Library of Congress."^! Chap.. A ^UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.^| 3^Iag of tfic Socictg at onalouial ^ar«. REGISTER OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS 1 897- 1 898 $ CONSTITUTION OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY $ NEW-YORK January, 1898 '^ \ ^S S6 Printed by James Pott & Company Fourth Avenue and 22D Street New York NOTE. As the final pages of this Register are going to press, our country is engaged in its first conflict with a Continental Power, and it is fitting that this opportunity be taken to extend the good wishes of the Society to its numerous members in the army, navy, and volunteer forces of the United States who are in active service against Spain, and to wish them a speedy and safe re- turn to their homes or stations. The General Society is actively engaged in raising a Patriotic War Fund, to be used for the purpose of show- ing its devotion to our country. June, j8p8. I255e CONTENTS. General Officers and Delegates. Constitution of the General Society. Officers and Members of the State Societies in the Order of their Establishment. New-York Society. Pennsylvania Society. Maryland Society. Massachusetts Society. Connecticut Society. District of Columbia Society. New Jersey Society. Virginia Society. New Hampshire Society. Vermont Society. Illinois Society. Missouri Society. Ohio Society. Nebraska Society. Minnesota Society. Kentucky Society. California Society. Colorado Society. Iowa Society. Georgia Society. Michigan Society. Vv^isconsin Society. Delaware Society. Rhode Island Society. Summary. Index of Ancestors and Descendants, (To avoid repetition the services of ancestors will only appear in the index.) The General Society of Colonial Wars was organ- ized on May 9 and 10, 1893, in the Governor's Room, City Hall, New- York, by delegates from five States and the District of Columbia. A Con- stitution was adopted on May 10, 1893, subject to the approval of a majority of the delegates present at an adjourned meeting of the General Assembly, and the General Officers were then elected. An adjourned meeting of the General Assembly was held at the Hotel New Netherland, New-York City, on December 19, 1893, and the Constitution as amended unanimously adopted. The final session of the First General Assembly was held in Congress Hall, Philadelphia, May 7 and 8, 1896, The Second General Assembly is to be called in Baltimore, in May 1899, unless previously assembled by special order. Meetings of the General Council were held in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia, on May 8, 1894; in New- York City, on November 12, 1894; in the City Hall, Baltimore, May 13 and 14, 1895; in New- York City, December 19, 1895; in Congress Hall, Philadelphia, May 7, 1896; in New- York, Novem- ber 19, 1896; in New Haven, May 13, 1897, and in Boston, December 21, 1897. OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS. 1 896- 1 899. Governor-General. Frederic J. de Peyster, 7 East 426. Street, New-York City. T)eputy Governors-General. New-York, T. J. Oakley Rhinelander, 41 Wall Street, New-York City. Pennsylvania, Richard McCall Cadwallader, 133 South 1 2th Street, Philadelphia. Maryland, General Joseph Lancaster Brent, Balti- more. Massachusetts, Dr. Francis Ellingwood Abbot, Cambridge. Connecticut, Hon. Frederick John Kingsbury, Waterbury. District of Columbia, Rear-Admiral Francis Asbury Roe, U. S. N., 1232 17th Street, N. W., Wash- ington. New Jersey, Malcolm Macdonald, Princeton. Virginia, Hon. Richard Thomas Walker Duke, Jr., Charlottesville. New Hampshire, Hon. Henry O. Kent, Lancaster. Vermont, Colonel Edward A. Chittenden, St. Albans. Illinois, Josiah Lewis Lombard, Reaper Block, Chi- cago. Missouri, Henry Cadle, Bethany. Ohio, Michael M. Shoemaker, 667 West 4th Street, Cincinnati. Nebraska, Hon. J. Stirling Morton, Nebraska City. Minnesota, Rukard Hurd, St. Paul. 5 Kentucky, David May Jones, Harrodsburg. California, Spencer Roane Thorpe, Los Angeles. Colorado, Arthur S. Dwight, Argentine, Kan. Iowa, Right Rev. William S. Perry, Dubuque. Georgia, John A. G. Carson, Savannah. Michigan, Truman H. Newberry, Detroit. Wisconsin, Captain Philip Reade, U. S. A., Fort Snelling, Minn. Delaware, Hon. Ignatius C. Grubb, Wilmington, Rhode Island, Governor Elisha Dyer, Providence. Secretary-General. HowLAND Pell, Room 6i8, Lords Court Building, 40 Exchange Place, New York, N. Y. Deputy Secretary-General, Frederick Everest Haight, 49 Leonard Street, N. Y. Treasurer-General. Edward Shippen, 532 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Deputy Treasurer-General. Walter Chandler, Elizabeth, N. J., and 120 Broad- way, N. Y. C. Registrar- General. George Norbury Mackenzie, 1808 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Md. Historian- General. The Reverend Charles Ellis Stevens, LL.D., D.C.L., 2217 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Chaplain-General. Right Reverend Henry Benjamin Whipple, D.D., LL.D., Faribault, Minn. Surgeon-General. Charles Samuel Ward, M.D., Bridgeport, Conn. 6 Chancellor -General. Governor Roger Wolcott, Boston, Mass. State Secretaries. Oregon, Joseph H. Batchelder, Portland. Washington, J. Kennedy Stout, Spokane. DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES TO THE Second General Assembly of the Society OF Colonial Wars. 1 896- 1 899. New- York Society. Delegates. Hon. Abraham R. Lawrence, Hon. Willard Bartlett, Hon. Elihu Root, Howard R. Bayne, Geo. R. Schieffelin. Alternates. Frederic H. Betts, Frederick Clarkson, William G. Davies, Walter L. Suydam, Edward de P. Livingston. Pennsylvania Society. Delegates. Edward Shippen, M.D., T. Chester Walbridge, Wm. Macpherson Horner, Geo. Cuthbert Gillespie, Edward S. Sayres. Alternates. James W. Cooke, Charles H. Hutchinson, Capt. Henry H. Bellas. Francis O. Allen, Dr. Wm. H. Klapp. Maryland Society. Delegates. McHenry Howard, Edward A. Jenkins, Richard C. Hoffman, John A. Wilson. Col. Henry A. Ramsay. Alternates. Rev. H. W. Ballantine, Thomas M. Smith, Julian H. Lee, Walter de C. Poultney, John P. Paca. Massachusetts Society. Delegates. Alternates. James A. Noyes, Edward T. Barker, Albert A. Folsom, George S. Barton, Walter G. Page, Henry O. Houghton, Myles Standish, M.D., Arthur J. C. Sowdon, Abijah Thompson. John A. Remick. Connecticut Society. Delegates. Alternates. Prof. Theodore S. Woolsey, Hon. M. B. Beardsley, Maior B. p. Learned, Prof. Hy. Fairfield Osborn, Henry C. Sturges, Col. Louis R. Cheney, Charles Edw. Gross, Archibald H. Smith, Ralph W. Cutler. Charles F. Chapin. District of Columbia Society. Delegates. General Absalom Baird, U. S. A. A. Howard Clark, Wm. Van Zant Cox, Chas. F. T. Beale, Joseph Cuyler Hardie. New Jersey Society. Delegates. Alternates. Frank O. Briggs, Henry P. Toler, George E. Koues, William F. Morgan, Gen. W. S. Stryker, Bradford Darrach, William M. Deen, George S. Wylie, John Eyerman. Chas. G. Rockwood, Jr. New Hampshire Society. Delegates. Gen. William Davis Sawyer, Charles Eastman Staniels, Col. James Forney, U.S.M.C, Capt. William Lithgow Wiley, Frederic Bacon Philbrook. Vermont Society. Delegates. Hon. Urban A. Woodbury, Gen, Theodore S. Peck, Col. William Seward Webb, Col. Robert J. Kimball, Col. Edward C. Smith. 9 Illinois Society. Delegates. Hempstead Washburne, Henry S. Boutell, Samuel E. Gross, Frank B. Tobey, Rev. Abbott E. Kittredge, Alternates. George W. Newcomb, Albert E. Snow, Edward B. Case, William W. Strong, Charles D. Dana. [Missouri Society. Delegates. Dr. Edgar C. Hays, Rev. Samuel N. Watson, David D. Sabin, Prof. Alexander F. Fleet, Hon. Chas. E. Pearce. Alternates. John F. Randall, Lauren C. Eastman, James W. Atwill, Lieut. F. A. Winter, U.S.A. Hugh C. Ward. Ohio Society. Delegates. Hon. Samuel F. Hunt, Ralph Peters, George E. Pomeroy, Ephraim M. Wood, Frederick B. Shoemaker. Nebraska Society. Delegates. Edwin C. Webster, William F. Smith, John T. Thompson, Wllliam H. Alexander, Charles A. Hanna. Alternates. Charles W. Hamilton. Frank T. Hamilton, Clement Chase, Charles F. Ladd, Charles P. Woolworth. Delegates. Charles P. Noyes, Jacob Stone, Delos a. Monfort, Lewis A. Robinson, James H. Skinner. (Minnesota Society. Alternates. John Townsend, Robert \. Farrington, William K. Coffin, George M. Phillips, Major Charles H. Whipple. lO Kentucky Society. Delegates. Capt. Alex. M. Wetherell, Wm. Lafon Halsey, Gary H. Bacon, Thomas P. Grant, M.D., Gharles H. Todd, M.D., Alternates. Daniel L. Gooch, Matthew L. Akers, Paul Jones. Anderson G. Quisenberry, Hervey McDowell, M.D. California Society. Delegates. Alternates. Rev. Wm. A. Brewer, Asahel G. Avery, Geo. T. Klink, Edward R. Dimond, H. A. Nichols, Lt.-Gol. W. A. Elderskin, Gapt. a. H. Payson, Fred'k S. Moody, J. K. Stout, Lieut.-Gom. J. R. Stanton. Colorado Society. Delegates. GoLONEL T. W.-M. Draper, Hon. Henry R. Wolcott, George W. Pierce, Nathan F. Trumbull, Benjamin B. Lawrence, Alternates. Hon. Joel F. Vaile, Hon. Edward O. Wolcott, Austin G. Gorham, Henry Le B. Wills, Charles Denison. Delegates. Rev. William Salter, Silas W. Gardiner, Marvin B. Pool, Frank A. Millard, EsEK S. Ballord. Iowa Society. Alternates. Rev. Glinton H. Weaver, George A. Goodell, Lauren G. Eastman, William P. Brady, Rev. S. R. J. Hoyt. Georgia Society. Delegates. Thomas P. Waring, M.D., William R. Leaken, Anthony S, Byers, Hugh Hagan, M.D., Hugh Vernon Washington. 1 1 Michigan Society. Delegates. Frederick T. Sibley, RuFus W. Gillette, W. C. McMillan, Theodore H. Eaton, Alternates. Henry W. Skinner, Edward L. Woodruff, Sydney T. Miller, Benjamin H. Scranton. Wisconsin Society. Delegates. Alternates. William W. Strong, Frank Slosson, Wyman K. Flint, William H. Upham, John W. P. Lombard, Ellis B. Usher, Charles G. Stark, William W. Wight, William K. Coffin. William J. Starr. '%hode Island Society. Delegates. V. Mott Francis, M.D., Joshua Wilbour, Geo. C. Nightingale, Gen. Hunter C. White, R. Hammett Tilley. Alternates. H. R. Storer, H. B. Tompkins, M. McA. Smith, G. M. Smith, M.D., L. F. Burrough. 12 CONSTITUTION. PREAMBLE. Whereas, It is desirable that there should be adequate celebrations commemorative of the events of Colonial History happening from the settlement of Jamestown, Va., May 13, 1607, to the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775 • Therefo7^e, The Society of Colonial Wars has been instituted to perpetuate the memory of those events, and of the men who, in mili- tary, naval, and civil positions of high trust and responsibility, by their acts of counsel, as- sisted in the establishment, defense, and preser- vation of the American Colonies, and were in truth the founders of this nation. With this end in view it seeks to collect and preserve manuscripts, rolls, relics, and records ; to pro- vide suitable commemorations or memorials relating to the American colonial period, and to inspire in its members the fraternal and patriotic spirit of their forefathers, and in the community, respect and reverence for those whose public services made our freedom and unity possible. 13 ARTICLE I. NAME. The Society shall be known by the name and title of the General Society of Colonial Wars. ARTICLE 11. MEMBERSHIP. Any male person above the age of twenty- one years, of good moral character and reputa- tion, shall be eligible to membership in the Society of Colonial Wars, who is lineally de- scended in the male or female line from an ancestor : (i) Who served as a military or naval offi- cer, or as a soldier, sailor, or marine, or as a privateersman, under authority of the Colonies which afterward formed the United States, or in the forces of Great Britain which participated with those of the said Colonies in any wars in which the said Colonies were engaged, or in which they enrolled men, from the settlement of Jamestown, May 13, 1607, to the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775; or 14 (2) Who held office in any of the Colonies between the dates above mentioned, either as (a) Director-General, Vice-Director-General, or member of the Council, or legislative body in the Colony of New Netherlands; {d) Governor, Lieutenant or Deputy Gov- ernor, Lord Proprietor, member of the King's or Governor's Council, or legislative body in the Colonies of New- York, New Jersey, Vir- ginia, Pennsylvania, and Delaware ; (c) Lord Proprietor, Governor, Deputy Gov- ernor, or member of the Council, or of the leg- islative body in Maryland and the Carolinas ; (rtf) Governor, Deputy Governor, Governor's Assistant, or Commissioner to the United Colo- nies of New England, or member of the Coun- cil, body of Assistants, or legislative body in any of the New England Colonies. One collateral representative of an ancestor such as above specified, shall be eligible to membership, provided there be no existing lin- eal descendant, and provided that such person be the oldest collateral representative in the male line, of such ancestor, or has filed with the Secretary-General of the Society written re- nunciations from all other persons having nearer claims to representation. No State Society shall adopt any rule of eli- gibility for membership which shall admit any person not eligible for membership in the Gen- eral Society. 15 But any State Society may, except as to members transferred from another State Society, further restrict, at its discretion, the basis of eligibility for membership in its own society. ARTICLE III. GENERAL SOCIETY. The General Society of Colonial Wars shall consist of the societies now existing in the States of New-York, Pennsylvania, Maryland* Massachusetts, Connecticut, and District of Columbia, and such other State Societies as may from time to time be duly organized and authorized by the General Society. Whenever the word " State " occurs in this Constitution it shall be held to include within its meaning the Territories of the United States, and the District of Columbia. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS. The officers of the General Society of Colo- nial Wars shall be — a Governor-General, a Deputy Governor-General from each State So- ciety, a Secretary-General, a Deputy Secre- tary-General, a Treasurer-General, a Deputy Treasurer-General, a Registrar-General, a His- torian-General, a Chaplain-General, a Chancel- i6 lor-General, and a Surgeon-General. With the exception of the Deputy Governor-Gen- erals the above officers shall be elected by a plurality vote of the delegates present at a General Assembly of the Society. Vacancies occurring by death or resignation may be filled by the General Council for the unexpired term. Each Deputy Governor-General shall be elected by a plurality vote of the delegates present in the General Assembly from the State from which said Deputy Governor-General is chosen. The above officers shall serve until the next regular meeting of the General Assembly, or until their successors are duly chosen. ARTICLE V. MEETINGS. The regular meetings of the General Society shall be termed " General Assemblies " and shall be held once every three years, at such time and place as the preceding General Assembly may elect. Special General Assemblies may be held upon the order of the Governor-Gen- eral, or upon the order of the Governors of three of the State Societies. General Assemblies shall consist of the Gen- eral Officers and five delegates from each State Society. Delegates or General Officers repre- senting a majority of the State Societies shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi- 17 ness; and proceedings shall be in accordance with parliamentary law. The order of busi- ness shall be — First. The calling of the General Assembly to order by the Governor-General, or in his ab- sence by the Secretary-General, Second. Prayer by the Chaplain-General. Third. Reading of Minutes of last General Assembly. Fo2irth. Report from Secretary-General. Fifth. Report from the Treasurer-General. Sixth. Reports from Committees and Offi- cers. Sevejith. Unfinished Business. Eighth. New Business. Ninth. Reports from State Societies. Tenth. Election of Officers. Eleventh. Benediction by the Chaplain-Gen- eral. The minutes of each Assembly shall be read before its final adjournment. ARTICLE VI. STATE SOCIETIES. Each State Society shall annually transmit to the Secretary-General a circular letter stating the number of its members, general matters of interest, and any suggestions which may be deemed of advantage to the Society. Each State Society shall, in the month of January in i8 each year, pay to the Treasurer-General the sum of $25.00. ARTICLE VII. POWERS OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY. The General Society shall have sole power of action in the national, as distinct from the State, affairs of the organization. It shall have jurisdiction to pass upon all questions of eligi- bility referred to it by the Registrar-General ; but shall not otherwise interfere in the regula- tions or government of any State Society, unless by a plurality vote of the General Assembly, when the surrender of a State charter may be demanded, should an investigation show that such action is necessary for the welfare of the Societies at large. It shall have power to grant charters to States other than those in which the Society is already organized, provided that at least nine persons duly qualified to be members make such application. It shall issue the in- signia and the diploma of membership. It shall publish the Year-Book with the coopera- tion of the several State Societies ; and the cost shall be defrayed by the latter in proportion to their membership. The General Council, which shall be com- posed of all the General Officers, shall exercise the powers of the General Society (except those of demanding State charters, and of amending 19 the Constitution) between meetings of the General Assembly, to which latter body it shall regularly report all its transactions. ARTICLE VIII. GOVERNOR-GENERAL. The Governor-General, or in his absence, a duly selected temporary presiding officer, shall preside at all General Assemblies and meetings of the General Council of the Society. ARTICLE IX. SECRETARY-GENERAL. The Secretary-General shall be keeper of the Great Seal of the Society, and of the General Society flag, and of the diploma. He shall con- duct the general correspondence of the Society and keep a record thereof He shall have charge of the printing and publications of the Society. He shall give due notice of the time and place of the holding of all meetings of the General Assembly, and of the General Council ; and shall keep full record of their proceedings. ARTICLE X. TREASURER-GENERAL. The Treasurer-General shall collect and keep the funds and securities of the Society, and 20 deposit and invest them subject to the direction of the General Council. Out of these funds he shall pay such sums as may be ordered by the General Council. He shall keep a full account of his receipts and payments, and at each Gen- eral Assembly, or when required by the General Council, shall render an account of the same. He shall be custodian of the die of the insignia, and may issue the insignia and rosettes. For the faithful performance of his duty, he may be required to give such security as the General Council may deem proper. ARTICLE XI. REGISTRAR-GENERAL. It shall be the duty of each State Society to file with the Registrar-General a duplicate of the application of each member. The Registrar- General shall receive and file all duplicate applications upon which membership has been granted, with a list of all diplomas signed by him, and all documents which the Society may acquire. It shall also be his duty to submit to the General Council any application for mem- bership which, in his opinion, does not fulfil the requirements of Article II. of this Constitution. 21 ARTICLE XII. HISTORIAN-GENERAL. The Historian-General shall keep a detailed record of all historical and commemorative celebrations of the General Society, and shall edit and prepare for publication such historical addresses, papers, and other documents as the Society may decide to publish. ARTICLE XIIL CHAPLAIN-GENERAL. The Chaplain-General shall be an ordained minister of a Christian church, and it shall be his duty to officiate when called upon by the proper officers. ARTICLE XIV. CHANCELLOR-GENERAL. The Chancellor-General shall be a lawyer duly admitted to the bar, and it shall be his duty to give legal opinion on matters affecting the Soci- ety when called upon by the proper officers. ARTICLE XV. SURGEON-GENERAL. The Surgeon-General shall be a practising physician. 22 ARTICLE XVI. GREAT SEAL. The Great Seal of the General Society shall be : Within a beaded annulet, a title scroll, " 1607, General Society of Colonial Wars, 1775"; and in base the motto: "Fortiter Pro Patria," surrounding diaper charged with nine mullets. Over all a shield, surmounted of the crown, bearing American colonial seals quarterly of nine: I. Virginia: Argent, a cross gules between four escutcheons each regally crowned proper, the first and fourth escutcheons France and England quarterly; second escutcheon, Scotland ; third, Ireland. II. New-York : Argent, a beaver bendways proper, on a bor- dure tenny, a belt of wampum of the first. III. Massachusetts : Azure, on a mount between two pine trees vert, an Indian afFronte or, belted with leaves of the second, holding in his dexter hand an arrow paleways, point downwards, and in his sinister hand a bow paleways, of the third; upon a scroll proper, issuing from his mouth, the legend, " Come over and help us." IV. New Hampshire : Quarterly, first and fourth grand quarter of France and England ; second, Scotland; third, Ireland; over all an escutcheon of pretence ; azure billetee or, a lion rampant of the second, for Nassau. V. Connecticut: Argent, a dexter hand issuing out of clouds in dexter chief, holding a double scroll proper, 23 fesseways, bearing the legend, " Sustinet qui transtulit"; in base fifteen grape-vines, six, five, four, leaved and fructed proper, VI. Mary- land : Quarterly first and fourth paly of six or and sable, a bend counterchanged, for Calvert; second and third, per fesse and per pale argent and gules, a cross bottony counterchanged for Crossland (seal of Lord Baltimore). VII. Rhode Island: Azure, an anchor in pale or. VIII. New Jersey : Quarterly, first, England impal- ing Scotland; second, France; third, Ireland; fourth, per pale and per chevron; first, gules two lions passant guardant in pale or, for Brunswick ; second, or, sem6e of hearts, a lion rampant azure, for Lunenburgh ; third, gules, a horse courant argent, for Westphalia ; over all an inescutcheon gules, charged with the crown of Charlemagne. IX. Pennsylvania : Argent, on a fesse sable, three plates ; (Arms of Penn.) ARTICLE XVn. INSIGNIA. The insignia of the Society shall consist of a badge, pendant by a gold crown and ring, from a watered silk ribbon one inch and a half wide of red, bordered with white and edged with red. The badge shall be surrounded by a laurel wreath in gold and shall consist of: Obverse ; A white enameled star of nine points bordered with red enamel, having between each 24 •y- '■ starpoint a shield displaying an emblem of one of the nine original colonies ; and, within a blue enameled garter bearing the motto "Fortiter Pro Patria," an Indian's head in gold relievo. Reverse ; The star above described, but with gold edge, each shield between the points dis- playing a mullet, and in the center, within an annulet of blue bearing the title "Society of Colonial Wars, 1607-1775," the figure of a colonial soldier in gold relievo. The reverse of the crown of each insignia shall bear an engraved number, corresponding to that of the registered number of the member to whom such insignia has been issued. The insignia shall be worn by the members on all occasions when they assemble as such, for any stated purpose or celebration, and may be worn on any occasion of ceremony. It shall be worn conspicuously on the left breast; but members who are or have been Gentlemen of the Council of a State Society, may place a ro- sette of regulation pattern upon the silk ribbon from which it is pendant. Members who are or have been General Officers, or Officers of a State Society, may wear the insignia with three jewels in a crown, and suspended fiom a reg- ulation ribbon around the neck. Members who are or have been Governors, Deputy Gov- ernors, or Lieutenant-Governors of State So- cieties, or officers of the General Society may, in addition to the insignia so suspended, wear a 25 ribbon of the Society's colors, three and one- half inches in width, extending from the right shoulder to the left hip. The insignia shall be worn only as above prescribed. The rosette in use by the New York Society was adopted by the General Society, but by error the description was omitted in the Constitution. ARTICLE XVIII. DIPLOMA. The diploma of this Society shall bear the following words : General Society of Colonial Wars. To All Whom it May Concern. Greeting. Know ye, this is to certify that on the day of , in the year of our Lord , and in the year of this Society the Gentleman, was duly elected an Hereditary Member of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of by right of his de- scent from In witjiess whereof : We have here- unto signed our names and affixed the Great Seal of the General Society. Officers of the General Society. , Governor- General. Secretary- General. , Registrar- General. And countersigned by the Governor, Secretary, and Registrar of the State Society. 26 'S- '5 ^■'-i'^;5 ".1^ a''*^'. 1 •— -fc 3 a ' *r sr,3 5 — • « z£' *.<^^ >? S: — ""C^ ^? © ■5. •!^ 2-2 3 c !*•? ^ s S •*! -srS O 'l\ •^M *;4 Bordering the top and left side of the di- ploma is an ornamental scrollwork containing within the initial letter "G." of "General So- ciety," a representation of Captain Miles Stand- ish and a band of colonial soldiery; the initial surmounted by the imperial crown of the British empire, and having below it the motto of the Society. Ranged along the scroll are shields bearing the arms of the original nine colonies as emblazoned in the Great Seal of the Society; and around these are emblems of colonial war- fare, with the flags of Sweden and New Nether- land, and the rose, thistle, shamrock, and cornflower — badges respectively of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Germany. At the center, at top is a cluster of Indian weapons and the head of a Sachem charged upon the fleur-de- lis of France, ARTICLE XIX. FLAG. The flag of this Society shall consist of the red cross of Saint George on a white field, bear- ing in the center the escutcheon of the General Society surmounted by the crown and sur- rounded by nine stars. 27 ARTICLE XX. STATE SECRETARIES, It shall be competent for the General Council to appoint State Secretaries in States where no State Societies exist, with a view to represent the interest of this Society, and, if authorized to do so, to prepare for the organization of new State Societies. Such State Secretaries shall be sub- ject to the direction and regulation of the Gen eral Council. Their appointment shall be for a limited time, not to exceed one year, but may be renewed. They may be removed for cause, and their office shall terminate upon the organi- zation of, and grant of a charter to, a Society in their State. They shall communicate with and receive communication from the Society through the Secretary-General. ARTICLE XXL MEMBERS OF STATE SOCIETIES. The General Council shall elect to member- ship only charter members of new State Socie- ties ; whose membership shall be ipso facto trans- ferred to their own State Society with the grant of its charter. No State Society shall elect to membership persons resident within the territory of another State Society, except upon written consent given in advance by the Council of the latter Society. But members changing residence 28 from one State to another, or coming within the jurisdiction of a new State Society, may at their option retain membership in the State Society in which they were originally admitted. A member of any State Society may be ad- mitted to membership by action of the Coun- cil of another State Society, within the bounds of which he is resident, upon satisfactory proof of his membership in good standing in the So- ciety from which he comes, and subject to the rules and regulations of the Society he enters. An initiation fee shall not be twice required. ARTICLE XXII. ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS. No alterations of, or amendments to, this Constitution shall be made, unless proposed by the Council of a State Society in writing. The Secretary-General shall send a printed copy of the proposed amendment to each State Society, naming the time when and the place where it will be voted upon, and the voting shall take place in the General Assembly. Six months' notice shall be given to each Society. No amend- ment shall be made, unless adopted by a two thirds' vote of the State Societies through their delegates in the General Assembly, 29 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New York, was instituted August i8, 1892, and incor- porated October 18, 1892. The First General Court was held at Delmonico's December 19, 1892, Fred- eric J. de Peyster being elected first Governor and Howland Pell first Secretary of the Society. In May, 1893, the New York Society with the Societies in the States of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Massa- chusetts, Connecticut and the District of Columbia organized the General Society, these States having been previously chartered by the Society in the State of New York. The Second General Court and dinner were held at the Hotel Waldorf, Decem- ber 19, 1893. The Third General Court was held at the Hotel Waldorf, December 19, 1894, and the Annual Dinner held there February 1 1, 1895. The Fourth General Court was held at the same place, December 19, 1895. And the Fifth General Court was held there December 19, 1896, and the Fifth Annual Dinner was held at Delmonico's, January 28, 1897. The Sixth General Court held at Del- monico's new building, on December 20, 1897, and the Sixth Annual Dinner held there January 21, 1898. ^o OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Elected at the Sixth General Court, held December 20, 1897. Governor. Frederic], de Peyster. Deputy Governor. James W. Beekman. Lieutenant-Governors. Hon. Abraham R. Lawrence, Edward F. de Lancey, Edward de P. Livingston. Secretary. David Banks, Jr. 45 William Street, New-York. Deputy Secretary. Wm. Bleecker Seaman. Treasurer. Arthur M. Hatch. 96 Broadway, New-York. Registrar. Charles H. Pond. Chancellor. Frederic H. Betts. Vice-Chancellor. William G. Davies. Surgeons. F. Le Roy Satterlee, M.D. Gouverneur M. Smith,'M.D. Historian. Abraham B. Valentine. 31 Chaplain. RT. REVrWlM. C. DOANE. Genealogist. James H. Townsend. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Term expiring 1898. Term expiring 1899. HowLAND Pell, Philip Livingston, Howard R. Bayne, Madison Grant, Everett Pepperrell Wheeler. Cortland S. Van Rensselaer. Term expiring 1900, George R. Schieffelin, Frederick E. Haight, Walter L. Suydam. STANDING COMMITTEES. Committee on [Membership. Andrew A. Bibby, Edward N. Crosby, Edward Trenchard, Bayard F. Foulke, Francis T. Underbill, Morris P. Ferris, Anthony J. Bleecker. Committee on Historical Documents. Isaac Myer, Banyer Clarkson, Thomas Egleston, Sydney H. Carney, M.D.. Smith E. Lane. Committee on Installation and Stewards of the Society. Henry C. Swords, Philip Rhinelander, Henry S. Clark, Amory S. Carhart, Frederic D. Thompson. LOCAL SECRETARIES. James W. Cox, Jr., Cyrus K. Remington, Albany, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Geo. May Elwood, Rochester, N. Y. 32 NEW-YORK. LIST OF MEMBERS. Names of Charter Members are in Italics. [Numbers up to 105 were elected in 1892 ; 106 to 331 in 1893 I 33' 'o 472t '" 1894 ; 473 to 623 in 1895 ; 624 to 780 in 1896, and 781 to 899 in 1897.] STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 22^ Abbot, Francis Ellingwood, Cambridge, Mass. 228 4th in descent from Captain John Abbot. 659 Abbott, Hon. George Birch, Brooklyn. 1369 7th in descent from George Abbott. 6th in descent from John Pickering. 855 Adams, George H., New-York. 2240 4th in descent from Anthony Emery. 405 Adams, Henry Herschel, New-York, Colonel and A. 405 D. C, Conn. N. G. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Henry Adams. 8th in descent from Lieutenant James Converse. 7th in descent from Major James Converse. 6th in descent from Richard Thayer, 2d. }6} Aitken, William Benford, New-York. -^6} 7th in descent from Lieutenant Wilhelmus Beekman. 6th in descent from Colonel Gerardus Beekman. 594 Akerly, Reverend Samuel MiTCHiLL, Newburgh. 11 82 7th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Hulbert. 7th in descent from William Welles. 6th in descent from James Graham. 5th in descent from Colonel Augustine Graham. 6th in descent from Captain Jonathan Horton. 5th in descent from Governor Lewis Morris. 766 Albro, Reverend Addis, Greenville, Mich. 1667 6th in descent from Major John Albro. 7th in descent from Stukeley Westcott. 6th in descent from Governor Benedict Arnold. 5th in descent from Deputy Governor James Barker. 5th in descent from Major John Bliss. 33 NEIV-YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 418 Allen, Frederick Percival, Rochester. 660 5th in descent from John Allen. 7th in descent from Captain John Stanley. 760 Arnold, Benjamin Walworth, Albany. 161 1 9th in descent from Elder William Brewster. 8th in descent from Governor Roger Williams. 8th in descent from Captain James Avery. 7th in descent from Lieutenant James Avery. 7th in descent from Honorable Richard Treat. 6th in descent from Reverend James Noyes. 450 Arnold, Conway Hillyer, Jr., Second Lieutenant, 788 5th Artillery, U.S.A. 6th in descent from Colonel Richard Calloway. 138 AsTOR, John Jacob, New-York. 138 7th in descent from Oloff Stevensen Van Cortlandt. 3rd in descent from Colonel John Armstrong. 828 Atherton, Fisher, Buffalo. 2047 7th in descent from Major Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 827 Atwood, Edward Stanley, New-York. 2046 9th in descent from Stephen Hopkins. 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Roberts. 8th in descent from General James Cudworth. 7th in descent from Nicholas Snow. 7th in descent from Governor Thomas Hinckley. ^26 AvERiLL, Henry Ketchum, Plattsburgh. 987 8th in descent from Samuel Symonds. 7th in descent from Captain Jan Strycker. 6th in descent from Isaac Morgan. 6th in descent from Captain Epenetus Piatt. 5th in descent from Captain Stephen Noble. 4th in descent from Samuel Moore. 278 Avery, Frank Montgomery, New-York. 278 8th in descent from Captain James Avery. 7th in descent from Lieutenant James Avery, Jr. 34 NEW- YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 8th in descent from Captain George Denison. 7th in descent from Captain Daniel Wetherell. 870 Avery, Trueman Gardner, Buffalo. 2255 6th in descent from Captain James Avery. 501 Babcock, Joseph Noyes, New-York. 963 3rd in descent from Colonel Henry Babcock. 500 Babcock, Philip Sheridan, Nev/-York. 962 3rd in descent from Colonel Henry Babcock. 196 Backus, Brady Electus, Reverend, New-York. 196 6th in descent from Lieutenant William Backus. 9th in descent from Captain Thomas Bull. 8th in descent from Governor William Bradford. 7th in descent from Lieutenant William Pratt. 7th in descent from Major William Whiting. 6th in descent from the Reverend John Whiting. 4th in descent from Abner Mallary, 257 Backus, J. Bayard, New-York, 257 9th in descent from Governor William Bradford. 8th in descent from Major William Bradford. 8th in descent from Governor John Haynes. 7th in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. 6th in descent from Captain Samuel Talcott. 5th in descent from Major John Chester. 548 Bacon, Gorham, M.D., New-York. 1092 4th in descent from Lieutenant William Henshaw. 695 Bailey, Theodore, New-York. 1463 7th in descent from Colonel Abraham de Peyster, 106 Baker, Frank Leslie, New-York. 106 8th in descent from Lieutenant Phineas Upham. 670 Baker, George Comstock, Albany. 1380 7th in descent from Captain John Baker. 188 Baldwin, Joseph Clark, New-York. 188 6th in descent from Captain John Beard. 35 NEW-YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 12 Baldwin, Nathan Adolphus, Milford, Ct, 12 6th in descent from Major Robert Treat. 2}} Bangs, Anson Cuyler, Brooklyn. 2}} 6th in descent from Captain Jan Jansen Bleecker. ■^th in descent from Captain John Bleecker. 679 Banks, Hon. A. Bleecker, Albany. 1389 4th in descent from Colonel Josiah Ogden. 302 Banks, David, New-York. 302 4th in descent from Colonel Josiah Ogden. 107 Banks, David, Jr., Captain, i2th Regiment, N.G.N. Y. 107 8th in descent from Thomas Root. 8th in descent from John Plum. 7th in descent from Richard Man. 7th in descent from John Ogden. 5th in descent from Colonel Josiah Ogden. 298 Banta, Theodore Melvin, Brooklyn. 298 7th in descent from David Demarest. 7th in descent from Corporal Pierre Cresson. 7th in descent from Corporal Simon De Ruine. 5th in descent from Lieutenant Daniel Sayre. 321 Barclay, James Searle, New-York. 321 4th in descent from Captain John Searle. 420 Barnes, Alfred Cutler, General, Brooklyn. 662 9th in descent from Honorable Richard Treat. 8th in descent from Governor John Webster. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Robert Webster. 7th in descent from Captain John King. 6th in descent from Captain Thomas Colton. 6th in descent from Benjamin Burr. 6th in descent from Japhet Chapin. 5th in descent from Captain Joseph l,oomis. 886 Barnes, Alfred Victor, Brooklyn. 2271 9th in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 3(> NEW- YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 860 Barnwell, Morgan Gibbes, Tuxedo Park. 2245 5th in descent from John Barnwell. 7th in descent from Robert Livingston. 6th in descent from Matthew Clarkson. 604 Bartlett, Hon. Franklin, M. C, Colonel, 22d 1244 Regiment, N. G. N. Y. 7th in descent from Major Simon Willard. 454 Bartlett, George Frederic Hunter, M.D., Buffalo. 792 7th in descent from Robert Bartlett. 8th in descent from Captain Myles Standish. 8th in descent from Elder William Brewster. 8th in descent from John Alden. 282 Bartlett, John Russell, Captain, U. S. N. 282 7th in descent from John Russell. 605 Bartlett, Hon. Willard, Justice of Supreme Court 1245 of New-York. 7th in descent from Major Simon Willard. 856 Barrows, Ira, New-York. 2241 8th in descent from Captain Richard Bears. 200 Bassett, Charles Franklin, New-York. 200 8th in descent from William Bassett. 6th in descent from Colonel William Bassett. 9th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Dymoke. 8th in descent from Ensign Shubael Dymoke. 8 'Bayne, Howard Randolph, New- York. 8 3d in descent from Captain John Ashby. 515 Beach, Bennett Sheldon, M.D., Major and Surgeon, 977 22d Regiment, N. G. N. Y. 6th in descent from Captain John Minor. 5th in descent from Colonel Joseph Minor. 663 Beatty, Alfred Chester, New- York. 1373 8th in descent from Major Richard Smith. 8th in descent from John Ogden. 7th in descent from Captain Thomas Bull. 7th in descent from Captain William Lawrence. 31 NE IV- YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 384 Beatty, Robert Chetwood, New-York. 384 8th in descent from Major Richard Smith. 8th in descent from John Ogden. 7th in descent from Captain Thomas Bull. 7th in descent from Captain William Lawrence. 383 Beatty, William Gedney, New-York. 383 8th in descent from Major Richard Smith. 8th in descent from John Ogden. 7th in descent from Captain Thomas Bull. 7th in descent from Captain William Lawrence. 369 Beckurts, Charles Lewis, ist Lieutenant, 6th In- 369 fantry, U.S.A. 6th in descent from Captain John Paxton. 108 Beekman, James William, New-York. 606 108 6th 5th 8th 8th 8th 7th 7th 7th 7th 6th 5th 6th 5th 4th 4th 4th n descent from Lieutenant Wilhelmus Beekman. n descent from Colonel Gerardus Beekman. n descent from Oloff Stevensen Van Cortlandt. n descent from Brant Van Slichtenhorst. n descent from Colonel Peter Schuyler. n descent from Captain Philip Pieterse Schuyler, n descent from Colonel Jeremias Van Rensselaer, n descent from Major Abraham Staats, M.D. n descent from Alexander Lindsay Glen, n descent from Captain John Sanders Glen, n descent from Colonel Jacob Glen, n descent from Captain Johannes Wendell, n descent from Captain Johannes de Honneur. n descent from Captain Abraham Keteltas. n descent from Captain William Steele, n descent from Captain John Saunders. Belknap, Waldron Phcenix, New-York. 5th in descent from Samuel Belknap. 4th in descent from Captain Samuel Belknap. 8th in descent from Lieutenant William Avery. 7th in descent from Captain Johannes de Peyster. 38 1246 NEW-VORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Gersham Flagg. 5th in descent from Colonel John Williams. 787 Bell, Jared Weed, New-York. 1872 7th in descent from Lieutenant Francis Bell. 6th in descent from Captain Jonathan Bell. 8th in descent from Hon. Richard Treat. 8th in descent from Richard Warren. 7th in descent from Sergeant Richard Church. 7th in descent from Jasper Crane. 7th in descent from Thomas Hulbert. 7th in descent from Hugh Calkin. 6th in descent from Captain Thomas Benedict. 6th in descent from William Wodell. 4th in descent from Ebenezer Dowd. 356 Benedict, Robert Dewey, New-York. 356 3d in descent from Captain Stephen Dewey. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Benedict. 540 Benedict, James Augustus, New-York. 1084 6th in descent from Lieutenant Silas Sears. 833 Benedict, Lemuel Coleman, New-York. 2052 7th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Benedict. 6}6 Benedict, William de Liesseline, New-York. 1295 7th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Benedict. 468 Benjamin, Marcus, Washington, D. C. 875 8th in descent from Major William Bradford. 8th in descent from Captain Timothy Dwight. 8th in descent from Colonel Samuel Partridge. 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Lyman. 5th in descent from Lieutenant Matthew Mitchell. 808 Benson, Frank Sherman, Brooklyn. 1893 3d in descent from Dummer Sewall. 70 Berry, Gerald, Brooklyn. 70 6th in descent from Captain John Berry. 80 Betts, Frederic H., New-York. 80 3d in descent from Samuel Comstock Betts. 39 NEIP'-VORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 8th in descent from Governor John Haynes. 7th in descent from Governor George Wyllys. 7th in descent from Governor Wilham Leete. 5th in descent from Captain John Taylor. 4th in descent from Colonel Andrew Ward. 314 Betts, Louis Frederic Holbrook, New-York. 314 4th in descent from Samuel Comstock Betts. 9th in descent from Governor John Haynes. 9th in descent from Abraham Cruttenden. 9th in descent from Edward Rosseter. 7th in descent from Josiah Rosseter. 8th in descent from Governor George Wyllys. 7th in descent from Samuel Wyllys. 8th in descent from Governor William Leete. 6th in descent from Samuel Sherman. 6th in descent from Captain John Taylor. 5th in descent from Colonel Andrew Ward. 315 Betts, Samuel Rossiter, New- York. 315 4th in descent from Samuel Comstock Betts. 8th in descent from Edward Rosseter. 6th in descent from Hon. Josiah Rosseter. 68 BiBBY, Andrew A., New-York. 68 4th in descent from Charles Ward Apthorpe. 442 BicKLEY, Lawrence Wharton, New- York. 710 7th in descent from Lieut. -Governor Thomas Lloyd. 824 Billings, David Lane, New-York. 2043 9th in descent from Major Simon Willard. 7th in descent from John Howe. 6th in descent from John Wetherbee. 5th in descent from Captain Ephraim Wetherbee. 5th in descent from Captain James Johnson. 773 Bingham, Theodore Alfred, Washington, D. C. 1674 5th in descent from Lieutenant Jonathan Johnson. 390 Binney, William Greene, Burlington, N. J. 390 7th in descent from George Vickere. 7th in descent from Captain Thomas Cromwell. 40 NEIV-VORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 167 Bishop, Cortlandt Field, New-York. 167 7th in descent from John Bishop. 6th in descent from Colonel Abraham de Peyster. 607 BissELL, Eugene, Brooklyn. 1247 6th in descent from Major John Mason. 35 Bleecker, Anthony James, Captain, 71st Regiment, 35 N. G. N. Y. 7th in descent from Captain Jan Jansen Bleecker. 7th in descent from Lieut. Goozen Gerritze Van Schaick. 7th in descent from Captain Thomas Hicks. 7th in descent from Cadet Johannes de Peyster. 6th in descent from Captain Johannes de Peyster. 7th in descent from Antoine L'Espenard. 6th in descent from Captain Anthony Lispenard. 6th in descent from Mathew Clarkson. 861 Bliven, William Warren, Yonkers. 2246 4th in descent from Major Edward Bliven. 8th in descent from Benedict Arnold. 7th in descent from Deputy-Governor James Barker. 725 Bloodgood, Delavan, Medical Director, U.S. N., 1576 Brooklyn. 7th in descent from Capt. Frans Jansen Bloodgood. 122 Blunt, Stanhope English, Captain, Ordnance De- 122 partment, U.S.A. 7th in descent from Colonel Shadrach Walton. 7th in descent from Major Charles Frost. 7th in descent from Doctor John Cutler. 7th in descent from Sampson Sheafe. 6th in descent from Sampson Sheafe, Jr. 704 Boardman, Lansdale, New- York. 1472 8th in descent from Sergeant David Provoost. 7th in descent from Johannes Peiters Van Brugh. 7th in descent from Wilhelmus Beekman. 7th in descent from Frederick Phillipse. 4th in descent from Colonel Philip Van Home. 41 NEIV-YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. . GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 809 BoLMER, Thomas Henry, New-York. 1894 4th in descent from William Leonhard. 370 BooRAEM, Robert Elmer, New-York. 370 7th in descent from Edward Elmer. 5th in descent from Captain Jan Ariense Sip, 4th in descent from Colonel Cornelius Van Vorst. 691 BosTwicK, Henry Anthon, New-York. 1459 5th in descent from Reuben Bostwick. 9th in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 8th in descent from Governor William Leete. 8th in descent from Rev, John Woodbridge. 8th in descent from Ensign Robert Walker, 7th in descent from Captain John Seaman. 7th in descent from John Ruggles. 7th in descent from Ensign John Hitchcock. 7th in descent from Colonel Job Almy. 810 Boucher, Charles, New-York. 1895 9th in descent from Benjamin Butterfield. 624 I [Boutelle, Frank Warren, Slingerlands. 1283 6th in descent from John Boutelle, 8th in descent from Lieutenant Griffin Craft. 6th in descent from Joseph Hills. 4th in descent from John Boutwell. 4th in descent from Nathaniel Seaver. 76 BowEN, Clarence Winthrop, New-York. 76 6th in descent from Lieutenant Henry Bowen. 8th in descent from Captain Isaac Johnson. 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. 7th in descent from Major-General Daniel Gookin. 7th in descent from Captain John Winchester. 7th in descent from Dep.-Gov. Thomas Danforth. 502 Bowers, Henry, New-York. 964 7th in descent from Sergeant Ephraim Morton, 6th in descent from Charles Stockbridge, 244 Bowers, John Myer, New-York. 244 6th in descent from the Hon. Samuel Johnson, 42 NEIV-YOKK. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 295 Brackett, Robert Lambert, New-York. 295 6th in descent from Captain Anthony Brackett. 8th in descent from Captain Thomas Smith. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Pierpont. 514 Bradley, Frederick Lines, New-York. 976 7th in descent from Captain John Stanley. 240 Brainerd, Cephas, New-York. 240 5th in descent from Captain James Brainerd. 6th in descent from Ensign Jared Spencer. 245 Brainerd, Cephas, Jr., New-York. 245 6th in descent from Captain James Brainerd. 7th in descent from Ensign Jared Spencer. 774 Brenton, Cranston Hall, Jamaica. 1673 7th in descent from Governor WilHam Brenton. 529 Brewster, Henry Colvin, Rochester. 990 7th in descent from Captain George Denison. 435 Bright, Louis Victor, New-York. 701 4th in descent from Jacob Brecht. 37 Bristow, Frank H., Brooklyn. 37 8th in descent from Major Robert Treat. 372 Britton, Charles Price, New-York. 372 9th in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. 8th in descent from John Curtis. 7th in descent from John Porter, 7th in descent from George Adams. 6th in descent from Daniel Adams. 539 Brookfield, Henry Morgan, New- York. 1083 8th in descent from Captain James Avery. 7th in descent from Captain John Morgan. 293 Broome, George Cochran, Brooklyn. 293 6th in descent from Captain John Nelson. 888 Brown, Charles Holbrook, Buffalo. 2344 5th in descent from Captain Deliverance Brown. 43 NEW- YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. , GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 456 Brown, George Leroy, Capt., i ith Infantry, U. S. A. 863 8th in descent from Captain George Denison. 8th in descent from Major John Mason. 6th in descent from Captain Samuel Walker. 671 Brown, Goodwin, Albany. 138 1 8th in descent from John Bronson. 575 Brown, Harold, Providence, R, I. 1136 7th in descent from Governor Roger Williams. 7th in descent from Captain Arthur Fenner. 689 Brown, John Barker, New-York. 1457 9th in descent from William Bassett. 9th in descent from John Putnam. 8th in descent from William Hathorne. 8th in descent from John Porter. 5th in descent from Israel Hutchinson. 528 Brown, John Nicholas, Providence, R. I. 989 7th in descent from Governor Roger Williams. 7th in descent from Captain Arthur Fenner. 451 Brown, Louis, New-York. 789 5th in descent from Captain Deliverance Brown. 9th in descent from Captain Thomas Bull. 7th in descent from James Bishop. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Daniel White. 6th in descent from Captain Daniel White. 6th in descent from William Maltby. 503 Brown, Paul Richard, Major, Medical Dept., U.S.A. 965 5th in descent from Captain Johannis De Bruyne. 6th in descent from Johannis Pieterszen Van Brugh. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Stephen Richard. 5th in descent from Captain Paul Richard. 642 Brown, Walter Morton, Albany. 1301 9th in descent from Captain John Brown. 8th in descent from Captain Michael Pierce. 44 NEU^-VORrC. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 255 Brugler, Charles Edward, Reverend, Portchester. 255 6th in descent from Captain David Lacey. 731 Bryan, Foster Abel Kimball, New-York. 1582 6th in descent from Captain Asa Foster. 276 Bryant, Percy, M.D,, New-York. 276 10th in descent from William Collier. 9th in descent from General Constant Southworth. 8th in descent from Robert Paddock. 8th in descent from John Doane. 8th in descent from Thomas Clarke. 8th in descent from Henry Ewell. 8th in descent from John Howland. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Jabez Howland. 7th in descent from Captain Paul Sears. 254 Bryson, Andrew, New-York. 254 6th in descent from Captain Samuel Walker. 672 Buell, Frederick Follett, Troy, 1382 7th in descent from Captain Jonathan Buell. 8th in descent from Governor William Leete. 8th in descent from Major William Chittenden. 7th in descent from Captain Nathaniel Baldwin. 5th in descent from Colonel Ebenezer Norton. 864 Bunker, William, New-York. 2249 8th in descent from Lieutenant Lion Gardiner. 839 Burt, Stephen Smith, M.D., New-York. 2058 7th in descent from Henry Burt. 5th in descent from Joseph Burt. 805 BuRTis, Peter Phillip, Buffalo. 1890 8th in descent from Jan Manje. 718 BusHNELL, Clarence Munson, Buffalo. i486 8th in descent from Captain Thomas Munson. 135 Butler, Henry Percival. New-York. 135 7th in descent from Captain Samuel Green. 45 NEW-YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. - GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 786 Byington, Cassius Perkins, Cairo. 1871 6th in descent from Johannes Dyckman. 831 Byington, Charles Sperry, Albany. 2050 7th in descent from Joseph Loomis. 7th in descent from Robert Hinsdale. 6th in descent from Barnabas Hinsdale. 830 Byington, William Wilberforce, Albany. 2049 6th in descent from Joseph Loomis. 6th in descent from Robert Hinsdale. 5th in descent from Barnabas Hinsdale. 767 Calef, Amos Howard, New-York. 1668 7th in descent from Captain Jeduthan Baldwin. 705 Cammann, Edward Crary, New-York. 1473 6th in descent from Colonel Conrad Weiser. 181 Cammann, George Philip, New-York. 181 6th in descent from Colonel Conrad Weiser. 469 Cammann, Henry Lorillard, New-York. 876 6th in descent from Colonel Conrad Weiser. 814 Camp, Charles Lewis Nichols, Peekskill. 1899 8th in descent from John Brown. 7th in descent from Hon. Richard Treat. 7th in descent from Captain Thomas Willett. 7th in descent from Governor John Webster. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Robert Webster. 4th in descent from Captain Eldad Lewis. 778 Campbell, Benjamin Howell, New-York. 1679 7th in descent from Samuel Richardson. 7th in descent from Francis Collins. 7th in descent from William Jenkins. 488 Campbell, William Auchinbreck, New- York. 941 4th in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Campbell. 9th in descent from Philip Sherman. 8th in descent from Edward Richmond. 8th in descent from Col. Oloflfe Stevense Van Cortlandt. 46 NEW- YORK'. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 7th in descent from Col. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer. 7th in descent from Matthias Nicoll. 5th in descent from Jedediah Elderkin. 4th in descent from John Paige. 497 Capell, William Benton, New-York. 959 5th in descent from John Capell. 41 Carhart, Amory Sibley, New- York. 41 8th in descent from Major William Phillips. 835 Carhart, William Edward, Brooklyn. 2054 8th in descent from Major William Phillips. 549 Carleton, Horace Morrison, Brooklyn. 1093 5th in descent from George Carleton. 396 Carney, Sydney Howard, Jr., M.D., New-York. 396 4th in descent from Mark Carney. 9th in descent from Captain Richard Brackett. 8th in descent from Lieutenant William French. 8th in descent from George Abbott. 8th in descent from Simon Crosby, second. 4th in descent from Ensign Seth BuUard. 533 Carney, Sydney Howard, M.D., New- York. 1005 3d in descent from Mark Carney. 3d in descent from Ensign Seth Bullard. 87 Carnochan, Gouverneur Morris, ist Lieutenant and 87 Asst. I.R.P., 7th Regiment, N. G. N. Y. 7th in descent from Lieutenant William Beekman. 7th in descent from Colonel James Graham. 7th in descent from Major Abraham Staats, M.D. 6th in descent from Governor Lewis Morris. 5th in descent from Captain Henry Putnam. 72 Carpenter, James Oliver, Brooklyn. 72 8th in descent from William Carpenter. 473 Champlin, George Greenman, Boston, Mass. 926 7th in descent from William Champlin. 5th in descent from Lieutenant Jeffrey Champlin, 4th in descent from Captain Samuel Champlin, 47 NEW-YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. " GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 129 Chandler, Walter, Elizabeth, N. J. 129 7th in descent from Major Job Chandler. 6th in descent from Colonel William Chandler. 8th in descent from Colonel Richard Lee. 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 7th in descent from Major-Gen. Daniel Dennison. 5th in descent from Colonel Josiah Ogden. 403 Chapin, Henry Dwight, M.D., New-York. 403 6th in descent from Japhet Chapin. 7th in descent from Captain Timothy Dwight. 170 Chapman, Thomas Brownell, Hartford, Ct. 170 7th in descent from Robert Chapman, loth in descent from Richard Treat. 9th in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. 7th in descent from John Alden. 6th in descent from Colonel Sylvester Richmond. 6th in descent from Colonel Benjamin Church. 555 Chauncey, Elihu, New-York. 1099 4th in descent from Colonel Elihu Chauncey. 8th in descent from Major-General Daniel Gookin. 7th in descent from Governor John Haynes. 7th in descent from Colonel Edward Quincey. 7th in descent from John Hull. 6th in descent from Lieutenant John Walley. 5th in descent from Chief Justice Samuel Sewall. 169 Chenoweth, Alexander Crawford, New-York. 169 6th in descent from William Cromwell. 4th in descent from Colonel William Crawford, 758 Chew, Beverly, New-York. 1608 5th in descent from James Alexander. 264 Childs, James Edmund, New-York. 264 4th in descent from Captain Penuel Childs. 654 Childs, William Ward, Brooklyn. 1364 6th in descent from Hon. Robert Carter. 48 NE IV- YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 756 Chrystie, Thomas Ludlow, New-York. 1607 4th in descent from Captain James Nicholson. 153 Church, Richard, New-York. 155 6th in descent from Captain Philip Pieterse Schuyler. 5th in descent from Colonel Johannes Schuyler. 95 Clark, Henry Schieffelin, ist Lieutenant and Bat- 95 talion Adjutant, 12th Regiment, N. G. N. Y. 9th in descent from Colonel Richard Ingoldsby. 8th in descent from Major John Pell. 8th in descent from Captain Nicholas Stillwell. 7th in descent from Col. Stephanus Van Cortlandt. 7th in descent from Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 6th in descent from Killaen Van Rensselaer. 6th in descent from Captain Arent Schuyler. 109 Clark, William Newton, New-York. 109 7th in descent from Captain Nicholas Stillwell. 7th in descent from Captain William Lawrence. 832 Clarke, Charles Lorenzo, New-York. 2051 5th in descent from Colonel James Freye. 423 Clarke, Edward Smith, Rochester. 689 5th in descent from Janna Meigs. 457 Clarke, Isaac Sherman, Rochester. 864 7th in descent from Andrew Ward. 160 Clarkson, Banyer, New- York. 160 6th in descent from Matthew Clarkson. 92 Clarkson, Clermont Livingston^ New-York. 92 6th in descent from Matthew Clarkson. 91 Clarkson, David Augustus, New-York. 91 6th in descent from Matthew Clarkson. 325 Clarkson, Frederick, New- York. 325 5th in descent from Matthew Clarkson. 485 Clarkson, John Van Boskirck, New-York. 938 6th in descent from Matthew Clarkson. 49 NEIV-YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. ' GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 821 Clay, Thomas Savage, New-York. 1906 6th in descent from Matthew Dill. 877 Cleveland, James Wray, 2d Lieutenant, 7th Regi- 22(>2 ment, N. G. N. Y. 7th in descent from Moses Cleveland. 192 CoGHiLL, Howard, Morristown, N. J. 192 9th in descent from Lieutenant Lion Gardiner. 9th in descent from John Howland, 8th in descent from Lieutenant Francis Bell. 8th in descent from Captain John Gorham. 7th in descent from Jabez Graham. 194 Cogswell, Cullen Van Rensselaer, New-York. 194 8th in descent from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 6th in descent from Col. Johannes Van Rensselaer. 446 Coles, Henry Rutgers Remsen, New-York. 784 8th in descent from Captain John Underhill. 740 Colfax, Albert Eben, New-York. 1591 8th in descent from Captain James Avery. 431 Collins, Clarence Lyman, New-York. 697 8th in descent from John Collins. 8th in descent from Governor William Bradford. 7th in descent from Major William Bradford. 8th in descent from Governor William Leete. 8th in descent from Lieut. Thomas Leffingwell. 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Lyman. 7th in descent from Colonel Samuel Partridge. 551 Collins, Edwin Pinckney, New-York. 1095 6th in descent from Lieutenant Jonathan Beebe. 2J, Collins, Holdridge Ozro, Los Angeles, Cal. 23 9th in descent from Stephen Hart. 9th in descent from John Plumb. 8th in descent from John Bronson. 7th in descent from Louis Du Bois. 7th in descent from David Provost. 50 NEU^-YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 6th in descent from Roeloff Swartout. 5th in descent from Lieutenant Jonathan Beebe. 638 CoNANT, Ernest Lee, New-York. 1297 8th in descent from Roger Conant. I Constant, Samuel Victor, New-York. i 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Tuttle. 6th in descent from Lieutenant James Smith. 93 CoNSTANTiNE, RicHARD BuELL, New-York. 93 8th in descent from Governor Roger WiUiams. 563 Converse, Edmund Cogswell, New-York. 1124 7th in descent from Major James Convers. 889 CoRWiN, Hamilton Stewart, New-York. 2345 8th in descent from Lieutenant Charles Glover. 522 Cox, James William, Jr., Albany. 984 5th in descent from Jacob Bump. 884 Crafts, John Willard, Buffalo. 2269 8th in descent from Lieutenant Griffin Craft. 667 Crane, Charles Nicoll, New-York. 1377 8th in descent from Matthew Nicoll. 290 Crawford, Charles Ellison, New-York. 290 5th in descent from Captain Nathan Hurd. 242 Crosby, Edward Nicoll, New-York. . 242 8th in descent from Brandt Van Slichtenhorst. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Wilhelmus Beekman. 7th in descent from Matthias Nicoll. 7th in descent from Captain Philip Pieterse Schuyler. 6th in descent from Matthew Clarkson. 6th in descent from Captain Johannes de Peyster. 6th in descent from Robert Livingston. 241 Crosby, Livingston, New-York. 241 8th in descent from Brandt Van Slichtenhorst. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Wilhelmus Beekman. 7th in descent from Matthias Nicoll. 51 NEW-YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. ' GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 6th in descent from Matthew Clarkson. 6th in descent from Captain Johannes De Peyster. 6th in descent from Robert Livingston. 822 Grouse, Daniel Nellis, Utica, 2041 7th in descent from Captain Nathaniel Merriman. 676 Culver, Charles Mortimer, Albany. 1386 7th in descent from Edward Culver. 9th in descent from John Hall. 6th in descent from Richard Lord. 5th in descent from Colonel Stephen Lee. 893 Culver, Henry Brundage, New-York. 2349 7th in descent from Edward Culver. 783 CusHiNG, Harry Cooke, New-York. 838 7th in descent from Colonel Benjamin Church. 761 Cutler, James Gould, Rochester. 16 12 6th in descent from Benoni Van Gorlear. 651 Cutler, Joseph Warren, Rochester. 1310 6th in descent from Benoni Van Gorlear. 525 Daggett, George Henry, Minneapolis, Minn. 986 6th in descent from Lieutenant Elihu Daggett. 892 Dana, Charles Loomis, New- York. 2348 5th in descent from Abraham Howe. 73 Dana, Richard Starr, New-York. 73 6th in descent from Josiah Keith. 613 Darling, Charles William, Utica. 1253 7th in descent from Governor John Haynes. 686 Darlington, Charles Francis, New- York. 1454 8th in descent from Corporal John Wilde. 687 Darlington, James Henry, Reverend, Brooklyn. 1457 8th in descent from Corporal John Wilde. 299 Davenport, Timothy, New-York. 299 6th in descent from Major Nathan Gould. 52 NEIV-YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. 66 1 Davenport, William Bates, Brooklyn. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Benedict. 409 Davies, Julien Townsend, New-York. loth in descent from Edmund Greenleaf. loth in descent from Tristram Coffin. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 9tii 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 7th 7th 7th 7th n descent from Lieutenant Tristram Coffin. n descent from Colonel Job Almy. n descent from Major Abraham Staats, M.D. n descent from Captain John Underbill. n descent from Johannes Pieterszen Van Brugh. n descent from Major General Daniel Gookin. n descent from Captain Johannes Wendell. n descent from Lieut.-Colonel Edmund Quincy. n descent from John Hull. n descent from Captain John Seaman. n descent from Henry Sewall. n descent from Samuel Sewall. n descent from Ambrose Dawes. n descent from Robert Foote. n descent from Lieut. -Gen. John Walley. 1371 409 187 Davies, William Gilbert, New-York. 187 6th 9th 8th 9th 8th 8th 8th 7th 7th 7th 7th 6th 6th 6th n descent from Ambrose Davies. n descent from Tristram Coffin, n descent from Tristram Coffm. n descent from Edmund Greenleaf. n descent from Johannes Pieterszen Van Brugh. n descent from Major-General Daniel Gookin. n descent from Major Abraham Staats, M.D. n descent from John Hull, n descent from Colonel Edmund Quincey. n descent from Captain Johannes Wendell, n descent from Henry Sewall. n descent from Samuel Sewall. n descent from Lieutenant Robert Foote. n descent from Captain John Walley. 53 NEW-YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 512 Davis, Fellowes, New-York. 974 3d in descent from Captain Aaron Davis, Jr. loth in descent from Governor John Winthrop. 559 9th 9th 9th 8tii 7th 7th 6th 7th 6th 6th Dav 8th 8th 677 Dav 8th 7th 813 Day 9th 9th 8th 9th 9th 9th 9th 8th 7th 8th 7th 8th 8th 8th 7th 6th n descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. n descent from Major-Gen. Daniel Goodwin. n descent from Deputy-Gov. Samuel Symonds. n descent from Captain Joseph Weld. n descent from John Weld. n descent from Lieutenant Griffin Craft. n descent from Lieutenant Samuel Craft. n descent from Captain Samuel Ruggles. n descent from Hon. Samuel Donnell. n descent from Colonel Winthrop Hilton. SON, Charles Mason, Saratoga Springs. n descent from Major John Mason. n descent from Governor William Bradford. isoN, John Mason, Rochester. n descent from Governor William Bradford. n descent from Major John Mason. Robert Webster, Buffalo, n descent from Governor William Pynchon. n descent from Hon. Richard Treat, n descent from Governor Robert Treat, n descent from Hon. Matthew Allyn. n descent from Hon. George Hull, n descent from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. n descent from Captain Thomas Bull, n descent from Governor William Bradford, n descent from Major William Bradford, n descent from Governor John Webster, n descent from Lieutenant Robert Webster, n descent from Hon. Tristram Coffin, n descent from Hon. John Steele, n descent from Captain Edmund Greenleaf. n descent from Captain Stephen Greenleaf. n descent from Captain Stephen Greenleaf. 54 1 103 1387 1898 NEW- YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 8th in descent from Captain Richard Lord. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Richard Lord. 8th in descent from Cornet Thomas Dewey. 8th in descent from Major William Whiting. 8th in descent from Captain Benjamin Newberry. 8th in descent from Thomas Bunce. 7th in descent from Major-General Daniel Gookin. 7th in descent from Major Aaron Cooke. 7th in descent from Sergeant Richard Goodman. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Cooper. 7th in descent from Captain William Gerrish. 7th in descent from Captain Josiah Jones. 5th in descent from Captain Stephen Noble. 378 Deen, William Morris, Short Hills, N. J. 378 7th in descent from Edmund Jennings. 6th in descent from Major William Harris. 5th in descent from Lieut. -Gov. Thomas Turpin. 357 DeKoven, Henry Louis Reginald, New-York. 357 6th in descent from Governor Joseph Dudley. 163 Delafield, Joseph Livingston, New-York. 163 7th in descent from Robert Livingston. 164 Delafield, Maturin Livingston, Jr., New- York. 164 7th in descent from Robert Livingston. 94 DE Lancey, Edward Floyd, New- York. 94 3d in descent from Governor James de Lancey. 579 Denis, George Jules, Los Angeles, Cal. 1140 7th in descent from William Hall. 696 Dennis, Rodney Strong, New- York. 1464 6th in descent from Thomas Dennis. 4th in descent from Rev. John Dennis. 9th in descent from Governor William Bradford. 8th in descent from Lieutenant William French. 7th in descent from Elder John Strong. 7th in descent from Captain John Stearns. 55 NEW-YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 7th in descent from Ensign Samuel Manning. 7th in descent from Ensign James Kidder. 7th in descent from Joseph Fowler. 7th in descent from Ensign Samuel Hunt, first. 6th in descent from Ensign Samuel Hunt, second. 6th in descent from Captain William Goodhue. 5th in descent from Governor Roger Walcott. 834 Dennis, Holmes Van Mater, New-York. 2053 7th in descent from Thomas Dennis. 2,() DE Peyster, Frederic J., New-York. j(i 6th in descent from Johannes de Peyster, ist. 5th in descent from Col. Abraham de Peyster. 393 De Rose, Edward, New-York. 393 6th in descent from Robert Livingston. 641 De Russy, Rene Amedee, ist Lieutenant, 12th Regi- 1300 ment N. G. N. Y. 8th in descent from Governor John Winthrop. 716 Devereux, Walter, Buffalo. 1484 7th in descent from Robert Livingston. 6th in descent from Philip Livingston. 595 Dewey, Charles Ayrault, Rochester. 1183 3rd in descent from Captain Stephen Dewey. 4th in descent from Major-General Seth Pomeroy. 584 Dewey, Edward Wilkins, New- York. 1172 7th in descent from Stephen Paine. 746 Dewey, George Augustus, New-York. 1597 8th in descent from Governor William Bradford. 8th in descent from Major John Mason. 7th in descent from Major William Bradford. 7th in descent from Reverend James Fitch. 7th in descent from Stephen Paine. 713 Deyo, Peter, Poughkeepsie. 1481 7th in descent from Louis DuBois. 56 NEW-YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 745 DiMocK, William DeWolf, New-York. 1596 8th in descent from Thomas Dimock. 643 DoANE, Rt. Rev. William Croswell, Albany. 1302 7th in descent from John Done. 664 DoMiNiCK, George Francis, Jr., New-York. 1374 9th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Cooper. 66^^ DoMiNicK, Lamont, New-York. 1375 9th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Cooper. 146 Douw, Charles Gibbons, Poughkeepsie. 275 7th in descent from Colonel Benjamin Church. 27 DowNES, Anson Treat, New-York. 27 3d in descent from Captain Ebenezer Downes. 6th in descent from Major Robert Treat. 797 Downe, Henry Watson, New-York. 1882 6th in descent from Samuel Appleton. 458 Downs, Emery Newell, Brooklyn. 865 4th in descent from Sergeant Moses Brackett. 176 Draper, Charles Albert, New-York. 176 6th in descent from James Draper. 5th in descent from Captain James Draper. 5 Draper, Thomas Wain-Morgan, Denver, Colorado, 5 Colonel I St Regiment, Colo. N. G. 5th in descent from James Draper. 4th in descent from Captain James Draper. 5th in descent from Joshua Child. 268 DuANE, William North, New- York. 268 8th in descent from Captain Philip Pieterse Schuyler. 8th in descent from Governor Rip Van Dam. 2}2 Dubois, William Maison, White Plains. 2}2 7th in descent from Louis DuBois. 8th in descent from Captain Daniel Brodhead. 8th in descent from Harmen M. Van Der Bogaert. 57 NEW- YORK. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 614 DucHARME, Charles Albert, Detroit, Mich. 1254 7th in descent from Lieut. William Bartholomew. 7th in descent from Captain Isaac Johnson. 230 Dudley, Edgar Swartwout, Captain and Assistant 230 Quartermaster, U. S. A. 6th in descent from Francis Dudley. 7th in descent from Roeloff Swartout. 724 Duffield. Howard, Reverend, New-York. 1575 4th in descent from William Duffield. 8th in descent from Nathaniel Dickinson. 7th in descent from Colonel William Smith, 7th in descent from Jacob Meleyn. 7th in descent from Captain Daniel Sayre. 351 Duke, Richard Thomas Walker, Jr., Charlotteville, 351 Va. 7th in descent from Colonel Henry Duke. 8th in descent from Colonel John Washington. 4th in descent from Colonel Henry Peyton. 4th in descent from Doctor Thomas Walker. 688 DuNNELL, William Nichols, Reverend, New-York. 1456 3d in descent from Henry Dwinel. 2 6th in descent from Robert Burnett. 7 Montgomery , Thomas Harrison, West Chester. 145 6th in descent from Philip Key. 6th in descent from Walter Smith. 6th in descent from Robert Burnett. 5th in descent from Matthias Keen. 5th in descent from Daniel Dulany, the elder. 4th in descent from Colonel Thomas White. 108 Morrell, Edward de Veaux, Torresdale. 914 4th in descent from Captain Charles Willing. 125 Morris, Frederick Wistar, Jr., Villa Nova. 1329 7th in descent from Anthony Morris. 27 Morris, Henry, M.D., Philadelphia. 425 8th in descent from Lieut. -Governor Thomas Lloyd. 103 Morton, Thomas George, M.D., Philadelphia. 809 8th in descent from Lieutenant Robert Feake. 7th in descent from Captain John Underbill, 147 PENNS VL VA NIA . STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 6th in descent from Captain John Langstaff. 6th in descent from Mahlon Stacy. 68 MuNRO, Wilfred Harold, Providence, R. I. 465 loth in descent from Stephen Hopkin. 9th in descent from William Carpenter, 7th in descent from Lieutenant Preserved Abell. 87 MuNsON, Cyrus La Rue, Williamsport. 682 9th in descent from Captain Thomas Munson. 8th in descent from Ensign Samuel Munson. 9th in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. 8th in descent from Deputy-Gov. Matthew Gilbert. 174 Newell, William Harmar, Pottstown. 2168 3d in descent from Colonel Joseph Shippen. 41 Norris, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Philadelphia. 438 7th in descent from Edward Middleton. 6th in descent from Governor Arthur Middleton. 5th in descent from Henry Middleton. 42 Norris, George Washington, Philadelphia. 439 6th in descent from Isaac Norris. 129 Page, Oliver Ormsby, Pittsburgh. 1333 4th in descent from Ensign John Ormsby. 43 Page, Samuel Davis, Philadelphia. 440 8th in descent form John Page. 7th in descent from Colonel Matthew Page. 6th in descent from Mann Page, ist. 8th in descent from Governor Caleb Carr. 8th in descent from Edmund Freeman. 8th in descent from Thomas Greene, Sr. 8th in descent from Deputy-Governor John Greene. 8th in descent from Edward Shippen. 8th in descent from Dr. John Greene. 7th in descent from William Byrd, ist. 6th in descent from William Byrd, 2d. 5th in descent from Colonel William Byrd, 3d. 148 PENNS VL VA NIA . •STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 7th in descent from Governor Robert Carter. 6th in descent from Captain Charles Willing. 5th in descent from Governor William Nelson. 8th in descent from William Almy. 7th in descent from John Carter. J 12 Patterson, Elisha Gilbert, Titusville. 13 16 4th in descent from Lieutenant John Patterson. 29 Paul, John Rodman, Philadelphia. 150 5th in descent from John Rodman. 92 Paul, Lawrence Taylor, Villa Nova. 687 6th in descent from John Rodman. 126 Pearce, Thomas David, Philadelphia. 1330 4th in descent from Captain Richard McWilliam. 143 Pearson, George, Pittsburgh. 1636 7th in descent from John Blanston. 44 Pennypacker, Hon. Samuel Whitaker, Philadelphia. 441 8th in descent from Samuel Richardson. 5th in descent from Captain Patrick Anderson. 346 PiNKERTON, Samuel Stanhope Smith, Pittsburgh. 1639 5th in descent from Lieutenant John Culbertson. 64 Platt, Franklin, Philadelphia. 461 9th in descent from Nicholas Newlin. 9th in descent from Deputy-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 8th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Burnham. 8th in descent from Captain John Carter. 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Carter. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Gershon Flagg. 179 Pleasants, Henry, Wayne. 2237 8th in descent from Deputy-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 114 Porter, John Biddle, Philadelphia. 13 18 6th in descent from William Biddle. 63 Powell, Washington Bledyn, Philadelphia. 466 7th in descent from William Biles. 149 PENNS YL VA NIA . STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Richard Stockton. 7th in descent from Christopher Wetheriil. 62 Prime, Frederick, Philadelphia. 459 8th in descent from John Sands. 7th in descent from Edward Shippen. 30 Reed, James Monroe, Jr., Philadelphia. 427 9th in descent from Captain Daniel Brodhead. 8th in descent from John Alden. 45 Rogers, James Slocum, Philadelphia. 442 nth in descent from Governor John Webster. loth in descent from Deputy-Governor John Greene. loth in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. 9th in descent from Major John Mason. 8th in descent from William Pitkin. 7th in descent from Captain Joseph Marsh, 145 Russell, Alexander Wilson, Pay Director, U.S.N., 1638 , Philadelphia. 4th in descent from Captain Robert McPherson. 65 Savage, William Lyttleton, Philadelphia. 462 5th in descent from Colonel Elihu Chauncey. 116 Sayres, Edward Stalker, Philadelphia. 1320 6th in descent from Lieutenant Daniel Sayre. 153 Sewell, Wynn Reeves, Pittsburgh. 1646 8th in descent from Hon. Henry Sewell. 2 Shippen, Edward, M.D, , Medical Director, U.S.N. 147 (Retired), Philadelphia. 8th in descent from Edward Shippen. 6th in descent from Paymaster Edward Shippen, 5th in descent from Colonel Joseph Shippen. 46 Shippen, Edward, Philadelphia. 443 3d in descent from Colonel Joseph Shippen. 89 Silvester, Reverend William Wallace, S.T.D., 684 Philadelphia. 9th in descent from Captain Samuel Brocklebank. 150 PENNS YL VA NIA . STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 8th in descent from Lieutenant Tristram Coffin. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Stephen Greenleaf. 9th in descent from Ensign Edward Greenleaf. 7th in descent from Nicholas Noyes. 4th in descent from Lieutenant Hezekiah Hutchins. 170 Smith, Clement Grubb, Philadelphia. 2164 5th in descent from Colonel James Burd. 181 Smith, William Poultney, Philadelphia. 2331 7th in descent from Captain John Gilman. 124 Smith, William Rudolph, Philadelphia. 1328 Sth in descent from Colonel William Moore. 133 Swelling, Reverend Samuel, Fort Washington. 1337 5th in descent from Captain Jonathan Snelling. 31 Spencer, John Thompson, Philadelphia. 428 8th in descent from Colonel Augustin Herrman. 8th in descent from Captain Robert Vaughan. 8th in descent from Robert Brooke. 8th in descent from Colonel William Burgess. 8th in descent from Henry Sewell. 7th in descent from Major Nicholas Sewell. 7th in descent from Henry Smith. 7th in descent from Major James Ringgold. 7th in descent from Colonel John Thompson. 71 Starr, Isaac, Jr., Philadelphia. 469 9th in descent from Governor Edward Tyng. 138 Starr, Louis, M.D., Philadelphia. 1631 6th in descent from Samuel Levis. 4 Stevens, Rev. Charles Ellis, LL.D., D.C.L., Philadelphia. 140 6th in descent from Captain Nathaniel Stevens. 9th in descent from Major-General John Mason. 9th in descent from Governor John Webster. 9th in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. 9th in descent from Major Simon Willard. 6th in descent from Captain Joseph Marsh. 151 PENNS VL VA NIA . STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO, 107 Tyler, Harry Blake, Philadelphia. 913 9th in descent from John Brown. 8th in descent from John Ogden. 8th in descent from Captain Thomas Willett, 7th in descent from Barnabas Lothrop. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Francis Peabody. 6th in descent from Reverend Timothy Edwards. 6th in descent from Lieutenant John Sharp. 5th in descent from Samson Howe. 105 Tyler, Sidney Frederick, Philadelphia. 911 9th in descent from John Brown. 8th in descent from John Ogden. 8th in descent from Captain Thomas Willett. 7th in descent from Barnabas Lothrop. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Francis Peabody. 6th in descent from Reverend Timothy Edwards. 6th in descent from Lieutenant John Sharp. 5th in descent from Samson Howe. 9 Walhridge, Thomas Chester, Philadelphia. 143 8th in descent from Governor John Haynes. 8th in descent from Governor William Pynchon. 7th in descent from Captain Elizur Holyoke. 7th in descent from Hon. John Talcott. 7th in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. 6th in descent from Captain John Chester. 5th in descent from Major John Chester. 4th in descent from Colonel John Chester. 67 Watmough, John G., Philadelphia. 464 4th in descent from Captain Edward Watmough. I Wayne, William, Paoli. 139 5th in descent from Captain Isaac Wayne. j2 Wayne, William, Jr., Geneva, Switzerland. 429 6th in descent from Captain Isaac Wayne. 104 Webb, Francis Parsons, Philadelphia. 810 8th in descent from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 152 PENNS YL VA NIA . STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 163 Wetherell, Albert Laurence, Philadelphia. 1953 7th in descent from Ensign Nathaniel Laurence, IIS Wetherill, Charles, Philadelphia, 1319 7th in descent from Christopher Wetherill, 9th in descent from Edward Collins. 9th in descent from Major William Whiting. 8th in descent from Rev. John Whiting. 9th in descent from Thomas Newberry, 8th in descent from Thomas Brooks, 8th in descent from John Moss, 8th in descent from George Minot. 7th in descent from Ensign Nathaniel Laurence, 5th in descent from William Laurence, 7th in descent from Captain Timothy Wheeler, 6th in descent from Francis Yarnall. sth in descent from Captain Jacob Morgan, 131 Wetherill, John Price, South Bethlehem, 13315 7th in descent from Christopher Wetherill. 140 Wharton, Bromley, Philadelphia. 1633 5th in descent from Ensign Andrew Boggs. 1 27 Whitehead, Rt. Rev. Cortlandt, Bishop of Pittsburgh, i }} i 7th in descent from Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 6th in descent from Captain Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 6th in descent from Oloff Stevensen Van Cortlandt, Sth in descent from Stephanus Van Cortlandt. 5th in descent from Captain Elisha Parker. 118 Wilbur, Rollin Henry, South Bethlehem. 1322 sth in descent from Captain Abiel Abbot. 66 Williams, Charles, Haverford. 463 6th in descent from Dr. Thomas Wynne. 121 Williams, Francis Howard, Philadelphia. 1325 7th in descent from Mahlon Stacy. 159 Williams, JosiAH Randall, Haverford. 1949 6th in descent from Dr. Thomas Wynne. 153 PENNS YL VA NIA . STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 148 Willing, George, Philadelphia. 1641 5th in descent from Captain Charles Willing. 157 WisTER, Alexander Wilson, Philadelphia. 1947 7th in descent from Dr. Thomas Wynne. 119 WisTER, Rodman, Philadelphia. 1323 8th in descent from Jeremiah Clarke. 7th in descent from Governor Walter Clarke. 8th in descent from Thomas Cornell. 7th in descent from Dr. Thomas Wynne. 7th in descent from Richard Borden. 7th in descent from Elbert Elbertson Stoothoff. 6th in descent from William Biles, Sr. 5th in descent from William Biles, Jr. 4th in descent from Thomas Langhorne Biles. 6th in descent from Thomas Langhorne. 6th in descent from Dr. Edward Jones. 6th in descent from Robert Owen. 6th in descent from Joseph Kirkbride, Sr. 5th in descent from Joseph Kirkbride, Jr. 6th in descent from Colonel Thomas Willett. 5th in descent from Hugh Evans. 5th in descent from James Logan. 4th in descent from Owen Jones. 4th in descent from William Logan. 123 Wood, Joseph, Pittsburgh. 1329 7th in descent from Daniel Wills. 154 II n flDemoriam. ^ 36. George M. Coaxes, died Nov. 12, 1894. 72. William John Potts, died Nov. 18, 1895. 3. James Mifflin, died Nov. 24, 1805. lOQ. Edwin Adams Damon, died Nov. 17, 189 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF MARYLAND. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Maryland was incorporated at Baltimore, February 28, 1893, and organized on "Colonist Day," March 2Sth, the two hundred and fifty-ninth anniversary of the landing of the first Maryland Colonists under Leonard Calvert. The first public meeting was held at the Maryland Historical Society's rooms, on St. Cecilia's Day, November 22, 1893, the 260th an- niversary of the sailing of the Ark and the Dove from Cowes, Isle of Wight, England, bearing Gov- ernor Calvert and his colony to Maryland's shores. The Society holds its Social Courts on November 22d annually, and yearly celebrates the following anniversaries: February 11, George Washing- ton's birthday, O. S. ; March 25, The First Land- ing on Maryland Soil; June 2a, The Granting of the Charter of Maryland. At the Fourth Social Court of the Society held at the Hotel Rennert on Nov. 22, 1897, the Society was presented with a superb silver punch bowl weighing 240 oz., eighteen inches in diameter and thirteen inches high, and of pure colonial design. The Society also has had presented to it a stand of four colors, each six feet by six feet six inches, consisting of the National flag, the flag of the General Society of Colonial Wars, the banner of the Lords' Baltimore, or, as better known, perhaps, the Mary- land Flag, and the flag of Great Britain or the Jack flag as adopted by James VII. of Scotland, when he became also James 1. of England and united the crowns of Scotland and England. In addition to this the Society also possesses reproductions of the colors carried by the troops of the first ten counties in Maryland in 1694. Eligibility for election to membership in the Society conforms to the require- ments of the Constitution of the General Society. 156 OFFICERS, GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL AND STANDING COMMITTEES ELECTED AT THE FOURTH GENERAL COURT, HELD AT THE HOTEL RENNERT, "COLONIST DAY," MARCH 2^, 1897. Governor. McHenry Howard. Deputy-Governor. General Joseph Lancaster Brent. Lieutenant-Governor. James Gulian Wilson. Secretary. George Norbury Mackenzie. 1808 Park Avenue, Baltimoie. Deputy-Secreta ry. Robert Burton. Treasurer. John Appleton Wilson. 5 East Lexington Street, Baltimore. Historian. Bennet Bernard Browne, M.D. Registrar. Thomas Marsh Smith. Chancellor. Hon. Henry Stockbridge. Surgeon. Walter Brewster Platt, M.D. Chaplain. Rev. Henry Watkins Ballantine, D.D. 157 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. To serve until 1900. To serve until 1899. Edward Austin Jenkins, John Shurman Tapscott, Richard Curzon Hoffman, Andrew Cross Trippe, John Livingston Minis, Capt. Richard Polk Strong, U.S.A. To serve until 1898. John Izard Middleton, Henry Ashton Ramsay, James Teackle Dennis. STANDING COMMITTEES. Committee on Membership. John Appleton Wilson, Chair- Henry Stockbridge, Deputy- man. Chairman. George Norbury Mackenzie, James Wilson Patterson, Edward Parkin Keech, M.D., John Philemon Paca, Howard Mullikin, Secretary. Committee on Historical 'Documents. Clayton Colman Hall, Chair- Rev. Henry Watkins Ballan- man, tine, D.D., James Teackle Dennis, Benjamin Howell Griswold, Andrew Cross Trippe. Committee on Installation. Horatio Gates Armstrong, Walter De Curzon Poultney, Chairman, James Wilson Patterson, Austin Lowe Jenkins, Culbreth Hopewell Warner, Standard bearers. NATIONAL. George Norbury Mackenzie, III. COLONIAL WARS. Spalding Lowe Jenkins. MARYLAND. Douglas Hamilton Thomas, Jr. king's colors. Mason Locke Weems Williams. 138 MARYLAND. LIST OF MEMBERS. Names of Charter Members are in Italics. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 27 Armstrong, Horatio Gates, Baltimore. 492 4th in descent fi^om Colonel John Ai'instrong. 8th in descent fi'om Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 7th in descent from Capt. Philip Pieterse Schuyler 7th in descent from Colonel Peter Schuyler. 6th in descent froin Robei't Livingston. 6th in descent from Colonel Henry Beekman. 5th in descent from Colonel Heniy Beekman, 2d. 43 Balch, Francis DuPont, Philadelphia. 508 7th in descent from Colonel Ninian Beall. 47 Ballantine, Reverend Henry Watkins, D.D., Baltimore 793 5th in descent from Colonel John Ballantine. 4th in descent from Lieut. -Colonel John Ballantine. 7th in descent froin Governor John Winthrop. 7th in descent from Captain Richard Osborn. 5th in descent from Captain Abi'aham Venable. 24 Barton, Randolph, Pikesville. 489 6th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Marshall. 14 Brent, General Joseph Lancaster, Baltimore. 479 6th in descent from Captain George Brent. 7th in descent from Henry Sewell. 7th in descent from Colonel Jesse Whai'ton. 7th in descent from Captain James Neale. 7th in descent from Hon. John Pile. 13 Browne, Bennet Bernard, Baltimore. 478 9th in descent from John Utie. 8th in descent from Major-General Richard Bennet. 7th in descent from Robert Brooke. 6th in descent from Major Thomas Brooke. 7th in descent from Captain James Neale. 159 MARYLAND. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 6th in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Lowe. 5th in descent from Colonel Thomas Smythe. 42 Burton, Robert, Baltimore. 507 7th in descent from John Curtis. 6th in descent from Clement Plumstead. 5th in descent from William Plumstead. 5th in descent from John Curtis. 104 Cary, Wilson Miles, Baltimore. 2230 8th in descent from Colonel Miles Cary. 7 Chew, Samuel Claggett, M,D., Baltimore. 22} 8th in descent from Colonel John Chew. 7th in descent from Colonel Samuel Chew, loi Chew, Thomas John, Baltimore. 2014 8th in descent from Colonel John Chew. 7th in descent from Colonel Samuel Chew. 62 Coleman, William Wheeler, South Bethlehem, Pa, 923 7th in descent from Major-Gen. John Hammond. 78 Cottman, James Hough, Baltimore. 1347 7th in descent from Peter Alricks. 6th in descent from Hon. Francis West. 5th in descent from Ensign Andrew Boggs. 50 Daves, John Collins, Baltimore. 796 7th in descent from Edward Foster. 5th in descent from William Eaton. 29 Dennis, James Teackle, Baltimore. 494 5th in descent from John Dennis. loth in descent from Captain Edmund Scarbrugh. 9th in descent from Colonel Edmund Scarburgh. 8th in descent from Colonel Nathaniel Littleton. 7th in descent from Colonel Southey Littleton. 8th in descent from Randall Revell. 74 Fisher, Charles David, Baltimore. 1239 5th in descent from Andrew Boggs. 7th in descent from Peter Alricks. 6th in descent from Hon. Francis West. 160 MARYLAND. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. }2 Gill, William Harrison, Baltimore. 497 7th in descent from Colonel William Ball, Sr. 6th in descent from Captain William Ball, Jr. 6th in descent from Benjamin Harrison. Sth in descent from Colonel Nathaniel Harrison. 6th in descent from John Armistead. 5th in descent from Colonel William Churchill. 9 Griffith, William Ridgely, Baltimore. 22'=, 7th in descent from Colonel Nicholas Greenberry. 8 Griswold, 'Benjamin Howell, Baltimore. 224 4th in descent from Lieutenant Ebenezer Griswold. 7th in descent from Randall Vernon. 7th in descent from Thomas Paschall. 6th in descent from Thomas Paschall, Jr. 7th in descent from Francis Collins. 6th in descent from Jacob Howell. 39 Hall, Clayton Colman, Baltimore. 504 7th in descent from John Cutt. 7th in descent from Major-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 7th in descent from William Ward. 6th in descent from Samuel Penhallow. 6th in descent from Dr. Thomas Pemberton. 6th in descent from Ensign William Colman. 5th in descent from Colonel Joshua Wingate. 4th in descent from Samuel Blodget. 63 Hall, Thomas William, Ruxton. 924 7th in descent from John Cutt. 7th in descent from Major-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 7th in descent from William Ward. 6th in descent from Samuel Penhallow. 6th in descent from Dr. Thomas Pemberton. 6th in descent from Ensign William Colman. Sth in descent from Colonel Joshua Wingate. 4th in descent from Samuel Blodget. 104 Hayden, William Mozart, Baltimore. 2128 7th in descent from William Hayden. 161 MARYLAND. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 38 Hoffman, Richard Curzon, Baltimore. 6th in descent from Colonel Nicholas Greenberry. 6th in descent from Major-General John Hammond. Howard, McHenry, Baltimore. 23 67 41 65 503 488 8th in descent from Captain Luke Gardner. 8th in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel John Jarboe. 8th in descent from Major John Weire. 7th in descent from Colonel John Addison. 7th in descent from Major William Boarman. 7th in descent from Colonel Henry Corbin. 7th in descent from Henry Morgan. 7th in descent from Captain James Neale. 7th in descent from Captain Thomas Tasker. 5th in descent from Philip Key. 5th in descent from President Edward Lloyd. 5th in descent from Colonel George Plater. 5th in descent from Colonel John Rousby. 4th in descent from Colonel John Tayloe. 3d in descent from Chief Justice Benjamin Chew. Jenkins, Austin Lowe, Baltimore. 8th in descent from Lieutenant-General Giles Brent. 8th in descent from Thomas Gerard. 8th in descent from Major John Wheeler. 7th in descent from Sir Edmund Plowden. 7th in descent from Captain Robert Slye. 6th in descent from Gerard Slye. 7th in descent from Colonel Hans Hanson. Jenkins, Edward Austin, Baltimore. 7th in descent from Lieut. -General Giles Brent. 7th in descent from Thomas Gerrard. 7th in descent from Major John Wheeler. 6th in descent from Sir Edmund Plowden. 6th in descent from Captain Robert Slye. 5th in descent from Gerard Slye. Jenkins, Francis de Sales, Lausanne, Switzerland. 7th in descent from Lieut. -General Giles Brent. 162 1 122 506 1037 MARYLAND. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 7th in descent from Thomas Gerard. 7th in descent from Major John Wheeler. 6th in descent from Sir Edmund Plowden. 6th in descent from Captain Robert Slye. 5th in descent from Gerard Slye. 68 Jenkins, Spalding Lowe, Baltimore. 1123 8th in descent from Lieut. -General Giles Brent. 8th in descent from Thomas Gerard. 8th in descent from Major John Wheeler. 7th in descent from Sir Edmund Plowden. 7th in descent from Captain Robert Slye. 6th in descent from Gerard Slye. 7th in descent from Colonel Hans Hanson. 102 Jenkins, Thomas Courtney, Baltimore. 2126 9th in descent from Richard Gardner, Sr. 8th in descent from Captain Luke Gardiner. 7th in descent from Richard Gardiner. 7th in descent from Hon. Henry Sewall. 6th in descent from Major Nicholas Sewall. 5th in descent from Philip Key. 94 Jewell, Theodore Frelinghuysen, Commander, 1821 U. S. N., Buffalo, N. Y. 7th in descent from Ensign Andrew Skinner. 6th in descent from Captain James Benson. 6th in descent from Captain John Stanley. 52 Keech, Edwin Parkin, M.D., Baltimore. 798 6th in descent from Hon. John Dorsey. 46 Keyser, Robert Brent, Baltimore. 703 9th in descent from Henry Sewall. 9th in descent from Captain James Neale. 8th in descent from Colonel Jesse Wharton. 8th in descent from Captain George Brent. 8th in descent from Hon. John Pile. 98 Lee, Hillyard Cameron, Baltimore. 201 1 8th in descent from Arthur Fenner. 169 MARYLAND. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 66 Lee, Julian Henry, Baltimore. 1081 8th in descent from Arthur Fenner. I Mackenzie, George U^orbury, 2d, Baltimore. 217 9th in descent from Hon. Edward Howell. 8th in descent from Major John Howell. 9th in descent from Hon. Richard Treat. 9th in descent from Robert Williams. 8th in descent from Hon. John Deming. 8th in descent from Captain Stephen Williams. 5th in descent from Colonel Joseph Willliams. 9 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Brooke. 8th in descent from Captain James Neale. 7th in descent from Hon. Francis Hutchins. 7th in descent from Captain John Hance. 7th in descent from Hon. James Mackall. 81 Mackenzie, George Norbury, 3d, Baltimore. 1344 loth in descent from Hon. Richard Treat. 9th in descent from Major John Howell. 9th in descent from Hon. John Deming. 9th in descent from Captain Stephen Williams. 8th in descent from Hon. James Mackall. 6th in descent from Colonel Joseph Williams. 89 Manning, William Thruston, Baltimore. 1614 7th in descent from Ensign Samuel Manning. 17 Meeker, Richards Carson, Baltimore. 482 7th in descent from Richard Hartshorne. 93 MiDDLETON, Harvey, Baltimore. 1794 7th in descent from James Harrison. 7th in descent from William Cooper. 6th in descent from Phineas Pemberton. 6th in descent from Jedediah Allen. 6th in descent from John Adams. 6th in descent from John Woolsten. 72 MiDDLETON, John Izard, Baltimore. 1166 7th in descent from Hon. Edward Middleton. 164 MARYLAND. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO- 6th in descent from Hon. Arthur Middleton. 5th in descent from Hon. Henry Middleton. 26 Minis, John Livingston, Baltimore. 491 7th in descent from Robert Livingston. 6th in descent from Colonel Philip Livingston. 95 MoALE, William Armistead, Baltimore. 1822 4th in descent from John Moale. 48 MuLLiKiN, Howard, Baltimore. 794 7th in descent from William Jenkins. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Ball. 7th in descent from Major William Combes. 7th in descent from Thomas Paschall. 6th in descent from Thomas Paschall, Jr. 6th in descent from Captain James Benson. 45 Neff, Peter, Cleveland, O. 665 6th in descent from Colonel Thomas Smythe, ist. 5th in descent from Thomas Smythe, 2d. 4th in descent from Thomas Smythe, 3d. 18 Paca, John Philemon, Baltimore. 485 5th in descent from William Paca. loth in descent from Colonel John Chew. 9th in descent from Colonel Samuel Chew. 9th in descent from Captain James Neale. 9th in descent from Edward Lloyd. 8th in descent from Colonel Philemon Lloyd. 76 Patterson, James Wilson, Baltimore. 1241 5th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas McKim. 99 Pennington, William Clapham. Baltimore. 2012 7th in descent from Hon. Edward Lloyd. 64 Perin, Nelson, Baltimore. 925 5th in descent from Jesse Perin. 69 Platt, Walter Brewster, M.D., Baltimore. 11 64 4th in descent from Dr. Elihu Tudor. 165 MARYLAND. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 44 PouLTNEY, Walter de Curzon, Baltimore. 925 6th in descent from Colonel Nicholas Greenberry. 37 Ramsay, Henry Ashton, Baltimore. 502 7th in descent from Colonel Gerard Fowke. 5th in descent from Philip Key. 7th in descent from Captain-Lieut. Luke Gardiner. 8th in descent from Thomas Gerard. 34 Reed, John Ludovicus, Baltimore. 499 6th in descent from William Reed. 4th in descent from Samuel Blodget. 25 Reynolds, Edward, Upper Falls P. O. 490 5th in descent from Thomas Reynolds. 85 RoYCE, Alfred Lee, Chaplain, U. S. N., Annapolis. 1546 7th in descent from Captain Nathaniel Turner. 96 Sill, Howard, Glendale, Prince George's Co. 1808 6th in descent from Captain Joseph Sill. 4th in descent from Lieutenant John Sill. 8th in descent from Major-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 7th in descent from Captain Matthias Nicoll. 7th in descent from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 7th in descent from Deputy-Gov. Francis Willoughby. 20 Smith, Edwin Harvie, Baltimore. 485 5th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Marshall. 16 Smith, Thomas Marsh, Baltimore. 481 8th in descent from Captain James Neale. 8th in descent from Robert Brooke. 7th in descent from Francis Hutchins. 7th in descent from William Biles. 7th in descent from Thomas Janney. 6th in descent from Richard Hartshorne. 35 Stickney, George Henry, Baltimore. 500 5th in descent from Colonel Joshua Wingate. 4th in descent from Samuel Blodget. 166 MARYLAND. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 5 Stockhridge, Honorable Henry, Baltimore. 221 6th in descent from Ciiarles StoclmmM Of im, m^n wa^mmi m nm® ^ 6 Nathan Gillett, died July 29, 1894. 33 Prof. Daniel Cady Eaton, died June 29, 1895. 66 Rev. Edward Alfred Smith, died Oct. 26, 1895. 104 James Mason Hoppin, Jr., died Jan. 23, 1897. 26 Frederick Plumb Miles, died Feb. 19, 1897. 51 Jonathan S. Curtis, M.D., died March 31, 1897. 108 William Allyn Hungkrford, died April 15, 1897. James Mason Hoppin, Jr., born at Salem, Mass., May 18, 1857; died at New Haven. He fitted for Yale, leaving that institution before graduation for what he deemed the ampler opportunities for broader culture at Oxford. He received his high degree from that institution 1880. He was a true lover of nature; the silver silence of the snow was music to him; the fierce driving of the storm gave him rest; the companionship of his dog and horse, keen delight. He was a welcome guest in every circle where he brought naught of discord or strife, contributing only the pleasant, gentle things of life. No member of this society had a wider circle of fiiends. He took a deep interest in the affairs of the society. To us it seemed that he had everything to live for, and yet, by a mys- terious Providence, he was removed not only from our midst but from a family circle which loved him de- votedly, from friends and acquaintances who must ever miss him. Frederick Plumb Miles, testified his warm interest in the society by early joining it and never missing a meeting. His presence, rather than his words, was a valued indorsement; we knew him as a quiet man. Doctor Jonathan Strong Curtis, in years one of our oldest members, a citizen whose worth was recognized and appreciated, an able and honored physician whose kindly influence was felt with his entrance into the sick- room and remained as a benefaction long after his de- parture. William Allyn Hungerford, a recent but enthusiastic member, ready with his strong and agreeable personality to co-operate in whatever tended to advance the interests of the society — a successful merchant in New York City — a forceful man in whatever he undertook. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The Society of Colonial Wars in the District of Columbia was organized May 20, 1893, '^ith a membership of twelve. Incorporated November 17. 1893. The first General Court was held December 19, 1893, the membership list being then increased to twenty-five. The second General Court and dinner took place at the Shoreham Hotel to commemorate the 219th anniversary of the Great Swamp tight, December 19, 1894. The third General Court was held at the Shore- ham Hotel December 19, 1895. The membership increased to sixty, with one resignation and one death. At the General Court held December 19, 1895, the membership clause of the Constitution was amended, so that the eligibility from those "men who rendered conspicuous civil service in a period of warfare" might be more clearly defined, by naming each civil officer from whom eligibility must be claimed. At a meeting held Sept. 25, 1896, a seal for the Society was adopted. The "Collateral Clause" was stricken out of Article 11 of the Constitution, to take effect Nov. 21, 1896. The Fourth General Court was held Dec. 19, 1895, at the Shoreham Hotel. The Fifth General Court was held Dec. 20, 1897. The Register for the Society was printed Novem- ber 9, 1897. 2}6 OFFICERS, GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL AND STANDING COMMITTEES. Elected at the Fifth General Court, held Decembet 20, 1897, at the Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D. C. Governor. Charles F. T. Beale. Deputy-Governor. George Colton Maynard. Lieutenant- Governor. Gen. Walter Wyman, U. S. M. H. S. Secretary. Joseph Cuyler Hardie, War Department. Deputy-Secretary. Henry G. Kemp. Treasurer. John William Henry, 1315 F Street. Registrar. Frank Birge Smith, 1418 F Street, N.W. Historian. Marcus Benjamin, Ph.D. Chaplain. Rev. Arnold Harris Hord. Chancellor. William Park Metcalf. Surgeon. Ira Warren Dennison, M.D. 237 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Term Expires December 19, 1900. James Milton Flint, M. D. U. S. N., Dr. James Cushing Merrill, Henry Dearborn Saxton. U.S.A. Term Expires December 19, 1899. J. Elfreth Watkins, Leland O. Howard, John Dewhurst Patten. Term Expires December 19, 1898. James Bowen Johnson. Gen. Walter Wyman, Gen. Absalom Baird, U.S.A. U. S. M. H. S. STANDING COMMITTEES. Committee on Membership. Frank Birge Smith, William Van Zandt Cox, Harry Weston Van Dyke, George Tully Vaughan, Thomas Blagden. M. D. U. S. M. H. S., Committee on Historical 'Documents. Gilbert Thompson, Henry P. R. Holt, George R. Stetson, Robert Atwater Smith, John E. Watkins. Committee on Installation. Frederic Wolters Huidekoper, Joseph Prentice Sanger, U.S.A., Gen. A. Baird, U.S.A., John Sidney Webb. James Malcolm Henry. 238 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. LIST OF MEMBERS. Names of Charter Members are in Italics. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 63 Anderson, James Thomas, Lieutenant, U.S.A., 1431 Colorado Springs, Colo. 9th in descent from Gregory Stone. 8th in descent from Sergeant Thomas Pierce. 8th in descent from John Bent. 7th in descent from Captain Thomas Brown. 7th in descent from Samuel Stone. 4th in descent from Silas Bent. 46 Baird, Absalom, Brevet Major-Gen. (Retired), U.S.A. 672 3d in descent from Lieutenant John Baird. 51 Baird, William, Captain 6th Cavalry, U.S.A. 883 4th in descent from Lieutenant John Baird, 31 Batchelder, George Aiken. 644 5th in descent from Ebenezer Batchelder. 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Gilman. 4th in descent from Joshua Boynton. 8 Batchelder, Joseph Frederick. 237 5th in descent from Ebenezer Batchelder. 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Gilman. 4th in descent from Joshua Boynton, 7. Batchelder, l^icbard Napoleon, Brigadier-General 2)6 (Retired), U. S. A. 4th in descent from Ebenezer Batchelder. 6th in descent from Lieutenant John Gilman. 3d in descent from Joshua Boynton. ^2 Beale, Charles Frederick Tiffany, Washington. 64=^ 7th in descent from Francis Wainwright. 6th in descent from Hendrickse Gerritse Van Wie. 5th in descent from Lieutenant Casparus Conyn. 239 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. STATE SOCIETY NO. ., GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 80 Bell, George, Colonel (Retired), U. S. A. 1839 3d in descent from Ensign William Duffield. 83 Bell, William Duffield, M.D., New- York City. 1867 4th in descent from Ensign William Duffield. 76 Benjamin, Marcus, Editor, U. S. National Museum. 1775 8th in descent from Major William Bradford. 8th in descent from Colonel Samuel Partridge. 8th in descent from Captain Timothy Dwight. 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Lyman. 5th in descent from Lieutenant Matthew Mitchell, 5th in descent from Major Ephraim Terry. 65 Bladgen, Thomas, Washington. 1493 9th in descent from John Porter. 9th in descent from William Gaylor. 9th in descent from Thomas Stanley. 9th in descent from Edward Stebbens. 8th in descent from John Porter. 8th in descent from Richard Treat. 7th in descent from Richard Law. 7th in descent from Major Robert Treat. 7th in descent from John Alden. 6th in descent from William Peabodie. 6th in descent from Captain Jonathan Selleck. 6th in descent from Major Nathan Gold. 4th in descent from Judge Ebenezer Silliman. 3th in descent from Colonel Gold Selleck Silliman. 43 Boyd, Allen Richards, Washington. 669 8th in descent from Captain John Glover. 7th in descent from Governor Thomas Hinckley. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Roger Clapp. 6th in descent from Samuel Clapp. 71 Brown, Dudley Parrish, Oklahoma. 1558 6th in descent from Joseph Herrick. 5th in descent from Henry Herrick. 4th in descent from Henry Herrick. 3d in descent from William Bartlett. 240 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 86 Bryan, Charles Page, Envoy Extraordinary and 2324 Minister Plenipotentiary of tiie United States of America to Brazil. 8th in descent from Colonel John Page. 57 Buchanan, Roberdeau, Washington. 1206 4th in descent from George Buchanan. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Richard Smith. 6th in descent from Hendryck Barentsen Smidt. 6th in descent from Edward Shippen. 3d in descent from General Daniel Roberdeau. 3d in descent from Thomas McKean. 24 Clark, Alonzo Howard, Editor, Smithsonian Insti- 637 tution. 8th in descent from Edmund Freeman. 8th in descent from John Howland. 8th in descent from Governor John Haynes. 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Prince. 7th in descent from Major John Freeman. 7th in descent from Thomas Clarke. 74 Clark, Samuel Wyllis, Washington. 1688 7th in descent from Major Robert Treat. 9 Cooke, Charles Edward, Topographer, U.S. Geo- 238 logical Survey, Washington. 4th in descent from Gideon Brownson. }6 Cowles, Calvin Duvall, Captain, 23d Infantry, 649 U.S.A., Fort Clark, Tex. 8th in descent from John Astwood. 8th in descent from John Cowles. 7th in descent from Sergeant William Judd. 7th in descent from Major Moses Mansfield. 5th in descent from Lieutenant John Baker. 4th in descent from Captain Josiah Cowles. 75 Cox, William Van Zandt, Chief Clerk, National 1771 Museum. 7th in descent from Richard Borden. 241 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 7th in descent from Thomas Stanton. 7th in descent from Robert Stanton. 7th in descent from Captain John Gallup. 7th in descent from Captain George Denison. 6th in descent from Benadam Gallup. 88 CusTis, George Washington Neale, M.D., Wash- 2^26 ington. 7th in descent from Randall Revell, 87 CusTis, J. B. Gregg, M.D., Washington. 2325 8th in descent from Randall Revell. 2 Davenport, 'Richard Graham, Lieutenant, U.S. N. 77 6th in descent from Captain George Brent. 50 Dennison, Ira Warren, M.D., Washington. 882 8th in descent from Captain James Avery. 8th in descent from Captain Thomas Prentice. 7th in descent from Captain George Denison. 7th in descent from Thomas Miner. 7th in descent from Thomas Stanton. 7th in descent from Captain John Gallup. 38 Fisher, Robert Strettell Jones, Washington. 651 6th in descent from Edward Shippen. 5th in descent from Robert Strettell. 3d in descent from Colonel David Jameson. 79 Flint, James Milton, Medical Director, U.S.N., 1793 Washington. 7th in descent from William French. 7th in descent from Richard Swan. 7th in descent from John Whitney. 6th in descent from Samuel Ayer. 6th in descent from John Kittredge. 4th in descent from Abraham Stickney. 60 Gale, Thomas Monroe, Washington. 1228 6th in descent from Captain Matthew Fuller. 242 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 73 Hall, William Carvel, Civil Engineer, U. S. Geo- 1687 logical Survey. 8th in descent from Captain James Sunderlaine. 8th in descent from Colonel Henry Ridgely. 7th in descent from Jasper Yeates. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Rogers Matthews. 6th in descent from William Cattell. 4th in descent from Colonel John Hall. 37 Hardie, Francis Hunter, Captain, 3d Cavalry, U.S.A. 650 7th in descent from Major Dirck Wessels Ten Broeck. 7th in descent from Major Hendrick Cuyler. 7th in descent from Colonel Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 6th in descent from Captain Hendrick Van Rensselaer. 26 Hardie, Joseph Cuyler, Washington. 639 8th in descent from Col. Oloff Stevensen Van Cortlandt. 7th in descent from Capt.Johannis Pieterszen Van Burgh. 7th in descent from Major Dirck Wessels Ten Broeck. 7th in descent from Major Hendrick Cuyler. 7th in descent from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 6th in descent from Capt. Hendrick Van Rensselaer. 61 Hatcher, Robert Stockwell, Secretary of the Uni- 1429 versal Postal Congress. 7th in descent from Richard Lee. 44 Henry, James Malcolm, Washington. 670 6th in descent from Patrick Forrest. 30 Henry, John William, Washington. 643 6th in descent from Patrick Forrest. 4th in descent from David Crawford. 81 Holt, Henry Peter Renouf, Washington. 1840 8th in descent from Captain George Denison. 84 HoRD, Rev. Arnold Harris, Philadelphia, Penn. 8th in descent from George Gardiner. 8th in descent from Thomas Angell. 8th in descent from Richard Waterman. 8th in descent from Richard Tew. 243 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 8th in descent from Stukeley Westcott. 8th in descent from Thomas Arnold, ist. 8th in descent from Thomas Harris, ist. 7th in descent from Henry Brown. 7th in descent from Eleazer Arnold. 7th in descent from Richard Arnold. 7th in descent from Thomas Harris, 2d. 6th in descent from Thomas Arnold, 2d. 6th in descent from Thomas Harris, 3d. 5th in descent from Gideon Harris. 4th in descent from Francis Triplett. 42 HoRTON, William Edward, New York City. 668 8th in descent from Samuel Eddy. 8th in descent from Robert Allyn. 7th in descent from Peter Spicer. 7th in descent from Joseph Clarke. 52 Howard, Leland OssiAN, Entomologist, Washington. 1002 7th in descent from Daniel Weld. 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Pickering. 6th in descent from Captain John Gardner. 53 Hubbard, Hon. Gardiner G., Washington. 1107 7th in descent from William Hubbard. 7th in descent from Governor George Wyllis. 6th in descent from Governor John Haynes. 6th in descent from Major-Gen. Sir John Leverett. 6th in descent from Richard Russell. 6th in descent from Samuel Wyllis. 47 Huidekoper, Frederic Wolters, Washington. 673 6th in descent from Edward Shippen. 4th in descent from Evan Evans. 4th in descent from Edward Shippen. 3d in descent from Joseph Shippen, 18 Johnson, James Bowen, Secretary, Howard University. 631 8th in descent from General John Johnson. 7th in descent from Captain Isaac Johnson. 244 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 7th in descent from Samuel Bass. 7th in descent from John Alden. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Henry Bowen. 4th in descent from Captain James Gibson. 2} Keith, Arthur, Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey. (i}6 7th in descent from Thomas Richardson. 62 Kemp, Henry Greenway, Journalist, Washington. 1430 9th in descent from Robert Beverly. 85 Kirkman, Van Leer, Nashville, Tenn. 2102 4th in descent from Captain Isaac Wayne. 28 Knox, William Salsbury, Washington. 641 9th in descent from Anthony Emery. 9th in descent from Captain Ambrose Gibbons. 8th in descent from James Emery. 7th in descent from Captain Samuel Sherburne. 78 Earned, Daniel Read, Major (Retired), U.S.A. 1792 5th in descent from Isaac Learned, Jr. 21 Long, Oscar Fitzalan, Captain, U.S.A. 634 6th in descent from John Pietersie Mabie. 6th in descent from Simon Volkertsie Veeder. 67 Mann, Charles Addison. 1435 6th in descent from Richard Man. 1 1 Mason, Theodorus Bailey Myers, Lieutenant (Re- 247 tired), U. S. N. 7th in descent from Captain Hugh Mason. 29 Maynard, George Colton, Custodian, Electrical Col- 642 lections U. S. National Museum. 7th in descent from Robert Booth. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Chandler. 6th in descent from George Colton. 6th in descent from Lieutenant John Moseley. 5th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Colton. 3d in descent from Josiah Moseley. 245 DISTRICT OF COLUaMBIA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 33 Merrill, James Gushing, Major and Surgeon, U. S. A., 646 Washington. 7th in descent from General Sir John Leverett. 55 Metcalf, William Park, Washington. 1145 8th in descent from Major-General John Humphrey. 8th in descent from Captain Edward Johnson. 8th in descent from Major John Mason, 8th in descent from Governor William Bradford. 7th in descent from Captain James Avery. 7th in descent from Captain Isaac Williams. 12 Mosehy, Edward Augustus, Washington. 249 4th in descent from Reverend Samuel Moseley. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Thaddeus Clark. 5th in descent from John Weeks. 5th in descent from Lieut. -Colonel Edward Tyng. 4th in descent from Colonel Jonathan Buck. 4th in descent from Lieutenant John Brown. 82 Moses, Zebina, Asst. Supt. Railway Mail Service, 1866 U. S. P. O. Dept. 7th in descent from John Moses. 70 Owen, Frederick Denison, Washington. 1557 7th in descent from Captain George Denison. 77 Patten, John Dewhurst, Washington. 1791 9th in descent from Richard Treat. 8th in descent from Lieutenant John Hollister. 8th in descent from John Talcott. 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. 7th in descent from William Pitkin. 7th in descent from Lieut.-Col. John Talcott. 7th in descent from Captain Samuel Welles. 6th in descent from Judge William Pitkin. 6th in descent from Governor Joseph Talcott. 13 Peale, Albert Charles, Geologist, Washington. 250 6th in descent from Edward Shippen. 6th in descent from Henry Ridgley. 246 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 5th in descent from George Stewart. 5th in descent from John Brewer. 4th in descent from Captain James Patterson. 4th in descent from Colonel James Burd. 5 Roe, Fayette Washington, Captain, U.S.A. 157 4th in descent from John Roe. 3 Roe, Francis Ashury, Rear Admiral (Retired), U.S.N., 1 18 Washington, 3d in descent from John Roe. 6 Roe, George. 205 4th in descent from John Roe. 54 Sanger, Joseph Prentice, Major and Inspector Gen- 1144 eral, U.S.A. 4th in descent from Richard Sanger. 6th in descent from Sergeant George Barbour. 6th in descent from Captain Thomas Prentice. 6th in descent from Captain John Morgan. 4thjn descent from Ensign Benjamin Butler. 16 Saxton, Henry Dearborn, Clerk, War Department. 629 6th in descent from John Catlin. 5th in descent from Joseph Catlin. 4th in descent from John Catlin. 3d in descent from Seth Catlin. 17 Smith, Frank Birge, Washington. 630 9th in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. 8th in descent from Major-General Daniel Gookin. 8th in descent from Major Simon Willard. 8th in descent from John Howland. 7th in descent from' Captain Thomas 'Fijch. 6th in descent from Captain Samuel Gunn. 34 Smith, Robert Atwater, Washington. 647 8th in descent from Captain Nathaniel Turner. 8th in descent from Matthew Mitchell. 7th in descent from Captain Nathaniel White. 247 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 7th in descent from Sergeant Thomas Canfield. 7th in descent from Captain Thomas Fitch. 7th in descent from Stephen Goodyear. S9 Stetson, Reverend Caleb RocHFORD, Washington, 1556 10th in descent from Governor WilHam Pynchon. 8th in descent from John Alden. 8th in descent from Captain John Gallop. 8th in descent from Major William Bradford. 8th in descent from Rev. James Noyes. 7th in descent from Captain James Avery. 66 Stetson, George RocHFORD, Washington. 1434 7th in descent from Samuel Bass, ist. 7th in descent from John Alden. 7th in descent from Isaac Chittenden. 6th in descent from Richard Thayer. 6th in descent from Alexander Marsh. 6th in descent from Anthony Collamore. 5th in descent from Samuel Bass, 2d. 68 Taylor, John Yeatman, Medical Director, U.S.N. 1550 5th in descent from Philip Taylor. 7th in descent from Valentine HoUingsworth. 7th in descent from George Maris. 15 Thompson, Gilbert, Geographer, U.S. Geological 628 Survey. 8th in descent from Samuel Nash. 8th in descent from Myles Standish. 8th in descent from John Alden, 7th in descent from Governor William Bradford. 4th in descent from Josiah Keith. 58 Van Dyke, Harry Weston, Washington. 1207 8th in descent from Captain John Bissell. 7th in descent from Captain Daniel Clark. 7th in descent from John Washburn, Sr. 7th in descent from Nathaniel Morton. 6th in descent from John Howland. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Silas Sears. 248 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 35 Vaughan, George Tully, Passed Assistant Surgeon, 648 U. S. M.H.S. Sth in descent from Colonel James Nevil. 72 Watkins, John Elfreth, Curator, Technological 1S59 Collections, U. S. National Museum, Washington. 7th in descent from John Woodson. 48 Webb, John Sidney, Washington. 880 7th in descent from Captain Thomas White. 6th in descent from Sergeant John Nott. < 6th in descent from Henry Poor. 45 Webster, Joseph Rawson, Lincoln, Neb. 671 8th in descent from John Webster, 41 Wells, Benjamin Warner, Jr., Ensign, U.S.N. 667 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. 64 WiLHELM, William Herman, Lieutenant, U.S.A. 1^42 4th in descent from George Weaver. 20 Wyman, Walter, Surgeon-General, U. S. M. H.S., 633 Washington. 6th in descent from Richard Cutter. 4th in descent from Sergeant Nehemiah Wyman. 249 1ln flDemoriam. 14 Rev. James Owen Dorsey, died Feb. 4, 1895. 49 Charles Addison Mann, died March 13, 1896. 40 William Holcomb Webster, died March 23, 1896. 59 Charles Henry Baker, died May 6, 1896. 25 George Brown Goode, died Sept. 6, 1896. 22 Admiral R. W. Meade, died May 4, 1897. 53 Gardiner G. Hubbard, died Dec. 11, 1897. Charles Addison Mann, Lawyer. Born in Utica, New York, May 29, 1835. Died at St. Paul, Minnesota. William Holcomb Webster, Chief Examiner U.S. Civil Service Commission. Born in Burlington, Connecticut, January 24, 1839. Died in Washington City. Charles Henry Baker, Chief Engineer, U. S. Navy. Born in Salem, Massachusetts, January 16, 1831. Died in Washington City. George Brown Goode, Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Born in New Albany, Indiana, February 13, 18151. Died in Washington City. Richard Worsam Meade, Rear Admiral (Retired), U.S. Navy. Born in New York City, October 9, 1837. Died in Washington City. Gardiner Greene Hubbard, Lawyer. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, August 23, 1822. Died in Washington City. fiMi ^.M% SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State, of New Jersey was organized May i, 1894; chartered by the General Society of Colonial Wars, May 8, 1894. First meeting of the Society to receive the charter and to elect oificers, May 10, 1894. Incor- porated under the laws of the State of New Jersey, July 26, 1894. Meeting on this day at the house of His Excellency, General Edward Burd Grubb, Edgewater Park, on the Delaware River opposite the spot where Washington and Lafayette first met. The Second General Court was held at Newark, May 10, 1895. Re-incorporated under the Act of February 26, 1895. The Third General Court was held at the "Beech wood," Summit, May 11, 1896. Fourth General Court at the Somerset Inn, Bernardsville, May 10, 1897. 251 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY. Elected at the Fourth General Court, held at Somer- set Inn, Bernardsville, New Jersey, May loth, 1897. Governor. General Edward Burd Grubb. Deputy-Governor. General William Scudder Stryker. Lieutenant- Governor. William Morris Deen. Secretary. George Ellsworth Koues, Elizabeth, N. J., and 120 Broadway, N. Y. Treasurer. George Sandford Wylie, Morristown, New Jersey. Registrar. Frank Obadiah Briggs. Historian. Rev. Frank Landon Humphreys, S.T.D. Chaplain. Rev. Ashbel Green Vermilye, D.D. Chancellor. George Cummins Thomas. 252 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Term expiring 1898. William Fellowes Morgan, Pierrepont Edwards, Thomas William Milnor. Term expiring 1899. Charles Burnham Squier, Bradford Darrach, George Christian Kobbe. Term expiring 1900. Townsend Burnet Baldwin, Jolin Eyerman, Augustus Cornwall Downing. [Membership Committee. George Christian Kobbe, Townsend Burnet Baldwin, Chairman, George Ellsworth Koues, William Morris Deen, Charles Arthur Greene. 253 NEW JERSEY. LIST OF MEMBERS. Names of Charter Members are in Italics. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 21 Adams, Washington Irving Lincoln, Montclair. 859 8th in descent from Major William Philips. ^d Ames, Louis Annin, Jersey City. 1746 loth in descent from John Tilley. 9th in descent from John Howland. 8th in descent from Nathaniel Dickinson. 8th in descent from Captain Thomas Stanton. 8th in descent from Captain John Gorham. 8th in descent from Captain George Denison. 8th in descent from Captain Thomas Prentice. 7th m descent from Captain Jacob Melyn. 33 Baldwin, Major TowNSEND Burnet, Edgwater Park. 1743 7th in descent from Captain Richard Beers. 39 Barrell, Harry Ferdinand, Milburn. 18 19 5th in descent from Captain John Wisner. 37 Beers, William Francis, Galveston, Tex. 18 17 5th in descent from John Beers. 29 Brewer, John, Summit. 1526 4th in descent from Deliverence Brewer. 2j Briggs, Frank Obadiah, Trenton. 861 8th in descent from Captain Thomas Bradbury. 5th in descent from Colonel Stephen Emery. 4 Chandler, Walter, Elizabeth. 129 6th in descent from Colonel William Chandlet". 8th in descent from Jasper Gfane. 8th in descent from John Ogden. 8th in descent from Colonel Ricjnard Lee. 8th in descent froin Governor Thomas Dudley. 7th in descent from Major-General Daniel Dennison. 254 NEW JERSEY. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 49 CoGGESHALL, MoRTON Cheeseman, Summit. 2375 7th in descent from John Coggeshall. 6 Coghill Howard, Morristown. 192 8th in descent from Captain John Gorham. 26 Cooke, Humphreys Karl, Morristown. 1523 6th in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Humphreys. 14 Darrach, Bradford, EHzabeth. 852 7th in descent from Edward Howell. 6th in descent from Major John Pell. 6th in descent from Captain Francis Rombouts. 5th in descent from Lieutenant Hezekiah Howell. 4th in descent from Captain William Bradford. 1 1 Been, William Morris, Short Hills. 378 9th in descent from Governor William Brenton. 8th in descent from John Card. 8th in descent from Joseph Clarke. 8th in descent from Hon. John Jefferson. 7th in descent from Hon. Edmund Jennings. 6th in descent from Major William Harris. 5th in descent from Lieut. -Colonel Thomas Turpin. 5th in descent from Colonel Clement Read. 44 Downing, Augustus Cornwall, Morristown. 1856 8th in descent from Captain Nathaniel Thomas. 7th in descent from Captain James Sands. 42 Eaton, Theodore Horatio, Detroit, Mich. 1854 5th in descent from Hon. John Eaton. 8th in descent from Thomas Mayhew. 7th in descent from Jan Stryker. 7th in descent from Rob£rt Burnett. 7th in descent from Major John Talcott. 6th in descent from Ensign Samuel Edsall. 5th in descent from Colonel John Read. 4th in descent from Colonel John Herpin, Jr. 6th in descent from Hon. John Read. 255 NEW JERSEY. STATE SOCIETY NO. ' GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 8 Edwards, Pierrepont, Elizabeth. 131 i^th in descent from Rev. Timothy Edwards. 43 Evans, Dudley, Montchiir. 1855 3d in descent from Lieutenant John Evans. 90 Eyerman, John, Easton, Pa. 1527 7th in descent from Abraham Sewitz. 5th in descent from Colonel Peter Kachlein. Sth in descent from Michael Butz. 48 Farnham, Elijah Thompson, Elizabeth. 2090 8th in descent from Deputy-Governor John Alden. 7th in descent from Deputy-Gov. James Bishop. 7th in descent from Nathaniel White. 6th in descent from Captain Samuel Thompson. 6th in descent from Sergeant John Ailing, Jr. 34 Greene, Charles Arthur, Summit. 1744 8th in descent from John Coggeshall. 7th in descent from Joseph Clarke, 7th in descent from Philip Sherman. 7th in descent from Joshua Coggeshall. 7th in descent from John Brown. 27 Grubb, Charles Ross, Burlington. 1 524 4th in descent from Colonel James Burd. 2 Grubb, General Edward Burd, Edgewater Park. 451 5th in descent from John Grubb. 4th in descent from Colonel James Burd. 25 Halsey, Charles Day Thompson, Newark. 1522 8th in descent from Jasper Crane. 45 Halsey, William Armstrong, Newark. 2087 Sth in descent from Thomas Halsey. 41 Hill, Wallace Morrill, Newark. 1853 7th in descent from Lieutenant Thaddeus Clark. 10 Humphreys, 1{ev. frank Landon, S.T.D.,Movnstown. 30s 7th in descent from Lieut. Samuel Humphreys. 2^6 NEW JERSEY. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 19 Humphreys, Frederick H., M.D., Morristown. 857 7th in descent from Lieut. Samuel Humphreys. 28 Kite, Louis Stanwood, Beverly. 1525 7th in descent from Hon. William Warner. 16 KoBBE, George Christian, Short Hills. 854 5th in descent from Lieutenant Richard Lord. 5th in descent from Lieutenent Joseph Rogers. 5 Koues, George Ellsworth, Elizabeth. 367 9th in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 9th in descent from Governor John Winthrop. 8th in descent from Vice-Director Gen. Johannes de La Montagne. 7th in descent from Captain John Giiman. 6th in descent from Lieut.-Colonel Winthrop Hilton. 6th in descent from Captain Jonathan Thing. 47 Livingston, Philip, Morristown. 2089 5th in descent from Colonel Philip Livingston. 38 LovELL, Leander Newton, Plainfield. 181 8 loth in descent from Richard Warren. 7th in descent from John Howland. 7 Macdonald, CMalcolm, Princeton. 677 7th in descent from Captain George Denison. 46 McClintock, Emory, Morristown. 2088 8th in descent from Captain John Wakeman. 17 MiLNOR, Thomas William, Burlington. S^", 7th in descent from Dep. -Governor Thomas Lloyd. 15 Morgan, William Fbllowes, Short Hills. 853 6th in descent from Captain John Morgan. 31 RocKwooD, Prof. Charles Greene, Jr., Princeton. 1528 7th in descent from Lieutenant Henry Adams. 7th in descent from Isaac Vermilye. 257 NEW JERSEY. STATE SOCIETY NO. ' GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 20 Squier, Charles Burnham, Rahway. 858. 4th in descent from Stephen Crane. 4th in descent from Captain Ephriam Terrill. 3 Stryker, William Scudder, Adjutant-General, Trenton. 466 6th in descent from Captain Jan Strycker. 5th in descent from Lieutenant Richard Scudder. 13 Thomas, George Cummins, Elizabeth. 851 7th in descent from Captain Jacob Leisler. 8th in descent from Sergeant David Provoost. 6th in descent from Colonel David Provost. 5th in descent from Captain David Provost. 22 ToLER, Henry Pennington, Short Hills. 860 8th in descent from John Ogden. 8th in descent from Captain Samuel Swaine. 7th in descent from Jasper Crane. 7th in descent from Major William Sanford, Sr. 7th in descent from Governor Robert Treat. 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Ward. 40 ToLER, William Pennington, Elizabeth. 1820 7th in descent from Jasper Crane. 33 Tyler, Colonel Mason Whiting, Plainfield. 1745 8th in descent from Governor William Bradford. 7th in descent from Deputy-Gov. John Mason. 4th in descent from Lieut.-Col. William Whiting. )2 Vernon, William Vernon, Short Hills. 1529 6th in descent from Governor Richard Ward. 9 l^ermilye, Reverend A shbel Green, D.D., Englewood. 341 7th in descent from Isaac Vermilye. 6th in descent from Johannes Vermilye. 18 Wylie, George Sandford, Morristown. 856 5th in descent from Captain John Miles. 258 11 n nDemoriam. 24 Robert S. Green, died May 7, 1895. 1 IVilliam John Polls, died Nov. 18, 1895. 12 Clifford Stanley Sims, died March 3, 1896. An inscrutable Providence having removed from the Society of Colonial Wars, in the State of New Jersey, a valued member and its late Chancellor, the Hon. Clifford Stanley Sims, D.C.L., it is with profound sorrow that the following minute is ordered to be placed on the records of the Society. Judge Sims was a man of various gifts, having been at different times a sailor, a soldier, an author, a states- man, and a jurist. He served his country with zeal during the late Civil War — first in the Navy and then in the U. S. Volunteers until taken a prisoner and paroled until the close of the war. In this latter branch of the U. S. service he at- tained the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. His service in the Legislature, and later as U.S. Consul at Ottawa, Canada, as well as his membership in a large number of representative bodies, all testify to the dis- tinguished position that men were glad to accord him. He was the President of the New Jersey State Society of the Cincinnati. A man so strong and vigorous in character, so fearless and outspoken as he was, he yet incurred the enmity of few and maintained the respect of all. The Protestant Episcopal Church, of which he was a member, was glad of his voice and advice — honored him with a position in her great Triennial Councils — hon- ored him the more because on one notable occasion he stood almost alone for conscience and right. Recalling even now his many noble qualities of mind and heart, and failing perhaps to devise the mysterious Providence that would take so useful a life in its prime, we are glad to be able to bring our warmest tribute of love and honor and say " Beali inortui qui in Domine Moriuntur." SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Virginia was organized June 28, 1894, at the Capitol, in the City of Richmond, and chartered by the General Council November 12, 1894. The first General Court was held in the rooms of the Vir- ginia Historical Society December 29, 1894. 260 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. Elected at a Court held on December 29, 1894. Governor. Joseph Bryan. Deputy- Governor. GusTAVUs Adolphus Walker. Lieutenant-Governor. ViRGiNius Newton. Secretary. Thomas Bolling, Jr. Box 404, Richmond, Va. Treasurer. Thomas Bolling, Jr., pro tern. Registrar. Edward C. Mayo. Chancellor. James Lyons. 261 VIRGINIA. LIST OF MEMBERS. Names of Charter Members are in Italics. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 1 6 Blair, Andrew Beirne. 1723 7th in descent from Colonel Samuel Jordan. 9 Boiling, Thomas, Jr. 716 6th in descent from Colonel John Boiling. 10 Bryan, Joseph. 1035 4th in descent from Jonathan Bryan. 3 Cabell, James Alston. 711 5th in descent from Captain William Cabell. 11 Carter, Thomas Nelson. 1036 • 6th in descent from Colonel John Carter. \2 Dandridge, Nathaniel Pendleton, M.D. 1205 5th in descent from Maj.-Gen. Alexander Spotswood. 2 Duke, Richard, Thomas Walker, ]x. 351 4th in descent from Adjutant Thomas Walker. 14 Fry, John Walker. 1341 5th in descent from Colonel Joshua Fry, 4 Lyons, James. 7 1 2 8th in descent from Colonel William Claiborne. 7 Mayo, Edward Carrington. 661 5th in descent from Colonel William Mayo. 8 Newton, l^irginius. 715 6th in descent from Colonel Henry Corbin. 15 Pendleton, Edmond. 1343 4th in collateral descent from Judge Edmond Pendleton. 262 VIRGINIA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 13 Smith, Francis Lee. 1238 8th in descent from Augustine Warner, Sr. I Walker, Gustavus Adolphus. 316 4th in descent from Captain Samuel Meredith. 6 Walker, John Garland. 714 6th in descent from Colonel William Fitzhugh. 5 Walker, William James. 713 6th in descent from Colonel William Fitzhugh. 26} SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New Hampshire was organized September 27, 1894, at Concord, incorporated under the laws of the State of New Hampshire, September 28, 1894, and chartered by the General Council, November 12, 1894. The first General Court was held December 11, 1894, in the library of the New Hampshire Histor- ical Society at Concord, and the officers and com- mittees for the ensuing year elected. The second General Court was held September 12, 189s, in the State Senate chamber in Concord, and the officers and committees for the year fol- lowing were elected. Other business of import- ance was also transacted. The third General Court was held at the Eagle Hotel, Concord, June, 17, 1896. The fourth General Court was held at the Rock- ingham Colonial Hall, Portsmouth, June 15, 1897, being the i52d anniversary of the capture of Louisburg. 264 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Elected at the Fourth General Court, held June 15, 1897, at the Rockingham Colonial Hall, Portsmouth, N. H. Governor. Henry Oakes Kent, Lancaster. Deputy-Gover7ior. John Calvin Thorne. Lieutenant-Governor. James Forney. Secretary. Charles Lathrop Parsons. Durham. Treasurer. Granville Priest Conn, Concord. Registrar. Ezra Scollay Stearns, Rindge. Chaplain. Charles Langdon Tappan. Chancellor. Jared Irving Williams. 265 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Ezra Scollay Stearns, Edson Coffin Eastman, William Davis Sawyer, John Sheldon Treat, Henry Arthur Cutter. Committee on Membership. Charles Langdon Tappan, James Milnor Coit, George Frederic Evans, George Oscar Ball, Morton Freeman Plant. 266 NE W HA MPSHIRE. LIST OF MEMBERS. Names of Charter Members are In Italics. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 42 Ball, George Oscar, Claremont. 21S3 9th in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 8th in descent from Governor Simon Bradstreet. 14 Bangs, Charles McClary, Cambridge, Mass. 728 4th in descent from Captain John McClary. 7 Bangs, Frederick Lincoln, Cambridge, Mass. 721 4th in descent from Captain John McClary. 18 Beatty, Franklin Thomason, M.D., Boston, Mass. 2129 4th in descent from Thomas Beatty. 7th in descent from Governor Jean Paul Jaquett. 6th in descent from Captain Andreas Bengsten. S2 Brown, Elisha Rhodes, Dover. 2274 9th in descent from Governor Roger Williams. 49 BusiEL, Hon. Charles Albert, Laconia. 2160 6th in descent from Daniel Tilton. II Clapp, Frederick IValter, Boston, Mass. 725 7th in descent from Thomas Clapp. 6th in descent from Major Samuel Clapp. 43 CoiT, James Milnor, Ph. D., Concord. 2154 6th in descent from John Howland. 21 Conn, Granville Priest, M.D., Concord. 2132 3d in descent from John Conn. 30 Cutter, Henry Arthur, Nashua. 2 141 7th in descent from Richard Cutter. 6th in descent from Ephriam Cutter. 7th in descent from John Prescott. 6th in descent from Captain Jonas Prescott. 5th in descent from Lieutenant David Alld. 5th in descent from Captain Peter Powers. 267 NEW HAMPSHIRE. STATE SOCIETY NO. . GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 55 Deering, John Wentworth, Boston, Mass. 2277 7th in descent from Lieut.-Col. William Pepperrell. 27 Eastman, Edson Cummings, Concord. 2138 4th in descent from Captain Ebenezer Eastman. 22 Eastman, Hon. Samuel Coffin, Concord. 2133 4th in descent from Captain Ebenezer Eastman. 54 Edgerly, Edwin Lorraine, New-York City. 2276 4th in descent from David Edgerly. 41 Evans, George Frederic, Portland, Me. 2152 8th in descent from Nathaniel Morton. 3 Frisbie, Franklin Senter, Penacook. 717 8th in descent from Captain Nathaniel Fryer. 8th in descent from Major Richard Waldron. 8th in descent from Captain William Gerrish. 7th in descent from Captain John Gerrish. 6th in descent from Colonel Timothy Gerrish. 7th in descent from Lieut.-Col. William Pepperrell. 34 Forney, Col. James, U. S. Marine Corps, Portsmouth. 2145 In right of Emanuel Carpenter. 35 Foster, Joseph, Paymaster U.S. Navy, Portsmouth. 2146 4th in descent from Captain Jeremiah Foster. 7th in descent from Thomas Boreman. 7th in descent from William Goodhue. 7th in descent from George Giddinge (Giddings). 4th in descent from Lieutenant Daniel Giddings. 6th in descent from John Spalding. 6th in descent from John Jackson. 6th in descent from Lieutenant George Ingersoll. 5th in descent from Samuel Ingersoll. 6th in descent from Thomas Riggs. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Ingalls. 6th in descent from Quartermaster Nathaniel Rust. 6th in descent from Quartermaster Robert Kinsman. 5th in descent from Lieutenant William Butler. 268 NEW HAMPSHIRE. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. ^6 Gilchrist, Harry Wilbur, Franklin. 2147 5th in descent from James Dunlap. 2 J, Gordon, Capt. George Augustus, Somerville, Mass. 2134 5th in descent from Alexander Gordon. 4th in descent from Thomas Gordon. 7th in descent from Captain John Carter. 7th in descent from George Giddinge. 6th in descent from Richard Bartlett. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Gershom Fleg, 45 HiGGiNS, George, M.D., Concord. 2156 7th in descent from Lieut.-Colonel William Pepperill. 33 Hill, Reverend Howard Fremont, Concord. 2144 4th in descent from Abraham Hill. 5th in descent from Thomas Adams. 15 Hubbard, Col. Adolphus Skinner, San Francisco, Cal. 811 8th in descent from Edmund Hubbard. 6th in descent from Caleb Hubbard. 4th in descent from Peter Hubbard, Sr. 8 Jackson Henry Stedman, Boston, Mass. 722 7th in descent from Edward Jackson. 4th in descent from Lieutenant Timothy Jackson. 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Spring. 6th in descent from Ebenezer Stone. 6th in descent from Lieutenant James Trowbridge. 5th in descent from Captain Thomas Greenwood. }2 Jameson, Winfield Scott, Port Gamble, Wash. 2143 4th in descent from Martin Jameson. 6th in descent from Major William Vaughn. 6th in descent from Rev. John Wise. 6 Kent, Colonel Henry Oakes, LL.D., \J.S.V .,'LAncAsXer. 720 3d in descent from Colonel Jacob Kent. 9th in descent from Richard Butler. 9th in descent from Rev. Samuel Stone. 8th in descent from Thomas Root. 269 NE W HA MPSHIRE. STATE SOCIETY NO. ' GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 7th in descent from Richard Mann. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Francis Peabody. 53 Morse, Professor Fred Winslow, Durham. 2275 7th in descent from Captain John Jacob. 7th in descent from Daniel Gushing. 29 Parsons, Professor Charles Lathrop, Durham. 2140 7th in descent from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 6th in descent from Captain Joseph Parsons. 5th in descent from Captain Ebenezer Parsons. 4th in descent from Lieutenant Benjamin Parsons, loth in descent from Governor John Webster. 9th in descent from Elder William Brewster. 9th in descent from Deputy-Governor John Alden. 8th in descent from Captain Jonathan Alden. 9th in descent from Asst. -Governor William Collier. 7th in descent from Captain John Marsh. 6th in descent from Colonel Ebenezer Marsh. 56 Pitman, Charles Frank, Laconia. 2278 4th in descent from Andrew Woodbury. I Philbrook, Frederick ^acon, Jamaica Plains, Mass. 512 9th in descent from Captain Richard Brackett. 9th in descent from Captain John Whipple. 8th in descent from Lieutenant William French. 8th in descent from Colonel John Lane. 6th in descent from Benjamin Bacon. 4th in descent from Corporal Samuel Clough. 16 Plaisted, Sheridan, Waterville, Me. 812 8th in descent from Major Samuel Appleton. 39 Plant, Hon. Henry Bradley, New-York City. 2150 5th in descent from John Plant. 8th in descent from Hon. Thomas Gregson. 6th in descent from John Frisbee. 40 Plant, Morton Freeman, New-York City. 21 51 6th in descent from John Plant. 270 NE W HA MPSHIRE. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 9th in descent from Hon. Thomas Gregson. 7th in descent from John Frisbee. 58 Rollins, Hon. Frank West, Concord. 2280 5th in descent from Captain Ebenezer Eastman. 24 Sawyer, William Davis, Quartermaster-General, 2135 N. H. N. G., Dover. 7th in descent from Thomas Sawyer. 6th in descent from Caleb Sawyer. 4th in descent from Sergeant Caleb Sawyer. 8th in descent from Tristram Coffin. 7th in descent from Hon. Peter Coffin. 5th in descent from Captain Tristram Coffin. 8th in descent from Major Simon Willard. 7th in descent from Henry Willard. 8th in descent from Sergeant Thomas Pierce. 8th in descent from Lieutenant Edward Winship. 8th in descent from John Prescott. 8th in descent from Edward Starbuck. 51 Sawyer, Captain Charles Francis, Dover. 2273 7th 6th 4th 8th 7th 5th 8th 7th 8th 8th 8th 8th n descent from Thomas Sawyer. n descent from Caleb Sawyer. n descent from Sergeant Caleb Sawyer. n descent from Tristram Coffin. n descent from Hon. Peter Coffin. n descent from Captain Tristram Coffin. n descent from Major Simon Willard. n descent from Henry Willard. n descent from Sergeant Thomas Prince. n descent from Lieutenant Edward Winship. n descent from John Prescott. n descent from John Starbuck. 47 Scales, John, Dover. 2158 7th in descent from Captain John Woodman. 6th in descent from Captain Jacob Green. 7th in descent from Judge Henry Green. 271 NEW HA MPS HIRE. STATE SOCIETY NO. - GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 6th in descent from Ensign William Longfellow. 6th in descent from Captain Henry True. 5th in descent from Colonel Mark Hunking. 25 Staniels, Charles Eastman, Concord. 2136 3th in descent from Captain Ebenezer Eastman. 26 Stearns, Hon. Ezra Scollay, A.M., Rindge. 2137 8th in descent from Lieutenant John Wyman. 5th in descent from John Fitch. 5th in descent from Captain Abraham Knowlton. 4 Tappan, Reverend Charles Langdon, Concord. 718 6th in descent from Captain Tristram Heard. 20 Thorne, John Calvin, Concord. 2131 3d in descent from Quartermaster John Thorne. 48 TiLTON, George Henry, Laconia. 2159 6th in descent from Daniel Tilton. 44 Todd, Hon. William Cleaves, Atkinson. 2155 7th in descent from Governor John Endicott. 6th in descent from Major William Hawthorne. 31 Treat, Hon. John Sheldon, Portsmouth. 2142 6th in descent from Governor Robert Treat. 5th in descent from Captain Joseph Treat. 46 Walcott, Nathaniel Adams, Portsmouth. 2157 7th in descent from Captain Jonathan Walcott. 6th in descent from Lieutenant John Walcott. 57 Waterman, Reverend Lucius, Laconia. 2279 8th in descent from Asst.-Gov. Samuel Gorton. 8th in descent from Tristram Coffin. 7th in descent from Asst.-Gov. James Greene. 7th in descent from John Wilkinson. 7th in descent from Asst.-Gov, Thomas Harris. 6th in descent from Governor Joseph Jenckes. 272 NE IV HA \f PS HI RE. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 2 Willey, William Lithgow, S.D., Boston, Mass. 514 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Willey. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Matthew Bridge. 6th in descent from Lieutenant-Col. Arthur Noble. 5th in descent from Captain William Lithgow. 30 Williams, Captain Jared Irving, A.B., Lancaster. 2161 5th in descent from Chaplain Stephen Williams, D. D. , 273 1ln fIDemorlam. 19 Colby, Frank Arthur, M.D., died July 14, 1896. Frank Arthur Colby, M.D., Berlin. Born at Lancas- ter, N. H., November 4, i8'52. Married, November 4, 1880, to Ada Hatch, who with two children — Hortense (13) and Arthur F. (s) — suivives him. He was fitted at Exeter, studied his profession at Bur- lington, Vt., graduated M.D. at Dartmouth, 1874; traveled in 1874.5 in Europe and Egypt, and became associated with several foreign medical societies, notably that of St. Thomas' Hospital, London, and was a fellow of the State societies of Maine, New Hampshire, Oregon and California. He practised at Cabot, Vt., Bartlett and Lancaster, N. H., and located at Berlin in 1883. He represented Berlin in the legislature of 1895 — was a Mason, a Knight Templar, and attained the thirty- second degree of the Ancient Scottish Rite; was warden of the St. Barnabas Episcopal Church at Berlin. The interment was at Lancaster, by North Star Commandery, of which he was a valued member. Dr. Colby was an active, able and useful man, be- loved in his family and esteemed by his associates and the public. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF VERMONT. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Ver- mont was chartered Nov. 12, 1894, and incorporated under the State Laws Nov. 20, 1894. The first GeneralCourt washeld at Montpelier, Nov. 20, 1894. Previous to its Declaration of Independence, Ver- mont was claimed by New York and New Hamp- shire under charters issued by the Crown of Eng- land. Owing to lack of knowledge the grants lap- ped over each other, and said lands were surveyed, claimed and sold by the Royal Governors of New Hampshire and New York. The result was conflict of ownership among the settlers and demands for payment by both the Royal Governors. The set- tlers often answered these demands by flogging the emissaries sent to enforce them, which was called "The application of the Beach Seal." The con- troversies resulted in a declaration of complete inde- pendence. Vermont, therefore, cannot claim to have been a colony with established boundaries, and no Great Seal was authorized for her by the British Government. For these reasons it has seemed proper that the Great Seal of the Society should be a combination of those of New York and New Hampshire, including the date of the first white settlement at Dummerston, 1724, and the end of the Colonial period, 1775, also the "Beach Seal" of the " Green Mountain Boys" represented by the beach withs which bind the ribbon at the base. The Great Seal of the Vermont Society of Co- lonial Wars is a ribbon of the order united at the base by beach withs, bearing a title scroll, " 1724, Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Vermont, 1775," surrounding a diaper carrying a shield bear- ing the Colonial Seals of New York and New Hampshire joined surmounted of the crown. 275 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF VERMONT. Elected at the Fourth General Court, held at the Van Ness House, Burlington, February 22d, 1898. Governor. Colonel Edward Curtis Smith, St. Albans. Deputy-Governor. Hon. Charles Dewey. Lieutenant- Governor. Hon. Elias Lyman. Secretary. Robert Noble, Burlington. Deputy-Secretary. Major Jacob Gray Estey, Brattleboro. Treasurer. Col. Charles Spooner Forbes, St. Albans. Chaplain. Hon. Henry Wells. Historian. Col. George Grenville Benedict. Registrar. James Clay Houghton. Chancellor. Capt. Horace E. Dyer. Surgeon. Leroy Monroe Bingham, M.D. 276 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Capt. Austin Weld Fuller, Ex-Governor William Paul Col. Robert Jackson Kimball, Dillingham, Hon. Edward Wells, Col. Charles A. Converse. Charles E. Miner. Committee on Membership. Frederick Howard Wells, Esa, Ex-Governor Urban Andrian John Erastus Hubbard, Esa, Woodbury. Worthington Smith Telford, Esq. 277 VERMONT. LIST OF MEMBERS. Names of Charter Members are in Italics. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 7 Benedict, George Grenville, Colonel and A. D. C, 734 Burlington. 4th in descent from Captain Stephen Dewey. 27 Bingham, Leroy Monroe, Burlington. 2423 4th in descent from Captain Samuel Bingham. 35 Booth, John Henry, Vergennes. 2431 6th in descent from Sergeant John Booth. I Cbittenden, Edward /ilonio, Colond and A.D.C., St. 505 Albans. 7th in descent from Major William Chittenden. 3d in descent from Colonel Thomas Chittenden. 7th in descent from Major Simon Willard. 5th in descent from Captain Janna Meigs. 2^ Converse, Charles Allen, Colonel and A.D.C., Phil- 2419 adelphia. 6th in descent from Edward Converse, 6th in descent from John Prentis. 5th in descent from Captain Stephen Prentis. 4th in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Prentis. 4th in descent from Samuel Allen, 17 Dewey, Hon. Charles, Montpelier. 2413 8th in descent from Cornet Thomas Dewey. 8th in descent from John Talcott. 7th in descent from Captain Samuel Talcott. 1 1 Dillingham, William Paul, Ex-Governor of Vermont, 738 Waterbury. 4th in descent from John Dillingham. 15 'Dyer, Horace Edward, Captain, V. N. G., Rutland. 742 9th in descent from Dep. Mathew Gilbert. 8th in descent from Captain Robert Chapman. 278 yERMONT. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 8th in descent from George Roger Williams. 8th in descent from Thomas Danforth. 8th in descent from Deputy-Gov. John Greene. 2o EsTEY, Major Jacob Gray, V.N. G., Brattleboro. 2416 8th in descent from Robert Proctor. 7th in descent from Thomas Chamberlin. 6th in descent from Thomas Chamberlin, Jr. 19 EsTEY, Brig-Gen. Julius Jacob, V.N. G., Brattleboro. 2415 7th in descent from Robert Proctor. 6th in descent from Thomas Chamberlin. 5th in descent from Thomas Chamberlin, Jr. 34 Evans, Ira Hobart, Montpelier, 2430 9th in descent from William Pynchon. 8th in descent from John Talcott. 31 FiFiELD, Hon. Benjamin Frank, Montpelier. 2427 4th in descent from Captain Edward Fifield. 6 Fletcher, Truman Chittenden, Colonel and A. D. C, 733 St. Johnsbury. 7th in descent from Major William Chittenden. 3d in descent from Colonel Thomas Chittenden. 5th in descent from Captain Janna Meigs. 7th in descent from Major Simon Willard. 12 Forbes, Charles Spooner, Colonel and A. D. C. , St. 739 Albans. 8th in descent from John Alden. 7th in descent from David Alden. 7th in descent from Governor Constant Southworth. 7th in descent from James Cutler. 7th in descent from Richard Sares. 6th in descent from John Hull. 14 Fuller, Captain ^Austin Weld, U. S. V., St. Albans. 741 loth in descent from Governor Thomas Prince. 9th in descent from Major John Freeman. 279 VERMONT. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 38 Gay, Frederick, Burlington. 2454 7th in descent from General James Cudworth. 29 Houghton, James Clay, Montpelier. 2425 7th in descent from John Houghton. 4th in descent from Ensign Jacob Houghton. 3d in descent from Abraham Houghton. 7th in descent from John Osgood. 7th in descent from Philip Walker. 7th in descent from Major Simon Willard. 18 Hubbard, John Erastus, Montpelier. 2414 8th in descent from George Hubbard. 7th in descent from Lieutenant William Spencer. 4th in descent from Nathan Blake. 10 Huse, Hon. Hiram th in descent from Lieutenant Abraham Bronson. 4th in descent from Lieutenant Joshua Raymond. 3d in descent from Captain Nathan Jewett. 121 Waite, Horace Garfield, Chicago. 2}-^^ 4th in descent from Lieutenant Richard Waite. 8th in descent from Henry Wolcott. 7th in descent from John Bronson. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Matthew Griswold. 7th in descent from Captain James Sands. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Richard Lord. 6th in descent from Captain Joseph Jewett. 6th in descent from Captain William Ely. 6th in descent from Captain James Newton. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Abraham Bronson. 5th in descent from Lieutenant Joshua Raymond. 4th in descent from Captain Nathan Jewett. 34 Washburne, Hon. Hempstead, Chicago. 993 8th in descent from John Washburn. 7th in descent from John Washburn. 6th in descent from Sergeant Samuel Washburn. 9th in descent from Francis Cook. 8th in descent from Experience Mitchell. 7th in descent from John Fobes. 69 Wells, Samuel Rogers, Chicago. 1064 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Wells. 114 Wentworth, Moses Jones, Chicago. 22^2 7th in descent from Elder William Wentworth. 5th in descent from Captain Benjamin Wentworth. 4th in descent from Colonel John Wentworth. 8th in descent from Richard Treat. 6th in descent from Major Charles Frost. 4th in descent from Colonel Otis Baker. 120 Wentworth, William Grafton, Chicago. 2334 6th in descent from Elder William Wentworth. 303 ILLINOIS. STATE SOCIETY NO. ' GENERAL SOCIETY NO. io8 Wheelock, William Barker, Indianapolis, Ind. 1862 8th in descent from Captain Josepli Hills. 7th in descent from Captain John Waite. 6th in descent from Increase Winn, 5th in descent from Captain Joseph Capron. 4th in descent from John Starkey. 4th in descent from William Barker. 87 Whitney, Dr. Eugene Wolcott, Salt Lake City, Utah. 1654 6th in descent from Moses Whitney. 8th in descent from Henry Wolcott. 7th in descent from Major Samuel Appleton. 54 Wight, William Ward, Milwaukee, Wis. 1049 9th in descent from Matthew Allyn. 8th in descent from Captain Benjamin Newberry. 8th in descent from Richard Saltonstall. 7th in descent from Captain George Barbour. 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Lyman. , 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Moseley. 9 Winston, Frederick Hampden, Chicago. 829 4th in descent from John Mohr Mcintosh. 19 WooDBRiDGE, JONATHAN Edwards, Chicago. 850 7th in descent from Rev. John Woodbridge. 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 7th in descent from Governor William Leete. 7th in descent from Anthony Stoddard. 5th in descent from Timothy Edwards. 43 Wright, Harry Linn, Chicago. ' 1038 7th in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Kellogg. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Robert Webster. 7th in descent from Captain Aaron Cooke. 7th in descent from Stephen Terry. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Hovey. 6th in descent from Captain Joseph Wadsworth. 22 Wyman, Walter Channing, Chicago. 894 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Wyman. 6th in descent from John Wyman, Jr. 304 1ln flDcmonam* ^ 8 George Francis Bissel I, died ]ime 2^th, 1895. 40 Chandler Pease Chapman, died May 12th, 1897. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF MISSOURI. The Society or Colonial Wars in the State of Mis- souri was organized at St. Louis with twenty-four charter members, on November 22, 1894. The Society adopted as the date for the General Court, October 10, which date commemorates the possession of Fort Chartres and the battle of Point Pleasant; for, by the Treaty of Paris, concluded February 10, 1763, the question which had been in doubt for a century, whether French or English civilization should rule this continent, was settled for all time. By this treaty Canada and that por- tion of Louisiana between the AUeghanies and the Mississippi came into possession of Great Britain. Captain Stirling, with a company of the Forty- second Highlanders, came down the Ohio in boats from Fort Pitt, arriving early in October, 1765. On the tenth day of that month he relieved the French commander of Forth Chartres, St. Ange, who for some months had been under orders to give up the fort whenever a force of British came to relieve him. These were the first English troops who ever set foot in the Illinois country. Fort Chartres, built by the French in 1720, was, in its time, the strongest fortress in America. Its ruins are on the left bank of the Mississippi River, in Randolph County, Illinois, fifty miles south of St. Louis, and sixteen miles northwest of Kaskas- kia. October 10, 1774, occurred the battle of Point Pleasant, at the junction of the Kanawha with the Ohio River. Both these events were important colonial foot- steps in the direction of the west. 306 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Elected at a Court held October 9, 1897. Governor. Horatio Nelson Spencer, M.D. Deputy-Governor. Hon. Clark Hamilton Sampson. Lieutenant-Governor. Thomas James. Secretary. Hobart Brinsmade. 709 Washington Ave., St. Louis. Deputy-Secretary. Harry Leach Block. Treasurer. Henry Purkitt Wyman. 101 South Main St., St. Louis. '^{egistrar. Henry Cadle. Bethany. Historian. James Thomas Sands. Chaplain. Rt. Rev. Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, D.D., S. T. D. 307 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Horatio Nelson Spencer, M.D. Richard Aylett Barret, Hon. Clark Hamilton Sampson, Orlando Powers Bloss, Thomas James, John Crocker Foote, HoBART Brinsmade, Alfred Lee Shapleigh, Henry Purkitt Wyman, Hon. George Eliot Leighton, Henry Cadle, Frederick Newton J udson, George Amos Newcomb, Hon. Selden Palmer Spencer, NoRRis Bradford Gregg. STANDING COMMITTEES. Committee on Membership. HoBART Brinsmade, Hon. Selden Palmer Spencer, CuRTiss Crane Gardiner, William Henry Gregg, Jr. Charles Hadley Wyman. Committee on Historical Documents. Rt. Rev. Charles Reuben Hon. Milton Welsh, Hale, D.D., LL.D. Dr. Edmund Cone Brush. 308 MISSOURI. LIST OF MEMBERS. Names of Charter Members are in Italics. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 24 Adams, William Porter, Chicago, 111. 1148 4th in descent from Sergeant Thomas Adams. 69 Anderon, John Wheelwright, Belvidere, III. 4th in descent from Robert Clark. 64 Atwill, James William, St. Joseph. 1769 Sth in descent from Ebenezer Burrill. 17 Barret, Richard Aylett, St. Louis. 766 7th in descent from Charles Barret. 6th in descent from Henry Corbin. 6th in descent from Mordecai Cooke. 6th in descent from William Presley. Sth in descent from Peter Presley. 5th in descent from William Aylett. 3d in descent from Lieutenant William Winston. 6s Bascome, Western Radford, New York City. 1770 Sth in descent from Brant Van Slichtenhorst. 7th in descent from Matthias NicoU. 6th in descent from William Nicoll. 7th in descent from Colonel Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 7th in descent from Captain Philip Pieterse Schuyler. 7th in descent from Oliff Stevensen Van Cortlandt. 6th in descent from Col. Stephanus Van Cortlandt. 5th in descent from Etienne de Lancey. 5th in descent from Michael Kearney. 4th in descent from Philip Kearney. 4th in descent from John Watts. 63 Block, Harry Leach, St. Louis. 1768 Sth in descent from Thomas Walker. 61 Bloss, Orlando Powers, Kansas City. 1535 6th in descent from Exercise Conant. 309 MISSOURI. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 7th in descent from Governor Roger Conant. 6th in descent from Jonathan Crane. 39 Brinsmade, Hobart, St. Louis. 1266 4th in descent from Rev. James Beebe. 56 Brown, Colonel Willis, Buffalo, N. Y. 1349 4th in descent from Corporal John Brown. 25 Brush, Edward Cone, Zanesville. 1149 4th in descent from Colonel Joseph Spencer. I Cadle, Henry, Bethany. 385 8th in descent from Roger Shaw. 8th in descent from Christopher Hussey. 7th in descent from Thomas Marston. 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Sanborn. 6th in descent from Stephen Batchelder. 5th in descent from Ensign James Johnson. (i(i Cadle, Charles Francis, Muscatine, la. 1806 8th in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Wheeler. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Henry Adams. 7th in descent from Nathaniel Ballord. 7th in descent from John How. 7th in descent from Peter Bulkeley. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Francis Peabody. ■^2 Candee, Henry Safford, Cairo, 111. 11 56 6th in descent from Samuel Candee. 8th in descent from Captain Thomas Munson. 5th in descent from Captain Joseph Tuttle. 12 Carter, John Scott, St. Louis. 761 6th in descent from Robert Carter. 38 Clarke, William Bingham, Kansas City. 1162 6th in descent from George Clark. 70 Crutcher, Edwin Ruthven, Kansas City. 2091 5th in descent from Colonel William Mayo. 68 De Wolf, Edwin Allis, St. Louis. 1864 7th in descent from Lieutenant William Allis. 310 MISSOURI. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 7 Eastman, Lauren Chase, Clinton, la. 756 6th in descent from Peter Tilton. 16 Edmunds, Hon. Henry Littleton, St. Louis. 765 9th in descent from Governor John West. 8th in descent from Colonel William Claiborne. 7th in descent from Colonel William Browne. 2 Fleet, Prof. Alexander Frederick, A.M., LL.D., Culver, 402 Ind. 6th in descent from Lieut. -Colonel Henry Fleet. 7th in descent from Robert Brooke. 7th in descent from Captain James Neale. 6th in descent from Francis Hulchins. 15 FooTE, John Crocker, Belvidere, 111. 764 8th in descent from Nathaniel Foote, ist. 6th in descent from Q.-M. Nathaniel Foote, 2d. 5th in descent from Captain Nathaniel Foote, 3d. 4th in descent from Daniel Foote. 9th in descent from Joseph Loomis. 9th in descent from John Tilly. 8th in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Smith. 8th in descent from Nathaniel Ely. 8th in descent from Deacon William Crocker. 8th in descent from Philip Groves. 8th in descent from John Howland. 7th in descent from John Howland, Jr. 7th in descent from Samuel Marshfield. 7th in descent from Stephen Terry. 7th in descent from William Swift. 6th in descent from Captain James Newton. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Kellogg. 6th in descent from John Skinner. 6th in descent from Nathaniel Beach. 5th in descent from Josiah Beach. 4 Gardiner, Curtiss Crane, St. Louis. 755 7th in descent from Lieutenant Lion Gardiner. 7th in descent from Captain George Denison. 3U MISSOURI. STATE SOCIETY NO. ' GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 7th in descent from Thomas Stanton. 7th in descent from John Howland. 60 Garvin, Frank Hamilton, Omaha, Neb. 1 534 5lh in descent from Joseph Bostwick. 9 Green, John, M.D., St. Louis. 758 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 4th in descent from Brig.-General Timothy Ruggles. 18 Gregg, William Henry, St. Louis. 767 3d in descent from Major Samuel Gregg. 19 Gregg, Norris Bradford, St. Louis. 768 4th in descent from Major Samuel Gregg. 20 Gregg, William Henry, Jr., St. Louis. 769 4th in descent from Major Samuel Gregg. 29 Hale, Right Reverend Charles Reuben, D.D., LL.D., 11 53 Bishop of Cairo, Cairo, 111. 6th in descent from Samuel Hale. 8th in descent from Governor William Pynchon. 8th in descent from Richard Treat. 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. 7th in descent from Governor John Webster. 7th in descent from Captain Thomas Bull. 57 Hayes, John, Red Oak, la. 1350 3d in descent from Captain John Fassett. 4th in descent from Josiah Fassett. 71 Hays, Edgar Clinton, M.C, Hannibal. 2092 9th in descent from Peter Montague. 47 James, Thomas, Kansas City. 1274 6th in descent from James Claypoole. 56 Judson, Frederick Newton, St. Louis. 1533 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. 44 Leighton, Hon. George Eliot, St. Louis. 127 1 5th in descent from Captain John Leighton. 8th in descent from Depijty-Gov. Ambrose Gibbons. 312 MISSOURI. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 6th in descent from Robert Elliot. 6th in descent from Lieut.-Col. William Pepperrell. 3th in descent from Captain John Hill. 6th in descent from Major Charles Frost. 34 Meriwether, Hunter McKeand, Kansas City. 1158 6th in descent from Nicholas Meriwether. 5th in descent from Francis Thornton. 75 McCoRD, William Hallack, Omaha, Neb. 2368 5th in descent from Captain John Paxton. 76 McCoRD, James Hamilton, St. Joseph. 2369 5th in descent from Captain John Paxton. 77 McCoRD, Samuel Steele, St. Joseph. 2370 5th in descent from Captain John Paxton. 78 McCoRD, Francis, Kansas City. 2371 5th in descent from Captain John Paxton. 79 McCoRD, George Lawrence, Pueblo, Col. 2372 5th in descent from Captain John Paxton. 80 McCoRD, Robert Hamden, St. Joseph. 2373 5th in descent from Captain John Paxton. 48 Millard, Clifford Isaac, St. Louis. 1275 7th in descent from Joseph Peck. 6th in descent from Ephraim Peck. 58 Moulton, John Henry, Alton, 111. 135 1 7th in descent from Thomas Marston. 6th in descent from Ephraim Marston. 8th in descent from William Eastow. 7th in descent from Christopher Hussey. 7th in descent from Robert Page. 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Sanborn. 2} Newcomb, George Amos, St. Louis. 11 47 4th in descent from Isaac Newcomb. 7th in descent from Captain Richard Brackett. II Obear, Frank, St. Louis. 1760 7th in descent from Captain Peregrine White. 313 MlSSOURr. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 72 Pearce, Hon. Charles Edward, St. Louis. 2093 7th in descent from Lieutenant Nicholas Stillwell. 50 Randall, John Frederic, St. Louis. 1277 7th in descent from Captain George Denison. 7th in descent from Captain James Avery. 31 Rogers, Alfred Harrison, Joplin. 1155 4th in descent from Timotiiy Green. 51 Sabin, David Dickey, Belvidere, IlL 1278 6th in descent from Benjamin Sabin. 7th in descent from William Sabin. 43 Sabin, Sidney Avery, Belvidere, 111. 1270 8th in descent from Captain James Avery. 7th in descent from Lieutenant James Avery, Jr. 8th in descent from Captain George Denison. 52 Sabin, Eugene Francis, Belvidere, 111. 1279 8th in descent from Captain James Avery. 7th in descent from Lieutenant James Avery, Jr. 8th in descent from Captain George Denison. 30 Sampson, Hon. Clark Hamilton, St. Louis. 1 1 54 7th in descent from Captain Myles Standish. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Nash. 7th in descent from John Alden. 6th in descent from Abraham Sampson. 3 Sands, James Thomas, St. Louis. 752 6th in descent from Captain James Sands. 8th in descent from John Talcott. 8th in descent from Sergeant Samuel Wright. 7th in descent from Ensign Thomas Cornell. 45 Shapleigh, Alfred Lee, St. Louis. 1272 6th in descent from Lieutenant John Shapleigh. 5th in descent from Major Nicholas Shapleigh. 4th in descent from Nicholas Shapleigh. 9th in descent from Deputy-Gov. Ambrose Gibbons. 8th in descent from Henry Sherburne. 8th in descent from Jeremy Houchin. 314 MISSOURI. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 8th in descent from Anthony Stanyan. 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Pickering. 7th in descent from Colonel Samuel Wheelwright. 6th in descent from Colonel John Wheelwright. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Roger Plaisted. 6th in descent from John Plaisted. 5th in descent from Elisha Plaisted. 6th in descent from Captain Tobias Langdon. 74 Short, Reverend William, D.D., St. Louis. 2}2} 8th in descent from Sergeant Edward Riffffs. 8th in descent from Lieutenant William French. 7th in descent from Roger Ludlow. 6th in descent from Captain Ebenezer Johnson. 14 Spencer, Horatio Nelson, M.D., St. Louis. 763 6th in descent from Ensign Jared Spencer. 4th in descent from Isaac Spencer. 8th in descent from Rev. John Wilson. 7th in descent from John Clark. 7th in descent from Sergeant Richard Church. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Alex. Marsh. 6th in descent from Lieutenant William Pratt. 5th in descent from Captain William Pratt. 5th in descent from Joseph Selden. 3d in descent from Captain William Brockway. 13 Spencer, Hon. Selden Palmer, St. Louis. 762 5th in descent from Isaac Spencer. 8th in descent from John Clark. 8th in descent from Sergeant Richard Church. 7th in descent from Lieutenant William Pratt. 6th in descent from Captain William Pratt. 4th in descent from Captain William Brockway. 62 Swisher, Stephen Alfred, Iowa City, la. 1536 5th in descent from Thomas Rose. 49 Tuttle, Right Reverend Daniel Sylvester, D.D., 1276 S.T.D., Bishop of Missouri, St. Louis. 4th in descent from Daniel Tuttle. 3'^ . MISSOURI. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO 40 VooRHEES, William Perrine, Kansas City. 1267 7th in descent from Lieutenant Wilhelmus Beekman. 6th in descent from Colonel Gerardus Beekman, M.D 7th in descent from Captain Jan Strycker, 6th in descent from Jan Strycker, Jr. 6th in descent from Major Cornelius Van Brunt. 6th in descent from Captain Daniel Polhemus. 6th in descent from Corporal Abraham De La Noye. 6th in descent from Jacobus Gerritsen Strycker. 5th in descent from Captain Pieter Strycker. 81 Walker, Stoughton, St. Joseph. 2374 4th in descent from Phineas Walker. 41 Ward, Hugh Campbell, Kansas City. 1268 Sth in descent from Seth Ward. 46 Watson, Rev. Samuel Newell, D.D., Chillicothe, O. 1273 7th in descent from Robert Burnett. 6th in descent from Elisha Lawrence. 5th in descent from Michael Kearney. 35 Welsh, Hon. Milton, Kansas City. 11 59 7th in descent from Colonel Nicholas Greenbury. 67 Welsh, Reverend Luther Winfred, Hannibal. 1807 7th in descent from Colonel Nicholas Greenbury. 7th in descent from Colonel John Hammond. 7th in descent from Com. -Gen. Garret Van Sweringen, 7th in descent from Hon. John Dorsey. 4th in descent from Hon. Henry Griffith. 27 White, John Barber, Kansas City. 1151 4th in descent from Colonel Jonathan White. 4th in descent from Sergeant Josiah White, Jr. 7th in descent from John Prescott, Sr. 7th in descent from Captain Hugh Mason. 7th in descent from Ralph Houghton. 6th in descent from Lawrence Waters. 6th in descent from Captain Andrew Gardner. 6th in descent from Captain Thomas Wilder. 316 MISSOURI. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 5th in descent from Colonel James Wilder. 5th in descent from Josiah Whitcomb. Sth in descent from Captain Jabez Fairbanks. 4th in descent from Trumpeter Simon Butler. 37 Winter, Francis Anderson, M.D., Lieut. U.S.A. 1161 West Point, N. Y. 6th in descent from John Alden. 73 Winter, Samuel Drew, St. Louis. 2184 Sth in descent from John Alden, 6 Wyman, Charles Hadley, St. Louis. 755 4th in descent from Lieutenant Nehemiah Wyman. 7th in descent from Richard Cutter. s IVyman, Henry Purkitt, St. Louis. 754 4th in descent from Lieutenant Nehemiah Wyman. 7th in descent from Richard Cutter. 317 Hn nDemoriam. 33 Henry Hinsdale Candee, died Oct. i6, 1897. 10 Clarence Conde Obear, died Dec. 21, 1897. Henry H. Candee was born in Harwinton, Connecti- cut, December 6, 1833, and died at Cairo, Illinois. Clarence C. Obear was born in St. Louis, Missouri, June 13, 1866, and died at St. Louis. He was a charter member of the Society ot Colonial Wars in the State of Missouri. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF OHIO. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Ohio received its charter from the General Society at a meeting of the General Council, held at Baltimore, Md., on May 15, 1895. It was incorporated in the State of Ohio, May 29, 1895, and was organized in the city of Cincinnati, June i, 1895. The first Social Court of the Society was held in Cincinnati, December 19, 1895, the 220th anni- versary of the Great Swamp Fight. The second Social Court was held in Cincinnati, December 10, 1896, the 143d anniversary of Washington's first expedition to the head waters of the Ohio River. The Society has been informally entertained by its first Governor, the Hon. Samuel Furman Hunt, at Glendale, Ohio, on October 12, 1895, and by Governor Asa Smith Bushneil, of Ohio, and Dr. Henry Cipperly Dimond, at Springfield, Ohio, on March 25, 1897. Annual General Courts and banquets have been held in Cincinnati on November 24th in commemo- ration of the capture of Fort Duquesne, at the head of the Ohio River, on November 24, 1758. Eligibility for membership by descent from pri- vate soldiers who served subsequent to 1700 is not recognized by this Society. Otherwise the condi- tions of eligibility are those prescribed in the con- stitution of the General Society. 319 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF OHIO. Elected at the Third General Court, held November 24, 1897. Governor. Samuel Morse Felton. Deputy-Governor. Ephraim Morgan Wood. Lieutenant- Governor. Achilles Henry Pugh. Treasurer. Perin Langdon. 323 Lock Street, Cincinnati. Secretary. Edwin Clarence Goshorn, Cor. Seventh Street and Freeman Avenue, Cincinnati. Deputy-Secretary. John Ward Bailey. Registrar. Thomas Herbert Norton, Ph.D., Sc.D. Loraine Avenue, Clifton, Cincinnati. Historian. Charles Lincoln Edwards, Ph.D. Chaplain. Reverend Henry Melville Curtis, D.D. 320 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Hon. Asa Smith Bushnell, Wm. Howard Doane, Mus. D., BiRCHARD Austin Hayes, Samuel Furman Hunt, LL.D., Harry Langdon Laws, Ralph Peters, Frank Langdon Perin, Robert Henry Shoemaker, George Eltweed Pomeroy, Hon. Charles Phelps Taft. STANDING COMMITTEES. Committee on Membership : Achilles Henry Pugh, Chair- Phineas Sanborn Conner, M.D., man, LL.D., Nathaniel Henchman Davis, Edwin Clarence Goshorn, George Merrell. Committee on the Collection of Historical Documents and Records. Henry Cipperly Dimond, M.D., Chairman. Roderick Douglass Barney, Herbert Jenney, 321 OHIO. LIST OF MEMBERS. Names of Charter Members are in Italics. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 37 Alden, Isaac Carey, Akron. 1774 8th in descent from John Alden. 8th in descent from Captain Myles Standish. 24 Bailey, John Ward, Cincinnati. 1491 8th in descent from Stukeley Westcott. 39 Barney, Roderick Douglass, Wyoming. 2030 7th in descent from Governor George Wyllys. 4S Bullock, James Wilson, Cincinnati. 2036 6th in descent from Captain John White, Jr. J2 Bushnell, Hon. Asa Smith, Governor of the State of 1543 Ohio, Springfield. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas LefFingwell. 7 Clement, John Benham, Cincinnati. 920 5th in descent from Major Richard Colegate. 49 CoLBURN, William James, Toledo. 2040 6th in descent from Colonel Samuel Thaxter. 47 Conner, John Sanborn, Cincinnati. 2038 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Sanborn. 48 Conner, Phineas Sanborn, M.D., LL.D., Cincinnati. 2039 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Sanborn. }^ Curtis, Henry Melville, D.D., Cincinnati. 1544 7th in descent from Deputy-Governor James Bishop. 51 Davis, Nathaniel Henchman, Cincinnati. 2201 7th in descent from Captain Daniel Henchman. 26 Dimond, Henry Cipperly, M.D., Springfield. 1493 5th in descent from Captain John Dimon. 20 DoANE, William Howard, Mus. D., Cincinnati. 1402 8th in descent from John Doane. }22 OHIO. STATE SOCIETY NO. 6th in descent from 5th in descent from 9th in descent from 9th in descent from 8th in descent from 8th in descent from 8th in descent from 8th n descent from 7th n descent from 7th n descent from 7th 1 n descent from 7th 1 n descent from 7th i n descent from 6th i n descent from 6th i n descent from 6th i n descent from 6th i n descent from 5th i n descent from 5th i n descent from GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 22 John Doane, Jr. Lieut. -Colonel Eiisha Doane. Stephen Hopkins. Elder William Brewster. Nicholas Snow. William Bassett. Governor Thomas Prence. Ensign Hugh Wells. Amos Richardson. Cornet Jonathan Gilbert. Edward Bangs. Thomas Howes, Sr. Captain John Gould. Richard Treat. Thomas Stanton. Aaron Stark, Stephen Richardson. Lieutenant James Treat. Chaplain James Noyes. Edwards, Charles Lincoln, Ph.D., University of Cincinnati, loth in descent from John Clark. 8th in descent from Governor George Wyllys. 8th in descent from Lieutenant William Pratt. 8th in descent from Governor John Haynes. 7th in descent from Ensign John Pratt. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Richard Stockton. Felton, Samuel Morse, Cincinnati. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Nathaniel Felton. 8th in descent from Governor Roger Williams. 8th in descent from Thomas Greene, Sr. 8th in descent from Richard Carder. 8th in descent from Stephen Arnold. 8th in descent from Richard Waterman. 8th in descent from William Almy. 8th in descent from Thomas Angell. 323 1404 921 OHIO. STATE SOCIETY NO. 8th in descent from 8th in descent from 8th in descent from 8th in descent from 7th in descent from 7th in descent from 7th in descent from 7th in descent from 7th in descent from 6th in descent from 6th in descent from 6th in descent from 6th in descent from 5th in descent from 4th in descent from GENERAL SOCIETY NO. Captain Thomas Bradbury. Deputy Gov. James Barker. Rev. Samuel Skelton. John Townsend. Captain Benjamin Gorton. Captain Randall Holden. Sergeant Edward Smith. Captain John Whipple. Major John Greene. Attorney-General John Rhodes. Lieutenant Charles Holden. Major Anthony Low. Colonel Joseph Whipple. Colonel Stephen Low. Lieut.-Colonel John Low. 41 Fitch, Winchester, Union ville. 8th in descent from Major John Mason. 50 GosHORN, Edwin Clarence, Cincinnati. 7th in descent from John Monsall. 6th in descent from Richard Cutter. 23 Greve, Charles Theodore, Cincinnati. 6th in descent from Jonathan Emery. 3 Hayes, ^irchard Austin, Toledo. 5th in descent from William Thompson. 5 Hunt, Samuel Furman, LL.D., L.H.D., Cincinnati. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Ralph Hunt. 9th in descent from Lieutenant James Grover. 9th in descent from William Lawrence. 8th in descent from John Throckmorton. 8th in descent from Edward Howell. 8th in descent from Richard Stout. 8th in descent from William Bowne. 7th in descent from Justice James Bowne. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Obadiah Holmes. 7th in descent from Captain Jonathan Holmes. 324 2032 2200 1405 910 918 OHIO. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 7th in descent from Richard Borden. 7th in descent from Judge James Ashton. 7th in descent from Robert Titus. 6th in descent from Captain Content Titus. 6th in descent from Captain Richard Betts. 6th in descent from Thomas Seabrooke. 6th in descent from Reverend John Moore. 21 HuRD, Ethan Osborn, Captain U.S.A., Plainville. 1403 6th in descent from John Hurd. 4th in descent from Captain Nathan Hurd, Sr. 3d in descent from Captain Nathan Hurd, Jr. 46 Jenney, Herbert, Cincinnati. 2037 7th in descent from John Jenney. 7th in descent from John Alden. 7th in descent from Governor William Bradford. 52 Jones, Charles Davies, Cincinnati. 2202 6th in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Fosdick, 6 Langdon, Perin, Cincinnati. 919 7th in descent from Rev. Thomas Hooker. 7th in descent from Francis Brown. 6th in descent from Captain William Torrey. 6th in descent from Rev. John Wilson. 4th in descent from Ensign Jesse Perin. 43 Laws, Harry Langdon, Cincinnati. 2034 8th in descent from Rev. Thomas Hooker. 7th in descent from Captain William Torrey. 7th in descent from Rev. John Wilson. 34 Lloyd, John Uri, Ph.M., Ph.D., Cincinnati. 1545 9th in descent from Robert Coe. 9th in descent from James Bates. 8th in descent from Joseph Hawley. 8th in descent from John Loomis. 8th in descent from Edward Griswold. 8th in descent from Richard Treat. 8th in descent from John Steele. 325 OHIO. STATE SOCIETY NO. - GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 8th in descent from Thomas Judd, Sr. 8th in descent from Major William Chittenden. 8th in descent from John Collins. 8th in descent from Governor William Leete. 8th in descent from Governor John Webster. 8th in descent from John Moss. 7th in descent from Thomas Judd, Jr. 7th in descent from Cornelius Merry. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Robert Webster. 7th in descent from Sergeant Richard Waite. 7th in descent from Abraham Doolittle. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Kellogg. 5th in descent from Benjamin Webster, Sr. Sth in descent from Surgeon Benjamin Doolittle. 4th in descent from Colonel Samuel Ashley. 30 Marvin, Richard Pratt, Akron. 1497 7th in descent from Lieutenant William Pratt. 35 Matthews, Albert, Hillsboro. 1572 7th in descent from Captain Christopher Hussey. 5th in descent from Captain John McDowell. 5th in descent from Lieutenant John Moffett. 4th in descent from Captain Joseph McDowell. 4th in descent from Captain James Allen. 4th in descent from Colonel George Moffett. 19 Matthews, Caleb Bentley, Cincinnati. 1401 6th in descent from Francis Brown. j(> Merrell, George, Cincinnati. 1773 6th in descent from Henry Poore. 13 Mussey, William Lindsly, M.D., Cincinnati. 1019 9th in descent from John Alden. 16 Myers, Philip Van Ness, LL.D., L.H.D., University 1066 of Cincinnati. 4th in descent from Captain Henry Herter. 42 Newton, Charles Humphreys, Marietta. 2033 6th in descent from Shubael Stearns. ^26 OHIO. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. lo Norton, Thomas Herbert, Ph.D., Sc.D., University 917 of Cincinnati. 4th in descent from Lieut.-Colonel Ebenezer Norton. 9th in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 8th in descent from Governor William Leete. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Humphrey. Sth in descent from Captain Nathaniel Baldwin. 4th in descent from Captain Daniel Horsford. 14 Perin, Frank Langdon, Cincinnati. 1020 4th in descent from Ensign Jesse Perin. 17 Peters, Ralph, Cincinnati. 1399 4th in descent from William Peters. 9 Pomeroy, George Eltweed, Toledo. 868 4th in descent from Major Seth Pomeroy. \2 Pugh, Achilles Henry, Cincinnati. 1018 5th in descent from Captain Christopher Clark. 4 Rawson, Edward Stephen, Cincinnati. 916 8th in descent from Secretary Edward Rawson. loth in descent from Elder William Brewster. 9th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Tracy. 9th in descent from John Alden. 9th in descent from Captain John Glover. 5th in descent from Captain Jeremiah Richards, Jr. 31 Seely, William Wallace, A.M., M.D., Cincinnati. 1498 8th in descent from Roger Conant. 6th in descent from John Conant. 15 Shoemaker, Frederick 'Bellinger, Toledo. 1021 4th in descent from Captain Henry Herter. 1 Shoemaker, {Michael cMyers, Cincinnati. 498 5th in descent from Captain Hanyoost Herkimer. 5th in descent from Major Richard Colegate. 4th in descent from Captain Henry Herter. 2 Shoemaker, l^obert Henry, Cincinnati. 909 5th in descent from Captain Hanyoost Herkimer. 327 OHIO. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 5th in descent from Major Richard Colegate. 4th in descent from Captain Henry Herter. 25 Stedman, Charles James, Cincinnati. 1492 7th in descent from Major-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 38 Taft, Charles Phelps, Cincinnati. 2029 7th in descent from Secretary Edward Rawson. 44 Wayne, James Starke, Cincinnati. 2035 6th in descent from Colonel Thomas Smythe. 27 WiNSLOW, Chauncey Rose, San Francisco, Cal. 1494 6th in descent from Colonel John Jackson. 18 WiNSLOw, Howard Sydenham, Cincinnati. 1400 6th in descent from Colonel John Jackson. 29 Wood, Charles Morgan, Dayton. 1496 8th in descent from Captain Miles Morgan. 6th in descent from Captain Christopher Clark. 28 Wood, Ephraim Morgan, Dayton. 1495 7th in descent from Captain Miles Morgan. 5th in descent from Captain Christopher Clark. 40 Yergason, Henry Christopher, Cincinnati. 2031 9th in descent from Elder William Brewster. 328 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Ne- braska was organized at Omaha, April 27, 1895, '^^'^ was chartered by the General Society May 14, 1895. The gentlemen present at the first meeting pro- ceeded under the Statutes of Nebraska, to organize as an incorporated society; a constitution was adopted, and officers elected. A Special Court of this Society was held at the Commercial Club, Omaha, on the 220th anniversary of the Great Swamp Fight, December 19, 1895, at which Chan- cellor Goss read a most instructive monograph on that historical event. 329 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. Elected at a court held April lo, 1897. Governor. William Henry Alexander. Deputy-Governor. Charles Albert Goss. Lieutenant-Governor. Edwin Catlin Webster. Secretary. William Farnam Smith. Omaha. Registrar. Clement Chase. Treasurer. Frank Tiernan Hamilton. Omaha. Chancellor. James Mills Woolworth. Chaplain. Rev. George W. Crafts. 330 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. William Henry Alexander, William Farnam Smith, Frank Tiernan Hamilton, John Prentiss Lord, William Irving Hawks, Charles Augustus Hanna, Myron Leslie Learned. Committee on Membership. William Farnam Smith, Clement Chase, Frank Tiernan Hamilton. 331 , NEBRASKA. LIST OF MEMBERS. List of Charter Members are in Italics. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 2 Alexander, William Henry, Omaha. 1022 8th in descent from WilHam Douglas. 9 Bemis, George Pickering, Omaha. 1029 8th in descent from John Bridge. 8th in descent from Nicholas Danforth. 6th in descent from Michael Flagg. 12 Chase, Champion Spalding, Omaha. 1032 5th in descent from Ensign Moses Chase. 3 Chase, Clement, Omaha. 1023 5th in descent from Moses Chase. 9th in descent from John Howland. 8th in descent from Governor William Benton. 8th in descent from Captain John Gorum. 8th in descent from Governor William Bradford. 8th in descent from Captain George Denison. 21 Crafts, George Wallen, Beatrice. 2358 8th in descent from Lieutenant Griffin Craft. 7 Goss, Charles 'iAlhert, Omaha. 1027 9th in descent from George Abbot. 6 Hamilton, Charles William, Omaha. 1026 7th in descent from Nathan Hamilton. 6th in descent from Ezra Hamilton. 5 Hamilton, Frank Tiernan, Omaha. 1025 7th in descent from Nathan Hamilton. 6th in descent from Ezra Hamilton. 19 Hanna, Charles Augustus, Lincoln. 1396 9th in descent from George Maris. NEBRASKA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 2} Hawks, William Irving, Omaha, 2360 6th in descent from Ehezur Hawks. 5th in descent from Nathaniel Hawks. 6th in descent from Robert Bardwell. 6th in descent from Samuel Smith. 14 Heywood, Henry 'Brady, Omaha. 1034 8th in descent from Lieutenant Phinehas Upham. 10 Humphrey, Charles Frederick, Major, U.S.A. 1030 8th in descent from Michael Humphrey. 4 Jaynes, Fremont 'Nathan, Minneapolis, Minn. 1024 9th in descent from Governor William Bradford. 8th in descent from Major William Bradford. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Bradford. 20 Ladd, Charles Franklin, Lincoln. 1397 8th in descent from Captain James Avery. 8 Learned, Myron Leslie, Omaha. 1028 7th in descent from Isaac Learned, Jr. 8th in descent from John Bigelow. 11 Lord, John Prentiss, Omaha. 1031 7th in descent from Daniel Warner. Sth in descent from Daniel Warner. is Morton, Julius Sterling, Nebraska City. 1392 7th in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Kellogg. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Smith. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Philip Smith. 18 Smith, William Farnam, Omaha. 1395 9th in descent from Tristram Coffin. 8th in descent from Lieutenant Tristram Coffin, Jr. I Thompson, John Taliaferro, Lieutenant, U.S.A. 817 7th in descent from James Thompson. 6th in descent from James Thompson. 5th in descent from Sergeant James Thompson. 7th in descent from Caleb Simonds. 333 NEBRASKA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 7th in descent from James Taylor, 2d. 5th in descent from Dr. Thomas Hindes. 24 Webster, Basil Marion, Omaha. 2361 8th in descent from Governor John Webster. 17 Webster, Edwin Catlin, Hastings. 1394 8th in descent from Governor John Webster. 22 WooLWORTH, Charles Peck, Castleton, N. Y. 2359 8th in descent from Quartermaster George Colton. 7th in descent from Captain Thomas Colton. 13 IVoolwortb, James Mills, Omaha. 1033 7th in descent from Quartermaster George Colton. 6th in descent from Captain Thomas Colton. 334 V ,■ w^-^-p^'^-- '■' .) ^^:-...-rf^V SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Min- nesota was organized at St. Paul, October i, 1895, and chartered by the General Society, December 19, 1895. The first General Court was held at St. Paul, Jan. 15, 1896. Incorporated under the State Laws of Minnesota, February 14, 1896. 335 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Elected at a Court held February loth, 1898. Governor. Henry Pratt Upham. Deputy-Governor. Charles Phelps Noyes. Lieutenant- Governor. Right Reverend Mahlon Norris Gilbert, D.D., LL.D. Secretary. Captain Edgar Campbell Bowen, U. S. A. 698 Dayton Avenue, St. Paul. Treasurer. George Henry Daggett. • Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis. Registrar. Jehiel Weston Chamberlin, M.D. Historian. Jacob Stone. Genealogist. Charles Edwin Mayo. Chancellor. William Gardner White. Chaplain. Reverend Dudley Ward Rhodes, D.D. Surgeon. EVERTON JUDSON AbBOTT, M.D. 336 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL Term Expiring 1899. John Quincy Adams, Franklin Lewis Greenleaf, John Townsend. Term Expiring 1900. RUKARD HURD, WiLLIAM PeTIT TrOWBRIDGE, William Hurley Lightner. Term Expiring 1901. Major Clinton Brooks Sears, Edwin Sedgwick Chittenden, U. S. A. Harry Edward Whitney. STANDING COMMITTEES. Membership. William Petit Trowbridge, Chairman, James Henry Skinner, Secretary, Franklin Lewis Greenleaf, Charles Edwin Mayo, William Gardner White Committee on Historical Documents. Jacob Stone, Chairman, Albert Randall Moore, Secre- RoBERT Irving Farrington, tary, Daniel Rogers Noyes, Rev. Edward Craig Mitchell. 337 MINNESOTA. LIST OF MEMBERS. Names of Charter Members are in Italics. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 21 Abbott, Everton Judson, M.D., St. Paul. 141 5 7th in descent from Sergeant Thoinas Canfield. 7th in descent from Captain Thomas Minor. 6th in descent from Captain John Minor. 6th in descent froin Lieutenant Joseph Judson. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Israel Curtis. Sth in descent fi'om Colonel William Preston. 4th in descent from Captain Matthew Minor. 22 Adams, John Quincy, St. Paul. 1416 6th in descent from Ensign Edward Adams. 8th in descent from Captain Thomas Bull. 8th in descent from Captain Edward Johnson. 7th in descent from Hon. Samuel Sherman. 7th in descent from Captain John Stanley. 42 Adams, John Walker, St. Paul. 1616 loth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 9th in descent from Rev. John Woodbridge. 9th in descent fi'om Henry Wolcott. 9th in descent from Captain Samuel Ruggles. 7th in descent from Captain Thomas Colton. 6th in descent from Edwai'd Walker. 83 Almy, William Ellery, Lieutenant 5th Cavalry, U.S.A. 2304 7th in descent from Christopher Almy. 8th in descent from Ensign Thomas Cornell. 99 Bailey, Everett Hoskins, St. Paul. 2319 5th in descent from Benjamin Bailey. ■^j Bartholomew, James Hull Sherman, Santa Rosa, 1427 California. 6th in descent from Lieutenant William Bartholomew. 8th in descent from Captain John Johnson. 338 MINNESOTA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO» 8th in descent from Lieutenant John Drury. 7th in descent from Captain Thomas Prentice. 7th in descent from Thomas Stanton. 6th in descent from Captain Joseph Kingsbury, 2d. 86 Bates, William Oscar, New York City. 2307 6th in descent from Sergeant John Hawks. 74 BissELL, William Putnam, St. Paul. 2107 8th in descent from Captain John Bissell. 43 BowEN, Captain Edgar Campbell, U.S.A. 16 17 8th in descent from Richard Bowen. 7th in descent from Obadiah Bowen. 8th in descent from Thomas OIney, Sr, 8th in descent from Governor Roger Williams. 7th in descent from John Goodspeed. 7th in descent from John Angell. 50 Brooke, Major-General John RuTTER, U.S.A. 1776 5th in descent from Hon. Thomas Rutter, ist. 102 Butters, William, Minneapolis. 2^(i} 7th in descent from William Butter. 46 Chamberlin, Clarence Abner, Eau Claire, Wis. 1726 6th in descent from Joseph Chamberlin. 77 Chamberlin, George Harris, Walla Walla, Wash. 21 10 Sth in descent from Richard Chamberlin. 28 Chamberlin, Jehiel Weston, M.D., St. Paul. 1422 7th in descent from Joseph Chamberlin. 6th in descent from Nathaniel Chamberlin. 5th in descent from Richard Chamberlin. 7 Chevo, Fielder Bowie, Duluth. 495 7th in descent from Colonel Samuel Chew. 16 Chittenden, Edwin Sedgwick, St. Paul. 14 10 7th in descent from Major William Chittenden. 9th in descent from Stephen Hopkins. 9th in descent from John Stow. 339 MINNESOTA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 8th in descent from John Chirk. 8th in descent from John Doane. 8th in descent from Thomas Paine. 8th in descent from Stephen Hart. 7th in descent from Lieutenant WilHam Pratt. 7th in descent from Edward Dotey. 6th in descent from Sergeant John Booth. 98 Chesebrough, George Latimer, Duluth. 2320 7th in descent from Lieutenant Matthew Griswold. 38 Christian, George Chase, MinneapoHs. 1569 8th in descent from Lieutenant Edward Morris. 69 Clark, Homer Pierce, St. Paul 2077 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Prence. 73 Clark, Kenneth, St. Paul. 2106 6th in descent from Colonel Pieter Schuyler. 67 Coffin, William King, Eau Claire, Wis. 1852 • 7th in descent from Tristram Coffin. 72 Collins, Hon. Loren Warren, St. Cloud. 2105 3d in descent from Benjamin Collins. 68 Cook, Stephen Champlin, St. Paul. 2076 7th in descent from Captain Jeffrey Champlin. 61 CoRSER, Elwood Spencer, Minneapolis. 1787 4th in descent from John Corser. ^d Gushing, Luther Stearns, St. Paul. 1 567 6th in descent from Hon. John Gushing, ist. 76 Cutler, Edward Hutchins, St. Paul. 2109 7th in descent from Ensign James Cutler. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Cutler, loth in descent from Francis Cooke. 9th in descent from Hon. John Willis. 9th in descent from Hon. John Dunham. 9th in descent from Thomas Hayward. 9th in descent from Captain Richard Brackett. 340 MINNESOTA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 9th in descent from Experience Mitchell. 9th in descent from John Washburn. 8th in descent from John Washburn. 8th in descent from Thomas Hale. 8th in descent from Captain Peter Hunt. 8th in descent from Sergeant John Perkins. 7th in descent from Captain John Field. 6th in descent from Nicholas Hutchins. 6th in descent from Major John Sabin. 6th in descent from Captain Thomas Hale. 6 Daggett, George Henry, Minneapolis. 986 5th in descent from Lieutenant Elihu Daggett. 71 Dobbin, Edward Savage, Faribault. 2104 6th in descent from Lieutenant Nathaniel Bacon. 13 Edwards, Edward Junius, Minneapolis. 1407 9th in descent from John Brown. 9th in descent from John Clark. 8th in descent from Governor George Wyllys. 8th in descent from Governor John Haynes. 8th in descent from Lieutenant William Pratt. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Richard Stockton. 52 Farrington, Robert Irving, St. Paul. 1778 7th in descent from Samuel Fisher. 6th in descent from Samuel Colburn. 6th in descent from Ensign Eleazer Metcalf. 97 Field, John Ireland Howe, St. Paul. 2318 8th in descent from Anthony Snow. 79 Fletcher, Paris, St. Paul. 21 14 9th in descent from John Howland. 8th in descent from Captain George Denison. 8th in descent from Captain James Avery. 8th in descent from Captain Thomas Miner. 8th in descent from Captain John Gorham (Gorum). 7th in descent from Captain Joseph Saxton. 341 MINNESOTA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 40 Frazer, Sheldon Lord, Duluth, 1571 7th in descent from Lieutenant Reinold Marvin. 7th in descent from Joseph Peck. 5th in descent from Captain Richard Ely, 3d. 6th in descent from Joseph Selden. 24 Gilbert, Frederick Lee, Duluth. 14 18 8th in descent from Captain Richard Olmsted. 5th in descent from Rev. Jonathan Ingersoll. 6th in descent from Ensign Daniel Olmsted. 75 Gilbert, Rt. Rev. Mahlon Norris, D.D., LL.D., 2108 Bishop Coadjutor of Minnesota. 7th in descent from Major Simon Willard. 54 Green, Edward Hickman, Lieut. Com. U.S.N. 1780 4th in descent from Joseph James. 26 Greenleaf, Franklin Lewis, Minneapolis. 1420 7th in descent from Captain Edmund Greenleaf. 104 Hadley, Emerson, St. Paul. 2440 9th in descent from Deputy-Governor John Alden. S3 Hawks, Joseph Matthew, St. Paul. 1779 6th in descent from Lieutenant Job Winslow. 57 Hersey, Roscoe Freeman, St. Paul. 1783 4th in descent from Samuel Poole, 3d. d^ Hersey, Dudley Hall, St. Paul. 1789 4th in descent from Samuel Poole, 3d. 12 Hill, Henry Benjamin, Faribault. . 1139 8th in descent from William Bullard. 7th in descent from William Sabin. 7th in descent from Ensign Eleazer Metcalf. 7th in descent from George Barstow. 7th in descent from John Tower. 7th in descent from Samuel Fisher. 7th in descent from John Read, Sr. 6th in descent from John Read, Jr. 7th in descent from Captain John Whipple. 342 MINNESOTA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 5th in descent from Ensign Jeremiah Whipple. 4th in descent from David Whipple. 7th in descent from Edward Hall. 4th in descent from Ensign John Hall. 6th in descent from Simon Slocomb, Sr. 5th in descent from Captain Simon Slocomb. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Preserved Abel. 6th in descent from Philip Walker. 4th in descent from Ebenezer Walker. 85 Howard, Charles Edward Nanson, St. Paul. 2306 9th in descent from Filyp Pieterse Van Schuyler. 9th in descent from Lieutenant Wilhemus Beekman. 8th in descent from Robert Livingston. 7th in descent from Ensign Jacob Mitchell. I Hurd, Rukard, St. Paul. 287 7th in descent from John Hurd. 5th in descent from Captain Nathan Hurd, Sr. 4th in descent from Captain Nathan Hurd, Jr. 8 Ingersoll, Rev. Edivard Pay son, D.D., Brooklyn, N.Y. 1 141 7th in descent from Governor josiah Winslow. 106 Jaynes, Fremont Nathan, Minneapolis. 1024 9th in descent from Governor William Bradford. 8th in descent from Major William Bradford. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Bradford. 10 Jewett, Stephen, Faribault. 1 138 9th in descent from Governor William Bradford. 8th in descent from Major William Bradford. 8th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Tracy. 8th in descent from Lieutenant William Pratt. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Willam Backus. 7th in descent from Rev. John Whiting. 7th in descent from Major John Mason, 6th in descent from Rev. James Fitch. 6th in descent from Thomas Waterman. 343 MINNESOTA. STATE SOCIETY NO. " GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 60 Johnson, Charles Williamson, St. Paul, 1786 4th in descent from Samuel Livermore. 88 Knapp, Henry Eno, Menomonie, Wis. 2309 5th in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Knapp. }2 Lewis, George Winthrop, St. Paul. 1426 8th in descent from Sir John Leverett. 23 Lightner, William Hurley, St. Paul, 1417 7th in descent from Louis DuBois. loi Little, Henry Lyman, Minneapolis. 2^22 8th in descent from Captain Edmund Greenleaf. 25 Mayo, Charles Edwin, St. Paul. 1419 Sth in descent from John Mayo. 8th in descent from General Constant Southworth. 7th in descent from Governor Thomas Prence. 7th in descent from John Alden. 7th in descent from Thomas Clark. 6th in descent from Major John Freeman. 6th in descent from Captain Jonathan Sparrow. 51 McLean, John, M.D., St. Paul. 1777 6th in descent from James Claypoole. 34 Mitchell, Reverend Edward Craig, St. Paul. 1565 7th in descent from William Biles. 44 MoNFORT, Delos Abram, St. Paul. 1724 7th in descent from Ensign William Goodrich. 45 MoNFORT, Frederick Delos, St. Paul. 1725 8th in descent from Ensign William Goodrich. 27 Moore, Albert Randell, St. Paul. 1421 7th in descent from Captain Samuel Moore, 87 Myers, Theodore Benjamin, St, Paul. 2308 6th in descent from Rev. John Harriman, 82 Myers, Walter Fredericks, St. Paul. 2303 4th in descent from Captain Henry Herter. 344 MINNESOTA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 5 l^oyes, Charles Phelps, St. Paul. 347 Sth in descent from Rev. James Noyes. 4th in descent from Captain Thomas Noyes. 6th in descent from Governor WilHam Coddington. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Matthew Griswold. 6th in descent from Deputy-Governor James Barker. 6th in descent from Simon Lynde. 6th in descent from Lieutenant John Sanford. 6th in descent from Thomas Stanton. 6th in descent from Deputy-Gov. Francis Willoughby. 6th in descent from Thomas Hawley. 5th in descent from Governor Peleg Sanford. 5th in descent from Captain John Rogers. 4th in descent from Ensign John Rogers, Jr. 30 Noyes, Daniel Rogers, St. Paul. 1424 5th in descent from Rev. James Noyes. 6th in descent from Deputy-Governor James Barker. 6th in descent from Simon Lynde. 6th in descent from Deputy-Gov. Francis Willoughby. 6th in descent from Governor William Coddington. 5th in descent from Governor Peleg Sanford. 66 Peet, Emerson William, St. Paul. 1838 4th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Peet. 7th in descent from John Howland. 6th in descent from Captain George Denison. 6th in descent from Thomas Stanton. 5th in descent from Reverend James Noyes. 4th in descent from Captain Thomas Noyes, 96 Peavey, Frank Hutchison, Minneapolis. 2317 5th in descent from Anthony Nutter. 64 Phelps, Edmund Joseph, Minneapolis. 1836 7th in descent from William Phelps. 70 Phillips, George Myron, Northfield. 2103 8th in descent from Major-Gen. Robert Sedgwick. 345 MINNESOTA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 8 1 Pierce, James Oscar, Minneapolis. 2302 8th in descent from Edward Rossiter. 7th in descent from Thomas Brownell. 7th in descent from Edward Thurston. 18 Pike, Charles Eliot, St. Paul. 652 6th in descent from Major Robert Pike. 8th in descent from John Howland. 7th in descent from Captain John Gorham (Gorum.) 7th in descent from Governor Thomas Hinckley. 7th in descent from Captain Joshua Scottow. 6th in descent from Colonel Samuel Checkley. 20 Pike, Francis Wallace, St. Paul. 1146 6th in descent from Major Robert Pike. 31 Pillsbury, Charles Alfred, Minneapolis. 1425 5th in descent from Captain Caleb Pillsbury. 5'> Poole, Clark Langworthy, Dubuque, la. 1781 7th in descent from Captain Jonathan Poole. 37 Porter, Alexander Sylvanus, Jr., Minneapolis. 1568 7th in descent from Hon. John Gushing, ist. 7th in descent from Colonel John Otis. 7th in descent from Colonel Samuel Thaxter. 17 Quay, Andrew Gregg Curtin, Captain and Assistant 141 1 Quartermaster, U.S.A. 4th in descent from Captain Patrick Anderson. 49 Rhodes, Reverend Dudley Ward, D.D., St. Paul. 1017 4th in descent from General Artemus Ward. 94 Richardson, William Eddy, Duluth. 2315 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 7th in descent from Rev. John Woodbridge. 7th in descent from Governor William Leete. 6th in descent from Captain John Morgan. 100 Richardson, Chauncey Eddy, Duluth. 2321 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 346 MINNESOTA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 59 Robinson, Lewis Arms, St. Paul. 1785 4th in descent from Captain Samuel Robinson. 3 Roe, Fayette Washington, Captain 3d Infantry, U.S.A. 157 4th in descent from John Roe. 105 Russell, Stevens Graham, St. Paul. 2441 3d in descent from Lieutenant Peletiah Russell. 103 Seabury, Channing, St. Paul. 2364 7th in descent from John Alden. 2 Sears, Clinton Brooks, Major Corps of Engineers, 659 U.S.A. 8th in descent from Richard Sears. 9th in descent from Edmund Freeman. 9th in descent from Gov. Thomas Prence (Prince). 8th in descent from Captain Jonathan Sparrow. 8th in descent from George Willard. 8th in descent from Major John Freeman. 80 Skinner, James Henry, St. Paul. 2301 4th in descent from Captain Benjamin Simonds. 78 Smith, Charles Eastwick, M.D., St. Paul. 21 11 6th in descent from Captain John Hall. 58 Smith, Edward Barnum, St. Paul. 1784 4th in descent from Quartermaster-Serg't. Abner Granger. 89 Stanton, Benjamin Irving, St. Paul. 2310 5th in descent from Benjamin Stanton, Sr. 56 Stewart, Jeremiah Clark, M.D., Minneapolis. 1782 6th in descent from Thomas Mann. 35 Stone, Jacob, Minneapolis. 1566 ^th in descent from Captain John Gyles. 62 Taylor, Bankson, St. Paul. 1788 8th in descent from Governor Jean Paul Jacquett. 90 Taylor, Oscar Livingstone, St. Paul. 23 11 8th in descent from Coronet Jonathan Gilbert. 347 MINNESOTA. STATE SOCIETY NO. ' GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 65 TiMERLAKE, WiLLIAM ShARP, St. Paul. 1 837 6th in descent from Captain Francis Rombout. 14 TowNSEND, John, St. Paul. 1408 8th in descent from Captain John Underhiil. 48 Trowbridge, William Petit, St. Paul. 1728 7th in descent from Lieutenant James Trowbridge. 41 Tucker, William Francis, Major and Paymaster, 161 5 U.S.A. 6th in descent from Ephraim Guile. 15 Upham, Henry Pratt, St. Paul. 1409 8th 7th 4th 9th 9th 8th 7th 7th 7th 7th 6th 6th n descent from John Upham. n descent from Lieutenant Phinehas Upham. n descent from Captain John Stebbings. n descent from William Vassall. n descent from John Webster. n descent from Robert Bartlett. n descent from John Stebbins. n descent from Sergeant Samuel Wright, Jr. n descent from Shadrach Hapgood. n descent from Samuel Stone. n descent from John Bigelow. n descent from Edward Walker. 84 Wade, James Franklin, Brigadier General U.S. A. 2305 6th in descent from Jonathan Wade. 5th in descent from Major Nathaniel Wade. 7th in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 6th in descent from Captain Joseph Sill. 6th in descent from Governor Simon Bradstreet. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Phinehas Upham. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Richard Lord. 92 Wade, John Parsons, Lient. 5th Cavalry, U.S.A. 2313 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 91 Washburn, Hon. William Drew, Minneapolis. 2312 9th in descent from Francis Cooke. 348 MINNESOTA. STATE SOCIETY NO. 47 Wells, Eben Freme, St. Paul. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 7th 8th 8th 6th 6th 6th 5th 4th n descent from Governor Thomas Welles. n descent from Governor John Haynes. n descent from Governor William Pynchon. n descent from Captain Samuel Talcott. n descent from Rev. James Noyes. n descent from Captain John Chester, n descent from Major John Chester. n descent from Colonel John Chester. 1727 Wenzell, Henry Burleigh, St. Paul. n descent from Captain Edmund Greenleaf. n descent from Hon. Richard Treat. n descent from Lieutenant John Hollister. n descent from John Bigelow. n descent from Ezekiel Wentworth. n descent from Nathaniel Peaslee. n descent from Lieutenant Timothy Baker. n descent from Captain Thomas Baker. n descent from Colonel Otis Baker. 9th 8th 7th 7th 7th 6th 6th 5th 4th Wh 7th 5th 4th 8th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 6th 6th 2314 'pple, Charles Henry , Major and Paymaster, U.S.A. n descent from Captain John Whipple, n descent from Ensign Jeremiah Whipple, n descent from David Whipple. n descent from William Bullard. n descent from Samuel Fisher, n descent from Major John Pell, n descent from George Barstow. n descent from William Sabin. n descent from Ensign Eleazer Metcalf. n descent from Andrew Ward, n descent from John Read, n descent from John Tower, n descent from Edward Hall, n descent from Simon Slocumb. n descent from John Read. 319 349 MINNESOTA. STATE SOCIETY NO. - GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 5th in descent from Captain Simon Slocomb. 4th in descent from Ensign John Hall. 19 Whipple, Right Rev, Henry Benjamin, D.D., LL.D., 1413 Bishop of Minnesota, Faribault. 6th in descent from Captain John Whipple, 4th in descent from Ensign Jeremiah Whipple. 3d in descent from David Whipple. 7th in descent from William Bullard. 6th in descent from Samuel Fisher. 6th in descent from Ensign Eleazer Metcalf. 6th in descent from William Sabin. 6th in descent from George Barstow. 6th in descent from Edward Hall. 6th in descent from John Tower. 6th in descent from John Read, 5th in descent from John Read. 5th in descent from Simon Slocomb, Sr, 4th in descent from Captain Simon Slocomb. 3d in descent from Ensign John Hall. 29 White, William Chester, Duluth. 1423 5th in descent from Lieutenant Daniel White. 4th in descent from Captain Daniel White. 4th in descent from Daniel Hayes. 39 White, William Gardiner, St. Paul. 1570 7th in descent from Nathaniel White. 95 Whitney, Frank Irving, St. Paul. 2316 8th in descent from John Alden. 12 Whitney, Harry Edward, Faribault, 1406 6th in descent from Moses Whitney. 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 7th in descent from Jonathan Wade. ^50 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF KENTUCKY. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Ken- tucky was chartered by the General Society on the 19th of December, 1895. On the 23d of December the members met at the residence of Dr. Thomas Page Grant, Louisville, and formed an organization, adopted a constitution, and elected part of the offi- cers, and after a social session, adjourned, to hold a General Court on the 8th of January, 1896. The time for holding the annual General Courts was fixed for the 13th of May — the anniversary of the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia. On the 8th of January a General Court was held, and the remainder of the officers were elected, and the Court adjourned to meet at the call of the Gov- ernor. 351 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF KENTUCKY. Governor. Thomas Page Grant, M.D. Deputy-Governor. Captain Alexander McComb Wetherill, U. S. A. Lieutenant- Governor. Daniel Linn Gooch. Treasurer. Gary Harrison Bacon. Louisville. Registrar. Charles Julian Clarke Grant. Secretary. William Lafon Halsey. Louisville. Historian. Charles Henry Todd, M.D. Surgeon. Hervey McDowell, M.D. 352 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. To serve for one year. Paul Jones, Benjamin Labree, Anderson Chenault Quissenberry. To serve for two years. Capt. Alex. McComb Wetherill, Charles Henry Gere, Howard Steele Rodgers. To serve for three years. Mathew Love Akers, David May Jones, Frank Gilbert Kneeland. Committee on Membership. Charles Julian Clarke Grant, William Lafon Halsey, Mathew Love Akers, Gary Harrison Bacon. 333 KENTUCKY. LIST OF MEMBERS. Names of Charter Members are in Italics. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 14 Akers, Mathew Love, Louisville. 1530 5th in descent from Abraham Miller. 8 Bacon, Cary Harrison, Louisville. 1195 6th in descent fi'om Joshua Fry. 6th in descent from Dr. Thomas Walker. 18 Caine, Paul, Louisville. 1831 loth in descent from Peter Montague. 13 Gere, Charles Henry, Lincoln, Neb. 2094 6th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Tracy. 12 GoocH, Daniel Linn, Covington. 13 13 4th in descent from Henry Griffith. 7th in descent fi'om Majoi'-Gen. John Hammond. 8th in descent from Colonel Nicholas Greenberry. 7 Grant, Charles Julian Clarke, Louisville. 11 94 7th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Tracy. I Grant, Thomas Page, M.D., Louisville. 607 7th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Tracy. 4 Halsey, William Laf on, Louisville. 1191 7th in descent from Thomas Halsey. 21 Halsey, Edmund Tryon, Louisville. 2357 7th in descent from Thomas Halsey. 3 Jones, David May, H^xnodshurg. 11 90 5th in descent from Captain Samuel Meredith. 1 1 Jones, Paul, Cincinnati, O. 1342 5th in descent from Captain Samuel Meredith. 5 LaBree, Benjamin, Louisville. 1192 4th in descent from James Humphries. 354 KENTUCKY. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 17 Kneeland, Frank Gilbert, St. Louis, Mich. 1772 7th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Tracy. 22 McDowell, Edward Campbell, Jr., Covington. 2461 5th in descent from Samuel McDowell, Sr. 16 McDowell, Hervey, M.D., Cynthiana, Ky. 1532 4th in descent from Samuel McDowell, Sr. 20 MoFFETT, Darius Lauden, Williamsburg. 2284 7th in descent from Governor William Nelson. 10 Qmsenberry, Anderson Chenault, Washington, D.C. 13 12 4th in descent from Mathew Mullins. 15 RoDGERS, Howard Steele, Covington. 1531 6th in descent from Captain James Allen. 9 Todd, Charles Henry, M.D., Owensboro. 1196 2d in descent from Lieutenant Isaac Shelby. 3d in descent from Captain Evan Shelby. 19 Tracy, Robert Sylvester, Sturgis, Mich. 2010 7th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Tracy. 7th in descent from Governor William Leete. 7th in descent from Lieutenant William Chittenden. 2 IVethen'll, Captain Alexander Macomb, 6th Infantry, 2']\ U.S.A. 4th in descent from Captain Jacob Morgan. 355 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of California was instituted in the United States Gov- ernment Building at the City of Los Angeles on November 30, 1895, by nineteen gentlemen, and a Charter was granted by the General Society on De- cember 19, 1895. Eligibility for membership is the same as pre- scribed by Article II. of the Constitution of the Gen- eral Society, except that collaterals are not admitted. The first General Court and dinner were held at Los Angeles on March 7, 1896, at which time a per- manent Code of By-Laws was adopted. The time for holding the General Court is Decem- ber 21, "Forefathers' Day." The flag of this Society is argent, a cross of Saint George gules; an escutcheon or, bordered sable, charged with a grizzly bear, passant, proper, under the motto "Eureka." The Great Seal is described as follows: viz: Within a beaded annulet, a title scroll, "Society of Colonial Wars in the State of California, 1 542- 1775," surrounding a group of Colonial weapons; over all a shield Quarterly. I. and IV. : Gules a tower triple-towered, or (Castile). II. and III. : Argent, a lion rampant gules, crowned, or (Leon). Upon a chief of the last a grizzly bear, passant, proper, (California.) 350 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Elected at the General Court, December 21, 1897, for the year 1898. Governor. HOLDRIDGE OZRO COLLINS. Deputy- Governor. Hon. Erskine Mayo Ross. Lieutenant-Governor. Spencer Roane Thorpe. Secretary. Charles Putnam Fenner, 930 S. Flower St., Los Angeles. Treasurer. Frank Putnam Flint, First and Spring Sts., Los Angeles. Registrar. Edward Thomas Harden. Historian. Bradner Wells Lee. Chancellor. George Jules Denis. Surgeon. John Randolph Haynes, M.D. Chaplain. Reverend Alexander Moss Merwin. 357 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Harrison Babcock Alexander, Motley Hewes Flint, George Eli Hall, Hon. Elisha Williams McKins- Willard Atherton Nichols, try, LL.D. Isaac Hilliard Polk, Frank Clarke Prescott, Frederick Hastings Rindge, Hon. Cameron Erskine Thom. Committee on Membership. George Jules Denis, Edward Thomas Harden, Frank Putnam Flint, Bradner Wells Lee, Spencer Roane Thorpe. Committee on Historical Documents. Bradner Wells Lee, Chair- Rev. Alfred Lee Brewer, D.D., man Ex-officio, Phillip King Brown, M.D., Millard Tracy Hartson. Committee on Entertainments. George Jules Denis, Charles Putnam Fenner, Frank Putnam Flint, Frank Clarke Prescott, John Randolph Haynes, M.D. SAN FRANCISCO CHAPTER. The "San Francisco Chapter of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of California," was or- ganized on February 3, 1898, under the provisions of Article XV. of the State Society By-Laws. The following gentlemen were elected its officers: President. Hon. Elisha Williams McKinstry, Vice-President. Captain Albert Henry Payson. Local Secretary and Ex-officio Treasurer. Hon. George Eli Hall. Committee on Membership. Phillip King Brown, M.D., George Timothy Klink. Committee on Entertainment. Frederick Schander Moody, William Augustus Brewer. 358 CALIFORNIA. LIST OF MEMBERS. Names of Charter Members are in Italics. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 41 Alexander, Harrison Babcock, San Gabriel. 2206 8th in descent from Captain George Barber. 45 Avery, Asahel George, Spokane, Wash. 2210 8th in descent from Captain James Avery. 29 Brewer, Alfred Lee, D.D. , San Mateo. 2078 6th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas LeffmgweU. 7 Brewer, Rev. JVi/liaiii Augustus, San Mateo. 1200 9th in descent from Major William Chittenden. 8th in descent from Captain Thomas Munson. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Tracy. 7th in descent from Josiah Winslow. 7th in descent from Elder John Strong. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas LeffmgweU. 44 Brown, Phillip King, M.D., San Francisco. 2209 8th in descent from William Blake. 38 Collins, Charles Lee, Lieut. U.S.A., Whipple Bar- 2203 racks, Arizona. 7th in descent from James Cotfm. I Collins, Holdridge O^ro, Los Angeles. 23 9th in descent from Deacon Stephen Hart. 9th in descent from John Plumb. 9th in descent from Hugh Calkin. 8th in descent from Sergeant William Hough. 8th in descent from Sergeant John Bronson. 8th in descent from Mathese Blanchan. 7th in descent from Louis DuBois. 7th in descent from David Provoost. 7th in descent from Cornells Barentsen Slecht. 7th in descent from Thomas Swartwout. 7th in descent from Arthur Perry. 339 SOCIETY NO. 7th in descent from 7th in descent from 7th in descent from 7th in descent from 7th in descent from 6th in descent from 6th in descent from 6th in descent from 6th in descent from 5th in descent from CALIFORNIA. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. Anthony Thompson. Sergeant John Lewis, Jr. Sergeant Samuel Hickox, Sr. Sergeant Isaac Bronson. Sergeant Stephen Upson, Sr. Captain Stephen Upson, Jr. Abraham DuBois. Roeloff Swartwout. Captain Arie Roosa. Lieutenant Jonathan Beebe. 53 Darneal, Hervey, ALameda. 2082 7th in descent from Sergeant Richard HubbelL 2 Denis, George Jules, Los Angeles. 1140 6th in descent from William Hall. 30 DiMOND, Edwin Rodolph, San Francisco. 2079 6th in descent from Captain Moses Dimon. 39 DooLiTTLE, George Tilton, M.D., Spokane, Wash. 2204 4th in descent from Captain Thaddeus Cook. 3 Elderkin, William Anthony, Lieut. -Colonel, U.S.A., 1 184 Chicago, 111. 4th in descent from Colonel Jedediah Elderkin. 4 Fenner, Charles Putnam, Los Angeles. 1185 6th in descent from Captain Arthur Fenner. 3d in descent from Captain Arthur Fenner. 8th in descent from Thomas Buckingham. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Putnam. 4th in descent from Brig.-Gen. Rufus Putnam, 22 Flint, Frank Putnam, Los Angeles. 1682 6th in descent from Thomas Flint. 21 Flint, Motley Hewes, Los Angeles, 1681 6th in descent from Thomas Flint. }2 Hall, Charles Lander, St. Michael, Alaska. 2081 4th in descent from Private Timothy Hall, 360 CALIFORNIA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 31 Hall, George Eli, San Francisco. 2080 4th in descent from Private Timotiiy Hall. 8 Harden, Edward Thomas, Los Angeles. 1197 5th in descent from Colonel John Palmer. 4th in descent from Benjamin Baker. 45 Hartson, Millard Tracy, Spokane, Wash. 2208 8th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Tracy. 40 Hawley, Walter Augustus, Santa Barbara. 2205 8th in descent from Joseph Hawley. 19 Hay nes, John Randolph, M.D., Los Angeles. 1362 6th in descent from Trooper Ephraim Fellows. 25 Klink, George Timothy, San Francisco. 1685 8th in descent from Major-Gen. Robert Sedgwick. 26 Klink, William Marcy. 1686 8th in descent from Governor John Webster. 10 Lee, Bradner Wells, Los Angeles. 11 98 9th in descent from Ensign Hugh Welles. 8th in descent from Captain Thomas Welles. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Noah Welles. 20 McKinstry, Elisha Williams, San Francisco. 1398 8th in descent from John Alden. 8th in descent from Governor William Pynchon. 7th in descent from Governor William Bradford. 6th in descent from Major William Bradford. 7th in descent from Lieutenant William Pratt. 7th in descent from Matthew Allyn. 7th in descent from Major William Whiting. 6th in descent from Lieutenant William Backus. 6th in descent from Rev. John Whiting. 6th in descent from Lieut.-Col. John Allyn. 5th in descent from Colonel William Whiting. 14 Merzvin, Reverend Alexander Moss, Pasadena. 1203 7th in descent from Governor Robert Treat. 361 CALIFORNIA. STATE SOCIETY NO. - GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 36 Moody, Frederick Schander, San Mateo. 2085 9th in descent from Joris Jansen de Rapaljie. 5 Nichols, Henry Atherton, Ked\i\r\ds,. 1186 loth in descent from Captain Edmund Greenleaf. loth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 9th in descent from Major-General Daniel Denison. 8th in descent from Lieutenant John Pickering. 8th in descent from Captain John Gilman. 7th in descent from Nicholas Gilman. 6th in descent from Colonel Daniel Gilman. 6 Nichols, Willard Atherton, Redlands. 1 1 87 9th 9th 8th 7 th 7th 6th Sth n descent from Captain Edmund Greenleaf. n descent from Governor Thomas Dudley, n descent from Major-Gen. Daniel Denison. n descent from Lieutenant John Pickering, n descent from Captain John Gilman. n descent from Nicholas Gilman. n descent from Colonel Daniel Gilman. II Osgood. Captain J osiah iAlon:{o, Los Angeles. 11 99 6th in descent from Captain John Osgood, Jr. 2-^ Payson, Albert Henry, San Mateo. 1683 7th in descent from Philip Eliot. 42 Polk, Isaac Milliard, Los Angeles. 2207 3d in descent from Colonel Thomas Polk. 34 Post, Frank Truman, Spokane, Wash. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Abraham Post. ^KJO^ 15 Prescott, Frank Clarke, Redlands. 1358 9th in descent from Captain Peregrine White. 9th in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 3'7 RiNDGE, Frederick Hastings, Santa Monica. 2084 8th in descent from Quartermaster Robert Kinsman. 17 Ross, Er shine Mayo, Los Angeles. 1360 4th in descent from John Mayo. }62 CALIFORNIA. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 37 Stanton, Josiah Rumball, Paymaster U. S. N. 2086 7th in descent from Captain Samuel Brocklebank. 27 Stout, John Kennedy, Spokane, Wash. 1766 9th in descent from Walter Palmer. 8th in descent from Captain Thomas Miner. 7th in descent from Ensign Clement Miner. 18 Thorn, Cameron Erskine, Los Angeles. 1361 3d in descent from John Mayo. 12 Thorpe, Andrew Roane, Los AngeXts. 1202 3th in descent from Patrick Henry. 13 Thorpe, Spencer Roane, Los Angeles. 1201 4th in descent from Patrick Henry. 2S Wright, William Hammond, Lick Observatory. 1767 8th in descent from John Carter. 363 tin nOemonam 9 Harry IVoodville Latham, died May 14, 1896. Harry Woodville Latham was born in Lynchburg, Va., September 30, 1862, died in Pasadena, CaL, and was the son of George Woodville Latham, an officer of the staff of General Robert E. Lee during the War of the Rebellion, and Louise Caroline Calhoun^ his wife, of Bridgeport, Conn. His youth was passed in Bridgeport, whence he entered Yale College, from which he was graduated with the degree of A. B. in the class of 1883. He sub- sequently entered the Law School of Columbia College, and ultimately became associated professionally with the law firm of Seward, Griswold, Guthrie and Da Costa, of New-York. In 1887, by reason of failing health, he went to Cali- fornia, locating at Los Angeles, where he commenced an active professional career, which terminated only with his death. He was a zealous member of the California Society Sons of the Revolution, and upon the organization of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of California, he was unanimously chosen the first Secretary. His mother was daughter of the late Philo Calhoun, well known in New- York City as President of the Fourth National Bank. Through his mother, Mr. Latham was descended from Captain Thomas Fitch, Captain David Sherman, Matthew Mitchell, Thomas Sherwood, Joseph Hawley and Samuel Sherman, ancestors distinguished in the early military and civil history of Connecticut. JO SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF COLORADO. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Colo- rado was instituted in Denver, April lo, 1896, and Chartered by the General Society, May 7, 1896. The First Court of the Society was held at the State Capitol, Denver, on May 22, 1896. The First Business Court of the Society was held at the Society's rooms in the Boston Building, Den- ver, on November 16, 1896. The First General Court and annual dinner of the Society was held at the Brown Palace Hotel, Den- ver, on the evening of December 19, 1896. The Second General Court was held at Colorado Springs, December 18, 1897. 365 OFFICERS, GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL AND COM- MITTEES OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF COLORADO. Elected at the Second General Court, held at Colo- rado Springs, December i8, 1897. Governor. Joel Frederick Vaile. Deputy-Governor. Henry Le Breton Wills. Lieutenant-Governor. Nathan Franklin Trumbull. Secretary. Clifton Sharp Thompson, 304 Equitable Building, Denvei. Deputy-Secretary. James Thomas Anderson, Colorado Springs. Treasurer. George Webster Peirce, Denver. Registrar. John Wright Barrows. Historian. Edward Darwin Upham. Chancellor. Henry Wise Hobson. Chaplain. Right Reverend John Franklin Spalding. Surgeon. Charles Nelson Hart, M.D. 366 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Term Expiring 1898. Benjamin Bowden Lawrence, Thomas Waln-Morgan Draper. Term Expiring 1899. Howard Bigelow Daniels, Joseph Nickerson Baxter. Term Expiring 1900. Francis Crissey Young, Edward James Armstrong Rogers. Committee on the Study of American History in the Schools of Colorado. Prof. William F. Slocum, Prof. Edgar R. Downs, John H. Denison. Committee on Historical Documents and Library. Joseph Farrand Tuttle, Jr., Edward Lowell Kelly, John Wright Barrows. Stewards. Henry Roger Wolcott, Henry Wise Hobson, Beniamin Bowden Lawrence. 367 COLORADO. LIST OF MEMBERS. Names of Charter Members are in Italics. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 43 Anderson, James Thomas, Lieutenant U.S.A. 1431 5th in descent from Silas Bent. 5 Barrows, John IVr/ght, Denvev. 1503 9th in descent from Robert Seaver. 8th in descent from Natiianiel Seaver. 7th in descent from John Clark. 7th in descent from Robert Williams. 7th in descent from Deacon William Parke. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Abel Wright. 6th in descent from Peter Cross. 30 Bartlett, Sidney Roland, M.D., Colorado Springs. 1740 7th in descent from Colonel John Lane. 9 Baxter, Joseph Nicker son, Dtnvtr. 1507 7th in descent from Captain John Gorham. 40 Blackmer, Henry Myron, Colorado Springs. 2024 9th in descent from Captain Nicholas Peck. 9th in descent from Aaron Stark. 8th in descent from George Robinson. 7th in descent from Thomas Willmarth. 2} Booth, Charles Austin, Captain, 7th U.S. Infantry, 1564 Fort Logan. 6th in descent from Sergeant John Booth. 47 Brooks, Franklin Eli, Colorado Springs. 2189 9th in descent from John Bigelow. 49 Brown, James Henry, Denver. 2191 9th in descent from Nicholas Desborough. 8th in descent from Captain Henry Crane, Sr. 7th in descent from Captain Henrv Crane, Jr. 368 COLORADO. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 27 Curtis, Rodney, Denver. 1662 8th in descent from Major Simon Willard. 45 Daniels, Howard Bigelow, Colorado Springs. 1693 8th in descent from John Bigelow. 21 Denison, Charles, M.D., Denver. 1562 7th in descent from Captain George Denison. }6 Denison, John Henry, Denver. 181 1 7th in descent from Captain George Denison. 26 Dewey, Chauncey Edward, Denver. 1593 9th in descent from Cornet Thomas Dewey, nth in descent from Henry Wolcott. 8th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Tracy. 35 Downs, Edgar Rollin, Denver. 1810 9th in descent from Joseph Wright. 8th in descent from Matthew Bridge. 7th in descent from John Hubbard. 7th in descent from Captain Thomas Peirce. 6th in descent from Samuel Peirce. 7th in descent from Captain Edward Johnson. 6th in descent from Major William Johnson. 7th in descent from John Bigelow. 6th in descent from Joshua Bigelow. 2 Draper, Thomas Wain-Morgan, Colonel, Denver. 5 5th in descent from James Draper, 2d. 4th in descent from Captain James Draper, 3d. 9th in descent from Nicholas Newlin. 8th in descent from Anthony Morris, 2d. 7th in descent from John Barnard, 2d. 6th in descent from John Barnard, 3d. 6th in descent from Samuel Carpenter. 5th in descent from Joshua Child. 5th in descent from William Fishbourne. 369 COLORADO. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. I Dwight, Arthur Smith, El Paso, Texas. 2^6 7th in descent from Colonel Benjamin Church. 6th in descent from Rev. Timothy Edwards. 42 Fleming, David Law, D.D., Leadville. 2099 4th in descent from James Barry. 10 Gorham, Austin Goddard, Denver. 1508 6th in descent from Captain John Gorham. 5th in descent from Colonel John Gorham. 4th in descent from Colonel Shubael Gorham. 8th in descent from John Tilley. 7th in descent from John Howland. 7th in descent from Anthony Thatcher. 6th in descent from Colonel John Thatcher. 6th in descent from Governor Thomas Hinckley. ^2 Hart, Charles Nelson, M.D., Denver. 1742 8th in descent from Deacon Stephen Hart. 9th in descent from Captain Nicholas Olmstead. ^ 9th in descent from Hon. Philip Sherman. 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. 8th in descent from Thomas Gridley, 7th in descent from Lieutenant Nathaniel Porter. 7th in descent from Governor John Webster. 6th in descent from Lieutenant Robert Webster. 7th in descent from Hon. Richard Treat. 7th in descent from Arthur Smith. 7th in descent from John Norton, Sr. 7th in descent from Thomas North, Sr. 7th in descent from Captain John Hart, 2d. 7th in descent from Samuel Lothrop. 25 HoBsoN, Henry Wise, Denver. 181^ 9th in descent from Colonel Nathaniel Littleton. 8th in descent from Colonel Edmund Scarburgh. 6th in descent from Colonel Tully Robinson. 48 Johnson, Charles Alfred, Denver. 2190 8th in descent from Lieutenant James Johnson. 370 COLORADO. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 46 Johnson, Otis Stafford, Colorado Springs. 2188 8th in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Johnson. 1 3 Kelly, Edward Lowell, i st Lieut, i st Infantry, N. G. C. , 1 5 1 1 Denver. 4th in descent from Jonathan Kelly. 9th in descent from Stephen Hopkins. 9th in descent from Francis Cooke. 8th in descent from Jacob Cooke. 8th in descent from Edward Dotey. 8th in descent from Captain Samuel Foot. 35 Kelly, Luther Sage, Governor's Island, New-York. 1830 3d in descent from Jonathan Kelly. 1 1 Lawrence, Benjamin Bowden, Denver. 1 S09 5th in descent from Colonel Philip Livingston. 41 Morse, Samuel Willard, Monterey. Mexico. 2025 9th in descent from Richard Thayer. 8th in descent from Richard Sares. 7th in descent from Captain Paul Sears. 8th in descent from George Willard. 8th in descent from George Abbot. 8th in descent from Lieutenant Francis Peabody. 7th in descent from Lieutenant Richard Ellis. 7th in descent from John Guild. 6th in descent from Samuel Guild. 5th in descent from Nathaniel Guild. 7th in descent from Captain Joseph Hills. 7th in descent from John Woodcock. 6th in descent from Captain John Waite. 6 Peirce, George Webster, Denver. 1 504 6th in descent from Joseph Peirce. 4th in descent from Captain William Peirce. 3d in descent from Captain Gad Peirce. 31 Rogers, Edmund James Armstrong, M.D.,', Denver. 1741 3d in descent from Major James Rogers. 371 COLORADO. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 24 Sample, Captain "Nathaniel Welsher, Denver. 181 4 4th in descent from Captain William Steele. 15 Sargent, Frederick Homer, ist Lieut., 12th U.S. 1539 Infantry. 6th in descent from John Sargent. 34 Slocum, William Frederick, Colorado Springs. 1809 8th in descent from Governor William Bradford. 3 Spalding, Rt. Rev. John Franklin, Bishop of Colo- 260 rado, Denver. 5th in descent from John Spalding. 39 Sutton, Asahel, Colorado Springs. 1854 8th in descent from Captain John Underhill. 8th in descent from Lieutenant Robert Feake. 12 Thompson, Clifton Sharp, Denver. 1510 7th in descent from John Thomson. 9th in descent from Robert Waterman. 9th in descent from Edmund Tillson. 9th in descent from John Whitman. 8th in descent from Francis Cooke. 8th in descent from Christopher Wadsworth. 8 Trumbull, Nathan Franklin, Denver. 1 506 6th in descent from Lieutenent Phineas Upham. 6th in descent from Colonel William Randolph. Sth in descent from Isham Randolph. 44 Tucker, Beverly, M.D., Colorado Springs. 2100 5th in descent from General Hugh Mercer. 18 TuTTLE, Joseph Farrand, Jr., Denver. 1542 8th in descent from Captain Thomas Munson. 14 Upham, Edward Darwin, Denver. 1512 7th in descent from Lieutenant Phineas Upham. 8th in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 6th in descent from Moses Whitney. 16 Vaile, Joel Frederick, Denver. 1540 9th in descent from William Brewster. 372 COLORADO. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO 8th n descent from Jonathan Brewster. 9th n descent from Captain George Watson. 9th n descent from Francis Eaton, 9th n descent from Dr. Samuel Fuller. 8th] n descent from Rev. Samuel Fuller. 9th n descent from Humphrey Turner. 9th n descent from John Shaw. 9th n descent from Rev. John Wilson. 9th 1 n descent from Major-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 9th ] n descent from Stephen Hopkins. 8th n descent from Captain William Bond. 7th 1 n descent from Lieut. -Col. Jonas Bond. 8th n descent from Andrew Ring. 8th n descent from Samuel Eaton. 8th n descent from Lieutenant James Trowbridge. 7th n descent from Rev. Grindal Rawson. 7th n descent from Edward Rawson. 7th n descent from Hon. Ebenezer Stone. 19 Wh EATON, Frank, Major-General U.S.A. Retired. 156c 8th n descent from Rev. John Wilson. 8th n descent from Sergeant Edward Smith. 6th n descent from Sergeant Benjamin Smith. 5th n descent from Captain Simon Smith. 7th n descent from Major Thomas Fenner. 7th m descent from Captain John Whipple. 7th m descent from Thomas Olney. 5th n descent from Captain James Olney. 7th n descent from Secretary Edward Rawson. 6th m descent from Rev. Grindal Rawson. 4th in descent from Lieutenant Stephen Rawson. 7th m descent from Richard Borden. 6th m descent from Thomas Borden. 7th in descent from Captain John Gardner. 7th m descent from Stephen Arnold. 7th in descent from William Carpenter. 7th in descent from William Harris. 313 COLORADO. STATE SOCIETY NO. - GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 6th in descent from Captain Arthur Fenner. 6th in descent from Lieutenant John Burrill. 5th in descent from Ebenezer Burrill. 5th in descent from Joseph Mansfield. 38 Wills, Henry Le Breton, Colorado Springs. 1813 7th in descent from Captain Stephen Greenleaf. 22 WoLcoTT, Edward Oliver, U.S. Senator from 1563 Colorado. 5th in descent from Governor Roger Wolcott. 20 Wolcott, Henry Roger, Denver. 1561 5th in descent from Governor Roger Wolcott. 29 Wood, Franc Ogilvy, Colorado Springs. 1739 6th in descent from Captain Joseph Wadsworth. 37 Young, Francis Crissey, W. Denver. 1812 7th in descent from Governor Thomas Mayhew. 6th in descent from Thomas Tupper, Jr. 4th in descent from Captain Nathaniel Swift. 374 Hn nDemonam, 7 Fisher, IViUiam Garrett, died April 6, 1897. 28 Edsall, Thomas Henry, died October 26, 1897. William Garrett Fisher was born in Cambridge, Washington County, New-York, July 11, 1844, and died in New-York City. He was a "Charter Member" and "Gentleman of the Council" of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Colorado. He was the surviving member of the firm of Daniels & Fisher, and was universally loved and esteemed. He was a member of the Colorado Society of Sons of the Revolution, and one of its Board of Managers. He was a member of Lincoln Post, G. A. R., and served three years during the War of the Rebellion. In August, 187;, he married Miss Mary Frances Cherry, of Saratoga, N. Y., who survives him, also two chil- dren, Barbara and Sherman. Mr. Fisher was a direct lineal descendant of the Hon. Philip Sherman, and Philip de la Noye, of the Dedham, Massachusetts, Fishers, the Hartford family of Warners, and the Carswels. Thomas Henry Edsall^ born in New-York City, Octo- ber 7, 1840, and died at Colorado Springs, Colorado. Graduated at Brown University, B. A., 1861. Commis- sioned Adjutant 176th Regiment, N. Y. Vols., 1862, until close of 1863. Admitted to the New-York Bar in 186=5. Member of New-York Genealogical and Bio- graphical Society, founder and vice-president New-York Society of Sons of the Revolution, organizer of the New-York University Club, Member and Founder of the Colorado Society of Sons oftiie Revolution, Colorado Commandery of the Loyal Legion, Holland Society of New-York, Gentleman of the Council, Society of Colonial Wars in Colorado, member of the El Paso Club, and President of the Cheyenne Mountain Country Club at Colorado Springs. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF IOWA. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Iowa was organized under charter granted by the General Society, May 7, 1896, and incorporated under the laws of the State of Iowa, November 26, 1897. The first Court of the Society was held in Dubuque, Iowa, May 30, 1896. The General Court of the Society is held annually on " Louisburg Day," June 17th. 376 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF IOWA. Governor. JuDSON Keith Deming. Deputy-Governor. Samuel Francis Smith. Lieutenant-Governor. Lauren Chase Eastman. Secretary. Horace Gates Torbert, Dubuque, Iowa. Treasurer. Isaac Stover Bigelow, M.D., Dubuque, Iowa. Registrar. Parker Stewart Webster. Historian. George Arthur Goodell. Chaplain. Rev. Samuel Roosevelt Johnson Hoyt, D.D. 377 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. William Perry Brady, Frank Ashley Millard, EsEK Steere Ballord, Rev. William Salter, Marvin Bemis Pool, Silas Wright Gardiner, Lester Clark Bissell, Rev. Clinton Hosmer Weaver, Parker Stewart Webster. STANDING COMMITTEES. Committee on Membership. Judson Keith Deming, Isaac Stover Bigelow, M.D., Parker Stewart Webster, Lester Clark Bissell, Horace Gates Torbert. Committee to Gather Historical Memorabilia. Rt. Rev. William Stevens Rev. William Salter, Perry, D.D., Silas Wright Gardiner, George Arthur Goodell, Esek Steere Ballord. 378 10 IV A. LIST OF MEMBERS. Names of Charter Members are in Italics. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 1 Ballord, Esek Steere, Davenport. 757 5th in descent from Nathaniel Ballord. 3d in descent from Zaccheus Ballord. 8th in descent from Isaac Allerton. 7th in descent from Thomas Clark. 7th in descent from Simon Lynde. 7th in descent from John Tower, 6th in descent from John Oilman, 6th in descent from James Gooch, 6th in descent from Sir Charles Hobby, 5th in descent from John Valentine. 9 Bigelow, Isaac Stover, M,D,, Dubuque. 1513 9th in descent from John Bigelow. II Bissell, Lester Clark, Dubuque. 1515 6th in descent from Daniel Bissell. 8 Brady, William Perry, Cedar Rapids. 1281 3d in descent from John Brady. 2 Deming, Judson Keith, Dubuque, 612 8th in descent from Hon, John Deming, 9th in descent from Sergeant Joseph Kellogg. 9th in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. 9th in descent from Maj,-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 9th in descent from Major Simon Willard. 9th in descent from Lieutenant John Drury. 8th in descent from Lieutenant James Judson. 8th in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Judson. 7th in descent from Sergeant Samuel Washburne. 7th in descent from Captain James Lewis. 5 Eastman, Lauren Chase, Clinton. 756 6th in descent from Peter Tilton. 379 IOWA. STATE SOCIETY NO. - GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 15 Gardiner, Silas Wright, Clinton. 15 19 8th in descent from Lion Gardiner. 7 Goodell, George Arthur, Cedar Rapids. 1280 5th in descent from Josiah Starr. 13 Hoyt, Rev. Samuel Roosevelt Johnson, D^vtn\>orX. 1517 8th in descent from Lieutenant Francis Bell. 23 HuBBELL, Frederick Cooper, Des Moines. 2339 8th in descent from Lieutenant John Hubbell. 20 Hubbell, Frederick Marion, Des Moines. 2199 7th in descent from Lieutenant John Hubbell. 4 Millard, Frank Ashley, Burlington. 1269 7th in descent from Joseph Peck. 6th in descent from Ephraim Peck. 22 Nutting, Grant Hosford, Davenport. 2338 9th in descent from John Nutting. 21 Nutting, James Ralph, Davenport. 2337 8th in descent from John Nutting. 14 Perry, Rt. Rev. William Stevens, Davenport. 15 18 7th in descent from Thomas Fames. 6 Pool, Marvin Bemis, Clinton. 11 50 5th in descent from Captain Edmund Bemis. 18 Richardson, George Herbert, Belmond. 2 112 6th in descent from Captain Jonathan Welles. 17 Salter, Reverend William, Burlington. 2187 6th in descent from Charles Frost. 3 Smith, Hon. Samuel Francis, Davenport. 1282 6th in descent from Captain John Gilman. 7th in descent from Deputy-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 7th in descent from Captain William White. 7th in descent from Benjamin Kimball. 5th in descent from John White. 380 10 IV A. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 10 Torbert, Horace Gates, Dubuque. 1514 loth in descent from Governor William Coddington. 16 IVeaver, Reverend C/infon Hosiiier, Davenport. 1520 8th in descent from Major Benjamin Newberry. 12 IVebsfer, Parker Stewart, Dubuque. 15 16 9th in descent from Governor John Webster. 24 Wheeler, Benjamin Dudley, Des Moines. 2^6^ 7th in descent from Captain Philip Wheeler. 19 Wheeler, William Henry, Des Moines. 2113 6th in descent from Captain Philip Wheeler. 381 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Georgia was chartered by the General Society, November i8, 1896, and was organized at Savan- nah, December 29, 1896, with a membership of eighteen, at which time the Officers and Gentlemen of the Council were chosen. The General Court is held on the 12th of Feb- ruary, commemorating the landing of James Ed- ward Oglethrope, and a chartered company of English colonists on the site of Savannah, founding the province of Georgia, February i, 1733, (O, S. ) 382 ^^i**'f-^-^-^-'*J,^ ♦**,##*** OFFICERS, GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL AND STANDING COMMITTEES. Governor. John Avery Gere Carson. Deputy-Governor. Anthony Stoddard Byers. Lieutenant-Governor. Hugh Vernon Washington. Secretary. John Harris Kinzie, Savannah. Treasurer. Francis Fitch Jones, Savannah. Registrar. William Ridgely Leaken. Historian. Charles Frank Whitner. Chancellor. William Washington Gordon, Jr. Surgeon. Thomas Pinckney Waring, M.D. 383 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. William Daniel Grant, Henry Rootes Jackson, John Thomas Glenn, Hugh Hagan, M.D., John Meriwether McAllister, Jefferson Randolph Anderson, John William Grant, Richard Harrison Earle. Committee on Collection of Historical Documents and Records. Charles Frank Whitner, Hugh Vernon Washington, Thomas Pinckney Waring, M.D. Committee on Instalation. William Washington Gordon, Francis Fitch Jones, Jr. , Thomas Pinckney Waring, M. D. , John William Grant, Jefferson Randolph Anderson. Committee on Membership. William Ridgely Leaken, Francis Fitch Jones, William Washington Gordon, Hugh Hagan, M.D. Jr. 384 GEORGIA. LIST OF MEMBERS. Names of Charter Members are in Italics. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 6 Anderson, Jefferson Randolph, ST^^nn^xh. 1663 6th in descent from Thomas Jefferson. 13 Byers, Anthony Stoddard, Atlanta. 1753 6th in descent from Major Samuel Earle. 1 Carson, John Avery Gere, S'Av.mnAh. 1428 9th in descent from Thomas Hynson. 14 Earle, Richard Harrison, Marietta. 1754 5th in descent from Major Samuel Earle. 2 Gordon, IVilliam Washington, Jr., Savannah. 1537 8th in descent from Governor Roger Wolcott. 8 Grant, John IVilliam, AtldnVd. 1748 7th in descent from William Young. 9 Grant, William Daniel, Atlanta. 1749 6th in descent from William Young. 17 Glenn, John Thomas, Atlanta. 1757 8th in descent from George Reade. 15 Hagan, Hugh, Atlanta. 1755 8th in descent from Richard Webb. 12 Jackson, Henry Rootes, Marietta. 1752 7th in descent from George Reade. 3 Jones, Francis Fitch, Savannah. 1538 9th in descent from Major-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 18 Kin::iie, John /y703, Burlington Co., N. J., Member House Rep- resentatives, 1997. Middleton, H., 164. Adams, Sergeant Thomas, 1723-1790. Served under Capt. Stephen Whip- ple, Col. Plaisted's Regt., Mass. Troops, Expedition to Crown Point, 1756. Quality Sergeant in Capt. Whipple's Co., Col. Berie's Regt. at Fort Edward, 1756. Adams, William Porter, 309. 411 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Adams, Captain Thomas, 171 3-1802, Arlington, Mass. Captain in the French War, 1758. Cutter, William K., 183. Hill, Howard F., 269. Addison, Colonel John, 1678-1702. Captain, 1692. Colonel, 1695. Member of the Council, 1691- 1705, Province of Maryland. Thomas, Douglass H., 118. Howard, McHenry, 162. Albro, Major John. Corporal in Col- onial Militia, 166 1 -1666. Lieuten- ant, 1675-1680. Captain, 1680, and Major. Albro, Addis, 33. Alden, David, , Duxbury, Ply- mouth Colony. Deputy, 1690. Richardson, George E., 202. Forbes, Charles S., 279. Alden, John, 1599-1687. Last surviv- ing signer of Mayjflower Compact. Member under arms of Capt. Myles Standish's Duxbury Co., 1643. Governor's Assistant, i632-'4o-'50-'86. Deputy, 1641- '42-'44-'49. Styled Deputy-Gov- ernor in records, 1666. Member Council of War, '46, et seq., Plymouth Colony. Bartlett, George F. H., 37. Chapman, Thomas B., 48. Fames, Francis L. , 58. Fames, Stewart W., 58. Grinnell, William M., 67. Huntington, Charles R., 76. Janvrin, Joseph E., 78. McKinstry, Charles H., 87. Miner, Edward G., 89. Reed, Heniy B., loi. Seabury, Frederick C, 108. Stringer, George A., 116. Tompkins, Hamilton B., 120, 407. Lee, Edward C, 145. Reed, James M., Jr., iso. Allen, Frederick B,, 176. Bacon, Horace S., 177. Barker, Edwin T., 177. Brooks, Walter C, 179. Coe, Henry F., 181. Coffin, Rufus, 182. Crandon, Edwin S., 182. Healey, David A., 189. Keith, Solomon L., 193. Leonard, George H., 194. Richardson, George E., 202. Soule, Horace H., Jr., 204. Standish, J. Myles, 205. Stone, Charles A., 205. Swift, Henry W., 206. Tobey, Edward S., 208. Capen, Walter N., 219. Deming, Judson K., 221. Skinner, Wm. C, 230. Blagden, Thos., 240. Johnson, James B., 24s. Stetson, Caleb R., 248. Stetson, George R., 248. Thompson, Gilbert, 248. Farnham, Elijah T., 256. Parsons, Chas. L., 270. Forbes, Chas. S., 279. C^se, Edward B., 288. Johnson, James G., 294. Sampson, Clark D., 314. Spoor, John A., 300. Winter, Samuel D., 317. Winter, Francis A., 317. Alden, Isaac C, 322. Jenney, Herbert, 325. Mussey, Wm. L., 326. Rawson, Edward S., 327. Hadley, Emerson, ^42. Mayo, Charles E., 344. Seabury, Channing, 347. Whitney, Frank I., 350. McKinstry, Elisha W., 361. Alden, Captain Jonathan, 1627- 1697. Ensign, Lieutenant and Captain, Duxbury Co. , Mass. Served in King Philip's War, 1 658- 1 697, and buried under arms. Reed, Henry Bidlack, loi. Parsons, Chas. L.,270. Alden, Captain Prince, 1718-1804. Quartermaster Troop of Horse, 3d Regt., Colony of Conn., 1758. Lieutenant, 1760. Captain later; wounded near Ticonderoga, 1 758. Reed, Henry Bidlack, 101. Anderson, Alexander, 1758-1759. Lieutenant, New Jersey Militia. Cabeen, Francis von Albadi, 138. Alexander, Captain Ebenezer, 1684- 1768. Northfield, Mass. Ensign and Lieutenant, Father Ralle's War. Lieutenant and Captain, Louisburg Expedition. Served under Shirley against Canada, 1746. Alexander, Ebenezer, 175. 412 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Alexander, James, 1693-1 7S6. Member King's Council, 1721, r/s^^. New- York. Member Council, New Jer- sey, 1722. Secretary of Province for New-York. Surveyor-General of East and West New Jersey. Re- ceiver and Advocate General. Chew, Beverly, 48. Alexander, Major-General William, 1736-1783. Earl of Stirling. Commissary, 1755. Private Sec- retary, Aide-de-Camp to General Shirley, 1756. Captain indepen- dent Company of Grenadiers, New-York City Militia, 1760. Attorney-General and Member King's Council, New Jersey, 1761. Served with distinction in the Revolution. Russell, Wm. H., 104. Alld, Lieutenant David. Served in French and Indian War, 1759. Cutter, Edw. J., 183. Cutter, Henry A., 267. Allen, Bozoon, 1630-1652. Lieuten- ant, 1648. Representative, 1643- i6=;2. Commander of Military Garrison at Hingham. Captain, i6si. A. & H. A. Co. Griffith, William H., 66. Allen, Captain James, 1716-1810. Captain of Militia, Augusta Co., Virginia, 1750. Was in the battle of Point Pleasant. Matthews, Albert, 526. Rodgers, Howard L., 3^5. Allen, Jedediah, 1646-1712, Shrews- bury, N.J. Member of Assembly, 1686-1703. Middleton, H., 164. Allen, John, 1684-1761. Served under Capt. Joseph Kellogg, Father Ralle's War, 1720-1724. Allen, Frederick Percival, 34. Allen, Sergeant Joseph, 1701-1785. On duty at Northfield, Mass., 1755-17S6. Allen, Frederick H., 131. Allen, Samuel, 1632-1703, Bridge- water, Mass. Deputy to the General Court, 1693. Allen, Francis R., 175. Allen, Frederick B., 175. Allen, Samuel, 1702-1746. Killed in a fight with Indians at " The Bars," Deerfield, Mass. Converse, Charles Allen, 278. Allerton, Deputy-Governor Isaac, 1 S83- 1 659. Deputy-Governor, Plymouth Colony, 1621-1624. Thomas, D. H., 118, 167. Thomas, Douglas H,. Jr., 168. Allen, Francis R., 175. Richardson, George E., 202. Watkins, Walter K., 209. Ballord, Esek S., 379. Allerton, Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac, 1630-1702. Major under Col. John Washington, Virginia Foices, expedition against the Indians, 1675. Lieut-Colonel, 1680. Member, House of Burgesses, 1676. Member of the Council, 1683. Thomas, D. H., 118, 167. Vander Veer, Edgar, 122. Alling, SergeantJohn, Jr., 1647-1717. Assistant, Colony of Conn., 1704- 1716, and Member of Council, Committee of Safety, 1 704. Farnham, Elijah T., 256. Allis, Lieutenant William, 1678. Lieutenant, Hampshire Co. Troop, 1672. Captain at the Falls Fight, 1 676, at which his three sons served under him, two of whom were slain. Elwood, George .May, 59. Murray, Charles H., 91. Stockbridge, Henry, 167. De Wolf, Edwin A., 310. Allyn, Lieutenant- Colonel John. Cornet First Troop of Horse in Conn., 1637, under Major John Mason. Captain, Hartford Militia, 1673. Lieut. -Colonel, 1680. Secre- tary of the Colony thirty-four yeais. Assistant, 1662-1606. Com- missioner, United Colonies, 1674- 1681. Member Governor Andros' Council, 1687. Hotchkin, Walter B., 74. Woodruff, Charles H., 131. McKinstry, Elisha W., 361. Allyn, Matthew, 1671 , Windsor. Deputy, Mass. General Court, 1636. Deputy, Conn. General Court, 1648-1657. Assistant, 1658-1667. Commissioner for United Colonies, 1 660- 1 664 . Patentee in the Royal Charter, 1662. 413 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Day, Robert, W., 54. Metcalf, Bryce, 88. Orne, Henry M., 94. Woodruff, Charles H., 131. Allen, Theodore L., 176. Wight, Wm. Ward, 504, 395. McKinstry, Elisha W., 361. Allyn, Robert, 1608-1683. Secretary General Court of Conn., 1657. Horton, William E., 73, 244. Allyn, Thomas, 1679, Barnstable, Mass. Member of the Military Co., 1643, under Lieut. Thomas Dimmock. Turner, Henry L., 302. Almy, Christopher, 1632-1713. Deputy from Portsmouth, R. I., to the General Court and Assistant to Governor Andros. 1690. El- ected Governor of Rhode Island, but refused to serve, 1693. Mes- senger to England from Rhode Island. Captain, 1692. Almy, Leonard B., 217. Miller, Charles K., 296. Almy, William E., 338. Almy, Colonel Job. Deputy from Warwick, Colonial Assembly of Rhode Island, i6']0-'']2. Com- missioner to treat with the Indian sachems, 1673. Bostwick, Henry A., 42. Davies, Julien T., 53. Gallatin, Rolaz Horace, 63. Tomlinson, Jno. C, 120. Almy, William, 1601-1676. Member of Assembly, Rhode island, 1656- '57-'63. Page, S. Davis, 149. Felton, Samuel M., 523. Alricks, Peter, 1630-1 69-, New Castle, Del. Commandant of the Amsterdam Colony on the South (Delaware) River, 1660. Schout, 1673. Commander-in-Chief of town and fort at New Castle, 1683. Member of the Pennsyl- vania Provincial Assembly, 16S4- '89, '96-'97. Cottman, James H., 160. Fisher, Charles D., 160. Clark, Augustus T., 181. Ames, John, 1647-1726, Bridgewater, Mass. Served in King Philip's War in the defence of the town against the Indians. Ames, Joseph B., 176. Amory, Jonathan, 1640-1609, Charles- ton, S. C. Speaker of the Assem- bly. Amory, Francis L, 176. Amsden, Isaac, 1657, > Cambridge, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War in Capt. Henchman's, Da- venport's and Sill's Co.'s, 1675- 1676. Amsden, Franklin D., 176. Amsden, Henry F., 176. Anderson, Captain Patrick, 1719- 1793. Captain, 1755. Province of Penn., French and Indian War. Pennypacker, Samuel W., 149. Quay, Andrew G. C, 346. Andrew, Henry, , \6^2, Taunton, Plymouth Colony. Deputy, Gen- eral Court, 1039, -'42, -'47. Lovering, Henry M., 194. Seaver, James E., 204. Andrews, Joseph, i597-i679-'8o, Hing- ham, Mass. Deputy, General Court, 1036-1638. Willcutt, Levi 1.., 210. Andrews, Captain Thomas, 1632-1600, Hingham, Mass. Captain of Mili- tia. Served in expedition to Can- ada, 1690. Willcutt, Levi L., 210. Andrews, Lieutenant William, New Haven Artillery Co., 1048. Andrews, James S., 217. Andrews, W. G., 217. Angell, John, 1646-1720. Soldier in King Philip's War. Deputy, 1686. Lewis, Arnold A., 83. Lovell, Frank H., Jr!, 85. Parkhurst, Chas. D., 228. Bowen, Edgar C, 339. Angell, Thomas, iOiS-1694. Deputy General Court of Rhode Island, i652-'s3. Hord, Arnold H., 243. Felton, Samuel M., 323. Annable, Anthony, '674, Ply- mouth, Scituate and Barnstable, Mass. Member Military Co. under Lieut. Thomas Dimmock, 1643. Deputy General Court. Turner, Henry L., 302. Anthony, William, 1675-17S9. Gov- ernor's Assistant, Rhode Island, i7i7-'22-'30. Deputy, i709-'i6- '17. Captain, I7i6-'i7. 414 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Lawton, George P., 83. Watson, William H., 127. Appleton, Major Isaac, 1664- 1747. Ipswich, Mass. Lieutenant Port Royal Expedition, 1707. Major Essex Co. Regt. Morgan, Appleton, 90. Story, Henry G , 115. Story, Joseph G., 116. Burnham, John A., 180. Skinner, H. W., 390. Appleton, Lieutenant Isaac, 1731- 1806, New Ipswich, N. H. 2d Lieutenant of Militia, 1771. Bent, S. Arthur, 178. Appleton, Captain John, i 622-1 699, Ipswich, Mass. Lieutenant, 1653. Captain, i6s8. Served in Nova Scotia Expedition. Emery, Rufus, 00. Gillette, Edwin P., 291. Appleton, Major Samuel, i 624-1 696, Ipswich, Mass. Deputy, 16&8, et seq. Lieutenant, 1008. Cap- tain, 1675. Major and Com- mander-in-Chief of Mass. Troops, 1675, at Springfield, Hatfield, and the Great Swamp fight. Sergeant- Major of the South Essex Regt., 1682. Assistant, \6%\,ctseq. Im- prisoned by Andros, 1087, for re- fusing to pay taxes levied without the consent of the Council. Downe, Henry W., S7. Langdon, Andrew, 81 . Langdon, W. Chauncey, 81. Morgan, Appleton, 90. Skinner, Henry W., 1 1 1, 390. Story, Henry G., i 15. Story, Joseph G., 115. Wilson, J. Appleton, 170. Appleton, Francis H., 177. Appleton, Nathan, 177. Hale, Henry Appleton, 188. Plaisted, Appleton H., 200. Gross, Chas. Edw., 224. Plaisted, Sheridan, 270. Whitney, Eugene W., 304. Apthorpe, Charles Ward, i 737-1 797, New York. Member King's Coun- cil, 1763-75. Bibby, Andrew A., 40. Armistead, John, Gloucester Co. Member Virginia House of Bur- gesses, 1685. Appointed to the Council, 1687. Gill, William H , 161. Armstrong, Colonel John, i 718-1795. Provincial Forces, Braddock's Campaign. Commanded Expedi- tion against Indians at Kittanning, 1756, destroying their settlement, and was wounded in assault, for which services Philadelphia voted him a silver medal. Served at Forts Loudon and Pitt, 1764; in the Susquehanna expedition, 1 763 ; and commanded the Highlanders and Penn. troops' expedition against Fort Duquesne. Astor, John Jacob, 34. Herman, John A., 71, 142. Armstrong, H. Gates, 159. Arnold, Governor Benedict, 1615- 1678. First Governor of Rhode Island, 1657, et seq. Member Council of War, 1676; Signer of the first written Compact of Prov- idence Plantations, 1640; Com- missioner, i654-'63; Assistant, 1655, et seq.\ President of the Four Towns, 1657, etscq. Albro, Addis, 33. Bliven, William W.,41. Jones, Shipley, 79. Watson, Charles P., 126. Arnold, Eleazer, 1651-1722. Deputy, General Court of Rhode Island, 1686, et seq. Hord, Arnold H., 244. Arnold, Richard, 1642-1 710. Gover- nor's Assistant, 1676, ^/s^^. Mem- ber of Sir Edmund Andros' Coun- cil, 1686. Speaker, 1707-1708. Spalding, George B., Jr., 112. Robeson, Andrew, 203. Hord, Arnold H., 244. Arnold, Stephen, 1603-1665, Rhode Island. Deputy, 1664, £'is^^. Gov- ernor's Assistant, 1677, et seq. Felton, S. M., 323. Arnold, Stephen, 1622-1699. Deputy for Providence, R. I., 1644-1677. Governor's Assistant, 1667-1698. Wheaton, Frank, 373. Arnold, Thomas, ist, 1590-1674. Deputy, General Court of Rhode Island, i666-'67-'70-'72. Hord, Arnold H., 244. Arnold, Thomas, 2d, 1675-1727. Deputy, General Court of Rhode Island, 171 1-1723. 415 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hord, Arnold H., 244. AsHBY, Captain John. Served in the Virginia line at Fort Loudon in Braddock's expedition, and later in various movements of the troops, especially at the battle of Point Pleasant on the Ohio, com- manding a company. Bayne, Howard R., 37. Ashley, Colonel Samuel, i 720-1 792, Winchester, N. H. In service at Fort Dummer, N. H., i740-'42- '48-'49. Colonel, New Hamp- shire Regt. prior to 1774. Deputy, General Assembly, 1774. Lloyd, John U., 326. AsHTON, James. Deputy, Rhode Island, 1652-1665. One of the Monmouth Patentees, 1665. Rep- resentative to General Court. Hunt, Samuel F., 325. AsTON, Walter, 1607-1656. Mem- ber House of Burgesses, Va., 1629- ^32-'42. Cleemann, Richard A., 138. AsTwooD, John, 1609-1654, Milford, Conn. Representative to General Court in 1643- 1644. Governor's Assistant, 165;. Commissioner to the United Colonies. Cowles, Calvin D., 241. Atherton, Consider, 1690, Dor- chester, Mass. Served in King Philip's War, under Major Simon Willard and in Phips' expedi- tion. Pierce, George F., 200. Atherton, Major-General Humphrey, 1 66 1, Dorchester, Mass. Dep- uty, i6}8, et seq. Speaker, 1653. Governor's Assistant, 1654-1661. Lieutenant, 1645. Captain of Militia, 1646, and of the A. & H. A. Co., 1650-1658. Commanded expedition against the Narragan- sett, 1656. Major-General, 1661. Atherton, Fisher, 34. Day, Robert W., 54. Sill, John Targee, 111. Smith, GouverneurM., iii. Smith, Lewis Bayard, 112. Hall, Clayton Coleman, 161. Hall, Thomas William, 161. Sill, Howard, 160. Flagg, Augustus, 18=;. Howe, Edward, Willard, 191. Leeds, Charles, 194. Marsh, Henry D., 195. Nickerson, Herman, 197. Pierce, George F. , 200. Robinson, Francis W., 203. Stone, William E., 206. Ware, Horace E., 208. Bunce, Jonathan B., 219. Turner, Elisha, 232. Deming, Judson, K., 221, 379. Stedman, Charles J., 328. Vaile, Joel F., 373. Jones, Francis F. , 385. Richardson, Harry A., 401. Avery, Captain James, 1620-1694, New London, Conn. Ensign, Lieuten- ant and Captain. Served through- out King Philip's War and was in the Great Swamp Fight. Deputy, 1056-1680. Arnold, Benjamin W., 34. Avery, Frank M., 34. Avery, Trueman G., 35. Brookfield, Henry M., 43. Colfax, Alfred E., 50. Griffith, William H., 66. Morgan, George D., 90. Morgan, James Henry, 90. Morgan, Robert Webb, 90. Mott, Luther W., 91. Roberts, Cyrus S., 103. Satterlee, Francis Le R., 105. Valentine, Samuel H., 122. Adams, Edward M., 175. Plumb, Henry B., 228. Dennison, Ira W., 242. Metcalf, Wm. P., 246. Stetson, Caleb R., 248. Randall, John F., 314. Sabin, Eugene F., 314. Sabin, Sidney Avery, 314. Ladd, Charles F. , 333. Fletcher, Paris, 341. Avery, Asabel G., 359. Avery, Lieutenant James, Jr., 1646- 17^2. Lieutenant in the Conn. Colonial Forces during the frontier wars. Avery, Frank M., ^4. Arnold, Benjamin W., ^4. Morgan, George D., 90. Plumb, Henry B., 22S. Sabin, Eugene F., 314. Sabin, Sidney Avery ^14. Slosson, Frank, 300, 594. Avery, Captain John, 1654-1715. 416 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Ensign, 1692, Capt. James Avery's Co. 169;. Capt. Thomas Avery, . Captain, 1697. Griffith, Wm. H., 66. Avery, Lieutenant William, 1622- 1687, Dedham. Lieutenant, Ded- ham Co., 1673. Deputy from Springfield, i66g. Colony of Mass. Bay. A. & H. A. Co. Belknap, Waldron P., 38. Hall, Lewis C, 151. Ridgely, Charles, 29Q. Ayer, Cornet Peter, 1633-1699. Cor- net Haverhill Co. and Deputy, 1680, et seq. Colony of Mass. Bay. Ayer, James B., 177. Burrell, Herbert L., 180. Ayer, Captain Samuel, 1654-1708, Haverhill, Mass. Served in King Philip's War, in Capt. Benjamin Swett's Co. Killed while in com- mand of a company in pursuit of Indians, after an attack upon Hav- erhill. Flint, James M., 242. Ayer(s), Sergeant John, 't'75, Brookfield, Mass. Captain in Thomas Wheeler's Co. Killed by Indians at Brookfield. Ayer, James B., 177. Aylett, William, 1697- 1760. f^'^''- gess, King William Co., Virginia, 1723-20. Barret, Richard Aylett, 309. Babcock, Colonel Henry, 1736-1800 Served in the Rhode Island Regt. French and Indian Wars, 1755-59 Captain under Sir William Johnson at Fort George. Major, 1 756- Colonel atTiconderoga; wounded there, 1759. Led his regiment at capture of Ticonderoga, and was publicly thanked by Lord Am- herst. Babcock, Jos. Noyes, 35. Babcock, Ph. Sheridan, 35. Backus, Lieutenant William, 1640- 1721. Sergeant of Militia, Nor- wich, Conn. Ensign, 1680-9. Lieutenant, 1693. Deputy, 1680-9. Backus, Brady Electus, 35. Jewett, Stephen, 343. McKinstry, Elisha W., 361. Bacon, Benjamin, 1688-1727. Served in Capt. John Lane's Co., 1705- 1713, and in the Billerica Troop of Horse, Queen Anne's War, relief of Dunstable, Mass., 1706. Philbrook, Charles, F. B., 270. Bacon, Nathaniel, '673, Barn- stable, Mass. Deputy, 1652- 1665. Governor's Assistant, 1657-1673. Member of Council of War, 1658- 1667. Lovell, Frank H., Jr., 85. Bacon, Lieutenant Nathaniel, 1674- 17SQ. Lieutenant, Westfield Co., Middletown, Conn., 1728. Deputy, 1734. Dobbin, Edward Savage, 341. Bagley, Ensign Nathaniel, 1731-1812. Ensign in Lake George Expedition, '755. Thomas, Frank W., 118. Bailey, Benjamin, 1713-1790, Lancas- ter, Mass. A soldier under Capt. Jonathan Whitney, 1748. Bailey, Everett, H., 338. Baird, Lieutenant John, 1700. Ensign, Gen. Forbes' Regt., Ex- pedition against Fort Duquesne, 17^8. Lieutenant, 1759, Provin- cial Forces of Penn. McKnight, Charles, 147. Baird, Absalom, 239. Baird, Wm., 239. Baker, Benjamin, 1717-1785. Soldier from Georgia in the Army of Gov. Oglethorpe, Campaign against St. Augustine, Florida, 1740. Harden, Edward Thomas, 361. Baker, John, 1703-1760, Woodbury, Conn. Ensign, 1741. Lieuten- ant, 1743. Train Band. Cowles, Calvin D., 241. Baker, Captain John, 1700-1745. Cap- tain 8th Mass. Regt., Louisburg Expedition, 1745. Baker, George C., 35. Taylor, John M., 117. Baker, Colonel Otis, 1727-1801, Dover, N.H. Deputy, 1768-1775. Colonel of the Second New Hamp- shire Regt., prior to 1773. Wentworth, MosesJ.,303. Wenzell, Henry B., 349. Baker, Thomas, 1618-1700. Ensign, East Hampton, Conn., 1654. As- sistant, 1658-1663. 417 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Baker, Frank, 28s. Baker, Lieutenant Thomas, 1631-1718. Deputy nine terms, from 1663. Captain of Topsfield and Andover Troop of Horse, 1713. Morgan, Appleton, 90. Skinner, Henry W., 1 1 1, 390. Story, Henry G., 115. Story, Joseph G., 116. Baker, Captain Thomas, 1682-1753. Taken prisoner at Deerfield, Mass. , 1704. In 1713 led party escort- ing John Stoddard and Rev. John Williams as Commissioners, to ne- gotiate return of prisoners from Canada, 1719. Deputy, General Court from Brookfield. Wenzell, Henry B., 349. Baker, LieutenantTimothy, 1729. Soldier in the Falls Fight, 1676, under Capt. William Turner. Wenzell, Henry B., 349. Balch, Reverend Thomas, South Dedham, Mass. A. B., Harvard College, 1733, was chaplain in Louisburg Expedition in 1 744. Poole, Charles C., 298. Baldwin, Captain Abner, i 726-1 781. Ensign, 1757. Lieutenant, 1762. Captain, 1767. Colonel Forces of Conn. , French and Indian Wars. Peck, Guy Dayton, 97. Baldwin, Captain Jeduthan. Captain in Colonel Josiah Brown's Regt., 1755; also served under Brigadier Timothy Ruggles. Calef, Amos H., 46. Baldwin, Sergeant John. Sergeant Milford, Conn., Militia, 1658. Baker, Frank, 286. Baldwin, Captain Nathaniel, 1693- 1 760. Deputy, General Court, iy59-i'76o. Lieutenant of East Co., Goshen, Conn., 1751. Cap- tain, 1752. Buell, Frederick F., 45. Norton, Thomas H., 527. Ball, Samuel, 1648-1689. Soldier in Capt. Wm. Turner's Co., Falls Fight, 1676. Murray, Charles H., 91. Ball, Lieutenant Thomas, 1722. Lieutenant, Talbot Co. Militia, 1696, Province of Maryland. Mullikin, Howard, 165. Ball, Colonel William, Sr. Empow- ered by the Virginia Assembly to impress men and horses against the Indians, 1675. Gill, William H., 161. Ball, Captain William, Jr.. 1641-1694, of Lancaster Co., Va., Militia. Homer, Wm. M., 75. Gill, William H., 161. Ballantine, Colonel John, 1653-1734, Boston, Mass. Captain, Major, and Colonel of Militia. Captain A. & H. A. Co., 1703. Ballantine, Henry W., 159. Ballantine, Lieutenant-Colonel John, 1674-1736. Commander of a Regiment, Expedition against Port Royal, 1710. Lieut. A. & H. A. Co., 1708. Ballantine, Henry W., 159. Ballord, Nathaniel W. Soldier in King Philip's War. Cadle, Charles F., 310. Ballord, Esek Steere, 379. Ballord, William, 1603-1689. Soldier in King Philip's War in garrison at Chelmsford. A. & H. A. Co., 1636. Lawton, George P., 82. Ballord, Zaccheus, 173 1-1807. Of Capt. Fames' Co., French and Indian Wars, 1754-1763. Ballord, Esek Steere, 379. Bancroft, Thomas, 1649 , Read- ing, Mass. Served in King Philip's War. Carpenter, Frederick B., 181. Cox, Edwin B., 181. Cox, Wm. Emerson, 182. Newhall, James S., 197. Bangs, Edward, 1592/-1678, Plymouth and Eastham, Mass. Overseer or Captain of the Guard against the Indians. Member Plymouth Mili- tary Co., 1643. Giiffith, William H., 66. Sears, Clinton B., 108. Brown, David H, 180. Alderson, Victor C, 285. Doane, William H., 323. Barber, Captain George. Captain, A. & H. A. Co. Sergeant in the Medfield Foot Co., 1646. Dep- uty, 16S8, et seq. Metcalf, Bryce, 88. Sanger, W. Gary, 105. Johnson, Emery W., 192. 418 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Alexander, Harrison B., 359. Barber, Thomas. A soldier under Capt. John Mason in attack on the Pequot Fort, Mistick, 1057. Barbour, Lucius Albert, 217. Barbour, Captain George, Dedham, and Medfield, Mass., 1683. A. & H. A. Co 1646. Chief Mili- tary Officer of Medfield after 1049. Defended it in King Philip's War, and fought against the Indians at Seekonk and Rehobath. Sanger, Joseph P., 247. Wright, William W., 304. Barclay, Governor Robert, 1648- 1690. Governor of East Jersey, 1682-1600. Hall, P. Penn-Gaskell, 142. Bard, Colonel Peter, 1679-1734. Colonel of Regt. of Foot, 1722. Member Council, N. J., 1720. Judge Supreme Court. Johnstone, Francis U., 79. Rogers, Archibald, 10;. Bardwell, Lieutenant Ebenezer, Jr., , Hatfield, Mass. Member ol Ephraim Williams' Co., 1747. Ensign, Capt. John Ball's Co. at Fort William Henry, 17=56. 2d Lieutenant, Capt. John Burke's Co., 1750. Lieutenant, Capt. Moses Porter's Co., Crown Point Expedi- tion. Bardv^ell, Harry J., 286. Bardwell, Lieutenant Perez, Hatfield, Mass. Member of Capt. William Shepard's Co., 1761. Member of Capt. Salah Barnard's Co., 1760, and Corporal, 1760. Bardwell, Henfy J., 280. Bardwell, Robert. Member of Lieut. Phineas Upham's Co. in King Philip's War. Sergeant in Com- mand of the Hadley and Hatfield Garrisons in the Falls Fight. Bardwell, Henry J., 2S7. Hawks, William L, ;;■?. Barker, Lieutenant Francis, 1714- 179=;. Commissioned 17S3. Lieu- tenant, Troop of Horse, Capt. Benjamin Beal, Jr., 3d Suffolk Co. Regt., Col. Benjamin Lincoln. Swan, Robert T., 206. Barker, Deputy-GovernorJames, 162;- 1702. Deputy-Governor Rhode island Colony, 1678. Assistant and Deputy, 166;- 1686. Cor- poral, 1644. Ensign, 1648. Albro, Addis, 33. Bliven, William W., 41. Noyes, Charles P., 93, 345. Robbins, Howard S., 103. Beckwith, Warren L., 287. Felton, Samuel M., ^24. Noyes, Daniel R., 34s. Barker, Lieutenant Robert, 1 6s i -1720, Duxbury, Mass. Lieutenant First Co., Plymouth Regt., Major William Bradford, Narragansett Campaign, King Phillip's War. Howland, Charles W., 191. Howland, Daniel W., 191. Barker, William, 170s- 1762. Private in Capt. List's Co., Major John Minch, 1757. Wheelock, William Barker, ^04. Barnard, John 2d., 1631-1668. Sol- dier, King Philip's War, in Capt. Davenport's Co., Great Swamp Fight, later Lieutenant under Ed- ward Tyng. Daniels, Howard B., 184. Draper, T. W. M., ^69. Barnard, John ;d, 1656-1732. Soldier, King Philip's War. Draper, T. W. M., 360. Barnard, John , Clerk, 2d Co., Lieut. -Col. Nathan Payson, Capt. ^d Conn., Regt. Crown Point Expedition, 17S6. Gross, Charles E., 224. Barnwell, John, 1671-1724, Beaufort, S. C, commanded first expedition against the Tuscaroras, 1712, Colonel in Yemasse War, 1715. Agent in England for the Colony. Barnwell, Morgan G., 37. Barret, Charles, 1565- 1634. Lord Proprietor of New Albion, New Jersey, Staten Island and Long Island, 1634. Barret, Richard A., 309. Barret, Ensign Humphrey, 16^0-1716, Concord, Mass. Ensign Co. ot Foot, 1688-ieiQO. Deputy, 1691. Shuart, William H., 110. Barrett, Edwin S., 178. Bent, S. Arthur, 1 78. Moore, George H., 296. Swain, William C, ^94. Barrett, Colonel James, 1710-1779, Concord. Colonel, Middlesex 419 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Militia, '774- '775- Member Provincial Congress, Mass. Bay, 1774-1775. Deputy, 1756-1775. Melville, Henry, 88. Barrett, Edwin S., 178. Swain, William C, ^04. Barrett, Captain Nathan, 1 735-1 7QI, Concord, Mass. Ensign, 1766. Captain, 1771. Barrett, Edwin S., 178. Barron, Ellis, 1670. Soldier in King Philip's War. Sears, Clinton B., 108. Barry, James, i 734-1 788. Ensign of Phila. Regt., under Col. Jacob Duche, 1756. Fleming, David L., 370. Barstow, George, i6i4-i6=;4. Cam- bridge, Mass., A. & H. A. Co. Hill, John W., 203. Hill, Henry B., 342. Whipple, Charles H., 349. Whipple, Henry B., 350. Bartholomew, William, 1640-1697. In defence of Hatfield, King Philip's War. Ensign of the New Rox- bury [Woodstock, Conn. J Co., 1680. Lieutenant, 1691. Ducharme, Charles A., 58, 389. Bartholomew, James H., 338. Bartlett, Richard, 1648-1724, New- bury, Mass. Deputy to General Court, i679-'8i-'84-'86. Gordon, George A., 26Q. Bartlett, Robert, i 003- 1 670. Served in in Capt. Myles Standish's Co. , 1 632. Bartlett, G. F. H., 37. Vander Veer, Edgar A., 122. Bartlett, Robert, 1076. Soldier under Capt. Turner, killed by the Indians in the assault upon Northampton, Mass. Upham, Henry P., 34S. Bartlett, Ensign Thomas, 1594-16^4, Watertown Militia, Pequot War. Partridge, Edward L., 96. Brown, George E., 180. Harrington, Charles, 188. Bartlett, William, i 741-1 794. Naval Agent of the Port of Beverly, Mass., before the War of the Revolution. Brown, Dudley P., 240. Bass, Samuel, 1600-1004, Braintree, Mass. Deputy, General Court, 1641, et seq. Capen, Walter N., 219. Johnson, James B., 245. Smith, R. A., 248. Bass, Samuel, 1660-1 751, Braintree, Mass. Served in Capt. Johnson's Co., 1075, against the Narra- gansetts. Smith, R. A., 248. Bassett, Elisha. Captain at Sand- wich, Mass. Held commission under the Royal Governor. Tobey, Frank B., 301. Bassett, William. Member of Capt Myles Standish's Co., Duxbury, Mass., 1643. Came over in ship Fortune, 1621. Bassett, Charles Franklin, 37. Brown, John B., 44. Hulbert, Henry C, 75. Wesson, James L., 209. Tobey, Frank Bassett, 301. Doane, William H., 325. Bassett, William, Jr., Duxbury, Mass. Member of Military Co., Capt. Myles Standish, 1643. Tobey, Frank B., 301. Bassett, William, 1656-1721. Chief Marshall, Plymouth Colony, 1689- i6q2. Ensign, 1687. Captain at Sandwich, Mass. Representative for seven years. Bassett, Charles Franklin, 37. Hulbert, Henry C, 75. Strong, R. P., 167. Wesson, James L., 209. Tobey, Frank B., 301. Bassett, Sergeant William, Lynn, Mass. Served in Narragansett campaign, and under Capt. Joseph Gardiner, King Philip's War. Goodhue, Samuel A., 187. Batchelder, Ebenezer, 1710-1784. Deputy, General Court, 1774, Colony of New Hampshire. Batchelder, George A., 239. Batchelder, Joseph F., 239. Batchelder, Richard N., 239. Batchelder, John, 1676. Served in King Philip's War, 1075, under Lieut. William Hersey, Three Co. Troop. Young, Harry, 212. Batchelder, Stephen, 1676-1748. A soldier in King William's War, from Hampton, N. H., 1094. Cadle, Henry, 310. 420 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Bates, James, 1582-1655, Dorchester, Mass. Deputy to the General Court, 1640. Robinson, Francis W., 203. Lloyd, John U., 325. Baulstone, Lieutenant William, 1600- 1678. Surgeon, 1658. Lieuten- ant, Portsmouth Co., 1642. Assistant, 1641, et seq. Com- missioner, i654-'55-'58. Rhode Island. Lawton, George P., 82. Watson, William H., 126. Lee, Edward C, 145. Bayard, Nicholas, 1644-1707. Mem- ber of the Council. Commander- in-Chief of the Militia, Province of New-York. Van Rensselaer, A. Cortlandt, 122. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 123. Bayley, Lieutenant-Colonel Jacob. 1726-1815, Newbury, Mass.; Hamstead, N. H., and Newbury, Vt. Lieutenant, Capt. Allcock's Co. ; in Col. Peter Gilman's Regt., 1755. Captain of 2d Co., Col. Nathaniel Meserve's Regt., 1758. Lieut. -Colonel, Col. John Goffe'sRegt. at Crown Point, 1 700. Bailey, Edward P., 28=;. Bayley, Joshua, 1685 . Member, Capt. Hugh March's 2d Foot Co. , Newbury, Mass. , i 7 1 o- 1 7 1 1 . Bailey, Edward P., 285. Baylies, Nicholas, 1719-1807, Ux- bridge, Mass. Representative to the General Court, 1758. Allen, Frederick B., 170. Beach, JosiAH, 1604 . Ensign of Conn. Troops, 1738. Lieutenant, 1 74 1. Foote, John C, 311. Beach,Nathaniel, 1602-1747. Deputy, General Court of Conn., 1727. Foote, John C, 311. Beale, Lieutenant Jeremiah, 163 i- 1716, Hingham, Mass. Ensign of Foot Co., under Capt. Joshua Hubbard, 1681. Lieutenant, 1683. Representative, 1 691 -'92, 1 70 1. WillcLitt, Levi L., 210. Beale, John, 1588-1688, Hingham, Mass. Deputy, General Court, 1 649- 1 659. Whitcomb, Lawrence, 210. Willcutt, Levi L., 210. Beale, Lazarus, 166 1-1723, Hingham, Mass. Representative, General Court, 1719-1720. Willcutt, Levi L., 210. Beall, Colonel George, 1695-1780. Provincial Forces of Maryland. Balch, Edwin S., 136. Balch, Thomas W., 136. Beall, Colonel Ninian, 1650-1717. Commander-in-Chief, Provincial Forces in Maryland. Served against theSusquehannocks, 1688- 1680, and gained a signal victory, for which services he received the thanks of the Assembly. Balch, Edwin S., 136. Balch, Thomas W., i-^S. Balch, Francis Du Pont, 159. Beaman, Sergeant Abraham, 1692- 1 738, Marlboro, Mass. Sergeant in Capt. Nathan Bridgman's Co., 1725. Parker, Charles W., 198. Parker, Charles W.,Jr. , 199. Beaman, Corporal Noah, 1730-1800, Marlboro, Mass. Corporal in Capt. Abraham Williams' Co., French and Indian War, 1757. Parker, Charles W., 198. Parker, Charles W.,Jr., 199. Beard, Captain John. Served under Major Robert Treat at the Great Swamp Fight in command of the New Haven Co. Baldwin, Jos. Clark, 35. Fowler, Wm. Miles, 63. Baird, George W., 217. Ford, George H., 222. Tomlinson, Charles A., 231. Bearse, Austin. Member of Barnstable Military Co., Plymouth Colony, 104;. Hall, Lemuel R., 292. Beatty, Thomas, 1700-1768. Justice of Prince George Co., Mary- land, 1739-1748. Justice of Fred- erick Co., 1748-1760. Justice of Qiiorum, 1 740-1 760. Burgess Fred- erick Co., 1757-1758. Beatty, Franklin T., 267. Bedlow, Isaac. Captain, New-York City Militia, Member of Lovelace's Council, Comptroller of the Port, Alderman of New-York, owner of Bedlow's Island. 421 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Foulke, William, 63. Beebe, Reverend James, Chaplain 3d Regt., Conn. Troops, 1700. Brinsmade, Hobart, 310. Beebe, CaptainJames, 1728. Lieu- tenant, 1696. Captain, 1710, Queen Anne's War, Colonial Forces of Conn. Hatch, Arthur M., 71. Beebe, Lieutenant Jonathan, ist Lieu- tenant, 7th Co., 2d Conn. Regt., 1759. Served in the French and Indian War at Crown Point, Lake George, and Ticonderoga. Collins, H. O., 51., 360. Collins, Edward P., 57. Beebe, Ensign John. Ensign, King Philip's War. Eaton, George F., 222. Beekman, Colonel Gerardus, M.D., 1653-1723. Captain of Militia, Fiatbush, 1681. Major, 16S9. Lieutenant- Colonel King's Co. Militia, 1698. Member of Leisler's Council, 1690-1691. Member of Council, 1 705-1723. President and Deputy-Governor, 1 709- 1710. Aitken, William Benford, 53. Beekman, James William, 38. Foulke, Bayard F., 62. Foulke, William, 6"^. Johnstone, Francis W., 79. Johnstone, John, 79. Plymton, Gilbert M., 98. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 122. Ver Planck, William G., 124. Voorhees, William P., 316. Beekman, Colonel Henry, ist, 1649- 1716, Kingston, N.Y. Cadet on the South River, 1662. Captain Ulster Co. Troop of Horse, 1685. Expedition to Albany. Member Legislative Assembly, 1691-17 16. Colonel of Militia, Province of New-York. Myer, Albeit J., 92. Suckley, Robert B., 116. Armstrong, Horatio G., 159. Beekman, Colonel Henry, 2d, 1688- 1776, Rhinebeck and New-York City. Member of Assembly, 1 724-1 759. Judge, Ulster Co. Colonel of Militia, Province of New-York. Armstrong, Horatio G., 159. Beekman, Lieutenant Wilhelmus, 1623-1707. Lieutenant, Burgher Corps, New Amsterdam, 1652- 1658, and New Orange, 1673- 1674. Vice-Director on the South River, 1658-1664. Schout at Esopus, 1664. Aitken, W'illiam Benford, ^■^. Beekman, J. W., 38. Boardman, Lansdale, 41. Carnochan, G. M., 47. Crosby, Edward N., 51. Crosby, Livingston, 51. Foulke, Bayard F., 62. Foulke, William, 63. Johnstone, Francis U., 78. Montgomery, J. Lynch, 90. Myer, Albert J., 92. Plymton, Gilbert M., 98. Suckley, Robert B., 116. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 122. Ver Planck, William G., 124. Voorhees, William P., 316. Howard, Charles E. N., 343. Beers, John, 1652-1683. Served in the Battle of Narragansett, 1675. Kissam, Henry S., 80. Beers, William F., 254. Beers, Richard, , 1675. Captain in King Philip's War. Slain by Indians at Northfield, Mass. Barrows, Ira, 37. Baldwin, T. Burnett, 2S4. Belden, Daniel, 1048-1731, Hatfield and Deerfield, Mass. His wife and three children killed by the Indians in King Philip's War, and he, with his two children, captured and taken to Canada. Returned 1698. His second wife was cap- tured and killed by the Indians during Queen Anne's War. On Committee of Fortification with Col. Partridge. Bardwell, Harry J., 287. Osborn, Henry A., 297. Belden, Samuel, 1657-1737. Soldier in Capt. William Turner's Co., Falls Fight, 1676. Murray, Charles H., 91. Stockbridge, Henry, 11s, 167. Belknap, Samuel, 1701-1771. Private in Capt. Edward Harrington's Co., Col. Josiah Brown's Regt., Crown Point Expedition, 1755. Belknap, Waldron P., 38. Belknap, Captain Samuel, 1735-1831. 422 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Captain, Mass. Colonial Forces. Belknap, Waldion, 38. Bell, Lieutenant Francis, 1090. Stamford Military Co., New Haven Colony, 1655. Deputy i6=i3, lo the Union of the two Colonies. Commissioner, 1664. Governor's Assistant. Bell, JaredW., 39. Coghill, Howard, 50. Johnson, S. Albert, 78. Peck, Guy Dayton, 96. Hoyt, Samuel R. J., 380. Bell, Captain Jonathan, 1641 -1698. Lieutenant, Stamford Militia under Capt. Jonathan Sellick, King Philip's War. Captain, 1698. Bell, Jared W., 39. Bement, Lieutenant Dennis. Lieuten- ant, 4th Co., 2d Regt., Conn. Troops, lyss. In 1760 served in Capt. David Parson's Co., ist Regt. Captain of the South Co. Enfield Militia, 1761. Parsons, Hosmer B., 95. Bemis, Captain Edmund, 1720-1810. Captain of Mass. Troops at Fort William Henry, 17=56. Pool, Marvin Bemis, 380. Benedict, Lieutenant Daniel, 1652- 1723. A "soldier in the Great Swamp Fight." Oakley, E. Benedict, q^. Benedict, Lieutenant Thomas, 161 7- 1690. Lieutenant in Capt. Byron Newton's Foote Companie, Jamaica, 1665. Member Colonial Assembly at Hempstead, 1665. Deputy from Norwalk, General Court, 1670-1675, Conn. Bell, Jared W. 39. Benedict, Robert D., 30. Benedict, Lemuel C, 39. Benedict, William de L., 39. Davenport, William B., 53. Oakley, E. Benedict, ct^,. Scott, William S., 107. Scott, John F,, 107. Camp, Thomas E., 393. Bengsten, Andreas, 1640-1706. Mem- ber Penn. Assembly, i683-'86-'98. Beatty, Franklin T., 267. Bennet, Governor Richard, 1606- 1676. Member House of Bur- gesses, 1629; King's Council, 1642-1660; Governor, it)32-iOss. Commissioner to England, where he signed the agreement with Lord Baltimore, 1657. Major-Gen- eral of Virginia Forces, 1662-1672. Lee, Edmund J., 145. Browne, Bennet B., 159. Bennett, Samuel, 1684. Provi- dence and East Greenwich, R. 1., in 1652 chosen General Sergeant; i668-'74-'78, Deputy, General Court. Kelly, James H., 80. Stafford, William F., 114. Bennit, George. Killed by Indians in the Lancaster massacre led by Monaco " One Eyed John " Sun- day, August 22, 1675, King Philip's War. Fisher, Albert J., 290. Benson, Captain James, 1709. Captain of a Troop of Horse, 1689, Province of Maryland. Benson, Alexander, 137. Benson, Edwin N., 137. Jewell, T. F., 163. Mullikin, Howard, 165. Benson, Captain Johannes. Lieuten- ant, 1688, and subsequently com- missioned captain. Thome, Robert, 1 19. Bent, John, Sr., 1603-1672, Sudbury, Mass. Private in Major Simon Willard's Troop of Horse, Expedi- tion against Ninigret, 1654. Green, Charles M., 187. Anderson, James T., 239. MacVeagh, Eames, 295. Bent, Corporal John, 1633-1717, Sudbury, Mass. Corporal ot Militia, 1680. Bent, S. Arthur, 178. Bent, Silas, 1744-1818, Wateitown, JVlass. Served in Capt. Ephraim Jackson's Co. (Royal Troops) in Canada, 1760. Blagden, Thomas, 23Q. Anderson, James T., 368. Benton, First Sergeant Selah, 1740- 1812. 7th Co., 1st Regt., Conn. Infantry, French and Indian Wars, 1761-1763. Metcalf, Bryce, 89. Benton, Governor William, 1674. President, Colony Rhode Island, 1639-1663. Governor, 1666-1668. 423 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Chase, Clement, ^^2. Bernard, Governor John. Governor Somers Isles, or Bermuda, Pro- vince of Virginia, 1622. Tiernan, Charles B., 168. Bernard, Thomas, Burgess, Warwick Co., Virginia, 1642-1645. Tiernan, Charles B., 168. Berry, Captain John, 1640- 17 13. Dep- uty and Acting Governor of New Jersey in 1672. Berry, Gerald, 39. Marshall, Howard, 87. Betts, Captain Richard, 1613-171 3. Member New-York Provincial As- sembly, Hempstead, 1665. "High Sheriff of Yorkshire upon Long Island," 1678-1081. Captain, 1663. Sanger, W. Gary, 105. Hunt, Samuel F., 325. Betts, Samuel Comstock, 1732-1823. Soldier in the 2d Co., 9th Regt. of Conn. Foot, 1767. Betts, Frederick H., 39. Betts, Louis F. H., 40. Betts, Samuel Rosseter, 40. Haight, Frederick E., 68. Beverly, Robert, 1689. Clerk ot the House of Burgesses, 1670. Gov. Berkeley gave him, 1686, a commission addressed to officers of all ships in Virginia, as " a faith- ful and principal soldier," and an- other, appointing him Comman- der of all his forces. Kemp, Henry G., 245. Bevier, Lieutenant Louis (2d), 1684- 1753. New York Provincial Forces. Innes, Hasbrouck, 77. Bicker, Captain Henry, 1722 . Lieutenant in Jersey Regt., 1755. Captain, 1756. Captured and im- prisoned in Canada fourteen months. On his return. Quarter- master ot General Gage's Regt. until the close of war. Foster, Howell, 62. BiCKFORD, Jonathan, 1 730- 1818, Dover, N. H. Private in Capt. Marston's Co. at Crown Point, French and Indian War, 1762. Bickford, Scott F., 178. Biddle, William, 1630-1712. Mem- ber of the Council, General Assem- bly, Province of West Jersey, 1682. President, 1706-1707. Biddle, Thomas, 137. Biddle, William Foster, 137. Porter, Jno. Biddle, 150. Bigelow, John, 1617-1703, Water- town, Mass. Soldier in the Pe- quot War, and in King Philip's War. Hall, Lewis, 6%. Partridge, Edward L., 90. Pond, E. Watson, 99. Sears, Clinton B., 109. Bigelow, Melville M., 178. Daniels, Howard B., 184. Stearns, Henry P., 231. Thompson, Harry G., 231. Smith, Wyllys K., 300. Learned, Myron L., 333. Upham, Henry P., 348. Wenzell, Henry B., 349. Brooks, Franklin E., 368. Daniels, Howard B., 369. Downs, Edgar R., 369. Bigelow, Isaac S., 379. Bigelow, Joshua, 165=5-1745. Wounded in King Philip's Vv^ar. Served in Capt. Nathaniel Daven- port's Co., also in Capt. Joseph Sill's Co. Hall, Lewis,.68. Richards, Frederick B., 102. Sears, Clinton B., 109. Trott, James P., 120. Whitney, Drake, 128. Bigelow, Melville M., 178. Downs, Edgar R., 569. Bigelow, Samuel, 1653-1732, Water- town, Mass. Representative Gen- eral Court, 1708-1710. Bigelow, Henry N., 178. Daniels, Howard B., 184. Biles, Thomas, Langhorne . Captain, Associate Regt., Bucks Co., Penn., 1747-1748. Wister, Rodman, 1 154. Biles, William, Sr. Signer of Penn's Great Charter. Member first Council, Province of Penn., Phila- delphia, 1683. Member of the Assembly from Bucks Co., 1680- 1710. Powell, Washington B., 150. Wister, Rodman, 154. Smith, Thomas M., 166. Mitchell, Edward C, 344. 424 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Biles, William, Jr., . Speaker, Penn. Provincial Assem- bly, 1724. Wister, Rodman, 154. Billings, Captain Roger, 1708 . Lieutenant, 8th Conn. Regt., 1 744. 2d Lieutenant in Capt. Dennison's Co., expedition against Canada, 1746. Captain of Troop of Horse, 8th Regt. , 1751. Deputy from Preston, i747-'49-'52. Learned, Bela Peck, 227. Bingham, Captain Samuel, 1688-1760. Captain of Militia, Windham, Conn., 1741. Bingham, Leroy M., 278. Bird, James, 1647- 1723, Dorchester, Mass. Served under Captain Thomas Brattle, King Philip's War. Daly, Martin O., 183. Bishop, Deputy-Governor James, 1691. Secretary of New Haven Colony, 1 66 1 -'65. Governor's Assistant, Conn. Colony, 1668- '83. Deputy - Governor, 1683- '91. Brown, Louis, 44. Foster, Maximillian, 62. Foster, Reginald L., 62. Gilfillan, William W., 64. Ladd, Samuel B., 81. Ladd, William W., 81. Merritt, Douglas, 88. Throop, George E., 119. Thomson, Arthur C, 207. Farnham, Elijah T., 256. Osborn, Henry A., 297. Curtis, Henry M., 322. Bishop, John, 1684. Member first New Jersey Assembly, 1668. Member Governor's Council, 1675. Bishop, Cortlandt Field, 41. BissELL, Daniel, 1663-1738. Cornet ofHorse, Hartford, 1711. Bissell, Lester C, 379. BissELL, Lieutenant Isaac. Queen Anne's War. Bissell, Captain Bolton, Conn. Captain, 1 728. Earle, Ferdinand Humason, Virgil Simons, William VanDyke, Harry W., 2^ BissELL, John, i 591-1677, Windsor, John, 1683-1781, Lieutenant, 1722. Deputy, 1 75 1 . P.. 59. 75- 204. Conn. Deputy General Court, 1048, et seq. One of a troop of 30 horse, the first in the Colony, under Capt. John Mason, 1657- 1658. Soldier in King Philip's War. Bissell, Evelyn L., 218. Bissell, William P., 339. Blackleach, Richard, 1653-1731. Deputy for Stratford, Conn., lOQS- '96-'98-'99. Commissary at Al- bany, 1690. Wakeman, Jesup, 124. Wakeman, Robert P., 232. Blake, Nathan, 1712-1804. Soldier in Fort Keene, N.H., 1746. Hubbard, John E., 280. Blake, William, 1595-1663, of Dor- cester, Mass. A. & H. A. Co. Brown, Philip K., 359. Blanshan, Mathese. Served under Capt. Martin Cregier in the rescu- ing expedition led by Louis Du Bois against the Indians after the massacre of Esopus. Member of Hurley Military Co., Capt. Pauld- ing, 1670. Poucher, John W., 100. Gross, Samuel E., 292. Collins, Holdridge O., ;s9. Blashfield, Thomas, 1650 , Bev- erly, Mass. Served in Capt. Joseph Gardiner's Co., Narragan- sett Swamp Fight, 165. Smith, Charles F., 204. Smith, George H., 204. Bleecker, Captain Jan Jansen, 1642- 1732. Albany Militia, 1676. French and Indian Wars, 1689. Mayor of Albany. Bangs, Anson Cuyler, ;6. Bleecker, Anthony James, 41. Hill, Robert C, 72. Livingston, Philip, 84. Seaman, William Bleecker, 108. Spalding, George B., Jr., i 12. Bleecker, Captain John, 1668-1738. Served in the Mohawk Expedition, 1 686. Captured by the French at Ottawa, and prisoner until 1087. Commissioned Captain, 1698, Col. Peter Schuyler's Regt. Bangs, Anson Cuyler, 36. Hill, Robert C, 72. Bliss, Major John, 1645-1748. Ensign 1647. Deputy, 1679 -'83- '95. 425 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Captain, ibp-?. Major, 1695- 1696, Rhode Island. Albro, Addis, ;•?. Bliven, Major Edward, 1722 . Field Officer for Kings Co. , Rhode Island, French and Indian War. Bliven, William W., 41. Blodget, Samuel, 1724-1807. Served in French Wars. Louisburg, 174s. Crown Point, and Lake George. Commissary at Fort William Henry, 1755. Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Hillsboro Co., N. H., 1770. Hall, Clayton C, 161. Hall, Thomas Wm., 161. Reed, John L., 166. Stickney, George H., 166. Blodgett, Thomas, Woburn, Mass. Private in the West Middlesex Regt., Mass. Bay Troops; in Gar- rison at Chelmsford. Messinger, William D., 296. Bloetgoet (Bloodgood), Francois, 16; 5- 1676. Commissioned by Governor Colve, Chief Military Officer of Flushing, Heemstede, Rustdorp, and Meddleburgh. Privy Councillor to the Governor for the surrender of the Colony to the English, 167s. "Sorely wounded in a skirmish with the Indians at White Stone." Bloodgood, Delavan, 41. Whistler, Garland N., 128. Blunston, John, 1644-1723. Member Provincial Council, Penn., 1705. Pearson, George, 149. Boardman, Samuel, 161S-1673, Weth- ersfield. Governor's Assistant, 1670, Colony of Conn. Hatch, Arthur M., 71. Stafford, William F., 114. BoARMAN, Major William, 1630-1709. Member of the Lower House of Assembly of Maryland from St. Mary's Co., 1671-1674. Captain, 1661-1666. Major, 1076. Sheriff of St. Mary's Co., 1678-1681. Howard, McHenry, 162. Bodfish, Robert. Member Lieut. John Blackmer's Co., Sandwich, Mass., 1645. Fuller, Henry C, 201. Bodge, John, , New Marblehead (Windham), Me. Served under Capt. Daniel Hills, 1748-1749; also under Sergt. Thomas Chute, 1747- 'S6-'S7- Bodge, George M., 179. Bodwell, Henry. Soldier at Bloody Brook, in Capt. Lathrop's Co., King Philip's War. Spalding, George B., 112. Spalding, George B., Jr., 1 13. Boggs, Andrew. Ensign in the French and Indian Wars, 1 754. Wharton, Bromley, 153. Cottman, James H., 160. Fisher, Charles D., 160. BoLLiNG, Colonel John, ot "Cobbs," Chesterfield Co., Va. Member House of Burgesses, and Colonel of Henrico Co. Militia, 1743-1751. Boiling, Thomas, Jr., 262. Bond, Lieutenant- Colonel Jonas, 1674-1727. Deputy, 1706, et seq. Lieut. -Colonel under Sir William Phips in the Expedition against Canada in i6qo. Harrington, Charles, 189. Vaile, Joel F., 373. Bond, Jonas, 1691-1768, Watertown, Mass. Representative to the Gen- eral Court, i738-'44-'46-'50. Harrington, Charles, 189. Bond, Captain William, 1695, Watertown. Mass. Deputy, Gen- eral Court, 1689, '93, '95. Speaker, 1691, -'93, -'95. Captain, Water- town Co., King Philip's War. Harrington, Charles, 189. Vaile, Joel F., 373. Booth, Sergeant John, 1653-1728, Stratford, Conn. Soldier under Capt. Seeley, King Philip's War. Deputy, 1696. Huntington, Charles R., 76. Booth, John H., 278. Chittenden, Edwin S., 340. Booth, Charles A., 368. Booth, Robert, Saco, Me. Deputy, General Court, Mass. Bay Colony, 1659. Maynard, George Colton, 245. Borden, Richard, 1601-1671, Ports- mouth, Rhode Island. Governor's Assistant 1053-1634. Treasurer, 1653-1 65s. Deputy, 1667-1670. Watson, William H., 127. Wister, Rodman, 154. Wilbour, Joshua, 210. 426 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Cox, William V. Z., 241. Hunt, Samuel F., 325. Wheaton, Frank, 373. Borden, Thomas. Assistant, 1675- 1676. Deputy, it)6o-'7o-'72. Wheaton, Frank, 373. BoREMAN, Thomas, >673, Ipswich, Mass. Representative, General Court, 1030. Foster, Joseph, 268. BosTwicK, Major John, 1667-1747. Major, 1737. Deputy from New Milford, 1726-1745. Hubbell, Henry H., 75. BosTwicK, Joseph, '75^, Lieu- tenant at New Milford, Conn., 1738. Captain, 1743. Garvin, Frank H., 312. BosTwiCK, Reuben. Ensign in 11th Co. ,Conn.,Regt. against Montreal. Bostwick, Henry A., 42. BouDiNOT, Elie, Ensign, New-York Infantry, under Col. William Peartree, 1710. Keith, Boudinot, 70. Boulter, Nathaniel, 1625-1693, Hampton, N. H. Private in King Philip's War. Moulton, George M., 297. Bourne, Richard, 1682, Sand- wich, Mass. Deputy, First Gen- eral Court, 163Q, and many terms after. Member of Council of War. Hulbert, Henry C, 75. Wesson, James L., 209. Tobey, Frank B., 301. Bourne, Thomas, , Marshfield, Plymouth Colony. Deputy to the General Court, 1642- 164s. Lovering, Henry M., 194. BouTELL, John, 1645-1719. Private in Capt. Joseph Gardiner's Co. of Reading, King Philip's War, Colony of Mass. Bay. Boutell, Frank W., 42. Boutell, Henry Sherman, 287. BouTWELL, Ebenezer. Soldier in Capt. Jones' Co., Col. Buckminster's Regt., also in Capt. Belknap's Co., Col. P. Thatcher's Regt. Boutelle, Frank W., 42. BowEN, Lieutenant Henry, 1634-1724, of Roxbury, Mass., and Wood- stock, Conn. Served in Great Swamp Fight. Dep- 1089- Dep- 1729- Bowen, Clarence W., 42. Strong, R. P., 167. Johnson, James B., 245. BowEN, Obadiah, 163'?, Swanzey, Mass. Deputy, General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1681-1082. Bowen, Edgar C, 339. BowEN, Richard, 1600-1675. Deputy, Plymouth General Court, 1051. Houghton, Henry O., 191. Bowen, Edgar C, 3-!9. Bowles, John, 1080. Ensign, Mass. Militia, 1653. Dorr, Dalton, 140. Bowles, John, 2d, 1651-1691. uty, Mass. General Court, 1690. Speaker, 1690. Dorr, Dalton, 140. Bowles, John, 3d, i685-i7'57. uty Mass. General Court, 1736. Dorr, Dalton, 140. BowNE, James, 1636-1695. Associate Monmouth Patent, 1665. Mem- ber Assembly of Patentees and Deputies, Shrewsbury, 1667; Portland Point, 1669. Member Assembly, New Jersey, 1670, et seq. Minister of Justice for the Province of East Jersey, 1085. Hunt, Samuel F. , 324. Bowne, William, Boston, 1631. Long Island, 1646. Patentee of Graves- end, and its magistrate. Associate in Monmouth Patent, 166s. Mem- ber Assembly, New Jersey, 1669. Hunt, Samuel F., 324. Boynton, Captain Joseph, 1730. Provincial Forces of Mass. Bay. Deputy, 1697-1714, from Rowley. Spofford, Paul N., 113. Boynton, Joshua. Served in the French and Indian Wars. Took part in the expedition to Canada. Batchelder, George A., 239. Batchelder, Joseph F. , 239. Batchelder, Richard N., 239. Brackett, Captain Anthony, 1640- 1703, Casco, Me. Captured by the Indians, 1676 and 1089. Com- mander of Fort Loyal and Town Militia, 1682. Representative Falmouth General Assembly. Brackett, Robert Lambert, 43. Brackett, Sergeant Moses, 1717- 1 793. Served in Capt. Peter 427 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Thayer's Co., Relief of Fort Wil- liam Henry, 1757. Downes, Emery N., 57. Brackett, Captain Richard^ 1611- 1691. Commander, Militia of Braintree, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1636. Deputy, 16S5-1680. Carney, Sidney H., Jr., 47. Schroeder, J. Langdon, 107. Woodworth, Newell B., 131. Brackett, Frederic H., 179. Brackett, Sidney L., 179. Philbrook, Charles F. B., 270. Newcomb, George A., 313. Cutler, Edward H., 340. Bradbury, Captain Thomas, 1610- 1695. Ensign, Salisbury, Mass. Captain, 1660. Deputy to the General Court, 1651-1657. Spofford, Paul N., 113. Howe, Edward W.^ 191. Briggs, Frank O., 254. Felton, Samuel M., 324. Bradford, Major John, i 652-1 736, Kingston, Mass. ' Deputy, Ply- mouth Colony General Court, ib89-'90. Deputy, Mass. General Court, 1692. Rogers, Allan, 203. Bradford, Lieutenant Joseph, 1675- 1747, Lebanon, Conn. Deputy, I 707, et seq. Jaynes, Fremont N., 333, 343. Bradford, Governor William, 1589- 165 1. Governor of Plymouth Colony. Backus, Brady E., 35. Backus, J. Bayard, 35. Collins, Clarence L., 50. Davison, Charles M., 54. Davison, John M., 54. Day, Robert W., 54. Dennis, Rodney S., 55. Dewey, George A., 56. Grinnell, William M., 67. Higgins, Frederick A., 72. Leonard, Daniel, 83. Leonard, Edgar C, 83. Leonard, Gardner C., 83. McKinstry, Charles H., 87. Newman, Clarence E., 92. Ray, Franklin T., 101. Ripley, Charles S., 103. Roberts, Cyrus S., 103. Shepard, Robert F., 110. Stevens, Clarence W., 114. Stevens, Frederick B., 114. Symonds, Charles S., 117. Terry, George D., 117. Allen, Francis O., 130. Bradford, Thomas, i 37. Hale, Arthur, 142. Colt, Samuel P., 182. Crandon, Edward S., 182. Crandon, John H., 182. Pond, Virgil C, 200. Rogers, Allan, 203. Sampson, Walter Scott, 203. Davis, Gustavus, 221. Tingley, Witter K., 231. Ward, Charles S., 233. Metcalf, William P., 246. Thompson, Gilbert, 248. Tyler, Mason W., 258. Bardwell, Harry J., 286. Graves, Albeit M., 292. Newcomb, George W., 297. Sedgwick, Edwin H., 300. Jenney, Herbert, 325. Chase, Clement, 332. Jaynes, Fremont N., 333, 343. Jewett, Stephen, 343. McKinstry, Elisha W., 361. Slocum, William F., 372. Strong, William W., 394. Bradford, Edward G., 400. Colt, Samuel P., 405. Norman, Hugh, 405. Norman, Reginald, 406. Bradford, Major William, 1654-1704. Deputy-Governor, Plymouth Colony, ib82-'8o-'89-'92. As- sistant, i668-'82. Commanded Plymouth Forces, Great Swamp Fight; severely wounded. Com- missioner of the United Colonies. Backus, J. Bayard, 35. Benjamin, Marcus, 39, 240. Collins, Clarence L., 50. Day, Robert W., 54. Dewey, George A., 56. Gould. Seabury S., 64. Leonard, Edgar C, 83. Leonard, Gardner C, S}. Newman, Clarence E., 92. Shepard, Robert Fitch, 1 10. Terry, George D., 117. Crandon, Edwin S., 182. Crandon, John H., 182. Pond, Virgil C, 200. Sampson, Walter S., 203. Rogers, Allan, 203. 428 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Ward, Charles S., 233. Stetson, Caleb R., 248. Bardwell, Harry J., 286. Graves, Albert M., 292. Newcomb, George W., 297. Jaynes, Fremont N., 333, 343. Jewett, Stephen, 343. McKinstry, Elisha W., 361. Slocum, William T., 372. Strong, William W., 394. Bradford, Captain William, 1721- 179 1. Member of Philadelphia Associators for Defence. Lieuten- ant, 1747, 4th Co. Captain, 1756. Bradford, T. Hewson, 137. Darrach, Henry, i 39. Darrach, Bradford, 255. Bradish, Robert, 1675-1763. Scout in the French and Indian Wars. Kimball, Robert J., 280. Bradley, Captain Daniel, i 704-1 765, Fairfield, Conn. Ensign, 1743. Lieutenant, Expedition to Cape Breton, 174s. Captain, 1747. Kimball, Harold C, 80. Wakeman, Jesup, 124. Bradley, Cyrus S., 218. Bradstreet, Major- General John, 1711-1774. Lieutenant-Colonel, Siege of Louisburg, 1745. Gov- ernor of St. Johns, Newfoundland, 1746. Captain, 6oth Foot, Royal Americans, 1757. Lieut. -Col., York Regt., 1757. Colonel, 1758. Deputy Q. M.-General,i7C)0. Col- onel, British Army, 1762. Major- General, 1772. Landreth, Symington P., 144. Landreth, Burnett, Jr., 144. Bradstreet, Governor Simon, 1603- 1697. First Secretary of Massa- chusetts Bay Colony. Assistant Commissioner for forty-eight years of the United Colonies, 1643. Deputy - Governor, 1672 - 1679. Governor, 1676- 1686. Hoyt, William E., 74. Janvrin, Joseph E., 78. Partridge, Edward L., 96. Taylor, Washington I., 117. Tufts, Walter B., 121. Williams, Captain Ephraim, 129. Wilson, John A., 170. Bell, Charles U., 178. Gordon, Edwin A., 187. Whiting, William S., 210. Wiggin, James Henry, 210. Ball, George O., 267. Woodbury, Urban A., 281. Poole, Charles C, 298. Wade, James F. , 348. Bagley, John N., 389. Brady, Captain John, 1733-1778. Captain of the 2d Batallion, Penn- sylvania Regt., commanded by Gov. John Penn, 1763-1764. Brady, William P., 379. Brainerd, Hezekiah, 1680-1727. Deputy, General Court, and Speaker. Assistant, 1 723-1 727, Colony of Conn. Smith, Edward Curtis, 281. Brainerd, Captain James, 1669-1742. Capt. at Train Band at Haddam, Conn. Brainerd, Cephas, 43. Brainerd, Cephas, Jr., 43. Brainerd, Lieutenant Josiah, 1711- 1792. Lieutenant 14th Co., 6th Connecticut Regt., 1752. Emery, Brainerd Prescott, 60. Brainerd, Lieutenant William, 1673 . Lieutenant Haddam Train Band, 1722. Emery, Brainerd Prescott, 60. Bramhall, George. Killed by the Indians in the fight at Falmouth, Me., 1689. Butters, George, 288. Brattle, Captain Thomas, 1624-1683, Boston, Mass. Cornet, Suffolk Troop, 1670. Lieutenant, 1675. Captain, 1676. King Philip's War. Deputy, i67i-'72-'78-'8i. Carpenter, Frederick B., 181. Jones, George W., 193. Bray, Lieutenant Asa, 1741-1815. Served in Capt. Josiah Lee's Co., Col. Phineas Lyman's Regt., Crown Point, 1 758. Drummer in Capt. Joel Clark's Co., Col. Nathan Whiting's Regt., 1758. Sergeant in Capt. Eldad Lewis' Co., same regt., 1762. Ensign, 1768-1772, and Lieutenant 4th Co., isth Regt. Colonel in the Revolution. Washburn, William Ives, 120. Brayton, Lieutenant Francis, . Lieutenant of the First Troop of Horse, Colony of Rhode Island. Brayton, Charles R., 40s. 429 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Brecht, Jacob, 1729-1802. Independ- ent Troop of Horse, Philadelphia, 1756. Bright, Louis Victor, 4?. Brent, Captain George, Stafford Co., Va. Captain of a Troop of Horse, 1670. Ranger-General of the Northern Neck. Lisle, Robert P., 146. Brent, Joseph Lancaster, 1 59. Keyser, Robert Brent, 163. Davenport, Richard G., 242. Brent, Lieutenant -General Giles. Treasurer, Province of Maryland. Commander of Kent Island. Dep- uty-Governor and Lieutenant- General, 1643-1644. Lord of Fort Kent Manor. Jenkins, Austin L., 162. Jenkins, Edward A., 162. Jenkins, Francis de S., 162. Jenkins, Spaulding L., 163. Brenton, Governor William, Deputy- Governor of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, 1603- 1666. Governor, 1666-1669. Member of Troop of Horse, 1667. Brenton, Cranston H., 43. Deen, William M., 2S5. Brewer, Deliverance, Philipsborough. Westchester Militia. Capt. Del. Concklin, 17=58. Company of Provincials, Capt. Wm. Gilchrist, Col. Isaac Corsa's Regiment, Ni- agara Expedition, 1759. Brewer, John, 254. Brewer, John, Member of the House of Burgesses, Province of Maryland, 1661. Peale, Albert C, 247. Brewster, Jonathan, 1659. Representative from Duxbury, 1 630 -'41 -'42 - '44. Member of Capt. Myles Standish's Duxbury Co. Military Commissioner, Pe- quot War. Case, Edward B., 288. Vaile, Joel F., 375. Brewster, Love. Member Duxbury, Mass., Military Co., 1043. Alderson, Victor C, 285. Brewster, Elder William, IS66-1644. Drafted the Mavflowcr Compact. Member and Chaplain of the first Military Co. organized at Plymouth under Capt. Myles Standish, and served against the Indians. Arnold, Benjamin W., 34. Bartlett, G. F. H., 37. Huntington, Charles R., 76. Roberts, Cyrus S., 103. Sears, Clinton B., 108. Brewster, Lyman D., 218. Cheney, Louis R., 220. Hyde, William W., 226. Parsons, Charles L., 270. Doane, William H., 323. Rawson, Edward S., 327. Yergason, Henry C, 328. Vaile, Joel T., 372. Bridge, John, 1665, Cambridge, Mass. Deputy to the General Court, i637-'39-'4i. Hall, George F.,' 188. Hastings, Henry, 180. Downs, Edgar R., 309. Bridge, Lieutenant Matthew, 1650- 1738. Quartermaster in Capt. Prentice's Troop, King Philip's War, and Phips' Expedition to Canada. Hastings, Henry, 189. Willey, William L., 211, 273. Briggs, John, 1609-1690. Deputy, 1004, et seq. Assistant, 1648. Rhode Island Commissioner, 1654, et seq. William, Norman A., 129. Wilbour, Joshua, 210. Briggs, Matthew, '700, Cam- bridge and Lexington, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1643. Downs, Edgar R., 369. Briggs, William, 1650-1716. Mem- ber of Capt. Peleg Hunford's Troop, 1604. Wilbour, Joshua, 210. Bright, Sergeant Henry, 1602-1686, Watertown, Mass. Sergeant in the Military Co., 1664. Harrington, Charles, 188. Brinckle, Lieutenant-Colonel John, 1763. Commissioned Lieut. - Col., 1750, Kent Co., Del., Regt. Brinckle, John, 400. Brocklebank, Captain Samuel, 1628- 167O, Rowley, Mass. Killed dur- ing King Philip's War at Sud- bury. Gerry, AUston, 64. Sylvester, William W., 150. 430 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Brocklebank^ John C, 288. Stanton, Josiah R., 363. Brockway, William, i 723-1 798. Cap- tain ot the 5th Co., Lyme, Conn. Spencer, Horatio N., 315. Spencer, Selden P., 31 S. Brodhead, Captain Daniel. Officer in the service of Charles II., iindei Col. Sir Richard Nicolls, 1664. Commander of tiie Forces at Esopus, it)6s. Died in command of the Ulster Co. Militia, 1067. DuBois, William M., ^7. Marshall, Henry Rutgers, 87. Reed, Henry B., 101. Reed, James M., Jr., loi, i so. Russell, Averly, C. H., 104. Bronson, Abraham, 1647-1719, of Lyme, Conn. Appointed Lieu- tenant of the Train Band, 1689. Deputy, General Court. Waite, Horace F., 502. Waite, Horace G., 30;. Bronson, Isaac, 164S-1719. Sergeant at Waterbury, Conn., 1693. Dep- uty, 1697-1701. Collins, Holdridge O., 360. Bronson, John, 1680. Soldier in the Pequot War. Deputy from Farmington, 1 6s i , Colony of Conn. Brown, Goodwin, 44. Collins, Holdridge Ozro, 50, 359. Stockhridge, Henry, 1O7. Bronson, Julius H., 219. French, Wm. F., 223. Bardwell, Harry J., 286. Waite, Horace F., 302. Waite, Horace G., 303. Brooke, Acting Governor, Robert, 1602-16SS. Commissioned by Lord Baltimore, 1049. Comman- der-in-Chief of a new county in Maryland, and a Member of the Council. Commander of Charles Co., 1650. Appointed 1652, by Cromwell's Commissioners. Pres- ident of the Council and Act- ing Governor. Raborg, Thomas M. T., 101. Thomas, Douglass H., 118, 107. Spencer, John T., isi. Browne, Bennet Bernard, 159. Smith, Thomas M., lOO. Thomas, Douglass H., Jr., 168. Fleet, Alexander F., 31 1. Brooke, Major Thomas, 1632-1676. Major Maryland Forces, 1660. Served in Expedition against In- dians, 1667. Member of Assem- bly for Calvert Co., 1663 -1676. Thomas, Douglass H., 118, 167. Browne, Bennet B., 159. Brooke, Colonel Thomas, 1660-1730. Member of Council, Province of Maryland, i69i-i707-'i5-'24. President of the same, and Dep- uty-Governor, 1720. Thomas, Douglass H., 118, 168. Mackenzie, George N., 164. Brooks, Lieutenant Joshua, 1688- 1768, Lincoln, Mass. Lieutenant in company which marched from Concord to Boston on the alarm of an expected attack by a French fleet, 1746. Merriam, Frank, iq6. Brooks (Brooke), Captain Thomas, 1607, Concord, Mass. Dep- uty to the General Court, 1642- 1602. Captain, 1643. Melville, Henry, 88. Wetherill, Charles, 153. Merriam, Frank, 196. Page, Walter Gilman, 198. Wheeler, Horace L., 209. Brown, Otis S., 180. Moore, George H., 296. Brooks, Captain Timothy. Master of Garrison House at Billerica, Mass. King Philip's War. Captain, Bris- tol Co. Militia, 1690. Rep- resentative for Swanzey, 1689. Stewart, Wm. D., 115. Brown, Captain Deliverance, 1689- 1768. Ensign, 1728. Lieutenant, 1 7^8. Captain, 1 739, Conn. Militia. Brown, Charles H., 4;. Brown, Louis, 44. Brown, Francis, 1685. Member of Assembly of Conn., 1665-1609. Langdon, Perin, 325. Matthews, Caleb B., 326. Brown, Captain George, 1668 , Billerica, Mass. Captain of the Militia. Served against the In- dians in King William's War; and in Qrieen Anne's War, Rep- resentative, \']\6,etseq. Eaton, Joseph G., 185. Brown, Henry, 1625-1703. Deputy, General Court, Rhode Island, 1652, et seq. 431 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hord, Arnold H., 244. Brown, John, 1st, 1584-1662, Swan- zey, Mass. Commissioner to the United Colonies, 1644-56. As- sistant, 1656, et seq. Member, Council of War, 1642, et seq. Patentee with Edward Winslow of Rehobath. Plymouth Colony. Camp, Charles L. N., 46. Schroeder, J. Langdon, 107. Watson, William H., 120. Dorr, Dalton, 140. Lee, Edward C, 145. Tyler, Harry B., 152. Tyler, Sidney P., 152. Brown, Charles E., 219. Whitney, Eli, Jr., 234. Woolsey, Theodore S., 234. Edwards, Edw. S., 341. Browm,John, 2d, 1602, Rehobath, Mass. Ensign, 1654. Member, Council of War, 1658. Watson, William H., 126. Dorr, Dalton, 140. Lee, Edward C, 145. Brown, Captain John, 3d, 1650-1700, Rehobath, Mass. Lieutenant in Swanzey Co., 1673. Captain, 1075-1 686. Commissioner, United Colonies, First Associate Justice of Common Pleas, Bristol Co., 1685- i6go. Brown, Walter M., 44. Watson, William H., 126. Lee, Edward C, 145. Brown, John, 1630-1706, Providence, R. I. Governor's Assistant, Rhode Island, 1665-1666. Founder of Brown University. Lawton, George P., 83. Watson, William H., 126. Greene, Charles A., 250. Brown, Corporal John, 1713-1776. Corporal under Capt Hercules Mooney. Col. Nathaniel Meserve's Regt., New Hampshire Troops un- der Lieut. -Col. Goffe, Crown Point expedition, 1757. Brown, Willis, 310. Brown, Lieutenant John, 1732-1817, Londonderry, N. H. Lieutenant, French and Indian Wars. Moseley, Edw. A., 240. Edwards, Edward J., ^41. Brown, Nicholas, '673, Lynn, Mass. Deputy, 1641. Parker, C. Wallingford, 198. Parker, Herman, 199. Brown, Thomas, 1645-1709, Sudbury, Mass. Captain of, 1697. Representative, 1692, et seq. Robinson Francis W., 203. Anderson, James F. , 239. Brown, Thomas, 1657 , Hamp- ton, N.H. Served in King Philip's War. Heaton, John E., 225. Browne, Major Hackaliah, Rye, N. Y. Westchester Co. Militia, 1752. Judge, 1755. Served under Lord Amherst, 1756. Satterlee, Thomas Le R., 105. Browne, William, Sr., 1608-1687. Deputy, Mass. General Court, i6s4-'59-'66. Assistant, 1680- 1083. Dorr, Dalton, 140. Browne, William, Jr., 1630-1716. Captain, Mass. Troop of Horse, 1078. Council of Safety, 1689. Deputy, 1675-1680. Assistant, io8;. Andros' Councillor, 1688. Assistant, 1693-1713. Dorr, Dalton, 140. Browne, Colonel William. Member of the House of Burgesses to Virginia, xb-]^, et seq. Lieutenant of Surrey Co., Va., 1687. Edmunds, Henry L., 311. Brownell, Thomas, 1665. Deputy 1664. Commissioner, i6s5-'6i- '63. Watson, William H., 127. Pierce, James O., 346. Brownson, Captain (afterward Gen- eral) Gideon, of Vermont, 1739- 17Q6. Served in the French and Indian Wars. Severely wounded and taken prisoner in the Expe- dition to Canada. One of Warner's "Green Mountain Boys." Cooke, Charles E., 241. Bryan, Alexander. Governor's Assis- tant, Colony of Conn., 1608- 1670. Stevens, John B., 114. French, William F., 223. Bryan, Jonathan. Aided General Oglethorp in settling the Province of Georgia. Member of first King's Council, 1754. Bryan, Joseph, 262. 432 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Buchanan, Dr. George, Druid Hill. Commissioner of Baltimore Co., 1727, for life; one of those who laid ■ out the City of Baltimore. Burgess, 174s- 1749. Vickers, William H. C., 109. Buchanan, Roberdeau, 241. Buck, Colonel Jonathan, of Bucks- port, Me. Lieutenant, 1745. Colonel, 177s. Moseley, Edward A., 240. Buckingham, Thomas. Deputy, 1657, New Haven Colony. French, William F. , 223. Fenner, Chas. Putnam, 360. BUCKMINSTER, CoLONEL JoSEPH, Sr., 1666-1747, Framingham, Mass. In Sir Charles Hobby's Expedition. Deputy, 1 709- 1 72 3. MacVeagh, Fames, 2915. BuEHLER, Henry, 1740- 1801. Ensign Penn. Militia, 17SO. Lambert on, James McC, 144. BuELL, Captain Jonathan, Captain of West Company, Goshen, Conn. Lieutenant, i7=;9. Served in Capt. Seth King's Co., i 761 . Buell, Frederick F. , 4=;. BuLKELEY. D.D., M.D., Reverend Ger- SHOM, 1030-1713. Chirurgeon and Chaplain, Conn., Troops, King Philip's War. Hubbell, Charles B., 74. Lord, Frank H., 84. Bulkeley, Morgan G., 219. Teall, Edward McK., 301. Bulkeley, Captain Gershom, 1679- 1733. Quartermaster, Troop of Horse, Fairfield Co., Conn., 17 18. Cornet of Troops, 1722. Captain, I 720. Wakeman, Jesup, 124. Goodrich, William, 141. Bradley, Cyrus S., 218. Teall, Edward McK., 301. Bulkeley, Peter, 1043 , Concord, Mass. Deputy, General Court, i643-'73-'90, four terms. Speaker, 1676. Governor's Assistant, 1677- 1685. Shuart, Wm. H., i 10. Howe, Edw. W., 191. Cadle, Charles F., 310. Swain, William C, 394. Bull, Governor Henry, one of 18 signers ofNewpoit Compact, 1638. Corporal, 1638. Sergeant, 1639. Assistant, 1674-1675. Governor, i685-'86-'qo. Parkhurst, Charles D., 228. Bull, Melville, 403. Bull, Captain John. Penn. Pro- vincial Forces. Present at capture of Fort Duquesne. Patterson, John H., by representa- tion, 90. Bull, Captain Thomas, 160O-1684. Served in the Pequot Fight. Cap- tain of Hartford Co., defence ot Saybrook, 1673. Backus, Brady Electus, 35. Beatty, A. Chester, 37. Beatty, Robert C, 38. Beatty, William Gedney, 38. Brown, Louis, 44. Day, Robert W., 54. Foster, Reginald L., 62. Seymour, Henry, 109. Bull, Charles S., 219. Smith, Wyllys K., 300. Hale, Chas. R., 312. Adams, John Q., 338. BuLLARD, Captain Samuel, 1667-1727, Sherborn, Mass. Representative, 1708, et seq. Johnson, Emery W., 192. BuLLARD, Ensign Seth, 1730-1811, Walpole, Mass. Ensign, Co. of Foot, under Capt. Ebenezer Clap, Col. Eliphalet Pond, 1772. Carney, Sidney H., 47. Carney, Sidney H.,Jr., 47. Carney, George J., 181. BuLLARD, William, 1304-1687, Ded- ham, Mass. Member of Capt. Lusher's Co., 1O4S. Hill, John W., 293. Hill, Henry B., 342. Whipple, Charles H., 349. Whipple, Henry B., 350. Bump, Jacob, 1738-1829. Served in Capt. S. Maynard'sCo., Col. Wil- liam William's Regt., Mass. Militia, French and Indian Wars. Cox, Jas. Wm., Jr., 51. BuNCE, Thomas. Soldier in the Pequot War, 1637. Day, Robert W., 55. Bunce, Jonathan B., 219. Gross, Chas. Edw., 224. Dickinson, Frederick, 289. MacVeagh, Eames, 295. A3} INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. BuRD, Colonel James, 1726-1793. Captain, 1754. Commissary Brad- dock's Expedition. Major, 3rd Battallion, Augusta, Regt., 1756. Lieut. -Colonel, 2d Battalion, 1757. Colonel, 1758- 1 700, Provincial Forces of Penn. Brinton, John Hill, 137. Brinton, John H., Jr., 138. Brinton, Ward, 138. DaCosta, Charles F. , 139. Grubb, E. Burd, 141, 256. Smith, Clement C, 151. Peale, Albert C, 247. Grubb, Chas. R., 256. Burgess, Thomas, '687, Sand- wich, Mass. Deputy, 1(342-1668. Plymouth Colony. Member of Militia, 1643. Wheeler, Horace L., 209. Burgess, Colonel William, 1619- 1683. Member Lord Baltimore's Council of Estate. Deputy-Gov- ernor. Justice of High Provincial Court. Colonel of Militia. Gen- eral-in-Chief of Military Forces, Province of Maryland. Spencer, John T., 151. Tilton, Palmer, 207. Tilton, Warren C, 208. Leaken, William P., 385. BuRNHAM, Lieutenant Thomas, Jr., 1020-1694. Ensign and Lieuten- ant, Ipswich, Mass., Co. Deputy, 1683-1685. GreenoLigh, Eben W., 141. Piatt, Franklin, 149. Burnh AM, Thomas, 1617-1688. Soldier in King Philip's War. Strong, William W., 300. Burhans, Jacob. Soldier under Ensign Dirck Schmitt, at Esopus, 1660. Isham, Charles, 77. Burnett, Robert, '7 '4- One of the Proprieters of the Province of New Jersey, and Councillor. Montgomery, Thomas H., 147. Montgomery, Archibald R., 147. Eaton, Theodore H., 25!^, 389. Watson, Samuel N., 316. Burr, Benjamin, 1681. Original settler of Hartford. Soldier in Pequot War, 1637, under Capt. John Mason. Barnes, Alfred C, -^d. Burr, Daniel, Commissary, Fairfield Co., French and Indian War. Hubbell, Henry W., 75. Burr, Jehu, ist, 1672. Deputy from Fairfield, Commissioner for the United Colonies, 1664. Wakeman, Jesup, 124. Burr, Jehu, 2d. Member of Conn. Council of War, 1675-1676. Deputy for Fairfield, 1660- 1691. Lieutenant Conn. Militia, 1673. Wakeman, Jesup, 124. Longacre, James B., 146. Bradley, Cyrus S., 218. Burr, Colonel John, 2d. Member of Council, 1729-1740. Served at Port Royal, 1710. Guthrie, Edward B., 68. Hosmer, Edward S., 74. Jennings, Oliver G., 78. Burr, Major John, 1673-17=50, Fair- field Co., Conn. Captain, i6qo. Commissary, French and Indian War, 1695. Major, 1694. Jennings, Albert Gould, 78. Wakeman, Jesup, 124. Burr, Major Peter, 1667-17=54. Auditor, 1700-1724. Deputy, 1 700- 1 702. Speaker, 1702. Assist- ant, 1703-1724. Judge Superior Court, 171 1-17 1 6. Chief Judge to 1724. Major, 4th Regt., 1OQ4. Jennings, Albert Gould, 78. Burrill, Ebenezer, 1679-1761. Coun- cillor or Assistant, 17^1, et seq. Representative, Lynn, Mass. Atwill, James W., 309. Wheaton, Frank, 374. Burrill, Lieutenant John, 1631-1703. Soldier in King Philip's War, one of the Soldier Grantees of Lynn, Mass. Representative, 1 692-1 697. Councillor, 1721. Wheaton, Frank, 374. Burt, Benjamin, 1680- 1759. North- ampton. He and his wife taken captive by the Indians at Deerfield Meadows, 1 704. Both were re- leased in 1 706 by an expedition under Ensign Sheldon. Baidwell, Harry J., 287. Burt, Henry, Dorchester and Spring- field, Mass. Member of the first Military Co., Springfield. In 1657 Clerk of the Co. 434 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Burt, Stephen S., 45. Bardwell, Harry J., 286. Burt, Andrew S., 288. Burt, Joseph, i 673-1 759. In Garri- son at Northfield in Capt. Joseph Kellogg's Co., I 72 3- 1 724. Also in the Crown Point Expedi- tion. Burt, Stephen S., 4s. Burt, Lieutenant Nathaniel, 171 i- 175s, Longmeadow. Captain of a company in Col. Ephraim Wil- liams' Regt. Killed in battle at Lake George. Hurd, Harold, 76. Hurd, Charles R., 192. Warner, Frank E., 208. Burton, Isaac, (Isek) 1706, Tops- field, Mass. Of Capt. Joseph Gardiner's Co., Salem and vicinity, mustered on Dedham Plain, 95 strong. King Philip's War. Griffith, William H., 67. Burton, George, 180. Burton, Jonathan, 1741-181 i. Middle- ton, Mass., and Wilton, N. H. Private in Capt. Andrew Gidding's Co., Col. Jonathan Bayley's Regt., 17S9, Louishurg Expedi- tion. Burton, George S., 180. Bush, Ensign Charles, i 71 7-1 755, New Castle, Del. Ensign, 1747- 1748. Colonial Militia. Buck, Francis N., 400. Bush, George W., Jr., 400. Bush, Joshua D., 400. Ward, Christopher L., 401. Bushnell, Captain Richard, i6s2- 1727, Norwich, Conn. Ensign, 1693. Lieutenant, 1698. Cap- tain, 1701. Deputy, 1691, thirty- seven terms. Member of the Council, 1703. Commissioner in the Mason Controversy. Lane, Ebenezer, 294. Bushnell, William, 2d, 1648 . Lieutenant, Conn. Militia, 1679. Elwood, George May, 60. Butler, Benjamin, 1673-1755. Ensign, of 5th Co., 6th Regt., Conn. Troops, 1 746. Sanger, J. P., 247. Butler, Lieutenant John, '747, Framingham, Mass. Lieutenant in Capt. Ephraim Baker's Co., 1st Mass. Regt. Lieut. -General Wil- liam Pepperell. Colonel, Louis, burg Expedition, 1745. Seamans, Frank M., 203. Butler, John, Roxbury, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1044. Gilbert, James H., 291. Butler, Richard, 1684. Repre- sentative to General Court, Colony of Conn., 1656-1000. Hairal, George, 60. Mann, Matthew D., 87. Kent, Henry O., 209. Butler, Captain Peter, 1699, Boston, Mass., and Middletown, Conn. Captain of Militia. Gilbert, James H., 201. Butler, Simon, 1715-1795. Trump- eter, in the Company of Capt. John Carter, Col. Oliver Wilder's Regt., marched from Lancaster, Mass., for the relief of Fort William Henry, 1757- White, John B., 317. Butler, Lieutenant William, 1653- 1730, Ipswich, Mass. Lieutenant in Capt. Francis Wainwright's Co., 1606. Foster, Joseph, 208. Butler, Captain Zebulon, 1731-1795. Served in the French and Indian War in 17S8, on the Canadian frontier and at Fort Edward, Lake George, Ticonderoga, and Crown Point; also in the Havana Expe- dition, 1762. Griffin, Francis Butler, dd. Heilner, George C, 71. Butterfield, Benjamin, Private in Choate's Regt., 1745, at the siege of Louisburg. Ensign, '74S. Boucher, Charles, 42. Butters, William, '692, Wo- burn, Mass. Served in King Philip's War, 1076, under Capt. Joseph Syll. Young, Harry, 2 12. Butters, William, 339. BuTz, Michael, 1730-1770. Pri- vate in Capt. Jacob Arndt's Co., Northampton Co., Penn., 1 70;). First Colonial company formed. Eyerman, John, 2s6. Byrd, William, ist, 1650-1704. Mem- 435 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. ber of the Council, House of Bur- gesses, and " Receiver-General of His Majesty's Revenues, Colony of Virginia." Page, S. Davis, 149. Byrd, William, 2d, 1674-1744. For thirty-seven years a member of the King's Council, Dominion of Vir- ginia, and eventually its President. Agent of the Dominion in Eng- land. Founder of the City of Richmond. Page, S. Davis, 149. Byrd, Colonel Vv'illiam, 3d, 1728-1 777. Colonel of the 2d Virginia Regt., 1756. Member of the King's Council. Page, S. Davis, 140. Cabell, Captain V^illiam, Captain in Militia prior to 1 744. Cabell, James AUston, 262. Cadwalader, Dr. Thomas, 1707- 1779. Member of the Council, Province of Penn., 1733-1776. Chairman Board of War, 1759- 1762. Member of Capt. Bathe's Independent Foot Co., 1756. Cadwalader, Charles E., 138. Cadwalader, Richard M., 138. Cady, Sergeant Nicholas, , Watertown and Groton. Mem- ber of Capt. Mason's Watertown Co., 1653. Jordan, Scott, 294. Caldwell, Major Andrew, I774- Majorin KentCo., Delaware Regt., French and Indian War. Gray, Andrew C, 400. Gray, George, 400. Wilson, Andrew G., 401. Calkin, Hugh, 1600-1690. Deputy from Gloucester to the General Court, Mass. Bay Colony, 1650- 1651. From New London and Norwich, 1652, et seq., twenty- two sessions. Colony of Conn. Commissioner to enlist men for expeditions against the Indians, 16S3-16S4. Bell, Jaied W., ^9. Mott, Luther W., gi. Collins, Holdridge O., 359. Call, John, 163S-1682. Soldier in King Philip's War. Holden, Joshua B., 190. Lieu- Conn., Ser- Dep- 1711. Richmond Call, John, 1672-1713, Charlestown, Mass., Ensign, Captain. Holden, Joshua B., 190. Call, Samuel, 1698-1747, Soldier at Louisburg. Holden, Joshua B., 190. Calloway, Captain Richard, 1 780. Colonial Forces of Virginia, French and Indian War, 1755- 1764. Arnold, Conway H., Jr., 34. Wood, Thomas C, 130. Campbell, Samuel. Commissioned En- sign, 1 768. Second Lieutenant at Fort George, 1772. Served in the old French War, 1772. Campbell, William A., 46. Candee, Samuel, 1678-1749. tenant at New Haven, 1731. Captain, 1737. Candee, Henry H., 310. Canfield, Thomas, 1689, geant at Stamford, Conn, uty. General Court. Smith, R. A., 248. Abbott, Evert on J., 338. Cannon, Captain Andrew, Captain of Militia, Co., N. Y., 169^, to succeed Cor- nelius Corson (Vroom) deceased. Suydam, Walter L., 117. Capell, John. Expedition to Lake George, Capt. James Read's Co., Col. Ruggles' Regt., 1758. Died in service. Capell, William B., 47. Capen, Lieutenant Hopestill, 1730- 1807. Commissioned Ensign, 1763, Capt. Onesimus Williams' Co., under Col. Joseph Jackson. Lieu- tenant, 1 707, Capt. John Lever- ett's Co., of the same. A. & H. A. Co. Sowdon, Arthur J. C, 205. Capen, Captain John, 1613- 1692. A. & H. A. Co., 1646. Deputy from Dorchester, Mass., 1 671 -'73- '78. Captain of Militia. Sowdon, Arthur J. C, 204. Capen, Walter N., 219. Gillette, Edwin F., 291. Capron, Captain Joseph, 1691-1776. Captain, 2d Foot Co., of Attle- borough, Mass., 1757. Wheelock, William B., 304. Card, John, 1705, Colony of 436 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Governor's Assist- ant, 1 66s- 1666. Deen, William M., 255. "Carder, Richard, Boston, Mass., Portsmouth and Warwick, R. 1., i6s9-'6o-'63. Commissioner, 1664- '66. Deputy, General Court, 1666. Chosen Assistant, but refused. Felton, Samuel M., 323. Carey, Captain Jonathan, . Commissioned Captain, 9th Co., 7th Mass. Regt., Col. Shubael Gorham, 1744, Louisburg Expedi- tion. Lovering, Henry M., 195. Carleton, George, 1702-178;. Served in Capt. Adams' Co., Col. James Frye, 1756. Corporal under the same, 17S7. Ensign Alaim List, Boxford, Mass. Carleton, Horace M., 47. Carney, Mark, 1740-1782. Served in French and Indian War, i759-'6o. Sentinel in Capt. Leissner's Co., 1760. Carney, Sydney H., 47. Carney, Sydney H., Jr., 47. Carpenter, Emanuel. Member of Penn. Colonial Assembly; Judge of Court of Common Pleas, i 700- 1780. Forney, James, 208. Carpenter, Samuel, 1050-1714, Prov- ince of Penn. Treasurer, 1704. Member of the Governor's Coun- cil, five terms, 1087-17 13; also Assistant Governor. Griscom, Clement A. 141. Hollingsworth, William W., 142. Lewis, William F. , 146. Draper, T. Wain-Morgan, 369. Carpenter, William, Sr., 1576-1660, Weymouth, Mass. Deputy to Gen- eral Court, 1641-1043. Munro, Wilfred H., 148. Carpenter, William, Providence, R. 1. Deputy, 1064,^/5^^. Governor's Assistant, 1005-1672. Carpenter, James O., 47. Wheaton, Frank, 373. Carr, Governor Caleb. Commissioner R. 1. five terms, 1654-1662. Gen- eral Treasurer, 1661-1662. Dep- uty, 1664-1690. Assistant, 1091. Governor, 1695. Lee, Edmund J., 145. Page, S. Davis, 148. Carter, Captain John, 1616-1692, Woburn, Mass. Ensign, 1651. Lieutenant, 1064. Captain in King Philip's War. Mott, Luther W., 91. Piatt, Franklin, 149. Thompson, Abijah, 207. Gordon, Geo. A., 269. Hardy, Cyrus A., 293. Carter, Lieutenant John, 16S2-1727, Woburn, Mass. Capt. Na- thaniel Davenport's Co., King Philip's War. Sergeant, 1082. Lieutenant, 1700-1727. Piatt, Franklin, 140. Carter, Colonel John, 1713-1796, Lancaster, Mass. Marched to the relief of Fort William Henry, 1758. Hosmer, Jerome C, 190. Carter, Colonel John. Member House of Burgesses, 1643-16S8. Commanded expedition against Rappahannock Indians, 1654. Ap- pointed to the Council, 1668. Page, S. Davis, 149. Carter, Thomas Nelson, 262. Wright, William H., 363. Carter, Robert, 1663-1732. Speaker of the House of Burgesses, Vir- ginia, six years. Treasurer of the Colony, and, pending Gov. Gooch's arrival, Acting Governor. Childs, William W., 48. McCuUoch, Champe C, 87. Page, S. Davis, 149. Carter, John S., 310. Carter, Samuel, 1078-1738, Lancaster, Mass. Served in a Garrison under Lieut. Nathaniel Wilder, 1704. Hosmer, Jerome C, 190. Carey, Colonel Miles, 1620-1667. Colonel and Burgess from War- wick Co., Va, 1659, etseq. Mem- ber of Colonial Council. Carey, W. Miles, 160. Catlin, John, 1643-1704. Killed in the defence of Deerfield, Mass., Feb. 29. Saxton, Henry Dearborn, 247. Catlin, Captain John, 1704-1758. Commandant at Fort Shirley, Mass., 1747-1748. Captain in H. M. Service in the Indian wars, 437 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. '749"'5^"'57- Commanded twelve forts extending from Northfield to Pontoosuc in 1738; died in the service. Saxton, Henry Dearborn, 247. Catlin, Joseph. Killed in the defence of Deerfield against the French and Indians under Hertel de Rou- ville, Feb. 29, i 704. Saxton, Henry Dearborn, 247. Catlin, Lieutenant Seth, 1734-1798. Lieutenant in H. M.'s Service in the Indian wars, 1 759 - 1 760. Quartermaster, Gen. Timothy Ruggles' Regt. Lieutenant in Capt. Shepard's Co., 1761 -1762. Saxton, Henry Dearborn, 247. Cattell, William, 1682-1752. Mem- ber of Council, South Carolina, 1724. Hall, William C, 245. Chamberlain, Joseph, Hadley, Mass. Soldier in "The Falls Fight," King Philip's War. Capt. Turner. Isham, Charles, 77. Chamberlin, Joseph, 1655-1721, Sud- bury, Mass. Soldier, Narragansett War under Capt. Poole. Took part in " Great Swamp Fight." In garrison at Westfield, 1676. Chamberlin, Clarence A., 339. Chamberlin, Jehiel W., 339. Chamberlin, Nathaniel, 1689-1780. Soldier in Capt. Benjamin Dwight's Co. of Rangers in " Father Ralle's" War, 1725, from Hatfield. Taken prisoner by the Indians, in Crown Point Expedition, 1755, and in gar- rison at Northfield, 1758. Chamberlin, Jehiel W., 339. Chamberlin, Richard, 1714-1784. Soldier in Capt. Phineas Stevens' Co., Northfield, Mass., 1747, and Capt. Selah Bernard's Co., Col. William Williams' Regt., 1758. Chamberlin, George H., 3^9. Chamberlin, Jehiel W., 339. Chamberlin, Thomas. Soldier in King Philip's War. Estey, Julius J., 279. Estey, Jacob G., 279. Chamberlin, Thomas, Jr. Soldier in King Philip's War. Estey, Julius J., 279. Estey, Jacob G., 279. Champion, Major Henry, i 723-1 797. Ensign of East Haddam South Co., 1741. Lieutenant, 1750. Capt. 12th Co., 1758, and of 5th Co. of 2d Regt., Conn. Forces, 1759, French and Indian War. Major of 12th Colonial Militia, 1775. Deputy, i76i-'65-'79. Storrs, Leonard Kipp, 206. Perkins, J. Deming, 228. Champlin, Lieutenant-Colonel Chris- topher, 1731-1805. Major, 175s, at Crown Point. Commissary, 1755. Lieut. -Colonel, 1756. Mason, G. Champlin, Jr., 147. Champlin, Captain Jeffrey, 1652-1 71 5. Deputy to the General Court, Rhode Island, \6S\, et seq. Cap- tain of Militia, 1690. Governor's Assistant, 1696-1715. Cook, Stephen, 340. Champlin, Jeffrey. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, 3d Co., 1st Regt., Mass. Troops, under Gen. Pepperrell at Cape Breton. Champlin, George G., 47. Champlin, Captain Samuel, 2d Com- pany, Westerly, R. I., 1767. Lieu- tenant to Capt. Amos Hammond, Crown Point Expedition, 1 756. Captain, 1767. Champlin, George G., 47. Champlin, William, 1654-1715. Royal Justice. Captain of Militia. Mem- ber of Assembly. Soldier in King Philip's War at Scarsborough, 1676. Champlin, George G., 47. Chandler, Major Job, Maryland Pro- vincial Forces, 1651 -1656. Cap- tured by the Puritans at the bat- tle of Providence, Annapolis, 1655. Receiver-General of Providence and Councillor, 1651 and 1656. Justice Provincial Court and Com- missioner, 1651. Chandler, Walter, 48, 254. Chandler, Thomas, '7' 7, '^''i- dover, Mass. Deputy, General Court, 1678-1681. Lieutenant, Foot Co., 1683. Maynard, George C, 245. Chandler, Colonel William, Mary- land Provincial Forces. In com- mand of the " foote souldieis" of Charles Co., 1681. Chandler, Walter, 48, 254. 438 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Chapin, Elisha, I75t). Com- mander of Fort Mass., 1754. Mas- sacred by the Indians at Hoosack, July 1 1. Chapin, Charles F. , 220. Chapin, Japhet, 1642-1712. OfCapt. William Turner's Co. in the Falls Fight, King Philip's War. Barnes, Alfred Cutler, ^6. Chapin, Henry Dwight, 48. Hill, Robert C, 72. Barbour, Lucius A., 218. Chapin, Charles F., 220. Kimball, Arthur R., 220. Chapin, Captain Josiah, i6;4-i726. Sergeant, 1085. Ensign, 1087, Mendon, Mass., Militia. Lieu- tenant, 1089. Captain, 1692. Deputy, 1689, et seq. Sears, Clinton B., 109. Norcross, Grenville H., 197. Chapin, Deacon Samuel, Springfield, Mass. For many years appointed, with John Pynchon and Eleazer Holyoke, by the General Court of Mass., Bay Colony to govern Springfield. At its burning in King Philip's War, was a partici- pant in repelling the attack from fortified houses. Spooner, Frank E., 300. Chapin, Seth, 1008-1746. Captain of Mass. Colonial Forces at Mendon, 1714, et seq. Representative many years. Sears, Clinton B., 109. Meacham, Franklin A., 29s. Chapline, Captain Moses, 1698-1772. Maryland Militia, 17S7, French and Indian War. Collum, Richards., 139. Chapman, Captain Robert, 1 610-1689. Served in the Pequot War under Lieut. Lion Gardiner, and in King Philip's War. Captain, 1075. Deputy from Saybrook forty-three times, and Assistant nine times, 1054-1084. Chapman, Thomas B., 48. Dyer, Horace Edward, 278. Chase, Ensign Moses, 1003 , New- bury, Mass. Capt. Hugh March's Co. "Snowshoe Men," Essex North Regt., 1710. Rollins, Edward A., 104. Chase, Allan McC. P., 181. Chase, Clement, 3^2. Chase, Champion S., 332. Chase, Thomas, 1054 , Newbury, Mass. Soldier in Major Samuel Ap- pleton's command, Narragansett Campaign, King Philip's War. Bennett, Josiah C, 178. Bennett, LarkinE., 178. Chase, Wells, 1710 . "Centinel," Capt. Enoch Bailey's Co., New- bury, Mass, in service on the "Eastern Frontier," 1754. Young, Harvey, 212. Chase, William, 2d, 1622-1685, Yar- mouth. Drummer in Pequot Wars and in Narragansett Expedi- tion against the Indians. Watson, William H., 127. Chase, William, 3d, 1645-1737. Sol- dier in King Philip's War. Watson, William H., 127. Chauncey, Colonel Elihu, 1710-1791. Colonel of Regiment, French and Indian War. Chiefjustice, Colony of Conn. Chauncey, Elihu, 48. Chauncey, Charles, 138. Savage, William L., 150. Checkley, Anthony, 1636-1708. At- torney-General of Province of Mass., 1089-1703. Ensign, 1675, of Foot Co. Sergt. of Artillery Co., 1677. Lieut., 1683. Parsons, William D., 95. Checkley, Samuel, 1O53-1738. Cap- tain of A. 9^, Roxbury, Mass. Member of the Artillery Co., 1666. Harrington, Charles, 188. Clarke, Captain Jeremiah, — — 1662. Assistant, President, Regent, and Acting Governor, Rhode Island Colony, 1648. Treasurer, 1644- 1647. Lieutenant, 1642. Cap- tain, 1644. Robbins, Howard S., 103. Watson, William H., 126. Williams, Norman A., 129. Wister, Rodman, 1 54. Pell, Howland, 406. Clarke, Joseph, 1618-1694. Named as Governor's Assistant in the Rhode Island Charter of 1663. Assistant in 1648, et seq. Horton, Wm. E., 73, 244. 442 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Deen, William M., 255. Greene, Charles A., 256. Clarke, Ensign Nathaniel, 1642-1690, Newbury, Mass. Naval Officer of the ports of Newbury and Salem, 1684. Ensign, Capt. Daniel F^ierce's Co., at Rowley, 1685. Clarke, George K., 181. Clarke, Nathaniel, 1666- 1690, New- bury, Mass. Mortally wounded in the Expedition to Canada, 1690, and died on board the ship. Six Friends. Clarke, George K., 181. Clark, Rufus W., 389. Clarke, Governor Walter, 1639-1 714. Governor's Assistant, 167?; Gov- ernor of Rhode Island, King Philip's War, 1676, et seq. Served the Colony until his death. Watson, Charles P., 126. Watson, William H., 126. Wister, Rodman, 154. Robeson, Andrew, 202. Pell, Rodman C, 297. Pell, Howland, 406. Clarkson, Matthew, 1702. Commissioned in 1689 by William ill. Secretary of the Colony of New-York, holding office until his death. Barnwell, Morgan G., 37. Bleecker, Anthony James, 41. Clarkson, Banyer, 40. Clarkson, Clermont L., 49. Clarkson, David A., 49. Clarkson, Frederick, 49. Clarkson, Jno. Van B., 49. Crosby, Edward N., 51. Crosby, Livingston, 52. Hill, Robert C, 72. Claypoole, James, i6";4-ib87. A member of the Council for Phila- delphia Co., Province of Penn., 1687. James, Thomas, ;i2. McLean, John, 344. La Motte, William A., 401. Clayton, Captain John, 1700- 1759. Captain, 1756, Deleware Regt., Colonial Militia. Frame, Thomas C, Jr., 400. Cleeves, Deputy-Governor George. Deputy-Governor, Maine, 1640- 1643. Deputy, 1663. 1664. Founder of Falmouth (Portland), 1636. Moseley, Edward A., 246. Clement, Robert, 1658, Haver- hill, Mass. Deputy, 1647-1653. Dorr, Dalton, 140. Cleveland, Aaron, Woburn, Mass. Of Capt. John Cutler's Co., at Sudbury, Lancaster, Marlboro, and vicinity, King Philip's War. Meacham, Franklin A., 295. Cleveland, Moses, 1024-1 70i-'2. Wo- burn, Mass. Member of Militia, 1676. In Garrison at Chelmsford, Mass., 1675. A soldier in King Philip's War. Cleveland, James W., 50. Clough, Corporal Samuel, 1736 . Soldier in Capt. Trueworthy Ladd's Co., Major Thomas Tash's New Hampshire Battalion, at defence of Fort Edward, 1757. Corporal in the same. Col. John Hart's Regt., Crown Point Expedition, 1758. Philbrook, F. B., 270. CoATES, Robert, 1627 , Lynn, Mass. Served under Capt. Turner at Hadley, Mass; in garrison there, 1676, et seq. Rhodes, Lyman, 102. Adams, Edward M., 285. Cobb, Henry, '('79, Barnstable Plymouth Colony. Deputy to General Court, 1645-1651. Danforth, Allen, 183.' CoBB, SergeantJames, 10^4-1695, Barn- stable, Plymouth Colony. Ser- geant of Militia. Danforth, Allen, 183. Cock, Peter Larssen, Sr., 1611-1688. Member of the Council, Province of Penn., 1668. Benson, Edwin North, 1 ^7. Coddington, Governor William, 1601- 1678. Assistant, Mass. Bay Col- ony, 1650-1 637. Treasurer, 1634- 1636. Deputy, 1636-1637. Gov- ernor Portsmouth and Newport, R. I., 1 640- 1647. Governor of the Colony, 1674-1678. Noyes, Charles P., qj, 345. Noyes, Daniel R., 345. Torbert, Horace G., 381. CoE, Robert, 1506-1672. Magistrate and Deputy from Jamaica, L. 1. 443 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Lloyd, John U., 325. Coffin, James, 16^0-1720. Member of the Mass. General Court from Nantucket, 1 700. Collins, Charles L., 359. Coffin, Nathaniel, 1669-1749, New- bury, Mass. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court, 1719-1720. Member of Council, 1730. Appleton, Nathan, 177. Coffin, Hon. Peter, Newbury, Mass. Member King's Council, Province of New Hampshire. Associate and Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Judicature. Capen, Walter N., 219. Sawyer, Charles F., 271. Sawyer, William, 271. Coffin, Tristram, 1009-1681. Com- missioner at Salisbury, Mass., 1655. Chief Magistrate for Nantucket under Gov. Lovelace, of New- York, 1 67 1. Davies, William G., 53. Davies, Julien G., 53. Day, Robert W., 54. Low, William G., Jr., 85. Amsden, Franklin D., 176. Amsden, Henry F., 176. Appleton, Nathan, 177. Bacon, Horace S., 177. Furness, Dawes E., 186. Gordon, Edwin A., 187. Newhall, James S., 198. Robeson, Andrew, 202. Swift, Henry M., 206. Capen, Walter N., 219. Sawyer, William Davis, 271. Sawyer, Charles Francis, 271. Waterman, Lucius, 272. Smith, William F., 333. Coffin, William K., 340,393. Coffin, Lieutenant Tristram, 1632- 1704. Lieutenant at Newbury, 1683. Deputy, 1695-1 70o-'o2. Colony of Mass. Bay. Davies, Julien T., 53. Davies, William G., 53. Silvester, Rev. William W., 151. Appleton, Nathan, 177. Bacon, Horace S., 177. Clarke, George K., 181. Sawyer, William Davis, 271. Sawyer, Charles Francis, 271. Smith, William F., 333. Coggeshall, President John, 1591- 1647, Rhode Island, President Colony and Providence Planta- tions, 1647. Governor's Assistant, 1640-1644. Moderator, 1647. Dep- uty, Mass. House of Deputies, 1634-1637. Greene, Douglas N., 65. Greene, George Sears, Jr., 65. Lawton, George P., 82. Stafford, William F. , 113. Watson, William H., 127. Williams, Norman A., 129. Lee, Edward C, 145. Ingersoll, Colin M., 226. Coggeshall, Morton C, 255. Greene, Charles A., 256. Tilley, R. Hammett, 406. Coggeshall, John, 2d, 161 8-1 708. Dep- uty-Governor, 1 686- 1 690. Gov- ernor's Assistant, 1663, et seq. Major of the Island, 1683- 1685. General Recorder, 1676, et seq. General Treasurer, 1664, et seq. Deputy, 1665, et seq. Lawton, George P., 82. Watson, William H., 127. Lee, Edward C, 145. Tilley, R. Hammett, 407. Coggeshall, Joshua, 1623-1688. Governor's Assistant, Rhode Island, 1669-1676. Greene, Douglas N., 65. Lawton, George P., 82. Stafford, William F.,113. Greene, Charles A., 256. CoiT, Samuel. Captain, 1739. Major 8th Conn. Regt., 1740. Lieut. - Colonel, 1758, Lake George and Ticonderoga campaign. Colonel 8th Regt., 1768. Huntington, Frederick J., 226. CoLBURN, Samuel, 1654- 1694. Private in Capt. Moseley's Co. , 1 67s, Mass. Forces in King Philip's War. Farrington, Robert I., 341. Cole, Daniel. Member of Yarmouth Militia, 1643. Merrick, Frederick L., 296. Cole, Samuel, 1st. Member of As- sembly, Province of New Jersey, 1 083- 1 685. Gillespie, Geo. C, 141. Cole, Samuel, 2d. Member of Assem- bly, Province of New Jersey, 1721. Gillespie, George C, 141. CoLEGATE, Major Richard, 1675-1721. 444 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Member Maryland House of As- sembly, from Baltimore Co., 1709- 1721. Clement, John B., 322. Shoemaker, Michael M.,327. Shoemaker, Robert H., 328. Coleman, Noah, '676, Hadley, Mass. Member of Capt. Turner's Co., Falls Fight, King Philip's War. Case, Edward B., 288. Coleman, Thomas, 1600-1674. Ap- pointed to procure men and nec- essaries for the expedition against Ninnigret, Narragansett War, 1654. Foster, Howell, 02. Smith, Wyllys K., 300. Coles, James, 2d. Ensign, 1686. Dep- uty, 1680-1600, 1704. Captain in Benjamin Church's Co. against the Indians. Watson, William H., 127. Collamore, Captain Anthony, 1693. Lieutenant and Captain Scituate, Mass. Militia. Stetson, George R., 248. CoLLicoT, Sergeant Richard, 1603- 1686, Dorchester, Mass., and Fal- mouth, Me. A. & H. A. Co., 1637. Deputy, 1673 - '6q - '72. Sergeant, Pequot War. Sowdon, Arthur J. C, 205. Capen, Walter N., 21Q. Collier, William, 1670. Gov- ernor's Assistant, 1634-1665. Ply- mouth Colony. Commissioner to the United. Colonies, 1643. Rep- resentative, Member Council of War, 1642, et seq. Bryant, Percy, 45. Griffith, William H., 66. Seabury, Frederick C, 108. Adams, Edward M., 175. Freeman, James G., 186. Parker, Edward L., IQ9. Richardson, George E., 202. Parsons, Charles L. , 270. Kittredge, Abbot E., 294. Collins, Benjamin, 1741-1778. Private in Capt. Johnson's Co. Col. John Goffe's Regt., New Hampshire Militia, French Wars, 1 760. Collins, Loren W., 340. Collins, Edward, 1603-1689. Deputy, General Court Mass., 1654-1670. Wetherill, Charles, 155. Collins, Francis, 1635 . Mem- ber Gov. Jenning's Council, 1683. Campbell, Benjamin H., 46. Kennard, Joseph S., Jr., 144. Griswold, Benjamin H., 161. Collins, John, 1616-1670. A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Collins, Clarence Lyman, 50. Lloyd, John U., 326. CoLMAN, Ensign William, 1643 • A. & H. A. Co., 1676. Ensign, 1672. Griswold, Benj. H., 161. Hall, C. Colman, 161. Colston, William, 1660-1701. Justice of the Provincial Court, Richmond Co., Virginia, High Sheriff and Burgess. Thomas, Douglas H., 168. CoLTON, Quartermaster George, Springfield, Mass. Quartermaster Hampshire Co. Troop, 1663. Served in King Philip's War. uty, i66q-'71-'77. Barnes, Alfred C, 36. Maynard, George C., 245. Wool worth, Charles P., 334. Woolworth, James M., 334. Colton, Captain Thomas, 1651- Springfield, Mass. Ensign, Lieutenant. Captain, 1693. Barnes, Alfred C, 36. Proctor, Frederick T., 100. Maynard, George C, 245. Woolworth, Charles P., 334. Woolworth, James M., 334. Adams, John W., 338. Combes, Major William, 1690. Major Talbot's Co. Troop of Horse, 1689, Province of Maryland. MuUiken, Howard, 165. Commee, David, 1676, Concord, Mass. Killed at the Sudbury Fight. One of the twelve men from Con- cord. Flagg, Charles P., 185. Flagg, Henry D., 185. CoNANT, Exercise, 1637-1722. Deputy, General Court, Mass., 1682-1684. Bloss, Orlando P., 509. CoNANT, John, 1652-1724, Beverly, Mass. in King Philip's War, Capt. Applcton's Co. Conant, Samuel M., 182. Hosmer, Jerome C. 190. Seely, William W., 327. Conant, Lot, Jr., 1658-1745, Beverly, Dep- .1728, 1679. 445 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Mass. Soldier in Capt. Joseph Gardiner's Co., Great Swamp Fight. Abbot, Francis E., 17s. Thompson, Eben F., 207. CoNANT, Governor Roger, 1592-1679, Beverly, Mass. Governor Mass. Colony at Cape Ann, 162S-1626, and Salem, 1027-1629. Deputy, 1634. Conant, Ernest L., 51. Hosnier, Edward S., 73. Abbot, Francis E., 175. Hosmer, Jerome C, 190. Leonard, George H., 194. Lord, Charles E., 194. Thompson, Eben F., 207. Pierce, Frederick C, 298. Bloss, Orlando P., 310. Seely, William W., 327. Cone, Sylvester. Soldier in Fort Ed- ward Expedition, 1755. Capt. Ichabod Phelp's Co., 4th Conn. Regt., Crown Point Expedition, 1756, and Capt. Edward Wells' Co., Fort William Henry. Cone, James B., 220. Conn, Sergeant John, Harvard, Mass. Soldier in Col. Timothy Ruggles' Regt., campaign against Ticon- deroga, 1758. Also under Capt. Aaron Willard of 1759. Sergeant in campaign against Crown Point, 1760. Conn, Granville P., 267. Constable, Surgeon John, . Sur- geon in the British Army, French War. 1762. Subsequently com- missioned Surgeon, 1st Regt., Province of New-York. McVickar, Edward, 88, 193. Contee, Alexander, 1691-1740. Mem- ber Maryland Provincial Legisla- ture from Charles Co., 1724. Thomas, Douglas H., 168. Converse, Edward, 1390-1663, Wo- burn. Deputy, 1660, Mass. Bay Colony. Converse, Charles A., 278. Converse, Lieutenant James, 1620- 1715, Charlestown and Woburn, Mass. Lieutenant in garrison in King Philip's War. Deputy, 1679. Adams, Henry H., 33. Hardy, Cyrus A., 293. Converse, Major James, 1645-1706, Woburn, Mass. Deputy, 1679- 1692. Speaker, 1699, 1702-1703. Commander at defence of Storer's Garrison, 1691-1692, promoted Major for his service. Adams, Henry H., 33. Converse, Edmund C., 51. Griffin, Henry A., 66. Hardy, Cyrus A., 293. Converse, Captain Josiah, 1660 . Captain, 1707, and of the com- pany raised for intended expedi- tion to Canada. Partridge, Edward L., 96. Converse, Samuel, 1653-1699, Wo- burn, Mass. Served in King Philip's War, and Phips' Expedi- tion. Wood, Alva S., 212. CoNYN, Lieutenant Casparus, 1693- I 769, Claverack. Lieutenant in Capt. Henry Van Rensselaer's Co. of Foot, 1735, New-York Provin- cial Forces, French and Indian Wars. Beale, Charles F. T., 239. CoocH, Captain Thomas, 1788. 1756, Captain, French and Indian War, Delaware Colonial Militia. Cooch, Joseph W., 400. Cook, John, 1631-1691. Deputy, 1670, Rhode Island. Commis- sioner. Wilbour, Joshua, 210. Cook(e), Mordecai. Burgess, Virginia Assembly for Gloucester Co. , 1 702. Thomas, Douglas H., 168. Barrett, Richard A., 309. Cook, Moses, 1676, Westfield, Mass. Killed in King Philip's War. Atkinson, Charles T., 285. Cook, Captain Thaddeus, 1728-1800. Ensign of 2d Co. of Preston, 8th Conn. Regt., 1755. Lieutenant, Troop of Horse, 10th Regt., 1757. Captain, 2d Co., 1763. Deputy from Wallingford, 1775. Doolittle, George T., 360. Cook, Thomas, '674, Ports- mouth, R. 1. Deputy to the As- sembly. Wilbour, Joshua, 210. Cook, Lieutenant Westwood, 1670- 1 744, Hadley, Mass. Served under Capt. Henry Dwight in the Indian War, 1722-1726. 446 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Case, Edward B., 288. Cook(e), Major Aaron, 1610- 1690, Westfield, Mass. Major of Hart- ford Troop, 1658. Deputy, 1668. Ensign, 1676. Captain of a gar- rison in King Philip's War. Day, Robert W., 5s. Woodruff, Charles H., 131. Daly, M. Ordway, 185. Heminway, Fred. T., 189. Leeds, Charles, 194. Cooley, Francis R., 220. Bardwell, Harry J., 280. CooKE, Captain Aaron, 2d, 1641- 1716. Ensign, 1693. Captain, 1 678-1 713, Hadley Militia. Dep- uty, 1089, el seq. Woodruff, Charles H., 151. Gross, Charles E., 224. Bardwell, Harry J., 286. Wright, Harry L., 304. CooKE, Francis, i 583-1663. Came over in the Mayflower. Member of Miles Standish's Co. and served under him in expedition against the Indians. Member of the Ply- mouth Military Co., 164^. Washburn, John Henry, 120. Watson, William H., 126. Ames, Joseph B., 170. Parker, Edward L. , 199. Parker, Frederick W., 199. Swift, Henry W., 200. Goddard, Lester O., 2qi. Washburne, Hempstead, 303. Cutler, Edward H., 540. Washburn, William D., 348. Kelly, Edward L., 371. Thompson, Clifton S., 372. CooKE, Jacob. Volunteer in the Pe- quot War, 1637, and a member of Capt. Myles Standish's Co. in 1643. Kelly, Edward L., 371. Cook(e), John, '^94, Dartmouth, Plymouth Colony. Deputy, 1666, et seq. Swift, Henry W. 206. CooKE, Deputy-Governor Nicholas, 1717-1782. Deputy-Governor of Rhode Island, under Royal Char- ter, 1 769. Deputy - Governor, with power of a Commissioner-in- Chief, 1775. Cooke, James Welch, 13Q. CooLiDGE, Ensign John, 1630-1691, Watertown, Mass. Ensign, serv- ing in King Philip's War, 1676. Harrington, Charles, 188. CooLiDGE, John, 1 004- 1691, Water- town, Mass. Deputy, 1058. Amee, Albert F., 176. Brown, George E., 180. Daniels, Howard B., 184. Harrington, Charles, 188. Cooper, John, 1089. First settler and signed the fundamental agree- ment at New Haven, 1639. Dep- uty and Governor's Assistant, 1676. Member of Council of War. Smith, Wyllys K., 300. Cooper, Lieutenant Thomas, 1619- 1605. Commanded the rescuing force of twenty-seven dragoons and ten Springfield Indians at the In- dian attack on Brookfield, Mass., 1675. Killed by the Indians at the burning of Springfield. Day, Robert W., 55. Dominick, George F., Jr., 57. Dominick, Lamont, 57. Barbour, Lucius A., 217. Huse, Hiram A., 280. Fisher, Albert J., 290. Cooper, William, 1O32-1710, West Jersey. Member of first Legisla- ture, 1682 and of Assembly, 1082, et seq. Member of the Council of Proprietors, 1088. Middleton, H., 164. CoRBiN, Colonel Henry, 1620-167S. Member of the Council of Virginia, 1 663- 1 667 and House of Burgesses, i6s8-i6=;9. Howard, McHenry, 162. Newton, Virginius, 262. Barrett, Richard A., 309. Corliss, Joshua, 173:5-1819, Haverhill, Mass. Served in Capt. Moore's Co., 1755, French and Indian War; in 2d Foot Co. of Haverhill, 1757, and in the company com- manded by Sergt. Samuel Watts, for the relief of Fort William Henry, •7S7- Corliss, Augustus W., 182. Cornell, Thomas, 1656, West- chester Co., N. Y. Ensign, Ports- mouth, R. 1., Militia, 1642-1644. Served under Gov. Kieft against In- dians. 447 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Valentine, Abraham B., 122. Jones, Charles H., 143. Wister, Rodman, 154. Almy, Leonard B., 217. Sands, James T., 514. Almy, William E., 338. CoRSER, John, 17 18-1 791. Soldier in Capt. Thomas Tash's Co., Col. Joseph Blanchard's Regt., New Hampshire Militia, Crown Point Expedition, 1756. Corser, Edward S., 340. Corson (Vroom), Captain Cornelius, 1645-1693. Captain "Brookland," Horse, 1680, of Richmond Co. Foot, 1689, under Leisler. Lawrence, Robert C, 82. CORWIN V. CURWIN. CowLES, John, 1675, Farmington, Conn. Deputy, General Court, 1655-1654. Cowles, Calvin D., 241. CowLES, Captain Josiah, 1 716-1793. Ensign, 1756. Captain, 1761, of the Second Co., Southington, Conn. Cowles, Calvin D., 241. Craft, Lieutenant Griffin, 1609-1689, Roxbury, Mass. Deputy, 1638- '6}-'b-]. Sergeant of Militia. , Lieutenant, ]6^}-'']. Emery, Jonathan, 1652-172;. Served under Major Samuel Appleton in the Swamp Fight. Emery, Brainerd Prescott, 60. Emery, Rufus, 60. Greve, Charles T., 324. Emery, Colonel Stephen, 17 10-1795. Ensign, 1746. Captain, 1757. Colonel of Regt., Mass. Militia, 1767. Colonel, 2d Regt., New- bury and Rowley, 1771. Emery, Brainerd Prescott, 60. Emery, Rufus, 60. Brigg, Frank O., 254. Endicott, Governor John, 1588-166=;, Salem. Governor Mass. Bay Col- ony, 1029. General of forces against Indians, 1636. Deputy- Governor, 1 64 1. Governor, 1644. Sergeant-Major, 1645. President United Colonies, 1658. Endicott, Robert, 60. Newhall, James S., 197. Putnam, George J., 201. Todd, William C, 272. Erving, Colonel John, 1693-1786. As- sistant, Mass. Bay Colony twenty years. Colonel of the Boston Regt. 46 Erving, William V. R., 60. Estabrook, CaptainJoseph, 1669-1733, Lexington, Mass. Captain, 1723- 1725. Representative, 1723-1725. Estabrook, Fred W., 185. Evans, Colonel Evan, 1732- 1794. Member Penn. Co. Association, and the Committee of Observa- tion for Chester Co., 1774. Huidekoper, F. Wolters, 244. Evans, Hugh, 1682- 1772. Member Penn. Provincial Assembly, 1722- '46-'54. Wister, Rodman, 154. Evans, Lieutenant John, i738-i8;4. Lieutenant, Dunmore's War, Vir- ginia Campaign, 1774. Evans, Dudley, 2=;6. Everett, Captain John, 1636-1714, Dedham, Mass. In 1695, com- manded a company sent to assist the New Hampshire Colony against the Indians stationed at Exeter and Portsmouth, N. H. 1696, ordered into Maine. Farr, Marvin A., 289. EwELL, Henry, Scituate, Mass., 1681. Soldier in Pequot War. Bryant, Percy, 45. Fairbanks, Captain Jabez, 1670-1758. In Lancaster Garrison, 1704. Commander of Garrison, 171 1; and in the two Acadian Expedi- tions, 1 707-1 710 and Lovewell's (Father Ralle's) War, 1722- 1726. Lieutenant, 1723-1724. Com- manded a company, 1 724. Deputy, 1714, et seq. White, John B., 517. Fairchild, Thomas, '670, Strat- ford, Conn. Representative, 1650- 1660. In 1654, appointed by the General Court to press men to fill the quota for Narra- gansett Expedition. Harral, George, 70. Fallowell, Gabriel. Member of the Plymouth Military Co., 1643. Alderson, Victor C, 285. Farmer, Major Robert, i 720-1 770. Captain, i 740, 19th Regt. of Foot, Province of East Jersey. Major, 34th Foot, Cumberland Regt. Brooke, George, Jr., 138. Farnsworth, Lieutenant David, 171 i I INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. , of Charlestown and Hollis, N. H. Taken prisoner by French and Indians, 1757, and carried to Canada. Redeemed some years later. Tuci704- Deputy from Wrentham, Mass., 1689- 1692. Ware, Moses E., 208. Farrington, Robert 1., 341. Hill, Henry B., 342. Whipple, Charles H., 349. Whipple, Henry B., 350. FisKE, Nathaniel, 1653-1735. Soldier in Capt. John Cutler's Co., King Philip's War. Sears, Clinton B., 109. Fitch, Captain Abner, 1703-1798, of Lebanon. Captain, 1753. Hart, George W., 70. Fitch, Captain Azel, i 728-1 769. First Lieutenant, iithCo., 1757. Cap- tain, 9th Co., 1759. Captain, 8th Co., 1 76 1. Conn. Militia. Symonds, Charles S., 117. Fitch, Reverend James, 1622- 1702, Bocking, Eng., and Norwich, Conn. Chaplain of the Conn. Forces, King Philip's War, under Major Treat, 1675, and Major John Talcott, 1676. Dewey, George A., 56. Shepard, R. Fitch, 1 10. Bardwell, Harry J., 286. Jewett, Stephen, 343. Fitch, Major James, 1649-1727, Nor- wich, Conn. Governor's Assist- ant, 1681-1706. Sent to New- York, to confer with Capt. Jacob Leisler, at the Fort. Captain of Militia, 1680. Served in the In- dian Wars and against the French, 1702. Sergeant-Major of New London, 1696. Placed in com- mand of all the Troops in that Co. Shepard, R. Fitch, 1 10. Bardwell, Harry J., 286. Fitch, Captain Jeremiah, 1670-1736, Canterbury, Conn. Captain, 1708. Deputy, 1 725-1 734. Hart, George W., 70. Fitch, Captain John, 1667- 1743, of Windham, Conn., Militia. Dep- uty twenty sessions. Price, Henry R., 100. Bardwell, Harry J., 287. Fitch, Captain John, Jr., 1705-1750, Windham, Conn. Captain of the Militia. Lieutenant, 1730. Dep- uty, seven sessions, Windham and Canterbury. Bardwell, Harry J., 287. Fitch, John, 1707-1705. In the Indian Wars, 1744, built and defended a block house in Lunenburg. 1748, the Indians carried John Fitch, his wife and five children into cap- tivity. Exchanged as a prisoner of war. Stearns, Ezra S., 272. Fitch, Lieutenant Samuel, i 727-181 i, Norwalk, Conn, ist Lieutenant, Capt. William Whiting's Co. of Foot E.xpedition against Canada, 1746. Deputy from Norwalk, 1 744- 1 768. Committee of War, Crown Point, 1757. 463 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Fitch, Edward Sherman, 6i. Fitch, Captain Thomas, 2^,1630-1690. Ensign, 1665. Commissioner, 1669. Captain, 1673, and in King Philip's War. Deputy-Governor, 1673. Fitch, Edward Sherman, 61. Hubbell, Henry W., 75. Rowland, Thomas F., 104. Smith, Frank B., 247. Smith, Robert A., 248. Fitch, Grant, 393. FiTz Hugh, Colonel William, 1651- 1701, "Bedford," Stafford Co., Va., Lieut. -Colonel, Westmore- land Co., Va., 1683. Member House of Burgesses, 1678-1687. Colonel Stafford Co. Forces, 1690. Thomas, Douglas H., 118, 168. Thomas, Douglas H., Jr., 168. Walker, John Garland, 263. Walker, William J., 203. Rose, Hiram H., 299. Rose, Landon C, 299. FiTZWATER, Thomas, '699, Mem- ber of Assembly, Province of Penn., 1688-1690. Mifflin, Wm., 147. Flag(g), Lieutenant Gershom, 1641- 1 690, Woburn, Mass. ist Lieuten- ant, French and IndianWar. Killed in action near Lee, N. H. Belknap, Waldron P., 39. Piatt, Franklin, 149. Gordon, Geo. A., 269. Flagg, Michael, i 650- 1711. Soldier in the Mass. Provincial Forces. Bemis, Geo. Pickering, 332. Fleete, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry. Member first Maryland Assembly, 1 637- 1 638. Captured by the Anacosta Indians, 1623. Ran- somed, 1627. Commissioned, 1644, Captain-General, to make treaty of peace with the Susque- hannas. Burgess, Lancaster Co., Va., 1652. Hornor, Wm. M., 73. Throckmorton, Chas. W., 119. Fleet, Alexander F. , 311. Fleg v. Flag(g). Fletcher, Captain Daniel, 1 718-1770. Lieutenant in Capt. David Melvin's Co., Northfield, 1747. Captain, Acton, 1755, and Alarm List, 17=57. Captain under Col. Ebenezer Nichols, Canadian Expedition, 1758; and in Col. Frye's Regt. at Nova Scotia in 1 760. Bates, Edward C, 178. Flint, Ensign Edward, Salem, Mass. In Militia, 1689. Johnson, Emery W., 192. Flint, Lieutenant John. Lieutenant in Capt. Thomas Henchman's Troop, from Sudbury, Marlboro, Concord, Mass. Deputy from Concord. Flint, Wyman K., 290, 393. Flint, Francis G., 393. Flint, John W., 393. Flint, Thomas, 1645-1721, Salem. Soldier in King Philip's War. In Capt. Gardiner's Co., on service against the Narragansetts, 1675. Flint, Frank P., 300. Flint, Motley H., 360. Flint, Sergeant Thomas, Danvers, Mass., in 1638. Capt. Joseph Gardiner's Troop, 1675. In Capt. Curwin's Troop, Capt. Thomas Prentice. In the Reserve Salem Old Troop. Merritt, Walter H., 196. Floyd, Colonel Richard, 1665-1728. Lieutenant, 1700. Colonel, Suf- folk Co. Militia, Canadian Expedi- tion, 1 709. Oothout, John W., 94. FoBES, John, 1661, Bridgewater, Mass. Member Duxbury Military Co., Capt. Myles Standish, 1643. Washburne, Hempstead, 293. FoKAR, Gerrit. In Capt. Pawling's Foot Co. of Hurley Soldiers at Marbleton, N. Y., Esopus In- dian Wars. Gross, Samuel E., 292. FoLsoM, John, 1641-17 18. Soldier in Indian Wars, 1696. Tucker, Gilman H., 121. FoLSOM, John, Jr., 1615-1681. Mem- ber of Militia at Hingham, Mass. Tucker, Gilman H., 121. Foot, Captain Samuel. Amesbury, Mass. Captain of Militia. His house called " Capt. Foot's Fort." Kelly, Edward L., 371. Foote, Captain Abraham, 1725-1823. Ensign, 1757. Lieutenant, 1758. Captain, 2d Conn. Regt., 1760. Expedition against Montreal. 464 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Ives, Francis J., 77. FooTE, Daniel, 171 7-1 801. Deputy, 1762, et seq. Justice for Hartford Co., Conn., 1763-1774. Foote, John Crocl7^, Windsor, Conn. Deputy, 1638,^/5^^. Allen, Theodore L., 176. Forrest, Patrick. Member of the Maryland House of Burgesses, 1649-1650. Henry, John W., 243. Henry, J. Malcolm, 243. Forster, Lieutenant John, 1784. Lieutenant in Col. Clapham's Regt., Penn. Baldy, John M., 136. FosDicK, Lieutenant Samuel, 1655- 1702. Corporal in 1675-1676. Lieutenant, 1690. Deputy, 1694- 1700. Jones, Charles D., 325. Foster (Forster), Captain Asa. Cap- tain of Foot in Mass. Regt. raised for a General Invasion of Canada. Bryan, Foster A. K., 45. Foster, Lieutenant Benjamin, 1715 , Ipswich, Mass. ist Lieuten- ant under Capt. John Wright, " Eastern Expedition," French and Indian War, 1734. Young, Harry, 212. Foster, David, 1704-1779. Private in the 6th Regt., New Hampshire, 1746, Col. Benjamin Rolfe. Spies, Francis F., 113. Foster, Edward, '644, Scituate, Plymouth, Colony. Deputy, 1639-1641. Van Rensselaer, A. Cortlandt, 122. Daves, John C, 160. Foster, F. Apthorp, 185. Hunt, Henry W., 192. Minot, Joseph G., 196. Ware, Horace E., 208. Foster, Captain Hopestill, '676, Dorchester, Mass. Ensign, 1646. Captain, . Deputy, 1652, et seq. Robinson, Francis W., 203. Foster, Captain Jeremiah, 1691-1769, Chebacco (Ipswich), Captain of the 6th Co., 3th Mass., Regt., Louisburg Expedition. Foster, Joseph, 208. Foulsham, John, 1615-1681, Hing- 465 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. ham, Mass., and Exeter, N. H. Member of Militia, Hingham, 1644- 1657. Folsom, Albert A., 185. FouLSHAM, Lieutenant Peter, 1649- 1717, Exeter, N. H. Ensign, 1692. Lieutenant, 1710. Folsom, William Henry, 61. Folsom, Albert A., 185. FowKE, Colonel Gerard, 1669. Burgess from Westmoreland Co., Virginia, 1663. Charles Co., Maryland Assembly, 1675. Hornor, William M., 73. Raborg, Thomas M. T., 101. Ramsay, Henry A., 166. Fowler, Ensign John, 1685- 1748, Ipswich, Mass. Ensign in Capt. James Abercrombie's Co., 1st Regt., Col. Sir Charles Hobby, etc., Expedition to Port Royal, 1 710. Dorman, William B., 184. Fowler, John, 1715-1805. Ipswich, Mass. One of Capt. Richard Man- ning's Troopers, Col. Daniel Ap- pleton, relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Perley, Henry Otis, 98. Fowler, Joseph, 1629-1676, Ipswich, Mass. Soldier in Capt. William Turner's Co., King Philip's War. Killed in the Falls Fight. Dennis, Rodney S., 56, 221. Fowler, Lieutenant William. King Philip's War. Deputy, General Court, Colony of Conn., 1673- 1680. Fowler, Franklin H., 63, 222. French, William F., 223. Merwin, Orange, 227. Franklin, Colonel Benjamin, 1706- 1790, Philadelphia. Member of Assembly, . Speaker, 1764. Led Expedition against the In- dians, among the Moravian Settle- ments beyond Bethlehem, 175s. Colonel, Philadelphia Regt., French and Indian War, 1755. Duane, Charles W. 184. Freeman, Barnabas, 1737- 1781. Sand- wich, Mass. Representative, 1 772- '774- Freeman, James G., 186. Freeman, Edmund, 1589-1682, Sand- wich, Mass. Assistant, 1640- 1645. Member of Council of War. 1642. Deputy, 1646. Nye, Charles F., 93. Sears, Clinton B., 108, 347. Story, Henry G., 115. Page, S. Davis, 148. Freeman, James G., 186. Nickerson, Thomas W., Jr., 197. Sears, Henry D., 204. Swift, Henry W., 206. Wesson, James L., 209. Wheeler, Horace L. , 209. Clark, A. Howard, 241. Freeman, Major John, 1627-1719. En- sign, Waltham, Mass., 1654. Major, Expedition against the Indians at Saconet, 1677. Member Council of War, 1667-1676. Captain in fight against Indians at Taunton, 1675. Major, Barnstable Troops, 1685. Deputy, Eastham, eight years. Freerrian, George W., 63. Sears, Clinton B., 108, 347. Story, Henry G., 115. Freeman, James G., 186. Sears, Henry D., 204. Clark, Alonzo H., 241. Fuller, Austin Weld, 279 Merrick, Frederick L., 296. Mayo, Charles E., 344. French, CorporalJohn. Wounded by the Indians at Quaboag, 1675. Kittridge, Abbott E., 294. French, Captain William, 1604-1681, Cambridge and Billerica, Mass. Lieutenant, 1647. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Junior Sergeant, 1643. First Sergeant, 1646. Ensign, 1650. Representative, 1660-1663. Captain of Art. Co., 1681. Carney, Sydney H., Jr., 47. Dennis, Rodney, 56, 221. Howe, Herbert M., M.D., 143. Strong, R. P., 167. Eaton, Joseph G., 184. French, Walter H., 186. Flint, James M., 242. Philbrook, Frederick B., 270. Short, William, 315. Frisbee, John, 1650-1694. Deputy from Branford, Conn., 1690-1692. Frisbie, Ivory F., 186. Ducharme, Charles A., 389. Plant, Henry B., 270. Plant, Morton F., 271. 466 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Frost, Major Charles, 1632-1697. Kittery, Me. Member Provincial Council, New Hampshire, 16S1. Sergeant-Major, Province of Maine, 1089. Killed by Indians. Blunt, Stanhope E., 41. Salter, Jasper C., 104. Salter, William T., 104. Pierce, Jacob W., 200. Wentworth, Moses J., 303. Leighton, Geo. E., 313. Salter, William, 380. Frost, Hon. John, 1O81-1732. Mem- ber of Council, Province of New Hampshire, 1724, el seq. In 1726, Member of Council, accompanying Lieut. -Governor Wentworth to Boston on a treaty with the In- dians. Commanded a British war ship. Salter, Jasper C, 104. Frothingham, David, 1727-1766. in military service in Mass., 1746. Schieffelin, George R., loO. Frothingham, Corporal Thomas, 1713- 1776, Charlestown, Mass. Cor- poral in Capt. Thomas Jenne's Co., 1748. Winship, William H., 211. Fry, Colonel Joshua, '754- Col- onel of Virginia Regt., 17S4, French and Indian War. Died in the Expedition to Ohio, succeeded in command of Lieut. -Colonel George Washington. Fry, John W., 262. Bacon, Gary H., 354. Fry, Deputy-Governor Thomas, 1666- 1748, Newport, R. 1. Member General Assembly, 1090. Major of the Main, and Speaker, 1714. Deputy-Governor, 1 727-1 728. Fry, Alfred B., 186. Frye, Captain James, , Andover, Mass. King William's War, 1702. Eaton, Joseph G., 183. Frye, Colonel James, 1709-1776, An- dover, Mass. Lieutenant at Louis- burg, 1745. Captain, Crown Point, 17^6. Colonel, Essex Regt., Battle of Bunker Hill, where he said: " ' Tis thirty years since 1 was at the taking of Louis- burg, when it was surrendered to us. It is a fortunate day for America. We shall certainly beat the enemy." Died of his wounds. Clarke, Chas. L., 49. Frye, Colonel Joseph, 171 1-1794, Fryeburg, Me. Deputy, Mass. General Court, 1750-1734. Ensign 5th Co., Hale's Regt., Louisburg, 1 743. Colonel, and taken prisoner, at Fort William Henry, 1737. Escaped to Fort Edward. Served with distinction in the Revolution. Martin, William P., 190. Greene, Jacob L., 224. Fryer, Captain Nathaniel, 16 1703, Boston, Mass., and Portsmouth, N. H. Deputy, General Court of Mass., 1666. Commissioner to treat with the Indians, Casco, Me., 1678. Royal Councillor, Province of New Hampshire, 1683. Deputy-Governor, 1692-1702. Chief Justice, Court of Common Pleas, 1693-1695. Lieutenant, 1678. Captain, 1689. Com- mandant, 1692-1697, at New Castle (Fort William and Mary), Parson, William D., 95. Frisbie, ivory F., 186. Wilson, Fred A., 21 1. Frisbie, Franklin Senter, 268. Fuller, Edward, 1654 — — , Lynn, Mass. Soldier under Major Richard Walderne, King Philip's War. Watkins, Walter K., 209. Fuller, John, 1666, Lynn, Mass. Deputy, General Court, 1655- 1664. Watkins, Walter K., 209. Fuller, Lieutenant John, 1631-1695, Lynn, Mass. Ensign, 1661-1674, Essex Regt., Major Daniel Denison, also, at Lynn, 1677. Corporal, 1675, Capt. Moseley, mustering at Dedham; served at Woodcock's Garrison, same year, Lieutenant, 1691. I)eputy, 1674-1678. Rhoades, Lyman, 102. Watkins, Walter K., 209. Fuller, Captain Matthew, 1678. Sergeant under Myles Standish, 1643. Lieutenant at Barnstable, 1652. Lieutenant, Capt. Standish's Expedition against Manhattoes Colony, 1654. Chairman, Coun- cil of War. Lieutenant of the Forces against theSaconet Indians, 1671. Magistrate, 1671. Sur- 467 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. geon-General, 1673. Captain, King Philip's War. Loveil, Frank H., 85. Norton, Edward L., 03. Richards, Frederick B., 102. Strong, R. P., 167. Lawrie, Andrew W., 194. Gale, Thos. M., 242. Flint, Wyman K., 290. Fuller, Dr. Samuel, 16^3. 8th Signer of Mayflower Compact; first physician at Plymouth. Assist- ant, 1632. Vaile, Joel F., 373. Fuller, Reverend Samuel, 1623-1695. Private, Plymouth Co., 1643. Vaile, Joel F., 373. Fuller, Lieutenant Samuel, '675^ Barnstable, Mass. Lieutenant in Capt. Michael Peirce's Co., King Philip's War. Killed at Rehobath Ambuscade. Norton, Edward L., 93. Curtiss, Frederic H., 183. Fuller, Thomas, Sergeant, 1656. Lieutenant, 1685. Woburn and Wenham, Mass. Pierce, Frederick C, 298. Furness, Captain John, 173^-1810, Boston. Captain in General Tim- othy Ruggles' 2d Worcester Regt., Crown Point Expedition, 1759. Furness, Dawes E., 186. Gale, Captain Isaac, 1708-1703. Lieu- tenant, Capt. Solomon Holman's Co., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Captain, 1763. Henry, John Francis, 71. Henry, William Barrett, 71. Gallop, John, 1(550, Boston, in a fight with the Pequot Indians off Block Island, 1636, called the first naval engagement in New England waters. Allen, Francis R., 175. Galloupe. Charles W., 186. Joy, William F., 193. Seaver, James E., 204. Gallop, Captain John, "J75- New London, Conn. Captain of the 1st Co., Conn. Forces, Major Robert Treat, Great Swamp Fight, where he was killed. One of the four Conn, captains killed. Hart, George W., 70. Satterlee, Francis LeR., 105. Galloupe, Charles W., 186. Galloupe, Isaac F. , 187. Hull, James W., 192. Seaver, James E., 204. Cox, William V. Z., 242. Dennison, Ira W., 242. Stetson, Caleb R., 248. Gallup, Benadam, 1655- 1727, Ston- ington, Conn. Went with volun- teers to Vineyard Harbor, 1689, captured a pirate sloop and took it to Boston. Cox, William, V. Z., 242. Gardiner, Colonel Abraham, Suffolk Co., New-York Provincial Militia, 1772. Thompson, Fred. Diodati, 119. Gardiner, George, 1677, a Dep- uty to the General Court of Rhode Island, 1662. Hord, Arnold H., 243. Gardiner, Lieutenant Lion, 1599-1663. Lieutenant in the English Army. Engineer and Master of Works of Fortification in the Low Countries. Engineer at Boston. Constructoi and Commander of Saybrook Fort, Pequot War. Lord of the Isle of Wight, (now called Gardi- ner's Island.) Bunker, William, 45. Coghill, Howard, 50. Gardiner, David, 64. Gardiner, Robert A., 64. McKinstry, Charles H., 87. Thompson, F. Diodati, 87. Thompson, Hobart W., 119. Lennig, Charles F., 145. Leroy, Jacob, 145. Coit, Robert, 210. Prentis, Edward, 229. Flint, Wyman K., 290. Teall, Edward McK., 301. Gardiner, Curtis Crane, 311. Gardiner, Silas W., ^8o. Gardiner, Captain-Lieutenant Luke, 1674. Came to Maryland on Ark and Dove, 1634. Bur- gess from St. Mary's Co., Md., 1659, ^^ ^^?- Lieutenant, Foot Co., 1660. Captain-Lieutenant, 1661. Howard, McHenry, 162. Jenkins, Thos. C, 163. Ramsay, Henry A., 166. 468 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Gardiner, Richard, 1687. Bur- gess from St. Mary's Co., Mary- land, 1085-1687. Jenkins, Thos. C, 163. Gardner, Captain Andrew, i6qo. Deputy General Court of Mass- achusetts, 1689. Captain in the Expedition to Canada, 1690. White, John B., 310. Gardner, Captain John, 1624-1706. Commissioned by Gov. Lovelace, of New-York, seven times, 1073, et seq. Captain of Militia. ibSo, Civil Magistrate. When Nan- tucket passed, in 1699, under Mass. jurisdiction, he was made Judge of Probate. Howard, Leland O., 244. Wheaton, Frank, 373. Gardner, Captain John, 1681-1721. Engaged in the defence of Haver- hill against Indians, 1 708, and in protection of frontier. Howard, Leland O., 244. Gardner, Richard, Sr. Member of Assembly of Freemen, Maryland, 1637-1041. Jenkins, Thos. C, 163. Gates, Simon. Received grant of land in Narragansett Township, Nov. 2, for services in King Philip's Wars. Sargent, John S., 1,00. Gaylor, William, 1585-1673, Windsor, Conn. Deputy, General Court, Mass. Bay, 1635, et seq.; Conn. 10 ■59, forty-one times. Blagden, Thomas, 240. Gerard, Thomas, 1600-167^. Member of Assembly from St. Marie's Hun- dred, 1641, and Member of the Council. Commissioner of the Proprietary, and Lord of St. Clement's Manor, Province of Maryland. Jenkins, Austin L. , 162. Jenkins, Edward A., 162. Jenkins, Francis de S., 163. Jenkins, Spaulding L., 163. Ramsay, Henry A., 166. Gerkish, Captain John, 1646-1714, Newbury, Mass., and Dover, N. H. Captain, 1072. Captain of Troops of Horse, 1680, and King William's War, 1090. High Sheriff, 1683. Member Special Assembly, 1684. Deputy, 1084, et seq. Royal 1717. Rep- Councillor. Justice,Superior Court 1095-1714. Frisbie, Ivory F., 1S6. Wilson, Fred A., 211. Frisbie, Franklin Senter, 208. Butters, George, 2S8. Gerrish, Colonel Paul, 1674- Dover, N. H. Captain, Major, 1729, Indian Wars, resentative, 172O-1740. Rollins, Edward A., 104. Gerrish, Colonel Timothy, 1 084- 1756, Dover, N. H. Proprietor of Ger- rish's island. Captain, 1719. Deputy, 1709, et seq. Colonel York Co. Militia, 1725. Jus- tice Court of Common Pleas. RoyalCouncillor, Province of Mass., 1730-1735. Frisbie, Franklin Senter, 268. Gerrish, Captain William, 1617-1687, Newbury and Boston, Mass. First Captain, Military Co. of Newbury. Captain in King Philip's War. Commanded garrison at Newbury. Deputy, 1650, etseq. Day, Robert W., 55. Low, Wm. G., Jr., 85. Wood, Marshall William, 1 30. Amsden, Franklin D., 176. Amsden, Henry F. , 177. Wilson, Fred A., 21 1. Frisbie, Franklin Senter, 268. Gerritsen v. Strijcker. GiBBARD, William. Deputy, Secretary and Governor's Assistant, New Haven Colony. Stoddard, William B., 231. Gibbon(s), Deputy-Governor Ambrose, 1600-1656. Deputy-Governor of New Hampshire, 1630. Captain, Portsmouth Alarm, 1643. Parsons, William D., 95. Rollins, Edward A., 104. Trenchard, Edward, 120. Thompson, Harry G., 231. Knox, William S., 245. Leighton, Geo. Eliot, 312. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 314. Gibson, Lieutenant Abraham, ^ Stow, Mass. Lieutenant under Capt. Abijah Hall, 1759; also in Col. Willard's Regt. , Crown Point Expedition 1 760. Gibson, Edwin W., ^89. Gibson, Captain James, 1700-1752. 469 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Retired officer, British Army. Joined tiie Expedition to Cape Breton, 1745; contributed ;i^500 thereto. One of three who escaped death while on a scout. May 10. With five men he towed the fire- ship against tiie enemy's fleet and the west gate. Johnson, Jeremiah A., 78. Johnson, James Bowen, 245. Johnson, Jas. Gibson, 294. GiDDiNGS, Lieutenant Daniel, 1704- 1771, of Chebacco (Ipswich). Lieutenant, Capt. Jeremiah Foster's Co., sth Mass. Regt., Louisburg Expedition. Representative, Mass. General Court, 1758. Foster, Joseph, 268. GiDDiNGE, George, 1O08-1676, Ipswich, Mass. Deputy to General Court of Mass. , \b/\\ , et seq. Foster, Joseph, 208. Gordon, Geo. A., 269. Gilbert, Daniel, 1729-1824. Ensign, Capt. John Dodge's Co. ex- pedition to Cape Breton, 1744. Crown Point Expedition, under Col. Thatcher's; also in Capt. Nathaniel Woolcot's Co., 1757. Gilbert, Benjamin D., 64. Gilbert, Deacon Henry, 1661 . In command of soldiers to build a fort at Brookfield known as Gil- bert's Fort, 1688. Gilbert, Benjamin D., 64. Gilbert, John, '654, Dorchester and Taunton, Mass. Member of the Military Co., Yarmouth, under Lieut. Wm. Palmer, 1643. Tucker, William R., 301. Gilbert, Jonathan, 1618-1682. Ren- dered important services in the Indian wars, as messenger to Se- quasson, Chickwallop, Manasanes and other chiefs on various occa- sions. Reynolds, James, 102. Hooker, Edward W., 225. Gilbert, James H., 291. Turner, Henry L., 302. Doane, William H., 323. Taylor, Oscar L., 347. Gilbert, Deputy-Governor Matthew. Deputy-Governor, New Haven Colony, 1661-1663. Munson, C. La Rue, 148. Dyer, Horace E., 278. Gilbert, Lieutenant Nathaniel, 1689- 1756, Middletown, Conn. Served under Capt. Moses Demming, ex- pedition to Canada, 1 709. Lieu- tenant at "Newfield," 1736. Gilbert, James H., 291. Gilbert, Vice-Admiral Thomas, 1645- 1709. Commanded 2d Squad- ron, Canadian Expedition, Sir Wil- liam Phips; and in Swan captured French ship Saint Jacob, in the St. Lawrence, 1692. Murphey, Elijah W., 91. GiLLETT, Samuel, 1643-1676, Hatfield, Mass. Killed by the Indians, " Falls Fight," King Philip's War. Bardwell, Harry J., 2S7. GiLLETT, Samuel, Jr., 1769, Hat- field, Mass. Soldier at Battle of Deerfield Meadow, 1703. Bardwell, Harry J., 287. GiLMAN, Caleb, 1678-1766. Soldier in the Indian Wars, 1710, under Capt. Nicholas Gilman. Tucker, Gilman H., 121. Gilman, Colonel Daniel, 1702 . Colonel 4th Regt., New Hamp- shire Militia, 1758-1767. Churchill, Nathaniel W., 181. Nichols, Henry A., 302. Nichols, Willard A., 362. Gilman, Captain John, 1624-1608, Exeter, N. H. Lieutenant, 1609. Member first Council, Province of New Hampshire, 1680. Member of Assembly, 1693-1697. Speak- er, 169s. Tucker, Gilman H., 121. Glidden, John M., 141. Haseltine, Frank, 142. Smith, Wm. P., 151. Churchill, N. Wiley, 181. Folsom, Albert A., 185. Hale, Josiah L., 188. Batchelder, George A., 239. Batchelder, Joseph F., 239. Batchelder, Richard N., 239. Koues, George E., 257. Nichols, Henry A., 362. Nichols, Willard A., 362. Ballord, Esek Steere, 379. Smith, Samuel F., 380. Gilman, Moses, 1630-1702. Soldier in King Philip's War. Tucker, Gilman H., 121. 470 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. GiLMAN, Nicholas, 1672-1749. Dep- uty, General Court of New Hamp- shire, 1709. Churchill, Nathaniel, 181. Nichols, Henry A., 362. Nichols, Willard A., 362. Glen, Alexander Lindsay, 1610-1685. Soldier in the service of the Dutch West India Co., Fort Nassau, on the South River, 1633. Magis- trate, Albany, 1643-1663. Pro- prietor, Schenectady, 1663. Cap- tain, 1684. Major in command, 1690, at the massacre. Beekman, James William, 58. Griffith, Wm. H., 67. Hill, Robt. C, 72. Glen, Colonel Jacob, 1691-1762. Cap- tain at Schenectady. Member New-York Colonial Assembly, 1726-1751. Beekman, James William, 38. Glen, Captain John Sanders, 1648- 1731. Captain 1st Foot Co., Schenectady, 1700. Served in French and Indian Wars, 1689. Expedition to Canada, 1711. Beekman, James William, 38. Griffith, W. H., 67. Hoff, J. Van Rensselaer, 73. Van Rensselaer, Maunsell, 123. Eldredge, Zoeth S., 185. Glidden, Charles^ 1630-1705. Ports- mouth, N. H. In garrison at Exeter, King Philip's War. Tucker, Gilman H., 121. Glidden, John, 1720-1796. Served in the Crown Point Expedition, 1758, Col. John Hart's Regt. Tucker, Gilman H., 121. Glover, Lieutenant Charles, 1610- 1670, Southold, L. !. Chief officer in command there with his men under arms, 16S2-1653; troubles with Dutch and Indians. Corwin, Hamilton S., 51. Glover, Hon. John, 1600-1652. Rep- resentative, Dorchester, Mass., 1036-1652. Assistant, 1651-1652. Captain, A. & H. A. Co. Boyd, Allen R., 240. Rawson, Edward S., 327. Goddard, Captain Edward, 1675- 1754, Framingham, Mass. Cap- tain of Troop. Deputy, 1724-17^1 ; Member of Council, 1733-1736. Dennis, Rodney, 56, 222. Foster, Joseph, 268. Fessenden, Charles N., 290. Godfrey, Colonel George, 1721 , Taunton, Mass. Captain of Troop of Horse, serving against the In- dians, 1672, afterwards merged in the Bristol Co. Regt., Col. Samuel White. Major, same regiment, about 1771. Colonel, 1774. Allen, Frederick B., 176. Godfrey, John. Commander of an armed ship sent against the French at Block Island in 1090. Greene, George S., Jr., 65. Godfrey, Major Richard, 171 1 , Taunton, Mass. Captain of a com- pany raised at Taunton, service at Crown Point, 1755. MajorinCol. Doty's Regt., 1758. Hall, Franks., 188. Hall, George R., 188. GoFFE, Edward, 1658, Cambridge, Mass. Deputy, 1646-1650. Clarke, George K., 181. Gold, Major Nathan. See Gould. Goldthwait, Adjutant Joseph, 1706- 1780. Adjutant, ist Mass. Regt., 1744. Expedition to Louisbuig under Pepperrell. Freeman, James G., 186. GoocH, James. Soldier in French and Indian War, 1692. Gooch, Frank A., 223. Ballord, Esek Steere, 379. GoocH, Major William, 1655. Member House of Burgesses for York Co., 1654, and of Royal Council of Virginia, 1655. Thomas, Douglas H., 168. GooDENOW, Edmund, lOi 1-1676, Sud- bury, Mass. Captain, King Philip's War. Fuller, Henry Clay, 291. Goodhue, Captain William. Ensign, 1683. Captain in Col. Appleton's Regt. Representative to the General Court nine years. One of commit- tee to consider surrender of Charter to Andros. Tried, imprisoned and fined ^20 for so doing. Goodman, Sergeant Richard, Hadley, Mass. inspector of arms, 1664. Sergeant Hadley Militia, 1663. Killed by the Indians at Hocka- num. King Philip's War. 471 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Day, Robert W., 55. Ives, Francis J., 77. Graves, Albert M., 292. Chatfield-Taylor, Hob.irt C, 301. Goodrich, Ensign William, 1676. Wethersfield, Conn. Ensign under Capt. Samuel Welles. Deputy, 1 660- 1 666. Elliot, Daniel G., 39. Pond, Edward Watson, 99. Williams, Norman A., 129. Goodrich, Wm., 141. Monfort, Delos A., 344. Monfort, Frederick D., 344. Goodrich, William, 1661 - 1737. Ensign, Provincial Forces, Conn., 1 70 1. Goodrich, Wm., 141. GooDRiDGE, Captain Philip. Captain, French and Indian War, 1755. Fessenden, Charles N., 290. GooDSPEED, John, 1645, Barnstable, Mass. Soldier, King Philip's War. Narragansett grantee. Bowen, Edgar C, 339. Goodyear, Deputy-Governor Stephen, 1658. Deputy-Governor New Haven Colony, 1 655-1 658. Commissioner for United Colonies, 1643. Wakeman, Jesup, 124. Loiigacre, James B., 146. Bell, Charles U., 178. Bradley, Cyrus S., 218. Heaton, John E., 225. Robertson, Abram H., 229. Taylor, John M., 231. Wakeman, Robert 1^., 232. Ward, Brownlee R., 233. Smith, Robert A., 248. GooKiN, Major-General Daniel, 1612- 1687, Cambridge, Mass. Captain, 1648. Deputy, General Court, 1 649- 1 65 1. Speaker, 1651. As- sistant, i6s2-i6So. 1681, Major- General of the Colony. Bowen, Clarence W., 42. Chauncey, Elihu, 48. Davies, Julien T., 53. Davies, William G., 53. Davis, Fellowes, 54. Day, Robert W., 55. Luquer, Lea Mel., 85. Luquer, Thatcher T. P., 86. Ormsbee, Herman W., 94. Wood, Marshall W., 130. Bell, Charles U., 178. Pierce, Jacob W., 200. Salisbury, Edward E., 229. Woolsey, Theodore S., 234. Smith, Frank B., 247. Gordon, Alexander, 1655-1697. Sol- dier in Capt. Timothy Hall's Co. , King William's War. In garrison at Exeter, N. H., 1696. Gordon, Edwin A., 187. Gordon, George A., 269. Gordon, Thomas, 1678-1762, Exeter, N. H. Soldier in Capt. John Gil- man's Co., 1710, Queen Anne's War. Gordon, Geo. A., 269. Gordon, Thomas, 1722. Mem- ber of Council, Province of East Jersey. Deputy-Secretary, 1692. Attorney-General, 1692. Receiv- er-General and Treasurer, 1710- 1719, one of the Lords Proprietors. Hamersley, J. Hooker, 69. Gorham (Gorum) Captain John, 1621- 1 676, Plymouth Colony. Deputy, General Court, 1653. Lieutenant, 1673. Captain, 2d Barnstable Co., under Major William Brad- ford, Great Swamp Fight; died in service. Coghill, Howard, 50, 255. Kellogg, Daniel S., 80. Lovell, Frank H., 85. Lovell, Frank H., Jr., 8s. Macy, Chas. A., 2d, 86. Macy, Coggeshall, 86. Macy, Geo. H., 86. Macy, SylvanusJ., 86. Macy, SylvanusJ., Jr., 86. Norton, Edward L., 93. Danforth, Allen, 183. Dorr, Joseph, 184. Sprague, Frank W., 205. Ames, Louis A., 255. Chase, Clement, 332. Fletcher, Paris, 341. Pike, Charies E., 346. Baxter, Joseph N., 368. Gorham, Austin G., 370. Nightingale, George C., 405. Gorham, Lieutenant-Colonel John, 1652-1710. Served in the Great Swamp Fight in King Philip's War; Canadian Expedition, 1090, and second in command under Col. Church, 1703. 472 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Co. -1699. Island Assis- Norton, Edward L., 93. Strong, R. P., 167. Dorr, Joseph, 184. Sprague, Frank William, 205. Gorliam, August G., 370. GoRHAM, Colonel John, Yarmouth, Me. Lieutenant-Colonel and Cap- tain of the 2d Co., 7th Mass. Regt., Col. Shubael Gorham, 1744. Louisburg Expedition, 1745. Macy, Charles A., 86. Macy, Coggeshall, 86. Macy, George H., 86. Whittemore, James M., 128. GoRHAM, Colonel Shubael, 1686-1746. Colonel of the 7th Mass. Regt., and Captain of the 1st ^ Louisburg Expedition. Gorham, Austin G., 370. Gorton, Captain Benjamin, — Captain in the Rhode Militia. Deputy, 1686. Felton, S. M., 324. Gorton, Samuel, 1592-1677. tant, 1649. Commissioner to the Narragansett Indians. Deputy, 1652-1666, Rhode Island. Merritt, Douglas, 88. Townsend, James Hill, 120. Waterman, Lucius, 272. Gott, Charles, 1668, Salem and Wenham, Mass. Deputy, 1635. Parsons, Charles S., 200. Gott, Lieutenant Charles, Jr., 1639- 1708. Co. of Foot, Wenham, Mass., 1683. Parsons, Charles S., 200. Gould, John, 1610-1690, Charlestown, Mass. Trooper in Capt. Wheeler's, also in Capt. Hutchinson's Co., King Philip's War. Gould, Levi S., 187. Gould, Captain John, 163S-1710, Topsfield, Mass. Served in Lieut. William Hasey's Three County Troop, King Philip's War. Ensign, 1679. Lieutenant, 1684. Cap- tain, 1693. Gould, Charles A., 64. Dorman, William B., 184. Gould, David H., 223. Doane, William H., 323. Gould, Major Nathan, — Assistant, i6s7-'62-'94. 1666. Member of Committee of Defence against Dutch, 1662. 1604. Major, Representative to the first Colonial Congress in New-York, 1690. Major of Dragoons, 1675. Davenport, Timothy, S2. Jennings, Albert Gould, 78. Watson, Charles P., 126. Jennings, Arthur O., 226. Osborn, Henry F. , 227. Walker, Williston, 232. Bladgen, Thomas, 240. Camp, Robert, 303. Gould, Lieutenant-Governor Na- than, 1663-1723. Chief Justice Supreme Court, 1712. Lieuten- ant-Governor of Conn. , 1 708- 1 723 . Jennings, Albert Gould, 78. Graham Colonel Augustine. Field Officer, Major of Militia, West- chester Co., 1700. Captain of Militia, north sideof Staten Island. Chief Commander of all Staten Island Militia, 1705. Colonel, Richmond Co., 171 5. Akerly, Samuel M., 33. Graham, Jabez. Soldier in King Philip's War. Coghill, Howard, so. Graham, Colonel James. Attorney- General, Province of New-York, 1685- 1687, and 1691-1701. Mem- ber and Speaker, Provincial Assem- bly, New-York. First Recorder of New-York, 1683-1700. Akerly, Samuel M., ^^. Carnochan, G. M., 47. Graham, Reverend John, Sr., 1604- 1774, Southbury, Conn. Chap- lain, Crown Point Expedition, Col. Phineas Lyman, 1755. Thompson, Harry G., 231. Graham, Reverend John, Jr., 1722- 1796, West Suffield, Conn. Chaplain, Havana Expedition, 1st Conn. Regt., General Phineas Lyman, 1762. Capture of Havana. Author of Graham's Journal. [Pub. Soc. Colonial Wars, S. N. Y., i8q6.] Thompson, Harry G., 231. Granger, Quartermaster - Sergeant Abner,173S,i8i6. Quartermaster- Sergeant, 1st Conn. Troops, 17S8. Remington, Cyrus K., 101. Smith, Edward B., 347. Granger, Launcelot, i6-?^-i689, Suf- 473 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. field, Conn. Went with the in- habitants of Suffield to Westfield, Mass., and was severely wounded in the attack on that town. King Philip's War. Remington, Cyrus K., loi. Grant, Captain Noah, i 718-1 756, of Grant's Hill, Conn. Lieutenant in Capt. Rodger's Scouts at Lake George, November, 1755. Cap- tain, 7th Co., 2d Conn. Regt., 1 756. He distinguished himself so greatly in the campaign that the Assembly, in 17S6, voted him " thirty Spanish milled dollars," at the same time giving Capt. Israel Putnam fifty such dollars. He was killed while out with a scouting party of Mohawks and Highlanders from Fort William Henry. Grant, Frederick Dent, 65. Graves, Benjamin, 164s , Concord, Mass. Soldier in Capt. Wheeler's Co., Great Swamp Fight. Morris, Seymour, 296. Graves, Isaac, 1620-1677, Hatfield, Mass. Killed by the Indians in the attack on Hatfield. Graves, Albert M., 292. Graves, John,- — 1677. Wethersfield, Conn., and Hatfield, Mass. Killed by the Indians in the attack on Hatfield, 1677. MacVeagh, Fames, 29s. Gray, Edward, 1681. Soldier in King Philip's War. Deputy for Plymouth, 1676-1079. Lawton, George P., Si. Parker, Edward L., 199. Parker, Frederick W., 199. Gray, John, 1720-1813. Private in Capt. Robert Lothridge's Co. Col. Israel Williams' Regt., relief of Fort William Henry, 17S7. Shelton, George G., 110. Shelton, William A., 1 10. Green, Judge Henry, 1620-1 700, Hamp- ton, N. H. Commissioner, 1689. Councillor, 1692- 1697. Scales, John, 271. Green, Lieutenant Henry, 1638-1717, Maiden, Mass. Deputy, 1689, et seq. Served in King Philip's War. Price, Alfred B., 100. Green, Charles M., 187. Green, Captain Jacob, 16^4-1726, Hampton, N. H. Captain, 1690- 1720; did valuable service under Major Winthrop Hilton in guard- ing the frontiers. Scales, John, 271. Green, John. Member of Lieut. Ed- ward Oak's Troop, winter of 167s- 1676. Corporal under Lieut. William Hasey, King Philip's War. Pierce, Frederick C, 298. Green, Captain Samuel, 161 s- 1701. Cambridge, Mass. Ensign in King Philip's War. Officer of Colonial Forces, 1 660-1 701. Butler, Henry P., 45. Green, Timothy, 173S-1812. Captain in the 2d Battalion, Penn. Regt., under Col. Boquet, relief of Fort Pitt, 1 763 and 1 764. Rogers, Alfred H., 314. Green, Governor William, 1696-17=18. R. I. Governor of Rhode Island, 1743-1758. Robeson, Andrew, 203. Greenbury, Colonel Nicholas, 1697. Member ol the Council of Sir Lionel Copley, First Royal Governor, 1692. President, 1694. Acting Governor of the Province of Maryland, 1693. Commissary. General of the Province, 1692. Chancellor and Keeper of the Great Seal, 1692-1694. Field Of- ficer, Anne Arundel Co., 1694. Griffith, William R., lOi. Hoffman, Richard C, 162. Poultney, W. DeC, 166. Vickers, Wm. H. C, 169. Tilton, Palmer, 207. Tilton, Warren C, 208. Welsh, Milton, 316. Welsh, Luther W., 316. Gooch, Daniel Linn, 3S4. Greene, James, 162O-1698. Commis- sioner, 1600-1663, Rhode Island. Governor's Assistant, i66o-'6i- '70-'7i. Reynolds, James, 102. Waterman, Lucius, 272. Greene, John, M.D., 1600-1658. Mem- ber of As.sembly, Rhode Island, 16=54-1657. Page, S. Davis, 149. Greene, Deputy-GovernorJohn. Com- 474 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. missioner to the General Court, i6s2 - 1663. Attorney - General, 16s 7- 1 660. Assistant, 1660-1690. Colonial Agent to England, 1670. Member of Gov. Andros' Council, 1686. Deputy, 1 664- 1 680. "Major for the Main," 1696. Deputy- Governor, 1 690- 1 700. Captain, 1676. Major, 1683, Colony of Rhode Island. Green, George S., Jr., 65. Reynolds, James, 102. Page, S. Davis, 148. Rogers, James S., 150. ingersoU, Colon M., 226. Parkhurst, Charles D., 228. Dyer, Horace E., 279. Beckwith, Warren L., 287. Felton, S. M., 324. Carpenter, Richard, 393. Nightingale, George C., 405. Greene, Thomas, Sr., 1028-1717. As- sistant, Colony of Rhode island. Page, S. Davis, 148. Beckwith, Warren L., 287. Felton, Samuel M., 323. Greene, Lieutenant Thomas. French and Indian Wars. Greene, Jacob L., 224. Greenleaf, Lieutenant Edmund, 1600- 1671, Newbury, Mass. Ensign, 1639. Lieutenant, 1042. Cap- tain, 164s. Davies, Julien T., S3. Davies, William G., 53. Day, Robert W., 54. Low, Wm. G., Jr., 8s. Spofford, Paul N., 113. Wood, Marshall William, 130. Silvester, Rev. Wm. W., 151. Amsden, Franklin D., 176. Amsden, Henry F., 176. Appleton, Nathan, 177. Bacon, Horace S., 177. Furness, Dawes E., 186. Newhall, James S., 197. Greenleaf, Franklin L., 342. Little, Henry L., 344. Wenzell, Henry B., 349. Nichols, Henry A., 362. Nichols, Wm. A., 362. Greenleaf, Captain Stephen, Jr., i6s2- 1743, Newbury, Mass. Com- manded his company in battle with French and Indians, Wells, Me., 1690. Day, Robert W., Sf Wood, Marshall William, 130. Amsden, Franklin D., 176. Amsden, Henry F., 170. Appleton, Nathan, 177. Clarke, George K., 181. Furness, Dawes E., 186. Greenleaf, Captain Stephen, 1630- 1690. Drowned during Expedi- tion against Port Royal, 1690. Ensign, 1(370. Lieutenant, lOSs. Day, Robert W., 54. Wood, Marshall William, i 30. Silvester, Wm. W., isi. Amsden, Franklin D., 176. Amsden, Henry F., 177. Furness, Dawes E., 180. Wills, Henry LeB., 374. Greenwood, Captain Thomas, 1696- 1774, Newtown, Mass. Captain of Militia. Deputy, 1743-1 7S6. Jackson, Henry S., 209. Gregg, Captain James, 1678-1735. Commanded the first company of soldiers raised in Londonderry, 1719, during War with the Eastern Indians, Province of New Hamp- shire. Member of Assembly, 1736. Gregg, Levi Laertes, 06. Melville, Henry, 88. Gregg, James, 172s- 1819. Served under Capt. James Goffe and Capt. John Gregg, Indian War and Can- adian Expedition, 1740. Gregg, Levi Laertes, 00. Gregg, Captain John, 1702-1789. Commanded a company of Scouts from Londonderry, N. H., on the Frontiers, 1 740. Gregg, Levi Laertes, 66. Gregg, Major Samuel, 1738-1808. Sergeant in Capt. Rodger's Co. of Rangers, French and Indian War, 1738. Was in Cape Breton Ex- pedition and at storming of the French works at Gabarus Bay. Gregg, Norris B., 312. Gregg, William H., 312. Gregg, William H., jr., 312. Gregory, Thomas. Served in Conn. Forces, King Philip's War. Gregory, Clifford D., 06. Gregson, Thomas, New Haven, Conn. Assistant; First Treasurer, First Commissioner for the United Col- onies, 1 043- 1 646. Commissioner 475 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. to Parliament, 1646. Lost in the Phantom Ship. Tomlinson, jno. C, 120. Ward, Brownlee R., 253. Ward, Charles Samuel, 233. Plant, Henry B., 270. Plant, Morton F. , 271. Gridley, Richard, '674. Captain Mass. Militia. Dorr, Dalton, 140. Gridley, Thomas, Windsor, Conn. One of thirty soldiers in the Pe- quot War. Gridley, Horace W., 66. Stafford, William F., 114. Throop, George Enos, 119. Gridley, Nelson Cowles, 292. Preston, Deming H., 298. Hart, Charles N., 370. Griffin, John, Windsor,Conn. Deputy, 1670. Temporary Commander, at Simsbury, 1673. Sergeant, 1675. Pettibone, Asa G , 298. Preston, Deming H., 298. Griffith, Henry, 1720-1794. Seven times member of Assembly, Prov- ince of Maryland. Welsh, Luther W., 316. Gooch, Daniel L., 354. Grim, David, i 738-1826. Of the pri- vateers King of Prussia and G^h- eral lVolfe,\']^']-\']^S. In an en- gagement in which an enemy's ship was blown up, a package of papers with valuable informa- tion fell on the deck of the Gen- eral IVolfe. Schermerhorn, Charles A., 106. Grinnell, Sergeant George. Sergeant, 17S0. Grinnell, William Milne, 67. Griswold, Lieutenant Daniel, 2d, 1 729-181 7. First Lieutenant in Capt. Harris' Co., Col. David Wooster's Regt., Crown Point Expedition, 1796, and in 1761. Tefft, Frank G., 117. Griswold, Lieutenant Ebenezer, 1702- 1 779. Second Lieutenant of the 1st Co., 3d Conn. Regt., 1755, Crown Point Expedition. Griswold, Benj. H., 161. Griswold, Edward. Built " Old Fort " Springfield. Deputy, Windsor and Killingworth, Conn. Atkinson, Charles T., 285. Lloyd, John U., 325. Griswold, Captain Jacob, 1690- 1772. Ensign, 1729. Lieutenant, 1729. Captain, 1733, 13th Conn. Regt. Deputy, 1742. Captured by the Indians, Father Ralle's War, 1722. Woodruff, Charles H., 131. Griswold, Lieutenant Matthew, 1620- 1698, Lyme and Windsor, Conn. Lieutenant. Deputy, i654-'67'- _ '68-'85. Sill, John Targee, 1 1 i. Lane, Ebenezer, 294. Otis, Philo A., 297. Waite, Horace F., 302. Waite, Horace G., 303. Cheseborough, George L., 340. Noyes, Charles P., 34s. Griswold, Governor Matthew, 1714- ' 789, Lyme, Conn. Captain, 1 739. Major, 3d Conn. Regt., 1766. Representative, i 75 1 . Member of Council, 1759-1765. Chief Jus- tice, 1 766- 1 769. Deputy (Lieu- tenant) Governor, 1 77 1 -1784. Thompson, F. Diodati, 119. Lane, Ebenezer, 294. Griswold, Shubael, 1724-1807. En- sign, 1758, loth Co., 1st Conn., Regt., for the invasion of Canada. 2d Lieutenant, 1759; 1st Lieu- tenant, 4th Co., 1760. Gillett, Rufus W., 64, 389. Lathrop, Kirk, 82, 390. Groesbeck, David, 1692-1763. Mem- ber Capt. Rooseboom's Co., Al- bany, 171S. Pruyn, John Van S. L., 100. Grover, James, Gravesend, L. L, 1648. Manmouth Patentee, i66s. Dep- uty to treat with the Admirals and Commanders of the Fleet be- longing to the States General and the Prince of Orange, 1673. Gen- eral Assembly, 1670. Lieutenant, 1683. Court of Sessions at Shrewsbury, 1676. Hunt, Samuel F., 324. Groves, Philip, "J/t, Stratford, Conn. Deputy, 1042, et seq. Governor's Assistant, i654-'55-'56. Foote, John C, 311. Grubb, John, 1648- 1708. Member of Council, Province of Delaware and of Assembly, Province of New Jersey, iOQ2-i6g8. 476 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Gilpin, George, 141. Grubb, E. Biird, 141, 256. Grubb, Ignatius C, 401. Guild, John, 1082, Dediiam, Mass. Served under Major Apple- ton, King Philip's War. Guild, Chester, 187. Farr, Marvin A., 289. Morse, Samuel W., 371. Underwood, Herbert, 394. Guild, Ensign Nathaniel, 1678-1774. Ensign, Capt. Eben Woodward's Co., 1736. Guild, Chester, 187. Morse, Samuel W., 371. Guild, Samuel, 1647-1730, Dedham, Mass. Private. Capt. Samuel Moseley's Co., King Philip's War. Guild, Chester, 187. Guild, Curtis, Jr., 187. Morse, Samuel W., 371. GuiLE,EpHRAiM,i6t)2 . Soldieriuthe Haverhill Co., North Essex Regt. Lieutenant under Col. Saltonstall, 1 709-1 7 10. Tucker, William F., 348. Guilford, Paul, Hingham, Mass. Soldier in King Philip War. Guilford, Nathan^ 67. Gunn, Captain Samuel, 1670-1749. Captain, Milford, Conn. Smith, Frank B., 247. GuRLEY, Samuel. 10 Co., 5th Conn. Regt., 1766. Representative, 1 766- 1 767. Love, Wm. DeL., 227. Gyles, Captain John, 1678-1755. Lieutenant, French and Indian War, 1700-6. Captain, 1706-37. Jackson, Oswald, 77. Stone, Jacob, 347. Hack, William. Soldier in Phips' Expedition, 1690. Robinson, Daniel W., 281. Hadlock, James. Served under Capt. Holbrooke VJmg Philip's War. Hammond, Lyman D., 293. Haight, Captain Jonathan. Captain in the 44th New-York Regt. in 1 760. Served in Havana Cam- paign and was promoted Major after the taking Morro Castle in 1762. Scott, John F., 107. Scott, William S., 107. Hale, Captain Ezekiel, 1725-1789, Newbury and Dracut, Mass. Served in Col. Ephraim Williams' Regt., Expedition to Albany. 1755-1756. Lieutenant in 6th Co. Foot, 1761. Reade, Philip, 201, Hale, Reverend John, 1616-1700, Beverly, Mass. Chaplain on board Six Friends, Phips' Expedition, 1690. Hale, Arthur, 141. Smith, Harvey C., 204. Swain, William C, 394. Hale, Captain Joseph, 1671-1761, Boxford, Mass. Ensign, 1714. Lieutenant, 1720. Captain, 1728. Deputy, 1714, et seq. Dorman, W. B., 184. Hale, Robert, 1659. Ensign, Charleston Train Band, Mass. 1658. Hale, Arthur, 141. Hale, Samuel, 1610-1693. Soldier in Pequot War. Deputy, General Court of Conn., 1656-1059. Hale, Charles R., 312. Cutler, Edward H., 340. Hale, Sergeant Thomas, 1633-1688, Newbury, Mass. Sergeant of Mil- itia, 1652-16S7. Reade, Captain Philip, 201, 299. Cutler, Edw. H., 341. Hale, Captain Thomas, 1650-1730, Newbury, Mass. Served in Phips' Expedition to Canada, 1 690. Capt. under Major John March, Expedi- tion to the Eastward, 1697. In service again, i698-'99, i703-'05. Hale, Josiah L., 188. Reade, Philip, 201, 299. Cutler, Edward H., 341. Hall, Captain Asahel, 1717-170=^. Ensign, 2d Co., Wallingford, Conn., 1757. Captain, 1764, French and Indian War. Wodell, Silas, 130. Hall, Benjamin, 16=50-1730. Gover- nor's Assistant, Rhode Island, 1 70 1 - 1702. Deputy, \6qg, et seq. Lawton, George P., 83. Hall, Lieutenant Benjamin, 1 71 2-179=;. Methuen, Mass. Served in Capt. Daniel Bodwell's Co., Crown Point Expedition, i7S=;. Lieuten- ant, Essex Militia, 1762. 477 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hale, Bordman, 188. Hall, Edward, 1670. Duxbury, Mass. Served in the Narragansett Expedition, 1654. Hill, John W., 293. Hill, Henry B., 343. H Whipple, Charles H., 34Q. Whipple, Henry B., 350. Hall, John, 1600-1676. Served in the Pequot War. Culver, Charles M., 52. Hall, John, Barnstable, Mass. Mem- ber Military Co., 1643. Hall, Lemuel R., 292. H Hall, John, 1660-1720. Soldier in King Philip's War. Hall, Dudley, 68. Hall, Captain John, 1600-1746. Med- H ford, Mass. Captain of Militia. Hall, George F., 188. Hall, Ensign John, 1735-1812, Wrent- ham, Mass. Member of Capt. H Samuel Day's Co., Col. Miller's Regt., 1757. Ensign, Capt. Samuel Covk'ell's Co., -{d Suffolk Regt., Col. Nathaniel Hatch, 1771. Hill, Williams., 72. Hill, John W., 293. Hill, Henry B., 343. Whipple, Charles H., 3S0. Whipple, Henry B., 3 so. H Hall, John, 1701-1774, Baltimore Co., Md. Colonel of Co. Militia, 17S7. Hall, William C, 243. Hall, Captain John, i6s8-I7;7, Cran- H berry Hall. Member of the Coun- cil, Upper House of Maryland, 1 709-1 7 "5 7. Delegate to Lower House from Baltimore Co., 1699, et seq. High Sheriff, 1592. Presi- dent of the Council. One of five Captains of the county, 1694. Smith, Charles E., 347. H Hall, Reverend Joseph, 1594-166S, Barnstable. Deputy from Hing- ham, 1638-1639. Hull, James W., 192. H Hall, Richard, 1691. Lieutenant in John Capen's Co. of Foot, Dor- chester, Mass., 1683. Sowdon, Arthur J. C, 205. Capen, Walter N., 219. Hall, Samuel. Served under Capt. Seely, Narragansett Fort Fight. Ives, Marvin A., 293. Hall, Timothy, 1732-1784. Served 478 under Capt. Nathaniel Wolcott, Mass. Troops, reliefof Fort William Henry, 1757. Hall, Charles L., 360. Hall, George E., 361. ALL, \ViLLiAM,i6i6-i7i4, Salem, N. J. Representative to the Assembly of West Jersey, 1697-1701. Justice, Court of Common Pleas, 1699. Royal Councillor, Province, 1 708- 1713. Denis, Augustus H., 53. Denis, George Jules, 360. allett, Andrew, Sr. Member of Lieut. Wm. Palmer's Co. at Yar- mouth, Mass., 1643. Tucker, William R., 301. allett. Captain William, 1729. Captain of Foot Co., Newtown, L. I. Rankin, Egbert G., 10 1. ALSEY, Thomas, 1 592- 1 681. Served in Indian Wars. Deputy from Southampton to General Court, Colony of Conn., 1664. Halsey, Harlan P., 68. Halsey, Henry A., 69. Halsey, William A., 256. Halsey, Edward T., 354. Halsey, Wm. Lafon, 354. AM, CoENRAEDT, 1638-1OQO. Soldier in company, Capt. Dirck Schmidt, 1660. Poucher, John Wilson, loo. AMERSLEY, William, 16S7-17S2. Offi- cer, British Navy, stationed at New-York, 1716. Served in H. M. S. yah'ur, American station, 1714-1716. Commissioned loth March, 1700. Hamersley, J. Hooker, 69. Hamersley, William, 224. amilton, Ezra, 1733-1810. Private in Capt. Jabez Upham'sCo., 1759. Hamilton, Charles Wm., 332. Hamilton, Frank T., 332. amilton. Ensign Nathan, Brookfield. Private in Capt. Dalrymple's Pet- ersham Co., 1756, and in Capt. E. Bemis' Spencer Co., 1757; Ser- geant in Capt. Upham's, 17S0. Private in Capt. Paige's Hardwick Co., Crown Point Expedition,! 76Q, and in Capt. McFarland's Co., 1761-1763. Hamilton, Chas. Wm., 332. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hamilton, Frank T., 332. Hammond, Colonel John, 1637-1707. Colonel of Forces of Anne Arun- del Co., Maryland, i6qc). Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, 1692. Major-General of the West- ern Shore. Member of Council, and Judge, High Court of Admir- alty. Slocum, Herbert J., 1 1 1. Coleman, Wm. Wheeler, 160. Hoffman, Richard C, 162. Vicker, Wm. H. C, 169. Welsh, Luther W., 316. Gooch, Daniel L., 354. Hammond, Sergeant Ebenezer, Charl- ton, Mass. Sergeant of Col. John Chandler's Regt., French and In- dian War, relief of Fort William Henry, under Capt. Joshua Meriam. Lieutenant, 1st Regt., Worcester Co., 1703, in Capt. Paul Whee- lock's Co. Hammond, Lyman Dresser, 292. Hammond, Samuel, 1757-1842. Vol- unteer under Gen. Andrew Lewis, Dunmore's Expedition against the Western Indians at the battle of Point Pleasant, 1774. Washington, H. Vernon, 386. Hance, Captain John, '709, Cal- vert Co., Md. Captain, 1697. Justice for Calvert Co., 1089-1095. MacKenzie, George N., 164. Hancock, Solomon, 1757, Cam- bridge, Mass. Gunner under Richard Gridley, Chief Engineer and Commander Train of Artillery, I7S7- Leland, Lester, 194. Hanson, Colonel Hans, 1646-1703. Delegate from Kent Co. to the lower house of Assembly, Mary- land, 1694-1697, and also from Cecil Co. Jenkins, Austin L., 162. Jenkins, S. L., 163. Hanson, John, 1715-1783. Member House of Delegates, Maryland, 1757-1779. Represented Frederick Co. in Provincial Convention, 1 774. Representative to carry into exe- cution the association agreed on by American Continental Con- gress, 1774. Delegate, General Congress. Thomas, Douglas H., 168. Thomas, Douglas H., Jr., 168. Hanson, Samuel, 1005-1740. Dele- gate to Maryland Legislature, 1716- 1728. Thomas, Douglas H., 168. Hapgood, Shadrach, 1644-1O75. Mem- ber of Capt. Edward Hutchinson's Co., on expedition to Brookfield, Mass., to treat with the Nip- muck Indians and slain by them. Upham, Henry P., 348. Harkness, William, 1739-1822. En- sign, Penn. Militia, 1759. Lamberton, James McC, 144. Harlow, Samuel, 1652 , Sergeant in Commander James Warren's Plymouth South Co., 1699. Butters, George, 288. Harmon, John, Scarborough, Me. Soldier in King Philip's War. Bodge, George M., 170. Harmon, Ralph G., 188. Harkiman, Reverend John, 1647-1705. Deputy to the New Jersey Assem- bly, \6()^,ct seq. Speaker, 1694, i't seq. Myers, Theodore B., 344. Harrington, John, 1651-1741. Served under Capt. Beers, King Philip's War. Was in fight at Northfield when Capt. Beers was killed, where he was twice wounded. Gerry, Alston, 64. Harris, Gideon, 1714-1782. Deputy, General Court, Rhode Island, 1 750- 1768. Hold, Arnold H., 244. Harris, Ensign Thomas. Ensign, Conn. Colonial Forces. Ives, Marvin A., 293. Harris, Thomas, 2d, 1711. Dep- uty, General Court, Rhode Island, 1671, et seq. Hord, Arnold H., 244. Harris, Thomas, 3d, 1665-1741. Dep- uty, General Court, Rhode Island, 1718. Hord, Arnold H., 244. Harris, Thomas, Sr. One of the signers of the compact, Providence Plantations, 1637. Commissioner for Providence, \6'^2,etseq. Lieu- tenant, 1654. Deputy for Provi- dence, 1664, et seq. Governor's 479 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Assistant, 1606. Named in Royal Charter, 166^. Hord, Arnold H., 244. Waterman^ Lucius, 272. White, Hunter C, 407. Harris, William. Soldier, King Philip's War. Assistant, 1 065- 1 076. Com- missioner, 1660-1663. Deputy, 1665-1673. Wheaton, Frank, 373. Harris, Major William, 1678. Major of the Charles City and Hen- rico Co. Regt., 1656. Mem- ber House of Burgesses, 1052, et seq. Dominion of Virginia. Deen, William M., S3,. 253. Patteson, Herbert L., 96. Patteson, Malcolm D., 96. Patteson, Thomas A., Jr., 96. Harrison, Benjamin, 1698. Mem- ber of the Council of Virginia. Burgess, 1680- 1682. Gill, W. Harrison, 161. Harrison, Jamfs, 1026-1687, Buck Co., Pa. Member of the First Council called by William Penn, 1682-1683. Lewis, William F., 146. Middleton, Harvey, 164. Harrison, Colonel Nathaniel, 1677- 1 727. Member of the Council of Virginia, 1713. Burgess, 1706. County Lieutenant of Surry and Prince Georges, 171 5. Gill, William Harrison, 161. Hart, Lieutenant Hawkins, 1677-1 73s. Lieutenant, Wallingford Co. , 1 720- 1730. Hart, George W., 70. Hart, Lieutenant James, 171 7-1 766. Lieutenant, Wars of the Austrian Succession, 1 741-1748. Adams, Francis P., 136. Adams, Robert, Jr., 136. Hart, Byerly, 142. Hart, Captain John, 2d, 1655-1714, New Haven, Conn. Captain, 1707, defence of the frontier. Served with his company in Hampshire, 1707-1708. Hart, Charles N., 370. Hart, Stephen, 1606-1683, Cam- bridge and Farmington, Conn. Served under Mason, Pequot War. Deputy, 1647, ^^ ^^?- Collins, H. O., 50, 359. Hart, George Wm., 70. Williams, Norman A., 129. Wead, Leslie C, 209. Hart, Samuel, 224. Chittenden, Edward S., 340. Hart, Charles N., 370. Hart, Captain Thomas, 1644-1726, Farmington, Conn. Ensign, 1678. Lieutenant, 1693. Captain, 1695. Deputy, 1 690- 1 7 1 1 . Speaker, 1 700- 1 706. Hart, George Wm., 70. Hart, Henry G., 70. Wead, Leslie C, 209. Hart, Samuel, 224. Jarvis, Samuel F., 226. Preston, Deming H., 299. Hartshorne, Richard, 1641 . A proprietor of East Jersey, 1682. Deputy in Gov. Lawrie's Council, 1684. Member of the Assembly from Middletown, 1685. Speaker, 1687-1698. Member of Gov. Basse's Council from 1698 to the surrender of the Government to the Crown. Hatfield, William H., 71. Large, James, 144. Meeker, Richard C, 164. Smith, Thos. M., 166. Tyson, Anthony M., 169. Tyson, Matthew S., 169. Harvey, William, , Taunton, Plymouth Colony. Deputy, 1666- 1667. Seaver, James E., 204. Hasbrouck, Jacob, i 688-1 761. Private in Capt. Johannis Ten Broeck's Troop, Ulster Co., 1738. Innes, Hasbrouck, 77. Haskins, Captain John, i 729-1814. Of Col. John Erving's Boston Regt., Colonial Troops. Haskins, Chas. Waldo, 70. Hastings, John, of Watertown, Mass., 1653 . Member of Capt. Nathaniel Davenport's Co., King Philip's War. Vandercook, Jno. D., 302. Hastings, Thomas, 1685, Water- town, Mass. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court, 1673. Endicott, Eugene F., 185. Harrington, Charles, 188. Hastings, Dr. Thomas, 1652-1712, Hatfield, Mass. Soldier under Capt. Richard Beers, King Philip's 480 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. War, and Major Samuel Appleton. Bardwell, Harry J., 287. Hatch, Jonathan, 162s . Served under Capt. Myles Standish, 1645, against the Narragansetts. Wheeler, Edward J., 128. Hathorne, Major William, 1607- 1681, Salem, Mass. First Speaker of the House of Deputies, 1644. Governor's Assistant, 1662-1679. Commissioner for the United Colonies, 't>43- Captain, Major, 1656. Brown, Jno. B., 44. Low, Wm. G., Jr., 85. Skinner, Wm. C, 250. Todd, William C, 272. Castle, Alfred H., 288. Dana, Chas. D., 288. Hawes, Daniel, 1652-1730, Dedhani, Mass. Served in King Philip's War; Great Swamp Fight, under Major Samuel Appleton. Hawes, Gilbert R., 71. Meday, Henry Hawes, 88, 3Q0. Hawes, Daniel, Jr., 1684-1763. An officer in the Colonial Forces of Mass., French and Indian War, 1757-17SQ. Hawes, Gilbert R., 71. Hawes, Joseph, 1728-1818. Lieuten- ant Mass. Militia, French and In- dian War, 175S-17S9. Hawes, Gilbert R., 71. Hawkins, Anthony, 1674, Farm- ington. Conn. Deputy, Gover- nor's Assistant, 1668-1670. Pat- entee in the Royal Charter, 1662. Judd, Orrin R., 79. Wead, Leslie C., 209. Hart, Samuel, 224. Jarvis, Samuel F. , 226. Atkinson, Charles T., 28s. Hawkins, Captain Thomas, 1648, Boston Deputy, 1639. Captain, A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Parker, Montgomery D., 199. Hawks, Elizeur, Hadley, Mass. In Capt. William Turner's Co. at the Falls Fight, King Philip's War. Hawks, William I., 333. Hawks, Sergeant John, Deerfield, Mass. Served in King Philip's War; wounded in " Falls Fight " ; went to the aid of Hatfield, 1676, and under Capt. Thos. Watts, 16Q7, in pursuit of Indians at Hatfield. Bardwell, Harry J., 286. Bates, William O., 339. Hawks, Nathaniel. In Father Ralle's War, under Capt. Joseph Kellogg. Hawks, William !., 333. Hawley, Joseph, 1603-16QO. Deputy, General Court of Conn., eleven terms, 1665-1687. Lloyd, John U., 325. Hawley, Walter A., 361. Hawley, Captain Joseph, 1654-1711. Captain of Foot (snow-shoe men) from Northampton, Mass., 1708- 1709. Partridge, Edward L., 96. Hawley, Captain Joseph, 1675-1752. Conn. Colonial Militia. Stafford, William F., 114. Throop, George E., 1 19. Hawley, Stephen, 1695-1790, New- town, Conn. Member of Capt. John Lover's Co., 1748. Gunsaulus, Frank W., 292. Hawley, Thomas. Capt. Crowell's Co. Dragoons. Killed in the Sudbury Fight, 1676. Noyes, Charles P., 345. Hayden, Lieutenant Daniel, 1703- 1790. Cornet of Troop, 1st Conn. Regt., 1 7s 3. Lieutenant, 1759. Hayden, Horace E., 142. Hayden, Lieutenant Daniel, 1640- 1712, Windsor, Conn. Co. of Foot, 1692, and Troop, 1698. Deputy, 1695-1698. Hayden, Horace E., 142. Hayden, William, 1600-1669, Wind- sor, Conn. Deputy, 1667. Soldier in Pequot War. Received special mention in official report of Major John Mason, for saving his life by his gallantry at the Mystic Fort. Served in Major Mason's Troop, 1657-1658, the first Troop of Horse in the Colony. Hayden, Horace E., 142. Hayden, Wm. M., 161. Hayes, Daniel, 1686-1756, Windsor, Conn. Soldier in Queen Anne's War. Taken prisoner and carried to Canada; in captivity five years. White, William C, 350. Haynes, Governor John, 1594-1654, Hartford, Conn. Governor,, Mass. 481 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Bay Colony, 1635. First Gov- ernor of Conn. Colony. President First General Court, 1637. Held the office of Governor in every alternate year until his death. Commissioner of United Colonies, i6so. Colonel of regiment raised against the Indians, 1636. Backus, J. Bayard, 35. Betts, Frederick H., 40. Betts, Louis F. H., 40. Chauncey, Elihu, 48. Darling, Chas. Wm., 52. Grinnell, George B., 07. Grinnell, William M., 07. Stokes, Anson Phelps, 115. Terry, George D., 117. Walbridge, Thos. C, 125, 152. Day, John C, 221. Huntington, Frederick J., 225. Ward, Brownlee R., 232. Ward, Chas. Samuel, 233. Clark, A. Howard, 241. Hubbard, Gardiner G., 244. Edwards, Charles L., 323. Edwards, Edward J., 341. Wells, Eben F., 349. Haynes,John, 1021-1092. Commander of a garrison house at Sudbury, Mass. Served in Phips' Expedi- tion, 1090. Representative, i6b8. Messinger, William D., 290. Hayward, Thomas, 1681, Dux- bury, Mass. Member of Capt. Myles Standish's Co. Cutler, Edward H., 340. Hazard, Robert, 1635-1710. Military Commissioner for Portsmouth, R. I., in command of Boat Patrol. Recruiting master, Ordinance Offi- cer, King Philip's War. Deputy, 1604-1605. Lawton, George P., 83. Watson, William H., 127. Hazard, Rowland, 405. Pell, Howland, 406. Hazen, Thomas, 1657-1735, Boxford, Mass. Soldier in Major Samuel Appleton's Co. , Narragansett Cam- paign, 1675-1 670. At the Great Swamp Fight. Moseley, John G., 197. Healy, Captain Joshua, 1702-1762, Dudley, Mass. Captain of a Co., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Healey, David A., 189. Healy, Nathaniel, 1659-1734, Water- town, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War, in Capt. Joseph Sill's Co. Served also under Capt. Na- thaniel Davenport, Great Swamp Fight, and later under Capt. Hugh Mason. Healey, David A., 189. Heard, Captain Tristram, 1667- 17^5. Lieutenant, New Hampshire Militia, 1725. Captain in com- mand of " Heard's Garrison," at Dover. Killed by the Indians. Tappan, Charles L., 272. Heath, Isaac, 158S-1661. Deputy to General Court of Mass., 1636- 1638. Dorr, Dalton, 140. Heatly, Captain William, 1720-1789. South Carolina Provincial Militia. Dules, Andrew C, 140. Heaton, James, 1633-1712. Sergeant and Ensign, New Haven Militia. Representative, 1696-1697. Mann, Matthew D., 87. Heerman, Colonel Augustin, 1605- 1686. First Lord of Bohemia Manor. One of the " Nine Men " of New Amsterdam, 1647, et seq. Ambassador to Rhode Island, 1 652 ; Ambassador to Virginia, and to Maryland, 16S9. Member of the Council, Province of Maryland. Colonel of Militia. Commissioner to treat with Indians, 1678. Brice, Philip H., 137. Spencer, John T., 151. Hemenway, Joshua, 1668-1754, Fram- inghaiu, Mass. Deputy, 1712- 1717. Heminway, FredT., 189. Henchman, Captain Daniel, 1685. Captain A. & H. A. Co. Captain of a Co. of Foot from Boston, King Philip's War. Davis, N. Henchman, 322. Henry, John. Presiding Magistrate of Hanover Co., Virginia, and Colonel of Militia. Father of Patrick Henry. Rose, Hiram H., 299. Rose, Landon C, 299. Henry, Patrick, 1736-1799. Member House of Burgesses^ Virginia, 1 765- 1783. Member First Continental Congress and first Governor. 482 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Thorpe, Andrew R., 363. Thorpe, Spencer R., 363. Henry, Samuel, 1754-1790, ofHadley, Mass. Private in Capt. Moses Porter's Co., 17S6. Henry, John Francis, 71. Henry, William Barrett, 71. Henshaw, Joshua, 1645-1701. Served in King Philip's War under Capt. Thomas Brattle. Huntington, Charles R., 70. Henshaw, Lieutenant William, 1735- 1820. Served at Fort Edward and Crown Point. Bacon, Gorham, 35. Herkimer, Captain Hanyoost. Served during French and Indian Wars. In command of Fort Herkimer, 1758. Shoemaker, Michael M., 327. Shoemaker, Robert H., 327. Herpin, Colonel John, Jr. Colonel, Conn. Troops, Expedition to Can- ada, organized 1 746. Eaton, Theo. H., 2SS, 389. Herrick, Henry, 1088-1755. Served in French and Indian War of 1 745. Brown, Dudley P., 240. Herrick, Henry, 1710-1780, Beverly, Mass. Representative for twenty- four years, General Court. Brown, Dudley P., 240. Herrick, Corporal Joseph, 1643-1717, Salem Village, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War. Great Swamp Fight. Corporal, 1692. Newhall, James S., 197. Herrick, Joseph, 1660-1726, Beverly, Mass. Captain, earlier French War, Troop of Mounted Rangers. Brown, Dudley P., 240. Herrman v. Heerman. Hersey, William, 1600-1657, Hing- ham, Mass. Member of Militia, 1644-1645. Tucker, Gilman H., 121. Herter, Captain Henry, 1730- 1822. Served in French and Indian Wars. Made captive by Indians and car- ried to Canada^ '757- Myers, Philip Van Ness, 326. Shoemaker, Frederick B., 327. Shoemaker, Michael M., 527. Shoemaker, Robert H., 328. Myer, Walter F., 344. Heth, William, 1750-1807. Lieuten- 483 ant in Capt. Morgan's Co. against the Indians, 1774. Known as Dunmore's War. Lorton, Heth, 85. Hewit, Sergeant Reuben, 1738-1808. 2d Sergeant, 5th Co., 4th Conn. Regt. Invasion of Canada, 1 760. Kelly, James Henry, 80. Heyward, Captain Thomas, 1700- 1738. Captain in Provincial Ser- vice; commanded at Fort Johnson. McAllister, Heyward H., 87. HicKox, Samuel, '695, Water- bury, Conn. Sergeant, 1686- 169^. Died at his post in dis- charge of his military duties. Collins, Holdridge O., 360. HicKox, Sergeant Samuel, Waterbury, Conn. Sergeant in the Militia. Morris, Seymour, 206. Hicks, Colonel Isaac, 1678-1740. In service at Schenectady, N. Y., and on the Frontier, 1 746- 1 747. Mem- ber of Assembly, 1716-1738. County Judge, 1738. Hicks, Benjamin D., 71. Hicks, John. Deputy to the General Assembly^ Hempstead, L. I., 1665. Williamson, G. De Witt, 1 30. HicKS, Captain Thomas, 1640-1741. Served under his father, Captain John Hicks, at the Indian Fight at Fort Neck, 16^3. Captain of Militia at Hempstead. Judge of Common Pleas. Bleecker, Anthony J., 41. Hicks, Benjamin D., 71. Hicks, Frederick C, 72. Lawrence, Robert C., 82. Hicks, Zachariah, Chelmsford and Dracut, Mass. Private in Capt. Joseph Sill's Co., 1676. Pierce, Frederick C, 251. Higginson, Reverend John, 1616-1708, Salem, Mass. Served Indian Ex- pedition, 1636, and in the same year took part in the Expedition from Salem against the Block Island and Pequot Indians. Chaplain at attack on Fort Say brook under Lyon Gardiner, 1680. Andrew, Henry H., 177. Higginson, Lieutenant-Colonel John, 1 646- 1 7 19, Salem, Mass. En- sign of the First Co., Lieut. Joseph Gardner, . Deputy, 1689. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Member of Council, 17 10-17 18. Andrew, Henry H., 177. HiLDRETH, Sergeant Ephraim, 1680- 1 740, Dracut, Mass. Sergeant, 1 725, in Capt. Eleazer Tyng's Co., 1725. Reade, Philip, 304. Hill, Abraham, 1734-1812. Soldier in French and Indian War. Hill, Howard F., 209. Hill, John, 1004, Dorchester, Mass. A. & H. a. Co., 1O47. Hill, Lew C, 189. Hill, Captain John, 1666-1713. Ensign m King William's War, 1689. Lieutenant, 1692. Captain, 1693. Built Fort Mary at Winter Harbor, and remained in command until 1700. Leighton, George E., 313. HiLLEGAS, Michael, 1729-1804. Mem- ber of Assembly, Province of Penn., 1705-1775. Bellas, Henry H., 1 37. Dillard, Henry Kuhl, 139. Hills, Captain Joseph, 1602-1688. Maiden, Mass., Militia. Deputy from Charlestown and Speaker of the House, 1647; from Maiden, 1650-16S6; from Newbury, 1667. Robbins, Howards., 103. Stone, William E., 206. Winship, William H., 211. Skinner, William C, 230. Wheelock, William B., 304. Morse, Samuel W., 371. Hills, Captain William, 1639-1693. Captain of Militia at East Hart- ford, Conn., 1653. Wounded by an Indian at Hockanum, 1675. Hills, Wm. Ellery, 72. HiLLYER, Colonel Andrew. Sergeant under Lord Amherst in 1760, and expedition against Havana, 1762. Hoadley, James H., 72. Hilton, The Hon. Colonel Winthrop, 167 1-17 10. Lieutenant, 1689. Captain, 1703. Lieut. -Colonel, expedition to Nova Scotia, 170=;. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1706-1710. Chosen Mem- ber of the Council, but was killed on his farm by Indians in ambush, and never took his seat. Davis, Fellowes, 54. Koues, George E., 257. HiNCKES, John, . Councillor, 1083. Assistant, 1686. Judge of Court of Common Pleas, Mem- ber Sir Edward Andros' Council, 1087. President of Council, 1092. Chief Justice of Superior Court, 1099-1704. Parsons, William D., 93. Hinckley, Samuel. Member of Lieut. Thomas Dymoke's Co. , Barnstable, Mass., 1643. Hinckley, Sylvester B., iqo. Hinckley, Governor Thomas, 1618- 1700. Deputy General Court, Plymouth, 1646. Assistant, 1058- 1080. Commissioner of Plymouth Colony, 1675-1676; was at Great Swamp Fight. Deputy-Governor, 1080. Governor, 1081. Assis- tant of the Province of Mass. Bay. Atwood, Edwards., 34. Lovell, Frank H., 85. Lovell, Frank H., Jr., 85. Miller, Charles B., 89. Miller, Edward C, 89. Bowman, George E., 179. Melcher, Samuel A., 196. Sprague, Frank Wm., 205. Wayland, Francis, 233. Boyd, Allen R., 240. Pike, Charles E., 346. Gorham, Austin G., 370. HiNDES, Dr. Thomas, 1734-1828. Sur- geon's Mate, R. N., 175s; New- York, 1757, with English Fleet, French and Indian Wars. Re- duction of Louisburg under Am- herst, 1758. Reduction of Que- bec under Wolfe, 1759. Reduc- tion of Belle Isle. Surgeon, R. N. Thompson, John, 334. Hinman, Sergeant Edward, Stratford, Conn. Sergeant-at-Arms in the Life Guard of King Charles the First. Associated with Capt. John Underbill in military service under Stuyvesant against the Indians. Flint, Wyman K., 290. Hinman, Titus, Woodbury, Conn., Lieutenant, 1710. Captain, 1714. Chatfield-Taylor, Hobart C, 301. Hinsdale, Barnabas, 10^9- 1675. Pri- vate in Capt. Lothrop's Co., King Philip's War. Killed at the battle of Bloody Brook, South Deerfield, 484 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. with his father and brothers Sept. i8. Byington, Charles S., 40. Byington, William W., 40. Hinsdale, Robert, 167s. Served as a Private inCapt. Lothrop'sCo. at Bloody Brook, and was slain. Byington, Charles, 46. Byington, William W., 46. Fiske, George F., 290. Hinsdale, Samuel, 1642-107S, Deer- field, Mass. Killed by the Indians at Bloody Brook. Fiske, George F., 200. Hitchcock, Captain Benjamin. French and Indian Wars, 1740. Bishop, Henry A., 218. Hitchcock, Ebenezer. Captain, South Hampshire Regt., raised for the relief of the Provincial Troops under command of Major General Winslow, 1750. Thomas, Frank W., 118. Hitchcock, Ensign John. Capt. Wil- liam Turner's Co., King Philip's War. Promoted for gallant con- duct. Barbour, Lucius A., 218. Warner, Charles Dudley, 23^;. Hitchcock, Captain Luke, 105S-1727, Springfield, Mass. Served under Capt. Turner in the " Falls Fight." Barber, Lucius A., 217. Hobart, Edmund, i 570-1640, Hing- ham,Mass. Deputy, 1659- '4o-'42. Whitcomb, Lawrence, 209. HoBBs, Josiah, 1049- 174 1, Lexington, Mass. Served in Capt. Joseph Sill's Co., King Philip's War. Guilford, Nathan, 67. Hobby, Sir Charles, 17 15, Boston, Mass. Colonel, Mass. Regt., under General Nicholson, Port Royal Expedition, 17 10. Knighted, 1705, ' ' for good service done the Crown in New England." A. & H. A. Co. Fowler, Franklin H., 6^222. Pond, Charles Hobby, 99. Pond, Winthrop, 99. Butler, John L. , 180. Gooch, Frank A., 223. Pond, Nicholas Misplee, 228. Ballord, Esek Steele, 379. HoDGDON, Nathaniel, 1681-1757. A. & H.A.Co.,!727. I St Sergeant, 1728. 485 Sowdon, Arthur J. C, 205. Hodges, Elijah. 2d Lieutenant Capt. Nathan Hodges' Co., Crown Point Expedition, 1 759-00. Mass. Forces. Hayden, Edward S., 225. Hodges, Major Joseph, 1687-1745. Louisburg Expedition, 1745, Col. Richmond's Regt. Hodges, Alfred, 73. Hoffman, Captain Nicholas, 1680- 1750. Ulster Co. Militia, Col. Jacob Rutsen, Shawangunk Co., 171=;. Kingstowne Co., 1717. Erected stone house, used as a Fort, at Kingston, cor. Front and Green Streets. Hoffman, Samuel Ver P., 73. HoLBRooK, John, 107^1740, Sher- born, Mass. Representative, Gen- eral Court, 1 714-1722. Holbrook, Levi, iqo. HoLBRooK, Thomas, 1624-1607, Brain- tree, Mass. Soldier in Capt. John- son's Co. Rose, Hiram H., 299. Rose, Landon C, 299. HoLDEN, Lieutenant Charles, 1666- 171 7, Rhode Island. Deputy, 1 710- 10. Commissioned Lieutenant. Felton, S. M., 324. Holden, Justinian, 1644-1700. Cam- bridge, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War, under Capt. Hench- man at Hadley, and Capt. Brattle at Mount Hope, and under Capt. Sill. Holden, Wm., 190. Holden, Randall. Marshall and Cor- poral at Portsmouth, R. !., 1638. Member of Town Council at War- wick, 1647. Assistant, 1647, et seq. Deputy, 1006-1686. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1 687- 1 088. Captain, 1004. Felton, Samuel M., 324. Nightingale, George C., 405. Holland, Edward, 1702-1756. Mem- ber of Council, 1 748-1 756. Mayor of Albany, 1 733-1 741. Commis- sioner of Indian Affairs, 1734- 1742. Mayor of New-York, 1747- 1756. Master in Chancery, 1748-1750. Oothout, John W., 94. Holland, Captain Henry, 1665-1722. Lieutenant, 1690. Captain, 1 704. Commander of Garrison at Albany, INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1723-1732. High Sheriff, 1706- 1 720. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1706-1732. Oothout, John W., 94. Holland, Ivory, 1740-1820. Centinel, 1 757, under Capt. Zedekiah Stream, Scouting between Connecticut and Merrimack Rivers, 1759, ist Battalion, Col. Ruggles' Regt. Holland, John B., 73. HOLLINGSWORTH, VaLENTINE, 1 635- 1 7 lO. Member, Penn. Assembly, 1682- 1683, et seq. Taylor, John G., 248. HoLLisTER, Captain Gideon, Wood- bury, Conn. Served under Capt. Ebenezer Downs, Expedition to Fort William Henry, 17=57. Ensign, 1762. Lieutenant, 1708. Captain, 1771. Served in Revolution. Logan, Walter S., 84. HoLLiSTER, Lieutenant John, 1612- 1665, Wethersfield, Conn. Dep- uty, Mass, 1044. Conn., 1645- i6s6. Lieutenant, Hartford Co. Militia, King Philip's War. Elliot, Daniel Girard, 59. Harral, George, 70. Hubbell, Henry W., 75. Logan, Walter S., 84. Williams, Norman A., 129. Andrews, James S., 217. Brooker, Charles F., 219. Patten, John D., 246. Wenzel, Henry B., 340. HoLLisTER, Captain Stephen, Wethers- field, Conn., 16S8-1709. Lieu- tenant under Capt. Wm. Whiting, Phips' Expedition, 1692. Expedi- tion to the frontier, 1696. Chief in command. Died in service near Albany. Expedition to Canada. Logan, Walter S., 84. Morris, Seymour, 290. Holman, Ensign Joseph. First Military Co., Dorchester, Mass. Cutler, Ralph Wm., 221. Holme, Captain Thomas, 1624-169^. Member of Council, Province of Penn., loS^, et seq. Hough, Oliver, 143. Mercur, Rodney A., 147. Holmes, Jonathan, 1637-1713. Mon- mouth Patentee, 1072. General Assembly, Newjersey, 1670-1072. Captain, Monmouth Troop, 1673. Deputy, Colony of Rhode Island, 1 089- 1701. Speaker, Member of Governor's Council, General Treas- urer, 1704. Hunt, Samuel F., 324. Holmes, Joshua, Stonington, Conn. Ensign, 1720. Adams, Edward M., 285. Meacham, Franklin A., 293. Holmes, Obadiah, 1607-1682. Member of Special Governor's Council, King Philip's War. Representa- tive to General Court, Rhode Island, at Newport anci Ports- mouth, 1050. Monmouth Pat- entee, and instrumental in framing that instrument, 1605. Lawton, George P., 82. Hunt, Samuel F., 324. HoLYOKE, Edward. Deputy to Gen- eral Court from Lynn, Mass., 1660. Stearns, Henry P., 231. HoLYOKE, Captain Elizur, 1618-1676, Springfield, Mass. Ensign, 10=53. Lieutenant, 1657. Captain, 1003. Deputy, six terms, 1050. 2d in command at Springfield and Had- ley. King Philip's War. Hosmer, Edward S., 73. Walbridge, T. C, 125, 152. Hooker, Reverend Thomas, 1S85- 1647. Leader of the Expedition which founded the Colony of Conn., 1633. Langdon, Perrin, 325. Laws, Harry L., 325. Hopewell, Captain Richard, 1744. Member Lower House of Assembly, Maryland, St. Mary's Co., I 732-1 734. Warner, C. Hopewell, 160. Hopkins, Giles. Volunteered in cam- paign against Pequots, 1637. Kittredge, Abbott E., 294. Merrick, Frederick L., 296. Hopkins, Lieutenant John, 1065-1732. Sergeant, Conn. Colonial Troops, 1714. Ensign, 1713. Lieuten- ant, 1 716. Ver Planck, William G., 124. Hopkins, Stephen, 1644. 14th signer of the Maj'Jlower Compact. Member under Arms, Capt. Myles Standish, 1021. Member of Gov- ernor's Council, 1035-1630. Council of War for Plymouth, 486 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1042. Volunteer in Pequot War. Atwood, Edwards., ^4. Griffith, William H., 66. Morton, Levi P., 01 . Munro, Wilfred H., 148. Andrus, Edwin P., 177. Parker, Edward L., 199. Lombard, Josiah L., 295. Doane, William R. , 523. Chittenden, Edwin S., 339. Kelly, Edward L., 371. Vaile, Joel P., 373. Hopkins, William, Stratford, Conn. Governor's Assistant, 1 041 -1042. Thomson, Arthur C, 207. Bardwell, Harry J., 280. HoPKiNsoN, John, Rowley, Mass. Served in King Philip's War, Capt. Rrocklehank's Co. Spofford, Paul N., 11;. HoPKiNSON, Thomas, 1709-1751. Mem- ber of Council, Province of Penn., '747- Hopkinson, Edward, 142. HoRSFORD, Captain Daniel, 172'5-i788. South Canaan, Conn. Commis- ^ sioned Lieutenant in the Conn. Colonial Forces, 1 701, and Cap- tain, 1708. Norton, Thomas H., 327. HoRTON, Captain Jonathan. Captain of Foot Co., Southold, L. 1., 1700. Akerly, Samuel M., 35. King, Rufus, 80. HosMER, Stephen, 1042-1714, Concord, Mass. Soldier in Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Co., King Philip's War. Hosmer, Jerome C, 190. HoucHiN, Jeremy, Hingham, Mass. Deputy, 1651, etseq; for Salisbury, i663-''65-'67. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 314. Hough, Richard, 170=;. Mem- ber Provincial Council, Province of Penn., 1092-1700. Hough, Oliver, 142. Hough, William, 1683. Engi- neer to erect fortifications in New London, at King Philip's War. Merritt, Douglas, 88. Mott, John T., 91. Mott, Luther W., 91. Collins, Holdridge O., 3=19. Houghton, Abraham, 1725-181^, Bol- ton. Soldier in Capt. Jonathan Whiting's Co., Col. Samuel Wil- lard's Regt., 1748. Houghton, Henry O., 191. Houghton, James Clay, 280. Houghton, Ensign Jacob, 1090, , Lancaster, Mass. Soldier, Foot Co. under Thomas Wilder. Houghton, Henry O., 191. Houghton, James Clay, 280. Houghton, John, Sr., 1653-1684, Lancaster, Mass. hi King Philip's War. 2d Indian attack, served in the Lawrence Waters garrison. Houghton, Henry O., 191. Houghton, James Clay, 280. Houghton, John, Jr., 1650-1737, Lan- caster, Mass. Town Clerk, 1686- 172^. In Garrison of Lawrence Waters, King Philip's War, and Capt. Thos. Wilder, 1704 Had a garrison house, 171 1. Magis- trate; Representative General Court, 1693-1724. Leach, J. Granville, 144. Houghton, Clements., 190. Houghton, Henry O., 191. Houghton, Ralph, 1623-1693, Lan- caster, Mass. First Clerk of the Writs, 16S6-1682. One of the four who first signed the Proprie- tors' Covenant. Deputy, 1673-89. White, John Barber, 310. Houston, Sergeant Joseph, Bedford, N. H. Capt. John Gilman's Co., Col. Nathaniel Messervey's Regt., Crown Point Expedition, 17S6. Melville, Henry, 88. Houston, Sir Patrick, 1698-1762. Lieutenant of Light Infantry, Co. of Savannah, Georgia, 1774. Member Council of Safety. Waring, Thomas P., 386. Hovey, Thomas, 1648-1730, Hadley, Mass. Lieutenant in King Philip's War. Wright, Harry L., 304. Howard, Nathaniel. Served in the first, or Mount Hope Campaign, under Capt. Thomas Prentice, King Philip's War. Skinner, William C, 230. Howard, Samuel, 1646- 1097, Maiden, Mass. Served under Capt. Thomas Prentice and Lieut. Edward Oakes, at Mount Hope, and in other cam- paigns, King Philip's War. 487 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Brown, David H.^ 180. How(e), Edward, 1644, Water- town, Mass. Deputy, 1 635- 1 639. Green, Charles M., 187. Wheeler, Horace L. , 209. How(e) John, Marlboro, Mass. In garrison at Sudbury, King Philip's War. Billings, David L., 40. Hosmer, Jerome C, 190. Wetherbee, Winthrop, 209. Cadle, Charles F., 310. Howe, Abraham, '695, Marlboro and Sudbury, Mass. In garrison there, King Philip's War. Dana, Chas. L., 52. Howe, Samson, 1682- 1730. Captain of Militia, Killingly, Conn., 1730. Deputy to the General Court Conn., 1726, et seq. Howe, Herbert M., 143. Tyler, Harry B., 152. Tyler, Sidney F., iS2. Howe, Samuel, 1642-1715. Sudbury, Mass. Soldier in Capt. Danforth's Co., King Philip's War. Seamans, Frank M., 203. Howell, Edward, 1585- 1656, Lynn, Mass. and Southampton, L. 1. Governor's Assistant, 1647-1655, Conn. Colony. Howell, Gilbert, 74. Prime, Ralph Earl, 100. Ingham, Wm. H., 143. Mackenzie, George N., 164. Darrach, Bradford, 255. Atkinson, Charles T., 285. Hunt, Samuel F. , 324. Howell, Lieutenant Hezekiah, 1677- 1744. Military Forces of Conn. from Southampton, L. 1. Foster, Howell, 02. Howell, William, 74. Darrach, Bradford, 255. Howell, Jacob, 1687-1768. Delegate to Provincial Assembly of Penn., 17S2. Howell, Henry W., Jr., 74. Griswold, Benjamin H., 101. HowelLjMajor John, 1625- 1095, South- ampton, L. I. Deputy, 1662- 1664. Governor's Assistant, 1664. Col- ony of Conn. In command against the Dutch, 1673-1674. Major, Troop of Horse, 1684. Howell, Gilbert, 74. Prime, Ralph Earl, 100. Slocum, Jos. J., III. Mackenzie, Geo. N., 164. Mackenzie, George N., 3d, 164. Howes, Jeremiah, 1637-1706, Dennis, Mass. Town Councillor of War, 1O76. Howes, Frederick R., 74. Howes, Thomas, Sr., 't)7t>, Yar- mouth, Mass. Member of Capt. Wm. Palmer's Co., 1045. Doane, William H., 523. Howland, Arthur, 1587-1675, Marsh- field, Mass. Soldier in Lieut. Na- thaniel Thomas' Co., 1642. Howland, Chas. W., 191. Howland, Daniel W., 191. Howland, Lieutenant Jabez. Lieu- tenant under Capt. Benjamin Church, in King Philip's War. Bryant, Percy, 45. Howland, John, 1592-1673. 13th signer of May/lower Compact, 1620. In the " First Encounter," Great Meadow Creek, December 8, 1620. Governor's Assistant, 1655-1635. In command of Ken- nebec Trading Post, 1654. Dep- uty, General Court, 1641, et seq. The "beloved Pilgrim." Bryant, Percy, 45. Coghill, Howard, 50. Farnam, Chas. H., 60. Haskins, Charles W., 70. Kellogg, Daniel S., 80. Lovell, Frank H., 85. Lovell, Frank H., Jr., 85. Morgan, James L., 90. Norton, Edward L., ^}. Strong, Richard P., 167. Adams, Edward M., 175. Crandon, John H., 182. Crandon, Edwin S., 182. Dorr, Joseph, 184. Hull, James W., 192. Leonard, George H., 194. Locke, Charles A., 194. Sprague, Frank Wm., 205. Clark, A. Howard, 241. Smith, Frank B., 247. Van Dyke, Harry W., 248. Ames, Louis A., 254. Lovell, Leander N., 257. Coit, James M., 267. Pfoutz, Gilbert B., 298. Foote, John C, 311. 488 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Gardiner, Curtiss C, 312. Chase, Clement, 332. Fletcher, Paris, 341. Peet, Emerson W., 345. Pike, Charles E., 346. Gorham, Austin G., 370. Swain, William C, 394. HowLAND, Ensign John, Jr., 1027 . "Ensign of the Military Compa- nie of Barnstable," 1075, King Philip's War. Fuller, Henry C, 291. Foote, John C, 311. HowLAND, ZoETH. Killed by Indians in King Philip's War, March 28, 1676, at Pocassct, R. 1. Pell, Howland, 97. Pell, Rodman C, 297. HoYT, Sergeant Samuel. Served in the Indian troubles about Stam- ford, 167S-76. Rewarded by the Colony of Conn, for his services. Hoyt, Edward Corse, 225. Hubbard, Caleb, i6?o-i7ii, Braintree, Mass. Deputy,General Court, 1694. Hubbell, Adolphus S., 20Q. Hubbard, Edmund, i 570-1046, Hing- ham, Mass. Deputy General Court, 16^9-1642. Hubbard, Adolphus S., 209. Hubbard, George, 1683. Deputy to General Court, Conn., 1637, et seq. Hubbard, JohnE., 280. Hubbard, Israel. Member of the Provincial Congress of Mass., at Salem, 1774. Stockbridge, Henry, 115. Hubbard, John. Lieutenant-Colonel, 2d Conn. Militia, Crown Expedi- tion, 1755, Major, 1752. Major and Commissary, 1755, Lieut. - Colonel, 17S7-I77'- Ward, B. Robertson, 233. Ward, Charles Samuel, 233. Downs, Edgar R., 369. Hubbard, Major Jonathan. Adjutant Col. Willard's 4th Mass. Regt., Louisburg Expedition, 1745. Suc- ceeded Major Seth Pomeroy as Major. Heaton, John E., 225. Hubbard, Colonel Leverett, M.D. Surgeon's mate, Louisburg Ex- pedition, 174s. Surgeon, Crown Point Expedition, 1755. Lieut. Colonel 2d Conn. Militia, 1771- 1773. Colonel, 1 773-' 775- Ward, B. Robertson, 233. Ward, Charles Samuel, 233. Hubbard, Peter, Sr., 1709-1756, Braintree, Mass. Soldier under Capt. Nathaniel Blake, French and Indian War. Died in service near Fort William Henry. Hubbard, Adolphus S., 209. Hubbard, William, 1594-1670. Mem- ber of General Court, Mass. Bay Colony, lOGo. Ward, Charles S., 2^3. Hubbard, Gardiner G., 244. Hubbell, Lieutenant John, 1652-1600, Stratford, Conn. Lieutenant, I OQO, and ordered to Albany after the Schenectady Massacre. Died in service. Moseley, John G., 1Q7. Hubbell, Frederick M., 380. Hubbell, Frederick C, 380. Hubbell, Lieutenant John, 17^4- 18 10. Lieutenant in the 2d Troop of Horse, 4th Conn. Regt., 1769-75. Hubbell, Henry Wilson, 74. Hubbell, Lieutenant Richard, 1654- 17^8, Stratford, Conn. Ensign, 1709. Lieutenant, 1715, Queen Anne's War. Hubbell, Henry Wilson, 74. Hubbell, Sergeant Richard, 1627- 1699. Sergeant of Militia, Fair- field, Conn. , 1677-1 699. Deputy, 1678, et seq. Hubbell, Henry Wilson, 74. Darneal, Harvey, 560. HucKiNS, Commissary-General Thomas, 1017-1679, Barnstable, Mass. En- sign, 1639. Commissary-General on Gov. Bradford's Staff, King Philip's War, 1675. Miller, Charles B., 89. Miller, Edward C, 89. Pierce, George W., 98. Hudson, Daniel, 1697, Lancas- ter, Mass. Soldier in Capt. Joseph Sill's Co., King Philip's War. In garrison, 1691-1692. Jordan, Scott, 294. Hugo, John, 1730. Member of the Governor's Council, New Jer- sey, 1 718-1 728. Kennard, Joseph S., Jr., 144. Hulbert, Thomas, 1610-1675. Clerk 489 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. of Train Band, 1640. Served un- der Lieut. Lion Gardiner in Pequot War, and was wounded. Lieu- tenant at Saybrook Fort. Akerly, Samuel M., ^3. Bell, JaredW., 39. Gamble, Joseph, 64. Greene, Richard H., 65. Hulbert, Henry C., 7s. Plumb, Henry B., 228. Hull, Lieutenant Cornelius, 1626- 1695, Fairfield, Conn. Lieuten- ant, King Philip's War. Messen- ger of the Council of War, 1675. Lieutenant of the " Honored Major Treat's Life Guard," 1675. Dep- uty, 1676. Wakeman, Jesup, 124. Bradley, Cyrus S., 218. Hull, George. Assistant, 1654. Dep- uty thirty-four times previous, 1654. Member of first General Court of Conn,, 1637. Day, Robert W., 54. ' Bradley, Cyrus S., 218. Hull, John. Master of the Mint. Treasurer of the Colony of Mass. Bay, 1676, and Assistant. Chauncey, Elihu, 48. Davies, Julien Townsend, 53. Davies, William Gilbert, 53. Bradley, Cyrus S., 218. Woolsey, Theodore S., 234. Forbes, Charles Spooner, 279. Hull, Dr. John. Surgeon in Philip's War. Hull, George H., 7s. Hull, Lieutenant John, 1732 Fairfield, Conn. Ensign, Lieutenant, 1771. Wakeman, Jesup, 124. Bradley, Cyrus S., 218. Hull, Captain Theophilus, Ensign, 1705. Lieutenant, Captain, 1 709, of the Military Co., Fairfield, Member Committee of 1709. Wakeman, Jesup, 124. Bradley, Cyrus S., 218. Humphrey, John, i 595-1 Mass. One of the original patentees, Mass. Bay Colony, 1627. Deputy- Governor, 1630. A. & H. A. Co., 1641. First Major-General of the Colony and appointed by the King ■>79>, 1770. 1710. 1709. West Conn. War, )i, Lynn, Court "to take orders for a col- lege at Cambridge. Metcalf, William P., 246. Humphrey, John. Sergeant, Simsbury, Conn. Militia, 1693. Pettibone, Asa G., 298. Preston, Deming H., 299. Humphrey, Michael. Member of the Windsor Dragoons, 1667. Dep- uty from Simsbury, Conn., 1670. In service at Windsor, 1O75- 1676. Humphrey, Charley F., 333. Humphreys, Hopestill, 1649 ■ Dor- chester, Mass. Served under Capt. Isaac Johnson, King Philip's War. Was at the Great Swamp Fight, December 19, 1675. Daly, Martin O., 183. Capen, Walter N., 219. Humphreys, James, 1731-1825. Served in the independent Co. of Foot, Philadelphia, 1756. La Bree, Benjamin, 354. Humphreys, Lieutenant Samuel, 1656- 1 736, Simsbury, Conn. Deputy, 1702-1725. Lieutenant, 1710, in command of a company sent to fight the Indians in Hampshire Co. , Mass. Humphreys, F. L., 75, 256. Cooke, Humphreys K., 255. Humphreys, F. H., 257. Goddard, Lester O., 20 1. Pettibone, Asa G., 298. Norton, Thomas K., 327. Hungerford, David. Soldier in Capt, Eldad Lewis' Co., 2d Conn. Regt., 1755-1758, French and Indian Wars. Hungerford, Charles S., 75. Hungerford, John, 1718-1787. Cap- tain under Major-General Phineas Lyman, 1st Conn. Regt., Crown Point Expedition, 1759. Smith, George W. , 111. HuNKiNG, Colonel Mark, 1670-1729, Portsmouth, N. H. Delegate to the General Assembly, 1693-1710. Councillor, 17 10-1729. judge of Superior Court, 1712-1729. Col- onel, 1710. Scales, John, 272. HUNNEWELL, LIEUTENANT RiCHARD, 1703, Scarborough, Me. Lieu- tenant under Capt. Joshua Scottow, 490 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Black Point Garrison, King Philip's War. Bodge, George M., 179. HUNNEWELL, ZeRUBBABEL, I716 , Scarborough, Me. Served under Capt. George Berry, 1747, and Daniel Hills, 1748-1749, French and Indian War. Bodge, George M., 179. Hunt, Captain Ephraim, 2d, it>so- 1713. Expedition to St. Law- rence River, Sir William Phips, 1690; also in Expedition against Indians in Groton, 1706-1707. Assistant, 1703-1713, Lee, Edward C., 14s. Flower, James M., 291. Hunt, Captain Peter, 1692. Served in King Philip's War. Lieu- tenant, i6s4. Captain, 1682. Deputy, General Court fifteen years. Cutler, Edward H., 341. Hunt, Lieutenant Ralph, 1640-1677. Lieutenant ot Long Island Militia, 1005. Patentee of Newtown. Magistrate. Surveyor, Indian Lands, 1663-1664. Landreth, Burnet, Jr., 144. Hunt, Samuel F., 324. Hunt, Ensign Samuel, Sr., 1033 , Agawam (Ipswich), Mass. Gran- tee of Bernardstown, Franklin Co., Mass., in reward of military ser- vice in the Falls Fight. Soldier in Capt. William Turner's Co., King Philip's War; also under Major Samuel Appleton at Great Swamp Fight. Dennis, Rodney S., 56, 222. Reade, Philip, 299. Hunt, Ensign Samuel, Jr., 1657-1742, Tewksbury, Mass. Served in Capt. John Lane's Co. of Militia, Major Jonathan Tyng's Regt., 1702, relief of Lancaster, Mass. His house at Wameset, Lowell, Mass., was used as a garrison, King Philip's War, 1080-1607, and Queen Anne's War, 1 700- 1 7 1 2 . Dennis, Rodney S., s6, 222. Hunt, Captain Samuel, i 703-1770. Northfield, Mass., Lieutenant, 1743-1748. Captain, 1748-1756. French and Indian War. Allen, Frederick H., 131. Hunt, Ensign Samuel. King Philip's War. Dennis Rodney, 56, 222. Huntington, Captain Jabez, 1719- 1786. Deputy for Norwich, 1750- 1753. Lieutenant, istCo., 174s. Captain of Troop of Horse, 3d Regt., 17S4. Speaker, 1760. Huntington, Charles R., 75. Huntington, Frederick J., 22=;. Huntington, Jedediah. Ensign, 1st Norwich Co., 1769. Lieutenant, 1771, Captain, 1774. Colonel, 2oth Conn. Regt., 1774. Huntington, Frederick J., 225. HuRD, Amos, i 720-1 750. Soldier, French and Indian War, perished of starvation, campaign of 1 750. Eaton, George F., 222. Eaton, Alfred B., 289. HuRD, John, 1081, Windsor, Conn. DepLity, General Court, 1657-1658. Hurd, Rukard, 76, 343. Hurd, Ethan O., 32 t. Hurd, Captain Nathan, Sr., 1094- 177Q, Stamford, Conn. Captain. Private in Capt. Ebenezer Downs' Co., Woodbury, relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Crawford, Charles E., =ii. Hurd, Rukard, 76, ^4;. Hurd, Ethan O., 325. HuRD, Captain Nathan, Jr., 1727 . Quartermaster of Troop of Horse in the 13th Conn. Regt., 1700. Cornet, 1768. Lieuten- ant, 1769. Captain, 1771. Hurd, Rukard, 70, 343. Hurd, Ethan O., 325. Hussey, Christopher, i 595-1686. A Member of the Council, New Hampshire, 1680. Representative, General Court of Mass., 1658-00. Lovell, Fiank H., 85. Parsons, William D.. 95. Cadle, Henry, 310. Moulton, John H., 313. Matthews, Albert, 326. HuTCHiNS, Francis. Member of the Maryland House of Assembly, 1694. Mackenzie, George N., 164. Smith, T. M., 106. Fleet, Alexander F., ;i i. HuTCHiNS, Colonel Gordon, 1733- 491 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1815, Exeter, N. H. Accompanied his father to Louisburg, 1745. Hutchins, Chas. L., 192. HUTCHINS, HeZEKIAH, I727-I796. Served in Capt. Thomas Cheney's Co., Col. John Choate's 8th Mass. Regt., Siege of Louisburg, 1745. Lieutenant in Major Stephen Mil- ler's Co., Col. Jonathan Bayley's Mass. Regt., Fort William Henry. Captain and "Ingenear at fort frederick near 2 years." Spalding, George B., 112. Spalding, George B., Jr., 1 13. Silvester, Rev. Wm. W., 151. Hutchins, Nicholas, ^'^9}- Soldier in Capt. Joseph Gardner's Co. from Lynn. Wounded in Swamp Fight. Cutler, Edward H., 341. Hutchinson, Lieutenant Israel. Lieu- tenant in Capt. Fuller's Co., 1758, with Gen. Wolfe, Plains of Abra- ham. Commanded a company at Lexington. Colonel at Siege of Boston and Lake George. Brown, John B., 44. Hutchinson, William, 1^86-1642, Boston. Deputy, General Court, 1635-1639. Parker^ Montgomery D., 199. Hyatt, Thomas, 1041 . Served in King Philip's War. Hyatt, Frank S., 70. Hyde, Jonathan, in Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Co., scouting near Sud- bury and Marlboro, King Philip's War. Hyde, James C, 76. Hyde, Raymond N., 76. Chatfield-Taylor, Hobart C, 301. Hynson, Thomas. Commissioner for Kent Island, Md., 1654. Member General Assembly, 1654. Burgess from Kent Co., 1059. Carson, John Avery Gere, 385. Ingalls, Lieutenant Samuel, '714) Ipswich, Mass. Served under Majors Willard and Appleton, King Phil- ip's War. Lieutenant in Capt. Thomas Wade's Troop, Mass. Forces, 1091. Representative, 1690. Foster, Joseph, 268. Ingersoll, Lieutenant George, 1618- 1 694, Salem, Mass., and of Casco, Portland, Me. Lieutenant and Military Officer of Falmouth, 1 668. Lieutenant, York Regt., King Philip's War, 1 675-1 676. Rep- resentative, Province of Maine, 1683-168S. Foster, Joseph, 268. Ingersoll, Reverend Jonathan, 1713- 1 778. Chaplain in Seven Years' War, Campaign of i 758. Ingersoll, Colin M., Jr., 226. Gilbert, Frederick L., 342. Ingersoll, Samuel, 1657-1734. Casco and Gloucester. Soldier in King Philip's War, 1675-1676. Foster, Joseph, 268. Ingham, Jonathan, 1710-1790. Mem- ber Provincial Assembly, Penn., 1753, et seq. Ingham, Wm. H., 143. Ingoldesby, Colonel Richard. Major and Commander-in-Chief of the Forces in New-York, 1691. Lieut. - Governor, 1709. Colonel, British Army, 1711. Clark, Henry S., 49. Harriman, William E., 70. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 106. Isham, Captain John, 1742-1828. Sol- dier in Capt. Edward Barnard's Co., Conn. Troops, French War, 175s. Sergeant, 1 758-1 762, in "The Havana Expedition " ; sub- sequently Captain. Isham, Charles, 77, 226. IvES, Gideon, 1680-1767, Wallingford, Conn. Ensign, East Train Co. Deputy, 1 720, et seq. Ives, Marvin A., 293. Ives, Captain Joseph, 1673-1 751. Cap- tain, Conn. Militia, 1718. Washburn, Wm. Ives, 126. Jackson, Edward, 1602-1681. Dep- uty from Cambridge, Mass., 1647, fifteen years. Left by his will a large gift of land to Harvard Col- lege. Jackson, William, 192. Jackson, Arthur E., 192. Palmer, Charles D., 198. Jackson, Henry S., 269. Jackson, Ephraim, 1729-1777, New- ton, Mass. Lieutenant, French and Indian War, 1 755-1 756. 492 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Palmer, Chas. D., 198. Jackson, John, 1035-1722, Portsmouth, N. H. Soldier in King William's War, 1690. in Garrison at Oyster River, N. H., i6q6. Foster, Joseph, 268. Jackson, Colonel John, '735- Long Island Militia. Patentee of Hempstead. Member of Assembly. Winslow, Chauncey R., 328. Winslow, Howard G., 328. Jackson, Lieutenant John, 1645-1709, Cambridge, Mass. Served under Appleton, King Philip's War. Jackson, Jas. H., 77. Jackson, Michael, i 734-1801. Served at Ticonderoga and Fort Edward under General Amherst. Also at Cape Breton. Granger, John A., 05. Ives, Ralph O., 77. Koop, Eugene, 81. Koop, Godfrey P., 81. Jackson, Lieutenant Timothy, 1726- I 774, Newton, Mass. Lieutenant Colonial Forces, French and In- dian War. Jackson, Henry S., 269. Jacob, Captain John, 1630- 1693, Hingham, Mass. Private in Capt. Joshua Hobart's Co., 1675. In Capt. Johnson's Co., defence of Medfield, 1O70. Andrew, Henry H., 177. Rice, L. Frederick, 202. Swan, Robert T., 206. Morse, Fred W., 270. Jacob, Nicholas, '657, Hingham, Mass. Deputy, 1648-1649. Rogers, Allan, 203. Jacquett, Governor Jean Paul. Gov- ernor at New Amstel on the South River under Stuyvesant, 1655- 1657. Justice, 1676-1678. Clark, Augustus T., 181. Beatty, Franklin T., 267. Taylor, Bankson, 347. James, Joseph, 1709 . Member of Assembly, Province of Penn., Chester Co., 1753, et seq. Gheen, Edward H., 342. Jameson, Lieutenant-Colonel David, 1715-1800. Captain Col. James Burd's Augusta Regt., 1757. Captain, 2d Regt., Penn. Foot, 1757. Major, 1759. Brigade Major and Lieut. -Col., 1760. Served at Forts Littleton, Halifax, Augusta, Aughwick, and at Battle of Loyal Hanna, 1756-1759. Fisher, Robert S. J., 242. Jameson, Martin, i 705-1 700. Mem- ber of Capt. John Gray's Co., of Falmouth, Me., 1725. Jameson, Winfield S., 269. Janney, Thomas, 1695. Member of the Council of Penn., 1684-1686. Hough, Oliver, 143. Smith, Thomas M., ib6. Jaj. Sears, Walter J., 109. Johnson, James G., 294. Lombard, Josiah L. , 295. Mayo, Colonel William, 1684-1744. Major, 1750. Colonel, 1740, Goochland Co. Troop, Provincial Forces of Virginia. Mayo, Edward C., 87, 262. Crutcher, Edwin R., ;io. McCarty, Daniel. Burgess, West- moreland Co. , Va. , 1 706. Speaker, House of Burgesses, 171 5-1 720. Throckmorton, Chas. W., 119. McClary, Captain John, 1719-1801. Soldier in Capt. Joseph Thomas' Co. of Scouts, relief of Epsom, 1747; under orders from Gov. Ben- ning Wentworth. Captain of New Hampshire Provincial Militia. Bangs, Charles McClary, 267. Bangs, Frederick L., 207. McCoNNELL, Robert, i 707- 1771. Lieu- tenant in Provincial Forces, Penn., '757-' 758. Private in Capt. Armstrong's Co. of Rangers, i7';s- i7St). At Kittanning, 1750. Fort McConnell, Cumberland Co., named after him, 1704. Kunkel, Robert S., 81. Liggett, Sidney B., 146. McDougall, General Alexander, 1732- I 786, commanded the Tiger and Barriugtou, sailing out of New- York under letters of marque, French War, 1 756. Hawkes, E. McDougall, 71. McDowell, Lieutenant James, 1716 . Lieutenant of Augusta Co., Va., French and Indian War, 1754-1763. Jordan, Scott, 204. McDowell, Captain John, 1742. Surveyed Augusta Co., Va., 1734. Killed in the battle with the In- dians at Timber Ridge Church. Matthews, Albert, 320. McDowell, Captain Joseph, 171=; . Captain of Militia, Frederick Co., Va. Participated in Border as well as French and Indian Wars. Matthews, Albert, 320. McDowell, Captain Samuel, Sr., 1 73s- 1817. Private, Capt. Sam'l Lewis' Co., Augusta Co., Va., Braddock's defeat. In Dunmore's War in Col. Chas. Lewis' Regt., and at Point Pleasant was in command of his Co. Was Captain of a Co. of Scouts against the Shawnees. For his services was given a grant of land in Kentucky. Member House of Burgess, 1705-1773. McDowell, Henry, 355. McDowell, Edw. C. J., 355. McIntire, Ebenezer, 1770-1776. Sol- dier in Capt. Richard Dresser's Co., Col. Chandler's Regt., relief of Fort William Henry. McIntire, Chas. J., los. McIntosh, Captain John Mohr, 1700- 1701, Mcintosh Co., Ga. Captain, 510 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Highland Light Infantry, under Gen. Oglethorpe, against the Spaniards, 1740. Wounded and captured at Fort Moosa, Florida, after a gallant fight, and sent a prisoner to Spain. Winston, Fred. H., 304. McKean, Thomas, i7;4-i8i7, Dela- ware. Member of Assembly, 1 702-1 770. Delegate to the Stamp Act Congress in N'ew-York, 1765. Speaker of the Assembly, 1772. Delegate, Continental Congress, 1774-178;. Buchanan, Roberdeau, 241. McKiM, Lieutenant Thomas, 1710- 1 786. Lieutenant of Militia, Upper Regt. from Brandywine Hundred, Delaware, 1756. Patterson, James Wilson, lOs. Wilson, James C, 109. Wilson, Marshal G., 170. Wilson, William B., 170. McLellan, Hugh, 1710-1787. Served in defence of Narragausett, No. 7, French and Indian War, '745- Foster, Howell, 62. McNeil, Captain Archibald, Litch- field, Conn. Ensign, Col. Phineas Lyman's loth Conn. Regt., Lord Loudon's Expedition, Fort Ed- ward, 17S7. Captain, Col. John Reed's Regt., 17S8, and Captain, Col. David Wooster's Regt., Crown Point, 1759. Expedition against Canada, 1 760. Col. Nathan Whiting's Regt. , Expedition against Montreal, 1 761, same Regt., Expe- dition against Havana and the Spanish West Indies, 1762. Noble, Henry Harmon, q^. McPherson, Captain Robert, 3d Bat- talion, Colonial Forces of Penn., 1 758. Member Provincial Assem- bly. Stevenson, Wm. P., 1 14. Russell, Alexander W., 1 =;o. McWiLLiAM, Captain Richard, 1781. Captain of a Co. of Foot, Delaware Militia, 17S7. Pearce, Thomas D., 149. Mead, Corporal Sylvas, 1728-1781. French and Indian Wars, 1759. Mead, Spencer P., 88. Meekins, Thomas, Sr., '687, Braintree, Mass. Deputy, General Court, it)44. Meekins, Edward M., 196. Dickinson, Frederick, 289. Meekins, Thomas, Jr., 1643-1675, Hadley, Mass. In detachment of Scouts during the attack on Had- ley, King Philip's War. Killed in service. Meekins, Edward M., 196. Meigs, Captain Janna, 1672-1739, Guilford, Conn. Captain, 1717. Deputy, 1710-1718. Clarke, Edward Smith, 49. Wilcox, Reynold W., 129. Chittenden, Edward A., 278. Fletcher, Truman C, 27Q. Melvin, John, of Charlestown, Mass. Member of Capt. Joseph Sill's Co., King Philip's War, 167^;. Melville, Henry, 88. Melyn, Cornelis, 1002 . Presi- dent, Council of "Eight-Men," 164;, Province of New Nether- land. Houston, Wm. C.,Jr., 143. Melyn, Jacob, 1040-1700. Member of Co. of Foot at Esopus, 1660, Capt. Dirck Schmitt. Captain and Dep- uty, Elizabeth Town, 1673-1674, Dutch Restoration. Duftleld, Howard, ^S. Ames, Louis A., 2^4. Mercer, General Hugh, 1720-1777. Served in French and Indian War, i7^s, and in Braddock's Expedi- tion to Fort Duquesne. Lieut. - Colonel under Gen. John Forbes at Pittsburgh. Tucker, Beverly, 372. Meredith, Captain Samuel. Captain in Col. William Byrd's Regt., "Old French War.'' Walker, Gustavus A., 125, 263. Rose, Hiram H., 299. Rose, Landon C, 299. Jones, David M., 3S4. Jones, Paul, 3^4. Meriwether, Nicholas, 1647-1744. Burgess for New-Kent Co., 'Va., 1702-1714. Meriwether, Hunter McKeand, 313. Merriam, John, i 729-1 798, Concord, Mass. Private, ist Foot Co. of Sudbury, 17S7, Capt. Moses May- nard. Served in the Expedition 511 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. against Canada, 17S9, under Ma- jor-General Amherst. Willis, Henry A., 211. JVIerrick, William. Member of the " Duxbury Co.," Plymouth Col- ony, Capt. Myles Standish, 1642- 1044. Sears, Walter J., 109. Merrick, Frederick L., 295. Merriman, Lieutenant Caleb, 1707- 1770. Ensign, 1749. Lieutenant, 17S6. Wallingford, Conn. Johnson, S. Albert, 78. .Merriman^ Captain John, 1659-1742, Wallingford, Conn. Lieutenant, 1704. Captain, 1712. Deputy, 1697-1715. Johnson, S. Albert, 78. Merriman, Captain Nathaniel. Ser- geant of Militia, New Haven, 1665. Lieutenant at Wallingford, 1672. Captain of Troop for New Haven Co., 1675. Served in Pequot and King Philip's Wars. Crouse, Daniel N., 52. Johnson, Joseph H., 78. Johnson, S. Albeit, 78. Johnson, Edward H., 143. Elton, John P., 222. Ives, Marvin A., 293. -Merry, Cornelius, about 1620 Northampton, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War. Lloyd, John Uri, 326. JVIerwin, Miles, 1721-1786. Lieutenant, 10th Conn. Troop of Horse, 1764. Merwin, Walter L., 147. Metcalf, Eleazer, 1653-1706, Wrent- ham, Mass. Ensign, i68g. Hill, John W., 293. Farrington, Robt. I., 341. Hill, Henry B., 342. Whipple, Charles H., 349. Whipple, Henry B., 350. MiDDLETON, Governor Arthur, 1681- 1737. Commissioner to Virginia, 1715. Member and Speaker of the Commons. President of the Convention of 1719. Member and President of the Council, and Royal Governor, 1725-1730, Prov- ince of South Carolina. Norris, Charles C. P., 148. Middleton, John Izard, 165. Middleton, Edward, 1685. Mem- ber of the Grand Council, 1678- of 16S4, Province of South Carolina. Norris, Charles C. P., 148. Middleton, John Izard, 164. Middleton, The Honorable Henry, I 71 7-1 784. Member and Presi- dent of the Council, Province of South Carolina. President of Con- gress, 1774. Norris, Charles C. P., 148. Middleton, John Izard, 165. Mifflin, John, 1714-1759. Commis- sioner, defence of the Province of Penn., 1745. Member Provincial Council, 1752. Member of In- dian Conference of Easton, 1757. Mifflin, William, 147. MiGHiLL, Stephen, 1651 , Rowley, Mass. Served in King Philip's War. Spofford, Paul N., 113. Gillette, Edwin F., 291. Miles, John, 1644-1704. Ensign in command of New Haven soldiers in garrisoning Westfield, Mass., 1075. Lieutenant under Major Robert Treat, Great Swamp Fight. Captain of New Haven Co., ' ' Wood Creek " Expedition, 1 693, King William's War. O'Conor, John C, 94. Pond, Charles Hobby, 99. Pond, Winthrop, 99. Baldwin, William L., 217. Pond, Nicholas M., 228. Sanford, George B., 229. Wylie, David S., 258. Miller, Abraham, 1735-1815. Non- commissioned Officer in the Penn. Militia, French and Indian War. Akers, Matthew L., 354. Miller, Lieutenant John George, 1715-1762. Lieutenant in Col. James Burd's Regt., Provincial Forces, 1 7O0. Egle, William Henry, 140. Miller, Lieutenant Robert, 1715 , of Lyme, Conn. Ensign, 1755. Lieutenant, 1756. Marsh, George S., 29s. Miner, Ensign Clement, 1640-1700, New London, Conn. Soldier in King Philip's War. Ensign, 1692- 1695. Stout, John K., 363. Miner (Minor), Thomas, 1608-1690, Pequot [New London], Conn. ■7I2 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Sergeant, 1640. Deputy, General Court, 1 050- 1 OS I, et seq. Cap- tain, King Philip's War. Chief Military Officer at Mystic, lOos. Miner, Edward C, Jr., 89. Dennison, Ira W., 242. Miner, Charles E., 280. Otis, Joseph E., Jr., 297. Fletcher, Paris, 341. Abbott, EvertonJ., 338. Stout, John K., 363. Minor, Captain John, 1034-1710, Woodbury, Conn. Captain, 1084. Indian Commissioner and Inter- preter. Deputy General Court for Stratford and Woodbury, 1007- 17 ID. Served in the French and Indian Wars of 1707-1708. Beach, Bennett S., 37. Minor, John C, 89. Robinson, Frederick M., 103. Treadwell, George C, 120. Judson, William V., ig;. Abbott, EvertonJ., 338. Minor, Colonel Joseph, 1O75-1774, Woodbury, Conn. Ensign, 1712. Lieutenant, 1720. Captain, 1724. Colonel, 174s. Deputy. Beach, Bennett S., 37. Minor, Captain Matthew, iyoS-1778, Woodbury, Conn. Ensign, 1747. First Lieutenant, 17S4. Captain, 17^7- Abbott, EvertonJ., 338. Minor, Seth Served in Capt. Ebenezer Downs' Co., relief of Fort William Henry, 17^7. Minor, John C, 8q. MiNOT, George, 1 S94- 1(^7', Dorchester, Mass. Deputy to General Court, iei3S-i636. Wetherill, Charles, 153. Hunt, Henry W., 192. Minot, Joseph G., 196. MiNOT, Cornet George, 1703- 1744. Cornet of Dorchester Troop of Horse, 1741, succeeding Estes Hatch, Gen. Miller's 1st Regt. of Horse. Hunt, Henry W., 192. Minot, Joseph G., 196. MiNOT, Colonel James, 1694-1 7S9. Concord, Mass., Militia, 1684, held a military commission thirty years. Colonel, 1756, French and Indian War. Mitchell, William A., 89. MiNOT, Captain James, 1653-1735, Concord, Mass. Deputy, General Court, 1 700- 170 1. Captain, 16S4. Melville, Henry, 88. Brown, Otis S., 180. Moore, George FL, 296. Swain, William C, 394. Minot, Lieutenant John, 1730-1805. ist Lieutenant, South Independent Co., Dorchester, Mass. Capt. Ebenezer Withington, at Castle William, 1708. Hunt, Henry W., 192. Minot, Joseph G., 196. Mitchell, Experience, 1609-1689, Duxbury, Mass. Member Militia, 1643. Washburne, Hempstead, 303. Cutler, Edward H., 341. Mitchell, Ensign Jacob, 1675. Killed by Indians on his way to the garrison at Dartmouth, Mass. Goddard, Lester O., 291. Howard, Charles E. N., 343. Mitchell, Matthew, 1590-1645. Dep- uty, General Court, 1637, which voted that "There shalbe an of- fensive warr against the Pequoitt." Assistant, 1638. Served in gar- rison at Saybrook Fort under Lieut. Lion Gardiner, Pequot War. In encounter with the Indians on the Conn. River, 1636. Benjamin, Marcus, 39. Judson, William P., 70. Mitchell, William A., 80. Noble, Henry Harmon, 93. Judson, William V., 193. Smith, Robert A., 247. Mitchell, Lieutenant Matthew, 1 709- 1702. 2d Lieutenant, Capt. Ebenezer Downs' Co., Fort Wil- liam Henry Alarm, 1757. Benjamin, Marcus, 39, 240. Moale, John, 1505-1740. Member Lower House of Assembly, Md., from Baltimore Co., 1735, et seq. Moale, William A., 165. Vickers, William H., 169. MoFFETT, Colonel George, i 735-1801. Captain of Militia, Augusta Co., Va., before 1764, later Colonel. Took active part in French and Indian Wars. Matthews, Albeit, 320. 513 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. MoFFETT, John, i 708-1 744, Augusta Co., Va. Lieutenant of Militia, 1742. Jordan, Scott, 204. Matthews, Albert, 326. Monroe, William, 1000-17=10, Lexing- ton, Mass. Ensign of Militia. Baker, Frank, 286. MoNSALL, John, (or Mousall) '665, Charlestown, Mass. Deputy, General Court, 1635. A. & H. A. Co., 1641. Goshorn, Edwin C, 324. Montaguh, Peter. Member House of Burgesses for Lancaster Co., Va., 1051-1650. Robertson, Henry M., 103. Hays, Edgar C, 312. Caine, Paul, ^54. Mooney, Captain Hercules, of Col. Messervey's Regt. at siege of Fort William Henry. Afterwards Col- onel of a New Hampshire Regt., Continental Army. Pond, Charles Hobby, 99. Pond, Nicholas, 229. Moore, Governor James, 1700. Commanded the first military ex- pedition against the Spaniards in St. Augustine, 1702. Waring, Thomas P., 386. Moore, Reverend John, '657. Deputy and Commissioner in Mass. Hunt, Samuel F., 525. Moore, John, Jr., 1645-1700. Assis- tant, 1696-1608, Colony of Conn. Hayden, Horace E., 142. Moore, Ensign John, '702, Sud- bury and Lancaster, Mass. Ser- geant, 1070. Ensign, 1689. In garrison, \b"j6,etseq. Represen- tative, 1689-1690. Poole, Chas., 298. Moore, Captain John, 1686-1713. Captain of Militia, N. Y. City, 1738. Member of Council, 1745- 1749. Huntington, Charles R., 76. Moore, Captain Samuel, 1662-1717. Commissioned, 1689. Captain of Militia, Newtown, L. 1. Served under Major Thomas Lawrence, after the burning of Schenectady. Moore, Albert R., 344. Moore, Samuel. Lieutenant of ist Co., Salisbury, Mass., 17S2. Cap- tain, 1750. Averill, Henry K., 34. MooRE, Colonel William, 1699-1780. Of Moore Hall. Colonel, 1st Associated Regt., Chester Co. Militia, Province of Penn., French and Indian War, 1747-1748, and '75S. Bellas, Henry Hobart, 137. Brinton, Ward, i 38. Smith, William R., i=;i. Morgan, Henry. Sheriff of Kent Co., Md., and Commander of Militia, 1O48. Commissioner for Kent Island, and assistant to the Com- mander, 1652-1654. Member Lower House of Legislature, 1659. Howard, McHenry, 162. Morgan, Isaac, 1052-1706. Took part in the Falls Fight, 1676, under Capt. William Turner. Averill, Henry K., Jr., 34. Morgan, Captain Jacob, 1716-1792. Captain. 1759-1 76s. French and Indian Wars, Provincial Forces of Penn. Wetherill, Alex. M., 128, 355. Wetheiill, Charles, 153. Morgan, James, Sr., 1607-168^, Gro- ton, Conn. Granted land for ser- vice in Pequot War. Morgan, George D., 90. Morgan, Captain John, 164S-1712, Groton, Conn. Lieutenant, 1092. Captain, 1714-17^0 Indian Com- missioner and Deputy, General Court, 1690; from Preston, 1093- 1694. Morgan, James Henry, 90. Morgan, William H., 90. Sanger, Joseph P., 247. Morgan, Wm. Fellowes, 2^7. Richardson, William E., 346. Morgan, Captain John, 1667-1746, Groton, Conn. Lieutenant, ist Co., 1692. Captain, 1714. Brookfield, H. M., 43. Heilner, George C, 71. Morgan, Sergeant Joseph, Brimfield, Mass. Sergeant in 2d campaign against Louisburg, 1758-1759. Morgan, Appleton, 90. Morgan, Joseph, 1702-1775. "Sen- tinel " in Capt. Josiah Kellogg's Co., Suftleld, 1 723-1 724, and in 514 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Capt. Wright's Co., Brookfield, 1725. Goodwin, James J., 65, 223. Goodwin, Francis, 223. Morgan, Captain Joseph, 1736-1813. Served in Seven Years' War. Capt. Benjamin Day's Co., Crown Point, 1 755. Sergeant in same in Canada, 1758. Captured and included in the Capitulation of Fort William Henry, 1757. Capt. John Ban- croft's Co., Invasion of Canada. Captain in Revolution. Goodwin, James J., os, 223. Goodwin, Francis, 22;. Morgan, Captain Miles, 1616-1690. Built a block house and stockade which he defended against the In- dians at the sacking of Springfield, Mass., 1675. Goodwin, James J., 6=;, 223. Goodwin, Francis, 223. Wood, Charles M., 328. Wood, Ephraim M., 328. Morgan, Captain Theophilus, 1709- 1766. Commanded 1st Co. of Killingworth, Conn., 1756, French and Indian War. Morgan, William H., 90. Morris, Anthony, 2d, 1 654-1 721. Member of Provincial Council of Penn., 1695-1607. Justice Su- preme Court, 1604. Collins, Henry H., Jr., 139. Davids, Richard W., 139. Mifflin, William, 147. Morris, Frederic W., 147. Tyson, Anthony Morris, 169. Tyson, Matthew S., 169. Draper, T. Wain-Morgan, ^bq. Morris, Anthony, Jr., 1682-1762. Member Provincial Assembly, Penn., 1722-1724. Collins, Henry Hill, Jr., 139. Mifflin, William, 147. Morris, Charles, 171 1-1781. Cap- tain at Minas and Grand Pre, 1746-1747, under Noble. Sur- veyor-General of Nova Scotia. Councillor, 1755-1774. Mclntire, Chas. Jno., 195. Morris, Lieutenant Edward, 1st, 1630- 1089, Roxbury, Mass. Deputy to General Court, 1677-1687. First Military Officer of Woodstock, Conn. (New Roxbury, Mass.) Strong, Richard P., 167. Heaton, John E., 22s. Hammond, Lyman D., 292. Christian, George C, 340. Morris, Lieutenant Edward, 3d, 1688- 176Q, New Roxbury, Mass., (Woodstock, Conn.), French and Indian Wars. Strong, R. P., 167. Morris, Honorable Lewis, 1671-1746. Chief-Justice of New-York, 1720- 1738. ist Governor, Province of New Jersey, 17 58-1 740. Akerly, Samuel M. , ■5;. Carnochan, G. Morris, 47. Morris, Lewis, 00. Norwood, Lewis Morris, 93. Morris, Captain William. New-York City Militia. 1701. Member of the Council, New Jersey, 171 3. Earle, Ferdinand P., 50. Morse, Captain Joseph, 1649-1*718. Medfield Co., Mass. Militia. De- fended the town against King Philip and five hundred ot his warriors, 1675. Deputy, General Court from Sherborn. Morse, Waldo Grant, 91. Hill, Lew Cass, 190. Morse, Joshua, 1653-1692, Newbury, Mass. Soldier, acting as drummer in Capt. Thomas Noyes' Co., 1689. Morse, Charles A., 196. Morton, Sergeant Ephraim, 1625- 1693. Lieutenant of Plymouth Colony Militia, 1664. Member of Council of War, 1071. Bowers, Henry, 42. Lovering, Henry M., 195. Morton, Nathaniel, 1613-1710. Secretary, Plymouth Colony, 164=5-1685. Member of Council of War, 1671, that deliberated upon the Awashonk uprising. Danforth, Allan, 183. Parker, Edward L., 199. Van Dyke, Harry W., 248. Evans, George F., 268. Moseley, Lieutenant John, 1 640- 1 690, Lieutenant, Westfield Co. of Foot^. King Philip's War. Wight, William W., 395. Moseley, Sergeant Increase, 1663- 1690, Dorchester, Mass. Capt. John Withington's Co., Phips' Expedition, 1690. 5'5 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Moseley, John G., 197. Moseley(Maudesley), Lieutenant John, 1 640- 1 690. Lieutenant, West- field Co. of Foot, King Philip's War. Maynard, George C., 245. Wight, Win. Ward, 304, 394. Moseley, JosiAH, 1748-1826. In Capt. James Noble's Co., Col. Easton's Regt., Expedition to Canada, 1775. Maynard, George C, 245. Moseley, Captain Samuel, 1641-1680, Mass. Commanded Expedition against the Dutch pirates, 1675, and captured two of their vessels. Cap- tain of an Independent Co. of Vol- unteers, King Philip's War. Harris, Charles, 189. Moseley, Reverend Samuel, 1708- 1 79 1 . Chaplain to Gov. Belcher at Castle William, Boston Harbor, 1 730. Moseley, Edward A., 246. Moses, John, 1683, Windsor, Conn. Served in Major John Ma- son's Troop of Horse, in Indian Wars against King Philip and the Narragansetts. Moses, Zebina, 246. Moss, John, 1604- 1707, New Haven and Wallingford, Conn. Signed the original compact, 1643. Trooper under Major John Mason. Representative, 1667-1673. Wetherill, Charles, 153. Ives, Marvin A., 293. Lloyd, John U., 326. MouLTON, John, Hampton, N. H. Served in King Philip's War. Parsons, William D., 95. MouLTON, Jacob, 1688-1 751, Hamp- ton, N. H. Served under Capt. John Gilman, 1710. Moulton, George M., 296. MouLTON, Ensign John, 1638-1705, Hampton, N. H. Soldier in King Philip's War. Ensign, 1690. Pearson, Joseph H. S., 200. Moulton, George H., 296. Moulton, General Jonathan, 1726- 1797, Hampton, N. H. Served under Capt. John Ladd, 1757. Lieut. -Colonel, 3d Regt. of Militia, 1760; afterward Colonel. Moulton, George M., 297. MuLLiNS, Matthew. Served in the Virginia Militia, against the French and Indians. Quisenberry, A. C, 355. MuMFORD Thomas, 1656-1726. Dep- uty from Kingston, R. I., 1701. Mumford, James G., 197. MuMFORD, Captain Thomas, 1706- 1 764, Groton, Conn. Lieutenant, New London Co. Troop, 1 728. Captain, 1736. Mumford, James G., 197. MuNNiNG, George, 1597-1658, Boston, Mass. Granted ^^5 for the loss of his eye in country's service on the voyage to Block Island, 1636. Hill, Lew Cass, 189. MuNN, Benjamin, 1765. Served under Major John Mason in the Pequot War. Merritt, Douglas, 88. MuNROE, Lieutenant John, 1666-1753, Lexington, Mass. Lieutenant. Granted land in 1735 for heroic service rendered at the Indian fight at Lamprey's River, 1690. Winship, William H., 211. Munroe, William, Lexington, 1669- 1759. Ensign in Militia. Rice, Henry B., 202. Baker, Frank, 286. MuNSON, Ensign Samuel, 1643-1693, Wallingford, Conn. Ensign, King Philip's War. Haight, Frederick E., 68. Meyer, Albert J., 92. Story, Henry G., 115. Story, Joseph G., 115. Munson, C. La Rue, 148. Hartley, Isaac S., 189. MuNsoN, Captain Thomas, 1612-1685. Served in the Pequot War under Mason as Sergeant, 1642. Ensign, 1 661 -1 664. Lieutenant, 1604- 1676. Served under Treat in King Philip's War. Captain, 1676. New Haven Co. Militia. Bushnell, Clarence M., 45. Foote, Horace A., 61. Haight, Frederick E., 68. Hartley, George D., 70. Myer, Albeit J., 02. Rogers, Charles B., 103. Story, Henry G., 115. Story, Joseph G., 115. Munson, C. La Rue, 148. Hartley, Isaac S., 189. 516 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Heaton, John E., 225. Candee, Henry S., 310. Brewer, William A., ^^^q. Tuttle, Joseph F., Jr., 372. MuRDOCK, Major John, 1706-1778. Lieutenant, 1747. Captain, loth Co., 7th Conn. Regt., 1749. French and Irfdian War, 1758. Major, 1 766. Smith, Philip S., 112. MuRDocK, Captain Samuel, 1698- 1769. Captainof Troop of Horse, 5th Regt. of Conn., 1741. Murdock, Joseph B., 405. Murray, General Seth, i 736-1 795. Col. Isaac Williams' Regt., Old French War. Colonel and Briga- dier General, Revolutionary War. Foster, Reginald L., 62. Nash, Lieutenant Samuel, Duxbury, Mass. Private, Lieut. Wm. Holmes' Co., against Pequot In- dians, 1637. Sheriff of Plymouth Colony, 1652. Chief Marshall of General Court, 1652. Deputy, General Court, i6s3. Member of Council of War, 1658. Kingman, William L., 80. Thompson, Gilbert, 248. Butter, George, 288. Sampson, Clark H., 514. Neale, Captain James, 1615-1684. Member Provincial Council, 1645, et seq. Member House of Bur- eresses, 1666. Commissioner of the Treasury, 1643. Attorney of Lord Baltimore at Amsterdam to protest against the seating of the Dutch and Swedes on the Dela- ware River. Captain by Lord Baltimore, 1661, to raise troops against the Dutch. Brice, Philip H., i 37. Brent, Joseph L., 159. Browne, Bennet B., 1^9. Howard, McHenry, 102. Keyser, Robert Brent, 163. Mackenzie, George N., 164. Paca, John P., 105. Smith, Thomas M., 166. Fleet, Alexander F. , 311. Nelson, Captain John, i 654-1 734. Headed the Bostonians at the at- tack on Gov. Andros, 1689. Captured in 1 69 1 , taken to Quebec, whence he sent important informa- tion to the Government of Mass. Bay regarding a proposed attack. His two messengers shot before his eyes and he sent a prisoner to France. Confined in a dungeon of the Chateau of Angouleme for two years, and in the Bastile, eight. Broome, George C, 45. Nelson, Governor William, 171 i- 1772. President of Council, Dominion of Virginia and Gover- nor. Page, S. Davis, 149. Moffett, Davius L., 355. Nevil, Colonel James, 1728-1784. Captain of the Albemane Co., Virginia Militia, '757->7s8. French and Indian Wars. Major, Amherst Co. Troops, 1701. Lieut. Colonel, 1 764. Colonel, 1709. Vaughn, George T., 249. Newberry, Captain Benjamin, 1684, Windsor, Conn. Deputy twenty-two sessions. Governor's Assistant, 1685. Member Coun- cil of Vv'ar. Captain in King Philip's War. Day, Robert W., 5s. Orne, Henry M., Q4. Wight, Wm.Ward, 304, 395. Weaver, Clinton H., 381. Newberry, Thomas. Deputy to General Court, Mass. Bay Colony, 1634-35. Wetherill, Charles, 153. Cutler, Ralph Wm., 221. Newcomb, Lieutenant Andrew, 1640- 1708, Edgartown, Mass. Lieu- tenant, 1691 ; in command of the fortification there. Graves, Albert M., 292. Newcomb, Geo. W., 297. Newcomb, Isaac. Private under Capt. Richard Thayer, Mass. Troops, 1747- Newcomb, George Amos, 313. Newgate, John, 1580-1065. Deputy, Mass. General Court, 1638. Dorr, Dalton, 140. Newell (Newhall), Joseph, i6s8 . Soldier in Major Thomas Savage's Co., Lieut. Benj. Gillam, Mount Hope Campaign. Newhall, James S., 197. 517 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Newlin, Nicholas, 1099. Mem- ber of Provincial Council of Penn., 1685. Lewis, David, 140. Piatt, Franklin, 149. Draper, T. W. M., 369. Newtok, Major Israel. Captain, 1730. Major at Cape Breton, 174s. Siege ofLouisburg; died there. Newton, Henry Allen, 92. Newton, Captain James, '755- Captain of ist Co., Colchester, Conn., 1 716. Deputy, General Court, 171 3-1716. Waite, Horace F., 303. Waite, Horace G., 303. Foote, John C, 311. Newton, Colonel Roger, 1685-1771. Colonel of the 2d Conn. Regt. Expedition to Canada, 1709-1710. Pond, Winthrop, 99. Newton, Captain Samuel, 1(546-1708. Ensign, King Philip's War. Cap- tain, 1698. Pond, Charles Hobby, 99. Newton, Henry G., 227. Sanford, George B., 229. Nichols, Thomas, i737, Reading, Mass. Served under Capt. Na- thaniel Davenport, King Philip's War. Pearson, Joseph H. S., 200. Nicholson, Captain James, 1737-1804. Commanded a vessel from Mary- land at capture of Havana from the Spaniards in 1762. Senior Captain in the Continental Navy. Chrystie, Thomas L., 49. Gallatin, Frederic, 63. Gallatin, Rolaz Horace, 63. NicoLL, Matthias, 1621-1687. Captain, British Army, 1664. Secretary, Province of New-York, 1 664- 1 680. Member, King's Council, 1667- 1680. Speaker, Provincial As- sembly, 1683. Judge, Court of Admiralty, 1686. Mayor ot New- York, 1672. Campbell, William A., 47. Crane, Charles N., si. Crosby, Edward Nicoll, si. Crosby, Livingston, 51. Lawrence, Abraham R., 82. Oothout, John W., 94. Paige, Edward W., 95. Walsh, James W., 125. Sill, Howard, 166. Bascome, Western R. 509. NicoLL, Hon. William, 1657-1723. Member of Council, New-York, 1691-1698. Speaker of Colonial Assembly, 1702-1718. Attorney- General, 1687-1690. Oothout, John W., 94. Bascome, Western R., ^09. Noble, Colonel Arthur, '747- Lieutenant-Colonel of the 2d Mass. Regt. Seige of Louisburg, 174s. Killed at the Battle of Minas, Nova Scotia, while leading a detach- ment of 500 men. Sowdon, Arthur J. C, 205. Willey, William L., 211, 27;. Noble, Captain Daniel, 1721-17S7. Captain, North Militia Co., New Fairfield, 1753. Captain in Col. Ebenezer Marsh's 1 3th Conn. Regt. , relief of Fort William Henry, '757- Metcalf, Bryce, 89. Noble, Ensign David, 16QS-1760. En- sign, North Military Co., New Milford, Conn., 1743-1748. Noble, Henry Harmon, 03. Noble, Captain Eli, 17^0-1827. Cap- tain, French and Indian War. Taken prisoner at the surrender of Fort William Henry, but succeeded in making his escape from the In- dians. Served in 1 758. Noble, Robert, 280. Noble, Captain Stephen, 1686-1755. Captain of Militia at New Milford, Conn. Twenty years in active service against the Indians. Averill, Henry K., Jr., 34. Day, Robert W., 55. Norris, Isaac, 1671-1735. Member of Governor's Council, 1709. Trus- tee under the will of William Penn, Province of Penn. Norris, George W., 148. North, Lieutenant Roger, '785. Lieutenant, Philadelphia Associa- tors, 1748. Benson, Edwin North, 137. North, Thomas, 1649-1712. Served in Narragansett Campaign, Had- ley Garrison. Hart, Charles N., 370. Norton, Lieutenant-Colonel Ebenezer, 1715-1785. Lieutenant, 1756. 518 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Captain, 1760. Lieut. -Colonel, 1774. Deputy, General Court, Conn., 1 760-1 779. Buell, Frederick F., 45. Norton, Thomas H., 327. Norton, Captain Francis, Charles- town, Mass. Captain Militia, 1646. Hall, George F., 188. Norton, John, 1606-1603. Deputy, General Court, and Commissioner from Mass. Bay Colony to Charles 11., 1002. Norton, John Grant, 280. Norton, John, ibi57-i72S. One of the Brookfield Garrison, 1675. Representative, i()8o-'8i-'82. Hart, Charles N., 370. Nott, Sergeant John. Commanded twenty-six men from Wethersfield, Conn., Pequot War. Webb, Alex. Stewart, Jr., 127. Webb, J. Sidney, 249. Webb, Wm. Seward, 281. NoYES, Captain Cutting, 1649- 1734, Newbury, Mass. Lieutenant and Captain of Militia. Remick, John A., 201. Remick, Timothy, 202. NoYES, The Reverend James, 1640- 1719. Chaplain in Capt. George Denison's Expedition that captured Canonchet, Chief Sachem of Nar- ragansett Indians, 1676. Arnold, Benjamin W., 34. Noyes, Chas. Phelps, 03, 34s. Stetson, Caleb R., 248. Doane, William H., 323. Noyes, Daniel R., 34s. Peet, Emerson W., 345. Wells, Eben F., 349. NoYES, Nicholas, 1014-1701. Deputy General Court, 1660, etscq., Col- ony of Mass. Bay. Silvester, Wm. W., 151. Remick, John A., 201. Remick, Timothy, 202. Noyes, Captain Thomas, 1679-1755, Stonington, Conn. Captain of Militia, 1723. Deputy to the General Court of Conn., 1713^ et seq. Noyes, Chas. Phelps, 345. Peet, Emerson W.,345. Nugent, Lieutenant Richard, 1 780. Lieutenant in 5th Regt. of Foot under Gen. Amherst at Louis- burg, 17S8-17S9. Robinson, Eugene N., 103. Nutter, Anthony, 1630-108^. Dep- uty, General Court, Mass., six years. King's Councillor, 1O82. Peavey, Frank H., 343. Nutting, John, 1676. Killed while defending his garrison house, Groton, Mass., King Philip's War. Nutting, Grant H., 380. Nutting, James R., 380. Nye, Stephen, 1729-1810, Sandwich, Mass. Deputy, General Court, i70i-'66-'68-'74. Wesson, James L., 209. Oakes, Edward, Concord, Mass. Rep- resentative, 1 05q-'8 1 -'83-'84-'8o. Quartermaster of Troop, 1O56. Lieutenant under Capt. Prentice, King Philip's War. Flint, Wyman K., 291. Ogden, John, 1010-1681, Elizabeth Towne. Magistrate, 1656. Of Upper House, (icneral Court, 1660- 1661, Colony of Conn. Patentee, 1662. Member King's Council, Province of New Jersey, 1665. Schout and Acting Governor of the English Colony in East Jersey, 1073, Dutch Occupation. Banks, David, Jr., 36. Beatty, A. Chester, 37. Beatty, Robert C, 38. Beatty, William Gedney, 38. Halsey, Harlan P., 69. Halsey, Henry A., 69. Ogden, Ludlow, 94. Tyler, Harry B., 152. Tyler, Sidney F., 152. Chandler, Walter, 254. Toler, Henry P., 258. Ogden, CaptainJonathan, . West- chester Militia, Province of New- York, French and Indian War. Wounded at Sabbath-day Point on Lake George, 20th July, 1757. Easton, Irving B., 59. Ogden, Colonel Josiah, 1679-1763, Newark, N. J. Representative, Provincial Legislature, New Jersey, 1716-1738. Major in Col. John- ston's Regt., 1718. Colonel ap- pointed to raise troops for Spanish War, 1740. 519 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Banks, A. Bleecker, y6. Banks, David, 56. Banks, David, jr., ^6. Chandler, Walter, 48. Ogden, Robert, 2d, 1687-1755. Quar- termaster and Commissary King's Troops under Gen. Abercrombie. Wagstaff, Cornelius D., 124. Olds, Corporal Ezekiel. In Capt. Jabez Upham's Co., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Olney, Geo. Washington, 94. Olmsted, Ensign Daniel, 1684 , Ridgefield, Conn. Ensign, 1732. Member General Assembly, 1742- .'743- Gilbert, Frederick L., 542. Olmsted, Captain Nicholas, 1684, " Corporall " ist Troop of Horse, Colony of Conn., Capt. Richard Lord, under Major John Mason, 1657-1658. Deputy for Hartford, 1672; Lieutenant, Train Band, 1675. Captain of Militia, 167 s, and led his company for the defence of New London and Stonington. Strong, Theron G., 116. Cutler, Ralph Wm., 221. Hammond, Andrew G., 224. Hart, Charles N., 570. Olmsted, Richard, 1007 , Hart- ford, Conn. Sergeant, 165s. Lieutenant, i6s9. Deputy, 1665, et seq. Commissioner for Nor- walk,i668. Muster-master, 1073. Captain, 1680. Gilbert, Frederick L., 342. Olney, Captain James, 1670- 1744, Providence, R. I. Deputy, 1721. Wheaton, Frank, 573. Olney, Thomas, Sr., 1600- 1682. A founder of Rhode Island, 1640, and its first Treasurer, 1638. As- sistant President, 1649, et seq. Deputy, 1665, et seq. Lewis, Arnold A., 83. Lovell, Frank H., Jr., 85. Olney, Geo. Washington, 94, 406. Brown, Edgar C, 339. Wheaton, Frank, 373. Olney, Thomas, Jr., 1632-1722. As- sistant President, 1669, et seq. Deputy, 1672-171 1. Commis- sioner before Lord Bellomont with Conn, in regard to western boun- dary of Rhode Island. Lewis, Arnold A., 83. Lovell, Frank H., Jr., 85. Olney, Geo. Washington, 94. Olyphant, Doctor David. Surgeon, Three Independent Companies of Regulars, Province of South Caro- lina, 1747. Olyphant, John K., 94. Olyphant, Robert, 94. Opdyke, Gilbert. Commander at Fort Good Hope, succeeding Sergeant David Provoost. Greene, Douglas N., 65. Merritt, Douglas, 88. Ormsby, Ensign John, i 720-1 80s. En- sign under Gen. Forbes, Expedi- tion against Fort Duquesne, i 758. Page, Oliver Ormsby, 148. Orvis, Roger, 1657-1737. Soldier in King Philip's War, Capt. New- bury. Wounded at Hatfield. Dickinson, Oliver P., 28Q. Osborn, Captain Richard, 1606-1682. Served under Lieut. Ludlow, Pe- quot War. Granted eighty acres land at Fairfield, Conn., for his services. Harral, George, 60. Hubbell, Henry W., 75. Ballantine, Henry W., 159. Osborn, Henry A., 297. OsBORN, Captain Richard, 1612-1686, Windsor, Conn. Soldier in Pequot War, 1037. Ballantine, Henry W., 159. Osgood, Corporal Hooker, 1668- 1748. Corporal in Andover Co., 1689. Houghton, Henry O., 191. Osgood, Captain John, 1595 , Andover, Mass. Captain, 1666. Deputy, General Court, 1051. Houghton, Henry O., 191. Osgood, Captain John, Jr., 16^0-1693. Sergeant, Andover, Mass. Militia, 1658-1661. Lieutenant, 1666. Captain, 1683, King Philip's War. Representative, 1668, et seq. Briggs, Edward C., 179. Houghton, Jas. C, 280. Osgood, Josiah A., 562. Otis, ColonelJohn, 1657-1727. Com- mander of Barnstable Militia eighteen years. Judge of H. M. Council twenty-one years. In service against Indians. 520 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Porter, Alexander S., Jr., 346. Otis, John. Soldier in King Philip's War, in Capts. Henchmen's and Moseley's Cos., July 24, 1675. Otis, Philo A., 297. Owen, Robert, 1705. Member Penn. Provincial Assembly, 1695- 1697. Wister, Rodman, 154. Pabodie, William, Duxbury, Mass. Little Compton, R. I. Member under arms of Capt. Myles Standish's Co., 1643. Deputy, 1654, et seq., ad int. Coe, Henry F., 181. Tucker, Wm. R., 301. Paca, William, 1740-1799. Member of Assembly, 1771-1 773, Province of Maryland. Paca, John P., 165. Paddock, Robert. A member of the Military Co. at Plymouth, 1643. Bryant, Percy, 4s. Page, John, 1627-1692. "One of Their Majesties' Council, William and Mary, Dominion of Virginia." Page, S. Davis, 148. Bryan, Chas. P., 241. Page, Sergeant John, 1621-1711, Groton, Mass. Deputy, 1700. Garrison Duty, 1691. Page, Walter Gilman, 198. Page, Lieutenant Joseph, 1714- 1799. Corporal in Capt. Wil- liam Lawrence's Co. , King George's War, 1746. Sergeant in Capt. James Prescott's Co., 1758. Lieu- tenant later. Page, Walter Gilman, 198. Page, Mann, ist, 1691 -1730. Mem- ber King's Council, Dominion of Virginia. Page, S. Davis, 148. Page, Colonel Matthew, 1659-1703. One of Her Majesty's Council, Dominion of Virginia. Page, S. Davis, 148. Page, Robert, 1604-1679. Repre- sentative General Court of Mass. 1657-1668. Moulton, John H., 313. Paige, John, i 738-181 2. Served in two Campaigns, French and Indian War, 1758-1759; was wounded on the Plains of Abraham; and near Wolfe when he was killed. Campbell, Wm. A., 47. Paige, Edward Winslow, 9s. Paine, Brinton, 1741-1820. Served in Capt. Saml. Chapman's Co., Bol- ton, Conn., French and Indian War. Teall, Edward McK., 301. Paine, Stephen, 16^4-1678, Rehobath, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War. Dewey, Edw. W., 56. Dewey, Geo. A., 56. Griffith, William H., 66. Teall, Edw. McKinstry, 301. Paine, Thomas. Member of Yarmouth Military Co., 1643, Lieut. William Palmer. Deputy, 1639. Griffith, William H., 66. Lombard, Josiah L., 295. Merrick, Frederick L., 296. Chittenden, Edwin S., 340. Paine, Lieutenant William, i 695-1 746. Lieutenant, 1745, 7th Mass. Regt. at Louisburg, where he died, 1 746. Luquer, T. T. Payne, 86. Luquer, Lea Mel., 86. Palfrey, Peter, ^^^3, Salem, Mass. Deputy, 1635. Rowe, Charles E., 203. Palmer, Colonel John, 1740- Colonel of Expedition from South Carolina against Yemasse Indians in Florida, 1727. Aide-de-Camp to Gov. Oglethorpe in Campaign against St. Augustine, and killed at Fort Moosa. Harden, Edward T., 361. Palmer, Walter, 1662. Deputy, General Court, Plymouth, Mass., 1645. Stout, John K., 363. Parish, Robert, Dunstable, Mass. (Nashua, N. H.) Soldier in Capt. Samuel Moseley's Independent Co. of Volunteers under Major Samuel Appleton; under Josiah Winslow, Commander-in-Chief, King Philip's War. Member of the Garrison, Dunstable, Mass., 1676-1689. Massacred, 1703. Reade, Philip, 299. Parke, John, 1665-1718, Newton, Mass. Soldier in Capt. Richard Beers' Co., King Philip's War; wounded. 521 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Ames, Joseph B., 176. Parke, William, 159S-1685. A. & H. A. Co., 1658. Represented Rox- bury, Mass., in the General Court, 1635-1667. Surveyor-General of Arms and Ammunition for the Colony, 1660. Mackenzie, George Norbury, 86. Pierce, George W., 98. Robinson, Francis W., 20;. Chatfield-Taylor, Hobart C., 301. Barrows, John W., 368. Parker, Captain Elisha, 1660-1 7 17. Captain of Provincial Forces, New Jersey, 1707. Member of Gov- ernor's Council, 1711-1713. Whitehead, Cortlandt, 153. Parker, Lieutenant Hananiah, 1638- 1724, Reading, Mass. Ensign in Capt. Swayne's Foot Co., 1680. Lieutenant, 1684. Deputy, 1683- 1684. Representative, 1695, et seq. Mott, Luther W., 91. Parker, Charles L., 198. Parker, C. Wallingford, 198. Parker, Edward L., 199. Parker, Herman, 199. Parker, Captain James, 1617-1701. Lieutenant, 1673. Captain, 1678. Commanded Garrison at Groton, Mass. Williams, Norman A., 129. Parker, Charles W., 198. Parker, Charles W., Jr., 198. Parker, Sergeant James, 1686- 1754, Reading, Mass. Sergeant in Capt. Joshua Moodey's Co., 1723. Parker, Charles W., 198. Parker, Charles W.,Jr., 199. Parker, John, i 703-1 783, Framingham, Mass. Soldier on the Alarm List, Capt. Henry Fames' Co., 1757, French and Indian War. Parker, Charles L., 198. Parker, C. Wallingford, 198. Parker, Herman^ 199. Parker, Lieutenant Josiah, 1694-1756, Lexington, Mass. Lieutenant of the Military Co., . Trooper under Capt. John Cutting, Alarm on ap- proach of the French fleet, 1 746. Mott, Luther W., 91. Winship, William H., 21 1. Parker, Peter, 1738-1803, Framing- ham, Mass. Private on Alarm List, Capt. Henry Fames' Co., 1757. Parker, Charles L., 198. Parmele, Samuel. Soldier in Col. Nathan Whiting's Regt., Seven Year's War. Parmele, George L., 228. Parsons, Aaron, 1712-1795. Served in the Battle of Lake George. Parsons, Albert Ross, 95. Parsons, Lieutenant Benjamin, 1723- 1777. Served in Capt. William Williams' Co., at siege of Louis- burg, 1745. Garrisoned at Fort Mass., 1 747- 1 748, and Lieutenant in French and Indian War. Parsons, Charles L., 270. Parsons, Captain Ebenezer, 1675-1 744. Ensign, Northampton, Mass. Co., 1723, and later Captain. Parsons, Charles L., 270. Parsons, Cornet Joseph, 1618-1683, Springfield, Mass. Cornet, Capt. John Pynchon's Hampshire Co. Troop, 1672-1678. Served in the early French and Indian Wars. Keegan, Dermot W., 79. Lord, Frank Howard, 84. Merritt, Douglas, 88. Parsons, Albert Ross, 95. Parsons, William D., 95. Partridge, Edw. L., 96. Washburn, John Henry, 126. Hayden, Horace Edwin, 142. Webb, Francis Parsons, 152. Parsons, Charles L., 270. Parsons, Captain Joseph, 1647-1727. Served in King Philip's War. Twenty-three years Judge of the Hampton County Courts. From 1693, Deputy fourteen years. Keegan, Dermot W., 79. Lord, Frank Howard, 84. Merritt, Douglas, 88. Parsons, Albert Ross, 95. Parsons, William D., 95. Partridge, Edward L., 96. Hayden, Horace E., 142. Parsons, Chades L., 270. Partridge, Oliver, 1712-1792. Rep- resentative. Delegate to Congress at Albany, N. Y., 17S4, to confer with Six Nations. Also delegate to first Colonial Congress, 1765. One of a committee, 1746- 1747, to direct the re-building of Fort Massachusetts. Colonel, Mass. Bay ^22 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Forces; Expedition under Gen. Abercrombie, capture of FortTicon- deroga, 1758. Dickinson, Oliver P., 289. Partridge, Samuel, 1645- 1740. Quart- ermaster, Major John Pynchon's Troop, 1088. Deputy, 1083, et seq. Assistant, Associate Judge, Hampshire County Court, 1085. Judge, Court of Common Pleas, ibQ2-i74o, Colony Mass. Bay. Benjamin, Marcus, 39, 240. Collins, Clarence L., 50. Partridge, Edward L., 9=;. Short, Edward L., 110. Dickinson, Oliver P., 289. Partridge, Lieutenant Samuel, 1730- 1809. Lieutenant of Foot under Capt. Salab Barnard, Province of Mass. , reduction of Canada. Partridge, Edward L., 95. Paschall, Thomas, i6;4-i7i8. Mem- ber of Assembly, 1635- 1089. Province of Penn. Griswold, Benjamin H., 161. Mulliken, Howard, 165. Paschall, Thomas, Jr., '74^- Member of Assembly, 171 7, Prov- ince of Penn. Griswold, Benjamin H., 161. Mulliken, Howard, los. Paterson, Major John, 1707-1762. Lieutenant, 1740. Captain, 17S2. Served against Indians, and also under Wolfe at the taking of Quebec, 1756, as Captain. Major 1st Conn. Regt., 1756. Served in the Crown Point Expedition, 17^8- 1759, and under Sir Jeffrey Am- herst in Canada Expedition, 1761. Paymaster, Havana Expedition, 1762, and died there of yellow fever. Egleston, Thomas, 59. Paterson, Colonel John, 1744- 1808. Commissioned Colonel of Berk- shire Co. Regt., 1774. Egleston, Thomas, 59. Patterson, James, 1633-1701. House used for Garrison. Served in King Philip's War. Fuller, Henry C, 291. Patterson, Captain James, 171 5-1 771. Took part with his father, James Patterson, in " Cresap's War," 1 730- 1 73 5. Captain, Associated Regt. of Lancaster Co., 1747- 1748, on the Susquehanna. Served in the rangers, Braddock's Campaign, and in French and In- dian War, in Col. Armstrong's 1st Battalion, Penn. Regt., and in Col. Burd's Regt., 1757-17S8. In command of Fort Hunter, 1 763-1 764. Captain, Provincial service of Penn. Peale, Albert C, 247. Patterson, Lieutenant John, 1711- 1806. Lieutenant, Church's Co., Col. Wooster's Regt., 1746. Patterson, Elisha G., 149. Pawling, Colonel Henry, 1692. Schout at Esopus. Captain and Colonel of Militia, 1674-1788. Innes, Hasbrouck, 77. Russell, Avery C. H., 104. Paxton, Captain John, 1715-1784. Virginian Indian Wars. Beckurts, Charles L., 38. McCord, Francis, 313. McCord, George L., ^13. McCord, James H., 313. McCord, Robert H., 313. McCord, Samuel S., 313. McCord, William H., 313. Peabodie, William, 1620-1707, Ply- mouth, Mass. Member under arms in Capt. Myles Standish's Duxbury Co., 1645. Deputy, 1654, et seq. Blagden, Thomas, 240. Peabody, Lieutenant Francis, 1614- 1697, Topsfield, Mass. Lieuten- ant, 1668. Howe, Herbert M., 145. Tyler, Harry B., 152. Tyler, Sidney F., is2. Hall, George F., 188. Putnam, George J., 201. Kent, Henry O. , 270. Cadle, Chas. F., 310. Morse, Samuel W., 371. Peabody, Captain John, 1642-1720, Boxford, Mass. Deputy, 1089, et seq. Ensign, 1682. Lieuten- ant, 1601. Captain, 1699. Hall, George F., 188. Gillette, Edwin F., 291. Peake, Christopher, 1660, Rox- bury, Mass. Member of Roxbury Military Co., 1647. Morris, Seymour, 296. 523 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Peartree, Colonel William. Mayor of New-York, 1703- 1706. Mem- ber King's Council, 1708- 1709. Colonel of New-York Infantry. Commanded a Naval Expedition, composed of four vessels, directed against French privateers off Sandy Hook. Keith, Boudinot, 79. Pease, Captain John, 16=54-1774, En- field, Conn. Captain of Militia. Allen, Francis Olcott, 13O. Peaslee, Nathaniel, 1682 , Haver- hill, Mass. Deputy, 1737, et seq. Wenzell, Henry B., 349. Peck, Ephraim, 1092-1760. Ensign and Captain of Militia, Newton- ville, 1734-1744. Deputy, Gen- eral Court, 17 so. Millard, Clifford !., 313. Millard, Frank A., 380. Peck, Lieutenant Jeremiah, 1087-1763. Ensign, 1735. Lieutenant, 1737. Peck, Theodore Safford, 281. Peck, John, 1742-181Q. Served in the French and Indian War, 1759- 1763. Peck, John Hudson, 97. Peck, Lieutenant Joseph, 1653 . Lieutenant, 1 709. Peck, Theodore Safford, 281. Peck, Ensign Joseph, 1641-1718, Lyme, Conn. Ensign^ 1678. Deputy, 1 700, et seq. Millard, Clifford L, 313. Frazer, Sheldon L., 342. Millard, Frank A., 380. Peck, Nicholas, 1630-1710. Ensign, Mass. Militia, 1678. Member Council of War, 1678. Lieuten- ant, 1682. Howe, Herbert M., 143. Blackmer, Henry M., ;o8. Peeck, Jan. Private in the Burgher Corps of New Amsterdam, 1653. Peekskill named after him. Grift'ith, William H., 67. Peet, Lieutenant Thomas, 1698- 1760, Stratford, Conn. Lieutenant of Militia, 1745. Hubbell, Henry W., 75. Peet, Emerson W., 345. Peirce, Captain Gad, Stow, Mass. Private in 1759; also in the in- tended Expedition against Canada, 1 760. Corporal under Capt. Moses Hart. Captain of Militia. Peirce, George W., 371. Peirce, Joseph, Watertown, Mass. Served under Capt. Daniel Hench- man, 167s; under Capt. Jonathan Parke, 1649, and Capt. Joseph Sill, 1676, and in Sudbury Fight, 1678-1679. Peirce, George W., 371. Peirce, Samuel, 1656 . Served under Capt. Appleton in King Philip's War. Downs, Edgar Rollin, 360. Peirce, Captain William, 1707 , Stow, Mass. Private under Capt. Jonathan Burns, 1747. Captain, 17^4-1756, French and Indian War. Peirce, George W., 371. Pell, Major John, 1645-1702. Styled Sir John Pell in the New Rochelle Town Records. Second Lord of the Manor of Pelham, 1669. First Justice, Court of Common Pleas, 1088, and First Member of the General Assembly, 1091-169^, for Westchester Co., Province of New- York, on Committee for Defence of Frontier and Chairman of the Grand Committee. Captain of Horse, 1684. Major, 1092, French and Indian War. Clark, Henry Schieffelin, 49. Pell, Harrison Archibald, 97. Pell, Howland, 97, 406. Pell, William Cruger, 97. Schieffelin, Eugene, loO. Schieffelin, George R., 100. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 106. Darrach, Bradford, 255. Pell, Rodman Corse, 297. Whipple, Chas. H., 349. Pell, Captain John, i 728-1 782. Cap- tain privateers Mary, 1756, and Revenge, 1758, French War. Pell, Frederick Aycrigg, 97. Pell, John H., 97. Pell, Ensign Joseph, 1721-17^2. Pel- ham Manor. Ensign in Capt. Anthony Lispenard's Co., New Rochelle. Spanish Expedition, 1 740-1 742. Schielfelin, George R., 106. Pell, Samuel. Served in the Armed Patrol at Harlem during Indian alarms. 524 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Pell, John H., 97. Pell, Frederick Aycrigg, 07. Pemberton, Phineas, . Member of Council, Penn., 1 68s- 1701, Bucks and Philadelphia Cos. Mem- ber of the Provincial Assembly, 1689, et seq. Speaker, 1098, 1700. Middleton, H., 164. Pemberton, Doctor Thomas, 1653- 1695. Surgeon, Expedition to Canada, 1090. Hall, Clayton C, 161. Hall, Thos. Wm., 101. Pendleton, Major Brian. A. & H. A. Co., 1646. Judge, Member of Provincial Legislatures of Mass. and N. H. Commissioned to re- ceive the submission of Maine to Mass., 1652. Senior Member of President Danforth's Council, ibSo. Major and Deputy President of Maine. Barbour, Lucius A., 217. Hoes, Roswell R., 40s. Pendleton, Judge Edmund, . Member House of Burgesses twenty-five years. Pendleton, Edmund, 202. Penhallow, Samuel, 1665-1726. Dep- uty, 1608. Speaker, 1099. Treas- urer, 1099-1726. Assistant, 1702. Secretary, 1704. Judge of Supe- rior Court, 1714-1717. Chief Jus- tice, 1 71 7-1 726. Commissary General, 1712, New Hampshire. Hall, Clayton C, 161. Hall, Thos. Wm., 161. Penhallow, Charles S., 200. Penn, William, 1644-1718. Patentee and Founder of Pennsylvania and West Jersey. Hall, P. Penn-Gaskell, 142. Pepper, Captain Benjamin, 1719-1807, Framingham, Mass. Lieutenant in Capt. Caleb Leland's Troop, 1762; Captain, 1771. Hosmer, Jerome C, 190. Pepper, Jacob, 1661-17^9, Framing- ham, Mass. Sentinel in Capt. Isaac Clark's Troop, 1725. Hosmer, Jerome C, 190. Pepperrell, Lieutenant-Colonel Wil- liam, 1654-1734, Kittery, Me. Captain, 1714. Commandant of Fort at Kittery Point, 1714. Lieut. -Colonel Provincial Militia. Justice, Court of Common Pleas, 1715-1730. Deputy, General Court of Mass. , 1090, et seq. Fa- ther of Sir William Pepperrell, Bart. Low, Wm. G., Jr., 85. Salter, Jasper C., 104. Frisbie, Ivory F. , 180. Wilson, Fred A., 211. Deering, John W., 208. Frisbie, Franklin Senter, 268. Higgins, George, 209. Leighton, Geo. E., 313. Pepperrell, Sir William, Bart., 1696- 1759. Lieutenant - General and Commander-in-Chief at the Siege of Louisburg, 1745. The first American-born Baronet of Great Britain. Wheeler, E. Pepperrell, 128. PeriNjJene, 1726-1801, Mass. Ensign in Crown Point Expedition, 1753, Capt. Timothy Walker's Co., Col. Bohuri's Regt. Perin, Nelson, ibS- Langdon, Perin, ;2 5. Perin, Frank L., 327. Perkins, Humphrey, 1001-1712. Served in King Philip's War. Parsons, William D., 9s. Perkins, Sergeant John, 1390-1654. Sergeant of the Allied English and the friendly Indians under Mas- conoma, at Agawam (Ipswich, Mass.), in the war with the Tar- ratines, 1631. Cutler, Edward H., 341. Perkins, Captain William, 1607-1682, Topsfield, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 16^8. Deputy, 1644. Captain of Military Co., Weymouth. Dorman, William B., 184. Perley, Lieutenant Jacob, 1670-1751. Under Capt. John Lovewell against the Indians, North Conway, 172s, and Fryburg, 1728. Father Ralle's War. Gillette, Edwin F., 291. Perry, Arthur, 1653, Boston. Drummer, A. & H. A. Co., 1638- 1651, and of Town Militia. Teall, Edw. McK., ;oi. Collins, Holdridge O., 359. Peters, William, 1710-1780, Pennsyl- vania. Court Registrar, 1745. 525 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Member Assembly, 1753- 1755. Secretary Land Office, 1760. Peters, Ralph, 327. Pettingill,Benjamin,i720-i795. Clerk, Col. Ephraim Leonard's Regt., Fort William Henry Expedition, >757- Foster, Howell, 62. Peyton, Colonel Henry, 1781. Took part in the battle at Brad- docker. County Lieutenant, 1755. Member of the House of Burgesses, Virginia, 1761. Duke, Richard T. W., Jr., 58. Phelps, Caleb, i 708-1 781. Lieuten- ant, Windsor, Conn., Militia, 1757. Captain, 1761, ist Co., ist Regt., Conn. Troops. Newberry, Truman H., 92, 390. Phelps, George, 160s- 1687. Member Hartford Co., ist Troop of Horse, 1658. Member Council of Ten. Earle, Ferdinand P., S9. Phelps, Captain Timothy, i 639-1 719, Windsor, Conn. Lieutenant under Col. William Whiting, Queen Anne's War. Captain, 1690. Woodruff, Chas. H., 151. Gunsaulus, Frank W., 292. Phelps, William, 1599- 1672. One of the Eight Commissioners appointed by the Bay Colony, March 3 , 1 636, "to govern the people of Con- necticut." Governor's Assistant, i636-'42-'58-'62, and Member of Council, 1637, Pequot War. Woodruff, Charles H., 131. Barbour, Lucius A., 218. Bailey, Edward P., 28s. Fisher, Francis P., 290. Gunsaulus, Frank W., 292. Phelps, Edmund J., 345. Brown, Charles C., 393. Simmons, Samuel S., 394. Phillips, Major William. Commander, Yorkshire Forces, Maine, 1663. King's Commissioner and Justice for settling the affairs of New Eng- land. Major Commandant, Mili- tary Forces, Province of Maine, 1665. In the Indian troubles in 1675, his house and mills at Saco were burned, and his garrison sustained a long and terrible siege. Carhart, Amory S., 47. Carhart, William E., 47. Talmage, Robert S., 117. Adams, Washington 1. L., 2=14. Phillips, Zerobabel, 1632- 1080. Lieu- tenant of Long Island Militia. Landreth, Burnet, Jr., 144. Phillipse, Frederick, 1656-1702. Mem- ber of Council, 1675, et seq. Sec- retary of Province of New-York, it.88. First Lord of Phillipse Manor. Boardman, Lansdale, 41. Fryer, Robt. L., 63. Phinney, Jonathan. Ensign at Wind- sor, Conn. Goddard, Lester O., 292. Phipps, Corporal Solomon, 1643, > Charlestown, Mass. Served in Mt. Hope campaign under Capt. Thomas Prentice; under Capt. Thomas Brattle, garrison duty, and King Philip's War. Bardwell, Harry J., 287. Pickering, LieutenantJohn, 1637-1694, Salem, Mass. Lieutenant; served under Capt. Samuel Moseley, King Philip's War, 1070. Ensign of the 2d Military Co., Essex Regt., Major Daniel Denison, 1074.. Abbott, George B., 33. Orne, Henry M., 9s. Newhall, James S., 197. Howard, Leland J., 244. Nichols, Henry A., 362. Nichols, William A., 502. Pickering, Lieutenant John, Jr. Dep- uty, General Court, Mass., or Portsmouth, N. H., 1080. Mem- ber of Assembly, N. H., 1684- 169 1. Deputy, Portsmouth Con- vention to choose form of Gov- ernment, 1690. Lieutenant, 1090. Captain, 1692. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 315. Nichols, Henry A., 362. Nichols, Willard A., 362. Pierce, Captain Michael. Captain, Plymouth Colony, 1669. Killed in battle with the Narragansett Indians, 1676. Brown, Walter M., 44. Pierce, Bradford De Witt, 228. Lincoln, John L., Jr., 295. Pierce, Captain Samuel, i 739-1815. Captain, Co. of Foot, Dorchester, under Col. Nathaniel Hatch, 1772. Pierce, Geo. F., 200. fy26 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Pierce, Sergeant Thomas, 1608-1685, Woburn, Mass. Deputy, 1658. Sergeant, 1669- 1682. Corporal, ibS"?. Trooper in King Philip's War, under Capt. Thos. Prentice and Capt. Thos. Brattle. Pierce, George W., 98. Spalding, George B., 112. Spalding, George B., Jr., 1 12. Anderson, James F. , 239. Sawyer, William D., 271. Sawyer, Charles F. , 271. Downs, Edgar R., 309. Pierce, Colonel Timothy, 1673-1748 Plainfield, Conn. Ensign, 1708 Lieutenant, 1711. Captain, 1725 Colonel, nth Conn. Regt., 1739 Speaker of the House, 1 728 Governor's Assistant, 1 728-1 748 Pierce, Charles H., 98. Pierce, Geo. W., 98. Shepard, Ralph K., 110. Spalding, George B., 112. Spalding, George B., Jr., 1 12. Pierpont, Lieutenant Joseph, 1704- I 752. Lieutenant of the 5th New Haven Co., 1742. Brackett, Robert L., 43. Pierpont, Robert, 1694, Roxbury, Mass. Deputy, 1689. Parker, Montgomery D. , 200. PiERSON, Reverend Abraham. Chaplain, Colony of New Haven, Expedition against the Dutch under Lieut. Robert Seeley. Judson, William P., 79. PiERSoN, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry, 1652-1701. Lieut. -Colonel, Suf- folk Co. Militia, 1098, Province of New-York, and under Earle Bellomont, 1700. Speaker, 4th Colonial Assembly. McClure, Archibald J., 87. McDonald, John, 87. Prime, Ralph Earl, 100. Slocum, Joseph J., 111. Pike, Captain John, 1640-1714. Lieu- tenant, 1600. Captain, 1673-1681. English-Dutch Wars, 1664 and 1673. Member of Gov. Carteret's Council, 1670-1672, East Jersey. Hadden, Crowell, Jr., 68. Pike, Robert, 1616-1706. Lieuten- ant, Salisbury Troop of Horse, 1652. Captain, 1659. Major, Military Forces of Norfolk and Piscataqua Cos., 1670. Com- mander-in-Chief of all Military Forces North and East of Merri- mac River, in the War against the French and Indians, 1600. Deputy, 1648-16S2. Governor's Assistant, 1682. Committee of Safety, 1689. Commissioner to treat with the Indians, 1090. Dorr, Dalton, 140. Pike, Chas. Eliot, 346. Pike, Francis W., 346. • Pile, Hon. John, 1665. St. Mary's Co., Md. Member of Provincial Council, 1048-1651. Brent, Joseph L., 159. Keyser, Robert B., 163. PiLLSBURY, Captain Caleb, 1717- 1778, Amesbury, Mass. Cap- tain, 2d Regt., Essex Co. Militia, 1771. Pillsbury, Charles A., 346. Pinder, John, 1630-1700. Soldier in King Philip's War. Griffith, William H.,67. Pinney, Captain Benjamin, 1715-1777, Windsor, Conn., Troops, French and Indian Wars, 1755. Earle, Ferdinand Pinney, S9. Pitkin, Nathaniel, 1670-1753. En- sign, East Hartford Co., 1 7 16. Fisher, Francis P., 290. Pitkin, Roger, 1662- 1748. Captain 3d Co., Hartford Militia, 1698. Ensign, 1 704. Strong, Theron G., 116. Hammond, Andrew G., 224. Pitkin, William, 1st, 1636-1694. Deputy, General Court, 1675- 1690. Attorney-General, 1604. Treasurer, 1676. Assistant, 1690- 1694. Commissioner for the United Colony of Conn. Rogers, James S., 150. Patten, John D., 246. Fisher, Francis P., 290. Pitkin, Chief-Justice William, 2d, 1664-1725. Deputy, 1696. As- sistant, 1697, twenty-six years. Member Committee of War, 1702, War of the Spanish Succession. Chief-Justice Colony of Conn., 1713-1723. Hosmer, Edw. Sturges, 74. Patten, John D., 246. Pitkin, Governor William. Colonel, 527 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1st Conn. Regt., 1737, and Gov- ernor of the Colony. Grinnell, George Bird, 67. Grinnell, William Milne, 67. Roberts, Henry, 229. Plaisted, Elisha. Captured by Indians, 1 7 1 2 ; ransomed by his father for ^300. First Representative Gen- eral Court, Mass., for Berwick, Me., 1714. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 315. Plaisted, John, 1059 , Portsmouth, N. H. Speaker of the House, 1 696- 1 727. Member of Council, 1702-1708. Pierce, Jacob W., 200. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 315. Plaisted, Lieutenant Roger, 1 675 . Deputy, io63-'04-'73. Lieuten- ant, 1670, Capt. Charles Frost's Co. Killed in a fight with the Indians. Hale, Josiah L., 188. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 315. Plant, John. Soldier King Philip's War. One of English Volunteers to whom the Conn. General Court awarded a plantation on petition of Lieut. Thomas Leffingwell. Plant, Henry B., 270. Plant, Morton F., 270. Plater, Colonel George, 1695-1755. Member Council, 1 732-1 755. Col- lector for Pocomoke Dist., 1728. Naval Officer for Patuxent, 1755. Secretary of Maryland, 1755. Howard, McHenry, 162. Platt, Captain Epenetus. Captain of a company of Suffolk Co. Foot, 1684. Sent in command of East End Men to demand the surrender of the Fort at New-York, 1689. Averill, Henry K., Jr., 34. Griffith, William H., 07. Platt, Captain Joseph, 1672 Captain, Norwalk, Conn., 17 10. Port Royal Expedition. Fitch, Edward Sherman, 61. Platt, Captain Zephaniah, 1735-1807. Ensign in Capt. Joseph Lewis' Co., Huntington, L. I., 1758. Cap- tain, Co. of Foot, North Battalion, Dutchess Co. Regt., Col. Martin Hoffman, 1760. Averill, Henry K., Jr., 34. Plowden, Sir Edmund, '659. Founder, Governor, Captain-Gen- eral, and Earl Palatine of New Albion (now New Jersey). Charter granted by Charles 1. Jenkins, Austin L., 162. Jenkins, Edward A., 162. Jenkins, F. de Sales, 163. Jenkins, Spaulding L., 1O3. Plumb, John, 1594-1048. Served in Capt. Mason's Command, Pequot War, 1037. Deputy from Weth- ersfield. General Court, 1636-1642, Colony of Conn. Banks, David, Jr., }6. Collins, Holdridge O., 50, 359. Plum, Frederick A., 09. Short, Edward L., 110. Plumsted, Clement, 1 080- 174s, Phila- delphia. Member of Common Council. Member of Penn. As- sembly, 1712-1 720. Judge, Court Common Pleas, 1717-1745. Pre- siding Judge, Provincial Council, 1727-174S. Devereux, Alfred, i 39. Devereux, Frederick, 139. Klapp, William H., 144. Burton, Robert, 100. Plumsted, William, i 708-1 765. Mem- ber of Assembly, 1755-1757. Mem- ber of the Council, 1759-1704, Province of Penn. Devereux, Alfred, 1 39. Burton, Robert, 100. Plympton, Sergeant John, 1620-1677, Deersfield, Mass. Sergeant, 1674. Captured by the Indians, 1677; taken to the Canadian frontier and burnt at the stake. Freeman, James G., 180. Plympton, Lieutenant Joseph, 1677- I 739, Medfield, Mass. Represen- tative, 1720. Lieutenant, 1723. Freeman, James G., 180. Plymton, Thomas. Killed in Indian Fight at Boon's Plains, Sudbury, Mass., 21st day of April, 1676. Plymton, Gilbert M., 98. PoLHEMus, Captain Daniel. Cornet, Kings Co., New-York Militia,- 1090. Captain of Troop of Horse. Voorhees, William P., 316. Polk, Colonel Thomas, i 732-1 793. Member of the General Assembly of North Carolina, 1769-1771. Polk, Isaac H., 362. 528 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. PoMEROY, Major Seth, 1700-1777. 4th Mass. Regt., Louisbur^ Expedi- tion, 1745. Crown Point, 17S5. Brigadier-General in Revolution. Dewey, Chas. Ayrault, 30. Pomeroy, George E., 99, 327. Turner, Theodore C. 121. Pond, Charles, i744-i8;2. Soldier in Major David Baldwin's Co., Col. Nathan Whiting's 2d Conn. Regt., 1 76 1. Afterwards Captain in the Continental Line. Pond, Charles Hobby, 99. Pond, Winthrop, c^q. Pond, Nicholas Misplee, 229. Pond, Lieutenant Samuel, i 048-1 718. Ensign, 1689. Lieutenant, 1695, Bradford, Conn., Militia. Pond, Edwin W., 99. Poole, Captain Jonathan, 1634-1678. Second Captain, Reading, Mass. Captain under Ma)or Appleton at Hadley, King Philip's War. Presi- dent of Council of War, 167s- 1676. Carpenter, Frederick B., 181. Cox, Edwin B., 182. Cox, Wm. E., 182. Kellogg, John Prescott, 226. Poole, Charles C, 298. Poole, Clark L. , 346. Poole, Samuel, 3d, i7;6-i78o. dier in "Old French War," at Capture of Fort Frontenac. Poole, Murray E., 100. Hersey, Roscoe F., 342. Hersey, Dudley H., 342. PooRE, Henry, 16SO-1741, Mass. Under Major Narragansett Campaign, 1075. Johnson, George P., 193. Webb, J. Sidney, 249. Murrell, George, ;26. Pope, Colonel Nathaniel, 1660. Lieut. -Colonel, Westmoreland Co., Va., i6ss. Pope, William H., 386. Pope, Seth, 1648-1727. Deputy, Mass. General Assembly, 1689. Lieu- tenant, 1686. Captain, 1690. Lee, Edward C, 145. Pope, Thomas, 1608-1683, Plymouth, Mass. Member of Volunteer Co. under William Holmes and Thomas Prence, Pequot War. Also in service, 1643. Sol- '758, Newbury, Appleton, Kingman, William L., 80. Porter, John, Sr., 1648, Windsor, Conn. Deputy, General Court, 1646- 1647. Blagden, Thomas, 240. Porter, John, Jr., 1021-1688, Windsor, Conn. Member, 1st Troop of Horse, i6s8. Trooper in King Philip's War. Britton, Charles P., 43. Earle, Ferdinand P., 59. Mann, Matthew D., i6. Blagden, Thomas, 240. Porter, Sergeant John, 1596-1676, Salem, Mass. Sergeant, 1646. Deputy, General Court, Hingham, 1644; Salem, 1668. Brown, John B., 44. Brown, Otis S., 180. Porter, George L., 229. Skinner, William C, 230. Porter, Joseph, 1638-1714, Windsor, Conn., under Capt. Moseley, King Philip's War. Skinner, William C, 230. Porter, Moses, 1722-1755, Hadley, Mass. Captain in Braddock's Crown Point Expedition. Killed in the "Bloody Morning Scout." Fisher, F. Porter, 290. Porter, Nathaniel, 1080- 17 10. Served in the Canada Expedition, 1708- I 709. Died at Fort Anne. Hart, Charles N., 370. Porter, Lieutenant Nathaniel, 1704- 1759, under Capt. Israel Putnam, 1756. Indian Scout. Hart, Charles N., 370. Porter, Samuel, 175s. Served in garrison at Fort Edward, and died of fever. Skinner, Wm. C, 230. Post, Lieutenant Abraham, 1690. Ensign, Saybrook, Conn., 1667. Lieutenant, Saybrook Fort, 1680. Post, Frank T., 362. Powers, Captain Peter, '757- Captain of the 3d Co., Col. Joseph Blanchard's Regt., Crown Point Expedition, 175s. Cutter, Edw. J., 183. Cutter, Henry A., 267. Pratt, Sergeant David, Fram- ingham, Mass. Buckminster's Rutland Scouts, 1722. Hosmer, Jerome C, 190. 529 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Pratt, Ensign John, 1644-1726, Say- brook, Conn. Ensign, 1 684. Dep- uty, General Court, 1684,^/5^^. Edwards, Charles L., 323. Pratt, Joshua. A member of Ply- mouth Militia, 1643. Hall, Lemuel R., 202. Spooner, Frank E., 300. Pratt, Phineas, 1080. Skirmishes with Indians, Weymouth, Dor- chester and Ipswich. Macdonough, Rodney, 195. Pratt, Captain William, 1055-1718. Lieutenant of Conn. Troops in 1709, and Captain of the ist Co., Saybrook, Conn., 171 7. Spencer, Horatio Nelson, 315. Spencer, Selden Palmer, 31s. Pratt, Lieutenant William, 1622- 1 678. Lieutenant, Saybrook Forces under Mason, Pequot War. Dep- uty, i6b6, et seq. Member of Council of War, 1642. Backus, Brady Electus, 35. Huse, Robert S., 76. Leonard, Edgar C, 83. Sill, Frederick S., 11 1. Eaton, George F. , 222. Hart, Samuel, 224. Ingersoll, Colin M., 226. Spencer, Horatio N., 315. Spencer, Selden P., 315. Edwards, Charles L., 323. Marvin, R. Pratt, 526. Chittenden, Edwin S., 340. Edwards, Edward J., 341. Jewett, Stephen, 343. McKinstry, Elisha W., 361. Prentice, Solomon, Cambridge, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War. Fessenden, Charles N., 290. Prence V Prince. Prence, Governor Thomas, 1600- 1673. Assistant, Plymouth Col- ony, 1635, ^^ ^^1- Governor, 1634-1638, and 1657-1672. Mem- ber Council of War, and "went forth against the Pequot Indians," 1637. Commissioner for United Colonies, 1645, etseq. Freeman, George W., 63. Griffith, William H., 66. Sears, Clinton Brooks, 108, 347. Story, Henry Grafton, 1 15. Bowman, Austin L., 179. Bowman, Geo. E., 179. Brooks, L. Loring, 179. Freeman, James G., 186. Howland, Charles W., 101. Howland, Daniel W., 191. Lawrie, Andrew, 194. Sears, Henry D., 204. Gross, Charles E., 224. Clark, A. Howard, 241. Fuller, Austin Weed, 279. Doane, William H., 323. Clark, Hosmer P., 340. Mayo, Chas. E., 344. Prentice, Captain Thomas, 1621-1710. Lieutenant, Mass. Troop of Horse, 1656. Captain, 1662. Pequot and Narragansett Wars. Engaged in apprehension and return of Sir Edmund Andros. Rice, L. Frederick, 202. Dennison, Ira W., 242. Sanger, Jos. P., 247. Ames, Louis A., 254. Bartholomew, Jas. H., 339. Mason, Wm. L , 393. Prentis, John, 1631-1691. Deputy, General Court, Conn., 1668. Prentis, Edward, 229. Converse, Chas. A., 278. Mason, William L. , 393. Prentis, Captain John, 1705-1747. Commander Sloop Defense at the taking of Louisburg, 1 745. Huntington, Charles R., 76. Chew^ James L., 220. Prentis, Jonathan. Deputy, 1702. Member of Council, 1707-1724. Overseer of Indians, 1715. Prentis, Edward, 229. Prentis, LieutenantJoseph, 1701-1773, New London, Conn. Lieutenant of Militia. Converse, Chas. A., 278. Prentis, Stephen, 1666-1758, New London, Conn. Deputy, 17 12, etseq. Captain of Militia, 1714. Converse, Chas. A., 278. Prescott, John, i 604- 1 68 1 . Served in Garrison at Lancaster, in defence of the town against the Indians, 1675 and 1670. Gerry, Allston, 04. Melville, Henry, 88. Cutter, Edw. J., 183. Love, Wm. DeLoss, 227. Cutter, Henry A., 267. Sawyer, William D., 271. 530 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Sawyer, Charles F., 271. Moore, George H., 296. White, John B., 316. Prescott, John, 5d. Served in Garri- son at Lancaster, Mass., 1704- 170^;. Bennett, Asahel Frank, 287. Prescott^ Captain Jonas, 1648-172;. Captain, Groton Co. in King Wil- liam's War, 1689. Deputy, 1699, et seq., Colony of Mass. Melville, Henry, 88. Cutter, Edw. J., 185. Farnsworth, Frederick, 222. Cutter, Henry A., 267. Prescott, Captain Jonas, 2d, 1678- 1750, Groton, Mass. Deputy, 1720. Melville, Henry, 88. Prescott, Captain Jonathan, 1643- 172 1, Concord, Mass. Captain of Militia, Garrison duty. Deputy, 1092, et seq. Boutelle, Henry S., 287. Hall, Lemuel R., 292. Moore, George H., 296. Prescott, Jonathan, 167S-1755. Pri- vate in Capt. John Gilman's Co., 1710. Emery, Brainerd Prescott, 60. Presley, Colonel Peter, •750- Member of Virginia House of Bur- gesses, 171 1, et seq., ad int. Barret, Richard A., 309. Presley, William, 1621-1669. Mem- ber of Virginia House of Burgesses, 1647. Barret, Richard A., 30Q. Preston, Richard, 1669. Mem- ber of Governor's Council, Mary- land, 1652. One of six Com- missioners appointed by Parliament to govern the Province, 1651. Coates, Edward H., 138. Griscom, Clement A., 141. Preston, Samuel, 1665-1743. Mem- ber of Governor's Council, Prov- ince of Penn., 1700, et seq. Griscom, Clement A., 141. Preston, Colonel William, i 676- 1 750. Colonel, Conn. Militia. Deputy, 1 714-1 749. Abbott, EvertonJ., 338. Proctor, Robert. Soldier in King Philip's War. Estey, Julius J., 279. Estey, Jacob G., 279. Provoost, Sergeant David, i 608- 1 656. Commander at Fort Good Hope, 1 642- 1 647. First of the "Nine Men," 1652. Sergeant, Blue Flag Co., Burgher Corps, New Amster- dam, i6s;. First separate Schout at Breuckelen, 1655. Schout and Secretary of Breuckelen,Ameisfoort and Midwont until his death. Boardman, Lansdale, 41. Collins, H. O., 50, 359. Plymton, Gilbert M., 98. Seaman, Wm. Bleecker, 108. Sill, John Targee, i 1 1. Thomas, George Cummins, 258. Provoost, Colonel David, 1670-1724. Captain in Col. Abraham de Pey- ster'sRegt., New- York City, 1700. Major, 1710. Member of General Assembly, 1702-171 1. Lieut. - Colonel, 1710. Colonel, 1718. Member of Council, 1708-1 710. Seaman, Wm. Bleecker, 108. Thomas, George Cummins, 258. Provost, Captain David, 1695-1781. 2d Lieutenant in Capt. Cornelius Van Home's Co., 1737; 1st Lieu- tenant under Capt. Paul Richard, 1 738. Captain of a Co. of Troops, 1 740, Spanish Expedition. Seaman, Wm. Bleecker, 108. Thomas, George Cummins, 258. Prljyn, Samuel, 1677-17=52. Member Capt. Rooseboom's Co., Albany, 1715. Pruyn, John V. S. L., 100. Pumpelly, Sergeant John, 1727-1819. Served under Capt. John Loring, relief of Fort William Henry, 1758; Crown Point, 1755. Read, Harmon Pumpelly, 101. Putnam, Captain Benjamin, 1664-1715, Salem. Lieutenant, Captain, 1706- 1711. Nourse, John F., 197. Putnam, Geo. J., 201. Putnam, Edward, 3d, Sutton, Mass.. Delegate to General Congress,, '774- Stearns, H. Putnam, 231. Putnam, Captain Henry, 1712-1775. Served in Louisburg and in French. and Indian War. Lost his life at the Battle of Lexington. Carnochan, G. M., 47. 531 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Putnam, Major-General Israel. At the outbreak of the French War, 1 755, he raised a company of men at Pomfret, Conn.; Captain in Lyman's Regt. ; Lake George and Crown Point. When the army was disbanded in the autumn of I 755, he remained in the field with Major Rogers and his famous rangers. Granted a sum of money for "Extraordinary Services." Major, 1757; Lieutenant-Colonel, 1759. Havana Expedition, 1761- 1762. in 1764, returned from a Western expedition with rank of Colonel. Served with distinction in the Revolution. Day, George H., 221 . Castle, Alfred H., 288. Dana, Chas. D., 289. Putnam, Captain John, 1627-1710, Salem. Corporal, 1672. Lieu- tenant, 1678. Captain, 1687. Deputy, 1679, et seq. Brown, John B., 44. Skinner, Henry W., 1 1 1, 390. Newhall, James S., 197. Putnam, Edw. F., 201. Putnam, Geo. J., 201. Putnam, Lieutenant Nathaniel, 1619- 1 700. Deputy to General Court, 1 690- 1 69 1. Lieutenant, Foot Co., Salem Village, 1683. Putnam, Geo. J., 201. Tapley, Henry F., 206. Stearns, H. Putnam, 231. Putnam, Brigadier-General Rufus, 1 738-1824. French and Indian War. Capt. Ebenezer Leonard's Co., Col. Joseph Frye's Mass. Regt., 1758. Capt. Joseph Whit- comb's Co., Col. Timothy Ruggles' Regt., 1759. Ensign, Capt. Thomas Beman's Co., Col. Wil- lard's Regt., 1760. Stillwater, Saratoga, Fort Edward, etc. Served with distinction in Revo- lution. Fenner, Chas. Putnam, 360. Putnam, Lieutenant Stephen, 1694- 1772, Salem. Lieutenant in 3d Co., ist Regt. of Mass. Militia, 1739, Capt. Samuel Flint, Col. Ichabod Plaisted. Putnam, Geo. F., 201. Putnam, Geo. J., 201. Putnam, Lieutenant Thomas, 1614- 1680. Lieutenant, Troop of Horse, Lynn, Mass., 1662. Served in King Philip's War. Heaton, John E., 225. Stearns, H. Putnam, 231. Castle, Alfred H,, 288. Dana, Chas. D., 289. Gillette, Edwin F., 291. Fenner, Charles P., 360. Pynchon, John, 1625-1703. Assistant, 1655-1686. Member of Council, 1688. Captain, Major, Lieuten- ant, and Colonel, 1688. Mem- ber of Council, 1693-1703. Stafford, William F., 113. Bagley, John N., 389. Pynchon, John, Jr., 1647-1721. Com- missioner for United Colonies. Stafford, William F., 113. Bagley, John N., 389. Pynchon, Governor William, 1590- 1662, Springfield, Mass. Chartered Incorporator and "Assistant." Treasurer, 1632-1634. "Gov- ernor of Springfield," 1641 -1650. Governing Magistrate of Conn., 1 637- 1 638. Day, Robert W., 54. Hosmer, Edward Sturges, 73. McKinstry, Charles H., 87. Stafford, William F., 113. Walbridge, T. C, 125, 152. Washburn, John Henry, 126. Woodruff, Chas. H., 130. Wolcott, Roger, 212. Cutler, Ralph Win., 220. Stetson, Caleb R., 248. Evans, Ira H., 279. Teall, Edward McK., 301. Hale, Charles R., 312. Wells, Eben F., 349. McKinstry, Elisha W., 361. QyiNCY, Edmund, 1681-1738, Braintree, Mass. Representative, 1 7 13- 1 714. Member of Council, i7i5-'29- '34-'37- Pierce, Jacob W., 200. Quincy, Josiah, 201. QyiNCY, Colonel John. Major and Colonel of Mass. Militia. Speaker of House. Member of Governor's Council. Johnson, John Q. A., 78. QyiNCY, Lieutenant-Colonel Edmund, 532 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1627-1698, Braintree, Mass. Dep- uty, Major, Lieutenant-Colonel, Suffolk Regt., 1698. Chauncey, Elihu, 48. Davies, Julien T., S5. Davies, Wm. G., 53. Luquer, Lea Mel., 80. Luquer, Thatcher T. P., 86. Eaton, William S., Jr., 185. Salisbury, Edward E., 229. Quincy, Charles P., 229. Rambo, Peter Gunnerson, 1698. Member of the Council, Province ofPenn., 1608. Benson, Edwin N., 137. Randall, Sergeant John, 1680, Watertown, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War, under Capt. Poole and Capt. John Holbrook. Farr, Marvin A., 289. Randolph, Isham, 1087- 1742. Mem- ber House of Burgesses and Adju- tant General, Virginia. Trumbull, Nathan F., 372. Randolph, Lieutenant-Colonel Wil- liam, 1651-1711. MemberHouse of Burgesses, 1700-1705. Cap- tain, Henrico Co. Forces, 1680. Lieut. -Colonel, 1699. Attorney- General and Member Royal Coun- cil of Virginia. Founder of Wil- liam and Mary College, 1690. Hutchinson, Gary T., 76. Thomas, Douglas H., 118, 168. Thomas, D. H.,Jr., 168. Trumbull, Nathan F., 372. Rapelje, Lieutenant Joris, 1673-1741. Lieutenant of His Majesty's Forces, Queen's Co., New-York. Kitchen, John C. D., 81. Whitehouse, J. N. de R., 128. Strong, R. P., 1O7. Rapaljie, Joris Jansen, de. Repre- sentative from " Waal-boght," "to the first popular meeting in New Netherland," 1041. One of the " Twelve Men." Moody, Fredericks., 362. Rawson, Secretary Edward, 161 5- 1693. Secretary, Mass. Bay Colony, 1 630- 1 68 1. Commis- sioner at Boston, i6=;S. Officer to enforce English Naval Laws, 1663. Rawson, Edward S>., 327. Taft, Charles P., ^28. Vaile, Joel F., 373. Wheaton, Frank, 37^. Rawson, Reverend Grindal, 1659- 1715. Chaplain of the Fleet under Sir William Phips, Port Royal Ex- pedition, 1690. Vaile, Joel F., 373. Wheaton, Frank, 373. Rawson, Lieutenant Stephen, 1722- 1773, Providence, R. 1. Lieuten- ant, Militia, 1 749. Assistant, 1 760. Wheaton, Frank, 373. Raymond, Joshua, 1639-1676, Salem, Mass., and New London, Conn. Commissary in King Philip's War. Cornet of Troopers. Otis, Philo A., 297. Waite, Horace F., 30;. Waite, Horace G., ■;o3. Raynolds, Nathaniel. Private in Capt. Hudson's Co., 1675. Cap- tain under Col. Church. Reynold, Edward V., 229. Read, Colonel Clement, 1707-1763. in command of Expedition, French and Indian War, 1758. Deen, Wm. M., 255. Read, John, Sr., 1598-1685, Reho- both, Mass A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Hill, John W., 293. Hill, Henry B., 342. Whipple, Charles H., 349. Whipple, Henry B., 350. Read, John, Jr., 1040-1676, Reho- both, Mass. Killed by the Indians at Pierce's Fight. Hill, John W., 203. Hill, Henry B., 342. Whipple, Charles H., 349. Whipple, Henry B., 3S0. Read, John, 1679-1740, Boston, Mass. Deputy, 1738. Member of Coun- cil, 1741-1742. Attorney-Gen- eral, 1723, et seq. Mclntyre, Chas. Jno., 195. Eaton, Theodore H., 255, 389. Read, Colonel John, i 088- 1 756. Lieu- tenant in the Delaware Colonial Forces, 1747, French War. Read, Harmon Pumpelly, loi. Read, Colonel John, 1699-1786, Red- ding, Conn. Major, 1753. Lieut. - Colonel, 1757. Colonel, Seven Years' War. 533 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Eaton, Theodore H., 255, 389. Reade, George, 1600-1 671. Secre- tary, Colony of Virginia, 1637. Acting Governor, 1638. Member, House of Burgesses^ James City Co., 1640. York Co., 1656. Member Royal Council, 1657, till his death. Glenn, John T., 385. Jackson, Henry R., 385. McAllister, John M., 386. Whitner, John A., 386. Whitner, Charles F., 386. Reade, Joseph, 1771 . Member of Provincial Council of New-York, 1764-1771. Hamersley, J. Hooker, 69. Reade, Ensign William, 1605-1663. Weymouth, Mass. Ensign of Foot Co., 1640. Deputy, Gen- eral Court, i635-'36-'38. Reed, John L., 166. Reade, Philip, 201. Reade, William, 1625-1690, Woburn, Mass. Served in the Mount Hope Campaign, 1675, under Capt. Prentice; also under Lieut. Oakes, 1676, King Philip's War. Hall, Dudley, 68. Reade, William, 1639-1706, Wey- mouth, Mass. Soldier, King Philip's War. Reade, Philip, 201, 394. Reddocke, Henry, , Providence, R. 1. Deputy, 1654. Macdonough, Rodney, 195. Redfield, Captain Peleg, 1723-1760. French and Indian War. 2d Lieutenant, loth Co., 2d Conn. Regt., 1756. 1st Lieutenant, 1758, capture of Ticonderoga. Captain of ninety men raised about Killingwoith for the cam- paign, 1759-1760. Served under Lord Amherst at Crown Point, and died near Stockbridge, Mass., on his journey home. Proctor, Thos. Redfield, 100. Remick, Joseph, 1731-1782, of New- bury, Mass. Clerk in Lieut. -Col. John Kingsbury's Co., Col. Jona- than Bagley's Regt., at Fort William Henry, 1756. Remick, Ninian B., 101. Remick, Jno. A., 201. Remick, Timothy, 201. Remington, Lieutenant John, 1617- 1667, of Rowley, Mass. In Pe- quot War. Remington, Cyrus K., 101. Remsen, Captain Henry, 1736-1792. Ensign in Capt. David Abell's Foot Co., New-York City, 1760. Captain, 1772, Col. Leonard Lis- penard's Regt. Remsen, Phoenix, 101. Remsen, Colonel Jeromus, i73'i-1790. Provincial Forces, New-York. Whitehouse, J. N. deR., 128. Revell, Randall. Member of Assem- bly, Maryland, 1638. Member of Virginia House of Burgesses, 1657- 1658. Dennis, James Teacle, 160. Curtis, George W. N., 242. Curtis, J. B. Gregg, 242. Reynolds, Thomas. Delegate from Calvert Co., Md., Lower House of Assembly, 1754-1757. Reynolds, Edward, 166. Rhoades, Attorney - General John, 1658-1716, Rhode Island. Dep- uty, General Court. Clerk of As- sembly. Felton, Samuel M., 324. Rhoades, Samuel. 1643 . Served under Capt. Gardiner, King Philip's War. Rhoades, Lyman, 102. Rhoades, Ensign Samuel. Commis- sioned Ensign, 1768, in the 3d Co., Capt. Gallison, of Marble- head, Mass., in Col. Jacob Fowle's Regt. of Foot. Rhoades, Lyman, 102. Rhoades, Samuel. Mayor of Phila- delphia, 1774. Member of the Continental Congress, 1774. Franklin, William B., 222. Rhodes, Samuel. Served in Capt. Ebenezer Cox's Co. from Stough- tonham, Mass., in French and In- dian War, 1 760. In Samuel Mil- ler's Regt. at Crown Point, 1756, and in Capt. Nathaniel Blake's Co. at Crown Point, 1756-1757. Adams, Edward M., 285. Rice, Edmund, 1594-1663, Sudbury, Mass. Deputy to the General Court, 1640, et seq. Parker, Charles L., 198. Rice, Henry B., 202. 534 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Rice, Edward, 1619-1712, Marlboro, Mass. Member ofWest Middle- sex Regt., and quartered in his garrison house, 1691. Rice, Henry B., 202. Rice, L. Frederick, 202. Pierce, Frederick C., 20S. Rice, Corporal Henry, 1616-171 i, Sudbury, Mass. Corporal, Mili- tary Co., 1086. Rice, Henry B., 202. Rice, Joseph, 1637- 1685, Marlboro, Mass. Owned a garrison house. King Philip's War, 1675- 1676. Deputy, 1683. Rice, L. Frederick, 202. Rice, Samuel. Member of the garrison at the house of Joseph Rice in Marlboro, Mass., 1675. Rice, L. Frederick, 202. Messinger, Wm. D., 296. Rice Thomas, 1681, Sudbury, Mass. Commanded a garrison at Marlboro, 167s. Bennett, Asahel F., 287. Richard, Captain Paul, 1697-17^56. 'Captain, New-York City Militia, 1738. Mayor, 1735-1730. Dep- uty, 1 743-1 7s6. Commissary of War, 1746. Member of Colonial Assembly. Brown, Paul Richard, 44. Richard, Lieutenant Stephen, 1670- 1 730. Lieutenant in Capt. Isaac DeRiemer's Co., Col. Abraham de Peyster's Regt., under Earl Bel- lomont, 1 700. Brown, Paul Richard, 44. Richards, Captain George, New Lon- don, Conn. Deputy. Ensign, 1726. Lieutenant, 1 736. Captain, 1 739. Prentis, Edward, 229. Richards, Captain Jeremiah, Jr. ,170s- 1 776, Roxbury, Mass. Captain, Col. Williams' Regt. in Canada, '755- Rawson, Edward S., 327 Richards, Thomas, Boston. A. Co., 1648. Rogers, Allan, 203. Richardson, Abel, 1730-1761. Soldier in the French War, 1736-1760. Woodworth, Newell B., 131. Richardson, Amos, 1683, of Stonington, Conn. Deputy to the General Court, 1676-1077. A. & H. Doane, Wm. H., 323. Richardson, Ezekiel, 1647. Dep- uty, General Court of Mass., 1635. Richardson, Albert E., 281. Richardson, Frederick A., 281. Richardson, Lieutenant John, 1639- 1696, Woburn, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War, and Phips' Expedition. Lieutenant in Militia. Leach, J. Granville, 144. Thompson, Abijah, 207. Richardson, Joseph, i 643- 1717. Served under Major Samuel Appleton in Great Swamp Fight. Woodworth, Newell B., 131. Richardson, Lieutenant Josiah, 1665- 1711, Chelmsford, Mass. Lieu- tenant in West Middlesex Regt. in garrison, 1691-1692, King Wil- liam's War. Reade, Philip, 299. Richardson, Nathaniel, 16SI-1714, of Capt. Prestiss' Co. Wounded in the Great Swamp Fight. Holmes, Edwin T., 73. Richardson, George C, 202. Tolman, William S., 208. Richardson, Samuel, 1719. Pro- vincial Councillor, 1688 - 1695. Member of Assembly fourteen terms. Province of Penn. Campbell, Benjamin H., 40. Lewis, William F. , 146. Pennypacker, Samuel W., 149. Richardson, Stephen, 1683. Served under Lieut. Edward Oakes, King Philip's War. Reynolds, James, 102. Doane, William H., 323. Richardson, Thomas, 1645 - 1720. Served under Capt. Samuel Gal- lup's Expedition to Canada, 1690. Deputy, 1703-1704. Holdcn, Joshua B., 190. Keith, Albert, 24s. Richmond, Captain Edward, 1632- 1 696. Lieutenant in King Philip's War. Captain, 1600. Deputy, Rhode Island Assembly, 1678, et seq. Campbell, Wm. A., 46. Paige, Edward W., 95. Richmond, Adelbert G., 102. Watson, William H., 126. Wilbour, Joshua, 407. Richmond, Colonel Ezra, 1721-1800, 535 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Dighton, Mass. Aide-de-camp to his father, Col. Sylvester Rich- mond, Louisburg Expedition, 1745. Commissioned Colonel by George II., and as such served in the French and Indian Wars. Representative, 1752, et seq. Allen, Francis R., 17s. Richmond, Colonel Sylvester, i6p8- 1783, Dighton, Mass. Represen- tative, 1 741-1747. Commissioned, 1 744. Colonel of the 6th Mass. Regt., Louisburg Expedition. He planned the assault which led to the fall of Louisburg, and re- ceived the French flag at the cap- ture of the fortress. Chapman, Thomas B.^ 48. Allen, Francis R., 175. Allen, Frederick B., 176. RiDGELY, Dr. Charles, 1737-1785. Member Colonial Assembly of Delaware, 1774, which selected delegates to Continental Congress in Carpenter's Hall, Philadel- phia. DuPont, Alexis L, 400. Morris, Walter, 401. Ridgely, Henry, Jr., 401. RiDGELY, Colonel Henry, 170S. Member of Assembly, 1692. Mem- ber of Governor's Council, Major and Colonel of Militia, Anne Arundel Co., Md. Commis- sioner, 1683. Tilton, Palmer, 207. Tilton, Warren C, 208. Hall, William C, 243. Peale, Albert C, 246. RiGGS, Sergeant Edward, 1619-1669, Roxbury, Mass. Served in Pequot War. Myer, Isaac, 92. Short, William, 315. RiGGS, Thomas, 1632-1722, Glouces- ter, Mass. Town Clerk fifty-one years. Selectman, twenty years. Representative, 1 700. Foster, Joseph, 268. Ring, Andrew, 161 7-1692. Member of Plymouth Military Co. Vaile, Joel F., 373. Ringgold, Major James, 1636- 1686. Lord of Eastern Neck, Md. Major and Commander of the Militia, Kent Co., in the Nanticoke Expe- dition, 1678. Spencer, John T., 151. RiSHWoRTH, Edward, 1617-1691^ York, Me. Deputy, General Court, Mass. Bay, 1053, et seq. Councillor, 1646, et seq. Hale, Josiah L., 188. Robbins, Lieutenant Jonathan, it>86- 172s. Served under Capt. Love- well and was killed in battle with Indians at Fryeburg, Me. Robbins, Howard S., 103. RoBBiNS, Samuel, 1643- 1708, Cam- bridge, Mass. Served in Capt. Thomas Prentice's Co., King Philip's War. Robbins, Howard S., 103. Roberdeau, Daniel, Philadelphia. Delegate to the Assembly, 1750- 1 700. Colonel, 2d Battalion, Penn. Associates, 177=;. Brigadier-Gen- eral, 1776. Buchanan, Roberdeau, 241. Roberts, Lieutenant Lemuel, 1 700 . Lieutenant, Conn. Militia, 174^. Roberts, Cyrus S., 103. Goodwin, Francis, 223. Goodwin, James J., 223. Roberts, Captain Lemuel, Simsbury, Conn. 9th Co. Conn. Militia, 1 774. Goodwin, Francis, 223. Goodwin, James J., 223. Roberts, Governor Thomas. Last Colonial Governor of New Hamp- shire, 1640. Atwood, Edward S., 34. Roberts, James A., 103. Fiske, George F., 290. Robeson, Andrew, 1653-1719. Mem- ber of Penn. Council, under Gov. Fletcher, 1093. Robeson, Andrew, 202. RoBiE, Samuel, 1659-1717. Served in King William's War. Parsons, William D., 95. Robinson, George, Jr., 1656-1724. Rehoboth, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War under Major Brad- ford. Farr, Marvin A., 289. Blackmer, Henry M., 368. Robinson, Peter. Lieutenant, Sussex Co. Regt., 1756, Delaware, French War. 536 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Robinson, Thomas, 401. Robinson, Captain Samuel, 1 705- 1 767. Served in French and Indian Wars, 1756, as Captain in Col. Timothy Ruggles' Regt., Mass. Troops. Was at the battle of Lake George. Sent to England, 1700, as Agent for New Hampshire set- tlers, to present their petition to the King for relief against the gov- ernment of New-York. Robinson, Lewis A., 347. Robinson, Colonel Tully, 1658-1723. Sheriff of Accomac Co., Va., 1 706-1 7 10. County Lieutenant, 1715. Justice of Co., 1680. Mem- ber House of Burgesses. Hobson, Henry W., 370. Robinson, Deputy-Governor William, 1694-17S1. Deputy-Governor of Rhode Island, 1745- 1748. French War. Judge of the Court of Equity, 1741 -1 742. Deputy, 1724- '26-'34-'42. Watson, Charles P., 126. Watson, Wm. Henry, 127. Pell, Rodman C, 298. Hazard, Rowland, 405. Pell, Howland, 406. Rocket (Rockwood), Benjamin, Dor- chester, Mass. Soldier, King Philip's War. Served under Capt. Benjamin Sweit at Black Point, 1677, where he was severely wounded. Ware, Horace E., 208. Rodman, John, i 670-17^6. Member of the King's Council, 173S-1750. Member of the Court to settle the controversy between the Mohegan Indians and Colony of Conn., 1749- Jones, Charles Henry, 143. Jones, Richmond Legh, 144. Paul, John Rodman, 140. Paul, Lawrence T., 149. Rodman, William, 1720-1794. Member Assembly, Province of Penn., i 703- 1 773. Commissioner to negotiate with Indians at Fort Pitt, 1768. Jones, Charles H., 143. Jones, Richmond Legh, 144. Rodney, William, 1652-1708. Mem- ber, Colonial Council from Kent Co., Delaware, 1688-1689. Burton, Hiram R., 400. Rodney, John H., 401. Roe, John. Killed in Colonial Service in the French and Indian Wars, near Lake Champlain, 1756. Roe, Fayette W., 247, 347. Roe, Francis Asbury, 247. Roe, George, 247. Rogers, Major James, i 726-1 790. Ensign, Lieutenant, Captain and Major of the Qjjeen's Rangers in New Hampshire, 1756-1779. Rogers, Edmund J. A., 371. Rogers, John, 1092, Duxbury, Mass. Member of Capt. Myles Standish's Co., 1643. Deputy, 1057, General Court, Plymouth Colony. Seabury, Frederick C, 108. Allen, Frederick B., 170. Tucker, William R., 301. Rogers, Captain John, 1641-1 716, Newport, R. I. Captain, 1701. Assistant, 1705-1712. Noyes, Chas. P., 345. Rogers, John, Jr., 1668-1727. Ensign, 1714, Newport, R. 1., Militia. Noyes, Chas. P., 345. Rogers, Lieutenant Joseph 1678. Member of the Duxbury Co., under Capt. Myles Standish. Lieutenant in Capit. Matthew Fuller's Co., 1647. Strong, R. P., 167. Rogers, Lieutenant Joseph. Ensign at Milford, 1723. Lieutenant, 1726. Colony of Conn. Kobbe, George C, 257. Rogers, Colonel Zabdial, 1737-1808, Norwich, Conn. 1762, Lieuten- ant in 3d Regt. 1763, Captain. 1774, Major of the 20th Regt. 1777, Lieutenant-Colonel. Lane, Ebenezer, 294. Rolfe, John. First Secretary and Re- corder of the Colony of Virginia. Tiernan, Charles Barnard, 168. Rombouts, Captain Francis, 1691. Member of the Council, Prov- ince of New-York, under Gov. Sloughter^ 1691. Schepen, New Orange, 1674. Mayor, New- York, 1679. Captain, 1684. Rankin, Egbert G., 101. Darrach, Bradford, 253. Timerlake, William S., 348. RoosA, Captain Arie, 1650 . Cap- 537 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. tain, Foot Co. in the Ulster and Dutchess Cos. Regt., Lieut. -Col. Jacob Rutsen, 1700. Collins, Holdridge O., 360. Root, Thomas, 1605-169S. One of the thirty-seven soldiers from Hartford, Pequot War. Banks, David, Jr., 56. Kissam, Henry S., 80. Mann, Elias P., 86. Mann, Francis N., 86. Root, Arthur G., 104. Stockbridge, Henry, 115. Kent, Henry O., 269. Rose, Thomas. Deputy^ General Court of Conn., 1695. Swisher, Stephen A., 515. RossETER, Edward. Governor's As- sistant, Colony of Mass. Bay, 1629-1630. Betts, Louis F. H., 40. Betts, Samuel R., 40. Judson, William P., 79. Kelly, James H., 80. Thayer, Nathaniel, 206. Pierce, James O., 346. RossETER, JosiAH. Govcmor's Assis- tant, Colony of Conn., 1701-1 71 1. Betts, Louis F. H., 40. Betts, Samuel R., 40. Judson, William P., 79. RousBY, John, 1 744. Member of the House of Assembly of Mary- land, 17 14-172 1. Member of the Council, 1 721-1744. Howard, McHenry, 162. RowE, Hugh, 1645 , Gloucester, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War. Farr, Marvin A., 289. RuDD, Captain Jonathan, 1738 . Ensign in 1745. Lieutenant in 1750, and Captain in 1758, 2d Co., 5th Regt., Conn. Troops. Deputy, 1762 and 1764. Bailey, Edward P., 285. Ridgely, Charles, 299. RuGGLES, John, 1633-1713, Roxbury, Mass. Served under Capt. Nicho- las Manning, 1676; also under Lieut. Gillman's Co., Major Sav- age; also trooper under Capt. Davis, 1075. Bostwick, Henry A., 42. Pettibone, Asa G., 298. Spooner, Frank E., 300. RuGGLES, Captain Samuel, 1629-1692. Lieutenant, 1676. Captain, Rox- bury Militia. Actively engaged in the overthrow of Andros, 1689. Davis, Fellowes, 54. Plymton, Gilbert M., 98. RuGGLES, Captain Samuel, 1658-17 15. Captain of Roxbury, Mass. Militia. Deputy four years. Adams, John W., 338. Ruggles, Brigadier-General Timothy, 171 1-1795, Hardwick, Mass. Pro- vincial Forces of Mass., Northern Frontiers. French and Indian War, 1753-1763. Secondincom- mand at battle of Lake George. Delegate to Congress, New-York, 1765, and its President. Served with distinction in Revolution. Green, Samuel Swett, 187. Green, John, 312. Russell, John. Member of the " Barn- stable Co.," Plymouth Colony, under Lieut. Thomas Dymoke, in active service with the Indians, 1643-1644. Bartlett, John Russell, 37. Russell, Jonathan, 1700-1774. En- sign, Provincial Forces, Conn., 1731. Lieutenant, >737- Deputy, 1738, et seq. Merwin, Walter L., 147. Russell, Lieutenant Pelebiah. "Crown Point Expedition," 1757, Col. Na- thaniel Meserve's New Hampshire Regt. Russell, Steven G., 347. Russell, Hon. Richard, 1612-1679. Member General Court, Mass. Speaker, 1648, et seq. Councillor, i659-'74. Treasurer, 1644- "jq. Ward, Charles S., 233. Hubbard, Gardiner G., 244. RusTjQuartermaster Nathaniel, 1639- 1713, Ipswich, Mass. Quarter- master, Expedition to Canada, 1690. Deputy, 1690-1691. Rust, Nathaniel]., 203. Foster, Joseph, 268. Rutgers, Captain Anthony, New- York City Militia, 1726-1746. Member, New-York Colonial As- sembly, 1 726-1 737. Smith, Gouverneur Mather, 1 12. Smith, Lewis Bayard, 1 12. 538 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Rutgers, Harman, 1711. Private in the Burgher Corps, New Am- sterdam, 1 6s 3. Marshall, Henry Rutgers, 87. Satterlee, Francis LeR., 105. Trevor, Henry Graff, 120. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 123. Rutgers, Lieutenant Henry (Hen- drick), 1711-1779. Ensign in Capt. Cornelius Van Home's Co., New-York City Militia, 1737. 2d Lieutenant in Capt. Abraham Van Wyck's Co., 1738. Foulke, William, 03. LeRoy, Frederick S., 8;. Wells, Thos. L., 128. ' Rutter, Hon. Thomas, ist. Member of Assembly, Province of Penn., Co. of Philadelphia, 1713, et seq. Brooke, John R., 339. Sabin, Benjamin, 1646-1725. Deputy, General Court of Conn., i7i9-'23. Sabin, David D., 314. Sabin, Major John, 1666-1742, Pom- fret, Conn. Captain of Militia, 1714. Cutler, Edward H., 341. Sabin, William, 1687, Rehoboth, Mass. Deputy, 1657, et seq. Brown, George E., 180. Sabin, David D., 314. Hill, Henry B., 342. Whipple, Charles H., 349. Whipple, Henry B., 3S0. Saltonstall, Governor Gurdon,i 666- 1 724. Governor, Colony of Conn. 1708. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 105. Stoddard, Enoch V., 115. Thompson, Edward Ray, 1 18. Thompson, HobartW., 119. Lennig, Charles F., 145. Saltonstall, Colonel Nathaniel, i 647- 1707. Was in command of the troops sent to Boston "to pre- vent usurpation of Gov. Andres, and to quiet the people at Casco Bay," 1680. Member of Council, and Assistant, Mass. Bay Colony, 1679-1686. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 105. Hastings, Henry, 189. Thayer, Nathaniel, 206. Bagley, John N., 389. Saltonstall, Sir Richard, 1386-1660. Proprietary Patentee and Assistant of the General Court, Mass. Bay Co. Chairman, Committee to arrange transfer of the Govern- ment of the Co. from England to the Colony, 1629. Original Paten- tee of Conn. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 105. Hastings, Henry, 189. Thayer, Nathaniel, 206. Saltonstall, Richard, 1610 - 1694. Sergeant-Major, Col. Endicott's Regt., 1641. Assistant and Dep- uty, General Court, Mass. Bay Colony, 1635-1649. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 105. Hastings, Henry, 189. Thayer, Nathaniel, 206. Wight, William W., 304. Bagley, John N., 389. Sampson, Abraham. Member of Dux- bury Militia, 1643. Sampson, Clark H., 314. Sanborn, Daniel, 1728-1812. Mem- ber of Capt. Nathaniel Drake's Co. of Scouts, 1 740, Province of New Hampshire; also Capt. Nathaniel Folsom's Co., Col. Joseph Blam's Regt., 1755, Crown Point Expe- dition. Sanborn, John P., 406. Sanborn, Lieutenant John, 1620-1692. Ensign, Hampton, N. H., 1677. Lieutenant, 1679. Officer in King William's War, 1689. Repre- sentative, General Assembly, 1085. Cadle, Henry, 310. Moulton, John H., 313. Conner, John Sanborn, 322. Conner, Phineas Sanborn, 322. Sandelandes, James, 1636-1692. Pro- vincial Councillor, Penn., 1681. Ward, Brinton, 138. Sandford, Major William, Sr., 1692, Bergen Co., N. J. Major, 1683. Attorney-General, 1683. Member of Council, East Jersey. 1 b82- 1 686. President of Court at Elizabeth, 1671. Toler, Henry P., 258. Sands, Captain James, 1622-1695. Deputy, New Shoreham Co., R. I., 1665. Assistant Warden, 1076. Commanded the Militia Co. in King Philip's War, and his house garrisoned. 539 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Sands, B. Aymar, 105. Schieffelin, Eugene, 106. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 107. Seton, Robert, 109. Suckley, Robert B., 116. Downing, Augustus C, 255. Otis, Philo A., 297. Waite, Horace F., 502. Waite, Horace G., 303. Sands, James T., 314. Sands, Captain John, 1649-1712. New Shoreham Co., Rhode Island Troops. Deputy, 1 678-1 681. Sands, B. Aymar, 105. Suckley, Robert B., 116. Trenchard, Edward, 120. Prime, Frederick, i 50. Sanford, Lieutenant John, 165;. Sergeant, 1640. Lieutenant, 1644. Assistant, 1647. Noyes, Charles P., 345. Sanford, Governor Peleg, 1639- 1701. Major, 1679. Lieut. -Colonel, 1687. Member of Sir Edward Andros' Council, 1687. Governor of Rhode Island, 1 680- 1 683. Noyes, Charles P., 03, 345. Noyes, Daniel R., 34s. Sanger, Richard. Deputy, Mass. General Court, 1775. Sanger, J. P., 247. Sares, Richard. See Sears. Sargent, John, 1039-1710, Charles- town, Mass. Served in King Philip's War under Lieut. Gillam and Major Savage. Sargent, Frederick H., 372. Satterlee, Lieutenant Benedict, 1714- 1778. French and Indian War. Ensign, 1758. Lieutenant, 1759. Satterlee, Edward R., 105. Satterlee, F. Le Roy, 105. Satterlee, Herbert L., 106. Swartwout, Satterlee, 117. Saunders, James, 1707. Member General Assembly of Maryland, 1 692- 1 701. Member of the Coun- cil, I 701-1 707. Wilson, James G., 169. Wilson, Marshall G., 170. Wilson, William B., 170. Saunders, Captain John, i 714-1782. In service under Sir William John- son, Bart., 1757-17S8, " in sev- eral marches on the frontier of Albany Co. against the enemy." Beekman, Jas. W., 38. Savage, Captain John, 1707-1792. Served under Abercrombie; also under Bradstreet at Ticon- deroga, 17^8. Shelton, George G., no. Shelton, William A., 110. Savage, Major Thomas, 1607-1682, Boston, Mass. A. & H. A. Co. Lieutenant, 1641. Captain, 1651. Major commanding the Mass. Forces in the Mount Hope Cam- paign, 1676. Deputy, General Court, 1654, et seq. Speaker, 1 059- 1 67 1 . Assistant, 1 6S0- 1 68 1 . Andrew, Henry H., 177. Bell, Charles U., 178. Hotchkiss, Henry Lucius, 22=5. Sawyer, Caleb, 1659-1755. In garri- son at Lancaster, Mass., 1704. Sawyer, William D., 271. Sawyer, Charles F. , 271. Sawyer, Sergeant Caleb, 1737-181=;, Harvard, Mass. Soldier in Col. Wilder's Regt. against Crown Point, i7=;s. Sergeant in Capt. Thos. Wilder's Co., 1757, and under Capt. Josiah Whitney. Sawyer, William D., 271. Sawyer, Charles F., 271. Sawyer, Joshua, 16S5-1738, Lancaster, Mass. Member of Capt. Daniel Henchman's Co., King Philip's War. Morris, Seymour, 296. Sawyer, Nathaniel, 1670-1756. In garrison at Lancaster, 1 704- 1711, and in engagements with the In- dians. Bennett, Asahel F., 287. Sawyer, Phineas, 1709-1782. in Capt. Eph. Wilder's Co., 1748. " Sur- body's" raid. Also under Capt. John Carter, alarm for Fort Wil- liam Henry, second Crown Point Expedition, 1757. Bennett, Asahel F., 287. Sawyer, Samuel, 1698-1787. Served in Lovewell's War, 1722-1726. Gerry, Allston, 64. Sawyer, Thomas, 1616-1706. In gar- rison at Lancaster, King Philip's War. Sawyer, William D., 271. Sawyer, Charles F. , 271. Sawyer, William, 1656-1718, New- 540 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. bury, Mass. Soldier in Major Appleton's Regt., King Philip's War. Representative, \']0-],etseq. Morgan, Appleton, 90. Wilson, John A., 139. Saxton, Captain Joseph, 1656-171S. Member of Capt. Moseley's Co., 1675; '''s° under Lieut. Nathaniel Reynolds, 1676. Captain in Mi- litia. Fletcher, Paris, 341. Sayre, Captain Daniel, 1666- 1748. Lieutenant, Col. Schuyler's Co., New-York Militia. Expedition to Canada in 1 7 1 1 , afterward Captain. Banta, Theodore M., 36. Duffield, Howard, 58.' Sayres, Edward S., 150. SCARBRUGH, CaPTAIN EdMUND, I st. Member, Virginia House of Bur- gesses from Accomac Co., 1629, et seq. Dennis, James Teacle, 160. Scarbrugh, Colonel Edmund, 2d, 1671. Member, Virginia House of Burgesses, 1 042- 1 67 1 . Speaker, 164s. In command of the Expe- dition against the Assateague In- dians, 1059. Dennis, James Teacle, 160. Hobson, Henry W., 370. SCHERMERHORN, SyMON, 1 658 - 1 696, who, at the destruction of Schen- ectady by the French and Indians, February 8, 1 090, though wounded, rode to Albany to give the alarm. Schermerhom, Edw. G., 100. Schermerhorn, Chas. A., 106. Suydam, Walter L., i 17. Thebaud, Paul C, 1 18. ScHENCK, RoELOF Martense. Captain of Horse, Kings Co., N. Y., 1690. Vander Veer, Edgar A., 122. Schneider, Johannes Wilhelm, 1682- 1 768. Volunteer Co. of Palatines, Expedition against Canada, in 1 7 1 1 from Annsburg. Kissam, Henry S., 80. Reynolds, Hoffman K., loi. SCHOONMAKER, LIEUTENANT HeNDRICK JocHEMSEN, 1 68 1. Served at Fort Orange, and in the Esopus War. Memberof Council of War. Severely wounded at Wittnych, 1663. Poucher, John W., 100. Re Qua, Charles H., 299. ScHOONMAKER, CaPTAIN JoCHEM, 1658 1 730. Captain, Ulster Co. Militia, New-York, against the Indians. Poucher, John W., loo. Schuyler, Captain Arent, 1662-1730. New-York Provincial Forces, French and Indian Wars, 1693- 1696. Clark, Henry Schieffelin, 49. Harriman, William E., 70. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 107. Schuyler, Colonel Johannes, 1668- 1 747. New-York ProvincialForces, French and Indian Wars. Church, Richard, 49. Hamilton, Alexander, 69. Livingston, Philip, 84. Schuyler, Colonel Johannis, v. Van Schuyler. Schuyler, Captain Nicholas. Expe- dition to Onondague, 171 1. Cap- tain of the Fort at Albany, 1 747- 1748. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 122. Schuyler, Colonel Pieter, 16S7-1724. Lieutenant of Horse, 1685. Com- manded a Co., at Schenectady, N. Y., 1689. In command of the Fort at Albany, 1 689. For many years delegate to the Councils of the Five Nations, who honored him with the name of " Queeder." Led the expedition which ended in the capture of Fort La Prairie. Member of the King's Council, 1 662- 1 720, and, as President, Acting Governor of the Province, 1709. Beekman, J. William, 38. Fitzgerald, Louis, Oi. Fryer, Robt. L., 6;. Livingston, Philip, 84. Montgomery, J. Lynch, 90. Olin, Stephen H., 94. Plymton, Gilbert M., 98. Schuyler, Clarkson C, 107. Spaulding, George B.,Jr., 112. Stanton, Henry, 1 14. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 122. Wainwright, John T., 124. Wainwright, William P., 124. Wetmore, Edward W., 128. Livingston, John H., 146. Armstrong, Horatio G., 159. Clark, Kenneth, 340. 541 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Schuyler, Philip Pieterse, v. Van Schuyler. Schuyler, Philip, 1666-1724. Lieu- tenant at Albany, 1704. Officer in Co. of Fusileers, 171 5. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 122. Schuyler, Colonel Philip, i 733-1804. Captain in the Colonial Service, 1755. Major, 1758. Colonel, 1767. in active service, French and Indian Vv^ars. Major-General in the Continental Army. Pell, Vv'illiam Cruger, 97. Scott, William. Soldier in Capt. V/illiam Turner's Co., Falls Fight. Murray, Charles H., 92. ScoTTow, Joshua, 1615-1698. Cap- tain, A. & H. A. Co., 1645, and of a Co. in King Philip's War. Captain of Garrison, and Magis- trate, at Scarborough, and Pro- prietor there. Chief Justice, Court of Common Pleas, Province of Maine. Deputy. Dorr, Dalton, 140. Pike, Chas. E., 346. ScRANTON, Captain Ichabod. Lieuten- ant, 1755, Louisburg and Ticon- deroga. Died in Service. Scranton, Benjamin H., 107, 390. Scudder, Richard, 1671-1754, Hope- well, N. J. Lieutenant, 1711, Expedition to Canada. Stryker, Wm. Scudder, 258. Seabrooke, Thomas. Member of Capt. Osborne's Co., New-York Pro- vincial Troops. Killed by the In- dians in an attack at Castle Hill, Dec. 17, 1675. Hunt, Samuel F.,325. Seabury, Samuel, 1640-1681, Dux- bury, Mass. Deputy, 1676. En- sign, 1678. Seabury, Frederick C, 107. Seaman, Captain John, 1610-169=;. Served in the Indian Wars, 1668- 1676. Bostwick, Henry A., 42. Davies, Julien T., S3. Hicks, Benjamin D., 72. Hicks, Frederick C, 72. Mead, Spencer P., 88. Seaman, Louis L., 108. Searle, Captain John. Commanded the privateer Jacob, eight guns, Spanish War, 1702. Barclay, James Searle, }6. Searle, Captain Ralph, 1606-1678. Treasurer of Portsmouth, 1649. Founder of Portsmouth, 1639. Deputy, 1658. Trooper,, 1067, and Captain. Watson, William H., 12b. Sears, Captain Paul, 1637-1707. Captain, Mass. Militia, Narra- gansett War. Bryant, Percy, 45. Sears, Clinton Brooks, 108. Sears, Walter J., 109. Sears, Henry D., 203. Morse, Samuel W., 371. Sears, or Sares, Richard, 1590-1676. Member of the " Yarmouth Co.," Lieut. William Palmer. Deputy, General Court, Plymouth Colony, 1662. Sears, Clinton B., 108,347. Sears, Walter J., 109. Forbes, Charles S., 279. Morse, Samuel W., 371. Sears, Captain Samuel, 1663-1741. Lieutenant in 1 700, and later Captain. Sears, Walter J., 100. Sears, Henry D., 203. Sears, Lieutenant Silas, 1637-1697- Ensign, "Barnstable Co.," 1681. Lieutenant, 1682. Deputy, Gen- eral Court, Plymouth Colony, i68t-i6qi. Benedict, Jas. A., 39. Sears, Walter J., 109. Van Dyke, Harry W., 248. Sears, Silas, 1661-1732. A member of " Barnstable Co." Represen- tative, General Court at Plymouth in 1601 . Sears, Walter J., 109. Seaver, Nathaniel, 164S-1676. Mem- ber of Capt. Wadsworth's Co. Killed by Indians, Sudbury Fight. Boutelle, Frank W., 42. Barrows, John Wright, 308. Seaver, Nathaniel, Sudbury, Mass. Member of Capt. Joseph Brown's Co., French and Indian War, 1739. Trumpeter in Capt. Josiah Brown's Co., 1746-1747. Boutelle, Frank W., 42. Seaver, Robert, 1608-1083. Soldier in King Philip's War. Brown, Daniel A., 179. 542 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Danforth, Alien, iS^. Lovering, Henry M., los. Seaver, James E., 204. Barrows, John W., 368. Sedgwick, Major- General Robert, i6i3-i6s6, Charlestown, Mass. Captain, 1636. Charter Member andCaptain, A. &H. A. Co. Com- mander of the Castle, i 641 . Mem- ber, Council of War, 1643. Ma- jor-General, Mass. Forces, i6s2. Expedition against Acadia, i6sb. Expedition against Jamaica, where he died. Made Governor and Major-General by the Protector. Johnson, S. Albert, 7S. Murray, Charles H., 92. Mynderse, William, 02. Andrews, James S., 217. Hart, Samuel, 224. Thompson, Harry G., 231. Ward, Brownlee R., 232. Ward, Charles S., 233. Sedgwick, Edwin H., 300. Phillips, George M., 34s. Klink, George T., 361. Seeley, Captain Nathaniel. 4th Co., Conn. Regt. , First American Army, 167s. Killed in the Great Swamp Fight. Seeley, Wm. E., 230. Selden, Ezra. Lieutenant of the 5d Co. of Foot, Lyme, Conn., 1755. Representative, General Court, 1768, et seq. Eaton, Geo. F., 222. Selden, Joseph, i 65 i - i 724. Soldier in Capt. William Turner's Co., Falls Fight, 1676. Eaton, Geo. F., 222. Spencer, Horatio N., 31s. Frazer, Sheldon L., 342. Selden, Samuel. Lieutenant in Conn. Colonial Troops, 1738. Captain, 3d Co. of Foot, Lyme, 1740. Representative, General Court, '744- Eaton, Geo. F. , 222. Selleck, Jonathan, 1641-1712. Dep- uty from Stamford, Conn., 1670- 1708. Assistant, i6qs- 1 701. Cap- tain in Great Swamp Fight. Major, 1696. Judge, 1698. Blagden, Thomas, 240. Severance, Joseph, 1682-1766, Mon- tague, Mass. In the Meadows' Fight in 1 704, and a soldier in 1 7 13. Wounded by the Indians and made a cripple, for which he received a grant of land by the General Court. Corporal under Capt. Kellogg, 1743. Orderly, 1747- Fiske, George F., 290. Severance, Martin, 1718-1810. Soldier at Fort Dummer under Capt. Kel- logg, 1738-1739. Under Capt. Clessom, 1755. Under Capt. Cat- lin, 1756, and a member of Capt. Robert Roger's Rangers, 1758. Fiske, George F. , 2qo. Sewall, Dummer. Enlisted in the Pro- vincial Army raised to operate against the French in North America, and served at Louisburg, 1758, where he was appointed Ensign. On his return was made Lieutenant and ordered to Canada, and served under General Am- herst, reduction of Canada. Benson, Frank S., 39. Sewall, Henry, 161 4-1 700, New- bury, Mass. Deputy, General Court, 1661, et seq. Davies, julien T., 53. Davies, Wm. G., 53. Jenkins, Thos. C, 163. Keyser, Robert B., 163. Remick, John A., 201. Remick, Timothy, 201. Sewall, Henry, 1665. Principal Secretary of Maryland, 1661-1 6615. Deputy, 1661, et seq. Member Governor's Council, 1661. Sewell, Wynn R., 150. Spencer, John T., 151. Brent, Jos. Lancaster, 1 59. Keyser, Robert Brent, 163. Sewall, Nicholas, 1640-1737. Mem- ber and Secretary Provincial Coun- cil, Maryland, 1686. Deputy- Governor, 1689. Major, Militia. Spencer, John T., 151. Jenkins, Thos. C, 163. Sewall, Samuel, 1652-1730. Thirty- three years Assistant, and forty years Chief Justice, Colony of Mass. Bay. Chauncey, Elihu, 48. Davies, Julien Townsend, 53. Davies, William G., 53. Seward, William. Sergeant, Guilford 543 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Conn. Militia. Lieutenant and Captain. Munger, Carl E., 227. Sewitz, Abraham. Member of Capt. George Wolf's Co., 1763. Eyerman, John, 256. Seymour, Captain Richard, Hartford and Farmington, Conn. Captain of Seymour Fort (Kensington). Biooker, Charles F., 219. Shapleigh, Lieutenant John, 1640- 1706, Kittery, Me. Sergeant, 1663. Ensign, 1665. Lieuten- ant, 1696. Representative, Gen- eral Court, 1696. Killed by the Indians at Spruce Creek, (Kittery). Shapleigh, Alfred L., 314. Shapleigh, Nicholas, 1720 . Sol- dier in the "Blue Troup" of Horse, Sir William Pepperrell's Regt., 1757. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 314. Shapleigh, Major Nicholas, 16S0 . Representative, General Court of Mass., for York Co., Maine, 1733. Captain and Major of Co. Troops, >753- Shapleigh, Alfred L., 314. Sharpe, Captain James, '779- Captain, 17^8, in the 3d Battalion ofPenn. Regt., under Col. Hugh Mercer. In service in the Forbes campaign. Also, 1759, under Col. William Clapham. Kunkel, Robert S., 81. Liggett, Sidney B., 146. Sharp(e), Lieutenant John, 1643- 1676. Capt. Wadsworth's Co. Killed at the Sudbury Fight. Dorr, Dalton, 140. Tyler, Henry B., is2. Tyler, Sidney F., 152. Shattuck, Sergeant John, 1647-1675, Watertown, Mass. Sergeant in Capt. Richard Beer's Co., King Philip's War, 1675. Relief of Northfield. Drowned while cross- ing Charlestown Ferry as messen- ger from the fight to the Colonial Government. Cutter, Edward J., 183. Shattuck, Edward H., 204. Farr, Marvin A., 289. Shaw, John, 1694. Member of the Plymouth Military Co., 1643. Vaile, Joel F., 373. Shaw, Roger, 1661. Deputy from Hampton, N. H., General Court, Mass. Bay Colony, 1051- 1653. Folsom, Albert A., 185. Cadle, Henry, 310. Sheafe, Sampson, 1050- 1724. In 1698 Assistant and Secretary of Mass. Bay Colony. Commissary, New England Forces, Expedition against Quebec, 1711. Blunt, Stanhope English, 41. Sheafe, Sampson, Jr., 1681-1772, New Castle, N. H. Member of Coun- cil, 1 740- 1 761. Blunt, Stanhope English, 41. Shelby, Captain Evan, 1720-1794. Captain of Co. of Rangers, French and Indian War, 1754. Captain in the Provincial Forces. Laid out the old Pennsylvania Road over the Alleghany Mountains. Led the advance against Fort Duquesne, under Gen. Forbes, his gallantry being particularly noted in the Battle of Loyal Henning. In the battle at Kenawha, 1774, he was the ranking officer at its close. Shelby, Chas. K., 109. Todd, Charles H., 355. Shelby, Lieutenant Isaac, 1750-1826. Served under his father, Capt. Evan Shelby, Army of Virginia, 1774, under Gen. Lewis, War against the Shawnees and Dela- wares. First Governor of Ken- tucky. Shelby, Chas. K., 109. Todd, Charles H., 355. Sheldon, Ensign Ebenezer, 1678-1755. Ensign, 1701. Rhoades, Lyman, 102. Shepard, Major John, 1690-1781, Canton, Mass. Captain, 1741. Commanded Regt., 1746, en- camped near Boston, Alarm of the approaching of the French Fleet under D'Anville. Pierce, George F., 200. Sheppard, Sergeant John, 1652-1707, Hartford, Conn. Served in Indian War, Expeditions to " diereffeilde " and Albany, 1692, Capt. John Bull. Smith, Wyllys K., 300. Felton, Samuel M., 324. 544 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Sherburne, Henry, 1680, Ports- mouth, N. H. Deputy, General Court of Mass. Bay, 1600. Clarke, George K., 181. Sherburne, Henry. Member King's Council, 17=59. Thompson, Harry G., 2;i. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 314. Sherburne, Captain Samuel, 1638- i6qi. Killed by the Indians at Meregnoit, King William's War. Thompson, Harry G., 2^1. Knox, William Salisbury, 24s. Sherman, Captain David, 1665-17153, Stratford, Conn. Ensign, 1703. Lieutenant, I 708. Captain, 1709. Deputy, General Court, 1 709. Hatch, Arthur M., 71. Sherman, Captain John, 1614-1690, Watertown, Mass. Ensign, 16^4. Captain, 1680. Deputy, General Court, i6=;i, et seq. Mitchell, Wm. Anderson, 89. Daniels, Howard B., 184. Wheeler, Horace L., 2oq. Boutelle, Henry Sherman, 287. Vail, Henry S., 302. Sherman, Captain John, 1630-1730, Woodbury, Conn. Captain, 1 71 1. Train Band, 1711. Assistant, 171 1-1723. Deputy, seventeen sessions. Speaker, 171 1-1712. Noble, Henry Harmon, 93. Sherman, Philip, 1610-1689. First Secretary, Providence Plantations, 1639. Member, Court of Com- missioners, 1656. Deputy, 106s- 1667. Member of CoLincil, King Philip's War. Campbell, Wm. A., 46. Guilford, Nathan, 67. Haight, Abner Sherman, 68. Haight, Frederick E., 08. Paige, Edward Winslow, QS. Watson, William H., 127. Mumford, Jas. G., 197. Green, Chas. A., 256. Otis, Joseph E., Jr., 297. Hart, Charles N., 370. Sherman, Samuel, 1618-1684. Deputy, General Court, Conn., 1637, which declared that "there sfialbe an offensive warr against the Pe- quoitt." Assistant, 1663-1668. One of committee to defend the coast from Stratford to Rye against the Dutch under Admiral De Reuter, 1665. Betts, Louis F H., 40. Fitch, Edward Sherman, 61. Gilfillan, Wm. W., 64. Judson, William P., 79. Kissam, Henry S., 80. Ladd, William W., 81. Logan, Walter S., 84. Noble, Henry Harmon, ()}. Adams, John Q., 338. Sherwood, Ensign Matthew, 1643- 1715. Soldier, French and In- dians Wars. Hubbell, Henry W., 75. Shippen, Edward, 1639-1712. A. & H. A. Co., 1669. Speaker of the Assembly, 169s. Member Pro- vincial Council of Penn., 1696- 1712. Judge, Supreme Court and Presiding Judge, Court of Common Pleas, 1097. First Mayor of Phil- adelphia, 1701. Deputy-Gover- nor, 1703. President, Provincial Council, 1702-1704. Jackson, Oswald, 77. Luquer, Lea McL, 83. Luquer, Thatcher T. P., S6. Balch, Edwin Swift, 1 36. Balch, Thomas Willing, 136. Brinton, Ward, 138. Hutchinson, Chas. H., 143. Page, Samuel D., 149. Prime, Frederick, 1 so. Shippen, Edward, M. D., iso. Buchanan, Robeideau, 241. Fisher, Robert S., 242. Huidekoper, Fred. W., 244. Shippen, Paymaster Edward, 1703- 1781. Paymaster, British and Provincial Forces, French and In- dian War, under Gen. Forbes Stanwix. For his services received public thanks in 1 760. Mayor of Philadelphia, 1 744. A founder ot Princeton College. Judge, Court of Common Pleas, 1746-1748. A founder of University of Penn. Shippen, Edward, M.D., 150. Huidekoper, Fred. W., 244. Peale, Albert C, 246. Shippen, Colonel Joseph, 1732-1810. Colonel, Penn. Troops, Provincial Army, French and Indian Wars. Served in Braddock's Expedition against Fort Duquesne. Captain, 545 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 17^6. Brigadier -Major, 1758. Lieut. -Colonel, 1759. Balch, Edwin Swift, 136. Balch, Thomas Willing, 136. Newell, Wm. H., 148. Shippen, Edward, M.D., 150. Shippen, Edward, iso. Hiiidekoper, Fred. W., 244. Swift, Joseph, 401. Swift, William H., 401. Shirley, Lieutenant-General William, 1007-1771. Lieut. -General, Eng- lish Army. Commander-in-Chief of all the Forces in British North America, 17=;^. Governor, Mass. Bay Colony, 1 741 -1745. Erving, William V. R., 00. Sill, Lieutenant John, i 710-1796, Lyme, Conn. Lieutenant, Train Band, 17S8. Sill, Howard, 166. Sill(Syll), Captain Joseph, 1636-1696, Lyme, Conn. Served in King Philip's War, and Expeditions against the Indians in Mass., Maine, and New Hampshire. Hall, Dudley, 68. Hall, Lewis C, bS. Sill, Frederick Schroeder, 1 10. Sill, John Targee, in. Sill, Howard, 166. Wade, James F., 348. SiLLiMAN, Ebenezer, 1707-1775, Fair- field, Conu. Speaker of the House seven years. Member of the Council twenty-eight years. Judge, Superior Court, twenty-three years. Blagden, Thomas, 240. SiLLiMAN, Gold Selleck, 1732-1790, Fairfield, Conn. Captain, Militia. Major, 4th Regt. Lieut. -Colonel, >774- Blagden, Thomas, 240. Simmons, Moses, Plymouth, Mass. Member of the Duxbury Military Co., 1643. Spoor, John A., 300. Simonds, Captain Benjamin, 1726-1807, Williamstown. In garrison. Fort Massachusetts, under Sergt. John Hawks, siege by the French and Indians. Taken captive to Canada, 1746, with the entire garrison. Lieutenant of the West Hoosack Co., 1764, Col. William Williams, North Regt. Militia, Berkshire Co., Captain, 1771. Skinner, James H., 347. SiMONDS, Caleb, 1649-1712, Woburn, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War, Capt. Nathaniel Davenport's Co. Wounded in Swamp Fight. Thompson, Jno. T., 333. SiMPKiNS, Captain Nicholas, 1656. 1st Captain at the Castle, 1634. A. & H. A. Co., 1650. Low, Wm. G., Jr., 8s. Sip, Captain Jan Ariense, 1662-1729. Lieutenant and Captain, Bergen, N. J., Militia, 1703-171 1. Booraem, Robert Elmer, 42. Skelton, Reverend Samuel, >654. Elected by the Co. in London as one of the Governor's Council in New England, 1628. Felton, Samuel M., 324. Skidmore, Lieutenant Thomas, 1693- 1761, Newtown, Conn. Ensign, 1725. Lieutenant, 1734. Skidmore, William L. , 1 1 1. Skiff, James, Sandwich, Mass. Deputy, General Court, 1645, et seq. Member Governor's Council. Hulbert, Henry C, 75. Tobey, Frank B., 301. Skinner, Abraham, 1649 . Served in Mount Hope Campaign, 1675, and in Narragansett Fort Fight, 1676, King Philip's War. Skinner, Wm. C, 230. Skinner, Ensign Andrew. Anne Arun- dell Co. Forces, under Capt. Nor- wood, 1661. Clerk of Assembly at Patuxent, 1657. Jewell, T. F., 163. Skinner, John, 1675-1740. Ensign of Conn. Troop, 1712. Lieutenant, 1715. Deputy, General Court, 1726-1727. Foote, John C, 311. Skinner, Ensign William, 1720-1807. Siege of Louisburg, 174s. Ensign in 15th Co. nth Conn. Regt., >757- Washburn, John Henry, 126. Skinner, Wm. C, 230. Sleght, Cornelius Barentsen. Ser- geant of Military Co. which built Esopus Stockade by direction of Di- rector-General Stuyvesant; mem- ber of first Board of Schepens, 546 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1661. At Indian attack on Wilt- wyck, 1 663. He was one of " the few men within the town by whom the savages, through God's mercy, were chased and put to flight." Poucher, John W., 100. Gross, Samuel E., 292. Collins, Holdridge O., ■550. Slocumb, Simon, Sr., Boston, Mass. Commander of Sloop Seaflower in service eastward, \']2y-2/^-2'ji. Hill, John W., 293. Hill, Henry B., 34;. Whipple, Charles H., ^49. Whipple, Henry B., 350. Slocum, Simon, 1705 , Wrentham, Mass. Captain under Col. Joseph Williams, 1757-1758, and under Col. Frye, 1759-1760. Served in Nova Scotia. Hill, Williams., 72. Hill, John W., 293. Hill, Henry B., 343. Whipple, Charles H., 350. Whipple, Henry B., 350. Slye, Gerard, 1662-1733. Commander at Fort Susquehannock. Jenkins, Austin Lowe, 162. Jenkins, Edward A., 162. Jenkins, Francis deS., 163. Jenkins, Spalding L., 163. Slye, Captain Robert, 161 5 -1670. Commissioner, Province and Coun- cil of State, Maryland. Member Assembly, St. Mary's Co. Jenkins, Austin L., 162. Jenkins, Edward A., 162. Jenkins, Francis de S., 163. Jenkins, Spalding L., 163. Smidt, Hendryck Barentsen. Schepen for Boswyck. Deputy, General Assembly of New Netherland, 1674. Buchanan, Roberdeau, 241. Smith, Arthur. Soldier in Pequot War at Mystic Fort, 1637. Hart, Charles Nelson, 370. Smith, Sergeant Benjamin, 1031-1713. Sergeant, 1 654. Deputy for War- wick. Governor's Assistant. Wheaton, Frank, 373. Smith, Charles. Ensign under Wash- ington at Great Meadows. Lieu- tenant at Braddock's defeat, 1755. Rawlings, Carroll C, loi. Smith, Edward. Sergeant, 1602. Deputy, General Court, Rhode Island, 1665, et seq. " Assist- ant," 1691. Wheaton, Frank, 373. Smith, Edward, 1675. Governor's Assistant, R. 1., 1654, et seq. Member of Council, 1658. Deputy, 1654, et seq. Lawton, George P., 82. Felton, Samuel M., 324. Smith, Howard, 406. Smith, Marion McA., 406. Smith, Francis, 1733-1812, Beverly, Mass. Soldier in Capt. Samuel Flint's Co., Col. Plaisted's Regt.,, battle at Fort Edward, 1755. Smith, Charles F., 204. Smith, George H., 204. Smith, Henry. Commissioned, 1636, by Mass. Bay Colony to govern the first settlement of Conn. Spencer, John T., 151. Teall, Edward McK., 301. Smith, Lieutenant James, 1645-1690, Newbury, Mass. Served in Phips' Expedition, 1690. Constant, S. Victor, 5 1 . Smith, Reverend John. Member of Lieut. Thomas Dimmock's Co., Barnstable, Mass., 1643. Tobey, Frank B., 301. Smith, Jonathan, 1650-1720. Soldier in the Indian Wars, 1696. Tucker, Gilman H., 12 1. Smith, Moses, Sr. Lieutenant, 3rd Co. of Lancaster Regt., 1771- 1776. Bennett, Asahel F., 287. Smith, Lieutenant Philip, 1653-1684,, Hadley, Mass. Lieutenant, Town, Troop, and a Troop of Horse,. Hampshire Co., 1678. Deputy,, General Court, 1680-1684. Ives, Francis J., 77. Stockbridge, Henry, 115. Morton, J. Sterling, 333. Smith, Major Richard (Bull Smith.) Indian Wars in Conn. In 1675 concluded a treaty with the Nar- ragansetts, making terms for the delivery of Philip of Pocanoket. Beatty, A. Chester, 37. Beatty, Robert C, 38- Beatty, W. Gedney, 38. Foster, Howell, 62. 547 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Lawrence, Robert C, 82. Suckley, Robert B., 116. Smith, Richard, Sr. Served from Conn, in Narragansett War. Marsh, George S., 295. Smith, Richard, Jr. Served from Conn, in Narragansett War. Marsii, George S., 2Q5. Smith, Richard, 1623-168S. Lieu- tenant, Maryland Militia, 1650. Member, House of Burgesses, 1661- 1665. Buchanan, Roberdeau, 241. Smith, Lieutenant Samuel, Sr., 1602- 1680. " Antient Serjeant" at Wethersfield, Conn., and Deputy there, 1 640-1 661. Lieutenant of Hadley Troop, 1663-1678, and Deputy, General Court, Colony of Mass. Bay, 1661-1673. Commis- sioner to negotiate with the Mo- hawks, 1667. Isham, Charles, 77. Ives, Francis J., 77. Sill, Frederick S., 1 1 1. Hayden, Horace E., 142. Longacre, James B., 140. Stockbridge, Henry, 107. Cooley, Francis R., 220. Cutler, Ralph Wm., 220. Smith, Stewart W., 230. Smith, Archibald H., 230. Telford, W. Smith, 28 1. Bardwell, Harry J., 286. Osborn, Henry A., 297. Foote, John C, 311. Hawks, Wm. 1., 533. Morton, J. Sterling, 333. Smith, Captain Simon, i 712, Warwick, R. 1. Deputy, Speaker of House, Attorney-General, Lieutenant and Captain. Wheaton, Frank, 373. Smith, Captain Thomas, 2d, 1673 , East Haven, Conn. Ensign, 1716. Lieutenant, 1718. Captain, 1723. Brackett, Robert L., 43. Smith, Walter, 171 1. Member Lower House Maryland Assembly, 1696, et seq. Montgomery, Thomas H., 147. Smith, Governor William, 165S-1705. Page to Charles II. Governor of Tangier, 1675-1683. Received grant of Saint George's Manor, Long Island, from William III., 1695. Member, Colonial Coun- cil, New-York, 1691 -1704. Judge, Court of Admiralty, New-York, New Jersey, and Conn., 1693- 1697. Commander of Suffolk Forces, 1693. Justice, Supreme Court of New-York, 1691. Chief Justice, 1692, et seq. Colonial Governor, 1701. Duffield, Howard, 58. Lawrence, Abraham R., 82. Walsh, James W., 123. Este, Charles, 140. Houston, Wm. C., Jr., 143. Woolsey, Theodore S., 234. Smith, Hon. William, 1697-1769. At- torney-General, i 751-1752. Mem- ber of Council, 1 753- 1 757. Deputy to Provincial Council, 1754, and one of the Committee to draft the "Bond of Alliance." Judge of Supreme Court, 1763-1769. An Incorporator of Princeton College. A Founder of Columbia (King's) College, and of New-York Society Library. Foulke, Bayard F. , 62. Smythe, Colonel Thomas, ist, 1650- 1719. Member of Assembly, 1694- 1707. Member of Council, 171s- 1719. Colonel of Kent Co. Militia, 1699. Deputy Commissary-Gen- eral, 1707-1718, Province of Mary- land. Browne, Bennet B., 160. Neff, Peter, 165. Wayne, James S. , 328. Smythe, Thomas, 2d, 1710-1741. Mem- ber of Assembly, Province of Mary- land, 1738. Neff, Peter, 165. Smythe, Thomas, 3d, 1730-1819. Mem- ber Provincial Convention, Prov- ince of Maryland, 1 774. Neff, Peter, 165. Snelling,Captain Jonathan, 1697-1 754. Commanded Frigate Ccesar at the Siege of Louisburg, 1745. Snelling, Samuel, 151. Snow, Anthony. Deputy, General Court from Marshfield, Mass. , 1 6=i6, etseq. From Plymouth, 1O79-80. Field, John I. H., 341. Snow, Mark, 1628-1605, Eastham, Mass. Member of Council of War, 1673. Member of Militia, 1643. 548 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Griffith, William H., 66. Snow, Nicholas, 1676. Mem- ber of Plymouth Militia, 1643. Deputy, from Eastham, Mass., 1648, ct seq. Atwood, Edward S., 34. Griffith, William H., 66. Lombard, Josiah L., 295. Merrick, Frederick LaF., 295. Doane, William H., 323. Snowden, Captain Richard, 1704. Captain, Provincial Forces of Mary- land, 1 700-1703. First Lord of Birmingham Manor. Thomas, Lawrence B., 118. Large, James, 144. SouLE, George, 1680, Duxbury, Mass. Thirty-fifth signer of A/aj'- yJow^r Compact. Private in Lieut. William Holmes' Co., PequotWar. Representative, General Court, 1645, et seq. Parker, Edward L., 199. SOUTHWORTH, GENERAL CONSTANT, I 6 I 5- 1679. Served in Pequot War. Ensign, Duxbury Co. , 1 640. Lieu- tenant, 16S3. Deputy twenty- two years. Treasurer of Plymouth Colony, sixteen years. Member Council War, 1058. Commissioner for United Colonies, 1668. Com- missary - General, King Philip's War. Bryant, Percy, 4s. Griffith, William H., 66. Seabury, Frederick S., 108. Freeman, John G., 186. Shaw, Henry S., 204. Forbes, Charles S., 279. Lombard, Josiah L., 29s. Mayo, Charles E., 344. SouTHwoRTH, Captain Thomas, I 6 1 6- 1669, Plymouth. Lieutenant, 1648. Commander, 10S9-1669. Deputy, General Court, 1651-1653. Assistant, 1652-1669. Commis- sioner for the United Colonies, i659-'62. Governor of Kennebec. Crandon, Edwin S., 182. Crandon, John N., 182. Leonard, George H., 194. Sparrow, Captain Jonathan, 1630- 1695, Eastham, Mass. First Lieu- tenant, Capt. John Gorham's Co., King Philip's War, Narragansett Swamp Fight. Deputy, General Court at Plymouth, and at Boston after the union of the Colonies. Captain, French and Indian War, 1090. Sears, Clinton B., 108, 347. Freeman, James G., 186. Sears, Henry D., 204. Mayo, Charles E., 344. Sparrow, Richard. Member of the Plymouth Co., 1643. Alderson, Victor C, 285. Spa(u)lding, John, 1633-1721, Chelms- ford, Mass. Served in King Philip's War under Capt. Nicholas Man- ning. Spalding, John F., 1 13, 372. Young, Harry, 212. Foster, Joseph, 268. Spalding, Lieutenant John, Chelms- ford, Mass. In Capt. Robert Rich- ardson's Snowshoe Co., Father Ralle's War, 1724. Spalding, John F., 1 13. Sparhawk, Nathaniel, 1598-1647, Cambridge, Mass. Deputy, Gen- eral Court, 1642-1647. Merriman, Frank, 196. Spencer, Isaac, 1678-1751. Deputy, General Court of Conn., 1734. Spencer, Horatio N., 315. Spencer, Seldon P., 315. Spencer, Ensign Jared, Haddam, Conn. Commissioned, 1656. Served in King Philip's War. Representa- tive, 1674, et seq. Brainerd, Cephas, 43. Brainerd, Cephas, Jr., 43. Roy, Edw. F., 104. Spencer, Horatio N., 315. Spencer, Colonel Joseph. Major, 2d Conn. Regt., Col. Whiting. Sub- sequently Lieut. -Colonel, French and Indian Wars, 1758; and at outbreak of Revolution, Colonel 12th Conn. Regt.; later General. Brush, Edmund C., 310. Spencer, Sergeant Thomas. Served under Major John Mason, Pequot War. Earle, Ferdinand P., 59. Stafford, William F., 114. Spencer, William, 1640. Lieuten- ant at Newtown, 1636. Deputy to General Court, Mass., 1638; Conn., 1639-1640. Barbour, Lucius A., 217. 549 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hubbard, John E., 280. Goddard, Lester O., 291. Spicer, Peter, 1695, Conn. Served in King Philip's War. Horton, Wilham E., 73, 244. Spofford, Captain Abner, i 705-1 777. Commissioned in Mass. Provincial Forces, 1743. Spofford, Paul N., 1 13. Spofford, Colonel Daniel, 1721- 1803, Rowley, Mass. Ensign, 1757. Captain, 1764. Major, 1774. Colonel, 7th Mass. Regt., 1775- Spofford, Paul N., in. Spofford, Captain John, 1678-1735, Rowley, Mass. Provincial Forces, 1721. Spofford, Paul N., 113. Spooner, William. Member of the Plymouth Militia, 1643. Spooner, Frank E., 300. Spotswood, Major-General Alexan- der. Appointed Major-General, 1740, to command the Forces raised in America to operate with Admiral Vernon in the West Indies, but died before taking command. Governor of Virginia twelve years. Was an officer under Marlborough at Blenheim. Dandridge, Nathaniel P., 262. Sprague, Anthony, 1636-1719, Hing- ham, Mass. His house was burned by the Indians during an attack on the town, 1676, King Philip's War. Sprague, Frank W., 205. Sprague, Captain John, 1627-1692, Maiden, Mass. Captain, 1685. Deputy, 1690. Sprague, John T., 113. Clarke, George K., 181. Sprague, Jonathan, 1656-1731, Mai- den. Served in Capt. Moseley's Co., King Philip's War. Sprague, John T., 113. Green, Samuel S., 187. Sargent, John S., 300. Sprague, Lieutenant Ralph, 1603- 1650. Sergeant, 1634. A. & H. A. Co. ,1627. Lieutenant in same. Deputy, General Court, Mass. Bay Colony, 1635-1650. Richards, Frederick B., 102. Sprague, Jno. T., 113. Holden, Joshua B., 190. Ingalls, Phineas H., 226. Spring, Converse, 1734 . Cor- poral, Co. of Foot, under Capt. Jonathan Brown, Col. William Williams, reduction of Canada. Partridge, Edward L., 96. Spring, Lieutenant John, 1630-1717, Newtown, Mass. Lieutenant, Pro- vincial Militia. Deputy, General Court, 1704-1707. Jackson, Henry S., 269. Springer, Ensign James, 1698 . Ensign in loth Co., Capt. Moses Pearson, 1st Regt. Mass. Troops, Col. William Pepperrell, Louis- burg Expedition. Page, Walter Gilman, 198. Staats, Major Abraham, M.D., 1694. Captain, 1669, and Major of Foot at Albany. Surgeon at Rensselaerwyck. Member of Council, Beverwyck, and its Presi- dent, 1644. Beekman, James William, 38. Carnochan, G. M., 47. Da vies, Julien T., 53. Davies, William G., 53. Livingston, Philip, 84. Miller, John Bleecker, 89. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 123. Woolsey, Theodore S., 234. Staats, Captain Jochim. New-York Provincial Forces. Ensign, 1685. Captain, 1689. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1690. Canadian Expedition, 1688. Miller, John Bleecker, 89. Staats, Samuel, M.D., 1715. Member of Leisler's Council, 1690, and later. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 123. Stacy, Mahlon, 1704. Member of Council, Province of New Jersey. Coates, Edw. H., 138. Morton, Thos. G., 148. Williams, Francis H., 153. Stafford, Samuel, 1636- 17 18. Lieu- tenant, R. 1. Militia, 1705. Dep- uty, General Assembly, R. I., \6']q, et seq. Assistant, 1674-86. Lee, Edward C, 145. Standish, Captain Myles, i 584-1656. Signer of " Mayflower Compact. " February 27, 1621, he received 550 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. the first military commission given in this country. Assistant, 1624, et seq. Member of Council of War, Plymouth Colony. In 1049 appointed " General-in-Chief" of all the companies in the Colony. Previously held a commission from Queen Elizabeth, and served in the Low Countries in aid of the Dutch. Bartlett, G. F. H., 37. Slocum, Herbert Jermain, iii. Slocum, Joseph Jermain, 111. Standish, Myles, 1 14. Thomas, Frank W., 118. Townsend, Rufus M., 120. Weed, George S., 127. Groesbeck, Robert B., 141. Thomsen, Alonzo L., 168. Thomsen, Herman I., 168. Thomsen, John J., 168. Coffin, Rufus, 182. Curtiss, Frederick H., 183. Hodges, George, 190. King, Henry P., 193. Standish, Myles, M.D., 205. Standish, J. Myles, 205. Thompson, Gilbert R., 248. Sampson, Clark H., 314. Alden, Isaac C, 322. Stanley, Captain Caleb. Lieutenant, 1083. Captain, 1689, King Wil- liam's War, Mass. Bay Colony. Strong, Theron G., 116. Stanley, Captain Christopher, 1603- 1646, Boston, Mass. Early Indian Wars. Bardwell, Harry J., 286. Stanley, Captain John, 1624-1706. Sergeant, 1669. Ensign, 1674. Lieutenant, 1675. Captain, 1676, Hartford Co. Militia. Served in King Philip's War " up the river," Colony of Conn. Allen, Fred P., 34. Bradley, Frederick L., 43. Schroeder, J. Langdon, 107. Stanley, Samuel G., 114. Jewell, Theodore F., 163. Adams, John Q., 338. Stanley, MajorJohn, 1698. Mem- ber of Lower House of Assembly, Province of Maryland, 1689. Cap- tain of Troop of Horse, Talbot Co., 1689. Major, 1692. Stanley, J. G., 167. Stanley, Thomas, 1645, Hartford, Conn. Deputy, General Court of Mass. Bay, 1635. Blagden, Thomas, 240. Stanton, Benjamin, Sr., 1695- 1760, Dover, N. H. In garrison at Port Royal, N. S., 1710-171 1, in Major Paul Mascarene's Co., New Eng- land Troops. At Siege of Louis- burg in Capt. Hale's Co., Col. Samuel Moon's Regt. Ensign, 1740. Stanton, Benjamin 1., 347. Stanton, John. Served in King Philip's War under Capt. Denison, cap- ture of Canonchet. Griffith, William H., 67. Plumb, Henry B., 228. Stanton, Robert, 1653- 1724, New London, Conn. Interpreter, Pe- quot War. Cox, William V. Z., 242. Stanton, Thomas, 1616-1677. Indian Interpreter to John Winthrop the younger, in Conn., before Pequot War. Served in Pequot War, and rendered valuable services at Saybrook Fort. Indian Inter- preter to the General Court of Conn, in all controversies between the whites and Indians. Griffith, William H., 67. Stanton, Henry, 1 14. Eaton, George F., 222. Plumb, Henry B., 228. Cox, William V. Z., 242. Dennison, IraW., 242. Ames, Louis A., 2S4. Gardiner, Curtiss C, 312. Doane, >X'illiam H., 323. Bartholomew, Jas. H., 359. Noyes. Charles P., 345. Peet, Emerson W., 345. Stanyan, Anthony, Hampton, N. H. Deputy to General Court of Mass., 16^4-1680. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 31s. Starbuck, Edward, Dover, N. H., and Nantucket, Mass. First Repre- sentative from Dover, 1643. Sawyer, William D., 271. Sawyer, Charles F. , 271. Stark, Aaron. Soldier in Pequot and King Philip's Wars. Doane, William H., 323. Blackmer, Henry N., 36S. 551 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Stark, Charles G., 394. Starkey, John, 1712 . Served in Capt. Tyler's Co., Attleborough, Mass., 1757. Wheelock, William B., 304. Starr, Josiah, 1693-1778, Danbury, Conn. Lieutenant, 1710. Cap- tain, 1713. Captain of a Co., Ex- pedition to Cape Breton, 1745-46. Goodell, George A., 380. Starr, Dr. Thomas, 1616-1658. Sur- geon of Forces sent against the Pequots. Murray, Charles H., 92. Plumb, Henry B., 228. MacVeigh, Eames, 295. Starr, William J., 394. Stearns, John. Soldier in King Philip's War, and Indian War of 1 706. Dennis, Rodney, 5s, 221. Stearns, Lieutenant John, 1654-1728, Lieutenant in Capt. John Lane's Co., 1704. Relief of Dunstable, 1706. Stearns, Albert H., 205. Stearns, Frederick M., 205. Stearns, Captain John. Captain in Indian Wars, 1748. Stearns, Henry P., 231. Stearns, Lieutenant Samuel, 1673 , Watertown, Mass. Deputy to the General Court, 1714- 1731. Daniels, Howard B., 184. Heaton, John E., 225. Stearns, Samuel, Jr., 1713-1793, Am- herst, Mass., and HoUis, N. H. Private in Col. Blanchard's Regt., 1 754, on the Connecticut River. Marsh, Geo. S. , 295. Stearns, Shuabel, 1655-1734, Cam- bridge, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War. Newton, Charles H., 326. Stebbings, Captain John, 1711-1756. Soldier in the French War, 1 746, under Gov. Shirley, Canada and NovaScotia. In 1755-1 756, Cap- tain in Col. Timothy Ruggles' Mass. Regt. Upham, Henry P.^ 348. Stebbins, Edward, ^^^3), Hart- ford, Conn. Deputy, General Court, 1639-1656, arf t«<. Blagden, Thomas, 240. Stebbins, John, 1626-1079. Of Capt. 1620- Wil- Fight, ■1693, Samuel Moseley's Co., King Philip's War. Rhoades, Lyman, 102. Upham, Henry P., 348. Stebbins, Lieutenant Thomas, 16S3. Lieutenant in Capt liam Turner's Co., Falls King Philip's War. Merritt, Douglas, 88. Thomson, Arthur C, 207. Stedman, Cornet John, 1601 Cambridge, Mass. Ensign, 1641 1647. Cornet in Capt. Davis' Troop, Expedition against Nini- gret, 16=57. Quartermaster, 1676. Mifflin, William, 147. Stedman, Lieutenant John, 1675, Hartford, Conn. Commanded the Dragoons, King Philip's War. Fisher, Albert J., 290. Steele, James. Trooper under Capt. Richard Lord, 1657. Commissary, 1675-1676, King Philip's War. Newman, Clarence E., 92. Steele, Captain James, 16^8-1712. Lieutenant, 1708. Captain, 17 10, Hartford Co. Troops. Newman, Clarence E., 92. Steele, John, 1665. Deputy, Gen- eral Court, Mass., 1034-1035; Conn. 1636-1637, which declared War against the Pequots. Day, Robert W., 54. Wead, Leslie C, 209. Lloyd, John U., 325. Steele, Captain William. Captain Associated Cos. of Lancaster Co., Penn., 1756. Beekman, James William, 38. Sample, Nathaniel W., 372. Stetson, Cornet Robert, 1613-1703, Scituate, Plymouth Colony. Dep- uty, General Court, i6s5, ei scq. Member Council of War, lOoi- '7 1 -'81. Cornet, First Body of Plymouth Horse, 1659. Press Master, 1675. Stetson, Henry C, 205. Stevens, Cyprian, 1 649 . Attacked by Indians in his garrison, 1675- 1676. Served at Groton, Mass., under Capt.ThomasWheeler, 107 s- 1676, at Lancaster under Ensign Peter Joselin, 1704. Stevens, Clarence W., 114. Stevens, Frederick B., 114. 552 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1720. Lieu- •1769, 1722. Stevens, Ensign Erasmus, Marblehead, Mass. Ensign, Co. of Foot, Capt. Samuel Ward, 1683. Stevens, John A., 406. Stevens, Lieutenant Erasmus, 1686- 1750. A. & H. A. Co., Second Sergeant, 1 724. tenant, 1 739. Stevens, John A., 406. Stevens, Captain Joseph, 1682 Rutland, Mass. Ensign, Captain, 1724, Father Ralle's War. Stevens, Clarence W., 1 14. Stevens, Frederick B., 114. Stevens, Captain Nathaniel, 1749. Captain of 6th Co., 7th Conn. Regt., 1741. Stevens, Charles Ellis, 151. Stewart, George, '733- Mem- ber of Penn. Assembly for Lan- caster Co., 1730-1733. Peale, Albert C, 246. Stickney, Abraham, i 703-1 783, Tewks- bury, Mass. Served under Lieut. Peter Abbot, 1722, to relief of Fort William Henry. Ensign in Col. Tyng'sRegt., 1 757-1 758. Fleet, James M., 242. Stickney, Lieutenant William, 1592- 1665. A founder of Rowley, Mass., 1639. Lieutenant, i6bi. Hall, Thos. Wm., 132. Bailey, Edward P., 285. Stiles, Ephraim, 1645- 17 14, Stratford, Conn. Deputy, General Court, 1 680- 1 690. Court of Elections, 1 69s- 1 708. One of the Commit- tee of Safety, Fairfield Co. Moseley^ John G., 197. Stillwell, Captain Nicholas, 1612- 167 1. Organized a Troop of Horse in Virginia against the Indians, 1644. Captured King Ohechan- canagh, successor to Powhatan. Lieutenant under Capt. Martin Kre- gier, second Esopus War, 1663. Clark, Henry Schieffelin, 49. Clark, William Newton, 49. Prall, Wm., 100, 390. Schieffelin, Eugene, 106. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 106. Stilwell, William Moore, 115. Wyckoff, Peter, 131. Pearce, Charles E., 314. Stockbridge, Charles, 1634-1683. Soldier, King Philip's War. Bowers, Henry, 42. Stockbridge, Henry, 167. Stockton, Lieutenant Richard, 1606- 1707. First Lieutenant, 1665, Flushing, L. 1., Troop of Horse. Hornor, Wm. M., 73, 142. Van Amringe Guy, 122. Burnett, Chas. H., 138. Collins, Henry H., Jr., 139. Gillespie, Geo. Cuthbert, 140. Hornor, Caleb W., 142. Levis, Henry, 145. Levis, Samuel W., 146. Powell, Washington B., 150. Edwards, Chas. L., 323. Edwards, Ewd. J., 341. Stockton, Richard, i 730-1 781. Mem- ber of Governor's Council, Prov- ince of New Jersey, i 768. Wetherill, Alexander M., 128. Hunter, Rich. Stockton, 143. Stoddard, Anthony, 1687. Clerk, 1642, et seq., and 5d Sergeant, 1650, A. & H. A. Co. Deputy, General Court twenty-three terms. Deputy, 1659, et seq. Woodbndge, Jonathan E., 304. Stoddard, Colonel John, 1682-1749, Northampton, Mass. Colonel, Mass. Militia. Assistant and Chief Justice, Court of Common Pleas. Washburn, William I., 126. Stodder, Sergeant Samuel, i 640-1 73 1 , Hingham, Mass. Sergeant, King Philip's War. Whitcomb, Lawrence, 210. Willcutt, Levi L., 210. Stofford, Samuel, 1636-1718. Dep- uty, 1 670- 1 705. Assistant, 1674. Lieutenant, 1705. Watson, William H., 127. Stone, Daniel, 1668- 1702, Framing- ham, Mass. Served in Expedition to Canada, 1690. Robinson, Francis W., 203. Stone, Ebenezer, 1662-1754, Newton, Mass. Deputy, General Court of Mass., 1 708-1 7 1 7. Royal Coun- cillor of the Province. Jackson, Henry S., 269. Hammond, Lyman D., 293. Vaile, Joel F., 373. Stone, Gregory. Deputy, General Court, Mass. Bay Colony, 1638. Bent, S. Arthur, 178. 553 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Green, Charles M., 187. Stone, William E., 205. Winship, William H., 21 i. Cutler, Ralph Wm., 220. Anderson, James T., 239. Farr, Marvin A., 289. Stone, John, 1618-1683, Cambridge, Mass. Deputy, General Court, 1 682- 1 683. Stone, William E., 206. Stone, Reverend Samuel, 1602-1663, Hartford, Conn. Chaplain, Pe- quot War, Capt. John Mason. Johnson, S. Albert, 78. Mann, Matthew D., 86. Murray, Charles H., 92. Andrews, James S., 217. Thompson, Harry G., 231. Kent, Henry O., 269. Ives, Marvin A., 293. Stone, Samuel, 1635-1715, Cambiidge and Lexington, Mass. Private in Capt. Thos. Prentice's Co. of Troops; wounded at Great Swamp Fight. Also in Capt. Thos. Brattle's Troop of Horse. Expe- dition to Mt. Hope. Andrews, James T., 239. Messinger, William D., 296. Upham, Henry P., 348. Stone, Simon, 1585-1663, Watertown, Mass. General Court, 1636- 1656. Farr, Marvin A., 289. Stone, Simon, i 631-1708, Water- town, Mass. Representative, General Court, 1678- 1690. Farr, Marvin A., 289. Stone, Simon, i 656-1 74 i, Watertown, Mass. Served in garrison at Mendon, 1675. At Groton, 1675- 1676. Under Capt. Joseph Sill, King Philip's War. In King Wil- liam's War at Exeter, 1690. Se- verely wounded. Brown, David H., 180. Stone, Charles W., 205. Farr, Marvin A., 289. Stoker, Lieutenant John, Wells, Me. 2d Lieutenant and Captain,3d Co. , 1st Mass. Regt., 1744, and Siege of Louisburg. Representative to Mass. General Court, i748-'50-'54. Hale, Josiah L., 188. Storer, Horatio R., 406. Storer, Lieutenant Joseph, 1648-1 730. Maintained a Garrison House in Wells, Me., against attacks by the Indians. Ensign, 1680. Lieu- tenant, 1091. Commissary, 1094. Hale, Josiah L., 188. Storer, Horatio R., 406. Storrs, Major Joseph, 1711-1785. Crown Point Expedition, 1756. Deputy, 1 752-1 756. Pierce, George W., 98. Stout, Richard, New Amsterdam, 1622. Associate in Monmouth Patent, 1665. Member of Assem- bly, New Jersey, 1771. Hunt, Samuel F. , 324. Stoutoff, Captain Elbert Elbertson, 1620-1688. Captain of the Militia, Province of New-York, Dutch Conquest, 1673. Jones, Charles Henry, 143. Wister, Rodman, 154. Stow, John, it)4^, Roxbury, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Repre- sentative, General Court, 1639. Macdonough, Rodney, 195. Chittenden, Edwin S., 359. Stow, Thomas, 1084, Braintree, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Macdonough, Rodney, 195. Gilbert, James H., 291. Stow, Lieutenant Thomas, 1674-1765, Middletown,Conn. Ensign, 171 7. Lieutenant, 3rd Militia Co., 1723. Macdonough, Rodney, 195. Stratton, John. Under Major Ap- pleton, Narragansett Campaign 1675-1676. Chatfi eld-Taylor, Hobart C, 301. Stream, Ensign John, 1621-1685. En- sign, 1665, Colonial Forces of Conn. Peck, Guy Dayton, 97. Stevens, John B., 1 14. Strettell, Robert, 1693- 1761. Pro- vincial Councillor of Penn., 1741- 1 760, and President of the Council. Fisher, Robert S., 242. Strong, Jedediah, 1667-1709. Slain by Indians, Queen Anne's War. Murray, Charles H., 92. Strong, " Elder " John. Deputy, Gen- eral Court, 1641, et seq., Colony of Mass. Bay. Dennis, Rodney S., 55. Partridge, Edward L., 96. Strong, Richard Polk, 167. Davis, Gustavus P., 221. 554 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Wessells, Henry W., 233. Brewer, William A., 359. Strong, John, 1707-1793, Windsor, Conn. Drummer in Capt. Benj. Allyn's Co., Crown Point E.xpedi- tion, 175s. Ensign in Gen. Phin- eas Seymour's command, siege of Montreal. Strong, William W., ;oo. Strong, Lieutenant Return, 1640- 1726, Windsor, Conn. Cornet, of Troop, 1089. Deputy, General Court, 1 089- 1 690. Lieutenant, 1692. Hayden, Horace E., 142. Plumb, Henry B., 228. Gunsaulus, Frank W., 292. Strong, Thomas, 1630-1089. Trooper under Major John Mason, 1058. Strong, J. Montgomery, 116. Strycker, Jacobus Gerritsen, 1617- 1687. Delegate to Convention at New Orange to confer with Gov. Colve, 1674. Voorhees, Wm. Perrine, 316. Strycker, Captain Jan, 1615-1697. Member, Great Landtag, New Am- sterdam, 1664. Member, Hemp- stead Convention, 1665. Schepen, 1673. Captain, Military Co-, at Midwout, L I. Deputy, Great Conference at New Orange, 1674. Stryker, Thos. H., 1 16. Eaton, Theodore M., 255, 389. Stryker, William S., 258. Voorhees, Wm. Perrine, 316. Neely, Robert C, 386. Strycker, Jan, Jr., 1084-1770. Mem- ber of Capt. Vandevere's Co., Kings Co., New -York Militia, 1715. Averill, Henry K., Jr., 34. Voorhees, Wm. Perrine, 316. Stryker, Pieter Janse, 1653-1741. Captain, Kings Co., New-York Militia, 1689. Voorhees, Wm. Perrine, 316. Sumner, William, 1605-1092, Dor- chester, Mass. Deputy, General Court, 1606, ei seq. Lovering, Henry M., 19s. SuNDERLAiNE, James, Upland, Penn. Captain of Militia, 167s. Repre- sentative for Chester Co., 1688-90. Hall, William C, 243. Sutherland, David, i 732-1 794. Lieu- tenant, Militia Regt., Dutchess Co., Province of New-York. Merritt, Douglas, 88. Sutton, John, 1642-1691. Ensign in King Philip's War, Capt. Williams' Co. Mann, Matthew D., 87. SwAiNE, Major Jeremiah, Reading, Mass. Wounded in Narragansett Fight. Lieutenant and Captain in King Philip's War. Major and Commander-in-Chief, Expedition against Kennebec and Eastern In- dians, 1689. Representative seven years. Governor's Assistant. Carpenter, Frederick B., 181. Parker, Edward L., 199. Swaine, William W., 394. Swaine, Sergeant John. Served in Capt. Fay's Co., Col. Nichols' Regt., reduction of Canada, 1758. Swaine, William C, 394. Swaine, Reverend Joseph. Chaplain of Col. Plaisted's Regt., Expedi- tion to Crown Point, 1757. Swaine, William C, 394. Swaine, Captain Samuel, 1610-1682. Lieutenant, Conn. Colonial Forces, 1603, and of Newark soldiers under Capt. Robert Treat, 1607- 1673. Captain of East Jersey Pro- vincial Forces. Deputy, General Court of Conn., 1663. Deputy and "Third Man," Provincial As- sembly of East Jersey, 1673-1670. Grant, DeForest, 03. Grant, Madison, 05. Halsey, Harlan P., 69. Halsey, Henry A., 6<). Halsted, David C, 69. Halsted, E. Bayard, 69. Toler, Henry P., 258. Swaine, William, 158^-1664. Deputy, General Court of Mass. Bay, 1030 Commissioner to establish and govern the new Colony of Conn., 1636. Assistant, First General Court, 1637. Deputy, General Court, New Haven Colony, 1055- 16S7. Halsted, David C, 6q. Halsted, E. Bayard, 09. Swan, Richard, Rowley, Mass. Served in King Philip's War and Expedi- tion to Canada. Deputy, General Court, 1666-1077. 555 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Swan, Edward H., Jr., 1 17. Swan, Frederick G., 117. Flint, James M., 242. Swan, Robert, 1628- 1698, Haverhill, Mass. Soldier at Great Swamp Fight, Lieut. Benjamin Swett's Co. Robert, Cyrus S., 103. Swan, Frederick G., 117. SWARTWOUT, ROELOFF, 1634-I7I5. Schout of Esopus, Indian War of 1663, and member of Gov Leis- ler's Council, War with France. Collins, H. O., 51, 360. Dudley, Edgar S., 58. Swartwout, Satterlee, i 1 7. SwARTWOUT, Thomas. Representative from Amersfoort, at New Amster- dam, 1653, "the most important popular Convention that had ever assembled in New Netherland." Collins, Holdridge O., 559. Sweat, Benjamin, Jr. Private in Capt. Jacob Bayley's Co., Col. Love- well's Regt., 1759. Webster, Frank D., 127. Swett, Captain Benjamin, 1626-1677, Hampton, N. H. Ensign in the Newbury Co. Lieutenant, com- manding militia in King Philip's War. Captain, 1677. Killed by the Indians at Scarborough. Moulton, George M., 297. Swift, Captain Nathaniel, 1707-1790, Kent, Conn. Lieutenant, 1749. Captain of the 2d Co. Young, Francis C, 374. Swift, William. Member of Lieut. John Blackmer's Co., Sandwich, Mass., 1643. Foote, John C., 311. Swift, >A'illiam, Jr., 1705, Sand- wich, Mass. Deputy, General Court, from Sandwich, i673-'78. Strong, R. P., 167. Swords, Lieutenant Thomas. 55th Regt. of Foot, British Army, Fort George, Albany, and New-York City. Last French War. Swords, Henry Cotheal, 1 1 7. Syll, Captain Joseph. See Sill. Symonds, Deputy-Governor Samuel, 1595-1678, Ipswich, Mass. Dep- uty, General Court, 1638-1643. Assistant, 1643-1673. Deputy- Governor, 1673-1678. Averill, Henry K., Jr., 34. Davis, Fellowes, 54. Morgan, Appleton, 71. Story, Henry G., 115. Story, Joseph G., 115. Tucker, Gilman H., 121. De Benneville, James S., 139. Piatt, Franklin, 149. Pleasant, Henry, 149. Wilson, John A., 170. Curtiss, Frederick H., 183. Smith, Samuel F., 380. Skinner, Henry W., 390. Taft, Robert, Mendon, Mass. Cap- tain, 1 735, et seq. Representative many years. Adams, Edward M., 285. Meacham, Franklin A., 295. Talcott, John, 1000-1660, Wethers- field. Deputy, General Court of Mass., 1634-1636, Conn., 1037- 1653. Assistant, 16^4-1660. Treasurer, 1652-1660. Commis- sioner for United Colonies, 1656- 1658. Wakeman, Jesup, 124. Walbridge, T. Chester, 125, 152. Mclntire, Chas. Jno., 195. Bradley, Cyrus S., 218. Patten, John D., 246. Dewey, Charles, 278. Evans, Ira H., 279. Sands, James T., 314. Talcott, Major John, 1620-1088. Ensign, 1660. Commander-in- Chief, Colony of Conn., 1673- 1074. Dutch Restoration, and 1675-1676, King Philip's War. Governor's Assistant and Treas- urer, 1662- 1076. Assistant, 167S- 1787. Member of Council, 1003, et seq. Commissioner for United Colonies, 1663, et seq. Reserve ad int. Jennings, Albert G., 78. Norton, Porter, 93. Wakeman, Jesup, 124. Watson, Charles P., 126. Mclntire, Chas. J., 195. Bradley, Cyrus S., 218. Russell, Talcott H., 229. Patten, John D., 246. Eaton, Theo. H., 255, 389. Talcott, Joseph, 1669-1741, Hartford, Conn. Deputy-Governor, 1 724. Deputy, 1708-1710. Assistant, 356 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 171 1 -1723. Governor, 172^-1741. Patten, J. D. , 246. Talcott, Captain Samuel, 163S-1691. Hartford Troop of Dragoons at Deerfield, King William's War. Lieutenant, 1077. Captain, 1 68 1 . Deputy, 1609-1684. Assistant, i68=;-i6Qi. Backus, J. Bayard, 35 Dewey, Charles, 278. Wells, Eben F., 34Q. Tapp, Edmund, 16S3. An onginal Patentee of Milford, Conn. Judge of Civil and Criminal Courts, 1 639. Magistrate after the Union. Gov- ernor's Assistant, 1644. Member of Council of War, 1644. Griffith, William H., 66. Tappan, Ensign Jacob. Ensign, 1683. Newbury, Mass. Emery, Rufus, 60. Tarbell, John, Lynnfield, Mass. Served in King Philip's War under Major Willard. Newhall, James S., 197. Tasker, Captain Thomas, 1700. Member, Lower House of Assem- bly, Maryland, 1697; of the Coun- cil, 1098-1700. Treasurer of the Western Shore, 1695. Howard, McHenry, 162. Tayloe, Colonel John, '779- Member of the Council of Virginia, 1756. Howard, McHenry, 162. Taylor, Lieutenant-Colonel James, i7';2-i8i4. Adjutant under Wash- ington, Braddock's Campaign. Lieut. -Colonel of Caroline Co. prior to Revolution. Member, House of Burgesses, Dominion of Virginia. Thompson, John T., 334. Taylor, Captain John, 1641-1704. Captain, Hampshire Troop. Killed by the Indians in pursuit of them after the destruction of Pascomuck. Betts, Frederick H., 40. Betts, Louis F. H., 40. Haight, Frederick E., 68. Metcalf, Bryce, 89. Woodruff, Chas. H., 131. Taylor, John, M. D., 1693-1756. Mem- ber Provincial Assembly, Penn., 1730-1731. Frazer, Persifor, 140. Taylor, Reverend Nathaniel, 1722- 1800. Chaplain, Col. Nathan Whiting's Regt., Ticonderoga and Crown Point, i 7S0. Hatch, Arthur Melvin, 71. Taylor, Philip, i68o-i7'52. Member of Assembly, Chester Co., Prov- ince of Penn., 1715-1716. Taylor, John T., 248. Taylor, Ensign Thomas, 1643-1735, Danbury, Conn. Ensign, Train Band, 1689-1706. Deputy, 1697, et seq. Hatch, Arthur Melvin, 71. Taylor, Thomas, 1 st. Served in French and Indian Wars. Wounded at Deerfield. Roberts, Henry, 229. Taylor, Thomas, 2d. On a march from Deerfield to Fort Dummer, July 14, 1748, in command of seventeen men, was atttacked by one hundred French and Indians, taken prisoner and carried to Canada, and exchanged Sept. 17. Roberts, Henry, 229. Teall, Surgeon Oliver. A Surgeon in English army, French War. Teall, Edward McK., 501. Temple, Abraham. Soldier in Capt. Nathaniel Davenport's Co., 1675. Houghton, Henry O., 191. Ten Broeck, Major Dirck Wessels, 1638-1717. Commissioned 1688, and dispatched to Canada. Served under Gen. Winthrop, Canadian Expedition, 1690. Mayor of Al- bany, 1696-1608. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1601. Major, 1 700, under Col. Pieter Schuyler. Innis, Hasbrouck, 77. Livingston, Philip, 84. Spalding, George B.,Jr., 113. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 123. Hardie, Francis H., 243. Hardie, Joseph C, 243. Ten Eyck, Coenraet, 1687. Lance Corporal, 3d Co., Burgher Corps of New Amsterdam. Lawrence, Robert C, 82. Parsons, William D., 95. Tenney, Ensign Thomas, 1614-1700, Bradford, Mass. Sergeant and Ensign of Rowley Foot Co., 1677. Tenney, Horace K.,301. Tenney, Thomas, Sr., 164S-1 730, Row- 557 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. ley, Mass. Soldier in Capt. Thomas Lathrop's Co., at Hatfield, 1075. in Capt. Samuel Appleton's Co., and in Capt. Joseph Gardner's Co., King Philip's War. Tenney, Samuel P., 20b. Tenney, Thomas, Jr., i 721-1762, Row- ley, Mass. Private in the ist Foot Co., Capt. Northead, 1757. In Capt. Thomas Poor's Co., 1 759, and the same year in Col. Apple- ton's Regt. Tenney, Samuel P., 206. Terrill, Captain Ephraim, 171 5-1786. Captain, Troop of Horse, Eliza- bethtown. New Jersey, 1 760. Squier, Chas. Burnham, 258. Terry, Major, Ephraim, i 701 -179s, Enfield, Conn. Major, Militia. Justice, Hartford Co., 1737. Allen, Francis Olcott, 136. Benjamin, Marcus, 240. Strong, Wm. Wolcott, 300. Terry, Stephen, 1008. Served in Windsor Troop of Horse, 1658. First Troop organized in Conn. Ives, Francis J., 77. Wright, Harry L., 304. Foote, Jno. C, 31 i. Tew, Richard '673. Deputy, General Court Rhode island, 1654, et seq. Assistant, ib^"], et seq. Hord, Arnold H., 243. Thatcher, Anthony, Yarmouth, Mass. Representative, 1643, et seq. Member Militia and Council of War. Gorham, Austin G., 370. Thatcher, Colonel John, 1639-1713. Lieutenant, Barnstable Military Co. Captain and Major. Mem- ber of Plymouth Council of War. Governor's Assistant, of Plymouth Colony, and Councillor, Govern- ment of Mass. Gorham, Austin G., 370. Tha.xter, Captain John, 1626-1687, Hingham, Mass. Ensign, 1673. Lieutenant, 1664, under Capt. Hudson. Captain against the Dutch at New-York. Captain of Cavalry. Deputy, 1666. Farnam, Charles H., 60. Andrew, Henry H., 177. Swan, Robert T., 206. Farnam, William W., 222. Thaxter, Major Samuel, 1723-1771, Hingham, Mass. Captain in Col. Gridley'sRegt., Crown Point Expedition. French and Indian Wars, 1775. Major, 1756. Fort William Henry. Andrew, Henry H., 177. Swan, Robert Thaxter, 206. Thaxter, Colonel Samuel, 166=;- 1740, Hingham, Mass. Colonel, 1725. Deputy, General Court, 1697, et seq. Assistant. Swan, Robert Thaxter, 206. Colburn, William J., 322. Porter, Alex S., Jr., 346. Thayer, Richard, 1030-170=;, Brain- tree, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War, under Capt. Isaac Johnson. Adams, Henry H., 33. Foote, Horace A., 61 . Sears, Clinton B., 108. Leeds, Charles, 194 Stetson, G. R., 248. Morse, Samuel W., 371. Thing, Captain Jonathan, '694. Ensign, Exeter Co., N. H. Militia, 1690. Captain, 1692. Folsom, Albert A., 185. Koues, George Ellsworth, 257. Thomas, Captain Nathaniel, ibio- 1674. Ensign, Plymouth Colony, under Capt. Myles Standish, 1640. Lieutenant, 1643. Captain, 1044. Pequot War. Perkins, Joshua N., 97. Schieffelin, Eugene, 106. Schieflelin, Schuyler, 106. Trenchard, Edward, 120. Thomas, Nathaniel, i 643- i 7 i 8. Marsh- field, Mass. Representative, 1072, et seq. Captain in King Philip's War. Member of the Governor's Council. Downing, Augustus C, 255. Otis, Philo Adams, 297. Thomas, Lieutenant Philip, iooo- 1675. Member, High Commis- sion governing Maryland, \6h6, who, in i6so, surrendered the Government to Lord Baltimore. Lieutenant, Provincial Forces, prior 165:;. Thomas, Lawrence B., 118. Large, James, 144. Thomas, Doctor Philip, Delegate from 558 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Frederick Co., General Congress, Annapolis, Md., 1774. Represen- tative to carry out the association agreed on by Continental Con- gress. Thomas, Lawrence B., 118 Thomas, Douglas H., 167. Thomas, William, 1573-1051. Gov- ernor's Assistant, Plymouth Col- ony, 1642- 1 64^. Member of the Council of War. Deputy, Gen- eral Court, 1640-1644. Trenchard, Edward, 120. Leonard, George H., 104. Parker, Montgomery D., 190. Otis, Joseph Edward, Jr., 297. Thompson, Abijah, 1750-1811. Served in Mass. Colonial Forces, French and Indian War. Stationed at Lake George, 1 758. Thompson, Abijah, 207. Thompson, Anthony, '647. Signer of "Compact" with Gov. Eaton and Rev. John Davenport, at New Haven, 1639. Soldier in Indian Troubles, 1642. Merritt, Douglas, 88. Thomson, Arthur C, 207. Collins, HoldridgeO., 360. Thompson, Paymaster Hezekiah, 1735- 1803. Served in Capt. WaitHin- man's Co., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Gilfillan, W. Whitehead, 64. Ladd, William W., 81. Thompson, Lieutenant-Colonel Jabez, 1727-1776. First Lieutenant, 17S5. 7th Co., 4th Regt., Crown Point Expedition. Captain-Lieutenant, 1700. Major of the 2d Conn. Regt., 1774. Viele, Sheldon, 124. Warren, William Y., 125. Thompson, Sergeant James, 1680-1 763. Enlisted in Capt. Bragden's Co., 1725. Corporal, 1725. Sergeant, 1724. Thompson, J. T., 333. Thompson, James, 1716 , Woburn. In Col. Murry's Regt., under Col. Benj. Goldthwait, Lake George, 1756. Private in Capt. Samuel Bancroft's Co., Col. Eleazer Tyng's Regt., relief of Fort William Henry, •757- Thompson, J. T., y^y. Thompson, James, 1640-1003, Woburn Mass. In the Indian Wars, 1675- 1670. Sergeant, 1091. Lieuten- ant, 1603. Thompson, Jno. T., 333. Thompson, Colonel John, 1636-1736. Colonel of Militia, Province of Maryland. Spencer, John Thomson, 151. Thompson, Lieutenant John, 1616- 1696, Middleboro, Mass. Deputy, Plymouth Colony, General Court,' from Barnstable, 167 1- 1672; from Middleboro, 1674, et seq. Ser- geant, Military Co., 1673. Lieu- tenant, 1675, and commanded garrison. King Philip's War, 1675. Leonard, George H., 194. Parker, Frederick W., 199. Thompson, Captain Samuel, 1669-1 749, New Haven, Conn. Lieutenant and Captain of First Co. Deputy, 1716. Thomson, Arthur C, 207. Farnham, Elijah T., 2';6 Thompson, Lieutenant Samuel, 1731- 1820, Woburn, Mass. Lieuten- ant in Capt. Ebenezer Jones' Co., Col. Ebenezer Nichols' Regt. Stationed at Lake George, French and Indian War, 1758. Thompson, Leonard, 207. Thompson, William. Served in Militia of Penn., French War, 1659-1660. Hayes, Birchard A., 324. Thomson, General Stevens. Attor- ney-General of Virginia, 1703-13. Throckmorton, C. W., 119. Thomson, LieutenantJohn, 1616-1696. Served against the Narragansetts, 1645. Lieutenant in command of garrison at Middleboro. Thompson, Clifton S., 372. Thorndike, Captain Paul, 1643 , Beverly, Mass. Lieutenant in Capt. Dixie's Foot Co., 1677. Captain, 1080. Deputy, General Court, lOSi. Thorndike, Augustus L., 207. Thorndike, Townsend W., 207. Thorne, Quartermaster John, King- ston, N. H. Was in Capt. Mars- ton's Co., of Exeter, Col. John Goff, Crown Point. Expedition enrolled in 1762. Thorne, John Calvin, 272. 559 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Thornton, Francis, 1711-1749. Lieu- tenant-Colonel, Virginia Militia, 1742. Forbes, Wm. I., 140. Meriwether, Hunter McK., 313. Thorowgood, Captain Adam, 1603 . Came over in ship C/2ar/^s, 1621. Burgess, \62g-}0-}2. Member of Council, 1637. Raborg, Thomas M. T., 100. Thrall, William, 1606- 1679. Soldier from Windsor, Conn., under Capt. John Mann, Pequot War, 1637. Gay, Frank B., 223. Throckmorton John, 1631-1687. One of the thirteen original Proprietors of Providence Plantation. Deputy, 1664-1674. Hunt, Samuel F., 324. Thurston, Daniel, 1693, New- bury, Mass. Trooper, under Capt. Samuel Appleton, King Philip's War. Haskins, LeanderM., 189. Thurston, Edward, 161 7-1 707. Gov- ernor's Assistant, 1675, et seq. Deputy, 1667, et seq. Commis- sioner, 1663. Lawton, George P., 82. Pierce, James O., 346. Thurston, John, 1635-1712. Served in King Philip's War. Sears, Clinton B., 109. Spooner, Frank E., 300. TiBBALs, Sergeant Thomas, 161 5-1 703, Milford, Conn. Private in the Pequot War. Sergeant, 1071. Ford, George Hare, 62. Ford, George H., 222. Tibbals, Frederick L., 231. TicKNOR, William, . Sergeant, Gen. Cudworth's Guard, King Philip's War. Rogers, Hubert, 104. TiDD, John, Woburn, Mass. Sergeant in Militia. Brown, George E., 180. TiLESTON, Lieutenant Timothy, 1637- 1697, Dorchester, Mass. Deputy, General Court, 1689-1692. Sol- dier in Capt. Samuel Wadsworth's Co., under Major-General Wins- low, King Philip's War. Ensign, 1689. Lieutenant, 1694. Hemenway, Fred. T., 189. Hollingsworth, ZacharyT., 190. TiLLiNGH AST, Thomas, i 742-1 82 1 . Mem- ber. Rhode Island General Assem- bly, 1772-1775. Major in Revo- lution. Tillinghast, William H., 119. TiLLEY, John, 1621. Took part in the first encounter with the In- dians under Myles Standish at Great Meadow Creek, Dec. 8th, (O. S.,) Friday Morning, 1620, three days before the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. Six- teenth signer of the Mayflower Compact. Kellogg, Daniel S., 79. Richarson, George H., 202. Ames, Louis A., 254. Foote, John C, 311. Gorham, Austin G., 370. Tillson, Edmund, '699. Served in Plymouth Military Co., 1643. Thompson, Clifton S., ^72. TiLTON, Lieutenant Abraham, 1600, Ipswich, Mass. Lieutenant in Canada Expedition, 1O90, under command of Sir William Phips. Tilton, Palmer, 207. Tilton, Warren C, 207. TiLTON, Lieutenant Daniel, 1697-1 745, Ipswich, Mass. Lieutenant, Siege of Louisburg, 1745, 2d Co., 5th Mass. Regt. In Indian Fight, 1722. Tilton, Palmer, 207. Tilton, Warren C, 208. Busiel, Charles A., 267. Tilton, George H., 267. Tilton, Peter, 1000. Deputy, General Court, 1675, et seq. As- sistant, 1681-1686, Colony of Mass. Bay. Eastman, Lauren C, 311, 379. TiTCOMB, Benaiah, 1 053 . Soldier in Capt. Thomas Noyes' Foot Co., iOq6, Colony of Mass. Bay. Remick, John Anthony, 201. Remick, Timothy, 201. TiTCOMB, Colonel Moses, i 707-1 755. Commanded Titcomb's Battery, Siege of Louisburg. Commanded the right wing of Gen. Sir William Johnson's army, defeat of Baron Dreskau. Killed at the battle of Lake George, Sept. 8. Howard, William C., 74. TiTCOMB, William, , Newbury, 560 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Mass. Deputy, General Court, 1055. Remick, John A., 201. Remick, Timothy, 201. Titus, Content, 104;-! 730. Captain, New-York Provincial Troops, 1 694. Commissioner to the Court, and Deputy, Jamaica, L. 1. Hunt, Samuel F., 325. Titus, Robert. Deputy, General Court, Mass., 1048-1650. Hunt, Samuel F., 325. ToLMAN, Thomas, 1033-1718, Dorches- ter, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War, under Quartermaster Thomas Swift. Daly, Martin O., 183. ToMLiNsoN, Lieutenant Agur, 1658- 1727. Ensign, 1690, in Capt. Ebenezer Johnson's Co., Strat- ford, sixty English and forty In- dians, for the defence of Albany, paid by Gov. Fletcher " for con- ducting the soldiers " thither. Harral, George, 70. Hubbell, Henry W., 75. Tong or (Thong), Walter. Ensign in New-York City Militia, 1710, 3d Co. Lieutenant, Queens Co. Militia. Livingston, Philip, 84. Plymton, Gilbert M., 99. Topping, Captain Thomas, Captain, Southampton, L. I., Militia, 165 1. Assistant, 165=;, ei seq. Baker, Frank, 28b. ToRREY, Captain William, 1608-1690, Hingham, Mass. Captain, 1045. Deputy 1644, t?/s^<2. Clerk of the House of Deputies, 1066. Foster, Volney W., 291. Langdon, Perin, 325. Laws, Harry L., 32s. ToRREY, Corporal Wilson, 1732 Mansfield, and Rehoboth, Mass. Private in Major Howe's Co., Col. Joseph Dwight's Regt., expedition against Crown Point. Corporal, 1750. In 17S9 he served under Col. Thomas Doty, expedition for the reduction of Canada. Foster, Volney W., 291. Tower, John, 1609-1702. Of Tower's Garrison House during King Philip's War. Hill, William S., 72. Farr, Marvin A., 289. Hill, John W., 293. Hill, Henry B., 342. Whipple, Charles H., 349. Whipple, Henry B.,350. Ballord, Esek Steere, 379. TowNLEY, Colonel Richard, 1028- 171 1. Captain, Elizabeth Town Train Band, 1686. Colonel before 1 690. Took part in defeat and ar- rest of Gov. Leisler, 1690. Mem- ber of Gov. Lord Neill Campbell's Council, East Jersey, 1686. Mem- ber of Gov. Fletcher's Council, New-York, 1002. Pell, Howland, 97. Schieffelin, Eugene, 106. Schieffelin, George R., 106. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 107. Townsend, Henry, Warwick, R. L Deputy to the Assembly, 1653. Macdonough, Rodney, 19s. Townsend, John. Commissioner in Rhode Island, 1052-1654. Felton, S. M., 324. Townsend, Richard, 1739. Private in Capt. John Hickes'Co., Queens Co., New-York Militia, 1738. Townsend, James Hill, 120. Townshend, Richard. Member of Council, 1630-1045. Burgess for the " plantations between Archer's Hope and Martin's Hundred," Virginia, 1629. Horner, Wm. M., 73. Tracy, Lieutenant Thomas, 1610- 1085, Norwich, Conn. Ensign, 1st Co. Militia, Conn., 1606. Lieutenant, 1672, of New Lon- don Co. Dragoons, enlisted to fight the Dutch and Indians. Member of General Court twenty- seven sessions. Commissary, King Philip's War. Commissioner, 1678, et seq. Farnam, Charles H., 60. Huntington, Charles R., 76. Lord, Nathan H., 84. Mott, John T., 91. Mott, Luther W., 91. Ripley, Charles S., 103. Williams, Winslow T., 234. Bardwell, Harry J., 286. Lane, Ebenezer, 294. Rawson, Edw. S., 327. Jewett, Stephen, 343. 561 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Gere, Chas. Henry, 3S4. Grant, Charles Julian C., 3^4. Grant, Thos. P., 354. Kneeland, Frank G., 353. Tracy, Robert S., 355. Brewer, Wm. A., 359. Hartson, Millard T., 361. Dewey, Chauncey E., 369. Travers, Captain Samuel, Richmond Co., Va. Captain of Militia, 1685- 1693. Thomas, Douglas H., 118, 168. Travers, Colonel William, 1630 . Commissioner, 1673, to employ Indians in defence of the Colony. Member, House of Burgesses for Lancaster Co., Virginia, 1677, and Speaker. Thomas, Douglas H., 118, 168. Treat, Lieutenant James, 1634-1759, Wethersfield, Conn. Trooper, Indian War, 1658. Member of Governor's Council. Doane, William H., 323. Treat, Major John, 1650 . Major commanding Essex Co., New Jersey, Militia, 1731. Member oi Assembly, 1695-1710. Halsey, Harlan P., 69. Halsey, Henry A., 69. Treat, Captain Joseph, 1662-1721, Milford, Conn. Captain, 1708. Previously Sergeant, Ensign, and Lieutenant. Deputy, General Assembly, 1707-1708. Treat, John S., 272. Treat, Hon. Richard, 1S84-1660. Deputy, First General Court, 1637- 1644, for Weathersfield Co. As- sistant, 1657-166S. Named in the Royal Charter, one of the Patent- ees for Conn., 1662. Member of Gov. John Winthrop's Council, 1663-1665. Arnold, Benjamin W., 34. Barnes, Alfred C, 56. Bell.Jared W., 39. Camp, Chas. L. N., 46. Chapman, Thomas B., 48. Day, Robert W., 54. Elliot, Daniel G., 59. Griffith, William H., 66. Harral, George, 6q. Hubbell, Henry W., 75. Hulbert, Henry C, 75. Logan, Walter S., 84. Morgan, George D., go. Reynolds, James, 102. Seymour, Henry, 109. Smith, Charles S., 1 1 1. Stevens, John B , 114. Williams, Norman A., i2q. Mackenzie, Geo. Norbury, 2d, 164. Mackenzie, Geo. Norbury, 3d, 164. Andrews, James S., 217. Brooker, Charles F., 219. Cropper, John, 220. French, Wm. F., 223. Gross, Chas. Ewd., 224. Heaton, John E., 225. Smith, Stewart W., 230. Smith, Archibald H., 230. Blagden, Thos., 240. Patten, John D., 246. Preston, Deming H., 298. Wentworth, Moses, 303. Hale, Chas. R., 312. Doane, William H.,323. Lloyd, John U., ^25. Wenzell, Henry B., 349. Hart, Charles N., 370. Treat, Governor Robert, 1622-1710. Commanding at Great Swamp Fight. Major commanding Conn. Troops, Hadley and Springfield. Deputy-Governor, 1 676- 1 680. Ap- pointed Governor, 1686. Re- signed, 1701. in the encounter with the Indians at Bloody Brook, Sept. 18, 1675, his arrival on the scene of action with the Conn. Forces turned the tide. Baldwin, Nathan A., 36. Bristow, Frank H., 43. Day, Robert W., 54. Downes, Anson Treat, 57. Grant, De Forest, 65. Grant, Madison, 65. Griffith, William H., 66. Gunn, George M., 67. Halsey, Harlan P., 6q. Halsey, Henry A., 69. Stevens, John B., 114. Ames, Joseph B., 176. Marsh, Henry D., 196. Baldwin, Nathan A., 217. Bunce, Jonathan B., 219. Downs, William E., 222. Durand, William C, 222. Ford, George H., 222. Smith, Biadish Johnson, 230. Smith, Edwin P., 230. 562 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Tomlinson, Charles A., 251. Warren, Herbert C, 233. Blagden, Thos., 240. Clark, Samuel W., 241. Toler, Henry P., 258. Treat, John S., 272. Merwin, Alexander M., 361. Lombard, John W. P., 393. Triplett, Francis, 1728-1794. Fau- quier Co., Va. Served as a vol- unteer in the Militia of Prince William Co., French and Indian War, entering service, 1750. Hord, Arnold H., 244. Tripp, John, 1610-1078. Commis- sioner, 1655. Deputy, 1648, et seq. Assistant, 1070, et seq. Greene, Douglas N., 65. Watson, William H., 127. Trippe, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry, 1632-1697, Dorchester Co., Md. Member of the Lower House of Assembly, 1671-1081. Trippe, Andrew C, 168. Trowbridge, Lieutenant James, 1636- 1717, Newton, Mass. Deputy, General Court from Cambridge, 1700-1703. Served in King Philip's War. Lieutenant, 1675. Ray, Franklin T., 101. Trowbridge, Samuel B. P., 121. Hemenway, Fred. T., 189. Jackson, Henry S., 269. Trowbridge, William P., 348. Vaile, Joel F., 373. Trowbridge, Lieutenant Thomas, New Haven Troop, Capt. William Rus- sell, King Phillip's War. Trowbridge, Charles H., 121. Trowbridge, Charles H., 231. Trowbridge, Thos. R., 232. Trowbridge, Edwin D.,232. Trowbridge, Ezekiel H., 232. True,Captain Henry, 1645-1735. Salis- bury, Mass. Captain, 1696-1722. Representative, General Court, 1689-1695. Scales, John, 272. Trumbull, Governor Jonathan. Dep- uty-Governor, 1766-1769. Gov- ernor of Conn., 1770-1783. Huntington, Frederick J., 226. Trumbull, Jonathan, 232. Tucker, Captain Moses, New Ipswich, N. H. His house fortified and used as a garrison during the In- dian raid on the town Captain, French and Indian War. Tucker, William R., 301. Tucker, Robert, 1604 , Milton, Mass. Deputy, General Court, i669-'8o-'8i. Ware, Horace E., 208. Tudor, Elihu, M.D. Served in the Campaign against Canada, 1755, under >A'olfe in 1 759, and in the Havana Expedition, 1762. Hoadley, James H., 72. Piatt, Walter B., 165. TupPER, Thomas, Jr., 1637-1706, Sand- wich, Mass. Captain of Barnstable Co., 1690. Young, Francis C, 374. Turner, Humphrey, i673,Scituate, Mass. Representative, General Court, Plymouth Colony, 1640,. et seq. Private in Military Co. Vaile, Joel F., 373. Turner, Captain Nathaniel, New Haven, Conn. Block Island Ex- pedition, Gen. John Endicott, 1636, and Pequot War, Governor's Assistant, 1639. First Magistrate of New Haven, 1639. Captain, Salem, Mass., 1634. Lost in "Phantom Ship," 1647. Strong, Theron G., 116. Tuttle, Frank D., 121. Washburn, William Ives, 126. Royce, Alfred L., 166. Cropper, John, 220. Smith, Robert A., 247. Turner, Robert, 2d, 1635 . Mem- ber Governor's Council, Penn., 1686, et seq. Bradford, Thomas Hewson, 137. TuRPiN, Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas. Militia of Cumberland Co., Vir- ginia. Appointed by Gov. Din- widdle, 1754. Deen, William M., 55, 255. Patteson, Herbert L., 96. Patteson, Malcolm D., 96. Patteson, Thomas A., Jr., 96. Tuttle, Daniel, 1680-1748, Walling- ford. Conn. Captain of South- east Co., 1738. Tuttle, Daniel S., 315. Tuttle, Lieutenant John, 1596-1656, Ipswich, Mass. Representative, 1644. A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Constant, S. Victor, 51. 563 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Gordon, Edwin A., 187. TuTTLE, Captain John, '720, Dover, N. H. Lieutenant, 1689. Captain, 1692. Representative to the Assembly, 1 692-1693. Parker, C. Wallingford, 198. Parker, Herman, 199. TuTTLE, Captain Joseph, 1692-1 761. Quartermaster of the 2d Conn. Regt., 1742. Captain, East Haven Co., 1743. Candee, Henry S., 310. Tyng, Edward, i 600-1 681, Boston. Deputy, General Court, 1661- 1662. Assistant, 1668-1681. Bell, Charles U., 178. Tyng, Governor Edward, 1649 . Commander of Fort Loyal, 1680- 1681. Member of the Council, Province of Maine, 1686. Lieut. - Colonel and Commander of the Province of Laganaduck^ 1681- 1689. Governor of Nova Scotia, 1690. Starr, Isaac, Jr., 151. Moseley, Edward A., 246. Underhill, Captain John, 1600-1672. An early officer, A. & H. A. Co. Served in the Pequot War. Gover- nor of Exeter and Dover, N. H., 1641. Led the Dutch Troops against the Simaroy Indians, 1644. Coles, Henry R. R., 50. Davies, Julien T., 53. Morgan, James L., oo. Morgan, John H., qo. Suydam, Walter Lispenard, 116. Townsend, James Hill, 120. Underhill, Edgar, 121. Underhill, Francis T., 121. Underhill, Frederick E., 121. Balch, Edwin S., 136. Balch, Thomas W., 136. Morton, Thomas G., 148. Townsend, John, 348. Sutton, Ashabel, 372. Upham, John, 1600-1081, Weymouth, Mass. Deputy, General Court, 1636-1639. Upham, Henry, 348. Upham, Lieutenant Phineas, 163s- 1676, Maiden, Mass. Lieutenant, 4th Co. Mass. Regt., under Capt. Isaac Johnson, Great Swamp Fight, and mortally wounded. Baker, Frank Leslie, 3s. Haskins, Chades Waldo, 70. Upham, Charles C, N. Y., 208. Upham, Charles C, Mass., 208. Upham, Henry M., 208. Upham, Frederick Wm., 302. Heywood, Henry B., 333. Upham, Henry P., 348. Wade, James F., 348. Trumbull, Nathan F., 372. Upham, Edwin D., 372. Upham, William H. 395. Upson, Sergeant Stephen, i 653-1 735, Waterbury, Conn. Deputy, Gen- eral Court, i7!0-'i2-'29. Ser- geant, 1715. Collins, Holdridge O., 360. Upson, Captain Stephen, Jr., 1686- 1 777, Waterbury, Conn. Deputy to General Court, 1743, et seq. Captain of Militia. Collins, Holdridge O., 360. Usher, Hezekiah, Sr., 1676, Bos- ton and Billerica, Mass. A. &H. A. Co., 1638. 2d Sergeant, 1657. 1st Sergeant, 1663. Ensign, 1664. Gilbert, Jas. H., 291. Utie, Captain John. Member Virginia House of Burgesses, 1623-1629, for plantations between Archer's Hope and Martin's Hundred (Kiskiak), afterwards Yorktown. Member for Hogg Island. Cap- tain of Militia, 1631. Member of King's Council, 1632-1634. Browne, Bennet B., 159. Vail, Lieutenant Thomas, 1734-1807. Sergeant in Capt. Thomas Ferry's Co. , Col. Oliver de Lancey's Regt. , under Gen. Prideaux and Sir Wil- liam Johnson, 1759. Lieutenant, 1760, in Capt. Israel Horton's Co., N. Y. Militia, Col. Nathaniel Woodhull, under Gen. Amherst, capture of Fort Lewis. Vail, Henry H., 122. Valentine, Colonel Benjamin, 1650- 1712. Dragoon in Colonial service. Valentine, Abraham B., 122. Valentine, Samuel H., 122. Valentine, John, '7-4- His Majesty's Crown Advocate-Gen- eral of the Provinces. Ballord, Esek Steere, 379. Van Brugh, Johannis Pieterszen. Cor- 564 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. poral, Blue Flag Co., Burgher Corps, i652-it)S3, New Amster- dam. President of the bench, 1662. Provincial Envoy to Am- sterdam, 1664. Burgomaster, 1673-1674. Captain, New Orange, 1673-1674. Boardman, Lansdale, 41. Brown, Paul R., 44. Davies, Julien T., 53. Davies, William G., "53. Fryer, Robert L., 03. Livingston, Philip, 84. Plymton, Gilbert M., 98. Satterlee, Francis Le R., 105. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 123. Hardie, Joseph C, 243. Van Brugh, Captain Peter, 1666- i7s6. Captain, 1715-1722, at Fort Orange. Fryer, Robert L., 63. Livingston, Philip, 84. Satterlee, Francis Le R., 105. Seaman, Louis L., 108. Van Brunt, Major Cornelius, 1754. King's Co. Militia, 1700. Member General Assembly, Prov- ince of New-York, 1699-171 1. Warner, Culbreth H., 169. Voorhees, William P., 316. Van Corlear, Benoni. Cornet, Capt. Killian Van Rensselaer's Troop of Horse, Col. Peter Schuyler's Regt., Albany, 1700. Cutler, James G., 52. Cutler, Joseph W., 52. Van Cortlandt, Colonel Oloff Ste- vensen, 1600-1084. Colonel of Burgher Corps, 1640, and in 1655- 1 004, the last Burgomaster of New Amsterdam before the English conquest. Astor, John Jacob, 34. Beekman, J. William, 38. Campbell, Wm. A., 46. Erving, William V. R., 60. Fryer, Robert L. , 63. Harriman, William E., 70. Hillhouse, Chas. B., 72. Hillhouse, Francis, 72. Livingston, Philip, 84. Oothout, John Webster, 94. Paige, Edward W., 95. Pell, William Cruger, 97. Plymton, Gilbert M., 98. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 106. Sill, John T., 111. Suydam, Walter L., 116. Van Cortlandt, Robert B., 122. Van Rensselaer, A. Cortlandt, 122. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 122. Ver Planck, William G., 124. Whitehead, Cortlandt, 153. Hardie, Joseph Cuyler, 243. Bascome, Western R., 309. Van Cortlandt, Colonel Stephanus. Kings Co. Regt., 1671-1693. Member of King's Council, 1680- 1700. Clark, Henry S., 49. Livingston, Philip, 84. Russell, William H., 104. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 106. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 122. Ver Planck, William G., 124. Whitehead, Cortlandt, 153. Bascome, Western R., 309. Van Dam, Governor Rip, 1660-1749. Member of New-York Provincial Assembly, 1699. Member of His Majesty's Council thirty years, and Governor of the Province, 1 73 1 . Duane, William N., 57. Fryer, Robert L., 63. Livingston, Philip, 84. McKinstrey, Chas. H., 87. Miller, John Bleecker, 89. Newman, Clarence E., 92. Plymton, Gilbert M., 98. Satterlee, Francis Le R., 105. Van Der Bogaert, Harmen Myndertse, 1612-1647. Surgeon of the West India Co. 's ship Endraght, 1630- 1633, at New Amsterdam. Com- missary at Fort Orange, 1645. Du Bois,' William M., 57. Viele, Sheldon, 124. Van Dyke, Hendrick. Ensign under Gov. Kieft, against the Indians of Westchester, 1639-1642. Under Capt. John Underbill on Long Island, 1644. Wounded in an at- tack of the Indians. Member of the Council, 1642, et seq. Schout Fiscal, 1645-16S2. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 123. Van Eps, Johannes, 1690. One of the five Patentees of Schenectady, 1684. Lieutenant of Foot under Capt. Sander Glen. Killed at his Garrison in the burning of the 565 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. town of Schenectady. One of the Five Dongan Patentees, 1684. Griffith, William H., 67. Van Eps^ Jan Baptist, '673. French and Indian Wars. Taken captive by the hidians at burning of Schenectady, 1690, and carried to Canada; escaped after three years. While captive learned the Indian language and was after- ward interpreter and Ambassador of Five Nations. Griffith, William H., 67. Van Horne, Colonel Philip. Com- manding a Regt. of Militia, Prov- ince of New Jersey, 1771. Boardman, Lansdale, 41. Lansdale, Philip Van H., 82. Van Luvanigh, Ensign Zachariah, 1789. Ensign, 1756, French and Indian War, Upper Regt., New Castle Co., Delaware. Du Pont, Victor, Jr., 400. Van Rensselaer, Captain Henry. Captain, Foot, 173s. New-York Provincial Forces, French and In- dian Wars. Hardie, Francis H., 243. Hardie, Joseph Cuyler, 243. Van Rensselaer, Colonel Jeremias, 1674. The2d Patroon. Mem- ber of Colonial Assembly, and Speaker, 1664. Colonel of Militia. Beekman, James William, 38. Campbell, Wm. A., 47. Clark, Henry S., 40. Cogswell, C. Van R., 50. Erving, W. Van R., 60. Harriman, William E., 70. Hillhouse, Francis, 72. Livingston, Philip, 84. Oothout, John W., 94. Paige, Edward W., 95. Plymton, Gilbert M., 98. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 107. Van Rensselaer, A. C., 122. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 122. Van Rensselaer, Eugene, 123. Sill, Howard, 166. Thayer, Nathaniel, 207. Hardie, Francis H., 24;. Hardie, Joseph Cuyler, 243. Bascome, Western R., 309. Van Rensselaer, Colonel Johannes, 1 708-1 783. New-York Provincial Forces. Cogswell, C. Van R., 50. Pell, William Cruger, 97. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 122. Van Rensselaer, Lieutenant-Colonel Killian, 1663-1719. Second Lord and 4th Patroon of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck. Captain, Albany Co. Militia, defence of Schenec- tady, 16Q3. 1st Member of As- sembly from the Manor. Member Provincial Council, New-York, 1693-1719. Clark, Henry S., 49. Van Rensselaer, Eugene, 123. Thayer, Nathaniel, 207. Van Rensselaer, Lieutenant Killian, 171 7- 178 1. Provincial Forces of New-York, 1743. Hoff, J. Van Rensselaer, 73. Van Schaick, Lieutenant Goosen Ger- RiTSE, 1676. Lieutenant, 1670, at Albany, Rensselaerwyck and Schenectady, 1672. Captain, 1675, Dutch reoccupation of New Neth- erland. Bleecker, Anthony J., 41. Hill, Robert C, 72. Livingston, Philip, 84. Van Schoonhoven, Captain Jacobus, 1690-1749. Colonial Forces of New-York, 1715. Albany Co. Thome, Joel W., no. Whitney, Drake, 128. Van Schuyler, Filyp Pieterse, 1628- 1683. Captain in New-York Pro- vincial Forces, 1607. Captain of Foot at Schenectady, 1669. Beekman, James William, 38. Church, Richard, 40. Crosby, Edward Nicoll, 51. Duane, William North, 57. Fryer, Robert L., 63. Hamersley, J. Hooker, 69. Harriman, William E., 70. Livingston, Philip, 84. Miller, John Bleecker, %q. Montgomery, J. Lynch, 90. Meyer, Albert, J., 02. Plymton, Gilbert M., 98. Satterlee, Francis Le R., 105. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 106. Schuyler, Clarkson C., 107. Schuyler, Montgomery, 107. Seaman, Louis L., 108. Spalding, George B., Jr., 1 12. Suckley, Robert B., 116. 566 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 122. Ver Planck, William G., 124. Whitehead, Cortlandt, 153. Armstrong, Horatio G., 159. Bascome, Western R., 309. Howard, Charles E. N., 343. Van Schuyler, Colonel Johannes, 163^-1717. New-York Provincial Forces, Indian Wars. Pell, William Cruger, 97. Van Slichtenhorst, Brant Arentse. "First Resident Director of the ColonieofRensselaerwyck," 1640- 1648. Commander of the Fort at Rensselaerwyck. Beekman, James William, 38. Crosby, Edward Nicoll, 5 1 . Crosby, Livingston 51. Fryer, Robert L., 63. Hamersley, J. Hooker, 69. Montgomery, J. Lynch, 90. Myer, Albert J., 92. Plymtom, Gilbert M., 98. Pruyn, John Van S. L., 100. Satterlee, Francis Le R., 105. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 106. Schuyler, Clarkson C, 107. Seaman, Louis L., 108. Spalding, George B., Jr., 112. Suckley, Robert B., 116. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 123. Whitehead, Cortlandt, 153. Armstrong, Horatio G., 159. Bascome, Western R., 309. Van Sweringen, Garret, 1636-1698. Councillor and Commissary-Gen- eral from Amsterdam to New Am- stel (Newcastle, Del.), on the South River. Welsh, Luther W., 316. Van Vechten, Lieutenant Teunis, 1707-1785. First Lieutenant, 1748, Capt. Casparus Bronk's Co. First Battalion, Sir William Johnson's Regt., Albany Co., N. Y. Van Vechten, A. Van W., 123. Van Vorst, Colonel Cornelius, 172S- 17(38. Commander of a Battalion of Foot, Bergen Co. Militia. Booraem, Robert E., 42. Van Wie, Hendricksee Gerritsee, 1091. Soldier, Expedition to Canada, 1690. Wounded at La Prairie, and died soon after. Beale, Charles F. T., 239. Varnum, George, 1594-1040, Ipswich, Mass. Took part in Indian Wars in Mass. Varnum, James M., 123. Varnum, Robert T., 123. Eaton, Joseph G. 184. Varnum, Colonel Joseph, 1672 . Mass. Troop of Horse, King Philip's War, on the Staff of Gov. Francis Bernard. Varnum, James M., 123. Varnum, Robert T., 123. Varnum, Samuel, 1620 , Ipswich, Mass. Served in Capt. Nicholas Manning's Co., King Philip's War. Varnum, James M., 123, 407. Varnum, Robert T., 123. Varnum, Major Samuel, 1715-1707. Mass. Troop of Horse, Indian Wars. Varnum, James M., 123. Varnum, Robert T., 123. Vassall, William, 1S93-1655. Gov- ernor's Assistant and Patentee of Mass. Bay Colony, 1629-1630. Councilof War, Plymouth Colony, 1642. Allen, Francis O., 136. Upham, Henry P., 348. Vaughan, Captain Robert, 1600-1668. Viceroy of Kent, Maryland, 1047. Privy Councillor, 1048-1 050. Member of Assembly, 1642. Spencer, John T., isi. Vaughan, Major William, 1640-1719. Lieutenant of Horse, 1672. Cap- tain, 1080. A Royal Councillor in Charter granted 1079, consti- tuting New Hampshire a separate province. Councillor, 1690-1698. President of Council, 1706-1715. Commanded the Provincial Militia, 1690. Later Major. Rust, Nathaniel J., 203. Jameson, Winfield S., 269. Veeder, Simon Volkertsie, 1624-1697. One of the defenders of Schenec- tady, 1690. Long, Oscar F., 245. Venable, Captain Abraham, 1 701- i 76S. Member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, 1748. Ballantine, Henry W., 159. Vermilye, Isaac, 1001-1676. Com- manded the Harlaem Volunteers in the Expedition to Esopus,io63, Indian War. 567 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. King, Rufus, 80. Underhill, Edgar, 121. Underhill, Frederic E., 122. Vermilye, Ashbel G., 123, 258. Rockwood, Chas. G., 257. Vermilye, Johannes, 1632- 1696. Mem- ber of Gov. Leisler's Council, 1690. King, Rufus, 80. Vermilye, Ashbel G., 123, 258. Vernon, Randal, 1 640- 1 72s. Member of Provincial Assembly of Penn., 1687. Howell, Henry W., Jr., 74. Griswold, Benjamin H., 161. Ver Planck, Ensign Geleyn, 1637- 1684. Ensign, 1673. In garri- son at the Fort in New-York City. Ver Planck, William G., 123. Ver Planck, Ensign Philip, 1605- 177 1. Ensign in Col. Vetch's Regt., Mass. Colonial Forces, 161 1. Commissioner to the Six Nations^ 1 746. Commissioner for fortifications, 1755. Member New-York Provincial Assembly, 1 734- 1 768. Ver Planck, William G., 123. Vickere, George, 1679. Private in Capt. Johnson's Co., King Philip's War. Binney, William Greene, 40. Vickers, William H. C, 169. Vinton, Captain John, 1680-1760, Stoneham, Mass. Lieutenant, 1720. Captain, 1723. Repre- sentative, General Court, 1754. Parker, C. Wallingford, 198. Parker, Herman, 199. Vreeland^ Enoch. Member of Gen- eral Assembly of East Jersey, seventeen years. Ensign, 1681. Earle, Ferdinand P., 59. Wade, Jonathan, 1689, Ipswich, Mass. Captain of Three County Troop of Horse, King Philip's War. Sargent, John, 300. Wade, Jonathan, 1684, Medford, Mass. Deputy, General Court, i669-'8i-'82. Wade, James F., 548. Whitney, Harry E., 3S0. Wade, Major Nathaniel, 1648-1707, Medford, Mass. Major in the Militia. Deputy, General Court, 1 684- 1 692. Wade, James F., 348. Wadsvvorth, Christopher, Duxbury. Deputy, General Court, Plymouth Colony, 1639. Soldier in Capt. Myles Standish's Co., 1643. Elwood, Geo. M., 59. Thompson, Clifton S., 372. Wadsworth, Captain Joseph. Ensign and Lieutenant, King Philip's War. Afterward Captain. Pre- server of the Connecticut Charter, 1687, which he secreted from Gov. Andros in the Charter Oak. Woodruff, Chas. H., 131. Catlin, Abijah, 220. Gross, Chas. E., 224. Holcombe, John M., 225. Hungerford, Clarence C, 225. Seymour, Morris W., 230. Wright, Harry L., 304. Wood, Franc O., 374. Wadsworth, Captain Samuel, 1651- 1676, Milton. Killed by the In- dians at Sudbury, King Philip's War. Elwood, Geo. M., 59. Wadsworth, Edwin D., 208. Wood, Franc Ogilvy, 372. Wadsworth, William. Deputy from Hartford, 1656-167=;. Gross, Chas. Edw., 224. Wainwright, Francis, 1692. Sol- dier in the Pequot War, took part in the battle of Bloody Brook, King Philip's War. Beale, Charles F. T., 239. Waite, Captain John. See Wayte. Wait, Sergeant Benjamin, 1647-1704. Served under Capt. William Tur- ner, Falls Fight, King Philip's War. One of the relief corps at the Deer- field massacre, and among the nine men slain in the Meadow Fight. Elwood, George M., 00. Wait, Joseph. In Capt. Eleazer Mel- vin's Co., 1734, Provincial Army. Corporal in John Burk's Co. of Rangers. Expedition to Crown Point, Lake George, Fort Edward, Fort William Henry, and Ticon- deroga. Captain in Major Robert Roger's Corps of Rangers. Waite, Horatio L., 302. Waite, Sergeant Richard, 1680, 568 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Boston. Soldier in the Pequot War, 1637. Marshal of Mass. Colony, lOs?. Lloyd, John Uri, 326. Waite, Lieutenant Richard, 1711- 1790, Lyme, Conn. Ensign, 1746. Lieutenant, 1740. Captain, 17S6, of the Train Band. Deputy many times. Waite, Horace F., 302. Waite, Horace G., 503. Wakeman, John. Signer of the New Haven Compact, 1659. Deputy, 1041, et seq., General Court, New Haven Colony. Treasurer, 1655- 1660. Wakeman, Jesup, 124. Longacre, James B. , 146. Bradley, Cyrus S., 218. Wakeman, Captain John. Lieutenant, Fairfield Militia, 1697. Captain, 1704. Member of committee "to advise in all affairs that doe con- cern the Soulderie designed to be sent to Albanie," 1696. Deputy twenty-three sessions. Bradley, Cyrus S., 218. Wakeman, Robert P., 232. McClintock, Emory, 257. Wakeman, Captain Joseph, i 670- 1 726. Lieutenant, 1704. Captain, 1708, Fairfield Train Band. Member, Committee of War, 1 709. Assis- tant, 1724-1725. Wakeman, Jesup, 124. Longacre, Jas. B., 146. Wakeman, Robert P., 232. Walcott, Lieutenant John, 1738. Soldier in King Philip's War, in Capt. Prentice's Co. Also served as a trooper under Capt. Appleton. Walcott, Nathaniel A., 272. Walcott, Captain Jonathan, 1645- 1699, Salem, Mass. Soldier in Prentice's 73 Troopers, King Philip's War. Walcott, Nathaniel A., 272. Waldron (Walderne), Major Rich- ard, 161 5-1689. Captain, i6s2. Major, 1674. Commander-in- Chief, Expedition against the Penobscot and Kennebec Indians, King Philip's War. Commander Provincial Forces of New Hamp- shire, 1679-1689. Deputy, 1654- 1679. Speaker of House, General Court of Mass., 1066-1679. Royal Councillor and Deputy-Governor, 1680. Govtxnox, de facto, 1681. Justice, Court of Common Pleas, 1659-1682. Member Council, 1682. Chief Justice, Superior Court, 1683. Massacred by the Indians in his garrison house at Cochecho (Dover). Rollins, Edw. A., 104. Frisbie, Ivory F., 186. Rust, Nathaniel]., 203. Wilson, Fred. A., 211. Frisbie, Franklin Senter, 268. Butters, George, 288. Waldron, Colonel Richard, i6so- 1730. Deputy, 1691. Councillor, 1692. Colonel in the Militia. Rust, Nathaniel J., 203. Walker, Ebenezer, 1710-1799, Reho- both, Mass. Private in Capt. Jonathan Peck's Co., 1746. Hill, William S., 72. Hill, John W., 29?. Hill, Henry B., 343. Walker, Edward, 1694-1787, Wo- burn, Mass. Representative, Gen- eral Court five terms, 1745-1754. Adams, John W., 338. Walker, Edward, 1656-173';. Mem- ber of Capt. Samuel Moseley's Co. , Narragansett Campaign. One of the survivors in 1733, granted land for services. Adams, John W., 338. Upham, Henry P., 348. Walker, Philip, '679, Reho- both, Mass. Deputy to General Court, 1069. Houghton, Henry O., 191. Houghton, Jas. Clay, 280. Hill, Henry B., 343. Walker, Phineas. Private in Capt. Baldwin's Co., Col. Timothy Rug- gles' Regt., Mass. Troops, 1759. Walker, George L., 232. Walker, Stoughton, 316. Walker, Captain Richard, 1592-1687, Reading, and Lynn, Mass. Dep- uty, 1640, et seq. Lieutenant in a company defending Lynn, against the Indians, 1632. Ensign, 1637. Pequot War. Captain, 1656. Member of the A. & H. A. Co., London, 1622; Boston, 1638. Captain, 1656. 569 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hall, Dudley, 68. Brown, Daniel A., 179. Gordon, Edwin A., 187. Thompson, Abijah, 207. Wood, Alva S., 212. Smith, Herbert K., 230. Walker, George L., 232. Walker, Williston, 232. Walker, Ensign Robert, 1607- 1687, Lynn, Mass. Ensign, Militia, Capt. Nathaniel Turner. Bostwick, Henry A., 42. Walker, Captain Samuel, 161 5-1684, Woburn, Mass. Soldier at Black Point with Capt. Scottow, 1677, King Philip's War. Hall, Dudley, 68. Brown, Daniel A., 179. Wood, Alva S., 212. Walker, Ensign Samuel, 1642-1703, Woburn, Mass. Corporal, Ser- geant, 1684-1690, and Ensign, 1690-1692. Member Boston Con- vention, 1689. Deputy, General Court, 1694. Hall, Dudley, 68. Brown, Daniel A., 179. Stearns, Albert H., 205. Wood, Alva S., 212. Walker, Captain Samuel, 16^5-1712. Cornet, Lieutenant, and Captain, served under Major William Brad- ford, King Philip's War. Deputy, General Court, Plymouth, Mass., 1705. Brown, Geo. L., 44. Bryson, Andrew B., 43. Houghton, Henry O., 191. Walker, Dr. Thomas, 1715-1794. Adjutant of the Frontier Counties of Virginia, 1754. Served in the Ohio Expedition against the French. At Braddock's defeat. Member House of Burgesses. Duke, R. T. W., Jr., 58, 262. Block, Harry L., 309. Bacon^ Gary H., 354. Walley, Lieutenant-Colonel John, 1643-1712. A. & H. A. Co., Commander, 1679. Assistant, Plymouth Colony, 1684-1691. Member of the Council, Colony of Mass., 1691. Commander of the Land Forces, expedition against Quebec, 1690. Judge of the Superior Court, 1700-171 1. Chauncey, Elihu, 48. Davies, Julien T., 53. Davies, Win. G., 53. Wood, Alfred T., 130. Salisbury, Edward E., 229. Woolsey, Theodore S., 234. Waln, Nicholas, 1721. Member of Assembly, Province of Penn., 1683-1704. Large, James, 144. Walter, Reverend Nathaniel, 1711- 1776. Chaplain, 6th Mass. Regt., Louisburg Expedition, 1 744. Dorr, Dalton, 140. Walton, Lieutenant Jacob. Lieuten- ant, Capt. Cornelius Van Home's Co., New-York Militia, 1737. Johnstone, Francis U., 79. Walton, Colonel Shadrach, New Castle, N. H. Ensign, 1691. Colonel at the capture of Port Royal in 1710. Member of Council, 1716. Blunt, Stanhope English, 41. Ward, Andrew, 1600- 1659. One of the Commissioners appointed by the Bay Colony, 1636, to govern the people of Conn. Assistant, First General Court, which de- clared "that there shalbe an offensive warr against the Pequott." Clarke, Isaac Sherman, 49. Harral, George, 70. Hubbell, Henry W., 75. Judson, William P., 79. Wakeman, Jesup, 124. Ward, Chas. S., 125, 183. Ward, Sylvester L'H., 125. Brinton, John Hill, Jr., 138. Andrews, James S., 217. Bradley, Cyrus S., 218. Heaton, James E., 225. Perry, John H., 228. Sturges, Henry C, 231. Wakeman, Robert P., 232. Ward, Brownlee R., 232. Wessels, Henry W., 233. Ward, Chas. M., 233. Whipple, Chas. H., 262. Whipple, Charles H., 349. Ward, Andrew, i 600- 1 665 . Governing Magistrate, General Court of Conn. , i636-'37. Deputy, General Court, Colony of Conn., 1637, et seq. Betts, Frederick H., 40. 570 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. ■ Betts, Louis F. H., 40. Brinton, Ward, 138. Brinton, Jno. H., 138. Longacre, James B., 146. Ward, General Artemas, 1727-1S00, Worcester, Mass. Chief Justice Common Pleas Court, 1 776. Major against Canada, 1758. Colonel, 1759. Commander of Army of New England, 1775. Rhoades, D. Ward, 346. Ward, John. Lieutenant of New Worck (Newark) Soldiers, 1073, of Essex Co. Militia, 1083. Sche- pen, 1673. Judge, 1683. Toler, Henry P., 2s 8. Ward, John, 1626-1708. Deputy from Cambridge (Newtown), 1 089, nine years. House was used as a garrison. King Philip's War. Fessenden, Chas. N., 290. Ward, Governor Richard, 1089-1763. Attorney-General, Province of Rhode Island, 1712-1713. Dep- uty and Clerk of the Assembly, 1714. Recorder, 1714-17^0. Dep- uty-Governor, 1 740. Governor, 1740-1743. Vernon, William V., 25S. Ward, Seth. Member of Virginia House of Burgesses, 1708. Ward, Hugh C, 316. Ward, William, 1597-1687. Deputy from Sudbury, Colony of Mass. Bay, 1 644. One of the founders of the town of Marlborough, 1 000. Deputy, i6b6. In garrison at Sudbury, King Philip's War. Hall, Clayton C, 161. Hall, Thos. Wm., 161. Ware, Captain John, 1646-1718, Vv'rentham, Mass. Served in Capt. Thomas Brattle's Co. , King Philip's War, 1675. Headed a band of men against the Indians at Indian Rock. Lieutenant, 1st Military Co., 1689-1704. Captain, 1715. Merriam, Frank, 196. Ware,Jonathan,Sr., 1686-1 740, Wren- tham, Mass. Representative, Gen- eral Court, 1726-1727. Ware, Horace E., 208. Ware, Moses E., 208. Ware, Jonathan, Jr., i 734-1 774, Wren- tham, Mass. In Capt. Samuel Day's Co., Col. Miller's Regt., 175?, expedition to Lake George. Ware, Moses E., 208. Ware, Robert, Sr., 1699, Ded- ham, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Merriam, Frank, 190. Ware, Moses E , 208. Ware, Robert, Jr., 16^3-1 724. Soldier in King Philip's War from Ded- ham, Mass., in Wrentham Co., 1689. Deputy, 1703. Phelps, Luis J., 98. Ware, Horace E., 208. Ware, Moses E., 208. Warner, Augustine, Sr. Burgess from York Co., Va., 1632, Glou- cester Co., 1655. Member of the Council, 1 639- 1 674. Smith, Frances L., 263. Warner, Ensign Daniel, 1692, of Hadley. Ensign, Foot Co. 1674. Stockbridge, Henry, 11s. Warner, Daniel, 1666-1 7S4. Ensign in Foot Co. of Hampshire Co. Lord, Jno. P., 333. Warner, Daniel, 17^4-182;. Served in Capt. Joseph Warner's Co., re- lief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Lord, Jno. P., 333. Warner, Captain Joseph. Led his company to relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Warner, Charles Dudley, 233. Goddard, Lester O., 292. Warner, William, 1627-1706. Member of the first Council of the Province of Penn., 1681, Charter of Wil- liam Penn. Kite, Louis S., 257. Warren, Daniel, Sr., 1628-1715, Watertown, Mass. Soldier, King Philip's War. Guilford, Nathan, 67. Partridge, Edward L., 96. Sears, Clinton B., 108. Vandercook, Jno. D., 302. Warren, Captain John, 1622 , Watertown, Mass. Captain ot Foot, 1684. Adams, Charles E., 175. Warren, Joseph, 1696, Plymouth. Deputy General Court, 1 08 1 - 1 686. Parker, Edward L., 199. Warren, Richard, 1628. 12th signer of Mayflo-d'cr Compact. Served under Myles Standish in the first encounter at Great Meadow, 571 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Wellfleet Harbor, 8th Dec. (O. S.), 1620, three days before the land- ing at Plymouth. Bell, Jared W., ^0. Parker, Edward L., 109. Sprague, Frank W., 205. Swift, Henry W., 206. Upham, Charles C, 208. Lovell, Leander N., 2^7. Washburne, John,Sr., 1585-1670, Dux- bury, Mass. First Secretary, Mass. Bay Colony. Soldier under Capt. Myles Standish, 1643. Member of an expedition against the Nar- ragansetts, 1645. Washburn, John H., 126. Washburn, W. !., 126. Leach, J. Granville, 144. Van Dyke, Harry W., 248. Washburne, Hempstead, 303. Cutler, Edward H., 341. Washburne, John, Jr., 1621-1686, Duxbury, Mass. Pequot Alarm, 1645, Narragansett and King Phil- ip's Wars, under Capt. Church. Washburne, Hempstead, 303. Cutler, Edward H., 341. Washburn, Sergeant Samuel. Ser- geant in a company organized in Bridgewater, Mass., King Philip's War. Deming, Judson K., 221, 379. Washburne, Hempstead, 303. Washington, Colonel John, 1629- 1678. Virginia Forces, Indian War, 1675. Member of House of Bur- gesses, 1666, Westmoreland Co., ancestor of General Washington. Duke, Richard T. W., Jr., 58. Waterbury, Lieutenant David, 1646- 1 706. Ensign, Fairfield Co. Dra- goons, 1690. Lieutenant, Stam- ford Militia, 1698. Served in King Philip's War. Mead, Spencer P., 88. Waterman, Richard, 1590-1673. Dep- uty, General Court of Rhode Is- land, i655-'56-'58. Hord, Arnold H., 243. Felton, Samuel M., 323. Waterman, Robert. Served in Ply- mouth Militia, 1643. Thompson, Clifton S., 372. Waterman, Thomas, 1644-1708. En- sign, Conn. Militia, 1708. Mott, John T., 91. Mott, Luther W., 91. Waterman, Herman A., 281. Bardwell, Harry J., 286. Jewett, Stephen, 343. Waters, Lawrence. In garrison at Lancaster, Mass., King Philip's War. Houghton, Henry O., 191. Vandercook, John O., 302. Waite, Horatio L., 302. White, John B., 316. Watmough, Captain Edward. Pro- vincial Armies in Mass., Earl of Dumlaureg's Regt., 1752-1755. Watmough, John G., 152. Watson, Captain George, 1603-1689. Member of Plymouth Militia. Captain of Barque to convoy ex- pedition under Capt. Myles Stand- ish, against Dutch in New-York, 1653. Vaile, Joel F., 573. Watts, John. Member of Assembly, Province of New-York, 1753. On a committee to defend New- York against New Hampshire and Mass. Russell, Wm. Hamilton, 104. Bascome, Western R., 309. Wayne, Captain Isaac, 1699-1774. Provincial Forces of Penn., Indian War, 17S6. Wayne, William, 127, 152. Wayne, William, Jr., 152. Kirkman, Van Leer, 245. Wayte (Waite), Captain John, 1618- 1693, Maiden, Mass. Lieutenant, 1658. Captain, 1662-1684. Led detachment of soldiers to Marl- borough, 1675. Served in King Philip's War under Major John Pynchon. Eighteen years Deputy. Speaker, House of Deputies, 1684. Haskins, Charles Waldo, 70. Keegan, Dermot W., 79. Robbins, Howard S., 103. Stone, William E., 206. Wheelock, William B., 304. Morse, Samuel W., 371. Weare, Peter, 1618-1692, York, Me. Deputy, General Court of Mass. Bay, 1659, et seq. Associate (Councillor), 1659. Killed at the York Massacre. Souther, Charles H., 204. Weaver, George, 1770, Penn. 572 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Served in Capt. Solomon Jenning's Co., of Saucon Rangers, in the Provincial service, 1755- 1756. Wilhelm, W. H., 249. Webb, Richard, 1711-1676. Served in Capt. Turner's Co., Great Falls Fight. Wilcox, Reynold Webb, 129. Hogan, Hugh, 385. Webb, Samuel. Private in Col. Israel Putnam's Regt., Siege of Fort George and Fort Edward, 17S6- >757- Price, Henry R., 100. Webster, Lieutenant Benjamin, Sr., 1698 , Litchfield, Conn. Dep- uty, General Court. Lloyd, John U., 326. Webster, Governor John, 1590-1661. An original settler of Hartford and a founder of the Colony of Conn. Deputy, 1057. Governor's Assis- tant, 1039-1655. Deputy Gover- nor, 105s. Governor, 1056. First Magistrate, 1657-1659. Judge, Hadley, Mass., 1660. Barnes, Alfred C, 36. Camp, Charles L. N., 46. Day, Robert W., ^i,. Grinnell, William Milne, 67. Peck, Guy Dayton, 90. Perkins, Seymore, 97. Pond, Edw. Watson, 99. Ripley, Charles S., 103. Seymore, Henry, 109. Rogers, James S., 150. Stevens, Charles Ellis, 151. Marsh, Henry D., 196. Bruce, Jonathan B., 219. Cropper, John, 220. Eaton, Geo. F., 222. French, William F. , 223. Gross, Chas. Edw., 224. Ingersoll, Charles A., 226. Ingersoll, Colin M., Jr., 226. Webster, Wm. R., 233. Webster, Joseph Rawson, 249. Parsons, Charles L., 270. Bardwell, Harry J., 286. Hale, Chas. R., 312. Lloyd, John U., 326. Webster, Edwin C, 334. Webster, Basil M., 334. Upham, Henry P., 548. Klink, William M./301. Hart, Charles N., 370. Webster, Parker S., 581. Webster, Lieutenant Robert, 1677, Middletown, Conn. Lieu- tenant, 1654. Served in King Philip's War, 1675. Barnes, Alfred C, 36. Camp, Chas. L. N., 46. Day, Robert W., 54. Seymore, Henry, 109. Cropper, John, 220. Wright, Harry L., 304. Lloyd, John U., 326. Hart, Charles N., 370. Weeks, John, 1690, Dorchester, Mass. Died on the Canada Ex- pedition. Moseley, Edw. A., 246. Weir, Major John. Burgess from Old Rappahannock Co., Va., 1663. Howard, McHenry, 162. Weiser, Colonel Conrad, 1696- 1760. Colonel, 175=;. Officer in the Palatine (N. Y.) Commanded a regiment of volunteers from Bucks Co. Had command of the 2d Battalion, Penn. Regt., French and Indian War. Cammann, Edward C, 46. Cammann, George P., 46. Cammann, Henry L., 46. Welch, Lieutenant Paul, 1696-1778, New Milford, Conn. Lieutenant, 1743. Deputy, General Court sixteen terms. Noble, Henry Harmon, 93. Weld, Dr. Daniel, 1642-1690. Sur- geon-General, Narragansett Expe- dition, 1675, under Gen. Winslow. Howard, Leland O., 244. Weld, John, 1625-1691. In garrison at Quaboug (Brookfield), King Philip's War. Davis, Fellowes, 54. Weld, Captain Joseph, 1595-1646, Roxbury^ Mass. Militia, 1636, John Winthrop, Colonel. Ensign, A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Davis, Fellowes, 54. Weld, DeWitt C, 127. Weld, DeWitt C, Jr., 127. Welles, Captain Samuel, 1625-1675. Deputy, 1637-1662. Commanded a company. Great Swamp Fight. Elliot, Daniel Giraud, 59. Harral, George, 70. Hubbell, Henry W., 75. 573 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Shelton, George Gregory, 109. Shelton, William Atwood, 110. Andrews, James S., 217. Patten, John D., 246. Welles, Governor Thomas, i S08-1660, Wethersfield, Conn. Magistrate, 1637-1660. Second Treasurer, 1 639- 1 65 1. Secretary, 1640-1648. Governor, /)/o /^m., 165 1. Deputy Governor, i6s4, et seq. Gover- nor, 1655-1658. Commissioner for the United Colonies, 1649. Backus, J. Bayard, 35. Bowen, Clarence W., 42. Britton, Charles P., 43. Chapman, Thomas B., 48. Elliot, Daniel Giraud, 59. Gridley, Horace W., 66. Hart, George W., 70. Hosmer, Edward S., 74. Hubbell, Henry W., 75. Johnson, Jos. H., 78. Judd, Orrin R., 79. Judson, William P., 79. Niles, Robert L., 92. Norton, Porter, 93. Ormsbee, Herman, 94. Peet, Frederick T., 97. Pond, Edwin W., 99. Shelton, George G., 109. Shelton, William A., 110. Stafford, William F., 115. Thompson, Hobart W., 119. Throop, George Enos, 119. Walbridge, T. C, 125, 152. Washburn, John Henry, 126. Watson, Charles P., 126. Welles, Benjamin, 127. Welles, Chas. E., 127. Welles, Lemuel A., 127. Williams, Roberts., 129. Cox, John L., 1 ;9. Lennig, Charles F., 145. Munson, C. LaRue, 148. Rogers, James S., i 50. Stevens, Charles Ellis, 151. Wilson, J. Appleton, 170. Moseley, John G., 197. Wolcott, Roger, 212. Andrews, James S., 217. Beach, John K., 218. Beardsley, Morris B., 218. Deming, Judson K., 221, 379. Harrall, Edward W., 224. Heaton, John E., 225. Hooker, Edward W., 225. Mitchell, Charles F., 227. Seymour, George D., 230. Williams, David W., 234. Patten, John D., 246. Smith, Frank B., 247. Wells, Benjamin W., 249. Gridley, Nelson C, 292. Wells, Samuel R., 303. Lee, Bradner W., ;6i. Hart, Charles N., 370. Hale, Chas. R., 312, Judson, Frederick N., 312. Wells, Eben F., 349. Welles, William, Southold, L. I. Member of Gov. Nichol's Coun- cil, 1664. Deputy, General Court at New Haven, i6=;3-'57-'6i . Member of Hempstead Conven- tion, 1665. Deputy-Sheriff of New Yorkshire, 1665- 1669. Akerly, Samuel M., 33. King, Rufus, 80. Wells, Alexander, i 727-181 3, Wash- ington Co., Pa. Built and main- tained a stockade fort on Cross Creek, "Lord Dunmore's War." Moore, Wm. Jno., 296. Wells, Hugh, i 590-1645, Wethers- field, Conn. Ensign, Militia. Doane, William H., 323. Lee, Bradner Wells, 361. Wells, Captain Jonathan, i659-i7;8. In the Fight at Turner's Falls, King Philip's War, and later King William's War, and Queen Anne's War. Commander at Deerfield at the attack, 170;. Deputy, Gen- eral Court. Richardson, George H., 380. Wells, Noah, 1666-1712, New Lon- don, Conn. Ensign, Militia, 1703. Lee, Bradner Wells, 561. Wells, Captain Thomas, 1620- 1676. Soldier in Capt. William Turner's Co., Falls Fight. Murray, Charles H., 91. Lee, Bradner Wells, 361. Wendell, Captain Johannes, Sr., 1649- 1692. Captain of Infantry at Albany, 1684. Beekman, James William, 38. Davies, Julien T., 53. Davies, Wm. G., 55. Davis, Fellowes, 54. Pierce, Jacob W., 200. Woolsey, Theodore S., 234. 574 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Wentworth, Captain Benjamin, 1601- 1726. Sergeant, 1717. Captain, 1726. Representative, Dover, N. H., 1724. Rollins, Edward A., 104. Wentworth, Moses j., 303. Wentworth, Captain Charles, 1686- 1780, Canton, Mass. Lieutenant, 3d Co., 4th Regt., Mass. Militia, 1744. Captain, 1746. Pierce, George F., 200. Wentworth, Ezekiel, i os i - i 7 i i . Dep- uty from Dover, N. H., General Court, 1711. Died in Office. Wenzell, Henry B., 349. Wentworth, Lieutenant-Governor John, i67I-I7;o. Member, Coun- cil, 171 1. Lieutenant-Governor of New Hampshire, 1 717-1 730. Field, H. Wentworth G., 61. Wentworth, Moses J., 303. Wentworth, Elder William, 1616- 1697, Dover^ N. H. Fought the Indians at the massacre, 1689, and by his efforts, saved Heards' gar- rison. Wentworth, Moses J. ,303. Wentworth, William G., 505. Wessels, DiRCK (Ten Broeck), v. Ten Broeck. West, Hon. Francis. Member, Council ofPenn., 17^7. Cottman, James H., 160. Fisher, Chas. D., 160. West, Colonel John. President of the Council, and Captain General. Governor of Virginia, 1635-1637. Edmunds, Henry L., 311. West, Thomas, v. Lord de la Warr. Westcott, Stukely, IS92- 1676. Deputy to Assembly, lOso, Rhode Island. Governor's Assistant, 1 (iA^aldron P., 39. Williams, Joseph. Soldier in King Philip's War. Parkhurst, Charles D., 228. Williams, Colonel Joseph, 1708-1798. Mass. Colonial Line, 175s, Mo- hawk War, was also in the Cana- dian Campaign of 1758-1760. Mackenzie, Geo. N., '^6, 164. Mackenzie, George N., 2d, 164. Williams, John Savage, 169. Williams, Wm. S. G., 169. Williams, Richard, 1606-1693, Taun- ton, Mass. Deputy, General Court, 1646, et seq. Foster, F. Apthorp, 186. Williams, Robert, 1608-1693, Rox- bury,Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Mackenzie, Geo. N., 164. Bardwell, Harry J., 286. Barrows, John W., 368. Williams, Governor Roger, 1599- 1683. Captain, Providence, R. L King Philip's War. Governor, 1654. Assistant, 1647, et seq. Deputy, 1667. Arnold, Benjamin W., 34. Brown, Harold, 44. Brown, Jno. N., 44. Constantine, Richard B., 51. Gratwick, Henry W., Jr., 65. Lewis, Arnold A., 83. Lovell, Frank H., Jr., 85. Lee, Edmund Jennings, 145. Fitzgerald, D., 185. Parkhurst, Charles D., 228. Brown, Elisha R., 267. Dyer, Horace E., 279. Beckwith, Warren L., 287. Felton, Samuel M., 323. Bowen, Edgar B., 339. Tilley, R. Hammett, 406. Williams, Captain Stephen, 1640- 1720, Roxbury, Mass. Captain of Troop of Horse serving at the Eastward, 1704-1705, on Frontier, 580 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1707-1712. Served as a guard to Col. Schuyler and the Maqua In- dians, 1710. Davis, Fellowes, ^4. Mackenzie, Geo. Norbury, 164. Mackenzie, George N., 3d., 104. French, John D. W., 186. Williams, Jolin D., 211. Bardweli, Harry J., 286. Williams, Rlvekend Stephen, D.D. Chaplain to Gen. Pepperrell, Louis- burg, 174s. Sir William Johnson, Lake Champlain, 1755, and Gen. John Winslow, Crown Point, 17^6. Williams, Jared I., 273. Williams, Surgeon Thomas, 1718- 1 77s. French and Indian Wars of 1744-1748. Surgeon in charge of a line of forts from Fort Dummer, on the Connecticut River, to Fort Massachusetts, in Berkshire Co. Surgeon under Sir William John- son, Crown Point Expedition, 175s. In Regt. commanded by his brother. Col. Ephraim Williams, and was present when he was killed, " on the day of the bloody morning Scout," September 8. Williams, Ephraim, 129. Williams, Geo. B., 129. Williams, Samuel B., 129. Williams, John, 234. Williamson, Captain Caleb. Corporal in Capt. John Goreham's Co., Phips' Expedition. Captain, 8th Co., 1st Mass. Regt. for Nova Scotia Expedition, 1707. Goodwin, Francis, 223. Goodwin, Jas. J., 223. Willing, Captain Charles, 1710-1754. Commanded a company. Asso- ciated Regt. of Philadelphia Foot, 1747-1748, under Col. Abraham Taylor. Jackson, Oswald, 77. Balch, Edwin S., 136. Balch, Thomas W., 136. Bayard, Thomas F., 137. Morrell, Edw. de V., 147. Page, S. Davis, 149. Willing, George, 154. Bayard, Thomas, 400. Willis, Hon. John, 1692. Mem- ber of Capt. Myles Standish's Duxbury Co. Deputy from Bridge- water, General Court, twenty-five years. Cutler, Edward H., 340. Willmarth, Thomas, 1665-1690. En- sign of Rehoboth, Mass., Militia. Member of Council of War. Blackmer, Henry M., 368. WiLMER, Simon, Kent Co., Md. Bur- gess, 1607-1698. Vickers, W. H. C, 169. WiLLOUGHBY, DePUTY-GoVERNOR FrAN- cis, 1613-1671. Governor's As- sistant, 1640. Member of Parlia- ment, i6=;8. Deputy-Governor, Mass. Bay Colony, 1661^-1671. Noyes, Chas. P., 93, 345. Sill, Howard G., 166. Otis, Joseph E., Jr., 297. Noyes, Daniel R., 34s. WiLLOUGHBY, CaPTAIN ThOMAS, 1 6o 1 - 1658. Member House of Bur- gesses for Elizabeth City, Va., 1629-1632. Of the Council, 1644- '46-'so. Thomas, Douglas H., 167. Wills, Daniel, 1633- 1698, New Jer- sey. Provincial Councillor, 1682- 168s. Bettle, Samuel, 1 37. Wood, Joseph, 154. Wilson, Reverend John, 1S83-1667, Boston, Mass. Chaplain in Pequot War, under Capt. Israel Stough- ton. Commander-in-Chief, 1636- 1637. Wilson, Frank S., 211. Spencer, Horatio N., 315. Langdon, Perin, 325. Laws, Harry L., 325. Vaile, Joel F., 373. Wheaton, Frank, 373. Wilson, John. Lieutenant, Mass. Mili- tia, 1692. Howe, Herbert M., 143. Wilson, Sergeant Joseph, 1655-1710, Kittery, Me. Keeper of garrison. Wilson, Fred A., 211. Wilton, Lieutenant David, 1678. Served in King Philip's War, Col- onial Forces of Conn. Greene, Richard H., 65. Partridge, Edward L., 96. Winchester, John, 1643-1718. Ser- vice in garrison at Punckapauge, 1676. Castle, Alfred Henry, 288. 581 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Dana, Charles Diirkee, 288. Winchester, Captain John, 1675-1 751, Muddy River (Roxbury), Mass. Captain of Militia. Castle, Alfred H., 288. Dana, Charles D., 289. Wing, Daniel. Member of the Sand- wich Military Co., Plymouth Col- ony, 1643. Hall, Lemuel R., 292. Spooner, Frank E., 300. Wingate, Colonel Joshua, 1679-1769, Hampton, N. H. Deputy, Gen- eral Court, i7i5-'27-'3i. Captain, 1716. Major, 1730. Colonel, 1745, Louisburg. Hall, Clayton C, 161. Hall, Thomas Wm., 161. Stickney, George H., 1O6. Winn (TwiNG or Wing), Increase, 1641- 1690. Served under Capt. Thomas Brattle, King Philip's War. Wheelock, William B., 304. WiNSHip, Lieutenant Edward, 1613- 1688, Cambridge, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Ensign, 1647, Lieutenant, 1660, in Militia. Dep- uty, General Court, 1663, et seq. Hadden, Crowell, Jr., 68. Noyes, James A., 93, 198. Schroeder, J. Langdon, 107. Leach, J. Granville, 144. Winship, William H., 211. Sawyer, William D., 271. Sawyer, Charles F., 271. Boutelle, Henry S., 287. WiNSLOw, Governor Edward. Came in the Mayflower. Governor of Plymouth Colony, ib}}-'^6-''44. Hulbert, Henry C, 73. Ward, Aaron, 125. WiNSLOw, Lieutenant Job, 1641-1720, Freetown, Mass. Served in the fight at Swansea, 1675. Deputy, General Court, 1692, Charter of William and Mary. Greene, Richard H., 66. Tuttle, Frank D., 121. Wilson, Chas. R., 130. Williams, N. W., 169. Knowlton^ H. M., 193. Vandercook, Jno. D., 234. Hawks, Joseph M., 342. WiNSLow, John, 1597-1674, Plymouth, Member of the Council of War, 1646. Deputy, General Court, 1653-1655. Cabot, Louis, 181. Winslow, GovernorJosiah, 162Q-1680. Commander - in - Chief, Colonial Forces, Great Swamp Fight. Gov- ernor, Plymouth Colony, 1673- 1680. Hulbert, Henry C, 75. Ward, Aaron, 12s. Lovering, Henry M., 195. Ingersoll, Edward P., 343. Winslow, Josiah^ 1605-1674, Marsh- field, Mass. Deputy, General Court, 1643, et seq. Brewer, William A., 359. Winston, Lieutenant William, Han- over, Va., 1707 . Virginia Troops, French and Indian Wars, '735-'790- Colonial and Revo- lutionary service, took active part in ciuelling mutiny after Braddock's defeat. Hendrick, Calvin W., 70. Barrett, Richard A., 309. WiNTHROP, Governor John, i 587- 1 649. First Governor of Mass. Bay Col- ony, 1629, et seq., to his death. Assistant, 16^5 and 1641. Dep- uty-Governor, 1636 and 1644. In office continuously twenty years. Commissioner for United Colonies, 1643 and 1645. Colonel, Suffolk Regt., 1636. Davis, Fellowes, 54. De Russy, A. Rene, 56. Erving, William V. R., 60. KoLies, George E., 81, 257. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 105. Winthrop, Grenville B., 130. Ballantine, Henry W., 159. Winthrop, Governor John, 1606-1676. Governor, Conn. , 1 657- 1 676. Lieu- tenant-Colonel, Essex Regt., 1636. De Russy, Amedee R. , 56. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 105. Winthrop, Grenville B., 130. Ballantine, Henry W., 159. Mumford, Jas. G., 197. Winthrop, Major-General Wait Still, 1 64 1 - 1 7 1 7. Major-General, Chief Justice, Member Executive Council, Mass. Bay Colony. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 105. Winthrop, Grenville B., 130. Mumford, Jas. G., 197. 582 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Wise, Reverend John, 1652-1725, Ips- wich, Mass. Chaplain, Narragansett Campaign, and in Phips' Expedi- tion, 1690. Deputy, Mass. General Court, i68g. Low, Wm. C, Jr., 85. Jameson, Winfield, 269. WisNER, Captain John, i 722-1 778. Captain, Orange Co., N. Y. Mili- tia, 1755. Had engagement with Indians in the Delaware, 1757. Sent to reinforce Sir William John- son at Fort William Henry. Barrell, Harry F., 254. WiSWALL, ElDERJoHN, 160I-1687. ^O^" dier in King Philip's War. Sears, Clinton B., io8. Witt, Captain Oliver, 1720- 1808, Leicester, Mass. Captain, in Col. John Chandler's Regt., relief of Fort William Henry, 17S7. Brown, David H., 180. WlTHINGTON, CaI'TAInJoHN, 1649-169O. Dorchester Co., Phips' Expedi- tion lost at sea, with forty-six of his men. Withington, James H., 130. Capen, Walter N., 219. WoDELL, William, 1693. Special Councillor, Colony of Rhode Is- land, King Philip's War. Bell, Jared W., 39. Lawton, George P., 83. WoLcoTT, Henry, 1S78-1655. Deputy, 1639. Magistrate to Assistant Governor, 1043-1655. Wolcott, Roger, 211. Gross, Charles E., 224. Lane, Ebenezer, 294. Otis, Joseph Edward, Jr., 297. Waite, Horace F., 302. Waite, Horace G., 303. Adams, John W., 338. Dewey, Chauncey E., 369. WoLcoTT, Henry, Jr., i 610-1680. Representative, 1 655-'56-'6 1. Gov- ernor's Assistant, 1662. Royal Charterer, 1662. Member of Council of War, 1675-1676. Whitney, Eugene Wolcott, 304. WoLcoTT, Jonathan, Salem, Mass. Captain of Troop of Horse. Served in King Philip's War and in expe- dition against the Indians, 1682. Phelps, Luis J., 98. Wolcott, Arthurs., 125. Wolcott, Frederic C, 125. Wolcott, Colonel Oliver, i 726-1 797, Litchfield, Conn. Deputy, 1764- '67-'68-'70. Governor's Assistant, 177 1 -1 774. Major, 13th Regt., 1771. Colonel, 17th Regt., 1774. Signer of the Declaration of Inde- pendence. Wolcott, Roger, 212. Wolcott, Governor Roger, 1679- 1 767, Windsor, Conn. Deputy. 1 709. Commissary, Expedition of 1711. Councillor, 1714. Deputy- Governor, 1741. Commander of Conn. Forces, Expedition to Cape Breton, 174s; Major-General and second in command. Governor, 17S0. Dennis, Rodney S., 56. Gardiner, David, 64. Gardiner, Robert A., 64. Hoyt, Albert E., 74. Spencer, Lorillard, 113. Thompson, Frederick D., 119. Wolcott, Roger, 211. Streat, George H., Chew, James L., 220. Davis, Gustavus P., 221. Harrison, Lynde, 224. Taintor, George E., 231. Lane, Ebenezer, 294. Strong, Wm. Wolcott, 300. Wolcott, Henry R., 374. Wolcott, Edward O., 374. Gordon, William W., Jr., 385. Kinzie, John H., 385. Wolcott, Simon, 1625-1687. Trooper from Windsor under Major Mason, 1657. Captain of Foot at Sims- bury, Conn., and Deputy, 1673. Marsh, Henry D., 196. Wolcott, Roger, 211. Lane, Ebenezer, 294. Wood, Jonas, Huntington, L. I. Lieu- tenant. Justice, 1681. Goodby, Arthur M., 64. Wood, Josiah, 1029- 1691, Charles- town, Mass. Served under Capt. John Cutler, King Philip's War. Wood, Alva S., 212. WOODBRIDGE, ReVEREND JoHN, 1613 1695. A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Governor's Assistant, Mass. Bay Colony, 1683-1084. Bostwick, Henry A., 42. Plymton, Gilbert M., 98. 583 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Pettibone, Asa G., 298 Woodbridge, Jonathan E., 304. Adams, John W., 338. Richardson, William E., 346. Woodbury, Andrew, Manchester, Mass., 1731-1S08. Soldier in Col. Ichabod Plaisted's Co., 17S6. Representative, General Court, Mass. , 1 774. Delegate to Spanish Convention, 1774. Delegate to Provincial Congress, 1774. Pitman, Charles F., 270. Woodbury, James, i 738-1823. in Col. Robert Rogers' Regt. of Rangers at the storming of Quebec, 1759- Woodbury, Urban A., 281. Woodbury, Peter, 1705-1775, Marble- head, Mass. French and Indian War, 1755. Woodbury, Urban A., 281. Woodcock, John, 1701, Attleboro, .Mass. Commander of Wood- cock's Garrison, King Philip's War. Guild, Chester, 187. Morse, Samuel W., 371. Woodford, Captain Joseph, Jr., Nor- thington (Avon), Conn. Captain, Militia, 1694-1740. Indian Wars in the Conn. River Valley. Woodford, Stewart L., 130. Woodhull, GenhralNathaniel. Served under Lord Abercrombie, 1754, and Lord Amherst, 1759. Present at the capitulation of Montreal, 1760. Lawrence, Abraham R., 82. Walsh, James W., 125. Wayne, Henry N., 233. Woodman, Lieutenant Edward, 1612- . Lieutenant, 1637. Served in Pequot War. Deputy, 1836, etseq., Mass. Bay Colony. Woodman, Clarence E., 130. Clarke, George K., 181. Fessenden, Chas. N., 290. Woodman, Captain John. Captain, Woodman's Garrison, Durham, N. H. His garrison was never captured. Scales, John, 271. Woodman, Lieutenant Joshua, 1720- 1800. Sergeant in Capt. Joseph Woodman's Co., 1757. Lieuten- ant, 1761. Woodman, Clarence E., 130. Woodruff, Ensign Jacob, 1717-1790. Ensign, 17s 3, 3d Co. of Foot, 13th Conn. Regt. Deputy, 1759-1768. Magistrate, 17S9-1790. Woodruff, Chas. H., 130. Woodruff, Captain Nathaniel, 1687- 1758. Ensign, 1733. Lieuten- ant, 1736. Captain, 1638, 1st Co., Foot, Littlefield^ Conn. Regt. Woodruff, Chas. H., 130. WooDSON, John, accompanied Sir Har- vey to Virginia, Surgeon Militia, 1623. Stationed in what is now James City Co. Watkins, J. E., 249. Woods, John, 1678. Sergeant of a Marlborough Garrison House, 1675. Morris, Seymour, 296. Woodward, George, 1621-1676, Watertown, Mass. Private in Capt. John Cutler's Co., and died in service. Brown, George E., 180. Messinger, Wm. D., 296. Woodward, Captain Israel. Ap- pointed by the General Assembly of the Colony to be Captain of Conn. Troops from 1744-1749. Gillette, Rufus W., 389. Lathrop, Kirk, 389. WooLSEY, Captain George, 1650-1740. Captain, Queen's Co. Militia, 1715, Province of New-York. Townsend, James H., 120. Woolsey, Theo. S., 234. Woolsten, John, 1698, Burling- ton, New Jersey. Member of As- sembly, io83-'84-'97. Middleton, Harvey, 164. Worcester, Samuel, 1680, Brad- ford, Mass. Deputy, General Court, 1679- 1 68 1. Bigelow, Henry N., 178. Worden, Peter. Member of Yarmouth, Mass., Co., under Lieut. William Palmer, 1043. Johnson, James G., 294. Wright, Lieutenant Abel^ 1631-1725. Served in Indian Wars. Deputy, 169s, Mass. Bay Colony. Barrows, John W., 368. Wright, Dudley. Captain, 12th Regt. Colony of Conn., 1763. Corporal 584 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. in Samuel Wright's Co., 1757. Ensign, 17s 2. Tilden, John P., 119. WORTHINGTON, ElIJAH, 1710-1764, Coi- chester. Conn., Representative. General Assembly, 1757-1762. Worthington, George, 281. Wright, Joseph, 1641-1724. Served in Capt. Prentice's Troop of Horse, Narragansett Campaign. Was in Great Swamp Fight. Served in same campaign in Lieut. William Hasey's Three County Troop. Downs, Edgar R., 369. Wright, Joshua (Joseph), '695. Member, General Assembly, New Jersey, 1682-1083, 1085. Collins, Henry H., Jr., 139. Wright, Sergeant Samuel, 1630-167S. Sergeant, King Philip's War. Killed at Northampton. FoUett, Edgar A., Oi. Woodruff, Chas. H., 131. Sands, James T., 314. Upham, Henry P. 348. Wright, Judge Solomon. Member of the Maryland Conventions, 1771- •775- Thorn, W. H. DeC. W., 118, 167. Wyatt, Ensign John, 1668. Com- manded a company of soldiers from Hartford in pursuit of Indians, 1677. Bardwell, Harry J., 286. Wyeth, John. Soldier in Capt. Goo- kin's Co , King Philip's War. Fessenden, Chas. N., 200. Wyllys, Governor George, Hartford, Conn. Trooper in Pequot War. Governor's Assistant, 1639. Gov- ernor, 1641-1042. Betts, Frederick H., 40. Betts, Louis F. H., 40. Grinnell, Wm. Milne, 67. Stafford, Wm. F., 114. Stokes, Anson P., 115. Thomas, Frank W., 1 18. Cutler, Ralph Wm., 220. Huntington, Frederick J., 225. Ward, Brownlee R., 233. Ward, Charles S., 233. Hubbard, Gardiner G., 244. Barney, Roderick D., 322. Edwards, Charles L. , 323. Edwards, Edward J., 341. Bagley, John N., 389. Wyllys, Samuel. Assistant, 1654-1685. Commissioner for the United Col- onies, 1 00 1, et scq, Colony of Conn. Betts, Louis F. H., 40. Ward, Brownlee R., 233. Ward, Charles S., 233. Hubbard, Gardiner G., 244. Wyman, Francis. Served under Capt. Thomas Prentice, Mount Hope Campaign, 1 675-1 676. Mill, Charles D., 296. Wyman, John. Member of Capt. Pren- tiss' Co. of seventy-three troopers, Middlefield, Mass. Wyman, Walter C, 304. Wyman, Lieutenant John, 1621-1684, Charlestown and Woburn, M.ass., 1640. Cornet in Capt. Thomas Prentiss' Troop, Mount Hope Cam- paign, 1675; Lieutenant in the Narragansett Fight, and received a wound in the face. Noyes, James A., 93, 198. Stearns, Ezra S., 272. Wyman, Walter C, 304. Wyman, Lieutenant Nehemiah, 1722- 1775. Sergeant in Capt. David Green's Co. in Col. EleazerTyng's Regt., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757; also same Regt., 1759- Lieutenant, 1763-1774. Wyman, Walter, 249. Wyman, Charles H., 317. Wyman, Henry P., ^17. Wynne, Dr. Thomas, 1630-1692. First Provincial Assembly, Province of Penn., 1682-1083. Williams, John R., 153. Williams, Charles, 153. Wister, Rodman, IS4. Wister, Alexander W., 1S4. Yarnall, Francis, 1721. Member General Assembly, Penn., 1711. Wetherill, Charles, 153. Yeardley, Sir George, 1577-1027. Member Governor's Council, Vir- ginia, 1625. Deputy-Governor, 1616-1617. Governor, 1 61 8- 1 626. Doran, Joseph I., 139. Yates, Christopher, 1737-1785- Wounded in an attack on Ticon- deroga, 1758. Captain and Lieu- tenant. Sattedee, Edward R., 105. 585 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Yeates, Jasper, 1 720. Chief Bur- Young, William. Speaker, House of gess, Chester Co., Penn., 1703. Commons, Colony of Georgia, Member of Provincial Council. '775- Brinton, Ward, 138. Grant, John W., 385. Hall, William C, 243. Grant, William D., 385. 586