Glass _„^l2-^/L^ CO py^ ¥ American ^tatejsmen EDITED BY JOHN T. MORSE, JR. A. '4^ I SUnicrimit .j&tatcsfmen THOMAS HART BENTON BT THEODORE ROOSEVELT BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY (Cfee JKibcrsitie l^rcss, Cambridge \ « f \ Co f^Zj Copyright, 1886, By THEODORE ROOSEVELT. All rights reserved. H V 7 oit? The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A. Electrotyped and Printed by H. 0. Houghton and Company. 1 1 t t ' <■ «• c. t » t c < c ,e , <■ , t • "^ . . , i ccc;<,\ c c * c <•,>■,- c c,c ^t :. c,c c . • ««« C^C< f t CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PASS The Young West 1 CHAPTER II. Benton's Early Life and Entry into the Senate 23 CHAPTER m. Early Years in the Senate 47 CHAPTER IV. The Election op Jackson, and the Spoils System 69 CHAPTER V. The Struggle with the Nullifiers . . .88 CHAPTER VI. Jackson and Benton make War on the Bank . 114 CHAPTER VII. The Distribution of the Surplus .... 143 CHAPTER VIII. The Slave Question appears in Politics . .157 vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. PAGE The Children's Teeth are set on Edge . .184 CHAPTER X. Last Days of the Jacksonian Democracy . . 209 CHAPTER XL The President without a Party .... 237 CHAPTER XIL Boundary Troubles with England .... 260 CHAPTER XIII. The Abolitionists Dance to the Slave Barons' Piping 290 CHAPTER XIV. Slavery in the New Territories .... 317 CHAPTER XV. The Losing Fight 341 THOMAS HAET BEI^TON. CHAPTER I. THE YOUNG WEST. Even before the end of the Revolutionary War the movement had begun which was to change in form a straggling chain of sea-board republics into a mighty continental nation, the great bulk of whose people would live to the westward of the Appalachian Mountains. The hardy and restless backwoodsmen, dwelling along the eastern slopes of the Alleghanies, were already crossing the mountain-crests and hewing their way into the vast, sombre forests of the Mississippi basin ; and for the first time English-speaking communities were growing up along waters whose outlet was into the Gulf of Mexico and not into the Atlantic Ocean. Among these communities Kentucky and Ten- nessee were the earliest to form themselves into states ; and around them, as a nucleus, other states of the woodland and the prairie were rapidly developed, until, by the close of the second decade in the present century, the 1 2 THOMAS HART BENTON. region between the Great Lakes and the Gulf was almost solidly filled in, and finally, in 1820, by the admission of Missouri, the Union held within its borders a political body whose whole territory lay to the west of the Mississippi. All the men who founded these states were of much the same type ; they were rough fron- tiersmen, of strong will and adventurous tem- per, accustomed to the hard, barren, and yet strangely fascinating life of those who dwell as pioneers in the wilderness. Moreover, they were nearly all of the same blood. The people of New York and New England were as yet fill- ing out their own territory ; it was not till many years afterwards that their stock became the predominant one in the northwestern country. Most of the men who founded the new states north of the Ohio came originally from the old states south of the Potomac; Virginia and North Carolina were the first of the original thirteen to thrust forth their children in masses, that they might shift for themselves in the then un- trodden West But though these early Western pioneers were for the most part of Southern stock, they were by no means of the same stamp as the men who then and thereafter formed the ruling caste in the old slave-holding states. They were the mountaineers, the men of the foot-hills and / THE YOUNG WEST. 3 uplands, who lived in what were called the backwfiter counties. Many of them were them- selves of northern origin. In striking contrast to the somewhat sluggish and peaceful elements going to make up the rest of its heterogeneous population, Pennsylvania also originally held within its boundaries many members of that most fiery and restless race, the Scotch-Irish. These naturally drew towards the wilder, west- ern parts of the state, settling along the slopes of the numerous inland mountain ridges run- ning parallel to the Atlantic coast ; and from thence they drifted southward through the long valleys, until they met and mingled with their kinsfolk of Virginia and the Carolinas, when the movement again trended towards the West. In a generation or two, all, whether their fore- fathers were English, Scotch, Irish, or, as was often the case, German and Huguenot, were welded into one people ; and in a very short time the stern and hard surroundings of their life had hammered this people into a peculiar and characteristically American type, which to this day remains almost unchanged. In their old haunts we still see the same tall, gaunt men, with strongly marked faces and saturnine, reso- lute eyes ; men who may pass half their days in listless idleness, but who are also able to show on occasion the fiercest intensity of purpose and 4 THOMAS HART BENTON. the most sustained energy of action. We see them, moreover, in many places, even across to the Pacific coast and down to the Rio Grande. For after thronging through the gaps and passes of the Appalachians, and penetrating the forest region to the outskirts of the treeless country beyond, the whilom mountaineers and woods- men, the wielders of the axe and rifle, then streamed off far to the West and South and even to the Northwest, their lumbering, white- topped wagons being, even to the present mo- ment, a familiar sight to those who travel over the prairies and the great plains ; while it is their descendants who, in the saddle instead of afoot, and with rope and revolver instead of axe and rifle, now form the bulk of the reckless horsemen who spend their lives in guarding the wandering cattle herds that graze over the vast, arid plains of the " Far West." The method of settlement of these states of the Mississippi valley had nothing whatever in common with the way in which California and the Australian colonies were suddenly filled up by the promiscuous overflow of a civilized popu- lation, which had practically no fear of any resistance from the stunted and scanty native races. It was far more closely akin to the tribe movements of the Germanic peoples in time past ; to that movement, for example, by which THE YOUNG WEST, 5 the Juttish and Low Dutch sea- thieves on the coast of Britain worked their way inland at the cost of the Cymric Celts. The early settlers of the territory lying immediately west of the Al- leghanies were all of the same kind ; they were in search of homes, not of riches, and their ac- tions were planned accordingly, except in so far as they were influenced by mere restless love of adventure and excitement. Individuals and sin- gle families, of course, often started off by them- selves ; but for the most part the men moved in bands, with their wives and their children, their cattle and their few household goods ; each set- tler being from the necessity of the case also a fighter, ready, and often forced, to do desperate battle in defense of himself and his family. Where such a band or little party settled, there would gradually grow up a village or small town ; for instance, where those renowned pio- neers and heroes of the backwoods, Boone and Harrod, first formed permanent settlements af- ter they had moved into Kentucky, now stand the towns of Boonsboro and Harrodsburg. The country whither these settlers went was not one into which timid men would willingly venture, and the founders of the West were per- force men of stern stuff, who from the very beginning formed a most warlike race. It is impossible to understand aright the social and 6 THOMAS HART BENTON. political life of the section, unless we keep prominently before our minds that it derived its distinguishing traits largely from the ex- tremely militant character acquired by all the early settlers during the long drawn out war- fare in which the first two generations were engaged. The land was already held by power- ful Indian tribes and confederacies, who waged war after war, of the most ferocious and bloody character, against the men of the border, in the effort to avert their inevitable doom, or at least to stem for the time being the invasion of the swelling tide of white settlement. At the present time, when an Indian uprising is a matter chiefly of annoyance, and dangerous only to scattered, outlying settlers, it is difficult to realize the formidable nature of the savage Indian wars waged at the end of the last and the beginning of the present centuries. The red nations were then really redoubtable ene- mies, able to send into the field thousands of well-armed warriors, whose ferocious bravery and skill rendered them quite as formidable antagonists as trained European soldiers would have been. Warfare with them did not affect merely outlying farms or hamlets ; it meant a complete stoppage of the white movement westward, and great and imminent danger even to the large communities already in ex- THE YOUNG WEST. 7 istence ; a state of things which would have to continue until the armies raised among the pioneers were able, in fair shock of battle, to shatter the strength of their red foes. The vic- tories of Wayne and Harrison were conditions precedent to the opening of the Ohio valley; Kentucky was won by a hundred nameless and bloody fights, whose heroes, like Shelby and Sevier, afterwards rose to prominent rank in civil life ; and it was only after. a hard-fought campaign and slaughtering victories that the Tennesseeans were able to break the power of the great Creek confederacy, which was thrust in between them and what were at that time the French and Spanish lands lying to the south and southwest. The founders of our Western States were valiant warriors as well as hardy pioneers, and from the very first their fighting was not con- fined to uncivilized foes. It was they who at King's Mountain slew gallant Ferguson, and completely destroyed his little army ; it was from their ranks that most of Morgan's men were recruited, when that grizzled old bush- fighter smote Tarleton so roughly at the bat- tle of the Cowpens. These two blows crippled Cornwallis, and were among the chief causes of his final overthrow. At last, during the War of 1812, there was played out the final act in 8 THOMAS HART BENTON. the military drama of which the West had been the stage during the lifetime of a generation. For this war had a twofold aspect : on the sea-board it was regarded as a contest for the rights of our sailors and as a revolt against Great Britain's domineering insolence ; west of the mountains, on the other hand, it was sim- ply a renewal on a large scale of the Indian struggles, all the red-skinned peoples joining together in a great and last effort to keep the lands which were being wrested from them ; and there Great Britain's part was chiefly that of ally to the savages, helping them with her gold and with her well-drilled mercenary troops. The battle of the Thames is memorable rather because of the defeat and death of Tecumseh, than because of the flight of Proctor and the capture of his British regulars ; and for the opening of the Southwest the ferocious fight at the Horseshoe Bend was almost as important as the far more famous conflict of New Orleans. The War of 1812 brought out conspicuously the solidarity of interest in the West. The people there were then all pretty much of the same blood ; and they made common cause against outsiders in the military field exactly as afterwards they for some time acted together politically. Further eastward, on the Niagara frontier, the fighting was done by the troops of THE YOUNG WEST. 9 New York and New England, unassisted by the Southern States ; and in turn the latter had to shift for themselves when Washington was burned and Baltimore menaced. It was far otherwise in the regions lying beyond the Appalachians. Throughout all the fighting in the Northwest, where Ohio was the state most menaced, the troops of Kentucky formed the bulk of the American army, and it was the charge of their mounted riflemen which at a blow won the battle of the Thames. Again, on that famous January morning, when it seemed as if the fair Creole city was already in Packenham's grasp, it was the wild soldiery of Tennessee who, lolling behind their mud breast- works, peered out through the lifting fog at the scarlet array of the English veterans, as the latter, fresh from their long and unbroken se- ries of victories over the best troops of Europe, advanced, for the first time, to meet defeat. This solidarity of interest and feeling on the part of the trans-Appalachian communities is a factor often not taken into account in relating the political history of the early part of this century; most modern writers (who keep for- getting that the question of slavery was thenj not one tenth as absorbing as it afterwards be^ became) apparently deeming that the line of! demarkation between North and South was at 10 THOMAS HART BENTON. ^ that period, as it has since in reality become, as strongly defined west of the mountains as east of them. That such was not the case was due to several different causes. The first com- ers into Tennessee and Kentucky belonged to the class of so-called poor whites, who owned few or no slaves, and who were far less section- \ ally southern in their feelings than were the rich planters of the low, alluvial plains towards the coast of the Atlantic ; and though a slave- owning population quickly followed the first pioneers, yet the latter had imprinted a stamp on the character of the two states which was never wholly effaced,— as witness the tens of thousands of soldiers which both, even the more southern of the two, furnished to the Union army in the Civil War. If this immigration made Kentucky and Ten- nessee, and afterwards Missouri, less distinct- lively Southern in character than the South Atlantic States, it at the same time, by furnish- ing the first and for some time the most numer- ous element in the population of the states north of the Ohio, made the latter less charac- teristically Northern than was the case with ' those lying east of them. Up to 1810 Indiana kept petitioning Congress to allow slavery within her borders ; Illinois, in the early days, felt as hostile towards Massachusetts as did THE YOUNG WEST. . H Missouri. Moreover, at first the Southern States west of the mountains greatly outweighed the Northern, both in numbers and importance. Thus several things came about. In the first place, all the communities across the Allegha- nies originally felt themselves to be closely knit together by ties of blood, sentiment, and inter- est ; they felt that they were, taking them altogether. Western as opposed to Eastern. In the next place, they were at first Southern rather than Northern in their feeling. But, in the third place, they were by no means so ex- tremely Southern as were the Southern Atlantic States. This was the way in which they looked at themselves ; and this was the way in which at that time others looked at them. In our day Kentucky is regarded politically as being simply an integral portion of the solid South ; but the greatest of her sons, Clay, was known to his own generation, not as a Southern states- man, but as " Harry of the West." Of the two presidents, Harrison and Taylor, whom the Whigs elected, one lived . in Ohio and one in Louisiana ; but both were chosen simply as Western men, and, as a matter of fact, both were born in Virginia. Andrew Jackson's vic- tory over Adams was in some slight sense a triumph of the South over the North, but it was far more a triumph of the West over the 12 THOMAS HART BENTON. East. Webster's famous sneer at old Zachary Taylor was aimed at him as a "frontier colonel ; " in other words, though Taylor had a large plantation in Louisiana, Webster, and many others besides, looked upon him as the champion of the rough democracy of the West rather than as the representative of the polished slave-holders of the South. Thus, during the first part of this century, the term " Western " was as applicable to the states lying south of the Ohio as to those lying north of it. Moreover, at first the Central, or, as they were more usually termed, the Border States, were more populous and influential than were those on either side of tliem, and so largely shaped the general tone of Western feeling. While the voters in these states, whether Whigs or Democrats, accepted as their leaders men like Clay in Kentucky, Benton in Missouri, and Andrew Jackson in Tennessee, it could be taken for granted that on the whole they felt for the South against the North, but much more for the West against the East, and most strongly of all for the Union as against any section whatsoever. Many influences came together to start and keep alive this feeling; but one, more potent than all the others com- bined, was working steadily, and with ever- increasing power, against it ; and when slavery THE YOUNG WEST. 13 finally brought about a break between the Northern and Southern States of the West as complete as that in the East, then the Demo- crats of the stamp of Jackson and Benton dis- appeared as completely from public life as did the Whigs of the stamp of Clay. Benton's long political career can never be thoroughly understood unless it is kept in mind that he was primarily a Western and not a Southern statesman; and it owes its especial interest to the fact that during its continuance the West first rose to power, acting as a unit, and to the further fact that it was brought to a close by the same causes which soon afterwards broke up the West exactly as the East was al- ready broken. Benton was not one of the few statesmen who have left the indelible marks of their own individuality upon our history ; but he was, perhaps, the most typical representative of the statesmanship of the Middle West at the time when the latter gave the tone to the polit- ical thought of the entire Mississippi valley. The political school which he represented came to its fullest development in the so-called Border States of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri, and swayed the destinies of the West so long as the states to the north as well as the states to the south were content to accept the leadership of those that lay between them, li came to an 14 THOMAS HART BENTON. end and disappeared from sight when people north of the Ohio at last set up their own standard, and when, after some hesitation, the Border States threw in their lot with the other side and concluded to follow the Southern com- munities, which they had hitherto led. Benton was one of those public men who formulate and express, rather than shape, the thought of the people who stand behind them and whom they represent. A man of strong intellect and keen energy, he was for many years the foremost representative of at least one phase of that thought ; being, also, a man of high principle and determined courage, when a younger gener- ation had grown up and the bent of the thought had changed, he declined to change with it, bravely accepting political defeat as the alter- native, and going down without flinching a hair's breadth from the ground on which he had always stood. To understand his public actions as well as his political ideas and principles it is, of course, necessary to know at least a little of the men among whom he lived and from whom he sprang: the men who were the first of our people to press out beyond the limits of the thirteen old states ; who filled Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkan^ sas, and Missouri, and who for so long a time were the dominant class all through the West, THE YOUNG WEST. 15 until, at last, the flood of Northeastern immU gration completely swamped their influence north of the Ohio, while along the Gulf coast the political control slipped from their hands into the grasp of the great planter class. The wood - choppers, game - hunters, and In- dian - fighters, who first came over the moun= tains, were only the forerunners of the more regular settlers who followed them ; but these last had much the same attributes as their predecessors. For many years after the set- tlements were firmly rooted, the life of the settlers was still subject to all the perils of the wilderness. Above all, the constant war- fare in which they were engaged for nearly thirty-five years, and which culminated in the battle of New Orleans, left a deep and lasting imprint on their character. Their incessant wars were waged almost wholly by the settlers themselves, with comparatively little help from the federal government, and with hardly any regular troops as allies. A backwoods levy, whether raised to meet an Indian inroad or to march against the disciplined armies of the British, was merely a force of volunteers, made up from among the full-grown male settlers, who were induced to join either from motives of patriotism, or from love of adventure, or because they felt that their homes and belongings were 16 THOMAS HART BENTON. in danger from which they could only extricat( them by their own prowess. Every settler thuj became more or less of a soldier, was always expert with the rifle, and was taught to rely upon his own skill and courage for his protec- tion. But the military service in which he was from time to time engaged was of such a law- less kind, and was carried on with such utter absence of discipline, that it did not accustom, him in the least to habits of self-command, or render him inclined to brook the exercise of authority by an outsider ; so that the Western people grew up with warlike traditions and habits of thought, accustomed to give free rein to tlieir passions, and to take into their own hands the avenging of real or supposed wrongs, but without any of the love for order and for acting in concert with their fellows which char- acterize those who have seen service in regular armies. On the contrary, the chief effect of this long- continued and harassing Border war- fare was to make more marked the sullen and almost defiant self-reliance of the pioneer, and to develop his peculiarly American spirit of in- dividual self-sufficiency, his impatience of out- side interference or control, to a degree not known elsewhere, even on this continent. It also gave a distinct military cast to his way of looking at territory which did not belong to THE YOUNG WEST. 17 him. He stood where he was because he was a conqueror ; he had wrested his land by force from its rightful Indian lords ; he fully intended to repeat the same feat as soon as he should reach the Spanish lands lying to the west and southwest ; he would have done so in the case of French Louisiana if it had not been that the latter was purchased, and was thus saved from being taken by force of arms. This belligerent, or, more properly speaking, piratical way of looking at neighboring territory, was very char- acteristic of the West, and was at the root of the doctrine of "manifest destiny." All the early settlers, and most of those who came after them, were poor, living narrow lives fraught with great hardship, and varying be- tween toil and half-aimless roving ; even when the conditions of their life became easier it was some time before the influence of their old existence ceased to make itself felt in their way of looking at things. The first pioneers were, it is true, soon followed by great slave- owners ; and by degrees there grew up a clan of large landed proprietors and stock-raisers, akin to the planter caste which was so all-powerful along the coast; but it was never relatively either so large or so influential as the latter, and was not separated from the rest of the white population by anything like so wide a 2 18 THOMAS HART BENTON. gap as that which, in the Southern Atlantic and Gulf States, marked the difference between the rich growers of cotton, rice, and sugar, and the squalid " poor whites " or " crackers." The people of the Border States were thus mainly composed of small land - owners, scat- tered throughout the country ; they tilled their small farms for themselves, were hewers of their own wood, and drawers of their own water, and for generations remained accustomed to and skillful in the use of the rifle. The pio- neers of the ISIiddle West were not dwellers in towns ; they kept to the open country, where each man could shift for himself without help or hindrance from his neighbors, scorning the irksome restraints and the lack of individual freedom of city life. They built but few cities of any size ; the only two really important ones of whose inhabitants they formed any consider- able part, St. Louis and New Orleans, were both founded by the French long before our people came across the mountains into the Mis- sissippi valley. Their life was essentially a country life, alike for the rich and for the bulk of the population. The few raw frontier towns and squalid, straggling villages were neither seats of superior culture nor yet centres for the distribution of educated thought, as in the North. Large tracts of land remained always THE YOUNG WEST. 19 populated by a class of backwoodsmen differ- ing but little from the first comers. Such was the district from which grand, simple old Davy , Crockett went to Washington as a Whig con-' gressman ; and perhaps there was never a quainter figure in our national legislature than that of the grim old rifleman, who shares with Daniel Boone the honor of standing foremost in the list of our mighty hunters. Crockett and his kind had little in common with the men who ruled supreme in the politics of most of the Southern States ; and even at this day many of their descendants in the wooded mountain land are Republicans; for when the Middle States had lost the control of the West, and when those who had hitherto followed such leaders as Jackson^ Clay, and Benton, drifted with the tide that set so strongly to the South, it was only the men of the type of dogged, stubborn old Crockett who dared to make head against it. But, indeed, one of the character- istics of the people with whom we are dealing was the slowness and suspicion with which they received a new idea, and the tenacity with which they clung to one that they had at last adopted. They were above all a people of strong, vi^ rile character, certain to make their weight felt either for good or for evil. They had many virtues which can fairly be called great, \ 20 THOMAS HART BENTON. and their faults were equally strongly marked. They were not a thrifty people, nor one given to long-sustained, drudging work; there were not then, nor are there now, to be found in this land such comfortable, prosperous homes and farms as those which dot all the country where dwell the men of Northeastern stock. They were not, as a rule, even ordinarily well edu- cated ; the public school formed no such im- portant feature in their life as it did in the life of their fellow - citizens farther north. They had narrow, bitter prejudices and dislikes ; the hard and dangerous lives they had led had run their character into a stern and almost forbid- ding mould. They valued personal prowess very highly, and respected no man who did not possess the strongest capacity for self-help, and who could not shift for himself in any danger. They felt an intense, although perhaps ignorant, pride in and love for their country, and looked upon all the lands hemming in the United States as territory which they or their children should some day inherit ; for they were a race of masterful spirit, and accustomed to regard with easy tolerance any but the most flagrant violations of law. They prized highly such qualities as courage, loyalty, truth, and patriot- ism, but they were, as a whole, poor, and not over-scrupulous of the rights of others, nor jet THE YOUNG WEST. 21 with the nicest sense of money obligations ; so ^hat the history of their state legislation affect- ing the rights of debtor and creditor, whether public or private, in hard times, is not pleasant reading for an American who is proud of his country. Their passions, once roused, were in- tense, and if they really wished anything they worked for it with indomitable persistency. There was little that was soft or outwardly attractive in their character: it was stern, rude, and hard, like the lives they led ; but it was the character of those who were every inch men, and who were Americans through to the very heart's core. In their private lives their lawless and arro- gant freedom and lack of self-restraint produced much gross licentiousness and barbarous cru- elty ; and every little frontier community could tell its story of animal savagery as regards the home relations of certain of its members. Yet in spite of this they, as a whole, felt the family ties strongly, and in the main had quite a high standard of private morality. Many of them, at any rate, were, according to their lights, deeply and sincerel}^ religious ; though even their religion showed their strong, coarse- fibred, narrow natures. Episcopalianism was the creed of the rich slave-owner, who dwelt along the sea-board; but the Western settlers belonged to some one or other of the divisions 22 THOMAS HART BENTON. of the great Methodist and Baptist churches. They were as savagely in earnest about this as about everything else ; meekness, mildness, broad liberality, and gentle tolerance of differ- ence in religious views were not virtues they appreciated. They were always ready to do battle for their faith, and, indeed, had to do it, as it was quite a common amusement for the wilder and more lawless members of the com- munity to try to break up by force the great camp -meetings, which formed so conspicuous a feature in the social and religious life of the country. For even irreligion took the form of active rebellion against God, rather than dis- belief in his existence. Physically they were, and are, especially in Kentucky, the finest members of our race ; an examination of the statistics relating to the volunteers in the Civil War shows that tlie na- tives of no other state, and the men from no foreign country whatsoever, came up to them in bodily development. \ Such a people, in choosing men to represent them in the national councils, would naturally pay small heed to refined, graceful, and culti- vated statesmanship ; their allegiance would be given to men of abounding vitality, of rugged intellect, and of indomitable will. No better or more characteristic possessor of these attri butes could be imagined than Thomas Benton. CHAPTER 11. Benton's eaely life and entry into the SENATE. Thomas Hart Benton was born on March 14, 1782, near Hillsborough, in Orange County, North Carolina, — the same state that fifteen years before, almost to a day, had seen the birth of the great political chief whose most prominent supporter he in after life became. Benton, however, came of good colonial stock ; and his early surroundings were not character- ized by the squalid poverty that marked Jack- son's, though the difference in the social con- dition of the two families was of small conse- quence on the frontier, where caste was, and is, almost unknown, and social equality is not a mere figure of speech — particularly it was not so at that time in the Southwest, where there were no servants, except black slaves, and where even what in the North would be called "hired help" was almost an unknown quan- tity. Benton's father, who was a lawyer in good standing at the North Carolina bar, died when 24 THOMAS HART BENTON. the boy was very young, leaving him to be brought up by his Virginian mother. She was a woman of force, and, for her time, of much education. She herself began the training of her son's mind, studying with him history and biography, while he also, of course, had access to his father's hiw library. The home in which he was brought np was, for that time and for that part of the country, straightlaced ; his mother, though a Virginian, had many traits which belonged rather to the descendants of the Puritans, and possessed both their strength of character and their austerely religious spirit. Although living in a roistering age, among a class peculiarly given to all the coarser kinds of pleasure, and especially to drink and every form of gambling, she nevertheless preserved the most rigid decorum and morality in her own household, frowning especially upon all intemperance, and never permitting a pack of cards to be found within her doors. She was greatly beloved and respected by the son, whose mind she did so much to mould, and she lived to see him become one of the foremost states- men of the country. Young Benton was always fond of reading. He began his studies at home, and continued them at a grammar school taught by a young New Englander of good ability, a very large pro- EARLY LIFE. 25 portion of the school-teachers of the country then coming from New England; indeed, school- teachers and peddlers were, on the whole, the chief contributions made by the Northeast to the 'personnel of the new Southwest. Benton thenr began a course at Chapel Hill, the University of North Carolina, but broke off before com- pleting it, as his mother decided to move her family westward to the almost unbroken wil- derness near Nashville, Tennessee, where his father had left them a large tract of land. But he was such an insatiable student and reader that he rapidly acquired a very extensive knowl- edge, not only of law, but of history and even of Latin and English literature, and thus became a well-read and cultivated, indeed a learned, man ; though his frequent displays of learning and knowledge were sometimes marked by a trace of that self-complacent, amusing pedantry so apt to characterize a really well - educated man who lives in a community in which he believes, and with which he has thoroughly identified himself, but whose members are for the most part below the average in mental cultivation. The Bentons founded a little town, named ^ after them, and in which, of course, they took their positiou as leaders and rich landed propri- etors. It lay on the very outskirts of the Indian 26 THOMAS HART BENTON. country ; indeed, the great war trail of the Southern Indians led right through the settle- ment, and they at all times swarmed around it. The change from the still somewhat rude civil- ization of North Carolina to the wildness on the border was far less abrupt and startling then than would be the case under similar cir- cumstances now, and the Ben tons soon identi- fied themselves completely with the life and in- terests of the people around them. They even abandoned the Episcopalianism of their old home, and became Methodists, like their neigh- bors. Young Benton himself had his hands full, at first, in attending to his great backwoods farm, tilled by slaves, and in pushing the growth of the settlement by building first a rude log school-house (he himself taught school at one time, while studying law), and a meet- ing-house of the same primitive construction, then mills, roads, bridges, and so forth. The work hardened and developed him, and he readily enough turned into a regular frontiers- man of the better and richer sort. The neigh- boring town of Nashville was a raw, pretentious place, where horse-racing, cock - fighting, gam- bling, whiskey-drinking, and the various coarse vices which masquerade as pleasures in frontier towns, all throve in rank luxuriance. It was somewhat of a change from Benton's early EARLY LIFE. 27 training, but he took to it kindly, and though never a vicious or debauched man, he bore his full share in the savage bravrls, the shooting and stabbing affrays, which went to make up one of the leading features in the excessively unattractive social life of the place and epoch. At that time dueling prevailed more or less throughout the United States, and in the South and West to an extent never before or since attained. On the frontier, not only did every man of spirit expect now and then to be called on to engage in a duel, but he also had to make up his mind to take occasional part in bloody street-fights. Tennessee, the state where Benton then had his home, was famous for the affrays that took place within its borders ; and that they were common enough among the people at large may be gathered from the fact that they were of continual occurrence among judges, high state officials, and in the very legislature itself, where senators and assemblymen were always becoming involved in undignified rows and foolish squabbles, apparently without fear of exciting any unfavorable comment, as witness Davy Crockett's naive account of his early ex- periences as a backwoods member of the Tennes- see assembly. Like Jackson, Benton killed his man in a duel. This was much later, m 1817, when he was a citizen of Missouri. His oppo- 28 THOMAS HART BENTON. nent was a lawyer named Lucas. They fought twice, on Bloody Island, near St. Louis. On the first occasion both were wounded ; on the second Lucas was killed. The latter came of a truculent family. A recent biographer of his father, Judge John R. Lucas, remarks, with refreshing unconsciousness of the grotesque humor of the chronicle : "• This gentleman was one of the most remarkable men who ever settled west of the Mississippi River. . . . Towards the close of his life Judge Lucas became melancholy and dejected — the result of domestic affliction, for six of his sons met death by violence." One feels curious to know how the other sons died. But the most famous of Benton's affrays was that with Jackson himself, in 1813. This rose out of a duel of laughable rather than serious character, in wliich Benton's brother was worsted by General Carroll, afterwards one of Jackson's lieutenants at New Orleans. The encounter itself took place between the Benton brothers on one side, and on the other, Jackson, General Coffee, also of New Orleans fame, and another friend. The place was a great rambling Nashville inn, and the details were so intricate that probably not even the participants them- selves knew exactly what had taken place^ while all the witnesses impartially contradicted \ EARLY LIFE. 29 each other and themselves. At any rate, Jack- son was shot and Benton was pitched headlong down-stairs, and all the other combatants were more or less damaged ; but it ended in Jackson being carried off by his friends, leaving the Bentons masters of the field, where they strutted up and down and indulged in a good deal of loud bravado. Previous to this Benton and Jackson had been on the best of terms, and although there was naturally a temporary break in their friendship, yet it proved strong enough in the end to stand even such a violent wrench as that given by this preposterously senseless and almost fatal brawl. They not only became completely reconciled, but eventually even the closest and warmest of personal and political friends ; for Benton was as generous and for- giving as he was hot-tempered, and Jackson's ruder nature was at any rate free from any small meanness or malice. In spite of occasional interludes of this kind, which must have given a rather ferocious fillip to his otherwise monotonous life, Benton com- pleted his legal studies, was admitted to the bar, and began to practice as a frontier lawyer at Franklin. Very soon, however, he for the first time entered the more congenial field of politics, and in 1811 served a single term in the lower house of the Tennessee legislature. 30 THOMAS HART BENTON. Even thus early he made his mark. He had a bill passed introducing the circuit system into the state judiciary, a reform of much impor- tance, especially to the poorer class of litigants; and he also introduced, and had enacted into a law, a bill providing that a slave should have the same right to the full benefit of a jury trial as would a white man suffering under the same accusation. This last measure is noteworthy as foreshadowing the position which Benton afterwards took in national politics, where he appeared as a slave-holder, it is true, but as one of the most enlightened and least radical of his class. Its passage also showed the tendency of Southern opinion at the time, which was un- doubtedly in the direction of bettering the con- dition of the blacks, though the events of the next few years produced such a violent revul- sion of feeling concerning the negro race that this current of public opinion was completely reversed. Benton, however, was made of sturdy stuff, and as he grew older his views on the question did not alter as did those of most of his colleagues. Shortly after he left the legislature the War of 1812 broke out, and its events impressed on Benton another of what soon became his cardi- nal phnciples. The war was brought on by the South and West, the Democrats all favoring EARLY LIFE. . 31 it, while the Federalists, forming the then anti- Democratic party, especially in the Northeast, opposed it; and finally their more extreme members, at the famous Hartford Convention, passed resolutions supposed to tend towards the dissolution of the Union, and which brought upon the party the bitter condemnation of their antagonists. Says Benton himself: "At the time of its first appearance the right of seces- sion was repulsed and repudiated by the De- mocracy generally. . . . The leading language in respect to it south of the Potomac was that no state had a right to withdraw from the Union, . . . and that any attempt to dissolve it, or to obstruct the action of constitutional laws, was treason. If since that time political parties and sectional localities have exchanged attitudes on this question, it cannot alter the question of right." For, having once grasped an idea and made it his own, Benton clung to it with un- yielding tenacity, no matter whether it was or was not abandoned by the majority of those with whom he had been in the habit of acting. Thus early Benton's political character be- came moulded into the shape which it ever afterwards retained. He was a slave-holder, but as advanced as a slave-holder could be ; he remained to a certain extent a Southerner, but his Southernism was of the type prevalent THOMAS HART BENTON. immediately after the Revolution, and not of the kind that came to the fore prior to the Rebellion. He was much more a Westerner in his feelings, and more than all else he was emphatically a Union man. Like every other hot spirit of the West — and the West was full of little but hot spirits — Benton heartily favored the War of 1812. He served as a colonel of volunteers under Jackson, but never saw actual fighting, and his short term of soldiership was of no further account than to furnish an excuse to Polk, thir- ty-five years later, for nominating him com- manding general in the time of the Mexican War, — an incident which, as the nomination was rejected, may be regarded as merely ludi- crous, the gross impropriety of the act safely defying criticism. He was of genuine use, however, in calling on and exciting the volun- teers to come forward ; for he was a fluent speaker, of fine presence, and his pompous self- sufficiency was rather admired than otherwise by the frontiersmen, while his force, energy, and earnestness commanded their respect. He also, r when Jackson's reckless impetuosity got him into a snarl with the feeble national adminis- tration, whose imbecile incapacity to carry on the war became day by day more painfully j[_^€vident, went to Washington, and there finally EARLY LIFE. 33 extricated his chief by dint of threatening that, if "justice" was not done him, Tennessee \ would, in future political contests, be found ' ranged with the administration's foes. For Benton already possessed political influence, and being, like most of his class, anti-Federalist, or Democratic, in sentiment, was therefore of the same party as the people at Washington, and was a man whose representations would have some weight with them. During his stay in Tennessee Benton's char- acter was greatly influenced by his being thrown into close contact with many of the extraordinary men who then or afterwards made their mark in the strange and picturesque annals of the Southwest. Jackson even thus early loomed up as the greatest and arch-typ- ical representative of his people and his section. The religious bent of the time was shown in the life of the grand, rugged old Methodist, Peter Cartwright, who, in the far-off back- woods, was a preacher and practical exponent of " muscular Christianity " half a century be- fore the day when, under Bishop Selwyn and Charles Kingsley, it became a cult among the most highly civilized classes of England. There was David Crockett, rifleman and congressman, doomed to a tragic and heroic death in that remarkable conflict of which it was said at the 3 34 THOMAS HART BENTON. time, that " Thermopylae had its messengers of death, but the Alamo had none : " and there was Houston, who, after a singular and roman- tic career, became the greatest of the states- men and soldiers of Texas. It was these men, and their like, who, under the shadow of world- old forests and in the sunlight of the great, lonely plains, wrought out the destinies of a na- tion and a continent, and who, with their rude war-craft and state-craft, solved problems that, in the importance of their results, dwarf the is- sues of all European struggles since the day of Waterloo as completely as the Punic wars in their outcome threw into the shade the conse- quences of the wars waged at the same time between the different Greek monarchies. Benton, in his mental training, came much nearer to the statesmen of the sea-board, and was far better bred and better educated, than the rest of the men around him. But he was, and was felt by them to be, thoroughly one of their number, and the most able expounder of their views ; and it is just because he is so com- pletely the type of a great and important class, rather than because even of his undoubted and commanding ability as a statesman, that his life and public services will always repay study. His vanity and boastf ulness were faults which he shared with almost all his people ; and, after all, EARLY LIFE. 35 if they overrated the consequence of their own deeds, the deeds, nevertheless, did possess great importance, and their fault was slight com- pared to that committed by some of us at the present day, who have gone to the opposite ex- treme and try to belittle the actions of our fathers. Benton was deeply imbued with the masterful, overbearing spirit of the West, — a spirit whose manifestations are not always agree- able, but the possession of which is certainly a most healthy sign of the virile strength of a young community. He thoroughly appreciated that he was helping to shape the future of a country, whose wonderful development is the most important feature in the history of the nineteenth century; the non - appreciation of which fact is in itself sufficient utterly to dis- qualify any American statesman from rising to he first rank. It was not in Tennessee, however, that Benton rose to political prominence, for shortly after the close of the war he crossed the Mississippi and made his permanent home in the territory of Missouri. Missouri was then our extreme western outpost, and its citizens possessed the characteristic western traits to an even ex- aggerated extent. \\ The people were pushing, restless, and hardy ; they were lawless and vio- lent to a degree. In spite of the culture and % 36 THOMAS HART BENTON. education of some families, society, as a whole, was marked by florid unconventionality and rawness. The general and widespread intem- perance of the judges and high ofl&cials of state was even more marked than their proclivities for brawling, ^i The lawyers, as usual, furnislied the bulk of the politicians ; success at the bar depended less upon learning than upon " push " and audacity. The fatal feuds between indi- viduals and families were as frequent and as bloody as among Highland clans a century be- fore. The following quotations are taken at random from a work on the Bench and Bar of Missouri, by an ex-judge of its supreme court: " A man by the name of Hiram K. Turk, and four sons, settled in 1839 near Warsaw, and a personal difficulty occurred between them and a family of the name of Jones, resulting in the death of one or two. The people began to take sides with one or the other, and finally a general outbreak took place, in which many were killed, resulting in a general reign of terror and of violence beyond the power of the law to subdue." The social annals of this pleasant town of Warsaw could not normally have been dull ; in 1844, for instance, they were enlivened by Judge Cherry and Senator Major fighting to the death on one of its principal streets, the latter being slain. The judges EARLY LIFE. 37 themselves were by no means bigoted, in their support of law and order. " In those days it was common for people to settle their quarrels during court week. . . . Judge Allen took great delight in these exhibitions, and would at any time adjourn his court to witness one. . . . He (Allen) always traveled with a holster of large pistols in front of his saddle, and a knife with a blade at least a foot long." Hannibal Chollop was no mere creature of fancy ; on the contrary, his name was legion, and he flourished rankly in every town throughout the Mississippi valley. But, after all, this ruffianism was really not a whit worse in its effects on the national character than was the case with certain of the " universal peace " and " non - resistance " de- velopments in the Northeastern States; in fact, it was more healthy. A class of professional non-combatants is as hurtful to the real, healthy growth of a nation as is a class of fire-eaters ; for a weakness or folly is nationally as bad as a vice, or worse ; and, in the long run, a Quaker may be quite as undesirable a citizen as is a duelist. No man who is not willing to bear arms and to fight for his rights can give a good reason why he should be entitled to the privi- lege of living in a free community. The de- cline of the militant spirit in the Northeast during the first half of this century was much 38 THOMAS HART BENTON. to be regretted. To it is due, more than to any other cause, the undoubted average individual inferiority of the Northern compared to the Southern troops ; at any rate, at the beginning of the great war of the Rebellion. The South- erners, by their whole mode of living, their habits, and their love of out-door sports, kept up their warlike spirit ; while in the North the so-called upper classes developed along the lines of a wealthy and timid bourgeoisie type, meas- uring everything by a mercantile standard (a peculiarly debasing one if taken purely by itself), and submitting to be ruled in local affairs by low foreign mobs, and in national matters by their arrogant Southern kinsmen. The militant spirit of these last certainly stood them in good stead in the Civil War. The world has never seen better soldiers than those who followed Lee ; and their leader will un- doubtedly rank as without any exception the very greatest of all the great captains that the English-speaking peoples have brought forth — and this, although the last and chief of his antagonists may himself claim to stand as the full equal of Marlborough and Wellington. The other Western States still kept touch on the old colonial communities of the sea-coast, having a second or alternative outlet through Louisiana, newly acquired by the LTnited States, EARLY LIFE. 39 it is true, but which was nevertheless an old set- tled land. Missouri, however, had lost all con- nection with the sea-coast, and though, through her great river towns, swarming with raftsmen and flat-boatmen, she drove her main and most thriving trade with the other Mississippi cities, yet her restless and adventure-loving citizens were already seeking other outlets for their ac- tivity, and were establishing trade relations with the Mexicans ; being thus the earliest among our people to come into active contact with the Hispano-Indian race from whom we afterwards wrested so large a part of their inheritance. Missouri was thrust out beyond the Mississippi into the vast plains-country of the Far West, and except on the river-front was completely isolated, being flanked on every side by great stretches of level wilderness, inhabited by roam- ing tribes of warlike Indians. Thus for the first time the borderers began to number in their ranks plainsmen as well as backwoods- men. In such a community there were sure to be numbers of men anxious to take part in any enterprise that united the chance of great pe- cuniary gain with the certainty of even greater personal risk, and both these conditions were fulfilled in the trading expeditions pushed out from Missouri across the trackless wastes lying between it and the fringe of Mexican settle- 40 THOMAS HART BENTON. ments on the Rio del Norte. The route fol- lowed by these caravans, which brought back furs and precious metals, soon became famous under the name of the Santa F^ trail ; and the story of the perils, hardships, and gains of the adventurous traders who followed it would make one of the most striking chapters of American history. Among such people Benton's views and habits of thought became more markedly Western and ultra-American than ever, especially in regard to our encroachments upon the territory of neighboring powers. The general feeling in the West upon this last subject afterwards crystallized into what became known as the *' Manifest Destiny " idea, which, reduced to its simplest terms, was : that it was our manifest destiny to swallow up the land of all adjoining nations who were too weak to withstand us ; a theory that forthwith obtained immense pop- ularity among all statesmen of easy interna- tional morality. \\ It cannot be too often re- peated that no one can understand even the domestic, and more especially the foreign, pol- icy of Benton and his school without first un- derstanding the surroundings amidst which they had been brought up and the people whose chosen representatives they were. Recent his- torians, for instance, always speak as if our EARLY LIFE. 41 grasping after territory in the Southwest was due solely to the desire of the Southerners to acquire lands out of which to carve new slave- holding states, and as if it was merely a move in the interests of the slave-power. This is true enough so far as the motives of Calhoun, Tyler, and the other public leaders of the Gulf and southern sea-board states were concerned. But the hearty Western support given to the movement was due to entirely different causes, the chief among them being the fact that the Westerners honestly believed themselves to be indeed created the heirs of the earth, or at least of so much of it as was known by the name of North America, and were prepared to struggle stoutly for the immediate possession of their heritage. One of Benton's earliest public utterances was in regard to a matter which precisely illustrates this feeling.'/ It was while Missouri was still a territory, and when Benton, then a prominent member of the St. Louis bar, had by his force, capacity, and power as a public speaker already become well known among his future constituents. The treaty with Spain, by which we secured Florida, was then before the Senate, which body had to consider it several times, owing to the dull irresolution and sloth of the Spanish government in ratifying it. The 42 THOMAS HART BENTON. bounds it gave us were far too narrow to suit the more fiery Western spirits, and these cheered Benton to the echo when he attacked it in pub- lic with fierce vehemence. " The magnificent valley of the Mississippi is ours, with all its fountains, springs, and floods ; and woe to the statesman who shall undertake to surrender one drop of its water, one inch of its soil to any for- eign power." So he said, his words ringing with the boastful confidence so well liked by the masterful men of the West, strong in their youth, and proudly conscious of their strength. The treaty was ratified in the Senate, neverthe- less, all the old Southern States favoring it, and the only votes at any stage recorded against it being of four Western senators, coming re- spectively from Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Louisiana. So that in 1818, at any rate, the desire for territorial aggrandizement at the ex- pense of Spain or Mexico was common to the West as a whole, both to the free and the slave states, and was not exclusively favored by the Southerners. The only effect of Benton's speech was to give rise to the idea that he was hostile to the Southern and Democratic administration at Washington, and against this feeling he had to contend in the course of his successful can- didacy for the United States senatorship the following year, when Missouri was claiming ad- mittance to the Union. * EARLY LIFE. 43 It was in reference to this matter of aam it- ting Missouri that the slavery question for the first time made its appearance in national^ politics, where it threw everything into confu- sion and for the moment overshadowed all else ; though it vanished almost as quickly as it had appeared, and did not again come to the front for several years. The Northerners, as a whole, desiring to " restrict " the growth of slav- ery and the slave-power, demanded that Mis- souri, before being admitted as a state, should abolish slavery within her boundaries. The South was equally determined that she should be admitted as a slave state ; and for the first time the politicians of the country divided on geographical rather than on party lines, though the division proved but temporary, and was of but little interest except as foreshadowing what was to come a score of years later. Even within the territory itself the same contest was carried on with the violence bred by political conflicts in frontier states, there being a very respecta- ble " restriction " party, which favored aboli- tion. Benton was himself a slave-holder, and as the question was in no way one between the East and the West, or between the Union as a whole and any part of it, he naturally gave full swing to his Southern feelings, and entered with tremendous vigor into the contest on the anti- 44 THOMAS HART BENTON. * restriction side. So successful were his efforts, and so great was the majority of the Mis- soiirians who sympathized with him, that the restrictionists were completely routed and suc- ceeded in electing but one delegate to the con- stitutional convention. In Congress the matter was finally settled by the passage of the famous Missouri Compromise bill, a measure Southern in its origin, but approved at the time by many if not most Northerners, and disapproved by not a few Southerners. Benton heartily believed in it, announcing somewhat vaguely that he was " equally opposed to slavery agitation and to slavery extension." By its terms Missouri was admitted as a slave state, while slaveiy was abolished in all the rest of the old province of Louisiana lying north and west of it and north of the parallel of 3G° 30'. Owing to an objection- able clause in its Constitution, the admission was not fully completed until 1821, and then only through the instrumentality of Henry Clay. But Benton took his seat immediately, and entered on his thirty years' of service in the United States Senate. His appearance in national politics was thus coincident with the appearance of the question which, it is true, almost immediately sank out of sight for a period of fifteen years, but which then reap- peared to stay for good and to become of pro- EARLY LIFE. 45 gressively absorbing importance, until, combin- ing itself with the still greater question of na- tional unity, it dwarfed all other issues, cleft the West as well as the East asunder, and, as one of its minor results, brought about the political downfall of Benton himself and of his whole school in what were called the Border States. Before entering the Senate, Benton did some- thing which well illustrates his peculiar upright- ness, and the care which he took to keep his pub- lic acts free from the least suspicion of improper influence. When he was at the bar in St. Louis, real estate litigation was much the most impor- tant branch of legal business. The condition of Missouri land-titles was very mixed, since many of them were based upon the thousands of " con- cessions " of land made by the old French and Spanish governments, which had been ratified by Congress, but subject to certain conditions which the Creole inhabitants, being ignorant and lawless, had generally failed to fulfill. By an act of Congress these inchoate claims were to be brought before the United States recorder of land titles ; and the Missouri bar were divided as to what action should be taken on them, the majority insisting that they should be held void, while Benton headed the opposite party, which was averse to forfeiting property on technical 46 THOMAS HART BENTON. grounds, and advocated the confirmation of every honest claim. Further and important legislation was needed to provide for these claims. Benton, being much the most influen- tial member of the bar who had advocated the confirmation of the claims, and being so able, honest, and energetic, was the favorite counsel of the claimants, and had hundreds of their titles under his professional charge. Of course in such cases the compensation of the lawyer depended solely upon his success ; and success to Benton would have meant wealth. Never- theless, and though his action was greatly to his own pecuniary hurt, the first thing he did when elected senator was to convene his clients, and tell them tlutt henceforth he could have nothing more to do, as their attorney, with the prosecution of their claims, giving as his reason that their success largely depended upon the ac- tion of Congress, of which he was now himself a member, so that he was bound to consult, not any private interest, but the good of the com- munity as a whole. He even refused to desig- nate his successor in the causes, saying that he was determined not only to be quite unbiased in acting upon the subject of these claims as senator, but not to have, nor to be suspected of having, any personal interest in the fate of any of them. Many a modern statesman might most profitably copy his sensitiveness. CHAPTER III. EARLY YEARS IN THE SENATE. When Benton took his seat in the United States Senate, Monroe, the last president of the great house of Virginia, was about beginning his second term. He was a courteous, high-bred ' gentleman, of no especial ability, but well fitted to act as presidential figure-head during the politically quiet years of that era of good feel- > ing which lasted from 1816 till 1824. ' The ^ Federalist party, after its conduct during the war, had vanished into well-deserved obscurity, and though influences of various sorts were working most powerfully to split the dominant and all-embracing Democracy into factional fragments, these movements had not yet come to a head. The slavery question, it cannot be too often said, was as j^et of little or no political conse- quence. The violent excitement over the ad- mission of Missouri had subsided as quickly as it had arisen ; and though the Compromise bill was of immense importance in itself, and 48 THOMAS HART BENTON. still more as giving a hint of what was to come, it must be remembered that its effect upon general politics, during the years immediately succeeding its passage, was slight. Later on, the slavery question became of such paramount con- sequence, and so completely identified with the movement for the dissolution of the Union, that it seems impossible for even the best of recent historians of American politics to understand that such was not the case at this time. One writer of note even goes so far as to state that " From the night of March 2, 1820, party his- tory is made up without interruption or break of the development of geographical [the context shows this to mean Northern and Southern] parties." There is very little ground for such a sweeping assertion until a considerable time after the date indicated ; indeed, it was more than ten years later before any symptom of the development spoken of became at all marked. Until then, parties divided even less on geo- graphical lines than had been the case earlier, during the last years of the existence of the Federalists ; and what little division there was had no reference to slavery. Nor was it till nearly a score of years after the passage of the Missouri Compromise bill that the separatist spirit began to identify itself for good with the idea of the maintenance of slavery. Previously EARLY YEARS IN THE SENATE. 49 to that there had been outbursts of separatist feeling in different states, but always due to en- tirely different causes. Georgia flared up in hot defiance of the federal government, when the latter rubbed against her on the question of re° moving the Cherokees from within her borderso But her having negro slaves did not affect her feelings in the least, and her attitude was just such as any Western state with Indians on its frontier is now apt to assume so far as it dares, — such an attitude as Arizona, for example, would at this moment take in reference to the Apaches, if she were able. Slavery was doubt- less remotely one of the irritating causes that combined to work South Carolina up to a fever heat of insanity over the nullification excite- ment. But in its immediate origin nullification arose from the outcry against the protective tariff, and it is almost as unfair to ascribe it in any way to the influence of slavery as it would be to assign a similar cause for the Vir- ginia and Kentucky resolutions of 1798, or to say that the absence of slavery was the reason for the abortively disloyal agitation in New England, which culminated in the Hartford Con- vention. The separatist feeling is ingrained in the fibre of our race, and though in itself a most dangerous failing and weakness, is yet merely a perversion and distortion of the defiant 50 THOMAS HART BENTON. and self-reliant independence of spirit which is one of the chief of the race virtues ; and slavery was partly the cause and partly merely the occasion of the abnormal growth of the separa- tist movement in the South. Nor was the tariff question so intimately associated with that of slavery as has been commonly asserted. This might be easily guessed from the fact that the originator and chief advocate of a high tariff himself came from a slave state, and drew many of his warmest supporters from among the slave- holding sugar-planters. Except in the futile discussion over the proposed Panama Congress it was not till Benton's third senatorial term that slavery became of really great weight in politics. One of the first subjects that attracted Ben- ton's attention in the Senate was the Oregon question, and on this he showed himself at once in his true character as a Western man, proud alike of every part of his country, and as desir- ous of seeing the West extended in a northerly as in a southerly direction. Himself a slave- holder, from a slave state, he was one of the earliest and most vehement advocated of the ex- tension of our free territory northwards along the Pacific coast. All the country stretching north and south of the Oregon River was then held by the United States in joint possession with Great Britain. But the whole region was EARLY YEARS IN THE SENATE. 51 still entirely unsettled, and as a matter of fact our British rivals were the only parties in actual occupation. The title to the territory was doubtful, as must always be the case when it rests upon the inaccurate maps of forgotten ex- plorers, or upon the chance landings of stray sailors and traders, especially if the land in dispute is unoccupied and of vast but uncer- tain extent, of little present value, and far dis- tant from the powers claiming it. The real truth is that such titles are of very little prac- tical value, and are rightly enough disregarded by any nations strong enough to do so. Ben- ton's intense Americanism, and his pride and confidence in his country and in her unlimited capacity for growth of every sort, gifted him with the power to look much farther into the future, as regarded the expansion of the United States, than did his colleagues ; and moreover caused him to consider the question from a much more far-seeing and statesmanlike stand- point. The land belonged to no man, and yet was sure to become very valuable ; our title to it was not very good, but was probably better than that of any one else. Sooner or later it would be filled with the overflow of our population, and would border on our dominion, and on our dominion alone. It was therefore just, and moreover in the highest degree desirable, that 52 THOMAS HART BENTON. it should be made a part of that dominion at the earhest possible moment. Benton intro- duced a bill to enable the president to terminate tbe arrangement with Great Britain and make a definite settlement in our favor ; and though the Senate refused to pass it, yet he had the satisfaction of bringing the subject prominently before the people, and, moreover, of outlining the way in which it would have to be and wa^ finally settled. In one of his speeches on the matter he said, using rather highflown language, (for he was unfortunately deficient in sense of humor) : '' Upon the people of Eastern Asia the establishment of a civilized power on the oppo- site coast of America could not fail to produce great and wonderful benefits. Science, liberal principles in government, and the true religion might cast tbeir liglits across the intervening sea. The valley of the Columbia might become the granary of China and Japan, and an outlet to their imprisoned and exuberant population." Could he have foreseen liow, in the future, the Americans of the valley of the Columbia would greet tlie " imprisoned and exuberant popula- tion " of China, he would probably have been more doubtful as to the willingness of the latter empire to accept our standard of the true relig- ion and liberal principles of government. In the course of the same speech he for the first EARLY YEARS IN THE SENATE. 53 time, and by what was then considered a bold flight of imagination, suggested the possibility of sending foreign ministers to the Oriental nations, to China, Japan, and Persia, " and even to the Grand Turk." Better success attended a bill he introduced to establish a trading-road from Missouri through the Indian country to New Mexico, which, after much debate, passed both houses and was signed by President Monroe. The road thus marked put and established became, and remained for many years, a great thoroughfare, and among the chief of the channels through which our for- eign commerce flowed. Until Benton secured the enactment of this law, so important to the interests and development of the West, the overland trade with Mexico had been carried on by individual effort and at the cost of incal- culable hazard, hardship, and risk of life. Mex- ico, with its gold and silver mines, its strange physical features, its population utterly foreign to us in race, religion, speech, and ways of life, and especially because of the glamour of mys- tery which surrounded it and partly shrouded it from sight, always dazzled and strongly at- tracted the minds of the Southwesterners, occu- pying much the same place in their thoughts that the Spanish Main did in the imagination of England during the reign of Elizabeth. The 54 THOMAS HART BENTON. » young men of the Mississippi valley looked upon an expedition with one of the bands of armed traders, who wound their way across Indian- haunted wastes, through deep canyons and over lofty mountain passes, to Santa F^, Chihuahua, and Sonora, with the same feelings of eager ex- citement and longing that were doubtless felt by some of their forefathers more than two centu- ries previously in regard to the cruises of Drake and Hawkins. The long wagon trains or pack trains of the traders carried with them all kinds of goods, but especially cotton, and brought back gold and silver bullion, bales of furs and droves of mules ; and, moreover, they brought back tales of lawless adventure, of great gains and losses, of fights against Indians and Mexicans, and of triumphs and privations, which still further in- flamed the minds of the Western men. Where they had already gone as traders, who could on occasion figlit, they all hoped on some futui-e day to go as warriors, who would acquire gain by their conquests. These hopes were openly expressed, and with very little more idea of there being any right or wrong in the matter than so many Norse Vikings miglit have felt. The Southwesterners are credited with alto- gether too complex motives when it is supposed that they were actuated in regard to the conquest of northern Mexico by a desire to provide for EARLY YEARS IN THE SENATE. 65 additional slave states to offset the growth of the North; their emotions in regard to their neighbor's land were in the main perfectly sim- ple and purely piratical. That the Northeast did not share in the greed for new territory felt by the other sections of the country was due partly to the decline in its militant spirit, (a decline on many accounts sincerely to be regretted,) and partly to its geographical situ- ation, since it adjoined Canada, an unattrac- tive and already well- settled country, jealously guarded by the might of Great Britain. / Another question, on which Benton showed /himself to be thoroughly a representative of / Western sentiment, was the removal of the / Indian tribes. Here he took a most active and / prominent part in reporting and favoring the i bills, and in advocating the treaties, by which the Indian tribes of the South and West were forced or induced, (for the latter word was very frequently used as a euphemistic synonym of the former,) to abandon great tracts of territory to the whites and to move farther away from the boundaries of their ever-encroaching civili- zation. Nor was his action wholly limited to the Senate, for it was at his instance that General Clark, at St. Louis, concluded the treaties with the Kansas and Osage tribes, by which the latter surrendered to the United 56 THOMAS HART BENTON. Sta,tes all the vast territory which they nom- inally owned west of Missouri and Arkansas, except small reserves for themselves. Benton, as was to be expected, took the frontier view of the Indian question, which, by the way, though often wrong, is much more apt to be right than is the so-called humanitarian or Eastern view. But, so far as was compatible with having the Indians removed, he always endeavored to have them kindly and humanely treated. There was, of course, much injustice and wrong inevitably attendant upon the In- dian policy advocated by him, and by the rest of the Southern and Western statesmen ; but it is difficult to see what other course could have been pursued with most of the tribes. In the Western States there were then sixty mil- lions of acres of the best land, owned in great tracts by barbarous or half-barbarous Indians, who were always troublesome and often dan- gerous neighbors, and who did not come in any way under the laws of the states in which they lived. The states thus encumbered would evi- dently never have been satisfied until all their soil was under their own jurisdiction and open to settlement. The Cherokees had advanced far on the road toward civilization, and it was undoubtedly a cruel grief and wrong to take them away from their homes ; but the only al- EARLY YEARS IN THE SENATE. 57 ternative would have been to deprive them of much of their land, and to provide for their gradually becoming citizens of the states in which they were. For a movement of this sort the times were not then, and, unfortunately, are not yet ripe. Much maudlin nonsense has been written about the governmental treatment of the In= dians, especially as regards taking their land. For the simple truth is that they had no possi- ble title to most of the lands we took, not even that of occupancy, and at the most were in possession merely by virtue of having butch- ered the previous inhabitants. For many of its actions towards them the government does indeed deserve the severest criticism ; but it has erred quite as often on the side of too much leniency as on the side of too much severity. From the very nature of things, it was wholly impossible that there should not be much mu- tual wrong-doing and injury in the intercourse between the Indians and ourselves. It was equally out of the question to let them remain as they were, and to bring the bulk of their number up to our standard of civilization with sufficient speed to enable them to accommodate themselves to the changed condition of their surroundings. The policy towards them advo- cated by Benton, which was much the same as, 58 THOMAS HART BENTON. although more humane than, that followed by most other Western men who have had practi- cally to face the problem, worked harshly in many instances, and was the cause of a certain amount of temporary suffering. But it was infinitely better for the nation, as a whole, and, in the end, was really more just and merciful, than it would have been to attempt following out any of the visionary schemes which the more impracticable Indian enthusiasts are fond of recommending. It was during Monroe's last term that Henry Clay brought in the first protective tariff bill, as distinguished from tariff bills to raise reve- nue with protection as an incident only. It was passed by a curiously mixed vote, which hardly indicated any one's future position on the tariff excepting that of Clay himself ; Massachusetts, under the lead of Webster, joining hands with the Southern sea-coast states to oppose it, while Tennessee and New York split, and Missouri and Kentucky, together with most of the North, favored it. Benton voted for it, but on the great question of internal improvements he stood out clearly for the views that he ever afterwards held. This was first brought up by the veto, on constitutional grounds, of the Cumberland Road bill, which had previously passed both houses with singular unanimity, EARLY YEARS IN THE SENATE. 69 Benton's vote being one of the very few re- corded against it. In regard to all such matters Benton was strongly in favor of a strict con- struction of the Constitution and of guarding the rights of the states, in spite of his devoted attachment to the Union. While voting against this bill, and denying the power or the right of the federal government to take charge of im- provements which would benefit one state only, Benton was nevertheless careful to reserve to himself the right to support measures for im- proving national rivers or harbors yielding rev- enues. The trouble is, that however much the two classes of cases may differ in point of ex- pediency, they overlap so completely that it is wholly impossible to draw a hard and fast line between them, and the question of consti- tutionality, if waived in the one instance, can scarcely with propriety be raised in the other. With the close of Monroe's second term the " era of good feeling " came to an end, and the great Democratic-Republican party split up into several fragments, which gradually crystallized round two centres. But in 1824 this process was still incomplete, and the presidential elec- tion of that year was a simple scramble be- tween four different candidates, — Jackson, Adams, Clay, and Crawford. Jackson had the greatest number of votes, but as no one had 60 THOMAS HART BENTON. a niajorit}^ the election was thrown into the House of Representatives, where the Clay men, inasmuch as their candidate was out of the race, went over to Adams and elected him. Benton at the time, and afterwards in his " Thirty Years' View," inveiglied iigainst this choice as being a violation of what he called the *' prin- ciple demos krateo" — a barbarous phrase for which he had a great fondness, and wliich he used and misused on every possible occasion, whether in speaking or writing. He insisted ftCutJf ■t'>lf^^\ that, as Jackson had secured the majority of the electoral vote, it was the duty of the House of Representatives to ratify promptly this *' choice of the people." The Constitution ex- pressly provided that this need not be done. So Benton, who on questions of state rights and internal improvements was so pronounced a stickler for a strict construction of the Con- stitution, here coolly assumed the absurd posi- tion that the Constitution was wrong on this particular point, and should be disregarded, on the ground that there was a struggle " between the theory of the Constitution and the demo- cratic principle." His proposition was ridicu- lous. The " democratic principle " had nothing more to do with the matter than had the law of gravitation. Either the Constitution was or' it was not to be accepted as a serious document, EARLY YEARS IN THE SENATE. 61 that meant something ; in the former case the election of Adams was proper in every aspect, in the latter it was unnecessary to have held any election at all. i At this period every one was floundering about in efforts to establish political relations^ Benton not less than others ; for he had begun the canvass as a supporter of Clay, and had then gone over to Crawford. But at the end he had become a Jacksonian Democrat, and during the rest of his political career he figured as the most prominent representative of the Jacksonian Democracy in the Senate. Van Baren himself, afterwards Jackson's prime fa- vorite and political heir, was a Crawford man during this campaign. Adams, after his election, which was owing to Clay's support, gave Clay the position of secretary of state in his cabinet. The affair unquestionably had an unfortunate look, and the Jacksonians, especially Jackson, at once raised a great hue and cry that there had been a corrupt bargain. Benton, much to his credit, refused to join in the outcry, stating that he had good and sufficient reasons — which he gave — to be sure of its falsity; a position which brought him into temporary disfavor with many of his party associates, and which a man who had Benton's ambition and bitter partisanship, 62 THOMAS HART BENTON. without having his sturdy pluck, would have hesitated to take. The assault was directed with especial bitterness against Clay, whom Jackson ever afterwards included in the very large list of individuals whom he hated with the most rancorous and unreasoning virulence. Randolph of Roanoke, the privileged eccentric of the Senate, in one of those long harangues in which he touched upon everybody and every- thing, except possibly the point at issue, made a rabid onslaught upon the Clay-Adams coali- tion as an alliance of ''the blackleg and the Puritan." Clay, who was susceptible enough to the charge of loose living, but who was a man of rigid honor and rather fond than other- wise of fighting, promptly challenged him, and a harmless interchange of shots took place. Benton was on the field as the friend of both parties, and his account of the affair is very amusing in its description of the solemn, hair- splitting punctilio with which it is evident that both Randolph and many of his contemporaries regarded points of dueling honor, which to us seem either absurd, trivial, or wholly incompre- hensible.. Two tolerably well-defined parties now emerged from the chaos of contending politi- cians : one was the party of the administration, whose members called themselves National Re- EARLY YEARS IN THE SENATE. 63 publicans, and later on Whigs ; the other was the Jacksonian Democracy. Adams's inaugural address and first message outlined the Whig policy as favoring a protective tariff, internal improvements, and a free construction of the Constitution generally. The Jacksonians ac- cordingly took the opposite side on all these points, partly from principle and partly from perversity. In the Senate they assailed with turgid eloquence every administration measure, whether it was good or bad, very much of their opposition being purely factious in character. There has never been a time when there was more rabid, objectless, and unscrupulous dis- play of partisanship. Benton, little to his credit, was a leader in these purposeless con- flicts. The most furious of them took place over the proposed Panama mission. This was a scheme that originated in the fertile brain of Henry Clay, whose Americanism was of a type quite as pronounced as Benton's, and who was always inclined to drag us into a position of hostility to European powers. The Spanish- American States, having succeeded in winning their independence from Spain, were desirous of establishing some principle of concert in action among the American republics as a whole, and for this purpose proposed to hold an inter- national congress at Panama. Clay's fondness 64 THOMAS HART BENTON. for a spirited and spectacular foreign policy made liim grasp eagerly at the chance of trans- forming the United States into the head of an American league of free republics, which would be a kind of cis-Atlantic offset to the Holy Al- liance of European despotisms. Adams took up the idea, nominated ministers to the Panama Congress, and gave his reasons for his course in a special message to the Senate. The adminis- tration men drew the most rosy and impossible pictures of the incalculable benefits which would be derived from the proposed congress ; and the Jacksonians attacked it with an exaggerated denunciation that was even less justified by the facts. Adams's message was properly open to at- tack on one or two points ; notably in reference to its proposals that we should endeavor to get the Spanish- American States to introduce re- ligious tolerance within their borders. It was certainly an unhappy suggestion that we should endeavor to remove the mote of religious in- tolerance from our brother's eye while indig- nantly resenting the least allusion to the beam of slavery in our own. It was on this very point of slavery that the real opposition hinged. The Spanish States had emancipated their com- paratively small negro populations, and, as is usually the case with Latin nations, did not EARLY YEARS IN THE SENATE. 65 have a very strong caste feeling against the blacks, some of whom accordingly had risen to liigli civic and military rank ; and they also proposed to admit to their congress the negro republic of Hayti. Certain of the slave-holders of the South fiercely objected to any such assO' ciation ; and on this occasion Benton for once led and voiced the ultra-Southern feeling on the subject, announcing in his speech that diplo- matic intercourse with Hayti should not even be discussed in the senate chamber, and that we could have no association with republics who had ''black generals in their armies and mulatto senators in their congresses." But this feeling on the part of the slave-holders against the measure was largely, although not wholly, spurious ; and really had less to do with the at- titude of the Jacksonian Democrats than had a mere factious opposition to Adams and Clay, This was shown by the vote on the confirmation of the ministers, when the senators divided on party and not on sectional lines. The nomina- tions were confirmed, but not till after such a length of time that the ministers were unable to reach Panama until after the congress had ad- journed. The Oregon question again came up during Adams's term, the administration favoring the renewal of the joint occupation convention, by QQ THOMAS HART DENTON. which we held the country in common with Great Britain. There was not much public feeling in the matter ; in the East there was none whatever. But Benton, when he opposed the renewal, and claimed the whole territory as ours, gave expression to the desires of all the Westerners who thought over the subject at all. He was followed by only half a dozen senators, all but one from the West, and from both sides of the Ohio — Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi ; the Northwest and Southwest as usual acting together. The vote on the protective tariff law of 1828 furnished another illustration of the solidarity of the West. New England had abandoned her free trade position since 1824, and the North went strongly for the new tariff ; the Southern sea-coast states, except Louisiana, op- posed it bitterly ; and the bill was carried by the support of the Western States, both the free and the slave. This tariff bill was the first of the immediate irritating causes which induced South Carolina to go into the nullification move- ment. Benton's attitude on the measure was that of a good many other men who, in their public capacities, are obliged to appear as pro- tectionists, but who lack his frankness in stat- ing their reasons. He utterly disbelieved in and was opposed to the principle of the bill, but EARLY YEARS IN THE SENATE. 67 as it had bid for and secured the interest of Missouri by a heavy duty on lead, he felt him- self forced to support it ; and so he announced his position. He simply went with his state, precisely as did Webster, the latter, in follow- ing Massachusetts' change of front and sup- porting the tariff of 1828, turning a full and complete somersault. Neither the one nor the other was to blame. Free traders are apt to look at the tariff from a sentimental stand-point ; but it is in reality purely a business matter, and should be decided solely on grounds of ex- pediency. Political economists have pretty generally agreed that protection is vicious in theory and harmful in practice ; but if the majority of the people in interest wish it, and \ it affects only themselves, there is no earthly reason why they should not be allowed to try the experiment to their hearts' content. The trouble is that it rarely does affect only them- selves; and in 1828 the evil was peculiarly aggravated on account of the unequal way in which the proposed law would affect different sections. It purported to benefit the rest of the country, but it undoubtedly worked real injury to the planter states, and there is small ground for wonder that the irritation over it in the region so affected should have been intense. During Adams's term Benton began his fight CS THOMAS BART BENTON. for_disposing of tlie public lands to actual settlers at a small cost. It was a move of enormous importance to the whole West ; and Benton's long and sturdy contest for it, and for the right of preemption, entitle him to the greatest credit. He never gave up the struggle, although repulsed again and again, and at the best only partially successful ; for he had to en- counter much opposition, especially from the short-sighted selfishness of many of the North- easterners, who wished to consider the public lands purely as sources of revenue. He utterly opposed the then existing system of selling land to the highest bidder — a most hurtful practice ; and objected to the establishment of an arbi- trary minimum price, which practically kept all land below a certain value out of the market altogether. He succeeded in establishing the preemption system, and had the system of rent- ing public mines, etc., abolished ; and he strug- gled for the principle of giving land outright to settlers in certain cases. As a wliole, his theory of a liberal system ot land distribution was un- doubtedly the correct one, and he deserves the greatest credit for having pushed it as he did. CHAPTER IV. THE ELECTIOISr OF JACKSON, AND THE SPOH^S SYSTEM. In the presidential election of 1828 Jackson and Adams were pitted against each other as the only candidates before the people, and Jack- son won an overwhelming victory. The fol- lowers of the two were fast developing respec- tively into Democrats and Whigs, and the parties were hardening and taking shape, while the dividing lines were being drawn more clearly and distinctly. But the contest was largely a personal one, and Jackson's success was due to his own immense popularity more than to any party principles which he was sup- posed to represent. Almost the entire strength of Adams was in the Northeast ; but it is abso- lutely wrong to assume, because of this fact, that the election even remotely foreshadowed the way in which party lines would be drawn in the coming sectional antagonism over slavery. Adams led Jackson in the two slave states of Maryland and Delaware ; and in the free states outside of New England Jackson had an even /. i 70 THOMAS HART BENTON. greater lead over Adams. East of the Alle- glianies it may here and there have been taken as in some sort a triumph of the South over the North ; but its sectional significance, as far as it had any, really came from its being a victory of the West over the East. Infinitely more important than this was the fact that it repre- sented the overwhelmingly successful upheaval of the most extreme democratic elements in the community. Until 1828 all the presidents, and indeed al- most all the men who took the lead in public life, alike in national and in state affairs, had been drawn from what in Europe would have been called the *' upper classes." They were mainly college-bred men of high social standing, as well educated as any in the community, usu- ally rich or at least well-to-do. Their subordi- nates in ofiice were of much the same material. It was believed, and the belief was acted upon, that public life needed an apprenticeship of training and experience. Many of our public men bad been able ; almost all had been honor- able and upright. The change of parties in 1800, when the Jeffersonian Democracy came in, altered the policy of the government, but not the character of the officials. In that move- ment, though Jefferson had behind him the mass of the people as the rank and file of his party, THE ELECTION OF JACKSON. 71 yet all his captains were still drawn from among the men in the same social position as himself. The Revolutionary War had been fought under the leadership of the colonial gentry ; and for years after it was over the people, as a whole, felt that their interests could be safely intrusted to and were identical with those of the descend- ants of their revolutionary leaders. The classes in which were to be found almost all the learn- ing, the talent, the business activity, and the inherited wealth and refinement of the country, had also hitherto contributed much to the body of its rulers. The Jacksonian Democracy stood for the re- volt against these rulers ; its leaders, as well as their followers, all came from the mass of the people. The majority of the voters supported Jackson because they felt he was one of them- selves, and because they understood that his election would mean the complete overthrow of the classes in power and their retirement from the control of the government. There was nothing to be said against the rulers of the day ; they had served the country and all its citizens well, and they were dismissed, not because the voters could truthfully allege any wrong-doing whatsoever against them, but solely because, in their purely private and personal feelings and habits of life, they were supposed to differ from 72 THOMAS HART BENTON. the mass of the people. This was such an out- rageously absurd feeling that the very men who were actuated by it, or who, like Benton, shaped and guided it, w^ere ashamed to confess the true reason of their actions, and tried to cloak it be- hind an outcry, as vague and senseless as it was clamorous, against '' aristocratic corruption " and other shadowy and spectral evils. Benton even talked loosely of " retrieving the country from the deplorable condition in which the enlight- ened classes had sunk it," although the country was perfectly prosperous and in its usual state of quiet, healthy growth. On the other hand, the opponents of Jackson indulged in talk al- most as wild, and fears even more extravagant than his supporters' hopes; and the root of much of their opposition lay in a concealed but still existent caste antagonism to a man of Jack- son's birth and bringing up. In fact, neither side, in spite of all their loud talk of American Republicanism, had yet mastered enough of its true spirit to be able to see that so long as pub- lic officers did their whole duty to all classes alike, it was not in the least the affair of their constituents whether they chose to spend their hours of social relaxation in their shirt-sleeves or in dress coats. The change was a great one ; it was not a change of the policy under which the govern- TEE ELECTION OF JACKSON. ^ 7^^ ment was managed, as in Jefferson's triumph, but of the men who controlled it. The two great democratic victories had little in common ; almost as little as had the two great leaders un- der whose auspices they were respectively won, — and few men were ever more unlike than the scholarly, timid, and shifty doctrinaire, who sup- planted the elder Adams, and the ignorant, head- strong, and straightforward soldier, who was vic- tor over the younger. That the change was the deliberate choice of the great mass of the people, and that it was one for the worse, was then, and has been ever since, the opinion of most thinking men ; certainly the public service then took its first and greatest step in that downward career of progressive debasement and deteriora- tion which has only been checked in our own days. But those who would, off-hand, decry the democratic principle on this account would do well to look at the nearly contemporaneous career of the pet heroes of a trans-Atlantic aristocracy before passing judgment. A very charming English historian of our day ^ has com- pared Wellington with Washington ; it would have been far juster to have compared him with Andrew Jackson. Both were men of strong, narrow minds and bitter prejudices, with few statesmanlike qualities, who, for brilliant 1 Justiu McCarthy. 74 THOMAS HART BENTON. military services, were raised to the highest civil positions in the gift of the state. The feeling among the aristocratic classes of Great Britain in favor of the Iron Duke was nearly as strong and quite as unreasonable as was the homage paid by their homelier kinsfolk across the At- lantic to Old Hickory. Wellington's military successes were far greater, for he had more chances ; but no single feat of his surpassed the remarkable victory won against his ablest lieu- tenant and choicest troops by a much smaller number of backwoods riflemen under Andrew JiUikson. As a statesman Wellington may have done less harm than Jackson, for he had less in- fluence ; but he has no such great mark to his credit as the old Tennessean's attitude toward the Niillifiers. If Jackson's election is a proof that the majority is not always right, Welling- ton's elevation may be taken as showing that the minority, or a fraction thereof, is in its turn quite as likely to be wrong. This caste antagonism was the distinguishing feature in the election of 1828, and the partially sectional character of the contest was due to the different degree of development the caste spirit had reached in different portions of the Union. In New England wealth was quite evenly distributed, and education and intelli- gence were nearly universal ; so there the an- I THE ELECTION OF JACKSON. 75 tagonism was slight, the bulk of the New Eng- land vote being given, as usually before and since, in favor of the right candidate. In the Middle States, on the contrary, the antagonism was very strong. In the South it was of but little political account as between the whites themselves, they all being knit together by the barbarous bond of a common lordship of race; and here the feeling for Jackson was largely derived from the close kinship still felt for the West. In the West itself, where Jackson's great strength lay, the people were still too much on the same plane of thought as well as of material prosperity, and the wealthy and culti- vated classes were of too limited extent to ad- mit of much caste feeling against the latter; and, accordingly, instead of hostility to them, the Western caste spirit took the form of hostility to their far more numerous representatives who had hitherto formed the bulk of the political rulers of the East. New England was not only the most ad- vanced portion of the Union, as regards intelli- gence, culture, and general prosperity, but was also most disagreeably aware of the fact, and was possessed with a self-conscious virtue that was peculiarly irritating to the Westerners, who knew that they were looked down upon, and savagely resented it on every occasion ; and, be- 76 THOMAS BART BENTON. sides, New England was apt to meddle in affairs that more nearly concerned other localities. Several of Benton's speeches, at this time, show this irritation against the Northeast, and also incidentally bring out the solidarity of interest felt throughout the West. In a long and able speech, favoring the repeal of the iniquitous "salt tax," or high duty on imported salt (a great hobby of his, in which, after many efforts, he was finally successful), he brought out the latter point very strongly, besides complaining of the disproportionate lightness of the burden imposed upon the Northeast by the high tariff, of which he announced himself to be but a moderate adherent. In common with all other Western statesmen, he resented keenly the suspicion with which the Northeast was then only too apt to regard the West, quoting in one of his speeches with angry resentment a prev- alent New England sneer at " the savages be- yond the Alleghanies." At the time we are speaking of it must be remembered that many even of the most advanced Easterners were utterly incapable of appreciating the almost limitless capacity of their country for growth and expansion, being in this respect far behind their Western brethren ; indeed, many regarded the acquisition of any new territory in the West with alarm and regret, as tending to make the t THE ELECTION OF JACKSON. 77 Union of such unwieldy size that it would break of its own weight. Benton was the leading opponent of a pro- posal, introduced by Senator Foot of Connecti- cut, to inquire into the expediency of limiting the sales of public lands to such lands as were then in the market. The limitation would have been most injurious to the entire West, which was thus menaced by the action of a New Eng- lander, while Benton appeared as the champion of the whole section, North and South alike, in the speech wherein he strenuously and suc- cessfully opposed the adoption of the resolu- tion, and at the same time bitterly attacked the quarter of the country from which it came, as having from the earliest years opposed every- thing that might advance the interests of the people beyond the AUeghanies. Webster came to the assistance of the mover of the measure in a speech wherein, among other things, he claimed for the North the merit of the passage of the Ordinance of 1787, in relation to the Northwest Territory, and especially of the anti- slavery clause therein contained. But Benton here caught him tripping, and in a very good speech showed that he was completely mistaken in his facts. The debate now, however, com- pletely left the point at issue, taking a bitterly sectional turn, and giving rise to the famous 78 THOMAS HART BENTON. controversy between Hayne, of South Carolina, who for the first time on the floor of the Sen- ate announced the doctrine of nullification, and Webster, who, in response to his antagonist, voiced the feeling of the Union men of the North in that wonderful and magnificent speech known ever since under the name of the " Re- ply to Hayne," and the calling forth of which will henceforward be Hayne's sole title to fame. Benton, though himself a strong Union and anti-nullification man, was still too excited over the subject-matter of the bill and the original discussion over it to understand tliat the debate had ranged off upon matters of infinitely greater importance, and entirely failed to realize that he had listened to the greatest piece of oratory of the century. On the contrary, encouraged by his success earlier in the debate, he actually attempted a kind of reply to Webster, attack- inir him with invective and sarcasm as an alarm- ist, and taunting him with the memory of the Hartford Convention, which had been held by members of the Federalist party, to which Web- ster himself had once belonged. Benton after- wards became convinced that Webster's views were by no means those of a mere alarmist, and frankly stated that he had been wrong in his position ; but at the time, heated by his original grievance, as a Western man, against New Eng- THE SPOILS SYSTEM, 79 land, he failed entirely to understand the true drift of Hayne's speech. Much of New Eng- land's policy to the West was certainly exces- sively narrow-minded. Jackson's administration derives a most un- enviable notoriety as being the one under which the " spoils system " became, for the first time, grafted on the civil service of the nation ; ap- ' pointments and removals in the public service being made dependent upon political qualifica- tions, and not, as hitherto, upon merit or ca- pacity. Benton, to his honor, always stoutly opposed this system. It is unfair to assert that Jackson was the originator of this method of appointment ; but he was certainly its foster- father, and more than any one else is responsi- ble for its introduction into the affairs of the national government. Despite all the Eastern sneers at the " savages " of the West, it was from Eastern men that this most effective method of debauching political life came. The Jacksonian Democrats of the West, when they introduced it into the working of the federal government, simply copied the system which they found al- ready firmly established by their Eastern allies in New York and Pennsylvania. For many / years the course of politics throughout the country had been preparing and foreshadowing the advent of the " spoils system." The great- 80 THO^fAS HART BENTON. est single stroke in its favor had been done at the instigation of Crawford, when that schem- ing politician was seeking the presidency, and, to further his ends, he procured the passage by Congress of a law limiting the term of service of all public officials to four years, thus turn- ing out of office all the fifty thousand public ' servants during each presidential term. This law has never been repealed, every low politician being vitally interested in keeping it as it is, and accordingly it is to be found on the statute- books at the present day ; and though it has the company of some other very bad measures, it still remains very much the worst of all, as re- gards both the evil it has done and that which it is still doing. This four years' limitation law was passed without comment or protest, every one voting in its favor, its probable working not being comprehended in the least. Says Benton, who, with all his colleagues, voted for it : " The object of the law was to pass the disbursing officers every four years under the supervision of the appointing power, for the inspection of their accounts, in order that defaulters might be detected and dropped, while the faithful should be ascertained and continued. ... It was found to operate contrary to its intent, and to have become the facile means of getting rid of faithful disbursing officers, instead of retaining THE SPOILS SYSTEM. 81 them." 1 New York has always had a low polit-\ ical standard, one or the other of its great party j and factional organizations, and often both or / all of them, being at^all times most unlovely / bodies of excessively unwholesome moral tone./ Aaron Burr introduced the " spoils system " into her state affairs, and his methods were fol- lowed and improved upon by Marcy, Wright, Van Buren, and all the " Albany Regency." In 1829 these men found themselves an important constituent portion of the winning party, and immediately, by the help of the only too will- ing Jackson, proceeded to apply their system to affairs at Washington. It was about this time that, in the course of a debate in the Senate, Marcy gave utterance to the now notorious maxim, '' To the victors belong the spoils." Under Adams the non-partisan character of the public service had been guarded with a scrupulous care that could almost be called ex- aggerated. Indeed, Adams certainly went alto- gether too far in his non-partisanship when it came to appointing cabinet and other high of- ficers, his views on such points being not only fantastic, but absolutely wrong. The colorless character of his administration was largely due to his having, in his anxiety to avoid blind and . unreasoning adherence to party, committed the only less serious fault of paying too little heed to 82 THOMAS HART BENTON. party ; for a healthy party spirit is prerequisite to the performance of effective work in American political life. Adams was not elected purely for himself, but also on account of the men and the principles that he was supposed to repre^ sent ; and wdien he partly surrounded himself with men of opposite principles, he just so fai;, though from the best of motives, betrayed his supporters, and rightly forfeited much of their confidence. But, under him, every public ser- vant felt that, so long as he faithfully served the state, his position was secure, no matter what his political opinions might be. With the incoming of the Jacksonians all this changed, and terribly for the worse. A perfect reign of terror ensued among the office- holders. In the first month of the new adminis- tration niore removals took place than during all the previous administrations put together. Appointments were made with little or no at- tention to fitness, or even honesty, but solely because of personal or political services. Re- movals were not made in accordance with any known rule at all ; the most frivolous pretexts were sufficient, if advanced by useful politicians who needed places already held by capable in- cumbents. Spying and tale -bearing became prominent features of official life, the meaner office-holders trying to save their own heads by THE SPOILS SYSTEM. 83 denouncing others. The very best men were un- ceremoniously and causelessly dismissed; gray- headed clerks, who had been appointed by the earlier presidents, — by Washington, the elder Adams, and Jefferson, — being turned off at an hour's notice, although a quarter of a century's faithful work in the public service had unfitted them to earn their living elsewhere. Indeed, it was upon the best and most efficient men that the blow fell heaviest ; the spies, tale-bearers, and tricksters often retained their positions. In 1829 the public service was, as it always had been, administered purely in the interest of the people ; and the man who was styled the es- pecial champion of the people dealt that service the heaviest blow it has ever received. Benton himself always took a sound stand on the civil service question, although his partisan ship led him at times to defend Jackson's course when he must have known well that it was in- defensible. He viewed with the greatest alarm and hostility the growth of the "spoils system," and early introduced, as chairman of a special committee, a bill to repeal the harmful four years' limitation act. In discussing this pro- posed bill afterwards, he wrote, in words that apply as much at this time as they did then : " The expiration of the four years' term came to be considered as the termination and vacation 84 THOMAS HART BENTON. of nil the offices on which it fell, and the crea- tion of vacancies to be filled at the option of the president. The bill to remedy this defect gave legal effect to the original intention of the law by confining the vacation of office to actual de- faulters. The power of the president to dis- miss civil officers was not attempted to be cur- tailed, but the restraints of responsibility were placed upon its exercise by requiring the cause of dismission to be communicated to Congress in each case. The section of the bill to that ef- fect was in these words: That in all nomina- tions made by the president to the Senate.^ to fill vacancies occasioned by an exercise of the presi- dent's power to remove from office^ the fact of the removal shall be stated to the Senate at the same time that the nomination is made., with a state- merit of the reasons for which such officer may have been removed. This was intended to oper- ate as a restraint upon removals without cause." In the " Thirty Years' View" he again writes, in language which would be appropriate from every advanced civil service reformer of the present day, that is, from every disinterested man who has studied the workings of the "spoils system " with any intelligence : — I consider " sweeping " removals, as now practiced by both parties, a great political evil in our country, injurious to individuals, to the public service, to the ! THE SPOILS SYSTEM. 85 purity of elections, and to the harmony and union of the people. Certainly no individual has a right to an office ; no one has an estate or property in a public employment ; but when a mere ministerial worker in a subordinate station has learned its duties by ex- perience and approved his fidelity by his conduct, it is an injury to the public service to exchange him for a novice whose only title to the place may be a po- litical badge or partisan service. It is exchanging experience for inexperience, tried ability for untried, and destroying the incentive to good conduct by de- stroying its reward. To the party displaced it is an injury, he having become a proficient in that busi- ness, expecting to remain in it during good behavior, and finding it difficult, at an advanced age, and with fixed habits, to begin a new career in some new walk of life. It converts elections into scrambles for of- fice, and degrades the government into an office for rewards and punishments ; and divides the people of the Union into two adverse parties, each in its turn, and as it becomes domiuant, to strip and proscribe the other. Benton had now taken the position which he was for many years to hold, as the recognized senatorial leader of a great and well-defined party. Until 1828 the prominent political chiefs of the nation had either been its presi- dents, or had been in the cabinets of these presi- dents. But after Jackson's time they were in 86 THOMAS HART BENTON. the Senate, and it was on this body that public attention was concentrated. Jackson's cabinet itself showed such a falling off, when compared with the cabinets of any of his predecessors, as to justify the caustic criticism that, when he took office, there came in *' the millennium of the minnows." In the Senate, on the contrary, there were never before or since so many men of commanding intellect and powers. Calhoun bad been elected as vice-president on the Jack- sonian ticket, and was thus, in 1829, presiding over the body of which he soon became an act- ive member; Webster and Clay were already taking their positions as the leaders of the great National Republican, or, as it was afterwards called. Whig party. When the rupture between Calhoun and the Jacksonian Democrats, and the resignation of the former from the vice-presidency took place, three parties developed in the United States Senate. One was composed of the Jacksonian Democrats, with Benton at their head ; one was made up of the little band of NuUifiers, led by Calhoun ; and the third included the rather loose array of the Whigs, under Clay and Webster. The feeling of the Jacksonians towards Cal- houn and the NuUifiers and towards Clay and the Clay Whigs were largely those of personal THE SPOILS SYSTEM. 87 animosity ; but they had very little of this sen- timent towards Webster and his associates, their differences with them being on questions of party principle, or else proceeding from merely sectional causes. CHAPTER V. THE STRUGGLE WITH THE NULLIFIERS. During both Jackson's presidential terms he and his adherents were engaged in two great struggles ; that with the Nullifiers, and that witli the Bank. Although these struggles were in part synchronous, it will be easier to discuss each by itself. The nullification movemcMit in South Caro- lina, during the latter part of the third and early part of the fourth decades in the present century, had nothing to do, except in the most distant way, with slavery. Its immediate cause was the high taritf ; remotely it sprang from the same feelings which produced the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of 1798. Certain of the Slave States, including those which raised hemp, indigo, and sugar, were high- tariff states ; indeed, it was not till towards the close of the presidency of ]\Ionroe that there had been much sectional feeling over the pohcy of protection. Originally, while we were a purely agricultural and mercantile people, free I THE STRUGGLE WITH THE NULLIFIERS. 89 trade was the only economic policy which oc- curred to us as possible to be followed, the first tariff bill being passed in 1816. South Carolina then was inclined to favor the system, Calhoun himself supporting the bill, and, his subsequent denials to the contrary notwithstanding, dis- tinctly advocating the policy of protection to native industries ; while Massachusetts then and afterwards stoutly opposed its introduction, as hostile to her interests. However, the bill was passed, and Massachusetts had to submit to its operation. After 1816 new tariff laws were enacted about every four years, and soon the coast Slave States, except Louisiana, realized that their working was hurtful to the interests of the planters. New England also changed her attitude ; and when the protective tariff bill of 1828 came up, its opponents and supporters were sharply divided by sectional lines. But these lines were not such as would have divided the states on the question of slavery. The Northeast and Northwest alike favored the measure, as also did all the Southern States west of the Alleghanies, and Louisiana. It was therefore passed by an overwhelming vote, against the solid opposition of the belt of South- ern coast states stretching from Virginia to Mississippi, and including these two. The states that felt themselves harmed by 90 THOMAS HART BENTON. the tariff did something more than record their disapproval by the votes of their representatives in Congress. They nearly all, through their legislatures, entered emphatic protests against its adoption, as being most harmful to them and dangerous to the Union ; and some accompanied their protests with threats as to what would be done if the obnoxious laws should be enforced. They certainly had grounds for discontent. In 1828 the tariff, whether it benefited the coun- try as a whole or not, unquestionably harmed tlie South ; and in a federal Union it is most unwise to pass laws which shall benefit one part of the community to the hurt of another part, when the latter receives no compensation. The truculent and unyielding attitude of the ex- treme protectionists was irritating in the ex- treme ; for cooler men than the South Carolin- ians might well have been exasperated at such an utterance as that of Henry Clay, when he stated that for the sake of the " American sys- tem " — by whicli title he was fond of styling a doctrine already ancient in mediicval times — he would '* defy the South, the president and the devil." On the other hand, both the good and the evil effects of the tariff were greatly exagger- ated. Some harm to the planter states was doubtless caused by it ; but their falling back, THE STRUGGLE WITH THE NULLIFIERS. 91 as compared with the North, in the race for pros- perity, was doubtless caused much more by the presence of slavery, as Dallas, of Pennsylvania, pointed out in the course of some very temper- ate and moderate remarks in the Senate. Clay's assertions as to what the tariff had done for the West were equally ill-founded, as Benton showed in a good speech, wherein he described ^ picturesquely enough the industries and gen- ^i eral condition of his portion of the country, and ' asserted with truth that its revived prosperity was due to its own resources, entirely indepen- dent of federal aid or legislation. He said : " I do not think we are indebted to the high tariff for our fertile lands and our navigable rivers ; and I am certain we are indebted to these bless- ings for the prosperity we enjoy." " In all that comes from the soil the people of the West are rich. They have an abundant supply of food for man and beast, and a large surplus to send abroad. They have the comfortable living which industry creates for itself in a rich soil, but beyond this they are poor . . .They have no roads paved or macadamized ; no canals or aqueducts ; no bridges of stone across the in- numerable streams ; no edifices dedicated to eternity ; no schools for the fine arts ; not a public library for which an ordinary scholar would not apologize." Then he went on to 92 THOMAS HART BENTON. speak of the commerce of the West and its exports, '' tlie marching myriads of living ani< mals annually taking their departure from the heart of the Wast, defiling through the gorges of the Cumbeiland, the Alleghany, and the Appalachian mountains, or traversing the plains of the South, diverging as they march, . . . and the flying steamboats and the fleets of floating arks, loaded with the products of the forest, the farm, and the pasture, following the cours^^ of our noble rivers, and bearing their freights to the great city " of New Orleans. Unfortunately Benton would interlard even his best speeches with theories of economics often more or less crude, and, still worse, with a series of classic quotations and allusions ; for he was grievously afflicted with the rage for , cheap pseudo-classicism that Jelferson and his j school had borrowed from the French revolu- tionists. Nor could he resist the temptation to drag in allusions to some favorite hobby. The repeal of the salt-tax was an especial favorite of his. He was perfectly right in attacking the tax, and deserves the greatest credit for the persistency which finally won him the vic- tory. But his associates, unless of a humor- ous turn of mind, must have found his allusions to it rather tiresome, as when, apropos of the commerce of the Mississippi, and without any THE STRUGGLE WITH THE NULLTFIERS. 93 possible excuse for speaking of the iniquity of taxing salt, he suddenly alluded to New Or- leans as " that great city which revives upon the banks of the Mississippi the name of the greatest of the emperors ^ that ever reigned upon the banks of the Tiber, and who eclipsed the glory of his own heroic exploits by giving an order to his legions never to levy a contri- bution of salt upon a Roman citizen ! " It must be admitted that the tariff did some harm to the South, and that it was natural for the latter to feel resentment at the way in which it worked. But it must also be re- membered that no law can be passed which does' not distribute its benefits more or less unequall}^, and which does not, in all proba- bility, work harm in some cases. Moreover, the South was estopped from complaining of one section being harmed by a law that bene- fited, or was supposed to benefit, the country at 2arge, by her position in regard to the famous embargo and non-importation acts? These in- flicted infinitely more damage and loss in New England than any tariff law could inflict on South Carolina, and, moreover, were put into execution on account of a quarrel with Eng- land forced on by the West and South contrary to the desire of the East. Yet the Southern- ^ Aurelian. 94 THOMAS HART BENTON. ers were fierce in their denunciations of such of tiie Federalists as went to the extreme in opposition to them. Even in 1816 Massachu- setts had been obliged to submit with good grace to the workings of a tariff which she deemed hostile to her interests, and which many Southerners then advocated. Certainly, even if the new tariff" laws were ill-advised, unjust, and unequal in their working, yet they did not, in the most remote degree, justify any effort to break up the Union ; especially the South had no business to complain when she herself had joined in laying heavier burdens on the shoul- ders of New England. Complain she did, however ; and soon added threats to complaints, and was evidently ready to add acts to tlirrats. Georgia, at first, took the lead in denunciation ; but South Carolina soon surpassed lier, and finally went to the length of advocating and preparing for separa- tion from the Union ; a step that produced a revulsion o^ feeling even among her fellow anti- tariff states. The South Carolinian statesmen now proclaimed the doctrine of nullification, — that is, proclaimed that if any state deemed a federal law im proper, yit could proceed to de» clare that law null and void so far as its own territory was concerned, — and, as a corollary, that it had the right forcibly to prevent execu- THE STRUGGLE WITH THE NULLIFIERS. 95 fcion of this void law within its borders. This was proclaimed, not as an exercise of the right of revolution, which, in the last resort, belongs, of course, to every community and class, but as a constitutional privilege. Jefferson was quoted ' as the father of the idea, and the Kentucky resolutions of 1798-99, which he drew, were cited as the precedent for the South Caroli- j nian action. In both these last assertions ' the Nullifiers were correct. Jefferson was the father of nullification, and therefore of seces- / sion. He used the word " nullify " in the orig- inal draft which he supplied to the Kentucky legislature, and though that body struck it out of the resolutions which they passed in 1798, they inserted it in those of the following year. This was done mainly as an unscrupulous party move on Jefferson's part, and when his side came into power he became a firm upholder of the Union ; and, being constitutionally unable to put a proper value on truthfulness, he even ' denied that his resolutions could be construed to favor nullification — though they could by no > possibility be construed to mean anything else. At this time it is not necessary to discuss nullification as a constitutional dogma ; it is an absurdity too great to demand serious refuta- tion. The United States has the same right to protect itself from death by nullification, seces- 96 THOMAS HART BENTON. sion, or rebellion, that a man lias to protect himself from death by assassination. Calhoun's hair-splitting and metaphysical disquisitions on the constitutionality of nullification have now little more practical interest than have the ex- traordinary arguments and discussions of the school-men of the Middle Ages. But at the time they were of vital interest, for they were words which it was known South- Carolina was prepared to back up by deeds. Calhoun was vice-president, the second officer in the federal government, and yet also the avowed leader of the most bitter disunionists. His state supported him by an overwhelming majority, although even within its own borders there was an able opposition, headed by the gallant and loyal family of the Draytons, — the same family that afterwards furnished the cap- tain of Farragut's flag-ship, the glorious old Hartford. There was a strong sentiment in the other Southern States in his favor ; the public men of South Carolina made speech after speecli goading him on to take even more advanced ground. In Washington the current at first seemed to be all setting in favor of the Nullifiers ; they even counted on Jackson's support, as he was a Southerner and a states'-rights man. But he was also a strong Unionist, and, moreover, at THE STRUGGLE WITH THE NULLIFIERS. 97 this time, felt very bitterly towards Calhoun, with whom he had just had a split, and had in consequence remodeled his cabinet, thrusting out all Calhoun's supporters, and adopting Van Buren as his political heir, — the position which it was hitherto supposed the great Carolina separatist occupied. The first man to take up the gauntlet the Nullifiers had thrown down was Webster, in his famous reply to Hayne. He, of course, voiced the sentiment of the Whigs, and especially of the Northeast, where the high tariff was re- garded with peculiar favor, where the Union feeling was strong, and where there was a cer- tain antagonism felt towards the South. The Jacksonian Democrats, whose strength lay in the West, had not yet spoken. They were, for the most part, neither ultra protectionists nor absolute free-traders ; Jackson's early pres- idential utterances had given offense to the South by not condemning all high-tariff legisla- tion, but at the same time had declared in favor of a much more moderate degree of protec- tion than suited the Whigs. Only a few weeks after Webster's speech Jackson's chance came, and he declared himself in unmistakable terms. It was on the occasion of the Jefferson birth- day banquet, April 13, 1830. An effort was then being made to have Jefferson's birthday 98 THOMAS HART BENTON. celebrated annually ; and the Nullifiers, rightly claiming him as their first and chief apostle, attempted to turn this particular feast into a demonstration in favor of nullification. Most of the speakers present were actively or pas- sively in favor of the movement, and the toasts proposed strongly savored of the new doctrine. But Jackson, Benton, and a number of other Union men were in attendance also, and when it came to Jackson's turn he electrified the au- dience by proposing : '* Our federal Union ; it must be preserved." Calhoun at once answered with : " The Union ; next to our liberty the most dear ; may we all remember that it can only be preserved by respecting the rights of the states and distributing equally the benefit and burden of the Union." The issue between the president and the vice-president was now complete, and the Jacksonian Democracy was squarely committed against nullification. Jack- son had risen to the occasion as only a strong and a great man could rise, and his few, tell- ing words, finely contrasting at every point with Calhoun's utterances, rang throughout the whole country, and will last as long as our gov- ernment. One result, at least, the Nullifiers accomplished, — they completely put an end to the Jefferson birthday celebrations. The South Carolinians had no intention of THE STRUGGLE WITH THE NULLIFIERS. 99 flinching from the contest which they had pro- voked, even when they saw that the North and West were united against them, and though the tide began to set the same way in their sis- ter states of the South ; North Carolina, among the latter, being the first and most pronounced in her support of the president and denunci- ation of the Nullifiers. The men of the Pal- metto State have always ranked high for hot- headed courage, and they soon showed that they had wills as fiery as that of Jackson him- self. Yet in the latter they had met an antag- onist well worthy of any foeman's steel. In declining an invitation to be present at Charles- ton, on July 4, 1831, the president again defined most clearly his position in favor of the Union, and his words bad an especial significance be- cause he let it be seen that he was fully deter- mined to back them up by force if necessary. But his letter only had the effect of inflaming still more the minds of the South Carolinians. The prime cause of irritation, the tariff, still a remained ; and in 1832, Clay, having entered tho Senate after a long retirement from poli- tics, put the finishing stroke to their anger by procuring the passage of a new tariff bill, which left the planter states almost as badly off as did 1 the law of 1828. Jackson signed this, although not believing that it went far enough in the i reduction of duties. LcfC. 100 THOMAS HART BENTON. In tlie presidential election of 1832, Jackson defeated Clay by an enormous majority ; Van Buren was elected vice-president, there being thus a Northern man on the ticket. Soutli Carolina declined to take part in the election, throwing away her vote. Again, it must be kept in mind that the slave question did not shape, or, indeed, enter into this contest at all, directly, although beginning to be present in the background as a source of irritation. In 1832 there was ten-fold more feeling in the North against Masonry, and secret societies generally, than there was against slavery. Benton threw himself in, heart and soul, with the Union party, acting as Jackson's riglit-hand man throughout the contest with South Caro- lina, and showing an even more resolute and un- flinching front than Old Hickory himself. No better or trustier ally tlian the Missouri states- man, in a hard fight for a principle, could be desired. He was intensely national in all liis habits of thought ; he took a deep, personal pride in all his country, — North, South, East, and West. He had been very loath to believe that anj^ movement hostile to the Union was really on foot ; but once thoroughly convinced of it he chose his own line of action without an instant's hesitation. A fortnight after the presidential election THE STRUGGLE WITH TEE NULLIFIERH. 101 South Carolina passed her ordinance of nullifi- cation, directed against the tariff laws generally, and against those of 1828 and 1832 in particu- lar. The ordinance was to take effect on Feb- ruary 1st ; and if meantime the federal govern- ment should make any attempt to enforce the laws, the fact of such attempt was to end the continuance of South Carolina in the Union. Jackson promptly issued a proclamation ) against nullification, composed jointly by him- self and the great Louisiana jurist and states- man, Livingston. It is one of the ablest, as well as one of the most important, of all Amer- % ican state papers. It is hard to see how any American can read it now without feeling his veins thrill. Some claim it as being mainly the work of Jackson, others as that of Livingston ; it is great honor for either to have had a hand in its production. In his annual message the president merely referred, in passing, to the Nullifiers, expressing his opinion that the action in reducing the du- ties, which the extinction of the public debt would permit and require, would put an end to the proceedings. As matters grew more threat- ening, however. South Carolina making every preparation for war and apparently not being conciliated in the least by the evident desire in Congress to meet her more than half-way on 102 THOMAS HART BENTON. the tariff question, Jackson sent a special mes- sage to both houses. He had ah-eady sent Gen- eral Scott to Cliarleston, and had begun the concentration of certain military and naval forces in or near the state boundaries. He now asked Congress to pass a measure to enable him to deal better with possible resistance to the laws. South Carolina having complained of the oppressed condition in which she found herself, owing to the working of the tariff, Jackson, in his message, with some humor, quoted in reply the last Thanksgiving proclamation of her gov- ernor, wherein he dilated upon the state's un- exampled prosperity and happiness. It must always be kept in mind in describ- ing the attitude of the Jacksonian Democrats towards the Nullifiers that they were all along, especially in the West, hostile to a very liigh tariff. Jackson and Benton had always favored a much lower tariff than that established in 1828 and hardly changed in 1882. It was no change of front on their part now to advocate a reduction of duties. Jackson and Benton both felt that there was much ground for South Car- olina's original complaint, although as strongly opposed to her nullification attitude as any Northerner. Most of the Southern senators and representatives, though ojiposed to nullification, were almost equally hostile to the high tariff ; THE STRUGGLE WITH THE NULLIFIER8. 103 and very many others were at heart in sym- pathy with nullification itself. The intensely national and anti-separatist tone of Jackson's declaration, — a document that might well have come from Washington or Lincoln, and that would have reflected high honor on either, — though warmly approved by Benton, was very repugnant to many of the Southern Democrats, and was too much even for certain of the Whigs. In fact, it reads like the utterance of some great Federalist or Republican leader. The feeling in Congress, as a whole, was as strong against the tariff as it was against nullification ; and Jackson had to take this into account, all the more because not only was he in some degree of the same way of thinking, but also many of. his followers entertained the sentiment even more earnestly. Calhoun introduced a series of nullification resolutions into the Senate, and defended them strongly in the prolonged constitutional debate that followed. South Carolina meanwhile put off the date at which her decrees were to take effect, so that she might see what Congress would do. Beyond question, Jackson's firm- ness, and the way in which he was backed up by Benton, Webster, and their followers, was having some effect. He had openly avowed his intention, if matters went too far, of hanging \ 104 THOMAS HART BENTON. Calhoun "higher than Hainan." He unques- tionably meant to imprison him, as well as the other South Carolina leaders, the instant that state came into actual collision with the Union ; and to the end of his life regretted, and with reason, that he had not done so without waiting for an overt act of resistance. Some historians have treated this as if it were an idle threat; but such it certainly was not. Jackson un- doubtedly fully meant what he said, and would have acted promptly had the provocation oc- curred, and, moreover, he would have been sus- tained by the country. He was not tlie man to weigh minutely what would and what would not fall just on one side or the other of the line defining treason ; nor was it the time for too scrupulous adherence to precise wording. Had a collision occurred, neither Calhoun nor his colleague would ever have been permitted to leave Washington ; and brave though they were, the fact unquestionably bad much influence with them. Webster was now acting heartily with Ben- ton, lie introduced a set of resolutions which showed that in the matters both of the tariff and of nullification his position was much the same as was that of the Missourian. Unfortu- nately Congress, as a whole, was by no means BO stiff-kneed. A certain number of Whigs fol- THE STRUGGLE WITH THE NULLIFIER8. 105 lowed Webster, and a certain number of Demo- crats clung to Benton; but most Southerners were very reluctant to allow pressure to be brought to bear on South Carolina, and many Northerners were as willing to compromise as Henry Clay himself. In accordance with Jack- son's recommendations two bills were intro- duced : one the so-called " Force bill," to allow the president to take steps to defend the federal authority in the event of actual collision ; and the other a moderate, and, on the whole, proper tariff bill, to reduce protective duties. Both were introduced by administration supporters. Benton and Webster warmly sustained the " Force bill," which was bitterly attacked by the Nullifiers and by most of the Southerners, who really hardly knew what stand to take, the leading opponent being Tyler of Virginia, whose disunion attitude was almost as clearly marked as that of Calhoun himself. The meas- ure was eminently just, and was precisely what the crisis demanded ; and the Senate finally passed it and sent it to the House. All this time an obstinate struggle was going on over the tariff bill. Calhoun and his sym- pathizers were beginning to see that there was real danger ahead, alike to themselves, their constituents, and their principles, if they fol- lowed unswervingly the course they had laid 106 THOMAS HART BENTON. down ; aiul the weak-kneed bretliren on the other side, headed by Chiy, were becoming even more uneasy. Calhoun wished to avert collision with the federal government; Clay was quite as anxious to avoid an outbreak in the South and to save what he could of the protective system, wiiich was evidently doomed. Calhoun was willinix to sacritice some of his constitutional theories in regard to proti»ction ; Clay was ready greatly to reduce protection itself. Each of them, but especially Clay, was prepared to shift his stand somewhat from that of abstract moral right to that of expediency. Benton and Webster were too resolute and determined in their hostility to any form of yieldiuix to South Carolina's insolent defiance to admit any hope of getting them to accept a compromise ; but the majority of the members were known to be only too ready to jump at any half-way measure which would patch up the affair for the present, no matter what the sacrifice of principle or how great the risk incurred for the future. Accord- ingly, Clay and Calhoun met and agreed on a curious bill, in reality recognizing the protective system, but making a great although gradual reduction of duties; and Clay introduced this as a *^ compromise measure." It was substi- tuted in [\\v House for the administration tarilT bill, wiis passed and sent to the Senate. It THE STRUGGLE WITH THE NULLIFIERS. 107 gave South Carolina much, but not all, that she demanded. Her representatives announced themselves satisfied, and supported it, together with all their Southern sympathizers. WeV^ster and Benton fought it stoutly to the last, but it was passed by a great majority ; a few North- erners followed Webster, and Benton received fair support from his Missouri colleagues and the Maryland senators ; the other senators, Whigs and Democrats alike, voted for the measure. Many of the Southerners were im- ^ bued with separatist principles, although not yet to the extent that Calhoun was ; others, though Union men, did not possess the unflinch- ing will and stern strength of character that enabled Benton to stand out against any sec- tion of the country, even his own, if it was wrong. Silas Wright, of New York, a typical Northern " dough-face " politician, gave exact expression to the "dough-face" sentiment, which induced Northern members to vote for the com- promise, when he stated that he was unalter- ably opposed to the principle of the bill, but that on account of the attitude of South Caro- * lina, and of the extreme desire which he had to remove all cause, of discontent in that state, and in order to enable her again to become an affec- tionate member of the Union, he would vote for what was satisfactory to her, although re- 108 THOMAS HART BENTON. pugnant to himself. Wright, Marcy, and their successors in New York politics, almost up to the present day, certainly carried cringing sub- serviency to the South to a pitch that was fairly sublime. The " Force bill " and the compromise tariff bill passed both houses nearly simultaneously, and were sent up to the president, who signed both on the same day. His signing the com- promise bill was a piece of weakness out of keeping with his whole character, and espe- cially out of keeping with his previous course towards the NuUifiers. The position assumed by Benton and Webster, that South Carolina should be made to submit first and should have / the justice of her claims examined into after- wards, was unquestionably the only proper atti- \ tude. Benton wrote : — My objections to this bill, and to its mode of being passed, were deep and abiding, and went far beyond its own obnoxious provisions, and all the transient and temporary considerations connected with it. . . . A compromise made with a state in arms is a capitula- tion to that state. . . . The injury was great then, and a permanent evil example. It remitted the govern- ment to the condition of the old confederation, acting upon sovereignties instead of individuals. It violated the feature of our Union which discriminated it from TEE STRUGGLE WITH THE NULLIFIERS. 109 all confederacies that ever existed, and which was wisely and patriotically put into the Constitution to save it from the fate which had attended all con- federacies, ancient and modern. . . . The framers of our Constitution established a Union instead of a League — to be sovereign and independent within its sphere, acting upon persons through its own laws and courts, instead of acting on communities through persuasion or force. The effect of this compromise legislation was to destroy this great feature of our Union — to bring the general and state governments into conflict — and to substitute a sovereign state for an offending individual as often as a state chose to make the cause of that individual her own. • -■■■I Not only was Benton's interpretation of the Constitution sound, and one that by the course of events has now come to be universally ac- cepted, but his criticisms on the wisdom of the compromise bill were perfectly just. Had the Anti-Nullifiers stood firm, the NuUifiers would probably have given way, and if not, would certainly have been crushed. Against a solid North and West, with a divided South, even her own people not being unanimous, and with Jackson as chief executive. South Carolina could not have made even a respectable resist- ance. A salutary lesson then might very pos- sibly have saved infinite trouble and bloodshed thereafter. But in Jackson's case it must be 110 THOMAS HART BENTON. remembered that, so far as his acts depended purely upon his own will and judgment, no fault can be found with him ; he erred only in ratifying a compromise agreed to by the vast majority of the representatives of the people in both houses of Congress. The battle did not result in a decisive victory for either side. This was shown by the very fact that each party insisted that it had won a signal triumph. Calhoun and Clay afterwards quarreled in the senate chamber as to which had given up the more in the compromise. South Carolina had declared, first, that the tariff was unconstitutional, and therefore to be opposed upon principle ; second, that it worked injustice to her interests, and must be abol- ished forthwith ; thirdly, that, if it were not so abolished, she would assert her power to nullify a federal law, and, if necessary, would secede from the Union. When her representatives agreed to the compromise bill, they abandoned the first point ; the second was decided largely in her favor, though protection was not by any means entirely given up ; the third she was al- lowed to insist upon with impunity, although the other side, by passing the " Force bill," showed that in case matters did proceed to ex- tremities they were prepared to act upon the opposite conviction. Still, she gained most of (- THE STRUGGLE WITH THE NULLIFIERS. Ill that for which she contended, and the victory, as a whole, rested with her. Calhoun's pur- poses seem to have been, in the main, pure ; but few criminals have worked as much harm to their country as he did. The plea of good intentions is not one that can be allowed to have much weight in passing historical judg- ment upon a man whose wroqg-headedness and distorted way of looking at things produced, or helped to produce, such incalculable evil ; there is a wide political applicability in the remark attributed to a famous Texan, to the effect that he might, in the end, pardon a man who shot him on purpose, but that he would surely never forgive one who did so accidentally. Without doubt, the honors of the nullification dispute were borne off by Benton and Webster. The latter's reply to Hayne is, perhaps, the greatest single speech of the nineteenth cen- tury, and he deserves the highest credit for the stubbornness with which he stood by his colors to the last. There never was any question of Webster's courage ; on the occasions when he changed front he was actuated by self-interest and ambition, not by timidity. Usually he / appears as an advocate rather than an earnest believer in the cause he represents ; but when it came to be a question of the Union, he felt what he said with the whole strength of his Tjature. 112 THOMAS HART BENTON. An even greater meed of praise attaches to Benton for the unswerving fidelity which lie showed to the Union in this crisis. Webster was a high-tariff man, and was backed up by all the sectional antipathies of the Northeast in his opposition to the Nullifiers ; Benton, on the contrary, was a believer in a low tariff, or in one for revenue merely, and his sectional an- tipathies were the other way. Yet, even when deserted by his chief, and when he was opposed to ever}' senator from south of the Potomac and the Ohio, he did not flinch for a moment from his attitude of aggressive loyalty to the national Union. He had a singularly strong and upright character ; this country has never bad a statesman more fearlessly true to his con- victions, when great questions were at stake, no matter what might be the cost to himself, or the pressure from outside, — even when, as happened later, his own state was against him. Intellectually he cannot for a moment be com- pared to the great Massachusetts senator ; but morally he towers much higher. Yet, while praising Jackson and Benton for their behavior towards South Carolina, we can- Hot forget that but a couple of years previously they had not raised their voices even in the mildest rebuke of Georgia for conduct which, though not nearly so bad in degree as that of IL THE STRUGGLE WITH THE NULLIFIERS. 113 South Carolina, was of much the same kind. Towards the close of Adams's term, Georgia had bid defiance to the mandates of the Su- preme Court, and proceeded to settle the In- dian question within her borders without re- gard to the authority of the United States, and these matters were still unsettled when Jack- son became president. Unfortunately he let his personal feelings bias him ; and, as he took the Western and Georgian view of the Indian ques- tion, and, moreover, hated the Supreme Court because it was largely Federalist in its compo- sition, he declined to interfere. David Crock- ett, himself a Union man and a nationalist to the back-bone, rated Jackson savagely, and with justice, for the inconsistency of his conduct in the two cases, accusing him of having, by his harmful leniency to Georgia, encouraged South Carolina to act as she did, and ridiculing him because, while he smiled at the deeds of the one state, when the like acts were done by the other, "he took up the rod of correction and shook it over her." 8 CHAPTER VI. JACKSON AND BENTON MAKE "WAR ON THE BANK. If the struggle with the Nullifiers showed Benton at his best, in the conflict with the Bank he exhibited certain qualities which hardly place him in so favorable a light. Jack- son's attack upon the Bank was a move under- taken mainly on his own responsibility, and one which, at first, most of his prominent friends were alarmed to see him undertake. Benton alone supported him from the beginning. Cap- tain and lieutenant alike intensely appreciated the joy of battle; they cared for a fight because it was a fight, and the certainty of a struggle, such as would have daunted weaker or more timid men, simply offered to them an additional inducement to follow out the course they had planned. Benton's thorough-going support was invaluable to Jackson. The president sorelj'- needed a friend in the Senate who would up- hold him through thick and thin, and who yet commanded the respect of all his opponents by WAR ON THE BANK. 115 his strength, ability, and courage. To be sure, Benton's knowledge of financial economics was not always profound ; but, on the other hand, a thorough mastery of the laws of finance would have been, in this fight, a very serious disad- vantage to any champion of Jackson. The rights and wrongs of this matter have been worn threadbare in countless discussions. For much of the hostility of Jackson and Ben- ton towards the Bank, there were excellent grounds ; but many of their actions were wholly indefensible and very harmful in their results to the country. An assault upon what Benton called " the money power " is apt to be popular in a democratic republic, partly on account of the vague fear with which the poorer and more ignorant voters regard a powerful institution, whose working they do not understand, and partly on account of the jealousy they feel to- wards those who are better off than themselves. When these feelings are appealed to by men who are intensely in earnest, and who are them- selves convinced of the justice and wisdom of their course, they become very formidable fac- tors in any political contest. The struggle first became important when the question of the re-charter of the Bank was raised, towards the end of Jackson's first term, the present charter still having three years to 116 THOMAS HART BENTON. run. This charter had in it many grave faults ; and there might well be a question as to whether it should be renewed. The Bank it- self, beyond doubt, possessed enormous power ; too much power for its own or outsiders' good. Its president, Biddle, was a man of some abil- ity, but conceited to the last degree, untruthful, and to a certain extent unscrupulous in the use he made of the political influence of the great moneyed institution over which he presided. Some of the financial theories on which he managed the Bank were wrong ; yet, on the whole, it was well conducted, and under its care the monetary condition of the country was quiet and good, infinitely better than it had been before, or than, under the auspices of the Jacksonian Democracy, it afterwards became. ^ The two great reasons for Jackson's success throughout his political career were to be found in the strength of the feeling in his favor auiong the poorer and least educated classes of voters, and in the ardent support given him by the low politicians, who, by playing on his prejudices and passions, moulded him to their wishes, and who organized and perfected in their owli and his interests a great political machine, founded on the " spoils system " ; and both the Jackso- nian rank and file and the Jacksonian politi- cians soon agreed heartily in their opposition WAR ON TEE BANK. 117 to the Bank. Jackson and Benton opposed it for the same reasons that the bulk of their fol- lowers did ; that is to say, partly from honest and ignorant prejudice and partly from a well- founded feeling of distrust as to some of its ac- tions. The mass of their fellow party-leaders and henchmen assailed it with the cry that it was exerting its influence to debauch politics, while at the same time they really sought to use it as a power in politics on their own side.__ Jackson, in his first annual message in 1829, had hinted that he was opposed to the re-char- ter of the Bank, then a question of the future and not to arise for four or five years. At the same time he had called in question the con- stitutionality and expediency of the Bank's existence, and had criticised as vicious its cur- rency system. The matter of constitutionality had been already decided by the Supreme Court, the proper tribunal, and was, and had been for years, an accepted fact ; it was an absurdity to call it in question. As regards the matter of expediency, certainly the Jacksonians failed signally to put anything better in its place. Yet it was undeniable that there were grave defects in the currency system. The president's message roused but little in- terest, and what little it did rouse was among the Bank's friends. At once these began to 118 THOMAS HART BENTON. prepare the way for the re-charter by an active and extensive agitation in its favor. The main bank was at Philadelphia, but it bad branches everywhere, and naturally each branch bank was a centre of opposition to the president's proposed policy. As the friends of the Rank were greatly interested, and as the matter did not immediately concern tliose who afterwards became its foes, the former, for the time, had it all their own way, and the drift of public opin- ion seemed to be strongly in its favor. Benton was almost the only public man of prominence who tried to stem this tide from the beginning. Jackson's own party associates were originally largely against him, and so he stood all the more in need of the viororous support which he received from the IMissouri senator. Indeed, it would be unfair in the mat- ter of the attack on the Bank to call Benton Jackson's follower ; he might with more pro- priety be called the leader in the assault, al- thougli of course he could accomplish little com- pared with what was done by the great popular idol. He had always been hostile to the Bank, largely as a matter of Jeffersonian tradition, and he had shown his hostility by resolutions introduced in the Senate before Jackson was elected president. Early in 1831 he asked leave to introduce a WAR ON THE BANK. 119 resolution against the re-charter of the Bank ; his purpose being merely to give formal notice of war against it, and to attempt to stir up a current of feeling counter to that which then seemed to be generally prevailing in its favor. In his speech he carefully avoided laying stress upon any such abstract point as that of consti- tutionality, and dwelt instead upon the ques- tions that would affect tile popular mind ; as- sailing the Bank " as having too much power over the people and the government, over busi- ness and politics, and as too much disposed to exercise that power to the prejudice of the free- dom and equality which should prevail in a republic, to be allowed to exist in our country." The force of such an argument in a popular election will be acknowledged by all practical politicians. But, although Benton probably believed what he said, or at any rate most of it, he certainly ought not to have opened the discussion of a great financial measure with a demagogic appeal to caste prejudices. He wished to substitute a gold currency in the place of the existing bank-notes, and was not dis- turbed at all as to how he would supply the place of the Bank, saying : "I am willing to see the charter expire, without providing any substitute for the present Bank. I am willing to see the currency of the federal government 120 THOMAS HART BENTON. left to the hard money mentioned and intended in the Constitution ; . . . every species of paper might be left to the state authorities, unrecog- nized by the federal government ! " Of the beauties of such a system as the last the coun- try later on received practical demonstration. Some of his utterances, however, could be com- mended to the friends of greenbacks and of dis- honest money even at the present day, as when he says : " Gold and silver are the best currency for a republic ; it suits the men of middle prop- erty and the working people best ; and if I was going to establish a workingman's party it should be on the basis of hard money — a hard- money party against a paper party." The Bank was in Philadelphia; much of the s^ock was held in the East, and a good deal was held abroad, which gave Benton a chance to play on sectional feelings, as follows: "To whom is all the power granted ? To a company of private individuals, many of them foreigners, and the mass of them residing in a remote and narrow corner of the Union, unconnected by any sym- pathy with the fertile regions of the Great Val- ley, in which the natural power of this Union — the power of numbers — will be found to re- side long before the renewed term of a second charter would expire." Among the other sen- tences occurs the following bit of pure dema- WAR ON TEE BANK. 121 gogic pyrotechnics: "It [the Bank] tends to aggravate the inequality of fortunes ; to make the rich richer and the poor poorer ; to multi- ply nabobs and paupers ; and to deepen and widen the gulf which separates Dives from Lazarus. A great moneyed power is favorable to great capitalists, for it is the principle of money to favor money. It is unfavorable to small capitalists, for it is the principle of money to eschew the needy and unfortunate. It is in- jurious to the laboring classes." Altogether it was not a speech to be proud of. The Senate refused permission to introduce the resolution by the close vote of twenty-three to twenty. Benton lived only a generation after that one which had itself experienced oppression from a king, from an aristocratic legislature and from a foreign power ; and so his rant about the undue influence of foreigners in our govern- mental affairs, and his declamation over the purely supposititious powers that were presumed to be conspiring against the welfare of the poorer classes probably more nearly expressed his real feelings than would be the case with the similar utterances of any leading statesman nowadays. He was an enthusiastic believer in the extreme Jeffersonian doctrinaire views as to the will of the majority being always right, and as to the moral perfection of the average 122 THOMAS HART BENTON. voter. Like his fellow-statesmen he failed to see the curious absurdity of supporting black slavery, and yet claiming universal suffrage for whites as a divine right, not as a mere matter of expediency resulting on the whole better than any other method. He had not learned that the majority in a democracy has no more right to tyrannize over a minority than, under a different system, the latter would have to op- press the former ; and that, if there is a moral principle at stake, the saying that the voice of the people is the voice of God may be quite as untrue, and do quite as much mischief, as the old theory of the divine right of kings. The distinguishing feature of our American govern- mental system is the freedom of the individual ; it is quite as important to prevent his being oppressed by many men as it is to save him from the tyranny of one. This speech on the re-charter showed a great deal of wide reading and much information ; but a good part of it was sheer declamation, in the turgid, pompous style that Benton, as well as a great many other American public speak- ers, was apt to mistake for genuine oratory. His subsequent speech on the currency, how- ever, was much better. This was likewise deliv- ered on the occasion of asking leave to present a joint resolution, which leave was refused. WAR ON THE BANK. 123 The branch draft system was the object of the assault. These branch drafts were for even sums of small denomination, circulating like bank-notes ; they were drawn on the parent bank at Philadelphia to the order of some offi- cer of the branch bank and were indorsed by the latter to bearer. Thus paper was issued at one place which was payable at another and a distant place ; and among other results there ensued a constant inflation of credit. They were very mischievous in their workings ; they had none of the marks of convertible bank-notes or money, and so long as credit was active there could be no check on the inflation of the cur- rency by them. Payment could be voluntarily made at the branch banks whence issued, but if it was refused the owner had only the right to go to Philadelphia and sue the directors there. Most of these drafts were issued at the most remote and inaccessible branches, the payment of them being, therefore, much delayed by dis- tance and difficulty ; nor were the directors lia- ble for excessive issues. They constituted the bulk of all the paper seen in circulation ; they were supposed to be equivalent to money, but being bills of exchange they were merel}' nego- tiable instruments ; they did not have the prop- erties of bank-notes, which are constantly and directly interchangeable with money. In their 124 THOMAS HART BENTON. issue Biddle had laid himself open to attack; and in defending them he certainly did not always speak the truth, willfully concealing or coloring facts. Moreover, his self-satisfaction and the foolish pride in his own power, which he could not conceal, led him into making imprudent boasts as to the great power the Bank could exercise over other local banks, and over the general prosperity of the country, while dilating upon its good conduct in not using this power to the disadvantage of the public. All this was playing into Benton's hands. He showed some of the evils of the branch draft system, although apparently not seeing others that were quite as important. He attacked the Bank for some real and many imaginary wrong- doings ; and quoted Biddle himself as an author- ity for the existence of powers dangerous to the welfare of the state. The advocates of the Bank were still in the majority in both houses of Congress, and soon began preparations for pushing through a bill for the re-charter. The issue began to become political. Webster, Clay, and most of the other anti-administration men were for the Bank ; and so when the convention of the National Repub- licans, who soon afterwards definitely assumed the name of Whigs, took place, tliey declared heartily in its favor, and nominated for the I WAR ON THE BANK. 125 presidency its most enthusiastic supporter, Henry Clay. The Bank itself unquestionably preferred not to be dragged into politics ; but Clay, thinking he saw a chance for a successful stroke, fastened upon it, and the convention that nominated him made the fight against Jackson on the ground that he was hostile to the Bank. Even had this not already been the case no more certain method of insuring his hostility could have been adopted. Still, however, many of Jackson's supporters were also advocates of re-charter ; and the bill for that purpose commanded the majority in Congress. Benton took the lead in organizing the opposition, not with the hope of preventing its passage, but " to attack incessantly, assail at all points, display the evil of the institution, rouse the people, and prepare them to sustain the veto." In other words, he was preparing for an appeal to the people, and working to secure an anti-Bank majority in the next Con- gress. He instigated and prepared the investi- gation into the affairs of the Bank, which was made in the House, and he led the harassing par- liamentary warfare carried on against the re- chartering bill in the Senate. He himself seems to have superintended the preparation of the charges which were investigated by the House. A great flurry was made over them, Benton and 12G THOMAS BART BENTON. all his friends claiming that they were fully substantiated ; but the only real point scored was that against the branch drafts. Benton, with the majority of the committee of investi- gation, had the loosest ideas as to what a bank ought to do, loud though they were in denunci- ation of what this particular Bank was alleged to have done. Webster made the great argument in favor of the re-charter bill. Benton took the lead in opposition, stating, what was probably true, — that the bill was brought up so long before the charter expired for political reasons, and criti- cising it as premature ; a criticism unfortunately applicable with even greater force to Jackson's message. His speech was largely mere talking against time, and he wandered widely from the subject. Among other things he invoked the aid of the principle of states'-rights, because the Bank then had power to establish branches in any state, whether the latter liked it or not, and free from state taxation. He also appealed to the Western members as such, insisting that the Bank discriminated against their section of the country in favor of the East ; the facts being that the shrewdness and commercial morality of the Northeast, particularly of New England, saved them from the evils brought on the West erners by the foolish)iess with which they abused WAR ON THE BANK. 127 their credit and the laxness with which they looked on monetary obligations. But in spite of all that Benton could do the bill passed both houses, the Senate voting in its favor by twenty- eight ayes against twenty nays. Jackson, who never feared anything, and was more than ready to accept the fight which was in some measure forced on him, yet which in some degree he had courted, promptly vetoed the bill in a message which stated some truths forcibly and fearlessly, which developed some very queer constitutional and financial theories, and which contained a number of absurdities, evidently put in, not for the benefit of the Sen- ate, but to influence voters at the coming presi- dential election. The leaders of the opposition felt obliged to make a show of trying to pass the bill over the veto in order to get a chance to answer Jackson. Webster again opened the argument. Clay made the fiercest onslaught, assailing the president personally, besides at- tacking the veto power, and trying to discredit its use. But the presidential power of veto is among the best features of our government, and Benton had no diSiculty in making a good defense of it ; although many of the arguments adduced by him in its favor were entirely un- sound, being based on the wholly groundless ussumption that the function of the president 128 THOMAS HART BENTON. corresponded to that of the ancient Roman tribune of the people, and was supposed to be exercised in the interests of the people to con- trol the legislature — thus willfully overlooking the fact that the legislature also was elected by the people. When on his ultra-democratic hobby Benton always rode very loose in the saddle, and with little knowledge of where he was going. Clay and Benton alike drew all sorts of analogies between the state of affairs in the United States and that formerly prevailing in France, England, and above all in the much- suffering republics of antiquity. Benton insisted that the Bank had wickedly persuaded the West to get in debt to it so as to have that section in its power, and that the Western debt had been created with a view to political engineer- ing; the fact being that the Westerners had run into debt purely by their own fault, and that the Bank itself was seriously alarmed at the condition of its Western branches. The cur- rency being in much worse shape in the West than in the Northeast, gold and silver naturally moved towards the latter place ; and this result of their own shortcomings was again held up as a grievance of the Westerners against the Bank. He also read a severe lecture on the interests of party discipline to the Democrats who had voted for the re-charter, assuring them that they WAR ON THE BANK. 129 could not continue to be both for the Bank and for Jackson. The Jacksonian Democracy, nom- inally the party of the multitude, was in reality the nearest approach the United States has ever seen to the " one man power ; " and to break with Jackson was to break with the Demo- cratic party. The alternative of expulsion or of turning a somersault being thus plainly pre- sented to the recalcitrant members, they for the most part chose the latter, and performed the required feat of legislative acrobatics with the most unobtrusive and submissive meekness. The debate concluded with a sharp and undig- nified interchange of personalities between the Missouri and Kentucky senators. Clay giving Benton the lie direct, and the latter retorting in kind. Each side, of course, predicted the utter ruin of the country, if the other prevailed. Benton said that, if the Bank conquered, the result would be the establishment of an oli- garchy, and then of a monarchy, and finally the death of the Republic by corruption. Webster stated as his belief that, if the sentiments of the veto message received general approbation, the Constitution could not possibly survive its fiftieth year. Webster, however, in that debate, showed to good advantage. Benton was no match for him, either as a thinker or as a speaker ; but with the real leader of the Whig 9 130 ■ THOMAS HART BENTON. party, Henry Clay, he never had much cause to fear comparison. All the state banks were of course rabidly in favor of Jackson ; and the presidential election of 1832 was largely fought on the bank issue. In Pennsylvania, however, the feeling for the Bank was only less strong than that for Jack- son ; and accordingly that Boeotian community sapiently cast its electoral votes for the latter, while instructing its senators and representa- tives to support the former. But the complete and hopeless defeat of Clay by Jackson sealed the fate of the Bank. Jackson was not even content to let it die naturally by the lapse of its charter. His attitude towards it so far had been one for which much could be said ; indeed, very good grounds can be shown for thinking his veto proper. But of the impropriety of his next step there could be no possible question. Congress had passed a resolution declaring its belief in the safety of the United States depos- its in the Bank ; but the president, in the sum- mer of 1833, removed these deposits and placed them in certain state banks. He experienced some difficulty in getting a secretary of the treasury who would take such a step; finally he found one in Taney. The Bank memorialized Congress at once ; and the anti-administration majority in the Sen. WAR ON TEE BANK. 131 ate forthwith took up the quarrel. They first rejected Jackson's nominations for bank direc- tors, and then refused to confirm Taney him- self. Two years later Jackson made the latter Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, in which position he lived to do even more mischief than he had time or opportunity to accomplish as secretary of the treasury. Benton was the administration champion in the Senate. Opposed to him were Webster and Clay, as leaders of the Whigs, supported for the time being by Calhoun. The feeling of Clay and Calhoun against the president was bitterly personal, and was repaid by bis ran- corous hatred. But Webster, though he was really on most questions even more antagonistic to the ideas of the Jacksonian school, always remained personally on good terms with its leaders. Clay introduced a resolution directing the return of the deposits ; Benton opposed it ; it passed by a vote of twenty-eight to eighteen, but was lost in the House. Clay then intro- duced a resolution demanding to know from the president whether the paper alleged to have been published by his authority as having been read to the cabinet, in relation to the removal of the deposits, was genuine or not; and, if it Was, asking for a copy. Benton opposed the 132 THOMAS HART BENTON. motion, which nevertheless passed. But the president refused to accede to the demand. Meanwhile the new departure in banking, in- augurated by the president, was working badly. One of the main grounds for removing the de- posits was the allegation that they were used to debauch politics. This was never proved ^-against the old United States Bank; but^under / Jackson's administration, which corrupted the 1 public service in every way, the deposits became V fruitful sources of political reward and bribery. Clay then introduced his famous resolution censuring the president for his action, and sup- ported it in a long and fiery speech ; a speech which, like most of Clay's, was received by his followers at the time with rapture, but in which this generation fails to find the sign of that re- markable ability with which his own contempo- raries credited the great Kentuckian. He at- tacked Jackson with fierce invective, painting him as an unscru|)ulous tyrant, who was in- augurating a revolution in the government of the Union. But he was outdone by Calhoun, who, with continual interludes of complacent references to the good already done by the NuUifiers, assailed Jackson as one of a band of artful, corrupt, and cunning politicians, and drew a picture even more lurid than Clay's of the future of the country, and the danger of I J WAR ON TEE BANK. 133 impending revolution. Webster's speeches were more self-contained in tone. Benton was the only Jacksonian senator who could contend with the great NuUifier and the two great Whigs: and he replied at length, and in much the same style as they had spoken. The Senate was flooded with petitions in favor of the Bank, which were presented with suitable speeches by the leading Whigs. Ben- ton ridiculed the exaggerated tone of alarm in which these petitions were drawn, and declared that the panic, excitement, and suffering exist- ing in business circles throughout the country were due to the deliberate design of the Bank, and afforded a fresh proof that the latter was a dangerous power to the state. The resolution of censure was at last passed by a vote of twenty - six to twenty, and Jack- son, in a fury, sent in a written protest against it, which the Senate refused to receive. The excitement all over the country was intense throughout the struggle. The suffering, which was really caused by the president's act, but which was attributed by his supporters to the machinations of the Bank, was very real ; even Benton admitted this, although contending that it was not a natural result of the policy pursued, but had been artificially excited — or, as he very clumsily phrased it, " though fictitious and 134 THOMAS HART BENTON. forged, yet the distress was real, and did an im- mensity of damage." Neither Jackson nor Ben- ton yielded an inch to the outside pressure ; the latter was the soul of the fight in Con- gress, making over thirty speeches during the struggle. During the debate on receiving the presi- dent's protest, Benton gave notice of his inten- tion at an early day to move to expunge from the journal the resolution of censure. This idea was entirely his own, and he gave the notice without having consulted anybody. It was, however, a motion after Jackson's own heart, as the latter now began to look upon the affair as purely personal to himself. His party accepted this view of the matter with a servile alacrity only surpassed by the way in which its leaders themselves bowed down before the mob ; and for the next two years the state elections were concerned purely with personal politics, the main point at issue in the choice for every United States senator being, whether he would or would not support Benton's expunging reso- lution. The whole affair seems to us so puerile that we can hardly understand the importance attached to it by the actors themselves. But the men who happened at that period to be the leaders in public affairs were peculiarly and frankly incapable of separating in their minds WAR ON THE BANK. 135 matters merely affecting themselves from mat- ters affecting their constituents. Each firmly believed that if he was not the whole state, he was at least a most important fraction of it ; and this was as plainly seen in Webster's colos- sal egoism and the frank vanity of Henry Clay as in Benton's ponderous self-consciousness and the all-pervading personality of Andrew Jack- son. Some of the speeches on the expunging res- olution show delicious, although entirely un- conscious, humor. If there ever was a wholly irrational state of mind it was that in which the Jacksonians perpetually kept themselves. Every canvass on Jackson's behalf was one of sound, fury, and excitement, of appeal to the passions, prejudices, and feelings, but never the reason, of the people. A speech for him was generally a mere frantic denunciation of what- ever and whoever was opposed to him, coupled with fulsome adulation of " the old hero." His supporters rarely indeed spoke to the cool judg- ment of the country, for the very excellent rea- son that the cool judgment of the country was apt to be against them. Such being the case, it is amusing to read in Benton's speech on re-^ ceiving the protest the following sentences, ap- parently uttered in solemn good faith, and with sublime unconsciousness of irony : — 136 THOMAS HART BENTON. To such a community [the American body poli- tic] — in an appeal on a great question of constitu- tional law to the understandings of such a people — declamation, passion, epithets, opprobrious language, will stand for nothing. They will float harmless and unheeded through the empty air, and strike in vain upon the ear of a sober and dispassionate tribunal. Indignation, real or affected ; wrath, however hot ; fury, however enraged ; asseverations, however vio- lent ; denunciation, however furious, will avail noth- ing. Facts, inexorable facts, are all that will be at- tended to; reason, calm and self-possessed, is all that will be listened to. The description of the mass of Jacksonian voters as forming " a sober and dispassionate tribunal " is an artistic touch of fancy quite unique, but admirably characteristic of Benton, whose statements always rose vigorously to the necessities of the occasion. Webster, in an effort to make the best of un- toward circumstances, brought in a bill to re- cbarter the Bank for a short period, at the same time doing away with some of the features that were objectionable in the old charter. This bill might have passed, had it not been opposed by the extreme Bank men, including Clay and Calhoun. In the course of the debate over it Benton delivered a very elaborate and carefully Btudied speech in favor of hard money and a WAR ON TEE BANK. 137 currency of the precious metals ; a speech which is to this day well worth careful reading. Some of his financial theories were crude and con- fused ; but on the main question he was per- fectly sound. Both he and Jackson deserve great credit for having done much to impress the popular mind with the benefit of hard, that is to say honest, money. Benton was the strong- est hard-money man then in public life, being, indeed, popularly nicknamed " Old Bullion." He thoroughly appreciated that a metallic cur- rency was of more vital importance to the la- boring men and to men of small capital gen- erally than to any of the richer classes. A metallic currency is always surer and safer than a paper currency ; where it exists a laboring man dependent on his wages need fear less than any other member of the community the evils of bad banking. Benton's idea of the danger to the masses from " the money power '' was exaggerated ; but in advocating a sound gold currency he took the surest way to overcome any possible dangerous tendency. A craze for '* soft," or dishonest, money — a greenback movement, or one for short weight silver dol- lars — works more to the disadvantage of the whole mass of the people than even to that of the capitalists ; it is a move directly in the in- terests of " the money power," which its loud- 138 THOMAS HART BENTON, mouthed advocates are ostensibly opposing in the interests of democracy. Benton continued his speeches. The panic was now subsiding ; there had not been time for Jackson's ruinous policy of making deposits in numerous state banks, and thereby encour- aging wild inflation of credit, to bear fruit and, as it afterwards did, involve the whole country in financial disaster. Therefore Benton was able to exult greatly over the favorable show- ing of affairs in the report of the secretary of the treasury. He also procured the passage of a gold currency law, which, however, fixed the ratio of value between gold and silver at sixteen to one ; an improper proportion, but one which had prevailed for three centuries in the Spanish- American countries, from which he copied it. In consequence of this law gold, long banished, became once more a circulating medium of ex- change. The Bank of the United States afterwards was turned into the State Bank of Pennsylvania ; it was badly managed and finally became in- solvent. The Jacksonians accepted its down- fall as a vindication of their policy ; but in re- ality it was due to causes not operative at the time of the great struggle between the president and the Senate over its continued existence. Certainly by no possible financial policy could WAR ON THE BANK. 139 it have produced such widespread ruin and dis- tress as did the system introduced by Jackson. Long after the Bank controversy had lost all practical bearing it continued to be agitated by the chief parties to it, who still felt sore from the various encounters. Jackson assailed it again in his message ; a friendly committee of the Senate investigated it and reported in its favor, besides going out of their way to rake up charges against Jackson and Benton. The lat- ter replied in a long speech, and became in- volved in personalities with the chairman, Ty- ler of Virginia. Neither side paid attention to any but the partisan aspect of the question, and the discussions were absolutely profitless. The whole matter was threshed over again and again, long after nothing but chaff was left, during the debates on Benton's expunging reso- lution. Few now would defend this resolution. The original resolution of censure may have been of doubtful propriety ; but it was passed, was entered on the record, and had become a part of the journal of the Senate. It would have been perfectly proper to pass another reso- lution condemning or reversing the original one, and approving the course of the president ; but it was in the highest degree improper to set about what was in form falsifying the record. Still, Benton found plenty of precedents in the V 140 THOMAS HART BENTON, annals of other legislative bodies for what he proposed to do, and the country, as a whole, backed him up heartily. He was further stim- ulated by the knowledge that there was prob- ably no other legislative act in which Jackson took such intense interest, or which could so gratify his pride ; the mortification to Clay and Calhoun would be equally great. Benton's mo- tion failed more than once, but the complexion of the Senate was rapidly changed by the vari- ous states substituting Democratic for Whig or anti-Jackson senators. Some of the changes were made, as in Virginia, by senators refusing to vote for the expunging resolution, as required by the state legislatures, and then resigning their seats, pursuant to a ridiculous theory of the ultra Democrats, which, if carried out, would completely nullify the provision for a six year's senatorial term. Finally, at the very close of Jackson's administration, Benton found himself with a fair majority behind him, and made the final move. His speech was of course mainly filled with a highly colored account of the bless- ings wrought for the American people by An- drew Jackson, and equally of course the latter was compared at length to a variety of ancient Roman worthies. The final scene in the Senate had an element of the comic about it. The ex- pungers held a caucus and agreed to sit the WAR ON TEE BANK. 141 session out until the resolution was passed ; and with prudent forethought Benton, well aware that when hungry and tired his followers might show less inflexibility of purpose, provided in an adjoining committee-room *'an ample sup- ply of cold hams, turkeys, rounds of beef, pickles, wines, and cups of hot coffee," wherewith to in- spirit the faint-hearted. Fortified by the refreshments, the expungers won a complete victory. If the language of Jackson's admirers was overdrawn and strained to the last degree in lauding him for every vir- tue that he had or had not, it must be remem- bered that his opponents went quite as far wrong on the other side in their denunciations and extravagant prophecies of gloom. Webster made a very dignified and forcible speech in closing the argument against the resolution, but Calhoun and Clay were m uch less moderate, — the latter drawing a vivid picture of a rapidly approaching reign of lawless military violence, and asserting that his opponents had '* extin- guished one of the brightest and purest lights that ever burnt at the altar of civil liberty." As a proper finale Jackson, to show his apprecia- tion, gave a great dinner to the expungers and their wives, Benton sitting at the head of the table. Jackson and Benton solemnly thought that they were taking part in a great act of jus' I 142 THOMAS HART BENTON. tice, and were amusingly unable to see the comic side of their acts. They probably really be- lieved most of tlieir own denunciations of the Bank, and very possibly thought that the wick- edness of its followers might tempt them to do any desperate deed. At any rate they enjoyed posing alike to themselves and to the public as persons of antique virtue, who had risked both life and reputation in a hazardous but success- ful attempt to save the liberties of the people from the vast and hostile forces of the aristo- cratic " money power." The best verdict on the expunging resolution was given by Webster when he characterized the whole affair as one which, if it were not re- garded as a ruthless violation of a sacred instru- ment, would appear to be little elevated above the character of a contemptible farce. li CHAPTER VII. THE DISTKIBUTION OF THE SURPLUS. Benton was supremely self-satisfied with the part he had played in the struggle with the Bank. But very few thinking men would now admit that his actions, as a whole, on the occa- sion in question, were to his credit, although in the matter of the branch drafts he was per- fectl}^ right, and in that of the re-charter at least occupied defensible ground. His general views on monetary matters, however, were sound, and on some of the financial questions that shortly arose he occupied a rather lonely pre- eminence of good sense among his fellow sena- tors ; such being particularly the case as regards the various mischievous schemes in relation to disposing of the public lands, and of the money drawn from their sale. The revenue derived from all sources, including these sales of public lands, had for some years been much in excess of the governmental expenses, and a surplus had accumulated in the treasury. This surplus worked more damage than any deficit would have done. 144 THOMAS HART BENTON. There were gold mines in the Southern States, which had been growing more and more produc- tive ; and, as the cost of freighting the bul- lion was excessive, a bill was introduced to establish branch mints at New Orleans and in the gold regions of Georgia and North Carolina. Benton advocated this strongly, as a constitu- tional right of the South and West, and as greatly in the interest of those two sections; and also as being another move in favor of a hard-money currency as opposed to one of pa- per. There was strong opposition to the bill ; many of the Whigs having been carried so far by their heated devotion to the United States Bank in its quarrel that they had become paper- money men. But the vote was neither sectional nor partisan in its character. Clay led the op- position, while Webster supported Benton. Before this time propositions to distribute among the states the revenue from the public lands had become common ; and they were suc- ceeded by propositions to distribute the lands themselves, and then by others to distribute all the surplus revenue. Calhoun finally introduced an amendment to the Constitution to enable the surplus in the treasury during the next eight years to be distributed among the various states-, the estimate being that for the time mentioned there would be about nine millions surplus an« THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE SURPLUS. 145 nually. Benton attacked the proposal very ably, showing the viciousness of a scheme wliich would degrade every state government into the position of a mendicant, and would allow money to be collected from the citizens with one hand in order to be given back to them with the other; and also denying that the surplus would reach anything like the dimensions indicated. He ridiculed the idea of making a constitutional amendment to cover so short a period of time ; and stated that he would greatly prefer to see the price paid for public lands by incoming settlers reduced, and what surplus there was expended on strengthening the defenses of the United States against foreign powers. This last proposition was eminently proper. We were then, as always, in our chronic state of utter defenselessness against any hostile attack, and yet were in imminent danger of getting em- broiled with at least one great power — France. Our danger is always that we shall spend too little, and not too much, in keeping ourselves prepared for foreign war. Calhoun's resolution was a total failure, and was never even brought to a vote. Benton's proposed method of using the sur- plus came in with peculiar propriety on account of the conduct of the Whigs and NuUifiers in joining to oppose the appropriation of three mil- 10 146 THOMAS EART BENTON. lions of dollars for purposes of defense, which was provided for in the general fortification bill. The House passed this bill by a great ma- jority. It was eminently proper that we should at once take steps to provide for the very pos- sible contingency of a war with France, as the relations witli that power were growing more threatening every day ; but the opposition of the anti-Jackson men to the administration and to all its measures had become so embittered that they were willing to run the risk of seri- ously damaging the national credit and honor, if they could thereby score a point against their political adversaries. Accordingly, under the lead of Webster, Clay, and Calhoun, they de- feated the bill in the Senate, in spite of all that could be done to save it by Benton, who, what- ever his faults, was always patriotic. The ap- propriation had been very irregular in form, and under ordinary circumstances there would have been good justification for inquiring into it before permitting its passage ; but under the circumstances its defeat at the moment was most unfortunate. For the president had been pressing France, even to the point of tolerably plain threats, in order to induce or compel her to fulfill the conditions of the recent treaty by which she had bound herself to pay a consider, able indemnity, long owing by her to the United THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE SURPLUS. 147 States for depredations on our commerce. Now she menaced war, avowedly on the ground that we were unprepared to resist her ; and this vote in the Senate naturally led the French govern- ment to suppose that Jackson was not sustained by the country in the vigorous position which he had assumed. In speaking on the message of the president which alluded to this state of affairs, Benton strongly advocated our standing firmly for our rights, making a good speech, which showed much historical learning. He severely reproached the anti-administration sen- ators for their previous conduct in causing the loss of the defense appropriation bill, and for preferring to do worse than waste the surplus by distributing it among the different states in- stead of applying it according to the provisions of that wise measure. This brought on a bitter wrangle, in which Benton certainly had the best of it. Calhoun was in favor of humiliating non-resistance ; he never advocated warlike measures when the dignity of the nation was at stake, fond though he was of threatening violence on behalf of slavery or that form of secession known as nullification. Benton quoted from speeches in the French Chamber of Deputies to show that the French were encouraged to take the posi- tion that they did on account of the action of 148 THOMAS HART BENTON. the Senate, and the disposition shown by a majority among the senators rather to pull down the president in a party struggle than to uphold him in his efforts to save the na- tional honor in a contest with France. A cu- rious feature of his speech was that in which he warned the latter power that, in the event of a conflict, it would have to do with a branch of the same race which, " from the days of Agincourt and Crecy, of Blenheim and Ramil- lies, down to the days of Salamanca and Wa- terloo, has always known perfectly well how to deal with the impetuous and fiery courage of the French." This sudden out-cropping of what, in Bentonian English, might be called Pan-Anglo-Saxon sentiment was all the more surprising inasmuch as both Benton himself and the party to which he belonged were strongly anti-English in their way of looking at our foreign policy, at least so far as North America was concerned. In the end France yielded, though trying to maintain her dignity by stating that she had not done so, and the United States received what was due them. Benton strongly opposed the payment by the United States of the private claims of its citi- zens for damages arising from the French spo- liations at the end of the last century. He pointed out that the effort to pay such claims, THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE SURPLUS. 149 scores of years after the time of their accru- ing, rarely benefits any of the parties origi- nally in interest, and can only do real service to dishonest speculators. His speech on this matter would not be bad reading for some of the pension-jobbing congressmen of the present day, and their supporters ; but as concerned these French claims he could have been easily answered. In the controversy over the bill introducd by Clay, to distribute the revenue derived from the public lands among the states for the next five years, Benton showed to great advantage compared both to the introducer of the bill him- self, and to Webster, his supporter. He had all along taken the view of the land question that would be natural to a far-seeing Western statesman desirous of encouraging immigration. He wished the public lands to be sold in small parcels to actual settlers, at prices that would allow any poor man who was thrifty to take up a claim. He had already introduced a bill to sell them at graduated prices, the minimum being established at a dollar and twenty-five cents an acre; but if land remained unsold at this rate for three years it was then to be sold for what it would bring in the market. This bill passed the Senate, but failed in the House. In opposing Clay s distribution scheme Ben- 150 THOMAS HART BENTON. ton again brought forward his plan of using the surplus to provide for the national defenses ; and in his speech showed the strongly national turn of his mind, saying : — lu this great system of national defense the whole Union is equally interested ; for the couutry, iu all that concerns its defenses, is but a unit, and every section is interested in the defense of every other sec- tion, and every individual citizen is interested in the defense of the whole population. It is in vain to say that the navy is on the sea, and the fortifications on the sea-board, and that the citizens in the interior states, or in the valley of the Mississippi, have no interest in these remote defenses. Such an idea is mistaken and delusive ; the inhabitant of Missouri or of Indiana has a direct interest in keeping open the mouths of the rivers, defending the sea-port towns, and preserving a naval force that will protect the pro- duce of his labor in crossing the ocean and arriving safely in foreign markets. Benton's patriotism always included the whole country in spite of the strength of his local sympathies. The bill passed the Senate by a rather close vote, and went to the House, where it soon be- come evident that it was doomed to failure. There was another bill, practically of much the same import, before the Senate, providing for the distribution of the surplus among the states THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE SURPLUS. 151 in proportion to their electoral votes, but omit- ting the excellent proviso concerning the de- fenses. To suit the views of Calhoun and the sticklers for strict construction generally, the form of this rival bill was changed, so that the '^ distribution " purported to be a "deposit" merely ; the money being norn^nally only loaned to the states, who pledged their faith to return it when Congress should call for it. As it was of course evident that such a loan would never be repaid, the substitution of " deposit " for "distribution" can only be regarded as a ver- bal change to give the doctrinaires a loop-hole for escape from their previous position ; they all took advantage of it, and the bill received overwhelming support, and was passed by both houses. Benton, however, stood out against it to the last, and in a very powerful speech foretold the evils which the plan would surely work. He scornfully exposed the way in which some of the members were trying, by a trick of word- ing, to hide the nature of the bill they were enacting into a law, and thus to seem to justify themselves for the support they were giving it. '" It is in name a deposit ; in form, a loan ; in essence and design, a distribution," said Benton. He ridiculed the attitude of the hair-splitting strict constructionists, like Calhoun, who had 152 THOMAS HART BENTON. always pretended most scrupulously to respect the exact wording of the Constitution, and who had previous!}^ refused to vote for distribution on the ground that it was unconstitutional : — At the commencement of the present session a proposition was made [by Calhoun] to amend the Constitution, to permit this identical distribution to be made. That proposition is now upon our calendar, for the action of Congress. All at once it is discov- ered that a change of name will do as well as a change of the Constitution. Strike out the word " distribute " and insert the word " deposit," and in- continently the impediment is removed; the consti- tutional difficulty is surmounted, and the distribution can be made. He showed that to the states themselves the moneys distributed would either be useless, or else — and much more probably — they would be fruitful sources of corruption and political de- bauchery. He was quite right. It would have been very much better to have destroyed the surplus than to have distributed it as was act- ually done. None of the states gained any real benefit by the transaction ; most were seriously harmed. At the best, the money was squan- dered in the rage for public improvements tliat then possessed the whole people ; often it was stolen outright, or never accounted for. In the one case, it was an incentive to extrava- THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE SURPLUS. 153 gance ; in the other, it was a corruption fund. Yet the popular feeling was strongly in favor of the measure at the time, and Benton was almost the only public man of note who dared to resist it. On this occasion, as in the clos- ing act of the struggle with the Nullifiers, he showed more backbone than did his great chief ; for Jackson signed the bill, although criticising it most forcibly and pungently. The success of this measure naturally encour- aged the presentation of others. Clay attempted to revive his land-money distribution bill, but was defeated, mainly through Benton's efforts. Three or four other similar schemes, including one of Calhoun's, also failed. Finally a clause providing for a further " deposit " of surplus moneys with the states was tacked to a bill ap- propriating money for defenses, thereby loading it down so that it was eventually lost. In the Senate the " deposit " amendment was finally struck out, in spite of the opposition of Clay, Calhoun, and Webster. Throughout the whole discussion of the distribution of the surplus Benton certainly shines by comparison with any one of his three great senatorial rivals. He shows to equally great advantage com- pared to them in the part taken by him in ref- erence to Jackson's so-called specie circulars. The craze for speculation had affected the sales 154 THOMAS HART BENTON. of public lands, which were increasing at an extraordinary rate, nearly twenty-five million dollars' worth being sold in 1836. As a rule, the payments were made in the notes of irre- sponsible banks, gotten up in many cases by the land speculators themselves. The sales were running up to five millions a month, with pros- pect of a boundless increase, so that all the public land bade fair to be converted into inconverti- ble paper. Benton had foreseen the evil results attending such a change, and, though well aware that he was opposing powerful interests in his own section of the country, had already tried to put a stop to it by law. In his speech he had stated that the unprecedented increase in the sale of public lands was due to the accommodations received by speculators from worthless banks, whose notes in small denomi- nations would be taken to some distant part of the country, whence it would be a long time before they were returned and presented for payment. The speculators, with paper of which the real value was much below par, could out- bid settlers and cultivators who could only offer specie, or notes that were its equivalent. He went on to say that " the effect was equally injurious to every interest concerned — except the banks and the speculators : it was injurious to the treasury, which was filling up with paper ; THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE SURPLUS. 155 to the new states, which were flooded with paper ; and to settlers and cultivators, who were outbid by speculators loaded with this bor- rowed paper. A return to specie payments for lands was the remedy for all these evils." Benton's reasoning was perfectly sound. The effects on settlers, on the new states, and on the government itself were precisely such as he described, and the proposed remedy was the vi'^ht one. But his bill failed ; for the Whigs, including even Webster, had by this time worked themselves up until they were fairly crazy at the mere mention of paper -money banks. Jackson, however, not daunted by the fate of the bill, got Benton to draw up a treasury order, and had it issued. This served the same pur- pose, as it forbade the land-offices to receive anything but gold and silver in payment for land. It was not issued until Congress had ad- journed, for fear that body might counteract it by a law ; and this was precisely what was attempted at the next session, when a joint resolution was passed rescinding the order, and practically endeavoring to impose the worthless paper currency of the states upon the federal government. Benton stood almost alone in the fight he made against this resolution, although the right of the matter was so plainly on his 156 THOMAS BART BENTON. side. In his speech he foretold clearly the coming of the great financial crisis that was then near at hand. The resolution, however, amounted to nothing, as it turned out, for it was passed so late in the session that the presi- dent, by simply withholding his signature from itj was enabled to prevent it from having effect» CHAPTER VIII. THE SLAVE QUESTION APPEARS IN POLITICS. Towards the close of Jackson's administra- tion, slavery for the first time made its perma- nent appearance in national politics ; although for some years yet it had little or no influence in shaping the course of political movements. In 1833 the abolition societies of the North came into prominence ; they had been started a couple of years previously. Black slavery was such a grossly anachronistic and un-American form of evil, that it is difiicult to discuss calmly the efforts to abolish it, and to remember that many of these efforts were calculated to do, and actually did, more harm than good. We are also very apt to forget that it was perfectly possible and reasonable for en- lightened and virtuous men, who fully recog- nized it as an evil, yet to prefer its continuance to having it interfered with in a way that would produce even worse results. Black slavery in Hayti was characterized by worse abuse than ever was the case in the United States ; yet, 158 THOMAS HART BENTON. looking at the condition of that repubhc now, it njay well be questioned whether it would not have been greatly to her benefit in the end to have had slavery continue a century or so longer, — its ultimate extinction being certain, — rather than to have had her attain freedom as she actually did, with the results that have flowed from her action. When an evil of colos- sal size exists, it is often the case that there is no possible way of dealing with it that will not itself be fraught with baleful results. Nor can the ultra -philanthropic method be always, or even often, accepted as the best. If there is one question upon which the pliilanthrophists of the present day, especially the more emotional ones, are agreed, it is that any law restricting Chinese immigration is an outrage ; yet it seems incredible that any man of even moderate intel- ligence should not see that no greater calamity could now befall the United States than to have the Pacific slope fill up with a Mongolian popu- lation. The cause of the Abolitionists has had such a halo shed round it by tlie after course of events, which they themselves in reality did ver}' little to shape, that it has been usual to speak of them with absurdly exaggerated praise. Their courage, and for the most part their sincerit}', cannot be too highly spokei? of, but their share / ^ . SLAVE QUESTION APPEARS IN POLITICS. 159 in abolishing slavery was far less than has com- monly been represented ; any single non-aboli« tionist politician, like Lincoln or Seward, did more than all the professional Abolitionists com- bined really to bring about its destruction. The abolition societies were only in a very restricted degree the causes of the growing feeling in the North against slavery ; they are rather to be re- garded as themselves manifestations or accom- paniments of that feeling. The anti-slavery out- burst in the Northern States over the admission of Missouri took place a dozen years before there was an abolition society in existence ; and the influence of the professional abolitionists upon the growth of the anti-slavery sentiment as often as not merely warped it and twisted it out of proper shape, — as when at one time they showed a strong inclination to adopt disunicm views, although it was self-evident that by no possibility could slavery be abolished unless the Union was preserved. Their tendency towards impracticable methods was well shown in the position they assumed towards him who was not only the greatest American, but also the greatest man, of the nineteenth century ; for dur- ing all the terrible four years that sad, strong, patient Lincoln worked and suffered for the people, he had to dread the influence of the ex- treme Abolitionists only less than that of the 160 THOMAS HART BENTON. Copperheads. Many of their leaders possessed no good qualities beyond their fearlessness and truth — qualities that were also possessed by the Southern fire-eaters. They belonged to that class of men that is always engaged in some agitation or other ; only it happened that in this particular agitation they were right. Wendell Phillips may be taken as a very good type of the whole. His services against slavery prior to the war should always be remembered with gratitude ; but after the war, and until the day of his death, his position on almost every public question was either mischievous or ridiculous, and usually both. When the abolitionist movement started it was avowedly designed to be cosmopolitan in character; the originators looked down upon any merel}' national or patriotic feeling. This again deservedly took away from their influ- ence. In fact, it would have been most un- fortunate had the majority of the Northerners been from the beginning in hearty accord with the Abolitionists ; at the best it would have re- sulted at that time in the disruption of the Union and the perpetuation of slavery in the South. But after all is said, the fact remains, that on the main issue the Abolitionists were at least working in the right direction. Sooner or later, SLAVE QUEST JON APPEARS IN POLITICS. 161 by one means or another, slavery had to go. It is beyond doubt a misfortune that in cer- tain districts the bulk of the population should be composed of densely ignorant negroes, often criminal or vicious in their instincts ; but such is the case, and the best, and indeed the only proper course to pursue, is to treat them with precisely the same justice that is meted out to whites. The effort to do so in time immedi- ately past has not resulted so successfully as was hoped and expected ; but nevertheless no other way would have worked as well. Slavery was chiefly responsible for the streak of coarse and brutal barbarism which ran through the Southern character, and which marked the ferocious outcry instantly raised by the whole Southern press against the Abo- litionists. There had been an abortive negro rising in Virginia almost at the same time that the abolitionist movement first came into prom- inence ; and this fact added to the rage and ter- ror with which the South regarded the latter. The clamor against the North was deafening ; and though it soon subsided for the time being, it never afterwards entirely died away. As has been shown already, there had always been a strong separatist feeling in the South ; but hitherto its manifestations had been local and sporadic, never affecting all the states at the 11 162 THOMAS HART BENTON. same time ; for it bad never happened that the cause which called forth any particular mani- festation was one bearing on the whole South alike. The alien and sedition laws were more fiercely resented in Virginia and Kentucky than in South Carolina ; the tariff, which so angered the latter, pleased Louisiana ; and Georgia and Alabama alone were affected by the presence of great Indian communities within their bor- ders. But slavery was an interest common to the whole South. When it was felt to be in any way menaced, all "Southerners came together for its protection ; and, from the time of the rise of the Abolitionists onward, the separatist movement throughout the South began to iden- tify itself with the maintenance of slavery, and gradually to develop greater and greater strength. Its growth was furthered and has- tened by the actions of the more ambitious and unscrupulous of the Southern politicians, who saw that it offered a chance for them to push themselves forward, and who were perfectly willing to wreak almost irreparable harm to the nation if by so doing they could advance their own selfish interests. It was in reference to these politicians that Benton quoted with approval a letter from ex-President Madison, which ran : — SLAVE QUEST/ON APPEARS IN POL /TICS. 163 The danger is not to be concealed, that the sym- pathy arising from known causes, and the inculcated impression of a permanent incom[)atihility of inter- ests between the South and the North may put it in the power of popular leaders, aspiring to the highest stations, to unite the South, on some critical occasion, in a course that will end by creating a new theatre of great, though inferior, interest. In pursuing this course the first and most obvious step is nullification, the next secession, and the last a farewell separation. This was a pretty good forecast of the crisis that was precipitated by the greedy and reck- less ambition of the secessionist leaders in 1860. The moral difference between Benedict Arnold on the one hand, and Aaron Burr or Jefferson Davis on the other, is precisely the difference that obtains between a politician who sells his vote for money and one who supports a bad measure in consideration of being given some high political position. The Abolitionists immediately contrived to bring themselves before the notice of Congress in two ways ; by the presentation of petitions for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, and by sending out to the Southern States a shoal of abolition pamphlets, news- papers, and rather ridiculous illustrated cuts. What the precise point of the last proceeding was no one can tell ; the circulation of such 164 THOMAS HART BENTON. writings as theirs in the South could not pos- sibly serve any good purpose. But they had a right to send what they wished, and the conduct of many of the Southerners in trying to get a federal law passed to prohibit their writings from being carried in the mail was as wrong as it was foolish ; while the brutal clamor raised in the South against the whole North as well as against the Abolitionists, and the conduct of certain Southern legislatures in practically setting prices on the heads of the leaders in the objectionable movement, in turn angered the North and gave the Abolitionists tenfold greater strength than they would otherwise have had. The question first arose upon the presentation of a perfectly proper and respectful petition sent to the Senate by a society of Pennsylvania Quakers, and praying for the abolition of slaver}^ in the District of Columbia. The District was solely under the control of Congress, and was the property of the nation at large, so that Con- gress was the proper and the only body to which any petition concerning the affairs of the Dis- trict could be sent ; and if the right of petition meant an3^thing, it certainly meant that the people, or any portion thereof, should have the right to petition their representatives in regard to their own affairs. Yet certain Southern ex- SLAVE QUESTION APPEARS IN POLITICS. 165 tremists, under the lead of Calhoun, were anx- ious to refuse to receive the paper. Benton voted in favor of receiving it, and was followed in his action by a number of other Southern senators. He spoke at length on the subject, and quite moderately, even crediting the peti- tioners, or many of them, with being " good peo= pie, aiming at benevolent objects, and endeav- oring to ameliorate the condition of one part of the human race, without inflicting calamities on another part," which was going very far indeed for a slave-holding senator of that time. He was of course totally opposed to abolition and the Abolitionists, and showed that the only im- mediate effect of the movement had been to make the lot of the slaves still worse, and for the moment to do away with any chance of intelli- gently discussing the question of emancipation. For, like many other Southerners, he fondly cherished the idea of gradual peaceful emanci- pation, — an idea which the course of events made wholly visionary, but which, under the circumstances, might well have been realized. He proceeded to give most questionable praise to the North for some acts as outraoreous and disgraceful as were ever perpetrated by its citi- zens, stating that — Their conduct was above all praise, above all thanks, above all gratitude. They had chased off the 166 THOMAS HART BENTON. foreign emissaries, silenced the gabbling tongues of female dupes, and dispersed the assemblages, whether fanatical, visionary, or incendiary, of all that congre- gated to preach against evils that affected others, not themselves ; and to propose remedies to aggravate the disease which they had pretended to cure. They had acted with a noble spirit. They had exerted a vigor beyond all law. They had obeyed the enact- ments, not of the statute-book, but of the heart. These fervent encomiums were fully warranted by the acts of various Northern mobs, that had maltreated abolitionist speakers, broken up anti-slaver}' meetings, and committed numerous other deeds of lawless violence. But however flattered the Northerners of that generation may have been, in feeling that they thoroughly deserved Benton's eulogy, it is doubtful if their descendants will take quite the same pride in looking back to it. An amusing incident of the debate was Callioun's attack upon one of the most subservient allies the South ever had in the Northern States ; he caused to be sent up to the desk and read an abolition paper pub- lished in New Hampshire, which contained a bitter assault upon Franklin Pierce, then a member of Congress. Nominally he took this course to show that there was much greater strength in the abolition movement, and there- fore much greater danger to the South, than the SLAVE QUESTION APPEARS IN POLITICS. 1G7 Northern senators were willing to admit ; in real- ity he seems to have acted partly from wanton malice, partly from overbearing contempt for the truckling allies and apologists of slavery in the North, and partly from a desire not to see the discussion die out, but rather, in spite of his continual profession to the contrary, to see it maintained as a standing subject of irritation. He wished to refuse to receive the petitions, on the ground that they touched a subject that ought not even to be discussed ; yet he must have known well that he was acting in the very way most fitted to give rise to discussion, — a fact that was pointed out to him by Benton, in a caustic speech. He also took the ground that the question of emancipation affected the states exclusively, and that Congress had no more ju- risdiction over the subject in the District of Columbia than she had in the State of North Carolina. This precious contribution to the true interpretation of the Constitution was so farcically and palpably false that it is incredi- ble that he should himself have believed what he was saying. He was still smarting from the nullification controversy ; he had seceded from his party, and was sore with disappointed am- bition ; and it seems very improbable that he was honest in his professions of regret at see- ing questions come up which would disturb 168 THOMAS HART BENTON. the Union. On the contrary, much of the op- position he was continually making to supposi- titious federal and Northern encroachments on the rights of the South must have been merely factious, and it seems likely that, partly from a feeling of revenge and partly with the hope of gratifying his ambition, he was anxious to do all he could to work the South up to the high- est pitch of irritation, and keep her there until there was a dissolution of the Union. Benton evidently thought that this was the case ; and in reading the constant threats of nullification and secession which run through all Calhoun's speeches, and the innumerable references he makes to the alleged fact that he had come off victorious in his treasonable struggle over the tariff in 1833, it is difficult not to accept Ben- ton's view of the matter. He always spoke of Calhoun with extreme aversion, and there were probably moments when he was inclined heartily to sympathize with Jackson's death-bed regret that he had not hung the South Carolina Nulli- fier. Doubtless in private life, or as regards any financial matters, Calhoun's conduct was always blameless ; but it may well be that he has received far more credit for purity of motive in his public conduct than his actions fairly en- title him to. Calhoun was also greatly exercised over the SLAVE QUESTION APPEARS IN POLITICS. 1G9 circulation of abolition documents in the South. At his request a committee of five was ap- pointed to draft a bill on the subject ; he was chairman, and three of the other four members were from the Slave States ; yet his report was 80 extreme that only one of the latter would sign it with him. He introduced into it a long argument to the effect that the Constitution was a mere compact between sovereign states, and inferentially that nullification and secession were justifiable and constitutional ; and then drew a vivid picture of the unspeakable horrors with which, as he contended, the action of the Northern Abolitionists menaced the South. The bill subjected to penalties any postmaster who should knowingly receive and put into the mail any publication touching slavery, to go into any state which had forbidden by law the cir- culation of such a publication. In discussing this bill he asserted that Congress, in refusing to pass it, would be cooperating with the Aboli- tionists ; and then he went on to threaten as usual that in such case nullification or secession would become necessary. Benton had become pretty well tired of these threats, his attach- ment to the Union even exceeding his dislike to seeing slavery meddled with ; and he headed the list of half a dozen Southern senators who joined with the bulk of the Northerners in de- / 170 THOMAS HART BENTON. feating the bill, which was lost by a vote of twenty-five to nineteen. A few of the North- ern "dough-faces " voted with Calhoun. There is a painfully striking contrast between the courage shown by Benton, a slave-holder with a slave-holding constituency, in opposing this bill, and the obsequious subserviency to the ex- treme Southern feeling shown on the same oc- casion by Wright, Van Buren, and Buchanan — fit representatives of the sordid and odious political organizations of New York and Penn- sylvania. Several other questions came up towards the end of Jackson's administration which were more or less remotely affected by the feeling about slavery. Benton succeeded in getting a bill through to extend the boundaries of the State of Missouri so as to take in territory lying northwest of her previous limit, the Indian title to which was extinguished by treaty. This annexed land lay nortli of the boundary for slave territory established by the Missouri Com- promise ; but Benton experienced no difficulty in getting his bill through. It was not, how- ever, in the least a move designed in the inter- ests of the slave power. Missouri's feeling was precisely that which would actuate Oregon or Washington Territory to-day, if either wished to annex part of Northern Idaho. i J SLAVE QUESTION APPEARS IN POLITICS. 171 The territories of Arkansas and Michigan had applied for admission into the Union as states ; and as one would be a free and the other a slave state, it was deemed proper that they should come in together. Benton himself urged the admission of the free state of Michigan, while the interests of Arkansas were confided to Buchanan of Pennsylvania. The slavery ques- tion entered but little into the matter ; although some objections were raised on that score, as well as on account of the irregular manner in which the would-be states had acted in prepar- ing for admission. The real ground of opposi- tion to the admission of the two new states was political, as it was known that they could both be relied upon for Democratic majorities at the approaching presidential election. Many Whigs, therefore, both from the North and the South, opposed it. The final removal of the Cherokees from Georgia and Alabama was brought about in 1836 by means of a treaty with those Indians. Largely through the instrumentality of Benton, and in spite of the opposition of Clay, Calhoun, and Webster, this instrument was ratified in the Senate by the close vote of thirty-one to fifteen. Although new slave territory was thus acquired, the vote on the treaty was factional and not sectional, being equally divided between the 172 THOMAS HART BENTON. Northern and the Southern States, Calhoun and six other Southern senators opposing it, chiefly from hostihty to the administration. The removal of the Indians was probably a ne- cessity ; undoubtedly it worked hardship in in- dividual instances, but on the whole it did not in the least retard the civilization of the tribe, which was fully paid for its losses ; and more- over, in its new home, continued to make prog- ress in every way until it became involved in the great civil war, and received a setback from which it has not yet recovered. These Chero- kees were almost the last Indians left in any number east of the Mississippi, and their re- moval solved the Indian problem so far as the old states were concerned. Later on Benton went to some trouble to disprove the common statement that we have robbed the original Indian occupants of their lands. He showed by actual statistics that up to 1840 we had paid to the Indians eighty-five millions of dollars for land purchases, which was over five times as much as the United States gave the great Napoleon for Louisiana ; and about three times as much as we paid France, Spain, and Mexico together for the purchase of Louisiana, Florida, and California ; while the amount of land received in return would not equal any one of these purchases, 1 SLAVE QUESTION APPEARS IN POLITICS. 173 and was but a fractional part of Lousiana or California. We paid the Cherokees for their territory exactly as much as we paid the French, at the height of their power, for Louisiana ; while as to the Creek and Choctaw nations, we paid each more for their lands than we paid for Louisiana and Florida combined. The dealings of the government with the Indian have often been unwise, and sometimes unjust; but they are very far indeed from being so black as is commonly represented^ especially when the tre- mendous difficulties of the case are taken into account. Far more important than any of these mat- ters was the acknowledgment of the indepen- dence of Texas ; and in this, as well as in the troubles with Mexico which sprang from it, slavery again played a prominent part, although not nearly so important at first as has com- monly been represented. Doubtless the slave- holders worked hard to secure additional terri- tory out of which to form new slave states ; but Texas and California would have been in the end taken by us, had there not been a single slave in the Mississippi valley. The greed for the conquest of new lands which characterized the Western people had nothing whatever to do with the fact that some of them owned slaves. Long before there had been so much as the 174 THOMAS HART BENTON. faintest foreshadowing of the importance which the slavery question was to assume, the West had been eagerly pressing on to territorial con- quest, and had been chafing and fretting at the restraint put upon it, and at the limits set to its strivings by the treaties established with foreign powers. The first settlers beyond the Alleghanies, and their immediate successors, who moved down along the banks of the Ohio, the Cumberland, and the Tennessee, and thence out to the Mississippi itself, were not generally slave-holders ; but they were all as anxious to wrest the Mississippi valley from the control of the French as their descendants were to overrun the Spanish lands lying along the Rio Grande. In other words, slavery had very little to do with the Western aggressions on Mexican ter- ritory, however it might influence the views of Southern statesmen as to lending support to the Western schemes. The territorial boundaries of all the great powers originally claiming the soil of the West — France, Spain, and the United States — were very ill-defined, there being no actual possession of the lands in dispute, and each power making a great showing on its own map. If the ex- treme views of any one were admitted, its adver- sary, for the time being, would have had noth- ing. Thus before the treaty of 1819 with Spain SLAVE QUESTION APPEARS IN POLITICS. 1T5 our nominal boundaries and those of the latter power in the West overlapped each other ; and the extreme Western men persisted in saying that we had given up some of the territory which belonged to us because we had consented to adopt a middle line of division, and had not insisted upon being allowed the full extent of our claims. Benton always took this view of it, insisting that we had given up our rights by the adoption of this treaty. Many South- erners improved on this idea, and spoke of the desirability of " re-annexing " the territory we had surrendered, — endeavoring by the use of this very inappropriate word, to give a color of right to their proceedings. As a matter of fact it was inevitable, as well as in the highest de- gree desirable for the good of humanity at large, that the American people should ultimately crowd out the Mexicans from their sparsely pop- ulated Northern provinces. But it was quite as desirable that this should not be done in the interests of slavery. American settlers had begun to press into the outlying Spanish province of Texas before the treaty of 1819 was ratified. Their numbers went on increasing, and at first the Mexican government, having achieved independence of Spain, encouraged their incoming. But it soon saw that their presence boded danger, and for- 176 THOMAS HART BENTON. bade further immigration ; without effect, how- ever, as the settlers and adventurers came thronging in as fast as ever. The Americans had brought their slaves with them, and when the Mexican government issued a decree liber- ating all slaves, they refused to be bound by it ; and this decree was among the reasons alleged for their revolt. It has been represented as the chief if not the sole cause of the rebellion ; but in reality it was not the cause at all ; it was merely one of the occasions. Long before slavery had been abolished in Mexico, and before it had be- come an exciting question in the United States, the infant colony of Texas, when but a few months old, had made an abortive attempt at insurrection. Any one who has ever been on the frontier, and who knows anything whatever of the domineering, masterful spirit and bitter race prejudices of the white frontiersmen, will acknowledge at once that it was out of the question that the Texans should long continue under Mexican rule ; and it would have been a great misfortune if they had. It was out of the question to expect them to submit to the mastery of the weaker race, which they were supplanting. Whatever might be the pretexts alleged for revolt, the real reasons were to be found in the deeply-marked difference of race, and in the absolute unfitness of the Mexicans I ' SLAVE QUESTION APPEARS IN POLITICS. 177 then to govern themselves, to say nothing of governing others. During the dozen years that the American colony in Texas formed part of Mexico, the government of the latter went through revolution after revolution, — republic, empire, and military dictatorship following one another in bewildering succession. A state of things like this in the central government, espe- cially when the latter belonged to a race alien in blood, language, religion, and habits of life, would warrant any community in determining to shift for itself. Such would probably have been the result even on people as sober and peaceable as the Texan settlers were warlike, reckless, and overbearing. But the majority of those who fought for Texan independence were not men who bad al- ready settled in that territory, but, on the con- trary, were adventurers from the States, who had come to help their kinsmen and to win for themselves, by their own prowess, homes on what was then Mexican soil. It may as well be frankly admitted that the conduct of the Amer- ican frontiersmen all through this contest can be justified on no possible plea of international morality or law. Still, we cannot judge them by the same standard we should apply to the dealings between highly civilized powers of ap- proximately the same grade of virtue and intel- 12 178 THOMAS HART BENTON. ligence. Two nations may be contemporane- ous so far as mere years go, and yet, for all that, may be existing among surroundings which practically are centuries apart. The nineteenth century on the banks of the Thames, the Seine, and the Rhine, or even of the Hudson and the Potomac, was one thing ; the nineteenth century in the valley of the Rio Grande was another and quite a different thing. The conquest of Texas should properly be classed with conquests like those of the Norse sea-rovers. The virtues and faults alike of the Texans were those of a barbaric age. They were restless, brave, and eager for adventure, excitement, and plunder ; they were warlike, resolute, and enterprising ; they had all the marks of a young and hardy race, flushed with the pride of strength and self-confidence. On the other hand they showed again and again the barbaric vices of boastfulness, ignorance, and cruelty ; and they were utterly careless of the rights of others, looking upon the possessions of all weaker races as simply their natural prey. A band of settlers entering Texas was troubled by no greater scruples of conscience than, a thousand j^enrs before, a ship-load of Knut's fol- lowers might have felt at landing in England •, and when they were engaged in warfare with the Mexicans they could count with certainty I SLAVE QUESTION APPEARS IN POLITICS. 179 upon Mssistance from their kinsfolk who had been left behind, and for the same reasons that had enabled Rolf's Norsemen on the sea-coast of France to rely confidently on Scandinavian help in their quarrels with their Karling over-lords. The great Texan hero, Houston, who drank hard and fought hard, who was mighty in battle and crafty in council, with his reckless, boastful courage and his thirst for changes and risks of all kinds, his propensity for private brawling, and his queerly blended impulses for good and evil, might, with very superficial alterations of character, stand as the type of an old-world Viking — plus the virtue of a deep and earn- estly patriotic attachment to his whole coun- try. Indeed his career was as picturesque and romantic as that of Harold Hardraada himself, and, to boot, was much more important in its results. Thus the Texan struggle for independence stirred up the greatest sympathy and enthu- siasm in the United States. The administra- tion remained nominally neutral, but obviously sympathized with the Texans, permitting arms and men to be sent to their help, without hin- drance, and indeed doing not a little discredit- able bullying in the diplomatic dealing with Mexico, which that unfortunate community had her hands too full to resent. Still we did not 180 THOMAS HART BENTON. commit a more flagrant breach of neutrality than, for instance, England was at the same time engaged in committing in reference to the civil wars in Spain. The victory of San Jacinto, in which Houston literally annihilated a Mex- ican force twice the strength of his own, virtu- ally decided the contest ; and the Senate at once passed a resolution recognizing the inde- pendence of Texas. Calhoun wished that body to go farther, and forthwith admit Texas as a state into the Union ; but Benton and his col- leagues were not prepared to take such a step at so early a date, although intending of course that in the end she should be admitted. There was little opposition to the recognition of Texan independence, although a few members of the lower house, headed by Adams, voted against it. While a cabinet officer, and afterwards as pres- ident, Adams had done all that he could to pro- cure by purchase or treaty the very land which was afterwards the cause of our troubles with Mexico. Much the longest and most elaborate speech in favor of the recognition of Texan indepen- dence was made by Benton, to whom the sub- ject appealed very strongly. He announced emphatically that he spoke as a Western sena- tor, voicing the feeling of the West ; and he was right. The opposition to the growth of our I SLAVE QUESTION APPEARS IN POLITICS. 181 country on its southwestern frontier was al- most confined to the Northeast ; the West as a whole, free states as well as slave, heartily fa- vored the movement. The settlers of Texas had come mainly, it is true, from the slave states ; but there were also many who had been born north of the Ohio. It was a matter of comment that the guns used at San Jacinto had come from Cincinnati — and so had some of those who served them. In Benton's speech he began by pointing out the impropriety of doing what Calhoun had done in attempting to complicate the question of the recognition of Texan independence with the admission of Texas as a state. He then pro- ceeded to claim for us a good deal more credit than we were entitled to for our efforts to preserve neutrality ; drew a very true picture of the commercial bonds that united us to Mex- ico, and of the necessity that they should not be lightly broken ; gave a spirited sketch of the course of the war hitherto, condemning without stint the horrible butcheries committed by the Mexicans, but touching gingerly on the savage revenge taken by the Americans in their turn ; and ended by a eulogy of the Texans them- selves, and their leaders. It was the age of " spread-eagle " speeches, and many of Benton's were no exception to the 182 THOMAS HART BENTON. rule. As a people we were yet in a condition of raw, crude immaturity ; and our very sensi- tiveness to foreign criticism — a sensitiveness which we now find it difficult to understand — and the realization of our own awkwardness made us inclined to brag about and exaggerate our deeds. Our public speakers and writers acquired the abominable habit of speaking of everything and everybody in the United States in the superlative ; and therefore, as we claimed the highest rank for all our fourth-rate men, we put it out of our power to do justice to the really first-rate ones; and on account of our continual exaggerations we were not believed by others, and hardly even believed ourselves, when we presented estimates that were truthful. When every public speaker was declared to be a Demosthenes or a Cicero, people failed to real- ize that we actually had, in Webster, the great- est orator of the century ; and when every gen- eral who whipped an Indian tribe was likened to Napoleon, we left ourselves no words with which properly to characterize the really heroic deeds done from time to time in the grim fron- tier warfare. All Benton's oratory took on this lurid coloring ; and in the present matter his final eulogy of the Texan warriors was greatly strained, though it would hardly have been in his power to pay too high a tribute to some of SLAVE QUESTION APPEARS IN POLITICS. 183 the deeds they had done. It was the heroic age of the Southwest ; though, as with every other heroic age, there were plenty of failings, vices, and weaknesses visible, if the stand-point of observation was only close enough. u CHAPTER IX. THE children's TEETH ARE SET ON EDGE. In his dealings with the Bank and his dis- posal of the deposits Jackson ate sour grapes to his heart's content ; and now the teeth of his adopted child Van Buren were to be set on edge. Van Buren was the first product of what are now called " machine politics " that was put into the presidential chair. He owed his ele- vation solely to his own dexterous political manipulation, and to the fact that, for his own selfish ends, and knowing perfectly well tlieir folly, he had yet favored or connived at all the actions into which the administration had been led either through Jackson's ignorance and violence, or by the crafty unscrupulousness and limited knowledge of the Kitchen Cabinet. The people at large would never have thought j of him for president of their own accord ; but he I had become Jackson's political legatee, partly j because he had personally endeared himself to the latter, and partly because the politicians CHILDREN'S TEETH ARE SET ON EDGE. 185 felt tliat he was a man whom they could trust. The Jacksouian Democracy was already com- pletely ruled by a machine, of which the most important cogs were the countless office-holders, whom the spoils system had already converted into a band of well-drilled political mercenaries. A political machine can only be brought to a state of high perfection in a party containing very many ignorant and uneducated voters ; and (the Jacksouian Democracy held in its ranks the mass of the ignorance of the country. Besides this such an organization requires, in order that it may do its most effective work, to have as its leader and figure-head a man who really has a great hold on the people at large, and who yet can be managed by such politi- cians as possess the requisite adroitness ; and Jackson fulfilled both these conditions.^ The fa- mous Kitchen Cabinet was so called because its members held no official positions, and yet were known to have Jackson more under their influence than was the case with his nominal advisers. They stood as the first representa- tives of a type common enough afterwards, and of which Thurlow Weed was perhaps the best example. They were men who held no public position, and yet devoted their whole time to politics, and pulled the strings in obedience to which the apparent public leaders moved. 186 THOMAS HART BENTON. Jackson liked Van Buren because the latter had served him both personally and politically — indeed Jackson was incapable of distinguish- ing between a political and a personal service. This liking, however, would not alone have ad- vanced Van Buren's interests, if the latter, who was himself a master in the New York state machine, had not also succeeded in enlisting the good-will and self-interest of the members of the Kitchen Cabinet and the other intimate ad- visers of the president. These first got Jack- son himself thoroughly committed to Van Buren, and then used his name and enormous influence with the masses, coupled with their own mastery of machine methods, to bring about the New Yorker's nomination. In both these moves they had been helped, and Van Buren's chances had been immensely improved, by an incident that had seemed at the time very unfortunate for the latter. When he was sec- retary of state, in carrying on negotiations with Great Britain relative to the West India trade, he had so far forgotten what was due to the dig- nity of the nation as to allude disparagingly, while thus communicating with a foreign power, to the course pursued by the previous adminis- tration. This extension of party lines into our foreign diplomacy was discreditable to the whole country. The anti-administration men I CHILDREN'S TEETH ARE SET ON EDGE. 187 bitterly resented it, and emphasized tlieir resent- ment by rejecting the nomination of Van Buren when Jackson wished to make him minister to England. Their action was perfectly proper, and Van Buren, by right, should have suffered for his undignified and unpatriotic conduct. But instead of this, and in accordance wdth the eternal unfitness of things, what really happened was that his rejection by the Senate actually helped him ; for Jackson promptly made the quarrel his own, and the masses blindly followed their idol. Benton exultingly and truthfully said that the president's foes had succeeded in breaking a minister only to make a president. Van Buren faithfully served the mammon of ] unrighteousness, both in his own state and, later on, at Washington ; and he had his reward, for he was advanced to the highest offices in the gift of the nation. He had no reason to blame his own conduct for his final downfall ; he got just as far along as he could possibly get ; he succeeded because of, and not in spite of, his moral shortcomings ; if he had always governed his actions by a high moral standard he wouldJ probably never have been heard of. Still, there is some comfort in reflecting that, exactly as he was made president for no virtue of his own, but simply on account of being Jackson's heir, so he was turned out of the office, not for per- 188 THOMAS HART BENTON. f sonal failure, but because he was taken as scapegoat, and had the sins of his political fathers visited on his own head. The opposition to tlie election of Van Buren was very much disorpmized, the Whig party not yet having solidified, — indeed it always remained a somewhat fluid body. The election did not have the slightest sectional significance, slavery not entering into it, and both Northern and Southern States voting without the least reference to the geographical belongings of the candidates. He was the last true Jacksonian Democrat — Union Democrat — who became president ; the South Carolina separatists and manv of their fellows refused to vote for him. The Democrats who came after him, on the contrjiry, all hud leanings to the separatist ele- ment which so soon obtained absolute control of the party, to the fierce indignation of men like Benton, Houston, and the other old Jack- sonians, whose sincere devotion to the Union will always entitle them to the gratitude of every true American. As far as slavery was concerned, however, the Southerners had hith- erto had nothing whatever to complain of in Van Buren's attitude. He was careful to in- form them in his inaugural address that he would not sanction any attempt to interfere with the institution, whether by abolishing it in CHILDREN'S TEETH ArE SET ON EDGE. 189 the District of Columbia or in any other way distasteful to the South. He also expressed a general hope that he would be able throughout to follow in the footsteps of Jackson. He had hardly been elected before the ruinous financial policy to which he had been party, but of which the effects, it must in justice be said, were aggravated by many of the actions of the Whigs, began to bear fruit after its kind. The use made of the surplus was bad enough, but the withdrawal of the United States deposits from one responsible bank and their distribu- tion among scores of others, many of which were in the most rickety condition, was a step better calculated than any other to bring about a financial crash. It gave a stimulus to extrav- agance, and evoked the wildest spirit of specu- lation that the country had yet seen. The local banks, to whom the custody of the public mon- eys had been intrusted, used them as funds which they and their customers could hazard for the chance of gain ; and the gambling spirit, always existent in the American mercantile community, was galvanized into furious life. The public dues were payable in the paper of these deposit banks and of the countless others that were even more irresponsible. The de- posit banks thus became filled up with a motley mass of more or less worthless bank paper, 190 THOMAS HART BENTON. which thus formed the "surplus," of which the distribution had caused Congress so much worry. Their condition was desperate, as they had been managed with the most reckless disregard for the morrow. Many of them had hardly kept as much specie in hand as would amount to one fiftieth of the aggregate of their deposits and other immediate liabilities. The people themselves were of course prima- rily responsible for the then existing state of affairs ; but the government had done all in its power to make matters worse. Panics were certain to occur more or less often in so specu- lative and venturesome a mercantile commu- nity, where there was such heedless trust in the future and such recklessness in the use of credit. But the government, by its actions, im- mensely increased the severity of this particu- lar panic, and became the prime factor in pre- cipitating its advent. Benton tried to throw the blame mainly on the bankers and politi- cians, who, he alleged, had formed an alliance for the overthrow of the administration ; but he made the plea more half-heartedly than usual, and probably in his secret soul acknowl- edged its puerility. The mass of the people were still happy in the belief that all things were working well, and that their show of unexampled prosperity CHILDREN'S TEETH ARE SET ON EDGE. 191 and business activity denoted a permanent and bealtliy condition. Yet all the signs pointed to a general collapse at no distant date ; an era of general bank suspensions, of depreciated currency, and of insolvency of the federal treas- ury was at hand. No one but Benton, how- ever, seemed able to read the signs aright, and his foreboding utterances were laughed at or treated with scorn by his fellow statesmen. He recalled the memory of the times of 1818- 19, when the treasury reports of one year showed a superfluity of revenue of which there was no want, and those of the next showed a deficit which required to be relieved by a loan ; and he foretold an infinitely worse result from the inflation of the paper system, saying : — Are we not at this moment, and from the same cause, realizing the first part — the elusive and treacherous part — of this picture ? and must not the other, the sad and real sequel, speedily follow ? The day of revulsion in its effects may be more or less disastrous ; but come it must. The present bloat in the paper system cannot continue ; violent contrac- tion must follow enormous expansion ; a scene of dis- tress and suffering must ensue — to come of itself out of the present state of things, without being stimulated and helped on by our unwise legislation. ... 7 am one of those who promised gold, not paper ; 1 did not join in putting down the Bank of the United 192 THOMAS HART BENTON. to put up a wilderness of local banJcs. I did not join in putting down the currency of a national hank to put up a national paper currency of a thou- sand local hanks* I did not strike Caesar to make Antony master of Rome. These last sentences referred to the passage of the act repealing the specie circular and making the notes of the banks receivable in pay- ment of federal dues. The act was most mis- chievous, and Benton's criticisms both of it and of the great Whig senator who pressed it were perfectly just ; but they apply with quite as much weight to Jackson's dealings with the de- posits, which Benton had defended. Benton foresaw the coming of the panic so clearly, and was so particularly uneasy about the immediate effects upon the governmental treas- ury, that he not only spoke publicly on the mat- ter in the Senate, but even broached the subject in the course of a private conversation with the president-elect, to get him to try to make what preparations he could. Van Buren, cool, skill- ful, and far-sighted politician though he was, on this occasion showed that he was infected with the common delusion as to the solidity of the country's business prosperity. He was very friendly with Benton, and was trying to get him to take a position in his cabinet, which the latter refused, preferring service in the Senate; CHILDREN'S TEETH ARE SET ON EDGE. 193 but now he listened with scant courtes}'- to the warning, and paid no heed to it. Benton, an in- tensely proud man, would not speak again ; and everything went on as before. The law distrib- uting the surplus among the states began to take effect ; under its operations drafts for millions of dollars were made on the banks containing the deposits, and these banks, already sinking, were utterly unable to honor them. It would have been impossible, under any circumstances, for the president to ward off the blow, but he might at least, by a little forethought and prep- aration, have saved the government from some galling humiliations. Had Benton's advice been followed, the moneys called for by the appro- priation acts might have been drawn from the banks, and the disbursing officers might have been prevented from depositing in them the sums which they drew from the treasury to provide for their ordinary expenses ; thus the government would have been spared the dis- grace of being obliged to stop the actual daily payments to the public servants ; and the na- tion would not have seen such a spectacle as its rulers presented when they had not a dollar with which to pay even a day laborer, while at the same time a law was standing on the stat- ute-book providing for the distribution of forty tuillions of nominal surplus. 13 194 THOMAS BART BENTON: No effort was made to stave off even so much of the impending disaster as was at that late date preventable ; and a few days after Van Buren's inauguration the country was in the throes of the worst and most widespread finan- cial panic it has ever seen. The distress was fairly appalling both in its intensity and in its universal distribution. All the banks stopped payment, and bankruptcy was universal. Bank paper depreciated with frightful rapidity, espe- cially in the West ; specie increased in value so that all the coin in the country, down to the lowest denomination, was almost immediately taken out of circulation, being either hoarded, or gathered for shipment abroad as bullion. For small change every kind of device was made use of, — tokens, bank-bills for a few cents each, or brass and iron counters. Benton and others pretended to believe that the panic was the result of a deep-laid plot on the part of the rich classes, who controlled the banks, to excite popular hostility against the Jacksonian Democracy, on account of the caste antagonism which these same richer classes were supposed to feel towards the much -vaunted " party of the people ; " and as Benton's mental vision was singularly warped in regard to some subjects, it is possible that the belief was not al- together a pretense. It is entirely unnecessary CHILDREN'S TEETH ARE SET ON EDGE. 195 now seriously to discuss the proposition that it would be possible to drag the commercial classes into so widespread and profoundly secret a con- spiracy, with such a vague end in view, and with the certainty that they themselves would be, from a business stand-point, the main suf- ferers. The efforts made by Benton and the other Jacksonians to stem the tide of public feeling and direct it through the well-worn channel of suspicious fear of, and anger at, the banks, as the true authors of the general wretchedness, were unavailing ; the stream swelled into a tor- rent and ran like a mill-race in the opposite way. The popular clamor against the admin- istration was deafening ; and if much of it was based on good grounds, much of it was also un- reasonable. But a very few years before the Jacksonians had appealed to a senseless public dislike of the so-called "money power," in order to help themselves to victory ; and now they had the chagrin of seeing an only less irrational outcry raised against themselves in turn, and used to oust them from their places, with the same effectiveness which had previously at- tended their own frothy and loud-iQouthed dec- lamations. The people were more than ready to listen to any one who could point out, or pretend to point out, the authors of, and the 196 THOMAS HART BENTON. reasons for, the calamities that had befallen them. Their condition was pitiable ; and this was especially true in the newer and Western states, where in many places there was abso- lutely no money at all in circulation, even the men of means not being able to get enough coin or its equivalent to make the most ordinary pur- chases. Trade was at a complete stand-still ; laborers were thrown out of employment and left almost starving ; farmers, merchants, mechanics, craftsmen of every sort, — all alike were in the direst distress. They naturally, in seeking re- lief, turned to the government, it being almost always the case that the existing administration receives more credit if the country is prosperous, and greater blame if it is not, than in either case it is rightfully entitled to. The Democracy was now held to strict reckoning, not only for some of its numerous real sins but also for a good many imaginary ones ; and the change in the political aspect of many of the common- wealths was astounding. Jackson's own home State of Tennessee became strongly Whig ; and Van Buren had the mortification of seeing New York follow suit ; two stinging blows to the president and the ex-president. The distress was a godsend to the Whig politicians. They fairly raved in their anger against the adminis- tration, and denounced all its acts, good and CHILDREN'S TEETH ARE SET ON EDGE. 197 bad alike, with fluent and incoherent impar- tiality. Indeed, in their speeclies, and in the ])etitions wliich thev circulated and then sent to the president, they used language that was to the last degree absurd in its violence and ex- aggeration, and drew descriptions of the iniqui- ties of the rulers of the country which were so overwrought as to be merely ridiculous. The speeches about the panic, and in reference to the proposed laws to alleviate it, were remark- able for their inflation, even in that age of windy oratory. Van Buren, Benton, and their associates stood bravely up against tlie storm of indignation which swept over the whole country, and lost neither head nor nerve. They needed both to extricate themselves with any credit from the position in which they were placed. In defer- ence to the urgent wish of almos?all the people an extra session of Congress was called especially to deal with the panic. Van Buren 's message to this body was a really statesmanlike document, going exhaustively into the subject of the na- tional finances. The Democrats still held the majority in both houses, but there was so large a floating vote, and the margins were so nar- row, as to make the administration feel that its hold was precarious. The first thing to be done was to provide for 198 THOMAS HART BENTON. the immediate wants of the government, which had not enough money to pay even its most necessary running expenses. To make this temporary provision two plans were proposed. The fourth instalment of the surplus — ten millions — was due to the states. As there was really no surplus, but a deficit instead, it was proposed to repeal the deposit law so far as it affected their fourth payment ; and treasury notes were to be issued to provide for immedi- ate and pressing needs. The Whigs frantically attacked the presi- dent's proposals, and held him and his party accountable for all the evils of the panic ; and in truth it was right enough to hold them so ac countable for part ; but, after all, the harm was largely due to causes existing throughout the civilized world, and especially to the specula- tive folly rife among the whole American peo- ple. But it is always an easy and a comfort- able thing to hold others responsible for what is primarily our own fault. Benton did not believe, as a matter of prin- ciple, in the issue of treasury notes, but sup- ported the bill for that purpose on account of the sore straits the administration was in, and \ts dire need of assistance from any source. He treated it as a disagreeable but temporary makeshift, only allowable on the ground of the CHILDREN'S TEETH ARE SET ON EDGE. 193 sternest and most grinding necessity. He stated that he supported the issue only because the I treasury notes were made out in such a form that they could not become currency ; they were merely loan notes. Their chief character- istic was that they bore interest ; they were transferable only by indorsement ; were paya- ble at a fixed time ; were not reissuable, nor of I small denominations ; and were to be canceled when paid. Such being the case he favored their issue, but expressly stated that he only did so on account of the urgency of the govern- mental wants; and that he disapproved of any such issue until the ordinary resources of taxes and loans had been tried to the utmost and failed. '' I distrust, dislike, and would fain es- chew this treasury-note resource ; I prefer the direct loans of 1820-21. I could only bring myself to support this present measure when it was urged that there was not time to carry a loan through in its forms ; nor even then would I consent to it until every feature of a currency character had been eradicated from the bill." A sharp struggle took place over the bill brought in by the friends of the administration and advocated by Benton, to repeal the obliga- tion to deposit the fourth instalment of the sur- plus with the states. This scheme of a distribu- tion, thinly disguised under the name of deposit 200 THOMAS HART BENTON. to soothe the feelings of Calhoun and the other strict constructionist pundits, had worked noth- ing but mischief from the start ; and now that there was no surplus to distribute, it would seem incredible that there should have been opposi- tion to its partial repeal. Yet Webster, Clay, and their followers strenuously opposed even such repeal. It is possible that their motives were honest, but much more probable that they were actuated by partisan hostility to the ad- ministration, or that they believed they would increase their own popularity by favoring a plan that seemingly distributed money as a gift among the states. The bill was finally amended so as to make it imperative to pay this fourth instalment in a couple of years ; yet it was not then paid, since on the date appointed the na- tional treasury was bankrupt and the states could therefore never get the money, — which was the only satisfactory incident in the whole proceed- ing. The financial theories of Jackson and Benton were crude and vicious, it is true, but Webster, Clay, and most other public men of the day seem to have held ideas on the subject that were almost, if not quite, as mischievous. The great financial measures advocated by the administration of Van Buren, and championed with especial zeal by Benton, were those pro- viding for an independent treasury and for CHILDREN'S TEETH ARE SET ON EDGE. 201 hard-money payments ; that is, providing that the government should receive nothing but gold and silver for its revenues, and that this gold and silver should be kept by its own officers in real, not constructive, treasuries, — in stronir buildings, with special officers to hold the keys„ The treasury was to be at Washington, with branches or sub-treasuries at the principal points of collection and disbursement. These measures, if successful, meant that there would be a total separation of the federal government from all banks ; in the political language of the times they became known as those for the divorce of bank and state. Hith- erto the local banks chosen by Jackson to re- ceive the deposits had been actively hostile to Biddlo's great bank and to its friends ; but self- interest now united them all in violent opposi- tion to the new scheme. Webster, Clay, and the Whigs generally fought it bitterly in the Sen- ate ; but Calhoun now left his recent allies and joined with Benton in securing its passage. However, it was for the time being defeated in the House of Representatives. Most of the op- position to it was characterized by sheer loud- mouthed demagogy — cries that the govern- ment was too aristocratic to accept the money that was thought good enough for the people, and similar claptrap. Benton made a very 202 THOMAS BART BENTON. earnest plea for hard money, and especially de- nounced the doctrme that it was the govern- ment's duty to interfere in any way in private business ; for, as usual in times of general dis- tress, a good many people had a vague idea that in some way the government ought to step in and relieve them from the consequences of their own folly. Meanwhile the banks had been endeavoring to resume specie payment. Those of New York had taken steps in that direction but little more than three months after the suspension. Their weaker Western neighbors, however, were not yet in condition to follow suit ; and the great bank at Philadelphia also at first refused to come in with them. But the New York banks persisted in their purpose, resumed payment a year after they had suspended, and eventually the others had to fall into line ; the reluctance to do so being of course attributed by Benton to " tlie factious and wicked mncliinations " of a " powerful combined political and moneyed confederation " — a shadowy and spectral crea- tion of vivid Jacksonian imaginations, in the existence of which he persisted in believing. Clay, always active as the friend of the banks, introduced a resolution, nominally to quicken the approach of resumption, but really to help out precisely those weak banks which did not I CHILDREN'S TEETH ARE SET ON EDGE. 203 deserve help, making the notes of the resuming banks receivable in payment of all dues to the federal government. This was offered after the banks of New York had resumed, and when all the other solvent banks were on the point of resuming also; so its nominal purpose wa&' already accomplished, as Benton, in a caustic speech, pointed out. He then tore the resolu- tion to shreds, showing that it would be of espe- cial benefit to the insolvent and unsound banks, and would insure a repetition of the worst evils under which the country was already suffering. He made it clear that the proposition practically was to force the government to receive paper promises to pay from banks that were certain to fail, and therefore to force the government in turn to pay out this worthless paper to its honest creditors. Benton's speech was an ex- cellent one, and Clay's resolution was defeated. All through this bank controversy, and the other controversies relating to it, Benton took the leading part, as mouthpiece of the admin- istration. He heartily supported the sugges- tion of the president, that a stringent bankrupt law against the banks should be passed. Web- ster stood out as the principal opponent of this measure, basing his objections mainly upon con- stitutional grounds ; that is, questioning the right, rather than the expediency, of the pro- 204 THOMAS HART BENTON. posed remedy. Benton answered liim at length in a speech showing an immense amount of care- ful and painstaking study and a wide range of historical reading and legal knowledge ; he re- plied point by point, and more than held his own with his great antagonist. His speech was an exhaustive study of the history and scope of bankruptcy laws against corporations. Ben- ton's caj)acity for work was at all times im- mense ; he delighted in it for its own sake, and took a most justifiable pride in his wide reading, and especially in his full acquaintance with his- tory, both ancient and modern. He was very fond of illustrating his speeches on American affairs with continual allusions and references to events in foreign countries or in old times, which he considered to be more or less parallel to those he was discussing ; and indeed he often dragged in these comparisons when there was no particular need for such a display of his' knowledge. He could fairly be called a learned man, for he had studied very many subjects deeply and thoroughly ; and though he was too self-conscious and pompous in his utterances not to incur more than the suspicion of pedan- try, yet the fact remains that hardly any other man has ever sat in the Sen;ite whose range of information was as wide as his. He made another powerful and carefully CHILDREN'S TEETH ARE SET ON EDGE. 205 wrought speech in favor of what he called the act to provide for the divorce of bank and state. This bill, as finally drawn, consisted of two distinct parts, one portion making provision for the keeping of the public moneys in an inde- pendent treasury, and the other for the hard- money currency, which was all that the govern^ ment was to accept in payment of revenue dueso This last provision, however, was struck out, and the bill thereby lost the support of Calhoun, who, with Webster, Clay, and the other Whigs, voted against it ; but, mainly through Benton's efforts, it passed the Senate, although by a very slender majority. Benton, in his speech, dwelt with especial admiration on the working of the monetary system of France, and held it up as well worthy to be copied by us. Most of the points he made were certainly good ones, al- though he overestimated the beneficent results that would spring from the adoption of the pro- posed system, believing that it would put an end for the future to all panics and commercial convulsions. In reality it would have removed only one of the many causes which go to pro- duce the latter, leaving the others free to work as before ; the people at large, not the govern- ment, were mainly to blame, and even with them it was in some respects their misfortune as much as their fault. Benton's error, how- 206 THOMAS HART BENTON. ever, was natural ; like most other men he was unable fully to realize that hardly any phenom- enon, even the most simple, can be said to spring from one cause only, and not from a complex and interwoven tissue of causation — and a panic is one of the least simple and most com- plex of mercantile phenomena. Benton's deep- rooted distrust of and hostility to such banking as then existed in the United States certainly had good grounds for existence. This distrust was shown again when the bill for the re-charter of the district banks came up. The specie basis of many of them had been al- lowed to become altogether too low ; and Ben- ton showed himself more keenly alive than any other public man to the danger of such a state of things, and argued strongly that a basis of specie amounting to one third the total of lia- bilities was the only safe proportion, and should be enforced by law. He made a most forcible argument, using numerous and apt illustrations to show the need of his amendment. Nor was the tireless Missouri senator satisfied even yet ; for he introduced a resolution asking leave to bring in a bill to tax the circulation of banks and bankers, and of all corporations, com- panies, or individuals, issuing paper currency. One object of the bill was to raise revenue, but even more he aimed at the regulation of the I CHILDREN'S TEETH ARE SET ON EDGE. 207 currency by the suppression of small notes ; and for this end the tax was proposed to be made heaviest on notes under twenty dollars, and to be annually augmented until it had accomplished its object and they had been driven out of cir- culation. In advocating his measure he used, as was perhaps unavoidable, some arguments that savored strongly of demagogy ; but on the whole he made a strong appeal, using as prece-. dents for the law he wished to see enacted both the then existing banking laws in England and those that had obtained previously in the his' tory of the United States. Taken altogether, while the Jacksonians, during the period of Van Buren's presidency, rightly suffered for their previous financial mis- deeds, yet so far as their actions at the time were concerned, they showed to greater advantage than the Whigs. Nor did they waver in their purpose even when the tide of popular feeling changed. The great financial measure of the administration, in which Benton was most in- terested, the independent treasury bill, he suc- ceeded in getting through the Senate twice ; the first time it was lost in the House of Represen- tatives ; but on the second occasion, towards the close of Van Buren's term, firmness and per- severance met their reward. The bill passed the Senate by an increased majority, scraped 208 THOMAS HART BENTON. through the House after a bitter contest, and became a law. It developed the system known as that of the Sub-Treasury, which has proved satisfactory to the present day. It was during Van Buren's term that Biddle's great bank, so long the pivot on which turned the fortunes of political parties, finally tottered to its fall. It was ruined by unwise and reck- less management; and Benton sang a paean over its downfall, exulting in its fate as a justification of all that he had said and done. Yet there can be little doubt that its mismanagement became gross only after all connection with the national government had ceased ; and its end, attributa- ble to causes not originally existent or likely to 6xist, can hardly be rightly considered in pass- ing judgment upon the actions of the Jackso- nians in reference to it. CHAPTER X. LAST DAYS OF THE JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY. The difficulty and duration of a war with an Indian tribe depend less upon the numbers of the tribe itself than upon the nature of the ground it inhabits. The two Indian tribes that have caused the most irritating and prolonged struggle are the Apaches, who live in the vast, waterless, mountainous deserts of Arizona and New Mexico, and whom we are at this present moment engaged in subduing, and the Semi- noles, who, from among the impenetrable swamps of Florida, bade the whole United States army defiance for seven long years ; and this although neither Seminoles nor Apaches ever brought much force into the field, nor in- flicted such defeats upon us as have other Indian tribes, like the Creeks and Sioux. The conflict with the Seminoles was one of the legacies left by Jackson to Van Buren ; it lasted as long as the Revolutionary War, cost thirty millions of dollars, and baffled the efforts of several generals and numerous troops, who 14 210 THOMAS HART BENTON. had previously shown themselves equal to any in the world. The expense, length, and ill-suc- cess of the struggle, and a strong feeling that the Seminoles had been wronged, made it a great handle for attack on the administration ; and the defense was taken up by Benton, who always accepted completely the Western esti- mate of any form of the Indian question. As is usually the case in Indian wars there had been much wrong done by each side ; but in this instance we were the more to blame, al- though the Indians themselves were far from being merely harmless and suffering innocents. The Seminoles were being deprived of their lands in pursuance of the general policy of re- moving all the Indians west of the Mississippi. They had agreed to go, under pressure, and in- fluenced, probably, by fraudulent representa- tions ; but they declined to fulfill their agree- ment. If they had been treated wisely and firmly they might probably have been allowed to remain without serious injury to the sur- rounding whites. But no such treatment was attempted, and as a result we were plunged in one of the most harassing Indian wars we ever waged. In their gloomy, tangled swamps, and among the unknown and untrodden recesses of the everglades the Indians found a secure asy- lum ; and they issued from their haunts to burn I LAST DAYS OF JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY. 211 and ravage almost all the settled part of Florida, fairly depopulating five counties ; while the sol- diers could rarely overtake them, and when they did, were placed at such a disadvantage that the Indians repulsed or cut off detachment after detachment, generally making a merciless and complete slaughter of each. The great Semi- nole leader, Osceola, was captured only by de- liberate treachery and breach of faith on our part, and the Indians were worn out rather than conquered. This was partly owing to their re- markable capacities as bush-fighters, but infi- nitely more to the nature of their territory. Our troops generally fought with great bravery; but there is very little else in the struggle, either as regards its origin or the manner in which it was carried on, to which an American can look back with any satisfaction. We usually group all our Indian wars together, in speaking of their justice or injustice ; and thereby show flagrant ignorance. The Sioux and Cheyennes, for instance, have more often been sinning than sinned against ; for example, the so-called Chivington or Sandy Creek Mas- sacre, in spite of certain most objectionable de- tails, was on the whole as righteous and benefi- cial a deed as ever took place on the -frontier. On the other hand, the most cruel wrongs have been perpetrated by whites upon perfectly 212 THOMAS BART BENTON. peaceable and unoffending tribes like those of California, or the Nez Per^es. Yet the emascu- lated professional humanitarians mourn as much over one set of Indians as over the other — and indeed, on all points connected with Indian management, are as untrustworthy and unsafe leaders as would be an equal number of the most brutal white borderers. But the Semi- nole War was one of those where the Eastern, or humanitarian view was more nearly correct than was any other ; although even here the case was far from being entirely one-sided. Benton made an elaborate but not always candid defense of the administration, both as to the origin and as to the prosecution of the war. He attempted to show that the Seminoles had agreed to go West, had broken their treaty without any reason, had perpetrated causeless massacres, had followed up their successes with merciless butcheries, which last statement was true ; and that Osceola had forfeited all claim or right to have a flag of truce protect him. There was a certain justice in his position even on these questions, and when he came to defend the conduct of our soldiers he had the right en- tirely with him. They were led by the same commander, and belonged to the same regi- nxents, that in Canada had shown themselves equal to the famous British infantry ; they had LAST BAYS OF JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY. 213 to contend with tlie country, rather than with their enemies, as the sweltering heat, the stag- nant lagoons, the quaking morasses, and the dense forests of Florida made it almost impos- sible for an army to carry on a successful cam- paign. Moreover, the Seminoles were well armed ; and many tribes of North American Indians show themselves, when with good weap- ons and on their own ground, more dangerous antagonists than would be an equal number of the best European troops. Indeed, under such conditions they can only be contended with on equal terms if the opposing white force is made up of frontiersmen who are as good woodsmen and riflemen as themselves, and who, moreover, have been drilled by some man like Jackson, who knows how to handle them to the best ad- vantage, both in disciplining their lawless cour- age and in forcing them to act under orders and together, — the lack of which discipline and power of supporting each other has often ren- dered an assemblage of formidable individual border - fighters a mere disorderly mob when brought into the field. The war dragged on tediously. The troops — regulars, volunteers, and militia alike — fought the Indians again and again ; there were pitched battles, surprises, ambuscades, and assaults on places of unknown strength; hundreds of sol- 214 THOMAS HART BENTON. diers were slain in battle or by treachery, hundreds of settlers were slaughtered in their homes, or as they fled from them ; the bloody Indian forays reached even to the outskirts of Tallahatchce and to within sight of the walls of quaint old St. Augustine. Little by little, how- ever, the power of the Seminoles was broken ; their war bands were scattered and driven from the field, hundreds of their number were slain in fight, and five times as many surrendered and were taken west of the Mississippi. The white troo]is marched tlirough Florida down to and into the everglades, and crossed it back- wards and forwards, from the (lulf of jNIexico to the Atlantic Ocean ; tliey hunted their foes from morass to morass and from luimmock to hummock ; they mapped out the whole hitherto unknown country; they established numerous posts; opened hundreds of miles of wngon road; and built very many causeways and bridges. But they could not end the war. The bands of Indians broke up and entirely ceased to offer resistance to bodies of armed whites ; but as individuals they continued as dangerous to the settlers as ever, prowling out at night like wild beasts from their fastnesses in the dark and fetid swamps, murdering, burning, and ravag- ing in all the outlying settlements, and destroy, ing every lonely farm-house or homestead. LAST DAYS OF JACKSON I AN DEMOCRACY. 215 There was but one way in which the war could be finally ended, and that was to have the territory occupied by armed settlers ; in other words, to have it won and held exactly as almost all the land of the United States has been in the beginning. Benton introduced a bill to bring this about, giving to every such settler a good inheritance in the soil as a reward for his enterprise, toil, and danger ; und the war was finished only by the adoption of this method. He supported his bill in a very effec- tive speech, showing that the proposed way was j the only one by which a permanent conquest could be effected ; he himself had, when young, i seen it put into execution in Tennessee and Kentucky, where the armed settlers, with their homesteads in the soil, formed the vanguard of the white advance : where the rifle - bearing backwoodsmen went forth to fight and to culti- vate, living in assemblages of block-houses at first and separating into individual settlements afterwards. The work had to be done with axe, spade, and rifle alike. Benton rightly insisted that there was no longer need of a large army in Florida : — Why, the men who are there now can find nobody to fight ! It is two years since a fight has been had. Ten men who will avoid surprises and ambuscades can now go from one end of Florida to the other. As 216 THOMAS HART BENTON. warriors, these Indians no longer appear ; it is only as assassins, as robbers, as incendiaries, that they lurk about. What is now wanted is not an army to figl)t, but settlers and cultivators to take possession and keep possession ; and the armed cultivator is the man for that. The block-house is the first house to be built in an Indian country ; the stockade the first fence to be put up. Within that block -house, or witliin a hollow square of block-houses, two miles long on each side, two hundred yards apart, and in- closing a good field, safe habitations are to be found for families. Cultivation and defense then go hand iu hand. The heart of the Indian sickens when he hears the crowing of the cock, the barkinjr of the doii, tlie sound of the axe, and the crack of the rifle. These are the true evidences of the dominion of the white man ; these are the proofs that the owner has come and means to stay, and then the Indians feel it to be time for them to go. While soldiers alone are in the country they feel their j)resence to be temporary ; that they are mere sojourners in the land, and sooner or later must go away. It is the settler alone, the armed settler, whose presence announces the domin- ion, the permanent dominion, of the white man. Benton's ideas were right, and were acted upon. It is impossible even to subdue an Indian tribe by the army alone ; the latter can only pave the way for and partially protect the armed settlers who are to liold tiie soil. Benton continued to take a great interest in LAST DAYS OF JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY. 217 the disposal of the public lands, as was natural ill a senator from the West, where the bulk of these lands lay. He was always a great advo- cate of a homestead law. During Van Buren's administration, he succeeded in getting two or three bills on the subject through the Senate. One of these allowed lands that had been five years in the market to be reduced in price to a dollar an acre, and if they stood five years longer to go down to seventy-five cents. The bill was greatly to the interest of the Western farmer in the newer, although not necessarily the newest, parts of the country. The man who went on • the newest land was in turn provided for by the preemption bill, which secured the privilege of first purchase to the actual settler on any lands to which the Indian title had been extinguished ; to be paid for at the minimum price of public lands at the time. An effort was made to con- fine the benefits of this proposed law to citi- zens of the United States, excluding unnatu- ralized foreigners from its action. Benton, as, representing the new states, who desired immi- grants of every kind, whether foreign or native, successfully opposed this. He pointed out that there was no question of conferring political rights, which involved the management of the government, and which should not be conferred until the foreigner had become a naturalized 218 THOMAS HART BENTON. 'i citizen ; it was merely a question of allowing the alien a right to maintain himself and to snpport his family. He especially opposed the amend- ment on account of the class of foreigners it would affect. Aliens who wished to take up public lands were not paupers or criminals, and did not belong to the shiftless and squalid for- eign mob that driftetl into the great cities of the seaboard and the interior ; but on the contrary were among our most enterprising, hardy, and thrifty citizens, who had struck out for them- selves into the remote parts of the new states and had there begun to bring the wilderness into subjection. Such men deserved to be en- couragetl in every way, and should receive from the preemption laws the same benefits that would enure to native-born citizens. The third bill introduced, which passed the Senate but failed in the House, was one to permit the pub- lic lands sold to be immediately taxed by the states in which they lay. Originally these lands had been sold upon credit, the total amount not being paid, nor the title passed, until five years after the sale ; and during this time it would hnve been unjust to tax them, as failure in pay- ing the installments to the government would have let the lands revert to the latter ; but when the cash system was substituted for credit Benton believed that there was no longer reason LAST DAYS OF JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY. 219 y wliv the new lands should not bear their share of the state burdens. During Van Buren's administration the stand- "% ard of public honesty, which had been lowering with frightful rapidity ever since, with Adams, the men of high moral tone had gone out of power, went almost as far down as it could go ; although things certainly did not change for the better under Tyler and Polk. Not only was there the most impudent and unblushing rascal- ity among the public servants of the nation, but the people themselves, through their representa- tives in the state legislatures, went to work to swindle their honest creditors. Many states, in the rage for public improvements, had con- tracted debts which they now refused to pay ; in many cases they were unable, or at least so professed themselves, even to pay the annual interest. The debts of the states were largely held abroad ; they had been converted into stock and held in shares, which had gone into a great number of hands, and now, of course, became greatly depreciated in value. It is a painful and shameful page in our history ; and every man connected with the repudiation of the states' debts ought, if remembered at all, to be remembered only with scorn and contempt. However, time has gradually shrouded from our sight both the names of the leaders in the re- ^ «i 220 THOMAS HART BENTON. piuliation and the names of the victims wliom they swindled. Two alone, one in each class, will always be kept in mind. ■. Before Jefferson /Davis took his place among the arch-traitors in ' our annals he had already long been known as one of the chief repudiators ; it was not unnat- ural that to dishonesty towards the creditors of the })ul)lic he should afterwards add treachery J:o\vards the ])ul)lic itself. I'he one most pro- minent victim was described by Benton himself: "The Reverend Sydney Smith, of witty memory, but amiable withal, was accustomed to lose all his amiability, but no part of his wit, when he spoke of his Pennsylvania bonds — which, in fact, was very often." Many of the bond-holders, however, did not manifest their grief by caustic wit, but looked to more substantial relief ; and did their best to bring about the assumption of the state debts, in some form, whether open or disguised, by the federal government. The British capitalists united with many American capitalists to work for some such action ; and there were plenty of people in the states willing enough to see it done. Of course it would have been criminal folly on the part of the federal government to take any such step ; and Boliti(al arena. But wlien Benton's attention was firndy fixed on the accom})lishment of some- thing c< nipaiatively trivial, his dogged, stub- born, and unyielding earnestness drew him into making eilorts of which the dispiopoition to the result aimed at was rather dr(»ll. Kothing could thwart him or turn liim aside ; and though slow to take u]) an idea, yet, if it was once in his head, to drive it out was a simply hopeless task. These qualities were of such invaluable use to the state on so many great occasions that we can well aflord to treat them merely with a good-humored laugh, whtn we see them exer- cised on behalf of such a ])iece of foolishness as, for example, the expunging resolution. LAST DAYS OF JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY 227 The repeal of the salt tax, then, was a partic- ular favorite in Benton's rather numerous stable of hobbies, because it gave free scope for the use of sentimental as well as of economic argu- ments. He had the right of the question, and was not in the least daunted by his numerous rebuffs and the unvarying ill success of his ef- forts. Speaking in 1840, he stated that he had been urging the repeal for twelve years; and for the purpose of furnishing data with which to compare such a period of time, and without the least suspicion that there was anything out of the way in the comparison, he added, in a solemn parenthesis, that this was two years longer than the siege of Troy lasted. In the same speech was a still choicer morsel of elo- quence about salt : " The Supreme Ruler of the Universe has done everything to supply his creatures with it ; man, the fleeting shadow of an instant, invested with his little brief author- ity, has done much to deprive them of it." After which he went on to show a really ex- tensive acquaintance with the history of salt taxes and monopolies, and with the uses and physical structure and surroundings of the min- eral itself — all which might have taught his hearers that a man may combine much erudi- tion with a total lack of the sense of humor. The salt tax is dragged, neck and heels, into .^28 THOMAS HART BENTON. many of Benton's speeches much as Cooper manages, on all possible occasions, throughout his novels, to show the unlikeness of the Bay of Naples to the Bay of New York — not the only point of resemblance, by the way, between the characters of the Missouri statesman and the New York novelist. Whether the subject under discussion was the taxation of bank-notes, or the abolition of slavery, made very little dif- ference to Benton as to introducing an allusion to the salt monopoly. One of his happy argu- ments in favor of the repeal, which was ad- dressed to an exceedingly practical and com- monplace Congress, was that the early Chris- tian disciples had been known as the salt of the earth — a biblical metaphor, which Benton kindly assured his hearers was very expressive ; and added that a salt tax was morally as well as politically wrong, and in fact " was a species of impiety." But in attacking some of the abuses which had developed out of the tariff of 1833 Benton made a very shrewd and practical speech, with- out permitting himself to indulge in any such intellectual pranks as accompanied his salt ora- tions. He especially aimed at reducing the drawbacks on sugar, molasses, and one or two other articles. In accordance with our whole clumsy, hap-hazard system of dealing with the I LAST DATS OF JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY. 229 tcriff we liad originally put very high duties on the articles in question, and then bad allowed correspondingly heavy drawbacks ; and yet, when in 1833, by Clay's famous compromise tariff bill, the duties were reduced to a frac- tional part of what they had previously been, no parallel reduction was made in the draw- backs, although Benton (supported by Web- ster) made a vain effort even then, while the compromise bill was on its passage, to have the injustice remedied. As a consequence, the ex- porters of sugar and rum, instead of drawing back the exact amounts paid into the treasury, drew back several times as much ; and the ri- diculous result was that certain exporters were paid a naked bounty out of the treasury, and received pay for doing and suffering nothing. In 1889 the drawback paid on the exportation of refined suijar exceeded the amount of revenue derived from imported sugar by over twenty thousand dollars. Benton showed this clearl}^ by unimpeachable statistics, and went on to prove that in that year the whole amount of the revenue from brown and clayed sugar, plus the above-mentioned twenty thousand dollars, was paid over to twenty-nine sugar refiners ; and that these men thus " drew back " from the treasury what they had never put into it. A buses equally gross existed in relation to va- 230 THOMAS HART BENTON. rious other articles. But in spite of the clear justice of bis case Benton was able at first to make but little impression on Congress ; and it was some time before matters were straight- ened out, as all the protective interests felt obliged to make common cause with each other, no matter what evils might be perpetrated by their taking such action. Towards the close of Van Buren's administra- tion, when he was being assailed on every side, as well for what Jackson as for what he himself had done or left undone, one of the chief accu- sations brought against him was that he had squandered the public money, and that, since Adams had been ousted from the presidency, the expenses of running the government had increased out of all proportion to what was proper. There was good ground for their com- plaint, as the waste and peculation in some of the departments had been very great ; but Ben= ton, in an elaborate defense of both Jackson and Van Buren, succeeded in showing that at least certain of the accusations were unfounded — although he had to stretch a point or two in trying to make good his claim that the admin- istration was really economical, being reduced to the rather lame expedient of ruling out about two thirds of the expenditures on the ground that they were *' extraordinary," LAST DAYS OF JACKS ON /AN DEMOCRACY. 231 The charge of extravagance was one of the least of the charges urged against the Jacksonian Democrats during the last days of their rule. While they had been in power the character of the public service had deteriorated frightfully, both as regarded its efficiency and infinitely more as regarded its honesty ; and under Van Buren the amount of money stolen by the pub- lic officers, compared to the amount handed in to the treasury, was greater than ever before or since. For this the Jacksonians were solely and absolutely responsible ; they drove out the merit system of making appointments, and in- troduced the " spoils " system in its place ; and under the latter they chose a peculiarly dis- honest and incapable set of officers, whose sole recommendation was to be found in the knav- ish trickery and low cunning that enabled them to manage the ignorant voters who formed the backbone of Jackson's party. The statesmen of the Democracy in after days forgot the good deeds of the Jacksonians ; they lost their at- tachment to the Union, and abandoned their championship of hard money ; but they never ceased to cling to the worst legacy their prede- cessors had left them. The engrafting of the " spoils " system on our government was, of all the results of Jacksonian rule, the one which was most permanent in its effects. 232 THOMAS HART BENTON, All these causes — the corruption of the pub- lic officials, the extravagance of the govern- ment, and the widespread distress, which might be regarded as the aftermath of its ruinous financial policy — combined with others that were as little to the discredit of the Jackso- nians as they were to the credit of the Whigs, brought about the overthrow of the former. There was much poetic justice in the fact that the presidential election which decided their fate was conducted on as purely irrational prin- j ciples, and was as merely one of sound and fury, as had been tlie case in the election twelve years previously, when they came into power. The Whigs, having exhausted their language in denouncing their opponents for nominating a man like Andrew Jackson, proceeded to look about in their own party to find one who should come as near him as possible in all the attri- butes that had given him so deep a hold on the people ; and they succeeded perfectly when they pitched on the old Indian fighter, Harrison. " Tippecanoe " proved quite as effective a war- cry in bringing about the downfall of the Jack- sonians as " Old Hickory " had shown itself to be a dozen years previously in raising them up. General Harrison had already shown himself to be a good soldier, and a loyal and honest pub- lic servant, although by no means standing in LAST DAYS OF JACKSONTAN DEMOCRACY. 233 the first rank either as regards war - craft or state-craft ; but the mass of his supporters ap- parently considered the facts, or supposed facts, that he lived in a log-cabin the walls of which were decorated with coon-skins, and that he drank hard cider from a gourd, as being more important than his capacity as a statesman or his past services to the nation. The Whigs having thus taken a shaft from the Jacksonians' quiver, it was rather amusing to see the latter, in their turn, hold up their hands in horror at the iniquity of what would now be called a " hurrah " canvass ; blandly ig- noring the fact that it was simply a copy of their own successful proceedings. Says Ben- ton, with amusing gravity : " The class of in- ducements addressed to the passions and im- aginations of the people was such as history blushes to record," a remark that provokes crit- icism, when it is remembered that Benton had been himself a prominent actor on the Jack- sonian side in the campaigns of '28 and '32, when it was exclusively to " the passions and imaginations of the people " that all arguments were addressed. The Democrats did not long remain out of power; and they kept the control of the gov- W ern mental policy in their hands pretty steadily until the time of the civil war ; nevertheless it 234 THOMAS HART BENTON. is true that with the defeat of Van Buren the Jacksonian Democracy, as such, lost forever its grip on the direction of national affairs. When, under Polk, the Democrats came back, they came under the lead of the very men whom the original Jackson ians had opposed and kept down. With all their faults, Jack- son and Benton were strong Union men, and under them their party was a Union party. Calhoun and South Carolina, and the disunion- ists in the other Southern States were their bit- ter foes. But the disunion and extreme slav- ery elements within the Democratic ranks were increasing rapidly all the time ; and they had obtained complete and final control when the party reappeared as victors after their defeat in 1840. Until Van Buren's overthrow the na- tionalists had held the upper hand in shaping Democratic policy ; but after that event the leadership of the party passed completely into the hands of the separatists. The defeat of Van Buren marks an era in more ways than one. During his administra- tion slavery played a less prominent part in politics than did many other matters ; this was never so again. His administration was the last in which this question, or the question springing from it, did not overtop and dwarf in Importance all others. Again, the presidential LAST BAYS OF JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY. 235 election of 1840 was the last into which slavery did not enter as a most important, and in fact as the vital and determining factor. In the contest between Van Buren and Harrison it did not have the least influence upon the result. Moreover, Van Buren was the last Democratic president who ruled over a Union of states ; all his successors, up to the time of Lincoln's elec- tion, merely held sway over a Union of sec- tions. The spirit of separation had identified itself with the maintenance of slavery, and the South was rapidly uniting into a compact array of states witli interests that were hostile to the North on the point most vitally affecting the welfare of the whole country. No great question involving the existence of slavery was brought before the attention of Congress during Van Buren's term of office ; nor was the matter mooted except in the eter- nal wrangles over receiving the abolitionist pe- titions. Benton kept silent in these discussions, although voting to receive the petitions. As he grew older he continually grew wiser, and better able to do good legislative work on all subjects ; but he was not yet able to realize that the slavery question was one which could not be kept down, and whicli was bound to force itself into the sphere of national politics. He still insisted that it was only dragged be- 236 THOMAS HART BENTON. fore Congress by a few fanatics at the North, and that in the South it was made the instru- ment by which designing and unscrupulous men wished to break up the federal republic. His devotion to the Union, ever with him the chief and overmastering thought, made him regard with horror and aversion any man, at the North or at the South, who brought forward a ques- tion so frauglit with peril to its continuance. He kept trying to delude himself into the be- lief that the discussion and the danger would alike gradually die away, and the former state of peaceful harmony between the sections, and freedom from disunion excitement, would re- turn. But the time for such an ending already lay in the past ; thereafter the outlook was to grow steadily darker year by year. Slavery lowered like a thunder-storm on the horizon ; and though sometimes it might seem for a moment to break away, yet in reality it had reached that stage when, until the final all- engulfing outburst took place, the clouds were bound for evermore to return after the rain. CHAPTER XL THE PRESIDENT WITHOUT A PARTY. The Whigs in 1840 completely overthrew the Democrats, and for the first time elected a president and held the majority in both houses of Congress. Yet, as it turned out, all that they really accomplished was to elect a president without a party, for Harrison died when he had hardly more than sat in the pres- idential chair, and was succeeded by the vice- president, Tyler of Virginia. Harrison was a true Whig ; he was, when nominated, a prominent member of the Whig party, although of course not to be compared with its great leader, Henry Clay, or with its most mighty intellectual chief and champion in the Northeast, Daniel Webster, whose mu- tual rivalry had done much to make his nomi- nation possible. Tyler, however, could hardly be called a Whig at all ; on the contrary, he belonged rightfully in the ranks of those ex- treme Democrats who were farthest removed from the Whig standard, and who were as 238 THOMAS HART BENTON. mucli displeased with the Union sentiments of the Jacksonians as they were with the per- sonal tyranny of Jackson himself. He was properly nothing but a dissatisfied Democrat, who hated the Jacksonians, and had been nominated only because the Whig politicians wished to strengthen their ticket and insure its election by bidding for the votes of the dis- contented in the ranks of their foes. Now a chance stroke of death put the presidency in the hands of one who represented this, the smallest, element in the coalition that over- threw Van Bur en. The principles of the Whigs were hazily out- lined at the best, and the party was never a very creditable organization ; indeed, through- out its career, it could be most easil}^ defined as the opposition to the Democracy. It was a free constructionist party, believing in giving a lib- eral interpretation to the doctrines of the Con- stitution ; otherwise, its principles were purely economic, as it favored a high tariff, internal improvements, a bank, and kindred schemes ; and its leaders, however they might quarrel among themselves, agreed thoi'oughly in their devout hatred of Jackson and all his works. It was on this last point only that Tyler came in. His principles had originally been ultra-Democratic. He had been an extreme THE PRESIDENT WITH OUT A PARTY. 239 strict constructionist, had belonged to that wing of the Democracy which inclined more and more towards separation, and had thus, on sev- eral grounds, found himself opposed to Jack- son, Benton, and their followers. Indeed, he went into opposition to his original party for reasons akin to those that influenced Calhoun ; and Seward's famous remark about the '' ill- starred coalition between Whigs and Nulli- fiers " might with certain changes have been applied to the presidential election of 1840 quite as well as to the senatorial struggles to which it had reference. Tyler, however, had little else in common with Calhoun, and least of all his intellect. i He has been called a mediocre man ; but this is unwarranted flattery. He was a politician of monumental littleness. Owing to the nicely- divided condition of parties, and to the sheer accident which threw him into a position of such prominence that it allowed him to hold the balance of power between them, he was en- abled to turn politics completely topsj^-turvy ; but his chief mental and moral attributes were • peevishness, fretful obstinacy, inconsistency, in- capacity to make up his own mind, and the ability to quibble indefinitely over the most mi- croscopic and hair-splitting plays upon words, together with an inordinate vanity that so ^?N 240 THOMAS HART BENTON. I blinded him to all outside feeling as to make I him really think that he stood a chance to be \ renominated for the presidency. The Whigs, especially in the Senate, under Henry Clay, prepared at once to push through various measures that should undo the work of the Jacksonians. Clay was boastfully and dom- ineeringly sure of the necessity of applying to actual governmental work the economic the- ories that formed the chief stock in trade of his party. But it was precisely on these eco- nomic theories that Tyler split off from the Whigs. The result was that very shortly the real leader of the dominant party, backed by almost all his fellow party men in both houses of Congress, was at daggers drawn with the nominal Whig president, who in his turn was supported only by a " corporal's guard " of fol- lowers in the House of Representatives, by all the office - holders whom fear of removal re- duced to obsequious subserviency, and by a knot of obscure politicians who used him for their own ends, and worked alternately on his vanity and on his fears. The Democrats, led by Benton, played out their own game, and were the only parties to the three-cornered fight who came out of it with profit. The de- tails now offer rather dry reading, as the eco- nomic theories of all the contestants were more THE PRESIDENT WITHOUT A PARTY. 241 or less crude, the results of the conflict inde- cisive, and the effects upon our history ephemv eral. Clay began by a heated revival of one of Jackson's worst ideas, namely, that when the people elect a president they thereby mark with the seal of their approval any and every measure with which that favored mortal or his advisers may consider themselves identified, and indorse all his and their previous actions. He at once declared that the people had shown, by the size of Harrison's majority, that they demanded the repeal of the independent treas- ury act, and the passage of various other laws in accordance with some of his own favorite hobbies, two out of three voters, as a matter of fact, probably never having given a second thought to any of them. Accordingly he pro- ceeded to introduce a whole batch of bills, which he alleged that it was only yielding due respect to the spirit of Democracy to pass forth- with. Benton, however, even outdid Clay in paying homage to what he was pleased to call the *' democratic idea." At this time he speaks of the last session of the Twenty-Sixth Congress as being " barren of measures, and necessarily so, as being the last of an administration super- seded by the popular voice and soon to expire ; 16 242 THOMAS HART BENTON. and therefore restricted by a sense of propriety^ during the brief remainder of its existence, to the details of business and the routine of service." According to this theory an interregnum of some sixteen weeks would intervene between the terms of service of every two presidents. He also speaks of Tyler as having, when the legislature of Virginia disapproved of a course he wished to follow, resigned his seat " in obe- dience to the democratic principle," which, ac- cording to his views, thus completely nullified the section of the Constitution providing for a six years' term of service in the Senate. In truth Benton, like most other Jacksonian and Jeffersonian leaders, became both foolish and illogical when he began to talk of the bundle of vague abstractions, which he knew collectively as the " democratic principle." Although not so bad as many of his school he had yet gradu- ally worked himself up to a belief that it was almost impious to pay anything but servile heed to the " will of the majority ; " and was quite unconscious that to surrender one's own manhood and judgment to a belief in the divine right of kings was only one degree more ignoble, and was not a shadow more logical, and but little more defensible, than it was blindly to deify a majority — not of the whole people, but merely of a small fraction consisting of those who hap THE PRESIDENT WITHOUT A PARTY. 243 pened to be of a certain sex, to have reached a certain age, to belong to a certain race, and to fulfill some other conditions. In fact there is no natural or divine law in the matter at all ; how large a portion of the population should be trusted with the control of the government is a question of expediency merely. In any purely native American community manhood suffrage works infinitely better than would any other system of government, and throughout our country at large, in spite of the large num- ber of ignorant foreign-born or colored voters, it is probably preferable as it stands to any modification of it ; but there is no more '' nat- ural right " why a white man over twenty-one should vote than there is why a negro woman under eighteen should not. " Civil rights " and " personal freedom " are not terms that neces- sarily imply the right to vote. People make mistakes when governing themselves, exactly as they make mistakes when governing others ; all that can be said is, that in the former case their self-interest is on the side of good govern- ment, whereas in the latter it always may be, and often must be, the reverse; so that, when any people reaches a certain stage of mental development and of capacity to take care of its own concerns, it is far better that it should it- self take the reins. The distinctive features of 244 THOMAS HART BENTON, tlie American system are its guarantees of per- sonal independence and individual freedom ; that is, as far as possible, it guarantees to each man his riglit to live as he chooses and to regu- late his own private affairs as he wishes, with- out being interfered with or tyrannized over by an individual, or by an oligarchic minority, or by a democratic majority ; while, when the in- terests of the whole community are at stake, it is found best in the long run to let them be man- aged in accordance with the wishes of the ma- jority of those presumably concerned. Clay's flourish of trumpets foreboded trouble and disturbance to the Jacksonian camp. At last he stood at the head of a party controlling both branches of the legislative body, and de- voted to his behests ; and, if a little doubtful about the president, he still believed he could frigliten him into doing as he was bid. He had long been in the minority, and had seen his foes ride roughshod over all he most believed in ; and now he prepared to pay them back in their own coin and to leave a heavy balance on his side of the reckoning. Nor could any Jack- sonian have shown himself more domineering and influenced by a more insolent disregard for the rights of others than Clay did in his hour of triumph. On the other side, Benton braced himself with dogged determination for the THE PRESIDENT WITHOUT A PARTY. 245 struggle ; for he was one of those men who fight a losing or a winning battle with equal resolution. Tyler's first message to Congress read like a pretty good Whig document. It did not dis- play any especial signs of his former strict con- struction theories, and gave little hope to the Democrats. The leader of the latter, indeed, Benton, commented upon both it and its author with rather grandiloquent severity, on account of its latitudinarian bias, and of its recommen- dation of a bank of some sort. However, the ink with which the message was written could hardly have been dry before the president's mind began to change. He himself probably had very little idea what he intended to do, and so contrived to give the Whigs the impression that he would act in accordance with their wishes ; but the leaven had already begun working in his mind, and, not having much to work on, soon changed it so completely that he was willing practically to eat his own words. Shortly after Tyler had sent in his message outlining what legislation he deemed proper, he being by virtue of his position the nominal and titular leader of the Whigs, Clay, who was their real and very positive chief, and who was, more- over, determined to assert his chieftainship, in his turn laid down a programme for his party to 246 THOyfAS HART BEXTOy. follow, introducing a series of resolutions de- claring it necessary to pass a bill to repeal the sub-treasurv act, another to establish a bank, another to distribute the proceeds of the public land sales, and one or two more, to which was afterwards added a bankruptcy measure. The sub-tre4 ; votes for Buchanan, 354 ; candidate for governorship, 354 ; stumps the State, 354 ; respected at the Nortli, 355 ; prepares his " Abridgment of the Debates of Congress," 35() ; death, 350 ; value of his works 357 ; criticism of the Dred Scott case, 358 ; and of the new Democratic theories, 358 ; domestic relations, 360 ; extensive knowledge, 3G0 ; on board the Princeton at time of explosion of great gun, 361 ; gen- erous temper, 362. Biddle, Nicholas : president of Bank of United States, 110: his er- rors, 124 ; his bank goes to pieces, 208. Birney, James G. : abolitionist can- didate for Presidency, 291, 292 ; folly of nominating him, 293, 294, 310. Blair, Francis C, displaced, 317. Buchanan, James : on annexation of Texas, 310 ; Benton votes for him, 354. Burr, Aaron : introduces " spoils system " in New York, 81 ; com- pared with Benedict Arnold, 163. Calhoun, John C. : rupture with Jackson, resignation from Vice- Presidency, 86; position concern- ing tariff in 1816, 89 ; position as a nullifier, 90 ; introduces nullifi- cation resolutions, 103 ; threat- ened with hanging, 104 ; arranges compromise with Clay, 106 ; sub- sequent quarrel with Clay con- cerning this, 110 ; his purposes at this time, 111 ; assails Jackson, 132 ; opposes Webster's bill for rechartering bank, 133 ; on the expunging resolution, 141 ; pro- poses constitutional amendment for distribution of Treasury sur- plus, 144 ; opposes appropriating Treasury surplus for fortifications, 146 ; attack on President Pierce, 166 ; his honesty, 168 ; on ad- mission of Texas 180 ; in connec- tion with trouble with Mexico, 260 ; on the Oregon question, 285 ; instrumental in election of 24 Polk, 292; letter to Lord Aher- deen, 300 ; assaileil by Biuiton as to annexation of Texas, 307, 309 ; action as to legislation al)i>ut Texas, 313 ; relations as to Mex- ican war, 314 ; and tlie Wilmot Proviso, 323 ; resolution as to power of Congress over slavery in the territories, 323-326 ; not a " Union man," 326 ; on the ad- mission of Oregon, 326, 327, 328 ; dislikes Taylor's message to Con- gress, 331. California, admission of, 337. Caroline, affair of the, 270. Cartwright, Peter, 33. Cass, Lewis : nominated for Presi- dency, 329. Cherokees, treaty for their removal, 171. Clay, Henry : introduces his first tariff bill, 58 ; secretary of state under Adams, 61 ; assailed there- for, and fights Randolph, 02; de- vises the Panama mission, 03 ; leader of National Republican or Whig party, 86 ; defies " the South, the President, and the devil," 90 ; erroneous statement as to effect of tariff in the West, 91 ; angers the nuUifiers, 99 ; de- feated in presidential election in 1832, 100 ; alarmed at position of Calhoim, 106 ; and prepares com- promise, 106 ; afterward quarrels about it with Calhoun, 110 ; be- friends Bank of the United States, 124, 127, 129; effect on his po- litical fortunes, 125 ; introduces resolution for return of depos- its, 131 ; also for censuring Pres- ident Jackson, 132 ; opposes Web- ster's bill for rechartering Bank, 136 ; on the expunging resolution, 141 ; opposes establishment of mints at the South, 144 ; also ap- propriating surplus for fortifica- tions, 146 ; in financial crisis of 1837, 200; on the sub-Treasury bill, 201, 205 ; on resumption, 202, 203 ; opposes payment of state debts by national govern- ment, 221 ; prepares financial measures upon Tyler's accession, 240, 244 ; construction of a presi- dential election, 241 ; programme for legislation under Tyler, 245 ,• attempts to introduce hour -lim- its for speeches in Senate, 250* 370 INDEX. 252 ; lectures Tyler in the Bank debate, 256 ; defeated by Polk, 290 ; causes thereof, 310 ; attacks Taylor's message to Congress, 331 ; proposes compromise of sla- very controversy, 331 ; defeated by Benton, 336 ; compared with Benton, 339. Crawford, William H. : adopts the " spoils system," 80. Crockett, David, 27, 33 ; berates Jackson, 113. Cumberland Road, Benton votes against bill for, 58. Davis, Jefferson : compared with Benedict Arnold, 163 ; a repudia- tor, 220 ; and Calhoun's resolution as to slavery, in the territories, 325 ; protests against admission of California, 338. Drayton, family, loyalty of the fam- ily in South Carolina, 96. Florida, the treaty securing it to the United States, 41. Foote, Senator from Mississippi, op- position to his public land scheme by Benton and Webster, 77. Fremont, John C. : explores Rocky Mountains, 283 ; Benton will not vote for, 3.54 ; Benton's interest in his explorations, 363. Giddings, Joshua R., sound policy of, 294. Harrison, Wm. Henry : election not affected by slavery question, 235 ; death and character, 237. Hartford Convention, criticised by Benton, 31, 78 ; causes of, 49. Houston, Samuel, 34 : wins victory of San Jacinto, 180 ; hates Van Buren, 188 ; description of, 327 ; votes to admit California, 338. Indian tribes, Benton on the re- moval of, .55 ; criticism on treat- ment of, 57, 172, 347 ; removal of Cherokees in 1836, 171. Jackson, Andrew : affray with Ben- ton, 28 ; befriended by Benton at Washington, 32 ; in presidential election of 1824, 29, 60 ; incensed against Adams and Clay, 61 ; suc- cess in election of 1828, 59 ; char- acter of his following, 71, 74, 75; his opponents, 72 ; his victory compared with Jefferson's, 73 ; compared with Wellington, 73 ; foster-father of the " spoils sys- tem,"' 79, 82 ; inferior character of his cabinet, 86 ; relations of his followers with those of Clay and Calhoun, 86 ; struggles with the Bank and the nullifiers, 88 ; expected to support nullification, 96 ; but does not, 97 ; repudiates Calhoun and adopts Van Buren, 97 ; at the Jefferson birthday ban- quet, 98 ; again defines his posi- tion, 99 ; signs new tariff bill, 99 ; reelected in 1832, 100 ; issues proclamation against nullification, 101 ; special message on nulli- fication, 102 ; opinion on tariff, 102 ; threatens to hang Calhoun, 104 ; signs " force bill," also Clay's compromise bill, 108 ; be- haves badly in case of Georgia, 112; attack on U. S. Bank, 114 ei seq. ; reasons of his political success, 116 ; opposes re-charter of Bank in message of 1829, 117 ; vetoes bill for re-charter, 127 ; re- elected, 130 ; removes tlie de- posits, 130 ; protests against Clay's resolution of censure, 133 ; con- tinued assaults on the Bank, 139 ; gives a dinner to the expungers, 141 ; signs bill for distributing Treasury surplus, 153 ; issues Treasury order concerning pay- ments for public lands, 155 ; Kitchen Cabinet and " machine politics," 184, 185; liking for Van Buren, 186 ; his nationalism, 234 ; praised by Benton for hanging Arbuthnot and Ambrister, 272 ; favors annexation of Texas, 298 ; and Van Buren, 299. Jefferson, Thomas : character of his following, 70, 71 ; his victory com- pared with Jackson's, 73 ; his pseudo-classicism, 92 ; quoted as authority for nullification, 95 ; celebration of birthday of, 97. Lee, Robert E. : military standing of, 38. Lincoln, Abraham : services in anti- slavery cause, 159. Livingston, Edward : aids in prepar- ing proclamation against nullifi- cation, 101. Lucas, Benton's duel with, 28. INDEX. 371 Madison, James, quoted, 1G3. Marcy, Wm. L., adopts "spoils sys- tem," 81 ; criuges to the South, 108. McDuffle, passage at arms witli Ben- ton, 304, 305 ; deceives Benton as to taxes, 313. MoLeod, Alexander, case of, 271. Missouri, character of its popula- tion, 39 ; admission to the Union, 43, 47 ; land titles in, 45. Missouri Compromise bill, 43 ; not the beginning of the slavery and anti-slavery divisions in the Union, 48 ; Benton concerning repeal of, 349. Monroe, James, remarks, 47, 58, 59 ; signs bill for trading road, 53. New Orleans, Benton's astonishing description of, 93. Oregon, dispvited between Great Britain and the United States, 50 ; Benton's remarks concerning, 51 ; comes into notice again in J. Q. Adams's term, 65; final set- tlement of the matter, 260-273 ; neglected in Ashburton treaty, 278, and by Calhoun, 278, and others, 279 ; Benton's feeling about, 281, 284; bill for settle- ment of, 284 ; Calhoun on the ad- mission of, 326-328. Panama mission, disputes concern- ing, 63-65. Phillips, Wendell, estimate of, 160. Pierce, Franklin, assailed by Cal- houn, 166 ; relations with Ben- ton, 344, 345 ; a valuation of, 345 ; Benton upon pro-slavery tendencies of, 359. Polk, James K., character of his following, 234 ; and the South- western boundary, 287 ; elected President, 290, 310 ; estimate of, 292 ; deceives Benton as to Texas, 313 ; displaces Blair, 317 ; rela^ tions with various portions of Democratic party, 317, 318. Randolph, John : duel with Clay, 62. Rynders, Isaiah, a type, 291, 292. Seminoles, war with, 209-216. Taney, Roger B., removes the de- posits, 12K) ; afterward made chief justice, 131 ; criticised T)y Benton for his opinion in Dred Scott case, 358. Taylor, Zachary, elected President, 329 ; character, 330, 337 ; message to Congress, 331 ; dies, 337. Tyler, John, opposes " Force Bill," 105 ; estimate of, on his acces- sion, 237 ; his political affiliations, 238-240 ; first message to Con- gress, 246 ; conduct concerning bill for establishing a bank, 254- 257 ; his cabinet resigns, 257 ; identifies himself with the sep- aratist Democrats, 298 ; schemes for annexation of Texas, 300, 306 ; assailed by Benton, 307, 309 ; be- havior at time of explosion of gun on board the Princeton, 361. Van Buren, Martin, supports Craw- ford for Presidency in 1824, 61 ; adopts " spoils system," 81 ; adopted by Jackson as his heir, 97 ; Vice-President, 100 ; product of " machine politics," 184 ; be- friended by Jackson, 186 ; sketch of, and causes of his elevation, 186-188 ; his inaugural, 188 ; finan- cial crisis and his doings therein, 189 et seq., 194, 196, 197 ; finan- cial measures, 200 ; has to deal with the Seminoles, 209 ; public dishonesty under, 219 ; charged with squandering the public money, 230 ; significance of hia defeat, 234 ; slavery question did not arise in his administration, 235 ; champion of old-style Union Democrats, and opposed to an- nexation of Texas, 298 ; candidate for Presidency, 299, 310 ; and the Free Soil party, 329. War of 1812, a cause of the, 7; political influence on Benton, 30. Warsaw, social habits of the town, 36. Webster, Daniel, position of, con- cerning Clay's first tariff bill, 58 ; position on the tariff ques- tion in 1828, 67 ; in the debate on Foote's resolution concerning sales of public land, 77, 97 ; leader of National Republican, or Whig, party, 86 ; aids Jackson in nulli- fication troubles, 103, 104 ; ad- vocates the "force bill," 105; re* olute in opposition to the Soutl^ B72 INDEX. 106, 107, 108; remarks as to his services, 111 ; befriends Bank of United States, 124, 126, 127, 129 ; personal relations with the Jack- sonians, 131 ; introduces bill for re- charter of Bank, 136 ; on the expunging resolution, 14:2 ; sup- ports establishment of mints at the South, 1-14; opposes appro- priating Treasury surplus for for- tifications, 116 ; in financial crisis of 1837, 200; on sub-Treasury scheme, 201, 205 ; opposes pay- ment of state debt by national government, 221 ; remains in Ty- ler's cabinet, 257 ; negotiates treaty with England, settUng bound- aries between United States and British possessions, 260, 262, 268 ; criticised by Benton, 273-277, 280 ; neglects Oregon controversy, 278 ; compared with Benton on the slavery question, 320, 339 ; com- pliments Benton's knowledge, 360 ; on friendly terms with Benton, 362. Wellington, Duke of, compared with Washington and Jackson, 73. Wilmot Proviso, Benton's remarks upon, 323, 336. Wright, Silas, adopts " spoils sys- tem," 81 ; expresses the " dough face " sentiment at time of nulli- fication troubles, 107. 4 I I 91mencau Statesmen Edited by John T. Morse, Jr. Each, i6mo, cloth, gilt top, $1.25 ; half morocco, $2.50, The set, 31 volumes, half levant, ^77.50. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. By John T. Morse, Jr^ SAMUEL ADAMS. By James K. Hosmer. PATRICK HENRV. By Moses Coit Tyler. GEORGE WASHINGTON. By Henry Cabot Lodge. 2 vols. JOHN ADAMS. By John T. Morse, Jr. ALEXANDER HAMILTON. By Henry Cabot Lodge. GOUVERNEUR MORRIS. By Theodore Roosevelt. JOHN JAY. By George Pellew. JOHN MARSHALL. By Allan B. Magruder. THOMAS JEFFERSON. By John T. Morse, Jr. JAMES MADISON. By Sydney Howard Gay. ALBERT GALLATIN. By John Austin Stevens. JAMES MONROE. By President D. C. Gilman. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. By John T. Morse, Jr. JOHN RANDOLPH. By Henry Adams. ANDREW JACKSON. 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