463 3 21 >y 1 PATE CONSERVATION COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN Statutes Relating TO Wild Animals These laws are in force and effect until changed by the legislature of 1923, or changed under Section 29.21 Published by the STATE OF WISCONSIN Madison, 1921 PRESERVE THIS BOOK IT COVERS THE LAWS FOR TWO YEARS DO NOT THROW IT AWAY THINK- ING NEW LAWS ARE PUB- LISHED EVERY YEAR STATE CONSERVATION COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN Statutes Relating TO Wild Animals These laws are in force and effect until changed by the legislature of 1923, or changed under Section 29.21 Published by the STATE OP WISCONSIN Madison, 1921 Z> LIBRARY OF CONGRESS RSC6IVE0 •JUUS192E DOCUMENTS DIVISION 4§ < I MW i m ii I I* »l«M > t FOREWORD The revised edition of 1921 of the laws gov- erning the taking of fish and game in Wisconsin contains all the new measures enacted by the Legislature of 1921. The changes effected are not numerous but they are important and every sportsman of the state as well as every person who occasionally hunts or fishes should famil- iarize himself with them. The Commission takes this occasion to ex- press its gratitude to the sportsmen of the state for their loyal co-operation in seeing that the protective measures were enforced and it hopes for a continuation of that co-operation. Such laws, having for their chief purposes the per- petuation, of good hunting and fishing in Wis- consin, will of necessity prove ineffective unless they have back of them the spirit of co-opera- tion which the many sportsmen of the state have for the past six years fostered. The Com- mission cannot too often repeat what it has many times expressed, that the regulatory meas- ures enforced by the Conservation Commission are not meant to deprive the public of the pleasure of hunting, fishing and trapping, but to enlarge and perpetuate those pleasures. There is not a law in the whole list of these laws regulating the taking of fish and game that does not make for this end. This being the purpose of the laws the Conservation Commission is called upon to administer, the duty to strictly enforce them is plain. The conservation of the iv State Conservation Commission fish and game means an increase in the coun- try's food supply. Men who, in the spirit of recklessness or sheer selfishness, disregard these laws deserve to be severely dealt with, and will be. W. E. Babbee, C. L. Habbington, B. O. Websteb, Commissioners. R. S. Scheibel, Secretary. LIST OF STATE CONSERVATION WARDENS Name Address County Boomer, I. H., Oshkosh, Box 351, Winnebago Bosworth, E. F., Merrill, Lincoln Brunet, A. R., Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac Carter, J. B., Rice Lake, Barron Clawson, W. P., Three Lakes; Oneida Cole, W. A., Vesper, Wood Curtis, P. S., Viroqua, Vernon Devine, Barney, Wausau, Marathon Devine, Thomas, Spooner, Washburn Diedrich, -Peter, Milwaukee, 491 Superior St., Milwaukee Dockham, F. A., Baraboo, Sauk Egan, John, Manitowoc, Manitowoc Elliott, W. P., Whitewater, Walworth Fess, Edward, Madison, Dane Fosnot, J. B., Tomahawk, Lincoln Fisher, F. W., Oconto Falls, Oconto Gautsch, E. W., La Crosse, La Crosse Grey, W. T., Ashland, Box 306, Ashland Gruebner, H. C, Sheboygan, 1330 N. 16th St., Sheboygan Gwidt, S. J., Rhinelander, Oneida Hall, A. W., Darlington, LaFayette Hendrickson, Hans, Two Rivers, Manitowoc Hilliker, Earl, Tunnel City, Monroe Holmes, A. A., Trempealeau, Trempealeau Hope, Andrew, Hudson, St. Croix Hornberg, Frank, Stevens Point, Portage Jeske, Louis, Sturgeon Bay, Door Keeler, J. G., Bagley, Grant Keys, W. A., Princeton, Green Lake vi State Conservation Commission. Kleist, Michael, Medford, Taylor Lanning, B. P., Black River Falls, Jackson Lee, Albert, Luck, Polk Mackenzie, H. W., Antigo, Langlade McNaughton, James, Superior, E. E., Douglas Oberholtzer, H. J., Eagle River, Vilas Powell, A. W., Bayfield, Bayfield Pugh, John, Racine, 1020 Park Ave., Racine Raeth, Valentine, Milwaukee, 432 E. North Ave., Milwaukee Randall, Frank, Waupaca, Waupaca Richtman, S. P., Fountain City, Buffalo Russell, F. F., Park Falls, Price Sampson, Andrew, Stoughthon, Dane Smith, Denton H., Marinette, 825 Wells St., Marinette Smith, Ira G. s Green Bay, Box 255, Brown Soule, L. M., Ladysmith, Rusk Swant, M. F., Menomonie, Dunn Tic, Arthur, Shawano, Shawano Tiedemann, H. C, Thorp, Clark Tuttle, E. W., Oconomowoc, Waukesha Upson, E. D., Merrillan, Jackson Wismer, W. W., Hayward, Sawyer Worden, J. D., Plainfield, Waushara Weaver, E. M„ Woodruff, Oneida WISCONSIN STATUTES Chapter 29 Wild Animals, and the Regulation o£ the Enjoyment, Disposition and Con- servation Thereof. GENERAL CONTROL AND REGULATION 29.01 General Definitions. The following terms, wherever used in this chapter, shall be construed to apply as follows: (1) Wild animal. "Wild animal" means any mammal, bird, fish, or other creature of a wild nature endowed with sensation and the power of voluntary motion. (2) Carcass. "Carcass" means the dead body of any wild animal to which it refers, including the head, hair, skin, plumage, skeleton, or any other part thereof. (3) Game; game fish. "Game" includes all varieties of wild mammals or birds; "game fish" includes all varieties of fish except rough fish; "rough fish" includes chubs, dace, suckers, carp, red horse, sheephead, eelpout, dogfish, garfish, buffalo fish, hackelback sturgeon weighing more than one pound dressed, spoonbill sturgeon over thirty inches in length, catfish over twenty inches in length, and lawyers, in all waters. (4) Waters classified. All waters within the jurisdiction of the state are classified as fol- lows: Lakes Superior and Lake Michigan, Green Bay, Sturgeon Bay, Sawyer's Harbor, and the Fox river from its' mouth up to the dam at 2 State Conservation Commission. De Pere are "outlying waters." All other wa- ters are "inland waters." (5) Hunting. "Hunt" or "hunting" includes shooting, shooting at, pursuing, taking, catch- ing, or killing of any wild animal or animals. 29.02 Title to Wild Animals. (1) The legal title to, and the custody and protection of, all wild animals within this state is vested in the state for the purposes of regulating the enjoy- ment, use, disposition, and conservation thereof. (2) The legal title to any such wild animal, or carcass or part thereof, taken or reduced to possession in violation of this chapter, remains in the state; and the title to any such wild ani- mal, or carcass or . part thereof, lawfully ac- quired, is subject to the condition that upon the violation of any of the provisions of this chapter relating to the possession, use, giving, sale, bar- ter, or transportation of such wild animal, or carcass or part thereof-, by the holder of such title* the same shall revert, ipso facto, to the state. In either case, any such wild animal, or carcass or part thereof, may be seized forthwith, wherever found, by the state conservation com- mission or its deputies. 29.03 Public Nuisances. The following are declared public nuisances: (1) Any unlicensed net of any kind, or other unlicensed device, trap, or contrivance for fish- ing; or any licensed net or other device, trap or contrivance for fishing set, placed, or found in any waters where the same is prohibited to be used, or in a manner prohibited by law. (2) Any unlicensed set line, cable, rope, or line, with more than one fish line attached there- to; or any licensed set line set, placed, or found Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 3 in any waters where the same is prohibited to be used, or in a manner prohibited by law; or 'any fish line left in the water unattended, whether having one or more hooks attached. (3) Any screen set in public waters to pre- vent the free passage of fish, or set in any stream which has been stocked by state author- ities. (4) Any building, enclosure, structure, or shelter placed, occupied, or used on the ice of any waters in violation of this chapter. (5) Any unlicensed trap, snare, spring gun, set gun, net or other device or contrivance which might entrap, ensnare, or kill game. (6) Any boat, together with its machinery, sails, tackle and equipment, or any lamp, light, pivot gun, swivel gun, or other firearm used in violation of this chapter; or any boat, floating raft, box, or blind set in open water and used in hunting game birds. (7) Any decoys set in any water during the close season for water-fowl, or in excess of the number authorized to be used, or more than two hundred feet from the weeds, rushes, or other vegetation in which the hunter is concealed; and any decoys left in the water unattended. (8) Any dog found running deer at any time, or used in violation of this chapter. (9) Any ferret, rat, weasel, or guinea-pig in possession or used while hunting. 29.04 (1) Abandoned Dams. The state con- servation commission may remove or cause to be removed, in such manner as they may deem fit, old and abandoned dams in streams in the state of Wisconsin, upon giving sixty days' no- tice in writing to the owner thereof, if he can 4 State Conservation Commission. be found. If the owner of such dam be un- known or cannot, - by due diligence, be found, the commission shall publish notice once each week for four successive weeks in some news- paper published in the county in which such dam is situated. (2) Whenever the conservation commission shall determine that the conservation of any species or variety of wild animals will be pro- moted thereby, the commission is authorized to maintain and repair any dam located wholly upon lands the title to which is in the state either as proprietor or in trust for the people; subject, however, to the powers of the railroad commission to fix the level and regulate the flow of the public waters. 29.05. Police Powers; Searches; Seizures. (1) Arrests. The state conservation commis- sion and its deputies are hereby authorized to execute and serve all warrants and processes is- sued by any justice of the peace or police magis- trate or by any court having jurisdiction under any law relating to wild animals, in the same manner as any constable may serve and execute such process; and to arrest, with or without a warrant, any person detected in the actual vio- lation, or whom such officer has reasonable cause to believe guilty of the violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, and to take such person before any court in the county where the offense was committed and make proper complaint. (2) Investigations. Such officers shall., upon receiving notice or information that any provi- sion of this chapter has been violated, as soon as possible make a thorough investigation Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 5 thereof, and cause proceedings to be instituted if the proofs at hand warrant it. (3) Search warrants. Upon complaint made to any magistrate who has authority to issue warrants in criminal cases, by any person that he knows or has good reason to believe that any wild animal, or carcass or part thereof, caught, taken, killed, or had in possession con- trary to the provisions of this chapter, is con- cealed in any particular house or place, the magistrate shall examine such complainant on oath, reduce his complaint to writing, describ- ing as particularly as may be the place where said wild animal, or carcass or part thereof, is alleged to be concealed, and cause the same to be subscribed by the person complaining. If it appears to the magistrate that there is reason- able cause to believe that the facts alleged in said complaint are true he shall immediately issue his warrant, reciting therein the sub- stance of the complaint and a description of the premises described therein, and requiring the officer to whom it is directed to forthwith search such premises and seize any such wild animal, or carcass or part thereof, and bring the same when found, and the person in whose possession the same is found, before the magis- trate who issued the warrant, or before some other magistrate or court having jurisdiction of the case. The officer executing such warrant shall state in his return, as particularly as may be, the property seized, which shall be safely kept under the direction of the court or magistrate so long as necessary for the purpose of being used as evidence on any trial; and if such trial 6 State Conservation Commission. results in a conviction, the property so seized shall be confiscated. (4) Opening packages. The state conserva- tion commission and its deputies may examine and open any packages in the possession of a common carrier which they suspect or have rea- son to believe contains contraband wild animals, or carcasses or parts thereof, or is falsely la- beled in violation of the provisions of this chap- ter* and every such common carrier, and every agent, servant, or employe thereof, shall permit any such officer to examine and open any such package. Any package so opened shall be re- stored to its original condition. (5) Access to storage places. They shall be permitted by the owner or occupant of any cold storage warehouse or buildings used for the storage or retention of wild animals, or car- casses or parts thereof, to enter and examine said premises; and the said owner or occupant, or his agent, servant, or employe, shall deliver to any such officer any wild animal, or carcass or part thereof, in his possession during the close season therefor, whether taken within or without the state. (6) Seizure and confiscation of game, or game fish. They shall seize and confiscate in the name of the state any wild animal, or carcass or part thereof, caught, killed, taken, had in possession or under control, sold or transported in violation of this chapter; and any such officer may, with or without warrant, open, enter and examine all buildings, camps, vessels or boats in inland or outlying waters, wagons, automobiles or other vehicles, cars, stages, tents, suit-cases, valises, packages and other receptacles and Statutes Relating to Weld Animals. 7 places where he has reason to believe that wild animals, taken or held in violation of this chap- ter, are to be found; but no dwelling house or sealed railroad cars shall be searched for the above purposes without a warrant. (7) Seizure and confiscation of property. They shall seize and forthwith confiscate or de- stroy any apparatus, appliance, or device de- clared by any provision of this chapter to be a public nuisance; and shall seize and hold sub- ject to the order of the commission, any other apparatus, appliance, or any vehicle, or device, which they shall have reason to believe is being used in violation of this chapter, and if it be proven that the same is, or has been within six months previous to such seizure, used in viola- tion of this chapter the same shall be confis- cated. (8) Entire shipment affected. Confiscation of any part of a shipment under this section shall include the entire shipment. (9) Exemption from liability. Each commis- sioner and each deputy conservation warden, in the performance of his official duties, shall be exempt from any and all liability to any person for acts done or permitted or property destroyed by authority of law; and if any action brought against any such commissioner or warden per- sonally, arising from alleged excess of his au- thority, the taxable costs awarded to either party shall include a reasonable attorney's fee, to be fixed by the court, provided the party has appeared therein by an attorney of a court of record. 29.06. Sales of Confiscated Game and Appar- atus. (1) All confiscated wild animals, or 8 State Conservation Commission. carcasses or parts thereof, and all confiscated apparatus, appliances, or devices shall, if not destroyed as authorized by law, be sold at the highest price obtainable, by the state conserva- tion commission or its deputies, or by an agent on commission under the written authority and supervision of the state conservation commis- sion or its deputies. The net proceeds of such sales, after deducting the expense of seizure and sale and any such commissions, shall be promptly remitted by the warden by whom or under whose authority and supervision the sales are made, to the state conservation com- mission and by it paid into the state treasury; the remittance to be accompanied by a com- plete and certified report of such sales, sup- ported by proper vouchers covering all deduc- tions made for expenses and commissions, to be filed for record in the office of the state con- servation commission. (2>"On any such sales of wild animals, or carcasses or parts thereof, the warden or agent selling them shall issue to each purchaser a certificate, on forms to be prepared and fur- nished by the state conservation commission, covering such sales. The animals, or carcasses or parts thereof, so purchased shall be con- sumed or otherwise disposed of by the pur- chaser within five days thereafter, but shall not be resold, bartered, or exchanged, in whole or in part, to any other person, except as pro- vided in subsection (3). (3) Confiscated fish or game sold to the keeper, manager, or steward of any restaurant, club, hotel, or boarding house may be served to the guests thereof; but in such case the certifi- Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 9 cate covering the purchase shall be hung in public view in the place where the fish or game is served, and such fish or game shall at the time of sale be tagged by the warden or agent selling it, such tag to show the date of sale and be returned to said warden or agent within five days thereafter. 29.07 Assistance of Police Officers. All sher- iffs, deputy sheriffs, coroners, and other police officers are ex officio deputy conservation war- dens, and shall assist the state conservation commission and its deputies in the enforcement of this chapter whenever notice of a violation thereof is given to either of them by the com- mission or its deputies. 29.08 Interstate Comity. (1) Whenever and so long as any other state confers upon the offi- cers of this state reciprocal powers, any officer of such other state, who is by the laws of said state authorized or directed to enforce the laws of said state relating to the protection of wild animals, is hereby designated an agent of said state within this state. It shall be lawful for said officer to follow any wild animal, or carcass or part thereof unlawfully shipped or taken from his state into this state, seize and convey the same back to his own state; and so far as concerns any such wild animal, or carcass or part thereof, the laws of the state from which the same was brought into this state are hereby adopted as the laws of this state. Transporta- tion companies shall deliver to such officer, upon submission of proper proof of his official capacity, any wild animal, or carcass or part thereof, so demanded or seized by him. Said officer may dispose of any such wild animal, 10 State Conservation Commission. or carcass or part thereof, within this state, in accordance with the laws of the state from which the same was taken or shipped, under the supervision of any conservation commissioner or deputy conservation warden of this state, whose expenses for his assistance shall be a lien upon such wild animal or carcass or part thereof, or the proceeds thereof. (2) Except as provided in subsection (1), the state conservation commission or its deputies shall seize, hold and dispose, according to the laws of this state, of any wild animal, or car- cass or part thereof, brought or shipped into or through this state, or attempted to be car- ried through this state, in violation of the laws of any other state. (3) The state game warden of every other state, and his deputies and all other officers therein charged with the enforcement of the laws relating to wild animals are hereby desig- nated" agents of this state for the taking posses- sion, seizing, holding and disposing, within such state, of any wild animal, or carcass or part thereof, protected by the laws of this state. (4) Whenever and so long as any other state confers upon the officers of this state reciprocal powers, the state conservation commission is hereby authorized to appoint persons who shall have been appointed conservation wardens or deputy conservation wardens of such other state to act as and have all the powers of deputy con- servation wardens of this state, but without com- pensation from this state. Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 11 GAME LICENSES 29.09 General Provisions. (1) Hunting, trapping or fishing without a license prohibited. Except as expressly provided, no person shall hunt, with a gun any wild animal or, trap or fish any game or game fish unless a license therefor has been duly issued to him which shall be carried on his person at the time and shall be exhibited to the state conservation commission or its deputies on demand. Such licenses shall be issued only to natural persons, and not more than one of the same series to the same person in any year. No licensee shall transfer his license or deer tag to or permit the use thereof by any other person, nor shall any person while hunting, trapping or fishing use or carry any license, or guide's badge, issued to another. No hunting license shall be issued to any person who is less than fifteen years of age; nor to any person who is not a citizen of the United States. Indians hunting, fishing or trapping off Indian reservation lands are sub- ject to all provisions of this chapter. (2) Form of application. The application for such license shall state the residence and post-office address of the applicant, a description of his person, and such other facts, showing him to be entitled to the license for which he applies, as may be required by the commission, and shall be verified by the affidavit of the ap- plicant; but no written or verified application shall be required for any hook and line fish- ing license. Each such application shall be ac- companied by the license fee prescribed for the license applied for. 12 State Conservation Commission. (3) Form of license. Each license shall state for what year the same is issued and the date of expiration, and except as otherwise provided shall be effective only from the first day of May until the next succeeding thirtieth day of April, subject to the conditions, limitations and re- strictions prescribed in this chapter. Each license issued shall further state the name and residence of the licensee, a description of his person, and such other matter as may be deter- mined by the commission; shall bear upon its face a true signature of the licensee; and shall be signed by the officer who issues it. (4) Duplicates. Whenever any such license is lost the person to whom the same was issued may present to the commission an affidavit prov- ing such loss, together with a fee of fifty cents, whereupon the latter shall issue a duplicate license to such person. (5) Supply of blanks. The commission shall prepare, procure the printing of, and supply all necessary blanks for such licenses and applica- tions. The licenses shall be numbered consecu- tively, at the time of printing, in a seperate se- ries for each kind of license; and each license blank shall be provided with a corresponding stub numbered with the serial number of the license. Each requisition for the printing of such license blanks shall specify the serial num- bers thereof. (6) Licenses issued by county clerk. Of each license issued by a county clerk he shall retain the stub for record in his office. He shall also keep an alphabetical index of the names of all persons to whom he issues licenses, such names to be entered therein at the time the licenses Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 13 are issued. The state conservation commission or its deputies may at any time examine such records. (7) Return of fees oy county clerk. Of the fees paid for such licenses the county clerk may retain ten per cent as compensation for his services to the state; the remainder he shall return to the state conservation commission on the first day of each month, with a report of the number of licenses issued by him during the preceding month and the amount of money thus remitted. All stubs of licenses issued and all unused license blanks shall be returned by the county clerk to the commission at the close of the year for which they are supplied. (8) Record of licenses issued. A complete record of all licenses issued shall be kept by the commission, which shall also be accountable for all unusued license blanks. (Penalty $50.00- $100.00.) 29.10 Resident Hunting Licenses. Resident hunting licenses and deer tags shall be issued subject to the provisions of section 29.09, by the county clerks of the several counties upon blanks supplied to them by the state conserva- tion commission, to residents of each such county duly applying therefor who have re- sided in this state for at least one year next preceding the application. The fee for each such license is one dollar. Such license does not grant the privilege of hunting deer unless the licensee is in possession of a deer tag which shall be issued to him by the county clerk on application and the payment of an additional fee of twenty-five cents. The commission may cause such tags to be issued through agents. 14 State Conservation Commission. but no commission to Be allowed for the sale of such tags. (Penalty $50-$100.) 29.11 Settlers' Hunting Licenses. Settlers' hunting licenses subject to the provisions of section 29.09 may be issued by the state con- servation commission in its discretion, to actual settlers in this state duly applying therefor who have resided in this state less than one year but not less than sixty days next preced- ing the application. A bona fide settler shall be a person who has either purchased or rented, or has negotiations in progress to purchase or rent residence property in Wisconsin and who has moved to and settled in this state or any member of his family of the age of fifteen years or over. Such licenses shall be in substan- tially the same form, subject to the same con- ditions and restrictions, and entitle the holder to the same rights, privileges and immunities as a resident hunting license. No nonresident hunting license shall be issued in the same year to any person to whom a settlers' hunting license has been issued, and no settlers' hunting license to any holder of a nonresident hunting license. (Penalty $50-$100.) 29.12 Nonresident Hunting Licenses. (1) Nonresident hunting licenses shall be either general or limited, and shall be issued by the state conservation commission, subject to the provisions of section 29.09, to persons duly ap- plying therefor who are not residents of this state or who have resided therein less than one year next preceding the application. The fee for each such general license is fifty dollars, and for each such limited license twenty-five dollars. Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 15 (2) Each such general license shall extend to the hunting of all wild animals during the open season therefor, respectively, and shall be accompanied by a deer tag, numbered to corre- spond with the license and to be supplied with- out additional fee. (3) Each such limited license shall extend to the hunting of all wild animals during the open season therefor, respectively, except deer. The holder of such limited license may at any time before its expiration surrender the same for cancellation, and in lieu thereof, upon payment of an additional fee of twenty-five dollars, the commission shall issue to him a general license as prescribed in subsection (2). (Penalty $50.00-$100.00.) 29.13 Trapping Licenses. (1) Trapping li- censes, which shall authorize the use of traps for trapping minks, muskrats, raccoons, and skunks, shall be issued by the state conserva- tion commission, subject to the provisions of section 29.09, to persons duly applying therefor who have resided in this state for at least one year next preceding the application. The fee for each such license is two and one-half dollars. If a trapper employes any person in trapping, a license shall be required for each such per- son so employed. Any person under the age of sixteen years may secure from the county clerk of the county wherein he resides or from the conservation commission a boy's trapping permit which shall authorize the use of traps for the purposes herein named, upon payment of a fee of twenty-five cents. The holders of such permits shall also be subject to the pro- visions of subsections (2) and (3). 16 State Conservation Commission. (2) All shipments of hides must be marked showing the number and kinds of hides in the package, the name and address of the shipper, and the number of his trapping license. (3) On or before June first next after the expiration of his license, such licensee shall re- port to the state conservation commission, by affidavit, on blanks furnished by the commis- sion, the number of his license, the number and value of each variety of animals taken, and such other information as may be required on the blanks furnished. (Penalty $50.00-$100.00.) (4) In agricultural lands on which the owner or renter resides no person or party shall take any beaver or muskrat or mink without a writ- ten consent from the owner or occupant of said land. (This subsection is a trespass law and conservation wardens are not authorized to make arrests for trespass.) 29.135 Fish Dealers' Licenses. (1) Every person who deals in fish by operating a whole- sale fish market or fish house shall secure a license from the state conservation commission, subject to the provisions of section 29.09. Every such license shall expire on the thirty-first day of December, and the fee for such license is twenty-five dollars. (2) No person holding a license issued under the provisions of subsection (1) of this section shall transport or cause to be transported, or deliver or receive for transportation, any pack- age or parcel containing any fish or oarcass or part thereof, unless the same is labelled in plain English on the address side of such pack- age or parcel so as to disclose the name and address of the consignor, the name and ad- Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 17 dress of the consignee, and the number of pounds of each kind of fish contained in such package or parcel, and the number of his license. (3) Any person licensed under the provisions of subsection (1) of this section who has illegal fish in his possession or who violates any of the provisions of subsection (2) of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than two hundred dollars nor more than five hun- dred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 29.14 Hook and Line Fishing Licenses. (1) Any person, other than nonresident males over the age of sixteen years, may without a license take, catch or kill with hook and line fish of any. variety, subject to all other conditions, lim- itations and restrictions prescribed in this chap- ter. (2) Any male nonresident over the age of sixteen years shall have the rights of a resident to take, catch or kill fish of any variety with hook and line in outlying waters; but not in inland waters unless a license has been duly issued to him, subject to the provisions of sec- tion 29.09 by the state conservation commission. Each such license shall be provided with three coupons each of which shall entitle the licensee to make one shipment of game fish as provided in section 29.47, but no more. One coupon shall be attached to each shipment so made. (Pen- alty $50.00-$100.00.) The agent of any common carrier who shall accept any such shipment without a coupon at- tached shall be guilty of a violation of this IS State Conservation Commission. chapter and shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. The fee for each such license is two dollars but such license shall not extend to catching or killing trout of any variety. The commision may cause such licenses to be issued through agents for a compensation of ten per cent of the license fees collected therefor; but no such compensation shall be paid to any of its regular deputies or other employes. (3) No nonresident male over the age of 16 years shall catch or kill any variety of trout with hook and line in inland waters unless a license has been duly issued to him subject to the provisions of section 29.09 by the state con- servation commission. The fee for each such license is three dollars. 29.15 Other Licenses. Guiding licenses, net and set line licenses, and clamming licenses, shall be issued by the state conservation com- mission as provided in subsection (3) of section 29.22 and sections 29.33, 29.34, 29.35, 29.36, 29.37, and 29.38, respectively. 29.16 Interstate License Privileges. When- ever and so long as the states of Minnesota or Iowa confer upon the licensees of this state re- ciprocal rights, privileges and immunities, any hook and line or other fishing license, or clam- ming license issued by such other state shall en- title the licensee to all the rights, privileges and immunities, in and upon the boundary waters between such state and this state, enjoyed by the holders Of equivalent licenses issued by this state; subject, however, to the duties, respon- sibilities and liabilities imposed on its own licensees by the laws of this state. Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 19 29.17 Certificates to Scientists. (1) The state conservation commission may grant, on satisfactory testimonials of well-known scien- tists only, a certificate to any member of an incorporated society of natural history, or to any professor of any university, school or col- lege, or to any person properly accredited by any such institution, or to any custodian of a public museum, authorizing such person or institution to collect for scientific purposes only, any nests, eggs, or wild animals, except deer. Such speci- mens may be transported by any common car- rier; but no person to whom such certificate is issued shall dispose of any such specimen ex- cept in exchange for scientific purposes. All such certificates shall expire on the first day of January following the date of their issue, and shall not be transferable. (2) The application for such certificate shall be made upon blanks to be furnished by the state conservation commission, shall be accom- panied by a fee of two dollars, and the applicant shall execute and deliver to the state conserva- tion commission a bond running to the state of Wisconsin, in the sum of one hundred dollars, with two sureties, and conditioned that if the applicant shall well and faithfully observe and comply with all the requirements of this sec- tion, and the certificate issued thereunder, said obligation to be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force. Each said surety shall be worth and qualify in at least the sum of one hundred dollars, over and above all his debts and* liabilities, in property within this state not exempt from sale on execution. (3) The certificate of any person convicted of 20 St^tb Conservation Commission. a violation of this section shall be forfeited and revoked, and such convicted person shall not be entitled to another certificate for the period of one year from and after the date of such conviction. CLOSE SEASONS 29.18 Close Seasons for Wild Mammals and Birds. A close season is established for each variety of wild animals and birds listed in the following table, extending during all the time in each year except the period embraced within the dates, both inclusive, set opposite the name of each variety or each locality, respectively, in the column headed "Open Season"; and, ex- cept as expressly provided in this chapter, no person shall hunt or trap any such wild mam- mal or bird at any time other than the open season therefor, nor in the open season in ex- cess of the number designated opposite each variety or each locality, respectively, in the column headed "Bag Limit," nor wild birds of more than one variety except a mixed bag limit of twenty each day in the open season, but con- taining not more than the bag limit of any one variety. Wild ducks and American coots or mudnens shall be deemed, collectively, as or 3 variety: Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 21 22 State Conservation Commission. 1 eg •0 3 .5 bfl +j +-> +-> +j ^ +-> U eg pq t„ i ■ 1 as s * — MH 1 O O ,Q +j > B +J +J a* cj o o o o b O £ £ o c eg B I- ft eg ■2« eg O *>. eg B B-«w o o o O w At o IS eg B CU.5 I? -M Pi - h P, B oj "-< P U5 * 2 oj" U m eg • a B B eg 3 bS R B o o a; ti a> 3 O +■• B 03 B o O eg o B a, Cg rt « B C eu -* O ** B C3 m 3 2 eo (j eg S ra tf Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 23 h o 03 1 C Five each day None Eight each day Fifteen each day None Fifteen each day p R 1- c *. ir IT P c *-. C *• • eo <= © t : q i . ** *. • o • eq • 6 ' © ! o . *j • «o • »H *5 • 2- •M PS ft O £ w D. JH ft © O a; 02 £ 02 PS ^ pj O ox cj'C 02 © © £ « eU of o3 . mK ^5S £^£ »d o PS pj . o3 t< © O d"^ O X bDog J ££« G TS ° ..££ © „© J o ^ „, 3 Sod O 3 ►> 03 £ N 03 O . O •Cm" £*> © PS PS * 5 f o . bo © Kj O 45 8 c ° G *!? 4! M fcfl m afsfi ^ ^ sg . S-O © u, ^n 2 2-q o PH P4 24 State Conservation Commission. u ^- bo Li d) O > « co<" •0° •«£? a£s 58 O (D O V SO 4> .j <» iO 3 a -a c "O j-i ai o 0) .£5 A A A o o o o a a fl a MM<0» m to C cd cd 43 43 o CJ cd Ed C « o 0) H H o £ » (D << S» o PI M o £ a ^° •a 9 g to to ^5 o — ' w *> 02 O 43 3 0^ art •1 S S a « s £>£ - * d 2 Pi %? S3 A o WW? _ h! o 43 -O 3 ^ PI cd 3 « * « cd M M a <« ^ u ps w w 3 « 42 f*< ^ PI cd 3 2§ t~ 00 28 State Conservation Commission. +J §5 Shu No limit No limit No limit No limit a 13 to d ffl >> c 3 a > a t K a If ! i- i 11 O C ZZ c o w k3 o» EG Pi ft o K a < R a < j-1 a : o • J > e c c a c n" fi K . c c hi a 4 OS C M /■> .0 > .£ ' c S c a .c B 6 * (12) Sunfish; roach: (a) In counties bordering on the Missis- sippi river w « £ o < — c M Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 29 29.19 (13) There shall be no close season for hook and line fishiiag, except for large and small mouthed black bass, sturgeon and trout, in any of the following described waters: In the wa- ters of the Mississippi river, Lower Lake St. Croix and up the St. Croix river to the Dells, the bays and bayous connected therewith and in the waters of Juneau, Lafayette, Iowa arid Green counties, except in the Wisconsin river between Juneau and Adams in the waters of lakes "Winnebago in Fond du Lac, Calumet and Winnebago counties, in Buffalo lake, Marquette county, in Puckaway lake in Marquette and Green Lake counties, in Lake Poygan in Winne- bago and Waushara counties in lakes Winne- conne, Big and Little Butte des Morts in Win- nebago county, in the Fox river in Marquette, Green Lake, Waushara and Winnebago counties, in the Wolf river in Winnebago county and in Waupaca county as far as the city limits of New London, in the Rock and Crawfish rivers and Lake Koshkonong in Rock, Jefferson and Dodge counties. During the period from March 1 to May 31, both dates inclusive, live or dead minnows shall not be used for bait in any of the above waters specified in Jefferson county. The open season in the Mississippi river for large and small-mouthed black bass shall be June 15 to March 1. The open season for game fish in Lake Wisconsin in Columbia and Sauk counties shall be June 1 to December 1, except large and small mouth bass, which shall be under the provisions of the general law. (See provisions of Order No. 2 on last pages.) 29.195 There shall be no closed season ex- cept from the first day of March to the sue- 30 State Conservation Commission. ceeding twentieth day of May for any fish, ex- cept trout, in Rush lake or in the streams flow- ing into said lake, situate in Fond du Lac and Winnebago counties, and fish therein may be taken in any manner, except with explosives, during the open season, except trout; provided, that no person shall have more than fifty pounds of such fish, taken from said Rush lake or said streams flowing into said lake, in his possession or under his control in any one day. 29.196 No person shall take, catch, or kill in Starkey's Lake, township of Waterford, Racine county, between December 1 and April 1 of each year any sunfish or roach in excess of twenty each day. (Penalty $50.00 to $100.00.) 29.20 Close Season for Crawfish and Frogs. No person shall take, catch, or kill, in any wa- ters of this state, or have in possession, any crawfish or crab of any variety between the first day of March and the next succeeding first day of July; or any frog from March 1 to May 1 of each year; but nothing in this section shall prevent any person from having frogs in his possession who is in the business of propa- gating frogs, or where the same are used for scientific or educational purposes. (Penalty $50.00-$100.00.) 29.206 No person shall take, catch or kill any fish m Smith Creek, flowing through sections two, ten, fifteen, twenty-two, twenty-seven, twenty-eight and thirty-three, in township forty north, range one west, in Price county, until January 1, 1924. (Also see Orders No. 3 and No. 5 in back of book.) 29.21 Powers of Commission. (1) The state conservation commission shall have power to Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 31 issue orders determining in what manner, in what numbers, in what places and at what times the taking, catching, or killing of wild animals shall be inconsistent with the proper protection, propagation and conservation of fish, birds or mammals protected by law in this state, and the perpetuation of wild life. No such order providing protection or additional protection to any such wild animals shall be issued except upon petition filed with said commissioners, and after hearing thereon as hereinafter pro- vided. (2) Ten or more persons of any township or twenty-five or more persons of any county, may file with the state conservation commission a petition signed with their names and addresses, requesting the granting of protection or addi- tional protection within such county, to one or more species of wild animals designated in said petition. And such petition shall state the ex- tent such protection or additional protection is desired and the grounds therefor. If after hearing the petitioners, the conservation com- mission shall determine to entertain the peti- tion it shall order a public hearing to be held thereon within the town or county described in the petition, within twenty days from the filing of said petition. At least ten days prior to such public hearing notice thereof containing a brief statement of the grounds upon which application is made therefor, and the time and place of hearing shall be published in a news- paper having a general circulation in the dis- trict to be affected, and a copy of such notice shall be mailed to each petitioner, at the ad- dress given in the petition. 32 State Conservation Commission. (3) If upon such hearing the conservation commission find and determine that the protec- tion or additional protection requested, is neces- sary for the proper protection, propagation and conservation of the designated wild animals within the designated territory, the commission shall issue an order prohibiting or regulating during the open season therefor, the taking of any or all species of fish, birds or mammals within such territory. At least thirty days be- fore the date fixed for such order to take effect, copies of the same should be filed in the office of the clerk for each county containing a district or any part of a district in which such order or regulation shall apply, and cause the same to be published in a newspaper having general circu- lation in the town, county or district in which such regulations shall apply, or to cause the same to be published by means of at least five large notices posted in or near public buildings or on the highways within said territory, and when the territory affected is less than a town- ship in area, in conspicuous places on the boundaries thereof. (4) Any order issued by the state conserva- tion commission pursuant to this section shall have the force of law, and the penalties pre- scribed for violations of the provisions of this chapter shall follow and be applicable to viola- tions of any such order, to the same effect and extent, respectively, as though such order had been enacted a part of this chapter. (5) Each member of the state conservation commission, for the purposes of this section, is empowered to administer oaths, certify to of- ficial acts, and issue subpoenas to compel the Statutes Relating to "Wild Animals. 33 attendance of witnesses and the production of papers, books, accounts, documents and testi- mony. In case of failure of any person to com- ply with any subpoena of the commission or to testify to any matter regarding which he may be lawfully interrogated, the circuit court of any county or the judge thereof upon application of the commission or any member thereof, shall issue an order requiring such person to comply with such subpoena and to testify, or either, and any failure to obey such order of the court may be punished by the court as a contempt thereof. (6) Each person appearing before the state conservation commission by its order shall re- ceive for his attendance the fees and mileage provided by law for witnesses in civil actions in courts of record, which shall be audited and paid upon presentation of proper vouchers sworn to by such witnesses and certified by the chair- man of the commission. (29.22) General Restrictions on Hunting. (1) No person shall hunt game with any means other than the use of a gun held at arm's length and discharged from the shoulder; or place, spread or set any net, pitfall, snare, spring gun, pivot gun, swivel gun, or other similar con- trivance for the purpose of catching, or which might catch, take or ensnare game; or use or have in his possession or under his control any ferret, rat, weasel, or guinea-pig while hunting; and no person shall carry with him in any vehicle or automobile, any gun or rifle unless the same is unloaded, and knocked down or unloaded and inclosed within a carrying case. No person while hunting or in possession of firearms shall have in possession or under con- 34 State Conservation Commission. trol any light used "for the purpose of shining deer. No person shall shoot with a rifle at wild ducks, coot, mud hens, wild geese or brant when any such birds are on the surface of the water or ice of any lake. No person shall have in possession any firearms in territory wherein there is an open season for deer for a period of five days prior to the opening date for deer hunting unless the gun or rifle is unloaded and knocked down, or unloaded and within a carry- ing case. (2) Possession of ferrets. No person shall have in his possession or under his control at any time any ferret unless a permit therefor has been issued to him by the state conservation commission but such permit shall not authorize the use of any ferret for hunting game except in Door county. (3) Guide licenses. No person shall engage, or be | employed, for any compensation or re- ward, to guide, direct, or assist any other per- son in hunting, trapping, or fishing unless a license therefor, subject to the provisions of section 29.09, has been duly issued to him by the state conservation commission. The fee for each such license is one dollar. The applicant shall deliver to the state conservation commis- sion an oath of office that he shall well and faithfully perform the duties of his office as a guide licensed by the state conservation com- mission to guide, direct and assist other per- sons in hunting, trapping and fishing, and ob- serve and comply with all the requirements of chapter 29 of the statutes, and of his said guide license. This subsection does not apply to the employment of labor by, or services rendered Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 35 to, the licensee of any net fishing license. (Pen- alty $50.00-$100.00.) (4) Guides as special deputies. Each licensed guide may be a special deputy conservation warden, appointed by the commission and shall execute the same oath of office and bond as re- quired by regularly salaried wardens. Licensed guides may be employed for temporary service as a regular deputy conservation warden, for any period not exceeding fifty days in any one year, at a compensation to be fixed by the com- mission. 29.23 Deer Hunting. (1) Prohibited meth- ods. No person shall hunt deer between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise, of the following morning; or in the water or on the ice of any stream, lake, or pond; or with a dog or dogs; or with the aid of artificial light; nor place any salt in any place for the purpose of enticing deer thereto, or construct, occupy, or use any elevated scaffold or other device for the purpose of hunting, watching for, or killing deer. (2) Dogs in camps. During the period from November 10 to December 10, in the counties where there is an open season for deer, no per- son shall hunt any wild animal with a dog or dogs; nor have a dog or dogs in his possession or under his control in or about a hunting or logging camp, unless a' permit therefor has been issued to him by the state conservation commis- sion. (Penalty $50.00-$100.00.) 29.24 Fur-Bearing Animals; Methods of Tak- ing. (1) No person shall hunt any mink, or muskrat with the aid of any spear, gun, or dog, 36 State Conservation Commission. disturb or molest any raccoon or skunk den or tree for the purpose of capturing the raccoons, or skunks, or any muskrat house, beaver house or beaver dam; or set any trap or traps at any time within five hundred feet of any beaver house or beaver dam (except under license is- sued under section 29.59 (5). (2) The owner or occupant of any land, and any member of his family may without license hunt thereon rabbits at any time, and squirrels during the open season therefor. (3) Except as provided in subsection (2), no person shall have in his possession or under his control, or use, for hunting rabbits, any ferret, snare, trap, or any device or contrivance de- signed or used for the purpose of driving rab- bits ojit of their holes or dens. The owner or occupant or any person upon written request of the owner or occupant of any land in the county of Dqor may use a ferret thereon for hunting rabbits. (Penalty $50.00-$100.00.) 29.25 Game Birds; Hunting. (1) Prohib- ited methods. No person shall hunt any game bird between sunset and thirty minutes before sunrise of the following morning; or by shoot- ing it or at it from any boat, canoe, raft, blind, contrivance or device in open water, or from any boat or craft other than such as are pro- pelled by paddle, oars, or pole or with the use of more than fifty decoys within, or any decoys beyond, two hundred feet from the blind or covering in which the hunter is located, or with any decoys left in the water unattended; or any game bird other than wild geese and brant with the use of a rifle. Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 37 (2) Open water defined. t)pen water is any water outside or beyond a natural growth of vegetation extending over the water surface, and of such height as to offer partial or whole concealment for the hunter. (3) Live decoys. The set of fifty decoys al- lowed for each hunter used on the water in hunting game birds may include not more than five live decoys; but each such live decoy so used shall be provided with a registration tag, which shall be issued by the state conservation commission to any holder of a hunting license on payment of a fee of ten cents for each tag. (4) Use of dogs. No person carrying or be- ing in possession of a gun shall run or use a dog or dogs in the field, or upon lands fre- quented by game birds or upon which game birds may be found, between the first day of August and the seventh day of September in each year. Penalty $50.00 to $100.00.) 29.26 Prohibited Fishing Under Particular Conditions. No person shall take, capture, or kill fish of any variety, or fish for fish during the close season for trout, in streams and creeks containing trout; or at any time in or from any spring hole or artificial well connected with any of the waters of this state; or by means of shutting or drawing off water for that purpose; nor shall any person take, capture or kill fish within two hundred feet of any fishway, lock or dam otherwise than with a hook and line. No fish of any variety shall be taken in any manner within five hundred feet below any fishway, lock or dam in the counties of Burnett, Washburn, Sawyer, Oneida, Florence, Vilas, 38 State Conservation Commission. Iron, Ashland, Bayfield, Douglas, and north of townships number 35 in Price and Forest coun- ties, and within three hundred feet above and five hundred feet below the dam at Kilbourn on the Wisconsin river. No person shall take or catch fish from a boat or float in Flites pond on the Big Rush O'Cree creek in the town of Plain- field, Waushara county. (Penalty ($50.00- $100.00.) 29.27 Prohibited Methods of Fishing. (1) Hook and line fishing; spearing. No person shall take, catch, kill, or fish for fish of any va- riety with more than five lines with one hook to a line or with more than three lines with two hooks* to a line or with any line equipped with more than two hooks or one trolling spoon or artificial bait, or with any fish line or lines and hooks left in the water unattended, unless a license for a set line shall be procured therefor; or any game fish by any means other than angling or trolling, except as provided in sub- section (2) of section 29.28 and section 29.30; nor shall any person use a spear for the pur- pose of taking, catching or killing any rough fish at any time in nonnavigable waters contain- ing trout, or during the close season for trout in navigable waters containing trout, or at any time in Lake Mason, commonly known as Briggsville pond, or the inlet, outlet or marshes adjacent to the same, or in Pine lake, in the town of Hancock, and Fsh lake, in the towns of Hancock and Deerfield, Waushara county, or in the Chain of Lakes, Mirror or Shadow lakes, in the towns of Farmington, Dayton, Waupaca, and the city of Waupaca, Waupaca county, or in Devil's lake, Sauk county, or in the waters Statutes Relating to Wild Animals 39 known as Koenig's millpond, situated in sec- tions seven, eight, seventeen and eighteen of township nine north, of range six east, town of Prairie du Sac, or in the nighttime in any other inland waters. (Penalty $50.00-$100.00.) (2) Snag lines. No person shall set, place, use, have, or control any snag line or snag pole, meaning any line, cable, or pole to which a number of fishhooks or clusters of fishhooks of any kind or description are attached, and desig- nated to be placed in or drawn through the water for the purpose of catching or drawing such hooks into the body of fish. Violations of this subsection shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than two hun- dred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county- jail not less than six months nor more than nine months, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. (29.28) Ice Fishing. (1) No person shall take, catch, or kill fish of any variety through the ice on Pardeeville millpond in the town of Wyocena, Columbia county; Pine lake, town of Hancock, and Fish lake, towns of Hancock and Deerfield; Pleasant lake in the town of Co- loma, Waushara county, and in the town of Springfield, Marquette county; Lake Nocque- bay in Marinette county; Lake Mason, common- ly known as Briggsville pond, in the counties of Adams and Marquette; Shell lake in Wash- burn county; Silver lake in the town of West Bend, Washington county; Chain of Lakes in townships thirty-seven and thirty-eight north, of range twelve west, in Washburn county; Devil's lake and Mears lake, and tributary streams; the waters known as Koenig's mill- 40 State Conservation Commission. pond in sections seven, eight, seventeen and eighteen of township nine north, of range six east, town of Prairie du Sac, and Mirror lake in Sauk county; Pickerel and Rolling Stone Lakes in Forest county; Twin lakes, in the town of Lincoln, and Pike lake in Polk county; any lake in the county of Langlade, except in Post lake, any lakes in the counties of Por- tage and Marquette, except in Buffalo lake. The bag limit for Cisco in any lake in Wau- kesha county shall be twenty-five each day. No person shall set, use or operate any fyke net or drop net in any waters within two miles from the shore line of Door county, excepting in that portion south of Limekiln Bluff. There shall be a close season for large and small- mouthed black bass from March 1 to June 15 in Sturgeon bay and Sawyer's harbor in Door county. The provisions of subsection (3) of section' 29.14 shall not apply to Door county. (Penalty $50.00-?100.00.) (2) Spears may be used for spearing pickerel through the ice of the Mississippi river, Lake Pepin, Lake St. Croix, and the lakes, bays, bayous and sloughs tributary thereto and con- nected therewith. (3) Fish shanties or shelters may be used on the ice of the Mississippi river, Lake Geneva in Walworth county, Lakes Winnebago, Winne- conne, Big and Little Butte des Morts and Poy- gan; Beaver Dam lake; the Fox river in Brown county; the Oconto river within the limits of the city of Oconto; all lakes in Waukesha coun- ty, except Phantom and Howitt's lakes; and where there is not less than fifty feet of water Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 41 in Big Green lake. Wind shields may be used on the ice of Mendota, Monona, Waubesa and Kegonsa lakes in Dane county. 29.29 Noxious Substances. (1) Explosives ; stupe} actives. No person shall take, capture or kill fish of any variety in any waters of this state by means of dynamite or other explosives or poisonous or stupefying substances; or place in any waters of this state explosives which might cause the destruction of fish, except for the purpose of raising dead bodies whenever ordered by the public authorities, or for the purpose of clearing a channel or breaking a log jam; or have in his possession or under his control, upon any inland waters, any dynamite or other explosives for the purpose of taking, catching or killing fish. Violations of this sub- section shall be punished by a fine of not less than two hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than nine months nor more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (2) Medicated "bait. No person shall use, set, lay or prepare in any of the waters of this state any lime, poison, medicated bait, fish berries, or any other substance deleterious to fish life or which might attract fish in unusual numbers; but the feeding of Cisco with oatmeal for the purpose of catching such fish with hook and line through the ice is lawful. (3) Deleterious substances. No person shall cast, deposit, or throw overboard from any boat, vessel or other craft into any waters within the jurisdiction of the state, or deposit or leave upon the ice thereof until it melts, any 42 State Conservation Commission. fish offal; or throw or deposit, or permit to be thrown or deposited, into any waters within the jurisdiction of the state any lime, tanbark, ship ballast, stone, sand slabs, decayed wood, sawdust, saw-mill refuse, planing mill shavings, or any acids or chemicals or waste or refuse arising from the manufacture of any article of commerce, or any other substance deleterious to fish life other than authorized drainage and sewage from municipalities. (Penalty $50.00- 1100.00.) FISHING WITH NETS AND SET LINES 29.30 Fishing with Nets arid Set Lines. (1) License required. Nets and set lines may be used for the purpose of taking, catching, or kill- ing rough fish and game fish, subject to the conditions, limitations and restrictions pre- scribed in this chapter; but no person shall set, place or use in any waters of this state any net, trap, snare, set hook, or set line, which is in- tended to or might take, catch or kill fish of any variety, other than a landing net, dip net, minnow seine or minnow dip net, unless a li- cense therefor has been duly issued to such person. (Penalty $50.00-$100.00. Penalty use of gill nets $200.00-$500.0Q. Penalty use of any net for trout $200.00-$500.00.) (2) Restrictions on the use of licensed nets and set lines. The use of licensed nets and set lines is subject, further, to the following condi- tions: (a) No apron or other device shall be used In any pound net, which might prevent the Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 43 escape of small fish through the meshes of the net when it is set or raised. (b) No net of any kind shall be set so as to shut off more than one-half of any channel or passageway of any stream, or set within one thousand feet of any other net in said stream. (c) No licensee shall join his net to that of any other licensee. (d) At each end of every licensed net or set line, when set in any waters, shall be placed and maintained a white flag of not less than sixteen inches square, with the upper end of the staff extending at least two feet above the water, and numbered with figures at least three inches in height corresponding with the number of the license authorizing the use of such net or set line. (e) The licensees df licensed net or set lines used in outlying waters shall, on their boats, carry the state conservation commission, or its deputies, to and from their nets or set lines when set and, on demand of such officer, shall raise the same for his inspection; and any such officer is authorized, in the presence or ab- sence of the licensee, at any time, to raise any set line in any waters, with as little damage as may be, for inspection. If any such licensee shall refuse to carry any such officer as herein provided his license shall be revoked and can- celled. (f) No licensed net shall be drawn or lifted at any time between one hour after sunset and sunrise of the following morning, in any waters other than Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Green Bay, the Fox river beyond a distance of 500 44 State Conservation Commission. feet below the dam at De Pere, and Sturgeon Bay. (g) No fish of any kind shall be taken or re- tained in any net, when drawn or lifted, other than the kind or kinds expressly authorized to be taken or retained in such net, as provided in this chapter; and except as provided in para- graph (h) any such other kind or kinds of fish coming into or taken in such nets shall be immediately returned, carefully and with as little injury as possible, to the waters from which they were taken. (h) All rough fish taken in net in inland wa- ters shall be brought to shore and buried, sold, or otherwise lawfully disposed of; but none of such fish shall be returned to any waters of this state. (i) Whenever the size of mesh of any net is specified in this chapter it shall be the size of such x mesh, stretch measure, at the time of its use. (Penalty $50.Q0-$100.00.) 29.31 Dip Nets in Inland Waters. (1) No person shall set, use or operate any dip net in any of the inland waters of the state for taking, catching or killing of any variety of fish other than as specified in this section. (2) Dip nets not exceeding eight feet in di- ameter with meshes of not less than three inches may be used for taking, catching or kill- ing rough fish in the Fond du Lac river within three miles of its mouth; in Silver creek in the town of Ripon, Fond du Lac county,' from the old Arcade dam to the Green Lake county line; in the Big Wolf river; in Butternut Lake, Ashland and Price counties; in the Manitowoc Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 45 river from its mouth up to Ripp's bridge in the town of Rockland, Manitowoc county; in the Milwaukee river from its mouth to a point twenty miles inland, and in that part of the Rock river lying in Jefferson and Dodge coun- ties; the Crawfish river from its mouth up to bridge number four in the town of Beaver Dam, Dodge county, and in all the streams and rivers flowing into Lake Michigan and Green bay in that part of such streams beginning at the mouth and extending ten miles inland. Fyke nets may be used in Lake Koshkonong under Section 29.62 between the fifteenth day of No- vember and the following first day of October. (Penalty $50.00-$100.00.) 29.32 Minnow Nets. (1) Use limited. No person shall set, use or operate any minnow seine or minnow dip net in any of the waters of this state for taking, catching or killing fish of any variety, other than as specified in this section. (2) Inland waters. Minnow seines not ex- ceeding forty feet in length and five feet in depth, and minnow dip nets not exceeding six fe'et in diameter may be used in all inland wa- ters for taking, catching or killing rough fish, minnows for bait only; but not in any such wa- ters, creeks, or streams inhabited by trout or in which trout may have been planted, or in Turtle creek in Walworth and Rock counties, unless supervised by the state conservation commission or its deputies. (3) Outlying waters. Minnow seines not ex- ceeding one hundred feet in length and five feet in depth and minnow dip nets not exceeding six 46 State Conservation Commission. feet in diameter may be used in Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Green Bay, Sturgeen Bay, and the Fox river below the dam at De Pere, for taking, catching, or killing rough fish minnows for bait only. (Penalty $50.00-$100.00.) 29.33 Net and Set Hook Fishing in Outlying Waters. (1) License authorized. Net or set hook licenses which shall authorize the use of one or more of the kinds of nets or lines of set hooks named in this section, as limited here- in, for the taking, catching, or killing of fish in the waters of Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Green Bay, Sturgeon Bay, and the Fox river below the dam at De Pere, shall be issued, sub- ject to the provisions of section 29.09, by the state conservation commission to any person duly applying therefor. (2) Form of license. In addition to the facts required by section 29.09, each application for such license, and the license issued thereon, shall state the name and kind of vessel and whether with or without a steam lifter, and the number and kind of nets or set hooks to be covered by the license applied for. (3) License period and fees. Each such li- cense shall be effective only from the first day of January until the thirty-first day of Decem- ber of the same year; and the fee for each li- cense issued to any resident of this state is two dollars for a gill net or nets ; five dollars for each seine; two dollars for each pound net and leader; five dollars for trap net or nets, fyke net or nets, drop net or nets, with lead- ers; and one dollar for each trammel net, or for set hooks. The fee for each license issued Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 47 to any nonresident is the same as the resident fee, except for gill nets operated in conjunction with or from any vessel; and for gill nets so operated, two dollars for any vessel propelled by oars, paddle, or pole, fifty dollars for any other vessel propelled otherwise than by steam, one hundred dollars for any steam vessel with- out a steam lifter, and two hundred dollars for any steam vessel with a steam lifter. (4) Metal tags. No such licensed net or set hooks shall be used until the same are equipped with metal tags stamped to designate the kind of net or set hooks and number of the license covering the same. One such tag shall be se- curely fastened to each two thousand lineal feet, or fraction thereof, of gill net or set hooks; one to each pound net; one to each five hundred lineal feet, or fraction thereof, of seine; and one to each fyke, drop, trap, sub- marine or trammel net. Such tags shall be fur- nished by the state conservation commission to the licensee at the time of issuing the license, on payment of a fee of twenty-five cents for each tag, except that tags for gill nets shall be fifty cents. (5) The following waters are reserve waters, and no nets of any kind shall be set therein, namely: In Allouez Bay, Superior Bay, St. Louis Bay; St. Louis river connected with Lake Superior; in Lake Superior within one-fourth mile from the entry of the channel between Wisconsin Point and Minnesota Point, or from any harbor, pier or breakwater, or from the mouthy of any stream flowing into Lake Su- perior, or from the shore line of Douglas coun- 48 State Conservation Commission. ty, or within two miles from the shore line of Chequamegon Bay from the commercial dock in the city of Washburn, Bayfield county, to the state line of Michigan. In Lake Michigan within one-fourth mile of any harbor, pier or breakwater, or from the mouth of any stream flowing into Lake Michigan or Green Bay, or within one mile from any harbor, pier or breakwater in Milwaukee county, or within one mile from the shore line of Milwaukee county. In the waters of Lake Michigan or Green Bay no gill net shall be set within one-fourth mile from the shore line of Door county, except south of Limekiln Bluff in said county, and no net of any kind shall be used in the following bays or harbors in Door county, namely: Stur- geon Bay, Little Sturgeon Bay, Riley's Bay, Egg Harbor, Fish Creek Harbor, Eagle Harbor, Baileys Harbor, Mud Bay, North Bay, Rowleys Bay, and Washington Harbor, Jackson Harbor and Detroit Harbor in Washington Island. (6) Close seasons. For the purpose of this subsection the waters of Green Bay shall be considered to include all that area south of a line drawn between Limekiln Bluff in Door county and the mouth of the Menominee river in Marinette county, and including the Fox river as far as the dam at De Pere, and all the waters of Green Bay north of the above de- scribed line shall be subject to the law covering Lake Michigan. (a) In Green Bay there shall be a close season on lake trout and whitefish from Oc- tober 21 to November 21. A close season for pike and pickerel from March 10 to May 1. A Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 49 close season for all varieties of fish, except lake trout, whitefish, carp and herring - from the fif- teenth day of April to the twentieth day of May, inclusive. (b) In Lake Michigan there shall be a close season on lake trout and whitefish from Octo- ber 21 to November 21. (c) In Lake Superior there shall be a close season for lake trout and whitefish from Octo- ber 1 to November 1. (7) Prohibited nets. Minnow nets. For the purpose of this subsection the waters of Green Bay shall be considered to include all that area south of a line drawn between Limekiln Bluff in Door county and the mouth of the Menominee river in Marinette county and including the Fox river as far as the dam at De Pere. All the wa- ters of Green Bay north of the above described line shall be subject to the law covering Lake Michigan. (a) In Green Bay nets with a mesh not less than four inches may be used for the tak- ing of lake trout and whitefish. Gill nets with a mesh not less than two and three-eighths inches may be used for taking herring, chub, bluefin, or perch. Seines with a mesh of not less than three inches, and pound nets with a mesh of not more than two inches in the pound may be used. No nets of any kind shall be set for the purpose of catching any variety of fish during the close season for such fish. During the period from January 1 to March 10 gill nets with a mesh of two and one-eighth inches may be used under the ice for the purpose of catch- 50 State Conservation Commission. ing herring. No perch shall be caught or taken from the waters of Green Bay proper or Lake Michigan between April 15 and May 20 in each year. (b) In Lake Superior gill nets with a mesh of not less than four inches may be used for the purpose of taking lake trout and whitefish. Gill nets with a mesh of not less than two and three- eighths inches may be used during the months of November and December for the purpose of taking herring. . Seines with a mesh of not less than three inches and pound nets with a mesh of not more than two inches in the pound may be used. No nets of any kind shall be set or used for the purpose of taking any variety of fish during the close season for such fish. (c) In Lake Michigan gill nets with a mesh of not less than four inches may be used for the purpose of taking lake trout and whitefish. Gill nets with a mesh of not less than two and one- half inches may be used for the purpose of tak- ing herring, chub, bluefin and perch. Seines with a mesh of not less than three inches and pound nets with a mesh of not more than two inches in the pound may be used. No nets of any kind shall be set for the purpose of taking any variety of fish during the close season for such fish. (d) In Green Bay and Lake Michigan min- now seines fifty feet long and five feet deep may be used for taking rough fish minnows for bait. Each set-hook licensee may use not more than two thousand feet of gill net with a mesh of one and three-eighths inches, except in reserve wa- ters for the purpose of taking bloaters for bait. Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 51 The provisions of subdivision (d) of subsection (7) of section 29.33, shall not take effect until January 1, 1918. (e) All nets with a mesh other than such as above specified and all nets used in violation of this chapter are contraband nets and shall be seized and confiscated whenever found in the water on any vessel, dock or reel. Any such contraband nets so found shall be deemed suffi- cient evidence of the use of such nets by the owner thereof. (8) Fish returned to waters. All black bass, muskellunge, sturgeon, rainbow trout, brook trout, salmon or steelhead trout, and all under- sized lake trout and whitefish taken in any pound, fyke or trap net shall be immediately re- turned alive and without avoidable injury to the waters from which taken. (9) No licensee of any net or set hooks shall transport or cause to be transported, fish of any of the varieties mentioned in this subsec- tion of a length less than that specified for each variety; and such measurement of length shall be taken in a straight line from the tip of the nose to the utmost end of the tail fin, except that the measurement of dressed fish be of the length of the carcass, namely: Lake trout 12 inches White fish 13 inches Suckers 12 inches Buffalo 18 inches Suckers with head and tail off 9 inches Perch 7 inches Perch with head and tail off 4 inches Pike 13 inches 52 State Conservation Commission. Pike with head and tail off 10 inchei Pickerel 16 inches Pickerel with head and tail off 11 inches Catfish 20 inches Catfish with head off 17 inches Any other variety , 8 inches All carp caught in any net by any commercial fisherman shall in no case be returned to the water. (11) Any violation of subsections (1), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), and (10) of section 29.33 shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred fifty dollars nor more than five hun- dred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than six months nor more than nine months, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. (12) Reports. On or before January 10 fol- lowing the expiration of his license, each such licensee shall report to the state conservation commission in writing, on blanks furnished by the said commission, the number of his license, the kind, number and size of nets, the length of lines of set hooks used, number of lineal feet of gill nets, the number of pounds and value of each variety of fish caught; and such other in- formation as may be required on the blanks fur- nished. Such report shall be subscribed to be- fore a notary public or a justice of the peace. 29.34 Net Licenses; Mississippi River Wa- ters. (1) License authorized. Net licenses which shall authorize the use of nets, as limited herein, during the period of time extending from the fifteenth day of June to the next succeeding fifteenth day of April, except that buffalo nets , Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 53 having meshes not smaller than four and one- half inches, stretch measure, to be used for tak- ing rough fish only, may be used in the running waters of the Mississippi river at all times of the year, for taking, catching, or killing fish in the waters of the Mississippi river, Lake Pepin, and Lake St. Croix, and the lakes, bays, bayous, and sloughs tributary thereto and connected therewith, shall be issued subject to the provi- sions of section 29.09 by the state conservation commission to any resident of the state duly applying therefor. (2) Bond. Before any such license is issued, the applicant shall execute and deliver to the state conservation commission a bond running to the state of Wisconsin, in the sum of two hundred dollars, with two sureties, and condi- tioned that if the applicant shall well and faith- fully observe and comply with all the provisions of this chapter, said obligation to be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force. Each said surety shall be worth and qualify in at least the sum of two hundred dollars, over and above all his debts and liabilities, in property within this state not exempt from sale on execution. (3) License period; nets specified. Each such license shall expire on the fifteenth day of April next succeeding the date of its issue, and shall authorize the use of one or more of the follow- ing nets only: Seines not exceeding a total length of four thousand feet, and having meshes of not less than five inches on the wings or four inches in the center of the pot, the pot not ex- ceeding one hundred and fifty feet in length; gill nets having meshes of not less than seven inches; pound or hoop nets having meshes of 54 State Conservation Commission. not less than six inches in the leaders, five inches in the hearts, or three inches in the hoops; and bait nets to be used without leads, having meshes of not less than three inches, and not more than a four-foot front. (4) License fees. The fee for each such li- cense is as follows: For seines, one dollar per hundred for the first five hundred lineal- feet, two dollars per hundred for the second five hun- dred lineal feet, three dollars per hundred for the third five hundred lineal feet, four dollars per hundred for the fourth five hundred lineal feet, five dollars per hundred for the fifth five hundred lineal feet, and six dollars for each one hundred lineal feet over twenty-five hundred; for gill nets, five dollars for the first two thou- sand lineal feet, and five dollars for each addi- tional one thousand lineal feet; for pound or hoop nets, five dollars for each seven hundred lineal feet of leader and one pound, and five dol- lars for each additional pound; for bait nets, one dollar each; for buffalo nets, five dollars each. (5) Metal tags. No such licensed net shall be used until the same is equipped with metal tags stamped to designate the kind of net and number of license covering the same. One such tag shall be securely fastened to each five hundred lineal feet, or fraction thereof, of seine; one to each two thousand lineal feet, or fraction thereof, of gill net; and one to each fyke, hoop, or bait net. Such tags shall be furnished by the state conservation commission to the li- censee at the time of issuing the license, on pay- ment of a fee of twenty-five cents for each tag. (6) Protected fish. No such licensed net shall be used for taking, catching, or killing any of Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 55 the following named fish: catfish of any variety under fifteen inches in length in the rough, or twelve inches dressed with the head detached; pike of any variety, bass of any variety, crap- pies, sunfish, pickerel, rock sturgeon, or perch. (7) Reserve waters. No such licensed net shall be used for taking, catching, or killing fish of any kind in any of the following named wa- ters: Rice lake, French lake, Mud lake, Round lake, Long lake, French slough, Spring creek, Spring slough, and Black river in La Crosse county; Courtois pond, Pickerel, Spring, Nigger and Frenchtown sloughs and Gordon bay, in Crawford county; the De Soto bay, Long slough, T slough, Green lake, Pick's lake and all sloughs, lakes and bayous from De Soto bay to the main channel of the Mississippi river and as far north as Battle Bar in Vernon county; Cassville sloughs from Glen Haven to Cassville; Daley lake, "Wyalusing bay and Glen lake between "Wyalusing and the Burlington railway bridge, Plondke and Harris sloughs, Crawford lake, Ferry lake, and Bertram lake, all in Grant coun- ty; Trention lake, Trention slough, Mud lake and Mero slough in Pierce county; and the Mississippi river within fifteen hundred feet of the mouth of the Chippewa river, except that during the period from September 20 to Janu- ary 1 of each year not to exceed ten pounds, not to exceed four feet, fyke or hoop nets may be used by each licensee providing such fishing is done under the supervision of the conservation commission or one of its deputies, the licensee to pay for such supervision service at not to exceed four dollars per day. (8) Temporary ponds; shipments. Each such 56 State Conservation Commission. licensee may construct temporary fish ponds and keep his fish therein until they can be marketed ; and a card shall be attached to each shipment thereof, on which shall be written "Shipped un- der section 29.34," the signature of the licensee, and the number of his license. (9) Reports. Each such licensee shall keep a strict record and account as to each variety of fish and the number of pounds thereof taken by him in such licensed nets; and shall report thereon to the state conservation commission on or before the fifteenth day of May covering his operations during the preceding year. (Penalty $50.00 to $100.00.) 29.35 Net Licenses; Whitefish and Cisco In Inland lakes. (1) Net licenses which shall au- thorize the use of not exceeding one hundred lineal feet of gill net, with meshes not less than two and three-fourths inches, or dip nets with a diameter of not more than eight feet and with meshes not less than one and one-half inches, for taking, catching or killing whitefish in any of the inland waters of the state containing whitefish, or not exceeding one hundred lineal feet of gill net, with meshes not less than two inches, for the purpose of catching ciscos in any of the inland waters of the state containing cisco may be issued by the state conservation commission, subject to the provisions of section 29.09, to any resident of the state duly applying therefor. Such licenses may also be issued by the commission in its discretion, for the catch- ing of whitefish or ciscos, respectively, in any other inland waters. The fee for each such li- cense is one dollar. Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 57 (2) Each such license shall be limited to such period of ten days as shall be fixed by the state conservation commission, and no such whitefish licensee shall have in his possession or under his control at any time more than one hundred pounds of whitefish. (3) No such licensed net shall be used until the same is equipped with a metal tag, stamped to designate the kind of net and number of the license covering the same, to be securely fas- tened to each net. Such tag shall be furnished by the commission at the time of issuing the license. Spears may be used in the waters of Vilas county during the period from October 15 to November 15 for the purpose of spearing Cisco. (4) Within five days of the close of the period of ten days for the use of such gill nets the owner of the same shall dry said net, roll it into a bundle, leave the tag attached, attach his li- cense thereto and deliver or ship the same to the nearest conservation warden. The warden shall give a receipt for the net, shall be responsi- ble for its safe-keeping, and shall deliver or ship the same back to the owner not more than five days before the opening of the next season for the use of said net; providing the owner has purchased a new license and tag. (Penalty $50.00 to $100.00.) (29.36 repealed by Chapter 352, Laws of 1921.) 29.37 Set Line Licenses; Inland Waters. (1) Set line licenses which shall authorize the use of one set line only, with not exceeding twenty- five hooks, for taking, catching or killing fish, shall be issued, subject to the provisions of sec- tion 29.09, by the county clerk of the county bor- 58 State Conservation Commission. dering on the waters where such set lines are intended and permitted to be used, to any person duly applying therefor. (2) Each such license shall be limited to the period of time extending from the twenty-ninth day of May to the next succeeding fifteenth day of February. The fee for each such license is one dollar. (3) No such licensed set line shall be used until the same is equipped with a metal tag, stamped to designate the number of the license covering the same, which shall be securely fas- tened to one end of the set line. Such tag shall be furnished by the state conservation commis- sion to the county clerk, and by the latter to the licensee at the time of issuing the license, on payment of a fee of twenty-five cents. All fees received by the county clerks for such metal tags shall be returned and reported in the same manner as are license fees, as prescribed in sec- tion 29.09, but without deduction. (4) Such licensed set lines may be used only in the following waters: Big Wolf river in Wau- paca and Outagamie counties; Lake Winnebago, Lake Butte des Morts, Little Butte des Morts, Lake Winneconne, Lake Poygan, Lake Pucka- way, and the river connecting said lakes, Fox river, except below the dam at De Pere; Wiscon- sin river from the north line of Sauk county to its mouth; Black river from the north line of Jackson county to its mouth; the Chippewa river from its mouth to the dam at Jim Falls, Chippewa county; Menomonee river bordering on Marinette county; the Pecatonica river in Green county; the Pecatonica river and the east and west branches of the Pecatonica river in Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 59 LaFayette county; and the Mississippi river, Lake Pepin and Lake St. Croix. (5) In the Big Wolf river in Waupaca and Winnebago counties ; in the Fox river in Winne- bago county and in Outagamie county as far as the dam at De Pere; in Lake Winnebago, Lake 'Winneconne, Lake Butte des Morts, Little Butte Ides Morts, Lake Poygan, three hundred hooks i may be used but in such waters no frog, minnow or live bait shall be used. No licensed set line shall be equipped with any hooks smaller than 5/0. (Penalty $50.00 to $100.00.) (6) In the Mississippi river, Lake Pepin and Lake St. Croix, and Lake Winnebago not to ex- ceed twenty lines with not to exceed one hun- Idred hooks on each line may be used by each li- censee, but no frog, minnow or live bait shall be lused. Each such line shall be equipped with a i metal tag issued in the same manner and at the same fee as provided in subsection (3). The li- cense fee for each such line shall be one dollar. (Penalty $50.00 to $100.00.) CLAMMING 29.38 Clams and mussels. (1) Mussels, not (less than one and three-fourths inches in great- est dimensions, including the pearly fresh water [mussel or clam, or Naiad and the shells thereof, tmay be taken and possessed in any quantity at any time, in the manner hereinafter described, tin any of the waters of this state except those [duly closed by the conservation commission, provided a license so to do shall first be obtained ifrom the conservation commission. Such mus- sels may be bought, sold or transported at any time. 60 State Conservation Commission. (2) The conservation commission may, when in its judgment the conservation of the mussel resources of the state requires it, prescribe areas from which mussels may not be taken for a specified period or not to exceed five years, such closed areas not to exceed over one-half the mus- sel producing waters of the state at the same time. All orders of the conservation commis- sion prescribing such closed areas shall be pub- lished once in a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices within each county having waters within its boundaries affected by such orders, and shall take effect at the time fixed therein, but not earlier than thirty days after publica- tion. The conservation commission may, when in its judgment conditions warrant it, vacate, modify or extend any such order. No mussels shall be taken from waters included in any area so closed by the conservation commission. (3) Such license shall be procured from the conservation commission and may be issued to a resident or nonresident. It shall be in such form as the commission may determine, but shall state what waters have been closed by the action of the conservation commission to the taking of mussels, and whether the licensee is a resident of this state. The applicant shall pay to the conservation commission as a license fee, if a resident, the sum of five dollars, and if not a resident, the sum of fifty dollars. All licenses shall expire on the thirty-first day of December following. Licensees, when taking mussels, shall exhibit their licenses to any conservation warden upon his request. (4) Not more than one boat or rig may be used for taking mussels. An additional boat for Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 61 towing may De used when no mussel taking ap- paratus is attached thereto. Not more than four crowfoot bars, or bars having hooks attached thereto adapted for the taking of mussels, shall be had in possession by a licensee while taking- mussels at any one time, and not more than two of such crowfoot bars shall be placed in the water by a licensee while taking mussels, at any one time. No crowfoot bar of more than twenty feet in length shall be used. Pitchforks may be used in gathering clam shells. Undersized mus- sels, except pigtoes, shall be returned to the wa- ter without injury. No person shall take, catch or kill any mussels in any of the waters of this state at any time with the use of a dredge or by the use of any device except a crowfoot bar. (5) Written reports shall be made to the conservation commission on blanks prepared by it on or before December thirty-first, by each person to whom a license to take mussels has been issued, stating the total weight of mussels taken under authority of such license, the names and locations of the waters from which such mussels were taken, and the total amount re- ceived for the mussels sold. (6) Persons duly authorized by the state of Minnesota to take mussels from waters forming a common boundary between Wisconsin and Minnesota may take mussels from that portion of said waters within the jurisdiction of Wiscon- sin and not closed by action of the conservation commission/" without having first procured a li- cense therefor from the state of Wisconsin, pro- vided that the laws of Minnesota extend a simi- lar privilege to persons licensed by Wisconsin to take mussels. 62 State Conservation Commission. (7) There shall be a closed season for clams in all inland waters of the state, not including boundary waters, extending from March first to May twenty-ninth, in each year. (8) There shall be a close season for clams in any and all waters in Rock county. (Penalty $50.00 to $100.00.) (Also see Order No. 4 in back of book.) POSSESSION OF GAME 29.39 Possession During Close Season, or in Excess of Bag Limit. No person shall have in his possession or under his control, or have in storage or retention or as common carrier for any one person, any game, game fish, or other wild animal or carcass or part thereof, during the close season therefor, or in excess of the bag limit for one day or below the minimum size thereof at any one time during the open season, whether lawfully or unlawfully taken within or without the state. (Penalty $50.00 to $100.00.) 29.40 Possession of Deer; Heads and Skins. (1) Deer tags. Any person having lawfully killed a deer shall immediately attach and leave attached to the carcass, or part thereof, the deer tag corresponding to his license; and no person shall have in his possession or under his control, or have in storage or as a common carrier, any such carcass, or part thereof, without such tag attached. (2) Home consumption. Any person residing in this state having lawfully killed a deer, may have in his possession and consume the meat Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 63 thereof in his own family at any time, but must leave the tag attached thereto. (3) Heads and skins. The head and skin of any deer lawfully killed, when severed from the rest @f the carcass, are not subject to the provi- sions of this chapter; but no person shall have in his possession or under his control the green head or green skin of a deer between the first day of January and the succeeding fourteenth day of November of each year, or at any time a deer head in the velvet, or a deer skin in the red, blue or spotted coat. (Penalty $50.00 to $100.00.) 29.41 Skins of Fur-Bearing Animals. The skin of any fur-bearing animal lawfully killed, when separated from the rest of the carcass is not subject to the provisions of this chapter; but no person shall have in his possession or under his control the skin of any fisher, marten, mink, or muskrat showing that the same has been shot or speared, nor the green skin of any fur- bearing animal from the fifth day after the be- ginning of the close season for such animal until the ending thereof. (Penalty $50.00 to $100.00.) 29.42 Possession of Game Birds. (1) With- out license. No person, other than the holder of a hunting license or scientist's certificate duly issued to him and in force and carried by him on his person, shall have in his possession or under his control any game bird, or animal, or the carcass or any part thereof. (Penalty $50.00 to $100.00 plus $5.00 for each bird.) (2) Nests and eggs. No person shall take or needlessly destroy, or have in his possession or 5TATE CONSERVATION COMMISSION. under his control, except by virtue of a scien- tist's certificate, the nest or eggs of any wild bird for which a close season is prescribed in this chapter. (Penalty $50.00 to $100.00.) TRANSPORTATION OF GAME 29.43 Transportation; General Provisions. (1) During close season. No person shall trans- port or cause to be transported, or deliver or re- ceive or offer to deliver or receive for trans- portation, any game or game fish or carcass or part thereof, during the close season therefor, whether lawfully or unlawfully taken within or without the state. Whenever any game or game fish or carcass or part thereof is offered to any person for transportation during the close sea- son therefor such person shall forthwith notify the state conservation commission or its deputy, stating full particulars of such offer and by whom made. (2) Trunks; valises. No person shall carry with him or under his control in any trunk, valise, or other package or enclosure, at any time, any game or game fish, or carcass or part thereof. (3) Transportation employes. No employe of any railroad, express, or other transportation company, and no steward, porter, or other em- ploye of any dining, parlor or sleeping car shall have in his personal possession or under his personal control, at any time while in such serv- ice, any game or game fish, or carcass or part thereof. (4) Labeling game shipments. No person shall transport or cause to be transported, or deliver Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 65 or receive for transportation, any package or parcel containing any wild animal or carcass or part thereof, unless the same is labeled in plain letters on the address side of such package or parcel so as to disclose the name and address of of the consignor, the name and address of the consignee, and the number of pounds of each kind of fish or the number of each variety of other wild animals; or carcasses, or parts there- of, contained therein; and unless the consignor is the owner of such shipment and shall deliver to the common carrier therewith, either per- sonally, or by agent, a writing signed by him personally, stating that he is the owner of the shipment. (Penalty $50.00 to $100.00.) 29.44 Interstate Transportation of Game. No person shall transport or cause to be transported, or deliver or receive or offer to deliver or receive for transportation, into or through this state, any game or game fish or carcass or part thereof from any other state in violation of the laws of such state relating to the transportation there- of ; nor any game or game fish or carcass or part thereof lawfully transported from any other state, nor have the same in his possession or under his control, during the close season or in excess of the limitations prescribed for such animal in this chapter, unless a permit therefor has been duly issued to such person by the state conservation commission ; but any person who has lawfully killed a deer in this state may, on his license only, take such deer into any adjoin- ing state, if the laws thereof permit, and ship the same from any point in that state to any point within this state. (Penalty $50.00 to $100.00.) 66 State Conservation Commission. 29.45 Transportation of Deer. (1) No com- mon carrier shall receive for transportation or transport or attempt to transport any deer, or carcass or part thereof, otherwise than as pro- vided in this section. (2) Each holder of a resident hunting license, settlers' hunting license, or nonresident general hunting license, may transport or cause to be transported one deer not less than one year old, between the fourteenth day of November and eleven o'clock P. M. of the twenty-fifth day of November of each year, but must accompany the same from the point of shipment to the point of destination. (3) The place of delivery of any such ship- ment by a resident licensee shall be within the state, and by a nonresident licensee may be either within the state or at his residence with- out the state. (Penalty $50.00 to $100.00.) 29.46 Transportation of Game Birds. (1) No common carrier shall receive for transporta- tion or transport or attempt to transport any game bird, or carcass or part thereof, otherwise than as follows: Each holder of a hunting li- cense may carry with him openly, in his per- sonal possession, a mixed bag of not more than twenty such birds, but not more than the bag limit for one day of any one variety; but no such licensee resident within this state shall carry or convey any such birds beyond the borders of the state. (Penalty $50.00 to J $100.00 plus $5.00 for each bird.) 29.47 Transportation of Fish. (1) Time lim- itation. No person shall transport or cause to be transported, or deliver or receive or offer to Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 67 deiiver or receive for transportation, any games fish taken from inland waters, during the period extending from the first day of January to the last day of the close season for such fish, in each year. (2) From inland waters. No person shall transport or cause to be transported, or deliver or receive or offer to deliver or receive for trans- portation, at any time, any game fish taken fr*m inland waters other than as follows: (a) One shipment only of not more than one package, and containing not more than twenty pounds of game fish of any variety other than those named in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this subsection, but not more than the bag limit for one day or containing in lieu thereof not more than two such fish of any weight, may be trans- ported by any resident to any point within the state, or by any nonresident licensee to any point without the state in each period of seven days. Nonresident hook and line fishing li- censes may be issued by the state conservation commission to any nonresident female over the age of sixteen years for the purpose of making shipment without the state, under the provisions of this section. (b) Any shipment containing more than twenty but not exceeding fifty pounds of game fish of any variety other than those named in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this subsection may be transported only to a point within this state, and must be accompanied by the owner from the point of shipment to the point of destination. (c) Thirty-five trout of any variety other than lake trout may be transported to any point within or without the state, when accompanied 68 State Conservation Commission. by the owner from the point of shipment to the point of destination. (d) One shipment only, containing not more than twenty pounds of lake trout taken from in- land waters, may be transported by any person in each period of seven days, to any point within or without this state, when accompanied by the owner from the point of shipment to the point of destination. (3) From outlying waters. The transporta- tion of fish taken in outlying waters is subject to the following limitations: (a) No green fish of any variety shall be shipped from any port located on outlying wa- ters during the close season for such fish, ex- cept the first three days thereof. (b) Pike and pickerel of lawful size and law- fully taken from outlying waters may be trans- ported to points within or without the state without limitation as to quantity; but all such shipments shall be billed only from a port on outlying waters directly to their destination, and shall not be rebilled or reshipped from any other point within the state. (4) Shipments from inland points. Any ship- ment of game fish of any variety originating at any point in this state other than ports located on outlying waters is subject to the provisions of this section governing the transportation of game fish taken from inland waters. (5) Foreign shipments. Pike and pickerel in a frozen state, whether dressed or not dressed, legally taken or imported from any foreign country, are not subject to any of the provisions of this chapter except subsection (10) of section Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 69 29.33; but the person importing, transporting, dealing in, or selling such fish shall keep a sepa- rate record of all shipments and consignments thereof, containing the number of pounds, the date received, the name of the consignor, and the name of the carrier transporting the same, which shall be at all times open to inspection by the state conservation commission or its deputies. (6) Injurious fish. Live carp minnows and dogfish minnows shall not be transported within the state. (Penalty $50.00 to $100.00.) COMMERCE IN GAME 29.48 Sale of Game. Except as provided by section 29.52 no person shall sell, purchase, or barter, or offer to sell, purchase, or barter, or have in his possession or under his control for the purpose of sale or barter, any deer, squirrel, game bird, black bass, muskellunge, or trout other than lake trout, or the carcass or part thereof, at any time; nor any other game fish taken from inland waters during the period ex- tending from the first day of January to the next succeeding twenty-ninth day of May of each year; nor any other game or other wild animal, or carcass or part thereof, during the close season therefor. This section applies, whether such animals were lawfully or unlaw- fully taken within or without the state. (Pen- alty $50.00 to $100.00.) 29.49 Serving of Game to Guests. (1) Pro- hibited. Except as provided by section 29.52 no innkeeper, manager or steward of any restau- rant, club, hotel, boarding house, saloon, logging 70 State Conservation Commission. camp, or mining camp shall sell, barter, serve or give, or cause to be sold, bartered, served, or given to the guests or boarders thereof the meat of any deer, squirrel, game bird, or trout other than lake trout, or the carcass or part thereof, at any time; nor any other game fish taken from inland waters during the period extending from the first day of January to the next succeeding twenty-ninth day of May of each year; nor any frog or other game or other wild animal, or car- cass or part thereof, during the close season therefor, except rabbits in counties containing a city of the first class. This section applies, whether such animals were " lawfully or unlaw- fully taken within or without the state. (2) Free lunch. The giving, offering, or af- fording opportunity to take free lunch in any of the places named in the preceding subsection shall be held to be embraced within the prohibi- tions thereof. (3) Penalty. Violations of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than two hun- dred nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than nine months nor more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 29.50 Propagation Privileged. Nothing in the foregoing provisions concerning the protec- tion of wild animals shall affect the operation of state hatcheries, the removal of fish which have died from natural causes or the removal of deleterious fish by the state conservation com- mission or under its authority; or the propaga- tion or transportation, collecting and transplant- ing of fish or fish fry by state authority; nor the Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 71 transportation of fish into or through this state or out of it by the commissioners of fisheries of other states or of the United States; nor the operation of private fish hatcheries, or the prop- agation of fish in private waters, or the trans- portation and sale of fish therefrom as herein- after provided; but the state conservation com- mission, or its agents and employes, shall not furnish fish or fry from state hatcheries to private ponds, private clubs, corporations or preserves, and shall not plant them in waters where the general public is not allowed the rights and privileges enjoyed by any individual. 29.52 Private Fish Hatcheries. (1) No per- son shall stock any private fish hatchery with fish or fry obtained from any Wisconsin state fish hatchery, or from any waters of the state except when such fish have been taken in a law- ful manner. (2) The term "private fish hatchery" except as provided in paragraph (d) of this subsection, includes only private ponds with or without buildings, used for the purpose of propagating fish and located as follows: (a) At the headwaters of or along a stream for a distance of not to exceed one mile, on pri- vate land possessed and controlled by the owner or owners of such hatchery. (b) On private land where the supply of wa- ter for the hatchery is furnished by springs or artificial wells. (c) On private land where the supply of wa- ter for the hatchery is obtained by the use of flumes, pipes, or ditches from flowing streams, provided that said flumes, pipes, or ditches, 72 State Conservation Commission. shall be properly screened so as to prevent fish from passing from such streams to the ponds of such hatchery. (d) As to private fish hatcheries hereafter established, the term "private fish hatchery" shall include only private ponds, with or with- out buildings, used for the purpose of propa- gating fish and located on artificial ponds or artificial lakes. (3) The owner or lessee of any private hatch- ery shall report to the state conservation com- mission the name, if any, and location of such hatchery, whereupon the commission shall in- spect, and in its discretion number and register such hatchery and immediately inform the own* er or lessee of the number given such hatchery; such owner or lessee shall, however, pay a regis- tration fee of five dollars, and all expenses of inspection except the salary of the employe who inspects the hatchery. (4) Each package or box containing fish propagated and raised in any private hatchery and shipped or offered for shipment shall be branded with an iron brand as follows: "Shipped from the private fish hatchery of (insert name of owner or lessee, location, and number of hatchery)" and such brands shall not be used on packages containing fish not taken from such private hatchery. (5) Any person who shall, without permis- sion of the owner, trespass or fish on the waters of a private hatchery or fish pond properly reg- istered with the state conservation commission, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fif- teen dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 73 and in default of payment thereof shall be im- prisoned in the county jail for not less than ten days nor more than twenty days provided, that the owner of such private fish hatchery or fish pond gives notice by maintaining signboards, at least one foot square, in at least two conspicuous places to every forty acres. Prosecutions under this subsection shall be by the owner of such private hatchery or pond. 29.53 Private fish ponds. (1) The owner or lessee of all of the lands underlying, surround- ing, or bordering upon any pond, lake or slough, natural or artificial, navigable or non-navigable, meandered or not meandered, tributary to and connected with the Mississippi river, which pond, lake or slough does not exceed at low wa- ter one square mile in surface area, shall have the right, upon complying with the provisions of this section, to erect, establish, operate and maintain on, in or about such pond, lake, or slough, a private hatchery and fishery for the purpose of hatching, propagating and fishing therein rough fish, including buffalo fish and carp. (2) Such owner or lessee desiring to erect, establish, operate and maintain a private hatch- ery and fishery in conformity with this section, shall file with the state conservation commission '(& verified declaration designating and describ- ing the pond, lake or slough, which the de- clarant desires to use for the purpose of hatch- ing, propagating and fishing rough fish therein, a description of all the lands underlying, sur- rounding, or bordering upon such water and the title or leasehold of the declarant therein. Such 74 State Conservation Commission. declaration shall also state in square miles and fraction of square miles the area of such pond, lake or slough, at low water. (3) Upon the filing of such declaration, the state conservation commission shall forthwith examine and investigate the same and may re- quire the declarant to produce satisfactory evi- dence of the facts therein stated. If upon such examination it shall appear that the pond, lake or slough designated in the declaration does not exceed at low water one square mile in surface area and that the declarant is the owner or les- see of all of the lands underlying, surrounding, or bordering upon such water, and that the declarant intends in good faith to erect, estab- lish, operate, and maintain a hatchery and fish- ery on, in and about such water for the propa- gation or fishing of rough fish therein, the com- mission shall issue to the declarant a certificate under seal of the commission, which shall desig- nate such pond, lake or slough, and certify that the declarant is lawfully entitled to use the same for the hatching, propagation and fishing of rough fish therein and to erect, establish, oper- ate and maintain a private hatchery and fishery for the purpose of hatching, propagating and fishing therein of rough fish, including buffalo fish and carp. (<0 Such certificate of the commission shall be prima facie evidence in all courts and pro- ceedings of the lawful right of the declarant therein named, his or its successors or assigns for the full term of twenty-five years from the date of issuance thereof, to erect, establish, op- erate and maintain a private hatchery and fish- Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 75 ery in the pond, lake or slough therein desig- nated and shall, unless and until sooner re- voked as hereinafter provided, entitle the dec- larant therein named, his or its successors or assigns, to the exclusive right for and during said term to propagate and fish rough fish therein and to exclusive and sole ownership of and property in all rough fish caught or taken therefrom. (5) If it shall be reasonably necessary to the successful operation of such hatchery and fish- ery that screens or other structures shall be erected and maintained in any brook, creek or stream flowing into or out of such pond, lake or slough, in order to prevent the escape from any such hatchery or fishery of rough fish, author- ity is hereby granted to erect, and maintain the same in such brook, creek or stream and upon the tend owned or leased by the holder of such certificate, provided that the character and loca- tion of such screens or other structures for such purpose shall be determined by the commission in said certificate and, provided further, that if it shall at any time appear that such brook, creek or stream is used by the public for the purposes of navigation, the commission may, if Buch public use is substantial and reasonably necessitates the same, require locks or boat- ways to be erected and maintained in connec- tion with and as a condition of the right to erect and maintain such screens or structures and may fix the character of such locks or boat- ways. (6) The failure at any time for a period of two years to operate or maintain any such hatchery or fishery for which a certificate has 76 State Conservation Commission. been issued hereunder for propagating or fish- ing rough fish therein shall work a forfeiture of such certificate and of all right thereunder. Such certificate and all rights thereunder shall be assignable and shall pass with the title or leasehold stated in the declaration upon which the same was issued and, if issued upon a lease- hold merely, shall terminate with such lease- hold. (7) Nothing in this section contained shall be construed to affect any public right of fish- ing or navigation, except as herein expressly provided. 29.56 Forest County Game Refuge. Town- ship 38 north, of range 12 and 13 east, Forest county, shall be known as the Forest County Game Refuge. No person shall at any time or in any manner, hunt any game within said Refuge. 29.57 Wild Life Refuges. (1) Establish- ment. The owner or owners of any tract, or contiguous tracts, of land comprising in the aggregate not less than one hundred and sixty acres located outside the limits of any city or village, may apply to the state conservation commission for the establishment of said lands as a wild life refuge. The commission may thereupon employ such means as it may deem wise to inform itself regarding the premises; and if, upon inspection, investigation, hearing, or otherwise, it shall appear to the satis- faction of the commission that the establish- ment of said lands as a wild life region will promote the conservation of one or more useful species or varieties native within this state, it Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 77 may by order designate and establish the said lands as a wild life refuge. (2) Enclosure. Within thirty days after the date of such order the owner or owners of the said lands shall enclose the same, wherever the same are not already enclosed by a fence, with a single substantial wire, and shall post and maintain along the said wire or fence, at each interval of twenty rods, signs or notices, fur- nished by the state conservation commission, proclaiming the establishment of said refuge. (3) Publication. No such order shall be ef- fective until at least thirty days after the date of its issue; nor unless the commission shall have caused notice thereof to be given by its publication, once in each week for three suc- cessive weeks next preceding the date of its effect, in at least one newspaper published in the county embracing the said lands. There- upon the said lands shall be a wild life refuge, and shall so remain for a period of not less than five years, from and after the date of effect stated in said order. (4) Absolute protection. No owner of lands embraced within any such wild life refuge, and no other person whatever, shall hunt or trap within the boundaries of any wild life refuge, state park, or state fish hatchery lands; nor have in his possession or under his control therein any gun or rifle, unless the same is un- loaded and knocked down or enclosed within its carrying case ; but nothing herein shall prohibit, prevent, or interfere with the state conserva- tion commission, or its deputies, agents or em- ployes, in the destruction of injurious animals. 78 State Conservation Commission. (5) Animals procured by commission. The state conservation commission may place within any such wild life refuge, for the purpose of propagation, wild animals of any species or va- riety. 29.575 Muskrat farming. (1) Muskrat farm- ers' licenses which shall authorize the licensee to engage in the business of breeding and sell- ing muskrats shall be issued subject to the provisions of section 29.09 by the state conserva- tion commission to any person duly applying therefor. (2) In addition to the fact required by sec- tion 29.09 each such licensee, and the applica- tion therefor, shall state the description of the premises to be covered by the license, the number of acres comprised in said description, and that the applicant or licensee is the owner or lessee thereof. The minimum fee for each such license shall be five dollars per year, and an additional charge of one cent per acre shall be paid for all premises covered by the license in excess of five hundred acres. (3) Any such licensee and his employees may take, trap, kill, possess, transport or sell any muskrats found upon the premises covered by such license at any time during the open season therefor, and such muskrats may be taken on such premises by said licensee and his em- ployees in any manner whatsoever except by shooting and spearing, provided however, that all such employees shall be required to take out the ordinary trapper's license. (4) On or about the first day of June each year each such licensee shall make a report to Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 79 the state conservation commission covering the period from the first day of May to the 30th day of April next preceding, upon blanks fur- nished by the commission, stating the number of his license, the total number and value of muskrats killed, transported or sold during said period under the provisions of this section, the names of the persons to whom the same were transported or sold, and such other information as may be required on the blanks furnished. Each such report shall be verified by the affi- davit of the licensee. DESTRUCTION OF INJURIOUS ANIMALS 29.58 Muskrats Injuring Dams. The owner or lessee of any dam may in any manner cap- ture or kill muskrats at any time when said muskrats are injuring or destroying such dams or the levees connected therewith ; but shall not sell, barter, or give to any other person the skin of any muskrat captured or killed during close season therefor. • 29.59 Beaver Causing Damage. (1) Com- plaint. Upon complaint in writing, by the own- er or lessee of any lands, to the state conserva- tion commission, that beaver are causing dam- age thereto the commission shall employ such means as it may deem wise to inquire into the matter; and if, upon inspection, investigation, hearing, or otherwise, it shall appear to the satisfaction of the commission that the facts stated in such complaint are true, it may, by written permit, authorize the said owner or lessee to capture and remove such beaver, as hereinafter prescribed. 80 State Conservation Commission. (2) Supervision. No beaver shall be captured or killed under such permit except only during such period of time, from and after the first day of January in each year, as may be limited by the commission, and then only under the direct supervision of a deputy conservation warden. (3) Disposition of animals. The owner or lessee shall capture, alive and without avoidable injury, such number of beaver as may be des- ignated by the commission, for delivery to zoo- logical parks or collections or for transplanta- tion to other localities within the state; all oth- ers shall be killed and skinned with care to conserve the value of the skins, which shall be shipped without delay to Madison, consigned to the state conservation commission. (4) Sale and disposition of proceeds. All such skins shall be sold by the commission, in the manner of a sale of confiscated game, and the proceeds paid into the conservation fund. (5) (a) Licenses for the taking, catching or killing of beaver and otter in the counties of Ashland, Bayfield, Clark, Chippewa, Douglas, Iron, Oneida, Rusk, Sawyer, Taylor, Price and Washburn during the open season therefor, as provided in paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section 29.18, may be issued by the conserva- tion commission only to residents of this state who have resided herein for a period of not less than one year, upon application therefor, and no person shall take, catch or kill beaver or otter in said counties without procuring such a license. Application for such license shall be made on a blank form to be furnished and prescribed by said commission. Said li- cense shall be in force during the months of Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 81 February and March in the year for which the same was issued and the fee therefor shall be five dollars for each such license. No person shall take or kill beaver or otter at any time by shooting. (Penalty $50.00-$100.00.) (b) Under such license no trap shall be set before the first day of February and all traps shall be taken up by not later Chan nine o'clock P. M. on March thirty-first. No skin of any beaver or otter taken, caught or killed under said license shall be delivered, transported or shipped or had in possession unless it has at- tached thereto a distinctive tag to be prescribed and furnished by the commission. The fee for each such tag shall be fifty cents. Unused tags shall be returned to the commission at the time of making the report provided for in para- graph (c) of this subsection, and for each such tag so returned the commission shall refund fifty cents. Such tags shall be attached to some part of the head skin of the beaver or otter immediately after the skin has been re- moved from the carcass, and shall remain at- tached thereto until the skin is made into a fur garment. All packages of beaver skins de- livered, transported or shipped shall be plainly marked on the outside of the package showing the name and address of the licensee, the num- ber of his license and the number of the beaver or otter skins in the package. (c) Every licensee shall, not later than the first day of April following the date of the is- suance of his license, return the same to the commission for cancellation together with a re- port on a blank to be furnished by the commis- S2 State Conservation Commission. sion stating the number of beavers or otter taken, caught or killed, the name of the county in which the same were taken, caught or killed, the disposition, if any, of the hides and the amount received therefor, the number of hides on hand and the reasonable value thereof. Such report shall also include a statement by the licensee that he is returning with said report all unused tags to the commission for refund. Each such report shall be subscribed and sworn to before a notary public, justice of the peace, county clerk or any other person authorized to administer oaths. (Penalty $50.00-$100.00.) 29.595 Deer Causing Damage. Upon com- plaint in writing by the owner or lessee of any lands, to the state conservation commission, that deer are causing damage therein the com- mission shall inquire into the matter; and if upon inspection, investigation, hearing, or oth- erwise, it shall appear to the satisfaction of the commission that the facts stated in each such complaint are true, it may capture or destroy such deer, and dispose of the same as provided in subsection (3) and (4) of section 29.59. BOUNTY LAW 29.60 (1) Any person who shall kill any wolf cub between the first day of March and the first day of November next following shall be entitled to a reward of four dollars, or any mature wolf at any time ten dollars, or any fox at any time two dollars, to be paid by the county wherein said wolf or fox was killed. By a majority vote at any annual meeting, the Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 83 county board of any county may increase any said rewards in said county, but no county shall pay more than six dollars for the killing of any wolf cub as above described. A reward for the killing of any wolf or fox shall be paid out of the state treasury equal to that paid by the county. C2) Any person claiming such reward shall exhibit the carcass of the animal killed, not earlier than eight o'clock A. M., nor later than five o'clock P. M., of any day within six days after the killing thereof to the chairman of the town wherein it was killed, and shall sign and deliver to him in the presence of at least one subscribing witness, a statement in substan- tially the following form: State of Wisconsin, County of Town of , ss. I, the undersigned, hereby declare and state that I did personally on the. . , day of r 19 , in said town kill or cause to be killed the animal here exhibited to the chairman of said town and that it is the car- cass of a. , that I did not raise or rear or cause to be raised or reared for me and did not in any way harbor the said animal, and I make this statement for the purpose of pro- curing a reward therefor from the county and state, and a certificate from said chairman for a Signed and delivered this day of , 19. .. , Claimant. In presence of: 84 State Conservation Commission. Thereupon said chairman shall punch three holes through the base of the right ear of said hide not less than one-eighth inch in diameter, and may issue a certificate to said claimant in duplicate, in the following form: State of Wisconsin, County of Town of , ss. I, chairman of said town in said county, do certify that has this day of , 19.., at ....o'clock ..M., ex- hibited to me, the carcass of a which he claims to have killed in said town on the day of .., 19.., and that I punched three holes through the base of the right ear of said hide not less than one-eighth inch in diameter and that he delivered to me the state- ment in writing required by law of him to be made. Given under my hand and witnessed this day of , 19.... In the presence of: Chairman of the Town. Such statement and a duplicate copy of such certificate shall be filed and recorded in the office of the town clerk of said town within ten days after, the same is issued. (3) Thereupon such claimant shall take and subscribe before the chairman of the town, who is hereby authorized to administer the same, the following oath: Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 85 State of Wisconsin, County of. Town of , ss. I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that the hide produced by me is the hide of a taken and killed by me in the town of in said county on the day of. 19. . . ; that I made and delivered to the chairman of said town the statement re- quired by law, and exhibited to him the carcass of such ; that the certificate of said chairman herewith produced by me was signed in my presence and in the presence of and that I have not spared the life of any wolf or fox within my power to kill, and that each and every declaration and statement made by me in the statement delivered to the chairman of said town is true. , Claimant. Subscribed and sworn to before me this, day of , 19 Chairman of the Town of Within twenty days after subscribing such affidavit, the claimant shall deliver or forward, charges prepaid, to the county clerk the entire hide of such animal with three holes punched through the base of the right ear of said hide not less than one-eighth inch in diameter, to- gether with the certificate of the town chairman and the affidavit of the claimant, provided for in this section. Upon receipt thereof, the county clerk shall forthwith call into his office the reg- ister of deeds. (4) Such clerk or register of deeds shall 86 State Conservation Commission. punch three holes in the base of the left ear not less than one-eighth inch in diameter, and the clerk shall issue an order on the county treasurer in favor of the claimant for the amount due from the county, giving his full name and post-office address and shall enter in a book the name of the claimant, date of oath and amount paid by said county to such claim- ant. The amount specified in such order shall be paid to the claimant by the treasurer, or shall be mailed to him as directed in such order. Within ten days the clerk shall transmit to the secretary of state such oath of the claim- ant together with a certificate on blanks fur- nished by the secretary of state in the follow- ing form: State of Wisconsin, | County of ) ss * I, , . , county clerk of said county, do certify that who subscribed the fore- going affidavit, presented or forwarded to me and the register of deeds at said time the entire hide of a with three distinct holes punched in the base of the right ear not less than one-eighth inch in diameter; that we punched three distinct holes in the base of the left ear not less than one-eighth inch in diameter before the signing of this certificate ; ■ that the certificate of the chairman of the town of is on file in the office of the county clerk; that said county of paid the said , claimant, who subscribed to the said oath the sum of dollars for the killing of said mentioned in said oath. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 87 hand and affixed my official seal at , this day of , 19.... , County Clerk. On receipt of such oath and certificate by the secretary of state, he shall audit such claim and issue his warrant for its payment. Note — The payment of bounties under the fore- going is made by fhe Department of Secretary of State, Madison, Wis. All letters regarding such bounties must be sent to that department instead of to the Conservation Commission. (5) For the destruction of wolves, wildcats or lynxes it is lawful to put out baits containing poison between the first day of December and the first day of March, but the same shall not be placed within eighty rods of a dwelling house, and the persons putting out such baits shall, before doing so, post in three public places in the town notice of putting out such baits, describing the land and location where such baits are placed and the date when put out, and within three days after the first day of March shall take up and effectively destroy the same. For the failure or neglect to so post such notices or to so take up and destroy said baits the person so putting out the same shall be liable for all damages resulting therefrom and shall be punished as provided in the last section of this chapter. The same reward shall be paid for any wolf so destroyed by poi- son as is herein provided for otherwise killing wolves. 29,62 Removal of Injurious Rough Fish. (1) The state conservation commission is author- ized to take rough fish by means of seines only, or cause the same to be so taken, from any of State Conservation Commission. the inland waters of this state other than those specified in subsection (2), whenever it shall find that such fish are detrimental to, retard the propagation of, or destroy game fish there- in, except that fyke nets may be used in Rock and Jefferson counties. (2) The authority granted to the commis- sion by subsection (1) does not extend to Lake Koshkonong; any stream or river flowing into Green Bay or Lake Michigan except that part of the Fox river and its tributaries above the city of Appleton; the Mississippi river, Lake Pepin, Lake St. Groix, and the lakes, bays, bayous and sloughs tributary thereto and con- nected therewith; and any stream or river flowing into the Mississippi river, within a dis- tance of forty miles above the mouth Of such stream or river. (3) All fish taken under the authority of this section including rough fish and fish from which the spawn is removed shall be disposed of by the commission to municipalities conducting public markets. Any surplus remaining after said municipalities are supplied may be dis- posed of by the commission to the best interests of the state; and temporary fish ponds may be created in the waters of this state for the pur- pose of keeping such fish Until the same can be advantageously disposed of. (4) (a) The state conservation commission shall cause rough fish to be taken from the wa- ters of Lakes Winnebago, Winneconne, Poygan, Butte des Morts, Little Butte des Morts, Puck- away and the Wolf and Fox rivers at any time of the year. (b) The term "rough fish" as used in para- Statutes Relating -bo Wild Animals. 89 graph (a) hereof, shall mean and include buf- falo fish, carp, ellpout, dogfish, sheepshead, bill- fish, red horse, suckers, lawyers and lizards. (c) Whenever the state conservation com- mission takes rough fish under the provisions of this subsection it shall dispose of the same at cost to towns, villages and cities maintaining public markets, whenever possible and the bal- ance of said rough fish shall be disposed of as the commission sees fit. PENALTIES 29.63 General Penalty Provisions, (1) Pen- alties. Any person who, for himself, or by his agent, servant, or employe, or who, as agent, servant, or employe for another, violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall be punished, respectively, as follows: (a) For the unlawful use of any gill net in taking, catching or killing fish of any variety in any waters, or for the use of any net in tak- ing, catching or killing trout of any variety in inland waters, by a fine of not less than two hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than nine months nor more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (b) For hunting, trapping, fishing, or clam- ming without a license duly issued, whenever a license therefor is required by the provisions of this chapter, or for hunting, under a receipt or other evidence of having filed an application, in anticipation of the issuance and delivery of such license, or for the violation of any pro- vision relating to deer, by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, 90 State Conservation Commission. , or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (c) For the violation of any provision re- lating to game birds, by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, and in addition thereto five dollars for each bird affected by such violation, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (d) For any violation for which no other penalty is prescribed, by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (2) "Person" defined. The word "person" as used in this section includes natural persons, firms, associations, and corporations. (3) Revocation of license. Upon conviction of any person for any violation under any li- cense issued to such person, such license shall be immediately revoked and canceled, and no license shall be issued to such person for a period of one year thereafter. (4) Construction of penalty provisions. No penalty prescribed in any section of this chap- ter shall be held to be diminished because the violation for which it is prescribed falls also within the scope of a more general prohibition. (5) Presumptions. In any prosecution under this section it shall not be necessary for the state to allege or prove that the animals were not domesticated or were not taken for scien- tific purposes, or were taken or in possession Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 91 or under control without a license or permit therefor; but the person claiming that such animals were domesticated, or were taken for scientific purposes, or were taken or in pos- session or under control under a license or permit duly issued, shall have the burden of proving such fact or facts. (6) Reward to informers. Any person other than the regular employes of the state con- servation commission, informing of the viola- tion of any provision of this chapter and as- sisting in the prosecution of the offender to conviction shall receive one-third of any fine imposed and collected thereupon. Setting spring guns. Section 4394. Any per- son who shall set or fix in any manner what- ever any gun, pistol or other firearm, or any spring gun for the purpose of killing game of any kind by coming in contact therewith or with any string, wire or other contrivance at- tached thereto, by which the same may be dis- charged, or for any other purpose, shall be pun- ished by imprisonment in the state prison not less than six months nor more than three years; and if the death of any person is caused thereby he shall be deemed guilty of man- slaughter in the second degree. False Impersonation as Deputy Conservation Warden, Section 4562a. Any person who shall falsely represent himself to be a deputy con- servation warden, or who shall assume to act as such without having been first duly appoint- ed as such, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not more than six months, or by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars. 92 State Conservation Commission. Alteration of Hunting License. Section 4562&. Any person who shall change or alter, in any manner, a license or deer tag for the pursuit, hunting or killing of game shall be punished by a fine of not less than two hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprison- ment in the county jail not less than six months nor exceeding one yea)r. False Statement of Residence in Application for Hunting License. Section 4562c. Any per- son who shall make to any county clerk author- ized to issue licenses for the pursuit, hunting or killing of game a false statement concerning his residence, and thereby obtain such a license therefor as only residents of this state are en- titled to, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than four months nor more than one year, or in the state prison not exceed- ing one year. Section 4562$. Any person who shall break, remove or interfere with any seal or tag at- tached to any animal, carcass, article or other thing by the state conservation commission, or who shall meddle or interfere with any animal, carcass, article or other thing with such seal or tag attached, or who shall counterfeit any such seal or tag, attached or unattached, shall be punished by a fine of not less than two hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than nine months nor more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonmnent. Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 93 Taking Carrier Pigeon. Section 4565&. Any person who shall take, cateh, kill, impede in its progress or otherwise interfere with any carrier or homing pigeon shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or "by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than three months. Hunting on Lands of Another. Section 4565(2. Any person who shall enter into any growing or standing grain not his own, with firearms or permit his dog to enter into any such grain, without the permission of the owner or occu- pant of the land on which such grain is situate or any person who shall, without permission of the owner, hunt or shoot on the premises of another inclosed by a Tence and used as a pas- ture for stock, or shall hunt or shoot upon any other land of another after being notified not to hunt or shoot thereon, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars and in default of payment thereof, shall be imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten days nor more than thirty days; pro- vided, that this section shall not limit or in any way affect civil liability on account of such trespass. Any owner or occupant of land may give the notice provided for in this section by maintaining signboards, at least one foot square, containing such notice upon at least every forty acres of the premises sought to be protected, in at least two conspicuous piaces, or by giving personal, written or verbal notice. Taking Frogs on Lands of Another. Section 45Q5dm. It shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch, kill or have in his possession 94 State Conservation Commission. any frogs or parts of frogs taken from lands owned by another without the consent of the owner of said lands, and any person violating the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than fifteen days nor more than sixty days. Removal of Live Fish or Fish Eggs. Section 4567&. Any person who shall come into this state and remove fish eggs or fish of any va- riety therefrom while the fish are alive, without having a permit from the state conservation commission to do so, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars or be imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten days nor more than thirty days. Criminal Trespass on Hatcheries. Section 4567&. Any person who shall enter upon the grounds of any state fish hatchery for the pur- pose of unlawfully killing or taking any fish therefrom shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than two hundred dollars or by imprisonment not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days. Killing Fish in State Hatchery. Section 4567e. Any person who shall unlawfully and without proper authority kill, take or catch any fish from any waters or grounds belonging to or connected with any state -fish hatchery shall be punished as provided in section 4415. Injuring Property of Hatchery. Section 4567 /. Any person who shall injure any fish, or in any manner interfere harmfully with the ponds, Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 95 streams, troughs or other property of the state fish hatchery, without lawful authority so to do, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars; but this section shall in no wise change or affect any liability for arson or other burnings, nor burglary or other breakings, nor larceny of any property. Summary Arrest. Section 4567#. The person in charge of any fish hatchery is hereby em- powered and required summarily and without process to arrest any person, who has violated the provisions of either of the three preceding sections, found upon the grounds of any state fish hatchery, and to deliver such person forth- with to some proper officer for prosecution. 96 State Conservation Commission. SPECIAL ORDERS ISSUED BY THE STATE CONSERVATION COMMISSION Under Section 29.21 of the Statutes. Order No, 2 It is hereby ordered that the following regula- tions and restrictions shall pertain to the taking and catching of fish, as allowed by law from the waters of Lake Wisconsin. Said Lake Wis- consin shall be known as all the waters, in- cluding the sloughs, bays, bayous and back- waters of the Wisconsin river above the dam near Prairie du Sac up to that point where the north boundary line of the town of De Korra, Columbia county, intersects said river. Pickerel, Legal size 18 inches; daily bag limit, 10 fish. Northern Pike: Legal size, 18 inches; daily bag limit, 10 fish. Pike, Pike-Perch, Wall-Eyed Pike: Legal size 16 inches; daily bag limit, 10 fish. Large Mouth Black Bass, Small Mouth Black Bass, Oswego Bass, Green Bass, Pink Eye Bass: Legal size, 12 inches; daily bag limit, 10 fish. Crappie, Blue Gill, Sun Fish: No size limit. Daily mixed bag limit of 50 fish. None of the above specified fish shall be sold or bartered. Get lines under section 29.37 shall be prohib- ited. The above described waters are now Statutes Relating to Wild Animals. 97 officially known as "Lake Wisconsin" and not as the Wisconsin river.. This order shall be in full force and effect on and after May 21, 1918. Any violation of this order shall be punished by a fine as prescribed for violations of Chapter 29 of the Statutes as provided by subsection (4) of Section 29.21. Order No. 3 It is hereby ordered that the folVwir.p regu- lations and restrictions shall p'.'tai'j to the taking and catching of fish iD .he waters of Balsam lake in Polk county, ?i ,co jin. That part of said lake kr.own as "The Rat- skin's Bay" in Section 2-3, lowrship 34, Range 17 and that part of said lake known as "The Stumps" in Section 35, 36, Township 35, Range 17 shall be known as reserve waters and no fish of any kind shall be taken from such wa- ters at any time or in any manner. This order shall be in full force and effect on and after June 2, 1918. Any violation of this order shall be punished by a fine as prescribed for violations of Chapter 668, Laws of 1917, and as provided by sub-sec- tion (2) of section 29.21. Order No. 4 It is hereby ordered that the following regu- lations shall pertain to the waters of the Bara- boo river in Sauk county. There shall be an absolute closed season for the taking of clams from March 1 to June 30, both dates inclusive. 98 State Conservation Commission. That during the open season i. e. from July 1 to February 28, both dates inclusive, it shall be unlawful to take clams by the use of any crow- fodt bar, dredge, rake, or any other tool of equipment except that clamming may be done by hand only. Boats may be used in taking clams by hand. This order shall be in full force and effect on and after June 10, 1918. Any violation of this order shall be punished by a fine as prescribed for violations of chapter 29 of the Statutes as provided by subsection (4) of section 29.21. Order No. 5 It is hereby ordered, pursuant to section 29.21 of the Statutes, that the Little Niagara or Minnow creek, be and is hereby declared a closed locality for the taking, catching or kill- ing of trout of any variety, from the first day of January to the 31st day of December, of each and every year. INDEX [References are to pages] Age, hunting- privilege limited, 11 Animals, see Game; Game fish; Wild animals; and specific names: Arrests, 4 Bag limits, bird and mammals, 21 birds, mixed bag - , 20 hook and line fishing-, 26 mammals and birds, 21 Bait, poison, 87 Bass, close season and bag limit, 26 Beaver, close season, 22 injuring lands, 77 skins, possession, 78-79 traps near house or dam, 36 Birds, see also Game; Game birds; Song birds: close seasons and bag limits, 21 title in state, 2 Black bass, close season and bag limit, 26 Blinds, declared nuisances, 3 on open "water, 36 Boarding houses, serving game, 8, 9, 67 Boats, declared nuisances, 3 on open water, 3, 37 Bounty law, 82 Bobwhite, close seasons, 24 Boys, below fifteen, barred from hunting, 11 Boys' trapping permit, 15 Brant, close seasons and bag limits, 23 Buildings, access by wardens, 5, 6 ice fishing, 39 Bullheads, bag limit, 27 Camps, dogs in, 35 serving game, 67 Canoe, on open water, 36 Carcass, definition, 1 Carp minnows, transportation, 67 . Index [References are to pages] Carriers, see Transportation Carrier pigeons, taking, 91 Chemicals, deposit in waters, 41 Chinese pheasant, close season, 24 Cisco, net fishing- in inland waters, 54 oatmeal may be used through ice, 41 spearing, 55 Catfish, close seasons and bag limits, 1, 27 Clams, close seasons, 59, 60 closed in Rock county, 62 interstate license privilege, 59 license required, 57 regulation of taking, 57 Close seasons, birds, 22 clams, 60 crawfish, 30 frogs, 30 hook and line fishing, 26 mammals and birds, 22 net fishing, outlying waters, 46 possession of game during, 42 transportation of game in, 64, 65, 66 Clubs, serving game, 8, 9, 69 Confiscation, game, 6 property, 7 sales, 8 Constables, assistance by, 9 Commission, powers of, 30, 70 Coots, classed as ducks, 23 close season and bag limits, 23 County clerk, licenses issued by, 13 set line licenses, 57 Crawfish, close seasons, 30 Dams, abandoned, 3 fishing near, 37 muskrats injuring, 79 repairing on public lands, 4 Damages, by beaver, 79 deer, 82 exemption of wardens from liability, 7 muskrats, 79 rough fish, removal, 87 Index 101 [References are to pages] Decoys, declared nuisance, 3 use in hunting- game birds, 36 Deer, close season and bag- limit, 21 dogs in hunting, 35 heads, possession of, 62 home consumption, 62 injuring lands, 82 lights in hunting, 34 methods of hunting, 35 shining prohibited, 34 skins, possession of, 63 tag must be attached, 62 transportation, 64, 66 Deer tag, transfer prohibited, 11 Definition, "carcass," 1 "game," 1 "game fish," 1 "hunting," 2 "inland waters," 2 "outlying waters," 1, 2 "persons," 76 "rough fish," 1 "wild animals," 1 Deleterious substances, deposit in waters, 41 Dip nets, inland waters, 44 license not required, 42 outlying waters, 46 Dogs, declared nuisance, 3 use in hunting, 35, 37 Dogfish minnows, transportation, 69 Ducks, close season and bag limit, 23 rifle, use prohibited, 34, 36 Dynamite, fishing with, 41 Eggs, game birds, 63 Elk, close season, 21 English pheasant, close season, 23 Explosives, fishing with, 41 Express companies, see Transportation 102 Index [References are to pages] False impersonation, wardens, 91 Ferrets, declared nuisance, 3 possession, 34 rabbit hunting-, 36 use prohibited, 33 Fish, see Game fish; Rough fish Fish dealers' license, 16 Fisher, close season, 22 Fish hatcheries, 71, 73 Fishing, cisco, spearing-, 57 dip nets in inland waters, 44 hook and line methods, 38 ice fishing, 39 licenses, general provisions, 11 licenses, hook and line, 17 methods lawful, 38 minnow nets, 45 net fishing, Mississippi waters, 52 net fishing, outlying waters, 46 net fishing, whitefish and cisco, 56 net licenses, general provisions, 42 nets, measurements, 44 nets, restrictions, 43 offal, deposit in waters, 42 outlying waters, net fishing, 46 persons must carry license, 11 places, prohibited, 38 set lines, inland waters, 57 set lines, outlying waters, 46 snag lines, 39 spears, use of, 38 spearing pickerel in Mississippi waters, 40 whitefish and cisco nets, 56 Fish lines, unattended, declared nuisance, 3 Fishways, fishing near, 38 Free lunch, serving game, 64 Frogs, close season, 30 Fox, bounty, 82 Fur-bearing animals, methods of hunting, 33, 35 skins, possession, 63 trapping licenses, 15 Index 103 [References are to pages] Game, see also specific animals boarding- houses, serving-, 69 close seasons and bag limits, 21 clubs, serving, 69, 70 confiscation, 6 confiscation and sale, 8 confiscated, use of, 8 definition, 1 • - ' free lunch, served at, 70 hotels, serving, 69 interstate transportation, 65 . licenses, (see Licenses) logging camps, serving, 69 methods of hunzting, 33 mining camps, serving, 69 possession in close season, 62 possession without license, 63 restaurants, serving, 69 shipments, labeling, 64' sales, general restrictions, 69 saloons, serving-, 69, 70 seizures, 6 title in state, 2 transportation in close season, 64 transportation employes not to carry, 64 transportation, interstate, 64 transportation, labeling shipments, 64 trunks and valises, 64 Game Mrds, see also Game methods of hunting, 33, 35 nests and eggs, 63 transportation, 64 Game fish, boarding houses serving, 69 close season and bag limits, 26 clubs, serving, 69 confiscation, 6, 8, 9 definition, 1 foreign shipments, 68 free lunch, served at, 70 hook and line fishing, methods, 38 hotels, serving, 69 interstate transportation, 65 104 Index [References are to pages] length, lawful, 26 logging camps, serving, 69 measurement, 25 mining camps, serving, 69 possession in close season, 62 restaurant, serving, 69 sales, general restrictions, 69 saloons, serving, 69 seizure, 6, 8, 9 shipments, labeling, 64 title in state, 2 transportation in close season, 64 transportation employes not to carry, 64 transportation, labeling shipments, 64 transportation from hatcheries, 72 transportation, interstate, 65 transportation, net fishing in outlying wa- ters, 67, 68 transportation from inland waters, 67 trunks and valises, 64 Game refuges, Forest county, 76 muskrat farms, 78 wild life refuges, 76 Geese, close season and bag limits, 23 rifle may be used, 36 Grouse, season, 23 Guides, licenses, 34 licenses, general provisions, 11 wardens, acting as, 34 Guinea-pigs, declared nuisance, 4 use in hunting, 33 Harmless birds, close season, 24 Hotel, confiscated game, 9 serving game, 69 Hungarian partridge, close season, 24 Hunting, age limit, 11 citizenship required, 11 declared nuisances, 3 definition, 1 licenses, general provisions, 11 licenses, non-resident hunting, 14 Index 105 [References are to pages] licenses, resident hunting-, 3 licenses, settlers, hunting-, 14 methods, prohibited, 33 non-citizens barred, 11 persons must carry licenses, 11 Indians, hunting, 11 Ice fishing, buildings on ice, 3, 39 cisco, oatmeal may be used, 41 offal, leaving on ice, 42 shelters, 40 spearing cisco, 57 spears in Mississippi waters, 40 waters designated, 40 Inland waters, see also Fishing dams, abandoned, 3 declared nuisances, 3 definition, 1 deleterious substances, 41 offal, deposit of, 42 Interstate comity, clamming license privileges, 61 license privileges, 18 wardens, 9 Investigations, by wardens, 4 Lakes, deer hunting on, 35 fish hatcheries, private, 71 Landing nets, 42 Liability, exemption of wardens, 7 Licenses, see also Fishing application, 11 carrying on person, 11 clamming, 59 clamming, interstate privileges, 61 duplicates, 12 form, 12 fish dealers, 16 game, possession without license, C3 general provisions, 11 guides, 34 hunting, alteration, 92 106 [References are to pages] hunting-, false statement, 92 hunting - , non-resident, 14 hunting, resident, 13 hunting, settlers, 14 interstate license privileges, 18 muskrat farming, 7S net fishing, general restrictions, 42 net fishing, Mississippi waters, 45 net fishing, outlying waters, 46 net fishing, whitefish and cisco, 56 nonresident hunting, 14 persons hunting, fishing or trapping, must carry, 11 possession of game without license, 63 record of, 13 resident hunting licenses, 13 revocation of, 90 set lines, inland waters, 57 set lines, outlying waters, 46 settlers hunting licenses, 14 transfer prohibited, 11 trapping, 15 Lights, declared nuisances, 3 deer hunting, 35 use in hunting prohibited, 33 Locks, fishing near, 37 Logging- camps, dogs in, 35 serving game, 69 Mammals, close season and bag limits, 21 Marten, close season, 22 Medicated bait, fishing with, 41 Mining camps, dogs in, 35 game serving, 69 Mink, season, 22 methods of hunting, 35 skin, possession, 63 Minnow nets, license not required, 42 outlying waters, 49 regulations, 45 Minnows, carp and dogfish, transportation, G9 Mississippi waters, net fishing regulated, 52 spearing pickerel through ice, 40 107 [References are to pages] Mongolian pheasants, close season, 24 Moose, close season, 21 Mudhens, classed as ducks, 23 close season and bag- limit, 23 Muskellunge, close season and bag limit, 27 Muskrat, close season, 22 farming- license, 78 injuring dams, 79 methods of taking, 35, 36 skin, possession of, 63 traps near houses, 35, 36 Mussels, see Clams Wests, game birds, 63 IV et licenses, see Fishing Nets, declared nuisance, 3 dip nets, inland "waters, 44 fishing, license required, 42 inland waters, whitefish and cisco, 56 landing nets, 42 measurements, 44 minnow nets, 45 Mississippi waters, 52 outlying waters, 46 restrictions on use, 42 use in hunting prohibited, 33 Non-residents, citizens only can hunt, 11 fishing license, hook and line, 17 hunting licenses, 14 Nuisances, declared, 3 Oatmeal, fishing cisco through ice, 41 Offal, deposit in waters, 42 Open water, definition, 36 hunting, 36 Orders toy commission, 96 Otter, season, 22 skins, possession, 80 Outlying waters, declared nuisances, 3 definition, 2 deleterious substances, 41 minnow nets, 45 net fishing, general provisions, 42 net fishing, regulated, 46 108 Index [References are to pages] net fishing-, time for drawing- nets, 43 transportation of game fish, 64, 66 Packages, labeling, false, 6 labeling shipments, 64 opening, by wardens, 6 Partridge, season, 24 Penalties, arrests, 4 carrier pigeon, taking, 93 confiscation, 2, 6 declared nuisance, destruction, 3 dynamite, 41 false impersonation, 91 general provisions, 89 hunting on lands of another, 93 license, alteration, 92 license, false statement, 92 net fishing, outlying waters, 46 seals of commission, breaking, 92 seizures, 2, 6 serving game, 69 snag lines, 38 spring guns, 91 stupefactives, 41 trespass on private hatcheries, 72 Perch, close season and bag limits, 27 Persons, definition, 90 license must be carried on person, 11 Pickerel, close season and bag limits, 27 foreign shipments, 68 spearing through ice, 40 Pike, close season and bag limits, 27 foreign shipments, 68 Pitfalls, use in hunting, 33 Pivet guns, declared nuisances, 3 use in hunting, 33 Plover, season and bag limits, 23 Police officers, assistance by, 9 Police powers, of wardens, 4 interstate comity, 9 Poison bait, 87 Ponds, deer hunting on, 35 private fish hatcheries, 71, 73 Index 109' [References are to pages] Possession, carriers' employes not to carry game, 64 deer, regulation, 62 ferrets, 33 frogs, 30 game fish during close season, 62 game, without license, 63 game fish during close season. 62 heads and skins, 63 skins of deer, 63 skins of fur-bearing animals, 63 title is in state, 2 Power of commission, 30, 70 Pvairie chicken, season, 23 Prosecutions, definition of "persons," 90 penalty provisions, 89 rewards to informers, 91 Quail, close season, 24 Babbits, season and bag limits, 23 methods of hunting, 36 Raccoon, season and bag limits, 22 • den or" tree, 36 skin, possession, 63 Raft, hunting on open water, 37 Railroad companies, see Transportation Rails, season and bag limits, 23 Rats, declared nuisance, 4 use in hunting, 33 Refug-es, game, 76 game, Forest county, 76 muskrat farming, 78 Refuse, deposit in waters, 41, 42 Reports, clamming licenses, 61 ■ net fishing, Mississippi waters, 56 net fishing, outlying waters, 52 trapping licenses, 15 Restaurants, confiscated game, use, 8, 9 serving game, 69, 70 Rewards to informers, 91 Rice hens, season and bag limits, 23 Rifle, use in hunting game birds, 34, 36 Roach, season, 28 Rock bass, season and bag limit, 26 110 Index [References are to pages] though fish, carp minnows, 69 definition, 1 dogfish minnows, 69 net fishing - , Mississippi waters, 52 net fishing - , re-turn to waters, 52 removal and sale by commission, 87 spears, use of, 38 title is in state, 2 transportation, Mississippi waters, 5 6 Rush lake, special provisions, 29, 30 Sales, beaver doing damage, 79 deer doing damage, 82 game, general restrictions* 69 game fish, general restrictions, 69 Saloons, serving game, 69 Salt licks, deer hunting, 35 Scaffolds, deer hunting, 35 Screens, declared nuisances, 3 Scientist's certificate, 19 Seals of commission, breaking, 92 Search warrants, 5 Seizures, game, 6 property, 7 title to wild animals, 2 Set guns, declared nuisances, 3 Set lines, declared nuisances, 3 inland waters, 57 outlying waters, 46 Settlers' 60 days' residence, 14 Shelters, ice fishing, declared nuisances, 3 ice fishing, use, 39 Sheriffs, assistance by, 9 Shipments, see also Transportation confiscation of entire shipment, 7 labeling, 64 Silver bass, season and bag limit, 26 Skins, beaver doing damage, 79 deer doing damage, 82 muskrats doing damage, 79 possession, deer, 62 possession, fur-bearing animals, 63 Index 111 [References are to pages] Skunk, season, 22 skin, possession, 63 den, 36 Sloughs, private fish hatcheries, 73 Snag lines, prohibited, 39 Snares, declared nuisances, 3 use in hunting-, 36 Snipe, season and bag- limits, 23 Smith creek, 30 Song birds, close season, 24 Special orders, 86 Spears, cisco, 57 ice fishing, Mississippi waters, 40 rough fish, 38 Spring guns, declared nuisances, 3 penalty, 91 use in hunting, 33 Spring holes, fishing in, 37 Spruce hens, season, 24 Squirrels, season and bag limits, 23 Starkey's lake, 30 Storage places, access to, 6 Streams, deer hunting on, 35 deleterious substances, 41 hatcheries, private, 71 offal, deposit in, 41 trout, fishing restrictions, 37 trout, spearing prohibited, 38 Stupefactives, fishing with, 41 Sturgeon, close season, 27 Sunfish, season, 28 Swans, close season, 23 Swivel gups, declared nuisances, 3 use in hunting, 33 Title, to wild animals, in state, 2 Transportation, close season, during, 64 deer, 66 employes of carrier not to carry game, 64 foreign shipments 68 game, general restrictions, 64 game birds, restrictions, 66 game fish, restrictions, 66 game fish in close season, 64 game fish from hatcheries, 72 112 Index [References are to pages] interstate, 65 opening- packages, 6 packages, labeling, 64 rough fish, Mississippi waters, 55, 56 trunks and valises containing game, 64 Trapping, declared nuisances, 3 licenses, general provisions, 11 licenses, 15 persons must carry license, 11 reports, 16 Traps, declared nuisances, 3 Trespass, hunting on lands of another, 93 Trout, close seasons and bag limits, 26 fishing restrictions, 37 Trout streams, restrictions, 37 spearing in, 38 Trunks, game transported in, 64 Valises, game transported in, 64 "Vehicles, carrying guns in, 33 Wardens, exemption from liability, 7 false impersonation, 91 guides as special wardens, 35 interstate comity, 9 liability, exemption from, 7 net fishing, licensee to carry warden, 43 packages, opening, 6 police officers to assist, 9 police powers, 4 storage places, access to, 6 Warehouses, access by wardens, 6 Waters, see Inland waters; Open water; Outlying waters Weasles, declared nuisances, 4 use in hunting, 33 White bass, season and bag limit, 26 Whitefish, net fishing in inland waters, 5 6 Wild animals, see also Fur-hearing animals; Game; Game fish definition, 1 title in state, 2 Wind shields, ice fishing, 40 Woodcock, close seasons, 23 Wolf bounty, 82 ASK YOUR GUIDE FOR HIS LICENSE CARD SEE THAT HE CARRIES HIS BADGE SEE THAT YOUR GUIDE IS LICENSED BY THE STATE WHICH PLACES HIM AS A PROFESSIONAL GUIDE WHO KNOWS HIS BUSINESS PREVENT i™?, RY 0F CONGRESS The Conservation best to prevent for help of every perso: ., ,. MI ,,, (f /fB/f (!IMfl! for business or plei ® 003 025 847 2 • f ective. The Danger from Forest Fires Cannot be Eliminated without the Cooperation of Every Citizen of the State. IF YOU ARE A GUIDE, the burning of forests where you take parties for pleasure, means the loss of your source of employment. IF YOU ARE A CAMPER, a single bad forest fire may destroy the attractive features of your favorite camp site. IF YOU ARE A FISHERMAN OR HUNTER, your sport may be spoiled by the burnini over of the forest you visit every year. FIRE PREVENTION MEANS Increased value of property Flourishing industries More fish and game Beautiful scenery Freer use of forest land for all. DON'T leave burning cigars, cigarettes or pipe ashes where they may set fire to inflam- mable material. DON'T leave your camp fire until you are AB- SOLUTELY SURE it is out. DON'T set fires to clear land or burn brush in dry times. PUT OUT ALL FIRES YOU SEE IF YOU CAN If the fire is too large for you to put out alone, notify the nearest Conservation Warden, AT ONCE. By putting out small fires you can prevent big ones. NO FORESTS— NO GAME