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Copy 1
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Founded February 28, 1835.
Incorporated April 17, 1841.
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Passed Apnl IT, 1841.
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows :
Section 1. Peter G. Stuyvesant, Washington Irving,
George B. Rapelye, Egbert Benson, John Oothout,
•Abraham R. Lawrence, and Hamilton Fish, and such
other persons as now are associated as the St. Nicholas
Society of the City of New York, or may hereafter
become associated with them, are hereby constituted a
body corporate, by the name of "The St. Nicholas
Society of the City of New York."
Section 2. The objects of said Society are to afford
pecuniary relief to indigent or reduced members and
their widows and children.; to collect and preserve in-
formation respecting the history, settlement, manners,
and. such other matters as may relate thereto, of the
City of New York; and to promote social intercourse
among its native citizens.
Section 3. The said Corporation shall have power to
make or adopt a constitution, and by-laws, rules and
regulations for the admission of its members and their
( 4 )
government ; the ekction of its officers, and their
duties; the suspending or expelling any of its members;
and for the safe keeping and protection of its property
and funds; and from time to time to alter or repeal
such constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations. The
present officers shall hold their respective offices until
others shall be chosen in their places.
Section 4. The said Corporation may purchase and
hold any real or personal estate, but the annual income
thereof shall not exceed five thousand dollars,
Section 5. The said Corporation shall }X)ssess the
general powers, and be subject to the general restric-
tions and liabilities, prescribed in the third title of the
eighteenth chapter of the first ]mt of the lievised
Section 6. The Legislature may, at any time, alter or
repeal this act.
Section 7. This act shall take effi^ct immediately.
State of New Youk, )
Secretary's Office. )
I have compared the preceding with an original act
of the Legislature of this State, on file in this office,
and do certify that the same is a correct tmnscript
therefrom, and of the whole of said original.
John C. Spexcer,
Secretary of State.
Albany, April 19 Considting Physicians.
Atbt. R, Wyckoff, Anthony J. Bleeckeb,
David C. Golden, Jonathan Nathan,
Jamss Bow£n, Jobn a. Kinc^
ittxs tax Uit |ur 1830
GuLiAN C. Verplanck, President.
"Washington Irving, 1st Vice President.
Peter Schermerhoun, 2d do.
Cornelius Heyer, dd do.
Egbert Benson, 4, -r^ C Consulting Physicians.
Hugh M'Lean, M. D. ) ^ ^
Alex. R. Wyckoff, Anthony J. Bleecker,
David C. Golden, Jonathan Nathan,
Jauxs Bow£n, John A. Kino,
Jauss J. Jones.
( 2tJ )
(Officers for tire ^T^citr 184 2
Egbert Bemsox, President.
Petek Sciiermeriiorn, 1st Vice President.
William J. Van Wagexes, 2d do.
Jon.v Turner, 3d do.
James R. Man-lev, M. D. 4th do.
John Ootiiout, 2'rea.mrer.
Hamilton- Fish, Secretary.
James Manley, M. D., Assistant Secretary.
Robert Benson, Abraham Astev,
John Leveuidge, Samuel G. Raymond,
John B. Sciimelzei^ Alex. I. Cotheai,
James II. Kip, Abraham R. Lawkenob;
David C. Colden, Frederic De Peyster,
George B. R^vpelye, Jonathan Nathan.
Rt. Rev. Benj. T. Onderdonk, D. D. ) ^, , .
Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, D. D. \ ^^'«i^^«*"*-
William II. IIob.vrt, M. D. ) _, . .
T n A ^r TK y Phi/sicians.
John G. Adams, JI. D. j
John W. Francis, M. D. ) ^ , . „^ . .
Hugh M'Lean, M. D. \ ^"'""^'"^ Phys^c^a,u.
Alex. R. Wyckoff, Anthony J. Bleecker,
James J. Jones, Wilha.m Turner, M. D.
Jacob R. Nevius, Willum Dumont,
M. Charles Pateeson.
( 27 )
©ffittrs tax Un gtiu" 1843
Egbert Bknsox, President.
Peter Scheumeriiorx, 1st Vice President.
William J. Van Wauexex, 2d do.
James K. Manley, M. D. 3J do.
Abraham 11. Lawrence, ith d*.
Joux OoTiiouT, Treasurer.
Hamilton Fisu, Secretary.
James Manley, M. D., Assistant Secretary.
Robert Benson, Frederic De Peystek,
Alex. I. Cotueal, John Leveridge,
Abrauam Asten, John B. Sciimelzel,
Samuel G. Raymond, Jonathan Nathan,
James H. Kip, William H. Johnson,
David C. Golden, Robert Kermit.
Rt. Rev. Benj. T. Onderdonk, D. D. ) _, , .
^ T-r x^ T^ f Chaplains.
Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye, D. D. ) ^
William II. Hob art, M. D. ) „, . .
,, ^ V Physicians.
Jacob Harsen, M. D. )
John W. Francis, M. D. ) „ ,^. ^j . . „
^ h Consultmq Physicians.
Hugh M'Lean, M. D. ) -^ ^
Anthony J. Bleecker, AVilliam Dumost,
William Turner, M. D. il. Charles Paterson,
Jacob R. Nevius, Alex. R. Wyckoff,
John D. Van Beuren.
( 28 )
ittxs lax i\ij |nr 1844
Jah£S R. Manley, M. D., President.
Peter ScnERMERnoR>f, 1st \^ice President.
Wn-UAM J. Van Wagenen, 2J do.
Abrauam R. Lawrence, Zd do.
Ogden Hoffman, 4
John G. Adams,
)BART, M. D. ) „, . .
,,M.D. \Physici,
;[3, Jil.
John C. Cheesman, M.
John W. Francis, M. D. ) ^ . . „, . .
Y Constating Physicians.
Pierre M. Irving, James Breath,
Lewis Gaylord Clark, Charles R. Swords,
lficnoL.\s Low, Aaron B. Hays,
John T. St.igq.
( 32 )
(^ffitcrs fur 1^^ |£ar 1848.
John A. King, President.
J. De Peyster Ogdem, 1st Vice President.
Hamilton Fish, 2d do.
Ogde.v IIofkman, 3d do.
Egbert Benson, 4r T% f P'li/sictans.
John G. Adams, M. D. ) ^
John W. Francis, M. D. | ., . . _. . .
^ ^ ,, T^ f Gonsidtinq Physicians.
John C. Cueesman, M. D. ) -v if
Charles R. Swords, Pierre M. Irvino,
James Breath, Lewis Gaylord Clark,
Nicholas Low, Aaron B. Hays,
John T. Staog.
( 33 )
ittxs tax ilsj fnx 1849.
John A. King, President.
J. De Peyster Ogden, 1st Vice President.
Hamilton Fisii, 2d do.
Ogdev Hoffman, Sd do.
James H. Kip, 4r T^ I Consultinq Physicians.
Richard S. Ivissam, M. D. ) -v ^
Gerrit G. Van Waoenen, William Du.mo.nt,
Benjamin II. Field, Adrian B. Holmes,
John Van Buren, Peter H. V.^dekvookt,
Edward Slosson.
Tliis List comprises the 27ames of all loTio have signed the Constitution, except
the Karnes of such as have ceased to he Members ot/ierwise than by death or
Names of Presidents in capitals, d. deceased, r. resig^ied.
Abeel, George.
Adams, M. D., John G.
Adams, William.
Addoms, Charles.
Adriance, Isaac.
Allen, William M.
Alstyne, John.
Anderson, Smith W. d.
Anderson, M. D., James.
Anthony, Jacob.
Anthony, Henry T.
Antliony, Nicholas K.
Anthony, Kichard K.
Arthur, Edward H.
Ashfic-ld, Alfred.
Astor, William B.
Austin, William.
Aymar, Benjamin.
Baker, John.
Banlcer, Edward.
Bayard, Robert, r.
Beadle. M. D., Edward L.
Beck, M. D.,John B. r.
Bccbee, George W.
Bccckman, John II.
Beekman, James W.
Bookman, John K. d.
Bell, George.
Berrian, D. D., Rev. William.
Bctts, William.
Bibby, M. D., Edward N. r.
Biniiigcr, Abraham.
Bininger, Andrew G.
Bleecker, Anthony J.
Bleeckcr, Garrat N. d.
Bloodgood, Abraham, d.
Bloodgood, Natlianiel.
Bogardus, Robert, d.
Bogart, Eugene, d.
Bogert, M. D., Cornelius R. r.
Bogort, Henry K.
Bogert, Peter J.
Booream, M D., Augustus C.
Bowen, James.
Bowne, Samuel, r.
Boyce, Gerardus.
Boyd, John I.
Brady, Henry A.
Breese, W. G.
Breath, James.
Brevoort, Jr., Henry, d.
Brewer, Merwin R.
Brinckerhotf. Elbert A. r.
Brinckerlioff, James L. d.
Bristed, Charles Astor.
Brodhead, J. Romeyn.
Bronson, Arthur.
Brouwer, John.
Brown, James E.
Browne, George W.
Buckmaster, Thomas H.
Bunker, William J.
Bushnell, Charles J.
Campbell, Duncan P. r.
Campbell, James, r.
Campbell, John D. d.
Carow, Isaac, d.
Cebra, John Yates, r.
Chambers, James.
Chardavoyne, Thomas C.
Chardavoyne, William, d.
Clieesman, M. D., John C.
Cheesman, M. D., T. Matlack.
Clieesman. Oscar.
Chrystie, Thomas W. r.
Cisco, John J.
Clark, Edwin.
Clark, Hull.
Clark, Lewis Gaylord.
Clements, M. P., J. W. O.
Clinton, Charles A.
Codwise, David, r.
( 40 )
Colden, Bavid C. d.
Coleman, Robert B.
Coles, Isaac U. d.
Colvill, Alfred.
Colvill, John.
Cooke, Edward O.
Cooper, Peter.
Cooper, M. D., James S.
Cornell, George J.
Cotheal, Alexander I.
Cotlieal, Henry L.
Cotheal, Isaac Eugene.
Crane, Benjamin F. d.
Crane, John J.
Crane, Theodore, r.
Crosby, John P.
Crosby, William B.
Crosby, William U.
Cruger, Henry D.
Crugcr, William E.
Curry, Duncan L.
Dash, Daniel B. d.
Dash, Daniel B.
Dash, John B.
Davis, George, d.
Davis, Gilbert.
Dayton, William G.
Dean, Nicholas.
Deas, U. 8. N., Fitz Allen, d.
Dederer, Charles, d.
De Kay, George C. r.
De Kav, M. D., James E. r.
Delafieid. John, d.
DelaQeld, Edward.
Delamal«r, C. 11.
De Motte, Mortimer.
De Peysteb, Fbedebic.
De Peyster, James F.
De Pevster, Robert G. L. r.
De Peyster, William.
De Peyster, Pierra C. d.
De Peyster, J. Watts.
De Witt, D. D., Rev. Thqmas.
Dibblee, William W.
Dodge, William.
Douglas, William.
Drake, .John J.
Drake, M. D., Benjamin.
Drake, Elias Guion.
Du Bols, M. D., Abracq.
Duor, Denning.
Duer, George W. r.
Duer, William A. r.
Dumont, Robert.
Dumont, William.
Dunscomb, William E. r.
Edgar, Ncwbold, r.
Edgar, William, r.
Edmonds, Francis W. r.
Elgenbrodt, M. D., L.
Embury, Peter, r.
Erben, Henry.
Fardon, Sen., Abraham.
Fardon, Jr., Abraham.
Fardon, William.
Field, Benjamin H.
Field, Maunsell B.
Fink, Charles.
Fish, Hamilton.
Finlay, J. Beekman.
Fleming, Augustus.
Forrester, M. D., Jamea C.
Fowler, Theodosius A.
Fowler, John, Jr.
Fowler, Isaac V.
Francis, M. D., Henry M. d.
Francis, M. D., John W.
Fryer, Isaac.
Funck, Edward.
Funck, James.
Garr, Andrew S.
Gilbert, Clinton.
Giles, George W. d.
Gilford, Jr., Samuel.
Giraud, Daniel.
Giraud, Jacob P.
Glover, Samuel, r,
Goelet, Peter, r.
Goodhue, Robert C.
Gouvcrneur, Samuel L. r.
Graiiam, Charles, rf,
GreenBeld, John V. d.
Groshon, John.
Haight, D. Henry.
Haight, Benjamin, d,
Haight, George, d.
Haight, John E. d.
Hallett, William P. d.
Halsey, Anthony P.
Halsted. M. D., Jonathan.
Hamersley, Lewis C. d.
Hamersley, A. Gordon.
Hamilton, Jr., Alexander.
Hammond, Charles H. r.
Harsen, M. D., Jacob.
Hawkes, Wright.
Hays, Aaron B.
Heiser, Henry A.
Heiser, Christopher.
Henry, Philip.
Henry, John T.
Heyer, Corneliu.i, d.
Heyer, Edward P. r.
Heyer, Henry A. d.
Hicks, Silas, Jr.
Hobart, Davton.
Hobart, M.D., William H.
Hoffman, Charles F.
Hoffman, George E. r.
Hoffman, Lindl'ey M.
Hoffman, Martin.
Hoffman, Murray.
Hoffman, Richard K. r.
Holmes, Adrian Bancker.
Hone, Philip, d.
Hone, Robert S. r.
( 41 )
Hook, Gulian.
Hook, John de Wlnt.
Hosack, M. D., David, d.
Hull, Oliver, r.
Hunter, M. D., Abraham T. d.
Hunter, M. D., William A.
Irving, Ebenezer, r.
Irving, Gabriel F. d.
Irving, John Treat, d.
Irving, John Treat.
Irving, Washington.
Irving, Pierre M.
Jackson, M. D., William H,
Jacobus, Lyman A.
Jacobson, Frederick.
Jay, John.
Jay, Peter Augustus, d.
Johnson, James C. r.
Johnson, Jeromus, r.
Johnson, William, d.
Johnson, William H.
Johnson, William Templeton.
Johnson, D. D., Eev. William L.
Jones, John Q.
Jones, David S. d.
Jones, Edward B. d,
Jones, George.
Jones, James I.
Jones, Jr., Isaac, d.
Jones, Samuel, d.
Jones, William G. r.
Judah, 8. B. Helbert.
Keese, -John D. d.
Kearny, Philip I. d.
Kemble, Gonverneur.
Kemble, Richard F.
Kemble, William.
Kermit, Robert.
Kiersted, Henry T.
King, Charles.
King, John A.
King, .Tames G. d.
Kingsland, Ambrose C.
Kingsland, Daniel C.
Kip, B. Livingston.
Kip, James H.
Kip, Leonard W.
Kissam, M. D., Richard 8.
Knapp, Gideon Lee.
Knox, John M.
Labagh, John I. d.
Laight, Edward W. d.
Laight, William E.
Lang, John, d.
Lawrence, Abraham K.
Lawrence, John L. d.
Lawrence, Richard M.
Lawrence, William A. d.
Lawrence, William B. r.
Lawrence, Ferdinand.
Lee, James, r.
Lee, Benjamin C.
Lefferts, James, d.
Leonard, John, d.
Leveridge, M. D., Benjamin C.
Le Conte, John L. r.
Le Roy, Daniel, r.
Le Roy, Herman, d.
Le Roy, Jr., Herman.
Le Roy, Jacob.
Le Roy, Jacob R.
Lorillard, Jacob, d.
Livingston, John W.
Lott, Henry, r.
Low, Cornelius, d.
Low, Nicholas.
Lownds, James M. d.
Lownds, Oliver M. d.
Ludlow, M. D., Edward G. r.
Luqueer, Francis T.
Macdonough, Augustus B,
McCoun, William T. r.
McEvers, Bache, d.
McEvers, Jr., Cbarle% t,
McFarlan, Francis.
McKnight, M. D., J. M. 8. d.
McLean, M. D., Hugh, d.
Mc Vicar, M. D., Benjamin, r.
Mandeville, William, r.
Manley, M. D., James.
MA.NLET, M. D., Jameb B. d.
Many, Francis V.
Many, Francis.
Maxwell, William H. r.
Mercein, Thomas R. d,
Mesier, Edward S.
Milledoler, M. D., Philip E. r.
Miller, Silvanus.
Minturn, Robert B.
Mitchell, George.
Moore, Boltis, d.
Morford, C. A.
Morris, M. D., Richard L.
Morse. Samue) F. B. r.
Mount, Jr., Richard E.
Murray, John R.
Murray, Jr., John R.
Murray, D. Colden.
Nathan, Seixas. d.
Neilson, Anthony Bleecker.
Nesbitt, George F.
Nevius, Jacob" E.
Nichols, Robert, r.
NicoU, Henry, r.
NicoU, S. Tbwnsend.
Oakley, Edward J.
Oakley, Charles, r.
Oakley, Cornelius.
Ogden, M. D., John D.
OoDEN, .Tames Pe Petsteb.
Ogden, Richard H.
Ogden, Nicholas G,
Ogsbury, Francis, d.
Onderdonk, Rt Rev. Benjamin T.
Oothout, John.
Oothout, William.
( 42 )
Parsliall, Charles, d.
I'attersoii, Mattbew C. d,
Paulding, James K. r.
rauUlintr, Williani, d.
Pell, Duncan C.
Pell, John B.
Penfold, Edmund.
Phoonix, Daniel A. d.
Pierrepont, Henry E.
I'ierson, Henry L. r,
Pinkney, James H.
Popham, Charles H. d.
I'rime, Frederick.
Prime, Kufus.
Quackenbos, Mangle M. r
Quftckenbos, Nicholas.
Eapelje, George, d,
Rapelye, George B.
Ray, liichard, d.
Ray, Robert.
Raymond, Samuel G. d.
Reed, Isaac H.
Remsen, Robert G.
Remsen, William.
Remsen, Ucnry Rutgers.
Renwick, LL. D., James.
Rhinelander, William C.
Rich, James V.
Ridley, John.
Roberts, Marshall O.
Robinson, Henry.
Robinson, Beverley.
Robinson, AVilliam Duer, r.
Rockwell, M. D., William.
Rodgers, M. D., J. Kcirny, d.
Rogers, George Pi.Kton.
Rogers, John, d.
Roinaine, Benjamin, r.
Romaino, Samuel 'B.r.
Roomo, Charles.
Roosevelt, Cornelius V. S.
Roosevilt, Jr., James I.
Roosevelt, James A.
Roosevelt, Samuel.
Ruckel, M. D., Philip P. d.
Rutherford, Lewis M.
Stuyvesant, Petee G. d.
Schell, Augustus.
Schcll, Richard.
Schermerhorn, Abraliara, d.
Schermerhorn, Aug. V. C. r.
Schermerhorn, Archibald Bruce,
fechermerhorn, Edmund H. ;•,
Schermerhorn, James Leffcrts, d.
bchermerhorn, John.
Schermerhorn, John Jones, r
Schermerhorn, M. D., John P.
Sc/icrmcrliorn, John S. d.
Schermerhorn, Peter A d
Schermerhorn, Peter B.
Schermerhorn, Peter, d
Schmelzel, George J.
Scbmclzel, George.
Schmelzel, John B.
Schoon maker, Henry.
Seaman, John F
Seton, Alfred.
Seymour. Daniel, d.
Sidell, AVilliam U. r.
Simonson, John, d. '
Skellorn, George W. r.
Skiddy, Francis.
Skidmore, Samuel T.
Slipper, Henry U. r.
Slosson, Edward.
Slosson, John.
Smith, M. D., Charles D.
Smith, Cornelius.
Smith, Fletcher, d.
Smith, George B. r.
Smith, Thomas R r
Smith, Uriah J.
Stagg, Benjamin.
Stagg, Jr., Benjamin, d,
Stagg, John T. d.
Stagg, Junius T.
Stagg, Peter, d.
SUples, AVilliam J.
Stevens, Robert L. r.
Stewart, James I. d
Stout, Aquilla G.
Stoutenburgh, AVilliam E.
Storm, Garrit, d.
Storm, John G.
Striker, Garrit H.
Strong, Charles E.
Strong, Oliver S.
Strong, George T.
Strong, George AV. r.
Strong, James, (/.
Stuyvesant, Gerard.
Stuyvesant, Nicholas W.
Sutphen, John.
Suydatn, David Lydig.
Suydam, Jr., Henry.
Suydam, John R.
Suydam, Peter M.
Swartwout, Samuel, r
Swords, Charles R.
Swords, Edward J.
Swords, George H.
Swords, James E.
T.-ilman, George F.
Tappan, D. D., Henry P.
Thomas, James P. r.
Thompson, Alexander B.
Thome, John M.
Tillou, Francis R.
Tisdale, John H.
Titus, James H.
Titus, Peter S.
Tompkins, Minthome.
Tompkins, Ray.
Townscitd, Effingham L.
Townsend, Isaac, r.
Townsend, John J.
Tucker, Fanning C. r
Turk, U. S. N., ^Villia^, r.
( 43 )
-or, John,
Aimer, M. D., AVilliam,
Tylee, Daniel E. r.
Van Antwerp, James.
Van Buren, John D.
Van Beuren, M. M.
Van Bcnschoten, James.
Van Buren, John.
Van Duzcr, Selali.
Van Norden, James,
Van Nest, Abraliam.
Van Nostranci, James.
Van Nostrand, Jacob.
Van Olind.% A. B.
Van Wyck, Charles.
Van AVagenen, George A.
Van Wagenen, Gerrit G.
Van Wagenen, Hubert, r.
Van Wagenen, Willi.ani I.
Van Winkle, Edgar S.
Van Zanilt, Peter P.
Vandervoort, Charles.
Vandervoort, James.
Vandervoort, John L. r.
Vandervoort, Peter II.
Vandervoort, Peter L. d.
Vanderpoel, Aaron.
Varick, Abraham, r.
Varick, Richard.
Vermilye, Washington Eomeyn.
Vermilye, William M.
Vermilye, D. D., Pvcv. Thomas E.
Verplanck, Gulian 0.
Verplanck, Samuel.
Waddell, William Coventry II.
AValdron, Victor B. d.
Walker, John W. d.
"Walsh, Alexander Kobertson.
Walsh, James W. r.
"Ward, Augustus H.
Ward, Richard R. r.
Ward, Jr., Samuel.
Ward, Sylvester L. U.
Warner, Andrew.
Warner, Peter R.
Warren, John.
Waters, George G.
Walts, John, d.
Webb, James Watson.
Wemple, Christopher Y.
Wenman, Evert, d.
"U'essells, Francis.
"Wcssells, Wessell.
Westcrvelt, Harman, d.
Westervelt, Harman C.
Westervelt, John S.
"Westervelt, Jacob A.
Westervelt, Isaac Y.
"Wilkes, M. D., George, r.
Wilkins, Gouv'r Morris, r.
Willis, Oliver W. d.
Willis, William H.
Wilmerding, William E.
Winthorp, Benjamin Robert.
Winthrop, Ileury R.
Winthrop, Thomas C.
Wisner, William U.
Wolfe, Christopher.
Wolfe, John.
Wood, M. D., .James R.
Wood, J. Warden.
Wyckoff. Alexander R. d.
"Wyckoff, Henry I., d.
Wyckoff, Henry.
Wyckoff, Henry S.
Wynkoop, Augustus, d.
Zabriskie, Albert G.
Zabriskie, Martin R.
014 220 217 7 \