BF 1290 .B3 Copy 1 War Lectures From The Spirit World By General Grant and Others PRICE 35 CENTS Ideal Publishing Company, Los Angeles, Cal. P. O. Box 992 COPYRIGHTED FEB. 191f N. II. BARRAGAR War Lectures From The Spirit World By General Grant and Others » Q PRICE 35 CENTS Ideal Publishing Company, Los Angeles, Cal. P. O. Box 992 Orf^Su Kn -.-> •■> v 2»p> Hoto 0f (Bah I have come and the world shall be shaken Like a reed at the touch of my rod, And the Kingdom of Time shall awaken To the voice and the summons of God. No more through the din of the ages Shall warnings and chidings divine, From the lips of my prophets and sages Be trampled, like pearls before swine. Ye have stolen my lands and my cattle Ye have kept back from labor its meed; Ye have challenged the outcasts to battle, When they plead at your feet in their need. And when clamors of hunger grew louder, And the multitudes prayed to be fed, Ye have answered with prison and powder The cries of your brothers for bread. I turn from your altars and arches And the mocking of steeples and domes, To join in the long weary marches Of the ones ye have robbed of their homes. I share in the sorrows and crosses Of the naked, and hungry and cold, And dearer to me are their losses Than your gains and your idols of gold. I will wither the might of the spoiler; I will laugh at your dungeons and locks; The tyrant shall yield to the toiler, And your judges eat grass like an ox; For the prayers of the poor have ascended To be written like lightnings on high, And the wails of your captives have blended With the bolts that must lead from the sky. The thrones of your kings shall be shattered, And the prisoner and serf shall go free; I will harvest from seed that I scattered On the borders of blue Galilee; For I come not alone and a stranger; Lo, my reapers will sing through the night, Till the star that stood over the manger Shall cover the world with its light. —JAS. G. CLARK. 3faremor& Dear Reader: I do not consider it advisable to send this little booklet upon its mission without first setting forth my belief and understanding of our es- tate after death. Said beliefs have been derived from years of study along religious lines, and through many experiences in spirit phenomena. As a young student in theology, I discovered that almost every real thinker had vastly different views regarding the na- ture power and office work of the Holy Spirit and the unfoldment of the spirit life in the individual life. Also on the place of the dead and their activities after death, and I wish at this time to state (without ex- egesis) my conclusions, and at some future time to set forth the evidences of the same. First. The Holy Spirit is an invisible, universal, intelligent, yet dynamic Presence, living in the con- sciousness of those who desire it. Its purpose, to point one to the Infinite, to develop character and purpose in this life, and enable him to live right in this life and enter the future state with a development of sufficient power to be useful to the Infinite. For guiding those whom they have left in this earth-bound condition. Hence, master spirits (individuals in spirit form) can instruct, edify and communicate with us of this plane if our consciousness has been developed enough to reach the vibration that those master spirits live in. All life in all planes is the result of anima- tion and development. When the mind is working through high vibration there will pass before your vision the picture of the theme acted upon just as plain to you as the furniture in your room or the buildings along the street you are passing through. When properly attuned in a certain vibration you can call up and converse with those you desire in the spirit realm. This may be attained through scientific study of one's self in his or her development of spirit, and through application and properly directed study. This is the age of the superman and superwoman, and to J>ecome one is to reach splendid places in the satis- faction and joy of living. Sincerely your servant, N. H. BARRAGAR. Visitation No. 1 I have never been a believer in spiritualism, as I understand spiritualism, or of occult phenomena in my life, and have always disbelieved the stories of the supernatural visitations, and although my life is near- ing the half century mark, I had never, up to this time, seen or heard anything that could not be explained by the natural laws of cause and effect, except those phenomena that will be explained. The things that follow came to me in the way and manner as I shall attempt to describe, and the impres- sion made upon my mind is such that I feel impelled to obey the voice and as nearly as lies within my power to set down the things that have come to me with such interpretation as was given in the hope that others may profit by the lessons they teach, which seem to me most potent and timely. I am unable to explain the cause or the source of the phenomenum nor to vouch for its significance in any way, but simply give it to you as I am commanded to do. But you shall judge for yourself. I had long been a student of sociology and the philosophy of human events, and of late had pondered much upon the chaotic condition into which the whole world seems to have been plunged by the great mael- strom of the present war. It was upon the night of the first of March, in the year of our Lord 1917, that after an ordinary evening spent in my family circle, I retired early to bed. For some time I lay pondering the mystery of human his- tory and the tremendous events of the present world war, and the governments of earth as they are now constituted and as they have existed since the dawn of history. There passed before my mind's eye in panorama many of the great epoch marks of the past. I seemed to see the nations that have struggled and passed — the cities men have built, the civilizations that have arisen, the proud kings that have ruled the world; and even religions which by countless thou- sands were believed to interpret literally the problems of life, time and eternity, only in the end to die and pass into the realm of, the things that were. I tried to trace in fancy the story of the evolution of the race from the dead past to the present great standard of civilization, only again to lose its balance and as it seemed to me, go mad. Very distinctly I remember these thoughts that impressed me until at last slum- ber came, and I passed into the realm of the sec- ond self. I do not remember the hour, as I took no note of it at the time, and whether sleeping or waking, I cannot tell, but there appeared unto me the follow- ing: First, my eldest son, William, came to me and spoke, and I said to him, "My son, I am called and must go down town to meet some people on business in a certain office building (the name of the building and locality was designated to me) and wish you to accompany me. He answered, "All right, I will go." It seemed to be early in the evening, and together we took the street car. We soon arrived at the build- ing where it seemed I was to go. We took the ele- vator to the fourth floor and paused before the en- trance to room No. 416. I entered and my son fol- lowed, and finding the room occupied, we advanced, 8 and there appeared unto us the most gruesome sight imaginable. The room appeared to be a doctor's of- fice. In the center there was an operating table, by which stood a stalwart young American, over six foot in height, and must have weighed 250 pounds; a per- fect specimen of young American manhood; and then we noticed that this young man was holding in his hand a great cleaving knife, shining as if made of highly polished steel. In his left hand he held the dismembered head of a man with the fresh blood dripping therefrom. Suddenly, dropping the severed head upon the floor, which rested upon its cut-oft* neck, he turned to the operating table and removed the covering, disclosing to our view the body of an enormous man, and stepping backward, he viewed his work with a look of complete satisfaction. Turning my eyes toward the head lying upon the floor, I noticed that the jaws kept moving and the eyes had a living expression, appearing to be as fully alive as before it was dismembered from the body. Struck with horror at this strange sight, I stood awe-stricken. Looking back to the table upon which the trunk of the man was lying, I saw that it kept breathing as regularly as though the head had not been severed. Again as I glanced at the head upon the floor and noticed that the under jaw was still moving, that the eyes gave forth the natural normal life light, filled with intelligence, and upon a closer examination, to my utmost horror and astonishment, I could see a close resemblance of the head lying upon the floor to Kaiser William of Germany. Glancing back to the body lying upon the operating table, strapped down closely, I noted as I looked that the feet also had been severed between the ankles and the knee, and that the flesh on the legs that was exposed was torn and shat- tered, that the bones had been broken as though by some blunt instrument, instead of being severed simply as a doctor might have done. Looking down at the foot of the operating table, standing over against the wall, I saw the dismembered feet with portions of legs attached, and turning to the young doctor standing by the side of the table, I said, "Sir, what do you mean by doing a thing like this? This is nothing short of first degree murder," for my soul was stirred within me as I thought a cold-blooded murder had been perpetrated by an unfeeling medical doctor. He straightened to his full six foot of young manhood as he said, "It is not for me to make an ex- planation why this has been done, or why you have been summoned here to see this thing, but presently there will appear to you an interpreter who shall ex- plain what this means." I was spellbound, and I looked to my son William, whose eyes were flashing with anger, and he was glaring at the young doctor as though he was ready to fly at his throat. I raised my hand and said, "Not so fast, my boy. Let us not be hasty but wait and see what occurs." And as I looked back toward the dismembered trunk, which was still moving, the breast coming up and down with the slow, steady, slumber-like, breathing of an indi- vidual when lying in repose, and back again at the head upon the floor in which still the same light of life and intelligence beamed forth as in the full bloom of life and manhood. The blood was still dripping down from the wounds where the head and feet had been severed. At this juncture a door opened beyond the operat- ing table and there entered a woman dressed in the 10 attire and fashion of two centuries ago— a splendid looking woman, possible thirty-five years of age, one who bore the mark of education and breeding and the true dignity of womanhood; I lifted my hand in sal- ute, and she answered the salutation and said to us, "Gentlemen, it has been given to you tonight, and especially to you, sir," (addressing me) "a blessing which the world has been looking for amidst the cen- turies, and a revelation of the things that are to follow have been given to you as one blessed of the Infinite that you may be able to give to the world in this hour of great trouble and pain, the sequel to many things; that shall have a direct bearing on the destiny of the human family of every nation and clime." I said to her, "Madam, I cannot understand. You will have to enlighten me." And she said, "To make matters plain unto you, you have been chosen by the Almighty Je- hovah to be a messenger unto the world of things per- taining to the development of mankind, and this is but the first of twelve visitations of a heavenly nature coming directly from the throne of wisdom, and here are the conditions that shall be yours to prove to you that these things are of the Divine Mind, and that you are the chosen instrument to carry to the world the messages that shall follow in these twelve visitations. Take note carefully of the following tonight, and be assured that each of the twelve visitations that shall come to you are genuine and of the Divine Mind in- tended for the enlightenment of the world. In each visitation you shall be brought to this room, and be- fore you upon the table shall lie stripped, the body of this man, and the scene that now presents itself. Take note of the dismembered feet and head, this living, breathing trunk of humanity, the chairs that sit in the 11 room. Note the young doctor, everything that now is in this room shall be here at each and every visita- tion, and your son will be present with you in each and every one of them. Accept no other visitation of a spirit nature as being genuine and related to this series unless it comes to you in this room, in this company; and I shall bear witness in every visitation until the twelfth visitation, or when the entire series are complete. When these things occur, know with- out doubting, lay aside your skepticism, and believe that the Infinite Mind has chosen you in all matters relating to the progress of the human family, as to be the medium through which shall come the know- ledge of the Infinite to the race of mankind in every nation." And I said unto her, "Madam, I cannot under- stand why I should be chose of the Divine Mind to be made an instrument to bear such a message. I am only a man of common origin, many are better quali- fied to receive such a trust, and with higher standing in the world of mankind than I. Please explain to me why I, above others, have been chosen to bear this message. Please explain this to me; if you can make it plain I will carry the message as far as in my power lies." She said, "Sir, from a child you have had but one desire, and that desire was for wisdom and righteous- ness. You have been true to the vows that you have taken, you have followed the Divine Mind as it has appeared to you in the midst of revelation, natural law and reason. You have longed to know and to understand. You have had many sorrows in your life, but in the midst of all you have ever lifted your face to God, and have been guided and lifted up in the 12 higher things. And because of your special fitness, in your knowledge of the affairs of the world, in busi- ness, political, commercial, social and moral relations, God has chosen you to put those words upon paper that shall have a mighty influence in the development of the world, and you must do it in order to fulfill your destiny, when fully convinced that this is the work of God, to send this forth in written form, to warn the world of the things that lie before it ; and to lead them in the right, and you will find that God has many splendid souls in the world, anxious and wait- ing to do the bidding of His messenger/' And saying this, she bowed her head and said, 'This is the end of this visitation. Keep your heart and mind in tune, and ready to receive the gifts of God and transmit them to the children of men. I will come again under the same conditions, and others will come with me to educate you and to set forth the things that you are to do and to say to the world as the mes- senger of Jehovah God. The visitations will come just as fast as your heart and mind are ready to re- ceive them. If you should depart and become hard- ened and be filled with worldliness the visitations will not come until your heart and mind become attuned again to the will of God. Good night." Slowly and quietly, as I looked upon her, the scene changed and she vanished away. The things in the room seemed to be filled with brilliance and I looked about me and behold, the scene as I first beheld it — the room, the head upon the floor still moving, the light still in the eyes, keen with life and desire. Then casting my eyes around, I beheld again the dismembered trunk, quietly breathing, pulsating with life, and the blood dripping from the great wounds that had been made by the sur- 13 geon, and I looked and beheld my son also standing there filled with awe and astonishment. Gradually, like the dying away of a moving pict- ure upon the screen, the scene vanished, and we walked out of the room and into the hall, and thus back to our home. Bidding my son good-night, soon again I was sleeping with no disturbing thought, no awakening, until five o'clock on the morning of the second day of March, when I awoke as the light began to creep in at the window. Standing out before me was the visitation of the night before, just as plainly burned upon my mind as with a red hot iron upon the flesh, all the scenes above related. I said nothing to any one concerning the thing, and pondered it in my heart, thinking it must have been a dream ; but I said, "O God, if this thing be true ; if I have been visited from them that inhabit the astral world, the spheres beyond this world of ours, in Thy Own good time and way prove it to me by bringing to me again the scenes of last night's visitation and I will believe." Rising from my bed, I pursued the average course of the day, thinking and studying over the scenes of the night before. 14 Visitation No. 2 Time went on and days lengthened into weeks, and on the night of the 21st day of March, 1917, after retiring, and whether sleeping or waking, I cannot tell, but my son came to me, and I said to him, "My boy, I am called to visit that room again tonight, and I want you to go with me, and he said, "All right, father, I will go." So again we took the street car and came to the same room, where, to my astonishment, there stood our young American doctor; there the chair on the other side of the room, the operating ta- ble, the living trunk of the dismembered man, and the head still moving, life and light shining from its eyes, and the feet still sitting at the foot of the table. I bowed my head and said, Good evening, doctor," and he said, "I am pleased to have you again here." Just at this time the door swung open and there again entered the woman of the previous evening, dressed in the same attire of the centuries agone. I bowed my head, but spoke no word, so overcome was I with emo- tion that I uttered not a sound, but received her even- ing salutation in silence, and the door at the foot of the operating table opened, just off from where the feet sat, and out from another room adjoining walked five persons. As they came into the room I could notice the close resemblance and dress and national- ity of five of the nations now at war against Germany, and as they quietly lined up along the wall behind the operating table, they stopped and the lady speaker said to me, "Sir, I presume that your unbelief and incredulity in the dispensation of spiritual things has 15 largely passed away, and you are convinced to some degree, at least, that this is a real visitation of the heavenly presence, bringing to you the things that are to be that mankind may be guided away from the night of war that now controls the earth, from the injustice, and ignorance, and error, and superstition that has blinded the eyes of mankind, and made them the servants of his satanic majesty." I answered, "My skepticism has gone, and I am here to do whatever the will of God is concerning these things. Make known to me the fullest possible understanding of the will of God in this matter and the purposes for which it is bound, and I will be a servant unto the Most High and unto the world of men." And she said, "I will make it known to you, and make it plain what your message shall be, and why these things are given. First, let me interpret what lies before us in this room. This dismembered body that you see strap- ped to the table represents the German empire. These men that stand behind me here are the representatives of five of the leading nations that at this time are al- lied against the Hohenzollern dynasty and Prussian- ism. The head as you see it upon the floor, breathing and with the light of life within it, represents Kaiser Wilhelm. You see that he has been severed from Ger- many but he still lives though he is disconnected en- tirely from his people. His life shall not be taken, but he shall live to see above the wreck and ruin that he has set his heart upon, a living example of an uplifted world, and a world of democracy, a world of right- eousness, a world that shall be ruled by the people in their sovereign dignity wherein the rights of each and of all are equal to the rights of all and each. That pulsating, living body strapped to the table with its 16 life blood flowing away, still living, still moving, rep- resents the German people. They shall not be de- stroyed in this war, but they shall loose the power to walk. As you see, these dismembered feet represent what these allied nations have done. They have crip- pled Germany, they have housed her between the seas, they have made the blood of the German people to flow like water upon the valleys amidst the moun- tains, and have caused her intense suffering and an- guish and pain. But Germany shall not be destroyed, although they have crippled her, and have in part dis- membered her. But that young doctor that you see standing there in all of his stalwart strength, repre- sents the United States of America; your country, the land of your birth, the land where righteousness is in the very air ; where equality and democracy must eventually come in all of its purity, until every man. woman and child shall be dealt with in every condi- tion of human life and effort in all righteousness and all equity. That democracy and equality not alone shall come to America, but the influence of American ideals and democracy shall be carried forward through example here and by the sword into every land, and it shall not stop nor falter until the purpose for which the United States was founded shall become an estab- lished fact. For the rights of the individual as a free- man shall be recognized, and royalty, caste and autoc- racy, with its support of autocratic power, shall be banished from every government on earth. The heel of despotism that has ground into the very flesh of the common people since the dawn of government shall be destroyed, the splendid manhood of this land shall be thoroughly aroused, and when in action will carry the stars and stripes around the world, not for greed 17 or gain, not for the land or riches, but for the freedom of every oppressed and down-trodden people every- where. This war will last far down toward the close of the year 1918, but remember that the armies of freedom have not finished their task at home or abroad when peace shall have been declared, but out of this strife of hell and night there will arise a nation that will seek to hold the territory gained and to doubly enslave alien races, and to hold three times the land held by them when war was declared in 1914, and will fight rather than give up their booty, for the dream of world dominion power is too deeply rooted to be given up. And let me say that now is the time to prepare, now is the time to train a huge army for use in 1919 and 1920, for the United States must be powerful enough to dominate the military situation following peace in 1918, or fight a four-year's war with one of her allies. Congress should call everybody at the age of eighteen to universal training, press all men up to forty years into service, train and equip an army of not less than five million men within two years from this date, or all that this war has cost in blood and treasure will have been lost, and the very thing that we are at war with Germany, to destroy a dominant, arrogant militarism, will be established by those you now call friend, for that which is wrong in one nation is wrong in another; one set of autocrats is no better than another, one world power is just as dangerous as another, and one set of autocrats will be just as merciless upon the backs of the world as another, whether they be Huns, Greeks, Saxon or Ori- entals. These that are lined against the wall were not sufficient to put the German empire out of commis- sion, but they had crippled her and housed her in the 18 ERRATA Fourteenth line, page 19, should be stricken from article and the following substituted: "perior right. Let us analyze German Kultur. What" midst of the mountains and the plains ; but , young America, strong and valiant, the mightiest and most powerful of all the peoples upon the earth, financially, numerically, with valor and with patriotism for man- kind, must come to the rescue and will unsheathe the sword, and it shall never be laid down until Kaiser Wilhelm and Prussian Militarism shall have been banished from the German people, and a lesson given to the whole world, for the ideals of equality, frater- nity and brotherhood (democracy) have been so deeply planted in the American mind that it could not be trampled upon by 'German Kultur' ; for what is German Kultur but the lust for power to rule by su- 'German Kultur' but the lust for power to rule by su- is it? For the past two hundred years, amidst the Germanic races there has been a form of teaching going on that had for its purpose the indoctrinating of all classes that they were smarter, more intelligent, more economic, better workmen, made better goods, and were superior; in fact, Germany was the home of the philosophy, of the superman, and that he was fav- ored of God as a people superior to other people (simply aucocracy gone mad) and this (especially as it related to their autocracy) made them as a people high-minded, arrogant, and devilish. Their rulers have thought that such a body of wise men had a God-given right to extend their rule wherever their desire or necessity seemed to lead. Coldly putting this thing of German Kultur to the test, their conclu- sions were "that as God had made them wiser and better than any other race of men, that they should have France and Belgium and all the small states to the southward of the Meditterranean Sea, and also needed to humble England and America and make 19 them pay huge indemnity, to be spent in pleasure by the autocracy of Germany, all because they were superman, according to the philosophy of Neitsche, and this igonrant assumption was a stench in the nos- trils of the world, and so the allies have determined that no more in this history of mankind shall any people throttle and destroy and enslave any race of mankind anywhere. So America will enter into the struggle on the second day of April, and she shall fight on until she has destroyed that power that would destroy the rights of the world, and in her destruction a new regime of government shal lbe set up upon the earth, looking forward to that blessed day when there shall come to the earth peace, plenty, prosperity, righteousness, yea, a new heaven and a new earth, wherein shall dwell righteousness. Mark well what is said unto you and carefully note it down within the walls of memory, and when I tell you, set the thing forth through the printed press, and make known to the world the things that are given unto you, and everything shall be made plain. Keep your heart and mind in tune with the infinite, and a visitation will come shortly unto you of the evtns that are to tran- spire thorugh the world, given unto you to transmit to the children of men. You shall be given the privi- lege of being able to call up the departed souls and receive and transmit to others messages from the spirit world." And thus saying, with a queenly bow, she again vanished and the men behind her, one by one, filed out through the door and passed away, and I turned again to my son, and, standing erect, still astonished, still with eyes wide open, entirely over- come by what he had seen, and I looked again and the room remained the same as before. 20 Visitation No. 3 March 27, 1917. — Last night the third visitation came. I stood with my son in the same room in which were the table, the doctor, and the body, still dripping with blood a sif it had been recently mutilated. The same stately lady entered, and raising her hand in salutation, she said: "Tonight, gentlemen, we will continue the scenes and the unfolding of the human drama before us. The world is sick at heart and is seeking some relief, but up to the present moment they have been unable to fathom the mysteries of themselves. Perhaps there has entered into your mind the query as to who I am, but it shall not be given until the sixth visitation. Question not till that time arrives. Tonight we will have the estimable spirit body of the General Grant to enlighten us of the affairs of the world. I beg to introduce to you General Grant." And bowing in graceful fashion, she drew back the curtain that cov- ered what apparently was a door. Instantly we arose and stood at military salute, although there was no reason for our doing it, be- cause neither my son nor myself had ever had any military training, and consequently were not in the habit of doing so. I have thought of this many times, trying to solve this problem, because if this action could be explained there would be a great light thrown on similar instances in these visitations, as well as give us the "modus operandi" of the faculties of the mind when in the astral plane. Before our eyes stood 21 the self-same man that had attracted our attention in the history of our Civil War. Answering our salute, he stepped forward and spoke: "Gentlemen, I am more than pleased to be here to explain to you the conditions as we of the spirit world see them, since you are to take the message to the world. I am sure that our lady has given the tre- mendous task to the right persons, for I feel perfect confidence in you. So to you it may seem a little strange that I should talk of the conditions that are in existence many years after I am supposed to be absent from the world, but I will tell you that we of the spirit world know perfectly well all the conditions of this sphere, far better than those who are struggling under them. We know the past absolutely and we can see the working out of the influences of this past in the present, and what seems to be more remarkable to me when I first came across the borderland is that we are able to see into the future with more clearness than you of the earth, with all your printed word as reference can see the past. "Since the earliest dawn of the mind of man the sin of selfishness has been the paramount cause of the struggles in the world. The caveman believed that 'might was right/ and to this day we still have the same belief only in a more modern form. The forces of evil, that is the adversaries of right — (I must say that the world evil cannot be applied as you people take it, in the world that I now inhabit. Evil, as we see it, is not a separate and distinct thing from right, but is the lack, or rather the misunderstanding of the deeper principles of right). While, of course, in the clay that this conception of right had its birth it did not affect a person's surroundings as it does in this 22 day of close communication of all peoples in every land, and, therefore, did not carry with it the force that it does now. A deeper analysis of existing con- ditions proves on every hand that it constitutes what you earth-bound creatures are pleased to call a car- dinal sin. "By this misunderstanding of the laws of right the peoples of the earth have thrown themselves into a condition that with vastly increased numbers, in population and an almost unbelievable growth in wealth, is responsible for the world being on fire. A thousand slain in the days of old was nothing, but now we think little of a million slain, because might must have its way. Ten million for war was almost an unheard-of thing even as late as 1812. Ten bil- lion today is a mere trifle. The strength of the world has been magnified a million times in the last one hundred years, and, of course, the power of the 'right by might' theory has been increased accordingly in its ability to cause all peoples to suffer. Of course, the theory of 'desire to rule' is often given for the reason for the present condition, but let me say that the desire to rule would not be possible if it were not for the strict adherence to the might theory. Of course, the world accents this explanation and the statement that the present ruler of Germany wanted power for its own sake, as the cause of the present status, but that is because they do not see that they themselves are blinded by the same thing that the Kaiser is. Kaiser Wilhelm first became a devoted believer in the might theory, and backed by this, his consciousness took the form of desire for conquest and wealth, desire for national influence, and national ex- pansion, all backed up by the belief that it was right 23 for him to have this and that might would give him his desire. "Germany fully realizing that she could not win upon the high seas a world empire, because of the giant strides that the British had made in their great- est navy of the world, resolved, following the war of 1870 between France and Germany, that they would make Germany the mightiest land power on the face of the whole world. After their hard struggle with France in 1870, they became obsessed with the idea of the undefeatableness of her troops. This doctrine was openly preached in the Reichstag from 1870 until 1880. On April 8th, in 1880, Kaiser William called together his counsellors, which consisted of a thou- sand of the leading lords and capitalists of the nation, and they sat for ten days discussing the organization of a society to be known only to the Germans, and to be called 'The Society for World Power.' Some oppo- sition arose during these assemblages, and the assem- bly was finally dismissed without anything real being accomplished. But there Emperor William had found the voice of those present at the first assemblings, those who would rally in sympathy and in touch with the establishment of the military power, who through this organization would be able to overrun the whole world. Thus, on the 14th of July, 1880, he again called together a hundred men that he had selected from the nobility and autocracy of the German em- pire, whom he knew to be fully in accord with his plans of world conquest, and therein they formed the world power society for the sole purpose of organiz- ing every form of German ilfe to meet the one aim — a military power unsurpassed in the annals of man- kind. Every member of this society was placed under 24 oath and was plainly told that if he in any way caused any information to get in circulation concerning the purposes of this society or its membership, or any of its data, that his life would pay the penalty. At this meeting it was decided to call their organization 'The Society for World Power,' and to meet annually and oftener if necessary, to carry to fulfillment their pur- poses, which were as follows: "First, to so organize and train the farming ele- ment in the most scientific methods of production that they could raise from five to ten times the then yearly average of production from each acre of land tilled. The basic principle for this was to have plenty at home, which would make the people contented and love the Fatherland; to export the food not needed, and thereby bring wealth into the country through its exports of foodstuffs, and further to store away all foods that could be kept to be retained to stand a siege in case of war, bottled up as they knew they would be by the English navy. "Secondly, to develop mines and to lay in store for use in war time 2 per cent of all metals either mined or imported into Germany. "Third, to develop chemistry so as to be able to conserve and to make the most out of all forms of material matter that fell into their hands, and to with- hold all such discoveries of any importance from the world at large, the same to be used for the benefit of Germany alone. In this connection we. wish to state that the use of liquid fire was demonstrated in the summer of 1903, was fully tested out by the German army in secret, and a knowledge of the same was closely kept from the citizens of the empire or any strangers that might have been within the gates. In 25 the year 1906 the next discovery that has proven the greatest horror of this war, was the discovery of death-dealing gases and how to use them. This was fully approved and adopted by the German army officials after successful experiments, the following year, but was unknown to the world of science until its horrors became known in the invasion of Belgium in 1914. "Fourth, to make every man in the empire a trained soldier, which has been wrought to the high- est point of perfection ; and "Fifth, to nationalize all industries and to so manipulate those industries as to make them subser- vient to the empire, to accumulate sufficient wealth, to stand the test of a long war as follows : "First, by setting aside 10 per cent of all incomes from crown lands, mines and fisheries, to lay aside annually as a war fund 1 per cent of all taxes collected in the German empire. This wealth, which grew to enormous proportions, was not to be touched only in the case of actual war, and was deposited in a secret place especially built to receive it, and the public of Germany was not informed as to the whereabouts of this fund, although it was known to the political lead- ers and bankers of Germany. (Note : — Here is where the vast financial re- sources have come from that has largely supplied the German treasury in her expenditures which are al- most past the power of men's minds to figure. Just how well this plan was carried out, you read the history of Germany from the year 1880 to 1914, in her financial, commercial and industrial expansion, and you will find the reason why she is so strong. One of the principal sources of wealth lies in the frugality 36 and economy of living which was one thing the teach- ing of Germany during the period of preparation for war emphasized.) "War Causes: In April, 1914, this society held a session lasting six days, and it was debated whether they should make war at this time or not, and it was decided to be the proper time, and Prince Ferdinand of Austria, because of his democracy and his anti-war spirit, was chosen to be the sacrifice or excuse to set the war agoing, for Prince Ferdinand and wife were sent on a mission to Serbia by Kaiser Wilhelm. The fact of Prince Ferdinand's assassination and the inci- dents leading up thereto and closely followed there- with, are too well known to be mentioned here, but in this manner the excuse for war arose and Austria im- mediately declared war against Serbia. Be it said unto the rulers and nobility of the Austrian-Hun- garian monarchy, that they were innocent tools to the great scheme of world conquest that had been mapped out by their German colleagues and some of their own statesmen, for their destruction was planned by the very people that they were seeking to help and to protect, and in the years to come, when the truth shall be fully known by the Austro-Hungarians, there will not be a particle of love and friendship in their hearts for the German deceivers, and may be the leading cause for a bitter two-year war between these powers. Had that nation known the duplicity and the deceit of the mind of those who professed to be their friends, the German rulers, they would have no more entered into this war than they would have asked that a vol- cano in their midst blow their country to pieces. France entered into this war because her statesmen realized that the preservation of the French nation 27 depended upon immediate action before the German war machine had been allowed to go too far. England, that had proudly boasted that she was the mistress of the seas, was lying in waiting to show that power in actual warfare, believing that with the full control of the seas, she could humble and bring to her knees any nation under heaven that dared to oppose her, which assumption has so far been entirely exploded, showing that in a real warfare of nations her great navy can play but a small part in fighting the battles of the people. "America will be drawn into this war, (and a state of war will be declared to exist on April 2, 1917, and will continue for eighteen months). The mighty and potent factor, the greatest of all, is the inborn desire of every American citizen that the balance of the whole wide world should have the same right and freedom and exercise of personal liberty and con- science as they themselves enjoyed. Or rather, that they themselves look forward to in the full fruition of the splendid idealisms of democracy that were laid out in the preamble and the constitution of the United States. In other words, we have dreamt of a great world democracy wherein each race of people under certain territorial divisions should have the right within their own national life, undisturbed by any force or clique of men, their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and this factor of the Ameri- can mind, together with the atrocities suffered in the sinking of the Lusitania and the ruthless submarine warfare on the shipping of neutral nations, and upon their passenger-carrying ships, the brutal and cave- man-like practices of the Germans in their warfare through Belgium, France, Poland and Serbia, embit- 28 tered the American minds and caused it to revolt against the inhuman atrocities that broke every inter- national law and international moral, and is fast turn- ing the ages back to the prehistoric times when might made right, and slaughter was the right of those who had dominion over the other fellow. Thus these events followed one upon another, backed by the psychology of the American people, will cause them to enter into the war, and because they are right and stand for the highest and noblest that the human mind can conceive of in individual and national liberty, they will be a factor that shall finally triumph over this monster of German militarism that has sought to rear its head in the enlightenment and education and civilization of this twentieth century. Turkey entered this war be- cause she was promised by Germany that Germany would assist her in acquiring those possessions in the Far East, at that time held by the British empire. "In the year 1906, Emperor William of Germany gave an invitation to the Czar of Russia that he meet him and talk over matters concerning the two em- pires. This meeting was to occur upon the Kaiser's private yacht in the North Sea. Pursuant to that in- vitation they met and for two weeks deliberated along the following line, both being statesmen, educated, fully aware of the philisophy of nations and the strength of nations, agreed that the signal suc- cess of all the great American democracy, coupled with the widespread interest taken in socialism throughout the whole world, if allowed to continue for a period of ten years longer, would find itself swept of nobility, autocracy and crowned heads from every throne in the world. Therefore, if the house of Ho- henzollern and of RomanofT were to be continued as 29 reigning dynasties of the world, that something must be done and done immediately, to offset this fast growing idea of the rights of the common people, as expressed in democratic doctrine and in socialistic propaganda. "Secondly, that even in their own dominions those two factors had become so expressed and so dominant that something must be done, and they resolved with- in themselves and between themselves that they would immediately begin to prepare their countries to meet the onslaught of democracy and socialism, and talked long and earnestly on many affairs whereby they could consolidate the interest in plutocratic gov- ernment as against democracy, and finally concluded that there was but one way in order to do this, and that way was by the way of the sword. At this junc- ture they considered one with the other the strength of the German Empire and the Russian Empire, and with maps of the world lying before them, they studied and resolved upon plans whereby they could absorb and destroy every other power in the world, one by one, and leave just the two great reigning powers of the world, one to be ruled over by the house of Hohenzollern and one by the house of Romanoff. At that time the direct lines by which they expected their new governments to be guided were not fully decided upon. There was some difference of opinion, some wrangling over strategic points, but after thor- ough deliberation, they parted. "Two years later, upon almost the same dates, their meeting occurred again. That would be 1908, and each two years thereafter, until the year 1914, the last meeting of these two giant conspirators occurred before the opening of the world war. This last meet- 30 ing occurred in 1914, on the 11th day of June, as the history of these two men will show, that they again met and held several days' conferences together upon the yacht of the Emperor of Germany, out upon the high North seas, watched over by the German navy. And it was then decided between these two monarchs that all of that portion of the earth's surface begin- ning at the most northeastern point of Norway, di- rectly through the Gulf of Finland, down to the north- eastern point of Poland, and thence on almost an air line to the southeastern point of Roumania, bordering upon the Mediterranean, so that all of the land lying west of this line to the ocean should be the final and ultimate spoils of what should be the German Em- pire ; that all of that land lying to the east of said line, terminating to the east of Turkey, out through the Dead Sea into the Indian Ocean, all of that part of Asia lying east of this line and of Europe should be- come the Empire of Russia, ruled by the Romanoffs; that all of the principal nations lying east were to be subjugated during this war, and also the principal nations now at war who had territory east of this line should also be subjugated; and herein, in their terri- torial divisions of the spoils lies the geratest and most monstrous crime of all of the history of mankind. They were to enter this war as enemies, each gather- ing unto himself,, as friends, the very nations and peo- ples that they sought to destroy, and after the war had been partially fought and won, Russia and Ger- many were to declare a separate peace, and from the date of their separate peace they were to begin work- ing in unison for the plan as above outlined in the divi- sion of the governments of the world. Russia was to center her fighting power against the Austro-Hun- 31 garian nation, and if you will note, from the very be- ginning Russia did not fight Germany, nor did Ger- many send her troops against Russia, in anything like a battle; but Russia centered her forces against the borders of Hungary, and forward through the pro- vince of Galicia, and for a time seemed as though she would entirely overrun the Austro-Hungarian mon- archy. The plan was for Russia to entirely annihilate the fighting force of Austro-Hungary and hold her as the profits of war. In the meantime, the fighting pow- ers of the Austro-Hungary people were expected to destroy the fighting power of all the Balkan peninsula, even into the country of Greece. In the meantime German influence and power was to withdraw all of the fighting ability, if possible, of the Turkish empire, centering the fighting forces of the Turks on German soil, and when Turkey, thus weakened by the strain, for Germany, and Russia, freed from war on the Ger- man empire, training all of her forces against the Ot- toman empire in both Europe and Asia, could easily dominate the situation in the East, and thus, when the final conclusion of the swapping of war spoils had been accomplished, Germany agreed to turn over to the Russian people all of the possessions of the Eng- lish people now held in the Far East, place that por- tion of the Ottoman empire herein referred to by their line of partition. They had carefully figured that all of this could be accomplished by the year 1920, and then would come a period of rest — a period of recon- struction for these two giant powers. They had further agreed that in the year 1921 they would make such demands and such reprisals against the Ameri- can people, that having sold munitions to their allies and hampered them in the winning of the war, and in 32 order to cull out democracy and socialism, and for- ever put their heel upon the freedom of the individual man and his rise in government, and to so impose such terms upon the American people that they would not consent thereto, and thus these two powers, fed upon the spoils of war and with mighty armies and navies vigorous and in action, would swoop down upon the American people and make them vassals to those two European powers, forever enslaving them in a war debt or indemnity that would keep them and their children's children producing gold for the house of Hohenzollern and RomanofT. "Thus you see that unbeknown to the leaders of the American government and the American people, as far as the desires of Germany were concerned, or of the house of RomanofT, they had been chosen for the slaughter or for the plundering, or for both, at the mercy of this giant combination ; and if they do not enter into the war and begin preparing for the same, that they will be caught as a helpless babe in the claws of the wild animal, and would have been destroyed over night, and the civilization and educa- tion and enlightenment of the twentieth century of time, as is exemplified by our American institutions, as it concerns the rise of man, would have died over night, and the world, as far as man's rights would have been concerned, would have drifted backwards a thousand years and more. But, thanks be unto God, who reigns, those giant conspirators are doomed to utter failure in the full fruition of their monstrous schemes. The house of RomanofT shall fall, not from without, but from within, and her known liking and coalition with the Germans that are known to the Russian people alone, will be their undoing, and he 33 shall be banished from the land of his birth, and his family with him, into bitter exile, and shall never again assume any place or factor in the history of the world. The time is near at hand when the force of popular government will take possession of the Rus- sian government and hold it for a season, seeking to bring her out of chaos and to drive the traitors of Russian liberty and independence from the land. But they shall not be successful. The forces of anarchy and of ultra-socialism that have been lying smolder- ing in the mind of the Russian people for the past quarter of a century will break forth, and they in turn shall sieze the government of Russia and shall seek to give to the Russian people a license for liberty, and shall run for a season in a wild, idiotic career, but their power, too, shall be short-lived. Forced by famine, torn by dissension, fire shall break out in a thousand places in the Russian empire, and millions shall die at the point of the sword, and millions more shall starve before the harvests of 1918. During the latter part of the year 1917 the conservative forces for a democratic country will rally, and before the year 1918 is far ad- vanced conservatism shall find its way into the house of government of the Russian people, and shall begin the establishment of a democracy that in the years to come shall rival the American democracy in her devel- opment of natural resources, domestic life, in educa- tion and in moral life. The many millions of gold stored away by the German people, her vast war ma- chine, her trained soldiery that knows nothing but the word of command, to obey or die, will be hard to conquer, and they will fight on and on throughout this year, and far into the next year. The cry of hunger will be heard from all of the entente allies, and star- 14 vation will run rampant throughout her kingdom, but the wisdom of the war lord of Germany has made pro- vision for just this state of affairs, and the army will be fed and housed, while their wives and children at home die like rats in a hole of starvation, unbeknown to the husbands and brothers and fathers fighting the battles of the country. The entry of the United States into this war will carry with it the sufficient moral strength, financial backing, and food supplies and nu- merical strength of soldiery to overcome and to de- stroy all sources and forms of power that congregate and cleave to German militarism. In a short time I will visit you again, as I have a message to deliver to the American people, to the President of the United States an dto Congress, when it assembles after the holidays. In that we will deal with problems that at this time are invisible to the sight of tne American statesman, and that have not been dealt with, but are of the mightiest importance, not only to our own country, but to the world in general. In my next visi- tation I shall speak of the desires and purposes of an- other form of militarism which we are now defending, but in our hearts despise. Gentlemen, I bid you good- night." And bowing, the General walked out into the night, leaving myself and son standing in the center of the room. We, in turn, bowed to the doctor and went our way back to our home. On awakening the following morning these impressions were fully writ- ten upon my mind and I wrote down the notes thereon. *s Visitation No. 4 Evening of August 12, 1917. — On this date I spent the evening, as usual, with the family, and retired. During the time that I slept, at what hour I cannot tell, there came to me this, the fourth visitation of the series under consideration. Again I was in my own home with my family around me, and my oldest son, William, at that time living at Venice, came into the home and we talked for some little length of time, and he said to me, "Father, if I am not mistaken, this is the evening that you were to visit the doctor's office again." And I said, "Yes, this is the evening, and as the time is drawing near, we had better go." And, as in the preceding visitations, we went again to the same building. On entering the same room, as upon former occasions we found things just as we had left them some months before — the same body strapped on the operating table, the head and the feet dismem- bered, sitting in their respective places. The young doctor, the bright cleaving knife, everything that went to make up the room as on former occasions was again present. We saluted the doctor as we entered the room, and he smiled and returned the salute, and at the same time there opened on the other side of the room the door that on former occasions the lady had entered, and she came in and quietly addressing us in a very business-like manner, said: "Some months have passed by since I last met you, and much time has been lost, and the reason therefore is simply what was told you in the first visitation. Through the force of circumstances you have given your mind 36 and attention to material matters, and to such an ex- tent that the spiritual things of life could not gain an entry therein. But as you have turned your attention again in the last week's time to things of the spirit nature, we come again to you with the fourth visita- tion of this series. Events of the world are fast mov- ing forward, and the time is at hand when the things that have been shown you should be placed before the American people and the world at large, that in the formulating of public opinion and public knowledge that a true understanding of the hidden crimes of the rulers of Germany and of Russia might be made known in their fullness to the peoples of the whole world, and he that shall speak to you tonight will open your understanding, give you the facts concern- ing the greatest intrigue and the most diabolical con- ception that was ever conceived in the mind of man against their friends and those that trusted them. I refer to the pact between Emperor William of Ger- many and Nicolas of Russia; and you shall now have the privilege of hearing General Grant again upon the subject that I have just mentioned." Quietly the door opened again and in walked our ex-President and former General of the United States, U. S. Grant. Following the usual salute, he immedi- ately began, and he said : "Gentlemen, the time has now come when the knowledge that I possess, as one in the spirit world, should be made known unto my fellow countrymen, especially, and to the world at large. First, as I told you in my former visitation, our country, our common country, has declared that a state of war exists between the United States and Germany. Steps have been taken, steps in the right direction, but steps that should have been taken more 37 than two years ago, toward the raising of great na- tional armies and the equipping of the same for cer- tain and specific reasons, which will be set forth later. Let me say that the men of the United States, practi- cally the only free men upon the globe, have in their make-up the mightiest element that goes toward the making of the true soldier. First, they are born of the amalgamated nations of the world, which within itself is conducive to the highest power and elasticity of body, and alertness of mind. Consequently they are free, born and nurtured under the free sun and skies of heaven, taught from the hour of their birth that any loyal son of the United States has just as much right on the face of the globe or any part thereof, no matter how humble his origin, as any of the blue- blood or aristocracy of any country, no matter how great the place of their birth ; that their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness must not be vio- lated, and thus the principles of the free man have been so instilled within them that they have looked out upon the world at large, with its bondage of rul- ers and its bondage of caste and class, with that ab- horrence and pity that only a free man could look upon one of the human family in bondage and in slav- ery. Third, their teaching has been of the broad philosophic nature that has within it the tendency toward the meeting and the determination to conquer the same, no matter how great the obstacle that lies before them. Therefore, these elements, when prop- erly combined, as shall be later proved in the great struggle that now is on, have within them the making of the best soldiers that the earth has ever known; men whose courage and whose fidelity to principle, and whose alertness of mind and elasticity of body, 38 shall prove them more than the equals of any fighting men. The great trouble with this country has been in its mad rush after wealth and place among the na- tions as the wealth-producing country, that they have overlooked the fact that that wealth must be pro- tected from the savage onslaughts of the marauder and the brigand, whether it be an individual or a na- tion. And thus, instead of the steady universal train- ing of the young men as fast as they have come to sixteen years of age, there has been practically no mil- itary training at all, and we have been left alone in the hour of trouble to raise and equip an army, which is a superhuman task. And now, I desire at this time to outline a course of action that in order to get the highest results possible for the American people, especially, and the world at large, should be followed closely. "Let me say to the American people, to their representatives in Congress, yea, even to the Presi- dent in the White House, that universal military training should be taken up and that every boy ar- riving at the age of sixteen years should be given one month each year in a military camp, under the closest discipline, and hardest training, until he has reached the age of twenty-four, thoroughly informing him on military tactics, training his body and mind in affairs that belong to army life. In this manner there would always be an army ready for service at a moment's call, in any time of need. This should be done for the following reasons: "First, in order for a man to reach the highest pos- sible attainment as a man he must first learn what it is to obey commands, to receive a command and to execute the same. The freedom of this country and 39 manner in which its children have been reared in the past hundred years, to a large degree has reversed the first order of things, that a young man should obey the mandates of his parents and the laws of the land. Instead, the homes of the country find an example of the young men, after reaching fourteen to twenty years of age, of absolutely becoming their own mas- ters, of not receiving commands even from parents, but practically do whatever they desire to do, and many times not only breaking the laws of the home, but the laws, of the land, acknowledging no restraint, accepting no authority, but running practically wild. If this was followed out in time it would break down the very fundamental principle of home life and of national honor, and result in disintegration of the country in which it is practised. Universal military training will have a mighty effect upon teaching the young men that there is authority in the land, and authority that he must respect and obey. "Secondly, from the standpoint of his physical manhood, it will develop and test his power of endur- ance and harden and round him out, bring to him ath- letic qualities and a firmness and stability that he could not get in any other way. And with the pent- up spirit and philosophy of young American man- hood, properly trained for this period each year, would cause him to throw his head erect and face the whole wide world, a man to be proud of anywhere as soldier or freeman and a gentleman. Such a course followed out for a quarter of a century would fill our country with a class of men that never before upon the face of the earth have appeared. "And, again, the present method of selective con- scription should be followed out until we have at 40 least five million men under arms. But let me make a note here, that there is one great and grievous wrong now being done to the young American manhood, one also that employs within itself the danger of a physio- logical and psychological character, that I look upon as a menace to the future growth of the American people, if not remedied at once, by the Congress of the United States, who has the only power of making the laws of the land. I refer at this time to the influx of the dark-skinned nations of the world, as they have come to these shores by the millions. They have taken their places in the workshops, in the factories, in the schools, in our industrial and civic life until we meet them everywhere. At this time under the laws of the land only American boys, 95 per cent white men, have been taken in the selective draft, and to gather up from every state and hamlet of this nation the young and the stalwart and vigorous, both of body and mind, the white men of the Caucasion race, and to place them in the front line of the battle, tak- ing them away from their homes, from their loved ones, and leaving in their stead the dark-skinned races of the world to take their place in business, to take their place in education, to take their place in the family life, and propagation of the race, that in the years to come in this fair country, will have a mighty tendency, if not corrected, to destroy the power intel- lectually, spiritually and scientifically of the Ameri- can people, and is an outrage upon the patriotism and the love that we all have for this, the greatest of all nations. Immediate steps should be taken when the next Congress meets to have such laws passed and immediately enforced that shall say to the men of conscription age in this country, who pay allegiance 41 to another country, that they must immediately enlist in this country and bear their part of the burdens and responsibilities that lie before them, or that they must go back to the country from which they came, and there do their part in the preservation and balance of the world. Of course, there are some laws at this time, some treaty rights, that seem to be a stumbling block in the conscription of aliens, but in this tremen- dously unbalanced condition of the world, when treaty rights are dropped everywhere, and the old bound- aries are being broken down and the world at war on every corner, there should be no hesitancy whatever on the part of our American statesmen to have such laws and make such immediate demands upon the na- tions of the world as shall cause them to comply with and accept the principles that every man from every nation must bear his part in the defense of the civiliz- ation of the twentieth century. If it cannot be done by peaceable means, if the other nations object, then let them take their citizens home, and we should not hesitate one single moment about putting such a law into effect even if it took the combined forces of the army and navy of this country to do so. Unless this is followed out the next generation of children born in this country will be 75 per cent of foreign blood. It will bring to their cheeks the color of the dark- skinned nations of the world, who have never blazed a pathway toward any great success, national or otherwise, and will have a tendency to destroy the pure Anglo-Saxon blood that has ever, in all the his- tory of mankind, been the men and women that have done things, that have discovered continents, that have blazed out the pathway for the advance of the ages, that have put into effect those salient laws and 42 principles that have caused humanity to walk forward upon the scale of mental and spiritual development. To retard this progress by the destruction of the lives of the white men of this age and leave these dark skinned members of the human family to start the world on the downward scale of disintegration is nothing short of a crime against humanity. "And again, internal dissension is sure to follow in this country. Leaving the physiological aspect of things aside, let us consider for a moment the finan- cial and economic side of things. As the tendency to- wards the concentration of wealth and power of great corporations have so bounded us about and have had such a tendency toward the making of law and creat- ing of same, that today one of the great hindrances to a full consent to the regime that now lies before us on the part of the young men of this country is the belief that the financial magnates and barons will be en- abled to reap multiplied millions of dollars out of the commercial interests of this country, while the men who really make for a great nation are fighting upon a foreign soil. To the Congress of the United States let me say, that this attitude in the regulation of the moneyed interests of this country is a prime necessity that should occupy your minds at this time. The things that have occurred in Russia and those nations that have followed in Russia's path, will be more than repeated in the United States of America unless there are laws that mean something in the curbing of the greed and exploitation of this people, upon the part of the money barons of this country. Without criti- cizing the statesmen of the past, I will say without fear of successful contradiction, that the growth of socialism and of anarchy and dissensions which, from 43 time to time, has appeared on the surface in our coun- try would never have appeared had it not been for the open flagrant violation of the rights of the common people that has been allowed to go undisturbed, until today the people are almost obsessed with the idea that the great money barons that control the indus- tries of corporations of this country are stronger than the Government, and that instead of fighting for the Government, for the grand old Stars and Stripes, and for the principles laid down in the Constitution of the United States, that they are fighting for the money barons and for their edification and uplift in the sense of amassing for them greater sources of wealth; and while this is a mistaken idea, yet at the same time that idea remains, and it is well that the question be taken up at this time, for now is the time, amidst all times, to remedy these conditions. The men who control the vitals of this country, financially speaking, should be immediately curbed, and if necessary their depart- ment of industry should be taken over by the Govern- ment and regulated whereby the law of supply and demand should be the law that should govern the price from day to day and from month to month. If this is done, and the people at large, throughout our nation, realize that we have statesmen at Washing- ton, instead of demagogues and politicians, who are intent upon doing the right by these people, and mak- ing those who will not do right do the right thing, then when the people see this, there will be no inter- nal dissension; there will be no cause for criticism, there will be no division among the people of our land ; but in one solid phalanx, with one mind, with one body, standing as a unit, they will become the most solidified and harmonized and determined people 44 that the world has ever seen ; and this condition must be and will be brought about, and when it occurs the United States of America alone will have reached the pinnacle and ideals of nations whereby the interests of the world have been conserved and where the lash of the masters, whether it be of the autocrat, the mili- tarist or the financiers, shall have been removed and equality of opportunity, equality of administration of justice, and equality of effort, moral, intellectual or spiritual, will have become an accomplished fact, and then, indeed, will America be the viewpoint and the cynosure of the eyes of the world ; be an example set forth by statesmen in protecting the rights of the people, indeed shall become a leader of nations whose glory shall never cease. This state of affairs is noth- ing more nor less than putting into action the material teachings of Jesus Christ in bringing and hastening the coming of the new heaven and the new earth wherein shall dwell righteousness. "Then, again, coming back to the army, the army of the United States will win this struggle in a com- paratively short space of time. And while some mis- takes will be made that cannot be remedied, yet there are some things that I would like to speak of here in connection with the handling of the troops in France. "First, America should win with her own laurels. Our American boys should not be allowed to fight in mixed regiments with foreign troops, for in the heart of every American boy that goes to France, or any other country to fight, there is a desire upon his part to win laurels for his own country, and if they go in mixed formation with other troops, the glory must be divided, the honor must be shared. There should be no American troops placed on the firing line until such 45 time as there are at least one million men on French soil. The method of operation should be that the American troops should occupy something like fifteen miles of the fighting front that should be chosen in the nearest and most direct line to Berlin. On the right phalanx of this fifteen miles of battle front the French should amass their ar- mies, and on the left phalanx, looking toward Berlin, the English should amass their armies. The troops of the United States should be given the lead to puncture the Hindenburg line, backed by all of the powerful tanks and armored trucks and auto- mobiles that could possibly be used, with the heaviest possible artillery to go before the infantry. In place of using a large amount of metal, or bullets, they should use the bomb, and blow up every part of terri- tory that they pass over, followed closely or in even rank; army cars to distribute death-dealing gasses, so that any portion of territory gone over or within im- mediate reach of them could no more stand their on- slaught than a child could stand the onslaught of a powerful man. By this method, ranking behind this mighty line of artillery and death-dealing gasses, would be the American soldiers, fully equipped to the last point of preparedness, packed in solidly, with a splendid corp of engineers to keep up the lines of communication. There is no power in heaven nor hell nor on this earth that could stop that fifteen-mile battle front, backed by the United States soldiers, from driving a wedge into the very heart of Germany, and to march triumphantly to Berlin within thirty to forty days after the assault started. The French on the right and the English on the left, should so ar- range their forces and lines of communication that 46 they would form a barrier against side attacks, or counter-attacks, and should move steadily forward, broadening their lines of action as they followed the wedge driven by American troops into German terri- tory. By this means the brunt of the battle would be born by the American troops in opening up the battle front. Ably backed by the allied operations, they would be absolutely irresistible and unconquer- able, and would end this awful struggle in a very short space of time. "Then, again, the statesmen of the land should be thoroughly awake and alive to the international situation that will be presented at the close of this war. Today more than one million square miles of territory changed hands since this war began. Let me remark here that a militarism of one great nation is just as bad a thing as the militarism of another great nation ; that the despotism of one dynasty can easily be made as great a despotism as that of another dynasty. The thing that we are making war upon is that form of government that has ever betrayed the trust of the common people, and held them in ignor- ance and in bondage, and while the war will not last more than another year, yet the issues growing out of this war will require an army of peace sufficiently strong, sufficiently equipped, and sufficiently overaw- ing as to force all of those belligerent nations into line when days of peace-making come, so that the small nation shall not be disrupted by the larger one; so that other nationalities speaking a separate language, bounded by geographical and natural boundaries, shall have the right and choice to govern themselves free and unencumbered by any great nation, and shall be protected in that right by the armies of this great 47 country. To foresee the things that lie before us and to be prepared to meet them is the greatest of wisdom, and it is up to the statesmen of this country to so lay the ground work of the coming days of peace that they shall be days of peace, and not bickerings for future destruction of the human family. Today the people of the Uinted States are the sovereign dictators of the world. Today they have the finances of the world in their hands; the balance of trade lies in their favor. The foodstuffs of the world are stored within our boun- daries ; the mightiest fighting force living upon the earth is represented by the freemen soldiery of this country. Never before in the history of the world has such a state of affairs existed in one nation. By the shutting off of our supplies of wealth and of food, she could bring the world to their knees; but such is the condition now, and not tomorrow. The present time is the time to arrive at a definite and posi- tive understanding with the nations that we now call friends, that we are waging war together. Now is the time to know just what they are doing, or rather what they intend to do in regard to the acquisition of terri- tory and of people that have already come into their hands or will come into their hands before this war is over. To get this conclusion now, to get this under- standing now, to get this agreement now, as to what shall be done with the other nations of the world, would mean peace when peace comes. Everyone should have the right to live, to develop, to advance and to worship God according to the dictates of their own individual conscience assured unto all, and through all, unto each and every nationality under heaven. This would be a stride toward the emanci- pation of mankind, greater and better in all of its gov- 48 eminent than the advancement of the world for two thousand years past. Then, let this be done without faltering and without fear, and where the flag of free- dom is unfurled, let us make it a flag of freedom in- deed, unto the remotest corners of the globe. "Then I will say to the American soldier, to the man in the ranks, and to the man who leads the ranks, that you are fighting the greatest battle that ever was ever fought in the history of mankind; that since the dawn of government, wealth, position and caste, has held in slavery, in drudgery, and in ignorance, 95 per cent of the entire world. Christ, the great Emancipa- tor, came that He might make men free, and not bond- men; that He might raise the individual worth and character of a man, one equal with the other in the sight of God, and all good men, but to this idea pro- mulgated by the Christ, and set forth as the right and freedom of all men from that of any other man. Op- posed to this has been the doctrines of the rights of kings that have come down from prehistoric times; the right of the classes to sink their talons into the flesh of the mass, to impose upon them excessive bur- dens and tasks, to enslave them from one generation to another, to withhold from them the right of educa- tion, and advancement and enlightenment, for only can the doctrine of the divine right of kings and of aristocracy be established by ignorance ; for in the hour ignorance flees and education and enlightenment comes to a body of people, in that hour they will throw down the shackles that bind them, and they de- mand their rights as free men, untrammeled and un- fettered and undestroyed by the will of the other par- ty. Two thousands years of the world's history, my boys, have gone on, and humanity has stood upon a 49 thousand battle fields to set aside the right of the few to rule the many — the right of some to live in luxury while the millions died in poverty and in ignorance. Those battles have only been partly conclusive, each of them in their places have wrought a good work, and some small step has been made toward the final eman- cipation of mankind and the great broad, humani- tarian democracy wherein the right to rule themselves undisturbed and the right to fair play and justice and equality of opportunity has been their ideal; but to you, the American boy, who must go to the trenches, who must stand upon the firing line, and some must die for this principle ; to you has been left the grandest and noblest of opportunities to crown your country thus with the highest glory that is possible to be given to humanity, that of putting on the finishing stroke, of putting on the last strong, masterful blow to de- stroy despotism, to destroy militarism, to destroy autocracy, which, in its last analysis, comes down to the term of Prussianism or Kaiserism. It is great, my boys, to fight for your classmates, or your friends, or your city, or your nation, when you fight in the right. It is well and splendid that you fight. And what you are fighting for at this time is all of these plus a final blow struck for the emancipation of every man, woman and child in this whole wide earth. Something that idealists have dreamed of and fore- runners in the race of men have prophesied, and it has come to you, as the crowning glory of the twen- tieth century, to bear arms against tyranny, and to know that in the hour that you bear them that you shall be triumphant upon every battlefield ; that there shall be no such thing as defeat, that with this before you, knowing that if you should fail, which you shall 50 not, but if you should fail, that the mother that bore you and the father that sustained you, and the broth- ers and sisters, and the loved ones in the home, must come under the iron heel of the despotic masters whose liberty of speech, whose freedom of worship, whose pleasures in life must be subordinated to Kais- erism, to be made the tools and the serfs and the bond- men and the bondmaids to Teutonic race as they are seeking to engulf and to overwhelm the race of man- kind. Such you don't want; such you will not have. Your pride, your manhood, your belief in justice, your love of country, your love of home, your love of all that is sacred and just in the eyes of God and man, is such that your arm shall not be stayed and that your strength shall not fail you, nor courage be lacking in the hour when you shall strike blows for God and the world and for the right. Remember this and in every blow struck, that the God of hosts is with you, stand- ing by your side, fighting for you, giving you strength and courage to do that which the great men of other ages have looked forward to. Then, indeed, in that hour ye shall become the victors and the emancipators and the deliverers and the saviors and the final heroes of the whole wide world, and God, in His infinite mer- cy, in His justice, will render to you glory and honor both at home and abroad, when these days of strife have ended; and fight on and glory in the fact that that which is in view is worthy of the hardest struggle possible, and must be done and will be done by you, the bravest lot of men that ever went forth to fight for any cause in any portion of this history of man- kind. "Let us return again to some of the internal things that should be accomplished in this nation of 51 ours. This is the time when radical changes must come to the inhabitants of the earth ; these are the days of disturbances. They shall run for a period of years and all shall not be settled immediately. There- fore, in view of what lies before us for the next twenty years, there should immediately be set up in the Con- gress of the United States a law authorizing the build- ing of a highway, a macadam highway, not less than 150 feet wide, situated back, as judgment dictates to the engineers, some five to ten miles from the boun- dary lines of this country ; made sufficiently heavy so as to carry armored cars of the heaviest type, and heaviest class of artillery with the rapidity that mod- ern machinery can carry, in order that in the course of things, if any nation should attempt to invade this country, in the swift mobilization of righting forces a rate of forty to sixty miles an hour could be at- tained on this national highway ; that would in itself make possible the meeting of any emergency and dis- tribution of any forces that dared to approach either by land or sea. This would be one of the greatest steps for the national advancement and protection that is conceivable along the line of command, and should immediately be begun and finished with the greatest rapidity. Then, again, I would speak at this time to the Congress of the United States assembled, and declare unto them that one of the things of chief- est importance at this time is to watch very closely the trend of socialistic propaganda throughout the nation. One fact stands out clearly outlined above all other facts, that radical socialism and anarchy are the two greatest factors for the destruction of this great democracy. If allowed to go untrammelcd and un- hindered, holding their secret sessions, formulating 52 their propaganda, working in the dark like a thief at night, they will cause internal dissensions and de- struction of thousands of lives and multiplied millions of dollars' worth of property. During these troublous times stringent laws should be passed not allowing them to meet either in public or in private, only as they taught those principles of assistance to the Gov- ernment of the United States and to back said govern- ment up in the thing that it is trying to do. Take note of this and let determination and manhood and speed mark the curbing of this evil before the time arrives at the point of internal dissension that will require the attention even of a large army that ought to be fight- ing the enemy on foreign soil instead of curbing the enemy at home. "Again, I would call the attention of Congress at this time to the laxity and supine sympathy that seems to pervade some classes and many statesmen in regard to dealing with alien enemies. There is much of the mush methods of doing business, as we are dealing with these people who are absolutely our ene- mies and our laws should have teeth in tnem, and the men who administer our departments of justice and our United States Marshal's force should have that strong and determined power behind them of Con- gress to cause the destruction that is now going on (of blowing up our railroads and munition plants, our homes and public properties) to be stamped out. Bet- ter that a few innocent men should die before the firing squad than to allow this thing to go on, and to half-heartedly do the work. That in a short time would entirely stamp out the traitor and the national desperado from the boundaries of this country. But one of the chief factors at this time in bringing con- 53 trol to the alien enemy is the publication of the alien newspapers in the United States. There may be some few items of information to be gained, and new clews to be taken by allowing these newspapers to be pub- lished in the alien enemies' language, but the mere fact of their publication is holding together in the bonds of sympathy the alien enemies of our country, while they meet in the darkness of night to do the work of the assassin and the bomb thrower. Congress should immediately pass without question, and not play into the hands of the traitor by dilly-dallying, and put into execution at once a law at once forbidding the publication of any paper in the language of our foreign foes. It will stop the publication of news- papers throughout the country, for if it is not sup- pressed by law the patriots of this country will take it into their own hands and see that justice is dis- pensed. "Now, it has been given unto us these things, which is put into execution will strengthen the Gov- ernment, that will bring about solidarity and unity of purpose and unity of sentiment, and a powerful dyna- mo of a united and earnest people. Not one of these things should be omitted ; they are potent and neces- sary in this hour, for behind the scenes from the astral plane from the land in which we dwell here, we know and understand many of the things of the future that we are not permitted to give to the inhabitants of the earth, but there lies before the children of men the most interesting fifty years of the world's history be- fore things are to be finally settled, and the way of the Lord shall find full sway upon the earth. Publish these things, speak of those things, declare them from the housetops unto the men and women of this coun- U try ; solidify, stand together, do the work of a patriot, do the work of the great king, and all will be well, and the principles for which our forefathers bled and died upon the battlefields of the Revolution shall have been an accomplished fact, and the glory of the Stars and Stripes, the mighty conqueror of the West, will have unfurled its banner of liberty and of peace and of fair dealing unto every nook and corner of the whole wide world. May God bless you and all those that are associated with you, as He will in the execu- tion of these things. At this time, I bid you good evening." And bowing his head, he passed out. We looked around about us. The lady quietly smiled and bowed, and followed him out. My son and I, with our hats in our hands, quietly walked out into the hall, bidding the Doctor good-night. We again went to our home. The next morning, on arising, the things outlined here burned in upon my mind by the proceedings of the nights before, they were placed in note form, later to be developed and put before the world. 56 Blind Faith or Demonstration ? For many ages the thinkers of the race have been studying, thinking and looking forward to the time when the human intelligence would have some basic principle in religion and philosophy that they could rest upon and find satisfaction in and take the place of that ancient doctrine of a blind submissive faith, which, when analyzed by the light of reason always leaves the analyzer floundering and unable to prove the reason for a blind faith. We have all seen the de- feat of some one in some project where there was nothing to build upon but blind faith. I remember when I was a boy an incident of this kind. We had heard the story go round that during the Civil War a vessel loaded with whisky and carrying a large quan- tity of gold had struck a snag in the Missouri River about seven miles from Atchison, Kan., and sunk be- fore help could come. About thirty years after there came a man who had some charts and began making a survey of the district and stated at last that he had located the sunken vessel and nothing could deter him from digging for the ship in order to get this buried treasure, but he was poor and needed money to get help and machinery with which to excavate, and he, through his blind faith, soon enlisted others with money and they went to digging and kept at it until they had spent $50,000, but no find. Thus we find that the mere faith built on story or tradition, when tested, usually results in loss and disappointment. Now I affirm that blind faith (or faith without mate- 56 rial evidences) is good for only two things: First, to help settle a nervous condition, and send the strength conserved thereby to other parts of the body to help (through this saving) with the duties and responsi- bilities of life, for strength lost through worry many times would earn enough money to pay the debt; secondly, to make easy the deathbed ; faith with evi- dences to back it, is a powerful factor for good. Our orthodox religion taught us to put our faith in some one who lived hundreds of years ago and to believe that their goodness would save us if we only would have a blind faith. This has been used over and over again in all ages of the world, and, strange to say, has had great success, but these modern times have, through education and enlightenment so moved upon the masses that the race consciousness has called for and is fast finding its bearings, for exoteric goodness or salavation from without is fast dying away, and esoteric goodness or salvation from within is taking its place, for we gladly say, with "Henley" : "It matters not how straight the gate, Or charged with penitence the scroll, I am the master of my fate, The captain of my soul." For my sins cannot be laid upon Eve or upon the Cross of Christ, but must be laid at my door, for I alone am responsible for what I do and not another, for Christ said: "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." And age upon age we have been building up all forms of knowledge and have learned that a blind faith leaves us the helpless victims of our own credulity and priest, politician and grafters, knowing how easy we are, prey upon us ; but 57 not so with the man of the "New Civilization/'* He begins by asking for evidences and must be shown the reasonableness of your proposition. Christ said : "The kingdom of God was within you/' and out of our souls have gone forth the cry: "Lord, show us our strength." And as the race began to realize their power the old race consciousness began to pass away and self realization has begun; and in realization we find soul development, or the unfold- ment of the man, and as he unfolds the race receives its new forms of thought in religion, government and invention, and each in their turn produce material evi- dence, and thus we become creators of new things through the unfoldment of mind, for, "as a man think- eth in his heart so is he" becomes a proven truth through the evidences or realization of ability to dem- onstrate through physical natural law what we pos- sess. All substances in all planes are waiting to be acted upon by intelligence, and promptly respond, as the following quotation will prove: "And the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the waters," "and God said Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it di- vide the waters." (Gen. 2: 3-6.) This intelligence acted upon matter and we see the result, and, as we are not God in His fullness, we cannot as yet act upon matter only in part, and that part limited mostly to the things desired by the individual acting. Health, wealth, love and usefulness are his to shape through demonstrated substance proven by realization of the things of this material universe, and all these are with- in our reach, provided we desire them enough to reach after them. But we can never advance in self realiza- tion until we throw off the taking for granted that which the priest or preacher says, and launch our own consciousness into the sea of self realization and soon we can have all in health, wealth and happiness we sincerely desire. N. H. B. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 022 172 047