University OF Illinois Alumni, 1 90 1 1 i * University ofIllinois Alumni TECHNOLOGICAL, SCIENTIFIC, AGRICULTURAL, LIT- ERARY, LIBRARY, AND LAW DEPART- MENTS, 1872-1900 COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF CHICAGO, 1883-1897 COLLEGE OF MEDICINE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, 1898-1900 CHICAGO COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, 1861-1897 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY, 1897-1900 Urbana, Illinois, April 25, 1901 Published by the University 4 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS *Teeple, Jared, died at Marengo, April 2, 1888. Wharton, Jacob Norton, B.S., P. O. Clerk, Brighton Park (Chicago.) Whitcomb, Alonzo _ Lyons, M.L., M.D., Physician, 1091 Fau- quier St., St. Paul, Minn. (971 E. Seventh St.) Wood, Reuben Oscar, B.S., Capt., Farmer and Justice of the Peace; "Officer of the Day," G. A. R. Post., Woodburn. CLASS OF 1873 Graham, Rev. Charles Peyton, M.L., Clergyman, Mankato, Kas. Hatch, Frederic Lewis, M.S., Farmer, Spring Grove. Hays, Charles Irving, M.S., Instructor in Science, N. Denver High School, 22 Lincoln Ave., Denver, Colo. Hennesey, Agustus L., Printing, 616 65th Place, Chicago. Hill, Edgar Lewis, B.S., Capt., English Supervisor of Public Schools, 3rd Dist. of Puerto Rico, Fajardo, Puerto Rico. Hook, Samuel Houston, B.L., California. Morrow, Andrew T., C.E., Civil Engineer with Mississippi River Commission, Urbana. (n 15 Fullerton Building, St. Louis, Mo.) Ockerson, John Augustus, C.E., Member of U. S. Commission for Improvement of Mississippi River, 4217 Washington Bvd., St. Louis, Mo. (11 19 Fullerton Bldg.) Phillips, Parley Agrippa, M.L., Agriculture and Horticulture, Madison Station, Miss. Piatt, Franklin Carpenter, M.L., LL.B., Judge District Court, 10th Judicial District, la., 515 E. Third St., Waterloo, la. (Logan House Blk.) Porterfield, Elijah Neulan, C.E., Real Estate and Financial Agent, Cor. 6th Ave, and 23rd St., Kearney, Neb. (2300 Cen- tral Ave., 2nd floor.) *Robbins, Henry Edwin, M.S., died at Chicago, Feb. 6, 1899. Swartz, Alexander Culbertson, C.E., Civil Engineer and Archi- tect, Fresno, Cal. (Rooms 25-27 Fiske Blk.) Williams, Louis Edward, M.S., LL.B., Lawyer, Real Estate and Loans and County Surveyor, 119 N. Fifth St., Keokuk, la. CLASS OF 1S74 Baker, Ira Osborne, C.E., Professor of Civil Engineering, Univ. of 111., 702 W. University Ave., Champaign. Campbell, John P., M.L., M.D., Physician, Winchester. Cheever, Alice, M.L., Mrs. A. H. Bryan, 401 W. University Ave., Champaign. ALUMNI 5 Dabriskian, Gregory Gabriel, B.S., Farmer, Backjajeck, Turkey. Drury, Ebenezer Lewis, M.L., County Judge, Chamberlain, S. Dak. Eaton, Herbert, B.S., Farmer, Rural Route- No. I, Philo. *Ells, William C, C.E., died Feb. 26, 1896, at Kansas City, Mo. Estep, Harvey C, C.E., Principal Ass't Engineer, M. & St. L. R. R., care Chief Engineer, M. & St. L. R. R., Minneapolis, Minn. Foster, Charles William, Lecture Recitals and Instructor on Vio- lin, 721 W. Hill St., Champaign. Gennadius, Panagiottis, B.S., Director of Agriculture, Nicosia, Cyprus. Jeffers, Charles Perry, M.S., Pharmacist, Swampscott, Mass. Pickrell, William S., Gold Mining, Phoenix, Ariz. Pierce, John Larke, A.B., Business Manager The Omaha Mercury, 3016 Mason St., Omaha, Neb. (203 New York Life Bldg.) Potter, Frances Adelia, B.L., Mrs. H. S. Reynolds, Author, 60 Evergreen St., Providence, R. I. Reynolds, Henry Sheldon, M.S., Scientist, Student, and Teacher, 60 Evergreen St., Providence, R. I. Smith, Charles Augustus, B.S., Draughtsman, 243 Broad St., Cen- tral Falls, R. I. (With E. Jenckes Mfg. Co., Pawtucket, R. I.) Story, George, C.E., City Engineer, San Luis Obispo, Cal. (Room 9 Sinsheimer Bldg.) Watts, William, B.S., M.D., Physician and Surgeon, 1035 Supe- rior St., Toledo, Ohio. (339 Huron St.) *Wharry, Walter Ward, B.S., died at Sycamore, June 28, 1896. CLASS OF 1S75 Anderson, Laura Morris, B.L., Mrs. J. R. Greenhalgh, Cham- paign. Barnard, DeLonson Elroy, B.S., Mechanical Engineer, 292 Oak- ley Bvd., Chicago. Barnes, Arthur Ellis, B.S., Secretary and General Manager Penn. Enameled Brick Co., 902 DeKalb St., Norristown, Pa. (Oaks, Pa.) Brown, Dillon Sidney, M.S., Banker, Genoa. Brown, Ralph Lee, M.L., Abstracter and Real Estate, Aberdeen. S. Dak. Campbell, Amanda, M.L., Mrs. Milton Moore, Clinton, la, b UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Coddington, Vantile William, B.S., Architect, 2206 Darrow Ave., Evanston, (Maple Ave. and University Place). Dobson, Franklin Pierce, B.S., Capt., Civil Engineer, 5829 Indiana Ave., Chicago. (P. O. Box 765.) Dunlap, Burleigh Arthur, B.S., Lawyer, 810 Seventh Ave., May- wood. (163 Randolph St., Chicago.) Dunlap, Henry M., M.S., Farmer and Fruit Grower, Savoy. *Eaton, Ernest, B.S., died at Downs, Oklahoma, April 20, 1900. *Everhart, Winfield Scott, M.L., died at Toledo, Aug. 2, 1899. *Faulkner, James. Capt., died at Bloomfield, October 1, 1882. Gridley, George N., B.S., Deputy County Treasurer, 207 West St.. Waukegan. (Court House.) Hullinger, Kate, Mrs. Kate Sterling, Teacher, Topeka, Kas. Kariher, Israella Kate, B.L., Mrs. Albert Eisner, 301 W. Univer- sity Ave., Champaign. Kellogg, Flora Lorena, B.L., Mrs. H. E. Hudson, Coldwater, la. Kenower George Frederic, M.L., Editor Wisner Chronicle, Regent Univ. of Neb., Wisner, Neb. Lee, Alice, B.L., Mrs. V. W. Coddington, 2206 Darrow Ave., Evanston. Leflar, John Emerson. Lyford, Charles Chamberlain, B.S., M.D., D.V.S., Veterinarian, 817 Third Ave. South, Minneapolis, Minn. (821 Third Ave. S.) McCauley, John Charles, B.L., Teacher, Defiance, Ohio. Mueller, John, B.S., M.D., Medical and Literary Work, Besig- heim, Wiirtemberg, Germany. (Via Agnello 3, Milan, Italy."* Parks, James Harvey, B.S., Civil and Mining Engineer, U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, 147 West St., Cripple Creek, Colo. (4 Pittsburg Blk.) Parsons, Fernando Alston, M.L., Loans, Real Estate, and Insur- ance, Westport Ave. and Washington St., Kansas City, Mo. (Westport.) Patch. Emory Edward. B.S., with New Doty Mfg. Co., 255 Glenn St.. Janesville, Wis. Pickrell, Watson, M. S., Farmer, Tempe, Ariz. Pierce, Fanny, 3016 Mason St., Omaha, Neb. Pollock. William Clarence, B.S., Assistant Attorney Interior De- partment, 1819 2nd St. N. W., Washington, D. C. (Interior Department.) Robinson. Elna Alphonso, M.E., Plumbing and Heating, 112 W. Hill St., Champaign. (Neil and Hickory Sts.) ALUMNI 7 Scovell, Melville Amasa, M.S., Director and Chemist of Kentucky Agricultural Expt. Station and State Chemist, Lexington, Ky. Scudder, Clarence Orlando, M.L., Principal of School, 1673 Barry Ave., Chicago. (Robert Morris School.) Shawhan, George Robert, B.L., County Superintendent of Schools, 807 S. Wright St., Champaign. (Urbana.) Steele, Mary Carter, B.L., Mrs. N. C. Ricker, 612 W. Green St., Urbana. Stewart, Margaret Esther, M.L., Mrs. H. E. Robbins, 5734 Jack- son Ave., Chicago. Tyndale, Hector Hilgard, B.L., B.S., LL.B., Lawyer, 103 West 54th St., New York City. (45 Wall St.) Warner, Lyman Fenn, Jr., Civil and Hydraulic Engineer, Auburn, Cal. CLASS OF 1876 Allen, Ralph, M.S., Farmer, Delavan. Ballou, Edward Lull, B.S., Mine and Mill Superintendent, Igo, Cal. *Campbell, James William, died at Los Gatos, Cal., Jan. 22, 1890. Chandler, William Bayard, B.S., Farmer and Lawyer, Bourbon. Clark, Charles Wright, C.E., Architect and U. S. Assistant Engi- neer, Webster Groves, Mo. (American Central Bldg., St Louis, Mo.) Drake, James Frederick, B.L., LL.B., Lawyer, Pueblo, Colo. (Rooms 1 and 2 Board of Trade Bldg.) Gill, John David, B.L., Attorney, 413-59 Dearborn St., Chicago, Gore, Simeon Thomas, B.S., Farmer, Weston, Ore. Gregory, Charles Edwin, B.L., LL.B., Capt., Lawyer, Dickinson, N. Dak. Holton, Mattie Gray, B.L., Mrs. J. H., Krebs, 3029 Groveland Ave., Chicago. Knibloe, Walter Elliott, M.S., Principal and Professor of Natural Sciences, Duval High School, Jacksonville, Fla. (925 Oak St.) Mackay, Daniel Stottenkirk, B.L., Farming and Banking, Mt. Carroll. Mackay, Henry, M.L., Lawyer, Mt. Carroll. Mackay, William Alexander, B.L., Capt., President Banking House Mackay Brothers, Madison, S. Dak. Mahan, Henry Weston, M.L., Cashier Oakland National Bank, 4543 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. (3953 Cottage Grove Ave.) Mann, Frank Irving, B.L., Capt., Farmer, Gilman. *Mann, Howard, died at Winnebago, Cal., April 23, 1876. 8 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Mann, James Robert, M.L., Capt., Lawyer, M.C., ist Dist, 334 Oakwood Bvd., Chicago. (175 Dearborn St.) Noble, Louis Reeder, B.S., Capt., Insurance, Spitler, Noble & Co., 2708 Western Ave., Mattoon. (1710 Broadway.) Oliver, William Forrest, B.L., M.D., Capt, Physician, Arlington, Wash. Palmer, Frank Mitchell, B.L., Capt., Lawyer, Clinton. Pierce, Elon Albert, Editor Belmond Herald, Belmond, la. Rhodes, James Frederic, B.L., Lawyer, El Dorado Springs, Mo. *Scribner, Artemus C, died at Fairplay, Colo., April 24, 1891. Starr, Frank Augustus Ellis, M.L., Capt., Lawyer, Sumpter, Ore. Weston, Charles, B. L., State Auditor, Lincoln, Neb. *Wild, George A., died at Las Animas, Colo., November, 1880. Williams, Thomas Thatcher, B.L., Farmer, Rock Falls. Wood, Frederick L., California. CLASS OF 1877 Abbott, Theodore Sperry, B.S., Chief Engineer, Coahuila and Pa- cific R'y, and State Engineer for Coahuila, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. Adams, Nettie, B.L., Mrs. W. Bent Wilson, Lafayette, Ind. *Allen, Charles W., B.L., died at Harristown, July 8, 1880. Barry, Charles Hart, B.S., Capt., Insurance Manager, 1310 Judson Ave., Evanston. (Rooms 200-8 The Temple, Chicago.) Barry, Frank, B.L., Manufacturer and Publisher, Milwaukee, W r is. (4 Plankinton Bank Bldg.) Blackall, Clarence Howard, M.Arch., Capt., Architect, Cam- bridge, Mass. (1 Somerset St., Boston.) Bogardus, Eva, B.L., Mrs. T. L. Price, Bridgehampton, Long Island, N. Y. Broshar, Cornelia, Artist, 104 W. University Avenue, Cham- paign. Brush, Charles Eliphalet, B.S., Architect, 414 36th Place. (1654-5-6 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago) Buckingham, William, B.S., LL.B., 134 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal. (136 S. Los Angeles St.) Bumstead, James Edward, M.S., M.D., Physician and Surgeon, Dundee. *Clay, Luther G., B.S., died at Chicago, June 13, 1898. Crow, Benjamin Franklin, B.S., U. S. Inspector Construction Dredges, Miss. River Commission. 11 15 Fullerton Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. ALUMNI 9 Elliott, Charles Gleason, C.E., Granville, Ohio, Engineer and Ge- ologist, with Henry Oil Co. Falls, Ida Belle, B.L., Horticulturist, Ridgeland, Miss. Faulkner, Richard Douglas, B.L., Principal Franklin Grammar School, 809 Castro St., San Francisco, Cal. Gibson, Charles Brockway, B.L., M.D., Capt., Analyst and Con- sulting Chemist and Mining Engineer, North Shore Hotel, Chicago. (81 Clark St.) Gilkerson, Hiram, B.S., Capt., Farmer, 1105 W. California Ave., Urbana. Gilkerson, John, B.S., Farmer, Manteno. Gregory, Helen Barber, A.B., Artist, Cor. G. and 13th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Kennedy, Allan Gilmour, B.S., Capt., Mining and U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, Hillsboro, N. Mex. Lewis, Edward Vernon, B.S., Capt., Wholesale Pump and Steam Supplies, Omaha, Neb. (1014-16 Douglas St.) Llewellyn, Joseph Corson, M.S., Architect, 324 Sixth Ave., La- Grange. (1218 Association Bldg., 153 La Salle St., Chicago.) *McPherson, John, died at Lexington, Ky., Jan. 26, 1886. Maxwell, Emily C, B.L., 2016 Bellevue St., Tioga, Philadelphia, Pa. Moore, John Fremont, B.S., Architectural Draughtsman, Du- buque, la. (17 Lincoln Bldg.) Page, Martha, B.L., Mrs. M. E. Whitham, 708 Sherman St., Olympia, Wash. Piatt, Emma Clarinda, B.L., Mrs. J. C. Llewellyn, 324 Sixth Ave., La Grange. Rice, George Clark, B.L., General Merchandise, Oakwood. Seymour, John James, B.S., President and Manager Fresno Water Co. and San Joaquin Electric Co., 1437 J St., Fresno, Cal. (ion J St.) Sim, Coler Lindley, B.S., Capt., Banker, 1065 Emporia Ave., Wichita, Kas. (107 Main St.) Skinner, Velma Elethea, B.L., Mrs. Velma Skinner Ward, Cham- paign. Smith, Avis E., M.S., M.D., Physician, 608 E. 9th St., Kansas City, Mo. (309 Commerce Bldg.) Spence, Franklin, B.S., Architect, 501 California Ave., Urbana. Stayman, John Mather, B.L., Ass't Sup't Fraser & Chalmers, 766 Flournoy St., Chicago. (Corner West 12th St. and Wash- tenaw Ave.) IO UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Stoddard, Ira Joy, Jr., Capt, Civil Engineer, Pella, la. *Victor, Carrie D., Mrs. Ira J. Stoddard, died in Chicago, April 19, 1894. Switzer, Gertrude, B.L., Mrs. H. Peddicord, 602 W. Hill St., Champaign. Ward, Walter P., B.L., Lawyer, Spencer, la. Whitham, Robert Farwell, Capt., Civil Engineer, 708 Sherman St., Olympia, Wash. Wright, Myron Jerome, B.S., Farmer, Woodstock. CLASS OF 187S Baker, Edward J., B.S., Farmer, Savoy. *Ballard, Charles K., B.S., died March 3, 1895, at Oak Park. *Bridge, Wallace Everett, B.S., Capt., died at Detroit, Mich., March 18, 1899. Brown, Frank Adelbert, Lawyer and Receiver U. S. Land Office, Aberdeen, S. Dak. Bullard, Samuel Alexander, B.S., Architect, 318 Glenwood Ave., Springfield. (208 S. Sixth St.) Burr, Ellis M., B.S., Founder and Machinist, 306 Washington St., Champaign. (Neil and Hickory Sts.) Coffman, Noah Beery, B.S., Manager, Coffman, Dobson & Co., Bankers, Chehalis, Wash. Coflin, Frank Sherman, Lawyer and Principal of Woodlawn Acad- emy, Saulsbury, Tenn. Columbia, Emma, Mrs. J. R. Mann, 334 Oakwood Bvd., Chicago. Culver, Annette M., B.L., Mrs. A. C. Ellison, Children's Libra- rian, Minneapolis, Minn. (Public Library.) Davis, Nancy, B. S., Mrs. M. A. Scovell, Lexington, Ky. Dean, Frank A., Capt, Merchant, Holdrege, Neb. Deardorff, Sarah Catherine, B.S., Mrs. B. F. Donnell, Teacher, Ashland, Kas. *Estep, Ida May, died at Rantoul, January 25, 1887. Estep, Jessie, Christian Scientist, 903 6th Ave. N., Seattle, Wash. Francis, Frederick, Kewanee. Gaffner, Theophilus, Physician, Trenton. Gregory, Alfred, A.B., Capt, Lawyer, Beardsley, Gregory & Kirshner, Kansas City, Mo. (Water Works Bldg.) Hauser, Henry, Railroad Contractor, Los Angeles, Cal. Larned, Mary Sofrona, Mrs. F. A. Parsons, Westport Ave. and Washington St., Kansas City, Mo. ALUMNI 1 1 Lee, Eddy Orland, B.L., Lawyer, firm of Booth, Lee & Ritchie, Salt Lake City, Utah. (500-504 Auerbach Blk.) Lloyde, Frank Hayden, Music and Books, 306 W. Clark St., Champaign. (D. H. Lloyde & Son.) McLane, James Adrian, B.S., Real Estate Agent, 408 36th Place, Chicago. (Room 1509-100 Washington St.) Mahan, Jennie C, Mrs. P. W. Plank, 1660 Gaylord St., Denver, Colo. Moore, Aaron Henry, Retail Lumber, Louisville. (Wabash Lum- ber Yards.) Morava, Wensel, B.S., Capt, Morava Construction Co., Engineers and Contractors, 5621 Monroe Ave., Chicago. (1243 Mar- quette Bldg.) Page, Emma Elizabeth, M.L., Organizer and Lecturer for the W. C. T. U., Olympia, Wash. Page, Mary L., B.S., W. C. T. U. Lecturer and Teacher, Olympia, Wash. Patchin, John Wakeley, LL.B., Lawyer, Traverse City, Mich. Pollock, James Lyon, B.L., Lawyer, Mt. Vernon. Richards, Charles Laurens, B.S., LL.B., Lawyer, Hebron, Neb. *Rudy, William Dole, B.S., died at Washington, D. C, July 16, 1899. *Rutan, Ab'ram R., died at Ranton, New Mexico, June 4, 1887. Savage, Manford, B.L., Lawyer, 722 W. Church St., Champaign, (16 Main St.) Sawyer, Hamlin Whitmore, Capt., Oklahoma Illustrated Review, Enid, Okla. Sparks, Hosea B., Capt, Flour Milling, Sec'y Sparks Milling Co., Alton. *Spradling, William F., died at Greenleaf, Nov. 30, 1881. Sprague, Martin, Manager Mining Co., Tocoripa, Sonora, Mex. Weed, Mahlon Ogden, B.S., Farmer, Alvo, Neb. Whitlock, John Franklin, B.S., Capt., Lawyer, Gettysburg, S. Dak. Ziesing, August, B.S., Capt, Western Manager American Bridge Co., Ravenswood, Chicago. (1324 Monadnock Blk.) Zimmerman, Henry W., B.L., Jeweler and Music Dealer, La Salle. CL.ASS OF 1879 Beardsley, Henry Mahan, M.L., Lawyer, Beardsley, Gregory & Kirshner, 520 Spruce Ave., Kansas City, Mo. (Water Works Bldg.) *Bourne, Henry Peter, died at Woodstock, December 11, 1899. 12 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Butler, William Nichols, LL.B., Lawyer, 2940 Walnut St., Cairo. (612 Commercial Ave.) Butts, Augusta Esther, B.S., Principal of Chase School, 827 Con- gress St., Chicago. *Coburn, Ralph P., B.S., died at San Antonio, Tex., January to, 1894- Freijs, Charles Theodore, Architect, Indianapolis, Ind. (Rooms 52-53 152 E. Market St.) Gunder, James, B.S., Manager I. D. & W. Elevator, 1485 N. Main St., Decatur. Hale, Isabella, B.S., District Supt. Bureau of Charities, 1820 Ev- anston Ave., Chicago. Hoit, Otis Willis, Farmer, Geneseo. Johnson, William Pitt, Capt., Salesman, Wheaton. (The Albert Dickinson Co., Clark and 16th Sts., Chicago.) Kays, Emery, Farmer, Secretary and Manager Maricopa Cream- ery Co., Phcenix, Ariz. Kimberlin, Nettie Dousman, State Sup't Woman's Department Mutual Life Insurance Co., N. Y., 535 Cass St., Milwaukee, Wis. (400 Pabst Bldg.) Kimble, Willis Prentice, B.S., Division Engineer Cincinnati Di- vision Erie R. R., Galion, Ohio. *Kuhn, Isaac, B.S., died at San Diego, Cal., Feb. 20, 1899. Lee, Elisha, B.S., Farmer, Hamlet. McAllister, Minnette Cleora, B.L., Mrs. J. H. Miller, Monticello, Minn. *Milton, Franklin Silas, B.S., died at Platteville, Colo., July 22, 1892. Stanton, Samuel Cecil, B.S., M.D., Capt., Physician and Surgeon, Assistant Editor Journal of the American Medical Association, 9 Cedar St., Chicago. (912-34 Washington St.) Swannell, Arthur, Capt., Dry Goods Merchant, Kankakee. Taft, Lorado, M.L., Sculptor, 6008 Jefferson Ave., Chicago. (Fine Arts Bldg.) Thompson, William Augustus, B.S., Capt., Broker, Riverside. Walker, Francis Eugene, Capt., Principal Roseland Public Schools, Roseland 4 La. *Whitmire, Clarence L., died at Waverly, la., September 29, 1895. CLASS OF 18S0 Bacon, Katherine Ingalls, B.L., New Whatcom, Wash. Batchelder, Augusta, Mrs. W. T. Eaton, Tyler, Texas. ALUMNI 13 Bley, John Cornelius, B.S., Machinery Designer, 3545 Prairie Ave., Chicago. (Room 227 City Hall.) Briles, Byard Sterns, B.S., Restaurant and Bakery, 106 E. Fourth St., Carthage, Mo. Conklin, Roland Ray, M.L., Investment Securities, 35 E. 72d St., New York City. (135 Broadway.) Cook, Charles F., B.S., Capt, Farmer and Grain Speculator, Edwardsville. Groves, Charles Wesley, Capt., Sup't of Schools, 815 Peoria Ave., Dixon. Hafner, Christian Fred., Fire Insurance, 409 Chicago Ave., Oak Park. (160 LaSalle St., Chicago.) *Harden, Edgar Eugene, died at Liberty, Neb., June 2, 1899. Hatch, Frank Wait, A.B., LL.B., Farmer, Spring Grove. Hyde, Benjamin, Contractor, 1939 Deming Court, Chicago. (1203 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.) *Jones, Robert D., died at Bradford, March 9, 1896. Kingsbury, Charles Sumner, B.S., Nurseryman, Box 4075 High- land Station, Denver, Colo. Lucas, Corda Candes, Teacher, 108 Fifth St., Champaign. Neely, Charles G., Judge Circuit Court, Evanston. Parker, Minnie Alice, B.L., Mrs. V. N. Hostetler, Board of Edu- cation, 341 Macon St., Decatur. Parker, Washington Leroy, B.S., Engineer, 632 Grace St., Elgin. (Watch Factory.) *Pearman, Ida, B.L., Mrs. C. H. Stevens, died at Logansport, Ind., August 24, 1892. Robinson, Albert Fowler, C.E., Bridge Engineer, A. T. & S. F. R'y System, 910 Monroe St., Topeka, Kas. (Care Chief En- gineer A. T. & S. F. R'y.) Robinson, Arthur Seymour, B.S., Ass't Engineer Mexican Cen- tral R.R., Tampico, Mex. Savage, George Marvin, M.L., Instructor in English and Modern Languages, 212 23d Ave., N. Seattle, Wash. (Acme Business College.) Sondericker, Jerome, C.E., Associate Professor Applied Mechan- ics, Mass. Institute Technology, 170 Oakleigh Road, Newton, Mass. (Boylston St., Boston.) *Travis, William W., died September 30, 1885. Watson, Ella Maria, B.S., Mrs. J. H. Davis, Straight Creek, Kas. White, Frank, B.S., Governor, Bismarck, N. Dak. 1 4 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CLASS OF 1S81 *Allison, James G., died at Anthony, Kas., April 21, 1891. Armstrong, James Elder, B.S., Principal of Englewood High School, 529 W. 62d St., Chicago. *Baker, Kittie Marie, Mrs. J. G. Wadsworth, died at Council Bluffs, la., November 23, 1899. Barnes, Bertha E., B.L., Mrs. S. D. Ross, Grand Island, Neb. Beach, Bayard Edwards, B.L., Cashier Trevett, Mattis & Abell. Bankers, Huron, S. Dak. Bellamy, Albert, Real Estate and Loans, Girard. Birney, Frank Lansing, Physician, 1524 Gaylord St., Denver, Colo. (301 Quincy Blk.) Boothby, Arthur, B.S., Designer, 331 1 N. Pennsylvania St., In- dianapolis, Ind. (Dean Bros.' Steam Pump Works.) Boyd, Comma Nathaniel, Farmer, Sheffield. Coddington, Archibald Osborn, M.L., Principal Knickerbocker School, 938 Summerdale Ave., Chicago. *Cooper, Frederic E., B.S., died at Van Buren, Ark., January 24, 1899. Davis, Arthur Eldorus, B.L., M.D., Physician, Arbala, Texas. Davis, Marietta, B.L., Mrs. H. M. Beardsley, 520 Spruce Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Dennis, Charles Henry, B.L., Capt, Managing Editor Daily Record, 1893 Roscoe St., Chicago. (181 Madison St.) Dresser, John C, B.S., Salesman, Sorento. Elder, Loretta Kate, B.L., Mrs. A. F. Robinson, 910 Monroe St., Topeka, Kas. Forsyth, James W., Machinist, Gilroy, Cal. Hammett, Frank Watson, B.S., Capt., Cashier First National Bank, Tuscola. Hammett, Virginia Mann, Mrs. A. N. Talbot, ion California Ave., Urbana. Hill, Fred Lehman, Civil Engineer and Contractor, Highland Park. (Hill & Grant, 640 Unity Bldg., Chicago.) Hill, Thomas Crawford, A.B., Capt., Principal Geo. Wm. Curtis' School, 200 W. 113th Place, Chicago. *Kingman, Arthur H., died at Boston, Mass., September 9, 1892. *Lawhead, Lucy M., died at Champaign, May 1, 1884. Lawrence, Nettie E., Mrs. J. A. Allen, Visalia, Cal. McKay, Francis Marion, B.L., Principal Anderson School, 61 Alice Court, Chicago. Macknet, Metta Mary Irene, A.B., Mrs. B. E. Beach, 529 Beach St., Huron, S. Dak. ALUMNI 15 Mansfield, Willis A., B.S., M.D., Physician, Washington. Mason, William Kaime, B.S., Farmer, Buda. Morse, John Hale, Capt, President The Home Embroidery Ma- chine Co., Kansas City, Kas. (Room F, Husted Bldg.) Pearman, James Ora, B.S., M.D., Physician, 312 E. Green St., Champaign. (53 N. Neil St.) Pepoon, Herman S., B.S., M.D., Instructor in Biology Lakeview High School, 2514 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Pepoon, William Abbey, Shaft Sup't of the Red Boy Gold Mining and Milling Co., Granite, Ore. Philbrick, Ethan, B.S., Capt., Civil Engineer, 1959 Anthony Ave., New York City. (International Hydraulic Co., 40 Wall St.) *Fletcher, Francis M., B.S., died at Covina, Cal., June 15, 1888. *Porter, F. H., Capt., died at Garden Prairie, January 10, 1886. Ross, Sprague Dwight, B.S., with First National Bank, Grand Island t Neb. Schwartz, Joseph, Druggist and Fruit Grower, Salem. Seymour, Arthur Bliss, M.S., Ass't in Cryptogamic Herbarium, Waverly, Mass. (University Museum, Cambridge, Mass.) Slade, Byron A., B.S., Druggist, 1027 Spafford Ave., Rockford. (422 E. State St.) *Stacy, Morelle M., B.S., died at Spring Hill, Ala., July 17, 1895. Sturman, James B., B.L., Lawyer, Salina, Kas. Talbot, Arthur Newell, C.E., Capt., Professor of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering, Univ. of 111., ion California Ave., Urbana. Thomas, Darlie, B.L., 5202 Washington Ave., Chicago. Weston, William S., B.L., B.S., Civil Engineer, 594 Fairfield Ave., Chicago. Wilson, Maxwell Blackburn, Farmer, Paris. Wright, Jessie Armilda, B.L., Mrs. H. E. Richardson, Rentchler. CLASS OF 1SS2 Andrus, Dora Angeline, B.L., Mrs. J. C. Griffith, Ashton. Avery, Kittie Clyde, B.L., 2736 Decatur St., Omaha, Neb. Bailey, Samuel Gordon, Jr., B.S., M.D., Capt, Physician and Sur- geon, E. St. Louis. (First Nat'l Bank Bldg.) Barnes, Charles C, Sup't Reconstructed Granite Co., Norris- town, Pa. *Bridge, Arthur M., died at Goldfield, la., June 9, 1894. Bullard, Benjamin Franklin, B.L., Principal High School, 923 Peoria Ave., Dixon. 1 6 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Bullard, George Wesley, M.Arch., Architect and Solicitor of Pat- ents, 523 J St. North, Tacoma, Wash. (506-507 Fidelity Bldg ) Carman, William Burgess, B.S., M.D., Capt., Physician, 23 Upton Park, Rochester, N. Y. Cole, Edward Everett, A.M., Principal County High School No. 1, La Junta, Colo. Cole, Fronia Rickords, Mrs. W. F. Hall, McLeansboro. Curtiss, William Goss, Farmer, Stockton. (Nora.) Davis, Jeptha H., Farmer, Straight Creek, Kas. Eichberg, David, B.L., LL.B., Capt., Lawyer, 23 Grilly Place, Chicago. (510-167 Dearborn Ave.) Eisenmeyer, Andrew John, B.S., Capt., President and Manager Eisenmeyer Milling Co., Springfield, Mo. Harrison, Samuel Alexander, A.M., Principal Burroughs School. 5236 Calumet Ave., Chicago. *Merritt, Charles H., died at Mason City, Feb. 8, 1901. Neely, John Ralph, M.L., M.D., Medical Inspector, Dep't of Health, 1325 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. (Room 2 City Hall.) Noble, Thomas, Jr., Gold Mining, 408 Logan Ave., San Diegc, Cal. (Pine Valley Mines, Descanso.) Orr, Robert Ellwood, B.S., Capt., Chief Engineer E. J. & E. R'y and C. L. S. & E. R'y, 105 2nd Ave., Joliet. (E. J. & E. R'y. Co. Office.) * Palmer, Charles W., B.L., died at Austin, Texas, July 4, 1884. Peabody, Arthur, B.S., Architect, 6521 Greenwood Ave., Chicago (Peabody & Beauley, 1649-50-51 Monadnock Bldg.) Raley, Arvilla K., Mrs. James D. Harrison, 225 E. Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. *Richards, George William, B.S., Capt., died at Carthage, N. M., May 15, 1889. Roberts, Charles Newton, B.S., Engineer and Surveyor, 4098 Mil- waukee Ave., Chicago. (97 Clark St.) Rugg, Frederick Daniel, B.L., State Agent 111. and Wis. Life Insurance, 708 W. Park St., Champaign. Sharp, Abia Joseph, M.E., Capt., Mechanical Engineer, Harrison- ville, Mo. (Harrisonville Iron Works.) Shlaudeman, Frank, B.S., Sup't Decatur Brewing Co., 833 S. Webster St., Decatur. (604 E. Cantrell St.) Slauson, Howard Brinkerhoff; B.S., Capt, Lawyer, 613 30th Ave., Seattle, Wash. (Langley & Slauson, New York Blk.) Smith, Charles Linnaeus^ B.L., Capt., Lawyer, 2018 Hawthorne Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. (703 Northwestern Blk.) ALUMNI 17 Spencer, Nelson S., B.S., Sup't of Buildings and Grounds, Univ. of 111., 112 E. Green St., Champaign. Taft, Florizel Adino, B.S., Cashier Bank of Hanover, Hanover, Kas. Todd, James, B.S., Hydraulic Engineer, Batavia. Turner, Herbert, Capt., Farmer, Quincy. Wadsworth, John George, Capt., Banker, 714 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. (201 Pearl St.) CLASS OF 18S3 Abbott, Edward Lorenzo, B.S., Civil Engineer. (Evening Star Bldg., Washington, D. C.) *Adams, Charles Francis, died at Chicago, May 20, 1893. *Ashby, Lida M., B.L., Mrs. C. L. Richards, died at Hebron, Neb., September 1, 1888. Bogardus, Charles Eugene, B.S., Assayer and City Chemist, 323 14th Ave., North Seattle, Wash. (60 Columbia St.) Boggs, Martha Harriet, A.M., Mrs. I. A. Love, 1214 N. Ver- milion St., Danville. Brainard, Clarence, Ass't Engineer Illinois River Improvement, Kampsville. Colvin, Mary Sabina, Mrs. W. C. Hargis, Bondville. Craig, William Patterson, LL.B., Capt., Lawyer, 11 Main St., Champaign. Fellows, Clara Belle, B.L., Mrs. J. D. Day, 404 N. G St., Tacoma, Wash. Gardner, Jessie, B.L., Musician, East Norwood, Ohio. Gates, Alphonso Samuel, C.E., County Surveyor, Spearfish, City, S. Dak. Going, Judson Freeman, LL. B., Corporation Lawyer, 221 Fre- mont St. Chicago. (1505 Title and Trust Bldg.) Goltra, William Francis, B.S., Capt, Purchasing Agent L. E. & W. R. R. Co., 2032 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Gray, Nelson Allison, B.S., Capt., President Chatsworth Oil Co., Chatsworth, Cal. Haven, Dwight Craig, Capt., Lawyer, Secretary and Treasurer Joliet Republican Printing Co., and President Builders' Supply Co., 408 Richards St., Joliet. (322 Barber's Bldg.) Healey, Grace, B. L., Mrs. C. L. Smith, 2018 Hawthorne Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Heath, William Ames, B.L., Cashier Champaign National Bank, 715 W. University Ave., Champaign. l8 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Hewes, George Cavender, B.S., S. T. B., Missionary Budaun, N. W. P. t India, Hewey, Joseph Darwin, Miner, Halleck, Cal. Kenower, John Thomas, Editor and Publisher of The Bulletin, Breckenridge, Mo. Knowlton, Lizzie Annette, B.L., Mrs. E. H. Cushman, 18 Green- wich Ave., New York City. Langley, Celeste, B.L., Mrs. H. B. Slauson, Teacher of Elocution, 613 30th Ave., Seattle, Wash. (Holyoke Blk.) Lewis, Camilla Florence, B.L., Mrs. C. J. Bills, Fairbury, Neb. Lewis, Ralph D., Agent N. Y. Life Ins. Co., Oberlin, O. (Cleveland, Ohio.) Little, Henry P., B.S., Sup't of Schools, Momence. McCune, Henry Long, B.L., LL.B., Capt., Lawyer, 708 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo. (611 New England Bldg.) Moore, William Douglas, of Moore Bros., Proprietors Wichita Stove & Iron Works, 231 N. Emporia Ave., Wichita, Kas. (38-48 N. 5th Ave.) Palmer, Arthur William, Sc.D., Professor of Chemistry, Univ. of 111., 804 W. Green St., Urbana. Peabody, Kate Fleming, B.L., Mrs. Winthrop Girling, 5700 Kim- bark Ave., Chicago. Peirce, Fred Densmore, B.S., Pharmacist, 5543 Wabash Ave., Chi- cago. (5500 State St.) Piatt, Silas Hubbell, Traveling Agent Great Northern Express Co., Minneapolis, Minn. (Great Northern Express Co., St Paul.) Scotchbrook, George Pope, Grain Buyer, Wessington, S. Dak. Sondericker, William A.B., Teacher, Woodstock. Stewart, Ella Mary, Teacher, 2371 N. 44th Court, Chicago. Weis, Joseph Brennemann, B.S., Analytical and Mfg. Chemist. Franklin, Ohio. Wright, Minnie Elizabeth, B.L., Mrs. J. M. Blackburn, Corsi- cana, Texas. CLASS OF 1S84 Abbott, William Lamont, Chief Operating Engineer, Chicago Ed- ison Co., 3213 Bacon St., Chicago. (Edison Bldg.) Austin, James, Ass't Engineer, LaCrosse, Wis. (C. B. & Q R. R. Depot.) Ayers, Annetta, B.L., B.S., M.D., Mrs. C. B. Saunders, Physician, 211 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Babcock, Guy H., Capt. ALUMNI 19 Barber, Ella Ursula, M. L., Life Insurance, 202 Belden Ave., Chi- cago. (516 Marquette Bldg.) Barbour, Henry Hugh, B.S., Engineer, 1374 Central Bvd., Chi- cago. (Room 1021 Marquette Bldg.) *Bartholf, Emmett G., A.B., died at Chicago, December 28, 1884. Bartholf, William Joseph, A.B., Principal VonHumboldt School, 11 Roslyn Place, Chicago. Braucher, Alma Elizabeth, B.S., M.D., Physician, 227 Lincoln Ave., Lincoln. Braucher, Arthur Conrad, B.S., Wholesale and Retail Stoves and Repairs, 501 Sherman St., Danville. (814 W. Williams St. Campbell, Juniata Genevieve, B.L., Mrs. T. F. Hunt, 188 W. Tenth Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Chapman, Norman Ward, Engineer and Mine Superintendent, Deadwood, S. Dak. *Clark, Lucy J., died at Wichita, Kas., January 9, 1887. Conkling, Anna Julia, B.L., Mrs. A. B. Seymour, Waverley, Mass. Eberlein, Frederic Walter, Physician and Surgeon, Lacon. Ellis, Lola D., B.L., Mrs. J. W. Forsyth, Gilroy, Cal. Hall, Lucy Alzira, Mrs. S. W. Parr, 913% W. Green St., Urbana. Herdman, Frank Elmer, M.E., Capt., Winnetka. Hill, Cora Jane, 1425 Spence St., Berkeley, Cal. Hunt, Thomas Forsyth, M.S., Professor of Agriculture and Dean of College of Agriculture and Domestic Science, Ohio State University, 188 W. 10th Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Kemball, Georgetta, B.L., Mrs. H. L. Murray, 1723 Orrington Ave., Evanston. Kimball, Edwin Raymond, B.S., Exchange Editor Chicago Times Herald, 207 Schiller St., Chicago. (Chicago Press Club.) Krause, Josephine, Mrs. Alfred Chalfont, San Diego, Cal. Lietze, Frederic Augustus, B.S., Abstracts, Loans, and Real Es- tate, Carlyle. (Bacon & Lietze.) Lilly, Charles Hervey, B.S., Wholesale Dealer in Hay, Grain, Flour, Feed, Seeds, and Fertilizers, 1106 5th Ave., W., Seattle, Wash. (Foot of Main and Jackson Sts.) Lilly, James Edward, Merchant, Skaguay, Alaska. (Fourth Ave., near Broadway.) McCluer, George Washington, M.S., Farmer, Sweet Potatoes a Specialty, Jackson, Miss. Montezuma, Carlos, B.S., M.D., Physician, 3016 S. Park Ave., Chicago. (100 State St.) 20 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Morgan, George Nathan, B.L., LL.B., Lawyer, 7646 Marquette Ave., Chicago. (112 Dearborn St.) Parr, Samuel Wilson, M.S., Professor of Applied Chemistry, Univ. of 111., 913% W. Green St., Urbana. Philbrick, Solon, Capt., Lawyer, 210 W. Hill St., Champaign. (16 Main St.) Roberts, Lewis Clark, B.S., Capt., Farmer and Lumberman at Rocky Mount, N. C, 4098 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Rupp, Andrew Oliver, B.L., Chenoa. Sim, Keturah Elizabeth, M. L., Teacher, Urbana. Sizer, Lucius Noyes, B.S., Civil Engineer, Dickerson. Smith, Laura Belle, Mrs. S. H. Piatt, 129 Highland Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. *Speidel, Ernest, B.S., died at Ravenswood, Oct. 19, 1892. Stevens, Herbert Allen, B.S., Civil Engineer, 104 Bartleson St., Joliet. (Opera House Blk.) Stratton, Samuel Wesley, B.S., Capt., Director National Bureau of Standards. (Nat. Bureau of Standards, Treasury Dep't, Washington, D. C.) VanPetten, Henry Seward, B.S., Druggist, East Las Vegas, New Mexico. Vial, Edmund Robert, B.L., Farmer and Dairy Business, West- ern Springs. Wills, Jerome Gideon, B.L., Lawyer, Farmer, Vandalia. m CLASS OF 1SS5 Abbott, Alfred Noyes, Capt., Farmer, Union Grove. Ayers, Judson Finley, Abstracts, 3029 Michigan Ave., Chicago. (Unity Bldg.) Braucher, William Burson, Draftsman, 525 Sherman St., Danville. Carter, Harry Leslie, Humboldt. Clark, Kate Frances, B.S., Mrs. W. H. Stockham, 1098 N. Clark St., Chicago. Cole, Thomas Edward, M.D., Physican, LeMars, la. Colton, Simeon Colton, B.S., Civil Engineer, with FitzSimmons & Connell Co., 96 Walton Place, Chicago. (1014-131 LaSalle St.) Dunlap, Robert Livingston, Farmer, Savoy. Earle, Mary Tracy, B.S., Writer, Roswell, New Mexico. Ellis, George Huntington, Analytical Chemist and Assayer, 1818 Wesley Ave., Evanston. (103 Metropolitan Blk., Chicago.) Hicks, George Leroy, B.L., Farmer, Paullina, la. ALUMNI 21 Hopper, Charles, 5907 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Jones, Emma Taylor, B.L., Mrs. P. T. Spence, 19 S. 4th St., Zanesville, Ohio. Kendall, William Finley, B.S., Civil Engineer Southern Pacific R'y, Del Rio, Texas. Kent, James Martin, B.S., Electrical Engineer and Instructor in Applied Electricity in Manual Training High School, 2726 Holmes St., Kansas City, Mo. Lantz, Milo Plank, B.S., Capt, Farmer and Breeder of Aberdeen Angus Cattle, Carlock. Lattin, Judson, B.S., Capt., General Sup't Northwestern Grass Twine Co., St. Paul, Minn. Manns, Albert George, Ph.D., Chief Chemist, with P. D. Armour & Co., 5001 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. (Stock Yards.) Marshall, Sherman Latta, B.L., Capt., Farmer, Ipava. Merboth, Louisa, Mrs. Geo. N. Morgan, 7646 Marquette Ave., Chicago. Miller, John Albert, A.M., M.Sc, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry and Toxicology, Univ. of Buffalo, 208 Norwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. (44-45 Lewis Blk.) Morse, Edward Leland, B.S., Capt., Ass't Eng'r M. of Way, Mid- dle Div. C. & A. R'y, 545 State St., Springfield. (Office Eng'r M. of Way, C. & A. R'y.) North, Arthur Tappan, Engineer Stewart Iron Works, 716 E. Third St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Owens, Bessie Wolfe, Mrs. J. H. Needham, Teacher, North Yakima, Wash. Paullin, L. Estelle, M.D., Physician and Surgeon, Springfield. (Franklin Bldg.) Petty, George Riley, G. R. Petty & Co., Planing Mill, Cor. New and Clark Sts., Champaign. (32 S. Market St.) Plank, Bessie Gay, Mrs. L. Thompson, Cherokee, la. Rankin, Charles Hervey, Fruit and Poultry Raiser, Justice of the Peace, Civil Engineer, Falls Creek. Reynolds, Henry Lincoln, B.S., Patent Attorney, with Gifford & Bull, 485 Tompkins Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. (141 Broadway, New York City.) Ronalds, Hugh Louis, B.S., Ass't Cashier Bowman's Bank, Gray- ville. Schlader, Theodore Henry, B.S., Contractor, 1368 Central Bvd., Chicago. (704 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.) 22 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Schrader, Alfred Charles, Chief Engineer West Chicago Park Com- missioners, 896 Turner Ave., Chicago. (Union Park.) Smith, William H., Attorney, Great Falls, Mont. Stockham, William Henry, B.S., Capt., Stockham Mfg. Co., ioq3 N. Clark St., Chicago. (Grand Ave. and Forty-sixth St.) Swern, William Cook, Architect, 1519 W. Adams St., Chicago. (215 Dearborn St.) Switzer, Charlotte, Principal of High School, 608 W. Church St.. Champaign. Vial, Frederic Ketchum, B.S., Principal Ass't Engineer Chicago & Western Indiana R. R. Co., LaGrange. (Chicago.) Weston, Abbie, Mrs. W. C. Swern, 15 19 W. Adams St., Chicago. Wills, Etta Catherine, Mrs. J. W. Schenker, Vandalia. Woodworth, Charles William, M.S., Ph.D., Ass't Professor of Entomology, Agt'l Experiment Station, Univ. of Cal., 2043 Lincoln St., Berkeley, Cal. Wright, John Edwards, Managing Editor Evening Post, 2439 Lake- wood Ave., Chicago. (156 Washington St.) Wright, Lizzie Marilla, Mrs. M. W. Canaday, 122 S. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. *Wright, Minnie Sunderland, Mrs. H. H. Barbour, died at Sa- vanna, April 18, 1900. Zellar, Josephine M., Art Student, abroad, 315 7th Ave.. Peoria. CLASS OF 1886 Ayers, Laura Belle, B.L., Teacher, Kenwood School, 6147 Ellis Ave., Chicago. (Cor. Lake Ave. and 50th St.) Babcock, William Arthur, B.L., Lawyer, Lewistown. Bannister, George Steele, B.S., Architect, 6436 Ingleside Ave., Chicago. *Barrett, Dwight Harrison, died at Baltimore, Md., December 30, 1888. Bullard, S. Foster, Civil Engineer, 811 S. nth St., Tacoma, Wash. (506 Fidelity Bldg.) Chitty, William Lemon, B.L., LL.B., Member of Board of Pen- sion Appeals, Bethesda, Md. (Dep't of Interior.) Cromwell, John C, B.S., Mechanical Engineer, Cleveland. Ohio. (Garrett-Cromwell Engineering Company, 1104 New England Bldg.) Davis, James Oliver, B.S., Civil Engineer and Real Estate Dealer, York and Leland Sts., Houston, Texas. (1016% Congress Ave.) ALUMNI 23 Dodds, Joseph Chambers, B.L., M.D., Physician, 203 W. Church St., Champaign. (34 Neil St.) Elder, Nettie, Mrs. Charles F. Harris, 511 S. Randolph St., Cham- paign. *Endsley, Leroy, B.S., died at Milford, January 2, 1892. Ermentrout, Anna Mae, B.L., Teacher, Riverside. Everhart, Thomas Ward Beecher, A.B., Sup't of Schools, Mason City. Fairchild, Rozina Phoebe, B.L., Mrs. J. O. Davis, York and Le- land Sts., Houston, Texas. Fulton, James, B.S., Orange and Lemon Packer and Shipper i<^6 K St., San Diego, Cal. Garrett, James H., B.S., Sup't Motive Power, C. & N. W. R. R., 2343 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. (21 5th Ave.) Garvin, John Brewer, B.S., Instructor in Chemistry, E. Denver High School, 2536 W. 34th Ave., Denver, Colo. Harris, James Waldo, B.S., Resident Engineer, C. & N. W. R. R., Eddyville, la. Hubbard, Harry Thomas, Drugs, 306 W. Elm St., Urbana. (121 N. Main St.) *Huff, Bertie, B.L., Mrs. A. Philbrick, died at Chicago, April 6 1895. *Jacobson, Jacob Stone, died at Denver, Colo., July 15, 1890. Jaques, Minnie, B.L., 207 W. Elm St., Urbana. Kamman, Charles Henry, B.L., Head of German Dep't, 810 Sixth Ave., Peoria. (High School.) Lemme, Emil, Architect, 474 Eddy St., San Francisco, Cal. (Rooms 18-19-126 Kearney.) Lumley, Clinton Grant, B.S., M.D, Physician, 407 33d St, Chi- cago. (3255 State St.) Morse, Henry Milton, B.S., Draftsman, Bridge Dep't C. & N. W. R'y. 282 Wilson Ave., Ravenswood. Olshausen, Walter Aurel George, B.S., Civil Engineer, Daven- port, la. Parminter, Grace Etta, B.L., 271 Oakwood Bvd., Chicago. Pence, William David, C.E., Professor of Civil Engineering, Pur- due Univ., LaFayette, Ind. Philbrick, Alvah, Superintendent, I. C. R. R., 247 Hernando St , Memphis, Term. (Poplar Street Station.) *Plowman, William Lewis, B.L., died at Shoshone, Wyoming, July 13, 1893. 24 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Roberts, Vertus Bassett, Capt, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, 175 Vermont St., Blue Island. (Room 709-107 Washington St.) Sargent, Charles Elliotte, M.S., Mechanical Engineer, with Chas. F. Elms Engineering Co., 2560 N. Winchester Ave., Chicago. (60 N. Morgan St.) Shlaudeman, Harry, Secretary and Treasurer Decatur Brewing Co., and Pres't Citizens' Nat. Bank, 955 Lincoln Ave., De- catur. (604 E. Cantrell St.) Thompson, Luther, Capt., Supervisor, with I. C. R. R., Chero- kee, la. *Whitmire, Zech Lincoln, M.L., M.D., died at Urbana, Dec. 3, 1899. Wilder, Henry White, A.B., Capt, Secretary Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., 9847 Prospect Ave., Chicago. (Throop and 105th Sts.) CLASS OF 1887 Barclay, William, B.S., County Surveyor, 807 Splitlog Ave., Kan- sas City, Kas. (Court House.) Blake, John Bidwell, B.S., Electrician, Lombard. (1618 Monad- nock Blk., Chicago.) Cantine, Edward Ike, C.E., Capt, Roadmaster N. P. R'y, Billings, Mont. Clark, Percival Lemon, B.S., President Nat'l Self-Winding Clock Co., Bristol, Conn. Dryer, Ervin, B.S., Electrical Engineer, 26 Ogden Ave., Chicago. (171 LaSalle St.) Eisenmayer, Ida, Mascoutah. Fargusson, Mark, C.E., Capt., Chief Ass't Engineer, Holland Tor- pedo Co., 225 W. 44th St., New York City. (11 Madison Lane.) Fink, Bruce, M.S., A.M., Ph.D., Professor of Biology in Upper Iowa Univ., Fayette, la. Gayman, Angelina, Mrs. N. A. Weston, 106 E. Clark St., Cham- paign. Gilbert, Frank Marion, 520 Central Ave., Albany, N. Y. Gill, Rudolph Zerse, Contractor, 501 S. Busey Ave., Urbana. (135 W. Main St) Goldschmidt, Edward William, Sales Agent Western Electric Co., 1 134 Michigan Ave., Evanston. (242 S. Jefferson St.) Goodwin, Philip Albert, B.S., Capt, Bookkeeper, Albany, Ore. Gregory, Grant, B.L., Suburban Editor N. Y. Tribune, 1620 69th St, Brooklyn, N. Y. (Tribune Bldg.) ALUMNI 25 Henson, Charles Weber, B.S., Employing Printer, 3249 S. Park Ave., Chicago. (Henson Bros., 373 Dearborn St.) Johnson, Edward Spencer, Civil Engineer and Contractor, 1719 Le Claire St., Davenport, la. (53-54 Schmidt Bldg.) ' Lloyde, Clarence Angier, B.S., Electrician, 305 W. Clark St., Champaign. (Taylor St.) Long, Frank Brewer, Architect, 327 Bowen Ave., Chicago. (1618 Monadnock Bldg.) Lyman, Henry Molineaux, B.S., Manager Agency of the Heine Safety Boiler Co., 600 Fidelity Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Mitchell, Walter Reynolds, B.S., Instructor in Biology, Hyde Park High School, 433 57th St., Chicago. Moore, Albert Cutts, B.L., Capt., Clerk O. R & N. Co., 200 Su- mach St., Walla Walla, Wash. ♦Powers, Mark, B.S., died at Evanston, Feb. 28, 1895. Richards, Albert Lennox, Ass't Engineer, Rock Island. (U. S. Engineer's Office.) Rinaker, John Irving, Jr., B.S., Architect, 212 E. Canedy St Springfield. (44-45 Franklin Bldg.) Spear, Grant Warren, B.S., Wood Working Manufactory, 96 Wil- der St., Aurora. (122-6 S. Lake St.) Tatarian, Bedros, B.S., Manager of Coal Mine, Four Mile, Ky. Taylor, Horace, Artist, Scarsdale, New York. (109 Decker Bld°- ) Waite, Merten Benway, B.S., Capt., Ass't Pathologist, 1353 Cor- coran St., Washington, D. C. (Department of Agriculture) Williams, Herbert Baldwin, B.S., Mining Engineer, Scofield, care of Clear Creek Mine, Utah. Williamson, Mary Hess, B.L., Mrs. Pearl A. Elder, 208 S. Main Ave., Frankfort, Ind. CLASS OP 1888 Barnes, Mary Lena, A.M., Professor of Mathematics, Central Col- lege, Huntington, Ind. Beach, Etta Lorraine, Mrs. John E. Wright, 2439 Lakewood Ave, Chicago. Beadle, John Grant, Architect, Galesburg. Bing, Benjamin, M.S., Merchant, Urbana. Bowditch, Fred D, B.L, Capt., Teacher, Urbana. Bryant, William Cullen, Architect and Heating and Ventilating Engineer, Butte, Mont. Bush, Lincoln, B.S, Principal Ass't Engineer D. L. & W. R. R 46 Arlington Ave, East Orange, N. J. (Hoboken, N. J.) 26 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Carter, Truman Post, B.S., A.M., Professor of Biology and Ge- ology, Illinois College, 872 Grove St., Jacksonville. Connet, Ella, M.L., Teacher, 211 W. Clark St., Champaign. Davis, Frank Loren, Capt, Mosaic Decorator, 4801 Madison Ave., Chicago. (302 Michigan Ave.) *Dewey, Ralph Elmore, B.L., died at Evanston, March 7, 1893. *Eldridge, Mary Augusta, B.L., died at Chicago, May 18, 1899. *Ellison, Edward E., B.S., M.D., Capt, died at Alton, June 1, 1896. Folger, Adolphus D., Ridge Farm. Frederick, Grant, B.L., Lawyer, Paxton. Goldschmidt, Alfred Gustave, B.S., City Electrician, 2210 W. 4th St., Davenport, la. (City Hall.) Goodell, Nathan Phillips, B.L., Attorney and Investment Banker, Loda. Greaves, George, Metallurgist and Chemist, Decatur Car Wheel Works, Birmingham, Ala. Grindley, Harry Sands, Sc.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry, Univ. of 111., 918 W. Green St., Urbana. Jillson, Nellie Wainwright, Teacher, Fulton School, 123 Larimer Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. McHugh, George Burt, B.S., Capt, Lawyer, Houston, Texas. McLean, Nellie, B.L., Mrs. C. G. Lumley, 407 33rd St., Chicago. McLellan, Mary Clutha, Box 86, Champaign. Mathers, Effie Anne, B.S., Mrs. Paul Enlows, Mason City. Myers, George William, M.L., Ph.D., Teacher, 48 St James Place, Chicago. (Chicago Institute, 684 Wells St.) Patton, Jacob Allen, B.S., M.D., Capt, Ass't Professor Chem- istry and Materia Medica, Rush Medical College, 1150 Sher- idan Road, Chicago. Pickard, Edward Webster, A.B., Capt., Telegraph Editor Chicago Evening Post, 305 LaSalle Ave., Chicago. (164 Washing- ton St.) Place, Ramond Mason, B.L., Lawyer, Baltimore Blk., Butte, Mont. (21 Silver Bow Blk.) Roberts, Warren Russell, Civil Engineer and Contractor, 9372 Prospect Ave., Chicago. (1440 Marquette Bldg.) Samuels, John Huntoon, B.S., Capt., General Manager D. M. Sechler Carriage Co., Moline. Schaefer, John Victor Emanuel, B.S., Engineer and Salesman, with Link Belt Machinery Co., 6630 Yale Ave., Chicago. Stoltey, Ida May, Mrs. George R. Petty, Cor. New and Clark Sts., Champaign. ALUMNI 27 Taylor, John Walter, B.S., Chief Engineer, Terminal R R Asso- ciation, Hotel Berlin, St. Louis, Mo. (Union Station.) VanGundy, Charles Philip, Chemist, Baltimore, Md. (B & O R'y.) CLASS OF 1889 Bennett, Cleaves, M.L., M.D., Physician, Mattoon 111 (Vir- ginia Bldg.) Bennett, Frederick Marsh, A.M., Unitarian Clergyman, Lawrence Kas. ' Bopes, Charles Arthur, B.S., Farmer, Hamlet. *Briggs, Charles Wesley, B.L., died at Chicago, Sept. 3, 1898 Bronson, Lillie O., Professional Nurse, 1107 W. Illinois St Urbana. "' Carver, Albert, B.S., Capt., Teacher of Sciences in High School 118 W. Allen St., Springfield. (Box 23.) Church, Blanche Adelaide, B.L., Teacher of German and French Atlanta. (LaSalle High School.) Coffeen, Amy, B.L., Music Teacher, in W. Clark St., Champaign Daugherty, Louis S., M.S., Professor of Biology, Mo. State Nor^ mal School, Kirksville, Mo. Dunaway, Horace, B.S., U. S. Ass't Engineer, Metropolitan Hotel St. Paul, Minn. (418 Globe Bldg.) Evans, Rolla Watkins, B.S., Secretary and Treasurer, John W Evans' Sons Co., 1412 N. Main St., Bloomington. (511-517 Kendall, Harry Frederick, B.L., Editor, Mattoon Kinder, David Russell, B.L., Lawyer, 814 Madison St., Litchfield (Masonic Blk.) Kinkead, David Robinson, B.S., Electrician, 32nd and Mitchel Ave., St. Joseph, Mo. (823 Francis St.) Lewis, Cyrus Almon, B.S., Farmer, Box 1743 Joliet *Lewis, James Livingston, B.L., Capt, died at Gainesville, Fla December 20, 1894. Ligare, Edward Francis, 211 Park St., River Forest. (Mc Arthur Bros. Co., Chicago.) McConney, Robert Bonner, B.S., Consulting Engineer, Mine & Smelter Supply Co., 1162 Vine St., Denver, Colo. (17th and Blake Sts.) Moles, Oliver Stephen, M.L., Ph.D., Principal of Sherman School 14 Pearl St., Denver, Colo. Paine, Leanah Jane, B.L., Long View. Ross Luther Sherman, M.S., Professor of Biology, Drake Univ L»es Moines, la. 28 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Sparks, Mrs. Myrtle Eva, A.M., Instructor in Latin, Township High School, 820 .Clinton St., Ottawa. Steele, Philip, B.S., Ass't Engineer West Pumping Station, 171 Osgood St., Chicago. (22nd St, and Ashland Ave.) Weston, Margaret, B.L., Teacher, 594 Fairfield Ave., Chicago. Weston, Nathan Austin, M.L., Instructor in Economics, Univ. of 111., 106 E. Clark St., Champaign. *Weis, Herman Lincoln, died at Tonica, July 25, 1891. CLASS OF 1890 Barr, James, B.S., Capt, Brick and Tile, Urbana. Bawden, Samuel Day, B.S., B.D., Capt., Chaplain, New York State Industrial School, 1 Backus Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Beardsley, John, B.L., Manager Champaign Machine & Supply Co., 609 W. University Ave., Champaign. (Walnut and Sec- ond South Sts.) *Benson, Edward Mills, B.S., died at Ames, la., October 8, 1894. Bowsher, Columbus Austin, Author and Inventor, Champaign. Boyle, Anna Cecilia, B.L., Bookkeeper, 404 E. Church St., Cham- paign. Brumbach, Lucia Ray, B.L., Mrs. C. E. Bogardus, 323 14th Ave. North, Seattle, Wash. Camp, Norman Harvey, B.S., LL.B., Student in Moody Bible Institute, 248 LaSalle Ave., Chicago. Clark, Edith Louise, Mrs. Jesse Kirkpatrick, Urbana. Clark, Frank Henry, B.S., Capt., Mechanical Engineer, C. B. & Q. R. R., LaGrange. Clark, Thomas Arkle, B.L., Professor of Rhetoric, Univ. of 111., 928 W. Illinois St., Urbana. Clarkson, James Francis, B.S., Capt., Mason Contractor, 4823 Calumet Ave., Chicago. (Prendergast & Clarkson, Room 5, 159 LaSalle St.) Clinton, George Perkins, M.S., Ass't Botanist, Agricultural Ex- periment Station, Univ. of 111., 913 California Ave., Urbana. Cooke, Robert James, B.S., Capt, Ass't Engineer C. & A. R'y, 616 W. 65th Place, Englewood, Chicago. (Room 922 Monad- nock Blk.) Cornelison, Robert Wilson, S.D., Consulting Chemist, Bloomfield, N. J. Crabbs, Clarence Lincoln, B.S.. Capt., 316 17th St., Moline. (Moline Plow Co.) Ellars, Jessie, A.M., Mrs. L, O. Hackett, Tuscola. ALUMNI 29 Fisher, John Franklin, B.S., Capt, U. S. Townsite Surveyor, Indianola. (Office of the U. S. Supervising Eng'r, Muskogee, Ind. Ty.) Gilliland, William Myers, B.S., Master Mechanic, Houghton Co. Street R'y, Houghton, Mich. Hanssen, Gustavus Adolphus, Architect, 124 Rusholm St., Daven- port, la. (Suite 51 Schmidt Bldg.) Hazelton, Hugh, B.S., Capt., Electrical Engineer, Forest Glen. (Manhattan R'y, 32 Park Place, New York City.) Keene, Edward Spencer, B.S., Professor of Mechanics and Physics, N. Dak. Agricultural College, 1030 7th St., N., Fargo, N. Dak. Kennard, Katharine Louise, 311 W. University Ave., Champaign. McCandless, Henry Wallace, Manufacturer of Miniature Electric Lamps, 458 Manhattan Ave., New York City. (79 Cort- landt St.) McKee, Will Een, B.S., Master Mechanic Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Works, Ishpeming, Mich. Manny, Walter Isham, LL.B., State's Attorney, Mt. Sterling. Moore, Byron Llewellyn, B.S., with Century Telephone Con- struction Co., 99 Brookfield St., Cleveland, Ohio. Nesbit, Edwin, B.S., Mechanical Engineer for the Standard Zinc Co., Iola, Kas. Peoples, U. J. Lincoln, Architect, 5518 Homer St., E. E., Pitts- burg, Pa. (Times Bldg., Pittsburg.) Proctor, Orla Alfred, B.S., B.L., Dairyman and Stock Raiser, Chillicothe. Schaefer, Philemon Anatolio, Postmaster, Georgetown, Texas. Shamel, Charles H., M.S., LL.B., Lawyer, Taylorville. Snyder, Christopher Henry, B.S., Civil Engineer, Essex St., Hack- ensack, N. J. (11 Broadway, N. Y.) Stevens, Fred Worthley, Chemist, 9181 S. Chicago Ave., Chicago. (National Plant, American Smelting & Refining Co.) Terbush, Linsley Fletcher, B.L., Newspaper Work, 304 Bowen Ave., Chicago. (Chicago Record.) Tresise, Francis John, C.E., Civil Engineer, 321 Herkimer St., Buffalo, N. Y. (Department of Public Works, 13 City Hall.) *Tscharner, John Baptiste, B.S., died at Waco, Texas, April 22, 1893. Waterman, Fred Walter, B.S., Capt., Chief Engineer Dominion Iron & Steel Co., Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. White, James McLaren, B.S., Associate Professor of Architecture, Univ. of 111., 716 W. University Ave., Champaign. 30 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Wilber, Frank Dent, Coal and Implements, 202 W. Church St., Champaign. Wilkinson, George El Dorado, M.S., M.D., Capt, Physician, Al- ton. (Corner 2nd and Market Sts.) Wilson, Robert Conover, B.S., M.D., Physician, 4302 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. CLASS OF 1S91 Barclay, Thomas Henry, B.S., General Manager Needles Smelt- ing Co., Needles, Cal. Beach, Laura Mae, Mrs. N. C. Wright, Hotel Charlemont, In- dianapolis, Ind. Bouton, Charles Sherman, LL.B., Lawyer, 6439, Ellis Ave., Chi- cago. (108 Dearborn St.) Boyd, Willard Albion, B.S., Mechanical Engineer, Oak Park 73 Fulton St.) Braucher, Ernest Newton, B.S., Draftsman, 3826 Aldine Place, Chicago. (312 City Hall, Map Department.) Broaddus, Alice Virginia, B.S., Mrs. T. A. Clark, 928 W. Illinois St., Urbana. Bunton, Fred Lyle, B.S., with Smokeless Combustion Co., 1 Broadway, New York City. Butterfield, Helen Eliza, M.L., Mrs. J. J. Schoonhoven, 34 Second Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Carson, Anna, B.S., Teacher, 310 High St., Urbana. Chester, Dick Hubert, B.S., Manager Meter Department, with Henry R. Worthington, 152 Clairmont Ave., Montclair, N. J. (120 Liberty St., New York City.) Chester, John Needels, B.S., Chief Engineer with American Water Works and Guarantee Co., 800 Lewis Block, Pittsburg, Pa. Clarke, Edwin Besangon, B.S., Capt., Architect and Engineer, 1727 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago. (806 The Temple, 184 LaSalle St.) Clarke, Frederick Woodruff, B.S., Capt., Architect and Engineer, 1919 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. (513 McCague Bldg.) Darby, Nellie Margaret, B.L., Principal of High School, Pres- cott, Arizona. Eidman, Edward Charles, B.S., Railway Postal Clerk, Cincinnati & St. Louis R. R., 3160 Morganfield Road, St. Louis. (R. M. S., Cincinnati, Ohio.) Eno, Frank Harvey, C.E., Chief Draftsman, City Engineer's De- partment, Columbus, Ohio, 980 N. 4th St. Fischer, Lawrence, Merchant, Oregon. ALUMNI 31 Frahm, Hans, B.L., LL.B., Lawyer, Tuscola. Frederickson, John Henry, B.S., Civil Engineer with I. C. R. R., Waterloo, la. (I. C. R. R., General Office Bldg., Chicago.) French, Ransford Morton, B.S., with Grace & Hyde Co., Con- tractors, 56 W. 115th St., New York City. (26 E. 42nd St.) Gardner, Frank Duane, B.S., Soil Investigator, 3524 Morgan Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C. (U. S. Dep't of Agriculture.) Gibson, Charles G., B.S., M.D., Physician, Hotel Wales, 10th and Pearl Sts., Sioux City, la. Green, Thomas Stephen, B.S., M.D., Physician, 39th St. and Cot- tage Grove Ave., Chicago. Harris, Jay Tarvin, B.S., Proprietor The Daily Reporter, University Club, Salt Lake City, Utah. (158-160 S. W. Temple St.) Harvey, Alfred Ernest, C.E., Capt., Civil Engineer, Road Master 8th Division I. C. R. R., 127 Logan Ave., Waterloo, Iowa. Hay, Walter Morris, B.S., County Surveyor, Sandwich. Heller, Opal Beatrice, M.L., Teacher, N. Yakima, Washington. Hobbs, Glen Moody, B.L., Associate in Physics, Univ. of Chi- cago, 5712 Monroe Ave., Chicago. Howarth, Thomas James, A. B., Editor Chester Tribune, Chester. Jones, Isabel Eliza, 302 W. Church St., Champaign. Jones, Mabel, B.L., 302 W. Church St., Champaign. McClure, Ora Deal, B.L., Capt., Mechanical and Civil Engineer, with LaPalma Mining Co., Coneto, State of Durango, Mexico. *McCormick, Wirt, B.L., died at Mahomet, April 9, 1893. Maue, August, B.L., Teacher, 102 Mound St., Joliet. Mitchell, Charles Jacob, B.S., Mechanical Engineer, 836 College Ave., Beloit, Wis. Myers, Clara, B.L., Mrs. A. E. Harvey, 127 Logan Ave., Water- loo, la. Paine, Sarah Mariana, Music Teacher, Long View. Peabody, Lorin William, B.S., Assistant Engineer of Tests, A. T. & S. F. R'y, Topeka, Kas. (Test Laboratory, A. T. & S. F. R'y.) Powell, John Henderson, .Treasurer Swofford Bros. Dry Goods, Kansas City, Mo. (Broadway and 8th St.) Richart, Frederick William, B.S., Mechanical and Electrical Engi- neer and Mining, Carterville. Seibert, Emma Effie, B.S., Champaign. Shamel, Clarence Albert, M.S., Associate Editor Orange Judd Farmer, Box 304, Evanston. (204 Dearborn St., Chicago.) 32 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Shattuck, Anna Fletcher, M.L., Mrs. A. W. Palmer, 804 W. Green St., Urbana. Shattuck, Walter Francis, Lecturer at Art Institute, and Associate Professor of Mathematics and Architectural Construction, Armour Institute, 4743 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Smolt, Frank Oscar, B.S., Capt, Superintendent of Smelter, Yer- ington, Nev. (Bluestone Mine.) Terrill, Joseph Samuel, M.S., State Willard Hospital, Willard, N. Y. Vail, Charles Davis, B.S., Capt, Ass't Engineer Oregon Short Line R. R., 418 Douglas Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. Wallace, Ross Strawn, B.S., Capt., Sup't Peoria Gas and Electric Co., Peoria. Young, Charles Bailey, B.S., Chief Draftsman C. B. & Q. R. R., 411 Fox St., Aurora. (209 Adams St., Chicago.) CLASS OF 1S92 Barber, Alice May, M.S., Mrs. F. M. Bennett, Lawrence, Kas. Barber, William Davis, B.S., Ass't Engineer, Dep't of Public Works, 1700 Buckingham Place, Chicago. (325 City Hall.) Barker, John King, B.S., Civil Engineer. Three Rivers, Mass. (332 Main St., Springfield, Mass.) Beckwith, Frank, B.S., Engineer of Iowa Lines, C. B. & Q. R. R., Burlington, la. Bennett, Sarah, B.L., Mrs. John M. F. Erwin, 6504 Minerva Ave.. Chicago. Boggs, Cassandra Armstrong, B.L., Teacher, N. Yakima, Wash. Burrows, Parke Tunis, B.S., Capt., Architect, 218 Kirkwood Bvd., Davenport, la. (Clausen & Burrows, 205 W. Third St.) Carnahan, Franklin Gregory, A. B., Lawyer, 205 W. Hill St., Cham- paign. (14 Main St.) Crissey, John Waterbury, B.S., with I. C. R. R., New Orleans, La. (I. C. Passenger Depot.) Cross, Charles William, B.S., Civil Engineer, 1537 College Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. (Brown-Ketchum Iron Works.) Forbes, Robert Humphrey, M.S., Director Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station, Tucson, Ariz. Foster, Winslow Howard, B.S., Morava Construction Co., Engi- neers and Contractors, 779 W. Monroe St., Chicago. (1243 Marquette Bldg.) Foster, Zebulon, B.S., Kankakee. Funston, Edmund Bailey, B.S., Sup't of Construction, with J. C. Llewellyn, 1218 Association Bldg., Chicago. ALUMNI 33 Gates, Andrew Wallace, C.E., Traveling Agent, Monmouth. (Monmouth Mining and Manufacturing Co.) Gregory, Mrs. Louise Catherine Allen, *M.S., The Concord, Washington, D. C. Gulick, Edward Everett, B.L., B.D., Baptist Minister, Orford- ville, Wis. Gulick, Joseph Piper, B.L., Lawyer, 209 W. Church St., Champaign. (11 Main St.) Gunn, Charles Alexander, Architect, 500 W. 150th St., New York City. (General Chemical Co., Engineers' Office, 32 Liberty St.) Hall, Fred Augustus, Excelsior Ranch, Toppenish, Wash. Hart, Ralph Warner, B.S., Architect, 1955 Pine St., San Fran- cisco, Cal. (805 Mills Bldg.) Harvey, Walter Clarence, B.S., Ass't Engineer Chicago Terminal Transfer R. R., 829 E. 71st Place, Chicago. (353 Grand Cen- tral Station.) Herrick, Russell Lott, B.L., LL.B., Lawyer, Farmer City. Hill, Agnes Gale, B.L., General Secretary Y. W. C. A. for India, Burma, and Ceylon. (Care Y. W. C. A. Bombay, India.) Kiler, Charles Albert, B.L., House Furnishings, Urbana. (24-26 Main St., Champaign.) McLane, Cyrus Daniel, B.S., Ass't Professor of Architectural Construction, Univ. of 111., 1106 W. Illinois St., Urbana. Martin, William Alexander, B.S., Sup't Quincy Gas & Electric Co., Quincy. Mather, Roy Allen, B.S., Capt., Draftsman, 929 Mellon St., Pitts- burg, Pa. (With American Bridge Co.) Maxwell, Anne M., B.L., 308 W. Hill St., Champaign. Miller, WUliam George, B.S., Sup't Chisholm, Boyd & White Co., 6016 Normal Ave., Chicago. (57th and Wallace Sts.) *Morgan, John Barb, Jr., LL.B., died at Phoenix, Ariz., Jan. 7, 1901. Page, John William, Civil Engineer and Contractor, 2832 N. Pau- lina St., Chicago. (907 Security Bldg.) Piatt, Herman S, Ph.D., Ass't Professor of Romance Languages, 024 W. Illinois St., Urbana. Plank, Ulysses Samuel Grant, B.S., Disciplinarian Haskell Insti- tute for Indians, Lawrence, Kas. Pullen, Rome B, B.L., Lawyer, Chicago. (322 Reaper Blk.) * Honorary degree conferred June 7, 1892. 3 34 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Scheidenhelm, Edward Lewis, B.S., Civil Engineer, with Purdy & Henderson, Chicago. Snodgrass, William, Jr., B.S., Draftsman, 221 Jackson St., Pueblo, Colo. Wait, Benjamin Asaph, B.S., Draftsman, Bridge Office, C. B. & Q. R. R., LaGrange. (C. B. & Q. Engineers' Office, Chicago.) Walker, Edward Lewis, B.L., City Salesman, with H. J. Heinz . Co., 76 Walton Place, Chicago. (99 E. Erie St.) Williamson, Frank Robert, B.S., Bridge Designer, 326 Wilson Ave., Chicago. (22 5th Ave.) Woodworth, Howard Oakley, M.S., Student in Graduate School, Univ. of 111., 610 E. Clark St., Champaign. Wright, Royal, B.L., Lawyer, 805 W. Green St., Urbana. (Post Office Bldg.) CLASS OF 1893 Andrews, Hubert Franklin, B.S., M.D., Physician, Gunnison, Utah. Arbeiter, George John, B.L., LL.B., Lawyer, 714 Oneida St., Joliet. (Suite 205-207 Barber Bldg.) *Arnold, Mary Edna, A.M., Ph.D., died at Cambridge, Jan. 2, 1898. Ayers, Grace, B.L., Mrs. W. A. Powers, 1012 Taylor St., Topeka, Kas. Bacon, Harlow, B.S., Draftsman, with U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. (New Jersey Ave., and B St., S. E., Washington, D.C.) Barrett, Edward Ernest, B.S., U. S. Inspector, LaCrosse, Wis. (U. S. Engineers' Office, Rock Island.) Bartlett, Henry Emmett, B.S., Civil Engineer, 5107 L,exington, Ave., Chicago. (902 Illinois Central Station.) Behrensmeyer, George Philip, B.S., Architect, 1301 Spring St., Quincy. (6th and Main St.) Blakesley, George Webster, Manager Branch House, Rock Island Stove Co., Kansas City, Mo. Brown, Frank Minear, B.S., Joint Rate Inspector, Champaign. Carpenter, Harvey Irving, B.L., Professor of Musical Science and Pipe Organ, School for the Blind, Faribault, Minn. Carr, Robert Franklin, B.S., General Mgr. Dearborn Drug and Chemical Works, 416 Home Ave., Oak Park. (27-34 Rialto Bldg.) Carter, Charles Willard, M.L., M.D., Physician, Aledo. ALUMNI 35 Chambers, William Rock, B.L., LL.B., Lawyer, Danville. (308- 309 Daniel Blk.) Chester, Oscar Paul, B.S., M.D., Physician, 6 E. 47th St., Chicago. Coffeen, Fred Goldsmith, B.S., Chemist Beaver Dam Malleable Iron Co., Beaver Dam, Wis. Cook, James W., B.S., Mechanical Engineer, Rock Island. Cornell, William Henry, B.S., Draftsman, Montreal, Canada. Craig, Edward Chilton, B.L., Lawyer, Mattoon. Danley, Willis Wilson, B.S., Engineer for Pneumatic Mailing Tube, Hoboken, N. J. (Sidney, New South Wales.) Earl, Mark Alden, M.C.E., Civil Engineer, 6407 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. (1208 Fisher Bldg.) Fraser, Wilber John, B.S., Instructor in Dairying and Specialist in Dairying in the Agricultural Experiment Station, Univ. of 111., 1003 S. Wright St., Champaign. Gibbs, William David, M.S., Professor of Agronomy, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Graham, Louis Thomas, B.L., Lawyer, Pittsfield. Graham, William Johnson, B.L., State's Attorney, Aledo. Gulick, Frank M., B.L., City Treasurer, Secretary Twin City S. & L. Ass'n, 209 W. Park St., Champaign. (39 N. Neil St.) Higgins, Albert Grant, B.S., Architect, Victor, Colo. Hucke, Philip Matthias, B.S., Manager Koll Coal Co. Mines, Mascoutah. (Room 321 Mermod & Jaccard Bldg.) Hunt, Edward Everett, B.S., with Mumford & Co., Rialto Bldg., Chicago. Johnson, Henrietta Augusta, 1132 First Ave., Rock Island. Kinkead, James Albert, B.S., Steel Inspector with C. & N. W. R. R., 326 Princeton Place, Pittsburg, Pa. (507 Smithfield St.) Klingel, Louis, Jr., B.L., LL.B., Lawyer, Belleville. Lamkin, Nina Belle, B.L., Secretary Physical Culture Extension Society and Teacher of Physical Culture and Elocution, Kelso School, Handel Hall, 808 W. Adams St., Chicago. Levy, Alexander, B.S., Instructor of Drawing, Hyde Park High School, 4707 Champlain Ave., Chicago. (714-715 100 Wash- ington St.) Loomis, Arthur Bates, B.S., M.C.E., Ass't Engineer, Toledo, Ohio. (Massillon Bridge Co.) McCartney, William Priestly, M.S., Student in College of Law, Univ. of 111., 1 109 W. Springfield Ave., Urbana. McCloy, Robert Emmet, B.L., LL.B., Lawyer, Blue Island. (115 Monroe St., Chicago.) 36 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS *McClure, Clyde Benjamin, B.S., died at Tuscaloosa, Ala., Feb. 26, 1 901. McGee, Walter Scott, B.S., Teacher in Hyde Park High School, 5532 Madison Ave., Chicago. McMains, Louis, B.S., Lawyer, Crawfordsville, Ind. (3-4 Fisher Bldg.) Mann, Mary Estelle, B.L., Mrs. C. W. Carter, Aledo. Mathews, Loueva Mae, Mrs. W. A. Nicolaus, 601 W. Elm St., Urbana. Metcalf, James David, B.S., Cashier Shipman Banking Co., Ship- man. Millar, Clendon Vanmeter, M.S., Assayer and Analytical Chemist, 320 N. Byers St., Joplin, Mo. (621 Main St.) Mosier, Jeremiah James, B.S., Teacher of Science, Champaign. *Peterson, Adolph Bertinus, B.S., died at Chicago, Nov. 23, 1899. Peterson, Sophie May, B.L., Mrs. J. L. Parr, 203 Cutler St., Peoria. Phillips, James David, B.S., Ass't Professor of General Engineer- ing Drawing, Univ. of 111., 511 W. Church St., Champaign. Powers, William Ambrose, B.S., Chemist, 1012 Taylor St., To- peka, Kas. (A. T. & S. F. R. R. Co.) Rea, Alfred William, B.S., Joplin, Mo. (Garstang & Rea, 208 Busch Bldg.) Rowe, William Briggs, A.B., Railway Mail Clerk, Ottawa. Russell, Charles Wesley, A.B., Farmer, Virginia. (Sunflower, Miss.) Scott, Donald Gamaliel, B.S., Civil Engineer, 1435 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. (Brown-Ketchum Iron Works.) Seaman, George Washington, M.E., Mechanical Draftsman, Port Huron, Mich. (Port Huron Engine and Thresher Co.) Sharpe, Richard W, M.S., Instructor in Biology and Physics in High School, Winnetka. Shiga, Shigetsura, B.S., Professor of Architecture, Tokio School of Technology, Architect to the Educational Dep't, Asakusa, Tokio, Japan. Skielvig, Severin Canute, B.S., Architect, 208 Live Oak St., Dallas, Texas. (Flanders & Skielvig, 354 Jackson St.) *Spalding, Fred Milton, B.S., died at Gibson City, Aug. 28, 1897. Stewart, John Truesdale, B.S., Capt, Civil Engineer with U. S. Geological Survey, Paxton. Swenson, Bernard Victor, B.S., Ass't Professor of Electrical En- gineering, Univ. of Wis., Madison, Wis. ALUMNI 37 Thompson, Almon Daniel, C.E., Ass't Manager Municipal Engi- neering Magazine, Peoria. (Commercial Club Bldg., Indianap- olis, Ind.) Townsend, William, B.S., Gold Fields Diamond Drilling Co., Kal- goorlie, West Australia. (Box 114, Kalgoorlie, W. A.) Vial, Robert Clarke, B.S., Draftsman, with C. & W. I. R. R., LaGrange. (Room 67, Dearborn Station, Chicago.) Woodruff, Thomas Tyson, B.S., Electrical Engineer, with French Thomson-Houston Co., Paris, France. Young, Orres Ephraim, B.L., Associate Editor Michigan Farmer, 521 Cass Ave., Detroit, Mich. (Lawrence Publishing Co.) CLASS OF 1894 Atwood, Levi Patten, B.S., Civil Engineer, Nueva Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico. Babcock, Clyde Leslie, B.S., Secretary of Updike Grain Co., 210 S. 30th St., Omaha, Neb. (542-546 Bee Bldg.) Barker, Louis William, B.S., Proprietor and Manager Electric Light Plant, Sparta. Baumann, Otto, Rancher, Lebanon, S. Dak. Beasley, Harrison Easton, B.S., City Engineer, 1315 Perry Ave., Peoria. (City Hall.) Boggs, Lucinda Pearl, A. B., 811 W. Illinois St., Urbana. Braucher, Herbert Hill, B.S., Teacher of Science in High School, 227 Lincoln Ave., Lincoln. Browning, Howard Allen, B.S., Farmer, Elgin. Bush, Arthur Willis, B.S., Assayer, Leadville, Colo. (130 W. 9th St.) Butterfield, Clarence James, B.S., Architect, 696 W. Adams St., Chicago. Chipman, Paul, B.S., Civil Engineer, with Michigan Railway Ap- praisal Board, Mt. Carmel. (1025 Majestic Bldg., Detroit, Mich.) *Clark, Amos Cable, B.S., died at Urbana, Jan. 29, 1896. Coffman, Birch David, B.S., Grocery Business, Maroa. Crawford, Thomas, B.S., Sup't of Sterling Gas & Electric Light Co., Sterling. Dickinson, Richard Jay, B.S.. with Dickinson & Co., Canners, Eureka. Eakle, Silas Jackson, B.S., Principal of Chana High School, For- reston. (Chana.) Engberg, Martin Jonas, B.S., Publisher, The Engberg-Holmberg Publishing Co., Chicago. 38 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Ferris, Hiram Burns, A.B., Mines, Spokane, Wash. Foote, Ferdinand John, B.S., with Cutler Hammer Mfg. Co., cor- ner 12th St. and St. Paul Ave,, Milwaukee, Wis. Foster, Alfred Bradford, B.S., Bridge Draftsman, 413 S. 7th Ave., Maywood. (Room 227 City Hall.) Frederickson, George, Manager, W. W. Kimball Co., 221 E. 7th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. (114 Robinson St.) Frye, Theodore Christian, B.S., Student, Univ. of Chicago, 543 E. 55th St., Chicago. Gaut, Robert Eugene, B.S., Chief Draftsman, I. C. R. R., 6415 Minerva Ave., Chicago. (Park Row.) Goldschmidt, Otto Emil, B.S., with Sargent & Lundy, 261 Fre- mont St., Chicago. (1140 Monadnock Bldg.) Hallinen, Joseph Edward, B.S., Teacher of Biology and Chem- istry, Ft. Smith, Ark., High School. Heideman, George Herman, B.S., Manager Lake View Office, Chi- cago Telephone Co., 1288 Wilton Ave., Chicago. (1664 N. Clark St.) Holbrook, Frederick Samuel, B.S., American Smelting & Refining Co., National Plant, 6334 Yale Ave., Englewood Station, Chi- cago. Holston, Benjamin Baldwin, B.S., LL.B., Lawyer, Nashville. Hottes, Charles Frederick, M.S., Student at Leipzig, Mascoutah. Jansen, Dietrich Herman, B.S., City Engineer, Pekin. Jasper, Thomas, B.S., Manager Electric Light Plant, Flagstaff, Ariz. Johannsen, Albert, B.S., Student at Johns Hopkins University, Fremont, Neb. Johannsen, Oskar Augustus, B.S., Instructor in Civil Engineering at Cornell Univ., 128 Blair St., Ithaca, N. Y. Kennedy, John William, B.S., Architect and Sup't, Collinsville. (East St. Louis.) Kerchner, Fred William, M.D., Physician, Caseyville. Kimball, Conrad Bryant, B.S., Studying abroad, 1134 Michigan Ave., Evanston. *Lowry, John Albert, B.S., died at Gibson City, Nov. 19, 1900. McCaskrin, Harry Madison, B.S., LL.B., Lawyer, 920 15th St., Rock Island. (Krell and Math Bldg.) McCaskrin, Louise Elizabeth, B.S., Mrs. J. D. Stayton, St. Joseph. McConnell, Ernest, B.S., Architect, Cooper Bldg., Denver, Colo. McCormick, Flora, B.L., Teacher, 602 E. Green St., Champaign. McNutt, John, Jr., B.L., Lawyer, Mattoon, ALUMNI 39 Miller, Grant Clark, M.Arch., Architect, Patton, Fisher & Miller, Hinsdale. (605, 115 Monroe St., Chicago.) Mogensen, Peter, B.S., Civil Engineer, Urbana. (Le Gran Fun- dicion Nacional Mexicana, Monterey, Mexico.) Morris, Edgar William, B.L., LL.B., Lawyer, Onarga. Morrissey, Daniel C, B.L., LL.B., Lawyer, Champaign. (Im- perial Blk.) Nelson, Elnathan Kemper, B.S., Chief Chemist, 149 E. 47th St., Flat 1, Chicago. (Swift & Co., Union Stock Yards.) Nichols, Maude E, B.S., M.D., Physician, Student at Missionary Training School, Nyack, N. Y. Parry, Joseph Lawrence, B.L., Tolono. Phelps, Albert Charles, B.S., Instructor of Architecture, 306 Huestis St., Ithaca, N. Y. (Cornell University.) Riley, Walter Busey, B.L., LL.B., Lawyer, 701 W. University Ave., Champaign. (37 Main St.) Rutledge, John Joseph, B.L., Graduate Student in Geology, Johns Hopkins Univ., Alton. Schneider, Albert, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Botany, Materia Medica, and Pharmacognosy, 650 Stewart Ave., Chicago. (2421 Dearborn St.) Shawhan, Gertrude, B.L., B.L.S., Cataloger, Library of Congress, 227 New Jersey Ave., S. E., Washington, D. C. (Library of Congress, Catalog Division, Washington.) Slater, William Frederick, B.S., with Coen Elevator Co., 251 E. Erie St., Chicago. (404 Lakeside Bldg.) Spurgin, William Grant, A.M., Law Student, 205 E. Illinois St., Urbana. (118 S. Race St.) *Stocker, Edwin Warren, B. S., died at Rock Island, Sept. 16, 1894. Strauss, William, B.S., with Michigan Portland Cement Co., Cold- water, Mich. Sy, Albert Philip, M.S., Ass't Chemist, U. S. Arsenal, 4518 Tacony St., Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. *Tackett, William C, B.L., died at Chicago, Feb. 5, 1897. *Templeton, Benjamin Franklin, died at Marion, Ind., Jan. 9, 1900. Tower, Willis Eugene, B.S., Teacher in Englewood High School, Chicago. Trego, Charles Henry, B.S., with Hoopeston Canning Co., Hoopeston. Walton, Percy Thomas, Draftsman, 2651 Allen Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (Stupp Bros. Bridge & Iron Co.) 40 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Weaver, Leslie Alvord, B.L., Lawyer, 507 W. Park St., Cham- paign. (18 Main St.) Weedman, Fred John, B.L., Ass't Postmaster, Farmer City. Wilder, Charles Thornton, B.S., Instructor in Photography, Univ. of 111., 305 W. Hill St., Champaign. Wood, Robert Alvin, M.E., Wood & Andrews, Sole Agents for British Luxfer Prism Syndicate, Limited, Glendale, Poynton, England. (29 Princess St., Albert Sq., Manchester, England.) ♦Woolsey, Ola C, M.L., Mrs. W. D. Gibbs, died at Columbus, Ohio, June n, 1899. CLASS OF 1895 Armes, Herbert Clarke, B.S., Manufacturer of Scientific Instru- ments and Laboratory Supplies, 205 E. 47th St., Chicago. (39 W. Randolph St.) Barry, Charles, B.S., with Deering Harvester Co., 380 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. (16 Fullerton Ave.) Baum, Harry William, B.S., Ass't Engineer, Maintenance of Way, Kansas Div. U. P. R. R., 629 Woodlawn Ave., Kansas City, Mo. (General Offices U. P. R. R., Kansas City.) Beach, Charles Worth, B.S., Civil and Irrigation Engineer, with Great Plains Water Co., Lamar, Colo. Beebe, Fred Albert, B.S., Inspector, 913 Warren Ave., Chicago. (Care Griffin Wheel Co., Sacramento Ave. and C. & N. W. Tracks.) Boon, William Guthrie, B.S., with C. B. & Q. R. R., 1121 Smith St., Burlington, la. Bower, Ralph Allen, B.L., Secretary Mattoon Ice & Storage Co., Mattoon. Burdick, Charles Baker, B.S., Civil Engineer, 1580 Old Colony Bldg., Chicago. Burrill, William Thomas, B.S., Structural Draftsman, 514 Fifth Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. (Gillette-Herzog Mfg. Co.) Busey, Frank Lyman, M.E., Dry Goods Merchant, 303 S. Race St., Urbana. (128-130 Main St.) Call, Hortense, B.S., Mrs. Andrew Barr, Urbana. Campbell, George Henry, M.L., Principal of High School, Vienna. Capps, Earl Vanhise, E.E., A.M., Capt, President and Owner of Blair Electric Light and Power Co., Blair, Neb. Carberry, Ray Shepard, B.S., Ass't Engineer O. S. L. R. R., Pocatello, Idaho. Carmack, Clyde Robert, B.S., Canned Fruit Packer, 837 Division St., Indianapolis, Ind. ALUMNI 41 Clement, Clarence Adelbert, B.S., U. S. Inspector Illinois and Mississippi Canal, Wyanet. (U. S. Engineers' Office.) Clinton, John DeWitt, B.S., Compositor, Polo. Dillon, William Henry, B.S., Architect, Normal. (Bloomington.) Donnan, Alexander, B.S., Architect, Netcott & Donnan, Inde- pendence, Iowa. Duffy, Sherman Reilly, B.L., with Chicago American, 269 Erie St., Chicago. (214-216 Madison St.) Fellheimer, Alfred, with Frost & Granger, Architects, 434 LaSalle Ave., Chicago. (806, 184 LaSalle St.) Ferris, Joel Edward, A.B., Lawyer,, 918 Locust St., Kansas, City, Mo. (342 New York Life Bldg.) Funston, Jesse Grant, B.S., Electrical Engineer, 618 W. 5th St., Springfield. (Care Central Union Telephone Co.) Green, James Albert, B.S., Capt, with I. C. R. R., 212 E. White St., Champaign. Green, Marianna, B.L., Mrs. W. L. Steele, 6330 Marchand St., Pittsburg, Pa. Hall, Emery Stanford, B.S., Architect, 1545 W. Monroe St., Chicago. (918, 153 LaSalle St.) Harms, Armin, B.S., Chemist, Compania Metalurgica Mexicana. San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Hempel, Adolph, M.S., Entomologist and Plant Pathologist, Cam- pinas, Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil. Hiles, Elmer Kirkpatrick, B.S., Ass't Engineer Osborne Pipe Line Refrigerator System, 336 Carroll Ave., Chicago. (356 Dearborn St.) Hoag, Parker Hale, A.B., Lawyer, 3210 Calumet Ave., Chicago. (410, 145 LaSalle St.) Holtzman, Stephen Ford, B.S., Draftsman, 1918 First St., N. W., Washington, D. C. (702 17th St., N. W.) Hunt, Ernest Alexander, B.S., M.D., Physician, Melbourne, Iowa. Junkersfield, Peter, B.S., Ass't Mechanical Engineer, Chicago Ed- ison Co., 4022 Drexel Bvd., Chicago. (139 Adams St.) Keeler, Frederick Blair, B.S., Building Contractor, Earlville. Ketchum, Milo Smith, M.S., Ass't Professor of Civil Engineer- ing, Univ. of 111., 510 John St., Champaign. Kimball, William Haven, B.S., Electrician, with Union Iror Works, 140 Tremont St., San Francisco, Cal. King, Francis Edward, M.S., Farmer, 601 Grandview St., Paris. Lake, Edward John, B. S., Instructor in Art and Design, Univ of 111., 208 W. Church St., Champaign. Lemen, William Clarence Smith, B.S., U. S. Surveyor. 11 15 Ful- 42 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS lerton Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. (Care of Miss. River. Coms'n, St. Louis, Mo.) Llewellyn, David Rossiter, B.S., Draftsman, Minneapolis, Minn. (The Gillette-Herzog Mfg. Co.) Long, Albert Milton, B.S., Draftsman, 304 Bowen Ave., Chicago. (1618 Monadnock Blk.) Mann, Edward Loring, B.L., Lawyer, 7 Oakland Crescent, Chi- cago. (175 Dearborn St.) Marsh, Rev. Horatio Richmond, B.S., M.D., Capt., Medical Mis- sionary, Pt. Barrow, Alaska. Mather, Fred Elbert, B.S., Draftsman, with Riter-Conley Mfg. Co., 858 Lincoln Ave., Allegheny, Pa. (Preble Ave.) Maxon, Robbins Yale, B.S., Ass't Engineer, C. & E. I. R. R., 253 Belden Ave., Chicago. (Engineer's Office.) Moore, Grace Lillian, M.S., Teacher of Science in High School, Tolono. (Decatur.) Morrison, William Robert, B.S., Electrical Construction, Joliet. Munn, Alexander Majors, B.S., Capt, Manager Nebraska City Telephone Co., Nebraska City, Neb. Noble, Charles William, B.S., Capt, Sup't Building Construction, Room 1205 138 Washington St., Chicago. (Care R. A. Griefen.) Pillsbury, Arthur Low, B.S., Architect and Civil Engineer, Olive St., Bloomington. (Griesheim Bldg.) Pillsbury, Bertha Marion, A.M., Teacher of English in High School, 506 W. Elm St., Urbana. (Decatur.) Quade, John Conrad, B.S., Civil Engineer, with Western Tube Co., Kewanee. Reeley, Thomas Washington, B.S., Architect, 602 Central Ave., Fort Dodge, Iowa. Reeves, Harley Edson, B.S., Capt., U. S. Inspector, Illinois and Mississippi Canal, Atkinson. (U. S. Engineers' Office, Ster- ling.) Rowe, Herbert Brunskill, B.S., Proprietor Palace Drug Store, 201 Central Ave., Paris. (N. W. Corner Public Square.) Royer, Joseph William, B. S., Architect, 307 Coler Ave., Urbana. (City Bldg.) Roysdon, William Ira, B.L., Dealer in Hydes, Wool, Furs, etc., 412 W. Clark St., Champaign. (17 Fremont St.) Sayers, Albert Jefferson, B.S., Draftsman, 6630 Yale Ave., Chi- cago. (Link Belt Machinery Co.) Scott, Daisy Coffin, B.L., 721 W. Church St., Champaign. ALUMNI 43 Scott, William John, B.L., Traveling Salesman in South Africa for Fels & Co., of Philadelphia, 721 Church St., Champaign. Scurlock, Henry Harrison, B.L., Principal Purvis High School, Purvis, Miss. Seastone, Charles Victor, B.S., Instructor in Civil Engineering, Purdue Univ., Powers Block, W. Lafayette, Ind. Shepardson, John Eaton, B. S., Capt., City Engineer and Sup't of Water Works, 382 Prospect St., Kewanee. Sparks, Marion Emeline, A.M., B.L.S., 1205 Springfield Ave., Urbana. Spencer, Bertha, B.L., 751 W. Wood St., Teacher, Decatur. Sperling, Godfrey, B.S., Secretary P. & I. N. Townsite Co., and Ass't Treasurer for Lewis A. Hall, Lock Box 82, Weiser, Idaho. Stark, Robert Watt, B.S., Chief Ass't on State Water Survey, Univ. of 111., 201 W. Vine St., Champaign. Stewart, Mabel, B.S., Mrs. C. N. Cole, 214 Hazen St., Ithaca, N. Y. Thomas, Homer, B.S., General Sup't for Geo. J. Grant, Con- tractor, 85 Mackubin St., St. Paul, Minn. (61 E. 9th St.) Thompson, Marion, M.L., Mrs. Benj. Gratz, 3658 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. Vance, Walter Noble, B.S., Capt., Electrical Designer, 242 Supe- rior St., Chicago. (Miehle Printing Press & Mfg. Co., Cor- ner Clinton and Fulton Sts.) Webster, Charles Carlton, B.S., Sup't United Gas, Electric Light & Fuel Co., Box 824, Sandy Hill, N. Y. Williams, Parker Merrill, B.S., Draftsman, 699 Flournoy St., Chicago. Yeakel, William Kriebel, B.S., M.D., Instructor and Physician, 21 16 Binney St., Omaha, Neb. (Omaha Medical College.) CLASS OF 1896 Adams, Edward Langford, B.S., Mechanical Engineer, Austin. (The Sargent Co., 675 Old Colony Bldg.) Alpiner, Amelia Darling, B.L., Mrs. A. L. Stern, Champaign. Beach, James George, B.S., Civil Engineer, with American Bridge Co., 121 Murray St., Binghamton, N. Y. (7 W. 22nd St., New York City.) Begole, Joshua Franklin, B.S., in charge of Electrical Instrument Dep't, O'Fallon. (Wagner Electrical Mfg. Co., 2017-21 Lo- cust St., St. Louis, Mo.) Bennett, Georgia E, B.S., Teacher, 4231 Lake Ave., Chicago. 44 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Besore, Nellie, A.B., Mrs. W. E. Sears, Waterloo, la. Blakeslee, James Woodbury, B.L., Traveling Salesman of Hard- ware, Kinmundy. (Sedalia, Mo.) Brenke, William Charles, M.S., Instructor in Astronomy and in Charge of Observatory, Univ. of 111., West Oregon St.. Urbana. Burt, Henry Jackson, B.S., Ass't Professor of Civil Engineering. Iowa State College, Ames.. la. Cairns, Cora Mae, A.B., Polo. Campbell, Walter Gilbert, E.E., Telephone and Exchange, Pitts- field. Carnahan, David Hobart. A.M., Professor of Modern Languages, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Chatten, Melville Clarke, B.S., Draftsman. 2251 Calumet Ave.. Chicago. (Treat & Adler, Architects.) Clarke Florence Besangon, B.S., 11 18 State St.. Quincy. Cole, Mary Maude, A.M., Mrs. G. H. Scott, Cambridge, Mass. Cooper, Paul Henry, Jr., B.S., Mercantile Business, Mendota. Durstine, Warren Edward, B.S., General Secretary Y. M. C. A.. San Juan, P. R. Estee, Henry Clarence. B.S.. Leveler on C. & N. W. R'y, Gibson City. * Everett, Frank Milton, B.S., died at Quincy, Aug. 8, 1897. Folger, Rachel Ellen, B.S., Creamery Business, Dana, Ind. Forbes, Bertha Van Hoesen, B.S., 1209 Springfield Ave., Urbana. Garnett, Charles Hunter, A.M., LL.B., Lawyer, Carthage. Gazzolo, Frank Henry Serafino, B.S., A.M., Chemist, 95 Astor St., Chicago. (82 W. Madison St.) Green, Frank Hopkins, B.S., Capt., Civil Engineer, with Santa Fe R. R., Ivesdale. (San Francisco.) Green, Herbert John, B.S., Instructor in Manual Training, 4618 Evans Ave., Chicago. (Medill High School.) Haskell, Howard Hall, B.S.. with Ramapo Iron Works, Mendota. (Hillburn, N. Y.) Hindman, John. A.B., Advertising Agent, 630 Osgood St., Chi- cago. (119 Dearborn St.) Honens, Fred William, B.S., Inspector Illinois & Mississippi Canal, Sterling. (U. S. Engineers' Office.) Hottes, Henry Gustav, B.S., Furniture Dealer, Mascoutah. Hubbard, George David, M.S., Graduate Student at Harvard Univ., 4 Carver St., Cambridge, Mass. Huston, Fred Thales. B.S., Stock Raising and Shipping, El Reno. Okla. ALUMNI 45 Johnson, Lewis Williams, A.B., Book-keeper, with Street Car Co., 718 W. Church St., Champaign. Keeler, Harry, B.S., Ass't Englewood High School, 7134 Engle- wood Ave., Chicago. (Englewood High School.) Kent, Louis Maxwell, A.B., LL.B., Lawyer, Danville. (14 E. Main St.) Ketchum, Richard Bird, C.E., Ass't Engineer C. & A. R. R., 686 W. Adams St., Chicago. (Room 922 Monadnock Bldg.) Kiler, Aureka Belle, A.B., Teacher, 303 North St., Urbana. (Hinsdale.) Leal, Sophia Nott, A.B., Teacher, Danville High School, 926 W. Green St., Urbana. (401 Gilbert St., Danville.) Lewis, Charles Milton, B.S., Architect, Danville, (no N. Vermil- ion St.) Liese, George Charles, B.S., Architect, Danville. (Y. M. C. A. Bldg.) Linn, Homer Roberts, B.S., General Foreman, L. S. & M. S. R'y Car Shops, 47 Hulda St., Glenville, O. (Cleveland.) Ludwick, George Washington, B.S., Architect, Danville. (Y. M. C. A. Bldg.) McKee, James Harry, M.E., Capt., 734 W. 103rd St., Chicago. McRae, John Alexander, B.S., Draftsman, with N. Y. C. & H. R. R. (610 Grand Central Station, New York City.) Manard, Robert Payton, B.S., Draftsman, with D. H. Burnham & Co., 630 University Place, Evanston. (1142 Rookery Bldg., Chicago.) Marble, Harry Curtiss, B.S., Ass't in Electrical Engineering, Univ. of 111., 305 W. University Ave., Champaign. Martin, John Madison, A.B., Principal of South School, 318 Clin- ton Ave., Oak Park. Mather, Althea S, A.B., Mrs. W. E. Durstine, Y. M. C. A., San Juan, P. R. Maxwell, Charles Jacob, B.S., Chemist, with Glucose Sugar Re- fining Co., 4710 Calumet Ave., Chicago. (Taylor and Beach Sts.) Meneely, John Henry, A.M., Instructor in English in N. W. Di- vision High School, 600 Jackson Bvd., Chicago. Milne, Edward Lawrence, M.S., Instructor in Mathematics, Univ. of 111., 307 W. Hill St., Champaign. Moore, Minnie Rose, A.B., Teacher, 1521 Glendale Ave., Peoria. Morse, Jedidiah D, B.S., Ass't Cashier, with E. J. Morse & Son, Bankers, Gifford. 46 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Morse, Samuel Theodore, B.S., Civil Engineer, with I. C. R. R., Clinton. Myers, James William, B.L., Teacher, Blackfoot, Idaho. Noble, Isabel, A.B., Teacher of Physical Training, 931 W. Green St., Urbana. (1 Charter Oak Place, Hartford, Conn.) Noble, Mary Elizabeth, A.B., Teacher, Urbana. Noble, William, A.B., Grain Dealer, Foosland. Orr, Edward Ellsworth, B.S., Architect, 721 Broadway, Quincy. (Rooms 4 and 5, Maertz Bldg.) Pfeffer, John Edward, B.S., Designer of Special Tools, 300 Web- ster Ave., Chicago. (Western Electric Co., 418-52 Dearborn St.) Phillippi, Francis Marion, A.B., Law Student, Colusa. Porter, Robert Knight, A.B., Capt, Prescott, Ariz. Reasoner, Matthew Aaron, B.S., M.D., Physician, Morrisonville. Row, George Edward, B.S., Locomotive and Car Draftsman, with Mexican Central R.R., Mexico City, Mexico. Sample, John Calvert, B.C.E., Architectural Engineer, with Pitts- burg Bridge Co., 4301 Davison St., Pittsburg, Pa. Saunders, Harry J, B.S., Ass't Sup't, with Northwestern Fertil- izer Co., 726 Garfield Bvd., Chicago. (Corner 45th and Center Ave.) Scott, George Harvey, A.B., Student in Graduate School, Har- vard Univ. (2 Carver St., Cambridge, Mass.) Shea, John Clark, B.S., Paving Brick Manufacturer, Quincy. (Gem City Paving Brick Co.) Simons, Alexander Martin, B.S., Teacher of Mathematics, Quincy High School, 401 S. 12th St., Quincy. Smith, Sherman, B.S., Stock Raiser, LeRoy. (Smith's Ranch, Jolley, la.) Steele, William LaBarthe, B.S., with Thomas Rodd, Chief Engi- neer Pa. R. R. lines west of Pittsburg, 6330 Marchand St., Pitts- burg, Pa. Stone, Percy Allyn, B.S., Farmer, Springfield, R. R. No. 4. Strehlow, Oscar Emil, B.S., U. S. Inspector, Lock No. 8, Warrior River, Ala. Tuscaloosa, Ala. (U. S. Engineers' Office.) Sweney, Don, B.S., Ass't Master Mechanic, C. B. & Q. R. R., 228 Maple Ave., Galesburg. (C. B. & Q. R. R., Galesburg.) Thompson, Fred Lawrence, B.S., Ass't Engineer, I. C. R. R., Isa- bel. (Clinton, Ky.) Van Ostrand, Charles Edwin,- M.S., Ass't Nautical Almanac Office, 1607 31st St., Washington, D. C. (Nautical Almanac Office.) \ ALUMNI 47 Vickery, Charles Roy, A.B., M.D., Physician, Hahnemann Medi- cal College, Chicago. Weinshenk, Theodore, B.S., Mechanical Engineer, 411 N. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. (16 N. Canal St.) Wharton, Rebecca Gaskin, A.B., Instructor in Latin, Quincy High School, Payson. (803 Broadway, Quincy.) White, Solon Marx, B.S., M.D., Ass't Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology, Univ. of Minn., 227 8th Ave., S. E., Minneapo- lis, Minn. Whitham, Myron Elwin, B.S., Master Mechanic, Libby, McNeill & Libby, 4364 Emerald Ave., Chicago. (Union Stock Yards, Libby, McNeill & Libby.) Williams, Robert, A.B., M.D., Physician, Alden, Minn. Wright, Wilber Hoyt, A.B., Normal. CLASS OF 1897 Ammerman, Charles, A.M., Professor of Mathematics, State Nor- mal University, Normal. Anderson, George Forbes, B.S., Capt, Inspector Bridge Dep't, I. C. R. R., 6241 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. (1 Park Row, Room 902.) Armstrong, James Ellis, A.B., Teacher, Chillicothe. Barr, George Andrew, A.B., Lawyer, Joliet. (Young Bldg.) Beadle, Thomas B, B.S., Architect, Cripple Creek, Colo. Beal, Alvin Casey, B.S., Capt., Manager of Greenhouses, Coll. of Agriculture, Univ. of 111., 507 E. John St., Champaign. Beebe, Charles David, B.S., Mechanical Draftsman, 811 Univer- sity Place, Evanston. (Swift & Co., Chicago.) Brandt, Eugene Herman, B.S., Draftsman, with Broadway Mfg. Co., Broadway & Walnut St., Leavenworth, Kas. Braucher, Ralph Waldo, B.S., Horticulturist, Lincoln. Brower, Ralph Plumb, B.S., Capt., Lieutenant Third U. S. Artil- lery, Presidio, San Francisco, Cal. Brown, Walter Burrows, B.S., Chemist, 3552 Prairie Ave., Chi- cago. (Nelson, Morris & Co., Union Stock Yards.) Buck, Luella Eugenia, B.S., Mrs. H. R. Linn, Cleveland, Ohio. Capron, Frank Read, B.S., Clerk in U. S. Mail Service, Carthage. Carpenter, Hubert Vinton, M.S., Ass't Professor of Physics, Agr'l and Mech. Arts Coll., Pullman, Wash. Chester, Manley Earle, B.S., Telephone Engineer, 6 E. 47th St., Chicago. (Western Electric Co.) Clarke, Octave Besangon, B.S., in Engineering Department of. 48 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS American Mfg. Co., corner Wert and Noble Sts., Greenpoint, Brooklyn, N. Y. Cole, Charles Nelson, A.M., Instructor in Latin, Cornell Univ.. Ithaca, N. Y. Crellin, Charles Virgil, B.S., with Des Moines Edison Light Co.. 1503 S. Washington St., Des Moines, la. Dewey, James Ansel, M.S., 701 W. Green St., Urbana. Dewey, Louise Sarah, M.S., 701 W. Green St., Urbana. Dull, William Raymond, B.S., Draftsman, 42 E. 42nd Place, Chi- cago. (Link-Belt Machinery Co.) Dunlap, Elmer Edgar, B.S., Contractor, Columbus, Ohio. (Dun- lap & Co.) Forbes, Ernest Browning, B.S., Student in Agricultural College, Univ. of 111., 1209 Springfield Ave., Urbana. Garber, John Frederick, A.B., Graduate Student, 6124 Ingleside Ave., Chicago. Gayman. Bert A, Draftsman, 6630 Yale Ave.. Chicago. (Link- Belt Machinery Co.) Gearhart, Orval Lee, B.S., Special Student, Univ. of 111., Cham- paign. Grimes, George Lyman, B.S., Instructor in Mechanical Engineer- ing, Univ. of Mich., 214 S. Thayer St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Gulick, Clyde Denny, B.S., Champaign. Hadsall, Harry Hugh, B.S., with Bridge Department, I. C. R. R., 1815 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Havard, Oliver David, B.S., with Butler Bros., 31 17 Lucas Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (13th St. and Washington Ave., St. Louis.) Hobart, Albert Claude, C.E., Draftsman, Bureau Yards and Docks, Navy Department, 1918 I St., N. W., Washington, D. C. (702 17th St., N. W.) Horn, Carl John, B.S., Draftsman, 718 Broadway, Logansport, Ind. (Masonic Temple.) Howison, Charles, B.S., Architect, Sandwich. Hughes, Frank Alexis, B.S., La Gran Fundicion Nacional Mexi- cana, Smelter No. 3, Monterey, Mexico. Ice. Meldora, Architect, Gifford. Jobst, George J, B.S., Contractor, V. Jobst & Sons, Champaign. (Peoria.) Kerns, Shirley Kendric, A.B., Acting Head Master, The Country School for Boys, Baltimore, Md. Kiler, William Henry, A.B., Student in College of Law, Univ. of 111., 303 North St., Urbana. ALUMNI 49 King. Wesley Edward, A.B., Law Student, 415 W. White St., Champaign. (5 Main St.) Kirkpatriek. Harold H, A.B., Teacher, Penfkld. Kistner, Theodore Charles, B.S., Architect, Hill & Kistner, Gran- ite City, Klossowski, Theodore Julius, B.S., with Alfred Noble, 4563 Oak- enwald Ave., Chicago. (1742 Monadnock Blk.) Kratz, Laura, A.B., Student at Art Institute, Chicago. (Monti-) cello.) Kuehne, Carl Oskar, B.S., Architect, 197 Bissell St., Chicago. (171 Center St.) Kyle, Martha Jackson, A.M., Instructor in Rhetoric, Univ. of 111.. 502 Goodwin Ave., Urbana. Lampe. Margaret Henriette Johanne, A.M., Principal of High School, 619 E. Chestnut St., Bloomington. (Box 718, Ro- chelle.) *Larson, Charles Sigurd, B.S., died at Chicago, Feb. 4, 1898! Leigh, Charles Wilbur, B.S., Capt., Graduate Student in Univ. of Chicago, 5749 Drexel Ave., Chicago. McFadden, Belle Lorraine, A.B., Teacher, Champaign. Mann, Arthur Richard, B.S., Ass't Engineer, with The Pullman Co., 131 Stephens St., Pullman. (Pullman.) Manny, Fred Hugh, B.S., Real Estate and Loans, Mt. Sterling. Marsh, Loren William, B.S., Engineer for American Luxfer Prism Co., 67 Peter Parley Road, Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass. (107-15 Federal St.) Marsh, Norman Foote, B.S., Architect, Los Angeles, Cal. (527 Byrne Bldg.) Middleton, Mrs. Earl W., B.L., 411 W. Vine St., Champaign. Millar, Adam Vause, B.S., Graduate Student Univ. of 111., Cham- paign. Morgan, Walter Montgomery, A.B., Law Student, 600 Jackson Bvd., Chicago. (800-112 Dearborn St.) Munhall, Grace May, B.L., Mrs. S. T. Morse, Clinton. Murphy, Francis Joseph, B.S., Chemistry, Taylor, California. Nelson, Fred Irwin, B.S., with F. M. Powell Co., 1809 Wabash Ave,.- Chicago. (329 Dearborn St.) Nye, Carl Merriman, B.S., Ass't Engineer C. R. I. & P. R'y. Moline. (Davenport, la.) Parr, John Louis, B.S., Architect, 203 Cutler St., Peoria. (514 Y. M. C. A. Bldg.) 50 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Paul, Arthur Ernest, Ph.G., M.S., Chemist, Mariner & Hoskins Laboratory, 12 S. Elizabeth St., Chicago. (81 S. Clark St.) Pepper, William Allen, B.S., Shipping Clerk, Barrett Hardware Co., 309 Whitley Ave., Joliet. (218-220 Chicago Si.) Pitney, Clarence Orville, B.S., Drug Clerk, Quincy. Plym, Francis John, B.S., Architect, Brownell Blk., Lincoln, Neb. Pohlman, John Edward, B.S., Construction Department, Union Pacific R. R., 706 Richard St., Joliet. (Laramie, Wyo.) *Poole, Edward Warren, B.S., died at Dover, May 6, 1899. Porter, Horace Chamberlain, A.B., M.S., Capt., Graduate Student Harvard Univ., 306 W. Hill St., Champaign. (54 Hammond St., Cambridge, Mass.) *Postlethwaite, Francis William Henry, B.S., died at Toronto, Canada, April 2, 1899. Randall, Dwight T, B.S., Instructor in Mechanical Engineering. Univ. of 111., 801 Springfield Ave., Urbana. Rayburn, Charles Clyde, B.S., Roseville. Sammis, John Langley, M.S., Instructor in Chemistry, Univ. of 111., 307 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign. Sayers, William Wesley, B.S., Heating and Ventilating Drafts- man, The Lincoln, Washington, D. C. (Treasury Depart- ment.) Sayler, Joel Reynolds, B.S., Draftsman, 623 Washington Ave., Scranton, Pa. (Dickson Mfg. Co.) Schacht, Frederick William,. M.S., Principal of High School, Mo- line. (Chicago Heights.) Scoggan, Edward Barker, A.M., Ph.D., Professor of Latin and Greek, Wesleyan College, Stanstead, Quebec. Shepardson, Ralph Steele, B.S., Farmer and Architect, Shabbona Grove. Smith, Louie Henrie, M.S., Chemist in Agricultural Experiment Station, Univ. of 111. (604 Daniel St., Champaign.) Spangler, John Nathaniel, A.M., Merchant, Bloomington, Ind. (120 N. Walnut St.) Spencer, Fred Wilcox, B.S., Draftsman, corner 2nd and Tioga Sts., Johnstown, Pa. (Cambria Steele Co.) States, William Daniel, B.S., Grocery Clerk, Elwood. (423 Cass St., Joliet.) Steinwedell, George Otto, B.S., with Arrow Rock Mining & Mill- ing Co., 515 N. 8th St., Quincy. Teeple, Wallace Douglas, B.S., Architect and Sup't, 1019 Gar- field Ave., Belvidere. (107 Buchanan St.) ALUMNI 51 Terry, Charles Dutton, B.S., with Northwestern Tube Co., Ke- wanee. Thompson, Susan Elizabeth, A.B., Teacher in Burr School, Wina- mac, Ind. (Chicago.) Vail, Walter Cheney, B.S., Teacher of Manual Training, Ke- wanee. (Dayton, Ohio.) *DeVries, Steven George, B.S., died at Pekin, June 8, 1897. Wakefield, George Mighell, B.S., Grain Dealer, Waterman. Wallace, Herbert Milford, A.B., Instructor in Seattle Seminary, Ross, Washington. Webber, Hubert Anthony, B.S., Sup't of Construction for U. S., 31 Farwell St., Newport, R. I. (Fort Adams, R. I.) Whittemore, Floyd, B.S., Clerk in State Treasurer's Office, St. Nicholas Hotel, Springfield. Winter, Julia Flora, B.S., Teacher in Hampton Institute, Hamp- ton, Va. Young, Charles Whittier, B.S., Student in John Hopkins Med- ical School, 10652 Prospect Ave., Chicago. Zilly, Mabel Helen, A.B., Mrs. Leroy F. Hamilton, Kewanee. Zimmerman, Walter Howard, B.S., Manager Urbana Light, Heat & Power Co., 607 E. White St., Champaign. (6 E. Water St., Urbana.) CLASS OF 1898 Aaron, Philip Judy, B.S., 3606 Lake Ave., Chicago. (Western Electric Co.) Anderson, Clark Godfrey, B.S., Civil Engineer, 113 N. Orange St., Peoria. Arnold, Jay Jennings, B.S., Salesman with Mercantile Trust Co., 5730 Maple Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (8th and Locust Sts.) Beasley, D Edythe, A.B., Mrs. L. W. Gob'en, 1010 W. Green St., Urbana. Beem, Fred Clarkson, B.S., Manager Clothing Store, Ottawa. (Fiske & Beem.) Berry, Erwin Howard, B.S., Ass't Chemist, A., T. & S. F. R'y Co., 615 Topeka Ave., Topeka, Kas. (Mechanical Depart- ment A., T. & S. F. R'y Co.) Black, William Wesley, A.M., Teacher of Science and Art of Instruction, State Normal University, Normal. Breidert, Henry Cyrille, B.S., Structural Draftsman, 355 Main St., Pittsburg, Pa. (Keystone Bridge Works.) Brockway, Edwin Ladue, B.S., Feeder Inspector, Met. St. R. R. Co., New York City, 58 W. 109th St. (96th St. and 1st Ave. Power House.) 52 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Brower, Lyle Ireneus, B.S., Director of Manual Training, Rock- ford Public Schools. Byrne, Lee, A.M., Classical Fellow in Univ. of Penn., 123 S. 34th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Chester, Guy Jacob, B.S., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Chicago. (1140 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago.) Clark, Charles Albert, B.S., Secretary and General Manager The Vandalia Light and Fuel Co., Vandalia. Clark, Charles Richard, B.S., Manual Training Teacher in George William Curtis School, 11732 Perry Ave., Chicago. Clayton, Thomas Wiley, B.S., Inspector of Steel Structures. 2655 N. Robey St., Chicago. (757 Monadnock Bldg.) Coffeen, Harry Clay, M.S., Ass't in General Engineering Drawing, Univ. of 111., in W. Clark St., Champaign. Collins, Edgar Francis, B.S., Ass't Foreman, Testing Department, Edison General Electric Co., 714 Union St., Schenectady, N. Y. Craig, Wallace, B.S., Science Teacher, Ft. Collins, Colo., High School, 7437 Bond Ave., Chicago. Crathorne, Arthur R, B.S., Capt., Instructor in Mathematics, Univ. of Wis., Madison, Wis. Davison, Chester Morton, B.S., Student in Paris, Rock Falls. Dickey, James Harvey, B.S., Instructor in Mathematics, Argenta. (Alton High School.) Dillon, William Wagner, A.B., State College Secretary, Illinois Young Men's Christian Association, Sheldon. (153 La Salle St., Chicago.) Eckles, Harry Edward, B.S., Civil Engineer at "Zion City," Wau- kegan. Edwards, Grace Osborne, A.B., B.L.S., Cataloger in University Library, 308 E. Green St., Champaign. Enochs, Claude Douglass, B.S., Telephone Engineer, 659 64th St., Chicago. (Western Electric Co.) Enochs, Delbert Riner, A.B., Capt., Student in College of Law, Univ. of 111., 505 John St., Champaign. Everhart, Rollin Orlando, A.B., Minister, Warsaw. Fischer, Louis Engelmann, B.S., Engineer for Municipal Corpora- tions, Room 610 Burlington Bldg., 810 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Forbes, Stuart Falconer, B.S., Draftsman, U. S. Department of Interior, 289 N. Church St., Tucson, Ariz. (Office of U. S. Surveyor General.) ALUMNI 53 Fox, Fred Gates, A.B., Teacher in High School, Amboy. Frazey, Alice Belle, A.B., Student in Graduate School, Univ. of 111., 1307 W. Main St., Urbana. Fullenwider, Arthur Edwin, B.S., Draftsman, 616 W. 65th Place, Chicago. (Engineering Department I. C. R. R., 12th St. Station.) Fulton, William John, A.B., LL.B., Lawyer, Sycamore. Goodridge, Henry Anthony, B.S., Constructing Engineer, St. Nicholas Hotel, Denver, Colo. (City Construction Co.) Hair, Charles Ernest, B.S., Architect, 257 E. North St., Gales- burg. (86 S. Cheney St.) Hall, Frederick Silvey, A.B., Law Student at Washington Uni- versity, 809 Clarendon Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (915 Union Trust Bldg.) Hammers, Morgan J, B.S., Mechanical Sup't, Rock Island Plow Co., Rock Island. Hatch, Thomas Milford, B.S., Contractor, W. W. Hatch & Sons, 1601 S. 8th St., Goshen, Ind. (214 S. Main St.) Hays, Don, B.S., Draftsman, 207 W. Illinois St., Urbana. (Care E. J. Beard, Principal Ass't Engineer, C. O. & G. R. R., Weatherford, Okla.) Hopper, Georgia Etherton, A.B., Librarian, Del Monte Anner, corner 43d St. and Grand Bvd., Chicago. (Circulating Li- brary, 831 Marshall Field Bldg.) House, Leone Pearl, A.B., Teacher, Sadorus. Hurd, Arthur Burton, B.S., Mechanical Draftsman, 1127 16th Ave., Altoona, Pa. (Mechanical Engineer's Office, P. R. R.) Jordan, Helen, A.B., Teacher, Tolono. Kaeser, Albert Fred, B.S., Student at College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, Highland. Kofoid, Nellie lone, B.S., Normal. KuykendalL Andrew Jackson, A.B., LL.B., Lawyer, Vienna. *Lentz, Caroline, A.B., died at Areola, Sept. 9, 1899. Linn, Francis David, B.S., Farmer, Byron. Linzee, Albert Carl, B.S., Testing Department, General Electric Co., DuQuoin. (Schenectady, N. Y.) McCarty, Charles James, B.S., Electrician, Rock Falls. Marshutz, Joseph Hunter, A.B., Law Student, Harvard Univ., 446 Marshall St., Milwaukee, Wis. May, Harry Monroe, B.S., Capt, with Schedule Department Western Electric Co., 169 N. Hamlin Ave., Chicago. (259 S. Clinton St.) 54 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Merker, Henry Fleury, B.S V Belleville. Mitchell, Frederick Alexander, B.S., Draftsman, Bridge Depart- ment, C, B. & Q. R. R., 704 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. (Corner Adams and Franklin Sts.) Morrow, Grace Eliot, B.S., Teacher, High School, Paxton. Musham, John William, B.S., Draftsman, Bridge Department, C, M. & St. P., 177 Rush St., Chicago. (1100 Old Colony Bldg.) Naper, Herbert John, B.S., Draftsman, with Milliken Bros., 57 Delaware Place, Chicago. (Bowling Green Bldg., New York City.) Neureuther, Andrew Henry, M.E., Mechanical Engineer and De- signer, with Western Clock Mfg. Co., Peru. Nevins, John, B.S., Architectural Draftsman, 293 Main St., Dal- las, Texas. Nickoley, Edward Frederick, Teacher in Syrian Protestant Col- lege, Beirut, Syria. vonOven, Frederick William, B.S., Civil Engineer, 170 S. Broad- way, Aurora. (Love Bros., Iron Works.) Pease, Henry Mark, B.S., Telephone Switchboard Installer, Malta. (259 S. Clinton St., Chicago.) Perkins, Reed Miles, A.B., Law Student at Illinois Wesleyan Univ., Springfield. (302 E. Front St., Bloomington.) Polk, Cicero Justice, A.B., Student Harvard Univ., Champaign. Pooley, William Vipond, A.B., Teacher, Galena. Ray, George Joseph, B.S., Division Engineer, St. Louis Division I. C. R. R., Carbondale. Rhodes, Ora M, B.S., Capt, Student, Coll. of Med., Univ. of 111., 518 W. Adams St., Chicago. (813 W. Harrison St.) Robinson, Lewis Archibald, A.B., Instructor in Mathematics, Pre- paratory School, Univ. of 111., 1105 California Ave., Urbana. Saunders, Rome Clark, B.S., Electrical Engineer, with the Peoria General Electric Co., 505 5th Ave., Peoria. (125 N. Jeffer- son St.) Shamel, Archibald Dixon, B.S., Instructor in Farms Crops, Univ. of 111., 904 S. Busey Ave., Urbana. Soper, Stanley Livingston, A.B., Merchant Miller, Russell, Kas. Spalding, Roy Verner, LL.B., Correspondent and Ass't Buyer of the Furniture Department, with Sears, Roebuck & Co., 466 N. Campbell Ave., Chicago. Staley, Joseph Clarence, A.B., 812 W. Illinois St., Urbana. Thayer, Albert Lewis, B.S., Architect, New Castle, Pa. ALUMNI 55 Thompson, Guy Andrew, A.B., Student in Graduate School, Har- vard Univ., Santa Ana, Cal. (1699 Cambridge St., Cambridge, Mass.) Toenniges, Ferdinand Frederick Emil, B.S., Assistant Engineer, B. & O. R. R., 926 E. 7th St., Davenport, la. (Zanesville, Ohio, care B. & O. R. R.) Unzicker, William Luther, A.B., Clerk in Custom House, 2554 Leavenworth St., Omaha, Neb. (Room 204 Federal Bldg.) Walker, Rufus, Jr., A.B., Coal Business, 614 22nd St., Moline. (415 16th St.) Walter, Charles Albert, B.S., Ph.C, Sup't McCoy Howe Co., 424 E. Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. Webster, John Percy, B.S., Sup't Steel Buildings and Bridges, with W. W. Lindsay & Co., 3504 N. 16th St., Philadelphia. (Harrison Bldg.) Webster, Sarah Emeline, A.B., Teacher of Drawing and Litera- ture, 302 W. Clark St., Champaign. Wetzel, Clyde Leigh, Telephone Engineer, with Western Electric Co., 513 W. Adams St., Chicago. Wharf, Allison James, B.S., Civil Engineer, Olney. (Tie Siding, Wyo.) Williamson, Albert St. John, B.S., Capt, with C, M. & St. P. RV, 22 34th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Wilson, Frederick Henry, B.S., Electrical Engineer on Battleship Kentucky. (Evanston, care W. C. Wilson.) Wingard, Lewis Forney, A.B., Law Student, Northwestern Univ., 3019 Vernon Ave., Chicago. Wolcott, James Thompson, B.S., Chemist, 239 66th Place, Chi- cago. (Armour & Co.) Worthen, George Bedell, LL.M., Lawyer, Poplar Bluff, Mo. Woodworth, Minnie Barney, A.B., Mrs. J. H. Young, 338 Brady St., Milwaukee. Wray, David Couden, B.S., with U. S. Geologic Survey, Elida. Wuerffel, Herman Louis, B.S., Capt., Ass't Foreman, Magnetic Department, Western Electric Co., 1228 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. CLASS OF 1899 Anderson, Harry, B.S., Clerk in employ of American Telephone and Telegraph Co., Maumee, Ohio. Armstrong, Frank Hall, B.S., Ass't to Master Mechanic, Cleve- land-Cliffs Iron Co., 311 Cleveland Ave., Ishpeming, Mich. Bayard, Samuel Michael, B.S., 269 E. Erie St., Chicago. (Bank- ers' National Bank.) 56 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Beckerleg, Gwavas Foster, B.S., Civil Engineer, with American Bridge Co., 862 Washington Bvd., Chicago. (1323 Monad- nock Bldg.) Bennett, Ralph, B.S., Testing Department, G. E. Co., 714 Union St., Schenectady, N. Y. Bennett, Ruth, A.B., Student at Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, Md. Bevans, Thomas Archibald Murray, B.S., Teacher of Manual Training, 286 Fox St., Aurora. Bigelow, Mary Constance, A.B., Student in Graduate School. Univ. of 111., 709 W. Hill St., Champaign. Bocock, Clarence Edgar, A.B., Teacher, Bradford. Booker, Lucile Alice, A.B., Instructor of English and History in High School, Champaign. (Wells, Minn.) Bradley, James Clifford, B.S., Government Draftsman, 211 29th St., Newport News, Va. Burkland, Theodore Leonard, B.S., with Moline Plow Co., 1134 12th Ave., Moline. Carson, Lucy Hamilton, A.M., Instructor in English, Univ. of 111., 502 Goodwin Ave., Urbana. "Chipps, Halbert Lilly, B.S., died at Laramie, Wyo., Nov. 3, 1900. Chuse, Harry Arthur, B.S., Ass't Sup't for Chuse Engine Mfg. Co., Mattoon. Clark, Edith, A.B., Student in Library School, Univ. of 111., Vandalia. Clark, Mary Edith, Teacher, Chillicothe. Clark, Philip Henry, A.B., Principal of Galena High School, Galena. Clifford, Charles Luther, B.S., Troubleman, Chicago Telephone Co., 850 Otto St., Chicago. (100 Washington St.) Cooke, Jane Elizabeth, B.L.S., Librarian, Monroe, Mich. (Piqua, O.) Dinwiddie, Virginia, B.S., Teacher in High School, 6046 Prince- ton Ave., Chicago. (Crothersville, Ind.) Dodds, George, B.S., with Bullock Electric Mfg. Co.. Harper Ave., Norwood, Cincinnati, O. Donoghue, Richard Charles, LL.B., Lawyer, First and Marquette Sts., LaSalle. DuBois, Alexander Dawes, B.S., Capt, General Engineering Work, 327 S. Glen wood Ave., Springfield. (Office Sup't of Bridges and Buildings, Wabash R. R.) Eastman, Harry Truxtun, B.S., Architect, with George Stauduhar. 1 108 1st Ave., Rock Island. (Hearst Bldg.) ALUMNI 57 Ely, Howard Montgomery, B.S., Superintendent of Construction, with D. W. Mead, 121 S. West St., Rockford. (605 First Na- tional Bank Bldg., Chicago.) Fairchild, Edna, B.L.S., 2807 Fulton St., Toledo, O. Fleager, Clarence Earl, B.S., Chief Operator American Telephone and Telegraph Co., 1199 Cortland St., St. Paul, Minn. Flesch, Eugene William Penn., B.S., Capt, Draftsman, 4102 In- diana Ave., Chicago. (1202, 134 Monroe St.) Fletcher, Marcus Samuel, B.S., M.D., Physician, Ridge Farm. Foberg, John Albert, B.S., Instructor in Biology, 690 Wright- wood Ave., Chicago. (English High and Manual Training School.) Fowler, Robert Lambert, B.S., Capt., U. S. Deputy Mineral Sur- veyor, State of Utah, 62 J St., Salt Lake City, Utah. (316 Atlas Block.) Fraser, William Alexander, B.S., Capt., Master Mechanic, Michi- gamme, Imperial & Webster Mines, Michigamme, Mich. (Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co.) Garver, Daisy, A.B., Mrs. H. W. Baum, 629 Woodlawn Ave., Kan- sas City,, Mo. Gerber, Winfred Dean, B.S., Civil and Municipal Engineer, Rock- ford. Gilchrist, Hugh McWhurr, B.S., Min. Eng., General Utility and Overseer, Oakdale, Ga. (Southern Smelting Co.) Griffin, Walter Burley, B.S., Architectural Draftsman, Elmhurst. (1107 Steinway Hall, Chicago.) Grim, Fred, B.S., Draftsman, with Schwarzscheld & Sulzer Co., 6400 Harvard Ave., Chicago. Hall, Louis Dixon, B.S., Cattle Growing, Hawarden, la. Herwig, John Newton, B.S., Maintainer of Electric Signals, C. & A. R'y> Lemont. Hill, Irwyn Horatio, B.S., Draftsman, 501 Richards St.. Joliet. Hoagland, John King, B.S., Farmer, Herborn. Hubbard, George Wallace, B.S., Capt., Draftsman, with Murphy Iron Works, 229 McDougall Ave., Detroit, Mich. Hughston, Alice Dellena, B.S., Mrs. C. D. Enochs, corner 64th St., and Drexel Bvd., Chicago. James, Rev. Frederick Milton, B.S., Methodist Minister, Tamalco. Jones, Louise, A.B., 302 W. Church St., Champaign. Jutton, Emma Reed, B.L.S., Reviser in Library School, Univ. of 111., 601 S. Wright St., Champaign. Kable, James Franklin, B.S., Ass't in Engineering Drawing, Uni- versity of 111., 811 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 58 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Ketchum, Daniel Clement, A.B., Principal of Schools, Rosemond. Kingsbury, James Thompson, A.B., Student in College of Law, Univ. of 111., Pinkstaff. Koch, Fritz Conrad, M.S., Instructor in Chemistry, Univ. of 111., 304 W. Church St., Champaign. Landel, Ida Susan, A.B., Traveler for Publishing Co., 604 W. Springfield Ave., Champaign. (A. B. Kuhlman Co., 315 Dear- born St., Chicago.) Latzer, John Albert, M.S., Processor and Chemist, with Helvetia Milk Condensing Co., Greenville. Lawrence, Carroll Gray, B.S., Capt., Architectural Draftsman, 6241 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. Leach, William Blake, A.B., Law Student, 111. Wesleyan Univ., 707 E. Walnut St., Bloomington. Leutwiler, Oscar Adolph, M.S., Mechanical Draftsman, Highland. (82 North Ave. C, Canton.) Loftus, Ella, A.B., Teacher, 417 W. Second St., Dixon. (High School Bldg.) McCormack, Harry, M.S., Teacher, Webb City, Mo. McElfresh, Fred Morgan, B.S., Assistant in Zoology, State Agri- cultural Coll., Corvallis, Ore. McGilvrey, Mrs. Mary, A.B., 84 Arlington St., Cleveland, Ohio. Meharry, Jesse Earle, A.B., Farmer, Tolono. Mercil, Benoni Edward, B.S., with American Telephone and Tele- graph Co., 1093 Warren Ave., Chicago. (4701 S. Kedzie Ave.) Mesiroff, Joseph A, B.S., Engineering Department, T. M. E. R. & L. Co., 602 Fifth St., Milwaukee, Wis. (451 Broadway.) Mills, Ralph Walter, B.S., Medical Student, Webster Groves, Mo. Newell, Mason Harder, A.B., Law Student, Yale Univ., 39 Lyn- wood St., New Haven, Conn. Otwell, Allen Meade, B.S., Student in Graduate School, Univ. of 111., Plain View. Owens, Daisie Margaret, B.S., Teacher, North Yakima, Wash. Paine, Arthur Elijah, A.M., Principal of High School, Rosemond. (Pana.) Postel, Fred Jacob, B.S., Signal Engineer, 5544 Prairie Ave., Chi- cago. (Bedford Bldg.) Putnam, Alice, B.Mus., Student in Columbia Univ., 4815 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Railsback, Roy J, A.B., Grain Dealer, Hopedale. Rapp, George Leslie, B.S., Architecutral Draftsman, 318 E. 37th St. (2020 State St., Chicago City R'y-) Raymond, John Eaton, B.S., Farmer, Rural Route No. 1, Philo. ALUMNI 59 Raymond, Ruth Cleveland, A.B., Mrs. W. E. Haseltine, 1372 Cen- tral Park Bvd., Chicago. Rhoads, Emma May, A.B., High School Teacher, 1008 W. Green St., Urbana. (Greenville.) Rhoads, Horace Adams, A.B., Law Student, Univ. of 111., 1008 W. Green St., Urbana. Ritchey, Felix, A.B., Farmer, Cadwell. Rudnick, Paul Ferdinand Augustus, Ph.G., B.S., Chemist, 3701 Lincoln St., Chicago. (24th Place and Wallace St.) Schutt, Walter Robert, A.B., Principal of High School, 809 S. Jackson St., Belleville. (Franklin Park.) Seely, Garrett Teller, B.S., Civil Engineer, Oswego. (Room 45 Dearborn Station, Chicago.) Sheean, Frank Thomas, Law Student, Galena. Sheean, Henry David, Law Student, Galena. Sheldon, Carl Edmunds, A.B., Law Student, Univ. of 111., Ster- ling. Smith, Charles Augustus, B.S., Architectural Draftsman, 2004 Shelby Ave., Mattoon. (With Reeves & Baillie, Peoria.) Smith, Elmer Church, B.S., Civil Engineer on Isthmian Canal Commission, Columbus, Neb. (Graytown, Nicaraugua, Cen- tral America.) Smith, Florence Mary, A.B., Teacher in High School, 606 W. Green St., Urbana. (11 Pearl St., Hornellsville, N. Y.) Smoot, Elma, A.B., Mrs. F. J. Postel, 5544 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Smurr, Tom Woods, A.B., 635 Illinois Ave., Ottawa. Staley, Maggie Edith, A.B., Mrs. H. V. Carpenter, Pullman, Wash. Streight, Laura Allana, B.L.S., Franklinville, N. Y. Swenson, Sidney Orin, B.S., 975 Warren Ave., Chicago. (Illi- nois Steel Co.) Tebbetts, George Edward, B.S., Ass't Engineer, 44 Mulberry St., Newark, N. J. (New Jersey Zinc Co., 115 Broadway, New York City.) Theiss, .Otto John, B.S., Engineer, with The United Gas Improve- ment Co. of Philadelphia, 64 Elm Place, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. (Pelham Gas Works.) Thompson, Ralph, A.B., Carbondale. Trapp, Harold Frederick, LL.B., Lawyer, 227 Tremont St., Lin- coln. (Hart's Block.) Ullensvang, Martin L, B.S., Teaching Science in High School, Webster City, la. Vance, William Herbert, B.S., U. S. Inspector, Illinois River Im- provement, Kampsville. 60 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Vial, Alice Mildred, A.B., Teacher, Western Springs. Volk, Edmund, B.S., Inspector for American Telegraph and Tele- phone Co., 932 N. Clark St., Chicago. (105 Quincy St.) Weaver, Ben: Perley, B.S., Student of Medicine, Univ. of 111., 432 Walnut St., Danville. (686 Jackson Bvd., Chicago.) Webster, William W., B.S., Draftsman, 373 Jennings Ave., Cleve- land, Ohio. (L. S. & M. S. Bldg.) Weirick, Ralph Wilson, M.Arch., Draftsman, with Herbert E. Hewitt, 417 Monroe St., Peoria. (22 Arcade Bldg.) Wernham, James Ingersoll, B.S., Student at Rush Medical Col- lege, Marengo. (Chicago.) Whitmeyer, Mark Hubert, B.S., Architect, 926 N. Robinson St., Danville. (15 N. Vermilion St.) Wilcox, Maurice Meacham, B.S., Capt., with I. C. R. R., Granada, Miss. Williams, George Bassett, B.S., Ass't Engineer, St. Louis Div., C, C, C, & St. L. R'y, Dole House, Mattoon. Wilmarth, George Henry, B.S., Inspecting Engineer, with Chi- cago Electric Traction Co., 6454 Armour Ave., Chicago. Woolsey, Lulu Catharine, A.B., Polo. Young, Bertram Otho, A.B., Law Student, Harvard Univ., LeRoy. Young, John Hayes, B.S., Night Switchboard Man, Wisconsin Telephone Co., 338 Brady St., Milwaukee, Wis. (424 Broad- way.) CLASS OF 1900 Abry, Bertrand Buhre, B.S., with Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co., 507 Rebecca Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Adams, Otto C, LL.B., Lawyer, 445 W. King St., Decatur. (406 Powers Bldg.) Alarco, Jose Maria, B.S., Manager Electric Light Co., Aguas. Calientes, Mexico. (Care Electric Light Co.) Ambler, Sarah, M.S., B.L.S., Librarian, Mt. Pleasant, la. Appelquist, Jerome Gustaf, B.S., Capt., Rodman, I. C. R. R., 1620 3rd Ave., Rock Island. (Jackson, Miss.) Ashley, Harriet Elizabeth, A.B., 363 S. Claremont St., Chicago. Baker, Zion Frost, LL.B., Sullivan. Barrett, George Francis, LL.B., Lawyer, 847 W. 22nd St., Chicago. Beck, Florence Maria, B.L.S., Librarian, Eastern Illinois State Normal School, Platteville, Wis. (Charleston.) Bennett, Edith Page, Teacher, Eastern Illinois State Normal School, Mattoon. (Charleston.) Boyd, Hobart Sherman, LL.B., Lawyer, Lewistown. Branch, Elizabeth, B.L.S., 610 S. State St., Champaign. ALUMNI 6l Brown, William Jay, B.S., Architectural Draftsman, with B. B Lewis, corner 8th and Jefferson Sts., Paducah, Ky. (516 Broadway.) Bullock, Jessie Jane, A.B., Teacher of Mathematics in High School, 202 N. 22nd St., Mattoon. Burke, Eugene Irving, B.S., Bookkeeper, with Citizens' Banking Co., 702 W. Springfield Ave., Champaign. Burroughs, Elmer, B.S., with Western Electric Co., 314 Jackson Bvd., Chicago. Busey, Robert Oscar, A.B., 201 W. Green St., Urbana. Bush, John Kenyon, A.B., Chemist, with Illinois Steel Co., 653 S. Chicago St., Joliet. Campbell, Bruce Alexander, A.B., Law Student, Albion. Capron, Clyde, A.B., Teacher, Marion. (Mt. Pulaski.) Church, Walter Samuel, B.S., Draftsman, with D. H. Burnham & Co., 2679 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. (1142 The Rookery.) Clatworthy, Linda Marie, B.L.S., Cataloger, Public Library, 227 N. Jefferson St., Dayton, O. Cooper, Fred Worth, LL.B., Law Student. 339 E. 62nd St., Chi- cago. Corbus, Burton Robison, B.S., M.D., Resident Physician, Lake- side Hospital, 4147 Lake Ave., Chicago. Darmer, George Alexander, A.B., Student in Rush Medical Col- lege, 408 W. Thomas Ave., Champaign. (Chicago.) Dolan, William John, LL.B., Lawyer, 247 N. Academy St., Gales- burg, (no Main St.) Doney, Oliver Kinsey, LL.B., Lawyer, 511 W. Illinois St., Urbana. (Corner Main and Market Sts.) Dougherty, Horace Raymond, A.B., LL.B., Lawyer, Manager Trust Department Title and Trust Co., 906 Glen Oak Ave., Peoria. (100 Y. M. C. A. Bldg.) Dowiatt, Stanislaw, B.S., Machinist, with Frazer & Chalmers, 72s W. 18th St., Chicago. Eddy, Clarence LeRoy, B.S., Capt., Civil Engineer, with C. & N. W. R'y Co., Weldon, la. (Princeton, Wis.) Fisher, John William, B.S., Teacher, Hiawatha, Kas. Foster, William Grant, B.S., Capt., Architectural Draftsman, 512 W. California Ave., Urbana. Fox, Harry Bert, B.S., Ass't in Geology, Univ. of 111., 1006 Cali- fornia Ave., Urbana. Francis, Frank D, A.B., Medical Student, New Lenox. (2713% Indiana Ave., Chicago.) 62 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Freeman, Harry Eben, B.S., Student at Northwestern Univ. Med- ical School, Millington. (2728 Wabash Ave., Chicago.) Gibbs, George, Jr., Student in Harvard Univ., 608 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana. Glenn, Leslie Leland, LL.B., Lawyer, Champaign. Glenn, Otis Ferguson, LL.B., Lawyer, Champaign. Goodenough, George Alfred, M.E., Ass't Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of 111., 909 W. Green St., Urbana. Graham, Hugh Joseph, A.B., Ass't in Rhetoric and Student in Col- lege of Law, Univ. of 111., 413 S. 7th St., Springfield. Gray, Robert, B.S., Draftsman, with United Typewriter Co., 1168 S. Ridgeway Ave., Chicago. (1036 Lincoln Ave.) Grossberg, Harry Altman, LL.B., Lawyer, 6029 Sangamon St., Chicago. (844 Unity Bldg., 79 Dearborn St.) Gunthorp, Pauline, B.L., B.L.S., Library Assistant, John Crerar Library, 124 S. Prairie Ave., Austin Station, Chicago. Hall, Elizabeth T, A.B., Student in Graduate School, Univ. of 111., 904 S. Busey Ave., Urbana. Hall, John Calvin, A.B., Teacher, Whiting, Ind. Hannan, John Edward, A.B., Student, Brown's Business School, 409 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign. Hanson, Rachelle Margaret, B.S., Science Teacher, Mary Nash College, Sherman, Texas. Harker, Oliver Albert, Jr., A.B., Stock Raising and Real Estate, Carbondale. Hartrick, Nancy Emma, A.B., Mrs. W. W. Webster, 373 Jennings Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Harts, David Hassleton, Jr., A.B., Student in Berlin, Germany, Lincoln. Hasson, Harry, B.S., Chemist, with Armour & Co., Lewistown. (Armour & Co. Laboratory, Stock Yards, Chicago.) Haven, Georgetta, B.L.S., Cataloger, Public Library, Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hawley, William Albert, B.S., Capt., Civil Engineer, Dundee. (Room 11, Union Station, Chicago.) Hayes, Zella Bernice, A.B., Teacher, Rankin. Headen, Thomas Moulton, A.B., Law Student, Shelbyville. Hines, Edward George, B.S., Capt., with Bridge and Building De- partment I. C. R. R., 1203 W. Main St., Urbana. Holabird, Robert Grant, B.S., 1500 Oak Ave., Evanston. (Hola- bird & Roche, 1618 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago.) Hughes, Clarence Wilbert, A.B., Teacher in High School, 1013 W. Illinois St., Urbana. (Mattoon.) ALUMNI 63 Jackman, Ida Louise, B.L.S., with Wisconsin Free Library Com- mission, 344 St. Charles St., Elgin. (222 S. Hamilton St., Mad- ison, Wis.) Jahr, Torstein, A.B., B.L.S., Librarian, Hamline, St. Paul, Minn. (Luther Theological Seminary Library.) Johnson, Charles Sunderland, B.S., with Frost Mfg. .Co., Gales- burg. Johnston, Arthur Russell, B.S., Ass't in Chemistry, Univ. of 111., Joliet Jordan, George Thomas, A.B., Farming, Tolono. Keeney, Henry Ezra, B.S., with Deane Steam Pump Co., 312 Ma- ple St., Holyoke, Mass. Kepler, George Frank, B.S., Draftsman, with Brown, Burton & Davis, 215 W. 9th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. (1801 Union Trust and Savings Bank Bldg.) Ketchum, Margaret Adele, LL.B., Lawyer, Carthage. Kirkpatrick, Asa Baird, B.S., Teacher, Elmwood. Krahl, Benjamin Franklin, B.S., Aurora. Kratz, James Piatt, A.B., Capt., Farming, Monticello. Kuehn, Alfred Leonard, B.S., Instructor in Civil Engineering, Univ. of 111., 704 W. Green St., Urbana. Lathrop, Olive Clarice, B.L.S., Hastings, Mich. Latzer, Jennie Mary, B.S., Student in Graduate School, Univ. of 111., Highland. Laugman, John Oscar, B.S., Student in Graduate School, Univ. of 111., Helmar. Lee, Julian Lisiecki, B.S., Draftsman, with I. C. R. R., McComb, Miss. Logue, Charles Louis, B.S., Capt., Chemist, with Michigan Starch Co., 233 Bay St., Traverse City, Mich. McWilliams, Helen Louise, A.B., Holder of Fellowship in French, Univ. of 111., 38 Second South St., Champaign. Mather, Lydia Maria, A.B., Teacher, Joliet. (Farmer City.) Maury, Howard VanReed, B.S., Draftsman, with New Castle Bridge Co., Rossville. (New Castle, Ind.) May, Fred Hutchinson, LL.B., Prophetstown. Mayall, Edwin Lyman, B.S., Draftsman, with Acme Harvester Co., Peoria, 904 N. Madison Ave., Peoria. Merrill, Stillwell Frederick, B.S., Ass't State Chemist of New York. (44 and 45 Lewis Blk., 13Y2 E. Swan St., Buffalo, N. Y.) Mulliken, Albert Danforth, LL.B., Lawyer, 404 W. Church St., Champaign. (3 Main St.) 64 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Newton, Fred Earle, A.B., Student in Graduate School, Univ. of 111., Onarga. Null, Marion Michael, B.S., Student in Medicine, Univ. of 111., Blandinsville. (Chicago.) Ostrowski, Samuel, LL.B., Lawyer, 512-514, 85 Dearborn St., Chicago. Owens, Wilkens Hoover, B.S., 715 W. University Ave., Cham- paign. Palmer, William Gay, A.B., Capt., Fellow in Latin, Univ. of 111., Princeton. Peeples, Cornelius James, A.B., Salesman, with Marshall Field & Co., The Hampden, Chicago. Pettinger, Robert Gerald, B.S., Draftsman and Sub-Station Oper- ator, with Chicago Edison Co.. 4723 Calumet Ave., Chicago. (139 Adams St.) Phillips, Theodore Clifford, B.S., Municipal and Sanitary Engi- neer, 686 Jackson Bvd., Chicago. (1580 Old Colony Bldg.) Pickett, Charles Churchill, A.B., LL.B., Professor of Law, Univ. of 111., 606 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana. Pollard, Earle Royal, B.S., Draftsman, 30 E. Cain St., Atlanta, Ga. (Atlanta Machine Works.) Ponzer, Ernest William, B.S., Instructor in Mathematics, Univ. of 111., 1001 W. Illinois St., Urbana. Posey, Chessley Justin, B.S., Superintendent of Schools, LeRoy. Praeger, William Emilius, B.S., Instructor in Biology, High School, Streator. Price, Anna May, B.L.S., Ass't Librarian, Univ. of S. Dak., Ver- million, S. Dak. Price, Helen Louise, B.L.S., Library Organizer, 909 California Ave., Urbana. (Covington, Ky.) Quaintance, Hadley Winfield, A.M., Division of Methods and Re- sults, Census Bureau, Washington, D. C. Quisenberry, Arthur Clifford, A.B., Clerk in Lincoln National Bank, 113 Hudson St., Lincoln. Radley, Guy Richardson, B.S., Electrician, with Milwaukee Elec- tric R'y and Light Co., 3226 Chestnut St., Milwaukee, Wis. (451 Broadway.) Reardon, Neal Daniel, A.B., Teacher High School, Boynton. (De~ catur.) Reed, Mrs. Adele Cooper, B.L.S., Paxton. Reimers, Frederick William, B.S., with Tri-City Electric Co., Dav- enport, la. (Times Office.) Rhodes, Edward Melvin, LL.B., Lawyer, 311 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign. (Schaefer & Rhoads, 1 Main St.) ALUMNI 65 Ricker, Raymond Craver, B.S., Architectural Draftsman, 615 18th St., Moline. (517 15th St.) Robbins, Ernest Thompson, B.S., Farmer and Stock Raiser, Pay- son. Robertson, Lloyd Silas, B.S., Student at Chicago Veterinary Col- lege, Barrington. (2537 State St., Chicago.) Rochow, Carl John Frederick, B.S., Student in Rush Medical Col T lege, Rock Island. (Chicago.) Roe, Arthur, LL.B., Lawyer, Vandalia. Rolfe, Martha Deette, B.S., Student in Graduate School, Univ. of 111., 601 E. John St., Champaign. Rowland, Elbert Mallary, LL.B., Student of Law, Olney. Rugg, Edna Almira, A.B., Teacher, Shurtleff College, Urbana. (Upper Alton.) Ryburn, Charles A, A.B., Heyworth. Saffer, Louis Byron, LL.B., Lawyer, 916 W. Illinois St., Urbana. (Corner Race and Elm Sts.) Safford, Edward Brigham, B.S., Chemist, Sycamore. Sanford, Delia Cleora, B.L.S., Teacher, Platteville, Wis. Sawyer, Ida Estelle, Ph.B., B.L.S., Cataloger, Northwestern Univ., 1031 Maple Ave., Evanston. Schaefer, Peter Philip, LL.B., Lawyer, 1 Main St., Champaign. (Schaefer & Rhodes.) Schneider, Edward John, B.S., Engineer, with Paxton & Vierling Iron Works, 2554 Leavenworth St., Omaha, Neb. Schulz, William Frederick, E.E., Student in Graduate School, Univ. of 111., 225 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Scudder, Benjamin Harrison, A.B., Student in University of Chi- cago, Center, Ind. Sears, Minnie Earl, M.S., B.L.S., Lafayette, Ind. Seely, Blanche, B.L., B.L.S., 506 S. 10th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Shrum, Mabel Claire, B.L.S., La Junta, Colo. Slocum, Roy Harley, B.S., Ass't in Mechanics, Univ. of 111., 926 W. Illinois St., Urbana. Smith, George Russell, B.S., Capt., Machinist, L. S. & M. S. R'y, Urbana. (Elkhart, Ind.) Smith, William Walter, A.B., Teacher, Sumner High School, 4148 Lucky St., St. Louis, Mo. Soverhill, Harvey Allen, B.S., Engineer, with Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 735 Church St., Beloit, Wis. Stakemiller, Benjamin Benton, B.S., Rodman, 111. & Miss. Canal., Sterling. 5 66 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Strohm, Adam Julius, B.L.S., Librarian, Armour Institute, 3743 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Strout, Frank Asbury, B.S., Draftsman, with P. & O. Co., 304 Mis- sissippi Ave., Joliet. (448 N. Avenue A, Canton.) Temple, Harry Roberts, B.S., Architectural Draftsman, with Sup't of Buildings and Grounds, Univ. of 111., 309 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign. Thompson, George Henry, A.B., Law Student, 202 Cass St., Chi- cago. (115 Dearborn St.) Thorpe, John Charles, B.S., Ass't to Engineer of Tests, C. B. & Q. Laboratory, 188 New York St., Aurora. Tooke, Charles Wesley, A.M., LL.B., Professor of Public Law and Administration, Univ. of 111., 508 W. Green St., Urbana. Trevett, John Howard, LL.B., 101 Elm St., Champaign. Tyler, Walter Simeon, B.S., Engineering Department, Cleveland Telephone Co., 915 Scranton Ave., Cleveland, O. Van Brundt, Chester S, LL.B., Law Student, Univ. of Colo., 1107 nth St., Boulder, Colo. Van Patten, Seth Fields, Graduate, Student in University of Cali- fornia, Santa Ana, Cal. (Berkeley, Cal.) Waits, Charles Jefferson, A.M., Teacher of Mathematics in High School, 1940 N. 10th St., Terre Haute, Ind. Waldo, Marie L, B.S., Teacher of Biology, High School, 131 N. 4th St., De Kalb. Wandell, Caroline, B.L.S., Library Organizer, Phoenix, N. Y. Waters, Willard Otis, A.B., B.L.S., Order Clerk, Library, Univ. of 111., 606 E. John St., Champaign. Wehrstedt, Otto Charles, B.S., Surveyor, with Chicago- Virden Coal Co., Virden. Wesemann, Adolph Henry, LL.B., Lawyer, La Grange. (83 Met- ropolitan Blk.) West, Maybelle Gay, B.L., B.L.S., Ass't Knox Coll. Library, 794 N. Academy St., Galesburg. Wiley, Raymond Sly, B.S., Capt., 735 N. Monroe St., Decatur. Willcox, Lucy Bertha Ely, B.L.S., Loan Desk Assistant, Univ. of 111., 903 California Ave., Urbana. Willis, Clifford, B.S., Teaching Mathematics in High School, 305 S. Neil St., Champaign. Wood, Harvey Edgerton, A.B., Student in College of Law, Univ. of 111., 913 Western Ave., Joliet. Woods, William Francis, A.B., Student in College of Law, Univ. of 111., 712 W. Illinois St., Urbana. Wray, George Thomas Henry, B.S., with Western Electric Co., 3320 Dearborn St., Chicago. ALUMNI OF THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE OF THE UNI- VERSITY OF ILLINOIS— COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF CHICAGO. CliASS OF 18S3 Abbott, William B., M.D., Pinconning, Mich. Arnold George W., M.D., Wheeler, Ind. Auld, James H., M.D., Knoxville, la. Brooks, James Miles, M.D., Newell, la. *Buchanan, R. W. Buchanan, Walter W., M.D., 1318 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Burke, Thomas F., M.D., De Witt, la. Caldwell, Francis C, M.D., 631 S. Oakley Ave., Chicago. Carhart, John W., M.D., LaGrange, Tex. Coe, Charles M., M.D., St. Joseph, Mo. Darby, Henry Charles, M.D., Wilmot, Wis. De Witt, Charles Herman, M.D., Glen wood, la. *Dyer, Ralph B. Edick, George H., M.D., 290 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Elliott, Elihu N., M.D., Mt. Pleasant, la. Ferro, Claude M., M.D., Tracy, Minn. Gafford, James A., M.D., Shawnee, Oklahoma. *Harris, John B., M.D., Hamilton, Mont. *Harsh, I. M. Harvey, Z. T., M.D., Council Town, Kas. Hoover, John C, M.D., Buford, Ky. Jay, Daniel D., M.D., Pulaski, la. Keith, Alva Nelson, M.D., Peoria. Kirkpatrick, Thomas, M.D., Ottumwa, la. Linabery, William L., M.D., Dover, N. J. Lovejoy, Halsey E., M.D., Rippey, la. Lovejoy, Walter, M.D., Afton, Wyo. McCullough, J. R., M.D., 37 Park Ave., Chicago. Mathieu, L., M.D., St. Anne. Maxon. O. P., M.D., Waukegan. Morton, R. J., M.D., Green, Kas. 67 68 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Riggs, J. S., M.D., Allison, la. Robertson, W. M., M.D., Denver, Colo. Roehr, C. G., 103 State St., Chicago. Ross, I. N., M.D., Milton Junction, Wis. Roth well, J. T., M.D., Ashland, Mo. Roy, William C, M.D., Englewood. Schuyler, W. C, M.D., Green Bay, Wis. *Sherman, F. L. Skinner, H. S., M.D., Shawnee, Oklahoma. Soper, J. H., M.D., 317 Noe St., San Francisco, Cal. *Spencer, T. H. *Sweat, I. M. Tanquary, J. H., M.D., St. Louis, Mo. Thatcher, J. B., M.D., Sedalia, Mo. Thompson, C. M., M.D., Sedalia, Mo. Van Tuyl, E. A., M.D., Riverside. Walrath, H. S., M.D., 11 East 17th St., St. Paul, Minn. Weaver, Wm. H., M.D., 126 State St., Chicago. Weidner, M. R., M.D., Dolton. Wood, C. B., M.D., Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. Wood, J. W., M.D., Long Beach, Cal. CLASS OF 1884 Anderson, H. B., M.D., Traverse City, Mich. Babccck, Elmer E., M.D., 3239 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Barber, Chauncey L., M.D., Albion, Mich. Barkow, Gustav C. W., M.D., Los Angeles, Cal. Bellamy, William Thomas, M.D., Pleasant View. Bird, John Henry, M.D., care P. D. & Co., 90 Maiden Lane, N. Y. *Blakeslee, N. P. Brick, Samuel L., M.D., Ogden, Utah. Brumback, Arthur H., M.D., 109 Loomis St., Chicago. Chittenden, R. H., M.D., Mound City, Mo. Church, Archibald, M.D., 805 Pullman Bldg., Chicago. Coomes, Asa, M.D., Streator. Curtis, Razel M., M.D., Union. Doig, J. R., M.D., San Diego, Cal. Edelin, Benedict H., M.D., Gorin, Mo. Evans, Niels C, M.D., Mt. Horeb, Wis. Foster, Irving C, M.D., Albion, Mich. Fowler, W. E., M.D., Brookville, Kas. Goodman, Thomas B., M.D., Anna. ALUMNI 69 Harkness, George S., M.D., Stockton, Cal. Harlan, Alison W., M.D., Masonic Temple, Chicago. Harrison, W. K., M.D., 103 State St., Chicago. Hatton, William D., M.D., Memphis, Mo. Horrell, Charles B., M.D., Colchester. Horton, Jackson D., M.D., Nashua, la. *Houghland, A. C. Inks, John S., M.D., Nappanee, Ind. Jenckes, Herbert D., M.D., Jasper, Minn. *Jones, R. W. Jordan, L. M., M.D., 21 W. Ohio St., Indianapolis, Ind. Luckey, C. M., M.D., Baldwin, la. Lumbeck, Frank, M.D., Kingston, O. Mathers, W. R., M.D., Rock Hill, Cotton County, Texas. Mikkelson, M., M.D., Wells, Faribault County, Minn. Mitchell, T. B., M.D., 348 S. Campbell Ave., Chicago. Morrison, D. M., M. D. *Munzer, I. Printz, E. T., M.D., Moulton, la. Raimonde, L. S. J., M.D., San Francisco, Cal. Reiley, I. H., M.D., 168 W. 23d St., New York. ^Romans, L. L. Sawyer, F. M., M.D., South Bend, Ind. Schmitz, E. A., M.D., 84 Juneau Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. *Shearer, I. W. Stevenson, P. W., M.D., Easton, Pa. Sweemer, W. M., M.D., 1814 Walnut St., Milwaukee, Wis. Van Patten, L., M.D., St. Charles. Wassail, J. W., M.D., 208 Dearborn Ave., Chicago. Whitnall, William R., M.D., Hastings, la. Wilson, William H., M.D., Table Rock, Neb. Winterbotham, William H., M.D., Salina, Kas. *Younger, W. I. CLASS OF 1885 Allen, Albert F., M.D., 5456 Ridgewood Court, Chicago. Allen, William E., M.D., Corinth, Mich. *Bahnsen, W. J. Brinkerhoff, Clarence E., M.D., 182 N. Halsted St., Chicago. Brinkerhoff, G. Erwin, M.D., 1003 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. Bundy, William C, M.D., Aurelia, la. Caldwell, W. C, M.D., 174 S. Halsted St., Chicago, 5 70 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS — COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Cook, E. L., M.D., Harlan, la. Crowley, D. D., M.D., 1068 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. Cummings, Charles G., M.D., 171 E. 7th St., St. Paul, Minn. Davis, Thomas A., M.D., 979 Jackson Bvd, Chicago. Drost, Casper M., M.D., Grand Rapids, Mich. Dunning, Arthur W., M.D., Arcade Building, St. Paul, Minn. Eagleson, James B., M.D„ Seattle, Wash. Earle, Francis B., M.D., 535 Washington Bvd, Chicago. Eddy, William J., M.D., Shelbyville. Fallis, Charles W., M.D., Danville. Fliesburg, Oscar A., M.D., 336 7th St., St. Paul, Minn. Fordyce, Oscar, M.D., Guthrie Center, la. Gillette, Leslie B., M.D., Marion, Kas. Gfroerer, George S., M.D., 330 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Hall, Alonzo H., M.D., Niantic. Harvey, W. Scott, M.D., Salina, Kas. Herb, Samuel M., M.D., Geneva, Neb. Henry, James M., M.D., Hildreth, Neb. Hood, Calvin T., M.D., 992 W. Adams St., Chicago. Johnson, Hartland C, M.D., 176 Concord St., St. Paul, Minn. *Kiskadden, H. S. Kynett, William H., M.D., Battle Creek, Mich. Latta, Ulysses G., M.D., Janesville, Wis. Luce, Joseph E., M.D., Chilton, Wis. Martin, J. A. J., M.D., Red Oak, la. Malone, Edward William, M.D., Oconomowoc, Wis. Miles, R. H., M.D., Linden, Kas. Moore, M. T., M.D., Jefferson. Murray, A. J., M.D., Frederickton Junction, New Brunswick. Paul, I. O., M.D., Winnebago. Pearce, W. W., M.D., Waukegan. Phelps, G. M., M.D., Kansas City, Mo. Phillips, J. B. C, M.D., 9 Palmetto St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Pierce, N. H., M.D., 521 Dearborn Ave., Chicago. Raymer, H. S., M.D., Cedar Rapids, la. Robey, F. R., M.D., Cedar Rapids, la. Rogers, B. W., M.D., 1103 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. Safley, L. E., M.D., Bozeman, Mont. Safley, W. M., M.D., Bozeman, Mont. Senn, F. C, M.D., Oshkosh, Wis. Shepherd, W. W., M.D., 215 Loomis St., Chicago. Sherwood, O. W., M.D., West Port, Cal. ALUMNI 7 1 Stevens, J. S., M.D., Cedar Falls, la. Sutherland, D. E., M.D., Bay City, Mich. Tebbetts, F. M., M.D., 439 W. Taylor St., Chicago. Tobias, G. J., M.D., 1201 Champlain Building, Chicago. *Thompson, J. R. Tollington, G., M.D., Clearwater, Minn. Trulson, T. A., M.D., Stanton, la. VanHook, W., M.D., 4043 Grand Bvd, Chicago. Wagner, A. L., M.D., Eglon, W. Va. *Waldron, J. M. Winstead, M. L., M.D., Cobden. CLASS OF 1886 Abaly, W. C, M.D., Madison, Wis. Anderson, Perry L., M.D., 126 State St., Chicago. Beach, William M., M.D., Shelton, Wash. Bell, Allen, M.D., Freeport, Kas. Bertrand, J. H., M.D., De Forest, Wis. Boice, George W., M.D., 1155 S. Western Ave., Chicago. Brainard, Benjamin F., M.D., N. E. Corner 5th Ave. and Wyan- dotte St., Kansas City, Mo. Brendecke, A. C, M.D., 56 W. Randolph St., Chicago. Brigham, Brayton A., M.D., 103 State St., Chicago. Brinkerhoff, W. C, McVicker's Theater Bldg, Chicago. Brock, William B., M.D., Olin, la. *Brown, Robert A., M.D. Buttner, W. Adolph, M.D., 729 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Case, Charles E., M.D., Everett, Wash. Chidester, Chancy W., M.D., Burton, O. Cook, Chas. H., M.D., Homer, Mich. Crepin, Henry E., M.D., San Diego, Cal. *Densmore, D. T. Doyle, James F., M.D., Green Bay, Wis. Duff, Vincent E., M.D., Mound City, Mo. Ellis, Samuel A., M.D., Azusa, Cal. English, William T., M.D., Winona, Minn. Follansbee, Willard S., M.D., Danbury, Conn. Fortner, Elbert C, M.D., State St., Chicago. Gallison, Frank E., M.D., Point Arena, Cal. Gibson, James, M.D., Janesville, Wis. Goldstein, Louis, M.D., Henderson, Ky. *Hall, D. W. 72 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS — COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Hass, Archibald, M.D., 1046 N. Western Ave., Chicago. Henderson, N. H., M.D., 4401 Champlain Ave., Chicago. Hileman, J. E., M.D., Dallas, Tex. Holmboe, Antoin, M.D., 128 Oak St., Chicago. Johnston, Stuart William, M.D., Venetian Building, Chicago. Kane, William W., M.D., Coultersville. ' Kaszer, Jacob, M.D., Plymouth, Ind. Knapp, William H., M.D., 106 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Laughlin, Willet H., M.D., Arlington Heights. Lee, Julius H., M.D., 214 N. May St., Chicago. Loope, G. L., M.D., Bessemer, Mich. Lowe, F. O., M.D., Kewanee. McCallum, William, M.D., Gladstone, Mich. McClellan, J. J., M.D., 11 15 N. High St., Columbus, Ohio. McCracken, T., M.D., Puyallup, Wash. McGlasson, T. R, M.D., Lewiston, Mo. Malcolm, F. B., M.D., Chong King, care Local Post, Kong Kow, China. Marnes, C. M., M.D. Martin, E. C, M.D. *Merrill, S. B. L., M.D. Miller, B., M.D., Chicago. Miller, E., M.D., Kensington. Miller, W. H., M.D., Hanford, Tulare County, Cal. Mitchell, L. J., M.D., 71 Laflin St., Chicago. Parsons, G. F., M.D., 3904 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Peabody, H. A., M.D., Webster, S. D. Rittenhouse, W. F., M.D., 975 Warren Ave., Chicago. Roberts, William, M.D., Watseka. Rogers, H. S., M.D., Red Oak, la. Ryan, C. O., M.D. Shallabarger, D. S., M.D., Yankton, S. Dak. Shidler, A. L., M.D., South Bend, Ind. Smith, G. E., M.D., Masonic Temple, Chicago. Taggart, T. E., M.D., Delano, Cal. Tillotson, H. T., M.D., 6301 Yale Ave., Chicago. *Turnock, E. Weir, William A., M.D., Edinburg, O. Wiggin, T .B., M.D., 690 E. 48th St., Chicago. *Wikkerink, G. Williams, J. R., M.D., White Pigeon, Mich. Wilson, A. R., M.D., 1053 Walnut Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. ALUMNI 73 Wintermute, C. E., M.D., Pewaukee, Wis. Wisse, I., M.D., 18 W. Bridge St., Grand Rapids, Mich. CLASS OF 1887 *Bein, William. *Bradway, A. C. Bruner, J. M. O., M.D., Port Byron. Casey, Samuel B., M.D., 542 Hancock St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Cone, C. Conrad, M.D., Oskaloosa, la. Cooney, Henry C, M.D., Princeton, Minn. Earle, Clarence A., M.D., Des Plaines. ] Eversol, Garibaldi, M.D., Chandlerville. Finley, E. L., M.D., Streator. Fisher, John, M.D., 364 LaSalle St., Chicago. Flint, Edward N., M.D./Winship, Minn. Flower, Ward Z., M.D., Gibbon, Minn. Fredigke, Charles C, M.D., 34 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Gile, Ulysses A., M.D., Montesano, Wash. Goodsmith, Heber M., M.D., 396 Belden Ave., Chicago. Hanson, F. A., M.D., Abrams, Wis. Harris, Philander H., M.D., 426 Milwaukee St., Milwaukee, Wis. Hart, Albert T., M.D., Bliss, N. Y. Hektoen, Ludwig E., M.D., Rush Medical College, Chicago. ♦Heffelfinger, W. W. Holmes, Edgar R., M.D., Ayr, Neb. Hulen. Vard H., M.D., 21 16 Market St., Galveston, Tex. Hund, J., M.D., 10 Center St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Johnston, A. Ralph, M.D., 4458 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Jones, Richard H., M.D. Kaumheimer, G. J., M.D., 508 Third St., Milwaukee, Wis. Kincheloe, M. B., M.D., Appleton City, Mo. Klophel, C. G. B., M.D., Utica, N. Y. *Koontz, S. E. Kordenat, C. F. W., Reedsburg, Wis. Lane, Myron E., M.D., Champaign. McNamara, J. M., M.D., 5503 S. Halsted St., Chicago. McNulty, C. A., M.D., Virginia City, Mont. Miller, R. C, M.D., Shannon. Miller, W. E., M.D., 1143 California Ave., Chicago. Moraux, J. D., M.D., Gren Bay, Wis. Mulder, D., M.D., 161 Grandville Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Norderling, K. A., M.D., 1303 Belmont Ave., Chicago. 74 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS — COLLEGE OF MEDICINE O'Connell, Jefferson J., M.D., Honesdale, Pa. Oviatt, Charles W., M.D., Maple Lodge, Oshkosh, Wis. Remmen, N. E., M.D., 610 W. North Ave., Chicago. Richmond, J., M.D., Black River Falls, Wis. Roberts, J. C, M.D., Second and Spencer Sts., Peoria. Sargent, J. S., M.D., Ferndale, Cal. Schick, G., M.D., 136 Clark St., Chicago. Schneider, A., M.D., care Columbia College, New York. Sweet, C. A., M.D., Carson City, Mich. Voiding, N. M., M.D., Des Moines, la. *Ward, C. B. Way, J. P., M.D., 12th St. and Western Ave., Chicago. Weil, C. A., M.D., 1107 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Whiting, J. B., M.D., City Hospital, Janesville, Wis. Wirt, G. M., M.D., Decatur, Mich. CLASS OP 1888 Anderson, William O., M.D., Rick's Blk., Eureka, Cal. Baily, F. M., M.D., Waynesburg, O. Bradfield, J. A. L., M.D., La Crosse, Wis. Brengle, G. C, Winchester. Brown, I. W., M.D., New London, Wis. *Bulson, H. R., M.D. Burrell, H. L., M.D., 13th and Douglass Sts., Omaha, Neb. Burrows, A. W., M.D., Commercial Blk., Salt Lake City, Utah. Burson, S. W., M.D., 44 N. Clark St., Chicago. Cameron, Neil, M.D., Burwell, Neb. Casey, Levi B., M.D., Marion. *Coe, M. F. Coker, William W., M.D., 2802 Archer Ave., Chicago. Cullen, Frank C, M.D., 561 W. 12th St., Chicago. *Davis, J. H. Duckworth, Frank E., M.D., Kearney, Neb. Fall, Clifford, M.D., Beatrice, Neb. Feltenstein, David W., M.D., St. Joseph, Mo. Fowler, William S., M.D., 38 Madison St., Chicago. Glover, John F., M.D., Evansville, Ind. Haines, Thomas J., M.D., Three Rivers, Mich. Harris, B. Y., M.D., Box 422, Eureka, Cal. Holliday, Henry A., M.D., Amery, Wis. Hueston, David P., M.D., Dyer, Ind. Jones, David TV, M.D., Wausau, Wis. ALUMNI 75 Malone, W. R, M.D., 598 Mitchell St., Milwaukee, Wis. Mattison, F. C. E., M.D., Pasadena, Cal. Michael, R. R., M.D., Eureka, Cal. Miller, E. J., M.D., Marion Junction, S. Dak. Myers, F. L., M.D., Sheldon. Nesbit, G. M., M.D., LaPorte City, la. Peterson, H. F. W., M.D., Elgin. Pile, O. G., M.D., Memphis, Mo. Selbach, J. J., Eau Claire, Wis. Shallern, B. V., M.D., Ripon, Wis. Shidler, S., M.D., Sheridan, Mo. Sinclair, J. D., M.D., 4101 Grand Bvd., Chicago. Staib, O. W., M.D., Bartlett. Stanton, J. T., M.D., 194 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Sterling, C, M.D., Sacramento, Cal. Stewart, W. B., M.D., Joliet. Towle, W. B., M.D., 197 St. Urbain St., Montreal, Canada. White, H. E., M.D., Campus. Williamson, L. R., M.D., 844 Racine St., Milwaukee, Wis. *Wood, J. J. Wylie, D. B., M.D., Grand Opera House Blk., Milwaukee, Wis. CLASS OP 1889 Borland, S. F., M.D., 11 Clayton Blk., Denver, Colo. Burcky, William E., M.D., 6641 S. Halsted St., Chicago. *Cady, G. M. Cargill, Chauncey W., M.D., Mason City. Cheney, Franklin S., M.D., 674 W. Madison St., Chicago. Cronk, Harvey R., M.D., 68 Madison Ave., New York. Crosby, Isaac F., M.D., Menlo, la. Dempster, William H., M.D., Geneva, Neb. Dougherty, B. F., M.D., Kankakee. Eames, H. F. Eddy, J. Henry, M.D., 903 E. Eldorado St., Decatur. Ewing, Harry P., M.D., Bessemer, Mich. Gillmore, C. Marsh, M.D., Markesan, Wis. Gluck, Isidor, M.D., Profesa, Mex. *Godard, W. A. §race t Thomas J., M.D., Clark's Mills, Pa. Gray, Albert S., M.D., 103 State St., Chicago. Hebert, O., M.D., 1517 Green Bay Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Hibbs, G. B., M.D., Mitchelville, la. 76 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Holbrook, F. D., M.D., ioo State St., Chicago. Hornbogen, Alfred W., M.D., Port Washington, Wis. Karreman, A. R., M.D., 6258 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Kennicott, P. A., M.D., Shermerville, Wis. Leusman, Frederick, M.D., 270 E. Huron St., Chicago. Liddy, T. F., M.D., 31st and Wallace Sts., Chicago. Linden, F. C, M.D., 748 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Loewy, Arthur, M.D., Elgin. *Luce, J. O. MacCornack, E. A., M.D., 2 Nalbing Blk., Elgin. Martin, E., M.D., 3919 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Moras, E. R., M.D., 171 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Morton, A. J., M.D., Williamsfield. Moyers, L. E., M.D., Malta. Munford, J. R., M.D., 5027 Pennsylvania Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Onstott, E. E., M.D., Petersburg, Pa. Owen, William R., M.D., Sublette. Phar, W. I., M.D., Goodwine. Porter, W. J., M.D., Hedrick, la. Post, G. A., M.D., Mendota, Wis. Powell, Preston, M.D., Menasha, Wis. Radley, J. H., M.D., 140 W. 16th St., New York City. Rogers, F. W., M.D., Hartford, Wis. Stremmel, S. C, M.D., Macomb. Soule, C. E., M.D., Sheridan. Terry, C. C, M.D., Akron, Ind. Walford, E. S., M.D, Diamondale, Mich. Walsh, T. M., M.D., 3049 S. State St., Chicago. Warren, H. S., M.D., 1344 Jackson Bvd., Chicago. Watson, E. L., M.D., Mt. Hope, O. Wermuth, W. C, M.D., 277 Bissell St., Chicago. CLASS OF 1S90 Abbey, C. D., M.D., 831 W. 47th St., Chicago. Bagnall, George D., M.D., Millbrook, Pa. Ballard, W. H., M.D., 126 State St., Chicago. Bellack, B. F., M.D., Columbus, Wis. Bennett, O. P., M.D., Venetian Bldg., Chicago. Bowen, Fred J., M.D., Tuscarora, N. Y. Brick, Paul L., M.D., Le Mars, la. Cole, T. E., M.D., Le Mars, la. Corbett, Matthew, M.D., 1082 W. 12th St., Chicago. ALUMNI 77 Dahl, Svenning, M.D., 738 W. North Ave., Chicago. Darling, U. Grant, M.D., Moreland, Chicago. Dodd, Oscar, M.D., 103 State St., Chicago. Doepp, Edward A., M.D., Blue Island. Einarson, Benedict, M.D., Englewood, Chicago. Ellis, James P., M.D., Augusta. Gilbert, John D., M.D., Fond du Lac, Wis. . Henkel, F. W. E., M.D., 538 Ashland Ave., Chicago. Heylman, Charles J., M.D., 479 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Hipke, Gustav A., M.D., Casco, Wis. Hooper, William F., M.D., Magazine, Ark. *Hopkins, A. G. Houston, R. R. Howard, James J., M.D., Columbus, Wis. Huennekens, Joseph H., M.D., St. Martins, Wis. Jackson, V. R., M.D., Danville. Jenny, F. L. B., M.D., 103 State St., Chicago. King, L. R., M.D., Junction City, Kan. Klemme, J. J., M.D., Strawn. Leiter, William S., M.D., Packerton, Ind. Lentes, Nicholas E., M.D., 945 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Long, Charles W., M.D., Arlington Park Sanitarium, Denver, Colo. McFarlane, W. A., M.D., 967 W. Taylor St., Chicago. Mack, J. C, M.D., Clarion, la. McKlveen, H. B., M.D., Cain, la. McGuire, John, M.D., Kings Park, N. Y. McWilliams, C, M.D., Lowden, la. Mai, Herman, M.D., 170 Wilson St., Chicago. Manny, J. H., M.D., 317 Belden Ave., Chicago. Meyerowitz, M., M.D., 179 W. 12th St., Chicago. Mills, E. M., M.D., Payson. Morse, A. J., M.D., Chilton, Wis. Muffat, M., M.D., Palatine. Nieukirk, J. W., M.D., Union Mills, Ind. Porter, M. C, M.D., Adams, Kas. Prohaska, O. F., M.D., 1107 Broadway, Cleveland, O. Purdy, A. H., M.D., 500 Reed St., Milwaukee, Wis. Roach, T. E., M.D., Renova, Pa. Shellito, E., M.D., Marcellus, Mich. Sherry, H., M.D., Redlands, Oal. Sterrett, R. M., M.D., 904 Masonic Temple, Chicago. Tictin, A. J., M.D., Barnum, Minn. 78 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS — COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Tower, F. J., M.D., no Mason St.. Milwaukee, Wis. Valby, J. P., M.D., Rice La"ke, Wis. Walil, E. W., M.D., Gilmore, Ark. White, A. G., M.D., Milwaukee Hospital, Milwaukee, Wis. Whitehead, R. M., M.D., 361 Lexington Ave., New York. Whitman, C. H., M.D., Los Angeles, Cal. CLASS OF 1891 *Baer, J. F. Barber, Martin C, M.D., Apple River. Behrendt, A. J., M.D., 721 Elston Ave., Chicago. Brengle, D. D., Jr., M.D., Winchester. Brown, Charles F., M.D., Warren Ave., near California Ave., Chi- cago. Brown, R. H., M.D., 121 1 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. Bushby, Alonzo L., M.D., Gratiot, Wis. Clausen, James J., M.D., Rialto Bldg., Room 501, Kansas City, Mo. Colegrove, Andrew, M.D., Taylorville. Craig, Silvius S., M.D., Mamosa, Colo. Earle, Edward G., M.D., 270 E. North Ave., Chicago. Fowler, George W., M.D., Marengo. Fraser, Jefferson E., M.D., Garner, la. Gafney, Thomas H., M.D., 441 S. State St., Chicago. Genung, Frank C, M.D., Forreston. Grimme, Ludwig A., M.D., 203 E. Belmont Ave., Chicago. Harris, J. L., M.D., Webster, S. Dak. Hessell, Adam A., M.D., Bellevue, O. Hipke, William, M.D., Hustisford, Wis. James, Robert L., M.D., Blue Island. Kensington, M. L., M.D., Metropolis City. King, George E., M.D., Mattawan, Mich. Lawther, F. H., M.D., 3156 Armour Ave., Chicago. Leedle, G. T., M.D., 2901 Archer Ave., Chicago. Maxey, E. E., M.D., Caldwell, Idaho. Medill, W. W., M.D., 1937 Stout St., Denver, Colo. O'Brien, William T., M.D., 722 E. 2d St., Ashland, Wis. Phillips, F. A., M.D., Lawton, Mich. Poposky, Joseph, M.D., 16 Turner St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Ricker, S. J., M.D., 127 La Salle St., Aurora, von Schallern, Ottmar, M.D., Ripon, Wis. Schlawig, J. J., Jr., M.D., 5151 Fourth St., Sioux City. la. Sempill, R. A., M.D., 119 E. Madison St., Chicago. ALUMNI 79 Sullivan, James, M.D., 6250 Lexington Ave., Chicago. *Tanquary, Walter M. Thorn, F. A., M.D., 279 State St., Chicago. Train, J. A., M.D., 146 W. Blackhawk St., Chicago. Walker, G. B., M.D., 38 Walnut St., Chicago. Wallace, H. R., M.D., 106 43d St., Chicago. Warren, B. H., M.D., Wichita, Kas. Willard, L. M., M.D., Wausau, Wis. CLASS OP 1892 Abeliovitz, J. Morris, M.D., 372 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Alcorn, David N., M.D., Stevens Point, Wis. Altenloh, Henry, M.D., 922 W. North Ave., Chicago. Brianza, Arthur M., M.D., Van Buren and Western Ave., Chicago. Brown, Robert W., M.D., Greenville, Mass. Burton, Robert H., M.D., Belvidere. *Chaffee, C. C. Chapman, Chauncy F., M.D., 252 Warren Ave., Chicago. Cole, James H., M.D., Thurman, la. Cushing, Martin D., M.D., Joliet. Dean, Fred Mark, M.D., Jefferson, la. Doty, Arthur J., M.D., 728 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Edmunds, Gerold O., M.D., Sheffield and Fullerton Aves., Chicago. Goss, Edwin L., M.D., Sheffield, la. Grubb, Albert G., M.D., Mongo, Ind. Harris, William Elbert, M.D., Omaha, Neb. Hawley, Edgar Reed, M.D., 3567 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Hazen, S. S., M.D., Hartstown, Pa. Hilliker, J. B., M.D., Grand Rapids, Mich. Holzman, J., M.D., 476 31st St., Chicago. Hopkins, C. N., M.D., Los Angeles, Cal. Klimmek, Otto, M.D., 1326 Belmont Ave., Chicago. Kroening, A. E., M.D., 557 Garfield Bvd., Chicago. Luce, F. A., M.D., 481 Ogden Ave., Chicago. Nordlund, J. E., M.D., Denver, Colo. Post, C. M., M.D., Alfred Center, N. Y. Provan, D. M., M.D., 709 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Richardson, W. B., M.D., Elliott. Ritter, M. M., M.D., 100 State St., Chicago. *Roche, J. J. Seim, G. S., M.D., Blue Island. Sladek, B., M.D., 581 W. 18th St., Chicago. 80 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Slamberg, N. A. L. K., M.D., Kimballton, Wis. Smythe, F. R., M.D., Bismarck, N. D. Stanger, G. H., M.D., Boone, la. Stoddard, C. H., M.D., Colton, Cal. Stolnitzski, S., M.D., 564 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Throckmoton, F. R., M.D., Derby, la. Unger, A. M., M.D., 277 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. Whitmer, L. W., M.D., 1508 Aldine Ave., Chicago. Wood, F. C, M.D., West Salem, Wis. Woodruff, H. W., M.D., Joliet. CLASS OF 1893 x\bt, Joseph L., M.D., McHenry or 12th and Canal Sts., Chicago. Absher, Allen Albert, M.D., Belmont. Adams, J. F., M.D., 355 W. Erie St., Chicago. Allen, Manning L., M.D., Tama, la. Archibald, Frank M., M.D., Tama, la. Arnold, D. Elmer, M.D., Heckla, S. Dak. Beam, William O., M.D., Neoline, la. Boddiger, Charles Edwin, M.D., Archer Ave., Corner Main St., Chicago. Boyd, S. J., M.D., 103 State St., Chicago. Bogle, H. H., M.D., Beulah, la. Brink, Chester A., M.D., Warren. *Brooks, Francis R., M.D. Chamberlain, George E., M.D., Minneapolis, Minn. Clark, Henry H., M.D., White, S. Dak. Connell, Samuel W.. M.D., Menomonee Falls. Wis. Cook, R. H., M.D., Grayville. Dustin, Herbert D. C, M.D., West Bend, Wis. Ehrmann, Fred J. E., M.D., Hoyne Ave. and 22d St., Chicago. Faith, Thomas, M.D., 103 State St., Chicago. Fee, Willis, M.D., Williamsburg, Kas. Fenstermacher, Charles C, M.D., Jones, Mich. Fetherston, Edward B., M.D., Ravenswood, Chicago. Fermstead, Olaf, M.D., Minneapolis, Minn. Fulton, Arthur M., M.D., Fairfield, la. Fyfe, Richard, M.D., 683 Washington Bvd., Chicago. Galloway, David Henry, M.D., Oakwood Bvd., Chicago. Goldthorpe, Elmer E., M.D., Englewood, Chicago. Haiselden, H. J., M.D., 475 Belden Ave., Chicago. Hahn, Albert F., M.D., Mishicot, Wis. ALUMNI Hardie, C. J., M.D., El Paso, Tex. Harvey, A. M., M.D., 565 W. Madison St., Chicago. Hauenstein, G. W., M.D., Elkhart, Ind. Hegge, C. A., M.D., Austin, Minn. Hegge, O. H., M.D., Austin, Minn. Henssler, O. W., M.D., 733 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Herrold, R. H., M.D., East Chicago, Ind. Hibbert, G. A., M.D., 2858 Wallace St., Chicago. Holliday, E. R., M.D., Clear Lake, Wis. Jacobus, Leon A., M.D., Winfield, Kas. Kelley, William R., M.D. Kellogg, Charles Elmer, M.D., Northboro, la. Kerr, I. J., M.D., Wilson and Huff Aves., Cleveland, O. Kilbride, J. S., M.D., Dawson, Minn. *Latto, W. W., M.D. Livingston, W. R., M.D., Tampico, Mexico. Lumley, W. A., M.D., Renville, Minn. McDonnald, J. S., M.D. McNulty, J. F., M.D., Warren, S. Dak. Madison, P. C, M.D., 387 S. Leavitt St., Chicago. Manley, S. H., M.D., Stockton, Cal. Mansifee, W. H., M.D., 2301 Chestnut' St., St. Louis, Mo. Martin, J. H., M.D., Scales Mound. Miller, W. H. H., M.D., Shannon. Miles, F. W., M.D., Ottumwa, la. Monosmith, O. B., M.D., 375 S. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. Moore, A. W., M.D., Bristol. Newcomer, J. S., M.D., 12th and Oakley Ave., Chicago. O'Malley, William H., M.D., Kinsman. Osincup, F. A., M.D., Waverly, la. *Otto, Emil, M.D. Packard, C. D., M.D., Rhinelander, Wis. Patterson, J. W. M,.D., Oconee. Pierron, J. J., M.D., 5th Ave. and Harrison St., Chicago. Post, C. C, M.D., Barron, Wis. Prescott, H. V., M.D., Dallas City. Renn, T. H., M.D., 227 Townsend St., Chicago. Roff, O. W., M.D., Newton, Kas. Roos, David William, M.D., South Frankfort, Mich. Rowe, E. J., M.D., Dorchester, Neb. Salter, Allen, M.D., Lena. Seufert, E. G., M.D., 827 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. 6 82 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS — COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Smith, E. L., M.D., 525 43d St., Chicago. Spach, A. B., M.D., 312 63d St., Chicago. Stevens, M. E., M.D., Texarkana, Ark. Stewart, J. L., M.D., Minnesota City, Minn. Stewart, W. T., M.D., 2106 W. 12th St., Chicago. Stixrud, T. M., M.D., 728 W. North Ave., Chicago. Stoltz C, M.D., South Bend, Ind. Taylor, O. G., M.D., Palestine. Tucker, W. L., M.D., Adams, Mass. Upton, F. F., M.D., 27 Bickerdike St., Chicago. Van Duyn, A. H., M.D., Middleport, O. Warriner, W. W., M.D., Richmond, Mo Waxham, C, M.D. Williams, J. J., M.D., Cross Timbers, Mo. Williams S. E„ M.D., Vanorin. CLASS OF 1894 Andrews, Benjamin F., M.D., Oskaloosa, la. Anker, I. Charles, M.D., Chicago. Atkins, Milton H., M.D., San Francisco, Cal. Berard, H. W., M.D., 1107 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago. Bluhm, G. J., M.D., 352 W. 14th St., Chicago. Borst, Henry, M.D., 3255 State St., Chicago. Bradley, Edgar J., M.D., Turner Junction. Brown, W. S., M.D., Elgin. Buckley, Thomas J., M.D., German Hospital, Chicago. Burke, William P., M.D., Los Angeles, Cal. Cole, John H., M.D., Sherman, Mich. Crowley, Peter F., M.D., Jefferson Park, Chicago. Cunningham, Milton V., M.D., Youngstown, O. Darcy, Frank D., M.D., S. Chicago. Davidow, Aaron D., M.D., 937 3d Ave., New York. Day, Edwin S., M.D., Des Moines, la. DeKraker, James M., M.D., Grand Rapids, Mich. Dilworth, William D., M.D., Huenene, Cal. Doederlein, Theodore J., M.D., Leipsig, Germany. Doepp, Fred F., M.D., Homewood. Donaldson, Oliver H., M.D., Pearl City. Evans, Daniel W., M.D., Dell Rapids, S. Dak. Evenson, H. C, M.D., 728 N. Leavitt St., Chicago. *Foster, Albert A., M.D. Gregory, Arthur T., M.D., Elroy, Wis. ALUMNI 83 Hart, Thomas B., M.D., Raton, New Mexico. Hartung, Henry, M.D., 596 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. Herriges, Phillip, M.D., Hingjiam, Wis. Holmes, J. B., M.D., Macomb. Hornbogen, Harry J., M.D., Marquette, Mich. Ide, Oscar M., M.D., Sabula, la. Isaacs, Lewis Joel, M.D., 2061 38th St., Chicago. Jamison, Homer, M.D., Milb'urn. Josephson, Victor, M.D., Sangamon St., near 14th St., Chicago. Karnopp, Gottfried L., M.D., Manitowoc, Wis. Kerr, Edgar D., M.D., Oconee. Kerrigan, J. J., M.D., 1367 W. North Ave., Chicago. Kuflewski, Wladslau A., M.D., 724 W. 18th St., Chicago. Lanstrum, O. M., M.D., Marysville, Mont. *Larson, H. LaSpada, Francisco, M.D., San Jose, Cal. Lauson, Albert E., Brady and Marshall Sts., Milwaukee, Wis. Leeson, E v M.D., 396 W. Polk St., Chicago. Leviton, A. H., M.D., 577 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Levy, J., Jr., M.D., Nashville, Tenn. Lorenz, M. E., M.D., 719 Allport St., Chicago. Lowry, G. E., M.D., Elizabeth, N. J. Lyon, Samuel B., M.D., 921 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Lyons, J. A., M.D. Manning, G. N., M.D., Lanark. Mannon, J. A., M.D., Monmouth. Mesirpw, E. B., M.D., 1020 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Mullen, M. C, M.D., 5900 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Naughton, M. T., M.D., 4332 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Nelson, N. C. G., M.D. Oakshette, James C, M.D., 235 29th St., Chicago. O'Bryne, C. C, M.D., 692 W. Adams St., Chicago. Osmess, A. M., M.D., 504 S. Brown St., Dayton, O. Payne, R. E., M.D., 731 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. Pickel, E. B., M.D., Medford, Ore. Planck, E. A., M.D., Union, Mich. Pollack, H. L., M.D., 622 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Quinn, William A., M.D., 130 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Reis, W. V., M.D., Jonkoping, Sweden. Rhiel, A. C, M.D., Lowell. Rhode, Henry P., M.D., Green Bay, Wis. Richmond, F. C, Arcadia, Wis. B4 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Richter, H. M., M.D., 45th St. and Evans Ave., Chicago. Roberts, W. P., M.D., Hunt City. Round, T. L., M.D., Coleta. Shabad, A. M., M.D., 1064 W. 12th St., Chicago. Shields, A. W., M.D., Charleston. Slater, P. A., M.D., Fairfield. Smith, H. W., M.D., Roodhouse. Sornberger, S. J., M.D., Cortland, N. Y. Steffins, J. W., M.D, Fort Howard, Wis. Stevens, H. L., M.D., Floris, la. Stevens, S., M.D., Keller, Mich. Stevens, W. D., M.D., Paw Paw. Sutcliffe, H. W., M.D., Wheaton. Townsend, J. W., M.D., Malcolm, la. Turner, F. A., M.D., Magnolia. Uckermann, A. W., M.D., 284 W. Indiana St., Chicago. Vaupell, W. R., M.D., Loomis and Taylor Sts., Chicago. Watrous, H. L., M.D., Seneca, Wis. Webster, C. L., M.D., 140 Ashland Bvd, Chicago. Weisenberg, B., M.D., 312 Chestnut St., Milwaukee, Wis. Wesener, J. A., M.D., 103 State St., Chicago. Whiteside, C. E., M.D., Moline. Windell, U. G., M.D., 1003 W. Lake St., Chicago. Wohlenberg, A. F., M.D., Kendrick, Idaho. Woodard, W. P., M.D., Cherry Valley. Woodcock, G. A., M.D., Fair Haven. CLASS OF 1S95 Ainsworth, H. H., M.D., Madison, Wis. Beck, Joseph C, M.D., 174 Eugene St., Chicago. Belitz, Alfred, M.D., Salt Lake City, Utah. Bowell, B. C, M.D., Hospital, Kankakee. Bradford, A. W., M.D., Sparland. Champlin, S. H., M.D., Madison St. and Western Ave., Chicago. Clark, S. B., M.D., Buffalo, N. Dak. Coates, W. E., M.D., 668 W. 12th St., Chicago. Cochrane, W. J., M.D., Chicago. Carey, D. J., M.D., 624 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Davies, G. W., M.D., Waterloo, Wis. Diller, Francis S., M.D., Roberts. Dods, G. D. B., M.D., New Era Building, Chicago. Doty, Maurice F., M.D., New Era Building, Chicago. ALUMNI 85 Dulin, C. W., M.D., Chicago. Dysart, Louis, M.D., Chicago. Feltenstein, B., M.D., 509 S. Jefferson St., Chicago. Franken, John G., M.D., Chandlerville. Gaebler, Arthur, M.D., 51st St. and Center Ave., Chicago. Gillespie, J. A., M.D., Cain, la. Grayston, F. W., M.D., Huntington, Ind. Green, Thomas S., M.D., 39th and Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Hamilton, Charles, M.D., Carlock. Hamilton, Howard, M.D., Bethany. Heckman, J. I., M.D., Belvidere. Hellebrandt, F. J., M.D., Hospital. Henderson, G. S., M.D., Rockford. Higbee, F. O., M.D., Box 283, Elizabethtown, Ky. Hubbard, W. D., M.D., West Point, Miss. *Jones, William. Johnson, G. W., M.D., Cook County Insane Asylum, Dunning, Chicago. Leach, W. D., M.D., 1097 W. North Ave., Chicago. LeDuc, C. H., M.D., Templeton, la. Lemke, A. F., M.D., Reliance Bldg., Chicago. Leonard, J. Henry, M.D., Chicago. Lewis, J. V., M.D., Momence. Lowenthal, A. A., M.D., 11,100 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Lucas, G. U., M.D., Malta. Luria, A., M.D., 815 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. McClain, Jesse, M.D., Coshocton, O. McShane, B., M.D., Hales Corners, Wis. Matthaei, E. A., 626 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago May, L. F., M.D., 191 E. Fullerton Ave., Chicago. Mayhew, J. M., M.D., Sacramento Ave. and Lake St., Chicago. Meltzer, V. J., New York City. Miller, A. E., M.D., Poplar Grove Range, Colo Mueller, F. L., M.D., Bowmanville. Nagle, R. J., M.D. Nahinsky, H., M.D., 23 Irving Place, Chicago. Pease, A. S., M.D., 5357 Jackson Ave., Chicago. Peterson, O. T., M.D., Gibbon, Minn. Phillips, D. C, M.D., South Bend, Ind. Rice, Earl, M.D., Roland, la. Riggs, J. P., M.D., Olena. Sachs, T. B., M.D., Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago. 86 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS — COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Scott, H. S., M.D., Junction City, Kas. Seville, F. F., M.D., Ogden Ave. and Monroe St., Chicago. Shepstone, J. A., M.D., 3819 State St., Chicago. Siemonowicz, W. J., M.D., 581 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Slater, O. M., M.D., Isabel. Slocumb, Jesse, M.D., Winona, Minn. Smith, C. B., M.D., Decatur. Speice, W. K., M.D., Columbus, Neb. Staller, Max, M.D., 958 Thomas St., Chicago. Steele, R. E., M.D., Beaver City, Utah. Stockley, D. R., M.D., Sanitarium, Lake Geneva, Wis. Swartz, Albert, M.D., Elgin. Talbott, E. F., M.D., Flandreau, S. Dak. Tillson, E. M., M.D., Two Rivers, Wis. Tremblay, J. J., M.D., 612 Ogden Bvd., Chicago. Vaughan, George, M.D., Lansing, Minn. Veit, J. L., M.D., Van Buren and Robey Sts., Chicago. Wagner, H. E., M.D., 38 Moffit St., Chicago. Weatherford, Frank A., M.D., 63rd and Ashland Ave., Chicago. Weber, Lee, M.D., Chicago. ^Webster, W. L. Wilder, C. H., M.D., DeKalb. Wilson, H. L., M.D., 818 W. North Ave., Chicago. Wynekoop, F. E., M.D., 813 W. Harrison St., Chicago. CLASS OF 1896 Austin, K. O., M.D., Blue Island. Beck, Emil G., M.D., 174 Eugene St., Chicago. Bennett, Cleaves M., M.D., Mattoon. Berg, O. H., M.D., Milwaukee Ave. and Carpenter St., Chicago. Bonner, A., M.D., Chicago. Briggs, A. E., M.D., 1375 W. Harrison St., Chicago. Burns, Frank W., M.D., Rochester, Minn. Cheever, William Rockwell, M.D., Waukegan. Culp, Frank E., M.D., St. Luke's Hospital, Grand Rapids, Mich. DeFries, A., M.D., Lowden, la. Dobson, Samuel J., M.D., Jefferson, Kas. Doerr, August, M.D., Alexian Bros. Hospital, Chicago. Eaton, Roy R., M.D., Lowell, Mich. Eddy, George S., M.D., Templeton, S. Dak. Edmonson, George, M.D., Maroa. Gill, George, M.D., 1982 Lorain St., Cleveland, O. ALUMNI 87 Glenn, Fred L., M.D., W. 48th St. and Indiana Ave., Chicago. Grace, Ralph S., M.D., Chicago Hospital. Hammond, C. L., M.D., Joliet. Hartigan, Timothy, M.D., 43d St., Chicago. Headrick, C. M„ M.D., Tecumseh, Neb. Hollister, T. C, M.D., Pawnee City, Neb. Hudson, J. R., M.D., Chicago. Humiston, C. E., M.D., Cook County Hospital, Chicago. Jegi, H. A., M.D., Arcadia, Wis. Jenkins, Park B., M.D., St. Mary's Hospital, Marquette, Mich. Johnstone, N. A., M.D., Lakeside Hospital, Chicago. Laird, William J., M.D., 59th and Morgan Sts., Chicago. Lawrence, G. H., M.D., 47 N. Sheldon St., Chicago. Leland, Muret N., Jr., M.D., St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Minneapolis, Minn. Lid, Torsteni, M.D., Chicago. Linaweaver, A. H., M.D., Findlay, O. McGready, J. H., M.D., Cook County Hospital, Chicago. McKenzie, W. W., M.D., N. Clark St., Lake View, Chicago. Mason, J. Frank, M.D., Taylorville. Mitchell, Grant, M.D., Madison and State Sts., Chicago. Moses, J. M., M.D., 3912 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Mount, H. A., M.D., Hartland, Wis. O'Malley, T. J., M.D., Joliet. Pierce, Percival, M.D., Waukegan. Schwab, L. W., M.D., 449 41st St., Chicago. Seagley, I. B., M.D., 4308 Langley Ave., Chicago. *Shinnick, J. H., M.D. Springer, J. C, M.D., 181 W. Madison St., Chicago. Starner, A. A., M.D., Mt. Hope, O. Straus, I. J., M.D., 4313 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Sumpmann, H. A., M.D., New Vienna, la. Sweetman, R. H., M.D., Hayton, Wis. Swink, W. T., M.D., Mendon, Tenn. Vosburg, W. E. H., M.D., Green Bay, Wis. Waldron, J. H., M.D., Pin Oak, la. Widmeyer, J. P., M.D., Rolla, N. Dak. Wilmer, F. M., M.D., Herrick. Yates, Charles A., M.D., 637 Chestnut St., Chicago. Zapffe, Frederick Carolus, M.D., 311 E. North Ave., Chicago. 88 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF MEDICINE CLASS OF 189T Aby, F. S., M.D., 14 E. Circle Ave., Norwood Park, Chicago. Ade, Samuel G., Ph.G., M.D., 577 Fulton St., Chicago. Ascher, John A. Arnold, Harry L., A.B., M.D., Girard, Kas. Auner, J. Frank, M.D., 635 Jackson Bvd., Shell Rock, la. Banks, J. Harvey, M.D., Anchor. Barnett, Miles R., M.D., Oshkosh, Wis. Bassoe, Peter, B.S., M.D., Cook Co. Hospital, Chicago. Bein, Alfred, M.D., 628 Grand Ave., Chicago. Bennett, Charles L., M.D., Tepezeia, Mexico. (Agnas Calientes.) Biegeleisen, Nathan, M.D., 610 W. Congress St., Chicago. Brinckerhoff, John J., Ph.B., M.D., Lockport. Broderick, Frank W., M.D., Lafayette, Ind. Brown, Albert E., Ph.G., M.D., Grays Lake. Brown, Henry D., M.D., 114 Honore St., Detroit, Mich. Brown, Mont. M., A.B., M.D., Pekin, Wis. Burroughs, Arthur P., M.D., Galesburg, Mich. Calbreath, Creed C, M.D., Confidence, la. Carter, Charles W., M.L., M.D., Aledo. Clancey, John H., M.D., 51 Surrey Court, Chicago. Cochran, Joseph S., Ph.G., M.D., Ironton. O. Connell, J. F., M.D., Alexian Bros. Hospital, Chicago. Cook, J. F. D., M.D.. Doland, S. Dak. Coplan, Lemuel S., M.D., Colchester. Cullen, John, M.D., Yale Bldg.. 66th St. and Yale Ave.. Chicago. Dickenson, Stanley B., M.D., Austin. Dillon, Richard H., A.B., M.D., Manchester, X. H. Drew, Thomas B., M.D., Aurora. Duff, Guy C, M.D., 1426 Roscoe St., Chicago. Fanning, Frank D., M.D., Butler, Ind. Farquhar, Elwood M., M.D., Early, la. Finn, William H., M.D., 6313 Champlain Ave.. Chicago. Frederick, Rivers C, M.D., Pointe Coupee, La. Frick, Louis, M.D., Plymouth, Wis. Fridus, Samuel L., M.D., 4910 Justine St., Chicago. Gailey, Darwin S., M.D., Ashland. Hall, Henry M., Jr., M.D. Hamilton, E. Mandel, M.D., Fairmont, W. Va. Hansel, Charles E., M.D., Stockton, Cal. Hobbs, Edward J., M.D., Battle Creek, Mich. Jackson, Taylor R., A.B., M.D., Oskaloosa, la. ALUMNI 89 Jackson, Thomas J., A.M., M.D., 3901 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Johnson, N. LaDoit, M.D., Morrison. Kane, F. C, M.D., Lucerne, Ind. Kinney, William D., M.D., Smithland, la. Klepinger, John C, M.D., Cerro Gordo. Lerche, Wilhelm, Ph.G., M.D., 282 Grand Ave., Chicago. Lewis, Henry T., M.D., Mt. Horeb, Wis. Lincoln, Walter S., A.B., M.D., Otsego, Wis. Loffer, Orla W., M.D., Maplewood, O. Mapes, Reynolds J., M.D., Dunning. Mayhew, G. Earnest, A.B., M.D., Red Bluff, Cal. Meek, Loring C, M.D., Silver Lake, Ind. Mizell, Adolph G., A.B., M.D., New Burnside. Murphy, Charles C, M.D., 632 31st St., Chicago. Nellis, James G., M.D., Turlock, Cal. Novak, John D., M.D., 547 W. 16th St., Chicago. Peacock, Norman F., M.D., Oakville, Ontario, Canada. Pence, Clyde D., M.D., North Topeka, Kas. Perisho, E. E., Ph.G., M.D., Ancona. Peterson, William A. C, B.S., M.D., 601 Unity Building, Chicago. Prough, William C, M.D., Goshen, Ind. Rice, Daniel S., M.D., DePere, Wis. Rice, R. H., M.D., DePere, Wis. Royce, William S., Ph.G., M.D., 240 Honore St., Chicago. Sayre, Charles E., M.D., D.V.S., 1246 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Schindler, F. S., M.D., West Side Hospital, Chicago. Sedlacek, Frederick A., M.D., 490 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Sizer, Edmund A., M.D., Kankakee. Smith, Rodney D., A.B., M.D., Bloomington, Ind. Stewart, Harry J., M.D., D.V.S., 105 S. Campbell Ave., Chicago. Switzer, George O., M.D., 482 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Taylor, Ralph C, Ph.G., M.D., Lily Lake. Thordarson, Theodore, A.B., M.D., 375 Hoyne Ave., Chicago. Treadwell, Clarence L., M.D., Kilbourn City, Wis. ^Virtue, C. W., A.B., M.D. Wahle, Henry, M.D., Marshfield, Wis. Walsh, Edmund A., M.D., 5415 Princeton Ave., Chicago. Wells, William H., M.D., Paris. Wever, John §.., M.D., Leavenworth, Kas. Whiffen, Roscoe A., M.D., West Side Hospital, Chicago. Williams, Walter, M.D., 689 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Wray, William E., M.D., Janesville, Wis. Yoist, Henry J., M.D., 508 State St., Chicago. 90 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS — COLLEGE OF MEDICINE CLASS OP 189S Bacon, Victor B., M.D., 752 Jackson Bvd., Chicago. Baker, Henry L., Dresbach, Minn. Bebb, Walter S., Rockford. Belitz, William, Chicago. Beveridge, James M., A.B. Bjorkmann, David, A.B., Racine, Wis. Bingley, M. Arista, Dallas, Tex. Blayney, Fred H., A.B., Chicago. Brown, D. E., Milton, Wis. Brownell, Wm. Flocton, Gladstone, Mich. Bursma, Jacob, A.B., Grand Rapids, Mich. Butts, J. Baptist, Toronto, Ont. Beyers, Emery M., Belvidere. Cahill, Leo L., Mendon, Mich. Carr, Bert Mather, Cedar Springs, Mich. Conard, A. F., Chicago. Connor, F. H., B.S., Nevada, la. Coon, Geo. E., Milton Junction, Wis. Corbin, John Francis. Crofton, Alfred C, M.D., Pasadena, Cal. Dillon, Ira Hugh, Jerome, la. Dolan, A. N. J., A.B., Chicago. Dowdall, Wm. T., Chicago. Emerson, Robert, Chihuahua, Mex. Feeney, Francis Sebastian, Rochester, Minn. Flannagan, Bartholomew F., Richmond, Ind. Flemming, Geoffrey J., Chicago. Fletcher, Marcus Samuel, B.S., Ridge Farm. Ford, Ward Redfield. Fuson, Amandus W., Los Angeles, Cal. Garber, S. C, Mt. Morris. Graeser, Henry Bernard, Des Moines, la. Hall, Hugh Martin, Bristol, Ind. Hambly, Thomas J., Michigan. Hamill, Mrs. Eunice B., 382 Kedzie Ave., Chicago. Hart, W. E., Chihuahua, Mex. Hill, Geo. B. McClelland, Chicago. Homer, Herman Corwin, Waterloo, la. Hooper, Martin L., M.D., Milo, la. Hovenden, John Henry, Wall Lake, la. ALUMNI 91 Hunt, Ernest A., B.S., Melbourne, la. Husk, C. £., Aurora. Hutchinson, Charles S., M.S., Ames, la. Irwin, Wentworth Lee, Plymouth. Johnson, Simeon R., B.S., Litchfield. Kalacinski, Felix, Chicago. Kemp, Oliver P., B.S., Greentown, Ind. King, Charles Bruce, 987 Jackson Bvd., Chicago. Kirkland, Benjamin Franklin, Urbana, la. Kittredge, Charles Albert. Knight, Eugene C, St. Louis, Mo. Kohler, Arvid C, Moline. Lucas, Frank B., Malta. Lyon, Elijah A., M.D., 200 22d St., Chicago. McManes, Matthew, Galion, O. McManus, Thomas, B.A. Miller, A. Baxter, Factoryville, Pa. Minahan, Patrick Robert, Chilton, Wis. Mutchler, John A., B.S. Nagel, John S., Ph.G., S. Western Ave., Chicago. Neff, Jas. M., 100 State St., Chicago. Newhall, George F., Chicago. Overton, T. V., Baldwin, La. Page, Addison C, Des Moines, la. Pagelson, Otto H., Cook County Hospital, Chicago. Pennington, William Robert, M.D., Beattie, Kas. Petersmeyer, William, Ph.G., Odebolt, la. Phillips, Mrs. Jennie Lind, 131 Ashland Bvd., Chicago. Pietrowicz, S. R., 828 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Pratz, Fred D., A.B., Moweaqua. Proudfoot, Charles Pans, Indianola, la. Purington, William Abraham, 100 Aberdeen St., Chicago. Rogers, Henry Cortland, Monticello, la. Roszell, R. A., Clarksville, la. Rubin, George, Paris, France. Scheussler, Henry G., Joliet. Scholes, Paul, A.B., Canton. Schuldt, Franz. Sherin, Wesley Morley, Chicago. Simpson, Austin Ulysses, Carlinville. Simpson, Charles E., Iowa Falls, la. Simpson, D. G. 92 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Slater, J. H., Spanish Fork, Utah. Snydacker, Emanuel F., Venetian Bldg., Chicago. Sollenbarger, Geo. Hartley, Corydon, la. Spickerman, H. R., Bloomington. Stayner, W. H., Oakland, Cal. Steele, W. J., B.S., Brooklyn, N. Y. Stevenson, Bayard Taylor, Rising Sun, Ind. Stone, Carl Downer, 2035 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Stone, Win. Truman, M.D.,.St. Cloud, Minn. Stotz, Charles F., 1319 W. 101st PI., Chicago. Swink, Henry J., M.A., Medon, Tenn. Vary, William Harold, M.D., 32 Wells St., Chicago. Wald, O. E. Wegner, William Godfrey, South Bend, Ind. Wehle, Willibald John, Ph.E"., M.D. Wells, David Gillison, McHenry. Whitmer, Charles Franklin, Edinburg. Whitmore, Frank B., M.D., West Union, la. Whitney, Eugene D., Painesville, O. Witherspoon, Louis G., B.S., W. Monroe St., Chicago. Wolf, M. C, Chicago. Wuerth, John Jacob, Ph.G., Atchison, Kas. Wyland, George Van, Lyndon. Wynekoop, Chas. I., B.S., 1748 N. Halsted St., Chicago. CLASS OF 1899 Albrecht, Charles A., Winona, Minn. Andrews, Hubert Franklin, B.S., Salt Lake City, Utah. Backus, Jesse William, Big Rapids, Mich. Barker, Ernest Stanley, M.A., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Barnes, Frederick Louis, Oskaloosa, la. Bay, Hiram Horace, Detroit, Mich. Bechtold, August Frederick, Belleville. Beedy, Miss Lora, 481 Dearborn Ave., Chicago. Best, Elmer Ellsworth, M.D., Park Ridge. Betz, Jonathan Clymont, 663 N. Robey St., Chicago. Brown, James Moreau, Venetian Bldg., Chicago. Browning, George Stillman, B.S., Westerly, R. I. Burke, Thomas Jerome, Omaha, Neb. Bush, John H., B.S., Ph.G., Effingham. Butler, Clarence Albert, Canova, S. D. Campbell, Wm. Bernard, M.D., Milwaukee, Wis, ALUMNI 93 Carroll, Henry Colistus, 5410 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. Chambers, Wm. Henry, B.E., Lang, Pa. Chloupek, Elton Arthur, Manitowac, Wis. Coen, Charles Morgan, Normal. Crosby, Leonard Green, Milton, Wis. Czarra, Conrad Howard, 557 Jackson Bvd., Chicago. Dugan, Jas. Henry, A.B., Westminster, Md. Edwards, John Milton, Mankato, Minn. Evans, Wm. Augustus (ad eundem), 103 State St., Chicago. Fantus, Bernard, Cook County Hospital, Chicago. Feingold, Leon, St. Elizabeth Hospital, Chicago. Fellows, Mrs. Marie Alice, 2723 State St., Chicago. Fisher, George Carl, Centerville, Mich. Frank, Ira, 17 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Freas, Frank Freas, 1528 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago. Barth, Jas. Wm., Clarion, la. Gathmann, Henry, Milwaukee, Wis. Goggin, Robert J., Chilton, Wis. Grabowicz, Bronislaus Casimir, 576 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Grimes, John Patrick, 335 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. Hammond, Jas. Lloyd, Masonic Temple, Chicago. Harris, Frederick G., 279 Warren Ave., Chicago. Heald, Harvey Clay, B.S., Osceola, Neb. Herzog, Albert Edmund, Ottawa. Hillard, Thomas R., Eau Claire, Pa. Hillebrand, Henry Justus, 728 W. North Ave., Chicago. Hisom, Mrs. Helen Taylor, Los Angeles, Cal. Hukill, Miss Hannah Luella, 103 State St., Chicago. Hummel, Charles C, Ph.G., Iowa Falls, la. Hunter, Alary Gill, M.D., Pleasant Plain, la. Jacobson, August, Ph.G., 481 Ogden Ave., Chicago. Janss, Herman, Grand Island, Neb. Kay, Abbott Elliott, 966 W. Lake St., Chicago. Kelly, Luke H., Valparaiso, Ind. Kelsey, Russell Calvin, M.D., 4054 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Klein, Matthias Joseph, 1002 Wellington Ave., Chicago. Klokke, Wm. Emil, 416 Madison St., Chicago. Knudson, Frank B., 389 W. Erie St., Chicago. Koenemann, Eugene Oscar, Whitten, la. Kreuger, Albert G., Carmine, Tex. Laftry, Thomas D., 507 Garden City Bldg., Chicago. Lemke, Albert Robert, 100 State St., Chicago. 94 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Lerch, Wm. Henry, Sioux City, la. Long, Ross David, ioo State St., Chicago. Long, William Ernest, 903 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Lucas, David Ellsworth, 1270 W. Madison St., Chicago. Macy, Otto E., Pleasanton, la. Madjeska, Ernest Henry, Ph.G., Bessemer, Mich. McCarthy, Robert Groves, yz7 W. Madison St., Chicago. McClung, Miss Alberta Virginia, St. Paul, Minn. McCormick, Charles Alfred, M.D., Adams St. and California Ave., Chicago. McWilliams, Oscar Eugene, Anderson, Ind. Markey, Francis Frederick, 264 18th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Metcalf, John Eugene, Anderson, Ind. Meyers, Frank William, Dubuque, la. Moore, Frank Donaldson, 411 S. Oakley, Chicago. *Myers, Frederick Wiltfong. Olsen, Wilhelm Carolius, Wells, Minn. Peters, James Alphonse, Morse, la. Piatt, Benjamin Merchant, M.D., 80 Institute Place, Chicago. Pleth, Valdemar, M.D., 750 W. North Ave., Chicago. Potter, Jesse Youngs, Rhinelander, Wis. Ramsey, Frank Paine, Ph.G., Delta, O. . Raw, Elmer Joseph, Marcus, la. Reasoner, Matthew Aaron, Champaign. Reich, Wm. Frederick, Chilton, Wis. Rich, Riley Gilbert, D.V.S., Fayette, la. Richards, Frederick Augustus, Whitewood, S. D. Russell, Herman Richard, Stewartville, Minn. Sanderson, Philip G., Detroit, Mich. Scheib, Geo. Francis, Fond du Lac, Wis. Schmitt Gustav, Milwaukee, Wis. Schoenberg, Albert John, 100 State St., Chicago. Sisson, Charles E., Janesville, Wis. Slightam, Clarence Howard, Madison, Wis. Smith, Thurston, A.M., Bloomington, Ind. Steele, Frank B., Chicago Hospital, Chicago. Stillians, Arthur W., Cook County Hospital, Chicago. Strohecker, Samuel Martin, 10192 Winston Ave., Chicago. Stuart, John, B.A., Toronto, Ont. Sullivan, Eugene Adelbert, Amboy. Swanson, John Emil, A.B., Woodhull. Taylor, John Richard, B.D., Earlville. ALUMNI 95 Tieken, Theodore, Cook County Hospital, Chicago. Timm, Edmund Walter, Ph.G., New Holstein, Wis. Turner, John Harold, B.A., Corning, la. Walsh, Jas. Lawson, Milwaukee, Wis. Wanicek, Edward Matthias, M.D., 90 Johnson St., Chicago. Weber, Carl Ernest, 43rd and Grand Bvd., Chicago. Weichbrodt, Ernest August, M.D., 275 Erie St., Chicago. Wenzel, John Valentine, Ph.G., 4147 Lake Ave., Chicago. Wherry, Jas. William, M.S., Mt. Pleasant, la. Whitmore, Eugene Rudolph, B.S., Cook County Hospital, Chicago. Wilson, LeRoy Alvin, LaPorte, Ind. Winans, Edward Clark, A.B., Benton Harbor, Mich. Wood, Glenn, 348 E. 55th St., Chicago. Yeakel, Wm. Kriebel, B.S., Polo. Yingst, Miss Sallie A., Peoria. Zurawski, Kasimer Ambrose, 4800 Loomis St., Chicago. CL.ASS OF 1900 Alcorn, Archibald John, 161 1 Armitage Ave., Chicago. Avery, Elmer, Sandstone, Mich. Babcock, Miss Margaret McConnell, Warren, Pa. Ball, Edmund Joseph, Plymouth, Ind. Besser, Edward Francis, Harper, la. Birkelu.nd, John Rasmussen, Racine, Wis. Blackwelder, Fred Curtis, Litchfield. Bloch,' Max Emanuel, 451 S. Wood St., Chicago. Boice, Clyde Allison, Washington, la. Bosler, Arthur Gustavus, 56 Oak St., Chicago. Bremken, Arthur, 6258 Sangamon St., Chicago. Brown, Hadley Cyprian, Columbus Junction, la. Burke, Edward Lawrence, Fergus Falls, Minn. Buswell, Clark Asahel, B.S., Eagle Point. Butler, Dr. George F., Chicago. (Ad eundem.) Cassidy, William Wilson, Wabasha, Minn. Church, Edwin Otis, 11 13 Rookery Building, Chicago. Clancy, Marshall Grant, 748 W. 61st St., Chicago. Clark, Orson Whitney, Ogden, la. Corbus, Burton Robison, LaSalle. Crowley, John Francis, 509 Garfield Bvd, Chicago. Culver, John Thayer, 140 Walnut St., Chicago. DeVault, Asa Nathan, Ph.G., Martin's Ferry, la. 96 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS — COLLEGE OF MEDICINE DeVoe, Charles Allen, Lamartine, Wis. Dolan, Felix Albert, Hartville, Wyo. Donovan, Joseph Patrick, Madison, Wis. Dowdall, Guy Grigsby, B.L., Chicago. Dryden, William Francis, 749 Warren Ave., Chicago. Dunham, Ora Berton, 3545 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. Dysart, Robert Jones, Mendota, Wis. Early, Calvin Sylvester, Cranberry, O. Elliott, Sara Thomas, Lone Rock, Wis. Flint, Miss Nellie, 415 N. 52d Ave., Chicago. Flippen, George Albert, Lincoln, Neb. Freeman, John Peter, Glenville, Minn. Gale, Roe George, Diller, Neb. Gansel, Edward Arthur, 77$ 26th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Geiger, Arthur Henry, German Hospital, Chicago. George, Abel Benson, Elliott, la. Gilmore, Clifford Freeman, Chester Cross Roads, O. Goodwin, Henry French, B.A., Chicago. Greenfield, Miss Sara Elaine, A.B., Sabetha, Kas. Grinnell, Wendell, Fredonia, Wis. Halloin, Louis Joseph, Green Bay, Wis. Hamilton, Howard Brownslee, Washington, la. Hamilton, Wilbur S., Norman, Ark. Hampton, Robert Roy, Salt Lake City, Utah. Hart, Henry George, 100 State St., Chicago. Heath, Clarence Wright, B.L., 103 E. Adams St., Chicago. Hixson, Robert Bruce, Herman, Minn. Hummel, Edward Percival, La Port City, la. Hurst, Everett May, Mt. Meridian, Ind. Hyde, Edward Everett, Chicago. Jakubowski, Siegfried, 535 Garfield Ave., Chicago. Jennings, James Arthur, M.D., 627 Ogden Ave., Chicago. Johnston, Robert Moore, Upper St. Claire, Pa. Just, Guy Henry, Sheldon. Kirk, Alonzo Blackburn, Valparaiso, Ind. Knauf, Frederick Peter, Chilton, Wis. Laben, George John, Crown Point, Ind. Lang, John M., 658 Polk St., Chicago. Luehrsmann, Bernard, Dyersville, la. McConnell, John William, 519 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. McCormick, Olin, Gibson City. McCray, Walter Robert, Ph.G., Marble Rock, la. ALUMNI 97 Malick, Ada Luella, Neptune. Martin, Ernest Edward, Gambrill, la. Masilko, Vandy Frank, 2164 W. 12th St., Chicago. Mason, Harry Philson, Wilton, la. Meany, John Joseph, 2063 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Meloy, John Earle, Olean, N. Y. Metz, Irwin Wagner, A.B., South Whitley, Ind. M^yhaus, John Henry, Davenport, la. Miller, Bernard, Peru. Miller, Gustav August, 958 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Milroy, William Denton-, A.B., Delphi, Ind. Mitchell, Paul Stafford, 981 W. Harrison St., Chicago. Moffett, William Nelson, B.S., Grundy Centre, la. Moldenhauer, Gustav Herman, Desplaines. Monahan, Richard Charles, Charlotte, la. Moody, Lewis, A.B., Cokado, Minn. Morgan, Emma Nevius, Aledo. Muehlmann, Carl George, 327 Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Murphy, Dr. John B., Chicago. (Honorary.) Nagel, Frank Emil, 50 Racine Ave., Chicago. Niblock, George Frederick, A.B., 382 Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Newbold, Edwin Henry, Oroville, Cal. Newell, Chas. Homer, M.D., O'Neill, Neb. Nier, William Jacob, 839 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Norsman, Soren Svalheim, Madison, Wis. North, Francis Elbert, Springfield. Odoardo, Antonio Fredrico, A.B., Havana, Cuba. Osborne, Claude Fenton, Fertile, la. O'Day, John Christopher, Montpelier, Ind. Patterson, William Edward, Clarksville, la. Palmer, Ralph Fleetwood, Marquette, Mich. Phalen, James Mathew, Ph.G., Harvard. Pinkerton, Walter Jewett, Waupaca, Wis. Podstata, Vaclav, M.D., Hospital. Potter, Ward Elverton, Ph.G., Peoria. Purcell, Harry Edward, Madison, Wis. Pelletier, Dyre Henry, St. Anne. Quine, Dr. William E., Chicago. (Honorary.) Rose, Felix, Green Bay, Wis. Rock, Henry Joseph, Webster, S. Dak. Runyan, Chandler Preston, Mt. Meridian, Ind. Ryder, Bayard Edward, 191 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. 7 98 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS — COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Richter, Arthur Jacob, 3124 Vernon Ave., Chicago. Rinehart, Jesse Samuel, West Cairo, O. Sargent, Frank Loring, Marion, la. Sassamann, Franklin Wesley, M.D., Boone Grove, Ind. Scott, Robert David, Ph.G., Sarnia, Ont. Sears, George Lucien, Milan. Sheppard, Louis Delos, 108 Loomis St., Chicago. Sieker, Arthur William, Franklin, Wis. Staehle, Max, Manitowoc, Wis. Spain, Robert Thomas, Hartford, la. Syverson, Elmer Louis, B.L., Strand, S. Dak. Smith, Seth Marian Billings, Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Sornsen, Antone Augustus, M.D., Summit, S. Dak. Taber, Roland Bert, Ph.C, Benton Harbor, Mich. Teschan, Rudolf Freimuth, 103 State St., Chicago. Thompson, James Raymond, Morningsun, la. Torney, Samuel James, Saratoga, la. Twohig, Henry Edward, Armstrong, Wis. Tyson, Earle Henry, Independence, la. Vaughan, Dr. Victor C, Ann Arbor, Mich. (Honorary.) Vincent, Henry Ansel, Chilton, Wis. Voigt, Charles Bernard, Mattoon. Voss, Carl, A.B., 217 N. Mozart St., Chicago. Wall, Charles Delamere, West Side Hospital, Chicago. Weatherston, John, 3538 Leavitt St., Chicago. West, Theodore Campbell, Evansville, Wis. Westerlund, Joseph Emanuel, A.B., Orion. Wilson, John West, M.D., Oroville, Cal. Woodford, Erwin Wendell, Tomah, Wis. Wood, Weir, A.B., Angola, Ind. Xelowski, John Henry, Ph.G., 570 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Yung, Julius Rudolph, Terre Haute, Ind. Zaleski, Joseph Pins, Warsaw, Russia. ALUMNI OF UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY— CHICAGO COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. CLASS OF 1861 Tomboeken, Henry William, Ph.G., Physician, 278 Wells St., Chi- cago. Whitfield, Thomas, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 280 Wabash Ave., Chicago. CLASS OF 1S71 Goodman, Frederick Marion, Ph.G., Professor of Botany and Ma- teria Medica, University of Illinois School of Pharmacy, Mc- Henry. CLASS OF 1S73 Snodgrass, Frank, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Snodgrass Drug Co.], 546 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. Vogeler, Adolf Gustaf, Ph.G., Editor "Western Druggist," 358 Dear- born St., Chicago. Zimmermann, Charles, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 423 S. Adams St., Peoria. CLASS OF 1874 Ackerman, George H., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 409 S. Western Ave., Chicago. Buchman, Henry Walter, Ph.G., Real Estate, 3109 State St., Chi- cago. Ford, Charles Mangan, Ph.G., Pharmacist and Editor "Rocky Moun- tain Druggist," California Ave. and 15th St., Denver, Colo. Hogan, Louis C, Ph.G. (6443 Yale St., Chicago.) Merz, Frank J., Ph.G., Real Estate (P. & F. Merz), 252 30th St., Chicago. *Rohrer, Joseph, Ph.G. Rosenthal, Joseph, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 3300 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Stahl, Edward L., Ph.G., Physician, 171 Van Buren St., Chicago. Thompson, Littleton, Ph.G., Physician, Utica. CLASS OF 1875 Cowdrey, Robert Hall, Ph.G., Manufacturers' Agent, 944 Turner Ave., Chicago. 99 IOO UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Jacob, Charles William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 107 Madison St., Har- lem. Krusemark, Charles, Ph.G., Physician, 94 E. 22d St., Chicago. *Martin, Hugo William Conrad, Ph.G., died at Chicago, April 29, 1894. Mueller, Philip John, Ph.G. Scherer, Andrew, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 383 N. State St., Chicago. Smith, Fletcher S., Ph.G., Pharmacist and Physician, Saginaw, Mich. Smith, Thomas P., Ph.G. Woodson, William F., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 231 Franklin St., Michi- gan City, Ind. CLASS OF 1876 Bischoff, Ernst C. F., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 420 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Hammer, Alvin G., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 313 5th St., Des Moines, la. Hoyt, George Walter, Ph.G., Stock Ranching, Cheyenne, Wyo. *Kirkley, James M., Ph.G., died at Chicago, 1887. Loesch, George H., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 26 Barr St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Lovett, LaMotte, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Oak Park. *Mulfinger, John Leonard, Ph.G., died at Chicago, 1900. Thurber, Almon Russel, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Breckenridge, Colo. Werner, Frederick Charles, Ph.G., Physician, Watertown, Wis. Wilson, Julius Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 125 22d St., Chicago. CLASS OF 1S77 Arnold, Robert Bruce, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Lake Geneva, Wis. Marshall, J. H., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 360 Monroe St. N. E., Minne- apolis, Minn. Somers, Frank Giddings, Ph.G., Salesman, with Parke, Davis & Co., 446 W. 60th PL, Chicago. Zahn, Emil Augustus, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1801 Wabash Ave., Chi- cago. CLASS OF 1878 Fleischer, Adolph Theodore, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with R. C. Frerk- sen, 1201 W. North Ave., Chicago. *Golling, Fred J., Ph.G. Holzschuh, J. J., Ph.G., Pharmacist, with J. R. Hofflin, Minneapolis, Minn. *Hundt, William L., Ph.G., died at Sioux City, la., 1894. Lackner, Emil O., Ph.G., Real Estate, 1785 W. 12th St., Chicago. ALUMNI IOI Lewis, Fred M., Ph.G., Salesman, with American Mineral Water Co., 3317 Rhodes Ave., Chicago. Meister, Julius R, Ph.G. Ohlendorf, William C, Ph.G., Physician, 649 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Rahr, Reinhardt, Ph.G., Maltster and Brewer, Manitowoc, Wis. Roos, Bernard L., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 741 Wells St., Chicago. Schaefer, Otto G., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Las Vegas, N. M. Schmeling, Max Franz Paul, Ph.G., Physician, 555 Wells St., Chi- cago. Wehrli, Albert C, Ph.G. (2700 Wentworth Ave., Chicago.) Zindler, Paul, Ph.G., Physician. (1665 W. 51st St., Chicago.) CLASS OF 1879 Bechmann, Charles Richard, Ph.G.. Physician, Main and 5th Sts., La Crosse, "Wis. Casey, James, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 130 31st St., Chicago. Cunradi Julius, Ph.G., Pharmacist (Cunradi Bros.), 576 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Eisner, Charles F., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1061-3 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Hatterman, Charles, Ph.G., Physician, 350 W. North Ave., Chicago. Marti, George, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 118 S. Wabasha St., St. Paul, Minn. Rhode, Rudolph Ernst, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 504 N. Clark St., Chi- cago. Robinson, Hugo, Ph.G., Physician, Albany, Ga. Rudolphy, John, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1719 York PL, Chicago. Schmitt, Emil, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Blue Island. *Seward, Richard, Ph.G. Sollitt, Thomas Waite, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1333 W. Lake St., Chi- cago. Thayer, Fred A., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 572 W. Madison St., Chicago. Vaupell, George H., Ph.G., Physician, Polk and Western Ave., Chi- cago. CL.ASS OF 1S80 Coleman, John F., Ph.G., Agent, 238 Belden Ave., Chicago. *Dickinson, George Elijah, Ph.G., died at Nunda, Sept. 2, 1888. Dunham, William F., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 67 W. Van Buren St., Chi- cago. Frerksen, Richard Christopher, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1201 W. North Ave., Chicago, 102 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Hotchkiss, Sidney Sherman, Ph.G., Manufacturer, Enterprise Mfg Co., Columbus, O. Jacobson, August, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 477 Ogden Ave., Chicago. Nohe, Charles J., Ph.G., Jennings, La. *Otto, Emil, Ph.G. Pilgrim, Henry C, Ph.G., Clerk. 30 S. Humboldt St., Chicago. Pearce, William Westrup, Ph.G., Pharmacist and Physician, Wau- kegan. Schmidt, Frederick Michael, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1007 Schiller Bldg.. Chicago. Secord, Frederick H., Ph.G., 1091 N. Clark St., Chicago. Stolz, Otto G., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Indiana and Rush Sts., Chicago. Sturges, Charles F., Ph.G., Buffalo City, Ark. Thiele, Emil, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 5900 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Tirrell, Marion Cecilia, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 514 E. 47th St., Chicago. Voegeli, Frederick, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Fountain City, Wis. Wyckoff, William W., Ph.G., Attorney, York, Neb. CLASS OF 1881 Conrad. John, Ph.G.. Pharmacist, 25 E. 47th St., Chicago. Corke, George L., Ph.G., Pharmacist, with R. L. Wickes, Evanston Davison, John L. T., Ph.G., Physician, Victor, Colo. Engsberg, Conrad, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Lake Mills, Wis. Gray, Newton, Ph.G.. Pharmacist, Elmhurst, Cal. Handtmann, Frederick, Ph.G. (Chicago.) Henkel, Emil F. W., Ph.G., Physician, 524 Ashland Bvd., Chicago. Jackson, Samuel Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 860 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. Karpen, Adolph, Ph.G., Furniture Manufacturer [S. Karpen & Bros.], 187 Michigan Ave., Chicago. *Knoblauch, Charles, Ph.G., died at Milwaukee, Wis., 1895. Kreyssler, Charles Edward, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 5059 State St., Chi- cago. Leuder, Fritz, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 511 S. Adams St., Peoria. Leusman, Frederick Augustus, Ph.G., Physician, 270 E. Huron St., Chicago. *McCammon, Stanton H., Ph.G., died at Des Moines, la., July. 1897. ♦McDougall, William G., Ph.G., died at Chicago, 1892. *McPherson, Edward K., Ph.G., died at Chicago, February 8, 1894. Manns, Albert George, Ph.G., Ph.D., Chemist, with P. D. Armour & Co., 5001 Ashland Ave., Chicago. ALUMNI 103 Schaeffer, Elmer Eugene, Ph.G. [Columbus, Wis.] Schaar, Charles L., Ph.G., Accountant, Room 704, The Temple, Chicago. Shockey, William L., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Cripple Creek, Colo. Schultz, Albert W., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Webster Ave. and Sheffield, Chicago. CLASS OF 1SS2 Abbott, Frank L., Ph.G., Analytical Chemist, 7714 Hawthorne Ave., Chicago. Bitner, Clayton G., Ph.G., Superintendent, Maywood. Buck. Charles G., Ph.G.. Printer, 2204 Michigan Ave.. Chicago. *Burk, A. Fletcher, Ph.G. Ehrlicher, Henry M., Ph.G., Pharmacist [Ehrlicher Bros.], 324 Court St., Pekin. Evans, Ernest E., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Byron. Fischer, Oscar Frederick, Ph.G., Pharmacist. 1558 Wabash Ave., Chicago. *Hartz, George H., Ph.G.. died October 22, 1892. Horn, Edwin A., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 65 Main St., Oshkosh. Wis. *Justi, William F.. PhG. Keneagy (Carnegie), John F., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 16th St. and Michigan Ave., Chicago. Marshall, Charles E., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 3500 Cottage Grove Ave.. Chicago. Ohlendorf, Henry L., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 749 Evanston Ave., Chi- cago. Schartzel, William S., Ph.G. [Freeport] Staudt, Louis Carl, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Staudt Bros.], 15 S. Broad- way St., Aurora. Walther, Charles Lewis, Ph.G., Wholesale Druggist [Walther-Rob- ertson Drug Co.], Allegheny, Pa. Walther, Jacob, Jr., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 658 W. Polk St., Chicago. Whitfield, George W., Ph.G., M.D., Physician, Room 950. 215 Wa- bash Ave., Chicago. Wunderle, Emil J., Ph.G.. Pharmacist, 278 Wells St., Chicago. Zimmermann, Ernst, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Roanoke. Zimmermann, Eugene, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 624 Knoxville Ave. Peoria. CLASS OF 1SS3 Armbrecht, Louis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 723 W. Lake St., Chicago. Behrens, Paul Johannes, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 727 Grand Ave., Chi- cago. 104 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Cody, William J., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Watertown, Wis. Grieb, Frank, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 845 ' Racine Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Grube, Charles H., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Robinson. *Haberer, Otto J., Ph.G. Died at Chicago, December 25, 1898. Huston, James T., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 200 5th Ave., Clinton, la. Krouskup, Walter H., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 3658 State St., Chicago. Leonard, Frank Rollin, Ph.G. [Klondike]. Lydston, James Allen, Ph.G., Physician, 1008 Champlain Building. Chicago. fi ? 'If £!<£ Mayr, Julius, Ph.G., clerk, 1602 W. 103d St., Chicago. Miexsell, Horace, Ph.G. [Grinnell, N. Y.] Moore, William B., Ph. G., Pharmacist [Reliance Pharmacy], Room 200, 100 State St., Chicago. *Murphy, Frank R., Ph.G. Parker, Frederick M., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 225 Bush St., Red Wing. Minn. Pollock, Charles E., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 18th and North Sts., Colum- bus, Neb. Rahte, Richard S., Ph.G., retired, Bailey's, Colo. Russell, Dennis P., Ph.G., Physician, 1410 Jackson Bvd., Chicago. Schulz, Ferdinand M., Ph.G., Physician, 16th and Fond du Lac Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Sedgwick, Willis L., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Sioux City, la. Siniger, William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Galena. Spaeth, Gus. C, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Mount Carmel. Starr, George F., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 95 Evanston Ave., Chicago. Vaupell, William R., Ph.G., M.D., Pharmacist and Physician, 1560 Jackson Bvd., Chicago. Wiese, Adolph G., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 729 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Wilkinson, John Fort, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Lansing, Mich. CLASS OF 1884 Adams, Joseph W., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Mason City, la. Ahlborn, Frank Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 395 Wells St., Chicago. Albers, William W., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Wausau, Wis. Angear, William J. S., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Chicago Heights. Arnold, Clifton S., Ph.G., Pharmacist [C. S. & H. C. Arnold], Wau- kesha, Wis. * Baker, George R., Ph.G., Pharmacist [Ashland Block Pharmacy]. Clark and Randolph Sts., Chicago. Bischoff, Henry A., Ph.G., M.D., Physician, 747 S. Halsted St.. Chicago. ALUMNI I05 Brown, Abraham, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 630 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Butler, Frank A., Ph.G., Physician, 279 Clark St., Chicago. Carlsson, Eben, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Lindsborg, Kas. Carter, Henry W., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Rock Island. Congdon, George C, Ph.G., Bank Cashier, Beaver Dam, Wis. Culver, George H., Ph.G., 3962 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Cummings, Melvin S., Ph.G., Insurance, 218 iaSalle St., Chicago. Finley, Cyrus P., Ph.G., Commission Merchant, 712 Commercial Building, St. Louis, Mo. Fish, Edward Lincoln, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Sheridan, Wyo. Foster, Edward E., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1369 W. Madison St., Chi- cago. Foster, Frank S., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Monmouth. Franken, James Latinnes, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Duehl & Franken], 3d and Main Sts., Salt Lake City, Utah. Freund, Anton Philipp, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 952 Armitage Ave., Chi- cago. Gatton, William R., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Galesburg. Hand, Oliver H., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 696 47th St., Chicago. Hatterman, Charles F., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 795 Columbus Ave., Cor. 99th St., New York City. Hildebrand, John J., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Toluca. Hughes, William J., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 24th and Farnham Sts., Omaha, Neb. Irving, William F., Ph.G. [Owatonna, Minn.] Johnson, Edward F., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Gilroy, Cal. Johnson, John B., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 257 Austin Ave., Chicago. Kennedy, Craige C, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Hinckley. Kiessling, John C, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 709 W. 21st St., Chicago. Kleene, Frederick R. C, Ph.G., M.D., Pharmacist and Physician, 318 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Knevitt, William H., Ph.G., Pharmacist and Physician, Rutherford, New Jersey. Metz, Robert, Ph.G., with Jno. Metz, Lena. v Mills, George P., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1000 Davis St., Evanston. Murphy, Eugene Don, Ph.G., Salesman, 6026 Drexel Ave., Chicago. Peyton, Gilbert S., Ph.G., Mining, Salt Lake City, Utah. Roos, Theodore, Ph.G., with Ed. Roos Mnfg. Co., 676 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Ross, Charles Kulp, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Tipton, la. Schimeck, Joseph I., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 547 Blue Island Ave., Chi- cago. 106 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS — SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Schmidt, Joseph H., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 2402 Cuming St., Omaha. Neb. *Schreuber, Adolph E., Ph.G., died at Sauk Rapids, Minn., 1887. Schreiner, Albert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 330 E. North Ave., Chicago. Thies, Arnold, Ph.G., Pharmacist [657 Roscoe St.], Chicago. Thoma, Henry F., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1932 Archer Ave., Chicago. Thompson, L. M., Ph.G. [Chicago.] Trowbridge, Charles Hejiry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Viroqua, Wis. Vanderpoel, Cornelius, Ph.G., Pharmacist Cook Co. Hospital, Chi- cago. Waldin, Reinhold, Ph.G. Walsh, Henry PL, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Lockport. Webster, Cyrus A., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Canton. Weil, Albert, Ph.G., Physician, Peoria. Wernicke, Oscar G., Ph.G., Physician, 258 Loomis St., Chicago. Wiese, Charles Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Menominee Falls, Wis. Wolfner, Eli R., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 351 S. Clark St., Chicago. *Ziepprecht, Conrad Henry, Ph.G. Zimmermann, Robert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 423 S. Adams St., Peoria. CLASS OP 1885 Aldenhoven, Carl Herbert, Ph.G., Physician, Gonzales, Tex. Baer, Almen W., Ph.G., Physician, 403 Security Bldg, Chicago. Barwig, George Blanchard, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 3659 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Bauman, George Edward,, Pharmacist [G. E. & Chas. Bau- man], Springfield. Becker, Edward Lee, Ph.G., Salesman, 84 Adams St., Chicago. Benson, Fremont Webster, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Tallapoosa, Ga. Betting, Oscar S., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 168 S. Halsted St., Chicago. *Blodgett, Charles, Ph.G. Boalch, George W., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 722 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Bogan, Peter Robert, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Bogan Bros.], Mackinac Island, Mich. Brabrook, Walter A., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 296 Ogden Ave., Chicago. Brown, Horace H., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Joliet. Collins, Albert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Falkenberg, Frank E., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 688 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Fitzsimon, John T., Ph.G., Physician, San Antonio, Tex. Frohn, John Brandt, Ph.G., Salesman, 1239 N. Marshfield Ave.. Chi- cago. ALUMNI 107 Galloway, David Henry, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, 206 Oakwood Bvd, Chicago. Gmelich, Ludwig Friedrich, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with C. M. Wein- berger, 219 Wells St., Chicago. Grimm, Henry Philip, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 83 Fox St., Aurora. Hartwig, Otto Julius, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1570 Milwaukee Ave., Chi- cago. Hays, John Sneed, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Macomb. Herman, George K., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 96 LaSalle St., Chicago. Heylman, Charles J., Ph.G., M.D., Physician, 289 Webster Ave., Chicago. Hocking, William James, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Hocking Bros.], Wau- paca, Wis. % Horton, David Snyder, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Dixon. Johnson, Jacob', Ph.G., Pharmacist, with N. Bruun, 282 Grand Ave., Chicago. *Kaun, Frank P., Ph.G. Klenze, William Theodore, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1301 Belmont Ave., Chicago. Klucker, Albert C, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 13332 Erie Ave., Chicago. Lehman, Louis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1229 N. Halsted St., Chicago. Lueders, Alfred W., Ph.G., Physician, 1322 National Ave., Milwau- kee, Wis. Lynch, John, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 37th St. and Indiana Ave., Chicago. McDonald John A., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Lockport. *McMahon, Adolphus E., Ph.G. Mallen, Philip Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 144 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Mares, Frank M., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 2876 Archer Ave., Chicago. Mason, William T., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1373 N. Clark St., Chicago. Parnell, B. Frank, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Public Drug Co., 150 State St., Chicago. Parry, Henry Ives, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Mankato, Minn. Pearse, Warren Milton, Ph.G. (Last address, Colorado, Tex.) Pfunder, Frederick Henry, Ph.G. Porter, Edward K., Ph.G., Pharmacist [Prickett & Porter], Carbon- dale. Puckner, William August, Ph.G., Professor of Chemistry, Univer- sity of Illinois School of Pharmacy, 73 Wells St., Chicago. Renter, Louis H., Ph.G., Physician, 1983 W. Madison St., Chicago. Robinson, Frederick Talmage, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Genoa. *Russell, A. Lincoln, Ph.G., died at Gifford, 1893. Sandmeyer, Louis Adolph, Ph.G., Insurance, 4561 Oakenwald Ave., Chicago. 108 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Sauerhering, Edward, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Mayville, Wis. Schaefer, Jacob, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 5255 Dearborn St., Chicago. Schmid, Ernest A., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1226 N. Monroe St., Peoria. Schreuder, Louis S., Ph.G., Physician, Grafton, N. Dak. , Shean, John R., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 171 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Shumpik, Edward, Ph.G., Dentist, Suite 203-4, 408 M St., Minneap- olis, Minn. Smarl, John M., Ph.G., Pharmacist. (654 W. Van Buren St., Chi- cago.) *Strail, Edward, Ph.G. Stuart, Mack R., Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Gale & Blocki, 34 Wash- ington St., Chicago. Taylor, William Stanford, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Bryan, O. VonRiesen, David, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Halstead, Kas. Wermuth, William Charles, Ph.G., Physician, 282 Bissell St., Chi- cago. Winter, Arthur A., Ph.G., Pharmacist [Hampden Pharmacy], 148 39th St., Chicago. Wise, John G., Ph.G., 28 Spruce St., Detroit, Mich. Wisshack, George F., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 186 W. Madison St., Chi- cago. SUMMER CLASS OF 1SS5 Hurst, Sylvester W., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Tipton, Mo. CLASS OF 1SS6 Ackermann, Emil, Ph.G., Drug Salesman, 108 W. 3d St., Trinidad, Colo. Agnew, Arotas Irwin, Ph.G., Optician, 211 S. 16th St., Omaha. Neb. Atkinson, Joseph Howard, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Mason City, la. Bard, Samuel Poet, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 564 W. Polk St., Chicago. Bardonski, Victor, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 638 Noble St., Chicago. Bechmann, Otto Christopher, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Cherokee, la. Bedard, George Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, La Salle. Behrendt, Arthur Joseph, Ph.G., Physician, 93 Fowler St., Chicago. Bell, Jennie Eloise, Ph.G., Manufacturer of Medicines, 478 Center St., Chicago. Boyden, Fred Price, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 21 11 W. Harrison St., Chicago. Breasted, James Henry, Ph.G. Breves, Hermann John, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 460 Colorado Ave., Chicago. ALUMNI 109 Brisley, Harry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Prescott, Ariz. Case, Samuel, Ph.G., Pharmacist. Northern Illinois Asylum for the Insane, Elgin. Chwatal, John J., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1292 W. 22d St., Chicago. Clemens, Michael, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Grants Pass, Ore. Day, Elmer Ellsworth, Ph.G., Elgin, 111. Dietz, Alvin, Ph.G., Pharmacist [John Dietz & Bro.], 2901 Went- worth Ave., Chicago. Dreier, Otto Albert, Ph.G., Cashier in City Water Office, 13 Plais- ance Ct., Chicago. Dyche, William Andrew, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 64 State St., Chicago. Eckers, John P., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 198 Q St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Faber, Paul Julius, Ph.G., Physician, 9, 70 Madison St., Chicago. Gardner, Frank Hatch, Ph.G., Physician, Moline. Gazzolo, Frank F., Ph.G., 3944 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Giesler, Otto Augustus, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Milwaukee, Wis. Glaser, Edward Frederick, Ph.G., Physician, 717 Jones St., San Francisco, Cal. Goetz, Charles, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with C. G. Cushing, Princeton. Hall, Edwin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Elgin. *Heine, George B., Ph.G. Hendrie, George Thompson, Ph.G., Pharmacist, A Ave and 1st St., Snohomish, Wash. Hirsch, Charles Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, .303 Belmont Ave., Chi- cago. Hoskins, Charles B., Ph.G., Butte, Mont. Kasbaum, Christian J., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 361 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Kendall, L. Wilmer, Ph.G., 439 6th St., Quincy. Kirchgasser, William Charles, Ph.G., Chemist, with Fairchild Bros. & Foster, Manufacturing Chemists, Rose & Duane St., New York. Kleinman, John H., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 6500 State St., Chicago. McConnell, Lewis William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, McCook, Neb. Martin, Cyrus Benjamin, Ph.G. Mehl, Albert Jacob, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 12th St. and Highland Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Mell, John A., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 6256- Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Miller, Albert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Lincoln and Garfield Aves., Chi- cago. Mitcham, Oscar J., Ph.G. [Burns, Wis.] Morse, James W., Ph.G. [Chicago.] HO UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Mountain, Howard, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Butte, Mont. Peyton, Lacey Edwin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 2401 Leavenworth St., Omaha, Neb. Putnam, Arthur S., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Ypsilanti, Mich. Reis, Alphons Markin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 311 North Ave., Chicago. Renz, William A., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Ottawa. Samson, Frank, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Samson & Lezotte], Osage, la. Spiehr, Charles, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 150 Fowler St., Chicago. Steker, Frank Joseph, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1302 W. Madison St., Chicago. *Stewart, Henry K., Ph.G., died at Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1897. Vincent, George Isaac, Ph.G., Pharmacist [The Namur-Vincent Co.], 611 W. Walnut St., Des Moines, la. Wagner, Christian Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1410 W. Madison St., Chicago. Waldron, Vernon X., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 169 Crocker Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Wallace, Arthur Hervell, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Independence, la. Webb, Isaiah D., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 6 Buffalo St., Warsaw, Ind. Weber, Ewald, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 4274 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Weis, John, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1917 Jackson St., Dubuque, la. Weiser, E. Halleck, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Green & Weiser], 202 N. State St., Chicago. Wendel, Julius, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Wendel & Horsley], 601 W. Garfield Bvd., Chicago. Wickel, William Wallace, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Naperville. Wilson, Lincoln, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 139 S. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb. Wirthman, Joseph C, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 18th and Troost Sts., Kansas City, Mo. Woodruff, George Frank, Ph.G., Chemist, 72 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Zender, Nicholas, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Clay and Madison Sts., Ot- tawa. Zindt, Julius Mathias, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 277 Larrabee St., Chi- cago. SUMMER CLASS OF 1SS6 Busse, Fred Henry, Ph.G. [Chicago.] Decker, Henry Theodore, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Knoxville Borough, Pittsburg, Pa. Doolittle, Darwin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 150 E. 18th St., Chicago. Ellsworth, Lewis, Ph.G., Wheaton. Fischel, Emil, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 98 31st St., Chicago. Foster, Charles A., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Gibson City. Franken, Edwin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Sigourney, la. ALUMNI HI Goetz, Albert, Ph.G., 1540 Dunning St., Chicago. Hanson, Peder Bertram, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Hanson & Emerson], Sauk Center, Minn. Harrington, James E., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Sycamore. Jay, George, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Shenandoah, la. Keim, Asher D., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Bethlehem, Pa. Kellogg, King G., Ph.G., Chemist, 291 43d St., Chicago. Kotz, Louis Philip, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Kankakee. Kilner, Edward Russell, Ph.G., Mattoon. McVicker, William Byron, Ph.G., Salesman [Dearborn Drug & Chemical Co.], 31 Rialto Bldg., Chicago. Mai, Herman, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, 208 E. North Ave., Chicago. Nitzche, John Charles, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with D. N. Loose & Co., Maquoketa, la. Pitts, Augustus Dennis, Ph.G., Pharmacist and Physician, Point Arena, Cal. Renner, Julius A., Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Frederick Klein, 323 W. Madison St., Chicago. Rometch, Frederick August, Ph.G., Adjuster, 104 Crystal St., Chi- cago. Rummel, Thomas Corwin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Lucas, O. Seely, Charles Adams, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Bristol, Ind. bpringer, Charles B., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Pocahontas. Stannard, S. Grant, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 51st St. and Lake Ave., Chicago. Thiele, Ernest J., Ph.G., Salesman, with Humiston, Keeling & Co., wholesale druggists, 200 Madison St., Chicago. Thompson, A. Eugene, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 682 W. Division St., Chi- cago. VanGorder, George L., Ph.G. [Argentine Republic] Voge, Richard, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1506 Ogden Ave., Chicago. Warhanik, Emil Mattias, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 989 W. 22d St., Chi- cago. Warnick, John F., Ph.G., Pharmacist [J. B. Warnick & Sons], Franklin Grove. Wieneke, Frederick B., Ph.G., 9005 Commercial Ave., Chicago. CLASS OF 1SS7 Boswell, Charles Thomas, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Rockford. Bradley, Milton Maddox, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Chatham. *Braun, Rudolph P., Ph.G., died at Chicago, Sept. 20, 1900. Brennan, William Francis, Ph.G. [502 Ashland Bvd., Chicago.] 112 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY * Brown, Benjamin Franklin, Ph.G. Brundage, Edwin Wesley, Ph.G. (Chicago.) *Caron, Edward Louis, Ph.G. Christian, William Wickham, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Chicago, O. Cunradi, Charles, Ph.G., Pharmacist. [Cunradi Bros.,] 53 State St., Chicago. Featherston, Edward B., Ph.G., M.D., Pharmacist and Physician, 3593 N. Clark St., Chicago. Fry, Herman, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 405 Larrabee St., Chicago. Gamm, Charles A., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 103 Main St., Watertown, Wis. Gapen, Charles Lincoln, Ph.G., Pharmacist (T. E. Gapen & Son), Ottawa. Goltz, Max Arnold, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 272 E. 3rd St., Winona, Minn. *Goosen, Henry Frederick, Ph.G., died at Chicago, Aug. 23, 1899. Karg, George, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Herman Fry, 405 Larabee St., Chicago. Kelly, Clifford Davis, Ph.G., Pharmacist (Greiner & Kelly), Paris, Tex. Kneussl, Gustave, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Ottawa. Long, Abram F., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Rensselaer, Ind. Lund, Frank Christian, Ph.G. [1317 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago.] Mason, Frank G., Ph.G., M.D., Physician, State and Monroe Sts., Chicago. Merz Richard, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Economical Drug Co., 84 State St., Chicago. Meyers, Charles A., Ph.G. (631 Jackson Bvd., Chicago.) Patchen, Charles R., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Highland Park. Pearson, William Francis, Ph.G. [320 Wabash Ave., Chicago.] Peterson, Constant U., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Joliet. Riegel, Edward, Ph.G. [729 S. Halsted St., Chicago.] Ross, Finley, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Webster, S. Dak. Schneider, Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 5944 Eggleston Ave., Chicago. Senn, Thomas C, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1370 W. 103d St., Chicago. Seville, Fred Ferdinand, Ph.G.. M.D., Physician, 1573 Madison St., Chicago. Smith, William Lawson, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Gardner. Sollitt, Edgar Gloster, Ph.G., Manager, 144 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. Thomas, Frank. Ph.G., Pharmacist, 301 28th St., Cairo. ALUMNI 113 Iredway, Owen Richard, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Casnovia, Mich. Venn, August Andrew Emil, Ph.G., Physician, 268 North Ave., Chicago. VonHermann, Hugo Charles, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 31st St. and In- diana Ave., Chicago. Weihe, Henry W., Ph.G. [1402 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago.] Whalin, Oscar D., Ph.G., Physician, 2979 Prairie Ave., Chicago. White, John Wilmot, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Goldendale, Wash. * Whitley, Christopher, Ph.G. Xelowski, John Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 709 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. York, Morris Allen, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Glasgow. Zimmermann, Albert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 21 13 S. Adams St., Peoria. SUMMER CLASS OF 1887 Boddiger, Charles Edwin, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, 2801 Archer Ave., Chicago. Boe, Alfred Nels, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 845 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. Brinkman, Louis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with H. A. Brinkman, War- saw. Cunradi, Herman R., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 576 Wabash Ave., Chi- cago. Doerrlamm, Otto, Ph.G. [1086 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago.] Hiss, Andrew Emil, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 3100 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Jewell, William M., Ph.G., Secretary, O. H. Jewell Filter Co., 40 W. Quincy St., Chicago. Kaufmann, Emma, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 285 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Lapp, Charles James, Ph.G, Pharmacist, 86 Orchard St., Newark. N. J. Oliver, Florence M., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 10249 Union Ave., Chi- cago. *Slater, Samuel A., Ph.G. Smith, Charles Francis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 424 Stewart Ave., Kansas City, Kas. Stephens, Frank Burrows, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1000 Washington St., Toledo, O. Thomas, James Arthur, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 138 Wells St., Chicago. CLASS OF 1888 Breunert, Herman O., Ph.G., Pharmacist, with A, Breunert, 14th and Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo, 114 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS — SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Brooke, Albert Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Beaver Crossing, Neb. Buchholtz, William Herman, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Max Wirth, 13 W. Superior St., Duluth, Minn. Carpenter, William James, Ph.G., Pharmacist. [Bucknan & Car- penter.] Warren. Chapman, Chauncey Franklin, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, 833 Wash- ington Bvd., Chicago. Charters, James Wisson, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Ore. Clark, Harry A., Ph.G. Coppock, Aldus L., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1800 Barry Ave., Chicago. Cunningham, John Richard, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, 5101 S. Hal- sted St., Chicago. Dallas, John Cooper, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Palestine, Tex. Delfosse, Joseph Theophile, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Dinet & Del- fosse], 902 103 State St., Chicago. Dinet, Henry George, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Dinet & Delfosse], 286 Armitage Ave., Chicago. *Doolittle, William E., Ph.G., died at Chicago, June 30, 1890. Erb, Elmer L., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Tremont, 111. Felter, Edward, Ph.G., Physician, Plymouth, Wis. Gorder, Christian, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with A. Bellerue, 129 3rd St., La Crosse, Wis. Grubb, Joseph Elmer, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 118 53d St., Chicago. Hartz, Peter G., Ph.G., Pharmacist [Bevier & Hartz], 12 S. Broad- way, Aurora. Healey, Edward Joseph, Ph.G., (Chicago.) Hibben, Heron Kevan, Ph.G., with Hibben-Hill Boiler Works, 9376 Ewing Ave., Chicago. Holland, William Ernest, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 268 55th St., Chicago. *Hunt, Charles M., Ph.G. Kneer, John, Jr., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 801 S. Adams St., Peoria. Knoblauch, George Albert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1510 W. Lake St., Chicago. Kolb, Philip Jacob, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Kolb & Kahn], Clybourn and Fullerton Aves., Chicago. Kurth, Henry W., Ph.G., with M. C. Knapp, 3658 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Lambeck, Herman, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1801 Walnut St., Milwau- kee, Wis. Lane, Allen V., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1201 Wabash Ave.. Chicago. Light, Isam M., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 143 35th St., Chicago. McGee, William E., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Hinsdale. ALUMNI 115 Matkin, John Isaac, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Matkin Bros.], 106 43d St., Chicago. Matthews, Henry F., Ph.G., Traveling Salesman, 43 Grand Ave.. Chicago. * Melton, Charles W., Ph.G. Merrell, Benjamin D., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Superior, Wis. Moss, Monroe T., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 4258 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Muehlmann, Carl George, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, Pekin. Niemeyer, Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Stockton. Pfleger, George G., Ph.G., Salesman, 81 Pine St., Chicago. Quinn, William A., Ph.G., M.D., Physician, 5 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Robertson, William C, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Robinson-Pettet Co., 528 W. Main St., Louisville, Ky. Sheppard, William Brandon, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Sheppard & Becker], Mattoon. *Springer, Karl Reinhold, Ph.G. Studness, Edward T., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 40 E. 2nd St. So., Salt Lake City, Utah. VanPelt, Frank Stanley, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Lamar, Mo. Whaley, Lawrence, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with M. N. Porter & Co., 3900 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Wilson, Clayton William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Kingsley, la. SUMMER CLASS OF 1888 Barrett, William Craig, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 95 Lake St., Chicago. Beck, John Charles, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, 118 Oak St., Chicago. Bell, Robert McPherson, Ph.G., Pharmacist, La Crosse, Wis. Brenton, Theodore M., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Osgood, Ind. Cauwenbergh, Joseph, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Cauwenbergh Bros.], Green Bay, Wis. DeGaugh, John Albert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Denison, Tex. Dunkel, Martha, Ph.G., Mrs. Fred Rudolphy, 1705 Berry Ave., Chicago. Ertel, Anthony, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with G. B. Cabeen, 436 Jackson Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. Farrar, George B., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 987 Ogden Ave., Chicago. Fordham, Watson W., Ph.G. [Detroit, Mich.] Geisse, Charles F. W., Ph.G., Salesman, with Peter Van Schaack & Sons, Fond du Lac, Wis. Greiner, William Edward, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Greiner & Kelly], Paris, Texas. Il6 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Hildebrandt, Fred H., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Durand, Wis. Hovey, Will Cleveland, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with E. H. Sargent & Co., 106 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Kennedy, Frederick Peter, Ph.G., 55th and State Sts., Chicago. Kennedy, James Gratan, Ph.G., Chemist, with P. Van Schaack & Sons, 138 Lake St., Chicago. Kneussl, Maxmilian, Jr., Ph.G., Pharmacist [Kneussl Bros.], Ot- tawa. Luckenbach, Wilhelm, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Green Bay, Wis. Meyer, Walter Ferdinand, Ph.G., 26 S. Tejon St., Colorado Springs, Colo. Moellering, Charles Benjamin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Lafayette and Lewis Sts., Fort Wayne, Ind. Moore, Orlando Sentillion, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Olds, British N. W. Ty. Pelek, Louis John, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with T. A. Jewett, Oregon. Penberthy, Edward, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Blue Island. Pigall, Joseph Smith, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, 987 Ogden Ave., Chicago. Salter, Allen, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, Lena. Sanders, Thomas William, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Sanders & Scherer], Aurora. Schoenike, Edward Benjamin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 396 6th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Schoke, John, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 845 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. *Schott, William Joseph, Ph.G., died at Chicago, 1893. Smith, Frank, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Washington, Ind. Upson, Eugene S., Ph.G., Durand, Mich. White, William James, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Goldendale, Wash. Wintersteen, Lambert Soule, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Lyons. CLASS OF 1889 Armistead, Thomas Darden, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Hopkinsville, Ky. Becker, Louis Alexander, Ph.G., Soda Fountain Manufacturer [L. A. Becker Co.], 96 Franklin St., Chicago. Brown, C. Kirby, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 8 Eagle St., Buffalo, N. Y. Converse, William Adelbert, Ph.G., Chemist, with Dearborn Drug & Chemical Co., 29-33 Rialto Bldg., Chicago. Cooban, Benjamin Slater, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 559 W. 63d St., Chi- cago. Cooling, Harry E., Ph.G., Pharmacist [Traill & Cooling], Austin. *Curti, Richard Felix, Ph.G., died at Chicago, Dec. 17th, 1897. ALUMNI • 117 Czerwinski, Albert Hyacinth, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 461 Mitchell St., Milwaukee, Wis. Doolittle, David Drysdale, Ph. G., Pharmacist, Sabetha, Kas. Engsberg, William August, Ph.G., Physician, Lake Mills, Wis. Eves, Lincoln Lyons, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with C. C. Eves, Ver- milion, S. Dak. Faust, William Lawrence, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Central City, S. Dak. Garver, Benjamin Franklin, Ph.G., Pharmacist [S. B. Garver & Son], Farmer City. Gorton, George Edward, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Crawford, Neb. Graham, Edward Louis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Muscatine, la. Granacher, Edward Theodore, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Christie Drug Co., 501 Hampshire St., Quincy. Grundy, John David, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Elgin. Hamilton, William Reynolds, Jr., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Sibley. Hocking, Joseph Finley, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Hocking Drug Co.], Wichita, Kans. Johnson, Charles Robert, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Hurlburd & Johnson], Morris, Minn. Kline, Charles Grant, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Harriman, Tenn. Lane, John G., Ph.G., Pharmacist [Flat River Pharmacy], Flat River, Mo. LeBar, Clarence Roscoe, Ph.G., Westfield, Tex. McDonald, Cornelius William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Aurora. Mclnnerney, Thomas Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Siegel, Cooper & Co., New York City. McKie, James Henry, Ph.G., (San Diego, Cal.) Matthaei, Ernest August, Ph.G., Physician, 626 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Menough, Thomas Franklin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Brazil, Ind. Neeb, John Nicholas, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Economical Drug Co., 84 State St., Chicago. Noster, Alfred H., Ph.G., Physician, New Braunfels, Tex. Reimers, Joseph Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1402 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago. Rew, George Campbell, Ph.G., Chemist, with Calumet Baking Powder Co., 38 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Richards, Edward Thomas, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 2300 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Rogers, Randolph Ruben, Ph.G. Pharmacist, Minburn, la. Ruehl, Harry A., Ph.G., Brewer, 224 W. 12th St., Chicago. Sachse, Richard P., Ph.G., Pharmacist, with G. G. Shauer, 2842 * State St., Chicago. Il8 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Sayre, Eugene Augustus, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Glendale, O. Schmidt, Frederick Otto, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 359 Roscoe Bvd., Chicago. Schmidt, Louis Ernest, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, 1003 Schiller Bldg., Chicago. Schroeder, Charles W., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Green Bay, Wis. Schuh, Julius Paul, Ph.G., Lumber Mnfr., Mobile, Ala. Sheppard, Samuel Carter, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Sheppard & Becker J, Mattoon. Sievers, Rudolph John Emil, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, Butte, Mont. Sohrbeck, George William, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Sohrbeck Bros.], Moline. *Stang, Joseph M., Ph.G. Valentine, William G., Ph.G., Pharmacist [Valentine & Berger], 3900 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Voak, Arthur Byron, Ph.G., Clerk, 122 State St., Chicago. Warner, Edward L., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Marlette, Mich. Wheeler, Ada G., Ph.G., Pharmacist, with F. A. Wheeler, 924 W. 63d St., Chicago. Wikoff, Clarence Powell, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, Emington. Williams, Sumner Howe, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Williams & Ander- son], Estherville, la. Woodruff, Harry Wheeler, Ph.G., Physician, 67 Wabash Ave., Chicago. SUMMER CLASS OF 1S89 Behrens, Emil Christian Louis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 807 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Bloor, Frank W., Ph.G., Pharmacist [Caldwell & Bloor], Mans- field, O. Britell, Dan, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Fulton. Broadie, Herbert H., Ph.G., Pharmacist [A. A. Broadie & Bro.], Waverly, la. Butterworth, Henry Otis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Maquoketa, la. Chandler, William DeWitt, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 2708 State St., Milwaukee, Wis. Clancy, William John, Ph. G., Pharmacist [Hammer & Clancy], La Salle. Dempster, Frank Delos, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Milford. Dennison, Edward Lyman, Ph.G., M.D., Physician. (Chicago.) Dice, Will, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 46 W. Park Ave., Evanston. Fyler, Mary Frances, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with L. S. Fyler & Co., Roscoe. ALUMNI 119 Garner, John Percy, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Austin. *Harris, William Frederick, Ph.G. Heald, Sheldon Augustus, Ph. G. (Kansas City, Mo.) Hoy, Frank James, Ph.G. [Chicago.] Huscher, George Albert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Salida, Colo. *Kehner, Charles Christian, Ph.G. Died at Chicago, May, 1900. Kinyon, Leslie William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Vail, la. Lenz, George, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 2901 Wallace St., Chicago. Lindemann, Carl Louis, Ph.G., 5658 State St., Chicago. Lubbinga, Henry, Ph.G., Physician, 407, 131 La Salle St., Chicago. McFerson, Grant, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 724 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder, Colo. Netz, Richard Herman Gustave, Ph.G., Pharmacist (Nelson & Netz Mercantile Co.), Owatonna, Minn. Parks, Walter W., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Du Quoin. Rimmele, Charles H., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1041 W. 68th St., Chicago. Storck, William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 55th St. and Washington Ave., Chicago. Turge, John, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Duluth, Minn. Voegeli, Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Voegeli Bros.], 2 Washington Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Welch, Leonard Edward, Ph.G., Physician, Albany, Ga. Whitley, William Winfrid, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Chatham. Williams, Chester Bond, Ph.G., Secretary Chicago Laboratory Sup- ply and Scale Co., 39 W. Randolph St., Chicago. Woodfill, John Gabriel, Ph.G. [Philadelphia.] CLASS OF 1890 Adams, Nathaniel Holder, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, 943 W. Madi- son St., Chicago. Albrecht, Charles, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, 748 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Anderson, Charles Merritt, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Mt. Etna, Ind. Austin, Merchant Ellsworth, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Janesville, Wis. Brinkhoff, Carl William, Ph.G., Traveling Salesman. Bruns, Louis Valentine, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 6658 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Dewey, Seth N., Ph.G., Pharmacist [Pomeroy, Dewey & Co.], 6500 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Druehl, Louis August, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with the Plaza Phar- macy, 670 N. Clark St., Chicago. Ehrlicher, Otto David, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Erlicher Bros.], Pekin. 120 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS — SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Fisk, Bert Erroll, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1025 E. 19th St., Kansas Citv, Mo. Fraser, Edward, Ph.G. (Honolulu, H. I.) Froeschle, William Frederick, Ph.G., Dentist, 445 N. Clark St., Chicago. Fritz, Frank Fred, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Mendota. Goldberger, Harry Enoch, Ph.G., Student, University of Illinois, College of Medicine, 6128 Madison Ave., Chicago. Haring, William Sherwood, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with A. K. Schroeder, 269 E. 64th St., Chicago. Hartke, Emil Alexander, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 401 47th St., Chicago. Hazelrigg, Dyar Cobb, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Greensburg, Ind. Heine, Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 746 31st St., Chicago. Henssler, Otto William Bernard, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, 729 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Heppe, Gustave Conrad, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Delphi, Ind. Kellogg, Frank Charles, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 301 Center Avenue,' Bay City, Mich. Klimmek, Otto, Ph.G., Physician, 1400, 100 State St., Chicago. Knapp, Melville Conkrite, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 3658 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Law, William George, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Savannah. Lengacher, Oscar Frederick, Ph.G., Insurance, 174 La Salle St., Chicago. Lowenthal, Oscar, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 12th and Robey Sts., Chi- cago. Marnitz, Louis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1756 N. Clark St., Chicago. Maurer, Henry Christian, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Geo. Nicolai, 414 Harrison Ave., Leadville, Colo. O'Reilly, William Francis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with McGrath Bros., 500 Main St., Keokuk, la. Paul, Otto Elijah, Ph.G. [Chicago.] Rankin, James Sharp, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, De Kalb. Rinehart, Harold Marshall, Ph.G., Pharmacist [E. F. Rinehart & Sons], Troy, O. Rossman, Parmer, Ph.G. (Oak Park.) Schultz, Louis Charles, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Colfax, Wash. Sears, John Evangel, Ph.G. (Chicago.) Smith, Benjamin Robert, Ph.G., Traveling Salesman, with Searle & Hereth Co., 75 Wells St., Chicago. Stenicka, Otto Edgar, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 4132 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. ALUMNI 121 Stewart, Pughsley Sidney Augustus, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Atlanta, Ga. Stockert, Charles Frederick, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Elm wood, Neb. Stolte, William Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with W. C. Scupham, 63 State St., Chicago. Thayer, Charles Aden, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1249 W. Madison St., Chicago. Timke, Albert, Ph.G., Bailiff, Criminal Court of Cook County, 171 N. Clark St., Chicago. *Tomlinson, Albert Lewis, Ph.G. Tuteur, William Benjamin, Ph.G., 3645 Grand Bvd., Chicago. Walton, James K., Ph.G., Pharmacist (Henkel & Walton), Cobden. Woltze, John, Ph.G., M.D., Pharmacist and Physician, 445 North Ave., Chicago. Wuerth, John Jacob, Ph.G., Physician, 143 35th St., Chicago. Zoeller, George, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 467 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. SUMMER CLASS OF 1890 Bors, Christian, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Christiana, Norway. Brinson, George Robert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Waycross, Ga. Brown, Eugene Howard, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Moorhead, Minn. Cummings, Mrs. Adeline E. P., Ph.G., Pharmacist, with G. B. Cum- mings, Highland Park. Derge, Paul Arnold, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Anaheim, Cal. Eichberg Fred., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 657 Sedgwick St., Chicago. Eymann, Albert Harry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Warsaw. Frank, Nathan Landauer, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 3269 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Greenwood, Thomas Edwin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 631 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Heinemann, Martin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 211 Webster Ave., Chi- cago. Jones, Frank Hurlburt, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Spring View, Neb. Kortebein, Lorenz W., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Hamilton, Mont. Larsen, Lars Peter, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1496 W. Madison St., Chi- cago. Lenz, William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 2059 38th St., Chicago. McKinstry, George Lee, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Kimbrough & McKins- try], Sherman, Tex. Nagel, Herman Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 5358 Morgan St., Chi- cago. Nordling, Ernest August, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Lake Forest. Paddock, Charles Brewster, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Fresno, Cal. 122 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Paul, Charles Frederick, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with the Boston Store, 122 State St., Chicago. Ramsey, Samuel Virgil, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Seattle, Wash. Scherer, Charles Jacob, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Scherer & Murray], Honey Grove, Tex. Schumacher, Fred W., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Highland Park. Shumway, Walter, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Arlington, la. Stilman, Harvey A., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Joliet. Thomas, George Andrew, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Elkhart, Ind. Weber, William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 2614 Cottage Grove Ave., Chi- cago. Weeks, John Allen, Ph.G, Salesman, with Reid, Murdock & Co., 1 Market St., Chicago. Weiner, Carl F., Ph.G., Pharmacist. [Chicago.] CLASS OF 1S91 Blackburn, John Widner, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Corsicana, Tex. Bruder, Otto Emil, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Johnson's Creek, Wis. Burlin, Frank Howard, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Viroqua, Wis. Dunavan, Clarence Vincent, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with E. A. Lyon, 200 E. 22d St., Chicago. Dunning, George C, Ph.G., 4122 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. Flannery, Herbert F., Ph.G. [Chicago.] Keats, Arthur Sansom, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with W. A. Bancroft, 6001 Washington Ave., Chicago. Knappenberger, Clarence A., Ph.G., Pharmacist, LaHarpe. McCoy, Robert Harris, Ph.G, Pharmacist, with J. N. McCoy, Ken- ton, O. Mallory, Charles Willit, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Bryan, O. Matthes, W. Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Auditorium Pharmacy Co., 320 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Meade, Clayton Baker, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Berwyn. Mosser, Robert, Ph.G, Pharmacist, Palatine. Norling, Alfred W., Ph.G., Pharmacist, with P. O. Norling, Galva. Plitt, Louis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with E. M. Bray, 1001 Collins St., Joliet. ♦Powell, Thomas, Jr., Ph.G. Schreiner, George, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1072 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Scott, Thomas Y., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Springfield. Stiller, Otto Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Danville. Thiel, Charles Christopher, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Ogden and Ridgeway Aves., Chicago. ALUMNI 123 Thorsen, Arthur C, Ph.G., Salesman, with Armour & Co., 205 La Salle St., Chicago. Thomas, Frank Ormie, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Emporia, Kas. Wagner, Emil John, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 62 E. Perry St., Tiffin, O. SUMMER CLASS OF 1891 Andrews, Willis Edwin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, La Junta, Colo. Bernard, Edwin Stephen, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 882 W. Taylor St., Chicago. Brown, Rush Grant, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Butt, John Albert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 271 N. Clark St., Chicago. Cain, Horatio E., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 3557 W. 63d St., Chicago. Dewitz, Theodore Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 2404 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Fogas, John Theodore, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1130 S. Capital Ave., In- dianapolis, Ind. Garrison, William Hicks, Ph.G., Pharmacist and Physician, Pearl. *Herker, Roland, William, PhG. Knoche, William Philip, Ph.G., Salesman, with Colgate & Co., Per- fumers. [790 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago.] Luckenbach, Simon Frank, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Kewanee, Wis. McClanahan, Charles, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Elgin. McKay, Malcolm, Ph.G., Pharmacist, U. S. Marine Hospital, Wil- mington, N. C. McKelvey, Wardale Otto, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Orient, la. Matthei, Charles August, Ph.G., 5 Gurley St., Chicago. Pinckney, Pitt Pierre, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Gale & Blocki, 44 Monroe St., Chicago. Schembs, Frank Hermann, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, 318 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Taylor, William Wallace, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Taylor Bros.], Stevens Point, Wis. Wead, James Scott, Ph.G., Physician, West Jersey. Willits, Charles Cushman, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Michigan City, Ind. CLASS OF 1892 Amphlett, Frederick Joseph, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 6300 Stony Island Ave., Chicago. Angear, Benjamin Howard, Ph.G., Physician, 482 W. Lake St., Chicago. Burnitt, Frederick George, Ph.G., Salesman, with Meyer Bros. Drug Co. (St. Louis, Mo.), McKinney, Tex. 124 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Case, George Edwin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Princeton. Crawshaw, Herbert Harwood, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1365 Ogden Ave., Chicago. Day, William Baker, Ph.G., Professor of Histological Botany, Uni- versity of Illinois School of Pharmacy, 465 State St., Chicago. Graessle, Otto Luther, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Graessle & Koehler], 748 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Hall, William Warren, Ph.G., Knoxville, Tenn. Harsch, John Hermann, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with V. Lueder, 511 S. Adams St., Peoria. Hartwig, Reinhart William, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Hartwig Bros.], Chicago and Milwaukee Aves., Chicago. Heddens, Claus H., Ph.G., (816 W. Congress St., Chicago.) Horn, W T illiam Frederick, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with J. E. Grubb, 118 53d St., Chicago. Hughes, Harry John, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Beaver Dam, Wis. Hummel, Charles Clarence, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, Grundy Center, Iowa. Kiessling, Adolph Frederick, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with W. C. Scup- ham, 63 State St., Chicago. Koenig, Charles Frederick, Ph.G., Pharmacist, La Crosse, Wis. Krueger, Berthold Otto, Ph.G., Pharmacist (with Minn. Medical Institute, 5th and Roberts Sts., St. Paul, Minn.). McVay, Ernest Avery, Ph.G., Pharmacist (McVay Bros.), 600 W. 70th St., Chicago. Moffett, Henry M., Ph.G., Pharmacist, with G. A. Weckler, 1906 State St., Chicago. Nystrom, Peter Alfred, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with O. F. Schmidt, 43d St. and Lake Ave., Chicago. Paul, Arthur Ernest, Ph.G., B.S., Chemist, with Mariner & Hos- kins, 81 S. Clark St., Chicago. Sandmeister, Charles Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Bellevue, O. Schroeder, Albert William, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Schroeder Bros.], Hirsch St. and Western Ave., Chicago. Speice, William Koenig, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, 50 W. Madison St.. Chicago. *Tanke, Ernest Julius Ferdinand, Ph.G. VanDike, Elba, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 711 W. Jefferson St., Los An- geles, Cal. Voit, William Smiley, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Warren, O. Wickert, Paul, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 4300 Cottage Grove Ave., Chi- cago. ALUMNI 125 CLASS OP 1893 Barber, Andrew Hamilton, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with H. B. McCall. Lenexa, Kas. Bechard, Delore Joseph, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Clyde, Kas. Bedford, Richard James, Ph.G., M.D., Physician, Dohinda. Bellack, Bertholdt H., Ph.G., Pharmacist [Bellack Bros.], 284 Lin- coln Ave., Chicago. Cate, Henry Brown, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Menominee, Mich. *Chenoweth, John Byrd, Ph.G. Crowley, James Patrick, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 867 32d St., Chicago. Dobbratz, Max Christopher, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1751 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Farris, Benjamin Franklin, Ph.G. [5310 Wentworth Ave., Chicago.] Gage, John Grant, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with B. M. Kohner, 104 E. 43d St., Chicago. Gazzolo, Frank Henry Serafino, Ph.G., B.S., 95 Astor St., Chicago. Grace, William Emory, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Baker City, Oregon. Grady, Charles J., Ph.G., Pharmacist (Stolz & Grady), 104 N. Clark St., Chicago. Heiss, Ernest Joseph, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 736 W. Division St., Chi- cago. *Helm, William Harvey, Ph.G., died at Byron, December 3, 1894. Hermansdorfer, August, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Brookville, Ind. Herzog, John William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Emil Thiele, 45th St. and Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Hoelzer, Bruno Alfred Christian, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 740 W. North Ave., Chicago. Hull. Sherman Grant, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Clinton. Irvine, Ephraim Dinsmore, Ph.G., Instructor in Pharmacy Univer- sity of Illinois School of Pharmacy, 465 State St., Chicago. Kaplansky, David, Ph.G., Pharmacist (Kaplansky & Moran), Michi- gan City, Ind. Kleiner, Joseph C, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 2169 Archer Ave., Chicago. Klenze, John Edward, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 219 Hudson St., Buffalo, N. Y. Kuhn, John Frederick, Ph.G., Medical Student, 336 B St. N. E. Washington, D. C. Linn, Frank C, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Roberts. Logan, Albert Lloyd, Ph.G., Pharmacist (McConnell & Logan), Hartford City, Ind. McCracken, Robert Edward, Ph.G., Pharmacist, U. S. Marine Hos- pital, Chicago. 126 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Mix, Frank B., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Elk Rapids, Mich. Pfafflin, Adolph Rudolph, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Main and Virginia Sts., Evansville, Ind. Rauth, Frederick William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Springfield. Renter, Robert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Henry Reuter, 40th Ave. and W. Madison St., Chicago. Rudnick, Frederick, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with O. J. Hartwig, 1570 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Rudnick, Paul Frederick Augustus, Ph.G., B.S., Chemist, with E. Schneider & Co., 24th Place and Wallace St., Chicago. Schimek, Ignatius Albert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with J. E. Schimek, 547 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Schmiedeskamp, William Hermann, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Quincy. Shean, William Edward, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with John R. Shean, 171 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Snyder, Charles John, Ph.G., Pharmacist [C. J. Snyder & Bros.], 2506 State St., Chicago. Steenburg, Wesley Benjamin, Ph.G., M.D. (360 Root St., Chicago). Steker, Albert Frederick, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1331 W. Madison St., Chicago. Stockton, Lycurgus, Ph.G., clerk, 1237 W. Polk St., Chicago. Stolz, Ernest Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist (Stolz & Grady), 104 N. Clark St., Chicago. Struthers, Herbert Rankin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Kedzie and Ohio Sts., Chicago. Stuckey, Alexander Caldwell, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 'j^'j W. 63d St., Chicago. Taylor, Olin Ray, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Cresco, la. Van Nice, James Ora, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Schroeder & Van Nice], 2250 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Waskow, Otto George, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Medical Student, Univer- sity of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago. CLASS OF 1894 Anderson, James Andrew, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Downer's Grove. Behrens, William Benjamin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with John & W. E. Holland, 268 Madison Ave., Chicago. Bodinson, Frederick Perry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with W. E. Grace, Baker City, Ore. Bohn, George Washington, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 801 Canal St., Evans- ville, Ind. Breckwoldt, Leonhard Ornandus, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Robert Vogelsang, 351 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. ALUMNI 127 Breves, Rudolph, Ph.G., Chemist, Newark, N. J. Caine, Stonewall Lee, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Columbus, Miss. Cannon, Thomas Francis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 190 N. Clark St., Chi- cago. Chladek, Joseph William, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Chladek Bros.], 6300 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Christensen, Adolph Harold, Ph.G., Medical Student, 61 Ellen St., Chicago. Collins, Rollin Spellman, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Collins Bros.], 1105 Washington St., Oakland, Cal. Cook, Charles Christian, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 159 Pine St., Chicago. Coolbaugh, Willis Eugene, Ph.G., Cashier, State Bank of Stockton, Stockton, Kas. Cress, Charles William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 5300 Jefferson Ave., Chi- cago. Delfosse, Henry Adolphus, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Dinet & Del- fosse, 903-103 State St., Chicago. Fitch, Elbert Lamont, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Central Valley, N. Y. Gross, Henry Ethelbert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Relief Work, 64 Vedder St., Chicago. Hallenberg, Oscar, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Fargo, N. Dak. Hunsche, Frederick, Ph.G., Chemist, with the Abbott Alkaloidal Co., 1416 E. Ravenswood Park, Chicago. Jacobus, Philip. Ph.G., Pharmacist, La Crosse, Wis. Kaczoroski, Adolphus Onesime, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 181 1 London Ave., New Orleans, La. Krause, Charles Louis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Herscher. Lorenz, Julius Augustus, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1375 W. Harrison St., Chicago. McKenzie, Robert Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist [McKenzie Bros.], Leadville, Colo. *Nachtway, William Morris, Ph.G. *Neilson, Henry Alexander, Ph.G., died at N. McGregor, la., Jan- uary 23, 1899. O'Brian, Roger William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Charles Fischer, 356 W. Division St., Chicago. Orth, Godlove Sheriff, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with S. H. Fetherston, 3196 N. Clark St., Chicago. Plice, William Andrew, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Polk St. and California Ave., Chicago. Ruhlof, George Hermann, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Chicago]. Roark, Charles Asbury, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with K. S. McLennan, 47th and Grand Bvd., Chicago. 128 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Rudder, William Hiram, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Salem. Schefcik, John Francis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Dr. Drew's Insti- tute of Pharmacy, Century Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Seward, Frank, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Austin. Sisson, Oscar U., Ph.G., Pharmacist, 5034 Cottage Grove Ave., Chi- cago. Spiller, Frank Hue, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Gardner. Stillman, Charles Leonard, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Columbus, Neb. Stuchlik, John, Ph.G., Pharmacist (Stuchlik Bros.), 338 W. 18th St.. Chicago. Stuchlik, William Arthur, Ph.G., Pharmacist (Stuchlik Bros.), 338 W. 18th St., Chicago. *Thomas, John E., Ph.G. Thorburn, Albert David, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Reliance Phar- macy, Chicago. Trischmann, Albert Emil, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with John Brod Chem- ical Co., 349 W. North Ave., Chicago. Weissenborn, Henry Hermann, Ph.G., 4848 State St., Chicago. Wendt, Ferdinand, Jr., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Juneau, Wis. Wiley, Guy Aden, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Paris. Wilson, Franklin Samuel, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Taylor St. and Center Ave., Chicago. Yarndley, Richard Edwin, Ph.G., with Marshall Field & Co., 552 E. 65th St., Chicago. Zobel, Emil Carl, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 506 Wells St., Chicago. CLASS OP 1895 Anderson, William Vincent, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Fostoria, O. Bissel, Frank Ammi, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Colorado Springs, Colo. Brandon, Henry Lee, Ph.G., Brewer, Leavenworth, Kas. Braun, Walter Thomas, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 3038 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Champion, Joseph Liddicoat, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 525 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. Crell, William Frederick, Ph.G. (Waukegan.) Drew, Rupert Chauncey, Ph.G., Dentist, 445 N. Clark St., Chicago. Ellis, Frank Irving, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1620 W. Madison St., Chi- cago. *Engstrom, Otto Francis, Ph.G., died at Chicago, October, 1895. *Flavin, Daglon, Ph.G., died at Denver, Colo., 1896. Gathercoal, Edmund Norris, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Wilmette. Gille, William Sebastian, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Central Phar- macy, 601 Hampshire St., Quincy. ALUMNI 129 Greves, John Hans, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with G. A. Graves, Oakwood and Ellis Aves., Chicago. Haschenburger, Edmund Ommen, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with B. O. Kostka, 121 1 O St., Lincoln Neb. Hops, George Albert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Saybrook. Hull, Ralph Wilbur, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Chicago. Kinsley, William Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Manistee, Mich. Kneer, Theodore Fridolin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with John Knees, 801 S. Adams St., Peoria. Koehler, Henry Otto, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Graessle & Koehler], 748 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Lantz, L. Z., Ph.G., Pharmacist, Sycamore, O. Leonard, Oliver Blood, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 530 Grand Ave., Chicago. Lorch, George, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Independence, Wis. McCauley, Lorin Quamo, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with A. V. Lane, 1201 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Mattas, Joseph Stephen, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1540 W. 22d St., Chi- cago. Miller, Albert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1364 W. 103d St., Chicago. Nebeker, Elbert Ferguson, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with L. K. Waldron, 189 Randolph St., Chicago. Nordvi, Alfred Charles, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Waupaca, Wis. Ohlman, Julius Wilfrid, Ph.G., Traveling Salesman, with Nelson Baker & Co., Detroit, Mich. Peck, George Lewis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Aldine Pharmacy, 3700 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Powers, David Theophilus, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Knoxville, Tenn. Rickfort, Charles Arthur, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Austin. Romano, Antonio, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 187 N. Halsted St., Chicago. Root, Claude Arthur, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with S. T. Applegate, South Bend, Ind. Sandkoetter, Henry Peter, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with W. K. Forsyth, 3100 State St., Chicago. Schoening, Walter Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Hollister Drug Co., Honolulu, H. I. Schram, David Leo, Ph.G., Physician, 3421 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Schwarz, Alfred John, Ph.G. [71 Willow St., Chicago.] Stadelmann, Arthur William, Pharmacist, 69th St. and Ashland Ave., Chicago. Stanislaus, Ignatius Valerius Stanley, Ph.G., Professor of Pharmacy, Notre Dame University School of Pharmacy, South Bend, Ind. Stebbings, Franklyn Filmore, Ph.G., Theological Student, Kankakee. 130 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS — SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Stewart, James Albert, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Stewart & Collender], Laporte, Ind. \ Striebel, Franklin David, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Michigan & Broadway Sts., South Bend, Ind. Thomson, James Edwards, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with E. W. Thomson, Delhi, La. Umenhofer, Adolph, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Herman Fry, 357 Sedgwick St., Quincy. Vonckx, John Frank, Ph.G., Chemist, 518 Byron St., Chicago. Weydell, Knut Albert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with W. T. Adams, 5660 S. Halsted St., Chicago. *Zacharski, William Andrew, Ph.G., died at Chicago, March 5, 1899. CLASS OF 1S96 Arndt, Herman Gustave, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Buck & Raynor, Tacoma Bldg., Chicago. Burglund, Oscar, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Lindsborg, Kas. Datin, Ellis Clyde, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Datin & Lauterbach], 5458 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Elich, Herman Louis, Ph.G., Medical Student, Univ. of Illinois, 797 N. Leavitt St., Chicago. Ellis, George Seaver, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Terre Haute, Ind. Faris, Melville Arthur, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Bloomington, Ind. Fellows, Edwin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with T. W. Sollitt, 1333 W. Lake St., Chicago. Gillispie, Samuel Tilden, Ph.G., Physician, 884 W. Madison St.. Chicago. Green, Carl Victor, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Braceville. Harstad, Oliver, Ph.G., Dentist, Sioux City, la. Heck, Rudolph Stephen, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Voegeli Bros., 2d St. and Washington Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Heinemann, Lucy, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with M. Heinemann, 211 Web- ster Ave., Chicago. Herr, Alfred Ernest, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with J. S. Hottinger, 224 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Hollander, Herman, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Hollander Bros.], Galena. Hubbard, Elias Palmer, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with People's Drug Store, Clark and Monroe Sts., Chicago. Hummel, Joseph Frederick, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Grundy Center, la. Koelle, Otto Charles, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Scherling & Arnold, Sioux City, la. Krieter, William George, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 887 W. North Ave., Chicago. ALUMNI 131 Kurtz, George Emil, Ph.C, Pharmacist. [Chicago.] Lauterbach, Rudolph John, Ph.C, Pharmacist [Datin & Lauter- bach], 5458 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Linden, Leo Servatus Joseph, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 94 Johnson St., Chicago. Long, Charles Romain, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with J. C. Long, How- ard Lake^ Minn. Lueck, August Albert Ferdinand, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Spencer Drug Co., Antigo, Wis. Mertes, John Adams, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 886 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Moran, Edward Michael, Ph., G., Pharmacist [Kaplansky & Moran], Michigan City, Ind. Patten, Edward Stuart, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with E. Patten, Car- bondale. Riddell, Dell Frank, Ph.G., Waverly, Neb. Rowe, Harry Eugene, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Morahn Bros., Sheridan. Schlinkman, William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 900 S. 8th St., Quincy. Schreiner, Louis Ignatius, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Searle & Hereth Co., Manufacturing Chemists, 73 Wells St., Chicago. Schultz, Charles Frederick William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 159 E. Chicago St., Elgin. Schwertfeger (Coles), Frank Henry, Ph.G., City Salesman, W. W. Marmon, Wholesale Druggist, Bloomington. St. John, Joseph Matthias, Ph.C, Pharmacist [Seibert & St. John], Lincoln and Lake Sts., Chicago. Staman, Ashton, Ph.G., Pharmacist, in charge of Dispensary, St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago. Steege, Henry John Louis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 235 N. Park Ave., Austin. Stieber, Francis Gus John, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with J. F. Carnegie, 240 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Townsend, Clyde William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Las Vegas, N. M. ^Weinberger, George Charles, Ph.G., died at Chicago, October, 1897. Williams, Robert Edward Lee, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Morrillton, Ark. Xelowski, Thaddeus Zigmund, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with J. H. Xelowski, 709 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. CLASS OP 1S97 Allen, Eugene Daniel, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with J. H. Allen, Mar- seilles. Babb, Alma, Ph.C, Pharmacist, Student of Stenography, Burling- ton, la. 132 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Balensiefer, Otto, Ph.G., Medical Student, Univ. of 111., Chicago. Behmer, Otto Theobald Ehrhardt, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with William Beinssen, 305 Augusta St., Chicago. Behrens, Frederick Ferdinand Francis, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Behrens Bros.], 567 S. Western Ave., Chicago. Bignold, Wilfrid James, Ph.C, Pharmacist, with Siddall Drug Co., 43d St. and Indiana Ave., Chicago. Boudinot, John Eliot, Ph.C, Danville. Boyce, Harry Arthur, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with W. H. Fogas, Mt. Vernon, Ind. Buchner, Frederick Edward Albert, Ph.G., Medical Student, Univ. of 111., Chicago. Clyde, Albert Eugene, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with C. A. Thayer, 1249 W. Madison St., Chicago. Dieden, Frank Xavier, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with The Wieland Pharmacy, 418 North Ave., Chicago. Dittman, George Charles, Ph.G., Medical Student, Univ.. 111., 163 1 Belmont Ave., Chicago. Elliott, Elizabeth, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Dr. William Elliott, Peotone. Fisher, Emil John, Ph.G. [Klondike.] Friedgen, Harry Raymond, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 7th and Alvarado Sts., Los Angeles, Cal. Fulghum, Charles Clifford, Ph.G., Fountain City, Ind. Gilbert, Carl Edward, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Big Lake, Minn. Harper, Micajah Anderson, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 7032 Stony Island Ave., Chicago. Hoch, Charles Erederick, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Logansport, Ind. Jacobus, Peter William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 2030 Clarendon Ave., Chicago. Johnson, George Gilmore, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with P. O. Norling, Galva. Kampman, Arthur, Ph.C. (1410 35th St., Chicago.) Landau, David, Ph.G., Medical Student, 607 31st St., Chicago. Lange, Louis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Charles Lange, Lake and Wood Sts., Chicago. McGoey, Joseph Aloysius, Ph.G., Pharmacist, lately with M. W. McCoy, 1073 E. 61 st St., Chicago. Mark, George Andrew, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Herman Fry, 161 North Ave., Chicago. Mehrlich, Harry Charles, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Black Hawk, Colo, Menn, Harry George, Ph.G-, Pharmacist, Canton, Mo, ALUMNI 133 Mrazek, Leopold Ludwig, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 806 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Parsons, Edward Charles, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Mandan, N. Dak. Pier, Harry James, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Hurley, S. Dak. Plautz, Henry Frederick, Ph.G., 731 N. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. Porges, Otto, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with A. E. Fechter, 62 Canal- port Ave., Chicago. Renshaw, Charles Johnson, Ph.C. (63d St. and Woodlawn Ave., Chicago.) Robin, Luba Julia, Ph.C, Pharmacist, with J. Robin, 543 S. Jeffer- son St., Chicago. Schwarz, Hiram, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Long Acre Pharmacy, 1491 Broadway, New York City. Smith, George Irving Washington, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Shelton, Neb. Storen, Mark Thomas, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with John R. Porter & Co., Rockford. Van Buren, Evert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Kickapoo Remedy Co., Chicago. Waldron, William Frederick, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 46th St. and Cot- tage Grove Ave., Chicago. Winne, Charles Walter, Ph.C, Student Univ. of 111., Chicago. Wooster, Mortimer Safford, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with F. S. Wooster, 20 W. Main St., Norwalk, O. CL.ASS OF 189S Ashmore, Joseph Samuel, Ph.G., Pharmacist [B. E. Ashmore & Son], Shannon. Atzel, George William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with A. H. Schroeder, 719 Maplewood Ave., Chicago. Bakkers, John, Pharmacist, with T. Schmid, 11 100 Michigan Ave. (Roseland), Chicago. Bauer, Herbert Arthur, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Bauer & O'Neil], Kil- bourn, Wis. Bowman, William Townzen, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Moweaqua. Brenner, Bert Lemon, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with A. F. Long, Rens- selaer, Ind. Clark, Harry Alexander, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with J. J. Dale, Carmi. Donaberger, Samuel Bricker, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with A. Scherer, 383 N. State St., Chicago. Freeman, Arthur Wardo, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Vermont. Harris, Andrew Hope, Ph.G., Pharmacist (Moody & Harris), Par- ker, S. Dak. 134 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Herrmann, William Frederick, Ph.G., Pharmacist (Corbus & Co.), LaSalle. Holmsted, Alex Sanfred, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Louis Marnitz, 1756 N. Clark St., Chicago. Honens, Hugh Benton, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Dr. I. H. Rathbun, Crab Orchard, Neb. Huddleston, Clyde Ernest, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Farmer City. Jones, Charles Everett, Ph.G., Railway Mail Clerk, Oak Park. Kappus, George Jacob, Ph.G. Pharmacist, 1704 W. North Ave., Chi- cago. Kloppenburg, Joseph Robert, Ph.G. [714 Belmont Ave., Chicago.] Kops, William Gabriel Joseph, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with M. M. Ben- ton, 325 Main St., Peoria. Koropp, Ernest August, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Haas & Kesche, Mendota. Lauber, Bohumil, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with J. I. Schimek, 547 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Maier, Bertram, Ph.G., Medical Student, 177 Bissell St., Chicago. Mentz, Otto Herman, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with W. T. Klenze, 1301 Belmont Ave, Chicago. Moore, Algy Charles, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Wilmington]. Neverman, Edward Albert Paul, Ph.G., Medical Student, 3313 Wood St., Chicago. Olsen, Egil Thorbjorn, Ph.G., Steward, U. S. Marine Hospital Ser- vice, Office of Supervising Surgeon General of Marine Hospital Service, Washington, D. C. Rainey, Charles Francis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Hixton, Wis. Ruhland, Charles Theodore Frederick William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 44 Roscoe St., Chicago. Schuetz, Ziska Ehrhart, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Schuetz & Deni- son, Mendota. Schultz, Emil Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with M. E. Barnett, Nee- nah, Wis. Siedenburg, Frank, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with N. Gray Bartlett, 94 22d St., Chicago. Smale, William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with A. W. Wilson, 438 W. Madison St., Chicago. Sobel, Maximilian, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with B. H. Goll, 12th St. and Ashland Ave., Chicago. Stroetzel, William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Andrew Scher, 383 N. State St., Chicago. Thompson, Charles Reuben, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Grayslake. ALUMNI 135 Warhanik, Charles Augustus, Ph.G., Steward, U. S. Marine Hospi- tal Service, Vineyard Haven, Martha's Vineyard Island, Mass. Watters, Mark Henry, Ph.G., Steward, U. S. Marine Hospital Ser- vice, U. S. Marine Hospital, Chicago. Weigand, Henry, Jr., Ph.G., Pharmacist, with F. D. Peirce, State St. and Garfield Bvd., Chicago. Wiedel, Paul Harry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with E. Wiedel, 548 W. Chi- cago Ave., Chicago. CLASS OF 1899 Arnold, George Edwin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with T. S. Arnold, Wat- seka. Barnett, Moses, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 300 Washington Ave., Evans- ville, Ind. Bartells, Charles Waldron, Ph.G., Pharmacist (Buchholz & Bar- tells), Gallatin, Mo. Biese, Carl August Bernhardt, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with W. B. Hart, 63d St. and Madison Ave., Chicago. Brady, Horatio Thomas Addis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with E. G. Binz, 69th and Normal Sts., Chicago. Buchholz, William John, Ph.G. Pharmacist (Buchholz & Bartells), Gallatin, Mo. Chism, John Samuel, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with D. V. Whitney, Kan- sas City, Mo. Dauber, Adolph, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Drexel Pharmacy], 75th St. and Drexel Ave., Chicago. Davis, Cyrus Justin, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Kask & O'Brien, 5900 State St., Chicago. Eipper, August, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with C. C. Coyne, Port Bryon. Elisburg, Louis Albert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 682 W. Division St., Chi- cago. Goeppner, George Christopher, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with A. P. Hess, 3700 Wallace St., Chicago. Gray, Margaret McClintock, 2008 Gladys Ave., Chicago. Greene, Grove, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Rockland, Mich. Haeseler, Frank Preston, Ph.G., Pharmacist [Haeseler & Willaman], 247 W. Madison St., Chicago. Heidbreder, Albert Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist (Heidbreder Bros.), 802 State St., Quincy . Hellmuth, Joseph Anthony, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 1071 N. Robey St., Chicago. Herbold, Charles, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with The Reliance Phar- macy, 200-100 State St., Chicago. 136 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS — SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Jansen, William Leonard, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with A. E. Zuber, 5108 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Johnson, Alva, Andrew, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with C. W. Jenkins, Kilbourn, Wis. Jungk, Walter August, Ph.G., Pharmacist, partner with C. W. Jungk, 4658 State St., Chicago. Lawrence, John Whitaker, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with C. F. Kirken- dall, Johnstown, Pa. Martin, John Wright, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Wrightsville, Ga. Marvin, Zebina Earle, Ph.G., Traveling Salesman with Armour & Co., Coldwater, Mich. Meinzer, Alonzo Edward, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Wangler Bros., 227 E. 4th St., Waterloo, la. Michelmann, Albert, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with M. T. Moss, 43d St. and Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Mitchell, Jay Howard, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with W. H. Westbrook, Lyons, la. Nickerson, Howard Arthur, Ph.G., Medical Student, 2620 Law- rence St., Philadelphia, Pa. Nims, Boyden, Steward, 2d Battalion, 8th U. S. Infantry, Manila, P. I. Phipps, Luther Hansford, Ph.G., Physician, Edgewater. Pick, Emil Emil, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Paul G. Heinemann, 41S W. Division St., Chicago. Pokorney, Frank Joseph, Ph.G., Medical Student, University of Illinois College of Medicine, 105 Bunker St., Chicago. Price, Walter Thomas, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Smith Bros., Mc- Kinney, Tex. Reuter, William Conrad, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Henry Reuter, W. Madison and W. 40 Sts., Chicago. Robson, Andrew Jackson, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Decker's Cor- ner Store, Joliet. Samuelson, Carl John, (Hobart, Ind.) Schimelfenig, Charles Howard, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with G. L. Kidder, 5710 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Schrodt, Jacob, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Tyler, Tex. Seibert, Daniel Peter, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 482 W. Lake St., Chi- cago. Snyder, William Edward, Ph.G., Pharmacist, (C. J. Snyder & ^ Bros.) 2506 State St., Chicago. Smith, Frank George Douglas, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Biloxi, Miss. Smith, Robert Clyde, Student at University of Chicago, Oak Park. Sturges, Isa' Belle, Ph.G., Mt. Pleasant, la. ALUMNI 137 Swanson, Harold Gideon, Ph.G., Assistant in Pharmacy, Univer- sity of Illinois School of Pharmacy, 465 State St., Chicago. Taylor, George Owen, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with John Byrud, 135 Ashland Bvd., Chicago. Taylor, Raymond Eugene, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Los Angeles, Cal. Vannatta, DeWitt Snow, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Worthington & Slade, 422 E. State St., Rockford. Woelz, Frederick Wilhelm, Ph.G., Pharmacist [F. W. Woelz & Bros.], Appleton, Wis. Zerbst, William, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Geo. Lenz, 29th and Wal- lace Sts., Chicago. CLASS OF 1900 Alexander, John William, Ph.G, Pharmacist, with J. T. Jencks, Elgin. Arnold, Almond Clifford, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with P. J. Behrens, 727 Grand Ave., Chicago. Boehm, Rudolph Sigfried, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with J. J. Boehm, 646 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Caron, Walter, Ph.G., Pharmacist, 109 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Daley, William Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, U. S. Navy, Naval Re- cruiting Station, Masonic Temple, Chicago. von Danden, Raymond, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with E. Wunderle, 278 Wells St., Chicago. Davis, Leonard Watkins, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Emil Thiele, 4458 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Drake, T. Guthred, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with M. T. Moss, 43rd St. and Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Drallmeier, Fred Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with E. T. Gran- acher, Quincy . Emerson, Irving Lewis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Hanson & Emer- son, Sauk Center, Minn. Freeman, Roscius Wright, Pharmacist (R. S. Freeman & Son), River Falls, Wis. Fulton, Peter McMullen, Pharmacist (Jones & Fulton), Le Mars, la. Gillette, Arthur S., Ph.G., Pharmacist, with G. T. Nease, Winslow. Graham, William Rice, Ph.G., Pharmacist (W. D. Graham & Son), Carlinville. Holderread, Walter, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with F. R. Milnor, Litch- field. Houseman, Gilbert James, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with H. H. Craw- shaw, Ogden and Turner Aves., Chicago. I38 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Jackola, Abraham Arthur, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Sodergren & Sodergren, Calumet, Mich. Ives, George Smith, Pharmacist, with J. W. Charters, Oregon. James, Clarence Lorenzo, Ph.G., Pharmacist, lately with Searle & Hereth Co., Chicago. Johnson, John August, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Theo. Winholt, 1 107 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Kiedaisch, George Arthur, Ph.G., Pharmacist (J. F. Kiedaisch & Son), Professor of Pharmacy, Keokuk College of Pharmacy, 1028 Main St., Keokuk, la. Kucera, Anton Jr., Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Dr. H. D. Hull, Ha- zelhurst, Wis. Lestina, Joseph Matthew, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with W. W. Klore, 2500 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Paul, George Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with G. W. Paul, Au- gusta, Wis. Priest, Fred Horace, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with W. E. Van Arsdale & Co., Hastings, la. Lyon, Fred Bayard, Medical Student, Lyons, Kas. Pfaff, Fred Lewis, Pharmacist, with J. J. Pfaff & Co., Centralia. Rose, William Ernest, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with W. J. Lumley, 3255 State St., Chicago. Rounds, Marvin Bird Cleo, Assistant in Chemistryj University of Illinois School of Pharmacy, 465 State St., Chicago. Schreiber, Louis, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with L. W. McConnell & Co., McCook, Neb. Solomon, Leo K., Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Nathan Lapp, 47th St. and Evans Ave., Chicago. Stamm, Alfred Wenzell, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Layton Park Pharmacy, Layton Park, Wis. Steyer, George Edward, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with R. Wells, 527 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. Stimson, Charlotte Elizabeth, Pharmacist. [Chicago.] Utt, Alfred Reuben, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Bush & Simonson, Downers Grove. Vincent, Philip Darius, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Moline. Warhanik, Alvernon Frank, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with E. M. War- hanik, 989 W. 22d St., Chicago. Webster, Charles Jeremiah, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with O. K. Tuttle, Wyanet. Weibel, Alfred Tennyson, Ph.G., Pharmacist, with Englewood Pharmacy, 63d and Halsted Sts., Chicago. Wellman, Walter Henry, Ph.G., Pharmacist, Mt. Sterling. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS % 028 346 289 4