LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap,...„.. Cop^ight N(k UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. STEAM ENGINEERING SERIES VOLUME I. BOILERS AND FURNACES BY THE SAME AUTHOR PUMPING MACHINERY A PRACTICAL HAND-BOOK RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGEMENT OF STEAM AND POWER PUMPING MACHINES BY WILLIAM M. BARR Member American Society Mechanical Engineers WITH UPWARDS OF TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY ENGRAVINGS, COVERING EVERY ESSENTIAL DETAIL IN PUMP CONSTRUCTION One Volume. Octavo. 450 pages Price, §5.00 Boilers and Furnaces CONSIDERED IN THEIR RELATIONS TO STEAM ENGINEERING WILLIAM M. BARR MEMBER AMERICAN SOCIETY MECHANICAL ENGINEERS WITH , UPWARDS OF FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY ENGRAVINGS OF BOILER AND FURNACE DETAILS FROM DRAWINGS EXECUTED EXPRESSLY FOR THIS WORK ^ APR 2 21898 PHILADELPHIA THE FLORENCE COMPANY^^of^g! It L-- WO COPIES RECElVED^ 2nd COPY, 0. ^^ ^\ 4- 1898* rvioi Copyright, 1898 BY William M. Barr ^^ 37(^^0 ADyERTISEMENT This is a subscription book. Price, $3.00. Copies will be sent to any address, charges prepaid, upon receipt of price by the publishers THE FLORENCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, PA. ^i> P. O. Box 803 PREFACE. A WORD of explanation may not be out of place in regard to the bearing which this volume may have upon a former treatise of mine on " High-Pressure Steam Boilers" (1880), and which is now out of print. Many requests have come to me from time to time to revise that book and bring it up to date. But twenty years is a long interval. Boiler pressures were much lower then than now. Wrought iron was the material then employed in boiler construction, now it is rarely met with. The conditions having wholly changed, the problem of revision is im- practicable. The first book must be set aside as a thing of the past and the subject taken up anew, with special reference to the exacting con- ditions which obtain at this time in both design and performance. This book differs somewhat from the former one in being essentially one of constructive detail, in the preparation of which I have endeavored to present, by means of well-chosen illustrations, the latest and best prac- tice in steam-boiler design. Mild steel as a material for steam boilers has practically displaced wrought iron. In its physical qualities it leaves scarcely anything to be desired. Tensile tests of mild steel plates, possessing those chemical properties which have given the best physical results, are allotted a con- siderable space in this book. They are made to cover as wide a range as seems necessary for ordinary stationary boiler work, or sufficiently so for the preparation of any specifications requiring plates not less than one-fourth inch, and not more than three-fourths inch thick. Riveted joints have always been of first importance in boiler con- struction. The numerous records of tests of purely experimental joints, or those not used in boiler-making, as well as those made to the actual working dimensions usually employed when riveting together plates of the various thicknesses, given in Chapter III., are mainly upon speci- mens prepared by direction of the Bureau of Steam Engineering of the Navy Department. These experimental tests were made at the Water- town Arsenal, and extend over more than ten years. They are of the greatest practical value to persons engaged in the designing and con- struction of steam boilers for high pressures, and it is much to be re- gretted that the records of these tests are not more generally accessible. In the selection of examples for illustration and record in this volume great care has been exercised to include all, and only, such as shall be 5 6 PREFACE useful in stationary steam boiler design and construction. Probably no such similar amount of accurate and reliable data on this important detail in mechanical engineering has ever before been submitted in a single volume. The limitations imposed as to the size of the completed volume pre- vented the introduction of subject matter or illustrations relating to the early history and development of steam boilers, as well as illustrated reference to some of the more recent examples of design and construc- tion. This increase in subject matter could only have been accomplished by adding to the number of pages or by reduction in the size of the en- gravings. No doubt many of the latter could have been slightly reduced without detriment, but it was thought that a fewer number of clearly executed fundamental details would be of more value to a designer or student than a larger number wanting in proper mechanical execution or clearness of detail. After all, it will be seen that the omission is not so much in types of boilers, to which considerable space has been given, as it has been in the variations of these types. Boilers for steamships will be described in the volume on ' ' Marine Engines," to be included in this series, they requiring more or less special treatment in connection with other subjects beyond the scope of this volume ; so also the design and construction of locomotive boilers, which will receive special consideration in the volume on " Locomotive Engines," also to be included in this series. The consideration of chimneys in this volume includes only the necessary dimensions of diameter and height for boiler plants from 20 to 1000 horse-power, no space having been given to their consideration as an isolated structure, for the reason that an illustrated volume on the design and construction of "Brick and Metal Chimneys" is in prepa- ration for immediate publication.! William M. Barr. Philadelphia, March, 1898. CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE I. — Furnace Combustion 9 II. — Materials of Construction 25 III. — Riveted Joints 50 IV. — Welding and Flanging 95 V. — Details and Strength of Construction no VI. — Externally Fired Boilers 178 VII. — Boiler Furnaces and Settings 206 VIII. — Internally Fired Boilers 256 IX. — Sectional and Water-Tube Boilers 296 X. — Boiler Mountings and Safety Apparatus 343 XI. — Chimneys 390 BOILERS AND FURNACES. CHAPTER I. FURNACE COMBUSTION. Combustion in steam engineering means the controlled chemical combination of the elements carbon and hydrogen in the fuel with the oxygen of the atmosphere, by which an evolution of heat is secured and maintained in a suitably constructed furnace for the purpose of g;enerating steam. The Unit of Work in steam engineering is a gravitation unit known as the foot-pound, or the amount of work required to raise one pound one foot high against the force of gravity, and is entirely independent of the time it takes to do it. Horse-Power is a unit of work employed in steam engineering to denote the power-rating of a steam boiler and engine, or the power transmitted by a belt, shaft, etc. In computing work done it is always independent of the time taken to do it, but in computing horse-power time is an essential element. The unit of horse-power is a gravity measurement, and represents 33,000 pounds raised one foot high in one minute against the force of gravity. Chemical and Physical Changes. — If a combustible like wood is thrown upon a fire it disappears, and nothing visible remains but ashes. Changes of this kind, in which a substance disappears and something else is formed in its place, are known as chemical changes. Changes which do not affect the composition of substances are called physical changes. The freezing of water into ice or the evaporation of water into steam is a physical change, because the composition of the substance in these three states is the same. Chemical Changes due to combustion always involve the conver- sion of the substances burnt into new substances, and these final products are compounds ; the constituent elements which enter into or make the compound always combine according to certain definite proportions, either by weight or measure. In the combustion of carbon, for ex- ample, we may have either of two possible combinations : One atom of carbon uniting with one atom of oxygen produces carbonic oxide, CO ; the atomic weights would be. Carbon, 12 + Oxygen, 16 = Car- bonic Oxide, 28. By percentages instead of the atomic weights we 2 9 lO. BOILERS AND FURNACES would have in loo parts of carbonic oxide, Carbon, 42.86 + Oxygen, 57.14 = 100.00. In the case of carbonic acid gas, COg, one atom of carbon unites with two atoms of oxygen, thus : Carbon, 12 + 2 Oxygen, 16 = 44 = the atomic weight of COg. By percentages instead of atomic weights we have in 100 parts of carbonic acid gas 27.27 parts of carbon and 72.73 parts of oxygen. These proportions constitute the only two direct inorganic compounds of carbon and oxygen. Hydrogen gas burnt in oxygen combines in the proportion of ii.i parts of hydrogen with 88.9 parts of oxygen to form 100 parts of water. The ratio of the weights of equal volumes of hydrogen and oxygen is as I : 16. If, then, two volumes of hydrogen combined with one volume of oxygen, the ratio between the weights is 2 : 16, or i : 8, and these gases will combine in no other proportions to form water ; any excess of either gas will remain unchanged. Furnace Combustion requires a combustible such as carbon or hydrogen, which is supplied by the fuel, and a supporter of combustion, — oxygen, — supplied by the atmosphere ; such combustion is accompa- nied by flame and incandescence, the former a result of the combustion of the hydro-carbon gases of the fuel, the latter, glowing carbon from which the gases have been expelled. The color and intensity of incan- descence is dependent upon the temperature, red indicating the lowest and a dazzling white light the highest. Most solids emit light or become a dull red at about 750° Fahr. The temperature of coke burned under favorable conditions approximates 3600° Fahr. , and at this temperature emits an intensely brilliant white light. Hydrogen, H. At. Wt., i. — When pure, hydrogen is colorless, tasteless, and inodorous. It occurs in nature in combination with carbon in varying proportions. The compound which contains it in greatest abundance is marsh-gas, of which hydrogen forms four parts, the for- mula being CH^. Under ordinary temperatures hydrogen has no ten- dency to enter into combination with other substances. It combines with eight parts of oxygen to form water, but this combination does not take place spontaneously. Pure hydrogen burns in the atmosphere with a pale blue light scarcely perceptible in full daylight, giving off an intense heat. The heat units of one pound of hydrogen burned in oxygen were ascertained by Favre & Silbermann to be 62,032. This is not equalled by any other known substance. Carbon, C. At. Wt., 12. — This is one of the most widely diffused and abundant of the elements, being the central element in organic nature. It exists in three different forms, as diamond, graphite, and charcoal, each having its own physical properties, the chemical proper- ties being the same. Carbon is an inactive element at ordinary tempera- tures, but when raised to its kindling temperature, about red heat, it unites with oxygen and combustion ensues. FURNACE COMBUSTION II Sulphur, S. At. Wt., 32. — Nearly all coals contain sulphur in combination with iron in the form of golden-yellow crystals, commonly known as iron-pyrites. It burns with a clear blue, feebly luminous flame, being converted into sulphurous oxide, SOg. The heat devel- oped by the combustion of any sulphur present in coal is not taken into account in steam engineering. The amount of sulphur in coal ranges from 0.3 to 5 per cent. Oxygen, O. At. Wt., 16. — When free or uncombined, oxygen is known only in the gaseous state ; when pure, it is colorless, tasteless, and inodorous. It is the sustaining element in all the ordinary phenomena of combustion. Ignition is simply the incandescence of a body unattended by chem- ical change, and must not be confused with combustion : the ignition of solids is a source of light, the combustion of solids is a source of heat. Every combustible must be heated to a certain definite temperature before it will combine with oxygen. This temperature is usually called the point of ignition, or its kindling temperature. Flame is simply gas burning on its exterior surface ; its color and brightness depend not only on its degree of temperature, but upon the presence of solid incandescent particles in the flame ; purely gaseous substances do not become highly luminous when burning. The struct- ure of flame from burning wood or coal consists of three parts : first, a central core of unburned hydro-carbon gas ; second, an envelope of burning hydrogen and carbon, the oxidizing portion of the flame ; third, still another envelope consisting of aqueous vapor and other products corresponding to the combustibles contained in the issuing gas. The Air. — The oxygen needed for furnace combustion is supplied by the air, which consists essentially of two gases, nitrogen and oxygen, in the proportion of 79 volumes of nitrogen to 21 volumes of oxygen, or, by weight, 77 per cent, of nitrogen to 23 per cent, of oxygen. Air is a mechanical mixture of these two gases and not a chemical com- pound ; their union in the proportion given above is distinguished by no properties which may not be attributed individually to these gases. One of the most important properties of the atmosphere is that of weight, without which furnace combustion would be a much more com- plex operation than at present, because a different mechanical agency would be required for producing draught in the furnace. The mean pressure of the atmosphere at the mean level of the sea is equal to 14.7 pounds per square inch, or 21 16.8 pounds per square foot. Nitrogen, N. At. Wt., 14. — By volume and by weight nitrogen is the principal constituent of air ; it is a colorless, tasteless, inodorous gas ; its specific gravity is . 97 1 , air = i . The specific heat of nitrogen is o. 244 at constant pressure. It is an inert gas in the furnace, not being itself combustible, nor will it support combustion, but the presence of nitrogen is useful, inasmuch as it greatly modifies the intensity of combustion, 12 BOILERS AND FURNACES and at the same time does not alter the chemical relations of the oxygen to the combustible substances. If it were not for the presence of nitro- gen in the air, or suppose the atmosphere were wholly oxygen, com- bustion would be very hazardous, — in fact, a fatal occurrence, because the coals would burn so violently as to have a combustion wholly uncon- trollable ; nor would the combustion stop with the fuel, but the oxygen would attack the grate bars, the furnace front, the boiler, and everything else made of iron, for the latter substance burns even more violently in oxygen gas than coal. Nitrogen is useful, then, in the good offices which it performs in lessening the avidity of oxygen during combustion, making fire a moderate, useful, and easily controlled servant in the service of man ; its negative qualities make nitrogen a safe substance, and, while it plays no active part in combustion, it is the means by which the oxygen is delivered in the body of incandescent fuel, where it parts company with the oxygen and passes on through the fire, its less specific gravity aiding materially in producing the draught necessary for furnace com- bustion. Fuel is a term used in steam engineering to include combustibles of every sort that can be utilized to generate heat. The combustibles in common use consist almost wholly of carbon and hydrogen. ^A^ood. — Commercially, woods are distinguished as hard or soft, the former including the heavy, compact woods, as oak, hickory, etc. ; the latter, pine, spruce, etc. The average composition of five dry woods, including beech, oak, birch, poplar, willow, by Chevandier, was: Carbon, 50.00; hydrogen, 6.00; oxygen, 41.00; nitrogen, i.oo ; ash, 2.00=100.00. The hydrogen present in wood is not available as fuel, owing to the presence of oxygen, these two gases uniting to form water. Carbon averaging 50 per cent, is present in all woods, and is the only com- bustible available for generating heat. The American Society of Me- chanical Engineers, in their rules for boiler tests, assume one pound of wood to equal 0.4 pound of coal. Tan is the spent bark from which the tannic acid has been extracted in the process of tanning leather ; the barks commonly used are oak and hemlock. The principal drawback to tan as a fuel is its contained mois- ture, and for this reason special furnaces are made for burning it. Tan bark, as commonly used for fuel, will yield about 3600 heat units per pound, which is one-half the value of ordinary dry wood and about one- fourth the value of good bituminous coal. Bagasse is the woody fibre of sugar-cane after the saccharine juices have been expelled for sugar-making. Special furnaces have been con- trived for burning it, and with fair results ; the contained water is about 50 per cent, of the gross weight ; the remaining fibre is not unlike wood in its heat-giving power. On an average, six pounds of bagasse are equivalent to one pound of good bituminous coal. BITUMINOUS COAL 1 3 Peat is organic matter undergoing a gradual carbonization, the oxygen of the plants being liberated under special conditions of mois- ture and heat, leaving a spongy carbonaceous mass. When dried, peat consists of about 58 per cent, of carbon. Scarcely any peat is used for fuel in this country because of the abundance and superior heating power of coal. Lignite occupies a position historically between peat and bituminous coal ; it is of later origin than bituminous coal and in a less advanced state of decomposition. It varies considerably in appearance and struct- ure : the fracture is uneven, presenting a brown to a very dark brown- black color, with a dull and frequently fatty lustre ; it crumbles easily in handling and will not bear rough transportation, nor will it bear long- continued exposure to the weather without crumbhng. It is non-caking in the fire and yields but a moderate heat, below the average of bitu- minous coals. In its natural state, lignite contains from 10 to 30 per cent, of water. Brown Coal is a term sometimes used, though not correctly, as interchangeable with lignite ; it is in a more advanced stage of decom- position, — that is, it is nearer the bituminous coal series than the lig- nites. Brown coals contain less fixed carbon than the coals of the car- boniferous epoch, and usually a much larger percentage of moisture when freshly mined, both of which tell against the coal commercially. Bituminous Coal. — In physical properties bituminous coals vary so widely that a single description cannot include them all. The color averages from brown to pitch black ; the lustre is vitreous, resinous, sometimes silky ; the structure may be compact, slaty, columnar, and even fibrous ; the fracture, irrespective of structural joints and cleavage, is conchoidal, often flat and rectangular, and sometimes fibrous. It is distinctive of these coals to burn with a more or less yellow flame and smoke. In composition, bituminous coals range in volatile matter from 15 to 50 per cent., including 2 to 12 per cent, of contained moisture. The fixed carbon varies from 40 to 75 per cent. , the earthy matter from 2 to 20 per cent. Sulphur is almost always present in bituminous coals as pyrite. Bituminous coals are broadly classed as caking and non-caking coals. Caking Coal. — The characteristic circumstance that lumps of coal, either large or small, are rendered pasty by the action of the heat, and will cohere in the fire to form a spongy-looking mass which may cover the whole surface of the grate, is the property called caking ; the fixed carbon remaining after the expulsion of the gases is called coke. It is more difficult to completely and economically burn caking coals in a boiler furnace than those of non-caking variety beckuse of this tendency to run together and prevent the free flow of air through the fuel ; such masses of burning coal must be broken up with a slice-bar at frequent intervals to facilitate its combustion. 14 BOILERS AND FURNACES Non-caki7ig coals burn free in the fire, not unlike charcoal or soft coke. The action of heat does not cause the coal to fuse or run together into large masses which require afterwards to be broken up to allow free access of air through the body of the burning coal to secure quick com- bustion. Free-burning coal is the same as non-caking coal. Cannel Coal is a variety of bituminous coal very rich in hydrogen. This coal kindles readily and burns without melting, emitting a bright flame. When thrown upon an active fire the piece splits into fragments, producing a crackling noise. In appearance this coal differs from all bituminous coals : its structure is a compact mass and more nearly homo- geneous than others ; it varies from brown to black in color, and has a dull resinous lustre. When broken it does not preserve any distinct order of fracture, and is liable to split in any direction. It is highly esteemed as a gas coal, but is not much used as a steam coal except locally near the mines. Block Coal is a representative non-caking bituminous coal. It occurs in several of the Western States, but is found at its best in Indiana. It has a laminated structure, composed of alternate thin layers of vitreous dull black coal and mineral charcoal. Chemically it does not appear to differ from caking coal, but in burning it behaves quite differently : it does not swell, shoot out jets of gas, nor form a cake by running to- gether, but retains its shape until entirely consumed to a white ash which contains no trace of clinker, its behavior in the furnace being quite like that of hickory wood, burning with a uniform flame that spreads evenly over the exposed surface. Coke is the fixed carbon and earthy matter remaining after the dis- tillation of the gases from bituminous coal. The only coke of any com- mercial value is made from caking coals. The quality of the coke is affected by the temperature at which it is made : the higher the tempera- ture and the longer it is exposed to that temperature, the harder, more dense, and less easily combustible will be the coke. Semi-Bituminous Coal partakes somewhat of the nature of anthra- cite coal. Modified by volatile matter, it forms an excellent fuel for steam- boiler furnaces. In appearance it resembles anthracite coal rather than bituminous ; its fracture, however, as compared with anthracite, is less conchoidal ; it is not so hard, and is of less specific gravity. When thrown upon the fire it kindles more readily and burns faster than anthra- cite, but without the smoke and soot characteristic of bituminous coal. Semi-Anthracite Coals are restricted to such as average from 6 to 8 per cent, of volatile combustible matter, but otherwise have the physical characteristics of true anthracites. These coals are in high estimation for steaming purposes, as they kindle easily and burn much more freely than do the harder anthracite coals. Anthracite Coal is slow to ignite ; it does not soften or swell in the fire ; the flame is quite short and nearly transparent, having a yellowish ANTHRACITE COAL 1 5 tinge at first, changing to a soft blue, with occasionally a red tinge, and gives ofif no smoke. When broken it presents a conchoidal appearance and is quite homogeneous in structure. In general it is compact, slaty, grayish-black, splendent, varying somewhat according to the locality at which it is mined. It is not found in large quantities outside of Eastern Pennsylvania. Culm is fine anthracite coal. Formerly this was waste product and had no commercial value. Culm heaps are now being carefully screened and assorted into sizes for use in steam-boiler furnaces. The sizing must be uniform or the smaller pieces will drop into and clog the passages between the larger ones and obstruct the free passage of air through the fire. The percentage of ash in sizes recovered from culm is much greater than in the larger sizes, such as chestnut or stove coal. A very strong draught is required for burning fine anthracites, and a forced draught is often resorted to or required for their rapid combustion. Petroleum is a natural hydro-carbon oil found in large quantities, especially in Pennsylvania and Ohio, the weight per gallon varying from 6 to 7 pounds. The specific gravity of petroleum averages about o.8, with variations on either side. The composition of crude Pennsylvania oil averages: Carbon, 84.00; hydrogen, 13.75; water, 2.25 = 100, Heat units, 20,746 per pound. Evaporative power of one pound of oil from and at 212° Fahr. = 21.47 pounds of water. One of the interesting exhibits at the World's Fair, Chicago, was the boiler plant which was furnished with crude oil from the Lima, Ohio, district for fuel. Never before was there such an opportunity in this country for testing liquid fuel oij so large a scale. The quantity of petroleum used for firing the main boiler plant amounted to upwards of 31,000 tons, and the work done is stated to have been 32,316,000 horse- power hours, or about 2. i pounds of oil per horse-power per hour. Natural Gas is found locally in Western Pennsylvania, Northern Ohio, and Central Indiana in paying quantities ; in lesser quantities it is found in many other localities. Natural gas is an ideal fuel if used near the source of supply, as no labor is required in its use except to regulate the supply in the furnace ; it is not difficult to regulate the supply of air to insure perfect combustion ; there is no soot, ashes, or other debris. The composition of natural gas at Findlay, Ohio, is, — By weight. By volume. Hydrogen 0.27 2.18 Marsh gas 90-38 92.60 Carbonic oxide 0.86 0.50 Olefiant gas 0.53 0.31 Carbonic acid 0.70 0.26 Nitrogen 6.18 3,61 Oxygen 0.66 0.34 Sulphydric acid 0.42 0.20 100.00 100.00 l6 BOILERS AND FURNACES The heat units in one pound of Findlay, Ohio, natural gas = 21,520. Evaporative power of one pound of the above gas from and at 212° F. = 22.27 pounds of water. Natural-gas tests under boiler for steam-making at Pittsburg, Penn- sylvania, show that one pound of good bituminous coal equals from 7^ to 12^ cubic feet of natural gas ; other experiments show that 1000 cubic feet of natural gas equal from 80 to 133 pounds of bituminous coal, a variation of more than 60 per cent, between the two extremes ; quality of coal and manipulation of furnace accounts for much of this difference. PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION. The combustible elements of wood and coal are carbon, hydrogen, and sulphur. The supporter of combustion is the oxygen of the air. Carbon when burnt in oxygen yields two products, depending upon the supply of oxygen in the furnace, viz. : Formula. Combustion. Product. Carbonic acid gas . . . . CO2 Complete. Incombustible Carbonic oxide gas . . . CO Incomplete. Combustible. Carbonic Acid Gas, COg, is the first product of carbon combus- tion formed in the furnace. It is a colorless gas, with a slightly acid taste and smell, and is incombustible, because it holds in combination all the oxygen it has the power to combine with. Its specific gravity is 1.529. This gas in passing through or over a bed of red-hot carbon will take up additional carbon, changing the original product, COg, into a lower oxide, CO, which is a combustible gas. This change, if it occurs in the furnace, is very wasteful of fuel in case the lower oxide escapes unburned ; for example, carbon burned to COg = 14,500 heat units per pound, but if burned to CO, = 4452 heat units per pound, equivalent to a loss of two-thirds of the heating power of the carbon. Carbonic Oxide Gas, CO, is a product of incomplete combustion ; the gas is colorless, tasteless, and inodorous. Its specific gravity is 0.967. It burns in the air with a blue flame, forming carbonic acid gas, COg. At high temperatures, such as obtain in steam-boiler furnaces, it has a very strong tendency to combine with oxygen, but at ordinary temperatures this gas does not combine readily with it. Carbon burnt to carbonic oxide gas = 4452 heat units per pound of carbon, which is approximately 10,000 units less than if burned to carbonic acid gas. To remedy this it has long been recommended that air be admitted over the fire or at the bridge wall in quantity sufficient to burn the CO and convert it to COg. As this combination can only occur at a high temperature, no less than that of red-hot coals, efforts of this kind have not always been successful ; the best practice now is to carry a moderately thick fire with a strong draught and less air over the fire PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION 1/ than formerly, compelling the air to pass through the fire rather than over it. Aqueous Vapor. — Hydrogen unites with oxygen to form water, HgO, in which the combustion is complete and the product incom- bustible. The water formed in the furnace passes off as aqueous vapor, condensing in the atmosphere above the chimney. Any excess of hy- drogen in the furnace over that combining with oxygen as above passes off uncombined. The specific heat of gaseous steam is 0.622. Sulphurous Oxide. — Sulphur combines with oxygen to form sul- phurous oxide, SOg, a colorless gas with a suffocating odor. It is a non-supporter of combustion, instantly extinguishing flame when brought within its influence. Sulphurous oxide in absorbing the vapor of water changes to sulphurous acid, SOg + HgO, which may, and often does, become a direct cause of the external corrosion of boilers, mud- drums, feed-pipes, etc. Nitrogen is a neutral element in the furnace. It is incombustible and has no affinity for any of the products of combustion. It acts simply as a dilutant of the gases in the furnace. Its specific gravity, 0.9736, being less than that of air, it performs the useful office of assist- ing the draught. Free Air. — There is always an excess of air passing through the fire above that required for combustion. Chemically, about 12 pounds of air are required for the combustion of i pound of coal ; practically, from 18 to 24 pounds actually pass through the furnace. This excess is, of course, waste product and must be regarded as a dilutant of the furnace gases. Smoke, when taken collectively, includes all the gaseous products of combustion escaping from the furnace ; specifically it means the colored gases accompanying combustion discharging into the atmos- phere. In the combustion of anthracite coal and coke very little smoke appears at the chimney top ; but in the combustion of bituminous coal the products often become a veritable nuisance in the neighborhood where the chimney happens to be located. The coloring matter is car- bon in a finely divided state, small particles of soot, so small and of so little weight that they are carried off mechanically out of the furnace, up the chimney, and into the atmosphere. The number of these sooty particles determines the color of the smoke, and may vary in density from light gray to black. An excess of sooty particles indicates gener- ally a low temperature in the furnace. Ashes. — Whatever incombustible substances originally in the fuel remain after complete combustion are called ashes, irrespective of com- position. An average analysis of ash from a number of anthracite and bitumi- nous coals, the percentage of ash averaging approximately 5 per cent., gave the following : 1 8 BOILERS AND FURNACES Bituminous. Anthracite. Silica 56.22 49.68 Alumina 36.17 39-83 Iron, Oxide 2.74 7.51 Lime . 2.24 2.17 Magnesia 92 .72 Potash and Soda 1.13 Sulphur 58 .09 100.00 100.00 The specific heat of ashes may be assumed to be 0.215 without sensible error in engineering calculations. The colors of ashes are designated as red, brown, yellow, or white, as they appear to the observer. Red or reddish-brown ashes indicate the presence of iron in the coal, probably in the form of pyrites. Clinker is formed by fusing together the impurities in the coal, such as iron, silica, lime, potash, etc. Each of these substances being differ- ently fusible and affecting differently the fusion of each other, their final form will depend somewhat on the intensity of combustion, or, in other words, the temperature of the fire in which they are formed. There are few colored ashes that will not soften under the action of intense heat and form clinker ; and this fact in itself should affect the commercial value of coals. Those which burn to a nearly pure white are the best, because they contain little or no alkali, lime, or oxide of iron. Heat Developed by Combustion. — Knowing the elementary constituents of coal, the heat developed may be calculated, as shown in the following example of the analysis of one pound of semi-anthracite coal, containing: Carbon, .83; hydrogen, .05; oxygen, .04; sulphur, .02; ashes, .06 = i.oo. Carbon, .83 X 14,500 heat units = 12,035 heat units. Hydrogen and oxygen unite to form water ; therefore all the oxygen must be deducted, together with one-eighth of the hydrogen, thus : i of ToTT ^= W5" = -005 pound of hydrogen neutralized by the presence of oxygen in the coal, leaving .05 — .005 = .045 pound of available hydrogen ; then, proceeding as before : Hydrogen, .045 X 62,032 = 2,791 heat units. Sulphur, .02 X 4,000 = 80 heat units. We have then : Carbon, = 12,035 heat units. Hydrogen, = 2,791 heat units. Sulphur, = 80 heat units. The theoretic calorific value of the coal = 14,906 heat units. The ash, being inert, is not taken into account. HEAT DEVELOPED BY COMBUSTION 1 9 This calorific value is had on the supposition that the carbon has been burnt to carbonic acid gas, COg ; if, however, the carbon has been incompletely burnt, the product being carbonic oxide gas, CO, instead, a less number of heat units would be had, thus : Carbon burnt to CO, .83 X 4452 = 3695.15 heat units. Hydrogen as above, = 2791.00 heat units. Sulphur as above, = 80.00 heat units. Calorific value of the coal burnt to CO = 6566. 15 heat units. This result is most likely to occur, at least in part, when carrying thick fires with an insufficient air supply. The available hydrogen in coal after deducting the combining por- tion of oxygen also present may conveniently be expressed thus : Hydrogen, 62,032 heat units =^ 4-28. Carbon, 14,500 heat units Hydrogen may be taken, then, as 4.28 times as valuable as carbon in thermal calculations. Practically three times the value of carbon is as high as should be taken, and even this is greatly in excess of what is realized. E. T. Cox, formerly State Geologist, Indiana, informed the writer that the net result of his investigations gave 20,115 heat units as the average thermal value of one pound of the volatile matter liberated from Indiana bituminous coals by heat during the process of combus- tion, or a little less than defiant gas (21,300 heat units). Mr. Cox's figures are used in the following example. A sample of bituminous coal by proximate analysis can be calcu- lated with tolerable accuracy, thus : Per cent. Per cent. Volatile matter 41 | ^^^^^ 3 •- Gas 38 Coke 59 I ^^^^^ ^^'''^^" 50 *- Ash 9 100 100 The volatile matter requires the expenditure of heat for its libera- tion, which in a large number of experiments approximated 3600 heat units per pound of volatile matter. The volatile matter is not all combustible gas ; more or less aqueous vapor passes off with it. Experimentally, the calorific value of the volatile matter of bituminous coals was found to approximate 20,115 heat units per pound. 20 BOILERS AND FURNACES The theoretical calorific value of one pound of such coal may be determined thus : Gas .38 X 20,115 = 7,643.70 heat units. Less 38 X 3,600 = 1,368.00 heat units. Net value of gas . . . 6,275.70 heat units. Fixed carbon 50 X 14,500 =r 7,250.00 heat units. Total calorific value . 13,525.70 heat units. Dynamical Value of Combustion. — A British thermal unit is that quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one pound of pure water from 39° to 40° Fahr., the former being the temperature of its greatest density. The mechanical equivalent of heat is equal to raising 772 pounds one foot high against the action of gravity ; 33,000 pounds raised one foot high per minute = i horse-power. The combustion of one pound of carbon yields 14,500 heat units ; then 14,500 X 772 = 11,194,000 foot-pounds. Hydrogen yields 62,032 heat units for each pound burnt to water. The dynamic value of hydrogen is : 62,032 X 772 = 47,882,704 foot- pounds. Coal fed to steam-boiler furnaces is usually reckoned in pounds per hour. If it be required to know the dynamic value of one pound of coal per hour expressed in horse-power, the coal containing say 13,680 thermal units, we have 13,680 X 772 , 33,000 X 60 =5-303 horse-power. Of this amount, however, only about 10 per cent, is available for doing useful work. Temperature of Fire. — Carbon and hydrogen are the principal heat-giving constituents of coal, and of these carbon is the most effec- tive in steam-boiler practice, because an incandescent bed of it can be maintained at all times, the direct effect of which is to prevent violent fluctuations of temperature in the furnace. To illustrate the method of calculating the temperature of fire, we will take the analysis of coal given on page 18, the carbon of which was 83 per cent. Carbon re- quires for its complete combustion 2.67 times its own weight of oxygen ; then I pound carbon + 2.67 pounds oxygen = 3.67 pounds carbonic acid gas. In order to get this oxygen from the air there would remain in the furnace 8.94 pounds of nitrogen, which must be taken into account thus : Products. Pounds. Specific heat. Heat units. Carbonic acid gas .... 3.67 X .2164 = .794 Nitrogen 8.94 X .244 = 2. 181 12.61 Total . . . 2.975 RATE OF COMBUSTION 21 heat units absorbed in raising the temperature of one pound of carbon 1° Fahr. The combined weight of the two gases = 12.61 pounds ; then, Heat units, 2.975 , .^ , = . 236, the mean specific heat. Pounds, 12.61 Carbon yields in its perfect combustion 14,500 heat units per pound ; this divided by the 2.975 heat units absorbed as above gives 14,500 ^- 2.975 =: 4874° Fahr. as the highest temperature attainable by the com- bustion of one pound of carbon, and with the exact amount of air (11. 61 pounds) needed to furnish the necessary oxygen, a much smaller allowance than is possible in the actual generation of steam by ordinary furnaces. Eighteen pounds of air is, on an average, as little as passes through the furnace for each pound of carbon burnt. A reduction in tempera- ture follows as here shown : Products. Pounds. Specific heat. Heat units. Carbonic acid gas 3.67 X .2164 = .794 Nitrogen 8.94 X .244 = 2. 181 Air in excess, uncombined . 6.39 X .2377 = 1-519 Totals 19.00 4-494 heat units absorbed in the furnace, being 1519 more per pound of carbon than in the previous example. We have, then, 14,500 -i- 4.494 = 3226° Fahr., a reduction of 1648° Fahr. from that obtained in the preceding example ; but this accords more nearly with the best practice and is as high a temperature as can ordinarily be expected. Rate of Combustion. — This is commonly expressed in pounds of coal burnt per square foot of grate surface per hour. The weight of coal burnt will depend, other things being equal, upon the quantity of air passing through the fire ; the rate of combustion varies between wide limits : horizontal tubular-boiler furnaces burn from 8 to 12 pounds of anthracite coal per square foot of grate surface per hour with natural draught ; bituminous coals range from 1 2 to 20 pounds, and occasionally more. Internally fired boilers by reason of their relatively smaller pro- portion of grate to heating surface have a rate of combustion varying from 1 2 to 40 pounds of coal per square foot of grate per hour, depend- ing upon the design of the boiler and the ratio of the grate to heating surfaces, the smaller ratio of grate requiring a higher rate of combus- tion. Boilers of this type are usually supplied with a higher chimney, requiring a stronger draft than boilers of the former type. The rate of combustion will vary with the quality of the fuel, draft, ability, and watch- ful care of the fireman. Efficiency. — The efficiency of a steam-boiler is a percentage indi- cating how nearly the actual performance attains to the theoretical possibilities ; if the latter be expressed by 100, the efficiency will always 22 BOILERS AND FURNACES be a less number. For example : a coal used for generating steam by- calorimeter test yields 12,500 heat units per pound ; the equivalent evapo- ration from and at 212° Fahr. would be 12,500 ^- 966 = 12.95 pounds of water per pound of coal, the theoretical possibility ; but by actual test only 8.75 pounds of water were evaporated, then : 8.75 X 100 Efficiency = = 68.62 per cent. 12.95 The loss of heat in this case is 31.38 per cent, of the total, accounted for by heat escaping by the chimney, by radiation, the contact of the hot surfaces with the air, as well as imperfect combustion. Cylinder and flue boilers, externally fired, set in brick-work, have an efficiency ranging from 45 to 60 per cent. ; tubular boilers from 50 to 70 per cent,; internally fired boilers from 60 to 70 per cent. ; water-tube boilers from 65 to 75 per cent. Good boilers properly set and well managed will average nearly the same efficiency, approximating 65 per cent. Calorific Value of Coal. — Table I. gives proximate analyses and calorific values of selected American coals. Only a few of the numerous coals of the United States can be mentioned, but enough are given to show the average analysis for localities named. In quality, the range of fuels for steaming purposes covers everything from the softest lignites, which sometimes contain as much as 15 per cent, of water, to Lehigh anthracite, which is nearly pure carbon. Bituminous coals are most abundant, and while these vary much in calorific value, they are, in general, good steaming coals. The sulphur contained in some of the softer coals is a mischievous element one would gladly be rid of, inasmuch as from i^ to 4 per cent, is not uncommon, and in some localities as much as 10 per cent, is recorded, notably specimens analyzed from mines in Summit County, Utah ; but this high percentage is quite unusual. No account is made of the contained sulphur in the coal in any calculations connected with this table. The calorific values in this table are based upon the experimental determination that each pound of carbon will yield 14,500 heat units when burned in oxygen to carbonic acid gas. The volatile portions of the coal are calculated upon the experimentally ascertained fact, by E. T, Cox, that the total average calorific value of the gases obtained by the destructive distillation of bituminous coal is approximately 20,000 heat units per pound, and that 3600 heat units are absorbed in the process of disassociation of the gases from the coal ; this leaves 16,400 heat units per pound as the net calorific value for the volatile portion of bituminous coals. The calorific value given in the next to the last column in the table is the sum of the carbon and volatile gases as thus ascertained, expressed in British thermal units. ANALYSIS OF AMERICAN COALS 23 TABLE I. PROXIMATE ANALYSES AND CALORIFIC VALUE OF SELECTED AMERICAN COALS. Coals and Locality. Volatile Matter, per CENT. Coke, PER cent. a Water. Gas. Fixed Carbon. Ash. 1.74 3-01 1-59 35-48 42.76 38-33 58.96 48.30 54-64 3.82 5-93 5-44 14,368 14,017 14,209 I-I3 1.52 •93 13-21 14-73 15-55 81.28 74-49 77-54 4.38 9.26 5-98 13,952 13,217 13,793 18.08 39-30 35-61 7.01 11,608 12.01 35-19 42-43 36.40 46.24 47.16 53-10 6.56 6.48 9.24 12,476 13,797 13,670 1.20 23-05 60.50 15.25 12,553 10.38 1.36 9.42 36-38 34-02 31.20 27.69 31-38 31.04 43-70 46.10 53-12 54-80 35-41 51-74 51-96 45-37 7.14 4.96 5.60 35-54 7-46 7.05 5.15 13,063 9,675 12,648 12,625 13,746 8.50 3-50 7.00 2.00 5-50 32-34 32-50 48.00 29.50 38.50 44.00 48.78 56-50 42.00 63.00 57-50 46.00 5.83 2.50 6.50 .50 2.00 4.50 12,377 13,523 13,962 13,973 iM 23-31 35-42 66.85 51-32 6^60 13,517 13,248 5-73 1:^ 46-54 40.21 41-35 45.60 48^25 2.13 8.75 3.90 14,245 13,247 13,777 1.94 36-77 52-45 8.84 13,585 2.00 3-30 3-24 3-60 47-85 39.00 47-73 50.50 49-24 58.80 2.42 7.20 10.96 7.00 14,768 13,719 13,136 13,544 1.23 •59 18.52 73.57 74.31 lit 13,205 13,812 2.54 5.06 9-03 42.62 34-24 37-48 41.14 47.69 46.24 13.70 13.04 7.25 12,955 12,530 12,852 3.01 30.23 59.71 7-05 13,616 0.21 27.82 60.88 11.09 13,390 3.10 35-00 51.50 10.40 13,208 1.79 29-56 58.30 10.35 13,302 =^ Hefted ALABAMA. Bibb Co., Bit., Helena Vein Jefferson Co., Bit., Birmingham . . . Tuscaloosa Co., Bit ARKANSAS. Franklin Co., Bit., Falker Slope . . . Johnson Co., Bit., Coal Hill Sebastian Co., Bit., Huntington Slope CALIFORNIA. Alameda Co., Bit., Livermore .... COLORADO. Boulder Co., Bit Tremont Co., Bit Las Animas, Bit GEORGIA. Dade Co., Bit ILLINOIS. Macoupin Co., Bit., Mount Olive . . McLean Co., Bit., Bloomington . . . Mercer Co., Bit Peoria Co., Bit., Elmwood Stark Co., Bit., Lombardville .... Trenton Co., Bit., Clinton Vermilion Co., Bit., Danville INDIANA. Block Coal, Lafayette Clay Co., Bit., McClellan&Zeller . . Davies Co., Buckeye Cannel Coal Co. Greene Co., Bit Owen Co., Bit Vermillion Co., Bit INDIAN TERRITORY. Choctaw Nation, Bit Choctaw Nation, Bit., Atoka IOWA. Marion Co., Bit., Oscaloosa .... Monroe Co., Bit., Albia Wapello Co., Bit., Ottumwa KANSAS. Cherokee Co., Bit KENTUCKY. Fulton Co., Bit Hancock Co., Bit., Hawesville . . . Lawrence Co., Bit., Peach Orchard . Muhlenberg Co., Bit MARYLAND. Cumberland, Bit Garrett Co., Semi-Bit., George's Creek MISSOURI. Bates Co., Bit Caldwell Co., Bit., Hamilton Putnam Co., Bit., Mendota MONTANA. Cascade Co., Bit., Sandcoulee . . . . NEBRASKA. Adams Co., Bit., Hastings NEW MEXICO. Colfax Co., Bit., Ranton NORTH CAROLINA. Guilford Co., Bit., Deep River .... 14.87 14.51 14.71 14.44 13-68 14.28 12.92 14.28 14-15 12.99 13.10 13-75 13-52 10.02 13.09 13.07 14-23 14.00 14-45 14.46 9.28 14-37 13-99 13-71 14-75 13-71 14.26 14.06 15-29 14.20 13.60 14.02 13.67 14.30 13.41 12.97 13-30 14.10 13-86 13.67 13.77 24 BOILERS AND FURNACES TABLE \.— Continued. Coals and Locality. Volatile Matter, per CENT. Coke, PER CENT. II Water. Gas. Fixed Carbon. Ash. 2.32 8.25 2.47 7.09 5-91 39.08 35-88 42.50 37-82 31.83 36.61 35-01 52.78 53-15 47.27 SS 52.00 55-70 5.82 2.72 5-74 4.71 1.45 4-30 3-38 14,062 13,591 13,824 14,267 14,537 4-55 8.00 13.04 40.00 37-83 46.70 48.19 45.17 32.60 7.26 9.00 7.66 13,547 ^8;P^ i.:35 1.50 3-04 ^1i 3-95 89.06 88.94 82.66 6.14 io'.35 13,480 13,286 12,634 1. 12 4-99 83.98 9.91 12,995 1.27 1. 01 2.97 4.04 2.30 2.99 88.15 87.96 88.20 10.65 5.56 6.77 4-77 "Si 13,131 13,279 1-34 6.42 76.94 15-30 12,209 1.80 0.96 1-93 1.04 1.46 1.23 35-34 38.20 28.71 37-23 32.00 32.66 54-94 56^61 if 6.10 5.12 12.75 7-93 13,762 ^3'8o9 13,881 14,314 13,048 13,792 0.73 1. 00 24.11 35-00 69.11 58.40 6.05 5-60 13,975 14,208 2.00 1.77 IS 33-77 25.41 26.50 31-94 60.64 62.00 67.08 54-81 10.82 3-68 10.09 14,331 13,157 14,073 13,185 3-67 6.67 10.40 4.60 35-51 40.20 35-94 34-72 41.70 43-54 49-46 49.27 19.12 9.59 4.20 1 1. 41 11,971 12,906 13,066 12,838 342 3-50 0.43 42.81 43-66 38.90 47.81 56^37 5-95 9.73 4.30 13,953 13,411 14,554 1.05 1-34 I. So 23.62 30.98 34-33 33-90 72.67 56.83 59.89 59.25 2.66 10.85 4.87 5.05 14,411 13,321 14,314 14,151 1.22 0.76 0.50 41.50 19-39 19-83 54.58 72.99 75.63 else 4.04 14,720 13,764 14,218 2.00 1. 10 l:i 39.10 35-10 41.18 29-54 54.40 54.50 42.92 59-90 4.50 9.30 14,300 13,659 10,977 13,531 11.30 6.04 4.20 42.01 40.60 39-69 35.57 41.50 7.00 16.02 13.70 12,645 12,107 12,676 OHIO. Columbiana Co., Bit., Salineville Hocking Valley, Bit Holmes Co., Bit., Walnut Creek Jefferson Co., Bit., Brilliant Mahoning Co., Bit., Brier Hill Perry Co., Bit., New Straitsville Trumbull Co., Bit., Liberty OREGON. Grant Co., Bit., John Day River Tillamook Co., Bit., Nehalem Benton Co., Bit., Yaquina Bay PENNSYLVANIA. Anthracite, Upper and Lower Measures . . . . Anthracite, Carbon Co., Beaver Meadow . . . Anthracite, Carbon Co., Buck Mountain . . . . Anthracite, Lackawanna Co., Scranton, 40' Shaft Anthracite, Lackawanna Co., Scranton, Mt. Pleasant Anthracite, Lehigh Co Anthracite, Luzerne Co., Drifton Anthracite, Luzerne Co., Jeanesville Anthracite, Luzerne Co., Wilkes-Barre, Lehigh Valley Buckwheat Bituminous, Allegheny Co., Pittsburg, Average Bituminous, Armstrong Co Bituminous, Fayette Co., Connellsville . . . . Bituminous, Greene Co., Main Bench Bituminous, Indiana Co., Lower Bench . . . . Bituminous, Jefferson Co., Freeport, Average . Bituminous, Westmoreland Co., Loyal Hanna, Average Bituminous, Westmoreland Co., Youghiogheny TENNESSEE. Campbell Co., Bit., Newcomb Franklin Co., Bit Hamilton Co., Bit., Melville Marion Co., Bit TEXAS. Maverick Co., Bit., Eagle Pass. Palo Pinto Co., Bit., Strawn Rusk Co., Bit., Stevens . Tarrant Co., Bit., Fort Worth UTAH. Emery Co., Bit., Castle Dale Iron Co., Bit., Cedar City Summit Co., Bit., Coalville VIRGINIA. Halifax Co., Bit., Elmo Rockingham Co., Bit., Clover Hill Scott Co., Bit., Clinch Valley . . . Wise Co., Bit., Big Stone Gap WEST VIRGINIA. Logan Co., Bit., Dingess Mineral Co., Bit., Elk Garden Pocahontas Co., Semi-Bit WASHINGTON. Kittitas Co., Bit., Ellensburgh Pierce Co., Bit., Wilkeson Stevens Co., Bit., Calispell Whatcom Co., Bit., Bellingham Bay WYOMING. Carbon Co., Bit., Dana Sheridan Co., Bit., Sheridan Weston Co., Bit., Cambria CHAPTER II. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION. PART I.— CAST IRON. The principal materials entering into the construction of steam boilers are limited by commercial and practical considerations to cast iron, wrought iron, and steel. Copper was formerly used in boiler con- struction, especially for fire-boxes in locomotive boilers and the internal heating surfaces in marine boilers. Its use is practically abandoned at this time because of its want of hardness and tensile strength as com- pared with either wrought iron or steel, while its cost is much greater. Cast Iron. — This product is had by a remelting together of two or more kinds of pig-iron in order to secure castings having certain quali- ties determined approximately in advance. This presupposes a know- ledge of the constituents of the pig-iron to be used, which is, taken altogether, a very complex material, because pig-iron is always com- bined with extraneous substances, which, taken collectively, are called impurities ; and of these the principal ones are carbon, silicon, sulphur, phosphorus, and manganese. These may be combined with the iron both chemically and mechanically, and this is especially true of carbon. There is no good reason for regarding carbon and silicon as impurities as we ordinarily use that word, for the presence of both are beneficial, if not altogether necessary, in the manufacture of iron castings. The amounts of sulphur, phosphorus, and manganese ordinarily present are small in amount and do no particular harm. Carbon in Cast Iron. — Carbon, by reason of its chemical and physical effects, is the most important element in cast iron. It is always present in pig-iron, and repeated meltings does not sensibly diminish its quantity, which varies from at least 1.5 per cent, up to 4.5 per cent. As carbon may be present in a combined form or may be present as graphite, it is best when referring to carbon in iron to have it under- stood that such reference means total carbon, the latter determining also the melting-point of the iron. Combined Carbon. — Cast iron in a fluid state will take up at least 3.5 per cent, of carbon and hold it in solution, part of which is expelled during, the process of cooling. For small and medium castings there should be very little combined carbon, because it makes the iron hard and brittle and influences adversely the amount of shrinkage. Graphitic Carbon. — The total carbon in cast iron must be either combined or in the graphitic form : the latter is characteristic of gray 3 25 26 BOILERS AND FURNACES irons. Carbon in fluid iron is combined with the iron and has no ten- dency to separate from it ; but during the process of cooHng marked changes occur, depending somewhat on whether the cooling be rapid or slow ; if the latter, the combined carbon will separate from the iron, but remain in it mechanically in the form of graphite between the crystals. This precipitation of carbon renders iron soft, changing the color of white iron into a darker hue, — hence the name of gray iron. Silicon in Cast Iron. — Next after carbon the substance most com- monly met with in pig-iron is silicon, the quantity ranging from o. 5 to more than 4 per cent. The presence of silicon in cast iron is important, because of its effect upon the contained carbon, especially in the con- version of the combined carbon into graphite, by which white iron is changed to gray, the hardness and brittleness of the former being thus greatly modified, showing marked increase in both the transverse and tensile strength of iron castings. Silicon tends also towards the elimi- nation of blow-holes, and thus contributes materially towards the pro- duction of sounder castings than can be had in its absence. Sulphur in Cast Iron. — Sulphur is almost always present in pig-iron. During the process of remelting an additional quantity is absorbed by the fluid metal from the coke fuel in the cupola. The unexplainable peculiarities of cast iron have long been attributed to sul- phur ; but recent investigations, combining physical and chemical tests, made for the purpose of ascertaining what the precise action of sulphur is upon cast iron, show that sulphur in the quantities usually found in gray iron does not injuriously affect cast iron ; and, further, that if an excess of sulphur should be found to exert a pernicious influence upon the iron, a slight increase in the quantity of silicon pig used would counteract any such effect. Castings composed of Southern gray irons containing 0.088 to o.ioo per cent, of sulphur show them to be of good quality, with no chill, no blow-holes, very low shrinkage, and high strength ; but this latter quality is not to be attributed to any action of the sulphur present, but simply shows that it does not within the above permissible limits of per- centage detract from the strength of cast iron. Phosphorus in Cast Iron. — Phosphorus enters into chemical union with iron, the effect of which is to render iron close and compact, with a tendency to become cold-short at low temperatures. Phosphorus is not known to influence the change of carbon in pig-iron one way or the other. In producing hardness in casting, such change is to be ascribed to the influence of phosphorus alone. The permissible allowance of phosphorus in cast iron is confined to narrow limits ; its presence may be beneficial in some mixtures of pig-iron, but from 0.5 to i per cent, is the beneficial limit. In moderate quantities phosphorus lessens the tendency to form blow-holes in castings ; it also lessens shrinkage and prolongs the period of fluidity. CAST IRON 27 Manganese. — The physical properties of cast iron are not greatly- altered by the addition of manganese if the latter does not much exceed I per cent., but as much as 1.5 per cent, makes it very hard. The presence of say i per cent, of manganese is beneficial in foundry prac- tice, increasing the fluidity of the iron when melted ; but when the pro- portion of manganese is much greater than that, it renders cast iron less plastic, more hard and brittle when cold, and increases the shrinkage. The effect of manganese when used alone is, as stated above, to harden cast iron, but it does not turn gray iron white, nor does it increase the combined carbon, nor does it increase the tendency to chill ; its harden- ing effect is to be ascribed to its one influence, which is to harden iron. Ferro-Manganese, when added in small quantities to molten metal in a foundry ladle, softens and improves the iron. The probable ex- planation is, that the manganese counteracts the effect of sulphur and silicon, tending to eliminate the former and neutralize the latter, and so, when common iron with a tendency to hardness is employed, it some- times happens that ferro-manganese may be used as a softener. The hardness, however, generally returns when the iron is remelted, because the manganese is oxidized and more sulphur absorbed. The good effects of manganese appear to be twofold : by its action it leads directly to a measure of hardness and closeness of grain which is beneficial, while indirectly it is useful in preventing the absorption of sulphur during remelting. Slo^v Cooling. — Gray iron machinery castings should be slowly cooled, and particularly when they are small and thin. Rapid cooling tends to brittleness by preventing the separation of the combined carbon into graphite ; slow cooling tends to make the grain coarser, and such castings can have any necessary machine-work done much more rapidly and better than if the metal was hard. Cooling Strains. — Fractures in cooling are likely to occur where two portions of a casting join each other at right angles and with square corners. Thick castings joining each other at right angles or nearly so are almost certain to have cavities occur at their points of intersection by reason of an irregular grouping of crystals ; the direction of the shrinkage not being parallel will also produce distortion. The importance of slow cooling after pouring a casting of considerable size, and especially when of varying thickness, is known to every foundryman : gray irons, having a natural tendency to hardness, are made harder by rapid cooling ; on the other hand, slow cooling tends to soften such castings. Blow-Holes, — These are serious defects in a casting, because they are generally below the surface ; there is seldom any outward indication as to their location or to what extent they exist. A blow-hole not only lessens the area of cross-section of the casting in which it occurs, but its presence in the casting may be additionally harmful in setting up internal strains within the casting which might not otherwise occur. 28 BOILERS AND FURNACES The surface of a casting should be smooth, free from bits of slag, scabs, and unusual roughness ; small, sharp indentations in the surface of a casting, however caused, may, as far as they go, be considered in- cipient fractures, and if undue stress be applied to such a casting, a frac- ture may begin at any such point at a stress much lower than would otherwise break the casting. Shrinkage of Cast Iron. — Shrinkage represents the difference in size between a mould and the casting made in it. When molten iron is poured into a mould it expands at the moment of solidification, and if properly vented the metal will take a sharp impression of the mould. The cooling of a casting begins at and along its outer surface ; so, also, crystallization begins at the surface and proceeds towards the centre. It sometimes happens in the case of thick castings that the interior portion may be in a semi-molten state, while the whole exterior surface has been solidified to a considerable depth. As cooling progresses and the casting parts with its heat, it diminishes in bulk ; but this contraction is not uniform throughout ; thin portions cool first and take their perma- nent form, the thicker portions of the casting cooling later. It is to be expected, and it often actually occurs, that the cooling of the thick por- tions will show lines of incipient, if not actual, fracture along the lines of intersection where a thicker portion joins a thinner one. To prevent this, it is customary to place quarter-round concave fillets at all such intersections. Shrinkage is at best an uncertain thing to deal with, depending not only on the size and shape of the pattern, but upon the temperature at which the iron is poured, the quality of the iron, and especially upon the quality of hardness ; some observers state that the amount of shrinkage corresponds closely to that of the total quantity of carbon present. The ordinary shrinkage of gray iron castings is -|- inch per foot ; this is the graduation on standard shrinkage rules. Some irons shrink in the proportion of -^ inch per foot, others still less ; the standard rule is, however, sufficiently accurate for all ordinary purposes. Strength of Castings. — Combined carbon was long thought to be the medium by which strength was imparted to castings, and that its conversion to graphite was an occasion of weakness ; but recent chemical and physical tests show that the reverse is true, and that, if anything, combined carbon weakens castings and never strengthens them. This is especially true of small castings, where it has been observed that as the percentage of combined carbon was decreased by the addition of silicon, that the hardness and brittleness of the casting was also de- creased, and that the strength of the casting had been increased at the same time. The strength of cast iron increases when uninfluenced by any other element than carbon by an increase of silicon up to as much as 3.5 per cent, of the total weight, and this is as high as will be found in any ordi- CAST IRON 29 nary silicon pig ; with this increase of strength there is also an absence of brittleness and an increase in the size of the grain. This latter must not be carried too far, however, or weakness may result from this cause alone. Crushing Strength. — That of cast iron varies with the chemical and physical properties of any given sample, the range being as great as from 50,000 to 75,000 pounds per square inch, averaging so high as to require no special calculation, — that is to say, when patterns are properly dimensioned for tensile strains, any probable amount of com- pression can be safely carried by cast iron, as the carrying capacity of the latter is four or five times as great as the former. From experi- mental data it appears that the maximum crushing strength of cast iron would be obtained with about 0.75 per cent, of silicon and 2 per cent, of combined carbon. In ordinary calculations, 60,000 pounds per square inch may be assumed as the ultimate crushing strength of medium hard gray iron machinery castings in short lengths. Transverse Strength of Cast Iron. — The usual method of test- ing cast iron is to break test-bars one inch square by one foot in length ; or, if other sizes are used, the results are reduced for comparison to the one inch square section. Transverse tests when applied to the centre of a test-bar supported at each end combine both a crushing and a ten- sile test, the transverse test being an intermediate of the two. The breaking strength of gray iron castings of good quality, the bars one inch square by twelve inches long, loaded at the centre, will vary from 1600 to 3600 pounds. Tensile Strength of Cast Iron. — Tests for tensile strength are not nearly so common as are the transverse tests, and for the reason that cast iron is seldom employed where its tensile strength alone is brought into use. Tensile tests do not as a rule exhibit physical quali- ties which transverse tests do not bring out equally well, and such tests vary, of course, with the physical and chemical properties of the iron, and may, for good gray iron castings, vary anywhere from 14,000 to 22,000 pounds per square inch of section when the test-bars approxi- mate one square inch of fractured area. As the quality of the casting can only be approximately arrived at by an inspection of the grain at the points where the gates are knocked off, it seems unwise to accord to cast iron as high an average tensile strength as would be assigned wrought iron or mild steel covering the same percentage of variations in tensile strength. The writer does not, therefore, recommend more than 16,000 pounds per square inch of section for the best quality gray iron castings when not less than Y^ inch nor more than i^ inches thick. Elastic Limit of Cast Iron. — This quality in cast iron is seldom taken into account for ordinary machine-work, consequently but few tests have been made concerning it. The comparatively few tests do show, however, that the elastic limit of cast iron is about Vi of its ten- 30 BOILERS AND FURNACES sile strength. If we regard cast iron as good for 16,000 pounds per square inch tensile strength, the elastic limit would then be : 16,000 -*- 3 = 5333 pounds per square inch. Cast Iron as a Material for Steam Boilers. — The advantages of cast iron as a material for steam boilers in preference to steel or wrought iron are thus set forth by the principal manufacturer of such boilers in this country. 1. The spherical or globular form of parts can be manufactured at reasonable prices, which would be impossible with any wrought metal. 2. Any number of such parts can be made uniform and duplicate ; likewise impossible with wrought metal, unless at enormous expense. 3. Cast metal resists much better the corrosive action of acids in the water or in the products of combustion. 4. Cast metal is much less affected by oxidation. 5. Cast metal cannot blister, furrow, or pocket. 6. Cast metal also transmits heat more readily than wrought iron, and while it may have to be a trifle thicker than ordinary boiler tubes, it is in the case of this boiler (3^ to f inch) much thinner than ordinary crown sheets.* Objections to Cast Iron. — This material has been objected to as a material for steam boilers for the following reasons : 1. Because it is a crude product to begin with, it is brittle and of low tensile strength, and there is no certainty that castings can be made uniform in strength or in other qualities. 2. The cooling strains in castings often produce flaws or other de- fects which are hidden to the eye and thus escape detection in the workshop ; further, that such defects do not become apparent even when under test by hydraulic pressure, but which may when under the influence of heat and unequal expansion and without a moment's warn- ing end in sudden and disastrous failure. 3. Its unyielding nature is thought to especially unfit it for parts of a boiler subject to unequal expansion arising from differences of tem- perature. 4. Cast iron when cold seldom or never exhibits indications of weak- ness or fracture in advance of actual breakage. It has been further objected to because it loses coherence and will crumble under moderate loads, and not infrequently by its own weight, when subjected to high temperatures or those approximating red heat. Cast Iron in the Fire. — The effects of ordinary boiler-furnace heat on unprotected cast iron is to change the characteristic granular structure common to all gray iron castings of good quality to coarse, uneven grains having scarcely any metallic lustre and little or no granular * This was long believed to be true, but Isherwood's experiments show the relative conductivity of cast iron to be less than that of wrought iron. — Ed. WROUGHT IRON 3 1 coherence. Burnt cast iron shows a change in the color of fracture from gray to brown and gray mixed, the metal is usually twisted out of shape, and is so extremely brittle and lifeless that it is utterly unfit for further use in the foundry in the production of castings requiring strength. The continued heating and reheating of any metal would in time destroy it, but cast iron, by reason of its relatively coarser grain, seems to be less able to withstand the effects of reheating and cooling than either wrought iron or mild steel ; but no metal of which iron is the basis should be subjected to the continued action of intense heat, — that is to say, tem- peratures approximating red heat. Cast iron yields to the fire sooner than wrought iron ; it loses strength at temperatures much below those which similarly affect wrought iron. When red hot, cast iron will scarcely sustain its own weight, and when so heated is liable to crumble to pieces if under compression. Use of Cast Iron. — The fact in regard to the use of cast iron as a material for steam boilers is that for steam- and hot-water-heating pur- poses it is more largely employed than any other material. It is not more injuriously affected by heat than are other materials when the parts are properly proportioned and no thick flanges are exposed to the heat of the furnace. Boilers for heating purposes work under moderate pressures, seldom more than 20 pounds per square inch for water and still less for steam. The Harrison boiler has been continuously and suc- cessfully in the market for more than thirty years, and at this time is in good repute as a safety boiler, as a steam-maker, and has through all these years suffered no deterioration which is not common to all boilers. This is the only high-pressure cast-iron boiler known to the writer which has been continuously on the market for ten years. PART II.— WROUGHT IRON. Wrought Iron. — This product is commercially pure iron prepared from selected pig-iron by a succession of processes, such as puddling, squeezing, hammering, rolling, etc., to rid the iron of its original im- purities. The operation of puddling consists in stirring a mass of spongy iron in the midst of a bath of cinder, which prevents the intimate ap- proximation of its particles. This cinder, adhering to the iron, opposes a thorough welding of the mass and favors the production of fibrous texture, since during subsequent working the molecules of the iron slide over each other, giving the iron a characteristic fibrous appearance in fracture. If a bar of wrought iron is nicked on one side and then bent over double upon itself, it will expose the longitudinal grain of the metal ; and if the iron is of good quality, the fracture thus obtained will be a dense mass of fibre, slightly interspersed with fine grains of iron. Physical Properties of Wrought Iron. — Boiler-plates should possess the properties of tenacity, ductility, and welding. Each of these is influenced in some measure by the impurities of the iron. That qual- 32 BOILERS AND FURNACES ity of boiler-plate is judged to be the best which has the greatest tensile strength combined with ductility and freedom from brittleness ; such an iron will be at once strong, tough, and fibrous. When the above prop- erties are well combined, wrought iron will resist strains due to unequal expansion remarkably well. Tensile Strength. — Boiler-plates may possess high tensile strength at the expense of other qualities, such as homogeneousness and tough- ness. Wrought-iron plates possessing all the necessary qualities suit- able for steam boilers will not have a tensile strength much, if anything, above 55,000 pounds per square inch ; * a higher tensile strength is liable to have associated with it the undesirable qualities of hardness and brittleness, either of which will more than offset any gain in tensile strength above the figures given. Wrought iron having a tensile strength of less than 45,000 pounds per square inch should not be em- ployed in boiler construction. Tensile tests made in the direction of the grain of fibrous iron show greater strength than those made across the grain. The following data was obtained from United States government tests of wrought-iron plates, which it will be observed are of very high quality. These were short specimens : Thickness. J inch with the grain . I inch across the grain x®6 ii^ch with the grain . x% inch across the grain I inch with the grain . I inch across the grain Tensile Strength. • 58,373 pounds. • 53,333 pounds. . 62,195 pounds. . 60,202 pounds. . 56,270 pounds. . 56,461 pounds. Reduction of Area. 38 per cent. 9 per cent. 43 per cent. 10 per cent. 25 per cent. 17 per cent. Test- Pieces. — Wrought-iron test-pieces have usually been short specimens, the tests being made with reference to tensile strength only. Fig. I represents the size and form prescribed by the United States Fig. I. TCX. Tesi piece io ide^a/nz «-■/"-•»] Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam-Vessels, — viz. , 10 inches long, 2 inches wide, cut out in the centre as indicated. All sample pieces of iron plate -^ inch thick and under shall be one inch wide at reduced section. Plate over -^ inch thick shall be reduced * It will be understood that wrought iron made by the usual processes is meant, and not homogeneous iron or ingot iron, which have physical properties differing from ordinary wrought iron. WROUGHT IRON 33 in width at centre to an aggregate area approximating 0.4 of one square inch ; but such reduced area shall in no case exceed 0.45 nor be less than o, 35 of an inch ; and the force at which the piece can be parted in the direction of the fibre or grain (when of iron), represented in pounds avoirdupois in proportion to the ratio of its area, shall be deemed the tensile strength per square inch of the plate from which the sample was taken. When more than one sample shall be tested from one sheet, the sample showing the lowest tensile strength shall be allowed as the tensile strength of the plate. Ductility is the property which enables a material to be drawn out without breaking. It is also called elongation or extension in reports on the mechanical tests to which plates or bars are subjected. Elonga- tion occurs when a ductile material is subjected to a tensile stress higher than its elastic limit, after which a permanent change of form takes place. It may be measured in a tensile testing-machine in two ways, — by the actual amount of elongation in inches and parts of an inch, and by reducing the amount so found to percentage extension of its original length. Wrought-iron boiler-plates under 45,000 pounds tensile strength should show a reduction of area of not less than 12 per cent. ; 45,000 to 50,000 pounds, 15 per cent. ; 50,000 to 55,000, 25 per cent. ; 55,000 pounds and over should show 35 per cent, reduction of area. Elastic Limit. — This limit may be determined in the same manner and at the same time as when making a tensile test by simply applying progressive loads and then removing them. After the removal of each increment of load the specimen is measured to determine whether or not it has returned to its original length. The weight required to give the specimen its permanent set divided by the area of the specimen will ap- proximate its elastic limit. From a large range of experiments made upon plates and bars it appears that the elastic limit of wrought iron is approximately one-half its tensile strength. Welding. — Wrought iron possesses the property of welding when the two parts to be joined are brought up to a white heat. Welded joints are, when well made, scarcely inferior to the original bar ; but stays, braces, etc., for boilers should be made from whole stock if pos- sible, because there is always more or less uncertainty about welded joints, particularly when the parts to be joined are of considerable diameter or thickness. Fibre. — The best wrought iron has a characteristic fibre resulting from its method of manufacture, the fineness and uniformity of which is taken as a practical indication of the quality of the iron. A fibrous fracture in wrought iron is always taken to indicate a high grade of iron, and this is sometimes associated with the act of pulling in a tensile testing-machine. But stresses of this kind do not cause an extension of the grain to produce fibre, — this is already present in the 34 BOILERS AND FURNACES iron ; the act of pulling simply draws these fibres out in clusters ; and as they do not all break in the same time nor in the same plane, a fibrous fi-acture is thus secured. The manner in which test-pieces are broken is of importance when fractures are broadly classed as fibrous or crystalline. To illustrate : two samples may be cut from the same sheet, one of which can be so broken as to present a fibrous fracture, if the fibre be originally in the plate, by simply applying the load gradually, — such a test will give maxi- mum elongation and reduction of area at the point of fracture ; on the other hand, by applying the load suddenly, or so rapidly that the flow of the iron will not follow the effect of the stress, the piece is liable to break with a snap, the fracture in this case having little or no fibre and presenting a more or less crystalline appearance, indicating a lower grade of iron than was actually under test. It will be seen that the ele- ment of time is important when making tensile tests, because it gives the metal a chance to adjust itself to the conditions imposed by the stress beyond the elastic limit. Bending Test. — This is one of the severest tests to which wrought- iron boiler-plates can be subjected. It is made by shearing oif a strip of any convenient width from the plate, say one or two inches, and bending it down cold upon itself without fracture on the outer curve, as shown in Fig. 9. Very few irons except the better grades of flange iron will stand a test of this kind ; but the latter grade of iron f inch thick and less should bend double without fracture ; plates ys" to f inch thick of a similar grade should bend down cold upon a plate of its own thickness. Hot bending tests are in no respect different from cold bending tests, except that the iron is heated to at least a cherry -red heat before the operation of bending is begun. Any iron which when heated to redness will not bend over double upon itself, either with or against the grain, and without fracture on the outer curve or along the edges of the plate, is not fit to enter into steam-boiler construction. Hammer Test. — This test is sometimes resorted to for ascertaining the internal defects of a plate when caused by lamination or imperfect welding during manufacture, and consists in lightly tapping the entire surface of the plate with a light hand-hammer. The plate is usually placed on edge, its weight resting on any convenient bearing at each end to keep it off the floor ; the upper edge is supported in any manner that will not interfere with the vibration of the plate. If a plate thus arranged be struck with a hand-hammer, it will give a clear, ringing sound, which will be the tone of that particular plate ; if now the hammering be pro- ceeded with on say 4-inch centres over the entire surface and on both sides of the plate, and this same characteristic tone due to the size and weight of the plate be observed, the plate is judged to be solid ; but if a dull sound is emitted, it is reasonably certain that a defect exists in the plate at that point. WROUGHT IRON 35 Chemical Properties of Wrought Iron. — The operation of pud- dling does not eliminate all the impurities in cast iron during its conver- sion into wrought iron, but to show how nearly such elimination occurs in practice, reference is directed to the following analysis of a sample of 55,000 tensile strength wrought-iron plate : Iron 99.20 Carbon .04 Manganese .17 Silicon 15 Sulphur .03 Phosphorus .21 Oxygen .20 100.00 Of the above substances, those which act most injuriously upon iron are sulphur and phosphorus, the former making the iron red-short, and the latter cold-short. Red-short or hot-short iron is a defect generally attributed to the sulphur present in the finished plate or bar. This sulphur may have been present in the pig-metal from which the wrought iron was made, but much of it comes from the coal used as fuel in puddling. Red-short irons are often tenacious and otherwise good when cold, but become brittle and are easily broken when hot ; such irons weld with great diffi- culty. Cold-short iron is very brittle when cold, cracking badly, or breaking if bent at a sharp angle or doubled ; but such irons may be forged and welded at a high heat. This defect is a much more serious one than red- shortness. Irons which have an excess of phosphorus are cold-short. Commercial Qualities of Boiler-Plate.— The quality of boiler- plate is dependent upon the impurities in the crude metal from which it is made, and upon the amount of working which it receives to prepare it for the market. Wrought iron is improved in quality by judicious heating and working, especially hammering, but it soon reaches its greatest strength, after which reheating and rolling is found to reduce its strength and ductility. Unless portions of plate have been actually tested, or the plates are known to have been made from blooms of the very best quality, it is not safe to assume a greater tensile strength than 45,000 pounds per square inch of section. This applies to such irons only as are stamped by reputable makers C. H. No. i and higher grades. These latter are usually designated by some private brand or trade-mark. C. Iron, or charcoal iron, is the common boiled or puddled iron rolled into bars or plates. This grade of iron is porous, and will become very brittle with repeated heating and cooling. It will not stretch much before breaking, and will break suddenly. Its tensile strength ranges 36 BOILERS AND FURNACES usually from 30,000 to 40,000 pounds per square inch. It is only suited for tank-work, and ought never to enter into any portion of boiler con- struction. C. No. I Iron, or C. H. iron (charcoal hammered, as it is oftener known), is the same iron as the above, except that it is subjected to more careful working and is hammered into suitable blooms before rolling. This iron very much resembles the common iron in its general qualities, having but little elasticity and breaking suddenly. Like the above, it becomes very brittle by repeated heating and cooling, though somewhat stronger than C. iron, its tensile strength ranging from 35,000 to 45,000 pounds per square inch. It is not a suitable iron for boiler construction. C. H. No. I Shell Iron is made from C. H. blooms, with the addition of selected scrap, the whole being thoroughly welded under a heavy steam-hammer and afterwards rolled into plates. This iron, like the other two just described, is injuriously affected by repeated heating and cooling, which has the effect to render it brittle. This is the quality of plate generally used in the construction of land boilers using pressures of steam below 100 pounds per square inch. It rarely enters into the construction of boilers for river or ocean service, its principal defect being a lack of homogeneity and imperfect welding. Its tensile strength is from 45,000 to 50,000 pounds per square inch. C. H. No. I Flange Iron is similar to the above, the difference being that only the very best scrap iron and charcoal hammered blooms are used. The greatest care is exercised in the selection of materials, and the working is such as to insure thorough welding. In texture it is less fibrous and more granular than any of the irons preceding it. On account of its nearer approach to a homogeneous structure it is less liable to blister or crack in the fire. It will stand repeated heating and cooling and should have good flanging qualities. The tensile strength should never fall below 50,000 pounds per square inch and rarely ex- ceeds 60,000 pounds. The elastic limit will vary from 18,000 to 25,000 pounds per square inch, and will stretch from 25 to 30 per cent, in ordi- nary 2-inch specimens. This is the highest grade of iron regularly offered in the market, and was extensively used in the construction of marine boilers and for the heads and other flange-plates of land boilers. Brand. — The brand of plate iron is a commercial index to its quality. Plates of a grade corresponding to C. H. No. i iron should always be stamped with the maker's name and the guaranteed tensile strength, thus : SMITH, JONES & CO., C. H. No. I Flange, 55,000 T. S. This method of stamping was introduced in order to meet the re- quirements of the United States Government regulations with reference MILD STEEL 37 to the quality of plates entering into steam boilers intended for use on steam vessels in the United States. Defects in Iron Boiler-Plates. — These are principally imperfect welding, brittleness, and low ductility, all of which may be largely over- come by a proper selection of materials in the first stage of manufacture and by a careful manipulation during the successive operations of re- heating, welding, and especially by a thorough working under a heavy steam-hammer. As boiler-plates are always cut to dimensions at the mill, one defect of plate iron is not known to the purchaser, — that is, rough edges, which is a sign of red-shortness, the plate containing an excess of sulphur, which may have been absorbed from the coal during the process of puddling. Such plates do not weld readily. Surface Defects in Plates caused by imperfections in the rolls should be carefully examined to ascertain whether the quality of the plate is likely to be affected thereby ; so, also, cracks in the scale should be carefully examined, though usually they do not amount to much, rarely entering into the iron. Scabs, occasioned by the imbedding of hard pieces of cinder while the metal is at a high heat, may extend some distance below the surface and prove a serious defect. Of interior defects lamination is perhaps the most serious. This defect occurs when welding is imperfect, which may have been occa- sioned by the presence of cinder, sand, or other impurity in the pile, preventing welding contact. This is the defect which later on, when the plate is exposed to the fire, produces a blister. Lamination is diffi- cult of detection, because both sides of a sheet may be faultless and give no surface indication of its occurrence. The object of the hammer test is to lead to the detection and location of such defects. Blisters. — This defect seldom manifests itself until the plate has been put into the boiler and subjected to the repeated action of heating and cooling : it is directly traceable to lamination, already referred to. Blisters are much more common in wrought-iron plates than in those of mild steel. The remedy for a blister is either a patch or a new plate. PART III.— MILD STEEL. Steel occupies a position intermediate between cast iron, which con- tains so much carbon that it is very brittle, and wrought iron, which contains so little carbon that its influence is imperceptible. The differ- ence between mild steel and wrought iron does not wholly depend upon the larger quantity of carbon contained in the former over the latter, but rather that in the preparation of steel it has acquired that property which permits casting into a malleable ingot. Steel is characterized by fine granular texture, and when the con- tained carbon amounts to 0.40 to 0.50 per cent, it has the property of hardening, which unfits it for use in steam-boiler construction : steel for that purpose should not contain more than from o. 12 to 0.24 percent, of 38 BOILERS AND FURNACES carbon. Mild steel is recommended as a material for steam boilers because of its homogeneity, high tensile strength, malleability, ductility, and freedom from lamination and blisters. Open-Hearth Steel. — This process of steel-making was introduced in this country in 1868, and by 1871 its manufacture had attained a high degree of perfection. The physical qualities of open-hearth steel were so admirably adapted for boiler-plates that it received the prompt recog- nition to which its merits fully entitled it, rapidly displacing both crucible and Bessemer boiler-plates in open market. Carbon. — Mild steel plates for boilers vary as to the total quantity of carbon from 0.12 to 0.24 per cent., depending upon the thickness of the plate. In preparing specifications for mild steel plates less than ^ inch thick the carbon limit should not exceed 0.15 per cent., as addi- tional carbon is likely to reduce the ductility of the plate. The ultimate tensile strength of open-hearth flange or boiler steel should not vary outside the Hmits of 52,000 to 62,000 pounds per square inch, with an elongation of not less than 25 per cent. A steel having 0.15 per cent, of carbon is quite as high as should be used for boiler-plates from ^ to Yo, inch thick ; but for plates say ij^ inches thick the carbon limit may be as high as 0.25 per cent., with intermediate percentages of carbon for intermediate thicknesses of plate. TABLE IL SHOWING THE CARBON PROPERTIES OF OPEN-HEARTH STEEL. Average Average Ulti- Average Final Elongation. Carbon. Manganese. Phosphorus. Original Sectional Area. mate Tensile Strength per Square Inch. Average Final Area. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Square Inch. Pounds. Per cent. Per cent. .12 •351 •0505 .6180 58,226 27.18 45.29 •13 •340 .0491 •5491 58,352 26.72 46.73 .14 •375 .0486 •5942 60,569 26.90 46.18 .15 •383 .0518 .5719 61,618 26.75 48.16 .16 .393 .0528 .5641 62,517 25.65 49.46 .17 .404 .0461 •5492 63,333 25.89 50.45 .18 .416 .0487 •5719 65,169 24.81 48.71 Three percentages above and below o. 15 per cent, are given to show how the physical properties of the steel change with the varying carbon. The above steel developed through a series of more than 100 tests an average increase of tensile strength per o.oi per cent, of carbon of 1387.5 pounds. Average decrease of final elongation per o.oi per cent, of carbon, 0.425 per cent. Average increase of final area per o.oi per cent, of carbon, 0.600 per cent. MILD STEEL 39 Manganese. — In the above series of tests it was found that with increasing carbon there was also an increase of manganese, which may probably be accounted for in diminished oxidation in the furnace. The exact function of manganese in steel is not clearly understood ; the belief is, however, that it deoxidizes the bath as well as removes the sulphur. This is inferred from the disappearance of most of the sulphur from the iron in the bath and partly from the circumstance that only about one- half the metallic manganese added at the last of the charge is found in the analysis of the resultant steel. Phosphorus. — This element in steel has the property of rendering it cold-short, and as boiler-plates are usually worked cold, the less there is of it in the plates the better. As a hardener of steel, phosphorus is generally considered to be more effective than carbon, but its secondary effects are very different. Other things remaining the same, increase of phosphorus, besides raising the tensile strength, notably raises the elastic ratio, diminishes the elongation, and more especially diminishes the reduction of area. Its effect in diminishing elongation, and prob- ably also reduction of area, appears to be largely dependent on the amount of other elements present, especially of silicon. For conve- nience, the latter element must be supposed to vary little and be present in quantity not above 0.04 per cent., as is common in open-hearth steel. The effect of phosphorus is then identical in nature to that of cold-rolling or finishing, and is to be taken account of in much the same manner. Sulphur. — The presence of this element renders steel hot-short, and thus affects the working in the steel- works rather than in the boiler-shop, except in flange-plates. Sulphur should not exceed 0.04 per cent, in steel boiler-plates, and even at this percentage the plates should contain at least 0.25 per cent, of manganese in order to counteract the hot-short effects of the sulphur. Silicon. — This element, even in small quantities, renders mild steel hard and decreases its ductility. It ought not to exceed 0.05 per cent, in any steel intended for steam boilers. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MILD STEEL. The qualities to be determined and for which physical tests are undertaken upon samples of steel boiler-plates are mainly for elastic limit, elongation, ultimate strength, reduction of area at point of frac- ture, cold-bending, the drifting test, and the quenching test. The first four are determined consecutively and are classed usually under tensile tests ; the others are separate tests. Tensile Tests. — The forms and dimensions of test-pieces for boiler- plate in this country do not conform to any standard. The short test- piece so long included in the Rules and Regulations prescribed by the Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels, shown in Fig. i, is still in use. For tensile strength only this test-piece is perhaps good 40 BOILERS AND FURNACES enough, the groove simply indicating where the break shall occur. Such a break will also give the fractured area of the specimen ; but it is not the best form of test-piece for obtaining the ductility of the mate- rial, though this may be measured by making prick-punch marks on either side of the centre at any distance which will be unaffected by the stretch of the piece, and comparing the final distance with the original before the test began. This form of test-piece has the advantage of being easily taken from small pieces, and for pieces of small ductility the value of the tensile strength so obtained is practically correct. The short filleted form, shown in Fig. 2, was quite extensively used by steel-makers in this country prior to the adoption of the standard Fig. ■Vl Tesi piece io bejanie TV specifications, August 9, 1895, and, unless otherwise stated, may be re- garded as the size used. The tensile strength and fractured area for a ductile material like mild steel are much nearer the results obtained from long pieces than in the groove form and more uniform, but are still too high. The ductility is somewhat arbitrary in that the measured length includes the short end fillets, which are in a different condition of stress from the straight portion. Being very largely dependent on the proportions of the test-piece, the ductility results from these speci- mens always read very high, especially for the softer materials. The Fig. 3. drawing. Fig. 3, is a full-size reproduction of a test-specimen of basic open-hearth boiler-steel by the Lukens Iron and Steel Company. The dotted lines indicate the original size and the full lines the final outlines after the test. Elongation and reduction of area are both clearly ex- hibited. MILD STEEL 41 The long filleted form, shown in Fig. 4, is one recommended by the American Society of Civil Engineers as being well adapted to show all the Fig. 4. physical properties likely to be developed by a tensile test. The length between the fillets is commonly 8 inches, though there are variations on either side, such as 6 and 10 inches. The 8-inch test-pieces are used in the French navy, by the English Admiralty, and by the United States Navy Department. This uniformity in the dimensions of test-pieces makes the comparison of American and foreign results a simple matter. TABLE in. tests of annealed mild steel boiler-plates made to show the effect of length of test-piece, united states navy department. Fig. 5. Fig. 6. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Original Length be- tween Wit- ness Marks. Average Original Width. Average Original Thickness. Average Original . Sectional Area. Average Ulti- mate Tensile Strength per Square Inch. Average Final Elongation. Average Final Area. Inches. Inches. Inches. Square Inch. Pounds. Per cent. Per cent. Groove. 0-993 .660 .6550 63,065 40.5 46.0 ^% 0.990 .665 .6583 56,660 49- 43-5 2 1. 021 •663 .6750 56,600 44.0 41-5 2X 0.968 .668 .6466 56,200 40.0 40.0 3 1. 015 .660 .6700 56,400 38.0 39-5 4 0.980 .658 .6445 56,200 34-5 38.0 5 0.970 .650 .6300 56,445 33-0 37-0 6 1.037 .648 .6725 55,700 29-5 36.9 7 1. 000 .644 •6435 56,250 28.5 39-5 8 0-933 .664 •6195 55,200 27.9 38-5 9 0.963 •654 .6298 55,955 26.6 36.4 10 1. 000 .663 .6630 54,750 27.4 36.8 42 BOILERS AND FURNACES The standard test-piece adopted by the Association of American Steel Manufacturers, August 9, 1895, as shown in Fig. 7, is for sheared plates of special open-hearth steel for boilers. The tests and inspections are required to be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment ; Fig. 7. ■ . ^26o£c^ »' i 1 ....M'- iv4••/-i•V^i.v^|../a..^..i../4^^'%lS^i|S" the tensile strength, limit of elasticity, and ductility are to be determined from a standard test-piece of the above dimensions cut from the finished material. Test-pieces for plates for the new United States war-ships were em- ployed as in the form shown in Fig. 4. These pieces were as nearly as possible in the same condition as finished at the rolls. The length A B was 8 inches, and of uniform cross-section, in which the sectional area was not less than ^ or more than 0.8 of one square inch. The test-piece was not annealed unless the finished material was to be annealed, and no steel for boilers which had to be worked at a heat or which had to be annealed in the boiler-shop was annealed at the steel- works. Each test-piece was submitted to a direct tensile stress until it broke. The initial stress applied was 25,000 pounds per square inch, and this first load was kept in continuous action for one minute. An observation was then made of the corresponding elongation measured upon the original length of 8 inches. The stress was then slowly increased until the principal elastic limit was determined ; then additional loads sufficient to produce an increase of stress of 5000 pounds per square inch were added at intervals of half a minute until the stress reached 50,000 pounds per square inch of the original section, after which the increments of stress were reduced to 1000 pounds per square inch. Upon close approach to the probable ultimate strength, the load was increased gradually and its maximum value carefully noted. The final elongation was that obtained after rupture. The acceptance of any mild steel boiler-plates under the contract was conditioned on an ultimate tensile strength of not less than 57,000 pounds, nor more than 63,000 pounds per square inch of original section, and a final elongation in 8 inches of not less than 25 per cent. ; but the acceptance of plates under these tests did not relieve the con- tractor from the necessity of making good any material which afterwards failed in working. MILD STEEL 43 Direction of Grain. — In testing wrought iron it is quite common to prepare test-pieces from plates in the direction of rolling and at right angles to this direction ; these are commonly spoken of as being with or across the grain. Steel, being a more homogeneous material, shows little difference between the two, as indicated in the following memo- randa of mild-steel tests having 0.16 per cent, carbon and 0,40 per cent, manganese : Stress applied lengthwise of the plate, — Average tensile strength in pounds per square inch .... 59,400 Average final elongation, per cent 27.00 Average final area, per cent 47.00 Stress applied crosswise of the plate, — Average tensile strength in pounds per square inch .... 58,995 Average final elongation, per cent 23.15 Average final area, per cent 47.00 Elastic Limit. — For mild steels intended for steam boilers, the elastic limit is of much importance, because it is practically its measure of strength ; for boiler-plates the elastic limit will vary from 50 to 60 per cent, of its ultimate tensile strength. The standard specifications provide that all special open-hearth plate and rivet steels for boilers shall have an elastic limit not less than one-half the ultimate tensile strength. Elastic Ratio. — This is obtained by dividing the elastic limit per square inch by the ultimate strength per square inch. For example, if a plate have an ultimate tensile strength per square inch of 57,000 pounds and an elastic limit of 26,500 pounds, the elastic ratio would be 26,500 X 100 -i- 57,000 = 46.49 per cent. Examples of this kind are interesting as showing any departure from the average as to physical condition other than lack of homogeneity — the condition as to internal strain or comparative annealing, i.e. — by the ratio which the elastic limit bears to the tensile strength. Elongation. — The average value of the extension of mild steel boiler-plates at the tensile limit varies with the quality of the steel, the length of the specimen, and the thickness of the plate : a final elonga- tion of 44 per cent, on a 2-inch specimen would show probably 28 per cent. ; on an 8-inch specimen the elongation of a ^-inch plate would exceed that of a i-inch plate by at least 5 per cent., both specimens from the same ingot. The standard specifications for elongation call for 28 per cent, in extra soft steel, 26 per cent, for fire-box steel, and 25 per cent, for flange or boiler steel. Reduction of Area. — There are two methods of recording this quantity : one by giving the actual area of the fracture, irrespective of the original area, — this is the ordinary method ; the other records the fractured area in percentage of the original area. In order that no con- 44 BOILERS AND FURNACES fusion of terms shall arise, the latter is called in the United States navy reports on mild steel the ' ' final area. ' ' To measure the final area, the piece should be fitted, the least width measured, and thickness at each ede^e and Fir 8 . ■ • in the centre in the plane of least width. -j-—^- ■ ^ On account of the hollow in the section, 'ja as shown in Fig. 8, it is necessary to in- ■^ troduce a formula for the thickness. This is best done by applying Simpson's rule for three ordinates. Thus, if t^, tg, tg be the thickness at A, C, and B respectively, and b the least width, we shall have, — Final area = ^ (ti + i,t^ + 13). o Obtaining data from results given below, the above formula may be worked out arithmetically thus : ti = .300, tg = .272 4t2 = 1.088, tg = .308 = 1.696. 1.696 -^ 6 = .283 = mean thickness. Fractured width b =■ .936 X .283 = .2649 = fractured area, then 100 X .2649 -^ .5229 original area = 50.66 = final area in per cent, of the orieinal area. TENSILE TESTS OF MILD STEEL, UNITED STATES NAVY DEPARTMENT. CARBON, 0.14 per cent. Original section : Width 1.254 inches. Thickness 417 inch. Area 5229 square inch. Fractured section : Width 936 inch. Thickness at edges and centre, .300, .272, .308 inch. Area 2646 square inch. Elastic limit, pounds per sauare inch 40, 160 Ultimate tensile strength, pounds per square inch 62,700 Elastic ratio 64.06 per cent. Final elongation 25.5 per cent. Final area in per cent, of original area . . . .50.60 per cent. Modulus of elasticity 30,200,000 Elongation at tensile limit 19.0 per cent. Stress at rupture : Pounds per square inch of original area 54,120 Pounds per square inch of fractured area 106,950 Time of test 17 minutes. MILD STEEL 45 Fig. Cold- Bending Test. — Any plate which will stand the foregoing tests will stand any cold bending to which it is ever likely to be sub- jected. An open-hearth steel of 60,000 pounds tensile strength and 25 per cent, elongation in 8 inches will bend back upon itself, as shown in Fig. 9, which is drawn from a speci- men of open-hearth basic boiler-plate, i ^ inches thick, made by the Lukens Iron and Steel Company. An example of double- bending of ^-inch open - hearth basic boiler-plate shown in Fig. 10 is also from the same company. Where T-bars are used for stiffeners or for joining braces or stays in a boiler, the flanges should stand cold bending to the dotted lines shown in Fig. 11. In the cold bending of any specimen prepared by shearing, care should be taken that the edges are smooth and free from sharp indentations, any one of which under high stress may develop a frac- ture. The hammer- ^^^- ^°- ing should be gradual and the blows deliv- ered square to the surface. Failure in cold - bending tests may occur through too high carbon per- centages or by the chemical action of hardening impurities in the steel. Drifting Test.— This test consists in taking a strip of steel of any convenient width (2 or 3 inches), drilling a hole >^ or ^ inch diameter for the in- sertion of a drift-pin, and by a succession of drifts through the cold plate enlarging the hole to at least twice its original diameter. Fig. 12 shows the effect of drifting a piece of open-hearth steel by the Lukens Iron and Steel Company. The original opening was }4 inch diameter, the drifted hole i^^ inch diameter. The effect upon the material is shown in the cross- section. 46 BOILERS AND FURNACES Fig. II. Quenching Test. — The object of this test is to determine whether or not the specimen tested possesses any hardening qualities. The standard quenching test consists in heating the specimen to a cherry-red heat and plunging it in water at a temperature of 82° Fahr., after which the quenched specimen must be capable of being bent back 1 upon itself, as shown in Fig. J 9, without signs of fracture \ anywhere in the bend. The ' United States navy require- ^ ments are that a specimen thus prepared shall bend under a press or hammer so that it shall be doubled round a curve of which the diameter is not more than one and a half times the thickness of the piece tested without presenting any trace of cracking ; further, these test-pieces must not have their sheared edges rounded off ; the only treatment permitted is taking off the sharpness of the edge with a fine file. Fig. 12. Bulging Test. — This test is seldom or never required in specifica- tions for steam boilers. Experiments have been made, however, to determine to what extent open-hearth steel plates may be subjected to stresses of this kind. Fig. 13 shows a method employed under the direction of the United States Navy Department upon open-hearth steel MILD STEEL 47 plates made by the Nashua Iron and Steel Company. The steel thus tested analyzed as follows : Carbon, combined .130 Manganese . 100 Sulphur 028 Phosphorus .011 Silica 071 Iron, difference 99.660 Total 100.000 A y^g-inch plate was placed over a hole 9 inches square in a piece of wrought iron ; a 6-inch cast-iron shot was then driven down by a 2000-pound steam-hammer having a mean stroke of 24 inches until the calotte, or cup, thus formed had a depth of 4^ inches. Fig. 13. The lower surface was then thoroughly examined and no signs of fracture could be detected. A second trial was then similarly made upon a plate \^ inch thick, with a view to ascer- tain to what extent this test could be carried with- out fracture. After breaking three shot, a wrought-iron cylin- der with a spherical end was substituted, and at about the sixtieth blow disintegration took place along one side of the cup at a distance of 2 inches from its bottom. The thickness of the plate at the point of fracture was reduced to ^ inch, the depth of the cup being ^.J/g inches. When heated it was found that the plate could be folded over until the surfaces met and then bent in the opposite direction to a similar position without fracture, and after repeating this operation four times only a slight fracture took place. Annealing. — This detail in manufacture consists in slowly heating the material to a cherry-red heat and allowing it to cool slowly, com- monly under a bed of ashes. The object in annealing plates is to neu- tralize the interior strains which may have arisen from any cause, such as unequal heating or cooling in manufacture, and especially strains set up in a boiler-plate when allowed to cool on a cast-iron straightening- plate. Plates which undergo partial and local heating for flanging by hand, or when successive portions require to be heated for machine- flanging, or plates rather high in carbon which have undergone con- 48 BOILERS AND FURNACES siderable cold-working and punching ought always to be annealed. A reverberatory furnace especially constructed for the purpose is the best method of annealing because it insures uniform heating over the entire surface, and if properly attended to there need be little or no danger of local overheating. Manufacturers sometimes resort to annealing to prevent rejection of plates when undergoing rigid inspection. For example, a plate may be wanting in ductility partly through chemical and partly through physical causes : annealing will in all probability increase the ductility sufficiently to allow it to pass ; on the other hand, a plate may be slightly above a specified tensile limit : by proper precautions in annealing the plate may, within narrow limits, be reduced in tensile strength and thus come within the limits of acceptance. The effect of annealing is shown in the annexed memoranda relative to certain plates intended for the United States cruiser "Chicago." Eight test-pieces from four plates, representing four separate heats, were made from the original sheets ; these plates contained o.ii, 0.13, 0.13, and o. 14 per cent, of carbon respectively. Average ultimate tensile strength per square inch for the four heats 60,588 pounds. Average final elongation 29.54 per cent. Average final area 42.44 per cent. The annealed test-pieces from the same plates were twenty in number, in which the following differences were observed : Average decrease of tensile strength per square inch 6680 pounds. Average increase in final elongation in 8 inches . . . .06 per cent. Average decrease of final area in per cent, of original area 4.75 per cent. The experiences of officers in charge of inspection and tests was, in the matter of annealing, of somewhat contradictory nature : the average effect of annealing open-hearth steel plates having a tensile strength of 55,000 to 65,000 pounds per square inch was a reduction varying from 5 to 19 per cent, of the original values for tensile strength and final area and an increase of 12.5 per cent, in the original value for ductility in 8 inches, the average original area being practically identical for both conditions. This shows a diminution of tensile strength and increase ol capacity for local distortion. It was observed that changes were greatest in those plates which originally appeared the softest. Certain precautions are necessary in annealing steel plates : the fuel should be comparatively free from ordinary impurities, the flame should be kept neutral, and the products of combustion should be kept as much as possible out of contact with the material. The heating up should be rather slow, the metal must not be soaked, and, indeed, should remain MILD STEEL 49 in the furnace the shortest time required to effect the desired results. The temperature ordinarily applied is too high, and especially apt to be so locally ; it need not be very much above the temperature of finishing at the rolls, and should never be above a medium cherry. It cannot be too carefully borne in mind that the temperature at which the original physical structure is destroyed and replaced by a coarser and weaker structure is considerably below a bright yellow, and the metal should never be heated so high in annealing. The conclusion arrived at from a consideration of results of annealing plates which have not been punched or otherwise worked so as to neces- sitate the removal of purely local strains is that the effect is as apt to be deleterious as beneficial as the process is ordinarily carried out. Good metal shows little improvement in any case ; and while inferior metal may be doctored up to show somewhat better test, the improvement in intrinsic quality is uncertain. But the fact that, as commonly done, annealing may continually and with reasonable certainty lower the work- ing quality, and sometimes excessively so, should prevent any general resort to the practice for boiler or other plate at the mills. CHAPTER III. RIVETED JOINTS. Plates for the shells of steam boilers are commonly joined by rivets, and occasionally by welding ; but the latter method of joining the edges of plates is practically confined to the manufacture of tubes, flues, and cylindrical fire-boxes for internally fired boilers. Riveting is at best an unsatisfactory way of making a joint ; but, notwithstanding its disad- vantages in the matter of cost, and inherent weaknesses by reduction of sectional area and bad workmanship, it has become one of the most important details in mechanical engineering. Strength of Iron and Steel Plates.— C. H. No. i shell iron of good quality has a tensile strength ranging from 40,000 to 50,000 pounds per square inch ; in the absence of a specific test it may be assumed to be 45,000 pounds in all calculations relating to riveted joints. Table IV. gives the physical properties of wrought-iron plates referred to in this chapter in certain tests made for the Navy Department. TABLE IV. TENSILE STRENGTH OF WROUGHT IRON USED IN RIVETED-JOINT TESTS, REFERRED TO LATER IN THIS CHAPTER, WATERTOWN ARSENAL. -n Fig. 14. ■m tv Nominal. Actual Sectional Area. Elastic Limit per Square Inch. Ultimate Strength per Square Inch. Elongation in Ten Inches. Area of Fracture. Contraction of Area. Inch. Square Inch. Pounds. Pounds. Per cent. Square Inch. Per cent. X L •389 36,370 48,350 17.0 .300 22.9 y^^ C •397 25,700 38,160 4^5 •365 8.1 ^L .560 32,679 47,590 13-6 •454 18.9 ^i^ .768 25,789 45,830 13^8 •635 17^3 % L •935 25,450 45,240 12.4 • 787 15.8 ^L 1.047 27,890 46,750 12.8 .866 17-3 L — Lengthwise. C — Crosswise. 50 RIVETED JOINTS 5: Mild steel for boilers, whether fire-box or flange, should have an ultimate strength of 52,000 to 62,000 pounds per square inch. In all riveted-joint calculations the tensile strength may be taken as 55,000 pounds per square inch. As closely agreeing with the above, reference is had to Table V. of physical tests of steel from ^ to f inch thick, in which the average ten- sile strength is 54,885 pounds per square inch. The steel plates were supplied from one heat cast in ingots of same size, the thin plates differ- ing from the thicker plates only in the amount of reduction given the metal by the rolls. TABLE V. TENSILE STRENGTH OF MILD STEEL USED IN RIVETED-JOINT TESTS, REFERRED TO LATER IN THIS CHAPTER, WATERTOWN ARSENAL. Fig. 15. /O'^ ■K. Nominal Thickness. Actual Sectional Area. Elastic Limit per Square Inch. Ultimate Strength per Square Inch. Elongation in Ten Inches. Area of Fracture. Contraction of Area. Inch. Square Inch. Pounds. Pounds. Per cent. Square Inch. Per cent. X .378 39,680 58,360 19.2 .141 62.7 y. •559 31,810 54,025 27.1 .208 62.8 X .751 31,290 57,790 26.1 • 360 52:1 Y, •934 32,100 52,570 29.0 .350 62.5 'A 1. 102 30,440 51,680 28.7 •394 64^3 Loss by Reduction of Area. — The total strength of a plate in a riveted joint will be lessened by that area of metal taken from it to supply places for the rivets. In good quality of wrought iron, punch- ing, if properly done, has little or no effect upon the plates, and no other loss occurs than that due to reduction of area along the line of rivet- holes, so that the net strength of what remains of an iron plate, whether punched or drilled, is equal to that of the original plate for a correspond- ing sectional area ; but in the case of steel plates the value of the net sectional area remaining between the rivet-holes is somewhat uncertain. In some cases there has been observed a marked falling off" in tensile strength, the amount depending upon the hardness and thickness of the plate. Inasmuch as this loss of strength is partially or wholly restored by reaming, or by the annealing effect produced by the hot rivets, it will be near enough to assume in ordinary calculations that the net section between the holes is equal to that of the original plate for the same area of cross-section. 52 BOILERS AND FURNACES Rivet-Holes. — Whether the rivet-holes shall be punched or drilled is, so far as the manufacturer is concerned, largely a matter of conve- nience. Punching is more quickly accomplished than drilling, conse- quently punched holes are cheaper than drilled ; but the former are more likely to contain errors in centring than is the case with drilled holes. A punch once started cannot usually be recalled, and if the plate should be out of centre at the start, the punched hole will be out of centre at the finish, and it is precisely such errors that the drift-pin is called into requisition to correct. In large establishments where multiple drilling-machines are em- ployed, drilled holes are supplied at a low cost, quite as low as that of punching, especially for thick plates, which are first punched and after- wards reamed. There can be no question as to the superiority of drilled over punched work, especially when two or more plates are fastened together after rolling and drilled at a single operation. Punch and Die. — Two forms of punch are in common use, — the plain punch, with projecting teat or centre, and the spiral punch, as shown in Fig. i6. When plates are laid off in the boiler-shop the centres of the hole are commonly marked with a prick-punch. To facilitate centring in the punching-machine the project- FiG. i6. ing centre above referred to is ot great assistance to the workman, insuring greater accuracy in the spacing of punched holes than would occur if this detail was omitted. It is a common practice to make the die of a larger diameter than the punch, say -^^ of an inch, and for all sizes of rivets and all thicknesses of plates above ^ inch and less than -| inch a tapering hole is the result, but if care be taken in riveting, the rivet will conform to the shape of and com- pletely fill the hole. It is claimed that the enlargement of the die lessens the power required to punch the hole, and that the punching is performed with less strain upon the plate. The power required to punch a hole in a plate may be estimated by multiplying the circumference of the punch in inches by the thickness of the plate in fractions of an inch, and this by the tensile strength of the material to be punched. For example, to punch a if-inch hole in a ^-inch plate of steel having a tensile strength of 55,000 pounds per square inch would require 2.945 X -5 X 55,000, = 80,987 pounds. RIVETED JOINTS 53 Spiral Punch. — In shearing metal plates it is the universal practice to set the top blade of the shear at an angle to the bottom one, the object being to bring about a gradual separation of the plate ; in other words, to take a little more time to do the same amount of work than if the shears were parallel. Spiral punches are constructed on this principle, and for plates less than one-half the diameter of the punch the operation is very satisfactory in practice. For thicker plates the advantages are not so marked, and when the plate is three-fourths the diameter of the punch any advantage wholly disappears. Comparison of Plain and Spiral Punches, — Professor Benja- min's experiments upon Otis steel boiler-plates ^ inch thick, punched with ordinary flat punches, showed a tensile strength of 7.5 per cent, less, elastic limit 5 per cent, higher, and contraction 30 per cent, less than a drilled plate of the same material, showing that the effect of the punching is to render the metal around the hole more brittle and less ductile than before. When a spiral punch was used, the ultimate strength was only 3 per cent, less than in the drilled plate. Effects of Punching Steel Plates. — The observed changes in the material in the line of punched holes are increased hardness, alteration of physical structure, and loss of ductility. In tests made several years ago from steel containing more carbon than is now allowed for boiler- plates, from specimens which had been cut from different portions of the same plate and in the same line of punched holes it appeared that the disturbance of the material was confined to within a very short distance around the hole, extending from -^ to y^ of an inch, and that by drilling and reaming out such punched holes and then testing the plate, making proper allowance for the reduced area, no perceptible decrease of strength was noted. Some more recent experiments on mild steel plates contain- ing 0.12 carbon, 0.37 manganese, testing 64,200 pounds tensile strength, with a ductility of 25. 15 per cent, in 8 inches, showed the following effect in punching, with or without countersinking : Punched ^-inch hole in 2-inch X .510-inch plate, as in Fig. 17. Fig. 17. Effective dimensions of test-piece i-3i3 X .510 inch. Effective sectional area 6696 square inch. Ultimate tensile strength 55, 000 pounds. Reduction of strength 14-33 per cent. 54 BOILERS AND FURNACES Punched |^-inch hole and countersunk, as shown in Fig. i< Fig. i8. Effective sectional area 6215 square inch. Ultimate tensile strength 61,400 pounds. Reduction of strength 4.36 per cent. Commenced to crack at part of hole not countersunk, at 58,200 pounds per square inch. Punched ^^-inch hole and countersunk, as shown in Fig. 19. Fig. 19. — — — ^..,„„„„„.,.^„^^ 4.30- _ ~~p~L _-j Effective 1 t n 1 i 6163 square inch. Ultimate tensile strength 65,560 pounds. Increase of strength 2.12 per cent. Commenced to crack at small edge of hole, at 61,980 pounds per square inch. These results show, first, a reduction of strength of 14.33 pc cent, due to ordinary punching of a -f|-inch hole in a ^-inch steel plate of a quality suited for steam boilers ; second, a recovery of strength, 4.36 per cent, of the original, by partial countersinking; third, a gain of 2.12 per cent, when a punched hole is countersunk all the way through. The loss in strength in the first example may be attributed to the formation of a thin ring of highly strained metal forming the walls of the hole ; in general, this thickness will depend upon the carbon properties or hard- ness of the plate, upon its thickness, and the relative size of punch and die. The harder the steel, the thicker the plate, and the larger the die relatively to the punch, the thicker is the overstrained ring of metal, and the greater the amount of subsequent reaming and drilling necessary to remove it. The increase of strength shown in the last of the three examples accords with a fact now generally recognized that the effect of a hole produced by a cutting tool in a steel plate is to increase the ultimate strength of the net section ; and while the effect of punching is always to overstrain the adjacent material, yet if the damage to the material is RIVETED JOINTS 55 equal to or less than the gain due to the difference of distribution of the resisting area owing to the presence of the hole, no apparent loss of strength will ensue. Countersunk Rivets. — Experiments prove that the lap in riveted joints is an element of weakness irrespective of the loss of strength by rivet-holes. The thicker the plate the greater is the distorting leverage shown in Figs. 25 and 25 A. Clark reasons that because the absolute strength of a )^-inch lap- welded joint under test was not greater than that of a 0-inch joint under similar test, the principle here noticed may account for the practically equal strength of joints made with counter- sunk rivets compared with those having external rivet-heads, notwith- FlG. 20. standing the greater reduction of solid section by countersinking ; the leverage is shortened, and it may be measured from the centre of the cylindrical part of the rivet in the line A B, in Fig. 20, or thereabouts, towards the inner side of the plate. Size of Rivet. — The thinnest plate used in ordinary boiler- work is ^ inch, and for such plates f-inch rivets are recommended, which, with the customary allowance of yV-inch clearance, makes the rivet-hole Y^ inch in diameter, the proportion of diameter of hole to thickness of plate being 2.75 to i. Nearly all English writers give ^ inch as the diameter of rivet, or a y^g-inch hole for ^-inch plates, — a ratio of 2.25 to I ; but these proportions have not been in favor and are not com- monly used in this country. For thick plates, say f-inch and thicker, the size of the hole is governed somewhat by the ability to properly upset the rivet to fill the hole and form a proper head, especially in such places as require the work to be done by hand. For f-inch plates the diameter of rivet is commonly i\ inches, or ly^g hole. This gives a ratio of diameter of hole to thickness of plate of 1.58 to i. For intermediate thicknesses the diameter of rivet may be found by interpolation, as in Table VI, When rivets pass through three or four plates overlapping each other at a joint, it is in accordance with good practice to increase the diameter of such rivets yg- or |- inch, at the discretion of the designer. Inci- dentally it may be remarked that if the plates are to be lap-jointed on a 56 BOILERS AND FURNACES continuous plate, as shown in Fig. 21, one of the sheets must be forged wedge-shaped and the top sheet bent to fit the taper of the wedge. If, however, all the four corners meet at a common point, as in Fig. 22, the two inner sheets are forged wedge-shaped, right and left, the two equalling a single thickness, or approximately so. The upper and lower plates require no forging. Joints of this kind should be drilled after all the plates are assembled in place. TABLE VL RIVET-HOLES. Diameter. Ratio of Diameter of Area of Hole. Hole to Thickness of Plate. of Plate. Rivet. Hole. Inch. Inch. Inch. Square Inch. X y?, H ■371 2.75 to I T6 T6 Y .442 2.40 to I H %■ If .518 2.17 to I s \i H .601 2.00 to I H if .690 1.87 to I TS a I .785 1.78 to I H I ItV .887 1.70 to I H \t iVs •994 1.64 to I Ya lA 1. 108 1.58 to I Pitch of Rivets. — The distance apart from the centre of one rivet to the centre of the next rivet is called its pitch. As the gross strength of any plate is directly affected by the removal of a portion of its sectional area necessary for the rivet-holes, it follows that the fewer holes there are for a given width of plate the greater will be the strength of the Fig. 21. 1 i 1 1 Q 000 Fig. 22. D~l ; I 00 ;0 ; 1 1 1 plate remaining. If the pitch of rivets be too close, the strength of the plate is unnecessarily diminished ; if too wide, there is danger of shear- ing the rivets, unless they are increased in diameter corresponding to the increased pitch, which is not always practicable. When designing a joint, the diameter and pitch of rivets should ap- RIVETED JOINTS 57 Fig. proximate in strength that of the plate remaining- between the rivet- holes, taking into account the tensile strength per square inch of the latter and the shearing strength of the former ; but such a joint can only be secured by the use of large rivets and wide spacing. Such joints are difificult to keep tight under high pressures, and tightness of joint is a detail quite as important as that of tensile strength. Iron Plates and Iron Rivets. — Safe working dimensions for single-riveted joints have been ascertained by actual tests. For ex- ample, tests were made upon a ^-inch plate having a tensile strength of 47,925 pounds per square inch. Specimen was 10 inches in width, with 5 ^-inch rivets on 2-inch centres, punched holes, the punch 0.695 inch diameter, the die 0.752 inch diameter, making a hole slightly tapered. The rivets were of iron of the best quality. This joint foiled by shearing four of the rivets and breaking a corner out of the plate at the fifth rivet, as shown in Fig. 23. The elongation of holes ranged from 0.04 to 0.08 inch. The effi- ciency of this joint was 64. i per cent. The weakness was in the rivets. The maximum shearing stress on the rivets was 38,640 pounds per square inch, which exhibits the usual proportion between tensile strength of plate and shearing strength of rivets when both are made of first-quality material. A second experiment made from the same ^-inch plate, 9^ inches wide, with 6 ^-inch iron rivets from the same lot, holes on i^-inch centres, punched as above, failed by fracturing one of the plates directly across the line of rivet-holes. The efficiency of this joint was 64 per cent. The maximum shearing stress on the rivets was 35,200 pounds. In this case the pitch could have been widened to advantage. It ap- pears, therefore, that the correct spacing for ^-inch iron rivets in ^-inch iron plates should be within these two limits, say i^ or i^ inches. The efficiency of such a joint, if the workmanship is good, may be taken at 60 per cent, of the original plate. Steel Plates and Steel Rivets. — An open-hearth steel plate }( inch thick, tensile strength 55,765 pounds per square inch ; punched holes, punch 0.69 inch diameter, die 0.75 inch diameter, making a hole slightly conical ; pitch of rivets 2 inches. In a plate 10 inches in width, containing 5 rivets, failed in a single-riveted joint by tear- ing one plate through the metal, as shown in Fig. 24. The efficiency of this joint was 69.2 per cent. The first fracture which appeared in sight was at the end section ; the holes in the under plate elongated about -^ inch each. The lap end of the plate bent about 12 degrees, similar to that indicated in Fig. 25 A. 5 Fig. 24. [Mt^^^^ 58 BOILERS AND FURNACES Fig. 25. Fig. 25 A. Fig. 26. Another joint was made from the same plate ; drilled holes 0.69 inch diameter, i^ inch pitch ; the specimen 9.75 inches wide, contain- ing 6 rivet-holes ; failed by fracturing one plate through the rivet-holes, as indicated in Fig. 26. The efficiency of this joint was 68.8 per cent. Scales started on rivet-heads, other- wise they appear undisturbed. After the test the rivets were loose in the plate, not frac- tured. Fracture began at one edge and in first section between rivets. It will be observed that in both of the above tests failure occurred in the plate where, by preference, it ought to fail. It appears that the limit of pitch may be placed at 2 inches for ^-inch steel plates, using ^-inch steel rivets. Strength of Rivet Iron. — Tests made to determine the physical properties of wrought iron commonly supplied for rivets, as well as tests made of rivets after manufacture, make it appear that rivet iron varies in tensile strength from 45,000 to 52,000 pounds per square inch, ex- cluding a few exceptionally high specimens about which there was some doubt as to the fact of their not being steel. Taking everything into consideration, it appears that 47,500 pounds per square inch of section is as high a tensile strength as ought to be ordinarily ascribed to wrought- iron rivets. The elastic limit of rivet iron varies from 50 to 70 per cent, of the tensile strength, averaging closely to 58 per cent. There is no definite line upon which elastic limit can be established for wrought iron, but the percentage named is near enough for all practical purposes. The shearing strength of rivet iron approximates closely to 72 per cent, of its tensile strength, with variations on either side, diminishing somewhat with increasing tensile strength. In Table VII., 47,500 pounds tensile strength per square inch is used ; so also the percentages for elastic limit and shearing strength as given above, calculated for each rivet from ^ to i}i inches diameter. These figures are approximately correct for commercial rivets. Strength of Rivet Steel. — The tensile strength of open-hearth steel rivets for steam boilers under the standard specifications indicate that an average of 50,000 pounds per square inch would be an accept- able tensile strength ; as a matter of fact, ordinary steel rivets more nearly RIVETED JOINTS 59 approach 55,000 pounds. In Table X. the tensile strength is taken at 52,500, which, it is believed, accords very closely with the average tensile strength of steel rivets. TABLE VII. WROUGHT-IRON RIVETS. -0 Rivets. Tensile Strength of each Rivet Elastic Limit of each Rivet Shearing Strength of each Rivet at 34,200 Pounds per Square Inch V . at 47,500 at 27,550 Pounds per Pounds per ■H Diameter Diameter Area of Square Inch. Square Inch. Single Double H of Rivet. of Hole. Hole. Shear. Shear. Inch. Inch. Inch. Sq. Inch. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. X Y^ H •3712 17,632 10,227 12,695 24,120 \\ .4418 20,986 12,150 15,110 28,709 ^ Y tI .5185 24,643 14,285 17,733 33,693 T6 H Ys .6013 28,562 16,566 20,564 39,072 }4 ^ if .6903 32,749 19,018 23,608 44,855 t\ if I .7854 37,307 21,638 26,861 51,036 /s I ItV .8866 42,114 24,426 30,322 57,612 H ItV lY^ .9940 47,215 27,385 33,995 64,591 Ya I>^ lA 1. 1075 52,606 30,511 37,877 71,966 The elastic limit must not be less than one-half the ultimate tensile strength according to the standard specifications ; but an examination of a large number of tests show that the elastic limit approximates 65 per cent., or 34,125 pounds per square inch. When testing steel rivet- bars the same observation as in wTOUght-iron rivet-bars is had, — that there is no clearly defined line of elastic limit in mild steel. The shearing strength of steel rivets as compared with the tensile strength varies considerably, from 70 to 90 per cent., but from a large number of carefully conducted experiments in riveted joints and shearing tests the shearing strength of open-hearth steel rivets closely approxi- mated 85 per cent, of the tensile strength. TABLE VIII. SHOWING CHEMICAL ANALYSIS AND PHYSICAL QUALITIES OF " VICTOR" STEEL RIVETS. Phosphorus average 20 samples, .015 per cent. Manganese average 20 samples, .46 percent. Sulphur average 20 samples, .033 per cent. Silicon average 20 samples, .005 per cent. Carbon. average 20 samples, .11 percent. Elastic limit average 10 samples, 36,252 pounds per sq. in. Tensile strength average 10 samples, 51,565 pounds per sq. in. Elongation in 8 inches . . . average 10 samples, 31.9 per cent. Reduction of area .... average 10 samples, 79.7 per cent. Shearing strength, single . . average 8 samples, 48,277 pounds per sq. in. Shearing strength, double . average 7 samples, 45,720 pounds per sq. in. 6o BOILERS AND FURNACES The preceding may be taken as representative of good quality steel rivets now offered by rivet manufacturers to the trade. Table IX. gives results of tests of rivets made for the Navy Department under a higher carbon percentage than is commonly employed for rivets. TABLE IX. TENSILE TESTS OF OPEN-HEARTH STEEL-RIVET METAL USED IN THE CON- STRUCTION OF RIVETED JOINTS, NAVY DEPARTMENT. Diameter. Elastic Limit per Tensile Strength Elongation in Contraction Square Inch. per Square Inch. Ten Inches. of Area. Inches. Pounds. Pounds. Per cent. Per cent. ~\ 39,040 53,230 21.5 39-3 — 1- 39,330 55,120 21.3 40.4 -| 41,240 56,470 25-1 38.4 -■I 36,060 52,450 26.2 38.8 ItV 34,810 52,850 28.1 42.9 It\ 33,860 53,600 27.4 38.1 TABLE X.« STEEL RIVETS. 'o Rivets. Tensile Strength of each Rivet at 52,500 Elastic Limit of each Rivet at 34,125 Shearing Strength of each Rivet at 44,625 Pounds per Square Inch. Pounds per Pounds per SE Diameter Diameter Area of Square Inch Square Inch Single Double H of Rivet. of Hole. Hole. Shear. Shear. Inch. Inch. Inch. Sq. Inch. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. X H \\ •3712 19,488 12,667 16,565 31,474 H H .4418 23,195 15,076 19,715 37,459 H Ya if •5185 27,221 17,694 23,138 43,962 t'^ if 'A .6013 31,568 20,519 26,833 50,983 'A rs if .6903 36,241 23,556 30,805 58,530 y\ it I •7854 41,234 26,802 35,048 /^ I ItV .8866 46,648 30,255 39,299 74,668 li ItV lA .9940 52,185 33,920 44,357 84,278 ^y. ItV 1.1075 58,144 37,793 49,422 93.940 Tests and Inspection of Rivets. — In large and important con- tracts, sample bars of rivet-metal i8 inches long are usually required and furnished for tensile test, elastic limit, elongation and contraction of * In the computation of this table, special steels and special tests have been avoided. The values per square inch as given in the four last columns are be- lieved to be those which commonly obtain in mild steel rivets. — W. M. B. RIVETED JOINTS 6l area ; but in ordinary business routine this is quite impracticable. The following tests for steel rivets may be carried out in any boiler-shop : Fig. 27. Fig. 28. Fig. 29. Two rivets to be taken at random from each keg or box of 200 pounds, as a portion of a lot of 10 rivets out of 1000 pounds, which may be subjected to the following tests, to be made in pairs : TABLE XI. BOILER RIVETS. Fig. 31 Button-Head, Cone-Head, Fig. t.2. Countersunk Head, Diameter OF Rivet. Fig. 31. Fig. 33- Diameter. Thickness. Diameter. Diameter. Thickness. Diameter. Thickness. A. B. D. B. c. D. B. D. Vs IxV tV ItV *- _9_ ItV A ri 1% % r% h t¥ IT6 A K iX ^% h I2 iX ^8 if i/s li 1/8 |- lA if Vs lA i/ ItV \i A i/s A it H lA Vs -f IK if I i>^ H iVs if ""2 ^% % ItV iH lU I 3I 1% A 1% i^X iH ItV -1 1% A 62 BOILERS AND FURNACES 1. Two rivets to be bent cold in the form of a hook, as shown in Fig. 27, without showing cracks or flaws. 2. Two rivets to be bent hot in the form of a hook with parallel sides, as shown in Fig. 28, without showing cracks or flaws. 3. Flatten the heads of 2 rivets while hot, in the manner shown in Fig. 29, without cracking at the edges, the head to be flattened until its diameter is 2^ times the diameter of the shank. 4. Heat 2 rivets to a low cherry-red, and quench in water at 82° Fahr. ; afterwards upset them cold, and forge cold to a flattened disk of ij^ diameters of shank, as shown in Fig. 30, without cracks or flaws. 5. The shearing-test to consist of riveting up 2 bars of steel by a single rivet, as in Fig. 38, and submitting it to a tensile strain, the rivet not to shear under a stress of less than 45,000 pounds per square inch. Rivet Dimensions. — Rivets, like other manufactured articles, have their proportions fixed by their manufacturers, which proportions have been adapted to the needs of the trade. Table XI. gives the dimen- sions of three kinds of rivet- heads in general use. These dimensions may not exactly agree for all makes of rivets throughout the country, but they are near enough for construction purposes and for preliminary drawings. Rivet-heads should be large enough, so that no serious distortion shall occur when riveting, and especially by hand. A large head lessens the distortion of the plates in tension when in single shear, and thus contributes to the strength of joint. Rivet-Points. — In hand-riveting the points are usually finished conical, as in Fig. 34, which makes a good joint if the rivet is upset sufl&ciently to fill the hole before the spreading of the cone is begun. Fig. 34. Fig. 35. Fig. 36. In some boiler-shops the rivet is upset to fill the hole and then finished with a snap-point, as in Fig. 36, by means of a button-head set having a concave depending for its size upon the diameter of the rivet ; the proportions may follow the dimensions given in Table XI. It is not recommended that hand-riveting be finished with snap-points for rivets larger than ^ inch diameter. In machine-riveting a conical point similar to Fig. 35 is in common use, so also the button-head in Fig. 36. RIVETED JOINTS 63 Fig, It is important in machine-riveting that the work be done not too rapidly, or the rivet will not upset sufficiently to fill the hole. It is also important that the rivet be exactly central to the machine, or bad work will be done, as in Fig. 37. Countersunk heads or points should be avoided as far as possible when de- signing a boiler, because of the extra cost of making the hole and the lesser strength of the rivet. Such a joint should not be used where the stress on the rivet is in the direction of its length instead of shearing stress. There are portions of a boiler in which it is neces- sary to use a countersunk hole, — for example, around the strengthening ring of a manhole and other portions of a boiler where fittings must be attached which intersect a riveted joint. Length of Rivets.— The amount of rivet-shank projecting beyond the plates to be joined may be, for — Countersunk points for 2 sheets i diameter. Countersunk points for 3 sheets i diameter + }i inch. Snap-points i}( diameters. Conical points, small, hand-driven i)( diameters. Conical points, medium, large, machine-driven . i}4 diameters. Fig. 38. pai7c>7ecLh|ole. Shearing Strength of Rivets. — The shearing resistance of a rivet is seriously interfered with by the compression between the rivet and the bearing sides of the holes, the effect being to increase the shearing resistance offered per unit of area as the size of the rivet diminishes. Difference of quality between plate and rivet, proportion of thickness and diameter, and the sharpness of the edges of the hole will also some- what affect the shearing resistance. Rivets in Single Shear.— Ex- periments made upon iron and steel rivets in single shear is by means of 2 steel plates, as shown in Fig. 38. These plates are of such dimensions that no distortion occurs in them and all the pull of the machine is exerted in shearing the rivet. The shearing resistance of 2 steel rivets in single shear was as follows : O 64 BOILERS AND FURNACES First rivet. — y'^g-inch steel plate ; |^-inch steel rivets. Punched holes. — 0.753 punch ; 0.754 die. Ultimate shearing strength, 25,750 pounds = 57,220 pounds per square inch. Second rivet. — Ultimate shearing strength, 26,490 pounds = 58,870 pounds per square inch. TABLE XIL IRON IN SINGLE AND DOUBLE SHEAR, WASHINGTON NAVY YARD. Single Shear. Double Shear. Diameter. Lowest, Pounds. Highest, Pounds. Mean Pounds per Sq. Inch. Lowest, Pounds. Highest, Pounds. Mean Pounds per Sq. Inch. .51 inch . . .64 inch . . .78 inch . . .91 inch 1.03 inch . . 8,900 12,650 18,400 25,500 32,900 9,400 13,300 19,650 27,600 35,800 44,149 39,253 39,553 41,503 40,708 16,050 23,600 36,400 46,200 61,700 17,600 25,650 39,400 52,000 64,000 82,186 77,348 79,536 75,789 75,293 41,033 78,030 Six specimens of each size were subjected to both single and double shear. The smaller diameter shows larger shearing strength per square inch than larger ones, but the decrease is not regular or uniform. The increase of average strength per square inch of sectional area for double shear over that of single shear was, for — Per cent. >^-inch specimen 86.2 >^-inch specimen 97.0 ^-inch specimen loi.i %-inch specimen 82.6 i-inch specimen 85.0 Average for all sizes 90.2 TESTS OF MILD STEEL RIVETS AND RIVET-BARS IN SINGLE AND DOUBLE SHEAR, NAVY DEPARTMENT. Nominal size of rivet, | inch ; 4 tests. Tensile strength of rivet-bars, 60,375 pounds per square inch. Final elongation, 26.48 per cent. Final area, 44.2 per cent. Shearing tests of rivets in single shear ; 6 tests. Diameter of hole, ^f inch. Shearing area, 0.5185 square inch. Average shearing strength, 46,450 pounds per square inch. Ratio of shearing to tensile strength, 76.94 per cent. Shearing tests of rivets in double shear ; 3 tests. Diameter of hole, \\ inch. Shearing area, 1.037 square inches. Average shearing strength, 44,647 pounds per square inch. Ratio of shearing to tensile strength, 73.64 per cent. Nominal size of rivet, | inch ; 2 tests. Tensile strength of rivet-bars, 70,120 pounds per square inch. Final elongation, 24.10 per cent. Final area, 55.7 per cent. RIVETED JOINTS 65 Shearing tests of rivets in double shear ; 2 tests. Diameter of hole, ^f inch. Shearing area, 1.380 square inches. Average shearing strength, 56,100 pounds per square inch. Ratio of shearing to tensile strength, 80 per cent. Rivets in Double Shear. — It may be remarked in connection with the foregoing that in testing the shearing strength of rivets under the United States specifications the test- FiG. 39. DrtLLectlloba. ^"5tee.l- ^"RiVet. O piece consists of a double lap-joint, with a single rivet, arranged as shown in Fig. 39. The plate steel used is in no case less than half the diameter of the rivet, in order to insure shearing the rivet instead of the plate. The distance of the nearest edge of the rivet-hole to the end of the plate is not less than i^ diameters of rivet. Width of plate not less than three times the diame- ter of the rivet. The inner end of the filling-piece between the plates not to have an open space of more than 2 inches between it and the end of the single plate. The sharp edges of the rivet-hole are not to be filed down. Snap-riveted points will in no case be allowed in shearing tests, but invariably the point must be thoroughly and carefully worked down. The rivet-holes may be either punched or drilled, as desired, and the riveting may be either by hand or machine. Great care is always exercised in testing the sample to insure a fair stress on the rivet. The shearing stress of 8 samples of steel rivets in private test was 48,277 pounds per square inch for single shear, and 45,270 pounds per square inch when subjected to double shear. For chemical and physical qualities of this steel see page 59. Friction in Riveted Joints. — Friction is at best an uncertain quantity in riveted joints ; it is, therefore, seldom or never made use of in calculations relating to the strength of steam boilers. But it is inter- esting to know how much friction there is in a joint, because to what- ever extent friction exists it adds that much to the factor of safety, pro- vided a very considerable portion of it is not eliminated by springing the plates apart in the operation of calking the edges to make a tight joint. Four experimental joints tested at the Watertown Arsenal from de- signs similar to Fig. 40 show the friction of 5 ^-inch iron rivets in a ^-inch iron plate 9^ inches wide, the holes drilled 0.69 inch diameter, the corners of rivet-holes being rounded about 0.05 inch, presenting a shearing area of rivets of 1.87 square inches ; this joint slipped when a 66 BOILERS AND FURNACES load of 26,000 pounds had been applied. The friction per rivet was 26,000 , „ . . , , . — - — = 5200 pounds. Continuing the test, the rivets sheared at 70,900 pounds. The shearing strength of the rivets, 37,914 pounds per square inch. In a similar experiment with a steel plate 10 inches wide, ^ inch thick, 5 f^-inch iron rivets, as above, the joint made a sudden slip when a load of 27,000 pounds was reached ; therefore -h. = 5400 pounds per rivet of friction. The rivets sheared at 72,700 pounds total load ; the shearing strength of the rivets, 38,880 pounds per square inch. Fig. 40. A second series of tests was made, using a ^-inch iron plate 10 inches wide, with 5 f|-inch iron rivets in ^-inch drilled holes, with clearance in front of rivets, corners of holes rounded about 0.05 inch ; shearing area of the 5 ^-inch rivets, 2.21 square inches. Rapid slipping began when the load passed 31,000 pounds. The resistance to slip- ping continued at about 30,000 pounds till the total slip was 0.15 inch. -2 J 000 Friction per rivet, — ' = 6200 pounds. The total load applied to the joint was 92,000 pounds, when it failed by shearing the rivets. The shearing strength of the rivets, 41,630 pounds per square inch. A ^-inch steel plate 10 inches wide, with 5 -fl-inch iron rivets in ^-inch drilled holes, as above, slipped at joint at 31,000 pounds, and continued slipping until the resistance fell to 28,000 pounds, the fric- tion per rivet being — = 6200 pounds. The ultimate strength of the joint was reached at 88,000 pounds, when the rivet sheared. Shear- ing strength of rivets, 39,820 pounds per square inch. RESULTS OF TESTS OF RIVETED JOINTS. Investigations into the strength of riveted joints have been until a few years past mathematical rather than experimental, as no machines were in use capable of pulling wide joints or large sectional areas, as RIVETED JOINTS 67 now made possible by the installation of large testing-machines at the principal steel-works, and especially at the Watertown Arsenal. The tests made upon iron and steel bars, plates, and riveted joints for the United States Navy Department, which extended over several years at the Watertown Arsenal, are the most extended and comprehensive ever undertaken in this country. As these tests were undertaken for the purpose of ascertaining how riveted joints fail, a number of engravings are here introduced, copied from the records of the arsenal, which, in connection with the tabulated data, give much valuable information re- garding this important detail in steam-boiler construction. Fig. 41. Fig. 42. Fig. 43. CJ A riveted joint may fail by (i) the shearing of the rivets (Figs. 41, 42, 43), in which the rivet area and shearing resistance are too small for the thickness of plate and pitch of rivets ; to remedy which a larger rivet may be introduced, or, in the case of iron rivets, the substitution of steel rivets, the latter having a shearing strength more than 20 per Fig. 44. cent, greater than iron rivets. The engraving (Fig. 44) is a typical illustration of the elongation of rivet-holes where the rivets were sheared by the plate. This illustration was prepared from a tracing drawn over a photograph of a joint in a ^-inch steel plate with 41^ rivets on 68 BOILERS AND FURNACES 3^-inch pitch. The elongations of rivet-holes were 0.64, 0.68, 0.73, and 0.83 decimal parts of an inch respectively. (2) By crushing and tearing out the plate in front of the rivet (Figs. 45 and 46). This method of failure depends usually upon the thickness of plate relative to di- Fi<^- 45- ameter of rivet. Such a fracture suggests that smaller rivets be used if the distance from the edge of the plate to the side of the hole be not less than the diameter of the hole. The en- graving (Fig. 46) was made from a tracing drawn over a photo- graph of a steel plate -inch pitch. The plate tore out Y-z inch thick with 5 i>^ rivets on in front of the rivets as shown. (3) By tearing the plate along the line of rivet-holes (Fig. 47). This fracture depends upon the thickness of the plate and the pitch ot the rivets. The resistance to this mode of fracture equals the effective Fig. 46. sectional area of plate between holes multiplied by its tensile strength per square inch. The engraving (Fig. 47) was made from a tracing drawn over a photograph of a steel plate y\ inch thick with i-inch drilled holes on 3^-inch pitch. The efficiency of this joint was 80.1 per cent. A riveted joint should fail preferably by fracturing the plate along the line of rivets from hole to hole ; if failure should occur by either of the first two methods it indicates an excess of strength in the net section of the plate through the line of rivet-holes which has not been made use RIVETED JOINTS 69 of ; if, on the other hand, fracture occurs along the line of rivet-holes in a well-proportioned joint, it is immaterial whether there is an excess of strength in other directions or not. Fig It was observed during the tests of riveted joints at the Watertown Arsenal that the failure of a joint was generally marked by three well- defined periods. In the first period the greatest rigidity was found, and it was thought that the joint was then held entirely by friction of the rivet- heads, and the movement of the joint was principally that due to the elasticity of the metal. The second period was distinguished by a rapid increase in the stretch of the joint, attributed to the overcoming of the friction under the rivet-heads and closing up any clearance about the rivets, bringing them into bearing condition against the fronts of the rivet-holes. Rivets which are said to fill the holes can hardly do so completely, on account of the contraction of the metal of the rivet from a higher temperature than that of the plate after the rivet is driven. After a brief interval the movement of the joint was retarded, and the third period was reached. The strength of the joint was then be- lieved to be due to the distortion of the rivet-holes and of the rivets themselves. The movement began slowly, and so continued until the elastic limit of the metal about the rivet-holes was passed, and general flow took place over the entire cross-section, and rupture was reached. These stages in the test of a joint were well defined except when the plates were in a warped condition initially, when abnormal micrometer readings were observed. The difference in behavior of a joint and the solid metal suggested the propriety of arranging tension-joints in boiler construction and elsewhere as nearly in line as possible. ^o BOILERS AND FURNACES ENGRAVINGS BELONGING TO TABLE XIII. Fig. 48. Fig. 49. Fig. 50. Fig. 51. C1H3=^=^=0^ Fig. 53. Fig. 52. ^ c Fig. 54. -y^.fxj//--"- RIVETED JOINTS ENGRAVINGS BELONGING TO TABLE yHW.— Continued. Fig. 55. Upper ptaie Jjiwer- plate Fig. 56. ENGRAVINGS BELONGING TO TABLE XIV. Fig. 57- Fig. 58. Fig. 59. @ e © © M.OS'kJOt-- 72 BOILERS AND FURNACES TABLE XV. TESTS OF TRIPLE-RIVETED LAP-JOINTS, jVlNCH IRON PLATES, WATERTOWN ARSENAL. Fig. 6o. Fig. 6i. O O i) „Q O Q ^ O /j'fdi ^^3 '=Q::=Q=Q:=^ t-^i"-^ Material of plate Thickness of plate, nominal, inch Width of test-specimen, inches Diameter of rivets, inch Material of rivets Diameter of holes, punched or drilled, inches Number of rivets Pitch of rivets, C, Fig. 84, inches Pitch of rivets, E., Fig. 84, inches Chain or zigzag riveting Bearing surface of rivets, square inches Shearing area of rivets, square inches Tensile strength of plate, pounds per square inch . . . Gross sectional area, square inches Net sectional area, square inches Maximum stress on joint per square inch : Tension on gross section of plate, pounds . . . . Tension on net section of plate, pounds Compression on bearing surface of rivets, pounds Shearing on rivets, pounds Efficiency of joint, per cent Fracture, similar to Figures Steel. Steel. Steel. t'b /f TS 13-74 ^^•?5 12.78 \i ii if Iron. Iron. Iron. %D. KD. /sD. 15 15 12 2% 2% 3 i% 2% 2% Chain. Chain. Chain. 5.66 5-41 4-54 9.02 9.02 7.21 59,000 52,910 58,090 5-93 6.20 5-52 4.04 4.40 4.01 45.720 48,710 48,040 67,100 68,630 66,130 47,900 55,820 58,410 30,060 33,480 36,780 77-5 92.1 82.7 60 60 60 Steel. Iron. 14 D. 12 Chain. 4.60 7.21 59,390 4-38 46,430 62,650 59,650 38,060 78.2 61 Butt-joints. — It was experimentally shown at the Watertown Arsenal that the behavior of joints in different thicknesses of steel plates, single riveted, ^^*^- ^^- as in Fig. 62, was substantially the same whether ^^-inch or ^-inch plates were used. It will not be un- derstood from this, however, that, as a consequence, the same efficiency may be obtained in differ- ent thicknesses of plate for single-riveted work, because certain essential conditions change as we approach the stronger joints in different thick- nesses of plate. 1 1 TOWN A.RSENAL. Iron. Iron. Steel. Steel. Iron. steel. Iron. Material of plate Steel. Thickness of plate, nominal, i ^ Vt. ^ Vi Yi Yi K K Width of test-specimen, inche 10.03 10.02 10.08 10.03 10.5 9-5 12.02 10 Diameter of rivets, inches . y^ % Y^ if " I I 1/8 lJ/8 Material of rivets Iron. Steel. Iron. Iron. Iron. Steel. Iron. Steel. Diameter of holes, punched o IIP. 11 D. if P. I P. lAP. It's P. iT^P. IT^ P. Number of rivets 5 5 5 5 4 * 4 4 Pitch of rivets, inches . . . 2 2 2 2 2% 2^3 3 ^% Bearing surface of rivets, squs 2.18 2.06 2.13 2-55 2.65 2.72 3.44 3.64 Shearing area of rivets, squar 2.64 2.58 2.64 3-93 3-55 3-55 4.43 4-43 Tensile strength of plate, pou 44,615 44,615 57,215 57,215 44,635 52,445 46,590 51,545 Gross sectional area, square it 5-10 5-10 4-97 4-97 6.28 5.83 8.38 7.38 Net sectional area, square inct 2.91 3-04 2.84 2.42 3.62 3-II 4-93 3-73 Maximum stress on joint per i Tension gross section of 17,760 24,200 21,830 24,145 19,750 26,480 17,230 23,940 Tension net section of p 31,100 40,590 38,204 49,590 34,230 49,650 29,290 47,370 Compression on bearing 41,500 59,900 50,940 47,060 46,790 56,760 41,980 48.540 Shearing on rivets, pounds . 34,280 47,830 41,100 30,540 34,930 43,490 32,600 39,890 Efficiency of joint, per cent. 39-8 54-2 38.2 51.2 42 50.5 37 46.4 Fracture, similar to Figures 48 55 53 56 48 53 48 48 TOWN ARSENi VL. Steel. Steel. Steel. Steel. Steel. Iron. Iron. Steel. Material of plate Thickness of plate, nominal. rs A fs ^ Yz r8 Y^ M Width of test-specimen, inche 14.36 15.01 13-77 10 10.5 10.5 12 9.98 Diameter of rivets, inches . . \% if M ii I I rj^ 1% Material of rivets Iron. Iron. Iron. Iron. steel. Iron. Iron. Steel. Diameter of holes, punched o iD. rsD. rsD. I P. It's P. lA P. ife P. ife P. Number of rivets 10 12 10 10 8 8 8 8 Pitch of rivets, C, Fig. 82, in 2/8 ^% ^% 2 w^ m 3 2% Pitch of rivets, E., Fig. 82, in ^% 2% 2^8 2 ^% 2% 2% iM Chain or zigzag riveting . . Chain. Chain. Chain. Chain. Chain. Chain. Chain. Chain. Bearing surface of rivets, squ 3-7° 4.29 3-69 5.26 5-43 5.48 6.92 7-30 Shearing area of rivets, squa 7.85 7.21 6.01 7-85 7.09 7.09 8.86 8.86 Tensile strength of plate, poi 56,670 52,910 59,000 57,215 52,445 44,635 46,500 51,545 Gross sectional area, square i 5-31 6.14 5.81 5.02 5.81 6.48 8.41 7-39 Net sectional area, square inc 346 3-99 3-96 2.39 3.10 3-74 4-95 3-74 Maximum stress on joint per Tension gross section 43,050 43,530 38,850 30,757 35,800 25,150 24,720 24,050 Tension net section of j 66,070 66,990 56,990 64,602 67,100 43,580 42,000 47,510 Compression on bearing 61,780 62,310 61,170 29,35+ 38,300 29,740 30,040 24,340 Shearing on rivets, pounds 29,120 37,070 37,550 19,670 29,340 22,990 23,460 20,060 Efficiency of joint, per cent. 76.0 82.3 65.8 53-8 68.3 56.3 53-1 46.7 Fracture, similar to Figures 59 58 58 59 59 59 59 59 TABLE XIIL TESTS OF SINGLE-RIVETED LAP-JOINTS, ^-INCH TO ^-INCH IRON AND STEEL PLATES, WATERTOWN ARSENAL. Material of plate Thickness of plate, nominal, inch Width of test-specimen, inches Diameter of rivets, inches Material of rivets Diameter of holes, puncher! or drilled, inches Number of rivets Pitch of rivets, inches Bearing surface of rivets, square inches Shearing area of rivets, square inches Tensile strength of plate, pounds per square inch . . . Gross sectional area, square inches Net sectional area, square inches Maximum stress on joint per square inch : Tension gross section of plate, pounds Tension net section of plate, pounds Compression on bearing surface of rivets, pounds Shearing on rivets, pounds Efficiency of joint, per cent Fracture, similar to Figures Iron. 9-75 % Iron. .695 P. 6 47,925 2.65 Iron. .695 p. 5 2 .875 1.92 47,925 2.52 1.63 29,444 45.520 82,910 38,640 64.1 49 Iron. .69 D. 5 1.87 47,925 2.64 41,790 79,360 38,660 Steel. K 9-75 Steel. .69 D. 2.24 55,765 2.44 1.40 38,360 66,860 90,000 41,790 Steel. Steel. .69 P. 107,260 49,270 69.2 Steel. U 10 Vs Steel. .69 D. .873 1.87 55,765 2.53 41 ,460 63,190 120,160 56,100 74-3 Steel. K 14.5 lA Iron. iK D. 4 3^8 1.24 4.9X 61 ,470 63,140 120,180 30,350 67.3 Iron. 3/8 10 ih Iron. .75 P. 5 1.44 2.27 47,180 3.76 2.32 23,110 37,460 60,340 Iron. H 10.33 lAP. 5 2,^ 2.19 4-43 47,180 4.07 61,700 52,970 Steel. n 9.98 Iron. .75 P. 5 23,240 37,700 60,760 Steel. H 10.5 ih Steel. .77 D. 6 1% 53,330 3-97 2.22 35„590 63,650 80,930 50,650 66.7 Steel. 3/8 11.84 a Iron. I D. 5 2H 1.92 3-93 58,340 33,050 57,190 78,330 38,270 56.6 53 Steel. Iron. iiP. 5 2.64 44,615 5.10 2.91 17,760 31,100 41,500 Iron. % 10.02 steel. iSD. 44,615 5.10 3.04 47,830 54-2 55 Steel. 10.08 Iron. iiP. 2.13 2.64 57,215 4.97 2.84 21,830 38,204 50,940 41,100 38.2 53 Steel. % 10.03 it Iron. 2.55 3.93 57,215 4.97 2.42 24,145 49,590 Iron. 10.5 2K8 2.65 3.55 44,635 6.28 3.62 19,750 34,230 46,790 34,930 42 Steel. 'A Steel. It's P. 4 2/8 2.72 3.55 52,445 5.83 3." 26,480 49,650 56,760 43,490 50.5 53 Iron. 12.02 i/a Iron. ■A P. 3.44 4.43 46,590 17,230 29,290 32,600 37 TABLE XIV. TESTS OF DOUBLE-RIVETED LAP-JOINTS, ^-INCH TO ^-INCH IRON AND STEEL PLATES, WATERTOWN ARSENAL. Material of plate Thickness of plate, nominal, inch Width of test-specimen, inches Diameter of rivets, inches Material of rivets Diameter of holes, punched or drilled, inches Number of rivets Pitch of rivets, C, Fig. 82, inches Pitch of rivets, E., Fig. 82, inches Chain or zigzag riveting Bearing surface of rivets, square inches Shearing area of rivets, square inches Tensile strength of plate, pounds per square inch . . . Gross sectional area, square inches Net sectional area, square inches Maximum stress on joint per square inch : Tension gross section of plate, pounds Tension net section of plate, pounds Compression on bearing surface of rivets, pound; Shearing on rivets, pounds Efliciency of joint, per cent Fracture, similar to Figures . ; Steel. Steel. Steel. Steel. Steel. Steel. Iron. Steel. Steel. Steel. Steel. Steel. Steel. Steel. Steel. Steel. Iron. Iron. K H y* y A A Vs Vs /8 /a }i n A A y H H M 10 10 10.68 14.40 14.02 14.02 12.98 9-97 10 12.97 11.83 14.36 15.01 13-77 10 10.5 10.5 12 Vs Vs a a i§ 1§ a U ik « a a il li n I I i/a Iron. Iron. Iron. Iron. Iron. Iron. Iron. Iron. Iron. Steel. Iron. Iron. Iron. Iron. Iron. Steel. Iron. Iron. .69 P. .69 P. /sD. /aD. I P. I D. KD. %P- KP. KD. iD. iD. /sD. VsD. I P. lAP. lAP. lAP. 10 9 10 10 7 8 7 10 9 7 10 10 12 10 10 8 8 8 2 2 2/8 2/s 3% 3y sy 2 2 3y 2% 2^8 2% 2% 2 2/8 2% 3 iK 1% 2/3 2}i iK 2y lys iK iK 1^8 2K 2% 2% 2/8 2 2y 2y 2% Chain. Zigzag. Chain. Chain. Zigzag. Chain. Zigzag. Chain. Zigzag. Zigzag. Chain. Chain. Chain. Chain. Chain. Chain. Chain. Chain. 1.79 X.63 2.25 2.17 2.20 2.44 2.06 2.85 2.49 1-93 3.85 3.70 4.29 3.69 5.26 5.43 5.48 6.92 3.85 3.46 6.01 6.01 5.50 6.28 3.08 4.54 4.08 3.08 7.85 7-85 7.21 6.01 7.85 7.09 7.09 8.86 55,765 55,765 61,000 61,470 59,300 56,760 47,180 53,330 53,330 53,330 53,730 56,670 52,910 59,000 57,215 52,445 44,635 46,500 2.49 2.52 2.74 3.57 4.28 4.28 5.09 3-73 363 4.75 4-55 5.31 6.14 5-81 5.02 5.81 6.48 8.41 1.59 1.61 1.62 2.49 3.02 3.06 3.91 2.31 2.24 3.65 2.63 3.46 3-99 3.96 2.39 3.10 3-74 4.95 39,280 41,785 42,770 47,870 40,630 46,070 23,750 40,080 39,010 34,316 38,790 43,050 43,530 38,850 30,757 35,800 25,150 24,720 61,510 65,400 72,350 68,630 57,580 64,440 30,920 64,720 63,210 44,660 67,100 66,070 66,990 56,990 64,602 67,100 43,580 42,000 54,640 64,600 52,090 78,760 79,050 80,820 58,700 52,450 56,860 84,460 45,840 61,780 62,310 61,170 29,354 38,300 29,740 30,040 25,400 30,430 19,500 28,440 31,620 31,400 39,130 32,930 34,710 52,750 22,480 29,120 37,070 37,550 19,670 29,340 22,990 23,460 70.4 74-9 70.1 77.9 68.5 80.1 S0.4 75-2 73.2 64.4 72.2 75.0 82.3 65.8 53.8 68.3 56.3 53-1 59 59 59 59 57 59 58 59 59 58 59 59 58 58 59 59 59 59 RIVETED JOINTS 73 If the strength per unit of metal of the net section was constant, it would be a very simple matter to compute the efficiency of any joint, as it would merely be the ratio of the net to the gross area of the plates. The tenacity of the net section was observed to vary, and this variation extended over wide limits, as shown in the accompanying tables. The efficiencies shown in Table XVII. are obtained by dividing the tensile stress on the gross area of plate by the tensile strength as repre- sented by the tensile test-strip, stating the values in per cent, of the latter. This table is valuable as showing at once the efficiencies of different joints wherein the pitch of the rivets and their diameter vary. It is seen there is considerable latitude allowed in the choice of rivets and pitch without materially changing the efficiency of the joint ; thus in ^-inch plate, — )^-inch rivets (driven), i^-inch pitch, 72.4 per cent, efficiency,* ^-inch rivets (driven), 2X-inch pitch, 73.3 per cent, efficiency, ^-inch rivets (driven), 2^-inch pitch, 71.5 per cent, efficiency, i-inch rivets (driven), 2^-inch pitch, 70.3 per cent, efficiency, i-inch rivets (driven), 2^-inch pitch, 73.8 per cent, efficiency, gave nearly the same results. In these examples the ratios of net to gross areas of plate range from 60 to 67 per cent., while the rivet areas range from 0.3067 square inch to 0.7854 square inch. The actual areas of net sections of plate and rivets are as follows : fs-inch Rivets. %-inch Rivets. %-inch Rivets. I-inch Rivets. Rivets Plate Square Inch. .3067 1.486 Square Inch. .4418 2.207 Square Inch. .6013 2.232 Square Inch. •7854 12.259 L 2.319 The areas of the rivets stand to each other as the following numbers 100 144 196 256 and the net areas of the plate to each other as 149 150 {; From these illustrations it appears that to obtain the same degree of efficiency in this quality of metal, although that efficiency is probably * The difference in per cent, shown in this summary over that of Table XVII. is explained by the fact that this summary covers a larger number of joints result- ing as above. 6 74 BOILERS AND FURNACES not the highest attainable, a fixed ratio between rivet-metal and net section of plate is not essential. In j^-inch plate with ^-inch rivets the efficiencies of the joints are nearly constant over the ranges of pitches tested. The efficiencies and the ratio of net to gross areas of plate are as follows : PITCH OF RIVETS. 1% inches. 2 inches. 2j4 inches. 2% inches. Efficiency Ratio of areas . . . Per cent. 64-5 53.4 Per cent. 66.3 56.3 Per cent. 66.3 58.9 Per cent. 66.4 61.I In this we have illustrated a case which, in passing from the widest pitch, having 61. i per cent, of the solid plate left, to the narrowest pitch, which had 53.4 per cent, of the solid plate, the gain or excess in strength in the net section almost exactly compensated for the loss of metal. Table XVIII. exhibits the differences between the efficiencies of the joints and the ratios of net to gross areas of plate. If the tenacity of net section remained constant per unit of area, the efficiencies of Table XVII. would, as above explained, be identical with the ratios of net to gross areas of plate, and the values in this table reduced to zero. Table XIX. shows the excess in strength of the net section of the joint over the strength of the tensile test-strip in per cent, of the latter. In this table the average of all the joints shows the highest per cent, of excess of strength in the narrowest pitch, and a tendency to lose this excess as the pitch increases. The maximum gain in strength on the net section was 21.2 per cent., the minimum value 2.5 per cent, of the tensile test-strip. On other forms of joints and with punched holes in both iron and steel plate, illustrations are numerous in which there have been large deficiencies, the metal of the net section falling far below the strength of the plate. It is believed to have been amply shown that increasing the net width diminishes the apparent tenacity of the plate, although other influences may tend to counteract this tendency in some joints. In order to compare the excess of strength of one thickness of plate with another having the same net widths, we have Table XVI. , reject- ing those joints that failed otherwise than along the line of riveting in making the averages. The excess in strength is generally well maintained in each of the several thicknesses, and were it possible to retain the same ratio of net to gross areas of plate, and at the same time equal net widths between rivets, it would seem from this point of view feasible to obtain the same degree of efficiency in thick as in thin plates. RIVETED JOINTS TABLE XVI. 75 SHOWING EXCESS OF STRENGTH OF PLATE OF DIFFERENT THICKNESSES AND PITCH OF RIVETS. Width of Plate between Rivet-Holes. Plate. i" ^V^" I IX" 1^8" iVJ' i^s" iJi" ^y^" 2" Inch. i Per cent. 16.7 18.4 16,7 17.7 II.4 Per cent. 12.6 13.7 14-3 16.3 15- 1 Per cent. II.4 12.7 9-3 14.2 13-8 Per cent. 12.0 13-5 10.7 14-5 14. 1 Per cent. 13-4 14.6 14.6 7.6 Per cent. 8.9 12.9 8.8 12.7 II. 8 Per cent. 11-5 9.0 8.2 9-9 lO.O Per cent. I3-I 13-6 12.2 9.8 10. 1 Per cent. 10.6 3-5 Average of all thicknesses . . 16.2 14.4 12.3 12.9 11.9 II. 9-7 11.8 7.0 The following causes, however, tend to prevent this consummation : For equal net widths thick plates require larger rivets to avoid shear- ing than thin ones, the diameters of the rivets being somewhat increased for this cause ; and, again, it has become necessary to increase the metal of the net section in order to retain a suitable ratio of net to gross areas of plate. There results from these considerations such an increase in net width of plate that the excess in strength displayed by narrower sections is lost, and consequently the result is a joint of lower efficiency. Hot Tests. — Single-riveted butt-joints, steel plate, and wrought- iron rivets, tested at the Watertown Arsenal at temperatures ranging between 200° to 700 Fahr. , showed an increase in tensile strength when heated over the duplicate cold joints at each temperature except 200°. From 200° there was a gain in strength up to 300°, when the resistance fell off some at 350°, increased again at 400°, and reached the maximum effect observed at 500° ; from this point the strength fell very rapidly, especially at 600° and 700° Fahr. In per cent, of the cold joint there was a loss at 200° of 3.2 per cent., the average of 3 joints ; at 500° the gain was 22.6 per cent., the average of 4 joints. The maximum and minimum joints at this temperature showed gains of 27.6 per cent, and 18.3 per cent, respectively. The highest tensile strength of the net section of plate was found in the joint tested at 500° Fahr., where 81,050 pounds was reached against a strength of 58,000 pounds per square inch in the cold tensile strip. The hot joints showed less ductility than the cold ones ; those tested at 200° Fahr. not being exempt from this behavior, although there was no near approach to brittleness in any. The shearing strength of iron rivets was also increased by an eleva- tion of temperature. The rivets in one joint of 350° sheared at 43,060 pounds per square inch, while in the duplicate cold joint they sheared at 38,530 pounds per square inch. 76 BOILERS AND FURNACES > ;^ X M O Sh . ■i x^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ :?^ ^x Qo * k ^^ ■ - • • >s- S: . t^ ^ CL, g • ■ ■ • ^ * * * t . M . ON . . vo ^S 00 • vo ■ ^ ■ ■ ^ >- -4-: '^ . o . . vo . .00 « £, • R • 00 lO • vo • • vo *^co „ o . o . . vo . 00 t^ ^ ^fe Tl- lO t^ vo 00 M M t 1-. -^ o 00 vo lO . . lO . M O "^ f^S ID ^ vo vo • vo • vo lO . .OOrJ-. . .CO. .MM . 12 X ^^ • • vg^ S • • • S • • ^ vS • vo >0 • vo ^ . .0010. .VOID. . a\ 1 o k ^s . ^ . . ^ (J\ . .VOM vo M . M t^ vo vo vo lO %o .t^■<:^. .-;tm.t^"0O 00 t^ vo vo vo u ^ n'^. :ss vS-vg i;? ' t^ vo r^ vo vo vo lo a; 5 u^ .OMTi-. .MM .'^iniDvo vo O CO M to ^ 111 § . ^ d fO . . OO" ^ . vo M VD 00 fo 00 a\ t- ON " -^ .fomvo .u:>'^lo.coMloo^ O lO CO M :?( n^v; • a^vg ■ ^ ^ ^ ■ ^ ^^^ vg ^% S5 • .v£)'*r^ .rOMCOt^rOM .'o <0 . M . . >, ^g 'VOVDI/J ■j>.VOiOVOVOVO *VO 1/5 in * S? ^s ci t>. M* . d ro . 00 -^ . d t^vOvo t-vo vovo vo -S ^§ ^ ^ ■ • ss 00 • iS • • • • is ^ ■ • ' t^ s" fln^ •g ^xxxxxx^^x^x^^^^^^ 1 Bl (I, E- o i RIVETED JOINTS 77 TABLE XVIII. TABLE OF DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE EFFICIENCIES AND RATIOS OF NET TO GROSS AREAS. SINGLE-RIVETED BUTT-JOINTS, STEEL PLATE, WROUGHT- IRON RIVETS, WATERTOWN ARSENAL. Width of Plate Between Rivet-Holes. Diameter Plate. i" iVi" 1 1/" i^s" i%" iVi" i%" i%" 2" Inch Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per nc es. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. % 6.0 4.6 6.1 . . n % 7-7 7.0 6.1 5.6 8.8 u X 8.0 8.1 8.6 II. 7 7.6 II.8 3-1 % 18.8 13- 1 7.6 9.1* 7.8 10.5 8.5 6.6 13-3 8.8 6.7* I Y% II. 2 10. 1 7.8 3.8- . . % 9-7 8.9 8.6 7-1 7.2 10.6 % H 7-3 6.6 5-9 10.4 9-5 6.4 6.2 9.8 I % II. I 8.6 6.4 H % II. I lO.O 17.2 5-3 12.3 % y^ 12.8 6.2 4.7 14.9 17.2 5-2 17.8 I % 4.6 6.5 5-3 21.7 4.1 5-4 6.1 7-5 4.2- iV& % 6.4 9.7* 17.4 7-5 'A % 8.^ 7-1 8.0 8.1 6.6* 3.1* I H 9-4 8.0 8.0 7-1 7-6 7-4 5.8 6.1 5.9* ^y% H 4.1 5.3 3.7- 6.7 I H 7-1 7.2 7-9 7-3 4-7 3.1- 7.9 ^A H 4.8 8.2 7-4 6.8 2.4 6.2 7.6 3.5* 2.1 ix * Denote that joints did not fracture along line of riveting. TABLE XIX. EXCESS IN STRENGTH OF NET SECTION IN JOINT OVER STRENGTH OF TENSILE TEST-STRIP. SINGLE-RIVETED BUTT-JOINTS, STEEL PLATE, WROUGHT-IRON RIVETS, WATERTOWN ARSENAL. Thick- Diameter Plate. Holes. 1" ■»' 15^" m" i%" 1^8" i%" i%" 2" Inch. Per Pe, Per Per Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. % 9.8 7.2 9-1 . . A X 13-4 II.7 9-7 8.5 II. H ^ 17.4 14.4 14.7 14.7 II.9 16. 1 4-7 % % 17.6 14-5 14.2 18.0 14. 1 10.7 17.7 13-5 10. I* I H 21.2 14. 1- • • % n 19-5 16.8 12.5 5.8* . . . . Ya V, 18.2 15-9 13-5 II. 7 II.4 ib.5 • • % n 14.6 12.5 10.6 17.9 15-9 10.3 9.8 I5-I I % 15.8 14.4- 10.3 Ya % 20.9 17.8 28.9 8.7 19-5* % y^ 25-5 II.8 5-5 25.8 28.7 8.6 28.1 . . I % 9.8 13-2 10. 1 39-7 7-3 9-1 10. 1 12.2 6.5- lA % I5-I 18.8 29.6 12.2 n Vs 16.6 17.2 14.6 14.0 ii.i* 5-2* I % 20.0 18.4 15-3 13.0 13-5 12.7 9-7 9.8 9.2 iVs H 8.3 10. 1 6.8* II-5 I H 15-2 14-5 15-2 1.3.6 8.5 5..3* II-5 iVs % 10.8 17.4 15.0 13.2 4-7 II.O 13.0 5.7* 3-5 iX Denote that joints did not fracture along line of riveting. 78 BOILERS AND FURNACES H S o SC ^ lO O >0 U-) " LO ^* to ^ ^ •S s ? .s- y r, ^ ^. -^ « "C .5: § H ^ (5 :s 5 2; E i t; .2 s S 2 a; rt H O is § ^ iE '5 W W (X, RIVETED JOINTS 79 ENGRAVINGS BELONGING TO TABLE XXI. Fig. 63. Fig. 64. Fig. 65. Fig. 66. ^.J> i> p o o o '^dr-iZZeeiJ'ol&S. Fig. 67. Fig. 67 A. j o o o (p''qj < 000000 000000 ) o o o o o c O/^/Td^c^r^^y^^fejQ 82 BOILERS AND FURNACES Fig. 8o. <> PROPORTIONING RIVETED JOINTS, Single-Riveted Lap-joint. — Such a joint consists of two plates overlapping each other and secured by a single row of rivets, as shown in Fig. 80. This is the simplest and weakest form of riveted joint. In estimating the value of a rivet under shearing stress the diameter of the hole should be taken, because the rivet is upset to fill the hole. The shearing strength of rivets is given in Tables VII. and X. The strength of a single-riveted lap-joint using -^-inch steel of 55,000 pounds tensile strength, steel rivets f inch diameter in -^-inch holes, 2 inches pitch, may be calculated thus : Gross section of plate, 2 inches X .25 inch 5000 square inch. Section removed by hole, .6875 inch X .25 inch . . . .1719 square inch. Net section of plate between holes 3281 square inch. Area of upset rivet, \^ inch 3712 square inch. Shearing strength of rivet at 44,625 pounds per square inch 16,565 pounds. Plate (gross), .5 square inch X 55,000 pounds 27,500 pounds. Plate (net), .3281 square inch X 55,000 pounds .... 18,045 pounds. Strength of joint in per cent, of solid plate would be 18,045 X n 27,500 65.6 per cent. if it were not for the fact that the shearing strength of the rivet is less than the strength of the plate ; we then have 16,565 X 100 27,500 60.02 per cent. An examination of the above figures shows that the net strength of the plate is 18,045 pounds and the shearing strength of the rivets 16,565 pounds. This proportion of strength of plate to that of rivet is permis- sible in single-riveted joints, because shearing of rivets or failure of any kind at the joint seldom occurs except by corrosion. The excess strength ought therefore to go into the plate rather than into the rivet, because the plate is subject to corrosion or other deterioration which affects the rivets to a less degree. Single-riveted lap-joints when both plates and rivets are of iron are weaker than similar plates and rivets of steel of the same dimensions, because the latter material will resist tensile and shearing stresses to a greater degree than iron. Single riveting is little used in longitudinal seams, except for small boilers and low pressures ; but single-riveted Material of plate Thickness of plate, nominal Width of test-specimen, inche Thickness of welt-strips, inch Width of upper welt, inches Width of lower welt, inches . Diameter of rivets, inches . . Material of rivets Diameter of holes, punched o: WATERTOWN ARSENAL. Steel. V, 20 ¥2 7.375 7-375 Vx Steel. St Number of rivets in one-half i ^3 Pitch of rivets, middle row, ir For details of riveting, see Fi: Bearing surface of rivets, squ; Shearing area of rivets, squar 12.46 Tensile strength of plate, pout 53,7io Gross sectional area, square ir 12.41 Net sectional area, square inc 9-5° Maximum stress on joint per \ Tension on gross sectiori 42,720 Tension on net section 55.8oo Compression on bearing 84,140 Shearing on rivets, pounds . | 42,54° 3 74 6.30 Efficiency of joint, per cent. . Fracture, similar to Figures 79-5 74 Steel. 10.8 10.8 Y.{ 16 3is 75 7-73 15-34 53,710 12.36 9-94 43,600 54,220 69,720 35,130 Steel. Steel. Steel. Vb % % 20.12 17 16.5 Up. .6, L. .43 % Y, 8.8 9-8 13K 23.8 9.8 13% 3 pi. = r 2 pi. = 1/8 }■ M Iron. Steel. Steel. iJsandiiX ifs D. irVD. 19 9 II 2% zVx 4i% 76 77 78 13-58 8.23 10.23 30.41 15-96 19-51 53-710 51,190 51,190 12.81 14.646 14.438 10.19 10.07 10.72 46,070 36,190 38,400 57,940 52,640 51,720 43,470 64,410 54,190 19,410 33,210 28,420 85.8 70.7 75-0 76 77 78 Steel. % i5'/i m 2 pi. = ijl Iron. lYa and 1^ 16 2% 79 16.38 28.00 51,190 13-852 10.99 41,740 52,640 35,300 20,650 81.5 79 TABLE XXI. TESTS OF DOUBLE-, TRIPLE-, AND QUADRUPLE-RIVETED BUTT-JOINTS, STEEL PLATES, IRON AND STEEL RIVETS, WATERTOVVN ARSENAL. Material of plate Thickness of plate, nominal, inch Width of test-specimen, inches Thickness of welt-strips, inch Width of upper welt, inches Width of lower welt, inches Diameter of rivets, inches Material of rivets Diameter of holes, punched or drilled, inches . . . . Number of rivets in one-half of joint Pitch of rivets, middle row, inches For details of riveting, see Figures Bearing surface of rivets, square inches Shearing area of rivets, square inches Tensile strength of plate, pounds per square inch . . . Gross sectional area, square inches Net sectional area, square inches Ma.\inmm stress on joint per square inch : Tension on gross section of plate, pounds .... Tension on net section of plate, pounds Compression on bearing surface of rivets, pound Shearing on rivets, pounds Efficiency of joint, per cent Fracture, similar to Figures Steel. a Iron. %D. 9 2% 63 1-97 10.82 58,170 2.50 48,150 69,140 87,740 15.980 Steel. 14-32 Iron. 10 2% 64 61,470 3-54 2.46 46,810 67,370 76,720 13.790 76.1 Steel. 14.06 A Iron. 3% 65 2.44 12-57 56,760 4.29 3-07 45.490 63.570 Steel. 1% 2.46 12.57 56,760 4-34 3-10 45.530 63.740 80,330 15,720 Steel. 2.30 7-07 58,340 4-79 3-64 48,610 63,970 101,250 32,940 Steel. 14-51 7.07 56.670 5-35 4-25 48,500 61,060 36,700 85-5 67 Steel. 14.52 7.07 56,670 5-36 4-25 47,700 60,160 115,700 36,170 Steel. 14.41 a Iron. I D. 5-89 3-85 43,360 66,340 62,440 16,260 70.9 Steel. 12.48 a Iron. %o. 8 3% 69 2.56 7.07 59,000 5-33 4-05 48,120 63,300 100,190 36,280 83-3 69 Steel. 27.00 5% 10^3 % steel. HD. 12 3% 70 6.02 13-80 59,680 14.44 12.44 39,450 81,530 35,560 57 70 Steel. 13-515 15J4 % Steel. 11.04 60,550 6-73 5-80 Steel. 14-985 10.15 16.50 K Steel. i§D. 14 2j^ 72 6.17 17-25 48,620 ; 51,205 56,410 , 63,000 77,900 ^ 58,510 29,640 ; 20,930 80.3 85.5 71 I 72 Steel. Steel. Steel. H K Vs 20 20 20 ^ K 'A 7-375 7-375 10.8 7-375 7-375 10.8 Vx K K{ Steel. Steel. Iron. IS S5 M 13 13 16 3 3 3i% 73 74 75 6.72 6.30 7-73 12.46 12.46 15-34 53,710 53,710 53.710 13.22 12.41 12.36 10,12 9-50 9-94 42,860 42,720 43.600 55,990 55,800 54,220 84,320 84,140 69,720 45,470 42,540 35,130 79-8 79-5 81.2 73 74 75 Steel. Va 20.12 Up..6,L. 19 2% 76 13-58 30.41 53.710 46,070 57,940 43.470 19,410 85.8 76 steel. Steel. % % •7 16.5 % % 9-8 13K 9-8 13K }■ M Steel. Steel. lAD. lAD. 9 " 3H 4i». 77 78 8.23 10.23 15-96 19-51 51.190 51,190 14.646 14-438 10.07 10.72 36.190 38,400 52,640 51,720 64,410 54,190 33,210 28,420 70.7 75-0 77 78 Steel. % 15M Up.r8,L-K m 2I« 51.190 13-852 10.99 41.740 52,640 35,300 20,650 81.5 79 RIVETED JOINTS 83 joints are in common use for the circumferential seams in steam boilers, of which an example is here given : Should the circumferential seams of a 72-inch boiler be single or double riveted to withstand a pressure of 120 pounds? A boiler 72 inches in diameter has an area of 4071.5 square inches. The steam, 120 pounds per square inch, would make total pressure on the head of 4071.5 X 120 = 488,580 pounds. If the shell be of steel -^ inch thick, the diameter of steel rivets may be ^1 inch in -J-inch holes. The area of each hole is 0.601 square inch. The shearing strength of each rivet is 26,833 pounds, as per Table X. If the pitch of the rivets be 2 inches, there will be required half as many rivets as there are inches in circumference of the boiler : 226 113 rivets. Then 26,833 X 113 = 3,038,129 pounds. If a factor of safety of 6 be chosen, the safe working pressure would be 3.03 ^ = 506,355 pounds, which is 17,775 pounds additional to the required strength of 488,580 pounds, — showing that the single-riveted joint has ample strength for the conditions given. A series of experiments to determine the efficiencies of single-riveted lap-joints for pitches from i^ to 3^ inches, with holes ^ to i^ inches diameter, upon iron and steel plates ){ inch thick, resulted as follows : TABLE XXII. EFFICIENCIES OF SINGLE-RIVETED LAP-JOINTS IN PER CENT. OF THE STRENGTH OF SOLID PLATE. I, Iron ; S, Steel ; D, Drilled holes ; P, Punched holes. Plate. Diameter of Rivet-Holes. Rivets y'g Inch Less. OF Rivets. Thick. Tensile Strength. \h Vs ^ 1% rV^ 3^1 47,925 i/s 64.0 XS 55,765 iH 68.8 . . . . XI 47,925 2 liilp^ ■ ■ XS 55,765 2 {fAi XS 61 ,000 2^ 65.1 3^s 58.150 2^ 69.7 XS 61,000 27/s . . . 70.9 XS 58,150 274 70.7 XS 58,150 iVz . . 69.1 XS 55,740 3^8 . . . . . . . 75-7 XS 55,740 3% 67.3 The above results show that no practical advantage is had in usin^ rivets larger than ^ inch in ^-inch plates. 84 BOILERS AND FURNACES TABLE XXin. SINGLE-RIVETED LAP-JOINTS, IRON PLATES AND IRON RIVETS. Table of least distance between rivet-holes for iron plates of 45,000 pounds tensile strength, and iron rivets of 34,200 pounds shearing strength, that the plates and rivets shall approximate each other in strength. Proportionate Strength of Plate at 45,000 Pounds per Square Inch. Rivets Width of Plate to equal Shearing Strength of Rivet. Pitch op Rivets. Diameter of Hole. Shearing Strength. Decimal. Nearest Working Fraction. age of Joint. Inch. Pounds. X = 11,250 j^e = 14,063 H = 16,875 ^V = 19,688 ^ = 22,500 T6 = 24,313 >^ = 28,125 H = 30,938 X = 33,750 Inches. tI= .9375 I = 1. 000 ItV = 1.0625 Ij/g = 1. 125 It6 =1.1875 Pounds. 12,695 15,110 17,733 20,564 23,608 26,861 30,322 33,995 37,877 Inches. I. Ill 1.074 1. 051 1.044 1.049 1. 105 1.078 1.099 1. 122 Inches. 1.799 = It! 1.824 = lif 1.864 = i^ 1.919 = lif 1.986 = 2 2.105 = ^H 2. 141 = 2>^ 2.224 = 2^ 2.310 = 23^6 61.76 58.88 56.38 54.40 52.82 52.49 50.35 49.41 48.57 TABLE XXIV. SINGLE-RIVETED LAP-JOINTS, STEEL PLATES AND STEEL RIVETS. Table of least distance between rivet-holes for steel plates of 55,000 pounds tensile strength and steel rivets of 44,625 pounds shearing strength, that the plates and rivets shall approximate each other in strength. Proportionate Strength of Plates at 55,000 Pounds per Square Inch. Rivets Width of Plate to equal Shearing Strength of Rivet. Pitch of Rivets. Diameter of Hole. Shearing Strength. Decimal. Nearest Working Fraction. age of Joint. Inch. Pounds. Inches. Pounds. Inches. Inches. X = 13,750 H= .6875 16,565 1.205 1.892 = l7/s 63.69 P. ^ = 20^625 tV = 24,063 H= .75 if= .8125 rs= .875 19,715 23,138 26,833 1. 147 1. 121 1. 115 1.897 = I^ 1.934 = ItI 1.990 = 2 60.46 P. 57.97 P. 56.03 R. >^ = 27,500 il= -9375 30,805 1. 120 2.058 = 2xV 54.42 P. tV = 30,938 >^ = 34,375 I = 1. 000 35,048 I.I33 2.133 = ^'A ^H^ I- lT6 = 1.0625 39,299 1. 143 2.205 = 21^^ 51.84 P. if = 37,813 X = 41,250 I>^ = 1.125 lA = 1.1875 44,357 49,422 1. 173 1. 198 2.298 = 2i§g 2.386 = 2^ 51.04 p. 50.21 p. P — Joint will probably fail by tearing the plate between rivet-holes. R — Joint will probably fail by shearing the rivets. RIVETED JOINTS 85 Double-Riveted Lap-joint. — In this form of joint the plates lap over each other far enough to admit two rows of rivets, as shown in Fig. 81. A double-riveted joint is stronger than a single-riveted joint, because of wider Fig. spacing or pitch of rivets giving a larger net section of metal, larger surfaces of frictional contact, and a larger rivet area under shear- ing stress. Longitudinal seams in steam boil- ers should be at least double riveted, no plates less than ^ inch thick, and no rivets less than ^ inch diameter, how- ever small the diameter of the boiler. The strength of a double-riveted joint may be calculated thus : Let us assume that steel plates of 55,000 pounds tensile strength are to be joined by iron rivets of 34, 200 pounds per square inch shearing strength, the riveting and spacing to be as given below : Thickness of plate, ^ inch 25 inch. Diameter of rivet-hole, \^ inch 6875 inch. Area of rivet-hole .3712 square inch. Pitch of rivets 2.5 inches. The strength of the whole plate would be 2,5 X .25 X 55,000 = 34,375 pounds. The strength of net section of plate would be (2.5 — -6875) X .25 X 55.000 = 24,915 pounds. The strength of two rivets in single shear would be .3712 X 2 X 34,200 = 25,390 pounds, showing that the plate is slightly the weaker of the two. The percentage of strength of the joint is 24,915 X 100 = 72.48 per cent. 34,375 Zigzag Riveting is that arrangement of rivets in which one row is placed over the centre of the intervening space, as shown in Fig. 82. This is the style of riveting in almost universal use, having two good qualities, — strength and tightness underpressure. Correctly made, zig- zag joints are equal in shearing strength to the net section of the punched plates ; that is to say, the value of a joint of this kind approximates 70 per cent, of the whole plate for ^-inch to ^-inch iron plates with iron rivets or steel plates with steel rivets. Chain Riveting is that arrangement of rivets in which one row is placed exactly above the other, as in Fig. 83. Experiments conducted with a view to ascertaining the comparative strength of chain and zig- zag riveting showed that, for the same spacing of the rivets from centre to centre across the sheet, the chain riveting was the strongest. Chain riveting requires a broader lap than zig-zag riveting, and no doubt the 86 BOILERS AND FURNACES friction of this wider joint contributes towards the observed increase in strength. The commonly accepted notion is that the second row of rivets counts for little or nothing in adding to the strength of the joint over that of single riveting for the same pitch ; but this has been proven experimentally not to be true, and the fact is that the arrangement of rivets as in a chain-riveted joint is actually stronger than a zigzag joint of the same relative proportions of rivet to plate area. Strength of Double-Riveted Joints.— In Table XXV. are given the percentages for joints made up of iron plates with iron rivets, steel plates with iron rivets, and steel plates with steel rivets. It will be noted that most of the percentages fall below 70. As this latter figure is com- monly assumed to be the strength of a double-riveted lap-joint, it may be said in explanation that percentages of strength are controlled by the pitch and diameter of rivets, the wider the spacing and the smaller the diameter of the rivet the greater will be the percentage of strength of joint when relative areas of solid and perforated plates are concerned ; but a due regard must be had for shearing strength of rivets which enter into the construction of a joint : narrow pitches and large diameter of rivets means larger resistance against shearing, but the tendency to crush thin plates before large rivets must not be disregarded. Taken altogether, the spacing and dimensioning of rivets in riveted joints is a matter upon which a large amount of care and judgment has been be- stowed, resulting in the adoption of practically the dimensions as given in the table, which is fairly representative of the best boiler practice at this time. Referring to Table XXV. , in the column ' ' iron plate and iron rivets," the riveting is shown to be stronger than the plate. The next column, "steel plate and iron rivets," shows that by reason of the higher tensile strength of the steel plates the first joint in the table is weakest through the line of rivet-holes, while the remaining figures with reference letter show that the rivets are weaker than the plates. By referring to the last column it will be seen that by using steel rivets having a higher shearing strength than iron the joints are strengthened against the shearing action of the plates throughout the whole series. An examination of these figures in connection with the horizontal dis- tance from centre to centre of rivet would seem to indicate that a re- vision of the pitch of rivets would be advisable, that a higher percentage of joint might be secured by increasing the pitch of the rivets for the thinner plates and slightly decreasing the pitch for the thicker ones ; but the practical consideration of securing a tight joint is one of great importance, and it is not recommended that there be any considerable deviation from centre to centre of the horizontal rows of rivets as given. Triple- Riveted Lap-joints. — In any case where a double-riveted joint is deficient in rivet area, an increase in strength is had by simply extending the lap of the joint sufficiently to admit another row of rivets ; RIVETED JOINTS 87 ^s:|:^sl-;^3-^>x ^J"^s^s!«X^i^^ > 2 1 • ffi|"^oi|" o>|c;i^o>|wP\oi|i-' > ^K^j^"" w ►.gas ■ 2.00 p HI 1 n 'V £5i«J»^ w < 1 p 1 n 3 1? n 3 p^ <: 1 !^ If r I r > H W OCn Oi Oi 4i^ ^ 4i^ -P- OJ !^ 0^ . ON p^ ON 00>O p M 10 (OCn Oai^C/i--l o^oo i-d '-0 hj ►Td -Tj i-d TJ '-d '-d C/5 1 > 1- 2 < > M M $0 J ^ J- " SIS ^ Sis i^ si^ > W Pi K 3: ^- ^ ^ SH sH ^ CO^^ O^O^O^OlOlCA ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ K ^ p n S N f s tOMMWMMMMW M|N! COIM ColN Si« CslM M| , Co|t- Vm Mlm M[!; Vh 9 H M ^ \D 0000^ " 3 n g* 5' 5 3' OK? V- 00^ 0NCn-;i-4^0J K) i-H ^ X ^ ^ is ^ oooooooooooocoooco oi oi oi oi oi c^ a\ p\ a\ M Oj Oi io en CO b Ck> -t' ^J MVO^J-I^ 10(^/1 M^J y y y y y y y y y C/5 1 ■-0 n M Z > PI 11 cococococococococo Cn Oi Cn Oi 01 Oi p-\ p\ as mCmOi (0(Ln boodo-Pi. ^3 ;Td ^d [-d Td 7d _*D 70 ^d 1 ^ 94 BOILERS AND FURNACES a hand-driven rivet in a punched hole, the middle one a machine-driven rivet in a punched hole, the right-hand one a machine-driven rivet in a drilled hole. Plates should be bolted together through alternate holes, metal to metal in flanged work, to get the spring out of them ; other- wise a thin film of metal is likely to be forced into the space between the plates, reducing frictional contact and lowering the efficiency of the joint. Heating Steel Rivets. — It is important that steel rivets be uni- formly heated throughout, and not the points merely, as is the ordinary method of heating iron rivets ; neither should they be heated as highly as iron rivets, and should never exceed a bright cherry-red. Particular attention must be given to the thickness of the fire. Steel, of whatever kind, should never be heated in a thin fire, especially in one having a forced blast, such as an ordinary blacksmith or riveting fire. The reason for this is, that more air passes through the fire than that needed for combustion, and in consequence there is a considerable quantity of free oxygen in the fire, which will oxidize the steel, or, in other words, burn it. If excluded from this free oxygen, steel cannot be burned ; if the temperature is high enough, it can be melted, and will run down through the fire ; but burning is impossible in a thick fire with moderate draft. This is an important matter in using steel rivets, and should not be overlooked. The same principle applies to the heating of steel plates for flanging. CHAPTER IV. WELDING AND FLANGING. It has long been the desire of both makers and users of steam boilers that a seamless shell might take the place of the aggregation of plates held together by riveted joints which now constitutes the ordinary- method of constructing a boiler. It is true that cylindrical shells of steam boilers have been constructed by welding and without horizontal and circumferential riveted seams, excepting those fastening the heads and shells together, and even these are not necessary, as many digesters and pressure-tanks are made with the heads welded in place. A recent construction in this country is an internally fired boiler of large dimen- sions, 8^ feet diameter by 27 feet long, having welded horizontal and vertical seams, but with heads riveted in. Such examples are rare, but they serve to show what is possible by this method of construction it proper facilities are at command, coupled with knowledge of how to suc- cessfully use the facilities towards the desired end. An advantage to be gained by making the cylindrical shells of boilers seamless is 'that they may be rerolled after welding, producing a per- fectly cylindrical shell. This is, of course, impossible in a riveted joint. So, also, if a shell could be thus welded the objectionable two thick- nesses of plate in the fire would be removed, together with the trouble incident to the accumulation of deposit which is likely to form around the joints and rivet-heads ; further, if there is no jointed seam, the cor- rosion caused by the leakage of the lap-joints or around loose or imper- fectly fitted rivets could not occur. Reduction in thickness of plates has been advocated if welded joints be used instead of riveted joints, and such reduction in thickness has been placed as much as one-half; but this is not possible unless a welded joint is known to equal the strength of the original plate, which cannot under any conditions of workmanship be assumed to be true. The ordinary claims made for perfectly welded joints are that welding approximates more nearly the original strength of the plates than the best form of riveted joints, relieving the plates from loss of strength due to punching and the additional loss occasioned by drifting and cold hammering. Calking could be dispensed with, and thus relieve the shell of incipient fractures occasioned by bad workmanship. W^rought Iron and Mild Steel possess the property of welding when brought into perfect contact while the surfaces are in a state of partial fusion. To further insure a complete contact the surfaces thus joined are pressed, rolled, or hammered until they are united in a single 95 96 BOILERS AND FURNACES piece at the weld. Small quantities of the impurities usually found in wrought iron, such as sulphur, phosphorus, etc., exert a marked influ- ence upon the properties of wrought iron. These foreign substances do not wholly prevent the welding of wrought iron when parts are brought together in a state of fusion, but they do have the effect of lowering the efficiency of the welded joint, especially when the heating and welding is undertaken in an atmosphere containing free oxygen. In a non- oxidizing atmosphere these influences are less marked. What has just been said in regard to wrought iron is also true of mild steel, which does not readily weld except in a non-oxidizing atmosphere. After many trials and many failures in attempting to weld mild-steel boiler-plates Adamson found it necessary to ascertain in all cases the composition of the metal before putting any labor on it, and from a large experience he con- sidered it desirable that the carbon should not exceed ^ of i per cent. , while the sulphur and phosphorus should, if possible, be kept as low as 0.04 per cent., silicon being admissible to the extent of o.i of i per cent. Temperature. — A high temperature is essential in welding, ap- proximately 1600° Fahr. for wrought iron ; but different irons require a temperature adapted to each varying composition, because with such variation in composition there is also a variation in point of fusion. Temperature alone is not sufficient for securing the best results. It is true that a high temperature promotes welding in a non-oxidizing atmos- phere, but it is also true that in an atmosphere in which there is free oxygen, the latter, being the cause of burning the metal, not only pre- vents welding, but destroys the strength of the metal wherever it may occur. The temperature, then, must be regulated if welding is to be done in an oxidizing atmosphere, so as to insure the fusion of the metal surfaces to be joined and avoid covering such surfaces with a coating of iron oxide, which will either imperfectly weld or wholly prevent metallic contact. Oxide of Iron — The presence of oxide of iron in a joint is one of the principal causes of non-welding. It is difficult to prepare iron plates for welding without the presence of this objectionable material, and it is for this reason that upset scarfed ^^^- ^9- edges should have a swell in the 1 middle of the angular face, as shown I in Fig. 89, the object being to bring the metal into immediate contact at I the middle of the weld, so that any subsequent hammering will force out the vitreous oxide on either side, securing a better weld than if it were allowed to lodge on either surface of the plates, for any lodgement would mean defective welding at that point. Flux. — As oxidation always occurs in a greater or less degree, the heated surfaces must be protected by means of a flux. The one gen- WELDING AND FLANGING 97 erally used is sand ; this is composed of silicon and oxygen. The action of the flux is twofold, — in forming a vitreous coating over the iron and in reducing the temperature of the parts to which it is applied. This arises from the circumstance that iron is usually "scarfed" at the place where it is to be welded, as in Fig. 89. We thus have a thick and a thinner portion of the same plate exposed to the action of heat. Ordi- narily the thinner portion of the plate is nearest the centre of the fire, consequently it attains welding heat before the thicker portion does. If the action of the heat was not modified in some manner this thinner edge would be burned away long before the thicker portion was brought to the welding point. The sand or other flux coming in contact with the highly heated iron is melted and absorbs so much heat from the iron that it gives the latter a vitreous coating, combining with the iron and covering that portion which is of sufficiently high temperature to melt the sand. Silicon, being very refractory in its nature, will last some time in the fire before it burns off" the iron ; it thus serves to protect the thinner parts of the iron while the thicker portion is absorbing heat and arriving at a welding condition. In using sand as a flux care must be exercised that it be cleaned off the faces of the joint where two scarfed edges are to be welded, because its presence in the weld would prevent perfect contact and weaken the joint. For small work, borax is the flux generally employed in the forge for welding ; it prevents oxidation in the same manner as already described for sand. Edges of Plates. — Scarf-welding, shown in Fig. 89, is to be pre- ferred to lap-welding. Fig. 90, because the strain on the scarf-joint is direct, while on the lap-joint it is ^^^- 90- indirect and tends to distort the joint when under pressure, as in Fig. 91. A scarf-weld is best made Fig. 91. by upsetting the edges to about double the thickness of the plate and bevelling the edges to about 45°, as shown in Fig. 89. In scarfing and thinning down the plate the sharp edge may be about one-sixteenth of an inch thick, perhaps less. An exact thickness of the upset portion is not a material part of making a good joint, neither is the thinning to a sharp edge of special importance. All that is necessary is the upset- ting of the edge to a thickness considerably more than that of the plate itself, the object being that when the weld is made the plate may then be hammered and finished down to the regular thickness. The edges should be heated simultaneously to a white heat, and when joined the 98 BOILERS AND FURNACES joint should be hammered or rolled to secure perfect contact through its whole length ; the swell of the joint can be afterwards worked down to the thickness of the plate. This is a much better method than that shown in Fig. 90, in Bertram's experiments. Lap-welded joints as shown in Fig. 90 are not recommended, except for thin plates, say ^ inch and less, because they are weaker than scarf- welded, although there is no reduction of plate section through the joint. This has already been pointed out and illustrated in Fig. 89. The thicker the plates joined together the greater will be the distortion in the joint. This fact was clearly brought out in the test, page 99, which shows the ^-inch joint to be relatively weaker than the ^-inch joint in the same test. ^Velding Bars. — If a weld is to be made in a brace or stay, the ends should be upset to about double the original diameter, afterwards bevelling to an angle of about 45°, as in Fig. 89. This form of joint is favorable to the escape of scale, flux, etc., out of the joint. After the parts are joined, the swelled portion of the joint can then be hammered down to the common diameter or size of the bar. Wherever possible, stays and braces should be made without welds. Welding Plates. — The heating of two plates in a well-made, open fire is attended with greater risks than in the case of two bars of iron. The reasons are quite obvious : the ends of the bars are easily placed in the centre of the fire and entirely shut off from the injurious effects of free oxygen, if the fire is properly made. When a thick fire is built upon a tweer, the air passing up through it gives up its oxygen to the incandescent carbon, and carbonic acid gas is the product of this union. This gas in passing up through the bed of burning coal takes up another equivalent of carbon, and carbonic oxide gas is formed. Nitrogen is also present in the fire. But none of these gases have an injurious effect on iron, so far as welding is concerned. Therefore, the two bars of iron referred to above are in a highly heated chamber formed by the incan- descent sides and cover of the fire. The included atmosphere being non-oxidizing, the bars may be readily brought to a welding-heat with- out fear of oxidation, for there is no excess of oxygen in the fire to come in contact with the iron. In the case of plates it is somewhat different, for the plates being hottest in the centre and of lower temperature towards the edges of the fire, it is not possible to confine the heated por- tion of the plates to a chamber of heated gases from which oxygen is excluded, — for no such chamber exists in an ordinary fire, and cannot from the nature of the case. Further, every movement of the plate brings the more or less highly heated portions in contact with the air : oxidation instantly occurs, forming an oxide of iron or hard cinder which prevents welding. There is at the same time a partial loss of iron ; but this is not a serious matter in comparison with the bad effects resulting from the presence of oxide of iron in the weld. WELDING AND FLANGING 99 In the manufacture of welded boilers as a business it would be neces- sary to construct a special heating apparatus, which would probably consist of an external and internal gas-furnace, operating on the prin- ciple of a blow-pipe, in which the flames of the burning gas would be directed against such portions of the joint as needed the greater heat. Such an apparatus could be made in which no free oxygen could reach the heated plates, and thus welds could be made without the use of a flux of any kind. The plates could be heated their whole length at one time, and when brought to the point of fusion could be welded by pres- sure instead of by hammering. Localizing Heat in Welding. — Welding occurs only at the edges or ends of parts to be thus joined. Heating, therefore, should be confined to such portions only, and not allowed to extend over wide areas upon which no work is to be done. In the absence of special appliances no greater length of edge should be heated than can be conveniently and properly welded, because excessive temperatures occurring where no work is to be done, especially if in contact with the air, is fatal both to iron and steel plates. Without special heating appliances it is probable that not more than a few inches — say less than a foot — could be heated at any one time ; and this heating might preferably begin at the centre of the length of the joint and work from there to either end, rather than begin welding at one end and work towards the other. Whichever method be adopted, there are likely to be strains set up in the plates thus joined, both in extension and compression, which can only be eliminated by proper annealing. Bertram's Method. — Boiler-plates were welded at the Woolwich Dockyard in 1857. The edges were scarfed and placed together be- tween two flames directed against either side, as shown in Fig. 92. These flames were obtained by the combus- tion of coal or coke, and were non-oxidizing in their character. When the two plates were raised to the welding temperature they were united by pressure or hammering in a special machine. Tests made of these welded joints showed that the lap-welded test-pieces, as in Fig. 90, were inferior in strength to those scarf- welded, as in Fig. 89. The specimens tested were 4 inches wide t>y ^> ttj and ^ inch in thickness. The lap of the joint was i^ inches, with results as follows : The strength of a scarf- welded joint. Fig. 89, for the yz-'mch plate was faulty ; but for the ■^- and |/^-inch plates the welds were equal to that of the original plate. Fig. 92. lOO BOILERS AND FURNACES The strength oi the lap-welded joint, Fig. 90, was for the ^-inch plate 50 per cent, of the original plate, increasing to 69 per cent, in the YViiich plate, and 66 per cent, in the ^-inch plate. From the above data it appears that the strength of joints united by lap-welding is scarcely greater than that secured by single riveting, the joint being about 40 per cent, weaker than the plates which compose it. Scarf-welding, on the contrary, equalled the strength of the plate. No doubt the shape of the joint under severe stress had much to do with the lowering of its strength in consequence of the indirect pull, as shown in Fig. 91. Annealing Welded Joints. — It would be advantageous if, in the case of plate work, the whole structure after welding could be placed in an annealing furnace, properly heated, and allowed to cool gradually ; but this is not always practicable. In lieu of this, a strip wide enough to cover any excessive heating on either side of the welded joint should be heated to a cherry-red and then allowed to cool gradually. Practical Results. — Experiments on ^^-inch iron plates with welded joints, specimens taken from boiler-shells so as to test the effi- ciency of the welding, showed that of 23 tests 1 1 broke in the weld and 12 broke in the solid. The breaking strength of the solid plate was 46,368 pounds per square inch for the least strength, 57,792 pounds for the greatest, — an average of 52,865 pounds tensile strength for the whole series, showing that the iron was of good quality. The strength of the welded plates was 36,960 pounds per square inch for least strength, and 53,312 pounds for the greatest, or an average of 46,144 pounds. The efficiency of the welded joints on the total averages was 87.3 per cent. The efficiency of the weakest welded joint as compared with the average strength of the original plate was 68 per cent. , showing through- out the series that the joints varied in efficiency from 68 to 87.3 per cent., which approximates that of good riveting. The specifications for the United States protected cruisers ' ' Colum- bia' ' and ' ' Minneapolis' ' called for welded steel pipes, a contract exe- cuted by the Continental Iron- Works. These pipes varied from 10 to 20 inches inside diameter, and from ^^ to ^ of an inch thick ; the maximum length was 16 feet, with flanges from ^ to i inch thick after being faced. These pipes were to be made of plate steel, and were to comply with all the requirements called for in the specifications of the material used in the boilers, and be subjected to a water-test of 400 pounds per square inch. The method of forming these flanged pipes was to scarf the edges, roll to the required diameter, and then weld, the length of each cylinder thus formed being about 8 inches shorter than the finished length of the pipe over the flanges. Steel disks of the diameter and thickness re- quired to form the flanges were punched and flanged like a flue-head, with a cylindrical projection corresponding to that of the pipe and of the WELDING AND FLANGING lOI desired length, which, after scarfing in the lathe, was welded circum- ferentially to the pipe. The experimental pipe was made of ^-inch plate, as difficulty was expected in making the rivets in the head remain tight under such pressure as would be required to burst a vessel of the same diameter and ^ of an inch thick, and this proved to be true during the course of the experiment. The experimental pipe was 20 inches inside diameter and 42 inches long over the flanges. (Fig. 93.) The heads were yi inch Fig. 93. Fig. 94. ? yVv'e lct& gLjou7b ■•Ci^eCTeiA-'JoIiTt. thick, domed about 6 inches, and secured to the pipe by flanges ^ of an inch thick. As the radius of the interior curve on the flange was i inch, the total area to strain the rivet was that of the diameter, or 22 inches. The heads were held in place by 34 drilled holes, fitted with rivets, machine-driven, ij^g inches diameter, countersunk on each side. This experimental pipe had a water pressure applied up to 1700 pounds to the square inch, when it failed, as shown in Fig. 94, measurements of which are given in Fig. 95. It enlarged like a barrel, becoming over 24 inches in diameter at the middle of its length. The fracture occurred about 6 inches from the line of the longitudinal weld. This pressure is equivalent to a strain of about 68,000 pounds per square inch of section. Three test-pieces were cut from the experimental pipe, as shown in Fig. 96, two of them being cut across the welded seam, leaving the welded part in the middle of the length, and the other from the un- welded part of the steel. The test of these specimens shows a maximum tensile strength for the two having the weld of 58,230 pounds and 62,500 pounds respectively. I02 BOILERS AND FURNACES and for the unwelded piece 61,470 pounds, the fracture in all the pieces occurring near the ends several inches from the weld. Fig. 95. Fig. 96. The specimens tested as follows : Number of test-mark i 2 3 Condition Welded Welded No weld Length of test-specimen, inches .88 8 Width, inches 1.105 1.008 i.oio Thickness, inches .239 .222 .215 Area, square inches .243 .224 .217 Final length, inches 9.50 9.28 9.28 Elongation, per cent 18.75 16.00 16.00 Tensional stress on specimen, maximum pounds 14,150 14,000 13,340 Tensional stress per square inch, maximum pounds 58,230 62,500 61,470 At first sight there appears to be a discrepancy between the tensile strength of the metal, as indicated by the testing-machine, and that given from the gauge pressure. A careful examination of the outline of the ruptured vessel, Fig. 95, will, however, show that the stress on the metal at the time of rupture was much greater than would be obtained from a consideration of the original diameter and thickness of the metal. The outside circumference from edge to edge of the rupture, of about the middle of its length, is 75y-g- inches, corresponding to an out- side diameter of 24.095 inches. The thickness of the metal at this WELDING AND FLANGING 103 point was 0.206 inches, making the internal diameter at the time of rupture 24.095 — 2 X .206 = 23.683 inches. Using these figures for thickness and diameter, the stress on the metal when the vessel burst becomes 1700 X 23.683 f^ 2 X .206 = 97,720 pounds. Test-specimen No. i measured approximately 0.765 by 0.17 1 inch at point of fracture ; or its area was 0.1308 square inch. The total stress on it at the time it broke was 14,150, and, consequently, the stress per square inch was 14,150 r, = 108,200 pounds. Similarly, specimens Nos. 2 and 3 measured 0.775 by 0.165 ^^d 0.783 by 0.169 inch respectively, giving stresses at the time of fracture of 109,500 and 100,800 pounds respectively, or an average for the three specimens of 106,167 pounds, — a result near enough to that obtained from the gauge pressure to leave little doubt of the correctness of the latter. Furnace Flues. — In an internally fired boiler it is important that the main flue should be truly cylindrical, as the resistance to collapse depends largely upon this. Lap-joints prevent the plates forming a true circle ; it has been the practice, therefore, among the best makers to employ in its construction a butt-riveted joint with the seam below the grates. The objections to this arrangement are, that it is impossible to perfectly calk such a seam when once in place ; if the seam of rivets be along the bottom of the flue, the ready removal of ashes is prevented, and more or less of them will accumulate along the whole length of the furnace. Should there be a leaky joint, and this is not improbable, we may almost certainly count on an accumulation of hard-baked ashes and cinders, which lend themselves readily to surface corrosion. The best practice at this time is to make all such furnace flues with welded joints and flanged ends, placing the weld below the grate bars, so as to be away from the fire ; the pressure, being wholly on the outside, tends to collapse, and thus to tighten the weld. An imperfect weld might, in such a flue, escape detection for a long time, but would soon make itself apparent in any case where internal pressures were employed. Strength of Welded Joints. — Theoretically, the parts joined by welding should be equal in strength to the original bars or plates, and many tests have'proven this to be the case. Were this true of a majority of welded joints, the claims of superiority for such joints over riveted joints would be realized ; unfortunately, this is not the case in common practice. The weakness of a welded joint is in part due to the unequal heating of the edges to be joined and the absence of immediate contact when I04 BOILERS AND FURNACES the parts are brought together for welding, whether by hammers, rollers, or simple pressure. In the case of bars, metallic contact is usually had in welding, except in large pieces necessarily handled by a crane. The strength of welded bars of iron varies from 35 to 90 per cent. , with an occasional bar showing full strength. In tests of iron chain cables in which a weld occurs in each link the failure almost invariably occurs in the weld, the best percentages of strength ranging anywhere from 70 to 90 per cent, of the original bar. A chain-cable link does not present the most favorable conditions for welding, but the workshop appliances and unusual skill on the part of the workman who is really a specialist make the average of chain-riveting equal to, if not superior to, ordinary forge- work where welding is not a continuous practice. The uncertainty in regard to welded seams is equally shared by makers and users of steam boilers. So far as experimental tests have gone, welded seams do not average higher than single- or double-riv- eted joints, say from 60 to 70 per cent, of the strength of the original plate, which latter is, no doubt, injured by overheating at the time of making the weld. Test-sections cut from portions thus overheated show extreme brittleness and a reduction in tensile strength of the original plate of from 50 to 75 per cent., — a very serious loss, some of which may be restored by judicious annealing ; but furnaces large enough to admit the completed shell of a boiler for the purpose of annealing must be rare indeed, if they exist at all, in this country. Welded-joint fractures do not always occur immediately in the joint, though such failure is known to be due to loss of strength occasioned by destructive treatment which the bar or plate receives in the operation of heating preparatory to welding. This loss of tensile strength, although occurring outside of the joint, is directly chargeable to the process of welding, even though the break did not occur in the weld itself. In a number of tests of welded bars, the break occurred both in and along- side of the weld, showing in each case from 15 to 40 per cent, reduction of strength. It is for reasons similar to these that thoroughly prepared boiler specifications require that stays and braces, whether of iron or ol steel, intended for steam boilers shall not be welded if they are to be subjected to tensile stress. This exclusion of welded stays and braces accords with sound judgment, based upon a varied and sometimes disas- trous experience. Efficiency. — Welded seams in boiler-plates have not ordinarily yielded an efficiency higher than could have been supplied by double- or triple-riveted joints, or such a joint as a designer would have selected as suitable for the diameter of boiler, thickness of plate, and steam pressure to be carried. Cost. — The relative cost of welding, as compared with punching and riveting, is probably in favor of welding when proper facilities are pro- vided for heating, scarfing, hammering, annealing, etc. WELDING AND FLANGING 105 Flanging. — The process of bending the edge of a plate so that a second plate may be fastened to it at an angle, such as a boiler-head, Fig. 97, or if a second plate is at a distance from the first plate, as in Fig. 97. Fig Fig. 99. Fig. 100. the bottom of a fire-box, Fig. 98, is called flanging. The advantages of a flanged joint over that in which the parts are dimensioned and se- cured by angle-iron corners, riveted as in Fig. 99, are that it is stronger, simpler, because consisting of fewer parts, and less liable to leakage, because there is one less riveted seam. In localities where flue boilers are popular, some very intricate flanging is re- quired, many of these flues being as small as 6 inches, see Fig. 100, and few of them larger than 18 inches in diameter. Heating of Plates.— Flanging should always be done at a bright-red heat, and work upon a plate should never be continued after it has cooled down below a dark cherry-red. Hand-flanging should always be performed over a cast-iron former with rounded corners. In heating a plate for hand-flanging, the heat should be confined to such portions of the edge of the plate as are to be flanged, and should not extend very far inward towards the centre. As much length of edge of the plate should be heated as can be conveniently flanged at one operation. This will require a special construction of fire, needing only a few bricks to give the necessary boundary to the enclosed fire and a proper arrangement of the fire itself, so that the entire edge can be inspected at any time during the progress of the heating of the plate. It seems almost needless to remark that the fire must be uniformly hot, absolutely clean, and free from ashes or clinkers, and must on no account have holes in it by which the blast can escape, or a burnt plate will surely result. Io6 BOILERS AND FURNACES Hand- Flanging. — The flanging of an iron or steel plate should be done with wooden mauls, bending the plate over a cast-iron former. The blows should be quick, light, and distributed over as large a surface as possible in the shortest time, avoiding anything like short bends in turning the flange. The heating, when done in an ordinary open flange fire, must of necessity be local ; there will be required, therefore, the greatest care in working. As the flanging approaches completion by successive stages of heating and hammering, care must be exercised that the plate, if of steel, is not ruined by splitting or cracking, which may be induced by internal strains. The operation of hand-flanging is one requiring skill and judgment on the part of the workmen, — first, in the matter of heating, during which, if done in an open fire, as is usually the case, there is liability of overheating portions of the plate while other portions are not hot enough to insure the best working ; second, in working down a hot sheet to the edge of the cast-iron former, the flange must be left true and accurate, free from lumps and wavy edges. Should the latter occur, the flange must be reheated and worked down with sledges and flatters until the entire edge is true, even, and accurately dimensioned. Attention must also be given to the flat portion of a flanged plate, to see that it is in presentable as well as in workable condition. Buckling is likely to occur, because the operation of flanging the edges subjects them to alternate strains of compression and elongation, much of which is trans- mitted to the centre portion of the plate. Machine-Flanging. — There is a certain advantage in machine- flanging over hand-flanging in the one fact that the whole plate is heated in a special furnace, insuring a moderate and even temperature throughout. In hydraulic flanging the machine acts quickly by press- ure, performing the entire operation upon a single plate in two or three minutes' time and without striking any blows, the metal flowing easily, naturally, and without abnormal strains into whatever shape the dies may give it. The centre of the plate is flat, and, on the whole, a much more satisfactory product than can be secured by hand. Flanging-machines in which the edge of a circular plate is turned by means of rollers to a right angle turn out excellent work ; but as such machines are confined to circular plates only, they are not adapted to general work, such as flanging irregular sheets, making flanged fire-door openings, flanged manholes, etc. Hydraulic flanging-machines are more in favor at this time than any other, and, together with hydraulic riveting-machines, are now considered a necessary requisite in a first-class boiler-shop. Hand- vs. Machine-Flanging. — Fig. loi represents the thinning of the curve occasioned by the stretching of the plate over the cast-iron former in hand-flanging, the dotted line representing the normal curve and the middle line the actual thickness of metal. Fig. 102 is a repre- WELDING AND FLANGING 107 sentation of the thickening of the curve, taken from a roller-machine- flanged head. The normal curve, it will be noticed, falls considerably within the actual line of the metal. The advantages gained by the strengthening of the head at that particular point are quite obvious and are not hkely to be underestimated. Fig. 103. Fig. ioi. Fig. 102. Flanging Iron Plates. — Iron plates are more severely tested by the act of flanging than by any other work done upon them. Iron, by reason of its fibrous structure, requires careful manipulation to prevent breaking in the bend, especially if the corner be too sharp, as is often the case. Mr. Allen called attention to this defect in flanging several years ago, supplemented by a sketch which is reproduced in Fig. 103, assigning the sharp curve and consequent distortion of metal in the bend as a direct cause of grooving. Radius of Flange. — A defect more frequently met with in old than in later flanging is in the sharpness of the bend of the flange. Ordinary tubular boiler-heads, machine-flanged for the trade, have an inside radius of flange for heads y\ to f inch thick, — i inch for the former to i^ inches for the latter, — nearly every mill that furnishes flanged heads having a radius of its own. Although there is no uniform standard for inside curves, they will generally be found to be ample for the thickness of the head and with no sharp corners. As the outer diameter of any tube is not likely to come nearer the outside of a flanged head than 3 inches, there is no reason for adhering to sharp curves ; in fact, the large curve adds much to the stiffness of the head and reduces the area of flat sur- face to be fitted with stays. When it is known that only the neutral axis of the plate does not change length in bending, that the outside surface must suffer extension and the inside surface compression, the advantage of a large radius in bending is made immediately apparent. Referring to Fig. 103, sketched from an actual specimen of flanged iron plate, it will be seen that the I08 BOILERS AND FURNACES outer layers of metal separated and slid upon each other, as indicated by the transverse lines ; the outer surface was filled with small cracks not unlike the season checks as seen in timber. The inside of the flange, as shown in the engraving, being in a state of undue compres- sion, presents the appearance of a crushed and buckled-up mass ot fibres, and it is particularly this disturbance of the fibres and the laminae of the iron which renders it susceptible to the corrosive action of the acids present in the feed-water, which, together with the strains pro- duced by expansion and contraction incident to the combined action of heat and pressure, result in corrosion, grooving or channelling of the flange, and possibly rupture. An examination of the engraving will show that the inner radius of the flange is but little more than the thick- ness of the plate. Flanging Steel Plates. — Mild steel requires uniform heating, moderate curves, and gentle working to get the best results. This is best secured in machine-flanging, whether by rollers or by gently forcing the plate through a die by hydraulic pressure. The process ot the flanging of mild steel need not be in any respect different from what has already been described relative to the subject in general. Annealing Steel Plates. — After flanging a steel plate, whether by hand or machine, it should be immediately heated to a cherry-red to relieve it of all internal strains incident to working, allowing it to cool slowly, not disturbing it until entirely cold. Thickness of Flanged Edges. — When a flat disk of metal is flanged, as in the case of a boiler-head, the edges of the flange, espe- cially in hand-flanging, will be slightly thicker than the original plate. In machine-flanging, whether by rollers or by passing the plate through a die, the edges are not usually any thicker than other portions of the plate, except the excess due to the space allowance in the dies above the nominal thickness of the plate. This extra thickness is due to the longer circumference of the flat disk being compressed to the shorter circumference corresponding to the diameter of the finished head. The accumulated metal is worked down to the original thickness of plate, which causes an increase of depth of flange. Sexton gives the follow- ing practical instructions regarding flanging : "A plate during the pro- cess of flanging will gain twice its thickness in length of each flange. Thus, suppose you want to flange a circular plate to have a 3-inch flange all around, and to be 3 feet in diameter after being flanged and ^ inch thick ; you must not add twice the width of the flange to the diameter, making 3 feet 6 inches, but twice the width of the flange, less four times the thickness, — making 3 feet 4.}4. inches. In marking the plate line out the exact diameter you want it to be after being flanged, then allow the width of the flange less twice the thickness, and when flanged the centre marks should be on the flange just where the curve joins the flat." i WELDING AND FLANGING IO9 Flanging for flue-holes, manholes, etc., has just the opposite effect to that given in the preceding paragraph. Preparatory to flanging an opening in a plate, the whole depth of flange must be allowed when laying off the work. An inner hole is cut to the inside line of flange thus laid off, the plate heated, and the flange formed by forcing the metal outward from the plate in the desired direction, — as, for example, Fig. 100, which shows a flue-hole flanged to the inside of head, or as in Fig. 216, which shows a flange turned to the outside of head. As the diameter of the finished flange for flue-hole or manhole is worked from the diameter and thickness of the plate, it follows that the edge of the flange is thinner than that of the plate, the decrease in thickness de- pending upon the depth of flange to be formed. CHAPTER V. DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION. The cylindrical shell of a steam boiler is commonly an aggregation of plates fastened together by riveted joints. These plates may be either wrought iron or mild steel, the thickness depending upon the diameter of the shell and the pressure to be carried. When boiler- shells were made of iron the plates were much narrower arid shorter than can now be had in mild steel, because steel plates have no grain or fibre, but are homogeneous throughout, and can, therefore, be rolled lengthwise or crosswise as best suits the mill-man, which was not the case with wrought iron, as its fibrous nature had to be taken into account. No difficulty is now experienced in getting mild steel plates of any size that may be economically handled or worked in a boiler-shop, thus effecting a reduction in the number of plates and number of joints in boiler-shells of at least one-half Boiler-shells of 36 inches diameter by 8 feet in length can now be made of a single plate with one row of rivets if desired ; boilers 60 inches in diameter and less are commonly made of 2 sheets with 2 horizontal rows of riveted joints, forming the shell up to 16 or 18 feet in length ; boilers 72 inches in diameter are commonly made with a smgle sheet in the bottom and 2 or 3 sheets forming the upper half of the boiler for lengths up to 20 feet. In each of these arrangements no cross-seams are exposed to the fire, but in all cases where the upper and lower sheets of the boiler meet midway of the circumference there will be exposed to the action of the heat, but not to the direct action of the fire, 2 rows of riveted joints, unless the bottom sheet is made wide enough to extend around to the ^-heating-surface line, which is not a very good arrangement of spacing plates. Other shell designs are made up of 3 rings, each in a single piece, the length of the sheet reaching around the boiler and including the riveted joint ; the 3 widths thus riveted together make the required length of the boiler, usually not more than 20 feet. Strength of Riveted Shell. — Wrought-iron boiler-plates should average 45,000 pounds and mild steel 55,000 pounds tensile strength per square inch of section ; but the gross strength of plate is lessened by the amount which has been taken out of it for the insertion of rivets, so that for single-riveted joints the net strength for plates -^ inch thick is about 60 per cent. In double-riveted joints the net strength of the same thickness of plate is about 71 per cent. In triple-riveted joints for the same thickness of plate the net strength is about 79 per cent. A butt-joint triple-riveted, with outside and inside welt-strips, would have about 86 per cent, of the strength of the original plate. DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION III Safe Working Pressure : Rule. — Multiply together the tensile strength of the plate, the thickness of the plate in parts of an inch, and the efficiency of the joint ; divide the product thus obtained by one-half the diameter of the boiler multiplied by the factor of safety. Example •' What is the safe working pressure for the cylindrical shell of a boiler 72 inches in diameter, made of 55,000 pounds tensile strength steel plates, y'g- inch thick, butt-joints with outside and inside welt- strips, the efficiency of which is assumed to be 86 per cent, that of the original plate, factor of safety 5 ? 55,000 X .4375 X .86 36 X 5 = "4-97 pounds. Example 2 : Shell 48 inches in diameter, y^-inch plate, steel 55,000 pounds tensile strength, iron rivets, double-riveted lap-joint, assumed to have 67 per cent, of the efficiency of the original plate, factor of safety 5 ? 55,000 X .3125 X .67 2^ X 5 ^ 9^-9 pounds. In the first example, by referring to Table XXVIII. it will be seen that for steel plates, whether rivets are of iron or of steel, there is an excess of strength in the rivets : the joint would probably fail by tearing the plate through the hne of rivet-holes, as in Fig. 68. In the second example, by referring to Table XXV. it will be seen that for steel plates and iron rivets the percentage of joint is less in the proportion of 67 to 71 for the same spacing and diameter of rivet, — i.e., ■^-inch rivets on 2^-inch centres. By referring to Table VII., page 59, it will be seen that the shearing strength of a ^^-inch iron rivet com- pletely driven to fill a ^-inch hole is 15,110 pounds. Turning now to Table X. , page 60, the shearing strength of a steel rivet similarly di- mensioned is found to be 19,715 pounds. If the joints were tested to rupture, the steel plate and iron rivets would probably fail by shearing the rivets, as in Fig. 58. If steel rivets were used, the failure would occur by tearing the plate across the line of rivet-holes, as in Fig. 59. Tables of Working Pressures. — In the following tables. No. XXIX. gives the calculated working pressure for double- riveted lap- joints for iron shells and iron rivets, steel shells and iron rivets, steel shells with steel rivets, for the ordinary diameters of shell from 36 to 72 inches, and for the thickness of plates usually employed in such diameters, — i.e., % \.o Yi inch. A factor of safety of 5 is employed in this table. Table XXX. contains calculated working pressures when similar cylindrical shells are triple-riveted. A factor of safety of 5 is employed in this table. Table XXXI. contains working pressures calculated for diameters from 36 to 120 inches and for plates from ^ inch to ^ inch in thick- ness. These include iron and steel shells with iron and steel rivets ; the longitudinal seams have butt-joints triple-riveted. The working pressure is based upon a factor of safety of 5. 112 BOILERS AND FURNACES TABLE XXIX. WORKING PRESSURES FOR CYLINDRICAL SHELLS OF STEAM BOILERS, JOINTS, DOUBLE-RIVETED. Factor of Safety, 5. Diameter. Thickness. Iron Shell, Iron Rivets. Steel Shell, Iron Rivets. Steel Shell, Steel Rivets. 36 a 91 112 Ill 128 Ill 137 38 {'i 86 106 105 121 105 129 40 82 lOI 100 115 100 123 42 78 96 95 no 95 1x7 44 {X 74 91 91 105 91 112 46 {X 71 87 87 100 87 107 48 {ft 84 99 96 107 102 121 50 {% 81 95 92 103 98 116 52 {ft 77 92 89 99 95 112 54 /A li 85 96 91 108 56 72 85 82 92 88 104 58 {ft 59 82 79 89 85 100 60 {ft 67 79 V, 82 97 62 {.^ 77 88 83 92 94 108 64 {« it 81 89 91 105 66 {« 72 83 78 87 88 102 68 {-^ 70 81 t 86 99 70 {r; 68 78 74 82 83 96 72 iT6 66 76 85 72 81 93 104 DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION 113 TABLE XXX. WORKING PRESSURES FOR CYLINDRICAL SHELLS OF STEAM BOILERS, LAP- JOINTS, TRIPLE-RIVETED. Factor of Safety, 5. Diameter. Thickness. Iron Shell, Iron Rivets. Steel Shell, Iron Rivets. Steel Shell, Steel Rivets. 36 100 124 121 139 123 151 38 a 95 117 "5 132 116 144 40 {'i 90 112 109 125 IIO 136 42 {i 86 106 104 119 105 130 44 {'i 83 lOI 99 114 100 124 46 a 79 97 95 109 96 119 48 {ft 93 no 104 118 114 135 50 {% 89 106 100 113 109 129 52 {ft 86 102 96 109 105 124 54 {ft % 93 105 lOI 120 56 {ft 80 95 89 lOI 97 116 58 {ft 77 91 86 98 94 112 60 {ft 74 88 83 95 91 108 62 {t 85 98 92 103 104 120 64 it 83 95 89 TOO lOI 117 66 {t 80 93 86 97 98 113 68 it 78 90 84 94 95 no 70 {t 76 87 81 91 92 107 72 « 97 79 90 104 117 114 BOILERS AND FURNACES TABLE XXXL WORKING PRESSURES FOR CYLINDRICAL SHELLS OF STEAM BOILERS, BUTT- JOINTS, TRIPLE-RIVETED. Factor of Safety, 5, Diameter. Thickness. Iron Shell, Iron Rivets. Steel Shell, Iron Rivets. Steel Shell, Steel Rivets. 36 « 108 161 134 197 Ill 197 38 a 102 128 152 127 156 187 127 187 40 a 97 121 145 120 148 178 120 148 178 42 a 138 115 141 169 115 141 169 44 a 89 no 132 109 135 161 109 46 a 85 106 126 105 129 154 105 129 154 48 lOI 121 141 124 148 172 lit 172 50 1a 116 135 119 142 165 119 142 165 52 11 93 III 130 114 137 159 114 137 159 54 11 90 107 125 no 132 153 no 132 ^53 56 It 87 103 121 106 127 148 106 127 148 58 (ft 84 100 117 102 123 142 102 123 142 60 11 81 97 III 128 138 157 i?i 138 157 62 f/8 Is 93 109 124 115 133 152 115 133 152 DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION TABLE ^'KX.h— Continued. 115 Diameter. Thickness. Iron Shell, Iron Steel Shell, Iron Steel Shell, Steel Rivets. Rivets. Rivets. \H 90 Ill Ill 64 h 106 129 129 120 147 147 I A 135 165 165 ■ \% 88 108 108 66 ^J 102 125 125 1^ 117 143 143 Ia 131 160 160 '¥ 85 105 105 68 99 113 121 138 121 138 .A 127 155 155 {Vi 83 102 102 70 k 97 no 118 134 118 134 I A 123 151 151 r^ 80 99 99 Tf 94 115 115 72 i>^ 107 131 131 ba 120 147 147 134 163 163 'tV 90 no no 75 ^ 102 125 125 115 141 141 .>^ 128 157 157 Id 87 106 106 78 99 121 121 TF III 135 135 l>i 123 151 151 r-rV 83 102 102 81 - ¥ 95 116 116 107 130 130 -^ 119 145 145 '}4 92 112 112 84 103 126 126 s^ 115 140 140 H 126 158 158 .U 137 167 167 r>^ 89 108 108 87 • ft 99 III 121 135 121 135 ii 121 148 148 Vh 132 162 162 -% 86 105 105 96 117 117 90 - H 107 131 131 Iff 117 143 143 128 156 156 ii6 BOILERS AND FURNACES TABLE XXXL - Continued. Diameter. Thickness. Iron Shell, Iron Rivets. Steel Shell, Iron Rivets. Steel Shell, Steel Rivets. '% 83 lOI lOI 93 114 114 " 93 i H 103 126 126 In 114 139 139 124 151 151 r^ 80 98 98 A 90 no no 96 \n 100 123 123 w no 134 134 VH 120 146 146 {% 78 95 95 -h 87 107 107 99 \yi 97 119 119 107 130 130 ¥ 116 142 142 fi 75 92 92 85 104 104 102 94 115 115 1 xi 104 127 127 \.H 113 138 138 [% 73 90 90 ft 82 lOI lOI 105 92 112 112 \\ lOI 123 123 VYa no 134 134 V4 71 87 87 80 98 98 108 \ H 89 109 109 H 98 120 120 IH 107 130 130 \'4 69 85 85 78 95 95 III 87 106 106 if 95 116 n6 104 127 127 {% 68 83 83 A 76 93 93 114 \% 84 103 103 \\ 93 113 113 U lOI 123 123 \'4 66 80 80 74 90 90 117 ■ H 82 100 100 H 90 no no IK 99 120 120 r^ 64 78 78 A 71 88 88 120 \h 80 98 98 \k 88 108 108 Vh 96 117 "7 DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION II7 Philadelphia City Rules. — In estimating the strength of the longitudinal seams for rating maximum working pressure on cylindrical boiler-shells two rules should be applied : Rule A. — From the pitch of the rivets in inches subtract the diam- eter of holes punched to receive the rivets ; divide the remainder by the pitch of the rivets. The quotient represents the percentage of strength of the solid part of the sheet. Rule B. — Multiply the area of the hole filled by the rivet by the number of rows of rivets in the seam ; divide the product by the pitch of the rivets multiplied by the thickness of the sheet. This product, multiplied by the shearing strength of the rivet, divided by the tensile strength of the sheet, will give the percentage of the strength of the rivets in the seam as compared with the strength of the solid part of the sheet. The shearing strength of a rivet in a composite joint made of iron rivets and steel plates shall not be considered in excess of 40,000 pounds. Take the lowest of the percentages as found by Rules A and B and apply that percentage as the value of the seam in the following rule (C), which determines the strength of the longitudinal seams. Ride C. — Multiply the thickness of the boiler-plate in parts of an inch by the value of the seam as obtained by Rules A or B and by the ultimate tensile strength of the metal used in the plates ; divide this product by the internal radius of the boiler in inches multiplied by the factor of safety. The quotient will be the pressure per square inch at which the safety-valve may be set. Boiler-Heads. — If the radius of the curvature of the convex head of the boiler be equal to the diameter of the shell of the boiler to which it is attached, then the metal in the head-sheet must be of the same thickness as the plates used in the shell or cylindrical part, and no bracing is necessary. United States Rule for Boiler Pressure. — "Multiply one-sixth (^) of the lowest tensile strength found stamped on any plate in the cylindrical shell by the thickness — expressed in inches or parts of an inch — of the thinnest plate in the same cylindrical shell and divide by the radius, or half-diameter, — also expressed in inches, — and the sum will be the pressure allowable per square inch of surface for single rivet- ing, to which add 20 per cent, for double riveting, when all the rivet- holes in the shell of such boiler have been ' fairly drilled' and no part of such hole has been punched. "The hydrostatic pressure applied must be in proportion of 150 pounds to the square inch to 100 pounds to the square inch of the steam pressure allowed." Factor of Safety. — This is a numerical term employed to indicate that proportion which the working pressure bears to the ultimate strength of a boiler. This proportion has long been fixed at ^ of the 118 BOILERS AND FURNACES bursting pressure. For example, a riveted shell which is estimated to fail at the joints at a pressure of 570 pounds per square inch would be allowed a working pressure under a factor of safety of 6 as follows : 570 -i- 6 = 95 pounds. Since mild steel has practically displaced wrought iron for boiler- shells a belief has gradually possessed the minds of designers of steam boilers that a factor of safety of 6 was too large ; as a result, a factor of safety of 5 has been very generally adopted instead. The effect of this change is to increase the working pressure 20 per cent, over what was formerly allowed, taking the above example : 570 -f- 5 ^ 114 pounds, instead of 95 pounds. The elastic limit of mild steel approximates ^ its tensile strength. The factor of safety has reference only to the ultimate strength. Working stress must always come within the elastic limit ; if not, elongation and permanent set will occur. In other words, elastic limit is the yielding-point, and no stresses can be safely carried beyond that limit. Let us take Example 2, page iii, as a case in point. The whole strength of a 48-inch shell, -j^-inch steel, 55,000 pounds tensile strength, would be 55,000 X .3125 . , ^^^ — - =716 pounds. A riveted joint 67 per cent, as strong as the plate reduces the working- pressure limit as follows : 55.000 X ^3125 X .6 7 _ ^g^ p^^^^^ If this be divided by the factor of safety, we have, 480 -^ 5 = 96 pounds working pressure. The ratio which this bears to the elastic limit may be determined by substituting 27,500 pounds, or^ the ultimate strength of the plate, thus : -^ — — - = 358 pounds per square inch, as the highest permissible pressure before the plates begin to stretch. The strength of the joint has to do with ultimate failure only. It also is affected by the elastic limit, for when stresses occur beyond this limit, stretching of plate occurs, as in Fig. 3 : therefore, 27,500 X .3125 X .67 _ ^^^ p^^^^^ The working pressure, as found above, was 96 pounds : then, 240 -^ 96 = 2.5 factor of safety with reference to elastic limit. Hydraulic tests seldom or never exceed ij^ times the working pressure. We have, then, 96 X 1.5 = 144 pounds test pressure; which is 96 pounds per square inch less than that necessary to reach the elastic limit. DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION 1 19 Thickness of Boiler-Heads. — Externally fired cylindrical flue boilers under the United States Regulations require a thickness of ma- terial as follows : " For boilers having a diameter exceeding 32 inches and not exceeding 36 inches, not less than ^ an inch ; for boilers exceed- ing 36 inches in diameter and not exceeding 40 inches in diameter, not less than y^g- of an inch ; for boilers exceeding 40 inches in diameter, not less than -^ of an inch additional thickness for every 8 inches additional diameter required for boilers 40 inches in diameter. ' ' And the heads of steam- and mud-drums of such boilers shall have a thickness of material of not less than ^ an inch." Strains on a Boiler- Head. — The strains due to steam-pressure on a boiler-head are to be estimated as acting at right angles to the plate. Flat plates begin to bulge out at very low pressures, offering, as they do, very little resistance to bending. The common practice in boiler design is to transfer, by means of stays, the greater portion of the stress upon the flat surfaces of the heads to some portion of the cyUndrical shell, and as this transference brings additional work upon the shell, the fas- tenings of the braces or stays must not be too much localized ; other- wise distortion of the shell and consequent weakness may result. In estimating the stress upon a boiler-head due to pressure alone, it is customary to make no account of the strength of the flat plate to be supported, but to transfer the whole of the estimated stress upon the stays. As a matter of fact, the whole stress is not thus transferred, but any difference between the two counts for that much additional to the factor of safety of the stay. Unstayed Flat Heads. — The working pressure to be allowed when made of stamped materials on steam-drums or shells of boilers, when flanged and made of wrought iron or steel or of cast steel, shall, under the United States Regulations, be determined by the following rule : ' ' The thickness of plate in inches multiplied by ^ of its tensile strength in pounds, which product divided by the area of the head in square inches multiplied by 0.09 will give pressure per square inch allowed. The material used in the construction of flat heads when tensile strength has not been ofiicially determined shall be deemed to have a tensile strength of 45,000 pounds." Bumped Heads. — The pressure allowed on bumped heads under the United States Regulations is determined by the following rule : ' ' Multiply the thickness of the plate by ^ * of the tensile strength, and divide by ^ of the radius to which head is bumped, which will give the pressure per square inch of steam allowed. ' ' * This means the factor of safety. If 5 be the factor employed in any boiler calculation relating to working pressure, then A of the tensile strength is em- ployed, instead of ^ under the United States rule. 120 BOILERS AND FURNACES '■'Example : On a bumped head 54 inches in diameter, tensile strength 45,000 pounds, ^ inch thick, bumped to a radius of 54 inches, pressure would be allowed as follows : 45,000 X -75 6X 27 208.33. ' ' Where the circumferential seam in such head is double-riveted to shell, which is entitled -to an additional pressure, there will be allowed 20 per cent, additional pressure on said head." Concave Heads. — The pressure allowed for concave heads ot boilers under the United States Regulations is as follows : " Multiply the pressure per square inch allowable for bumped heads attached to boilers or drums convexly by the constant 0.6, and the product will give the pressure per square inch allowable in concaved heads. ' ' Boiler-Head Stays. — The end surfaces of steam boilers are stayed by means of braces extending from the heads of the shell or by longi- tudinal stay-bolts extending through from the front to the back heads. In all flue boilers in which the flues are riveted to the heads, the flues themselves act as stays, and commonly have strength enough to dis- pense with other stays below the water-line, except in very large boilers or for very high pressures. The holding power of wrought-iron tubes expanded in the heads is sufficient to withstand any working pressure occurring in that portion of stationary-engine boilers in which the tubes are located ; but boilers of large diameter, such as marine boilers, are commonly fitted with stay-tubes in addition. Fig. 104. Flanging the edges of a boiler-head increases its stiffness along the outer edge. The radius of such a flange will average not far from i^ inches for large sizes ; 2 inches of this outer flanged surface of the head may be left to take care of itself In addition to this, the influence of DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION the flange extends inward, and no braces need be located within 4 inches of the flange radius for pressures less than 100 pounds per square inch, as shown in Fig. 104 ; and unless in the case of curve intersec- tions and odd spaces which require a brace, the regular line of braces for pressures not exceeding the above need not be closer than 3 inches, also shown in the illustration. The holding power of the tubes imparts sufficient stiffness to the boiler-head as not to require braces nearer than 4 inches, so that in all ordinary calculations the •^ Fig. 105. di supported, area \ ■OOOOOOOOOOOi area to be supported would be represented by a seg- ment of a circle, as shown in Fig. 105, of 6 inches less radius than the boiler- head and its base-line 4 inches above the tubes. The location of stay- centres is not easily worked out except on the drawing-board. This may, perhaps, be best shown by the illustration. Fig. 106, which represents a boiler-head 60 inches in diameter. The tube-line, f from the bottom, is 36 inches, and to this is added the 4 inches supported by the tubes, making 40 inches in all ; this leaves 20 inches to the top of the head, from which 6 inches are deducted, this being the area supported by the flange. We have, there- fore, a segment of a circle with a chord of 43 inches and a height of 14 inches, as shown. Let us assume that each brace will have I square inch of area — this corresponds to i^ inches diameter — and that the steam-pressure to be carried is 100 pounds per square inch. We have then as a practical limit 60 inches of surface for each stay to support ; it will be a near enough approximation to call it 8 inches square. Whatever the system of spacing, this distance of 8 inches ought not to be greatly exceeded, even though a corresponding reduction from centre to centre be made in the other direction. The chord of 43 inches, when laid off" in 8-inch sections, as shown, will re- quire 5 stays. The height of the segment, being 14 inches, will require 2 stays. By simply intersecting the lines passing through these centres, the number and location of stays is had. These centres may be con- siderably changed without in the least affecting the strength of the boiler-head, so long as the work thrown upon each stay is not more than 122 BOILERS AND FURNACES 6000 pounds per square inch of section. The area to be covered by any one brace may be determined, when the steam pressure is known, by the use of Table XXXII. Another method is to calculate the area of the segment, which in this case is 418 inches ; ^*^' ^°''' divide it by the number of braces to be used (8 in this case) ; this will give the area to be supported by each : thus 418 -h 8 = 52. 25 square inches, corre- sponding to a diameter of 8}i inches. These circles transferred to the drawing as in Fig. 107 approximate very closely those previously described. The working strength assumes an ultimate strength of 6000 pounds per square inch of section. TABLE XXXII. DIRECT BRACES FOR STEAM BOILERS. For diagonal braces, see page 129. Brace. Wrought-Iron Stays. Inches Square each Brace will Support FOR Pressure per Square Inch. Diameter, Inches. Area, Square Inch. Working Strength, Pounds. Pounds. 100 Pounds. 125 Pounds. 150 Pounds. I r)4 .60 .78 •99 1.23 1.48 1.77 3,600 4,712 5,964 7,362 8,880 10,620 7- 7-9 8.9 9-9 10.7 11.9 6. 6.9 7-7 8.6 9-5 10.4 6.9 7-7 8.5 9.2 4-9 5-6 6.4 7.0 7-7 8.5 The United States Regulations are : ' ' No braces or stays hereafter employed in the construction of boilers shall be allowed a greater strain than 6000 pounds per square inch of section. Braces must be put in sufficiently thick that the area in inches which each has to sup- port, multiplied by the pressures per square inch, will not exceed 6000 when divided by the cross-sectional area of the brace or stay. " Steel stay-bolts exceeding a diameter of ij^ inches and not exceed- ing a diameter of 2^ inches at the bottom of the thread may be allowed a strain not exceeding 8000 pounds per square inch of cross-section ; steel stay-bolts exceeding a diameter of 2^ inches at bottom of thread may be allowed a strain not exceeding 9000 pounds per square inch of cross-section ; but no forged or welded steel stays will be allowed. DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION 1 23 ' ' The ends of such stays may be upset to a sufficient thickness to allow for truing up and including the depth of the thread. " And all such stays after being upset shall be thoroughly annealed." Lloyd's Rule. — The working pressure allowed on flat surfaces sup- ported by stays is according to Lloyd's rule as follows : C X T" — — — = working pressure in pounds per square inch. Where T — thickness of plate in j\ of an inch. p = greatest pitch in inches. C •— 90 for yV plate and thinner fitted with screw stays with riveted heads. C = 100 for plates thicker than j\ fitted with screw stays with riveted heads. C = 1 10 for jV plate and thinner fitted with screw stays and nuts. C = 120 for plates thicker than j\ fitted with screw stays and nuts. C = 140 for plates fitted with stays with double nuts. C ^ 160 for plates fitted with stays with double nuts and washers, at least h thickness of plates and a diameter of f of the pitch, riveted to the plates. The United States Regulations differ slightly from Lloyd's rule in the value of constants employed. The working pressure allowed on flat surfaces fitted with screw stay-bolts and nuts, or plain bolt with single nut and socket, or riveted head and socket, will be determined by the following rule : " When plates y\ inch thick and under are used in the construction of marine boilers, using 112 as a constant, multiply this by the square of the thickness of plate in i6ths of an inch. Divide this product by the square of the pitch or distance from centre to centre of stay-bolt." Example : A plate y^g- inch thick, with stays placed on 6-inch cen- tres, using the constant 112 as above, would yield 7 X 7 X 112 , '- — -^^^ = 152.44 pounds as the working pressure allowed, provided the strain on stay or bolt does not exceed 6000 pounds per square inch of section. ' ' Plates above yV i^ch thick, the pressure will be determined by the same rule, excepting the constant will be 120. Then, a plate ^ inch thick, stays spaced 7 inches from centre, would be as follows : 120, the constant, multiplied by 64, the square of thickness in i6ths of an inch, equals 7680 ; which, divided by the square of 7 inches (distance from centre to centre of stays), which is 49, would give 156 pounds working pressure." On other flat surfaces there may be used stay-bolts with the ends threaded, having nuts on same, both on the outside and inside of plates. The working pressure allowed would be as follows : 124 BOILERS AND FURNACES "A constant 140, multiplied by the square of the thickness of plate in i6ths of an inch. This product divided by the pitch or distance of bolts from centre to centre, squared, gives the working pressure." Example: A plate ^ inch thick, supported by bolts 14-inch centres, would be 140 X 144 J 1 • 7 — = 102 pounds working pressure. Same thickness of plate, with bolts 12-inch centres, would be — — = 140 pounds working pressure. 144 "Flat part of boiler-head plates, when braced with bolts having double nuts and a washer at least ^ the thickness of head, where washers are riveted to the outside of the head and of a size equal to y% of the pitch of stay-bolts, or where heads have a stiffening plate cover- ing the area braced, will equal the thickness of the head and washers, the head and stiffening plate being riveted together, with rivets spaced and of sufficient sectional area of rivets, shall be allowed a constant of 200, rivets to be spaced by thickness of washer on the stiffening plate. Boiler-heads so reinforced will be allowed a thickness to compute pres- sure allowed of 80 per cent, of the combined thickness of head and washer or head and stiffening plate. ' ' Example: A boiler-head plate ^ inch thick, with washers ^ inch thick and 11% inches square, supported by bolts 14-inch centres, would be allowed a working steam pressure as follows : Thickness of plate and washers equals f -|- f = f inch ; 80 per cent, of which combined thickness equals y^^ X f inch = .9 inch = 14.4 i6ths of an inch. Then, by rule, 200 X 14.4= 200 X 207.36 , , . 3 ~ fi — =211 pounds working pressure. ' ' Plates fitted with double angle-iron and riveted to plate with leaf at least ^ thickness of plate and depth at least ^ of the pitch would be allowed the same pressure as determined by formula for plate with washer riveted on." ' ' Exam,ple : A boiler-head plate ^ inch thick, supported by angle- iron }4, inch thick and 3^ inches depth of leaf, and with bolts 14-inch centres, would be allowed a working steam pressure as follows : ' ' Thickness of head and leaf of angle-iron equals | -|- i- = |^ ; 80 per cent, of which combined thickness equals -^-^ X f inch = i inch ^ 16 i6ths of an inch. Then, by rule, 200 X 16^ 200 X 256 , , , . ^ — = = 261 pounds working pressure. ' ' But no fiat surface shall be unsupported at a greater distance in any case than 16 inches, and such flat surfaces shall not be of less DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION 25 strength than the shell of the boiler, and able to resist the same strain and pressure to the square inch. In allowing the strain on a screw stay- bolt, the diameter of the same shall be determined by the diameter at the bottom of the thread. ' ' Details of Stays and Braces. — The stays and braces in steam boilers working under high pressures require careful working out, that they do not of themselves become an element of weakness. A less number of strong stays is to be preferred to a larger number of weaker ones. Too many braces, especially below the water-line, interfere with the circulation ; the interior of the boiler above the water-line would also be more or less inaccessible, and thus prevent proper inspection, as well as interfere in the facility of making repairs. The spacing of braces and the kind best adapted for any given area will depend upon the extent of that area, the thickness of the plate, and the steam pressure. No particular form of stay is recommended to the exclusion of others, as several kinds may be ^^^' ^°^- included in the same boiler to good advan- tage. A crowfoot is a link-joint secured to wrought-iron lugs, X" shaped, riveted to crown-sheets, heads, or other flat surfaces, and adapted for the fasten- ing of a brace or stay by means of a bolt or split pin, as shown in Fig. 108. Bolts and nuts are to be preferred to split pins, because they give less chance for the spreading of the eye of the brace. One or other of the ends of the split pins are liable to break off when spreading, or closing them for removal. Dififi- FiG. 109. culty is sometimes experienced in □ I \ n getting a bolt back into place after ! , ~\ />\ removal by reason of the spring- '\ 1 _jti__ ^^S of the boiler-plate. In such I I \^v^ ^ ^^^^ ^ mortised drift-pin, as in Fig. 109, may be used and left in place, after the insertion of the spring cotter to prevent its working back and out of place. In case two points of support are required for a single rod, the end of the stay should be made preferably of two links, as shown in Fig. 126 BOILERS AND FURNACES I lo. Wherever practicable such forgings should be made without weld- ing. No objections exist to cutting them out of odd pieces of plate of proper thickness. Fig. iio. When fitting the joints or other fastenings of stay-bolts the holes should be drilled. The pins or bolts should be sufficiently near the size of the hole to make a shearing instead of a bending stress. A not uncommon practice of bending a piece of square iron over the horn ot an anvil and welding it, making an end similar to A, Fig. iii, is not first-class work. It is much better to make the end as at B and drill the hole not more than -^-^ larger than the bolt. Fig. III. A gusset-stay is an iron plate forming a diagonal brace, one end of which is fitted with a flanged foot for riveting to the head and the other end flanged for riveting to the shell, as shown in Fig. 112. Gusset-stays are usually cut out of plate metal, with two pieces of angle-iron riveted to each end, as shown in Fig. 112, B. Less fre- quently the end of the plate itself is flanged and a piece of angle-iron riveted to it, as shown at A. DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION 127 A larger factor of safety must be given gusset-stays than for ordinary oblique stays, because the tension on a stay of this kind is not uniform across its area, but is greater near one edge. Its sectional area should be at least four times that calculated for a round or square stay for the same pressure. Fig. 112. Longitudinal stays are rods extending through from one end of a boiler to the other. These rods are commonly fitted with nuts and washers, as shown in Fig. 326, and further in detail for the same boiler in Fig. 113. When such stays are of considerable length, say 18 or 20 feet, they should have a central support to prevent drooping in the Fig. 113. centre. Whenever possible longitudinal stays should be made without welding ; but if welding be a necessity, the material should then be iron, and not steel. Upsetting the ends to get a larger diameter of screw- threads should be confined to iron only. Stays are sometimes neces- sary in places where for reasons they cannot pass through the plates. 128 BOILERS AND FURNACES as in Fig. 113 ; in such cases the ends have been fitted as in Fig. 114. After the stay is in place the distance piece at A is fitted to the exact length between the flat plate and the stay, after which the tap-bolt is inserted and screwed up tight. The latter arrangement is not as satis- factory as the former one, as well as being more expensive to make. Its use is confined to those places in which no other form of stay can be used. Fig. 114. Diagonal Stays, — It is always desirable that stays and tie-rods lead at right angles to and from the surfaces to be stayed, but this is a condition not always practicable, and diagonal stays become a necessity. Knowing the area of a direct stay required for any working pressure, the area of a diagonal stay may be found for the same pressure thus : Multiply the length of the proposed diagonal stay in inches by the proper area in square inches required for a direct stay ; divide the product thus obtained by the length in inches of a right-angle line drawn from the face of the surface to be stayed to the centre of the first Fig. 115. rivet in the proposed diagonal stay : the quotient will give the area of the smallest part of the diagonal stay. Let the diagram (Fig. 115) represent a portion of the boiler-head to be stayed, and from a common centre imagine a direct stay leading to DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION 129 the opposite head of the boiler, also a diagonal stay, H, attaching to the shell of the boiler at a distance, L. The direct stay is the best, but if for any reason it cannot be used, the enlarged area of a diagonal stay to carry the same load may be found in the use of the above rule, as follows : Example: A direct stay of i^ inches diameter or 1.227 square inches area is sufficient for a given area of surface and steam pressure. Allowing 6000 pounds per square inch of area of stay, what must be the area of a diagonal stay having a distance, H^ of 48 inches and a length, L, of 42 inches? Area of direct stay = 1.227 square inches X 48 = 58.896 -^ 42 = 1.402 square inches area, corresponding to a diameter of nearly i^ inches. Each diagonal stay must be separately calculated. The following formulae may be useful in this connection. Let A = surface to be supported in square inches. B = working pressure in pounds. H = length of diagonal stay in inches. L = length of line drawn at a right angle from the surface to be supported to the end of the diagonal stay in inches. S ^ working stress per square inch on stay in pounds. a ■= area required for direct stay in square inches. Cj = area of diagonal stay in square inches. d = diameter of diagonal stay in inches. Then a -^^"^ L ■ a, X L a ^.7854 J aXH ^.7854 X L .7854 X d' XSXL Ax H or d X BX H 7854 S X L* The stress upon a diagonal stay is equal to the stress which a per- pendicular stay supporting a like surface would sustain, divided by the cosine of the angle which it forms with the perpendicular to that surface requiring to be supported. Let us suppose an area of 64 square inches to be supported under 100 pounds pressure and the angle of the stay to be 30°, as in Fig. 116, what would be the stress upon such a diagonal stay ? The cosine of 30° is 0.866. Then 100 X 64 — ^^^ = 7390 pounds, as against 100 X 64 = 6400 pounds if a direct stay-rod could be used. I30 BOILERS AND FURNACES Two forms of diagonal stays are shown in Fig. 117. The one recom- mended is that having a T-head with a rivet on either side of the rod Fig. 116. connecting with the shell. The flat stay with bent end is not as rigid as the former, because there is more or less yielding at the joint inside the head, unless the stay is quite thick, which is usually not the case. Fig. 117. The diagonal brace (Fig. 118), by the Lukens Iron and Steel Com- pany, is made of plate steel bent to the form shown in the engraving. It will be seen that the bend which occurs at the end fitted for staying Fig. 118. the head is braced down to the lower edge of the plate by a peculiar curve for securing the necessary rigidity. DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION 131 Longitudinal or other stays are sometimes made of two lengths, to be connected in the cen- tre, in which case a turn- ^*^' ^^^' buckle, as in Fig. iig, is used ; but this detail had better be omitted if it is possible to make a single- link connection with pin-joints at either or both ends, as screw-threads are apt to waste away inside of a steam boiler. Fig. 120. □■T ^"^ ^ Crown-Bars. — Flat crown-sheets for boilers of the locomotive type are commonly supported by crown-bars extending across the furnace ; less frequently they extend lengthwise of the furnace. Crown-bars are generally made up of two wrought-iron bars welded at the ends, as Fig. 121. shown in Fig. 1 20. The depth will vary from 4 to 6 inches ; the thick- ness of the bars will average not far from ^ of an inch, though ^-inch metal is sometimes used ; the distance apart is i inch or i}4 inches, de- 32 BOILERS AND FURNACES Fig. 122. pending on whether % - or i -inch stay-bolts are used. A clear water-way between the crown-sheet and the crown-bars of i to i^ inches is allowed ; the latter distance is preferable. The ends of the crown-bars should be carefully fitted by chipping and filing, so that a good bearing is had on the end of the side sheets not only, but upon the flanged curve of the crown-sheet as well. The crown stay-bolts seldom vary from the two diameters already referred to, — viz., ^ inch or i inch, — and these are placed on about 4^ -inch centres across the crown-sheet. The details of the head of such stay-bolts vary somewhat ; for example, the stays experimented upon by Mr. Cole (Figs. 133 to 147) are all in use. The illustration. Fig. 121, represents a practice of the Pennsylvania Railroad, while Fig. 122 represents a stay-bolt head and neck recommended by J. G. A. Meyer in his "Modern Locomotive Construction." This bolt has a slight taper under the head ; the crown- sheet is reamed out to fit this taper. The advantage claimed for this form is, that should leaks occur the bolts may be readily taken out, the tapered part extended by turning a small portion off the head and refitting the bolt in the crown-sheet. Cast-iron washers or distance- pieces are placed between the crown-sheet and the crown- bar for tightening the stay-bolts without springing the crown-sheet. These washers contribute also to the stiff- ness of the crown-bars, the effect being that of deepening the crown-bar by including the crown-sheet, which now acts as a bottom flange to the girder spanning the fire-box. The strength of a crown-bar is usually determined by the formula used when a beam is supported at both ends and uniformly loaded, in which W = load in pounds, b = breadth of crown-bar in inches, d = depth of crown-bar in inches. 1 =^ length of crown-bar in inches. 16,000 ■= a constant. When a crown-bar is made of two pieces, as shown in the illustrations, the breadth b includes both, — that is, if the crown-bar is ^-inch thick, b = .625 X 2 = 1.25 inches. Example: A crown-bar is 38 inches long, 4^ inches deep by ^ inch in thickness, welded in pairs as in Fig. 120. The sustaining power if uniformly loaded would be 16,000 X d^' X b 16,000 X 4.5" X 1.5 \ °^ 3^ 12,789 pounds. If these crown-bars are to be placed on 5-inch centres, the area sup- ported would be 38 X 5 = 190 square inches. Then 12,789 -i- 190 = DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION 133 67.31 pounds per square inch, a pressure much too low for the modern boiler of the locomotive type. Let us assume a steam pressure of 140 pounds per square inch to be necessary for the work. We have then 190 X 140 = 26,600 pounds to be supported, or 26,600 — 12,789 = 13,811 pounds for each girder in excess of what the girder itself can safely carry. The best way to provide for this is to connect the crown- bars by means of braces with the roof-sheet overhead, as shown in Fig. 123. If two braces be used, the stress to be borne by each will be 13,811 -T- 2 = 6906 pounds. If we allow 6000 pounds per square inch for the brace, we have 6906 -^ 6000 = 1.151 area of cross-section at the smallest part, which approximates a diameter of i ^ inches. Fig. 123. The crown-bars referred to in the above example are placed cross- wise of the furnace, but in some boilers they are arranged to extend lengthwise of the furnace. The latter arrangement affords in loco- motives a better circulation over the crown-sheet ; on the other hand, it adds to the length of the crown -bar, which must be made deeper and will require more roofstays to prevent deflection at its centre. The present tendency in locomotive designs is against crown-bars altogether and towards that of radial stays, or the employment of a Belpaire fire- box. Radial Stays are employed in curved crown-sheets of internally fired boilers. These extend from the crown-sheet to the outside of the boiler, as shown in Fig. 124. This arrangement of stays has much to commend it. The pressure of steam tends to burst the shell and to col- lapse the fire-box. But by a correctly laid out scheme of radial stays these pressures are made to assist in counteracting each other by bring- ing the stress of both the outer and inner sheets upon the intervening stays. These stays are commonly If inch in diameter, 12 threads per inch, with one end enlarged to i^ inches, so that the smaller screw shall pass easily through the larger hole. The sketch. Fig. 125, illus- trates average practice in locomotive work. The plates are represented as being further strengthened by nuts on the outside, a practice by no means universal, the commonest method being to cut the stay-bolts to length in place and then rivet the ends without nuts. 34 BOILERS AND FURNACES Fig. 124. Fig. 125. DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION 135 1 — Stay-bolts for flat surfaces under high pressures, such as locomotive fire-boxes, are commonly placed on 4-inch centres, as shown in Fig. 126. Each stay-bolt is required, therefore. Fig. 126. to take the pressure of a surface of 4 inches square, as indicated by the dotted lines, less its own area, which is commonly omitted, to be on the safe side. Suppose the boiler pressure to be 175 pounds per square inch. We then have 4 X 4 X 175 = 2800 pounds tension upon each stay-bolt. If the stay-bolts have i inch threads and are ^-inch diameter between the threads, it is the area, 0.601 inch, due to this latter diameter which must take the load. As- suming 50,000 pounds as the tensile strength of the wrought iron, we have 50,000 X -601 = 30,500 pounds as the breaking strength of the bolt. Therefore, ^-^ — = 10.9 the factor of safety, 2800 ^ which for bolts under bending as well as tensile strain is the least admis- sible limit. A I -inch bolt is recommended instead, which will give under similar conditions a factor of safety of 14. No stay-bolt less than ^ inch diameter should be used in flat fire-box sheets, no matter how low the pressure. Table XXXIII. shows the proper spacing from centre to centre of stay-bolts for flat surfaces for pressures of 50 to 150 pounds per square inch, thicknesses of plate from j^ to ^ inch for stay-bolts ^ to i^ inches in diameter. The Strains upon a Screwed Stay- Bolt are not the same as upon a rivet, or calculations regarding them would be very simple. Unfortunately, such calculations are at best of little value, because stay- bolts seldom or never fail in mere tensile strength. It is their inability to withstand the bending stresses which centre immediately inside of the outside sheet ; and it is here that almost all stay-bolt failures occur. Railway master mechanics, who have had a larger experience in such matters than any one else, have generally reached the conclusion, based entirely upon experience, that no screwed stay-bolts less than |- inch in diameter shall be used at all in locomotive fire-boxes, and then only for pressures up to 150 pounds per square inch. For pressures greater than that, I inch screw stay-bolts of the best quality refined iron, placed on 4- 136 BOILERS AND FURNACES inch centres, are recommended. Such staying may be counted on for at least five years' service for pressures up to 175 pounds per square inch. The screw threads are finer than those of the United States standard. A common pitch for screw stay-bolts is 12 threads per inch. TABLE XXXIIL PROPORTIONS FOR STAY-BOLTS FOR FLAT SURFACES. Centre to Centre of Stay-Bolts in Inches. Pressure per Square Inch. i<-inch Plate. xVinch Plate. ?/8-inch Plate. iVinch Plate. ^-inch Plate. J^-inch Stay. J:^-inch Stay. %-inch Stay. i-inch Stay. 1-%-mdh Stay. 70 80 90 100 no 120 130 140 150 6 5/8 5 aH A% 4 3^ 2>H 2,% Ia b% aYa A'A A% aH A% A 8 1% 6^ 6^ h% 5A 5% 5 aA A% aA 9 1% iA 6% sA 5 10 9 &A 'A 6>^ 6 Stay-bolts with a drilled hole, as in Fig. 127, are quite common, especially in boilers of the locomotive type. The hole may be say y^g Fig. 127. Tire-box. Fig. 128. inch in diameter and extend inward perhaps an inch or a little more. Inasmuch as breakages almost always occur at the outside sheets, the drilled hole should always be at the outside end of the stay-bolt. In the event of breakage occurring imme- diately inside of the outer sheet, warning is given by the escape of water through the central hole. It sometimes happens that leakage occurs around a stay-bolt, not serious enough to shut down DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION 137 the boiler for repairs. A soft patch may be put over it with tap-bolts, as shown in Fig. 128, at any time the pressure is off Flexible Stay-Bolts. — The outer shell and the fire-box of an inter- nally fired boiler, such as a locomotive boiler, never expand alike ; and it is the greater expansion of one plate over another ^^^- ^^9- which causes the breakage of stay-bolts. To obviate this, flexible stay - bolts have been designed, one of which is shown in Fig. 129. In this illustration a T-iron is riveted to the outer shell. Depending from this at fixed intervals are duplex hangers, on either side of which are stay-bolts passing through the crown-sheet and se- curely fastened by thread and nut. The proper tension for the stays can be had by nuts at the hangers, which are after- wards held in place by the split pins above. One objection to the design in the preceding paragraph is the space occupied, which prevents its use in places other than above crown-sheets. The staying of flat surfaces along the water-leg of a boiler requires differ- ent designs, one of which is shown in Fig. 130. This stay is screwed into the fire-box sheet, making a joint against the button-head, as shown in the engraving. At the outer end of this stay-bolt is fitted a spherical washer and nut. This washer fits into a seating screwed into the outer sheet. As such an arrangement is not likely to remain tight under varying pressures and conditions of expansion, a cap is screwed over the nut and washer, making a water-tight joint. The arrangement shown in Fig. 131 is the same, except that, instead of a conical washer, the under side of the bolt-head is turned spherical, adapting it to a seat- ing as in the previous example. This bolt is screwed into the fire-box sheet from the outside and then riveted over. In the event that either of these two caps should occupy more space on the outside of the boiler than can be given to them, another form of seating is shown in Fig. 132, which diminishes the outer distance about one-half. It will be seen in these three examples that considerable movement may occur before the sides of the stay-bolt touch the seating through which they pass. 38 BOILERS AND FURNACES Cole's Experiments. — Investigations into the holding power at different temperatures of various styles of locomotive fire-box crown- stays was made by Mr. Francis J. Cole, the results of which were pre- sented in a communication to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1897. The tests were made as nearly as possible under the same conditions as in actual service. The material used to represent the stays was i-inch round mild steel, 58,390 pounds tensile strength, an elastic limit of 38,900 pounds, and an elongation of 30. 25 per cent, in 8 inches. The sheets were mild steel ^ inch thick, mostly cut from the same plate ; the tensile strength was 59, 150 pounds, elastic limit 28,800 pounds, elongation 31.75 per cent, in 4 inches when tested lengthwise of the grain ; 58,400 pounds tensile strength, 28,040 pounds elastic limit, elongation of 28 per cent, in 4 inches when tested crosswise of the grain. In all these tests it is assumed that the bolts are spaced 4x4 inches from centre to centre, supporting an area of 16 square inches. The bagging down characteristic of an overheated crown-sheet caused by low water was imitated by heating the specimens to a bright red and the use of a bearing-plate of ^-inch steel, 8 inches square, with a hole 4)^ inches in diameter bored through its centre. The area of this hole is 15.9 square inches. Specimen, Fig. 133, represents a i-inch stay, with head }i inch above the sheet riveted over. This specimen developed under cold test an elastic limit of 12,400 pounds, the tensile strength being 16,700 pounds, yielding as shown in Fig. 134. The effect of the hot test is DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION 139 shown in Fig. 135. The sheet was at a bright red heat after parting, the stay-bolt puUing through the sheet. The tensile strength was 3570 pounds. Fig. 133. Fig. 134. Fig. 135. -^-^ — , r^" iZTbrecuLs Specimen, Fig. 136, represents a i-inch stay-bolt with a j4 standard nut tapped out to i inch, 12 threads, and riveted over the top of the nut, the end projecting about )4 inch for that purpose. This specimen under cold test had an elastic limit of 28,000 pounds and a tensile strength of 43,100 pounds. The effect of the test was to break the stay, as shown in Fig. 137. The hot test consisted in heating the speci- men to a dull red, which then showed an elastic limit of 14,500 pounds and a tensile strength of 2 1 , 500 pounds at the time of yielding. The final failure is represented in Fig. 138. The plate was almost black Fig. 136. Fig. 137. Fig. 138. ^ /? TL^ 1^ after parting. The holding power of a stay provided with a nut is con- siderably increased, when red hot, by countersinking the nut and rivet- ing the bolt end into it. Specimen, Fig. 139, represents a i-inch stay with button head, no groove under the head, the plate slightly countersunk to fit a corre- sponding projection under the head. This specimen under cold test broke the bolt midway, as shown in Fig. 140, the elastic limit being 27,000 pounds, the tensile strength 39,800 pounds. When heated to a bright red the bolt parted under the head, as shown in Fig. 141, the tensile strength being 8000 pounds. The specimen. Fig. 142, was an unthreaded stay-bolt with a button- head fitted into a i^ reamed hole. Under cold test this specimen pulled through the sheet, as shown in Fig. 143. The elastic limit was 32,500 pounds, tensile strength 43,100 pounds. It will be observed that the effect of the cold test was to rupture the sheet as well as to 140 BOILERS AND FURNACES distort the head. When heated to a bright red the stay-bolt pulled through the sheet, as shown in Fig. 144, exhibiting a tensile strength of 9700 pounds. The bolt and plate parted while bright red. Fig. 139, Fig. 140. Fig. 141. w 1 izTl?rmcLs The above tests seem to indicate that the best riveted head which can be formed cold, made in the usual conical shape, has a holding power, hot and cold, much less than the solid head ; but the objection to the use of solid heads is the liability of injury when screwed into a fire-box where the holes are not tapped at right angles to the sheet, and where the surface of the sheet is curved, but this objection can easily be removed by properly seating the head. Fig. 142. Fig. 143. Fig 144. Specimen, Fig. 145, was a button-headed stay-bolt with i^-inch tapered reamed hole, 3-inch thimble and nut. Under cold test the effect of the pull was to break the bolt 7 inches from the plate, as shown in Fig. 146. The elastic limit was 22,300 pounds, the tensile strength 40,300 pounds. Under hot test, at a bright red, the stay-bolt pulled through the sheet, as shown in Fig. 147, showing a tensile strength of 9660 pounds, the parts being still at a bright red after their separation. The results of the whole series of tests, of which only a few are here given, seem to indicate that the average holding power of the usual form of stay-bolt, at a dull red or almost black heat, would be decreased from its strength when cold by about 50 per cent. ; at a bright red, to about ^ of its original strength, except in specimens, Figs. 139, 142, and 145, which are decreased to about }( of their original strength. In the case of specimens 142 and 145 their holding power would be DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION [41 very much increased by the use of a thicker crown-sheet, as they mostly fail, both hot and cold, by the head pulling through the sheet. Mr. Cole's conclusions are, that the centre rows of the crown-stays in a locomotive boiler should be provided with solid button-heads like Fig. Fig. 145. Fig. 146. Fig. 147. tzJprM^ 139, or with nuts having a countersunk cavity into which the stay-bolt is riveted, to prevent pulling through in case the crown-sheet is overheated. Material for Stay- Bolts. —Thus far the best quality of refined iron has been most satisfactory. Good stay-bolt iron will equal mild steel in strength, and from its fibrous character will better withstand the strains of alternate heating, cooling, and bending than steel appears to do. Material for stay-bolts or braces should have an ultimate tensile strength of not more than 65,000 pounds per square inch, nor less than 50,000 pounds ; it should show 20 per cent, elongation, and not more than 35 per cent, of reduction in area at point of fracture. The objec- tion brought against the employment of steel for stay-bolts by master mechanics of railroads is, that they break off in a few months' use, and this has been especially the case in the throat-sheet and the front parts of the side sheets. The reason assigned for this breakage is the crys- talline structure of the steel and the repeated bendings to which the stays are subjected, owing to the difference in expansion between the inner and outer fire-box sheets that they brace together. Boiler-Tubes. — These are made of wrought iron or mild steel ; charcoal-iron lap-welded tubes are commonly called for in boiler specifi- cations. The standard dimensions of such tubes to 21 inches diameter are given in Table XXXIV. Tubes are always measured by outside diameter, and are commonly true to gauge, so that heads, tube-plates, etc. , can be bored or other- wise fitted without taking measurements directly from the tubes them- selves. The bursting and collapsing pressures of solid-drawn iron tubes are calculated to be, according to Clark, as in Table XXXV. 142 BOILERS AND FURNACES TABLE XXXIV. STANDARD BOILER-TUBES, LAP-WELDED, WROUGHT IRON. Outside. Heating Surface, I Foot in Length. Area of Opening. ~, . ckness, ches. Weight per Foot, Pounds. Diameter, Inches. Thi Circum- ^" ference, Inches. Outside, Square Feet. Inside, Square Feet. Square Feet. Square Inches. I^ 4.71 08 1.25 .393 .349 .0097 1.40 lU 5-50 10 1.67 .458 .408 .0133 I.9I 2 6.28 10 1.98 .524 .472 .0177 2.56 2% 7.07 10 2.34 .589 .540 .0230 3.31 2% 7.85 II 2.76 .655 .598 .0284 4.09 2H 8.64 II 3.05 .720 .663 •0350 5-04 3 ^ 9-43 II 3-33 .785 .729 .0422 6.08 3H 10.21 12 3.96 .851 .789 .0495 7.12 ?>% 11.00 12 4.27 .916 .854 .0580 8.36 ?>Ya 11.78 12 4.59 .982 .919 .0673 9-69 4 12.57 13 5.32 1.047 .979 .0763 10.99 ^% 14.14 13 6.01 1. 178 I.IIO .0981 14.13 5 15.71 14 7.23 1.309 1.234 -I215 17-50 6 18.85 15 9-35 1. 571 1.492 .1771 25-51 7 21.99 17 12.44 1.833 1.743 .2417 34-81 8 25.13 18 15.11 2.094 1.998 .3180 45.80 9 28.27 19 18.00 2.356 2.254 .4048 58.29 lO 31.42 21 22.19 2.618 2.506 .4998 71.98 II 34-56 22 25.49 2.880 2.764 -6075 87.48 12 37.70 23 28.52 3.142 3.022 -7205 103-75 13 40.84 24 32.21 3.403 3-279 -8554 123.19 14 43.98 25 36.27 3.665 3-534 ■9943 143-19 15 47.12 26 40.61 3.927 3-791 I. 1438 164.72 i6 50.27 27 45.20 4.189 4.047 1.3032 187.67 17 53.41 28 49.90 4.451 4.305 1.4738 212.23 i8 56.55 29 54.82 4.712 4-560 1.6543 238.22 19 59.69 30 59.48 4.974 4-817 1.8465 265.90 20 62.83 32 66.77 5.219 5.068 2.0443 294-37 21 65.97 34 73.40 5.498 5.320 2.2522 324-31 TABLE XXXV. BURSTING AND COLLAPSING PRESSURES (CALCULATED) FOR SOLID-DRAWN WROUGHT-IRON TUBES. Diameter. Th ckness. Bursting Pressures. Collapsing Pressures. Inch. nch. Pounds. Pounds. I>^ 083 6200 5200 X% 083 5300 4300 2 083 4500 3700 2% 095 4600 3600 2% 109 4800 3600 2y^ 109 4300 3100 3 120 4400 3000 z% 120 4000 2700 z% 134 4200 2700 2>U 134 3900 2400 4 134 3600 2100 A% 134 3200 1700 5 134 2800 1400 6 148 2600 1000 DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION 143 Fig. 148. Expanders. — A thin tube can be expanded in a bored hole so as to make a steam- and water-tight joint ; this practice, however, is confined to tubes having a less diameter than 5 inches. Tubes 6 inches in diam- eter and larger are commonly riveted to flanged heads, as shown in Fig. 148. Two forms of ex- panders are in use : the Prosser expander, shown in Fig. 149, which consists of a number of steel segments with radial joints held together by an external steel spring band, the whole being so arranged that the expander when collapsed is of less diameter, and may thus be inserted in the end of the tube to be fitted. A tapered steel pin passes through the centre of these steel pieces, and by driving on the end of this pin these seg- ments are forced out radially against the tube. By successive operations of driving and slacking, turning the expander slightly after each such ex- pansion, the end of the tube is stretched until it accurately fills the hole. The expander is made partially concave near the end, the length of this groove approximating the thickness of the head and about three times the thickness of the tube. Tubes put in by this method, being expanded on both sides of the tube-plate in one operation, serve as braces, and tend greatly to stiffen the head. Before the tubes are put in place they should be carefully cut to length before expanding, as the chipping off the end of the tube in place is not only unworkmanlike, but there is danger of splitting the tube. The Dudgeon expander, shown in Fig. 150, is designed to expand a tube by means of a continuous rotary pressure. It consists of a hollow cylinder provided with openings to receive three or more steel rollers ; these rollers engage the inner diameter of the tube on the outside, and Fig. 149. rest upon a conical mandrel on the inside. A guide-sleeve is provided which bears against the tube-sheet ; this is secured to the hollow cylinder by a set screw. By shifting the position of this guide-sleeve the differ- 144 BOILERS AND FURNACES ent thicknesses of tube-plate are provided for, and thus the expander will answer for several thicknesses of tube-sheet. By revolving the expander and at the same time gently forcing in the conical mandrel, the rollers are forced gently outward against the inner circumference of the tube, enlarging its diameter until it completely fills the bored hole. Fig. 150. Shock's observations on the Dudgeon expander indicate that it might become a dangerous instrument in the hands of an inexperienced or careless person, since the operation of rolling out the metal may be continued until the tube-ends are entirely cut off without giving warn- ing. To prevent this, the taper mandrel often carries a loose collar, which may be secured in any position by means of a set screw, and thus limit the distance which the mandrel may enter the tool and force out the rollers. Prosser and Dudgeon Expanders Compared. — The difference in effect by the use of the two expanders is shown in Fig. 151, in which A represents a tube expanded by the Prosser, and B represents work done by the Dudgeon expander. Some twenty years ago a series of experiments were made at the Washington Navy Yard to determine Fig. 151. the holding power of boiler-tubes secured by various methods. So far as relates to tube-expanders, the following general conclusions were reached, viz. : (i) The tubes fixed by the Dudgeon expander and beaded over have a considerably stronger hold of the tube-plates than those fixed by the Prosser expander, particularly with thin tube-plates ,- (2) that if the tubes were not beaded over, the hold afforded by the DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION 1 45 Dudgeon is less than that afforded by the Prosser system of fixing ; (3) that with both expanders the introduction of ferrules, Fig. 152, adds very materially to the holding power of the tubes ; (4) that on the whole the Fig. 152. effect of ferrules is with the Dudgeon expander proportionately greater in thick than in thin tube-plates, while in the case of the Prosser expander the proportionate increase of resistance af- forded by the introduction of ferrules is not materially affected by the thick- ness of the tube-plates. The distortion of flue-sheets by the action of expanders was investi- gated by Mr. Brown in the Dubuque shops of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, in which two engines were undergoing repairs, one receiving a new flue-sheet, the other a new fire-box. After the flues in one engine had been set in the usual manner by the use of a Prosser sectional expander, two flues were removed from the region of the upper corners and the hole in the sheet calipered. It was found that the hole was -3^2 ii^ch out of round. The same thing was done with the other boiler, and the holes in it were found to be }i inch out of round. This was before the boiler had been fired up. It was then determined to make accurate measurements of a fire-box entirely new. Accurate measurements taken before and after the flues were set and expanded by a Prosser expander showed that the sheet was expanded upward -^ inch and sideway -j^ inch. Experiments of the same kind were then made with another boiler, only a Dudgeon roller was employed to expand the flues. There was no distortion of sheets caused by the roller expander. To amplify this test, they took a discarded flue-sheet, reamed the holes true, and rolled pieces of flues in the holes. Some of the pieces were rolled until they were as thin as a piece of paper, and in no case was it found that the hole was distorted by the action of the roller. The manufacturers of the Dudgeon expander supplemented these experiments by taking a wrought-iron tube 4 inches in diameter and ■j^ inch thick, and fitted a ring )4 inch thick on one end, and then ap- plied all the power they could upon a flue-roller. The pressure was so great that it made the metal flow outward, but it left the holes perfectly true. It appears that the obvious lesson of these experiments is, abandon the sectional flue-expander. Fire-boxes are known to have had the middle of the flue-sheet forced up almost an inch above its original level ; this commonly has been attributed to expansion due to the action of heating and cooling. There is good reason for believing that the expander was the real cause of the distortion. 146 BOILERS AND FURNACES Holding Power of Tubes. — The Hartford Steam-Boiler Inspec- tion and Insurance Company had tests made for them to determine the holding power of 3-inch standard wrought-iron tubes. The tubes were rolled into ^-inch plate in the ordinary way, without any expanding other than that produced by a Dudgeon expander : ^-inch plate is thinner than is usually used for heads of boilers of ordinary dimensions. A thicker head or tube-sheet would give more frictional surface and, consequently, more holding power. The test consisted in determining the stress necessary to draw the tubes out of the plates. Fig. 151, B, represents the end of the three tubes experimented upon, which we designate as «, b, c. The greatest observed stress sustained without the tube yielding in the plate was, — Specimen a 6000 pounds. Specimen b 4500 pounds. Specimen c . . 7000 pounds. The observed stress which occasioned yielding was, — Specimen a . 6500 pounds. Specimen b ' . 5000 pounds. Specimen c 7500 pounds. To ascertain the holding power of tubes in an ordinary tubular boiler, multiply the holding power of one tube by the number of tubes. Riveting over the ends of tubes is quite generally practised, and when well done makes a very strong joint ; but those who are familiar with this kind of work know that in many cases the ends of the tubes are frayed out and split, and until the thumb-tool is brought to bear on the job it has a very unpromising look. Such work yields readily to the action of the heated gases, and after a time the riveting or beading fractures and crumbles off and very little strength remains, a result due to want of proper annealing of the ends of the tubes, but quite as often to bad workmanship. Another method of fastening tubes into the tube-sheet is to adjust the tubes so that they shall project slightly beyond the tube-sheet, roll them in with a Dudgeon expander, and then flare or expand the ends with a suitable tool or set. These experiments extend to 3-inch tubes in ^-inch plates thus expanded with results as below. The tube was fastened in the plate by being expanded, and the end of the tube, which projected ^ inch beyond the plate, was flared so that the external diameter of the extreme end was 3.2 inches, while the diameter of the tube where it entered the plate was expanded to 3. i inches diameter. The test was made by observing the stress required to draw the tube out of the plate, but the tube was not wholly removed from the plate in the specimen e. DETAILS AND STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION 1 47 The stress which was sustained without the tube yielding in the plate was, — For specimen d . . 20,000 pounds. For specimen e 18,500 pounds. The observed stress which first produced yielding was, — For specimen d 20,500 pounds. For specimen ^ inch thick, with a 4-inch tube, is shown in Fig. 224, in which the outside radius is 2 inches, and the distance from the inside of the shell to the side of the tube is 2^ inches, which is the least practi- 190 BOILERS AND FURNACES cal limit in locating the tube. These limiting facts govern the location of tubes with reference to the shell ; but the matter of circulation must not be overlooked, and a further allowance of clear waterway will greatly facilitate the circulation at Fig. 224. the point where it is par- ticularly needed to ac- commodate the ascending currents caused by the contact of water with the hot shell, and such in- creased allowance will add sufficiently to the effi- ciency of the boiler to fully compensate for any loss of heating surface oc- casioned by the omission of a few tubes which, if retained, might prove a positive detriment to the boiler. The horizontal dis- tance between tubes should not in any case be less than one-third the diameter of the tube for the smallest diameter of shell in which tubes are to be used ; and this distance should increase in pro- portion to the depth of water below the top row of tubes, — in other words, the distance increases with the diameter of the shell. If tubes are too close together horizontally, the circulation is interfered with and the efficiency of the boiler lowered. The writer has in mind a boiler-shell which bagged no less than three times in as many weeks under mod- erately heavy firing, the reason for which was afterwards traced directly to a want of proper circulation caused by the tubes being too close to- gether to begin with, and this meagre allowance of space was further lessened by a slight accumulation of scale, which so interfered with the water circulation that the boilers utterly failed at a much less power- rating than could have been secured had there been a proper allotment of space between the tubes themselves, and between the outside of the tube and the inside of the shell. The horizontal spacing of tubes in the accompanying tables is based EXTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 191 upon many years of observation, experiment, and trial. It is recom- mended that for 3-inch tubes the horizontal centres be 4 inches for shells 36 to 40 inches diameter ; 4^-inch centres for shells 42 to 52 inches diameter ; 4^ -inch centres for shells 54 to 60 inches diameter. See Table XXXIX. For 3^ -inch tubes the horizontal centres should be 5 inches for 48- to 56-inch shells, 5^-inch centres for shells 58 to 62 inches diameter, 5^-inch centres for shells 64 and 66 inches diameter. See Table XLI. For 4-inch tubes the horizontal centres may be 6 inches for all di- ameters from 54 to 72 inches inclusive. See Table XLIII. The vertical spacing of tubes is of less importance than the hori- zontal spacing. In the tables above referred to this distance is uniformly I inch between the outside diameters of the tubes, which is as little metal as should intervene between them. The upper limit of tubes varies somewhat, and may be said to lie between three-fifths and two-thirds of the height from the bottom in the best practice. The drawings from which the accompanying tables were prepared had a uniform limit of two-thirds, the only variation being in one or two cases where the tubes were carried about one-half inch above this line in order to get a better arrangement of tubes Fig. 225. at the bottom of the boiler. One of these was the 70-inch boiler with 4-inch tubes, a size of boiler quite unusual in trade and not likely to be called for in any engineering specifica- tions. The two-thirds hmit ought not to be encroached upon, as the steam-room is none too large after allowing say three inches for depth of water above the tubes. The location of a tube with reference to a flanged hand- hole or manhole will depend upon the radius of the curve if flanged as in Fig. 225. The illustration represents a 4 x 6 handhole in a 36-inch head, the latter being ^ inch thick. The radius for such a flanged opening would probably be j}{ inches, as shown, to which an allowance of }4 inch is added, making the nearest distance from the inside of the opening to the side of the tube i^ inches, to which an 192 BOILERS AND FURNACES TABLE XXXIX. 3-inch tubular boiler heads. Fig. 226. ,3 Diameter. Manhole. Tubes Centre TO Centre. u Centre of Boiler to Centre of Manholes. 1 H '0 % a 1 1 c Si Head. Tube. Upper. Lower. Hori- zontal. Verti- caL Upper. Lower. i A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. s ►J Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Feet. I 36 3 6 X 10 4x 6 4 4 A% 12 13 28 8 to 12 2 38 3 6 X 10 6 X 10 4 4 5 13 13 32 8 to 12 3 40 3 9X I4;5^ 6 X 10 4 4 5^ i2y. 14 34 8 to 12 4 42 3 9x I4>^ 6 X 10 4X 4 5}^ I3>^ 15 36 8 to 12 5 44 3 9 X 14/^ 9X I4>^ 4X 4 5^ 14)^ i4>^ 38 10 to 12 6 46 3 9 X I4>^ 9xi4>^ 4X 4 6 ^5% 15^ 42 10 to 12 7 48 3 II X 15 9X 14^ 4X 4 6>^ ^5% i6>^ 46 10 to 12 8 50 3 II x 15 9X I4>^ 4)4 4 6^ 16% i7>^ 52 10 to 12 9 52 3 II X 15 9x i4>^ A% 4 7X 17/2 i8>^ 54 10 to 12 10 54 3 II X 15 9xi4>^ A% 4 7>^ i8>^ i9>^ 60 10 to 12 II 56 3 II X 15 II X 15 A% 4 8 19/3 I9>^ 64 10 to 12 12 58 3 II X 15 II X 15 A'A 4 83^ 20 >^ 20>^ 70 10 to 12 13 60 3 II X 15 II X 15 AVz 4 8>^ 2I>^ 21/2 76 10 to 12 ZE OF Grate. Commercial Horse-Power. Length. 15 Feet. 12 Feet. 10 Feet. Calculate Feet. Proposed i Feet and Inches. 2.75' @ 7 3'o" 14.74 18.43 22.11 3-15' @ 8' 3' 3" 18.43 23-03 27.64 3-54' @ 9 3' 6" 22.11 27.64 33-17 2.98' @ 7 3'o" 16.59 20.74 24.88 3-41' @ 8 3' 6" 20.74 25.92 31.10 3.83'® 9 4'o" 24.88 31-10 37-32 3-01' @ 7 3'o" 17-59 21.99 26.39 3.44' @ 8 3' 6" 21.99 27.49 32.98 3-86' @ 9 4'o" 26.39 32.98 39.58 3.04' @ 7 3'o" 23-25 29.06 34-87 3-47' @ 8 3' 6" 27.90 34-87 41-85 3.91' @ 9 4' 0" 32.55 40.69 48.82 3.05' @ 7 3'o" 24.50 30.63 36.76 3.49'® 8 3' 6" 29.40 36.76 44.11 3-92' @ 9 4' 0" 34-30 42.88 51.46 3.23'® 7 3' 3" 26.81 36.51 40.22 3.69'® 8 3' 9" 32.17 40.22 48.26 4.16' @ 9 4' 3" 37-54 46.92 56-30 340' ® 7 3' 6" 29.11 39-39 43-67 3.88' ® 8 4'o" 34-93 43-67 52.40 4-37' ® 9 4' 6" 40.76 50-95 61.14 3-68' @ 7 3' 9" 32.46 40.58 48.69 4.20'® 8 4' 3" 38.95 4S.69 58.43 4-73' @ 9 4' 9" 45-44 56.81 68.17 3.69' ® 7 3' 9" 33-72 42.15 50.5S 4.21' @ 8 4' 3" 40.47 50-58 60.70 4.74' @ 9 4' 9" 47.21 59-01 70.81 3.94' ® 7 4'o" 37-07 46.34 55-60 4.50'® 8 4' 6" 44-48 55-60 66.73 5-06'® 9 5'o" 51-90 64.87 77-85 4-05'® 7 4' 0" 39-38 49.22 59-07 4.63'® 8 4' 9" 47-25 59-07 70.88 5.20' @ 9 5' 3" 55-13 6S.91 82.69 4.28' @ 7 4' 3" 42-73 53-41 64.09 4.89' ® 8 5'o" 51-27 64.09 76.91 5-50' ® 9 5' 6" 59.82 74-77 89.72 4.49' @ 7 4' 3" 46.07 57-59 69.11 S-H' @ 8 5' 2" 55-29 66.11 82.93 5.78'® 9 5' 9" 64-50 80.63 96-76 193 ; manhole, in a larger Dituminous diameters ; od modern orced draft onger tube in is ordi- dth natural I arrange- ater-tubes, •■ over each g. 227, or as in Fig. :tically set- :he former, e the latter Dyed. The probably belief that 1 current le water to leat on its 2. as would TABLE XL. HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS, FITTED WITH 3-INCH TUBES. Boiler -Shell. Number of 3-inch Tubes. Heating Surface. Grate Area. Size of Grate. Commercial Horse-Power. 1 i Q § ^ Internal Area of Whole Number of Tubes. Tubes. 1 Shell. Total. Proport ons to Tu be Area. Ratio of Grate Surfac Heating Surface w Area is 7, 8, and 9 of the Tube Area. e to Total hen Grate imes that Width in Feet. Length. 15 Feet. 12 Feet. 10 Feet. 1 7 Times. "'-■ 9 Times. 7 Times. 8 Times. 9 Times. Calculated Feet. Proposed Feet and Inches. Inches. Feet. Sq. Feet. Sq. Feet. Sq. Feet. Sq. Feet. Sq. Feet. Sq. Feet. Sq. Feet. (-36 8 28 1. 18 175-93 45-20 221.13 8.26 9-44 10.62 26.77 : I 23-42 : I 20.82 : 1 3'o" 2.75' @ 7' 3'o" 14.74 18.43 22.11 I J36 10 28 18 219.91 56-50 276.41 8.26 9-44 10.62 33-47 29.28 26.03 (3-0') 3-15' @ 8' 3' 3" iS.43 23-03 27.64 •.36 12 28 18 263.89 67-80 331-69 8.26 9-44 10.62 40.16 35-14 31-23 3.54' ® 9' 3' 6" 22.11 27-64 33.17 f38 8 32 35 201.06 47-76 248.82 9-45 10.80 12.15 26.34 23-04 20.48 3' 2" 2-98' @ 7' 3'o" 16-59 20.74 24.88 2 ■ 38 10 32 35 251-33 59-70 311-03 9-45 10.80 12.15 32.91 28.80 25.60 (3.17') 3-41' @ 8' 3' 6" 20.74 25-92 31.10 ••38 12 32 35 301-59 71-64 373-23 9-45 10.80 12-15 39-50 34-56 30-72 3-83'® 9' 4'o" 24.88 31-10 37.32 j'40 8 34 43 213-63 50-24 263-87 10.01 11.44 12.87 26.36 23.07 20.50 3' 4" 3-0i' @ 7' 3'o" 17.59 21.99 26.39 3 ■ 40 10 34 43 267.04 62.80 329.84 10.01 11.44 12.87 32-95 28.83 25-63 (3-33') 3-44' @ 8' 3' 6" 21.99 27.49 32.98 ^o 12 34 43 320.44 75-36 395-80 10.01 11.44 12.87 39-54 34-60 30-75 3-85' @ 9' 4'o" 26.39 32.98 39.58 ■42 10 36 52 282.74 66.00 348-74 10.64 12.16 13-68 32-78 28.68 25-50 3' 6" 3-04' @ 7' 3'o" 23.25 29.06 34.87 4 ■ 42 12 36 52 339-29 79.20 418.49 10.64 12.16 13-68 39-33 34-42 30-59 (3-50') 3-47' @ 8' 3' 6" 27.90 34-87 41.85 '-42 14 36 52 395-84 92.40 488.24 10.64 12.16 13.68 45-89 40.15 35-69 3-91' @ 9' 4'o" 32.55 40.69 48.82 44 10 38 60 298-45 59.10 367-55 11.20 12.80 14.40 32.82 28.71 25-54 3' 8" 3-05' @ 7' 3'o" 24.50 30-63 36-76 5 " 44 12 38 60 358-14 82.92 441-06 11.20 12.80 14-40 39-38 34-46 30-63 (3-67') 3-49'® 8' 3' 6" 29.40 36.76 44.11 ^44 14 38 60 417-83 96-74 514-57 11.20 12.80 14.40 45-94 40.20 35-73 3-92'® 9' 4'o" 34.30 42.88 51-45 (•46 10 42 77 329.87 72-30 402.17 12.39 14.16 15-93 32-46 28.40 25-25 3' 10" 3-23'®/ 3' 3" 26.81 36.51 40.22 6 46 12 42 77 395-84 86.76 482.60 12.39 14.16 15-93 38-95 34-08 30-30 (3-83') 3-69'® 8' 3' 9" 32.17 40.22 48.26 Us 14 42 77 461.82 101.22 563-04 12.39 14.16 15-93 45-44 39-76 35-34 4.16'® 9' 4' 3" 37.54 46.92 56-30 (-48 10 46 94 361-29 75-40 436.69 13-58 15-52 17-46 32-16 28.14 25.01 4'o" 3-40'®/ 3' 6" 29.11 39.39 43-67 7 ■ 48 12 46 94 433-54 90.48 524-02 13-58 15-52 17.46 38-59 33-83 30-01 (4-00') 3-88' @ 8' 4'o" 34.93 43.67 52.40 I- 48 14 46 94 505-80 105-56 611.36 13-58 15-52 17-46 45-02 39-39 35-01 4-37' @ 9' 4' 6" 40.76 50.95 5I.I4 ("5° 10 52 19 408.41 78.50 486.91 15-33 17-52 19.71 31-76 27.79 24.70 4' 2" 3-68' @ 7' 3' 9" 32.46 40.58 48.69 8 ■ 50 12 52 19 490.09 94.20 584.29 15-33 17-52 19.71 38-n 33-35 29.64 (4-17') 4.20' @ 8' 4' 3" 38.95 48.69 58-43 '■SO 14 52 19 571-77 109.90 681.67 15-33 17-52 19.71 44-47 38.91 34-58 4.73' ® 9' 4' 9" 45.44 55.81 68.17 (52 10 54 28 424.12 81.70 505-82 15-96 18.24 20.52 31-69 27-73 24-65 4' 4" 3-69'® 7' 3' 9" 33.72 42.15 50.58 9 52 12 54 28 508.94 98.04 606.98 15-96 18.24 20.52 38-03 33-28 29.58 (4-33') ■ 4.2.' @ 8' 4' 3" 40.47 50.58 60.70 ^2 14 54 28 593-76 114-38 708.14 15-96 18.24 20.52 44-37 38-27 34-51 4-74'® 9' 4' 9" 47.21 59.01 70.81 (54 10 60 53 471.24 84-80 556-04 17.71 20.24 22-77 31.40 27-47 24.42 4' 6" 3-94' ® 7' 4' 0" 37.07 46.34 55-60 10 54 12 60 53 565-49 101.76 667-25 17.71 20.24 22.77 37-68 32-97 29-30 (4-50') 4-50'® 8' 4' 6" 44.48 55.60 66.73 ^4 14 60 53 659-74 118.72 778-46 17-71 20.24 22.77 43-96 38-46 34-19 5-06'® 9' 5'o" 51-90 64.87 77-85 (56 10 64 70 502.66 88.00 590-66 18.90 21.60 24.30 31-25 27-35 24-31 4' 8" 4-05'® 7' 4' 0" 39-38 49.22 59-07 II 56 12 64 70 603.19 105.60 708.79 18.90 21.60 24-30 37-50 32-81 29.17 (4-67') 4-63'® 8' 4' 9" 47-25 59.07 70.88 ^6 14 64 70 703-72 123.20 826.92 18.90 21.60 24.30 43-75 3S-28 34-03 .... 5.20' @ 9' 5' 3" 55-13 68.91 82.59 10 70 95 549-78 91.10 640.88 20.65 23-60 26.55 3104 27.11 24,14 4' 10" 4.28' @ 7' 4' 3" 42-73 53.41 64.09 12 {58 70 95 659-74 109.32 769.06 20.65 23.60 26-55 37-24 32.59 28.96 (4-83') 4.89'® 8' 5' 0" 51-27 64.09 76.91 Us ,4 7" 95 769-69 127-54 897.23 20.65 23-60 26-55 43-45 38.02 33-79 5-50'® 9' 5' 6" 59-82 74-77 89-72 reo 10 76 596.90 94.20 691.10 22.47 25.68 28.89 30.76 26.91 23.92 5'o" 4-49'® 7' 4' 3" 46.07 57.59 69.11 13 ■ 60 12 76 3 21 716.28 113-04 829.32 22.47 25.68 28.89 36-91 32-29 28.71 (5-00') 5.14'® 8' 5' 2" 55-29 66.11 82,93 '-60 M 76 3 21 835-67 131-88 967-55 22.47 25-68 28.89 43-06 37-68 33-49 5.78'® 9' 5' 9" 64-50 S0.63 96.76 192 Diameter. !Z n Head. Tube. ^-inch tubular boilers. Fig. 229. E Diameter. Manhole. Tubes Centre TO Centre. Z S t, WMfe U Centre of Boiler to Centre of Manholes. 1 1 1 Head. Tube. Upper. Lower. Hori- zontal. Verti- cal. Upper. Lower. "0 ■5, i A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. s Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Feet. 14 48 3/2 II X 15 9xi4>^ 5 A% 6^ 15^ 163^ 34 12 to 14 15 50 Z% II X 15 9xi4>^ 5 A% 6>^ 16/^ -^1% 38 12 to 14 16 52 3% II X 15 9X I4;5^ 5 A% 7X Ij/z 18% 46 12 to 14 17 54 Z% II X 15 9X 14;^ 5 4K 7X 18/2 ^9% 47 12 to 14 18 56 3% II X 15 II X 15 5 A% 1% ^9% 19^ 50 12 to 14 19 58 z% II X 15 II X 15 5X 4^ IYa 20% 20 j^ 52 12 to 14 20 60 2,% II X 15 II X 15 5X aY^ 8X 21K 2I>^ 56 14 to 16 21 62 Z% II X 15 II X 15 5X A'A 8Y 22% 22>^ 60 14 to 16 22 64 2>% II X 15 II X 15 5K A% 9 23>^ 23>^ 64 14 to 16 23 66 Z% II X rs II X 15 <>%. A% 9X 24^ 24^ 70 14 to 16 Boiler-Shell, ize of Grate. Commercial Horse-Power. s 3 Length. 1 B G g 15 Feet. 12 Feet. 10 Feet. Pi Calculate Feet. Proposed 1 Feet and Inches. Inches. Feet. (-48 12 3-45' ® 7 3' 6" 30.95 38.68 46.42 1-1 4S 14 3-94' @ 8 4' 0" 36.11 45.13 54.16 L» i6 443'® 9 4' 6" 41.26 51. 58 61.89 (50 12 3-69' @ 7 3' 9" 34-13 42.66 51.19 15 5. 14 4.22' @ 8 4' 3" 39-81 49.77 59.72 I 50 i6 4-75' @ 9 4' 9" 45-50 56.88 68.25 V-52 12 4-32'®' 7 4' 6" 40.24 50.31 60.37 i6 14 4-93' @ 8 5'o" 46.95 58.69 70.43 i6 5-55' ® 9 5' 6" 53-66 67.08 80.49 (-54 12 4-25' @ 7 4' 3" 41.23 51.53 61.84 17 54 14 4.85'® 8 5'o" 48.10 60.12 72.15 u x6 5-46' @ 9 5' 6" 54-97 68.71 82.45 (-56 12 4-35' @ 7 4' 6" 43-68 54.60 65.52 i8 56 14 4-97' ® 8 5'o" 50.96 63.70 76.44 (-56 i6 5-59' @ 9 5' 6" 58.24 72.S0 87.36 (-58 12 4-38'® 7 4' 6" 45-39 56.74 68.09 19 5S 14 5.00' @ 8 5'o" 52.96 66.20 79-44 (.58 i6 5-63' @ 9 5' 9" 60.52 75.66 90.79 CO Leo 12 4-55' ® 7 4' 6" 48.57 60.72 72.86 20 14 5.20' @ 8 5' 3" 56-67 70.84 85.00 i6 5.85' ® 9 6' 0" 64.78 80.96 97-15 (-62 12 ! 4-71'® 7 4' 9" 51-76 64.70 77-64 21 62 14 5.38'® 8 5' 6" 60.39 75.48 90.58 (.62 i6 : 6.06' @ 9 6'o" 69.01 86.27 103.52 (-64 12 I 4-86' @ 7 5'o" 54-94 68.67 82.41 22 6. 14 5-57'® 8 5' 6" 64.10 80.12 96.14 .[64 i6 6.20' @ 9 6' 3" 73.26 91.57 109.88 (-66 12 5-17' @ 7 5' 3" 59-59 74.49 89-39 23 66 14 5.91' @ 8 6' 0" 69.52 86.91 104.29 (66 i6 6.64' @ 9 6' 9" 79.46 99.32 119.1S TABLE XLII. HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS, FITTED WITH 3>^-INCH TUBES. ^ Boiler-Shell. Number of 3^^-inch Tubes, Internal Area of Whole Number of Tubes. Heating Surface. Grate Area. SI ZE OF Grate. Commercial Horse-Power. i i 1 Tubes. 1 Shell. Total. Proport ons to Tube Area. Ratio of Grate Surface to Total Heating Surface when Grate Area is 7, 8, and 9 times that of the Tube Area. Width in Feet, Length. 15 Feet. 12 Feet, 10 Feet. pi 7 Times. 8 Times. 9 Times. 7 Times. 8 Times. 9 Times. Calculated Feet. Proposed Feet and Inches, Inches. Feet. Sq. Feet. Sq. Feet. Sq. Feet. Sq. Feet. Sq. Feet. Sq. Feet. Sq. Feet. r48 12 34 1.97 373-73 90.48 464.21 13-79 15-76 17-73 33-66 : I 29.45 : I 26.18 : I 4'o" 3-45' ® 7' 3' 6" 30.95 38,68 46-42 lA .« 14 34 1.97 436.02 105.56 541-58 13-79 15-76 17-73 3927 34-36 30-,55 (4-0') 3-94' @ 8' 4'o" 36,11 45-13 54-16 (^8 16 34 1.97 498.30 120.64 618.94 13.79 15-76 17-73 44.88 39-27 34-90 4-43' @ 9' 4' 6" 41,26 51 -58 61.89 rso 12 38 2.20 417.70 94.20 511.90 15.40 17.60 19.80 33-24 29.09 25-85 4' 2" 3-69'® 7' 3' 9" 34-13 42.66 51-19 15 50 14 33 2.20 487-31 109.90 597-21 15.40 17.60 19.S0 3S.78 33-93 30.16 (4-17') 4.22' @ 8' 4' 3" 39-81 49-77 59-72 (50 16 38 2.20 556-93 125.60 6S2.53 15-40 17.60 19.80 44-32 38.78 34-47 4-75' @ 9' 4' 9" 45-50 56.88 68.25 rs^ 12 46 2.67 505-63 98.04 603.67 18.69 21.36 24-03 32-30 28.27 25.12 4' 4" 4-32' @ 7' 4' 6" 40,24 50-31 60,37 i6 r^ 14 46 2.67 5S9.90 ,14-38 704.28 18.69 21.36 24.03 37-68 32-97 29,31 (4-33') 4-93' @ 8' S'o" 46,95 58.69 70,43 (5. 16 46 2.67 674.18 130.72 804.90 18.69 21.36 24.03 43-07 37-68 33.50 5-55' @ 9' 5' 6" 53-66 67.08 80.49 p^ 12 47 2-73 516.62 101.76 618.38 19.11 21.84 24-57 32-36 28.31 25-17 4' 6" 4-25' ® 7' 4' 3" 41-23 51-53 61.84 17 54 14 47 2-73 602.73 118.72 721.45 19.H 21.84 24-57 37-75 33-03 29-36 (4-50') 4.85'® 8' 5'o" 48,10 60.12 72.15 (54 i5 47 2.73 688.83 135-68 824.51 19.11 21.84 24-57 43-15 37-75 33-56 5-46'® 9' 5' 6" 54-97 68.71 82.45 (56 12 50 2.90 549-60 105.60 655-20 20.30 23.20 26.10 32.28 28,24 25.10 4' 8" 4-35' ® 7' 4' 6" 43-68 54-60 65-52 18 5a 14 50 2.90 641.20 123.20 764.40 20.30 23.20 26.10 37-66 32-95 29,29 (4-670 4,97' @ 8' s'o" 50-96 63.70 76.44 (-56 16 50 2.90 732.80 140.80 873-60 20.30 23.20 26.10 43-04 37-66 33-47 5-59' ® 9' 5' 6" 58.24 72.S0 87-36 rss 12 52 3-02 571-5S 109.32 680.90 21.14 24.16 27.18 32.21 28.18 25-05 4' 10" 4-38'® 7' 4' 6" 45-39 56.74 68.09 J9 5S 14 52 3.02 666.85 127-54 794-39 21.14 24.16 27-18 37.58 32.88 29,23 (4-87') 5-00' @S' s'o" 52,96 66,20 79-44 (5B 16 52 3.02 762.11 '45-76 907.87 21.14 24.16 27.18 42-95 37-58 33-40 5-63' @ 9' S'9" 60.52 75-66 90-79 /-60 12 5fi 325 615-55 113-04 728.59 22.75 26.00 29.25 32.02 28.02 24,91 S'o" 4-55' @ 7' 4' 6" 48,.57 60,72 72,86 20 .0 14 56 3-25 718.14 131.8S 850.02 22.75 26.00 29.25 37-36 32.69 29,06 (5-0') 5,20'® 8' 5' 3" 56.67 70,84 85,00 (fio 16 56 3-25 820.74 150.72 971.46 22.75 26.00 29.25 42.70 37-36 32.81 5-85' @ 9' 6' 0" 64,78 80,96 97-15 re. 12 60 348 659-52 116.88 776.40 24-36 27.84 31-32 31-87 27-89 24.79 5' 2" 4-71' @ 7' 4' 9" 51 -76 64-70 77-64 21 .2 14 60 3.48 769.44 136.36 905.80 24-36 27.84 31-32 37-18 32.54 28.92 (5-17') 5-38' @ 8' 5' 6" 60.39 75-48 90.58 (52 16 60 3.48 879.36 155-84 1035.20 24-36 27.84 31-32 42-50 37-18 33-05 6,06' @ 9' 6'o" 69.01 86.27 103-52 (64 12 64 3-71 703-49 120.60 824-09 25-97 29.68 33-39 31-73 27.77 24.68 5' 4" 4,86' @ 7' S'o" 54-94 68.67 82.41 22 a. 14 64 3-71 S20.74 140.70 961.44 25-97 29.68 33-39 37-02 32-39 28.79 (5-33') 5-57'® 8' 5' 6" 64.10 80.12 96.14 .(64 16 64 3-71 937-98 160.80 1098.78 25-97 29-68 33-39 42.31 37.02 32,91 6,20' @ 9' 6' 3" 73-26 91-57 log.88 ,-66 12 70 4.06 769.44 124.44 893-88 28.42 32.48 36.54 31-45 27-52 24,46 5' 6" 5,17'® 7' 5' 3" 59-59 74-49 89-39 23 66 14 70 4.06 S97.68 145.18 1042.86 28.42 32.48 36.54 36.69 32.11 28,54 (5-50') 5,91'® 8' 6'o" 69,52 86.91 104.29 (66 16 70 4.06 1025.92 165-92 1191.84 28.42 32.48 36-54 41-94 36.69 32,62 6,64' ® 9' 6' 9" 79.46 99-32 119,18 EXTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 1 95 Ratio of Tube Area to Grate Area. — This area is often referred to in essays on steam boilers as if the tube area in a boiler was to be fixed after the grate surface had been determined upon ; as a matter of fact, this is not the method by which this ratio is obtained. For a given diameter of boiler a certain diameter of tube is decided upon. The number of tubes to be placed in the head will be the greatest that the upper limit of water-space and distance from boiler-shell will allow, provision being made for the proper manhole or handhole under the tubes. It was found at an early date that boilers built with a certain ratio of tube area to grate surface did better work than others of different proportions, and that with a certain fixed relation of tube area to grate surface the evaporative efficiency of a boiler could be approximately forecast. If a tubular boiler has been designed upon extent of heating surface alone, the tube area is, of course, known in advance. The proportionate grate area for such tube area will depend somewhat upon the kind of fuel to be used and upon its rate of combustion. For anthracite coal the grate area may be 8 times the sectional area of tubes for ordinary .draft. For bituminous coal the grate area may be 7 times, or under exceptional conditions as little as 6 times, the sectional area of tubes. If the fuel be of indifferent quality or the draft be sluggish, the propor- tion may be 9 of grate to i of tube area. A very good average is 8 of grate to i of tube area. Heating Surface and Grate Area. — The total heating surface of a boiler, as commonly determined, is two-thirds the superficial area of the shell, to which is added the superficial area of all the tubes. If less than two-thirds the circumference of the boiler is exposed to the action of the heated gases, then the shell heating surface will be in whatever propor- tion of circumference of shell is thus exposed multiplied by the length of the boiler. All heating surfaces are expressed in square feet. The proportion of heating surface to grate area will vary according to the kind of boiler. A two-flue boiler 48 inches by 26 feet, for ex- ample, would have a ratio probably of 14 feet of heating surface to i of grate; a 60-inch by 24-feet boiler with 18 6-inch tubes would have a ratio of heating surface to grate area of about 32 to i ; a 72-inch by 20- feet boiler with 68 4-inch tubes would have a ratio of heating surface to grate area of about 54 to i. All the above are taken from actual examples. Neglecting the first, we have a proportion varying from 32 to I to 54 to I, and between these two limits most of the tubular boilers in use are likely to be found. The coal burnt per hour per square foot of grate in each of the above boilers was : For the two-flue boilers, 14.5 pounds ; for the 6-inch tubular boiler, 41.38 pounds ; for the 4-inch tubular boiler, 35 pounds. Bitu- minous coal was used in each of the above. 196 BOILERS AND FURNACES The coal burnt per hour per square foot of heating surface was : For the two-flue boiler, 0.934 pounds ; for the 6-inch tubular boilers, 1.277 pounds ; for the 4-inch tubular boiler, 0.650 pounds. The temperature of the escaping gases was : For the two-flue boiler, 735° Fahr. ; for the 6-inch tubular boiler, 542° Fahr. ; for the 4-inch tubular boiler, 585° Fahr. Of these, the temperature of the first is too high ; the second approaches closely that temperature at which the chimney gives its best working results ; the third is rather too high for boilers of this type for best economy. The heating surface in square feet required to develop i horse-power (34/^ pounds of water evaporated per hour from and at 212° Fahr.) was : For the two-flue boiler, 3.34 ; for the 6-inch tubular boiler, 4.74 ; for the 4-inch tubular boiler, 6.61. For small tubular boilers, the ratio of heating surface to grate area will be found to vary from 25 to i up to 40 to i. All things considered, a ratio of from 30 to 35 square feet of heating surface to i square foot of grate surface will be found to give good results. Much will depend upon the intensity of the draught, because this determines how many pounds of coal shall be burned per square foot of grate in a given time. The higher the rate of combustion the greater proportionally may be the extent or ratio of heating surface. Excess of heating surface may have the eflect of reducing the temperature of gases to a point so low that the chimney will not give sufficient draft to get the most economical results of the furnace. The ratio of tube area and heating surface to grate surface in the case of a 48-inch boiler fitted with 46 3-inch tubes : if the proportion of the tube area to that of the grate be 7 to i, the grate area would contain 13.58 square feet ; if 8 to i, 15.52 square feet ; and if 9 to i, 17.46 square feet. As 3-inch tubular boilers vary in length, we will select three, — viz., 10, 12, and 14 feet. There must be a ratio of grate to total heating surface most economical for a given draft. For example, the ratio of heating surface to grate surface when the latter is 7 times that of the tube area, would be 32.14 to i of grate for a lo-foot boiler ; for a 12-foot boiler this ratio is increased to 38.65 to i ; and for a 14-foot boiler to 45.03 to i. If the grate area be 8 times that of the tube area, then the ratio of heating surface to grate surface would be : For a boiler 10 feet long, 28.12 to I of grate ; if 12 feet long the ratio would be 33.82 to i ; and if 14 feet long the ratio would be 39.40 to i. If the ratio of grate area to that of tube area be 9 to i, the ratio of heating surface to grate area would be : For the lo-foot boiler, 25 to i ; for the 12-foot boiler, 30.06 to i ; and for the 14-foot boiler, 35.03 to i. An examination of these three lengths and three proportions of tube area to grate area show that good average results will be secured if the boiler is 1 2 feet long and the ratio of grate to tube area 8 to i . EXTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 1 97 A 3^ -inch tubular boiler, 60 inches diameter, for example, will show nearly the same results, — that is : If the ratio of grate to tube area is 7 to I , the best length approximates 1 2 feet ; if 8 to i , the best length approximates 14 feet ; and if 9 to i, the best length approximates 16 feet. Each of these is a little less than 35 feet of heating surface to i of grate. In case the ratio of grate be 8 to i of tube area, the length might be 16 feet, provided the draught is good. Referring now to the 4-inch tubular boilers : If a diameter of 66 inches be selected, this contains 56 4-inch tubes. If the proportion of the grate area to tube area be 7 to i, the greatest length approximates 16 feet, and if 8 to i, the length might be increased to 18 feet, a ratio of 36.08 to I, and if the ratio be 9 to i, a length of 20 feet would be required to secure a ratio of 35.91 square feet of heating surface to i of grate surface. By an examination of the accompanying table, in which the ratio of total heating surface to grate surface is approxi- mately 35 to I, it will be seen that the length of tube approximates very closely 18 feet, which has been found in practice to be a very satis- factory length for boilers from 5 to 6 feet in diameter fitted with 4-inch tubes. Tables. — The leading properties of horizontal tubular boilers from 36 to 72 inches diameter are conveniently arranged for reference in the annexed tables. The strength of shells for corresponding and larger diameters, together with the several kinds of riveting best suited to the strength of plates used, has already been given in Tables XXIX., XXX., and XXXI. The number and arrangement of tubes as given in Tables XXXIX. to XLIV. accords with what has been said in this chapter regarding horizontal spacing and the distance of top of upper row of tubes from the bottom of the boilers. Regarding the latter, it may be said that two-thirds is the highest permissible limit ; some designers place it at three-fifths instead, in order to get a lower water level. Be- tween these two limits lies the best modern practice. The tube area, total heating surface, and grate area are all expressed in square feet. The ratio of tube area to grate surface is given as 7, 8, and 9, these be- ing the ordinary ratios in practice. The width of grate is in all cases that of the diameter of the boiler ; the length is calculated for the fixed ratios of 7, 8, and 9 feet. As these present fractional dimensions, a proposed length of grate-bars for common use is appended. Retarders for Fire-Tubes. — A retarder is a thin strip of sheet iron fitting loosely in and running the whole length of a tube ; this iron is twisted one or more spiral convolutions in its whole length. See Fig. 231. The insertion of retarders in fire-tubes or flues is but rarely practised in this country. The selection of the word "retarder" is not a happy one, though, of course, it does obstruct the flow of gas through a tube, as any obstruction in a tube will retard the flow of the gases through BOILERS AND FURNACES TABLE XLin. 4-inch tubular boilers. Fig. 230. g Diameter. Manhole. Tubes Centre TO Centre. u Centre of Boiler to Centre of Manholes. i s 1 s Head. Tube. Upper. Lower. Hori- zontal. Verti- cal. Upper. Lower. ■0 .£3 1 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Feet. 24 54 4 II X 15 II X 15 6 5 7 I8>^ ^.%% 36 16 to 20 25 56 4 II X 15 II X 15 6 5 7X I9K ^9% 38 16 to 20 26 58 4 II X 15 II X 15 6 5 IYa 2oy2 20;5^ 40 16 to 20 27 60 4 II X 15 II X 15 6 5 8 2^.% 21^ 47 16 to 20 28 62 4 11 X 15 II X 15 6 5 8X 22% 22;5^ 49 16 to 20 29 64 4 II X 15 II X 15 6 5 8^ 23>^ 23>^ 51 16 to 20 30 66 4 II X 15 II X 15 6 5 9 24;5^ 24>^ 56 16 to 20 31 68 4 II X 15 11 X 15 6 5 9% 2h% 25^ 62 16 to 20 32 70 4 II X 15 II X 15 6 5 9K 26% 26% 64 16 to 20 33 72 4 II X 15 II X 15 6 5 10^ 21% 21% 74 16 to 20 u Boiler-Shell. |zE OF Grate. Commercial Horse-Power. s 3 ^ Length. o 5 ! 15 Feet. 12 Feet. 10 Feet. 1 Calculated Feet. Proposed Feet and Inches. Inches. Feet. r54 16 4-26'® 7' 4' 3" 49.28 61.56 73.88 24 5. 18 4-89' @S' 5'o" 5541 69.26 83.11 u 20 5.48'® 9' 5' 6" 61.56 76.95 92.34 (-56 16 4-35'® 7' 4' 6" 51-83 64.78 77-74 25 56 18 4-97' @ 8' 5'o" 58.30 72.89 87.46 (56 20 5-59'® 9' 5' 6" 64.78 80.98 97.17 rss 16 4-42'®/ 4' 6" 54-39 67.99 81.58 26 5S 18 5-05' @ 8' 5'o" 61.19 76.49 91.78 (58 20 5-68'® 9' 5' 9" 67.99 84.98 101.98 reo 16 5-01' @ 7' 5'o" 62.54 78.17 93.81 27 ]eo 18 5-73' ©8' 5' 9" 70.35 87.94 105.53 Leo 20 6.44' @ 9' 6' 6" 78.17 97.72 117.26 r62 16 5.05'© 7' 5'o" 65.11 81.38 97.67 2S .2 18 5-79' ©8' 5' 9" 73.25 91.56 109.88 (.62 20 6.51' ©9' 6' 6" 81.39 101.74 122.09 r64 16 5.11'©/ 5' 3" 67.68 84.60 101.52 29 64 .s 5.84' ©8' 6'o" 76.15 95.17 114. 21 (64 20 6.5/ ©9' 6' 6" 84.60 105.75 126.89 Ue (.65 16 5-43' © 7' 5' 6" 73.60 92.00 110.40 30 18 6.21'® 8' 6' 3" 82.80 103.50 124.20 20 6.99'® 9' 7' 0" 92.00 115.00 138.00 .-68 16 ' 5-84'©/ 6' 0" 80.63 100.79 120.95 31 6S 18 6.67' @ 8' 6' 9" 90.71 113.39 136.07 (68 20 7-51' ©9' 7' 6" 100.79 125-99 151-19 (70 16 5-86'©/ 6'o" 83.21 104.01 124.81 32 70 18 6.70' @ 8' 6' 9" 93-61 117.01 140.41 (70 20 7-53'® 9' 7' 6" 104.01 130.01 156.02 (-72 16 6.58'©/ 6' 6" 94-71 119.22 142.06 33 r^ 18 7.52' ©8' 7' 6" 106.55 133-1S 159.82 (72 20 8.46'® 9' 8' 6" 118.38 147.98 177-58 TABLE XLIV. HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS, FITTED WITH 4-INCH TUBES. Number of 4-inch Tubes. Internal Area of Whole Number of Tubes. Proportions to Tube Area. imes. 9 Times. Ratio of Grate Surface to Total Heating Surface when Grate Area is 7, 8, and 9 times that of the Tube Area. Size of Grate. Commercial Horse-Power. Proposed Feet and Inches. r 60 } 60 Ceo 4.27 4.27 4.27 4-73 4-73 4.73 Sq. Feet. 603.07 678.46 753-84 636.58 716.15 795-72 670.08 753-84 837.60 787-34 885-76 923-45 1026.06 854-35 961.15 1067.94 938.11 1055-3'S 1172.64 1038.62 1168.45 1298.28 1072.13 1340.16 1239-65 1394.60 135-68 152.64 169.60 140.S0 158.40 176.00 145-76 163.98 182.20 155-84 175-32 160.80 1S0.90 207,40 170.88 192.24 213.60 176.00 Sq. Feet. 738.75 831.10 923-44 777-38 874-55 971.72 815.84 917.82 1019.80 938-06 1055-32 1172.58 976.69 1098.77 1360.69 1511.88 Sq. Feet. 19-25 19-25 19-25 25-13 25-13 25-13 26.18 27.23 27.23 27.23 29.89 34-16 39-55 24.40 24.40 24.40 28.72 28.72 28.72 29.92 29.92 29,92 34.16 34.16 34-16 37-84 37-84 37-84 39-04 45-20 45-20 Sq. Feet. 24-75 24-75 24-75 27-45 27-45 27-45 32-31 32-31 32-31 33-66 42-57 42-57 42.57 43-92 43-92 43-92 50-85 50.85 50-85 42.99 47-77 37-43 42.11 46.79 37-31 41-95 46-63 37-28 41-94 46,60 36-94 41-55 46-17 36-53 41.10 45-66 36-54 41.10 45-67 35-98 45-23 3369 : 37-90 42.11 33-51 37-70 41.88 33-44 37.62 41.80 32-75 36-85 40.94 32-64 36-72 40.80 36.36 40,40 31.96 35-96 39-95 31-97 35-97 39-67 31-49 35-36 39-56 29.96 : 33-70 37-45 29-78 33-51 37-23 29.72 33-44 37-15 29.11 32-75 36-39 29.02 32-64 36-27 29.00 32.62 36.25 28.73 32.32 35-91 28.41 31-96 35-52 28.42 31-97 35-52 27.99 31-49 4' 10" (4-83') 50" (5-0') 5' 2" (5-17') 5' 4" (5-33') 5' 6" (5-50') 5' 8" (5.67') 5' 10" (5-83') 6'o" (6.0') 4.26' ( 4.89' ( 4-35' a 5-01' 5-73' 6.44' @ 9' 5-05' @ 7' 5-79' @ 6,51'® 9' 5-11'® 7' 5-84' @ 8' 6.57' @ 9' 5-43' @ 7' 6.21' @ 6.99' @ 9' 7-53' 6.5S' @ 7' 7.52' @ 8' 8.46' @ 9' 5' 6" 4' 6" 5' 6" 4' 6" 5' 9" 6' 6" 5' 0" 5' 9" 6' 6" 5' 3" 7' o" 6' o" 6' 9" 7' 6" 7'6" 6' 6" 7' 6" 61.56 51-83 58-30 64.78 54-39 61.19 67.99 62.54 70-35 78.17 65.11 73.25 81.39 67.68 76.15 84.60 73-60 90.71 100.79 83.21 93.61 104.01 94-71 69.26 76-95 64.78 67.99 76.49 84.98 78-17 '-55 95-17 10575 113-39 125-99 119.22 133-18 EXTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 199 it ; but the object of a retarder is a wholly different one, and has nothing to do with the flow of the gases. Retarders* are intended to increase the amount of heat transmitted to the tube surface from the hot gases, and it does it in two ways : first, by a mixing action upon the gas in the tubes. The friction upon the surface of the retarder aids in stirring up the gas in its passage through the tube and in mixing the hot gas at the centre with the cold film next the surface of the tube. Also in every hori- zontal tube there is a tendency for the gases to be cooler in the upper part of the tube and hotter in the lower, for the upper part of the tube extracts heat far more readily from the gases than the lower half. The twist of the re- tarder has the effect of repeatedly turning over the gas in the tube as it flows along. In the second place, the retarder acts by direct radia- tion of heat to the tube surface. While this action may not be apparent at first sight, it is of such importance that it should be clearly understood. To this end the fact should first be realized that the temperature of the tube surface exposed to the fire in any steam boiler is practi- cally the same as that of water in contact with it, no matter what the temperature of the gas on the other side, supposing, of course, the tube surface to be clean. The reason is that water absorbs heat many times as rapidly as gas. Now suppose we place in the tube any solid body, of any shape whatever. Manifestly, as it is surrounded and bathed on all sides by gases at a temperature of say 1000° Fahr. , it will, if it loses no heat, soon become of the same temperature as the hot gases. Suppose the surface of the tube is of a temperature of 300° Fahr., the hot body at the centre of the tube will energetically radiate heat to the walls of the tube and will materially increase the amount of heat transmitted to the water. Whitham's Experiments. — A trial of retarders on a 100 horse-power horizontal tubular boiler was conducted by J. M. Whitham, to ascertain under what conditions, if any, they would add to the efficiency of the boiler. The boiler was 60 inches diameter by 20 feet long, fitted with 44 tubes 4 inches in diameter. The water-heating surface was 11 37 square feet. Ratio of heating surface to grate surface was 42.6 to I. * Jay M. Whitham and C. W. Baker, "Transactions Ameri- can Society of Mechanical Engineers," vol. xvii. 200 BOILERS AND FURNACES Fig. 232. The conclusions reached were : Retarders in fire-tubes of a boiler interpose a resistance varying with the rate of combustion. Retarders result in reducing the temperature of the waste gases and in increasing the effectiveness of the heating surface of the tubes. Retarders show an economic advantage when the boiler is pushed, varying in the tests from 3 to 18 per cent. Retarders should not be used when boilers are used very gently and when the stack draught is small. It is probable that retarders can be used with advantage in plants using a fan- or steam-blast under the fire, or a strong natural or induced chimney draught, when burning either an- thracite or bituminous coals. Retarders may often prove to be, for an existing plant, as economical as an econo- mizer, and will not, in general, interpose as much resistance to the draught. The economic results obtained on the boiler tested are ideal, showing that it was clean, the coal good in quality, and the firing skilful. With retarders, the tubes are more effec- tively cleaned than without their use. Baker's Experiments. — These were made to test the efficiency of radiators with the apparatus shown in the accompanying sketch. Fig. 232. It represents a section of a single tube of a vertical boiler. The water space surrounding it is well protected by non-conductors. Through the tube a cur- rent of hot gas is caused to flow from a lamp, gas-jet, or other suitable source, and the amount of heat transmitted to the water in a given time is measured. The test is then repeated under identical conditions, except that a radiator of the form shown at the upper part and at the side of Fig. 232 is placed in the tube. The increased amount of heat transmitted to the water is taken as the amount due to the radiation from the internal piece. Experiments with the apparatus showed the following general results : That the percentage of increase in heat transmitted due to radiation increases with increase in temperature of gases passing through the tube. EXTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS Fig That the percentage of increase in heat transmitted due to radiation is larger in vertical tubes than in horizontal, on account of the fact that a given area of heating surface in a horizontal tube absorbs heat faster by direct contact with the gases than the same area in a vertical tube. Experiments on actual boilers indicate that either device is most useful on boilers with short tubes of not too small diameter and with an abundance of draught. With either device the tube surface must be kept clean, otherwise the increased efficiency will soon disappear, as is the case with the Serve ribbed tube, an illustration of which is given in Fig. 233, when care is not taken in this respect. The economic gain by the use of either radiators or retarders depends entirely upon the temperature at which the boiler is discharging its hot gases. It may be assumed that every 100° Fahr. reduction in the temperature of the waste gases represents from 5 to 10 per cent, saving in fuel. In general it will not usually be found worth while to introduce either retarders or radiators in the tubes of any boiler, unless the thermometer shows its hot gases to be discharging at a temperature of over 550° Fahr. Double-Deck Boilers. — These boilers consist of an upper and lower horizontal cylindrical shell, as shown in Fig. 234. These two Fig. 234. 202 BOILERS AND FURNACES Fig. 235. shells are connected by two or more necks ; the present illustration shows three necks, which is the common practice. The lower shell is fitted with as many tubes as can be conveniently arranged in it, having due regard for the manholes necessary for internal examination and cleaning. The upper shell is fitted with no tubes, and is intended to be about half filled with water ; these details are shown in the half-sectional elevation, Fig. 235. The connecting necks are usually made of flange steel, and are as large in diameter as can be conveniently adapted to the two shells : the larger the diameter the better the circulation ; but how- ever large these necks may be, the circulation in a boiler of this type is not as good as in the ordinary horizon- tal tubular type, in which the steam- space is included in the upper part of the boiler. The only apparent reason for constructing a boiler in this manner is that of increasing the total heating surface by carrying the fire-line nearer the top of the outer shell, as well as increasing the number of tubes in a boiler of a given diameter. The cir- cuit of the products of combustion from the furnace is underneath and around the sides of the lower shell to the rear end, returning through the fire-tubes to the front, thence under the upper drum to the rear of the boiler ; the gases then pass off to the chimney. A test of a boiler of this type, in which the lower shell was 54 inches in diameter by 12 feet in length, having 118 tubes 3 inches in diameter, the upper drum being 32 inches in diameter and of the same length, measured 1281 square feet of total heating surface. This boiler evaporated 10 pounds of water from and at 212° Fahr. per pound of coal, showing that boilers thus constructed have not sufficient advantages over the ordinary horizontal tubular boilers to pay for their extra cost. Triplex Boiler. — This boiler differs from the one previously de- scribed in having two lower shells mounted side by side, and with liberal connections from these two lower shells upward into a combined water- and steam-drum above, as shown in Figs. 236 and 237. The circula- tion of the water is upward through the front connections, returning downward to the shells by similar rear connections, these being ar- ranged, as shown in the drawings, to induce and maintain a longitudinal circulation in a circuit through the upper drum and lower shells. To avoid the difficulties ordinarily met in supporting boilers of this type, EXTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS Fig. 236. 203 Fig. 237. 204 BOILERS AND FURNACES and to allow for expansion and contraction, the front ends of the tubular shells are held in a fixed position, the rear ends being free to move back- ward and forward. The weight of the boiler and contents is sustained at the back partly by rollers underneath, and partly by slings which suspend the weight from points overhead. The slings are equipped with springs which, while maintaining a nearly uniform strain on the slings and girders, allow by their elasticity for imperfections in work- manship and adjustment, as well as for settling or other changes which may occur ; they provide also for vertical expansion and contraction of the parts by changes of temperature. The slings are so adjusted that they will support about three-fourths of the weight, leaving the other quarter to run on the rollers. The principal dimensions of the boiler illustrated, from designs by J. T. Fanning, are here given : Diameter of each lower shell 58 inches. Length between heads and length of tubes ... 16 feet 9 inches. Number of tubes in each shell, 4 inches outside diameter 62. Diameter of steam-drum 48 inches. Length of drum 16 feet. Diameter of necks connecting shell and drums . 15 inches. Area of heating surface, one boiler 2705 square feet. Area of grate surface, upper 41.8 square feet. Area of grate surface, lower 49.5 square feet. Total area of grate surface 91.3 square feet. Ratio of heating surface to total grate surface . . 29.6 to i. The boilers were set with the Hawley down-draft furnace, described in the next chapter. These boilers were erected under a guarantee by the contractor that each boiler should develop 250 standard horse-power, and evaporate 10^ pounds of water per pound of Youghiogheny coal. The guarantees of the Hawley Down-Draft Furnace Company were that each boiler should develop 300 horse-power when the chimney-draught was 0.6 of an inch, evaporate 10.5 pounds of water per pound of com- bustible from and at 212° Fahr. when burning Pennsylvania (bitumi- nous) coal, and consume 95 per cent, of the smoke. The results of tests made by G. H. Barrus, based on dry coal, are given in the table of comparative performance of modern boilers. From this it appears that the evaporation per pound of coal from and at 212° Fahr. was 10.846 pounds, and the evaporation per pound of combustible from and at 212° Fahr. was 11. 551 pounds, meeting the guarantees of both contractors in respect to economy. The boiler developed 315.2 horse- power with a chimney-draught of 0.25 of an inch water pressure for 1% hours, meeting the conditions of contract relating to capacity, — no smoke whatever escaping from the chimney except at times of firing, or when the bed of coal was disturbed by the use of the poker ; even then the quan- tity was exceedingly small and within the guarantee, and its color barely EXTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 205 perceptible. Assuming that the boiler develops 250 horse-power and operates 24 hours per day, the quantity of lump coal consumed on the basis of this test would be 10 tons per day, and the quan- Fig. 238. tity of slack 11. 11 tons per day. At $3.65 per ton for lump coal and $2.60 per ton for slack coal, the cost of fuel for a day's run of 24 hours on each boiler when developing 250 horse-power would be $36.50 for the lump coal and $28.89 for the slack, — the dif- ference between the two being $7.51 in favor of the slack coal. A vertical tubular boiler externally fired, as shown in Fig. 238, is not often met with. It presents some good features, however : one of which is, that an equal amount of heating surface is provided within the combustion-cham- ber as would have been pro- vided and without the compli- cations involved in the design of a fire-box. This is simply a cylindrical shell fitted with tubes of a diameter and in number suited to the diameter of the boiler. Around the outer shell of the boiler is riv- eted a band of iron of sufficient thickness and depth to sup- port the boiler in place, and without bringing undue strain upon the rivets by which this band is fastened to the boiler. The furnace consists of a cir- cular grate, as shown in the engraving, the height of the furnace being proportioned to the length of the shell, which in this case is a little less than one-half its height. A cast-iron cap covers the top of the furnace walls, through which, and upon an annular ring included in the cap, the boiler is suspended. The performance of this boiler is the same as that of horizontal tubular boilers having the same heating surface. CHAPTER VI I. BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS, Before entering upon the design of a boiler furnace it is necessary to know among other things what kind of a boiler is to be used, its size, the kind of fuel to be used, and the rate of combustion. It is needless to say that many boiler plants throughout the country are developing less power than they ought because of defective designs for the furnace and poor construction. Batteries of Boilers. — If we select the horizontal tubular boiler as an example, we shall have probably the most popular boiler in use at this time. Such boilers are practically limited as to diameter from 36 to 72 inches, in length from 10 to 20 feet, there being, of course, occa- sional variations outside these dimensions. For large powers the ques- tion is raised at the outset whether two or more boilers shall be set in a single furnace as a " battery' ' or whether each boiler shall be set singly. Both methods are practised ; both have reasons for and against. Let us take the case of a steam plant requiring six boilers to do the work, with spare boilers for cleaning and repairs. If the boilers are set singly, one spare boiler will be enough, or seven boilers in all ; if the boilers are set in pairs, eight boilers will be required ; if three boilers are set in a single furnace, nine boilers will be required. The settings for the single boilers will be most expensive, the boilers in pairs less so, and for the three boilers in battery the cheapest. Whatever is saved in furnace walls can be applied towards the cost of the additional boilers. Two or three cylinder and two-flue boilers, which are always of small diameter relatively to tubular boilers, may preferably be set in a single furnace. So also tubular boilers up to 48 inches diameter may be set in pairs ; for larger diameters the writer prefers that they be set singly. The Size of the Grate. — The ratio of heating surface to grate area will vary with the kind of boiler : a cylinder boiler, for example, will require less grate area than one presenting a larger heating surface, if economic evaporation only be considered ; but such boilers are not run along economic lines so much as that of capacity, and this necessitates a larger grate area. In the battery of cylinder boilers. Fig. 212, which represents actual practice, there are three boilers, each 3 x 36 feet. The heating surface at f of the shell is 610 square feet for the three ; the grate surface is 9 feet 8 inches wide by 6 feet long, — say 58 square feet, — a ratio of heating surface to grate area of 10.87 to i. One reason for the large grate area is that non-merchantable refuse is commonly burnt 206 BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 20/ at coal mines, saw-mills, etc. , where cylinder boilers are mostly in use. If refuse coal is burnt, the rate of combustion is much less than is the case with a better grade of fuel, and this requires a larger grate area. One important fact must not be overlooked in this connection, shell heating surface is much more effective than tube surface. A tubular boiler having a ratio of heating surface to grate area of 32.6 to i would not be three times as effective as the cylinder boilers now under con- sideration. If a change be made from cylinder to two-flue boilers to do the same work, there would be required three boilers 42 inches in diameter by 20 feet long, each boiler fitted with two 14-inch fiues. The combined heat- ing surface is 882 square feet, or 272 square feet more than the cylinder boilers. The grate surface for the two-flue boilers in a battery of three would be about 12 feet wide by 4 feet long, — say 48 square feet ; then 882 -s- 48 = 18.37 to I is the ratio of heating surface to grate area, about 70 per cent, greater than in the case of cylinder boilers. The estimated steam-producing capacity of the two batteries of boilers is practically alike. To do the same work with a horizontal tubular boiler would require one boiler say 66 inches in diameter by 16 feet long, with 56 4-inch tubes, or a tube area of 4.27 square feet, the total heating surface of which would be 1 104 square feet. Taking into account the inferior quality of fuel, as was the case with the cylinder boiler, the ratio of grate area to tube area may be 9 to i ; that is, the tube area being 4.27 square feet, the grate area would be 38.43 square feet. If the length of the grate be fixed at 6 feet as a maximum, we have 38.43 -^ 6 = 6.4 feet as its width, — say 6 feet 5 inches. The ratio of total heating surface to grate area would be 1104 -=- 38.43 = 28.74 to i. With a better quality of fuel and good draft the ratio of grate area to tube area might be made 7 to I, in which case the grate area would be 4.27 X 7 ^ 29.9 square feet. If the length of grate be 5^ feet, we have 29.9 -f- 5.5 = 5.43, — say 5 feet 6 inches square. The ratio of heating surface to grate area would be 1 104 -^- 29.9 = 38.6 to i. To recapitulate : We have for the cylinder boiler i square foot of grate for each 10.87 ^^^t of heating surface ; two-flue boilers, i square foot of grate for each 18.37 ^et of heating surface ; tubular boiler, i square foot of grate for each 28.74 ^^t of heating surface, on the basis of 9 square feet of grate to i of tube area, or i square foot of grate for each 38.60 square feet of heating surface, on the basis of 7 square feet of grate to i of tube area. Taking the first three results, we have for a given evaporation, or, as commonly stated, a given horse-power, with three different sizes of grates, viz. : 10.87, 18.37, and 28.74 square feet. The explanation is that the last figure will yield both high economy and capacity, the middle figure yields less capacity and less economy, and the first figure slightly less capacity and very much less economy ; the 208 BOILERS AND FURNACES temperature of the products of combustion being highest with the cyHn- der boiler, perhaps 800° Fahr. , lower with the two-flue boiler, perhaps 600'' Fahr. , and least with the tubular boiler, perhaps 500° Fahr. The rate of combustion will affect the proportions of grate relatively to the total heating surface. Bituminous coal with natural draught will burn from 10 to 45 pounds per hour per square foot of grate, a differ- ence wide enough to show that for ordinary steam-boiler furnaces it is not worth while to enter upon this problem without knowing all the conditions which affect combustion, and these cannot usually be known in advance. The practical considerations which affect the size of the grate are the diameter of the boiler, which determines the width of the furnace, and the impossibility of keeping the fire clean at the bridge-wall if the grates exceed 7 feet, which establishes the maximum limit of length in hand-firing, and this ought to be shortened to 6 feet to get the best results. For horizontal tubular boilers it is customary to set the side walls 4 inches away from the boiler, as shown in Fig. 272. If this dis- tance be brought vertically downward the greatest ordinary width of furnace will be had ; the least width is seldom less than the diameter of the boiler, see Fig. 271. One-thirty-fifth of the total heating surface will make a good average area for the grate surface, or eight times the combined area of the tubes will approximate good working conditions. Grate-Bars. — These are usually made of cast iron, and consist of alternate supports for the fuel to be burned and spaces for supplying the air needed for combustion. Every portion of the entire area of the grate surface should be made up of these alternate ' ' lands' ' and spaces. The top surface of the grate should be perfectly level, otherwise it will be difficult to properly clean the fire with ordinary hand-tools. The grates must rest upon proper supports, and these must be of such form, dimen- sions, and so located under the grates as to prevent their warping or getting out of shape by the action of the radiant heat from the fire. The grates should have at least one end free for expansion ; otherwise they will get out of shape. Fig. 239. The clear opening through the grates is usually as large and as much subdivided as possible, that each portion of the fire shall have its proper supply of air. They commonly have from 3/8- to ^-inch openings, with only as much lateral obstruction at the ends and centre of the bars as is necessary to enable them to keep their shape. Such a grate is shown in Fig. 239, the metal and spaces being about equally divided. Mr. Barrus's BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 209 observations are, that " Grates with 50 per cent, air-space gave 3.2 per cent, better results based on coal and 1.7 per cent, better results based on other combustibles than grates with 60 per cent, air-space. ' ' The smaller the rate of combustion, the smaller should be the opening for draught through the grates. The gain probably comes about by preventing the introduction of too great an excess of air over that required for combustion. ' ' The practical spacing of grate-bars for the admission of air will de- pend on the kind of fuel to be burned. For bituminous coal it may be ^ or f^ inch, but for anthracite coal — and especially when burning the finer grades, such as rice, buckwheat, and pea coal — the distance must be less, and may approximate inch in width. The larger the area of opening, the less will be the resistance of the air passing into the fire ; but if the draught is good, this is a matter of less moment than the resistance of the air passing through the burning fuel. In the case of fine anthracite this resistance becomes so great that it is necessary to employ a forced draught in order to burn the fuel at a sufficiently rapid rate to develop the full power of a boiler. The distance for the level of the grates above the fire-room floor will vary from 24 to 30 inches. The first is probably the best distance, all things considered ; and nearly all fire-fronts approximate this height. The slope of grate-bars is usually from the furnace-front towards the bridge-wall in the proportion of about one inch in twenty of the length of the bar. No advantage accrues in this ; and for stationary boilers, externally fired, as good results may be had if the grates are set level. Inclining grates to the rear probably originated in marine practice, in order to protect the fireman from live coals rolling out of the furnace when stoking in rough weather. Fig. 240. CT \[ Grate-bars are commonly cast in pairs, as this adds much to their stiffness over single bars, and are thus better able to resist bending and twisting. Cast-iron bars should have a groove on the top along their whole length, as in Fig. 239. This groove, filling with ashes, prevents in a measure the clinkers adhering to the grate. Short bars suffer less in distortion by overheating than long ones. Thin and deep grate-bars, such as shown in Fig. 240, give excellent results. The bottom edge 2IO BOILERS AND FURNACES should be no thicker than will insure a sound casting. Such bars are No difference need be made in the construction of grates be- tween anthracite and bitumi- usually cast singly and not in pairs. Fig. 241. nous coals. A grate for a circular fire- box is shown in Fig. 241 which does not differ essen- tially from the one referred to above, except that instead of being confined to two or three bars a larger number are included in a single cast- ing. The engraving shows the grate to be made up of three sections. It is obvious, however, that the number of sections will depend upon the diameter of the fire-box. The width of the sections ought not to greatly exceed 12 inches. A stationary grate with tilting section at the end next the bridge-wall is shown in Fig. 242. This is a very convenient arrangement for dropping ashes, clinkers, etc. , into the ash-pit underneath. Grates as long as 6 feet should be provided with some device similar to this to prevent ashes from accumulating at the bridge-wall, which accumulation has the effect of shortening the furnace and diminishing the grate area. A herring-bone grate, shown in Fig. 243, is extensively used in this country, its popularity not being confined to any one locality. The angular spacing readily permits expansion and contraction to take place Fig. 242. J^'^^uuyuilljllllljyiiii^^^"' Gi m without breakage. It withstands the effects of repeated heating and cooling quite successfully. An adaptation of this grate for a circular fire-box is shown in Fig. 244. A revolving grate is shown in Fig. 245. This is a very convenient arrangement for shaking the ashes out of the fire, for breaking up masses of clinker, and for dumping the contents of the furnace into the BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 211 ash-pit underneath. The two middle grates in the upper row show how this is accompHshed ; the side bars show how the grates are kept level by locking upon one side wall and then upon each other. Fig. 243. Shaking- or moving-grates are designed to facilitate cleaning the fires and, without opening the fire-doors, the removal of loose ashes and clinkers which would ordinarily fall into the ash-pit by the use of a slice-bar, also to break up and loosen the bed of burning fuel if the latter has a caking tendency. Fig. 244. Some very absurd claims have been put forth regarding the great saving in fuel by the use of such grates, but the following extract from a letter puts the question in a way too often overlooked, and that is in reference to the protection afforded the fireman himself, who asks : "It Fig. 245. 15^ # # ®®? the doors have to be opened to clean the fires, is there not a loss in the admission of cold air to the boiler, to say nothing regarding the injury to the boiler itself? Again, can any fireman with a slice-bar, no BOILERS AND FURNACES matter how dexterous he may be, thoroughly stir out the ashes from every part of the grate, and if not, is not the supply of air to that extent cut off? If a fireman can, with comparatively little effort and without exposure to intense heat, thoroughly clean every inch of his grate by using the shaking-grate, why, in the interest of humanity and economy, should he not be furnished one ?' ' Shaking-grates will break up a bed of non-caking coal or anthracite coal very satisfactorily, but they do not always succeed in breaking up large masses of coal which may have fused together because of its caking quality. The fireman who relies upon a shaking-grate to break up such masses of caked coal will waste a great deal of fine coke in process of burning, which will drop into the ash-pit through the openings occa- sioned by the tilting of the grate-bars. The Butman grate, shown in Fig. 246, has long been used in the Western States in furnaces burning bituminous coal. The grate is ex- FiG. 246. Q H o zzz^ CI zzzz!! o zzi~zz o zmzn o jo \J \J KJ \J \J KU O ceedingly simple and very effective ; it consists of two side-bars notched to receive the grates, which are provided on their upper surface with oblique cutting edges and interlocking fingers, which also form parallel cutting edges. The cross-bars to which these interlocking fingers are attached are corrugated in the direction of their length, and taper from the top to the bottom. The spacing of the interlocking fingers is such that a series of irregular openings occur over the whole surface, and these openings are so dimensioned that a full supply of air is had for the fuel. The fingers, having semicircular ends, always preserve the same distance whether stationary or being rocked, this detail of construction preventing the loss of small fuel by its falling through into the ash-pit when cleaning the fire. Each rocking-bar has an arm projecting downward, attached to a connecting bar operated from the front of the furnace. When the fire is being cleaned by this rocking motion the whole surface is broken BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 213 up at the same time, any accumulation of clinker being prevented by the cutting action of the locking fingers. A shaking-grate known as the ^tna is shown in Fig. 247. Upon ordinary bearing-bars, common to all furnaces, are laid two or more stationary bars, A (de- pending upon the width Fig. 247. of the furnace). Near either end is an open- ing, shown in one of the detail drawings, in which are placed two rockers. These spring freely like a scale bear- ing upon pivoted edges. Upon these rockers are placed the moving bars, B and C. When at rest the grate-bars pre- sent the same level sur- face as an ordinary grate. Attached to the front rocker is a socket, shown in the two upper drawings, which reaches almost to the ash-pit door. A lever put in this socket and worked imparts to both sets of bars at the same time a vertical and horizontal movement over the entire surface. By this action the entire surface of the fire is cleaned and opened, a condition which can be maintained with little effort by one or two movements of the lever at periodic intervals. The Rose grate is shown in sectional elevation in Fig. 248. It differs from the preceding designs in that a vertical movement is given each alternate bar by rocking-levers located underneath the grate. 214 BOILERS AND FURNACES Each bar has V-shaped corrugations along its entire length. The bars are of unusual depth and taper from top to bottom, and are well calculated, therefore, to resist the action of fire. A plan of a set of grates is shown in Fig. 249. A centre-bar extends the length of the furnace, dividing it into Fig. 249. two sections. This cen- tre-bar locks into the two end-pieces by a dovetail joint, and thus serves to hold the frame together. Whatever number of bars are assembled to make a grate, usually from two to three feet in width, are set in a frame which is entirely independent of the boiler or brick-work. Two rocking-levers are suspended in each section of the frame and coupled together, as shown in Fig. 248 ; additional to this coupling-bar, there is still another, extending out through the fire- front and there connected to a bell-crank provided with a socket for the insertion of a hand-lever for operating or shaking the grates. A locking- dog hinged to the front, the free end dropping into a socket in the bell- crank, holds the locking levers in neutral position, but when the grates are to be shaken it is lifted out of its socket and thrown back against the front ; a to-and-fro movement of the hand-lever will raise or lower and at the same time give a slight end movement to each alternate grate-bar for each movement of the hand. The grate-bars in their up- and-down movement pass each other at a sufficient distance to sift out all ashes and dirt accumulated under the fire, but not far enough to allow coal to fall through into the ash-pit. By the same movement of the grates the fire-surface is lifted, allowing air to pass more freely through the bed of fire than is common to the ordinary form of stationary grates. Deterioration in Grates. — The principal cause which contributes to the rapid burning out of grate-bars is the action of the furnace heat, which will in time destroy any set of grates, but the want of a proper flow of air through the grates will cause overheating, whether it occurs through too little air-space in the grates themselves, or by these spaces becoming obstructed through any cause, thus preventing the cooling effect of the air on its passage to the fire ; but a more common reason is found in the impurities of the coal, and especially in the chemical combinations of sulphur and iron, which abound in more or less quan- tity in all red-ash coals. Any coal which forms an easily fused clinker will soon injuriously affect the grates. BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 215 Effect of Water-Pan in Ash-Pit. — There is no advantage in the use of a water-pan in stationary boilers, and its use is not recom- mended. The common notion that the vapor rising from the surface of the water and passing upward through the fire is decomposed and assists combustion is a mistake. Action and reaction are equal, and just as much energy is expended in disassociating the gases as is afterwards obtained by their recombination. The ash-pans underneath locomotive fire-boxes and marine boilers of the locomotive pattern have water-pans as security against fire, which may be caused by live coals dropping down upon wood-work. Stationary boiler ash-pits should be kept dry and reasonably clean. As all the heat of the cinders and ashes is taken up by the air on its way to the grates, it will be seen that a hot, dry ash-pit is the best. Mechanical Stokers. — The earliest mechanical stoker for steam- boilers was probably that designed by James Watt (1785), which was simply a device to push the coal after it was coked at the front end of the grate back towards the bridge. The suggestion of Watt was followed by numerous patents in Europe for mechanical stokers, but none of these have been adopted to any considerable extent in this country because of their supposed lack of adaptability to American boiler practice. Their non-adoption here was partly because the mech- anism was of too complicated a nature to be entrusted to the average fireman, or the rate of speed at which the machine would be required to run was such that it would be wanting in durability. Another objec- tion was, that in many cases the grates were so placed as to be almost inaccessible, either for examining or altering the condition of the fire by hand or for the renewing of worn-out parts. The mechanical stokers in use in this country are almost entirely of American design, and are well adapted for the service to which they are applied, whether for burning graded small coals or mine refuse, such as screenings or other unmerchantable coal. A mechanical stoker is par- ticularly suited to the burning of such refuse material, and instances are plentiful in which more steam was supplied when using bituminous slack or refuse coal in a furnace provided with an automatic stoker than the ordinary grate-surface supplied when using lump coal and when hand- fired, the boilers and all other accessories being similar, this increase in performance being due to the constant supply of coal to the fire without any disturbing influences. The labor required for boiler attendance with a mechanical stoker is much less than that required for the ordinary flat grate of like capacity and burning similar fuel. The time consumed in cleaning a fire under a boiler provided with such a machine is claimed to be less than one-tenth that required for similar work with ordinary furnaces. Fuel economy is one of the claims persistently urged by makers of mechanical stokers, — not that a furnace fed by machine will accomplish 2l6 BOILERS AND FURNACES results different than if fed by hand under the best conditions, but hand- firing occurs at irregular intervals, and usually more coal is put on the fire than is necessary. A mechanical stoker with continuous feed will supply the coal as needed without disturbing the progress of the fire, not cooling it by an excess of coal, nor by the admission of cold air in the furnace by the opening of the fire-door. The prevention of smoke by the use of a mechanical stoker is largely brought about by a uniform delivery of fuel to the grates, maintaining a high temperature at all times in the furnace and combustion-chamber. This constant fuel supply, especially in the case of fine coal, permits the gradual distillation of the gases from the coal as it enters the furnace, and the automatic movement of the grates keeps the air-spaces open, insuring the combination of the oxygen of the air with the hydro- carbon gases in the furnace, and the complete utilization of the latter in heat-making. The Murphy Furnace. — This furnace was specially designed for the use of small-sized bituminous coal and slack. A cross-sectional ele- vation is shown of it in Fig. 250, where the magazines into which the coal is put are at the sides of the combustion-chamber. At the bottom Fig. 250. of each magazine is a casting, part of which is used as a coking-plate ; the inclined grates rest against it at their upper ends. On the central part of this plate is an inverted open box (called the stoker-box) with a rack under each end. A shaft worked from the exterior has a pinion geared to each rack, whereby the stoker-box is moved back and forth on the coking-plate as rapidly or as slowly as may be required by the rate of combustion. The stoker-boxes, through the motion thus com- municated, push the coal from the edge of the coking-plates to the grates below. BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 217 Immediately over the coking-plate is the arch-plate. At the line where the fire-brick comes in contact with the arch-plate are ribs an inch apart ; these form the skewback on which the arch rests ; the spaces thus formed between the ribs are air-ducts. The admission of air is regulated by a register at the front. The air passes through the flues, up and over the arch, taking up heat from the front, arch, and arch- plate ; it then passes down through the small openings in the arch-plate and supplies the coking fuel with the proper quantity of air and at a high temperature. This secures the immediate combustion of the un- combined gases. A longitudinal sectional elevation of this furnace is shown in Fig. 251. This furnace has sufficient coking capacity to feed 50 pounds of coal per square foot of grate per hour, and slowly enough to give ample time for the complete expulsion of the volatile gases. The air, which is delivered in numerous jets, is so distributed as to thoroughly mix with the liberated gases, resulting in the complete prevention of smoke escaping from the furnace. By the time the coal is fairly on the grates the gaseous part of the fuel is consumed ; what remains is coke, and this is not smoke-producing. The coke gets its needed supply of air through the grates and is burned in the usual way. The grates are kept constantly in motion. The incoming air to the furnace passes be- tween the bars and thus supplies the lower bed of fuel. The incandes- cent coke as it burns is moved down towards the centre of the furnace, at the bottom of which is a clinker-breaker for grinding any clinker and refuse to be deposited in the ash-pit below. Fig. 251 A single or double engine with automatic governor and proper gear- ing is placed on one side of a battery of boilers for operating a recipro- cating bar across the outside of the entire front, and to which all the working parts are attached by links which may be detached or attached 15 2l8 BOILERS AND FURNACES at the will of the operator. Any one or all of the movable parts may be detached from the automatic bar, and the furnaces may be success- fully operated by hand, the fuel being fed in the same manner as when controlled by the engine. The Roney Mechanical Stoker is shown in sectional elevation in Fig. 252. A hopper for the coal is attached to the boiler front; in the lower part of the hopper is a pusher, to which is attached, by a flexible connection, the feed-plate forming the bottom of the hopper. The pusher, by a vibratory motion, carrying with it the feed-plate, gradually forces the fuel over the dead-plate to the grates below. These grates Fig. 252. are horizontal flat-surfaced bars running from side to side of the furnace ; they are carried on inclined side bearers extending from the throat of the hopper to the rear and bottom of the ash-pit. The grates, there- fore, in their normal condition form a series of steps, upon the top step of which coal is fed from the dead-plate. These steps at the inclination given, however, prevent the free descent of the coal, but each bar rests in a concave seat in the bearer and is capable of a rocking motion through an adjustable angle. All the grate-bars are coupled together by a rocker-bar, the notches of which engage with a lug on the lower rib of each grate-bar, pin connections being made with two of the grate- bars only for the purpose of holding the rocker-bar in position. A variable back-and-forth motion being given to the rocker-bar through a connecting rod, the grate-bars necessarily rock in unison, now forming BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 219 a series of steps and now approximating to an inclined plane, with the grates partly overlapping. The depending webs of the grate-bars are perforated with longitudinal slots, so placed that the condition of the fire can be seen at all times and free access be had to all parts of the grate to assist, when necessary, the removal of clinker. The slots also serve an important purpose in furnishing an abundant supply of air for combustion. Assuming the grates to be covered by a bed of coal and fresh fuel being fed in at the top, it is obvious that when the grates rock forward the fire will tend to work down in a body. But before the coal can move too far the bars rock back to the stepped position, checking the downward motion, breaking up the bed of fuel over the whole surface, and admitting a free volume of air through the fire. The rocking motion is slow, being from seven to ten strokes per minute, according to the kind of coal. This alternate starting and checking motion, being continuous, keeps the fire constantly stirred and broken up from under- neath and finally lands the cinder and ash on the dumping-grate below. By releasing the dumping-rod the dumping-grate tilts forward, throwing the cinder into the ash-pit, after which it is again closed, ready for further operation. The dumping-grate is made in two parts, so that each half can be dumped separately. The actuating mechanism is simple. All motion is taken from one driving-shaft. In a single stoker this shaft may either be driven through a worm gear from a small engine attached to the boiler front, or it may be driven by a link-belt from any convenient point of the nearest shaft. In large batteries of boilers the driving-shaft is extended across all the boiler fronts, delivering power to each stoker ; this, with the coal ele- vators and conveyers, is driven by a small independent engine. The largest stoker can easily be turned over by hand, indicating the small amount of power necessary to operate it. The worm-gear shaft carries a disk and wrist-pin from which a link couples to the agitator, shown attached to the boiler front, underneath the dead-plate. Through the eye of the agitator passes a stud screwed into the pusher, on which stud is a feed-wheel by which the stroke of the pusher, and conse- quently the amount of feed, is regulated. The agitator having a fixed stroke, it is apparent that if the feed-wheel is run down against it in the position shown in the engraving, the pusher will be given its full traverse and the greatest feed. If run back to clear the travel of the agitator, the pusher will, of course, have no motion, and the feed will stop. Between these extremes any desired rate of feed can be given. In a like manner the rock of the grate-bars can be adjusted between any limiting angles, and over a range of motion from no movement to full throw, by means of the sheath-nut and jam-nuts on the connecting rod. By these two adjustments the whole action of the stoker is con- trolled, the fires forced, checked, or banked at will. There are poker- 220 BOILERS AND FURNACES doors in the front, on each side of the hopper, through which the whole grate can be seen and the condition of the cinder on the dumping-grate determined. If the location is convenient, a cleaning-door may be introduced into the side of the furnace to facilitate examination of the boiler. The ^A^ilkinson Mechanical Stoker is shown in sectional ele- vation in Fig. 253 and in front elevation in Fig. 254. The grate-bars are a series of hollow castings approximating a rectangular cross-section, placed side by side, and inclined towards the bottom of the furnace at an Fig. 253. angle of about twenty-five degrees with the horizontal. The upper end is open to admit the blast-pipe ; it projects through, and is supported by the stoker front, the lower ends sliding on and supported by a hollow cast-iron box, as shown. This lower box, or bearing-bar, has finger- grates about 15 inches long secured to its rear face The bars are 4-inch centres, so that, practically, the air-openings are restricted to the risers. Throughout the inclined length and on the face of the bar is cast a suc- cession of steps. Through the rise of each step a vent of about }{ by 3 inches is provided to admit air through the fire to the combustion- chamber. The feeding is accomplished by the motion of the grates. The pusher shown in the bottom of the hopper and resting on the grate-bars BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 221 is secured to each alternate bar by a dowel-pin and moves with them, feeding the fuel in measured quantities from the hopper to the upper end of the grate. The continuous back-and-forth motion of the grate- bar is for the purpose of maintaining a uniform thickness of fire by a gradual descent of the fuel from the top to the bottom of the grate, depositing the clinker and ash on the stationary grate shown projecting from the bearer-bar at the ash-pit. The accumulated ash is pushed off this stationary grate into the ash-pit by the reciprocating motion of the bars, to be removed in the usual manner or by special appliance. The mechanism for effecting the entire operation of the stoker consists of a pulley, compound gearing, toggle-shaft, and quadrant, all of which are shown in the two engravings above referred to. Fig. 254. S rirsntrinrinnrtn r\ ni r\ ni r\A V3 C-T3 C7 — O O < ^ < ^ 1^ C7 O — C7 'U '^ [ m )00000000000000[ s, y The blast is saturated steam, through a nozzle of y^g-inch opening, giving an induced current of air controlled by a regulating valve . This method of injecting the air into a hollow bar, from which there is no escape except into and through the fire, is set forth as one of the merits of this machine. The steam is decomposed by the incandescent fuel and fills the combustion-chamber with burning gases, resulting, accord- ing to Whitham, in a more uniform distribution of the effective heating surface of the boiler, reduces local injury, gives a more uniform expan- sion to the parts of the boiler, but is apt to cause a loss of heat in the stack if not properly controlled. The cost of the steam-blast is from 5 to 1 1 per cent, of the steam 222 BOILERS AND FURNACES generated by the boilers, estimated at $1000 per year for a 1000 horse- power plant, on a lo-hour basis, when fuel is $2.00 per ton. An automatic damper-regulator should not be used with this stoker ; simply observe the best position of damper suited to the work and keep it there. When a strong natural draft exists, it may be well to partly close the damper at the chimney and force the steam-jets harder. When running too slow, the fire will burn out before reaching the bottom of the grate. When running too fast, live coal will be pushed out with the ash. Between these two extremes a speed may be found best suited to the requirements of any boiler plant. The object of blowing steam into the grate is in part to assist the combustion and prolong the life of grate-bars. Most anthracite coals of inferior sizes clinker badly if the fire is forced ; such clinkers ' ' freeze' ' to the sides of the furnace and to the grates ; the efifect of a steam-blast is to chill the grates and non-combustible material against them, so that a clinker cannot form. It is at all times necessary with this machine to have some steam passing through the jets when fired up, therefore the steam-jets should all be open and blowing alike. When the furnace is in operation, the damper and steam-jets should never be entirely closed. The Playford Mechanical Stoker is shown in longitudinal sec- tional elevation in Fig. 255 and in cross-sectional elevation in Fig. 256. As will be seen, it consists of an endless revolving chain of grate-bars, operated by power, preferably by a small engine taking steam from the boiler. A fire-brick arch is sprung across the boiler front under which this machine is located when in use ; a similar arch is sprung across the rear end of the furnace adjoining and attached to the bridge- wall. The grate-bars are attached to each other by links, shown in perspective in Fig. 257. The sprocket-wheels engage between the links, giving the whole grate surface a movement inward, the rapidity of which is con- trolled by the attendant to suit the needs of the furnace. The grates, bearing-shaft, etc. , are mounted on a frame provided with wheels resting upon rails, shown in both engravings. This permits withdrawal of the whole grate surface and bed of fire from the furnace at any time. A coal-hopper is provided at the boiler front ; an adjustable gauge regulates the amount of coal which may pass into the furnace from the hopper. As the movement of the grates is very slow, the volatile matter, in the case of bituminous coal, is driven ofi" by the intense heat of the front arch, and these gases are not only here brought to the point ot ignition, but are consumed in the combustion-chamber immediately adjoining. The incandescent carbon remaining on the grate is burnt during the interval required for the passage of the grates up to the rear arch, under which the grates begin their return to the front, the ashes falling off into the ash-pit underneath, and being brought forward to the front of the boiler or wherever else desired by the spiral ash-conveyer, shown in Fig. 255. BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 223 224 BOILERS AND FURNACES The Coxe Mechanical Stoker is shown in sectional elevation through a furnace in Fig. 258. It consists of an endless travelling grate which receives the fuel at one end, burns it as it moves slowly along, Fig. 258. and deposits the ashes at the other end. It was originally designed to burn the finest sizes of anthracite coal and is shown arranged for this grade of fuel, but it is capable of handling bituminous coal as well. A coal-hopper, into which the coal is placed by the fireman, is BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 225 located immediately in front of the boiler. The depth of coal upon the grates is regulated by a sliding gate, which can be raised or lowered as a thicker or thinner bed of fire is required. ■ After the coal passes under the regulating gate, it flows over fire- brick "ignition blocks" set on an incline immediately inside the fire- front and above the grates, which blocks are used only with anthracite coal ; these blocks, becoming incandescent, or nearly so, retain sufficient heat to insure ignition of the incoming supply of fresh coal. In burning bituminous coal these ignition blocks are omitted and a hopper is put on that admits of the fuel being deposited directly on the grates, as no extra care is necessary to insure perfect ignition of bituminous coal. The entire grate is set travelling at the rate of four to six feet an hour, or at any other like speed, according to the demands upon the boiler, etc., and thus the fuel which has been fed in from the hopper at the forward end of the furnace is burned completely during its slow passage to the dumping end, where the ashes are left, while the grate reverses underneath and comes back, as shown, to the front end of the furnace, to pass in again like an endless belt. The smaller sizes of anthracite coal pack down closely and cannot be burned unless a forced draught is used, and as this draught should vary in intensity according to the state of the fire, all the air that enters the fire is conducted into the largest chamber at the centre of the frame, see Fig. 258 ; and the only air that can enter the adjacent chamber must pass through dampers in the partitions separating these chambers, which are closed at the bottom, so that the supply can be regulated to suit Fig. 259. existing conditions. In practice, the maximum amount of air is sup- plied at the centre, and this is diminished to a minimum at each end, the dampers being regulated so that the pressure is diminished in each succeeding chamber. The handles which regulate these dampers are shown in Fig. 259 projecting from the sides of the frame. Preference 226 BOILERS AND FURNACES is given to a dry-air- or fan-blast, because with the fan-blast the rate of combustion per square foot per hour is greater than with a steam-jet. The percentage of carbon left in the ash is less, and as it is not necessary to prevent the formation of clinker, which is the chief reason for using steam, the loss and waste due to the steam-jet are avoided. It is claimed for this furnace that the finer coals are burned with a less excess of air than is common, and the results with all fuels are above the average. The American Stoker is shown in sectional elevation in Fig. 260. The coal-hopper is placed at the front of the boiler, in common with other Fig. 260. iU-'vcLOalz stokers. Underneath this coal-hopper is a spiral conveyer, located in a trough with a half-round bottom, shown in Fig. 261, which extends nearly the entire length of the magazine. Immediately beneath is lo- cated the wind-box, to which is connected the piping for air-blast ; the other end of the wind-box opens into the air-space between the maga- zine and outer casing. The upper end of the magazine is surrounded by tuyeres, or air-blocks, these being provided with openings for the discharge of air-blast. The air is delivered in the approximate proportions of 1 50 cubic feet of air to each pound of coal fed, and at a pressure ranging from ^ ounce to I ounce at the tuyeres. This pressure is only such as to admit of the thorough mixing of the air with the coal, and must not be confused with the ordinary forced draught. A wind-gate controlled by a lever, shown underneath the conveyer, or hopper. Fig. 260, enables the operator to regulate the supply of air to suit the amount of coal fed. Being tlius independent of natural draught in the air supply, the supply of coal BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS Fig. 261. !27 Fig. 262. being also under complete control, the fire can be forced at a moment's notice, or it can be as quickly reduced. The operating mechanism, apart from the fan for furnishing the blast, is located beneath and in front of the hopper. A steam motor for opera- ting the stoker is shown in end eleva- tion in Fig. 262. The only moving parts of this motor are the reciproca- ting piston and rod, the valve move- ment being similar in its construc- tion and operation to that of a single steam-pump. The piston-rod carries a cross-head, which by means of suit- able connecting links operates a pawl mechanism, which in turn actuates the ratchet-wheel mounted on the con- veyer-shaft. The space on each side of the stoker, between the tuyere blocks and the side-walls of the furnace, is oc- cupied by dead plates or air- tight grates. The tuyere blocks shown in Fig. 260 are substantial castings. The air passes through the blocks, protecting them to a considerable degree ; but in case a block is damaged by the action of the heat it can be easily 228 BOILERS AND FURNACES and inexpensively replaced. These blocks are practically the only part of the stoker subject to renewal. The operation of this stoker is as follows : The coal is fed into the hopper by hand or by any convenient mechanism ; from there it is carried by the conveyer into the magazine, and then forced upward by the action of the spiral conveyer until it overflows on both sides of the tuyeres, spreading upon and over the dead-grates the entire width of the furnace. The entire mass of the coal above the tuyeres and all of that above the dead-grates is in active combustion, consisting usually of a bed of burning coke from 14 to 18 inches in depth. The feeding of the coal is continuous, thus keeping the incandescent body of fuel slightly agitated and preventing the formation of large clinkers ; this agitation also allows the air to thoroughly mix through the burning coal. The amount of coal fed is regulated by the speed at which the motor is run. In cleaning the fires, the non-combustible is usually found in the shape of a vitrified clinker deposited upon the two sides of the fur- nace, and is removed through the ordinary feed-doors. By the use of a slice-bar this clinker can be raised from the grate and afterwards pulled out with a hook. The central portion of the fire is not dis- turbed. The Jones Under-Feed Mechanical Stoker is shown in Fig. 263. It consists of a hopper to receive the coal ; underneath is a cylin- FiG. 263. der, in which is fitted a plunger or ram. A steam cylinder immediately adjoining is furnished with a piston, the rod of which, passing through a stufiing-box, attaches and gives motion to the plunger or ram under BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 229 the coal-hopper. A slide-valve, operated by hand, admits steam on either side of the piston for the forcing of coal into the furnace or the withdrawal of the plunger for a fresh charge. The central trough, or retort, shown in Fig. 264, into which the Fig. 264. coal is forced, is in- clined upward at the angle which gives a nearly uniform thick- ness or spread of coal throughout the length of the furnace. On either side of this retort are tuyere pipes or openings, shown in the cross-sectional engrav- ing, Fig. 264. Ordi- nary grate - bars on either side of the re- tort fill out the width of the furnace, the length and width of the furnace being suited to the size of the boiler and rate of combus- tion. Additional to the stoker, the equipment comprises a blower and engine, steam and air piping, and usually a new grate-bearing bar. A blower must be used that will hold a 4-ounce pressure at the tuyeres at all times, delivering 150 cubic feet of air for each pound of coal burned, estimating upon the greatest amount of coal to be burned per hour. The engine for furnishing power to maintain the requisite amount and pressure of air should preferably be independent. The blower should not be driven from the main shaft, because air cannot be supplied to the stoker in starting, nor at any time, except the main engine be running. Suppose the furnace is to fired and with no steam in the boiler. The retort is first filled with coal level with the top of the tuyere pipes. Fire is then started on the side grates, as usual, until steam is raised. The ash-pit doors that admit air to the side grates are then closed. Then the coal is placed in the hopper outside of the boiler-front. The steam ram is then withdrawn by shifting the lever. The desired quan- tity of coal then falls from the hopper in front of the ram, and upon its return stroke is forced into the retort. Air under pressure is then admitted into the tuyere pipes. The air issues through the slots shown in Fig. 264, over the top of the fuel in the retort, but under and through the burning fuel. The result is that the heat from the burning fuel over the retort slowly liberates the gas from the green fuel in the retort. 230 BOILERS AND FURNACES The gas, being thoroughly mixed with the incoming air before it passes the burning fuel above, results in a bright, clear fire, free from smoke, and the complete consumption of all the heat-producing elements in the fuel. The retort being practically air tight from below, and the fuel being in a compact mass in the retort, the air will find its way in the direction of least resistance, which is upward ; consequently combustion takes place only above the air-slots. Hence the castings of the retort are always cool and not subject to the action of the fire. The incoming fresh fuel from the retort forces the resulting ash and clinker over the top of the tuyere pipes on the side grates, from whence they may be removed at any time without interfering with the fire in the centre of the furnace. The furnace should not be charged with more than loo pounds of coal at a time. It is better to put in small charges at regular intervals, giving the coal ample time to coke before forcing it over the air-slots and into the fire. Hawley Do\A/'n-Draft Furnace. — This furnace consists essentially of two water-drums, one located immediately inside the boiler -front and Fig. 265. another back the proper depth of the furnace. These two water-drums are connected with each other by wrought-iron pipes, forming a water- grate, as shown in Fig. 265. The forward drum is in water communi- cation with the bottom of the boiler through a wrought-iron pipe con- BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 231 nection. The rear drum is similarly connected, but the pipe connection to the boiler has its opening higher up, see Fig. 266. This arrangement of pipes, drums, and water-grates is conducive Fig. 266. to water circulation and adds to the efficiency of the boiler. The wrought-iron pipes forming the water- grates are sometimes ar- ranged in a zigzag row in the drums and some- times in a single row. It matters little which ar- rangement is employed, as the results are practically the same for the same amount of tube heating surface thus employed. The front water-drum is usually 8 or 10 inches in diameter, and must be provided with a handhole for examination and clean- ing. The rear drum is made from 10 inches diameter, the Chicago practice, to 20 inches diam- eter, corresponding to St. Louis practice. For a drum as large as 20 inches a manhole can be inserted in the head, and this has been found useful in examining the condition of the water-grate pipes connecting the two drums, as by attaching a candle to a stick and passing it across the intersection of the openings in the small drum, a man in the large drum can ascertain the exact condition of each tube. A constructional Fig. 267. advantage which the large drum has over the small one is that when a zigzag row of tubes is desired no flattening of the drum is necessary to get the proper amount of thread for screwing in the water-grate pipes, which is necessary in the case of small drums. See Fig. 267. 232 BOILERS AND FURNACES The pipes forming the water-grates are commonly 2 inches in diam- eter. In the earlier forms they were set level, but it was found that by .placing them on an incHne of 2^ to 3 inches per foot an improved circulation was had, and the probability of burning off the tubes was greatly reduced. The lower-grate surface is formed of common grate-bars, placed 18 inches below the lowest line of the upper grates ; it is set level, or nearly so, one end resting on the boiler-front, the rear end on the bridge-wall. The ash-pit is located under the lower-grate bars, and quite fre- quently at a level slightly below the fire-room floor. This arrangement is made necessary by the use of a fire-front three doors high, as the firing is at the upper door only. This necessarily raised the fire-door some eighteen inches higher than that to which firemen are accustomed, and to save the fireman the extra labor thus occasioned, the ash-pit floor was placed a few inches below the fire room level, as shown in the engraving. This depression in front of the boiler is about three feet wide, which does not inconvenience the fireman as much as lifting the coal to an unaccustomed height. The ash-pit slopes downward towards the bridge-wall, which facilitates the removal of ashes. The fire-front is made three doors high. The upper one receives all the fresh fuel, the middle one opens into the lower grate, the lower one into the ash-pit. The middle door should always be kept closed, except when it is necessary to clean the lower fire, — perhaps three or four times a day. The furnace combustion proceeds in two stages : first, the raw fuel is fed into the upper furnace, the air supply coming in through the upper-furnace door directly over the fresh charge of fuel. The direc- tion of the current of gases is directly opposite that of an ordinary furnace, being downward instead of upward. The gaseous products of the upper furnace pass down into the lower furnace. These gases are combustible because the combustion in the upper furnace is incom- plete. It is, in fact, a chamber for the distillation of gas from coal, rather than a furnace in the true sense of the word. The water-grates being set wide apart, the coked fuel of the upper furnace falls through the upper grates into the lower furnace, and is the source from which it receives its fuel supply. This brings us to the second stage, in which the heat from the incandescent body of coke burning on the lower grate raises the incoming flow of cooler gases from the upper furnace to that temperature necessary for their ignition, there being enough oxygen supplied by the excess of air mixed with the gases to complete the combustion begun in the upper furnace. No raw fuel should be used in the lower furnace ; if the upper fur- nace is properly managed it will supply all the coke necessary for the lower one. As about 90 per cent, of the entire work is done by the BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 233 upper grate, the lower grates do not need a large fuel supply ; by slicing the upper fire enough half-burnt fuel will drop down in the lower furnace to supply its needs. Additional air supply for the lower furnace should be had through the ash-pit. An even fire 6 to 8 inches deep should be kept on the upper grates, the thickness depending on the size of the coal (which should be about the size of one's fist) and the intensity of the draught, a fine coal with moderate or poor draught requiring the thinnest fire. The chimney draught must be ample to maintain a quick fire, other- wise the action of the furnace will be sluggish, producing smoke, and of less efficiency generally. The standard form of construction is similar to that shown in the engraving, in which the furnace is under the front end of the boiler. Some 50 to 60 square feet of shell heating surface is thus made non- effective for evaporation, which has suggested the construction of an external furnace with its attendant advantages in capacity and efficiency. Evaporative tests made by W. H. Bryan indicate that this furnace adds to the efficiency of improved water-tube forms of boilers, although the percentage of increase is not so great as with ordinary horizontal tubular boilers. The claims for this furnace are that it prevents at least 95 per cent, of smoke, saves 10 to 40 per cent, of fuel, and increases boiler capacity 25 to 50 per cent. Reynolds Furnace. — A horizontal return tubular boiler with a furnace externally fired is shown in Fig. 268. It is well known that a much higher furnace temperature can be had if its walls are made of refractory and non-absorbing material than if the top or sides be made of an absorbing body like the shell or fire-box of a steam boiler. Com- bustion is more easily perfected in a furnace at a high temperature than at a low one. Smoke abounds most in furnaces of low temperature. This furnace has for its object better combustion and a reduction of smoke where the fuel is bituminous coal ; this end is sought to be at- tained by the highest temperature which can be had by the combustion of bituminous coal in a separate chamber. This furnace as applied to a steam boiler, shown in Figs. 268 and 269, consists of three parts, — the furnace proper where the coal is burnt upon the grates, a combustion- chamber at the rear of the furnace, and a diffusion-chamber underneath the boiler. The products of combustion on leaving the external brick furnace pass through a contracted opening or throat, where they mingle with a supply of air which is admitted through the brick walls. The entrance of this air not only enhances the combustion, but carries back into the furnace some of the heat which would otherwise escape through radiation from the brickwork, and it thus serves a twofold purpose. The products of combustion then come in contact with an overhanging brick arch, by means of which their direction of motion is changed and they emerge into a combustion- 16 234 BOILERS AND FURNACES chamber, from which they escape through a checker-work arch into the space beneath the boiler-shell. Experiments by W. H, Bryan with this furnace and setting applied to a 66-inch x 1 8-foot horizontal tubular boiler with 56 4-inch tubes, a total heating surface of 1276 square feet, the grate surface 25 square feet, a ratio of heating to grate surface of 51 to i, resulted as follows : The coal used was Cherokee slack, having a calorific value of 11,335 thermal units per pound, with 15 per cent, of ash, burning 30.6 pounds per square foot of grate per hour. The equivalent evaporation per pound Fig. 268. V/// ////// /// ///////// M. of combustible from and at 212° Fahr. was 7.83 pounds ; the tempera- ture of the escaping gases was 671° Fahr. ; the efficiency or percentage of total calorific power utilized was 56.6 per cent. This is not a bad showing considering the kind of fuel used and the high temperature of the escaping gases. As proof of the excellent working of the furnace, the smoke escaping from the chimney in a daily run varied, according to the St. Louis stand- ard, from 0.6 of I per cent, to 2.8 per cent., according to the amount of work done. BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 235 Admission of Air over the Fire. — It has long been thought essential to the proper and economical combustion of bituminous coal that air should be admitted over the fire, and within certain limitations this is true and is recommended ; but an excess of air is wasteful, be- cause it lowers the temperature of the furnace at a time when the air is not needed to assist in the work of combustion. An opinion based upon practical results has been gaining, that if an excess of air is to be per- mitted in the furnace at all, it is better for it to pass up through the fire than to be admitted over it ; and the reason is quite obvious, for whatever oxygen is needed for the combustion of the incandescent fuel on the grate is taken up by this fuel during the passage of air through it, and any excess of air simply passes through the fuel, its temperature being- raised to that of the other products of combustion. Should this heated air come in contact with combustible gases not yet combined, the con- ditions for ignition and combustion are more favorable than if the air were admitted over the fire instead of through it. It is for this reason principally that the admission of air through the sides of a furnace, through the bridge-wall, or in the combustion-chamber back of the bridge-wall has so often failed of its purpose, such currents of air acting as a cooling medium rather than uniting with the combustible gases under the conditions necessary for making the combustion complete. Distance between Under Side of Boiler and Top of Grate. — Neglecting all other fuels than anthracite and bituminous coals, it may be stated generally that anthracite coal requires the least distance, and for horizontal tubular or flue boilers this approximates 24 inches when the larger sizes are used for steam purposes, such as Nos. i or 2 chest- nut ; but coal of this size is now seldom used in steam-boiler furnaces on account of its cost ; pea, buckwheat, and rice sizes, being much cheaper, are used instead ; such coals may have the grates placed within 20 inches of the boiler-shell. For bituminous coal the grates may be say 30 inches for non-caking coals like Indiana block and kindred varieties, to 36 or 48 inches for fatty or gaseous coals ; 36 inches is a good distance for average bituminous coals ; this gives ordinarily all the cubic space needed for a thorough mixing of the gases, and such furnaces, if not forced too hard, are commonly smokeless. This latter quality ought not to be ignored, even though no direct saving in fuel occurs when the distance exceeds 36 inches. Anthracite and bituminous coals cannot be economically burnt in the same furnace, therefore furnaces should be adapted for either one or the other variety of coal. The height of the level of the grate surface above the fire-room floor is commonly 24 inches, occasionally 26 inches ; this latter distance is rarely exceeded. Ash-Pit. — The vertical depth of the ash-pit is fixed by the height ol the grate surface above the fire-room floor ; this distance will, therefore, approximate 20 inches clear space if the ash-pit floor be level, which is 236 BOILERS AND FURNACES ordinarily the case. Sometimes the ash-pit floor indines to the rear, making it deeper at the bridge-wall than at the furnace front. This makes an easier angle for the removal of ashes, especially if the grate- bars are 6 feet or so in length. The bottom of the ash-pit should have a tight brick or cement floor. Bridge- Wall. — This wall must be strong enough to take the thrust of the implements used in cleaning the fire, and must be thick enough that the joints do not loosen by this action. The top of the bridge- wall should be not less than 13 inches, or i^ bricks, in thickness, and never less than 18 inches thick where it receives the weight and thrust of the grate-bars. The bridge-wall should be faced next the fire and capped with fire-bricks laid in fire-clay. The top of the bridge-wall is sometimes curved to follow that of the boiler, so as to present an equal area for the passage of the gases. This is altogether a matter of fancy, and no additional valuable results are had over carrying the bridge- wall straight across the furnace. This latter has long been, and is now, the common practice in building bridge-walls. It is customary to make a sloping surface from the top of the grates to the top of the bridge- wall, as shown in Fig. 293. So far as affecting combustion, it makes no difference whether this wall is straight, or inclined. Hollow spaces are frequently provided in bridge-walls by which air is introduced into the furnace for the better combustion of bituminous coal. Whilst this device has in many cases been productive of good results, it is not in itself sufficient to make good the loss occasioned by having the furnace itself too small. Fire-Brick Lining. — Steam-boiler furnaces should be Hned with fire-brick at least as far back as the rear end of the bridge-wall. This lining should be capable of repair or complete removal without disturb- ing the side walls. In making provision for relining a furnace with fire- brick, one or two courses of fire-brick "headers" should be used in finishing the top courses of the lining, as shown in Fig. 270. This will permit the removal of the lower without disturbing the upper courses in the wall. One thickness, 4 or 4^ inches, depending on the width of the brick, will suffice ; these bricks should be set in fire-clay mortar. The fire-brick lining should begin at the bottom of the grate-bars, and should include the stepped courses where the top of the furnace is closed in upon the side of the boiler, as in Fig. 270, which represents a wall extending vertically downward from that distance allowed at the top of the furnace for the hot gases to come in contact with the shell of the boiler near the water-line. When the furnace is narrowed to the width of the boiler, or sometimes less, the fire-brick should not be trimmed to fit the angle of the furnace sides, but should be used their full width and backed up by the red brick walls, as in Fig. 271. The fire-brick lining between two boilers when set singly is carried out in the same manner as that just described for the side walls. BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS Fig. 270. Fig. 271. 237 The distance from the side of the boiler at its centre Une to the side wall of furnace, as at A, Fig. 272, varies in practice from 3 inches for 36-inch boilers to 6 inches for 72-inch boilers. This latter distance is Fig. 272. greater than is necessary ; it need not, for all practical purposes, be more than 4 inches. The under side of the top line of fire-bricks where they join the boiler, as at B, should not be much higher than the top of the 238 BOILERS AND FURNACES upper line of tubes ; if this distance were extended up to the water-level no harm could occur, but if above the water-level there would be danger of burning the boiler along that line when forcing the fire before steam was raised in the boiler. Thickness of Walls. — For single walls the thickness should not be less than 2 bricks, varying from 17 to 18 inches, depending upon the locality, and this must be exclusive of any fire-brick lining subject to renewal. The thickness of walls between two boilers ought not in any case to be less than i^ bricks, say 13 inches, to which is to be added the two fire-brick finings of 4 or 4)^ inches each, adding 8 or 9 inches more to the thickness, as shown in Fig. 272. Double Walls. — A considerable economy can be effected by build- ing the furnace-walls double, with an air-space between the outer and inner walls, as shown in Fig. 270. Walls thus constructed prevent radiation of heat and are, therefore, recommended. When constructing hollow walls headers should extend occasionally, say every 2 feet or so, to give support to the walls and prevent the air-space closing up. These headers should merely touch, and must in no case enter or be fastened to the opposite wall. The width of the air-space may be 3 inches for boilers up to 46 inches, and 4 inches for boilers 48 inches and larger in diameter. When two or more boilers are set singly in a battery the thickness of the division walls should be such that an air-space is had of the same width as that of the outer walls. The walls when made hollow are commonly thinner than when they are single. Any cracking of the interior wall is not likely to cause much leakage into the furnace, because the outer wall may still be intact ; if not, the cracks are in plain sight and can be easily remedied. If the walls carry straight down, as in Fig. 270, each wall and the air- space will be parallel from top to bottom, but if the grate is diminished to the diameter of the boiler, as in Fig. 273, the air-space becomes less in width at the top ; this applies also in the case of the dividing walls, as shown in the same engraving. The rear wall of the boiler setting should have an air-space as well as the side walls. See Fig. 207. Air-spaces in furnace-walls have been objected to by some engineers, who never include them in furnace designs, the objection being that two thin walls are weaker than a single wall equalling the combined thick- ness of the two, the thin wall is more liable to crack than a thicker one, and that the saving in radiant heat is not worth the extra cost of the brickwork ; but these objections are not generally held by engineers : when single walls are used, it is usually because the construction costs less money. Brickwork. — Nearly all furnaces for steam boilers are constructed of red bricks. These should be quite hard, so as to produce a ringing sound when struck ; they must be flat, square to each other when laid BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 239 together, and of uniform size and color. The sizes vary for different locaHties, but will average not far from 8^ x 4JE^ x 2j{ inches each. The harder the brick the less water it will absorb and the greater will be its ability for carrying a heavy load. The safe working load on a fair quality of hard-burnt red brickwork well bedded in domestic cement mortar is approximately 10 tons per square foot ; but furnace-walls are not usually thus laid, the mortar being ordinarily of lime and sand, with very little cement, if any be used at all. For light-colored red bricks in common mortar the safe working load would not be more than hall the above. Buff or salmon bricks when resulting from deficient burning should not be used. Fig. 273. Mortar Joints. — The thickness of mortar joints will approximate }( inch ; that is, the average height of four courses of common brick work is 10 inches. The mortar used for boiler settings has commonly been of lime only, but a stronger wall is had if a small proportion of cement be added to it. A very good mortar is made by mixing three parts of good lime mortar with one part of hydraulic cement mortar. The cement may be of domestic manufacture. The sand should be clean and sharp. Fire-bricks should be laid only in fire-clay. Arch bricks should be carefully fitted dry, and when the arch is completed the bricks should 240 BOILERS AND FURNACES Fig. 274. then be set with a thin fire-clay paste, fi-om the same clay as that of the bricks if practicable. The sizes of fire-bricks vary according to locality, but they are commonly larger in every way than red bricks. Buck- Staves. — The cracking of any brick wall, hot on one side and cold on the other, cannot be entirely prevented. Thick walls offer a greater resistance to cracking, but it is only a question of time when the continued action of the furnace-heat will cause any furnace-wall to crack, regard- less of its thickness. When furnace- walls begin to open, the joints should be filled with a thin fire-clay grout, poured into the opening, which will pre- vent the admission of cold air through the walls into the furnace. A buck- stave is shown in Fig. 274. Stay-rods extend through from side to side of the furnace at top and bottom, as shown. Buck-staves are commonly made of cast iron. Their use is to prevent the spread- ing of the furnace-walls ; to best secure this end, the web should be of con- siderable depth, from 4 to 6 inches, depending on the diameter of the boiler. These are usually placed 4 to 5 feet apart on the side walls. Combustion-Chamber.^-The space back of the bridge-wall is popularly known as a combustion-chamber, but it is doubtful if much, or if any, combustion takes place after the gases pass the bridge-wall, or beyond the immediate vicinity of the bridge-wall, in case hot air is ad- mitted at that point. This space is thought by some to be useful as a reservoir for the heated gases, breaking up the rapid current which would otherwise flow in a line parallel to the bottom of the boiler and thence through the tubes to the chimney, not giving out as much heat as would be the case if this volume of hot gases could be interrupted in its passage and proceed with a slower movement, but this argument is far- fetched and probably not true. Boiler- tests made with a combustion- chamber, as shown in Fig. 275, have given practically the same results as when filled in, as shown in Fig. 217, showing that it is immaterial whether a combustion- chamber is provided or not. The flow of furnace gases over the top of the bridge-wall will not work downward to fill this large space with heated gases at the same temperature as the furnace, but will follow along the boiler-shell to the rear end, where they turn upward and flow through the tubes to the chimney. As no combustion takes place in this chamber, and the temperature is much higher than that of the BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 241 atmosphere, the side walls must of necessity- radiate heat. For this reason it has become a common practice to fill in the combustion- chamber with earth, as shown in Fig. 295, leaving room enough at the rear end for a cleaning door for taking out the ashes which ac- cumulate there. Back Connec- tions. — These are con- structed usually in two ways, the practice being quite evenly divided between the plate, as shown in Fig. 277, and the arched connections, as shown in Fig. 278. The arch consists of a cast-iron skeleton filled in with fire-brick and afterwards with earth to make it air-tight. The back plate affords easy access to the end of the boiler and plenty of light at the same time. Either of the two are good, but the cover- ing of the joints with earth should not be neg- lected, or cold draughts of air at that point will lower the temperature of the gases passing into the tubes. The arched connec- tion at the rear of the boiler is made up of cast- iron segments, as shown in Fig, 279. These rest 242 BOILERS AND FURNACES Ftg. 277. Fig. 278. upon the rear wall and against the boiler, an angle-iron about 2x2 inches being attached to the boiler-head to form a suitable support. Another form of arched connection is shown in Fig. 280, in which an arch springs from the two side-walls ; this is also shown in Fig. 299. Fig. 279. Boiler Covering. — Any non-conducting covering will answer, pro- vided it contains nothing that will act injuriously on the shell of the boiler in case of a steam leak. Boilers ought not to be covered until Fig. 280. they have steamed sufficiently to be sure that no leaks occur in the joints. A good covering consists in laying narrow strips, say 2 or 3 inches wide, of pine boards i inch thick over the top of the boiler BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 243 from the brick ledges on either side, and then covering all with a 4-inch brick arch resting on these narrow strips, as shown in Fig. 281. The only objection to this covering is, that in case of a leak almost the whole top must come off to get at a joint. Another method is, to cover the whole surface of the top of the boiler with asbestos board about ^-inch thick, and on top of this narrow strips of pine, say 2 inches wide and i inch thick, and covering again with clay to a depth of 4 to 6 inches. This clay can be easily shovelled off when not wanted, and the pine- strips removed, the asbestos board preventing the loose clay coming in contact with the boiler. Asbestos board with additional hair-felt clothing makes a good covering. Carrying the products of combustion over the top of a boiler, as shown in Fig. 275, is quite generally practised in some localities. This, of course, prevents any radiation from the boiler, because the tempera- ture of the escaping gases is always higher than that of the steam. A jacket of hot gas over the top of the boiler, as shown in Fig. 282, is frequently employed, and affords complete protection against heat radiation from the boiler. Both of these styles of boiler settings have been seriously opposed because of the supposed liability of the hot gases passing over the top of a boiler-shell to cause overheating, especially in the interval between starting a fire under a cold boiler and filling the steam-space with steam. Referring to Fig. 275, the products of combustion from the grate pass along the under side of the boiler to the rear, then return through the tubes to the front, and thence back again, along and over the top sheets of the boiler-shell to the rear, where they are finally conducted to the chimney. The overheating of the top sheets, so far as the writer is aware, has never occurred, nor ought it to be expected in any properly designed boiler setting not using a powerful fan-blast. No injury could accrue to the shell at a temperature below red heat (900° Fahr.), and it is scarcely possible that any such temperature, or more than the half ot it, ever reaches the top portion of the shell of a boiler not under steam. In any boiler setting in which there is a ratio of 30 square feet of heat- 244 BOILERS AND FURNACES ing to I square foot of grate surface, employing a natural draft, there is probably no danger whatever that the top of the sheets will ever become overheated. Fig. 282. Smoke-Connections. — Flue boilers are almost invariably and tubular boilers quite frequently made with flush ends, without smoke- box extension. The smoke-box Fig. 283. jg therefore made to bolt directly to the end of the boiler, and for a single boiler is similar to that shown in Fig. 283, in which case an iron chimney may start directly from the smoke-box, or a pipe may convey the products of com- bustion into a chimney alongside. A design for a smoke-con- nection for two or more boilers is shown in Fig. 284, Each boiler should be provided with its own damper when they are set sepa- rately. These smoke-connections empty into a common breeching, from which a central chimney of wrought iron is intended to be fitted, but if a brick or other chimney be located at the side of the boiler, a combined smoke-box and breech- ing, as shown in Fig. 285, is commonly fitted. Half- Arch Front. — For tubular boilers the very general practice is to extend the front sheet sufficiently to make a smoke-box by simply 'I I I I I BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS Fig. 2S 245 Fig. 285. 246 BOILERS AND FURNACES closing the end with a cast-iron front with a hinged door, as shown in Fig. 286. In this case, whatever distance the smoke-box projects be- yond, the head extends into the fire-room, and is of more or less annoy- ance to the fireman. The extension of the shell makes a stronger base Fig. 286. for the wrought-iron chimney to rest upon than when this smoke-box is bolted to the front head ; when a brick chimney is employed a wrought- iron pipe connects it with the smoke-box. Full Square Front. — Another method is to bring the whole front out far enough to include the depth of the smoke-box between the outer line of the fire-front and the inner face of the fire-brick lining. Such a construction is shown in Fig. 287. One objection to this method of boiler-setting is that the fire-brick lining of the front must equal the depth of the smoke-box, and this necessitates fire-door liners from 13 to 18 inches deep, making it somewhat more difficult to attend and clean the fires than is the case with the ordinary depth of linings. A cast-iron plate. Fig. 288, serves as a base for a wrought-iron chimney or to receive a breeching-pipe connecting with a brick chimney at one side. This plate is anchored in the brickwork immediately back of the fire-front. This style of front presents a neat appearance and usually receives more or less of decoration, according to the fancy of the designer. Nay lor' s fire-front, shown in Fig. 289, overcomes the objection to the deep fire-brick lining, referred to above, by recessing the cast-iron front, bringing the fire-door to within the narrow thickness of a half- arch front, and filling in the space between the arch over the fire-door BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 247 and the bottom of the boiler with fire-brick, — a detail clearly shown in the two sectional drawings which accompany the front elevation. Fire-Doors. — For boilers of the locomotive type and internally fired boilers generally these are commonly fitted to cast-iron frames bolted to the shell of the boiler. Such a door is shown in Fig. 290. Fig. 2S7. The door and frame should have planed surfaces to make a tight joint ; the hinges should be of unusual strength to withstand the rough usage of a fire-room. The perforated lining shown may be of cast iron ; the perforations are simply round holes about ^ inch in diameter, and may be drilled in the pattern, so that the rough casting will have all the holes included in it. A bolt passing through the lining, distance-piece, and the door make a simple and substantial fastening. A butterfly register opening is usually included in the door-casting. Fig. 288. Butman's fire-door is shown in Fig. 291. The frame of the door is bolted against the fire-front, or against the boiler, as the case may be. Unlike the ordinary fire-door, this door is hinged to open upward, the counter -weight being slightly more than sufficient to overbalance the door and raise it when the latch underneath the door is carried down a sufficient distance to release it. The weight has a segment of a gear 248 BOILERS AND FURNACES Fig. 289. o "oroj i On 0X0 ^ P lo"oi l [ M o^ob ; Fig. 290. BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 249 cast inside, as shown in the engravings, into which a similar toothed segment, fitted to the door, is geared, and thus the movements of the door and weight are controlled by each other. On the same central shaft, around which the weight oscillates, is also secured a deflecting- plate. When the door is closed, as in Fig. 291, the deflecting-plate is wholly within the housing. A butterfly register is attached to the door, through which a greater or less quantity of air may be admitted. When the deflecting-plate is down, as shown in Fig. 291, the air passes under- neath its lower edges, and is thus brought into close surface contact with the burning fuel. When the furnace door is opened to supply fresh fuel the deflecting-plate is thrown out horizontally, as shown in Fig. 291. Fig. 292 Fig. 292. The object of this deflecting-plate is to prevent the cold air from impinging directly against the bottom of the boiler, but to so direct its course that it shall mingle with the heated gases immediately over the fire. Examples of Furnace Construction. — In Chapter VI., Fig. 209, is given an illustration of the ordinary method of setting cylinder boilers ; Fig. 217, that of flue boilers, except that the earth filUng is not always included ; indeed, for flue boilers this filling is the exception rather than the rule. Horizontal tubular boilers are set with a considerable variety of detail. Taking the country at large, the ordinary setting shown at Fig. 293 is, perhaps, more largely employed than any other ; it repre- sents a boiler suspended on side wings and with a half front, as shown in Fig. 286. The distance from the underside of the boiler to the top of the grates may be 24 inches for anthracite coal, 26 to 30 inches for semi-bituminous coals, and 36 to 48 inches for rich bituminous coals. 17 250 BOILERS AND FURNACES Fig. 293. Fig. 294. BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 251 The distance from boiler to top of bridge-wall may be 16 inches for all furnaces, regardless of diameter of boiler or kind of fuel used. The distance from bottom of boiler to top of rear division wall may be 12 inches for all sizes of boilers. It has long been the practice to curve the top of this wall, as shown in the curved line in Fig. 273, but no special advantage is had by so doing. It is becoming the usual practice to fill in the space between the bridge-wall and the rear division wall with earth, as shown in Fig. 294, covering the top of it with a single layer of red brick ; in this case the top of the wall is not curved, but extends straight across the furnace, the same as the bridge-wall. A design of furnace for horizontal tubular boilers by the Hartford Steam-Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company is shown in sectional elevation in Fig. 295. In this design the rear divi- ^^^- ^96- sion wall is omitted ; the space back of the bridge- wall is filled in at the in- chnation shown in the drawing and afterwards covered with brick. A cleaning-door is shown at the rear end of the boiler- wall. A cross - section through the furnace show- ing the width of grate and the details of the fire-brick lining is given in Fig. 296. A plan of the boiler showing the air-space be- tween the walls is given in Fig. 297 ; so also the points of suspension of the boiler, showing the details of brickwork upon which the side wings rest. A large number of boilers are set in this manner and yield excellent results. A furnace design for carrying the products of combustion over the top of the boiler is shown in Fig. 275. In this drawing there is no rear division wall and no filling in back of the bridge-wall. This furnace was designed for burning bituminous coal, and it was thought that this rear combustion-chamber might be advantageous in affording a better ad- mixture of gases and better combustion, — results which were probably not realized. A fiirnace designed for two boilers, set singly, by Charles Edgerton, is shown in longitudinal elevation in Fig. 298. In this case the com- 252 BOILERS AND FURNACES bustion-chamber is filled up to the level of the grates. It will be noticed that the bridge-wall is of unusual depth. The products of combustion pass to the rear of the boiler, thence through the tubes to the front, and over the top of the boiler to the chimney. A damper is placed near the exit of the gases for controlling the draft. Fig. 297. Fig. 299 gives two cross-sectional elevations : one through the fur- nace showing details of the fire-brick lining, as well as a flue over the top of the boiler for conducting the furnace gases to the chimney ; the other half of this engraving illustrates a detail of fire-brick lining to the cast- iron fronts, forming also the smoke-chamber around the sides and at the front end of the boiler. A plan of the flues on top of the boilers is shown in the sectional drawing, Fig. 300. This drawing also shows the location of the chimney, which in this case was made of metal and attached to a cast-iron base-plate resting upon one corner of the boiler setting, as shown. The horizontal tubular boiler setting shown in sectional elevation, Fig. 301, is by W. Barnet LeVan. The boiler has a superheating drum attached by a wrought-metal connection, also shown in the illustration. This detail was prepared in recognition of the fact that steam cannot ordinarily be superheated when in contact with the water from which it was generated. The drum is, therefore, isolated and attached to the main shell by a single connection, located at the front end of the boiler. The delivery of steam is from the rear end of the superheating drum. The latter is of sufficient size to allow ample time for the highly heated gases which outwardly surround and also pass through the tubes in the drum to evaporate any entrained water in the steam -drum before it passes ofl" to the engine. It will be noted that in the furnace details a bridge-wall of somewhat unusual construction is provided. The combustion-chamber beyond is. BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 253 Fig. 298. Fig. 299. 254 BOILERS AND FURNACES Fig. 300. Fig. 301. BOILER FURNACES AND SETTINGS 555 In this combustion-chamber is a openings, as shown in the cross- FiG. 302. on the same level with the grates, rear division wall, with checkered sectional elevation, Fig. 302. This wall becoming highly heated is intended to act as a regenerator and to promote combustion of the uncombined gases on their way to the rear of the boiler. The gases are baffled in their flow, and in passing through these openings are thoroughly mingled and re- ceive an additional supply of heated air conducted into this chamber through register open- ings not shown In the engraving. After the gases pass through this division wall, they are then in the rear chamber ; from thence they pass through the tubes of the boiler to the front end. They are then conducted upward into another chamber, in which is lo- cated the superheating drum. The gases not only surround the drum, but pass through the tubes with which this superheating drum is fitted. They then pass through a damper ol somewhat unusual construction, and from thence to the chimney. CHAPTER VIII. INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS. Internally fired boilers are those in which the furnace is included within the structure of the boiler itself The commonest varieties of internally fired boilers are : The ordinary vertical tubular boiler, a cylindrical shell in which is enclosed a cylindrical fire-box, with numerous tubes leading directly from the furnace to the upper head of the shell. Sometimes vertical boilers are made with a single flue, especially in localities where the water is bad. The Cornish boiler, a cylindrical horizontal shell fitted with a single horizontal flue, one end of which is made the furnace. This boiler is rarely met with in this country. The Lancashire boiler, a cylindrical horizontal shell with two hori- zontal flues and furnaces. There are a variety of designs for marine and land boilers, consisting in the main of a shell of large diameter in which are one or more large flues fitted with grate-bars ; the furnace being constructed within the flue, the products of combustion are returned from the combustion- chamber at the rear end of the boiler forward to the fire-room, and from thence to the chimney. The rectangular enclosed fire-box combined with an outer shell, to which is attached a cyHndrical shell containing numerous horizontal tubes leading directly from the furnace to the smoke-box. It is a type of boiler well known to engineers as the locomotive boiler, though its use is not restricted to such service. Such boilers are constructed in great variety, both as to size and detail. Vertical Tubular Boilers. — The ordinary construction of a ver- tical tubular boiler consists of an outer shell containing a cylindrical fire- box and vertical tubes, as shown in Fig. 303. Boilers of this type are made in considerable numbers for small powers in combination with steam engines, pumps, etc. These boilers are ordinarily fitted with tubes 2 inches in diameter, and the largest diameter of tubes even for very large boilers seldom exceeds 2^ inches. The upper end of the tubes are located in the steam-space, and result in giving the steam a slight superheating. For ordinary vertical boilers as many tubes are placed in the top of the furnace or crown-sheet as can be conveniently arranged ; the diam- 256 INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 257 Fig, eter of furnace is made as large as the outer shell will permit. The aggregate tube area will approximate one-fourth that of the grate area, a higher ratio than obtains in horizontal boiler practice. The fire-box affords an excellent evaporating surface, and for that reason it should be as high as possible and maintain a good circulation between it and the outer shell. The circulation will be improved if the fire-box be made slightly conical. The furnace height will be governed somewhat by the fuel to be used : if bitumi- nous coal, the height may be from 30 to 48 inches, according to the size of the boiler ; if anthracite coal, the height may be from 24 to 36 inches. In general, furnaces for soft coal should be high enough to form an ample com- bustion-chamber and prevent the formation of smoke, the usual accompaniment of low fur- naces and small combustion -chambers. The length of tubes in vertical boilers will vary according to the purpose for which they are designed. These boilers are largely used by contractors, who move them around from place to place, according to the necessities of their business. As economy of fuel is not so generally practised in contracting as in a fixed business, an increase in diameter with its larger fire-box is usually preferred to that of height, which gives merely additional length of tube. If, however, it is to be used as a stationary boiler, the height should be as great as is per- missible for the location. Short tubes under heavy firing are apt to burn out at the upper tube-sheet, and this is one argument for in- creasing their length, that more absorbing surface may intervene, with the consequent re- duction in temperature of the gases escaping at the chimney. Notwith- . standing the increased length of the tube, there is danger at all times in overheating the tops of the tubes when raising steam from cold water, and for this reason the fire should not be urged until after steaming has begun. To obviate this fault, boilers are sometimes made with sub- merged tubes, as in Figs. 304 and 305, which show two methods of constructing the upper chamber. The conical one is to be preferred, as giving more steam-room than would be the case with a chamber having vertical sides and a flanged head. The cost of manufacture would also be less, but as no protection is afforded the plate surface, which is thus made to take the place of the tube surface, the change is at best one of doubtful utility. 258 BOILERS AND FURNACES TABLE XLV. PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS OF VERTICAL BOILERS WITH FULL-LENGTH TUBES AS FURNISHED BY THE TRADE, FIG. 303. to Sheli-. Fttrnatk. Flanged Tubes 2 Inches ^ rt Heads. IN Diameter. g S i i v: i 0) (J) u c A S n •s -i^ E .S? ^ be g •b i .3 U a ffi H P ffi H E- kJ ^ ffi Q H.-P. Ins. Ft. In. Ins. Ins. In. In. Ins. Sq. Ft. Ins. 4 24 4 3^ 20 24 '4 24 31 44 12 5 24 5 54 20 24 K / 36 31 60 12 6 24 6 Ji 20 24 V4 ^8 48 31 75 12 8 30 5 X 25 27 X H 33 55 92 14 10 30 6 X 25 27 X H 45 55 121 14 12 30 7 Ji 25 27 ^ H 57 55 150 14 15 36 6K2 X 31 27 J4 H 51 77 189 15 18 36 7 ^ 31 27 ^ H 57 77 210 15 20 36 8 X 31 27 X 69 77 250 15 25 42 7% /^ 37 27 X H 60 109 307 18 30 42 8X A 37 27 X Vs 72 109 364 18 35 42 q^ ^^ 37 27 X ^8 84 109 422 18 40 48 8/. 43 30 X n 72 149 496 20 45 48 9 A 43 30 X y. 7« 149 535 20 50 48 10 A 43 30 X y 90 149 613 20 60 54 9 T^U 48 30 X Y% 7« 201 716 24 TABLE XLVL PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS OF VERTICAL BOILERS WITH SUBMERGED TUBES, AS FURNISHED BY THE TRADE, FIG. 304. ho Shell. Furnace. Flanged Heads. Tubes 2 Inches IN Diameter. 1 a i & "3 U 'r, "2 S ^ !r; S 8 u 'o fc s s J3 t; I c 5 '^ •a .s "S 2 2 s 3 ■ s s .3 u ffi H 5 ffi H H J ^ ffi K U H.-P. Ins. Ft. In. Ins. Ins. In. In. Ins. Sq. Ft. In. 4 24 5J^ X 20 24 X Vz 24 31 18 44 12 5 24 6 J4 20 24 '4 y% 30 31 18 52 12 6 24 6J^ X 20 24 % n 36 31 18 60 12 8 30 6 X 25 27 X y 27 55 18 83 14 10 30 6J/3 X 25 27 X y% 33 55 18 98 14 12 36 6^2 X 31 27 X /8 33 77 18 133 15 15 36 7 X 31 27 K ^ 39 77 18 15 18 36 8 X 31 27 X /8 51 77 18 196 15 20 42 7J^. «H. 37 27 X 39 109 24 215 18 25 42 8 /^ 37 27 X >^ 45 109 24 244 18 30 42 9 A 37 27 X ^8 57 109 24 301 18 35 48 9 , VIT 43 30 X y% 51 149 27 370 20 40 48 9J^2 fk 43 30 X y% 57 149 27 409 20 45 48 10 43 30 X y& 63 149 27 448 20 54 9^2 T6 48 30 X y?, 54 201 30 518 24 60 54 IO>^ A 48 30 X y 66 201 30 623 24 INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 259 A vertical flue boiler, as shown in Fig. 306, was formerly much used in the South and West for small powers in localities where the water was bad. The absence of tubes made it a comparatively easy matter to rid the boiler of any accumulated scale on the crown-sheet. The fire- box in boilers of this kind was commonly higher than was the case with tubular boilers ; the average height was approximately one-half the ver- tical height of the boiler. In some cases an internal sheet-metal lining was inserted in the central flue as far down as the water-line, the object of which was to prevent overheating the flue when getting up steam from cold water. This kind of boiler yields fairly good results, but is not as much in use as formerly. Fig. 304. Fig. 305. Fig. 306. The expansion of the interior portion of a vertical tubular boiler over that of the outer shell, when arranged as in Fig. 303, is considerable, caused by the upward movement of the fire-box as well as the lengthen- ing of the tubes, these being of higher temperature than the outer shell, to which they are both attached. This expansion generally manifests itself by the continual leakage of tubes in the crown-sheet. Economy of floor space combined with moderate first cost has contributed much towards making vertical boilers popular when the conditions are favorable for their installation, the water actually evap- orated per pound of coal equalling that of any other type. The 26o BOILERS AND FURNACES principal objection to vertical boilers of large power is the height, a loo-horse-power boiler approximating 24 feet. On the other hand, vertical boilers secure an economy of floor space not equalled by any other type. The boiler above referred to would require not more than 7 feet square for its foundation ; a horizontal tubular for the same power would require a space of about 10 x 20 feet. Cleaning a vertical boiler and removing any deposits on the crown- sheet is at all times a difficult and uncertain operation, the causes for which are easily to be seen by an inspection of the arrangement of tubes shown in Fig. 307, which fairly represents the common method of tube spacing and construction. A better arrangement of tubes is Fig. 307. Fig. 308. that designed by Reynolds for vertical tubular boilers, and shown in Fig. 308. Handhole-plates must be inserted at the crown-sheet level, as well as at the bottom of the water-leg, for cleaning purposes, not less than three at each line. Priming is a common fault in vertical tubular boilers, due mostly to the insertion of an unnecessarily large number of fire-tubes in the fire-box head. The commercial rating of vertical tubular boilers is 12 square feet of heating surface per horse-power, but this is a misleading factor, because one-quarter to one-half of the tube surface is above the water-level, and in no wise assists evaporation. The tube surface not being as effective as the fire-box surface for evaporation, the area through the tubes need not, therefore, be more than that necessary for the proper escape of the gases. The fire-box heating surface is highly effective and does the greater part of the work, but, making allowance for this, no less than 12 square feet of heating surface should be allowed per horse-power. Retarders or radiators may be used to advantage in vertical-boiler tubes, descriptions of which are given on pages 197 and 199. INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 26 1 The Reynolds Boiler. — The tubes in this design are set in rows radiating from a large manhole located over the fire-door and bottom tube-sheet, as shown in Fig. 308. The tubes and crown-sheet over the furnace can be inspected and cleaned when the manhole cover is removed. Handholes are located opposite the manhole for admitting light for inspecting and inserting a hose-nozzle for washing the tubes and crown-sheet. Handholes are placed at intervals around the base, whereby any sediment collected in the water-legs may be removed. The feed-water is pumped into the internal reservoir through the feed- pipe, shown in the sectional elevation, Fig. 309. This reservoir being closed at the bottom, the discharge into the boiler is over the top, and, it being so much larger than the feed-pipe, the current upward is very slow ; consequently the feed-water gains the same temperature as the water in the boiler before it is discharged into the boiler. This action is effective in precipitating nearly all of the heavy impurities carried in with the feed-water, which can be blown out of the reservoir by a blow-off arranged for the purpose. By carrying the water in the boiler slightly above the top of the reservoir, it can be utilized as a surface blow-off to free the boiler of scum or light impurities collected on the surface of the water. The smoke-hood on top of the boiler is furnished with a revolving top having a movable cover. For the purpose of cleaning the flues this cover is removed, and only a small portion of the total number of flues is exposed at one time. This arrangement enables the fireman to clean the flues while the boilers are in operation. Vertical boilers usually furnish dry steam by reason of the tube sur- face above the water-level. Frequent tests of this boiler show from 10° to 40° Fahr. superheating. The Manning Boiler. — This boiler is represented in sectional ele- vation in Fig. 310, accompanied by three cross-sectional drawings rep- resenting sections through the fire-box, the tubes, and the smoke-box. It will be observed that the fire-box is much larger than is common in vertical tubular boiler construction. In all cases it is larger than the diameter of the waist, or upper cyHndrical shell. This is made possible by the double-flanged connection between the waist and the outer fire- box shell. This connection serves another purpose, in providing for the expansion and contraction between the tubes and the outer shell. The ability to increase the diameter of the fire-box to the exact point where the proportion of grate area to heating surface is such as to give the best possible results with the most economical firing is a valuable one. The tubes have their length so proportioned to their diameter that the temperature of the escaping gases is not higher than that necessary to produce a good draught, about 500° Fahr., the proportion in the case of a 100 horse-power boiler being 15 feet in length for a 2^-inch 262 BOILERS AND FURNACES ^ X INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 263 Fig. 310. 264 BOILERS AND FURNACES tube, or 72 to I. This proportion insures ample draught and prevents injury to the tubes in the top head that are unprotected by water. Too much draught in a vertical boiler is worse than too little, as the fuel is wasted and, what is even worse, the tubes are soon burnt out and destroyed. With an insufficient draught the boiler will, of course, fail in efficiency. The outer fire-box shell is carried well above the head, and handholes are placed exactly on a line with the crown-sheet. The tubes are placed in straight rows, and at right angles to one another extend two cleaning-channels of ample size, shown in sections A and B. A bent tube connected with a hose can be inserted through the handholes and be- tween the rows of tubes, whereby the crown-sheet can be thor- oughly washed and cleaned. The outer-shell plates, which bear the greatest strain and which it is impossible to brace or strengthen by stay-bolting, re- ceive no heat from the fire and can therefore be made of any required thickness.. In the fire- box, on the other hand, where ^^ the sheets come in direct contact /H,\ ijiljiiil j ^^^j!i ^ I with the fire, they can be made \J ',' ijijjiliji \^^^i!i w I thin enough to prevent their ■ '''■ ' burning, and the requisite strength is gained by stay-bolts. The tubes, being of standard di- mensions, have a thickness far in excess of that required to enable them to bear any collapsing strain to which they may be sub- jected. In the water-leg are placed a number of handholes and a cleaning-chain, by means of which any INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 265 sediment that may have accumulated there can be stirred up and removed. The Cornish Boiler, Figs. 311 and 312, derives its name from the circumstance that boilers of this type were first used in the Cornish mines ; they are still used in England for small and medium powers. It consists of an outer shell, within which is a flue of sufficient size to permit its being fitted with a furnace for the combustion of the fuel. The products of combustion pass to the rear end of the boiler, where they divide and return along the sides of the boiler to the front, where they are again united and pass into a flue underneath the shell to the rear end of the boiler and from thence to the chimney. The external flues alongside the boiler are built of ordinary red bricks lined with fire- bricks. By reason of the large diameter of the flue and its liability to collapse under a high pressure, the latter was formerly restricted to 45 pounds per square inch, but with improved construction these boilers are now made for any ordinary pressure, though commonly not more than 100 pounds. The principal dimensions of the ordinary sizes used in England are : Diameter of shell, 3 feet 6 inches, 4 feet 3 inches, 5 feet, 5 feet 6 inches, 6 feet. Length of shell, 8 feet, 12 feet, 15 feet, 18 feet, 22 feet. Diameter of flue, 2 feet 2 inches, 2 feet 4 inches, 2 feet 9 inches, 3 feet 3 inches, 3 feet 6 inches. The efficiency of the Cornish boiler was tested incidentally in a series of fuel experiments made in England, in which it appeared that in a mean of thirty-seven experiments, using Welsh coal, 9 pounds of water at 212° Fahr. were converted into steam at any working pressure per pound of fuel ; a mean of eighteen experiments, using Newcastle coals, gave 8.37 pounds of water evaporated as above ; and a mean of twenty- eight experiments, using Lancashire coals, gave 7.94 pounds evaporation under the same conditions. A Cornish boiler 6 feet in diameter by 28 feet long, having a single flue 3 feet 6 inches in diameter, fitted with grates 4 feet 6 inches long, yielding 15 square feet of net grate surface, burned 7.24 pounds of coal per square foot of grate, or 0.19 pound per square foot of heating sur- face per hour, evaporating 9.9 pounds of water from 51° Fahr. into steam at 60 pounds pressure by gauge, an evaporation of 11.86 pounds of water from and at 212° Fahr. per pound of bituminous coal. Taking into account the calorimetric value of the coal, the efficiency of the boiler was 0.77. Lancashire Boilers. — When the outer shell of a boiler on the Cornish plan exceeds 5^ or 6 feet in diameter, a flue of excessive diameter would be required to get a proper width of grate. It is well known that flues are less able to resist a collapse as they increase in 18 266 BOILERS AND FURNACES diameter. Inasmuch as a proper width of grate can be secured by the use of two smaller flues without the risks attending the use of one large flue, it is a better construction if boilers are thus fitted, and this particular construction of the Cornish boiler is called a Lancashire boiler. The principal dimensions of the three leading sizes used in England are here given : Diameter of shell, 6 feet, 6 feet 6 inches, 7 feet. Length of shell, 20 feet to 28 feet, 20 feet to 30 feet, 24 feet to 30 feet. Diameter of each flue, 2 feet 3 inches, 2 feet 6 inches, 2 feet 9 inches. In practical working it is customary to fire the furnaces alternately, so that while the one is giving off smoke and unburnt hydrocarbon gases, the other is burning briskly and with the greatest heating effect. By this arrangement, when the gases from the two furnaces mix in the external flues, the unburnt gases given off by the freshly charged fire are burned by the excess of air which has passed through the other furnace, being raised to the point of ignition by the great heat of the gases from the bright fire. The Galloway Boiler. — This boiler, as manufactured by the Edgemoor Iron Company, is a modification of the Lancashire boiler. A sectional elevation of a boiler 7 feet in diameter by 28 feet in length is given in Fig. 313. It has two furnaces 2 feet 10 inches in diameter by 7 feet 9 inches in length ; the metal is ^ inch thick, welded seams, flanged at each end to form three lengths riveted together with a central stiffening ring similar to the detail shown in Fig. 161. These two furnaces merge into a combustion-chamber of segmental cross-section, shown in Figs. 314 and 315. This chamber is fitted with tapered water- tubes for the purpose of increasing the effective heating surface of the boiler and to promote a better circulation of water ; they also act as stays, largely increasing the strength of the flue to which .they are fitted. The diameters of the flanges and necks of these tubes are such that an opening which will allow the smaller flange to pass through will be of proper diameter for the inside of the larger flange. They are riveted in place as shown. A sectional-plan view of the boiler is given in Fig. 316, in which the arrangement of the two furnaces and the conical water-tubes is clearly shown. This view also shows six corrugations along each side of the combustion-chamber, adding to the stiffness of the latter and assisting in the deflecting and diffusion of gases back of the furnace. The shell of the boiler is ^ inch thick, heads y^g inch thick, the fire- box and conical tubes are ^ inch thick ; all the other plates are y^ inch thick except the gusset-plates, which are -^ inch. The gusset-plates are shown in Figs. 317 and 318, which represent front- and rear-end views of this boiler. INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 267 268 BOILERS AND FURNACES INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 269 Brick Setting. — The boiler is supported at the front by means of a brick pier, which is built tight to the boiler for about one-third of its circumference. See Figs. 313 and 3 1 9. The remainder of the brickwork at the front end of the boiler is built free from the shell, allowing a space of about one-half inch to be filled with asbestos- fibre or other non con- ducting and elastic substance. After the inner side and end walls and the first 9 - inch arch-covering is laid, they are covered with a layer of mortar, and a wrought-iron case (No. 22 black iron) is then put on and bedded into the layer of mortar. The iron sheets form- ing the case are united with roofers' standing joints, which are laid down flat with the rest of the casing. This casing covers the ends, sides, and top arch, and after it is put on the external courses of brick are laid. See Fig. 320. This iron casing prevents air being drawn into the boiler chamber and insures the temperature of the gases surrounding the boiler to be higher than that of the con- tained steam. The rear end of the boiler is supported on a cast-iron ex- pansion-rocker, shown in Fig. 313, behind which is built a small brick pier, which does not touch the boiler by about three quarters of an inch. This pier is built as a precautionary measure against accident to the rocker- casting. Without this pier, a failure of the rocker support would allow the boiler to fall with disaster to itself and its setting. The boiler set as above described 2/0 BOILERS AND FURNACES INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 271 is free to expand and contract without touching the brickwork of the setting, except at the front end, where it is built fast and is stationary. The brickwork, being exposed to but low temperatures, will not be affected by the expansion and contraction of the boiler. It can neither be cracked by the heat nor racked by the motion of the boiler, as must occur with the ordinary brick setting. Fig. 319. Fig. 320. The nozzles and manhole project through the covering arch in the brick setting. A space is left in the brickwork surrounding the nozzle to be filled with asbestos-fibre or other non-conducting and elastic substance impervious to the passage of air. The damper-flue leading to chimney is shown relatively to the boiler in Figs, 313 and 319. So, also, the location of the bottom-blow under the grating at the boiler front ; the location of the surface-blow is shown in Fig. 318, The feed-pipe enters either from the top, as shown in Fig, 313, or from the front head, as in Fig, 318. A fusible plug, which will melt out when the water-line is about three inches deep over the fire- boxes, is screwed into each fire-box. The Philadelphia Rules and Regulations require two safety-valves to be set for service on each steam boiler. Fig. 313 shows one of these to be of the lever and weight variety, the outer a spring safety-valve similar to Fig, 418, The steam- and water-spaces are very large, — larger, perhaps, than 272 BOILERS AND FURNACES any other type of boiler of similar capacity. Large steam-liberating surface, if the circulation underneath is good, is usually productive of dry steam, tending to coal economy and higher efficiency in the engine. Scotch Boiler. — An internally fired boiler by the Continental Iron- Works is shown in sectional elevation, together with two cross-sections, front and rear views, in Figs. 321-325. It will be observed that the boiler consists of a horizontal cylindrical shell having an internal fur- nace-flue, in one end of which the fire-grate is located, the other end ter- minating in a fire-brick-lined back connection or combustion-chamber, which is contained in the casing forming an extension of the shell proper. The products of combustion are conducted therefrom through horizontal tubes and delivered into the sheet-iron breeching attached to the front head of the boiler. This breeching may be connected directly with the smoke-stack, or, where a group of boilers is employed, it may be attached to an uptake, leading to a common chimney. Several modifications of this design may be made. The boiler, il large enough in diameter, may be arranged to contain two or more fur- naces, or it may be provided with a comparatively short furnace, ter- minating in a combustion-chamber, from which the tubes lead direct to a smoke-connection at the rear of the boiler without returning forward over the furnace, forming what is known as a gun-boat boiler, numerous examples of which are in use in the United States navy and by several water-woirks corporations. Fig. 326 being an illustration of recent in- stallations by the Philadelphia Water Department. The furnace is the important part of an internally fired boiler. Mor- ison's suspension furnace is the one illustrated here. It is necessary that the furnace be able to resist the collapsing pressure to which it is subjected. It must be longitudinally elastic, and of such external form as to admit of its being readily freed from accumulations of scale, grease, or other deposit. The furnace shown in Fig. 321 is corrugated, the details of which are better illustrated in Fig. 160. It meets successfully all the above somewhat exacting conditions, and, in addition, the undu- lations in the furnace surfaces act as baffle-plates to the passage of the furnace gases, causing them to mechanically mix, thus producing a better combustion than is practicable with smooth furnaces. The addi- tional heating surface in the most active portion of the boiler, due to the corrugations, adds to its evaporative power. Gun- Boat Boiler. — The city of Philadelphia recently installed 24 boilers, from designs by J. E. Codman, in the Queen-Lane Water- Works Pumping Station, of which a longitudinal sectional elevation is shown in Fig. 326, and a cross- sectional elevation in Fig. 327, the latter being on a larger scale than the former. This design will be recognized as one much used for marine purposes. The boiler illustrated is 8 feet 6 inches in diameter by 20 feet long. The shell-plates are ^ inch thick, with double-welt butt-joints on the longitudinal seams and double-riveted in INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS Fig. 321. 273 274 BOILERS AND FURNACES INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 275 2/6 BOILERS AND FURNACES the circumferential seams ; a detail of this joint is given in Fig. 328. The heads are ^ inch thick. There are two Fox corrugated furnaces 3 feet 6 inches in diameter by 8 feet long, the longitudinal seams of which are welded. The metal is ^| inch thick ; the corrugations are on 6-inch centres. Fig. 328. 'O O ff-e, o -& rP j'/^i ^■^M- o -it-o- o 1 cb I o 0000-- 000 \io -i o 9 o o o o o- o I o o o o o o o o >o -O-v^ o ! o 000 o---C^- o CD 0000 00000- cb I 9 I o --^"o- I --O ^"vl; — - o\ -O/ ^si^-^^ The combustion-chamber is situated midway in the boiler ; its form is clearly shown in the two elevations. The front head is flanged to receive the rear ends of the two furnaces ; the back head is fitted with 90 tubes 4 inches in diameter. The front and rear heads, as well as the plates joining them, are ^ inch thick. The combustion-chamber is stiffened longitudinally by crown-bars 5^ x i^ inches placed on 6-inch centres, shown in Fig. Fig. 329. 329. Each crown-bar carries 3 stay-bolts i inch in diameter on 7-inch centres, also shown in place in Fig. 326, but enlarged in separate de- tail in the upper right- hand corner. Fig. 327. Double angle-irons 4 x 3>^ X y^ inch riveted to the bottom shell of this chamber on 8-inch centres perform the same office. Connecting stays provide for the transfer of collapsing strains, to which these plates are subjected, to the outer shell, the latter being fitted with T-sections 4 x 4. X y inch to make a substantial link connection. The 90 tubes above mentioned are 9 feet 4^ inches to outside of heads, spaced on 6-inch horizontal and 5-inch vertical centres. INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 277 The bracing of the heads of this boiler is clearly shown in both sec- tional engravings. Four 3^ x 4 x }4 inch angles extend across the front and back heads in pairs, as shown in both sectional drawings ; these are detailed on a larger scale in Fig. 330. The angle-irons are riveted to the heads by ^-inch rivets on 4-inch centres. Between each pair of angles are 5 through-going stay-rods 2j^ inches in diameter with upset ends to 2^ inches in diameter. Each end is fitted with nuts, a collar being furnished at the inside to clear the angles. Two similar bolts are placed under the furnace on either side of the under manhole. Fig. 330. Three 11 x 15 inch manholes are provided, one at the top and one near the bottom of each head. For the bottom openings a j-\-inch plate 24 X 27 inches, with the corners clipped, as shown in Fig. 327, is secured to the head by 32 rivets, to restore in part the weakness occasioned by the opening. Over the rear manhole is a 3)^ x 6 x ^ inch angle riveted to the head by ^-inch rivets on 5 -inch centres. This angle extends across the head to the beginning of the flange-curve. The manhole on the top of the boiler has a ring 45^ inches wide by ^ inch thick, double- riveted to the shell. The steam-dome is 30 inches in diameter by 3 feet 6 inches high over all ; the shell is -^-^ inch thick, double-riveted to the boiler ; the dome-head is also y^g- inch thick, bumped to a radius of 3 feet. An 8- inch diameter opening is made in both the boiler and dome-head ; the latter is fitted with a cast ring riveted to the dome-head, and to which the steam fittings are bolted. The opening into the boiler is reinforced by a ring 4 inches wide by ^ inch thick, double-riveted to the boiler-shell. The details of the riveting are so clearly shown on the dimensioned drawing, Fig. 328, as to require no further explanation. Locomotive Boiler. — ^This name is applied to a certain design in boilers much used in stationary-engine practice because of its universal adoption as a type in locomotive construction. Fig. 331 represents in sectional elevation a boiler designed for stationary purposes by the Pennsylvania Railroad. This boiler is used for testing and for other purposes. The fire-box is well adapted for burning bituminous coal. 278 BOILERS AND FURNACES INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 279 The dimensions are : 49^ inches in width at the bottom ; the top measures 42 inches in width at the front and 38 inches at the rear ; the taper at the sides is well illustrated in Fig. 332 ; the inside length of the furnace is 72 inches ; the height from the top of the grates to the under- side of crown-sheet is 50 inches ; the crown-sheet is ^ inch ; the other inside sheets are -^ inch thick ; the water-space around the bottom of the fire-box is 4 inches ; the fire-door opening is 16 inches in diameter and is flanged similar to Fig. 192 ; the bottom ring is 2 inches deep. Fig. 332. Fig. 333- The barrel of the boiler is 50 inches in diameter, straight on top, and provides a distance of 18 inches from crown-sheet to shell. The laps of the sheets are such that the drainage will be into the water-space around the fire-box without pocketing. The barrel-sheets are ^ inch thick, so also the sheets forming the outside of the fire-box. There are 74 tubes 3 inches in diameter by 11 feet in length, making the total length of the boiler 20 feet, including 26 inches depth of smoke-box. The fire-box tube-sheet is }4 inch thick and constructed somewhat dif- ferently from the ordinary, in being a separate head flanged around the edges and riveted to a corresponding flanged opening in the fire-box sheet, clearly shown in Fig. 331. The steam-dome is 30 inches in diameter by 30 inches in height, plates inch thick. The circumferential sheet to which it is riveted is flanged to receive the dome, as shown in Fig. 196. Underneath the opening for the dome are five cross-stays 2 x ^ inches of cross-section extending across the barrel and riveted at both ends, as shown in Fig. 333- The stays for both front and rear heads are secured at one end by bolts passing through angle-irons riveted to the head, at the other end by riveting to the circumferential shell, both of which details are shown 28o BOILERS AND FURNACES in Fig. 334. These stay-rods are i}i inches diameter. The fire-box stay-bolts are j4 inch diameter, placed on approximately 4-inch centres. Fig. 334. The crown-bars are double, each 4 inches deep by 2^ inches in width over all, carrying 7 stay-bolts of ^ inch diameter. The arrange- ment of head, thimble, washer, and nut for one of the stay-bolts is shown in Fig. 335, which also shows the proportionate dimensions of crown-bars. There are 14 horizontal through-going stays, one between each crown-bar. These are j4 inch diameter, with one end enlarged to I inch for passing the ^-inch stay through the larger tapped hole. These pass directly over the crown-sheet, as shown in Fig. 331. There are 15 crown-bars, every other one being fitted with two links, one on either side of the centre, connecting with the outer shell, as shown in Fig, 332 and in enlarged view in Fig. 335. Fig. 335. The sectional area of the tubes is 3.123 square feet. The grate area is 22.2 square feet, the ratio of tube to grate area being 22.2 -=- 3.123 = 7.1 to I. - The total heating surface is 734 square feet, of which 96 is in the fire-box and 638 square feet in tube heating surface, the ratio of total heating surface to grate surface being 734 -^ 22.2 = 33 to i. A shaking-grate is provided, the details of which are shown in Fig. 331. Three bars are cast together with one inch air-space between, the whole width of one grate being 5^ inches. A lever projects downward from each grate for making connection with a link-bar, to which all the grates are attached. This link -bar is operated by a lever pivoted to the INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 281 outside of the fire-box as shown. On each end of each grate-bar is a trunnion i^ inches diameter resting in a groove included in the side- bar castings, fastened to the sides of the fire-box. The smoke-box extends 26 inches beyond the tube ends ; it is fitted with smoke-doors and a saddle for making connection with the chimney. In this case the smoke-flue is downward, an underground flue leading to the chimney, TABLE XLVII. PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS OF PORTABLE BOILERS WITH OPEN BOTTOM AND WATER-FRONT. iii a 1 Furnace. TuBKS 3 Inches IN Diameter. Thickness. Dome. 1 Pi PQ (fi 3 ^ 1 'o o^- 1-' rt .a (U (fi J3 ™ g .c .a J3 J3 E s bi ^ .5? S d g i S 5 i ^> V 3 S U S J ^ X J ^ w ti, H ■q m 5 J H.-P. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Feet. In. In. In. Ins. Ins. Ins. Feet. 25 40 48 34 33 8 34 ¥ ? H 22 24 18 i3i4r 30 42 50 36 34 8 40 A A y. 22 24 20 14 35 44 50 38 36 8/, 44 A A H 26 28 20 I4>^ 40 44 50 38 36 10 44 A A % 26 28 20 16 50 48 54 42 40 10/2 54 j% A y% 26 28 22 i6|< 60 54 60 48 44 II 60 -5^ A Yz 30 34 24 18 70 56 60 50 44 12 66 -1 H 30 34 26 19 80 58 60 52 48 12 76 -i T^^ 32 36 26 19 90 60 52 48 14 76 T6 y% 32 36 26 21 100 62 60 56 50 14 90 J A y^ 32 40 30 21^. no 64 60 52 14 100 ^8 T6 y. 36 40 30 21% 125 66 60 60 58 15 108 /8 A A 36 40 32 22% The Belpaire Fire-Box is unlike the ordinary fire-box of the loco- motive type in many of its details of construction, but especially in the method of bracing, the former having no crown-bars and no radial stay- bolts made to accommodate curved surfaces seldom or never parallel to each other. The crown-sheet in the Belpaire fire-box, as applied to locomotive boilers, is flat, and the roof- sheet lies parallel to it, as shown in Fig. 336. Stay-bolts extend in straight lines and at right angles from the crown-sheet to the roof-sheet. In locomotive practice, for 160 pounds steam pressure, these stay-bolts are ]/q inch diameter in the body, with screw-ends enlarged to i inch, 12 threads, and placed on 4^- to 4|^-inch centres. Horizontal tie-rods extend across the fire box to stay the flat sides ; in locomotive boilers these are usually three in number, i inch diameter in the body with screw-ends i}i inches. They are spaced longitudinally to the same centres as the stay-bolts between which they are located ; vertically the distance varies according to the height over the crown-sheet, but the approximate centre to centre is about 5^^ 19 282 BOILERS AND FURNACES € I Fig. 336. g B Q g @— # =E I :1^ %, 0000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000000 . 00000000000 , \ 000 000 / fl: r inches, with the centre of the lower tie-rod about two inches above the crown-sheet. This method of staying is advantageous, in having all the stays and tie-rods in tension in straight lines, as compared with radial stays fitted to curved sheets, in which it fre- quently happens that not more than one or two full threads are had in the outer sheet, whereas by placing the sheets par- allel full threads are had in both. A Belpaire Fire- Box Boiler, differing in many respects from the preceding, and shown in the longitudinal sketch. Fig. 337, is from designs by E. D. Leavitt, Jr., who has long used this type of boiler with that success which character- izes his engineering de- signs. The boiler here illustrated is 7 feet in diameter of shell by nearly 35 feet in length from out to out, and is intended to work under a continuous steam pressure of 135 to 140 pounds per square inch. Two fire-boxes are included in this design, with a central water-leg between, as shown in Fig. 338. Each furnace is connected with a large central combustion-chamber, in which a thorough admixture of the gases and final combustion occurs before these gaseous products enter the tubes. The crown-sheets are flat, but the roof-sheet of the fire-box end is curved to the same radius as the barrel of the boiler ; this necessitates a somewhat unusual scheme of bracing, that the vertical stay-bolts shall pass through no curved surfaces in the roof-sheet. This is accomplished by the introduction of forged frames placed on about 5-inch centres. One of these frames is shown in place in Fig. 338 ; the two ends of it rest upon and are riveted to the two crown-sheets ; nearly vertically above these riveted joints the frame is riveted to the roof-sheet. Horizontal offsets are then made for a stay-bolt on each side of the boiler, and a ver- tical offset for a riveted stay passing through a distance-piece on each side of the boiler, after which the frame extends horizontally across the fire-boxes. Six vertical stay-bolts, with distance-pieces between, fix the &i O INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 283 horizontal portion of this forged frame and transmit any strains received to the curved roof-sheet above. This arrangement per- mits the insertion of 8 vertical stay-bolts, 4 on each crown-sheet, with a central space through which a man may crawl for in- spection of the interior ; it also permits the removal and re- placing of any of the vertical stays. The front, central, and outside water legs have ^-inch stay-bolts on 4^ -inch horizontal by 4^-inch vertical centres. The outer and inner sheets of the front head are flanged for two fire-door openings, each 21 inches wide by 24 inches high, the bottom of each opening being about 12 inches above the bottom of the boiler. The front head above the crown-sheets is stayed by means of two pairs of angles and one T-iron, all riveted to the head, as shown in Fig. 339. Eight tie rods extend from end to end of the boiler ; these are ij4 inches ■diameter with 2^ -inch ends. The arrangement of nuts and distance pieces between the angle-irons is also shown in the above illustra- tion. The relative positions of these rods from centre to cen- tre, as arranged for carrying the strains, is shown in Fig. 340 and Fig- 338. The sides of the fire- box swell from 7 feet diameter of barrel to 9 feet spread at the bot- tom of the fire-box. This intro- duces some difficulties not usu- ally experienced in boiler design. The ring of plates correspond- ing to the gusset-sheet has to be greatly strengthened. The three 284 BOILERS AND FURNACES INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 285 thicknesses and throat flange are shown in longitudinal section in Fig. 339, as are also the brackets for stiffening the fire-box sheet around the throat. Fig. mo. The combustion-chamber is shown in cross-sectional elevation in Fig. 341. Its crown-sheet is on the same level as that of the furnace. Inasmuch as there is no central water-space at this point, additional stay- bolts are inserted at the centre of this crown-sheet. The opening pro- vided over and between the fire-box crown-sheets is here continued, whereby a man may crawl through the centre of the bracing over the com- bustion-chamber by employing a frame similar to that already described for the fire-box crown-sheets and suspending another frame below it ; this provides for five short vertical stays, shown in the drawing. An end view is given of the tube-sheet which closes the rear end of the combustion- chamber ; it provides for 118 tubes 2>/4 inches in diameter. These tubes are 18 feet long inside the heads. Underneath the combustion-chamber is a space large enough to permit a man to examine or clean that portion of the boiler. Forged stays, fitting the outer and inner curves of the plates to be joined, and which do not admit of radial stays, are also shown. The details of the rear head are shown in Fig. 342, and further supplemented 286 BOILERS AND FURNACES foobooOoooOooo^^- •OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' ' OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO^ ooooooooooooo jpOOOOOOOOOOOOi by the longitudinal section, Fig. 339. Angle- and T-irons are riveted to the head above the tubes, with provision for the eight longitudinal tie-rods. The feed-pipe enters Fig. 341. through a nozzle at the top of the boiler, branches to either side, and continues forward between the shell of the boiler and the tubes to within a couple ol feet of the combustion- chamber, shown by dotted line in Fig. 337. These pipes are of brass with perforations along the submerged horizon- tal branches for dif- fusing the feed-water throughout the entire length. The fire-tubes are sufficiently above the bottom of the barrel of the boiler to admit a man through its whole length. A series oi brackets on about 6-inch centres are placed radially around that portion of the head not suffi- p^^. ^42. ciently stayed by the fire-tubes. These brack- ets are riveted to both head and shell, and are shown in Figs. 339 and 342. Brackets for simi- larly supporting the Iront head are shown in the left-hand portion of Fig. 339- A rear elevation is shown in Fig. 343. A cast-iron plate closes the entire end, in which is a suita- ble opening for attach- ing the plate-metal con- nection leading to the chimney, underneath which are two hinged doors giving access to the tubes. The fittings and attachments include a manhole-opening under the ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooo .ooooooooooooo 00000000000 .000 00. INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 287 tubes ; the usual handhole-openings in the water-legs and at the surface of the crown-sheet ; a blow-off connection under the barrel of the boiler near the rear end ; an 18-inch ring manhole-opening on the top of the barrel of the boiler ; a safety-valve nozzle ; a steam-pipe nozzle. Two dry pipes, perforated along their upper sides, extend fore and aft from the latter nozzle, shown in Fig. 337. A cast-iron front, shown in Fig. 339) covers that end of the boiler, making an attractive finish and pro- tecting the non-conducting covering at a point always liable to injury. Fig. 343. The covering consists of a coating of plaster-of-Paris and sawdust 2^ inches thick, over which is placed a layer of hair-felt i inch thick and a painted canvas cover. The fire-box doors are cast iron and are divided horizontally, as shown in Fig. 340. They have perforated baffle-plates and register openings in each half. The plates of the boiler are ^-^ inch for the main shell and -^ inch for the fire-boxes, all of mild steel of 60,000 pounds tensile strength, with an elastic limit of 40,000 pounds. The joints of the shell are double butt-joints, the horizontal seams being triple-riveted, the vertical ones double-riveted. 288 BOILERS AND FURNACES The expansion of this boiler is towards the rear, the front end resting upon a cast-iron ash-pit provided with cleaning-doors, shown in Figs. 337 and 340, no part of which is below the floor level. Three additional supports are provided under the barrel of the boiler, the latter resting upon cast-iron cradles, shown in Fig. 343 . These cradles have a broad base at each end, supported upon balls which permit a free movement in any direction, and are provided with adjusting screws, shown in Fig. 339. by means of which the weight can be equally distributed over the entire surface of the balls. Fig. 344- ft ft IL F-'-'^"-^ ^^ "ff^ A design for a Belpaire fire-box, by F. W. Dean, is shown in cross- section through the fire-box in Fig. 344, the details being those in sight when looking towards the rear end of the boiler. This design applies to those fire-boxes which are approximately rectangular in form over the crown-sheet, as indicated in the engraving. The usual longi- tudinal tie-rods extending from front to rear heads are shown above the crown-sheet in section. Additional to these are transverse tie-rods extending across the steam-space. Vertical stay-bolts connect the roof- sheet of the boiler with the crown-sheet below, as shown. It is almost imperative in large boilers that the fire-box bracing be accessible for examination or repairs. This demands a central space through which a man may crawl into and examine the interior of the boiler. In order to accomplish this it is necessary to do away with the central transverse INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 289 tie-rod commonly used and also two or more of the central vertical stay-bolts. The removal of these tie-rods and stay-bolts is a source of weakness ; therefore, to make good the loss of strength occasioned by the omission of these parts, trussed connecting-bars are here employed, and these are provided with a central hub through which a bolt passes and by which the outer shell of the fire-box is securely bolted to the trussed connecting-bars on the inside. In this manner the fire-box shell is as well strengthened as if a through-going tie-rod was used. The horizontal tie-rods have outside and inside nuts, by means of which the trussed connecting-bars are firmly secured to the outer shell. The loss of strength occasioned by the removal of any two of the central vertical tie-rods is made good by increasing the diameters of the two inner tie-rods and in providing a trussed connecting-bar similar to the one above referred to, except that the inner nuts for clamping it to the outer shell are omitted. A series of these trussed connecting-bars are located centrally at the top of the boiler. Connecting-bars of some- what different shape, but answering the same purpose, span the central water-space ; vertical bolts riveted to the inner side of the central water- leg pass up through these connecting-bars, each bolt being supplied with nuts, as shown. Fig. 345. Portable Engine Boilers. — These are usually of the locomotive pattern, and are very generally provided with a water-bottom, as shown in Fig. 345. The object of the water-bottom is to prevent live coals falling upon the ground, thereby lessening the fire risk in agricultural districts, where portable engines of small and medium powers are' prin- cipally used. This type of boiler permits of furnace length and height suited to any kind of fuel. The width of furnace is governed by the diameter of the barrel and the water-space at the sides and bottom of the furnace. 290 BOILERS AND FURNACES The sides of the fire-box are somewhat deficient in circulation, and as a result are liable to fill with deposits if hard water is used ; for this reason handhole plates should be provided at the corners that any sediment may be easily removed. A water-front is shown in the sectional illustration, Fig. 345, which also shows a water-bottom. The outer fire-box head is reversed so as to afford the best facility for riveting the head and shell together. The head next to the smoke-box has its flange turned outward, as at the fire-box end. A handhole should always be provided for cleaning the barrel of the boiler. The fire-door opening is commonly made with a wrought-iron ring riveted through, as shown in Fig. 187. Some of the cheaper boilers in the market have cast-iron rings, but such rings are not always safe, because liable to crack without warning. Another method of constructing a furnace is shown in Fig. 346, in which the furnace-sheet extends through and is riveted to the outside sheet at the fire-box end, the latter being flanged to receive it. This opening is covered by a cast-iron front, in which is included the fire- door opening, a bearing-bar for the grates, and an ash-pit opening. As this cast plate is subjected to an intense heat, its interior must be covered with fire-brick tiles. The fire-door is fitted with a perforated plate, as in stationary-boiler practice. Portable engine boilers when mounted on wheels are commonly from 8 to 15 horse-power, seldom more than 20. The diameter of the waist or barrel for such boilers ranges from 26 to 32 inches, consequently the width of the fire-box varies from 21 to 28 inches. This easily permits the use of an arched crown- sheet supported by radial stays instead of crown-bars necessary to the proper supporting of flat crown-sheets. Radial stays are much to be preferred to crown-bars for portable boilers because of the little room occupied by them in the boiler as well as the lesser weight. Such stays provide a satisfactory transfer of the collapsing strains upon the crown-sheet to the outer shell. Radial stays obstruct the circulation much less than crown-bars ; they also permit a greater thoroughness of inspection and cleaning. The stay-bolts joining the outer and inner plates around the fire-box are commonly % inch in diameter for ^-inch plates and ^ inch in diameter for y%- to |4-inch plates. The radial stays and those used in the side and bottom of the fire-box are commonly of the same diameter. For long stay-bolts the outer plate should be tapped enough larger than the inner one that the main body of stay shall pass through without being obliged to screw the stay its whole length through the outside hole. This necessitates the use of two taps, the upper one of which is a hob secured to a shank, forming the smaller tap. Both threads must be of the same pitch and so placed that the threads shall start at the same point in a revolution ; this necessitates the same provision being made in threading the stay- INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 291 bolt. The front and rear heads are braced similarly to those for hori- zontal tubular boilers ; that is to say, the stays are riveted to the head, extend back, and are then riveted to the shell of the boiler. The tubes are commonly 3 inches in diameter for all portable and semi-portable boilers, whatever may be their size. Fig. 346. c Hi II life A steam-dome is commonly furnished portable boilers, the opening into which is not usually any larger than the diameter of the pipe leading to the engine. Small holes should always be provided at the bottom where the dome and barrel intersect for the drainage of any water ol condensation back into the boiler. See Fig. 195. The smoke-box is commonly an extension of the barrel of the boiler and fitted with a cast-iron frame and door, giving easy access to the tubes. A saddle for the smoke-stack attaches to the opening provided at the top of the smoke-box. In the case of portable boilers it is further pro- vided with a hinged ring, permitting the stack to be laid down upon the boiler when transporting it from place to place. Handhole plates must be inserted in the water-leg for the removal of scale or mud which may accumulate there. In some tests made for the writer, a very inferior bituminous coal being used for fuel, the feed-water entering the boiler at 65° Fahr., an eight horse-power boiler evaporated 12 cubic feet of water per hour, a ten horse-power boiler evaporated 15 cubic feet in the same time. The evaporation was under a pressure of 80 pounds per square inch. The boilers were in the condition in which they are usually delivered to the trade, and the firing in the test was as near as possible the same as it would have been in the hands of the purchaser, except that it was con- ducted with a view to ascertain the actual evaporative capacity of the boiler instead of being an economy trial. 2(^'. BOILERS AND FURNACES TABLE XLVIIL PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS OF PORTABLE BOILERS WITH WATER-BOTTOM AND CAST-IRON FRONT, FIG. 346. ^ •5 Furnace. Tubes 3 Inches Tb ICKNESS. Dome. .iii s. 3 rt IN Diameter. rt •3 • .2 ^ . y i! • .1 u tu =3 J 1 5 ■g .CI bo J .0 S 3 1 .2 Q •a 5 H.-P. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Feet. In. In. In. Ins. Ins. Ins. Feet. 6 26 34 21 29 5 15 y^ A 3/8 12 15 12 93/ 8 28 36 22 33 6 18 % A 3/8 14 16 14 II 10 30 3« 24 3,S 7 20 % A 3/8 16 18 14 12 12 32 38 26 3.S 6>^ 24 % ^\ 3/8 18 20 16 II3^ 15 32 44 26 3.S 7 24 % A 3/8 18 20 16 13 20 34 ,S2 28 37 8 28 Va t\ 3/8 20 22 16 14% 25 36 52 30 40 8i^ 32 % A 3/8 20 22 18 15 30 40 60 34 43 8 38 A 3/8 22 24 20 15 35 40 60 34 43 9 40 A 3/8 22 24 20 16 40 40 60 34 43 loJ^ 40 385- A 3/8 22 24 20 17/2 50 44 64 3« .SO ii>^ 46 fV t'V 3/8 22 24 22 19M 60 48 64 42 52 12 52 A T^^ y% 26 28 22 20 The "Electric" return tubular portable boiler," shown in Fig. 347, is not unlike the locomotive fire-box pattern of portable boiler, except that the crown-sheet is placed lower in order that return tubes may be Fig. 347. located above it. The fire-box does not differ fi-om the ordinary ; it is provided with a water-bottom and a cast-iron fi-ont lined with fire-brick INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 293 Fig. 348. tiles. The tubes are of two diameters, — the lower ones being 4 inches, the upper ones 3 inches, — the combined areas for each diameter approxi- mately equalling those of the other. The products of combustion pass through the shorter and larger tubes to the back con- nection and from thence return through the smaller and longer tubes to the front connection leading into the smoke-stack. The crown-sheet, which is usually the high- est part of the locomotive type of boiler, has the least water to protect it and is the first part exposed to low water. The pro- tection afforded the crown-sheet in this design is all that can be desired ; in general, it is a compact boiler for the power de- veloped and has good steaming qualities. The ' ' Economic' ' return tubular boiler, shown in Fig. 349, is of somewhat unusual construction. The front end is cylindrical in form, the rear end is oval, the length of each portion being about one-half that of the entire length of the boiler. A furnace is attached to and underneath the front end. The lower portion of the rear end extends down far enough Fig. 349. to hold the short tubes leading from the furnace to the back connection. The lower half of the front end of the boiler, being over the fire, forms 294 BOILERS AND FURNACES Fig. 350. the crown-sheet : it will be noticed that it occupies a position relatively to the fire quite the reverse of ordinary portable boiler practice, the latter commonly having the crown-sheet arched over the fire and not recessed towards it ; this design insures that the crown-sheet is always well supplied with water. The furnace consists of iron plates at- tached to the cylindrical shell of the boiler, which plates extend to any depth suitable for the location of the grates adapted to fuel to be burned. The side walls and front of the furnace are lined with fire- brick, and these are held in place by iron rods protected from the fire. Both rods and fire-brick can be removed and replaced whenever necessary. Fig. 350. The advantages claimed for this boiler over the ordinary internally fired portable boiler of the locomotive type is that it occupies no more space, is an equally rapid steamer, there are no water-legs in which to deposit sediment, and that it combines with the safety of the stationary return tubular boiler the convenience and portability of those of the locomotive type. An internally fired boiler of about 40 horse-power, by Tonkin, shown in Fig. 351, is of somewhat unusual construction for a semi-portable Fig. 351. boiler. This boiler is 54 inches in diameter and about 15)^ feet long. The fiirnace is 36 inches in diameter and 54 inches long, approximating INTERNALLY FIRED BOILERS 295 13.5 feet of surface. It is closed by a cast-iron front, which includes the fire-door opening, grate bearing-bar, and an ash-pit opening. The bridge-wall, or what corresponds to a bridge-wall in ordinary boilers, is made of cast iron and perforated for the admission of air through slots provided in the casting. Those included in the inclined portion of the casting are located under the fire, and practically answer the purpose of an extension of the grate-bars so long as they are kept covered with fuel. The openings at the rear admit air into the combustion-chamber between the end of the bridge-wall and the tube-sheet. There are sixty tubes 3 inches in diameter by 9 feet in length. The ratio of tube area* to grate surface is 13.5 -e- 2.5 = 5.4 to i. The total heating surface is 474 square feet, the ratio to grate surface being 474 -h 13.5 = 35.1 to i. This boiler is set at an inclination to the horizontal for the purpose of increasing the depth ol water at the fire-box end. CHAPTER IX. SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS. Sectional boilers are those made up of a number of units similar in size and shape and so constructed that when suitably assembled they will admit of performing all the functions of a steam boiler. To the late Joseph Harrison, Jr., is due the credit for the invention of what may be considered an ideal sectional boiler, consisting, as it does, of a series of simple units, spherical in form, convenient in size, and capable of aggre- gation to any extent required in practical operation. Mr. Harrison's invention dates back some thirty years. At that time boiler pressures did not often exceed 75 pounds per square inch. Mild steel had not yet been introduced, but the quality of cast iron was in all respects satisfactory for his purpose, because such castings were not only of ample strength, but were found to better resist the corrosive action of acids in the feed-water than wrought iron, the only other material then in use for land boilers. Castings were also less affected by oxida- tion in the furnace and were free from blisters. This boiler possessed at that time the unique distinction of being constructed wholly of cast iron, a material hitherto considered unsafe in boiler construction. Its use was adopted, and since continued, be- cause it contributes better than any other material to the manufacture of spherical units with their connecting necks for grouping into "slabs," as these aggregations of units are called. Harrison's selection of this material was the result of certain guiding principles in design, which led him to the adoption of the spherical form of unit because its strength is in no respect dependent upon any system of stays or braces ; further, these spherical units need not be of any great size or weight, allowing the easy displacement and replacement or interchange of one or more of these units without disturbing the remaining portion of the structure. The spherical form was adopted because it combined greatest strength with greatest heating surface, the hollow sphere being twice as strong as a tube of equal diameter. These spheres as now made are 8 inches in external diameter, with curved necks 4 inches in external diameter, the thickness varying from ^ inch in the necks to ^ inch in the central line of the sphere. These units are subjected to a hydrostatic pressure of 350 pounds per square inch before they are passed for the erecting- shop. Two, three, or four spheres are included in a single casting, joined together by suitable necks, an illustration of which is given in 296 SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 297 Fig"- 352- These units must of necessity be uniform and duplicate. No present means are known whereby either wrought iron or mild steel can be economically wrought into such shape. The units have milled faces made by special machinery, and are combined in vertical sections by means of bolts passing through their ^^^- 352- centres which are en- tirely surrounded by water. The joints so made are perfectly steam- and water- tight, iron to iron, without the aid of any packing what- ever. In case of re- pair, it is accom- plished by the inser- tion of a new unit of exactly the same size and shape as the defective one removed, which does not detract from the original con- struction. Cast iron easily permits all parts to be tooled to a uniform standard gauge, and such parts will go together without forcing. A slab, as already explained, is an aggregation of units held together by wrought-iron bolts, the heads of which are protected from the fire by round caps, shown in Fig. 352, while their upper ends extend through the common caps and terminate with a screw-thread and close-ended nut. The slabs to the required number, and of varying sizes according to the size of the boiler, are suspended side by side from a suitable iron framework, and are also connected at top and bottom to form a proper steam and water coupling. The slabs are hung one inch apart, and are slightly inclined upward from front to back, so as to secure a uniform area of steam -liberating surface, while the height of the water-line may vary. Safety was the first consideration in Harrison's mind when designing this boiler ; his one object was to make it absolutely secure from de- structive explosions, even when carelessly used. From the method of joining, a rupture cannot extend beyond the unit in which it originates. The effect of the rupture is, therefore, localized, so that the adjacent parts of the boiler are not affected except in so far as they may be in- jured or displaced by the rupture of a defective unit. A boiler of this construction was tested by a committee of the Franklin Institute, during which the pressure was increased to 875 pounds per square inch, when a sudden discharge of steam took place, after which the pressure fell to 450 pounds, at which it stood when the fire was drawn. 298 BOILERS AND FURNACES The Wharton-Harrison Boiler, a modified form of the original Harrison boiler, is shown in Fig. 353, which, it is claimed, possesses certain advantages over the earlier forms. For example, the changed relative positions of the units to the radiant heat and impinging hot gases is an improvement, and with this there is an increased depth of water over the fire which admits of a gauge-glass one-half as long again Fig. 353. in this form of slab as was possible in the earlier forms, relieving the attendant from anxiety about the position of the water-level. Injury to the boiler from low water, whether due to neglect or accident, and which would have caused leaky joints in the old style, is practically obviated in the present design. A longer travel for the steam after its liberation from the water im- pinging against the highly heated surfaces in its flow outward from the boiler results in greater dryness than was the case formerly. The cost of repairs is reduced to a small percentage of what it once was, because they are more easily made. Longer travel for the products of combustion between the slabs and around the units before escaping to the chimney-flue results in the better absorption of heat by the boiler, and the consequent reduction in tem- perature of the waste gases ; there is thus secured an increase in the amount of power for a given space. The present design affords increased facility for thorough interior SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 299 cleaning, as, when the bolts are removed, any soft sediment or loose scale can be washed down through the vertical openings. The brickwork for this type of boiler, when compared with other boilers, is, by reason of its nearly cubical form, quite economical, the cost being much less. As the entire weight of the boiler proper is borne by the metal columns and beams, the brickwork is reduced to mere enclosing walls carrying no load : they can be set, repaired, or removed without disturbing the boiler. The covering over the boiler is formed by special tiles. The construction of these boilers is favorable for introduction into cellars and other inconvenient places, or for mule-back transportation over mountainous localities, because the boiler can be shipped in sec- tions, no one of which exceeds 200 pounds in weight. Water-Tube Boilers. — This type of boiler has a history extending back for more than a century ; but the water-tube boiler of to-day can hardly be said to extend further back than the invention of Wilcox in 1856, which invention, changed in form but without loss of identity, appeared again in 1867 in the Babcock & Wilcox design, one widely known and probably more generally copied than any other. A water-tube boiler consists usually of an assemblage of tubes filled with water, located in a furnace, and connected with two receivers, — the lower one of small diameter called the mud-drum, and an upper and usually larger one called the steam-drum. The mud-drum is placed in the coolest part of the furnace, sometimes protected from the heat of the furnace by a non-conducting covering, and not infrequently it is placed outside of the furnace altogether. The upper receiver, or steam- drum, is placed in the hottest part of the furnace, and performs the double function of a storage for water needed for circulation, as well as providing a large disengaging surface for the liberation of steam. The water-surface being usually at the centre of the drum, the upper half is steam-room, from which the supply of steam is taken. The tubes are inclined to the horizontal, though in some cases the inclination is from the vertical, and so arranged that they receive water through the lowest headers, sometimes from the mud-drum, discharging the water through the upper headers into the steam-drum, the tubes being so located in the furnace that the flame and hot gases pass over and between them, usually at right angles to their axis. The tubes are both straight and curved, depending on the design of the boiler. The Babcock & Wilcox, Heine, Cahall, and variations of these designs have straight tubes ; the Hogan, Stirling, Morrin, and boilers of that class have bent tubes. The manufacturers of boilers with bent tubes claim that the bending is advantageous, because such tubes adapt themselves readily to the expansion of the boiler and prevent leaky joints. The manufacturers of boilers with straight water-tubes claim that such tubes can be more 300 BOILERS AND FURNACES easily cleaned, examined, and renewed than is the case with bent tubes. The present tendency in boiler design for steam pressures higher than ICO pounds per square inch is in the direction of water-tube boilers, of which there is now a great variety of designs in active competition. This type of boiler, when properly designed and built, is well calculated to carry high steam pressures. The tubes are seldom more than four inches in diameter ; they are not only quite thin, but possess a large factor of safety. The evaporative efficiency is fully equal to any type of boiler yet introduced. It permits also a large power-rating in mod- erate space. Circulation.- — Water-tube boilers require a free and abundant sup- ply or circulation of water through them to prevent overheating. This circulation adds directly to the efficiency of the boiler ; it also con- tributes to both durability and safety. The cause of circulation in water- tube boilers has been attributed to a difference in density caused by a difference in temperature of the water within the boiler by the action of the fire, such that one portion of the boiler becomes more highly heated than another. The circulating movement is very gentle at first, because all the water in the boiler is at approximately the same temperature ; but as the temperature rises and the tubes become filled with foam or steam-bubbles, it becomes more intense, partly because of the entraining action of the bubbles, until a powerful circulation is had throughout the whole interior, which, when once secured, may be indefinitely prolonged by the continued appHcation of heat. Wet steam is a common fault in water-tube boilers. To obviate this the steam generated in the tubes should have a free and direct passage through suitably designed and properly located headers leading directly into the steam-drum. Attempts have been made to counteract this fault by the employment of superheating surfaces which were not altogether satisfactory, though some designs permit superheating with less risk than others. This lack of sufficient steam- and water-room is a serious defect ot many water-tube boilers. A small water- space may be attended by a capacity for quickly getting up steam to a high pressure when all escapes for steam are shut off, but unless there is a sufficiently large volume of heated water in reserve ready to convert itself into steam as rapidly as the draught of steam is made from the steam-drum, the pressure will fall quicker than it was raised in spite of a fairly good fire, unless the boiler is of more liberal capacity than usually furnished for a given power. Consequently a closer attention will be required on the part of the fireman than with ordinary flue or tubular boilers. Draught Area. — This receives considerable attention in horizontal tubular- boiler practice, but apparently less in the case of water-tube boilers. The cross-sectional area in fire-tube boilers varies from y to |r SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 301 that of the grate surface, an average of }i being considered good prac- tice. Too large a draught opening in any boiler has a tendency to re- duce its efficiency. An editorial in vol. xxxi. of the Engineering Record calls attention to this defect in furnace proportion, and makes reference to water-tube boilers known to have been erected with a draught opening as large as ^ of the grate surface, resulting in a wasteful temperature of chimney gases. The draught area for water-tube boilers need not be greater than has been found necessary for return tubular and internally fired boilers. In the water-tube boiler most largely in use the direc- tion of the current of gases is subjected to less abrupt change than in return tubular boilers, for in the latter the current is forced to change to an exactly opposite direction as the gases enter the tubes, while in the former the motion is continuously forward, though not in a continu ous straight line. Consequently a less force of draught and a smaller total area should suffice in the water-tube boiler than in the return tubular. The heating surfaces in water-tube boilers are of the most effective kind, because the heat acts upon the large aggregate tube surface and a comparatively small quantity of water for any given cross-section through the tubes ; if the circulation is not interfered with, such heating surfaces permit steam to be quickly and continuously made. The facilities for inspection, cleaning, and repairing are of the utmost importance, because these have a direct bearing upon the efficiency and durability of the boiler. Water-tube boilers are complicated structures at best, and if to this be added inaccessibility for cleaning, the efficiency will be quickly lowered and result in permanent injury. One of the advantages possessed by nearly all the later designs of water-tube boilers is the facility afforded for the renewal of parts by a system of duplication which obtains in all modern and properly equipped manu- factories. Freedom from disastrous effects of explosion is one of the merits particularly emphasized by makers of water-tube boilers. It is true that no overwhelming disaster and wreckage of property, such as often accompanied the explosion of Cornish, Lancashire, horizontal tubular and cylinder boilers has been chargeable to water-tube boilers, nor is it ever likely to be, but the casualty list resulting through the breakage of headers and other constructive details is by no means small. The transportation and setting up in place of water-tube boilers is in most cases both easy and economical ; there are, however, excellent water-tube boilers which cannot be taken apart for easy transportation, nor more easily erected in places difficult of access than is the case with horizontal tubular boilers. For ordinary supply this is a matter of little consequence, but if a boiler is to be erected in a city basement or in an inconvenient mountain district, it must be selected with special reference to the facts governing the case. 302 BOILERS AND FURNACES SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 303 The Babcock & Wilcox \A^ater-Tube Boiler. — The general design of this boiler is shown in Fig. 354. It is composed of an assem- blage of lap-welded wrought-iron _ tubes, an overhead horizontal drum extending the whole length of the tubes, and a mud-drum below extending across the rear of the boiler at the bottom of the combustion-chamber, all of which are connected together in one complete circulatory system. The particular example here illustrated is 9 tubes high and 7 tubes wide by 20 feet in length, the tubes being placed at an inclination of 15° to the horizontal, as shown. These tubes are 4 inches in diameter, arranged in series by means of a vertical connection called a header. A number of these headers can be placed side by side to make any requisite width, as shown in Fig. 355. In this boiler the headers are of such form that the tubes are staggered, or placed zigzag, so that the flow of gases upward among the tubes is interrupted and made to impinge against the sides and bottom of each tube instead of passing through a straight opening. The holes are bored and reamed tapering in the headers, into which the tubes are expanded so as to make a tight joint under pressure : a detail of this joint is shown in Fig. 356. Opposite each of these openings is a hand- hole, detailed in Fig. 357. The handhole plates and headers are faced by milling the surfaces to accurate metal contact, making a tight joint without the use of packing of any kind. The front header is attached to the water- and steam-drum in two ways, one underneath the drum by a cross-box, as in Figs. 355 and 356, the other in the head of the drum, as in Fig. 358. A drum cross-box is riveted to the underside and to each end of the upper drum. After having been bored and reamed, these receive the nipples which connect the headers, as shown in Fig. 355, In case connection is made directly into the head of the drum, as shown in Fig. 358, a cast-iron head is employed. The headers are made of cast iron and of forged steel. Both kinds 304 BOILERS AND FURNACES SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 305 are now in use, — the former for pressures approximating 100 pounds, the latter for higher pressures. The connection of each of the rear headers to the drum is in all respects similar to that at the front just described, having a pipe instead of a nipple connecting the rear cross-drum to the headers arranged below. From the bottom of each of the rear headers is a nipple, forming a connection with the mud-drum below, which is located at the lowest part of the combustion-chamber back of the bridge-wall. The drum is of a diameter and length suited to the size of the boiler. It is usually made up of three sheets, as shown in Fig. 354, the longi- tudinal seams being butt-strapped inside and out, with two rows of rivets passing through both straps and the shell, and two rows through the shell and inner strap only, as shown in Fig. 359. Manhole-openings are provided in the heads, as shown in Fig. 356, for such as Fig. 359. are made of plate metal, and in Fig. 358 for those made of cast iron. A deflector is placed in the front end of the drum when connection is made from below, as shown in Fig. 356, the object of which is to prevent a violent agitation of the water at the front end, caused by the high velocity of the upward current from the headers in the body of the water in the drum, the deflector changing the direction of the upward current and directing it towards the rear. The steam- and water-gauge fittings are attached to the front of the drum in the ordinary manner. The feed-pipe enters the front head of the drum, as shown in Fig. 354, extending through the deflector, so that the end of the feed- pipe is under it and to the rear of the openings in the cross-box above the line of header connections. The completed boiler is suspended in the furnace by a strap at the front and rear end of the drum, as shown in Fig. 354. The ends of these straps are fitted with screw-threads passing through cast-iron washers resting upon channel-beams, which extend across from side to side of the furnace and rest upon iron columns, which carry the weight of the boiler on suitable foundations below the ground level. By this means the entire boiler may be, and is, suspended in place before the brickwork is begun. The furnace-walls may, therefore, be constructed independently of the boiler ; so, also, any portion of the furnace-walls may be repaired, taken down, or rebuilt without affecting the boiler itself The furnace front has large doors, by which complete access can be had to all of the handhole plates in the front headers. The ordinary fire- and ash-pit doors are underneath, as is common to stationary boilers. The mud-drum is made of cast iron, commonly 12 inches in diameter, bored and reamed for expanding the wrought-iron nipples, as is done with the headers. It is tapped for blow-off connections and furnished with handhole for cleaning. 3o6 BOILERS AND FURNACES Operation : The fire is made under the front and higher end of the tubes. The products of combustion pass up between and around the tubes into a combustion-chamber above and underneath the steam- and water-drum. From thence the gases pass down between the tubes, thence once more up through the spaces between the tubes, and off to the chimney. The water inside the tubes, absorbing heat from the gases, is heated and tends to rise towards the higher end ; if it receives heat enough, the water is converted into steam. The mingled column of steam and water, being of less specific gravity than the solid water at the back of the boiler, rises through the headers into the drum above, where the steam completely separates from the water, the latter flowing back to the rear of the drum and down through the connecting tubes into the lower headers and inclined tubes in a continuous circulation. If the passages are all large and free, this circulation will be very rapid, sweeping away the steam as fast as formed and supplying its place with water ; absorb- ing the heat of the fire to good advantage ; causing a thorough com- mingling of the water throughout the boiler and a consequent equal temperature ; preventing also to a degree the formation of deposits or incrustations upon the heating surfaces, these being deposited in the general course of circulation in the mud-drum, M^hence they are blown out. Fig. 360. Zell Water-Tube Boiler. — This boiler is shown in sectional ele- vation in Fig. 360. It consists of an assemblage of tubes and a water- drum placed at an angle of about 15° to the horizontal. These tubes SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 307 are equally spaced both vertically and horizontally, and arranged in zigzag vertical rows which are connected at the rear by suitable header Fig. 361. connections, which also attach to a mud-drum located at the bottom of the combustion-chamber. At the front end of the boiler these tubes connect with similar headers, which are joined together by suitable con- nections with the water-drum. The tubes are standard 4- F^^- 362. inch lap-welded wrought-iron boiler tubes arranged in sec- tions or headers of four tubes each. An elevation and sec- tion of one of these headers is shown in Fig. 361. These headers are made of cast iron bored and reamed to receive the tubes which are expanded in the holes thus prepared ; each header is fitted with two internal handhole plates, each of which covers an opening across two tubes. The hand- hole plates are fitted to the inside of each header, as shown, the plates being held in position by T-bolts, the heads of which fit into slots on the outer faces of the plates. The pressure of steam holds the plates up to the joints without the aid of the bolts, a much safer method than that of putting these plates or caps on the outside and securing them by bolts from the inside, for if the threads slip or if the bolts break under steam pressure, the plate will fly off and steam and boiling water 3o8 BOILERS AND FURNACES would rush out, to the danger of hfe and property. The headers are connected in series vertically by means of nipples expanded into bored holes, as shown in Fig. 362. The number of these headers to be placed in vertical and horizontal rows will depend upon the size of the boiler or the power required. A horizontal mud-drum 12 inches in diameter is placed immediately below the bottom of the rear headers and below the line of circulation ; it is connected with the several headers extending across the furnace by means of short expanded wrought-iron nipples. Since cast iron has been proved to be the best material to resist the action of corrosion, these mud-drums are made of that material. They are tested up to 500 pounds hydraulic pressure, and have the necessary handholes and plates for cleaning. The plates closing these handholes have the same internal surface-bearing and general arrangement as those closing the handholes in the headers. Suitable blow-off and feed openings for flushing, with proper fittings, are placed at opposite ends of the drum. The inclined water-drum at the top of the tubes is attached to the headers by wrought-iron nipples expanded into bored and reamed holes, as shown in Fig. 362. F^^- 363- A cast-iron saddle is EL__0__^ riveted to the front water-drum, and each saddle has sufficient area of opening for the tubes below. These are connected with the top headers by means of expanded wrought- iron nipples in the same manner that the headers are connected together. This drum is made of mild steel plate with convex heads and manhole. A saddle is riveted to the top of the highest part of the water-drum, to which is attached by an expanded nipple connection a manifold having a number of openings for pipes which convey the steam to the steam-drum at the rear of the boiler, shown in Fig. 362 and on enlarged scale in Fig. 363. The steam-drum is located to the rear and at the top of the boiler and furnace. It is made of mild steel. The heads are convex in shape and will withstand high pressure without bracing. There is a manhole at one end of the drum, the cover-plate for which has its bearing on the inside of the drum in a similar manner to the headers. This drum is located in a horizontal position at the rear end of the water-drums, and its length is somewhat greater than the combined width of the SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 309 headers. It acts as a superheater and reservoir for the storage of steam and contains no water, thereby differing from the usual water- and steam-drums which accompany other forms of water-tube boilers. A connection is made from it to the water-drum below by means of wrought-iron tubes expanded at each end into the drums. These con- necting tubes are incased in cast-iron columns, not shown in the en- graving ; they are flanged at the ends, giving a uniform bearing on each drum. These columns are the support of the steam-drum and relieve the wrought-iron tubes from all strains of that nature. Being made in half sections and bolted together, they can readily be removed to inspect the enclosed tubes. The proper openings and fittings are provided for safety-valves and steam piping. Superheating pipes connect the manifold, which extends across the whole width of the front of the boiler, to the steam-drum at the rear ; these are lap-welded wrought iron, placed in a single row and expanded in both the manifold and the steam-drum. The boiler is supported at the rear end by resting upon two or more cast-iron saddles placed under the mud-drum ; these castings are set upon a substantial brick wall. The front end of the boiler rests upon a roller, which is placed upon the top of the arch-box, shown in Fig. 362, thus allowing freely for expansion and contraction. This arch-box, through which there is a constant circulation of air, is covered on the side nearest the furnace with large and especially moulded fire-brick, which protects it from injury by the heat. It rests upon cast-iron stands, one on each side of the furnace, which are embedded in brickwork and anchored to the foundations. The entire weight of the boiler is carried by the foundation supports mentioned above ; that is, it is not suspended, but supported directly from underneath. The manufacturers of this boiler claim that all water-tube boilers that are suspended from above must have the combined weight of the boiler and its contained water carried by the wrought-iron nipples in the expanded joints which tie the structure together, subjecting such joints to strains for which they were never designed or intended, which strains are mainly eliminated when supporting the boiler from below. The flame-plates, shown in Fig. 360, consist of sections made of cast iron and are faced with fire-brick ; they are usually two in number, and extend from side to side of boiler and from top to bottom of tubes. The feed-water pipe connects at the rear end of the water-drum. The water descends into the rear headers and is then distributed through the tubes. By this means of feeding it is expected that more or less of the impurities in the feed-water will be precipitated on contact with the hot water in the boiler and, gravitating downward, will collect in the mud-drum below. The operation is such that from the fire in the furnace the products of combustion pass up between the staggered tubes and water-drums, 3IO BOILERS AND FURNACES then down and around the same between the flame-plates to the bottom of the combustion-chamber, thence up again, making three runs across the water-tubes, and out through the space between the steam- and water-drums to the flue, and thence to the chimney. The water in the incHned tubes next to the furnace is first heated and raised to a rapid state of ebuUition. This mingled body of steam and water, being lighter than the solid water in the rear of the drum, is forced rapidly up through the front headers into the water-drum, where the steam and water sepa- rate ; the steam passes up through the manifold into the superheating tubes, which, being surrounded with hot gases, absorb additional heat, evaporating any entrained water in its passage to the steam-drum ; this latter being jacketed by the waste gases in their passage to the chimney and having a temperature of a few degrees higher than the steam within the drum, more heat is absorbed by the steam and it becomes further superheated. Fig. 364. The Gill Boiler in its general features is not unlike the Babcock & Wilcox boiler, and is shown in Fig. 364. The water-tubes are 4 inches in diameter and spaced about 3 inches apart ; they incline at an angle of about 15° to the horizontal. The tubes are grouped in sets of four or more, which are expanded into bored holes in a cast-iron box or header at each end in such a way that the tubes are staggered instead of being placed one above the other, shown in Fig. 365. By making these boxes short, and by connecting them by slightly flexible tubes, the danger of breakage is practically eliminated. In the engraving it will be seen that the column of headers at the left hand shows a 5- and 6-hole header with the caps removed, together with the curved tube-connection with the steam-drum ; the column at the right shows similar headers, with their inside handhole, caps, bolts, and dogs in place. The mid- dle column shows a 4- and 6-hole header in section at the middle SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 311 of the headers, showing the manner of connecting the headers with each other and with the steam-drum. The small illustration at the bottom shows a section through the three headers and four tubes at the line A. Handholes are provided in the headers at the front and rear of all the tubes through which a scraper can be used to remove any sediment or scale that may have lodged in the tubes or in the headers. The tubes may also be re- moved through these handholes when necessary and new ones inserted. These openings are closed with caps placed in- side of the headers and packed with thin rubber gaskets. The assemblage of tubes is divided into two or three sections by one or two flame-walls made of fire-brick, secured by rods running through them and into the side-walls. The flame and heated gases are thereby compelled to traverse the tubes two or three times before finding their exit at the rear end of the furnace. The steam-drum is made of mild steel, in diameters varying from 30 to 50 inches, or so proportioned as to allow a cubic-foot capacity for steam- space and a cubic foot for water storage in the drums for each horse-power to be developed. Thirty-inch drums have been found to be the smallest diameter that will allow of the production of dry steam under conditions of rapid driving. The water-tubes located over the fire receive the most intense part of the heat, and absorb a considerable portion of it before it reaches the drum ; the latter is not, therefore, subjected to the same destructive energies that would otherwise occur, and thus large drums may be employed with comparative safety in water-tube boilers. A mud-drum, usually 18 inches in diameter, is placed under the rear row of headers, the connection being made of short nipples. This drum serves to collect the sediment floating in the water and hold it until it is blown off. A structural framework composed of wrought-iron I-beam columns and channel-bar cross-beams is erected, within which the drums, tubes. 312 BOILERS AND FURNACES and headers are suspended, thus allowing the working parts to expand and contract independently of the structural parts. The Caldwell "Water-Tube Boiler, Fig. 366, differs principally from those already described in the construction of the header and in Fig. 366. the distribution of the current of gases in the furnace, the combination of the horizontal water- and steam-drum, the inclined assemblage of tubes, and the mud-drum underneath being substantially that of the Babcock & Wilcox design. Fig. 367. The tubes are of wrought iron, 4 inches in diameter, built up in sections of 4 tubes, each with a cast header at each end of the tubes, into which they are secured by expanding. These sections are set over each other three, four, and five high, and nippled together by means of short pieces of 4-inch extra heavy tubing, expanded into bored holes of uniform diameter, making as a whole a series of flexible members yield- ing to the inequality of expansion among the tubes. The header castings are quadrangular in shape, and fully detailed in Fig. 367. The openings and handholes in front, through which access SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 313 is had to the tubes, are covered with plates which close on an inner lip, whereby a tight joint is secured, the pressure assisting. The baffle-bricks used in giving direction to the current of gases in the furnace are shown in Fig. 368. The uses of these bricks are to absorb the heat of the furnace while the furnace doors are shut, to give it out again when they are opened and the cold air is rushing in during the firing, thus saving the tubes from some of the evil effects of sudden changes in temperature to which such boilers are commonly subjected. It is claimed they also offer a more positive impingement of the gases on the tubes than is gained by merely staggering the tubes. It is further claimed that the gases passing upward between the bricks and the tubes tend to keep the tops of the tubes clean, whereas in water-tube boilers not thus equipped there is always a ridge of soot which gathers on the upper side of each tube. The baffle-bricks are only used in the first and last passes of the tubes, these being upward passes, and not in the middle, which is a downward pass. Baffle-bricks are not used on the three or four rows of tubes immediately over the fire, these being within the influence of the radiant heat from the fire, and require no baffling to hold the gases back. The baffling is provided for on the top rows only. These tubes being away from the furnace and radiant heat, the circulation of gases between the upper and lower tubes is thus equalized and their efficiency increased. The baffle-bricks lie on and partly embrace the top portion of the tubes, as shown in Fig. 368 ; there is, therefore, a constant absorption of heat by the bricks, to be afterwards given out by them to the upper portion of the tubes. Inas- much as flame and heat in ascending form the cone-shaped flame of a candle, so also the last pass of the gases at the upward and outward corners of the assemblage of tubes do not get as much heat as the middle tubes, unless the gases are directed towards these places by means similar to that just described. It was found when operating at rated capacity that the temperature of flue gases was lowered from 480° to 410° Fahr. by a proper distribution of the baffle-bricks in the last pass of the gases. They also serve to reduce the draught between the tubes, which would ordinarily be too great to attain the best results in water-tube boilers ; they also furnish a ready means for cutting down the draught area in the last compartment in the furnace to that required for a proper distribution of the heated gases over and around the tube 314 BOILERS AND FURNACES surfaces, a necessity for realizing the highest economy in water-tube boilers. The Root Boiler. — The general design of this boiler is shown in Fig"- 369- It may be briefly described as consisting of an assemblage of inclined water-tubes connected at their front and rear ends with a series of horizontal overhead water- and steam-drums ; the fire being applied under the front and raised ends of the tubes, its action is to cause an upward and forward flow in the tubes, the water thus forced from the tubes into the front end of the horizontal drums being con- stantly replaced by a downward flow from the rear end of the same drums. This continuous circulation is common to other water-tube boilers, and is an essential requisite to successful operation. Fig. 369. The tubes are expanded in pairs at both ends into bored holes in cast- iron headers, the pair of tubes with their headers forming what the manu- facturers call a package. See Fig. 371. The two tubes in one pack- age are on the same horizontal level when set up, and are in identical conditions as regards exposure to flame and temperature of contents ; therefore, the expansion and contraction of both must be identical. The headers are stacked alongside of and over each other in such a manner as to form straight horizontal rows of tubes, while the rows of tubes up and down are staggered as shown. There is no connection between SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 315 any one header and another lying either to the right or left of it, but each header is connected with the one above it by means of a return bend, shown in Fig. 371. The uppermost header of each vertical row, front and back, is connected respectively with the front and back of an overhead horizontal drum, of which latter there are as many in a boiler as there are vertical rows of headers. A horizontal drum at the rear with its underlying row of headers and the tubes therein form a separate section of the boiler. The rows of headers at the front and back of each section are all connected with the ends of the overhead drums to insure a complete circulation. The joints between headers ^ ,11 1 • 1 r 1 Fig. 370. and bends are made m the lol- lowing manner : in line with the tubes and on the face of the header are milled recesses, in which fit rings of gun -metal which have a bearing at the bottom of the recesses. These rings are bored on a taper, and into this taper is engaged the end of the return bend, turned to the same taper. Lugs are cast on the bend, whereby two T-headed bolts have their heads pocketed in recesses cast on the outer face of the head- ers, and these serve to draw the bend home into the gun- metal ring. The other end of the bend is likewise secured to the next header (above or be- low), so that each bend is held in place by four bolts against two separate headers. No other packing than this gun-metal ring is used in making the joint. Much importance is attached to the elasticity of this joint, for if one package of tubes expand more than the one above it, the gun-metal rings in the two joints on the connecting-band yield enough to adjust themselves to the difference in expansion without leakage. The return bends, with similar metallic joints, are also used to connect the uppermost front header of each section with the front end of the overhead drum. The expansion and contraction of the tubes and drums take place at the front end of this boiler. All the rear headers are locked together by means of plates or wedges, engaging under suitable lugs cast on the outer face of the headers. The front headers, being held by the bends with flexible joints, can yield slightly without leakage, permitting every 3i6 BOILERS AND FURNACES pair of tubes in the boiler and each one of the overhead drums to expand and contract independently. A cross steam-pipe lies over the top and at the rear of the overhead drums, being connected with each by means of a nipple expanded into bored holes. From this common steam-pipe two outlets connect with an overhead cross steam-drum located over the centre of the boiler, to which are attached the main stop- and safety-valves. This drum is provided with a drip-pipe leading below the water-line, so that any condensation may drain back into the boiler. Fig. 371. The steam -drum is enclosed in brickwork and surrounded by an air- space connecting with the combustion-chamber, but far enough removed from the direct path of the gases as to prevent injury to the metal in the drum by overheating. From the rear end of each one of the overhead drums is a connec- tion with the rear headers of its corresponding section. In the smaller boilers, having tubes 10, 12, or 15 feet long, the connection is made direct from the drum to the uppermost header, and the undermost rear headers of all the sections are connected with a common mud-drum located at the lowest point of the boiler. In the larger boilers, having tubes 18 feet long, the downtakes from the several overhead drums all lead into one horizontal drum, to which the feed-pipe is attached, and SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 317 which is connected with the mud-drum set at the lowest part of the boiler by means of two large standpipes ; the mud-drum, as in the case of smaller boilers, is connected with the undermost rear headers of all the sections. The path of the downward circulation in the large boiler is, therefore, from each overhead drum through its connected downtake into the common feed-drum, from this through the standpipes to the mud-drum, and from the latter the water is distributed to the lower headers of all the sections. The connections of the mud-drum are all made at the top, so that the contents are not stirred up by the circulation. The object of this arrangement of feed-drum and standpipes is to heat the entering feed- water by mingling with the descending currents from the overhead drums, both in the feed-drum and in the standpipes, the cross-section of which latter in proportion to downtakes is made sufficiently large to retard the velocity of flow and give the feed-water time enough to become heated to the point where it will precipitate most of its lime in the mud-drum before entering the boiler. Fig. 372. The Heine Boiler belongs to the water-tube variety, as indicated by the illustration, Fig. 372, consisting, as it does, of an assemblage of inclined water-tubes over the furnace, these tubes connecting at front and rear with an overhead water- and steam-drum, the connections cor- responding to headers in ordinary water-tube boilers being water com- 318 BOILERS AND FURNACES partments, commonly known as water-legs, extending across the furnace and into which the tubes are expanded, thus making a continuous water circulation similar to that of the water-tube boilers previously described. The water-legs are of approximately rectangular shape, drawn in at top to fit the curvature of the shells, as shown in Fig. 373. The area of throat or opening at the top of each water-leg is approximately equal to the combined area of ^^^- 373- tubes for that leg. Each is composed of a head-plate and a tube-sheet, flanged all around and joined at bot- tom and sides by a butt- strap of the same material strongly riveted to both, as shown in Fig. 374. The water-legs are further stayed by hollow stay-bolts of hy- draulic tubing, of large di- ameter, so placed that two stay-bolts support each tube and handhole, also shown in Fig- 374- The water-legs are joined to the shell by flanged and riveted joints and the drum is cut away at these two points to make connection with the inside of water-leg, the opening thus made being strength- ened by bridges and special stays, so as to preserve the original strength, the details of which are shown in Fig. 375. The tubes extend through the tube-sheets, into which they are expanded with roller expanders. Opposite the end of each, in the head-plates, is placed a handhole of slightly larger diameter than the tube and through which it can be with- drawn. These handholes are closed by small cast-iron plates shown in Fig. 374- The water- and steam-drum is a cylinder with heads dished to form part of a true sphere and requiring no stays. Both the cylinder and its spherical heads are free to follow their natural lines of expansion when put under pressure. To the bottom of the front head a flange is riveted, into which the feed-pipe is screwed. This pipe is shown in Fig. 376 with an angle-valve and check-valve attached. On top of the drum, near the front end, is riveted a steam-nozzle, to which is bolted a T-fitting ; this fitting carries the steam-valve on its horizontal branch, the safety-valve being placed on top. Just under 0°0°0°0°0<''^' ogogogog4| ' odddo ©==^ SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS Fig. 374. 319 the steam-nozzle is placed a dry-pipe, and underneath that an inclined deflecting-plate which extends from the front head of the drum to some distance beyond the mouth or throat of the front water-leg. The rear Fig. 375. B fi B head carries a blow-off-flange of about the same size as the feed-flange and a manhead curved to fit the head, the manhole supported by a strengthening ring on the outside. On each side of the drum a tile-bar 320 BOILERS AND FURNACES ^- SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 32 1 rests loosely in flat hooks riveted to the drum. This bar supports the side tiles, whose other ends rest on the side walls, thus closing in the furnace on top. The top of the tile-bar is 2 inches below low-water line. The bars rise from front to rear at the rate of i inch in 12. When the boiler is set the tile-bars must be exactly level, the whole boiler being then on an incline, — i.e.^ with a fall of i inch in 12 from front to rear ; this makes the height of the steam-space in front about two-thirds the diameter of the drum, while at the rear the water occupies two-thirds of the drum, the whole contents of the drum being equally divided between steam and water. The mud-drum is located inside of the water- and steam-drum ; it is placed well below the water-line, usually parallel to and 3 inches above the bottom of the shell. See Fig. 376. It is thus completely immersed in the hottest water in the boiler. It is of oval section, as shown in the engraving at the top of Fig. 376, and slightly smaller than the manhole ; it is made of strong sheet iron' with cast-iron heads ; it is entirely closed except about 18 inches of its upper portion at the forward end, which is cut away nearly parallel to the water-line. The feed-pipe enters the mud-drum through a loose joint in front ; the blow-off-pipe is screwed tightly into its rear head and passes by a steam-tight joint through the rear end of the main drum. In setting this boiler the front leg is placed firmly on a set of cast-iron columns bolted and braced together by the door-frames, dead-plates, etc. , and forming the fire-front. This is the fixed end. The rear water- leg rests on rollers which are free to move on cast-iron plates firmly set in the masonry of the low and solid rear wall. Wherever the brickwork closes in to the boiler broad joints are left which are filled in with tow or waste saturated with fire-clay or other refractory but pliable material. Thus the boiler and its walls are each free to move separately during expansion or contraction without loosening the joints in the masonry. Fig. 377. Light fire-brick tiles, shown in Fig. 377, are placed between the upper tubes. The lower tier extends from the front water-leg to within a few feet of the rear one, leaving there an upward passage across the rear ends of the tubes for the flame, etc. The upper tier closes in to the rear water-leg and extends forward to within a few feet of the front one, 322 BOILERS AND FURNACES thus leaving the opening for the gases in front, as shown in Fig. 372. The side tiles extend from side of walls to tile-bars on the drum and close up to the front water-leg and front wall, and leave open the final uptake for the waste gases over the back part of the shell, also shown in Fig. 372. The rear wall of the setting and one parallel to it are arched over the shell a few feet forward to form the uptakes ; on these and the rear portion of the side walls is placed a light sheet-iron hood, from which the breeching leads to the chimney. When an iron stack is used this hood is stiffened by L- and T-irons, so that it becomes a truss, carrying the weight of such stack and distributing it to the side walls, as shown in Fig. 372. Fig. 378. The Stirling Boiler as now made consists of three upper or steam- drums and one lower or mud-drum, all connected together by means of tubes, which are bent slightly so as to allow them to enter the drums radially, as shown in Fig. 378, and in sectional and half-front elevation SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 323 in Fig. 379. All of the upper or steam-drums are connected by steam- circulating tubes, but the front and middle drums only are connected by water-circulating tubes. The tubes used are 3JE^-inch lap- welded mild steel ; the drums are also made of mild steel. These drums and tubes form the boiler proper, no cast metal entering into its construction. Fig. 379. The front and middle bank of tubes, through which rapid circula- tion takes place, receive their supply of water from the mud-drum. Fig. 380 is an ideal representation of the ascending and descending cur- rents induced by the action of the furnace. The tubes, D, receiving heat sufficient to vaporize the contained water, cause an upward movement ot the water into the drum, B, having water communication with the adjoin- ing drum, A, and it by descending pipes with the mud-drum, C, at the rear of the bridge-wall. A circulation once established is maintained so long as fire is continued in the furnace. 324 BOILERS AND FURNACES The feed-water enters at the top of the rear upper drum. This being the coolest part of the boiler, the temperature of the feed-water is gradu- ally brought to the steaming-point in its descent through the rear bank of tubes to the mud-drum below, these being surrounded by the hot gases escaping to the chimney. The mud-drum, protected from the fierce heat of the furnace by an ample bridge-wall, acts as a settling-chamber, the circulation in that por- FiG. 380. tion of the boiler being comparatively slight. Reaching the mud-drum, the impurities in the feed-water descend to the bottom in the form of sludge or mud, which can be blown out as often as may be found necessary. Whatever solid impurities or precipitate adhere to the interior surfaces of the rear bank of tubes must be washed off with a hose or re- moved with a scraper. The interior surfaces of this boiler are rendered accessible by the removal of four manhole plates, which exposes to view the two ends of every tube in the boiler and, for all practical purposes, the entire area of the interior heat- ing surface. The boiler attendant can then enter the drums and remove the mud and other deposits, scraping the tubes from end to end if need be with a chain or jointed scraper adapted for that purpose. This boiler is erected entirely independent of the brickwork, so that the latter may be removed or replaced without disturbing the boiler or its connections. The three upper or steam-drums are supported by wrought-iron beams resting on wrought-iron columns, with cast-iron bases properly secured, whilst the mud-drum is suspended and left free to allow for contraction and expansion. The Hogan Boiler, shown in Fig. 381, is made up of a water-and- steam-drum at the top, a distributing-drum at the bottom, and a series of bent tubes connecting these two drums, the shape of the tubes being such that the heat will not injuriously strain the expanded joints or dis- tort the form of the tubes. There are no headers or stayed tube-plates to prevent the free expansion of all tubes. The circulation begins in the upward movement of the water over the fire and into the water-and-steam-drum at the top of the furnace, the water returning through the rear tubes, marked ' ' water-heating tubes" and "circulating-tubes," both series of which are connected with the upper and lower drums as shown. It will be observed that the steaming-tubes, which are 2 inches in diameter, deliver the steam formed in them above the water-level of the upper drum. A mechanical extractor relieves the steam from any en- SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS Fig. 381. 325 ^s^^^^^^^^^^^^^i^^&^i^i^:^^;^^ 326 BOILERS AND FURNACES trained water, which falls back into the drum and passes down the 3-inch circulating-tubes to the distributing-drum below. The extent of water surface from which steam has to escape as it is produced in ordinary- boilers is the same under all conditions of firing. The effect of this limitation of water surface is great agitation of the water, which takes place under moderate or forced conditions of firing, as indicated by the motion of water in the gauge-glass and by the wet condition of the steam. The feed-water enters the inductors in the upper drum and passes thence to the circulating-tubes, where precipitation takes place below the water-level and at a temperature within a few degrees of that of the steam. The circulating-tubes are not exposed to the heat of the gases. If the foreign substances and sediments held in suspension in water are not allowed to precipitate or come in contact with the sur- faces in steam boilers which are exposed to the fire and the gases no scale will form on these surfaces. It is claimed for this boiler that the precipitation occurring in the distributing-drum, which is not heated, passes to the mud-drum, which is an external vessel and not exposed to any heat, where it may be blown out at intervals. The heating- tubes in this boiler are not claimed to be self-cleaning ; on the contrary, the makers state that no water-tube in a steam boiler, be it straight or bent, can be self-cleaning ; but what is claimed for it is, that the precipitation of the scale-forming substances is so nearly accomplished by the methods here shown that deposits of scale do not occur. A soft deposit has been found in the distributing- and mud- drums, but no hard scale has been brought into existence. The Hazelton Boiler, shown in Fig. 382, has a central vertical cylinder or standpipe which varies in diameter and height according to the power required ; it rests upon a circular cast-iron foundation-plate, placed upon a supplementary foundation of brick, raised one course above level of foundation, so as to prevent any water in the ash-pit from coming in contact with the boiler ; nor is it fastened to the founda- tion, but left free to expand and contract according to variations of temperature. That portion of the stand-pipe below the grate-bars forms the mud-drum, into which a manhole is placed for entering the boiler and which permits access to every portion of its interior surface. Radial tubes extend outwardly from the standpipe at regular inter- vals, as shown in Fig. 383 ; the diameter, length, and number depend upon the size of the boiler. The outside end of each tube is closed upon itself by welding, forming a hemispherical end ; in the process of closing this end is slightly thickened. The open end of the tube is expanded into the standpipe. The tube, extending outward horizontally and being secured at one end only, can expand and contract without strain. The steam-pipe and steam-drying tubes are located at the top of the boiler, as shown in Fig. 382. A wrought-iron flange is riveted to the under side of the top head of standpipe, and abundant threadhold secured SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 327 by cutting a thread through both head and flange. A heavy nip- ple is screwed in from the outside, the lower end with a long thread extending below the head two or three inches. At the upper end of this nipple is a spherical tee, from one outlet of which is the steam-pipe extending horizontally to the outer line of brickwork to receive steam-valve ; similarly, another pipe extends in the opposite direction, which con- nects with the pop safety-valve. At the lower end of this cen- tral nipple and inside of the standpipe, con- nected with it by a pair of flanges bolted to- gether, is a vertical pipe open at the upper and closed at the lower end ; into this vertical pipe are screwed a series of wrought-iron pipes of small diameter open at both ends ; these extend radially al- most to the outer end of the uppermost steam- drying tubes in the standpipe, as shown in Fig. 382. The steam as it becomes disen- gaged from the surface of the water must enter the steam-drying tubes ■ and pass to their outer Fig. 328 BOILERS AND FURNACES ends before entering these small pipes, which convey the dry steam to the steam-pipe. The feed-water pipe is led beneath the grate-bars and screws into the standpipe, passing through which it is then carried up- ward to a short distance below the water-line, thence downward to about the grate level, where it discharges into the lower part of the standpipe, that portion having little or no circula- tion and where precipita- tion is most likely to occur, hence called the mud-drum. The blow-off-pipe is sim- ilarly connected to the standpipe, but the exten- sion in this case is down- ward to within a short dis- tance of the bottom head. A plan of the furnace and grate-bars is shown in Fig. 384, the grate area showing the herring-bone pattern, this being the manufacturer's preferred style of grate. The shaded portion back Fig. 384. of the standpipe represents a bridge-wall, and is not counted in the grate area, but any portion of this could be made available for grates if necessary. That portion of the brickwork lining of the square furnace casing, from the floor level of the ash-pit to a point a little above the top of the grates, is built of uniform thickness on the four sides, and by means of corbelling, shown in Fig. 382, the brickwork is brought in so as to form a circular deflect- ing furnace. The furnace casing is reinforced by angle-irons and braces, and at its top supports a circular metal shelf, upon which rests the upper brick lining inside of the circular upper jacket of the boiler. A space of SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 329 several inches is left between the top of the deflecting furnace and this metal shelf for expansion of furnace and to remove the weight of the superstructure from the fur- nace. The smoke-hood has a door placed in it for ready- access to exterior of upper partofstandpipe. The steam and pop safety-valve pipes extend outward through openings in this hood, and are covered with movable sUdes, permitting the stand- pipe to expand and con- tract without straining the joints. The Adams Boiler, shown in Fig. 385, has some points of similarity to the boiler previously described, yet is widely divergent in its details. Water - tube boilers having radially pro- jecting tubes closed at their outer ends have many stanch advocates, who as- sert that such boilers will evaporate more water per pound of coal and raise steam more rapidly than boilers of any other type. The two principal objec- tions raised against boilers of this type have been : first, that on account of the small settling-chamber, where water containing im- purities in large degree is used, the tubes are liable to fill up, requiring constant cleaning ; second, when crowded beyond their rated capacity they are very liable to give wet steam. This boiler has been de- FiG. 385. 330 BOILERS AND FURNACES signed to overcome these difficulties not only, but to embody such other necessary requisites as shall make it a durable and economical steam generator. A feed-water reservoir is formed by extending the centre tube up into the steam-dome, as shown. This is practically a live-steam heater and purifier. As the feed-water falls into the reservoir it is raised to the same temperature as the steam, and the impurities settle in the form of sediment to the bottom of the reservoir, whence they can easily be re- moved. From the reservoir the hot ^ ' water passes slowly through a large down-pipe or outside connection not shown in the engraving from the extension of the upper dome to the extension from the bottom of the centre tube. Should any of the impurities held in suspension flow over from the reservoir, they will be retained and settle in the bottom extension formed at the bottom of the centre tube, thus leaving the inside of the steam-tubes clean and free from scale. To pro- vide against the possibility of im- perfect separation of the steam from the water, a large dome is placed on top of the centre tube above the water-line ; this secures ample room for separation and a large storage for steam, insuring a steam-supply free from saturation and to some extent superheated. Manholes at the outer ends of the two extensions allow access to both top and bottom of the boiler. Fig. 386 shows a plan of the furnace. The Morin Boiler, shown in Fig. 387, has a vertical central stand- pipe with bumped heads. The lower end of the bottom sheet extends so far below the head that the latter carries no weight and is above con- tact with the foundation. The weight of the boiler and its contents is borne by a heavy cast-iron ring riveted to the projecting sheet below the bottom head. This ring has a broad base resting upon the brick foundation underneath. The lower part of the vertical shell, having little or no circulation, acts as a mud-drum, in which foreign substances, held in solution and precipitated by the action of the heat, accumulate and may be blown out as required. The construction of the cylindrical shell into which the tubes are inserted is the same as that of any boiler-shell, with the exception that it is welded longitudinally instead of riveted, which allows a uniform spacing of the holes for the tubes. The tubes are from i^ to 3 inches in diameter, depending upon the SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS Fig. 387. 331 332 BOILERS AND FURNACES size of the boiler. They are bent to the shape indicated in Fig. 388, in addition to which they also have a vertical twist, so that the bent tube re-enters the cylinder at about 18 inches above the lower entrance. The general appearance of a series of tubes when put together in the boiler is that of a number of spirals forming annular rings in series one above the other to such a height as may be required for a given boiler. The tubes must be identical in their shape to fit into place in the series to which each belongs. To insure exact duplication they are bent over formers, giving each tube the precise shape needed for the boiler for which it is intended. Fig. 388. The tubes, being expanded in the main shell, allow for unequal ex- pansion and contraction, while the bends provide for unequal expansion in the individual tubes. The expanded joints are well protected from the action of the fire, being for the most part under water ; consequently they are not only well protected, but any tube can be easily replaced, and at small expense. The lower tubes and the central shell are filled with water, as shown in Fig. 387. The heat circulates among the tubes, around the central shell, and thence to the chimney-flue. The upper tubes and the central shell above the water-line act as superheating surfaces. SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 333 A manhole is placed in the upper head, by which access is had to the interior of the boiler for examination or repairs. A handhole-plate is located in the mud-drum for convenience in cleaning. A deflector-plate is inserted in the central shell a short distance above the water-level, which tends to throw back any water that may be carried up by the steam ; and a series of diaphragms divide the upper portion of this cyhnder, forming a series of superheating-chambers, through which the steam is successively compelled to circulate by the connecting bent tubes, drying the steam and slightly superheating it. The steam then passes into a reservoir provided for it above the top row of tubes. A water-heating coil or economizer of i^- to 3-inch pipe is located above the central shell, resting on the top row of tubes ; the length may be from 100 to 300 feet, according to the size of the boiler. This coil is welded and without screw-joints. The feed-water enters and flows through this coil of pipe before it enters the boiler, absorbing consider- able heat from the waste gases, and then passes to the central shell, where it is taken up by the curved tubes, in which a rapid circulation is maintained by reason of their upward course and the intense heat by which they are surrounded. The fire-box surrounds the central vertical cylinder, and is, therefore, annular in form. It is enclosed in a casing of iron, bolted together in sections, and lined with fire-brick. Ordinarily three or four fire-doors are provided, according to the size of the boiler. The outside casing of the boiler is sectional and bolted together ; it can be easily removed, wholly or in part, should it be necessary to remove a defective or substitute a new tube. Each section of the out- side casing of the boiler is provided with a cleaning-door, through which the ashes and soot may be blown off" the tubes by means of a steam- hose. In erecting this boiler the central shell is stood upon the cast-iron base-plate secured to the foundation, after which the work of placing the tubes in the shell is commenced. After all the tubes have been ex- panded, the whole is subjected to a hydrostatic test of 300 pounds per square inch, replacing any defective tubes ; this completed, the castings, which have been lined with fire-brick, are then placed in position and securely bolted. The smoke-hood is then placed and the usual boiler attachments made, until every part is in proper position. The Cahall Boiler, shown in sectional elevation in Fig. 389, con- sists of two steel drums arranged one above the other, and connected with 4-inch lap-welded tubes. These tubes are vertical, are perfectly straight throughout their entire length, and are expanded into the drums at each end. The upper or steam-drum has an opening through its centre for the exit of waste gases. The water-line in the upper drum is about a foot above the bottom of the drum, the drum itself being about 334 BOILERS AND FURNACES Fig. 389. Blwqffc §W^msm^^mmm!n^ms!mm^^mmMMm SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 335 6 feet high, leaving a space of 5 feet between the surface of water and the point at which the steam is drawn off from the boilers. A circu- lating-pipe is shown at one side of the engraving ; this is attached to the upper or steam-drum, just below the water-level, and is carried down- ward, outside the brickwork, to a point just below the tube-sheet of the lower drum, where it enters that drum. Through some oversight these connections were not shown in the engraving. There is no steam in this external circulating-pipe and no possibility of making any, but the tubes connecting the two drums are steam making tubes, consequently the water in the external pipe has a greater specific gravity than the mix- ture of steam and water in the steaming-tubes, and a rapid and positive circulation is thus set up. The water in the tubes connecting the drums, ascending to the steam-drum, delivers the mixture of water and steam there ; the steam separating at once from the water, the latter enters the circulating-pipe and is carried down to the mud-drum, and again rises with its mixture of steam. As this mixture of steam and water coming from the upper end of the tube is about half steam and half water in bulk, and as steam at 100 pounds pressure will occupy about 218 times the space occupied by the water itself, the water in the boiler will circu- late through the boiler 218 times before finally becoming steam. This insures not only a rapid and steady circulation, but also insures a uni- form temperature of water in all the tubes, as fresh feed-water, being thus circulated 218 times before evaporation, must necessarily mingle in such minute parts with the water already present in the boiler that the water in one ascending tube cannot be different in temperature to that in the others. The boiler is thus relieved from any possibility of de- structive strains from unequal expansion. A central opening is provided in the upper drum through which the gases escape to the chimney ; the upper tube-sheet has, therefore, a circular opening in its centre, leaving a central open space between the tubes, which gradually narrows to the bottom tube-sheet. Advantage is taken of this space, which is in the form of an inverted cone, to intro- duce deflecting-plates, which cause the gases to be alternately thrown out and in throughout the whole heating surface, giving them a sweep at nearly right angles to the tubes, thereby extracting from these gases their heat until they come to very nearly the temperature of the water contained in the boiler. Manholes are provided in both the upper and lower drums, to which are fitted the swinging manheads shown in Fig. 170. By simply taking off the nuts from the manheads and swinging them open, the attendant can place a light in the lower drum of the boiler and get into the upper drum and examine the condition of the tubes and that of the interior of the boiler. In case scale is discovered in any of the tubes, he can run a scraper through them, for which purpose the one in use is made in sections a trifle less than 6 feet long. Four of these sections are used, 336 BOILERS AND FURNACES and the man who is cleaning the boiler takes them into the upper drum and pushes the first section down as far as it will go, then simply hooks the second section to that, and continues doing this until the scraper has gone entirely through the tube, forcing any scale that may have been deposited on the sides of the tube straight through to the bottom drum, where it can be removed through the bottom manhole. The boiler rests upon four iron brackets riveted to the lower or mud- drum, supported upon four piers of the foundation, the entire structure standing without contact with the brickwork, thus allowing the boiler every freedom for expansion without in any way straining the brick setting. In all places where pipe connections are made to the boilers through the walls they are encased in expansion-boxes. Defective tubes may be removed from the boiler in the following manner : In the upper or top head of the steam-drum there are placed six handholes, not shown in the engraving, which are closed by means of plate, yoke, and bolt in the usual manner ; there are in addition two other holes, — one for the steam-pipe connection, the other for the pop safety-valve connections. By means of these eight openings any of the tubes needing removal, after having been cut loose from the tube-sheets, can be pushed up through the Fig. 390. tube-hole from which it has just been cut and through the most convenient of these openings in the top head and removed from the boiler. The new tube to re- place the defective one is passed into the boiler through the same openings. The furnace is external, as shown in Fig. 389. The com- bustion-chamber is roofed with a heavy fire-brick arch, which becomes incandescent shortly after the boiler is fired and radi- ates its contained heat directly on top of the green coal ; further- more, owing to the direct upward passage of all gases and iiill free openings, a comparatively short stack will furnish a draught press- ure not usually had with most other boilers ; for instance, it is claimed that in tests with a stack only 50 feet high a draught pressure in the furnace of over ^ inch was attained, but the temperature of the escaping gases is not furnished. This is a result which could hardly be SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 337 expected from any other water-tube boiler with a stack loo feet high. The heavy draught causes a rapid combustion of fuel per square foot of grate, with the consequent high initial temperature of gases, both of Fig. 391. which are requisite to either efficiency or economy in boiler practice. A plan of the furnace is shown in Fig. 390 ; a half-front and half-sectional elevation through the arch of the furnace is shown in Fig. 391, BOILER PERFORMANCE. ADDITIONAL TO CHAPTERS VI, VIII, IX. It was no part of the original scheme to enter upon questions relating to boiler performance, whether for economy, capacity, or dura- bility, but rather to confine the subject-matter of this book to the details of construction and arrangement of parts. As the work progressed, however, it became more and more apparent that a table of comparative evaporative tests would prove interesting even though it had no special value. Table XLIX. is not, strictly speaking, comparative, but is simply an aggregation of boiler performances arranged in the order in which the several types of boilers are considered in the preceding chapters, all of which are in use in this country. The tests from which this table was compiled varied from eight to twenty-four hours in __../^s 338 BOILERS AND FURNACES duration ; but to form a better basis of comparison, all the tests were reduced to a common basis of ten hours. As nearly all of the tabular numbers have been changed from the final sheets prepared by the experts who conducted the tests, it did not seem fair to use their names in connection with the tests without pre- senting the figures as originally prepared. We will say, however, that the experts thus quoted are all well known and recognized as being thoroughly competent for conducting such expert trials. From the mass of material at our disposal, only such boilers were selected as seemed to meet the ordinary conditions of service. Ex- traordinary results, above or below what is recognized as good per- formance, have not been used, except in the case of one or two boilers which were overfired, as indicated by the high temperature of the escaping gases. One object in the preparation of this table was to present as nearly as possible the conditions under which the several steam boilers are operated in actual service. A, Cylinder Boilers. — Number of shells, three ; each shell 36 inches in diameter by 30 feet in length ; area of water-heating surface, 518 square feet ; area of grate surface, 47.5 square feet ; ratio of water- heating surface to grate surface, 10,9 to i. Arrangement of furnace and setting similar to Figs. 209 to 212. Fuel, anthracite pea coal; moisture, 3.2 per cent. B, Two-Flue Boilers. — Number of shells, three ; each shell 48 inches in diameter by 36 feet in length ; two 16-inch flues in each shell ; area of water -heating surface, 1225 square feet ; area of grate surface, 90 square feet ; ratio of water-heating surface to grate surface, 13.6 to I. Arrangement of furnace and setting similar to Fig. 217. Fuel, bituminous coal, Pittsburgh run of mine. C. Three- Inch Tubular Boiler. — Number of boilers, one ; shell, 48 inches in diameter by 16 feet in length, with 50 tubes 3 inches in diameter ; area of water-heating surface, 763 square feet ; area of grate surface, 25 square feet ; ratio of water-heating surface to grate surface, 30.52 to I. Arrangement of furnace and setting similar to Fig. 293. Fuel, anthracite pea coal ; moisture, 3.5 per cent. D. Three-and- One- Half - Inch Tubular Boilers. — Number of boilers, two ; each shell 60 inches in diameter by 16 feet in length, with 62 tubes 3^ inches in diameter in each boiler, or 124 in all ; area of water- heating surface, 2100 square feet ; area of grate surface, 52 square feet ; ratio of water-heating surface to grate surface, 40.38 to i. Arrangement of furnace and setting similar to Fig. 293. Fuel, bituminous coal, Pittsburgh run of mine. SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 339 E. Four- Inch Tiibular Boilers. — Number of boilers, two; each shell 72 inches in diameter by 20 feet in length, with 68 tubes 4 inches in diameter in each boiler, or 136 in all ; area of water-heating surface, 3385 square feet; area of grate surface, 62.24 square feet; ratio of water-heating surface to grate surface, 54.39 to i. Arrangement of fur- nace and setting similar to Fig. 293. Fuel, bituminous coal, Mount Olive lump. F. Six- Inch Tubular Boilers. — Number of boilers, two; each shell 60 inches in diameter by 24 feet in length, with 18 lap-welded tubes 6 inches in diameter in each boiler, or 36 in all ; area of water-heating surface, 1879 square feet ; area of grate surface, 58 square feet ; ratio ol water-heating to grate surface, 32.4 to i. Arrangement of furnace and setting similar to Fig. 294. Fuel, bituminous coal, small lump. G. Double-Deck Horizontal Tubular Boiler. — Number of boilers, one, of a series of four ; diameter of boiler-shells, 60 inches and 50 inches ; length of boiler-shell, 15 feet ; number of 4-inch tubes in each boiler, 60 ; area of water-heating surface, 1286 square feet each ; area ol steam-heating surface, 141 square feet each ; area of grate surface, each boiler, 24 square feet ; ratio of grate to water-heating surface, 53.6 to i. Arrangement of furnace and setting similar to Fig. 234. Fuel, anthracite coal, rice, 3 per cent, moisture, Wilkinson stoker, force-blast. H. Triplex Boiler (see Fig. 236). — The two lower shells are 58 inches in diameter by 16 feet 9 inches long, with 62 4-inch tubes in each shell. The upper drum is 48 inches in diameter by 16 feet in length. The connecting necks are 15 inches in diameter. In the test here given the Hawley down-draft grate was used. The original design was for a standard grate which would give data for the test as follows : area of the standard grate, 11x5 feet, 55 square feet ; total area of heating surface, 2705 square feet ; ratio of heating surface to grate area, 49.2 to i ; coal consumed per hour, 893.8 pounds ; coal per hour per square foot ot standard grate, 16.25 pounds ; capacity of boiler, as stated in the con- tract, 250 horse-power; capacity of boiler averaged during test 277.1 horse-power (excess 11 per cent.) ; capacity of boiler in preliminary test, 315.2 horse-power (excess 26 per cent.). The lump coal when weighed contained 1.6 per cent, of moisture. The total heat of combustion by calorimeter per pound of dry coal in B.T.U. was 12,765. Efficiency, 80.6. I. Fire-Box Tubular Boiler. — Trial 48 hours ; test records results of one boiler out of a battery of five boilers working together. Grate surface, 54^ square feet each ; water-heating surface, 1562 square feet each ; ratio of water-heating to grate surface, 28.7 to i. Arrangement 340 BOILERS AND FURNACES of boiler details similar to Fig. 331. Fuel, anthracite coal, bird's eye ; 7.4 per cent, moisture. K. Belpaire Boiler, Double Furnace. — Two boilers in use ; record of one boiler. Diameter of shell, smallest inside, 82 inches ; inside length of fire-box, 8 feet i)^ inches ; inside width of each fire-box (2), 7 feet 6 inches ; length of combustion-chamber, 7 feet ; length of tubes, 16 feet; diameter of tubes, outside, 3 inches; number of tubes, 159; length of grate, 7 feet i inch ; width of grate during trial bricked up to 5 feet 3 inches ; heating surface, 2240 square feet ; grate surface during trial, each boiler, 37.185 square feet; ratio of heating to grate surface during trial, 60.24 to i. Pocahontas coal ; average moisture, 2.60 per cent. ; calorific value of i pound of coal by analysis, 14,924 B.T.U,; design of boiler approximates Fig. 337. L. Gun-Boat Boiler (Fig. 326). — Results of one boiler in a battery of two boilers working together. Diameter of boiler, 8 feet 6 inches ; length of boiler, 20 feet ; furnaces in each boiler, 2 ; type of furnace. Fox cor- rugated ; diameter of furnaces, 3 feet 6 inches ; length of furnaces, 7 feet 6 inches ; number of 4-inch tubes in each boiler, 90 ; length of tubes, 10 feet; heating surface, i boiler, 11 19 square feet; heating surfaces, 2 furnaces, 136 square feet ; heating surface, combustion-chamber, 47 square feet ; heating surface of tubes, 936 square feet ; area of cross- section of tubes, I boiler, 8 square feet ; ratio of tube cross-section to grate area, 5.25 to i ; grate surface, i boiler, 42 square feet; ratio of water-heating to grate area, 26.67 to i. Semi-anthracite pea coal; 9 per cent, moisture. Heavy rain during test ; coal was brought in from yard perfectly saturated. M. Vertical Tubular Boiler. — One boiler ; shell 48 inches in diameter by 9 feet in height ; 148 tubes, 2 inches in diameter, 72 inches long ; fire- box, 42 inches in diameter by 36 inches in height. Heating surface : fire- box, 35 ; water-tubes, 349 ; superheating, 116 ; head, 7 ; making a total of 505 square feet. Upper end of tubes pass through steam-space for 18 inches. Area of grate surface, 9.62 square feet ; ratio water -heating to grate surface, 40.44 to i. Arrangement of boiler details similar to Fig. 303. Fuel, anthracite stove coal. N. Manni7ig Vertical Boiler. — Results of one boiler in a battery ot six boilers. Diameter of shell, 5 feet ; diameter of fire-box, 6 feet ; height of fire-box, 3 feet 6 inches ; number of tubes, 180 ; diameter, 2^ inches; length of tubes, 15 feet; grate area, 28.7 square feet; water-heating surface, 1383 square feet ; superheating surface, 471 square feet ; ratio of water-heating surface to grate, 48.2 to i ; ratio of super- heating surface to grate, 16.4 to i. Arrangement of boiler details similar to Fig. 310. Fuel, bituminous coal, Pocahontas ; 4.75 per cent, moisture. SECTIONAL AND WATER-TUBE BOILERS 34 1 O. Galloway Boiler. — Diameter, 85 inches, by 28 feet in length : number of conical tubes, 33 ; diameter of conical tubes, 5^^ and 10 inches ; length of conical tubes, 2 feet 1 1 inches ; diameter of furnace, 2 feet 10 inches ; grate, 6 feet 7 inches long by 2 feet 9 inches wide total heating surface, 1058 square feet. Arrangement of boiler and set- ting similar to Fig. 313. Fuel, bituminous coal, Cumberland. P, Wharton- Harris 071 Boiler. — The details of this boiler are in all respects as described on page 298 and following. Figs. 352 and 353 illustrate the details common to all boilers of this manufacture. O. Babcock & Wilcox Boiler. — Boiler drum, 36 inches in diameter by 16 feet 6 inches in length ; grate, 60 inches wide by 72 inches long, 30 square feet ; 64 tubes 4 inches in diameter by 16 feet in length ; total water-heating surface, 1253 square feet; ratio of water-heating surface to grate surface, 41.8 to i. Arrangement of furnace and setting similar to Fig. 354. Fuel, anthracite coal. R. Caldwell Water- Tube Boiler. — Fig. 366 shows the general ar- rangement of this boiler. It is distinguished from the Babcock & Wilcox boiler in the design and grouping of the headers, a detail of one of which is shown in Fig. 367 ; also a novel design of baffle bricks used, shown in Fig. 368. On a capacity test by G. H. Barrus, additional to the one given in the table, a 206 horse-power boiler developed 65.7 per cent, more than its rated power, and this was done with a draught of 0.47 inch in the flue, which corresponds to that of an ordinary good chimney. The actual draught at command was more than double this force, and in this particular instance the excess of capacity could, if desired, have been increased much beyond the amount realized. S. Heine Safety Boiler (Fig. 372). — Number of boilers, one ; i shell 48 inches in diameter by 19 feet 9 inches in length ; 92 tubes 33^ inches in diameter by 16 feet in length ; grate, 81 inches wide by 48 inches long, 27 square feet ; water-heating surface, 1406 square feet ; ratio of water-heating surface to grate surface, 52 to i. Fuel, bituminous coal. T. Stirling Boiler. — Number of boilers, one ; number of water- drums, I ; number of steam- and water-drums, 3 ; diameter of water- tubes, 3j^ inches ; grate surface, 52 square feet ; water-heating surface, 2300 square feet ; ratio of water-heating surface to grate surface, 44. i to I. Arrangement of furnace and setting similar to Fig. 378. Fuel, Youghiogheny bituminous coal. U. Hogan Boiler (Fig. 381). — Number of boilers in test, one ; diam- eter of steam-drum, 42 inches ; diameter of distributing-drum, 24 inches ; diameter of mud-drum, 10 inches ; number of steaming- and heating- 342 BOILERS AND FURNACES tubes, 384 ; number of circulating-tubes, 36 ; grate surface, 80 square feet ; water-heating surface, 4100 square feet ; ratio of water- heating surface to grate surface, 51.25 to i. V. Hazelto7i Boiler. — Shell, 42 inches diameter by 34 feet in height ; 1070 tubes 4 inches in diameter by 3 feet long ; grate, 129 inches outside by 44^ inches inside diameter, 80 square feet ; water-heating surface, 2371 square feet ; superheating surface, 1049 square feet. Arrangement of furnace and setting similar to Fig. 382. Fuel, bituminous coal. W. Morin Climax Boiler. — Total heating surface, 10,000 square feet; grate surface, 113.6 square feet; ratio of total heating to grate surface, 88 to i. Arrangement of furnace and setting similar to Fig. 387. Fuel, Youghiogheny bituminous coal. X. Cahall Water- Tube Boiler. — Number of boilers in test, one ; diameter of upper drum, 6 feet 8 inches ; diameter of internal flue, 34 inches ; 108 tubes 4 inches in diameter by 18 feet long ; area of grate surface, 40 square feet ; area of water-heating surface, 2064 square feet ; area superheating surface, 50 square feet ; ratio of water-heating to grate surface, 51.6 to i ; draught area through internal flue, 6.3 square feet, or a trifle less than one-sixth of the grate. Arrangement of furnace and setting similar to Fig. 389. Fuel, Pocahontas bituminous coal ; 3.3 per cent, moisture. Dimensions and Proportions. Grate surface, area in square feet .... Water-heating surface, square feet . . . Superheating surface, square feet . . . Ratio of water-heating surface to grate . Average Pressures. Steam pressure by gauge Chimney draught in inches of water . . Average Temperatures. External air, degrees Fahr Escaping gases from boiler, degrees F. | Feed-water entering boiler, degrees F. . Fuel. Kind and size •! Coal fed to furnace, deducting moisture, pounds Percentage of ash Total combustible, pounds Coal burned per square foot of grate surface per hour Coal burned per square foot of water- heating surface per hour Quality of Steam. Moisture in steam, per cent Superheated, degrees Fahr Water. Weight of water fed to boiler, pounds . Equivalent water evaporated into dry steam from and at 212° Fahr., pounds Evaporation. Water evaporated per pound of coal under actual conditions Equivalent evaporation from and at 2X2° Fahr. per pound of coal Equivalent evaporation from and at 212° Fahr. per pound of combustible . Equivalent evaporation from and at 212° Fahr. per square foot of water- heating surface per hour, pounds . . . Commercial Horse-Power. On a basis of 34 J^ pounds of water evap- orated per hour from and at 212° Fahr. Square feet of water-heating surface per H.-P 51-3 2300 44.8 to I 453 39 Poca- hontas, 6644 7-1 6170 12.9 .29 .11 57,528 69,839 8.658 10.511 11.314 3-03 27 1407 123.3 ■65 90.5 644 84 Bitu- minous 7866 31-7 77,995 91,878 9.12 10.74 11.60 6.53 T. 52 2300 44.1 to 129 Youghi ogheny 6929 5-5 6549 13-32 71,784 78,574 10.36 "•34 229 10.04 4100 None. 51.25 to I 18,115.41 32.14 12,293.12 22.52 •439 •58 103,285.14 120,245.45 5^71 6.64 9^79 348.53 11.76 2371 -j 1049 29.63 to 82.5 498 91 Bitu- minous. 12,821 4.21 12,281 16 io9,9«o 127,906 8.58 9^99 10.28 3^74* 370.8 6.39 113.6 Total Surfaces. 10,000 88 to I 37 501 35^3 Bitu- minous 36,252 3-75 33,123 31^9 •363 6.81 31,433 38,034 8.34 10.07 1058.8 9M 40 I 2064 50 51.6 to I 110.7 .14 Bitu- minous. 6507 6 16.3 •315 4.4 64,772 77,108 9-97 11.84 12.60 223.4 9.28 TABLE XLIX. EVAPORATIVE TESTS OF STEAM BOILERS. A. B. c. D. E. F. G. H. ^• K. L. M. N. 0. P. Q. R. s. T. u. V. w. X. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 -OH c m k i £u 1 i 1 1 ? li .2 .1 s 1 s .2 1 .B 4 % .11 P §a5 II II i .S 1 1 1 If 1 ! 5 1 1 •5 1 1 1 u H ci. ■^ z ° H £ m > s X « u a U) X K 1 (J Dimensions and Proportions. 24 { Grate surface, area in square feet .... 47-S 90 25 52 62.24 58 Total. }54-5 37-185 42 9-62 28.7 36-25 46.25 30 51-3 27 52 So 80 v^-f 40 Water-heating surface, square feet . . . 518 1225 763 2100 3385 1879 1286 1562 2240 III9 389 I3S3 960 1872 1253 2300 1407 2300 4100 237. { 1049 29.63 to I Tol»l Surfaces. }2064 Superlieating surface, square feet . . . 141 53.6 to 1 None. 116 471 48.2 to I 199 26.48 to I 585 None. 51-25 to I Ratio of water-heating surface to grate . 10.9 to I 13.6 to I 30.52 to I 40.38 to I 54-39 to I 32.4 to I 29.6 to I 28.7 to I 60.24 to I 26.67 to 1 40.44 to I 41.8 to I 44-8 to I 52 to I 44.1 to I 10,000 50 51.6 to I Average Pressures. Steam pressure by gauge 75 101.2 88 95 96 ",«, Forced 86,3 } -=5 79.8 140 48,2 85 124-3 69.9 87.14 90 77-1 123-3 129 92 90 68.8 110.7 Cliimney draught in inclies of water . . -64 -5 .42 .69 •75 -45 -65 • 143 1-23 .14 Average Temperatures. .88 External air, degrees Fahr M?lts Lead. 32 72 64 37 89 83 31 49-8 76 46 47-7 67 90-5 50 90 82.5 37 Escaping gases from boiler, degrees F. | 816.3 520 512 439 542-5 388.5 358 457-5 623 • 478 375-4 605 453 644 480 530 498 501 619 Feed-water entering boiler, degrees F. . 149.9 120 138 71 167 148 169 76.4 144-5 94 64 159-7 114 51-93 181 39 84 168 83 91 35-3 71.1 Fuel. Anth. Bitu- Anth. Bitu- Bitu- Bitu- Anth. Youghi- Anthra- Poca- Semi- Anthra- Bitu- Bitu- Anthra- Anthra- Poca- Bitu- Youghi- Bitu- Bitu- BiUi- Pea. Pea. minous. Pea. ogheny. cite. hontas. Anth. cite. cite. cite. hontas. minous. ogheny. minous. Coal fed to furnace, deducting moisture, pounds 3900 16,875 2758 6817 11,250 24,000 3542 8938 3292 4275 4533 859 3480 8188 5809 7220 6644 8550 6929 18,115.41 12,821 36,252 6507 Percentage of ash 12.63 3704 12 13 2400 12.6 6.49 10,520 13-35 20,796 16.46 8247 17.4 2720 4.62 20.8 13-2 746 8-33 3073 9.18 7436 17.4 19.8 5789 7-1 3 5-5 32-14 4.21 3.75 6 Total combustible, pounds 14.879 5958 2959 4075 3589 4807 6.70 7866 6549 12,293.12 12,281 33,123 Coal burned per square foot of grate surface per hour 18.75 11.03 I3-II 18 41.38 14. 9-79 11.50 8.93 12.82 12.9 31.7 13.32 22.52 16 31 -9 16.3 Coal burned per square foot of water- heating surface per hour 7-53 1.38 .361 .325 •332 1.277 -275 -330 .211 -195 -77 .221 -252 -853 .310 •576 .29 .608 -332 -439 •541 •363 -315 Quality of Steam. 1.32 ' ' -0055 .0136 .... ' -75 .91 -.58 6.81 ' 17.I 1.2 4-4 Water. Weight of water fed to boiler, pounds . 24.438 102,700 23,002 61,626 83.369 125,982 32,073 88,363 26,500 41.123 34,382 7654 36,225 71,464 47,782 53,092 57,528 77,995 71,784 103,285.14 109,980 31,433 64,772 Equivalent water evaporated into dry steam from and at 212° Fahr., pounds 28,54s 113,440 26,063 68,784 97.536 136,816 35,402 95,609 30.687 45,742 39,584 9114 40,065 81,411 57,291.6 56,400 69,839 91,878 78,574 120,245.45 127,906 38,034 77,108 Evaporation. Water evaporated per pound of coal under actual conditions 5.42 6.086 8.34 9.04 7-31 5-25 9-05 9-845 7-93 9-57 7.58 8.91 10.42 8.73 8.22 7^30 8.658 9.T2 10.36 5-71 8.58 8.34 9-97 Equivalent evaporation from and at 2i2°Fahr. per pound of coal 7-32 6.72 9-45 10.09 8.67 5-70 10.00 10.646 9-32 10.70 8.73 10.61 10.9s 9-71 9.86 7.81 10.51 1 10.74 11-34 6.64 999 10.07 11.84 Equivalent evaporation from and at ro.28 12.60 212° Fahr. per pound of combustible . 7.71 7.62 10.86 "•54 9.27 6.06 11.97 II-55I 11.28 11.22 11.02 12.22 12.90 10.92 11.92 9^75 I1.314 11.60 12.00 9-79 11.02 Equivalent evaporation from and at 212° Fahr. per square foot of water- 3^74* 3-^* heating surface per hour, pounds . 5-51 9.26 3.42 3.28 2.8S 7.28 2.75 3.07 1.96 2.04 3-53 2.34 2.90 8.46 3-06 4^50 3-03 6.53 3-41 2.93 3-2 Commercial Horse-Power. On a basis of 34J4 pounds of water evap- orated per hour from and at 212° Fahr. 82.75 328.81 75-54 199-37 282.71 396-57 I02.6 277-1 88.98 132-55 "5 26.42 116.1 235-97 i66 i63^5 202.4 280 229 348.53 370^8 1058.8 223-4 Square feet of water-heating surface n.76 6^39 9.28 per H.-P 6.26 3-73 10.10 10.53 11.97 4-74 12.53 9-77 17-55 16.89 9-73 14.72 IT. 91 4.07 11.28 7.66 11.4 5-03 10.04 9^44 ■■ Includes superheating surface. CHAPTER X. BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS. The necessary attachments to a steam boiler include the feed- and blow-pipes, safety-valve, gauge-cocks and water-gauge, pressure-gauge, steam -delivery pipe, and the connections for operating the damper. The Feed-Pipe may enter the boiler at any convenient place, but the valves and other feed-controlling devices should, if possible, be placed in the fire-room rather than elsewhere, because the water-level requires constant attention on the part of the fireman. There is no uniformity regarding the location for the admission of feed-water, but almost any place is better than directly over the furnace or crown-sheet. The coolest part of the boiler is generally thought to be at the bottom of the rear end, probably because of the greater amount of sediment which collects there, indicating that the circulation is least in that portion of the boiler. This location has long been a favorite one for the admission of feed-water. When a mud-drum is used the feed-water sometimes enters there, but this is not now considered good practice. One might easily infer from certain articles in technical journals on this subject that the normal condition of the water in a steam boiler was in layers of unequal temperature, which is probably not true, except as to the underlying fact that it requires a difference in temperature to begin and continue circulation. The important thing is to prevent local injury to plates or tubes by not admitting cold water. ^^^- 392- An internal feed-pipe is recom- mended. The opening into the boiler may be at any convenient place — the front or back head will answer as well as any. After tap- ping the head put in a nipple with a long thread and screw a coupling on the inside of the boiler, as shown in Fig. 392, to which a pipe may be attached leading to within a few inches of the other end of the boiler ; an elbow will then permit the pipe to be ex- tended upward between the tubes (if the latter are not placed zigzag), with another elbow leading towards the opposite end of the boiler. The far end of this last pipe may be bent downward so as to direct the 343 344 BOILERS AND FURNACES Fig ■^3^ feed-water down among the tubes, where it will be taken up by the general circulation. Feed-water entering the boiler in this manner will have acquired the same temperature as that of the water within the boiler before it is discharged into the general circulation. The diameter of the feed-pipe should be quite liberal. The larger the pipe within the boiler the slower the movement of the water within, and the more heat it will have absorbed before it is discharged into the boiler. The least diameter recommended for the internal feed- or circu- lating-pipe is l}{ inches for hori- zontal tubular boilers up to 48 inches diameter, and i^ inches for larger diameters. Feeding into the steam-room of a boiler is now quite common. Moore's device, shown in Fig. 393, has been in use some twenty years. The water is admitted, as shown by the overhead pipe and direction of the arrow, through the shell of the boiler into a return fitting, discharging up- ward at the ball check -valve. A guard over the top of the check-valve prevents any spray touching the overhead shell of the boiler. The feed- water, falling upon the water underneath, is immediately taken up by the circulation without coming in contact with any portion of the boiler. A suspended pan in the steam-room, with the feed-pipe leading directly into it, as shown in Fig. 394, has been used in a number of boilers by the writer during the past twenty ^^" ^^^' years with good results. The pan may be 3 or 4 feet long, 12 to 18 inches wide, and 3 to 5 inches deep, according to the size of the boiler. The top edge is serrated like a saw, so that the over- flow will occur by drops and not in a stream, the drops being taken up by the circulation proceeding along the surface of the water. Feeding into an inverted frustum of a cone which overflows into a shallow pan and from the latter into the boiler, as developed in Ford' s device, is shown in Fig. 395. This device, wherever used, has given satisfaction. BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 345 Ftg. 395. A purifying-chamber in the rear end of the water- and steam-drums of the water-tube boilers, made by the Standard Boiler Company, is unique in providing an apartment over which the pans are suspended in the steam-space, the overflow of which is not taken up directly by the circulation, but falls into a chamber partitioned off, so as to be uninfluenced by the circulation, as shown in Fig. 396. This purifying- chamber permits a pre- cipitation of the scale- bearing matter into a separate compartment, where it can be discharged through a bottom-blow, also shown in the engraving. By this means the purifying-chamber can be completely emptied, if so desired, without disturbing the water-level in the boiler, a great advantage in any locality where the feed-water contains salts of lime and magnesia. Fig. 396. Check- Valves permit a flow of water into the boiler and prevent its escape through the feed-pipe upon withdrawal of pressure. They- are made in considerable variety as to exterior form, but the principle of operation is always the same. For small powers the globe check- valve, shown in Fig. 397, is probably used more than any other. The globe, cap, and valve are all made of hard gun-metal ; the ends of the globe are tapped for standard wrought-iron pipe-threads. The valve 23 346 BOILERS AND FURNACES and seat are flat in this engraving, but they are also made with a bevel, as shown in the section of an angle valve, Fig. 398. Whether a globe Fig. 397. Fig. 398. or an angle check-valve shall be used will depend upon the details of piping for any given boiler. A ball check-valve is shown in Fig. 399. This valve is not in as common use as the one preceding, and is not generally regarded with the favor accorded valves having flat or conical faces, which may be easily reground after distortion occasioned by wear. The swinging check-valve, shown in Fig. 400, is now much used and has given general satisfaction. It gives a straight way for the passage of the feed-water. The valve is free to revolve on the face, having a pivoted connection in the swinging arm, as shown. These valves are wholly made of hard gun-metal. Fig. 399. Fig. 400. An angle check-valve, much used with injectors, is shown in Fig. 401. It is provided with a tapered nipple for screwing directly into the shell of a boiler ; the lower connection is that of a standard union common to wrought-iron pipe-work. The valve is winged and fitted to a bevelled seat. All the parts of this valve are made of hard gun-metal. BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 347 Fig. 402. An angle valve, shown in Fig. 402, is much used in large installations where several boilers are connected with the same feed-pipe. The main shell and cap are of cast iron ; the valve and bushing forming the seat are of hard gun-metal. The shell is bored the depth of the bushing with a recess, say of % inch, into which the bushing, having a corre- FiG. 401. sponding projection, is forced. The cap is provided with a yoke tapped to receive either a brass or an iron spindle, which, passing through [a stuffing-box, also included in the cap, can be screwed down upon the check-valve so as to prevent it rising except at such times Fig. 403. as feed-water may be re- quired in the boiler to which it is attached. This valve is flanged, and must be fitted to corresponding flanges in- cluded in the system of piping, the whole being se- cured by through -going bolts and nuts. Culver's stop- and check- valve combined is shown in Fig. 403. The valve body is made of iron and in two parts, the gun-metal seat being located between the two, and all bolted together through flanges outside of the seat. This design is to all intents a straightway valve. An inspection of the draw- 348 BOILERS AND FURNACES ing will make clear that it is first of all a stop-valve consisting of two parts, a small auxiliary valve having its seat on the back of the larger valve, and this larger valve having its seat on the central gun-metal ring lying between the two halves of the main body. The small valve is at- tached to the spindle operated by the hand-wheel the same as any globe valve. Raising the screwed spindle, however slightly, opens the small valve and water enters the space between the main valve and the check- valve below, thus balancing the upper disk. Upon a further raising of the spindle the nut under the upper valve is brought in contact with the latter and easily raised from its seat, because the pressure is the same on both sides. A square lug on the bottom of the check-valve passes through an opening in the lower half of the body, which allows it to work up and down freely and guides it to its seat, this guide keeping the check in perfect alignment with its seat. By unscrewing the bottom valve-cap and rotating the valve on its seat the check-valve can be re- ground in case of leakage. The seats are renewable by removing the bolts and springing the valve body far enough apart to remove the brass seat- ring and slip another in its stead ; this can be done in less time than would be required to grind the valve if the leakage should be very great. Gate Valves are much used for water-valves because they give a straightway passage of full diameter of the connecting-pipes. A sec- tional elevation of a Chapman valve is given in Fig. 404. It consists of a plug or gate in one piece, guided closely in the shell by means of ribs or splines, the latter taking all the strains, relieving the faces of the seats until the central plug is seated, the splines insuring a true and easy vertical movement of plug. The seats are hard gun -metal, and when placed in their proper positions in the body of the shell are held to their exact line by means of a screw-gland inserted through the threaded ends. These glands can be worked forward and back by means of a spanner fitting the sphnes in the inside of these screw-glands. The plug is double-faced and equally tight on either face, and either end of the valve may be used for inlet or outlet. This valve is shown with a stationary spindle ; that is, the valve rises and falls on the spindle ; in other forms the spindle rises and falls through the stuffing-box corre- sponding to the position of the valve. A Jenkins gate valve with travelling spindle is shown in Fig. 405. The details of the spindle are not shown, but they are similar to those of Fig. 450. The body has one vertical and one inclined side, both of which are faced true. The valve or plug has of necessity a ver- tical and inclined side to fit the seat. The back of the valve fits, metal to metal, against the body ; the face is furnished with a vulcanized disk, shown black in the engraving ; this has a metal guard outside of it, as shown ; these disks are renewable by unscrewing the cap and removing the valve from the body. The spindle is independent of the disks, therefore not liable to stick in opening or closing the valve. BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 349 A Bottom Blow is used for emptying the boiler ; it is placed, there- fore, at the lowest part of the boiler. If the latter is supplied with a mud-drum the bottom blow discharges from that. Horizontal boilers are usually set with an inclination of two to three inches to the rear. The Fig. 404. Fig. 405. O oh blow-oif should be attached by preference at the bottom of the boiler rather than through the rear head, because, for practical reasons, the drilling and tapping into a boiler-head must occur above the curve of the flange, which leaves a couple of inches of water underneath the pipe that cannot be drained. The blow-off opening into the boiler in the case of pipes larger than two inches should be reinforced by a plate riveted to the shell, the pipe-tap screwing through both plates, or a pipe-flange should be riveted to the boiler instead. It is sometimes necessary to insert an elbow immediately under the boiler, as shown in Fig. 295, that the blow-off pipe may pass through the furnace-walls at a higher level than the bottom of the combustion- chamber. Some manufacturers furnish a cast-iron pipe, as shown in Fig. 406. In either case the pipe and fittings are wholly enveloped by hot gases. But a much better method is to carry the pipe vertically downward to the bottom of the combustion-chamber, where the tem- perature is much lower, and connect the elbow near or below the floor- level. An example of such an arrangement is shown in Fig. 298. A brick protecting wall is built around the blow-off pipe to the bottom of 350 BOILERS AND FURNACES the combustion-chamber, and a long^ curve joins this pipe to the front of the boiler. Another method is to build a pier around the pipe, as shown in Fig. Fig. 406. /fffr/','ff^/^ff/-/A 407. As this requires only the length of one brick it does not obstruct the flow of gases. Still another method is to wrap the blow-off pipe with coils of plaited asbestos packing ; the latter, being non-combustible, affords considerable protection to the blow-off" pipe. The diameter of the bottom blow-off" pipe should be i^ inches for boilers up to 42 inches in diameter, 2 inches for 44- to 60-inch boilers, and 2^-inch pipe for larger diameters. The blow-off" pipe must be laid so as to completely drain at the discharging end, or it may in time fill with scale or mud, "When using the bottom blow the velocity of flow should be rapid, otherwise scale is liable to lodge in the turns or other pipe-fittings and eventually clog the pipe so as to prevent full flow ; for this reason, when blowing, the valve or plug-cock should be wide open or nearly so. A Surface Blow is needed for boilers in which the feed-water con- tains impurities liable to separate during the process of ebullition and form a thick scum on the surface of the water. This scum is greatest in waters in which the carbonates of magnesia predominate. The sur- BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 351 face blow should be located at the water-level and in that part of the boiler in which the surface agitation of the water is least. It should have a receiving or collecting funnel with a wide surface across the boiler, the wider the better. An arrangement of surface and bottom blows as applied to a vertical boiler, shown in Fig. 408, was illustrated in the technical journals a few years ago, which, as a scheme of piping, is here reproduced. When the valve at the top of the boiler under the hori- zontal branch - pipe and the lower valve outside of the bottom tee are opened the water will be blown from the bottom of the blow-oft pipe, located at about an inch above the surface of the crown-sheet, the latter being swept by the current of escaping water as it passes across it and up the pipe. So, also, any oil or scum that may be floating upon the surface of the water, and which would otherwise be deposited upon the crown- sheet, is blown ofl" in the same way by opening the surface blow. After all the water that can be reached by the surface blow is carried off in this manner, the top valve may be closed and the bottom valve next the boiler opened, when the remainder of the water in the boiler may be blown out of the bottom blow. After all the water has been blown out of the boiler, the top blow-off valve being closed and the uppermost valve shown in the engraving opened, a hose can be coupled to the upper pipe and the crown-sheet washed off, the water striking the centre of the crown-sheet and washing all sediment into the water-legs, where it can be removed through the handholes. 352 BOILERS AND FURNACES The Hotchkiss surface blow, illustrated in Fig. 409, has been in use in this country for the past twenty years. It consists of a funnel, an up-flow pipe, a reservoir, a Fig. 409. return pipe, and a blow-oft pipe. The funnel is made of iron, and as large as will pass through the manhole. The reservoir is a cast-iron spherical vessel, with a capac- ity of about eighteen gallons and of sufticient thickness to withstand the boiler press- ure. Its action is as follows : in a boiler with the cleaner attached, the funnel is set near the surface, but partly submerged, and in such po- sition that its opening will intercept the currents of hot water flowing towards it. By the action of gravity the hot surface water entering the funnel will flow into the reservoir through the up-flow pipe, displacing an equal quantity of cooler water therein, which latter returns to the boiler by the pipe shown between the flues. A constant circulation ol water through the cleaner is thus maintained by the unbalanced columns of water so long as firing is kept up under the boiler. Any sediment once deposited in the reservoir remains there until removed through the blow-pff" pipe under control of the engineer. Plug- Cocks are generally used for the bottom blow of steam boilers. An objection to the use of ordinary plug- cocks has been the tendency to leak around the bottom of the plug, the loss of water not being of so much account as the drip upon the floor, which makes in some fire-rooms a disagreeable slop ; also the tendency of the plug to stick to the shell if driven down slightly after closing it, making it difficult to after- wards move the plug when required. Both of these objections are over- come in the plug-cock shown in Fig. 410, which has a cast bottom through which no drips can occur. The sticking is less objectionable Fig. 410. BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 353 Fig. because the collar-nut at the top of the plug, which forces the latter down into its seat, will by a slight turn cause a vertical movement of the plug and thus loosen it sufficiently to move it with an ordinary wrench. An asbestos-packed plug-cock is shown in horizontal and vertical sections in Fig. 411, the latter on a larger scale than the former. This cock has a closed bottom, the asbestos being driven solidly in the dove-tail grooves in the body of the cock and, being elastic, fits against the plug, mak- ing a tight joint with but little friction. Asbestos, being unaffected by heat and moisture, is quite durable. These cocks are in good repute wher- ever used. Ordinary globe valves should not be used as a bottom blow for steam boilers ; a gate valve or one of the forms of angle valves in which no lodgment of scale can occur is much to be preferred. A Jenkins valve, similar to Fig. 412, or the Eastwood valve, shown in Fig. 413, have both been Fig. 412. used with satisfactory results. Myers's blow- off valve as improved by Mowry is shown in Fig. 414. The seat of this valve is removable. Double wheels are so arranged that the large wheel opens and seats the valve. The small wheel rotates the valve on its seat without either raising or lowering the disk. After the valve has been opened and water blown off", the large wheel is used to close the valve upon its seat ; then, reversing this wheel about an eighth of a turn, the smaller wheel is revolved to clean off" both the valve-disk and the ring on which it is seated. 354 BOILERS AND FURNACES Safety- Valves. —The object of a safety-valve is to relieve the boiler and prevent accumulation of steam pressure above the limit at which the valve is set. The grate surface is now the commonly accepted unit by which to determine the size of a safety-valve. The rate of com- bustion varies with different boiler furnaces and the kind of coal used. Fig. 414. Fig. 413. Records show from 12 to 40 pounds of coal per square foot of grate per hour, but furnaces with ordinary draught do not often burn more than 20 pounds. Good evaporation may be assumed to be 10 pounds of water per pound of coal. Each boiler should have its own safety-valve. Some municipalities, Philadelphia, for example, require safety-valves to be in duplicate. Safety-valves should be attached directly to the shell or to the steam- dome of the boiler. There should never be a stop-valve intervening between the boiler and the safety-valve if, by closing the former, the latter is no longer in communication with the boiler pressure. The United States Regulations for steam-vessels require that lever safety-valves shall have an area of not less than i square inch to 2 square feet of grate surface in the boiler, and the seats of all such safety-valves shall have an inclination of 45° to the centre line of their axes. These proportions obtain in good stationary-engine practice. Fig. 415 shows a combined safety-valve and stop- valve, useful for situations in which several boilers deliver the steam into a common reservoir. Spring-loaded safety-valves, constructed so as to give an increased lift by the operation of steam, after the valve is raised from its seat, shall be required, according to the United States Regulations, to BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 355 have an area of not less than i square inch to 3 square feet of grate surface of the boiler, and each spring-loaded valve shall be supplied with a lever that will raise the valve from its seat a distance of not less than one-eighth of the diameter of the valve opening. The seats of all such safety-valves shall have an angle of inclination to the centre line of their axes of 45 degrees. But in no case shall any spring-loaded safety-valve be used in lieu of the lever-weighted safety-valve without first having been approved by the Board of Supervising Inspectors. Fig. 415. The diameter of a safety-valve is not a test of its efficiency. A valve is effective in direct proportion to its lift, other conditions being equal. Professor Burg, of Vienna, found by actual measurements that a lever safety-valve of 4 inches diameter rises from its seat according to the laws stated below : With a boiler pressure of . . The rise of a common valve is, in parts of an inch . . . 12 20 35 45 50 60 70 80 aV is sk eV A A Th Tk 90 pounds Other reliable authorities do not fix the rise of such a valve from its seat at more than ^ oi i inch when loaded at any pressure between 12 pounds and 90 pounds. And further experiments of Mr. Burg proved beyond a doubt that the higher the pressure the less will a common safety-valve rise ; and in not rising it simply obeys the action of the forces exerted upon it. According to the table of Professor Burg, the actual size of the venting capacity of a common lever and weight safety-valve of 3 inches diameter is but 0.56 of a square inch area at 70 pounds of steam. Pressure ought, therefore, to be taken into account when fixing upon the size of a safety-valve, especially for large powers, or in all cases 356 BOILERS AND FURNACES where the flow of steam is intermittent and pressures are likely to accumulate nearly or quite to the danger limit. The Philadelphia regulations for fixing the size of safety-valves take the pressure into account, and order that the least aggregate area of the two safety-valves required by law (being the least sectional area for the discharge of steam) to be placed upon all stationary boilers with natural or chimney draught may be expressed by the formula : ^ ~ P + 8.62, in which A is the area of combined safety-valves in inches ; G is the area of grate in square feet ; P is pressure of steam in pounds per square inch to be carried in the boiler above the atmosphere. The following table gives the results of the formula for one square foot of grate as applied to boilers used at different pressures : Pressure per Square Inch. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 no 120 150 175 Valve Area in Square Inches, corresponding to i Square Foot of Grate. •79 58 .46 .38 .33 29 .25 .23 .19 .14 Calculating the Load on a Lever Safety- Valve. — Two things are usually known in advance, — the size of the valve and the pressure at which it is to work. Reference letters for lever safety-valves are given in Fig. 416. Let A = area of valve in inches. P = pressure at which valve is to lift. S = short arm of lever in inches. L = long arm of lever in inches. W = weight of ball in pounds. w = weight of lever in pounds. g =^ fulcrum to centre of gravity in inches. V = weight of valve and spindle in pounds, to which add : T ^ actual work to be done, expressive of : ^ C^ ^ ), explained further on. zi^ X g S A X P — / = the effect of z' -f in pounds. These letters of reference are as far as practicable included in the accompanying sketches. The ordinary formula. W = A X P X S is not complete, because it does not take into account the weight of the lever and valve. BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 357 The correct formula would be W = PxA-(z. + ''^) X l- This somewhat complicated-looking formula is made necessary be- cause of the weight of the valve and the additional influence of the lever. The weight of the valve and spindle, v, may be had by the simple pro- cess of direct weighing. The influence of the lever upon the valve will be the weight of the lever, w, acting at its centre of gravity, ^; this latter Fig. 416. ,g^^-^_!_ ^ A ^ 1- 1 1 ^^^-^-Th— ^^ ^-^^ 'iJiM -^ IT ( ^ may be found by simply balancing it on a sharp edge, as in Fig. 416. The combined eflect of the weight of the valve and that of the lever acting upon it as just indicated is that expressed in the formula as S which is to be deducted from the work required of the weight, W. However simple all this may appear to those who have it frequently to do, many practical men never feel wholly safe in such calculations, and much prefer to weigh the lever and valve, also shown in Fig. 416. Whatever the weight in pounds thus observed may be is simply de- ducted from the total pressure (A X P). This amount is that repre- sented in the letters of reference as T. To illustrate the foregoing, let us assume a 4-inch lever safety-valve of the following proportions : Area of valve, A 12.57 sq. in. Pressure, P 100 pounds per sq. in. Short lever, S 4 inches. Long lever, L 36 inches. Weight of lever, w 10 pounds. Fulcrum to centre of gravity, g- 16 inches. Weight of valve and stem, v 6 pounds. Effect of z^ + ^ ^ represented by / .... 46 pounds. The value of T for this particular valve as calculated by the formulae given in the letters of reference is T = 12.57 X 100 — (6 + I2j<_i6\ ^ J2II pounds. V 4 / 358 BOILERS AND FURNACES Then w = 3^^, or ze/ = ^^"^^ 4 ^ 134.5+ pounds. L 36 Other calculations from the same data may be made thus : T = W_^^ ^^ T _ ^34.5 X 36 _ J2II pounds. S 4 The long arm of the lever thus : L =. 5^^^, or L = i^i^LX^ = 36 inches. w 134-5 The short arm of the lever thus : S _ WXL ^^ s _ 134-5X36 _ i„,hes. T 1211 To find the pressure, P, we may proceed thus : WX_L ^ ^ ^34-5 X 36 ^ ^6 P = , or P = ^ = 100 pounds. A 12.57 Other sizes and other proportions may be similarly worked out. Spring-Loaded Safety- Valves are those in which pressure is regu- lated by the tension of a spring instead of a weight and lever. Safety- valves of this kind do not ordinarily have plain bevelled valves, but are so constructed that when the pressure reaches the point at which it is to blow, the valve opens slightly at first and allows steam to escape. This escaping steam enters an annular chamber around the valve, and whilst the steam is not wholly prevented from escaping into the atmosphere, it is sufficiently retarded to accumulate pressure in this chamber, to which must also be added the work done by the escaping steam by impinging against the larger surface of the valve before it can make its escape downward, both of which effects, added to the valve already in balance, because of the pressure underneath, combine to force the valve suddenly upward to its full height of lift, producing a sound which has given this valve its characteristic name, — the pop safety-valve. The valve, being thus at its full height, quickly relieves the boiler of its pressure, and as the latter falls the valve is returned to its seat by the spiral spring above. The American pop safety-valve is shown in sectional elevation in Fig. 417, which shows a flat valve on a flat seat, the kind usually fur- nished for stationary boilers, but for marine boilers the valves and seats are bevelled at an angle of 45°. The valve is originally set for any desired pressure by screwing down on top of the spring the sleeve-nut shown at the top of the case, afterwards securing it by the lock-nut, also shown at the top of the boss through which the sleeve-nut is adjusted. A combination of levers is shown by which the valve can be raised to a height equal to one-eighth of its diameter, to conform to the United States Regulations. To reset the valve, first loosen the lock-nut, then BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 359 screw down the sleeve-nut to get increased pressure, or unscrew it to get a lower pressure. The blow-down is adjusted by a relief ring fitted with adjusting screws, shown on either side of the valve, which screws are adjustable in the outside flange ; by raising or lowering this ring the distance between it and the outer lip of the valve can be adjusted to any desired area, and thus any desired height of lift of valve when blowing off. Fig. 418. The consolidated safety-valve is shown in Fig. 418. The flanged base is cast iron, into which is screwed a gun-metal seat ; a winged valve is fitted into this seat, having a bevelled edge of 45°. The valve has a projecting annular lip, underneath which and screwed upon the outside of the valve-seat is an adjustable ring for regulating the lift of the valve when blowing off. The central stem by which the pressure of the spring is brought upon the valve has its lower end pivoted well below the valve- face, so as to insure a vertical movement at all times. This stem has two collars with curved faces, against which the spring is compressed, the thrust at the upper end being taken by an adjustable screw-bolt passing through the upper part of the cast-iron case, the screw being fixed at any determined point by means of a lock-nut, all of which are shown in the engraving. A lever is also provided by which the valve may be lifted off its seat one-eighth of its diameter. Safety-valves should blow directly into the boiler-room, and not 360 BOILERS AND FURNACES through a pipe into a chimney or other outlet. The objection to piping a safety-valve outlet is, that unless it passes directly upward through the roof there is always a possibility that water will accumulate in the valve chamber and be a direct cause of external corrosion, unless provided with suitable drips. Neglect to properly drain such pipes might end quite disastrously in the winter by freezing, if the pipes and valves are in an exposed position. Low- Water Alarms. — These appendages to a steam boiler have long been in use, and are, therefore, of varying detail. They all have a common object, which is to sound an alarm in the event that the water in the boiler to which it is attached falls below its proper level. The alarm is commonly operated in one of three ways : by melting a fusible plug, by a differential expansion movement, as in the case of a wrought- iron and a copper pipe, or mechanically, by the use of floats ; to which might be added, as a fourth, electrical devices. But these have never come into general use and are not now in favor. The Ashcroft low- water detector is shown in Fig. 419, attached to the top of the shell of a horizontal tubular boiler. The ordinary water- level is shown ; the alarm-level corresponds to that of the bottom of the pipe above the tubes ; this distance is to be fixed for each particular case, and will probably vary from ^ to i inch, depending on the size of the boiler and the rate of evaporation. The plug-cock is always to be left open ; this permits the water to flow into the upper chamber by the steam pressure acting upon the surface of the water below ; there being no circulation in this chamber, the water cools to a temperature much below that of the boiler. A fusible plug which is shown, by double hatching closes the orifice leading into the water-chamber, and is held in place by a screw-plug having a central hole in it leading to the attached steam whistle. In the event of the water getting below the pipe, shown in the engraving, the upper chamber and its connecting-pipe is emptied, steam takes its place, the temperature of which is sufliciently high to melt the fusible alloy, and escaping through the whistle sounds an alarm. After a plug has melted the intermediate cock must be closed to stop the alarm. Water is then pumped up to its proper level. To fix a new fusible plug, unscrew the hollow plug by which it is to be held in place, and after carefully removing all fragments of the former fusible plug, in- sert a new one and replace the hollow plug, screwing it up sufliciently to make the joint water-tight ; then turn on the water slowly to give it time to cool sufficiently so as not to melt the plug. When the pressure is on there must be no leak or drip, otherwise a circulation would be established, and the plug melted by the hot water flowing into the upper chamber. Fusible plug-alarms have been objected to on the ground that they can never be tested, and new plugs have to be replaced at intervals of a few months at great inconvenience, the renewals being necessary on account of certain molecular changes which occur in the metal, which BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 361 becomes non-fusible in use. They are also rendered inoperative by scale or sediment. The Hardwick low-water alarm is shown in Fig. 420. This device is operated by the different expansions for the same temperature caused by steam entering two pipes, one of which is of wrought iron and the other of brass, copper, or other material in which the rate of expansion Fig. 419 Fig. 420. is more than that of iron. The shell of the boiler is tapped to receive a casting having two pipe-openings, into one of which is screwed a wrought-iron pipe extending upward and terminating in a whistle ; the other pipe, being made of brass or copper, also extends upward, and is fitted with a cap at the top. Near the top of this pipe and attached to the iron pipe is an arm carrying the fulcrum of a lever. This lever is in the form of a right angle, the upper end of which is intended to operate a steam-whistle ; the lower end, or horizontal member of the lever, is 24 362 BOILERS AND FURNACES fitted with an adjusting screw. Underneath the part which screws into the boiler is a short piece of pipe fitted to that opening which leads to the expansion-pipe. The length of this short piece of pipe is governed by the height to which the water is to be carried in the boiler, and which governs the sounding of the alarm. When steam is raised on the boiler the water is forced up into the expansion-pipe and, as there is no circulation in this pipe, it is soon cooled, and will remain cool so long as the pressure is maintained in the boiler. In the event that the water should fall below the bottom of this pipe, the water contained in the expansion-pipe will fall by gravity and steam will take its place ; the expansion of the brass or copper pipe, being greater than that of the iron pipe under the same steam pressure, will push upward the horizontal arm of the lever, which in turn will push the valve of the whistle inward and sound an alarm. It will be observed that there is a dry-steam connection from the top of the boiler directly to the whistle-valve, so that the operation of the whistle will not be interfered with by a combined mixture of water and steam ; this might result if the steam were drawn from the water-line of the boiler, which is always in a more or less agitated state by reason of the disen- gagement of steam going on at that point. When the water-level is re- stored the brass pipe contracts in length and the whistle ceases blowing. Expansion-tube devices have been objected to, notwithstanding the fact that nothing is more certain than the expansion of metal under heat, but the fact that the expansion of the metal in a low-water alarm is dependent upon steam taking the place of water — and the sound- ing of the whistle is dependent upon this condition and the proper adjustment and rigidity of the parts — makes, it is claimed, the greater expansion of one of the metals a matter of somewhat remote importance, also that the adjustment of these devices is commonly too fine for prac- tical use in a boiler-room, inasmuch as the difference in temperature between hot water and steam is not sufficient to cause very great elon- gation of the tube. These strictures, while rather severe, are apparently- supported by facts in the case of failure of expansion devices not wholly confined to low-water alarms. Particular care should be taken with such devices to see that they are at all times in good working order. The Ashley low-water alarm combined with a water-column is shown in Fig. 421. The principle of its operation is based upon the difference in weight of a body suspended in air and immersed in water. The alarm has two connections with the boiler, — a steam- and a water-connection common to all water-columns. The top cover of the column is fastened in place by tap-bolts, is removable, and to this is attached all the mech- anism of the device. Suspended from the under side of the cover is a valve working in combination with a double-ended lever, having its fulcrum between its two ends. From the ends of the lever two cylinders are suspended, the upper and smaller one of solid iron and the larger BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 363 one hollow, with holes in its top, so that it is filled with water. When the water stands at the desired level in the boiler and column the solid cylinder is heavier than the larger immersed cylinder, and consequently keeps the valve closed. As the water in the column lowers, the hollow cylinder filled with water overbalances the weight of the solid cylinder Fig. 421. Fig. 422. when deprived of the buoyancy of the surrounding water and opens the valve, admitting steam to the alarm whistle. The solid cylinder regains its counterbalance on the admission of water to the boiler and column, closing the valve. Its working can be tested at any time by simply opening the valve at the bottom of the column, thus lowering the water in the column and sounding the whistle. By removing the bolts in the cover the whole of the mechanism can be lifted out for cleaning or inspection, and easily replaced without disturbing the boiler connections. The body of this alarm should always be attached in a vertical position with no valve between the boiler and the alarm. The position of the bottom of the gauge-glass should be at the line where the whistle is to blow, in which case the blow would occur when the 364 BOILERS AND FURNACES water is about one inch from the bottom of the glass. The alarm can be tested by blowing the water out of the column, thus allowing the mechanism in the alarm to operate and blow the whistle. The Pittsburgh high- and low-water alarm is operated by means of a copper float placed in a water-column, as shown in Fig. 422. As the water falls to the level of the bottom of the gauge-glass the float falls with it, the collar on the vertical rod resting upon and afterwards lower- ing the central end of the lever through which it passes ; the other end, being fulcrumed above, opens the steam-valve by lifting it from its seat, sounding the alarm for low water. In the event that too much water is fed into the boiler, the float, rising in the water-column, carries with it a lower collar attached to the vertical rod near the float, which lifts the central end of the lever up- FiG. 423. ward ; the lever, centring upon the opposite fulcrum in the valve-chamber above, causes the alarm-valve to move up- ward with the float and blow the whistle. These collars can be adjusted to any desired va- riation in water-level. The Reliance high- and low- water alarm is shown in Fig. 423. There are two floats, one in the steam- and the other in the water-room of a vertical water-column, to which are also attached the gauge-cocks and glass water-gauge common to all combined water-gauges. A bell crank-lever and rod con- nects each float with a whistle- valve ; when the water is at the proper height, the lower float, being submerged, presses up- ward, its steam-valve remaining closed ; if from any cause the water gets low enough to rob the float of its support, it sinks of its own gravity, thus open- ing the valve and blowing the whistle. The high-water alarm is simply the low-water alarm reversed. A bell crank-lever is turned over so that the weight of the float holds the valve closed until the water rises and carries the float up with it, thus BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 365 opening the whistle-valve. The water cannot pass either the upper or lower limit without automatically blowing the whistle. The spherical extension of the main water-column at the bottom is a sediment-chamber, into which all heavy particles fall, to be blown out into the ash-pit through a blow-ofif pipe. The sediment cannot get back into the column when the valve is opened, on account of the contracted neck connecting the sediment-chamber with the column proper. Fusible Plugs. — The United States Regulations require that " cyl- inder boilers with flues shall have one plug inserted in one flue of each boiler ; and also one plug inserted in the shell of each boiler from the inside, immediately before the fire-line, and not less than four feet from the forward end of the boiler. All fire-box boilers shall have one plug inserted in the crown of the back connection, or in the highest fire service of the boiler. All upright tubular boilers used for marine pur- poses shall have a fusible plug inserted in one of the tubes at a point at least two inches below the lower gauge-cock, and said plug may be placed in the upper head-sheet when deemed advisable by the local inspectors. All fusible plugs, unless otherwise provided, shall have an external diameter not less than that of a one-inch gas- or steam-pipe screw-tap, except when such plugs shall be used in the tubes of upright boilers. Plugs may be used with an external diameter of not less than that of a three-eighths of an inch gas- or steam-pipe screw-tap, said plugs to conform in construction with plugs now authorized to be used by this Board ; and it shall be the duty of the Inspectors to see that these plugs are filled with Banca tin at each annual inspection." A fusible plug as applied to land boilers is ordinarily a brass shell fitted with block-tin. Babbitt-metal, or other metal having its melting- point below the temperature of red-hot iron. These plugs are inserted in the crown-sheet, the upper part of a flue, or such other portion of a steam boiler as will be liable to dangerous overheating in case of low water. In order to fully protect a boiler, the fusible plug may extend upward a short distance inside of the boiler, as shown at Fig. 425. No escape will occur so long as the top of the plug is covered with water, but when the water gets below the upper surface the soft metal melts and runs out of the shell, followed by the steam, which either deadens or completely puts out the fire, or at least serves to warn the fireman that the water has reached the danger line in the boiler. Fusible plugs need to be carefully looked after, as a layer of scale or mud over the top will prevent the escape of steam, even though the metal underneath be melted and gone. The insertion of a soft metal rivet, usually of lead, as at Fig. 424, in the crown-sheet or flue of a boiler was formerly much used for this purpose, but has been superseded by the better arrangement of a re- movable brass shell filled with soft metal. Fig. 425. Either of these will be effective if the top is not allowed to become covered with scale. 366 BOILERS AND FURNACES The Bailey plug, shown at Fig. 426, is an improvement over both the others. The body of the plug is permanently fixed. A screw-cap holds the fiisible disk in place. The upper part of this disk is protected Fig. 427. by a copper cap, shown in the drawing. This cap is intended to prevent the water coming in direct contact with the soft metal, thus maintaining its normal point of fusion. Parry's safety-plug is shown in Fig. 427. The fusible metal is inter- posed between two brass shells, which protect it from the water and expose only a line of its surface to the furnace gases. The outer shell and the fusible metal fit against the sheeting in a hollow brass plug screwed into the crown of the furnace, and are held firmly in place by a cotter driven through slots in two lugs on the plug. The entire device can be cleaned both inside and out without any difficulty and can be taken to pieces without a wrench. Gauge- Cocks are for the purpose of ascertaining the water-level in a steam boiler. They are usually three in number and, whenever prac- ticable, should be placed directly in the boiler-shell, the centre one on the proposed water-line, the lower one about an inch above the top of the tubes, and the upper one at that point beyond which it is desirable that the water should not go. The Mississippi gauge-cock, shown in Fig. 428, is largely used, and is of the simplest possible construction, being a hollow plug screwed Fig. 428. into the boiler, through which is a rod terminating in a valve having a bevelled face fitting into a corresponding seat in the end of the hollow plug, the pressure of the steam keeping the valve against its seat. When the valve is pressed off its seat the blow will indicate whether BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 367 there is water or steam in the boiler at the level of that particular gauge- cock. These gauge-cocks are easily ground without removing them from the boiler. The Williams rotating gauge-cock, shown in Fig. 429, is similar to the above, except that it has spiral wings attached to[the valve-stem for Fig. 429. the purpose of making it self-grinding and self-cleaning. The water escaping from the boiler impinges against these wings, causing a rotary movement to the valve, which prevents it from seating twice in the same place, the rotary motion keeping the valve and seat both clean and tight. The Bingham rotating gauge-cock is shown in Fig. 430. It is con- structed on the same principle as the Mississippi gauge-cock, except that the wings are located back of the valve and next to the water in Fig. 430. the boiler. It is provided with a lever for opening the valve by means of a cord or jack-chain. A rotary motion is given the valve when in use by the spiral wings making it self-grinding and self-cleaning. The Register gauge-cock is shown in Fig. 431. It consists of a hollow plug screwed into the water- or steam-space, at the outer end of which is hung a weighted lever, having a strip of vul- ^^^- 43i- canized rubber immediately over the central orifice of the plug ; the boiler is tested by simply lifting the weight, thus raising the rubber valve off its seat, causing the blow. For large boilers this gauge- cock is very convenient, as it can be lifted from its seat by a pole or rod from below, is an excellent form of gauge-cock, and not liable to get out of order, needing only a new strip of vulcanized rubber occasionally to make it good as new. 368 BOILERS AND FURNACES The Reliance gauge-cock, shown in Fig. 432, has its valve-stem passing through a chamber outside of the hollow plug leading to the boiler. One end of this chamber is fitted with a screw-cap. The valve- stem is provided with a collar, between which and the inside end of the Fig. 432. chamber is a spiral spring of sufficient tension to lift the chain and open the valve when no steam is in the boiler by simply lifting the weight. A right-angled lever with chain and weight keep the valve against the seat. The valve is not closed by the pressure behind it, but by means ol the weight on the long end of the lever. By lifting the weight the com- bined action of the boiler pressure and that of the spring opens the valve, and the water-level is determined. Where these gauge-cocks are made up of sets of three, the levers are of graded lengths, the top one being longest, the bottom one short- FiG. 433. est, so that the chains and handles hang clear of each other. The compression gauge- cock, shown in Fig. 433, is fitted with a disk of soft metal or vulcanized rubber. The com- pression is had by turning the hand-wheel, the movement of the valve being effected by means of the screw attached to the hand-wheel. For small boilers where the gauge- cocks are within reach of the attendant, the compression-cock is the one commonly selected. A Water- Gauge consists of an upper and lower angle valve, with a glass tube connecting the two, as shown in Fig. 434. When both valves are open, the water-level in the boiler is indicated by a corre- sponding level in the gauge-glass. It is important that the openings be kept free from obstructions of every kind, otherwise the true water-level will not be indicated. The small cock under the bottom of the valve is for the purpose of blowing through, to ascertain whether or not the openings in the boiler are free. If not free, the true water-level will not be indicated in the glass. If the bottom opening is completely ob- structed, the steam will blow through, and the water will not rise to its proper level upon closing the pet-cock. In the event of a glass breaking, the bottom- or water-valve should be closed first, and then the steam- BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 369 valve. The ends of the broken glass tubes may now be removed and a new glass inserted, with new packings in the stuffing-boxes. Glass tubes for water gauges must be made of clear, transparent glass and of considerable tough- ness. Those most in use, prob- ably, are the imported Scotch tubes, easily known by a certain fibrous appearance in the glass lengthwise of the tube. Occa- sional breakage of glass tubes is to be expected, owing to the brit- tle nature of the material and to the unequal expansion incident to the action of the hot water and steam inside and the cold air on the outside. As glass tubes never give previous warning of failure, spare tubes should always be kept on hand. The lower valve and fittings of a glass water-gauge are shown in Fig. 435 ; the pet-cock underneath is valve under control of the hand- wheel Fig. 435. Fig. 434. for the purpose of blowing out. A on the outside opens or closes com- munication with the boiler as desired. The glass water- tube need not project below the bottom of the stuffing- box farther than is shown in the drawing. This box is commonly filled with a soft packing, usually ot plaited lamp wick. Upon the breakage of a water-glass, especially if the fittings are at a con- siderable height, it is not only difficult, but sometimes dangerous, to approach the gauge for the purpose of shutting ofi" the water and steam blowing into the fire- room. Several devices have 370 BOILERS AND FURNACES been brought out having an automatically closing valve which will remain open so long as the glass is whole, but which will immediately close upon the breakage of a tube. Such a fitting is shown in Fig. 436. The lower of the two valves shown is a Fig. 436. r^ metal ball resting against a pin to prevent its rolling into the boiler or into the barrel of the water-gauge fixture. So long as there is no circulation in the water- glass the ball-valve will re- main in the position shown, but as soon as a current is set up, whether by the water or steam, the ball- valve will roll forward and close the orifice leading to the water-glass, remaining there as long as the pressure continues behind it. The upper one of the two valves shown is of a different type, being a mitred valve with wings arranged spirally about its body. The steam and water will pass through the spiral openings and indicate the true water- level in the glass. Should this glass break, the pressure within will force the valve up against the seat and prevent the flow of either steam or water into the fire-room. Once this valve is closed, it requires to be opened from without. A ready means for opening this valve is had by projecting the valve-rod through the seat and forcing the valve back against a pin shown in the drawing. It will be understood that in this illustration the valve controlled by the handle should be withdrawn further than appears in the drawing ; if not, it would be impossible for the inside valve with the spiral wings to seat itself, and would not, therefore, prevent the flow of either steam or water into the fire-room. Glass tubes may be cut to any desired length by using a 6-inch half- round fine-cut Stubb's file. Place the glass tube on an even surface, such as a flat board ; then place the sharp edge of the file at the point at which the tube is to be cut and bear on lightly at first, rolling the tube back and forth by pushing and pulling on the file, having the cut or mark meet around the tube ; bear on a little harder as the cut grows deeper and roll until the tube flies apart. Tubes thus cut have square ends, and when properly managed need never result in failure, even for short lengths. Another method, and a good one, is to take a piece of steel wire ; sharpen at one end and bend that end into a right-angle hook and harden same ; run this hook into the inside of the glass and make a scratch around the interior at the point where the BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 371 break is to be made. The glass can then be readily broken without cracking. There is a want of uniformity in the matter of locating the glass water-gauge fixtures with reference to top of tubes, fire-box, or other heating surface liable to be exposed in case of low water. A glass water-gauge ought to show when the water is near or, perhaps, at the danger limit. In case of low water it is particularly important that the exact height of water above the line of heating surface be definitely known. A permanent marker should be attached to the lower glass gauge fixture to accurately indicate the top of the highest heating sur- face inside the boiler. The height of water above this line is the one important fact the fireman must have constantly before him. A Combined Water-Gauge consists of a barrel to which are attached the gauge-cocks and the glass water-gauge. This barrel has two pipes connecting with the steam and water portions of the boiler ; these pipes are of considerably larger diameter than would ever be used with any of the fittings taken singly. The lower pipe being removed from the path of circulation, there is less disturbance of water-level in the barrel of the combined water- gauge during foaming than occurs F^^- 437- within the boiler itself The illus- tration. Fig. 437, shows the glass tube and the gauge-cocks oppo- site each other ; they are not usually thus placed, but at right angles to each other. There are no fixed proportions for water-gauge barrels. They vary from 2}^ to 5 inches in di- ameter, with glass gauges ranging from 12 to 20 inches in length. The smallest barrels are not often fitted with less than ^-inch pipe connections to the boiler, the larger sizes being tapped for i- inch and i^-inch wrought- iron pipe. Stationary-engine boilers more than 48 inches in diameter should have water-gauge barrels not less than 4 inches in diameter and should have pipe connections not less than i^ inches. The gauge-glass for such a barrel need not be more than 12 inches between stufiing-boxes. The piping of a water-column must be properly done or the apparatus will fail to indicate the true water-level in the boiler. The steam-pipe 372 BOILERS AND FURNACES should lead from a point above the highest gauge-cock and the water connection to a point below the lowest gauge-cock. The drainage ot these pipes must be carefully attended to, and must be arranged to drain completely dry, either into the boiler or into the water-column. No water-pockets or trapping must be permitted. A blow-ofif and drain- pipe should lead from the bottom of the water-column into the ash-pit ; this pipe will be useful when blowing out any sediment which might have been carried into the water-barrel. The bottom gauge-cock should be placed at what is to be considered the danger line. In Fig. 434 it is shown at the upper side of the top row of tubes. This is too low down ; it should be at least i inch above for boilers 46 inches in diameter or less, and at least i^ inches above for 48-inch and larger boilers. The middle gauge-cock should be placed on the water-line at which the boilers are intended to work ; this may be from 2 to 4 inches above the lower gauge-cock, depending upon the diameter of the boiler. The upper gauge-cock is usually placed at the same distance above the central gauge-cock that it is above the bottom one. Safety Water- Columns are those in which a signal is given auto- matically to warn the attendant when the water in the boiler is either more or less than the established water-line, and for which provision was made in the apparatus itself The sectional elevations. Figs. 421, 422, 423, show the interior arrangements of such safety water-columns as are in common use. The barrel includes the gauge-cocks and glass water-gauge usual in all water-columns. In addition to these there are devices arranged for operating a small steam whistle. The Piping of Water-Col- umns, and, in fact, all the piping for a steam boiler where subject to an accumulation of sediment, should have crosses fitted with plugs at the turns rather than elbows. By the removal of a plug opposite the pipe likely to accumulate sediment, an iron bar or scraper can be forced Fig. 439. C Fig. 438. 3 through and the pipe kept open. If globe valves are used, they should be placed with the spindle horizontal instead of vertical in all steam-pipes BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 373 likely to trap the condensed water. The effect of this condensation and trapping is shown in Fig. 438, and the non-accumulation of water by placing the valve-spindle horizontal in Fig. 439. A Steam-Pressure Gauge is an instrument for indicating the pounds pressure per square inch in a steam boiler above that of the atmosphere. The Schaeffer diaphragm pressure-gauge is shown in Fig. 440. This gauge is the pioneer of all spring gauges, being the first one to super- sede the old-style mercury gauges. It consists of a corrugated steel diaphragm secured between two concaved flanges. The fluid pressure is admitted underneath this diaphragm, which will, by reason of the flexi- bility allowed by its corrugations, permit a central rise, the extent of which is determined by the amount of pressure and the stiffness of the diaphragm. A central rod connects this diaphragm with a sector attached to the cylindrical case above. This sector has teeth which engage a small pinion, the shaft of which Fig. 440. has fastened to it one end of a hair- spring, the other end of the spring being fastened to the case. This hair- FiG. 441. spring brings the pointer back to the zero mark on the dial when the pressure is removed. To this pinion-shaft is also attached a hand or pointer for indicating the pounds pressure per square inch on a circular dial, not shown in the engraving. The commonest form of pressure-gauge now in use is a modification of the Bourdon gauge. This originally consisted of an oval tube bent as in Fig. 441. One end of this tube is fastened to a fixture at the bottom of the case, the other end is free to move according to the pressure within it. Steam-gauges thus constructed are objectionable in one respect, — the free end of the tube, nearly one-half of it, is below the line of drainage, which is liable to freeze and injure the tube ; even if 374 BOILERS AND FURNACES it does not burst it, the accuracy of the gauge will be seriously im- paired, and, in consequence, it will be utterly worthless for the purpose intended. Gauges are now made with two oval tubes, as in Fig. 442. As these tubes never exceed a semicircle, a perfect drainage is had at any time by simply opening the drainage-cock below the case. An important advantage is had in another respect. These tubes, being shorter, are less sensitive to vertical shocks, as in locomotive service. The lever and rack being attached to the free end of the tubes, and not pivoted to the case, the horizontal vibrations of the free ends of the tubes are not violently transmitted to the pointer, as they were when a single tube was employed and the quadrant pivoted to the case. Each boiler should have its own steam-gauge. The connection should be with the steam-room of the boiler direct, and not with the steam-pipe leading to the engine. No steam-gauge should be used with- out a siphon between it and the boiler to protect the bent tubes from Fig. 442. Fig. 443. Fig. 444. expansion by heat. The siphon interposes a body of water between the steam and the gauge which fully protects the latter from injury. The simplest form of siphon is a bent pipe, shown in Fig. 443. Such a pipe cannot drain dry. It must, therefore, be protected from the frost or fitted with a pet-cock to completely empty it when not in use in cold weather. When a steam-gauge is piped, as shown in Fig. 444, the loop thus formed will fill with water of condensation and protect the gauge without a siphon attachment or the formation of other water-pocket. The inser- tion of a pet-cock in the lower opening of the bottom tee will afford complete drainage. There are a number of combined siphons and stop- cocks in the market, of which Fig. 445 may be taken as representative of the class. The section shows a loose cap over the central pipe which extends into the chamber. This deflects the entering steam, which, condensing in the chamber, effectually prevents the live steam reaching BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 375 Fig. 446. the spring of the gauge. The cap over the pipe falls as the pressure is removed, making a siphon which empties the water from the chamber, thus preventing danger of bursting from the action of frost. Shaw's mercury gauge is shown in sectional elevation in Fig. 446. The only piece of moving mechanism in the gauge is a double-headed piston inserted between two flexible diaphragms. This piston has ends of unequal areas. The larger piston is placed at the top, or measuring- chamber, the smallest one at the bottom, or enter- ing-chamber, this latter communicating with the boiler or other vessel containing the fluid pressure to be measured. The steam pressure acts on the lower dia- phragm, forcing it upward, carrying the double-headed piston with it. The larger end of this piston communicates to its diaphragm the same upward movement. Fig. 445- This upward movement has the effect to diminish the volume of the upper chamber, thereby forcing its contained mercury into the vertical glass tube, where it records measurements in pounds per square inch by means of a graduated scale, the divisions of which correspond to the applied pressures. It will be seen that the principle of action is that of differential areas, analogous to the short and long arms of a lever, — a difference of 10 to i, for example, in area of the gauge-pistons, and their corresponding diaphragms give the same result as 10 to i in a lever. In either case the employment of one pound on the long end of the lever or on the larger area in the gauge will balance ten pounds on the short end of the lever or the small area of the gauge. 376 BOILERS AND FURNACES Dry Pipe. — Such a pipe is sometimes attached to the interior of stationary steam boilers not provided with a steam-dome or steam-drum. It consists of a pipe with closed ends, located inside of the boiler in the steam-space and close to the upper side of the shell, as in Fig. 447, which shows a dry pipe suspended from the shell, usually near the rear end of Fig. 447- -t^ the boiler. Fig. 448 shows a dry pipe leading out of the boiler through one of the heads. The drawing does not show it, but the flanges at the head should be so bolted that the steam-pipe may be wholly detached without disturbing the flanged joint of the dry pipe next the boiler- head. There is no rule for either diameter or length, so that both dimensions are widely variable in practice, diameters varying from three to six inches and from one-eighth to seven-eighths that of the boiler Fig. 448. for length, but one-fourth the length of the boiler is not far from the average. The upper surface of the pipe is drilled or slotted with holes aggregating a little less than the area of the stop- valve ; one small hole should be drilled in the bottom at each end for drainage. By having a considerable number of holes distributed over a large pipe surface in a BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 377 direction different from that taken by the rising water when priming, but httle water will be carried over by the steam into this pipe, and dryer steam will be supplied than if this dry pipe was not attached. Edgerton's separator for steam boilers is shown in Fig. 449. At any convenient place on the top of the boiler-shell is riveted a pipe- flange, in the lower half of which is a ^i^. 449. nipple extending into the boiler. On the bottom of this nipple is screwed the sepa- rator, which consists of three pans of the design shown in the engraving, the lower pan having its flange turned upward, the upper pan having its flange turned down- ward ; intermediate between these two is the third pan. The distance apart at which these pans are to be set is fixed by wrought-iron ferrules on the outside of the bolts which hold the pans together. The course of the steam is around and downward over the flange of the lower pan ; then, changing direction, it passes upward around and inside of the flange of the upper pan, and from thence to the steam-pipe and beyond. Small holes are drilled in the two lower pans, that any water of condensation may drop back into the boiler. Steam Stop- Valves. — The diameter of steam outlets for horizontal tubular boilers is commonly 2 inches for a 36-inch boiler up to 6 inches for a 72-inch boiler. The least size of opening in a steam boiler should be such that the velocity of steam issuing through the steam-pipe shall not exceed 100 feet per second when the boilers are worked up to their limit. A flange should be riveted to the top of the boiler-shell with which the steam-pipe is to be connected. This flange should be located preferably at least as far back as the centre or between the centre and the rear end of the boiler rather than immediately over the furnace. If a dry pipe is used, the steam outlet is, of course, wherever the dry-pipe outlet may be fixed by the designer of the boiler. The steam stop-valve should always be next to the boiler, so that if for any reason one boiler out of a battery of several is to be withdrawn from service, the valve will completely shut off the steam from such boiler. A stop-valve must never be placed underneath a safety-valve if the closing of the former also closes communication with the latter ; but if for any reason it is imperative that a stop-valve and safety-valve be connected with the same opening, then a combined valve, such as shown 25 378 BOILERS AND FURNACES in Fig. 415, may be used, or a tee attached to the boiler with the safety- valve on the top and stop-valve on the horizontal branch. Globe valves threaded for wrought-iron pipe are in very general use for steam-piping. These are usually of gun-metal for sizes less than four inches in diameter, and cast-iron bodies with gun-metal mountings for larger sizes. A globe valve is shown in section in Fig. 450, having a metal valve loosely attached to a screwed spindle, by which it may be opened or closed by turning the hand-wheel attached to the same spindle. The valve is loosely fitted to the spindle, that it shall be free to revolve around the stem and to secure a flexible joint favoring complete contact with the seat when screwed down. Leaky globe valves when fitted with hard-metal valves may be restored by regrinding. For grind- ing hard brass moderately fine emery may be used for the preliminary grinding, to be followed by and finished with powdered glass. Fig. 451. Soft metal disks, as well as those made of vulcanized rubber, are now much used as valve-faces for stop-valves. These have undergone the test of many years and have stood it well ; such a disk is shown by double-hatching in the angle valve. Fig. 451. These disks, of hard rubber or soft metal, are renewable ; a new disk can be easily applied by unscrewing the upper half of the valve, taking out the worn-out disk, and replacing it by a new one. The angle valve, just referred to, is a good form of valve to use on top of a boiler, because there are no pockets for tlie accumulation of water of condensation. The Eastwood stop-valve, shown in Fig. 452, is not unlike an ordi- nary globe valve in its general features, but differs in the details of the valve-seat, which is bevelled outward. The valve-face is a copper disk BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 379 fitting into a recess in the valve to give it a substantial backing. The inner face of this copper disk and the outer one of the valve-seat are ground to a tight joint. In the event of repairs incident to long wear or through any other cause a new valve-face is required, it can be easily- furnished by unscrewing the old copper disk and inserting a new one to take its place. Flanged stop-valves are not commonly employed for steam-pipes less than four inches in diameter. The body is ordinarily made of cast iron, into which is screwed a hard gun-metal seat. Such a valve is shown in Fig. 453. In this case the seat has radial arms, with a central Fig. 452. boss for guiding the spindle attached to the upper valve. The valve is made of hard gun-metal, reinforced by a cast-iron back, clearly shown in the illustration. The collar at the lower end of the spindle for raising and lowering the valve is convex, and, being loosely fitted in the back of the valve, with a gland above it, allows perfect freedom of movement between the stem, valve, and the valve-seat ; the valve can, therefore, be closed without any lateral strains. Large stop-valves are usually fitted with a yoke extending above the bonnet for the purpose of fixing a nut, through which a screwed spindle passes for operating the valve- disk within. This arrangement prevents any injurious action of the steam upon the screw-threads by removing them completely from the interior of the valve. A combined stop- and check-valve for steam-pipe is shown in Fig. 454. This valve is so designed that the valve is closed when the press- ure in the boiler is below that of the steam main, although it may be positively closed at all times if desired. This check-valve principle is, of course, a decided advantage in case of an accident to one of the 38o BOILERS AND FURNACES Fig. 454. boilers, the valve closing and preventing a loss of pressure in the mains and the liability of crippling the entire plant. Referring to the sectional view of the valve, it may be seen that the valve-disk is free to move within certain limits upon the stem. The upper part of the valve-disk is bored out and fitted with a cover which screws on. The valve-stem passes through a hole in the cover and through the lower part of the valve and into a spider-bearing or guide at the throat of the valve. A piston con- taining two rings is screwed upon the stem, the periphery of the rings and piston bear- ing against the inner surface of the valve- disk as shown to prevent it from chattering, the whole acting like a dash-pot. Expansion-Joints. — One effect of heat upon iron is to increase its volume ; expan- sion, then, especially in the case of long steam-pipes, must not be overlooked. The expansion of iron pipe for each 100 feet in length from the freezing temperature will approximate as follows : ... 32° 212° 259' 287° 307° 324° 335° o 20 40 60 80 100 1.44 1.82 2.04 2.20 2.34 2.42 Fig. 455. Temperature, Fahr Steam pressure above atmosphere . Elongation in inches It will be seen that the linear expansion of steam-pipes must be provided for or leaky joints, perhaps broken fittings, will result. Steam-pipes fitted with expansion-joints should be securely anchored somewhere near the extreme ends of the pipe, leaving the centre free to expand and contract according to the tem- perature of the steam. The necessity for anchoring at each end is owing to the fact that the two ends of a common expansion-joint are not bolted together. The internal area of the pipe multiplied by the steam pressure gives that pressure exerted at each end of each pipe tending to force them apart. A copper pipe bent as shown in Fig. 455, with flanges joining the ends of wrought-iron pipe, is now used with satisfactory results. The distance from face to face of the flanges may be 3 feet for 2-inch pipe up to 7 feet for 6-inch pipe ; the distance from the centre of the line of wrought-iron pipes to the centre of the bent copper pipe at its highest point in the bend may be 18 inches for a 2-inch pipe up to 48 inches for BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 381 a 6-inch pipe. The radius for bending copper pipes should not be less than 12 inches for a 2-inch pipe nor less than 30 inches for a 6-inch pipe, and both of these should be greater if space will permit. Dimensions for pipes of intermediate diameters to the above can be had by simple interpolation. The expansion-joint shown in Fig. 456 is probably in more general use than any other. The engraving shows flanged ends, and this detail Fig. 456. v/////////////////^^^^^ is recommended, though for sizes up to 2^ inches screwed ends are commonly used when the expansion-joint is made of brass. The ordi- nary traverse of the slip-joint for a 2-inch pipe is 2^ inches, and for a 6-inch pipe it is 5 inches. Special traverse greater than the above can be had when ordering an expansion-joint, but the above will cover all ordinary requirements. Pearson's expansion-joint is shown in Fig. 457. The steam mains are anchored in two places, and at a point midway is placed the expan- sion-joint, which was designed to eliminate the strain on anchorages Fig. 457. r W/M^^^^^^M^^^MJ^m common to the usual form of cylindrical slip-joint, which the pressure on the ends of a pipe containing an ordinary expansion-joint tends to pull apart. The entering pipe in this joint slips through stuffing-boxes 382 BOILERS AND FURNACES made in the ordinary manner. One end of this slip-pipe is open for connecting with the steam-pipe, the other end is fitted blank. Openings are made through the slip-pipe, as shown in the engraving, permitting a flow of steam into the branched pipe carrying the stufling-boxes, the two branches being united at the further end into a common opening and flanged, to connect with the steam-pipe to any point beyond. As there are no free ends in this expansion-joint open to the atmosphere, it will be seen that this arrangement constitutes a balanced joint. Smith's balanced expansion-joint, shown in Fig. 458, consists oi three parts : First, a sliding pipe having two diameters, the larger di- ameter being of a short length, making it similar to a piston centrally located on a large hollow piston-rod. The sliding pipe corresponds to Fig. 458. the normal diameter of the steam-pipe to which it is attached and ol which it is a continuation. The larger or piston diameter is such that its area is just double that of the sliding pipe, measured by its outside diameter. Second, a sleeve bored to fit both the piston and the sliding pipe ; this sleeve is provided with a stuffing-box at each end. There are openings in the sliding pipe by which steam has access behind the piston, the pressure tending to force the piston outward through the large stufling-box. Third, immediately outside of the piston stuffing- box is another bored sleeve accurately fitting the sliding pipe. This sleeve is also provided with a stuffing-box, and is held by a suitable flange at a fixed distance from the opposite or piston stuffing-box by means of distance pieces made of iron pipe, through which pass the bolts for holding both sleeves rigidly together. The relative areas ot these two openings into the atmosphere are as 2 to i. The rear end ol this sleeve is fitted with a flange for connection with steam-pipe. In an ordinary expansion-joint the steam exerts a pressure equiva- lent to the outside area of the sliding pipe multiplied by the steam pressure. This must be resisted by an abutment somewhere in the pipe system, or the sliding pipe will be blown out of its stuffing-box. In the expansion-joint now under consideration the steam pressure is balanced, because the tendency of the piston to move in one direction is offset by BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 383 that of the sliding pipe to move in the opposite direction, both areas being alike in extent and subjected to the same pressure, the two forces thus counterbalancing each other. This joint is thus free to move ac- cording to the expansion of the pipes to which it may be attached, but is in equilibrium so far as internal steam pressure is concerned. The movement, then, of the sliding pipe through the stuffing-boxes will only be such as is due to the expansion of the two pipes thus joined, which amount depends upon the temperature of the steam and the length of the pipe. The expansion-joint herein illustrated was designed for a working steam pressure of 225 pounds per square inch, the steam-pipe being 6 inches in diameter, the joint permitting a maximum travel of 3 inches. Damper. — This may be located at any convenient place between the exit of the gases from the boiler setting and the chimney, or in some cases it is placed in the chimney itself. Two forms of dampers are shown. Fig. 459 represents the sliding form and Fig. 460 the butterfly Fig. 459. ^'.^^^'v','s','v\^'.^V^^'-^V Fig. 460. 384 BOILERS AND FURNACES type. The latter is generally preferred because of its ease of operation, there being no sliding friction, consequently little liability for it to stick fast or become otherwise inoperative. Regulating the furnace draught by a damper is better than doing it with the ash-pit doors, unless the latter are absolutely air-tight. The reason needs simply to be suggested. Combustion can only proceed so long as the fire receives fresh accessions of oxygen ; by closing the damper the non-supporting products of combustion completely envelop the fuel and combustion stops ; no air can reach the fire, because it can- not dislodge the gases there present. If, on the other hand, the damper be wide open, and the ash-pit doors as ordinarily constructed be closed, the chimney draught will carry off the products of combustion above the fire and form a partial vacuum in the ash-pit. The ash-pit doors, not being absolutely air-tight, permit a leakage, and combustion goes on the same as usual, except as to intensity, governed by the quantity of air thus admitted. An Automatic Damper Regulator is advantageous if the auto- matic device is a good one ; it will furnish a more uniform boiler pressure than is likely to be had by hand regulation. Automatic damper regu- lators are all constructed on one general principle, the boiler pressure acting upon a flexible diaphragm or a piston, which, by suitable con- nections, operates the damper, opening or closing it according to the steam pressure at which the damper regulator is intended to work. Among the earlier inventions for regulating the draught by the pressure of steam in the boiler was that of Clark (1854). This damper regulator was open to some objection and was improved upon some twenty years Fig. 461. later by Le Van, whose regulator is shown in Fig. 461, the improve- ment consisting in a protection offered the flexible diaphragm from the injury which it sustained by the direct contact of the steam. There is combined with the cylinder or pressure-chamber of the diaphragm a water-chamber, a steam-supply pipe connected near its top, a water- pipe extending from the lower surface of the diaphragm to the interior BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 385 of the water-chamber at a point below the opening of the steam-supply pipe. In the operation of the device it is obvious that the water of con- densation from the steam-supply pipe will be forced up into the pro- jecting pipe and against the diaphragm by the steam pressure acting upon the surface of the water. This method of operation effectually prevents the direct contact of the steam with the diaphragm, because there is always a body of water interposed between the diaphragm and the steam. Should the pressure in the boiler rise above the desired limit, the weighted lever will rise, and by means of a chain or rope leading to the damper close the latter and keep it closed until the pressure of steam falls below its assigned limit, after which the lever will fall and, by reversing the direction of the chain or rope, will open the damper and permit a more rapid rate of combustion. Hydraulic Damper- Regulator. — The engraving. Fig. 462, repre- sents the Mason regulator for controlling a damper by the variation of boiler pressure, but the '* * motive-power employed in opening or closing the damper is water pressure from the street main, from an over- head tank, or from the boiler itself. The advantage of using water pressure for damper regulation is the constant and non-variable movement ob- tained. In this regulator the steam from the boiler enters through a connection shown to the left of the base and passes into a chamber in the bottom of the base and under a heavy rubber dia- phragm. The steam pressure forces the \\~o) diaphragm up- ward ; this upward pressure is counter- balanced by a heavy weight placed on the lower horizontal lever ; this weight can be moved out or in to suit any boiler pressure. When the boiler pressure rises above the normal, at which the weighted lever is set, the lever is lifted upward, carrying with it a vertical valve- rod, shown attached to the weighted lever at the bottom and the com- 386 BOILERS AND FURNACES pensating lever at the top, this movement opening the water-valve and allowing the water pressure to pass through the ports of the valve- chamber to the top of the main piston in the cylinder forming the cen- tral part of this apparatus. This piston by its downward movement winds up a chain to which the damper is attached, thereby closing the damper. As the chain-wheel travels around, the compensating arm shown at the top of the appa- FiG. 463. ratus is thrown outward by a cam attached to the chain- wheel. Raising one end of the lever fulcrumed on the small valve-rod at the top tends to close the port of the water-valve. This serves as a compensating arrangement, and does not allow the damper to be entirely closed on slight changes of pressure. The re verse action takes place when the boiler pressure drops and the water pressure is shut off. A weight is placed on the damper in the flue heavy enough to draw the wheel back again to its first position. The bottom of the water-valve chamber and the main cylin- der are connected with a pipe which carries away whatever water remains after the piston has worked in either direction, also shown in the engravings. Whistle.— Nearly all lists of boiler furnishings include a steam whistle. Fig. 464 is a sectional drawing representative of steam whistles as a class. A whistle as shown consists of a sounding-bell attached to a spindle by the base, in which is a thin annular orifice for the escape of the steam into the atmosphere, and a valve, usually included in the base, for regulating or controlling the pressure of steam escaping from the base. The valve is opened by the action of the lever forcing it off its seat against the steam pressure. The spring on the back of the valve keeps the latter closed and counterbalances any tendency of the lever to keep the valve open when there is no pressure behind it. The central spindle rising vertically from the base has screw-threads at its top, on which is screwed the sounding-bell. The object of this screw is to secure a ver- tical adjustment of the bell suited to the steam pressure and tone desired. BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 387 Fig. 464. The sound from a steam whistle is produced by vibrations set up injthe bell incident to the action of the steam escaping into the atmosphere from a thin annular opening in the base of the whistle. A vibrating body, before it can act as a sounding body, must produce alternate com- pression and rarefaction in the air, and these must be well marked. Relatively deep, grave sounds are produced by slower vibrations. The larger the diameter and the greater the height of the bell, the deeper or lower will be the note sounded. Small diameters and short heights of bell produce a shrill note, and be- tween these two may be had any tone desired. Malleable - Iron Unions are much used for coupling together such wrought-iron pipes as are likely to afterwards require disconnecting. The sectional elevation, Fig. 465, shows an ordinary union. It consists of a collared fitting which screws on one of the pipes to be joined. On this fitting is an internally threaded coupling free to revolve about the under side of the collar, against which it makes close contact. The upper fitting is internally and externally threaded, the inside thread for the pipe it is to connect, the outside thread fitting into that of the loose coupling below. A vulcanized rubber or soft metal washer makes a 1 \ D Fig. 465. Fig. 466. Fig. 467. flexible seating for the two halves of the union, which are drawn together by the loose coupling, the exterior of the latter being provided with hexagon or octagon sides for the use of a wrench. The Eastwood ground-joint union is shown in Fig. 466. This union has a conical joint which can be ground tight and dispense with packing. 388 BOILERS AND FURNACES An elbow union is shown in Fig. 467. It is much used in steam- heating practice, and deserves a wider adoption in the smaller sizes of steam- and water-piping, such as for pumps, injectors, etc. Steam-Pipe. — Lap-welded wrought-iron pipes with cast-iron fit- tings are almost exclusively employed in the piping of steam-plants. Such pipes are made in all needed diameters and are uniform in all work- ing dimensions. The following. Table L., gives the standard dimen- sions for nominal diameters from }i inch to 12 inches : TABLE L. STANDARD DIMENSIONS OF WROUGHT-IRON PIPE. Diameters. Circumfer- ence. Area. S . i Threads. 1 si 0: S. ^ H 1^- >> ■3 i -5 -• ad u "^ ; u ^l 5 a a 1 I 1 111 % w H a W a W J ^ 'Z i ^ Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Sq. In. Sq. In. Feet. Lbs. 1 ns. Ins. ys .27 .41 .068 .85 1.27 .06 •13 2500 .24 27 19 ^ H .36 .54 .088 1. 14 1.70 .10 -23 1385 •42 18 29 ^ I.61 1.90 •145 5.06 5-97 2.04 2.84 70.65 2.69 11^ 55 \% 2 2.07 2.38 •154 6.49 7.46 3-36 4-43 42.36 3.67 11^ 2/2 2.47 2.88 .204 7.75 9-03 4.78 6.49 30.11 5-77 8 89 ij^ 3 ^ 3.07 3-50 .217 9.64 11.00 7-39 9.62 19.49 7.55 8 95 i^ 3/2 3-55 4.00 .226 11.15 12.57 9-89 12.57 1456 9.06 8 I 00 1^8 4 4.03 4.50 •237 12.65 14.14 12.73 15-90 II.31 10.73 8 I 05 'V A'A 4-51 5-00 .246 14-15 15-71 15-94 19.64 9-03 12.49 8 I 10 Jv 5.05 5.56 .259 15.85 17.48 19.99 2430 7.20 14.56 8 I 16 6 6.07 6.63 .280 19-05 20.81 28.89 34.47 4.98 18.77 8 I 26 7 7.02 7.63 .301 22.06 23-95 38.74 45.66 3-72 23.41 8 I 36 i|^ 8 7.98 8.63 .322 25.08 27.10 50.04 58.43 2.88 28.35 8 I 46 1% 9 8.93 9-63 .348 28.07 30.24 62.73 72.76 2.26 33.70 8 I 57 2 10 10.02 10.75 .366 31.48 33-77 78.84 90.76 1.80 40.64 8 I 68 2% II 11.22 12.00 .388 35-26 37.70 98.94 113.10 1.46 47.73 8 I 80 2% 12 12.18 13.00 .410 38.26 40.84 116.54 132.73 1.24 54.66 8 I 88 2^8 Pipes I inch and below are butt-welded and proved to 300 pounds per square inch hydraulic pressure. Pipes i}l inches and larger diameters are lap-welded and proved to 500 pounds per square inch hydraulic pressure. Threads for wrought-iron pipes are cut tapering at ^ inch per foot of total taper for all sizes up to and including 9 inches ; for pipes 10 inches in diameter and larger the taper is y% inch per foot. The table gives dimensions of 11 -inch pipe ; this is regarded in the trade as an odd size, and fittings are rarely, if ever, made for it except to order. The common practice is to ignore it and take 12 inch pipe instead. BOILER MOUNTINGS AND SAFETY APPARATUS 389 Flange Unions. — No uniformity of dimensions is followed by- manufacturers of cast-iron flanges for wrought-iron pipe. The differences may not be great, but they are sufficient to prevent inter- Fig. 468. change of parts. Two sizes of flanges are commonly necessary in putting up a line of large steam-pipe, — one set of flanges to match the flanged valves and another set for ordinary connections, the valve-flanges being com- monly of larger diameter than the size usually adopted for merely connecting one pipe with another. The il- lustration, Fig. 468, and the tabular dimensions accompanying relate to pipe-connections only. Valve-flanges and cast-iron connections difler so much in diameter that special flanges usually have to be made for them. TABLE LI. FLANGE UNIONS. Reference letters correspond to those shown in Fig. 468. M, up to 6 inch, and J^-inch for larger pipes. inch for all sizes A. B. C. D. E. ^^ G. H. I. J. K. L. ^ i*- U-, ^ >- , fe u .i 0) ° 3 o_c -■« <^ 1- y2 2% 2 2.4 ey. 1% \ 3/8 5 -■ 4 Ay 2y 2/2 2.9 7% T-yi % 4 5^ _. . 4 5 3% 3 3-5 7H iX \% A% 6X 6 5% 3H 3/2 4.0 s% iX r% 5% 7 6 6% 4/8 4 4-5 9V2 i^ iX 5H 7% 6 ey 4^ 4/2 5-0 ^0% 1^8 ^Y 6/8 8H 6 7% sy 5 5-6 IIX I>^ iX \% 7 9 6 8 sy 6 6.6 12^ ^yi 1^8 iVs s% 1014: it 6 9% ey 7 7.6 13;^ lU i>^ iX 9% 113^ 6 loy 7y 8 8.6 14^ m i^ iVz lo/s I2>^ -i 8 iiy 8y 9 9.6 ^5H 2 iH I>^ 11)^ 13^ -i 8 12^ 9Ya 10 10.8 I7X 2}i 2 1% 12^ 15 -^1 10 14 II 12 13.0 20 2Y2 2% IH i5>^ i7>^ ItV 12 16X 13X CHAPTER XI. CHIMNEYS. A CHIMNEY is employed in steam engineering as an attachment to a steam-boiler furnace for the purpose of creating and maintaining a draught through the body of burning fuel. Its practical value as com- pared with other methods is in the certainty and simplicity of its action, adapting itself automatically to the demands of a lesser or greater number of furnaces, with little or no loss of efficiency for either under- or over- load as compared with its normal power-rating. The fuels used for steaming purposes in this country are anthracite, semi-anthracite, and bituminous coals. The first of these is a very hard coal, and requires a powerful draught for its rapid combustion. Bitu- minous coals are found in every grade of quality from good to bad ; they burn readily, and thus a less intensity of draught is needed. It is for this reason that a less height of chimney is permissible. The rate of combustion per square foot of grate surface per hour will ordinarily vary from 9 to 13 pounds for anthracite coal, and from 12 to 20 pounds for bituminous coal, — the latter occasionally running much higher, nearly or quite doubling these figures. We shall not go far wrong if we assume an average rate of combustion of 12 pounds per hour for anthracite coal and 15 pounds per hour for bituminous coal in ordinary steam-boiler furnaces with good draught. The evaporative economy falls off rapidly under the higher rates of combustion of bitu- minous coal. The temperature of air supplied boiler furnaces may vary in certain localities from 10'^' below zero in winter to 95° Fahr. in summer. Assum- ing 62° Fahr. to be an average temperature, the corresponding weight of air will be 0.076 pounds per cubic foot, or 13.14 cubic feet to the pound at atmospheric pressure (14.7 pounds) ; in relation to water its density is about i to 820. If the combustion were perfect, with the minimum supply of air (12 pounds) the weight of the products of com- bustion would be 13 pounds, but for chimney calculations it is customary to assume the maximum of air supply, or 25 pounds of gas. Chimney Draught is an effect produced by the difference in specific gravity of the cold air entering the furnace under the grate and the heated products of combustion escaping from the chimney. The differ- ence in weight is explained by the fact that gases expand by heat ; the atmosphere of an active fire must, therefore, be of less density than the outer air. The draught of a chimney depends upon its height, and the differ- 390 CHIMNEYS 391 ence between the specific gravity of the gases with which it is filled and that of the outside air. Draught properly begins at the level where the air passes through the fire, and not at the level of the ground at the base of the chimney. Its action increases at first with the temperature, but afterwards gradually diminishes with the temperature of the gases. For example, from 32° Fahr. to 300° Fahr. the draught augments very rapidly ; from 300° Fahr. to 750° Fahr. the draught varies little, but arrives at the maximum when the temperature is about 585° Fahr. Some investigators place the temperature higher than this, but for steam- boiler purposes this temperature is as high as the products of combus- tion should be allowed to attain, and from 550° to 600° Fahr. may be taken as the maximum temperature in any ordinary calculations. Some steam boilers do not part with their gases until the temperature is reduced to 450° Fahr., and only occasionally is the reported tempera- ture less. Intensity of draught denotes the velocity of flow of air through the furnace. This property is secured by height of chimney, or by high temperatures of escaping gases, or both. The larger of the small sizes of anthracite coal require an intensity of draught corresponding to not less than seven-eighths to one inch of water, and even this is scarcely enough at times to secure the desired rate of combustion ; whereas with ordinary free-burning coals in lumps as large as a hickory-nut or larger a draught of three-eighths to five-eighths inch of water will suffice for ordinary boiler settings. Chimney Draught from Absolute Zero. — The best practice when dealing with problems relating to heated gases is to reckon temperatures from absolute zero (which on the Fahrenheit scale is — 460°), because the expansion of a gas due to a given rise of temperature is found to be exactly proportional to the absolute temperature. The best chimney draught is had (reckoning temperature from abso- lute zero) when the temperature of gas in the chimney is to that of external air as i is to 2. The absolute temperature of air at 62° Fahr, is 62 -\- 460 = 522° ; therefore we get the best draught when 522 X 2 = 1044° absolute, or 1044° — 460° = 584° Fahr., a temperature above the melting-point of bismuth (518° Fahr.) and below that of lead (630° Fahr.). In general, when the escaping gases leave the boiler at a temperature of melting lead it indicates that heat is going to waste. Example: Suppose a chimney 120 feet high, the temperature of escaping gases = 584° Fahr. and that of the atmosphere 62° Fahr., the draught in inches of water may be found thus : 120 X 46° + 584 _ 125,280 _ ^^^ f^^^_ 460 + 62 522 The height of a column of escaping gas at 584° Fahr. equals the weight of a column of air at 62° Fahr. outside a chimney 120 feet high ; then 240 — 120 = 120. We will call this remainder the "motive column." 392 BOILERS AND FURNACES The relation of weight as compared with water (820 times heavier) may be expressed thus : 120 If we divide the motive column by this amount we have 120 r ^ — — = .0732 foot, 1640 or ^ inch nearly, as the height of a column of water lifted by the action of a chimney corresponding to the height and temperature here given. Temperature. — If we assume that air entering the ash-pit is in- creased in temperature from 62° Fahr. to 2500° Fahr. in its passage through the bed of burning fuel, its volume will have been increased 5.663 times ; that is, the volume occupied by i pound of air at 62° Fahr. is 13.14 cubic feet and would be expanded to 74.40 cubic feet at the increased temperature ; or, the weight of i cubic foot would be less in the proportion of 0.0761 to 0.0134 pounds. This sudden expansion, occurring as it does within a distance of 6 inches or thereabouts, and probably in less than a half second of time, means the acceleration of its velocity, due to increase in volume alone, from i foot below the grates to more than 5^ feet per second at the surface of the fire. This sudden rise in temperature does not immediately affect the draught, for it is confined to the furnace alone, and this is always partially, and sometimes wholly, surrounded by absorbing surfaces, so that after the passage of the heated gases along the absorbing surfaces the tem- perature of the escaping products of combustion is lowered from the original temperature to about j^ or less at the moment of entering the chimney. It is this final temperature only which is to be taken into ac- count in draught calculations. This continual loss of heat by coming in contact with absorbing surfaces has the effect to retard the flow of gases from the furnaces to the chimney, but another and more serious retarda- tion of flow of air into the furnace occurs in the passage of air through the fire itself, and this is greatly intensified in the case of fine anthracite coals or of caking bituminous coals, the former often requiring a strong and positive blast to force the air through the fuel. With the latter fuel a frequent breaking up of the fire becomes almost a necessity to main- tain a proper rate of combustion. For natural draught the temperature of the escaping gases should not generally exceed 550° Fahr. ; all things considered, this is regarded as a fair and economical working tempera- ture. Variations above and below this temperature, say 50° Fahr., have but little effect on the draught so far as the economical result of furnace working is concerned. An approximate method of determining high temperatures consists in suspending strips of metal, the melting-points of which are known, in the flues leading to the chimney, or perhaps in the chimney itself CHIMNEYS 393 Three different metals, such as tin, which melts at 455° Fahr., bismuth, which melts at 518° Fahr., and lead, which melts at 630° Fahr., to which may be added zinc, which melts at 793° Fahr., and antimony, which melts at 810° Fahr., are generally employed in making such tests. In the selection of metals one is chosen of which the melting-point is nearest the supposed temperature, then another piece the melting-point of which is below, and a third of which the melting-point is above it. For example, if the temperature be supposed to be about 600° Fahr., then lead will be chosen for the central strip, and one of bismuth for the lower, and one of zinc for the higher temperature. The tempera- ture can readily be approximated when it is known that it is between two of the three metals exposed. If the metal having the lowest melting-point is melted and the other two are uninjured by the heat, the temperature must be assumed to be above the one and below the other ; similarly, if two of the bars are melted, the temperature must then be somewhere between the highest and the intermediate points of fusion. This method is not entirely accurate, but sufficiently so for all ordinary purposes. The Area of a Chimney was made the subject of experimental research by Mr. Isherwood, who found that the ordinary variable limits were from one-sixth to one-ninth that of the grate area. Upon these experiments is based the common recommendation that the area of a chimney be one-eighth that of the grate surface. The grate area for a steam boiler bears an approximately fixed rela- tion to that of the heating surface, averaging not far from one-thirty- fifth that of the latter. The chimney area must bear some relation to the quantity of coal burnt. In practice it is found that for sizes up to 1000 horse-power the most satisfactory chimneys are those in which from i^ to 2 square inches of chimney area are had for each pound of coal burnt per hour. According to this rule a chimney suitable for 1000 pounds of coal per hour would vary between 1000 X 1.5= 1500 square inches, or 43^^ inches diameter, and 1000 X 2 := 2000 square inches, or 50^ inches diameter. Example: Required a grate and chimney area suitable for 1000 pounds of coal per hour, the rate of combustion to be 12 pounds per square foot of grate per hour : ^'^ = 10.4 square feet = 1498 square inches = 43^ inches, diameter of chimney. which corresponds to i ^ square inches of chimney area for each pound of coal burnt per hour. It also corresponds to one-eighth that of the grate area. 26 394 BOILERS AND FURNACES Height of Chimneys. — In order to give the required draught to a steam-boiler furnace of say 50 horse-power, the chimney should not be less than 60 or 65 feet in height above the ground surface at its base, and need not exceed 150 feet for boiler furnaces of 1000 horse-power, unless there is higher land or buildings in the immediate neighborhood which would affect its draught. Anthracite coals require a higher chimney than free-burning bituminous coals. The area having been fixed, either by quantity of coal burned or in proportion to grate area, a common rule is to make the height of a small chimney twenty-five times its diameter, with a gradual decrease in the ratio for larger chimneys ; thus, a 4-foot chimney may be 100 feet in height, a 5-foot chimney 120 feet in height, a 6-foot chimney 135 feet in height, an 8-foot chimney 160 feet, and a lo-foot chimney 175 feet. The formulas usually given for the height of chimneys do not always furnish the proportions which certain localities seem to require, and as a result there is more of empiricism than calculation in this detail. Many large chimneys are higher than necessary when considered merely as a means of obtaining or maintaining a good draught. It is doubtful whether there are any advantages sufficient to pay the extra cost for making a steam-boiler chimney more than 150 feet high for internal diameters less than 100 inches. Horse-Power of a Chimney.— By this is meant a chimney of suitable diameter and height for the grate surface required for the com- bustion of fuel necessary to develop the stated amount of horse-power in steam boilers of well-known types. The standard horse-power in steam engineering is the evaporation of 30 pounds of water per hour from a feed-water temperature of 100° Fahr. into steam at 70 pounds gauge pressure. This is equivalent to 34}^ pounds of water evaporated per hour from and at 212° Fahr. For the chimney calculations in Table LII., the tabular dimensions of horizontal tubular boilers given in Tables XL., XLIL, and XLIV. are assumed to meet all the requirements of ordinary single-cylinder engines, non-condensing and non-compound. For single-cylinder con- densing and for compound engines the boiler-power will be somewhat in excess of the requirements of the engines. The diameter of chimney given for each power is ample for any fuel, whether anthracite or bituminous coal. No length of side is given for a square chimney of equal area because the same diameter should be used for both. The corners of a square chimney, especially for those below 60 inches diameter, count for very little, the general configura- tion of flow of gases upward is in a round column. It is doubtful if the corners serve any useful purpose, and may be wholly neglected in computing chimney area. The height of chimneys for the several powers given will be found suitable for the stipulated grades of bituminous coal and for anthracite CHIMNEYS 395 coal not finer than buckwheat size. If finer coals are used the fire may- require assistance, which can be fiirnished by either a steam jet or fan blower. TABLE LII. TABLE OF CHIMNEY DIMENSIONS FOR A SINGLE BOILER AND FURNACE FROM 20 TO 100 HORSE-POWER, BASED UPON THE TABULAR DIMENSIONS GIVEN IN TABLES XL., XLII., AND XLIV., IN WHICH THE GRATE AREA IS ASSUMED TO BE NINE TIMES THAT OF THE TUBE AREA FOR THE SMALLEST BOILER, DIMINISHING TO SEVEN TIMES THE TUBE AREA FOR THE LARGEST BOILER. A COMMERCIAL HORSE-POWER RATING APPROXIMATING I5 SQUARE FEET OF HEATING SURFACE PER HORSE-POWER IS ASSUMED FOR ALL BOILERS IN THIS SERIES. Boiler and Furnace Details. Chimney. Boilers. Grate. V V Height n Feet. 3 i t; c! ^• ^ S ^ & 2 1 S % K^ o.Su •si's < G 11 Ml 1 3 •£ N 2. .2 V 15 u ^x^ 2 Soi Box. cUm K oi P J ^ < ^ u ^ m <; Inches. Feet. Sq. Feet. Sq. Feet. Sq. Feet. Inches. 20 2 38 10 311 12.15 25.60 2.02 20 50 60 25 3 40 12 396 12.87 30-75 2.15 20 50 60 30 4 42 14 488 13.68 35-69 2.28 20 55 65 35 5 44 14 515 14.40 35-73 2.40 22 55 65 40 7 48 14 611 17.46 35-OI 2.91 24 55 70 45 8 50 14 682 19.71 34-58 3-29 25 55 70 50 10 54 14 778 22.77 34-19 3.67 26 60 70 55 II 56 14 827 24.30 34-03 3-8o 27 60 75 60 19 58 16 908 24.16 37-58 3-80 27 60 75 65 20 60 16 971 26.00 37-36 3-94 27 60 80 70 27 60 18 1055 28.72 36.85 4-35 28 65 80 75 29 64 18 II42 31.12 36.70 4-58 29 65 80 80 30 66 18 1242 34.16 36-36 4.88 30 65 85 85 30 66 18 1242 34.16 36.36 4.88 30 65 85 90 31 68 18 1361 37-84 35-76 5.00 30 70 90 95 33 72 16 1421 39-55 35-98 5-00 30 70 90 100 33 72 18 1598 39-55 40.48 5-00 30 70 90 The diameter for chimneys from lOO to looo horse-power, as given in Table LIII., is estimated from an entirely different stand-point from that of Table LII. It is here assumed that 4 pounds of coal per horse- power per hour may be required, and for large boiler plants this quan- tity is correct for anthracite coal, and averages tolerably close for bitu- minous coals, inasmuch as the latter varies widely in evaporative power. The rate of combustion, assumed to be 12 pounds per square foot of grate surface per hour, is, for steam plants for the last half of the table, somewhat less than the average for bituminous coal. There are steam- boiler furnaces burning double that weight, and occasionally more than three times the assumed rate ; but as capacity tests and economy tests are often widely at variance with each other, no opinion can be here 396 BOILERS AND FURNACES expressed upon what might be considered excessive rates of combustion unless the ratio of grate to heating surface is known, and especially the temperature of the escaping gases. If the temperature of the latter be higher than 600° Fahr. , heat is going to waste, and the rate of combus- tion ought to be lowered until the temperature is reduced to a more economical figure. This table, in common with the preceding one, makes no difference in the diameter of a round chimney and that of a square chimney to make the areas equal, for the reason given on page 394. TABLE LIU. TABLE OF CHIMNEY DIMENSIONS FOR TWO OR MORE BOILERS SET IN BATTERY AND WORKING TOGETHER ; HORSE-POWER IS BASED ON 4 POUNDS OF COAL PER HOUR PER HORSE-POWER. THE RATE OF COMBUSTION IS ASSUMED TO BE 12 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT OF GRATE SURFACE PER HOUR ; THE PROPORTION OF GRATE TO CHIMNEY AREA VARIES FROM ONE-SEVENTH FOR THE lOO HORSE-POWER BOILER TO ONE-TENTH FOR THE lOOO HORSE- POWER BOILER. Hkight IN Feet. Coal per Area of Grate at 12 Pounds per Square Foot per Hour. Area of Nearest Diameter, Horse- Power. Hour. Chimney. Round Bituminous Anthracite Chimney. Coal, free Coal, small burning. sizes. Square Feet. Square Feet. Inches. lOO 400 33-33 4-76 30 70 90 125 500 41.67 5-i8 31 75 90 150 600 50.00 6.82 36 75 95 175 700 58.33 7.78 38 80 100 200 800 66.67 8.69 40 80 100 250 1000 83-33 10.64 44 85 105 300 1200 100.00 12.50 48 85 105 350 1400 116.67 14.18 51 90 no 400 1600 133-33 16.00 55 90 115 450 1800 150.00 17-65 57 90 115 500 2000 166.67 19-25 60 95 120 550 2200 183-33 20.65 62 95 120 600 2400 200.00 22.22 64 100 125 650 2600 216.67 23-65 66 100 125 700 2800 233-33 25-01 68 105 130 750 3000 250.00 26.32 70 105 135 800 3200 266.67 27.61 72 no 135 850 3400 283.33 28.82 73 no 140 900 3600 300.00 30.00 74 115 145 950 3800 316.67 31.67 76 115 145 1000 4000 333.33 33-33 78 120 150 Percentage of Chimney Area. — The larger percentage of chim- ney area for the lOo horse-power boiler over the succeeding ones is on account of the friction of the gases against the sides of a small chimney. The usual recommendation is to add a constant of 4 inches to any diam- eter found to be necessary for a chimney ; but this increase in diameter is not necessary for the larger chimneys, especially when based on one- CHIMNEYS 397 eighth the grate area, — in fact, the necessity for any increase in diameter for friction is not apparent for chimneys over 48 inches in diameter, when based on the above proportion, and at 60 inches in diameter a gradual reduction may be made in the ratio of chimney area to grate area. Chimney Design. — A chimney-shaft may be round, octagonal, square, or any other form to suit the taste of the designer or its adapta- tion to the conditions which call for its erection. A round chimney is to be preferred to any other interior cross-section, because that is the natural form of a column of ascending gases from a fire. Square chim- neys are a practical or commercial necessity when of small diameters, say 48 inches and less, because of the rectangular shape of common bricks and the fact that bricks for circular walls, except fire-bricks, must be made to order. Some square chimneys have a round inner hning, and this detail has much to commend it ; the lower part is commonly of fire-brick 6 inches thick, the upper of red brick 4^ inches thick. This lining is not built into, but just clears the inner side of the square, leaving the corners open. It may extend to the top of the chimney with advantage. Such a chimney is easy of construction and of com- paratively low cost. The inside diameter of a chimney need not be otherwise than parallel from bottom to top, although chimneys are made both larger and smaller at the top than at the bottom, and without any perceptible loss of effect. When the lining of a chimney extends only a portion of the height, the area is considerably increased where the lower diameter debouches into the upper portion of the shaft ; this is not known to have any injurious effect upon the draught. The Stability of a Chimney is of the utmost importance. It seems almost superfluous to say that a chimney should be made of the best materials and constructed in the best manner. The wind pressure is the greatest resistance to be overcome by a chimney, and this is reckoned at 55 pounds per square foot as a maximum. Except in the case of whirlwinds or cyclones, no such wind pressure is experienced in this country. Its ability to withstand wind pressure varies with the shape of the chimney, a round chimney offering least resistance to the wind, an octagon a greater resistance, and a square chimney most of all. Without entering upon the mathematics of the stability of chimneys, it may be said that complete stability may be had in brick chimneys if the outside diameter at the base is one-tenth of its height for a square chim- ney, one eleventh of the height for an octagon chimney, and one-twelfth of its height for a round chimney, with a uniform taper of ^ inch per foot throughout the whole height, excepting, of course, the base or pedestal upon which the shaft rests. The thickness of the brickwork at the top of a chimney should not in any case be less than one brick, say 8 to 9 inches, depending upon the commercial sizes of bricks in the 398 BOILERS AND FURNACES locality where the chimney is to be erected ; and this thickness is ample for all heights up to i6o feet, above which the walls should be a brick and a half thick at the top. The thickness here given may continue downward from the top for say 25 feet, when a half-brick should be added to the thickness for another 25 feet, and so on down to the foundation or to the pedestal upon which the shaft rests. Metal Chimneys. — The superiority of metal over brick for high chimneys is now being urged by many engineers. The arguments, in general, are these : the enormous quantity of brick and material neces- sary for high brick chimneys increases the cost and weight of such construction, requiring massive foundations and much space ; should these foundations sink but a trifle, there will result cracks in the chimney, thus impairing the draught and endangering the stability ; the sudden changes in temperature to which all chimneys are subjected are also destructive to brick chimneys ; being unprotected by metal shells, the sudden contraction of the side exposed to the cold blast of wind, rain, or sleet causes them to crack ; in a brick chimney the only resistance to wind pressure is that due to its weight, and as most brick chimneys are square or octagonal in cross-section the resistance is greater, since the surface exposed to the wind is flat. Metal chimneys are built with or without fire-brick lining, depending upon the temperature of the escaping gases, the thickness of the lining varying for the different diameters and height. The weight of metal chimneys when lined is in most cases sufficient to withstand overturning by ordinary wind pressure, but the precaution of bolting securely to a good foundation should not be omitted ; this, it will be understood, is in addition to the customary fastening to the foundation plate, upon which the metal shell rests. A Ladder should be provided for a chimney, which may be either on the outside or the inside, so as to gain access to the top for any examination or repairs that may be required in after service. A Manhole with an iron door and frame should always be con- structed in the base of a chimney for admission for examination, clean- ing, and repairs. The top of this opening should be arched, so that the strength of the chimney shall not be impaired. INDEX. Adams's boiler, 329. Adamson's flanged flue, 148. Air, admission over fire, 235. Air, composition of, 11. Air, excess of in furnace, 17. American stoker, 226. Annealing mild steel, 47, 108. Anthracite coal, 14. Aqueous vapor, 17. Area of chimney, 393. Area of circular segments, 175. Ashcroft low-water detector, 360. Ashes, 17. Ashley low-water alarm, 362. Ash-pit, 235. Babcock & Wilcox boiler, 303, 341. Back connections, 241. Back stand for boilers, 162. Baffle-bricks for water-tube boilers, 313- Bagasse, heating power of, 12. Bailey's fusible plug, 366. Baker, C. W., quoted, 200. Batteries of boilers, 206. Belpaire boiler, 281, 340. Bending test, wrought iron, 34. Bingham rotating gauge-cock, 367. " Bituminous coal, 13. Bituminous coal, calorific value, 19, 20. Bituminous coal, proximate analysis, Blisters, 37. Block coal, 14. Blow-holes in castings, 27. Blow-off, arrangement of, 351. Boiler furnaces and settings, 206. Boiler-head, pressure for bumped, 119. Boiler-head, pressure for concave, 120. Boiler-head stays, 120. Boiler-head, strains on, 119. Boiler-head, thickness of, 119. Boiler-head, working pressure, 119. Boiler mountings, 343. Boiler performance, examples of, 337. Boiler-plate, qualities of, 35. Bottom blow, 349. Bourdon pressure-gauge, 373. Bowling hoop for flues, 148. Braces for steam boilers, 122. Brackets, detachable, 159. Brackets, or wings, for boilers, 158. Brand of plate iron, 36. Breeching for boilers, 245. Brickwork, 238. Bridge- wall, 236, 251. British thermal unit, 20. Brown coal, 13. Buck-staves, 240. Bulging test, mild steel, 46. Bumped heads, 119. Burg, Professor, on safety-valves, 355. Butt-joints, 72, 91. Butt-joints, proportions for, 93. Cahall boiler, 333, 342. Cahall swinging manhead, 157. Caking coal, 13. Caldwell boiler, 312, 341. Calorific value of coal, 22. Cannel coal, 14. Carbon, 10. Carbon, heat units in, 20. Carbon in cast iron, 25. Carbon in mild steel, 38. Carbonic acid gas, 16. Carbonic oxide gas, 16. Cast iron, 25. Cast-iron boiler-head, 180. Cast iron for steam boilers, 30. Cast iron in the fire, 30. Cast iron, objections to, 30. Chain riveting, 85. Chapman gate valve, 348. 399 400 INDEX Charcoal hammered iron, 36. Charcoal iron, 35. Check- and stop-valve combined, 347. Check- valves, 345. Chemical changes, 9. Chemical properties, wrought iron, 35. Chimney, 390. Chimney design, 397. Chimney dimensions, tables, 395, 396. Circulation in water-tube boilers, 300. Clinker, 18. Coal, various analyses, 23, 24. Codman, J. E., 272. Coke, 14. Cold-bending test, mild steel, 45. Cold-short wrought iron, 35. Cole, F. J., quoted, 138. Collapse of flue and tubes, 150. Combined carbon in iron, 25. Combined water-gauge, 371. Combustion-chamber, 240. Combustion, rate of, 208. Compression gauge-cock, 368. Concave heads, 120. Continental Iron-Works, 100, 272. Cooling strains in castings, 27. Cornish boiler, 265. Corrugated flues, 149. Corrugated flues, pressure allowed, 153. Countersunk rivets, 55. Covering for boilers, 242. Cox, E. T., quoted, 19. Coxe mechanical stoker, 224. Crow-foot, 125. Crown-bars, 131, 276. Crushing strength, cast iron, 29. Culm, 15. Culver's stop- and check-valve, 347. Cylinder boiler, 178, 338. Cylinder boiler, double-deck, 181. Damper, 383. Damper regulator, automatic, 384. Dean, F. W., 288. Details and strength of construction, no. Diagonal brace, Lukens, 130. Diagonal stays, 128. Domes, 166. Double-deck boilers, 201, 339. Double-riveted butt-joint tests. Table XXI. Double-riveted lap-joints, 85, Table XIV. Double walls, 238. Draught from absolute zero, 391. Draught in chimneys, 390. Drifting test, mild steel, 45. Drilled holes, 52. Drum, mud-, 172. Drum, steam-, 169. Dry pipe, 376. Ductility, wrought iron, 33. Dudgeon's tube-expander, 144. Dynamical value of combustion, 20. Eastwood blow-off valve, 353. Eastwood stop-valve, 378. Eastwood union, 387. Eclipse manhole, 156. Economic portable boiler, 293. Edgemoor Iron Company, 266. Edgerton's boiler setting, 251. Edgerton's separator, 377. Efficiency of boiler, 21. Elastic limit, cast iron, 29. Elastic limit, mild steel, 43. Elastic limit, wrought iron, 33. Elastic ratio, 43. Elbow union, 388. Electric portable boiler, 292. Elephant boiler, 181. Elongation, mild steel, 43. Expander, distortion by, 145. Expander, Dudgeon's, 143. Expander, Prosser's, 144. Expansion-joints, 380. Externally fired boilers, 178. Factor of safety, 117. Fairbairn's experiments on flues, 148. Fanning, J. T., boiler design, 203. Feeding water in steam-space, 344. Feed-pipe, 343. Feed-water, purifying, 345. Ferro-manganese in cast iron, 27. Ferrules in lap-welded tubes, 145. Fibre in wrought iron, 33. Final area, 44. Fire-box boiler performance, 339. Fire-brick lining, 236. Fire-door, Butman's, 247. Fire-door openings, 163. Fire-doors, 247. INDEX 401 Fire-front, half-arch, 244. Fire-front, full square, 246. Fire-front, Naylor's, 248. Five-flue boilers, 185. Flame, 11. Flanged edges, thickness of, 108. Flange iron, 36. Flange, radius of, 107. Flange union, 389. Flanging, 105. Flanging and welding, 95. Flexible stay-bolts, 137. Flues, corrugated, 149. Flues, flanging of heads for, 183. Flues for furnaces, 148. Flues, furnace, pressure allowed on, 151. Flues, lengths for, 183. Flues, pressures allowed on, 183. Flues, strength to resist collapse, 150. Flues, thickness for, 183. Flux in welding, 96. Fox's corrugated flue, 149. Free air in furnace, 17. Free-burning coal, 14. French boiler, 181. Friction in riveted joints, 65. Fuel, defined, 12. Furnace combustion, 10. Furnace construction, examples of, 249. Furnace-flues, 148. Furnace-flues, pressure allowed, 151. Furnace-wall, thickness of, 238. Fusible plug-alarms, objections to, 360. Fusible plugs, 365. Galloway boiler, 266, 341. Gas from coal, heat units in, 19. Gate valves, 348. Gauge-cocks, 366. Gill's boiler, 310. Glass tubes, cutting to length, 370. Glass tubes for water-gauges, 369. Globe valves, 378. Grain in mild steel, 43. Graphitic carbon in iron, 25. Grate, ^Etna shaking-, 213. Grate area and heating surface, 195. Grate area to tube area, 195. Grate-bars, 208. Grate, Butman's shaking-, 212. Grate, circular, 210. Grate, distance from boiler, 235. Grate, height above floor, 209. Grate, herring-bone, 211. Grate, plain, 209. Grate, rate of travelling, 225. Grate, revolving, 211. Grate, Rose's shaking-, 213. Grate, shaking-, 280. Grate, size of, 206. Grates, deterioration in, 214. Grates, slope to rear, 209. Gun-boat boiler, 272, 340. Gusset-stay, 126. Hammer test, wrought iron, 34. Hand-flanging, 106. Handholes, 158. Hardwick low-water alarm, 361. Harrison, Joseph, Jr., 296. Hartford boiler setting, 251. Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, quoted, 146. Hawley down-draft furnace, 230. Hazelton boiler, 326, 342. Head, cast-iron, 180. Heat developed by combustion, 18. Heat, mechanical equivalent, 20. Heating of plates, 105. Heating surface, 176. Heating surface and grate area, 195. Height of chimney, 394. Heine boiler, 317, 341. Hogan boiler, 324, 341. Holding power of tubes, 146. Horse-power, 9. Horse-power of boilers, 176. Horse-power of chimney, 394. Horse-power standard, 177. Hotchkiss's surface blow, 352. Hot test, riveted joint, 75. Hydrogen, 10. Hydrogen and carbon, 19. Hydrogen, heat units in, 20. Ignition, 11, Incandescence, color and intensity, 10. Internally fired boilers, 256. Iron boiler-plates, defects in, 37, Iron for stay-bolts, 141. Iron in single and double shear, 64. Iron plates and iron rivets, 57. Iron plates, flanging of, 107. 402 INDEX Iron plates, strength of, 50. Iron rivets, properties of, 59. Iron tubes, lap-welded, 141. Jenkins's blow-off valve, 353. Jenkins's gate valve, 348. Jones mechanical stoker, 228. Ladder for chimneys, 398. Lancashire boiler, 265. Lap-joint with reinforced welt, 88. Leavitt, E. D., Jr., boiler design, 282. LeVan's boiler setting, 252. Le Van's damper regulator, 384. Lignite, 13. Link for stays, 126. Lloyd's rule for boiler-stays, 123. Locomotive boiler, 277. Low-water alarms, 360. Machine-flanging, 106. Manganese in cast iron, 27. Manganese in mild steel, 39. Manhole for chimneys, 398. Manhole plates or covers, 156. Manhole rings and plates, 154. Manholes, 153. Manning's vertical boiler, 261, 340, Mason's damper regulator, 385. Materials of construction, 25. Mechanical stokers, 215. Metal chimneys, 398. Mild steel, 37. Mild steel, physical properties of, 39. Mild-steel plates, punching, 53. Mild steel, strength of, 51. Mild steel, welding of, 95. Mississippi gauge-cock, 366. Morin boiler, 330, 342. Morison's corrugated flue, 149. Mortar joints, 239. Mud-drum in Heine boiler, 321. Mud-drum, materials for, 174. Mud-drums, 172. Mud-drums, functions of, 174. Murphy furnace, 216. Myers's blow-off valve, 353. Natural gas, composition of, 15. Natural gas, evaporative power, 16. Natural gas vs. coal, 16. Nitrogen, 11. Nitrogen, specific gravity, 17. Non-caking coals, 14. Nozzles, dimensions for, 172. Open-hearth steel, 38. Oxide of iron in welding, 96. Oxygen, 11. Parry's safety-plug, 366. Pearson's expansion-joint, 381. Peat, 13. Percentage of chimney area, 396. Petroleum at World's Fair, 15. Petroleum, composition of, 15. Petroleum, evaporative power of, 15. Phosphorus in cast iron, 26. Phosphorus in mild steel, 39. Physical changes, 9. Physical properties of wrought iron, 31. Pipe for bottom blow, 350. Piping of water-columns, 372. Pittsburgh high- and low-water alarm, 364. Playford mechanical stoker, 222. Plug-cocks, 352. Portable boiler, dimensions of, 281, 292. Portable-engine boilers, 289. Pressure allowed on flues, 151. Pressure-gauge, 373. Pressure on convex heads, 117. Pressure, Philadelphia rules for, 117. Pressure, safe working, rule, iii. Pressure, table of working, 112. Pressure, U. S. rule, 117. Products of combustion, 16. Products of combustion over boiler, 243. Prosser's tube-expander, 144. Punch and die, 52. Punched holes, 52. Punching steel plates , effect of, 53. Quadruple-riveted butt-joints, tests, Table XXI. Quenching test, mild steel, 46. Radial stays, 133. Radiators for tubes, 200. Rate of combustion, 21. Rear arch, skeleton for, 241. Red-short wrought iron, 35. Reduction of area, loss by, 51. Reduction of area, mild steel, 43. INDEX 403 Register gauge-cock, 367. Reliance gauge-cock, 368. Reliance high- and low-water alarm, 364. Retarders for fire-tubes, 197. Reynolds's furnace, 233. Reynolds's vertical boiler, 261. Riveted joint, failure in, 68. Riveted joint, friction in, 65. Riveted joint, hot test, 75. Riveted joint, properties of, 74. Riveted joint, proportioning, 82. Riveted joint, results of tests, 66. Riveted joints, 50. Riveted joints, efficiencies of, 73. Riveted shells, strength of, no. Riveting, example of, 276. Riveting, method of, 91. Rivet-holes, 52, 56. Rivet iron, strength of, 58. Rivet points, 62. Rivet steel, strength of, 58. Rivet steel, tests of, 60. Rivets, countersunk, 55. Rivets, dimensions of, 61, 62. Rivets in double shear, 65. Rivets in single shear, 63. Rivets, iron in iron plates, 57. Rivets, length of, 63. Rivets, pitch of, 56. Rivets, shearing strength of, 63. Rivets, size of, 55. Rivets, steel, and steel plates, 57. Rivets, steel, properties of, 60. Rivets, tests and inspection of, 60. Rivets, tests of mild steel, 64. Root boiler, 314. Safety- and stop-valve combined, 354. Safety apparatus, 343. Safety-valve, 354. Safety-valve, American, 358. Safety-valve, calculating load on, 356. Safety-valve, consolidated, 359. Safety-valve, lift of, 355. Safety-valve, Philadelphia regulations, 356. Safety-valve, piping of, 360. Safety-valve, spring-loaded, 358. Safety-valves in duplicate, 354. Safety-valves, United States Regula- tions, 354. Safety water-columns, 372. Schaeffer diaphragm-gauge, 373. Scotch boiler, 272. Sectional boilers, 296. Sectional flue-expanders, 145. Segments, area of circular, 175. Semi-anthracite coal, 14. Semi-bituminous coal, 14. Separator, Edgerton's, 377. Serve ribbed tube, 201. Shaw's mercury gauge, 375. Shell iron, 36. Shells, butt-joints, pressures for, 114. Shells, double-riveted, pressures for, 112. Shells, triple-riveted, pressures for, 113. Shrinkage of cast iron, 28. Silicon and cast iron, 26. Silicon in mild steel, 39. Single-riveted butt-joints, 77. Single-riveted butt-joints, efficiencies of, 76. Single-riveted butt-joints, tests, 78. Single-riveted lap-joint, reinforced welt, 9°- Single-riveted lap-joint, tests. Table XIII. Single-riveted lap-joints, 82. Single-riveted lap-joints, efficiencies of, 83. Siphon pressure-gauge, 374. Six-inch flue boilers, 186. Slow cooling of castings, 27. Smith's balanced expansion-joint, 382. Smoke, 17. Smoke connections, 244. Spiral punch, 53. Stability of chimney, 397. Standard Boiler Company, 345. Stay-bolt, material for, 141. Stay-bolt patch, 136. Stay-bolt, strains on, 136. Stay-bolt with drilled hole, 136. Stay-bolts, Cole's experiments, 138. Stay-bolts, flexible, 137. Stay-bolts for flat surfaces, 135. Stay-bolts, proportions for, 136. Stay-centres, locating, 121. Stay, end fastenings for, 130. Stay, longitudinal, 127. Stay, radial, 133. Stay-tubes, 147. 404 INDEX Stay, working pressure by Lloyd's rule, 123. Stays and braces, details of, 125. Stays, diagonal, rules for, 129. Stays for boiler-head, 120. Stays or braces, United States rule, 122. Steam-blast, cost of, 221. Steam-dome, proportions for, 168. Steam-domes, 166. Steam-drum, 169. Steam-pipe, 387. Steam-room in boilers, 175. Steam stop-valve, 377. Steel for stay-bolts, 141. Steel plates and steel rivets, 57. Steel plates, annealing, 108. Steel plates, flanging of, 108. Steel rivets, chemical analysis, 59. Steel rivets, heating of, 94. Steel rivets, physical qualities, 59. Steel rivets, properties of, 60. Steel stay-bolts. United States rule for, 122. Steel, texture of, 37. Stirling boiler, 322, 341. Stop- and check-valve combined, 379. Straps for suspending boilers, 159. Strengthening manholes, 153. Strength of castings, 28. Strength of iron and steel plates, 50. Sulphur, 10, II. Sulphur in cast iron, 26. Sulphur in mild steel, 39. Sulphurous acid, 17. Sulphurous oxide, 17. Supporting boilers in furnace, 158. Surface blow, 350. Swinging manhead, 157. Tan, heating power of, 12. Temperature in chimney, 392. Temperature in welding, 96. Temperature of fire, 20. Tensile strength of cast iron, 29. Tensile strength of wrought iron, 32. Tensile test of mild steel, 39, 44. Test-piece, American Society of Civil Engineers, 41. Test-piece, effect of length, 41. Test-piece, 8-inch, 41. Test-piece, short form, 40. Test-piece, standard, 42. Test-pieces, wrought-iron, 32. Thermal unit, 20. Tiles for water-tube boiler, 321. Tonkin portable boiler, 294. Transverse strength of cast iron, 29. Triple-riveted butt-joints, tests, Table XXI. Triple-riveted lap-joint, 72. Triple-riveted lap-joint, proportions, 87, 89. Triplex boiler, 202, 339. Tube area to grate area, 195. Tube, distance from shell, 189. Tube-expanders, 143. Tube, proper length of, 193. Tube-sheet, distortion by expander, 145- Tube-spacing, defective, 188. Tube, vertical spacing, 191. Tubes as stays, 147. Tubes, boiler, 141. Tubes, boiler, standard dimensions, table, 142. Tubes, central water-space between, 188. Tubes, ferrules in, 145. Tubes, holding power of, 146. Tubes, horizontal, distance between, 190, 192, 194, 198. Tubes, strength of, 142. Tubes, threaded for nut, 147. Tubes, vertical arrangement of, 193. Tubular boiler-head, 3-inch, 192. Tubular boiler-head, 3>^-inch, 194. Tubular boiler-head, 4-inch, 198. Tubular boiler, performance, 338. Tubular boiler, vertical, externally fired, 205. Tubular boilers, 187. Turnbuckle, 131. Two-flue boiler, 183, 338. Unions, malleable iron, 387. Unit of work, 9. Vertical flue boiler, 259. Vertical tubular boilers, 256, 340. Water, composition of, 10. Water-gauge, 368. Water-gauge barrel, 371. Water-pan in ash-pit, 215. INDEX 405 Water surface in boilers, 175. Water-tube boilers, 296, 299. Welded joint, fractures in, 104. Welded joint, strength of, 103. Welded joints, annealing, 100. Welding and flanging, 95. Welding bars, 98. Welding, Bertram's method, 99. Welding, cost of, 104. Welding, efficiency of, 104. Welding furnace flues, 103. Welding, localizing heat in, 99. Welding plates, 98. Welding, practical results, 100. Welding, tests of, 102. Welding wrought iron, 33. Wharton-Harrison boiler, 298, 341. Whistle, 386. Whitham, J. M., quoted, 199. Wilkinson mechanical stoker, 220. Williams rotating gauge-cock, 367. Wings, or brackets, for boilers, 158. Wood, composition of, 12. Wood, heating power of, 12. Wrought iron, 31. Wrought-iron pipe, 387. Wrought iron, welding of, 95. Zell water-tube boiler, 306. Zigzag riveting, 85. THE END. r r y r IN PREPARATION FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION CHIMNEYS OF BRICK . . . . . . AND METAL CONSIDERED IN THEIR RELATIONS TO STEAM ENGINEERING. VOL. 11.^ STEAM ENGINEERING SERIES. EDITED BY WILLIAM M. BARR, MEMBER AMERICAN SOCIETY MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. With upwards of 750 illustrations, including 75 full-page plates, covering designs for chimneys from 25 to 5000 horse-power from drawings executed expressly for this work. One Volume. Octavo. Uniform with Boilers and Furnaces. By Subscription only. Price, $3.00, which includes free delivery. EACH VOLUME IN THIS SERIES COMPLETE IN ITSELF. P. O. Box 803. THE FLORENCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, PA. SPECIMEN PLATE.