Qass Book. Go^glit}J°_ CilR^niGUT DEPOSm ■)f3 II w nndZf^ "/' ^'^?J ^■. ^s^EfljiiEir [K]a§ir©[Fia[E^3 MAS ai^^nrsr^ii^^s ^^ILADELPHIA 7'T, QRAMBO 1 M. f> ^ c^; Htppincotfs Cabinet lijstnriES nf t^t Itatts, MASSACHUSETTS THE -HISTORY OF MASSACHUSETTS, TROM ITS (gnrliBHt IrttlmBHt tn l^t ^mn\ €iiii^ BY w. H. Carpenter. ^ ^3. > PHILADELPHIA: LIPPINCOTT, GRAMBO & CO. 1853. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1853, by T. S. ARTHUR and W. H. CARPENTER, in the Clerk's OflSce of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. STEREOTYPED BT L. JOHNSON AND CO. PHILADELPHIA. PUBLISHERS' PREFACE. There are but few persons in this country who have not, at some time or other, felt the want of an accurate, well written, concise, yet clear and reliable history of their own or some other state. The want here indicated is now about being sup- plied; and, as the task of doing so is no light or superficial one, the publishers have given into the hands of the two gentlemen whose names appear in the title-page, the work of preparing a series of Cabi- net Histories, embracing a volume for each state in the Union. Of their ability to perform this well, we need not speak. They are no strangers in the literary world. What they undertake the public may rest assured will be performed thoroughly ; and that no sectarian, sectional, or party feelings will bias their judgment, or lead them to violate the integrity of history. The importance of a series of state histories like those now commenced, can scarcely be estimated. Being condensed as carefully as accuracy and interest of narrative will permit, the size and price of the volumes will bring them within the reach of every family in the country, thus making them home-read- ing books for old and young. Each individual will, 6 publishers' preface. in consequence, become familiar, not only with the history of his own state, but with that of other states : — thus mutual interest will be re-awakened, and old bonds cemented in a firmer union. In this series of Cabinet Histories, the authors, while presenting a concise but accurate narrative of the domestic policy of each state, will give greater prominence to the personal history of the people. The dangers which continually hovered around the early colonists ; the stirring romance of a life passed fearlessly amid peril; the incidents of border war- fare; the adventures of hardy pioneers; the keen watchfulness, the subtle surprise, the ruthless attack, and prompt retaliation — all these having had an im- portant influence upon the formation of the American character, are to be freely recorded. While the progres- sive development of the citizens of each individual state from the rough forest-life of the earlier day to the polished condition of the present, will exhibit a pic- ture of national expansion as instructing as it is inte- resting. The size and style of the series will be uniform with the present volume. The authors, who have been for some time collecting and arranging materials, will furnish the succeeding volumes as rapidly as their careful preparation will warrant. PREFACE. Quite a number of histories of Massachu- setts have already been written by diiferent authors, but they are, for the most part, con- fined to various periods anterior to the Revolu- tion. Though invaluable as sources of informa- tion, these works contain much that is of no possible interest to the general reader ; and are, besides, of so bulky and expensive a charac- ter that they can scarcely be regarded as coming within the ordinary scope of popular demand. In writing the present book, the aim has been to carefully compare and adjust the accounts given of the origin and progress of the state by the most reliable authorities ; to narrate faith- 8 PREFACE. fully every event necessary to a proper know- ledge of the people and the institutions by which they have been governed; and, by con- densing prolix details of no historical import- ance, to present within a reasonable compass all the essential facts which have hitherto been comprised in many volumes. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Early voyages to the New World — Bartholomew Gosnold — Exploration of the northern coasts of America — Attempt to found a colony in Buzzard's Bay — Its failure — Voyage of Pring — The harbours of Kennebunk, York, and Pisca- taqua discovered — Voyage of Weymouth — Five Indians kidnapped and sent to England — Formation of the Ply- mouth and London Companies — Voyages to the coast — The Sagadahoc settlement — Its abandonment — Voyage of Smith to the northern coast — His successful traffic with the natives — His map of the country — Names it New England — Reanimation of the rival companies — Smith's second voyIN(} Ci-LIFORNIA, OREGON, Ac, AND A MAP OF THB ISLaT^D of CUBA. BY W. WILLIAMS. 10 IIPPINCOTT, GRAMBO & CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. HINDS'S FARRIERY ANDJTUD-BOOK-NEW EDITION. FARRIERY, TAUGHT ON A NEW AND EASY PLAN: B£mo A ffitBfltisB m tljB Wmmm ani SlrriteEts nf tIjB Jimi ; With Instructions to the Shoeing Smith, Farrier, and Groom ; preceded by a Popular description of the Animal Functions in Health, and how these are to be restored when disordered. BY JOHN HINDS, VETERINARY SURGEON. With considerable Additions and Improvements, particularly adapted to this country, BY THOMAS M. SMITH, Veterinary Surgeon, and Member of the London Veterinary Medical Socie^, WITH A SUPPLEMENT, BY J. S. SKINNER. TO CARPENTERS_AND MECHANICS. JUST PUBLISHED. A NEW AND IMPROVED EDITION OF THE CARPENTER'S NEW GUIDE, BEING A COMPLETE BOOK OP LINES FOB CAHTHNTUTT AlTD JOIIT£Ilir; treating fully on Practical Geometry, Saffit's Brick and Plaster Groinfl, Niches of every description, Sky-lights, Lines for Roofs and Domes; with a great variety of Designs for Roofs, Trussed Girders, Floors, Domes, Bridges, &c., Angle Bars for Shop Fronts, Ac, and Raking Mouldings. ALSO, Additional Plans for various Stair-Cases, with the Lines for producing th« Face and Falling Moulds, never before published, and greatly su- perior to those given in a former edition of this work. BY WM. JOHNSON, ARCHITECT, OP PHILADELPHIA. The whole founded on true Geometrical Principles; the Theory and Practice well explained and fully exemplified, on eighty-three Copper-Plates, in- duding some Observations and Calculations on the Strength of Timber. BY PETER NICHOLSON, jenier and Joiner's Assistant," "The to the Five Orders," matic NEW AMERICAN EDITION, CORRECTED, WITH ADDITIONS. In one volume, I'lmo. €tf? Citq jUirrljnnt; nr, (Ejir BiistrriDns /ailua BY J. B. JONES, Autlior of " Wild Western Scenes," " Tlie Wesleru Merchant," 4i& ILLUSTRATED WITH TEN ENGRAVINGS. In one volume, 12mo. LAURENCE STERNE'S WORKS, WITH A LIFE OF THE AUTHOR: WRITTEN BY HIMSELF. W.iri SEVEN BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS, ENGRAVED BY GILBERT AlO GIHON, FROM DESIGNS BY DARLEY. One Tolume, octaTO ; doth, gilt tS IIPPINCOTT, GRAMBO & CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. RUSCHENBERGER'S NATURAL HISTORY. COMPLETE, WITH NEW GLOSSARY. THE ELEMENTS OfTaTURAL HISTORY, EMBRACING ZOOLOGY, BOTANY, AND GEOLOGYi J FOR SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, AND FAMILIES. BY W. S. W. RUSCHENBERGER, M. D. IN TWO VOLUMES. WITH NEARLY OJTK THOUSAND ILLUSTRATIONS, AND A COPIOUS GLOSSARY. ')i 3SBiiraii "Bn ani its Ikhbh; BEING A COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE MEXICAN WAR, EKBRACHtO ALL THE OPERATIONS UNDER GEIVERALS TAYLOR AND SCOTT. WITH A BIOGRAPHY OF THE OFFICERS. ALSO, AN ACCOUNT OF THE CONQUEST OF CALIFORNIA AND NEW MEXICO, Cnder Gen. Kearney, Cols. Doniphan and Fremont. Tojiether with Nume- rous Aneedote.<^ of the War, and personal adventures of the Officers. J\ lufltrated with Accurate Portraits and other Beautiful Engravings. In one volume, 12ino. A Book for every Family. THE DICTIONARY OF Domestic Medicine and Household Surgery. BY SPENCER THOMPSON, M.D., F.R.C.S., Of Edinburgh. ILLUSTRATED WITH NUMEROUS CUTS. BDITBD AND ADAPTED TO THE WANTS OF THIS COUNTRY, BT A WELL-KNOWN PRACTITIONER OP PHILADELPHIA. In one volume, demi-octavo.