Radiation of Different Sizes of Wrought Iron Pipe. Following table gives the actual lengths of dif- ferent size pipe sufficient to make ten square feet of radiation. 1 -inch pipe, 28 lineal feet=10 square feet radiation. 1^-inch pipe, 24 lineal feet=10 square feet radiation. 1^-inch pipe, 20 lineal feet=10 square feet radiation. 2 -inch pipe, 16 lineal feet=10 square feet radiation. 2)^-inch pipe, 13 lineal feet=10 square feet radiation. 3 -inch pipe, 11 lineal feet=10 square feet radiation. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 57 Trouble from Improper Turninjf of Steam Radiator Valves. Still another source of trouble and loss of water from the boiler comes in the manner in which ra- diator valves are handled, especially on the two pipe system, and this is when it is desirable to close off the heat: The inlet valve is closed, while the return valve may be left partly or entirely open, thus allow- ing condensation to back up from some other source and thus storing up a considerable amount of water in the radiator, to the detriment of the boiler, be- cause this water is not intended to accumulate in any part of the system above the return pipes, but fall by gravitation to the boiler. It will therefore be seen that on two pipe radiators, both valves must be left wide open or both perfectly closed, in order to have the apparatus operate in a proper manner. The same applies to a one pipe system as well. Tapping for Radiators. One Pipe "Work. Less than 24 feet, 1 inch pipe. Over 24 feet up to 50 feet, 1% inch pipe. Over 50 feet up to 90 feet, IJ^ inch pipe. Over 90 feet up to 150 feet, 2 inch oipe. Two Pipe Work. Less than 30 feet, Ix^. 30 to 60 feet, 1^x1. 50 to 100 feet, l^xlj^. 100 to 160 feet, 2 xlj^. Indirect Radiators. 30 to 50 feet, 1^x1 inches. 50 to 100 feet, IJ^xl^ inches. 100 to 150 feet, 2 xl^ inches. Hot Water Tapped for Supply and Return. Radiators containing 40 square feet and under 1 -in. Above 40, but not exceeding 73 square feet 1^-in. Above 72 square feet IJ^-in. 58 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL, Illustration Showing Best Methods of Making One Pipe Steam Radiator Connection. kf i M. A ^rUKlAjAl/Vyi (% m p ^ f/tdm Fig. 10. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL 59 Method of Connecting Radiator to Riser on One Pipe Steam System. Fig. 11. 60 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Figures 12, 13, 14 and 15 Sho-w^ Best Methods of Making Hot Water Radiator Connections. Fig. 12. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL; 61 Figr. 13. 62 lOHNSON'S HAWiJY MANUAL ^ ffl /IVIVK /Tv UAiAlAlAlAl/ /T\ n\ u p^ 55 Fig. 15 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 6? Figures 1 6 and 1 7 Sho>v Proper Methods of Con- aecting Hot "Water Radiators From Over- head Systems. Air Valves Are Not Needed in Systems of This Kind. Fig. 16. 64 rOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL- i (fVWIfiff^^ vvWAl/v Fig. 17 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 65 Figures 1 8 and 1 9 Shew Best "Method of Construct" ing Hot Water Coils For 1 and 2 Pipe Systems. Fig. 18. Fig. 19. 66 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. @/T\^ ^^^5^ 'i^m^mt^/mm^Sfm nm>j > ••««t^ Fig. 20 How to Properly Take Measurements of Pipes and Fittings In Fig. 20, we give a diagram of two elbows, a valve, ajid a tee, with lines drawn through the center of each fitting, also a lateral line below with arrows indicating the center points of fittings, inside of which the measurements are to be marked. This makes it clear when ordering pipe work with fittings cut to order, so that if the measurements are correctly taken and placed on diagram, there can be no mistakes in getting out such work. Figuring Radiation, Steam or Hot Water Assume room to be heated is on the first floor and basement underneath is unheated except for steam pipes running on basement ceiling. This usually can be depended on to give a basement temperature of 40 degrees in zero weather unless the building is of unusually poor construction. Assume that the room is underneath a second story room which is heated to the same temperature as the first story; also assume that the adjoining rooms are heated to the same temperature. Then the heat loss from the room takes place through the outside walls, windows and floor only. The room will require additional heat because the air is continually leaking out through cracks around windows, doors, fire places, etc., and through opening doors and windows. First: Estimate the number of times the entire air contents of the room is likely to be changed per hour by this leakage. The following table may be used as a guide for this estimate: Halls 2 to 3 Drug stores 3 Living rooms 2 to 3 Dining rooms 1 to 2 Kitchens 2 , Bedrooms 2 Sewing rooms 2 Second floor halls 1 Clothing stores 1 Jewelry stores 1 Grocery stores 1 to 2 Law offices 1 Doctors' offices 1 to 2 Dentists' offices 1 to 2 The number of cubic feet of air per hour to be heated is found by multiplying the cubic feet contents of the room JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 67 by the number of air changes. Look at the illustration (Fig, 21, page 67), and you will note a room 13' X 15' X 10', which equals 1950 cubic feet of space. If we have decided on two air changes per hour, then we must heat 2X1950 = 3900 cubic feet of air from outdoor tem- perature to the room temperature. Let us take this as 70 degrees difference, which equals 70 degrees temperature in u T J'0"x6'O" i /J'O'ji /S'O' //?/if ^/^. Fig. 21 zero weather. (If figuring for 10 degrees below zero weather, the difference will be 80 degrees, and so on.) Because one heat unit (B. T. U. or U) is needed to raise 50 cubic feet of air 1 degree, we will use 1 .4 heat units to heat 1 cubic foot of air 70 degrees, and 3900 cubic feet will require 3900 X 1 .4 = 5460 heat units (U) . The following table gives the heat units required for differ- ent weather conditions: For 30 deg. For 40 deg. For 50 deg. For 60 deg. For 70 deg. For 80 deg. For 90 deg. difEerence difference difference difference difference difference difference in temperature, in temperature, in temperature, in temperature, in temperature, in temperature, in temperature, multiply each cu. ft. multiply each cu. ft. multiply each cu. ft. multiply each cu. ft. multiply each cu. ft. multiply each cu. ft. multiply each cu. ft. of air by .6. of air by .8. of air by 1.0. of air by 1.2. of air by 1.4. of air by 1.6. of air by 1.8. Again looking at the illustration (Fig. 21, page 67), you will note that heat will be lost through both outside walls and windows. 13'+15' = 28'X10' = 280 sq. ft. 2 windows at 3'X6' = 36 sq. ft. glass. 68 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 280-36 = 244 sq. ft. net wall. The following table gives the heat units lost in one hour for each square foot of exposure of different materials used in buildings: Type of Construction 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Single window (good) 34 45 59 67 75 86 98 110 Single window (average) 36 48 61 73 86 98 110 123 Single skylight 30 41 52 63 73 83 94 105 Double skylight 18 24 30 37 43 49 55 62 Double window 22 30 36 42 51 59 66 72 Plate glass (set tight) 23 31 37 43 52 60 67 75 8" brick waU 14 18 23 27 32 36 41 46 Door ( J4 glass) 17 22 28 34 40 45 51 57 Plain door 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 12" brick waU 9 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 ' 16" brick wall 8 10 13 15 18 21 23 26 20" brick wall 7 9 11 13 15 18 20 23 24" brick wall 5 7 8 10 13 15 18 21 30" brick wall 4 5 7 9 11 13 15 18 36" brick wall 3 4 6 7 8 9 11 13 8" brick waU, 3" air space 9 11 14 17 20 24 27 30 12" brick wall, 3" air space 8 10 13 15 18 22 25 28 16" brick wall, 3" air space 6 8 10 13 16 19 22 25 12" sandstone wall 16 20 25 28 31 34 37 41 16" sandstone waU 15 18 21 24 27 30 32 35 20" sandstone wal} 13 15 18 22 25 28 30 33 24" sandstone waU 8 12 15 18 21 24 26 29 32" sandstone wall 9 11 14 16 19 22 25 27 36" sandstone wall 7 9 12 15 17 19 21 24 44" sandstone wall ■ 5 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 12" limestone wall 18 22 26 30 34 38 41 44 16" limestone wall 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 40 20" limestone waU 15 19 22 25 28 30 33 35 24" limestone waU 12 14 18 21 24 27 30 33 28" limestone wall 9 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 36" limestone wall 8 11 14 16 19 21 24 27 44" limestone waU 7 9 12 14 16 18 20 22 1J4" pine plank 8 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 2" pine plank 8 10 13 16 18 20 22 24 23^" pine plank 7 9 11 14 16 18 20 22 3" pine plank 5 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Sheathing and clapboards 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Sheathing, paper and clapboards 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Lath and plaster partition (1 side) 13 20 23 25 28 32 36 40 Lath and plaster partition (both sides) 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 Lath and plaster ceiling (1 side) . . 18 20 22 25 28 32 36 40 %" floor, no plaster below 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 ^A" floor, lath and plaster below . 8 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 11^" double floor, no plaster 9 11 14 17 20 23 25 27 13^" double floor, lath and plaster below 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 Average frame 15 18 21 24 26 28 31 33 Average frame, back plastered .. . 14 17 20 22 24 26 28 30 Average red brick, back plastered 14 17 20 22 24 26 28 30 If we have good window construction, single sash, you will find (under column 70) 75 heat units (U) loss for each square foot in one hour. Then 36X75 = 2700 heat units lost through the glass. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 69 If we have average frame construction, you will find (under column 70) 26 heat units loss for each square foot in one hour. Then 244X26 = 6344 heat units lost through the walls. We have 195 sq. ft. of floor which will lose heat from the room (70 deg. temperature) to the basement (40 deg. tem- perature) at the rate due to 30 degrees difference. If we have 13^-inch double floor without plaster you will find (under column 30) 5 heat units loss for each square foot in one hour. Then 195X5 = 975 beat units lost through the floor. Our heat loss calculation now looks like this: 13X15X10 = 1950X2X1.4= 5460 U 13+15 = 28X10 = 280 2X3X6= 36X75= 2700 U 244X26 = 6344 U 13X15 = 195X5= 975 U Total heat loss = 15479 U If the room is very badly exposed, say on the northwest comer of the building, or if subjected to high winds, it is well to add at least 10 per cent to the heat loss. After determining the total heat loss per hour, the amount of radiation necessary to overcome that loss is found by di\dding the total by the number of heat units which each square foot of the radiator intended to be used is capable of delivering. The usual figures are as follows: Low pressure steam radiators 250 U Atmospheric or vapor radiators 200 U Hot water radiators 170 U Thus if the above room is on a northwest comer and we will use the atmospheric system, our final figures are: 15479 U Plus 10% 1548 200) 17027 U 85 sq. ft. which may be 17 sections or loops of 3 column 38" radiation of any standard make or which may be arranged otherwise if more convenient. Indirect Radiation To get the proper amount of indirect radiating surtace for low pressure steam heating, 50% more surface is necessary than where direct surface is used, so that to warm the room, under above conditions, by indirect radiation 102 square feet of radiation would be required. How Ends of Pipe Should be Reamed If the ordinary style of fittings are used on hot water circulat- ing systems, such as are not recessed, all ends of pipes should be 70 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. carefully reamed out in a manner as shown in illustration, Fig. 22, and unless the ends of pipes are reamed, taking ofif at least the burr, there will not only be a large amount of Fig. 22. friction due to such obstructions, but the capacity of the pipe will be greatly reduced by the burrs con- tracting the area of the pipes at each end: and JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 71 while the average fitter might consider this a small matter, and in a measure a waste of time to ream the ends of pipes, he is working against his own inter- ests if he desires to construct a good, easy, and eco- nomical working heating plant. It more than pays, in fact it is a good investment to carefully construct the pipe work of a hot water heating plant, and avoid as much as possible any cause of friction to the movement of the water. In Fig. 23 is shown the correct method of con- necting the expansion tank for a hot water heating system. The supply "A" to the tank should be taken from the return pipe "B" from the radiator, and not from the supply to the radiator. The pipe **C" is an overflow from the tank, and should be carried to the closet tank, or to some other open fixture. The pipe "D" is the vent and is merely to prevent syphonage, but should always be put in and carried not less than 6" above the overflow pipe. In Fig. 24 is shown an expansion tank similar to Fig. 23 except that the tank is circulated to prevent freezing. The supply and return pipes are taken from the risers below the floor in order that the tank will interfere as little as possible with the proper working of the radiator. Amount of Radiation Expansion Tank "Will Carry. Size, Inches. 10x20 12x20 12x30 14x30 16x30 Capacity, Gallons. 8 10 15 20 26 Sq. Ft. of Size, Radiation. Inches. 250 16x36 300 16x48 500 18x60 700 20x60 950 22x60 Capacity. Gallons. 32 42 66 82 100 Sq. Ft. of Radiation. 1300 2000 3000 5000 6000 72 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL Expansion Tanks, Fig. 23. Fig. 24, JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Tank Capacit) . 9 9 10 11 13 13 14 15 20 25 30 35 40 Diameter. 2 feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet Gallons per Foot oi Depth. 6 6 6 inch, inch, 23.5 36.7 52.9 72.0 94.0 inch ...] 119.0 146.9 inch 177.7 221.5 inch 248.2 287.9 inch 330.5 376.0 inch 424.5 475.9 inch 530.2 587.5 . 710.9 846.0 992.0 1151.5 :. 1321.9 2350.1 3672.0 5287.7 7197.1 9400.3 74 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Vertical and Horizontal Tank. Capacity, Diameter, Length, Approximate Gallons. Inches. Feet. Weight. 66 18 5 220 85 20 5 250 100 22 5 . 280 120 24 5 320 145 24 6 360 170 24 7 400 180 30 5 480 215 30 6 540 250 30 7 590 300 30 8 640 325 36 6 780 365 36 7 810 420 36 8 880 430 42 6 1150 575 42 8 1400 720 42 10 1650 Air and "Water Pressure Tanks. Diame- Length Feet. THICKNESS. Weight. Capacity, Feet. Shell. Heads. Gallons. 5 6 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 20 25 30 20 ■28 36 20 28 36 24 30 36 %6 %8 %6 /8 H % y^ % 6250 7390 8580 7800 . 10200 12450 8600 11100 13600 11800 14000 16200 2922 3654 4384 4240 5936 7632 5761 8066 10370 8980 11224 13468 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 75 Air and Water Pressure Tanks. Diameter, Length Weight Capacity, Inches. Feet. Gallons. 24 6 350 140 24 8 420 190 24 10 500 235 80 6 530 220 30 8 650 295 30 10 770 365 30 12 900 440 30 14 1000 515 86 6 750 315 36 8 900 420 36 10 1050 525 36 12 1200 630 36 14 1400 735 36 16 1575 840 42 8 1450 575 42 10 1650 720 42 12 1900 865 42 14 2200 1000 42 16 2400 1150 42 18 2650 1300 42 20 2900 1440 48 10 2200 940 48 12 2550 1130 48 14 2900 1300 48 16 3250 1500 48 18 3600 1700 48 20 3950 1880 48 24 4650 2260 76 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. -0 o «S «> O o I IB c h 6 O o to 13 a ;z: H O M H O w •?izi 019 •JJTT ui 9 •?JOT •UT9 •?J6 •?J6 •U19 '?J8 •?J8 •UI 9 'm •ut 9 •3J9 •?J9 •UI 9 lis •;js •UI 9 IJt^ ■UI 9 !}£ •UI 9 1J2 •nz rrt H-C K • - O rt QTto^•^o^■3■o^■3■o^^ocx3rooo^ooocooomr^c^^t^ ■I-HCSlCN^O^OTl■TJ-T:^LOl/:l^^0^^r->.OOCOOOO^O^OO T— (1— I csimoo-r-iT^r^oco^ONCMioooi-HTj-r^ocovooN . t^T-imo-^>DO-^oo . •i-iCMCMCMrOCO-*->D^^t^r^0000^ • • l00^co^^■^lOo^ror^T-Hloooc-^^\£)o■^ooc^^ ■ • • T-HT-iCMCNirorow^-^ioioiO^vot^r^t^co • • • Ot^Tl-CM OM^^THONVDVj-T-ioO'vDrO-i— lOO ^ ^ '• ~ l/iCOC^^vClO^^O^^-T-lTJ-oO(M^.Da^POt^->-lT^- . . . • f-ii— I CM oj CM c~or0'^t^ 1-1 T-i CM Cvl CM CO CO rO -^ -^ Tt IC 10 \J2 >sO ^o lOCO(:QsOqN55t^O;2:°Q^lDOCMv£i ^~~^ ^ ^ • • covcoro^oooor^ooor^o^r^o T-lTHCMCMCMrOCOCO-^-* TMOl?il/^>NO CM iTi ON cv) m (x5 T-H 10 CO ^H ^ t^ O xi- •rt 1-1 1-1 CM CM CM CO CO CO -^ Tj- T^ 10 10 ooQa>aNaNQNaNaNONONOM3N ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ '• ~ CM 10 00 o CO ■o ON CM in c« -^ -ri- P» 1-H tH 1-1 CM CM CM CM CO CO CO ■* ■* -^ [ • • CMOOOvp-^Ol-r-ONt^lOCOi-H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ '• ~ T-( Tj- v25 a\ CM 10 00 Q ro m5 C3N CM ......... T-i-T-CT-li-lCMCMCMCnrOCOCO-* ;• "^■T-ir^rooNOCMooTj-oi>- '■ '■ '• '• ^ '• '• '■ ~ ocolnoooco>.^oo1-lx^\o T-lt-l tH T-l CM CM CM CM CO CO CO t^cM\^o-*ONcor^c~^i\o '• '• ■ '■ '■ ^ -^ '• '• ~ ON CM ^ r^ CJN -r-l "^r ^ ON T-H f-l -(-( -i-H T-( CM CM CM CM CO OCMlOt^OtMrl-t^ON '• '• '■ ^ '■ '■ '■ ' ^^^- . • o^ T-i ro in 00 o CM Tj- ^r> t-ht-itht-icmcnicmcm ; ; ; ; ; ; CMcoco-^inin^OMD ^ ■~~- '• '• ~ '• '• '• '• •~- ^ 00 o CM -^ ^.o 00 o oj 1— l-r-(-T-ii— It— ICMCM ' • • ;• in tT CM T-< Q 00 1^ ^^~'- '■ '■ '■ '^~~- '■ '■ '• ^ '■ '■ ~ I^ ON T-i ro in ^ 00 tH tH -rH T— ( T— t i^ -^ 3-1 CO m t-^ ^^ '■ '■ '• '■ '■ '• '■ '• '■ '• '■ ~ -"^ \£; 00 o 1-1 CO in , T— t T-f -rH -I— I , . . • oinoino '• '■ '■ '• '• ■ '■ '• '• ^~~' ^~~- '■ ^ VOt^ONOCM ... tHt-I ' '. ' CMinoNCM in-ot^ON ;;;:;;;;;:;:;:;;; invDt^ '■'■'•'■'•'■'■'■'■'■ • .<^in^ ::::!::::;!'.!:!;! t^t^ ••••••••••••••••••• co'T •:•::::;:;;;;;:;::; ^ ; M M ; i M M : M M i ; M ".2 '.S '.2 ".2 '.2" '.2 ".2 -.2 '.2" :.2' : 1^ "vD [^ "^ '"^ 1^^ l^D '>^ [^ 1^ ' CM CM CO CO -^ Tt in in SO \D r^ r>« 00 00 ON o^ o o T-H T-< CM I JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 77 Outside Diameter of Standard W^rought Iron, Steam, Gas and Water Pipe. From 1-8 to 10 Inches. Fig. 25. Size of pipe Outside diam. of pipe Size of pipe Outside diam. of pipe Size of pipe Outside diam. of pipe Size of pipe Outside diam. of pipe 1%% H AV 'A 1 1^ 1>^ 2 2* 3 3^ 4 4AV 4K 6 7 8 9 9iVV 1t^ 2>^ 2i«J^ 5 10 78 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Ok 73 C . oooooooooc5ooooooooooooo CO T3 ^ O D 0) O SO o r^ vT) CM ON ■*■ CO CNJ CO CO lO 00 1^ c^i O o CM o ON cci r^ -^ 00 o csiin-^ro-r-ivOco-^^i^co-rHT-iroi^^CMooioco-^-i-i-rtCMcoiO ^ coooror^^-r-ii^-.^-r-ioo\o-^CMOoot^ir3-^cr)CMTHOONoot^ vX> VC T-i OM^ ^ NO l/i VO lO -^ -"T ■* -"^ -^ CO CO CO CO CO CO CD CO CM CM CM CM tH-i-H o . O CO ►*> o c — ^ j-i tin 3 O OOOsQOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOQ VD CMCOOCNJCV) .rtONt-^lTiOgOMO-r-it-^ CO ON-^OO CO t^CMinO-^ON t^ T-'TTt^ON-rHOjcMco^ioiovrir^r^oooQaNaNQOi-iTHCMCMCM CO -£(»ocMiD^r^ooaNOT-icMco-*i?50i^ooo-r^cMcoT)-iovo O O O t-l T-l -,-1 T-H T-H -rt -^ CM CM CNJ CM CN) CM CM CM CN) CO CO CO CO CO CO CO o ooooooooooooooooooooooooo rfj c 00 inoNco-^r^coooor^oooNCMiooiD-rHooo-'^cococo-^ior^ lO vC CVJ Cvl CO lO CM OMO CM ON vd -^coc^ii— •oooNONONoo ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 00 OO CO 00 vO-^thOnvD'^-i— iO^r^lOC0->— ICJNJ^IO oooQoot^r^r^r-~^NO^vDNnioioio oooooooooocoooooooo0oooooc5oooo c«" o
  • oooor^moioooocNicMCMOQOiriCMoo o cor^coiovOT-iMD-i-nnONcoi^-^icoOT-nnoOi-i-^r^ONCMi/jr^ OO ot^-^irivor^t^oooocoONONOOO-i— i-.-(-r-irMC^r^cMcoc«5co 1-1 CM CJ Csl CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO ^ CO tn v^ ONOOincoOCMvOONCMlTivOOOOOONONONOOr^vDtDC^/i-iONOOlO VX> -^OlOONCM-^lO^OOONC '^ lo \S ^^ vo r^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r^ c >-T-lCNlCO-^l0^^r^00ONQT-lTHCMC0 30000O0COCOCOO0O0O05^ONONONON M ^ a (U-H . O, (UpL( ago D-d O vDCOt^-^vTiCMO-^t^QNOOCMin^^DlO-^lOOOCOOOincO o CO vo 00 in -^ -^ 1-1 lo :^ 00 M2 CO ON CO M3 00 ON ON 00 vr> -^ •!-< t^ CM r^ CM ONoocovDi^cNj t^-rtuooNcof^o-^t^OcovDONCMinooocoiO T-H cOlOr^OOONOOT-ii-iT-iCNJCMCOCOCO-<:(--^'^ tMD lO lO nD m3 m3 CM CM CM CM CM CM CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO C J3 « iUT3^ b« 1- a 3 => 3 rt ca (" j; o- OOOOOlOOvnOlOOlOOmQlQOlOOlOQlDOlQO o ■r-(CMco-^minM3\£>f^f^oooooNONOO-rtT-icNicMcoco-»r'^»-o JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 79 Measurements of Elbo-svs and 45° Elbows from iX ill* to 8 in. Inclusive. Extreme caution must be exercised in allowing for thread. 90° Long Turn Elbows. Size . . Inches U U 2 2i 3 4 5 6 7 8 Dimen.A In. 2i n 3/. 3ii # 5A 6i 7i 8i 9 45° Elbows. Size Inches n u 2 2i 3 4 5 6 7 8 Dimen. A In. If liV If 2iS 2f 21 Q 8 3^ 31 4i\ 80 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Measurements of Corner and Angle Valves Left Hand Dimensions of Jenkins Bros. Angle Radiator Valves Size % % 1 1% VA 2 2A 3 A — Centre to end of union B— Centre to face, screwed end. . D — Radius of body 21^16 % 4% 1 3%6 sy2 me 33/ 11%6 IK 1%6 4 2\U I'A 2% 7 4H 21%6 21,16 5% 2m6 9 25/16 6% 4K 3K 9K 2^8 E— Centre of outlet to top of hand wheel F — Centre to top of body I Dimensions of Jenkins Bros. Offset Corner Valves Size A Ya 1 IK li^ 2 5% 3K8 23/i6 7'A 2/8 A — Centre to end of union B — Centre to face, screwed end C— Centre of outlet to centre of inlet D— Radius of body 3 lA H % AA % 3%6 1 5 VA 2 1%2 IK 13/16 4^8 2Vz 1%6 \V2 6K FA6 41^6 29/16 m 7 \A E — Centre of outlet to top of hand wheel, ,. F— Centre of outlet to top of body JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 81 A few illustrations showing most successful meth- ods of taking connections off mains and risers for hot water circulation, also showing branches con- necting to radiators. Fig. 25. Fig. 26. Figr.27 Fig. 28. 82 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. GAS FITTERS* RULES Office Buildings Dwelling Houses and Flats MANUFACTURED GAS FOR LIGHT The following tables show the proportionate size and length of tubing allowed : Size of Greatest Greatest Number Tubing. Length Allowed. of % in. Openings Allowed. ^ inch 20 feet 2 openings Yi inch 30 feet 3 openings ^ inch 60 feet 10 openings 1 inch 70 feet 15 openings 1 % inch 100 feet 30 openings 13^ inch 150 feet 60 openings 2 inch 200 feet 100 openings 2^ inch 200 feet 000 openings 3 inch 300 feet 000 openings Drops in double parlors, large rooms and halls of otlice buildings must not be less than ^ inch. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 83 Stores, Hospitals, Schools, Factories, Etc. MANUFACTURED GAS FOR LIGHT Size of " Tubing. Greatest Length Allowed. Greatest Number of ^ in. Openings Allowed. Yz inch. % inch. 1 inch. \% inch. lYz inch. 2 inch. 20 feet. 60 feet. 70 feet. 100 feet. 150 feet. 200 feet. 1 opening. 8 openings. 12 openings. 20 openings. 35 openings. 60 openings. For stores the running line to be full size to the end of last opening. All drops to be >^ inch, with set not less than 4 inches. 20 feet of y^, in^ch pipe allowed only for bracket lights. Building Services. In running service pipe from front wall to meters the following rules will apply: Size of Opening. Greatest Length Allowed. Greatest Number . of Yx in. Openings Allowed. 1 inch. 1^ irxh. lYz inch. 2 inch. 70 feet. 100 feet. 150 feet. 200 feet. 1 opening. 3 openings, 5 openings. 8 openings. All openings in service must be equal to the size of riser, which in no case must be less than ^ inch. 84 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Size of Engine. 1 H. P. 2H. P. For Gas Engines. Size of Opening. , 1 inch 60 feet. 13/ inch 70 feet. Greatest Length Allowed. 5 H. P VA inch 100 feet. 7 H. P iy2 inch 100 feet. 12 H. P 2 inch 140 feet. Materials for Brickwork of Regular Tubular Boilers Single Setting. Boilers. Common Fire Sand, Cement, Fire Clay, Lbs. Lime' In. Ft. Brick. Brick. Bushels. Barrels. Bbls. 30x 8 5200 320 42 5 192 2 SOxlO 5800 320 46 h% 192 2J^ 36x 8 6200 480 • 50 6 288 2K 86 X 9 6600 480 53 6K 288 23/ 86x10 7000 480 56 7 288 3 86x12 7800 480 62 8 288 3/ 42x10 10000 720 80 10 432 4 42x12 10800 720 86 11 432 4^/ 42 x 14 11600 720 92 111^ 432 ^% 42x16 12400 720 99 n% 432 5 48x10 12500 980 100 12^ 590 5/ 48x 12 13200 980 108 13>4 590 5J4 48x14 14200 980 116 i^H 590 53/ 48x16 15200 980 ]24 15>4 590 6 54x12 13800 1150 108 13^ . 690 ^% 54x14 1^_900 1150 117 15 690 6 54x16 16000 1150 126 16 690 65< 60x10 13500 1280 108 13>^ 768 h% 60x12 14800 1280 118 14^ 768 6 60x14 16100 1280 128 16 768 6J^ 60x16 17400 1280 140 nVz 768 7 60x18 18700 1280 148 18^ 768 I'A 66x16 19700 1400 157 19^ 840 8 72x16 20800 1550 166 203/ 930 8^ JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 85 Materials for Brick^^ork of Regular Tubular Boiler*. Two Boilers in a Battery. Boilers. Common Fire Sand, Cement, FireClay. Lime. In. Ft. Brick. Brick. Bushels. Barrels. Lbs. Barrel* 30x 8 8900 640 70 9 384 3^ 30x10 9600 640 76 9^ 384 4 36 X 8 10500 960 84 10>4 576 4^ 36x 9 11100 960 88 11 576 ^'A 36x10 11800 960 95 12 576 4^ 36 X 12 13000 960 104 13 576 5^ 42x10 17500 1440 140 17M 864 7 42x12 18600 1440 148 18)4 864 7^ 42x14 19900 1440 159 20 864 8 42x16 21200 1440 168 21 864 8^ 48x10 21400 1960 170 21 K 1180 su 48x12 22300 1960 178 22K 1180 9 48x14 23900 1960 190 24 1180 9^ 48x16 25100 1960 200 25 1180 10 54x12 23300 2300 186 23ys 1380 ^H 54x14 24800 2300 198 25 1380 10 54x16 26300 2300 210 26K 1380 loyz 60x10 22600 2560 180 22>4 1536 9 60 X 12 24800 2560 198 25 1536 10 60x14 26800 2560 214 27 1536 lOM 60x16 28900 2560 230 29 1536 iiM 60x18 31000 2560 248 31 1536 12^ 66x16 33100 2800 264 33 1680 13^ 72x16 34000 3100 272 34 1860 13|< 86 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Materials for Brickwork of Firebox Boilers 12 -inch Walls Boilers In. Ft. Brick Sand, Bushels Cement, Barrels Lime. Barrels 30 X e}i 80 X 7K 80 X 8/2...... 86 X 1/2 86x 9 36x 10>^ 42 X 8;^ 42 X 10 i2xU/2 48x 10^ 48 X 12 48x 13K 54 X 14 64 X 16K 2400 2650 2900 3150 3550 4000 4000 4600 5100 4900 5400 6800 6900 7500 20 21 23 25 28 31 31 38 41 40 43 46 54 59 2/3 2/2 2H 3 ^% 4 . 4 6 h/2 h/2 h% 6 6^ 73/ 1 1 1% 1% 1^ 2 2 2% 2% 2>^ 2>^ 2^ 3 6/2 Materials for Brick-work of Firebox Boilers 9 -inch Walls Boilers In. Ft. Brick Sand. Bushels Cement, Barrels Lime, Barrels 30 X 6/2 80 X 1/2 30 X 8/2 86 X l/z 36 X 9 36x 10;^ 42 X 8/2 42 X 10 42x 11>^ 48 X 10>^ 48 X 12 48 X 13>^ 54 X 14 54x 16K 1640 1820 1980 2240 2520 2870 2870 3400 3800 3600 3860 4140 6150 5650 14 15 16 18 20 23 23 27 30 29 30 41 43 2 2}4 2^4 3 3 ^/2 4 334: 4 4K h/2 1 1 VA 2 2 2H 2>^ 2/2 2H 3 3X JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 87 niu 0:0 )<^^— ~x^ a: •tcioi l/lain. •* I ., "T,,!-? irjuJor. ftoidWakfS^pffy y « — /«" "13^ Pressure Pr'ps, Py • rbis, Ptfurns from Heating Syc'em tie, enfer Heafc Fig. 29. Feed Piping with Open Heater. e' 4' H*''^- li' 1(5' Fig. 30. Elevation of Boiler Piping. 88 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Boilers Jo Xi all 11 Hkfirn from TrKh\/aftf Fiff. 31. Exhaust and Feed Piping for Non-Condensing Plant. ;s:si {ChtikVahz. '^^ "^^ ^ ft Boilers. Xi£ Q^ 5-Q Injtdtar -^ p Auxiliary Heater -\^J^\ C^/m j^ HeafJiQ) "S- ^ ^ ty-Pas::. ^^iter. T- Float . Valve' hoi Well. Air Pump Surface 'Condsrser 0\Surfac9 .i/^irUmp r~l A/r Pijnf Fig. 32. Feed Piping for Condensing Plant. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 89 Horse Poiver of an Engine. A equals Area of piston in square inches. P equals Mean pressure of the steam on the piston per sqaare inch. V equals Velocity of piston per minute in feet. Then H. P. equals aXpX^ 33000 The mean pressure in the cylinder when cutting off at ^ Stroke equals boiler pressure X • 597 y^ Stroke equals boiler pressure X • 670 y^ Stroke equals boiler pressure X '743 }i Stroke equals boiler pressure X • 847 f^ Stroke equals boiler pressure X • 919 ^ Stroke equals boiler pressure X • 937 ^ Stroke equals boiler pressure X • 966 ^ Stroke equals boiler pressure X • 992 To find the weight of the rim of the fly wheel for an en- gine: Nominal H. P. X 2000 equals weight in cvrts. The square of the velocity of the circumference in feet per second. Relative Value of Heating Surface. Horizontal surfaces above the flame equal 1 . 00 Vertical surfaces above the flame equal 50 Horizontal surfaces beneath the flame 10 Tubes and flues equal 1^ times their diameter. Convex surfaces above the flame equal 1 1-6 diam. Feed "Water Required by Small Engines. Gauge Pres- sure at Boiler. 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 Lbs. Water per Effective H. P. per Hour. 118 111 105 100 93 84 79 Gauge Pres- sure at Boiler, 60 70 80 90 100 120 150 Lbs. Water per Effective H. P. per Hour. 75 71 68 65 63 61 58 90 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 91 The above cut illustrates the Thermograde System of steam heating, as manufactured by the Consoli- dated Engineering Company. Steam is distributed to different units of radiation through a system of mains in the ordinary manner and water of condensa- tion is returned to the boiler through an independent system of return mains. Each 'Unit of radiation is equipped with a Thermo- grade valve at the supply end and an auto valve at the return. The Thermograde valve is connected at the top of the radiator and is provided with a gradu- ated dial, indicating the portion of the radiator to be heated. The valve is so constructed that it may be adjusted to give the proper graduation to different size radiators supplied with the same size valve. The auto valve is a trap of the thermostatic type which permits of the free passage of air and water of condensation, but closes against the passage of steam. When in operation the valve automatically assumes a position off the seat, directly proportional to the quantity of steam condensed in the radiator. The return system is vented to the atmosphere through the return risers.. When operating under normal conditions with about one pound pressure on the boiler the head of water from the water line of the boiler to the re- turn main is sufficient to force the water Into the boiler, but when the pressure is increased, either in- tentionally or through inattention, the water of con- densation flows into the alternating receiver, the air being discharged through a vent pipe provided for the purpose. When the receiver fills with water the float con- trolled valve is reversed, closing the air vent and admitting steam from the boiler. This closes the check valve on the heating system, equalizing the pressure between the receiver and the boiler and water flows into the boiler by gravity. When the receiver empties, the position of the valve is again changed and the action repeated. 92 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Key to Diagram Fig. 35, Illustrating the Webster System of Steam Circulation for Heat* ing Purposes. 1. Steam engine. 32. Drip. 2. Live steam supply to 83. Return pumps. engine. 34. Discharge to return pump 3. Exhaust steam from engine. 35. Live steam supply to re- turn pump. 4. Drip. 36. Differential regulator or 5. Check-valve. vacuum governor. a Grease extractor. 37. Connection from return 7. Water leg. to differential regulator. 8. Anti-syphonage vent. 38. Return tank. 9. Check-valve. 39. • Vent. 10. Back-pressure valve. 40, Return and seal to feed- water heater. 11. Waste exhaust steam to 41. atmosphere. 42. Feed-water heater. 12. Exhaust steam supply feed-water heater. to 43. Cold water supply to feed-water heater. 13. Exhaust steam supply to 44. Automatic valve. house heating main. 45. Float-operated lever. 14. Live steam supply to 46. Safety valve. house heating main. 47. Thermostatic relief valve. 15. Pressure-reducing valve 48. Relief connection to return 16. Connection from house pipe. heating main communi- 49. Grease extractor. cating pressure to dia- 50. Greasy waste to sewer. phragm of pressure-] re- 51. Overflow and drain from ducing valve. feed-water heater. 17. House heating main. 52. Feed- water to boiler feed 18. Heating riser. pump. 19. Return. 53. Feed-water thermometer. 20. Return main. 54. Boiler feed pump. 21. Heating coil. 55. Feed-water to boiler. 22. Radiators. 56. Live steam supply to 23. Thermostatic return boiler feed pump. valves. 57. Exhaust steam from re- 24. Drip. turn pump. 25. Dirt strainer. 58. Exhaust steam from 26. Cold water supply. boiler feed pump. - 27. Return vaccum gauge. 59. Drip. 28. Supply pressure gauge. 60. Check-valve. 29. Water seal. 61. Exhaust steam pumps to 30. Water leg. feed-water heater. 31. Vent. 62. Waste drips to sewer. TOHNSON'S HANDY MANITAL. 97 JOHNSON The Wei JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. OOOnAAA VACUUM RETURM SUAVITY DRIP FROM RISERS ;.>^;;->: ..•>;. ".V-^^"^'/^^^ I —^ • — — ■ ■ T r . 1 I * -3 ; StCTIOnAL OlA&nAM 61Vm& GEnEI\AL VICWOf 1N5TALLATI0M IM THE"LE33in& AMNEX? EVAM5T0M AVE. & SURF ST.. CHICA&O. VAn AuKCM System of Vacuum HEATinc. WlTM Belvac Thermofiers. Pm 33URE hjit-iiS^ Tig. 34 ['S HANDV MAN UAL. - ster System. — Fig. 35 TOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. «7 JOHNSON'S HANDV MANUAL. The Webster System. — Pig. 35 98 JOHNiJOW'S HANDY MANUAL. Vacuum System— Fig. 36. The great economy and general advantages result' ing from the use of a Vacuum System for heating with exhaust steam are now generally recognized, and make this type of heating system of the greatest importance to the steam-fitter. As very little if any description of Vacuum Sys- tems appears in books on heating, we give a layout of piping for a complete Vacuum System for heating with exhaust steam. The system illustrated is the one which shows the latest improvements and de- velopments in the art of Vacuum Heating. The diagram shows the different apparatus usual in any power plant, and the special Vacuum appli- ances in their proper location. The accompanying key to the diagram gives the names of the various parts of the system, each number on the diagram having a corresponding number on the key. The piping necessary for best results is shown and the arrows on the piping show the direction of flow of steam, water, etc. The arrangement of exhaust main (8), from en- gines (1), pumps (3 and 4), etc., up to exhaust head (10), with connection to Feed Water Heater (2), and heating main (14) taken off under back pressure valve (9), is common to all exhaust heating sys- tems. The oil separator, or grease extractor (11), shown in heating main, is a new improved type having an area between baffles of four times the area of the pipe, this slows the velocity of the steam so that practically all the oil is deposited on the baffles. The drip from separator to sewer is shown as a water loop to prevent steam from blowing to seuer. Instead of the water seal a grease trap may be p.?U':ed on the drip. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 99 (12) is a connection to the live steam through a reducing valve, the controlling pressure being con- nected to the heating main (14). (13) is a byepass around reducing valve for emer- gency use. From heating main (14) risers are taken off to supply the radiators or coils (15 or 16). On the return ends of all units of radiation (15 and 16), are placed automatic vacuum valves of proper capacity for the size of each unit. These valves per- mit the vacuum in the returns to pull all air and water of condensation from the radiators and assist the flow of steam into the radiators without the loss of steam into the return lines. The valves are of the float type which immediately open to full ca- pacity as soon as the body of valve is filled with water. They are automatic, require no adjustment, and are provided with a strainer to keep scale out of the valve, they also have a byepass with lock shield and key. All the returns from the automatic vacuum valves unite into a return main (18) running to vacuum pump (4). Before the vacuum pump an automatic pump strainer (19) is placed. This strainer prevents scale, filings, etc., from en- tering pump cylinder, and it also has a connection for cold water which is sprayed over the screen through a spray head. On this cold water pipe is placed the automatic vacuum governor (30), the con- trolling pressure is connected to the vacuum re- turn (18) and the operation is as follows: When the vacuum in (18) is low, say 5 inches, the governor opens and admits cold water to assist in holding vacuum, when the vacuum gets up to say 12 inches, the governor entirely closes off the cold water. The weights on governor are adjusted so that valve may be set to open or close on any range of vacuum. In this manner any desired vacuum can 100 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. be maintained, and the usual constant flow of cold water which floods the heater to the sewer is pre- vented. At the bottom of (18) is shown a byepass connec- tion to sewer, so that plant can be operated as a gravity system temporarily if vacuum pump or heat- er are being repaired. The discharge pipe from vacuum pump to heater is shown running into a return tank (21), with an air vent to roof. With a closed heater the feed pump pulls from the return tank and pumps to boilers through heater. With an open heater the tank may be small, as it simply serves the purpose of liberat- ing air from the feed water, the water loop shown between air vent tank and heater prevents steam from escaping from heater. With such a vacuum system exhaust steam may be circulated to heat groups of buildings several thou- sand feet from the power house, and without back pressure on the engines. Back pressure which is necessary for circulation in a gravity system causes loss; with 80 lbs. boiler pressure, an engine having 5 lbs. back pressure will use about 15% more steam than it will without the back pressure. In addition to this fuel saving, a Vacuum System which removes air and water of condensation from the radiation gives perfect circulation without water hammer, air binding, or water logging of the heat- ing system. The many advantages secured by the use of an improved Vacuum System are so important tha^ very few heating plants of any size are now installed with- out a Vacuum System. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 101 The Paul System. — Figs. 3 7 and 38. The Paul System illustrated herewith differs from all other vacuum systems in that it may be ap- plied to a single pipe, gravity plant as well as to a two-pipe plant; and further, because the vacuum is obtained direct in each individual radiator by con- necting the air pipe to an automatic air-valve of special design. Taking advantage of the fact that water will re- turn to the lowest point, the Paul System is de- signed for the independent removal of air only, this being accomplished before steam is admitted. The air pipe being connected to the automatic air valve at the end of the radiator or coil farthest removed from the admission valve and supply pipe, and a vacuum being thereby produced in all sections, complete and immediate circulation of steam must result. It is apparent that circulation will be main- tained in all radiators by reason of decrease in vol- ume due to condensation of the steam. The standard apparatus used with the Paul System is remarkable for its simplicity of design and opera- tion. In connection with heating plants using ex- haust steam, a special exhausting apparatus operated with live steam is used for producing vacuum. Un- like ordinary pumps it has no moving parts and no mechanism requiring attention or repairs. In low pressure plants where live steam is not available, an automatic water exhauster of simple design, or a small electric air pump, is used to accomplish the same results. The illustrations show the system as applied either to up-feed or down-feed plants, as may be indicated or required by existing conditions. 102 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. exuAU^T TO AT/loafHERE. x:. eKT/jt9 Main Lflnr Q ■tiff* fULfC Ml m. or -are/tM miutm. :— t— JV 121=7 O Bl ^Mtt^yrsM Paul System Fig. 37. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 103 aifk ¥jiLif£ • stf* /*iaen • » MACA -a rc/)M maeik fXif^ r/>LrS GR/iy/TV RETURn. UR ^££0 fi/UA f=>AUL. SYSTEM. Paul System Fig. 38. 104 Johnson's handy manual. Capacity of Vacuum Pumps. The capacity of a Vacuum Pump to handle a given amount of heating surface depends largely upon the character of the buildings. Thus, if the return mains are long, and the job spread out over several scattered buildings, a larger pump is required than if the same number of square feet of radiation were all in one building several stories high. Again, the number of radiators, or units of heat- ing surface, makes some difference, as a larger pump should be used where there are a large number of small units than would be necessary for the same amount of heating surface if divided into fewer, large units. We list herewith the standard sizes of Vacuum Pumps with their average capacities in square feet of heating surface. These capacities are for use where each coil and radiator is equipped with an Automatic Vacuum Trap as in the Standard Vacuum Systems described in this book, as these Traps and Valves are necessary to prevent the Vacuum Pump pulling steam out of the heating system. The standard sizes given can be used where there is ordinary steam pressure, say 40 to 100 lbs. If the steam pressure is lower it is necessary to use a pump with a large steam cylinder, or, if high pres- sure is carried at all times, a smaller steam cylinder may be used. For instance, if a 5"x7"xl0" pump would ordinarily be used, if steam pressure is to be low — 10 to 20 lbs. — it would be better to use a 6"x7"xl0", or a 6"x6"xl2" would give the same capacitv and run on 10 lbs. steam pressure. Capacities are given in square feet of direct heat- Blast Coils. Capacity in Sq. Ft. 2000 3000 5000 6000 7500 10000 15000 20000 35000 50000 ing surface, or lineal feet of 1" pipe i Dia. Steam Cylinder. 4" X Dia. VaccuuD Cylinder 4" 1 X 5" 4" X. 6" X 7" 4H" X 6" X 8" 5^" X 8" X 7" 5" X 7" X 10" 5" X 8" X 10" 6" X 9" X . 10" 6" X 8" X 12" 8" X 10" X 12" 8" X 12" X 12" JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 104a Courtesy of American District Steam Company North Tonawanda, N. Y. This system uses steam at a very low pressure. Each radiator has a graduated valve placed at the top which permits only enough steam to pass to partly fill th« radiator. The amount of heat in the room is varied to suit the occu- pant by operating the valve, or by changing the steam pressure in the main. The radiators and return pipes are open to the atmosphere at all times through an open vent pipe, hence the system's name— ''ATMOSPHERIC." The greatest boiler pressure required is one-half pound in the coldest weather. The usual operating pressure is five ounces at the radiator valve. Under this pressure the steam flows into the radiator and expands in the top to atmospheric pressure. Here it loses its heat and trickles down the inside of the radiator as water. Further heat is given up, until the water falls out of the radiator return pipe only luke warm. The air falls out of the same return pipe into the return and escapes through the open vent. Only direct radiators having inside passages both at the top and the bottom (hot water t3q3e) should be used. The graduated valve should not be used on indirect radiators or on direct-indirect radiators. These should be connected up in the usual two pipe standard way. The radiators are usually set large enough to do the work when eighty per cent of the surface is filled with steam, leaving the remaining twenty per cent to abstract the heat from the water before it flows into the return. This is accomplished by figuring the radiation required for a low pressure steam system and adding one-quarter or twenty- five per cent to it. The extreme accuracy of the graduated valve gives perfect control of the room temperature which saves fuel by pre- venting overheating. The extra surface in the radiator gives great fuel economy by preventing the waste of the heat in the water. It also 104b JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. provides a safeguard for abnormally cold weather, as the radiator can be entirely filled with steam by raising the steam pressure above the normal operating point. Fig. 7 Where steam is received from an outside source, the heating company usually extends the service pipe with a gate valve through the building wall ready for extension by others. The contractor then installs a pressure regulating valve and extends the supply and return piping to the radiators as shown in the illustration. Water collecting in the supply main is drained through a deep seal into the bottom of a receiver which has an overflow to the meter. A gauge to indicate the pressure is placed on the steam main at a convenient point. Returns are run to the top of the receiver. The water falls into the receiver and overflows into the meter. The air escapes through an open vent pipe from the top of the receiver, which is carried up fifteen feet above the return. The discharge from the meter is connected to sewer, to tank, or to return main in the street as directed by the heating company. Fig. 8 Where steam is used from a boiler in the building, a system of supply and return piping is installed which is similar in many respects to a standard two pipe steam pressure system, as will be observed from the illustration. The steam main can be drained through a deep water seal into the return or it can be drained by a separate pipe either wet or dry back to boiler. The returns from the radiators are run to boiler where the water separates from the air and falls into the boiler, the air escaping through the vent pipe which is run up in any convenient flue for at least fifteen feet. The lowest point of the return mains at the bofler should be at least two feet above the water line. No check valves are used. The damper regulator is adjusted to keep the boiler pressure at the desired point. JOHNSON'^ The: Atmospheiric" Systcm of Stcam XCentral. Station 5upply. "XDSCO' Specialties, Heating. Supply Main RCiuRM Main (Uncovered) Air Lihc to Chimney or ATM05PHEfie Service Gate Vacve Pkessure Reducins Vacve,. Mercury Cause Graouatco Valve. N Ordinary Uwion Elbow O - Water Gauoe aho Drip for Maim SwfPW. P • PiPe Receiver , O - CONOENSATION METER. R - Meter Outlet to 5cwer. 5 - VtNT roR Muer. Note: Shaded portion of raoiator shows air space displaced PY 9TEAM AT VARIOUS OPENINOS Of THE GRADUATED VaUVC Cither Mercury or Water Gauce mav eE ihstallco at / OWNCRTs Option BaOIATIOM l-J OF THE MOT WATER TYPE. Fig. 7 3 HANDY MANUAL. A • ADSCO <3RAOUA'TTD ValVK. B - * Da>*pcr Rcaui-a-tom. E* * Union ClbOw F- Am LiNc TO AT*wftPKrPc. 6* WkTCR SCAk. AND OlU» M- Swp»»L.v Maii*. J- RcTwiw* Maim. Fig. 8 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 105 The Moline System of Vacuum- Vapor Heating. The Moline System is a heating system that com- bines in one all of the advantages of vapor vacuum and pressure heating without any of the bad features of such work. Steam heat is circulated naturally in a system of piping and radiators with as little pressure as in a kettle boiling on the back of a stove. Any good steam boiler may be used, but it must be selected with proper regard to the work expected of it, the fuel to be used and most of all to the chim- ney available. Hot water radiators are used, but the size of the radiators is smaller than is needed for hot water heating. A two-pipe system of piping is used to carry steam to the tops of the radiators and water and air away from them. Special radiator supply valves are used with pat- ented restrictor sleeves that give each radiator what steam it needs; no more. The vent openings on the radiators are plugged. There is no chance for leaks or drips from vents, nor any vents to clog up. The return valves are simply lock shield valves with patented restrictors in them to pass the air and water, but to limit the amount of steam that can flow into the return lines. There are no automatic: valves of any sort on the radiators. The Moline ejector first relieves. the mains of air and then when steam flows through it assists the circulation by dropping the pressure in the air mains through the suction on them. The Moline condenser condenses the steam from the ejector jet, further assisting circulation, serves as a reservoir for the air when there is a vacuum on the heating system and protects the air trap from steam until all the radiators are hot. It also protects the Moline air trap, the only automatic device on a Moline System, from dirt and other foreign matter. The Moline air trap keeps the piping and radiators open to the atmosphere, giving a free passage of air from the radiators until they are hot. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Fig. 8 106 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAi;.. The Moline vacuum valve keeps air from flowing back into the system after it has been expelled and keeps a flow of heat into the radiators when the radi- ators of an ordinary steam or vapor heating job would be cold. The vacuum valve is a very valuable thing, but not the most valuable attachment used on a Moline System. The Moline Vacuum- Vapor Heating Company of Moline, Illinois, sells the radiator supply and return valves and specials necessary to install Moline Systems. This company also makes plans and specifications where their specialties are used, and maintains a corps of competent engineers to assist heating con- tractors on every class of heating work. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 107 108 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 109 Specification Key for Typical Layout of Dunham Vacuum System. 1 Engine and Generator. 2 Exhaust Pipe from Engine. 3 Low Pressure Trap. 4 High Pressure Trap. 5 Vacuum Gauge (Return). 6 Pressure Gauge (Supply). 7 Return Main. 8 Steam Separator. 9 Globe Valve to Engine. 10 Dunham Radiator Trap. 11 Inlet Valve. 13 Radiator. 13 Header on Brackets. 14 Gate Valve to Heating Main. 15 Back Pressure Valve to Roof Exhaust. 16 Roof Exhaust. 17 By-Pass Around Pressure Reducing Valve. 18 Gate Valve Controlling Live Steam into Heating Main. 19 Feed Water Heater. 20 Pressure Reducing Valve. 21 Live Steam Supply. 22 Globe Valve (Boiler to Header). 23 High Pressure Trap. 24 Vent to Atmosphere. 25 Return Tank. 26 Pop Safety Valve. 27 Supports. 28 Breeching. 29 Clean-Out. 30 Feed Water Supply to Boilefo 31 Pressure Reducing Valve. 32 Lubricator. 33 Vacuum Pump. S4 Return. 35 Pump Exhausts. 36 Boiler Feed Pump. 37 Lubricator. 38 Return Tubular Boiler. 110 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. p\\\\\\\<.^y;^y\^ ^\^'''^'^^^^^^^'^^'^-^^^ss\^s^^^^^ fcj^%^^mWyN^MM;iM^\\\\^^^ T /JMW/ify OJ. 3d/ei mU'^ M^<^^^^^^^^^^^^\\\\\\\^\\^ \\^\^^^^ JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Ill The Broomell Vapor Heating System circulates at atmospheric pressure. A few ounces of pressure is carried to the boiler for operating draft regulation, while no pressure is carried in the radiators or pipes. Air from radiators is continuously and automatically removed through an opening in the pipe discharging from the vapor receiver through the condensing radi- ator to chimney. Boiler of steam type and radiators of hot water type are used. No air valves are used on any radiators or in any part of the installation. The special feature of this system is the compound receiver, regulator and safety valve through which all water of condensation is returned to the boiler and from which the air is removed to the chimney. The copper float in the vapor receiver, connected to the draft and check doors of the boiler by chains and pulleys, gives an accurate regulation of the boiler draft, opening or closing doors on a variation of no more than one ounce pressure. Each radiator is supplied with vapor quintuple Valve and vapor union elbow. The vapor valve may be easily set to admit more or less vapor to the radi- ator to heat same, whole or partially, as conditions may demand and the operation of vapor valves in the radiators affects very quickly the automatic regula- tion of the boiler drafts. The vapor valve is made in a large number of sizes, as to diameter of disc-ports, to accommodate their use in small and large units of radiation. The vapor elbow is constructed so that the condensation freely discharges from the radiator, through the seal, air being exhausted through open- ing above seal. The Broomell Vapor System of heating can be used with direct and indirect radiation and special piping arrangements are made to meet every special condition. This system is not only applicable to plants having their own boiler, but it is used in con- nection with street steam systems, high pressure plants which utilize exhaust steam and for every other condition of service. The typical installation as shown in the cut is sim- ple. Long supplies being graded from the boiler to low point at farthest end, simplifying control of the radiator by putting valve within easy reach. 112 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. . 113 Method for Utilizing Heat in Condensation from Central Heating Service, When Condensation is Metered and Wasted. The accompanying sketch shows an elevation of a graduated valve system of steam heating, designed to utilize the heat in condensation for warming water for domestic use. The radiators are water type, with feed opening at top, and return at bottom opposite end. Radiator controlled valves are graduated make, which permits of using as little or much steam needed, according to the requirements of the weather. The return openings of radiators are fitted with thermostatic traps, that allows the escape of air and water only. The condensation and air flow through the return pipe to a separating tank in basement when the air is liberated through a vent pipe fitted with swing check valve, the condensation passes through a closed tubular heater, entering at the top of heater and dis- charging from outlet through loop with vent, to con- densation meter. Cold water supply connects near bottom of heater, and discharges through flow near top of tube cham- ber, and thence passes through an auxiliary heater that raises the water to the required temperature in case the condensation is not sufficient. The method has proven very efflcient, utilizing heat that is frequently wasted, especially when large quantities of warm water are used. 114 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 115 Combination Hot Water and Warm Air Heating. The advantages attending the combination system. of heating, in supplying fresh warm air through the registers and circulating hot water through radiators for warming large and fine residences are portrayed to advantage in a description of an equipment designed, manufactured and installed by B. F. Reynolds & Co. Considerable experimenting in the shape of bal- ancing the heaters with the radiators has been done during the past 15 years. This type of furnace has overcome this difficulty. This system not only accomplishes all that the ex- pensive "indirect" steam or hot water system does, but goes further, in that it keeps the air warm in the rooms with the hot water radiators after we have sent into the rooms pure outside air thoroughly warmed by the furnace. This constant forcing of pure air into the rooms and with the aid of the radiators produces a circula- tion which forces the warm air in every corner of the house, thus maintaining an even temperature throughout. Ventilation, too, is taken care of by this perfect system of heating; the air is constantly changing and moving and as it is all thoroughly warmed before en- tering the rooms, there is no draft created. There is a great advantage in using the combina- tion system in mild weather, as the air is warmed from the furnace before the water gets hot and you do not have to run so heavy a fire. With straight hot water heating, it requires some time to get the water hot and circulating, while with steam it is the same, as it takes quite a fire to raise steam. With all hot water plants it takes the water a long time to cool after it is warmed, which keeps the house overheated at times. We believe by com- bination system, from 15 to 25 per cent can be saved in fuel. The Duplex Hot Water Heater, as shown in illus- tration, is the fire pot; it takes the place of the brick and is made in various sizes, suitable to take care of amount of radiation required. They will heat from 50 feet to 850 square feet of direct radiation. The water heaters practically represent a hot water boiler 116 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. in a warm air furnace. One square foot of surface of the hot water heater will heat 50 square feet of direct hot water radiation. Estimate about one-half of the amount of radiation when warm air is admitted in the same room. The radiator will temper the air, thus increasing the flow: of warm air from the registers. Place radiators in distant and large rooms, espe- cially where a large amount of glass is located, rooms that cannot be reached easily by warm air, also those most exposed. This is the most reliable furnace for combination heat, by hot water and warm air. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 117 Forced Circulation Hot Water Heating. In large systems of hot water heating, water is used as the heating medium, and is circulated through a system of supply and return mains, coils or radiators, which, with the exception of certain minor details, are quite similar to those used in steam heating prac- tice. In a properly designed system, the supply and return mains are arranged so that the flow of water will be in the direction naturally induced by gravity, so that this force will assist as far as possible in pro- ducing circulation. A pump, usually of the centri- fugal type, is placed in the circuit, by means of which positive and controllable circulation in all parts of the system is assured. Hence the term "Hot Water Heating by Forced Circulation." Where there is a power plant, and exhaust steam is available for heating, the water of circulation is heated by passing through a tubular heater, similar to the closed type of feed water heater. In addition to the exhaust steam heater, an auxiliary heater, smaller in size, is also installed, for heating the cir- culating water with live steam, when the supply of exhaust steam is either insufficient or entirely lacking. The circulating water, after leaving the pump, passes first through the heater, and thence into the main supply line. The velocity of flow is successively reduced as this main supply line separates into vari- ous branches and thence into connections to the heat- ing surface, the sum total cross section area of these individual connections being much greater than the cross section area of the main as it leaves the heater. After slowly passing through the radiation units, so that ample time for giving up its heat is afforded, the water again gathers velocity through reduced total cross section area of mains until it passes into the in- let side of the pump, thereby completing the circuit. An expansion tank, generally located at the highest point of the system, provides for expansion and con- traction due to varying temperatures of water. This tank is provided with an overflow pipe and inlet pipe, the latter being controlled by an automatic water feeder which admits water to the system when the level in the tank goes below a certain point. All the water in the system circulates in a closed circuit, and the same water is used over and over again, no fresh water being admitted except to equalize the loss from 118 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. leakage and overflow from expansion tank. Conse- quently, the circulating pump does not work any- static head, as the static head is the same on both inlet and outlet, but only against a friction head, and all work which it performs is used in overcoming the friction of water in passing through the system. It is the advantages of "hot water heating by forced circulation" as compared to "vacuum steam heating" that this article is intended to demonstrate. In doing this it will be our endeavor to avoid any highly colored statements, presenting only facts, stated simply, and in such a way as to permit of their being checked by the good judgment of architects, engineers, manufacturers, and others who may be in- terested in this subject. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 119 •TmcfTL Lflrour TOR Force C/z^culhtjon of /iai YY/JTep HenriNG. 120 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. GoA//>f£C:ir^O To Vs/vt: Si Br K Q dj/vajL £ 7^//=jc /^o 7-\V^ T£:n >3 rs r^M. ft: ft: Cb= fe- !>=. d^ ^ JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 121 Single Pipe Hot Water System. Ordinarily there should be a twin ell, used on top of the boilers to branch each way, and use sweep fittings. This will make a perfect system of hot water heating, and do away with so many pipes in the basement. Heating by Steam on Same Level with Boiler. By this system of heating with steam you can do away with all overhead radiators. Radiators can be placed on the floor or walls on same level with boil- ers. A more elaborate job can be installed by using a receiving tank, but I am showing the economical way of installing a steam heating plant, and at the same time,- doing away with the overhead radiation. Drawing shows a low pressure system with hand pump. A few strokes of the pump, a few times a day, is all that is required to keep the system free of water. In a high pressure system a steam pump should be used which can be operated on 20 to 40 pounds of steam pressure. For the sake of being shown more plainly, the re- turn pipe is shown below the feed pipe. In practice, however, the feed and return pipes will, as usually, be run on about the same level. !»»Ba»S«S>nKy How steam pipes should be placed in the ground 122 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL 123 The construction of the Kieley traps will appeal to the intelligence of all heating and mechanical engineers as embodying the only principles upon which thoroughly reliable steam traps can be constructed. There is not a feature or claim made for any high grade steam trap now on the market that we cannot convincingly meet with the Kieley. A few of the many desirable features embodied in the KIELEY traps are outlined as follows: Non-Collapsible floats; unusually large valve openings are provided for quick discharge of all water of condensa- tion against high pressures; a perfect water seal valve, thereby preventing the discharge of steam; seating of the valves perfectly tight when closed ; easy repairing of seats and disks by removing small cap on top of cover ; the easy removal of the top cover without disturbing the pipe connections to trap ; the bj^-pass which is a part of the trap with valve ; easy accessibility in top cover ; the sus- pending of the float from the cover close to point at which valve-stem is pivoted, thereby affording a greater leverage for the float to operate the valve against high pressures. The wearing parts of the KIELEY traps, particularly the seats and disks, are constructed of the best quality of KIELENEY metal. The greatest possible capacity is obtained from these traps when they are working on a pressure the same as or approximately close to the pressure stamped on brass plate which is affixed to each trap. The traps should never be applied to pressures higher than that stamped on these plates. The traps will work satisfactorily on lower pres- sures down to 1 lb., but with a proportionately decreased capacity; therefore it is important in ordering traps for certain service that the pressures be given. The difference as to the limits of the pressure upon which the steam traps Avill give the best service is pro- vided for by increasing or decreasing the size of the opening through the disk and the valve which is operated by the float. 124 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL The higher the pressure the smaller the valve ; the lower the pressure the larger the valve. Number Size pipe connections, Incties ]4 % 1 Capacity in pounds of water per hour .... 450 750 1,700 Capacity in square ft. of radiation 1,300 3,200 3,500 Capacity lineal feet 1-incli pipe 4,000 6,000 10,000 15,000 25,000 40,000 50,000 \K 1-% 2 2]^ 2,700 3,800 6.600 7,500 7,000 10,000 16,000 20,000 The above ratings are based upon favorable conditions and operation of steam traps. Order traps large enough, and it is ESPECIALLY IM- PORTANT that you give the range of steam pressures you wish traps to operate under. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 125 How to Specify the Sparks System of Heating. In addition to the supply and return pipes, etc., used in connection with the Heating System, furnish and install the necessary air piping for equipping the entire plan with the Sparks System of Positive Steam Circulation, supplying all the necessary air valves, vacuum pump, etc., complete as hereinafter specified. From the automatic air valves on all radiators and coils run %" connections and tie into Y^" horizontal arms, which are run and connected to Yz" risers, run to correspond with the steam risers. The Y2" risers to continue to basement and there connected with the 1" main, which is run to correspond with the steam main. The 1" main to be connected to a Sparks automatic vacuum pump (located preferably in boiler or engine room) as directed. All fittings used on air line shall be galvanized. All piping to be reamed and joints put together with asphaltum, and when complete must stand a pressure test of 40 pounds per square inch through the entire heating system, including boilers, radiators, etc. Test to be made in the presence of the architect or engineer in charge. Air Valves: Furnish and place on each radiator and coil, one Sparks automatic air valve and connect the same as above specified. All valves to be adjusted by the contractor and left in complete adjustment. Vacuum Pump: Furnish and place in boiler or engine room where directed one Sparks automatic vacuum pump, of suit- able capacity for handling sq. ft. of direct radi- ation and lin. ft. of fan coil heating. Make all necessary water, steam and other connections to the pump as directed and as required by the manufac- turers. All such connections to be provided with the necessary cut-off and check valves. The vacuum pump to be provided with one 5" com- pound gauge and one 3^" vacuum gauge, together with a card of directions and instructions showing how it operates. 126 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Steam Traps and Their Duties. Steam traps are a necessary factor in nearly all power and heating plants, as they ejffect a great sav- ing by automatically ejecting the condensation with- out loss of steam, as rapidly as it is accumulated. All main steam lines should have a trap located at the farthest point from the boiler, thereby insuring dry steam and the highest efficiency for engines, pumps or whatever work the steam has to perform. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 127 All steam separators on main steam lines leading to engines, jacketed cooking kettles, laundry mangles, drying rooms and dry kilns should be trapped, also all heating apparatus where the condensation is not piped direct back to the boiler. — Great care should be taken in the location and posi- tion of the trap. It should be placed below the level of the lower opening of whatever apparatus it is to drain, also in a convenient position where it is easily accessible for cleaning out and repairing. Before attaching the steam trap, blow out thor- oughly the steam coil, or apparatus on which the trap is to be used, in order to remove all sediment and rust, ^ To connect the trap properly, a union and globe valve should be placed on the inlet line and if the trap is discharging above the level of the discharge opening, it is also necessary to have a check valve in the discharge line. No check valve is necessary where the discharge has a free opening and below the level of the trap. Where several traps discharge Into one main dis- charge line, a check valve is necessary on the dis- charge line of each individual trap. One steam trap may be connected to several dif- ferent apparatus with good results, provided a uni- form steam pressure is maintained at all times on the system. It is always advisable when making up a connection of this kind to run the several drips (with a check valve on each line) into as large a header as practicable, and attach the trap to the header, the large header has the effect of equalizing the pressure to a certain degree and produces better results. When the pressure varies to any extent in the sev- eral apparatus or steam coils, the one having the highest pressure will discharge freely and back up into those having a lower pressure, in cases of this kind the best results can only be obtained by attach- ing separate traps to the ones having unequal pres- sure. A very common trouble with steam traps Is caused by low places or pockets in the piping system. Water accumulates in these low spots and is forced through into the trap at Intervals, causing an uneven dis- charge. Where the quantity of accumulated water is 128 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. sufficient and the steam valve in the line is opened suddenly, this water is forced through the pipes at such a high velocity as to cause water hammer, which is very destructive to the whole piping system. Always avoid all low spots or pockets in your piping system. Fig. ( 1 ) shows an Anderson steam trap connected to a horizontal steam separator. The Anderson is an ideal steam trap, perfect in every detail, accurately built of materials best suited for the purpose. Every part absolutely interchange- able. Complete with water gauge, by-pass, air valve, blow-off valve and sediment strainer. Both the valve and valve seat can be removed without breaking a steam joint or pipe connection. The valve is always locked with at least three inches of water, making the escape of steam impossible. The strainer and sedi- ment chamber prevent sediment or scale getting into the valve. A glass water gauge fitted to the trap makes it possible to ascertain at a glance whether the trap is working properly. These traps will lift water against any back pressure less than the pres- sure at the trap. Made for high or low pressure or exhaust steam. Fig. ( 2 ) illustrates a means of utilizing the latent heat in the water of condensation frorfi steam heated radiation, where the water is not used for other pur- poses. This illustration shows an Anderson steam trap which discharges the condensation into an auxil- iary heating coil. This coil can be placed either above, below or on a level with the discharge open- ing of the trap; however, if placed above the trap the steam pressure must be sufficient to elevate the con- densation. By this arrangement the latent heat that is stored in the water can be utilized, thereby effect- ing a great saving. The Anderson trap, being of con- stant flow, will force the water through these extra hot water coils in a continuous stream and not create water hammer. In installations of this kind a globe valve, check valve and union should be placed be- tween the radiation and steam trap as well as be- tween the coil and trap. It is obvious that installations of this nature will insure a considerable saving. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 129 Anderson Trap CP COJL (^ (i D © oui t£r ra Tnnn Fig. 2 130 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANU.^L Automatic Air Furnace, Chicago, 111. 1 !■■ 1 ' 1 ■ 1 .»i d .^ ^ t- A • BB I'-iiH" 3-K'A J-..>i J-7« 3-7« J-7« 4- iH 4-SH Hi 8K 8K 8K 'V 65, by, ty. 6K. 3'- 7'/4" i- *'A i-io'A 4-1% 5 -loii J- 7H 4 ->o'^ »-4V< 3 -io',5 12 B 23 j8A iSB 5- 'H s -loK S -lo'/j 5 -.o'., «-7'/4 6 - 7!/, 6- 7!/, S'i" 8JJ 8 V.- 8K 8!i 'K 8K 7V' 7l! 7)i 7H 7-H 7>« 7« 7« 5'- 4;f' 4 - 4/'^ 5 -loH S-4'4 4-.014 *-7K 6- .« 5-7« 3" 31A 3.B 36 36A 36 B 40 4oA 40B 7'-3V 7-3H 7- }H 8- bW 8- 5^4 3- 5!^ 9-4''S 9-4W 9-4'/4 8K 8;< iV. 8K 1-A" 7'A - 7'A 7V> ^^ 7-4X 154 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. The average volume through the heater when re- circulating will be 47,600 X 57,200 = 52,400 -^ 49.8 sq. 2 ft. = 1050' velocity per minute. By means of the following table, the temperature rise for any number of four row sections in depth can be determined for any velocity. Thus we want 130° with entering air at 32°, or a rise of 98°. If the steam pressure is 5 pounds, with a temperature of 227° and the entering air 32°, the dif- ference is 195°; dividing this by 98° equals 1.99, which is the proper factor for 1050' velocity, which by inter- polation from the table we find is about four sections with four rows of pipe per section. HEATING APPARATUS TO DCTERMltSE ITCMPERATURE RISE. TOR ANY STEAM PRESSURE. OR IMJTIAU TEMPv - T = TEMP STEAM D - i'^-t) i - » INCOMING A>R K * ^ ' Rise^ K = COKSTANT A3 FOL.LOWS K - 13 A5 rOLUOWS FOR ANY PRESS AND INITIAL TEMR O ttl lU uj to o oi O J J J •6 ^0 J lU > 'O O o b O 21 O O 10 J b o 2 J b J 'O O f -1 lU > b 8 to 1 3.9 4.46 4.91 5.5? 6.2 6.66 7.09 ?45 7?80 a.4 a 2.19 2.5 2.76 S.13 3.4d 375 3.97 4.13 4.36 4.71 3 1.S15 165 2.0^ 2.30 2.56 2.75 2.92 3.08 3.22 548 ^ 1333 1.525 1.68 1.91 2.12 2.2.8 2.42 2.55 e 67 2.87 5 1.2 1 1.35 1.46 1.66 1.65 1.99 2.11 2.22 a 3a Z.50 6 1142 1.23 13£ 1.49 1.6S 1.785 1A95 2.00 2.085 2.26 7 Ml 1.065 12* V365 1.54 1.66 l.?6 165 1 94 2.08 a 1.088 1.130 1.19 L3I0 1.4-4 1.55 1.65 173 1.81 1.95 9 1.072 1.113 1.152 12 6 1.36 1.4S 1.55 1.635 1.71 165 10 106 1.10 1.130 izto 1.305 1.40 1.49 15? 164 1.766 DIVIDE (T-t)BY ABOVE CONSTANT - TEMPERATURE RISE rOR. AMY STEAM PRESSUfSC AND ANY INITIAL. TEh^P. IP "t"l5 ABOVE ZERO ADD TO "r" FOR. FINAL TEMPERATURE \r "t" 16 BE.UCW ZERO DEDUCT FROmV FOR FINAL TEMPERATURE JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 155 As each of the sections has 567.8 sq. ft. of heating surface, so the entire heater will have 2271.3 sq. ft., or about 6600 lineal feet of one-inch pipe. The amount of steam required can be determined as follows: Total heat in steam at 5 lbs. is 1156 B. T. U. Heat in condensation at 212 deg 180 B. T. U. Latent heat given off is 976 B. T. U. 5,375,000 -^ 976 = 5500 lbs. of steam per hour max- imum. As there are 33,305 B. T. U. per boiler H. P. then dividing same by 976 = 34.1 lbs. water per H. P.; then 5500^-34.1 = 161 H. P. capacity. If coal contains 13,000 B. T. U. per lb. and boiler evaporates at 70 per cent efficiency, then from each pound of coal 9100 B. T. U. goes to evaporation, which divided by 976 gives 9 1/3 lbs. of steam per pound of coal. 34.1 -^ 9.33 = 3.45 lbs. of coal per H. P. hour X 161 H. P. = 556 lbs. of coal per hour. This would amount to about 300 tons per year for period of average heating, at 10 hours per day. If there is enough exhaust steam to supply the re- quired amount, then no fuel will have to be burned for heating. The steam main can be determined in several ways. From a steam table find the volume at 5 lbs. pressure, which is 20.08 cu. ft. per lb. X 5500 lbs. = 110,440 cu. ft. per hour or 1840 cu. ft. per minute. 6000 ft. velocity is a reasonable figure to allow, hence 1840 X 144 = 44.2 sq. in. area, or 7^ in. diam- 6000 eter of main. If the main is very long, then to pre- vent loss of pressure, it had better be made 8 inches diameter, but if short, 7 inches will be ample. The return main is usually 6/10 of the area of the steam main which would make it necessary to use, a 6" return for the condensation. With a vacuum sys- tem attached, slightly smaller returns can be used. Some even advocate one size smaller steam mains when a vacuum system is attached, but this practice is questionable, as it takes just so much power to move a given volume of steam, whether it is done by pressure or vacuum. The next thing is the selection of a fan suitable for the work. 156 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. It is desirable to keep the air pressure as low as possible, so as not to waste power in driving the fan. The heater will require from 0.25 inches to 0.50 inches in most casfes, depending upon the number of sec- tions deep and the velocity. In this case it will be about 0.3 inches. The distributing ducts should be so designed as not to exceed 0.75 inch loss of pressure. This will make about one inch static pressure, which represents ap- proximately 2/3 of the total pressure, making the to- tal pressure about 1.5 inches or 0.87 ounces. As we want about 51,000 C. F. M. at 70 degs. temp., then a 160" fan will be required at 242 R. P. M., re- quiring about 40 H. P. to drive. A No. 13 Sirocco fan at 170 R. P. M. will also do the work, requiring 22.05 H. P. The speeds and powers in both of above cases are found as follows: The volume is directly proportional to the speed, and the power is directly proportional to the cube of the speed; hence if the volume desired is between two sizes or two pressures, in the table the required speed and power can be determined by proportion. The pressure will be as the square of the speed. Having now determined the size of the apparatus, the method of distributing the air to properly heat and ventilate the building must be considered. "^ JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 157 "A B C" STEEL PLATE FANS Speeds, Capacities and Horse-Powers at Varying Pressures Fan No. Dia m Wheel Static Press. 3840 471 .88 5475 393 1.25 1" iy2" 2" 2H 3" 35^" 10110 1250 16.20 4" 50 30 C.F.M. R.F.M. B.H.P. 5425 665 2.48 7740 555 3.53 10020 475 4.58 6640 816 4.55 7650 945 7.00 10900 786 9.94 8595 1060 9.81 9400 1150 12.85 10810 1330 19.75 60 36 C.F.M. R.F.M. B.H.P. 9460 681 6.49 12280 583 8.35 12250 880 14.00 13400 %1 18.35 14410 1040 23.10 15420 1110 28.10 70 42 C.F.M. R.P.M. B.H.P. 7100 336 1.62 8640 294 1.97 11000 262 2.52 14050 236 3.21 16600 214 3.80 20300 196 4.64 14150 675 12.93 15900 755 18.19 19350 660 22.10 17400 825 23.80 21150 7Z2 28.90 18700 890 29.90 20010 950 36.60 80 48 C.F.M, R.P.M. B.H.P. 12200 416 5.57 14950 511 10.20 17200 590 15.71 22800 780 .36.. 50 29000 693 46.40 37000 625 59.10 24350 832 44.50 90 54 C.F.M. R P.M. B.H.P. 15540 370 7.08 19000 454 13.00 21900 525 20.00 24600 587 28.10 26950 641 36.85 31000 740 56.50 100 60 C.F.M. R.P.M. B.H P. 19850 333 9.05 24300 409 16.65 28800 371 19.70 28000 473 25.60 31450 529 35.95 34400 578 47.10 3%00 665 72.30 110 66 C.F.M. R.P.M. B.H.P. 23500 303 10.75 33100 430 30.25 37200 480 42.50 40700 525 55.60 43800 568 70.00 46900 605 85.60 120 72 C.F.M. R.P.M. B.H.P. 28700 278 13.10 35100 340 24.00 40500 394 37.00 45500 440 52.00 49700 481 68.00 53500 520 85.50 57300 555 104.50 140 84 C.F.M. R.P.M. B.H.P. 27400 168 6.25 34500 147 7.88 42600 131 9.75 51600 118 11.8 61400 107 14.0 72000 98 16.5 38700 238 17.75 47400 292 32.40 59800 256 41.00 54500 337 49.80 61300 378 70.00 67000 413 91.70 72200 445 115.20 77250 475 140.9 160 96 C.F.M. R.P.M. B.H.P. 48900 208 22.30 68900 2% 62.90 77300 331 88.40 84500 .362 115.5 91000 390 145.4 112500 346 180.0 97500 416 178.0 180 108 C.F,M. R.P.M. B.H.P. 60300 185 27.55 73800 227 50.50 85000 262 77.60 95500 293 109.0 104300 320 143.0 120000 369 219.0 200 120 C.F.M. R.P.M. B.H.P. 73000 166 33.30 89400 204 61.20 103000 236 93.50 115700 264 1.32.1 126500 289 173.0 136100 312 217.50 145800 332 266.0 220 132 C.F.M. R.P.R B.H.P. 86800 151 39.60 106000 185 72.50 122200 214 111.50 137400 240 157.0 150200 262 206.0 162000 283 259.0 173000 302 316.0 240 144 C.F.M. R.P.M. B.H.P. 101800 139 46.50 124500 170 85.00 143500 197 131.00 161000 220 184.0 176000 241 241.0 189500 260 303.0 203000 377 370.5 NOTE — Any of the above fans, when running at the speed and pressure indicated, will deliver the volume of air and require no more power than given in the table Allowances must be made for the inefficiency of the motive power and for transmission losses between motive power and the fan. 158 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. a n B and B,I o ^r e r s SpeaAs* CapaeStlee and Botee Powers of Single lalet, Slaadard WtdiK Faas at VarioajB Pressures Fiam CSmb Pw m mi Oraai( PM«ni ia Ooaen pa Squn bdk. F. UOl liOi. UOi. 2 0.. UOi. lOi. ^ M 1 R-p.m! a a p. 2290 ,006 55 3230 .013 67 3W0 ,024 77 4580 .037 87 5120 ,051 95 4600 .068 102 6050' .085 110 6460 ,105 122 7232 .145 7920 .190 • «l cu.rr. R.P.JJ. B. H.P. 87 1S24 .Oil J2S 2152 .030 IS2 3640 .053 l75 30i8 .034 197 .3400 .116 215 3732 »153 232 4040 .193 4304 .238 277 4816 .330 304 5280 .433 1 • CO. FT. R.P. M. . fl. H. P. 165 1145 .OISS 220 I81J .053 270 1880- .095 310 2290 .147 350 2560 .205 380 2800 .270 410 3025 .34 440 3230 .42 490 3616 .38 ua. n 7i CU. Ff. R.F. H. RHP. M2 8IS .039 344 i2eo . .OK 422 1585 ,149 485 1830 .230 5«8 2050 .320 594 2240 .422 640 2420 .532 638 2580 .(^56 763 2890 .910 3170 1.19 >t • CO. rr. (LP. It. B. H. P. 3S0 ■m .042 SOO 10f7» 610 1320 .218 700 1524 ,333 790 1700 .463 860 1866 ,610 930 2020 .77 1000 2152 .85 1110 2408 1.32 1220 2640 1.73 t 12 CU. Fr. R.P. H. B. H.P. S72 .074 880 808 .208' 1090 990 .381 1250 1145 .588 1400 1280 .82 1530 1400 1.08 1650 1512 1.36 1770 1615 I.GG 1970 1808 2.32 2170 1980 3.05 tt It CO. pr. R.PM. B. H. P. m 4U .116 ISiO «4S .326 - 16^0 , 790 .600 1950 912 .923 2180 1020 1.2D 2400 1120 1.69 2.T90 1210 2.14 2760 1290 2.61 30iX) 1444 3.65 3390 1580 4,8 * It CU. Fr. R.P.M. E. H. P. 1410 2Sl .!«7 IWO 538 .470 2440 660 .862 2ii20 1.33 3160 850 1<8S 3450 933 2.43 ZTiO lOlO 3.07 3<1>,U 1076 3.75 443C I.IM 5..>5 4880 1320 B.9 »i 21 CU. FT. B.P.M. B. H. P. lt)26 32a .227 2710 462 .MO 3310 465 1.17 3850 652 1.81 4290 7S) 2.53 4/00 SU) 3.33 UITU 8d4 4,18 5120 924 5.11 6060 1032 7.15 6620 1130 9.4 4 24 Cu. Ff. R.P. M. B. H. P. 2500 288 ,29B 0540 404 .832 4340 ■ 495 1.53 5O0O 572 2.35 5600 6t0 3.28 6120 TOO 4. 32 6620 756 5.44 7030 SC7 6.61 7900 901 X.3 86S0 990 12.i *i 27 CU. Fr. K.P. .«. B. H. P. 3175 2M .373 44M S59 1.05 5500 440 1.94 6350 am 2.98 7100 4.16 7780 622 S.4S 8400 672 6.90 8980 718 .8.44 10050 804 11.8 11000 880 15J t M CU. FT. H.P.6L B. H P 3910 228 .460 5520 322 1.30 6770 395. 2.40 7820 456 3.68 8750 510 5.15 9600 560 6.75 1035O 60! a 53 U05O «5 10.4 12350 722 14.5 13550 790 19. 1 6 M CO FT. R.P. M. B. H. P £650 190 .665 7950 269 1.87 9750 330 3.44 11303 331 6.30 12610 425 7.40 13800 466 9.72 14000 501 12.25 15900 538 15.0 17800 602 20.9 19500 '680 27.5 ? 42 CO FT. K. P.M. B, H. P. 7700 163 903 iossa 231 2.55 13300 283 4 69 154 OO 320 7 24 17170 335 10 1 ISKfO 40O 13 3 20.300 432 16 7 21700 462 20 4- 24250 516 ■28 5 36600 466 37* • M cu.rr. ap M. B. H. p. 10000 143 1.18 11150 202 3.32 17350 248 S.IO 20O0O 286 9.40 22400 320 13.1 24500 330 17.2 26500 378 21.75 2830U 403 28.6 31600 452 37.1 »«70«- 494 48.8 • M CU. FT. R.P.M. B. H. P. 12700. 127 1.4« 17950 179 4J0 22000 220 7.75 25400 254 11.9 28400 284 16.6 31100 311 21.9 33eco 336 27.6 35900 359 33.7 40200 402 47.1 44000 440 62 l« M CO. FT. R.P.M. B. H. P. 136S0 IM I.St 22100 161 4,20 27100 198 «.58 31300 228 14.7 35000 255 20.6 38400 280 27.0 41400 302 34.1 44200 m 41.6 49400 361 53.2 51200 330 76.5 II M CO. Fr. HP. 11. B. H. P. 189.W 104 2.23 26800 147 8.30 22850 160 11.6 371KX) 208 17.8 42300 232 24.9 43400 254 32,7 40100 275 41.2 S3600 294 60.4 enixx) 328 70.4 65700 360 92.S 12 n CU. FT. R. P.M. B. H. K 22600 2.66 31800 13t T.48 aooo 165 13.7 45200 190 21,2 50800 212 29.6 55200 233 38.9 59600. 252 49.0 63600 269 5a8 71200 301 83.6 78000 330 no IJ n CO. FT. RP. M. B. fl. P 28400 83 3.10 37350 124 8.T7 45800 153 re.i S2S00 176 24.8 59100 197 34.7 £4700 215 4S.6 70000 233 57.5 74700 248 70.2 81500 278 98 B1600 305 129 14 •4 CU: FT. R.P. M. B. HP. 30800 81 3.61 43400 115 10.2 43200 142 18.7 61600 163 28.9 68700 182 40.4 75200 200 53 jO 81200 218 66.8 86800 331 81.7 97100 2SS 114 106400 283. ISO II N CC. FT. R.P.M. h.U.V. U350 79 4J4 46800 107 lU? eioQo 132 21.5 70500 152 S3.1 7S80C 170 46.2 8M0a 186 60.7 93300 201 TO.7 99609 214 M.6 111200 341 lit U200fr 264 in JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 159 160 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. The character of the building and the purpose for which it is built must be carefully studied. What answers for one type of building is totally unsuited to another of a different type. Again what serves nicely in a building of a certain type, in which a par- ticular class of work is done, often proves anything but satisfactory in a building of the same type in which a different kind of work is done; for example, compare a machine shop with a paper mill. Both are similar in size, shape and exposure. In the machine shop no steam or moisture is emitted to condense on the walls and roof, whereas tons of water is thrown off into the air in a paper mill every day which must be taken care of by the amount and distribution of air circulated. Then, aside from the work done inside the build- ing, the character of design and construction influ- ence the distribution of heat and air. The tendency to build lofty industrial buildings with steel frames, narrow pilasters and shallow pan- els of brick or concrete beneath the windows, which fill most of the space between the pilasters, results in enormous surface exposures that conduct away heat very rapidly, thus producing an unbearable down- (vard circulation of cold air near the outside walls, which has to be neutralized or counteracted by the distributing system. The modern shop has a trussed roof, the bottom chords of which are often 30 to 50 feet above the floor. The ducts have to rest on these trusses and it is impossible to drive air from them down to the floor in a way that will produce satisfactory results. This method has been tried often enough, but there still remain others who must be convinced of its imprac- ticability by trying it themselves. The only way to obtain an even distribution of heat, is to discharge heated air at such points as it is most needed and where the effect will be most appreciated. To distribute the heat evenly necessitates running the ducts to all cold spots; it is needed the most in the lower strata near the floor, not up among the roof trusses; the greatest benefit is derived from the system by diffusing the warm air close to the floor, keeping the lower strata in circulation and thereby warming it by mixing with it the warm air discharged from the ducts. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 161 The best way to bring this about is to extend the branch ducts from the main trunk line over to the walls or to posts not more than 20 feet away from the outside walls; then down toward the floor, ending four or five feet from the floor. The air should dis- charge directly toward the floor or at only a slight angle from perpendicular. This method will be found most effective in machine shops, foundries and other lofty structures. In paper mills, rubber works, dye houses and other plants for which the building is of the same type as those just noted, it is necessary to blow some hot air out towards the roof as well as down towards the floor, in order to take care of the condensation which would otherwise collect on the under side of the roof. Even then, in very cold climates, it is sometimes nec- essary to put in a false ceiling to overcome this an- noyance, particularly if the roof is built of a material which is a good conductor of heat. For buildings which are several stories in height, each story being from 10 to 16 feet high, the treat- ment should be different. With them, it is possible, and sometimes advisable, to introduce the air near the ceiling, blowing downward at an angle of 30 to 45 degrees from horizontal. Frequently buildings of this character are quite effectively heated from one or two galvanized iron standpipes run up through the middle of the building with outlets into each story. This method is practical in buildings not over 60 feet wide; if the building is not over 100 feet long, one riser will be sufficient. For cotton, woolen or silk mills it has become al- most the universal practice to build vertical warm air flues on the outside face of the pilasters, on both sides of the building. These flues usually have a two-inch air space built into the l^rick work to insu- late them. The air is admitted to each story about eight feet above the floor. Deflecting "mill dampers" regulate the volume of air discharged through each opening. The various flues can be supplied at their base from a main duct built either of masonry or galvanized iron. For manufacturing plants it is customary to make the trunk line ducts of such an area as will convey the required volume of air at a velocity varying from 1500 to 2400 feet per minute. In high buildings used 162 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. for heavy and coarse work, where most of the em- ployees stand or move about considerably, the veloc- ity can be much higher than in shops divided into several stories, or those in which the work is more or less sedentary, like the manufacture of shirts, gloves, etc., where the employees sit all day, simply feeding the material into machines. Air currents or drafts are of not material moment in the former shops, while in the latter they will pro- duce great discomfort, if not sickness. Therefore, the latter class should have the main ducts of suffi- cient area to keep the velocity down to 1200 to 1800 feet per minute and the branches should be propor- tioned to a velocity of 600 to 1200 feet. Another advantage the blower system possesses, infrequently brought to notice, is the cooling and comforting effect it has in oppressively warm weather in the summer time. Simply running the fan will, of itself, greatly relieve the oppressiveness, and when cold water is circulated through the coils the differ- ence is very noticeable. To sum up: The proper heating of factory build- ings is of as much importance and involves as many problems as anything the manager has to decide. It is as essential as the transmission, tools or light, and very much more complex. It should be considered with the plans of the building and made an integral part of the construction, having in mind all the time the equipment best suited to the type of building and the purpose for which it is built. Fresh air is essential to life. Man can clothe him- self to withstand cold, but he cannot get along with- out air. The purer it is, the better health he has and the faster and better he can work. Therefore, any heating system which does not provide for fresh air should have no consideration. Something in the way of a ventilating plant is re- quired where manufacturing processes generate steam, smoke and gases. Cold air only makes bad matters worse, so the ventilation necessarily becomes a part of the heating system. The subject of the proper temperature to maintain in shops is one that does not receive the careful at- tention it should. It is, if anything, worse to over- heat a shop than to underheat it. A fair average tem- JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 163 perature should be arrived at and the heating system be flexible enough to keep the shop comfortable when the temperature outside is above and below average. • The distribution of the heat is very important and must be varied with the nature of the building and the work done within its walls. Consideration must also be given to the air velocities, for the purpose of ventilation. While the cooling of a building is not of the utmost importance, it certainly has great advantages in many ways, and if a system makes it possible of accom- plishment without complication or great expense, it becomes a valuable asset to any plant. These advantages, more or less amplified in the foregoing, as well as many others which have been covered by various writers, all point to but one sys- tem of heating as best adapted to manufacturing plants, and that one is the blower system. While it is quite generally recognized as the best, the proper way to install is not so generally understood, and to give some superficial ideas along this line was what prompted the foregoing. The ventilation of public buildings, assembly halls, churches, schools, etc., require special study to adapt the system to the plans of the building in a way that will be least offensive architecturally and still provide the proper distribution of fresh air. The velocities must be much lower in such build- ings than is allowable in factories, to avoid noise, drafts, etc. It has become quite the common practice to allow the following velocities to prevail in various parts of the plant: Heater and tempering coils. . . .'800 to 1200 ft. per min. Main distributing ducts 600 to 900 ft. per min. Vertical flues 400 to 600 ft. per min. Registers or grilles 300 to 450 ft. per min. The velocity of air through the fan discharge can be anywhere from 1500 to 2500 feet per minute. The velocity of the tips of the fan blades should never ex- ceed 4000 feet for absolutely noiseless operation. The amount of air required in public buildings is usually dependent upon the number of occupants, and this is generally far in excess of the amount which would be required to heat it, if considered strictly as a heating problem. 164 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Space herein available will not permit covering public buildings in detail. Volumes have been pub- lished on the ventilation of buildings under this classi- fication, to which the inexperienced should refer for a broader knowledge of the subject, as this article is intended to cover the practical side and not the theo- retical aspect of the subject. Ventilation, Gravity System. When the amount of air required per hour is known, the following rules may be used for low- pressure steam systems: .02056 H. U. required to heat 1 cu. ft. of air 1°. 1.439 H. U. required to heat 1 cu. ft. of air 70°. Total H. U. required -f- 350 = sq. ft. indirect steam radiation, for 1st floor. Total H. U. required -^ 325 = sq. ft. indirect steam radiation for 2d floor. Total H. U. required -^ 500 = sq. ft. indirect steam radiation for 3d floor. Velocity at all registers 3 to 4 feet per second. Velocity in heat flues 1st floor 3 to 4 ft. per second. Velocity in heat flues 2d floor 5 ft. per second. Velocity in heat flues 3d floor 6 ft. per second. Velocity in heat flues 4th floor 7 ft. per second. Velocity in vent, flues 1st floor 6 ft. per second. Velocity in vent, flues 2d floor 5 ft. per second. Velocity in vent, flues 3d floor 4 ft. per second. Velocity in vent, flues 4th floor 3 ft. per second. The cubic feet of air per hour divided by'velocity per hour = area of flue in square feet. When the temperature of steam is 216°, cold air enters at 0°, the total heat-units given off per square foot indirect steam radiation per hour ^ 486. The above rules are based on what may be ex- pected at registers in rooms in which they are located. If a velocity of 6 feet per second is maintained, a square foot of indirect radiation emits 3.25 heat- units per hour per degree difference between the temperature of steam and surrounding air at radia- tor. This may be taken as the limit of work for a square foot of indirect steam radiation with natural draft. To determine boiler capacity divide the total heat- units required for all work by 280; the result will be the work equivalent in direct steam radiation, as per the conditions on which boilers are rated by the manufacturer. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 165 Amount of Air Used for a Blower System for Ventilation. Cubic feet per hour. Hospitals 3,600 per Bed. Legislative Assembly Halls 3,600 per Seat. Barracks, Bedrooms and Workshops 3,000 per Person. Schools and Churches 2,400 per Person. Theaters and Ordinary Halls of Audience. 2, 000 per Seat. Office Rooms 1,800 per Person. Dining- Rooms 1,800 per Person. Toilet and Bath Rooms. , 2,400 per Fixture. Making Tight Screwed Joints for Very High Pressure. If the ordinary steam fitter was called upon to put up piping that should stand 200 or 300 pounds of steam pressure, I think he would feel thai; he was taking a very large responsibility, and if he was called upon to do a job that should stand 1,000 pounds of air pressure he would not feel like taking this re- sponsibility, and any one taking this responsibility would feel that he was obliged to resort to very extraordinary means in order to accomplish such a result, and if called upon to do such work with the ordinary material that is manufactured and supplied in the general market, he would say that it was an impossibility to do it. __ Friction is due to the large amount of surface, espe- cially when the joints are coming up close to a bear- ing. Any grit or gummy material in the joint also tends very largely to produce friction. Friction pro- duces expansion, and as the pipe is lighter than the coupling it expands more than the coupling, and then when both again become cool the pipe shrinks more than the coupling, thus causing a tendency to leak. It is of course evident to anyone who has given any thought whatever to this subject, that in order 166 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. to make tight such joints as are mentioned above, the iron must be brought together as solidly as pos- sible. To get such results it is imperatively necessary that the iron should be absolutely clean, and then it is essential that the very best lubricant is used in order to reduce the friction. Would also add, that we have discovered that, in order to produce good joints, it is not necessary that the threads should be absolutely perfect, nor is a taper essential nor is a large amount of bearing necessary; in fact, we made one joint with a thread reduced to three-fourths of an inch in width, and this joint was tight at 1,500 pounds hydraulic pres- sure, which proves that the bearing was not essential to the making of a tight joint, and that the length of thread was not essential to prevent stripping of the thread from the coupling or the pipe. This, I think, also proves another point that is not understood, and that is that it is not essential, in order to do good work, to have especially long threads. In fact, we are satisfied that especially long threads are a detriment in making a good joint, for it stands to reason that such long threads tend to produce friction, which prevents the iron from coming up closely together, and the irregularity of the thread on the pipe tends to prevent the iron coming up in the closest contact. This will be better understood, if we go to, a great extreme in -the matter. For instance, should we undertake to make a joint on eight-inch pipe, with a thread six inches long, the irregularities and friction would be so great that it would be impossible to get this thread contact. Johnson's handy manual. i67 Superheated Steam. The subject of superheated steam has appeared in the forefront of engineering literature during the last few years as one of the most important factors in reaching the high degree of economy shown by some of our modern large power stations. Much has been said and written about the subject, but stated in simple words superheated steam is steam which has been heated above the boiling tem- perature without increasing the pressure at which it was boiled. This is accomplished by passing it through the so-called super-heater just as the steam leaves the boiler proper, to go into the steam mains. The superheater is composed of a number of tubes spaced closely (generally smaller than the boiler tubes proper), and exposed to the gases of combus- tion at a point when the gases are about half way on their passage from the furnace to the stack or breeching. The superheater may or not be con- structed as an integral part of the boiler and must not be confused with the economizer which is some- times installed in large plants, and which is located in a different place and used for an entirely differ- ent purpose. The economizer is used for heating feed water and is usually placed between the boiler and the stack and utilizes the heat left in the gases after they pass. The use of superheated steaAi in securing better economy in the operation of power plants has oc- cupied the attention of engineers for a number of years, but owing to the serious difficulties ac- companying its use it has been adopted generally only in the larger plants, where the fine points of design are looked after more carefully. Superheated steam when used in the steam engine has brought about a remarkable improvement in the steam consumption by reducing the cylinder con- densation. (By cylinder condensation is meant that stearn when admitted to one end of a cylinder which has just been opened to the exhaust, the walls of 168 Johnson's handy manual. which are comparatively cool, a part of this steam is then condensed to water and is therefore lost as far as useful work is concerned.) On the other hand the troubles experienced in handling steam at such high temperatures have in many cases more than offset the advantages gained. For example: Gaskets have leaked and blown out packings have deteriorated and cylinders have been scored under the sudden and wide variations of temperatures which are thus met with. But many of these troubles have now been overcome and the success of the steam turbine as a prime mover has established the use of superheated steam more firm- Jy than ever. With the steam turbine one of the main advant- ages in superheating lies in the decreased friction of the steam on the blades of the turbine. Further- more, the erosion of the blades is reduced to a mini- mum. The exact gain in economy due to super- heating the steam used in steam turbines is as yet not fully determined, but the saving is approxi- mately 1 p"er cent for each 12^ degrees F. of super heat. After taking into account the increased cost of boiler plant with superheaters, and after allow- ing for increased cost of maintenance of the plant as a whole, the saving due to the use of superheated steam is beyond question an established fact. JOHNSON S HANDY MANUAL. 169 How to Construct Long Horizontal Flow Mains in Hot Water Heating Plants. f Fig. A. In constructing hot water heating plants for scat- tered buildings, where all radiatior is supplied from one boiler or a group of boilers coupled together, there must be some careful calculations made m the laying out of pipe work in order to secure a good circulation at all points throughout the plant. And,, for the purpose of showing how chis can be done in a successful manner, we make use of plate Fig. A, which is the working drawing of a large hot water heating plant now in operatiton and giving the most satisfactory results. We merely show in plate Fig. A the cellar mains connected to the boiler, but branches are taken from top of flow lines to the various radiators and risers with returns carried back to side of same flow lines. 170 Johnson's handy manual. - Referring to the plan, it will be observed that the main flow from boiler connects with a Tee which separates the flow water to each side of the boiler as it is located. This Tee is the highest point in the cellar system of main pipes. We will now fol- low the flow line* of the right, marked (A). The direction of the arrow will show the direction in which the water moves. The first Tee over the boiler being the highest point, we begin to pitch down from this point, and, as will be noticed, in a distance of 5 feet we have a fall of ^ inch to the first angle or elbow. We have now a run of 48 feet, and in this distance we pitch down 4 inches. We now come to a bend in the line which is 5 feet 6 inches long and we give this a ^ inch pitch. The next long stretch is 18 feet, which is given 1^ inch pitch. At this point we place a Tee on the line with the outlet looking up, with the end of this Tee cc«inecting by a 6 foot piece of main pipe to the side of the return, as shown. This offset is pitched ^ inch, which practically completes the first circuit. It will now be noticed as far as we have gone with this main flow line to the first Tee looking up, we dropped 6^ inches, and to continue further hori- zontally we rise from top of Tee just described, the same distance which we pitched down from boiler, 6^ inches, then extending the main flow line, as will be noticed, a distance of 46 feet more, with a pitch in this distance of 4>^ inches, connecting with an- other Tee, we rise again the distance which we dropped in the last run, which is 4>2 inches, and, connecting the end of Tee to the side of return pipe, thus completing a second circuit in the main lines. The main flow line is pitched down again from the last 4^ inch rise as indicated, making the last circuit on the extreme end of the system and grad- ually pitching back to the return connectiton of boiler. (B) represents the main return pipe in the system, and, referring again to the pipe work on the left of boiler, the same general method is carried out, forming separate circuits according to the dis- tance and conditions of the building yet with only one flow and one return pipe connecting with the boiler. It is advisable to place air valves or air JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 171 pipes at all high points on main flow lines, so that any air that may accumulate at such points, can be drawn or allowed to escape. This system of dividing the main flow line into various circuits gives a more uniform distribution of the hot water to the radiation, and allows the coldest water in the system to move back more rapidly to the boiler, by not having to travel the entire distance of the flow line. In pipe systems as shown in Fig. A, the propor- tioning of the size of the pipes at the various points for the work to be performed, is also an important matter, and long sweep fittings only should be used. Rapid Circulation of Hot "Water i -I r/gJ. r/^^ 172 JOHNSON^S HANDY MANUAL. Rapid Circulation of Hot "Water. A simple manner of illustrating friction in the flow of water through pipes at various angles is shown in the accompanying illustration, which rep- resents 5 pipes standing on end. If we drop a marble into each pipe, and takje notice of the time that it take the marble to travel through each pipe we will find that the marble dropped into the straight pipe will reach the bottom in the shortest time. The marble dropped into the quarter bend pipe, Fig. 5, will require the longest time. If these pipes were of glass we would notice — we will say for illustrating it — that the marble dropped into the straight pipe, marked Fig. 1, would travel through this straight and perpendicular pipe without touching the wall of the pipe — as shown by arrows in illustration — consequently no friction. In Figure Fig. 2 it would drop at a great velocity through the straight part, which is about Yz of the whole length of the pipe, but as soon r s it reaches the bent part it would roll on the wall of the pipe, causing a friction which would retard its motion. In Figure 3 the straight and perpendicular part of the pipe is less than in Fig. 2, and in Fig. 4 it is less than in Fig. 3, therefore the marble will be under frictional contact of the pipe for a longer time in Fig. 3 than it is in Fig. 2, and in Fig. 4 far more than it is in Fig. 3. Fig. 5 being a quarter bend, the marble will come in contact with the pipe from the very starting point. Consequently be under friction through its whole journey through the pipe, and requiring the longest time to pass through it. This might repre- sent an elbow in a hot water heating plant. §hort Elbows and Bends, therefore, for such work are great obstacles to rapid movement of water in any heating apparatus. Long Bends should be used where angles are necessary, in branches as well as in elbows. . , Johnson's handy manual. 173 THs^di £qiua/r3en Fig. C. 174 Johnson's handy manual. Fig. C shows the proper way to connect up a cast iron boiler for steam illustration shows both one and two-pipe system. Follow these rules and you will not have any trouble with water in the radia- tors. Always take the supply pipe off the top of the Equalizing pipe; nipple should be long enough to give water a fair chance to get back into the boiler, thereby getting dry steam through the entire system. Fig. D shows a system of overhead force circula- tion of hot water laid out and done by the author of this book in a foreign country where 18 to 20 inches was the depth on account of surface water. The illustration is just a small sketch showing just how the system was installed, using two pumps operated by electricity, and had twelve thousand square feet of radiation. JOHNSON S HANDY MANUAL. 175 be 176 JOHNSON S HANDY MANUAL. /O *■ 5"T££.s sZliC-s S V/i iO'*b''*s'r ^oti-ein Fig. E. 3 J^J^ £iV/=IT/OA^ of^ Tof> /iei/tOE-l^. 10'' 5 ^£fZ FL.l/rfiorf /O'-S 72. atAS9 — ^t=^^J'£.iri £^1 1K r^ t—Z^/itn'^ CO// tin^r- ^/ircA, V-^'fi'/m, ^'t'-O'/^ ' iSS" Gree/7/iaus» t-^Af- /f/jkra^o)// tf/ri^m- dx'jreA J° -^ Mo^s S'* -O'/a ' ^£ 7" By Pass to filter Dischor^a Pumps. Cro35 Connection? TOrPi/mpinq Either Kind of Oil with either Pump, o ft 12; O •^^^ > O > > r ^•^'•"^ero///^^ ^'"9 Tank ^^""^^^^^n^S? Os^Ksrvr^ QiLirTO>3Y.5TjB:^i>r. 182 Hi An oi tion ab' tank ru A syst( frames from b storage There a From tank rt placing. ^2*-. from tl. A ve' pump r The : give pr engines ^uch a HCAT/NS PUys/ OF G/?£f:NhX)US£ -Sv- JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 187 Greenhouse Heating System. Fig .41. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. H£y\r//s/G Plan or Gffcp^^iouss ■hBy- JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Greenhouse Heating. A glass structure for horticultural purposes (ow- ing to the manner of its construction and the ma- terials employed) offers less resistance to the pene- tration of frost and cold winds than any other form of building, and necessarily requires a proportional greater amount of heat and its more even distribu- tion. To warm such a structure properly, without imparing the quality of the air, the heat must be produced by direct radiation from an extended sur- face heated to a moderate degree. The heating apparatus must be so arranged as to diffuse an eve i heat throughout every part of the house, and must be of sufficient heating power to increase the heat quickly in case of sudden changes in the weather, and to maintain the desired temperature during the nights, when the fires are unattended. Of the va- rious systems that have been advanced to meet these requirements, there are but three that have met with approval in general use; these I name in their order of excellence. First in the order of efficiency and economy is the system of heating by the circulation of hot water through iron pipes ranged round the house; these pipes are connected to a boiler or water heater, which heats the water and maintains the circulation through the pipes; the radiation from the pipes supplies the warmth to the house. This is the best method known for the pur- pose; the facility with which water absorbs the heat produced at the boiler, and by circulation, rapidly conveys it to the most distant points in the line of heating pipes, renders it a most efficient agent and affords the means of maintaining a uniform, even temperature of any required degree throughout all parts of the house; with a mild and JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 189 humid atmosphere, which is congenial to the healthy growth and perfection of plants, flowers and fruits, while the substantial, enduring and reliable qualities of the apparatus, the easy managements and perfect control of heat in the house, or in several houses heated by the same fire, the number of hours it may be left without attention, and the entire freedom from deleterious gases, dust and smoke, are among the advantages fairly claimed for the system. It is so universal in its application, and offers so many advantages over every other system, that it is generally adopted, both here and in Europe, for heating plant houses of every size and description, from the small home conservatory to the largest botanical structures, and will be found in use, to the exclusion of all other methods, in the establishments of the most prominent and successful horticulturists throughout the country. How to Figure Heating Surface of a Greenhouse. In figuring a greenhouse we have to deal entirely with exposed surface, cubic contents, rarely, if ever, being taken into account; therefore, the entire amount of glass exposed and its equivalent should be determined, and in doing this the ends and side walls should be figured just as surely as the overhead and end glass. The sides and end walls, if of wood, sheathed and papered good and tight, should be fig- ured in the following proportions, viz: Five square feet oi wall to one squai-e fool of glass. After obtaining the number of square feet of glass and equivalent, the next point is the proper amount of heating surface necessary, and this is dependant upon the temperature required in the greenhouse. The following proportions of glass to heating sur- face will be found fully accurate. 190 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. To a temperature of 40° divide No. To a temperature of 45° divide No. To a temperature of 50° divide No. To a temperature of 55° divide No. To a temperature of 60° divide No. To a temperature of 65° divide No. To a temperature of 70° divide No. sq. ftc of glass by sq. ft. of glass by sq. ft. of glass by sq. ft. of glass by sq. ft. of glass by sq. ft. of glass by sq. ft. of glass by St. 9 8 7 6M 6 514 5 H.W. 6 5 4 3 The above is based on an outside temperature of zero. Lubricating System. e^^MI NATURAL SYSTEM OF CYLINDER LUBRICATION /r£Y TO D/AGRAM £ PL/Mf'S 3 Lli^C STCAM MAIN 4 OIL TANH 5 CATC \/ALVE 6 rV/VNCL 7 CAUCC CLASS S Df>IP a CONNECTION TO LIVE STTAM H/t/N 10 OIL SUPPL y PIPE 11 INDCPCNOCNT SIGHT rcCDS :!x ^9 M:^ Fig. 39. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 191 Useful Information Steam. A cubic inch of water evaporated under ordinary atmospheric pressure is converted into 1 cubic foot of steam (approximately). The specific gravity of steam (at atmospheric pres- sure) is .411 that of air at 34 Fahrenheit, and .0006 that of water at same temperature. 27,222 cubic feet of steam weigh 1 pound; 13,817 cubic feet of air weigh 1 pound. Locomotives average a consumption of 3,000 gal- lons of water per 100 miles run. The best designed boilers, well set, with good draft, and skillful firing, will evaporate from 7 to 10 lbs. of water per pound of first-class coal. In calculating horse-power of tubular or flue boil- ers, consider 15 square feet of heating surface equiva- lent to one nominal horse-power. On one square foot of grate can be burned on an average from 10 to 12 lbs. of hard coal, or 18 to 20 lbs. soft coal, per hour, with natural draft. With forced draft nearly double this amount can be burned. Steam engines, in economy, vary from 14 to 60 lbs. of feed water and from 1^ to 7 lbs. of coal per hour per indicated H. P. Rules for Calculating Speed of Pulleys. 1. The diameter of the driver and driven being given, to find the number of revolutions of the driven: Rule. Multiply the diameter of the driver by its number of revolutions, and divide the product by the diameter of the driven; the quotient will be the num- ber of revolutions. 2. The diameter and the revolutions of the driver being given to find the diameter of the driven, that shall make any given number of revolutions in the same time: Rule. Multiply the diameter of the driver by its number of revolutions, and divide the product by the number of revolutions of the driven; the quotient will be its diameter. 3. To ascertain the size of the driver: Rule. Multiply the diameter of the driven by the number of revolutions you wish to make, and divide the product by the revolutions of the driver; the quotient will be the size of the driver. 192 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Expansion and Contraction. Scarcely anything can withstand the expansion of iron. It expands from 32° to 212°, about 1-900 of its length, which in 100 feet equals 1^ inches. The ex- panding power of a 2" pipe when heated to a temper- ature of 100 pounds steam, or 338°, exerts a force sufficient to move 25 tons. Cast iron expands 1/162000 of its length for each degree Fahr. It is subjected to within ordinary limits while in its solid state. Wrought iron expands 1/150000 of its length for each degree Fahr. To find the expansion of a line of pipe, multiply its length in inches by the number of degrees of temperature applied and divide the prod- uct by 150,000 for required expansion in inches; thus 100' X 12" = 1200 X 338° = 405600 -^ 150000 = 3.7 inches. Special attention, then, must be given to the ex- pansion and contraction of pipes and allowance made for it. Expansion joints should not be used if the expan- sion can be compensated for in any other way. PRESSURE STAND PIPE Allow for thread Size of opening Bursting Working pres- to screw tight for tapping pressure sure factor Safety in fitting: (inches) (pounds) 6 (pounds) 5/l6 ^732 25,182 4,197 Vs 2%4 24,174 4,029 % 1%2 18,420 3,070 ri6 2%2 17,490 2,915 8/l6 1%6 13,704 2,284 % P/l6 12,780 2,130 % IK 10,140 1,690 H IH 9,000 1,500 % 2%6 7,000 1,240 % 211/16 8,262 1,377 % 35/16 7,080 1,180 Vs 31%6 6,366 1,061 1 4%6 5,880 980 i m 5,460 910 Ws 55/1 6 5,130 855 IK 65A6 4,614 769 IM 7% 4,290 715 IM 8% 4,926 671 IVz 9% ,3,846 641 iVs IOV16 3,648 608 lU 121%2 3,120 520 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 193 A gallon of water (U. S. Standard) weighs 8V3 pounds, and contains 231 cubic inches. A cubic foot of water weights 62^ pounds, and contains 1,728 cubic inches, or 7>2 gallons. Each Nominal Horse-Power of boilers requires 1 cubic foot of water per hour. In calculating horse-power of steam boilers, con- sider for tubular or flue boilers 15 square feet of heat- ing surface equivalent to 1 horse-power. Condensing engines require from 20 to 25 gallonj of water to condense the steam evaporated from one gallon of water. To find the pressure in pounds per square inch of a column of water, multiply the height of the column in feet by .434. (Approximately, every foot elevation is called equal to one-half pound per square inch.) To find the capacity of a cylinder in gallons. Multi- ply the area in inches by the length of stroke in inches will give the total number of cubic inches; divide the amount by 231 (which is the cubical contents of a gallon in inches), and the product is the capacity in gallons. Ordinary speed to run pumps is 100 feet of piston per minute. 194 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. To find quantity of water elevated in one minute running at 100 feet of piston per minute. Square the diameter of water cylinder in inches and multiply by 4. Example: Capacity of a five-inch cylinder is desired; the square of the diameter (5 inches) is 25, which, multiplied by 4, gives 100, which is gallons per minute (approximately). To find the diameter of a pump cylinder to move a given quantity of water per minute (100 feet of piston being the speed), divide the number of gallons by 4, then extract the square root, and the result will be the diameter in inches. To find the velocity in feet per minute necessary to discharge a given volume of water in a given time, multiply the number of cubic feet of water by 144, and divide the product by the area of the pipe In inches. To find the area of a required pipe, the volume and velocity of water being given, multiply the number of cubic feet of water by 144, and divide the product by the velocity In feet per minute. The area being found, It Is easy to get the diameter of pipe necessary. The area of the steam piston multiplied by tVie steam pressure, gives the total amount of pressure exerted. The area of the water piston, multiplied by the pressure of water per square inch, gives the resistance. A margin must be made between the power and the resistance, to move the pistons at the required speed; usually reckoned at about 50 per cent. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 195 Every pound of coal requires a definite amount of air to burn it. It therefore requires ten times as much air to burn properly one hundred pounds of coal as "it does to burn ten, and so on. Don't try to do what is impossible; a boy may sometimes be made to do a man's work, but a small chimney cannot pos- sibly do the work of a large one. The Boiling Point of Water. Water boils at different temperatures, according to the elevation above the sea level. In New York water boils practically at 212 degrees Fahrenheit; in Munich, Germany, at 209y^ degrees; in the City of Mexico, at 200 degrees, and in the Himalayas, at an elevation of 18,000 feet above the level of the sea, at 180 degrees. These differences are caused by the varying pressure of the atmosphere at these points. In New York the whole weight of the air has to be overcome. In Mexico, 7,000 feet above the sea, there is 7,000 feet less of atmosphere to be resisted; consequently less heat is required and boiling takes place at a lower temperature. Under no consideration should ^-inch pipe be used in any kind of hot water heating systems. Use 1-inch or larger in all cases. 196 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Number of threads to the inch of screw on Ameri- can standard wrought iron, steam, gas and water pipe, from % to 10 inches. vs/vwvwwwc Fig. 42. Size of pipe Number of threads per inch Size of pipe Number of threads per inch Size of pipe Number of threads per inch Size of pipe Number of threads per inch 27 18 18 14 1 IH llJi 2 11^ 3 8 W2 8 4 8 4'/S 8 6 8 7 8 8 8 9 8 14 2^ 8 5 8 10 Difference Between Tonnage and Horse-Power. Locomotives and steamships are always rated as tonnage in figuring horse-power and tonnage; the difference is 16/35 of a horse-power equals a ton. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 197 A square foot of uncovered pipe, filled with steam at 100 pounds pressure, will radiate and dissipate in a year the heat put into 3,716 pounds of steam by the economic combustion of 398 pounds of coal. Thus, 10 square feet of bare pipe corresponds approxi- mately to the waste of two tons of coal per annum. To Remove Stains From Marble. Take two parts of soda, one of pumice and one of finely powdered chalk. Sift through a fine sieve and mix into a paste with water. Rub this composition all over the marble and the stain will be removed. Wash it with soap and water, and a beautiful bright polish will be produced. To Clean Marble. Mix up a quantity of the strongest soaplees and quicklime to the consistency of milk; lay it on the stone for 24 hours; clean it and it will appear as new. To further improve, rub with fine putty powder and olive oil. To determine necessary surface in square feet for aspirating coil in ventilating flue divide air to be moved per hour by .950 for steam radiation, and .600 for water radiation. To reduce Fahrenheit temperature to centigrade subtract 32 from Fahrenheit reading, multiply by 5 and divide by 9. To reduce centigrade to Fahrenheit multiply centi- grade reading by 9, divide by 5 and add 32. Liquid Measure. 4 gills make 1 pint. 2 pints make 1 quart. 4 quarts make 1 gallon. 315^ gallons make 1 barrel. 198 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Boiling Points of Various Fluids. Water in Vacuum 98° Water, Atmospheric Pressure 213° Alcohol 173° Sulphuric Acid 240° Refined Petroleum 316° Turpentine 315° Sulphur 570° Linseed Oil 597° Melting Points of Different Metals. Aluminum 1400 Antimony 1150 Bismuth 507 Brass 1900 Bronze 1692° Copper 1996° Glass 2377 Gold (pure) 2066° Iron (cast) " 2786 Iron (wrought) 2912 Lead 617 Platinum 3080° Silver (pure) 1873 Steel '. 2500 Tin 446 Zinc 773 Weights and Measures. Measure of Length. o o o o 4 inches make 1 hand. 7.92 inches make 1 link. 18 inches make 1 cubit. 12 inches make 1 foot. 6 feet make 1 fathom. 3 feet make 1 yard. 5H yards make 1 rod or pole. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 19 9 Measure of Length — Continued. 40 poles make 1 furlong. 8 furlongs make 1 mile. SQVa miles make 1 degree. 60 geographical miles make 1 degree. 1760 yards ) > 1 mile. 5280 feet ) Measure of Surface. 144 square inches make 1 square foot. 9 square feet make 1 square yard. SO^square yards make 1 rod, perch or pole. • 40 square rods make 1 square rood. 4 square roods make 1 square acre. 10 square chains make 1 square acre. 640 square acres make 1 square mile. Gunter's chain equal to 23 yards or 100 links. 272]^ square feet make 1 square rod. 43,560 square feet make 1 acre. • Measure of Solidity. 1728 cubic inches make 1 cubic foot. 27 cubic feet make 1 cubic yard. Firing. Steam. Experience teaches us that in many cases where the water leaves the boiler and goes into the radia- tion the trouble is caused by improper firing. The steam gets low either from neglect or over night, and the fireman, desiring to get the steam up as soon as possible, opens the ash-pit door, and with a strong draft in chimney flue urges up the fire to an 200 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. intensity far beyond what the boiler needs, and this causes the water to boil so furiously that it lifts out of the boiler. The ash-pit door is only made to gain access to the pit to take out the ashes, and should be used for this purpose only, and not to create draft, as the draft door is made sufficiently large to admit all the air necessary for combustion. In other words, don't put a 13-horse power fire under a 4-horse power boiler. Caution. If the water should disappear from the gauge glass, do not draw the^ fire, but cover it with wet ashes, and allow the boiler to cool before refilling with water. When connecting damper regulator adjust the chains so that both the draft door and check draft door will be closed when the regulator lever is level, and there is no steam in the boiler. In this position chain should be tight. Metal That Expands in Cooling. Lead, 75; antimony, 16.7; and bismuth, 18.3. Expansion of solids from 32° to 212°, at 32° being equal to 1. Brass , 1.00191 Common brick . . . . , 1.00055 Cast iron 1.00111 Cement 1.00144 Copper ^ .; 1.00175 Fire brick 1.0175 Glass 1.00085 Granite 1.00079 Water expands .1 of its bulk in freezing. A column of water 2.3 ft. high equals 1 tb. per sq. in. pressure. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 201 Ordinary atmosphere will sustain 33,9 ft. of water in height. 35.84 cu. ft of water=l ton. 39.84 cu. ft. of ice=rl ton. 1 cu. ft. of sea water=64.3 tb. Sea water contains 4 to 5 oz. of salt per gallon. Weights of Different Metals. Lead 1 foot square, inch thick=59.06 Copper 1 foot square, inch thick=45.3 Wrought-iron 1 foot square, inch thicki=40.5 Cast-iron 1 foot square, inch thick=:37.54 Cast-steel 1 foot square, inch thick=40.83 Under no consideration should lead be used in fit- tings as lead has a tendency to stop the circulation in time. A good practical man will always lead on the threads. Pipe and Fittings. Use ample-sized pipe. If one or two sizes large it will not be detrimental to the successful circula- tion of the steam or water, but if too small .will in all probability cause failure. Pipes of ample size are the most satisfactory and economical in the long run. Use fittings which will allow of the free and rapid circulation of the steam or water, connecting them in such a manner as to permit proper expan- sion and contraction of the pipe. Shrinkage of Castings. Pattern-makers' rule for Cast-iron . . 1/8 " " Brass 3/16 " " Lead 1/8 " " Ti^ 1/12 " " Zinc 3/16J of an inch longer per linear foot. 202 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. PLUMBING. Method of Wiping Joints. ^ Watching somebody wipe joints, a clear descrip- tion of how it is done, and acquaintance with the traits and qualities of materials used, are essential, but practice in the art of wiping joints has more to do with it making one proficient than has mere prac- tice to do with proficiency in any other line of work. One may give the closest attention to the manual op- eration of making a thousand joints when the cloth and ladle are in the hands of some one else and yet fail to remember the how and wherefore for the hun- dred movements necessary to success. Before commencing to wipe a joint, one should be positive that the pipe is firmly set, that the cleaning is well done and of proper length, that the junction of the ends is well made, so that solder will not run through into the pipe, that the edges are well pasted or otherwise protected, so that the solder will not adhere except at the cleaning, that no undue currents of air are passing through it, that there is enough solder in the pot to get up the heat and do the work- and that the cloth is in good condition. The beginner should keep the solder hot, leaving the pot in the furnace while practicing, so that he can put back and remelt the cold solder from time to time. He can do no better than to try to imitate the motions of those who know how. Practice will soon teach him a few points which words cannot explain to the inexperienced. Let the novice take the cloth in his left hand, holding it forward, so as to cover the tips of his fingers and take a ladle of solder in his right hand, hold the cloth under the cleaning and drop the solder, drop by drop, upon the different parts where the joint is to be made. A single drop of solder too hot will melt a hole through a pipe very quickly. Keep the ladle moving, so that the drops will fall in different places. When some solder gath- ers on the cloth put it up on top again and drop the solder on it and continue this operation until you have got the required amount of heat on the pipe so that your solder and the pipe is of the same heat and then form and wipe your joint. Solder is a metal or alloy used to unite adjacent metallic edges or surfaces. It must be rather more fusible than the metal or metals to be united, and with4;his object the compo- JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 203 ne-nts and their ^relative amounts are varied to suit the character of the work. As the melting point of lead is 617° to 626° accord- ing to the purity of the lead, solder must melt at a lower temperature. The solder depends very much upon the nature and quality of both tin and lead. No definite rule can be made for the melting points of plumbers' solder, although the following table is said to be nearly correct: 3 parts lead to 1 of tin, coarse melts at 480° F. 60 parts lead to 40 of tin, plumbers melts at . .440° F. 1 part lead to 1 of tin, fine melts at 370° F. 1 part lead to 1>^ of tin, tin pipe melts at. .. .330° F. It often happens that solder will become spoiled by getting zinc or other ingredients into it, which causes the solder to harden or crystallize contrary to its nature. .This is shown by the solder quickly setting or work- ing badly, while if disturbed when cooling it is a kind of gray blue. This is often caused by dipping brass or copper work into the pot for tinning, and also when solder- ing brass or copper to lead. If too hot the zinc leaves the copper, and the tin takes it up, because the tin and zinc readily mix. A small portion of zinc will also cause the lead and ti^i to separate. If there is zinc in solder, heat it to about 900° or nearly red hot, throw in a small quantity of sulphur (brimstone), which melts at 226° F. This high tem- perature is needed to melt the zinc, which melts at 773° F., and being lighter than lead or tin, has a ten- dency to float with the help of sulphur. The sulphur mixes with the zinc and brings up all foreign substances to the surface. Skim the solder well and after the heat is reduced to about the melting point of solder, add resin or tallow, to free the sulphur, and the solder should be clean, - Lead and tin can be separated by one rising above the other, so always stir before taking out a ladleful for use. Never stir solder when red hot or burnt. If allowed to burn, the nutriment or binding quali- ties are gone, and the pliable property which makes the solder work like butter, deducts from the ductility always needed in good working solder. 204 JOHNSOIsf'S HANDY MANUAL. Some solder will work well for several heats and then become coarse; its appearance will be black and dull, become very porous and unreliable without more tin. This is due to the fact that poor tin has been em- ployed or some foreign substance, such as antimony, has been mixed with it. It will form teats or drops on the bottom of the joint and it will be difficult to make the joint. When this occurs, clean the solder with sulphur and resin and add tin to replace the deficiency caused by cleaning. When solder hangs to the cloth it is too fine and needs a little lead, and when it sets too quickly or too coarse add tin. Never leave sulphur in ladle or solder pot, as it cannot be cleaned without considerable trouble. The fluxes generally employed for soldering, are, for iron, borax or sal-ammoniac; for zinc, brass or copper, sal-ammoniac or zinc chloride; for lead or tin pipe, resin or tallow. A liquid for use in fine solder is made by dropping small pieces of zinc into two ounces of muriatic acid, until bubbles cease to rise, then dilute by adding water. In tinning metals, the object is to prepare the sur- faces that they may readily unite with the melted solder. The tinning operation is best performed at a mod- erate heat. When overheated, the coating of solder, or the tinning as it is called, is reduced to a yellow powder and is destroyed. The tinning must be re- stored before it can be used. Resin is recommended as a flux for tinning copper bits which are to be used for soldering lead and for tinning all brass and copper work upon which sof solder joints are to be wiped. Articles composed jDf brass or copper, such as fau- cets, nipples, etc., should be tinned, filing to remove the coating or oxides, leaving the metal surface clean, then coating with a flux. Solder is then applied with a bit entirely covering the filed surface. It is bad practice to dip brass articles into a pot of molten solder which is to be used for wiping pur- poses, because some of the zinc, of which the brass JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 205 is partly composed, will melt out and alloy with the solder, thus spoiling it. Articles composed wholly of copper, provided they are perfectly clean and free from filings, will do no injury to the solder. Iron articles may be tinned by thoroughly cleaning the surfaces and treating them with sal-ammoniac before applying the solder. Great care must be taken, when filing brass or other metals preparatory to tinning them, that the filings do not fall on the bench or such places that solder falling from wiped joints will pick them up. As a precaution, filing should not be done near the place where the wiping is to be done. Solder flows better at high temperatures, provided the temperature is not so high as to oxidize it. Solder will flow into a joint until it is chilled, there- fore, it flows farthest when it possesses a large ex- cess of heat above that which is necessary to main- tain it in the fluid condition. The heat necessary for making wiped joints Is sup- plied wholly by the molten solder, thus, it is essen- tial that the solder should possess a considerable sur- plus of heat. The temperature is limited, however, by the tendency of the soldeT to oxidize. The strength of a joint not only depends upon the quantity, but the quality of the solder. Too long manipulation spoils the solder and weak- ens the lead, the first joint made, if the metals are thoroughly fused, will be the most reliable, even if the shape is not perfect. In making wiped joints, the metals to be joined should be heated to a temperature nearly equal to the fusing point of the solder. Care should be taken that they are not heated be- yond this temperature. Fit ends of pipe tightly to prevent solder entering the interior, thoroughly clean all surfaces to be wiped, and immediately cover this cleaned surface with grease or oily matter, to prevent tarnishing. In shaving, do not dig out the lead, as It Is weak- ened and the joint cracks at the edges much sooner than it otherwise would. It is of great importance that all wiped joints should be sound and reliable. 206 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Patient practice until one can make a perfect joint is necessary. No wiped joint is perfect unless strong in body, perfectly fused, clean at the edges, true in form and free from solder inside. In all joints the solder should be well mixed, and so fuse with the pipe that the metals will be perfectly united. Wiped joints, properly made, are the strongest known to the trade, and generally recognized in the plumbing industry as one method of proving a plumber's status. What is a metal? An elementary mineral substance possessing con- siderable specific gravity, hardness and cohesion and requiring a high degree of heat to liquefy. Give the symbol, ore and composition of the metals of interest to plumbers. Lead Tin Zinc Copper Iron Pb Sn Zn Cu Fe Galena Tinstone Blende Glance Pyrites Iron Magnetite Hematite Iron and Oxygen Lead and Sulphur Tin and Oxygen Zinc and Sulphur Copper and Sulphur Copper and Sulphur It « • JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 207 Give the relative tenacity of the above metals. Lead 1 or lowest. Tin 1 1-3 times that of lead. Zinc 2 times that of lead. Copper 18 times that of lead. Iron 211/2 ■ times that of lead. Give the relative malleability of the five metals. Copper, tin, lead, zinc and iron? What does tenacity denote? The relative power of resistance the metals have, to being torn apart. On what does the malleability of a metal depend? A great deal on its tenacity, coupled with softness. What is the melting point of iron and some of its properties? Melts at 2786° F., is very ductile and malleable and appears m three forms, malleable, or wrought, in its purest state, or cast, when containing carbon in dif- ferent proportions. At what temperature will zinc melt and what are its peculiarities? Melts at 773° F., is somewhat brittle and fairly per- manent in air. It is a protecting coating for iron un- der the name of galvanized iron, and dissolves easily in acids. What are the peculiarities of tin and its melting point? Melts at 428°, is a brilliant white metal in the pure state and produces a peculiar crackling noise when bent, called the "cry" of tin. It is very malleable, but also slightly ductile. What is copper, its melting point and some of its uses? An elementary metallic substance of a pale, red color, moderately hard, malleable and ductile. Cop- per fuses at 1742° F. It is the most useful of all the metals for alloy. Mixed with tin it forms bronze; with zinc it forms brass; is a good conductor of heat and electricity and one of the most useful of metals. What is brass, its uses and melting point? It is composed of copper and zinc of different pro- portions and has no certain temperature for fusing, as the component parts vary; about 1100° F. It is 208 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. ' one of the most useful of alloys, more fusible than copper and not so apt to tarnish. It is malleable when cold, but not so when heated. Describe the properties of lead, its melting point and some of its uses? Lead is of a bluish gray color, very soft and of slight tenacity. Its proper name is galena or sul- phide of lead. It melts at 612° to 617° F., according to its purity. It is used in^the arts and sciences, and combines with other metals in various alloys. What are alloys and some of their properties? An alloy is a combination by fusion of two or more metals. All alloys are opaque, have a metallic luster, are more or less ductile, elastic and malleable, also good conductors of heat and electricity. What is solder, and of what is plumbers' solder composed? A metal or alloy to unite adjacent metallic edges or surfaces and is composed of lead and tin in different proportions. What are the proportions of lead and tin in plumb- ers' solders, and their melting points? Coarse mixture 3 lead 1 tin, melts 480 Plumbers' mixture 60 lead 40 tin, melts 440° Fine mixture 1 lead 1 tin, melts 370° Tin pipe mixture 1 lead ly^ tin, melts 330 What spoils solder and how should it be cleaned? Allowing zinc or antimony to mix with it and by burning it. Clean it by heating the solder to 900° or more, in- troducing sulphur, which helps impurities to rise. When this is skimmed, put in resin, and the mixture should be purified. This high temperature is needed to melt antimony which fuses at 834°, and zinc at 773°. Why should solder never be allowed to burn? Because the pliable property and nutriment are ex- tracted. What are some of the fluxes used in soldering dif- ferent metals? For iron, borax or sal-ammoniac. For zinc, copper or brass, — sal-ammoniac or zinc chloride. For lead or tin pipes, — tallow or resin. Also, for iron and zinc, drop small pieces of zinc into two ounces of muriatic acid until bubbles cease to rise; then add a little water. o o JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 209 Sewage. Sewage is composed of waste water carrying in suspension organic and inorganic wastes. The or- ganic wastes contain both animal and vegetable mat- ter, such as urine and excreta and wastes from kitchen sinks, slaughtering, rendering and packing establishments, etc. Inorganic wastes are from man- ufacturing establishments, as for instance paper mills, foundries, gasworks and tar or asphalt plants. The decomposition of the organic wastes produces men- thane or marsh gas' according to the best authorities. This is a poisonous gas, but not so virulent as car- bon-monoxide, which is a deadly poison, producing almost instant death. Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide gases are probably produced in sewage by inorganic wastes. Invariably it will be found that the presence of such gases in public sewers carrying sewage is due to leaks in gas mains. All brick sewers are porous, nearly all tile sewers leak at points where connections have been made and thereby absorb the leaking gas from mains. Such gases are poisonous and cause many of the fatal acci- dents which sometimes happen in sewer manholes, catch basins and excavations. These gases must be kept out of houses for the same reason, hence we have traps, vents, etc., in our modern plumbing sys- tems. The treatment of raw sewage by means of septic tanks and filter beds, or by dilution, renders it harm- less. The action of animalculae in septic tanks is being studied by engineers and chemists to the end that sanitary disposal of sewage may be accomplished in a manner suitable to inland towns. The dilution method of disposal is more suitable to towns and cities on tide water or on large rivers, pro- vided the volume of water in the rivers is sufficient and other towns do not use such water for domestic purposes. 210 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Ventilation of Sewer. Sewers and drains, together with plumbing sys- tems, are ventilated in order to carry off the gases mentioned and to protect the inhabitants of build- ings from gas poison and infection. Sewers are ventilated by manholes in the street,-" having perforated iron covers. Drains are ventilated in the same manner and by the vent pipes in a plumbing system. Plumbing systems are ventilated by the extension of soil and waste pipes through the roof of a build- ing. Vent pipes are connected into these soil and waste pipes above the highest waste connection, or extended separately through the roof. Vent pipes are designed to safeguard trap seals and provide for a circulation of air in the plumbing sys- tem. Trap seals are necessary to prevent the entrance of sewer gas to the living rooms. If there were no vent pipes the accumulated gases would eventually pass through the water seal, or the latter would be lost by reason of air compression or vacuum. The installation of plumbing appears to be very simple. There' is a reason for simple things. Igno- rance of that reason may produce very serious con- sequences. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 211 212 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 213 Drainage Plan, Fig. 104. A gravity system for sewage and subsoil waters flowing directly to public sewer. Clean-out Y branch fittings, Fig. 10, back water gate valves, Fig. 2, sub- soil drain basin, Fig. 31, and water jacket grease ba- sin, Fig. 27 or Fig. 29, for receiving waste from sinks are used as indicated on plans. Also gravel basin. Fig. 31, is shown near rear wall to which down spouts may be attached. ■ Plans, Figs. 102, 103 and 104, give an idea where best to install Wade clean-out fittings, back water gate valves, catch basins, bilge pumping outfit, etc. In connection with lines of sewer and sub-soil drains. Each accessible flushing clean-out back water gate valve and clean-out fitting is provided with an iron inspection manhole which reaches from the sewer in the ground to the surface of cellar floor and is also provided with a tight iron cover which is easily re- moved when necessary and permits direct access to the back water gate valves, clean-out fittings and in- terior of house drains without removing any floors or concrete. The Wade accessible sewer flushing clean-out system, back water gate valves, catch ba- sins and bilge pumping outfit as shown and illus- trated in this book guarantee cleanliness in the house drains, accessibility for inspection and easiness by which they can be flushed and cleaned. They give knowledge to the owner or occupant of the building of the exact location and condition of the sewer and access to the straight lines of drains and lateral branches and obviate the danger of clogged sewers, flooded basements and sewer gas. If, therefore, you are erecting new or remodeling old residences or business structures, install Wade Accessible House Drainage Systems — since correct house drains pre- vent disease, preserve life, health and welfare of hu- manity. Drainage Plan, Fig. 103. Consists of an extra heavy cast iron pipe, as shown in double dotted lines, hung from the basement ceil- ing. By gravity it discharges direct to the" public sewer. Gravel basin, Fig. 31 or Fig. 49^, is shown near rear wall to which down spout is connected. Sink grease basin, Fig. 27 or Fig. 29, is also shown on plan and is intended for use at the foot of sink waste pipe. The above system embraces all pipes leading from fixtures located above the basement 214 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. nmtt any JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 215 216 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Ice Box. A great deal of attention has of late been given to the sanitary connection of the waste from a refrig- erator to the soil pipe. This is especially true when planning for two, three or more stories apartment buildings where the refrigerators on the different floors are located directly over one another. The drawing on the following page shows the latest connection of two refrigerators. Here a spe- cial drum trap is located under the floor. The trap is connected to the waste by means of a union. By- simply disconnecting this union, the refrigerator can easily be moved. The traps should be from 6 to 8 inches in diameter and 8 inches deep. In the center of the trap is a partition wall divid- ing it in two parts. This partition extends to within two inches of the top. Waste is connected to the bottom of one compartment and as the waste water must reach a level on line with the top of the parti- tion before it can overflow into the other compart- ment, which is connected to the soil stack, a perfect water seal is created. Trap has a threaded brass cover which allows the trap to be easily cleaned. Refrigerators connected in this manner have been found to be great ice savers. -It prevents hot air from entering the boxes, as it does when a pan is placed under the waste pipe of the refrigerator, as the waste pipe does not come within several inches of the top of the pan. Soil stack is usually of two or three-inch galvanized pipe with galvanized fittings. Stack should vent to the atmosphere and before it is connected to the soil pipe, a trap should be inserted. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. :i7 Pfopet Way of Draining an Ice Box. There are many ways of draining ice boxes, but the manner as shown in Fig. 69 is the most sanitary and simple way that has been brought to the writer's notice. End of waste pipe from ice box must be under water in pan as shown. Place on brackets, under floor of basement, a sheet lead lined box 8x8x10. Run waste from there to sink in basement. Waste should be at least 1^4 inch pipe to assure free drain- age of ice box. Wi«\AT& - 6lNK n n a>qNIT/\RY CONNE-CTION FoK Ice-box Fig. 69. \h Waste* -^ — r^ V&MT 218 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 219 («@" 220 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Beer Pump and Piping. Illustration shown here is beer pumps and piping connection. Different makes of beer pumps; this will give a plumber a good knowledge of this kind of work. These cuts show hydraulic beer pump and carbon gas pump outfits. Jeanette Automatic Electric Beer Pump. The principal feature of this pump is, that it is automatic in its operating and can be set to operate at any pres- sure from 10 to 50 pounds, and when connected to u storage tank the air can be regulated. The automatic cut-off is very simple, with the posi- tive knock out never failing to start or stop the pump at the pressure desired. The connections as shown here are very simple to make if the sketch is followed outright. There is nothing to get out of order in the Jeannette Beer Pump. Plumbing Railroad Station. Of late years special attention has been given to the sanitary equipment of toilet rooms in railroad sta- tions, public buildings and factories of all kinds, and public comfort stations are established at different parts of all our large cities. All fixtures in these places are of the latest and most sanitary kind. Soil pipes, inside of buildings, are all extra strong C. I. soil pipe. Figures 1 and 2 show a plan view and cross section, respectively, of an up-to-date arrangement of the different fixtures in toilet rooms of this kind. Here a 2' 6" wide work- ing and vent space is arranged. Walls for this work- ing space are 4 inches thick of a light colored salt glazed brick. In the ceiling of this working space are located two 24-inch diameter ventilators. On either side of these walls are, in this case, a battery of ten closets. In the walls, at the center of each closet, is located a 2^-inch high by 163^-inch long opening with a vent hood in the rear of the closet and a de- flector in the working space. Through the large ven- tilators in the ceiling of the work room a draught or circulation is created which draws the foul air out of the stalls. The deflectors force the foul air upwards along the walls. At each end wall of the room are located five urinals and four lavatories. Lavatories are supplied with hot and cold water. Automatic closets and urinals should always be used. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 221 222 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 223 A Plea for Correct Sewerage. The close of the century witnessed a most re- markable development in the construction of plumb- ing and house drainage. Heretofore many earnest, well-meaning individuals not appreciating the im- portance of correct drainage, were inclined to sacri- fice this vital factor in their buildings, to the adorn- ment of their reception, dining and other rooms, not realizing that the very decorative feature on which so much time and expense were spent, might conceal a lurking enemy in the disguise of DEADLY SEWER GAS. The presence of drain diseases, such as typhoid and scarlet fevers, dysentery, etc., coming frequently from no apparent cause led inquiring minds to investigate and as a result of their investigation, we attribute much of the improvement now noted in modern edi- fices. The same art which was heretofore employed for the embellishment of the more favored portion of a dwelling is now applied to bath and toilet rooms and their accompanying accessories, and knowledge and refinement have superseded ignorance and neg- lect. While all of this is a laudable step in the right direction, still it must be borne in mind that attract- ive fixtures may be attached to defective drains and a state of corruption may exist amidst the daintiest surroundings. House drains convey from the house the liquid and solid refuse which animal life .rejects. Waste is a necessary accompaniment in all conditions of life. The accumulated waste from food, clothing, bathing and other simple acts of daily existence tends to de- cay, which naturally becomes offensive and must be removed, or disease will ensue. The drain therefore which-encircles the abode and conveys the matter from dwellings must be abso- lutely perfect, even the slightest imperfection creates a chronic state of ill health or puzzling anaemia and oftentimes death. Every builder should weigh these facts well, he should familiarize himself with the drainage system of his house and adopt only that which is convincingly trustworthy in every respect. There is another danger which must not be over- looked. Many families having closed up their homes during a period of travel, perceive on their return an offensive odor permeating the different apartments. 224 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. The difficulty is simply this — The water which stands in the traps of house pipes and which shuts off gases from the sewer when wash basins, etc., are in use, not receiving its customary supply, evaporates during the absence of occupants, and gases from the main sewer are permitted to enter. For weeks, perhaps, there has been no .water seal in the traps, the ascent of sewer air has been con- tinuous, so that not only the air is utterly unfit to live in but curtains, carpets and other absorbing furnish- ings have become saturated with the pollution thus acquired. Let it be remembered, that when lavatories, sinks and other fixtures are not in use they are gradually losing by evaporation the trapped water seal, and authorities have declared that sewer gas or sul- phurated hydrogen is the most poisonous of all the gases of known composition, that it is heavier than the ordinary atmospheric air, that experiments have been made with it by chemical authorities which show that one part of the gas and two of the air will kill animal life. This gas therefore must be re- moved so far away from us that it cannot return in the form of dangerous invisible gases of decomposi- tion. It must then be obvious to any person that a thor- ough system of house drainage and plumbing is nec- essary in order that the building may be kept free from the pollution in public sewer and its poisonous air. The remedy for this evil is not so very far away but what it can be very easily reached. At the proceedings of the International Congress of Hygiene and Demography held at Washington, D. C, by the most eminent architects and sanitary engineers in the world, the most important subject discussed was the sanitation of the interiors of houses connected with the public sewers, and it was unani- mously adopted that the end and object of the system- atic drainage of a house is to endow it with a good system of water supply and discharge for waste water and to regularly flush the interior of the drains by clean pressure water, it being JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 225 Resolved, that the object will be the most cer- <:ainly attained where the following essential rules are strictly observed: To exclude from the interior of our houses all sewer gas, to avoid pollution of the soil by fecal matter or waste water, to prevent the generation of deleterious gases in the soil and in the air below and around our houses, to discharge as rap- idly as possible into the public sewer all fecal mat~ ter and waste matter produced. The application of these essential rules necessitates an intercepting flushing, FRESH AIR INLET TRAP IN THE HOUSE DRAIN, inside main wall of cellar for THE EXCLUSION FROM THE HOUSE OF POLLUTIONS, AND SEWER GAS IN THE PUBLIC SEWERS, a proper system of ventilation, pipes that are air tight and water tight, the employment of proper materials for the pipes, proper dimensions and thicknesses for all pipes, FLUSHING AND CLEANSING JUNCTIONS WITH VERY OBTUSE ANGLES, proper construc- tion of water closets, baths and other sanitary appli- ances, FACILITY OF ACCESS TO ALL HOUSE DRAIN PIPES FOR FLUSHING, INSPECTION AND TESTING THEM, sufficient CLEAN-OUT CONNECTIONS, periodical visitation and cleansing when necessary. Every city, town or village in the United States has a plumbing ordinance of their own, and each thinks they have the best. The plumbing that Is shown in this book is the latest and best that can be done, and the illustrations can be followed successfully. We show crown venting, also continual venting. 2^6 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. This installation shows one of the latest sanitary installations, as used in one of the large public build- ings. We start from the main stack 5" and then branch both ways to 4" with 45° Ys, and nipple into a 45° ell and then raise with the nipple to 90° closet ell, which is grooved and has a 2" top vent opening. The closet cast iron yoke is then attached to this grooved ell by chilled steel bolts which rest' into the groove. Into this grooved ell is then screwed a brass iron pipe threaded wall flange with a bell recess for gas- ket. The closet is then fastened to the yoke by two long holding bolts. The recessed horn of the closet slips into the gasket and brass wall flange. The closet does not receive any support from the wall at all. The three stud bolts, two on the top and one on the bottom, having hole cut out through wall and being screwed from the yoke and rest against the back of the wall, making it thereby, absolutely im- possible to break the marble or wall at any time. The vent is taken from the stack of 4" and branches both ways as a tee and with 2" drops into the top of the 4x2x4 grooved closet ell. The supplies are taken from the main riser of a three-inch into heads of 2J^", where they drop down to 1%" into an elbow into the stop of the closet valve. This is based on a battery of twenty closets, as the size of batteries increase or diminish, the supply is reduced in proportion. On the soil waste this size is reduced according to the size of the number of closets in the battery. This is one of the new installations for wall closets and also is adapted to wall urinals. The construc- tion being so that the closet can be removed by just unfastening of the two holding bolts. On account of its construction of the two studs on the top and the one on the bottom, the breaking strength has never been fully determined, although tests have been made up to 1700 lbs. actual weight. Another test being made, which is more severe on closets of this description, is not to see how much dead weight th^ closet will stand, but to see what conditions the joints are in, after subjecting the closet to a test of jumping on same. JOHNSON'S SOIL STflCK FiG. e foer su^^e^TS Sewagf JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. HANDY MANUAL. , SO/L STACfr BY- THE ANDf>£WSSTE£l SEP7ICVimPMC£SS errs. /m^s. i Disposal System. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 230a Sew^age Disposal System Among the various methods of disposing of sewage wastes in a sanitary manner, the septic tank system operated in conjunction with a sub-surface system of irrigation is the most easily adapted for a wide range of conditions. There are many modified forms of septic tank systems, which operate more or less satisfactorily in proportion to how closely the designer has followed the principles involved in the reduction of sewage wastes by this process. Present day practice and experience show that a septic tank sewage disposal system should possess the following features. There must be a reservoir or tank of suitable proportion to the number of persons to be served for retaining the sewage for a definite period, an automatic discharging device which empties the tank at definite intervals of time,«a filter bed or irrigation field of suitable proportions and materials for final treatment of the liquids. The accompanying illustration shows such a sewage dis- posal system with an Andrews steel septic tank designed for use in dwelling houses, school and public buildings. The tank is divided into two compartments called the intake and dosing chambers and is constructed of boiler plate ]4, inch thick, has riv'eted heads, hand-holes, automatic siphon, intake fitting and is made absolutely air tight. The location of the tank is shown for three different conditions, the one most frequently used being shown in Figure 1. Where the ground is level and there is no basement to drain, the locations shown in Figures 2 and 3 are desirable. As shown in Figure 1 ordinary 4-inch glazed sewer tile is laid with cemented joints, having a pitch of 1 inch in 20 feet between the house and the tank and from the tank to the disposal or filter bed. At the ^disposal bed ordinary Y branches are used with 4-inch porous [rain tile laid with ^ inch open joints for branches. Pieces )f tile should be laid above and underneath the joints so as :o prevent dirt from getting into the branch pipes. These Lrain tibs are laid with a pitch of 1 inch in 25 feet. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. g vcf^r f>mE SewMiE DsposAL SysTTM oy TMC AnOII£WSSTI£L SEPTIC7Am/*0CESS CNa. ocfT bfrre /- »- /■•. orre. ».>rs. Sewage Disposal System. 230b JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Converting sewage into harmless liquids is a biological process and operates in the system as follows: All domestic sewage contains a certain percentage of bacteria, which under suitable conditions, which are present in the septic tank with the exclusion of air and light, will start up an active fer- mentation process which results in a decomposition of organic matters contained in the sewage. Organic solid matters are thereby reduced to liquids, gases and humus materials. A period of twelve to twenty-four hours is about as long as is required for this action to take place, after which the contents of the dosing chamber should be discharged to the filter or disposal bed. Here further bacterial action takes place due to organisms present at the surface of the soil, completing the reduction process. These organisms depend upon oxygen consequently it is important to have the filter or disposal be well aerated. For the ordinary suburban or country home it is usual td allow about 20 gallons of water per occupant to get the capac- ity of the tank; 1 foot of drain tile per gallon of liquid dis- charged per twenty-four hours and 3 sq. ft. of area for the filter bed. Where the soil is of an open, porous condition, a special prepared filter bed is not necessary. It is customary to dig furrows and embed the tile below the surface about 12 inches. Where the ground is of an impervious nature, it is necessary to dig trenches 4 feet or 5 feet deep and 24 inches wide and fill in with gravel, sand or cinders to within 1 foot of the surface and embed the tile. Andrews Heating Company. Engineering Depi. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 231 Action N^.l Tmin dH£D3 or the C.IiY(ffR ■ -TrflCAL LfirOVT or OOUn SfVuTYtoRK.- z: IE, Q :s z a 3:^ New Depot Drinking fountains are supplied with filtered water and cooled by an ice machine and pumped through a circulating system. The fountains are distributed through the station, beneath the train shed and to the power house, covering a distance of four city blocks. It requires 63 9-inch drain pipe connections to city mains to drain the entire plant. Four 4-inch water mains are provided. A series of cast iron setthng basins are placed in the under- ground sewers which serves the down spouts and track drains. They are placed about 75 feet apart, one emptying into an- other. In this manner all the cinders and track rubbish is collected. Women emigrants have a special arrangement providing a laundry equipped with 12 porcelain wash trays and a steam dryer, so that while waiting for trains, laundry work can be done. 232 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. There are also porcelain bath tubs for the use of the patrons of the C. & N. W. R. R. Co. The women's toilet room of this station has accommodations for 3500 persons per day. ^3ECTm N^S — Sections 1, 2 and 3 that are shown in this book are something out of the ordinary. Typical layout shows down spouts and its workings of the Chicago & North-Western train sheds. These sheds are the largest in the world, being 1200 feet long. There are 304 trains every 24 hours, in and out. Every one of these locomotives has to blow off steam, more or less. You will notice here in Section 2 that there is used in this work expansion joints made out of pipe. These expansion joints take care of expansion and contraction in case the down spouts get hot, as they naturally will, from high pressure steam from the locomotives. This plumbing work was done by Hulbert & Dearsey, Chicago, 111. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 233 fMi -3ECTioti N°.3. — \Kr^y j^Dtmiit Spottr mmiz -rjrfifx. CanfECTi \ EIZL ^ rV The perfect system of the Northwestern deserves your patronage. 234 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Trf/c/jL IjfrouT Tvn Or£/JM<5H[p PujinwriG. Shows the WATROUS "AQUAMETER" system m ship plumbing. Closets are shown both above and below the water line supplied by direct pump connection, without the use of storage or sewage tanks. The pump used for this purpose is of the usual form employed to maintain a uniform pressure, and when connected to the "AQUAMETER" system as diown will automatically start and stop by the opera- tion of any one of the closets. Where closets are placed below the water line, the sewage tfierefrom is automatically discharged by means of a steam ejector, which is opened and closed by the increase and decrease of the water pressure • in the supply pipes to which it is connected. Tlie instant the pressure is reduced by the flushing of a closet, the ejector opens and allows the steam to escape into the .4-inch waste pipe, effectually discharging its con- ■lents and closing the instant the water stops flowing to the closetii. I To provide against accident or possible failure of the ejector, a second starting means is located withiii the 'vent pipe and is arranged to operate independently of the first when the water has risen to i certain height jn the waste pipe. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. \ r 8C1.0H Fu»a Um 'ij' For Uee « Scmocx. House Worh JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. ■■frWrri, -4-- . - -r-J ---. r'-J 7 . l^-jj- j-J^ Q. ^_;- « e> ^ 236 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 237 Installation of Control Apparatus for Administering Hydrotherapeutic Treatment After the selection of apparatus and fixtures that are essen- tial for complete Hydrotherapeutic Equipment is made, same should be located as indicated in room marked "J," sectional view showing interior medical bath establishment, on opposite page. To insure absolute control of the temperatures in order that the treatment may be administered in a scientific manner, equal pressures or both hot and cold are essential, and an adequate supply of hot water furnished, delivered to this apparatus at a regulated temperature that may be maintained at 140 degrees Fahrenheit. The most satisfactory method is to use a separate heater automatically controlled as shown in room marked "M." The addition of a storage tank to the heater indicated will add greatly to the accuracy; with this the control table will operate at times when a small particle is lodged temporarily under the seat of the valve which controls the steam leading to the heater. The maximum pressure used on both hot and cold is 40 pounds. Assuming that the pressure in the build- ing indicated in the drawing would be greater than 40 pounds, the installation of a pressure reducing valve in the corridor, underneath room marked "K" with branch leading from same on the cold side to the apparatus, also through the heater and out again to furnish the hot water will give ideal conditions. It is not intended that the patient should be submitted to direct application of ice water. The cooling chest shown in room marked "M" should be of ample size co furnish sufiicient ice water to reduce the temperature of the cold for a few seconds in order that a cold dash at a temperature not lower than 54 degrees be given. The supply of hot and cold lead- ing to the control apparatus should not be less than 13^ inches for hot, and 1^ inches for cold water. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Plumbing for Flat Building JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 239 n X V~7 cT II ^"rn *T ■ ■ FlumbiDg for Residence 240 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 241 T v/»pto J 1 =tir I n i^ Proper Connection for Kitchen Sink 242 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. ttr Proper Connection for Slop Sink JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 243 vi __f VJtWOH J* Of KV.V Lavatory Connection 244 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. (^4 7. !^H^^s ZM Bath Tub Connection JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 245 In the pages following is shown by simple sketches, the proper method of installing perfectly sanitary work in accordance with the ideas of the best sanitary experts in this country. Each of our large cities has its own distinctive health ordinances, to govern the installation of plumbing and sewerage, but all these ordinances can be placed under two general heads: The first being; those that specify a house trap inside the foundation wall, and do not specify a catch oasin. The second; those that specify that sinks must waste into a catch basin, and do not allow the use of house traps. These sketches show proper installations for each of these general systems. As it is impracticable to show sketches which will comply with every ordinance, sketches are given showing correct and sanitary installations in the two general classes. In Fig. 43 is shown the waste and vent connections pertaining to the plumbing in an ordinary dwelling, in accordance with the general run of plumbing or- dinances, which specify that the waste from sinks mu&t be carried to a catch basin before entering sewer. A. 2" extra heavy soil pipe from catch basin in yard to a point about 12" below roof. B. 2" galv. iron, or extra heavy soil revent pipe from increaser F. near roof, to a point in soil pipe, C. below lowest fixture revented. The revent from each individual trap should be carried wp to a point at least 3 feet above floor before making connection with vent line. This is to prevent the fixture from wasting through the vent pipe, in case of stoppage in waste or soil pipe. In some cities the ordinances 246 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. fnon CATCH sMi/i.^* -nsev^fH in aTHter — o Fig. 43 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 247 €& 1 . 1] ^ Fig. 44. 248 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. allow the connection of revent "B" to stack "C" at any point above the highest fixture wasting into stack. CA" extra heavy soil pipe stack, from sewer in basement to a point about 13" below roof. D. House sewer of 4" extra heavy soil pipe from catch basin to a point about 10 feet outside of foun- dation wall. From this point to sewer in street, the sewer may be 6" salt glazed sewer pipe. E. 2x4 extra heavy increaser 30" long. F. 4x5 extra heavy increaser 30" long with 2" side outlet for revent pipe. G. V/^" galv. revent pipe to lavatory trap and bath trap. H. 2" galv. revent pipe to 4" lead bend or to crown of closet trap. Some cities compel the use of ex- tra heavy soil pipe for "G" and "H." In cases where but one fixture wastes into stack, the revent is un- necessary. For instance, note that sink trap in sketch is not revented as the sink is the only fixture wasting into stack "A." In cases of this kind, the fixture should not be more than 5 ft. from stack. J. 4" lead bend for closet waste. K. and L. 1^" lead -pipe, 3 lbs. per ft from bath tub to drum trap, and from drum trap to lead bend. M. 4" lead drum trap. N. connection of revent to 4" main stack. Fig. 44 is practically the same as Fig. 43, except that it shows the work done in accordance with ordi- nances which do not compel the use of the catch basin. In Fig 45 is shown the correct method of install- ing the plumbing in a flat building in cases where catch basins are used. The descriptions are same as given for Fig. 43 and this sketch will apply equal- ly well to flat buildings of three and four stories. 1 jr buildings of a greater height than four stories it is only necessary to increase the size of the sewer JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 249 Fig. 4S 250 JOHNSON'S HANDY VIANUAL. tis. 46, JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 251 t" 252 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. "D," the main stack, "C," the sink stack "A" and the revent stack "B." Fig. 46 is practically the same as Fig. 45, except that it shows the work done in accordance with or- dinances which do not compel the use of the catch jasin. Fig. 47. In this sketch is shown the proper method of placing a house trap with fresh air inlet. As fresh air inlets are frequently more of a menace than a benefit to health, it is advisable to use the Ayres inlet, as this fitting will prevent the escape of sewer gas from the fresh air inlet in case of a down draft in the soil pipe. As the house trap pre- vents the ventilation of the street sewer through the roofs of dwellings, the sewer gas naturally escapes at the street level. To obviate this, it is advisable to run a 4" extra heavy soil pipe stack from the street side of trap, directly through roof. B. Cleanout. C. 4" main stack. D. 4" house sewer. E. Ayres fresh air inlet. F. 4" extra heavy soil pipe, connecting with salt glazed sewer, 10 ft. outside of foundation wall. G. 4" extra heavy fresh air inlet pipe. H. 4" extra heavy vent through roof. Fig. 48. In this figure is shown the general con- struction of the catch basin. It should be made with hard burned brick laid in cement with a stone or ce- ment cover, and a removable iron cover. It should be at least 3 ft. in diameter, have a depth of at least 3 ft. below the water line, and carried up to grade. The trap should be built of brick, or can be made by using a quart r bend turned down from the sewer pipe. The inlets from the sink and from the down spouts should be at least 6" above the water line. Catch basins should be placed not nearer than 10 ft. from the foundation wall, and the water level in the catch basin should be belov** the line of the JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 253 ^ wzz^ YfATER LIN£. ■'■'■'■ ' I I Fig. 48. Z3 fig. 49. 254 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. yyy7V yy yy y; Fig. 50. Fig, 51. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 255 basement floor. In the sketch, "A" represents the sink waste, "B" the stone cover, "C" the removable iron cover, and "D" the house sewer. Fig. 49. In cases where the catch basin is placed at the side of the house the connection should be made as shown in Fig. 49. Fig. 50. In this sketch is shown the proper method of connecting the waste and vent of a laundry tub. The pipes and trap should not be less than 1^". The trap is connected as shown to the house sewer or sink waste to catch basin, as the case may be. The revent should be connected to the revent stack "B." In branching into the trap it is advisable to make connection below the water level of trap, to prevent circulation of air in the waste pipe between the tubs. Fig. 51. In this sketch is shown a simple and sanitary method of setting a closet. The lead bend should be cut off on a level with the top of brass floor flange. Cut out the floor to allow for the square end of closet bolts. Place the closet flange with the bolts over the lead bend after tinning the concave surface of the flange, and shaving the out- side of the bend. Now place your closet bowl on the flange to be sure you are right. Remove the closet bowl and screw the flange to the floor. Fill the space between the flange and lead bend v/ith solder and make it perfectly tight. Then place litharge or red lead on the brass floor flange, set the closet, and screw heads on bolts. Putty should never be used, except to level up the closet, or to fill in the space between the base and the floor. In Figs. 52, 53, 54, and 55 is shown the plan and piping for a factory, school or public toilet room. Fig. 52 shows the floor plan of the toilet room. Fig. 53 is a cross section showing the waste and vent pip- ing for the closets and urinals. Fig. 54 shows the waste and vent piping for the wash and slop sinks. 256 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Fig. 52. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 257 258 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Vi R) m IT be JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 259 iVw. > ~tq Ct w 1 ^-^?7 w m Fig. 55. 260 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Fig. 55 shows method of connecting vent for closets and wash sink. For work of this kind it is always advisable and should be compulsory to use individ- ual automatic closets and urinals. For schools, urinal stalls may be used, but they should be of the type known as ventilated urinals in which the water is continually running. The wash sink should be omitted in schools, but in place of this, a long drink- ing fountain is installed in the basement, in some room other than the toilet room. Range closets are not sanitary fixtures, and should in no cases be used. Hot Water for Domestic Purposes. In the accompanying sketches is shown the cor- rect method of installing the piping for hot water for domestic uses. In work of this kind, the pipes must always have a general upward pitch to the boiler, or tank. Care must be taken that there are no dips or traps, as this will cause hammering and pounding in the system. Sediment or draw off cocks must be placed at the lowest point, in order to thoroughly drain the system. Stops and check valves should not be used at all in this work, ex- cepting, of course, the stop and waste on the cold water supply to the boiler. A vent should always be provided to allow for the expansion, in all cases where the expansion cannot "blow back" into the water main. In cases where the supply is taken from a tank in the attic, an expansion pipe should be run above the tank as shown in Fig. 64. Fig. 56 shows connection between gas range and boiler, and Fig. 57 connection between coal range and boiler. Fig. 58 shows range boiler connected to two ranges in the kitchen, and to two heaters in the basement. In work of this kind, care should be taken to place the boiler above the source of heat; for instance; a boiler in the basement should never be connected to a range on the first floor, because were the water to be shut off, the water front would drain. If the JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. :6i MOT. R IT COLH. G^5 ^ ^Trj^ I Fig. 56. M ^^TV n COLZ>, II ^°^' =U=W* nAMae . I Fig. 57. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. COi,0 Fig. 58. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 2(53 water were then turned on, the cold water entering the hot water front, would generate steam so quick- ly, that it would in all probability blow up the water front. With the boiler in its proper place, that is, above the source of heat, the shutting off of the water would have no effect on the boiler or water front, as water would still remain in the boiler to within six inches of the top. Figs. 59, 60, and 61, show the connections between tanks and tank heat- ers. Fig. 63 shows the method of installing the hot water piping to the fixtures in an ordinary dwelling, the hot water being taken from a hot water tank in COLD, Fig. 59, the basement, and a circulating pipe brought back to the heater. The hot water is taken from the top of the tank and carried to the highest fixture. A return pipe is carried from this point and connection made to cold water supply to heater, as close to heater as possible. The hot water for all fixtures, except the highest, is taken from the return pipe, as shown in sketch. For hotel work, it is a good plan to carry the hot water direct to the attic, and from there dis- 264 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. HOT. '- %4 flF=^ (oood 1 HOT. LJ 1 mgryttN PIPE. ^^ COLD. JifMMN COCfC. J'/f/ICTICAL COHH£CTJOH6 or W/irE/9 H£/ir£H FOR JOOMC9T/C t/Se. VERTICAL Tf\NK. Figr. 60. HOT. II COLO F^TI OOOOI I RSTUt^N PIPE «g» P/fACT/C/IL CONNECT/ONS OF WA T£/r He A T£R FOR DOMCSr/C (/SE. 0RI20NJ/IL T^NH. »^''' J>RAIN COCK. m Fig. 61. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 265 lAVATOiy. IE 9=a& ^£7i//fM. 7 SATHf fLOW. ^ Fig- 62. 266 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. PRflCTlCAl conntcTionoFRflnot 60ll£RfOROOME5Tlt (J3t Figr. 63. JOHNSON'S HANDY "MANUAL. 267 tribute it to the fixtures through the return risers. In Fig. 63 ,is shown the connection between range and boiler in cases where a door or window intervenes between boiler and range. A great deal of trouble is often caused from work installed as shown in Fig. 64. The hot water pipe is taken from the boiler and carried under the floor to a sink on the same floor, this sink being the highest fixture from which hot water is drawn. At times, the hot water will run freely from the sink faucet, then suddenly stop, although the faucet remains open. The trouble will be found at the point marked "X." To prevent this trouble, a vent must be carried as shown in the dotted line. This vent may be of ^" galv. pipe, and should be carried above the tank, and turned down, the end remaining open above the water line. In cases where this vent or expansion pipe cannot be installed, put a small pet cock at the point marked "X." In case of stoppage of the hot water, this pet cock should be opened for a few mo- ments and trouble will cease. Pump Systems. In Fig. 65 is shown the complete hot and cold piping for a dwelling, in which the supply is pumped to a tank in the attic. The supply to tank from pump is also used for the cold supply to all fixtures. This supply enters the tank at the bottom, and at this point, in the tank, is placed a Tee with a check valve to prevent the water from entering the tank. The ball cock should be connected to the top of the Tee. An overflow should be taken from the tank and discharged to the nearest convenient place. A pressure gauge should be placed near the pump to show when system is filled. In Fig. 66. is shown the method of installing a soft water system, using the city pressure for power to run the water lift. In work of this kind a faucet JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAi., ■^ :^^ 2 7 Fiff. 64. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 269 Fier. 65. 270 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Fig. 66 JOHNSON'S L \ JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. HANDY MANUAL. Fig. 67 JOHNSON'^ HANDY MANUAL. 275 for city water for drinking purposes is generally placed at each fixture, and the city water also sup- plies the water closet tanks. In this way the water used for power to run the water lift, is used instead of being wasted into the sewer. A storage tank should be placed in the attic with an over-flow, either directly back to the cistern, or out through the roof. The pipes in the basement should be so cross- connected as to by-pass the city water into the sys- tem in case of shortage of soft water. Pneumatic Water Supply Systems. In Fig. 67 is shown the method of installing the pneumatic water system which is coming into gen- eral use for farm houses, and in fact, is now being used to maintain pressure in municipal water plants. (^lQz^2^.^r AuTOM ATicEi_cCTRicRAir(wATER CorviPRCsstON Tai\i? Puf^piNG System. ^fr»6uP*»i.v raoM cisrtifvt. B*C'»V^1.VCS TOeiTHCR TANK CAW aE 03CD- Hsf^OHAW O^^ COCrtS- D^FOn OOFr w-(TrR TO #=n(Tu«£:S. Kr^ V*tVC TOCOWTWOt AurOMAT'C SWITCH' E..r-0« C'lTr VSATCR TO SO^T WATER PtPC. Ij^ A>R Ch AMOCR. F-^CfTv eUof3LT TOFf«Ti/SES. M^Cr'CCrt VAi-VC TOSTO^ WaTC^ ^RQM ^AdltO VPTQPVMO Q^cirr GufPLv ToevnH N-*a>«cocm ro cCI* Our mK. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Fig. 67 276 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. This is the proper way to build a coil to be installed in a tank, for domestic use Z^ n. OOf^ /^^/Z OO/Z ,>K_ ^ Tub. Goh** JBA&£yy?£:r>/T Our P^ZTu 277 1 f^T. l^U^ fP^ics 278 ■ Johnson's handy manual. 279 During the last -decade or two, great advance- ments have been made in plumbing and drainage. In fact, what was considered perfection only a few years ago, is now obsolete. Amongst all the improvements, the so-called F & W Combination Vent, Re-vent and Drainage fittings easily take the lead. As all re-vent connections to the soil stack are connected by means of 45° and all so-called pockets are done away with. It absolute- ly prevents any rust or sediment to lodge in the bends and thereby, after a few years, close up the re-vent as was the case in the old style fittings. The F & W system is now considered the perfec- tion and is compulsory in several of the largest cities in both the east and west. "Fig. A" shows the customary way of roughing in for a two-story and basement residence having one water-closet and stationary laundry tub in the basement, kitchen sink on the first floor, water- closet, bath tub, and lavatory on second floor. "Fig. B" shows roughing in for a two, or more, stories flat building. Here, of course, kitchen sink, bath tub, water-closet and lavatory are on one floor and roughing in repeated for as many stories as the building contains. The dotted lines, where marked "Plan of fixtures," shows a partition wall and the different fixtures. "Fig. C" is an elevation of roughing in for a bat- tery of double water-closets as used in schools, office buildings, factories and public buildings. For houses in towns and country places, where there are no sewers, the soil from a full line of fix- tures can be taken care of in a perfectly sanitary way by building a cess pool of either brick or wood, 25 feet or more from the rear of the building. If the cess pool is of wood, holes of 1^" or 2" diameter should be drilled on about 4" or 6" centres all the way around and for a height of three to four feet. If of brick, use good hydraulic cement mortar and leave a, 2" opening at frequent intervals and to a height slightly below the soil pipe. A run from the cess pool can be made to distribute the water over a larger area. If such a run is made, lay the pipes without any cement joints, thereby letting the water run out at every joint. 280 JOHNSONS HANDY MANUAL. \ For an ordinary residence having two water- closets, laundry tub, sinks, two lavatories and a bath tub, a cess pool eight feet in diameter has been found ample. Wall should not be less than 8^" thick. A good way to make the top is to place ^" W T pipes about 6" apart, but leaving a space about 3' 6" in the middle. Then lay another course, at right angles to the first course, leaving also an opening 2' 6". You have now a skeleton cover look- ing like the wires of a sieve, with a 2' 6" square hole in the middle. On this framing lay, in cement, a course of brick, flat ways, and when set finish with a 6" to 8" thick course of concrete of the following proportions: One part Portland cement, two parts Torpedo sand, and three parts of coarse gravel. After a day or two, when the concrete is thorough- ly set. build up with brick laid in cement, a 2' 6" round extension to within 4" of the surface. On top of this, place a 4" thick cement or stone ring with cast iron manhole cover. JOHKSON S HANDY MANUAL. 281 \ t 'B% « X Id tu h) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^\\\\\\\\\\\^l N K 111 U^^Si I^J ->»• ■i^. 282 .'+♦■-> .^^t-," / ,— \ ^ 'I \ I JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 283 The Art of Soldcting. The term "soldering" is generally applied when fusible alloys of lead and tin are employed for uniting metals. When hard metals, which melt only above a red heat, such as copper, brass or silver are used, the term "brazing" is sometimes used. Hard soldering is the art of soldering or uniting two (2) metals or two (2) pieces of the same metal together by means of a metal or solder that is al- most as hard and infusible as the metal to be united In some cases the metals to be united are heated and their surface united without solder by fluxing the surface of the metals. This process is then termed "burning together." Some of the hard soldering processes are often termed "brazing." Both brazing and hard^ soldering are usually done in the open fire or with a brazing torch. A soldering joint is more perfect and more tenacious as the point of fusion of the solder rises. Thus: Tin, which greatly increases the fusibility of its alloys, should not be used for solder, except when a very easy running solder is wanted. Solder made with tin is not so malleable and tenacious as those prepared without it. The Egyptians soldered with lead as long ago as B. C. 1490, the time of Moses. Pliny refers to the art, and says it requires the ad- dition of tin to use as solder. Another solder, a very odd but very good one for some purposes, called "Cold Solder" is as follows: Steel Filings 2 oz. Brass Filings 3 oz, Fluric Acid l}i oz. Dissolve the filings in the acid, apply to the parts to be soldered, having first cleaned the parts to be connected, keep the acid in a lead vessel only. 284 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Advantage may be taken of the varying degrees of fusibility of solders to make several joints in the same piece of work. Thus, if the first joint has been made with the fine tinner's solder, there would be no danger of melting it in making a joint near it with bismuth solder. The fusibility of soft solder is increased by adding bismuth to the composition. An alloy of lead, 4 parts, tin 4 parts and' bismuth 1 part, is easily melted, but this alloy may itself be soldered with an alloy of lead 2 parts, bismuth 2 parts, and tin 1 part. By adding mercury with 2 parts of tin will make a composition which melts at 122 degrees Fahr., or tak en in this 5 order for the same work. First . 1 tin . . .2 lead Next . 1 tin . . .Head Next .4 tin .. .4 lead ...1 bismuth Next .2lead. . . 1 tin . . .2 bismuth Next .Head. . . 1 bismuth ... 1 mercury ... 2 tin Next • • • • .3 lead.. .3 bismuth . . .5 tin Next .5 lead. . .8 bismuth . . .3 tin Solders. To solder lead 1 tin 2 lead To solder tin 1 tin 1 lead To solder pewter 2 tin Head Spelters. for brazing: Spelter Spelter Spelter Spelter Spelter , .Hardest ..Hard . . Soft Very Soft .3 copper . . .1 zinc .1 copper ... 1 zinc .4 copper ...3 zinc, , 1 antimony. . . .For Flatina is Gold. Spelter for gold; 2 parts gold, 1 part silver, copper. . . 1 tin . . 2 tin 1 part JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 285 Spelter for silver; 4 parts silver, 3 parts brass, 1/16 part zinc. Spelter for iron (hard); silver solder, 7 parts brass, 1 part zinc. Spelter for iron (soft); 1 part tin, 1 part lead. Spelter for brass and copper (hard); brass mixed with y2 to 1/5 or Y^ of zinc. Spelter for brass and copper (soft); 1 part tin, 1 part lead. Spelter for pure tin; 4 parts pewter, 1 tin, 1 bismuth. Spelter for very soft solder; 3 parts bismuth, 3 lead, 5 tin. Metal which melts at a heat not exceeding boiling water is 8 parts bismuth, 5 lead and 3 of tin. An Old but Exceedingly Good Method of Lead Burning. The apparatus required is a cast-iron furnace, two or three ladles, and some moulding sand. Burning is resorted to by plumbers generally for purposes where soldering will not stand. Cast a sheet of lead of the proper thickness, and cut the proper length and width, turn it up round like a hoop, bringing the two ends well together to form a good joint on the outside, and firmly tack them together on the inside; roll it over to see that the joint is close on the outside, and paste a piece of stout brown paper about 4 inches wide over the whole length of the joint. The sand must be well tempered, not to have any wet lumps in it; make a level bed with the sand about 5 or 6 inches thick; roll the hoop on the sand so that the joint will come under, be careful not to shift it backwards or forwards, but well ram up under both sides. Have a strip of wood rather longer than the joint, and ^-inch thick, to form the runner with, place it along on edge on the top of the joint; now place some sand both sides and ram it well together. eSB JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. adding sand until there is a good bank on the top of the work; smooth it off with a trowel, cut it down towards the strip, so as to form a sort of funnel, leaving about 2 inches of the strip buried; draw out the strip endways, being careful not to break the sand, leaving one end stopped up, the other end stopped up about one inch high. At this end make a bay or pond for the overflow metal to run into. Have the metal red hot, be careful that the runner is free from loose sand, shake a little powdered rosin along the runner. Now begin to pour the metal, hold- ing the ladle at least one foot above the runner so as to give weight and force to the burning metal; pour plenty, not minding what is running off, as the metal that is pouring in has to melt the part which is in the cold sand. When the joint is burned through try it by drawing the trying stick along in the runner; if it feels smooth along the bottom it is burned, if not, pour some more until it is, then stop up the end where the metal has been running off, and fill up about two inches high, and watch for shrinkage, hav- ing some hot metal ready to fill up as it shrinks down in cooling, or else the joint will not be round. When set, remove it from the sand, and cut off the runner with a mallet and chisel, finishing off with a piece of card wire, the paper on the outside will strip off, leav- ing it bright and clean. Having now completed this part and set it up, round in shape, proceed with burning in the bottom; having a hole or pit in the floor, deep enough for the hoop to go down level with the floor, placing it in perfectly level. Fill up with the sand inside and out rather slackly. When filled up within four -or five inches from the top, ram it down for the other part quite hard on the outside, leaving the sand rather higher than the edge; then with a straightedge scrape off level with the edge of the lead. Now with a scribe JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 287 take out the sand the thickness of the required bot- tom, plane the sand off with a trowel, and the work will turn out clean. The sand on the outside being up level with the edge, smooth off, and cut a bay all around to take the overflow, shake a little rosin around the edge; having the metal red hot, begin to pour as before, only this is a work for two or three persons if it is any size, as it must be done quickly, pouping the metal along the edge until it is properly burned down; when it is burned deep enough, pour a few ladlefuls all over the bottom, so as to get in a thoroughly fluid state; then with the edge of the trowel clean off the dross, leaving a perfectly bright surface. Let it remain to set. This will not require any filling up, as it is open to the air and shrinks; when set it may be removed, and if well burned it will be perfectly solid. Useful Information Minimum Sizes of Local Vent Pipe Stacks Size of Pipe Maximum developed length in feet Mains Number of Closets vented Main Vent Vertical Branches Vent 2 inches . . . . 400 1 1 3 inches . .. . 100 3 6 4 inches . . . . 150 6 12 5 inches . . . . 200 10 20 6 inches . . . . 250 16 32 7 inches . . . . 300 23 46 8 inches . . . . 350 32 64 9 inches . . . . 400 42 84 10 inches . . . . 450 56 112 11 inches . . . . 500 72 144 12 inches . . . . 550 90 ISO 288 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Check Valves Should Never be Used on Circulation. While this is true as a general proposition, there are some cases where a check valve is necessary, to prevent the water from reversing in the circulating pipe. In cases of this kind use a horizontal check valve and place it as near the boiler as possible. The check valve should be installed so that the water cannot flow through check valve from boiler. Size of Pipe 2 Branch Soil Pipe Water Closets nches nches nches . 8 nches 18 nches '36 nches 63 nches 105 Main Soil Pipe Water Closets 16 36 72 126 210 Minimum Sizes of Soil and Waste Pipes. Size of Pipe. Branch Waste and Connecting Soil Pipe. Fixtures. nches 3 nches 4 nches 32 nches 72 nches 144 nches 252 nches 420 Main Waste and Connecting Soil Pipe. Fixtures. 4 8 64 144 ^88 504 840 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 289 Hammering or jarring in the pipes may be caused by a loose part of one of the faucets or ball cocks. A loose Fuller ball or washer will cause a rattling in pipes that can be heard throughout the house. Doubling the size of pipes increases the capacity four times, because capacities of pipes are to each other as the ratio of their squares. Thus the capac- ity of 4" pipe is 4 times as great as the capacity of 2" pipe. The capacity of 6" pipe is 9 times as great as the capacity of 2" pipe. The method of reaching these conclusions is as follows: The large pipe 4" multiplied by itself, 4X4=16. The small pipe, 2" multiplied by itself 2X2=4. 16-^4=4: Therefore the capacity of 4" pipe is 4 times as great as the ca- pacity of 2". 6X6=36. 2X2=4. 36-^4=9. There- fore the capacity of 6" pipe is 9 times as great as the capacity of 2". To multiply feet and inches by feet and inches, without reducing to inches. This is useful to the plumber in figuring marble. For example take 4 ft. 6 in. by 6 ft. 3 in. 4 — 6 — 6 3 4 ft.x6 ft.= 6 in.x6 ft.= 4 ft.x3 in.= 6 in.x3 in. =36 in. or = 12 in. or =18/12 in. or Total 24 ft. 3 ft. 24 3 1 1/2 - 1ft. l^in. .28 ft. 1^ in. 28 1^ An insertable joint will save time and trouble in cases where it is necessary to break into a stack. 290 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Things We All Should Know. If back outlet closets and graduated fittings are used when installing a battery of closets, it will be unnecessary to put in a raised floor. These closets and fittings are carried in stock by the leading sup- ply houses, and the fittings are of sufficient length to allow one to each closet without the necessity of using pieces of soil pipe between the fittings. In estimating water for factory supply, allow 100 gallons per day per capita. Soft water cisterns must be ventilated to prevent stagnation. Storage tanks should have an extra large sediment draw off cock to be used solely for cleaning tank. It is a regretable fact that the majority of storage tanks are seldom cleaned. Hammering, rumbling or snapping in the range boiler or hot water pipes is caused from sagging of the pipes, causing traps or dips or from stoppage in the water front. Water fronts should never be connected directly to the city pressure. The cold water supply to the water front should be taken from the bottom of the range boiler. Use a small offset between sink and sink trap as shown in Fig. 43, page 246. This will prevent the annoying constant dripping noise in the sink. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 291 Very often it will be found economical to waste all the fixtures but the closet, into the 2" sink stack. In cases of this kind the closet need not be revented as it is the only fixture wasting into the 4" stack. House sewers should have a pitch of y^" to the foot. Automatic closets and urinals should always be used in schools and factories. In cities where the water pressure is increased in case of fire, a pressure regulator should be used, or the house should be supplied from a tank in the at- tic. If the tank system is used, the extra fire pres- sure does not affect the fixtures or piping. It is poor practice to connect sediment pipe from range boiler to the sink trap. It is far better to use a compression bibb, as this precludes the possi- bility of waste, and the plumber knows for certain- ty that the system is drained. File or drill a small hole in boiler tube about 6" from the top to prevent syphonage of boiler. The circulating pipe should be of the same size as the flow pipe, and to insure best results, take sup- ply to fixtures from return or circulating pipe. Hot water faucets should be at the left hand when facing the fixture. Stops should never be used on range boiler supply. Always use stop with waste to give vent to boiler when water is shut off. Coils in furnaces should be placed above the bed of fire, not in it. 292 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL The Sanitary -perfect Screw Connection As Manufactured and Furnished by The J. L. Matt Iron Works of New York ■^^&, *x Plate 5001- A question of careless or un- skilful work disposed of by the sanitary-perfect screw connection, must be ad- mitted by all; moreover, those who have seen and used this devise do not hesitate to say that it solves the question of water closet connection, and state, fur- In these days of al- most perfection in sani- tary science, the connec- tion of the water closet to the soil pipe is the one weak spot in an otherwise admirable sys- tem of house plumbing, the one connection that cannot be relied upon under all conditions. That absolute security is assured, and the Plate 5002 M- A thermore, that knowing such device to exist they would feel in duty bound to recommend the same to their clients as the only perfect connection which they could guarantee under all conditions. Note. — All ordinary connections require bolts through the base of the closet. The sanitary-perfect is a screw con- nection, hence is absolutely and permanently reliable and furthermore it dispenses with unsightly bolts. Plate 50023^-A shows closet with the sanitary-perfect screw connection and the threaded floor coupling which is connected to soil pipe. The section of the sanitary-perfect screw connection tion (Plate 5001-A) shows how the threaded brass screw connection is secured into the base of the closet. The joint thus formed makes the brass connection equivalent to an integral part of the closet which is impossible to loosen or disturb in the slightest degree, the taper thread insuring against leakage. EIGHT HOUR DAY WAGES TABLE— 48 Hours Per Week $5 $5^ $6 $^ $7 m $8 ] ^•er Week $- \ $9 $10 $10i $11 $12 $13 $13i $14 83 05 92 06 loo 07 108 07 117 07 125 08 133 08 Per Day. Oi i 150 t 09 167 10 175 11 183 11 200 13 217 14 225 14 233 15 ? * O 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 i 1 ^ L 19 21 22 23 as 27 28 29 21 23 25 27 20 31 33 2 2 ^" o; 2 38 42 44 46 60 54 56 58 31 34 38 41 44 47 50 3 or 5 56 63 66 69 75 81 84 88 42 46 50 54 58 63 67 4 H 0^ t 75 83 88 92 100 log lis 117 52 57 63 68 73 78 83 5 0. ) 94 104 l09 115 125 135 141 146 63 69 75 81 88 94 loo 6 Ya 0( 5 ll3 125 131 138 115 0l63 169 175 73 80 88 95 102 109 117 7 0' r 131 146 153 160 175 190 197 204 83 92 loo 108 117 125 133 8 1 0{ 5 150 167 175 183 200 217 225 233 94 l03 113 122 131 141 150 9 05 ) 169 188 197 206 225 244 253 263 104 115 125 135 146 156 167 10 iM i( ) 188 208 219 229 250 271 281 292 l25 138 150 163 175 188 200 12 Wi K 5 225 250 263 275 300 325 338 350 167 183 200 217 233 250 267 16 2 r 7 330 333 350 367 400 433 450 467 2og 229 250 271 292 313 333 20 Wi 2] L 375 417 438 458 500 542 563 583 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 24 3 2. } 450 500 525 550 600 650 675 700 202 321 350 379 408 438 467 28 3H 2< ) 525 583 613 642 7oo 758 788 817 3l3 344 375 406 438 469 500 30 3M 3] L 563 625 656 688 750 813 844 875 333 367 400 433 467 500 533 32 4 3: 5 600 667 700 733 800 867 900 933 354 390 425 460 496 531 567 34 414 3. 5 638 708 744 779 850 921 956 922 375 413 450 488 525 563 600 36 4y2 3j i 675 750 788 825 900 975 1013 1050 396 435 475 515 554 094 633 38 4M 4( ) 7l3 792 831 871 950 1029 1069 IIO8 406 447 488 528 569 609 650 39 4] L 731 813 853 894 975 1056 1097 1138 .417 458 500 542 583 625 667 40 5 4i I 750 833 875 917 lOoo 1083 1125 1167 427 470 513 555 598 641 683 41 4^ 5 769 854 897 940 1025 llio 1153 1196 438 481 525 569 6l3 656 700 42 5M 4^ t 788 875 919 963 105O 1138 1181 1225 448 493 538 582 627 672 717 43 4{ 5 8O6 896 940 985 1075 1165 1209 1264 458 504 550 596 642 688 733 44 5H 4f 5 825 917 963 IOO8 lloo 1192 1238 1283 469 516 563 609 656 703 750 45 4' 7 844 938 984 1031 1125 1219 1266 1313 479 527 575 623 671 7l9 767 46 5M 4J 5 863 958 IOO6 1054 1150 1246 1294 1342 490 539 588 636 685 734 783 47 4< ) 881 979 1028 1077 1175 1273 1322 1371 000 550 600 650 7oo 750 800 48 6 5( ) 900 $10 1050 lloo 1200 1300 1350 1400 1 $15 $16 S16§ S17 $18 $19J Per Week $20 $21 $22 $22i $24 $25 $27 $30 250 267 17 275 17 283 18 300 19 325 20 Per Day 333 21 350 22 367 23 375 23 400 25 417 26 450 28 500 31 16 ffi3/2 e 31 33 34 35 38 41 § 1 42 44 46 47 50 52 56 63 63 67 69 71 76 81 3 2 M" 83 88 92 94 loo l04 113 l25 94 loo l03 l06 ll3 l22 3 125 131 138 141 150 l56 169 l88 125 133 138 l42 150 163 4 M 167 175 183 188 2oo 208 225 250 156 167 172 177 188 203 5 208 2l9 229 234 250 260 281 3l3 188 200 206 2l3 225 244 6 M 250 263 275 281 300 313 338 375 219 233 241 248 263 284 7 292 306 321 328 350 365 394 438 250 267 275 283 300 325 8 1 333 350 367 375 400 417 450 500 281 300 309 319 338 366 9 375 394 413 422 450 469 506 563 313 333 344 354 375 406 10 m 4l7 438 458 469 500 521 563 625 375 400 413 425 550 488 12 W2 500 525 550 563 600 625 675 750 500 533 550 567 600 650 16 2 667 7oo 733 750 800 833 900 lOoo 625 667 688 708 750 8l3 20 23^ 833 ■875 917 938 1000 1042 1125 1250 750 800 825 850 900 975 24 3 lOoo 1050 lloo 1125 1200 1250 1350 1500 875 933 963 992 lOoO 1138 28 W2 1167 1225 1283 1313 1400 1458 1575 1750 938 lOoo 1031 1063 1125 1219 30 Wi 1250 1313 1375 1406 1500 1563 1688 1875 lOOO 1067 lloo 1133 1200 1300 32 4 1333 1400 1467 1500 1600 1667 I8OO 2OOO 1063 1133 1169 1204 1275 1381 34 434 1417 1488 1558 1594 1700 1771 1913 2125 1125 1200 1238 1275 1350 1463 36 m 1500 1575 1650 1688 1800 1875 2025 2250 1188 1267 1306 1346 1425 1544 38 m 1583 1663 1742 1781 1900 1979 2138 2375 1219 1300 1341 1381 1463 1584 39 1625 1706 1788 1828 1950 2031 2194 2438 1250 1333 1375 1417 1500 1625 40 5 1667 1750 1833 1875 2000 2083 2250 2500 1281 1367 1409 1452 1538 1666 41 1708 1794 1879 1922 2050 2135 2306 2563, 1313 1400 1444 1488 1575 1706 42 5M 1750 1838 1925 1969 2 loo 2188 2363 2625 1344 1433 1478 1523 1616 1747 43 1792 1881 1971 2OI6 2150 2240 2419 2688 1375 1467 1513 1558 1650 1788 44 53^ 1833 1926 2017 2063 2200 2292 2475 2750 1406 1500 1547 1594 1688 1828 45 1875 1969 2063 2109 2250 2344 2531 2813 1438 1533 1581 1629 1725 1869 46 5H 1917 2013 2IO8 2156 2300 2396 2588 2876 1469 1567 1616 1665 1763 1909 47 1958 2056 2154 2203. 2350 2448 2644 2938 1500 1600 1650 1700 1800 1950 48 6 2O00 2I00 2200 2250 2400 2500 2700 30OO At S9 per Week ($1.50 per Day), the Wages for 46 Hours' (5M: Days) amount to $8,63. . 293 TABLE showing EQUIVALENT of several Discounts; Proceeds on $; Profit on Co 1 % 2 " 3 " 4 " 5 " 6 " 7 " 8 " 10 " 10 " 10 " 12 1/2" 121/2" 121/2" 15 " 15 " 15 " 15 " 16 V3" I6V3" I6V3" I6V3" 20 " 20 " 20 " 20 " 20 " 25 " 25 " 25 " 25 " 25 " 30 " 30 " 30 " 30 " 30 " 331/3" 331/3" 331/3" 331/3" 331/3" 331/3" 35 " 371/2" 40 " 40 " 40 " 40 " 40 " 40 " 40 " 40 " 40 " 45 " 40 " 50 « 50 «, 50 " 50 50 50 50 50 50 55 B > 0%ofF §. " " " " " " " " 21/2" 5 " " 21/2" 5 " " 21/2" 5 " 10 " " 21/2" 5 " 10 " " 21/2" 5 " 10 " 15 " " 21/2" 5 " 10 « 20 " " 21/2" 5 " 10 " 20 " " 21/2" 5 " 10 « 20 " 25 « " " " 21/2" 5 " 10 " 15 « 20 " 25 " 30 " 331/3" " " 21/2" 5 " 10 « 15 " 20 " 25 " 30 « 33Vj« 40 « " = 2 " = 3 " = 4 " = 5 ." = 6 " = 7 " = 8 " =10 " =12^/4" =14^/2" =12^/2" =i4y-3" = 16'/s" = 15 " = 17i/H" =19i/i" =23^/2" =162/3" =133/4" =20^/5" =25 " = 20 " = 22 " =24 " =28 " =32 " = 25 " =2€'/s" =28^/i" =321/2" =40 " =30 " = 513/4" =551/2" =37 " =44 " =331/3" =35 " =552/3" =40 " --46yz" -50 " -35 " =571/2" -40 " -411/2" -43 " =46 " =49 " = 52 " = 55 " =58 " =€0 " =45 " =50 " =511/4" = 521/2" =55 *' =571/2" =60 " --621/2" -65 " --6$yz" -70 " -55 " D 99 9 98 I 97" 96 § 955: 94 « 930 92 I 90? S7V4 851/2 871/2 851/3 83 Vs 85 82V8 803/4 761/2 831/3 81 1/4 791/6 75 80 78 76 72 68 /o 731/8 711/4 671/2 60 70 681/4 661/2 63 56 662/3 65 631/3 60 531/3 50 65 621/2^ 60 581/2 57 54 51 48 45 42 40 55 50 483/4 471/2 45 421/2 40 371/2 35 331/3 30 45 01|? 04- ?^^ 17^ 26^ 383 53?? 8 70^ 11 llg 13965- 16 96^^ 14 298 *17 19C 20 30" 17 65" 20 66" 23 84" 30 72" 20 " 23 08" 26 32" 33 33" 25 " 28 21" 31 58" 38 89" 47 06" 33 33" 36 75" 40 35" 48 15" 66 67" 42 86" 46 52" 50 38" 58 73" 78 57" 50 " 53 85" 57 89" 66 67" 87 50" 100 « 53 85" 60 " 66 67" 70 94" 75 44" 85 19" 96 08" 108 33" 122 22" 138 10" 150 " 81 82" 100 " 105 13" 110 53" 122 22" 135 29" 150 " 166 67" 185 71" 200 « 233 33" 122 22" 60 % 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 662/3" 662/3" 662/3" 662/3" 66V3" 662/3" 662/3" 662/3" 70 " 70 " 70 « 70 " 70 " 70 " 70 " 70 " 70 " 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 > 0%off a. 21/2" 5 " 71/2" 10 " 121/2" 15 " 171/2" 20 « 22 1/2" 25 " 271/2" 30 " 331/3" 35 " 371/2" 40 " 421/2" 45 " 471/2" 50 " " 5 « 10 " 20 " 25 " 331/3" 40 " 50 " " 5 « 10 " 20 " 25 " 30 " 331/3" 40 " 50 " " 5 « 10 " 20 " 25 " 30 " 331/3" 40 " 50 " « 5 « 10 « 20 " 25 " 30 " 40 « 50 " 60 " " 10 " 20 « 30 « 40 « 50 « 60 « 70 « 80 « 90 « =60%oS\4:0 C. 61 = 62 ' = 63 '• = 64 " = 65 " = 66 " = 67 " =68 " = 69 " = 70 " = 71 " = 72 " = 731/3" = 74 " = 75 " = 76 " = 77 " = 78 " = 79 " =80 " = 66^3" = 681/3" = 70 " = 751/3" = 75 " = 777/9" =80 " = 831/3" = 70 " = 711/2" = 73 " = 76 « = 771/2" = 79 " =80 " = 82 " =85 " = 75 " = 761/ i" = 771/2" =80 " =811/4" = 821/2" = 851/3" =85 " =871/2" =80 " =81 " = 82 " =84 " = 85 " = 86 " = 88 " =90 " =92 " = 90 " = 91 " -92 " =93 " = 94 " -95 « -96 " =97 " -98 " 39 3 38 S" 37 § 36 s: 35 » 34 33?: 32^ 31' 30 29 28 26 262/3 25 24 23 22 21 20 332/3 31 1/3 30 262/3 25 222/9 20 162/3 30 28V2 27 24 221/2 21 20 18 15 25 233/4 221/2 20 183/4 171/2 162/3 15 121/2 20 19 18 16 15 14 12 10 08 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 150 156 4i 163 1( 170 2: 177 7i 185 7] 194 li 203 Oil 212 5C 222 5£| 233 3? 244 82 257 14 275 284 62 300 316 67 334 78' 354 55 376 19 400 200 215 79 233 33 275 300 350 400 500 233 33 250 88 270 37 316 67 344 44 376 19 400 455 56 566 67 300 321 05 344 44 400 433 33 471 43 500 566 67 700 400 426 32 455 56 525 566 67 614 29 733 33 900 1150 900 1011 11 1150 1328 57 1566 67 1900 2400 3233 33 4900 9SOO The whole Discount la atown m Col. C, when two (A and B) are given. Thua 40.% off (A) and 10^ off repaioder (B) = 46% off (C) : which = 54c on the S (D, )&c (^ee Art; 194). The Rules an< I'nnciplea of Trade Dtacoua t are clearly set forth in Arta. 190 to 199. ' " ' 294 TABLE Aiding DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS — Fixing Prices, Profits, Discounts. For Retail Trade For Wholesale Trade Manufacturers, Jobbers And deduct off RetaU Price 2V^ 5 " 5 " 5 5 2V2 5 10 I2V2 2V2 5 10 15 2V2 5 10 15 2 1/2 5 10 15 20 2V2 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 331/3 10 15 20 25 30 33V3 10 15 20 25 " 30 " 33Vs" 10 " 15 « 20 " 25 " 30 " 331/3" 10 " 15 " 20 " 25 " 30 " 33Vs" Profit on Cost wiU be 71/4% 41/2" fiVs" 91/4" 17 " 14 " 8 " 5 " 2Vh 12^2 eV4 231/2 17 101/2 30 26yz 20 151/3 6-/3 5«i/2' 33 2S 19 12 5 42^/2 35 271/2 20 121/2 5 52 44 36 28 20 12 50 4r-/3 531/3 25 16^3 ll^h 53 44^2 36 271/2 19 13^3 571/2 48^* 40 311/4 221/2 1«V3 62 53 44 35 26 20 If you Buy (of List) at 10%cff 10 " 121/2" 15 " I6V3" 20 " 20 " 20 " 20 " 25 " 25 " 25 " 25 " 30 " 30 " 30 « 30 " 331/3" 331/3" 331/3" 331/3" 331/3" 40 " 40 " 40 " 40 " 40 " 40 " 50 " 50 " 50 " 50 " 50 " 50 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 60 " 66V3" 662/3" 662/3" 66Vs" 68»/3" 68V»" 70 « 70 « 70 " 70 " 70 " 70 " 75 " 75 " 75 " 75 " 75 « 75 « 90 " $0 " 30 " 80 " 80 « 80 « And Sell (same List) at 2i/2%off 5 " 5 " 5 " 5 " 5 " 10 " 121/2 " 15 " 5 " 10 " 15 " 20 10 " 15 " 20 " 25 " 10 " 15 " 20 " 25 " 30 " 10 " 15 " 20 " 25 " 30 331/3 " 10 " 20 " 25 " 30 " 331/3 " 40 " 20 " 25 " 30 " 331/3 " 40 " 45 « 50 " 20 " 25 " 331/3 " 40 " 50 " 60 " 25 " 30 " 331/3 " 40 " 50 " 60 " 30 " 40 " 50 " 60 " 66V3 " 70 " 30 " 40 « 50 " 60 " 70 « 75 « Profit on Cost wiU be «l/3% 55/9" 8V7" *11V4" 1^3/4" isyi" 121/2" ^Vs" 61/4" 2efV3" 20 " 131/3" r/3" 28*/ 1" 2IV7" 1^2/7" 71/7" 35 " 2tl/2" 20 " 121/2" 5 " 50 " 4r-/3" 33^3" 25 " IffVs" 111/9" 80 " 60 " 50 " 40 " 331/3" 20 " 100 " 871/2" 75 " 66V i" 50 " 371/2" 25 " 140 " 125 " 100 " 80 " 50 " 20 " 150 " 1331/3" 1222/9" 100 " 66V 3" 33V i" 180 " 140 " 100 " 60 " 33'/3" 20 " 250 " 200 " 150 " 100 " 50 " 25 « n In order to give Trade 10%ofif 10 " 121/2" 15 " I62/3" 20 " 20 « 20 " 20 " 25 " 25 " 25 " 25 " 30 " 30 " 30 " 30 " 331/3" 331/3" 331/3" 331/s" 331/3" 40 " 40 " 40 " 40 " 40 " 40 " 50 " 50 " 50 " 50 " 50 " 50 " 60 " 60 " 60 « 60 " 60 " 60 « 60 « 662/3" 662/3" 662/3" 662/3" 662/3" 662/3" 70 " 70 « 70 « 70 " 70 " 70 " 75 « 75 " 75 « 75 « 75 « 75 " 80 " 80 " 80 « 80 " 80 « 80 " And List realize Price on must Coat be 10 % 1-/9 H 20 " 11/35 *iVil 20 " 20 " *1V8* 20 " *1V9 20 " IV 2 30 " IVsl 40 " IV i' 50 " IVs 20 " IVo" 30 " *13/4" 40 " *1V8" 50 " 2 " 20 " IV7" 30 " IV7" 40 " 2 " 50 " 21/7" 20 " IV5" 331/3" 2 " 40 " 21/10" 50 " 21/4" 60 " 22/5" 20 " 2 " 30 " 21/6" 40 " 21/3" 50 " 21/2" 60 " 22/3" 80 " 3 " 331/3" 23/3" 40 " 2V5" 50 " 3 " 60 " 31/5" 80 " 33/5" 100 " 4 " 331/3" 31/3" 40 " 31/2" 50 " 33/4" 60 " 4 " 70 " ^1/4" 80 " 41/2" 100 " 5 " 331/3" 4 " 40 " 41/5" 50 " 41/2" 60 " 4Vi" 80 " 52/5" 100 " 6 " 331/3" 4V9" 40 " 42/j" 50 " 5 " 60 « 51/3" 80 « 6 " 100 « 6Vi" 331/3" 51/3" 40 « 53/5" 50 " 6 « 60 " 52/5" 80 « 7i/s« 100 " 8 " 331/3" 6V3" 40 " 7 " 50 " 71/2" 60 " 8 « 80 " 9 « 100 « 10 « These Tablaa wil l save B uyers aad Sellers many abatriiae Calculations Z)5 < 2 D CO cc Hi H 10 O fa >> '« O o -p *- 3 ^_, ^ r-f fH V « «> XA ^ *i *J o ••Ob 3"" B-C ■^ «2 «S ^ 4J b r-p £ C 3 a) «"» CO as Q 4) I. S 1" S u A fM eg -p •S'S- »" is el D ^ o !; jd T 2 " tifj « 3j! o O m \ 2 n S tC 9 o -P 5( O ^x) SE-"-5^ Q*-p fc. a .-a "^ ja ® ^' S UC>00 3 S a -pos o d 5 CO , Q *) W p M ■ S^ i— ISO §•2 ^ " •P rt M '-<-p o'S o III I3LU CO UJ Ul a o o « »3 a ^ 3 9 ^ E o ; 03 M IS d s> 31I o CO O^ So I- > 2 a H : «, -I ^ .p ®-p * «5 o-c j5 ^ KO d o f^ Q o 5 = o d 300 3 © T-i o"^ 03 "5 0) H r 10 c> o • CS -P -P -3 a) ti d J2 d a; >< 0) = d 2 ■fflW .d "*= d = ^, ■E^^SS •> S ccOCm *00 7, d - y A ^1 "6 - CI IS O --§ o - - - -- - . - . ...-St — 1-^1-ll-l,-lr-^^T-^TH1-^.-^(^^(^)(^^(M(^^eOOC50i-H(NCOTiHiOia:)|>OOC50i-i(MCOTt00020J i-Hi-l,-lrHr-n-i^^^ .-H ) (N M C S^^t)^ W « ;^ W K goo:)0 ■ — . ^ ,. r- — ■- ■-^ ^^ -» •—■ >. - r^ I. -r— iL»^w^F^[:-^K'r-'H-ityjg^p^r~' |.» t~i Mh iZ5 1 H P3 -^ 3 ° 13.^ m 03 ^?i.° b.'^' trl r,^ . p< O & W w « . « O pa^H^Hfag;MSH^Hfa;gBaSHg:f-r^^-^1-l1-^1-^1-l(^^Q0a3 O'-iC^C0-«JHiOC0t>.00Cr. Or-HC-JCOTjHiCCDlXXlClOi T-ir-ir-i,-i,-H,-i^^— < -HiMC<)(MO;(N(N(N(N(NIN0CH t=j^Wp;^3°&«Mp;^30t),^W«(X)OOi-HC^coTt^iocoi>oooiOi-icv4cO'^i.oo"i ^£;^ W « .. S^&t^ W fi ^ 3^ t= « W K ^ 3^ t=tf W « ^ 3 o p f' —:^ — :: — i^ — ' • ~^ ■ ■- "^ •- ■ •— ' ■-'^ »> J -^ L ■ 1^ ir^ I— I L>.' i« f=H r^ ^^ r"! I- H C/J 03 t ^O 00 00 .'-IN.WOO .00 00 00 00 OOQOOOOO .00 00 00 00 05 03 '0500002 . 05 100CO .Oi-(«(N ,00 00 00 00 l>fO00'* 00 OO 00 00 lOi-HtOIN . fO 03 to T-H «00 00.B0 00 00 t-iThiH<-i 051CIOC0 CO r^ 00 00 OOOOOOOO 03 . O i-iM ^^'»«#^^e^^^ot»M^eT^^^ tOiH<-tB»-Kq ^t»t»wiOTHeotoe»«^t»c 03 OiHWtOi-l JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL 292a 9)m/}m>jj/>jj^?jjjjj/f?j. 292b JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL The sanitary arrangements and toliet facilities of a modern up-to-date factory are entirely different from what they were ten years ago. At that time all that was expected for the comfort and cleanli- ness of the help were a couple of wooden or, perhaps, »l black cast iron troughs with a steam coil in the trough to temper the cold water. Here in the same water, a dozen or more had to wash. As for water closets, two or three were considered sufficient even for a force of a hundred men. Showers were things unheard of. In a modern factory you will find as a rule, 30"- x6'-0" enameled wash sinks with six combination hot and cold water faucets to each sink, and the men wash their hands and faces in water coming directly from the faucets. For the women it is customary to arrange individual enameled cast iron lavatories with combination hot and cold water faucets. As a rule water closets in up-to-date factories are ' installed to a number corresponding with one closet for >every 15 to 20 persons. Another great improve- ment is that nearly all new factories now have a good sized rest room for the women help in which are settees, chairs, tables, and in most cases, a cot, to be used if someone' suddenly becomes ill. There is also a first aid set. Ventilated steel lockers 12''- xl2"x5'-0" high for men and 15"xl5"x5'-0" high for women are also installed. The accompanying drawing shows a very complete arrangement of toilet, locker and rest rooms and will give the reader a very clear idea of how toilets, etc. are arranged by modern up-to-date, industrial engineers. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL 292o r^He^^^H^ ::^,:^: ^i;^ . i L, - ^M.^ ^ ff//*0~ fc/9/VS 292d JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL The plan on page C and D is a layout for Plumb- ing on the Barrack Building which was built at the Great Lake.s Naval Training Station. This building was built by Paschen Brothers and the plumbing was installed by Kohlbry, Howlett Company of Chicago, Illinois. In the Aviation Camp there was nine of these barracks as above and each building was equipped with thirty-two low down water closets with vitreous tanks, open front seats, eight six foot enamel iron urinals with enamel iron tanks and thirty-two enamel lavatories set in batteries of four, each battery equipped with bubbling cup, thirty two showers and eight wash sinks. These wash sinks were used by the sailors to wash out their clothes. Each building was equipped with hot and cold water. The hot water being furnished from the Central Power House and return pipes back to same. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL 292.e 5Sd^#;^^ rrPfC/f^ • ' 292f JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL k-^^ t. j._^ .3V— ♦-. f^^^i^^ '/ f 'il n^ m JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL 292g I I m m IKJ \ i , { H K^^^^^^MJ Q S5 m WJ 5 I 5 «>:. s AK The above plan and plan on preceeding page is a layout of piping for plumbing work in Barracks Building located at Great Lakes Naval Training Station. There was one hundred and three of these buildings put up in the Isolation and Detention Camps. Each building was equipped with eight water closets with open front seats operated by Sloan Valves, four three foot enameled lipped urinals and enamel iron tank and twelve enamel iron lavatories set in batteries of three, each battery equipped with hot and cold water and one bubbling cup for each battery. Twelve showers and four double Galvanized iron sinks. One side of the sink was for sterilizing purposes and the other side for rinsing. Thirty-five of these buildings were equipped with hot water from Central Power House and sixty eight of them had individual hot water tanks. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 297 Arco Wand Vacuum Cleaner. Wiring Chart Should Be Sent With Each Machine. All that is required of the trade in the matter of electric installation is to obtain from the local electric power station the information as to whether direct or alternating current is to be used. If it is direct current, ascertain the voltage; or if it is alternating current, the voltage, phase and cycles. When this information is sent to us, a correct wiring chart to apply exactly to the conditions is sent with the vacuum cleaner, making it a very easy matter for the electrician to make proper wiring connections. The wiring charts here inserted show the completeness of the information we furnish with each machine. Wiring Diagrams of Alternating Current Single- Phase Installations With Remote Control for 5^, 34, 1^ and 2 Horse Power Motors. Note. Motors are installed without starting box. Direct current, motors are series wound with enough shunt winding to prevent racing under no load con- ditions. Note A. Switches No. 1 and No. 2 are three-way snap switches. A control circuit of this nature con- sists primarily of two (2) three-way switches and if more control points are needed, four-way switches will be connected between the two three-ways, i. e., if four control points are wanted two (2) four-way switches will be connected between two (2) three- way switches. Note B. Switch No. 1 must be located not to ex- ceed 4 feet from vacuum cleaner relief valve so that both can be reached at the same time. Note C. If metal conduit is used draw all three control wires into one conduit. Wiring Diagrams of Alternating Current Single- Phase Installations With Remote Control for ^ and 34 Horse Power Motors. Note. Motors are installed without starting box. Direct current, motors are series wound with enough shunt winding to prevent racing under no load con- ditions. Be careful to connect proper switch terminals to motor and line leads. Failure to do this will result in short circuiting line if two or more switches are closed at one time. One of these switches must be located not to exceed 4 feet from vacuum cleaner re- 298 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. lief valve so that both can be reached at the same time. If motor is connected for 220 volts, ten (10) ampere double pole flush switches to be used. If motor is connected for 110 volts, twenty (20) ampere double pole rotary surface switches to be used. Sizes of Pipe. With Nos. 460, 461 and 462 Arco Wand Vacuum Cleaners, 1^-inoh pipe can be used where distance from machine to most remote inlet coupling does not exceed 60 ft.; 2-inch pipe can be used where distance from machine to most remote inlet coupling, with No. 461, does not exceed ?50 ft., and with No. 462 does not exceed 350 ft. In such runs of 2-inch piping, IJ/^-inch pipe can be used for 60 ft. from remote inlet couplings toward the machine, using 2-inch pipe for remainder of distance. . Thus, risers in any building less than 60 ft. in height can be made of lJ/2-inch pipe, using 2-inch pipe for horizontal mains in basement. The exhaust pipe for each of these machines should be 2-inch pipe. Installing Inlet Couplings. First. After applying lead or pipe-joint paste to the male thread of the inlet coupling bushing, screw it into the opening of the drainage fitting as far as possible, using the Arco Wand wrench. Inlet Coupling in Place. Second. After applying lead or pipe-joint paste to the male thread of the inlet coupling, start it into the thread of the inlet coupling bushing, turning it by hand. Then insert the wrench into the opening of the inlet coupling and turn until the flange is drawn up snugly against the baseboard, stopping with the cover hinge at the top. Use Good X,ead or Pipe-Joint Paste. In the installation of piping for vacuum cleaning, always apply lead or pipe-joint paste to the male threads of pipe and fittings. If applied In this way when the threads are made up, all surplus lead or paste will be forced to the outside of the fittings and pipe, leaving the Interior free from such substances. Never apply lead or paste to female threads. Typical riser, concealed In partition, one Inlet coupling to be located In baseboard In each story. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. ;99 Section o£ Cleaner-Main. When it is necessary to drop a pipe for an inlet coupling located below the cleaner-main, always make the connection from the side of the cleaner- main, and never from the bottom — as bottom con- nection would fill with dirt. Drainage Fittings, Cast Iron, Screwed for Wrought Iron Pipe. These fittings are made with a shoulder, and are the same size inside diameter as pipe. The pipe screws in up to the shoulder, making a continuous passage, leaving no pockets for the solid matter to lodge in, thus preventing choking up of the pipe. NO. 1001 No. 1003 Y INLET T INLET B L RUN No. 1020 RUN- m. RUN No. 1021 RUN NO. 1-029 < RISER CONNECTION CLEANER-MAIN 300 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. SOI IK '/Z/^CH. ^"l/^C^^ O/v/o/V <:r^£:/?/v Oi/rnltfs. a/^ 302 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Svfitch No. 2 Dt JB , <^l lA Install 4 way ewitches so that one position connects A to.B and C to D cr-^A The other position connects A to D and C to B Switch No.l 1 Fuse block Use No. 14 wire for control circuit Motor u Fused Enlfe Switch _Lino JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 303 The American Rotary Valve Company, Chicago, are manufacturers of both the rotary and recipro- cating type vacuum cleaning machines, in which are embodied a number of novel features that have been endorsed by many of the leading architects and engi- neers throughout the country. In the construction of both types of machines, the separation is mechanical and does away entirely with screens, cloth bags and strainer plates. The air and collected sweepings being carried through the system of piping directly to the base of the machine, passing through the mechanical sep- arator, which is submerged in water, the dirt, dust and bacteria are mixed with the water and held in solution in the base of the machine. The air bubbles are thoroughly broken up, and the air passing through the water is scoured and purified before being taken into the pump and exhausted to the atmosphere. A perfect separation is thus secured and no dirt or dust is carried through the pump, which insures its long life. Screens, cloth bags and strainer plates have a strong tendency to become heavily coated or clogged with collected dirt and dust. The entire elimination of such devices in these machines insures the highest constant efficiency. The method of cleaning these machines is also mechanical and they require no hand cleaning what- ever at any time. The operator never comes in con- tact with the collected dirt. This method of clean- ing is accomplished by reversing the action of the pump, which converts it from a vacuum producer to an air compressor, and the contents of the base, when necessary, are discharged, direct to the sewer under force of compressed air. The entire operation of cleaning out these ma- chines and putting them in readiness for operation on vacuum is accomplished in less than three minutes. The highly sanitary method of disposing of the collected sweepings is worthy of the highest con- sideration. Contrast this with the systems which necessitate the disposal of the dirt and bacteria in a manner which not only exposes the one who cleans the ma- chine, but the entire neighborhood, to possible con- tagion. 304 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. l/je /one J w-eefa c/^^v/'/re fir 7^/'/D/'/7P L<7l/OUt yaee/u/77 C^/ea/f//? ^ >S y^fcm. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 305 Another very desirable feature is that it is possible to utilize the compressed air for cleaning purposes. In a number of their installations the pipe has been extended to the garage, and with the compressed air feature, in addition to the vacuum, it has enabled the owners to keep their cars in much better shape than has heretofore been possible. The compressed air is also very desirable for use in blowing the collected dust from overhead pipe in the basement. Also for cleaning radiators and getting into close places which it is impossible to reach with a vacuum appliance. Once this dirt is dislodged and blown into the open, it can be readily taken up by means of vacuum. The rotary type machine, as manufactured by this company, is made in one and two sweeper capacities, suitable for schools, hospitals and small hotels and residences. The reciprocating type machine represents the best in vacuum cleaning machines, and is the type which is now being installed in the New York postoffice. These machines are operated with a mechanically moved rotary valve, which insures the highest possi- ble mechanical efiiciency, and is the last word in vacuum cleaning machines. There are no valve springs or small internal parts to lubricate or get out of order. The oiling system of this machine is entirely auto- matic, and within a few seconds after starting up, every moving part is being properly lubricated. The machine is noiseless and requires no attention during the operation of sweeping. The regulating feature of this machine is another point which has been finely worked out, and engi- neers who have seen the machine in operation are unanimous in their opinion that it is a long step in advance of any regulating device now on the market. By means of this regulator, the vacuum under which it is deemed advisable to work to meet the various requirements, can be adjusted and will remain con- stant until readjusted. Any vacuum required up to 20 inches can be constantly maintained. The displacement of air is also properly regulated, and at no time is there more air being pumped than is required by the number of sweepers in operation, the reduction being proportionate, and results in a big saving in consumption of power when less sweep- ers than the capacity of the machine are in operation. 306 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. These reciprocating type vacuum cleaning ma- chines are being installed in large office buildings, public buildings, hotels, hospitals, mills, factories and theaters, and are manufactured in capacities to take care of buildings of any size. The New York post- office being a fine example, this being the largest vacuum cleaning machine in the world. We are showing here two systems of vacuum cleaning machines, the dry and the wet. These two systems have been thoroughly tried out and found to be the best that has been manufactured and the best that money can buy. Architects all over the country endorse these two types of machines. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 307 MecHanicsil Refrigeration Mechanical refrigeration is the process of reducing and keeping the temperature of a body or substance below the temperature of the atmosphere without the use of ice. In order to reduce such temperature it is necessary to employ a medium of lower temperature, which will absorb the heat. Liquids having a low boiling point are used as refrigerants. Carbonic an- hydride (carbonic acid) and ammonia are used as re- frigerants. Carbonic anhydride evaporates at the low tempera- ture of 124 degrees below zero Fahr. under atmos- pheric pressure and during evaporation absorbs from its surroundings a quantity of heat corresponding to its latent heat of evaporation. In other words, while water boils at 212 degrees Fahr. under atmospheric pressure, and about 250 degrees at fifteen pounds pressure; liquid carbonic anhydride boils at 124 de- grees below zero Fahr. under atmospheric pressure and at 30 degrees Fahr. under a pressure of 34 atmos- pheres. Ammonia boils at 28 degrees Fahr. The boiling point of water being far above the at- mospheric temperature, heat must be applied to bring it to the boiling temperature. The boiling point of liquid carbonic anhydride and ammonia being very much lower than the temperature of the atmosphere, they absorb from their surroundings the necessary heat to cause them to boil or evaporate. Refrigeration is produced by the ebullition of the refrigerant which is circulated through the cooling coils and returned to the refrigerating machine. The cycle of operation is the compression, lique- faction and evaporation of the carbonic anhydride or ammonia. The refrigerating plant comprises three parts. 1. A compressor in which the gas is compressed. 2. A condenser in which the compressed warm gas imparts its heat to cold water and liquefies. 3. Expansion coils in which the liquid re-expands into its original gaseous state, thereby absorbing heat and performing the refrigerating work. In order to make the operation continuous the .three parts are connected; the charge of gas origin- ally put into the machine being used over and over again going progressively through the process of compression, condensation and evaporation. Thus 308 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. only a small quantity of gas is required to replace any losses. The compressor draws the gas from the expansion coils, compressing it to the-- liquefying pressure (which pressure depends upon the temperature of the cooling water in the condenser). The compressed gas is discharged into the condenser where it im- parts its heat to the water in the condenser and be- comes a liquid. This liquid is then returned to the expansion or cooling coils, expanding through same and thereby absorbing heat. The surface of the cooling coils is so proportioned that all of the liquid evaporates as it passes through same. From there the gas again returns to the com- pressor to resume the cycle of operation. The pres- sure of the gas in the coils is controlled by means of a valve. Direct Expansion System. In the direct expansion system extra heavy wrought iron pipe coils are placed in the rooms to be cooled, either on ceiling, walls or in lofts built for this purpose. Connections are made between the coils and liquid receiver at outlet of condenser. An expansion or regulating valve is placed between the small liquid pipe and large expansion coils. The liquid is fed through the expansion valve and allowed to expand through the coil to a gaseous state. Dur- ing its evaporation the carbonic anhydride or am- monia absorb heat from the surrounding atmosphere and then return to the compressor. For general cold storage plants, breweries, packing houses, candy factories and similar plants the direct expansion system is preferable. It is the simplest system, requires less machinery, is more efficient, needs less attention and for these reasons is used where possible. With carbonic anhydride the direct expansion system can be used in many places where it would not be advisable with ammonia. In case of a leak in the expansion coils with the carbonic an- | hydride system no damage can result, while with the ammonia system the result might be disastrous. Brine System. The brine system is an indirect method of refrig- eration; the carbonic anhydride or ammonia do not evaporate in coils placed in the rooms to be cooled, but instead evaporate through coils placed in an in- sulated steel tank, or through double pipe brine coolers. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 309 Brine is made by dissolving calcium chloride in water; in some instances common salt (sodium chlo- ride) is used. This brine is cooled by circulating it through a double pipe cooler or tank equipped with carbonic anhydride or ammonia coils and then pumped through the coils in the different refriger- ators and rooms. The brine absorbs heat in passing through the coils and upon returning to the cooler it imparts this heat to the carbonic anhydride or ammonia. In plants with a large number of small refrigera- tors, where the pipe runs are long, it is cheaper to in- stall the brine system, as brine piping costs less than direct expansion piping. When the refrigerating ma- chine is not operated at night and even temperatures are required, the brine pump may be kept running, circulating the brine which is still cold. Whether the brine or direct expansion system should be used, depends entirely upon conditions, which should be thoroughly investigated before either system is installed. The Manufacture of Ice. There are two methods of ice making, namely, the can system and the plate system, both of which offer special advantages under certain conditions. The Can System. In order to produce clear and pure ice by this method, it is necessary to distill the water used for freezing, so as to free it from all organic matter, air, disease germs, etc. The distilling apparatus which serves this purpose is therefore a very important fac- tor in an ice plant. The distilling plant comprises a steam separator, steam condenser, skimmer, reboiler and flat cooler. The steam separator is connected to the exhaust pipe from the steam engine. All im- purities, such as grease, etc., carried by the exhaust steam, are removed and then the vapors are passed through a 'steam condenser, over which the waste water from the gas condenser is allowed to flow. After leaving the steam condenser the condensed water passes through a skimmer where most of the impurities are removed. The condensed, distilled water contains air and sometimes other volatile sub- stances, possessing more or less objectionable odor. To free it from this, the water is subjected to a vig- 310 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. orous re-boiling in a separate tank. The distilled and re-boiled water is then passed through a flat cooler, over which the cold water passes, and its tem- perature reduced. As a still further means of purification, charcoal filters are used, through which the water passes into a storage tank provided with a direct expansion coil. In this tank the water is cooled as near to its freez- ing point as possible and is then drawn off and filled into the ice molds or cans, which are immersed in a tank filled with brine. Cooling coils are submerged in this tank, through which the expanding gas trav- els, absorbing the heat from the brine and reducing it to the required low temperature of 12 to 15 degrees Fahr. The brine in the freezing tank is well agitated, causing an even temperature throughout and slowly freezing the water in the ice cans. After the ice is frozen solid, the can is hoisted out of the tank (by a hoisting apparatus, which is movable) and conveyed to the thawing apparatus, where the ice in the can is loosened from it (either by immersing the can into a bath of warm water, or by an automatic sprinkling and dumping apparatus) and discharged into the storage room. The Plate System. The plate Ice system has an advantage in that it is not necessary to distill or boil the water if otherwise pure. The ice, which forms slowly on hollow freez- ing plates immersed vertically into tanks filled with water, purifies itself of any air or other impurities. On the other hand, it is an established fact that the plate system requires more skill to operate success- fully and the plant is generally more expensive to in- stall and keep in repair. Local conditions, price of coal, quality of water, etc., determine which system should be given the preference. The plate system embraces three distinct types. The brine plate system, in which the direct expansion coil is submerged in brine between two plates a few inches apart, the brine acting as a medium of contact between the direct expansion pipes and the plates, the ice freezing on the outside of the plates. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 311 In the dry plate system, the gas coil is clamped be- tween two plates which are rapidly cooled by direct expansion coils, the ice forming on the plates. The third system is the block system, in which the water freezes directly to the bare direct expansion coils, from which it is harvested by cutting it into blocks with a vertical steam cutter. The freezing time required for a plate ten to twelve inches thick is from six to eight days. After the ice has formed to the required thickness it is loosened from the plates, hoisted out of its compartment, cut into blocks of proper size and discharged into the storage room. This system of ice-making is independent of the use of steam, except the small amount required for loosening the ice ends in the compartments and for cutting the ice plates, so that electric or water power can be applied wherever available at a low rate. Properties of Saturated Carbonic Acid Gas Transformed Into United States Measures From Professor Schroeter's Table. Direct Expansion Piping. The evaporation or expansion of the carbonic an- hydride takes^ place in coils of extra heavy wrought- iron pipe. For brine tanks, water coolers, small re- frigerators and rooms the pipes are welded into coils of continuous lengths and in large rooms the pipes are connected by flange unions. Safety. -In connection with the high pressure side of the cylindeT is a safety valve for the purpose of insuring against accidents. This safety valve is placed in the high pressure channel between the gas discharge valves and the discharge stop valve. The purpose of this valve is two-fold. It will relieve the cylinder and also the system of a pressure that has risen above the normal in case of a fire or through lack of con- denser water, and it will also guard against careless- ness of the operator who might attempt to start the machine without first opening the discharge stop valve. As the action of the safety valve is accom- panied by a loud report it will direct the attention of the operator to the machine. When the pressure again becomes normal this valve closes automatic- ally. This safety valve is designed to blow off at a pressure considerably below that at which the ma- chines are tested. 312 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. The time of freezing a certain cake of ice depends largely upon the amount of water to be frozen. Cakes 8 to 11 inches thick require from 38 to 54 hours, with brine at 14 to 15 degrees Fahr. All water for condensing and cooling purposes goes through a series of operations. It is first used-f on the gas condenser, then on the steam condenser"' and cooling coils of the distilling outfit and finally, when quite warm, it is used for feeding the steam boiler. The best arrangement of an ice factory operating on the can system, with distilled water, is to locate the gas condenser high enough to allow the water used on same to flow by gravity to the distilling appa- ratus and down to the feed water heater. The inlet and outlet of the cylinder are provided with stop valves by means of which the system can be shut off, allowing access to the cylinder without loss of gas from any part of the system. Meat, fish and butter, zero to 10 above zero. Beer, 25 to 35 above zero. Ice manufacturing, 10 to 20 above zero. One ton of good coal will make 6 tons of ice. Ice Machine and Its Power. One and one-half to two H. P. will take care of a ton machine in the small class, such as butcher shops, creameries and cold storage. Handy Information for Mechanical Refrigeration. Joints. The way in which the piping Is attached to the fittings Is interesting. The piping of strictly wrought iron comes to us from the mills with plain ends, cut in exact lengths. Upon receiving an order in our shops for a stock of condensers, the pipe is carefully threaded to suit the fittings. A workman then grinds the pipe on an emery wheel about 1 Inch back of the thread. While this is being done the fittings are al- lowed to swim in a solder bath; directly next to this is a bath of tin, in which the threads are thoroughly JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 313 tinned. The fitting is taken from the solder bath and placed in a positive position in a form. The pipe is then screwed into the fitting, after which the recesses in the return bend and the threads exposed are thor- oughly solder-covered and in cooling, the pipe and fitting shrink into practically a homogeneous mass. After cooling, this pipe is fitted with a blank flange on one end and to the other end is attached an air connection, admitting from 300 to 400 pounds of air. The pipe is next submerged in a tank of water, when any leak present would be indicated by bubbles on the surface of the water. All pipes which do show leakage, are at once rejected. The result of this painstaking process is that leaks and the Triumph ammonia condenser are not found together. Cost of ice for cooling 2700 cubic feet, $50 per month. Cost of mechanical refrigeration in same plant, $5 per month. The double pipe type of ammonia condenser is in use in far more than 50 per cent of the plants built today — evidence that this style of apparatus is giving abundant satisfaction under almost every condition an ammonia condenser must meet. The Ice Tank. Not many years ago, tanks of wood were consid- ered satisfactory for ice making service. This is no longer true, however, since thoroughly seasoned lum- ber has become more and more scarce and expensive. Then, too, tanks of steel offer advantages lacking in the wooden construction. The steel sheets may be easily transported and erecting labor is considerably reduced by using the metal tank. When correctly installed, the durability of the metal tank cannot be surpassed. The steel tank which is used Is usually of ^ Inch material, from 3 to 6 feet deep, depending upon the size of cans. Comparison of Thermometers. General Dimensions in Feet for Ice Making Plants. Table Giving Number of Cubic Feet of Gas That Must Be Pumped Per Minute at Different Condenser and Suction Pressures, to Produce One Ton of Refrig- eration in Twenty-Four Hours. 314 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Table of Chloride of Calcium Solution. Horse Power Required to Compress One Cubic Foot of Ammonia Per Minute. Table of Brine Solution. (Chloride of Sodium — Common Salt.) Table VI— Strength of Ammonia Liquors. Correction for Temperature of Aqua Ammonia. Continuation of Table VII. Correction of Temperature of Aqua Ammonia — Con tinuation of Table VII. Horse Power Required to Produce One Ton of Refrigeration. Soldered Joints. Soldered joints may be made in a number of ways, one of which will be described. Muriatic acid is used, a few pieces of zinc having been dropped in the ves- sel containing it to make the acid work. Powdered sal ammoniac is used to make the solder flow freely and the tools required are: an iron spoon to distribute the solder, and a soldering hook made of iron or copper wire about ^ inch in diameter, with the end flattened and bent at an angle so that it can be placed in the recess of the flange to be filled with the solder. Before making the joint, all oil should be wiped off the threads and the pipe should be filed clean for an inch or more back of the threads. The flange or fit- ting is then screwed on tightly and, together with the pipe, is heated with one or more blow lamps. As soon as the parts are heated enough to flow solder, a little acid is poured into the recess back of the flange and acts to remove all grease and dirt. This being done, a small amount of solder is flowed into the recess and rubbed against the surfaces with the soldering hook. In this way the solder is made to take hold of the iron and the use of the hook elimi- nates the burnt acid and any particles of dirt that may be present. Having tinned the surfaces in this way, the recess back of the flange is filled with solder, a little sal ammoniac being used to keep the solder fluid. While the solder is being poured, the blow lamp must be used to keep it flowing so that all parts of the recess are filled evenly. When this has been accomplished and the solder has hardened, the joint is washed thoroughly to remove any traces of the JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 315 acid and a coating of rust-proof paint is applied. From this it will be seen that the process of making the soldered joint is simple, being nothing more than the act of filling in the recess cut out in the back of practically all flanges used in ammonia piping work. The shrunk joint is the most thorough and at the same time the most expensive of all the methods of making pipe connections. The process of making the joint consists of heating the pipe and fitting in a charcoal fire, rubbing the parts to be joined in sal ammoniac for a few seconds and then plunging them into a pot of melted solder. From the pot, the parts are taken again to the sal ammoniac and thoroughly rubbed, after which they will be found to be per- fectly tinned. The pipe is then allowed to cool while the fitting is kept hot and screwed on in the heated condition, it being somewhat expanded owing to the heat. The fitting must be screwed on quickly and tapped with a hammer while being turned so that there is no chance for it to cool or for a film of solder to be formed between the joining surfaces. The idea is to have the solder fill up all imperfections and holes but not to form a film between the joining sur- faces as is the case where the lead was disconnected and a spare one put in place. The Refrigerating Machine. The refrigerating machine is the heart and soul of the plant and should be of the best design, with proper proportions to give the required capacity when op- erating under the local conditions of the plant. The compressor with its driving engine or motor is placed in the machine room with the water pumps and other auxiliary apparatus, while the condenser is placed on the roof of the building under a cover or in the third story of a tower as shown in Fig. 16. With this ar- rangement the water from the ammonia condenser can be passed over the exhaust steam condenser to take up heat from the steam before passing to the feed-water heater and thence to the boilers. As shown in Fig. 16, the ammonia and steam condensers are of the atmospheric type, which is in general use. The cooling water is run over the top pipe of the coil and drips down over the lower pipes until collected in a trough under the coils. About 80 square feet of cooling surface is allowed per ton of ice made in 24 hours. .6 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Where space Is limited and the condenser must be Dlaced in the building with other machinery, the 5-j>ray from water flowing over the coils is objection- able and the double-pipe condenser is used. This is nothing more than a coil of pipe within a coil, so that an annular space is formed between the two pipes forming the double coil. Ammonia enters this space at the top of the coils and flows downward, while the cooling water enters the smaller pipe at the bottom and flows upward. Thus the coolest water is in the part of the coil containing the hottest ammonia and the highest possible efflciency of heat transfer is had,. Submerged condensers, consisting of a pipe coil in a tank filled with water, may be used if circumstances require, but this form of condenser is difficult to clean and requires a large amount of cooling water. Also it is difficult to detect leaks, as the leaking ammonia is absorbed by the water. Where the water supply for the condensers is not as cool as could be desired, good results may be had by rigging the double-pipe condenser so that water can be run over the outside of the coils as in the case of the atmospheric con- denser. Compressors are made both single and double act- ing and have the cylinders either horizontal or ver^ tical. The driving engine should be of the Corliss type with a good releasing valve gear, so that the steam consumption will not be so great that more distilled water is made than is needed for the ice cans. In all except the smallest units and in some designs of extremely large machines, the engines are direct- connected to the same crankshaft as the connecting rods of the compressors. Both simple and com- pound engines are used and are run condensing or •'non-condensing as may be required by the local con- ditions. Where compound engines are used, the cyl- inders may be connected in tandem or they may be cross-connected, ■ the latter method being preferred for large machines and for machines of the vertical type where two single-acting cylinders are used. The connecting rod of the engine may be connected to the same crank pin as that of the compressor, or it may be on a separate crank of the same sha^t. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL-. 317 In small vertical machines having one compressor cylinder, the engine may be set vertical and be con- nected to the opposite end of the crank shaft from the connecting rod of the compressor, a flywheel be- ing placed on the middle of the shaft. One form of the horizontal machine is that in which the engine is connected to one end of the shaft, the other end of which drives two single-acting horizontal com- pressors. In still another arrangement, the engine is connected to the middle of a shaft on each end of which is a crank that drives a compressor of either the horizontal or vertical construction. In all of the different arrangements, flywheels are used to give steady working, being placed in various ways accord- ing to the disposal of the other parts of the machine. Very large units sometimes have a band wheel on the middle of the crank shaft between the two com- pressors so that the machine may be driven by belt from a separately mounted engine of proper size. It is important that the builder of a plant should understand the relative advantages and disadvantages of the different types of construction so that he may make a selection of a machine suited to the condi- tions under which it is to be operated. It is evident in the first place that the stuffing-box of the single- acting machine can be kept tight easily because it is subjected only to the comparatively low pressure of the suction gas instead of the pressure of the con- denser, which ranges from 125 pounds upward. On the other hand, the double-acting compressor is more economical because, at each revolution of the crank shaft, it deals with almost twice as much gas as a single-acting machine of the same cylinder diameter and stroke. With the exception of the extra friction resulting from the necessarily tighter stuffing-box gland of the double-acting machine, the friction of the two machines is the same. Notwithstanding this extra friction, it is estimated that, in comparison with a machine having two gas compressors, the amount of saving with the double-acting compressor is one- eighth of the whole amount of power required to compress the gas. As the double-acting machine is capable "of doing the work of two single-acting compressors, there is considerable saving in the first cost for construction m.aterial. This saving is partly offset by the extra 318 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. care and expense necessary to properly construct the double-acting machine and by the fact that this ma- chine is rather complicated in the arrangement of valve ports and connecting passages. In any com- pressor it is important that clearance be made as small as possible consistent with safe working, and this is rather difficult to do successfully with the double-acting machine. In plants using a single ma- chine and the direct expansion system, as where; the gas is expanded direct in the coils of freezing plates used with the plate system of ice making, it is im- portant that the compressor be kept in operation. On this account there is an advantage in having two single-acting compressor cylinders instead of one doubling-acting machine, as any accidental damage to one of the compressors can be remedied while the other is kept in operation. By running the single cylinder at increased speed, the plant will make ca- pacity, whereas with the double-acting machine it would be necessary to shut down and allow the tem- perature of the freezing tank to rise until the machine could be put in operation again. In considering the relative value of the horizontal and vertical types of machines, it is seen that the vertical machine has the advantage in that the parts wear uniformly. In compressors other than those using the oil injection, the least possible amount of oil is used, and prevention of undue wear on any of the parts is an important consideration. Vertical machines are not subject to bottom wear of the pis- tons, as are horizontal compressors in which the weight of the piston is supported by the lower part of the cylinder wall. In the horizontal machine, the tendency is to wear the cylinder into an oval shape and to reduce the diameter of the piston until leakage occurs past it. This kind of leakage is difficult to detect and is often neglected. As the cylin- der wears, part of the weight of the piston is supported by the stuffing-box gland when the piston nears the crank end of the stroke. This causes un- equal wear on the stuffing-box glands so that it is difficult to keep them tight. In the vertical com- pressor, the suction and discharge valves work up and down so that the wear on their stems is equal in all directions, thus ensuring correct and accurate seating at all times. Other things being equal, the JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 319 engineer will give better attention to the horizontal machine because he can see any defect that may show up without having to climb a ladder to hunt for it. It costs more money to build a vertical machine, and for this rea,son a horizontal machine is in favor where floor space is plentiful. In the end it will be found that the cubic feet of space occupied by machines of the two types is about the same, so that it all de^ pends on which kind of space, vertical or horizontal, is more valuable. Loss of Liquor. After a machine has been in operation for some time, the liquor level in the generator may show a tendency to fall until, by restoring it with increased speed of the ammonia pump, the level in the absorber falls out of sight in the gauge glass. This will occur without any apparent cause, the density of the rich liquor meantime remaining standard at 26 degrees. In a new plant, this may be due to insufhcient charge, but if after supplying more liquor to restore the proper level in both generator and absorber, the level falls again, something must be done. As a first move the cooling water and the brine in the bath should be tested with litmus to see if there has been any leak- age. If the trouble is not found to be leakage, it must certainly be due to some of the liquor being pocketed in a low place in the piping system or in the expansion coils where these are not laid oiit for the gravity return to the absorber. In such a case, the liquor will be drawn over by making a vacuum on the absorber as in the case of a boil-over. If it is found that there are no leaks and none of the ammonia is pocketed in the coils, the trouble must be due to air in the topmost pipes of the condenser and cooling coils, which has gradually found its way into the ab- sorber and been burnt at the purge cock. Making Up Ammonia Losses. Aqua ammonia should at all times be kept up to the standard density of 26 degrees, and if the am- monia pump is in first-class order a somewhat higher density may be used to advantage up to about 28 de- grees. The greater the density, the easier the gas is jiberated and in case the density has fallen below 320 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. standard, to say, 24 degrees, aqua or anhydrous am- monia must be added. The amount of ammonia to be added may be found by consulting the percentage table in Chapter IV, in which it will be seen that aqua ammonia at 26 degrees density contains in round numbers 28 per cent of pure anhydrous ammonia and at 24 degrees density 24 per cent of ammonia, the loss being 4 per cent of pure ammonia. Supposing, for example, that the original charge was 10,000 pounds, 28 per cent of which or 2800 pounds is pure ammonia, we have then to supply 4 per cent of this quantity or 112 pounds of liquid anhydrous ammonia to bring the density of the whole charge up to 26 is restored. Where the freezing tank is elevated to give the grav- ity return to the absorber, this will be all that is nec- essary, but otherwise it will be necessary to close the poor liquor valve on the absorber, and start the pump to create a vacuum in the absorber, so that the am- monia will be drawn over from the expansion coils. After the coils are emptied of the liquid, the weak liquor valve to the absorber is opened and the pump kept running in the regular way, or at reduced speed if necessary to keep the liquor in the generator at the proper level. As the temperature of the bath will rise during the righting of the distribution of am- monia in the system, the machine will require special attention until normal conditions have been restored. Vacuum Test. To make the vacuum test, the air remaining in the system is pumped out to form a vacuum of 28 or 29 inches, as already mentioned. In doing this, the stop valve on the discharge pipe of the compressor is closed as are also all the valves of the system that communicate with the atmosphere. Communication is made with the atmosphere between the compressor cylinder and the stop valve on the discharge line, this being done by an air valve provided for the purpose or by opening a flange connection as was done on the suction line for the pressure test. All valves con- necting the different parts of the system are opened and the machine is started to pump out the air in the pipes. When the desired vacuum is obtained, the machine is left standing for about 6 hours to see if there are leaks of air into the system. If in this time JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 321 no leaks are indicated by a fall in the vacuum, the joints may be considered tight and preparations may be made to charge with ammonia. Before making the pressure test of the system, it is well to test the steam, water, waste, and exhaust steam piping and connections to see that all joints are proof against leakage. Live steam is turned into the steam pipes and a moderate back pressure is had in the exhaust piping by setting the back pressure valve or by throttling the exhaust with stop valves where there is no back pressure valve. Water pipes are subjected to a pressure about 30 per cent in excess of the ordinary working pressure by partially closing the stop valves on the pipes near the condenser and the inlet to the water jacket of the compressor. When the piping connections of the entire system have been made and the machinery has been set up, adjusted, examined, and found in good condition with the stuffing-box gland properly packed, the plant is ready to be tested for leaks under both in- ternal and external pressure. It is customary to sub- ject the system to internal pressure for the first test and after all leaks that show up in this test have been mended the air may be pumped out until the system shows a vacuum of about 28 or 29 inches. To make the pressure test the stop valve on the suc- tion line is closed and the valves provided between it and the compressor to connect with the atmosphere are opened. Where no such valves are provided, a flange joint between the stop valve and the compres- sor cylinder may be broken and held open with wedges to admit air to the system. All other valves of the system except those communicating with the atmosphere as at the drains of oil traps, etc., are opened so that the pressure when raised will be equalized over the entire system. Provision is made to lubricate the compressor piston with the smallest possible amount of mineral oil that will prevent the piston rings from seizing and if the interior of the cylinder cannot be lubricated in any other way, the heads must be removed and the oil smeared over the inner walls. The heads are then replaced and the bolts set up evenly and tight. Making Tight Joints for Ammonia Work. Select good strong piping of reliable manufacture, the next point is to see that the threads are properly 322 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. cut. All threads on the ends of pipe and in fittings should be cut true and sharp and if cut on the lathe, should be chased with care. If a die stock is used, it should be in the best of condition with the dies good and sharp. No amount of -doctoring with solder, lead or other joint-making materials will do any good if the threads are not properly cut and the parts ac- curately fitted together. Solder has its place in joint making where the joint is to be permanent, but in work of this kind all the greater care should be taken to have the threads properly cut. Where the threads are so poorly cut that they do not fit down closely into the grooves, ammonia has no trouble in leaking out and solder can do little or no good, as it is im- practicable to sweat it into all the openings in the threaded joint. A joint having threads of this kind presents a great temptation to a careless workman or an unscrupulous contractor to jam the two parts of the joint together in an effort to make the joint hold. In doing this, the pipe is screwed into the fitting further than it should go, so that the threads are stripped or addi- tional threads are cut on the pipe. In this way- the workman may make a joint that will hold until the contractor gets off the job and out of reach, when it becomes the duty of the unfortunate engineer to shut down the plant or impair its operation by cutting part of the piping out of service for mending the bad joint. Generally it will not be a case of mending, as the threads on the pipe and in the fitting will be found damaged beyond repair so that new threads must be cut on the pipe and a new fitting purchased. Prob- ably the best way to avoid such troubles as this is to have the engineer, who is to operate the plant, on the ground during its erection. If he is a competent man and is given authority to have the worlc properly done, there will be little trouble in store for the future. After all, the simplest way to make joints in an ammonia piping system is not to make them. That is to say, every joint that can possibly be dispensed with should not be made, and as few fittings as will do the work should be used. One of the readiest methods of eliminating joints is the use of pipe bends instead of elbows and return bends. It costs money to bend pipe, but where every joint eliminated may JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 323 mean the saving of several pounds of ammonia, the price of which quickly runs up into dollars, the in- creased first cost by using the bent pipe system is of no material consequence. Pipe bends require more space than ordinary elbows and return bends, but the piping may usually be arranged so that little if any additional ground space need be bought. Even if the pipe bends should necessitate larger buildings and more ground space, there are com- pensating advantages, one of which is reduced fric- tion of the gases and liquid ammonia passing through the pipes, so that a greater back pressure may be car- ried with a resulting increased efficiency. Then again there is better provision for expansion and contrac- tion where the bends are used, so that strains in the pipe line are largely eliminated and there is less like- lihood of leaks being sprung. The number of joints, used in a plant where the bent pipe system is adopted, depends on the lengths in which the pipe can be man- ufactured and handled and to some extent on the use to which the pipe is put. In the case of a condenser, for example, where the pipe comes in the same length as the coils are to be made, there will be one joint for, every length of pipe instead of two as would be the case if return bends were used. These joints are alternated at opposite ends of the condenser on every other pipe of the coil and are placed about 2 feet from the end of the condenser. Making Brine. When ready to make the brine, the tank should be filled about two-thirds full of water and the apparatus for mixing the salt with the water should be put in place. This may be nothing more than an ordinary barrel having a false bottom about 4 inches above the real bottom. Water is admitted to the space between the two bottoms and flows through ^-inch openings with which the false bottom is perforated into the upper part of the barrel, which is filled with salt to within about 6 inches of the top. A pipe connection for carrying off the brine is made to the upper part of the barrel and a box strainer is placed in the space above the salt over the pipe opening. A well is pro- vided in this strainer box for the hydrometer, and the water supply must be so regulated that this instru- ment registers 90 degrees. The apparatus may be 324 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. placed in any convenient position, as on the floor of the tank room and is simple and inexpensive. It may also be used when the brine is to be strengthened at any time during service. Water is supplied to the bottom of the barrel by the brine circulating pump where one is installed, and in lieu of this one of the water supply pumps may be connected for the pur- pose, the suction of the pump in any case being con- nected to draw from the brine tank. Where there is no brine pump, however, and the water pump has to be used, it, may be more convenient to start with the tank empty and not partially filled as above in- structed. In this case there is no necessity for mak- ing a suction connection from the tank to the pump. Even under the most favorable conditions, some air will be present in the system after the vacuum test and for this reason it is advisable to charge the ammonia by degrees, about 70 per cent of the whole charge being pumped in at the first trial. After the plant has run some time and the ammonia has been well circulated through the system, the air will col- lect in the highest parts of the piping and may be , exhausted at the purge valve on the condenser. The rest of the ammonia will be charged in one or two installments as may seem best under the circum- stances. To disconnect the drum, close the valve on it first and then close the charging valve. About one-third pound of ammonia should be used for each running foot of 2-inch pipe or its equivalent in the expansion coils, so that about 275 pounds would be required for a 25-ton plant. It is better to put in too small rather than too large a charge, as more ammonia can be added with little trouble at any time it may be needed. Too small a charge is indicated by the tendency of the delivery pipe of the compressor to heat and this should be watched care- fully, the regulating valve being manipulated so that the normal temperature of the pipe is the same as that of the cooling water leaving the condenser. Bending Pipe. In adopting the bent pipe system, care should be taken not to bend the pipes on so small a radius as to injure them nor yet to make the radius so large that the bend looks ungainly and out of proportion. Al- though some latitude may be allowed in making JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 325 bends for certain locations, there should be uniform- ity throughout the system and the work of bending should be accurate, the turns being made exactly 90 and 180 degrees as the case may be. The bending radius, other things being equal, depends on the size of the pipe and when once a ratio of size of pipe to radius of bend has been decided on, it should be ad- hered to as far as practicable. Otherwise the plant will present the spectacle of a small pipe, bent on a large radius, along side of a larger pipe bent on a smaller radius. Nothing could be more unsightly. All pipes must be heated before bending and if there is any doubt about the pipe being able to stand the strain of bending, it should be filled with dry sand and capped on the ends before heating. This will in- sure a smooth bend without kinks. As a precaution against opening the weld, the line of the weld should be put on the side of the bend. Why Is Raw Water Ice Clear? Produces pure clear Ice by keeping the water in movement or in agitation while it is being frozen. Process does this by feeding a small jet of air through the freezing water from below, and in this way keeping it stirred or in a state of gentle ebulli- tion. When so agitated while freezing, the ice nat- urally and of necessity freezes crystal clear. Freezing clear ice from raw water by keeping it agitated with air is not new, but is many years old. Apparatus is so constructed that this essential air feed is outside of the cans and not exposed to the action of cold brine, and hence can never be inter- rupted by freezing up, which would result in white or opaque ice, until the trouble was located and cor- rected. Very little power is needed for this air feed, about a cubic foot of air per minute per ton capacity under a pressure of from 3 pounds to 3^ pounds is all that is needed. Temperature of Brine and Time to Freeze. To produce cakes of standard weight, from 50 pounds to 400 pounds, as desired, but the 200, 300 and 400-pound cakes are preferably only 10 inches in thickness, and the preferred temperature of the brine is zero or thereabouts. The fact that there is a posi- tive forced circulation of this cold brine in the jackets 326 • JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. of the can results in greatly shortening the time of freezing, and a 10-inch cake of either of the above standard weights, is frozen nearly solid in about 18 hours, and the freezing progresses to a solid cake and the ice is tempered and harvested in 4 more hours, thus completing the freezing, tempering and harvest- ing of the larger cakes in 22 hours, which allows a margin for the completion of the freeze and the start- ing of another within the 24-hour period. The plants are built in separate units or batteries, each producing a certain fraction of the daily prod- uct required, the proportion represented by each unit to the daily quantity to be produced, depending on the size of the plant. A 5-ton plant would thus be built in two or three units. A 30-ton plant in six units, or separate batteries, and in still larger plants the units or batteries may run up as high as 20 or 25 tons in each battery. One of these units is usually being tempered and harvested, while the others are freezing. Hotels and Restaurants. Refrigerating plants are now being used in lead- ing hotels and restaurants with the best of success. They are particularly well adapted to the require- ments where there are a variety of refrigerators to be kept cool. One plant will cool the large meat storage, the vegetable and general storage, the short order box, bakery or pastry box, fish and oyster box, ice cream box, beer storage and back bar, if necessary. It will also make the requisite ice for table use and will cool the drinking water — in fact, do any cooling that is required. The sanitary feature of a hotel plant cannot be over-estimated, to say nothing about the saving of waste because of improper cooling, and the satis- faction of being able to keep goods day after day in the best of condition without the use of ice with its expense and attendant discomforts. Creamery Plants. Refrigerating plants in creameries are usually in- stalled with a brine system. The brine tank is lo- cated in the upper part of the cold storage room, keeping the air cold and at the same time furnishing brine to be run through ripeners and milk and cream JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 327 coolers. The brine is supplied to the apparatus re- quiring it by use of a brine pump. It is not neces- sary to run the ammonia compressor" all day, but only long enough to reduce the brine to the required temperature; then when the milk is ready to be cooled, the pump is started and circulates the cold brine to do the necessary work. The creamery man knows the importance of being able to control the temperature of cream during the ripening process regardless of weather conditions. To be able to turn out a fine uniform grade of butter, a refrigerating plant is a valuable asset — in fact, it is necessary to properly control tempera- tures. One of our plants will soon pay for itself in labor, cost and increased value of product. To creameries using power for other purposes, the cost of operating a refrigerating plant is very light, as about the only expense is the power and a few cents for oil. The storage of perishable food stuffs, such as fruits, vegetables, butter, cheese, eggs and poultry, has revolutionized commerce in edibles. It has meant preservation for long periods, transportation for long distances, and re-storage until required, thus making it possible for dealers to buy in quan- tities when prices are low, Vv^ithout fear of deteriora- tion before sale. Cold storage, in connection with refrigerating or ice-making plants, has become common and a very profitable business. Many wholesalers of beer and soft drinks, that will preserve their value only in cold temperatures, are using artificial refrigeration for this purpose. Artificial Refrigeration. During the past ten years the science of artificial refrigeration has had a very remarkable growth, due to -the fact that the experimental element has been to a large extent eliminated. The refrigerating machine manufacturers have in their own factories made extensive tests on the vari- ous types of machines, now offered to the trade; with the result that the prospective purchaser of this class of machinery will receive the apparatus best suited to his particular needs. 328 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. The York Manufacturing Company of York, Pa., has been especially active in this test work and the results obtained have been published in bulletin form for the convenience of the trade. At the present time the larger consumers of ice, such as ice cream manufacturers, retail butchers, etc., are exceedingly active in the installation of small ma- chines to furnish the required refrigeration. The many advantages of mechanical refrigeration over the old method of ice, or ice and salt, is in a large measure responsible for this condition. With a small outfit the butcher is able to maintain low^er temperatures in his refrigerator, as well as to keep both the meat and box in a better condition. As an advertising medium, the refrigerated show- case is without an equal, permitting the shopkeeper to display his commodity without becoming con- taminated by the handling of his many customers and without deterioration while being displayed in this manner, which is the case in the ordinary display methods, and the loss subsequent thereto. It is not necessary to operate the refrigerating plant continuously; by installing brine congealing tanks, a sufficient quantity of refrigeration can be stored In these tanks while the plant Is in operation, so that during the periods that the machine Is shut down, proper temperatures may be maintained In the compartments refrigerated. The Ice cream manufacturer makes use of me- chanical refrigeration for the freezing of Ice cream, hardening of the same after It is frozen and for the manufacture of Ice, which Is necessary for packing the cream for delivery to the consumer. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 329 330 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL, At the present time the enclosed type single-acting vertical oil enclosed refrigerating machine is the best suited for this class of work that has yet been manu- factured. They are made both steam and belt driven, as well as single and double cylinder, according to capacities required, and are built in sizes ranging from one-half ton to twenty tons refrigerating ca- pacity. The belt driven machines can be operated by any power available, such as electricity, gasoline or gas engine, or water power. 'The manufacturers of these small machines have endeavored to build an outfit that will meet a wide range of conditions, with the result that these ma- chines are partically "fool-proof." It is not neces- sary to employ experienced help to operate these small plants, and with a reasonable amount of care and judgment in operation, the results obtained are so much better than those secured by the old meth- ods, that it is a question of only a short time until mechanical refrigeration will be used by every up-to- date retail butcher and ice cream manufacturer. The uncertainty of the natural ice crop, which is so often of a poor quality, and the inadequate supply of artificial ice in many localities, together with the high-, prices which prevail under these conditions, makes, to the large consumer of ice, a necessity of what but a few years ago was considered a luxury — a small mechanical refrigerating plant to replace the use of ice. Standard Ice Making Units Capacity Lbs. Cans Weight Lbs. Rows Outside Dimensions 180 3 60 1 r 4" X 2' 6" X 4' 1" 360 6 60 2 r 4" X y 2" X 4' 1" 360 6 60 3 5' 10" X 3' 10" X V 1" 540 9 60 3 7 4" X y 10" X 4' 1" 720 12 60 3 8' 10" X 3' 10" X 4' 1" Size of cans 5" x 14" x 32" Mechanical refrigeration to the market is no longer an experiment — it is a necessity, and once a plant is installed, the owner will never go back to the old, unsatisfactory, wasteful and unsanitary method. He knows that he has refrigeration when he needs it; his stock is in much better condition and can be held for a much longer time; choice cuts can be aged without deterioration; veal and pork do not get wet and slimy. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 331 Cold Storage Boxes and How to Build Them. Artificial refrigeration has in the last ten years or so, to a great extent, taken the place of cooling with ice. It is much cleaner and convenient and also cheaper. With a machine it is possible to keep the tempera- ture at all times to within a few degrees of the tem- perature wanted. Nowadays we find in all up-to- date butcher and grocery stores, etc., also in hotels, big and small and even in modern apartment houses, the cooling of boxes done by means of a refrigerating machine. These machines are of two kinds, one using ammonia, the other carbonic acid gas (called C02). The best refrigerating rooms and boxes are made of pure cork boards. The most approved way of building these rooms or boxes is shown in the ac- companying plan view of a refrigerating box. The walls are always erected of two thicknesses of 3" cork boards with a Yi inch to Y^ inch thick Portland cement mortar coat between. Care should be taken to break joints both hori- zontally and vertically. The exposed cork surfaces should be covered with expanded metal and receive two coats of Portland cement plaster. The first coat being a scratch coat, the second a float or smooth finishing coat. Ceiling and floor should also hat^e four inches of cork insulation. For boxes located in a basement, when floor in the box is to be level with floor outside of the box, excavate to a depth of ten inches below the floor grade and lay a four inches thick concrete bed of the same size as the outside di- mensions of the box. Then lay two thicknesses of two inch thick cork boards with a half inch cement coat between, breaking joints both ways. On top of the cork boards lay a 2^/^ inch thick cement floor, Y\ inch of this being a finishing coat. The floor of the box should be Y\ inch to one inch higher than the floor of the basement to prevent water running in. Cement floor should not be laid until the walls are erected. If box is built on a wood floor then lay two thicknesses of heavy water proof building paper. The first dry, the second in hot asphalt cement on the wood floor, then two layers of 332 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. two inch thick cork boards as described before, or they can also be laid in hot asphalt cement. - After the walls are erected, put in the 2^^ inch thick cement floor. Ceiling of a box is made as follows: After the walls are up to the required height, nail a 2" X 6" wall plate to the top of the four cork walls, then place 2" x 8" joists on 18" centers. To the lower edge of the joists nail a %" thick D. & M. flooring. Apply either hot asphalt cement or Portland cement mortar to the cork boards and nail them securely to the flooring. The second layer of cork boards should also be set in either hot asphalt cement or Portland cement mortar and also be nailed to the first layer of cork boards, as the nailing will hold the boards in place until the cement is set. Ceiling should also have a two coat cement plastering. A very convenient way to apply the Portland ce- ment plaster to the cork boards is to build a wood frame 18" x 36" inside dimension and 2^" high (the size of standard cork boards), hinged together at one corner. Lay the frame on a table and insert the cork board, then fill in to the edge of the frame with the Portland cement mortar and scrape off. Open the frame, remove the board and place it on the walls or ceiling, as may be the case. When applying the boards to the walls or ceiling, rub them slightly ba?ck and forth and up and down, as they then will adhere better to the wall. It is well to use a straight edge to see that there are no low or high places. Should there be a high corner or side, it can easily be forced, in with a hammer or mallet. Cement mortar should be of the following propor- tions: One part of Portland cement to two parts of sharp clean sand. Doors and windows should be of what is called the "cold storage" kind and should never be of the home-made variety, as it is very im- portant that they are air proof. Doors are ^from 5" to 6" thick cork lined. Win- dows have triple glass, forming two air spaces. There are many manufacturers of this kind of doors and windows. One of the best make is made by Jones Cold Storage Door and Window Co., Hagers- town, Md. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 533 ^^£ttl^^?^ < D d a n < ID J3 b O a :3 b] 75 Qi (U ii be 4) a o ii O be X! H o ON o o CO o o o o o o o On o ON o 0^ O O O CO 00 o ^^ CO o CO o 00 o o o o 00 NO o VO o NO o o NO ^5^:^ Csi 05 C3 CM CNl CSJ CNI OOCOO^O^O^a^OOOOO■•-ll-l■.-H■l-l T-lT-lT-lT-li-lT-lCMCNJCVlCMCNlCMCMCMCM •vOr^t^r^t^ooooco • O O -rH -^ T-l -r- CM • CM Csl CM CM Csl CM CM • r'TN t-* N MX rox MX M\ • 00 0^ Cn-CTn CTn O O O ■T-ll— ItHt— ItHCMCMCM r^t^i^r^oocooooc ■ rnx HXt-N,r*K MX • O tH -^ -ri ,-( CM CM ■ o > s bo n s rt < 0) c (U < J3 D n a a -s: 3 7) u b 0) o X! U c Q^ -• 3 U, in 0) x: H 3 o CD O o o o ON o ON o CM ON o o ON o o 00 o o 00 O o IT) o C-J o o S o ID o s • OI ro ro CC ro -^ '^ ■* -^ in ID •CNjC-JCMCslCMCMCMCMfNlCMCJ ■.-ifN)CVlCxiOirorororOocr<0'^rj--Tt-Tj-miOiO CNJCNlCMCM^CMOJCNJCaCMOJCMCMCNlC^JCNKMCM CNJCNJCgtMCMCMCNJCNlCMCMCM hN h^ ft:^;^ CNi CM ro ro ro CO -* CM CM CM CM CM CM CM cmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcm cMmroroco-r)-^-5*-^3-xrir>icvoio^^r>vcvc (MCvJCMCOCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCNSCMCMCMCMCM rgCMCgC^CMCMC^ICMCMCMCM •CMCMCMCMCMCSirMCMCMCMCM CMCMCMCMCMC^CMCMC^JCMCM inioin^^^-D^^t^r^f^i^ ...... .CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM Nrt V*\flN^ \-*-s5)\^ Vl'^^'V* V^NflN:* f*VN. MN>-i\r*vs »HXM\frf\ wX>H\f<^ MX»-,N(rK CO ■^ -^ ■* TTin m lo to vo v£; vc ^r> t^ i^ r^ r^ oo CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM 9iunE3g mN m\ rtVs CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMC-ICMCNICMCMCMCMCMCM a o n fa o 1- -a CO O 5^ O (U X "o o o o "cO 3 >-i tfl to n" u 4) CO 11 a tx^' XI a o u o o a CO CO B a 0) -4-> c o a F •4-» CO T3 < X 4) C! ^ti < 3 to < o X X o "o X CO 4) a CO n b£ n >< CO -4.J 4) CO C >-. CO o a a b£ CO f ) < o C m o U3 T\ X :^ c; n\ >^ 4> a tn X CM CO 3 XJ X X H c H CO ^ 1) 1- o > o CO XI -cN)'vC)t^oo>sCCNi vOt^ON-T-irO-^-sCr^oOCT^Oi-H M T-1 lot^'^omaNCNioirjr-ooNro 1^ c ON ■^^■^ih^cMcc-*o-]covoojcoroiovOro-r-i Tfrl-GO-i-irOlO^OOONCNllO'^ co'^irit^ooaNO-^'-K^irvjtM CMCMCNJCMogcMrorococoroco Id in CO uooTj-mONoocO'^'or^cMvD ro CO 10 r^ r^ j->. 10 CM -vD 00 CO ^ C^l^O^^U"J^0^^CO0^O^0^O^0^ ox'!i-cx)r^c30 v^rOO^^GOOXCOi-CCTNO^^ OOTNOOOOOOOxcOt^ T-iT-lCNlCMCXlCxiCNlCXI-i-lT-i-l Q. ->j C CN 00000000000 ioo.oo./:oioojnoin 1 1 i o H I w O 2 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 361 COMPARISON OF THERMOMETERS Cent. Reau. Fahr. Cent. Reau. Fahr. Cent. Reau. Fahr. —40 —32.0 -^0.0 21 16.8 69.8 62 49.6 143.6 —38 —30.4 —36.4 22 17.6 71.6 63 50.4 145.4 -36 —28.8 —32.8 23 18.4 73.4 64 51.2 147.2 —34 -27.2 —29.2 24 19.2 75.2 65 52.0 149.0 -32 —25.6 —25.6 25 20.0 77.0 66 52.8 150.8 —30 -24.0 -22.0 26 20.8 78.8 67 53.6 152.6 —28 —22.4 —18.4 27 21.6 80.6 68 54.4 154.4 —26 —20.8 —14.8 28 22.^ 82.4 69 55.2 156.2 —24 —19.2 —11,2 29 23.2 84.2 70 56.0 158.0 —22 —17.6 — 7.6 30 24.0 86.0 71 56.8 159.8 —20 —16.0 — 4.0 31 24.8 87.8 72 57.6 161.6 —18 —14.4 — 0.4 32 25.6 89.6 73 58.4 163.4 —16 -12.8 + 3.2 33 26.4 91.4 74 59.2 165.2 —14 -11.2 6.8 34 27.2 93.2 75 60.0 167.0 —12 — 9.6 10.4 35 28.0 95.0 76 60.8 168.8 —10 -— 8.0 14.0 36 28.8 96.8 77 61.6 170.6 — 8 — 6.4 17.6 37 29.6 98.6 78 62.4 172.4 — 6 - 4.8 21.2 38 30.4 100.4 79 63.2 174.2 — 4 — 3.2 24.8 39 31.2 102.2 80 64.0 176.0 — 2 — 1.6 28.4 40 32.0 104.0 81 64.8 177.8 0.0 32.0 41 32.8 105.8 82 65.6 179.6 + 1 + 0.8 33.8 42 33.6 107.6 83 66.4 181.4 2 1.6 35.6 43 34.4 109.4 84 67.2 183.2 3 2.4 37.4 44 35.2 111.2 85 68.0 185.0 4 3.2 39.2 45 36.0 113.0 86 68.8 186.8 5 4.0 41.0 46 36.8 114.8 87 69.6 188.6 6 4.8 42.8 47 37.6 116.6 88 70.4 190.4 7 5.6 44.6 48 38.4 118.4 89 71.2 192.2 8 6.4 46.4 49 39.2 120.2 90 72.0 194.0 9 7.2 48.2 50 40.0 122.0 91 72.8 195.8 10 8.0 50.0 51 40.8 123.8 92 73.6 197.6 11 8.8 51.8 52 41.6 125.6 93 74.4 199.4 12 9.6 53.6 53 42.4 127.4 94 75.2 201.2 13 10.4 55.5 54 43.2 129.2 95 76.0 203,0 14 11.2 57.2 55 44.0 131.0 96 76.8 204.8 15 12.0 59.0 56 44.8 132.8 97 77.6 206.6 16 12.8 60.8 57 45.6 134.6 98 78.4 208.4 17 13.6 62.6 58 46.4 136.4 99 79.2 210.2 18 14.4 64.4 59 47.2 138.2 100 80.0 212.0 19 15.2 66.2 60 48.0 140.0 20 16.0 68.0 61 48.8 141.8 Freezing point on Falirenlieit scale is +32 degrees; boiling point, 212 degrees. Freezing point on Centigrade scale is +0 degrees; boiling point, 100 degrees. Freezing point on Eeaumur scale is +0 degrees; boiling point, 80 de- grees. Of water at sea level at normal barometer pressure (29.9 inch). The "absolute zero" of temperature denotes that condition of matter nt which heat ceases to exist. At this point a body would be wholly de- prived of heat and a gas would exert no pressure. The absolute zero on the Fahrenheit scale is about 461 degrees below zero. The absolute zero on the Centigrade scale is about 274 degrees below zero. The absolute zero on the Reaumur scale is about 219 degrees below zero, An English unit of heat (B. T. U.) is the quantity required to raise one pound of Water one degree Fahrenheit. A metric unit of heat or met- ric caloric (M. C.) is the quantity of heat required to raise one litre of water one degree centigrade. 362 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. en H Z < O z <: u o b U] en z o CO Z u •J z o H o O H o o H o r-i O r-i o r-i o r-i O r-i o 1— ( o r-i o r-i O r-i o r-i o rH o o o rH rH H C/3 r-i rH rH r-i rH r-i cq r-i cq r-i cq T-i cq r-i cq r-i cq rH cq ct cq r-i r-i T-i « »0 to lO Id la O lO »n lO lO in in in in in in in in O CD CD CD rH CD CD rH O cq o cq o O O cq cq cq cq cq rH cq rH cq t> cq o o o CO CO CO ^ 05 03 O O r-i O iH C iH CD CD cq CO CD CO cq CO cq CO cq CO cq CO CO CD CO rH ■ CD 00 CO 03 cq r-i ffi CO CO CO CO CO rH O CD rH cq CD o t> 03 rH in cq CO 03 in in in 05 05 05 o o o iH o O r-i o r-i O r-i o rH o r-i O r-i cq r-i cq r-i cq r-i m r-i in r-i in r-i in in in " r-i r-i r-i fe o o r-i iH lO H CO rH GO r-i CO i-t O cq O cq o cq O cq in cq in cq o CO o o o CO CO CO w CO iH CO CO O rH CO CO rH rH o CO in CO 05 CO rH CO o o o CO 00 CO Q o o H in H r-i CO r-i CO r-i r-i O cq o cq o cq o cq in cq in cq o CO o o o CO rH rH u r-i 05 r-i in in CD cq CO cq in CO CO CO CO rj( rH CD O in t> o r-i m CO >* CO CO 00 CO rH O >a CO rH rH lO cq CD o 03 rH in cq CO 03 l> in in in 05 03 05 < l> CO r-i CO l> GO o CO CO 03 CO cq 03 CO 05 CO 05 rj) r-i m rH r-i o CD r-i 00 t> CO t^ rH CO rH cq CO a c rt o N ta CO o r-i lO H CO rH o cq o CO in CO o O in O CD in t> o o o o in o r-i H cq JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 363 00- O in o r-i 1.6910 1.7300 1.5093 1.3964 1.2547 1.2121 1.1294 1.0603 .9736 .8922 .8172 .7629 O o O O o OCON OiTjtrH lOCOr-l 05 O Oi OJiOlO 00500 05^C0 0D05O O^CO (MiHCO 10050 (MiOO CDiO'* Ce(Mr-i O0505 ODI>t> iH iH i-l iHr-l H H O id Oi f-l05H t>l>CD t-i-^O t>Tj<00 »COt> COCOiO iHCqM (D^Oi 0^(0^ «^^eD 05(M'* t005CC lO^^CO C^.i-lO O5O5 00 t><^.=o iHiHH iHiHrH 00 vO o o a> OiHCq 050000 lOMCO CTCOt)< (MOO I>>Ht> 0005 (M»00 rffiHCO C0O05 (NOO OCOOO •^^^^(N HO 05 05 00t> l>OiC f-ir-ir-i HiH o lO 00 r-ltHCO IC0500 IOtJIOO C1ir5TJ< iHO -^CN-^j* 05lOrH C0005 05O(N lO05iH 050CN COCOr-l . OO05 O0C>l> " lOmO o o CO (Mr-IM OOCCO -^'-O^ tHXCO COC^OO C0(M05 ^t-r-j Ot>0 O0!MiH (MCOiO ^^t;: '^'1^3 (N(Mr-t O05 00 t-.t^.^. lfilOTJ<_ lO t> iHOCO t>0DCO Oi-iCO tXMiH icioio oo'^^Tj* s.iCS ^::i9, O^tH 10C005 C^CD05 ^^'-^ (MrHO 0500l> t>0»0 IC •^ -^ iHiHH 1^ o o rj(C^t> COOON 0500O 05«3CD O05t> COOrH C^05rf lOtOrlH wxio oooco COO5C0 coom H 05 0000t> COmiO •'^TitCO Hr-I M5 O o lO CD rJlfMCO ■^(MO inoio coosin XI>(N OOlOCO iHrHTjt OOO 10050 iHCOCO 05-*I> tHlOO O0505 ooi>co ino^ Ti OOO OOO OOO OOO oioo moo omo moio III 1 a ^sOCN fCOO ^QCi^ Ol^^r ^'-N MMfO n^*^ •draaj \ puB 9jnssajs^* ' ' Ammonia Gaa in weak solution \Ath water, known as Weak Aqua Liqubr shown by BRoK^r* LINES.—TpP^ ' Ammonia Gas in strong solution with watbr, known as Strong Aqua Liquor, showti by double; lines. X .JL, fe - NOTES-Pure ammonta liquid boiU at 28]4° below zero [Fahr.l. Water boils at 212° Fahr. above zero. A mixture of ammonia' and waicr will have a boiling point somewKere benve«n cKese two temperatures, dependins on the strength of the aqua ammonia* solution. Roughly, a pound of steam nondensed m the generator coiU will distill from ammonia liquor a pound of ammonia gas. Approximately 26 lbs. of anhydrous ammonia must be discharged into the condenier by any refrigerating machine per hour per ton of refrigerating effect. The ammonia liquor circulating pump must handle approximately 120 cubic inches of strong liquor per minute per ton of work done. Aqua am- monia is employed in the absorption machine aa a conveyor, transferring continuously the used charge of^ammonia gaa to the generator, to be diaCiUed, reliquefied and used again in the expansion chamber. «1^> The operation of any Carbondale Absorption Type Refrigerating Machine is based on the fact thar pure water readily absorbs, and tiolds in solution, ammonia gaa. The quantity of ammonia it will absorb and hold depend* only on the efficieniiy of the mixing device, the pressure of the gas and the temperature of the solution of aqua ammonia Strong solution aqua ammonia is pumped through the exchanger into the generator. Steam coils heat the solution and drive out the ammonia gaa. which is passed through the rectifier or moisture separator, into the condenser. This operation is similar to the discharge stroke of the compression machine and accomplishea the same result, and the same number of pounds of high pressure ammonia gas must be discharged into the condenser, cooled and liquched per hour per tOn of refrigerating effect It is then conducted to the expansion coils through the feed valve, where it is allowed to evaporate, as in the compression system gathering heat from the obiects to be refngerated. Since strong aqua liquor is being continually pumped into the generator and the gas driven o^ to the condenser, a continuous supply of weak liquor results, which passes out of the generator, through the exchanger and weak liquor cooler to the absorber, through a regulating valve for a fresh charge of ammonia gas. The weak liquor enters the absorber through an injector device dtawmg gas from the cooler and absorbing it and this process compares with the sucti'on sitoke of a compressor. ■ The resultant strong aqua ammonia is taken from the absorber by the aqua pump and fo-ced through the exchanger healer to the generator. The steam coils heat the liquor, distilling off the gas. and the process is repeated continually ■ The above information is of educational value and interest to owners and operators who wjsh lo learn (he meihod of operahon by which their machine produces refrigeration For the experienced engineer this sketch will simplify the breaking in of green operators. Frame this diagram and reading matter under glasa where it may t^e consulted frequently by i^e operator, who should in a short time be able to locate corresponding lines in the plant ll the ralves in your plant are similarly letteied and marked it will help the engineers and in case of a fire or break, the valves already being familia.'. the necessary ones eloped proriiptly. thereby ammonia losses and other damage prevented. Wo can furnish marked metal tags at small ost When writing for information, if Me know you have ihie diagram, it will gicaily simplify our instructions. Keep A Log of Operation. Coal. Repaiis and Results. Keep your generator steam pressure as uniform as possible. Keep your anhydrous receiver ourlet sealed always. Slow ammonia piston speed means long rod and packing'life. *^ i' ^ r.i :i«? 5 ; s V* i '■ llUU 5 5 < ' j! ,J ;«'? ' ; < i ] 8- 1 { 5 i 3* } s L « j ' ; J < i i V J:4 <•^l ' 5 * » . •t ; :: vi:?.r '■ *^i » ! S 1 'sit lU: It J ' : J * • » i ' » sU' '-■■ ?' L- I'i i* !' 5 1 : » J'J' ;,ii-ic:.jy ij Hi im- » : * ! « s » ' ; 5 5 ; i I s 1 J 1 5 1 THE BAKER MACHINE The. Most Economical and Efficient Machine Made for Medium Plants, Capacity from 2 to 25 Tons 363q JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL The proper way to pipe a cold storage for storing artificial ice I JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL 363r 364 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. HEAT OF COMBUSTION OF FUELS FUEL Coal of average composition Coke Lignite Asphalt Wood desiccated Wood, 25% moisture Wood, charcoal, desiccated.. Peat, desiccated Peat, 30% moisture Peat, charcoal, desiccated . . . Straw Petroleum » • Petroleum oils Coal gas per cu. ft. at 62° F. Air chemically consumed per pound of fuel Lbs. 10.7 10.81 8.85 11.85 6.09 4.57 9.51 7 52 5.24 9.9 4.26 10.33 17.33 Cu. ft. at 62JF. 140 142 116 156 80 60 125 99 69 130 56 188 2.35 Total heat of combu- tion of one pound of fuel Units 14,700 13,548 13,108 17,040 10,974 7.951 13,006 12,279 8,260 12,.325 8,144 20,411 27,531 630 Equivalent evaporative power from and at 212° F., water per pound of fuel Lbs. 15.22 14.02 13.57 17.64 11.36 8.20 13.46 12.71 9.53 12.76 8.43 21.13 28.50 .70 RELATIVE VALUE OF VARIOUS WOODS WOOD o >> u mo C o Relative value of Wood Val. with Hickory at $5.00 per Cord Hickory Shell bark White Oak White Ash 1.000 0.885 0.772 0.728 0.724 0.681 0.665 0.644 0.597 0.5,50 0.567 0.418 0.552 62 53 49 45K 45 42% 35 40 37 34 35K 26 32 4.469 3.821 3.450 3.254 3,236 3,044 2.525 2,878 2,668 2.463 2,.534 1,866 2.333 1.00 0.81 0.77 0.69 0.65 0.65 0.56 0.60 0..54 0.54 0.51 0.42 0.52 $5.00 4.05 3.85 Red Oak 4.45 White Beech Black Walnut Red Cedar 3.25 3.25 2.08 Hard Maple Soft Maple 3.00 2.70 Yellow Pine Butternut 2.70 2.55 White Pine Chestnut 2.10 2.60 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 365 Properties of Saturated Carbonic Acid Gas Transformed into United States Measures from Professor Schroeter's Table Temp. Fahrenh. Press, Atm. Total Heat B.T.U. Above 32° Heat of Liquid B.T.U. Above 32° Latent Heat of Evapor Weight of Vapor Lbs. per cu. ft. 80 68.0 104.0 63.0 41.0 17.5 70 60.5 103.9 44.0 60.0 13.1 60 52.5 103.6 29.4 74.0 10.6 : 50 46.2 103.2 17.6 85.6 8.7 40 40.0 102.8 7.5 95.0 7.0 30 34.5 102.2 — 1.8 104.0 5.9 20 29.5 101.6 —10.0 111.0 5.0 10 25.0 100.9 —17.5 118.0 4.17 21.2 100.3 —24.0 124.0 3.5 —10 17.7 99.5 —30.9 130.0 2.9 20 14.8 98.5 —36.5 134.0 2.45 —30 12.4 97.5 —41.5 140.0 2.0 Gallons of Ice Water Cooled Floor Space Required in Feet Capacity Plant Required Tons Ref. Index Nnmbpr per Hour A B 50 10 . 8 1^ AW 125 10 10 4 BW . 200 15 14 6 CW i 300 20 18 10 DW 400 20 22 14 EW 366 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. RULES FOR SPRINKLING SYSTEM WATER SUPPLIES. Double Supply. — Two independent supplies are ab- solutely necessary for a standard equipment. At least one of the supplies to be automatic and one to be capable of furnishing water under heavy pressure. The choice of water supplies for each equipment to be determined by the Underwriters having juris- diction. Size of Connection. — Connection from water sup- ply or main pipe system to sprinkler riser to be equal to or larger in size than the riser. PUBLIC WATER WORKS SYSTEM. (Rules also applicable to private reservoir and stand pipe systems.) 1. Pressure Required. — Should give not less than 25 pounds static pressure at all hours of the day at highest line of sprinklers. Where the normal static pressure complies with the above, the supply to be also satisfactory to the Underwriters having jurisdiction, in its ability to maintain 10 pounds pressure at highest sprinklers, with the water flowing through the number of sprink- lers judged liable to be opened by fire at any one time. Size of Mains. — Street mains should be of ample size, in no case smaller than 6 inches. ' Dead Ends. — If possible, avoid a dead end in street main by arranging main to be fed at both ends. Meter. — No water supply for sprinklers to pass through a meter or pressur,e regulating valve, except by special consent. STEAM PUMP. Type. — To be in accordance with the National Standard specifications. Capacity. — To be determined by Underwriters hav- ing jurisdiction in each instance, but never less than 500 gallons rated capacity per minute. 8. Pump for Filling. — It is desirable to have water fed to tank by a pump so that proper water level may be restored at any time without reducing air pressure. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 367 3. Risers and Feed Mains. — Central feed risers: 13^ inch. Not over 6 heads. 2 inch. Not over 10 heads. 2>4 inch. Not over 20 heads. 3 inch. Not over 36 heads. 3^ inch. Not over 55 heads. 4 inch. Not over 72 heads. For gridiron side feed risers, use the same sizes counting to the center of each line. If number on line, is odd the center head may be neglected in fig- uring size of side risers except that pipe feeding both risers must take into account all sprinklers which it feeds. Where feed main (including risers to the first branch line) is over twenty-five feet in length feed main to be at least a size larger than the tables re- quire. Where there is more than one riser size of feed mains to be determined by the Unde'rwriters having jurisdiction but never to be less than the full equivalent of the two largest risers. 11. Drip Pipes. — Drip pipes to be provided to drain all parts of the system. Drip pipes at main risers to be not smaller than two (2) inches, and when exposed to the weather to be fitted with hood or down-turned elbow to prevent stoppage with ice. 12. Drainage. — All sprinkler pipe and fittings to be so installed that they can be thoroughly drained, and, where practicable, all piping to be arranged to drain at the main drips. On wet pipe systems the horizontal branch pipes to be pitched not less than % inch in 10 feet. (See also Sec. H 2.) 12. Exhaust Pipe. — Each pump to be provided ^with an independent exhaust pipe, free from liability to back pressure and equipped with an open drain pipe at lowest point. 13. Steam Pressures. — Steam pressure of not less than 50 pounds to be maintained at the pump at all times. 14. Boilers. — Provision to be made for sufficient steam power to run pump to full rated capacity; not less than 40 H. P. for each 250 gallons rated capacity of pump. Boilers to be supplied with ample water supply not liable to be crippled in case of fire. Where forced draught is necessary, provisions should be made for safe, independent control of the same. 368 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. (d) Heating: Where there is exposure to cold, tank to be provided with a steam coil inside and at the bottom. Coil to be made of brass or galvanized iron to prevent rusting and provided with a return pipe to the boiler room, or, tank to be provided with a direct steam pipe from boilers discharging into water near top and fitted with a check valve and per- forated fitting to prevent siphoning. 2. Hydrant Mains. — No. 4-inch pipe to be used. 3. For Pipes Extending to a Dead End: — a. Allow 200 feet 6-inch pipe with one 3-way hy- drant. b. Allow 500 feet 6-inch pipe with one 2-way hy- drant. This might be extended in special cases. c. Allow 1,000 feet 8-inch pipe with one 3-way hy- drant. d. Allow 500 feet 8-inch pipe with one 4-way hy- drant or its equivalent in hose streams. e. Allow 300 feet 8-inch pipe to first hydrant, where there is a hydrant equivalent of 6 streams. SECTION S— MISCELLANEOUS RULES. - 1. Circulation in Pipes. — Circulation of water in sprinkler pipes is very objectionable, owing to greatly increased corrosion, deposit of sediment and con- densation drip from pipes; sprinkler pipes not to be used in any way for domestic service. Location. — To be so located on the premises as to be free from damage by fire or other cause. Pump room should be readily accessible and provide easy and safe egress for attendant. PRESSURE TANK. Capacity. — Total capacity of tank to be specified by Underwriters having jurisdiction, but not less than 4,500 gallons, except by special permission. Location, — Tank not to be located below upper story of building. Tank Service. — Tanks to be used as a supply to automatic sprinklers and hand hose only. Capacity. — Total capacity of tank to be specified by Underwriters having jurisdiction, but not less than 4,500 gallons, except by special permission. Location. — Tank not to be located below upper story of building. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 369 GRAVITY TANK. 1. Capacity. — To be specified by the Underwriters having jurisdiction. In no case to be of less than 5,000 gallons capacity. Capacity of the tank to be computed from the net depth measured from the top of the discharge pipe to bottom of overflow pipe. 2. Elevation. — Elevation of bottom of tank above highest line of sprinklers on system v^hich it supplies to be specified by the Underwriters having jurisdic- tion. The greater the elevation of a gravity tank the less likelihood of inefficient service. Underwriters having jurisdiction are urged to have such tanks placed at the greatest practicable elevation. 3. Tank Service. — Tank to be used as a supply to automatic sprinkler system only, except that, at the discretion of the Underwriters, tank may be made larger than called for, and so arranged that the excess supply only may be used for other pur- poses. 4. Independent Drain. — Provision to be made to drain each tank independently of other tanks and the sprinkler system. The practice of placing drain valves at lower levels and accessible from the exterior of buildings is not approved. 5. Test. — Tank to be tested and proved tight at a hydrostatic pressure of at least 25 per cent, m excess of the normal working pressure required. Water .then to be drawn off to the two-thirds line and tank tested at the working air pressure required. In this condition and with all valves closed, tank not to show loss of pressure in excess of Y-z pound in 34 hours. 6. Fittings and Connections. — (a). Gage Glass: To be placed on the end of horizontal and side of upright tank so that the two-thirds line wfU be at the center of the glass. Gage glass valves to be of the best quality angle globe pattern. The two valves in the water gage connections to be kept closed and opened only to ascertain the amount of water in the tanks; as breaking of or leakage about glass will cause the escape of pressure. SECTION P— STEAMER CONNECTIONS. 1. Recommendations. — In addition to the above required double supply, it is recommended that a hose inlet pipe to sprinkler system be provided for connection from hose or steamer of public fire de- partment. 370 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 2. Pipe Size. — To be not less than four (4) inches in size and fitted with a straightway check valve, but not with a gate valve. Siamese connections to be provided with check valves in the "Y." A ^-inch drip pipe and valve to be installed so 's to properly drain the piping between the check valve and the outside hose coupling. Connections to be so located as to provide for prompt and easy attachment of hose. 3. Where Attached. — To equipments having a sin- gle riser, attach on the system side of the gate valve in the riser if a wet system, but on the supply side if the dry valve if a dry system. To equipments having two or more risers, attach on the supply side of the gate valves, so that with any one riser shut off the supply will feed all the remaining sprinklers. 4. Threads. — Each hose connection to be made of good brass, having thread to fit coupling of public fire department. Malleable iron or brass caps, se- cured to connection by chains and having suitable lugs at sides to fit spanner wrench of public fire de- partment, to be provided for each connection. Each hose connection to be designated by raised letters at least 1 inch in size, cast in the fitting in a clear and prominent manner, and reading: "Auto, spkr." 2. Painting and Bronzing. — Where pipes are painted or bronzed for appearance, the moving parts of sprinkler heads should not be so coated. 3. Piling of Stock. — Sprinkler heads to be free to form an unbroken spray blanket for at least 2 feet under the ceiling from sprinkler to sprinkler and sides of room. Any stock piles, racks or other obstructions interfering with such action are not permissible. 4. Settling of Building. — Where a building settles and deprives a dry pipe system of its drainage, the ends of lines should not be raised to violate Sec. B, 3. The drainage should be restored by shortening the vertical piping. 5. Position of Deflector. — Notice that it is the de- flector of a sprinkler which should be at least 3 inches (and not over 10 inches) from ceiling or bottom of joists; 6 to 8 inches is the best distance with average pressure and present types of sprinklers. (See Sec. B, 3.) JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 371 6. Hanging Stock to Piping. — Sprinkler piping should not be used for the support of stock, clothing, etc. 7. Alterations. — It is not permitted' to change, plug up or remove the fittings pertaining to dry pipe valve, pressure tanks, pumps, gages, etc. If such fittings leak or become deranged, they are to be put in order. 8. Extra Sprinklers. — There should be maintained on the premises a supply of extra sprinklers (never less than six), to promptly replace any fused by fire or in any way injured. 9. Use of High Degree or Hard Sprinklers. — High degree sprinklers should be used only when abso- lutely necessary. When used, the fusing points should be as low as the conditions will safely permit. Under- writers having jurisdiction should be consulted in each instance before the installation of high degree sprinklers. Ordinary degree sprinklers should be substituted for high degree sprinklers where the latter are made unnecessary by change in occupancy. 10. Hand Hose Connections. — Hand hose to be used for fire purposes only, may be attached to sprinkler pipes within a room under the following restrictions; Pipe nipple and hose valve to be 1 inch. Hose to be 1% inch. Nozzle to be not larger than ^ inch. Hose not to be connected to any sprinkler pipe smaller than 2^ inches and never to be attached to a dry pipe system. 372 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. j5I 6 u O O O O < O 0- -00* oooooeao- - o o o » O O «> • -O -O- 0- u ft OOOO DO- o o o o o o o- O Q O O 2 a;' c O (0 t: be (8 *» o 2q ® ZJOJ O O •- ■<;> J C o {J e ^ o oa fl- oe oooo oo i JQHNSON WA (^ V«IVCE Cawwais* t» Flic IHm o I R vaed ) Arrows Sh If HOJiE l4:"j)ie/--«»& t^l"n"tj> Swiv-4<3, CMt. IVJ ■*>0»-l»t T>^»-.«>_H. 2>Te-A^v( ^\"-t.. 'S HANDY MANUAL. TYPICAL ARRANGEMENTS OF lTer supplies, connections and valves FOR JTOMATIC SPRINKLER EQUIPMENTS NOTE: — ^The initial source of water supply is from the pressure tanks, or fire p, followed by water from the gravity tank in case the other sources are exhausted. The water can only flow in the direction of the open sprinklers, therefore, should re Engine be connected to the steamer connection for sprinklers, and water ped into the underground main, the water would go direct to the open sprinklers. The shut -off valves on each floor are for the purpose of shutting off the water ae floor and leaving the balance of building under protection. As there may be more than one riser in the building care should be observed to off only the system in operation. Where the system is without floor shut-off valves, the main valve at base of ;m riser must be closed to control the water. The alarm valve at base of system riser gives alarm when water flows through ripe. «n OliccUon a> Water Flon JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 377 — ^ (!) C \ ' . r "j > ^ ' i ' * » 1 . . -J i i ' 1 ' 1 o -J ' ■ ■ < i ' 1 ■ 1 ■ 1 ? s 1 ( ' 1 1 > 1 ■ , o *» ' 1 < > ■ 1 K ' ' t 1 t ' > r \ y i. T o O «/ 1 ( 1 1 > 1 ( 1 1 1 ( < 4J a: 2 (1; CL C d c 1 r 1 < < ) ' \ ( f ( ' ' ► < 1 1 "5 « 1 ? 1 ) t. > y i. < 1 u J 12 ^ 1 1 ' ' ► i ( O o o > ' 1 t • 1 1 1 ' i > ''< t 1 ( < 1 1 1 1 • 1 i 1 1 . \ ' ' 1 i * JQHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. /- . m& Can be installed in your heating apparatus, parlor or cook stove without changing or disturbing the same. No ashes. No coal dust. No work. No odor. 388 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Simplex Oil Burner There is a modern, clean, efficient way to heat your Residence, Apartment or Office Plant without dirt, soot, ashes, janitor worries and without anx- iously waiting for the "coal dealer" to make de- livery at a price that is out of all reason. The Simplex Oil Burner, installed in your furnace, boiler or stove will render a greater efficiency, more even heat, with less work, and will save you Money and Time; there are hundreds in use, and each has proven to its purchaser the facts as above stated. The many reasons for your adoption of this mod- ern and highly satisfactory method of heating are escaping your attention, but as a Business proposi- tion, they are sure to commend themselves to you for consideration for the following reasons: 1st. — Kerosene is the only absolutely safe oil that can be used for fuel purposes, endorsed by fire underwriters; 2nd. — Kerosene is instantly efficient as a heat creator, when vaporized and mixed with air, produc- ing a Hydro-Carbon Gas; 3rd. — Kerosene is clean, odorless and cheap as a heating fuel when used with a Simplex Oil Burner; 4th. — Installation of the Simplex Oil Burner, and assured prompt delivery of the oil, relieves the worries as to the coal situation. A match, a turn of the valve, a flame, and your heat "is there" — no waiting, no ashes to remove, no clinkers, no banking of fires. Call and see our demonstrations or write for further particulars. Many people ask us to state how long a barrel of oil (which contains 50 gallons) would last them JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUA 389 in heating an eight-room house. This is impossible for us to state, owing to various reasons; some houses are much easier to heat than others and no two people living in an eight-room house, using the same make of furnace or boiler, will use the same number of tons of coal in the same length of time, so we give you the following facts with regard to what can be obtained out of the coal and oil: The average hard coal will run 13,500 British thermal heat units per pound. Allowing thirty per cent efficiency, which is more than most people get from coal in stoves or furnaces, 3^ou realize 7,100,000 British thermal heat units in a ton of coal, which would cost you, say $9.50. In oil there are 20,000 British thermal heat units per pound, 8 pounds to the gallon, and allowing seventy-five per cent efficiency, which is low, you will get 7,800,000 British thermal heat units out of 65 gallons of oil, and would cost you $5.53 at 8^ cents, so the comparison is this: In burning oil you buy 7,800,000 British thermal heat units for $5.53, and in burning coal you buy 7,100,000 British thermal heat units for $9,50. You can use it up in any quantity you wish. The oil burner offers you a much greater opportunity of economizing than burn- ing coal, as you do not have the waste, and you have your heat just as you require it. REMEMBER: No ashes, no smoke, no coal dust, no coal gas explosions, no coal bills to worry about, no changes necessary in your heating plant. Hydro-Carbon Gas generated in your own stove and furnace, by the use of Simplex Burners, is the cheapest and Most Efficient Fuel known to science. An entirely new principle is applied for using kerosene for fuel in steam, hot water or hot air plants. You can heat your own home or any size plant, producing sufficient heat to heat a large apartment house or hotel. 390 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Where more than one burner is used, a separate valve is installed on each burner, enabling you to run them all until the system or house is heated to the temperature required, then you can shut off one or more burners and the others will keep up the required heat, which is much more economical than designing one large burner with sufficient capacity to carry the load. Hydro-Carbon Gas for Your Furnaces By installing theSimplexOil Burner in your heater or furnace, you can produce any desired heat you require, at a much less cost than coal, and eliminate the handling of coal and ashes and kindling of fires. In mild weather you can start your burner in the morning, run it for two hours, heat your house, shut it off and you have all the heat you can use all day. Do the same thing in tlte evening and your house is sufficiently warm all night. The result is that you get all the heat you can use from four hours' fuel, a saving to you of twenty hours, where, with a coal fire, you must let it run continually or you have to re-kindle your nre, which is a dirty job, and you waste a lot of fuel. You can readily see by being able to light the fire and turn it out, getting the heat just as you want it and when you want it, what a wonderful saving oil is over the use of coal. In cold weather, if necessary, you can let the burner run continually, keeping your house at a much more even temperature than is possible with a coal fire, for the flow of oil is constant and the heat produced in the firepot is continuous and uniform. i JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 391 Instructions for Installing Furnace Burner Dump your grates of your furnace, leave them open, take four bricks of ordinary quality, stand them on end on the grate of the furnace, place base of the burner on same in such a way that you do not stop the air-intake of the burner. The space between the base of the burner and the fire-pot of the furnace is filled in with pieces of brick or any- thing that will fill up the space and covered over with a good coat of ordinary fire clay so that the air must all pass up through the air-drum of the burner. The grates of your furnace and drafts, as well as the damper in pipe, are always left wide open, so that you can take through as much air as possible. Also see that the burner is made level. A quarter-inch gas pipe is screwed up through the cones in the base of the burner, projecting through one-eighth of an inch, connected underneath, and the pipe leading to a tank or barrel which can be placed anywhere in the basement or cellar, in the backyard, as long as it is higher than the burner, so the oil will flow by gravity. The valve is placed in the pipe close to the furnace at a convenient place to operate. 392 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAI,. Instructions for Lighting Burner A piece of asbestos wick or packing, which can be had in almost any hardware store, is placed in the bottom of the base of the burner. Lift the stove lid or open the furnace door so you can see the wick, open valve regulating the oil feed until the oil starts to flow into the base of the burner, drop a match in and it will light; turn the feed of oil down low for two or three minutes until the nozzles of burner become heated, then open up the valves gradually until you get the required heat you desire. Should you shut off the oil when the burner is hot and want to start it immediately, always drop a match in as soon as you turn on the oil, the same as you would do in starting a gas range. This new invention will revolutionize the fuel question. These oils can be bought at a considerably lower figure by buying in quantities. JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 393 Be Independent of the Coal Man A SIMPLEX BURNER Will Convert Your Coal Stove into a Gas Range ^ no v nin'' " ! (Courtesy of Popular Mechanics) I It is easily placed in the fire-box of stove. Steel brackets on each end of the generator base make it easily adjustable to the proper position in any size fire-box." 394 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. Gives Every Home a Gas Service In our Simplex Burners we are offering one of the greatest inventions of the century. The burner can be placed in the fire-box of any family cook stove or range, without making any alterations of the stove. The oil supply tank hangs on a hook or nail on the wall, and small flexible metal feed wires connect the supply tank to the valve and generator. The oil is fed evenly to the burners by gravity. No air pressure necessary. This makes it simple and safe. It takes only a moment to generate the burner and it is extinguished by the turn of a valve. The Simplex Burner will do everything that a gas, gasoline or coal stove will do. It has the conven- ience of gas, greater safety than gasoline and greater heating capacity than wood or coal, and it is more convenient than either of them. No Ashes to Handle — No Kindling Required. All Waste Eliminated Saving in Fuel. — The Simplex Gas Burner can be instantly extinguished without consuming unneces- sary fuel. Saving in Time. — The Simplex Burner can be lighted in a few seconds and after 5 or 10 minutes stove is hot. Saving in Food. — The heat of the Simplex Burner can be regulated so it will furnish a steady uniform heat. This prevents scorching or burning of food. Saving in Labor. — There are no ashes to carry out. No heavy coal buckets to lift. This feature alone is worth many times the price of the outfit. k JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL. 395 In the outfit we furnish 2-Gallon Supply Tank*, "Valves, Supply Pipes, Generators, Full Instructions for Installing and Operating, and a Five-Year Guarantee. Price for Complete Outfit $12.00 Simplex Gas Plants Company "U Address all communications to "Week Engineering Company 850 Cass Street Chicago, Illinois, U. S. A. 396 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL Richardson's Pantocrat Slide Rules The cut showing above shows cur Six-in-One Slide Rule which is equal to six other different slide rules at a total price of $30.00. Our 100-page book, with 135 illustrations, will teach you all there is to be known about slide rules. Note the slides are all interchangeable with stock of rule. The above rules, 10 inch size, all metal celluloid faced scales JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL 397 sold separately, if so desired. Order rules by num- ber: Price each, net prepaid. No. 812. Mannheim $3.00 No. 1812. Add and Subtracting 3.50 No. 1776. Polymetric CI Scale 3.50 No. 1865-0. Binary Polymeteric with CI scale Engineers 4.00 No. 1860-LL. Logometric (log log) for Frac- tional Roots and Powers 4.00 No. 1860. Business Man's, with special book.. 5.00 No. 1917. Educator 1.50 No. 1918. Military Range Finding or Fire Con- trol Slide Rule, 18 inch 20.00 Six-in-One, leather case 10.00 398 JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL Johnson's Patent Combination Pocket Rule T|l|,|, ,M|ii'|.iM'i' 'I'l'i'i'i'i'i; ^•"iTi,irmsi,i,i,i,i, - ' The Johnson Folding Pocket Rule is made of spring Liberty Silver, accurately and distinctly graduated. It can be used as a Square, Hook-rule, Caliper-gauge, Protractor, Triangle or Tri-square, and can be applied to practically all classes of me- chanical work. The upper edge is graduated in 32nds, the lower edge in I6ths. The Caliper blade is graduated in 16ths on one side and 32nds on the other. The Protractor is divided to five degrees and the Vernier to one-half degree. Center joint has fibre bearings which will not become loose and will remain firm at any angle. The illustrations on opposite page show only a few of the many uses this Rule is adapted to. Price each, net Prepaid: No. 46. 6 inch, with case $2.0C No. 45. 12 inch, with case 3.0C JOHNSON'S HANDY MANUAL 399 Combination Caliper ;jeji|i|iFjHi|ili|ih|i|i|i|iji|i|l|i|i|i|in|ili|ili|i|i|iri|i|i|i|i|i|i|MiliF lll,lilJilJilJllililJililJ|l,[,lili|ilililil||,l,[NlihlMjllJililllJil,lnJili!llllildJilJ,lil^ Inside Caliper, outside Caliper and Depth Gauge made of Spring Liberty Silver, guaranteed not to rust. No. 18 Gauge is used for the scale and No. 15 for the jaws which makes it light to carry in the pocket. One edge of the scale is graduated in 16ths and the other in 32nd. The jaws are 1 inch deep. The nibs can be inserted in holes % inch in diamet- er. The sliding jaw is supported with a friction spring which makes it the most practical tool of its kind. Price each net prepaid when remittance ac- companies order. No. 132. 4 inch $3.00 No. 133. 5 inch 3.25 No. 134. 6 inch 3.50 INDEX Page Mr Washer 133-137 Air Trap 123-124 An Easy and Correct Method of Ascertaining Length of Pipe Required in 45° Angles 14-20 Art of Soldering 283-285 Atmospheric System of Steam Heating 104a- 104b Bricking for Tubular and Fire-Box Boilers . 84-86 Blower System 148-165 Beer Pumps 218-220 Capacity of Vacuum Pump 104 Coil Connection 66 Combustion of Fuel in House-Heating Boilers 41- 42 Condensing and Power Plants 87- 88 Connections of Mains and Risers 81 Construction Long Horizontal Flow Main Hot Water Plants 169-171 Cross Connecting Pumps 3- 8 Condensation Pumps 138-140 Combination Hot Water and Air 114-116 Dimension of Pipe 77 Draining Ice Boxes 217 Dry Kiln 9 Figuring Steam and Hot Water Heating 66- 71 Forced Circulation of Hot Water Heat 117-119-174-175 Gas Fitting Rules and Engines 82- 84 Green House Heating 185-190 Heating Surface of Boilers 54 Horizontal Fire-Box Boilers Steam and Water, 53 Horizontal Tubular Boilers 51 Horse Power of Engine 89 How to Clean Water Gauge Glass 45- 46 How to Make Proper Connections 173-174 Heat Regulating System 146-147 Installation of Control Apparatus for Administering Hydrotherapeutic Treatment 235-236 Lead Burning 285-287 Locating Radiators 56 Oil Burning; Heating and Domestic Use .,..,... 385-94 INDEX— Continued Page Lubricating Systems 182-184 Measurements of Pipe and Fittings 66 Measurements of Elbows and Valves 79-80 Making Tight Joints ^ 165 Mechanical Refrigeration 303-353 Offsets of Standard Fl'd'g Ells 21-22 One Pipe Steam System 13 Overhead Closed System of Hot Water 9 Overhead Open Hot Water System 11 Offset Bends 37 Plumbing 209-287 Power House Work 179-181 Radiator Connections for Steam and Hot Water . . . 58- 65 Radiation of Expansion Tanks 71- 72 Rapid Circulation of Hot Water 171-172 Reaming Pipes . 69- 70 Radiation Below Water Line 38- 41 Radiation on Level with Boiler 121-122 Single Pipe Hot Water System 120-121- 10 Sizes of Chimneys 43- 45 Sanitary Screw Connection . 292 Sewage Disposal Station '. . 229-230b Steam Pipes Placed in the Ground 121 Superheated Steam 167-168 Street System : 112-113 Steam Traps 126-129 Spark System 124-125 Smoke Burner 130-132 System of Heating 141-145 Sprinkling System 366-380 Tables of Long and Short Legs and Diagonals for 111^, 223^, 333^, 60, 673^ and 72 Degree Tri- angles 24-36 Tapping for Radiators 57 Two- Pipe Steam System 12 Tables of Mains and Branches 47-48 Table of Measurements for all Kinds of Bends 37 Tank Capacity 73 Useful Information . .. 191-201-287-296-354-365 Vacuum Systems 90-111 Vacuum Cleaner .^ 297-306 Water Capacity of Boiler 52 Wiping Joints 202-208 V